^.OJ •^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /, O {./ ,<>« i* /W.t . -^ PROSPECTUS i)i' Till': American -Y^ikon Co^P^f^Yt SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. I'he most conservative estimate that at least 50,000 passengers will seek transportation to the ^-okl-fields of Alaska, while iic-ws conlinniiiL,^ a greater extent ami richness of that new l^ldoratlo indicates that loo.ooo may \)v. nearer the limit. Not only all the supplies, food, machinery, etc.. must be transported, but the return of the people must surely be contemplated. Fully 20,000 antici|)ate i^o\n^ the first trip possil)le in the .SpriiiL;. A line of river steamers on the Yukon ready for the first run will rival in money-makini;^ capacity any claim on the now famous Klondike. Mr. L. H. Griffith, the promoter and manaj^er of the A.-^^ Co., anticipating^ the great rush from the first news, has alread) prepared plans, specifications and detail necessary to carry into execution at once the establishment of a line of five magnificent river steamers having a cai)acity of 400 passt-ngc^rs and 200 tons of freight each. Hids in hanel anil arrangeme-nts made for immediate con- struction. 185825 f THE CLOSED SEASON. I'Ik; ic(; Hoc fror.i the norih forms an impenetrable pack driven south by pre- vailin.L,r winds and closin.u; in for months the terminals at the mouth of the Yukon River usually from I)ecem])cr to May, makin.i,^ it imperative that the hull, be Shipped within sixty days, accompanied by skilled ship-carpenters, who will complete erection, painlin.L,^ etc.. duniv^ the winter months, makino- the A.-Y. Co's boats ava-lable at th(. mouth off the Yuicon for tin; earliest trips, while it will l>e impossible for boats construcUul later to be put on the river for th(! early Spring travel. In addition to the steamers, arrangements have gone ahead for fuel, supplies antl t(;rmmal stations: also, ocean steamers for connections, of which there will be several available for the May trij) next >ear. I'stimatin.i,^ the proffitable use of a lart,re sum, the capital of the Company has been Wxc.d at $500,000, divided into 5000 shares of $100 each, and now offered for public subscription at $10;,, payable \o% with application, 25^ on allot- ment antl die balance as re(piired on call. ESTIMATED EARNINGS. The price which will prevail for the fu-st trip from Seatde to Dawson City will be $300 per passenger, and $100 ffor one-halff ton off supplies, freioht to limit at 10 cents per pound. Calculatino- a full trip of 400 passengers, $160,(^0 will be earned for the first trip for each steamer. Many passengers" will be ready to return, but this business will not be taken into account at present. THE COST. I he contract price of each steamer, according to plans, completed and ffurnished in magnificent style, with electric lights, search-lights, etc., having a rated speed of 16 miles an hour, is ,^75,000. It is estimated that the earnings of the first trip will repay to th(' shareholders a dividend of 100%. This will be die nucleus of the upbuilding of a great transportation line as others have grown, and the prob- able increase in value of a single share to many hundreds. We have many illustra- tions of what can be accomplished in this line. PERSONAL. TIk u time being so short, we have assumed the direction and manage- ment of die enterprise ffor the priJSeni and pledge to the subscribers our best efforts, a careffuiri consideration of all risks concurrent with the prospects of I' s> ■• til'- -n.h'rtakino-. an.l a full am.untin,. t.. all intcrcstrd. an.! earnestly request you to j(,in in assistino- us in niakin-- it one of Seattle's l.est enterprises. APPLY FOR SHARES NOW. If you can't take ten shares, take; one; hut don't delay, and if you can carry one hundred do so Only 5000 to be placed and must be taken before September 1. ADVANCE SALE OF TRANSPORTATION. Tickets for transportation will be placed on sale as soon as boats are contracted for, and it is calculated that the wise will secure accommodations far in advance for the first trips, makin.i,r immediately available laroc ,-eso ources. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT. To those; who contemplate going in the Sprin.tr, ^^ will aun^- i„ fm-nish transportation for one person with one-half ton of supi^lies in exchange for three full-paid shares in this Company. AGENCIES. Aircncies will be established in all lartre cities, and th(,' passenger business placed in charL^e of a competent general passenger agent who has ha.l prac- tical experience with one of the lari,re steamship compani(.'s of the coast. PREMIUM. It is hardly n(;cessary to state that a probability exists that shares will be salable at a laro:e advance as soon as our boats are shipped from port ami success assured. Avail yourself of this liberal opportunity at once, and let us all j<.in in making,' it a Seattle enterprise. Subscription blanks can be had on application at the Company's office. \'ery respectfully yours, L. II. (ikii'irni. Promoter and Manager. Office, Rooms 6 ami ; Smith Block, Corner .Second Avenue and James Street.