J3 AMWsMliafirlMi I iMMfS HiMtMMMl >■ h. ) (^ i CentitMter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YO 11 12 13 14 15 mm ' fit i' j' i' ^ ' | ' fi ' ti"|' i "h ' l| : ,i+ ^ ^ . ^'ii^K wMtllO UNMb XNC ^ ^ 4^ ■.-■■■ •. . , ■■■■■■.. ' -'• .■.■-■."■. ■ ■ V ■ ■ ■' *■■■■■■ " ■' ' '.■■:. :'■ t. xy :;-9,r CIHM Microfiche SeriOT (Mionograpiis) ICMH Coliectlon d« microfiches (monographiet) 't/'W-: CeiMMtan iMtltuto for Htoterieai M mi iiipiod M Cti ^ / Unm^ tmi^im^ ^fv <». . ■■■".-■■.".;..■■"". , « ,'■ ■ , -"■." ■ ■" . " i .-.A m- riMlMtitMtthiiamni0MtookliiiillMhMtwliiiMl , ^ •f llM iMipa in Covan COMTi Llll CMraartiifa «to □ and/orlaniitialad/ rMtayftoat/oMi CovartMa Uttaatfa □ CotoMrad htk (i.a. oihar than Mim or Mack)/ Enara * aoNlMir (i.a. autra «m Maiia a« noiia) □ Colowad plaiat and/ar il nanalMiat/(Mi MliMtraiiom an aoutaur D Raliftavfad'Milrai I I 9IMIR NBvl L-mJ wiihiii VM □ Titfht bindint may cay^ ikadoiM or dhtortion aloni iMarior marpn^ La raUwra ian*a paot c a mar da I'ombraou daja ditttnion la long dyia warn Intfciaiiia ^'^ I ^Maa duriiM mtaraliafi maw aanaar I taxt> Wnanavar poMiMa« viaia nava I oaaitiaa ffOM ffpMiinif llflapaiit^iiacartainatiMtMManeliaa aioMiai lor* d'iNia raataiiratioo a pparai m nt dana la taxta, mab, tonqua eala Halt poaiiMa.eaa |Mpi n'ont fMt Ms flMMM* AoditioAal conMnanvtA Tom itaai n ffwnad at tna radociion ratio aiiaahad baww/ Ca daan wi ant art fllwi* au taoii da riduction indig o tox « MX >• liX 12X itx 20X 1*1 M taaaaMaorai da oat andAar at/oo orfoaad/ Quality of prMit variai/ Qualitt i w ip la da>l'inipranion r~n CohtlnooMi pagination/ D Pagination aontinua indudas indaxiii)/ Comprand on (das) Indaw "Titla onliaadar talian from:/ La titra da I'an-tMaproviant: □ Titlapaiaof POfla da titra inua/ da la livraiion □ Caption Of isMia/ Utra da dipart da la livraiton p~| Maatliaad/ LJ GMriqiM (piriodiquas) da la livraiMn 22X 2CX 30X 24X N \- ■- 28X 32X th« eopv tnmmi htn hat b««n rvproducM tfianka , V^ to tlW fMMCMity of« AfstMvM 9f Oiittrio Hw ItiMfM •pfNMfftnf h«r« ar* th« bMt ffuaHty pOMlM* oofMldflirinf th« eondltion and lagibNlty of tho original oo^ and in iiooping with ttio filming eontraet spooifleotiono. Offlglnol ooplaa in printorf ofpor oovoro a«o fNmod baginning Witt* ttio from oovor and[ aMIng on tho loot pogo with a printod or Hliiatratod impro^ •Ion. or tho booh oovor whon approp i ioi o . Ai ^ othor orlglnol oopMo oro fllniod boglnnlng on tho flrat pogo with a printod or Uiuatratod improo- •lon. and ondlng on tho loot pogo with a printad or iliuaivatad Improoolon. %■■ L'anawplalro fRmA fttt roproduH grioo k lo AraMvw of Omarlo, Lm Hiuigoo wivontoo . ont oto roproduitoo avoo Id pliia grand loln* oompto tono do lo oondMon oi do io nottoto do roKomploIro ffwno* ot on eonformlt* avoo loo oondMofia dii oohtrot do J^ Lao ano w ploiroo origlnoux dont looo uv orturo on popior oot Iniprinioo aont fHnioa an oommonoonf por 10 prondor plot ot on torminont lolt par lo - domMro pogo qui eompdno uno omprolnto o imptooaion ou o iwu auou o n » aon por lo aooonv plot, a al o n lo oao. Touo loo outroo oio» w pl«l>o o originoiM aont fMnido on oonimongont por lo p r ai nH r O pago qui ooniporto uno omprolnto dl m ptoaalan ou dTu otiotl on ot on tomdnoht por lo domiiro pogo qui oomporto uno tolto Tho loot rooordod fromo on ooeh mieroHeho than eontain tho aymboi —■»( mooning "CON- TINUID"). or tho aymboi ▼ (mooning "INO"). Whiehovor appiiao. ° Mapa. plotoa. eharta. ate., moy bo fnmod ot diff oront roduefion rOtiof. Thooo too lorgo to bo androly ineiudod in of«o oxpoauro oro fHmod boginning in tho uppor loft iidnd oomor, loft to right and top to bottom, oa many fiamoa ^^ roqulrod. Tho following diogroma iUuatndillld -'mothodr' :■ .,■€•■■,•■;,■ Un doa aym b oloo lulvonta apparahra aur lo domiOro Imogo do ohoquo miorofloho. aolon lo eaa: lo symbolo -i^ ■ignlllo "A SUIYfir*. lo aymboto ▼ aigniflo "nir*. ■■:'■■■:■■-■" ;.ri'5f'?/;>-y*': :. ■-■■■'''''-:■'.■■■',■■■■'- kBB GsviOTo pisifyniv^t nDraBUJit ot«*« pvuwnv wrv fUmOo A doa toi|k da rdduotion dHf^ranto. Loraquo lo dooumont oot tvop grond pour Atro roprOduit on un aoul cllehd. U oat fnmd A portir do ronglo supdriour goueiio. do gouoho A droito. ot do hout an boo. an.pronont lo nembt* dimogoo nAcoaaoird; Laa diagrammoa auivanti illuatront lo mOthodo. ;: ■ t / ::\ 2;;;\;,;-3-: ■■ 6 *. .'.:';?*"•'' 'T.' lOSl.tfli. ' H f- HOW TO MAKE HOME HEALTHY. ^H AIR, LIGHT, FOOD, DRINK, mra THE TEST or > PROFESSOR HAHNEMANN, ■.■ ^ ■ .. • » , , ■, , ,■■_ , ■ ■ ■ THG OKBAT GEBMAH OHCBatT, TO DETECT ADULTERATED L.IQUOKS. ■ . .. a ,. ■ \ 1 1 . : ■.".'.■■ ^- > _ , ■ '■"4.-' . ^- ■ BY H. M- . 4 ■ . ■ ..^... M^M *':.■. ■ ■■ ■ ■■.■ ,^ ' ■ "■ -^ ■ ■ '.'„■■■. A- 1 * #0RONTO: -tfli -" / ■- THOMPSON 4 ; Co., PRINTBRS, 77 KINO SI rilEBTEAST. - J 1860. ' •■ ^^ , r ♦ * • • ' r' -i - I . V' 5"%y^ • k r* ■."■,■ £ * ' m> K ^P^ ^ .-^^ I. gs^"^"*'^5^^f5;r «, --stfE" VENTILATION. CHAFTBB I. In th«M d«ji OTery whool bojknowi MMmething aboat ViiiTiLiL* tiON. H« knows, for initoooe, that people moit hare a large and eonitant aapplj of freah air, if tbey would preMrre health and lift } — he knuwa that the breath of man is the most deadly poison-— that '< oolleoted in a jar it will kill miee, and aoonmnlated in « room, it will kill men I" And if he hsve the misfbrtnne to gather knowledge, not fitom a tree in a garden, bat tnm the deak of a dose school room, he has a praotioal ezo||^noe of the pnisoil of knowledge under dilKoalties, and soon^Ks, without /eading about the Blaok Hole of Oaloutta, that mind a£ body are both suf- feriog fur want of fVaph air. If our school boy is n fiahermitn and catches " shiners" to bait for baas, he has probably often seen his bait turn on their backs in his pail of water, and after a little obokUig, quietly expire ; and he knows the cause, tIi : want of air, — that in the water is exhausted, and he has not put freah water in to supply its place. . Were a modern ball-room or dwelling air-tight, the inhabitants would soon share the ftte of the "shiners;" but ludiily for them, neither carpenter nor mason work has reached that point of perfection, so they are only slightly suffocated and poisoned, and soon come to life in the firesh air. Doubtless many will exehum against this. The entranced Av^uihu will repudiate with soon the idea that when ilM^e/ma reposed on his aim in a pdka aid whispered that she lofed him everlastingly, it was only poisoned air rendered sonorous by the aotion of a bryn tongue, te(^, palate tnd tips. "WhatfoUyJ" the old ibgieswiU say, <«to insinuate that breath it hurtfiil—just as if nsture did not know when she made man a social animal, whether breathing each other's breaths, would d s I %-<(f^if'p- , •>%- yhf ifijarioiu." N«v«iib«l«H both old tud joiing will, Imnodl- Moiy after eipm^Iog oootompt fur Teotilation, oompliiio of the clot^- iMM of the rooBy or liMintr, or nilnajr oar, and nuh to tho door for roUcC , Bat notwithstanding the ignoranoe and unbelief of a great pof» tion of the world, acieutifio mm are sltU busily eoRsged in devisinif ' ways and means to protiot man by means of physical and mechanient ▼enlilation, ftom being poisoned by his fbllow man. We have noilf all sorts of ingenious oontriTsnoes under the second system, — flu»- ners, f fMBen r oooling I in cneh Bun, cool OTor balf iug fl«h ivontU*- ranotd •' raisiM of UblklMd thelofd* bit hMt, r wanted ;«"«i t \ air rfm and tha danta air rwhaa to rappij lla plaot, ao wa hara aodlam wiodi and ourraota, Natnra'i vaotilatiog worka. Of oouMf a eomiaon flre-pUoa with a quarter of a oord of wdod; or an haadrad weight of coal, la a good imitation of the Sun't ijatem — the lira an atoeodiog current, and the oold air ruahae from the doora ^^jpA wiadowa to the ehimney, aa fliom aurronndiog oonntriaa to tha t W*l>g dcaerta, aa the dranghta about the legs, nedu, and baoka to the moat aoeptical. While one aide ia being toaated, tha iNflar aide ia being froaen, ao that a man haa to raToIre aa on a rpit, ia order to let each aide have ita piop«r quautitj of heat and oold. Tka old aet^Tera bate a aupetatition that ao aoon aa thej build a new honaa and move into it they are aura to die. Thia haa a good deal Iha appaaranoe of being the rule. But the reaaon ia, not that a anpemal pow0r enviea their new abode, but that they tbemaalvaa are tha anthora of their own miafortuuea. For inatanoe, an old oonple haya been in the habit all their Uvea of living in a log houaa, with walb windowa and4oora not over tight and a dntoh fire plaoe, which when «Ppi bla*( would almoat carry, one of the youDgatera out at tha ohininey top. In other worda — thfy live in the midat of a moat pplcndid pyatam'of ventilatioui and aa a oonaeqnenoa enjoy tha moat robuat health. From thia they move to a new hotue with no fire plaoe whatever and no open flttea. Here they ait tbemaelvea down by cooking or parlor btovea, and half atnpified by the foul and 0T.er hiated air, dreiAn of long ^eare of happineta! Soon, however, the blood becomea leea and Icia pure and diaeaae aeta in to ob^in an aa»y victory I , How differently all thia m'ght bo managed ; how catiTy aueh a miafortnne might be rtmedied. With 0|>en fluea or fita plaoea in aaeh reon, and a ventilating atova in the hall ounnaotad by a pipe with tha air jaithottt, notouly would there be no draught, bat every room^n the houaa would be kept at tho aame temperature by a ooh> itant atream of 'warmed, not heated air, wbioh would he changed and replaced by freah air every four or five minutea during tha day. ** Ye>, yea" a venerable old lady will lay, *' I aoppoae I might have '* all thia ai the ezpenae of a hnle or /lue aa jon oali it in tswj ^J, .SpSs^l'i !^^ 'V* ''1|.«,PPJ|pf«fMB¥* 4* ». . ■ !■ 9'- " room, but jo« doo'l mUih m« ipoiliDg Ui« appMniiM of mj ** roouu for Ui« aak* of rnliUyoa I" II is ia tiIo to UU MMh f«>. pU thai « hooM with opoa iaat b orwy roan «w bo bdll •! Iho •MOO MpmiM M « boOM wltb BO flvo ftt all— tbf rod ol^^JtUm ii th9koUintk0 «Mi//— bowoTcr omUj U maj bo diiguiaod bj oratr nonUl rtgitton or fuu. Tbo boat of tbo Joko b tbat tho ifM pMtiM wbo;objoot to floM or lire pUoM. will atiek tho wallo fU| if' windowf. Tbej will bayo aomotbiog nioe to look at no matlw fllthj and nnhoaltby tho air/ood which thoj art iDhaling to tho blood I ■, . . ■ . • . . • . ■ . '•^■ Thanka to nodtra arohttoeta, if wo go to ohnrah w« oan do^ through tho moat dtlightfnl aermooa. If wo go to Ulla or oonoorta or poblio nooUhga, wo can pant altar fraah air, and oomo boo* with head-aohea, ioflamaUooa, and indpioat eonavniptiooa.-thar tha flaab. Bnt than lying on faathan b a aign of gantb braading. An andant writar talb na how a Ung'a wifa found ont whathar bar lady gncat waa n lial bom prinocaa. Sha pbead thraa paaa in tha yonng lady'a bad, and ovar thaaa llftaen faathar badu In tha morning tha young |ody oompbinod thai aha had baan prarantad daapinj; by tha lumpa undar harahaab. So you aaabbod will till. Nazi to tha abaa atora room, tha untantilatad bad room and ftathar bad ara tha moat iogaoioua aontriranoia fbr tha daatmotion of human lift, and to oom^ata tho bnrinjWi many paopb cotar thair haada with night oapa, or atiok tham undar tho bad olothea till thay an obligad° to put out thair iMNMi to pnrant aetaal Buffoaation I "Ul nan lo tnal in aeiantiflo tarma upon tho propntiaa of air, I might ba aa unftrtnnate m tha young Oambridga atudent who waa •iriag hb wiadom ai a dinnw party. Ha waa moat aloqnaDt upon laal and eoU, ndiaHon, nreftetion, polar and aqualorial onmnb, Jbo.;, whio ha had brought hb diaeouiaa to aa and, batumad round ipOB • gMTo pn^Maor of hb eolbga, aaying, << And wfaal^ lir, do ^ ,tf:J^^k:s^ • -T L. 'j/ r yoQ bdlieve to be the canse of wiod ? " The learned man replied, '* Pea-flonp, pea-soap t " So I shall avoiili^ much as possible, soi- eniifio or anoommon terms, and oootent myself with desoribing ta joo in a plain way, some of the commonest propnties of air. -, Air is composed of two simple elements, and one oompoM ment in feiy small proportions. About 80 parts in an 100 air,' is composed of a kind of air or gas called nitrogen, a aiaii ment and apparently of no nse except to dilate the 01 name of the other simple element, a gas or air composing al parts in an 100 of the atniosphere, The compound element fii^iili : a gas called carbonic acid, and forms about one part in 2000 Upmt. air. It is compounded of oxygen and carbon, a simple element oir substance which composes the greater part of coal and pfos toit its chief characteristics. .j The air cells of the Inngs are filled upon the principle that gravi- tation causes air to rush into any cavity. These are situated 00 either side of the chest, and communicate with the air through the windpipe and nose, or month. Three evident effects are produced . , upon tlM blood in the lungs by the action of air. Its color is change ed from a purple to a bright red, its temperiiture is raised, and it is diminished in qoantity. Doubtless other effects are produced, but about tiiese there is no dispute. The d^ree of effect produced, de- ' pends u*pon the quantity and quality of air to the action of which the blood has been subjected in the lungs. ■ Hie composition of the ur has been already stated ; but after it liSsves the lungs it is very different ; instead of 20 parts in an 100 it contains but 16 of oxygen, and contains nearly 4 parts of eaibonio acid. It is very full of moisture as may be seen by breathing upon . glan. Its proportion ,-«t44.«'6JiM!i.''.'*i- -< .w«= »^*>-**( "^^^'^'' an replied, Msiblei Boi- loribiog i0 >•. l(H>»«P«l»>J" "^"WP " ",* that grvfi' itiuted on brongh the ) produced r is ehang- 1, and it is daeed, Imt idnced, de- lof which mt after it aaniOOit if caihonio ihing npon in appreoi' of a bdl- g or hat a nee into in his Inogs, This most tde as the .^ ii^^ff. ^,, •««, iu is drawn out, and when the bottle is agMn filled wfth air, il aaost be held qaite steady, with the month yet applied to it and th« yet in the water. In the meantime let a mateh be lighltd^ it is homing well, remoTo the month snd drop the betd« inch into the water, and thmst the match into the month I, when, if the experiment hare been well managed, Um instantly K^«t. Showing that the air is so changed ia that a matoir will not bum in it. If any one reqniren ' fptoot ot the unhealthiness of air afWr it has been oMt let him inhale the air horn another persons nose or moothy l^m the cool fresh air of morniog into a oipwded ,unf enlol* JMl^niy oar which has trarelled all uight.^ .Then, as the air coming from the Inngs is not snUablatoJbo receiyed again, and as a large quantity is used in a very Httle time, it follows that all zooms should be perfectly Tentilated. by hayibj^ com- mumcation with the Grand reservoir — the stmosphere vnrrpandMi^ the earth. This should evidendy be more carefully attended .>to du^ng the nights than during the day, as then the opening and shutting of doors^ and the fires in oold weather, will tend to puri^ and change the air in a room . * E zperiment snd accident have proved that carbonic acid breathed out from the lungs is so very poisonous that 10 per coat, will destroy the life of animals, and many hnmau beings have lost their lives by going into welb, tombs and other places where it existed. The burning of most articled produces a great deal of it, coal a vast quantity when btirning, and a pan of coals pUced in a chamber has produced eo much as to destroy life. If 4 grate do not draw, the gas is likely to pass into the room with- out sny smoke, a great cause of headaches, &c. Doctor T: iS!. ZamUrt above quoted, siiys : ** In r^rd to ipnrci atr, the old adtfg6 seems true, * nothing cost, nothing worth.' If air dtOnld bo mdnopo- lized and sold by Xb» gidlon, its tahie wodtd soon txi spimoiste^. He continu6s--^ A. healthy state of the body genendly, ^th aetitfr exercise of all parts of the body, but particulariy the mvsclei of inspiratioB and expiration, and vftuUaitd ajiartmeflfle, ai« .the ehief things which eoidaeeto the perfect^ aotioli of the Mr«nd bloMi «p6n eaeh other |n the hrngs/ And as itbas been seen thai out of V, ¥.% -^- » ^ ffl€'':£*^j5^£g6^^*.^ "«»""A-if .rvi~f »- *It •■r .\.: the «U«^ if aot f A« okief duty of the longi, k to pvodoM heat, U foUowi that if a penon tnmld be warm he must preaenre hia gMMi nX health, take ezeraiae, and brmthe pure air t Heaee it ia «o^ infened, that a peraon will aleep wataer the ooMeat night in with hia apartment TentUated, which oannot be done oept there he oonunuQication witli ovt doora. S^Moiall j night will a penon be kept warmer and he in leia danger eold, if a aleepiog apartment be rentilated, not in aneh % that a draught of air ahaU comenpon the pei*on, but •! iimepei^Uy/' Tiraa we aee that pnre air aetiog on the bkiod prodneea and fonl air diaeaae and death. But onr object ia not to inHn itt easaj on air, but on the meana of bringing it into our dweUinga and Bailwaj can.'- - " . " V . ' ' We have aaid that mechanical tentilation a& applied to honaea, ia nfidlore. Not ao mechanical rentilation aa applied to Bailway Oara, aa thoee of onr readera who haTO traTdled in RuTTAN'»'Ten- -tilated cara on the Obahd Trunk, can teatify. There we aee that by meana of a yentilating cap on the top of the oar, a eontinnona atream of air, purified in anmmer by paning oter a large ahallow tank of water, is fimuahed to the inmates of the car. The aame quantity of air ia alao anpplied itn winter, but wanned by meana of a aimple but meet eUnent Tcntilating atove. No matter how much duat there ia outmde, not a particle cornea into the car, beeaoae it ia deposited in^tiio water tank undemeaih. And no matter how muoh filthy tobacco ia spit or blown out of the montha of the paaaengera, or how diaaaaed their lunga or ihroata may be, the strong downward euniillof air cairiea off the perfiuie without compelling their ftUow pimmfgfn to awnllow it. Indead« ao perfect ia the working of BunAM'g i^atein in anpmer that the paiaBwgyrs ei^oy the benefti of ateamboat, with the rapidity of ndlwi^ traydling. Hia ipiotto ia 'tpon air 'and;plentyaf it;' -■:■, '''■[.■. ..-f ' ::•;/■.;/: ,.,"a,.x:. ,^^, ;. ^ As i^gaida BmrAii'a aode of tentilating hooseo, wn hmt net apoflo to deaeribe it^ hut we may aay that he puts Lintos into the hmk^Bg. That day and night, in aummer vbA winteiv th«o ia a '^ to mfitfiir^ rellingi ttid honses, !■ to Bailwmy rTAB'Brrea- we see that eontiniioiu ige shallow The SMiae 17 means of ' how maeh leeanseitis rhowinnoh #■ (downwnd their liiUow workiDg of the benefti lisipiottois ti" ; -. ..■ t..T,.-. , . ,■ - ■ « have net cw into the. , thite is a '5 -91^4 ^ ifK.ftf^f' '. ' J^'.'^ -.•T^^r]^' Aieim dT fresh air, pouring throngh every room in the hovse. Of it is WMmed in winter bj pusiog throa§^ a Tentilating a ventilator as Mr. Rotten delights to eaU it. This is iOf TeatUation whioh we denominate ph^ftkaly beoatle it aetion of nature. As the heat of the desert dmws the sorronndiog ooontries, so the ventikting stove attraete air fnm ontside the house or the railway oari and this expels the oold air and tekes its pkee. ihg any partionlar system of ventilation may offihd ir or hot-air arohiteot, we will leave this partioolav onr sobjeot at piresent, and devote a few pages to eoosid'odMe healthy sleep, at aU events, produees- foietl This BUBt tOTture tM^poor ehild iindergoee in lobe awakened out of its sound deep to have some food. Nature of Xxrarse does noi know hsfW Often the infant ought to be fed^ (akhoVshe would feed ^v .^i^-jaetk. "" '^tt. Jtn-jhrSf ./ : U V ■■■..-. « ■ U «?flfj four boon,) m ihe ia to b« tengHa Umao. After Um Ibodl, til* ehild is to be pat to sleep again, either bj the rooking ohidr, lb* onidla, or some of iffY. fFmafow^a aootbing aynip. Well yoa haTO the baby at adrantage-HM pitch into it •an. Vary its pleasares by alternate! j raokling and pi attempt no regularity in nvrsing, keep its stomaoh ifl fennent, and yon ky the foundation of a dyi>pqptifl» a misemble life. ., In weaning^ a child, most people are guided by their their oonTeuienoe, they will not allow nature to have a business at all, but will wean either before the first teeth after they have arrived at the biting point. Then instead gradually, they wean all at once, by means of bitter afa)MOrt(iK« other diug. Were tJie ladies weaoed of their tea by being suddenly 'tTMisferred to gall, how would they like it? or from hooped petti- ooats by beibg rolled like Begidu* in a cask stuek full ottpike$} jBl th« mode would be about as reasonable in one ease as in the other. - ^liaiit bouses are so oonstraoted that no fit room is retsined for Bursory. Indeed, in moet.easeii, a common unveintilated be^-room w tWonly eouvenieooe for the nuiae and threo^ or four or more diUdrsn. In tkb room there is perhaps one window, wfaioh is kq>t earefnlly olosed and stuffed all winter, «o as to keep out draughts I If ih)M« be a ehimpeyj it is of eourse olosed with a bond, and the door is shut to keep tt» the ndse. Here the poor ddieate things grow up like stalks of eeleiy, white and tender, and by the same p r ooeaa th e ezelnsion of light and air. Then, «s if the mother fsally wished to deerease the popuUtion, they are iMit out to walk ia thai uppear draases and bare Uge. How would mammn and papa liko to be traaicd la the «am« wayf Would they apt find it xathar eool ecmlbrt to imitate their first parants in this diaMtaf and yet their ehiklrea are of the same ; fieah aad blood aa then- idfai^I This e^^peenre of ehildren is one reason of the great in- ereose of eonaaaiption, aad should be diseouateaaneed by every thtekiag pareat ' XSiUdrsa shoald ileepf tet^ aad ezereise regularly; let them aof Bk«i Jti^*.** -'■'^ -^ kcrtlMlM, BgohidryllMi lofltorMNB* og saddenly looped petti- Uof •ptibef; in the oilier. stained for d be^-room imr or nore liloh 18 kq>t raaghtal If rd, and the iMate thiogs ' vf the Mume the mother oat to walk la and pap* not find il lia oliaMtof lodaa then- he great la- id by emy ei them Ml w^f^^' ■«♦ •■. #^ ha tempted to do one or the other ool of the regnlar eoane. On )Doe whateTer let them " pieee " the day throagh. The [uires three or four honn to digeat a meal, ezpeeta a itine of tiskfl, and between each task looka for a little Yet how little are these requirementa heedcch' itoieato of allniring ihape and color, with other pakr- are invariablj added to the diet of onr children, and r«n between meal*. In this way the stomach, if not by colored candies, is kept in a constant state of ehild becomes pale and sickly, snd the triumph over ipletel Let a man place himself in the position of a amdke some fine morning with a dose of castor oil hia throat; let him then be washed and swathed in a shall be stuck full of pins, one or two of whigh are thrust hialf an inch or so into his flesh, let him then swallow a doae of laudanum, and on the top of that btf rooked to the verge of apo* plezy in a cradle, After he has been asleep for a couple of hours Hyirom sheer ezhaustioo, let him be awakened by » pickled hening Vbeing thrust into his mouth, and tee how he would like it / , tint supposing, contrary to probability, that the child beoomea a man, let us see what he doee to renoTate hia constitution. Ten to one he has. been manufaotured on the forcing system, into a mm^ ehant or a i«ofessional man, and has taken up his abodo in aomo deneely populated quarter; in order to be near his office. Natme intended him to be bro^d cheated and straight peeked, but thanlto to eariy tnioing and confinement he is narrow dheated and svtoopa ftirward, the dioulder bladea projecting liko the wings of a bird. What hia wife and daughter have acoomplish«4 throi%h tfte agency of t^Th he has accomplished through stady and want of exoroiae. He don't fee why his' own Inoga aad the langs of his wife aad daughter should have room to play. He nerer pbycd himself and don't beUere in it ■. Troe his wifo and danghter admired the Ei%* liah crieketara laatfall; ud wiahed perhaps with Besdemona, '< thai HeaTenhadinadethemsuchaman"a8'one of these. Donbtknathegf thought them a aAperior race, never eonaideiiBg that fresh air and jc ^^^*. r'A^g'^:^^^ , ,.j.p^-: fi^-^j^h -.v>^._t^f y \ ..>*'" r, 14 .. .■ : "; tzeralM m^hl hvn oonfemd the Mm« boon upon the hvaWnd «■! tho brotiMT. It if iui>rtaii*t« th«i the longi have tmj work but they hxre, and rather important work too, it being ■• to pat the braath of life into the blood, whieh they are properly when oramped for apaoe. By this eompreaaia» nMn aa well aa wooden are rendered nerrooa and'ii aiertion and fidl an eaigr pv^ to the Dootor and tha The ladiea. however, do not allow ns to auppoae lost flesh. There ia a fioUon of attire whioh woolJ ipeonlative eriUo the b^ief that American women ionid be in their waista, to bulge up Bome inohef d some inohee lower behind. Bat on applioatioa doctor or milliner it will be found a gronhdleaB theobj^i prodfptera behind the Mene0,do not hesitate to aaaert that dfaif! the Mlmie ill the way do#n. We hare hinted at our gentlen&aa*s oeenr* jpalion^ let ui now see Irhat is his recreation I Does he go to the gymnaittnm, or the erioket field f Nay, does he even pUy ten pina nr base 1b^ f Nb, none of these things mote him, but about tei •'elook ai night he goea out with his irifelmd daughter to ipend the itvenwg. Thinly elad and paokad in a olosroarriage they arriTO at their hosti, jump out on the cold patement, in thin boota and ihoet end run ahiTering into the house. Inatead of keeping from the fin^ M aU ohilled peoj^e should, they nuh-up to a red hot store in a drcaring room, ftoai whenee they descend to drink a onp or Hro of iMMe hot liquid «siU<()d tnprooffee. SVom thenoe they enter the Ainebg room, wlMNUhwi want of TentilaAion, the upper sash of the irindow has hfm let down, m the lower sash raiaed— •" it is so tury hott" r Hera a nice eoontiy nose will at once deteot the- nasty flwl air, thrit is mixed with eau-de^Mlogne. Now the gaitiemi» e«d41«i«MMlady,andthehidieBan euddUd iby some gentlamea^ and Oey spin arouad the room like teetotnmay FMMatljrthoytake wm ioe— then » spasm, then aaotiler daae^ then a walk on tha lasandak «it k s# ▼ery hot^<— 4han a gksa/of winO, then another lea then maoearooiil, than supper. Sabdwidi, tukey, ptttiei^ phinij^agna, bUmdnanga, bonbosy duaB|Nign^ diarvyy ehampaga* /«^»&4iL.j^t. ,'^&LfJ-i£i:„aat^^, . V ^••fct* bmndj ehenict, win«, j«Uj, naoMioon, trUI«y nottoeti i.i Ae., Ae. In ooneliuioD, perhaiM, Mmt old fMhioq«4 the health of the h9rfilliili|pi to mipply water at the rate of bom than it waa eieeia. People in amaU Inhug the loxniy than those in kvge afford water works. They mUft here- to eook, e Agh to Mnk, and enoogh As for bathing, that assms to be ont of the question in a oooatiy abounding in water; heneeooe half the dyspepsiaof t^KMo who, if they laahed thoo)sslY«% woprf^ eigoy good health. ; -■..•■.■.; Let US go book a thousand years, and lodc^ot the Perpia^ 9t^ towns, Ibrebeooiii to wet the oonsi ,_j_ ^i--*i >■„ ; »■ ^&! 'S^^s: ^4. «i u H ■ dirau, attfibvUd to Notk's grtM gnndton.-tl C XtrasctM, MexioAOty-Hit what BodM did, and aoki OMUi, io an voripa and half oiviliMd oondition, vod art of haalth a^d oomfori waa rtrj intimately eoai of frwh wator. Look at Ui« aaraga wboravw joa will ind* him a oold wator nuni. aavaga waahes himaelf ao oonijaiitly, tha other aitremo. Ono mMild ihiok of the Platimic adiool and 4linaad tha Traa, the temperanoe men ht? e eome to l|*, inleraal amngemOBta, bnt who erer heard ride applicatioa I Aocordiog to their ideaa, il ahoifld draw ao many ''•et of water, and w regiaterad on the atem. By the way. ia it nol never thought of eleoting M ahohkt to the aroh, when hia flindamental prinoiplea wen peranoe." Well, there ia thia, at leaat, to be aai^ in favoiir of tam- peranee aorietieo— they do not paaa the bottle. They don't aak thi frienda to taate another bottle of that old port^ made of doeto] elderberry, or try i^little more of that aogar of lead and gooeeberry, with ft body of rii]|barb, under the name of ohampi^ne. The ordi- nary maaofaotare of ohoioe wine for the peojde reqoiraa the follow- ing inpadi^ta ; fat the orijpnal fluid, eider, or eomfnon o^m, raiain, grape, paianip, or elder wine; a n^e made of rimberd for oham- pagne^ to theae may be added water. Jk^^ldik ha^ng'beeo ehoaen, atiength, eolor, and flavor may bp '^ * made of theae materiala : for oolw, boml.. red aaadeci wood or elder berriea, plaii For nutty flavor, bitter almonda ; for lUueaa or apnoothneaa, honey ; for port 11(0, •eeda of rairina ; ibr bouquet, onrii root or Jnilbekgia | fiir roog^uieif or diyneaa^ alum, oak aawduat, rhatany or kino. , . Of^ood wine, health reqoiree none, though it will tokrate n little. If V« take mf^ or two of the pure thing, we may expect a little indigaation. But if the wine ia bad, no one can tri| in ^ h>t ^{f^. ipruoe; for of the iJf^t^-^jA. >%- „f MfkjfiiA^i^ «t>>,'*^^-*^Li-Kt~i*e*J^'- . w -*J^ •- H"*-" • ■'^.^ Ml giv« rbt. Aa for bnndj, wUtkcy, gia, ud o4kw flrom oorn, Ihay v •miMDtlj d«atnMtif • to lift. r tmdmn drink •aoli TUlAinou eompovBda, it !• m4 At, how«T«r, » bigt irainb«r of I, W0 hwe inacrt Um tut of pr»> k«f OwnuBy. tf!H> wmi. 4rftohma erem of tarttr dbtiUed water, UU H be liquor !• then filtered ■topped phial. From gl«M filled with wiae. eloade, and depoiit only a lhili|| oontaini no metallio ingra* UudlTbr eren muddy, if ite oolor it have fint a iweet and then m iiMite, it ia oertainly impregnated with sogar of led, or other impregnation of that metal equally deatroOtiTe. If, how- ', the dark oolor be of a bine caat, not nnlike that of pale ink, irt may expeot the wine to eontain iron in ita eompoaition. Laitlyj if the wine be impragnated witl^ oopper or verdigiia, it will dopoait a aediment of a bla|kiali grey color. Thia experiment ought to be fM%.- wi«k, .■^'p' made with a in the Af teafr (whioh any druggiat will put up) Ian of aplrita and bad winea, it ia im- fonduot aa it deaervea. )he night III. waa riaited by the ghoata of What a dreadful riaitation it would were tiaited on hia death bad by had been the meana of aending to he would feel about u oomfinrtaMa aa wbom Beda telh ua that on hia death bed a ghaat exhihilal a aercip of paper upon whioh hia good deeda irera written— than the door opened, and an interminable file of g^ioala i ght in a mil e or tw o of a eroll, whe re o n hia mi adeed a wew alt ^TfJBf— W^V '^i2''t ki> i«p(1itor«Hl, •ftd iiuMi« him retd IkMi ! FaUimi ki broken kMrt«d, ohildrmi bitragki vp in aln and iBak« ip • vary pl««Mint dKht for a man, wbo, la »^ be edltd apott to give an Moovnt bcAtf* tbe orics of " jtitlioo i>-ja«li«% the lowest pit of perditloi^ M' meroj t Bat It k mH oar water qoM'tion. Ool before o«r reader^juid length ofdaya to>^ ^k^^tttkim inwardly. If people IbmA^NHO^ tbe most barmlcH inUMi»Jtl0^9$i iti WM 1« natural. I^ilMi I ^ere fa no donbt that ite fi^il eating propertiee. Bat few BOt like to be made oheerfbl harrnkMlj, and wl abeerftloeaa prodaoes beaMb. We baojMreij away old tadieiy aonte yoang onea tqA^wlio keep np tbe dWMri|jBb| j| ^^ tillni and to ioeb an tabam that a docAodMBHHniDOe tMV'nndcr ibe effaeta <»f liquor. Bat we don't kMWikani doea maeh bana aieept making them nertona and talkaliva. l|M%boald not bow- kiad weaken moAer ftt, be drunk hot, bi^ warm. Hal f^e^tomaob and cooaequently injure t^g^ ^i^er wine, beer, Ac, it inr^ll^^'produoea Jollity I refer fSe reader, if be be marri( Sag bee, wbare fadiea lore to baga tea garden, where the pUnt is Bnlwbaiofmilkr la it deaerWag of blear Oartatnly. It ia the food as fiaflwirs appetite is aU iSor milk. Net ebalk* tba braina d sheep, ozon and oows^ ioar, atarob, tiaaoley wbiliag^ si^gar of lead, amotto, aiae, Ao. ; (sae'^Mr. Bagg, of Iiob> d on, aad Fraak L ea Ka o f NawToifc) but good whol ea ome milk from tbe country, or from your own oows in town. ^ * ..*'■■ l|-r. ' ^ ■ ■■ . ■ ii GHAPTIR III. V ^ J^AO infknt'i appfltlte b dl for milk "| to that Um«nUifclj timplc dUt. •dfertisittienta and joo »o«l ^nipioQoiui of Thm» are th« pr»> ap«l nature to b« ... .-: -lM. ^-..1: I, Fronmr Croft Itaidtoexiatobiellj indf whi«h ttxMtlj imon, and oaaoine. 911: fftt and atarohj IfapaaMOtakt ^^^^ tobowntod; iflwtako w ,fmum%j0»dt nd part of it tile body oka twij M flit no M>rreetrVKffv« healthy man la ei#tputi ^ AmI food to one of nfouriahment. Thia pre a errea equilibriato, Knd MitB therefi«a, na adiH} the child which haa to beoome bigger m it Uv«i^ haa «|^|||y|i|lifi|lb of nooriahaiont' And ao Dr. M. D. ■ ll haa been often copied — 4he pmpor- iSon " ' u.^.' Vmuriahmeolh J)......* 1 4o 2 4 1 to 2J '"^ ............ ...... 1 to 6 - ..,..,,.... 1 to 7 nal at reai).!.... 1 to 8 .................. 1 to 9 „....^....... ... 1 to 10 ;;*.►. 1 to 11 k..*.i.......**.*w... ...... 1 to 8v y~ ' •.k......^.«..ik*..«'.«v.r'a«..lr.k. X W''*4(| Ndw 1i As for children of f fashion, all we can say think of it-*fint comes a.ri^l^ then fish made indigestible by; more oayenoe ; next meat with aQ next wine, next beer, next pie orost tions of a second course ; next celery, ohpe^ oranges and almonds, and kstly olives and mora wine— and they ^i^fW^ ^■p^^^m^^''f'''^'''-^'wr''T^^'*^iw^ ^ 28 elothy uTd nalore have lu MoHnid la otk«r worcU. they hftTO digged with their teeth, ir grmret- The hotel that gi? et th» tfeheat oookiog, ia rare to oany orertakea theae aajlama 1, and a rich taTem great a onrioeity )n or beef, with except amongst thy food bene- ent is by all , the more i| o has watched heels oter head nature demands ked in all its parts, :, figoroiis and Well li pin a child down in it lain of qniet politeoeas. - Let fP be high spirited, hand- iem<|o school, let the , how yeiy improper 1 veiy improper. loe, she allows boys I, if she.had the it one sex to each ||»y8 and girls together steis, and be timid, ^Kbe English women ifioent forms and iyoonstant exercise in Iralking, running, stipping I keeps them in doors, malung , but natnie is allowed to have her ler disciples with all the gtaces at her com- 4-' 1.4 il:;^ S-^t^£^^ti. , .'J* ' 1^ > ?~ i -1^^ ^W^' " ?w » tT! ' *!" A- /I r ! I L_i_ r^ ^ «4 Haw, Oear mdar, do ^ MppMS th« vlAi of AonoroMe oitUeof, w Toronto, ot oharmiag oomplMion ' Do jqi^ fOftHmJlj, or by fbldodbefimher, tfj ■oppoto ■!« hM ironit«dbirdi,orl Jut boon plenijofezei pleotj of with her hiul She if, withoalj her examine ifl belt reialto* <iher be not loo edid, yon may oheet the doetor out ol » •Im •, never aind them, hot remember s^^j^a^r. •V.if-:; do anything to depreti hu ipirita, iter, lit bun h»ve sunshine it the most niitritioiu me, carry him fre*h of eight and emell, ithing plessanter ea upm. Let the room, but »t oool, light, le for the day frequently lb wholeiiome conseqaenoe of 'talk of religion he is d- — d for- the Lord,— how " lafatisetb us only with arguments read livir your views in a Don't preach at, ot want to kill him. iseverardays in the the earthy part of world, and is now Above all things, don't bury iity. Take the id do not let it fellow citizens, in a cemetery, crops, or that he Mw potatoes I ^ 4- W\ &i M/Hf -Jv //