,%. SK W IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) A V"" €? <5% 1.0 I.I 1.25 U£ 1^ III :^ 114 I™ 6" M 1.8 _y_ ill 1.6 / ^ oS, ^> V] m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ \ is % V 4 f-^ <* «* \ \ <^^ > <^ A^. c

utyof cattle police. 61. It shall be the special duty of the Chief of Police or iuch person as he may appoint as his agents to cause all animals or birds found running at larjre contrary to the provisions of this by-law or any other by-laws relating to pounds or pound keepers, to be impounded, and to prosecute ail persons offending against any of the provisions of the by-laws of the Town, there shall be payable in respect of each animal or bird named in section fifty- ^ < > i I \ tmm > i % 35 seven, distrained under the authority of this by-law. (i) The compensation to be allowed the Chief of Police or such person as he may appoint as his agents for services render- ed by him in carrying out the provisions of this by-law relating to pounds and pound keepers, shall be as follows r^— each. For distraining and impounding sheep or goats, ten cents ^^^ ^f p^jy, police. For distraining and impounding swine, horses, mules, horned or other cattle, twenty-five cents each. For distraining and impounding geese, five cents each. The Pound Keeper shall pay such fee to the Chief of Police or such person as the Chief of Police may appoint as his agent on impounding such animal or bird mentioned in section ahau coUeot*' fifty-seven; such fee the pound keeper shall collect trora the »u other "tees! owner or owners in addition to all other fees imposed by this by- law. 62. Nothing herein contained shall be taken to be substi- JpecfinV** tution of the provisions of " The Act respecting Pounds," except EesuperMdecu in so far as the provisions of this by-law are inconsistent there- with. / \ 6*. Nothing herein contained shall be construed so far as may 'impSund to prevent any person who may feel aggrieved from impounding SfnRat^farge any animal or bird that may be found running at large or tres- or trespassing, passing contrary to the provisions of this by-law relating to pounds and pound keepers. 64. The owner or occupant of any land shall be responsi- owners of ble for any damage or damages caused by any animnl or animals permftted^u) under his charge and keeping as though such animal or animals uabie forSam- were his own property, and the owner of any aiiimal not permit- fence^e^Jaw^ ted to run at large by the by-laws of this municipality shall be '"*"''"°'' liable for any damage done by such animal although the 36 # Pound keeper shall impound animals deliv- ered to bim for'that pur- pose. Owner of (Ceese or poul- try trespassiDg maybe brouffbt before any justice of the peace. Owner of any animals im- pounded en- titled to his animal at any time on Kirine security for aU costs and dam- ages not ex- ceeding 920. Form. fence enclosing the premises was not of the height required by this by-law. R. S. O., Chap. 195, Sec. 2. 65. If not previously replevied the pound keeper shall im- pound any horse, bull, ox, cow, sheep, goat, pig or other cattle, geese or any other poultry distrained for unlawfully running at large or for trespassing and doing damage, delivered to him for that purpose by any person resident within the Town who has detained the same ; or if the owner of any geese or other poultry refuses or neglects to prevent the same from trespassing on his neighbor's premises after a notice in writing has been served upon him of their trespass, then the owner of such poultry may be brought before any justice of the peace and fined such sum as the justice directs. R. S. O., Chap. 195, Sec. 3. 66. The owner of any animal impounded shall at any time be ehtitled to his animal on demand made therefor without pay- ment of any poundage fees on giving satisfactory security to the pound keeper for all costs, damages and poundage fees that may be established against him, but the person distraining and im- pounding the animal shall at the time of such impounding deposit poundage fees if such are demanded, and within twenty-four hours thereafter deliver to the pound keeper duplicate statements in writing of his demands against the owner for danrages (if any) not exceeding twen y dollars, done by such animal exclusive of such poundage fees, and shall also' give his written agreement (with a security if required by the pouild keeper) in the form following or in words to the same • effect : — I (or we as the case may be) do hereby agree that I (or we) will pay to the owner of the (describing animal) by me (A. B.) this day impounded, all costs to which the said owner may be put in case the distress by me, the said (A. B.) proves to be il- legal, or in case the claim for damages now put in by me the said (A.. B.) fails to be established. R. S. 0„ Chap. 195, Sec. 5. 67. In case any pound keeper or person who impounds or confines qr causes to be impounded or confined any animal as. ► 4^\ 37 aforesaid rtfuses or neglects to find, provide and supply the ani- poSndlteeper mal with good and sufficient food, water and shelter as aforesaid, re'uje" or n«- ° ' ' Klect to supply he shall for every day^ during which he so refuses or neglects forfeit food'watjr a sum not less than one dollar nor more than four dollars. R. »»* shelter. S. O., Chap. 195, Sec. 22. 68. In case an animal or bird is impounded, notices for the Notice of sale, sale thereof shall be given by the pound keeper within forty-eight hours afterwards, but no pig nor poultry shall be sold till after four clear days, nor any horse or other cattle till after eighi clear maybe mad*. days from the time of impounding the same. 69. The notices of sale may be written or printed and shall Noiice of sale, be affixed and continued for three clear successive days in three public places within the Town. The pound keeper shall deliver to the Town Clerk a notice of such sale which shall be posted up in some conspicuous place on or near the door of his office. Such notices shall specify the time and place at which the animal or animals will be publicly sold if not sooner replevied or redeemed by the owner or some one on his behalf, paying the amount of damages (if any), together with the lawful fees and charges of the pound keeper as herein provided. 70. Any pound keeper or other person wilfully receiving a Penalty for larger amount of fees than by this by-law are authorized sh.ill be iar|erf°li. liable to the penalties imposed by this law for an infraction of the provisions thereof LICENSES. 71. No person shall for hire or gain directly or indirectly Keepers of keep or have in his possession or on his premises any billiard or ba-jifteiie*^ bagatelle table or keep or have a billiard or bagatelle table in a ifcenaed. house or place of public entertainment or resort within the Town, whether such billiard or bagatelle table is used or not, without having obtained a license so to do. 72. it shall be unlawful to have any internal means of com internal com- municaticii .etween a room in which a billiard or bagatelle table Keen"^ 38 > billiard room jg kent. and Victualling houses or dinanes and houses where fruits, or yictualHng *^ > = ,, , . • j n house and any oysters, clams or victuals are sold to be eaten therein, ana all nlace where ■' • «. , ^ • *. r j.u„ liquor may be other phces for reception, refreshment oi entertainment ot tne ed. ^''^ public, or any place in which spirituous, fermented or other man- ufactured liquors may be sold within the Town. Hour for cios- 73. That in all places where billiard or bagatelle tables are sa'turdky""*' ke^t within the Town, the lights shall be extinguished and the nl|ht8 eie^ven' places closed from the hour of seven o'clock on Saturday nights o'clock. ^jjj g.^ ^^ ^j^g ^^^^y^ Qjj Monday morning thereafter, and from the hour of eleven of the clock in 'every other night till six of the clock in the following morning thereafter. Keepers 11- 74- No person licensed under the provisions of this by-law afiowdAinVen or any by-law ot the Town to keep a bowling alley, billiard or SerJona^hlre- bagatelle table, victualling house ordinary, or house where fruit, fimbUn^^r oysteis, clanis or victuals are sold to be eaten therein, or a place anyj|^"ch room foi- the reception, refreshment or entertainment of the public, shall permit any drunken or disorderly person or any one who keeps or resides in a house of ill-fame or any prostitute to resort to or frequent the oremiscs kept by him in respect of which such license is granted ; or keep or suffer or permit to be kept in such premises any faro bank, rouge et noir, roulette table or any other device for gambling or gaming, or suffer or permit tippling or gambling of any kind to be carried on therein. License may 71?, It anv person who has taken out a license for any cf be forfeited in '*' ' ' . . caseofconvic- the purposes mentioned in the next preceding section is convict- tion of breach rr ,.,,/.ir,, of by-law. ed of a breach of the provisions of any by-law of the 1 own, regu- lating the trade or business carried on by him under such license, or the premises in which the same is cariied on or the mode of carrying on su'zh trade or business, or of the breach of any sta- tute or by-law in force in the municipality relating to shop or tavern licenses, his license may in the discretion of the Police Magistrate or other convicting judge or justice be absolutely for- feited. No minor un 76. That it shall be unlawful to allow minors under sixteen der 16 years ^^^^^ ^f ^^^ ^^ engage in a game of billiards or bagatelle or loiter 39 in a room or house where billiard or bagatelle tables are keptun- oW to loiter in less such minors are accompanied by their parents, master or room, guardians or are members of the proprietor's family. 77. No transient trader or other person who occupies prem- ises within the Town for a temporary period, and whose name has not been duly entered on the assessment roll of the Town in respect of income or personal property for the then current year, and who may offer goods or merchandise of any description for sale by auction conducted by himself or by a licensed auctioneer or otherwise, shall carry on his trade or business or offer goods or merchandise for sale in manner aforesaid without having ob tained a license so to do, provided always that this section shall not effect, applj- to or restrict the sale of the stock of an insolvent estate which is being sold or disposed of within the Town where the insolvent carried on business therewith at the tin- 1 of the issue of a writ of attachment or the execution of an assignment. This section shall be construed to apply whether the goods and mer- chandise are offered by auction or otherwise. 43 Vic, Chap, 24, Sec. 24. Transient traders, etc.. to be licensed. ProviBO sec- tion not to apply to sales of Insolvent stock in cer- tain oases. Meaning of section. 78. Every license to a transient trader or other person men- ^ tioned in the next preceding section shall continue in force for the transient number of days for which the license fee is paid and no longer >n force for ,, . ,, ,. , , ,, . . . . ° 'periods for ana the period for which such license is to continue is to be stated which iicenHo , fee is paid, therein. 79. No person shall keep within the Town a victualling victualling house ordinary, or house where fruit, oysters, clams or victuals licensed" ^^ are sold to be e»ten therein, or a place for the reception, refresh- ment or entertainment of the public, without having obtained a apply* to keeo°- license so to do, provided always that this section shall not apply or^oarding^"* to keepers of licensed taverns or of boarding houses. houses. 80. No person shall hold or keep any exhibition for hire or Bowling alleyg profit or keep a bowling alley or other place of amusement with- *° ^® Uoenaed. in the Town without having obtained a license so to do. # 40 Person givinf? 8i. No person shall give or assist ill eiviiit? any exhibition exhibition of ... o o j waxworks.i o{ waxworlc, menagerie, circus nding or other such like shows etc.. to bo 11- ,, ,•■•,, , . , . . ™ cenaod. usually exhibited by showmen, within the To\rn, vr ithout having obtained a license so to do. mo"n nmy'b'c"'' ^^- -^"7 ^"^ imposed for an infraction of the provision of goods used in ^^c next preceding section of this by-law may be levied by distress theexhibition. ^^^ g^jg ^f jj^g gQ^^jg j^,,jj chattels of such showman, or belonging to or used in such exhibition whether owned by such shopman or not, and in default of payment thereof the offender may be im- prisoned in the common gaol of the county of Middlesex for any in"Sefauit!!^"* ^^^^ "°^ exceeding one month. Every license to a person mem. tioned in section eighty one of this by-law shall continue in force for one day. Keepers of 83. No person shall set up, use or drive within the Town cabs, etc., to , . ., , , , , , „ . be licensed, any cab, carnage, omnibus or other vehicle used for hire for the conveyance of persons from place to place within the'Town, with- out having obtained a license so to do. Keepers of ^^ ^° owner of a livery stable or owner of horses for hire to be^iiliensed *^*^^ '^^^^V "" *^^ business of a livery stable keeper within the Town without having obtained a license so to do. Butchers to be licenssd. 85. No person shall sell fresh meat in quantities less than by the quarter carcase within the Town without having obtained a license so to do, and only at the place set forth in such license. censed. Keepers of in- ^^' No person shall set up c: keep an intelligence office offlces'to^e 11- within the Town for the purpose of registering the names and resi- dence of any giving information to or procuring servants for em- ployers in want of domestics or laborers, and for registering the names and residents of any giving information to or procuring em- ployment for domestics, servants and other laborers desiring em- ployment, without having obtained a license so to do. Hours during 87. Every person licensed to keep an intelligence office which intelli- 1 j i 10 gence oiHces within the Town, shall keep his office open for business between are kept open. ^ / , ■ , , 1 • , he hours of nine o'clock in the morning and six o clock in the evening, Sundays and holidays excepted. M 4' 88. Every person licensed to keep an intelligence office lacpemui shall keep a book in which shall be entered at the time oi appli- book omd "5- 47 No parson shall suffer or permit any dog of which he vift^'run**!? is the owner, possessor or harborer to run at large within the large. Town, if such dog is of a vicious or ferocious disposition or ac- customed to snap at or bite mankind, or if such dog has previous- ly attacked or bitten any person travelling in or along the public streets. 1 1 6. No peison shall after the first day of February next After 1st Feb. suffer or permit any dog of which he is the owner, possessor or run at large harborer to run at large within the Town unless such dog shall ^„ 49 > of the standing committee of the said Council called the Board of Health. 124. There shall be appointed by the Council an officer to Health inapcc- be called the Health Inspector, who shall hold office during the pointed? *^" pleasure of the Council and until his successor is appointed, and such appointment shall not be limited to one officer if it be deem- ed necessary in the interest of the Public Health to increase the number of such inspectors. 125. Every Health Inspector shall before entering upon the Declaration of duties of his office make the following declaration before the Mayor or Town Clerk for the time being, viz. : I, hereby declare that I will to the best of my skill and judgment duly and faithfully perform all the duties appertaining to my office of Health Inspector as declared by the by-laws of the Town of Strathroy,and that I will not directly or in- directly for myself or others in trust for me or on my own ac- count have any interest or concern in any purchase, contract or agreement to be made in pursuance of such by-laws. 126. The following shall be the duties of the Health In- Duties of ° Health In- spector : specter. (i.) To attend at the health office a portion of each day as to attend ,, J , J J- 4. beaHh office. the said board may direct. (2.) To keep a record of all his proceecKngs in a book in T^j^gg g. which shall be entered any expenditure ordered in his department co»d of pro- with the names of all persons or workmen the time worked and the amount to be paid to each individual, and to make a report thereof to the said board whenever directed by said board ao to do. (3.) T) keep a vigilant, supervision over all the lanes, by- to keep sup- ways and vacant lots or premises within the Town, upon which flnes'^&c"^ any accumulation of dung, manure, offal, filth, refuse, stagnant water or other offensive matter may be found, and at once, either when required by any person or otherwise, to examine the same. 5° To notify por- and notify the person who owns or (occupies such premises lo re- IccumuiaTion'' move the same and if necessary to require the premises to be of dung. &c. ^ig^j^gg^ ^„^ disinfected. (a.) To make a report of such examination and if such ac- To report \^ ' ' theron and if cumulation be not removed within twenty-four hours after notice not removed , , . . . , . , - to lay in«'or- thereof as aforesaid to lodge mformation before the proper of- ficer to the end, that proceedings may be immediately taken against the person offending in accordance with the provisions of this by-law, and it shall be at his discretion to cause such ac- cumulation to be removed. i ' I To visit but- (5-) To visit the premises of all butchers at least Oiice or cheers prem- ^^j^^ during the months of May, June, July, August, rfeptember and October, and once a month during the remainder of the year, and to report to the said board the result of such visits'immedi- ately thereafter. To provide for (6.) To make all necessary arrangements for removing all removal of dej decaying animal or vegetable matter from the streets. or vegetable L /v (7.) To see that the provisions of the by-laws of the Town To see that by- M ' '^ laws relating relating to the public health are enforced, and generally to obey public health o r . , . ,. are observed, ^nd carry out the instructions and directions ot tiie said board m matter relating to the public health. ... 127 In addition to the appointment of Health Inspector the Appomtment i.^/. j- ir , , r u of medical Council mav, when it is deemed indispensable for the preserva- health officer. ^ ^ ' , , , i j «• i tion of the public health and the more promptly and effectually carrying into effect the sanitary provisions of this or any other by-law of the Council, appoint one or more members of the medi- cal profession to be Medical Health Officer or officers of the Town, to hold office during the pleasure ot tlie Council, and whose duties and remuneration shall be specially defined from time to time by resolution of th2 Council. Board to ex- 1 28. The said board shall examine into all nuisances, sources offlfth ftc'"''®^ of filth and causes of sickness within the Town that may in its opinion be injurious to ihe health of the inhabitants and shall de- } ; { i \ i ' \ ■ 5' stroy, remove or prevent the same ;is the case may reqinre, and «°^'„'^ to^^^.%g shall lurther enquire respecting articles that are capable of con- of iiiih, 6.c. containmg or conveying infection or cor.tagion brought or conveyed into the Town by or through any vehicle or by any means what- soever. 120. The said Board may grant permits for or restrain the Removal of removal of any nuisance or infected articles within the Town when they consider it safe and proper for the public safety so to do. } : { 130. Whenever it shall appear necessary to the said Board ^y,^tp^enf ^f or any of its officers for the preservation of the public health or nuisance, etc. for the abatement of any nuisance or upon the receipt by the said Board of a notice signed by two or more inhabitants of the Town stating the conditions of any lot, house, building or place within the Town to be so filthy as to be a nuisance or injurious to health, o'" that a public nuisance exists in or upon such lot.house, building or place, or that in or upon any such lot, house, building or place any accumulation of dung, manure, offal, filth, refuse, stagnant water or other offensive matter or thing is kept or permitted to remain so as to be a nuisance or injurious as aforesaid, the said Board or any of its officers may enter such lot, house, building or place for the purpose of examining the same, and if necesssary ^^^^ q^^j.,, ^^_ may order the removal of any such matter ci thing as aforesaid, g^ncl! etcf "*' A.nd if any person having the care or control of such lot, house, building or place after having had twenty-four hours notice from the said Board or any of its officers, to remove or abate such mat- ter or thing as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to remove or abate the samo.he shall b-i subject to the penalties of this by-law, and the Slid Board may remove or cause to be removed such matter or In case of fail- ■' J 1 • "™ *° remove thine and abate or cause to be abated such nuisance, the costs afcer notice at ,- , 1. . -Ill •!/-,• expense of and expenr.es whereof shall be paid by the person in default m person in de- ' fault, addition to the penalties imposed by this by-law. 131. Ihe notice mentioned in the next preceding section of on whom no- this by law, may be served on the occupant or person having gerveVand*^ charge or control of such lot, house, building or place, and if such **°^- lot, house, building or place is vacant, the same may be served on the owner thereof or his agent if known and resident in the Town, and if not known or not residing in the Town, may be affix- ed to such lot, house, building or place. Duty of board ing-housc keepers, etc.. dui-ing epi- demic. 132. Whenever any boarding house-keeper or householder within the Town shall know that any person within his house has the smali-pox or any other disease dangerous to the public health, he shall immediately give r.otice to the said board or any of its officers. f hvBl- ^33' Whenever any physician within the Town shall know ciaiis (iiirinK ^]^^^ r^^y person whom he is called upon to visit within the Town is infected with the small-pox or any other disease dangerous to the public health, such physici.in shall immediately give notice thereof to the said board or any of its officers. iJuringepi- 134- The said board Or any of its officers may isolate any may be'^lsohuf- pcrson having the small-pox or other disease dangerous to the '"^- public health within the Town, and may cause to be posted upon Nofc maybe ^^ "^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ of any house or dwelling in which such person is, a notice stating that such disease is within the said house or dwelling. put up on house. 135. The said board or any of its officers may order and houses may be direct the person in possession of any slaughter house or place in which cattle, sheep or swine are or have been slaughtered within the Town, to remove the same out of the Town limits or to discontinue slaughtering in such slaughter house or other place on the premises thereof within the Town, and to thorough- ly cleanse the same. If such person after having had twenty-four hours notieo from the said board or any of its officers shall ne- glect or refuse to obey the said order he shall be subject to the penalties of this by-law. 1^6. That it shall be lawful for the said board or any of its Swwie may be ^ , . . , . removed out officers to Order or direct any person havmg in his possession or of the town . . . ■ , • , rry u limits. upon his premises any swme wiihm the lown to remove such swine without the limits ol the Town, and to cause the pens, styes, yard or place within which they are or were kept to be S3 thoroughly cleansed within such time as the said^board may di- rect by such notice. I-??. Ihat the proprietor or occupant of any premises within Privies to be , J: , „ '^ I . . , . r . . built above the Town shall cause the privies on their respective premises to vaults. be built above vaults at least four feet in aepth and proper ly constructed and covered, and that the proprietors or occupants of any and all premises within the Town shall deposit and throw ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ into their said privy vaults at least once in every fortnight °*^g®Jjf^|™'' between the first days of April and October in each year thrown there- at least a peck of unslacked lime or its equivalent in any disin- fecting chemical. , 138. That the owner or occupant of any premises within priyy yauug the Town shall cause the privy vaults upon his premises to be and flithre-^ cleansed and the filth therein removed to such place as the said J^t May fn board may direct, at least once in each year not later than the ^°^ ^^^^' first day of May. 139. That persons having upon their premises any private private drains drain or sink shall cause the same to be cleanly kept, and shall cieaniy\ept, pour down such private drain or sink at least once in each week solution to"be a small quantity of any deoderizing chemical solution. once^a'v^ek.'^ 140. That no person shall throw or cause to be thrown upon _ f f ^ Water not to any stieet. alley or highway within the Town any water whatever be thrown on .,,,._, the 8tr66t8, except the same be thrown within the box drain. 141. That no owner or the agent of any owner or person in ^^^3^3 not to possession of any house within the Town, shall permit the same to be occupied be occupied by a greater number ot persons than in the opinion of number of Board will the said board should be permitted. permit. 142. Any person selling within the Town or exporting there selling or. ex- roin 'blown, tainted or damaged fish or flesh meat, unless with edVr'famaged the intent that the same shall be used for some other purpose etc!i prohibi- than as food, shall be subject to the penalties of this by-law, and upon trial or enquiry of such case the burden of proof shall be upon the person accused to show for what purpose such fish or ted. Penalty. 54 flesh meat was so exported or sold and 'he convicting jiutice may order the same to be destroyed Offensive privy vaults, drains, etc., to bo cleansed, altered and repaired as the Hoard may direct. In default the Board may do so ut the own- er's expense. Sr^talnteT'*' ^43' ^° peison shall bring into the Town any decayed fruit, etc ' not'be potatoes Or Other vegetable product or any tainted or damaged brouKhtinto flesh, meat ortisli, without a permit therefor from the said Board the Town ' ' ' without a per- or the said Health Inspector, or in any other than such a manner as he or the Board shall direct. 144. Whenever any privy vault or drain shall become offen- sive or obstructed, the same shall be cleansed and made free, and the owner, agent, occupant, or other person having charge of the land in whtch such privy vault or drain may be situated, the state or condition of which shall be In violation of the provisions of this by-law shall remove, cleanse, alter, amend or repair the same within a reasonabh^ lime after notice in writing to that effect given by the said Board or any of its officers as the said Board shall appoint, and in case of neglect or refusal the said Board may cause the same to be removed, altered, amended or repaired as they may deem expedient at the exi)ense of such owner, occu- pant jr other person. 145. No pc-son shall remove or cause to be removed, or aid or assist in removing, or transport or cause to be transported, or aid or assist in transporting in, through or along any stree^, highway or public place within the Town, night soil or other con- tents of any privy vault, sink or cesspit, except substance not soluble in water, unless the sp.me be removed and transported b^ means of air tight apparatus or in such manner as shall prevent such night soil or other contents from being agitated or exposed in the open air during such removal or transportation. Depositing or 146. No person shall deposit night soil upon any of the soil, etc. streets or upon any lot within het Town, or Dury within the Town night soil removed from any privy vault or other receptacle with- out the permission of the said Board. Removal of night soil, etc. ♦ I \ > -< I' \ Throwing 147. No person shall throw any night soil, dirt, filth, carca- streetsoMnto ses ot animals, or rubbish of any street, lane or highway within denham!,^^" he Town or into the river Sydenham, or any other public water ^ i • \ 55 where it runs within or opposite to the limits of the Town. All such substances shall be removed from the place where the same have been so thrown or left as aforesaid by the person who shall have so thrown or left the same as aforesaid or directed the same Remoml to be done within twenty-four hours after personal notice to that effect given to him by the said Health Inspector, in default of which such removal may be made under the direction of the said Health Inspector, and the expense thereof shall in that case be borne by the person in default. 148. No person shall without the permission of the said J'^^S^^p^^*^^* Board transport or carry or cause to be transported or carried, or throuuhtown. assist in transporting or carrying in through or along any street, highway or public place within the Town the body or remains of any dead person which have been interred and afterwards disin- terred for the purpose of removal from the place of interment. 140. It shall be the duty of all officers and servants of the All officers. - etc to Assisu corporation to give all possible aid and assistance in their power Health in- to the Health Inspector and any ot the officers of the said board in the discharge of their duties. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. FOOT PASSENGERS. '• \ 150. Any person or persons in meeting and passing another Persons to or others shall pass on the right, and any person or persons over- other on the *■ ri^nt 810.6. taking another or others and passing, must pass on the right, and any person or persons wilfully offending against this provision whereby any disturbance or confusion is occasioned, shall be lia- ^^^j^'^^ ^ ^^^ ble to the penalties imposed by this by-law for an infraction of the provisions thereof. 11; I. Three or more persons shall not stand in a group or Thne or more • 1 11 • , • 1 n, • persons not to near to each other on any street or sidewalk within the 1 own m stand in ' ,. r c ^ groups on the such a manner as to obstruct a free passage for toot passengers, sidewalks or after a request to move on made by any police officer, constable or other peace officer or persofl duly authorized by the Mayor or any councillor. 56 street preach- 1 5 2- Nothing in the preceding scv^tion contained shall be unWdi"-"^^ construed as prohibiting the congregation of individuals to attend orderly. ^^ y^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ preaching so long as the proceedings thereat shall continue peaceable and ordijrly, and sii fficient space be left both on the sidewalks and the central roadway to allow of the ordinary traffic of the street and sidewalks upon which mch Proviso side- Street preaching takes place ; provided always, that should the waikor Bwet sidewalk or roadway during such street preaching be or become strucied. ^t any time so obstructing, the same shall upon request as afore- said, forthwith remove from such position and in the event of their refusing so to do shall be liable to the penalities of this by- law. Runnlngraces 153. No person shall run or race on the streets or sidewalks etc.. on side- or crowd or jostle other foot passengers so as to create discom- •walka or ,. , r • streets pro- fort, disturbance or confusion, hibited. ' HORSES AND VEHICLES. Persons driv ing wai^gons, etc., to have strong reins. Immoderate driving. 154. No person shall drive any carriage, cart, waggon, sled, sleigh, or other vehicle, or sit upon any horse or other beast har- nessed thereto in order to ride or drive t.ie same, nor shall any person ride or lead any horse, mare or gelding, unless he shall have strong reins or lines fastened to the bridles of the beasts and held in his hands sufficient to guide them and to restrain them from running, galloping, or going immoderately through any of the streets of the Town. 155. It shall be the duty of every driver or other person in charge of any vehicle conveying goods, wares, or merchandise through the streets of the Town to remain upon such vehicle while the same is in motion, or to walk beside the horse or horses drawing the same ; and every such person shall observe and com- ply with the provisions of the statutes relative to the meeting or overtaking of vehicles upon the public highway. 156. No person driving any carriage, cart, waggon, sled, Immoderate gleigh, or Other vehicle, or riding upon any horse, mare or geld- gaiTopi^nK pro- j„g ^'^^\\ ^ause or permit, or suffer the beast or beasts he shall public s'treets. j.j^g qj. drive to go on a gallop or other immoderate rate, and Drivers, etc,, in charge of vehicles con- veying goods through the streets to re- main on vehi- cles or wallc beside horses, Passing -.ayiln. other. %v $1 every person so driving or ri.iing along any public ''trcet or „„„e.. .te. thoroughfare in the town shall slacken his soeed m »PP'°^^^mg .arjro^or^^Bjand any crossing for foot passenger., upon which any person may be ^^.,^,„„, being crossing such public street or thoroughfare ; and no person snaii suffer or permit any horse, mare or gelding, to run ^tlarge or to stand in any street of the said Town without being sufticently se- cured to prevent its running avray. i„. It shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to Any person stop any horse, mare or gelding found running at large or going horBCB-^ctc.. at a g.,llop or other immoderate rate, until the owner or owners larKo^or^Koinf can be 'uund and proceeded with according to law. erate rate. 158 No person shall break in or train any horse, mare or gelding, or shall e>.hibit or let to mares any stud horse m any public place or in any of the streets or parks within the Town. i„ No person shall ride, drive, lead or back any horse, carriage, cart, waggon, sled, sleigh, or other vehicle, over or along any paved or planked sidewalk within the Town unless it be in crossing such paved or planked sidewalk to go into any yard or lot. 160 Every owner or occupier of any house, building or lot, o^n^rs. etc.. who shall require to drive any horse, carriage, cart, waggon, sled, f^-^HS' sleigh or other vehicle across aay paved or planked sidewalk for or««";-„ ^ the purpose of going in at any gate, or to any lot, or to the rear Sridgo. of any premises, sjiall construct across the drain, gutter, or water course opposite the gateway or premises a good and sufficient bridge of planks, so constructed as not to obstruct the said drain, gutter, or water course, and shall also P^ace a piece of timber Howjobe^ along so much of the edge of the said pavement or planking on the side next the gateway or premises as is necessary for any ve- hicle to pass over without injuring the said pavement or planking. i6t. No person shall permit his horse, carriage, cart, ^ag. Ho^es^^not^to :gon, sled, sleigh, or other vehicle, to stand upon any street with- streetio^nger in the town longer than is absolutely necessary, for the owner, ,uteiy neces- driver or person using the same to transact his business with the s"^ TralnlDK horses or ex- hibiting stud horses on the streets prohib- ited. Vehicles not to drive on side walks un- less for the fiurpose of go- ng into a yard or lot. ^ 58 person opposite whose house the same shdl stand ; and no per- son shall tie his horse to any post, hook or ring, or in any way across any pavement, sidewalk or crossing, so as to obstruct the ordinary traffic of the street, or leave any carriage, cart, waggon, sled, sleigh, or other vehicle, standing opposite any other person's door than such as the owner, rider, driver, or occupant may have business with ; and no person shall in any wise obstruct the free iioreoB not to use of the streets or sidewalks of the said Town on the crossings poBtreto". o"^ across the public streets by stopping any horse, cart, carriage, ffio?\he°''' waggon, sled, sleigh, or other vehicle across the same, or by any BtrectB. ^, Other means. VfthloloB with- Proviso. 162. No person shall place any carriage, cart, waggon, sled, vnniujuB wim- ' out horseB not sieiffh or Other vehicle, without horses, upon any street withm to bo placed ^'^'b"> "• ' ,..,., . , on the Hireota. j|-,g 'Pown, provided always that nothmg m this clause contained shall prevent licensed hotel keepers from placing not more than two rows of vehicles without horses lengthwise on either of any of the streets other than Front and Frank streets when absolutely necessary and not otherwise. Duty of chief 1 63. It shall be the duty of the chief of police of the Town of police, etc. ^^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^^-^^^ ^,^ ^^f ^^y constable in the regular employ of the said Town to remove frcmi off the streets of the Town any horse or horses, carts or waggons, or other vehicles allowed to stand upon any street in the Town longer than is absolutely nec- essary for. the owner, driver, or person in charge or using the same to transact his business with the person opposite whose "'hfcies^ntt house, Store or place of business the said horse, horses, vehicle, to stand long- vehicles shall Stand, and in no case shall a horse or horses, or than two "'• »>->"^''-^ i • j ■ ^""'■** team or waggon or other vehicle be allowed to stand tied in any such streets for a longer period than two hours. DIRT OR SNOW. Removal of 164. Every occupant, and in case there is no occupant, the ^oVand ice owner of- every house, shop, building, lot or parcel of land, and r'reao'f block every person having charge or care of any church, chapel or pavement. ^^-^^^ public building fronting or abutting on Frank and Front streets within the area of the block pavement shall water and i I i I 1 59 •Hf<^' cleanly^sweep and keep free from obstruction by dirt.dust.snow.ice, or otlier encumbrances the pavement or sidewalk in front and about his premises as aforesaid before eight o'clock in the morning of each ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ day from'the first day or May till the first day ot October in each bo cleaned, year, and f.hall sweep the same before nine o'clock every morn- ing during the rest of the year (Sundays xcepted). 165. Every occupant, and in case there is no occupant, the owner of every house, shop, building, lot, or parcel of land, with- in the Town, and every person having charge or care of ary church, chapel, or other public building fronting or abutting on the block paved portion of Frank and Front streets shall within the first four hours after every fall of snow, or fall of hail or rain, which shall freeze on the sidewalks, or after a fall of snow from off any building, cause the same to be removed entirely off the sidewalk opposite each house, shop, church, chapel, or other building as aforesaid ; and in case the ice or snow shall be so frozen that it cannot be removed without injury to the sidewalks or pavements, every such person as aforesaid shall strew the same with ; jhes, sand or some other suitable substance ; but no person shall sprinkle, spread or place, or cause to be sprinkled, spread or placed, any salt or like substance on the road or car- riage way of any public highv.ayor street within the Town with the intent or for the purpose of melting or dissolving any snow, ice or dirt which may have accumulated on any road or carnage- way ot any such street or public highway within the Town. rinow, etc.. to bo roinoved wltiilu four boufH after falllnK from sidewalk and roofs of building!. ProvlBO if frozen, ashes or sand to be spread there- on. Salt prohibit- ed. 166 In case the said snow, ice, and dirt have not been so if snow, etc., .... .... not removed removed from the sidewalks adjoinmg aiy premises within the within 24 . , . - , hours road said orescribed area in the said Town w .hin twenty-four hours commissioner " , •. • 1 .1 , 1 J r ..L to remove aftpr anv fall ot snow, rain or hail, it shall be the duty ot the at the expense aiiv-i «.. ; .... ^ of owners, etc. road commissioner or other person appointed for tnat purpose to give information and prosecute the parties in default, if resident within the Town, and also forthwith to cause the said snow, ice and dirt to be removed at the expense of the corporation, and to keep an account of all expenses so incurred, and of the proper- ties in respect of which such moneys have been expended, and the names of the o\vners and occupants thereof on the last re- times How collect- ed. Accumulation ot snow and ice on roof and eaves of buildings to be forthwith removed. 60 made to the r gtrathrov on the first day of J>inuary, rt-pru, j y Krrr «~°/,t, year of an expenses incurred a. afo^^^^^^^^^^ the Drecedins quarter, >Tith the number on the last revised assess m nr^nonh^propert, in respect of .htch the -^ -P-e - incurred, and the names of the owner and "-^-P^"' *";''';^^^ appearin- on the said roll and the satd trersurer shall m a book Tbe kept by hin. lor that purpose, char-e aga.nst each such par^ eel ofland the unpaid balance of such assessment and cause the sum to be collected in the same manner as other mumcpal taxes. x6, Every occupant, and in case there is no occupant the owner ^f ever, house shop, or building and every Pf'-" "avmg Te cMrse or care of an, church, chapel or other pubhc bu.ldmg ahu^ngon r erected w.thin te,, fee. of an, public street, thor ouXe sidewaU or pavement shall whenever snow or tee shall "cumlte on the roof or eaves of his house or bu.ldmg as afore- saW "an extern that shall be dangerous to persons pass.ng, cause he sle .0 be forthwith removed therefrom, and every person ■ whileTemoving the same shal, take due and proper care and pre- caution for the warning and safety of persons passing. ,68 Whenever a street has been paved with cedar or othei Duty 01 re.!- ^, '°°-., . ,, . ,, .^., of ,he residents along that portion of denM trontlnir blocks, It shall be the au-y 01 Hie !<; „hstmctions 'ptSf«.. said street so paved to remove -''*"■ "Id LmSaeTn from the portions of such -7;^^! du tyTh:!l be 'per- front of the premises occupied by them, tiMs a y formed in manner following ; ,,) Every owner.occupant or tenant of any P-™- -"J™^ to L tie last mentioned clause ^f^^^^^^^^^ ^X^rTt be swept or gathered, between the fir d y o Ap ^^^ ^^^ ^^ dayofNovembermeach e^ atleaton ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^,^^ the day preceding any holiday o da, ^^ ^j,, ,„a ally large gathering is expected, all *= J"^™ ^^ j„ f„„, of other obstructions from the portions of such streets 1 such premises and halfway across the str.et. To sweep half- way across the street. ('•) Such accumulations sh.ll be heaped in the centre of the (. V 6i roadway from which they shall be rem oved by some party author- ^*^*>|',„*"^jjg ized by the road committee. centre of road- ■' way. (3.) The chief of police, road commissioner, or some one authorized to do so shall at the commencement of each season serve on each owner, when such owner is in possession, or on each householder, tenant or occupant a notice in the form A to this by-law annexed, and shall lodge a list of all persons so noti- fied with the clerk of the municipality, whenever any owner, ten ant or occupant refuses or neglects for twenty-four hours to clean that portion of block paved streets adjoining his or their property or properties, or whenever the ownei or owners of vacant proper- ty for twenty-four hours neglect to clean the same the Council or their commissioner shall cause to be cleared away all dirt from such sidewalks and streets at the expense of the owner or occu- pant so neglecting to clean in front of his or her premises as afore- said, and in case of nonpayment such expenses shall be charged in a special assessment against such premises to be rtcoverea in like manner as all other municipal taxes. Duty of road commiasionrr to serve notice form A. Proviso in case of reiasal or neglect to be cleaned at the owner's expense. How collect- ed. REMOVING BUILDINGS. i6q. No person shall remove, or cause, or permit'to be re. Buildings not ' . . ,.,,.. , to be removed moved, or assist in removmg any building into, along or across without leave any street or sidewalk in the said Town without having first ob- committee. tained leave in writing from the road committee. 170. No person shall or throw pile cordwood, firewood or Cordwood not coal upon any paved or planked sidewalk in the Tow.i, or shall or piled on saw or split cordwood or firewood upon any street or sidewalk m the Town, and no person shall stand on any such sidewalk with his wood saw and horse so as to obstruct a free passage for foot passengers. Nor shall any person being the owner of any cord- v>ood, firewood, coal, lumber or timber which has been thrown Motto remain or piled upon any street in the said 1 own, permit the same to re- iw^toure." main upon such street for a longer time than two hours so as to obstruct" the free use thereof. Goods not to be placed on any street or sidewalk, nor hung up or exposed out- side any shop, warehouse, &c. Proviso, 62 MERCHANDISE. 171. No person shall place any goods, wares or other mer- chandise, or other articles of any kind upon any street or upon any sidewalk, or hang or expose any goods, wares or merchandise or other articles outside of any house, shop, warehouse, or other building which shall project over any portion of the sidewalk of any street, or over any street of the said Town. But the pro- visions of this section shall not be construed to interfere with the use of a portion of such street or sidewalk for a reasonable time during the taking in or delivery of merchandise or other goods or prevent the Town engineer under the direction of the road com- mittee from granting written permission to construct platforms across the drains, gutters or water courses on any of the streets of the Town where such committee may deem it necessary or ad- visable to grant such permission for tacilitating the reception or delivery of merchandise or other goods, provided such permi- sion in all cases, reserves to the sail committee or engineer the right to withdraw the same whenever the said committee or en- gineer may deem it advisable. AUCTIONS. Auction sales. 172- No person without first having obtained leave from the mayor, or chief officer of the Town, shall sell by auction upon any \ of the streets or sidewalks of the Town any horses, carriages, furniture, or any other articles whatsoever. EXCAVATIONS. Proviso right to withdraw order. Planking, pavement, sidewalk, &:c., not to be re- moved with- out a permit. To be replac- ed, relaid. and made good by the party re- moving the same. 173. No person or persons shall break, tear up or remove any planking, pavement, sidewalk, curbing, raacadamizmg or other road surface, or make any excavation in or under any street or sidewalk of the Town for the purpose of building or other wise, without having first obtained a proper permit or license from the road committee so to do, and such permit being grant- ed the same shall be done under the direction of the Town en- gineer, and shall under the same inspection be replaced, relaid, and made good by the parties who may have required to have the same removed and such removal shall not be allowed to con- » ( li V 63 i \ tinue any longer than is absolutely necessary in every case where the said road committee may see fit to grant permission as afore- said, the party to whom the same is granted shall be held respon- sible for any accidents that may occur to any person or property by reason thereof, and shall keep and maintain such lights and Sha»^keep^^^ watchmen, and shall take such further care and precaution as Ji|^^tU^h«'^ may be necessary for the protection any safety of the public, and the Town engineer or any one acting in that capacity shall be the sole judge as to what are necessary precautions, REMOVAL OF GRAVEL, SAND OR EARTH. 174. No person shall take away any gravel, or dig up, take No|jer8on or carry away any earth, sand, or cut any sod from any street away or du » ' , \xip ftny CHI til) laid out in the Town, or from any vacant lot belongmg to the ^^nd^or cut^ said corporation of the Town without having first obtained per. street without *^ , ^ M 1 • 1 -^ the permission mission from the committee ot the Council havmg authority of the Council, &0. to grant the same. ENCROACHMENTS, FENCES, AWNINGS OR SIGNS. 171:, No person shall without having first obtained leave Moveable . , 1 traps or doors from the road committee, construct, place, or make any move- ^n the side- able traps or doors for the purpose of entrance to any cellar or ^*^''^' ^*'- premises under any building which shall in any wise encroach upon the sidewalk or streets of the Town. 176. No person shall erect or continue any awning, sign, ^^^"^^^^g^f sign post, hanging or swinging sign which shall in any way ex- «J^°jP«f » p™" tend over any street or sidewalk in the Town, unless a plan thereof shall be first submitted to and approved of by the said Proviso. road committee upon the report of the road commissioner. 177. It shall and may be lawful for any person or persons signej&o., aoDointed bv the said municipal council of the Town for that Sored after ^^ ' , • • •^' J ^u 14 days notice, purpose, after fourteen days notice in writing served on the own- er or occupier of any premises before which such last mentioned awning, sign, sign post, hanging or swinging sign exists to cause the same to be removed, and no person or persons shall obstruct , 64 or impede such person or persons so appointed in the due exe- cution of the provisions of this section. Frac»B erect- 178. Any person or persons who has or have erected, or 'jA across^ any ^^^y hereafter erect any fence on or across any road or thorough- moved af^e^" f^j.^^ g^j^^j ^^q refuses O'" neglects for ten days ofter being notified notice. ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ engineer or road commissioner in writing to remove the same, shall be liable to the penalties imposed by this liy-law Proviso. for an infraction of tlie provisions thereof. Provided always that when any crop is growing on the U\nd enclosed by any fence ob- structing any street, lane or other thoroughfare, the road com- missioner, clerk or engineer may extend the time for removing the said fence. Climbing on 179. No person sliall be allowed to climb on or into any ot ;%hibiDed" the fences of the squares, parks or public places of the Town, or upon any of the railings or feices along any of the screets of the 'I'own. 180. No person shall deface or disfigure any public or priv- dM^fng' ate building or buildings, wall, fence, raihng, sign, monument, ^'^^' "''■'■ post or other property in the Town by cutting, breaking, daub- ing with paint or other substance, or shall in any way injure the same. FIRE AND FIREWORKS. 181. No person shall set fire to any shavings, chips, straw K'SfsVraw oj o^y^er combustible matter for the purpose of consuming the on'flre^onle ^^^^ -^^ any ol the Streets or parks of the Town, or in any en- '''''*'■ closure within one hundred feet of any building, and no person Not to Curry .1, ,, ^rv fire throu-^h any of the streei s or parks in the Town fire through =>"'^" ^^^"J , , ,. 1 c .. ^„„ the streets. gxcept in some covered vessel or metal nre pan. 182. No person or persons shall make or light any fire or bonfire in any of the streets, squares, parks or public places of the Town, or shall fire or discharge any gun, fowling piece or firearms, or shall set fire to any fireworks within the Town un- less specially authorised by the mayor or the municipal council of the Town, and no person or pers.ms shall light, set off or Bonfires. Proviso. »*.i«WW*«.jW*««** ^ V ^s throw *iny fire-crackers, squibs, serpent or other noisy, offensive Jj^^B^^^t^of" or dangerous substance or fireworks in any of the streets, squares, parks or public places within the Town. THROWING DANGEROUS MISSILES. 183. No person shall cast, project, or throw any stones or ^^^^°Y/bSii8 balls of snow or ice, or other missiles, dangerous to the public, or of now. etc. use any bow and arrow, or catapult in any ot the streets, parks or public places within the Town. COOPERS' SHOPS. 184. Every coopers' shop erected on Front and Frank Coop^era.^car- itreets, or which mar hereafter be erected in either of the said joinere shops, streets within the fire limits, shall hive a chimney at least six feet by eight feet at the base, and ten feet above any other build- ing situated within one hundred ieet of said shop, and all coopers, carpenters, joiners and other shops where any readily combusti- ble material accumulates shall be cleaned of such combustible material every morning, and the shavings or other combustible rubbish removed to some place tree from danger by fire, and it shall be the duty of the chief of police in addition to all other duties prescribed by this by-law to see the provisions of this clause enforced. INTERPRETATION. 185. Whenever the word "street" or "streets" is mentioned ^^JP"**"**" in this by-law, it shall be understood and construed as including all highways, thoroughfares, lanes, roads, alleys, avenues, bridges, courts, court yards, commons, public squares and public places, and shall be also understood as including the sidewalks, unless the contrary is expressed, or such construction would be incon- sistent with the manifest intent of this by-law, also the "board of works" and "road committee" shall be construed to mean all and the same body, also the word "inspector," "overseer," and "road commissioner" shall be construed to mean one and the same per- son. 66 ChOdrea not 1 86. No child shall ride or hang on the platfonn of any car, iSd^a^^ or ride or hang on behind any waggon or other vehicle within the Town, FIRE LIMITS. gin limits. 187. No person or persons, body or bodies corporate, shall construct or erect any wooden or f'ame building within the area between Colborne street ap'l Maria street on Front street within the space of one hundred e rh or south of Front street, nor shall any wooden or frame t .ng be constructed or erected on any part of Frank street from Front street to the station grounds of the Grand Trunk Railway within the distance of one hundred feet of the east or oi the west side of Frank street, nor shall any wooden or frame building De constructed or erected between Col- borne and Thomas streets, extending southwardly to the distance of three hundred and thirty feet from the southern verge of Front str.et and northwardly to the distance of three hundred and thirt>- feet from the northern verge of Front street aforesaid, and extending eas.wardly from Thomas street to a line which would form a continuation of the western boundary line of Colborne street if extended. 188. No person or persons, body or bodies corporate, shall I^^^^t, erect or construct any \ < landah, portico or gallery, or any other *^^^*il wooden structure whatsoever, either as a lean to to any buildmg ^^^ already constructed or about to be constructed, or overhanging any other building or the street wihin the fire limits set forth in- the next preceding section, and t person shall remove any wooden building or structure from any part of che said fire limits to erect the same on any other part of the said fire limits. PREVENTING FIRES. 1 89. It shall be the duty of all good citizens residing within ^l^men" ^^^ ^own to use their best efforts at all times in the suppression w^ caued Qf i^re, and any person who shall "without lawful excuse," neg- lect or refuse to obey the orders of his worship the mayor, reeve, deputy-reeve, or any councillor, the senior officer in command of the fire company, engineer, or fire warden either to assist the 67 nrei^en or perform any reasonable service at any fire shall be liable to the penalties imposed by this by-law for an infraction of the provisions thereof. 1 90. The chief, captain, or foreman in charge of the fire de- puiung down J • u 1. buildings to partment at any fire m the Town is hereby empowered with the preveuf flre sanction of the Mayor of the Town to cause to be pulled down or demolished adjacent houses or other erections when necessary to prevent the spread of fire, but not otherwise. apreadlng. 191. No person shall in any way impede or hinder any fire- shall not im- man or other person who shall be assisting in extinguishing a fire Bremen. or be in the performance of any other duties connected there- with, nor shall any person drive any vehicle whatever over any Shall not hose while in use or about to be used at any fire, or at any other bose. time while in use. 192. The members of the council shall be fire wardens, and whole council as such shall use their best endeavors in the suppression of fire wardMs. within the Town. 193. There shall be appointed a fire warden or inspector of Shall appoint buildings for the Town, whose duty shall be : ' \ (i.) To examine carefully whenever he deems it necessary. To examine or is directed by the mayor, reeve, deputy-reeve, or any council- chimney^! lor or the chairman of the fire and water committee to do so, all chimneys, flues, fire-places, stoves, ovens, boilers or other appar- atus or things which may be dangerous in causing or promoting 1 1 , • . . To report fire and to report thereon to the mayor, police magistrate or the thereon. chairman of the fire and water committee, (as the case may be) and under the direction of the mayor, police magistrate or chair. man of the fire and water committee, if the same be dangerous, to notify the owner or oerson using the same, or occupying the To notify own- . . , ,; . er to remove. building m which the same is or are contained to discontinue the use of or remove the same, and if such owner or persons us- ing the same or occupying the building in which the same is or are contained neglects or refuses after receiving such notice to dis- continue the use of the same,or to remove the same within a tea- |>.*!WV«'-'*f*P"'"^'^" " 68 In cuao of owners do- rault lo re- move at his oxponse. To enfo"oe provisions of ijjr-laws. Buildlngrs erectci con- trary to by- law may be removed. sonablelimein that behalf under the direction of the mayor,police magistrate or chairman of the fire and water committee to em- ploy such aid and assistance as may be necessary and to remove ihe same at the expense of the person in default. (2) And generally to enforce the provisions of the by-laws of the Town in force for preventing fires. 194. The fire warder or inspector of buildings may, under the direction of the mayor, police magistrate or cnairman of the fire and water committee pull down or remove at the expense of the owner thereof, any building or erection which may be con- structed or placed in contravention of this by-law. Mode of con- 195- Every chimney or flue built or constructed within the structing ^^^ ^ own, shall be built of brick, stone or other incombustible ma- flues, terial, and the walls thereof shall be not less than four inches in thickness, exclusive of plastering and shall be well and suflrcient- ly plastered and every su<;h chimney shall rise at least three feet above the toof of the house or building in which the same shall be ; and every such chimney or flue if built in circular form shall be not less than twelve inches in diameter, and if of oval form not less than nine inches by sixteen inches, and every such chim- ney or flue shall be so constructed as to admit of its being scrap- ed, brushed or cleansed. Chimneys and 1 96. No person shall build or construct within the Town^ Xcted asTn any chimney or flue otherwise than in accordance with the pro- jireceding sec- ^.^j^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ preceding section of this by-law, and no per- son shall use within the Town any chimney or flue constructed or built otherwise than in accordance with such provisions. stove pipes. 197. The pipe of every stove, chimney or fire place within the Town, shall be conducted into a chimney of stone, brick or other incombustible material, and in all cases where a stove pipe passes through the wood work of a building within the Town, it shall be separated from such woodwork at least three inches by metal or other incombustible material, and all pipes from stoves or fire places shall be supported and stayed by wires, and no V 69 person shall within the Town use any pipe or stove pipe which is not put up in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. 198. The occupant or other person in possession or charge HearthBo^r^ of any house or building within the Town, or of any room or puoed under place therein, where a stove is used shall have placed and keep under such stove a hearth or pan of brick or metal, or other in- combustible material, and the bottom of such stove shall not be less than eight inches from such heurth c: pan, and the sides or ends thereof, not less than eighteen inches from any wooden par tition and the pipes of su.-h stove shall not be placed within twelve Placing and inches of the ceilmg or of any wooden partition, and where any stovepipes, such stove is used to heat more than one room or place by being built into any wall or partition, the space around it on the top and sides to the distance of at least nine inches shall be filled up with bricks and mortar, stone, sheet iron, or other incombustible material. 199. No person shall keep or have in any house or place g^^^ing^f within the Town at any one time, more than ten pounds of gun- Runpowder. powder, unless the same is kept in a magazine to be approved of by the fire and water committee, and all gunpowder under the said quantity which is kept on hand by any person within the Town shall be deposited in a fire proof box or safe, and no per- son shall take a lighted candle, lantern, lamp or light, or fire of uny description near the same. 200. The chief of police, constable, fire warden or any peace officer upon the written authority of the mayor, police magistrate or chairman ot the fire and water committee or any inspector may at any time between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and six o'clock in the afternoon, enter into and upon any house, building or place within ihe Town for the purpose of examining the same in order that he may ascertain whether the provisions of the by-laws of the Town for preventing fires are observed ana no person shall obstruct the said officeis in making such examina- tion, or refuse him or prevent him having access to such house, building or, place for tne purpose aforesaid. Officers ma7 exAinine premised to see if provi- Bionsof by- law are ob- served Officers not to be obstructed or hindereda in so doing. 70 Chimney sweep. SWEEPING OF CHIMNEYS. 201. There shall be one chimney sweep ippointed for the Town. Duties of. 20J. It shall be the duty of the chimney sweep : To provide brashes and apparatus. To sweep chimneys when requir- ed. To complain to Inspector of infraction of by-laws. Totepor*^ any dangerous chimney or flue. Chlmii' / sweep -d give security. Fees. (i.) To provide himself with such brushes and other appar- atus for cleaning chimneys as shall be approved of by the fire and water committee, and he shall not be entitled to collect the fees and rates authorized by this by-law unless such apparatus is used. (2.) To cause »o be well and effectually swept every flue and chimney in use within ♦he Town, which he shall be required to sweep. (3.) To make complaint to the inspector of buildings of any infraction of the by-laws of th" Town relating to the swe-ning of chimneys in order that the offender may be proceeded against. (4.) To report to the inspector of buildings any chimney or flue which shall be so const -ucted as to be dangerous in promot- ing or causing fires, and any other infraction of the by-laws of the Town for preventing fires. 203. The chimney sweep shall give security to the satisfac- tion of the fire and water committee, for the due and 'ifficient performance of his duties and for the payment of any damage done to any perso 1 by the negligent dischar!i;e of such duties. 204. The chimney sweep shall be entitled to the foiicving rates and fees for services performed by him, that is to say : .or sweeping each flue of a one-story house, ten cents. For sweeping each flue of a two-siory house, fifteen cents. For sweeping each flue of a house more than two stoiies high, twenty-five cents, 205. Every person occupying a house or building, or i«aom •h 71 therein within the Town, in or attached to, which there is a chim- oooupantB to , , , have chim- ney or flue or pipe used as a chimney o- Hui, it the same nas neysand fluo» been in constant use during the year, shall cause the same to be well and sufficiently swept and cleaned once in every six months; i ^loo a year and if the same has not been in constant use during the year ua^ otherwise shall cause the .ame to be well and sufficiently swept and clean- °"°®- ed once in every twelve months. POLLIi^G SUB-DIVISIONS. M- 206. Each of the wa'-ds within the Tov/n shall form two Wards toform polling sub-divisions two pollinK BUb-diviaionH. 207. The first polling sub-division of the first ward shall j,,^^^ p^„i„jj consist of that part of the said ward which lies west of McKellar 5J»„^;f ';;,S and Richmond street?, and south of the road allowance between the 4th and 5th coacess^ions of Adelaide. Polling place at the Maitland street school house, and shall be known as polling sub- Sub-division division numiset one. 208. The second polling s-b-division of the first ward shall gee ,nd pomng consist of that part of the said ward which lies west of Maria t]*;f 1 ^ard.' street to its intersection at the side road; thence west thereof and north of the road allowance between the 4th and 5th concessions of Adelaide. Polling place at or near R. P. Smith's coach house, Suh-divislon and shall be known as polling sub-division namber two. 209. The first polling sub-division of the second ward shall piy„t r,oiiing consist of that part of the said ward which lies west of Caradoc ?j'o.'2 vaSr street and north of Centre street to Frank street ; thence north of James street to Maria street and its intersection with the side road. Polling place at the Town llall.and shall be known as poU- s^yb-division ing sub-division number three. No 3. 210. The second polling sub-division ot ih*- second ward ^^^^^^ ^^jj, shall consist of that part of the said ward which lies west of Car- ^Y^^^^ofl^'' jidoc street and south of Centre street to Frank street ; ihence ward, south ot James street and east of Richmond and McKellar st. eets. ^^ (^j^jgion Polling place at the High School, and shall be known as polling No. i. sub-division number four. 7* Plnitpor'nic Hub-dfvlHlon No. 3 WBtd. Bub-d'vlHion No. 6. 211. The first polling sub-division of the third ward shall consist of that part of llic suid ward which lies east of Caradoc street and north of Metcalfe street. Polling plare at the Colborne street school house, and shall be known as polling sub-division number five. 8 cond po - InBBub-d' vi- sion No. 3 ward. Sub-c'' vision No. 6. 312. The serond polling sub-division of 'he third ward shall consist ot that part of the said ward which lies east of Caradoc street and south of Metcalfe street. Polling place at the Caradoc street school house, and shall be known as polling sub-division number six. PUBLIC MARKET. Market Mprket days, Time when cpen. 213. The market for the corporation of the Town of Strath- roy shall be known as the Strathroy market, bounded on the east by P'rank street, on the south by James street, on he west by Thomas street, and on the north by broken lots nu:nbering from seventy-four to seventy-eight inclusive, on the south of Centre street containing one and three-fourths acres more or less, except- ing and reserving that portion thereof lying on the north and western side reserved for leasing purposes. 214. Every day in the year shall be a market day excepting Sundays, Christmas day, Good Friday and New Year's day, and Wednesday's and Saturday's of such week shall be observed as special market days. 215. The market shall be opened every morning, Sundays, Christmas day. Good Friday and New Year's day excepted, by the clerk of the market at six o'clock a.m., between the first days of May and December, and at eight o'clock a.m., during the rest of the year, and shall be closed at 5 o'clock p.m., all the year round. Fees of weigh 2 1 6. That the iees of the v/eigh scales be sold or let, or a Bofd^orfet.^ clerk appointed as the Council may determine, and the person Clerk of ma?- purchasing or leasing the same shall be the clerk of the market, eeouritV.'^* and shall give security to the corporation for the payment of the purchase money or fees collected in such proportions and at such 73 periods and for the general performance of the duties of hiu office as the corporation shall from time to time by resolution adopt, and if any clerk shall wilfully commit a breach of any of the provi- »;«Jj;j,Hyjo^r^. lions of this bylaw or wilfully misbehaves himself in his office he law. shall incur a penalty of not less than one dollar or more than twenty, to be recovered before the police magistrate, or any )us- tice of the peace having jurisdiction, and on conviction as afore- said, said market clerk may forfeit his said office, and the corpor- ation may thereafter resell the said weigh fees for the remainder of the term or appoint another clerk. 217. When the market clerk shall weigh a load of hay, goods afo-J-^wo'^h- or merchandise, grain, pork or other articles, he shall give the eU-rk^to «ivea paity a ticket containing the name of the party for whom weigh- ed, the weight of the load including the waggon or other vehicle, and the quantity weighed in the denomination in which the same is usually sold. 218 No assistant clerk shall be appointed until first being ^ggigt^nt approved by the Town Council and taking the usual declaration -»J«" -n-i-oin'- of office, the Council holding the right of discharging all assistant clerks for misconduct. 319. That the market clerk shall be responsible for and Market^ ojork make good any injury occasioned by his misconduct or that of ^<;r^a'jyy»|m>ry his assistant. aBsistant. aao. The clerk shall attend to the weigh house every lawtul ^,,^^^ ^^ ^^^^ day, and open said weigh houscat the hour specified in section {Swfufd*^*;'^ two'hundred and fifteen of this by-law, and keep it open every lawful market day until the hour of five o'clock p.m. 331. i he clerk of the market shall enforce the removal of p^^^j „, any waggon or other vehicle from the ground as soon as the pro- °" • duce brought in it shall have been sold, and it shall be his duty to enforce the removal of every obstruction and nuisance of any kind from the market ground. 222. Any person bring into the market anything for sale in any waggon or other vehicle shall place his waggon or other 74 waKgons.&o.. vehicle in such place and order as the clerk of the market shall iuoX^bf direct, and in case of refusal so to do the clerk of the market ^^^'^' may enforce its removal, but in carrying out the provisions of this section no preference whatever shall be given by the clerk of the mark et. 8 2^. No huckster, grocer, butcher or runner shall on special &c..not to buy j^jarket days before the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon market dayB within the Town, purchase market meats, fish, fruit, roots, vege- o'ciookf ^^ tables, poultry, and diary products, eggs and all articles required for family use and such as are usually sold m the market, pro- vided always that potatoes and pork by the load for export be exempt from the operation of this clause. Only licensed 224. No person except licensed butchers shall sell meat m sell meu\n less quantities than by the quarter, and no butcher shall expose sinaii quanti- ^^^^ f^j. gj^jg ^j J^ny other place than in the market stalls or such other place as the Council may by regulation permit. Tainted orun wlifllesome meat, &c. 225. No person shall bring into or expose for sale within the Hmits of the corporation any tainted or unwholesome meat, poultry, fish or other articles of food, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the market until an inspector is appointed for the purpose, to inspect all meat, poultry, -fish, or other articles of food MaybeseiMd. brought to or exposed within the corporation, and if any of such articles be found tainted or unwholesome, to seize and destroy the same. Immoderate driving. Auction sales Prov'.o. 226. No person or persons shall drive any vehicle, horse or other animal on the market square, or any portion thereof at an immoderate rate. 227. No person or persons shall expose for sale any goods or ■ chattels by auction on any street, lane or vacant lot in the cor- poration, nor shall sell by auction on the market before the hour of 12 o'clock noon, except animals ; and all sales on the market place shall be under the supervision of the market clerk, and it shall not be lawful for persons to assemble or congregate on the sidewalks spas to prevent or obstruct the public from passing or repassing. 75 . 228. The Council shall furnisl the market clerk with a book tjierK to be wherein be shall keep an account as directed by the Council, ot with book, all articles weighed, the owner's name, the ^^ eight of such articles showing the gross and net weight, and the number when practi- cable. It shall also be the duty of the clerk to give to each per- son for whom any article shall be weighed a cheque which shall be a true copy ot the ectry in his book. 229. The following shall -be paid to the market clerk for weighing and measuring : For weighing a load of hay, fifteen cents. For weighing slaughtered meat, or grain, or other articles ex- posed for sale under one hundred pounds, two cents,. Over one hundred pounds and up to^ one thousand pounds, five cents. •Over one thousand pounds, ten cents. For weighing live animals other than sheep or pigs per head, three cents. Sheep or pigs if more than five, per head, one cent. If less than five, for the lot, four cents. For measuring a load of wood, five cents. I 230. All persons residing within the corporation offering ^^^.^^^^^^^^^ grain of their own growth and raised within the corporation, or from all re^_ produce of any kind as aforesaid, for>ale,^shall be free from all cept weigh the restrictions of this by-law except the weigh fees. 231. The clerk of the market shall keep the market house, ^^^^ ^f,^^^_ shed and grounds clean, and shall keep up a fire in the market ket cicrK. house when the same is required. 232. No person shall sell or offer for sale within the Town Calf meat, for the purpose of the same being used as food, any calf or meat 76 of any calf which shall have been less than four weeks old at the time it was killed. Dressed fowls 233. That no turkeys, chickens or other fowls shall be offer- i?om food. ed for sale within the Town unless the crops of such turkeys, chickens or other fowls are free from food or other substance, and shrunken close to their bodies. Penalty. Court of Re- Tision. Summary remedy. Penalty. 234. Every person exposing for sale turkeys, chickens or other fowls contrary to the provisions of the next preceding sec- tion shall be liable to the penalties imposed by this by-law for an infraction Of the provisiuns thereof. COURT OF REVISION. 235. The Court of Revision shall not have power under the provisions of section fifty-eight of "The Assessment Act" or any other act which may be passed for the like purpose, to remit or reduce the iaxes due by any person, imless the petition for such remission or reduction is presented during the year for which such ta::es shall have been imposed. SUMMARY REMEDY IF BY-LAWS NOT OBEYED. 236. If any person shall make default in doing any matter or thing which is by this by-law directed to be done by him, such matter or thing may unless where it is otherwise provided by this by-law be done at the expense of the person in default, and the expense thereof may be recovered by the Council uith costs by action and distress, and in case of non-payment thereof, the Kame shall be recovered in like manner as municipal taxes, PENALTY. 2 V- Any person guilty of an infraction of any of the pro- visions of this by-law shall, unless where another and different penalty is prescribed by this by-law.be liable on conviction to be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, exclusive of costs ; arid in case of non-payment of the fine and costs, the same may m>?^-:^4mm^Ez ^ 77 .e levied by distress and sale ^r the , cods -d c^^^^^^^^^^^^ offender; and in case of ----^^^'^'''^'^1^^^^ can there being being no distress ^"^\7\°^J ^^^ in the be levied such offender -f ^ f J^^^^^^^^^ 'jjo without hard common gaol of the codttty of Middlesex, wiin iSr a'ny period not exceeding twenty-one days. .,8 Every money penalty recovered before f J^lJ^[lZ^.^ u> 23». r,vc y J.^ inctices of the peace, under this Dy {"reaflurer. police magistrate or justice or justices o ^" J treasurer for law, shall be paid over by him or them to the Town the use of the municipality. REPEAL OF BY-LAWS. .39. Alloy-laws inconsistent with the provisions ot this by^. law are hereby repealed. Passed in open CouncU this seventh day of November in the y Jof our Ld one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. J. B. WINLOW, , Clerk. D. M. CAMERON, Chairman of Counciu \ \ .J f \ ' 1 s k ~~Ki.