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George Peabody, Life of Francis Wayland, Memoir — 2 vols. Jacob Knapp. Autobiography. Melancthon, Life of (Cox). Harris Harding, ^jife and Times Samuel Pearce, . jmoir Luther, His Mental and Spiritual History. Diary of Brother Bartholomew. The Days of Knox. The Christian Leaders of the Last Century. Bayne's Christian Life. Martyrs of Spain. Great Missionaries. 4 Diary of Amos Lawrence. Daniel Wilson, Life of Calvin, Life and Times (Henry) — 2 vols. Calvin's Letters — 2 vols. Carey, Marshman and Ward — 2 vols. Robert and James Haldane, Memoirs. Thomas Chalmers, Memoir— 4 vols. Chalmers' Correspondence. Joseph Sturge, Memoirs. Sir Henry Havelock, Memoirs. Frances RoUestone's Letters. William Jay, Autobiography — 2 vols. 5 Bishop Latimer's Sermons. Liturgical Services in the Time of Queen Elizabeth. Baxter's Reformed Pastor. Bailey on the Parables. Muller on the Christian Doctrine of Sin— 2 vols. Whately's Essays on Romanism. . " " Peculiarities of the Christian Religion. 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Bingham's Christian Antiquities — vols. 7. Jones's Eccles. History — vols. 6. Mosheim's E'^cles. History — vols. 6. Neal's History of the Puritans — vols. 5. 6 Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, (Drown). Benedict's History of the Baptists. Milner's History of the Church— vols. 5. Benedict's Plistory of the Baptists, 1 813— vols. J. Life of John Owen. Robinson's History of Baptism. Priestley's Letters to Blackstone. American Bible Union. Missionary Herald — vols. 9. L. ' Flint Flint's Physiology of Man. _ , ^ Gesner's N. S. Mineralogy and C^eoio^y. Trotter's Geology. Magnetical Results 1841-71. Jevons's Principles of Science. Bartlett's Analytical Mechanics. Gregory's Mechanics— 3 vols. Tyndali's Heat and Motion. _,.^ff^- Il 16 8HELF. Ganot's Pliysics. Cooke's New Chemistry. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. Birth of Chemistry (llodvvell). Gladstone's Life of Faraday. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry, Dawson's Acadian Geologv. Donovan's Domestic Jlconoiny — 2 vols. 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Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1805-1816. " « " 1817-1826. Statutes of New Brunswick, 1786-1836. Fuer.-tius's Concordance. Stephanus's Concordance. Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon (1829 Leipsic). Welsh Bible, 1770. Croker's Dictionary — 3 vols. Fenning's Geography — 2 vols. Bishop of Chester's Exposition of the Creed, 1676. Keaohe's Scriptural Metaphors, etc., (old copy). Histoiy of the O. T. Church, (Millar) 1730. Fuller's Letters to a Friend. Essays on Regeneration, from Christian Spectator, Marshman's Defence of the Atonement. Mitigation of Slavery, (Steele and Dixon). Haldane's Inspiration. Dissertations on the Prophecies. Christian Morals, (H. More). Essays on Characters of the Hindoos, Fox's History of James IL Balaam. Memoirs of the American Academy, Various Magazines — 36 vols. T. I&2 Transaction of the Society for Encouraging Arts etc. (British) — '>2 vols. Lacroix's Algebra. Woods's " Saunderson's " Corbett's Grammar. Eutropius's Roman History. Vertot's Roman Revolutions — 2 vols. 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