IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) //^.4^ 1.0 1.1 i^m 125 ■2.2 ■u ». Mli L2^ Hyu 11.6 I o^ m '^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WnSTU.N.Y. 14SM (716) •72-4503 ■ •J, Anrt^ Gospel Hymns No. 4. (WORDS ONLY.) —by- Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, AHD Geo. C. Stebbins, AS USBD BY THBM IN GOSPEL MEETINGS. TORONTO: COPP. CL^RTC Sc CO. • FRONT BTRSBT WB8T. HAT BK OROBRID OF BfXNOnU/BBS AMD MUniC DKALEBS. / I ; PlI^PACE. The cohte«ts of Gospel Hymns No. 4, hatt for the most part been written and composed by those engaged in Evangelistic and Sabbath Hchool work, and great care has been taken to admit only such pieces as have therein been tested and found useful. "While the body of the book contains mucR that is ni^w, in the hymn and tune department will be found many of the old favorites so familiar to nil. That the Master may greatly bless the use of these ** Gospel Hymns," as he has done those which have preceded them, to encourage, strength- en and cheer, and to turn many to righteousness, is the earnest united desire of the Editors. Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, Geo. G. Stebbins. §W No on* will he allowed io print or publish mnf of the Copyrighted Hymns contained in this Book wUhoni the written permission of the Publishers, COPP, CI4ARK & CO. Botered accordinf to Aet of PMrUament of OanadA, In the yetr one thousand eight hundred and eigfaty'two, by GOPP, ClaKB ft Co., In the OMce of the Minister of Agriculture. Go J U havt ^sed by School it only found ich that [will be I to aU. use of i tiiose rength- 'usness, fAHAN, INS. ' mnyaf re%roB« tAJvKA Gospel Hymns. nSTo. 4. 1. Tim&—0, H,, No. 4, page 8. THE gospel of Thy grace My stubborn heart has won, For "God so loved the world He gave His only Son, Rbf.— •** That Whosoever will believe, Shall everlasting life receive !'* " Shall everlast&gllfe receive!^' 8 The serpent " lifted np" Coula life and healing give, So Jesus on the Cross Bids me to look and live ; Rbf.— For *' Whosoever, &c. 8 " The soul that sinneth dies ;'* My awful doom I heard ; I was forever lost, But for Thy gracious word BBF.—That " Whosoever, rd Jesus, fouud in Thee. 3 I sighed for rest and happiness, I yearned for the^, not Tbeje ; But while I passed my Saviour by, His love laid h,Qld on me. 8 I tried the broken cisterns, Lord, But ah I the wfitera failed ; E'en as I stooped to drink they'd fled| And mocked me as 1 wailed. 4 The pleasures lost I sadly moum'd, But never wept for Thee, Till grace the sightless eyes received Thy loveliness to see. 7. iPum^G. ff., No. 4, poffe 9. ^rpis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts X lowly bend, And we gatner to Jesus, our Saviour and Friend ; If we come to Him in faith, His protection to share. What a balm for the weary 1 Q how sweet to be there 1 Cho, .— Blessisd lipur of pray'r, blessed prayer J What 1^ balm for the weai^ ! ho^ hour of ^ _ how sweet to be there ! 3 'Tis the blesifd hour of pr»yer, when the Saviour draws n9^r, With 9, teoiteir ^omp^salou Bis cblldren to hear ; a GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. When He tells us we may cast at His feet every care, What a balm for the weary ! how sweet to be there I 3 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the tempted and tried To the Saviour who loves them their sorrow con- fide; With a sympathizinff heart He removes every care ; What a balm for the weary I how sweet to be there 1 4 At the blessed hour of prayer, trusting Him w« believe That the blesptoff we're needing we'll surely receive, In the fulness of this trust we shall lose every care ; What a balm for the weary I how sweet to b« there! • 8. Tune—Q. H.^ No. ^,page 10. OSOUL in the far away country, Aweary &nd famished, and sad, There's rest in the home of thy Father, His welcome will make thy heiut glad, Ceo.—Come, come prodi^l come. And wander no longer afar from home ; Come, come, prodigafcome, A welcome awaits in thy Father's home. 2 Arise 1 and come back to thy Father, He'll meet thee while yet on the way ; Assured of his tender compassion, O why wilt thou longer delav. 8 Although thou hast sinned against heaven, And w ak and unworthy may be ; He offerb thee full restoration. And pardon abundant and free. 0, Tune^O. JST., No. 4, paff$ 11. WHEN the Lord from heav'n appears, When are banished all our fears, W W 2\\ Ir W P 8D A A S 4L 1 C V 10. ( I 8 ^t every it to be smpted row eon- fry care ; ;t to b« |Him we receive, iry care ; et to b« I, home; home. en. i^ rs. GOSPEL HYMNS, M. 4. 'J When the sleepers from the tomb, With the watchers reach tbeir home. Chc— Then enthroned our Lord with Thco, We shall reign etemany? Then enthroned our Lord with Thee, We shall reign eternally. 2 When our eyes the King shall see, In His glorious Majesty, When to Him we're called above, Pai-tners of His joy and love. 8 Debtors to His matchless gi*ace, At His feet our crowns will place, And as ages roll alon^, Still will sing the glad new song. 4 Let this hope now purify Those who on Thy word rely ; Comf oit to our hearts afford, ^Till the coming of the Lord. 10. Tun^—G. ff.y No, 4, page 12. COME, sing, my soul, and praise the Lord, Who haul redeemed thee by His blood ; Delivered thee from chains that bound, And broU thee to redemption ground. Cho. — Redemption ground, the ground of peace, Redemption ground, O wondrous grace ; Here let our praise to God abound. Who saves us on redemption ground. 2 Once from my God I wandered far. And with His holy will made war ; But now my soncs to God abound ; I'm standing on redemption ground. 8 O joyous hour when God to me A vision gave of Calvarv ; My bonds were Ibosed, my soul unbound ; I sang upon redemption ground. JO GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 4 No works of merit now I plead, But Jesus take for all my need ; No righteousness in me is found. Except ^pon redemption ground. 5 Come, weary soul, and here find rest ; Accept redemption, and be blest ; The Christ who died, by God Is crowned To pardon on redemption ground. 13. E Ho Al Cho." 11. Tune-^0, if., No, 4, page 13. CHRIST is comins: ! let creation From her groans and travail cease ; Let the glorious proclamation Hope restore and faith increase : Cho. — Christ is coming I Christ is coming ! Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peuae ! Christ is coming ! Christ is coming ! Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace I 8 Earth can now but tell the story Of Thy bitter cross and pain ; She shall yet behold Thy ^lory When Thou comest back to reign. 8 Though once cradled in a manger, Oft no pillow but the sod ; Here an lulen and a stranger, Mock'd of men, disowned of Qod. 4 Long Thy exiles have been pining. ' Far from rest, and home, and Thee ; But, in heaTcnly vesture shiuiug, Soon they shall Thy glory see. 5 With that ** blessed hope' before us, Let no harp remain utiatrung ; Let the mighty rausom'd chorus Onward roll froxn tongu(» to tongue^ If 2 Wl Wl Pl€ No 3 Lo No Tol An 4 No An He An 13. e 12. GOSPEL HTMXS, No. 4. Ihtne—O. H.y No. 4, page 14. 11 RISE up, and hasten ! my @ouI, haste alonc^ ! And speed on tliy journey with hope and with song; Home, home is nearing, 'tis coming into view, A little more of toiiing and then to earth adieu. Oho. — Come then, come, and raise the joyful song I Ye children of the wildeniess, ourtiine jancot be long. Home, home, home, oh, why should we dela; ■! The morn of heav'n is dawning, we're mav ilio break of day. 2 Why should we linger when heaven lies before? While earth's fast receding, and soon will be no more; Pleasures and treasures which once here we knew. No more can they charm u» with such a, goal in view* 3 Loved ones in Jesus they've passed on before. Now resting in glory, thi?y weary are no more ; Toils all are ended, and nothing now but joy, And praises, ascending their ever glad employ. 4 No condemnation ! how blessed is the word And no separation ! forever with the Lord ; He will be with us who loved us long b( fore, And Jesua, our Jesus, is ours for evermore. 13. Tuive^Q, H., No. 4, jyage 15. MORE holiness give me, More strivings within ; More patience in suSeiIng ; More sorrow for sin : More faith in my Saviour, More sense of His care ; More joy in His service, Moi*e purpose in prayer. 2 Moi-e graUtaide give me. More tn:^t in the Lord ; 13 GOSPEL ETMNS, No. 4. More pride in His glory, More liope ia His word : More tears for His eorroNv s, More pain at His ^rief ; More meekness in trial, More praise for relief. 3 More purity give me, More strength to o'ercome ; More freedom from earth stains, More longings for home ; More fit for the kingdom, More used will I be ; More blessed and holy. More, Saviour, like Thee, 15. o 2 I X 4. Tune— G. H. , No. 4, page 16. J' ESUS, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul; Guilty, lost, and helpless. Thou canst make me whole. There is none in heaven or on earth like Thee ; Thou hast died for sinners — ^therefore Lord for me. Cho.— In Thy love confiding I will seek Thy face, Worship and adore Thee, for Thy wondrous grace. [soul ; Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my GuOty, lost, and helpless, Thou canst make me whole. :i Jesus, I can trust Thee, trust Thy written word, Since Thy voice of mercy I have often heard. When Thy Spirit teacheth, to my taste how sweet — Only may I hearken, sitting at Thy feet. 3 Jesus, I do trust Thee, trust Thee without doubt : " Whosoever cometh. Thou wilt not cast out,'* Faithful is Thy promise, precious is Thy blood — Thejc my soul's salvation, Thou my Savioui* God ! 16. 5 G08±'EL HYMNS, No. 4. 18 with my make me bee; d for me. ly face, v'ondrous [soul ; with my ist make word, rd, 'sweet — doubt : ut," ood — Li* God! 1 5 , Tune— O. H. , Xo. 4, page 17. *^ "^rOT my own," but saved by Jesus, XN Who redeemed me by His blood, Gladly I accept the message, I belong to Christ the Lord. Cho. — " Not my own !" Oh, "not my own I" Jesus, I belong to Theo ! All I have, and all I hope for, Thine for all eternity. 2 "Not my own !" to Christ, my Saviour, I believing, trust my soul ; Ev'rything to Him committed, While eternal ages roll. 8 "Not my own !" my time, my talent, Freely all to Christ I bring, To be used in joyful service For the glory of my King. 4 "Not my own !" the Lord accepts me, One among the ransomed throng, Who in heaven shall see His glory. And to Jesus Christ belong. 1 5, Tune—G. E.y M. 4, pagie 18. WITH His dear and loving care, Will the Saviour lead us on, To the hills and valleys fair Over Jordan ? Yes, we'll rest our weary feet By the crystal waters, sweet, When the peaceful shore we greet Over Jordan. Cho. — Over Jordan 1 Over Jordan I Yes, we'll rest our weary feet By the crystal waters sweet, Over Jordan, over Jordan ; When the peaceful shore we'll greet Over Jordan. 2 Through the rocky wilderness, Will the Saviour lead us on, 14 GOSPEL HT^rNS, No. 4. To tho land we shall possess Over Jordan ? Yes, by night the wondrous ray, Cloudy pillar by the day, They shall guide us on our way Over Jordan. 8 With His strong and mighty hand, Will the Saviour lead us on, To that good and pleasant land Over Jordan ? Yes, where vine and olive grow, And the brooks and fountains flow. Thirst nor hunger shall we know Over Jordan. 4 In the Promised Land to be, Will the Saviour lead us on. Till fair Canaan's shore we see Over Jordan ? Yes 1 tc dwell with thee, at last, Guide and lead us, as Thou hast. Till the parted wave be passed Over tfordan. 17. Tune — Q. JET., No. 4, page 19. BY faith I view my Saviour dying On the tree, on the tree ; To every nation He is crying. Look to Me 1 Look to Me I He bids the guilty now draw near, Kepent, believe, dismiss their fear : Hark 1 hark I what precious words I hear I" " Mercy's free !" " Mercy's free I'* Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing Pity me ? Pity me ? And did He snatch my soul from ruin ? Can it be ? Can it be ? Oh, yes I He did salvation bring ; He is my Prophet, Priest, and King : krr GOSPEL HYJfNS, No. 4w And tiovr my happy soul can sing, •* Mercy's *ree 1" " Mercy's free 1" 8 Jesus my weary soul ref eshes : Mercy's free I Mercy's free I And ev'ry moment Christ is precious Unto me 1 Unto me ! None can describe the bliss I prove, While through this wilderness I rove ; , All may enjoy the Saviour's love, '* Mercy's free !" " Mercy's free I" 4 Long as I live, I'll still be crying, " Mercy's free 1" " Mercy's free !" And this shall be my theme when dying, " Mercy's free !" " Mercy's free I'' And when the vale of deatn I've passed, When lodged above the stormy blast, I'll sing, while endless ages last, ** Mercy's free I" " Mercy's free I" U 1 8. Tune— G. H. , No. 4, page 20. OH, I left it #1 with Jesus, long age : All my sins I brought Him and my woe ; When by faith I saw EBm bleeding on the tree ; Heard Itis still small whisper " "Hs for thee 1" Cho. — I : From my weary heart the burden rollereeiou8 Saviour, Whom yet unseen we love ; O name of might and favor, Ali other names above. Cho.— We.worsliip Thee 1 we bless Thee ! To Thee alone we sin;? 1 We praise Thee and confess Thee Our Sayiour and our King ! 2 Bringer of sittTatiOn, Who wondrottsly hast wroug:ht Thyself the reyelatloQ Of love beyond onr thought. 8 In thee all f ul^s« dwellet^ All grace and power divine ; 24. N Ody the blood the blood the Lamb. GOSPEL HTMNS, No. 4. 19 The glory that excelleth, O Son of God is Thine. 4 Ob. ffrant the consummation Of this our sonff, above, In endless adoratfon And everlasting love. Cho. — Then shall we praise and bless Thee I Where perfect praises dug I And evermore confess Thee, Our Saviour and our King. less Thee ! II f ess Thee King! 24. Tune—O. K No. 4, page 26. SOUL of mine, in earthly temple, Why not here content abide ? Why art thou forever pleading ? Why art thou not satisfied ? Cho. — ^I shall be satisfied I shall be satisfied When I awake in His likeness, I shall be satisfied I shall be satisfied When I awake in his likeness. 2 Soul of mine, my heart Is c1in&:iu^ To the earth's fair pomp and pride ; Ahk why dost thou thus reprove me t Why art thou not «atisfled ? 3 Soul of mine, must I surrender, S^ myself as crucified ; . Turn from all' of earth's ambition,- That thou may'st be satisfied ? 4 Soul of mine, continue pleading ; Sin rebuke and f oHy chide ; I accept the cro8» of Jesus, That thou may'ftt be satisfied. ; 1 1 f : 80 25. GOSPEL HTM^S,m>. 4. Tune—0. H. No. 4, page 27. TRUST on I trust on believer I Tho' long the conflict be, Thou yet shalt prove victorious ; Thy God shall fight for thee. Cho.— Trust on I Trust on I Tho' dark the night and drear; Trust on 1 Trust on I The morning dawn is near. 2 Trust on t trust on ; thy failings May bow thee to the dust, But In thy deepest sorrow, O give not up thy trust. 8 Trust on ! the danger presses ; Temptation strong is near, Tet o'er life's dangerous rapids. He shall thy passage steer. 4 O Christ is strong to save us. He is a faithful Friend, Tr 3t on ! tinist on ! believer, O trust Him to the end. 27 26. Tune—O. H. No. 4, pagt 28. SHOULD the Death angel knock at thy chamber. In the still watch of to-night, Say will your spirit pass into torment. Or to the land of delight ? Cho. — Say are you ready, O are you ready f If the Death angel should call. Say are you ready ? O are you ready ? Mercy stands waiting for all. 2 Muny sad spirits now are departing Into the world of despair ; Ev'ry brief moment brings your doom nearer ; Sinner, sinner, beware 1 3 Many redeemed ones now are ascending Into the mansions of ^ght ; 28 008PEL HTMNS, M. 4. Jesus is pleading, patiently pleading, O let Him save you to-nignt. 21 B : ir; :8 27. 8. thy chamber, idy? ady? a nearer ; Time—0. H. No. 4, page 29. OH, the bitter pain and sorrow, That a time could ever be. When I proudly said to Jesus I : " All of self and none of Thee," All of self and none of Thee, When I proudly said to Jesus *' All of self and none of Thee.'» 2 Yet he found me ; I beheld him Bleeding on th' accursed tree ; Aud my wistful heart said faintly I : " some of self and some of Thee," Some of Self and some of Thee, And my wistful heart said faintlv ** Some of self and some of Thee." 8 Day by day His tender mercy Healing, helping, full and free, Bro't me lower, while I whispered I : *' Less of self and more of Thee," Less of self and more of Thee, Bro't me lower, while I whispered ** Less of self and more of Thee." 4 Higher than the highest heavens, Deeper than the deepest sea, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered \ : " Norn of self and all of Thee," iVcwe of self and all of Thee, Lerd, Thy love at last has conquered, ''N(yM of self and all of Thee." Ing 28. Tum—G. If. No. 4, page 30. O* SAFE to the Rock that is higher than I, My soul in its conflicts aud sorrows would fly ; So sinful, so weary, Thine, Thine would I be ; Thou blest " Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee. ;-f M GOSPEL ETMNS, No. ^. Ref.— Hiding in Thee. MdlD'^ in Thee, [in Thee Thou blest "Rock of Ages," Tm hiding 2 In the calm of the noon-tide, in sorrow's lone hour, In limes when temptation casts o'er me its power ; 111 the tempestG of life, on its wide, heaving sea, Thou blest " Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee. 3 How oft in the conflict, when press'd by the foe, I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out my woe ; How often when trials like sea-billows roll, Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul, 29 Tune—G. H. No. 4, page 31. TRUSTING in the Lord thy God, Onward go I onward go ! Holding fast His promised wo:d, Onward go I Ne'er deny His worthy Name, Tho' it bring reproach and shame ; Spreading still His wondrous fame, Onward go ! 2 Has He called thee to the plough ? , Onward go ! onward go I Night is coming, serve film now ; Onward go ! Faith and love in service blend ; On His mighty arm depend ; Standing fast until the end, Onward gol 3 Has He given thee golden grain ? Onward go ! onward go ! Sow, and thou shalt reap again ; Onward go ! To thy Master's gate repair, Watching be and waiting there ; He will hear and answer prayer ; Onward go ! 4 Has He said the end is near ? Onward go ! onward go I [in Thee 'm hiding one hour, 8 power ; nff sen, Thee. he foe, out my 1, ay soul. GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. |b Serving Him with holy fear, Onward go I Christ thy portion, Christ thy stay, Heavenly bread upon the way, Leading on to glorious day, Onward go I 5 In this little moment then, Onward go 1 onward go ! In thy ways acknowledge Him ; Onward go ! Let His mind be found in thee : Let His will thy pleasure be j Thus in life and liberty. Onward go I 30. Turn— G. H. , No. 4, page 32. THE love that Jesus had for me, To suifer on the cruel tree, That I a ransomed soul might be, Is more than tongue can tell. Cho. — I : His love is more than tongue can The love that Jesus had for me [tell ; : |j Is more than tongue can tell. 2 The many sorrows that He bore. And oh, that crown of thorns He wore, That I might live forevermore, Is more than tongue can tell. 8 The peace I have in Him, my Lord, Who pleads before the throne of God The merit of His precious blood, Is more thau tongue can tell. 4 The joy that comes when He is near. The rest He gives, so free from fear, The hope in Him so bright and clear. Is more than tongue can tell. 31. A Tune — 0. U., No. 4, page^. LL seeing, gracious Lord — My heart before Thee lies ; it; " 24 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. All sin of thought and life abhorred, My soul to Thee would rise. Cho. — Hear Thou my prayer, O God, Unite mv heart to Thee ; Beneath Thy love, beneath Thy rod. From sin deliver me. 2 Thou knowest all my need, My inmost thought dost see ; Ah, Lord ! from all allurements freed - Like Thee transformed I'd be. 3 Thou holy blessed One, To me I pray draw near ; My spirit fill, O heavenly Son, With loving, Godly fear. 4 Bind Thou my life to Thine, To me Thy life is given ; While I my all to Thee resign. Thou art my all in heaven. 32. Tune—G. H., No. 4, page 34. I WILL sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love to me ; On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. Cho. — Sing, oh I sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me ; On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free. 2 I will tell the wondrous story. How my lost estate to save. In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave. 3 I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphantpow'r I'll tell, How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell, 4 I will sin^ of my Redeemer, And His heav'nly love to me ; . 2 5d, •, O God, Thy rod, e. eed - Redeemer, ised me ; ly pardon, me free. GOSPEL HYMN'S, Ko. 4. He from death to life hath crought me, Son of God, with Him to be. 33^ Tune—0. H., No. 4, page 35. C1HILD of sin and sorrow, > Filled with dismay, Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day. Heav'n bids thee come, While yet there's room ; Child of sin and sorrow. Hear and obey. 2 Child of sin and sorrow. Why wilt thou die ? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high ; Grieve not that love Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow. Would bring thee nigh. 34, Tuner— Q. H., No. 4, page 36. PRAY, brethren, pray. The sands are falling, Pray, brfsthren, prav, God's voic e is calling. Yon turret strikes the dying chime ; We kneel upon the edge of time. Ref.— Eternity is drawing nigh, Et(M*nity, Eternity, Eternity is drawing nigh. , 2 Praise, brethren, praise. The skies are rending ; Praise, brethren, praise. The fight is ending, Behold ! the glory draweth near. The King Himself will soon appear. 3 Watch, brethren, watch. The day is dying ; 35 i 26 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. Watch, brethren, watch, The time is flying ; Watch as men watch the starting Watch as men watch for life or 4 Look, brethren, look, ' The day is breaking ; Hark, brethren, hark. The dead are waking. With girded loins already stand — Behold ! the Bridegroom is at hand. breath, eath. 35. Tune—G. iT., No. 4, page 37. LOOK, ye saints, the sight is gloriotis ; See the "Man of Sorrows " now, i i u From the fight return victorious ; Ev'ry knee to Him shall bow ! Ceo. — Crown Him I crown Him ! angels, crown Him ! Crown the Saviour ** King of kings !" Crown Him 1 crown Him ! angels, crown Him ! Crovra the Saviour " King of kings I" 3 Crown the Saviour ! angels, crown Him I Rich the trophies Jesus brings : In the seat of power enthrone Him, While the vault of heaven rings. 3 Sinners in derision crown'd Him, Mocking thus the Saviour's claim ; Saints and angels crowd around Him, Own His title, praise His name. 4 Hark the bursts of acclamation I Hark these loud triumphant chords 1 Jesus takes the highest station. Oh what joy the sight affords ! 36. Tane—Q. H., No. 4, page 38. BROTHER, art thou worn and weary. Tempted, tried, and sore oppress'd ? Listen to the word of Jesus, " Come unto Me, and rest I" 2 01 A 3 T. H 4 li S' 5 37. \ Rbf breath, ith. riotie ; low, crown Him IDgS !" irown Him ! ings I" i Him! GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 27 Rbf. — I : •*Come unto Me, and rest !" : I Come, ye weary, heavy laden, " Come unto Me, and rest ! " 2 Oh, He knows the dark forebodings Of the conscience- troubled breast ; And to such His word is given, " Come unto Me, and rest ! " 3 To the Lord bring all your burden, Put the promise to the test ; Hear Him say, your burden-Bearer ** Come unto Me, and rest ! " 4 If in sorrow thou art weeping, Grieving for the loved ones missed. Surely then to you He whispers, " Come unto Me, and rest ! " 5 Trust to Him for all thy future, He will give thee what is best ; Why then fear when He is saying, ** Come unto Me, and rest ! " n • • 1 im. ds! veary, Bss'd? ', Tune — G. H., No. 4, page 39. THERE are lonely hearts to cherish. While the days are going by ; There are weary souls who perish, While the days are going by ; ^ If a smile we can renew, As our journey we pursue, Oh, the good we all may do, While the days are going by. Rbf. — Going by, going by, Going by, going by, Oh, the good we all may do. While the days are going by. 2 There's no time for idle scorning, While the days are going by ; Let your face be like the morning. While the days are going by. Oh, the world is full of sighs. \'^ ill li 11 28 GOSPEL HYMNS, JVo. 4. Full of sad aud weeping eyes ; Help your fallen brother rise, While the days are going by. S All the loving links that bind us, While the days are going by ; One by one we leave behind us, While the days are going by. But the seeds of good we sow, Both in shade ana shine will grow, And will keep our hearts aglow, While the days are going by. Sometir jSometii] I Jesus, Onet lWei>ft Yes o The wa We km O Thoi nig Nowsri 38. Tune--0. IT., M. 4, page 40. THEY'RE gathering homeward from ev'ry land,] One by one ! one by one ! As their weary feet touch the shining strand, Yes, one by one I They rest with the Savlcur, they wait their crown. Their traveled-stained garments are all laid down, They wait the white raiment the Lord shall prepare] For all who the glory with Him shall share. Rep. — Gath'ring home I gath'ring home ! Fording the river one by one 1 Gath'ring home ! gath'ring home t Yes, one by one ! I Before they rest they pass thro' the strife. One by one 1 one by one ! Thro' the waters of death they enter life, Yes, one by one 1 To some are the floods of the river still, As they ford on their way to the heavenly hill; The waves to others run fiercely and wild. Yet they reach the homis of the undefiled. J We too must come to the river side, One by one 1 one by one I We are nearer its waters each eventide, Yes, one by one ! We can hear the noise and the dashing stream, Oft now and again, thro' our life's deep dream ,* Ou GOSPEL HTMXS, No. 4, 20 es; se, by. ow, 1 grow, :low, by. 40. m ev'rylaud strand, thefr crown, I laid down, shall prepare! share. home! one I home I ife, fe, I, nlyhill; lid, ed. Sometimes the dark floods all the banks overflow, I Sometimes in ripples and small waves go. Jesus, Redeemer, we look to Thee, One by one ! one by one I We i^ft up our voices tremblingly. Yes one by one ! The waves of the river are dark and cold, We know not the place where our feet may hold ; O Thou who didst pass through the deepest mid- night, Now fifuide us, and send us the staff and light. 9. Tune — Q. H.^ No. 4, page 41, ONLY a little while Of walking with weary feet, Patiently over the thorny way That leads to the golden street. 2 Suffer if God shall will. And work for Him while we may. From Calvary's cross to Ziou's crown, Is only a little way. 8 Only a little while. For toiling a few short days, And then comes the rest, the quiet rest. Eternity's endless praise. stream, dream ; iO. Tu7ie—0. Ky No. 4, page 42. BEHOLD, what love, what boundless love. The Father hath bestowed On sinners lost, that we should be. Now called the sons of God I Cho. — ^Behold what manner of love ! What manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, That we— that we should be called Should be called the sons God. ab GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 2 No longer far from Him, but dow By "precious blood'* made nigh ; Accepted iuthe " Well-beloved," Near to God's heart we lie. 3 What we in glory soon shall be, It doth not yet appear ; But when our precious Lord we see, We shall His image bear. 4 With such a blessed hope in view, We would more holy be, More like our risen, glorious Lord, Whose face we eoon shall see. 12. 41. m 11, r-,i Tune—0, H,^ No. 4, page 43. I HEAR the words of Jesus, They speak of peace with God ; I see the Lamb, Christ Jesus, Who bore my heary load ; I trust the blood of Jesus, From sin it sets me free, I love the name of Jesus, Who gave Himself for me. 2 His word divinelv blessed, It shows me what I am ; His cross it brings salvation, The victim was the Lamb ; His blood procureth pardon, And justifies the soul, His name, how sweet and precious, It makes the sinner whole. 8 Oh I hear the words of JesuSj The tidinffs are for thee ; Oh ! clasp the cross of Jesufi, And there for refuge flee ; Oh ! trust the blood of Jesus, Be saved this very hour ; • Oh ! love the name of Jesus^ Blest luune of wondrous power. 8 ^3. IM 3. ^od; GOSPEL HTMyS, No. 4. 81 12. Tune—0. H., iV«. 4, page 44. MY soul is happy all day long — Jesus is my Saviour ; And all my life is full of song — Jesus died for me. Cho.— Halleluiah 1 Hallelujah I To the loving Lamb for sinners slain ; Hallelujahl Hallelujah ! To the Lamb who lives again. 2 My heavy load of sin is gone- Jesus is my Saviour ; At His dear cross I laid it down — Jesus died for me. 8 I heard the voice of mercy call- Jesus is my Saviour ; I simply trusted, that was all<^ Jesus died for me. 4 Now will I tell it all around— Jesus is my Saviour ; How sweet a blessing I have found- Jesus died for me. [>U8, r. ^3, Tune-^Q, i/l, No, 4, page 45. SAD and weary, lone and dreary, Lord, I would Thy call obey ; Thee believing) Christ receiving, I would come to Thee to-day, Cho.— I am comity, I am coming, Coming, saviour to be blessed ; I am coming, I am coming, Coming, Lord, to Thee for rest. 2 Thou, the Holy, meek and lowly, Jesus, unto Thee I come ; Keep me ever, let me never From Thy blessed keeping roam. 3 Here abiding, in Thee hiding. Seeks my weary soul to rest, 32 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. Till the dawning of the morning, When I wake among the blest. 4 Be Thou near me. keep and cheer me, Thro* life's dark ana stormy way ; Turn my sadness into gladness. Turn my darkness into day. 44^ Tune—0. U. , No. 4, page 46. I SAW a way-worn tr?.veler In tattered garments clad, And struggling up the mountain. It seemed that he was sad ; His back was laden heavy His strength was almost gone, Yet he shouted as he journeyed. Deliverance will come. Cho.— Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Falms of victory I shTiU wear. 2 The summer sun was shining, The sweat was on his brow. His garments worn and dusty. His step seemed very slow ; But he kept pressing onward For he was wending home : Still shouting as he journeyed. Deliverance will come. 8 The songsters ii\ the arbor That stood beside the way Attracted his attention, Inviting his delay ; His watchword being ** Onward I *' He stopped his ears and ran, Still shouting as he journeyed, Deliverance will come. 4 I saw him in the evening, The sun was bending low, He'd overtopped the mountain. And reached the vale below ; He saw the golden city— •me, n, I, T18 of glory, sar. 6 GOSPEL HTMNS, No. 4. His everlasting home — And shouted loud, Hosanna, Deliverance will come ! While gazing on that city, Just o'er the narrow Hood, A band of holy angels Came from the throne of God : They bore him on their pinions, Safe o'er the dashing foam ; And joined him in his triumph — Deliverance has come I 1 heard the song of triumph They sang upon that shore, Saying, Jesus has redeemed us To suffer nevermore : Then, casting his eves backward On the race which he had run, He shouted loud, Hosanna, Deliverance has come i 18 il" 45. Tune—O. //., No. ifPcge 47. JESUS my Lord to Thee I cry, Unless Thou help me I must die ; Oh, brine Thy free salvation iiigh. And take me as I am. Oho. — Take me as I am, take me as I am ; Lord, I give myself to Thee, Oh take me as I am. 2 Helpless I am and full of guilt, But yet for me Thy blood was spilt ; And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt, And take me as I am. 3 I bow before Thy mercy seat. Behold me. Saviour, at Thy lect ; Thy work begin, Thy work complete, And take me as I am. 4 If Thou hast work for me to do, Inspire my will, my heart renew ; /^:i; ^^t 54 OOSPEt IITMXS, Ko. 4. And work both in, and by me too. And take me as I am. 5 And when at last the work is done, The battle fought, the victory won ; Still, still my cry Hhall be alone. Oh take me as I am. 46. O Thine— 0. H.y No. 4, page 48. NCE more we come, God's word to hear, _ The word so pure and holy ; Now grant us. Lord, a listening ear, A spirit meek and lowly : For if we hear, and heed it not, We hear for condemnation ; For ** doers of the word," we're taught, Are heirs of Christ's salvation. 2 The life of God is in tl-.e word ; And whosoe'er believeth, The record there of Christ the Lord Eternal life receiveth ; But if we hear, believing not. We hear for condemnation ; For ** doers of the word," we'/e taught. Are heirs of Christ's salvation. 8 The word of God, by faith rec< >ved, Impairs regeneration ; And he who hath in Christ believed Lives out a new creation ; But if we hear, and do it not. We hear for condemnation ; For ** doers of the word," we're taught, Are heirs of Christ's salvation. 4 So, when the word of God we hear, Let us be humbly pleading The Holy Ghost to give us light, As we the wor* are heeding ; But if we hear, and feel it not, We hear for condemnation ; liear, GOSPEL HYMiSfS, No. 4. For " doers of the word," we're taught^ Are heirs of Chrifit's salvation. 3r> 47, Tun^—Q, H.f So. 4, page 40. SOWING in the, sowing seeds of kind- ness, Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve ; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Cho. — Bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, Bringing in the sheaves. 2 Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows, Fearing neither clouds nor winter's chilling breeze; By and by the harvest, and the labor ended, We shall come rejoicing, bilnging in the sheaves. 3 (ioing forth with weeping, sowing for the Master, Tho' the loss sustain'd our spint often grieves ; When our weeping's over, He will bid us welcome, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. 48. Tune—0, B., No 4, page 50. SOON shall we see the glorious morning, Saints arise 1 saints arise 1 Sinners, attend the notes of warning. Saints arise ! saints arise I The resurrection day draws near. The King of Saints shall soon appear, And high his royal standard rear, Saints arise ! saints arise 1 2 Hear ye the trump of God resounding, Saints arise ! saints ari^e ! Through all the vault of death rebounding, Saints arise ! saints arise ! To meet the bridegroom, haste, prepare, Put on your bridal garments fair. Im 86 GOSPEL BTMNS, No, 4. And hail your Saviour in the air, Saints arise ! saints arise ! 3 The saints who sleep, with joy awaken, All arise ! all arise 1 Their beds of death are quick forsaken, All arise ! all arise ! Not one of all the faithful few Who here on earth tlie Saviour knew, But starts with bliss his Lord to view. All arise I all arise ! 4 Fast by the throne of God behold them Crowned with bliiss I crowned with bliss ! See in His arms the Saviour fold thorn, Crowned with bliss 1 crowned with bliss ! With wreaths of gloiy round their head, No tears of sorrow now are shed, To joy's full fountain all are led, Crowned with bliss 1 crowned with bliss I 5C . V i 49 . Tune— G. IT. , No. 4, page 51 . WE praise Thee and bless Thee, Our Father in heaven. For the joy of salvation Thy gospel hath given. s Chc— Hallelujah ! we praise Thee Thro' Jesus our Lord ; Hallelujah I we bless Thee For the gift of Th" word I 2 We praise Thee and bless Thee : Once sinful and sad. By the word Thou hast given, To Christ we were led. 8 We praise Thee and bless Thee : The Spirit hath come To dwell with, and teach us, And guide us safe home. 4 We praise Thee and bless Thee, For food by the way ; 3 ■ 3 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 87 The manna from heaven Provided each day. 5 We praise Thee and bless Thee ; Thy word hath pjone forth, That Christ shall be King and Reign over the earth. 6 We praise Thee and bless Thee, And wait His return To fulfil ev'ry promise He made to His own. 7 We praise Thee and bless Thee : We'll rei^n with Him then, To praise Thee and bless Thee For ever. Amen. 5 0. Tune— O. H., No. 4, page 53. MY God and Father, while I stray Far from my home, on life's rough way, Oh, teach me from my heart to say, " Thy will be done 1" Rep.—" Thy will be done !" " Thy will be done !" Oh, teach me from my heart to say, "Thy will be done *l" 2 What tho' in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved, no longer nigh, Submissive still would I reply, " Thy will be done I" Rep.—" Thy will be done I'» " Thy will be done 1" Submissive etill would I reply, " Thy will be done 1" 3 Let but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest, "Thy will be done I" Rep.—" Thy will be done !" "Thy wUlbedonel" I: 38 OOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. ' My God to Thee I leave the rest ; " Thy will be done 1" 4 Renew my will from diiy to day ; Blend it with Thine ; and take away All now that makes it hard to say, " Thy will be done I'» Ref.— " Thy will be done 1" '♦ thy will be done !" All now that makes it hard to say, ** Thy will be done!" 5 Then when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with tears before, I'll sing upon a happier shore, " Thy will be done I" Rbf.— " Thy will be done I" *' Thy will be done I'» I'll sing upon a happier shore, "Thy will be done I" 52. 51. Tune^O. H., No. 4, page 53. WHY do you wait, dear brother, Oh, why do you tarry so long ? Your Saviour is waitmg to give you A place in His sanctided throng. Cho.— Why, not ? why not ? Why not come to Him now ? Why not ? why not ? Why not come to Him now ? 2 What do you hope, dear brother, To gain by a further delay ? There^s no one to save you but Jesus, Yhere's no other way but His way. 3 Do you not feel, dear brother, His Spirit now striving within ? Oh, why not accept His salvation, And throw off thy burden of sin ? 53 QOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. Why do yQXL wait, dear brother, The harvest is passing away, Your Saviour is longing to bless you, There's danger and death in delay. 80 62. Tune—Q. If., No. ^^page 54. I AM waiting for the morning Of the blessed day to dawn, When the sorrow and the sadness Of this chanceful life are cone. I am waiting, only wafting, Till this weary life is o'er ; Only waiting for my welcome, From my Saviour on the other shore. 2 I am waiting ; worn and weary With the battle and the strife, Hoping when the warfare's over To receive a crown of life. 8 Waiting, hoping, trusting ever, For a home of boundless love ; Like a pilgrim, looking forward To the land of bliss above. 4 Hoping soon to meet the loved ones Where the " many mansions" be ; Listening for the happy welcome Of my Saviour catling me. 53, Tune^G. if., No. 4, page 55. HEAVENLY Father, we Thy children, Gathered round our risen Lord, Lift our hearts in earnest pleading : Oh, revive us by Thy word ! Cho. — Send refreshing, send refreshing From Thy presence, gracious Lord!: Send refreshing, send refreshing, And revive us by Thy word. I Gracious gales of heavenly blessing In Thy love to us afford ; I 40 C OSPEL UYMNS, No. 4. Let us feel Thy Spirit's presence, Oh, revive us by Thy word ! 3 Weak and weary in the conflict, " Wrestling not with flesh and blood," Help us. Lord, as faint we falter ; Oh, revive us by Thy word i 4 With Thy strength, O Master, gird us ; Be our Guide and be our Guard : Fill us with Thy holy Spirit, Oh, revive us by T^hy word Tui 54. Tune — 0. if., No. 4, page 56. WHEN the King in His beauty shall come to His throne. And around Him are gathered His loved ones. His own; There be some who will knock at His fair palace door, To be answered within " There is mercy no more." Cho. — ** I have never known you,'* ** I have never known you,'* **I have never, I have never, I have never known you." 2 They had known whence He came, and the grace which He brought ; Li their presence He Sealed, in their streets He had taught ; They had mentioned His name and their friendship professed ; But they never believed, for of them He confessed ; 3 Now the righteous are reigning with Abraham there ; But for these is appointed an endless despair ; It is vain that they call : He once knock'd at their gate. But they welcomed Him not ; so now this is their fate : 4 O sinner, give heed to this story of gloom. For the hour is fast neariug that Axes your doom ; GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 41 )od," las ; lall come to ^ ones, His fair palace no more." ^ the grace 3ets He had P friendship confessed • Abraham jpair ; ^'d at their iis is their Lir doom; Will you still reject mercy ? still harden your heart t Oh, then, what will you do as the King cries — ''Depart 1'*^ 55. Tune — Q. IT., No. 4, page 57. BEYOND the smilinsf and the weeping, I shall be soon, I shall be soon ; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, Beyond the sowing and the reaping, I shall be soon, I shall be soon. Rbf. — Love, rest and home : Sweet, sweet hope ! Lord, tarry not, but come, Lord tarry not. 2 Bevond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon, I shall be soon ; Beyond the shining and the shading, Bevond the hoping and the dreading, 1 shall be soon, I shall be soon. 3 Beyond the parting and the meeting, i shall be soon, I shall be soon ; Beyond the farewell and the greeting, Beyond the pulse's fever beating, I shall be soon, I shall be soon. 4 Beyond the frost-chain and tho fever, I shall be soon, I shall be soon ; Beyond the rock-waste and the river, Bevond the ever and the never, I shall be soon, I shall be soon. 5Q^ Tunc — O. H.t No. 4, page 58. JESUS is coming ! sing the glad word ! Coming for those He redeemed by His blood, Coming to reign as the glorified Lord I Jesus is coming again ! Cho. — Jesus is coming, is coming again ! Jesus is coming again ! Shout the glad tidings o'er mountain and plain I Jesus is coming again 1 II • 49 OQSPELEYMNS.No. 4. 2 Jesus is coming ! the dead shall arise, Loved ones shall meet in a joyful surprise. Caught up together to Him in the sides. Jesus is coming again 1 3 Jesus is coming 1 His 3alnts to release ; Coming to give to the warring earth peace: Sinning, and sighing, and sorrow, shall cease, Jesus is coming again I 4 Jesus is coming 1 the promise is true ; Who are the chosen, the faithful, the few, Waiting and watching, prepared for review ? Jesus is coming again ! 8. 57 \ Tune — O. H.^ No. 4, poge 59. WE are childr*^n of a King, Heavenly Kin^, heavenly King, We are children of a King, Singing as we journey ; Jesus Christ our Guard and Guide, Bids us, nothing ternfled, Follow closely at His side, Singing as we journey. 2 We are traveling to our home. Blessed home, Blessed home 1 We are traveling to our home, Singing as we journey ; Toward a city out of sight Where will fall no shade of night, For our Saviour is its light. Singing as we journey. 3 Full of joy we onward go. Heavenward go, nomeward go, Full of joy we onward go. Singing as we journey ; Singing all the journey through — Singing hearts are brave and true- Singing till our home we view, Singing as we journey. V " liatFi'' ies. ■ie; peace : lall cease, \e few, review ? 59. ly Kmg, de, ^^t, ue— GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 8. Tune—0. H., No. iypage 60. WHO is on the Lord's side ? Who will serve the King ? Who will be His helpers, Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side ? Who will face the foe ? Who is on the Lord's side ? Who for Him will go? Cho.— Who is on the Lord's side ? Who will serve the Ring ? Who will be His helpers, Other lives to biing ? By Thy grand redemption. By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side : Saviour, we ai'e Thine. 2 Not for weight of glory. Not for crown and palm. Enter we the army. Raise the warrior-psalm ; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom he died. He whom Jesus nameth Must be on His side. 8 Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own life-blood, For Thy diadem ; With Thy blessing filling All who come to Thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free. 4 Fierce may be the cc iflict, Strong may be the foe. But the King's own army None can everthrow ; Round His standard ranging, Viet'ry is secure, 48 44 iJ GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. For His truth unchanging, Makes the triumph sure. 69. Tune^O. JI., No. 4, page^X, TRAVELING to the better land, O'er the desert's scorching sand. Father, let me grasp Thy hand ; Lead me on ! 2 When at Marab, parched with heat« I the sparkling fountain greet, Make the bitter waters sweet ; Lead me on ! 3 When the wilderness is drear, Show me Elim'spalm groves near, And her wells as crystal clear ; Lead me on ! 4 Through the water, through the fire, Never let me fall or tire, Every step brings Canaan nigher : Lead me on ! 5 Bid me stand on Nebo's height, Gaze upon the land of light, Then transported with the sight, Lead me on I 6 When I stand on Jordan's brink, Never let me fear or shiink ; Hold me. Father, lest I sink ; Lead me on i 7 When the victory is won, And eternal life begun, Up to glory lead me on I Lead me on ! 60. Tune—0. IT., No. 4, pageCQ. LOOK unto mo and be ye saved, I heard the just One say : And as by faith on Him I gazed, My burden rolled away. eOSPEL 7IY2IX3, No. 4. 45 Cno. — I've passed the cross at Calvary, I'm on the Heaven side ; The world is crucified to me. Since Christ my ransom died ; The world is ci-ucified to me, Since Christ my ransom died. 2 By His atonement reconciled, My Father's fiice I see ; The empty tomb now intervenes Between the world and me. 8 O i, glorious heiijfht of vantage ground ! Oh, blest victorious hour ! In Him to tru-t jind fully know His resurrection power. ; 1 . Tune— O.Il, No. 4, page 63. NO works of law have we to boast, By nature ruined, guilty, lost ; Condemned already, but Thy hand Provided what Thou didst demaad. Cho. — We take the guilty pinner's name, The guilty sinner's Saviour claim ; We take the guilty sinner's name. The guilty sinner's Saviour claim. 2 No faith we bring, 'tis Christ alone, 'Tifl what He is— what He has done ; He is for us as given by God, It was for us He shed His blood. S We do not feel our sins are gone. We know it by Thy word alone ; We know -hat thore our sins didst lay On Him Wuo has put sin away. 4 Because we know our sins forgiven, We happy feel— our home is heaven ; O help us now as eons of God, To tread the path that Jesti^ trod. in 46 GOSPEL HYMNS, No, 4. 62. Tune—G.H.,XoA,pageU. THERE is love, true love, aud the heart grows warm, When the Lord to Bethany comes ; And the word of life has a wondrous charm, When tlie Lord to Bethany comes ; There is joy, glad joy, and a feast is spread, When the Lord to Bethany comes ; For His heavenly voice brings to life the dead, When the Lord to Bethany comes. Cho. — 'Twas a happy, happy day in the olden time When the Lora to Bethany came, Open wide the door, let him enter now 1 For His love is ever the same ! His love is ever ihe samo. I His love is ever the same ! Open wide the door, let Him enter now ! For His love is ever the same. 2 There is peace, sweet peace, and the life grows calm, When the Lord to Bethany comes ; And the trusting soul sings a sweet, soft psalm, When the Lord to Bethany comes ; There is faith, strong faith, and our home seems near, When the Lord to Bethany comes ; And the crown more bright, and the cross more dear, When the Lord to Bethany comes. •« 04. ''I No W Al Tt I Tl 2 T T I I 63. c; M Tun^—G. JET.f No. 4, j?aye 65. AN of sorrows I" what a name For the Son of God, who came Kuined sinners to reclaim ! Hallelujah ! wjiat a Savioui* ! 2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude. In my place condemned He stood ; Sealed my pardon with His blood : Hallelujah ! what a Saviour 1 3 Guilty, vile, and helpless, we ; Spofiess Lamb of God, was He ; 65. GOSPEL HYMNS, Ko. 4. 47 leart grows] k lead, olden time, er now 1 Br now ! grows calm, psalm, >eem8 near, lore dear, 64. ne :ame *' Full atonement 1" can It be ? Hallelujah ! what a Saviour ! " Lifted up " was He to die ; " It is finished " was his cry ; Now in heaven exalted hieh : Hallelujah ! what a Saviour ! When he comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring, Then a-new this ^ong we'll sing : Hallelujah ! what a Saviour ! Tune—O. H., No. 4, page 66. LORD, my trust I repose in Thee, O how great is Thy love to me ! Thou the strength of my life shalt be ; This I know, this I know. Ref.— Thine, Thine, and only Thine, Now and ever Thhie ; Thou dost love me, Saviour mine ; This I know, this I know. Thou dost lead with a sweet command, Thou dost lead with a gentle hand ; On the rock of Thy Truth I stand ; This I knov/, this 1 know. I shall rise to a world of light, I shall rest in a mansion bright ; Then nw faith shalKbe lost m sight ; This I know, this I know. 66, *i» Tune — 0. H.j No. 4, page 67. "VTOT what these hands have done, _LN Can save this guilty soul ; Not what this toiling flesh has borne. Can make my spirit whole. Bbp. — Thy work alone, my Saviour, Can ease this weight of sin ; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God, Can give me peace within. J' GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 3 Not what I feel or do, Can give me peace with God : Not all my prayers, or sighs, or tears, Can ease my awful load. 8 Thy love to me, O God, Not mine, O Lord, to Thee, Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit free. 4 No other work save Thine, No meaner blood will do ; No strength, save that which is divine, Can bear me safely through. 5 I praise the God of grace, 1 trust His love and might ; He calls me His, I call Him mine ; My God, my joy, my light 1 67. 66. Tune—O. IT., No. 4, page 68. MY life flows on in endless song ; Above earth's lamentation, I hear the sweet though far-off hymn That halls a new creation ; Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing ; It finds an echo in my soul — How can I keep from singing ? 2 What though my joys and comforts die ? The Lord my Saviour liveth ; What though the darkness gather round ? Songs in the night He giveth ; No storm can shake my inmost calm While to that refuge clinging ; Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, How can I keep from singing ? 3 I lift my eyes ; the cloud grows thin ; I see the blue above it ; And day by day this pathway smooths, Since first I learned to love it ; ( Cho.— ( ( 2 in. \ 3 J 4 < 1 5 : 68. GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. The peace of Christ makes fresh my h«irt^ A fountain ever springing ; All things arc mine since 1 am His — How can I keep from singing V 49 O' ne. lie? Id? 67, Tune—0. 11. , No. 4, page 69. |NCE again the Gospel message From the Saviour you have heard ; Will you heed the invitation ? Will you turn and seek the Lord ? Cho. — Come believing ! come believing 1 Come to Jesus ! look and live ! Come believing I come believing 1 Come to Jesus I look and live ! 2 Many summers you have wasted, Ripened harvests you have seen ; Winter snows by spring have melted, Yet you linger in your sin. 3 Jesus for your choice Is waiting ; Tarry not : at once decide ! While the Spirit now is striving, Yield, and seek the Saviour's side, 4 Cease of fitness to be thinking ; Do not longer try to feel ; It is trust ivg^ and not feeling ^ That will give the Spirit's seal. 5 Let your will to God be given, Trust in Christ's atoning blood ; Look to Jesus now in heaven, Rest on His unchanging word. 68« Tune—G. IT., No. 4, page 70. IN Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages, Hide Thou me ; When the fitful tempest rages, Hide Thou me ; Where no mortal arm can sever From my heart Thy love for ever, ii 50 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, Safe in Thee. 2 From the snare of sinful pleasure, Hide Thou me ; Thou my soul's eternal treasure, Hide Thou me ; When the world its power is wielding, And my heart is almost yielding, Hide me, O Thou Kocli of Ages, Safe in Thee. 3 In the lonely night of sorrow, Hide Thou me ; Till ia fflory dawns the morrow, Hide Thou me ; In the sight of Jordan's billow, Let Thy bosom be my pillow, Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, Safe in Thee. .1 O 59, Tune—0. jET., No. 4, pa(/e 71. UR way is often rugged While here on earth we roam, And thorns are in the pathway ; But we are going home. Chc— We're going, going, Yes, we are going home ; We soon shall cross the river, And bie with Christ at home. 2 To Marah's bitter wa^-ers We oft have murm'ring come. But God the cup has sweetened ; And so we're going home. 8 When of the desert weary. Our God His grace has shown, By resting us at Elim, With sweet foretastes of home. 4 With hunger often fainting, We'ye made complaining moan ; ding. GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. Bnt, fed by heavenly manna. We still are going home. Some stand to-day on Nebo, The journey nearly done, And some are in the valley ; But all are going home. 51 S' 70^ Tune^Q. jET, No, 4, page 72. ;:10UND the alarm 1 Let the watchman cry 1 — " Up I for the day of the Lord is nigh ; Who will escape from the wrath to come ? Who have a place in the soul's bright home ? " Ref. — Sound the alarm, watchman ! Sound the alarm ! For the Lord will come with a conqu'ring arm ; And the hosts of sin, as their ranks ad- vance, Shall wither and fall at His glance. S Sound the alarm I Let the cry go forth, Swift as the wind, o'er the realms of earth ; ** Flee to the Rock where the soul may hide ! Flee to the Rock 1 in its cleft abide 1 '^ 3 Sound the alarm on the mountain's brow ) Plead with the lost by the wayside now ; Warn them to come and the truth embrace ; Urge them to come and be saved by grace. 4 Sound the alarm in the youthful ear, Sound it aloud that the old may hear ; Blow ye the trump while the day-beams last ! Blow ye the trump till the light is past I 7 1 . Tune—0. if.. No. 4, page 73. BEAUTIFUL morning ! Day of hope, Dawn of a better life ; Now in the peaceful hours we rest, Far from earth's noise and strife. 52 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. Cho. — ^Mornin^ of resurrection joy, Day when the Saviour rose, Sin^n^ shall greet thy opening hours, Singing shall mark thy close. 2 Beautiful morning I All the week Waiteth thy welcome light. Since thy first dawning, calm and clear. Out of the darkest night. 3 Beautiful morning 1 Grief and pain, Weeping before the torab, Fly at thy dawning, Jesus rose, Jesus dispelled me gloom. 72. Tune — G. H., No. 4, page 74. jrpwiLL not be lone: our jouruey here, _L Each broken sigh and falling tear "Will soon be gone, and all will be A cloudless sky, a waveless sea. Bbf. — Boll on dark stream We dread not thy foam ; The Pilgrim is longing For home, sweet home. 2 *Twill not be long the yearning heart May feel its eveiy hope depart, And grief be mingled with its song ; We'll meet again, 'twill not be long. 3 Though sad we mark the closiiig eye, Of those we loved in dajs gone by. Yet sweet in death their latest song— We'll meet again, 'twill not be long. 4 These checkered wilds, with thorns o'erspread, Through which our way so oft is led — This march of time, with truth so strong. Will end in bliss, 'twill not be long. Til r Cho, 2Ej Dj Li 8 W W O 4 A A T 74. ^ I 73. Tune—O. IT., No. 4, page 75. jrpIS known on earth and heaven too, X 'Tis sweet to me because 'tis true GOSPEL HTMN^, No. 4. 58 ig hours, 3e. ere, ear The " old, old story" is ever new ; Tell me more about Jesus. Cho. — " Tell me more about Jesus 1 " ** Tell me more about Jesus ! " Him would I know who loved me so ; *' Tell me more about Jesus I '* 2 Earth^s fairest flowers will droop and die, Dark clouds o'erspread yon azure sky ; Life's dearest joys flit fleetest by ; Tell me more about Jesus. 3 When overwhelmed with unbelief, When burdened with a bli ding grief, Come kindly then to my relief ; Tell me more about Jesus. 4 And when the Glory-land I see, And take the " place prepared " for me. Through endless years my song shall be — ** Tell me more about Jesus.'' 74. rspread, i»g, •^i »o, ue; Tum—0. H.y No. 4, page 76. THE word of God is given To all who serve Him here. That when the Lord from heaven In glory shall appear. We then shall be delivered From sorrow, sin and pain ; And ^f for Christ we suffer, With Him we then shall reign. Cho. — We are going home to Jesus I Going home to Jesus ! Goino^ to the mansions He's preparing there on high I We are going home to Jesus I Going home to Jesus 1 And we'll gather there in glory, By and by I by and by 1 Once in our sin we wandered Far, far away from God, GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 1. ■ i And precious hours we squandered Upon the downward road ; But God in grace hath called us, And given us to share The purchase of our Saviour, A mansion bright and fair. 3 Now with this hope to cheer us, And with the Spirit's seal, That all our sins were pardoned, Through Him whose stripes did he"l ; As "strangers " and as ** pilgrims," No place on earth we own. But work and watch as " servants,'* Until our Lord shall corae. 75. Tune^G. H,y Ao. 4, page 77. TO Him who for our sins was slain, To Him for all His dying pain, Rep.-— Hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah to His name. 9 To Him, the Lamb, our sacrifice. Who gave His life the ransomed price. 3 To Him who died that we might die To sin and live with Him on high. 4 To Him who rose that we might rise, And reign with Him beyond the skies. 5 To Him who now for us doth plead, And helpeth us in all our need. 6 To Him who doth prepare on high, Our home in immortality. 7 To Him be glory evermore ! Ye heavenly hosts, your Lord adore ! 76. Tune—G. H.y No. 4, page 7->. THE sands of time are sinkin^^ The dawn of beaven breaks, The summer mom I've sighed for- GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 55 «1 ; The fair, sweet morn awakes : Dark, dark hath been the miduight, But day-spring is at hand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuers laud. 2 I've wrestled on toward heaven, ^Gainst storm and wind and tide, Now, like a weary traveler That leaneth on his f^uide. Amid the shades of evening, "While sinks life's lingering sand, I hail the glory dawning Ftom Immanuel's land. S Deep waters crossed life's pathway, Tte hedge of thorns was sharp ; Now these lie all behind me — O for a well tuned harp ! O, tc join the hallelujah Wth yon triumphant band I Who sing where glory dwelleth In Immanuel 's land. yy^ Tuve—0. H., No. 4, page 79. KNOW that my Redeemer lives 1 I V^hat comfort this sweet message gives I Helives, who once was dead ; He l^es, all glorious in the sky ; He Ives, exalted there on hign, ^ M/ everlasting Head. Cho.— He lives I He lives 1 1 know that my Redeemer lives ; He lives ! He lives I I know that my Redeemer lived. 2 Heflives, to bless me with His love ; Helives, to plead for me above, tfy hungry soul to feed ; H» lives, to grant me rich supply ; K lives, to guide me with His eye. To help in time of need. ! •'^.^i 56 GOSPEL HYMNS, Ko. 4. 8 He lives, triumphant from the grave ; He lives, eternally to save ; And while He lives I'll sinff : He lives, my ever faithful Friend ; He lives, and loves me to the end, My Prophet, Priest and King ! 4 He lives, my mansion to prepare ; He lives, to bring me safely there ; My Jesus still the same : What joy this blest assurance gives I— ** I know that my Redeemer lives :" All glory to His name ! 78. Tuner-O. H.y No. 4, page 80. ^' \ LITTLE while !" and He shall come ; _£jL The hour draws on apace, The blessed hour, the glorious morn, When we shall see His face : How light our trials then will seem ! How short our pilgrim way ! • Our life on earth a fitful dream, Dispelled by dawning day ! Cho. — Then come, Lord Jesus, quicldy come. In glory and in light ! \ Come take Thy longing childrcbi hbme^ And end earth's weary nightt 2 " A little while !" with patience. Lord, i I fain would ask *' How long ? " ' For liow can I with such a hope \ Of glory and of home, i With such a joy awaiting me, \ Not wish the hour were come ? \ How can 1 keep the longing back, \ And how suppress the groan ? 3 Yet peace, my heart and hush, my tongue! Be calm, my troubled breast ! Each passing hour is hast'ning on 1 The everlasting rest ; \ Thou knowest well— the time thy God \ i rh 79 80. re si- I" lalJcome; GOSPEL HYMNS, No, 4. 87 Appoints for thee Is best : The morning star will soon arise: The glow is in the East. I 79 Tune—G. iT., No, 4, page 81. PRAISE ye the Lord ; for it is good Praise to our God to sing : For it is pleasanc, and to praise It is a comely thing. Cho. — ^Praise the Lord, it is good, Praise to our God to sing : For it is pleasant, and to x^raise It is a comely thing. 2 Those that are broken in their heart, And troubled in their minds. He healeth, and their painful wounds, He tenderly upbinds. 3 He counts the number of the stars ; He names them ev'ry one : Our Lord is great, and of great power, His wisdom search can none. uicyy come, ildrm home ightf d, 80. ongue! Tune—G. H.y No, 4, page 82. ONLY waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown ; Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown ; Till the night of death has faded From the heart once full of day ; Till the stars of heaven are breaking Thro' the twilight soft and gray. Only waiting till the reapers liave the last sheaf gathered home ; For the summer-time has faded, And the autuir^n winds have come. Qtiicklv, reapers 1 gather quickly, All the ripe hours of my heart ; For the bloom of life is withered, And I hasten to depart. 58 GOSPEL HTMyS, Ko. 4. Only waiting till the angels Open wide the pearly gate, At whose portals long I've lingered, Weary, poor, and desolate : Even now I hear their footsteps, And their voices far away ; If they call me, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. Waiting for a brighter dwelling Than I ever yet have seen, Where the tree of life is blooming, And the fields are ever green : Waiting for my full redemption. When my Saviour shall restore All that sin has caused to wither ; Age and sorrow come no more. 81. Tune — G, jff., No. 4, page 83. SAT, is your lamp burning, my brother ? I pray you look quickly and see ; For if it were burning, then surely Some beam would fall brightly on rae. There are many and many around you. Who follow wherever you go, If you thought that they walked in the shadow, Your lamp would burn brighter, I know. Cho. — Say, is your lamp burning, my brother ? I pray you look quickly and see ; For if it were burning, then surely Some beam would fall brightly on me ! 2 Upon the dark mountains they stumble, They are bruised on the rocks and they lie With white pleading faces turned upward. To the cloudt> and the pitiful sky. There is many a lamp that is lighted — We behold them anear and afar ; But not many among them, my brother. Shine steadily on like a star. 3 If 01 SI Wid W Ho\ H . Ho^ T 82. IT'S J no ♦ An' sui But in 1 For its We lik An' wi 1 Forth It's fli 2 The The 8 The Wha It's I ^is( An' **W 8 OOSPEL HYMJSiS, No. 4. SO >w. r? If once all the lamps that are lighted Should steadily blaze in a line, Wide over the land and the ocear , What a girdle of glory would shine I How all the dark places would brighten ! How the mists would roll up and away ! How the earth would laugh out in her gladness, To hail the millennial day ! 82. Tune—G. H., No. 4, page 84. T'S a bonnie, bonnie warl' that we're livin* In the I noo' [♦ An' sunny is the Ian' that now we af ten traiv'U throo ; But in vain we look for something here to which oor hearts may cling, For Its beauty is as naethingto the palace o' the King. We like the gilded simmer, wi' its merry, merry tread. An' we sigh when hoary wmter lays its beauties wi' the dead ; For tho' bonnie are the snawflakes, an' the down on Winter's wing, It's fine to ken it dauma touch the palace o' King. 3 Then again, I've just been thinkin' that when a' thing here's sac biicht. The sun in a' its grandeur, an' the mune wi' quiv- erin' licht, The ocean i' the simmer ; or the woodland 1' the spring. What maun it be up yonner i' the palace o' King. It's here we hae oor trials, an' it's here that Ho prepares His chosen for the raiment which the ransomed sin- ner wears. An' it's here that He wad hear us 'mid oor tribula- tions sing, " We'll trust oor God wha' reigneth 1' the palace o' the King." 3 Oh ! its honor herped on honor that His courtiers should be ta'eu 60 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. tiit Frae the wan'drin' aoes He died for i' this warl' o' Bin and pain, An' its f uest love an' seiTlee that the Christian aye should bring To the feet o' Him who reigneth V the palace o' the King. The time for sawin' seed, It is a wearln, wearin dune ; An' the time for winnin' souls will be ower very sune. Then lat us a' be active, if a fruitfu' sheaf we'd b''ing To ? lorn the Royal table i' the palace o' the Kipg. 4 Then lat us trust Him better than we've ever dune afore. For the King will feed His servants frae His ever bounteous store ; Lat us keep a closer grip o' Him, for time is on the wing, An' sune He'll come an' take us tae the palace o' the King. It's iv'ry haus are bonnie upon which the rainbows shine. An' its Eden bow'rs fire trellised wi' a never fadin' Vine; An' the pearly gates o' Heaven do a glorious ra- diance fling, On the starry floor that shimmers i' the palace o' the King. 5 Nae nicht shall be in Heaven, an' nae desolatin' sea, And nae tyrant hoofs shall trample i' t^e city o' the free ; There's an everlastin' daylight, an' a never fadin' spring, Where the Lamb fs a' the glory i' the palace o' the King. We see oor friends await us ower yonner at His gate ; Then lat us a' be ready, for ye ken it's gettin' late ; 83. GOSPEL HYMIVS, No. 4. 61 Is warl' o' pstian aye [ace o' the 1, wearin fwer verj leaf We'd ihe Kijag. ver dune His ever 8 on the ?alace o' rainbows er fadin^ ious ra- ie o' the isolatin' Y o' the fadin' o' the It His ' late ; Let oor lamps be brichtly burnin' ; let us raise oor voice and sing, For sune we'll meet, to pairt nae mair, 1' the palace o' the King. 33, Tune—0. H.j No, 4, page 86. '^ TDEDEEMED!" ''Redeemed I" JTt O sinff the joyful strain I Give praise, give praise, And glory to His name ; Who gave His blood our souls to save, And purchased freedom for the slave I And purchased freedom for the slave, Cho. — " Redeemed ! " " redeemed" from sin and all its woe ! ** Redeemed!" "redeemed" eternal life to know 1 ** Redeemed I" " Redeemed" by Jesus' blood, "Redeemed!" "Redeemed!" Oh, praise the Lord I 2 What grace ! What grace I That He who calmed the wave, Should stoop, my soul, My guilty soul to f ave I That He the curse should bear for me, A sinful wretch, His enemy ! A sinful wretch. His enemy I 8 "Reedeemedl" "redeemed!" The world has brought repose, And joy, and joy. That each redeemed one knows, Who sees his sins on Jesus laid, And knows His blood the ransom paid, And knows His blood the ransom paid. 4 " Redeemed ! " " Redeemed I '* O joy that I should be In Christ, In Christ, Fyom sin for ever free I m': t 68 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. For eyer free to praise His name, Who bore for me the guilt and shame, Who bore for me the guilt and shame ! g4, Tune—G. IT., jVo. 4, page 87. GOD is great, and God is good, And we thank Him for this Food : By His hand must all be fed, Give us, Lord, our daily bread. 85. Tun»—0. H.J No. 4, page 88. MASTER, the tempest is raging ! The billows are tossing hig^n I The sky is o'ershadowed w^ith blackness, No shelter or help is nigh ; ** Carest Thou not that we perish ? " — How canst Thou lie asleep. When each moment so madly is threatening A grave in the angry deep ? Cho. — •* The winds and the waves shall obey My will, Peace, be still ! Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or demons, or men, or whatever it be, No water can swallow the ship where lies. The Master of ocean, and earth and skies ; I : They all shall sweetlv obey My will ; reace, be still I : f 2 Master, with anguish of spirit, 1 bow in my grief to-day ; The depths oi my sad heart are troubled ; Oh, waken and save, I pray 1 Torrents of sin and cf anguish Sweep o'er my sinking soul ; And I perish I I perish T dear Master ; Oh hasten, and take control. 8 Master, the terror is over. The elements sweetly rest ; Faith's sun in the calm lake is mirrored, And heaven's within my breast ; 86. 8 id I GOSPEL HYMNS, No, 4. Linger, O blessed Redeemer, Leave me alone no more ; And with joy I shall make the blest harbor. And rest on the blissful shore. 68 )od; I less. )led; O iVniug 1 3 By My Will, 1 ossed sea, 1 ere lies, 1 d skies : 1 will; I 3 86. TwM—O. H., No, 4, page 90. WHAT shall I do to be saved ? The gathering storm I behold, Exposed to the wrath of my God ; Is there no sheltering fold. Is there no sheltering fold ? Cho. — I am the door, by Me if any man enter in, He Ghall be saved, he shall be saved ; I am the door, by Me if any man enter in. He shall be sav'd, he shall be sav'd. O what shall I do to be saved ? No light, no hope can I see, No help In myself can I find ; Is there no mercy for me, Is there no mercy for me ? O what shall I do to be saved ? So vile, so burdened with sin, how to the fold may I come, How may I enter therein. How may I enter therein ? 1 enter the wide open door, In Christ I ttoio have believed ; I'm cleans'd from my sius by His blood ; I trust and now I am saved, I trust and now I am saved. 87. Bd, Tune^Q, H., No, 4, paye 91, THIS is the day of toil Beneath eaHh's sultry noon, This is the day of service true, But resting cometh soon. Cho.-— Hallelujah ! hallelujah I There remains a rest for us. M m OOSPJUL HYMNS, Xo. 4. Hallelujah 1 hallelujah ! There remains a rest for us. S Spend and be sp^^nt would we, While lasteth time's bnef day ; No turning back in coward fear, No lingering by the way. 3 Onward we press in haste, Upward our ioumey still ; Ours is the path the Master trod Through good report and ill. 4 The way may rougher grow, The weariness increase, We gird our loins and hasten on — The end, the end is peace. 88. {' ! Ttme—G. E., No. 4. page 92. ALONG the River of Time we glide, Along the River, along t..e River, The swiftly flowing resistless tide, T' e s "ittly flowing, the swiftly flowing, And oov,u, ah, soon the end we'll see, Yes, soon 'twill come, and we will be Chc— Floating, floating, Out on the sea of eternity I Floating, floating. Out on the sea of eternity ! 2 Along the River of Time we glide, Along the River, along the River. A thousand dangers its currents hide, A thousand dangers, a thousand dangers, And near our course the rocks we see. Oh, dreadful thought I a wreck to be. — Oho. 8 Along the River of Time we glide, Along the River, along the River, Our Saviour only our bark can guide. Our Saviour only, our Saviour only. But with Him we secure may be, No fear, no doubt, but joy to be.— Cho. d9. HoA« li 3 I wi! H And <{ 3 Yet A Anc I 4 Int F Am t< 90. QOSPEL BTMNSr No. 4. 65 for us. 59. Twne^Q, H., No. 4, page 93. I THINK when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How He called little children as lambs to His fold, I should like to have been with them then. 3 I wish that His ]\ands had been placed on my head, His arms had been thrown around me, And that I might have seen His kind look when He said, ** Let the little ones come unto Me." 3 Yet still to His foot-stool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in His love ; And if I thus earnestly seek Him below, I shall see Him and hear Him above, 4: In that beautiful place He has gone to prepare, For all who are washed and forgiven ; And many dear children are gathering there, " For of such is the kintrdom of Heaven.'^ 90. Tune^ 0. H. , No. 4, page 94. OH, to be over yonder ! In that land of wonder, Where the angel voices mingle, and the an^el harpers ring ; To be free from pain and sorrow, And the anxious dread to-morrow, To rest in light and sunshine In the presence of the King. Cho. — Oh ! to be over yonder, yonder, In that land of wonder, There to be forever In the presence of the King, 2 Oh, to be over yonder ! My yearning heart grows fonder Of looking to the east, to see the blessed day- star bring Some tidings of the waking. The cloudless, pure day-breaking: GG GOSPEL HTMN8, No. 4« r My heart is yearning — yearning For the cominp* of the King. 3 Oh, to be over yonder ! Alas I I sigh and wonder Why clings my poor, weak sinful heart to any earthly thin^^ ; Each tie of earth miist sever, And pass away forever ; But there's no more separation In the presence of the King. 4 Oh, when shall I be dwelling Where angel voices swelling In triumphant hallelujahs, make the vaulted heavens ring ? Where the the pearly gates are gleaming, And the morning Ptaris beaming ? Ob, when shall I be yonder In the presence of the King ? 5 Oh, I shall soon be yonder, ' Tho' lonely here I wander. Yearning for the welcome summci ing for the bird's fleet wing ; The midnight may be dreary. And the heart be worn and weary. But there's no more shadow yonder In the presence of the King. 92. long- Cii ■of ' ■ I 01 . Tutie—O. H.y No. 4, page 95. OOME thou weary, Jesus calls thee To His wounded side : *' Come to Me," saith He, ** and ever Safe abide." M Seeking Jesus ? Jesus seeks thee — Wants thee as thou art ; He is knocking, ever ^nocking At thy heart. 3 If thou let Him, He will save thee — Make thee all Hi:^ own : 1 heart to GOSPEL HYMirS, No. 4. Guide thee, keep thee, take theo dying. To His throne. Wilt thou still refuse His oflfer ? Wilt thou say Him nay ? Wilt thou let Him grieved, rejected. Go away? Dost thou feel thy life is weary ? Is thy soul distressed ? Take ilis offer, wait no longer ; Be at rest ! 67 the vaulted ' > 92. ammg, mcr — low^- ider ee. o Tune—G, IT., No. 4, page 96. UR Lord is now rejected. And by the world disowned, By the many still neglected. And by the few enthroned, But soon He'll come in glory, The hour is drawing iiigh, For the crowning day is coming by and by. Clio. — Oh the crowning day is coming, Is coming by and by, When our Lord shall come in "power," And ** glory " fr'A y , n, from this good hour, ' y o J y vive Thv work afresh. 99. .-. .utr-" . B.f No. 4, page 100. JESUS, haii i 3nthroned in glory, There for ever to abide ; All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seafed at Thy Father's side. 2 There for sinners Thou art pleading, There Thou dost our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 3 Worship, honor, power and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive : Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. 4 Help, ye bright anj^elic spirits I Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to bring our Saviour's merits, — Help to chant Immanuel's praise. 100. Tune—G. H., No, 4, page 101. aOD is love ; His mercy brightens All the path in which we rove ; Bliss Ho wakes, and woe He lightens, God is wisdom, God is love. 2 Time and change are busy ever ; Man decays, and ages move ; "But His mercy wanetn never ; God is wisdom, God is love. 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth Will His changeless goodness prove ; \0\ OOSPEL iTTMm. No. 4. 1 I^rwwbri^htnc83 Btreametli, 'TuTeVura-adUrtumscaU. P8 102. 2 N^Sneedy, come a.d welcome, God^slreeDouuty gl""fy.' .. 74 ■r GOSPEL IIYAfNS, No. 4. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, Y ou will never come at all. 5 Agonizing in the garden, Lo I your Maker i)rostrate lies I On the bloody tree behold Him — Hear Him cry before He dies. 104. 10'^- A Tune—G. H.y No. 4, page 102. SK ye what great thing I know That delights and stirs me so ? What the high reward I win ? Whose the name I glory in ? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. SJ What is faith's foundation strong? What awakes my lips to song ? He who bore my sinful load, Purchased for me peace with God, Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 3 Who defeats my fiercest foes ? Who consoles my saddest woes ? Who revives my fainting heart. Healing all its hidden smart? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 4 Who is life in life to me ? Who the death of death will be ? Who will place me on His right With ths countless hosts of light ? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 5 This Is that great thing I know ; This delights and stirs me so ; Faith in Him who died to save. Him who triumphed o'er the gra 76, Jesus Christ; the Crucified. 104. QOaPSL HYMNS, No. 4. Tune—0. II., No, 4, page 102. 75 WAIT, my bouI, upon the Lord, To Ills gracious promise flee Laying hold upon His word I : " As thy days thy strength shall be." : | 2 If the sorrows of thy case, Seem peculiar still to thee, God has promised needful grace I : " As thy days thy strength shall be. " : | 3 Days of trial, days of grief In succession thou may'st see, This is still thy sweet relief I : " As thy iays thy strength shall be." : | 4 Rock of Ages, I'm secure, With thy promise full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure— I : " As thy days thy strength shall be. " : | 105. Tune^G. II., No. 4, page 103. THE Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want 1 He makes me down to lie In pastures green ; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul He doth restore again ; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness. E'en for His own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet I will fear none ill ; For Thou art with me : and Thy Rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes ; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. re i n OOSPEL HTMNS, No. 4. Goodness and mercy all iuy life Shall surely follow me ; And in God's house for evermore My dwelling place shall be. 1 06. Tune—O. H.y No. 4, page 103. MAJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Sr\iour's brow ; His head with radiant glories crowned, His lips with grace o'erflow. 2 No mortal can with Him compare, Among the sons of men ; Fairer is He than all the fair Who fill the heavenly train. 3 Ho saw me plunged in deep distress, And flew to my relief ; For me He bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 To heaven, the place of His abode, He brings my weary feet ; Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete. 5 Since from Thy bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine. Had I a thousand hearts to kive, Lord I they should all be Thine. 1 07. Turn-- O. H. , No. 4, page 103. AMAZING grace ! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I I once was lost, but now am found, — Was blind, but now I see. 2 Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace my fears relieved ; How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed ! GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. 8 Tlirough many dangers, toils, and snares, 1 have ul ready come ; 'Tis grace hatirbrought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me homo. 4 Yes— when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the vail, A life of joy and peace. 5 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine ; But God, who called me here below. Will be for ever mine. 77 108. Tuno—G. H,, No. 4, page 104. WHEN I .survey the wondrous cross On wliich the Prince of Glory died, My richest «rain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast. Save in the Tune—G. ESCUE th H.f No. If page 20. B perishing; JL 1/ (Jare for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring one, Lift up the fallen. Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save. Cho. — Rescue the perishing, care for the dying ; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. 2 Though they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive ; Flead with them earnestly. Plead with them gently, He will forgive if they only believe. 8 Down in the human heart, Crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore ; Touched by a loving heart. Weakened by kindness. Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. 4 Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it : Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide ; Back to the narrow way Patiently win them ; Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. 62 GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. ! I. ill 116^. Tune—G. H., No, 3, page 44. WOULD you lose your load of sin ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus 1 Would you know God^s peace within ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus I Cho. — Jesus who on the cross did die, Jesus who Uve8 and reigns on high, He alone can justify ! Fix your eyes upon Jesus I 2 Would you calmly walk the wave ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus ! Would you know His power to save ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus I 3 Would you have your cares grow light I Fix your eyes upon Jesus ! Would you songs nave in the night ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus 1 4 Grieving, would you comfort know ? Fix Tour eyes upon Jesus I Humble be when blessings flow ? Fix your eyes upon Jesus ! 5 Would you strength in weakress have ? Fix your eyes upon Jesu? See a light beyond the g^ ave ? Fix your eyes upon Jciius ! 117. Tune—G. H., Ifo. 1, p«. made me free ; " He that believeth on the Son," saith He, "iZa^A everlasting life." Cho. — " Verily, verily, I &ay unto you ;" " Vedly, verily," — message ever new I — "He that believeth on the Son P'—'tis true I ** Hath everlasting lire I " 3 All my iniquities on Him were laid. All my indebtedness by Him was paid ; All who believe on Him, the Lord hath said, *^ Jti'jin « verlasting life." 3 Thou|tii v'C'Or ai: J needy, I can trust my Lord, Thouf :h weak and sinful, I believe His word ; O glad mc ss'Hgt ! t very child of God ^^ HcUh (everlasting life." 4 Though all l y^onhy, yet I will not doubt, For him that ometh He will not cast out ; "H:) Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREST WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716) •72-4S03 90 GOSPEL ETMNS, No. 4» Hioa of life the Fountain art, :7reelyjiet me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up withhi my heart, Rise to all eternity. 129. TwM--Q, if., No, 1, page 69. TAKE the name of Jesus with you. Child of sorrow and of woe ; It will joy and comfort give you^- Take it then where'er you go. Cso. — ^Precious name, oh, how Bweet ! Hope of eartn and joy of Heaven ! Precious name, oh, how sweet ! Hope of earth and joy of Heaven ! 2 Take the name of Jesus ever. As a shield from every snare ; If temptations round you eather. Breathe that holy name In prayer. 8 Oh, 'he precious name of Jesus I How it thrills our souls with joy. When His loving arms receive us. And His songs our tongues employ ! 4 At the name of Jesus bowing, FalliDff prostrate at His feet, Kln&: of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him, When our journey Is complete. ISO. Time—G, JT., No. 2, page 1% DO you see the Hebrew captive kneeling. At morning, noon, and night to pray ? In his chamber he remembers Zion, Though In exile far away. Oho. — ^Are your windows open towards Jerusalem, Though as captives here a '^ little while '^ we stay ? For the coming of the King in His glory. Are yon watching day by day ? OOaPEL HYMNS, No, 4. I I •- . 2 Do not fear to tread the fiery furnace, Nor shrink the lion's den to shai'e ; For the God of Daniel will deliver, He will send His angel there. 3 Children of the living God, take courage ! 1 our great deliverance sweetly sing ; Set your faces towards the hill of Ziou, Thence to hall our coming King ! 91 131. Tum--G, H., No. 2, page 82. THERE'S a land that is fairer than day. And by faith we can see it afar ; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling-place there. Cho. — ^In the sweet by-and-by. We shall meet on that beautiful shorer; In the sweet by-and-by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. 2 We shall sine on that beautiful shore The melomous songs of the blest ; And our spirits shall sorrow no more — Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. 8 To our bountiful Father above We will offer the tribute of praise, For the glorious gifts of His love, And thiQ blessings that hallow our days. 132. KeyG. THERE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, ^nd sinners plunged beneath that fiood Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. n GOSPEL HTMNa, No. 4. 3 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme, AndshaUbetiUIdie. 4 Then in a nobler, sweeter eong 1*11 Bine Thy power to save, When this poor, lisping, stammering tongue. Lies silent in the grave. I i< 101 133. KeyF. WORK, for the night is coming ; Work, through the morning hours ; Work, while the dew is sparkling ; Work, 'mid springing flowers ; Work, when the day grows brighter, Work, in the glowing sun ; . Work, for the night is coming, When man's work is done. t Work, for the night is coming ; Work through the sunny noon ; Fill brightest hours with labor ; Rest, comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to Keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more. 8 Work, for the night is coming ; Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight flies. Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth, to shine no more ; Work, while the night is darkening, When man's work is o'er. 4. lam ime. INDEX. Irlng tongue, •nlng hours ; Ing; •s; ghter, )on; owing, )nlng, No. [<' A little while/' and He shall come 78 AH hail the power of Jesus' name — 119 All-seeing, gracious Lord 81 f Along the River of Time we glide. 88 ' Amazing grace I how sweet the sound 107 Lsk ye what great thing I know 108 B. Beautiful morning 71 (Behold, what love, what boundless 40 Beyond the smiling and the weeping 55 Brother, art thou worn and weary 86 By faith I view my Saviour dying IT C. Child of sin and sorrow. 88 Christ is coming ! let creation 11 Come, sing, my soul, and praise the Lord 10 I Come, Thou Almighty King 94 Come, thou weary, Jesus calls thee 91 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy lOS D. Depth of Mercy ! can there be < . 19 Do you see the Hebrew captive ISO Down life's dark vale we wander 112 O. Glory be to the Father 110 Glory, glory be to Jesus 4 Glory to God on high 98 God is great, and God is good 84 God l8 love ; His mercy brightens 100 H. Heavenly Father, we Thy children 58 Helpless I come to Jesus' blood 2S I! M^ , 1 94 INDEX, 1. I am BO glad that our Father in heaven 118 I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard 123 I am waiting for the morning 52 I heur the words of Jesus 41 I know not the hour when my Iiord. 126 I know that my Redeemer lives 77 In the cross of Christ I glory 97 In Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages 68 I saw a way-worn traveler 44 I think when I read that sweet story. 88 It's a bonnie. bonnie warP 82 I will sing of my Redeemer 32 J. Jesus, and shall it ever be. 109 Jesus hail ! enthroned in f^lory 99 Jesus, I my cross have taken 95 Jesus is coming, sing the glad word 56 Jesus, I will trust Thee , 14 Jesus, lover of my soul 128 Jesus loves me, this I know 122 Jesus, mv Lord, to Thee I ci-y 45 Jesus only, when the morning 101 Jesus wept I those tears are over. 96 Just as I am, without ouo plea 127 L. Light after darkness 3 Lookunto Me and be yesaved. 60 Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious 35 Lord, 1 care not for riches. .....>..... 21 Lord, my trust I repose in Thee 64 M. Majestic 8weeti:3S8 Alts enthroned ;. 10$ *'' Man of sorrows I ^' what a name. 63 Master, the tempest is raging. : 85 More holiness give me^ 13 My faith looks up to Thee l^ My God and 'Fatheri while I stray 50 INDEX, 95 My life flows on in endless song. 4 . . 66 My soul is happy all day long 42 N. " Not my own," but saved by Jesus 15 Not what these hands have done 65 No works of law haye we to boast 61 Or I O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found 6 Ouce again the Gospel message 67 Once moie we come, God's word to hear 46 Oulyalittle while 39 Only waiting till the shadows 80 O, safe to the Rock that is higher 28 O Saviour, precioua Saviour. 23 O soul in the far-away country. 8 Our Lord is now rejected. 02 Our way is often rugged 69 O, what shall I do to be saved ? 86 Oh, I left all with Jesus 18 Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow 27 Oh, think of the home over there 124 Oh I to b6 over yonder 90 Oh, whikt a Saviour— that He died 121 P. Praise ye the Lord ; for it is good 79 Pray, brethren, pray. . 84 H. "Rede^medl" "RedeemedJ" 83 Rescue the perishing. 115 Rise up. and hasten ! my soul. 12 Rock of Ages, cleft for me. , 120 a Sad and weary, lone and dreary. 43 Saviour, visit Thy plantation 08 Say« is your lamp bumiHg, tny brother *81 Should the death-angel knock at thy 26 Simply trusting every day^ ■*:* ^ 114 Soon shall we see the glorious^ 48 Soul of mine, in earthly temple 24 1,^ V III 1 j 1$ % II ! 'i ■ m INDEX. Sound the alarm ! let the watchman 70 Sowing in the morningi sowing seeds 47 T. Take the name of Jesus with you 129 Tell it out among the nations 2 The blood has always precious been 20 The gospel of Thy grace 1 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want 105 The love that Jesus haf^ for me 80 There are lonely hearts to cherish 87 There's a land that is fairer than 181 There is a fountain filled with blood 182 There is love, true love, and the heart 62 The sands of time are sinking, 76 The word of God is given 74 They're gathering homeward 88 This is the day of toil 87 'Tis known on earth, and heaven too 78 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer 7 'Tis the promise of God, full salvation Ill To Him who for our sins was slain 75 Traveling to the better land 59 Trusting in the Lord thy God 29 Trust on I trust on, believer 25 'Twill not be long, our journey here 72 -w. Wait, my soul, upon the Lord 104 We are children of a King. 57 We praise Thee and bless Thee 49 We praise Thee, O God, for the Son 117 What a Friend we have in Jesus 118 What can wash away my stain ? 5 When I survey the wondrous cross ,, 108 When the King in His beauty shall 54 When the Lord from heaven appears 9 Who is on the Lord's side ? 58 Why do you wait, dear brother ? 51 With His dear and loving care. . . «. 16 Work, for the night is coming 138 Would you lose your load of sin? 116 gs? GOSPEL HYNiMS AND SACRED SONGS. FIRST SERIES. MUSIC AND WORDS, Tinted Covers WORUS ONLY. Tin'ttd Covers Cloth, 30 Ctnts. 35 " GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 2. MUSIC AND WORDS, Tinted Covers 30 CVuts. Boards .. .. 35 WORDS ONLY, Tinted Covers .. 5 Cluth ., .. 7 GOSPEIi HYMNS, No. 3. MUSIC AND WORDS, Tinted Covers Boards .. WORDS ONLY, Tinted Covers Cloth 30 Cents. 35 '• 5 " GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 4. MUSIC AND WORDS, Tinted Covers Boards .. WORDS ONLY, Tinted Covers Cloth .. .. 7 30 Cents 35 •' 5 " GOSPEL HYMNS, Nos.1 & 2 in One Book. MUSIC AND WORDS, Stitf Boards WORDS ONLY, Stiff 65 Cents. 12i " . GOSPEL HYMNS, Nos. 1. 2 d: 3, f 1} f COMPLETE IN ONE BOOK. MUSIC AND WORDS, Cloth, . . . . ^1 00 WORDS ONLY, Cloth, .. .. 20 mM P, CLARK & Co. (^^ront Street West, Toronto. ipr"' VIS "I IGS. 30 Cints. 35 *' 5 " w <( I 2. 30 Cints. 35 " 3. 30 Cents. 35 " Q. 4. 30 Cents 35 " 5 " One Book. 65 Cents. 12i " : d: 3, $1 00 20 : Oo. ^eM, Toronto. tetftik!J4»Wii!««»4*i--**?5''