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HASIOK Oi. OAkViLLKl-KKSliVlKRlANCIl KCH ^> |'im:I''A(j|':. ^> 6 This little book is an attempt to pbice tho poetical passages of the Irstorical hooks of the Old Testament in their historic settinsr. or oeeasion : to express them in their natural form of poetic rhythm, and to set forth, in brief, their substance and arrangement. No attempt has been nmde to reason out at length the intricate problem of date and authorship, but the principle on which these may be determined is stated, Jind the historic setting, as well as the probable occasion for the poem, is given. Nor was it found possible to give reasons for any choice in ca-ses whe^e the translation differs from other received versions of Scripture. This could only be done in a more extended treatise. All that is hoped for is. that the translations and explanations may enable readers U better understand some of those portions of Scripi...,' often found so difficult, John MoNair. Oakville, Or.t., Novemoer 12, 1902. 6 ^ C()N'ri:.\ IS. l^ I. HO.MK S()N(;s. I. MakKIA«;k So\<;s : |. (l.» Marriage S()n h; 1 1 is n. S()X(JS OF WKAL AND WOE. 1. Curses of the Fall. (Jen. :i:14-19 2. (Jod'.H Covenant with Noah. (Jen. 8:21,22. . '\. Of Noah on hi.s Sons. (Jen. !>:25-27. . 4. Of Isaacon.lacoband Esau. (Jen.27:27-2i),Iif».4() 5. Of Jacob on his Sons. (Jen. 4!):2-27. . . . 6. Aaron's Benediction. Num. 6:24, 25. 2(J. 7. Of Moses on Israel. Deut. 33:2-29. . . . 8. Of Balaa?u on Israel. Num. 23:7-10, 18-24 24::' 9 15-2r> 20 28 2!» 30 32 39 39 47 III. WAIJ S()N(;s. , ., , , PACK. i. »Song of the Swonl of I.ainech. (Joii. 4:23,24. 57 2. Son^r of Miriam and Moses. Exvidu.s 15:1-18.21 3. Book of the Wars of Yahweh. (1.) Crossing the Arnon. Num. 21:14,15. (2.) Song of the Fountain. Num. 21:17,18. (3.) The Taunt Song. Num. 21:27-30 (4.) Yahweh as Leader. Num. 10:35, 3(j. 4. The Book of Jaslmr. (I.) Song of Joshua. Joshua 10:12,13. (2.) David's Dirge over Saul and Jonathan. II. Samuel 1:19-27. (3.) Dedication of the Temple. I Kings 8:12,13. (57 5. The Song of Deborah. Judges 5:2-31. ... 08 6. David's Lament for Abner. IL Sanj. 3:33,34. . 73 7. Davids Hynm of Triumph. U. 8an,. 22:2-51. 74 1 58 61 62 62 63 64 65 IV. ROYAL AND NATIONAL SONGS. 1. The Song of Mose.s. Deut. 32:1-43. ... ^3 2. David's Last Words. IL San)uel 23:1-7. . 89 3. Psalm of Praise to Yahweh. L Chron. 16:7-16. 91 i 11 <> T. TTOMH SOX(JS. i My beloved made answer, And to me said : Up, my loved one, my fail-; Hie thee away! I^'or lo. the winter is ]) Tlie rain is over, and ^'one; The flowers appear on the earth. And the time of merry sons is come; And the voice of the turtle Is heard in our land: The fiif tree seasons lier unrip<' fruit. The vine in blos.som frasranec yields. Hie thee away, my love, my fail-; Hie thee away! — Song of ASoiigs ii. 10- 1,'}. i Thk Soxfjs OF TTKnuF.w History. 11 1. Mtirrini/t Saiiys. Mama.iro an...,,^. th,- Il..|„v\vs was a...M„Mi.ani,',l with niirth and soi.y. Tli.> li..Mi."-,.,„niiitr of tho bridotrnxun witli the hvu]o was made tlu> (.c-nsi.,,, ..F j^vaf rojoioin.. «nd .nomnuM.l. Tl... f,..stivitios. wln.-h ..flo,. .•onlinuod for a week, ('(.iisist.-d lni-,.ly i,i tl„. „I,s,.rva.i.-o of „nciont inarriajre customs, in f.^astinj:. dan.M.ijr. livoly ccnversa- tion. and in sinirin- tlio praises of tl.e l.rido and -room. Tho best e.xamples ..f siieli soiiirs are preserved to us in "The 8on- of Sonrrs." and in I'snim 4."). Tn the his- lorieal ho(»lrve t., jrJve ]is som.' insijrht into aneient marriaj:v customs, to reveal the sacred and tender ties of the home life of Israel, and to illustrate the relation between (iod and his people. cl J (1) Marriage Sonani(.nslii|) u. Ihom. ho socs \\„.,ian h,^f,.iv him. ,.ii,. lii<,> ,,,11,. lii,„soIf. i»ono (.f his ho.i,.. Ilrsh ,.r his l! Worthy sh,. to h,. callod woman; To.- was sli,. ii,>t tak,..i of (;,.,! soe.-otly from his si«h.? She is thus his ,-oi,ipMnion. ,h.p,..Hh.n't on his stren-(h. the connt.M-parl of his pc-son. th,^ coni- I)leinont of his lif,.. Bocaiis,. of h,.,- affinity with hi.,, in natiii-o. and 1i,m- pi-on,iso to satisfy |,oart and lif,^ man leavos liis fathc- and .11, .the.-, and oh>avps to his wife, and they hencefoi-th h('co.,io 01, e. J (2) Snnisnv's Saninfis-. Judges xiv. 14. IS: xv. 1(5. Samson. dcM-iied of (lod the delivei-e.- of his pe,>ple, f.^II in love with a IM.ilistine niaiden at Timnah, down the valley from his Zorah hom,>. On one of Ids visits a young lion roared aprainst hi,,, in the way. hnt in a moment of inspired strenjrth he slew it. nothing in hand. On returning; he found hees and honey in the careass. .Soon after, at his weddiner. he propounded the followinir riddle to the t],irty yoiino' Philistines who.,, he liad iiivifed to iho feast: • WB.'^ Tm; SoNf^s oi- llKuittw IIistouy. 13 (a) Samson's riddle-. Judges xiv. 14. 14. Out of the eiitcr came .soiiit'tliin«,' to eat. Out of tlic stroU'T came somothintr sweet. Samson also otfer.Hl tli.'iii a watrer if they eould solve I lie riddl(> before the seven days of the feast were over. After vaiji endeavors tit solve the eniLrma. they appeal with threats to his bride to be-uile him of the secret, and she, ifter tearful entn'afy. exhausts his patience, and, on the bust day of the feast, secures it for them. Then they before sunset hasten to Samson, and triutriph- antly declare their answer. Samson ln.tly replies. (b) Satvson's a^tswer-. Judges xiv. 18. 18. With my heifer, had ye not ploufrhed. Then my riddle ye had not found, meaninir thereby, that, as only by secretly plou«rhin