IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 *S Ilia - IIIM '■ IIIM 1 JO IIM 2.0 mm 1-4 IIIIII.6 V] <^ //, % -& s>. ^M ^ o />^ 'W /A '-^ 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) 872-4503 L .^^...: NOVA SCOTIA PRINTING COMPANY, € *'■ '*^- 1881. 2 a BEAVER BRAIRD." Bmil I IILLIB MAlSrUFACTURJERS OF THE Beaver Brand CLOTHING. B^^The inspection of the Trade invited. FACTORY, 184 HOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. • jbjeixz:ei XiiST. '1 Class L -HORSES. .•* > \ . »• In awarding pr.zes for horses, the judges are requested to take into account the age, size, training, style, and soundness, as well as breed, and not to award any prize unless they consider the animal worthy of it. Colts exhibited with their dams in sections 3, 8, 19, are eligible to compete in sections 15, 24 ; but no other animal in this class will be allowed to compete in more than one section. In all cases of doubt as to soundness, the Judges will call in the service of the Consulting Veterinarian. Akerly Henry, Portland, St. John, X. B. Anderson C.'W., Halifax, N. S. Tiarbrick George, Shubenacadio, N. S. Barnes G. H., Sussex, Kin'^s Co, N. R Baxter Robt, Prince St., Halifax, X. S. ' * Bayer Alfred J., Halifax, N. S. Beattie Thomas, Horton, Kings Co, X. S. ' *•* ' Benjamin Wm A., Truro, Colchester Co. Bill C. R , Berwick, Kings Co, N. S. Bill C. R., Billtowii, Kings Co. -. « Blanchard Aubrey, Windsor, Hants Co. Blanchard C. P., Truro, Colchester Co, N. S. Blanchard Dr., Charlf)ttetown, P. E. I. Boswell Albert, lot 49, P. E. I. Brennan W. C, Halifax, N. S. Brine Edward C. D., St. Margaret's Bay, N. S. Brown William, Tidnish, Cr.nibeiland Co, N. S. Burnham P. S., Windsor, Hants Co, N. S. Casey James, Halifax, N. S. Casey William, Halifax, N. S. ■ Carver Herbert, lot 48, P. E. I. Campbell, Cornelius, Cape Travers, P. E. I. Cameron Donald F., Gore, Hints Co. Chambers Francis, Newport, Hants Co, N. S. Chambers Francis, Windsor, Hants Co. ' T;,J > -^ ;.i> . Chipman B. W., Halifax, X. S. Church Henry, Cornwallis, Kings Co. Clark Levi E., Cornwallis, Kings Co, X. S. Clarke Thomae, St. John, X. Ji. ., . -» 'tt* J. XESz^Zi^sr. a-. i^draiiraTr- KELLY & MURPHY, MANUFACTUREKS OF CARRIAGES AND ^i^Msf^i REPAIRING- NEA.TLY DONE. OLD CARRIAGES ezohanged for NEW and Bought and Sold. FACTORY, MAIN STREET, PORTLAND, ST. JOHN, N. B. 9 •45 Klingr Street, Si^iNT JOHisr, nsr. i3. I .*; This splendid Hotel, the finest in the Maritime Provinces, is now open for the reception of guests, who will find here an excellent table, (well served) and large, comfortable and well ventilated rooms. The Building has been thoroughly Re-fitted, Re-painted and Decorated, and Furnished throughout with New and Elegant Furniture. The Proprietor, who has been so long connected with the hotel business in St. John, has omitted nothing which his expe- rience suggests for the comfort of his guests. The Hotel contains Baths and all other conveniences. ' THOS. F. RATICOITD. I. I. Cochrane Alex, Kewport, Hauta Co. Cochrane John, Windsor, Hants Co, N. S Cochrane Alexander, Newport, Hants Co, N. S. ^-x:^^ Crasaell Hurry, St Eleanors, P. E. I. Creelman Robert, Upper Stewiacke. Creighton Isaac, Halifax, N. S. Dartmouth Rope Walk Co, Halifax, N. 8. '.';-• Davis Isaac, Shubenacadie, N. S. Dickie John W., St John, N. B. Dickie E. B., Eastville, Upper Stewiacke, Colchester Co, N. S. Dickson Wm N., Onslow, Col Co, N. S. Dill John, Windsor, Hants Co. Dodd William, Gore, Hants Co, N. S. ; • * ■ -, Doran John, Windsor, Hants. "*^ r ? i. Eaton Newton A., Canard, Kings Co, N. S. / *. .,\ . 1 Ecolp William, Mahone Bay. Fitzgerald J., St John, N. B. Fox Caleb F., Upper Hamst«ad, N. B. Eraser R W., Halifax, N. S. Gardiner Montague, lot 16, P. E. I. Gibson Geo L., Brooklyn, Hants Co. Gibson Geo L., Newport, Hants Co Gibson William, Windsor, Hants Co, N. 8.- , ; \ Gilchrist John, M. D., Portland, St John, N. B. Gilchrist John, M. I)., Portland, St. John, N. B. Qilmoure Augustus, Woodstock, N. B, « . Government Stock Farm, Charlottetown, P. E. I. Government Stock Farm, Charlottetown, P. E. I. Green D. L., Summerside, P. E. I. Gunn Angus, Halifax, N. S. Haley Charles, Windsor, Hants Co, N. S. Harvey E, Halifax, N. S. Hickson Joseph G. T. R., Montreal, P. Q. Hicks John, Halifax. Hill Frank K, Halifax, N. S. Hill Hon P. C, Halifax, N. S. Huestis Louis, Lot 16, P. K I. Jones Robert, Lot 48, P. E. I. Keith Donald G., Halifax, N, S. Kenuy J. F., Halifax, N. S. Kinsman C. E., Cornwallis, N. S. Kirk R. D., Arthur Village, Ont. Kinsman Rufus, Centreville, Cornwallis Co. N. 8. > Law lor S. E., Dartmouth, N. S. Lawlor J. E., Starspoint, Cornwallis Co, N. S. Lee Newton, Summerside, P. E. I. Lithgow John, Halifax, N. S. * -- ■ ■ Longworth Robt E., Charlottetown, P. E, I. Lyons Jas, Kentville, Kings Co, N. 8. McDonald John (Alex son) Bailey Brook, Pictou Co. A \ ,1 J ESTAJBLISHED 1841. 1 1 BRITISH -AuITID ZFOREIO-IT HARDWARE, Iron, Cutlery, Cordage, Nets, Lines, Twines, BRANDRAM'S LONDON PAINTS, ; BLVNDELL, SPENCE & CO,'S OILS, Nobles & Hoare's Varnishes, Turpentine, ENGLISH AND BELGIUM GLASS, (Large Stock), ; Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, ^ f Sheet Zinc and Perforated Zinc, Galvanized Wire Netting and Wove Wire, :hui-. Blastmg and Spoi ting Fowder, Sbt, And everything usually found in a first-class Hardware Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. W^ALSH, MARKET SQUARE, HALIFAX, N. S. f ^IcFnrlnne Jiimoa, Lower Pedoqur, P. E. I. McKarlane John, IJedtujue, P, K. 1. McFurlane Thomas, St John, N. \\. Alcliiiies Miilcom, New (Jlaagow IJoad, P. E. I, Mclnnes John, New (tlas<»ow Koad, P. K. I. AIcKenzie (.'apt K., Flat Kivor, P. K. I. McKenzio CJet>r^e, jr., New London, P. K. L McKcnziu James, ^hnbeiiacadie. McKic William S., Cliarlottetown, P. E. L McKinnon Clias, Vale Colliery, I'ictou Co McLeod Norman R., Klden, P. E. L M<:Mona<;lfc Ilu^'h, Sussex (.'ornor, N. B. iSIcPhee Howard, Slinbenaoadic, N. S. Mcliati David, (.'anard, Cornwallis, N. S. McKol)ert8 M. C, Truro, C(»lclit*.ster Co, N. S. Miles F. T., A. D. C, Halifax, N. S. Mfllb William T., lot 48 P. E. L Moir, Son & Co, Halilax, N. S. ,, „ , , Murray I). J., Tiuro, Colchester Co, Mutch James, jr., Lit 48 P. E. L Newcombe Allied, ('ornwallis. Kings Co, N. 8. North C, Ag. Society Northumberland, N. JJ. Oakes J. P., 120 Dresden liow, Halifax. O'Neill Hugh, jr., Fredericton, P. E. L Overy John, Halifax, N. S. ^ Palmer Francis, Windsor, Hants Co, N. S. Patterson James, jr., Aylesfoi-d, Kings Co, N. S, Paw .fohn F., Halifax Co. Halifax, N. S. Perlcy Wm E., Wi.ssville, N. W. Peiley Hon W. E., Sunbury, N, P.. Pickering James>, New London, P. E. L Redmond Isaac, River John, Pictou, N. 8. Reiedcque, P. E. L Ross Robdsrt, Newport, Hants Co. Rosa William, New London, P. K L Salter Lewis, Newport, Hants Co. Scott David, St Croix, Hants Co. , / Seaman James A., Truro, N. S. • ' Seliridge John W., Cornwallis, Kings Co, X. S. Sharp William, Windsor, Hants Co, N. 8. Sinclair George, Malpeque, P. E. I. Sinnot William, Morell, P. E. L " Slipp A, L., Halifax, N S. Smith Edward, Windsor, Hants Co. 'W ^i- •^1* ».'j & 1 1 F. BI^EFIK ST. JOHN, Importers and Dealers in I Ft ON" I PIG. — Scotch, Lomionderry. BAR. — Welsh Bolt, Best English Eefined, Londonderry, American, Lowmoor, Swede, Norway. » ' - - SHEET.— Galvanized, Russia, R. a. Black, ' ; ,, , THOS. FIRTH & SON'S Extra Cast Steel.— For Axes, Tools, I^rills, Taps and Dies, Punches and Shears, Cold Chisels, &c. SPEAR & JACKSON'S Warranted Spring.— Sleigh Shoe, Tire, Toe-Culk, Car-Spring, Ij#und Machine for Shafts, Spindles, &c, TIN PLATES, INGOT TIN. BAR TIN, Copper Belts and Znsfots, Slieet Zi&o, Spelter and Pi; Lead^ Chains and Anohors, Ship Spikes, Clinoh Bings, Oakum, Tar, Fi^, eto., etc. BELLOWS, ANYILS, VICES, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Oval, Half Oval and Half Round Iron, Springs and Axles, Sleigh-Shoe, Tire and Carriage Bolts, Iron Wire, Bessemer Steel Wire for Baling Hay, SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS, ... ^ Railway Spikes, Gut Spikes and Nails, all sizes. rnformation as to PrioeSr eta, given by mail at any time. 9 Smith G. W , Tennycape, Hants Co, X. S. ^ Starr Johr» E , Stimpson, Coniwallis Co, N, S. Starratt B., Paradise, Annapolis Co. Stevens F. C, Halifax, N. S. Sutherland Alex., Lower Stewiacke. Suttle Robert, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, N. S. Thomas Hoderick, Bradley Point Eoad, P. K I. Trcnholm James, Point DeBute, N. B. Trider James, "Windsor, Hants Co, X. 8. Tnpper Eliakin, Cornwallis, Kinpfs Co, N. S. " , Tupper Marcellus, Cornwallis, Kings Cc, X. S. Walker James F., Halifax, Co, Halifax, N. S. Westcott James A., Horton, Kings Co, X. S. Withers Thomas N., Somerset, Kings Co, X. S. Wood Joseph, Maplewood, Halifax Co, X. S. Woodbury A. R. W., Wilmot, Annapolis Co. Wright A. J., Lower Stewiacke, Col Co., X. S. _^*- <^^ .-» *i) ...flfs' ..I Clasb 2.— CATTLE. Thoroughbred Stock with certified pedigree. Xo Cow will be allowed to compete unless in milk or with calf, or with evidence that she has had a calf within twelve months, except for the prize offered for fat cow. Agricultural Society, Lower Stewiacke. ' Allan C. Otty, Xawigewauk, X. B. Anderson C. W., Halifax, Antigonish Agr. Soc, Antigonish. Armstrong E. J., Cornwallis, Kings Co. Axford Rev F. J. H., Church St. Cornwallis, X. S. Bacon Robert, Windsor, Hants Co. , . Bauld William, Halifax. - N Bass River Agr. Soc, Bass River, Col Co. Bayer Alfred, Halifax. Beckwith Harry, Xictaux, Annapolis Co. Black Martin P., Halifax. Blair W. M.. Onslow, Col Co. Blake Bros, Ch'Town, P. E. L Blanchard C. P., Truro, Col Co. Blanchard Ed., EUershouse, Hants Co. » Blanchard W. H., Windsor, Hants Co. Boggs Geo W., Bedford, X. S. ' . Brady Thomas, Canning, X. S. ,, . , , Brown William, Halifax. , i . Caldwell Samuel, Halifax. Casey Xelson, Xewport, Hants Co. ;'i ' ' ". Chambers C. P., Truro, Col Co. , ', ,i ' > • ' Chambers Samuel, Xewport, Hants Co. ., . ,., Chase Albert, Cornwallis. : ..,.,•;■ Chase Edwin, Cornwallis, Kings Co., X. S. .' .';u"i .V ■. I. U..* I- . t. i Il FOR FREDERICTON. A Commencing AUGUST 9th, and until fnrtlier notice, Steamer DAVID WESTON will leave Indiantown on MONDAY, WKDNKSDAY and FRIDAY mornin«a. at 9 o'clock; Steamer STAR on TUESDAY. THURSDAY and S ATU HDAY mornin};?, at 9 o'clock ; and Steamer MAY QUEEN on TUESI ".Y, THURSDAY and SATURDAY eveuinys, at 5 o'clock; for Fredericton and Gibson, calling at intermediate landings. Retnniing will leave Fredericton as follows, viz. : David Weston on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, at 8 o'clock ; Star on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 8 o'clock; May Queen on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 4 o'clock. The Mrty Queen will come below the Falls to South Market Wharf, to receive frcighi', on her rcsjKctivc days of sailing, when tide will permit. N ii. — The David Weston will run on East Side, and Star and May Queen on West Side of Long Island. N. B. — New Brunswick Railway Express Train leaves Gibson daily, at 8.30 a m., for Woodstock, Cnuid Fa^ls, Edmuuston, etc. ENpreas Train from these points arrive at Gibson daily, at 3.35 p. m. FAKES— St. John to Fredericton $1.00 Woodstock, via Steamer and N. B. R 2.50 and return via do. .... S.oO « « FOR GRAND LAKE. Steamer FAW^N will leave Indiantown for Salmon River, Grand Lake, calling at intermediate points, on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY moiiiings, at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Salmon River on Thursday and Mondav mornings. N. B. — The Fawn will run on West Side «f Long Island on Wednesday-Thurs- day trip, and on East Side on Saturday-Monday trip. Careful Warehousemen constantly in attendance to receive treight at Indiantown. R. B. HUMPHREY, Agent, Union Line Office, 45 Dock Sireet, St. John. THREE TfllPS A WEEK. " St. John to Halifas aad Tarmantli tIa Stsamei tad Bail. STEAMER EMPRESS, 'For DIGRY and ANNAPOLIS, connecting iit Digby with Express Trains of the Western Counties Rail way for and from YARMOUTH, etc., and at Annipulis with Express Trains of the Windsor and Anmipolis Uuilway for iind from Kent ville, Windsor, Halifax and intermediate Stations ; also, with Stage for Liverpool. Commencing MONDAY, JUNE 6th, and i:ntil further notice, the splendid, fast and staunch sea-going Steamer EMPRESS will leave her wharf, Reed's Point, on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY mornings, at 8 o'clock, and return Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. FARR-Tn Digby, Sl.oO; Ann»poIls, 92.00; Halifax. ffi.OO; Halifax and return, $7.K0: Tarmontli, 9!t.«>0; Yarmouth and return, $6 SO; Round Trip to Halifax via this route, gooa to return by Intercolonial Railway, $9.00. Tickets may l)e ohtained on board Steamer, at H. Chubb & Co.'s Ticket Agency, Prince William Street, and of E. B. HUMFHRET. Agent, r. PHSASANT. Freight Agent. Union Line Office, 46 Dock St., 3t. John. Wareliouse, Heed'a Point. \ 11 k. ■s- 111. K Chir-man B. W., Hali(\ix, N. S. Cliisholiu Dnncan, St. Aiulrewp, Aiitigonisli. ^ Christie liiclmrd, Truro, Col Co. Chute W. J., tor Agr. Soc, West Cornwallis, N. S. Clarke Levi II., Coniwollis, Kings Co. Conipton Geurg(j. St Eleanors, P. R I. / Cooke J. T., East Rivtr, Tictou Co. Crichtou Jiinios W., Halifax. DelJlois (ieorgo, Ch'Town, P. E. I. Dodd VVilliam, Gore, Hants Co. Eaton C. F., Cormval-lis, Kings Co. Ennis .lames, IJedlbnl, N. S. Etter Jirudley, WestnionOand Point, ?{ Etter 'i'honias .1., Westmoreland Point, N. I>. Eader.lohn H., jr., St Margarets Bay, Halifax Co. Eairweather Arthur C, Rothsay, N. B. Fitzgerald Rev 1)., Ch'Town, P. E. I. j ' ^' Forsyth Alex, Wimlsor, Hants Co. Franklyn Ceo E., Halifax, X. S. Foster John, 44 Dresden Row, Halifax. Eraser J B. Shubenacadie, N. S. Fultz R. D., Sackville, N. S. Geldert J. M., Halifax. Gilchrist John, M. I)., Portland, St John, N. B. Government Stock Farm, Ch'Town, P. R I. Grant John A., Halifax. Grosvenor C. E]i, Canterbury, X. R Hamilton Hugh F., Halifax. • • ■ '•■ Haszard F. L. Ch'Town, P. E. I. Hatheway J. W., St John, N. B. Hedley William, Halifax. Hickson Joseph, G. T. R., Montreal. Hill Hon P. C, Halifax. Holden Rev P. \\ . Kentvillo, Kings Co. Holland Fred, Tyron, P. E. I. Humphrey William, Halifax. Jacques Herbert, Cornwallis, King* Co. . . Keeler AV^illiam, Dartmouth Halifax. Kidston Archibald, Sprylield. Kingston Garrett, Dartmouth, Halifax Co. f . Kinsman C. E., Cornwallis. Kinnear S., Wilmot, Annapolis Co. Kitchen James, Pictou. Law« \ S Patterson Robert, Pictou. ^ ' *' Pa^jr John R, Halifax. Perley Wn, ^ , Blissvillc, N. B. . . . :i . . Piers I-rederickW., Cornwallis. Piers George, Halifax. r. , . . Piers Henry, Halifax. Piers William W., Cornwallis, Kin-s Co Progress Agr Soc, Elmsdale, .V. S " Putnam Robt., Onslow, Col Co. Spence Nathaniel, St Croix, EaJs Co/ 2 t « fu 5!""^ ^•' Ch'Town, R E. I ? -y 4 Edward, Windsor Hants Co S arratt Col W Pamdise, Annapolis Co, X S St Clair Dr S. S., Paradise, Annapolis Co I^P-t^^J^W Tennecape,WtsS °'^ feulhvan Daniel, Halifax. Taylor Chas A., Aylesford, Kings Co. -Trider H., Halilax. Trocp Howard C, St John, N. B ' lownsend Henry, Glasgow, N S * Vieth W. J., Halifax. Watt Mrs John, Halifax. Weaver George, Halifax. ' *' " ' : ? M nite tr. J. c. Sussex, N. B Whitham Mrs, Windsor Road. Wnght Chas H., Canard, Cornwallis ^oung William, Halifax. 1 ■' > ■> Co. 'mn ''7 u 1881 — IF-A-XiX. TR.A.IDE. — 1B81 M S, BROfTN & CO. Ssta%lisli8& A. S. 1340. SILVERSMITHS & ENGRAVERS, A superb stock in all departments, personally selected in the l»est markets in Europe and the United States, is offered for the Fall Trade. ■•' '"-^ -i-;-'. • ■ ■. .'• ," ■./ , ...,. v.. ,:;. ALL AT POPULAR PRICES. > GHAS. L TTLEB & SON, .1. (Established 1862.) I ^-..i. f .' •. ,1.1 steam Brusli Factory, CORNER OF Quinpool Road and Robie Street, HALIFAX, N. S. 15 Class 3— SHEEP. In this clnss pedigraes are not essential, but the Judj^es, in awarding prizes in the several divisions, are requested to take into special account the apparent purity of breed of the competing animals. Comiwtitors whose sheep are recorded in any i)ublic stock register or flock book, may send in written pedigrees, with their entry papers, to the Secretary of the Exhibition, who will place such information in the hands of the Judges. Sheep must be closely shorn on or after 1st May, and the date of shearing muft be noted in the entry paper. Ewes two shares and over in all the divisions loust have raised lambs the present feasor. Allison Joseph P., Newport, Hants Co. *. ,,, Allison Robt W., Newport, Hants Co. ' ]>ncon Kobert, Windsor, Hants Co. ]5eckwith Albert, Nictaux. Annapolis Co. Boswell Albert, lot 49, P. E. I. Chase Edwin, Cornwallis. : ^. ] ,*^ */ 1 \i Conlon J., Wilmot, Annapolis Co. Davison Eobert, Newport, Hmts Co, .ihlf^ Eraser J. B., Shubenacadie. Government Stock Farm, Cii'Town, P. E T. Haszard F. L., Ch'Town, P. E. I. Holden Pcv P. W., Kentville, N. S. Jacques T. B., Cornwallis. Keeler Chas, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, Lane Henry, lot 49, P. E, I. .. / \ • Lane William, lot 49, P. E, I. , . '\ Lawson Prof Geo, Lucyfield, Halifax. Longworth Henry, Charlottetowu, P. E. L AlucBean Eev A., Lower Stewiacke. Maci)onald Charles, Shubenacadie. ' MacDonald John, Shubenacadie, AfcLeod John Scott, Dumstaflerage, P. E. L Parker Avard E., Cornwallis. Patterson Robert, Pictou. Sharp William, Windsor, Hunts Co. Smith Alex. W., Windsor, Hants Co. Smith Edward, Windsor, Hants Co. ; ]>- ■ Spain Mrs M. B., Wilmot, Aiinnpolis Co. Suttle Robert, Dartmouth, Halifax Co. Townsend Henry, New Glasgow, N. S m i..i Tweedy Joseph, Gallows Point, P. E. Wallace John, Newport, Hants Co. AVallace Henry, Newport, Hants Co. Wilmott Capt J. W., Sackville, N. B Winton W. G,, Lower Stewiacke. L .**' /r *./ .4-^ «.».*, «_,. rt 'X^: 16 Parties wishing to make enquiries in reference to the lt>^ 51 ^^^pmji20ii£-M^ipi9j WM Xp 2iCS < 2SXiX are respectfully referred to the following manufacturers: ^ GooDERHAM & WoRTS, Toronta ^ The Starr Manufacturing Co., Halifax, N. S. The Dundas Goiton Mills Co., Dundas. John Elliot & Son, Implementa, London. I. Matheson & Co., New Glasgow, N. S. Annapolis Organ Co., Annapolis, N. S. '! Dominion Organ Co., Bowmanville. BiiocKViLLE Chemical Works, Brockville. * Hagg .^t Bros,, Implements, Brampton. ^^ Kinsgton and Pembroke R. R., Kingston. .j Canada Cotton Co., Cornwall. "i^ - Pillow, Hersey & Co., Montreal ^ .- , v ^ nif Canada Paper Co., Montreal. St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Moi>treak The Hamilton Cotton Mills Co., Harail'^on. ' w-^' And Hundreds of Others if Necessary. ..;:5->^-i AGENTS AND SHIPPERS, 23 SOOTT STREET, TORONTO. 17 % Class 4.— SWINE. ■'•W**^ t*" ■^^ Bowhard Fritze, Lunenburg, N. S. Chaddock Mrs A. M., HalifiEtx. Dickie Eleazer B., Upper Stewiackt Fraser Simeon, Truro, Col. Co. Harris C. C, Lower Stewiacke, Col. Co. Harrison J. S, Rothesay, N. B. r,,. ,. , ^, ,. >, ^.' r^ Hunt A. S., Dartmouth, Halifax Co. <;, \f\V) () \\ V ' -'y VO . 6 Einnear S., Wilmot, Annapolis Co. Slipp A. L., Halifax. ^ jj. Townsend Henry. New Glasgow, N. S. ' ' Wilmot Capt J. W., Sackville, K B. , ^'m-; Young William, Halifax, K. S. T :vz:t: .u,'i JJs ..'Caw ( I) Class 5.— POULTBY. /.\ J. .1 '.'/. Old birds (hatched previous to 1881) to be shown in pairs, one male and one female ; chickens, (hatched in 1881) in collections of not leas than two pairs. The exhibitors of Foulty must attend to feeding watering, and cleaning, as in the case of other live stock. Anderson C. W., Halifax. ■;,;.,. Andrews James H., Wilmot, Annapolis Co. Bauer M.*B., Halifax. — „•• - - Belcher Joseph S., Halifax. v « ■> • Blanchard W. H., Windsor, Hants Co. v. Boswell Albert, lot 49, P. K 1. Brander John, Halifax. Chaddock Mrs M. A., Halifax. Chase Edwin, Comwallis, N. S. Curry Mrs W. A., Horton, Kings Co. Davidson G. A., Kentville, Kings Co, N. S. DeWolf J. E., Halifax. Downs Andrew, Halifax. Frecker George, Halifax. Goudge Edward, 115, Kempt Road, Halifax. Goudge Thomas, Haliiax. Gow Frank, R. A., Wilmot. Grant John A., Halifax. Hamilton Miss S. J., Halifax. . Hennessy Mrs John, Truro, Col Co. Harris James H., Halifax. Harvey Norman D., Halifax. V r\.MO ., Hay ward William, Moncton, N. B. Irving James D., Ch'Town, P. E. L , Johnston Hugh, Halifax. ^^' ' '^ Johnston John M., Halifax. Keeler Albert, Dartmouth, Halifax, Co.. Keeler Chas J., Dartmouth, Halifax Co. 5V .?, \!-- J. ., . .&■. . 1^ . .)Jli4 Ip ^.r i4,l MB 18 THB ABM7 & IT AV7 BBEWEBt 5. ^Z^yi/A SONS & CO., Proprietors. Brtwery : Tnrtlo Orore, Daztmoutli. Ofioe and VAults: To1}iii'0 South Wliarf, Ealifaz, If. S. CONTANTLY ON HAND, AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF FINE, MILD AND STRONG Ales^ Extra Stout Porter, IN CASKS AND JBOTTLES. Brewed from Famous Turtle Grove Mineral Spring Water. CBOTBIBS, BEIDEBSOH & WESON, „•■■ .'•-■ .■!■■■■ MANUFACTURERS OF I i: Fia8 Carriages, Sleigks, M Siies, k Repairing In alt its branches promptly done. ., , . .Ill ,1 .■';'' ' n, ' omc» IE saaw ztooxfi, 43 si io, xrorth side, ) w iiTtDi nn ftT FAOTORT, 48 Nid 4ft South Kde, J ■** ' tllLUU 51., ■ . : SAINT JOHN, N. B. 'in£;Z^ .. r, '!. '■ ,'>. s. -!4 r, A. I, 19 Kennedy James, Hulifux Sfv°Th'^!;'*''**"u •.•?»"'^"'''''' H«^'«»« Co. i^aliy 1 homos, Halifiix. Law Philip, Mnncton, N B fe" ^Tt/^^""^"*' Lucyfield. Halifax. A acDonah J)r F.. Hop^vell, Pictou Co. McCollough William, Halifax. AIcLellan John, Halifax. McKay J. S., Halifax. McNutt E. K., Truro, Col. Co. Murphy Edward, Halifax. ; v . ' r ..jv Murphy Martin, Halifax. ^^ ^^ Nisbet William, Halifax. i'. -Naylor John, H difax. •? Penny Alex J., Halifax. w ».* . -: ' Piers George, Halifax. Power Robert J., Halifax. Payne William, Halifax. Reid J. Hamilton, Fr«dericton, N. li Ritchie Miss Alice, Halifax. Ritchie (}eor«e, Halifax. Richey xM. H. jr.. Halifax. Self Michael, Halifax. Stevens T. C, Halifax. Stevens William, 4 Mile House, Halifax Co S rong Harrington, Dartmouth, k S llieakston Henry 8., Halifax. IdlmanCharlea J., Halifax Terry J AlcC, Kentville, Kings Co. . , 1 rider John, Halifjix. ; > Tweedy George North River. P. E I Vieth Miss Ann, Halifax, N. S * ' West Arthur, Halifax. Wiuton W. G., Lower Stewiacke. ' Young Mrs Eliza, Halifax. Young John, Halifax. ':l \ ^ J'' >.■■■? . •'% % S!6. li'/ »T. t J !•-■**: i Clasg 6.-BOOTS AND VEGETABLES for exhibition. '"«uner in which Uiey (tj© presented Allison ^*^ph P., Newport, Hants Co. "" -' ' ; - Allison Rob* W., JlTewport, Hants Co 80 THE BROKENSHIRE PATENT MINERAL, FIRE AND FROST -PROOF ROOFING AHD 00MF08ITI0V FOB Ms, Sile-valks, CeMoors, k, k, k %Br See Specimens on ground floor south-west corner of Main Exhibition Building. • GEORGE FRASER, Proprietor of Patent for the Maritime Provinces. THE MANHATTAN FEED. / A mrrainons coin)zic&irr FOR , ; Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep and Poultry. Highly approved by all as the best and cheapest Condiment ever introduced. GEORGE FRASER. Campbell's \Vharf, Proprietor, J. S. McKAY, la SMkTillo Strtet, * ;. ' ■ ;-.;.:< Agent for Nova Sooha. . „' ' i Sample on Exhibition in Main Building. IF fi. es. I. Anderton J. C, Windsor, N. 8. ««ker Henry, Dartmouth, N. 8. S£h w "'"Z^' ^'^'«"*' Annapolis Co. w ^"*f "J" iJ^rtmouth, Halifax Co. Black Martin P., Halifax. Blanchard W. H., Windsor, Hants Co. Burpee Henry, Shttffield, N. B Busche Mattliow, Halifax Byron CWley. Wilmot, Annapolis Co. . Kordon C. E. Cornw.iljig, N. 8 Bourke Richard, lot 49 P E I Caldwell VVilJiani, Halifax. Calkin Allison, HackviUe, N. S Chnstio Richard, Truro. Col Co. , C arke Thomas, St. John, N. li. .. i % CIouKh Arthur, Halifax. Cogswell C. E.. Canterbury, N. R Coy Michael, Halifax. " Creed Edwin S.. Newport. Hants Co. Craig S. H., Truro, Col Co. Cross Steph«n B Dartmouth, N. S. De Wolfe John M., Halifax. I)ickio Eleazer B., Upper .Stewiacke. Donavon Daniel, Dartmouth, Halifax Co Dymond Wm. H., Halifax. ' Eccles D. G., Westtield, N. B EUiott Henry, Dartmouth, N. 8. * {\ ' ^nms Jas D., Bedford, N. S ' ' Evans James A., Halifax. ' -. Eraser J. B., Shuhenacadie, N S Eraser John, Halifax. " Foley Edward, Halifav. Fnetzer Charles, Lunenburg, N S ^ntzer Bernard, Lunenburg, N s' Grosevnor C. E, Canterbury, N. B Goudge Edwar.1, Halifax. Harris W. T. Lower Stewiacke. llA:ison J Swanson, Rothesay, Ki„crg j^ g Hflirey Koberc L., Grand Pre, King Co Haszard C. J., Belleviu., P E I Hennessey John, Truro, Col Co ' Hunt A. S., Dartmouth, N S Hyde T. A., Dai f mouth, X s" Jessenhouse Miss J., Halifax Johnson Mrs. G. L., Wolfvilie, K S. Keeler W„,., Dartmouth, N S Kidslon Archd., Spryliel.l, Halifax, Co Kinsman E. C. C.^rnwalHg, N S 1^) diard G. E., JJerwick, Kings Co. \ - /ui ^'^j;:;ivJ .1 .:r^t"^ 22 yi; • 111 WE STAIRS, SON & MOREOW, Ship Chandlers AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS. DEALERS IN lTet3, Lines | Fishing TTurines, Linseed Oil, Boiled and Raw, Wire Rope Charcoal and Best Best, Manila and Hemp Cordage, Bar and Bolt Iron, Copper Bars, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE ' ALWAYS IN STOCK. Qeorge Street and Bedford Bow, t ▲eSNTS ZK HALIFAZ FOA Muntz's Patent Metal Sheathing, Bolts and Nails. The Mount Vernon Cotton Duck Co., Baltimore. Joubert, Bonnaire &; Co., Angers, France, Hemp, Canvas. Webb & Co., New York, " Copperine," foi- the Protection of Vessels Bottoms from Worms. Barnacle's Sea- Weed, etc., etc. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN pahtts, LmssED oil aid puxty, Of which see their Exhibit at the Dominion Exhibition. -1*^ f rs, • Lynch Wm., Shubenacadie, N. S. Magee A. S., Somerset, Kings Co. N. S. Main J. Gordon, Amherst, N. S. Mafion Jas D., Ch'Town, P. E. I. McColl Wm., Elmedale Hants Co. McCurdy, John A., Onslow, Col Co. McDoBgall H. F., Christmas Island, C. B. McKerron Miss Catherine, Halifax. , ' McFerron Miss Mugj^ie, Halifax. McLeod Oswald A., EM.m, R E. I. ' Mosher Daniel A., Cow Bay, Halifax Co. Newcombe W. F., Avunfujrt, Kings Co. Jforth Amos B., Cornwaliis, Kings Co. Osborne Mrs Alex, Green Bay, N. S. Parker Sanmel, Windsor, Hants Co. Parker Avard E., Corriwallis, N. S. Payne Thomas, 4 Mile Hnuse, Halifax. Eipley Geo W., Nappau ( "uniborland Co. Eo we John T., ChTown, P. E. I. Ruel J. W. M., Frederirton, N. B. Eutherford E J. Middle Stewiacke. Eutherford Miss Enth, Middle, Stewiacke. Seefridge John W., C(^rnwiillis, N. S. Settle Eobt, Dartmouth, N. S. Shaffer W. E., 4 Mile House, Halifax. Smith Edward, AVindsor, Hants Co. St Clair S. S., Paradise, Annapolis Co. Stevens William, Windsor Eoad. Strong James, Halifax. Sutherland Wm., Truro, Col Co. Tait W. M., Halifax. Troop Jas,, .st Margarets Bay, N. S. Tweedy George, North Eiver, P. E. I. Vogel C. J., Halifax. White E J., Sussex, N. B. Wilson J. E., Halifax. Wilton W. J., Lower Stewiacke. Woodworth Charles, Connvallis, N. S. Woolaver N., Newport, Hants Co. Wright Miss Henrietta. Sackville, N. S. \'6 AlHEJlJiiV .. . •:■•.;.' . ,'/ .:' ,:,: > // '] A- .••:■ ;-.!"y. ,;;rofi;;xjj3;iiC ■*: i 5- ■m of 24 VICTORIA STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS, 'I ; !' J. R. WOODBURK. H. P. Kebr. J. R. WOODBURN & CO., ICaixxifaotxirers of Confectionery of all kinds, WHOIiBSAIii: AND BETAIL. 44 and 46 DOGE STREET, - ST. JOHN, N. B. SCOTCH BYE WOllS, 285 Ss 287 Banintften St., Ealiftx. L. FORRESTER, I>yer aiiid Olennsei*. SATISFACTION GUABANTEED. Particular attention paid to Cleansing and Pressing \f^Mi^ Gentlemen's Suits. Ostriclt Feathers, Kid Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Wearing Apparel Dyed, without bt.1 yron, Wilmot, Hants '>»>., N. S. Christie Kichd., Truro, Col Co. Clark Thomas, St. John, N. B. Cook John & Son, Gay's River, Col Co. Craig S. H., Truro, Colchester Co., N. S. Craswell Charles, Rustico, P. E. I. Creed Edwin S., Newport, Hants Co. Da vies Daniel, Ch'Town, P.E.I. Davidson Robert, Newport, Hants Co. Dodge William F., Newport, Hants Co., N. S. Donavan Daniel, Dartmouth, N. S. Eccles D. J., Westfield, N. B. Etter Thomas, Westmoreland Point. Evans James A., Halifax, N. S. Findlay Hugh, Orwell, P. E. I. Forbes Alfred, Lot 49, P. E. i. Eraser Alexand«'r, Bay View, Pictou Co., N.S. Eraser George, Halifax, Pro'p. Munlmttan Feed. Fritze Hurnanl, Lunenburg, N. S. Gebhard P., Halifax. Greenough Robert, Upper Newpoit, Hants Co Harrison J. S., Rothesay, N. B. Haythorno R. P., Marchfield, P. E. I. Hedley Miss Jane, Halifax. Hennessy, John, Truro, N. S. Henry Mrs. R. A., TTpper Musquodoboit, N.S. Holden Rev. P. M., Kentville, Kings Co. Hughes Edward, South East Passage, Halifax Co Johnson P. McG, Upper Stewiacke, N. S. 26 Kennedy Jas. B., Cornwallis, N. S. 'A [V^ i Langille Gideon, Mahone Bay, N. S. :■**• i^ '^j;, Longworth Israel, Truro, Col Co. Lydiard G. E., Berwick, Kings Co., N.S. Morash John, Cole Harbour, N.S. Moir Son & Co., Halifax. Mumford Luther, Newport, Hants Co. Munroe Hugh, Earltown, P. K I. Munroe Miss Jane, Earltown, P. E. I. Munroe Miss Mai-garet, Earltown, Col Co. Munroe Robt., Earltown, Col Co. Murphy Peter, Portage, P. E. I. Murray M. G., Truro, Col Co. McColough Arthur, Halifax McCurdy John A., Onslow, Col Co., N. S. McDougall H. F., Christinas Island, C. B. McGillivray A. R, Boisdale, C. B. McGregor John, Lot 48, P. E. I. McKay J. S., Halifax, Agent Manhattan Feed. McLeod James, Westville Fictou Co. McLeod J. D., Charlottetown, P. E. I. McNab Jas A., Dartmouth, N. S. McNeil James S., Bi* Beach, C. B. Nelson David, Waugh River, Col Co. Newcombe W. F., Avonport, Kings Co., N. S. North A. B., Cornwallis Kings Co., N. S. J'almer Samuel, Windsor, Hants Co. N. S. Patterson David, Rogers Mill Pictou Co. N. S. Patterson Robert, Pictou, N. S. Pineo Will W., Cornwallis, Kings Co, N. S. Power A. M., Halifax, N. S. Ripley Geo A., Nappan, Col Co. Ross Robert D., Bay view, Pictou Co, N. S. Ruel J. W. M., Fredericton, N. B. Rutherford Mrs R. G., Middle Stewiacke Col Co. Scott David, St Croix, Hants Co. Settle Robert, Dartmouth, N. S. Settle Robert, sr., Dartmouth. Shaffiu- W. E., 4 Mile House, Halifax. Shaw Moses, Cornwallis, N. S. Simmonds Mrs Jas, Dartmouth, N. S. Simsou John, Horton, Kings Co, N. S. Smith Edward, Windsor, Hants Co. Sutherland R. F., Truro, Col Co. Sutherland Wm , Truro, Col Co. Tillson E. D., Tilsonburg, Out. Vieth W. J., Halifax. Wallace .lohn, Newport, Hants Co, N. S. Ward Henry, Douglas, Hants Co, N. S. Wallace William, Newport, Hants Co. White E. J. C, Sussex, N. B. V .r-%^J it g \ a 27 Wiggins George F., Windsor, Hants (a). Winton W. G., Lower Stowiacke, N. 8. Withers Tlioniaa Somerset, Kings Co, ^\ S. Zwicker A., Lun»'nliuig, N. S. Z wicker Joseph, I.nnenburg, X. S. }'/, O Special Exuiuitoks for Duead Making from Canadian Flour. . , . t , - Acker Miss Ellen, Dartmouth, N. S. , : Allison Ivohcrt W., Newport, Hants Co. Anderton Mrs J. C, Windsor, Hants Co. Archibald Mrs. ,1. S., Halifax, N. S. Bolton Miss E. J., Halifa.x, N. .S. Brimes Miss Annie, Halifax. Burbridge ?,i's. D. H., Plalifax. Burgess E|)hraim, 4 Mile House, Halifax. Calkin Eli^s, S ickville, N. S. Connors Miss Mary, Halifax. Creed Edwin 8., Newport, Hants Co. Dunbrack Mr.s. Wm., Haliiax. Evens Mrs., Halifax. Fenerty Miss 8adie, Halifax Fenerty Mrs. W. G., Halifax. Harnish Miss Susan, Halifax. Harris Mrs Herbert, Halifax. Hughes Edward, South East Passage, Halifax Co Keeler Mrs Henry, Dartmouth, N. S. Mcintosh Mrs., Dartmouth, N. S. McKay Mrs. J. 8., Halitax. McKenna Mrs. E., Dartmouth, N. 8. Meelish Miss M. E., Halifax. Mpsher Daniel A., Cow P»ay, N. 8. Murray Mrs. Eliza, Halifax. Nordbeck Miss A., Halifax. Power Mrs K., ILdifax N. S. Read Mrs Mary, Halifax. Reynolds Mrs'W. B., Halifax, N. 8. Robsou Mr.s Sarali, Dartmouth, X. S. Rosborough Mrs James, JLalifax. N. 8. Saunders Mrs Grace, Halifax. Settle Mr Roltcit, Dartmouth, N. 8. Shaffer Miss Kmily, Halifax. Simmonds Mrs -las, I)aitmouth, X. 8. Stevens Miss C, Windsor Road, Halifax Co. Sutherland Mrs D., Halifax, X. 8. Tait Mrs W. M., Halifax, N. 8. Taylor Mrs G. R., Halifax, X. S. Thomas Miss Mary Ann, Halifax, X. S. Turpell Miss Jane, Halitax. Wilson Mrs E. A., Halifax, N. S. Woolarer N., Newport, N. S. . 1 I '-1 . : Class 8 -DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter. Allison Joseph P., Newport, Hants Co., N. S. Allison Robert W., Newport, Hants Co. Anderton J. C, Windsor, Hants Co. Armstrong J. W., i^.ingston, Kings Co., N. S. Armstrong W,, Nictu^'x Falls, Annapolis Co. Bishop T. G., Shubenac die, N. S. Bissett Mrs. Hannah, Cc ie Harbour Road, HfxCo Black M. P., Halifax. Blair W. M., Onslow, Col Co., N. S. Bond B. E., River Philip, Cumb Co. Burbidge Mrs. J. H., Aylesford, Kings Co., N.S. Burgess Ephraim, i Mile House, Halifax, N.S. Burpee Henry C, Sheffield, N. B. Calkins Elias, Sackville, N. S. Cameron Colin, Cross Road, River Dennis. Chambers Andrew, Newport, Hants Co., N. S. Chambers Edward, Newport, Hants Co. Christie Richard, Truro, Col Co. Crane Thomas, Cherry Valley, P.E.I. Green Edwin S., Newport, Hants Co. Creighton Mrs John, West River, Pictou Co. Custanice Wm., J., Rawdon, Hants Co. Cox James A., Upper Stewiacke, N. iS. Davison C, Ch'Town, P. E. I. Etter Thomas J., Westmoreland Point, X. B. Fawcett Albert, Sackville, N. B. Fairweather A. C, Portland, N. B. Fenerty Mi's W. G., Windsor Road, Hants Co. Ferguson D. Tulloch, lot 34, P. E. 1. Field Mrs George D., Cornwallis Kings Co, N. S. Fitzrandolph Wni., Williamston, Annapolis Co. Flinn Frank, Halifa.\, N. S. Eraser James D., New Glairloch, Pictou Co, N. S Fuller j\Irs. Edward, Avonport, Kings Co, N. S. Geldert Mrs J. M., H'ditax. Gilchrist John M. D., Portland, St. John, N. B. Greenough Robert, Newport, Hants Co. Grey Mrs John, West Bay, Inverness Co. GrosvenorC. E, Canterbury, N. B. Harris Mrs W. F., Lower Stewiacke, N. S. Harvey Mrs George Grand Pre Kings Co Harvey Mrs W., Newport, Hants Co. Haverstock, Henry, Hammonds Plains, Halifax. i -Wh . 29 f - -. (tv -: > B. Hefler Joseph, Sackville, N. S. Hicks John E., Windsor Mills Quebec. Howard James, jr., West River, P. R I. Hutt Mrs Charles, Eastern Passage, Halifax Co. Hyde Samuel, West River, P. E. I. Isner Artemus, Cole Harbour Road, Halifax Co. Jones Robert, jr., lot 48, P. E. I. Kinnear S., Middloton, Annapolis Co., N. S. Lawlor Mrs Isabella, Dartmouth, N. S. Jlackintosh & Co., Halifax. Mackintosh Mrs. W. I)., Dartmouth, N. S. McDonald Malcolm, Christmas Island, C. B. McDougall Margaret A., Christmas Island C. McDougall Sarah, Christmas Island, C. B. Mcintosh Mrs W. D., Dartmouth, N. S. McKay Mrs Mary A., Halifax. Mc^'^ nzie. Alex. Carriboo Island, Pictou Co. McLean Daniel, New Larig, Pictou Co. McLean Mrs Mary, Halifax, N. S. McMaster John, River Inhabitants. Morash John, Cole Harbour, Halifax Co. Morrison Mrs. A. G. S., Acadia Mines, Col Co. Morse Judson, Aylesford, Kings Co., N. S. Mosher Mrs. Peter, Cow Bay, Halifax Co. Munroe Mrs. E. C , Onslow, Col Co. Nix Mrs. M. J., Bnrliiigtun, Hants Co. Newcombe Herbert, Cornwallis, Kings Co., N.S, Newcombe W. F., Avonport, Kings Co. Osborne Mrs. Alex., (ireen Bay, N. S. Palmer Samuel, Windsor, Hants Co. Piers Mrs. George, Hfilifax. Piers Miss Bessie, Halifax. Pineo Henry, Water vi He, Kings Co., N, Pitblado Mrs. J. M., Truro, Col Co. Poole E. R., Guysboro Road. Piercey Mrs. Chailea, Dutch Village, Halifax Co. Rae Mrs. James, Ro<^ers Hill, Pictou Co. Rutherford Mrs. J. D., Aldershot, Kings Co, NS. Rutherford Mrs. R. G., Middle Stewiacke, N. S. Saunders Mrs. Alfred, AylesFord, Kings Co. Sanford C. E.. Cortnvaliis, Kings Co., N. S. Scott David St. Croix, Hants Co. Sellar Mrs George, Highfields, P. E. I. Shaw George M., Arichat, C. B. Smith Edward, Winileor, Hants Co. Somerset Cheese Co, Somerset, Kings Co. South Mrs Jas R., Kingston Station, Kings Co. Starr F. Ratchfcrd, Kcho Farm, Litchford Com. Stewart John R., Rogers Hill, Pictou Co. Sullivan Mrs D., Halifax, N. S, Turner Mrs Louis, Eastern Passage, Halifax C« < ■ s. 30 Vieth W. J., Halifax Wallace Win K, Newport, Hants Co, N. b. Ward Henry, l)ouji[Ias, Hants Co, N. S. . Wilsman Mrs, Green IJay, N. S. Winton W. G., Lort-er Stewiack, N. S. •! '» Wise Fred., Ne\r Glasgow Koad, P. K. I. Wise Joseph, New Glasgow Koud, P. K I. Wheelock VV. H., Torlirook, Annapolis Co., N. S. Woolaver N., Newport, Hants Co. Yuill John Truro, f 'olchester Co. .'t' . .1 •i ' Class 9.-HEMP, WOOLLEN, FLAX, COTTON, ANL STRAW GOODS, WEARING APPAREL, &o. All articles of Woollen and Flax maniifacturo shall be the gi'owth and production oi manufacture of the year 1880 or 1881, MANUFJCTUKED BY THE EXHIBITOR. '»• ,-ii! ' I CORDAGE. Allison Joseph P., Newport, Hants Co. Allison Robert AV., Newport, Hants Co., N.S. Archibald Jessie B., Truro, Col Co., N.S. Archibald Mrs. Wni. 4th, Up. Musquoiloboit. Armstrong Miss, Newton Falls. Baker Mrs. A. T., Somerset, Kings Co. N. S. Baker Mrs. A. S., Somerset, Kings Co. Bell Miss Ellen, Shubenacadie, N. S. Blackburn Mrs. Thomas, Shubenacadie, N. S. Blois Mrs. Sarah, South Rawdon, N. S. Burnett Mrs. (ieorge, St. Peter's Road, P.E.I. Calkin Elias, Sackville, N. S. Cameron Angus, Antigonish. Campbell Mrs. John, Halifax. >< Candall Miss Sarah E., Dartmouth, N. S. ^ '>■ Chambers Mrs. I). E , Middleton, Annapolis Co. J Chase Mrs. Edwin, Cornwallis, N, S. ' Chute Z. E, Cornwallis Co., N. S. Clayton ife Sous, cottons and clothing, Halifax. Connors Thos, cordage & oakum, St. John, N.B. DARTMOUTH ROPEWALK COMPANY, Cordage and Oakum. Dart- mouth, N. S. iSce ado. p. 22. DOULL & MILLER, Cotton3, Clothing and Woollens. Halifax, N. S« iiee adv. p. 2. Fenerty Mrs M., Clarwjce, Annapolis Co. lish William, Brooklyn, Hants Co. Jraaer Miss Alic», Shubenacadie, N. S. • Fraaer Miss Isabella, Shubenacadie, N. S. "■ - ■) TraBttr Jam«s D., Naw Glasgow, Pictou Co. ((» / r i, LNr I. h and . I / •i H ■ ' f )art- Fulton James A., IJass RiTer, Col Co, N. S. Gault Bros & Co, Woollens, Montreal, Que. i Gordon Mrs E. F„ Fort Lawrence, N. S. •• • Grey Miss Annie, Halifax. Hadley Mrs Joseph W., Guysboro, N. 8. • - ■ Hamilton Mrs George, Up Mu8quodo>)oit, N. S. Hartshome Hattie, Guysboro, N. S. Hartshome Mrs Wm, Guysboro, N. S. Harvey Mrs George, Grand Pre, Kings Co. Henry Eobert, Upper Musquodoboit, N. S. Hennessy Mrs John, Truro Col Co, N. S. Herbert N. M., Halifax. Hiltz Miss Clarissa, Cornwallis, Kings Co, N. S. Horsfall Miss Minnie, Annapolis, N. S. Homer John, Cole Harbor, N. S. Johnson P, McG., Upper Stewiacke, X. S. King T. M., Antigonish, N. 8. King 8. W., Antigonish. N, 8. Landers Mrs D. C, Middleton, Annwp. Co., N.8. Lantz Mrs. J. G., Cornwallis, Kings Co., N. 8. Lewis Mrs. C. E., Central On?low, Col Co. Marchant Mrs. Henry, Arichat, C. B. Marshall Miss Sopha 0., Guysboro, N. 8. McDonald Bros., woolens, Mabou, C. B. McDonald Ferguson, Nine Mile River, HantsJCo. McDonald John, 8hubenacadie, N.8. McDonald Mrs. Peter, Tatamagoue, Col Co., N.S. McDougall Miss M. A., Christmas Island, C. B. McDougall Miss Bessie, Christmas Island, C.B. ^ Mclsaac Miss Annie, Halifax. itfcKenna, Mrs. W. H., Berwick, Kings Co. McLean Daniel, New Lairg, Pictou Co., N, S.^f McLean Miss Annie, Strathlome, Inverness,'!C3R McLean John, Strathlome, Inverness Co., N.'S. McLeod James 8., Westville, Pictou, N. 8. McPhee Mrs. Edwin, Lower Stewiacke, N.8. McRae Annie, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Morris & Co. Agents Cottons, Montreal, Que. Morrison Mrs John. St Peters, C. B. Munroe Mrs E. C, Onslow, Col Co, N. 8. Munroe Hugh, Earltown, Col Co Munroe Miss Jane Earltown, P. E. I. Munroe Robert, Earltown, Col Co. Narmway Miss E., Pictou, N. 8. Newcombe Alfred J., Cornwallis N. 8. Oxford Manuf Co, woollens, Oxford, Cumb C«. Palmer Samuel, Windsor, Hants Co, N. 8. Parks Wm & Son, woollens & cottons, St. John. Parker Mrs Rant A., Nictaux, Annapolis Co. Parsons Mrs, Walton, Hants Co. Pineo Mrs Geo D., Cornwalljp, Kings Co., N. 8. w y 1 . '■ '|. •••;: ii ritblado Miss Alice, Truro, Col Co. ' . ;• Proudfoot Mrs J., 8alt8|)ring8 Pictou Co., N. S. I; ' Kobierre Mrs Dr, Arichat, C. B. i-i «• * Kogers Miss Clara E., Nictiux, Annapolis Co. )' Rutherford Mrs J. D., Aldershot, Kings Co. N. 8. . 'f^ RutherfordMr8R.G.,M(l. StewiackColCo, N. a ; Simpson Mrs John, Wallace, Curab Co r '^ Settle Mrs Robert, Dartmouth, N. S. i , i . Sharp John, Kensington, P. E. I. Shorey H. & Co, cottons and clothing, Montreal • Shirrey Mrs P., Ch'Town, P. E. I. Sinclair Mrs Dr, Salt Springs, Pictou Co. Southamijton Manuf Co, Woollens, Southampton, Camp, N. Spurr Mrs. N. P., Ayle«ford, Kings Co., N. S Stewart Miss Margaret, Pugwash, Cunib Co. Tuck J. Mortimer, Halifax. Thomson S. A., Halifax, N. S. Tullock Mrs John, Enfield, Hants Co, N. S. Turpel Mrs James, Halifax. Wallace John, Newport, Hants Co. Wallace W. B., Newport, Hants Co, N. S. Walker Henry E., Granville, Annapolis Co. Wells Miss Alice, Dartmouth, N. S. Whiston Mrs W. H., Onslow, Col Co, N. \ Wilson Mrs W. H., Onslow, Col Co. N. S. Winton W. G., Lower Stewiacke. Woodill Mrs John D., Sydney, C. 15. /i ' vKU'v. :l >M./' ■ >'') '1- .-,,', : ..'• .. I :\->iH '.wlrt<- ..■ r A ' .' , , s. > i MANUFACTURERS. Hemp, Woollen, Flax, Cotton and Wearimj Apparel. 1642 Clayton & Sons, Halifax, cottons and clothings 1445 Conn(»r8 Thomas, St. John, N. B., cordage and oakum 1150 DARTMOUTH ROPEWALK CO., Ck)rdage and Oakum, Spin- ning Jenny. HiilifeX. N. S. See adv. p. 22. 1024 DOULL & MILLER, Cottons, Glothing, Woollens, Haliflu, N. S. See adv. p. 2. 1149 Gault Bros. & Co., Montreal, P. Q., woollens 1649 McDonald Bros., Mabou, C. B., woollens 1463 Morris & Co., agents, Montreal, P. Q., cottons 1021 Oxford Manufacturing Co., woollens, Oxford, Cum Co., N. S 1007 Parks Wm & Sons, woollens and cottons, St John, N. B 1152 Shorey H. & Co., cottons, clothing, Montreal, Que 1023 Southampton Mantg. Co., Southampton Camp, woollens » ♦ I '■ ri' ' m CUbb lO-^-AORICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. . S. 1073 1038 1648 2200 1517 1309 1682 1035 1182 1759 2049 1389 1041 1482 1072 1070 1039 1036 1114 1065 1618 1102 1463 1040 1163 1755 1071 2053 1436 1615 1037 1643 1029 1087 1032 1787 1681 / Abratns db Korr, root cutter, St John, N. B Anderson James, fanning mill, grain separator, &c,, Truro, N. S Annand Robert, New Annand, Col Co., wind power Archibald S., Pictou, rakes Barnes John, River Herbert, Cumberland Co, spades Beck J. G., Cole Harbor, Halifax Co, N S •' '• Burrows John, ChTown, P E I Cassett G. M «& Bros, Brockville, Ont., rake and mowing machine Clark & Dickinson, Sumraerside, P E I, funning mill Coon Joseph, St Croix, Hants Co, N S, wheels. Craig S., Truro, Col Co, N S, plough, forkes, etc. Creelraan Robert, grain seperator, Upper Stewiack, N S. Fleming J., estato, Aurora, Ont., plough, buy and straw cutter Eraser James D., New Glairloch, Pictou Co, gate Frost & Wood, Smith's Falls, Ont., plough, horse rake, mowing machine, etc Gray Thomas, Hope, Ontario, harrows, hay cutter, horse rake Gillies George, Ganaugar, Ont., harrows Gould J. H., Smith's Falls, Ont, plough Hall Thomas, Summerside, P E I, fanning mill, grain seperator, threshing machine, etc Jack & Bell, fertilizer, Halifax, X S Kitchin H. E., Strathroy, Ont, rakes, scythes, fruit ladder Londonderry Stove Works Co, Londonderry, N S, plough Mac Kay W. "H. D., New Glasgow, N S, plough Maim J. W. & Co, seed drills, Brockville, Ont. McP^achren Donald, St Croix, wheelbarrow, harrows, utc, Hants Co McFarlane, Thompson & Anderson, Fredericton, N B, plough, horse rake, etc ^IcLean Alex F., Moncton, N B, harrows Oakes G. B., fish fertilizer, Digby, N S Patterson Bros, Patterson, York,' Out., harrows, rake and thresh- machine, etc. St John Bolt & Nut Co, corn sbelier, 8t John, N 13 Vanmeter A. C, -jI Co, Truro, N S, plough Warner Frederick, Halifax, wheelbarrow The Wateroua English Work Co., Brantford Ont Steam Engine Watson John, Ayr, Ont, steam engine Whiting A., man'if Co, hay forks, hoes, Cedar Dale, Out Woolaver N., soed sower, Newport, N S Wyatt Wm, liighfield, P E I, plough Class 13— ECONOMIC MINERALS. 1922 Archibold Edward P., coals. Little Bay Mining Co, C B 1744 Burchill James T., coals. Big Glaco Bay, C B 2028 Campbtll D. A., building stone, Tatamagouche, N S 2129 Churchill E. & Son, building stone, Hantsport, N S 4i *! 34 Ye Bofton Baked Beans, ' IN 3 lb. CANS. '■■„■-. "^•' ' Prepared in ye fafhion of ye Olden Time, in ye Ancient City of Bofton, BY W. K. LEWIS & BROS. ASZ Ye QBOCSB FOE TBSlff. TRADH: HXJi*r»LlEX) BY K.J.DQLPHIN,FerrySlip«Halifax. WILLIAM McKERRON, Customs, Shipping and Insurance AGENT, 60 Bedford Bow, - Halifax, N. S. Special attention given to all kinds of Custonns Business and the For\varding of Goods. CHIE^A. RE..A.IDIlSrG- = The Staside Lilarary, Tranklia Square LibrarYi Bobertsoa Librarr, Standard Wntrr, fto. LATEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. so^k>oij sooks, eiaj^T^e, iirics. sxc, sxo. PROVINCIAL BOOKSTORE, 196 HoUis Street, Opposite FroTiieial BaiUiiff. C. C. MORTON. 35 1, 2015 1433 1057 1743 1907 2023 1056 1965 1003 1500 1502 1967 1044 1501 2085 2085 1966 1009 i410 U17 P^igar M. F., Halifax, native hiuI educational luineraU ;t^) Emeriion , milking machine 1521 Ryan John, step ladder, Halifax, ^ 8 1505 8axon Richard, Halifax, N 8, wood alter 1925 Shand James, Halifax, pianos 1740 Sichel 8. A Co, Halifax, pianos 1086 Simms T. 8. & Co, St John, N H, brushes and Brooms 1924 STAIRS WILLIAM. SON & MORROW, Asst Painta, Putty and Linseed Oil, Halifax, N. S. See adv. p. 22 1926 and 2104 STEPHENS & SONS, Rattan and other furniture, Halifax, N. S. See adv. p. 36. 1548 Stewart & White, St John, N B, furniture 1631 Thompson Allan, St John, N B, swiss clock case, etc 1849 Thompson G«iorge, brooms and whisks, Halifax, N 8 1927 Tye John & Co, Montreal, P Q, spring mattrass 1503 TYLER GHAS. E. & SON, Brushes of all kinds, Halifax, N. S. tiee adn p 1^ 1550 Valley J. N., clothes dryer, folding table, etc., Windsor Hants C»0 1739 Warr Thomas, axe handles, Windsor, Hants Co \ 1446 Weber & Co, pianos, Kingston, Out 1841 WiUett Gilbert R., Westfield, Kings Co, N B 1733 Wilson Jas, Halifax, N 8, jigsaw work 1825 Windsor L. D., Halifax, N 8, carved wall pocket Inion- [uring wish this fisitor jefore Loe. Class 15.- CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. 1047 Predamnaz & Co, Montreal, P Q. 1603 Carnell John J.. Halifax, N 8 1053 CROTHERS, HENDERSON & WILSON, St. John, N. B. Sm adv. p 18. 1828 PeWolf Jonn M., Halifax, N S 1827 Dimock Herhert, Halifax, N 8 1022 KELLY & MURPHY, Portland St., St. John, N.B. See adv. p. 4 1509 Lamphier A., Halifax, N 8 38 i"yi 1163 MacEachran Donald, 8t Croix, ^i S ' 1067 Murphy J. R, pat. sleigh, Halifax, N S. ' , ' ^ 1538 O'Brien M. J., Hjlifax 1437 Otter Sweeper Co, bicycles, chil. sleighs, etc., Oxford, Ont 1510 Power & Hutt, Dartmouth, N S 1614 Price & Shaw, Portland St John, N T. 1826 Spelman Thomas, Halifax, N S ^ . 1030 Warren R & Co., Gait, Ont h'i. :] Class 16.— NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. 2088 Bachman Edward, fishing schooner model, Hantsport, N". S 1522 CrowcU Isaac C, Shelburne, N S, fishing dory 2015 Eagar M. F., Haliftix, N S, ship medicine chest 1512 Embree S. K, Port Hawkesbury, N S, single scull boat 1830 Fcnerty C. L., Halifax, fishing schooner model 1524 Flowers Henry, Halifax, N S, sails 2025 Locke L. P., Halifax, N S, steamers model 1931 Lovegrove Capt Wm., Halifax, N S, steamer model 1513 McDougall William, South Maitland, Harts Co, ships model 2131 Morse Isaac W., mast hoops, Middleton, Annapolis Co, N S 1638 Moseley Henry, Dartmouth, N S. yacht ap|)liancos fishing schr. model, oars, etc 1731 Norris Samuel, Halifax, yacht appliances ' 1511 Otfen Thos, Halifax, N S, collection blocks Packham Edward, Hantsport, N S 1540 Payzant, C. H., Burlington, Hants Co., ships model 2018 Stairs Gavin L., Halifax, N 8, cartridge machine 1923 Storey Robert, Halifax, N S, sports boat 1513 Taylor Wm. S., Shelburne, N S, yacht appliances, ships models, fishing schooner model, etc 1737 Watkins William, Halifax, NS, ships model 2022 WiMiams Edward, Dartmouth, N S, fishing schooner model 1835 Wil'iams John, Shelburne, N S, fishing dory 1516 Windsor Foundry Co., Windsor, N S, windlass gear, capstan, etc 1829 Windsor L. D., Halifax, N S, brig in case 1908 Zwicker John H., Lunenburg, N S, fishing schooner model S Class 17. Manufacturers in Metals. 1517 IJanics Jdliii, ]i.\\-vv Ih'A'ht'rt, Cumb Co, spades and shovels 2004 Batt'iiiiii. (ii.'urgc, br.ists cannon. Halifax, N 8 2005 Hateiiian T. W., locks, Halifax, N S 1518 BctclitT J. W.. Halifax, N S, washer ' 1832 Blenthorn & Sons, Canning. N S, axes and adzes 1047 Bredannoz L. & Co., Montreal, P Q, wheel tires, etc 1088 Creelman Bros. Georgetown, Ont, sewing and knitting machine 1702 Currier James W., Waterville, Kings Co, N S, silver spoons 1700 Douglas & Co., castings, hollow ware, zincs, etc, Halifax, N S i-' i •I) '. :.\ iel T schr. iiodels, 1 105 lilaton B. & Son, Cornwallis, Kings Co, N S, axes and adzes, hatches, tools 2023 Fisher James, bear trap, Musquodoboit, Hx Co, N S 1082 Halifax Rolling Mills, spikes, nails, etc, Halifax, N S '- 1141 Hodgson T., Amherst, N S, shingle machine 1427 Lawton J. Fred, St John, N B, saws 1102 Londonderry Stove Works Co, Londonderry, Col Co, stoves range^ grates, hollow ware 1536 McDade Jas, St John, N B, castings, etc, hardware copper wrok McPherson Alex, Oxford, Cumb (Jo, saws, etc 1701 Miller Bros, sewing machines, Montreal, Que 1106 Mooney \V. M., & Co., horse nails, Montreal, Que 1932 Naylor John, street cleaner, Halifax, N S 2127 Nixon & Co, Stellarton, Pictou Co, galvanized iron work 1933 Osman John, sewing machines, Halifax, N S 1551 Robb A. & Sons, Amlierst, X S, stoves, grates, ranges, etc 1141 Smallwood Robert, Charlottetown, P E I, shingle machine, saws 1443 Starr Manufacturing Co, Halifax, skates, spikes, nails railway spikes, etc, plating engines 1615 St John Bolt and l^nt Co, St John, N B 1515 Thompson A. C. & Co, New asgow, N S, oil cabinet '• ' 1707 Wanzer R. M. & Co, sewing machines, Hamilton, Ont 1030 Warnock & Co, Gait Ontario, carpenters, coopers, machinists tools, etc. 1029 Waterous Engine Works Co, Brantford, Ont, shingle machine, saws, engines, grist mill 1031 Williams C, Manufac Co, Moutreal, sewing maithines 1026 Wilson, Clark & Co, Yarmouth, N S, stoves, IkjUow ware, etc 1063 Wilson & Co, Hamilton, Ont, sewing machines 1083 Wilson J. E., Halifax, N S, pumps, grates 1516 Windsor Founnry Co, Windsor, N S, castings, stoves, plating 1 an, etc shine S Class 18.-MANUFACTURERS IN LEATHER. 1987 J'raser J. B., Shubenacadie, N S, leather, calfskins 1028 Gibson Leather Co., St Mary's York Co, N B, carriage cover and leather, skins 1079 Goodhue, J. L. & Son, Domville, Ont, belting and lace leather, and leather 1606 Harlow J. C, Shelburne, N S, leather trunk 1734 Johnston William, Halifax, boots and shoes 1597 Knight Wm F., Halifax, lorse clothing 1613 McAvinn & Kickham, 8t John, N B, harness 1834 McHetfy F. P., Shubenacadie, N S, leather ' 1742 O'Brien John, Antigonish, N S, leather 1520 Stanford John, Chester, N S, leather 1519 Tanner R & Son, Pictou, N S, boots and shoes '' 1617 Wilson J. K, Halifax Rubb'T hose . ■> 1597 Wright W. F., Halifax, Harness m Class 19. -FISHERIES. Affleck James, Searltowii, P E I Ambrose & Daken, Digby, N S - Argyle Packing Co., Lower Argyle, Yarmouth Co Bishop Ansley, New Minas, Kings Co Boak & Bennett, Halifax Bremner & Hart, Halifax Cairns John, White Sands, Kings, P E I Christian N. P., Prospect, Halifax Clark Robbies <^ Brown, Suranierside, PEI Conrod Thomas, Ingonish, C B Cox Robert M., Morell, PEI Crowe Samuel, Economy, Col Co Dominion Packing Co., Buctouche, N B Doyle Patrick, Halifax Fletcher P. H,, Econon^y, Col Co Fletcher Samuel, Economy, Col Co Fulton G. A., Little Bass River, Col Co Haley E, J., Souris, PEI Haverstock Henry, Hammonds Plains, N S Hays Norman F., Halifax Hellyrick J., Ch'Town, P E I Hemlow W. H., Liscombe, Guysboro Co Hill George M., Economy, Col Co Hill James, Econ(»my, Col Co Howard P., Halifax. Jeans George M., Arichat, C B Kaizer C. A., Halifax Kavanagh M., Halifax Leslie P. J., Spry Bay, N S Mack E , Liverpool, N S Mackintosh & Co., Halifax Matheson Norman, Halifax McDonald, McDonald & Co., Souris, PEI McFayden Malcolm, Murray Harbour, PEI McKenzie E. & Co., Pictou, N S McLeod John E , Ingonish, C B McLeod Roderick, North Shore McRae William, Halifax Mosher James, Mahone Bay, N S Mowbray Thomas, Halifax Mulcahy Thomas. Halifax Myrick J. H., Ch'Town, PEI O'Cain Charles, Halifax Ogden Alfred, Canso, Guysboro Co O'Loary John F., Halifax Rogers James M., Coruwallis, N S Rogers W. H., Amherst, NS Shand John 1>., Biirriijgton, N S Stavner E. G. & C, Halifax :, >• .:f\ 41 Troop James, St. Margaret's Riy, Halifax Co r- Wilson Alex., Halifax Winchester John K., Granville, Annapolis Co Woods Miss Jane, Halifax , . ,; - ' • Young J. i'; Bolton Miss E. J., crochet work, Halifax Bond B. E, Ri»rer Philip, Cumb Co, Berlin wool Brims Miss Annie, crochet work, Halifax i Brown Mrs. Florence, embroidery, North Sydney Brims Miss Jessie, crochet work, Halifax ,1 Brown Miss Mary, Halifax, knitted counterpane . - Brown Miss Sophie, crochet work, Halifax Burnham Miss Ellen, lace work, Digby, NS Burton Miss D., Halifax, Berlin wool •■'• Condon Miss Maggie, water color painting, Halifax 'J Cooke Miss S., Halifax, Berlin wool Craig Mrs. Wm., Halifax, netting work Cram Miss Maud M., lace work, Halifax Creighton Mrs. John, knitting, West River, Pictou Co, N S Crofton E. K., Truro, Col Co, lace work • DeLewis Henry, Halifax, fret work Desbrisay Miss A. M., Guysboro, N S, lace work DeWolf Miss Mabel, Kentville, N S, Berlin wool Dickie Miss Alice A., Halifax, Berlin wool Dickie Mrs. C„ human hair wreath, Halifax, N S Dimock Mrs. Kobie, Halifax, Kintergarten work Dodd Mrs. Wm., Shubenacadie, Hants Co, Berlin wool ^ Downie Miss Fanny, wax flowers, Dartmouth, N S Drake Miss Annie, crochet work, Halifax Drake Miss Bessie, crochet work, Halifax Dunbar Mrs. William, crochet work, Halifax Dunlop Miss Esther, Middle Stewiacke, crochet work Dunn Joseph, Halifax, Berlin wool 1 Dupree George, embroidery, Halifax "' Ead L. Anna, paper flowers, leaves, painting, etc, Halifax Eaton Miss Fanny, Berwick, N S, lace work ^ Eisner Mrs. Abner, Halifax, netting work Eisner John, jr., shoemaker, 194 Agricola Elliott Miss Margaret, Halifax, Berlin wool > Elliott Miss Susan, Halifax, Berlin wool Esson Mrs George, Halifax, Berlin wool Fitch Miss E P, Bridgetown, N S, lace work '1 i '•St.-' /■«. ■l\i I: .f'i I! i f i. ■in '■■^i i 'i If 4d ).V:n II .1. Alw !' ■ • ■' 1 t ,*f ,.,.!-! :n>r i.-'Ul: Fortune Sophia, Halifax, patt3-;>an bed quilt Graham Miss S J, iialiiax, crcihet work Grant E G, Hulifiix, 3 wiiter coi ■ paintings Gordon H F, Fort Lawrence, Cun jerland Co, N S, embroidery Harris W MeC, Windsor, N S, silk quilt Hayden Miss limnia B, Charlottetowii, P E I, lace work ,, Hedley MiH:i Jane, Halifax, lace work , ,, ,, 'V Herbert A, Halifax, oil painting Higgins Mrs F A, Annapolis, N S, lace work Hobson Mrs Jas, Halifax, N S, wreath of natural flowers Horsfall Miss Minnie L, Annapolis, X S, lace and crochet work Humphrey Miss Laura, Moncton, jf ]), wreath shell flowers Iry E, Wilmot, Annapolis Co, lace work ; Jack Mrs James, Halifax, knitting Jennison Lillie, Walton, Hants Co, N S, leather work Jennison Miss M S, Halifax, hair and lace work ! Jolly Mrs A, Halifax, N S, pressed natural flowers Kelly Miss Afaggie, Halifax, Berlin wool ' - Kidston Kate, Spryfields, Halifax Co, N 8, knitting ._ . ,^ Knowlan Miss Susie, Halifax, Berlin wool ' Laidlow, Miss M. A., Halifax, knitting ' ' LeBlanc Mrs A., Arichat, C B, knitted counterpane Loasby Miss Alice, Halifax, wax flowers ■ '\ ■ " - Locke R, Halifax, Berlin wool Logan Mm Jane, Truro, N S, lace work and Berlin wool ' ! . Lordly Miss Louisa M., Halifax, wax flowers ' , MacDonald Miss, braiding, crochet lace work, Berlin wool, Halifax' Maclachlin Miss Annie, Halifax, netting work ^ MacLean Miss Surah A., Halifax, wax flowers Marchant Miss Eugenie, Halifax, Berlin wool Marshall Miss Sophia, Guysboro', N S, knitting Marvin Miss Margaret, Halifax, lace work McBain Miss Christie, Hopewell, Pictou Co, Berlin wool McCurdy Miss Nettie, Halifax, j'erlin wool '; McKie Miss Minnie, crochet work, Halifax McNeil Mrs H. S., braiding, Halifax McPhail Wm. J., Snmnicrside, P E I, fret work Meek Miss Jane, Halifax, Berlin wool Mignowitz Miss S. E., Halifax, knitteen. Excursions on the Harbor. AfTBBNOON, 3 o'clock — Promenade Concert in Exhibition Building. Evening, 8 o'elock— " " " '* Academy of Music — " Piqu«;" I 47 * 1 lianical ne Public Admia- • -Industrisd Iding. Exhibition ildiuf'. li Common, ilding. in. .lilding. LilU." luilding. Tuesday, September 27th. MoRNiNo, 9 o'clock — Exhibition open. 10 o'clock — Swimming Tonrnamont at the Sandy-Cove loath- ing Company's Establishment, Dartmouth. Steamers Mermaid and liertha running from Sandy Cotc and Market Slip every fifteen minutes. Fare and admis.sion, 25 cents ; Re- served seats extra, 25 cents. Hiiths open free to the public after the Tournament. Aftbrnoon, 2 o'clock — Formal Opening Ceremonies in the Exhibition IJuilding. Opening of Horse, Cattle, Poultry, Dog, and Agricultuml Shov/S in Exhibition Grounds. Opening of Flower and Fruit Show in Horticul- tural Hall. 3.30 o'clock — Athletic and Gynniastic Exiiibition by members of .1. S. McKay's Gymnasium in Exhibition (Jrounds. Evening, 8 o'clock — Firemen's Torchlight Procession. Promenade Concert in Exhibition IJuilding. Academy of Music—" The World." Wednesdny, September 28th. Morning, 9 o'clock — Exhibition open. Paratle of Horses and Carriages. Afternoon, 3 o'clock — Halifax Autumn Race Meeting, Riding Ground, Quinpool Road. Admission, 25 cts. ; Grand Stand, 50 cts. (The Ground is situated about 1 1 mile from Post Office, and can be reached by 'luis or cab.) Promenade Concert in Exhibition liuilding. Evening, 8 o'clock— " " " " Promenade Concert and Fireworks in Public (Jardens. Admission, 25 cents. Academy ol Music — " The World." Thursday, September 29th. Morning, 9 o'clock — Exhibition open. 10 o'clock — Naval and Military Review and Shamfight on the Common. 11 o'clcck — Athletic Games and Sports, open to the Domi- nion, in the Exhibition Ground. (Prizes amounting to Three Hundred Dollars.) Afternoon, 3 o'clock — Parade of Prize Cattle. Parade of Horses and Carriages. Promenade Concert in Exhibition Building. si, Evening, 8 o'clock — rronicnmle Concort in Kxhihition Ihiilding. Aciuleiny oi Music — "The Duuites." Hrilliiutt Jispliiy of Electric Light from H. M. 8. Northampton, iind Fort on George's Island. 8.30 o'clock — Grand Illiunination of Shipping, and Hontires. 9 o'clock — Fireworks on the Harbor. Friday, September 30th. Morning, 9 o'clock — Exhibition open. Aftbrnoon, 2 o'clock — Closing Ceroinonies in Main. Building. Evening, 8 o'clock — Academy of Music — " The Danites." CT'),;i MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS, &c. AD VERT ESEM l^NTS. ;it' .- 1.. . I .r.x ■■'•7, Anderson, Billing & Co., Dry Goods, Wholesale, Halifax N. S. 24 Anderson, Isaac, Manufacturer of Oils, Toronto, Ont 16 Brown, M. S. & Co., Jewellers, Halifax, N. S 14 Burpee, I & F. & Co., Iron Merchants, St. John, N. B 8 Crothers, Henderson & Wilson, Carriages, etc., St. John, N. B. 18 Cunard, S. & Co., Steamers, Coal, etc., Halifax, N. S 12 Dartmouth Ropewalk Co., Cordage, Halifax, N. S 22 Davidson & Crichton, Drv Goods, Wliolesale, Halifax . Back Cover DouU & Miller, Dry Goods, Wholesale, Halifax, N. S 2 Forrester, L., Dyer, Halifax, N. S 24 Fra.ser, Geo., Brokenshire Roofing, Halifax, N. S 20 Harris, Herbert, Florist and Seedsman, Halifax, N. S Map Kelly & Murphy, Carriages, St. John, N. B 4 Lewis, W. K. & Bro., Canned Goods, Halifax, N. S 34 McKerron, William, Custom House Broker, Halifax, N. S. . . . 34 Morton, C. C, Newsdealer, Halifax, N. S 34 Oland, S. & Sons, Brewers, Halifax, N. S 18 Raymond, Thos. F., Royal Hotel, St. John, N. B 4 Stephen, A. & Son, Furniture, Halifax, N. S 36 Stairs, Wm., Son & Morrow, Hardware, Halifax, N. S 22 Tyler, Chas. E. & Son, Brushes, Halifax, N. S 14 Walsh, P., Hardware, etc., Halifax, N. S .' 6 Woodburn, J. R. & Co., Manufacturers of Candies, St. John . . 24 Uiilding. •om H. M. S. ^e's Island. d liontiros. 'g- RS, &c. IX, N. S. 24 16 14 8 n, N.B. 18 12 22 Back Cover 2 24 20 Map 4 34 . S.... 34 34 18 4 36 22 14 6 John.. 24 .■■^ f^i P H t N H W I " " MW ' w» t<« I wftfj " U.II W' p wii nwf ^ nr '' I] 13 WINcAdH v ifJ^EKT NOTES AND EXPLANATIONS. Latitude— Xoiirir 44 ,39' 26 ' Longitude -Wkst 03' 33' 48" Full circular lines shew ] s, of a mile radii from Post-Otticc. All Churihes and Chapels are shown with a white cross. \ All Burial Grounds shewn thus t j^rwcLl' fe^ AND^STASLZSHMEKT^FOE HEW #"RABE PUHTS. H. HARRIS, Nurseryman. ■*-• — <^> — ► GREEN HOUSE AND}NUBS£RY ■• 1 -r. ^■•' '-. tTj-o~;:":;-T-.i..r.: ^^VKWVft^VW .matamn PEEFEEENCBS. ■ ||5J|I^XIIiniTION|i5i;iLl)ING 1. 3. 4.|Ofiice and Custom House. Uuion Bank. Province HuiUling. Bank of Novji Scotia, T), J?ank|of North Americ? ('). Police Court audSStation."!! 7. Green Miu-ket. 8. Fish Market, f y. Club House. in. Tnlcrnntionnl Hotel, Jl. Halifax Hotel. 12. Ba]>tist Church. 114. (15. [17. 18. (20. '21. oo :2T ;24. '2.5. 2r). 27. 28. 21). no. 31. Roman Catholic PnbHe|Schoo]s.'' Metropolitan Hotel. St. rani's Church. TT (irand Parade. Kn^ine House. Water Works and;BGard[of Works. Dalhousie Collej?e. Chalnier's Cliurch (Presbyterian; Northuj)'s Market. Colonial Market.' Salem Church (Co])oreV"";■^'i*/^:*^>;;.klt^-.: W^mM * ; 3is1iO])'s ]\C?i(lonoe^(Ii.5('.) 3(list ]\Iission House, ary's C.itliedral (R. C.) Ilouso.'^. Koom. 10 Ilonso. 'oor House Ccmotevy on St. Church (Methodist) •1 House, landauts House, 'heatre Uoyal. Barracks, ery Park. 3orn;e's Fort or Ciuidol Hill, ry. liarracks. Jourt. iiiV'i^irsmf] iKdB!i«ui»ASMitM:«ic«a 51. Zion Churcli. 52. Military Hospital. !53. (iarrison (;iia])el (En-lish.)^';?,:;?||5i1«p^. 54. Temperance Hall 55. I'oplar Grovo CIun'ili (Preshyterian.)j 5(), Free Haptist Chuirh. " "iti'Jr:^ 57. Brauswick St. Wcslcvau Churcli. 58. Trinitv Church (Kniiiish 59. II. M.'Luniher Yanl. 60. Gas Works til. St. Andrew's Church, (Pre8l)Vteriaii.; 02. Fort Massev Cliurdi (i'reshvtcrian.) ().•}. St. Luke's Cathedral (Knylish.)^ (U. Fort Massev Coinctcry. 65. Morris St. "Scliool House. M. liurial Gn.uihl (U. C.) 67. U. C, (^hapch ^ 6S. Institute for the Biiud. rOWFTOt^ '_kA'-t£— I'^ r -, ^ 5^FAX 1 SSA^3^:ZS.i&i^i.'J''.il^X-i.'i-.~\.^'ii'-^il'.'i^.i^'.Jti.t.i'US^ b CO ()9, Convent of llio Sacred IlcartJ.J 87. 70. Tuhlic GartU'iis. 88. 71. SkiitiiiLi;' IVwk. S9, 7 '2. (iriOiii's IV.iui. 90. 7.'i. Caiiip Hill ('( nietcrv. ' r.i. 74. Cani]) Hill. 92. 7:"). Or])lians' ITonie. 9.",. 76. Baptist Church. 94. 1 1 . Brunswick St. Free School. 95. 7S. St. Vincent's Ilall. 90. 7'.). St. (icorati'sor the L'oimd Church (English.) 97. 80. J'reshvterian Chureli. 98. 81. (Jei'risii Hall. 99. 82. St. Patrick's Chapel (K. C.) 100. 83. Nova Scotia Iron Works, 101. 81. Citv ir()S]tital. 102. 8;-). Poor's Asylum. lo;5. 86. St, Andrew'.' 104. t)lcl Ocrnian Church and I'nrial Ground.' Citv Terminus of Iutercl.,W. and A. !{v. S. n. "IM. Dockyard. iAIcthodist Church. Admiralty House. Naval Burial CJround. Harris' Hot and Nursery. II. :M. Hospital Yard. Steel's Pond. Well iiifi ton Piarracks. St.. Joseph's Church (R. C.) Kayo St. Church (Methodist.) St. Mark's Church (Kuglish.) P. C. School House. i\lac:a/ines, iMjrt ( )i;ilvio. I'eniteutiary. Fort Necdham, 10.5. 100. 107. los. 10!>. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. diteMSM^ INC :: I sss roM CHS Hi k- e •J •'' to __| 1 Grouiul.' 105 ml A. I{v. ^<. IOC) 107 los 10!>, 110. ^ 111. 112. ii;i. 114. li."). 116. 117. lis. 111). 120. Y. M. C. A. niul Bank ^Montrcal.J ; Halifax Yaclit Club llouse.J Peojdes Bank; I'oint Ploa.sant Battery. Fort Cambridce. Prince of Walc.^ Tower. Ferrv across N. W. Arm. N. W. Arm Battery. Industrial School. ^ Kichmond Freight Station. Kauar's Druf;- Store, l.')7 IIollLs St., Depot Mineral Water,s of Violiey, Franco. A. Keith & Sons' Brewerv, 74 to 78 Lower Water Street Mns" Mall. IMas(Miic Temple. l)is])ensary. Medical College. 1121. 122. 12;{. 124. 12. 5. 1215. 127. 128. 129. l.'U). i.-n. l.'?2. 1.'};?. l.'U. 135. i.'in. l.'J7. Church. Merchants' Bank.] Arjiyle House. Moir's Bakerv. -"*' Fn-inc House. '^<^:-:?57;;cj- Temperance Hall. Deaf and Dumb Asylum.' i>v Baptist Chapel. { llieoloo'ical Hall. Protestant Orphan's Home. Kjfi>- Pond. Libertv Tree. Town Clock. 1 Batterv. Hi.irh School.n Fii;^ine ilonse, Quceu Street Bridge. -,.«»»i "" i i I . I ' T r. i ■■ 1 : 1 *■ ■ p^mf ^ ,, ^, ■ 1: li i I K.vrt##«f^*.» :'\ DAVIDSON & CRICHTON, WHOLESALE ^ m DRY GOODS, MILLINBRT A3srx> 9 155 Hoilis^*"'®®*' :((;•••' HALIFAX, N. S. -'' ■• "■ ' - ■■- roN, )S, r 113 (S X,N.S.