4 A •v y HIS'IORV OK THE SECOND BATTALION — THE — "QUEENS OWN RIFLES." OF TOIiOnSTTO. 'N tlic voar i.'^56 scxeral N'oluntecr Rifle Companies were raised in [[ Toronto, who, while regularly drilled, were separate, distinct and ^iCi) independent organi/.ations, under the ( ontrol only of the Inspect- ing Tield OCtieer of lie Province, until the beginning of i860, when the late Col. Geo. 'i . Denison, a militia officer of long standing, and urcat zeal, then in command of the mounted force at 'Toronto, proposed to the Covernmcnt the formation of a Battalion from the several city Conii)anies. 'To this they at once assented and asked him to luidertake tht; task. A meeting of the officers was imme- diately called, including tl.ose of the Barrie and Brampton Companies, as there were at the time only four efficient comi>anies in the city, and si.\ Were necessary for a l>attalion ; and on submitting the project, the feeling was found to be so unanimous in its f;ivor, that on the 26th April, 1 .860, the following companies were gazetted as the 2nd Battalion Volunteer Mihtii Rifles of f nada ; Col. Denison being at the same time appointed Commandant of the District ; Ritle ("o. Barrie, (Now No. 1, 35th Batt.)as No. 1 : gazetted as a Co. 271*1 De< ., 1S55. 1st Rifle Co., 'Toronto, as No. 2 ; gazetted as a Co. 20th March, i- for a few months previous to being appointed .\djutant. Major Lee. (Paymaster) joined this company as a private in 1856, and served four years with it as such. Of late years it has, under Capt. D. H. Allan, become the crack shooting company of the Battalion, having won the Company prize for '^wc years in succession, the secret of its success being in the admirable system f)f "coaching" adopted as a team. H. COMPANY. Was (iazetted also on the 20th March, 1856, as the "3rd Volunteer Rifle Company of Toronto," having been raised by Capt. .>Iickinson, it joined the Battalion in April, i860, as No. 3 Company, under Capt. J as. Smith, and on the reorganization was posted as No. 2 Company. At Limeridge it was in the first skirmish line and lost three men killed, viz: Sergt. Hugh Matheson, (Jorp. 'I'hos. T^akey and Private W. Smith. In the early part of 1872, the Company isecame disorganized, and was not at thcNiagara Camp of that year, towards the latter part of the year, however, it was reorganized by I.ieut. Holwell, io he ilisorganizcd in May, 1877, and reorganized for the second tin.c by ("apt. Strange, assisted by the late Col. Sergt. Jas. Danford. Major K K. Dixon, of" Dixon's Manu.-xl, " commanded the Company, also the late ('apt. Fanpihar Morison, and of those now serving in the Regiment, Major and brevet Lieut. Col.Jarvis, Major Ciiadwick. and Ca\n. and Adjt. liiichan have served as officers with it. C. COMPANY. Was, on 13th Nov., 1H56, gazetted as the " Foot .Artillery Company of Toronto," (to be attached to the Toronto Field Hatter)-,) under Captain (now Brigade Major) Rob't B. Denison, and as such was known until the formation of the 2nd Battalion, when it was then under Capt. Hy. Coodwin, posted as No. 5 Company. On the reorganization in 1862, it was made No. 3 Company under Capt. I'oter Tatterson, who succeeded Capt. (ioodwin on his being api)ointed Adjutant, At I.imeridge it was con", nanded by Captain las. B. Houstead, and while forming the front face of the Square, one of its best men, Pte. Mark Defries, was shot dead. Captains Jas. .Bennett. Thos. I). Delamere and James Pearson have at different times commanded this Company, it now beini; under Capt. Jos. M. Delariiere. D. COMl'ANY. 1 /wring the summer of i86i,a company was raised from -Mnong the merchants of Toronto and their clerks, which was gazetted on 30th August of that year, as " The Merchants Volunteer Rifle Company," under Capt. Jno. Boyd. Lieut. AVm. Murray and Kns. \,m. R. Harris, The company attained such a strength that in the following year it was divided, and a second company formed known as the and Mer- chants and now E. Company. In November, 1862, the Company joined the Hattalion, under Capt. W. R, Harris, as No. 4 Com[)any, and has ever since been one of the most prominent and efficient in the Regiment. On two occasions, it has, under ("apt. and Hrevet Major Albert .\. Miller, made up an additional comijany from its ranks, to supply the places of companies for the time disorganized. Major and brevet Lieut. Col. Arthurs, who was the first to sign its roll in 186 1, served as a private and an officer of the Company for many years. Captains Robert Reford and John Douglas were also captains of the Company, the latter commanding it at T,imeridge. E. COMPANY, Is a branch of I), Company, being formed from it and gazetted 14th March, 1862, under Capt. Wm. Murray, Lieut. John Kerr, and E^nsign Aithur Coulson, being, at the same time, posted to the Battalion as No. 8 Company, and on the reorganization in November, 1862, it was made No. 5 Company. Under Captain Murray it became the most popular, efficient and best shooting company in the city, its author- ized strength being 85 noncommissioned officers and men, but really 100. At one inspection the parade state shewed 96 actually present, while at battalion drills it was often divided into two companies. Under (Japt. Edwards, at I-mieridge, being armed with Spencer Repeating Rifles, it formed the Advance Gu?,rd, and was the first com- pany engaged. Knsign M. McEachren, ctne of its Subalterns was killed immediately the firing began. Capt. Foster, its present commander, joined almost on the formation and has served through all grades in the company. The late Capt. Geo. T. Whitney and Capt. John Erskine have also commanded it. One peculiarity of the company has been its " clannishness,", all ranks pulling well together, and endeavc uring to keep up its reputation . F. COMPANY. The first comi)any posted to the Battalion as No. 6 Company, was the Highland Rifle Company of Whitby, (now No. i Co., 34th Batt.) IC m A}jril. i860 ; !hi> cona]iaiiy. however. ne\er api>j>c who first joined were Opt G. Mercer .\dam. Major Fred- E. Dixon ol" • Dixon s Manual," Major F. C. Draper, (now Chief of Police) and LieuL Col. Oner, and though the company «as at lirst so flourishing as to give strong hof>es of fonn- ing a second company : it everituaily l^>ecame defunct in 1864. and it was not until Jan. 1 S66. that another was lomoed under Capt. G. M. Adam, dubbed, from the youthful appearance of its members, the ** Babies," wha however, did good service at I-imeridge where they were in the thickest in the tight. In June. 1869, the company again became disoTganizevi. and remained so until .April. 1872, when Capt. Norman Beihunc formed anc»iher tomjiany. the men of which were transferred, in July. 1875, to G. Coir^pany. and the present company was then recruited from the 1 oronto lacrosse Club, by CapL R. B. Hamilttm, in the letter jian of 1875. At the R^meniai Dr^l competition in .April. 1878, the prize, a silver <.up. was awarded to this Company. G. COMPANY A company was organized in 1S61 by CapL laiham, and posted on 21st Feby 1S62 to the Battalion as No. 7 Comprjny. but on the 21st Nov.. 1862. it was transferred to the loth Royals of Torcmto as No. 8 Company, and for it the "Civil Service Rifle Company of Toronto was substituted — this company had been gazetted on i4ih March. 1S62. Capt Hon. RobL Sj)cnce, Collector of Customs, LieuL Jas. G. Hod- gins. DepL SupL of E^iucation. Erisign John Dewe, P. O. Inspector, }>eing the officers, and was composed of civil service employees. No. 7. was in the line of supports at Limeridge. and lost one man. killed, vit. Private .Alderson. LieuL Coi. Chas. T. (iilinKff. late commanding the Re^ment. was 1 1 a pn\aie in the company in 1S62, and subsequently vommanded it, as did also. Captains W. D. Jan-i?. J. T. R. Stinson. and ^\'. Coo}>er Campbell. From 187410 18-7 the :ompan\ was weak and shaky and at ti»o Ins|>eciions had to be made up from the surplus of .mother company. Capt. Bowes and Lieut. \V. E. Hodgins raised the ptresent company in Augiist. 1877. fro™ among the law students of the city. H. COMP.ANV. As previously nentioned, the ;!nd Merchants Comftany. when ^axetted. was first posted as Xo. S Comf^any, and when on the reorgan- ization of the 2nd Batulion. it became No. 5. the • Triniu- College " Company, raised by Major Robt. B. Denison. in June, iS5i, and posted as No. 9 Company, became No. 8, CapL Thos. H. I nee succeeding Major Denison in command At Limendgc, No. S was the left flanking company under Capt. L. P. Sherwood, and at that lime Major Salter M. Janis was a sergeant in the com] any ; he afterwards commanded n, and was suceeded by Capfs. Bruce Harman and (ieorge A. McKenzie. The students of 1 rinit>- College never being sufficiently numerous tc fonn a strong comjiany. were alwa.,s obliged, to some extent, to recruit from those who were neither graduates or undergraduates of the ioilege. In }'roces> of time the numbers of the outsiders increased while those of the Trinity men diminished, till shortly after Capt. Nash assumed command, m 1876, the latter ceasing to have a prej>onderating influence, withdrew altogether from the ccmipany. This Company has always been .i \ er\- steady one, and now takes the left of the R^ment on parade. I COM PAN' V. The *• Universit)- and College"" Rifle Company, formed from students ot the UuiversitA- of Toronto, was gazetted on the Sth May, 1S62, under Captain Henn Croft. Lieut J. B. Cherriman and Ensign .\dam 12 Crooks, and was posted to the 2nd Battalion in NovombtT, 1862, as No. 9 Company, in niace of the Trinity College Company which then became No. 8 Company. In 1S64 it was awarded the prize of $100 for being the best drilled company in this District, the Militia Department having offered a similar prize in each District. At Limeridgc, under Ensign Ceo. T. Whitney, then of No. 8 Co'y, (deceased) it bore a distinguished part, for, though at first in the reserve, it was afterwards sent to the right of the skirmish line, and while there and during the retreat, lost three killed. Privates Tempest, Mewburn and McKenzie, and four wounded. Privates Vandersmissen, Kingsford, Patterson and Paul. Captain Cherriman succeeded Captain Croft in 1867, and in March, 1872, a second company was formed by the .students of the University and posted as No. 10 or K. Company, under Capt. W. H. Ellis, but it was found that two companies could not be efficiently maintained by University men proper, though it was not until 1877 that that conclusion was definitely arrived at, and the original idea of one company revived . Capt. \V. H. \'andersmissen was then in command, and the men of both companich were put into one company and posted as K. Company , the present I Company composed of students from the Toronto School of Medicine, under (.'apt. Fred. H. Wright, taking the vacant plar c. K. COMPANY. The '• Highland " Company was raised by Capt. Alex. M. Smith in September, 1856, and became No. 4 Comp.iny when the Battalion was formed, but being clothed in the kilt it was always placed on the left of the line on parade, and for the same reason it was posted as No. 10 Company on the reorganization. Capt. Smith took a Majority in i86o. handing the company over to Capt. A. T. Fulton, who being a splendid drill, and aided by the natural steadiness of the Highlanders, soon obtained a reputation for his company, which they ever afterwards maintained. »3 In 1866, Capt. Jno. Gardner was in rommand, and at Limeridge led the company, which with No. 9 Co'y was in the reserve at first, and afterwards shared the honours of that company on the right of the skirmish line. Shortly after the engagement, Capt. R. H. Ramsay took command and continued so until the ist October, 1868, when, because the Government i. fused to grant an allowance in lieu, of the ordinary uniform, with which to keep up the kilt, the company declined re-enroll- ing under the Militia Act of 1878, and therefore became defunct. From 1868 until 1872 there was no No. 10 Company, but, as already stated in the services of I. Company, the students of the University of Toronto, furnished a second comi)any, which in 1877 was finally posted to that number or letter. Caj^t. Baker in the following year succeeding to the command. "(f^nun'a #UJ« §?.flw." INDEX TO PORTRAITS. (1 u 1 1 (( Lieutenant-Colonel Otter, Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Arthurs, «' " " Jarvis, Surgeon Thornburn, Captain and Honorary Major Lee, '< " " Chad wick, Captain IJuchan, Assistant Surgeon Bethune, Captain and Brevet Major Miller Captain Foster, Allan, Hamilton, Vandersniissen, Nash, Wright, Bowes, Strange, " Delamere, " Pearson, Lieutenant Brown, " Langton, " Hodgins, . " Close, " Kerstenian, " Bigg.ir, " Ponton, " Jennings, " Manlev, " Wilkinson, Kirtland, Barwick, Eliot, 1 2 3 4 6 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 . IF t^ 1 DO TSSSBaeasxia tm 25 ^5|r #1^ "* ^ L '^^'^m'-'rjJ^P'" lloH ^%^m IHi ^^^PMh^^^k! I^^^Hk^ HHI^'" 1 ^^^H^^H BB^^ / T/m * . r. ^^»M . '^H sa , 29 IBSPiTW TI"'-