IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1^ ilM 1^ IlM !r m I.I 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ■* 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation \ 4^ ■17 ri(■:ll Sucii'ty. Rt'piiiitfd from Colli'itioin of C. C. II. S., A'o. 3. A U 1! i; R N, \. V. KNAl'l', I'F.CK >V IHO.MSON, HOOK AND |()ll I'KINTKRS. 1SS4. WALWORT ^ ~[ }«.igp-uA J T O I I'K K K ACK. The nlaii (if till' in'csiMit work is simihir to tliiit nf the h'lifhi ('lid fill i-< nf ('ii//iii/it llisliirii. issued in isy.t, as tlic first (if a sci'ics inti'tnli'd to include a eoiuplete aecduiit ol tlie uiissioiiar.' labors of tin' I'Vcieli .lesuit Kat.liers, in tlie several lro(|Uois eautciis, in the last half of tlie seventeenth century, it has the same distiiftive feature, in the use made of the Relations for the iinrposes of local historv, which lielon,tiS to the previous pulilieation. Thest' reeop'is of two eentui'ies auo, are allowed to tell their own storv of devotion and liei'oisin. while tliev also serve a most trustworthy jiuide to the re- searches of the anti(inai'ian, to|lo^■|■allher, and ioeal historian, as will lie seen in the notes to the translations in the t<'Xt, and the aecomiianyini;- map. The wi'iler woidd aeknowled,u'e his indehtediiess, as in the prei>aralion of the Ctiyu^a Chapters, to Dr. .lohn (iilmaiT Sliea, author of C'dl/mlir Mifv him. while the traiishition.-; that • • iIh- ImhIv of tin' w^>fk. w.MV -;iilimitt(Ml to his ciiivl'iil ivvisioii. It als(. -ivrs iiic plcasmv to diivrt alt.'iitiuii to tlic ,„.1cs .nutnlxitr.l l,\ < Icii. .Inlii, S. Chirk. ..f Aul. urn. over his own initials, !is..f spcrial value Th.-y aiv the result uf much study and n's<'arcli. aud s.. far as thc.v relate to Indian villa<^'t' sites, i)f repeatoi iiersunal inspection of the several localities, until entire satisfaction has Keen reached. It is hardly possible to aiiprcciatc the patient lalior insi-ired l.y the true historic spirit, recpiireil to attain accuracy in thisdepart- ineiil of study. AnuKN, N. v.. .Inly. ISM. C. II. IS <'iirciiil illll til llic ilini, (i\cr ' result of to Indian K' several lul. It is ■ed l.v the lis (lepart- ('. II. iiustiit ;i>Hi«.sinn.s ^5u'">i)) ll»'' «Si'iM'iii.s. Tilt.' earliest alteiii|il at missicin \vi>rk in \V. •stern New yiH-\< was that nf the I'Vaneisean Fatin'r .l(ise|pli ile i;i Koehe l>aillc>n, a /ealiMi< man who thoMLrh of hiuh I'aiik, helotiLrinii to the faniilv o|' the |)nl.'ard |preserve< the |'ollo\vin,ii letter of this elerL^vman addressed to a IVii'nd at AnLi'ers in I'Vanee, uivin^: an aeeouiit of his \i>it to the Neuter nation in Iti'Jt; 7. It nroperlv hirms a |ireliiniiiary ehM|iter of tlie ]i|-(;senl series, since after the o\erthrovv of tiie Neuters hy the Irocjiiois in ICiott, their territors was incorporated in the Seneca canton and one of the |iiinciple villajjes. ( iandoiiLrare, was at the time of the missionary lahors of tlie Jesuit Kalliers iinioiiL:' llie Seiiecas. composed laruvly of ea[)tives from the coiKpiered nation. In |lie wars between the livxpiois jiiid the Ilurons, which resulted in the ilcsti-iietion of tin- latter, in llil'.l, the Neuters took part with neithei': and it was their neutral position tliat,j:ave tln'iii their name. N.\|{I!AII\K UF lATIllOIi DK I, A UOCill-: liAII,l.(iN.' "Slit:— My hiimlih,' salutiUioii in the mercy of Jesus. It is still permitteil thoULih separated by distance to visit one's 1 TrmiKlnU'ii by Dr. Joliii (iilniary Shi-a as the iiitroiliiilory iliapler of tlir present work. Till! note!*, ti);,'i'Uu'r with tin; Hkctcli of llriil.; vliicli follows the iiarriinvc, aiu ulsio from lii.i pell, excejit as otluTwUs iiiili<'ateil. 10 f,,,,.ls l.V U.i-MV.-S .hi.'h -Vl.l.T :il-M,l tuT^nn. piVS.-Ut tlllll \Vi' «i|'lcll Wl'lll' tli;il I'V Onr luMii.n-iiivnMnn.slM'ili.t tins -'''■in , „• Ki.tlHTs aim ;in- :it a .li-t.,,.. fr-n, us. inn ..„,,stlM'vl.':n- rllMuJ,t.:n..l.s.M,wlMt llu's. ■ M-,„, l,nv.n. u.:nl,..mH.M:,v .r , v^'mI in ( .n:..iM ,.•,,!,.... I w:. iu,lu i 1. ivU.M,. nupnU. .;• v,Mt . ;,;::..„.n,.v ....... wi ■. .•an n-- =-' -- -• ,,nv...l,l,..n..unhnll,l.'l.anUhM,...:..lM„.. .a, n,v, . . ,v:.s..u .!■ 'la' wn.„.la.l n.a,l. I r |v,.,l a Myr .>-n ; .1 ia/.. n-a..,lna. „. ,a.h ..M',. „. a nanon ,.,,,,,,,,,„ N.ntn.l, uf xvha.lMla. n,,,.,v-t.a.nn,l-' tol. ..U-r<^.a l.y s. , 1 a Ka.laT au,l tlu- pva .., out tVouMla. llun.ns wUlMlMs .k.s,,n. (),. nl,,., S, H.-i.. :!„. o,„. uauu.,1 «in.u..ll.. a,„l La Vall.v. !• naa.hnu.,, bv nalii'U.'^l.vlhrnara.u^.l'tlM.iVtun. 1 nual. tl,.. ar,,uaint. iualc uj .1... ,.n.nHS,.M ua. ,o .u„.- „. l. .ha, VnUcr ua .on. n. .;.vis,ons,ha,,w..haaiaiau,,,to.-i,iss..ll..l. ,1 ,o ,lnnk . living in ,lu.s,. nananes as tla's. i^opl,. ia-vu , .w.. Have no Uno.M.Ju'.. O ,,^'^, .,,. „ ,(„,„., ,„illo„. HoolU.c., ,,,„,.„>.>. tU. «o.,K.l, -xcpt • ■ ;^^^ „,,, ^^,„, ,„.. ,i,„.,r,„..r..." H-l.i.i.m „.hoin,«aa r'""rrH^a I Nc^. '^' — '»"" -les ,1,.. Niagara, a. la., as 1H41. ,., T4. It .« .;v>.U.m . > •; ^ • ■ .,„„„ „„„„ „„, „„„„ forced away "y ..- S>..u.n.s. »":;',_'■' ::^,; ,f ..unona.a..o„ wIk... Ka-lwr ..e la Uoelu. win- '" ''^'^irTennr . IC . ,.L In.,,.n- fn-M,!..,-, .l,e presuinptio,, is very .Ton. , ,.re.l to the W enr..>, « li" « i' vj,,,,,,,,, anil in wlnit is now New ^ ork. n tlllllkill'4 III ;jivr lllilc.-.- \iill |Mlt tlli'lii lllnlcr nlili;j;ili(UI, illnl it 1- nfti'ii m'i'i'>siiry to iiiiikc l'iiil i'M'm piis?. lii;iii\ iiii^lits svilliiiiit riiidiiiL^ any nilicr >Iii'1|ct I !i;iii llial i>l' till' .-tais. 111' I'llllilluil t ir Siitislai'tmii what In' liail [iKHii i.Hi'il ii-i, aipl wr sli'pt milv livi' iii'j'lit.-' in lln' womls, ami i\lli 'la\ \\<' aiTiN'nl at llif lifsl xilla'ji', wlirrr wcwriv vcrv well fi«cci\cil. tliaiiks to <>\\r I-"ii|, ami then \i< Iniii- nllicr \illa'j>'- wliii'li riiiii|M'tiiiL; with cai'li otlicr ln'mi'jlit, us I'.hmI. ,-iiiM(' \ciii<'iii. dtliiTs si|Ua.-lics, iu'iiitalii>ii\ ' ami tlif lic-t tlii'\ iia^l, aii'l ,Im'V wrrc astoiiislicil to sec iiic ilfcsscd in the st vie aii'l that 1 ih'sii'cil iic it him: 1 n'li ni'j inu tn tliciii. i>iil\ that 1 iii\iti'i| thiMii liv siuiis In raise their eyes to IleaNcu. ami make the >i;jii of the Holy (Vns.s and what tilled thein with wonder was to see lue retire at certain hours of the (la\ to pi'iiv to (iod, and ilexnte myself to inteiior exercises, for the\- had never seen relijiioUS. e.\ce|it towarU> the l'etunen\ and llic llufons. their neiiihliors. At last we reached the sixth villacc,' where 1 had ln'cn ailvi,-ed to remain ; 1 had ti couiicil held here, where vou wdl remark, liy the way, that they call all their asseinhlies councils, which t liev hold seated on the ui'ound, as olten as it ])leas(;s their ehiets, not in a hall, Imt in a cal)in, or in the open Held, with vi-ry strict silence as loiiL:-asthe chief speaks, and thev are inviolable ol),~ervers of what they have once (•onclndcd and dctcrniine 1. 'J'liero I told them thron;_rli the iisterpreter that I liiul eoine in the name of the I'Vcncli, to form alliance and frietiilship with tliein, and to invite theiu to come to the trade, that I I Si:.'ai(l ill lii> llnniii clii liuiKiry cNiilMiii- IhU lo he ihhcIhcI riini. ; 111- calls lliis MitiM'iiiicnny OiiiiiiiitiKiiKliiii. In lliin Failur Itri'limf rail.- Ilic \illin.'c fuillii'>l IriHii I lie llmuii^', ainl only iiiicday'H joniiu y fnnii I lie Snifciis, '■llic la-ttdwnof till' Ni'iiU'i- imliuM (111 llii' caul side, callol Oiii;iiiiialira, the wniic iiiinic iib the river." liclallmi Hill, )i, *.'. Tlic town iiciirci't llic ll'uons \va^ Kiimloni ho. II). Tcoliij,'iiiloii wax inidivay. II). |). 'H. Hrclimrancl ('liiinniiniot vii-itcd is of ihcNcnlcr Iowiik aiul apparently itosmciI the Niii^jara. p. 7M. as Fattier de la Uodii- Daillon did. I'nrorliiiiiitely t'lianiplaiii niciilioii- im Ni-ntcr Nllliii:e in liis icM or iiuip. 12 als..lKM-ms and mode "I' I'l'''. ;iiid dm-ing my stay I visih'd them in their cal.ins, to know aii.i instrm't them, and I joimd thcni snllicirntlv 'i''i'-':i''l'". ••md 1 often iii;,,l,. the little childivn. who aiv verv liriL:'.:' .'.ai'ls naked and dislieveled, make the sign of the IIolv Cross, and I reninrkrd th;it in all these ( (.iintries 1 never saw aiiv liiimphaeked. onr-eveil, nr mi'^shapcMi. I have always seen them linn ii. their wish to o-o with at least h)iir<'an on notnui:.' l,ut snakrs aiul poison; that wv eat tlie thnndi'r' (wlii.-l, tlu'V imauiiH- to be an uupurallflcMl iiioiistor, rolatiii.u- stiaii-v storu-s about it); that we all had tails likr animals, and that oiii' women had oidy one breast, which was in the mid- dle of the bosom: that they l)ore live or six children at ii birth, and tliev added a tlioiisand other absurdities to make us hated by them. And in fact these u'ood iieople who are very easily per- sanded, conceived such a mistrust of me, as soon as any one fell sick, they eame to ask me whether it was not true that 1 liad poisoned him. that they would surely kill me if 1 did not cure him. 1 had much dillicidty inexcusin„ and defend- ing myseli. At last ten men oi the last village called Oua- romnon;-' one day's march from the llinxpiois, their kindre.l and friends, coming to trade in our village, eame to see me and invited me to visit them in return at their village. 1 pi-omiscd todo so without hiii, when the had melted, and to -ive them all .«'me triHes, with whi.di tliey showed them, selves satislicd. 'riiereui.on they left th(> cabin where I lodged, all the time hiding their evil designs against me. and .seeing that it was growing late, tliey came back to sir me, and brusquely began to .piarrel with me, without provoca- tion. One knocked me down with a blow of his list, and the ,,lln"r took an axo. and as he was about to lay iny head open, (iod diverted his hand and turned the blow on a post that was tliere near me. 1 receivcil several other ill treatments, but tiiat is what we come to seek in countries, (^lietiiiga httle. 1" tlun- v.Mitcil tJifii- ;iiil;'('|- Oil the little |)r(i|)crtv we lnul j.'lt. 'riit'V took (Mil- \vi'iliii';k, hlankfl, lircviafv ami ■ \k\j in which there svei-e soliic poi'ket-kui Ves. lieclli.s. ;i\v!<. ;iii,l other little thiiiLix of lik'e (|iialit\, and ha\ iiiu thns stri|.|ie.l me, they went nil' all tiiat iiiniit u\-e|-j,)veii at theii' <'\[ and on ai-rivin.i:- al their villaiic, on inakin.i!' an exaniiiialion ol the'ir hooty, toiieheil perhaps liy a repentance come fiMm the Most, liiuh, they sent, me hack uiir hreviars'. cumpass, writinu- tiesk, lilanketand sack, liiit, it was (piite emptv. On theii- arrival in my villau;e, called ( (iimaitisastoii, there were unlv women there, the men having- ljoiic to hunt stasis. On their retnrii they manifested to me tliat thev were sorrv lor liie disaster that had het'allen me, then no more was said alioiit it. The rumor s[)read forthwith to the Hnroiis, that I hail been killed, whereupon the good Fathers lirelieiif and de None, who had r('inaine Neuti'r imtioiis wlio niiinher l.Ddi) warriors, who dwell west of the lake of the Kiitoiili. oiioroiis. Kll to KKI leaL'iies in extent," I.aviTdiere's eiiain|)laiii. l(il!l, |i. (k». "These Neulei-!! enjoy, aeeofdiii^r to the ri'port of sojne, elirhty lea^'iies of eoiiiiiry, where they raise very ;.'ood tohacc). whieli they Iraile with their neighbors. They UMsist the Chi-- veux Kelevez (Ottawa-i a^'aiiisl the Nation of Kire. of whom they are niorlal eni-inies; but between the Ilirorinois and our lliirons * * • th;-y had peaee and reninined neutral between the t.vo nations. • Sa;.'ard, p. Hiii " Kroni the llr^t town of the Neiiter nation IH is ail iiKTcilililL' ntniilx'i' of ilicrc. wliicli tlicv ilo not take one liy diic, as is (Imic on this siilc, hut iiial-:iivj tlirci' li('(l:ity, they would no longci liud any. A Lircat almnd- anrc of moose of ell-:, heavci'. rat't'oou,-;, ami lilack S([uirn'ls, lafger than those of 1'' ranee, arc found there, a i;i'cat (luaniity of wild ircesc, tui'kcvs, ei'ancs. and other animals, which remain there all winlci', which is not Ioul;' nor riiioroiis as in ('aiiada. and nosui'W had fallen thcri' on the li'Jd of Nnveni- licr, which was not at most more than two feet decji, and licgan to melt on the 2tith of .lannary. ( )n the Sth of March' there was no louijcr any at, all in the open places. tlioMuh there w;is a little, indeed, in the woods. Kcsidcncc thei'c is pleasant ;iml <'oiivciKcut "iioiiuii, the I'ivers furnish (pnuitities of vci'v cood lish, the soil v'iN'cs u'ood corn moi'c than for their want. There arc s(piashes, beans and other vegetahlcs in plent\-, and \- e ry siood oil which tlu^N' call a 'J'ouroiilon.' so that I do not donht lint that wc should settle foiiiid oTi priHM'ciliii;; fioin here ilhi' lliin)n>i kri'pini.' (in sciiHli iir snntlnvc.-t it is iil)c)U( four (lays' journey lo the nidiith of Uu' so faii\ous river of that nation in Ontario or I,ake St. Louis, 'riiis side of tliut river and not lieyond it, as u eortain map states, are the most of tlie towns of the Neuter nation. There are three or four lieyond rans^ed from east to we«t towards the Nation of the Cat or KneehriUKUis. This river is that hy wliieh our i,'reat lake of the Iliirons or Mer Donee, whieli Hows first into that of Krie or the Nation of the Cat, and there it enters into the lands of tlie Neuter nation and takes the nanu' of Dnyiiiaahra, till it empties into Oidario." -I{(dation 1(141. p. Tl. 'Vlie map re ferred to is evidently ('lnini|i'ain s, of li;:iJ, where he makes the Niagara run from west to east and places the Neuters entirely west of Lake Ontario and sonlli of the Niajjara The oil sprMi!,'s in their eounliy were evidenlly east not west of that river. I 'I'his ll.Kes apparently the period of his stay in the eoiintry of the Neuters from November y.', ai.'li, to ahoul March 8, KKT. -• •■ 'I'he eo|iylst of the I'aihet's leltiu' mistook in my opinion, the Huron Wdrd Olor onton, which he makes to mean «i/,- for it is, properly spuakin;;, /(c/cA, or Oli '. hitir tiiii'li Ihi'ri- /.»•/- Saiiard. p. sii:i. 17 tliiTc i';itlu'r than clscwlH'rc, ami, clmilii |,ss dii a Iummci' stav tliiTc wuiiM 1)1' lidpc of aihaiiciiiL: 'iml's 'jIdi'n-, wliicl: is inniv to 1h' xiii'jlit than anL^ht else, ani(in is 'iiiiiv III lie li(i|i,'il |',.r the faith than that nf ihr Ilnrnns, and I am a>tiinisiii',| hciw tlu' ( 'unipan v nf Mi'ivhanls, siiicr 1 he 1 iinc they ha\i' iMiiic In 1 hoc cdnnl rics, ha\ i' not inaih' sdimi' I'Vcnrhnicn winter ii: said cdnnti'v: I -av a-suredlv t hat. it WMiild 1„. \-,.rv easy to lead them \n tii" liMd<', wlih-h would Ilea ureat aiKantauc to l:() ami eome li\- >o short and eas\- a I'onte,' as | lia\ e alivadv told von, I'or to vo I radiiej to the IlniMiis aniiil all the dillienlt rapids, and alwavs in daiiLn-r fonnd liiinself amid them. 1 .siy then that the Licntlcnicn associates should, in m\- "pillion, semi soim> I'Venclimen to winter in the < ntrv of the N'enters. who aiv hvs ivniotc than that of the llnnms. h'l' 'li''.V can d hy the lake of ihe lliroipiois to the place wheic the tradi' is held' in ten day- at most : this lalsc is tlicirs al.~o. the one oi: the one .-liore, and the others on I " I rdii.jolurc :il-ii .-.■i-ily llic |iriixiiiiily of ilir N.-iitri- i., (^iiuhi'i-. in tint Ihr lliv ii(|ucils iiii; iii'iirir 1(1 the- l''rcii(li ili:iii ihi' riiiroiK ;ni'. iiiiil 111.' Nciili'i-' arc iiiily ti t\:\\> jdiirnry friiiii lln' llinniui)is. wlionll lie s-.l. S. ('. 18 the utlicr, l-iit 1 si'c tiiic oli-itMi'lc, wliicli is tlicy lianlly l\iiii\v lii>w til iiiiiuM'ji' ciiiiocs. t's|ii'ciall\- at. rapiil-. iiltlmii^uli there ai'o 'nil\' tWM, Imt tlu'\' Mi'i' Ioiil; ami i!aii:;i'n)iis. 'I'licir r^a' ifailt' is liiiiitiiiL;' ami war. oiitslih' of tiiat llicv arc ^^rfal slii;:'<.ianls, wiioiii y<>n see like ln'iii/ars in I'" ranee, wlien Llie\ are full, lyin,L!' on tlieir iielly in the sun 'I'lieir life, like that of tlu^ llni'ons, vei'v (lissointe, ami their manners ami ens- tonis entirely the same. 'I'he lanLinaL^c is ilill'erent, li(i\ve\cr, hnt they undei'staml eaeli otluT as tiie Alij;"iinie(|nins aii'l Moiitajriiais do.' As for elothes. do not look for ai.y anion'^ theni, for they do not wear even hreeeh eloths, which ;s \'er\' sti'anii'e, and is scarcely found in the iiiost. sa\ap' iriln's. And to tell you the truth, it would not lie e.\j»edient to let all i\indft of people eoine hci'c, for the wi<'ked hfe of some French!nen is ii pernicious example to them, and in all these countries, the people though l)ai'l)ai .>us, reproach us, saying' that we teach them thinus coiitrai'V to \v'iai our l''reiiclnnen praetiec. 'I'hink, sii-. wiiat weight our woi'ds can have aftci' that : yet hetter is to l)e hoped i'or, since what consoled nn' on my I'eturn was to see that our countrymen had made their peace with our Lord, had confessed and received com- at Kuster, and had sent away tlieir women, ami have snieo l)eeii nioiv guarded. I must tell you that tliev ti'eated our Fathers so harshlv, that e\en two men of whom the.Iesuit l''athers hail deprixcl theinselvts for theii' aceonunodatioii, have lieen driven out liv foree, and they \vere unwilling to give diem a,iy provisions to nourish and suppoit some Imliaii hoys who desired to live with us, although they pi'oinised to luivo them roinuiierate(l by some of oi'r henefactors. It is cruel to he tn^ated in this ' "Our Iliiniiis r;ill llic Ni'iitci imlnm .Mliw.nulmdnk, ii* inncli a- in fay. " I'rcipk iif a laiiKllat-'i' a little dilTtTi'iit." for aw to iialidiiri wlili'li ^pi'ak a laiij:iia;?i! that they (Id iiiit uiHliTclatKl at all, Iliry call tlu'tn .Vkwaiiakr. nf whatuver iiatinii tlicy may Ih', as ip" in cay "Slraiitji'rs." The [U'oplc df Neuter Natiiui in turn for tin- same reason eall iiur lIiiroTis "AlliwamUirDuk." Helatioii Kill. p. ;i. y kinisv ii tluTf icir Tim' re L:i'f;il WW they ike tliiit. IImI (MIS- lins aii'l (■ a 1 1 1 1 ) I il;' vliich :s I' tril»cs. lit to !t't, so, I licLi you as a crowiiiiiL;' of all your troiiMe, that voii tako for ine, to let me have without fail a liaKit that tlicycaii send Hie, it is all that I ask, for no cloth is made here, an 1 ours tiein.L;' all worn out, I cannot do without one. 'I'lie poor rcliiiions of St. l"'r;;iicis having; food ami clothin,ii', this is their whole lot on earth: IleaNcn wc hope under favor of our jidodCiod in wliosi^ service we must voluntari! v devote our life lor the salvation of tlies(> lieni,Ldite(i people, in oi'dei' that it him, if he accept our care, to make Cliristianitv (lourish in these countries. (io(l permits inartvi'dom to those who mei'it it, 1 am sorry not to iie in that state, and vet 1 am not nnawari' that to lie rccoii'ni/.ed a true servant of (iod, uiiemiist e.\ pose him. self for iiis brethren. Come then hravelv pain and toil, all dillieiilties and death itself will be a<.n'eeable to me, (iod's ^'raee beiiiy with me, which I implore bv tneaiH of the prayci's of all our uood friends ovei' there, whose, sir, and your most hiiinbh; ser\ant. 1 am in our Lord. D;iled al Toanolmiii, a Huron village, ihls IStli dny of July, 1G27. Stephen ]?rule, wlioseoulotiy of the country of the Ni'iiters led Father de la Roche Daillon, to visit them, had, we must infer, already been in thaljiartof fliecountr\, and boon struck by its advanta;j('.s. Jle came over at a very early ajz'e and was employed l)y C'hainplain from about liilOaiid pi'ihaps earlier- He was one of the lirst e.xplorer.s, proceeding to the Huron (.•■ountry and aequiriiig their language so as to serve as inter- preter. (L!ivcrdiere"sChamplaiii, vi i)p. 244-26()j. As early us 2fl S(']iti'iiil)('rS, Itil'i. wlii'ii ( ■li;iiiip!;ii'i wns jircp;iriiii:' to join the IIuiMiis ill tlii'ir cxpi'ilitinii ii'jniiist the l'!iitlioiiiii'iiiis, in ('(•iitr;il New ^'(ii'k, Slr])licii Uruli' ^d out williii pintv of t\vi'l\'' llui'oiis iVoiu r|i|i('r Caiiii'l.i for tlic lowns of tlic ('iiriiiitou;mii;iis. !iilii'> of thi' Huron- livinjx on tiic Siiscinc- li;inn;i, ami rviilcntly foiniinL;' pai't of tin' confiMTt'i'acv known later as tin- A mlasti'-;. (III. ll('>l.">. I p. ."'")| to soMiiv tl.cir foo|..Tatiiin auain-l the cnciay. lie ri'oNsi'il from I,;il^( ( )ht:n'io api'ai'cntly to tlic Siisipic- lianiia. liffcutcil ,i small Ii'oi|iiois pai'ly and cntcicd tin' Car- iiiitoiiaiinais town in triuiniili.' 'I'lic fofri'i(' rclnrncii to ijicir ronnlry wIh'Ic li'" w iiiti'i'i'ij. !Ic ili'-i'i'iidi'd tlicir ri\ci' (till' Snsipii'liaiina. I visitinii' the iioiLiiii o"in^- triiics. mcclinij' scNcial wlio (•o:n 'ilaincd of till" liarsliii.'-s of the Dntrli. At last lie stavt( d to I'cjoi'i liis conntrNincn. Imt liis party was attacki'd and scat- t('i'('(i li\- tlic Ii'oipioi.-. and l)i'iil(' losini:' liis way ciitci'cd an Ifoijiiois \'illa_ii'c. lie tried to eoii\iiiee tlicin tliat lie was not of the same nation of w lutes wlio had jiHt lic'ii altai'kiiiL:' llieni. lint tlie\- fi'll upon liim. tore out iii- nails and lieai'd and Ix'Lian to hnrn liim in dillerent parts of tlie Imdy. lie was far fi'oiii lieinL;' an e.\ein|i|ai'v eliai'aeter, Imt wore an A.UMins Dei, and when the Indians went to tear this from his iieek he threateneil tiieiii with the veii^eanee of Heaven, .Inst then a terriMe thunder storm came u]), his toniientois lied and the chief released him. After he had spent some lime with them thev escorted him four days" jwe.rney and he made his was- to the AtinoMatMitaiis, the Huron trihe occn- pviiiL;- the ]ieiiin-ula lietwecn Nattn\vassa,L!:i and Nratcliedasli hays on Lake Huron i Laverdiere's Cniamplain Ifil!', p]i. l.'U- 14(1. 1(11;"), ]). 2<>: Sa.Liard, Histoire du Canada, |>. -KiO.) I ('ariimoiiiin wii^ in the oniiocis sent t(i meet and In'iiie down liie llni'ons edminij In ti'ade. ll(! returned with tiiem. h'adini;- a verv dis~(ilute hfe amnnL;- the liidians ia< SaL'^ard comiihiined ). - Laverdiere's Cliamplain, K'l'it, \i. ><\. W'iien Ki !"iik t^nehee he went over t'l the Ku,ulisli. and was sent up to tlie llurons in their interest in 1(12!>, notwit!ii(iii niiiiiii'^ till' SiMh'cas in lll.'id \v;l^ l''iillit'l' .I(iS('|iIi ('li;illllliiiii)t, ;iii old Ilni'oii iiii~siiiii- ai'v, iitit liss ilistiiiL'iiislic I for liis flcii[iii'nrc tlmn for Ins piollS (|r\i)tioli, lie ciiliii' to ( )||()ll(lll!.'!l, the I'llliilill of tin' I ro^ I Hois Coiifi'dciMcv. tlic vcar | ires' ions, toMcllu'r with I'atlicr Chindf l);ililoii. and rcnsaincd llicri' dnriim' the winter of 1(!")."> (5. |)re|i!irin^' the way for the estahlishnient i-f missions in tliese\eral IrDijUois cantons.' 'riie following:- nari'ati\(' of ins work in fonndin,L;' the Sen- eca missions, is tr.nisl.ited from Chapter wil. of It'Uilinn for KioT.' vi/. : CONCKKN'INC TlIK IT IlLICAIIoN OK ■|'11K lAlllI AM().\(i Till': SONNONTOr.WS. The eoinitry of tlie Sonnoiitonans (Si necas), which is mnch the most i'ei'tih' ami iiopulons of tlie cantons of tlie Iroijiiois. contains two \\.'y\ lai'jxc towns and a numl)cr of lesser vil- lajjrcs, besides a town of the llnrons named St. Michael, who took refnjie there in ordei' to csca|H! tiie common calamitv of .1..,; ;,...; mm,.,.... ii ,..i... i i .1 'ir nation.' These llurons I Kiir tlic prcliiniiiai'y 1 who have preserved their re Kitilij rlmiiiHs,,/ 28 CM.-itiMlM lllnl |i:irtii'lll;ir Iinliits. V\\r .v|i;ilMti' IViiiii till' li,.. <|ncii>^, ;iiii| (diili'iil tliciiisi'Ucs with lifiii'j mic wnh ihciii in V'""! I'l'i'liii'.f .•iii'l lrirnilslii|). Nut liMsiip/ ii sulliciriit ihiiiiIiit of hilMii-crs til niltiv ;iti' tin' \vIim|,' i.lllii-i cNtciisiv c licM. we (•i>|i|i;;c niirsi'lvi'- to | H'cMi'li i li;j tlh''jMci I Ihllli'j- l.i tlli'lll. Ii;i\ • iiil; i'\<'hiiliL''i'il Willi tliciii pfi'Si'iit- nj' (■(■iTiiMniv ami ;ini;iiicc. I'"! ii-i soldi ii> I'';itlii'|- (lli;iiiiii.iiiMt, mi c'lir iirri\-;ii in the I Iriii|iiiii.;) i'iiiiiit|-y, liiiij ;ii|ii|itfi| the (';i\iil;;i> h* rhilijivii uI ''ih'lltlii' III' wi'lit III S"l|i'iM tn ;ii|i>l>l llllll 1 |i|r .'iS liriitlli'l> I I I'll 'I'll, a ft IT Ihi' 11 Kill III Till' till' l-'ail 1 1 til which wr wmilil i|i>- I'l'-i' thrill. I la\ili,u as>i'iiililci| thi' sai'liriiis uf ( iaiii la'jaii, tin' |iniii'i- pal liiwii of tiic Sriii'ras, ami iiiaiii' thr rii>tiiiiiar\- jiri'smts I'l alliaiiri', lir n niiiiifiirci I iii all rai'iH'st ami rli'\atril tiiiii'ii|' viiirc til cxiilalii the ]irii!"i|ial truths nt' the ijiis|ii'l, which he scah'il with three very licaiitil'nl |ir('seiits that he hail res<'i'\cil l'"i' the |iiii'|iiisc ; ami tu press the iiiatlef still fartliiT, "Mv- self " he saiil, '• I eive with these as L'liaraiitee i if the tmt lis which 1 preach : ami if my life, which I cdiiseci'ate tn von, sliiiiilil se(.'iii toymi .if little acenimt, I oU'er to vmi the lives i)f all the Kreiicli wlm have fnlloweij me tu (ianiieiita'r as a t(>stiimiiiy (if the l"'aith which I |iriiclaim tu xmi. I)i, (-nii iMt put eoiitideiiee in these li\iiiu- presents — these m.lile lii'avcs'.' (Ian ymi he s.i simple as to think that such a ciinraLreiiiis liami wmilil leave their native 'joiintrv. llie most iiLirccalile ami lieaiitiful in the worM, siill'er sn ^reat liaril- ships a!;il come su far. tu liriiii:' vn a lie ? " 1 Fur nil luciiiuit iif llijs inluoliii:.' (■iTi'iiioiiv to^'i'llirr « i!li tin' siici-cli nf SiKiiichiii 2W11, Ilic ili»lln^'ui«liril en.viiUii (iniliir, on tlii' in'rii-iciii. see h'trli/ C/i'iii', ri ii>' (''Himid IIi'Iki'ij. pp. l."i, pp. (liMiiitio w,i> llie immu by wliii h llir Krt'iicli OiiVfrnor wii" kiiDwii to till' IriiqUoJM. ■' Si'c iiiilo nil Scncra tiiH lis, p. u'."i. ; The file iif tho OnnliiliiL'i Misj-inn nf SI, Mi ry. It was nlso tlii' scat nf a KriMicli ciiloiiy (pf sdinc f.irly prixiiix hIkp hail aiidiiipaiiiiMl llif missionaries friim (^ucl,i.c. iiMilcr coniiiinhd of M. Dii I'liys. ami was sitiiaiiMl on tin' iiortli siiliMpf the On jaira lake, alioul iniiUvay lietwi't'ii its two oxlri'iiiilii's. 21 Till- rrsiilt |iiiivci| th;il tlii'si' liirlKiriaii-i wri'i' m >vr I liv tin- iliscdMiM- til' till- KatliiT. \'\tv iil'ti'i' dm' (li'liliiTatinn ovfi- tlu' IllJltli'l', tlli'V iill-Wrl'i'il liiill tlli'V lir||c'\ I'll wliat Wr lia In' hiiiisril' um- nj' ihr lirsl til Im'cimiu' a Chiistiaii. A ram'iT whirli had ratrii iiitn his thi;,di, hiiviiiLr niiiliiicd him to tin' hrd, thr hathrr altlxMi^li indis|'d. >a\v him and ruiivrrti'd him tii iIm' l*'aith III' whirli hi' will he a ^rrat siippnrt in his nuinliT, sinri''iiid M'l'ins with this end in \i('W, to ha\i' In'iili'd him of ,1 disi'a whirli all thought to he iiicuraiilr. A nil 111'^ thr man V Ilnrons who liavr ki'|il thrir i'aith dnniiL' tlirir captiv it \ . thr l'"a!hii' iiii't witii a Woman who had pro- >i'i\i'd till' /ral of a '^ond Christian, and from whom he Icarnrd that dir llui'onsof the Islr of Orleans, contiiiiicd in the practice of oiir iclit^ion with all their former devotion ; and that one of them named .laeipies Otsiaoiiens. had aston- ished hv his hirtitnde the Iroipiois who Imriied him, not oniittiiiu' to repeat at length the usual praver.s and invokinff without ceasing the name of Jesus during the whole of his tort lire.' 1 Si'r iiiilr DM Si'iiuca ImMi-', p •'.'). .' At Ihr ilisprrwiiiii iif thr lliinni nntiiiii anil witli it thr niixsiiiiiH, a niinilirr foii^'ht refuel' liiidir l''ri'iiih |ii(ili(liciii at t^iirhcr, iiTiil afliT a while wrrr rt'iiiini'il to the lulr iif DrU'ann in tlii' viciiilly, who'c a ihiii-rh ami a furl won' liuilt ; aiul ihc ciiltivaliiin iif llir coil n.iM: till' ri'fiit!ei'» an aiii|.!i' Bii|i|)i)it. (iiiiilfil by Kathi'ii- Lriinaril (iarii'aii and ChanniDniil, two of their j-nrviviii;.' |iasti)r.-< in their iiw n coiinlry, thiy are naiil In have lieeDine innilelH of piety anil t niiv Ir«s s|,_mis "I' l-lrlV. licill- lill.Ml Witll jnv M^r .,„„(„ , .j f,|„,j,, • It'jir pMsI-.M. .'.•u'li jiskiiiLr rnrlhwitli iil)snliiti,.ii fur liinis.'ll' ..r l-apti-^ui fur his .•hihiivM. Kvni ih,. nM n,,.,, wh-, ,|,..|,is..,l mrNK.'* T..WN«.-\VI„.n thrs,.,,..,.,,, „,.,.■ llrM k„„»„ -.,,|„. «l„t.-.,.,„l fr ,|„„ m.. up ... Ih.. Kn.nrh .v,,,,!!. „f 1.,., 11.. 1„ mimT, ,|,..j. |„.,i , ,,h„..|,,„1 ,..«„. In 1.1(1. annnl,,,;,,,,.;,.!,,,,,,, ,|,„j. „„„. i,,,,,^ „, „,,• mii„l-,-. t«„ „r uhl.h , „.in,.,l Hh„iHlr..,lr,,Mn,..,.rh,,h..u,h-,-«fr„.„r» .)• .„.l,lrt.v A.thU. .,.,r„|„|y ,„,. ,„„, |.rohMhl, . ,r.... „f Mm. I,,r.,.,t «>.rn ..,„.|,„..,1 l,y .,„,,.. I„ l,i;r «h..„ M-i,...! I,v (i. ■.■.. m Uh, .... Allmny trmkr, .l„.,v «..r npvl„« f„ur Mlhi^-.... „..„.. „f „|,l. I, »../.■ l;" ''•, ^f•■'l"""• ' 1"".^"- -t 1-n,. »l.h thr l,.r.... town. »„. ,. V, M.l,.. ''■'"""■"""'' """'"' '"■"""vlll-'l., l«.Mr,ay,"il„..v J.. .h..|rlu,.„.l„M- ,■,.„ en v..,.r- 1.. .,r,l..r ... l.rl„;c li.....<..|u.K .,..,„■ M... «.,.„1,." TI.Uu, ■ |.,y ,r,„. „f I... ,.r„.,. v,l,,„..,, |„„ ,„., ,„,„||..r „„..- ,„|,.ht ,„n.|, f„r,„..n.v v..:,r, .,r ,.„.r.. n...l.|« .1... tin.u ,.f tl... .)...,.l< Mi.Mn„, „„.„„.. .1,.. s..„..,. 1 „|,"„; |„sr t.,.. r.M.r |.rl...'l|mls,ll,w. ...c ,111,.. r..l,|,„-l,l„„-l,„i|,,„..,|i„il,..(„ll„u|,„.,|l„.M,..M .S.lN.NilNT.)|-AN. ..»l'..M.,,.i,. T.iti.ul',,,, (•AN.. A. II..)IU..I>.' '•■i< ili»l..., K.n.ll,.. o .\r„/A, M iiiili' Sunt I,. (Undaiiaii.i. M. ..J llAV.IIJI I.A.IAf;. 'I. Ml. I.arl. Of (.AN.,A..A..o 1. \> kn.m., .■,.r.„i„ly ,,„.. ii, ,.;;; ,„„| „;,,: i, „■,.. on .1,.: t-r-a. .r.M.nhnk'i. -„}, I. .„n.„l,„,l .„„. |„.,Mlr..,l ...„1 ilfty |„„„..., I,,..,,,..,! „„ „„. ,„,, „r „ „,„;„ « , I.'.',' ^n"^',"", " "";■""""""" '" ""■^' <■■'""••■'■ "-■'■i'-" i' "- in .. lar.. .l,.i., .."hour ^i , , ;," ',".:'"'',■'' "'"■' "'""-•"-"•'•> 1-v.. 1,..,.„ r„ I. .,.,..„• 1.. the. v.; In,,, .,f ll,„..h„.n 11,11. l...,H,„v,ll,. f,„„„i «„„„ k|,M .,f u w„rk, „ , ,|„. hlli „.,r,h .,f W...r „„.l »,„„.. ..V,. ,.„„., .,r,„ln.ll,.„ vlllau-., :,„v.. .....n fo,„„l .h-r.., :,.,f the h.. am. ,.f Mr. n. ,„in. I„ ,hi. vi,.i„l,y, ,„ ,ii,r..r..„t l,„...„i,„„ hav.. h«on r.n.n.l ,.,„... of ...|".rtant vIllaLV,. Thl- (ia.iira.l.n alia- (;a,„l,,::ar., wa- th.' ''St ......H .,f ,lK. „,i^si„n:„i...-. ,1,.. , 'aiMtal „„.l r...i,lu,„.c. „f th.. ,hi..f ►a..h..,„ «|,„ ,,r..,l.|,.,l 'T th..i.'iaiiili..i,iiiiil».pr Ih.. l.lh.. ' (iAS.„„-..A..AK,th,. "sr. .Ml,.ha..l-.,r ,!,.. ,Mi „arl..s, ,„.„|,i..,i |„-l,Hii,ailv hv .„, o.. hv l,..o h..,w,...„ „„. ,„„„, „f ,.a„a.„lal,„a «,„| Kas, Hl,„„„n..l,l ah„..t ,lv.. n.iu' """";,"" "' ^ '•""■• "I'l"'"^* '" i'"v« h.... ,. .1,.. „, ,1.1, villa.,.. ...h,.,. .„.., ;;,.:. pn. lahly ,.n. „r in ,1,.. vi.ini.y „f ,1,. fh:,|,in far,,,. ,lir..,tlv -„utl, „f |).,„.,|„„„ ||- tJa.i.cH " (jf 11 n.Mw„..aM,ern villa.^.. af,..r .h,.ir ,l..-,r,..-,i„n |„ i,;.s7 irra,l„ally .Irin.-.l ...,.i„ar,l a...l «..,... f,„„„, ,. ,„„„„.,.,, ,,.a,. ,a,,, „, s van r „r...-...„ uL... 1 ,• 1 ! ' «er.. .«.. .„lU.H..a., .,r ,h..f..,., „rcn„a .i,„a l,..ku ; in ,r.V.„„ ,l,v White .S,„ |„ - far.n t«.. .,„l,...-.,M.,h.,u..„. a.„l..„ l,„rr..|lV,.reek, f„„r ,nil.., s,„.,h.wv., of .;..„.... ; "in ,^V at lh<. Old CaMle two !.iilf« i,.,rth\v..Ht of (i,.t, SoN.NONTo.-AN alias Totla.....,,, Tc.,'ar..hi,.«. th. •• Con.-,.|,tl.,n " of ,1,. ,„i..^,.,a,.i,.- «u. located a. nil., a.,., a half N. N. NV. of l.oneoye Fall. i„ ,„. ,„un J M,.,,,! ,'. 2(1 spcritv IkuI hliiitlcu iLt pleasau, :.s W..V the., f-its of ,ho ( ...,k.1, the 1 a ,va. n.v..rtlu>l..s nl,li.Mto a.Tnve h.n.sell <.f th.^ ''' '" ' „ ,.,„ I,.,., f„r,u ft ft.ilft .vft-t i.f H.fti,-n)ft nciullu'licul.if (•olH•>•u^clc.a ,M■u■^t. 1. ■ a. '"^ J ,„, „, f,„e,l t,. roturn, ..i^ --.,u 1 .o „, B,.;.,no ,o ,u,. u. ^ ;;;';' ,^,^,;„„^^,, ^,,„,„ ,„ „., ,,„,, ,,,,,,,,,,1 „>. . i,>l«r.m«^. < . Home. Afur .i .r . ^^ _^.,^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ „,„,,„„,.v .KKTibcl, he,! .he ■ •';-;"' :,„,„,,.,;aov.„e,l hin- .df ... UK. K.„.ly ,.f ,.«rfoo.u.n. WluU- n> h,s '"-'"^ • '" , / !' ^ , , „ „,o ;:.'^""'^' ^r.:";r ;:;;u ; •' 1 X "i: i;':.;. -lu-o .. .... .., A...,-.ea. e.e.l.. i.n„u.aia...y to .he ""- ''^^ ->; ,, ., ' r.,;!.. wUh ,.,. „any ""," ""'" :l, . f on K,>5 .o ir.rn. «he„ he ,va. a. On,..>.l,.,:a, an.l a nho,. May at work. vvithi.> f;icts fnnii.hed by I)r. hhea. I, sonjilit. It I low true adversity ul liliiidi'd. the Katlun- 111. jircssing IK'iit ()i)|><)r- ;. his uuide n':< villiii;c." It 11 hiMlll cif lli'"- fiiniiini; a iii;lit pnibiilily tlH! iiiui WL's-t "f lIulK'dJO ICC (if relics )mve 15s, mill liiiMclrcds 'Ills '."■Cilt villiiL'f ihicx licncc comc- itR (if tlio iircscnt r lIiiMctye Kails. ,1 1 iriic town, ipyi-.i-: f^cvcriil dif- SlllliviUl fniiiul 11 lliinl sninll mu', niUcd CiiAiMON- ■UH a wino dresser, ed iissiiciiite lo rob ic fciired to return, iires, wliicli lie lias jf May. l(i:i '. as the •rted, devoted liiiii- theii also a student iicited tlie t'aiiada ID scut to .\iiicrica. , and with him pni- ill lli.'id. visitim; the ehee witli llic |iarty .ealli, oil llie vjlst of , and a shoit slay at o/l/ie l'lli/"l .S/lllll: : several sketches of ly derived from this li.'isini; prc.^fiilfil a hit df wikh] t,i cast hikhi twn imuihI .-tiiiii's \vhic!i tlicy t'liriuiiitcictl 111' liic ji iiinir\-. siiiTi m m Inl with the syiiihuls ot' a siipcistitimi of tliis |i('n|i|c wlm 111 |ias>iiiL; thi'ow a siiiaU stici< iiiaiii tiifS(> stdiics in idkcii ,it ilirir hiiiiiaL;'!'. adihiiii' the wni'ds hmn' ,' (i<;!ct:niiim i\^ti(/iii,i/iif^ ihal is tn .-^ay : lluld I this is to pay my |iassatji' in m'dir that. 1 may ]inicc'cd with satrty. ' I cannot omit ihr death of l)a\id I-f A[oyni' which sh'-nld seem [U'ccioiis in tlic eyes of Lt'ood men. as we hchcxc it to have ht>en in the siirlit of (lod lie was a \'oiinL;' man from I>ieli]u>. ■' a,L;ed ahout tliirty years, zeal h'd him iohi!- low the Father in this mission, beiiiL;- disposed hv a Lieini'al eonfessioii. A liemorrhaue wliieli weakened his hodv hir .some time, ihd not interrnpt for a moment liis enthn>iasm ; and he (hed on the banks of Laku Tiuhrru ( with the lientleiies.-, and resi^triiatioii of the eleet, blessinu' Inxpiois which raged for two years, when negotiations for peace were concluded at Montreal, accompanied by the retpiest from the Iroquois embassy that the sevei'al missions might Ite reestablished. For this ]>ur!>osc. and not without misgivings on the part of the French for his personal safety. Father Simon Le Moyne, when on a visit to Onondaga in KioB, opened the way for tlie lirst missions, returned with the emba.ssy, and arrived at the Impiois capital the 12th of August, 16(50. He made a brief visit to the Mohawks who had taken no jmrt in the overtures f(U- peace, and maintained an im[ilacalile hostility to the French, but without success, and barely escaped with his life from the scene of his earlier labors, lie spent the autumn and winter in nMssi>)nary work, largely among the Onondagas. A notice (»f it occurs in the Relation of 1602, as follows : "Behold h.erea mission of blood and lire, of labors and of tear.«, of captives and of barbarians. It is a country where the earth is still red with the blood of th.e French, where the stakes yet stand covcre(l with their ashes: where who have .-survived their cruelty, bear its fatal marks on their feet and hands, their toes cut oil and their linger nails torn out, and whert^ in tine Father Simon Le Moyne has been for a year to soothe the sighs of this alllieted church, and to take 1 Fmtij (luiplnf r:f rni/m/n lliflvry, pp. 2'.i, 30. 29 votion that UJ) tlio f. )1- acy iiivolv- .t Ganciitaa cumstaiices IS plot and the liistory , tliat a war vliit'li raged Diicliidod at ic Irofiuois established, tlie part of Le Mdyne, way for tlie rived at the iiade a brief 10 overtures ility to the with his life tlie aiitninii Oiiondagas. jllows : djors and of untry where 1, where the ■c those who DU tlieir feet ils torn out, been for a and to take part like a good pastnr in :ill ih,' iiii.-.f(irliiiics .if his dear tlnek. "He was ehiclly nnjupicl during the winter with thivi> eiiui'ehes, one Kreiieh, one lliiron and ( lrn,pi,H.-. H,. pivsei'ved the piety among tin' French eaiilivi-;. and be- eanit,' himself the srinei'ly so llonrishin- in their own I'oimti'y; lu' laid the foundation of the Iroipiois ehmvli. going from place to plaee to baptize tin' cinldivn and the dying, and to instruct those who. in the miiist of bai-ba.- lism. wei'e not far from the kingijoiu of (idd. "A little eha]>el formed ><\' lu'anciics ami hark \\a> the sanctuary where (iod recciscd c\ci'y .lay the adoration of those who eom posed tliesi'thi' •liurdies. Ilciv the I-'iviich assembled each morning, half an hour licfoiv davlight, to assist at the august saerilice of the mass; ami everv evenim; to recite in eominoii the r(.>ary : and often too, duriiii;' tin' da\ to seek consolation from (io(| in then misfortunes, joining their mangled haiidsand liftiiiL; them to llcaxfii, thev i-ravcd for those who had thus mutilated them." , Owing to the continued hostilities of the ^b)hawks. it was not until It'.Cb, that the missions were reiu'wed. when all the eantons once more weleonied the missionarv l-'athers. I For an MOi-oiint of Lc Moyiic's vUit to Ciiyui.-ii, m'c A:iiIu C/^.'/.f,,:- ./ Iw/in/,i //;«. /iirij, p. -jri. The missKui among tlic Seiitvas was ivsiuiu'il in 1^. liv Fatiicr.laiiu's Fiviniii, wlio was in < )ni'ii(la!i:i in l(v)7. at the breaking u]) of tlie lr(M|iuiis missions, as lefciTcd to in tlir lircvious nnmlKT. His narrative oecnpiis (,'liaiiti'r IX of the R.h\tint\ KiTH. and is as follows: TlIK MISSION OF ST. MICII.\KI„ oK TSoN NoNTOfAN. Onr lro(|nois missions made in the year li)()l> verv gi'ati- fvinu' progress. We then l)egan to pi'eaeii the (iospcl at nVdiinontotiiin, (Sencea), wliei'(> there is a ureati'r nnml)ei' nf people t'.Kin in the other fonr eaiitons of the lower Iroipiois. When I arrived here at ln> " of the year i(]()8, I was well received : Imu a fatal form of sickness breaking out at the time, desolaied the entiri' region, so that 1 was wdiolly oecnpii'd in visiting the cabins to instruct and baptize the sick, who were in e.xtremity. It pleased God to my hn!nbl(> laboi's, .so that in a short time. 1 bajitizetl more than one inindred and twenty persons, nej'rly all adults, of whom more than ninety dieii soon after baptism. I'Jnt as 1 was alone and could not leave; the lie](h more than une humlred and tifty died (without baptisnO in distri(;ts far removed from here, while engagc'il in lishin^:' or hunting. A necessity so press- ing impelled me to ask for assistance and beg Father (iai-- nier. who was at Onondaga, to cmne to my aid at the earliest moment. I5ut ])y the time d ceased. Thus l)eing relieved from exclusive occupation with the sick we began to proclaim the (iosjiel 1o the people who ;;i 1 1(!(58. In- >;")7. ;if the lo ill the IX (if the CAN'. VL'i'v ui'ati- (idspc! at IIUlllluM' 111' • Jr()(|it(iis. )()8, 1 was :iiig nut at, as wliitllv a)itizc the IjIl'ss my inoro than , of wlioin , as 1 was iiKiiTi] and from hore. V so pi't'SS- athcr (iai-- he earliest tagioii Ird atioii with )eople wild ha>i never heard tlie name of .IisusChi'ist : and in order to d,) this with tlie ,uTeater sii< ss in dill'cr.Mit Neuter and the third the Huron. ' The lirst two liave seldom if ever seen l-jiroiieans, neither have tlicv heard mention of the true (lod. As f,,r the third, they are a col- lection from iiiaiiv lini'dn villaucs, all of whom iia\-e lieeii inslnicteil in the l>'ai!li. and niaii\- of whom ha'l alreadv iieeii I Si'r ScllccaTowii^. |i, •.-,. -Il)(l. ■■' This w,is after {}>■■ Mil,ju-ann,i „r ilu. Ilimiiis. N.nlor- iiiid Kii.- ami | rev:,, lis to that of (iaiiiiastOi.'iit.< ; whence the inference that the OnnontioL'as were a Irilie of the Eries whose towns seem neve,- to have been visited iiy the Kreiich. "The t.Trilory of the Iro.|iiois." says Mr. Hale ^ //w/mi.. ««,/■ „/■ l/i/., p,,, :i->, ;»,, •• ,.„nstai,tiv ,.Mei.clinL'. as their united strensjlh made itself felt, hccanie the • (Jreal ■ - of the Indian liihes. or Ilie corainered Kri.- and lliirons many hniidreds were ..M-eiv,.d and adopted bv their con.inenirs. The Tuscaroras, expelled l.y the Kn-lish from North earolina. took r.'fnue witli the Inxpiois and hecame Mi,, si.xth nation of the Lea-ue. l^'roni still further south the Tntekies ami .Sapoides of Dakota .s|,,ck. after in,iny wars with the IriMpi.tis, Hell to then, fr,,ni their other em.niies and f aind a cordial wele ,me. \ chief Htlll -[,< |„ ,|ie council as a representative of the Tuleloes, thou-h the trihe itself has heeii swept away hv dis,.ase or ahsorhed in the larirer nations. Many fra-ments of trih,-s of Alironkin liiieaL'e-Delawares. Molu-ans. Mississa;;as-sou-ht the same hospitahle pndection which never failed them," ..\i:aln , I pp. II."., !Hi. i: " Those whoMippo,.etha! the llnnmH only survive in n few Wyandots. and that the Kries. Altiwamlaronks and .^ndastes have ntterly perished are ,i:really mistaken. It is ahsohitHv certain that of the twelve tlions- and Imlians who. now in the Inited States and Canada, preserve the Iroipiois name, the tirealer portion diTivc their d..,s,.,.„t, in wlnde or in |.art. from those comim^red na- tions. Xo other Indian ,.omm,iiiily. so far as we know, has pursued this ],olicy of in- coriioration t,) aiiythin- near the -ame extent or carrieil it out with anvtliiiii.' I'ikc the came hiiinanity." l,;,l,ti/.c.l l>y our Fathers k'l'oiv tli;.t (loun^liinir niitlo,, was (Icstrovc'l liv till' arms of the Iroiiiiois. ' Wliilo thrv wcivbuiMinu-iiu'arliai'rl. 1 iM'.iiaii vi/itiii-- tli.> ral^iiis in onicr tu know tlie jn'opK., ;ni.l cliirllv to s.rk out the >rattrir4 sli.v]. of th.' ancirnl .■linivl, of tlir Hurons, and en.l.'avor to lead them hark to the fohl of Jesus Christ. These li'ood people were overjoynl to see me ami hrar me speak of the Faith. It was n..t possible to satisfv their .le- ^i,T in this re-ara. Some of tliem sai-l to me that it was not ',.„on-h to prav to (iod hut on.-c a dav. Others eomplaiur.l tluit 1 spent too little tim.' in preaehin.^' of our LopI and Paradise. Some of them even rei>roaehed mr with iKirtiahtv in' that 1 hail pr.'h'rred others to th.Mn, as I did not visit them as much as I did the others, indeed these po..r soids were schun-rv and thirstv for ri-hteonsness smd their salvation, that 1 had diiUeultv in peisuadin- them that as soon as the diapel should be liuished, their -ond desires w.mld U- eom- plclelv satistied. xMy r.mnd of visits bein.L' tinislied. I found about forty adult Cliristians who had prescrve.l faith and prayer, been kqft f,,„nthe ..vnc.raldis..^oluteness of tlie eountry and were hvm- ,n all the' puritv of Christianity. AH the rest of the llurons .ave proof of -ivat eau'erness for holy; and 1 have remarked in them an assiduity s.. exact and sueh ."onstauey j„ praver. public anj the swk out rolls, iiiiil s Christ- hciir me their (."^eiiccas) ami Neu- ters siin'c they have scarcely evei' seen Europeans or heji'ilnf the i'aitli, it is a work to ahsorh all the /eal of the niiersuade those of the other nations to aecoinpany them to the eliapel and |)ray with them. This eompi'lled their fathers and motliLi's to eome and sei.' what they were doing, and, in some cases, to follow their e.xaiinile, to avoid the shame of Ik ing outdone by them. What I have most ailmired in those lliirons who have for many years bei'ii Christians, is the open profession which ;i-i tlicv aP'' a;'ciistniiii'.l to iiuilxo of tlicir faith, wliicli is more ililiirtiltlhaii one can woll iiiia^Mui', anions!: a im'ii|iK' \v holly iiitiili'l and liart>aroiis. without, hlushiiij.'' for the l:iisih'1, nor carinLT foi- the insults ami ridicule nf ihc pauans : ami so well convinceil were iiic other nations of tlieir constancy in the Faith, that they ,i;'ive iheui no nther name tlian that oi l>e- lii'vers, ami The l'"aithful : and such is the repuiatidii two of them have ai'ijuireil in the entire reninn for virtue, that all the |ieo|i|e I'evcre ihelll. One of these oears the iiiuiK! of .lames Atondo and the othei' Francis Ti-oroiddonLfo. The first e'iv(w himself almost (•out in nail V to |iravci', and in his oi'dinary conversation speaks onlv of (idd, alike to Christians and infidels. lie is very exact in his dliservanee of all the eommandnu'iits ot (iod. '• If von hut knew." he is vvont to say to them " what prayer is and the power it has to make us happy, you woulu all iir;iv ti) ( ioil without c(>asinL;'. ^ rs. you will only exchaii.ui.' the evils of this wretched life for torineuts and eternal tires." The second named Francis Teoroiihioiigo who was formerly the host of the late Father Le Moyne,' is an i)ld man of a^i- I See iR-connt in lithdhn Wi'2, p. H. ;io i.< \nnvo :• \V 111 illy Sprl. lllll' 1 inm about, it to all iie merts, both Christian and heathen, .so that, if tiie L'ospel had ne\-er been piiblislird in this eoiinlry by the ini.ssioiiaries. he alone had spoken (.•iioii-h of it, to justify the wavsof (iud eoiici'i'ii- iiiLi human siihation. lb' has said to me many tiiiifs, tliiil dnrim; the tweiitv years he has been separated from our I'athers. he srarcelv passed a day witliuiit e.arnestlv beseeeliiiiLi- our iiord the ^raee that lie should not die before beiny eoiifessed and without haviim- pi'eviously prayeil to (iod with some one of the mis- sioiiarie.^. "Ah my (lod," he said, •' Thoii hast shown .so .ureat indiil-i'iiee for me: Tlioii hast already ,l! ran ted nii' .so many fa\drs, wilt Thou refuse mo thi.s that I now ask ? Shall I be So unhappy as to die without boiiiu eoiifes.aifiits. Ill' s;ii(| : " Why slmulil 1 n'grct thfin? My iiKitlicr dii'il iiiiiiir'liati'ly afirr iccciv i n;^ liaptisin. Ahuost all iiiv iii'ar rchilivcs liavr yirlih'il ihcir smils into ihr hainls of the Fathi-rs who iiiivc made them Christiui;s. 'I'hfv arc all hapiiv ill Paradise. I liopc soon to l'o ainl lind tlicni. Thf j^reatest uiilia|i)iiiicss I have had in iiiy lile," he adilcil with a sIliIi. " is that one of my cliildi'di died some \eai's since, wiilioiit i)eiiiir iilile to confess his sins. He was ihiri\ years old. He had livi'd liadly, and tlionuh I had taken pains to make him a L^xxl man, he des|) i'i|na!lv the law of (iod and the warnini; of his father: and what allliets me sorely is thai he died in this sad condition, without the opiiortunit v of licinu' reeoncile(l \yith (iod by eonfession. I haveonly oiio child in the world, and he is at present ont to war. If (iod di-pose ot him. I shall haye Imt little Irouhle n nsolinL;- nnself, since thou did'sl confess him jnsl hefoiv he went awav."' This goes to show what ideas our sayaL'^es haye of Paradise wliilc as yet they are not fully inslriieted in our mysteries. I hapti/.ed the past year a young woman of the more dis- tingiiished of .S'lieci, who died the day after lier liaplism. The mother was iiieonsolahle at her loss, since our sa\a'jes show extraordinary all'ection for their eliililren : and as I was cndeayoring to calm her grief liy representing the inli- nite hap[iiiu'ss her daughter was enjoying in Heaven, she artlessly said : •• Thou dost not understand. She was a here, and had at her command more than twenty slaves who are still with me. She never knew what it was to go to the forest to liriiiii' wood or to the river to draw water.' She knows ' This [(nihahly Imd refcri'iici' I.) tliu villau'^' T.)tiiuti)ii iiortli-wi'st of IlmiiMiyc Kails wlitTf tlio river \vii« not (listiint from tlie town. Tli s win I'i'^lit yciirH jjri'vions to Or.'i'iiliii';,'!!'!' vi«lt in KlTi'. Willie resiiliii:; on the site Hoiith-west of the falls they proh- alily olitaiiieil water from the sinull liniok llowiiii west of tlie vllla''e.— .1. S, ('. ;{; ItlolllCI' ;ill my s dl' the 1 liiiiiiiy Lii'oati'st !i sijjii. k\itli(int M. lie ikc liim nut the th.'il lie 'liil.l III (lisjiose myself, awiiv." 'iiriidisi' • Ill' (lis- laplisiii. sa\!i;4L's mI as I lie inli- c'li, she M'f, and arc still e forest • knows eoyc Fulls rovicms to tlifv prob- lintliin^' nlioiit lioiise-keepiii^r. Xow, I have no doiil.t thai heiiij; for the |ireseiit the only oiio of our faniilv in I'ar (idise, slio will have iini<'li troiilile to aceiisiom herself to the rliaiij,'e, for she will he eom|ielle(l to (In her nwii ccok in^. ^'<> for wood and water and provide with her own hand- what sh(« neeils to eat and ilrink. in truth, is she not to hr pitieil in having' no peisoii who is able to s<'rve hi'r in that plaee'.' Thon seist here one of my slaves who is siik. 1 pray thee instrnrl her fully and show her the path In Heaven, that she Ity no means miss tlu'way. I>nt that she inav lio and lod>.^! with my dan;,diter !iiid relieve her of all the !ill"airs ..f her household." 1 look advantai.a> of the oeeasion and of t he smi|ilieil \ if this woman, to instruct the sick slave I spokr to her: I found her disposed to listen to me; 1 e.\horled her: I in- stnietod her: sin; opened lur eyes to the triilh and desired of me liaptism, whieh I eoiild not. refns •, tliinkiii'^- her in iin- me(|iale dantrer of death. IJnt (in| determineil otlierwisi'. for in time her health was reston.'d ; and now she cMndnety herself in all respeets as a W(»rtliy Christian. After a while, as 1 .^onuht to instniet the mistres<--lie having graiinally given np her low and gross notions ol J'aradise— to enable her to form a more correct and wortliv idea of supreme ha|ipiness, she assured me that there wa> nothing in the world she was not willing to do to reach the ]ilace; that she was resolveil tu go iind join her (]augliter. tn dwell with her in the same blessed sojourn : after which slie remained faithful in ))rayer and a.ssiduous in the means of instruction. She maiiifesied the same zeal in h;ivintf all iter slaves instructed how to pray to (iod : and it may !)e saiil that tlirough her alone, there were won to (iod more than twenty persons. During the six niontiis since I came here, I have baptized twenty or twenty-five savages. There are besides, ten or 88 f.votvi- a.liilt.s wliu HIT pivpiin-.l t(. r.-.-eiw tliat .•iii.TMiiinif. Owiiii' to til.' umisuiillv iiliiiiitlaiil harvest of walnut-* tins vcar. till' jnv of till'' is so jfrcal. lliat i>nc sf.v^ -.cinivly iiiivlliiii- lint -anii'S, (limce^and feasts wliirli lli.-; earrv even to .jelani'li. althoii^'li they have n.. other Si'asonin- than lii.' oil. ' l')iil what eonsoies nie in all these ilisMi-,lei< i-, that i.nlv two of onr Christians have laeki-il the eonni-e i.. ivsist the' soli<'itatii>iis of the soiverer, to make a eeriain «noer>ti- tions hani|net \\\ which all who join th.' .lanee, ihr..w \u>\ nshos on tin' siek, thinkin- this In !»• a s.-veivien iv .Iv for the .lisease. The lroi|Uois, stfietl.v speak inu', liavi' hnt a sin-h- l»ivMnty and that the i)ivani. 'I'hev remler it ahsolnte snKnn-i"n. and fi.Ilow all its di'inands with sernpnlons exa •ines-. . he Seneeas af<' nuieh more di^vote.l than the others, 'I'heir reliuion. in this iv^avd. '/ofs to the last serni'l.', .-inee what- ever thev snpliose is told them in tlie divain. they linld llieni- selvL's al.solutelv lionnd \<> exeento as speedily as possihle. Tho otlior nations ennlent themselves with ohservin'.' the in,.re important dream< : Imt this people who are k.nked upon as living nioiv reii-ionsly than tlx'ir nei-lil"Ms, llnnk themselves uuiltv of a ^Tuatsiiiif they disro;^ard even one. Thev think of tiothiniji' else; they talk of nolhin-- ei^e: all their c'ahins an; full of thoir ilfeaiiis. The;, spare no lul.or I ••TlH'.v imrcli tljiMrimt»niul ii.oni^ over tlie flre to tnkf iiway llicir riiiik nillnca», HhU'l. ufU'nv.inU iiru.-ml, yirld a milky li.iii. r, nml llu- iiii.rii- an an.lHT-n.l.iir.l oil. hi tliese mini.'U'il t(i-<'tli.T. tlu-y llu'irnm"'<*aHaMi'Xlratiui1 and Oilnnt. Tlic«r mil.- ar,- rardy wlu In tti.' mar'kef of Nf* Vork ami I'liiladrlidda. Tlu' Indian- who irdiahilnl llii-. ;-o-lon-. noiimltMl and l.oik'd tUon. and s,.]ianilinu' tlio oily nnh-lancc wlml. e.w.,m upon iHr Mil- face mixed it with their food." North American Sylvii, translated froai the French of V ANM.iiKw .Mi.MAix-farH, INlii Vol. l,p. m. - Siiku.-IUkk Hi. kokv. -The In- dian- who the »l.ores of I.ake Krie ami Lake Michi^-an. lay m. a of these nuts for the winter, a iiart of which th-y ponnd in wocmUm, mortars, and hoiluiL' Mie paste' ill water, colled the oily mutter wideh >« ims npoii the surface, to sea-nii theirahim-ms Ih. p. lH.-).-J. S. ('. m ,ii' [i;nii- til iii;iiiil'''.-t their ilr\ uIidh. hipI lli"ir lolly mi tins Xtlliji'cl Llni'S t'l till' l;l-l lili'iiJill'i' 111' cXi-i'S-i iliiau i Hillilc (illi' .ir.Miii.- tlili in;.' tin' iiiulit lii:i! lie li;i-i iKillM'.iiiiiii-rlf : ii|hmi \vlii<'li 111' I'isi's iiiiinrdiati'ly. wliolly iiaki'd. o.ii's tn a iiiiiiilur (if I'Mliiii"". ill i-ai'h III" \vlii''li III' iiiaki's tlif iiiiiiatts tlii'nw umt |ii< ImhIv a ki'Itli' lull iif '.vatcr. Ihiwcvit tmI.! it iiia;> 1h', AimiIIh'I' wImi ili-raiiicii liial In' was taken (M|iI ivi' ni' liuriini alive, eaiiseil li m>elf t>i lielhiiiiiil the h illnwinu' ila\, al'tei' the iiianner uf a prisoner to lie liuiiieij, |iersiiailiii,<4 liiiiisell' tliat havini: ill this wiiv siitis|iei| liis ilreiim, his liilelity wmilil !i\ert I'loiii him liie paiii ainl infamy nf eaiitivitv i>r ileatli. whii'h otherwise it Inul heeii rescale.l hy lii< iliviiiiiy he should sillier atiioii;^ his I'liemies. There ai'e some wlio liave lieen as far as (^tiii'liee. ami trav- eleil one humlred and fifty leagues to have a i\"'j: whieli tlii'V hail di-eanied llieveould pnrehase thei'e. It iseasy froiii this to indue in what peril we are every day aiiioii'.'' ;i people who would tomaliaw!< ns in eold lilood. if they dreamed they oneht to do this. Since it is a little tliiirj that uives olVeiici' to a sava'jc. it is eas\' for his imaLiiiiatioii miee exeited. to represent to him in a di'eam that ht^ should take veiiLteaiice on liim who had caused tlie oU'euec^ \V(' appear to ourselves as vietims liahle to l)e taken anv moment to 'orture; and since one is mai'le to die a hundred lillle•^ hy the ever ]ire,-eiit ima'jc of ileath, we esteem oiii'sclves liippy in a|iproacliiii.L: so near to martyrdom. The inlidel women. Kv inclinatiou natural to the sex, are the iiioi'c devotcil ill oliscrvinu' their dri'.ams, and followiiiL' the eoimnands of this idol. It is true that, the worslii|i which this people render, would rather p! l\)r a superstition than ii form of idolatry, as they neither pay adoration to the dream nor oll'er it any sacritiee. They ari' contidciit from a eeilain infallililc experience, that whatever tliey dream and fail to execute, it alwavs I'oiiu's liai-k to (hem in some misfortune, 40 iiivsttM'ionslv ox)ii'osse(l in tlio dreniii. 1 linve roinarkod at the same time, that tlie greater ]»art of tliese savages are 'at less pains to obey their dreams whih" in liealtli, but the mo- ment tlicv have the sliglitest aihnent, th(>y are persuaded that there is no sueh sovereign remedy for tlieir liealing, and to save their hfe. as to do all they have dreamed. The sor- cerers, who an; the same as ju'iests of tlieir divinity, eontri- l)iite not a lilllf to establish them in this superstition, sineo, thcv are ahvavs called in to explain the dream : and, since they i. Mimrkod at ages iuv'iii ut tilt' mo- ])orsua(lc(l .'iiliiig, ami The s..r- ity, c'oiitri- itioii. since ami, since |)rolit. tliey lid, SI) soon ,lie sorcerer tjie Faith ly that it is s to (Iruiik- of ilreiims iinr. 1 oi)nvini-ini;tlu' s ; " I Imvc car ley altnbiit(,' to it i« till' siinl iif ts to coml)at if >f tlu'ir lifi', liii( jieak to 111. 1 in )iil one (if lliesc ize as a iliviiiitj' Ireani ns divine, liat is iieceRsary ns; of llic tliiiif;s less. They also, r ilienins, as for in tlieir sieep ; (lod fortune of a , and when they ills as a defenf 1 conihatint; the erstand how the hsent, as if near nrinj,' sleep, niul where they sec I all dreams are 41 entiCfS, strongly as tliey are adilieted to it, iievcrtlieless, the women ami old men do not abandon themselves to excess. One is thus enabled to lioiic that tlieir example and the zeal of the missionaries, may moderate the (le|H)riment of the young warriors who breathe only for lilood and brandv. For the overthrow of this siipeislitioii of the dream. I hate loiind no method more ellicaeious, than to make them sec clearly and by way of inference, that the faithfnlness of anv number of people whom they know to have carried out the observance of their dreams, has neither saveil them from death or cajitivity, nor from destruction itself of their entire nation, 'riiis coiisidiM'atioii has served me, in this ci'untrv, to uiide- eeive and open the eyes (if many, ilins leading them to dcti-st the whole thing, both the siiiierstitioii of the dream and the i)ad faith of the sorcerer. Nevertheless, in gereral. we mav sa\-, that there is nothing more ellicaeious to attract the Iroipiois to the ]''aith. tli;iii to subdue their pride by the might of arms : and bv as much as they fear those of the I'Veiicli, will they lessen the ol)sta- eles to their conversion. (iodhashis elect not only among the Inxpiois wher,. he has ills missionaries, but he jiermits them to go forth carrv- iiig war to regions most distant, and bring back captives to introduce them into the sacred liliei'ty of thechildren of God and tlieiic(> to Paradise, from the jiri.sons and lires of the Iro- (piois. 'Julius we are leil to adore from dav to dav the hidden and mysterious ways of Divine Pnn-idenee toward liis elect. Two captives of the Gandastojjue having been brought here to be burned, according to the custom, the first being so well instructed and giving all the marks of u saintlv dis- position to receive baptism, 1 conferred it, and after fifteen hours of terrible torture which he er.dured with true Chris- tian resignation, he left the earth to go to Heaven. The other at the first, was unwilling to listen to me, and ha,ving 42 rej)Lillt;, I l() k'uvc ill to IlilH ic to him (1 that lie i>ii ^ivin^l iiianit'cst .•as taki'M appy iiii>- ii ami the othi'i-, wlini I saw m- Irr two vvoiiicii whom I iliil not know, anil who wen ii,.t ,if till' town whciv j ri'siilr: thr one aiiil then tin' oiIht ap- |iroai-lii'il iii'ar tlif sirk oiir ami LiiviiiL:' her iiianv rarcssi-. a<- snrril lur that thry wen' roiiu' to coiisoli' hrr ami that tln'v woiilil liy no mrans Iravr ln'i'. A nii'i'tintj- so ha|i|iv. -o im- lookril joi'. lii'i'atly surjirisi'd ini', .-im'c | rui;|i| not lint think' that this meant tiiat (iod had sent two .Xiilii'Is from llraM'n to iiistnici ami liaptizt' this poor woman. I ihrn a>ki'il if they were williiiL;' to ser\e me as interpreters, to |iroeiiiv for the siek person, alioni to expire, eternal happiness. Thev lioth oilVri'il tlii'm is so willin.L,' to serve llirn- solf of us. as the instniiaeut of His luercv? (1 should rvo llini- IV. TiiiToiicliisidii of l''alli('i' l-Vt'iiiin's ii;iri';iti\-(', ilisclnsrs -miic lit the more serious ohsticlcs riiciiiiiitcrrd hv ihc inissioiKirics 111 tlii'ir work, aihl at llic saiiif time Liivts a vivid pit ,i'i' of lroi|iiois life and iiiaiiiicrs iiion' than two (•cntiirics ai^o. The lirii'f rcrcrcia'c to the Cayiiua iiiission. recalls the lali^rs of the devoted and ucnille Mer.ard. its founder in IdoT. who lour year.- after, lost his life aiuoiiu the hu'ests which iior- ilered i,ake Suiierioi-, while on his wav t.> |iiaiit tin' cross aniouLT the savaire trihes of that distant region. a> he was among the first to do on the iiaid^s of our own ("avniia.' i KatlhT I!e\e MknaiiI). «1i(i wa^^ Imni in !iiO|. bi-pii in Kniih'r lanfcsMir I.i Mad- aiiic Daillilidiil. line cif lln- fimmliTS of MonircM! ; hiii iif lii« pii'Vinii* liislory «!■ know iiolliiiif;. IIiMaiiic lo Canada in till' h^poaiMi', h hiili ^aili'd fmni Dli'iipi' on tni' \.'f,lli nf Marr li, KiiM, and, aftiT inMii;.' ii)iii|iidli'il to |Mit liark liy »liirni«. rcarhi'd (^iiehcr in .Inly. AfliT lifiiiiriliiTrtor ipf tlic ri>iilini's. lie wa-< -ciil to llic I!nn>ii coiinln', ami siirfcrdcd liayinbaiit a^ missionary of iho AL'oiKiuins, NipissiiiL's, and Atontratas On llw fall of the lliirons lie was slalioniMl at 'riircr liiviTs until May liir.ii. when lir arcoinpaniid llic rrrnili I'vpi'ditioii to Onondaya, and from Ihcnii' aciomiianii'cl rhaiinionot to tlif Cay- iiijas in An:;nst of tlii' sanu' year. He reniained for two months, when he was nealled lo ()nonda;.'a, Init soon after reliuiied and remained until the missions were l)roken un ill II).")? : after wliieli he returned to Three Ulvers, and remained there iinlil he wan cliosen ill Aii^'ust KKiO to siicieed (iarrean In an atli'iiipt to heiiin missions iinioni: the Western Aljiompiiii trilies. He set out with a llolilla of Indians .ind after •.-real siilTer- inn reached Lake SiipiTior and foiinile 1 the mission of St. 'I'eresa anion;; the Ottawas at Keweenaw Hay, Oct. l.'i. He labored here dnrini.' the winter and was phiniiiiiL' a mis- sion niiioiii; the Dakotas, when his services were iir^'ently solicited liy a tiand of Hiirons then at the source of the IJlack river, a hraiicli of the Mississippi, Hi' set out for their villasfe In July IH-il, and perished of famine or liy an Indian liaiid, near the source of tlie Wisconsin in Lake Vieiix Desert In the early part of AuLTiist liiili. Kor the place of lilg dentil, which has been much debuted, we inlopt the theory of Kev. K. .lacker, -.vhii to rt dose 8tu()y of the data, add* a personal kuowl idj. Ualin.^., vi.itol lli« Snircas in fnrlh.raiir.. .,f l,i-ll,-l rMM'clili"" to pn.-coif Lis .li.o.vfri.- towanl U.e MisM-^Mppi. The pailv l,u,.l.'dal Hav, tlif iR'areni point l.y wator to Hi., piln.ipal villaL'.' ..I Son „ont.M,an. ,li..aMt al.ouMw.M.ty tiu- fnth of An;;.,.!, the vory .lay that Katli... arrivr,! at I'ayn-u ..n Lis way t.. an.l llvo or si.x .lay. affr 1... lia,l l.'ft tl... SiM.oca villaj-e. La Si.ll.. and Lis .■..mpanioiis ..s,„rt.-(l from tL.' Ljn.l in.' plao. Ly a lar-,. .•on...anv of In.lians to IL.. villa-.', wLer..tL..y aniv.d on tL..t«..lftL „r°\n'n^t,an.l «LI.L is ,lfs.nL...I in the journal ..ftL- i..'cpi..liti..n "as a cilU'eUon ..f cahihs .,nT..un,l...l uitl. palisa.les twrlvror Ihirt...... f... ' \ t..-elher at the t..p an.l s.ipp.irte.l at the Laso, Lehin.l the palisa.l.s, Ly laryc .asses of wo...l of the heitfhl .)f a man Tl... ....rtains ar.. not olln'rwis.. Ilanki'il l.nt form a simpl.. enelosnre, focllv -piare, so that forts ai-e not any prolu.tion. ' .\t the eo,.,., il hel.l the ne.M ,l.,y n,,. srrvanl ..f l''all.e.- Kreniin a.te.l as interprel.r, an.l presents were e.xehan-e.l. L'l SHlle re.piesioi tha' a.apti.e from tL.' .■oi.ntry ..f the Toa-enLas ( th.' omonau'annha alsocalle.l Maso.ntins, nation ..f the Prairie. an,l Nation ..f I'-i.e, at time lo.'ate.l in thesoi.the.n part of present Wi-.-onsin. Lelween Lake Mi.liiu'an an.l th.. Mississippi, mi-ht 1.,. -iven Lim as a ;:ni.le to eondnet tlie uxp.'.liti.m t.. tliat people to .to as soon as the y..nn^' men. vvL., were away trading with the Dntd, t.;who.n they .i.rrie.l all their raplivcs. shoul.l return, whieli w.mld be in ten ..r twelve .lays. In the nwanwhil.- 1. .pianlity ..f Dal.h Lnuidy was Lroii^jLt to the villa-... foU.iwed, as usual by a drunken .lehaiul . whieh La Salle and his asso- elates w^ere threatened with .leath ; an.l a Toa-.'iiha ..^itive whom tliey desired for a -aide was put lo tlie en...| t..rlnr.. ..f six Lours' .luration. when his was cut ?o pi.'ee- an.l prepared f..r the feast. Thus the visit ..f l.a Salle to th.. Senecas resulted in disapi.nintment, an.l hy tl... detenti.m he tLe m,.st favoral.le season for traveling-. Ih.. esiMdilLMi roaeLed no fartlier than tin- m.mth of (i.aiid river ,)ii the norlliern side of I ak.. l.;rie Tli..r« they were overtaken Ly winter and made their camp in the ,i,.i.'LlM,riii.' woods, where th.'y remained until the followin<; sprint;, when I)e l'ass..ii ■ni.Uialince went west, La Salle havin- r..|urn...l I.. Montreal the iirevl.Mis autumn. Il Inis Leen allef.-ed that Vather Kremin left Tsonnontouau for Ononda-a at this par- ti,.nl-.r lime, to actiii- as interpreter I.. La Salle and the Sulpitians, or aidinj; the I 47 Tin lotli of Aii<.nist. IfJdO, I liud tlio li!i|)|)ini'ss to ciiihraee Kallii'i- til" (,'.ii'lu'il at ( >io;ioii(Mi (('ayiin-a), rrom wliciicc I wrote to till' o'Imts of o:ir l''atliiM's, wlio are amoiiu^ tin' Iro piois. to ass'Miililr at ( )iinii(I;iL;',i till' last of tlii' iiioiitli, wIhtc we woiiM iiirrt tliciii. I li;iil the leisure in liic iiie;iii\vliile. to tarrv sotiic (lavs at tliis mission, where I was wil iiess of the faith ami eoiiraLic of the curlier ( 'iiristiaiis whom the late l'"ather Meuai'il hail, himself, huptizeil ; manv even of the inliilels thrnwcUcs, h;el- not foiyotteu the ]iravers whieh hi' IkuI taULrht them. Iiiiii'eilall in this rerenlchiiri'li, L;a\'i' lUf ver\' ufeat consolation ainl stronti; hope of the conversion of the entire country. Father ile Carheil is Lii'catlv liclovcil. No oi pposes the l'"aith. Many of the sachems come to prav to iii.;illcil nf i|[c|r cuiii iiiu'. miic'.i I. ^ lliMl ill" a»!'istami; was dc-ircd. Iiidfctl Ihc iiarriiiivi' of (luliiiri' \vim!il Hei'iii Id ilispii'c Df Ihr wlnili' slorv ii" an nccr tliiiiii'lil, ISprakiiiL' (if tlii' cuiiiicil lirlil (111 Ihuir arriviil at IIk' SriircatinMi. hi' says ; ■■ Wlu'ii \vc saw llic a^.Tinlily liiri;i' ciMiiiL'h «(' lii'L'an Id talk <>( liiisiii(s>, and ilnii it was ilial Mr. ilc la Sullr avowcil thai lir «a« mil aliK' III iiiakr liiniscir iiiidrrsliiixl." 'I'lii' iiifi'iniii' here i» 111. li, Ijis Siilplllaii com. paiiiiiii-' ha 1 liiTii led li> Mi|v|)i>se I. a Siille eapalile (if coiiviThiiii; \\ illi the SenecaK. and only when it e iiiie In llie pnlnl. was it discovered lliat he Odiild iiiil. Iliit more than this. Tlie niirralive eiintinni- ; "On the other liand, my interpreter caw lliat lie did not know I-'rcneh w.-li eniniith lo make liiiiiself well iiiider.slood liy ii*. henee wedeeiiieil It more e\pe(lient lo make use of I''alher l''reiiiiii's man to make our speeeh and lo report lo i|s what the Indian.^ niiirlit say ; and in fail llie inatler wa.s so transacted It is to li.' reiii'irke 1 liial Katlier I''reniin was not then at his mission station, lint liad i;one ;i few days liefore to ()n(iiida:.'a to attend a nieeliii;; to he held of all tlie iiiissionaries sc.ittered amoiii; tile l'"ive Iroiiuois luitlons. There was only Kather l'"remin's i.ian there who served as an interpreter." It appears then, that Dollier de ( 'a-soii had ail in lerpreler also, who hriike down, and that then they applied lo [•atlier Freiiiin's maii. a doniie cir mission aid. who aelii illy did all they iei|iiired. Tliire is no hint in the whole narrative of dissatisfaction willi Kreiniii's man, or of any reluctance onhispirt to serve them. In fad, the iinpressioii from the ..loleis, that tliey('aine prepared, entirely indepeiideii' (.f the missionary, hut when I,a Salle and Itollier de Casson's iiiler|iieter. lioth admitti.'d their inahilily, ihey were Ihankfu! lo olitaiii the services of .finin's iiiaii. I'arkinaii. in his Ll Ihf llrmt IIV.>7 (ISIi'.hp. |:i, coinpletely rejects the chttifre of \a Salle aL'ainst the tlesiiita. 4S liis iissdciuto, who is Ix^th the iuvlnti'i'l .iiul litiiMiT. It will ill 111) ivspcct rrsi'iiil)l(' the fahiiis of the savairi-N, cxcriit in its I'Dvci-inu' of l)ark. In all other partiriilai'S it will ri'smiM.' a hoiisf such as tlu'V l)uihl in France. liehiml tlie altai' he has eonlrive;! to make n small room. Kvei'v one in the whole town s|)eal is iit Oneida, and Father I'lerron who is at M..hawi<. I ha.l time to consider the allairs of nnv e;,rly mission; and all appeared in the same state it was when wi- left it. in the veai' Ifi.-.S, except that the ( )noiHla<.'as were -reativ hnmiliate.l sh.irtlv ai'ter l.v the ( iandastouiu:, as nearly all their hraves iiad heen slain in the war. 'i'hey spoke to ns with great am llcness. and in all respects were more traetahle than lu'lore. There IS a ehnreh ot' early Cin'istians which nnnd.ers ahont forty who live l)e<'onnngly. Many present themselves for instrnction. (laraeontie is onr trm- friend. That Prince and Orator visited me with all the and did lor ns many kindnesses. The 2tith of Angiist, Father Hruyas' and I'icrron arrived, and we had the consolation of seeing onr entire nnmlier (six)- I FuMi.T J A.iiK^ Huiv.v.-, w,is ,1 nntivr c.f LyoiiH, nriivnl ■■! (^m.Imm , Au-ui-t m W,i) ■"' '""■ mil <.r .July, ..f 111., fcllowini; voir, set mil f„r Ih- Mohuwk ((lunnv iiihl ihoio- Ml S,.|.loiilMT f„r Oiifi.lii. IlMvini; l„.,Mi ai.i..)iiil,.,l cliicf „f „11 H,,. I,„',,„„i« ""''"""'• i" '"'I '"■ "''ii'- 1 "> 'I"' M"liiuvks. 11,. was ,ini„ii:; tl,,. Soiccas in li;7:i. hut icliinir.l U< Ihc Mulmvvks iiml roiiiiiiKMl iImtc iiniil smctimI,.,! I.v l-'iitluT Kniiicis Vaillaiil al Ti..nn(inl,)iiiioi, in h;;-!. In ir,K4 lie war< in cliaiw ut ll». mis. ,t ih,, Saiill SI Lmiis. „i, tl„. M. I.:nvroi.v. and in Uisr accompanied tlic [•'ivncli .-xpnlilicm airain-t llio Scnccas under Iicnnnvill... lie was a-ain al Ilie Saiill in aim. and in KlM l.ecame snpe- run (if Ins „rder in Caiinda ami retained liii,- p(,siii(,n iinlil 1700. In IWHi the Onc.nda-as lieiiiL' desin.iis lo cm.hide a peace, visiicl Mxiilreal and invited ■•'allicr liniya-. t.) leliirn as .\n,liassad( r willi lliem, liiil Iheir roinest was refused unlil tliev w.iiild cm- elude a Irealy al Miaitreal. and in llie fall iif that year he was sent with Mai(,r l.a Val- liere with the kiiifi's letter anniiiincin!; the terminali.m c,f h,,slilities helweeii Kni-land and Frame. (/.„ Ihth.n,, IV. i:)l,) In the siininier nf KIR) th,. Irnrpuiis renewed Iheir rcpiest and Father liruyas proceeded to Ononda-a (/,r( l'i; IV. HS.i where he ar- rived in .Miunst and returned the month followin- with a deleyatnm llial etters from your Ueverenee ami Irom |'"athei' Chaumonot, l>y winch we were ailvisol tlie French liail mas>acreil. near Moiilreal. .seven Ouci.his witli .,,,' of ilie nio-t tlistiuL'uislieil of the Senecas. This news iroilneeil ;i terrible e.\.'itt;nieul tlii-ouuiiout tlie nation. .\ nediiitelv to (Iclilicrale on what IkkI h'cu we were summoueil to lie present. I lie deputy coldly rchearsr.l the whole allair. lie was hold to clKiuueoM his own responsil.ility, the belts, taking the more hcautiful one of live tiiousaml heads, all lilack. which he ;ic- cordc'l to tin.- nation ami only -avc to the Sciiccas that wliicli ■hhmI. lint llie letter of Fatner riiaumo- thesi' matters : and we ;ill strcnu- ed him tclt which to him : " it is too far for me to met. in the town, one was for tliat nation, sayin,u' wliflT iR' iviovoi thf iimiif ..f Tcli.irnnlii.i-iiiilir.i, m llic lo.iU.r up lo luavvli, llr «m> ivniovol a. omi.1.1 ill ai;i ami liihon-.l il.or unlit July mi. "lien h.' l.'fl and joined l)r 1,1 li„n,- nn l.iik.. SI. Francis, Ann. 1. M tlie le.inest of Ilie Maroni.- ile KenonvUle. lie in l(!H."i. wliere lie aeted a- imerprcler in lliH" ; was ai.).oiiiIe(l Cliaplain to K.nt Kroiit, iiae in )(i«... where lie aeien a- iM,er,Me,e, „. ...n, . Mi,d ill aw siiceeedeil ile I/iinlierv ilie as Chaplain of Ilie fort M Nia-aia, lie lelnined loToiI Kronlenae in aiS'.t, and lieiiiy lured ontside the palisade.s to attend a dymi.' In diiin was taken prisoner l>y tlie Oneidas and liis life sa-.ed liy adoption into an Oneida family Itnrini: Ids eaplivitv tlic Kn-lish made many elToils. tUoii-h in vaiii, to -et luin in llieir p.mer, wliieli purpose (iovernor Fletelier sent Direk Wessels lo oneiila. He WIS ...lopted inl.i tlie Iril.e liy u Clirisiian a-orander, Susan (i.menta-ramli. and re- eeived tlie name of Olassete. that of the leadiiiL' saelieni of the llrst or Turtle Inaneh .d the irilie. Father Milet e..iitiiiued in thiseapaeity until the fall of Hiiliwheii he returned toQnehee. lie askeil to he returned ayuin as missionary to those Indians, tint the aspeet of the times did not permit it. CliarlevoiN who was in Camula from 1705 lo IVvV live,l several years with Milet and speaks of him in terms of lii;:h esteem. Katlier y.ilet died at (Jileliee. Dee. :il, 1708. 51 < (lays we lu' SUCI'CSS vliii'li hi;i- Ir. >i|ii()is. ssciiiifr III' [rivil, witli ami IViiiii tliat thf 'idas will I riiis iii'ws latinii. A t hail U'i'ii ;rnt. TUr as lioM l<> ;■ tilt" llliirc lii'li lit' ai' that wliic'ii r ( 'hauiiiH- all sti'fim- him t<) act itii' haviiiL! holl whirl I I' fof me In 4:i\(M, lie wii> t and juiiu'd l)i' • KlMKIllVilll.', Ill' iTprilci- 111 1118"; 11, lie riMiiriii'il li'iid a d\ ins; I"- mill an Oneida vain, tciu'el Idni s.'-els t knuwn \n thiMii thr will III' Om.iitiii. Witliniit doiiht a .-iii-lf all'aii- nf this iialiifc is niosl, mifortiiiititc. ami is riioiiL;|i tu ivkimlli' war lictwccii the Iroijuois ami French. S.-aivcly !i;id the council liiiishcil its l)iisiiic>,<. when thciv was heard thrmi'^ii th.. t,,\vn. tl ry of an < )iicida. who had loitiinately escaped fruiii the liamls of a lroo|, of warrioi's of the nation of the Xex I'erees. At this cry. they rrasseiidiled ill council, to listen to the ndiearsal of the adventure. '• Wc were. ' he said, •• live in one '..and. We were returning' \icto- nous with two prisoners, of 'roiiaL;aniih;i : l.iit iinfo, tunatelv eneoiintcrinii' a coiii|.:ii:y of warriid's of the nation of the Nez I'erccs, we were defeated, my four comi-ades haviiitr I.een slain, or taken to;,^'etliei- with our tw aptives: I alone inn e,ein onisclves too happv to he ahle to oiler oiir lives a sacrilice to Him. 'I'akiiiLrourdep.artnre from ()iiond;iL;;i, we arrived on the7tli of Sej.teinher, at (Jaiidachiora^on ;' ami, as we were pas.^inu throii,uli (ianda,ti-aiv>.^ a drunken .savage .seized F.ither Cir- nier with (.ne hand and rai.^ed the other at two diireivnt times to .stal. him with a knife: l.iit fortunately, a woman happened near eiioiiLdi to this harliarian, to wrest the knife fr,.m his I'lUmlNoHen''' ''"''''''■"'''' "'^""' l""\'"''ly "' "»^ ronauannlni to the Nez I'er.e.- <,r ' See Seneca Tiiwni-, p. 2.",, " ibid. 52 liiiiiil, iiml ]>ri'v<'iiU''l liiiii fiimi ciin-viii'j- fiiillii;iii. I r.iiiKi not lull iiilniiri" in this fncMimti'i', tin- lirm iicss iui> du\ mil luMiiiy iIk- l.'iisl ^il:ll «'f fi'iir. Thivr .lavs aflfi- (lur arrival, he took fliai'<:«' of ilu- mission ..I' (iaiulachioiaj-on,' w\h'W then' an- thn-c or' lour Cliristian.- who liavf niadf open jirofosioii (,!' their iaith. lie iias oiilv the chaiyt' of a sin.ulc town, at Ica.-t for tli.' pivsmt yrar, in onlcr that hr iiiav ha\«' linir to ai'.|uiiv iiii>iv ]ici-hTtly ih.' hiiiiiHa'jv of the coiiiitrv, alul make for huasrlf rules aii'l a dictionary, that he may instruct the others: Ik e 1 am ..lih'jcl to take ;'are of the llirec otlier towns. 'I'lic tweutvsc\eiith of .^.•[itcmhcr, as I was al'out to Icavi'. to assume charge of the nnssioii of St. Michael. I was tak<'ii ill. ami eompelleil t,M rcmam for several days until the vio leucc of the attack was passeil. After the lirst of Sciitcmlicr. the youth of tla' jilace, ac- c.nliu'j to the custom, start for the .ipeii cMimiry: and tiic rest of the inhabitants who are ahle to endure tlu' f.itiL'iic- ..l Ihi- war or the chase, f.illow soon after. Of the latter thcr- are alw.ut live hundred capalile of war, di\ idcd mto many hands who all uo a-amsL the 'ronii,i:annha. and lour or live hundred to hunt the Leaver, which they lake in the directi.Mi of the country of the llnrons. The latter take their women and ciiildrcn with them, so that there remain only a small nnmlicr of old peoivle. 1 learn that it is the same at ( ioi,.- goiien.antl that they. also, divide ihem.selve.'i into hunters and warriors. This is very deplorahle, tus the result is that num hers from these nations die withont baptism, as these expe- ditions are attended with the loss of many people, and what urieves me is thai we are not able to remedv the evil. But (i,.d who knows His elect does not iVil to furnish them the 1 8oo Senna Tnwiis, p. viS. 6» Ills linitiil ', tin- linn lii'tray iIp' lit" iiii.xsiuii • ('liristi;iii> Ic IlIlS (llllv rllt Vr;ir. Ill i-rtVctly til.' rules iiii'l ;i ii'iH'c I am III t'l \i'.\\ ' I was tak'i'M it'll till' Vio I' jilai'c, ■,{'•■ •V : and tiif ■ l',ili'_'iii'~ 111 laltci- lluT" iiitd many I'luir ui' livi' he ilirci'lii'ii lirir WDiiu'ii (iilv a small iiiH' at ( i'li"- liunti'i's ami s that uum- ; iIk'sc cxpL'- Ic, ami wliut ovil. But ish tluMU the lav.)ial)li' ..pimrtiinity to j/aiii Parmiisi'. W'c aiv nftm hin^ • liM-t'd liv Hiicli al.s.'iircs ami cxiM'ilitioMS c.niii.iMh h> ihcs.. I !'''•• '''"'I' l:il'Mnii;j h.r tlirir iiistnictioii with lii.' >ii s-i w.- .••Mild (Icsiiv. The -ivjitri' |,art of tlmsr who ImImm- i,. III.' towns wh-Tc we wciv cstaMislicd. aiv away fithcr at the war or thr cliasc, luiic iiioiiths out of tlicyrar: and I'or a iiioiitli pivvioiis to their drpartiiiv, the youth are aeeustoi | toal.aiidoiithems.'lves to excess iii driiikin-. till lli.'v l,iv,,mr filfi«Mis: so that exeO|iliii-r the old peopl.. and the wommi who are not addieted to sm-li ticc, j tJiink-, ,|,.v. '•rtheless. that thev would hav.- heeu u h lietter satislii'd with ten liclts of wampum than with the death of three Krenchmeu, since they woiild not lie disposed to render the same jiistiiH' in situilar cireuiiii-taiiee.s. Tiiey (lee!;ire. h,,\v- ever, that they are content with this satisfaction; and I ,\,, Hot think they will dare to carry their resentment farther. ii"i' attempt aiiythinu' atiains! the Kreiieh. The 27tli of Scptemlier, as 1 thought my.self sullicicntiv recovered from my illness. I .m^t out on the joiiriiey, !<• take fluirge of the mi.ssiou of St. Michael in the town e;illed (Jan- dagarae.' (Mir hravo Christiati, I'lancis Tdioronhiongo, met me iind eoiidiicted mc to one of the lin(!r cabins of the town, that of a person of consideration although an unheliever. authoritA gave mc protection the insolence of the dnmkard.s. The third of .Xoveiuher, which was the Sunday after the ' Si'C Seiucii TowiiH, p. M. 1 54 Kestivul of All Saints, the .'iKipel l>cmg in onlcr. 1 invitcil nil (,ur savaiTfs to come there to pray to God and lie present at tlie Mass, whieh 1 was to say early in the niornin-. 'I'he ,.hap. ! l)ein^• full of pe.iple, I he-an my exhortation l.v tlr- ,.|;innL^ the ohjeet of my eomin.L!', and accordingly begged them to open their eyes to the truth, to recogni/e the God of heaven anil earth, to put away everything that was displeas- iim to llim. and hy their consistent iidelity, ren.ler them- selves worthy of eternal happiness. 1 hope of the goodness of God, that His grace will dispose their minds to relish the truth of Christianity, and undeceive their vain snperstition. b.vide drunkenness aiui the dream which are the two olista- ( ;c-s to the Faith among the liotpiois. Father Garnier continues to laljor liravelv in the town ot Gaudachioragou. God serves Himself of him for the con- version of some souls toward whom His compassion has been cxtraordinarv. More than twenty persons, happily, having heen baptized, .lied most Christian hke. Hut it is evi.lenf that suirerinus are tlie lot of the apostolic missi.uiary, and t,li:,t or, must Liivc himself up to the providence of (h'd, iahop-.g hard, and leading a life which may be called one /•.n.'inuai i'eath. Thr mi, "ionarv labors of Father Fremiu in Xew York, closo with the fo.'.'-oing narrative, he having been transferred to important .-erv,je in the vicmiiy of .Montreal.' 1 FatluT .Fames Fukmin iinivrd in Caim.b in W>r,. He ,uTonn'm,k.,l Halilon to On ,„ula.'aiu LMiiaml roMainnl there ...,til tlu. bvaklnj; .,,. of tl>,. n.i.sions ia .Man- 1,.'wastlu.nfov ^^yo years at Misca ; next year at TlMve Itivors an.l Cape .le la Maaelelne. In ItTO lie was assi-.-nod to ll,e Cayn.-a M.sM.n,, Imt di.l n..t .erve aia next year was seal to the Mohawks. Near the elos,. of Kids he ylMte.l the Senecas ami resided at Sonaontoaan and renniined then, nntil the arriyal of Farther Oanuer ,., the followins; year, when 1... eh.a.ed his resi,le.,ee to (ianda.arae. the soath-eastern c,f he ^eneea Mlla-es, lahorin,- in that yiUa.'e an,l (iandatzaro tt.Uil UuO. when he was reeal led ,,ul assi.n.ed to the mi->i.m of St. Francis Xavler, then located at l.a Prairie. Ihis li;;ii, and in lliT'.l he yisited France in it^ aiission was removed to the Saalt St. Limis in li;;ii , ,,, ,,.,., hehalf. lie was airai.i in Canada in liiS-', and .lied at l,inel,ec on the -Jiuh of .Inly, in.'-. ■, 1 iiivitcil bo |ires('nt niii'j. 'I'lii' lion l>v ili'- "■Iv bcuue'tl ^ .7 >- • - tlio (i(k1 <>i' as (lisjiloas- IkUt tllflil- R! uoodiiess () i-clisli the nperstitiiiii. ' two ol)sta- tlic town 111' or tlie con- ;)ii has been lilv. liaviiig , is evident ;iouarv, ainl ice of (iimI, .' calleil (Jiie Xew ^'l)^ls-. 1 iraiislV'ri'eil ioil Dalilon to On- is.-ioiis in Miircli. " unci ('apt' ik' hi id licit nM-vc anil il till' SoiU'C'iis and liiT (iariiicr in tin' ntli-eastirn if tin- '11 lie was ri'calk'd l.a Prairie. Tlii" sited Krimce in il> iluilKif .Inly, li«i-,'. I'lii' la>l c'iiaptcr I'cMii'hi.lccI the accinint >>< tlie missimi fur the year ICdU when Father Kiviiiin wasealldi to the resilience I'! St. I'Vaiieis Xaviei' i))i|ic.~ite .Nb.ntival. leaviiiLj- l-'ather well :is tlH> lorvor ami (•oiimgc of soiiu' souls of lilt' fleet. An oldChiistiun iKUucl Kraiu-is 'relioronliiotiiroof the lirst, of ihe church of St. Michael, distiii.Lniisheil for his eiuiucnt virtue ami for tlie authority lie has aci|uire(l over those of liis own nation (lluroiis), havinii" recently lost by death an inti- mate friend, a f/ood and very virtuous Christian, very sud- denly, was so inijn-essed l>y the circumstance of the import- ance of dyin^;- well, and the necessity of ready at any moment to make the passage on which depends eternal hap- piness or misery, that ho is not aMe to divert ids thouuhls. Such was the efTeet of this grace upon him, that from that time h(> formed the ri'solution. which he has inviolably \ satisfy his dream, since he liad done with this ceremony, and renounced these tliiniz'sat his liaptism : and as he di.l not recognize in a dream anvthing divine, so he would neither render worship to his own dream or the divams of otiiers. One of the sachems of the town for whom that people have great respect, and desire to please, ajiproaching him in the course of this public ceremony witii a threat that unless he accorded to him wliat he had dreamed, he would iminite to him. as is the belief of people, all the misfortunes tliat might befall him. tlie luenance did not in the least disturb liim. He replied, ])roadly, tliat being a Christian, he had. no fear : he made the same reply to all who importuned him on the subject. This Christian cmsistency has won for him such coiitidenee and respect, tliat if lie happened unexpeetedly in a oathering where the iididels are conversing together of ;>< 301110 souls of tin" lii'st is oiiiiiu'iit hose of lii< itli ;ui inti- vorv suil- hi- import- ady at any lenial hap- s lilOUlilltS. from that ilahly kcy\. appoaraiu'f icheil when tho accoiii- amatioii in r.-oii sliouM liis (hx'am, meed tlu'se in a cli'i'am I'sliiu t'l liis people have him in the it unless he jniteto him, s that mi.iilit listurl) him. a same Katiier writes us that lu'ver has he had more attentive hearing than sine;- til.. I.uriiiii-- of the town of St.. ^[lehael whieli ocenrre.l hist spriiin-, when all the calniis with the .•hapel, wre re- oi" the gospel. 'I'liey earnestly that he will hy no means leave them; tiicy promise .so .soon as they have rebuilt their eahinsand their pali.sade lor .security against their en,Mnie.s to «-liii,l 1., Hj.-.i,,. thoir ii-Miainini; ,la.v.i ul tlu- missi,,,, of llu- Moumaln of Monlrrnl ■ lm\ • 1.1;; Dccoiuf tn-v l,y tlio .leatl, of tla- head, „f th« cabin i.i whi.h ho ha' tie more ren.arkable. A Seneca o"" the t.nvu of St, James,' very age.l ami a per- son oi eonsi.U ration, liaving been taken siek, the Vatlier visite.1 him aiul olTcre-l on his part to re.uh iimi all possible assistanee h.r the relief of his malady and the salvation ..f his sonl. He refused both rou-hly, so that the Father was compelled to withdraw after some kind attentions, in order nut to prejudice him at the outset. Many days pass.-d with him in this ill nature, during which the Father was able t do nothin-, except to intercede with (Ind fur the mlscn,b,.- .,^e who to all Imniaii appearance must die without baptism und'm unbelief, the .Ux.r of his cabin <'losed and all access to him denied. ■ , . i In the meanwhile, the Father was well apprised tiiat he WHS vi-^il>lv sinkiicj, which was to him an unspeakable sor- ,,nv. it is onlv for those wh.. have had the expericiu'c. to nnderstand wllat it is to see a sin-le unfortuualc s..ul, that one has come to seek from across the sea. so near to pcrd.tion without bein- ai.le to give aid an was enou.di to induce him to send with all possible dispafh iu.d on h'is own part, beseech the Father to come and visit l,i„; inHueduitclv. He was found at St. Michael, where. awaiting tlu moment of grace, he had gone t.. visit his 1 Onndfif!'*™- ^'''' "'"'' "" ^''»^'"^" l'J«''"'' !'■ -"'• 59 rcbfllii'iis MS tVVi) ' ti- ll circuin- \ml !i ]ier- 10 Full 101- 11 |)()ssil)l(' Ivation iif 'atlicr was -. in oiilei' asscil willi ■as aMi' t ■ iniscralh^- it liai^tisiii 11 access ti> >(1 that lu' itkal)k' siir- )ei"icnc('. ti) I soul, that .1) [icnlitioii ing it IVoiii .vs'iriuKcll' eatcst 1111)11- II uiiliii>ko(l r (livains. it KatluT \vln) vt>ry. This jle ihspatoli lie and visit had, where, to visit his eliiireii. lie left evervtliing at lliis news luul ivtiinie.l with ;ill iM.ssihIe s|.ee,|. 'ri„. siek man was .,\erj..vr(l at his .•.,ii,- '".- : """''" lii"i l''l<'' ii seat at his hed aini sanl u, him: "Oiii-asera (which is the liulian name C.r th,. Father) -ive me, I i>ray thee, inimcliately. the medicine: I h;ivc seen it, while di'eaiiiinu-. i,, t|iy hands and it will cmv inc.' -Ah" my hn.ther," repli<>,| the Kafher, - must willinoly, j ani ah-mt to give thee a medicine, hni very din'erent :ind far hctter than that which thon hast seen in tlie (hvaiii : thou art m no I'artlier iiee,l for the lio,ly, whi,-h is in no comhtion to he l)eiielited : a inL-dicine of this iiatniv, would onlv seive to hasten tlie end of thy life. The givat Master of IHe. wh.) loves thee, comnianils me to give thee a nu'da-inc which is wiiollv iK'avenly. and will restore lih' and health t.. thv soiil : deliver it from eternal death: pi'oiMire for it instcaij ,,f ihis \nnn- life which we have in common with the animals. ;i life of^everl.asting happiness in heaven, hy the help of haptism." While the Katli.M' was speakin--, the Holy Spirit wroiiLiht npon the heart of tli(> sava-e, ami at the word haptism of which he had spoken many tin.cs witlKJiit ellVet. he r.,ii>e,l himself as from a deep sleep and hesonght him. eariic-tl v. to remind him of the insiructi..ns, which at other times he had given him to prepare him to receive the sacrament, 'i'his the Father was pronijit to do, and the sick man listened with jcy and eoiisolation. Having iievertliele-;s judged it proper to defer his baptism iiiilil the morrow, at the break of dav he visited him and found him in holy impatience to see hmiself ■>i the miinber of the ehildren of God, having passed tlie en- tire night in acts of faith and contrition, ami in recitin-- the prayers taught him the previous ihiy, which in no particular had he forgotten, so far as observed by the Father, the sick one having repeated thetn from memory in his pre.seiice. He then received holy baptism with sincere devotion ; and hav- ing pas,scd the whole day and mght in praising (ind, askinj.-- 60 thnt Ih- iiii-lit. 1h' taken to i)nn!(lis<'. lio dinl Uie f..ll()vviiitfi' Willi an extract from a letter which 1 liavc reeeivc.l from this same nnssioiiarv in those terms : -Drnnkenness eause.l l-v the hevera.ues which the iiifi:lels ,,l„;iin from the ll..llaii(tei-s. bn-n.-ht iiioiv than .'iL^itv K'ii-ues 1)V land, is imw more universal than ever, extending ,.vcii tu tiie women : and tlu'se disorders roiilinuc for tWi'lve orlifteen days after the arrival of each hand of traders. Dur- iii'j- all this time as there is neither food nor lire in their ,.;,l,ins, thev are abandoned dav and nidit. The rest of the IH'ople llee for eoiieealmeiit to the lieMs and tlu' woods. Amid all this debauchery, the virtue of our Christians shines ,,ut bri-htlv. They are steadfast in their duties and show as m-eat aversion t.. these orL^ies, as they are forei-;n to their pn.fes.-^ioii. 'I'he tlrunkards. themselve.s. eviiu'O this resiio.'t. that they do not come near the ehapel.' We have our :-^- semblies as usual on Sundays, and our Christians ,uatlier with brands in their hands to Inirn liim. As for tiie rest, tiiat tlie water v Inch I poured ujion his !ie;id was a s|iell and .-';(. ivery which would cause his death ur li.\ his fatt! to he hnriied eternally in tlie other world. 1 h;id to (iod, more especially, in this junetiire .so miex- pected: iiiid at last, Ile^i-aw me irrace after three hours ,.f conllict. with and kindness, to convince and unde- ceive him. He <>:ive up all these ilelnsions caused l,v the demon that would destroy him. lie recovered with admin- lilf hehavior his first t!i()uo|it,-i, and tli.- scntimonts of a soul triilv converted. Jle only desired to die. rather than olfend (Iod any inoiv, and he eternally happy m heaven. He ma.le of his own accord a petition at the close of the ordinarv prayers in these words: ■' 'I'hou who art in heaven have pilv oil me: draw me. as soon as possiMe from here below, that 1 may lie jicrfectly hap])y in heaven." One other siek [lensoii has consoled me still more, actiiiLi iii the matter of his health in a most e.xtraonlinarv manner for a savajre. and who has pven noble testimony to the Faith. 'I'o ,u-ain him to (Jod, l)e.sides tlie frequent in.structions I -ave him. I spared myself in no respect night or dav. to minister to liim and lead him to believe that I stron-iy desire.l his recovery. One day, iicrceiving clearly that my remedies were without eifect. and that he was contiimlly growinir worse. iievertheles.s, seeing my extraordinary earnestness to relievo him, he said ♦o me: '-My brother, I .see well that thou art my friend, bin I pray thee no longer tliiiik of my bodv. but ai)ply thyself rather to save my soul : it is all over: T sliall (i'2 »lio ; I e;iii in) Imijicr (li>ulit. iiinl wliiit is iiMpurtMiit is tn die well." I llitMi iuslnii/U'ii liim fully iiml l)a|itizcil liiiii Knuii tliiit tiiiic, well salislieil and tiiiiikiiiif only of Parmlisc, ho cniiiinciiciMl ti> sinn' his soiili', \vhi<'li tliry call the dcatli smiL!'. 1)111 ill vcrv dillVrc;:! terms from those he formerly would have used, ill stfaits or while an unheliever. '■ it is .lesus, he said, "who is the Master of my life; he leads me to heaven, iiexcr more to sin: nevermore to dre.'im: the ureal Master ill he.'iveii forliids it." 'riiese W(;re his last sentiments whieli he (duiii; to e\eii unto death. Afleral! it is to he eoiifessed that these peoples arestronuly (ipposed to the l'"aith, and that the eouvi'i'sioii of even one sava^ic is a stroke from heaven. The freedom that tliev elier- isii more than their life ; the arrogance which is their nature as well as the of their resolutions: the impurity in which they are reare(l ; the strong attachment tney have t(.r their dreams and suiiL-rstitious customs , their spiu'ts and or- ilinary occu|)ation in the chase ami in the war, which i'eii ye;irs, are without doiiht great liinderaiices for the permanent estiihlisiuuent of religion. Nevei'tlicless, tlu; zeal, tlic trust, the dev.)ti(>ii, patience and forliearaiice of our missionaries, surmount all these obstacles and eive us rea.soii to hope that God will lucivase the bless- iiiLis alreadv he.'.towcd, beyond even wdiat He at present gives to tlieir labors. It is already a grtat advaiiUigo, that they know the language; that they have found access to their minds ; that they are loved and esteemed iViuong them : that thev have entire freedom to preach, in public and private, the word of (iod, .aiul that there is seareely n family in all their country that is iKJt more or less instructed in the prin- cipal mysteries of our Faith. Many po.ssess the Faith, although still attached to theii' evil customs and are not (;;{ IS til (lie K roll I idisi', lio itll SullL!'. V would . Jesus," I li(';ivi'ii. Master ts wliieli stroiiuly \-eii olio lev clier- ir iiiitiire |)iirity ill lia\e |oi' s ami or- 1 I'eiulers ! lime ill \v harharoiis and rehcllious toward the (losiicl VI. The follow! I i.L,' IfttiT of FiilliiT .luliiiii (raniicr, still in sole i'li;ir,Lf(' of the three missions of the Cnnee|ition. St. Mieliiiel :uul St. Jiimcs, oceiijiies Cluip. \'ll. Fiist I'iUl of h'riiuini,. Ui72. 'I'hc spiritual eonditioii of tliese missions, depends liU'L'ely upon temporal alTair.s, and more than all on the (lisposition of mind to maintain peace with the French. Tlu' sachems of the town of (landaehic .i;ou' had L'iven me the iissnrance. in a council assembled for the purpose, that they desireriii- lie [n'oplc <1 iiistrii'jt .'ry soon, ids bciiii:' ) raise an All old goiic'ii — a ■! what lie I woiidcr- •I's dcatli. cmliraced lissioiiary. , roiiiaiiis e as spies the Gov- • Tiior. or that they are son •erers who a.Tnmpli^h liv dis,-ase what Oiioiitio could not elTivt liy Ion f i,riiis. I know of ueortainty that they have den'ierafcd (•oiicrrniiiL-- niv (h'ath as a spy and as a sorcerer; oiir host himself, Oniionkenrita- oiii,' tlie most pnmiiiieiit of th(> chiefs of this -ivat nation, has often proposed to his sister to kill mc, whil.' sh.'. at tlic same time, has shown a ,iiialii a eonsideral.lo time in the eveiiin- to pray t.) (lod in the ••hapcl, they persuade themselves that I .■aniiot eiiiph.v mv- self in any other maimer, than in holdin-- comniiinicati/.ii with some .lemon in plottine po,,r souls. 1'i.rit.ioiii or (iamlacliinit,'„ii asHMant uf T.^-arMnhi,.. a. kc.|„-r „f th,. «,..! .'Ill door, tlu- latter fxerdHiii- j,iri«llcti(,ii .,v,.r tlic i„„st n„ril,.ri, „f tlir tvv,, w,.-t,.rii towns, tin' Soniiontoiian of the Helatlonf. •■ FalliiT Mi'iianl at Cayii-u was rc|',lly tlircat.'m'.l willi .|,.,itii a- a 8(,rciT..r He relali'. tliat a warri,.r lo,l«in^' in the san,.. raliin. for tlir,.,. i,„,|„. i„ ,„o-,.,.si,.i,, m,,'.,,,,,,. .•(1 to kill liim. aiul wasonly prcvoitrd l,y l,i, |,„st «,„| r,i,,i,| S M,nrl,io.-«T, tl„. ,l,i..f of th.' .antoii. The perseciitloii of the M,issio„„ry Fathers as sor.-erers was i|s„ ,„iiii,ioi, anioiiK the lliirons. They were chan:e.l with eaiisini; .w,t only personal eal unities, l„„ all the miseries of the n,ition, ami at times it woiil.l appear, that nothmi; short of spe eiftl divine intervention stayed or lurned the miirderoii. h.ow of the infuriated say. a-e. Father .lollies was killed am.inL' the Mohawks on ehar.-e of he soreerer A helief in sor.ery and witrhcraft appears to have prevailed very ,-enerally amon.^' the Indmnsof .Xnieric. The Z.inis i„ their re^vn, visit to the .^tlantie eoast in eliar«e of Mr. Frank II. Cnshint'. while passlns; through .Salem, looked n|.on the place with «reat reverence and awe, as heuife' the place where witches once lived, and were hurried. t'lC) Otif sitiL'K' iiil'iiiit st'cMrc ill licavcii iIii'hUl'Ii linly hiiptisiii, is suiricifiit to ciiiiii.m' iiitii swci'tiicss nil tlicsi' iiitU'r trials. 'I'liis oM iiiiiii «>f wliMiii 1 liavo s|ti>lv<'ii. takoH iidvaiitiint' III' cvrrvtliiiiL:' tliiit has iu'imhtciI of liilc. iiinl iiariiriilarly of wliat- cvrr tliosc who lia\ r licfii to (^iU'lirc. havi' n'|")rU'(l au'aiiist iis It iiv IK) iiH'aii-' iH'cih'il iliis. to turn from pravcr ami to ciii- hitter ULfaiiist lis a pcoph! so siis|iicioi|^, ainl who arr ciiiiri'lv uivi'M M|i to sorceries aiii| sii|i.'rstitioiis : iKiin- they cease to collie to the cha|ii'l. If I enter theii' caliiiis to seek out the sick, tlii'y rec-anl me with an evil eye: and if I attein|it to instruct, the\- orilinarily iiiternipt ine with insultiiiL' s|iceeh. An\' smlden outhreak of drunkenness, in siieii circuinstanet'S. com I ids me I o retire to the chapel win 're 1 ha\ e alway> found rcfiiuc 1 wonder that, in these troiihlos, never Imt in a sin tde instance. Iia.^ a drunk.ard eonie to seek me tliciv. ;tnd him thev |ii'eventcil. ncvci'thelcss, from doiiii: me injury. i»ur in;i' eleven months there have dicij in all the towns of this nation, thirty-three liapti/ed persons, almost all iid'ant<. We have l)apti/,ed seven others who are still sick: in all forty. 'I'lie iiiercv of (iod has liecii ereat toward certain h;ipti/.ed adults, ainoiiL; others, toward a c,-ipti\c of the ( )ntonacaimha or Cliaoiianonu, ail\!incc(l in auc : onlinarily they lirine- as captives, onl V tin; voun,Li' iiu'ii fi'om con ntrii.vs so distant, (iod .so ordt>re(l it that, hajipilv, 1 slnnld lind myself in this place, on his arrival with an interpreter, the only one! know of this langnaiic in this eounti-y ; he heard with pleasnn' all that I tau;iiit him of the chief mysteries of our Kajtli and of eter- nal happiness in paradise. At lene;tli I found him disi)osed to haptisin. and 1 think he entered heaven the same day he arrived at Tsonnontoiian. Divine Providence had conducted liim bound, more than three hiinilred leagues, to eiiahle him to find here the true liberty of the children of (iod. A woman beinir sei^icd with, threw herself in the midst of a lai'Lie lire and before she could be rcsciieil, was so H7 s.'vnvlv l.iini.Ml, t|i;,t til,. l„,i„.SMf Iht hai,,], „,i.| iinMs U-U :i\vii.v nil,, i.i't.'r 111,. otlhT. As I was imi in t|„. \ iHn-.r,.. jn 'Im' fiiuc. a vni.'i- iMviicliinaii that I haw with iih', wh.'. is wrll ac(|iiaiiitr,| with the laiiuHiijrc aih 1 i).'rf..n,is\v..i-thilv th.' "Ilir.-of a cat. ■(•hist, hastfiicl thither: ainl haviii- fnmi.l iicr 111 Ih'I' lijjhtiiiiiMl, s|...l^(. t.. hcmf (i.MlaiMl His salvation, in- -triicicl an. I ii.tI',.i-|!i.m1 r,,r h.T jill th.' n. ssarv acts on th.. ".•.•iisi,,ii aii.l lia|ili/c,l h.T. This |.o.,r .•ivatiiiv spi'iit, the cijiht or ten | I' cL-nial lilV. 'I'hcs,. aiv '■tl'.vts ..|- .liviii.- -ra.v. whi.'h iii;.k.. th.Mns..|\...s uiHlcrst..,,,! Ill these coimtrii's most ..l.vioiislv. and wliieh,'ite »hc t..ils. fati-iics ami allliriiuns ..I' a mis- si. mai'v. A Christian v..iiiii.- m; f ;istranL'.. iiatam wh,Mlie,| a iiio-t Niintiv ilcath, touch,.,! Ill,, u-ivallv wlH.n.'v.'r I .•ncoiiranv.i him I" I"<'V l"nj,]ii,.M:\. j ^"■" 68 'riiclluronsof tlie Mission of St. Micliiu-1, miinit'est ^'rcfitrr (l.>sire tiKiii ever to rctiini to Qiieboo to iuigmciit the clmivli of Notre Damo do Foye.' Some of tlum wlio an« not now Christians, dedare that tlion they would cmhra.-e tlie Faitl,. The most notable and aged of tliem all, took up the word hi continuation of a short lesson that 1 had given touching this matter, and declared that for himself, he w<.uM not wait sm long a time to become a Christian: that he had from thl^ hour formc not now > the Fait'L. .ho word ill iii'hinL;' llii- not wait so 1 from tlii- bis (In^aui^ nlil present 1 not fail a onld exlioi't s word tliu- ■t of Chri.-- I'll, who ha- atechist toi' en deprived ■ years, hav- I the spot in to the last will ot God, But what liavin.uf been iiid that tilt? mortal, as he old man at oiice ivgaiiied his spii'its and hreatliing into his faith new \ luor, he ])assed the day in rendering thaiiksiiivint:- to (iod, inll of reverenee and gratitude 'I'lie whole vilhm'e gathered 111 a body at his eabiii in oi'der to testify to him their joy, ;iiid they left it with a lii^li estimate of his virtue. Alter all, I have remarked that it is not so mneli tln' de- uvueraey of manners that prevents onr savages from lifiiig Christians, as the false ideas wdiieh, for the most part, tliev iiaveeoiireriiing th(> Kaitli and of ( "liristianity. I know m-arlv two hundred families, among others, in linn and ]iermaneiit iii.'irriages, who bring up their children morally well : who i'lrnid their daughtei's too free outside acipiaintaner, so that they are kept fiom dissipation and lewdness: who have a hori'or of drunkenness, and who only need the l'"aitli to lead III all respects Chrisliandike lives. It is this gift of God that we implore without eeasiiig for these poor souls, who are the priet! of His lijood, and whom I commend \'ei'v spi'cialK, my IJeverend Katlier, to yoiii' holy prayei's and pious sacrilices. TsoNXONIOIAN, ,hdvi((). IfiT'J. mall Huron colony icli lie him*lf m- roinained with thi! K the way for tliii th, lu' removed tin? Ifk'd on till' Holy ins and fnrnitnri'. •e Uie Ilnronsi Um'j VII. This Ifttirol' Fatlicr Ganiier ('(iiiijM-iscs cliiiiitcr \'1I. I'f Iv- inlinii 1(572-."),' aiul iiertaiii.s to the missions of the ('oiirf|iti()ii aiMi St. Mi<'hai'l. •■We have lu'vcr ilischar.Li'i'il oui' <]uties with more of i|uift, or with more of frciMlum tliaii tiie present yeai-. The Kathei' P. Hail'eix.' Mi'i'ived at the Coueei)tion, at tlie I'lul of .Inly, a niontii after \ resumed ehariiv of St. Miehael, where I liad not been for a year, as the villaiie had entirely Imrned (h>wii, and as I was left alone at 'I'sonnontoiian. I have received all the satisfaction 1 eouhl hope for in (Mir Christian.s, from their assiduitv in fre(inentin,u- the chapel, morning and even- iiiL;'. for the pi'aver. ami from thcii' jiromptness in comiim' fverv Sundav to the instruction that I give them before the niiiss. as well as foi' the /eal with which many of them heai- testimony in support of the paiMy of the Faith in the pres- ence of lewd persons who talk against it. A certain pei'son liavim;- saiil, one day :it a superstitious feast which she had uiven, that the fear of my i-ejiroofs had kept lici' for a length of time to her duty: "the fear of ie>' 16?,' «/ 1«T3 I'ar It Iln: I'n- Clmili- Dahlon. 'Y\\\» Ui'liitioii was printed by .loliii (iilinary Slieii in IWil. ■.' KiitliiT HalT.ix had li^ft llie ini'viciU!* vear tn lake charge of tlif Cayiiu'a mission in tiic aljHfhio of KallKTdeearluil for the recovery of his health. A'-- Ji)ll('(.'|ilinli IV (if i[iiii't. ['lie Katlu-r i)f .1 Illy, a icrc 1 hail 'iH'il down, e ivccivf'd lians, from and even- in coMiinu' licforc the llicni lu'ar II the pros- iain pi'i'son eh she had DP a length jndgnicnts istian who niysterics. ig of all. exani|ile of s lie In ( 'nmixiij- Claude Dnhlon. yiiiii mission in 71 the pnnei|ial mdi who ai'e forerno.^t to eoiiie to pi-av to Goil. Tlie Cliiel of the llurons allows no occasion to pas.s, withoiil exhorting, esiieeiaily, tlie old men to cndn-acc the faith with- ont delay; and were it not fortlie eagerness with which thev ivem- to .«upei'stiti.>us rennMiies in their sicknesses, thischnivh wonld lai-gely ineivase in a short time. Tii- Xeiitei's and the Ononti.igas, who form a jiart of tiie town. ar(! at softened hy the example of the Ilnrons and at pre.^eiil eome to the pi'aver in eonnnon with them. As there is not yet a eha[>el in the town of St. .laine.s, which, however, at oiio time was largei- than .<• Michael, I was ol.liged to make np tin; want, hy freipient visits ainoii.r theeahins, l.oth to hapti/e the sick iid'ants and to instrue^ the adnlt sick and others. I a.ssist tliem in the praver, after the instrnction in the cabins; and many have nmie to' meet nie at St. Michael and to pray todod in the chapel. The complaint th:it eaeh one m ikes to me when I go to .see them is, that we jirefer the Jliirons to them; and that of all the ffofpiois princijKd town.s, this is the only • that has not a mi.^s.ionary among tluMii ; if your J{eveiviice would do us the favor to sen.l us a third, I have hope that he will be well re- ceived.' It is necessary thei'e for the commence, nent of a church, which can only be successfully done l,v a person who resides on the spot, since there are many infants and adults who die before I learn of their and conse.jiieiitlv without a.ssuranee; for the rea.son that I am not on the ground, whatever diligence I, it will be that som<' con- tinually escape. r have baptixod since the month of July, 1()72. forty-three infants, of which twenty-nine rejoiced soon after in the hai)- pincss which baptism had brought them, and manv of the others still languish; and twelve adult.s, of whom nine died I Kathur I'iorron was s„on after sent to St. .lames l„ accnlanee with this reimest, slioi'llv iifu-r tlieii' l.iiptisiii mid left im; oxrcllciil signs of tliL-ir jiRMlostiiKition. Uesi.les those, iimny iiifiuits arc dead, bapti/.rd ill precediiigyears. Among tlie twelve adults wlioni I l.aptized, the divine mercy apiR'aml more especially toward i-ertiiiii ones who app(.Mred to olTer tlie greatest resistance to the u-race. The tirst was an old man, strongly attached to the superstitions of the eoniury, and ahove all to the princi- pal one, which is the fnll'.llnicnt of their drea'-s. (iod served Himself of this, at the same time for his salvation : for after haviiiLi- listeneii often to wiiat had been said of the great Master of all things who is in heaven : of the mercies which He bestows upon those who are obedient, and the judgments which lie inllicts ni>on these who are rebelliou.s, »t was per- mitted that He Himself be shown to him in a dream, which offered to him his frienis IMafum.*, t,. Ilie louver i.f ilreiiins ov.t the siiviiu'e iiiiiiil, whieh wlieii .mie iiiter|)retc(l, were to be exeeiitetl at all hazards. The Seneeas, H.conliiiL' ti) l-'ather Fieiiiiii, were exeeeiliiislv serupuloiis in Ihis oheiliente to their diviiiiiy This superstition retained its liold amoiif.' them loiii; after, as nniy lie inferred from the followin- incident civeii by Morgan in ills lrnr,mU Letwn, lin n note to p.u'e ■i\ 11 wliich, in this conneelion, will be read with interest ; In IHIO the ecOebrated Corn- planter chief of the Seneeas, resii;ned his cliiefship In conse(iaenee of a dream. " Our in" a New Year's celebration at his villai.'e on the AlleL'any, he went from lionse to h..use for tliree oavs. announcing; whenever he went, that he had h.ul a dream and v.ished to l.t Home erne ti> L-ness it. On the tliird vn too old to be of mn.h further use as a warrior or a conn- sellor and that he nnisl therefore apppoiMt a successor ; tlnil if he wished to lire, serve the continued ixood will of the (ireal Spi it. he must remove from bis house and i Imll lifiicefoflli liii, xlioiild pat's iti'iprflatioii to llif ii'utd of till' rioi- or a conii- wUlu'd to i)ii'. 1 liis house anil 1, t'ornphinter hat it WHS coi- Anothci-old man of the Onenro nation, whom 1 had so- licited for a Ioiil:- time Io liceoine a Christian, fell sick: his wife, who was tlie only one to take c;ii'e of him also was taken sick and died :t few days aftci', as she had lived, in a <'hrisliaiidil;e wav. Thi' maii>'cin,-- himself in the last e.\- treniitv, commenced to listen to the instrnetion tliat I -ave 'ii'-- 'le had no other consol.ation npon eailh lint the hope ents tlnis consnnied, wan a lull uniform of an .Mn.iiean officer, iruhidinu' a.i eleirant -word and his medal ijiven him hy Wasliiii-|„n. He Ihen seleeled an old and inlimate friend to he his suc- eessur. ;ind sent to him hi^ tcunahawk and a helt of wampum to announee his resolu- tion und wishes. Allli.Mi!.'h contrary to their cii-toms. the Seneeas, out of reverence for his extracu-diuary dream, at once raised up «- chief the person seleeleil hy ('(u-iiplanter, and iuv.'sied him with the name of (Jyaiitwaka, whicli he hnre iliirim.' his life, foru- lihmier. after this event, was always known auioii;,' Ilie Inxpiois nnder the niiiiie of Onono. His tomahawk, the last relic of Corniihmter, is now iu the Sta,e Historical Col- lection at .\lliany.'' 74 to heaven, wliicli made licr iiiiportiiiiatc to bo bapti/AMl as soon as ]iossil>le. Scciu-ji; licr in so lioly a disposition. T ac- corded to luT (lesiiv : and f,'oinijr to sco her tlio following day, 1 learned that she had died soon after her baptism. At the same time, I learned that a yonth wo>in,dit children l)apti/.ed by Father Kalteix, who died shortly after baptism, increased the num- ber of the elect.'' It was in this y dead of winter', ami their reception at the Seneca village.-^ Th(> next day after tlu^ir arrival (January 1, l()7ii), mass was celebrated in the little bark chapel and a .sermon was iireaclied iiy Hennepin, lioth the Fatli(!rs, (Jar- nier and RaU'eix, being ]iresent. The council was conveniMl the following ilay, compulsed of fort v-two sachems; "and 1 'riic pi-cdcrt'ssdr .,r Knuitcnai- .1-^ (Mi\<'ni()r nf New I'lancc!. ■•' Foi' II full nocciuiit nf this iMitiTpiiso nnd tlu' suliscciuoiit fiirtimeii of tho vcf^sel, wu The liiiiltibiij (iiul ]'"iii'' i" I'l'"'!^ S(ininvl skins. ol't.Mi with a i.ipc in t|„. MHHilli, no SiMiatnr ..f Vcni.'c ever assnnicd a -rravrr ,,„, I, ,,.„;,, irrur spok.- with inoiv wci-iit than the InHjUois s;„.h."ns in ihcir ass(Mnl>li.'S." After the m\vy\n-r\i'v had .■xi.h.ii.'Ml -Aw nl.j.'ct, of tins visit, statin.-- " th;it tlic Si-'ur dc ;, •• ,1.., thrir fncii'l. was liMin- t.. ImiM a ,i:iv;it wh.mK'Ii (_M.' ,-. U) .• ;nul seek l;'>u(|s in l-luruiic I'.v a .iidrtcr w;iy than ,1,,,; .; ti„' •■:'f till' St. l,:iwrcncr. in onliT t.. supply ,l„.,n with tlu .anu'al a .■hciiper fiitr." witli ..tiicr ivasoiis. ihc rUSti.ll.iirV plV.-i>tin- -f li-^'Is t.. the viilnc -f f.-ur Iniii- ,1|.,.,| livivs. r.iit l"'f"iv Ins sp.vch. Sicnr dc la Muttc ,l,.,ii;nHlcd th." withdrawal the .•..nncil. of the .Irsiiil (lanmT, of whom hi; was suspicions: and llennriMn.' iiioi- 1 Lori- IIi-.nnkimn waslmrn iit Atli. \n Hainliiit. II>' .■ tli.' ..nlir "f Si. Kr.nci- MS a lU.M.r in Hi.. ll«nM. ct .■..i, at ll.lliuiu. in (lu- pi-.viu.e of Ait„iv II.' ,,,iv..,l in C'ana,la in S,,,.,.,nl...r l.;;:...-,, Ihe-an... v-.-..! «ilh, Cayeli.T. Sioir ,1,. |.,s.,ll.-t..«lH.m Lnni. XIV l.a.l i:nint...l U-ll.Ts.,f noliilil.v aial iM' M.|..'ni.ay ..f I...!, a >Uml tin,.. prvvLm.. H.' .ionrnry..,! ax a ,nissi,.na.y t.. .lilT,.r..nt p.nnt.^ .,ml from K.nt will, a sinijleconMrnninn n.a.l.. a j.mrn..y ..n .n.m-..ln...s t„ 1... o.nntry..rtl,.' Inapioi,, ^i^^' tin', an,l M..lm«k .anl.ins. al Ih.' latter nu...tli.^'Falh..rl(rnvas,a...l n.alii.i. a ..f lnH/,-„.7«.- .U/'''"'.'. art..,- vvhi.. , |„. retun,..,! t." K.,rt KnaUrna.- an.l Iniilt a .nis>i„„ 1,.,,,-.' It. which ln„,n,„. an.l l.f..n,h ,,il.l,...„ «■..,-.. associat...! U-.'-.thur in a ...^...1. In l(i:S lu. was „„.. ..f llu' nninh...; -..l..c.t..,lt..a....o,ni.aMy his r.niith v„ya.... ..f ,lis,.nv..ry tnthe s,.nth.w..s o, ,h.. ,'roal lakes. Th.. party U.ft F..rt,. in Noven.h.T. an.l a t..r o.mst.n^' ..lun.'th.. n..rtlu.rn slnav .,f Lake Ontarh. vrach..,! T..iaiai;..n at th.. hea.l ..f th.' lakr. On the (ilh of |)..e..,nh..r th..y reaeh..,! the >n,a,.h ..f th.. Nia^-ara fiver whi.h ....,|ne In.l ev..r yet entere.l. The n..Nt .lay ..x,,l..rati...,s were .na.l.- to tin.l a snitahle plaee 1,. .i.nstrne. a vessel almve the falls, whi.-h n.snlte,! in sel...tinL' a point npani...l s.enr .1.. la Mott...M. a live days- winter .iourney through the f.-rest to the .reat village S.m..n- ton.n of the Seneeas, ..f ^vhieh Te^Mr..nhi..s was .hief sachem, an.l h..nee. s.-metiines ,,,|1...|'t, ronhi..s town. This was then ha-ale-l .m 11... west si.l.. of Il..n..oy.. cr....k. a mile an.l a hair N. N. W. of llon, Falls. Father .Inlian (iarnier was th.'!. ineharL'e of the .Misshm at this villa.'e, Sieur .le la Motte to .leliver his messa,... t,. the eoiincil in his pr..sence, for whi.-h reason (oirnh.r witlulrew accmpani...! hy Hem,..- nin b,.thhi^'hlv..lTen.k.,l. The v..ssel, nann.l the laitl.m, was lamiehe.l ,.arly ,n Ihe Iprin.- hm.ledwithafor^e.ship carpenter's to..l» and the iron w.,rk for a vessel to he iilmost all el dl' wolf I ;i iMpc in a ;iia\<'r ■ lr(ii|U(iis iiTliT had (' Sk'UI- (Ic it WhimIcII • \\;iv tliau to >Up|il\ .'!■ rcasiiiis. lalf (-!' tlw four Inni- la Mottr the .I('~uil I'lmi.' uior till' ortlir iif SI. ■ of Arlciis. Ml' ivclicr, Siciirdr •i'_'tii(iry i)f Korl iillircnt point.''. KlW-sllIX'!' to till' caul 1)11*. Ill till' ifn. iifliT wliicli iiois iiiiil Kri'iicli of till' lllimlHT e sonlliwi'sl iif I afliT CDUstiiif.' leinl iif till' liiki'. ivliirli nil biirqiu' suit.ihli' pliu'i' lo ni t'ayui;ii cri'i'k ii;i'ciit.>^, artiric iiy .-irtic'h'. cxprcoinu- th.'ir siti-lartioii and 'l"''i' tlianks. On tin' last dav -.f thr icninril, a hand of Seneca warriors l.ri)nr suliieetini^- him t.) the ciistom.arv torlnres. allowed the children tocnt Kits of llesh from the dead ImuIv, and eat tlcm. Disiiiisted with the whole scene, d.' I, a .Motte and his com- panions withdrew from the ehiefs I' and without dclav retracci! their steps thr.iM'jh the f.irests to the Niaiiara I'iier. Ill the meanwhile the work of the missionaries, iiov. In forced hy the arrival of Father .lohn I'ierron from the .»|, hawk, was eontcst.i;d at evcrv step, cspeeiallv liv tin med- icine men, who were ever nsiiii:- their inlliieiice with the people, for th;- perseciitiiin of the missionaries, "(i,-, 'lier was licensed of sorcerv. .ind a- aceiisatioii and condemnatioii were nearly .synonymous, they determined to toina vk him. 'i'he e.Neciitioncr was named and paid : Init Coil averted tin' iiiiill on llic lmiiks,,r ilic niinoiH river, and marhM on its prriloiis voya-o Au-iim 7. KiT!). CoastiM- aloiiu' 111.' iiortli sli„re of Luke l-:rie, Ihn.iiLdi laken St. e'lai'r and lliiioii. they reaehed St. I-naee of Micliilliniaeinar. and aflerwaid an island at tile enlianee of (ireen li.iy, uliere the ear-o was unloaded and iraiisf.Tied to small lioats, anil the vessels reloaded with furs and sent liaek to Nia-ara. Tlioy reached the soiitliern e.Mieiiiity of I.akeMiehi-aii Octolier -.Nth, from which two routes led to the Illinois; one IbUowed hy .Maniiielte and .loliet on their return l.y way < f Desplaines and t'liicai;o river- ; the other hy way of St. .loscph'.s on the ,ast side of the lake, to present South Head, and thence hy a short iiortai;e to the Kankakee imd down it t„ the Illinois. I,a Salle chose the hitler and consiructed at the mouth of St. .loscpli's a fort nameil the Kort of Mia- niis. On the 3d of Decemher they ascendeil the St. .Joseph's lo the portau'e. and thence descended the Kankakee and Illinois to present Peoria, where a second fort was coiii- inenced under the siirnilicaiu name of Fu:f Cn r,nin/r ii<'ii!ifii'S, tliat she spniii:!; fn'iii llic sick I'uiicli ami t.uT his I'ai-i' wit'i lior nails, till lif slivaiiiol with llcirHl not hMwcviT, dcsi'air; coiilimiii);.' his visits, his kiml ami L'tnllf inamiiTs disabusinl her. She listoiicil. was conviiu'i'il, and to his con- solution (licil piously uttt-rin^' a prayer to .Icsns the (livi-r of life.'" 1 8ho«'« CallioW' .Wj»»ion(i. 81)8 3. lltll, l)Ut itiiiiirios, iiiwcvt'r. iiiiiimrrs liin t'oii- (iivt-r ol VIII Tliis ctiiiptcr will (\)n(!lii(l.' the liistorv i>f tlic Sciiccii Mis- sions ; and comprises all tliat iiiav lie ^MtlidHMl from l{,-l,i film IHT.'i !».' Father iiafVcix writes from Sounoiit(niaii in lliese torms : " We endeavor to let nocliildrcndio without huptism. I have conferred it on many this year, l(!7o, several of whom died after recoivin-? it. As they are our surest <,'ain, they form our ^rreatest eonsolalion, and wc' wateh over tlietn witfi ai)eeial eare, and Uod very often in re;4ard to these innocent little ones diseovers tlie treasures of liis s})eeial Providenc^c. Freipiently mothers who had no inclination for the faith have come to me to restore to health their dyinr. 1 left the villa>^e with who .-et out to go there, and I ascertained the road they took. After mass 1 The several IriinKliitioiH roiitaiiied in lliin clmpter woro miide l.y Dr. ,I„liii (iilmary Shea, for Uiu prcBciit work. 80 I stiirtol. 'I'lii' chilir.-* ^iiMiiliiiu iiii'ji'l iii;i(li' iiic liiid pinplc lit I'vrrv fork of the roiid. r>iil 1 sIdiiM ncvr li;i\r u"! tliori'. Iiail iiiit, tlirt'c vniinir I'liililn'ii. who lia \vciv mi tlinr way \\>>\\\r. (•lian,i;vil tlirir iniiul. Tlicy tui'iii'.l liad; with inc. ImU ^'aiii piTnl aroiiiul in tin- wtmils so liiat I lost >i'jlit of tlicm. I oviTlouk tlii'iii at last an'l riMi'licil ilir imIiui, lait foiiml ncitlMT tlic nintlicr nor tlir '\\\wj. I'liild tlidv. altlion-!i tlir tliivc cliiMivn liail left till-Ill iIk'Iv >liortlv licfoiv. I smt tlncc tinier lo call the niotlicr from a nci'j'lilioriii'j licM to wliidi siif was in till' lialiit of t'oinii'. 'I'lirri' tiinrs, t.'o, I went llirrr nivscif, ami as I was rrtiirnin'-: tlif last time si iitiTnl the raliHi with hrr .•liiM from another 7;l -I, C'llAl'. V. MIS.slON.S ()!•■ .sT. MICIIAKI. \M> >(■. .lAMlOS AMOMl 'I'llK i^l'lNKi'.V.s. If the liiiiians of tlio town of St. Michael wero as well weaned from the superstitions of the country as they have liitherto preserveil themselves from the vice reiik. 81 '''"' '■''■"' '^ ''"' f"'^" '"'I f ivrnvcririir thnr Ii.,,!il, ],y this ","■•''"'• ''''"• •'"' ' '■' ""• l""lit whirh iiKi„vi|..nv,.'lV.m, '"■'"• l'l"^li"^n,.tpivv.M,t,.,| twM uf th,.,H.,.,vst|-,iMnlirsiii 'l;"'"^^ii li"ins..itni... ;inrx,M,n|,|,.,,r ,■,„„•...,. ,.„„| |i,|,.|„v„, '""'•"" •'"• "">'■'■ ^"llliiralih'.ih.'lMiiilrh il. I.\ ;,l,;il„|.,|,iM..thr ';'■'"■" ''■ ''"'^•' -M|"TMltln|,., thrv ,|..,,Mvr,| I h..,„>,.| vr. nf 'iM'nnlvstMvlrf, thi.,nt,M,.|i..vrtl,,,,.v,.mnMi| ..M,v,n,. Ill till',-.' )i.M,r savjiiivs. sitiiilar rilVi-is of want. \Vr ul'tfii M'.' •■' l"'\,ura.M.. aiirM.haii ir.tii, v i.i ury virtnr A lliin.i. ■ whn ha,| 1,,,,. I,..,.|, ;, Christian, alt-r ''•'""'- ''''■'' '".^'••■■•'t i •.'iHT i„l,iii,.,| with I, h .h'h 'M'TmI ,.,,„..,,,„.,., |V,.lin,^ |„.,s,,|f attarkr.l l,v a .i.\,.|v ,h>. '•'■'''• "'"""" I '!"■ '•'•■'"'••I' ^'> •-. toassinv him. n, th.. I"'*'"'"' ' ■•'" l"''' iMii'liv.hthat .hrwi> I t.M|i,.,ssh..ha,| '"'■''• '■'•"""""•iiivvrrvlhiiiu at \anai w,ih h.T ,,r..h.''lf -am...! I,, the iiii.Mh' nf th.. lirlils '''"'"'■" ^''" '^'''"- '"''•^l< 'I". Kathrr t, .,.,,„„. ,n,| sii vst, to iin-swiiir ,,i,,„s,,|,, This iiulih. art „irrit...| h.r ..l.taiii- m^.iisa ivwar.1 ill this hlr. thr ,.,„iv,.rsi,,u ,,|- h.r hMshaml \\lnh-sh..hv..| li.' woi, 1,1 nrvcr listen tnaiivthiii.^mr.-anlti. ins l-in,.l,a,iti/..,l: l.nt. as s,.„n as she was ,h.a,l. h,. was the (irst t.. ask this favnr, with L:ivat, Tims ,1,,,.. (i.„l 'lisplav m these far .■i.iiiUries, as well as elsewhere, that he is the Master uf hearts, f. tni„.ji ,.,,1,1 attra.-t then, ellieaeiously, '" ""•"""■•"I'i 111 the maimer that ii.. pleas,... I[e s,.,.„,s f„ '■■^l'"''' ■•^'•'"^' "t 'Ih' irnf .leath. aii.i ,..npl,,vs li,„lilvail- nu-nt t,. restore health to th,. soul, as h,. ,|„1 m the,.' ,,f a vouiii: woman, the infeetioi, ,.xlialm,i: whose li,„lv |,a,l M.a.le them turn out of .several i-ahms, although the In.lians '"•e fai on, ,„..,. ,„ „„,|, ,„,^^,,.^_ .,,,_^. „^i,,,- ,„.,,,^, ^^,^^^ ^^.„ S'.* Irs.s i^u, ami lliis inrcrtiwiis n 1 )r diil n.>t prevent liis assiduous visits t(i insli'uct her. llcloinul licr vorv well .lispostMl by tlie lively aiilireliensinii nl the sulVeiMU,L;s of a future lif''. ami by ilee]i s(prrow for liaviuu' iii'lul^eil iu a life of sin The Katliei' (lei'uied it expedient to LH'ant lier the ,l; race of baj)- lisin, and he had I'easou for prompt action, for the sai'ratnent was inmie>liately followe I by deatii. Thei'c are. others whom God eonverts by the ministry and exhortations of those who resist eonversion tlieinselves. An Indian of the town of the Coneeption has already obtained the salvation of several of his relatives, but has heeii unwill- ing to labor for his own salvation. He is a man of very good sense, who has always taken pleasure in the instruction of the missionaries. As he has nineli intellcet, he is well versed in the mysteries of our reli.t^ion ; he calls himself a Christian by choice, although his life has hitlierto rendered him unworthy of bai)tism. When he learns that any of his relatives or friends is dangerously ill, he goes and instructs him, and to be more easily believeil by the patient, he assures him that he has long examined what the Black Gowns say, and that after all his examination, he could find notiiing that did not conform to the truth ; that moreover he is persuad- intr them oidy to do what he intends to do himself; and he intends really to solicit baptism when he sees he is going to die. He says these things so appositely and skillfully, that scarcely one fails to be convinced, or be perfectly prepared by him to receive that sacrament. He did this recently so hapjiily in the case of one of his nei)hews, that Father Gar- nier was delighted at the fervor with which this young man solicited baptism, and the rare dispositions with which he received it. But of all the means which God employs most in these three towns of St. Michael, Si. James and the Conception, which belong to the nation of tlie Seneeas, tluit which most 83 Wlicadously rciiwrts tlu« In.iians, is mis-Tv and Immi.t al)an- 'loncl hv all civatuivs. None aro lH-l,t,,T ,lis|,.,sr.l t., hear instnu-tions or more prompt in olK-yiiijr tlio niovcmmts of gni<-c. t'.iaii the poor slaves or other persons destitute of all succor, and forsaken l.y all the world. These trive the mis- sionary tlie, frreatest consolation, and amid their t(Mnporal Kuscnes. they more voluntarily receive the K'>'>d tidin.^s of then- eternal ha].piness. The Father has l,apti/e.l this year some of this class, and they all live as true Christians. " lie rnioht have expected the same success witli many others, if lie had had time enough to continue to instruct' them and at the same time attend the sick who have been very nam- erous. and many of whom died after receiving baptism. MISSION OK THE CONCEl'TION AT SONNONTOUAN. Father RafTeix, who has charge of this mission writes as follows: "The great number of superstitions, which have gathered here with these tribes, which have taken refuge here after the destruction of their own countrv, raises up a very notal)le obstacle to the propagation of the .^ospel The remoteness of the Frcncli, whoso settlements the Senocas rarely visit, makes the teaching of our Faith seem strancre t,. them. ],ecause they have luwcr seen any one believe^md practice it. Moreover libertinage and moral corruption which makes them publicly approve an.l praise all vices, do much to induce them to live like beasts, and make them insensible to all t;.at concerns salvation. Not but that a vcrv -rood natural disposition is in >nany, and that mo^t of them are much loss subject to their passions than Europeans But where corrupt nature ales, men give way to bad exam- pie, and these rich natures which will one day do wonders when virtue controls them, are as yet too weak to resist iinman respect. Few adults would die without rcceivin- 84 1nii>tisiii, if wo coiilil lind llicm alone In instruct tlicni : Imt tlic slianu; of jnissinL'' for Cliristiinis in tlu" ryv of tliosc who arc not. is a ureat olista(;lo to tlicii' conversion. Ami for tliis reason I l:avc liccn unalilc this year to liapti/.e more than ten adults, wlio all (lied after iveeivin^- that lllessin,L^ Many of who i>rav to God when they are alone in the chapel. would he ashamed to do so ln'fore those who do udt pray. A V(jun,L;' woman took poison in conse(picnce ot some Lii'iev- ous displeasure she had received. 1 went to >ct' her in hci- ca'.)in sevei'al times tospeak to licrof her salvaiion. Unman ri'speet sealed her lips. From time to time 1 took her ic/me- dies and some delicacies, that she miuht relish nioiv easily what ! said of (ioil. and of the eternal happiness oi' misery of her soul. As lon.i:- as liei' husliand or mother was !ie:ir her, sIh! would not speak at all. I saw clearlv that I mint lind lu'r alone, and that very soon, foi' she was near hei' end. 1 went there sometimes so early or ne ol the saehems of the town called me to say : " lleiv are mv nieee and Li'i'and-dauuiiter. who can do no more, tliev have lingered long. Tell them clearly, all ahout the prayer, so a> to pre[)are them as well as you can to l)(X'ome. Christians. [ should regret it deeply, if this old num. wdio is not yet baptized, should himself the grace, which two <>[ his daughters, his nieee ami grand niece have I'eceived this year ; and which, we have grounds to believe, they carried unsul- lied to heaven, for they died .soon after baptism. Traveling one day with a man who was i-eturning from a war party, iis L eonversed with him on |-cligion and the my>- 85 n ; liur i.-f wliu fol' tins liiiii ti'ii laiiy tif (•!ki|i(.'1. !.)[ liis lis year : 'll llllSlll- iS IVdiii a tlie iiivs- t-nos of faiih, Ik. rdatcl to me tiut of the ehi,.f. ,,i their army, hohlhin- <,„„ near th(> eiiemv's eonntrv, ha,| sahl that they must -o fearlessly into a<-ti,.i). ' - For mv' nirl ■■ '' ">""""'l- "I nil, far from ,.|,lerlaii:in.- anv h'ar- fori,| 'li"-:HMeeo„ra,^e. aii.l eoiiM riseal„,ve Immai, nspeet ,''■"'""" •'^l"-''-^'l"" pleasure wliieh I h.|, o .,,„.■ an ';''' •"^'" "I"' l''"""'''M a Christian lor several veaix aiHi who '''"'■" '"" '"''""- I" 'I"' ' iitry. -Ah.- he saiil ■■ When will It hemv happiness 1,, remove to the e,,nntrvof Kai,I, ;' = """- ""■ "''■'■'H'h. ami live no |,,n^er where do,] h i„ ' Hot ^nownan.I where lie,ssoof,enoiren,|e,l? How happv -honhl I live ami .lierimon, mv I'lvihren, the ( 'hristians of Onehee '"•'" '"l"''''!'''" laMa.,h.|aineV If land mv lamilv )lo not ^-•on leave this eonmrv. mv son. my .Taial-,ia,„h,er an,l mv ^^■";' ;^-'" '"--^l—'l to lose ihelaith am,,) ,l„s inhdeluv ^'"'' ''"''^"H-herv, wheiva> if tliev liveil anion, ■ ChriMi'ins" ;IhT w.H.M I,,.., ve.ll,vlo||,.w,n,iheire,„„l ,,„,,-. ' „; nas aeeonlin^ly re>olve,|. eosi what It will, to set out a month '"'"<•" t" >vs,deat(..iiehee. Ilewilino, ae, ,„|,.sh ,, with- •■nt^reat roil and diliienltv. < iod has his predestined everv- where; hut this oo..,! .,,,,,!,,,, I, ^,,,,,^.,.^^,,,,j,^^,_.^^,^^^^_^^^^^^^ " "-'11 1- l"i- lervent and zealons missionaries, win. ,.on',e iH^iy .eten to eiihivate ,|iis nn^ratefnl and sterile land -o make llie seed yield a hundred h.ld. ^ Of the nnmher,.f these j.redestined. are espeeiallv the HUle<.hildreii, whom we endeavor never to allow to die i,n- 'apti/ed. 1 have ..onferred it. on a -ivat iinml„.r this vear I'-ni-teeii of them died after reeeiving it. As ihev arc our •■surest gam, they are aL«) our greatest eoiisoliition Tlie following e.xtraet.s eml.raeo all that is conta'ine Kaith. How- ever these two brave missionaries make many cnqnests from the enemy. Katlier Pierron has -one to join them to take care of a large town, wliieh we have not been able hitherto to provide." KKLATION 1(175, MISSION AMONCx THE IROQUOIS, CALLED SONNONTOUANS. Fathers Pierron, RatTeix and Gamier, who labor in three different towns, are, so to say, oblige.! to carry their lives m their hands at all times, for they are in almost habitual dan- ger of being massacred by those savages. ° In fact, since the Senecas entirely defeated the Andas- to'uies who were their ancient and most formidable ene;uies. their ii.solence knows no bounds. They talk o.dy of renew- ing- thewM- against our allies, and even against the brench. and bcinning by the destruction of Fort Catarokoui. They not lomr since resolved to tomahawk Father (iarmei. treat- in.r hitn as a sorcerer. T^iey had not only selceU'd. but oven paid the man who was to strike the blow, and we should no longer possess this missionary had not God pre- served him bv a most .i ip iku Providence. All these msnlts do not prevent the Fatiier- '-om performmLT their i'liu-t.ons boldly, civing instruction in their cabin and chapels, where thcy'h'a've bapti/..Ml more than a hundred persons within a year and tliev lin.l that lifty, children and adults, die every year! after baptism. However, if these savages take up arm.s ;,oainst us, as thcv threaten, our missions are in great dan- ger, either of being ruined or at least interrupted, as long as the war lasts. :nu(;li as (laruier he rnosc . llovv- tlu'iii to .'cii able CALLED ill three r hves in tual (lan- c Aiulas- ioneiaios. i)f ronow- j Kreiieh. li. They liei, treat- jcUmI, hut , !it\il wo (j<)(l pre- ese insults t''iurtioiis leis. wlicre * within a , (lie every ic n\) arms great chin- as lonu' as 87 UELATIOX l()70-7. The upper Iroquois, that is to say. those whose Ian. Is are most reinot>- fnnu the French settlena.Tits, espeeiallv the Seneeas and Cayugas. are the most haughty and insolent of all. They go so far as to pursue the nii.ssionaries tomahawk ni iiaud, pelt them with stones, demolish their chapels and thou- little oabin.s, licupmg on them a thou.sand other kinds of ill treatment. * * * * * * * .» -x. 1 ean diaw nothing else from the letters of Fathers de Carhoil, Pierron, KafToix and Gamier, who are among the upper Irocjuois ; their greatest and almost sole occupation is U) surter, and so to say, die each moment, under the blow of continual throats and insults which these savages necessarily breathe against them, hi spite of all tlii;", they liave not neglected to wrest many souls from hell. For his part. Father Pierron has baptized since a year ago, ninety of these Indians, almost all children, of whom liftv died after baptism. * * * * * * " * * * In one town of the Seneca.s, where FatherGarnier is, there have died within a year forty children and forty adults, bap- timl. As for Father Kallei.x, who is in another town of the Seneca.s. he rej.orts that ho jM-ofited well by a pulmonary disor(U;r with wliicli God has chastised those savage inhabi- tants, and which carried oil" in a month sixty small children. "I have not sinired myself in order to be able to obtain the grace of baptism for them, as well as for adults whom God made known to be Jlis in the course of this fatal malady."' KELATIOX l()77-8. Further on. [-'athors Ralleix an.l (iarnier, who an; at Son- nontoua!:, an.l where the danger is greatest (because it is the nation which more especially desires war) have conferred 8» ,,„,,„„. ,i„s vcar bai-lisin -n two huiulr.Ml niul Uvrlve. lunon:^' ■.•h.>„. llirreare u.oro than sevcHy chiMreu, a luut ..I Nvh.m. have -c-n." to iucreaso tlie cliuivli triumi.haiit. i,.,,,,n' rvidcntly svas rocalliMl in KuT, and KatluT ■,.avinL;- Father -Inhan 54, sa\.- aloiic. DeMeul Father (iarniei-, a .lesuil, who was a i iiissiuiuiry to the suiil , Kath.v .loMS lMKr.....N -• nn. to V.u,uU .lunc i'^h. UK. from 11... I rov.nrv of . ' 1 , 1«>1S wl,..n Kath..,- I'-RMMin was son to tlu- S..n.Mas. hr was mh-.t., .■(! „„.,„., l.,an,M- '''''''7:'':'' ',.,„,,,,, ,„ „ir... wliiU. iM attoulat.o. at a .ouiuM, « m„„j. wl„c I ,1 K,,t» .i.TliUT.l that !,.■ '-"'" :!";"; :m ; ,• l.^,ue « .a„y o..a o.s,o„.s. „o,. ti,dr «t.a..,„„>.„t to fa.„.s, iun a - ' . -"I'l"'" ^■a.U-..'i-l.erto th. v..ic. of Il..avo, o,- that ot „, ,!,.• A„tl,..r .)f Uf'' . t >..l m. l,u,, ,,i,„ii.|,..a (iara...„,ti... tl,..()„o„.la.-'a. U,,as,,p,.,.s,itionsa„,li„.le.-..n,,la,u^^ouU...t l^^l. a ^ ,^ ^^^__^.^ _^^ rc„tl..r...l ■■mri.M,. aUl in sc..u,-,ni.' t >,s "^ "''■,'* ,,,„,„(,, ,,f ,„al,li.l,i„u la.lian „„,„d .1>. F,-..„.-l, on .1- cast. a...l --'";;; ^^^U . i.^ ft-n N.w K„.la„,l '"""■""":' ""."";:,:.• I m »«,>. I.n..e fo,iowi„« year .,e^v..s at Is,.. HKO H.. ai..,l at (in.l,.... i» IT-,'-), l-rok-n a. o,. ..ana ... :.::•';;;;...«.,. ■.et,.r...... ate as nt. ana a^ i:;;;; -;:;;'r;;;: L:r o^^:!::::;; s:;::;;:r;;- .y of i,is .a. a.,a a„s...ri,y. 89 of whom ,11(1 Katlui- : (iariiii'i' i;84, says : lo the saiil vinif ol Cliaiu- wiiK MHi'i'tKled ■ III a iDuncil, a erstiliou^ I'l'i'''- .'lll it I'XpiMllfllt iniif in a plai'f cr of 111'' tri'Ut- liaviiii; iiiMiltoil 1 :ii l\u- iiidispii- I'lii, and addi'd iiufiit to fal>U>s. * Id^iiii: lii^ time .■avcii alilifliiii;; Indian m Ni'w Eii'^laiid IS sent to liandii- ■opc ill UmS. Sit ■pt. iM llewai- Iks ill \'J'>'> • was ■ lio w IS at Isle and honccas till SciHvas, after lH'iii,.) 'I'here was a mi.s.sionary as kite a.s 17U(), ^h. |i. 77r,.) I Kailn.r Fran... Va>u.,vnt i.k Cksms. ran,,. ,., r,„„.,ia as a stud..,, in ,.i:„ ,0- ..■ivcdlioly orders at qurh^; I),.,.,.„il.,.r ,s,, ir,r.-,. a.x-onlin^- U, ,h. /.i.',. a,ro„„/„„;,,.„ and r,,da..d Fatli,.- liniyas ,.„„„r, „, Tio„no„,o„„.„ „..,„. ,.,..,„ c;a „uX .n Vux II,. was r..-,d,.,it anions; tliv Mohawks in Pis:., and accon.panlod DoionOlii.'s rM.|d,tn.n at-amsi ,l„. s,,K.,.as in Kisr, and in th. l.c^innin- of Hi-H vi>i(..,l AM.anva, •Anilias^ador lo (iov.rnor Donj^an on lli. part of tin. Canadian CJovmnneni, on uhich o,-ras,o„ IR. aninitt.d l, willi al,il>ly.-.V, „■ )•„,<■ ro, Min„U,. V. 311 At tl,„ oonHnsion of this n.,o,ia,io„ li.. pro,.....U.d to Catararoiiy. iprosm, Kingston. '..srortnl hytuo Indians, who wct. s,.„t by (iov.rnor Don,.,,, to prm-.n, , havintj any Inter oonrso with t e Moliawks, 1,|. f.,r,„,.r llo.K. The l.reakin. on, of Kin. WMIian.' war "•""I"' al.andonnient of Kort Cataiaeony, diove him bark l„, bnl after the peace he was sent in r.„y.l with Father (iarnier ,m, a mission lo the Senecas, bv whom (^ was depmeil Ml UUi to (Mvernor Vamlienil to demand satisfaction for „ v olat o .1(0 Ireatyon the part of the „e returned immediately to the Se ,e „. conribnted to thwart the etforts of Col. Schnylerat Ononda.a who soi,,d, re .n, le I.,ve Nations to expel the French tnissionaries.- fharlevoix H, S