^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y <^^:^>^ ^o 1.0 I.I 1^ |2B |2.5 ■^ 1^ 12.2 I 1^ illl.2.0 11.25 i L4 PhotDgraphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716)872-4503 ,ictccsiiii XSoiifil): REV. (AN'OX VOX IFKLAND, IJERlJERVILLE, P. Q. ^-loit. ;T,i-eaiis«ii'>cr (I>ioccsiiii Xioiti-tl)- JOtrX HAMILTON, ESQ., QUEIJEC. jScci-chu-y ((Clct-v)v 'IVussI (CotittttitU-c): REV. CANON RICHARDSON, QUEBEC U^ficit^uPcr' {(Clcfivtif TfiisJ CCoiniiilltcc) : EDWIN I'Ol'E, ESQ., QUEIJEC. '5>cc»*'c(n«-"y-Ti-cjiouPci- (I>cpasif ciry) : REV. A. J. BALFOUR, M.A. ;Scci-ctjii-y (St. pfiiiicis Disirict Associiition) • REV. CANON THOI{XEL()E, M.A., SHERKROOKE. C. E. RERRV, ESQ.. SHE R BROOKE. m. CONTENTS. Abstract of Proceedings of Central IJoaul Act 45 Vict., chap. 81t, Consolidation Enilowiiient Fiuuls Accounts. Balance Sheet Dioccisan Church Society Hisliopric Endowment Paoi. 25 15 164 Bishop Williams' Commemoration Fund IfiO Bishop Williams' .Memorial Mission Fund do -List of Subscriber- ir.o L>:i4 162 IL'S do do Bour^f liouis Ayhvin Fund Clerpy Trust Colonial and Continental Church Society IfiO Crani)ourne (Uelie UiO Depository Fund 156 Diocesan Board lie venue Account ICS do do Si pplenientary .\ccount 17'JI Domc.<)tic and Foreign .Missionary Sucii-ty 2.')6 Education Fund. do 1,^)8 do for Children of the Clerjry 156 General Fund 150 List Securities held by Clerfry Trust Committee 148 List Securities iield by Church Society 14St Local Enilowment Funds L52 Mission Fund 152 Moutmoreiici Endowment Fund 1t)2 Nicole t Eiulowment Fund 158 Pension Fund 152 IMuebe Chaderton .Memoriiil Fund 154 St. .Michael's Endowment Fund 162 The Mountain Enilowment Fund 1")0 The Grosse Isle Fund I«2 Widows' and Orphan's Fund 154 CnrHcii Society. Annual Meeting. 13 Clerpy of the Diocese 5 Committees 10 Contributions throuirhout the Diocese, for tiie Church Society. City of t^iebec 17G Rural Deanery of Megnntic 210 do do St. Francis 100 do do (iaspe - 221 Contributors of -SoO and upwards, deceased 17.'t Fprms of Beipiest 2fl7 Lecacies 175 jcgacies Life .Members Notice — objects of the Church Soci Officer.^ of the Society Prayers ■tv 173 2 <» Vice-Presidents, Central Board, &c., \c Repouts. Abstract of Parochial Reports 228 Archdeacon's Report 123 Central Hoard It) Church Helpers' Association 263 Clergy Trust (.'ommittee 128 Diocesan Hoard 28 Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society 263 Missionary Reports .'. .•(7 St. Francis District Association 33 Woman's Au.\iliary 261 Special Notice 175 Stated Meetings , 12 1 ( i „ii Paoi. 25 15 CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE. 164 i;!o ir.o 100 L>;!4 162 128 IfiO u;i) ififf !(;« 17'J 2:)« \M ir.o 1J8 Hit i;i2 152 1()2 158 152 15 t Ifi2 150 lti2 154 13 5 1(1 17G 210 1!I0 221 I7;t 2(17 175 173 2 ■ > 7 l» 228 123 It! 2(;3 128 28 263 37 33 2fil 175 12 1 BISHOP : The Right Revd. Andrew Hunter Dunn, D.D., consecrated 1892. DEAN: The Very Reverend R. W. Noiiman, D.D., D.C.L. ARCHDEACON : The Venerable Henry Roe, M A., D.D. CANONS: Rev. A. A. Von Iffland, M.A. Rev. Thomas Riciiaiid.son. Rev. John Foster, M.A. Rev. George Tiiouneloe, M.A. Adam3, Rev. Tlioina^, m a o.o.i Priiiciiml of Hidliov s Oollpffc iiiid Rector of'tlic (Jnuiuuiu- S(;liool, liii.'iuoxville. Adcock, Rev. \V. C Filcli Huy. Alluiitt, Ruv. F. J. ]}., DA) Rroffssor of Divinity, liishop'd. ('olk'ife, LeiiiiDxvillc. Halfour, Ri'V. A. .1., m.a., Rector Ht. I'eter's, Qiicliec. Hiill, Kev. .lusiah (jlrimlstone Ishiinl, Magdaleii Island. Hall, Rev. T. L., m.a. (retired) Leiiiioxville. 1'. 0. Hayiie, Rev. X. M., ii.A I'lniiisiija, (jiasi)u. Hliiylock, iiev. Thomas, m.a Danville. IJoyle, i{ev. F., m.a Fast Kratni)toii. 1'. 0. Ilemi.son. Brooke, 11. A., ii.A Scotstown. Hrooks, C. 1!., m.a liariistoii. P. 0. Ways Mills. Uiirraufe, llev. II., m.a. (retired)... Ilalley. ■ Clia[iniaii, Rev. T. S., m.a. (retired) Mart)iel(ia. 'Jo.\. Rev. J. C l!n)i:M)ton. P. 0. Windsor Mill.s. l)el)l)aj;e. Rev. .1. 15., m.d liourij; Lonid. Dickson, II. A Ranhoious^li. Fanlconer, Rev. W. G., Reetor I'jiper Ireland. P. (). Ma[de Grove. Fo.ster, Rev. (^anon, m.a., Rnral Deau...C()aticooke. Forsytlie, Uev. W. T., Rector Slan.stead. Folberu'ill, Rev R. .J Siiij^awake, Gaspe. Fnller,'^Uev. II. S Bnry. P. (). Robinson. Fyles, Rev. T. \V., m.a Chaplain to the Iinmig-rants, Levia. Hardinfj:, Rev. G. T Sandy iieaeli, Gaspe. Hepburn. Kev. ,1., m.a., Rector Melbourne. Horner, Rev. D Durham. J'. O. Kirkdalc. Husband, Rev. E. B., Rector New Carlisle. , _ Kemp, Rev. .lohn, n.o. (retired) Leeds. Ker, Rev. M., n.i). (retired) Niagara, Ontario. Kerr, Rev. I. N., b.a St. .loseph de la Tabatiere, Labrador. Kint?, E. A W., m.a Waterville. Lyster, Rev. W. G., u.a., Rural Deau....Cape Cove, Gaspe. Murray, Rev. G- H. A., b.a... ,.Rarford. P. O. Dixville. NicoUS) G. G.) M.A., Riviere du Loup. Clkrgy of thk Diocese of Qukijec. — Conlinve;isiM. • llirlianisoti. Ivcv. Canon, Sccrctai'v Cliuicli Society, licctur, St. Paul's, Qiicboc. Kioiicl, IJi'V. S., .M..\., .M.ii ". \ alcaiticr. P. O. \ aicarticr Villa;,fc. ' Kdi', Vciu'ialilc II., I'.!)., AirlKicacori, K.\,iiii. (-Iia|iliiiii, lli.-ihop's Cominiasaiy, Tiuvi'lliiiL!; Ajicnt ofllie Diocc^ati liDanl, Lcinin.willf. Hoc. Kcv. P Iiivcnios.'^. 'P. O. (ilcn .Miinav. Pohrrtsoii, Ki'V. A. II., iU'iliir Katoii. P. 0. ('odk.-^liiii'. Hotlii'iii. Kcv, .1 liccd.s. Kiiilil, l!cv. T., I!. A S. SvlvcstiT P. (>. S. (Jcoiiri-'.s, Bcaiici". Scaitli. Kcv. A. C M A., Rector l/ciiiiowillc. kSc(»tt, Kcv. V. (I,, M.A.. Kcclor Diiimiiiomlviilc. Smith, Kcv. F. A., (retired) .Mmitrcal. iStL'veii.s, Kcv. A., M.A., Kector Ilallev. .Stiiait, Kcv. II. (;., M.A., Kector Three" Rive is. .SyUes, \\v.\-..\. .S Kiiij^sey. P. (). Svilciili.iiii I'lacH'. Taiiilis, Kcv. K. (" , .m.a .Majroj;. Tlioiiijisoii, Kcv. Isaac, Jlector Levis. Thoriicloe. Kcv ('anon, m.a., Kector.. ...Shcriironke. Von inland, Kcv. Canon, Si-crctary Diocesan llo.ird :unl .'^n nod, Kector, St.. Mic- iiael'-:. (.^tiielicc.' Walter.^, Rev. C. I.V Point St. Peter, (iaspe. W'aslier, Rev. {]. \\ Portnent'. -AVatkins, Rev. I!., .m.a., I'rot'cssor of Classics. i;isli()|('.s College, Lennoxvillc "Weary. Kev. Kdwin l)i.(N\vell. P. O. M.arhleton. \\ illi.iins. Kev. L. \V.. m.a.. Rector .St. .'Vlatthew's, (.,)nel)ec ■ Wilkinson, R(;v. K. (!., i!..»., Professor of Piisloral Theolo^ry, l{isho|.'s Colic". . Lennoxville. ° ' Wilson, Rev. K. K., ii.a Hull's Stream. WriKlit, Rev. II. F., h.a lOasl .\ntrns. Wuriele, Kev. L. C., m.a Actonvale. Yates, Rev. N, i'.. Tutor Hisliops College, Lonnowille % f] /V ' lli«' I'iiihi IimikI of God art oxullcdrniid li:>>l rocrivcd «»l' ll»»' I'iitlMT the pronii.se ol' the Holy Si)irii, shfd luith 'I'hy liylif iUid *i,^'iii-^' <>» tJ»>'^ ^^'^^'^ world. () Thou who lov»'st a cIummIuI uivcr. uraiit Thy people urace thiil th«'y may uiiiiister Iil)«'rally ol their suh- slaiie.' U) tht' iiiMkini:'kno\vii ol'Thy iiam<' llnoimhout the worhl. (live Thy hlessiuu' to all who are lai)()uriim' to .spread the kii(»wledn»' ol'lhy Irulh, and e>pc.ially to those Missionary .'•JocietieN whieh have niiiiistered lo the need of our Ch lire h in ihis Land. Prosper tiie work in wliicji they are enua.i>('d, and make thcni the honoured instiunieiits ol spreading' Thy u'osptd, and procJaiininLi' Thy uieat anre;il danu'er.s \v*' aie in by our unhappy divi- sions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, ami whatsoever else nniy liinder us Ironi yodly Union and Coneord ; that, as tliere is but one llody, ami one Spirit and one Hope ol our ('allinu', one Ford, one l''aiih, one liaptism, one God and I'iillier ol" us all, so we may lieneelbith be all <»! om^ heart, and oi' one soul, united in one holy bond ol" 1'ruth and Peace, of l"\xith and Charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorily Thee ; throuuh .lesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father, whieh art in heaven ; Hallowed ])e Thy Name ; Thy kini^dom come ; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, (live us this day oui- daily bread. And Ibririve us our trespasses, as we Ibrgive them that trespa.ss against us. And lead us not into temi)tation; but deliver us from evil ; lor thine is ili(> kingdom, the power and the fflorv, I'or ever and evt-r. Atncn. of God art oinisc ol' (lio »u tliis (liirk . n'liuit Thy I llicir sill), mulioiil tlu» iii)()iiiinu' to illy to IhoNo tllC IK'tul oi' wliicji lliey Iruiiu'iil.s of lit and irjo- '»'. OlllplMV- loly (J host, ever. Ame//. d of Truth I out' mind Christ our 'd ])o Thy on earth as •••ad. And I at trespass )ut deliver er and the riii-: CHURCH society III' Tin; i)ic)c;i:isi: ()i<^ <,)iTi:ni:o. lli-> I'lsi I i.i.Ksrv iiii: ( liivi.iiNdi; Ckvf.uvI.. I'llKslKKXT: 'I'lii. Kkiii I!i,\ ki!i;m> Tin. Lokk Ui-iiur oi (,iri;nK«\ vi( K i'i:i:si I n:\-rs : i:. Il.iinillnii. D.C.L.. M. Nlicpp Mil, w. <;. Wiiiific, l;. II. Si, Mill. l;. W. ll.ii.k.T, !».( .L., CliaiLrllor (i| l»lsl|ii|l'.< ( iijli 141', ijuii. (Jcci. Irviiif, !>.('. L., .ludi;*" \'icf .\iliiiiially Com t, dcoi;,'!' N'ca.scy, Ivlwiii .\. .Inins, .laiiit - I'allDii, jr., • laiiM > Diiiiliai', (^I.C, Til.' Kl. \[r\. 'I'lir 1 1 lii>li(.|i of i .1. 1;. iM.isylll. Nii.Ltaia. ( liiif;,'!' I,aiii|i>nn, U.A., W'lUialilc .\l I 1mIi;m oil Kiic, l».|)., Caj)! liii .\-li<'. l;.N.. • Iiiliii llaiiiilt'>ii (■i:.NTi;.\L r.n.\i;i): 'I'lic I'l .-iili III . iIm' \'i'i' I'lct^iilciits. ami "// 'i'/m /•()///<•■ f)/" ///« Sariifi/, n\\ ('Ifi-;.'yiiicii lic( iisr I williiii the I )i(>(H'sc. an! tin' Wanlcii.s of I'vi'i'y Ciuircli or Cliajii'l, luin.: iiiciiiIm is nl ilic ( 'm [loiat inn, .iini t". .Il!,l'.'.'. W. II. Cail.i, II. .1. I'latt.M. K.CaiiiplMll. M..\.. I,l„l'.. !•:. I'.-pr, IV .1. II ale, T. II, Nnnis, .1. C. Moic. (i. K. W'liitf. Jiilill l>iu>lall, .ST., T. .\. ^'. .11111;. .\i..\., 1;. II. Wa.lr. W II. A. KrUliarilt. .1. Wiuticl.i, If. Atkinson, K. K. Wol.b, \V. I'lioo, A. Itlio.If.s .1. I.airii, jiir. < >. W. I'arineloe. HOXOi! \l;\' CorX.SKL: Hon. C. Irvine, (}.{'.. .las. Dnuliar. Ms(|, . (^I.C. , | (;,>ui'i,'c Linnpsoii, Ksq., H.A. Ai; I) no IIS ('. .iihi,-.-, Stuart II. hunn. I'"raiik llolloway. .1. 1:. II. Wliit.", TRKASUKHR: Kihviii Popu. Artiiur Aiicrii, .1, A. lU'a.ly. <;. I{. Wliit'f, .1. Wiufioia. SRCKKTAUY: Rev. Cauou Riciuirdaon. B I 1 10 COMMITTEES. (Jn all commUti'Ls tlim shall /d -in u i/uonn)! niil<.-ij I hi SiiiKid. ) Rev. (Jimoii Ko^ter, M.A., Rev. H. .1. I'(trv, M.A., Rev. L. W. Willianis. M.A. W. <;. Wurtele, i:. II. Smith. II. C'aiunliell. ( EU'i'ttd III/ /he Church Society. ) Rev. rve on r, IL J. !ore, T. Young-, Piivmc - llhodes, iiocesan leva. Ct. , W. li. ;-y Trust l.^ueboc, , Canon ^8SVS. Jv. V, R. H. V ITonor- alua])l(^ on. 4 45 VICT., CHAP. 80. An Act to authorizo the Churc^h Socioly of the Diocese of Quebec, to consolidale cerlain Endowment Funds. I'rcamhk'. Con.^oli- (liUidii of" (MldllW- iiieiit liiiuls of society lor certiiiii liur|iosi'3. ('oiisol: (lulioM liniilcil [Aa^ented lo 21 Ih May, 1S82.] Whereas the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec has, by its petition, represented that it is in charge of certain endowment funds lor the sup- port of various Parisln^s and Missions within the Jjiocese of (Quebec, and has prayed that the said Church Society shoukl* be authorized so to distri- ])ut(^ any losses whii^h nniy occur, through failure in investments, as to make them fall pi'oportionatt^- ly over the whole of such endowments held by the Society ; and Avhereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petitioners; Therefore, Her Ma- jesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows: 1, The Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec is auliiorized, so far, to consolidate the said endow- ment funds, so placed and hereafter to be placed in the hands of the said societv, under deeds of trust for investment, as to cmable the said Church Society to distril>ute any losses that may occur through liiilure in investments proportionately over the whole. :i. The said consolidation of the said intrusted endowment funds shall extend, only so lar as to enable the said Church Society to distribute any losses that may occur, through failure in invest- ments proportionately over the whole, and for no other purpose whatsoever. XoTK. — The following ))iirisliL's or missions have ayroecl to tlio by-law on Llic coiisolidation of endowments, viz : — Barfoi'd and Iluruford, I'ape Cove and Pci'Cl', Cookshii'u, Duds- woll, (Jaspe r>asin, Ireland and Sontli Inverness, Levis, Malhaie, Inverness, Riviere-du-Lou|), IJonry Louis, Kingsey, JMagog and Georgeville, Stanstead, Durham, Leeds, r>rom[)ton and \Vineaeli, Hatley, Coaticook, IMelbonrne and Kielimond, Fram[(ton Kasi and West, Compfon, St. Sylvester, I'ortneuf, Three Rivers. [ I 16 ANNUAL TtErORT OF Till": CENTRAL BOAUIJ FOli THE YEAR 1803. ( I'roii ii'iil lo lit' Chiirrh Sor'iilii, F< hriKd-y 7lh. IS'.i'i.) In our last report to \h.o Church ^^ocicty we nicnlioiUMl the removal bv death of our hit(> revered Bishop and the CDUsecratioii of his su(!cessor ; we also dwelt ujh)ii that great fact ill our Diocesan history, the Jnl)ihH^ ol" our Chnrcli Society. We are now glad and tb.aidvful to he able to report a ye;ir of certain and healthy urowlh ; for our Bisliop, in his ac- count of his first year's work, tells us that during' the twelve months ending tifie ISth of September last, In' h;ul eonlirm- ed one thousand and thirly-llve persons; and'allhough i\w, English population of the Diocese of (Quebec has, during the last ten years, u'leatly diminished in numbers, and in Quebec itself there has bc'cu a loss by death and le- moval of one thousand om^ hundred and liity-nine church people, yet, owing to the energy and self-cleiiying work of the Clergy of our Dio "ese, our Church of lilnuland popu- lation, if we leave out of account the city and county of Quebec, has during the ten years actually increased, and from the reports of tin' country Ch-rgy we acktiowledu'e with much thankfuliR\'>s a steady advance of Church life all through the Diocese; and, notwithstandiirg the i)as( year has been one of unusual commercial depression, yet the linancial condition of the Jiociety has not really suHered in conse- quence, although the following statennMit, comj);iring last year with the previous one, shows an ap[)arcnt decrease of nearly lifty-live dollars. IS!I2. is'.t;]. IICI-CIISC [iccrciisc. (!(MU'ral Fiiiul >. Si,(;r,7 7i> ^I,r»S:i 11 '• JMissiuii Filial .".,:1I7 SI , ;!,'Js,s If) ; Pension Fund ' I.mC.T iV\ I, SIS '.is Widows' ami ()r)iliitiis' Fninl ' 27'! (!.") ! 27-1 s.') I 2ii EJucatiou ot'Cliildreii olC'lc!j:y • .'^.(iii 1,') ! ,'.7I i^{\ 71 71 3S.^ 2S 211 (Hi Is {■.:, S7,(;2;i 'Jli ,$7,.'>*1!' -'S I $7S \)\ S !■'!:; 6'.l i 7S 111 Not decrease S.-ii t;s I 17 Foi: itioiuHl 1(1 the it groat 'hurcli : ;v year his ac- tvvelvo )iilinii- U'h tht^ cluiinu,' s, and md I'c- churcJi ; work I 1)()[)U- iiily oi' 3d, and wdodu'c ihrrall oar has nancial conso- ng hist ■t'aso C'l* '(■crcaso ' 211 III) is Cij Si:i:i 5'.l 7^ ill $.VI (is Buttliis docroaso is only apparent, for since the accounts have hcen closed, an oilertory and several subscriptions, aniountinjL'- to two hundred and forty-i'our dollars and six cents belonuing' to last year's account, but which reached the Treasurer's hands too late to be incorporated in the year's accounts, have been received, which shews a real in- crease ol'one liuiidred and eighty-nine dollars and thirty- live cents instead ol' a decrease. Of course, too, we miss the proceeds of Mrs. Williams' Christmas Tree, which generally ranged between one hun- dred and fifty and two hundred dollars. We ol)serve with much satisfaction, an increase in the returns from the three Deaneries of St. Francis, Megantic and Gaspe, as compared with the previous year. GENEIIAL eVND. (2h aid in the e reel ion of Chnreiies and Parsonaj^cs ; in the support of Sehools : in the froniotion of Loeal Kndoivinents ; in the E.dneatioii of I he ehi/dren ni the ClerQ' Trust Juiiul, and the interest of the Jni'csted Capital of the Mission Fund, administered by the Dioeesan Board.) We are yciy sorry to note in this fund a decroase of $29.0lJ. Tliis small decrease would be a matter of little im« portance ; but the total raised last year was $102.44 less than the amount raised in the ineoeding year, so that these two facts taken together ought to urge upon every well- wisher of the IJiocese increased interest and liberality, and ought to lead to a more vigorous maintenance of this most important fund for the time to tome. For full and interesting information concerning the sue- cessful and self-denying labours of the Missionary Clergy of this JJiocese. we refer our members to the reports of the country Clergy, the report of the Diocesan Board, and the report from the St. Francis District Association of the Church {Society. PENSION FUND. (For the support of a;^ed and infirm Clergymen.) Six CliMgymon have during the past year re<'eived their well-earned annuities from this fund, amounting in the aggregate to $'2,i,\0. By the death of the Rev. K V. Tarkin a pension of ^OOO will revert to this fund WIDOW.s' AND OKPIIANS' FUND. Annuities to the innount of is:3,087.50 have, during the past yi'ar, been paid to nine Widows and six Children of Clergymen who, during their life time, were connected with this Diocese. By the coming of nge of one ol'the six children mention- ed above an annuity of $hO will lapse. The following Clergymen have made the required num])er of payments to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, in accord- ance with article 14 of the ))y-laws, viz. :— Reverend M(^ssrs. ISmith, Lvster, Yen. Archdeacon Roe, Kemp, Von lilland, Burrage,' Washer, Thompson, Foster, Hepburn, Richardson, Boyle, Allnatt, «ykes, T. L. Ball, Blaylock, Richmond, Chapman, Harding, iStevens,Thorneloe, Wurtele, Scarth, Petry, l^^i^s, Riopel, fc?tuart. > ■•a -3 I 19 t U'ifh the he Lioipcl tions ; A ■: JnvcsttUl I Board.) roase of ittle im. IA\ less lat these ry well- lity, and his most the suc- r C'lerjry ts of the and the L of the od their ill the I'ariviu inng the ildien of •ted with mention- l iniml)er 1 accord- con Roe, Foster, L. Ball, lorneloe, m And the followini^ Cleriivmen are in the course of com* petini2- their payments, viz. ; — Reverend Messrs. Adams, Forsyth, FiUilroner, Walters, Fuller, Robertson. Hushand, Adcock, Balfour, Rudd, Ro- thera. Weary, Debbaj^e, Muriay, l^ariviere, Scott, Horner, Dickson, Wright, Brooks, Brooke, Fothergill, Baynes, Wilson. EDUCATION FUND. Your Board befits to acknowledge with many thanks the annual grant of eighty pounds sterling from the Colonial and Continental Church and School »Soeiety, for the (;ause of l*]ducation in this Diocese. From the returns made by the Teachers and the letters we have received from the several Clergymen, in whose Missions these schools are situated, it can be easily seen that the aid from this fund is much ai)preciated, and that thrgugh its means a great and permanent good is being done to the cause of the Church in this Diocese ; indeinl in many instances, but for the help this fund ailbrds, the schools could not be carried on. The following Tcachersand Schools have receiv^'daid from this l''und during the i)astyear: — Xami: ok Sc'iiooi, Tkachki!. I OUANT. Boiirg Louis \o. I. I^oiirj:' Louis No. 2 Houi'i; Louis \(). ;i .i.Miss M!ir^r!>r"t I'roctoi'.... .Miss ('.iilici'iiio I'loctor... .i.Mis. I^K^s n„. ii V I : J .Miss Eiiu'isoii Laid' (.ovc .No. 1 ; \ ^,. . ,. ,, . ' I 1. .Miss Lft.nlliiis ('iipe Cove \o. 2 .. Sandy Boacli Haldiiiiand '\'oiiv {{ivcr Fiaiiiplon Kas.t. .I.Miss C. Lc (lailais .... I Mi.ss \. M II MIL. 1 -Miss SfviMs Miss L. Tlioinpson. Miss F. Carter '-Miss \\'()0(l Fra.upton West \\ ^'l'^ |'"^';''^ Poitneuf I lMissTiH,mi.s..M. I I .Miss hi'vcM's .Marliloton jMi^^s I'liilips Ste. risiilc '.Mrs. Lc I5ert... Cumberlaiid Mills .;,Miss Sutlierland.... Staiistead J.Miss (lilmorc Labrador 1 ' .""V-.r ''''''''" ■Ir. \\ illis ?^ els. ■1,0 ()it .|;» (;o .'il 20 ;:r. oi) 2(1 Oil .•!( 10 IS 20 ;;2 00 2.S 00 ;;i 20 27 tiO 12 00 111 20 12 00 .••.I) 00 10 00 :! 00 ;ii; 00 ^ks, Siniday Si/ioo/ Books and other iiscjiil and iintnniirc piildiiatiiois.) COMPAIIATIVE STATEMENT OF SALES, 1892 AND l8l)o. ]8!»2. 87 Bibles $ 55 <>4 12 ToHhnnonts :5 IViiycr Hooks... . .•i04 Ilyuiii r.ooks 54'.* MisculluiiiHiiis Wm Aliii;uiucks '284 CiU'cls 4 ;{5 107 2() i:j() !)() 170 ;;5 I 2] (15 7 «i5 1!)14 .S4'.»8 10 Free (Ininfn, to hr /xiiil for hy the Churrk Sorii fif. 100 Pr;iyur Books .$ 15 CtO 875 CatL'cliisins 15 27 2;il4 Tmcts 1!» (10 Postaue 2 14 $ 52 ()1 !^550 71 18!»:}, 7i» Bil.les ,S 48 84 25 Ti'.stfiim-iits 5 ;'.() 5;{5 I 'layer I'.ooks 1(U) (K) 28!» llyiiin I'.ooks 157 25 707 Miscfllaiu'oii.s 212 .'i-'J y,', Ahiiaiiacks 4 2;» .'584 Cards 1 1 05 2102 !S!5it!) (X; Frif itrdiilx. Id III /III if/ I'll,- liij /lie. C/llirrh Sorli li/. 183 Piayoi' Hooks $ 23 70 1317 Cutuchisius 18 00 2005 Tracts 21 50 I'ostago 7 84 $71 13 .'ii'070 1!> 21 , Forros- il lapsed, Hiinsteiid OK THE ■d to the the sum ards (liis ot roccive iiportauce t year tor (hw Schoo / S.) iHi)r>. ..S 4S S4 Ti :'.() . ir.o 00 . 157 2r» • • • . 2 in ;{:•. 4 20 . 11 of) ■i^hW oc. /'.'/ % 2;} IS 21 i 7'.> 00 no S4 $71 i:] !?r,7() 10 The waiincsl tliauks of the Socii'ty, and of the Diocese at hiriic, are due lo ilie J Ion. .Secrelary-Trcasurer of this fund, Ihe h'ev. A.. I. IJall'our, for Iht^ faithful and zealous dischar;^e of the duties of his ollice, and his prompt and courteous endeavours on all occasions to oblige and accommodate his brethren in the country. , TATUOX OF TUB SOCIETY. « Wc have much pleasure in reporting that His Excellency the Governor (leneral of the Dominion of Canada, the Uight Honorable the l']arl of Aberdeen, has consented to become the I'atron of ihe Church Society of the ])iocese of Quebec, and has (jualilied himself to become a Life Member of the same. BISHOP WILLIAMS' MEMORIAL FUND. The appeal on l)ehalf of this fund has met with a success at once remarkable and g-ratifyiug', considering the compara- tive poverty of the Diocese. The Treasurer of the (Church Society acknowledges to have received on its behalf thirty-four thousand dollars, whilst six thousand in addition are promised within the next eighteen months. Designed as a memorial to the late revered prelate, and wishing as a part of its centenary thank offering to Almighty (rod to relinquish the large subsidy now received from the 8. r. Gr. lor the sui)port of her Missionary Clergy, that the money thus liberated might be free to be devoted to other parts of the Master's vineyard, the Diocese had the noblest instincts of her children to appeal to, and the response al- ready met with, sptviks volumes for the large heartedness and high religious principles of the Churchmen of Quebec Diocese. H must, however, still be borne in mind, that it will re- quire the interest of at least sixty thousand dollars to take the plact^ ot the S. P. Cx. grant now being given up. We hope, therefore, that the fund will continue to be augment- ed until this ligure at least is reached. CHURCH helpers' ASSOCIATION. Our l)(\st and most hearty thanks are again due to our friends of the Church Helpers' Association for their kind and successful elForts on behalf of the Church Society. 00 i MKK MKMMKRS. Wo should lik«' lo are ii low inor.' Hiini«»8 addod to our list of Li To Mciiihfis, for allhoui-h wo hiiv«; ovory y^'av to rocord tho loss l)y doath ol sovonil old I'rionds of I ho J )i()('oso, till' munhor jiddod during tho last ton yoars has only hoon cinht, Wlion it is considt'iod lli;it tho (lualilicalion of Lil'o Mrm- borship is only a donation oi' ^'tO in on»« sum, thoro oui,4it surely to ho many Iricnds, who would ho glad to subscribe this sum and |(jin our ranks. m LE(JACI1<:S. Durins^ tho ])a,st yoar tho roUowin^' log'acios havo boon rocoivod : From tho lato.Tauios Wilson, ol Uppor Iroland, lor tho Invostmont Account oitho General Fund ol" tho Church Society ^ 782 00 For tho Iroland and South Invornoss Endowment Fund 400 00 From tho late Jlollis Shorov, ibr tho Charleston Endowment Fund .'. 00 00 On account of tho McGee bequest to Magog ^Ln- dowraent Fund 112 00 $1,^84 00 OJUTUAUY. Death, we are sorry to say, has been active among us during the past yoar. In the month of October last, we had to deplon^ the loss of one w^ho lor many yoars was the valued Honorary Treas- urer of tho Church Society, the late Commissary-Oeneral, Matthew Bell Irvine, C. K, C. M. G-. Faithful in the dis- charge of everything he took in hand, devoted to the inter- ests of his church, kind and sympathising with all with whom ho came in contact, ho was beloved and respected by all who know him, and wo may safely say that the name of Matthew Boll Irvine will never cease to be gratotully re- membered by his many friends, not only in (Quebec, but, scattered all over the world. Then, on the twenty-first day of December last, there passed away to his rest one of the oldest Clergymen of this 28 to our yoar to of tho irs hits e Mmi- 1 oujjfht .bscribc vo boon 782 00 400 00 90 00 112 00 i;l,884 00 moiii:^ us the loss iry Treas- (J-eneral, . the dis- the inter- all with respected the name tctuUyre- })ec, but, ast, there en of this 4 Diocese, th«^ R«'verend Edward (hillen Parkin, who died al his son's residente at VVatervillc, in lliccoimty olConipton, aijfed 7U years. The son of a (^ucbi'c Mis.sioniiry, Mr. Parkin was ordained in the year 1S41, by iJisliop (J. J. Mountain, and from then till ISlJO, was actively employed in his Master's service' in this Diocese, more especially in the Mission of Valoarlier and Cookshire. in llu'year 18!»0, enfeebled by ai^e and ill-health, he retired from active labour and enjoyed his well-earned annuity irom the Pension Fuiul of this Dioci'se. A i^ood churchman and a faithful and tru*^ friend. Mr. Parkin's removal will be severely felt by all who had th«^ privih'ge of knowinn" him. Then in the death of Mrs. Nicolls, a member of the Church Society for over forty years, a link has been brok«Mi in the chain which connects us with the earliest history of the Church Society, and with some of those who were most instrumental in buildin«»- it up, for she was not only the dauijhter of the late revered Hisliop Mountain, in whose Ejnscopate this Society was founded, and to whom its interests were always a chief care, but she was also the wife of the late Dr. Nicolls, Principal of Bishop's Collei»e, whose zealous labors in the Eastern Townships on behalf ot thf» Society are still fresh in the minds of many ; and, loo, she was sister of the late Uevd. Armine W. Mountain, and it was with her kind consent that, in the year 1877, he founded the Mountain Endowment Fund, for the support of one or more Archdeaconries in the Diocese of Quebi>c, or in the event of the division of the Diocese, with the consent of the Pishop of Quebec, towards the Endowment of such new Pishopric. In so far as human judi^ment may be expressed, Mrs. Nicolls, in a quiet, unostentatious way, lived the life of the Christian lady, faithful in the relations of daui!:hter, wife and mother, because true to her oblij^ations as a member of Christ's Church. She has jiassed away to her rest, honored in the affections of those who best knew her, and respect- ed by all. We deeply regret also, to report the deaths of Mrs. G-. Okill Stuart, W. Ashe, Esq.. and John Lovell, Esq., of Montreal, jill Life-Members, uad of T. H. Jones, Ii]sq., for many yi^ars a useful member of the Central Board, and at the time of his decease one of the Auditors of the Church Society. 24 THE (iTTEBEC DIOOESAN GAZI^TTE. Though not diistiiictly bearinu' on Ihe work of the Cliurch Society yet, as connected with the interests oi" the Diocese at large, we feel that we must say a word of welcome to the publication called The (^fiiebcc Di'oresiuf Cyiizclle, which has just appeared in our midst, and which ]>roposes tou'ive month by month, not only accounis of the Bishop's move- ments, but also sketches of all that is interesting in every part of the Diocese, so that all may know Avhnt is goinu' on around them, and thus each Parish or Mission may have a fellow feeling in the needs and necessilies, the progress and process of all other Parishes. And we would suggest to the Cl«>ruy of the Diocese, the desirability of making this little publication a success, by sending to the Editor, the Mox. \l. V. Tarrock, any inform- ation of Church work going on in their ])arishes, that may be of interest or encouragement to the Diocese at large, and also the names of as many of their parishioners as they can persuade to subscribe to the same, the low price of 2;') cents a year, bringing it within the reach of every church family in the Diocese. CONCLUSION. In concluding our report we would earnestly ask our readers to give to it throughout their most careful attention, and if they do, we are sure they will iV'cl that wc have the very greatest reason to thank our Heavenly Isither, for very many mercies, and that we have the very great(^st en- couragement to go on with our various lal)()urs, lor the good of our fellow men, and for the glory and praise of God. Thomas Richardson, Secretary. A. H. QuEP.EC, Chairman. 25 Church DiocosH coino to , which 5 to i>ive •; mo ve- il every ioinu' on : have a progrofss cese, the cei^s, by inrorin- hat may • r<;'e, and. they can 2;") cents h lamily Abstract of Proceedings of the Central Board, DUJUNG THE TEAK 1893. nsk our itlention, hiive the itht'r, ibr catest en- ;, lor the praise oi' EC, airman. "f January 17th. — Annual IJeport considered, adopted, and ordered to be presented to the Annual Meeting oi" the (Jhurch Society. Iveport oi' th(^ i^'inance Committee. Grant oi" ^100 to the llev. E. A. W. King, ibr outfit, llenewal of a Grant oi'^lOO in favour of a new Church at Hopetown, in the Parish of New Carlisle. Report of Education Com- mittee. Application from the TJev. Peter Koe, Incumbent of Inverness, ibr a tem]x)rary Grant in aid of a School, in the eleventh Range, in his Mission. A Grant of $3 a month for four months made in rei)ly. Febtiuahy 2nd. — Election of Committees, Auditors ap- pointed. Days of meeting Uxed. Committee on Clerical Reports. Certiiicate from Rev. Cr. G. Nicolls, for Pension Fund. ]veport of the Church Helpers to be printed. Letter front Mr. W. II. Tapp. Letter from Rev. W. G. Faulconer, applying for leave to sell certain Gle})e Lands. Referred to the Land Committee. Letter read from tlie Secretary of the Churcli House, Dean's Yard, Westminster ; also, one from the Chairman of the Library Committee, asking for copies of Olhcial Papers and Books rehiting to the history of this Diocese. The matter reierred to a small Committee. The Church at Lake S. John to be Insured by the C^hurch Society. Feuruatiy 21st. — Report of the Committee of Trust Deed for the Bishop Williams' Memorial P\ind. The matter re- ferred to the Honorary Counsel. Letters of thanks from Rev. 1*1 A. W. King and Rev. H. C. Stuart. I'he question of the Parsonage at Stoneham, referred to the Land Com- mittee. 26 March 21st. — Correspondence with regard to the sale of Glebe Land at Upper Ireland. Report of Finance Com- mittee. $100 granted for a new 'Church at Hall's Stream, in the Mission of Hereford. $53 to meet the In-e Grants from the Depository. Iveport of the l-^ducation Committee. Miss F. Carter approved of as Tean- ls[»:!. " S. W G. '< IN'Msioiis. " Mission Fnnd lis 1,411 10 l2,n;5 21t '),;;o7 49 ■ill it;5 \,[>'i2 10 " Cler^'v Trust Fund r.,o77 !m> " Vacation l-'iuid donation. " Interest un deposits. 80 o:{ '.',\i (IS 828^27 67 The chief point.s worthy of note in the ahove slatemeiit in connection with the future ivspon.sil)ililies of the lioard are : (1) The increased amount paid on account of stipends, being $1507 more than in 1S'.I2 ; (2) thf large amount received from assessments ; (•)) the conditions attaclied to the S. r. (:r. Grant and the probable position of the Clergy Trust Fund ; and (4) the reduction oi the income from the Mission Fund of the Church ^Society. The increase in stipends is due, jiartly to the uninftMTUi)led occupancy of all the Mis.sions, ])artly to the addition in some cases in the rate of payment from lonu'cr scivice, and partly to the reorganization of the Parish of Ihiry and the Missionary District of Scotstown and J^ake Megantic, l)y which two other Missions have been placed on the Board's list. hi referring to the second point, your Board can only regard as a subject of congratulation the fact that the congregations have been upon the whole so faithful to their obligations. The fact that a large amount of arrears due at the close of 1892 and paid during 18113 is included in the 29 the Ul)t('s the negotiations have not been concluded ; but your Board is in a position to state that for the most part the Missions have cheerfully acceded to the proposal made to them. The total increase will t ot be very large, but it is by no means disapj>ointiiig, considering the loss through death and removals ihe ( 'hurch population has sustained in many Missions. In lixing the amount of as- sessment to be required from any particular congr»'gation, your Board endeavours to aim at thei)rinciple of asking for a contribution proportionate to the means of the peoj)l«\ and when it is clear that this principle is in daiiii'er of violation it becomes a duty to consider whether the interests of the Church will not be better served by withdrawing in part, or even altogether, the aid atlorded. Missions which, after lair trial, present no indications of growth ought not to remain under the impression that they have a vested right to permanent support. It is with due regard to this view that your Board, instead of establishing 31 in the of this ii-dl in- ;sary to I again Church, in sup- and in >ur Dio- rvo ing- the the erest ol' the Dio- ne place ?gations 13, your >ns with Dtiation« »le Arch- fople on d North ondence t cannot not been that i'or to the })e very ring" the tion has it oi' as- t'g;\tion, king- lor pl(^ and iolation i of the in part, at ions of hat they |\ith due blishing the Conp^regations of Scotstovvn, Canterbury, St. I^hoirias, Bury and Lake Megan tic, as a new Mission, has specially designated them a Missionary District, the Clergyman being appointed to its charge for the limited period of three years. At the close of that ])('riod it will be the duty of the Diocesan Board to consider whether the progress achieved and the prospects for the future will justify the adoption of this Missionary District as a permanent Mission. "With the consent of all parties concerned, the new^ District, with the Clergyman resident at Scotstown, was made to include two Congregations in the Parish of Bury and the adoption of the latter as a Mission of the Board. The District of which Hereford is the centre, and to which — equally w^ith Scolstown and Lake Megantic — the Arch- deacon has uiven much labour and devoted care, is in charge (»f a Clergyman, ])ut is not connected with your Board which has not yet been able to see its way to the estal)lishment of a new Mission in that direction. The Board makes a grant of s^lOO for Missionary work in Here- ibrd and the Hishop makes himself responsible for the Missionary's stipend. It is with satisfaction that your" Board expresses its conviction of the value of the work which is being done by the Clergy serving the various Missions and Parishes on its list ; and it is only just to the Church-Wardens to say that it is owing in sreat ineasurt^ to the faithful discharire of their important duties that the relations of the Diocesan Board with the various Congregations they represent are on so satisfactoiy a looting. The reports of the Clergy bear ample Icstiniony to the valuable aid rendered by these ollicers of the Church in all matters relating to the well being oi" the temporalities, and at the same time atlbrd evidence of increasing api>reciation of the means of grace, imC the general progress which has taken place. The following appointments have been made during the year :— The li'evd. 1. X. Kerr to the Mission of Labrador. The Ivevd. E. Weary to the Mission of Dudswell, on the resignation oi the licvd. Iv. \V. Colston. The l\evd. G. Cr. Nicolls to the Mission of Riviere du Loup. The Revd. II. J. Fothergill to the Mission of Shigawake- 1i 32 The Ivevcl. II. A. Brooke to the Mission District of Scots- town, &c. The Revd. N. Bavne to the Mission of Peninsuhi. The Kovd. T. liudd to the Mission of St. Sylvester, en the resignation of Revd. U. J. Sutherhmd. Apart from the four self-supporting- Tarishes connected with the Board there are thirty-three Missions on its list at present, all of which have had the ministrations of the Church supplied to them without interruption during the year. All which is respectfully submitted. A. A. Von Iffland, Secretary A, H. QUHBEC, President. N •■« a 1 1. m? ev at MJ if m ])er 88 :n the Report of tlie St. Francis District Association of the Churcli Society for the year 1893. It is plain IVom I ho Reports ol" Iho vtuious Parishes and Missions oi' the District that a good and growing work is being done I'or tlie Church in this part of the Diocese ol' Quebof. It is no sliirht evidence of the hold the (^hurch has upon the people of these Townships, that in a year of iinancial depression, such as the past year has been, the income of the Church in the District, as so far reported — (two Parishes have sent in no reports) — should have reach(>d the large sum of !|28,070.14, being ^2,2G0.7Omore than was reported last y<^Jii' ; and that, of this amount, no less a sum than $4,048.00 should have been devoted to objects outside the Parishes and Missions in which it was raised, being |l)40.88 more than was so devoted last year. Nor can we fail to mark as a hopeful sign, our people's growing appreciation of the Church's Services, especially of the greatest of all Services, the Holy Communion. In many reports we read of increased attendance at the Sacrament of the Allar. In not a few Parishes there is now a weekly ceh'bration, and a regular observance of the Holy Days and Saints' Days of the Church. In more than one or two of our Churches Daily Prayer is said, either throughout or during a part ol the year. And in many quarters gratitude is ex- pressed for the increased brightness aud heartiness of wor- ship. The improvement in Church music, too, due chielly to the efforts of Mr. Arthur Dorey, the able Organist and Choir- master of St. Peter s, Sherbrooke, and referred to in almost every r "port, is worthy of note. At the instance, and laigely at the expense of His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Mr. Dorey has visited the different Parishes, from time to time, and with his own rare skill has drilled the different Choirs into greater elllciency in rendering the Services of the (!hurch and the [^raises of Almighty God. "The Choir has beneiitted by the training of Mr. Dorey." " A very perceptible improvement in the Choir through the instruc- tion of Mr. Dorey." " Bishop Dunn's musical blessing- 3 84 I '8 tlirouiih Mr. Dorov" Suih un' :i few ol' Iho inaiiv rrforencos made in tho reports to Ihits u'ood work. Tho L^radiiiil l)ut real dcvolopiat'iit ol" iiitcrost, ainon!:^ the laity, ill tho work of th.' Cliurch is also a siiiu of life and jn'og'ri'ss. Ahiiost I'vcry roport n^lers wiili gratiludo to work done by tho pooplo in ailviincini>' tho intorosts of tlio Church. Thero are now tow l^irislios whicii havo not a Guikl and a Branch ollho Woman's AnxiHary. Yonn<»- Mon's As.ports of the year. And then there are the discouragements arising fioni the isolation of the Clergy ; and the Cl(>rgy's sense of inability to accomplish th(; tasks assigned them. Several Clergymen speak despondently of the '-vast field ihey had to cover." One says : " I must repeat my regret that I cannot visit the families in my outlying districts as I ought to do." Another laments that he " can devote but little time to the instruction of children, some of whom are sadly in need of it." And many regret their inability to ive Services as often as they would and as often as they think they ought to do if their work is to tell. Ihit over against these discouragements we find also many special causes of thankfulness. It is hopeful lor example to read of 49 liiiptisms in one country I'arish (VVaterville); and of a total of 377 all told. It is hopelul to rend of 08 marriages. There are a few ^liJ^ces where the Church population is actually diminishing. The property of the Church is increasing in many quarters. New Churches are reported in Lake Megantic, North llatley, " L'Avenir." Legacies are spoken of at VVaterville and other places. Bishop's College Chapel has been successfully restored, and needs only stalls and second llooring to make it practically complete. A beautitul and sweet toned Organ has been erected in it at a cost of $1,700. Several Memorial Stained Windows have been promised for it, as a part of a plan of historical windows suggested by the Bishop. Compton College has a new Skating liink.' In many Parishes Churches have been improved and beautiiied by the devoted labours of Church-women. For example, in Len- '11 !!^ ■% 'f* ' '! ■ ■ ** .{J ■ '3 A 86 noxvillc :i now iiiul hoiiiitiful Alt;ir liiis hocii pnvsoiifcd l)y ih(» (iiiild, to SI. Ocoriic'sCluirch, willi :i purph' Altar I'ttviT and l)»'sk Ilaiii-iiii^. A imrpi,' Altar (\)Vt'r Desk llaimin*,^ and Stolo havo Ixhmi prc^s^Milcd by St. IV'tcr's (Jiiild. Shcr- brookc, lo tlioir I'arisli Church. \M\s liavt' boon punihasod lor Way's Mills, l-'itch Jlay, Lako JMcji-anliu iind I'^ust Shorbrookc. It is iiirlhor a matter oi" spocial ihankfaliit'ss that our JWucatiunal Inslilutions at Lcnnoxvillc and C'ouipton con- tinuo to rct'oivc a lair amount of support and to do an oxcollcnt work. The Bishop Williams' M»Miiorial Mission Fund, too, which has i^rown beyond the most sanguine ex])cctations ol'its promoters, luis been nobly supported in the District, allhouii'h there are yet a lew J'arislies to be luMird from, and many individual Church people who have not subscril)ed to it. It is moreover specially encouraGfinp: to note the recovery of nround, I'ormerly occui)icd by the Church, but always ready to come to our aid, and whose visits the Clergy describe as delightful, refreshing and strengthening ! With so many blessings to cheer us, w^e surely have no cause to be discouraged in our work ol extending the Church, hout arcls their ihinir 11 lelt that and shing HI which wo holit>\'(» to bo a nraiich ol'lhi! One Holy Catholic and Apo.stolic C'liurch i'oimdt'd by Our BlcsMcd Lord lliiu- seir. All rospi'ctiully submitted. GE()Udupon them lor work — some men coming three and four daj's in succession, who yet live so near the Church that they will never use it for their own horses. .f ■- v\ % 'IS -■ jri fi? :';!! f •• '■J 'if 40 BAKFOED. The Rev. G. H. A. Murray reports : — The Church work of this Mission presents nothing of more than usual interest to record. As in past years, so durin^- the cvirrent year, Sunday and week-day Services and parochial visiting- have been regularly kept up. True, in the discharge of these duties one meets with discourage- ment ; yet, considering the difficulties which the Church has to overcome in these parts, there is also much reason to be thankful lor the past, and to feel encouraged as to the future. In one way, at least, if in no other (but I trust in other ways as well), I can report progress, i.e., with regard to finances. This is manifested by the hearty manner in which the people took hold of the Bishop Williams' Memo- rial Mission Fund. The total amount subscribed is two hundred and seventeen dollars, out of which one hundred and eleven dollars have been paid. Only one or two indi- viduals really refused to contribute. In addition to this the several Congregations have increased their respective assessment twenty-nine per cent, on the average. The total amount contributed for extra parochial objects, apart from the B. W. M. M. F., though not quite so large as last year, yet, everything considered, is satisfactory. A visit from the Bishop of the Diocese, on the 21st and 22nd of January, was hailed with delight by all. Ilavmir spent three days at Hereford and Hall's Stream, in strength- ening the Church by visiting, preaching, baptizing and con- firming. His Lordsliip came to Pcrryboro' and held a Con- firmation Service, followed by a celebration of the Holy Communion. Three candidates were confirmed and, with twenty-eight others, received the Holy Communion. Next day two adults were Baptized, six candidates were Confirm- ed, and upwards of thirty partook of the Lord's Supper at Dixville. On the same day a Confirmation was held at Stanhoi)e, where live were presented to receive the Apos- tolic rite. A few words now as to what has been done at each of the stations. St, CnlhbcrCs, Di.ri'ille. — Sunday-School is held here at 0.30, and Service at 10.30 A.M., every Sunday and on the Great Festivals throuuhout the year. 1 was ()blig(>d to discontinue the Evening Service on Sundays in part, in 41 order to keep Stanhope open every Sunday, and Averill fortniffhtlv, as lon^' as I had charge ol' it. At the "Wednos- day evening Services 1 have been giving- instruction in Church history. The Services, on the whole, have not been so well attended this year as usual ; but I think the de- crease in numbers can be traced to removals and sickness. There are very few young people in this village who belong to the Church, consequently the attendance at Sunday- School is small ; then there is a lack of interest in the Church's Services and work on the part of those who do profess to belong to us. We have to mourn the loss of Alice Johnson, in her lifetime one of our most faithful Sunday- School scholars, who entered into the rest of Paradise, Oc- tober 6 th. St. L'lwrencjs, Bur ford. — One side of the roof of the Church has been re-shingled this year, the other side having been done last year, and the plastering of the ceiling has been repaired. Di*. Ward bore all the expenses connected with this work. St. Paul's, Stanhope. — This congregation has its ups and downs ; still there are not wanting signs of advance. These are attested by an increase in the average attendance at the Si'rvices, morc^ hearty responses, and a larger number of communicants. I would that it were possible to give this congregation Morning Service more frequently. Dur- ing part of the year, when I was able to procure the services of a student. Morning and Evening Services were held ; but since I have givm up Averill, [ have been obliged to abandon the reuular ibvtnightly Morning Service. In the meantuue, rather than have the Church closed on the alternate Sundays, I have held a Service at 7.^0 P.M. af'er my return from Perryboro' ; it is not ])0ssible, however, to do this when the roads are bad. What seems to me to be absolutely necessary to the well-being of this congre- gation is more Sunday Services, and a good Sunday School or Children's Servire. Owing to the distance I have to cover and the number of Services, I can devote but little time on Sundays to the instruction ot the children, some of whom are sadly in need of it. This congregation has to thank "Mrs. Stetson for two banners, wliicli she presented to the Church, and Mrs. Glenday, an old parishioner, for two beautiful book marks. The Church here has been much improved by recent III si 'Ha WH ■'■ii, \ ':A\ ;■■ ,:J3 ''r,| m i,/ ,4:% 42 ■if :..^ repairs. Tho building has boon raisocl and a foundation of granite, eighteen inches in height, put under it ; a cellar has been dug and a furnace put in ; the approaches have been giaded, and a drain dug. As the water will no longer have a chance to settle around the foundation, it is hoped that there will be no further danger of the frosts disturbing it. The whole cost amounted to about 8170, of which amount the Ladies' Guild raised $47 and the congregation about ^75. I have to thank Hon. E. J. Trice, Itobt. Hamilton, Esq., and the Church Helpers' Association for liberal subscriptions, which will more than cover the balance. The extra strain brought to bear on the people to meet this demand, as well as the amount raised for the B. ^y. M. M. F., together with the effect of the financial depression in the mill employees, who comprise a good part of the congregation, has come in the way of the Church Society collections here. Church of the Adveut, Perrphoro'. — Foitnightly Sunday Services have been kept up during the pnst year, with oc- casional celebrations of the Holy Communion, at 7.30 or 8 A.M. The congregation is steady ; the number of com- municants is about three quarters of the w^hole. Thi^ Guild continues to do a good work. I constantly regret my in- ability to give this deserving congregation a weekly Sunday Service. The thanks of this congregation are due to Mr. AVilliam Melrose, of Hartford, Connecticut, a former resident of this place, for two l)eautiful quadruple plated silver alms dishe.s. I must not clos(^ this report without referring to the good results accruing irom Mr. Doit^y's visits. Already there is a marked improvemi^nt in the singing and responding. The Church in the ]!]ast(n-n Townships is very much indebted, to the Bishoj) for his kindness in sending Mr. Dorey to such congregations as need his assistance. I take this op})ortunity of thanking each one of the fol- lowing Clergymen for delivering a sermon or address to one or other of the congregations in this Mission during the year : The Venerable Archdeacon lioe, the Reverends Principal Adams, Canon Fost«»r, A. Stevens, E. A. W. King, W. r. Forsythe, Chas. H. Brooks and N. P. Yates. 43 BABNSTON. The Rev. C. H. Brooks rei^orts : — Wai/s Mills — A.verage attendance : morning, forty-eight ; evening, seventeen. B(ir//st())f. — Attendances from eight to thirty-five. During Lent weekly Services were held in each place, and dnring Holy Week a daily evening Service in the Par- sonage. Other special Services have been held on Epipha- ny, Ascension, Confirmation and Thanksgiving Day. I have just received for the Way's Mills Church a much needed co-labourer, a bell. 4G0 lbs. weight, costing $117.20, Meneely make, and of rich, sweet tone. It is a pleasure to step out on an evening, however dark, and ring it away at slum])ering conscience, before beginning our public worship. Our parishioneis liavt^ just added greatly to our personal comfort by building in the cellar ol the Parsonage both a furnace and a cistern, costing together about i^95. Last February Mr. P. H. Jones, of Barnston Landing, placed in the Church, at a cost of $100, a very beautiful East Window, a memorial to his wife, who was truly, as the inscription testilies, a iaithj'ul and devout member of this Church. A sister of her and another young mother, were Confirmed Octob''r 2nd ; iifty-fivo people and three neighbouring Cler- gymen were present, a good number I'or us on a Monday morning. The Friday before, St. Michael's and All Angels' Day. I was admitted in St. Peter's Church, Sherbrooke, to the order oi Priejpeal for the rebuilding of the School, several hundred dollars have been recently sub- scribed to the erection of a corridor or cloister to connect the College and School. This and every contril)ution to the growth and extension and impiovement of our College pro- m 45 perty is really, as every other improvemeni we enii compass, a g'aiii to the Church, just as inu<'h as much desirtnl im- provements in ( 'hurch edilices and in I'arsonanes. The more we look i* our Church educational establishments as Church necessities the better. 8till, thouii'h no considerable eflort has been made, there is some i)rog'r('ss to b(^ reported. A remarkably handsome organ of very sweet tom^ has been placed in the Chapel at a cost ot sJlTOO. The insur- ance money with its interest has enabled us to mcM't this charge w^ith the exception of a deficiency of a few dollars, which was covered by the jn-oceeds of two organ recitals, given by Mr. Arthur Dorey, and for which we render him hearty thanks. A comi)lete scheme of stained glass windows ha", been brought before the Chapel Building Committi?e through the kindness of the Bishop. The Committee are ^till consider- ing this scheme, which illustrates Old Testament history and the history of the Church, as well as gives very full suggestive and chronological treatment to the New Testa- ment period. At least four windows have already been promised, one by the l)ishop, one by the Tarish of Lennox- ville, oni'by Dr. Mountain, and one by \l. AV. Heneker, Esq., D.C.L., our Chancellor. It is hoped that belore long some sustained etlbrt may be made to complete the inteiiial re- storation of the Chapel, as stalls and a second llooring are absolutely recpiired, meanwhile chairs' are used. Of the twenty-nine students now in the College, five have rooms in the Divinity House. The work of those who form the College Brotherhood will be reported on in detail by the "Warden (the Trofessor of Pastoral Theology). Of our present students nineteen are candidates for Holy Orders. During the present year thr. > of our graduates have been ordained Deacons, vi/: Mr. I. N. Kerr, B.A., (who had spent a year as lay reader in Labrador, to which arduous mission he has since returned,) Mr. E. K. Wilson, B.A., (Here- ford.) Mr. N. xM. Bayne, B.A.. (Peninsula.) The llev H. A. Brooke, B.A., (Scotstown) has been ad- vanced to the Priesthood in Quebec, Kev. W. T. Lipton, B.A.. in Ontario, the Kev. C. H. Brooks, M.A., (a Ibrmer pupil of the School) now at Barnston, has also been advanced to the Priesthood. We are most anxious that the boys of the School should in large numbers enter the College, and above all dedicate themselves to the work of the Sacred Ministry. ■M Ml I m .". ' ' 1.' 'I "' 't, 40 .|,;>i On June loth a Confirmation was liold. at which one Student and seventeen of the Boys were i)resented for the Holy Rite. The ^5erviee was most impressive and the Bishop's addresses were listened to with much interest. Some of the candidates were prepared hy Professor Allnatt, the mMJority by myself. In this matter, as well as on the occasional talvini): of the Boys' Sunday School, I liave to express my grateful sense on)r. Allnatt's assistance. I have also to thank Professor Wilkinson, who has taken the Sunday School for me on more than one occasion. The School is divided into three Classes, (1) Communi- cants; (2) a Class preparing for Coiilirniation during the whole session ; (3) a Class of .luniors. The first class are frequently reminded of their spiritual privileges. In this, as well as in the Minor Class, a series of lessons on Scripture Characters has been commenced during the present term. The Bishop preached before the University on Convoca- tion Day ( June 29th). We have also to record three visits from the Bishop, in which he has givtMi us lectures on practical subjects. These l«»cturts have been attended by some of the neighbouring Clergy as well as by the Students, and have been lound most enjoyable and useful. The usual services and meetings of the Missonary Union have been held once a term. Preachers:— Lent— The Rev. E. A. AV. King, M A., (Water- ville). Trinity— liev. AY. T. Forsythe (Stanstead). Michael- mas — Rev. W. Windsor, of St, Johns, P. (^., (Di ^cese of Montreal). Special Speakers : — The Rev. E. A. W. King; the Prin- cipal, on the S. P. G. Report for 1S!)2 ; Rev. W. Windsor, on I.idia. Students' Papers :— Mr. N. M. Bayne, li.A., on St. Co- lumba; Mr. D. W Sutherland, B.A., on Rev. Jl. Martyn ; Mr. Moore, B.A., on Bishop Selwyn. We have to record special addresses by Canon Bullock and a Missionary Lecture from Bishop Sillitoe. The Services in the Chapel are : — Every Sunday, Holy Communion ; first Sunday of month, at 9.45 A.M. ; every other Sunday, at T.oO A.M. Morning Prayer with Litany — Second and fourth Sun- days. Morning Prayer with Ante Communion — First, third and fourth Sundays. Litany on these Sundays, at 6.15 P.M. 47 » Evensong- at 7.00 P.M. Holy Days — Celebration of Holy Communion at 7.15 A.M. Every week-day — Morning Prayer at 8.4') A.M. and Even- ing Prayer at 5.30 P.M. IJoys' Sunday School— 9.00 A.M., 12.00 and 1L\'?0 I'.M. liible Class lin- Students preparing lor Orders — 4.30 P.M., taken ))y Pro lessor AUnalt and Prol'essor \Vilkinso)i. Litany every Wednesday and Friday, at 12.45 P.M. Mission work — Tlu; Principal, Ironi October. IS!)2, to June, 1803, became responsible lor an al'tcruoon Service at Sandhill once a Ibrtnight, thus causing Sandhill to have a Service every Sunday. In this work the PrincijnU was assisted by all Ihe Professors and by ]\[r. A. 1). jS'icoUs, a licensed Lay Header. Mr. Nicolls has also not unl'requently taken the Morning- Service at Milby. The Principal and Prol'essor Wilkinson take a celebration of Holy Communion at Milby every mouth. The Principal hopes that gradually a number of Services in places within a few miles of JiCnnoxville may be undertaken ])y members of the C^ollege at no distant date. .■\ .'-j-i r', 1 ■ ( I 1' :i-ir. UlriUOP S COLLECIE BllOTllERlIOOl) OF READEIIS. At the present date the following are the members of the College Brotherhood of Readers : — Messrs. Sutherland, B.A., Moore, B.A., Bishop, B.A., Barton, Avery, Almond and Powdell. The Rev. E. K. Wilson. B.A., and the Rev. N. M. Bayne, B.A., have been ordained since the presentation of the last Report, and are now in charge of Hereford and Peninsula. The work of tin* present members during the past year has been as follows : — Mr. ]). \V. Sutherland, B.A. — Two Sundays in January, at St. Sylvester. Three Sundays during April and May, at Danville. Services at Dudswell on June 4th, and at Rich- mond June 25th. Was in charge of St. Sylvester the whole of July, and in charge of Cookshire in Augvist, at Drum- mondville 15th September. Took Services on the live Sundays of October at Windsor Mills, during the absence of the Incumbent. ■>ii| :li 48 Mr. A. H. Mooro, B.A.— At Siansload, with tlio llov. W. T. Forsylhf, from DooouiImm-, 1H!>-2, to May, IH!>'}, and on .Tun«^ 4th. Took chariiv of Duvluiiri Ibr.luly, and of Actoii for August and Scplfmhor. Since thi' l)('<»:innin. Dehljage reports : In my last report, I spoke of our anticipation of a visit from our Bishop. This was realized. He came here on Saturday, the 7th of January last, and remained with us until Monday afternoon. Sunday was of course takenup with the Services. In reference 1o these his Jjordship wius pleased to add, to a r»H;ord I made of tlu^m: '"I gladly add that I greatly enjoyed the earnest hearty Servic«'s." During Monday his Lordship went round and visited as many of my peo[)le as possible in their own houses. This pleased them much and won their hearts. Mis Lordshi[) came to us again on the 17th of May, that being the same day of the same month on which our late Bishop had been with us two years ago. This time he came for Conlirmatiou, and thirty-six of my people received thi' Sacred Rite at his hands. \Vhen called upon to stand up in their places in the congregation, so many standing up in such a small Church made a spectacle most impres- sive, when it was considered that thi'V were standing to confess Christ before men, and to claim the right to be acknovvledgtnl as His Soldiers and Servants. During the past year we have re-shingled and painted once the roof of the Church. In this we have been greatly helped by assistance received from the Ladies of the Church Helper.s' Association. Tht^y lir.st sent us a cheque for !s20 and afterwards another for $10. Part of this latter is still on hand to be expended in giving the Church roof another coat of paint in th(? Spring. Our warmest thanks are due to these kind Ladies. The Church Society has also renewed, though slightly diminished, the grants to our three Schools. I believe expression will be given to the gratitude of the people for I : .11 ■>i-''-'.I J-' ' • ''I ' i-ll ■ti.! n :4.':^'' 60 this. It would 1)0 sad to contoinplato what tho condition of the Chihlrt'ii ol" this phicc woiihl havo been without tho Schools which iiavo. lor so many yt»ars, been so lari^cl y main- tained by tho So -icty's grants. Many have done well in life thioui^h the education which was at least beo-un in these Schools. Our branches of the "Woman's Auxiliary still work on, and I trust will i^row stronger, and be able to do more. tl" iJiruv. The Kev. II. S. Fuller reports :~ The record of the yt^ar past is one of quiet uneventful work, and one would hope of progress also in spite of very serious drawbacks ol one and another kind, such as sick- ness of long (continuance in our family, which, perforce make no inconsiderable demands upon both time and strength, the more serious from tht; fact that in a large and scattered I'arish such as this has been in time past, so much depends ui)on the Clergyman in charge, being in a position to move freely ]>ack and forth among his widely separated Parishioners. Our Church property here is gradually coming into good shape, but while there is ever much to do — and that done, still something yet remaining luitouched — sparse means to meet the many requirements of needed improvements and repairs, cause that we make but slow headway, the one comforting thought being that, if slow, movement in these matters has at least been steady and maintained. While now that the Mission of Bury is more circumscribed in ex- tent, one may liopc that concentration of time and atten- tion upon work within our more narrow bounds will pro- duce more tangible results. At Christmas we had our usual Sunday School Festival, and a joyous multitude assembled in the Town Hall to celebrate the event, the whole affair passing oll^ — thanks to the many good jieople who had been forward to help in the matter of furnishing entertainment, and provided materials for the feast — to the entire tsatisfaction of both young and old. On March 9th, our Bishop paid his first visit to Robinson, a visit fully appreciated by all who were brought into con- tiiot vvitli him. < )n(' iniulH ssry ovory heart wont out to his Lordship, \vli()s»» kindness mid cordial lioiiiiility, woro low^ icnuMuhiTi'd :ind ('(uniiii'nftMl iij^oii ; all bciii^" of one mind, that a kind Providenci! had si»nt ns jusL tho iJishoi) onr needs recjuii'tM* Coming' to Hury at noon, tiie Bishop vory kindly consent- ed to drive with me to Hown's S(;hool House (St. Thomas), in order to meet with some young- young- people who had ))e(»n pi'epai-ed lor Conlirmat ion. On the lu'xt morning- the Hishop administcrtd Commu- nion to a hedriihlen Parishioner, and then went with m*^ to look uj> a lew oT oui- [x^ople in the village. In the after- noon, the Village Sihtud was visited hy his Lordship, after which another visit or two were paid to Parishioners, and also to St. John's Church. hi the eveninu", Conlirmation was administered to eight persons in St. 1 'aid's Church, a very largo congregation being j)re.scnt. At, the close oi" the Service, we adjourned to the Town Hall. wh(M-e an inlornial Basket Social was held wiih a \ie\v to gixing our peo])le an opi)ortunity of meeting their Bishop, who, nu)ving about freely among- them, soon made it, cvidenr to all that he had learncMl the (jiospel ari of "condescending- to men of low estate," and that, without patronizing ; aiul a «'ovdial hand-shake here, a l)Icasant word there, soon made all feel akin. The i-lass conlirmed. 1 might mention, was oiu^ w hich had been earlx^in hand, having been pre[iared in the time of our late Piishoi). Conlirmation bcnng deferred on one occasion on account of sickness among the memlx^'s of the class, and yet auain through the illness and death of Bishop Williams. In June our l)ishop ]):dd us another visit, speiuling Sun- day in Bury. Li tin; Villau'c Church (St. Paul's) we had a thronged congregation of some three hundred people, of whom one hundr(>d aiti-rwaril participattnl in the Holy Communion. Twenty young p.^ople were Conlirmed. The kServictf was l)right and cheery, the Bishop afterward re- marking upon the heart ini'ss of the responding ; while speaking of the Services elsewhere, he described ita.s bi?ing- one at which it was good to have been present. In August was held our usual Sunday School pic-nic, and, jilthougli called away myself, I learned from one and another that it proveil a very great success, some even go- ing- so far as to tell me that it was the best they ever had. m 1 '■■'1 rA\.i\ .1 '!■ Ti,' ■f ■ . V,: ■in hundred miles of Sunday driving in the year ; while more recently each other Sun- day brought its Services together with Sunday School, and thirty miles of driving, with drives of eight and sixteen miles in the intervals. One great boon arising out of the change will be increase of time for reading and study, while the gain to the Parish from more perfect and thorough su- pervision should be no small one. I have much to be thankful for in the past 3'ear, and not least for the hearty sympathy and co-operation of our Church people in Bury, being, as they always have been, helpful and kindly in all things. If there be failure at any point, it is rather from a backwardness on the past of the Parson to ask than of the people to render help either in Parish affairs or personal matters. Last year the good people of Bury Corner made up a purse of !5;9.00, which was handed to me. In June a number of the people, of their own mo- tive, turned out and cut and put in the larger portion of my Hay, while in October a considerable amount of work was done about the Parsonage and the grounds by a Bee gathered for that purpose. It would be impossible to speak in too high terms of the kindness of my Church-Wardens, Messrs. Boydeli «Sc Wvatt, and their confreres, Messrs. J N. Martin and Hawley, who are ever ready to take in hand anything that promises to be of advantage to the congregations represented by them, or that would increase the comfort of the Clergyman and family. We all owe a great debt of gratitude also to the members of our Church Choir, and our Sunday School 58 Teachers at St. Paul's, and not a little do I feel myself under deep obligation to both one and other for the self-sacrillcing manner in which they have given themselves to the work ot the Church. CACOIJNA. for The Church- Warden reports : — The Church of kSt. James the Apostle was opened Divine Service on Sunday, 2nd July, and the regular Sun- day and week-day Services were continued until 3rd September. The Clergymen in charge were: for the month of July, the Rev. Canon Foster ; and for the month of August, the Kev. A. H. Itobortson. On the ord September, the Services were taken by the Kev. J. C. Davidc^on. Rector of Teter- borough. Valued assistance was also given by the several Clergymen in residence at The Clergy House of Rest during the Summer. CAPE COVE AND PERCli. The Rev. W. G. Lystor reports : — I r(\gret my inability to send in a report containing any intelligence of special interest. I suppose it may always be taken for granted, that a Clergyman, so long as he continues in charge of a Mission, will endeavor to do his duty ; and that, therefore, the usual routine of Services, Sunday Schools, &c., may be considered as accomplished. As I have more than once explained, life in these Coast Missions is very uneventful. Oi'casionally, by removal, we lose a family ; seldom or never do we gain one. Year after year, the same old familiar faces are to be seen in our Churches, with now and then an occasional break, when one who has accomplished " the days of the years of his pilgrimage" is removed. During the past twenty years, the number of families in the Mission has varied very little ; but the young men and women belonging to these families leave us only too frequently, to seek a livelihood elsewhere. iili •flllil 4 m ■^M '■At 54 Thus our congTOg-ations continue weak l)oth as to num- bers and means; and. although quite remarlrable for thtnr willingness to contribute towards every good work, only those who know the narrow circuuisiances oi' too many of them, are able to appreciate the sacrilices which they frequently make. The A'isitofthe Lord Bishop, in July, was an event which caused a very pleasant break in the mono'^ny of the place, and wdiich I trust proved a blessing to us all. At Cape Cove nineteen young i)eople, and at Perce seventeen, renewed their J3ai>tismal vows. Thes(\ with very few exceptions, have since become regular Commu- nicants. After the Confirmation Services, the Venerable Arch- deacon of Quebec held meetings in both Churches, and explained the duty and necessity of increasing the amount of annual assessment paid to the Jlioccsan Board. As usual with us, no word of objeciion was heard ; and 1 was enabled, some time after these meetinus, which were productive of much good, to make, through the Archdeacon, an ofler from the Church- Wardens to the Board, which was very kindly accepted. Our sincere thanks are due to the Church Societv lor continued aid in the support of two of our Schools. A third School — at Perce — is kept open only at intervals, the want of funds being severely felt. Formerly the assessment paid by ^lessrs. Robin & Co., was equally divided between the Church -Schools and those of the lioman Catholics ; now, owing to a change in the constitution oi the company, the lioman Catholics being vastly in the majority, receive lu^aily tiie whole ol' this assessment. I record with sorrow the death of Mr. .lames Lenfestey, Snr., at a ripe old age. He was a man <|uite remarkable lor his loyal attachment to the Chinch, and for his cheerful and regular attendance at her Services. Until hindered by inhrmity, his place was never vacant: and his example in this respect as well as in others, was productive ol' im- mense good in the congregation Three children of Mr. C. P)iard. of Perce, wer(% within a few days, carried oif by cholera. This was a bereavement on a scale lortunately quite exceptional on the Coast. The parents, who bore their severe trial with wonderful 55 resignation to God's Holy will, met with very general sympathy. Some much needed repairs were effected on the Parsonage in Spring. Their cost is included in our linancial statement. In this statement, T have not entered the contributions to the Bishop Williams' Memorial Fund, these having appeared in last year's report. 1 have only to repeat my obligations to the Lay-Readers, the Wardens and the Organists of both Churches, who have willingly and cheerlully contributed to the well-being of the Mission. COATICOOK. The Rev. Canon Foster reports : — The usual Services and parochial visiting at St. Ste[)hen's and Christ Church have been kept up regularly during the current year. The congregations at St Stephen's are about the same as last year; that at Christ Church has somewhat increased in numbers. I am very happy to be able to report a very decided im- provement in the heartiness and devotional character of the Services at Christ Church. There is a marked increase in the number of pupils in attendance at the Sunday Schools in coniiection with both the Churches. At the Monthly Children's Service, in St. Stephen's Church, I catechize the pupils for about twenty minutes. 1 look for good results from these catechisings, and I only wish I could find time to catechise every Sun- day ; but, with three Services, I find it impossible to do so. The hour of holding the Sunday School at Christ Church has been changed from two o'clock, P.M., to ten A.M. The teachers report that the pupils attend in larger numbers and more regularly at that hour, than they used to do in the afternoon. Much needed improvements have been made in the in- terior of Christ Church, the funds for which have been pro- vided by the Ladies' Gruild. The Ijord Bishop of the Diocese held a Confirmation in St. Stephen's Church on Sunday, the first of October last, when seventeen candidates were Confirmed and received their first Communion. A branch of the Woman's Auxiliary has been established in the Parish, for which I look for gratifying results. ■'' \: -iA m\ 'm :. '.4'' 56 COMPTON. The Rev. G. H. Parker reports : ~ There is very little to report from this Tarish. The Bishop has paid ns two visits, one in March, and one in June for Coniirmation and closing" of the (.'ollegv. The Services have been cinried on as usual during (he year, and without interruption I may mention that the response to the BIsho])\s circular for a special Olfcrtory I'or the Ladies' Collt^iic has been much more general than on uny previous occasion. Thirty-three congregations have sent in their Oilertories. amounting to $1(J4.47. o DA.NVILLE. The Rev. Thomas Bhiylock reports : — A day or two alter my Inst report was s«>nt in, the Lord Bishop made his first visit to this Parish on his return from the Anniversary at t5herbrooke,and held ^Services inall four Churches, preaching twice in Danville, where he Coniirined nine candidates. Six candidates were also Conlirmed in Troutbrooke. At Kingsey Falls Services had been started for a few weeks through the ellbrts of Messrs. Waller and Carson, Church- Wardens, and I was very anxious that some plan should be adopted for their regular Church has been beautifully tinted within and elliciently repaired. All arrears due to the Board have been collected and paid by the Church- Wardens. Messrs. David Thurber and Geo. Ewing, .Inr., spare no pains to place the linances of the congregation on a sound footing. I am glad to be able to report continued progress in the amount of our gifts for extra parochial objects, our contri- butions for this jmrpose reaching the sum of.S-()0.98, being over one-sixth of our total incomings as compared with one seventh last year. The attendance at Holy Communion, with the exception of Lome, has been very satisfactory, and the Sunday Schools have about kept up their average. DRUMMONDVILLE. The Kev. F. G. Scott reports : — This has been a year of marked progress in this Parish, and we have much to encourage us for the future. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese has x)aid us three visits, each 59 productive of g-ood. Two Coufivmations have been held here, one in June and one in November. At the former, thirteen candidates were presented, at the latter nine. 01" the total number, nine were adults. The number of regular Communicants has been steadily increasing, and now it is nearly double of what it was. A Communicants' Guild has been started, the object of which is to promote frequent Communions, devout Communions and fasting Communions. "VVe have always now seven or eight persons at the early Eucharist every Sunday, and be- tween twenty and thirty, sometimes more, at the late Cele- bration. On the first Sunday in the month, thirty-four per- sons Communicated at the early Celebration on Easter Day, and twenty at the late, making a total of lifty-four, that is to say, two-thirds of the possible maximum. When it is remembered that almost all of these had to drive to Church from a considerable distance, and that in a great many cases, only one parent can leave home at a time, it will be seen that this a large proportion of the faithful. All the Day Schools in the Parish, four in number, are now practically Church Schools, the Catechism being taught in them by the teachers, who are Cliurch- women, and by the Rector. The Woman's Auxiliary has been started this year, and has sent olf a well-tilled barrel of goods to the North West. The Junior Branch is under the management ot Miss Kemp, and the interest in it is well sustained. Lately we have made a great effort to pay up the En- dowment Fund, in order that another $200 a year might be available for the Rector's use. The Church Society, the Bishop and Mr. Hamilton, have, by generous assistance, en- couraged us to proceed, and the sum needed is almost ready to send away, in fact we hope to have it invested be- fore the second week of December. Services are held at Carmel Hill and Mitchell, which are now looked upon as part of this Parish. Through the three Summer months Mattins and Evensong were said daily in the Church. There are the most encouraging signs everywhere in the Parish of a more earnest and re- ligious life and a deex^er appreciation of the Church and her Services. m ^1' 1 Si '\fM^ ■■ t- • ti 60 DUDSWELL The Rev. ErUvin Weary reports : — As I have only been in charge of the Mission of Marb^eton and Dudswell since 1st Octobtn*, 1 ain not able to give a full report of the work of the Church in this Mission for the past year. Ivev. Mr. Colston, my predecessor, left Marbleton about the end of ^lay, and during- the Summer months the Mission was without regnlur Services. In consequence of the long intervjil between my predecessor leaving arid my advent, I found Church matteis at a very low e])b, but I am happy to say that alliurs nre looking brighter, and, for the future, I have hope and take courage. Siine tak- ing charge I have visited over ninety families belonging to our Church, and have received from all the utmost kindness. The Servicers in St. Pauls' Church, Marbleton, have been very well attended. The average congregation in the morning eighty-live, in the evening one hundred and twenty- live. The Services are hearty anil all appear willing to do what they can in all matters connected with the Church, We have now a very good Choir of twenty voices, and a great improvement has been made in the musical portion of the Seivice. On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23rd, there was a celebration of the Holy Communion at 11 a.m. with an address by the Incumbent. In the evening a full Choral Service was well rendered by the Choir, assisted by the Choir of the Church of the Good Shepherd. The two anthems : " Sing unto God," and " Jerusalem my glorious home," were re- markably well sung, considering the short lime given to practice. The Church on this occasion w^as lilied with an attentive and appreciative congregation. A very appropriate Sermon was preached by the Kev. H. K. Wright, 13. A., of An- gus, on the 2nd of November. The ( 'hoirs of both Churches took part in a Choral Service held in Cookshire under the direction of Professor Dorey. The Ladies of the Choir have formed themselves into a Chancel (ruild for the purpose of beautifying the interior of the Church. Si?veral improvements have already been made, new stairs have been erected, and the Chancel made larger by the erection of a platform in the Nave, with sullicient accommodation to seat the Choir. The llev. Thos. CI Chapman, M. A., still takes a lively interest in the work ho has had so much at heart i'or nearly Ibrty-five years, lie is now making a very handsome Lectern, which will add *;reatly to the appearance ol" the interior- A new carpet and Altur cloth has been promised l)y some of the Ladies of the congregation. Our Sunday School is now in good working order. When I came I found but lilteen scholars, now we have thirty- five attending ri'gularly wilh a good stalFof Teachers, I am preparing thirty-six Candidates for Conlirmation, and hope to present the most of them when our good Bishoi^ visits us on the 17 th December. The Ladies' Guild have worked well all the year under the management of the following ladies : Mrs. Cote, President ; Mrs. AVayland, Vice-President ; and Mrs. Heart, Secretary-Treasurer. They are now preparing for their Annual Sale of work, which will take place on the 14th December. A Branch of the Ministering Children's League has been formed by Mrs. Heart, a most faithful and energetic Church- worker. There are now thirty-live members on the roll, these have worked hard all the Summer for the children of the Black feet Indian Keserve, and have now forwarded a most useful bale of warm clothing. A very interesting- Lecture was given in the Church Hall last month, by Miss Brown, who has worked among the Indians there lor the past seven years. The Services at the Church of the Good Shepherd have also been very well attended. The singing is very hearty, and the people most attentive. The interior of the build- ing has been repaired this Summer, and the Chu'ch now looks bright and comfortable. The members of the Ladies' Guild intend holding a Social in the Academy next month. I have visited all the outlying settlements in connection with the Mission, viz: — South Ham, Stoke, East and South Dudswell. Last week I held a week-day Service in tlu^ School House at East Dudswell, we had a very large con- gregation. It is my intention to give them week-day Services throughout the Winter. At this early date of my Incumbency, I must offer to all my people my hearty and sincere thanks for their extreme kindness to me and mine ; every possible effort has been put forth by them all to make us happy and comfortable. '■II ' 'v , It.* * i '.. f i ■ J it . 1 1 !'ii ji h\\i u ii'i^j! 1 if m ..ii I'M] I ^.W%\ '..4 1''J c^ I trust that this practical sympathy will for ever continue between pastor and Hock, so that the work ot'Gotl's Church in this portion of His vineyard may pros])er and flourish. ■■■ -'■ii. .: i ': t DURlLWt. The Hev. D. Horner reports : — The Services of the Church have been duly conduc'ted on Sundays and the Greater Festivals during th(» past year, (except on one Sunday in the Summer), and. the Sunday Schools in each part of the Mission have latterly been in a more nourishing state, especially at South Durham, where the number of teachers has been increased since the visit of the Rev. Edwin Weary, in the month of June. 1 have arrang'tnl the Sunday Services so as to devote one Sunday in th(^ month to a " Children's Service," with an address specially adapted to the occasion. The parents have attended, and I have heard congratulatory remarks upon the change. //o/// Tfinili/ Church, Kirkddle. — The Lord Bishop of the Diocese came amongst us at the beginning of the present year, to re-open the Church of the Holy Trinity, after its restoration. A Sub-deanery Meeting, and a Missionary Meeting was held on the same day. Owing to the boisterous weather, the attendance was comparatively small, but a most enjoyable day was spent, 1'he Bishop and the Kev. C. H. Brooks gave each an Address in the evening in the School House, at Kirkdale. The nature of the improvements of the Church at Kirk- dale was given in last year's repoit. There is still, 1 think, some dollars owing on the building, which we are hoping to wipe oil" in a lew days. The fence of the new grave-yard, situated between the Church and the School, was provided for, as follows : Mr. Wm. Henry Lyster gave and put up the posts and \)Yo- vided the wire netting, Mrs. Thos. Burrill, whose husband lies buried within the precincts, paid the sum of eight dollars required for the cost of the labour and the rest of material. The last November gale destroyed two of the window^s in Kirkdale Church ; they are at present closed up with roush boards. The Lord Bishop hold a (Confirmation in Kirkdale Churh, and at L'Avenir on Sunday, October 18th, when tvventy- ihroo candidates in all were Conlirinod. The next day, the new s»'rave-yard at Kirk(lal<> was consecrated. The assessments at Kirkdale have been promptly paid owing to the indefatigable energy of our Church- Wardens, Messrs. Wm. Hal) .nd \Vm. Henry Lyster. But 1 must say, as regards other C'hurch work, there is much to be desired and something to regret. We have had the [)leasure of special Sermons during the past year from Ihe Kev. I. M. Thompson, of Levis, the Rev. M. G-. Thompson, of New York, the liev. H. Dickson, of Kandboro', and the Venerable Archdeacon Roe. A stone cistern has been placed in the cellar of the Par- sonage, at a cost estimated at ^2H. The stones required were brought, by various members of the congregation, free of charge. The J^arsonage grounds were also temporally fenced, by the members of the congregation, last Summer. I have likewise to thank Messrs Wm. Stevens, AVm. Hall, Albert Lyster, Wm. Henry Lyster and Thomas Burrill, for hauling and sawing my winttu's wood. Also, Mr. Wm. Hall, for his present of seed potatoes. He ploughed the ground in which they were sown, which brought fcith sulhcient for my winter's need, S. I^dul's Church, L'Avenir. — The members of this con- gregation seem to be developing into a healthy condition. 1 am glad to report that the Church is built in a manner exceeding the most sanguine hopes of the congregation ; that which was looked upon as a wild and hopeless scheme, by many outside the congregation, has been successfully carried out, and the Church was consecrated on Sunday, October the 8th, 1898. The Treasurer of th(! Building Committee, Mr. Robert Skillen, told me with pleasure of the universal and untiring- interest displayed by the subscribers, and their evident desire to pay their subscriptions promptly. One man, a poor man, whose wife is in the last stages ot consumption, brought his subscription and remarked: " It was a hard struggle to get the cash, but 1 have it, and I am glad to give it; I wish it was more. " Another man, a young man, finding that the payment of a certain debt was not forth- coming, undertook a business which brought him the mi :f-J m ^ftl 04 1 1 '•■»'. '• roquirod sum. Those are only two instances provini^ the worth ol' the inlere.sl now displayed, which I trust, will hist. I must mention also that the greater part oi' the week before tlie opening ol' tlio new Church was occupied in tlie improvement of the ground surrounding the l)uilding All sorts and conditions of subscribers were tliere, l)usy ; i'rom the young man whose " best " was five dollars to the man whose " best " was a hundred ; each and all took al)rotherly interest in their work and labour of love, which it was very refreshing to see. This part ol the Mission is beginning to realise in a most adequate sense the highest and noblest act of our religion, and they are endeavouring in every way to improve their services. More members have been added to the Choir, who take a hearty and intelligent interest in getting the congregation to join spiritedly in the responsive Service. The new Church, a pretty steei)led structure of wood, surmounted by an iron cross, standing on the side of the old building. The interior is beantilied with a Rood Screen of brown ash, a stain glass window, the design : "the Good Shepherd"; an Altar cloth, presented by the Church Helpers' Association of Quebec, and a pretty mar]>le-topped font presented by the Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Robertson, of Cookshire. The whole interior is linished with brown ash, diagonal in pattern. The exterior is painted white with grey coloured edging. The appearance of the Church is in marked contrast to the old one. I have thouiiht it necessarv to make a sliifht change in the order of the Sunday Services in each part of the Mis- sion; and as regards L'Avenir particularly, I am very o-ratihed with the immediate result. We now have Matins at A.M., and Holy Communion (with Sermon) at 10 o'clock. At L'Avenir every one stayed to the end of the oihce, and what is of more importanci', there are four times as many Communicants. The assessments to the Diocesan Board hav(* been paid, though not always as promptly as should have been, owing perhaps to hard times. South Durham. — There is nothing of importance to be recorded. The Services on Sundays and Greater Festivals were carried on through the year either by myself, the Rev. Edwin Weary, or Mr. A. H. Moore, of' Bishop's College Brotherhood of Readers. The Sunday School still en colli iiiui's. Th»^ Saporiiiiciidont, Mr. niiiijaiiiiii Dovvd, has collt'cti'cl a lew dollars for a Sunday School Library, and the money colli'dod for I ho restoration ol the Church i ■• still in the Savint-s Bank. We are starting- 'lie Women's Aid ag-ain on 1^'riday, December 1st. The Choir is slightly on the increase. The org-anisls have beiMi always at t'leir post. The assessments have been paid more [>roniptly than heretolore, and 1 think that the coui^'resiwiion of ;-,outh Durham is slowly wheeling- into line. 1 have given special C^ateehetical Addresses on \v<'ek-days at some of the ou • lying stations duriiig the year, viz : at the Montroniery School House, in the Dowd Settlement, and at the old red School House in Lisgar, to inter.'sted congreg.itions. The Sund'iy J*]vening Services at South Durham are bi'tter attended since the arrival of the new branch lamps. The Ven. Archdeacon lioe has visitiid us n^peatedly and helped us materially to brijig our ideas to this happy i.ssue, SpiM'ial thanks are due to him for his attention to our wants and dilliculties ; for the !nuni(icient grants from our great societies, the S. V. C. K., the Church Society, Mr. Robert Hamilton and thi^ Hon. Senator Price, the aggregate subscriptions from these various souro •■ amounting to $44().G7, a valuable aid to the Building L^und of L'Avenir Church. We must al.so thank the Archdeacon for his ideas regarding the structure. vSpecial thanks are also due to the Uev. A.-.Tarvis, of Xapauee, I'or his present of the plans. Ml '..y.^i| 1; i> :. 'I EATO.N. The Rev. A. H. Robertson reports : — SI. Peter's Church, Cookahire. — The usual round of Ser- vices in this Church have been regularly kept up, viz.: Holy Communion on first and third Sundays of every month, with early Celelirations on Saints' Days and Fes- tivals, with Morning and lilvening Prayer every Sunday. During the Sundays in Lent the Clergy from Bishop's College preached on alternate Sundays with the Rector. On Monday, the 19th June, the Lord Bishop consecrated the public Cemetery of this town. In the afternoon a large number of the Parishioners met his Lordship at a Parish Lunch, and at 4.30 all adjourned to th<' Church, where his 5 y. ^4 66 % '« ..s. li K^ '• Lordship catechized the children and at the same time j^ave sound Church teaching to their elders.- On Sunday, 19th November, the Lord Bishop spent Sun- day in the Parish. As I \vished his Lordship to visit all parts of the Parish, we arrangvd the Services as follows : — At St. Peter's Church, Cookshire, ]*]arly Celebration at 8 A.M. ; Mattins. at 9.80 A.M. ; Bapti.sm' and Coniirmation, at 10.30 A.M. These various Services were all well attended, and the lessons brought before us by the administration of the var- ious Sacraments, was fuither impressed on our minds by the earnest words of the Bishop. At 2 P.M., he held Ser- vice at Eaton Corner, where the Bishop j^reaehed in the old Congregational Church at 4 P.M. AVe arrived at St Luke's Church, Sandhill, wiiere nine Candidates were confirmed, and at 7 P.M., we held Service at .Tohnville, when two adults were Baptized. Altogether his Jvordship preached to at least seven hundred people, many of whom had never before listened to a Bishop of the Church. I am sure that the good elTects of our Jhshop's Sunday will be lasting. On Monday, 20th November, the Clergy of all the neigh- boring Parishes met at Cookshire, for a conference wMth the Bishop Our thanks are due to Mr. Dorey, for his ellbrts in the in- terest of Church Music, lie has visited our Choirs more than once, and has also (•\>ndu(ted a Choir I'Vstival Service in St. Peter's Church, in which the Clergv and Choirs of Cookshire and all the surrounding Parishes took part. Our Organists, Miss Sawyer and Miss C. Bailey, and tlie Clioir, deserve our hearty thanks. Our Sunday School meets every Sunday Morning. an»l I am glad to say that the average attendance shows a mar];ed increase over that of last year. The Ladies' Guild and Woman's Auxiliary have met regularly during the year. Both the Guild and Auxiliary have gained largely in numbers during the past year, and the Meetinu's are always well attended. This year we have greatly improved the Churcli proper- ty by replacing the old shingle roof, on St. Peter's Churi'h, by a new roof of galvanized steel shingles. AVe have also carried out some much needed repairs to th(^ Ixectory. The cost of I'oof and rei)airs. amounting to nearly i^fOO.OO, has been met mostly by the Ladies' Guild, and a member of the congregation, who gave sflOO.OO as a Memorial Gift. 67 m A Junior Branch of the Womans' Auxiliary has been start- ed this year. It meets fortnightly at the Rectory, and al- ready tvventy-eio'ht young g-irls, from the ages of five to fif- teen, belong- to it. Miss Ijotterill also held a Girls' Com- municants' Class at the Rectory during the past year. Mrs. Robertson and the Ladies of the Guild presented, as their lilaster OfFerinsr. a beautiful Brass Alms Basin with two brass plates lo match the Basin. St. Lukes Church, SandhiU. — Services at this Church are held fortnightly. By the kindness of Rev. Dr. Adams, who took the responsibility of finding supply, we had a weekly Service for over six months of this year. I hoped that the privilege of having a Service weekly instead of fortnight- ly would lead to an increase in Church attendance, but as it did not do so, and as the expense of these extra Services was paid entirely by the Rector, it was thought best to dis- continue them. But we have now a weekly Sunday School, with Mr. Rufus T/aboree as Superintendent, and the Ladies' Guild gave a sum of money, which was supplement- ed by a grant from the S. P. C. K , and has provided us with a small but excellent Church Library, which is eager- ly read by both young and old. We must thank Mrs. R. Laboree for her services as Organist. Johni'i//e. — Fortnightly Service here, and always very well attended, from seventy-five to a hundred persons present at each Service. The Bishop visited .Tohnville for the first time in its history, and his earnest addresses were heard and enjoyed by all, A great deal of praise is due to our Choir, which, under the leadership of Mr. E. P. Smith, gives most valued and elRcient help in the worship of the Church. The Sunday School is held weekly under the charge of Mr, Oakes, and his son and daughter. Their devoted labours deserve all praise. The Guild has given valuable help in getting a new Organ anrl other furniture for the Hall. E (ton Corner. — This is a new Station opened up on 30th April. The original Parish of lilaton consisted of Churches at Cookshire and Eaton Corner, but when the Church at Eaton Cornier was burned, the Service there was given up, and now. about seventy years after, the Church Service is resumed. Th.' Bishop's visit there, on the 19th November, was the first visit of a Bishop to Eaton Corner since the j i m '1 .■' 68 time of Bishop Stewart. The new Station has opened up well, we have an average attendance of about thirty-five. Have a weekly Sunday Sch(iol and a Ladies' Guild, and a small band of earnest and efficient workers. In conclusion I would say that it is a great source of anx- iety to me, to have three sub-stations, in which I can only give a fortnightly Service. And l)esides it is not easy and may not 1)e possible in the timt^ of bad roads, to attend to four Services on Sunday, as I am now obliged to do. There is a most promising opening for Church extension in this District, and I can only hope, that for the good of the Church, some way may be found to give the needed week- ly Services to those ^[issions. w FITCII J}AY. The Rev. W. A. Adcock reports : — In writing out my report of this year, I desire to relate in brief something of what has been accomplished here since the Church was planted. The Church and her teaching was introduced here under very exceptional circumstances, far diherent from most of our new Missicms. In consequence, therefore, the work has been of a dilhcult and varied character. Five years ago there was no Church, and ap- parently no Church mati rial. The change that has taken place sin<'e then has surpassed my fondest hopes. A pretty and substantial Church and a very comfortable Parsonage joining have been built ; and, best of all, there is no debt. The question may sometimes be raised, and rightly too, what have the people done towards this healthy state of things? In this report I shall be happy to relate a little of what has been done on the s[)ot. In the Mission, whicli includes the two villages and the adjacent country parts, there are some two hundred and twenty families, out ol which num])er seventy families look to the Church for ministrations. During the year I have been enabled to make nine hun- dred and twi'nty-live visits among the people, and havt^ endeavoured in every instanc«> to deliver that message I had given me in trust. I am in a position to say that the country has been leavened with the teaching of the Church S'l 69 and the future prospect appears to be bright and encour- aging. The new Parsonage, purchased two years since, is now free of debt, and the congregation, as a iree-will offering at Easter, purchased a swe(^t-toned bell for the Church, weigh ing five hundred and seventy-five pounds complete, the total cost of which was iii!l02. Towards this sura the con- gregation subs(;ribed and paid the sum of $84, the balance was made up by the kind ladies of C. H. A. Quebec. The <'ongregation has since turned its attention to the windows, and six new ones are on order. These are to be of rolled Cathedral glass of different designs, while two more expen- sive ones for the North end are to be given by the Ilider family. While one of the congregation works for the Church as Sexton and does it all gratis, another furnishes all the wood for fires, and a third takes delight in kei^ping the Church property in good condition lieady hands and generous aid I have not found wanting to assist me. It may seem a small matter to other congregations of l)etter resources what has bt^en done here. However, it should not be forgotten this is a new field of labour. Having almost every item on record of money raised for Church purposes, assessments not included, it amounts to no less a sum than $1,105, money raised on the spot sinee the (Miurch was planted. This year, our CUiurch book shews one sixth part of our total incomings to have been given to objects outside of the Mission. Th(^ Lord's Table is well attejided. The Sunday School is progressing and is in a healthy condition under the guidance of earnest teachers. I extend my thanks to the kind ladies of Quebec, for their assistance, and for the lan- tern sent for the Church ; also to Ur. Codd, for his services as lay reader, and kindly assistance in ev(»ry good work. Geoi'geviUe. — This end ol'the Mission is by far the strongest part of the whole Mission. The Church has undergone a thorough and complete restoration, which has cost more than $I.0()0.00, which sum has been paid, and the Church property is now free of debt. Substantial help towards this work has been given from time to time, by the Sum- mer visitors, who take a lively interest in Church work. The Spiritual work has undergone little change appa- rently. The Church attendance has been good. There has ■'"ip, ■ ■ I :■'.'■»! ■I '.-■m .(... ill' .t: h 70 been a slight increase in the number of Communicants. In this particular there is much room for greater improve- ment. The Sunday School has been well attended, being the only one in the district. During the Summer mouths, Morning and Evening Services were held every Sunday for the benefit of the visitors. The Ladies held their Annual Sale in August last, and realized about $120.00. I extend my thanks to Mr. H. R. Mudge, of Montreal, for two handsome brass side lamps for the Chancel ; also to the Organist, Sunday School Teachers and others, who have helped me in Churt'h work. FRAMPTON. The Rev. Felix Eoyle reports : — As the Incumbent of this Mission is at present, and has been for several weeks past, sulforing from a severe attack of " La Grrippe," he maybe excused for writing a very short report this year. There has been no falling off in Church work. The Services have been duly mainlainc^d without, if my memory serves me, a single break. The congregations have been large and devout with a slight in- , crease to the number of our Communicants. This latter event is largely due to the pleasing fact, that we had a visit from our Bishop, in September last, who Confirmed forty-three Candidates, several of whom have continued regular Communicants since. Ilis Lordship's stirring and encouraging words to us, not to slacken our energies in good works, will not soon be forgotten. I mav here mention that our Schools in this Mission, one at West Frampton, the other in the Tenth Range of p]ast Frampton, are doing well. Many thanks to the Church Society for their continued grants, without which boon it would be hard struggle to keep the Schools in operation. I am also pleased to state that the Woman's Auxiliary is doing well, and the members working cheerfully, under the careful superintendence of Mrs. M. D. Hodgson. \<]v( 71 OASPE BASIN. The Rev. J. Richmond ceports : — St. Paul s ''^hurch. — The Services hare beeii held regular- ly, and the \\ ly Communion administered monthly and on the greater FeiStivals, and to the sick and iniirm as required. Services have also been held in L'Anse aux Cousins, a small settlement on the North- West Arm of Graspr Bay, and about three miles irom St. Paul's Church, lor the benefit of the old and iiihrni, ;ind also for the sako of a few families who are settled further up the Dartmouth Rivor, and who find it a long distance to come to Church at G-aspe Village. The (Miurch- Wardens have been able, with some slight difficulty, to keep their engagement with the Diocesan Board ; and, with the assistance of the Ladies' Gruild, have put a good and substantial fence in front of the Church and Glebe properties. Through the same agency a commence- ment has been made to collect funds for the new Parson- age, for which the site has been chosen, and some work has l)een done towards pre[)aring it lor the foundation of the House. We wer(^ favoured and cheeivd by the Bishop's visit dur- ing the Summer, and in having the ordination of Mr. Brooke in St. Paul's, he being the third person admitted to the Priesthood in this Church during my Incumbency. Thifc; congregation has experienced a great loss by the re- moval of a lamily which supplied it with a good Organist, and the (luild with an admirabh? Secretary-Treasurer. The })reaking up of this family, and the sale of their property to a non-resid(>nt, is likely to l)i> followed by the sale of other properties for Summer residences, and will lead to the loss of rencular settlers. This may prove a source of weakness to the Church at (liispe i>asin. ' The Village is nlready small and every family tells. If the resident families are replaced ])y Summer residents, then in tlie Winter months it will be almost a Deserted Village. St. lamps Church. Gus/w South. — The (;hurch was used for the first Service on New Year's Day, and was consecrat- ed in the Summer. The old I'reehold Pew System has not cast ils shadow upon the new building, the pews being ab- solutely free and unappropriated, and the congregations have increased. There is much to be done yet, to the in- side of the building, but we have to move slowly accord- m m II 72 iiig to our means. Through the assistance of the Society of Church Helpers we were able to obtain a silver set of Al- tar Vessels, instead of buying an inferior set. We have purchased, lately, seven large Rochester lamps for the Church, but we are still in need of a Stone Font to replace an old wooden one of local manufacture, and also a Lectern and matting and carpet for the Chancel. York. — The settlement in the upper part of this Township is making fair progrt^ss with their new C^hurch, consid(U-- ing the means at their disposal. The frame is ])oarded in, and therefore the building is safe from injury by the weather. This building is intended for the use at the pres- ent of twenty-live families, and is in a part of the Mission which alone is avaihible to any extent for ai extension of the settlement on the York Iviver. It is here that the Church Society assists the School, and I am thankful for the renewal of the grant, for it was by means of the grant that the people were able to open this School, and without it in the present, the School would lose much of its useiVdne.ss. The Church- Wardens of St. James' Church have fuUilled their old engagement with the Dioc(;san Board, and have seen their way to comply with th(^ increased demand made by the new bond of agreement. HAT LEY. The Rev. A. Stevens reports : — The Services have been kept u[) as usual in three Stations of this Mission during the past year and then; is no great change in the size of the c(>ngr(>gations. I have also given as much time as possible to I'arochial visiting. St. James' Church, ILitley, has been put in a thorough state of repair, the roof shingled, the ceiling sheathed with wood and the seats and wood- work painted. The Rectory has also been painted on the outside, the total cost being" very nearly two hundred and seventy-live dollars. We have also added two hundred and ten dollars to our Endov»^ment Fund. Ninety dollars of this was a legacy left by our old friend and former parishioner, the late Mr. HoUis Shorey ; one hundred dollars was a donation from n Mr. M. J. Bachelder, (who had given us ibr the repairs fund fifty dollars a short time before) and the balance was contributed by several others. We have also to tender our warmest thanks to another former parishioner, Mr. Charles Connell, now of (^hicago, for the gift of a solid silver Communion Service as a memorial of his mother, whose remains lie in th(^ graAe-vard beside the Church. The Bishop of the Diocese has twice visited this Mission during the year ; once in March, when he Baptized the Incumbtmt's young son, and preachinl in St. James' Church and at Massawippi, and on the following day addressed the membei's of the AVomaii's Auxiliary, and again in June, when heUoiiHrmed eight young people in St. James' Church and preached at Ayer's Flat and Massawippi. Our old friend, Bishop Niles, of New Hampsliire, again this year gave up a portion of his vacation to visiting his native town. lie preacJied for me on Sunday, at St. .lames' Church, and at Ayer's Flat, lo largo congregations. The AVomans Auxiliary have sent two bales of clothing to the ]iev. Mr. Ilinchcliii'e, lor the children in the Home in the Piegan Iteserve, and have underiaktMi to aid in sup- porting a girl in the Home next year. The Ladies' (Juild are preparing articles for a sale in the near future, the in-ocecds to assist in paying a small l^alance still due for painting the Rectory. The congregation at Massawippi regret the loss of Miss Carter, for several years our faithful Organist, who after her marriage in June removed to Stanstead. On the eve of her marriage the congregation presented her with a beautiful clock as a memento of their good will. Her place has been acceptably iilled by Miss Gertie Robinson. During the year two of our little (lock at Ayer's Flat have been called to the rest of Paradise. Mrs. Samuel Hetherington, who since her coming' to Ayer's Ylut took the keenest interest in our work there, and Mr. Henry Ansell, who was very suddenly called away. While we greatly miss them we must remember that our losy is their gain. Mi im !)>'')! 74 INVERNES??, The Rev. P. Roe reports : — The usual Sunday and other Services oi the Church have been reguhirly held in this Mission during the year. The attendance at the Churches has been fairly good. Holy Communion has been a Iministered in both Churches once every month. Seventy-eight Communicants have partaken of the Sacred Rite at intervals daring the year. The Sunday Schools in both Churches were well attejided during the season ; i'ortv scholars in both Cliurches aitou'ether. Miss Roe's Bible Class, at the Parsonage, during the Winter, is always well attended by the girls of the Church. A singing class, conducted by my daughters, is held once a week in the Church, at St. Stephen's, and is a great attraction. The principal event in our Mission, during th(? year, was the first visit of our Bishop in September last. His Lordship held two Coniirmation Services on the Uth September, one at St. Stephen's C/hurch in the morning, where he Con- lirmed six young persons. In the afternoon, he drove to the Church ot the Ascension, Campbell's Corners, and Conhrmed seven young people there. His Lordship's Addresses to the Candidates were verv touching, and the Sermon in both Churches were most engau'ing and alfectionate, and made a marked impresion on the hearers. The attendance at the Churches was not so large as it would have been on a Sunday, and many of the membeis were absent at the Sherbrooke Fair. The Bishop paid a visit to an old lady who has been bed- ridden for a long time, and spoke words of comfort and consolation to her. The two Branches of the Woman's Auxiliary for Missions are well attended every month, at St. Stephen's Parsonage and Campbell's Clorners. Under their auspices we had a visit from the Honbl. Miss Sugden, agent for the Church of England Zi'uana Missionary Society ; she held several meetings in the Churches, and attracted a great many to hear her tell her story of the wretched state of the i)oor young girls of India. She told her story well and received large contributions in aid of the Society. We had a visit from the Archdeacon on the 6th August, to stir us up on the subject of the assessments to the Diocesan Board. He addressed both congregations and M. 76 went over the whole history of the Church Society I'or the past thirty years, and showed the necessity oi' increased exertion, on the part of the members of the Church in the Diocese, in "bearing their own burdens," as the tS. P. (>. is about to withdravt their support, " at our own request." "We had our usual tSunday tSchool pic-nic, but it was unfortunately a disagreabk^ day and was not so well attended as usual. A Christmas Tree, got up by Miss Watts, the teacher of the School, was a great success and was very well attended, there was music, singing and recitations, dialogues, &c. There has btnni a good deal of sickness here, and we miss three of our old members, who have gone to their rest. 1 have paid two hundred and lifty pastoral visits during the year, l)esid(\s many visits to sick persons. :i!i;i.:! m hi^^ IRELAND AND SOUTH INVERNESS. The Rev. W. Ct. Faulconer reports : — Ho/// Trinit// Church, Up/ier Irelmid. — At this Station things have gone on steadily as usual. The chief event was the visitation of our Chief Pastor throughout the Parish, with the Archdeacon of Quebec, which was most cordially appreciated through the length and breadth of the whole Palish, (an account of whieh was published in two or three Church Pap(^rs in June last.) Our Serviees here on the average have been well at- tended, and our Communicants have increased twenty or more in number since the Conlirmation in Jtme. The Sunday Sehools ai-e progressing, under the Superin- tendent. Mr. \Vm. G. Stewart, who as usual has denied himself in this service for the Master. Death has again carried oil" many of our oldest Parishion- ers and made gaps not easily filled. Mr. James Wilson, one of the oldest supporters of the Church Society, deceased in March last, and bequeathed to the Church Society eleven hundred dollars in gratitude for the past kindness of the Society in providing Missionaries to look after the welfare of their souls when the Mission was too poor to support a Clergyman. 'it '^1 m f., ;, iUi'.i. 1Q ■ n 1 '1 Chrid CIiNrch, Loirer Ireland. — Things have gone on quietly hero, and I tvu.st some progress has been made. Our iServiees have been well attended, and the Communi- cants have increased sitice the Conlirmation by our revered Bishop. ( )nr Sunday School has been well attended and made progress under the care and teaching ol" Mrs. \Vm. Johnson. The W. M. A. has done good work this year, and has sent ont both money and a parcel to our Mis- sionaries in the I'ar "West . The Choir has also improved under the ellbrls oi" Miss Mary Marshall, who is worthy oi" our best thanks. Death has also carried oil som*? of the lirst settlers in this part ot the Parish, but I trust our loss has been iheir .;ain. SL Lnh'ca C/urrch, Ailderlij. — Occasional Services are held here. I much regret to state my faithful Church- Warden. Tho- mas AValker, died lasl September, while 1 was away on my vacation. He had just become a Communicant and always shewed much hospitality to his Pastor, and interest in his Church. Adderly is the poorer for his loss. I hope other young- men may take warning from his sndden death, and give their Divine Master the early (hiys of their youth. St. Peler'a Chufch, Black L'tke. — Fortnightly Services are held here regularly. Our congregation has diminished owing to the work at the Mines ceasing, a few families only are left. The Woman's Guild has done good work throughout the year, though their numbers are few. Our Organist. ^Irs. Wilson, deserves our best thanks for her untiring eifbrts wnth the Choir and ( )rgan This Church was dedicated last ,Tune, when our Bishop held his Coniirmation, at which live were i>resentey removals and deaths our numbers have been considerably reduced. Two families leaving St. Paul's, Sydenham, took from our subscriptions toward assessment ^2S. Two from Spooner Pond >t;2-3. From the same cause Denison's Mills loses about ijil '). Add to these some smaller subscriptions, making the total loss over ii^TO, a large sum for a weak remainder to make up. ( )ur Sunday Schools have gone on as usual, that at Sydenham numbering thirty scholars, taught by ]\Irs. Sykes and tlie Misses Lodge. The one at Spooner Pond, taught by Mis Lonsdcll and the Misses Hall, hns lifteen scholars. Those latter have kindly paid for the papering of the Vestry — supi)lied it with a carpet, chair and stove-pipes — the stove being the gift of Mr. John Evans. I am thankful to the donors and fully appreciate their kindness on cold winter nights. The Sunday School at Denison's is still in operation, presided over by Mr. Wm. Denison, who is indeibtiiiiible in his ellbrts for its success. In June, Mrs. Geo. Itall, a good, earnest, conscientious church-woman, departed this life, respected by all who knew hov, and a warm personal friend, to whom I stand indebted for many kind and generous gifts. Another, Mrs. ('leon IJroek, a good wife and mother, died after only two weeks' illness, regrettixl by a large cii'cle of friends. Still another, Mrs. Perkins, a kindly old lady of ninety-three, died. It was my privilege to minister to all these, and brighten their last day^^ with w^ords of hope and good cheer from God's Holy word. A Bazaar in connection with Spooner Pond netted .'$40, and a concert at Sydenham, got up to pay arrears of a.ssessment. brought in $45. m^ m. i ?-^-; 78 JiAKK ST. JOHN INDIAN MISSION. The ovi'iil ol' importanco this year, was the const'cratioii of the Church on July 1-tli, when sixty Indians «oinmunic- a(<'d. Th(» llishop of Now York kindly conducted one Sund;iy fScrvice. and preached an eloqucnl sermon. A purse, conlaininu' ^:>1, was ])r('S('nted to llu' Missionary. A bell has been ])rocured from HaKimore, and there is !$!21in the bank towards a stone foundation for the Church. This sum was raised through oliertory eollections. /i ]■•• LEEDS. The Kev, J. Kothera reports : — In looking" over the past year, it is with mingled feelings of joy and sorrow. There are many things to be thankful to Almighty God for : as signs of active life, and progress made in Church work. On the other liand the apathy and indifference of many are causes of regret. St. James' Church is near to the Parsonage and is the head-quarters of the; Mission. The Services have been kept up regularly without omission, during the year, morning and evening alternately, besides the chief festivals of the Church. The attendance has been good during the Summer months. I had Services also at Nelson's Koad and Wilson's Mills School-houses once a month, which have been very w^ell attended. I am pleased to note that the attendance at Holy Communion, which has been administered once a muuth, has been l)etter thaji Jast year ; the average attend- ance has been over twenty. The Sunday School has done good work, and was carried on through the Summer months with the help of Mr. J. Prout and live teachers. I am sorry I can only be present every other Sunday, when I give object lessons on the Bible and Catechism. The Sunday School Annual pic-nic took place on August 15th. Avhen the scholars, teachers and friends met at the Church, and after a short Service, adjourned to the grounds adjoining the Parsonage until the rain came, which com- pelled them to take refuge in the Parsonage, where they took tea, and sp^-at the rest oJ' the evening in singing and games. i:'/ »i,ij:... 79 '1^ On October 2!>th, each Siiiulay scholar was presented with a book according- io merit (during the Service), which gave stitisfaction to all. The Liiflies Aid hiivc ))*H'n slendily working and doing their lilt' ^ for (lod and His Church. They i)urchased and presented to St. .Tiiiiies' Church, a i)lated set ol' Communion vessels, ami put a hard-wood floor in the dining room at the Parsonage, al.'^o bought ]>aint to i)aint the Church. The Yen. Archdeacon of (Quebec paid us a visit on De- cember 10th, and preached three times during the dav : at St. James', 10.80 A.M. ; St. Mark's, Kinnear's Mills, 2.H0 r.M. ; St. Matthew's. Beattie's Settlement. (1.80 P.M. He addressed the dillerent congregations on behalf of the Diocesan Hoard, and explained tiie neces- sity of increasing their assessments, to help to make up the deficiency made by the withdrawal of the grant of the S. P, Gr. We were very Ibrtunate, this year, in having two visits paid us by our esteei -ed Uishop. The lirst vi^it was on .lune (!th, when His J^oraship Con- lirmed six at St. Mark's, Kinnear's Mills, and three at St. James', Leeds ; and on the 7th dedicated the new Church at Beattie's SettlenuMit and Conlirmed sixteen. And on the second visit, December 1 tth, the Bishop vamo to Brouuhton, which is twenty miles Irom the Parsoiiage, where two Candidates were i)n'sented for Conlirmalion ; and at a Missionary Meeting, the same evening, held at St. James' Church, the Bishop gave us a very interesting account of his work at South Acton, London, which w^as listened to with marked attention. On the next day, he consecrated St. Matthew's ^'hureh at Beattie's Settlement, 'i'hese visits have proved very helpful, both to the Minister and the people. Such visits give much encouragement and impetus to the work going on. I am sorry to state we have lost one of our best Church- v/orkers. by the death of Mr. Geo. Bayne. who has filled various olhces : as Choir-master, Sunday School Teacher and Lay Delegate during thirty years at this Church. Our loss is his gain. During my absence, in the month of July, the Services were taken by Mr. N. Bayne, with acce])tance and satisfac- tion to the ])t'ople. St. Mdllheivs, Beatlies Settlement. — 1 am pleased to state that the Church is finished, and the Bishop consecrated *i 80 1 ' it to the service of Almighty God on December loth, which was a time for great joy and blessino-, when one adult was Baptized and seven aduUs were Coniirmedat the same time. I trust that the Church may be a centre for g'ood, and that the people will make full use of tlie means of grace given to them by Grod, that they make progress in their s]:)iritual life. There were no Communicanls here until June the 7tli, when the Bishop ConUrmed sixteen and administered the Holy Commimion to thirty for the first time. There are now ihirty-four Communicants with an average attend- ance of twcnty-lhree. I hope this is the Ix'ginning of better things to Ihis congregation. I held a Sunday School here during the Sumnu'r mouths. On November 21st, a Service of song was given by the young people, which realized '^\2. Our than i'is are due to "St. Matthew's Guild" for the beautiful Altar cloth they made us at ai)Out half cost. And to the " Church Helpers' Association." Quebec, for the fair linen and a set of plated Altar vessels which they let us have for sia.io. There are many things required yet, especially a Font. St. Mark's, Kinneurs Milh. — Divine Service is held here every Sunday morning and afternoon alternately, besides Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Thanksgiving Day, also, a fortnightly week-day Service. The attendance at these Sei v'ices might have been better. The Holv Communion is administered once a month. The average attendence has been over ten. I hold monthly Services at Frizzel Hill and at the School House, in the iirst range of Leeds, which have been well attended. I endeavored to esta'olish a Sunday School here ; two young ladies promised to lielp, ])ut could not get the i:>arents to bring their children to School, because of the long- distance most of them live from the Church. St. Lukes, Brono'h/oN. — Divine Service is held here once in six weeks. The families here ase now very few. The journey to get there and back makes it very hard. The Bishop visited this Church on Decem])er 14th; two Can- didates wei'e i:)resented ibr C'onlirmation. I have been collecting what was promised towards the Bishop Williams' .Memoi'ial P^uid, but have not succeeded in getting it all in yet. Therefoi'e too late to be inserted in this year's accounts. 81 In conclusion. 1 wish to express my sincere and hearty thanks to the Wardens, Sunday School Teachers, the Or- ganist and members of the Choir, the Kev. J. Kemp and Mr. J Front, for their kind help. I pray that God's bless- ing may rest upon them and their work. 's!^- 'IK K'-S ■» > i ; /'^'^ LENNOXYILLE. )11 The Ixev. A. C. Scarth reports :— On the 13th of February, the Lord Bishop dedicated a new and beautiful Altar, which had been presented to the Church by the members of the Guild. We are also indebted to the Guild for a new purple Altar cloth, and liangings for the I'rayer Desk for use during Advert and Lent. We have had a brass Altar desk given by thv' rs of its members we owe many things for the beautilyiug of the Sanctuary, which otherwise we should never have obtained. Servicers have beiMi held in the Chuvch w^ithout interrup- tion on every Suiulay and Holy Day throughout the year, and since the dedication of our new Altar there has been a weekly celebration of the Holy Communion, and also one on '-AH Saints" Day and I'estivals. During Advent and Lent we had special Services and courses of Sermons, 6 82 which were well attended. We have had the privilege of having our Bishop with Ufs several limes during the year, and oi" having both Canoii Bullock and the Bishop of New Westminster address us in earnest, tender and solemn words. May all those opportunities and means of grace be abundantly blessed to the Glory of God and to the good of souls. ''B LEVIS. The Kev. J. M. Thompson reports : — I was inducted into this Parish, by his Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, on the 1st of January. I8O0, and at once began to hnd out the people belongina' to the Church. In doing this, I was greatly helped by the carefully prepared, and methodically arranged list of Tarishioners made by my predecessor, the Kev. G. G. MicoUs. There are now in connection with Levis congregation, thirty-seven families, and twenty-two individuals not numbered in families. These are scattered over an area extending from Beaumont to the Etchemin Iviver. Gom- mencii)g wilh the 1st of January. iSH;}. Levis and New Liverpool were united and i)laced under my ministration, with the understanding that New Jivcrpool should have one Service evcny Sunday. One Service each month, to be held in the morning, with a Celebration of the Holy Communion, ;''•■" the rest of the v^ervices lo be held in the afternoon. This arrangement took from Levis one morning Service every month, vhicli has been a great deprivation for a con- gregation that had always enjoyed twoSi'rvices on Sunday, To supply this loss, the Kev. Mr. Lariviere came over f^'om Quebec, and gave a Service on the Sundiiy morning that 1 was at New Liverpool. Since the hrst of April, I have given Levis an early Celebration of Holy Communion, on the iirst Sunday in the month, after which 1 have driven to New Liverj)ool for morning Service and Holy Communion — returning to Ja'vIs for a Children's Servi<-e at three, and Evening i'rayer at 7 r.M. On the other Sundays of the month there have been regular morning and evening Services every Sunday, with a mid-day Celebration of the Holy Communion on I' , 83 the third Sunday. Thore have been also, with a few interruptions, Service on Wednesday evenings, and on the principal Festivals ol' the Church's year. In addition to these Services, Cottage Iv^adings have been held i'ort- niglitly during the Winter, and monthly during the Summer months, at the house of Mr. (xeorge Sample, Iladlow Cove, and at Mr. Craig's School-house. At all of these Services, the attendance was very encouraging. The Sunday attendance, at Levis, has been fairly good, considering that so many of our people are engaged in (jmploynients wiiich require them to work on Sunday There has been, liowever, a vcr\^ percoptil)le improvemeiii: in ihc Sunday evtiiiing congregations, nnd in the number of regular (.■ommunicants, I wish I <*ould say the same of the week evening Services. Of our growth in spiritual things, I cannot speak very confidently, for if there is spiritual Vih at all, it lies deep in the human heart, and is known only to (lod who seeth in secret, but I have reason to hope that in this most important matter we have made some progress. The Ladies' Guild has worked faithfully during another year, and gathered by its devoted labours *i")2.5/i. to be (Expended on some object connected wit'-i the C.siuch or Ivectory. During the past Summer tbc Onild ex^^ended, under the direction of Mr. Tolield and Mr. T*,shua Ttiornn- son, the sum of $145.40 in repairing aiid paii^ling the out- side of the Ivectory, an 1 has also given $'2ij towards purchasing a new Carpet fo • the Chancel of the Church. Li addiiion to this, the Church- Wardens expanded upon the fences around the Church property, and upon rep:!irs on the outside of the C^hurch, tlu^ .sum of !j;157.0i). Th" .noney 1(>. these much needed repairs was raised by two l.oncerts conducted by Miss N. Piton, our devoted Organist, assi,',r,ed by otluM- younii' friends in the I'arish. There was also a (larden Party in the Uectory grounds under the manage- ment of the Ladies of the congregation. The sums realized from these ellbrts, and a few subscriptions from friends who had relations buried in the grave-yard, enabled the Wardens to pay lor the work as it was done, so that we enter upon 181)4 with all our property ^vcll fenced, and all our buildings in good repair and no debt upon the Parish. And \vhat is more, we have on hand ii^OI, towards purchasing a Carpet for the Chancel of the Church, and ■i.i'i .»«■■■ I 84 'yt \ . if matting for the Aisle. This amount has all boon raised in the place, with the exception of |;10, which were given by the Church IIeli)ers' Association of Quebec, I'or which I desire to express my sincere thaiiks. Tiie Woman's Auxiliary has been quite active durinu' the year, besich^s regular monthly meetings lor work, two public Missionary Meetings wen' held, at the first of Avhich able addresses were given by the Rev. Canon Thorneloe. of Sherbrook(\ and the Rev. Messrs. Forsythe, of Stanstead and AVasher, of I'ortneuf. "With the second, was incorpormed our Annual IntiM'cessory Service for Missions, and w^as addressed by the ltt)v. Mr. Balfour, on the value and necessity of Prayer, and by the Rev. Mr. Tarrock, on the obliuation which rests upon all Christians to assist in Missionary w^ork. The Rev Mr. Fyles followed these interesiing a(ldress"S by a thoughtful review of the work done l)y the Womiin's Auxiliary throughout the Dominion. The sum of $24.72 w^as realized by the Auxiliary's labours and colleetions at Missionary Meetings. The ^Sunday School still goes on under the faifhl'ul superintendency of Mr. George Addie. who has associated with him five I'aithful and devoted teaidiers. 1 try to assist them by addressing or catechising the children once a month. Through the ellorts of the Sunday School Teachers, aided by a liberal grant from the S. V. C. K., we have a very fine Library, which is very much aj)preciated by both pa- rents and children. The sum of $20. KG was contributed lor Sunday School work durina- the year. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese visited this Paiish on the oOth of March, and Confirmed eighteen persons, all of whom became Communicants at once, and have com- municated with more or less regularity ever since. I cannot close this report without expressing niv sincere thanks to the Organist and Choir, the Church- Wardens and all others who have kindly assisted me by their faithful and devoted services, to advance the cause of Christ and His Church in this place. What the future of this Parish will be. it is dillicult to say, for deaths and removals are constantly reducing our numbers. Mr. William Tolield and family, all devoted and faithful members of the Church, havt^ left us to take up their residence in the City of (Quebec. Mr. Wilkinson and family have removed to the Western State's. Mrs, DeTotus, 85 Mrs. Simmons and Mr>. Simpson, old members of the coiigTegation, and Ida Sample. Bertha Atkinson, lambs of the tlock, havt\ during thr' year, b-en tran,s[)lanted to the paradise of ( J-od. ]\IAGD.VLEN ISLANDS. Th(^ Rev. Josiah Ball reports : — The usuiil Missionary work has been regularly carried on at Grindstone' and l*]ntry Island, and my visits to Grrosse Isle changi'd from monthly lo once in three weeks. Next Summer. I purpose holding Services there every alternate week. The in lections disease which broke out at Grosse lsl(\ three Summers sinci', rcvippeared in June last, and in a very brief time, carried oil' three children. lam thankful to say there have biMMi no cases since. But this occurriMice so alarmed the ])arent; that thev were afraid to assemble in Church, noi, knowing whence the infection came, so that my work at that end of the Mission has been sadly interrupted. Three families left their houses for an indelinite period, two went lo Ih-yon Ishmd. and one to Ohl Harry Head, in order, if i)o. oible, to escape the conlauion. In August, llie Lord Bishop of the Diocese visited this Mission, and held Services at Entry Island, Amherst and Grrindstone. Seven younu' persons were Conlirmed at l^]ntry, and six at the latter place. His Jjordship did not visit Grosse Isle owinn- to the sad circumstances above mentioned. The Bishop, however, left a letter of con- dolence, which was read at f]ast Cape at a Service held in a private house, and again at Grosse Isle, to the lew persons whom the Missionary could i)ei'suade to assembh^ in the Church, in the month of September. At the Uishop's request, llitve commenced collecting funds for tht; purpose of buildinu' a small Church on Entry Islaiul, as the Services there .ire now held in a private dwelling. Nearly one half the estimated cost of the build- inirhas l).>en raised, and it is hoped that by next Spring there will be a sufhcient sum on hand to enable us to proceed with lln^ undertaking. In this matter, our thanks are due to the Honourable Senator Brice, for his very liberal contribution. I would take this opportunity to thank the Church S6 Helpers of Que})ec for the travelling Communion Set pre- sented by 1 hem ibr the use of this ^fission; and also to Mrs. lleneker, of Sherbrooke, lor (he barrel of elothhii;' for distribuiion among the poorer members of my Hock. I'inane ally. I an-* tliankful to say that a more liberal spirit has V en manifested l)y the Grindstone eong-reiintion in the m.;tier of payiiiii' their assessments, but (Irossv IsUms sti!l dv^liri nt. The appeal towards the Bishop 'Williams' >I 'Hiorial Mission Fund has also been fairly responded to. !^i' M.VLH.ME. The Rev. Geo. Radley Walters reports : — I have but simply to report the ordinary routine of CV)ast Missionary work for another yar. consist iiifj; of frequent Services, Parish visitinii', Church buildinu-, tVc. In the month of July, our tTood Bishop visited us, accom- panied by his son and the Veneiabh; Archdeacon Ivoe, when our two Churches, St. Peter's, Malbaie. and St. Luke's, Corner of the iieach, were consecrated. The Holy Communion was cel.,-brat«»d after each Consecration Service. Forty-thr<>e Candiuites were Confirmed, three beiiio- adults and near their severitieth year, (there being a Coniirmation in each Chnrclr). His Lordship alto consecrated apiece of land, at the Corner of the Beach, for a Burial Giound. Much ii)ter(^st was manif sted in these Services, the Churches were full ; every one being much impressed by the earnest, soul stirring and loving addresses delivered both at the Consecration and (Vniiirmation Services, by the Bishop, and all here look forward wJtii much pleasure to his LordshijKs m^xt visit. In the afternoon of each day, the Archd<>acon pleaded very earnestly the claims of th Diocesan Bo-vrd for an in- creased amount of yearly assessment. We have four Day Schools (Protestant) in the Mission, tv\'o oi which are kept open the whole of the school year, viz: Malbaie and the New Line; at Barachois, school is kej)t part of the year ; at Corner of the Beach, aohool is kept perhaps during the Winter, or may })e the Summer only, this year, for lack of funds ; and being joined to the Perce district, they have no teacher, consequently no school : •(■ 8t is taupi'ht. The twelve families there, all members of our own Church, are ieclino- very dispirited to see their chil- dren grow up without any educational advantages, the assessment arising' Trom their property is not adequate for the support of a Teacher, Ix'ing but i^oO yearly. I have thought of applying to the " Education Fund " of the Diocesan Church Society I'or a small grant on behalf of Corner Beach ; however small a recognition, it would be much a})]n*eciated by our Corner Beach peo]:»le. I am happy to report that the exterior of our third new Church, (the one now bitildiuu' at Barachois,) is quite com- pleted. I am now endeavouring to obtain from the families there material for linishing the interior. I am — ■jt eager to complete this Church during the coming Summer, if ])()ssible. I think, for its si/e, it promises to be the most successful of the three. We are just now considering- the work of staining and varnishinii' the interior of our Malbaie and Corner Beach Churches. The (ionu're<»-ation of each of these Churches have procured nearly sullieitmi funds for the work from suc(3essful Tea ;iud Kancy Sales held during tlic past year. Our greatest ditliiiilty now is to procure t\v, material from Montreal, which duriiur the Winter months can only be brought as fir as Ciirlct in, thu- uece-«sitLitiiig, for some one, a drive of one hundred ind forty miles each way to procure it. 1 must not forget to thank the i'lmilies of Viberts aiul Mabes at ( 'orner Beach for an immense amount of trouble undertaken in providing so goad a Tea, and in every way helping to make the. undertaking so successful in their Ch.urch's behalf During the Summer months. Miss LeClresley and Miss LeGros kindly assisted me as teachers in my Simday School, the nuvnber of children attending being much as last year. The distance at which many live is the chief cause of irregularity. The Sunday Services during last year, at each ol luy three Stations, wen^ better attended than they have been for ([uite a long time past. This I noticed especially in Malbaie. Oar Sunday Offertory too has shown a decided in« n-ase. Twice Inst Wiiiter, ; ; Malbiie and at Corner Beach, I held Laiuern Services, the Church(:S being crowded. Of course .h . ? were week n^ght Services, when I exhibited "Scenes ill the life of Our J^ord." iiil -i. 88 ■i On the evening of Good Inidiiy, alter tlie I^itiiny, we hail the Stations of the Cross, with suitable Hymns. Shown from the Jjanlern, tliese Services were very much appre- ciated, and impnvssed the story of Our Blessed Lord's Hie and death on the minds of thes^ people much more foreii)ly than a Sermon. Our Itarvest Services were very sucec^ssful this year, l)otli our Cliurches were nicely decorated. At Corn(>r Beach the youno- peoi)le displayed much taste, and took ptiins to make their Church look very pretty. At Malbaie the Chancel was extremely well decorated, the Pulpit, Prayer De.sk and Lectern, and the sills of the windows, were amass of moss, fern, grain, leaves and crab apples. For all this work 1 must thank Mrs. Collas. Miss I.eCxresley, Miss LeG-ros and Mrs. Hocquard — Mrs Collas sending a number of llow<'rs in pots, which were tasteiully arranged along the Chancel sti?ps. 1 would thank Mr. Collas for largely h(>lping tin; Church- Wardens in collecting the year's assessment. At Corner lieach, ihiiiiks to Mr. Malx;, our assessment was collected jmnnptly. To the AVardens there, is due the eredit of gettinu' t)u( congregation to place a neat new fence, as a free gift, around the Church property. 1 am also in- debted, through Mrs. James Vi})ert, to the s'ood people at the Corner, for the gift of a handsome black Marble (lock, as a Christmas liift, bearing a suiiable inscrij)tion on a silver plate. For this J tender them my ))est thanks. To my Wardens, Messrs. L(»Marquand and John LeGro.s, .Tnr., for their services during the year, is due the I hanks of the congreuation. 1 am just in receipt of a large number of the " Banner of F'aith Almanacks," from the Lady Mabc^lla Knox, of J'hig- land, one of which 1 intend placing in every house in my Mission during the lirst week of the new vear. NEW CARLISLE AND IMSPEBIAC. i The Rev. Fdgar B. Ilusbaiul reports : — Nevj Carlisle, — On the whole there is much cause for thankfulness. The attendance at Church on Sundays has been better than in the previous year, although there is great room for improvement. The assessment has been rou'iilavly paid, l)ut iiol, willioiit much trouble to the Church- Wnidoiis. I trust ihc duy is not far distant wli^'ii the cou'-irpii'tiliou will ronlizo thoir duty in ihis matter. Our ('oiumuiiicanls, I roi»ret to say, are lew Ibv the size of the c()iigrei>'atioii. jMay God stir uj) our hearts in this matter. The Sunday Sdiool h;is l)e,en laithlully carried on during" the past year. Once a month I catechised the children, and lately have held a, special Service ibr them. I much reg-ret th(^ loss ol' three iaithlul teachers through removal to other places, hut trust th''ir successors will Follow in their Ibotsteps, and thus help in making' the Sundiiy School the backbone ol" the I'aiisli. I long to see the pai'.nits taking a greater interest in this most important work, by seeing that their (.'liildren attend I'egularly. 1 am glad lo say <'onsiderabl<' progress has been made with the new Church. The outside (tower excepted) is near » oiupletion. \y tone to h ive tile iilass m, m tin; Sirring. Then I hope the whole conii'n^uation will give a willinii' hand (o ))uil down the old (Uiurch and lit u[) the new. ( )ne ihinu" is <|uite certain, we cannot renmin in the old ('hur<-h anothiu' Winter. Miss K. Muri.>on has collected on behalt' of the new Cliureh in al! .s;;;>,7.1-J. In August, a very successful (^)ncert was held in the Town Hall on bi'half of anew ()r2an. Sixty-one dollars were realized. Tn the lIpps, whi(.'h lia\ .' bi>eii well attended. Jjurijig the Winter, I am holding one Sumlay Evening Service, as well, with much success. The Sunday School liere also has Ix'cn laithfully carried on, and occasionally calechised by me. A united Sunday School Tr«?at was held in the Temper- ance Hall in January, and one in which Paspebiac joined in the K'ectory grounds, in September. P(isj)f:l)i(((:. — Stc^ady work has been going on in this Par- ish, which is producing good fruit. The attendance at Church lias been vt^vy regular. The Woman's Auxiliary and Guild have don(> good work. The Auxiliary has now fourteen members, all of whom take a deep interest in its work. A very substantial barrel of clothing has been sent to Fort Alexander. All have worked w^ell. ^m CV. 90 Th«^ monibei's of ihfi Guild hnrc now complotetl thoir work 111 l)uikliiiii- the Church I lull. Tlioy hold a IJazaar in NovembiM', which realized one hundred and hity-seven dollars, thus cnahlin^- them to pay oil the cntiri' d»d)t on the huildiiiu', indudiuii' the ]);iintiiii;'. They dcsiM'Vi' g'rcal praise lor hrinuing- l]iisseir-im|)OS('d work to such a success- ful issue. In January, a very i^ieasanl Parish 'Pea and Social was held in the Church 'llall. The Sunday School also has hcen laithlully carried on during: the past year. Ilopc/oirrt. — The new Church and Burial-Ground were consecrated on July iMst. when a very hearty Service was held, assisted by the Choir Ironi Paspcbiac. It was a day that will long be renienibered, especially by those who have takiMi such a deep interest in its erection. There has been a reuular attendance, though we hope before long to see more taking- an interest in their Chuich. Through the exertions of Mrs. Charles Smith, we have been able to pur- chase a small Organ lor the Church. Our thanks are due to the Church Helpers' Society, Quebec, for the Altar cloth and hanging they so u'enerously gave. I must not coiicliide without mention of the great event of the year, I mean hi.s Lordship's !irst visit amongst us. His able and earnest addresses seem to have lelt a deep impression. 1 am glad many availed ihemselves of the opportunity of me(>ting his l^ordship at the Rectory, not- withstanding the inclemiMit weather. I desire to thank the iinit(Hl Parishes for their loyal wel- come to their Bishop, a)ul for many kindnes.ses, su])stantial, and otherwis(% to myself duiing the past year. .\EW LIVERPOOL. The Rev. I. M. Thompson leports: — I was inducted into the Incumbency of this Sunday, the 1st of January, l^Oo, by his I, Bishop of the Diocese, and at once entered upon the duties. There are connected with New Liverpool (Congregation, eighteen families in Winter, and twenty-one in Summer, three families mo^ ing to Quebec for the Winter months. Mission on hip the II I If-' 91 In iulditioii to thes<\ thoro am six adults not counted in lainilics. Of these I'aiiiilios. Ihvoo vesid(3 ai C'haudiere Curve, two at ("haudiere Mills, two at Uehiir. one at St. Henri, the others live in the vicinity ot the Church. New Liver])oul has had lor the yoar a xular Sunday SiM'vice and a niont Illy Celebration ol'the 1 , Communion; also, dnrinii tli/ \Vint(!r months, wt^'k-day Services on all the principal l-'estivals ol' liic! Church, in addition, there have l)''en I'oitniuiitly Servie(>s lor the Winter, and monthly I'or the Summer, at Chaudiere Curve, where there are sev- eral Protestant I'amilies outside oI' those h(done a))()Ut pMH), which will be quit3 as much as the Mission will be able to raise in ad- dition to its ordinary expenses ; but the necessity of having one is so plainly seen by the people, that were tht'y as well agr(»ed as to where it shoidd be built for the convenience of the whole Mission, wh' would look for good results when a seasonable time to undertake it arrives. Messrs (l. Gr. Hurd and Chas. Loveland ha.vo undertaken to sheath the Church in JJaiulboro' with Ash, and for that purpose have already received $t>7 on their subscription list, which has encouraged them to procure lumber specially 98 prei>arod for the work. At Island Brook the same work must be done, but must be delayed till the lumber is ready, they hav(^ however i^7o on hand, and Mr. Greo, French has t»iven 1400 feet of seasoned Ash, and has kindly undertaken to saw free of charge the rest of the lumber required, which is lo be u'iven and drawn to the mill by members of the conureaation. The Woman's Guild, Avhich has had a nourishing year under the able direction of Mrs. Greo. French, is taking a special interest in this work, which, together wnth the willingness with w^hich the people seem ready to undertake the repairing of their Church, leads me to hope that before our next annual report is due, this much need(»d work, as well as that on the Church in Iland- boro', can be reported as having l)een accomplished. On the ITth of June, we had a visit from the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, whoConiirmed thirteen Candidates in Rand- boro' and eight at Island Brook, including men and women whose work and iniluence are felt and appreciated by those interested in the advancement of the Church in this Mission. We were also visited by the Venerable Archdeacon, who arranged an exchange lor Christmas Day, by which he look my duty while I went to Lake Megantic ; by Dr. Adams, who. on November I9th, preached in behalf of Bishop's College, and by ^Ir. Ivobertson, of Cookslnre, who preached our Harvest Thanksgiving Sermon at JIandboro'. Among our visitors must be named Mr. A. Dorey, whose visit was much appreciated by those interested in the musical part of our Services. :' ■■' m ; '■ :(: ' 1 94 the distance which many ol' our people have to come. Latterly I have substituted a class oi' instruction I'or the Wednesday evening Service, once a i'ortniuht. which promises to be very helpful, particularly to Ihc young'. Earnestness and devotion are very happily apparent in the Services, which is a matter ol" thankfulness to us all. The music is exceedingly good lor a country congregation, thanks to the training in singing given the young people by the Kev. Mr. Harding, and the iaitli fulness and elhciency of the Organist, Mi^. Louis Annet. At Little Gaspc regular ^Sunday Service is held, the attendance being also very good. Our j^eople here are not so numerous as in Teninsula, yet the Services are hearty in the very comfortable Church which has for some time been quite completed. Ibn-e we have also a Choir over which Miss G-avey presides as Organist. Occasional week-day Services are held and well attended. As soon as 1 am able to keep a horse, J hope to make extra Services and classes of instruction a more regular thing. At Ship Head the monthly Coltauf Service is being con- tinued and seems to be appreciated not only l^y the few belonging to the Church, but by others in the ni'ighborhood as well. The Sunday School at Little, Gaspe is, with dilliculty, c-arried on during the Fall and Winter months owing to the condition of the roads. Mr. Chas. Barilett, the Superin- tendent, although livinii' at a considerable distance from the Church, endeavors to keep up the work. In St. Matthew's, Peninsula, Mr, Wm. Miller, the Super- intendent, and lour Teachers, continue a good work among the children. Holy C'ommunion is celebrated regularly once a month by the Rev. Mr. Harding, w'htm the weather admits of crossing the Bay Irom Sandy Beach. First steps have been taken tow^ards the building of a Parsonage, which is much needed in tlu^ Mission. A site has been secured adjoining the Church in Peninsula, and timber for the frame is already being prepared. The house ]iow in use as a Parsonage is a very old one, and almost a mile from the Church ; however, it has been made tolerably comfortable for the AVinter, through the untiring kindness of the congregation. 96 And here I wish to express my deep gratitude to all those who have been so kind to us since arriving in the Misi^ion. Their concern lor our physical welfare is only part of tlie proof oi' the truth and depth of the spiritual life here existin*^. True devotion to the work and service of Clod is, 1 feel sure, to be found all through the Mission ; Church principles are fixed in hearts and lives to a happy degree. God has certainly blessed His work in days past, and if we in the present are but true, I trust He will still continue to bless it. :.;i;;i '. ': If- 'k k. ^ p: 1 13 ■mi 06 take down tho decayed part and velmild ii. As the people are in poor circumstances, money could nol he looked lor ; but they vvilliiiu'ly ollered themselves, and the men of the place gav«' many days to Ihe work ; uju'ti also hewn timlx^r and shinii'les, and drew stone lor ihe repair of the lonnda- iion. All the work is not iinished, Ihe most dillieult, however, is done, ;(nd what remains will he completed next Spring'. The attendance at Chui'ch on Ihe whole is not satisljietory, most ol' the people live over three miles Irom the Church ; we may hope, notwilhslandinu', that increased love of worshippinii' God with the hrethreji. will soon mak«ulistanee and unlavourahle weather not worth consideriiiu'. Viva persons were Conlirmed hy the llishop on his yWw to this Mission, and are now Communicnnts. The ))rop()rlion of (Vimmunicants to Church populaUon of this se<'.lion is nearly the same as at Portneuf. We have kej)! our Diocesan Mis.sioii l^oard Assessment paid up, thanks to Ihe Church-AVnrdens, who, I am sure, find their work harder every year, not from ajiy unwilliim'- ness on the part of the suhseiihers, hut from small and continuous emiirration. The total lunounl suhscrihed to the various i'uiuls of the Cliun-h Society shows a shi;ht falliiiir olf'compared with last year, owini^'. I imagine, tosom*.' whose names do not appear in the lists nol heini>' ready with their contributions hy the time for tiansmitting to the Tr(^•lsurer. It is pleasing- to note thai the \ ilhig'e j)eopK', in addition to resolutely keeping' up the amounts of their usumI contribu- tions, have shown a brotherly spirit in giving' money to- wards necessary outlay on repairs of llaleshoro' Church. I need add nothing about disc^our.m'emenls, they are as nothing when we remember the many evidences that the Lord is with us and blessing the ellbils of pastor and Hock. May we show our gratitude for help in 'rei>'ation owes to the enii'im'erinu" skill of Mr. llarkom can hardly be told. His plan for the correction of the weakness of the roof (from which so much trouble came) was a bold one ; but success, perfect success was the jusHlicalion of it. These* were the two leading" spirits in the committee, but it would be very unjust to (he other three not lo speak of iheir readiness on all occasions to nuH't for consultation and to do any of a hundred thini>'s to help forward the work. When we found that um» had secured a solid and sub- stantial building', and withal very pleasing" to the eye without, we resolved to expend a reasonable sum upon ornamentation within. The committee invited the cong-re- qation on several occasions to <.i'ive advice in some matters, and it secun»d help, besides strenuthening* ii'0)d will. I ow^e more than I can tell to all members of the committee for doing" iheir work so well, and for making my position so pleasant to me. I'hey need no woi'ds of praise fiom me, seeing with their own eyes the result of their united etforts, and having within their owji hearts the comfort of having' tried to do their work. I do not think the day (August 25th), when the Bishop was with us for the opening* ^Service, will soon be forgottrcpara- tion my assistant was at (Irosse Ish', and so much of my time was oiven to th*^ repairs of the Church that I was unable to do what 1 wished for many, so that T or^atly preferred to present a small class and leave the others till more could be done for them. It is a false strtMi^th to the Church to present those who are unprei)ared. With the assistance of several kind friends the grounds of the Church and iveclory have been much improved. The great work done this Summer has not been a tax upon the congregation, the award being- larii^' enouiih to defray the expense. Not that we have not sulfered from the bad work that compelled us to go to law for redress, for the suffering has been great and has showed itself iii many ways; but having been taxed hitlierto to get the award, it was enough to do the present work, seeing the committee did so much as a labour of love, and also partly to repay past expenses. We are all deeply thankful that w^e are safely through with the loss, as small as it is. In reviewing the year, the observance of Christmas and Easter shine out clear and bright. Many loving hands beautified the building, aiul about one hundre*! Commu- nicants on each occasion testified to the blessedness of the seasons. A well filled purse at Christmas was very u'ra- tifying, and aided me materially in fitting up tiie KNm lory. And here I must mention the great kiiulness ol Mrs. Car- penter and Mrs. Kainbacli in assuming the res])onsil)ility of raising, through the assistance of the young peo[)le, the amount of .^81.86 spent on beautifying the licctory. They deserve far more than thanks. Reluctantly I have changed the hour of Sunday School from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. It takes me out of the School three Sundays in the month, which I miss and deplore, but a decided gain is realized in obtaining the services of Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs. Ilarkom and Miss Fowler. We have now a lioiirishing- School of more than eighty with a very decided gain in attendance and inteiest. 1 am still without a man as Teacher, and am obliged to bt; satisfied with a good young- lad Confirmed last Summer. 99 We have been lavoared with visits iVouilhe Archdetuon in the interests of the Memorial Fund and of increased Assessments. His Services were very acceptable and helpi'nl. The Parish has promised al)out %5500 ibr the Bishop Williams' Memorial F'und, but only less than a third has yet been paid. However there is no I'ear, but it will be j^iven. The monotony oi' woriv has also been relieved by Mission- ary meetings. The Rev. Chs. Brooks, oi IJarnston, delitrht- ed us with an address upon his w^ork in Constantinople, Bishop Sillitoe, spoke to a large audience about his work in New Westminster, and Mrs. Sillitoe quite captured the Woman's Auxiliary. Thfy received !iii'Jo2. Miss Sug'den also lectured twice, and made a deep impression upon many securing- )3i80.r)0. It is a pleasure to me to be able to speak without reserve ol' the kindness and elliciency ol'all my ollicers and help- ers in every departminit ol' work. %M IUVIERI>DU-r.OUP. The Rev. Gustavus Cr. Nicolls writes: — There is very little to report. I took charge of this Mission on October 1st, and for many weeks thereafter it remained undecided whether the work here could be continued, or the Mission would have to be closed. The most pressing- diiheulties have now been arranged, and T am thankful to say that things will continue as before. The last few weeks have been almost entirely lost through sickness in my family, and here in the Parsonage ; but the Services have been kept up without interruption, and there is now promise for the future. JjkKE BEAUPOKT. 1 was appointed in November to give a monthly Service, for three months, in the Church here; and have twice held Service, with Celebration of the Holy Communion. A Conlirmation class has been begun with, at present, seven or eight members. vm •' til Ik W 100 SANDY L'EACH. The llev. Geo. T. Harding" reports : — The Services here have l)eeii kept up as usual. That is, all the days Jor which the Church lias appointed CoUect, Epistle, and Gosi)ei liave been duly ol)s»M-vcd, with lew exceptions. Daily livening I'layer was said in Church during tlu' Summer months. Special week-night Services wexe held in Lent and Advent, with occnsioiuil Cottage Services in dill'erent parts ollhe Mission and many private Celebrations oi' Holy Communion lor the sick and aged. Regardin^^ the Lenten Services, I have to acknowledge kind help I'rom the Kev. J. P. Kichmond. who delivered an excellent course ot lectures, here, on "The liaptismal Covenant,"' which seemed to ])e much api)reciatcd by the people. It is with thankfulness I am able to report a marked im- provement in the atlt'ndance at Holy ( 'ommunion, especially durinff the latter i)art oi'tlie vi'ar All who were Conliiined in the Summer have come to Communion, some rre(|Uently, besides which, not a lew conlirmed long ago, who had never at least in my time received the Sacrament, have lately made a beginning-. At the Christmas Celebration there were fifty-two C(mimunicants, which is the largest number I have yet had at any one time. During last Winter, I had IJible Classes for adults, as usual — one at the I'arsonage, and another at the Harachois School-house. Both were well attended, but the latter, especially so, the interest s(>eming to incn'ase towards the end. Sometimes, nearly all the seats wew occupied, and the last few times of meeting the class, there were over sixty — of nearly all ages — present. I must not omit to mention, also, with thankfulness, that the Sunday Services, began a year ago at this School-house, have continued to be as successful as at first We have been obliged to enlarge the room in which it is hr-ld. a corner of the vestibule being at the same boarded oil to make a kind of vestry room. 1 under,^tand, too, that through .some private exertions — that is without the congregation being asked to become responsible — a harmonium has ))een pur- chased, and is soon to be presented to us for use at these Services, which will, of course, tend greatly to improve them and increase the interest. 101 AVt» W(»n» V(M*y much rhctMcd and hciK^fitcd by a visit ill July I'roin tho Lord Hishop. who Confirinod t\venty-throi» persons. Wo took luh iuitaue of lii.s beini;' here to have ii .sliort Service ibr the l)lessiiii>- oiOur new Pursonai^e. This was lield in the Ijouse — or ralh'M* at the door — alter Even- song- was said ill Cliurch. Ail the Parishioners were invit- ed, with the neinlibouriti'4" ('ler<^y, and a tea was st-rved in tonnectioii tlu'rewilh. Work at tlic I'arsoiia^e has been uoini? on steadily all Sunimi'r. It is now very comlbrtible and conv(>nient, and looks wt»ll inside and out. Hut in order to carry out the phiii adopted r<'L!:ardinn- tii-' inside linishinuf work — whi(;h exceeds what is ^-eiierally thouuht, suiheient — a good deal remains still to be done, and another year or two will hardly m'O all the detivils completed. I am thankl'ul to lind that we are still advancing" in the mati(>r ol' contributions to outside objects. Towards the luiuls of the, (Miurcli So -iety we have collected *io more this year than last, and Ibr all extra parochial objects there is an increase of about ^:10. The amounts collected by means ol' Missionary cards are : — By Miss Harbour :^8 85 By Miss Thompson 4 20 112 55 And yet the Sunday Collections ibr parochial purposes are asjain in exc(>ss of all previous years, ag-g-regating >!ilOG.83. [t is very worthy ol" nolice also that, in addition to all other moneys raised lor home purposes, and through the diligent exertions ol a lew young Ladies of the congrega- tion, a suiheient sum w^as collected to purchase a good quality of matting for the aisles of the Church, which is a great improvement as regards looks and a benefit in other ways. I beg auain to acknowledge the kindness shown to my- self and family by the people here. As usual, the year's wood was cut and hauled to the I\irsonage, and the present of a handsome pair of portieres for her rooms w^as received by Mrs. Harding. SIIEIIBROOKE. The Rev. Canon Thorneloe reports : — The year now closing has been marked by a few events of importance to the Parish. ■ .:v' ■ ilfv'j '■|f:l '• ■i ci -'-.r \m 1:-!o' ' II .m 102 KirsI must 1)0 iiu'ulioiiod llm tell days Mission in Lout, coiiduclt'd by Kcv. Caiioii Ikillock, of FiOeds. KimliUid. Wo liad liiid no oxporiciKU' ol' Parochial Miissions, and it was not without inisLiiviiius that wo docidod to Inko ad- vantn'j'o oltho oppoiiuuii y oH'orod us. Hut tho rosnlt iully ju-sliliod oui (looision. Tho Missionov'squiot and churchly jnothods, his powerful and niovinii' addn'ssos, louvthor with tho outspoken ohiuaotor of his toaply hut h'fthohind an unniistnkahlo impress ibr good. This inij)ross is still apparent. We iraeo it however not so much in remarkable cases of sjiiritual reformation. Though not a i'ew were awakened to a wis(M- sense of tho importance of religious things, as in a ])etter hold of Church prinoii)les, a more eannst spirit, and a warmer inton-st in Church work throuuhoiit tlio I'iirish. It will certiiiniv oe lonj>: before tho memory of the Missioiu'r and his work will fade Irom the minds of our i^eoplo. Another event not to bo passed over in silence is the removal ot tho Rev. It. J. Fothergill. who, on the Pst Sep- tember last, alter live years of zealous and Jnithiul la])our as Curate in Sherbiooko. loit the Parish to take charge of the Mission of Shigawako. He had won tho afloetion and esteem of our people, and there were many oxj^rossions of regret at his departure. His inlluonce yet lives in tho Parish. "We have not yet succeeded in tilling- his place, consequently tho work of tho I arish has to some extent sulhMi'd. But I am constrained to acknowledge with gra- titude that our laymen have rallied round me nobly in tho hour of need, and to the extent of their power have aided me in every good word and work. A third event calls lor brief mention. On St. Luke's Day the second annual Paio(;hial Conleronee of Church workers took place. Holy Communion was celebrated in the morning. In the afternoon, a meeting of workers was held, at which reports of various Associations of tho Parish were read and discussed. In the evening, a second mooting of workers took place, which was very largely attended. KepDrts and papers on practical subjects were read and great inter«'st in the work of tho Church in our midst was manifested. This conl'erence, bringing together workers in the various departments of Parochial activity, has already resulted in the quickening of several of our chief Parochial 103 ori^iini/alions, uolal)ly. lor oxiimplc, tho Ludios' (Juild, th« Suiuliiy School ul" St. rclors and tlu' CI iris' Friendly So- ciety. TIh' iUiniviMsary ol' thn AVom;in's Auxiliary of the District was lit'ld in tlii.s Parish, in Oclol^'r last, and proved to be an (K'c^a.sion ol' un'al inlercst. Mrs. Dunn and a large nuni- ht'r ol" tlcleLiates were pn'St'ul. ThiTc was a Choral Tele- hration in St. IVter'.s al 10 o'clock Various mcelings took place during- the day. And, in the c\>'ninov a ^lissionary Meetiim- was held in St Peter's Church ilall, the J[ev. C. II. Hrooks and the licv. .V. Stevens heinj^' the speakers. The J]i>h()p ol New Westniinster visited us in Lent and ffave an inlerestiiiLr account of tiie Church in British Co- lunihia. On the same (xjcasion, Mrs. Sillitoe i»ave a delight- I'ul addr'ss to the VVonian's Auxiliary. Karly in the Suninier. a hou e to house canvass of the Parish was made in the interests oi" the Dishop Williams' ^I«'nn)nal Mission Fund. And t h()Ui»h the result was not what we had hoped it would be. not a lew ol' our people leelinLi' uiiabie tdt-ubscribi* at that lime, yet the contributions of the I'aritsh to this jiood work were brought up to .$1.7-7. h") all told. It is hoped that they, who have not yet subscribed, will do so later on. The Parish is mucdi indel)ted to the Uev. Dr. Adams, who has taken duty fortniu-hlly lor the past thret» months at the Church oithe Advent and occasionally at St Peter's, and to other cleriivmen who have rendered assistance from time to time. The Rector's thaidvs are due to many earnest workers of both sexes. At Si. Pt'fer's the eoniiregations have held their own throuu'hout the year. The avera^'e attendance being- a trille larger than that of last year. The Celebrations of Holy Communion on every Sunday and Holy Day, throughout the year, have been app''eciated by many as a real blessing to the Parish. There is reason to believe that the daily Morning and Fvening- Prayers have also heen prized by a few. The various organizations before reported continue their useful labours. A Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. An- drew, small but earnest, established early in the year, is in active operation. The Choir, which is in a state ot g-ratifying efficiency, ! t' i;tl'f li il ii I n^ 104 has contributed larg-cly to the dii»nily and interest (u our vService.s. At intervals duiin^- the Autumn and Winter, Si-rvi'.' »s of Sacred Soiiii" have been rendered and have been greatly apju'eciated. 'Jhe Parish is fortunate indeed to be able to retain the services ol' so excellent an Organist aiul Choir-master as Mr. Arthur J)orey. The Church is iiulebted to the Ladies' Guild for a new puri)le Altar Cover, Lectern I'rontal and Stole. In this Church, on February 12th, the Bishop of the lJioce.se held a Coniirnuition, a class oi twenty-lbur being pre- sented by the IJector. On the morning ol' Septi'uiber 'iDth (St. Michael and All Angels), theltevrC. H. Brooks v^'as advanced to the Priesthood ; and in the evening of the same day thirty-seven Candidates were Conhrmed. These were occasions of great interest and great benelit to the Parish. The Bible Class at this Church, hehi on Sunday alter- noons, and open to men and women, has increased greatly this year. The average attendance has been thirty-live. Th so large as that of last year. A bell, weighing 422 lbs., has bceii jiurehased and is in position. The money for this object was raised chielly by Mr. Nutter. Two l)eautiful Chairs have, been provided for the Chancel bv the ex* rt ions of Mrs. Johnston. 8III(}AWAK1':. The Rev. Gustavus G. NicoUs reports : — [ began work here on May 2!ith, 1802, and as the sixteen months have been to me months of great happiness, so I hope they may not have been without proiit to the work of the Mission. 105 l:^hi<];-avJtike. — The Sorvices have been kept up rei^ularly. The attendance at them on Sundays was never bad, and I'or tlie Inst six months has increased markedly, and been ♦ 'xceedingly good ; and the responding is always most henrty. 1 wish I could say the same about the congrega- tions at the W(>ek-day Services (especially in Advent and Lent) ; though even these have been as larg(» as is usual in country places. The Woman's (ruild has been made more devotiorial in character ; and has also continued its material labours, iind — by means of occasional sales, enter- tainments, (Sec, — has rendered substantial pecuniary assist- ance. The Sundav School has not been as well ncn-as regularly attended ;;s could be wished. The i'act that it is, from the nature ol" the work of the Mission, often im]-)0ssible for the CMergyman to be present, is a great drawback ; though it is not by this intended to cast the smallest slur upon the faithlul labours of Mr. Frank Skene, the Superintendent, or upon that of some of the Teachers. It would be unirrateiul not to mention how much the congregation is indebted to the excellent services, wholly "Tatuitous, of Miss Deatrice Travers, the organist. Port. Daniel,. — Here also the Sunday and week-day Services have been regularly kept up. A fortnightly evening Ser- vice in the School-hous(! above the mountain has been almost always excellently attended, — far better, I grieve to say, than the Services in th(» Church, which are as a rule very poorly attended, while the n^sponding is almost nil, and there app(»ars to be a general lack of interest — both in the Services, and in Church matters generally — which is painful and disappointing, and to me quite inexplicable in its contrast with the state of a Hairs existing in the other two con li'regat ions in the Mission. There are tWO Sunday Schools,— one at the Church, which is small and iluctuating ; the other, at the School- house above mentioned. The latttu* is conducted by Mr. Norman Dow, who deserves all possible credit for his faith- fulness and perseverance. There is no regular " (Jluild," or working society, in this congregation ; but certain ladies of the congregation have, from time to time, met together and worked, and then held sales, by which considerable sums have been raised. Both here and at Shiffawake a certain amount of white- • .it-.. t :■'■ I g^,^-::l| ■4 106 washing' and .shingling ol Churches, parish buildings, &c., has been done : and, as I am leaving, the interior of the Church at Shigavvake is about to be entirely le-painted and re-decorated ; the expense l^eing largely, or wholly, defrayed by the Guild. I must not omit to mention h(n'e, either, the regular and satisfactory si^rvices of Miss Kerr, the organist : which, like Miss Travers at Shigawake, are a I'n^e gift. LAnse av.v Gascons. — This is by no means the h?ast interest- ing and satisfartory part of the work of the Mission. Thi' Services have taken place, during the sixteen months, quite regularly every fortnight with very few omissions indeed ; and it is pleasant to say that the pretty, house-like little Church is invariably well filled, and the Service as hearty as it can be \vhere so many ol the congregation are un- happily not able to read. Week-day Services have been given in Advent and Lent, and have been quite as hearty and well attended as those on Sundays. There is much difficulty in keeping up the Sunday School here, owing to the impossibility (for surh it almost is) ot iinding a Superinlendent and Teacher amongst the small handiul of literates in the place. The School has been started and collapsed two or three times, and at this present writing cannot truthfully be described as flourishing. I am most happy to be able to say that, though th<^ Church people of the phice have at last been worked up to the pitch of providing a day School for their children, the l)uilding is completed and the School just in operation. This will doubtless exercise a favourable inlluence upon the Sunday School, although a grave; mistake, in my opinion, has un- fortunately been made at the outset by engaging a Teacher who, while in every way thoroughly efhcient, I believe is not a member of the Chunh of Kngland. Tliis is much to be regretted, seeing that every single child attending the School is of Church of England parentage. The Guild here was revivinl shortly after I came to the Mission, and, as at Shigawake, placed upon a somewhat more satisfactory basis devotionally. It has also done good work of a different sort ; having provided a very handsome new Altar cloth for the Church, with hangings for the Prayer desk and Lectern, and there is, 1 believe, a balance in hand. 107 Newport Point. — Though the fow families, (only some thr»H^ or four in number — but there is also a fair sprinkling of individuals— who live at this place, ten miles east of L'Anse aiix Crascons, really form a part of the congregation of the latter place, thoy will probably shortly be a distinct congregation, as they hope to build a little Church of their own in the »^pring. I visited them shortly after my arrival in the Mission, and was amazed to learn that — unless I was completely misled, though not of course intentionally — they had never been visited before. From that time onwards I have of course visited them with the same regularity as the rest of the people in the Mission ; and for the past year have held week-day evening Service there every two or three months, which have been excellently attended, and apparently greatly appreciated. Th(?se have taken place hitherto in a small ])uilding plainly fitted up for the pur- pose, and kindly lent by R Tardif, Esq., agent for Messrs, Chas. liobin, Collas & (.'o. This will now undoubtedly become a permanent feature of the work of the Mission. With the beginning of Lent, Confirmation classes were started in conneciion with each congregation, and main- tained weekly until the time of the Bishop's visit. T\\'o classes vrere carried on in Port Daniel, while the class at L'Anse aux Gascons was held weekly, like the others. These were new features in the work, and I am confident were well worth whatever little additional labour they may have involved. Let me here say that never in my life have I been more thoroughly interested in, or more thoroughly enjoyed, any part of my v^'ork than these classes. The Bishop's visitation of the Mission began on Tuesday, August •24th, when he spent the day at Newport, and held Service in the ev«uiing, with an address. Driving to L'Anse aux Gascons the ibllowing morning, he Confirmed twenty in the Church at eleven o'clock, of whom by far the greater proportion were adults. In the afternoon a reception, friendly and informal, was held at the house of Philip Acteson, Esq. On Wednesday morning, 26th, his Lordship Confirmed twenty-four persons in Port Daniel Church, of whom again a good proportion were adults. One woman Confirmed was sixty-six years of age, and there were several men between forty and sixty. Proceeding to Shigawake about four o'clock, Evensong ■i)' ■m .1 ., -.... 'Mi.'^k i:0 I' n \ ill! i 108 was said in the Church at soveu, with an address by his Lordship ; a <^ood oon^regatioii beiiii^' present. The Coiilirmntion ^Service took place the next morning ; and, although it rained ]n'tilessly, the Chnrch was crowded. The number of ConUrmaiids was I'orty-s 'ven, including" again, I am thcinki'ul 1o say, a large proportion ot adults. The age of the oldest Candidate was eighty-two, while there were several of upwards of lifty und sixty. Anything more beautiiul, touching and hel])ful than his Lordship's addresses at nil {Services, (especially that at Port Daniel) it is in my opinion almost impossible to conceive of. A most hearty receplicm was accorded him at L'Anse aux Gascons (whence many of the people diove the whole way to Newport Point to escort liim) and ^^hi2■awake ; numliers of the houses, gates, »Src., being adorned with ilags and llowers, while the CUiurches in all thnn^ ])laces were taste- I'nliy and prettily decorated with llowers and I'erns. Here I am glad to say that, lor once, Port Daniel, in my opinion, carried olfthe jxtlm; ihe Altar, wilh itsn«nv while dossal, cross re-gilt and many ilowers, looking beautiful and reverently cared for. I am ([uite sure that the Bishop's visit will form an episode in the Mission's history, and that its results for good will be u'rent and lastino-. Li conclusion, I am coniident that there is urgent need of another Mission lo be formed out of the Eastern portion of the Parisli of New Carlisle and Paspebiac, with the Western portion of this Mission. The work as it is, is most interesting and promising, and no man could fail to lind happiness in it. Even without division a great work can be done if a Priest can be found to devote eiiiht or ten years (or, better still of course, a life-time to it ; with division, 1 certainly know of no other phice in the Diocese which offers so promising a, h(dd. I wish to thank all my dear people for much kindness received and for their hearty help and support, and kindly feeling towards me, unworthy though I be of it. Had my circumstances beini diU'erent, I should willingly, nay gladly, have spent my life among them. It seems to me only right that I should give special thanks to Mr. \Vm. Ross, (a Pres- byterian) and Mrs. D. B. McGie, with Miss Lander, in Port Daniel, and to Messrs. Philip and Wm. Acteson, in L'Anse aux Gascons. During the whole period of my stay in the Mission their houses have been homes to me. m 100 STANSTEAD AND UEEBE PLAIN. The Rev. W. T. Forsythe reports :— Not much of interest has occurred to break the quiet routiiK? of Parish work during- the past year. At Christ Church, Staiistead, the vServices have continued the same as in Ibrmer years Holy Communion has V)een cekbrated weekly. Mattins and Evensong have been held every Sunday. Service has been held every Wednesday evening-, and the Fasts and Festivals observed by special Services. Lent and Holy AVeek were also specially observed. The Choir has benelited by several trainings by Professor Dorey. The Sunday Sehool was held during- the Winter months in the afternoon and the attendance shewed an advance on previous years. The congreualions have main- tained the same average as in past years with peihaps an increase al .Evensong. The work of our Literary Society during last Wniterhad a *iood eilect in binding together the members of the Church in social union. Various cir- cumstances tended to make it advisable ior a time at least, to discontinue our Church School. 1 have the privilege of visiting the District School and imparting' religious instruc- tion to the pupils. The l*arish owes a d(>ep debt of gratitude to the Church Society for the grant given to the School during so nuuiy years. Last Lent, by special voluntary offerings, we succeeded in reducing- the debt, incurred by the repairs of the Church, by ^105. We have had two visits from the Pishop during the year, at the latter of which nine Candidates were presented for Confirmation. At Peebe Plain our < ongregation shews an advance on ])ast y*'ars. 'fhe work of the Church here is almost of a Missionary character. The majority of the families who, a lew yeai-s ago, constituted ihc congregation here have removed from the village, and their place has been filled by new comers, most of whom are not Church people. A large i)roportion of the residents of this A'illage are not definitely committed to any religious body and fluctuate between the Church and Methodism l^y the help of Students from Bishop's College 1 haA"e been enabled to hold Services morning and evening every Sunday. Holy Communion has been celebrated monthly, and special Services held during Lent. During the Summer months 'r-^-W i '■ «l f 4 ^'^ iMI M I'll i 110 Mr. C. E. Bishop, of Bishop's CoUegv, boarded here, and by his energetic labours increased the numbers of our eouLrre- gations and revived the Sunday School work. During his stay here Service was held every Thursday evening, followed by choir practice. During the earlier part of the year, our congregation was increased by a number of the employees at the newly opened Granite Shops, but the iinancial depression of the past few months has caused the dismissal of most of the men working at these shops. We however look for brighter times. At Marlow Sohool-hcuse Services are held every alternate Sunday afternoon. Various circumstances have tended to make the work here discoura2:ing, but lately a revival of interest has been shewn. At Libby's Mills, Services are also held on alternate Sunday afternoons. The work here has, on the whole, been encouraging, and the congregations fair. The Services have, up to the last fortnight, been held in the School-house, immediately succeeding one held by the Con- gregationalists body. The Congregationalists have just finished building a place of worship next to the school house, and their hour of Service overlaps ours, de))riving us, at least for the present, of the j^resence of many of those of no definite religious views, who are attracted by the novelty of a pretty and attractive Church edifice, and prefer it to an unattractive School-house. At Judd's Mills our Services were discontinued for some months, but resumed this Fall. They are held fortnightly on week-day evenings, and are attendi'd by lair and very attentive congregations. I was invited during the past Summer to hold Services in the Moulton neighbourhood, a district mid- way between Stanstead and Libby's Mills. I have hold them every fortnio'ht since then. There have been fair consrreuations until the past few weeks, when an epidemic of sickness descended upon the neighbourhood, visiting almost every household and bringing our congregations to a small number. The people here have contributed the sum of 115.50 to shew their appreciation of the Services. I have not been able to resume our Services at Grillin's Corner, owing to my inability to occupy the Union Church at the hours when it is free. There are several other points where Services might be held with advantage, but I cannot yet see my way clear to Ill open these Stations. T must repeat my roq-ret that I cannot visit the families in these ontlyini? districts as it ought to he done to accomplish ellective work, owing to the extent of country to be covered, and at the same time I fear that by my work in those districts I hnve crippled the Church's work in the centre when, if I could devote my time more constantly, many useful orffiinizations in connection with the Church might be started and carried on. We sadly need another worker in this held. By this report it will be seen that there are six Stations where t^ervices are regularly held. Th(^ whole Parish has subscribed Sl^O towards Bishop Williams' Memorial Fund, payable in three annual instal- ments. I have included the first instalment in the fStanstead linancial statement. ST. SYLVESTER. The Ivev. G. J. Sutherland reports : — My work in this Mission dates from October, 1892. At that time, it was decided to give three successive Sundays at St. Sylvester and two at the distant Missions of St. George. This arrangement I have carried out fully. At St. Si//res(er, I have given one Sunday morning Ser- vice a month, with a celebration of the Holy Communion, and the two following Sundays in the evening. The morn- ing congregations were small, as the Church people, here, are few ; but the evening Services have been well attended ; there being no other evening Service in the place, all have availed themselves of the oi)portunity of worshipping God. I started a Sunday School early in the year, which was well attended until November, W'hen the roads became too bad. The Woman's Auxiliary has met rt-gularly and done very good work. The Lord Bishop of Quebec visited us in June and Con- lirmed eleven Candidates. By the kind assistance of the Association of Church Helpers, (Quebec, who gave us iifteen dollars, we were enabled to get the outside of the Church ]iainted. I am much inde])ted to i\Irs. Samuel Neill, for acting as President of the AV Oman's Auxiliary, and also for taking charge of the Sunday School in ray absence. !| J 112 ft I.' St. Giles. — I have givon the same iinmbor of Hervioes here as at St. Sylvester. The few (;hnrch people hero have attended well and joined heartily in the >"?ervices. About the time of my advent to the Mission, Mr. .Tas. Lefebvre. who for many years had been (vhurnh-AV^arden and much respected in this plnce, was rt^movijd by death. However the family still remain and do all in their ])Ower to help on the welfare of the Church. We are much indebted to St. Matthew's Guild for a set of Altar linen. The gift was much appreciated. Si. Palrirk\. — The cong-regation here is very small, there being only four families. I gave them one Service a month during the Winter, and two in the Summer. ■ St. GeofiJ^'e's ~l have given a Sunday mornin«r ScM-vice once a month with a celebration of the Holy Communion, and an evening Service the same day when the roads wt^re ffood, also an occasional week-dav Service. The congre- gation here is not a large one but a growing one, and all are most willing to support the Church. I have held a Bible Class or Sunday School every Sunday with few exceptions. The Church grounds were improved somewhat by a new fence and other improvements. The Lord Bishop vi.sited this place in September, when six Candidates received the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation. I am indebtonl to Mrs. William Pozer for acting us Pre- sident of the Woman's Auxiliary, which has met, I think, regularly during the past year and done very good work ; also, to Mrs. Uo.ss, for her eliicient services as Organist, and to others from whom 1 have received many kindnesses from time to time. Cumberland Mills. — I have conducted the sam(^ number of Services here on Sundays as at St. Georg\ I also held a Contirmation Class during the Spring and Summer, and thirteen Candidates were Contirmed at the Bishop's visit, in September. Miss Taylor very kindly conducted a Sunday School during the Summer months at the Manor House. The long talked of School-house was completed in Oc- tober, and my sister took charge of the day S<'hool and Sunday School until the present Christmas. The Association of Church Helpers, Quebec, furnish(id material for an Altar cover, and the St. Matthew's Guild 11.3 made it, and iilso gave ns a Credence table ay. His very coinnicndahle zeal and iiinicd ability ibr raising money W(>re <'l()(|vi('iitly exercised, but we fear the season was loo unpropilious to bear iriiit coiuineasurale with the merits of the cause he was advo- catiuu". 'i"h<' envelope system which he recommended and introduciHl (he himself n-enerously su[)plie(lus with a st()<;k of envelopes) we trust will be a more successful method for collecting money than thaL hitherto practised. 1 .6'," WATERVirJiE. The Ttev. Ernest A. WillouQ-hby King reports : — Appointed Jan. 1, i)eriod eleven months to Dec. 1. area, iifty-four scpian^ miles, well settled. Origin, mostly Anglo- Saxon, partly French Canadian. Sun 27 Present — Averasje No. Sunday and Fes- tivals 44 45 49 " — Average Xo. week days l.'J 12 30 Communicants average Sunday 15 18 11 " " other days 11 " Easter 24 10 11 Celebrations — Sunday and Festivals... 12 14 10 " — Minor Festivals 4 8 Communion of tlie sick 3 3 12 To reckon rij^htly by number of families is very difficult. The tabulated statements herewith made are briefer and more eloquent than words to all who will take note of them. Ladies' Guilds in three centres "ive great help in many ways. The Mission field is kept in view. Viiluable public addresses were given by Revds. Canon Foster and G, Murray, on the history of the British Church up to the year QQX, at a sub-deanery meeting in Watervilhv Also a clever and instructive address to the Model School children and friends, on the training of the young in Turkey, by Eev. C. H. Brooks. The Bishop's generous musical blessing, through Mr. Dorey, Organist, begins to return grateful echoes more worthy of worship. Sherbrooke Choir treated Waterville to a Cantata. Local Organists and Choirs deserve the best thanks oi people and clergy. Adult Baptisms, three Confirmations, an infant Baptism, a a celebration of Holy Communion, seven addresses, a speech to the workers in Gales' factory, the inspection of two Church sites, receptior.s, &:c.. and all within thirty-six hours, m.arked the busy Bishop's visit. Our people join me in thanking brother Clergymen for much valued ministrations. No Parsonage in the Mission. Large and beautiful site for one in Waterville, and some money in bank. Mr. W. "Wiggett, astill surviving warden of fifty years ago, promises ^25 more. Mr. Wiggett, with the wardens Hodgson and Flanders, collected for the fencing, towards which Rev. T. L. Ball gave $29. No endowment. A small legacy, likely to be available soon, was willed to St. John's Church by the late Mrs. Massey. She, with Mrs. Howse, Mrs. Osgood and Mrs. Gilkerson, all I 119 good women in the various relations of life, entered into rest within a period of six months. They are much missed There have boen. and still are, several cases of protracted illness at Ions; distances apart. Serious losses have taken place by removal replaced by somi; important arrivals. There is a well settled field open and lar^e tmough for an- other man's work in about Minton. Sulheld and Belvidere, bounded by Magog, North Hatloy, Eustis and Sherbrooke. The importance of its occupation seems beyond question. Wnten-ille Church sorely needs sheathing inside and a furnace. Towards the latter soaiething is being done. For fencing Church property, >&(J0 have just been paid. North ilaUeji'^ pretty new Church, sixty by tv\''enty-five feet, is almost ready for occupation in an unfinished state. Cost of large suitable site and structure about •'$1,500. Paid nearly $700. Much help from Summer visitors. Attendance for nine months, small but growing. Chief material need six or seven hundred dollars. The spiritual need here, as elsewhere in the Mission, is more interest in " the way of salvation." Messrs. Sch'.'uck, father and son. Carroll and Johnson, with lady Teachers, did valua])le Sunday School work at North llatley and its neighbourhood. The EiiMh congreu'ation is regular, reverent, appreciative and encourau'ing. Now virtually in hand are 82.')0 for the much needed proposed Church. Fine central site selected and applied for, and to be granted, we hope, by the Eustis Mining Co., wlien its deferred meeting shall be ln>ld. More than a third of the oflertory, at AVaterville, and more tliau a quarter, at Eu i)rea('hed to a inost attentive congregation at Christ Church, llrompton, which is across the St. Francis lliver from Titus. The }>eople of Bronipton W(^re highly pleased with the new JJisho]), with his plain words and kindly manner. His Lordship also ])r('ached at St. George's, Windsor Mills, at 8 P.M., when the Church was welf tilled with those eager to see and hear him. Again, on Tuesday, June 20th. we had the pleasure of seeing our most genial and ever active Chief Pastor, this time to administer the impressive. Apostolic ]vite of Laying on of Handu to four adults. The Coniirmation was held in St. Geoige's Chiu'ch. in the eveninii*. at which a good number were })resent, many being from the other bodies of Christians in the village. The next day, his Loidship was driven to the residence of Mr. Gr. Stevens, Lay l)eK\gate, for a brief visit, thence to the residence of Mr. A. A. Biiggs, my Lay Jv<>ader, w ith whom his Lordship dined, thus evincing a desire to be- come per.sonally accjuainted witli as nnmy as possible in the Parish. Consid(>rabl(^ repairs have been done to St. G xeorge s Church. The roof has been re-shingled, and its internal appearance much im]n-oved, the ceiling having been tinted, and the plastered walls, which had become badly cra'.ked, covered with strong manilla paper. This gives a cheerful 121 offect to the building, while the cost of the work was consistent with our limited means. For these repairs on the Church there is no debt remain- ing. The Windsor branch of I he Woman's Auxiliary continues its monthly meetings at the members' houses. I usually attend and open their meetings by using the Diocesan and Foreign Mission Society's " Litany of Intercession." The second annual bale of clothing, vVe., has recently been sent to Kev. J. Ilinchcliffe. of the Piegan Iveserve, Alberta. I doubt not but ihat its contents were highly appreciated by the Indian girl for whom it is specially designed. During the month of October, while at Grosse Isle, my Sunday duty throughout the Mission was performed by Mr. D. W. Sutherland, of liishop's College, his work being done in a very satisfactory manner. The Sunday School at St. George's Church, during the Summer and Autumn, has been under the sole care of my daughter. A good assortment of Cliildren's Periodicals has been supplied. Two little girls, living three or four miles distant, have attended quite regularly — driving themselves to and from the School. C/rnsi's Church, Ih-oniploii.. — There is not much to note of imimrtance. here, Ixnoud the usual routine of weekly Services. The cojigregation has held its own and, at times, lias been larger than heretofore, but it might ])e larger still, if all attended Divine Worship, who could attend. It is much to be regretted that so many heads of families, in these ])arts. do not apprear. From that time, the Services of a Header were secured to give fortnightly Ser- vices during College term time, and to reside during va- cations. During these three years much missionary labour has been bestowed upon Hereford with very promising results. Service's have been held regularly in tlie Hereford Church and at Hall's Streaiu, and occasionally at Wallis Fond. Twelve infants and lifteen adults have been baptized ; live ])ersons have been Conlirmed and eight admitted to the Holy Conununion. Eight more adults ai-e now ready to be Conlirmed at the Bishop's approaching visit. There is a very promising Sunday School at the old Church. Alto- gether the Mission is now, at its inception, one of great encouragement. m ' 1 (W . ■ ■ » '' ' ' r 't y ,1 '}■'] I i I ■' ■ ■'! ■'.;■. il ^- r . 126 The great material work of this Summer has been the erection of the new Church at Hall's Stream, some .six miles to the north of the old Hereford Church. The need of a Church at this end of the Mission having- made itself more and more felt, Mr. Edwin Bean not only ottered a valua]>le site, sufhcient for a Church and Parsonage, but also joined the Archdeacon in assuming the linancial responsibility of pushing the work through at once. The Church is now finished and will, it is hoped, be consecrated on St. Thomas's Day. It has cost between lifteen and sixteen hundred dollars, of which sum Mr. Bean has undertaken to provide about three lilths and the Archdeacon two iifths. This Church and that of L'Avenir are built from the same plans and are both very satisfactory. For the plans we are indebted to the llev. Arthur Jar vis, of Napanee. I ought not to conclude this report without recording my own deep thankfulness that the arduous and important work of launching these two Missions has been so happily accomplished. In 1886, the clergy of this District brought before the Synod and the Diocesan Board a modest project of Church extension in which we ventured to propose the establish- ment of three new Missions. Who would have then believed that in seven short years we should see nearly three times that number of new Missions founded ? New- port and Barnston, opened in 1887 ; Fitch Bay, in 18S8 ; Waterville and St. John's, Mel])ourne, in 188i) ; Peninsula, in 1892 ; and now, Scotstown and Hereford, in 1893. Bishop Williams, in his last letter to the S. P. G., written only a few days before his death, referred to this Church extension movement as one of the most hopeful features in the outlook of his Diocese. If this be so, as undoubtedly it is, then have we indeed solid grounds for thankfulness and encouragement. To Grod be all the glory ! 127 Annual fleport of the Clergy Trust Committee. Till) full vuvuiuu! from tho TiivoHtnionts in flniiyo of tliu Coininittuc has l)oeii locuivoil. Al»oiit oiio fomtli of tJR'.se liivcstinuiits iiiatui'u in 1H',»4, tlioir ro-invfstiiiunt is likely to l)u a .slow and difliiiiilt niattur, and niiist riwult in a large and 2»ei'iiianont rudnotion of nncnuu. lit'ioronco to the piintod accounts shew J^S'Ji^j.'iOO Invcstuicnts paid off on account of the Clergy Trust Fund for which no reinvestment has been found, and .sKJCid on account of the Hishopi'ic End»)wment Fund, of which 8H 200 has hi'cn re-invested. )ii>l:i01» Montreal seven per cent stock, I'-'OO i'erth Town seven per cent IJonds, held for Local Endowment Funtis, have been paid otl'and investments made as follows : $Um) Ri(!hraoiiil. li.C , l!aii(l!<, .") ]wv cent. S(i() MoiiIichI Murtga<;c', .i.\ per cent. 2(100 Toronto .Mortgage, tj piT CL-nt. The s[)ecial receijits on account of Local Endowment Funds have been as follows : Legacy, IloUis Siiorcy S !H) (Hi Donation, M. lialclu'lllcr IIK) 00 Otlici' contrihutiuiio from tlio Mission.... L'O 00 Total $ 210 00 For Chiirle.stou Rectory En- tlowincnt. I-<'g!icv, James Wilson > 400 00 Sale oV lauil IdO 00 Total S .'>00 00 For Ireland and fcioutli Inverness Kn- downient. .Mai;ee Ijctraey.. 112 oO For Magog Einlownient. ('ontriimtion tVoni tilt; l!islioii.....s ]00 00 ilo Mission T'.Mi 00 Donation, R. Il.unilton l.")() oo do .1. liauiilion 10 00 Grant Ironi General Fund i.>0 00 Total SI200 00 For DrunniKnulville Kudownient. The Drinnnioiidville Fiidownient Fund now anioiuits to )ii<7,.'(r)0, yielding a revenue of over S400. rnder the terms of the Trust Deed, the revenue, up to S400, is now available for the support of the clergym;in in charge of the Parish. The Kiidowment Fund of St. Pauls, (jiaspe, is now ii'o.WO, and the revenue, uj) to ><'20i), is [layable from 1st January, ]S!t4. A.H.QUEBEC, Chairman TllU.MAS RiClIARDSO.N, KSecretiiry. 'i;- ■• i 128 Dr. THE CLERGY TRUST FUND IN I I 11 iHD;i. Doc. 31. To liuiitls, viz : Comity of All.crl Town of ItiM'liti City (il Hruinldii Tow II of l!roi'l\ villi' City of l[;ilif;ix City ut iliiiiiiltoii City ol llaiiiiltoii (WiitfrWorks).... Tow II of iicvis City uf. MoiiticMl I'i'iiiiiiiiflit Stock. .Moati't'iil lliuljour Town of I'cnli Town ( f P'tcrlioidiii^li Town (.■ '(ill Artiiur Cciimt\ ()f KicliiiioiHl. N'.S City of St. .lohn. N I! Town (;f Siiiilt St. .Maiii' ....... County ot Slirlluiriic {'ity of Sjirrluool^c Towii.-liip of Tiny Toronto Sli'cct Itailwiiy Town of W'iiiij-^or City of \\"iniii|ii','^l'tois. ' Quebec, litjth January, Ib'Jt. IN 129 ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Ct. m Ct.'i. ■< 00 \\\ 111 l89.^. Jiuiy. I.. Dec". 31 Ily Hiilance fioni lust yi'iii' $ Cts. .•? cts. $ Cts. 15862U 61 TU'vciiiiL' of tlif year Paid I!l-v. I\ A. Smitli <' F. ]{()vli' 48(j' tiS ■iHCt M 24.'! 32 .^)07" 'J(! 100 00 :(o 00 I7;i 10 '.1786 17 6807 74 " T. B. {Jhaimiaii.. " lion. Tirasurcrot'Dio- ccsaii IJoard Allowaiici' to Tn'asui'cr..... Guarantee (,'oMipaiiy IJaiik comiuissiourf ami ireiioral chai'fL'rf InvKSI'MKNT At'COL'NT. liv Hiilftiire 2888 43 Jiiny. 1... Dec. 31 150618 00 25300 00 Honds paid off: Oxford i()Ooo 00 1;')0() 00 :;oo DO 2000 00 :ioo 00 5000 00 200 00 Alun ti'cftl Teith Town " t'ouiitv lirantfonl....'. S he 1 bourne • §131:518 00 %\^\h\l 94 .i^ WW.. ove E. & 0. E. Quebec, 31st Ducembcr, 1893. Edwin Poi'e, Treasurer. \ .) 130 Dr. THE BISlIOrKIC ENDOWMENT FUND Dec. 31.. To liivi'Sttncnts, viz : County of Albeit Hoiids City ut' Itrniuloii IUiikIs TuwiiHbiiM)t'(?imtliain itoiuld City of llauiilton Uoud.s (Walor Works) City of Kinf^ston Jiuiids New Westuiiiister, li. C Town of I'ertli Hond;! Town of I'ort Artiiiir Honds City of Quebec tStock City of Siierbrooke lionds Toronto Mortgage Quebec Mortgiige Toronto Mortgage Toronto .Mortgage kSomerset Mortgage • Toronto Mortgage Heaujiort Mortgage Montreal Mortgage Cash in the Savings De|)artnieiil of the " Union liank of Canada '' $ etH, Min (1(1 I'KUi 0(1 •lbV> 0(1 l:{0(i(l Oil lltJtlC. (17 7000 0(1 21(111 (10 \:>w 00 :tooo (10 .^000 00 10000 00 4000 00 ;;(ioo 00 .'lOOO 00 2l(t;! 'M 0500 0(» I 100 00 IL'OO 0(t clt). Sr)(lLMI 17 l.vjti 71 $S(J8-I« .SS We, the undersigned, iiavc examined the Aceountsand Votudicrs of tlie above Fund, and liave verified tiie fcsecurities, and found tiie wliole correct. Quebec, 26th January, 1894. J. A. Ready, \ A.,j:,„,,g J. R. H. WniTK. 1 ^"^'>"'S' 181 IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASUUEPv. Cr. i8oa. .Iiiii.v. !.■.■ Dec. :il,.. Jany. |l... Dec. lil... Hy niiliiiu'f I'iiid I!isli(ij» of Qiicht'c I'lciiiiiiiii on New Wt'stmiiistcr UoiuU. Aciiiii'd ltit(M03l... do HroUoniyv do (yolk'ctioii cliartri'ei Ucviiiiic of tlic your,. Invkbt.mknt Account. By Ualiince Piircliiiscil : New WL'Stmiii-dcr IJuiuls. Muiilruiil Morlj^'iis^o '., I'liid oir : Oxfonl S^'"""' O" 21)0(1 00 250 00 !tOO 00 , i;)Oo 110 ;{ou 00 AHiiTi ('Ii.'iiliiiin Moiitiotil lU'iiupoi'l .Mortgage ilo do E. & 0. E. 5000 00 ;i.")0 00 Si; :!0 17 i'iO ;!S 17 r.ioi ii7 J2t2 \\\ 8rt77(» 17 7000 00 1200 00 94'J70 ;i'.).".(i 00 .'ii!s:)020 17 21! I .")! $S()S16 88 Edwin Poi'E, Tieiisurer, Hishoitric Endowment Fund. rj-iaiv; V ..-ill Dr, 132 THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS \ u 'mi ii I8'j;5. Dec. ai, To Investments on account of I'ullowing EnJow- ment Fnnds, viz : Ql'KBEC ChAPKLKY. City of Ifiiniilton Bonds do Montreal Periuunent IStook. Montreal Harbor iJonds Town of Port Arthur do ... Sank St. Marie do City of Slierbrooke do Toronto .Mort'^age ACTONVALE. County of Albert Bonds. (;ity of Itrandon do . Township of Hrantford do . ToAvn of Peterborough do . do Port Arthur do . Riehmond, H. C, do . City of St. ,rohn, N. B., do . do Slierbrooke do . Toronto Mortgage AsooT A.Ni) Wksthluy. County of Albert Bonds Town of Peterborough do . do Port Arthur do . Richmond, B. C, do . Sault St. Marie do . Toronto Mortj^a'ce BliOMl'TON. County of All)crt Bond City of Brandon do do Hamilton do London West do Town of Peterborough do do Port Arthur do City of Slierbrooke do Montreal Mortgage Toronto do Britv. City of Brandon Bonds Town of Peterborough Bonds.. Montreal Mortgage Toronto do Carried forward. $ cts, 17S0 00 ,^00 (10 1000 00 2,>0 01) 1000 00 1200 00 1000 00 200 no 250 00 lOvS 00 100 00 400 00 100 00 200 00 000 00 .•;oo 00 700 00 l.iO 00 2,')0 0(t 100 00 100 00 200 00 200 00 100 0(1 2M» 00 10(1(1 00 100 00 150 00 800 00 400 00 700 00 100 00 100 00 450 00 1)00 00 $ cts. 7330 00 2258 00 .J L -.00 00 .1 D ;i700 00 J D 1250 00 §lG0;i8 00 133 00 8 00 IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. 189:'.. Jan. 1.., Dec. ;n. Jan. 1... Doc. ;il.. Jan. 1... Doc. :n.. QUERF.C ChAPEI-I!Y. $ cts. 73GS 10 \:v.\ 81) By Balance Revenue of the year. Dr. Paiil Rector of St. Paul's i 200 00 Rectorof St. Peter's 11.) 00 Rector of St. Mattliew's i 25 00 ACTOMVAI.K. By Balance Revenue of tiie year. Ascot and Wksthuhv. By Balance Revenue of tlie vear Jan. 1... Dec.:?l.. Jan. 1.. Dec. 'A\.. Dr. Paid Rev. J. 0. Cox... Btuv.' By Balance . lievenue of the y< Carried forward. Bromi'ton. By Balance .".(iSn 10 Revenue of the year 201 7.") $ cts. $ Ct3. 7801 90 400 00 216;-, 79 124 t;3 1449 60 81 .'lO 3887 85 180 00 1257 10 65 00 •101 00 2290 52 1531 10 3707 85 l,^22 10 $16253 47 ! ':; ¥\. • .11 ',' : .'if 134 Dr. THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS ISO?.. Dec ;]]. Brousrlit forwiird l')oru'; Lons. (ji(y <>!' I'l'aiiilou 15orul? Town (if l'ctcili(iroun"li (1<> llichinoiid, Ji. (]., do Villiiije of nicliiiHiiid do SiUilt .St. Marie do COATICOOKK AND HaUFOKD. County of Albert Bonds ("lity of Brandon do Towri^liiji oi' Hianlford do (/ity of ITaniiltoa do cio Montreal Permanent 8toek. T((\vn of Port Arthur Bonds icliinond, i!. C, do City of St. Jolm, X, P)., do Saiilt St. Marie do Toronto ]\Iort!:;age do i!o (/'ai'k Cove anm PEUcii. County of Albert Bonds, (yily of Brandon do . Townslii]) of Brantford do . City of lianiilton do . do Peteiborough do . do St. John, X. P... do . Sault St. .Marie do . Toronto Mort^j'age ill) do Montreal do CltAIUJ'.STOS Rki^tohv. County of Albert Bonds City ol' fJrandon do Township of Itrantford do City of Hamilton do do Montreal Permanent StOL'k'. Town of Peterborough I'onds Richmond, B. ()., do Village ot Rieimiond do Sault St. Marie do Toronto Mortgage Charleston Rectory— (Special Account.) Toronto Mortgage Carried forward. S cts, 100 00 I.M) 00 100 00 500 00 100 00 S cts. SKiOi'.S 00 ^)00 00 950 00 800 00 100 00 ;i:!0 00 j 2;M) 00; 400 OOJ 200 00, 400 oo: 100 00 1 1100 no{ 800 00 700 00 » 4080 00 400 00 100 00 ns:'. (10 250 00 450 00 TOO 00 1000 00 2.'.0 00 2r)0 00 250 00 '170*^ 00 500 00 100 00 .■;'.)o tio 400 00 550 00 100 00 200 00 500 00 1000 00 250 00 31)90 00 500 00 $29861 00 135 IN ACCOUNT.— Continued. Cr. 189:'.. Jan. 1... Dec. ;';!., Brouglit forwivrd Rouur, Lot;rs. $ cts. By Balance i Transferred from i\yl\via Legacyi Fund Revenue of the year Jan. ].,, Dec. ai, Jan. 1.. Dec. 31. .Ian. I.. Dee. 31, S cts. CoATIcnOKE AM) BaKKORM. By Balance ' -lO"" 14 ]{evenue ot tlie year I 204 ^)^> Paid Rev. ('anon Fo.strr Rev. (J. H. A. Murray ■ 100 00 100 00 Cai'k. Covk an:> Pkuck. By Balance \ 3002 45 Revenue of the year • '' 203 80 Dr. Paid Rev. \V. G. Lystcr Charleston Rectory. ! . Bv Balance ' -"i^TS 89 Hevenue of the year ; 21^* Ol! Contribution from the mission '. 20 00 Letracv from late H. Shorev ' '"' '•" Donation from M. J. BachcM.-r l*'" 00 /)r. Paid Rev. A. Stc CHAiii.KSTOx Rkctorv— (Si)ecial Account.)! Jan. 1... By P>alance ' 500 00 Dec. 31., RevG?iue of the vear ! 26 25 JJr. Paid Rev. A. Stevens., Carried forward 824 35 05 00 44 00 $ Cts. $16253 47 4S71 69 200 00 389G 25 200 00 4203 92 200 00 52G 25 26 25 933 35 4671 6a 3690 25 4003 92 500 00 $30058 68 ^'^;^.i I s I m A • '':J m t ini|v t ! i ^^H« I h 1 1 f' i H; h Wi\ i:jfi\li Dr. 136 THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS 1893. Dec. 31. Brought forward. COMPTON. Sault St. Marie Bonds. Quebec Mortgage CooKsiiiUE.— St. Pktku's Ciktucii City of Bramiou IJonds Townsliip of Braiitford do London West i) 00 ■100 GO 100 00 1400 00 100 00 im 00 1760 00 900 00 200 00 100 00 278 00 1.50 00 ICO 00 100 00 (iOO 00 2,50 00 rs 00 100 00 200 00 100 00 200 00 $ cts. 2ystii 00 5000 00 JS91 00 7350 00 1778 00 878 00 $50758 00 137 m kCCOU'^T.— Continued. Cr. 'V'l'^^jl IBrouffiit, tbrwiinl. § cts ]8!K;. Jan. I... Dec. .'il COMPTOX. r.v Balance Rcvunne of tlie voi $ cts. 5000 00 270 00 Paid Rev. G. If. Tarker OooKsmiiE. $ ctg. $:!0():.8 08 SUTO 00 270 00 Jan. 1... I'V Balance ^ 5797 fi;? Dec.;il.. " Ueveniie ol' the year ! 3-!;5 21 Jan. 1... Dec. .'51. Dr. Paia Rev. A. IT. Itobertson. 5000 00 Gl.'iO 84 200 00 5930 84 Jan. 1.., Dec. 31 Dr.UMMONDVILI.i:. Jy Balance ' GOO- 40 i!evenne of the vear '-'''^'^ 75 liaised in the Mission 7'.iO 00 Donation from R. Hamilton 150 0(i " J. lianiilton 10 od " the Bishop 100 oo Grant tVom Clinich Societv 1"'" •'" Paid Rev. F. G. Sott Dri)SWKi,i„ 7533 15 200 00 By J5alance Revenne of the vear. Jan. 1... Doc. 31. Danvim.k. By Balance lie venue of the v( Carried forward. 1049 00 H6 80 810 28 44 18 7333 15 174G 46 860 46 §50929 59 " im-^ 4 ''i 188 Dr THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS ■■pt ■ ■■■ iJv ISO:? Doc. :! I.. Broil "lit forward. Fkami'ton. Coinity of Allicrt lioiuls. (!ity of Uraiuloii do . Towii-iliiuol ISraiitford do City of Ilaiiiiltoii do . do Montreal Permanent Stock. Town of I'clerhorou.nli Bonds. do I'ori Artlinr do . Ricliniond. 1:5. C, do . Sauk St. .Mario do . (.'ity of Siiorbrooko do Toronto Mortga,i>'e Gas-m'k IIa.si.v. Comity of AUiorl iiond.s. , (.■ity <">f I5ra:i!ioii do Township of IJraiitford do (■ity of Hamilton do do .Montreal i'ormanent Stock.. Town of i'oterl)orong'ii IJoiids Riclimond, 1!. C.. do Villajreof liichniond do Saiill S'. .Marie do Towiislii]! oi Tiny do Toronto .Mortifu'^c GlCOItfiKVlLLlC. City of l>randon liond Town of I'ort Artlinr do Irklam) and Sofrn I.wku.vkss. County of Alhert l!onds City ot llairrtlton do do Moiiiioal Perinanont Stock. Town of IVMerboroii^li IJonds do Port Arthur ilo lliclimond, 1!. (J., do Villag-e of Pichniond do Sanlt St ..Marie do . Toronto Morto;a20 KlNOSKV. County of Albert P.onds. City of Ijranilon do ... Townsiiip of Hiantford do .. City o|' Ilamillon do ... Town of Peterborough do .., Jlichmond, 15. C, do .. Sault St. .Marie do .. City of Slierbrooko do .. Toronto Mortgage Carried forward. $ cts. 1400 800 2!i7 2.10 1800 100 100 200 200 r.oo 1400 00 1 ool oo| oo' ooj 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 400 200 4,J0 140 ;)00 100 200 .jOO 200 500 4;')0 100 4.00 400 250 ;!oo 400 100 500 .000 .000 000 400 00 150 00 .'in 00 250 00 200 00 100 00 200 00 000 00 000 00 $ cts. 50758 00 (5047 00 3G40 00 550 00 4150 00 3171 00 $69210 00 189 'Kj IN ACCOUNT.- Co?ilimed. Jan. ]... ]h'v. 31.. Brouglit forwiud FiiAMrrox. By Bal.'UH'e Rt'voiiiie of the rear, /.'/. Paid llcv. F. liovle Gasi'k Basin. Jan. 1,,. l]y I'alaiu'o Dec. :M.\ licvciiiu' of t!u> v( ar Jan. 1.. Jan. 1 . Dec. 31.. Jan. 1... Dec. 31.. f!Koii(ii:vii,i,K By Balance.. Revenue Or, S cts. $ cts. r.739 87 4U7 32 lUKr.AND AM) Son'H r.WEriNKSS, By Balance ;5673 50 Revenue of till' jear 20;') 2;" Sale of land " 100 00 Legacy from late J. "Wil^^oii j 400 00 /Jr. I I Paid Rev. W. (J. Faulcoiicr 200 00 " iiCgal expenses 5 00 Ki.\(;sEV. By Balance Revenue of the vear. Carried forward •!-ir 19 200 on 3-!.'l!t 01 ! ll'O (13 $ ctg. 5()'J29 5!) 520 10 32 00 4378 75 205 00 3003 r.o 171 01 0017 19 3(5.".S 94 552 1!) 4173 75 3237 61 $69479 27 f 4) J' 140 Dr. THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS Brought forwaiil. 1893. Dec. ;11.. fiKKDS. Comity of AlbiM't lioiids. (/ity ot liriuidoii ilo Towiisliip of Itrjiiitforil do . Oil}' of Iliniiiltou do . Town of I'l'tiThoroiioli do ., Ricliniond, IJ. ('., do . Siiiilr, St. .Marie do . City of .SliorlirooK'C ilo . Toronto JVIortj'a'ii' Lkvis. City of n-iiindou 15oiid.^ Townsiiip ot iJruntford ilo City of iiauiiitoii do do Montreal Permanent Stock. Town of I'eterlioron^l) iionds Ricliniond, ]>. C, do Saull .St. .Marie do TorDnto Mort<;age Loii.sKViM.i:. Sault St. Marie Bonds. .Montreal .Mortaajje.... M-VLHAllC AM) Poi.S'T ST. I'KTKR. County of Albert IJonds City of Brandon d( Town^lii]) of iirantford do City of Jlaniiitoii do Town of l'eteilioroiiji,li do Ricliniond. 1). C, do Sank St. Marie do Slierhrooke ih Toronto ]\[()rt"'at;e. ... MAfiOGt. City of Brandon Bonds. Township of ihantford do City of ilainilton do Town of Port Arthur do Richmond, B. C., do Sault St. ."\Iarie do Toronto iArorto'age Mi;i,I!jt;ii\K AM) RlCII.MOM). City of Brandon do IJaniilton Town of Port Arthur Sault St. Marie Montreal Mortgage..., Toiouto do BondH. do . do . do . Carried forward. S cts 400 00 100 00 20.3 00 2;')0 00 200 (Ml 100 00 100 00 (>00 00 ;'.jjO 00 2,')0 •110 250 4.00 ;ioo 200 200 00 2,'jO 00 100 00 450 00 .■)00 00 1.50 00 3',»'.» 00 2.')0 00 ;!oo oil 200 00 200 00 (;iiii 00 700 00 :m) 00 11.! 00 400 00 1110 00 100 00 MOO 00 .■)00 00 100 00 400 00 100 00 100 00 450 00 150 00 •S cts. $(]!»21G 00 2:503 00 2;iio 00 CIO 00 :521)0 00 4113 00 1.300 00 $83091 00 141 t 1 i '5>'!a IN ACCOV^T. —Contimied. Cr. Uron^ht forward $ cts. S cts. $ Ct8. $00479 27 Leeds. 18'.):]. Jan. 1... |{v Balance 221 1 20 127 55 Dec. 31.. Itl* V*'ll lit* fif'tllO VP'll' 2341 84 Levis. Jan. 1... Dec. ;^1. 1 liV liilllHlCti 21113 07 131 73 Revenue of tli<; year 2325 70 LOUISKVILI.E. Jan 1.... Dec. 31.. 54() M 27 50 573 94 Jan. 1... Dec 31.. Malhaik and Point St. Pktek. 3109 88 177 ISI Ilcvoiuic of tliG voa?' 3287 07 Macoc Jan. 1... Dec. 31.. By liiilance Est.ate late Henry Magee, lvnindon I'onds! do Jlandlton do do Montreal Permanent Stoelv. do Peterhoionj^ii Ijonds do PortArlliur do Ilielunond. ]!. C, do iSanlt St. Marie (Jo (jity of Slierhrooke do Toronto .Mortjifaft-e New Caijli.'^lk and Pa.-^i'emiac. County of Albert Bond.-! City of Ila?niltou do London West do City of Montreal — Permanent Sto;;k .. Town of Peterborough IJonds do Port Arthur do , , iSault St. .Marie Townsliip of Tiny do .. do ., do ,. PoUT.NErF. County of Albert Bonds. City of Brandon do . do Hamilton d() . Town of Levis do . do Peterborough do . do Port Arthur do . Richmond. B. C, do Sault St. Marie do Toronto Mortgage Carried forward. S cts. ■11)0 0(1 ],.] (HI 1(10 00 1(1(1 (Id 100 (10 •lOO (t( ;;oo i(t(» 2;)(l .'illO 10(1 :{0(i 1(10 1200 ■100 2M) 00 loo 00 550 flO 200 0(1 ;i.)0 00 1(10 00 loo too 00 ;ioo 00 :.()o 00 '1(10 00 "idO 00 150 00 100 00 150 (III 200 00 500 00 1 ()()(» 00 400 00 ;{50 00 250 00 lOIKt 00 .".00 00 ,500 00 20(1 00 200 00 ■150 00 $ cts. 8:u)oi 00 1251 00 ;i8l»2 GO 2050 00 ;j8oo 00 ;!G50 00 $977;M 00 ,KVV- 5K:I 148 IN ACCOVNT. -Conlinued, 1893. Jan. 1.... Dec. lil. .liiri. I... Dec. .'il . Brought forward. Ma(;iialkn Islands. By iiiilaiice Revenue ot tlie year. JJr. .Jan. 1... Dec. 31.. .Ian. 1 Dec. :n.. Paid Rev. P. Roe... Nkw !..ivehi'ooi-. By J5alauce Revenue ol' the year. Cr New Carlisle and PAhi'EuiAt'. By Balance Be venue ot llu- year... />r. Jan. 1. Dec. 31.. $ Ctrf, $ ct3. $ eta. $ba548 39 1187 98 6r. Ofi V2;):? 04 NollTlI I.wehness. By Balance i lisys 09 Revenue ol'tlieyear 221 52 4119 61 200 (10 19-1.^ 02 11(1 7.^ :{7S1 ()1 221 :)() ■MVJ 01 2059 77 Paid Rev. E. J!. Husband. PORTNEL'K. By Balance f .^OOC, -13 Revenue of the year [ 212 12 IdOCi 1 200 00 Dr. Paid Rev. C. B. Washer. Carried forward . 3806 11 :!S()S ;")0 200 00 3()68 55 $i)82or) 47 'I- V- JM:i >'■ . .i ItKi) Dr. 144 THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS 1 8f);t. Dec. . 11.. liroiiglit for •1. HiviiiiK i)L' 1,011' (kn Has) Cil V ol' Itnindoii do St. .lolui, N. IJ Saiilt St. Maries Montreal Moiti^fage... Toronto tio lioiiild do . do . Sr. Sylvkstkh. roiiiily <■!' Allii'it (Jity ol' I'liaiidiin lio llamiltdii do .Muiilrcal— Hoiids do do I'oriuaiient Stock. Town ol' I'l'tcrlioron;^!! Itondrf. do I'oii Arthur do . IJichniorid. 1!. ('., do . City of St. .Jcdin, X. 13., .lo . Sanit St. .Marir do . Town.sliip of Tiny do . Toronto Mortga-^e S.\.\i)Y IJKAi:n. (Comity of Albert Hoiids City of Hamilton do do .Montreal Permanent Stock. Town of IV'terborongli Bonds do Port Artluir do Richmond, J5. ('., do City of Sherhrooke do Town.shi]) of Tiny do Toronto Mortgage SUKiAWAKK. TowiLship of Albert iionds City of 15randon do do Ifaniilton do London West do City of .Montreal Permanent Stock. Town of Peterliorongh Bonds do Port Arthur do Riclimoml, H. C, do Toronto .Mortgage Sta.nsteao. City of Hamilton Bonds, Town of Port Arthur do . Toronto Mortgage Carried forward. $ ctd, 11)0 00 l.'0() 00 1110 00 7.-)0 00 200 00 ;;oo 00 1.-)0 00 L'.'.O 00 •lUO 00 ino 110 ■100 00 loo 00 100 00 r.oo (10 lOIIO 00 ■too 00 .•{00 00 '.'.'lO 00 .■),')0 00 200 00 tl,",0 uo 100 00 700 00 500 00 6r.() 00 20O 00 2;-)0 0(» no 00 .■)00 00 ■100 00 400 00 ;;,')0 00 .'!00 00 400 00 400 00 2;{oo 00 5)00 00 » Ct,-). §1)7734 \Hi 1350 00 ;J850 00 3800 00 2940 00 3600 00 .$113274 00 145 IN ACCOUST.—CunlinueU « ^ Cr. '4 00 Jan. I... Uroiij^lit fjrwiir $ els.' J? t'trf. KimTjik nr Lull' (i;n I?as) liy I'.iiliincc Iifvi'iiiic ol" llio y< St. Svi.vresTRii. Jiiii. I... \'y IJalfincc :\H\i 71 l)cc.:{l..l " Ki'VciMU' dC the vi'jii' ; 218(111 Jan. 1.., Ul'C. III. JJr. Paid (l';v. C. J. .Siilhoiiaiitl, Sa.ndv Hkaoii. I!y Haliincc .-JT-jS St Kfvciiiu' of llic vfar 2_'.! ;!S Pal,! Rov. C. T. llanliiit Jan. 1... Dec. ;il.. SlinfAWAKK. Jan. 1... Dfc. 31.. By I'.Mlaiicp Kl'vi'iuic oi tlie yenr. STAN.STKAI). By n^ilance 3"'70 .IS ReTtMuie of the year ! W9 2;i i;!,V2 01 7(( (Id 40(J2 71 2110 00 Slis2.>,» 17 1 I '.'2 CI ;;s(Vj 71 :i970 20 2(»0 (10 180!) 42 l(i.i 9(1 ;i77t) 29 Jh: Paid Rev. W. T. Forsythe. Oawiei forward. 10 3779 6.3 ISO 00 2975 .32 .3,599 63 .$113891 43 ilm4 ]•■ .i' * -jii 146 Dr. THE LOCAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS -- -:>c 1S!» Dec. ; ;i.. IJi'uunlit forward TllHKK RlVKUS. ('oiiiily of All>i.'t't !h)1ii1:5 Oitv oi' Ilituiiltuii til) ill) do ill) (WiitiT Workri). Cily of Mniilival i't'iiiiaiuMil tSiook ilo Slu'rliioukt' I<.) 2l ■■• f- 1 ■■•"■> ■ ■ t : 148 List of Securities hki.d uy the Clergy Trust CoxM- -MITTEE, DeCE.MUER olST, 1893". N:mi III Vl'StllU'llt. ]joiiils iiiid Stiick.s : Allien l^'iliii i)i';iriili)ii do I!i'aiiI(oi'(l lirockvillf Clialliimi Iliilila.x llaniiltoii l\iii>:.ston I.i'vis l.Diiilim W'l'.m .Montreal do Jlaiiior \l'W \\'cStMllll:-ti T. 1>. C J'l'iili Town do retoiboro , I'ort .Villiui'. ( >ir'Ihm' Kicdiiriond, II. (' Ilichniond, >,' S I'iclimoiul, ( )iii Si. .loliii. .\.i; SaiiM Si. Marie Slielimi'iie, .V.S SluTlirookc Tiny Toronto Strcot J\ail\vay Windsor A\'inniiieg' Morl^a'.;-es : Queliee Toi'onlo do Quchee Toiotitu do Toronto Soinei'sel .Montieal Toronto l^nebec , , BciUipoi I Moiiti'(^al Toronto do do Quebec, aist December, 1893. a i,-ilS 7 Stoek (!', J 8114 ;') i<.i;; I'.HL' .") ISilS to 1 !!()'.• - I'.lld a 111! 1 .0 S'iiii) aim. lslt7 a.'. isiir> t) 1MH) a is:)?, •'! ISIIC) i; ISll.i ', 1 is 11 7 (1 isic; ,) ls:»t •^1 18'.I7 fi IK',1.'. It I8!ll .n ISlKi :>l 181(5 ••1 181)7 a. J8'J(» 2(1110 00 lOiill (M) H.'aii) 00 lilMIII 01) 7(1011 (lO :;7(io 0(1 TL'dO 01) 10000 00 10000 (10 ;iiioo 00 tooo 00 1(1011 00 L'OOO 01) :;oii(i 00 l.'iOOO 00 '1 10(1 00 luKui 00 10000 00 ;;ooo ('0 .•'..'.21 00 7000 00 1000 00 10000 (10 •jooo 00 400(1 00 .souo 00 (i.'il)O 00 LMIODO 00 L'lO.-! aO .'lOIIO Of) (l.aio 00 L'ooit 00 1 100 0(1 2000 00 7(100 <)() ]00()0 00 oooo 00 §3;i70.H7 17 OPE, Dieastirer 149 Lts-r OF Srourities held by the Church Society, Decemuee 31st, 1893. Amount S LT)!)!) on r)(ii)(i 00 l,')()(i 00 UIIIIO 00 10,")(l() 00 18 1 T.-i Xi ■ISC.C. Cil'i 201)0 00 101) 0(1 1000 00 SOOI) 00 <)00 00 22000 00 4 1 iO 00 400 00 (;ooi) 00 2000 00 i:',loo 00 10000 00 .sOOO 00 sooo 00 ;;700 00 .;(ioo 00 (;;;oo Oi) ^^000 00 4000 oo 4 000 00 ,')000 (iO ;i;.oo 00 l.-,o 00 :iio 00 4,soo 00 .".noo 00 4000 00 i;!r)00 00 ^v4 1<^;;1 -y'] ■ i : ■■,. till §20 MOD D'J Quebee, 31st December, 1*593. E. Poi'K, Trciisurer, 150 Dr. THE GENERAL FUND IN :. ^ 1 S!),^. I Dt'cember .'.I To Grant for tlic Kdiiciitioii of tlic Cliildii-n of Dr. 11 10 Cler(ry " Gnuil to Depository " " " Kducation Fund... " Grants for outfits to: — llcv. K. A. W. KiiiR. Ht'v. K. K. Wilsou.. . Rev. N. ,M. lUvno. U'V. Foil lerii'ii " Grant to nrutnniondville End. Fund. " Grant to ('Inirch Huildiu{r — Cliurcli, Hcatliu's iSeltleinent . i;Avcuir. Il( l()l)i!l<)\vn I'arsonaijfc, Fitch |!;iy. do UirlnnoMd. " F.xjKMi.'^o.s St. Francis District , $ els. 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 r»o on 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 '' So(M'(!taiT (or |i()rita, 4.') itt 13 50 80 00 30 00 80 70 $ els. .52 (H 150 uu 400 00 150 00 4:)0 GO 6 00 711 .'■.S ;ioo 00 100 00 782 00 KWWJ HI im\7 18 THE MOUNTAIN ENDOWMENT FUND, To Raid .iccduiit Fianipton uiortga;;o •■ Vener;ii)le .Vrclideacoii Roe, D.I)., paid liiin lialauce of revenue from the Fund for 1893 $ els. 2."> 00 C42 00 $Gf)7 00 161 !="! ACCOUNT WITH THE TKEASURER. Cr. ist»:?. January !y Balance '' Subscriptions for 1892 — detailed on page 235 of Report for 1892 $ C'tS. " Sul»scri])tions and collections :- City of Quebec St. Francis District Mej^antie District Gasi)6 District " Interest on Investments " Lejracy from late James Wilson, of Ireland, Meijiintic 180:!. Janiiaty 1 8Sr, 42 518 07 128 58 48 47 I'.y Calancc. IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASUrvER. iso:!. Jan. 1.... Dec. ;n.. I'y Balance " Interest on Investments. S cts. 21G7 t)8 1 75 1582 44 4(i:5 :il 782 00 SU);i7 IS SI <)*'(> 81 Or ^ cts. 25 f.DC, 75 $0G7 00 ,1 ; ., Sy* Vl" , ll Ml 'in 152 Df. THE MISSION FUND IN 181).'!. I Dec. ill. To Paid Iloiionny Trcnsiircr of Dioc'c?nn Eoaid.licinu; revoniic of the vtar S t't3. 4j;{2 10 $4ii»2 10 Dr. THE TENSION FUND IN ISO.T. Dpccuiber HI To l'ensio!is piiiil (luring the vi ar : — !> Ct3. Vwv. M. Kit, D.D., 12 months 400 00 Rev. John Ktnn)), H. I).. VI ni()titli.s...| tlOO 00' Rev. T. H. Chiipnian, M.A., VI njos.i o;"i("> <;s JU-v. T. L. Dall, M.A., 12 niontlis 1 440 oo' Kfv K. (;. Parkin, 12inonil)S 000 00 P.'jv. F. A. Smith, 12 monliis ' 11:^ .•52 cts. •' TiansfiMTKil to Capilal Account. 2Jl() 00 S1S4 81 §10004 81 153 ACCOUNT WITH THFii TREASURER. 18'J3. DfC. 31. IJyA. ,iiit of snliseiiplidns for 18i)2, detailed on I)a0 18 I8!»:i. JiUl. 1... Hy liiilatico % Ct8, % ots. C016 CO Dec. :$1. " Auiiniil Siiltacriptioiis from Cleriryincn, vi/ ; — lU'v. \V. Adcock 5 00 G 60 5 00 6 00 7 30 10 66 7 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 40 1) 00 6 00 5 00 11 10 6 20 6 30 6 00 6 80 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 6 00 6 00 »1() A.J. Hiiltuur do N. M. Haynes do IF. A. lirookt' do (1. II. IJiools do J. C. (.'ox do J. 1!. Dcl)l)iifjo do 11. A. Dick.-^dii do AV. (t. Fuiilcoiici' , do W. T. F()i.-<\ilu' do It. I. l''olliei<'ill ; do 1! S. I'lillcr do TliDS. W. I'ylcs do 1). lloriK'i' do K. I!.lltisl)!ind do \i. v. Ijarivi^rc, (two vcni'rf) do (\. II. A. Muirav ". do S. Iiio|K'I do A. (i. Koljcrtson do J. Uollicra do Tlioiiias Itiidd do F. (J.Scott do 11. (!. Stuart do (J. K. Waltns..... do Kdwiii Weary. ....* do K. K. Wilson do II. Wrij;ht " Siihsciiptions for 1S02 detailed on page 236 of report tor IS'.(2 ICO 76 11 60 {'ity oC (Jiiel)('c 170 76 78 90 12 00 4 20 St. I''raiicis District Mc(ls sales (»f r.ooks diiriiif; tlii> yvtiv " (fiiiiit IViiiii (5u'iii.'riil I' iiiKl tor tVoe j;rinits in iS'.rj. " ISiiluiice $ cts. 5.) 4tt ;::I120 tij '».;' ^.1 . -'I'll " •'' 'f m-' ■■:l OF THE CIIILDREX OF THE CLERGY, THF:TJiEASUUER. Cr DiH-embi.';' ;il !y (Ir.'iiit iVom (Iciicral l''niiil •' l)oiiatiiiii tVoiii liolicit !Iiiiiiilt()ii, ]']m\., l)i'iiii lialt'aiiiuiiiit (pf g;'uiits ti) tlif Cli'i'^y " Subscriptions ; — ('ity of (^iii'bi'c. St. Fiaricirf Disli'icl A.ssncialion. iMi'fiatuic do lio Ciaspo do do 8 cts ISi5 2:) Id f',i) 1 ,00 S cts. 105 15 ro 00 204 85 $7-10 00 ■-■',;■' i" m ill ' • Dr. 158 THl!] EDUCATION FUND IN ISiKJ. Ucc. ;u.. To (iniiits to TciU'licis, vi/. : — Itoiir;^ liOiiis No do do do do ('apo Covo do Siiiidy lii'iicli Voik ItiviT lliildiiiiund .Stiiiislfiid llt'inisoii West Ftiiiniiloii I'oitiii'iir iMiii'lilcloii I, •> 1, I 12 12 l.'t (I IS c (i 12 12 12 I! liio lltli u Liilniidor, lmlt' 00 ;ii 20 :;:) i;o .•il 20 :{o (Ml i;o 00 •A oil 10 00 " I'aid II. Hoi-'cis, collectiiij^ siili.-^ciiptioMS ami diri-' trihiitiiij^ ri'porl.s " Halance 8 rts. (]:t2 00 r» <.»o 124 4;} $702 :i:{ Dr. THE NICOLET ENDOWMENT FUND IN m,. <• 1'^;l '',< ir,9 'I'i ACCOUNT WITH THlil TUKASUREU. Or. isii;i. ,luii. I.. Dec. 'J\. liy IImIm (•<• " (iniiit fviiv.x Coliii iul tiiiil ('iintiiiciitui Cliiircli Soi'iftv, X'SO " (Jriiiil titiiii Sii'iKMi! Kiiml " Siil)ticii|iii()ns in lilt' ('it V of l^)iict'i>c : — AiMJn'u , 11(111. .ji.'.:'t' ('illlp'llUll, .1. (I., ' DoIp.II, I{. li Diinl'iir, Q.O., ^ii'iu's DiiiMi, ■" H KooUv ,•(.: il J Halo. v.. J llllllllllOll, .lullll .. Hiiiniltoii, HoliiM't Irvine, ()A\, Hon. .Jiid-v iiviiM", (.'.B., CM (},, t'oiii. Gun JoncH, K. \. .III. !;.,'(•. (; liMiiri; , .Mrs A Miicliiii. II. T Mi'i't'diili, Sir William , Pope, K Price, lion. Senator t^hieUee, I/Ol'il Hisl^op of (jtiiehee, Dean ot , Kae, Williiiiii Seott, \V. 15 .Sliaw, Samuel . I 1 S!»;{. Dec. ;il.. Tapp, W. II. Veasey, (iieorge Williams, Rev. LeunuxW., M.A., " ISalance. 8 et8. .') DO 2 (Ml [, (10 2 00 .'■) 0(1 '2 00 1» Oil .'') 00 ;> 00 2 00 .-{ 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 ;? (Ml 2 00 10 00 10 00 !) 00 h 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 2 00 2 00 el.>t. 120 OS ■•is:) 2,') l;)0 00 98 00 .|;7()2 33 ■SI 24 i:5 i'l r'.t ' ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASUUEK. Cr, 1893. Decemlier 31 By Interest on Investments . I •' m.ii.i.tMW $ cts. 2i-oki'iai;'e do Dec. .'!1 " BalaiKi 8 < ts. 12(1 > lis iSW ,",() (III • i/.Sll) 04 '?• ■l.MiO 00 Dr BISHOP WILLIAMS' COMMLMORATIOX v>ni" i 1803. Dec. ai. To Cash jiaid Mrs. William?, being iiieome Ibr iS'.io Ij els. ;iO(i 00 Dr. CRANBOURXE GLEBE, IX 189.3. Dec. ;J1. To Casii luiid Rev. F. JJoyle. 8 ets. II 00 Dr. THE COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CHURCH !! it '-v I8<);i. Dec. 31. To Casli paid Rev. Jusiali Hall, .•^tijiend foe the vear ciidiii} iiOth June, lSit;{ ' " Grant to Education Fund, X'SO steilinjf " Balance ^ et^. mo 00 .•;s:) 2.-, no s;; S'li 08 161 FUND, KN ACCOlTxNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. I IS isrKi. I .s cts. April 4,l!y RcccMveil liom J. G. liiUett; Ivsq., TreariiirL-r of the Fund. ijdOO (10 Ouc. ol: ilo do do d(J I'.MUIO 00 ' " luti'ic'aL on liivostuieuta' jOO 00 Dec;. ;{l olJUO 00 Hy Hiilaiue ^ .S;5;J6l'J 04 FUND, IN ACrjOUNT WITH THE TREASURER Cr. ' 4 ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. Dec. ;!1.. \\\ 1 year's iiitcicst .s ct8. 11 00 ': i| SOCIETY, IN ACCOU.NT with the TREASURER. Cr. 181):!. JiUl. 1.. Dec. ;}!.. Dec. ;51 B}- D.ilaiu'o " lii'aiil IVoiii the (.'(doiiial and Continental Cliureli Societs', .i'l;;o tieilin"' ."., ,S cts. Hi) 83 r.alanoo $745 08 .^119 S3 ' '1 '■1 11 162 Dr. BOTJUa LOTTIS AYLWIN LEaACY FUND ] , S ctji. 3 cts. 1S'.)3. ! Dec. 31.. To Paid llou. Treasurer Diocesan Board for assess- ! nieiits Ml 00' , Transferred to Clero'v Trust fur credit uf JJourg Louis Endowment Fund (>.") 00 105 00 Dr. MONTMORENCY ENDOWMENT FUND 1893. Dec. 31. To Casli paid I'ev. A. J. Balfour — 12 months. Transferred to (.'apitul Aeeuunt $ cts. 10!) ;io S cts. 112 S() Dr. ST. MICHAEL'S ENDOWMENT FUND I « 1893. ' Dec. 31.. To Rev. Canon \vn Iflland, Rector, paid liim. $ cts. .,') -IS S^c.j 48 Dr. GROSSE ISLE FUND IN 1893. Jan. 1... To Balance. To Cash pai (1 It <( It ti (< To Balance, S cts. •S Cts. 2 M Dec. 31.. d i ev. F. A. Smith 7') (Ml 7.') 00 ;«ll (Id ;)0 (H) .'(() 110 T. Itu.ld U.K. Wrliht L. ('. Wurtele J. C. Cox 300 (10 $302 .00 S 2 •'iO 163 IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASUKER. cv. 180P.. ; Dec. lU.. ])V Iiiteiv:it on Inwjtiiunitj $ cts. $ I'tS. lOJ 00 JOJ 00 ■<.< IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Or. :^S'' is'i:;. Dec. ;;! IN- i;.ii. Interest uu Iiiveslmcuts . 8 cts. 2 'J6 109 90 ■SI 12 80 IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER. Cr. 1R93. Dec. ;'.(-. Sloi'k New WestniiiistiM', \'>. C, DclH'iitiut'S QiR'eus, N. .S.. " (jHu'bi'C Gas '"iiipany, 'J .-'liaix's St. .loiin, \. J;., Deh'jiiluivs iSiierbrooke " Up|)er (Mtawa luiprovLnieut Co. ikbriiturcs "Wiiid.-'or " 'Wiiijiiiam '' '\Viiniii)eg " Mortgages Toronto, Woodlawn Avenue " ?ark Lot, Xo. 1) " ]\irk Lot, Xo I'-;, part Slierbrooke, ("t'litie Ward Quebec, -'Till), 27'.il and jiiur L's'.iL' St. Lewis A\'ard do '.'ai'li and 211.^ St. Peter's Ward Toronto. Gloueester sln-ct Moulieal, A'o. li;;, Wl.-! AVard, (j^irl) Cnnihunntc (llihe. Mortgage. Part Park Lot 18, Toronto Boufij l.itui^ AijUi'ln 1,1 'javij i'unl. Brandon Delicntures, 7 percent Jlo/l/hlOlt ItCI/ I'.adoiClllrtll Fuiiil. Moitgage, No. 2:;, We.st Ward, Mont., (part). '' Toronto, i'art Paik Jiut IS " . Carried lorward. S cts. 2.") (10 00 niaio 00 00(111 00 0.".(10 00 7 it;; :i.", 4sii() (•,(} 2(1110 (U) IIKI (HI liiiin 00 S>'l!0 (10 '.HIO 00 4 00 (in •I 110 00 ((H) 00 20(10 00 2.')(i ■ \^i.) I 0(» ■|(i() I 11(1 1 l.iilii (Id 20(1(1 Od lf<{) (Id i 'its. L'j'.lOl.iO 90 20(1 00 L")00 00 21.S0 00 ,S102[)7'J 99 ; mun 165 BALANCE SHEET, 31st DECEMBER, 1893. Capital Account-! ; — (loncral l''iiinl Pcn.sit)ii I'liiiil ^ Widows' and Orphan.-:" Fund Mission Finid Nirolcl I'lndiiw nicnt Fund Cranliournc (llcbc llourp- Loui- Aylwin liOgacy FiMid Montniori'rsi.'y I'liidowmi nt I'und Mountain Hiidownn'iit ]-'iind St. Mifdiarl'.-; Fndowmcnt I'und Itislidp \\'illi,aiii.-i' .MiMuorial .Mi.-.-^ion i'aml ]5islio;i William.-;' (Joinun'uioiMlion I'und.. IMioc'ie Cluidei'ton Mcnnirial i'''und Revenue Account.s : — (iciUTal Fund I'lducation I'uml Colonial ami ("onliiHnital Cluuxdi Society Premium and Discount 8 cts. S .SO IS 92 520(17 70 7:iiKir) 78 222.';0 is: I 02:!;3 Ooi Cr. ctg. i(;i.">i8 f>7 200 00 1.^00 00 21S2 *)() 12110 Oi» 1100 00 ;;:!sii) oi 5:)2l 51 (5000 00 : 22:)7S2 OS lOdc; s-i 121 4;: no SM IMJ t);i ?.0.i7 O."? Carried forward i'fi •. ■- -fe .'I -J (,;>■! 'y'j i| ■• I. ; :-il $226839 11 ''.;. , * 1. s m. 16G Dr, The Church Society of the Diocese ofQueuec. — BrouKlit fovw.'inl. .)fo.«f.,'iiit Scliool l)t'bciilii:('.> Wii!j;liani Dt'lii'iiiurc-; AN'iiuiipo.u' " Morto'ug'c, Sciu'liDroii'j'li, Voi'U (.'oiinty '< Tdioiiti), Wilton AvcMUL' '■' rraitiiiloii I'Topci'lv " Yiil>'iiVtitT GI'.-Ik-..". 11 'ii ,i\. '\i), I'ark l.ots L>(i-2;, Si. Miihiirl' h l\ii lovmcnt Fiiiul. Toronto Mort^'iijif... liaiiiilioa Dohcntiire. /i/y/iop Waiiiiiiin' J/iiiior'''il Mix-v'oii i'liiul. \ow WcstniiiisliT, ]].(;,, noiids IliclinioiHl, ]>.(./'., llmul.-^ /ji,':/n)/i Willlitllin' Oo/;uiiri;ii>r(/lioii I'lllhl. Ujipcr Ottfiwii Iiiipi-o\'(*ieiit (Jo. I'londs Ljipcr Uttfiwii liiipi'ov(*iein (yo. iiorids Moilfrnjic— P.'U't I'iiik Lot 18, Toronto., '' Wiltuii Avcnilo, rh'the Ch'iJ''iio)i M(iiioriiil /•'///;./. Toronto MorlKiifti'. J'ki'I I'ark Lot IS.,.. S ets. S cts. i Sl'52'.»7!t 9!) :;iH)f) no' ICO on' •inoo 001 '.1110 00] ir.o 00 ! :; III iioj ;')!i(Hi dO 'I Dnpo.sitory Fnnd Gio.s.sc Isle Finnl Jloi'cliiints' Bank. Savings Di'pin inicni (ii: 1 percent. Union ISank, iSaviii;.^'.^ Department. 'n< I pei' cent 100 on, 1000 ool 80(10 00^ GOIIO 00 2000 00 700 00 2i;iio 00 ■ii;i :,•> .'.Oj:! 10' IIMIOO Oo' 1201)0 00 1100 00 1 1000 00 300 00 0000 00 20140!) '.)■) I'.'j.'iOO 12 S22(;s;-iu 11 Wo. Ilie nndei'sijrned, have examined tlii.s statement and all the ncconiits connected thcrcwitii, and I'onnd them correct. We have also verified the securities helonffinK to the same. Quebec, 21th January, 1891. C. JUDflK, ) . ,. Gko. Rolt White, J '^"'" itors. 167 BALANCE SHEET, 31st DECEMBER, 1893.— Co/i'd Cr. I ' 1803. JiUl. I. Dec. 31. Brought fonvard f.NVESTMKNT AcrOl.XT. '.y Jjiiliiiico luvcstiiKMits made : ^'.■\\• Wcstiiiiiister, 15. 0., Bond-^ Riclmioiid, B.C., BoikLs rnve.='tnn;iits paid oil': Cape liivtoii lionds -SlT.-.d Oi) QiK'eiis, \.S,, '• l.^i» III) Fi'amptim Mortgauo •>''' "" Baliiac.e S cts. n.'ill'.t 9!) 221101) 00 (il)OO 00 20:JH!) 99 li).S(l 00 § cts. $226839 11 .«2014()9 99 . 70 $27546 88 US«> 109 ' i' . 'I .■ ft WITH John Hamilton, Hon. Treasurer. Cr, C ^' ^•> Assess- ments for Total. — IS!).",. .Tuny. 1— I'>y linlanro from last AlTOllIll S CiS. $ cts. S cts. $ cts. $ cts. 1411 19 Dec. :;i — Hy Assessments rei-eiv- ed from tln> Ibllow- inf? Mi.-'sions dnring' tlie past year : | Vctonvale 1 200 00 (;2 ..0 75 00 105 00 100 00, 100 00 120 00 50 no 75 00 :i5 00 :;i) 00 S50 00 •:.:\u 00 100 01) 400 00 150 00 120 00 150 00 25 00 125 00 :;o 00 .■)50 00 50 00 50 00 225 00 200 00 400 no 150 00 .',0 01) :;5 00 175 00 i:!o 00 ;-!0 00 ;!25 00 ;:o8 00 ;',2o 00 ;^o 00 1()() 07 fil) 75 ■]25 00 i;io 00 ](i5 00 225 00 100 00 7398 92 2f>0 00 62 50 102 25 105 00 IC.O 00 125 00 120 on 50 no 'X', 75 ;;5 00 :;o 00 in()V 50 ;;,",() 00 100 01) 400 00 1S7 50 l.io no 150 on 25 (in 125 no ;-57 50 0S7 50 74 50 (i2 50 225 on 200 on 5on 00 I5n no 50 00 ;i5 no 2:v/, :v.] 102 50 40 nn 437 50 427 on 42n nn :i7 50 32'-^ 92 IK) 75 281 no i:;n on 1()5 00 225 00 120 00 200 00 G2 50 78 25 78 75 100 00 100 00 120 00 50 00 75 00 :',5 nn :;n on S50 00 .HI'.O 00 100 00 400 00 b.w 50 150 00 150 00 25 (10 125 00 :{n no 55n 00 (>2 00 50 00 225 00 200 00 500 Oo 112 50 j 37 50 ;!5 00 189 5S 117 no j :io 00 391 75 350 00 i 340 00 30 00 325 02 116 75 281 00 , 1.".0 00 1 ](;5 00 ; 225 00 j 91 00 Diuil »v - ^\scot <;()rn('r I'jjist \ n"'iH 27 25 - lint 11**1' liiuiis Hri)nii)toii AVinilsor Mill-; 25 00 U;ll|()|ll Di.wille Stanho'iM- IS :,-, ( ^ii:i 1 i(*( inl' . . :;12 :.ii (1;| |)t» i 't)\'t' . .]\«ri'i'' . ' nnnvilk' Ti'oiitl) 'ook :\7 51: ;;i) (10 LoriH' ( I (>ni i-sOii ... Stuuiloii \\ I'st ['\':nniit ()ll ( ; I'M n lnHI I'M (' .. 7 5ii i:;7 511 24 50 12 50 ( y (ink »^lii I'c Sandliill Jolinville _^^ St. .lames, Gaspe St I'aul's, •• -- llatlev loii on Wateiville .... 1 Slii-awake ". Port Daniel L' .AMse-anx-Ciaseons - Inverness 5S ;;;i ;;2 50 10 00 112 .-,0 nil on loo on 7 50 15i) 25 50 00 5(; 00 Tjowop IrcliiiHl ]51aek Lake Ma ilileton Dudswcll — Kinirric'y SnotiiiiT Pond T^pni'^on'^ Mill-^ ... ' Leeds Kinneiir's Mills 2;i 00 Amounts carried forward 7892 00 1441 19 ,'c.. 1 ■■■'■'A ■ '"■■■ 'il < Hi ■] Ni 170 Dr. Revenue Account, Diocesan Uoard, in Account ;if. I m Nsi Mi Dec. 31 To nniouut brouajht forward. ' Balance §28827 07 We, tUe undersigned Auditors, have verified the foregoing Accounts wiiii the Vouchers and the balaace of cash ou hand, and have found the whole correct. Quebec, 26th Jaauary, 1884. F. Il0M.0\VAV, I A i-t , A. AamtN, ' j Auditors 171 WITH John IIaimilton, Hon. Treasuiier. — Continued. Cr. ? ^ e» S Ct9, m r; .-: rn O » Total O \> ss ,",;) 12 511 .'>M 00, ] 1 (I 00 2J 00 25 00 75 00 Anioiiiit- liroMji'lit f(i:'\v:ii'd. ASSKSSMHNTS. — Cutllili' I. .Mall.aic Oui'iHi' i»r I lie Ht'iicli , .Miiirni;' (i('()r'_;i'\ illi' , Filcli I'lay Sandy liciieli , I'ciiiiisiila Litlli; (ia.^i)!'' I'o.liKMir Ifah'slioi'u Iiivii'rii-ilii-l.oiii) ilaiKlboio' Island IJro 'li New ("ai lisk- ]'as|)('l)iac St. Sylvcsl'.-r St. (!(i)i'ij;c Si. (iili'S a! crcdil ('iiiul)!rlaii(l .Mills St. J(iiiu".s. Mi'il)i)urii<' Jioi'kiariil Quarry Mi'll)i)ill'IH' llidtli' Vaicai'tici' , (Jros-L- isle (iriiidstoii!' Way's .Mills j liariislon 7 50 I'ppcr Diirliaiu | 45 00 South Duiliaui I ."0 oo • L Avciiir Ml 25 St. I'aul'.s, llurv ; St. Jdhu'ri. "' I St. Thomas, " Si'ot-iiuwa... Liii;j,\v'.ck (JaiitLTltury , Lake ileua.itic. ■ Drunimuadvilh.' § CtS. S CtS. !? (!t.S. 7;{98 02 7S'.)2 00 7 50, 50 01) 12 50 1 10 00, 50 oo| 15 o:i| I'l (llll ',15 8:5 2W5 00 SO (Ml •100 00 175 00 50 00 250 00 100 00 loo oil 125 00 (i2 00 212 100 100 ;!oi) .•ilM) 75 75 30 21 200 00 50 00 ■10 00 200 00 25 00 •10 7.) 50 00 •10 00 ISO 00 120 00 125 00 112 r)0 12 50 IL' 50 25 00 17 50 20 OOi 25 00; 285 00 SO no 4s,s ;)9: 175 00 (12 50 ;;i2 50 100 oil loo 00 18;i 00 02 00 ;!22 50 125 oil 125 '10 875 uo liOO llll 285 00 so 00 :!8,s :)'j i:'.i 25 50 00 ii'2 no 100 00 100 00, 12« 75; "IC) 501 :iiio oiij 100 00, 125 00 300 00 300 00 75 (10 75 00 30 00 21 00 250 00 02 50 50 00 250 00 40 o:; •10 75 50 00 •17 50 225 00; 150 oo' 15G 25 112 50 12 50 12 50^ 25 DO 17 .,.0! 20 00 25 00 '.)5 83 75 00 75 00 15 00 15 75 1S7 51) 50 00 •10 00 200 00 ■11) 75 50 00 •47 50 225 00 150 00 150 25 11535 r 12 50 12 50 25 00 17 50 20 00 25 00 Dec. :U— By amount of Grant IVom Socirtv for Propagation orGo?]ipl.. do do do '^ do _ for Pensions. do received from ^lis,^don Fund, Cliurch Society do do (Jlcrjiy Tru^t Fund ■ do do Vacaiion Fund — ilonation do do Interest on Deposits $ CtS. 1 111 10 2113 29 5307 49 211 93 ■1532 10 5077 96 80 03 33 08 .■J $28827 67 E. & 0. E. Quebec, 2nd January, 1894. J. Hamilton, Hoa. Treasurer. t II if. 1T2 Diocesan Ijoauu — SurrLKMKNTAiiY Statement. AnioiintH rcooivcil finm tlie olosingof tlie HooUh to .TIhI .ramiary, 1S!)4. Miiiyo"' Aiiso-anx-Gnscons ..., »St. Paul's. Bury Port Diinit'l ... Coaticook Cumberland M ills Riviure du Loup rortiicul' Valcartitr Waterville Shiffawak.' New Carlisle St. .Tohirs, Melbourne Itockland (Quarry Bromptou Jolinvillc Cooksliin^ Halesboro' Capeltou Fitch Bay Ascot Corner Upper Ireland Lower Ireland Black Lake I cts. 100 00 50 5(1 25 L>0 00 212 50 5 25 16 50 81 25 50 00 87 50 43 75 75 00 80 00 12 50 25 00 12 50 77 50 15 50 12 50 12 50 18 00 77 00 80 00 7 50 11030 00 J. Hamilton, Hon. Treasurer. Quebec, 31st January, 1894. 178 ' .". ■ ft CHURCH SOCIETY. LLFL; MIi^JNIlUiRS. • ■'' I — ., ■ — — Till' Miiil (pf DiilVi-riii 8100 00 LonI Mi)ii>k (si'Vi'ii iiiiiiuiil suli- scii|itii»ii-i) ;!.".0 Oit Till' Miiri|iiis(i( haiisilnwiitj jn "() Lord l!i.sli(i|i of I.Mii'Ik'i'..,. fdt ()i) l,iinl l!i>li(»i» of Xlii^iiira I")!) no Allii;itt, l!i'V, F. J. I!., D.I) 00 oo A.sliL", Duptaiii I!. .V 'M oo Hull. \l\. T. L .^(1 (10 Murslnll. .1 :>i) (Ml I!iii>i;ili. .Mis ,1 .'lO 00 ('.liter. .1 tii) 00 Diiltoii, I-t II. A :>n 00 Ddlicll, I! l: KMi (III Forsyth, ,lo-;i ph 11 :A) 00 FoisVili, .Nil-;. .Fus. 1! ."lO 00 Ilaiiiiilnii, .lulm :,0 00 Uuiiiilioii, Mi" 50 00 ll.iinilloM, li'rv. (!. Clii'lw ijod. M. A 200 00 llainiltoii. Iv'olicrl 'loO 00 ilaslcll, Jmius ;")0 Oil llatlifiiy. J. J ..^ ;jO liO llciifUcr, i;. W .'lO (10 Joiic.'J, iMlsviii .')0 00 .luil-c, C .'>0 00 Moyd, IWv. W. V S M 00 Lowii IfS, J J , ,')() (10 Moiiti/aiiiliiTt, F., .M.l) M) 00 Moali/.aiiili'Tt, Mis. F .'.o GO .Miiiiiit.iiii, Mrs. A. W :)(» (10 I'aiUc!, (i. [I. ,)0 (10 i'aikcr, Mr.s. (». 11 .^0 00 I'ciiiiylatlKT, Uuv. T., .M.A lit cil I'iK'c, F. J :,n 00 l!ac, U' ion (10 Ifcid .Mrs. C. I' 00 00 liiiodi'S. .laiiir.-* ,')(! 00 Ulmdcs. .Mi\s i".0 00 l!o.i-!, ,Mis. J ,')0 00 Shaw, S. .1 .'i:! 00 Siiiiili, Lt.-Cul., \{.\', .'•.0 00 .'^iiiilh, U. II (10 00 Siira '.■■.:(•, .Mis ,".() 00 Tile l!t. l{ev. i;isli()|i llclliiiiilh.. TiO 00 Thoiii|isoii. \Uv. .1. II., .M..\ ;>» 00 Vcascy, (i. oi.l;u tA) 00 \\aiiii'i;4'hl, 1! ,S0 00 Walk- r, .Miss ,s(i 00 Washer, l!,-v. (j. I! ino 00 Wood, W. F 100 00 ■\Vii.;lit, .Mrs r,(i 00 W rijilit, llvv. W., M.I) :)0 00 CONTRIBUTORS OF $50 AND UPWARDS, DECEASED Anderson, ^^'. II .s ,".0 (lO Andrews, Tlius .'■)0 00 Ashe. Will M 00 r.aldwiii. lion. K .^)'i (Hi ]!ell, A. I) no 00 ]Jonson, Tiioinas :>» 00 JUaek. .f :.0 00 I'.laek, Jlon. II., C.l! aO 00 Bonner, ,1 r.O oo Iiouen, Hon. Cliiet'.Jiistiee .''O 00 lioxer, Hear Adiniial :')0 0!* IJrooke, .Mrs •■•0 00 Jiurnet. .Mrs. D •"><) 00 JJiirstall, II ,^0 Oil HurstalI.E M 00 Caldwell, Sir LI. J., Bart 50 00 ('aiiiiili(dl. A .SlOO 00 Caiiii'liell, Sa.xton ;')() 00 ('ai|ieiiter, F S .Ml 00 Cliaadler, Col. (to Nleoltt En- dowment Fund) 100 no Chapimin. \V :>() 00 Chri.stie, .Major \V. 1' 100 00 (Tehran, Hon. A. \V no 00 CoeKell. .MLss aO 00 Oreaiii. Mrs .■)0 00 DindiMl. . Rev. r. oO 00 Doii'^lass. U. M., M.D aO 00 Drnin, W 100 00 Fl-iii, Lord 100 00 Estcourt, Major General 50 oO Eslcourt, Lally aO 00 it sfll' IP ' , 174 CONTRIBUTORS OF $.'.(1.00 AND UPWARDS, l)ECEA.SKD.—Cont!iuu':l. FU'tcluT, Hon. Mr. Justice .S .")0 Fors\tli, Jaiiics 1! aO Fiaser, Hon. .(. M .'iO Giile, J. V .V.I (4iM)ru:f, ^!i^^ .''0 Gilli'si.i", A ;)0 GlovcT. Thus 60 Crav, F. 1! oD Tlali-. lion. F. (sniioi) ad Hall. G. 15 GO Hall, Ci'o 1(10 Hal!, .Mrs. (1. I! GO ]laniilt(.n, F .M) Haiinlton, .Mis Kid HailifSi.n. .Mrs ,")d Hrad, i;t lldM. Sir E.. Hart ;;,"i'i Hcatli, .laini'S f'O Hiiuks, Moil. .Sir F 50 Holliiian. V, .00 Housmaii, [Ivv. G. V., .M. A 60 Hunt. JaniL'S .')d Hunt, MiS. Weston aO Hniit. Wc-ton .00 JacUson. I!ev. C ad Je.'^sop. 11 .')0 .Jones, H. N .00 Kerr, J. JI ..0 Kilirr, C 100 Leeds. Rev. ,1 aO Le.M" urier. 11 aO Level, G. F .00 Lisuar, Ford "i'O l,o\ell. .1 .00 Maekie. .Major, W. S .".0 Mackie, K>'V. Geo., I). I) IdO MacLaren. .laiias Od Mailer, \V. G .00 Minedith. Sir W illiaiii .00 Metealt; Lord Idd Millie, Rev. (i.. .M..V .Od Mountain I!t llev. (i. .1., Lord lii.slio]) oiyuelKT, (annual I'or 21 year-O IdO Do. to Depo^iioiy l'"u!id Id Do. to Mission Fund (i.iiniial for .0 .years) MOd Mountain, Gol. 0. !> T.'i Mountain. Lieut. J. G .00 Moiiiilain, .Mrs. G. R 50 Moiinlain, .Miss K ad MMuntain. Rev. A. W I.Od Nairiie, .John yd Nicolls. Rev. J. iL, D.l) aO (10 00 00 00 Id) ( 01) 00 (U) (10 00 t 00 (Id (Id (III (Id (10 (10 00 00 (Id Od (Id (Id (Ml (Id 00 00 Od Od 00 (10 (Id do (10 (10 00 Od Od 00 00 00 (III 00 (10 00 (10 (10 00 Noad, H. .J S".0 00 I'atterson, 1' .00 00 Peiiihei'ton. Hon. G .00 00 I'eniielali.er, R. M .Od 00 Peliv. W .00 00 Pi'lr'v, '\\'.. junior aO 00 Pinon, Mrs.' G aO 00 Po'stoii, F .00 0(1 Posloii, \V .00 00 Poslo.i. .Mrs. \V aO oo Po^tuii, (' ad 00 Postoii, 'riiunias ad CO Priee, \V ,0o 00 ; Priee, Hon. David ,00 oo I Pye. John ,0() 00 , Kiicev. J OO 00 j llainsav, P-'v. J. ,0d 00 'i R(d(l. I'Jev. G. I'., D.G.L lod dO ij K'li.ides, Ft.-('(d. Win id (Id || IJolpli. lion. .1 .Oil 00 |! Ross, lion. .1 ,00 00 jl Pdwan. F. M., Sir W ., (LCI! .. ao oo ! Seott. 11. S. .0(1 00 Sialv J 100 00 r. .^ewrll, Kev. F. W., M. A ,0(1 00 ' S'Well, i;.v. II. D.. ,00 00 |i Shaw, P. A ,00 (10 i| Slu'ii|ianl, ,Mi-s ,0O oo jj Smith, C. AV ,00 00 '; Somerset, Gapt. Aylnic- lOi) oo ji Si)ra.u-i;'e. W '. ,011 (;o i! Slayncr, T. A ,0(1 00 Ij Sic\\ai-t! IIdii. .Joliii ,00 00 h Stuart, lion. (r. Oklll ,00 00 jl Stuarl, .Mrs. G. dkill ,0o 00 il Stuart, Hon. Sir Jas., Part Kiu iO Symes, G. P. .",o oo Syine.s, li .",0 00 Taylor, .Miss "ai (Mt Tli^;;'', T .0(1 01' Tri!.i',L;ei II. W afl 00 Trolioiie. Gniiral Sir^"., K.(".P. aO 00 Fslioine. (I. W ,0(1 00 \'iilleaii, W. i; ,00 (01 Wait, Ri'v. W. W -loo 00 Walker. Hon. W 100 00 Willirahani, l.'ev, C. P ,00 00 Williams. Ut. I.'ev. 1. W ,0d 00 Willou.uldiy. Pev. .M ,00 00 Wood, i;. " ,00 00 Wood. (i. .\, I ,',() (10 Vouny, D. I) 100 00 1815- 1SI8- 18,1(1- 1802- 1 8f> 1- 180;j- ISOli- ISiill- ISTii- l,s,(i- 1^77- 1878 18S0- 1881- 1884 1887- 18S8 188'.) 181.1(1 I8',l|. I8;w- 176 -W. Yulo, of(Jhaniljly § 100 00 -Hon. Chii't Jiislicf lie'id, of Montreal 400 00 -Col. C'linnillui', of \ic ilct (tui' Kudowmont Fmiil) 100 00 -Mi:;.s Fiiilay, of (^tueliec, to tlie [.unl ISishop, for Widows and ()ri)lians of (^kT^ynicn, to lie aiiplied at his tlisoretion ; by liini t.'unslerre : to einir.ye of the ('iiuieh Society 2,000 00 — ^liss \\'aiker, oi' Lenno.w ilU, (for the Witlows and Oipiian-s of Clei\Lfynien) 40 00 -.Monnt.iin. lit. Rev. C J.. Lord I'isiiop of Queh.c (lor Mission Fniid) COO 00 Hon. W. Walker, ofQnebec (for Wt & (). Fnnd) 400 00 -J. Waierson. o I' Quebec (for Widows' and ()i'piia..s' Fnnd. I i>0 00 -Mrs. Dunn. olTii.ee diver,'- (for Kipiownient Fund) 1,4('0 00 -.Miss Sill p;.:i;d. )f J)rnninunid\ ille (for FiUdowuicni. Fund) 2,000 00 -Kolieit Kirkland, of Li.-vds (for Widows' and Orphans' Fund) ... 40 00 —John Hall, (d'lieeds (for Pension Fund) 1,000 00 Miss Taylor, of Quebec (for Ceneral Fund) 400 00 Ubr W. & 0. Fniui) 400 00 -Mrs. Daiikier. of (,)uebec (foi' Pension Fund) 100 00 d'oi' \V. &(». Fundi 100 00 "Mr.^ (1. 1!. Hall, uf (,)u.bec (lor Montmorency Mission) 2,(MI0 00 ('. Iv Lrvev, ol (.,'uebec (for Kiidownu'nt Fund of St .Michael's). 1,000 00 -l{ev. (i. Miine, M..\. (lor W. & O. Fnnd) 100 00 •• ' •• (for Pension Fnnd) 100 00 -A'rs. Avlwin, ol'Mcntreal (for lUmviX Lonis) 1,400 00 Hear. S. Sc(jlt, of (luebce (for W. k V. Fund) I2.j 00 •' ' " •' (
7o -Hon. ,1. 11. Pope, (for I'.nc'iowment Fund of Oookshirc Church).... 4,(i(U) 00 -M.S. F!i/a'iictb Ceani, of (^leliec (for .Mission Fnnd) 400 OO (for Pension JMind) 100 00 Miss .Marv Chaderton. I'^nuitinn (for Plui;be Chaderton 'Mvw n\i\.\ iMin('l) (i,000 00 Hviiry .\biL:ee. ot .M i^o;.j (for Majiojj; Endowment Fund) 2,884 ,">'.• Hoili!-, Slioiev, ui .Montreal (for (iharleslon llectorv Fndownient Fiind)..; '. 00 00 James Wilson, Up|)er Indand (for (Jeneral Fund) 782 00 '' •• " (for Irelanil and Soutli Inverness Fndownient Fnnd 400 00 '.■'III >• 11 .' il •:■:.■ II $;i7,2t50 :ifi Ride adopte.d by Cenli'ai Board, 11 Ih Jan nary, 1888. All pubscriplious (which by liy-tiaw V. are due on 1st January in each year), dulv supported by the .Mphabeiieal Lists as Vouchers, must be in the hands of the Hon. Treasurer of the Society before Christmas Day; ami where there are local Treasurers, on such day as nniy be ai)pointed by the District Associations, to enable such Treasurers to hand their money and vouchers to the Troafeurer of the Society bc/uie Ohristmivs Day. 176 N.B. — See new Rule on previous Page. Statement of Aiiioimts raiseil in tlie several Parislies and Missions of tlie Diocese, 1893. CITY OF QUEBEC. THE CHURCH HELPERS' ASSOCrATIOX. 'S'>M NAMES. Collected hi, M<:. I. C. JIo ! ^ ' r-; 1 r^ U-i ^ O .X ^ -/. C^ .— 4, "■^ ^r. f-« ' Alierii, A Aiidiewn. F. H., ,ir B(),s\vell,V....... Oliiinipiou, C. 1' C'iiit> Wm ('uuiiiiin^s, A Dean ot<,>in-'l)L'e Dubell, R. U. Diitni, T. H Duiui, L. H Fr}', Juo. S (luodilav, Jr Hiik, K. J Ijiiiit, A F Holloway. F Jjord liislioii oi'Qiiclji'C' Machiii, H. T iMore, .1 (; ]\Iaci)lii'r.-ou., \\')n. M Piitluii, \j liac, AVm Shaw, S. J Scott, J. G Smith, l{. H Siniih, Mrs. II. H Smith, J{. Hariourt Stavuluy, H Stevenson, J Turner, U Wel)b, E. E Welch. J I Brockleshy, C. M o s -'-i ^ cts. L' (10 cts. S cts. Ill (Ml; L' (Kli •_' (HI I 1(1 (10 1,". (11) 1(1 IHIj ]() (III f) 01); :i no' 1(1 on 10 (10 i) (10 00 no ;! 00! ;;o do' •J (1(1 2 on 00 (lo!. 10 no .5 ()ol 10 00 :; 00 2 00 Total : $185 00 (Ml ](l 00 .") (10 ;0(: 00 10 00 ■)0 (10 i 20 0(1 a (Ml 5 00 y ct.^, 10 00 20 00 b ctri. (HI 10 OO' 10 00 Total. 17U (10 30 00 27 00 !5 cts. 2 00 :! 00 .5 01) 10 00 2 00 2 00 2.^ 00 I.''. 00 ;;o 00 la 00 h 0(1 :! 00 10 00 Id (10 6 0(1 :>y) 00 .J 00 :> 00 10 00 ;i 00 100 00 (> (10 2 00 :w 00 20 00 a 00 a (1(1 1(1 00 .) 00 10 00 2 00 2 00 412 00 ^f 177 City of Qveb^ec— Con tinNed. ■' 'I '^' 4 .-. ill .'> 'Ill NAM MS. i _ o Collrclol hi, Mr. C. W J'/ll//i/,S. I S cts Hillott, J. G Hiiistiill. .1., jr Duim, Stew'iut II. Hamilton, liolicrt. .I(ilinsti>ii, !•' I^airil, Jiio , ji' IMiillips, C. \V I'd)).', H I'ostoii, (!('(). 1'] ... ilrn.ly, J. A |{icliarils(>n. .1 lii)liiii.S(>ii. .Ii'li.i.... AVhitf, J. li. II ... Willi ', (k'()r<;;; ;| . AViuli^'l'', .'os -3 3 o S C'ts. S cts ,") (Id; r, (i()' (>ll llllj lOII Oil 1 (Ml 2 Oiii I ■! (HI 1 II) (10 'S el; 2 00 o o ~ S cts Total. 2 00 1 0(1 ;■)(! 2 00 .") 00 5 (!') Tola' ' ;i 8:5 "•'• i Co/, hi J,.-,-. A. Jlorlanl. ; Cacsoii, ^Sl^-•.. S . (liioiix. .\Ir.<. A . JI;Mi(ik'v, .Mrs (; I'l'iry, Mr.s I'altiH'r, M[^ Tiimiis. Mi;s ;i .'lO:. I oo'. 2." Total. C'j/lrcli.l /,!/ Miss l',ur . Ani)-:ti'oiiii:, Mi's Barlow, Mf.s Benson, Mr.s Blarkhnin Mcs BooiiHT, Mr Bi'own, Mr Cainiilicll, Mi.st? Darlii.ion, Mr Doildii'itiC Mr, W. Doddrnl^i'c, Mi's (iillaiuliM', Mis lloolu'.>^ Mr. .\ llillc. Mrs. .V Marois, .Mrs. Phillips, Mrs Pennington, Mrs 12 2;-) (I ,")0 25 25 1 (HI 2") I 00 1 00 1 00 2.-) 1 00 1 00 (1 2,'^. (I 0(1 2,V 1 00 1 S cts. ■1(1 tid .") (M) 1 0( (III •US 0(1 1 (Id 00 6 00 2 on '.) 00 ,") 0(1 .'JOO 00 1 (Id ■> (III ') 00 ],) 0(1 1 (III .) 00 1 (III (1 ;'iii •) 00 ,") 0(1 .') 00 I 00 !l 2,") ol'J oO 00 ,".0 00 00 4 00 2.-) .00 2.*; 25 1 00 (1 2o 1 00 1 00 1 00 (1 2i) 1 00 1 00 2.0 50 2.0 I 1)0 1l ' 'ill 178 City of QvEUEC—Cott/inued. >? ;fh ^k^< 'M. \.\Mi;s. ruiMn ;oii, Mr Sruit, Mr. W S ct ■^ ^ C't^-i- .'^ ft? M V. T Valln, Mrs ^\ tllaiT M: mi (I ;>(i I (HI 2;". 1 Oil T'jhil SI 2 GO Ahrvu. Mrs. A ^\iiil('rs<»;i, Mrs llalilwin, M rs JJi'iiiicll. Mrs 1 00 Oil )()S\vr Ml M, Si. (1 Hale, .Mrs. K. .1... Hall. Miss. Ilaiiiiitoii, Mr. .).. Ilaiiiiltuii. Mrs. .1. DO (l(ii I,") 00 10 00 (II \\\'i Mi I'ftrv. Mrs S.'Wi'il. Mi's. ]■; Taviur, Mrs.... 'I'oliiid. .Mrs ... WhiU.', Mrs. (1 I 001 2.') 00 j 10 llOi I ('o| 1 Ollj I ooi 00 sot). Col I (HI Wilson. Mr Vouii'j;, -Mr, 2 00 Total. ,s2l» 00 Ci>lh''-ti' I hji Miss Klli'l CokMiiaii, Mr. (J Forsvili .Mis (; ■r, .Mrs. (I ,'iii 25 llamiltoii. .Mrs.. Jjaiiicv Mrs II .■lillr\-, Ml ,1 jk'iiilcisoii, .M,-; Jfiissi'il, .Mrs. \V Sii'bi'r^', .Mrs .... Vcnahlrs, .Mrs .. ^VlliU', .Mrs Total ,"iO 1 (III 00 oo, 10 .'.0 1 on' ,0(1 1 all! 2ai ;i CO, S cts, o-r -^ -. - -^ 'T' S ■ - J^ .- .— >, lor.vL. - •■Z iU Ho o ^"^ C '^ •■^ >^ l.lj Q ^-ts; 00 00 1 00' I 00 I oil' t; on Oil! 2.' aO iO !0 (I .'.0 1 00 25 1 00 12 (iO 00 00 ool III 00 00 7.'> 00 00 00 00 < 00 00 I 00 00 (II) (II) on I (I 00 00 'J!t 7b I 00 2.') II fill 1 on 10 .")() 2 0(» (I uO 1 00 (I 2.'i (I 25 7 3.^ 179 City of Quebec. — Continued. 110 25 ()(t on no 7.') 00 no 00 oO < 00 00 1 00 ilO 00 oo (10 ( (M) L 00 00 •J,') r.o (10 10 .)0 00 .■l() 00 N/ MKS. ^ I o C.i//<'r/,'J hji MiM I. Hi, III S cts. L'artii: Arjrui', Mrs iifkiston, .Ml Howcri, Miss JJ.ooiiit';-, Ml mill, Miss niicnaiiii ( 'oomlic, Mr; ()i)ii])t-'r, A ('oopt'i', Mi'j. T Dovlr, Mrs (ioii'ji', Mrs Ifiiwkin.-. V ./ti.ijn", (; Koli, Mrs Ijiiwrciu'i', Mis. lH';j:iiir, .Mrs. ... Mailili.-oii, .Mrs . 8 V.U.\ S <'t; ■rr ^•='2 •^ n — (^ -. i- -> ■^ "- -(J ■^ «j •- c J • r-* .^' Tj "" S fis. S els. ToTAr,. I 00 1 00' .'lO ,"iOl 'Jjl lOj L'.V 10 ,")i) 2 OOi iUISlillll! Mi'(" Miad, .Nils . I'oiiK'iil, .M:.- Sei'licryr. Mr; Mrs St'wcll. Mrs. A. 'IVaklc, .Mrs l!( !, Ml Vial. Miss ... Viiiliflil. Mr- it 2; 2'i 00 li.') . ill) . 1 00 . ."lOj. 1 OOl I ooL I \Viirt( .Ml Cilhct,.! 1,1' Mi.ss Cuii/i l''aimi!ifr. M « I. ill!.', Mrs . .. .s, Mi .Mai'ailaiii I'lrslio. Mrs. Tims, Mrs..., T.ilal. 00; 2 a 25 1 01) 25 1 00 2 OOl 1 OOl l.'i 1)5 Colhcti'il 1,11 Jfi.ia Dtiivfon. liawsoii, Mrs Ml i ■US. Mi> ifViiai, .M IS. (!(.'0. |{oss, .Mrs Sait.T, Mrs .... Saiigslor, Mrs. Total..., 25 25; 251 25 2,)l 1 50 ii(> (I 511 50 50 S Ct: 1 00 ,'-() 50 2.'. (I 10 •>5 111 5(1 5 00 (I 50 25 25 50 2,-) 50 1 (M) 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 18 'Ja 2,) 1 00 1 00 2,5 25 25 25 25 25 1 50 . >i • il f- 'sy 180 City of Quebec — Continued. it it Names. 3 Collected In/ Mrs. Win. Eiliotf. Andrf'w^\ '7redk. W Auhr, Mrs. Baker, Mr Borlaii(!, Mrs Elliott, Mrs. Win Horsiiliy. >!?>• Obstniiii. Mrs Suoiul, Mrs To7,c>r, W. A Tozcr, Miss Total $ fts. 10 00 10 K) 00 6 — ^ 11 w Total. $ L'lS. § ft; $ Ct3. 00 22 10 Collected hu .Mrs. ,/. />V// Forsijth, Balle, Miss Baile, Mis.« E Barrow, Sept Bruce, Miss Buchanan, Mrs Bu'.^ijll, Jolin Carroi, .Mrs , Craig, R Creig; I) Elber, Miss Forsyth, J. l>cll Fomth, Mr.s Forsyth, Miss , Fraser, Mrs , Graddon, Miss Herring, Mrs Irvine, Miss Livingston, Mrs LeMoine, .>lrs..... Levey, (). K Lowe, Peter Monlizanibcrt, Mrs Montizanibert, Miss Munroe, Miss Nelson, Mrs I Pf nny, .1 ! Penny, Mrs. Geo j Price, E. .' 100 Rhodes, Mrs ' Rhodes, Jainos Seed, W (III! 1 00 1 00^ 1 (Kll ;')(l| hO 10 Oil' :"ill.' 1 00 1 <(l ;Mi| ,■) (Mil |0 0(1 1 2 .^0 1 00 1 00 ■\ (Ml i") 00 2."i 1 (Id 10 00 2 00 I 00 I 0(1 I) 00 I 00 (I 2(1 2.) 100 00 .^1 00 6 00 U 20 2 Oil 2 (10 I 00 ;> (Ml 25 10 00 (1 10 10 00 ') (10 o 00 1 00 (1 25 2.5 b 00 2 00 00 ;i 00 i 32 GO ;,(l I 100 0(1 100 do! 10'' 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 ;;o 10 00 (I fiO 1 00 I 00 (I .")0 ;■) 110 111 110 :> 00 I 00 I 00 ■\ 00 I) 00 2,'> 1 00 I't 00 2 00 I (10 1 00 '.> 00 1 00 (I •'(! 25 50 » 00 •.) no 5 00 20 181 City of ClVEBKC.—ContinneJ. m Namios. Soniorvilli', .Mrs Tfiiipli', Mis. , Villciiiiivc. .\lis Voii Illlaiitl, l!f\'. ('{uion You lllhind, .Mr-: AVt'sli'v, W. II ^\'llLH'l"•l•, Mis AVilco.K, W A Fiu-iid (ri;i(l(liin, Mi's lii"-iicll, MiS.. Total, $ cts. $ Ct3. Colled, . I 1,11 ,)//•,• //. //,/«/ CiU'lVlltcM', ]\I J>niiii, Mis Gfj'irie, M: Hunt. .Mi-.^ il. Mouutiiia. Miss .. Uylaiul. Mrs Total CI led,:! 1,11 Mis, /'../. IViich. Ml 15('iicl', Williiuii JU'iisoii, Mrs. !•;. Jin)\vii,S. T (Vinson Mrs W CauiiilKdl, i; (,'()o|H'r, W. Corcoran. A\ Douglas, Mrs Kckiiar.it. W. II. \ Friciid, A Uatcrill. Mrs (Jri'eii, Mi Holt, Mis. Thou; Ji'viiic, ]\liss V. I Kiiiiiin. Mrs L('iii."sui;i'r. M.S. \V. T JjOWi'r, S Moii'i/.aiuberi, Dr 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 •O 00 2 00 25 1 00 1 00 b 00 1 00 1 00 599 95 1 00 r)0 00 1 00 25 1 00 5 75 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 2 00 .'iO 50 ao 2 00 25 1 00 20 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 00 '^n •*V ' :!l 182 City of Quebec. — Conlinned. Mm Namk} Monll/.iiinlicrt, Mrs. F. Pliillilis, .Mi.-^s I'l.'cs. .Mr.< Rl"0(1, .Mr.-J. James O S CtH, Ro "o: i.ss. I (III 1 ()(' Kowhoiliiiiii, .Ml'.' |{()\\ hiithii'ii, Hiiiidlonl, I) .Scoiiiriill. .Ml JShirlcv. Mrs s I 'I'llllHT, .M TuriiiT. ]!. A. IS. A\ .Mi ilKcr, .Miss. Kiuijiht. ^Irs. . Kciiiit'ilv Miss. Muiriilt. Mis .... .'.() !U (Kll Tutal. Cull'd-J hfi Miss K.Ulh iSiiDitLaiiilii I't . ^ I '.• BilliiK/^lc.v. Mr-' I'*'li<)lliinicr(', ,Mis , I>t'F>()lliiiii(''it', .\ir l>.-i\vs,)ii. Mis- llii\vi\iiis, Mis Hill, Miss Je'ir.Ty, Mrs Jcnes. Miss Kuriiin', Mrs AIcKiirliiiid. Miss jMcikli'ioiiii. Mrs , Mcllullic, Mi.-s I'i^-ott, .\Ir. C. J Shiiw, Mrs. S. .1 >Siii'|)|)ai'(i, .Miss A\yMii('. .Miss A Frioinl 1 (iii| 1 (ill| 2 (Klj I (III I lie I I III) i (III il .".() Total Colled c.i liji Miss 11. il. Mont izii III /j'li. Austin, Mrs Hiicliaiian, .Mrs Eiliolt, Mrs. C. J'J Uule, Mrs II .jII- .S (Ml u, $ cts. ;iO (ID 1 (Id :!(i (iiij 2:>\. c — ._ ^W'O Total. w els.' § t'ts. ' $ cts. (I 2.) I IKI 1 (Id 1 0(1 fid (1(1 (1 ;i(i (1 ;,() 1 (Id 171 t;(i '2 (H) (Id 1 I!ll d .Ml 2 (III 2 0(1 1 (Id ;>d 11 dll 1 00' 1 d(i: •^:>' 10 00 .'0 (Id .1. Id (Id 60 60 (Ml: 2 (10 Id dO Id 01 III (Id ■Id Od .**; cts. TiO (II) I 00 (;() 00 25 1 00 I (1(1 (I 25 26 26 1 00 I (Id 1 00 60 ^0 (Id d 60 60 1 00 2.S6 06 00 00 (Id (1(1 (Id (>(l 00 (10 (Id (Id 6(1 5d 00 (Id 0(1 60 60 Il 00 ] 00 1 00 ] 00 26 City of QliKWEC—Confuinerl. Na«i:s. o 3 •■y o o = Grlirilli, Mra lliinowi'i, Mrs .... Ilcalcy, -Miv iMas.-i.M'vi'y, .Mr.s... Mcivilitli, liiiiiy .. I'lii'dic, Mrs S.'wcll, Miv-t. VV... Stracliiui. .Mr-:... . TiinuT, Mis. II ... Wcatliuli'V, M/s. Kiifiitl ^ els.' cts.l S els S rts. I III) Total $ I ;'•> (I 2.") I III) I III) (I '.'.■) ;■](! (I ,'lll Alien. Mi.^s lioollirr, M I-: HiDU II. Mis. Will H(.v(l. .Mi^s V.uoki: Mrs Cooke, Mi>s Colsioii, Mis Ciiti; Mr-i Mountain. Mrs ... Moriiaii, Mrs. .las O'Ooiiiior, ('liiis {{infrct, Mr.s. U Sniitli, .Mrs Witi^S M>'^ Total ^ i; ;J(i I III) :• (1(1 Hill. Mrs O'Kciiaii, .Mr. Norris, Mr ... Total Col. hji Miss /■;. r. /'a/Ion. b (Id Ashe, Mrs I Aylwiii, Mrs Hensoii, Mrs. Mriiest ]5i(nvnin<4', .Mrs Clianilu'is, .Mr Evans, Mrs. L 2 (1(1 LT. (I Id ■\ iiir I (ii){ (I 7.. (I i:.v S cts. 'lit TOTAI. (I .")(» (I ,")(l (I -';") It :',',.. 1 y(» (Ml (II. •••I .vi (I ;■>(! (I ,)ll! 1 .".II ;')() 1 (Mil (I 7,i 1 M' 1 00 1 (HI 1 (Ml 1 00 i? cIs. '>', •::> II 10 (I ,")(i •1 (III I (Ml (I 7.". (I L',". 1 (1(1 (I M) (I ■!:> 2jl \-2 10 (HI (10 'lb ;■)(! .".(I (III (HI •>b (10 (HI ;i() no no 10 'lb no 1 (H) b (10 6 no 00 (HI (HI (HI 00 00 I'F mm 184 i City of Quebec— Cow//«wesi)ii, Mr. (! Mii'liiii, .M;,-; .Mulliolliiu^l, Mr Miicliiii'ii, Mr Old. Miss i'l'iitlaml. Mis^ tScotl, Mrs. W. \V ScDtt, -Mr \V. r. iStcwiiit, .Miss Hliarpli's, .\I,s. <' Yoimi.;-, .Mis. (J. I!. S Total Culicdcd hij J//.S-.V /',7/v/. I $ els. 1? cts. $ cts. S c^i^. ,■)(! 2 Oil' I I i I 01)1 I I dO' j I (10 ' I o o a .2 t c. S ct.s. Total I 00 I I lai I (Ml I (1(1 I I 00 i»0 I oo; I 8 tl 00 00 ■s oo; ITddson, Mr. . Mitchell, .Mr. . I'cllclier, Mrs liohiii joii, .Ml'. Hiiiioiis, A Tarcot. Mis. ... ,".0 .'lO .",0 J-l.llhj'X. .Ariilivws Mr~. !•'. II ... ("lap'iain. .Mr.<. .). (1 .. (:olU'y, A. W ('amiiiiiiijs, ,M:s. .A Dawson. .Miss Ifrtlc. Mrs. i;u.<.s(ll Le}r;(C'lt, .Mis IjiUie, .Miss Newton. -Miss I'opo, Miss ,. Pve, Mrs Kos.s. Mrs. U. I) Siiiiili. .Mr. Ill iii\ Stewart. .Miss L..' Walters, .Mrs AVeleli. Mrs. J. Laroii. AVooil. Miss 1 .')(i 1 (0 . .1 (1(1 00 ~'.'|. '1 III! I I IMl!. 00 I 00 •1 0(1 I (1(1 T.'ial ;,o 1 (111 2:^ •6\2 :>'< I J 50 ;■)(! 1 W 2 00 .'■)0 ;)0 (I .".() I ;.o II .Ml (I •_>.') .ill :■:< all $ VtA. {) &() 2 00 I (10 1 00 1 110 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 ! 00 1 00 11) 50 .oo .50 aO aO ;")(» .'>() :; 00 1 on .'•) 00 no 1 00 '2:> 2 00 ;■)() 1 00 I 00 I 00 '2:) 1 00 1> 00 I 00 aO 1 00 L'a ]ll MissC. I'rirr 1 on 2 no nil Hirtlioit, Mrs Clint. Mrs Ddliril, Mrs Diimi, Mrs Fodlo, .Miss Hum, Miss llockinji, .Miilliildii .Inc'iui's, Mis MiU'|ilu'i'siiii, Mrs MoMli/iimin'rl. Mrs. H ISIi)r^iiii, Mi-s Prattcn, .Mrs I'riittcn. Mr I'ricc, The .Missi's j I'ricc, W Si'Wfll, Mrs. (' I Scwcll, .Misd Miilicl I f^mitli. Alf.Miiidrr | Siiiiih. Mrs. !•' | Swill, .Miss I 'I'liriiliiill, Mrs ; ;■) on 2 nil. 2 on I,", nn 2 .ill ' -i:> Tdlal ! .S 2i; 7.. Co//cr!,:l I,, I M,ss ]Vn,ljr ■! 'Snitl. Rodiiicr, Mr H.owii, .Ml- Holiiasoii, Mr Uuthvcii, Mr 'i\)ta! Srirr/I. Rcnsoii. Mrs HIiUK'lnt Mrs Pxiuc!!, Mrs Drmii, .Mrs I nil n 2.1 I 2.1 a a $ els. .S Cts 2 00 ;'iO 1 nil :. no ,0 (till 2 iKt; 1 no' ,')ii; n .')n| nn 1 nil ■) nil !,". nn ;■) (HI 2 ;'>, 7, ^' ^ TorAi,, $ cts. I $ cts. 2 001 :> (III 5 00 ,j nil 5 00 2 no 1 00 2 00 111 no \:y no 50 1 no :> no ,■> 00 2 no I 00 ,^ill 60 [> no 1 no 2 00 ;i 00 :> 00 ;io on .") nn .'■) nn 1 on 2;'. 2 no 1 00 2 00 1 no I nil 2:> n 2;") 2 oO 1 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 >!• 1 .*r/ A^^X'^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Ik ■10 |2JB |Z5 2 !« 124 i 2.2 1.8 11.25 11.4 ,^l^ 6" ' A ^^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716)872-4503 ■^ 18G City of Queb'F.c.— Continued. i Names. Farley, Mi'3 Frieiul, A Fiv, Mrs. .r. S Fox, (Jr., R.C.A lliillett, dr.. R.C.A Hall, Mrs. 1' Hernioii.E., Gr.,K (^A.. Inilali, .Mrs JoiR':?, Mr.s. Kdwiii Lanili, .Mr. U iMereilith, Mrs. K MonUzaiiiliiM't, C'li — ^ Moiitiziiinhcrt. Mrs. C. K Nowiaiui, Mi.ss Ogiivie, Capt Postoii. Mrs. !•; Rivers, Mrs Rutliert'ord, .Mrs Scott, Mrs. K. G Scott, Mrs. C Toj,'liill. Miss Veasev. Miss AVilsoii, Mrs Wurtele, Mrs D C! O $ cts. 8 00 c cts '2 (H) 1 00 1 00' 2 (10 i ."lO Total Colled c J III Miy.t 11. Smilli. IJiirford. Mrs (Jraiit, Mrs Handlev, Mrs Jackson, Miss Tjaiie, Mrs McDonald, Mrs Williamson, Mrs Wright, Miss S « .'iOj .'■.oj 10, 1.") 15 Total. Colled r d hji Mis, II. i:. Sk'venxun. Boyce, Mr... (>arr(d, .Mrs. Cornforlh, .Mrs Dawsoi', Miss .M... llaniilton, Mrs. S. Hutu il ton, Miss \l- lOj (I l;V 10 lo; •S I ;!;•. 00 • > 2,j, 1 00' 2 00 ' (I no 1 (10 .1 00' 2 00 1 00 2 OOj 1 00 1 00 1 (HI (I ."lO .j(H 1 (1(1 ;;o 2j! ,'.ii 10 (I 10 Id , I. so I 00 .^)0 10 10 10 .0 00 d S cts o o = w § cts Total. 1 00 1 00 1 (10 1 00 00 00 §; cts. b 00 1 00 2 00 2.'i 25 5 00 25 1 00 2 00 50 00 00 00 1 1 00 1 (10 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 (1 50 1 00 50 1 00 ■J 2 75 1 00 20 (I 25 (I 25 )0 15 10 (I to 2 15 1 00 50 10 10 10 5 00 I8t City of Qvehec— Continued. Namks. IlimiiUoii. Miss. Ileiirv, Miss JiKhi; Mr Liiii^'luis. Miss . Law Tt'iifc, iMrs. liiiwreiu'i", Mrs. I'ariiiak'c, .Mis . Porrv, Mrs Pope", Mrs. A Pope, Mrs. K.... Pozcr, Miss iiicliiirdsoii, Mr. S cts. 20 (10 (I ;i(i (Ml 00 I. Total Cullec/tu! /-// .)//,s.s /■!!■(! I. Tin/hir. Edwards, Mrs. Jas Hawkiii, AInl Kavanali, Mrs. .Jas Keat), Mrs Koiiiu'dy, Mrs J Kt'iimdv. (> Moort', Mrs Morrill, .Mrs iS2;{ fjiii I'ipcr, Jaiiics Priincaii. Mrs llicliaidsoii, Ciiiion Rirliaidson, Mis '1'. Iloliiiisoii, ( Ii'orj;!' . Taylor, K. II Taylor, .1. W Ta\ lor, .Miss TaVlor, MissM Taylor, Miss K. I... Warner, Mrs r.o;, 1 oil' :: oi'i. 2 ool, 1 00 2 00 1 no' ^ ctS. ;;i) no' 2.". 50 (III 00 00 2,j I 00^ I oo' '12 so (Ill 1 00 2 00 1 00 Total. Vollectcil hji .U/ss ,Jt>K, iihiiii O. I'liinci/. Brofklcsliv, Mr. HalCoiir, licv. A.. Colviii, Mr. (i.... Cofkliurii, Mrs . Camplull, Mr. J DyiM'S, Mrs Durau, Mrs 0. ^H) :>{) 1 00 ,"» 00 I 00 (J 25 1 00 I 00 r.o M) a a c o rs 6 cts. 10 00 S cts. o o - $ c;t3. 20 00 10 00 r.o . fiOl oo! 25 . 50 20 00 I ool ;;o' 1 00, 50 50 ! 1 00 (1(1 00 00 on 00 9 05 60! JO Total. > cts. 80 00 25 50 1 00 1 (10 1 00 50 25 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 yc ;50 r.o 1 00 50 25 25 :5 00 :!o 50 1 50 :a) ;', 00 2 00 ;{ oo 5 00 ;{ 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 28 30 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 ■Vf. M ^'^i i'"?' Mi i m, %. % ■t^; £ ' '■'il •■ ill m I Ij' i"- «t} %^ .,i-M 188 City of Quebec. — Continued. Namks. Gowen, Mrs. E Griflitli, Mrs. IloiU'c, Mr. 1'".. A... lloiiir, .Mrs. 10. A. . Irviiii', Mrs. M. J>.. Laurie, Mrs Martin. Mrs. W. W Norris, Mrs Payne, Mrs Rickabv, Mrs .Siiaw, 'Mrs. 1'. A... Stevenson, .Miss Tapp. Mr AVlieeler, Miss "Wood, .Miss Williams, Rev. !>.. Williams, Mrs. L. . -o r^ 3 S t, PL- ,—1 i-^ o o .'li C #-*, •3 a 3 CtS.I 1 oil' S cts.' S e.(.- 3 6 s (II) L' (Ml 2 (HI 20 (Id 1 (lii| (III, dill I (Id . u do;. I (idi. (I 2.'i|. 20 (Id I I (Id (Id Total . CoUectcA by Misx Whit,-. 8 Id < J Camphell, Mrs. W. I).... Carter, Mr. ami .Mrs Uewett, I)r Irvine, .Mr •lone;, Mrs. K. A i Lair.i, Mr | Ksenilier, Miss | jMotitizamliert, .Mi.~s I, II.. Parrock. \W\ . Mi' j Sewell, Mrs. II. II ; Sell wart/,, Mrs Torre, Mrs ,SS j(l 1 IK) T) (Id .1. f) (III Total CoUt'cti'dliij Mrs. Winjii'lJ. 2 (III :; (1(1 I (Id Bcntley, Mrs Copenian, Mrs.. Doiierty, Mrs... (iraev," .Mi-s Hull,' Mrs Mareliand, .Mrs Mc(iin. Mis McMillan. Mr .. Ross, Mr. it Smith, Mis. F... (Id 1 d Total. 2;" 80 jOI 1 00 1 (Id!. I (Id (Id 2 1 (I 2.')i 75 els 2 (Id 00 ;■>() 1 (III S cl 1) 00 2 (td 2 (Id I (Id (Id 7 0(1 1 00 ToTAI., $ ots. 1 00 2 00 •_) 00 *) 00 00 ,") 00 (1 :a) 1 (10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ;') 00 1 00 25 2:> 00 5 00 2.". 25 25 25 ■ • ■ V SS 25 1 00 5 2 5 1 2 1 2 :\ 1 •> 1 2G 00 2,') 25 25 25 25 25 2.'i 1 00 25 25 'A 25 189 City of QuKuvA'.—CuniutNed. Namkh. •V Is Z a 1 3 ■n a >-^ .2 ■II '6 O •y M Tot A I,. /'dill to TiniUHirr. Foster, Rev. J Noble, llev. W. T li (lit S et.s ,,,,, § et.-<. S Ct.S. S cts. 2 (Id S els. 2 00 '' 00 RcNfonl, Rev. J 7 CO 2 (M) ^ (10 7 00 '' (10 SeotI, W. (J Sinitli. Rev. F. A 1 2 (!() 2 00 V\ iiitii'ld, Jo>! 5 110 Williiiins, Mrs. A. M "(I 11(1 20 Oil 1 Total Slli (Hli "II (III 2 (Id '> (Id! J II ni> 1 1 . 1 ir, Mil m jfcs- ■* ,1*1 100 City of QvEimc—CoNtitmed. IvKCAlMTrriATION NAMKS ok CoiJ.I'HTllIiS for A I,. Moiv. Mr. J. r riiillips. Mr. (,'. W Horl.iinl, Mrs. A Borland, Miss Cainphcll, Miss (^jirter, Mis.s Kilid Ciirtcr, Miss Ji. M ... . Cook, Mis.s Jiawsoii, Mis^ KUiott, .Mr.s. Win ror.sytli Mr.s. J. liell 1 1 11 n't, Mrs H IrviiK', Miss F. J Moiiti/.aiiiln'rt, .Miss K JIontizainliL'rt, Miss 15 I'alton, Miss Patioii, Miys K I'alton, Miss E. U PiMiv, Miss I'liiliips, Miss M. C Price, Mrs H. M I'ricp, .Miss Cecilia Scott, Miss WiniiiCrcd Hewoll, Mi.ss Mal.cl Sniitli, Miss lilaiidu Stevenson Miss 11. Taylor, Mi.ssF.J Veasey, Miss J. White, Miss Wintielil, Mrs Paid to Treasurer. O/Ti'iiorics. Cathedral St. Matthew's St. Michael's St. Peter's St. Paul's Triiiily Total 1$ 8S(i 4 4Ki) (lil • 4 191 ST. FRANCIS DISTUICT ASSOCIATION. Namkh. a 3 In ACTO.V. DioM, Simt'oii (iiioi'tiii, l'''r;iii<;()is .... Slioi'ili'v, Williimi T.nvlc. Mis-- K. II Wells, Mis. (J. I! WiiitfU', K'cv. L. (;.. Wiiitele, .Miss Minnie Utlertoiv I'Dlteelioiis S ctd. S cts. I 00 I (HI (I 'j.-i I (Ml I (III Total Acton Haufoiii). St. Paul's ('iiiircli, Staii- liope. OITertory !Sl. liiiwieiiee's. Collcclr.l /.!/ Mis.t 1). I r« /■./.: Wind, A. F Wind, Dr. T. W Wiinl, Mi-s. T. W W.iid, Mi.-is Wii!-(l. .Miss Deciina Wind, T. W Ollertory Ciillections S 2 ;{ (M 2 (Ml ■1 2."); 8 :)i> (I i;t St. ('ntliherl s, Dixville. Colli!cl<' I liji MrK. Miirnii/. Aiiijjfers, Mrs. F It; Heiiwiiv, i\Jrs. S MiM/.ier, M-s. II Clianihi'iliiii. .Mrs. W Dinnoii, .Mis. A Kfrk'Ston, Mrs. .\ (Jill, Mid. (J Gmilv. F J Miutin. Mrs. W. G .Miivliew, .Mrs. .\. A .Miivliew, Mrs. (lei), sr Mnriay. IJuv. (i. II. A .... Norris, .Mrs. II Norris, ,Mis. W Hinitli, U. G True, Mrs, A Ollertory Collections I (I .Ml . (I 1','.! I II II •::> (I ,1(1 .. (I .1(1 .. (I li.i .. (I ■_'.").. (. -:,\.. (1 :;.")!.. 3 00 (10 ,"l(l II _.l I (III '2:> 1 U>: ^ 'i , '^ 7i 3 o z ~ U-. U^ § r^ 'J o '^ " "ii, *-> ^ J.— ■:• o u 1— « "^ S els. % cts. ? cts. 2 0( 00 1 ,)() ;{ lii >, Total, ,j 00 .1. ,') 00 :> 00 :; (10 1 00 no 1 00 $ cts. iu 00 5 03 1 00 r) *> '1 1 1 5 L'(i ■)() 2;) 25 2a 2r> TiO r.o 25 2.') ?5 2;") <> 00 (1 50 25 1 00 25 7 34 1 t !:^''l ■';'''■■ )(»' ml w-' m ^\ m > hi*: ill ' ■'■■ it M 192 St. Francis District Association. — Conlinned. Namks. CImicIi of llii> Advent, i'eirylioro. CoiU'cicd iiji Mi.s.i /•;. /;. Jlri/dii. I?iieli, K(l. anil Wni liircli, Mr.s .. Hi-.vau, Aliriiliani. Hiyan, Ivoln-rt. . fonts, Mis , Nirili, .Ianii'3. ... Wish, J. V .... I'env, ]I W... Walker, II. K. Vonn},', Willie. Olierlory ('olluctionij. Total Harford lUllNSTON. ri tJ a ^ u. U-i o o in •1. CI <-, 1—1 1 an $ e Offertory HliOMI'rON AND WlNU.SOH Collrrh;1 hij Mr Kiui/'ii. Addison, Mr. Tlios Addison, .Mr. .lolm Addison, Mrs. IF Hripgs, Mrs Brooks, Hohert Hrooks, Mrs. U Cox, Rev. J. (1 Cox, Mr.s Jameson, Mrs. II. S Knapji, N. A Knajip, Mrs. Alfred Knajjp, ?urs. I) Marey, Mrs. T. J. McLean, Mrs. A J{ielies, Mrs. Wui Roliinson, Mrs. Anick Stevens, Cardiier Stevens, Mis. Jas Stenkins, Lizzie Varny, Mrs. iSilas Ward, Mr. G 2.^) 1) ,'i(l .'>() 1 00 (t r.o ,')() 1 (III 1 00 'Jh .^0 .00 L'.-. .00 ,00 2.') '2:> 1 00 r>i) no 50 25 5'J )(t (II) 00 '.';■) :a) M 2,". ■■■.o '>:> 2:1 00 no no ftO 193 St. FjfANcis ])tstiiict Association. — Continued, .Vamkh. Wtinl, Tlios, I) AViiid, .Mr. Win. II Wii^rht,, Mrs. Will . ^'oiiii^', Mis. Jidiii. Ollfilurv a 3 u a> a O S cts. S cts. I (10 2.> .'id L'.i Toliil l'>r(iiii|>li)ii and Wiinlsoi- S l!i uv. CoUrclr.Ihii Mi.^^l.. I'iilu I'liliniT, .Mis. ,liis PiiliniT, .Miss 1. DiinicM, .Mrs, 1' Ncl-dii, iifiirv Pflilfiimn, Mis.{^ I'l-liiciniiii, .luliii I'flilcinaii. .Miss A I'flilt'iiiiiii. Miss (; Aiiiiorsoii, Miss 1) Tiiinhs, 0. II noyiU'll, Mrs .) r.oydi'ii, Mrs., srn Hraiijj;i'ry, .Mrs Hunt, .Mis 2:"> L'."> 3 S Ct3. c 3 6 S cts. o •*- -^ o a o Z"^ '^ h. • «2 hi! w o $ cts. C 2;i •_'.) L',j 2.) 25 ('(-//. hfi Mi'y:- T. Tiniti FiilliT, II. S. .\: Mis ... liiutcr, (» Trcmblny. -Mi'-^ Uiini.say, .Mis St'iiiif.v, .Mis TiiiinT. Miss T. M I'oiK-. Mis. T. M I.oiddll, Miss 1! Mclvcr, Mis , sen M.lver, A. U I'.-. 1 (III 2;") 2 2 f.O 2 r.o I (10 I OOj Hiiwk'v, Miss II. (!. Collided I'll Mixx MiiJiii' Or J. Ord,lI Old, Mis .. Old. .) Old, Mii. J 13 I 00 I 00 ;■)() 2:) 10 1 10 4 12 aO 1 00 1 00 25 25 25 25 25 50 Total. $ cts. 1 00 25 50 25 c 09 lU 09 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 1 00 1 00 25 25 25 5 00 25 25 1 00 25 25 00 50 00 00 50 25 10 25 10 H 1; *p*i| « '('■■■ '■ 194 St. Francis District Association.— C(>«//m?W. Nam KM, a a b. ii c It' O -3 a 3 e o •n tii B C .2 Q 6 E'iucation of Chiltlren of Ckrm)ii Mi-i 1 10 Old Mis S 10 ,00 1 iiiti'ii. Mrs. (! L',') II •_'.") II 2.'i 25 llopi'iii"' Win .... 25 Hiiin Mix C 25 (Frccii Mr<. Will II 2;". 60 r)0 25 T)()riiiiLii. Mis \V ••. 50 Collected hi) Mixs /■://>! h'li.ss. Ross, A. II 50 Frnst'i", J II ,00 II 50 ,'il) 50 liullcniLT. A. E JiraiUi'v, \\' ,00 50 Morrow, W. W 1 mil ■,{) 1 50 Morrow. Miss \V 2.) 11 2.0 2,") II 2.". II 2.". 2.") II 2.0 2.0 2J 25 Wanl. Mis. (' ■;.■ 1 2.0 (iooiU'iioiiU'li, F II 25 IIiiiil, .1 I) 25 Mains, K 25 llciilpiii'ii, Mrs 25 FlaiiM I'aii, 'Mrs... 2,') Ciiaiiiiiaii, A 25 AVihstLT, W 25 CullrclrJI.ii Miss II. liiil/U'll. Lock. Airs. (' 2:, 2.0 2,0 2:0 1 III) 21) 2r> Ross, Will 25 Mm?, Mrs W 25 ]ir(iJ)'('iiorii's. St. P'tul's 2 .or. 1 .00 2 00 2 00 4 5fi St. .](.iiirs 1 50 Bain's School llowsf 2 00 $ 21 95 Total Buiy ......... 10 50 2 50 1 75] 1 25 aa 01 A\1 Wl 195 St. Fuancis District Associiation, — Continued. I'm! ets. 10 10 10 10 (I .^0 '_'.'> *) 10 1) 21) .■)0 :>o 1 00 tl 2r) (t 25 2:. ol) 50 :>(» .^0 ;'.0 1 50 (» 25 2,5 25 25 25 25 (I 2,') 25 25 25 25 25 1 (U) 25 4 5fi 1 50 2 00 aa 01 Na.mks, a 2 3 ''II .'ii c .2 6 •id lit Total. ('(i.\ rii'oiiKi:. (tlleilDrv '$> ct.s. ■\ (Ml S cts. 1 (III 17 on $ cts. '1 on 10 :;ii :; H5 $ cts. 12 05 S Cts. ■M * cts. 12 00 ('(IMI'lilN. Odertorv ;;',) :!5 ('(XiKSMIIfr.. Oll'crtory .". 75 2 Oil 7 00 Danvim.k. Troutliidok. €ul/rc/rJ /,;/ Mi-k. W'm. /k'lifirrfsoll. Kw'ill"* (icn 2 00 lOwiii"', ( Jc(iri''e (! III II 115 (I 20 1 III! 1) 10 Neil, Mr-. D. 05 l{()lperls()ii, .M I's. I) 20 Ilol ler! *^(ni. W ni i (III 1 00 Wilson. John .. . . ., 1 00 ^\'ils()n, Tlios II 25 25 Vollrrh.l 1,11 .)/,ni/ /•,'. ISai'ner, Mi-s IF linrlow Mrs I! n 111 III .... 10 10 Friizer, Win 25 15 II 25 25 Helper. A ... 15 McLcftn, Miss H 25 Nutliniw n, Kolit Nnllii'ow 11, .Mrs Stevens. (!eo Stevens, .liis Stevens, Diiviil Thurlier, Mrs. R Tiinrber, Mrs. IJiehi.nl Tliiiilier D'lvid 211 25 25 25 111 :;:, 20 10 10 25 25 25 10 25 20 ;{5 2ft TliiirliiT, Klwin 1 1 20 Tliiirl)er, Harlev Wil-^oii Pi k W 25 20 "" TO 25 20 Woodrnir, Mrs. F 25 1 45 25 j 1 89 4 04 m .'•■•! ■^' •t - "..'I ■ ■ ■ 'I \v\ 196 St. Francis District Association. — Continued. N'amks. a 3 £ e a 3 u, a ^2 'ill rn a 3 c .2 Hi a a. \V. k 0. Fund. Education of Children of Clergy Fund. TOTAI,. Kiii^Itify FiiUh. ColltclrJ 1^ a. lr,H>' ('(inn roll. Cftrson. A . L(iiii''c. Ml,. \i (1 2.'» Mc'Wiiliiiiii.,, M. K II 2,) (1 2". Mii'kii'. Mrs. .) (1 2i (t '111 C(,//irl,\l 1)1/ I'.ni M. r,/.v, /,///. Hi'dw 11. .Ills (1 2:. 2h ("iisiiilv, K. .M (1 'i:< L'.'. (1 2.) It L'.-. 1','. 2j ('llSlldV, Tll.H (1 'Hi Ciisiiilv, M. K lb {/iisiiii V. •) III ill 2.') Cli'Vi'liiiid, II. II 2:> Diiiiiiiii"', I() Foster, (". K 1 . 2 (l(» lliill, .M. \ no Stockwcll, v.. V .">() ThiirlnT. v.. I! I no II 'lit 1 (Id Thurher, (J. I! 25 C'til/riii;/ hjl .ViKx (,'ihsuii. PiCiuunn, .Mrs v.') 2.) "dt (/lU'soii. Mrs .* ■ . 2.') (Mevidiuid, A. .1 1 (III 1 00 Cleveland, (i. F 1 III) I (III 1 on 2 00 (Cleveland, C. C 1 00 Davis. Mis (1 2i) 2.^ Fciwicf, Sarah (1 2.". 1.^ (t :)(i 2.'> Fowler. U 15 (iihsoii. K 1 (1 50 Henderson Miss It... 2i 1 25 Hunter. Major 1 uo 1 00 I?oatti Ul8. *• J.> il 2.'. 2.» 2:> 2r» 2r> '2b 2.'> 2i '2;> 2:) 2.'> 2f) r)(t () M) 25 2.j ;,[) '2 00 r.o .■)0 1 00 25 25 1 00 9 00 1 00 25 25 15 50 25 1 00 107 St. Francih District Association.— C*;w//////^^/. Namks. a a a O a a S .'ts. -3 a a ,5 1 '6 a d S rts. Tor.M.. IiifiilN, Mrs $ cts. 2;. 1 on 1 (Ml 1 (10 1 on § ctS. $ els. 8 CtS. 2'> I,(i('k\vu(iil, Alls S|ii«r, Mrs. A. M '.'.. -ifi 1 00 Wadl.'i'^h, .M J 50 1 50 WmlUi-h, M.S 1 00 Cof/eclf!l Mis^ Hiilllrllr. Klliotf, Mmnlc I 00 ( i(ii)ili'ii(iii<''ii. Mrs. V, 25 1 (1 25 lltiiiiiiiit;, Col Moyd, Mrs Lddi'c. Mrs. Irio I 00 (1 50 It 25 1 00 2o (I 50 ()riMsl)y, .). S Olfertoiv Colli'ct ions 1 00 't 00 1 00 10 05 11 01 1.'! 05 Total Diuivillc DuUMMnN-,)Vll,I,K. Co/li'dCil III/ .V/.v.s' /.i/i/ Mih'hrll. Coddanl. Mrs llclicrl .Mr. li. F f>27 15 III 11 ."lO II ,'ll) 8 00 2 50 50 50 O'J 10 1 50 Houston, .Mrs I.iinl.-iiv, Mrs Morisoii. .Mrs, MitcluH Mrs. W 1 50 50 .^o 25} 1 (1 5(1 (1 ,^o 25 Koliins Mr 25' 5 00 1 25 Scott Mrs 1 I.;;;;; 5 00 Weir, Mrs Watts, .Mrs CoUectvil liji Mi^H A 7s '>■ «(>! S .SI Total Drummondville. .§13 V2 2 78 2 Gd 18 66 r I: .-1; 4 \ J i;^i m • i' 198 St. Francis District Association. — Conlitwed. Namks. s o 13 .2 'tn r/i S $ cts. "2 5s 005 . - —* Tot A I,. DrmiAM. Kirkdiilo. CollfdCil liii Mifx V. Liixtir. TrpTibnlni Mis ;? cts. ■S cts. (1 ,">(• 1 ml 1 (III 1 (Id (1 ,')d d ,')d $ cts. § Cts. .'? cts. d ,')0 StcvcM Win 1 (Id Hiill Mrs Wni 1 (Id \f '1 n^li rid (""c M IN 1 1 dd ^^lunill>S(»Ii. Mrs .'lO Koi'MPi' Mrs d (ill "Wliite. Mrs d 2;. d 2.-. (1 2.) AViidk'ii'ii. Mrs « 2.) T/v^tor. Mis.s F 2.) d 'Ih 2.-, Lvster, Mrs. W. tJ (1 •!:> Lystor, Mrs P Tjv^tor. S M * (1 2.") (1 2.) 2.-. ;! j(i (1 2;. (1 2."» frce ^Irs d 2.) ( )ttiM't()ries •S 1 jii 2.") 2", 2r. 2.-. 2 d2 7 (12 Total Durham Eaton. Andorson. Miw 1) 75 2 02 i;i 27 (1 '»,') Hailov Mrs 0. C (1 2.') Kiiih'v! Mrs. \V \V d ".) Kiiker. E. S 2;'» B n (1 2.) (1 2.') Clark, Mrs. II .'id 2.-. 2.-. '„ (1 ;'id Cook Airs d 2j Fiirnsworlli. ^Irs . . . d 2:> French. Mrs. I) () 2.) d '!:> Hodge, Mr.s. G Hodi'e. S. A 1 110 2,") d jd 5d 1 (Id Honk ins. Mrs (1 2,') Hiird. Mrs \b .0(1 d M) Jackson Fred d :'i(l Learned, Mrs. Jolni (1 2.") 2;-i 2.") d 2.> Learned, Mrs. H d 2,") TiPtelivre. Mrs .".(1 d 2;') 2;') (1 •',"» Noble, C 50 Noble, F 1 d 2r> North. Mrs 1 2.) Nult, Mrs (1 ")() 2.-) hi\ ..::.::.,:. d 51) Osgoode, Mrs. L d 2.J Osgoode. Mrs. F. E (1 m Osffoode, Mrs. S 2J 25 '■■ ' 2 199 St. Francis District AsmciknioN.— dmlitiued. Names. General Fund. "2 "2 ti a .2 ' 'ti ij a, 3 6 ■■y .2 't >. 1 w Total. Osst'odc, II. S I'ope, Mr.s A 1 $ cts. 2.^ 2,') (1 L',1 .)(l $ Cts. 1 $ ets. $ ets. !? Cts. $ cts. '^5 ''5 I'oix', Mr.-^. (' 1 ''5 I'()l)e, .Mrn. .1. 11 50 1 00 1 (10 IJeade, (L X Robertson. S. .1. S 1 5(1 50 1 00 Siiwyer, Mrs. II 2.') 1 "5 Tiivlor, .Mrs. iS ,'i(l 1 50 Tiivlor. Mrs 25 (1 ''5 Taylor, .Mrs. A Ti'i"i»'e. Mi'ri 2.5 50 50 50 25 1 00 Weston, Mis. H ZI'J (1 50 T rdiiliiirt . I'^ 50 50 Wilford. Wm 25 ''5 Wiltord. Mr.< 25 25 50 (1 25 Wilkinson, .Mrs. A Wilkinson, .Mrs. J A\'oolev. Mrs .■■■■■■■■" 10 "• ■ 25 50 > ''5 Wri"-li't. Mi's 1 n> 50 75 Total Katon 8 8 40 1 00 4 25 2 ;!5 Ki 25 IJati,i;y. IJachelder, Mrs. M. J Kavley, Miss M Meane. Mrs. S. W 1 00 ,")() :::::::::::::;;::;:;;;;: 1 50 50 1 1 1 50 Howen. Mrs. P 1 (10 1 0(» liowen. Mrs. Hcni 50 50 Boweu. Mrs. P. C finrraiije. IJev. H. C ('arter. Mrs. J. 1! 1 (10 1 00 1 00 (1 .jO J 00 50 ::::::.;.::; 25 Kiule, Philin Friend, A dunninu', Mrs. .M tirindley. A. 11 IIn(l(r(>« Mis K 1 00 1 00 25 25 1 00 50 25 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 50 llnrd, E.M Ives, Mrs. A Jmiic^ Mr^. \)v 1 25 1 00 1 00 Ke/ar, Mrs. 1!. 11 Lavender Mrs 50 . ' .- 1 1 00 heiiaroM M W 1 1 00 Tif^Hiirnii K 11 ::...: .:.:!i 1 00 Lel'.aroti If II 1 00 1 00 1 1 00 Mnrrav Mrs W G ■':::;'■;::: ;;:::::::::: 1 00 i'oole \Miss G 50 1 00 50 I 00 f m ''' 'I I* 1 la. 1 1 200 St. Francis District Assoclvtion. — Conlimied. \ Names. Ritchie, Mrs. Wm Robertson, Sanil Ryde, Wni Steele, Mrs Stevens, Rev. A Stevenson, Mrs. T Stevetfson, W. A , Taylor, Miss M. A .... Thwaites, Thos. Weston, Miss Offertory Collections Total Hatlcy... KiNGSEY. Sydenham Place. Lodge, Joseph Sykes, Rev. J. S Wilcocks, Arthur ... Wadleigh, Mrs. Geo. Offertories Denison's Mills. Gray, Elizabeth. Offertories Spooner Pond. Hall, George... Lyster, Mrs Wintle, Mrs. E. Offertories Total Kingsey . Lenno.xville. Adams, Rev Dr. Allnatt, Rev. Dr. Ames, Mrs. J Baker, W. W Balfour, Mrs K<\\, Mrs. T Burge, Mrs Bar tie tt. Mrs. Boxer, Mrs Chapman, Ed< Chas. a 3 a $ cts. 00 (III ao; 00, 00 00 oo' 1 00 6o: 1 (lol 4 (111, S:]0 74 1 00 24 1 on 1 00 50 3 oil !?I6 SO J) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 50 ool 3 a d S cts. cts. 2 00 I 30 4 0(1 7 ool 4 00 $ cts. c o " •2 t >. Total T-.'^-'-) $ cts 1(1 0.") H !■ 74! 2 00 5 00 7 741 1 2,-., 00 cts. 00 00 I 50 no (III 00 0(1 0(1 50 no 4,-! 14 1 nO' 1 00 5 0(1 I 00 o 77 1 00 4 24 1 00 I 00 (I 50 12 Oil 31 (iO 5 00 7 00 I 00 1 0(1 1 00 2 (10 1 00 2 00 1 50 5 00 t ''■■! 1 201 St. Francis District Association. — Continued. Namks. Crawford, Mrs. Dail.v, \V Klkiiis, Mi.-^. A. \V. Fryi*. Mrs. .(iiine.s. (Irccii, Mr.s. ^\■lll. II . llciKicrsoii, -Mrs. Jlciiiy, .Mrs , Jiuil.siieth, Mr.s. .foliiiNoii, Mr; Kciiiii'dy, .Mrs. Ki|)]icii, Mis, MacKen/.ii', .Miss Mall()'■^^ Mrs. J. .McDmipall, Mrs., -McFaddcii, .Mrs. S. Mitchell. Koht. Molsoii, ('apt. Morris, Miss .M. A. Xicolls, Mrs. I'ovcy, 31 rs. Kvady, y[vs. lioe, \'('ii. Arcluli'acoii. Snirtli, l!('v. A. (\ SpaH'ord, Mrs. S- \j Spcid, JI. Slodetis, Miss K Stevenson. .Mrs Sluart, .Miss... Thompson, Mrs. E. Tnrner, .Mrs "Ward, Alfred, A\'arren. Mis AVhite, (]. S. AVij:nit.\ Uiirrill, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs. J.. Hurl, 0. U Fleniiiip;, M. Gallup, r. A (iiillup, E Jlollaud, .^Frs Johnston. T. L Newell, V Rudd, Revd. T Sutlierliuul, W. L... Wright, Mrs. E Weed, J. H Weed, Z. W St. Anne's. Coll. bij Mm Edith Wehh. Krown, Mrs Burt, II. L Cromhie, .Mrs ... Fowler, Mrs Journeanx, Mrs. Miithias. Mrs Mc'Keuzie, Mrs.. Miller, Mrs Morris, Miss Parke, Mrs Collected bji Miss Fmser and Mixs Lijuter. Aylmer, Col Urooke, Mrs Cleveland, Dr. E. T... Cleveland, Mrs. F. A ,')() $ ets. y ('It'- 1 'i:^ (t •!:> II j(l; (I oO I Oil II .'ill nil ;")(! 1 01) .')0 ,-,() 1 00 I 00 I 00 15 1 00 ■'> 00 ! 1 02 'i: II 2h 2 01)1 2.) I'j 00 I 00 ."^o' r3 ■■y O D = .2 - Total, S ets. j S fts. S els. I 1 25 ;{ 95 1 2,V 1 no 1 on 9 S4 50 II 25 1 25 I 00 25 1 00 .".O 25 50 :: 00 50 50 II 25 25 50 1 (10 50 II 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 15 2 00 1 GO 5 no I 00 I III) II 50 203 St. Fr.vncis District kfif^oci:Vvio:i.—Conf imied. ••Alt: Namrs. Ilepl)!!!!). Rov. .) Jc'llery, Mi:js Lystor, .Mrs. F iMii]i|)iii, .Mrs I'ic'i'ce, Miss Wilcocks, Mrs. II. 13 S fts. S I'ts. 00 Co//. /,>/ MissSi) i 00 $ cts. 1 S cts. 1 S ets. 1 Tliillowc!!, M/ s iliile, Will. A lliil(!, the Misses H(tlliiml. Mrs 1 liollaiKl, Miss 1 i_. : Ilohsoii, Miss ;:::::";:y;"";::::::r-:;::::::i Joliiisou, Mrs. \'j. li 1 1 00 Ladeniaii, Mrs 2,') ;•)() Lawrence, Mrs. E. :::::':::: i Loiitjlieeii, Mrs 1 00 ... 1 Moe, 1! 1 00 Piiilen, Mrs (1 Id 1(1 ! 1 Reeve, Miss 1 1 Symiiics, Mrs , . Tester, Mrs. William (V"2,i 1 00 Tester, Htepheii 2:> Tiiompson, Mrs. Frank 1 00 Wilco.x, Mrs. Jolin 2,") AVilson, Mrs J. K :so 2:> Woodward, Mrs. N. S Wright, 8idney Collected hy Miss. Jofmson. Ashe, Mrs 1 001 70 20 Bonipas, Miss ' Bowen, Mrs. Cecil .")o! 1 00 ,^o' 5 1)0 1 .')(!' I liradford, Mrs. G Diinsniore, Mrs 1 1 Fuller, Miss :::::::::::::::::::::;:. :":::::::"v:;;::::::. i Harkness, Mrs 1 Keene, Mrs . 1 00 ,.. 1 1 Low, J. S ■){)' 1 00! 1 1 Lyster, Mrs. James ; ' 1 Norton, Jliss 2.J ;j(l 2,") 25 1 Neil, Mrs Plant, Mrs Plant, Miss Rising, Mrs 00; 1 00 20 00 !.'".'.'".".'.!"' Terrill. Mrs. T Thorneloe, Rev. George.... Tliomas, Mrs. D 2.V Wheeler, Mrs 2.-) .■)() 2,j 1 00 Williams, Capt Wilson, Miss Wilson, Mrs. F. B 1 1 TOTAI,, $ Cts. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 10 10 (10 20 20 00 25 •M) 20 50 70 20 0(t I 00 00 ri 00 00 1 00 rA) 1 00 20 00 20 20 50 1 00 20 00 25 25 0(» 25 1 00 205 St. Francis District Association.— Cow^mMerf. m Namks. General Fund. e o 'r/J '/j -3 a 3 r. t— * _o 'in a W. & 0. Fund. Education of Children of Clergy Fund. Total. Colh'ctedhn Mm. RuhinKini. Anderson, A. II $ ets. $ cts. 2 0(1 1 00 i"iio 1 00 § eta. § cts. $ cts. $ cts. 2 00 liayU'V, \i. A 1 00 Buek, C. G 1 0(1 1*00 I'o'o i"()V) 1 00 1 00 Borrvniiin, K 5 00 DriiDci'. Mi^s 1 00 Ednev. T. 11 50 50 Farw'ell, E. Wiiui 1 11(1 1 ()() 1 00 1 00 Fletcher, V,. 11 1 00 Franer, A. F I 00 Fraser, H. li 2 00 1 00 ■ 2 00 Fuller, T. W b 00 1 00 1 00 1 0(1 1 00 (Irundy Frank liMi^raiM. Ileiirv 5 00 1 00 Kin<''. Edwai'd .1 1 00 i 00 2.-) 1 00 25 Tiawreiice. 11. 1) :! 00 iMorkill, It. 1) 1 00 Morkili, Jas. R 1 00 MeHain, .1. R 1 00 1 00 Pljiiit, A. F 50 50 I{()h(M'ts<)n . Mis .r (i 1 (1(1 2 00 1 00 1 00 Rohinson. .Mis 1 00 Steele. A 2 00 AValcott, C!. W 1 00 1 00 2 00 Winter. Mev 2 00 2 00 A\ inter. Mis-i 1 00 1 00 Wiftrett. E. (! 1 00 1 00 f) 00 1 00 Worthincton, E. 1! 1 1 00 Collected Inj .V/.v.v liniJ/nrd. Austin, Dr. F. J liowen. (1 F ,"» (Ml 1 00 1 00 5 00 f) 00 Hradtunl, (leo. 11 1 00 JJailev, Mrs. W 1 00 linek. iM rs 2 00 2 00 Rrook-! Tiie lion H T .^iO 2 00 1 0(1 2 00 :; 00 .'■) DO tt 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 5 00 .'> 00 Cole Mrs J 50 1 2 00 Dorov. Mis 1 00 Edo-ell, S 2 00 Edtrcdl. Mr^ ■{ 00 Farwell. Wni 5 00 Fiirwcll. Mis Win . 5 00 Fra>!er. E C 1 00 Felton, E. I> Fuller W 11 2 00 1 00 Hunt. Mrs 1 00 1 1 00 1' •I',' ''i I • K'^'i i ■'^1 200 St. FiiANCis DisTuiCT Association. — Conlinued. Namks. Tnrjiiuii. Tlt'iiry If Lystcr, JaiiifS iVorkiU. Mrs. U. D I'liio, Mis I'rice, .liiiiu's Price, Jiiiiics C. Pi'iiv, Vj. V Kawsoii, 'I'lios lU-i.l, Mr^. 0. I ]{i(l(iiit, Mrs Uisiiiff, Mrs .Siiiitli, Miss Stcc'li', Mrs AViiito, Win A\'oo(is, J Wijijrett, Mrs. W. 11 AVoudwiird, .]. ]\ Worthingtun, .Mrs. A CollecU'J /)!/ .l//.s,s Man/ Ti'coxe. Attn, Mrs Art till r, .Mrs Briiy, Mrs. \. G Hfiuictt, Mis ('lifirhoinu'l, 1., (Mnrk, Mr (Mark, Miss Alici IFciK'ker. II. W Jjoiiins, Mrs. A.. l>l()yd. Ml Lomas, A. (! liC Hiiriiy, .Mrs Morris, Mrs Moorcrof't Maddisoii. Mr Mcrtycr, .Mrs Neil,' Mrs Noriis, Gi'()ru;e I'ovoy, Tlioiiias lioljiiisoii, .Mis. S. K Iticiiardsoii, V> Robins, II. N Hiiort, Miss Short, ^liss fioorjiiaiia Squires, Mrs. T Stocks. Mrs. J. W Twose, Mrs sot i St. Francis District Association. — Continued. Namks. Tenii)lf, Mrs. E..I.... Tliouiiis. .Mis. Sliaw . V():Jl)iirj;li, Mr.s "Wi'titoii. Mrs \V()0(l, Miss ,\ Wood, Miss J. .M C'o//rClr,l //// Miss Trnlll Olid Minx JoliiiMon. Ansi'Il, Mrs Aiiiistroiij;'. Mrs. C. ('liiu', Mis (](>tiS Mis Ddiialiuc, Mrs KviUis, .Mrs 'I'lios .. Eviiiis, Mrs. II (Jiirdiior, .Mis lloulaliiin, Mrs ]Iiirkii('ss, Mrs lluii'liison, .Mrs I\H'S, Mrs Mills, Mrs e o a O a o d 3 a o a 3 6 S cts. S cfs. n 50 1 00 '2. 1! 2. Mills, Miss Osf^uodc, .Mrs Price, .J J'ricc". Mrs. .J J!ici\iit'r. .Mrs »Siiiilli, Mrs Tester, .Mrs Terrill, Mrs .1. J! Wi^^K«'tt. Mrs. J. W Youiis, .Mis Mr. ('. K. Perry over re- niiltiince Oll'ertory Collect ions Total 81ierliri)oke ... Watkkvim.k. Colli'clcil III/ Mrs. Tine and Mrs. Sdiiiirrillc. ]?eacoii, Vj FlaiKlers, M''s... Fowler, l''raiik., Heath, Mrs. J. , Heath, Mrs. L.. Hepburn, Miss. ;vi §• .'ii;j 111 L>r> 1 1 (10 .0 .1(1 1 ,•)() ooi S cts. 10 2;') I •-';") I 2.^1 2.J 2;-, .')0 25 -I .) 50 25 10 00 25 25 50 25 25 15 25 25 nc (I '. i:!2 50 S Cts. -3 '0'= E $ cts, Total. !:•> -lit 2S 00 (J4 ;J8 I 00 Sa 12 :u) 00 1 00 $ cts. 50 1 00 2,^ 25 2.'j 25 10 2.'> 25 2a 25 25 50 25 25 50 25 10 00 25 25 50 25 25 25 15 25 25 50 25 14 H) 124 59 450 5:; 25 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 ,.5; ..':'i^ ■kfm 208 St. Fuancis Distiuct Association. — Continucfi I ' lii Namks. a s >-. o a u O Mission Fund. f/j 1 - S fi-*- c 3 6 •is o z - $ ets. ' ToTAI,. 1 roilf-ioii. Murk S fts. (1 .ll) 2.) 1 (III (1 .'id (1 .'ill fill (1 ."ill 'J.'i 1 (III S ets. S fts. S elH. II ,'ill II a.") l^rtikcT Mis-! P 1 II .'ti) Piukiii Mi>-< 1 nil Kicliiinls, .Miss Siiii^iiijiS, Mrs. \\ II fill II "lO 'lO Stiiiici'v il Ic. W ! (1 :ii) Tiivlor, .).!•; II 'ii\ Tri'ivi.s. Mr \ III) Tnic. Mis. A 1 ;'!' Oli'iTlorv Collc'ciioiis 1 U W 2"2I II ,'iii 1 21 Cul/cctr.l />!/ M/s.s M;:l. (lull, 1!. (' 1 (III 1 (III 1 (III 1 (|l> (1 i;.'i I 110 McNii'l MiN _ 1 IKI Moy, tlie .Missi'S Otll'iloiy CulU'c'lioMS Coll. I'll .Vrs. /:. Morrisr//, and Mix>i Siitnukrs. Hctittic, Mis. AV .. Kiirri'lt 1) 1 (III 1 UK • I) ".J (1 1,1 (1 L'.i (1 hi II III l.'i (^Iiurcli Mr y 2r) Cowiui, Mrs. — (iHi'iliior (ico II III ill ( lilk (T-^oii. W S II .'ill 11 IT. II I'll (1 L'.'i II III 2', I.I ' .'ill llalliun, Mrs. S (1 2.'i II 20 i\ii)(i('r Mrs 2.5 Kiti''* Mis "... ' (1 IT) Tifivri"*' F .■ ■■■',..:: II 2.'» Lord. .Mrs. S , if) M('(^i'('ii(Iv. Miss 2;" 1 II 2.') McVei-li', iMrs ..)ns ! II III' II 10 McA'ci"-!!, .Mrs. .Fos (• 1" II 10 Miirtiii"G. V 1 I'D 1 1 1 no II 'J.'pi II i;. II 1'.. II 2.'i Mui'iiliv. Mrs 1 1 ir> Diiell/Mrs 2j Price. Mrs 1 (» ITil 2.7 Riivcn. W ' II .'llll 1 .'")0 II 2.1 ' 25 Sliilsoii. .Mrs 2.-., 1) 2.-,: II 2;')l 2;") Voiir Mrs Uolit 2;') W lif'plcr Mrs Thos 2;") Williiiiiw Mr ,"jll| II 1,-)| 1 70 TiO VoUIlL''. AIl'S. C ...... ... 1 l;"i Offertory Collections t 1 70 1 Total Waterville .S2.'i (III 2 21 1 27 21 200 St. Francus District Associatiun.— Co/<^iw^^t'ay.... l>Mi'iiiihiiiil a;i'l .Mi'11h)I|;-ih'., SIu'iIk ddIu' WillLTVilk' 1(1 'llh I III S .")ll ir. '.17 ii; 111 7 lU C. LT) 21 '.I..; Id M ■\ (III' I (III I 17 11(1 .', I.., l;i l/ll: 1 ;.ii s I.-, :iii 71 hi si; in; 7.'> •1 i;,'. OlJ'n'I'ii/rti. Uislidp'.-! ("ollepjo. Ilcri'tbiil A.-^i'ot F;;i.-t Aiiuu.s .loliii villi' Liiki' .M.'uaiitii'... I-iii-wi.'k .Miirlijcloii Himiiliill Scotslowu i; ;!7'. 1 :,{'.. s llll^ 1 7S 7 (Ml| lli ,'.0| :> (III' I ST 1 (12 :',(i (ill 1.^ Ill 2(1". ill i:;2 .Ml 2.'> (111' Total ; $ais [)h ;j2;; 2i i 2 00 7 li.V. i.::2| 12 2/.; 1 7 •I 12 2 .Ml' ■I Olij Hi ;iii! 12 0.^ (■>, II 111! 2 lit'.' 2 (12' (I .Ml' II i.V 7 T-l 2 1 7.'. ;! SO 1 2:. .". {):> HI (11 s;! 12 2 21 2 ;MI, 2 (ill I 1 2;) i 4 (HI, II ,MI' 2 ii7' 1 SO 1 (Id 1 ;;;i 2 (5.^ 2 yd 225 'JS, 78 00 2 (1(1 I (Id I 2.. .'■)0 .) _'.j :;o (M) 1 (Id $ cts. 20 00 111 7» 17 .V.» 11) 09 :i8 01 12 00 ;'.!» :\b 7 (iO .')d 09 18 (iG i:( 27 Irt 25 Ci U ;n fio 142 00 13 O,') 1 25 84 KU 52 4.")(l [)•^ 27 21 () 50 r. .37 1 54 d 50 o •J 07 2 .S5 i SO 1 00 1 :^f) 2 r.5 2 50 1153 uC m m I' •fell :'.'i| 14 I; 210 MEOANTIC DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. |l< I 'If Xamks. BouiU! Louis. Oll'iTtory Collec'tiuiis. FIaST KliAMl'TON, J5a. !! !Mcl.aii.iililiii, Mi:;s iM('Laii,uliiiii, ll-iiiy JieLaiij^lilin, (ieoi;.^e... Mcliau.i:lilin, Mis. (Jcorge M''Laiigliliii. Joiin McLaiijililiii, Mis. G JIcLaiitiiiiiii, Ale.v McXeely, .Mrs. Jolui McNcely, Jolin M'-'N'eely, .Mrs. Jolm lliiliiertord, Ilol.ert Kiiilierf'ord, .Mis. William "Wood, Miss A Oll'ertory GoHeclioiis , Wi;.ST FliAMl'TON. Bartholomew, .Jolm, sr.. Bartliolomew, Robert.... Bartholomew, A\ ni., jr... L',". 1 (III (I 5(1 (I .'>(! (I .'."i 1 (II) (I :,U' ',[) II 10 2 00 i: (I'l ,"i(l (1 ,".0 (I 1'; ;;(> L',") .00 1 00 1 i;o 1 00 1 oo| 1 00' ,•)() 1 001 I 2 0,^ . I 00 : 2;". 2 00 J (IIP. ,')0' .')() I 1 00 S ctH.I .':^ et.->.i § ets. 2 2:> I 2 00 2 no I no 1 I'll .-,(1 I 00 cts. II «.) S 00 2 00 I no :.» 01) &() 2.') u ,MI '» -J 2.". 1 01) 1 00 50 ;■.() :>() 10 1 (III ."■ill .> 00 •) 00 1 00 2 (lO 1 IM) 1 00 .-.() 2,0 2.". .".0 50 25 ;!o 25 50 II 25 or, 25 25 1 00 2,S 1 00 50 1 00 211 M Kc J A.vnc District Ass( nnxTios.—Confinued. no ,■■(» .Ml ,')(l 10 (Ml ,'ill 00 I 00 1 CO 2 I'd (Ml (10 .'-0 'if. '_':> r.o ;'iO 'i:> ;',o (I 1!,". :,o •>■, 2!) 2.') 2r> 1 00 ;] 28 1 00 ,'.0 1 00 Namks. lillltllolftlH'W, R (1... Hiiitlioliiiiu'W, .lidin, ji .lull .1 Ollll ll;i:rli linxlli Mniill Mi'inlliV AiiiliTW, Klvic|..r. Mi'^ (io Hinders. W 111 Al>\.. ll(>il;.'Si)ii, Tlioinas, ll.iik^-oii. II. \' Iluilrv, llii'.'li S fts. (I 2,') I 00 2; C't". Wil \v;i illc . Illl,u-Il . Aiiilirw. li.ibl I 00 I 00 I 00 2,"; Whilr, .I..S While, Allllliiiiy OU'l'lldlV ijollt'ftinlir • -I T<)l:il Hint and Wc.^t' iMillliptUll I $1S J^O I.NVI'.K.VKSS. CoUrrlrl !,:i Cirolii McVitlii. Ciirrv, (icor.^t Mat M ICIS OdIH'V, .Mr.^. .Idhii Mct^aiiiiiioii. •! McVitlv, William, McK fii/.ii' Sinytli, W. .[. Tl'IR'iUie. .J .... Collected l>!i TlioiiKix \Vull> fill I lii-i xoii Firdilji. Watts, Thonii L tl. .J lla■■; 2i) 25 25 25 15 1 00 25 25 25 25 25 2 00 2 00 25 25 10 25 25 25 50 25 II ;)0 25 25 10 25 25 25 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 25 50 10 ^1 •> Megantic District Association.— Cow^mwerf. mi m Names. o z^ ^ <*.•-_ -3 a O O 3 iZ 5^^ _* ■^ « r** '•.^ t:'r to '■y — 'Z^ CJ :^oo M Kinsr, Lawson ."NIcVi'v, J;iiiK'.-; .Mr\'iiiv, Alc\ J'utlci-sdii, Floii'iice Ri'cil, .Mis. James TencauL', K I •■5 I't^!. ^ ct.^.; $ ctsj S fts. $ cts. I I I I 2.-. ! I 1 (II) 2:, 2 (Ml 2.". Oii', r/'irt'r.s. St. StiMiln'ii's. Ascension ni (1 01 (I !t4 II Si; Total Inverness Xi:\V luKl.AM) AM) SolVll I.NVKIiNi:sS. C'l/. /,!/ J/;-,',-. ,/(;//// /Jr/UI'll. ('h.-isl Cliiircli. Lower Ireland. Iionnett, .loliii .loliiison, Samuel .1 JolmsoiK .\l!-s. S. .-. •lolinson. William,. Wan I. .Miv. M. A .. WanK W 7 07 2;; -II) (.'oUf.clr.lI,,! Mrs.nnhl. Km '.■ I II 50 DO nil (10 0(1 (III Elliot, Annie I'llliot, .Mrs, (.leoi'n'e Kerr, Rohert Kerr, (ieoino KirU, Maud Kerr, Mva Stewart, .losepli , Williamson, .James Williamson, (!eorL':(! 2.-) 1 Oil 2.") 2.") Ulinst Chnreli, Lower Ireland. Oflurtorics Trinity Cliurcli, Upper Iroliuid. Offertories (I 2.V 2-) 2,-> 2 75 1 lu n ('i7' 2 21' 1 00 10 (I 25 2 2.'ii 3 00 Total. $ cts. 25 25 1 00 25 2 00 25 ;? 42 2 44 34 .31 50 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 10 l» 25 1 25 25 25 25 1 00 25 25 5 00 4 25 ''■■•„ i a 214 Megantic District Association.— Cow^mwerf. |i' r- Hi- ^ 'd 'S r^ ri X^^. r^ •— ^ ^ o o = r^ tu fc, r^ ;^ .5 ? T Names. — C ^ Total. l^ 5 o — ■5:h ■^'j 0/ S r/; f/. 'Ji (1 ,J0 (1 L'r> 1 (to 2:» :!ii (1 1!.) 20 II T.) li •lit 1 DO 25 II i() II 11 f) 1 till II .')lt II 2. J 1 III) 1) .■)ll ;',0 85 1 no 50 25 11 25 25 1 00 25 26 25 1 00 n 25 50 1 i U 215 MEGA.NTIC District Association.— Co«/«w?'lli\ 1 1 '7' Caini'h.'ll. M.S. P Cani|ili,.ll. 1'. I) Ki;M, Mid. Uoboi't Ki'id, Ji'iiiiie ivi'iii. \'iiia .McW'ty, .laiiR'a Miles. Ainiiv .N'liLi^'iit. Siiniiu'l Nuij;''iH, .lolia .\ul;.'!M. Iv t; Walki.is, .Miii'v aiS'l V.Yw. \\a\\\\\<. -Ms' .laiiir-. . . Waikiiis, Ciiii'.' I II 25 II 25 II 25 II 111 I nil I no II 25 (1.>lh;'l-lh:i Mr.<. ./, /•Vr'v.r.' Adloy. D.i.vi'i Ariuil'l, .lolia I'laijiT, llo'iuit .... Frasrr. .iaiiit's .McV^Jty, Jaiihs Niij^oiit, Tiioui i- ... \V;u-k. .\i.'S. .I.MIUS. 00 II 2." II 2. 2." (•o'lr-i.-.l l„i Mr. /). I'riz:rl.\ Friz/.oll, David Mil.'s, MvA. J Mik's, ,Mrs. William Moi':i,>\\". .Kiliii McUiM.'.-V'iilivw ( Ml'iTlorv O'ill.H'i iiiiis ^1 I HO, 2..' II 50 50 50 1 v:> St. .laiii''-.", lifi'ds \'illaLrc. I CnH. 1,11 Mr^..l"!,ii li^iiit. i Bain, .Icilia .... ; Cuiimiiims , Hall, Willitiii If Lt'yciat'r,, W. luni .loliu LtM-iMMl't. faiin's ami .J. .).. .Mc'lCc-m^', UoluTi } iM(,'lii'a'j;L', .josi'ph > Pattersuii, .John, llughtt C| Pattcrdori, John J i .lO .. II .'lO ,. II 50 1 00 . 1 00 .. I on . 5ii^ . 1 on' 25 ,, n 25 n 25 ^ ■^3 '=•-3^ f^ 1-^ .2 ^^ — ' - -:; .^ r/. ^ ^.— ?'J 1) b: «^3 $ cts. S cts. •S cts. II :;n II 2.1, •.'..' 5iii 2 on; TO, Total S cts. 25 25 25 25 25 10 50 1 1)0 I 00 25 1 UO 50 25 ' 1 01, 25 1 *)r 50 ' 11 25 .>.-. 1 ,J 25 1 00 25 50 50 50 4 74 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 25 m Ml mm '.'if . I Pi 216 Megantic DisTiMCT ASSOCIATION. — Continued. ¥■ Na^iIKS CoHt-rliul li;i Misxrs F.ll:ii ./. 011(1 Gciii'ijiii i'^' Iti'ilii'- Bfiittip, .Mr<. F. Boattie, Mrs. Francis J5eattit'. Aiidrow Diiilcy, (lillu'i-t Harvey, llciiiy Rostf. Lewis Ross, ('hai-les JS'iitl)i()Wii Wilkin, -laiiies Wilkin. Ileiiiv Wilkin. William AVilkin, William Wilkia Jt)hn Collcvh'ilhii Mr-y.C. Clnirrli. Aylweu, James.. Ciiurcli, Cliailes. Golf, .Mi-3. E Goii; Mis. A Pl'ime, Dr. W. L .. Kemp, Ii''v. Jolin Marshall, R. H ... McKeage, Jolm ... Redt'ei'ii, Joseph ... "id 1 (K) 1 IK) '1 L'.) 1 Ill) ') nil i no ."id 1 on Coll. hij Mr--. .1. R«ll,rnt. Chnreh, Andrew Chnrcli, James Crnit' k Railv Hall, P. N JifTirens, ("liarles Xnt brown. Tliom fS Nnlbrowii, Ilenrv Planehe, F. A..! Palin and Symes Rothera, .J<)s( jdi .' Stewart, .loliii Suitor. W and George. Suitor, David Wilson, CImrles Wilson, William Offertory Collections . Total Leeds S :i5 85 ",- ' 1 '_','( i „ - ' 1 2.) .',(11 ' 2.) 'lb 2.') 2.1 2.) 2.'. II III It 2.". 2.") 2.) (I 2:') (I 2.^) II 50 2."> I) 2. J no 1 00 t i 1 1 00 25 '• 1 i 1 00 1 III) 2 00 1 ] 5 00 1 1 00 ' 50 1 '■■.■.■."!!!"; 1 00 1 ] 00 nil no 51) 50 on 00 ,^)i) 00 no 25 00 2.) 00 00 2") i 1 00 ] 1 00 1 ] i ^ 1 00 i 50 1 1 , ::"; 50 1 1 ' ] 00 1 1 III) ! i 50 ] 1 1 00 1 1 1 1 00 2 00 25 1 00 1 25 ] 1 00 1 . i 1 00 ;i 2 :^i; 10 Oli 25 15 5 15 1 00 67 15 217 Megan TIC District Association.— Cow^iVmeo?. Names. I>4 t a Levis, 1802. $ cts. Coll'-ch'.l /,>/ Minx Diiral. Anderson, Mrs. W 1 (Ml IJiow'ii, Mis Duvtil, Mid K. 11 1. DO Fylos, Jlcv. Thos. W 2 0(1 Iliiitu'l, .Miss .Auiiii' 1 (Id Skilleii, Mrs 1 Oil Siiiiiiidns, .f. II 1 00 l.KVIS, ISO!!. Collyrl'd h;i .1/r.s'. /I,nii i.'/on. Anflerson, Mr.s. \V A(Mie, (icoriro A(Mie, .Mi>orge. SmalUiorii, I'l. .) Total Levis LOUISKVIM.E. Collected by Mrx. Merrick. Dunn, T. IT Diiim', Mrs Laurit", Mrs Jlcrrick, Mrs Offertory Nicolet. Turner/ Edmund. Total Nicolet. o >; v\i 1 (iir 1 nil 1 .VI 1 (Ml ! (ic 2 (M> 1 (III 1 (III ] or. 1 0(1 II 2."i 50 .'Ml 21 ;")(! 2 00 I 00 (Ml (III ."Ml 12 0,V ■•A ?^^ .■? ots ,S cts. ,")()i .^ 001 1 001 I oo| 5 0:|{ 1 50 1 0(1 1 00 14 50 2."> (I 50 1 7.0 Total. S cts. 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 ] 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 l" 00 1 00 1 no 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2.J 2.0 50 1 00 10 25 2.') I 00 JO 84 h 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 50 1 00 : ,k':'' m 'S' 1 ;> ^,| 14 60 218 Megantio District Association. — Continued. HI !l iii Hi ' Xamks. M(int\ioui:.m;i. OlVertory Ci)llectiuii3. \k\v IvivKuroor,, Atkinson, Mi>. II Atkinson. H. '' Browi, M.v-s. 1! Bnclianan. Mi's. Jilii Ouh(!;t. Mii Diidf. M.S II Dad(! Airs Grovos, .loh'i Lvncli, .Mi'.s Sanipli'. Mi.<. 11. 1! Wiuhs M.S. <-'. !! Wilson, -Miv. .lohi OIloL-ioi'V CollrL'liuns T()l:il Xow Liverpojl... FollT.SKbK. Coll. In/ .^t'X. (>'■■"■ />'-s/"7'' 5 A>)lc?on. U liishoii, .Mi's. Ceo... Bishop. M.S. I' Do(M, E Fold, Petor Foi'd, Mrs. P Fold, 0. R Grecnonsl'- ^\'- '' Miller, John Moiuloi', F Rui)crt, Vi Hi'wcdl. U'.vid W.alsh. Mis 1! WiisliLM-, IW.v. C.B. Wiisher, Miss Wolff, H. L ;:; cts. 1 on 1 !)u' 10 01)^ I oil li'i ;; 00 'j.^! i 00; ."or s I I I O'.i ;jo s s 1 I 17 1." 1 0!) 1 no; 1 ooi 1 00 1 010 1 oo' 1 00 1 01) '5 W 'J Total. .i; ( ts. .$ cts. .S cts.i S cts. .S cts. •J Oi i ooj. I Oilj.. 1 00 5 00 I'T .^7 00 .) 00 ,Vi -.,: 7. :,■■) m I 00 'JO 10 00 1. 00 'JO • » 00 2.") 1 00 ,'(0 ;')0 II -.» 1 00 1 00 .'01 ;!i; 01 >:> 21 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 ,f) 00 5 00 I 00 219 Meo ANTIC DlSTUlCT ksnociXTlo^.— Continued. Namks. be ti C3 ^i o = I iS^^ Tor A I,. r'.)//. Av Mist; /./::/<• M,rl,iiii S ct= •ii cts. r.iiii, joiui Ciiddoo, Win (liorrit', Tli'js Jes?, Thos OH'criory Oolh^ctiDii?! Iliilesboro. (h)JI. h;i Mir:< Mar// ./, Jcs.v. $ cts S^ (-'trJ. S «t: :.() L'.") ,1. ■1 OS J5oniiirK'. Mrs (iilli'spii', .)i)s (Illpill, (iLM) Cilpiit, .Mrs. C T (lilpiii. .In.s (Jilpiii, Mrs. T .Icsso. John Kin.i:. J- .'V^II lill 220 ■i MeCtANTIC District At^() s oo .'1.) S")' 2.) 1.^ 21 . 1 . 12 0") 1 s ill) ;;8' :is 1 0- §128 aS 2 'i:> 10 01) 2 LM H 10 :> 1.) 16 .vi 14 rjo 7 .■)0 I 00 1 7.V 17 11) 1)0:. 4.-.' 2rtl 1 r.ii 123 27 27 87: 10 IS 7;-.; 1 oo' .') no SI) 102 :>:'< 12 01) s 2r) I) :!.■ 1 01 1 00 10 (iO ip CtS. f) 25 :.i 41 ;;i ;!i so sri (i7 1,-. .■)l) SI 14 ;")l) 2 !)l) 5.^ 21 4:1 H2 s ts .) 00 ;; 3(i ,j70 !)S ':& h 221 aASPE DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. W Namks. Ca!'!-: Covk AXU PlUtCK. Lystor, Rev. W. (1 Other coutrilmtioiig ■ Oll'oitorios— Capo Cove. " — Perci; Oakim;. OS 3 $ cts 4 0(1 a o $ cts. 2 00 Ricliniond, Rev. J. P... Offertories— St .Taiiios.. " -St. Fiiiil's.. Total C.a.-^po MAtiUAM'.N I,-iI.A.SI)S. Offertory Collection-!.. . 4 00 ;i .^0 :; 81 i:; i:i 01 Ma 1,1! mi:. C„///'rlri/ W'lNHif ]\' on 4 00 11) 10 11 20 ;;(i 00 2 00 n o(t 11 82 20 :i2 'J 05 00 2.") 2.J 2.") 2.j all 25 1 00 2,") .'lO 25 :iO 2.'-) 2,^ 1 00 1 00 ,) 2J 1 00 aO oO 25 20 20 20 ..!-rii '7§ :;!:t:i .V II ■l\r im it ^ 900 n Gaspe DifsTTiTf'T AF5S0CIATI0N. — Continued. Names. Vil.crt. Joliu ^'il)L'l t, J-UIH'S Vilicrt, CifdljiC , Vihcit, .Mrs. (if,) Yihrrl. y\vi. A(loli)liii- \'ii)LM't, I'Jiili)) Vib'it. Mrs. I'iiilip Maht". .|,,l,a F M.l.L', Mrs Pi'M- Millie, ('lirisloplu'r Miibu, IIi'iiiv Mal)e, Wiilio Malic, Clara Malic, Ail^-liil Malic, l.illic .Malic, Mrs. Ilciiiv .Malic, Kilwai-il. Mitbe, Ihiiiicl Total .Malbaic. PaSI'KI'.IAC. t'o/tednl />!/ .U/sx Anim TiOl'apfc. TJHirnas liC< Ircclcy, i;ii;:a Girard. ( ii lamiu (iirai'il, 'I'iioiiia.-i Hamuli, Arlliur hclirt'clcv, Klizalatli.. Tdiizcl, I'da Touzcl, .Marv Aim.. Yanliiii, liilila JicCircclcy. I'raiicis. . Oll'crtury Collections. Corner iJcacIi. CulUcted by Vlura Muh' . ,S cts. II III .S ft.-; ^ ct-. (I 21 II -111 (I 1.^ . II II II II 111 Oil II I'll ;:. II i-'.'i II i."i II III (I III II III II ill 1 1 I'.i 1;; !l(l A^nc^, E Bis-^oii, ^^rs .. .. Hisson, I) IJis-^oii, \X ]!i)-sy, .ronii. .. Bossy. (!coi\<;'e. Bouillon, E L'.j :!." II u..'. i;.'. . ii' .-,11 L'.'i L'.i (I ,'ni; 1 UUI '-y S Ct3. S Ct3. II (I Till (I •!. L'. II 2," 75'. J on Total. $ cts. 20 III II 20 II 1:. II II) II Id II ID II III I) 10 Ii) 10 (12 25 .■)0 'Ih 25 •JO 25 25 25 2.^1 15 25 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 ,S 28 87 50 1 00 I) 25 25 ?5 50 1 00 Gaspk District Association. --C<>/?///«7/«^/. Namks, LcHoiitillicr, T. (' .... CaullirM, M. U (Mi'iiifiit. .Itiliii Faiivcl, Mirt (Gallic, lto.io-sicv. Mi'^. i; (.'aldw. 11, Mi^.s S (JaidwcU. U ! Caldwell. M'.-f. .\iidr.'U-. ...I Caliwell, Mrs .Mhrit ', Clii.-iiolm. .Mrs ilastwcU... Flowers. Mrs. .1. II ' Hall, Mrs. .1.. sen ^ HiiU. -Mrs. .lames : Keniplier. Mrs. K. 11 ! Le(!ri.-le,v. I'. 11 i l;el>l(K'(l, W. .1 I 1a l)r()r([. .1 . A I Miii'isiiii, Miss F ' Slieppard. Mrs Hiiiiili. Mrs. .1. L i Smith, Mrs R. IJ | Smiillett, Miss h. K | Welliiiaii, Mrs. lleiuy ! Friend ! OU'eitoiy CoUcetions ! S4 II 20 (I :',) n Jii (I i>.-. 1 (III A IKl I ,-,11 (I ill i> :'.") II '_>:> II •:.) -1 II 'lb (I 2,". r.:. 1 111! II ;;ii (I 'i:i « 7.". I SI (I 2") Total S s 13 '1 ',)(; '1\ lb (I 50 00 ilii I 110 II .lO (i 1 2 ;; 10 VI II I 1 ilO .^0 .0 1 III) 1 00 'lb 1 00 ' '1 on I (10 ;i ,".0 1 00 (» 2.) 'lb ,■,(1 2b 'lb 60 yO b^) 1 00 25 ;J0 1 00 1;! 87 20 2;') 20 2b (1 .")() 2.'') 2b 2b 'lb (I 25 2.'i 25 'lb bb 1 00 .')o 2b 2.^ lb 7.') 7 00 Ui 77 'ili ;l f'll "i'i fl:..., ^'w 224 Gaspe District Association. — Confitiued. ;ci 1 .'Ll 1 NaMK8. s a u^ /^ 1^ c! a 3 9J it '/) o S 1'i:m.\8Ui,a Op'rrtiiriix. IV'iiirisiild Little (ijispi' Total Sandy Jikacii Co/lic'iul 1)1 Mi. Alcxiind'T, HcmT. AlfXiuiiii-r, \\ Ali'xaiiilfi', Mrs. P. BiikiT, Mrd. S Hakcr, Mrs. W Carter, Mr,-i (Jailicliaii .M llarlioiir, W ]Iarl)oiir, X.... llanliii--, Mr.>. (;. T. LcllliqUi'l. .Mis Jliilfr, C Miller, Cai)t. I! Miller, Mrs. 1' Miller, Mr.s. T Miilliii. A I've. Thus Sever, .Miss § ets. ,$ ct.s.' S ets. Sii'lilarii, Tluis ... Smlilard, W Siidilard, (' Sudilard, Tlios..., Williaiiison. (!. .. Wiiliaiiistei, .V .. WilliMniSDM, Mrs. .J. (Jollccli'l /ll/ Mi'^x Tli Douovuu, Mrs. O.. 2.. .* \ .'» L'.'. 11) :'."> ''* •i:< \:, nil 'i:> III .'.11 .Ml '-'.' L'."i IJ'i .',11 '!'■> •i:> 2.". •lo ;',o L'.. Ill in 11) 10 II lo! I) II) II 111 II ill 0,") llfji "o "3 5 Total. $ ets. L'a 25 .■i.5 '2h I) 10 I) '.'.'i I) 1'.') 2.') I) 15 i; 1)0 I) '2:> II III II ,'ji) I) fill I) :'.•. 2a 2.') oO 25 2,> I) 2;'. I) •-'.> ;{0 25 10 05 05 225 (-lASI'K DldTRIfT AsSUCIATlUN'. — ( 'otilintied. Xamhh. "3 s s a -3 C3 a .9 VJ '11 3 u, .2 a :? I'tS. II III II ll.'l II (I.') II ll.'l II III 2 (10 II,") III II III It 111 II 2.-) I) 1.'. III II III ll."i It II.') 2 10 "3 6 z s s III ^ "^ '-' "5 U '^ '•A Total. I'nll(l\ Mil. i'ldu aid 8 els. S els. "6 <'ts. S els. S els. III liiiiii'il. Tliiis II O") (iiiircll, lii'iii\ II. 1 Iliiil.wiii'. .Ms.' 11 II 0.1 1 III 1 llOIII' j'illlil V II 1 II Iliirdihjr. I{i'v (i. '1' 2 00 .M.l.'ar, .Ml.;. ,) II II. 1 I'.iliiMxm. J. II lit IJulnii. Mis. II III Iiiiliiii. i.diiis III 'riiiHiiiiiiMi. s II ".') 'riiiiiii p-tipii, ,\i IS. I'l II 1.) 'riniiiiiisdii, Mis. .1 lit 'I'IkiiiiIisdii, Isaiicllii (I 10 'riidiii jisoii, 'riios (*> Oil II llf) 'rii(iii)|i.-(ni. .Mrs. .las II;') (Ml'iTlDi'v ("i)lli'ctii)iis 8 10 Total Saiiilv iltacii (i nil .s ;;,'» () i;o 20 yj SlIlilAU AKK. Ciif. h'l Miss I-'.. I mi Ti-iiri IS. .Mini. Mrs. Julm S (t 10 10 I''iifii(l, A (1 :.'.. 2.^ SiMisDii. .M,s .. Skiiic, .Mrs. Will II? II III (1 •!:> II III 10 07 20 SIni'iic. Tliomas 10 Skciu' l''iaiik II 2.^ Sul.ivaii, .Mr. IJolicrt 11.) 1 Oj ('iiU: di:.! hii Miss l>i':ltrir I I'lii'i rs. Aliiioi.'il .Mrs. ,J.is (1 ■'.". . 2.j Aiistiii, .Miss L. .) •>:> ,j (III 1 (III II 'jii II III 2b iM.tli.'rniJl, |;,.v. 11. .1... . 1 h 00 iMiliiciuill. Vlis. 1!. J 1 00 i-«(;aliais, Iv \V II 20 IJollillSUII. ( iCO 10 Travcrs. .1 1! 1 no 1 1)11 Ii s; 12 1 00 TravtTs J. W II 2.-. 2;') Travi'is. II. 1' 1 1 lilt Voiiii;^-, Win. ,) .1 2.. 1 2;') Uiri.'.l()r\' ( 'ollrcl iiiiis ■ ;, ii:; '} 1 1 '.lit 7 72 1 Total SliigiiwukL' b IS 20 '>'> 22 I J u >'■ M 15 '■*! J"' 226 Gaspe District Association.— Cow/mwe^/. KECAPITULATION. I It Namks. Cape Cove and I'crco .... Gaf^j.e Ma<^filMlen Islands Malbaie .. Mew Carlisle & Pasiiehiac. Pen insula Sandy Heaeh Sliigawake Total "5 S cts. ■I 00 7 I!'.; ]■! '.to 8 1:5 (') 00 'J 12 I r3 o i .2 S cts. 21 II S 14 1; 1; I 21 75 8 ;'.;> §48 47 82 ;VJ S et:- b IS; 5:5 20i o S cts. w S ets. 2 '.II 5 71; 7'. 12 I II '■'> 2.". (; 00 I Total. 1 ."ill 2(t 4 20 1 50 S i-ts. ;',ii CO 20 ;;2 28 ST 1 77 ^\ 1 20 '.i.) •)•) 22 18 'J 8',> i ; tal. cts. ',i; ('ill .'0 :i2 it j.") 2S S7 l(") 77 ■1 (II 20 '.I.') 22 22 8'J 8',> 228 DIOCESE Abstract of Parochial Reports for •I Clerot. Placks. o„: 2-d Total ^:-= ^-^ Souls. Rov. N. M. r.ayiH'. i!.A Rev. T. Blayloik, .M.A Rev.F. Boyle, M.A Rev. II. A. Brooke. B.A... Rev. W. A. Adcock Fit<'h I'.iiy (iioruevilU' Rev. A. J. Balfour, MA.... !S. I'c'ter s, Quebec. 'Montuiofcncy Rev. J. Bull iCirindslone )t:laii(l, I &e Rev. T. L. Ball, MA jNieolct it Distiirt.. ■Louiseville and Di.-iliict I'eniiijula iLiltle (!aii]n'' JDauville TioutiiiDok i.oriie Kiusev Falls F-asl Franiiiton We.^t Fraiiiptoii StandoM Scotslowu liiiij^w i( k ('anicrlMiiy Lake Mcjranlic & jtistiict Rev. C. TI. Brooks, M.A Ways .Mill- ilarnstou Windsor Milks itrijnipton Hardwood Hill iionrii Bonis Haiidlioron;i'li island i>ni(d\ rpper Ireland Lower Irtdand Adderly Black Lake Tlietlord Stanstcad Beehe Plain ] Judd's Mills I .\larlow 1 Libliy's Mills ... | (iritlins Corner.. J ("oaticook N'ortli (.'oiiticooiv.. Sliiiiiiwakc I'orl Daniel L'An.se uu.v (!af;- cons >'cwi)ort Point Rev. J.C. Co.x, B.A Rev. J. B. Delibajre, B.D... Rev. II. A. Dickson, B.A. Rev. W. G. Faulconer. Rev. W. T. Foisytlie. Rev, Canon Foster, M. A. Rural Dean Rev. R. J. FoUieruill ') :>7 28 (; ■\ 10' 27 '.I ^1 ;hi •.'. '21 I(>1 2->\ ■II •21 1 '''2 ;> 10 s 2!l 1 21 1 ^i 22 5 \:\ () 17 Ci ;V2 2'.' 27 7ii 12 I (I (i;; 2(1 7f> 4 r.T 1(1 I!) I '.I 71 I 20 3, 6 (f: .a til Bap- T1SM.S. 17 •>-M ■I2."i ss KK; I ;)(1 150 1-1. '. 121 ;{s !t7 hi 217 1..I .".I II'.' ti'.' ■Ml 2.iO i:!S I2(i 272 Ls;! I'.l .1") 21 O'P- 2SI 207 4S1 27;! 10:-i 15' ■73 a 120 1.^0 200 ,'iO :'.io 160 100 i.-.o 120 1,)0 10(1 100 7.") I .-.0 100 so 100 100 ;')0 101) I K 120 S.i i:i( 7.1 \:,v NO 12.) 200 l.-.li S(l Kia 10(1 200 100 210 100 175 !I0 50 I'J i:{ ;5 2 t> 1 17 7 s 1 •) 5 4 11 (') 12 U 4 2 229 '•iii ii! 0^ QUEBEC. THE YEAR ENDING DeCK.MBER 3]sT, 1893. 19 i:; :\ .j 2 I) 1 17 7 ,s 1 •.) 4 i» 22 12 11 4 2 T} Communicants r/j CO 3 Sunday iScho- j I'AIUSII llKl.l'HIiS. Assessments and other mo- ney raised lor jiurish. =-i 3 •- S 'A ^ -3 :^ -^ -Money r.'iised fur objects out- side the Dio- cese. Totals RArSKD. O C 5 '.J S cts. !? Cts. i? cts. S cts. 4 i:!i 1 1 20 !) 11 livia 00 10 21 4 (•'.» ;^()lt 81 2 24: 1 2.^ 10 20 ;;,-)2 4s C> 81 82 :{(i() 1 1 5 120; •1 i;; oO S 2S I72',t 21 l.V.I (1(1 if.l :i8 2050 28 '> 110 1 1 2(;i 27 i;)S 7;! (JU ;!8 !) 2:1 15 !)1 ;;;;() (j^ l.'f 1 1 ,"► \:> 22:! 90 1 21 10 1 1 1 ;ii) 00 70 00 :y,', .)(( 21 00 (1 00 •1 00 89 50 T) 98 on 2;; 101 1 1 •!li 2 I .-.7 IS i) 88 5 '.)(1 17;{ 02 2'! 7."> 70 1.") 2 1) ') i.v; (ii 72S ;)i; 5 11 177 84 4 51 60 54 16:5 26 (; 1 v;, 96(1 94 II 1 \:> ] :'. 11)0 S(i 12 11 1 8(i 204 80 2 ;{.) 2 1 20 1 18 01! 2 1(1 2 :!9 152 55 4 12 70 (;s 10 1 1 1 2 1(17 4:! i(i:i 00 11'.) 00 4 yO :!8 14 11) ;'..") 1 10 !) ^'7 i;i yo 178 o;i 17 2 t> 212 71 1,^ 158 25 t> ic. 8 1 1 i) 2.) 00 112 8,^ 7.") Olt 25 00 r. 1;". 2 2 .■)0 1 00 115 35 1 40 77 40 12 20 i;: 21 f 1 s 60 00 2118 00 r, 2;; 1 :!i» 50 00 * 1 ;]04 62 2 27 2.") 1 1.^. (1 'i 12 (i 21)5 00 1.".;". 00 2:!S a7 11 04 ;'. 00 :!7 (1)1 (17 40 15 00 ;iO() 71 158 40 4 1 10 291 2:i 20 1 1.". ') 12 i:!i» 00 4:1 ;;(! 2 70 185 12 70 •'- II s ." 21; ;i 26 ■m; 2 1 1 7.". 21 (i:; :?74 14 \:\ 28 2r. 111 i> ;i 10 k; 1) i;: 20.') :!2 I112 00 ;'.i,") 00 28 0,". 4 14 2:! 00 2;^". 87 8 42 HRl 14 i» s 17 00 ;!55 00 :!i 07 1 (i ito • t :!li) 00 ;i;i ())) 18 00 ;i7o 00 K) 7 7 100 12 20 5 21 5 2 t 2 8 lo."> 00 ;>7 00 (JIM 4 a 4 00 ;; 00 40 4 1 109 00 (10 00 !) 20 51 G95 40 2S 1 10 r.2 :! 'J 281 18 1 i 1 5(1 4 51 290 55 17 811 27 IC". s (;o :io 100 1 (i 1 osa <);i 21:'. r)2 I 71 00 ; 5 S5 14 07 6 82 1071 00 47 2 4 225 19 24 UG I 2 .•'.o 1 Ci 180 98 5 11) 7 84 200 01 18 CO 2 (11 0( 7 (U 2fi 74 90 ? I y 14 18 14 18 mil '■',"ii it -J I SI ■m H 230 DIOCESE OF Abstract of Pakochial IvEPORTtH roii the lit CLEnCY. Pl.ACKS. Rev. II. S. Fuller, Rev. G. T. Iliiraiiijr Rev. J. Hepburn, M.A, Uoliiiison lUiry... ") St. Joliir,-* > iBiiiii s S(!li()(il II. J 8(i It ' Rev. D. Horner Total .::£ Souls. Rev, E. 1}. Husband. Rev. I. N. Kerr. 15. A Rev. E. A. W. King, M.A.. Rev. W. G. Eystei', H..V. {{uriil Dean Rev. tJ. II. A. Muriav, 15. A •21 2(1 L';'.' iXtli Rev. {]. (;. XieoUs, M.A... IJev. W. T. Noble, 1!.A The Very Rev. II. \V. i\or- man. l).l»., I)i';in Rev. (J. 11, i'arker RfV. ('anon Ricliardson Rev. J. 1*. Uieliniond Samly in-aeli . .. I IJaiaclioi.-i \'alley } Ilicbniouil MelliouiMie ;The gnarry \ 21 iTIie Ri.l2 ■Mi 2 ('.;".(■> 17(1 .S.'i I'll >st Sll :m) ij'.t '.)■.; Ret urn. Hev. S. Riopel. .M.A.. .M.l) Rev. A. 11. Robertson Rev. P. Roe Rev. J. Rothera., Cathedral, Quebec. Conipioti St. I'miiIs, (,)uebec. e SiHitli \'alcartii'r Cooksliire Handhill Joini vill.', Eaton (birner jnveiness autl Dis- trict Leeds Kinnear's Mill.s I)eatti(''s8eltl nient Mrou'jfiiton St. Sylvester , (V ■': i o E." L; t I 12 1 IS HO 7 211 7."» a 4 1 scl 27i .1,1 22 l.S ■") .0(1 20 .s 5 1(1 1(1 1 14(1 ;i7 121 270 I ;{'.» 12 7,s 102 11(1 .■)()() •t| 2iOO 'to 1 •:,: ;iso ;;;;2 ;ii;7 III <.i(i .01 221 It.) i)(l 100 2.0 ,|i;o 250 •too i.oo 100 aO 120 1 20 1 20 I'.llll 200 80 lUi'- 'ri.s.MS. IC.O I.OO 100 20 () 1 20 12.0 7.0 100 :too coo 1 1000 200 1,0(1 2:'.s 2:;s 170 200 100 120 200 l.OO 100 100 70 12 10 (i 2 1 7 ■1 2,S 12 10 10 I i; l.S 231 (iXl^VyEC— Continued. YEAU ENDING DECEMBER 31ST, ISO^. — CO/Ui/med. OS '3 .a O c £ =! ^ I o o O O 2S 1(1 Ki 12 10 2 (i I .•ili :i() 12 s i:; 17 to 7-'i IS 20 51) 10 10 2,,) 12;. 11 a 10 h; r.o 100 too 00 ■::i its ;-;o :'>1 20 I 7S IS ;;i 7 1 o iJ ■/. rri --* ^ — ■J. f '] t I'AHisir IIki.i'khs -1 10 I •> ■I f.o S."i 107 21 20 I 10 10 25 150 170 •10 50 IS 21! 12 II 2 1 I S •I 2 ') 1 10 2 1 ■1 111 — ' i- -/, :*, - ■/) ") ■ 4) A ■— "J r- U-l — ^ ^ . — ■« 10 I 10 5 •1 70 10 20 10 S cts. (iC.I 2s GS!) 511 2,007 2S ISC. 2;; 50 00 5(; oil 20.-; '2\ 1.5(;',l 25 'CM 10 5SI) 01 <,W.\ 10 107 00 1 55 =.2 c ^ c> ^ -^ -* — ."i ;i 1 (.05 101 7:!.". 150 S7 CO 101 -150 ,018 !IS. 0,:i5l'. ;-;! i,o;!ii ■is;; 55 I 2:!:; 050 S5 SO 10 :is5 ;;iis 121 no o:i ooj 50 ' I 22 ;ii 25 2;! 10 00 74 00 CO 12 00 00 Oil Or 00 00 00 00 III I'.O 25 I? ClH ^ I'tS 00 01 01 10 152 OS 10 IS 70 ■V.\ 25 30 10 10 250 •11 51 1 5(i II 2 Hi S Ki ;i77 II 2S 47 47 17 10 27 ISS 71 ;; OM 7;; ;; 5 2 10 i;; 44 s 54 Hi 70 25 ;17 f. SI ;! 40 4 8: 12 o;! i:i S2 (i :i;) 4 Si) 5 I ;j 00 ill) 00 lis 07 i) (i2 ;!8 lii II ;;o 7 S2 1 ill ,'i8 04 511 (I 00 31 721 72 1U7 i)0 :]50 50 018 7t 188 01 !»i)5 00 20i) 1)4 145 13 100 53 201 80 453 00 4,048 00 l7,o;;i 7!> 1,082 11 liS5 80 504 05 577 82 244 SO 1,305 04 01 50 lOV.' 03 10 00 521 OS 425 i:; 142 5.> 447 22 Hi A n 'I'll '■'Piir [■ ''(I 'jti ::m >.' 2:); Hcv Rev- Rev Rev 1) Rev T. Riiild, I!.A nmiilieiliiii.l Mills..' H Si. (leorties I T (laiiluiui'iie I- A. C. Sciiitli, M.A Leiiiiowille H'H ll- .Mili.y Dniiimiomlville ami Di.strict lliilley I I ! Mii.-;s.'iwi|i|ii > I I'i '•> ,\vei's Flat ) i Till eelJi vers ] 2.".; 4 liiuliior l'"()r.ui'.-! •••• i'diiile Kleiie, Lake, ' St. .loliii ' 9 X L. Stevens, M.A II. C Stuart, M.A 70 no (Wi 211 111! 125 J. S. Sykrs R. C, Taiiil)?. M:A 17: IIJ. 10^ II II lo; ill ;ev Jev Rev Rov Rev Rev Rev Rev Sydeiiliaiii I'laee.. !>e'iis(iu'.s Mills.... K ill use V .Ma.udu'aiMl I)i.>^l....] '10 ^'i (,'lierry llivur j '■'> 12 I M. Tluuniisoii, R.'.ral Levis | ".5 It an New Liverpool 1^ '' Ciiiioii riioriielue, M. A. Slieilirooke | ^j- ,,0' |)|,|() V.;\i\ Slieilirooke. ) , " ' i " "i Canon Von iniaiHl. M.A St, Mieliaels. Que. :!"); S C. I!. Walters Malli.aie ! (Mi '•> Corner (it the Beach 12 2 C. I!. W'a.-ilier I'ortnenr II II Halrslioi'iuij^li ' L! F. Wearv .Marlileton -14 II DniuLwell ! 2.^ ;; Fasi Dndswcll , 22 .... I";ail<> ami Sloke ..., !» , L. W. WiiJianis. M. A .. Si. .Miiltliew's.Que.' 100 , F. K. Wil.-oii. 1! A Ilereloid :!0 llall's Sireain 10 Averill !• IF. Wriglit, ]!.A Fa-t Aiiuiis Ascor Corner L. C.Wurtele, M.A.... .Actonvale ) Canliy ,\Vesl'\\'ickliaiii..J 40 20 2(1 17;) ,\ 1 20 10 a Craiul Totals 4l22jli;;,S 52 :U4 .">i) ISO lOa i(i2 ^•1 l('7 OS 40 !)00 li:> II 70 Hi.) Ill,") 20 i.s,s:.o IS.M'- TISMS. Ilia ."^ll .Sll 22,') !I0 1,^11 210 ;iO(i 120 ,S|I Sf) ISO 201) 201) l')l'>0 17.-. 210 1 20 lull I2.'. I;-)U ll'>ll ...1 2 .. \ 2 1;; 2 !» 2 ;'i i;{ I I I 12 i;,'iii •) 20 120 i i:;i) i:;i) i;i 12,) ;') ll'.t ;> I7,02() Ull 077 233 OF QUEBEC— CowZ/wwe^/. YEAR ENDINCJ Decemiier 31st, 1893. — ConlinueX (a c o O 3 u n 2:i 21 S IS to o .a ! m • ■ji I'AlUSIl ! I ^ IlKi.rKiis.! -2 S-— 1 r -^-^ ■ill IT L's 112 •I ,Sli ■12 (il ■I'll ;!s ill 7 7(1 21 ■tl ■»'. 2:'. I ■12 l:: """V •) 2S ;■) 1 (1 f) 8 1 !l 1 2(j 4 ■It; 1100 (17.^>0 IS II 2 ') III (111 :!o ■Id :;(i ir> u ; r — ■ . E r-, - rn "1 O " 3 «j ^. •-;; tt. "^t t- o o 2,') (10 1(1(1 (HI Id (Id I,n:i7 211 (id 0(1 7i;i SI i,oi'.;< (Ml dCiT s t) i;. 2 11 1(10 1 .") ■111 2 fid 00 22.') Oil 1(1.". 00 l:u) 00 (;2('> (III o o 9 a< ai = -•(1)0 Si -.^ 'ffi CJ Totals Raiskk. 170 2 :! 0(1 21 Si; ss ;;2 10 00 If.d 0,S 2S II I I to 2S 211 IC 2.'> .".0 2s 7 S6 s :t(i M Oil ii;} OS 1,100 :!7 721 11 l,SS(l 77 l,:',d| 00 ■ISO ool i:;:. 72: I s \ s;. 7:1 27 2J(l Oil! 100 00 1(1 7ti 12 oy 1 50 2 'n r> ii7 17 60 87 42 WW 24 To 2:5 (ir>;i r)ii ifi,.)i'.i o;i 20 (Id 10 so ■Id S7 T 0:. If)!) 00 25 00 51 (12 48 11 r.15 77 1,214 5(1 T 1;'. 1:! 00 (1 Oil 74 1 (iS 1 Id, IjIKiS (12 72 Oil I 15 2r :!i;u in I 10 IS 4,00:! 5(1 1,22;'. 87 I 50 Ill (II :; :)0 is,". 00 iiii 00 3il4 00 .".S.lliKl 71 12 00 I 0(1 W 00 50 20 00 8 90 ;i:;,i5:5 :'.o 1700 01 25 00 100 00 40 00 1,97:: 51! (i:; 00 7S2 1 1! 1,1 !i;; 41 !)7il ;!(•> 50 00 2:15 lit 17il 27 1(jl 5!> SOU 50 1,1 S5 2:5 847 75 r.,4fiO i:i li),0r.7 59 510 \?, 15il 5S 2;!(l SI SI 0(1 400 00 125 00 il,S95 45 7:5 50 10 (11 ;; 50 liis 00 9;! 50 422 90 911,910 05 'I « ; 111 ' 'I .'i -■■■"■ \ i'ji BISHOP WILLIAMS' MEMORIAL MISSION FUND. 2nd ANNUAL REPORT. i P. NOTIOIvS. Those Conjyroo'ations that rcspoiKkHl in i)fU't to tlio appeal in heliulf of tliia Fund, prior to the last Meport of Uk" Church Soeiely, will liiul the total aiiroimt of their siih.scriplious and romiltaiices, therein aeknow led^t^eil, brought forward in this \-ears Report. Mention will he made onl_y of new sul)«eri])lion.-!. Where therefore the amount suliscrilied iri not given, the iniplicalion i.s that it appeared in last year's Report. If the amount herein acknowledged paid, is an iiislu/iiniil (1st. 2nil or i'.rd)' indication thereof will he given hy tiie nundier which follows the snlisci'iher"s name. If no nuniher follows, th? amount is a donation and jiaid in full. Extra-Pa RociiiAL. NA.MKS. .Anniunt suliscrihed. Brought forward from last vear The Right Rev. the Lord llislioj) of (,)uel)ec, (2nd). The \'enei';iliie Arcli(U'acon I'oe Through llie Hon. Senator i'nce S(l(l 01) Total s;!()| o4 Amount I'aid. •s e. ;u!i; (17 KiC) ('.7 nil) 1)1) s:;(ii .")! S U104 ;■)! S 8!);i7 >S.S The Catiikdral of thk IIoi.y Trimiy, Qukheo. XA.MKS. Brought lorward from | j i'oston, .Mrs last yc.ar's Keport.. ;;:;s,S 00 IH.M OH; l!;ie. Wni.... Aiidei'son, .Mrs. (Isi) Anderson, .Miss Anonymous Aylwin, T. C Diiiin, T. 11. C2iul) Hale, K. ,J. (2nd) Hunt, Miss (2nd) Moi'c, .1. C Norris. Mrs.. I (III ;!.'» (Ill liac, Mrs, Win 10 oo; l.'ussell, Dr. lieiirv . ... 10 (lOi Scott, Aithiir .. ..' 2:> Oo;,Smith. K. II. (2ud) 2,^0 (l();StaveU'v. li .'.O OOjISt. (Jeoi'ue Boswell 10 oojiTorre, Mrs. (2nil) .^(1 (HljTuiiier, U i ;'.() 00 11 (10, Welch. Mrs. II. W 1 10 00 Phillilis, theMisses(2ud) ] 10 Ctl Total S ;^4i)H 00 c. 0(1 260 00 ;".() 00 2r) 00 1 (10 100 00 20 00 2'> 00 '2i) 00 5(1 00 10 00 2t)7t') 00 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continued. S. Matthew's Chuuoh, Queuec. ■'■ (ii NAMKS. NAMES. liroiifilil lorwa:'! IVoiii', liisl U'iir iM'nncil, Miss Ililli'll. .1. (! lioswcll. Allici-l Ciirlor. W. II ('.•iilcr, Miss i.ucy.... Cintcr, Miss l.ilii'i!! .. Coiiiln', llu' Missi'S.... ('diiilpi'. .1. ('()|H'iiiaii, M s. .1 ' (iihli.dwcr, S . i^ $ c. Ill 01)' 1! IMI : I ,■> 00. i 00 1 oil ;". 00 ."i (ill :> 00 10 oi'|;Millci\ Mrs ;;o (lOil.Moiiii/.aiiilicit, Mrs (.1 :; Oo|| K. (■.'111!) '.', oii|j.\Ioiiti/ainlH'il, .Miss h " 00 N'cwtoM, .Miss vdiMoii, Mis I'.'trv W. <;. (21111) riii'i-dii, .J. A 1 oojll'duc, !•: ■_' (lojlPdi'*'- •^''•^- -•\- (-'ii'l)-.. jl'i-iiltcii, I!.. I. (I'm!)... .Mii i'ratlcii. Mrs (Viid). . '2 .".0 Vricu. Miss C. .1. (2n(l) a oo; i'licf. .Mi,-s (Juc. (-'ml) 1 00 Ki'iMl. Mrs (I .'ill Itii'hanisdii. ,1. (2nil) ..' I 2 00 \lor^=, Mrs. II. 1) I 2 00 :> HI i{iisk. Marv ' 2:>\ r;(r,^eil)i'rL;-, i; I I (HI i.-.i;(i OoiScdU Li-all. .Mrs ' 2 Oo! l.",ii 01 'I Si'dnn-all. .Mis W > M L'.Mi '.'d' Sjiarplcs. .Mrs. C I .'. 00 10 I''! Siiii).soii A. .\. (I'lui).' ' :■. 00 TcakK', T. C-'iiil) | j 1 00 .'i'caklc. ('. ,M. U'lnl)...' I :, Oi: Wlirclcr. MisS.'S I 5 OOl : \VI il.'. .M.'. anil Mrs.; | 10 00 ' 1. i;, 11. (Isl) i ".0 oir^Wiiiii, -Mrs. CJiid) I Tdtal STT.^O 7.') 1 10 00 ,"> 00 l;j 00 2 00 ;■)() 10 00 10 00 ."( 00 1 00 2.'> 00 1 01) ."".o 00 10 110 10 00 10 00 6(1 (10 50 00 25 A 00 t) 00 25 1 (10 2 t'o (1 ,')() 6 00 •) 00 t) 00 ;; 00 6 00 10 00 ,) 00 ;■,■(; 10 7.') MicHAEi/s CiiuiKui, (Quebec;. la^t year Hiii'iudl, .Ml (^iiiiiiiliidl. K For.sylh, .Miss (Jiid) CJradden, .Mrs ':m ^■i.ti' ;• lil t t2on Bishop Williiuns' Memorial Mission Fund. — Cotilutued. St. Paul's Ciiuiicii, Queheo. NAMKS. Bmuslit tbrwiird from last yeiu's Kciioil... ]>roniiiii};, Mis Jiiowiiiii';, .Miss IJiowuiiijf, Miss Kvii... Ki'mn' ;")(» 1 00 2:> 00 20 00 10 00 .'» 00 2.) 00 2;^ 00 10 DO 10 (10 1 00 ( i) St. Peter's Cuuiicii, Queuec. NAMKS. *-? -^ ^ 'li Ifi NAMK.S. I; '1 7 7 10 ;'t 1 $2(i,". OOl §210 00 S. Mary's C'hurcii, Montaiorency. Brought forwuid from Ifist year He|iburn, Miss Lay, Hubert, 2nd).. .. $ c. icf) 00 1 00 02 00 I 00 1 00 Pennini;lon. Win. (2d) I'riee, 11. .M . (2iid) S C.i Tot;il. 1 00 60 00 ::;iG7 oo, !?ii5 oo 237 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continiu'd. InVEUNKSS.— liEV. r. ItOE. |{ii)u;:lit lorwiird lioiii last yi'Mi Austin Mrs Hall. Mrs ; lios llcrirv, willow NA.MKS. llfui'v, Miss ... •Mvl 0(1 |{i)c. Rev. r .. 2 (i(i]|\Vill(iii, 'riios. I (III s c. a t s ('. 1 Ill) Id III) 1 (10 Toliil i s:;;jt (111 s:;is no i ' I " LkEDS— IvKV. J. lioTllKlIA. 1st IvErOKT. N.AMICS. KlNNKAU'S .Mll.l.S. Adlcy, Diivi.i ArnoUi, John. Aylwiii, .liinii'S |{aiii, .liiliii Ciiiiiiiiiiifxs, .loiiii CliiiM'li, (Miarlfs ("Iiiinli, .laiiiL's ('rai^, Annie Hall, William Uiinio, Dr. Hall. IVlcr Ki-nip, I{s, W. \... I (Kil I (iiir(;nnimiiiL;'s. Thomas mi' ICuMimi 10 ;)0 (III no no (10|, iioj. oo| 00 . no'. IMIl mil no' r.ol. noj. 00 ■ 00 ' a (III; •1 on 10 (10 .1(1 00 I'.<1 Hd I 00 ,"» 1 s, Livings ir. riimnas ir, l!o;itMt !• (l,L;ar, llcnrv l'"ri/,zi'l. David Kidd. l!o!ifit I\ihi;', lU'ni y Kiiii;' .\ndi<'\\ .MrConml, William. McWca, Andivw 00| Niivi'iit, .lidia llii'l.N'no-cnt. S.'imiud .. ||\V'o,k, .lanu's .. ...JAVo/k. Mrs. .lanius . . no AValkins, .1., snr \\ atkins, .)., Jill- 2 (1(1 2 nol no no, onl on' (in; (I0| on no 0(1 no nil no 00 on 00 on Ml no no 00 00 on 8 c. I no '1 (III •1 111) 00 on III) 00 no in 00 00 r,o - on 2 00 Total .^ITT 00 $101 00 f 238 Bishop \Villi;mis' Mcinoriiil Mis.sioii ImukI. — Coutunied. ^^iL'OhET AND I.()l'ISi:\ llil.H.— Iii:\. T. L. IjAM.. NAMI'.s. - I' ,'5 N'AMKS. 2 ^ ~ '." III I -"^ <■• i lituii'jlil lui wiinl li'diii hist V(Mr .. I I. ill im! I!mI1. I!rv. T. I., iiihl i Mis. (^imI) M.-('.iir>vy, Mis, T ' ! (m .Mi'l'iifiVc'v, Cliiis. jr... I I (111 Lnl i.-,niic, Mrs. A 1 (Ml Diiiiii, T. il ,1 0(1 L.'iw ric, Mis • Ill *!0 Mcrrifk. Mis I.rlic.l, Mrs .1" no Si l,i»uis, W.\> I 'Ml ,S|. Lillli,-. I'lll WlUll I 00 Tunii'r. .Ii-ssii" I I'lii iirr, Jaiiii-s 'riu-iit'r, ICilwMiil I 11(1 :, (Ml I (III ,1 (II) I III) I (10 II .1(1 I .Ml I IKI I IKI = -9 S I'. I 0' .1 II I II I I) II ,■- I (I I (I Tutiil. .si7(i til': §120 (10 Bishop's Cor/LKdK, LnxxoxviLLii:. XAMi;S. A Sll innlllll i.scrilic'd. Amount |iaiil. licv. . Dr. Ill nil f'h t, f ni'\V;i 1(1 •*.*. S ct.S. i;;ii iH) s els. lU III) A tlilllH. Cliul) liii ('>7 Alitiiilt. 10 (K) Total i:;ii iMi m; h7 A(n'Oi\ Vale. — Rev. L. V. AVuutele, Kector NA.MKS. ^1 2 S lirtjwii, Dr. (' lirown, .Mis Dion, Mrs. S Frii'iid A (Jodtri'v, -Miss Iliiiil.s, K Hinds, Miss WeJls, Geo. B * ('. .> (Ml *> (III 11 ;":() 1(1 00 (1 'J.. 1 (Ill 1 00 2 00 *-J -i> ■«-» !U r— n — ' - -3 2 '5 NAM lis. '^' V o'S c ^ ^ "J « <— t -\ -^-s < ri: .-) 00 Widls, .Miv. J. i; ;! 00 Wiirtcic, l!cv. li. V, .■)() Wiirtok", Mrs. I>. ().. 10 OoljWiiitcU', .Mi^s (1 L'.ViWiMlclc, Arlliur. I 001 Wdrlck', limitLT. 1 00 2 0(V Toliil... •"S I'. 1 (0 2 LTi I (10 ) 00 (I fill .^0 ,S2'.» 00 f 239 Bisliop Williivuis" Mt-moriiil MisKion Fund— St. IJaknauas' C'lU'ucii, Ai (i (10' : 00 1 00 i; (10 1 (Ml Kelly, .las 1 (Id; Kcir, Miss Annie M... l,..il»l:mle 1 Ilailrv. .1. T liiiil.'V. .). S |!;.ll,'.Mis ( 'lll'llT. M VA |,au lie. T II .'lO (i (Mil 1 Od' 2 (Mi M.-Leou .Mrs. K I'aisiMis, Mis Stevens, l'\ 11 1 (10 1 00 :; 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 (Ml 1 00 (.'li'vi'litnd. Mr. \- .Mi'-i. 1* 1 lll'o'll M M IS ;; (Ml 1 00 Wrielit, .Miss K Total 1 (10 1 (10 S20 00 '.: l'"t)>li'i', .Mrs Iliillirotilv. Mr 1 (Ml 1 (Ml iiSill hW 1 (i (Ml IUrfohd.— lli<:y. G. H. A. AlriiiiAY. NAMKS. H "J Amount paid. NAMES. ii 2 '5 'H Amount paid. Hron;_r|it forward rnnii Ill-it rcnort $ c. 21() 00 Si (Id 2 00 I 00 l'i;i!UVi;()i!o'. lirvaii, Alirahani, jr., (1st) 1 6 ..■• i ^ c. 1 00 1 00 2 00 : 01) 1 00 1 00 1 00 ni.wil.i.i;. Hrvan. Fred dill, ( !ci)ri''f '1st) I'l/vHii, Miss Kdith, (l^t) 1 Wallser. II. F.(lst) 1 i Od 1 (10 1 (Ml Walker Mrs II V .loliiisoii.Wiiliaiii (Isl) Mavhcw, .\. A (1st) ..' MiiVrav, lii'v. (!. II. i A. ('1st) ! jWalker, Miss l.uev... AValker. Roherl (1st). Walker, William (1st) St. Lawuk.vci-;. i ] "• .'■( IK 1 (M 2 (M Smith. U.(;.(lst) Swaili's. Samind (L'lid W'lii'lit, Sarah 1 i I Oi ■(''iiiiiiin"hani. Win. 1 ("ndl 1 ."> 00 1 V-'"U Total j j... .i52lr) ()( ,¥111 00 i; m t 240 IMshop \Yilliams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continued. CoATicooK.— Canon Fostku, Ueotoii. 1st IvEPOUT. !) • [1; IB I NAMKS. Austin, Hi'iijiuiiiii Ayliiij;-, Aiitiie Avliiij^. Jusit' Andrews, S. \V ('liurcliill, .laiiu's DouirliiTtv, Alicliiiel... Kisk'e, ,1. J I''()sti'r, l{ov. Canon... Ili.^lo]), John Jainit'ssun, Air. ,1 ^3 a "> NAMKS.. :i sj s v.. Id (Ill (1 ;")(! (1 •id 2 .".(1 ;') (to 1 r>(i ;') (Id 1(1 (Id 1 (Id 1 r)(i Ill llllj (I ;')d; (I .^d' '2 ;")(l .") 0(1 I ,)(l ,j (10 Id (I iii'illicad, Annie .Mead, .lusepli .Mills, Ariliur Xoiloii, .A. (> Olilsehla^er, llariiel.. Wehsier, W. V, ri'uiniscd hy the Con- LiTejiiilioa in l>;i.'i... ^ <•• I (1(1' 1 (id{ 2 ,")0| 2 dllj .') (III! ."id iidi. 2'5 -1 ■t $ 1 c. (ID I (III 2 .■in ') 00 1 00 5 (10 (Ml ,-.o| Total SHXi i'Oi S .'>0 00 COMPTON. — Rev. G-. H. rAKKi:K, ItKCTOU. NAMES. S. JaMKS" ('()N(i!!i;(!A- TID.V. AnonyinoMS Drake, (Jarey Doak, \V Friend A Pallister, Richard. .. Parker, liev. (J. II.. Keneaii, .Mrs tSniitii, ilrs. C Wetherall, Fred. S., CO-Ml'TON liADlKS' Coi.l-KliK. Cochrane, Miss . Hruuse, .Mrs \'oiinjr, M:ss Jlurphy, Miss Dniiii, Mis Fiske, xMiss ... JJnrgess, Miss E.. ]5urgess, Miss F.. 2 « < "5 S c. (10; lid dll| (10, (Id iiiii (Id ,")!( 0(1 lo I (I 10 (10 00 0(1 (10 0(1 00 I 2:'} ^ <-■ 1 d'.l! NAMHS. till: 00^ (Hi: lllll lid' on Oil ou on I II nil lirooks, .Miss M Chiindi, Miss L Foster. Miss (J Fiske, Miss L Fiske. Mi- 2.") II \:< II 2.) d 2.) d 2;. 2.) (I 2,-> 2.) 2;) ;")d (I 2.) 2.) 2.". 1 III! .'id II 2,t $.2 .1(1 $ e. (I 2.) 2.^ 1 dO (I 2.^ 2i> (I 2;) d 2,^ (I If) 2:> 2;) d 25 2.1 25 d 25 d 25 d 50 25 25 25 1 (III 50 25 ;;(; w) l":| 241 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Fmid.—Coniinued. CooKsniRE.— Rev. A. H. Kobertson. jVndcrsoii, Mrs A. M. 15 FreiK'li, Mrs. Jo'in .... French, A. D. U I-Io{it;'t's, A loiizo Hopkins, .Mrs Hiuitin, .Mr. und .Mrs.. lluri], V. A Ladies' Guild, (.Johii- ville) iMowle, cstiito hitc Mi.ssH Mowle, ostiitc l;ite Miss M Oakcs, F. J il'()p(>, R. H, OiiJ'opc, M.-s. (Ji()l^i'rl.-;o;i, ;■) ()0| RobiTtsoii, .M 1 (lit Ta\l()r, W'llt ID 00^' Taylor, .Miss iTric^;ve, Mi 'Wilford ,Mrs. (iii|^Ur(iuliardt, F Total.,, Danville.— Eev. T. Blaylock. NAMES. *-- H Blaylock, Rev. 'i Heriiard .Mrs. K Cleveland, (i. F Cleveland. (^C, Foster, .Mr. and (i. K M."i\ Mr.^. s 1.:. 10 100 7;') i:)0 :'.o Ill) (HI (10 00 III) oil oil s .» 10 :v.', 25 < > (' . (Ml II!) ai 00 00 00 Coodenoujrli, Ci JIarining, Major. as ... XAMFS. (Ml S])ier, Dr. 10 (i!i riiiirlier. C. R.. and Son '. I W'iulleii^li, .Mrs WadleiKh, Miss Total §'8 $ c. U 00 i 10 oo' Id oo! r> 00 a ^ 3 • 5 < % c. 10 00 5 00 $41:! oo: SI 41 3t 16 I' I T.i' m 242 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continued. Drummondville —Rev. F. G. Scott. m m ml I m NAMES Doyle, Frod Hcbfi-t. D Hehert, L. F Lackie, Alex jrolsiin, II rs. John Reay, Wm Rohius, K Scott, Rev. F. G... Sutherland, D NAMES, WatkiiKS, i:d Wiitkiiis. Wilfred Watkitis; W.,1. ... I 2.) iWi:i;lit, Albert ... Wiifrht, (Miarles (i(l|j"\Vrij;ht. Edimiiii (I Total Durham. — Rev. D. Horner, Rector. 'S e Atkinson, George Atkinson, Mr.^. J. J ... Chinch, C Davidson, \V Dowd, Philip Dowd, James Horner, Rev. D Hail, Mrs. Wni Hall, Gertrnde Johnston, IkMny Johnston, George Johnston, Alexander.. Johnston, Lizzie.. Johnston, A. W Lyster, Miss Lyster, C. A*^ ^ c. (•' iini [Lyster, P. 2 0(1 25 1 (I lO' ;; oi»j ;; no' 12 1)1) 1 DO J 00 5 00 i DO 00 00 2 00 2:> 5 00 •Manshridge, Mrs. E... 26 Montgomery, James.., 10 Montgomery, Ruliert. ' .Montiionierv, S MeCrae, .Mi's. F 4 DO I'utriek, J 1 00 Placev, .M;'s. F I Plova'rt, Mr 'Stevens, W. R i Stevens, U. >.. 1 00 Stevens, William 1 01! Trenholm, Mrs ] oo: Wakeheld. !■ 25 Total b e. ^ e. 2.")' 2.) J Ool i 00 .5 oo' .") 00 1;V' 1,') 2,") I 25 If) If) ;'. DO I 1 00 2 00| 1 ool 1 00 2;")! 25 1 00 j I 00 1 OOi J ' ,-,o| 1 50 .S72 15 Sll 15 243 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Vvind.— Continued. Hatley.— Rev. A. Stevens, Rector. NAMES. Biicon, F. (J I>;i('on, -Miss IJayley.F. E Ba,K Mif!., Ba. liV •>' .. ... Carti. i, ... Kiirl ;ii' LeHaruii, M. W -^-i J NAMES. a " s L'. I DO 1 00 1 .-io I 00 r)Oj a 00 1 1 (M) ,", 00 8 I 00 LeBaron, E. IL... I (l(i:,.Miill()iiey, F. W.., 1 JlillMurrav, W. G .. ., I OO! Stevens, Rev. A., ') Jo;iTlivvnites, Thus.., ■^ 00;!\Veriton, Miss 1 oi.ji ;^ Ooli Total $ c. 1 00 1 00 to 00 15 00 1 00 .".0 00 ! •S c. 1 00 1 00 15 00 10 00 1 00 25 00 S105 00 S fiO 00 Lennoxville. — Rev. A. C. Scartii. NAMES. S i ]5aker, Mrs. (J Jiaker, W . \V liaitk-tt, .Mis. .)(ilm.... Hartlett, Mrs. Cliarlcs Bartlett, Miss (J liurge, .Mrs iiowii, Tlius ^ c. 2;-. 1 00 2 < () .\. 00 JWowii, Mrs (,'assels, .Mrs Cloiij^li, S. 1. Darby, Win Darby, Mrs , Dai by. Miss Fanny. Darliy, i{osa Dai'bv. .Miss Dav.'Mrs. Fnd Klkin.s, Mr? , Farr, .Mrs. .Icilm Fr.\ e. .lames Frye, .Mrs. .lolni Friend , Friend Friend (ianisby, Miss (iarvin, Mrs .C fiuild. St. (leoi'ge's , Hale, E. C Hall, Mrs. F. II Harrison, Mrs Henry, C. S Howland, Mrs Hndsjiith, .Mrs , Hull, .Mrs 00 (> OO ,) oil 25 I 00 ft 00 c. 2."i 00 (u; ) 00 00 on 50 NAMES. z.>. 00 00 50 50 00 50 10 001 75 i 50 00 50 50 00 5 00 j 1 00. 10 00 5 00 () 25' 1 00 5 00, 5 00' I 01) 50 50; 1 00' 50| ■> 00| 2.")' 50' 1 00' o: 50, 1 oo: 2 00 1 oo: ooi Kipinn. H. N Kennedy, .Mrs. S MaeDungall, C. S .... .Maskery, .Mrs .\Iilelieil, Jlobt .Moe, .Mrs .Molson, .1. D .Morris, .Miss M. A Nicolls, Mrs Pearton. .lames I'l'iTy, S. W P()\e\', .Mrs Ri'ad'y, Mrs Readv, .Misses and Mr, A. G Reed, Edward -73 2 .^5 3"3 S p. ^ c. ;>, 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 25 50 00 ;; 00 50 00 $ c. 3 00 1 00 1 00 50 10 00 25 50 00 ;! 00 50 00 00 GO 00 Scartli, Rev. A.O. .Jidmston, Mrs. E... Kerr, Miss E 1 00 1 00 50 1 50 10 50 1 00 U0( 25' oo' 1 oo; 50' 1 50| 10 50! 1 ooi •shnter, .Mrs Simpson, Mrs Speid, II Sterlitif!^, .Mrs SterlinjT, Mrs. Wni.... Stevens, E Smart, ^liss rurner, .Mrs Warren, Jliss jWhite, C. S Wilkinson, Rev.B. G. Witfo-ett, C. F AVilson, Wm Wilson, Mrs, 5 00 2 00 20 00 1 00 5 oo 20 00 50 1 11 00 r.ii 5 00 2 50 2 00 20 00 00 00 Yates, Rev. N. P. Total. 5 00 1 00 1 5 00 00 15 00 H 00 20 00 50 1 00 50 15 00 $302 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 5 00 $257 35 :;':i| 244 & I H Bishop "Williams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continued. Magog.— Rev. R. C. TAMr-\ NAMES. Call. Mi.'^s Jennie Fisk, Mrs. Austin Fniser, Tlionias Hall, Miss Funny Jmld, Mrs Lafrenaye, Mrs .. Linilsay, Miss — $ ( 1 00 Parker, Miss 2 0(1 Tiunhs, Rev. R. 1 (10 Tiivlor, Miss .Jessie.... 1 (10 Wiiitehead.Wni., Ksq L' 01 ' 20 OO' Total --. — '_" r -:~;^n:u_=" 4J 5:2 ST? - rn 11 -n-2 <; m s c. S e. r> 00 ') 00 ;;o 00 :!o 00 1 00 1 (!0 ;;o 00 10 00 §100 00 $ 70 00 Richmond and Melbourne.— Rev. James Hephurn. 2nd Report. NAMES. Amount subscribed. Amount paid. Brought forward from last report. Aylmer, Col ■•• Lyster, Pliilip Siitliorland, J. C Swanborough, A S c.| 4r)9 00 Total. 110 00 ]0 00 .') 00 5 00 ;'.. 00 >; 150 (10 •"J ];',.") 00 Waterville.— Rev. E. A. W. King. NAMES. Waterville Congregation. North Hatley ' ' Eustis " Amount paid. Total . $ c. 8 00 3 00 •t 00 $ l;i 00 245 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission ¥ mid.— Cuntinued. SiiEiiURooKE.— Rev. Canon Tuorneloe. 2nd Report. ii.; NAJIKS I5n)ii,i;iit fdiward from] lii.st, rcpdi ' Aslio, Mis. IJall, -Mrs IJeiuiett^, Miss A 15niui, Ml ]?()\veii, Mr. (1). bottom, Mi'rf.. . Kil<:cll, Mrs Kdncy. Mr Farwc'll, Wm Fletcher, Mrs Frienil. A Friend. A Hale, Miss Ilaiiiel, Mrs lleiieker, II. AV Ifiillimd, Ml lldllaihi, Mi.-s.... I Flint, Mrs. W. J Hunt, .Mrs liaw reiiee, Mrs. H. D.i LawreiK'p, .Mrs. K. ' F.iOU,i;heed, Mrs liOinaw, A. Ci Ijonias, Mrs liVster. .Mr. .Tames Maedoiialii, Mrs... Martin, Mrs. G. R .Merchant, .Mrs NAMES. 0(1 Morkill, .Mrs. James.. (i(i,:Nutter, Mrs. C. H (lO|,Odell,Mrs ...iiOdell, Miss O0![Plant, Miss OdjjPrice, .lames (Ij Price, Mrs. W 0()|Ridout, Mia 0(l|Rul)ins, Mrs. R. X 0(1, Robinson, Mrs ()0;,Short, MLss OOJStokes, Mr. .John OO'Strickiand, Mrs ('0[|Symines, Mrs 7.)i|Tt mple, Mrs OOijThompson, Mrs. F. C. 0(i: Walsh, Mrs , OOlWigjrett, J. A 0(i!|Wif,'j;ett. Mr.s. AV. H.. 0(i;|WiFco.\-, Mrs Wilson, John 0(ij|Wi liter, Alexander oO;|\Vinter, Miss Wood, Mnjor Worthington, Mrs. A, OOJ! N Small sums Total C TO S c. '2 0(1 1 00 .5 0(1 2 0(1 10 00 1 00 50 .JO 1 00 50 10 00 1 00 2 00 5 00 50 1 00 5 00 2 00 15 00 2 00 2 70 !i!il727 45 a . S c. 2 00 1 00 5 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 2 00 5 00 50 1 00 5 00 2 00 15 00 2 00 2 70 S1416 45 r Ml ..;- 11 246 Bishops Williams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continued. Brompton. — Rev. J. C. Cox. NAMES. Brought forward from last R('i)ort Addison, W. .1 Addison, .John Addison, Mrs. G Knapp, David Knapp, Mrs. David..., Knapp, Mrs. A. II Knapp, Myrtle B... Riches, Mrs. Wm ^'V, V ;■)!) 00 ;? 00 ] 00 ;'. 00 1 00 50 ■^ a . C" ac- 11 < s V. 25 00 M 110 .1 no 1 00 :} liO 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 NAMES. Riciu's, Miss Lillic Titus, R Variicy, Mr. & Mrs, E, \'ai'iii'y, Liila Ward,"!. D Ward, W. H Ward, George L Total 2 S 8 06 25 .> < I I .) 2 "3 £3 p4 C. 50 00 00 25 ;i 00 ;i 00 2 00 $5:5 Windsor. Brought forward from last year Allen, Miss Briggs, Mr. A. A Brooks, Robert. Cox, Rev. J. C.(lat).. Grant, J. C Jameson, R. S. (1st)... Lockston, Geo. (1st) . C.I 58 (»0 2 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 § C.;| I Knapp, N. A. (1st) I McLean, H. (Is)t ?, on McLean, A. (1st) 2 (10 .Morev, Walter, (1st)... 5 (lO.Kichc.-:, Beiij 2 00 Rose, .loseph, (1st).. .. 6 oo; Stevens, Gardner, (2dj 2 00 Wiieeler, E. I 00 75 1 00 I 00 S c. 1 00 4 00 1 :■.;{ 2 00 1 00 .[ (10 :•. 00 1 00 Total .S 71 00 S .-iO OS Tape Cove and Perce.— Hey. W. G. Lyster. NAMES. Amount sid)scril)ed. Amount brought forward from last year. Baker, Mr. James, (2ad) Baker, Mr. John Lyster, Rev, W. G., (2ud) Tuzo, Elia-, (Perce), (2nd) Total ,> c. ;;0M 25 ;5 00 Amount paid. S c. 211 75 ;',;! 00 25 00 10 00 4 00 $28.'5 75 247 Bishop Williams' Homorial Mission Fund. — Continued. Gaspk Baslx.— Rev. J. P. RTnu^roND. NAMKS. sr. — m Auiiott, Win., Aiiru'tt, W. (r AniK'tt, Joliii J Aiiiictt, ]i. K Aiiiictt, Felix Anin'tt. Ricli.inl l?ovlo, Arthur Olarkr. David (Jolliii, ("liai'li'S. (^odiii, .loim. (li. ('.).. Collin, Ahraliam.. ('(iflin, .Jolm (Joilia. AhiuM' ('olliii, McGrcKitr Oofiiii, i)<'iii;imiii CoHiii, Ivfuhoii (.'olhirf, A. 1-: 1 01) 2 (1(1 00 00 00 00 00 •■) 00 ;■) 00 ;; 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 1 ooj ;! 00 2 00 10 00' NAMES. (10 oo' 00 00 00 00 00 00 l... 2 00 1 oo| 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 Daviji, Jolm Frimi.l, A Le Gros P. E .Marquanil, Mr. Le Millfr, R. D MiiUcii, John I'attorsou, Ijaiiglin.... Patterson, Joseph [Patterson, Peter |Richmoiul. Rev. J. P, .Suililard, iSamuel ISuddard, Walter , |Tripp, Joseph, sr Tripp, Joseph, jr Total. 0) o o < 8 c. a . Paspebiac and New Carlisle. — Rev. E. B. Husband. NAMES. Bisson, Mrs.. iVisson, Daniel liossy, John Bouillon, E. A Clemont, .Fohn Fanvel, Wni. L. B... Ilanunon. W Husband, Rev. E. B. lluHliand. Mrs Johnston, .Mrs Komjill'er, W. Ij Le Biocq, J -o I - o r s c. 1 00 I 00 I 00 ■i 00 b 00 10 00 .5 00 f) 00, 10 OOi OOi 00 00 1 53 3 c, < s NAMES. I OOjLe Gallais, Edmund ., 1 0()||Muriay, Mrs. B 1 OOjJNewnian. Henry.. .... 3 00 Robin, Collas ic Co... oo'iRomeril, Geo Ronieril, E. R R.iy, Oswald Sheppard, Wni Melntyre 10 0(1 f) 00 25 00 10 1 .■J 00 I 00 1 00 <-^ Total. 3 00 00 1 00 20 00 10 00 1 00 ] 00 5 00 50 $112 50 -r-j 5 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 50 $112 50 t il ill: I V IB' 248 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Fund. — Continued. Peninsula and Little G-ASPi;. — TIev. H. A. Brooke. NAMKS. PeniusuUi. Annett, Louis Annett, Joiin Annett, 0. T Annett, P]d Annett, Henry Annett, Fred.'. Aseah, (Jcorge Ascab, Alex, Ascab, Ed Ascab, Anj^us Ascali, E. y Ascab, Ricb Ascali, Fred Ascab, Jobn Ascab, Henry Ascali, Amassa Ascab, Cbas Ascab, Jobn Ascab, Wni. J Ascab, G ... Ascab, Wm. U Ascab, Ciipt. Jobn. Ascab, Jobn Neil... Ascah, Robert Ascab, Lewis Ascah, Alpb(!ug Brooke, Rev. H. A.. Brooke, Miss Bayne, Rev. N. M... Coffin, Lutlior Coffin, Ed %.. Coffin, Geo Coffin, Philip Coffin, Felix Lemesiirier, Peter Lemesurier, Alfred .... Lemcsurier, Hemy.. .. Miller, Jobn Miller, Wm Miller, James Miller, Felix Miller, Ed Miller, Wm. J Miller, Richard Miller, Walter .Miller, Wyndbam Miller, Wilbert Miller, Geo- Walter.,.. S e. 2 (HI (III -';) NAMES. Amount .subscribed. Amount paid . Miller. Vrtbur $ c. 2 (10 1 (10 1 00 S c. Miller. Fred C 2 ,^0 Miillin Robert Mulliii Pliilii) 1 00 Mulliii, Alfivd Mullii), Ijt'njamiii 1 (10 2 00 t 00 2 00 1 (10 I 00 1 00 I'iiillips, (Mia.-! Scliilliiij^, Tlieresa West, AVilliam 2 (10 I (10 I 00 Little Gaspe. llartlett, Chas Dolbell, Alfred H (iavey, Abraham (Javey, jinuii'l Giivcy. Klias fia\ey, Joseph L'.'lGavey, Isabella... 1 iM.ij Jolnistoii; John... Luca.s, Elias 1 0(1 LeMotte, Oliver. . .'» 01' IjeFevie, Francis ;; 00 i'itoii, -lobn Price, Freil . Price, Kolit., jiir Price. Thos. Jl jPri(,'e, l{obt., sen .Prii'c. James iRoberts, riaimiel |i-!olierts', Ale.v Ivdbert:?, Robert l!o!ierts, Joiin. Jiir Roberts, Daniel I'obert-i, 'riioinas, siir. IRoberts, Clement |liobert.>^, Thomas, jiir. jRobert.':, Wm ■lioberts, Josci>h jRoberts, TIkjiiuis iRoberts, Juiin, snr Tope, Roger Viberl, Francis West. John 00! 00 (10 00 0(1 (1(1 (1(1 00 00 •)0 7:> 1:> 00 00' (I0| oo! ool 0(l| (I0| (III :>()\ (10 00 2.') I 2.> .M.| oo; oo! 00! .-id I .•)0i 00 1 00 00 (III on 00 (III 00 .•)(i ,")0 7i> 00 00 .•)0 00 (III 50 (1(1 (1 ,)ll 1 0(1 2.> 'I!) :a) 1 (10 1 00 ;;o ;")(! oO Total Sl'JJ 80 §110 -10 249 Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Inmd. — Continued. Sandy Beach.— Rev. G. P. Harding. NAMES. o'F: -^-i .1. Hi < Jlrou;,'lit forward from lust yeiir AU'Xiuuler, H Alexaiiiler, Williuin... Alexiiiidor, Mrs AlexfiiHler, Miss Aloxaiider, I'lius AU'Xiiiidt 1', Miss I'] Aloxdiidor, IMiilip Asciil), (li'O (jfU'ter, Mrs. Cuimuiii.ij;, .Alex (Juinniiu^', Mrs. J Donovan, (• Donovan, H Gait, Jas % 92 1! (I I) (t (I (III NAMES. Gallicban, John. Ilat'kett. ('co \lfred . .")Oj|llarhonf, r)(l||llarl)nur, lhul)our, j(l. llai'diiiif, llardin'x, Mrs. A Fri'd Uev. G. P. Mis liC llmiuct, ,Tolin . 1 (Kl'j.McKca, Alex .)OjjMiillin, AltiLM-t ... .')(! Suddanl, Kdward. 2,-.i'Sii ()( ■\ (i( 8 (i( 1 (M ;'. 0( M I (i( I h( 1 (i( I (i( ;! (i( ;i uo S P. I 1 (I I I >> \ '.'0 I (I XAMES. I McKenzio Miss McKen/.ii', K Uoss, Andrew Sullivan, .loliii Sweetmaii, .Mrs .... Sweetnuui, Mis. F fi'A.NSI': .MX (lASfO.NS. lAcleson, P Acleson, T JAeteSfMl. W jAliiei, 1','uiMiind 'Ciiedore, .). Adam .... IGhedore, J. T (Ijuddre, .f. W Ciiedore, P Chedore, T (Miedore. \\ . P Ciiedore, .J.. I Cru/.ier, .1 Dugnav, .1. Adam .. . LeKem re, A lieiMai(|uanil, lllias... Le.Mai(|uand, V,. P.... Roliiii, Collas k Co... Tardil, R Total e. Ill (10 (10 (Id ■A) MS (Id (Id 7.') 7.") (Id 7.'> 6d (Id 7ri (Id dd (Id .jd (Id (Id SUfi 00 3 n 0-2 $ 2.'. d 2, 1 dd 2 dd I 0(1 2,'> I 00 1 .'lO (I .')() 2 (Id 1 (10 d 2;') 2;') d .'>() 2.^ ;■)(! 2 00 1 00 2 dd .t 00 2 .")d ;'. d(t :, od S HI 25 m 251 Bishop Williams' Momoriul Mi.ssioii ¥ mid.— Continued. SUMMAKY TO DATE, March, 1894. SOURCKS. IV\TI!A-I*AII()(III.\I, • — Till.' I, Old l!i-ll(i|) ol' (^)llcliFC. Tlio \'l'ii Ai'f'liilciicmi lldc... Tin- l!cv. i)r Moiiniiiiii | Kiii,Maii(l I'.T II. ill. !•;. J. l'li,;o l^lKliKC ClTV : — Till" CiitluMlial Si. .M.iltlicw's St. Micliiii'l's St. I'liiil's St. PcIlt's St. Mary's, .Montmort'iicy (!lllllll ilcllllTd' A;^suc Mi;(i.\NTir DisTiMCT is'.i:; a (I iJoiiri,' Louis, J''r;i!iii)t()ii, Inverness', Let'ils, liovis, New Livcriuiol, Xicolc .. liOuiscviUc iV)rtii('ur, iH'.i;;..... Iiivit'rc (111 Loiij), '' St. Sylvi'sicr, " .... Valcartier, " St. FiiANcis I»istui(;t: — Iiisli()i»'s Cul!i'i:e, i.cii- no.willc Acton Agues 15iU'f'oi'(l liariislon, is!i;; Cuatirook Conipton (^()ol ;;, I'.iH 00 7,7S() 7."> 11,111 so ■100 7.') L'(l,» 00 Km 00 l.'iO 00 no no :)() 7;') ;;l'| 00 177 00 2S .'((I 120 00 170 00 !■! so so 00 no 7i) 7 00 i:!0 00 (it aO L"J 00 21(i 00 10 00 100 00 ;)2 40 ;■,(;(■. o(» .)i;! 00 4:i 2.j 72 I.-. ior> 00 6 00 .'ia 00 ;!02 85 Amount piiiii. s c. ;;.">:! :;( 100 00 200 00 To bo coUoi'teil. S c. uk; i 2,ti7(; 00 7. CIO 7.''. ii,;;i2 HO ;i;M 75 210 00 1 1 5 00 150 00 (iO 50 :;is lot 2H 120 120 4t 15 SO 7 f)0 75 00 no 50 00 0(1 so (10 00 00 8() 07 20 00 2!) 00 111 00 10 00 50 00 ■M) yo l:tl 00 141 I'.t 41 25 14 15 (iO 00 (i 00 53 00 257 35 I Total re<'i'i|its frum Districts. ^ S22 00 140 00 102 00 ilii 00 55 00 52 00 n 00 7;! 00 ")0 00 ;;5 00 in 75 44 50 1(15 00 50 00 15 50 175 00 271 nn >> 00 5S 00 45 00 45 50 8,902 23 22,439 30 'J78 05 uti f;li' B<1« Mi m f Bi * Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Vnnd.— Continued. SUMMARY TO DATE, April 1st. 1804. SOURCK>S. Sr. Fkascis DiHTuicT. — C'oiiliniifd. Ma^og Xewport. is'.i;; Riclinioiid and .Mt'll)Oiiiiio Slieilirooki' WiitiTvitle AViiulsur and Hroniptoii .. (JaSI'K DlSTItK'T : — Cape Cove and Pcrcu (ifisito J^asin Malhaii', ISiC! Paspcbiac and Now Car- lisle Peninsnla and IJttle Gaspe Sandy Heacli Slii.i;a\vake ; Maj^dalen Islands Total Amount subscribed. AinonnI paid. To he ] collecf,ed. KM) 110 2.') .'),') ■t.^!» (id 1.7-'7 1,-) li') (t(l Us 76 ;{3;i 2/) <.))> DO 71 .^o 112 .JO lit;-. .SO y;; :,i) 81 00 140 00 7fi 00 12 h:> ]:;:> oo 1,11(1 1.) l.'i 00 '.t2 a;; 2s:; 7a :!s 00 71 ."iO 112 :>» 110 10 I .•i2 7.^ ! si 00 I SI 2.1 c. :!ii 00 1.-! 00 .■!2l (to :!ll 00 Total ■eeei|itH from Districts. S c. M 42 40 ,'.0 :,H 00 8.') 10 (iO 7.') 2,s,VI 9!) (II 7.') I S;!y..vis CI : ,$;{(;,oi<,i ;{2 .'^ ;i,4ii'j :!2 sii ir, ;j(!,oi!) ;i2 hr A. J. Balfour, Secretary. i I liercby certify that tlie sum wliich has np to date been deposited in the Union Bank of Canada, to the credit of the Bishop Williams' Memorial Mission Fund, inclusive of interest, is thirty-six thousand four hundred and twelve dollars and seventy- two cents. Quebec, March 30, 1804. J. Gr. BiLLETT, Treasurer. II' Ki 253 RkPOUT OV TIIK CoUnKSl'ONDINO COMMITTEK OF THK DOMESTIC AND FotlKKlN MlS- flioNAnv SociKTY or TIIK Ciiuucii (IF KN(ir,.\M) IN Canada, koh tiik vkaii ENIMNt! .'ilST JlI.V ISiC!. Tlie coiitriliiitioiid towanlji Missiourf diiriiijj tlie year cii .dl :i|.^t July IsiC iiinoiiiit to $;i()S..t:i more tliiui tlioie of llic pic vion,>( your. T.'is will appear front tlic rollowiiitr tulilo : TAIlll.All STATKMKNT. Doimstif, I''()i'i'i<'ii ., Tot;ll |Si)2. § l(ili« in 22.01) HO ^ :ii)r)8 74 ISO.I. 5! 1!t<:) 01 2;i02 111 S i;!27 2:? rricrensp. S 2:i« 10 •; lio, 111 Till' i^iiiii siiows itsi'ir I'hiuliy in tlie coiitrihiitidiis to Donn'stir ^^i,ssiond, thoiiy,'li till! K()n'ii,'ii Kiiml Ins iilsoinailc some advaiict-. Wliilc inakiiijj tliig uniioiiiu'oincnt tlio ('oiiiiuitti'o must ajxaiii urn'.\puelie Moosoiiee Atlialiaska .Mackenzie River... New Westminster. is- 12. l8i»;-i. In crease. Decrease. S 70S 21 i J 24 2ti 8 747 00 CM ::>' 27:. H J 0.3 50"" .") (10 ."> 0(1 5 on 24 0(1 (i."i 2,") .§ ;!.s 711 11)0 12 2.Ht 47 .S 8 ')« 20 r)0 100 (10 1 -M) 00 p.rso"" 20 .■)() 2.') 00 ;!."■ 00 :to 00 j 2.. 00 I 11 ;')0 12 fill" (;."■ 2,". 20 00 3ir.it8 01 >;ii)3."> 1 1? .'uo 10 104 0() S 104 (Hi Decrease. 1 8 2:'.o 10 Xet increase. While on tile wliole the year's results are encoiirai^inj;, still it is a matter of re.u'iet thiit more has not been done for the aid of the. N'. \V. Dioce.«es, whoso jiressiiiij; claims and whose ^rowinfj importance, already recognized, have hccii so evidently hronght home to lis ijy the recent happy union of the Church throiighout the Dominion. The Committee have pleasure in recording;' the success of the work of the Woman's Auxiliary for the year ending .May IS'j:), and they desire to draw attention to the report of part of this work which is ajjpended. (page 2()1) Quebec, ;iOth December, lS9:i. A. H. QUEBEC. GKOIUiK LaMI'SON, Acting Sec'y Treasurer, I? !| I* ■ ]^ D> 254 DIOCESE Domestic and Ftjroign Missionary Ccnnmittoo in account with Expenses Forwaf ied to (k-iieral Treasurer : — 1SI)2. •24tli October S 120 00 S U 7:> is9;i. 2n(l March, Voucher 10 00 nth •' " ]0L'2 12 Lotli " " 10 00 20tii " '• '. f) ;;o nth Mav. " 5 00 2(Hh Jul'v, " .jSl) ,Vl With yearly statement J3ala:a",' un hand, including §;):;. .")() interest to 1st Aug. Is'J." sKiil !t2 2. ".(if) :'.! 195 !t7 84r)."4 ;»5 Examined and louud correct, Qii'.''.ec, olst August 131:J. C. Judui:, Auditor. 255 OF.QUEBEC. Acting Secretaiy-Treasurcr, for year ending 31st .Inly 18015. FonEKix Missions. S. P. G. :- Ccneral puniosi'S iMissSliciiock, .Inpaii Dioc. W'3Aux..!i;7o 00 •■■ Smith " " 75 00 For last year " " •' "" $ $ c.j $ c, $ c. 798 30 155 00' Hishop'^ work ill Coroa, Quebec Catliedral Yoiinu- Ws Uilile ("lass St. Paul'riCoi. ,Madai;ascar, B's Col., Len- nox ville. Zenana, Dice. ^V's Aux S.P.(M<. General piiriioses, Levis, AV's Aux,. Church Mitsion. Society, (Juebec, Trinity... '' " Itaihioi' Forges Wycliffe Japan Fund, Quel)er. Trinity Uinippiopriated. Quebec, St. Michael's Jews, Parochial .Mi-sion do Londt)!! do DOMKSTIC MiS.SION.S. General purposes, out ot which i^iiAo for In- dian Homes AlK'cinia (General Fund f l)isiioi)'s Special Fund Slii.end '250 00 •' •• tVoni I). W's. Aux....' 50 00 27 00| 41 87 290 20 108S .50 u 00 5 00 _^'^" 10 ooi ...'.'.'.. 15 00 102212 2140 62' ,231 55 I ! 20 02 251 57 23i>2 19: 747 00 i (11 l^-T-' 2 S.5. 5 58 102 30! 300 00 ; 12 00 25 00 Shinowaiik Home, St. Peter's. Quel). Kev.'A..I. Voun^r, N. Bay, D. Ws. A <;t- ^ ^Mission debt, Dioc. Ws Aux i ' 75 o Q r.c^o .-^s Algonia W. and O. Fimd | ^ '■'-^ "0 Rupert's Land : — Dioc. Ws. Aux " '' St. Piiul's School Quebec, St. Jlatthew's, for Sioux Indians... Caljiary, Dioc, Ws Aux., child, Piegau lie- serve, of wiiich .'i<.'iOtr()m Catliedral. •' Dioc, Ws. Aux,, Indian Homes, I'lcuan Ueserve " Dioc.' W's. Aux., Uev. F, Swainson,! Piegan Reserve ; '•■ t^Hiebcc, St. Matiiiew's. Ws Aux.j ; \ I Sehool,Ka c3 a; t. ro ^ '-I :q d d ^ 1-5 Pi ci r/J o 5 . CS Ph KW a o CO o a; Cs3 o UH 01 if. =. ■r .2 •y> c X' ^ ,- 1^ •/J X' ,■>"-' 'r 'L' '"' o S .= i~ ?j Cf. M .-t '-. ;= CO — -•< :5i§' ic O Tf 'O r- CC — I — CI =3 "^ C) O c-j CO — o •= ct -r — e-) t c e'^ o 'C S r - ' c T - i: - 2 "* "* 1-5 ^ r/;-= i:-H.c.S-§ iO :o .7,0 d o <; <5 S3 C3 O rt > »a Cm o o'^ S <= o o 257 B o •Jl o a o -^ t: f/} o 8 o ^72 U CJ . • riO ?: c o a o a o ,o ■73 S m tt 0) • o >-5 o o o OX! u r! O ■fl r> >~> 03 TS :3 r/1 5 rt 7 J rfl H o y o o o ^Hh 03 C^ t> Cm 0) g a c; o -*-» o rs O M rn •*-» i^ ^ rH -f" <•/> OJ m CJ r) '5b ^ > s -a • !> D2 Rev. Priucip. Adams, D.C.L. Rev. A. G. Scarth. Rev. I. M. Thompson. Rev. J. Ball. a oi H r— « • a >-i 3 &, a > pj Eh 1 6 2 CO . i i 10 >— to O' OS : CO . -¥ ^ \n '• CO r^ r-i ; : . CO ; : iTj : : 5^ 1— ; CO • : « : *^ • e^ : =^ Mission to the Jews. ,: CO -^ — nr r-l ; in -t : : <> » » : : » • : ■ CO bD C ■ 1-1 J__ XT. c CO S 5 1 c ■-^ -T 00 OS • cc — : 1- c^ 'c «o 1— 1 : c-i — ■ : e^ (M —1 U^ ~ : : rH a; ^ : ; iCl -*• — : : »^ 1^ cc M . . c- -4 1^ iM • : — •^ i OS : i-H . C ; I— « 3 • • ! 1 in » n 5 < !; ■fc 3 g »— 1 a; c a rn s 3 c B 3 . 5 : u . • • 2 •;! 2 ^^ 3 3*^ 3 c3 : a. ~n ~ S w 03 5 ^* 'A- > -^ 3 a 3 i ri ' 1 'f : \ c .' • c •r :' a IS ^ ^ b b : * •- : '• !• ■ • a : '-^ ■ — ' ; -^ "EN Jli c; a. .1' c c I 'c rn c '3 "^ 1^ O! 3 |j a; 1 bob ^^-^ u 3 ai ^ 259 il q C3 • 1 • J •c 0) 33 €& - . d cj c 73 5 c: o ■t ^^w -^ a - a)i^.3/vj^ .3 J;d tn a -^ '^ ^ ti-- o (K <1 2 o H H 6 o c c c Algoma, 1.70, and . c CM <*( ■ '^ . ^ ■ - • J • . cj o r- csC3 Wk^ f- oci^o-^o^^wC =i c ^ r ^ > (-* > ._' --^ t* .* »* ^* ..' t^' . > > t. t- > o) 0) a OJi^cJiJOi^o^aj aj t « 0. c -s a - 22 o^d tf« c ci > Csi Ci ci ci ci £:; 2i rv-* tf c; ^ /v* ci .= MS .§<=: w^ lo o : CI 1^ 05 -c 00 o Ci m CO : (M • IM \f ' C;_ I 1-1 CO o r-«D--S COCOl^cCCOtC : ■-= : C C '• be • r ■s "" . M >o o ! t^ 50 ^•: 35 iM n 5-) c>i i.- ■ ^w o: t^ £: — .^.^« ; M> c-^ ^- ^ 'O IC CO '-' -^ CM : ="' : J c ^ r-< CO O ! ^- '^ o '"' • * • : : • « * « : + : : : * * : 1 O "* irt • -J • O -f (>) CO : 'o : • ■ ^ ■* cc C: " r- : O CS o o : : o : : iCi ^^ *. ^ 1 CO «■ — •N : : -n" «o N I- o c = 00 o o ^^ • VdlM ■* o CO o to O ic h. O N o e iM M _ ^ t- -r CI l~- CO ^ffV* CO . I— (M (M —1 lO r- o SS ^ CO CO r^ — * OS -t S-1 — • r-^ JC .- ^— 1< CO o ^ , J -Q ^ , • ■■■•*■•■ . c-^^ ; I cs 3cq hS bc§ ^-1 i — - _ W^'fe £>*4 to »_i ^■-t>* : ; ... P !^ , <; -4- : ^5 T O -t IM — "^ t>- CO 1^ 'C O O O Ci • "O X o CO Cf ■ 1-5 ir C-T •— ct 3j S urj i-> -^ c c; — iMCOOCrOOQO : = 'C CO o ?: o i-~ l^ 3- c- lO a: to • ro i-J 1-4 CO ^ <-H 1-1 T- ^ CC CO r- rH i— • 'f5 ■^ l-H ■y. "". - • , ..•••.... . S^ £^2 ce^^ ■ i^^^o = ^'^i^s <3 .5 « -2 'c:^«'S C" -C" 3 =< » .*- >, e w. cS -rl c t a, $6.75, ai and Sioux 5. 1 *- d 3.:i ; c fffl : CJ > ) • 1 . « • c ■ c i r/ c 1 ti: 1 1 ; c i 1 A 1 C 0. and Paspe e\v Liverpoo' " a. ~ C , 1.* ) c 'A 5 -: a 0- o 0) 0) 4/ "C ' ) 333333. C; < > *• o >.^ ■ o ' 9 '-£ .£3 c 'A : O = > ^ ;S? ;^ i >-" U- < o-c >'C s^cc J-C i^'C^a ifiihJta a 2 M c/ 1 i 260 15 li; O P o pq ui o o pq H O P n a 'A o H o o d to o 13 o m C 5g 03 O o . o o5 o boS .• . a< !S M "^ o o) a. !- 03 CiCi Ci — ^ Sec wS d o m u S CO CO .-: 35 IM .- = O: lO i_-5 CI 1~ IM iH in £ o X = i-H CC ■M ~ 'O «0 .o to p tri •+ O 0*5 1— ' «c o o CO O" 33 •-: rn .2 ^" S^-u, V^ aj I' i1 • „'--;« = r-v? E-.S = 5^ . d £ -^ t- o S E_, a> __ •— o a* ^fi oz: o X d ^ li '--•'-' c- ■— ^ a; ►** u ?• ci --ll 7! 3 1^ o c3 in ](A(y o ca o a • hasca ich, Z s H J i >', t>^ ■ti^ n o < CO . t^ tn O 4) ri '=. J *4-> o « h.^ o i-s 2 -T* W o K „^ O i *-3 M rn '— ' d '"^ w ■-a> O ',. ►> fiO V. 73 o o O :o 'B — m CJ " m >, O !- &. o3 - to 1= O ~T -^ d d «S O *; C3 4) C3 o — ; ^ '— '^'.2 rn ^ g .0 :3 u d o d ■ ej •d a "s Oj M H O Q O CI CO 3 a> lU 3 O" 1261 THE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY TO TIIK DOMESTIC AND FOUEKJN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Annual Report of the Woman's Auxiliary, for the year ending May 1898, contains the ibllowing information and record of its growth: — Seven new Branches ha\'e been organized, making twenty-seven Senior Jki^nches. two sub-divisions, and six Junior Branches. The education of the daughter of the Rev. A. Allman, Diocese of Aliroma, has been continued. The sums of $100 for the Lady Missionary at St. Paul's Industrial School for Indians, Diocese of Kupert's Land, and $50 for the I'iegan Reserve Home were paid, as promised. Quebec's share in the expenses of Miss Sherlock, our Canadian Medical Missionary to Japan, which amounted to $150, was also contributed. The l{ev. E. AVilson's Indian Homes received a fair share of assistance, and $41.87 were sent to the Zenana Missions. Money has been sent in varying sums to Algoma. Atha- baska, (.^u'Appelh% Moosonee, McKenzie River, Saskatche- wan, (Calgary and Rupert's Land. The sum of $351.36 was contributed to the Memorial of our beloved and revered Bishop. With this amount we were enabled to procure three sets of Altar Vessels, which were sent to the Bishop of McKenzie River for use in his Diocese. $157 were collected for the Bishop of Algoma's travelling expenses ; and $75.50 for Algoma's Mission Debt. The total sum raised was $2,208.03. Those parishes in this Diocese which have not formed a Branch of the AVoman's Auxiliary are earnestly invited to do so at an early date. For further information, address the Diocesan Corres- ponding Secretary, Miss L. H. Montizambert, 22 Mount Carmel street, Quebec, Edith Carter, Dio. Rec. Sec. Quebec, January 12th, 1894. I 262 DORCAS REPORT. -QUEBEC BRANCH. Branch. BAIiES, ETC. MlHHIO.VAUY. DiOCKHK. I i lU \^- m lio\irsh Home Alj^onui. I'areei not eompli'ted i'ilkliorn Indian School Rupert's Laud. Parcel not completed Parcel not compl<'t('d Outfit for liniian ij;ir! In i'ie- K'an Home. ('algary. Rev. I). .McDonald Saskatchewan. Parcel not completed.. i'arcel not completed Wawaiioih lloim' Algoma. Vear'.^ outlit for Caroline Anthotiy . " St. Paul'.s Industrial School.. Rupert's Laud. No report Mrs. Pinkham Snskatchowan. Mlkhorn Indian Seiiool Ilnpert's Land. R'>v. J. Settee Sa-;k!itche\Vii.n. Ui'v Alfred Coolv Rupert's Land. Rev. (JilbiM't Cook. .. Manitoba Lake. Mr.-;. Pinkham Saskatcliewau. Rev. Malcolm Scott Rev. W. A. Rnrman Rupert's Land. Mrs. (Lisdale " Rev. Malcolm Scott Sa.skatcliewau. Rev. Owen Owens Qu Appelle. Kiklioni Indian Si'hool Rupert's liandT Rev. F. Swainsiiii, lljooii Re-!crve. Calgary. Indian Home.-;. Sauit.'^t. .Marii-.Algoma. Rev. II. O. Stocken, Sarcee Reserve, (Jalgaiy. Rev. J. II MeLeod Algotua. Rev. .1. H. McLeod '•• Rev. F. Frost " \Vawano-;h ILuue " Rev. Anio: ( iieen spoil d Xewfoundlaud. Rev. W. A. l')urman Rupert's Land. Parcel not comj»leted Shing\\anlc Home .Mgonia. Parcel not comj)leted Rev. ,]. HiuijheliU'e Calgary. WURTELE, Dorcas Secretary, Q. D. W. A. 263 REPORT OF CHURCH HELPERS' ASSOCIATION. 1"^ The third annual meeting of the Association of Church Helpers was held in the Church Hall, on Wednesday, January 17th, at 2.30 p.m. There were 45 members present. The President opened the meeting; with prayer, and after the usual routine, the following- resolution was moved by Mrs, liichardson, seconded by Miss Edwards, — That the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer be adopted, and that they be printed in The Mornini: Chronkle, the same Church papers as last year, also in the Dhceaan Gazette. — Carried. Moved by Mrs. Carter, seconded by Mrs. Forsyth, — That the members of the Association of Church Helpers desire to place on record their sense of the loss they have sustained in the death ol Mrs. Edwin Jones, a Vice-President of the Association since its formation, an attendant at the meetings, and at all times a ready helper. The members of the Association further desire to convey to Mr. Edwin Jones and family, their sincere sympathy in their bereave- ment. — Carried unanimously, all standing. The following oflicers were then elected for the ensuing year : — Patron — The Lord Bishop. Honorary President — Mrs Dann. President — Mrs. Colin Sewell. Vice-Presidents— Mrs. Blanchet, C^athedral ; Mrs. Carter, St. Matthew's ; Mrs. Forsvth, St. Michael's ; Miss Edwards, St. Paul's ; Mrs. Morgan, St. Peter's ; Mrs. Wallace. Trinity. Secretary— Mrs. P. Patterson Hall. Assistant Secretary — Miss E. Patton. Treasurer— Mrs. E. A. Hoare. Executive Committee— Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs. E. Sewell, Mrs Ainslie Young, Mrs. Winheld. Mrs. G. R. White, Miss Montizambert. Advisory Committee— Captain Carter, J. Hamilton, Esq., J. C. More, Esq. Auditor— J. A. Ready, Esq. The meeting then closed. Cakoline M. Hall, Secretary. 264 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF TlIK ASSOCIATION OF T'lIURCH HELPERS, — JANUARY, 181)4. II- SA The work oT this Associutioii has ^oiio on ([uictly and satisliictorily duriniif the past year, and \v»' sincerely Imst its iisei'ulness has been I'eh tliroumhoul llie Diocese, I'roui the (liferent missions, ol" which apju-als are constiiutiy coming' in, and also uratelul letlers are received by us. in acknowledgment oi' help which it is our privilet^'e to ••ive. "We number 1»0 members, 70 ot whom hold mit<'-boxes ; with regard to the latter, we reuret that the number of members who hold th-'m is not larger, and there i< also difficulty in collecting some of the boxes. These are called in three times a year, at oiu; Annual and two (leneral Meetings. As you are aware, our Association depends greatly upon this source lor funds to carry on its work, and, however small the amount put into each box, still every little helps. Two general meetings, one in May and one in October, ten Committees, and one special meeting have be*Mi held. "We regret very much having no representatJNc from Trinity Church at our Executive meetings. '[ wo members of that congregation have been ask«>d to lill ilie position, but have declined, and, therel'ore, this congregation has not been represented at our monthly Committee meetings. The collection for the Church Society was again under- taken by our members, and. for this past year, it has iallen oft slightly. AVe thiidv this is chielly owing to a special collection having been made during the yenr. i'or the Memorial Mission Fund ; and also, tlirouuh tlie deatli of some members of the Church Society, who have always contributed liberally to its funds. It is with much sorrow we record the death of four of ourmembeis :~ Mrs. E. A..Iones, on(»ofour Vice-Tresidents ; Mrs. Charles E. Levey, ]Mrs. i^arrow and Miss Harrii't Ste- venson, all of whom took a great interest in the work of our Association. Our Annual Fair was held on the 20th S<^pt(nnber, Their Excellencies the Governor-General, and Countess of Aber- deen honored it with their patronage. The result of the sale was most sati>iactory. Parcels of clothing, gilts of money, house linen, cutlery and furniture have been sent to ditferent clergymen, but applications have not been made so much for these, as for 265 Church furnishings, altar cloths, lair linen, stoles, etc. We wish to lako this opportunity of thanking- the auvnts of (lillercnt lines of sleamhoals for their kindness in deliverinjr parcels free of cliar^c, and also to the members of St. Matthew's (luild for the work done gratuitously by them. HEliEN 8EWELL, Cakot.ine M. Mall, President. JSecrelary. rh:pokt of executive committee. February — A set of fair linen to Rev. J. Rothera, Leeds. An altar cloth and dossal for mission of Hopetown. ]Mar('h — A carpet ior Church at Peninsula. April — A g-reen stole to Rev. W. J. Forsyth, two lanterns for Churcli at Way's Mills, set of Comm union vesst^ls for Church at Beattie's Settlement. May — At general meeting, renewal of grant of $60 to a clergyman for education of his children. $15 to Rev. J. Sutlii'rJand. for repairs on Church at St. Sylvester. $20 towards purchase of a bell for Church at Way's Mills. A casscck and surplice to Rev. J. Richmond, Gaspt'. Fifty dollars to the Clergy House of Rest, Cacouna. June— A set of solid silver altar vessels to Gaspe, that mission contributing $20 towards its purchase. A crystal iliiaon to Church at Fast Angus. An altar cloth to St. John's Church, Pury. Material for repairs of altar cloth, St. Sylvester. September — $10 towards repairs on Church at Bourg J^ouis. ^Material for curtains for mission house at Labrador. An arm chair, barrels of papers, toys for Christmas tree for same mission. Altar cloth for Churcli at L'Avenir. October — Set of plated altar vessels for the use of the missioiuiry travelling among the Magdalen Islands. $17 towards purchase of bell for Church at Fitch Bay. Lantern to same mission. A cassock and white stole to Rev. J. C. Cox. $20 towards expense of putting a furnace in Church at Stanhope. November — A pocket Communion set and fair linen for parish of Windsor Mills. At a special meeting, $20 were voted towards furnishing new mission Church at Hereford. Violet stole to Rev. W. .1. Forsyth. December— $10 towards purchase of carpet for Holy Trinity, Levis. 266 r b: .Tanuiiry — A cassock and surplice to lay reader in Rev. W. Adcock's parish, Fitch Hay. We wish to mention, tliat in most cases, whore grants havo been made to parish«'s for bells, or where altar cloths or altar vessels liave been i^iven, these parishes have been jjlad to C()ntri})ute a portion oi'the expense. IIkLEN SEWEMi, Caroline M. Hall, President. Secretarv- Dr. Trea8Uiier\s Account. Cr. HaliUK'c from 1S!)2 .?:'.".ii SL' (^nlli'ctidii at Anniiiil .Mccliiiij; <• •''■> Iiitoicst in .Siiviti;rs Rank, .Miiicli 1st, 12 C.J MiMiil.efs" F.M«s IS 1)1) ('oiiti'tits (>(' .Mitc-I5()X(".« IC.:! 0(i Proceeds of Aiitmiil .Sulc 2Tt) si DONATIONS. The \V\iho\) of (,)iK'hpc ssio Oi) Miss Ayjiies Mfowiie, Kufj- \iuv\: 1" oil " A Kiifiul'' .') Ill) Misses Pri.'e ;'. OH Monibeis of the Associa- tion 2 8.J Rev. (1. IIai'(iiti<(, towai'ils altar v('ss"is 20 OH Rev. .1. V Kiciinioiiil. to- wiinis altar vessels 20 00 Rev. .1. Rotliera, towards altar vessels '> on Rev. .r. Ball, towards altar vessels 5 00 .Mrs. Fuller, toward.s altar cloth .' T no ST S,^ Total «901 .^5 30th Dec, 1S9.'?, balance S24S 22 Rev. n. S. Fuller. Crant rtev. W. A. and Mis. Adcock.. Ilev. .1. Dehliaife.. Ilev. (Ji'i). Siitl.crlaiid Uer. (i 11. A. Murray Rev. V. II. IJrookes Ven. Archdeacon Uoe Rev. Isaac Tiioinpson Rev. W. A. Adcock, towards inirchase of litdl Clergy House of Rest, t'acouna Two setts of sterliiifr silver altar vessels Guild of 8t. .Matthew, formate- rials (Jlover k Fry, for felt Simons for linen llendery Hi lipslie, Montreal, three setts of altar vessels.... F. T. Thomas, tliice lanterns.. Expenses in connection with Annual Sale .lames Ferry, for ehiiir T. Xorris, j^lass fhiKons T. (Jummini^'s, ash-cases (,'. Kiihrinj^, serge for cassocks ami making same Paid the President for iiiiite- rials purchased Insurance, Kxpress, Freight and Postage lialance (iO 1)0 2.) 1)1) :'.() 00 1,-. DO 20 00 'i:> 00 20 00 10 00 17 Ot) .^0 00 100 00 10". so 20 00 20 1)0 •JS 00 s sr. 2(5 21 7 (10 2 :i:. 8 16 l.i •IS 4 so 10 (U) 218 22 $i»01 .o,-. A. M. HOARE, Treasurer. Examined and found correct. J. A. December SOth, 1893. Ready, Auditor. 2t)7 FOliMS OF BEQUESTS AND DEVISES BY WILL. I. A Bi'ijiieiit of a aum of money, or of Shares of Stork, or Pnb- lie Deben( urea, for the ii;enerat pnr/toses of the Sorlety. I g'ive and Ix'qnoiith to " The Cliurch Socit-ty oi'lho Dio- ccso of Quol)c'C," iiic()rporjit(»d by a Statuto of the Provinco ol' Canada, i);\.ss('d in the Iburtoonth and lil'leonth years of the Ueiun ol' Her Majesty, Quken Vr'Toima, chapter 171, the snni (or Shares ol' Stocks in th(^ Bank ol" standing' in my name in the Books ol' the said liank, or oi' Debentures, describe them biielly,) upon trust to be by the said (;hurch Society applied /() (ind for the N^ea atnt /itirpo'ies of the aaid Sorieti/, an specified in the sai// Art of htrorporation and none othei . II. A Brt/uesf of a sum of monei/, or of Shares of Stoc/c or Dehrntnres, for one or more of the specific purposes of llie Soeiet//. (Same as Ibrei^oing', only instead of the words in Italics say) towards the auiinientatioii of the Fund formed for the purpose of i)rovidiiiu' lor the future sui)port of the Clergy of the Diocese, called the Missicui Fund. Or, — Towards the supjiort of Missionaries and Clergymen of the Church of I'hiuland, in the Dioce ' f Quebec. Or, — Towards th(^ augmentation of ti.. Fund formed to make provision for those of the Clergy of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Quebec, who may be incapacitated by age or inlirmily, called the Tension Fund. Or, — Towards the augmentation of the Fund formed to make provision for the widows and orphans of the Clergy of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Quebec, called the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Or, — Towards the ajigmentation of the Fund for endow^- ing the Church in the Mission of (or at ) held by the said Church Society, subject to the conditions of a Deed of Trust passed between the said Church Society and the Incumbent and Church-Wardens of the Church in the said Mission (or at ) 2(18 Or, — As the commencement of an endowment for the Church of 8t in the IMission of (or at ) and to ])rovido for the future maintenance of divine worship in conformity with the principles of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Quebec. Or, — For and towards the encouraii'ement of education, and the support of day schools and rSunday-Schools in the said Diocese of Quebec, in conforniity with the principles of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Quebec. Or, — For and towards a Fund for assisting piM'sons pre- ])aring for the Ministry of the Gospel in the Church of England, in the Diocese of Quebec, within tlic said Diocese of Quebec. Or, — For and towards a Fund for circ.uhiting, in the said Diocese of Quebec, the Holy Scri[)tures, the IJook of Com- mon Prayer ol' the Church of b^ngland, in the Diocese of Quebec, and l)Ooks and Tracts ap))r()V(^d by the said Church Society for circulati(ni within the said Diocese of Quebec. Or, — As an aid towards the (>rcction, endowment and maintenance of Churches accordinu' to the principles of the Church of Enu'land, in the Diocese of Quebec, within the Diocese ^f Quebec. — the erection and maintenance of par- sonage-houses, — the selling a})art of l)iirial-urounds ajid church-yards, and the eiulowment and su[)port of parson- age:3 and rectories within the said Diocese. III. A Devise of Real Estate for the g^etiern/ purposes of the Societj/. I give and devise unto " the Church Society of the Dio- cese of Quebec," incorporated by a Statute of the Province ot Canada, passed in the fourteenth and lifieenth years of the Reign of Her Majesty, Qui<:kx VlOTOUi A, chapter 171, all and singular, &c.. (descn-ibe the real estate clearly) to have and to hold the s;ud, <&''., unto tln^ said Church So- ciety of the Diocese of Qu<'bec. and tht^'ir successors for ever ; upon trust to hold and api)ly the same, and the rents, issues and prolits thereof to and for the uses an I purposes of the said Church Societt/, as sjiecified in the said Act of Incorporation, and none other, and undei the jtrovisions (f the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the said Church Society. 269 IV. A Devise of Real Estate for any one or more of the spe- cific purposes oj the Society. Same as in No. 3-— only instead of the words in Italics insert the specidc purposes, as in No. 2. V. A Devise to the Society of a site for Church, Sfc Same as in No. 3, down to the words " for ever" — then go on as follows : — to the uses and upoti the trusts follow- injT^, that is to say: — upon the trusts to hold the same for' ever hereafter as and for the place and site of a Church and churcli-yard, and burial-ground, for the sole use and benefit of members of the Church residing in the place ad- jacent to the said site and premises within the said Diocese of Quebec, according to the doctrine and discipli?ie of the Church of England, in the Diocese of QuebcM^, and for no other purposes, and und«n- the provisions of the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the said Church Society. THE DEPOSITORY OK THE itt«!ta fo^ f roiiiolinj ^\\m\m %\\mUht, AT MISS WOOD'S, 8'J, ST. JOHjY street (within), (^ A constant supply of BIEiE^;, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS A. & iNl., and CHURCH SERVICES always on hand i:. every style of binding. Sunday School Library Books, Miscellaneous Pub- lications and Tracts sold at very reasonable ratos ; liberal discount to the Clergy. Some excellent blank n..^.^ in store. (^ Any of the books in the Catalogues of tho S. P. C. K. will be sent for if the orders be left at the Depository, or forwarded to the Secretary of the Society.