^ ^ \\ '^ ' ■ ' ji C^ o^ h o _^ i -,— ..J z h- I '__ ; 1 ^ h 1- i 1 1 i LU \ ^1 °^ < X CL ! S 1 ! CO 1 £L_ Cs3 , :i ^ I TO THE HONORABLE THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, The Petition of the CJorporatioii of the. <^t in the Province of Ontario. That tlie Toronto. Hamilton piat«J lineH of railway t)f the Toronto, Hfimilton tt Buffalo Railway Company, in tlie opinion of your petitionern, is for the general a(lvanta«e of Canada. AND WHEREAS the Town of Welland and the (Jities of Hamilton, Brantford and Toronto, and all the other Municipal itie.-< lyiuff between Lake Erie, the Niagara River, and the City of Toronto are largely intenisted in the construction of the proposed lines of railway ; and whereas many of the places referred to are without railway facilities, and tiiose that now have railway connecition would be mu(!h benefitted by having the proposed railway constructed. WHEREFORE your petitioners would most humbly submit, that to secure the construction thereof, it is most important and essential that additional aid be granted by your Honorable House for that purpose, to the extent of ><.'5.'iOO per mile for the whole of said line of Railway, as has heretofore betn granted to similar undertakings. THEREFORE your Petitioners humbly pray that your Honorable House may b« pleased to grant such aid to the said Toronto. Hamilton & Buffalo Railway Company. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Dated at. .this day of A. 1). l.s%.