IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ''O w. Vx 1.0 I.I ■^ IIIM - IIIM IIIM IIIM 1.8 1.25 1' 1.4 II : — 1.6 4 6" ► e %. 0>^ 'W / elure. 3 ax 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 • a •SyN Halifax « Slub Established January, 1862. Rules and Regulations AND LISI" OP" TvlECIVIBKRS. HALIFAX: NOVA SCOTIA PRINTING CO. 1894. 4s 03 - ■+u.n,zo V M A l_ I F" A X CLUB. Con^mittee, 1804. 18G2 1864 1871 1871 1873 18 I .) 1877. 1888. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1891 . 1894 1894. 1894.. K()I5IE rMACKi-;, PretiideiU. L. J. MouTo.v. .1. F. K EX NY II. II. FuiM.; |{. WlIJJA.M TWININU. MiCIIAEI. I)\VVEI{. flolIN DUFFUS. -I. F. 1 )LA('K, M. 1). ,11. AV. JoHX«TON. Adam liuiiNs. Wm. Toijin, M. 1). Joseph Stahh. A. F. JuNEW. (Jeoffkey Mohrow. A. P. Silver. J. M. Smitu, IJon. I fj. T. AVyi i)E, Secretu] reas. 'i/' RULES OF THE HALIFAX CLUB. NAME. I. — This Association shall bo known as the Halifax Clijj3. \j iSUMBER OF MEMBERS. II.— The Halifax Club shall consist of not more than two hundred niend)ers, i/ exclusive of honorary, supernunierar}' and j)iivil(>n-(.(l nienibers. POLITUS, RELKnON. Ill- — Politics and reliorious (piestions of ii\<^vy description shall be excluded from the objects of the Club. CANDIDATES. IV. — Each Candidate for admission shall be proposed by one member and seconded by anothei'. The Canf tl (h ill lose oi tne proposer and secondei", sua be put up in ?i conspciuous place in tlie Reading Room at least seven (hiys hofoi'e the day of ballot. J)uring the hours of ballot, a notice to the effect that the ballot is going on shall be affixed to tlu; list, with a particular request that nienibei's will attend. The ballot boxes shall be exam- ined and secured previous to use, by the Secretary and one member of the Com- mittee ; and after the hallot is over the boxes shall not be removed until they have [)f)k for ''0[)()ser II JO of with shall 1 the of'oro fs of allot ivith will am- the >i li- the ive been opened and examined hy tlie Secretary in the presence of at least two members oF the Committee. Tlie result of thc^ bal- lot as ro^ofards each Candidate shall be immediately entered o])posite tlieir names respectively on the list, and si^nied by the Scrutineers. Each Candidate must havx* at least thirty votes to constitute his election, and one black ball in tlve shall exclude. In th(^ event of any Candidate not having the i-e(iuii-ed nund^er of votes his name will be placed at the top of the list for next Itallot Any Candidate who shall have been twice black V>alle(b will not be; eli'dble to be ai^ain proposetl. Whenever the Committee of manairc- ment may consider it expedient, t\wy shall have power to elect both full and privileged members, provided that such election shall be by ballot, at which at least ten mem- bers must vote ; one in five to exclude, A list containing the name of each can- didate together with that of his proposer and seconder, shall l)e placed in the morn- iiip' room for at least seven days bef tore 8 the election ; this list sluill (*ont>iiii a notice that the ballot will he hy the Connnittee, ^ Should the ballot result adversely to the candidate, the proposer ;ind seconder shall have liberty to hrin^,' the name before the members of the Club for a new ballot. Any candidate who shall have been twice black balled, will not be eligible to be afi^ain proposed until two years shall have elapsed from date of last ballot. NEW >n:>IBKRS. VI. — On the admission of each new member the Secretary shall notify the same to him, and fui'nish him with a printed coj)y of the Rules. He shall also request him to remit the amount of his entrance fee and subscrijition to the Treasurer, or to the Secretary at the Club House. i rl FMRANCE AND SLKSCUIPnON. VII. — T\w entrance money, ])ayabje on admission to the Club, shall be Ei^-lity Dollars, and the annual snbscri[)tion Thirty n ji notice ^»»Hiiitteo, ''y to the 'ItT sluili '^'on? the Hot. ve been ^'il'Ie to I'S ;sl];il| )t. » new e same )i-inte(l ^'quest trance - or to 10 on ^•lity )ii'ty Dollars. Hut nHMnV)ors elected after the month of .Fjinuary, in any year, are otily re((uire(l to pay ])r() rata for the remainder of the year in which they may be elected. All substriptions shall be payable on the first day of January in each yea!-; after which day no notice of withdrawal shall exempt the retirint^^ member fi-om the pay- ment of the current year's subscription. NEW 3ie:w[iji]rs to pay before voting. VIII. — .No new mem her shall be admitted to ballot for a (l-mdidate or vote on any occasion whatever, or to enjoy any of the pi ivileo;es of the Club, until he shall have j)aid his admission fee and subscription. FAILURE TO PAY ON ENTRANCE. IX. — Should a new mend)er not p.iy his admission fee and tirst yeaj-'s subsci'iption within tln-ee n\onths from his admissi.>n into the Club, if in America, or within twelve months, if al)road, the Secret. ry shall report the circumstances to the Com- mittee, who shall cause his najne to lie 10 erasH'd from tlio list of ineiiilu'-s, unless lie can justify the d-hiy to the satisfaction of the Conniiittee. WHEN 3iemijt:us xoi' allowed to vote. X. — From and aft<'r tlio first day of Feltruaiy in each year, no memhei- of the Club shall he allowed to vote at a ballot, or to act as a niendter of the Committee, until he shall have paid his subscription fni- the current yeai*. FAILURE IX rA\3IEM OE SLIJSCKIPTIOX. XI. — The name of every member vvlio shall not have paid his subscription within one month aftei' the; same became due sliall then b(^ put U]) in the public room, notice of which sha!! be sent to him oi- liis ao-ent, by the Secretaiy, ami if the subscrij)tion be not paid on or bcfoiv the last day of the third month, after the same fell due, the defaulter shall cease to be a member of the Club, and his name shall be erased from the books by the Committee: but he mav lie re-admitted on assio-ninn- to the Com- ml sa I 11 ' 'unless he 'itisfaction niittco reasons which tlioy inay docin satist'actoiy for liis t'ailnr(.' of payiiient. TO VOTE. t (lay of L''" of the 'I 'ballot, "inifttee, ^cription n»no\. '<^'J' wJio \vifhin 10 slial] Dot ice M^'-eiit, 'iption f>f the e, the t)f the from inay Ooui- SUPERMMEUARY MEMBERS. XII. — An}' meniher leavino- the Province may, on written a])])lication to tlie Com- mittee and on ]) of an aiunial subscription of five dollars, ])nt not otlier- ^vise, beconie a Snpernumeraiy Member, and duiini^^ his absencf l)e exempt from tlie annual subscri[)ti<)n. He shall be liable, however, to the payment of his .mnual su))Scri,.tion for the vear in which he depaits from the Pi'ovince, and for that in which he leturns to it less the fi\e dol- lars so [)aid as aiiove, pi'ovided he shall roviain within tlie Province for »n'>re than one n)onth from the date of his return, and if he shall remain that space of time only, he shall be entitled to the privileges of tiie (;ilub for that j)eriod. No member's name shall l)e I'etained ov placed on the Su])erinimerary List until ]iayment of the current year's subscri|)tion of five f tho Club •e of fifteen be elected 'iIJ go out cies to l)e ; bur, the re-elected, ' vacancy ' I'osi^nia- '^^' ; sucli tlie next are three current he Cluh, I up l.y 'f nieni- >iH such d at the J he ex ^. The hefoi'e iice, to f Four MAY MAKE RULES, ETC. XIV.— Tlie Connnittee shall, at its first nieetinir after eacli annual election, or as soon thereafter ms they may consider con- venient, appoint from its own body as many Suh-Connnittees as may be required to su])erintend the several dei)artments of the Club: and shall make from time to tnne such Kei^ulations (consistent with these General Rules') as they shall think necessary for the well-being of the Club. TO MEET WEEKLY XL — The Committee (tlu'ce of whom shall form a quorum) shall meet weekly, on a stated (hiy, to transact current busi- ness, and to audit the accounts. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS. XVI. — Any infraction of the Rules and Regulations of the Club shall be taken innnediate cognizance of Vy the Committee ; and in case the conduct of any mendjer shall, in the opinion of the Committee, or i I III! i I 14 of any tliirty moinlx'ri of tlui Clul), wlio sliall certify the same to them in writing', b'^ injurious to the cliaractei* and interests of the CUih, th.e Connnittee sliall Ix.' (mu- powered to i" conniK'iid such member to resifi^n : and if the member so recommended refuse to ]esin;-n, then the Connnittee shall be authorized to suspend him from the privile^'es of the Club, until his conduct shall have been investi^^fited and decidt.'d Ufjon by a Special Genei'al Meeting to be convened for that purpose upon a recpiisi- tion of thirty meml)ers, as pi-ovided by rule XX; and whenever anv circumstance shall occur likely to endanuer the welfare and good oi'der of the Club, or whenever the Connnittee shall think it expedient to submit the conduct of any mend)er to the judgment of a General Meting, the Com- mittee shall sunnnon a. Special Genei'al Meeting, giving fourteen days notice there- of ; and in the event of it being voted at tliat meeting, consisting of at least fifty members, by two-thirds of the persons present — to be decided by ballot, — that the n; h\ S( y taid shall be at lil)erty to withdraw from the Club, on Ids written application to that effect, sent in to the Comndttee. The Com- mittee are authorized in their discretion to I'e-admit to tlie Club on such pecuniary terms as they may consider right, such full members as may have resigned their mem- bership from any cause and wish to rejoin the institution. RETIRIN(i TO FORFEIT ALL RIGHTS. XVIII. — Any member who shall with- draw, resign, or be expelled, or shall cease to be a member of the Club, shall forfeit ij^so facto, all riglit or claim thereon, or in, or to its property or funds ; and any mem- ID ber vvlio shall W, expelled shall forex'er thereafter be ineli^rihle to be re-achiiitted a iiiember of the Clul). GKNEKAL MEETlNfiS. XTX.— There shall be two General Meet- ing's (jf the CAuh renriilarlv every year, one on the second Thursday of February, for the purpose of electing tlie Comuiittee' for the succeeding year, and receiving from tlie Committee a report and abstract of the accounts and general concerns of the Club for the past year, together with an estimate of the receipts and disbursements of the current year; which report and estimate shall be printed for the use of the members, and one copy put in each of the public rooms of the Club at least seven days before the hrst General Meeting. At this meeting members shall be at liberty to bring forward any subject having reference to the management and concerns of the Club. The other regular General Meeting shall be held on the fourteenth day after 17 iliall forever re-admittcd S. eneral Meot- •y year, one cbruary, for ininittee for in^ from tlie ;ract of t!ie 3f the Cluh an estimate ents of the k1 estimate le members, the public ^even days ?. At this liherty to ^ reference ■rns of the ril Meetinor day after tlie former, for tlie purjx)se of deciding on ucli propositions as may liave been sub- imitted at the first meetinor. Tlie chair shall I be taken at all arniual and special General Meet in^rs at 3 o'clock P.>f., precisely. The accounts of the Club shall be audited by an auditor not a member of the Connnittee. EXTRAORDINARY MEETINGS. XX. — The Committee shall have power at all t mes to convene an extraordinary meetinn^ of the Club, on giving fourteen da^'S notice, to be posted during that period in the public rooms of the Club, specifying the object of such meeting, in the form of a resolution, to be signed by not less than six members of the Committee ; and at such extraordinary meetings no subject shall be discussed beyond that specified in the notice. The Committee shall also call an extraordinary meeting at any time, on a like notice, and under similar restrictions, on the written requisition of thirty mem- bers not being of the Committee, who must state distinctly their object. 18 NEW RULES, - HOW MAI>E, &c. XXI. — If any now rulc^ or alteration of an old one be duly })r()i)os(3(l at the Hrst regular Annual Meeting", and approved of and confirmed at tlie second regular Annual Meeting that day fortniglit, by two-tliirds of the niend)ers then present, vvliatever the numbers may be, the >ame shall be con- sidered as adoj^ted b^^ the Clul» ; but with this exception, no uvav Rule or alteration of an old Ruk; shall ever be made without the sanction of an absolute majority of two- thirds of the members present at a special General Meeting, an0T TO TAKK AWAV PAPKRS, &v. XXVIL— No member shall take or per- mit to be taken from the Club, on any pretence whatever, or shall injure or destroy any newspaper, pamphlet, or other article, the pi-operty of the Club. ( <)>r PLAINTS. XXVIII. — All complaints respectin^r Breakfasts, Dinners. *Src, stated on the ; back of the bill, and sii^ned by the member ^so complainincr, must be specially noticed Ihy the Connnittee at their next n.eetin^r ; ••"id all complaints respectin^r the servants or domestic arranrr(M,)ents of the Club must bestatee elected as PrivilemMl Members, without payment of entrance fee, but subject, to the suUscripticms hereinafter specified : 1. Officers in Her Majesty's Army, and persons holdin*^' Civil anscription as in Rule VI r., otherwise as in section one. 3. Members of the Provincial Govern- ment, whose ordinary residence, otherwise than official, is outside the County of Halifax — subscription as in Rule Yil. 23 tny uccount t«) •use. KHS. 'SOUS may be >ers, without "ini»jccr. tofche tied : s Army, and iiry appoint- I'nmont, who cotia for an '(> a yearly Hialfyeai-l^r >e County of ' it residence ption as in . ^n one. f ill Govern- >. otherwise ^ County of e Vll. 4. Other oH<(il)le persons who shall >e admitted to all the advanta^j^es of the Club, except tha' of beinn^ elected nieinbers of tlie Committee, or votin<^ in any way in the afiairs of the Club. Privileixcd Meml)efs desirous of retirinif from tlie Cluh will be expected to <^ive notice tiiereof in writini'' to the Secretaiy prev^ious to the expii'ation of the pericjd for which tliev have subscril)ed ; any Pi'ivi- lecfcd Member failinii* to do so, or who shall frequent the Club ."iter that })eriod, will be liaV)le for tin.* subscription foi* the ensuinix period. All ordinary members of the ' St. James' Club," Montreal; "Gan-ison Club," Quebec ; *' Toronto Club," Toronto ; '• Montreal Club," Montreal; "Hamilton Club," Hamilton, " Rideau Club," Ottawa, and " Union Club," St. John, who shall l)e duly certified as such, and whose usual place of j-esidenco is with- out the Province of Nova Scotia, shall be ^I'll' '»e .subject '•'^ ;>t' the CIul. }mi(I tlioir suh- ''''^'f>'-«, will 1,0 ■esofthoCIuh, ^".y way ill tho J« of retirino- ^cted to (,ivo he Secretary •P the period 1 ; any P^vi- ^^'•^vhr),shafl ^^'•'^>'l. will l,e the en.sniji(r ' ^t. James' ih," Quebec; •ti-ealChib," Hamilton^ Mion Club/' 'ied as such, ico is with- 'h shall he 25 iBlicrjljle for election as Privilenrd Members ot' this Club, subject to die provisions of this rule. : Privilevred Member's may l)ecome Full Members by lieinrr a^^^aiu balloted for and elected as such, and on payment of the entrance fee an I subscription as provided by Rule VII THEIR ELECnON. XXXII. — Eich Candidate as a IVivile^^ed [Member must l)e so desio-nated in the book and also on the list of Candidates for election, posted in the public room, and no Candidate foi' Privilec^ed Membership shall he placed on said list, unless his name shall have been submitted for the approval of the Comnnttee one week before the date of election. All Candidates for Privileged Memljer- ship referred to in sections one, five and six of Rule XXXI., may be elected by the Committee, and after they have been pro- po.sed and seconded, may use the Club until their electi on. But any such Candi- 4 26 (late, l)et'()re takinrr julvantMiXO of this priviler^e, will be reijuired to pay to the Secretary or Treasurer liis suhscription in advance, which, however, will be returned to him in the event of his i]ot bein<^ elected a ni(Mid)er of the Club. HONORARY MEMBERS. XXXIII. — The Coniniitti^e shall hav(i the power to ailmit as " Honorary Mem- bers" the Govei'nor-Geu'-ral of Caiiada, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Provinct^ tin; General Commanding the Troops in this Gai'i'ison,and the Admiral commandin(( the F.eet on this Station, such llonoi'ary Mendiers to |)ay no enti'ance fee or sub- scription ; and they may also admit to the privilec^es of the Club, for such periodt as they may from time to time think lit, any strangers of distingu shed rank and posi- tion visiting this city to whom it may seem proper to offer such a compliment, but the resolution to admit them must be agreed to by a majority of the Committee. 27 FOURTEEN DAYS PRIVILEGE. ERS. I mUcro of this <^'> P'ly to the «nl)scri|)tion in i XXXIV. — Any member wishiiior to intro- iJi ^>e returned duce a friend temporarily visiting Halifax, ot being elected and not residinor in the Province, as an Honoraiy Member of the; Club, must send 1 a written application for permission o do so, Stating the name and profession M such friend, to the Committee at their fie shall have weekly meeting, for their sancticm ; or he )norary A/ern- piust obtain by reijuest, the signatures of '>f Canada, the Jive members of the Committee, or the Active Committee for the month, to his application as approving of it The appli- cation thus signed must then be handed to the Secretary, who will notify the person named therein that he has been admitted to the Chil) for fourteen davs, and this privilege may be extended, with the consent of the Committee, for the further period of ;one month (m payment of five dollars, but fit shall not l>e extended to more than one friend to each member at one time. Every I member to whom this permission may be ' accorded, will be held responsible for the eligibility of his nominee, as well as for P''"! it may compliment, 'ta must be Committee 28 his observance of all the rules of tli Club. Coinuiissioned Offcers of H. M. Navv visitint^ this port, and Officers of the Army on joining the Staff' or Regiments stationcMJ in this garrison, or on I'eturning from general leave of absence, may be ar ; but any shall be delivered to every member of the ntao-e of this Club, or transmitted to his address, and to pay to the thencefortli become binding upon every 'i''.scription i„ Diember of the Club ; but no member shall he J-eturned |e absolved from the effect of these rules •y-'Iot provinr. |n any allegation of not having received •y Honorary tliem. poser, will be j that purpose I ut the period | e Club may led from his o pai-take of i^yy AJembei- HOUSE rb:gui,ation3, •( f "-fk HOUSE KHGI LATIOXS. COFFKE ROOM. Br ejik fasts may be sei-ved from ei^rht [intil cloven o'clock, A. M. Hot Lunches am] Diniiei* from one to ihree, l\ M., and from six to ci^ht, l\ u. Hot Sn])pei-s up to ten o'clock, i\ m., oh n'vin^r notice before ei^dit o'clock. Cold Meats and Tea and CoH'ee and Toast, at any hour up to eleven o'clock, ]'. M. Xo Wine or Litjuoi- shall he sei'ved to [any memhers in the Coffee Room, except |\vitli Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner or Suppej-. Mend)ers will fill up their Dinner Bills jthemselves, and must on no account employ [the waiters to do so. No hat, cap, stick or umbrella shall ])e [taken into the Coffee Room or Ab)rnin^ Room. Articles of Hass, eartl lenware, e tc. winch may be broken by the meml th >ers either m lil 1 ! . ^ ■ I 84 the Coffee Room or elsewlu're in the House, will b(i paid for by theiu at prices to he fixed hy the Coinniittee. PRIVATE DIMNG ROOM. The Private Diiiin^-Roorn and Card- Room openintj;' from it, may he enf^oiged hy a party of not less than five for their exclusive use during the evenin^^ hy (jjivini^r notice to the Steward on the morninix of the day on which they may wish to dine, and on such tei'uis as the Connnittee ma^' direct. BILLIARD ROOH. The followinof reirulations will be in force in this Room : — 1st. — The Game of Pool shall have choice of tables, and take precedence over IVdliards and Pyramids, and may be played in con- secutive games. 2nd. — For Billiards the tables can only be engaged for one game of fifty or one liundred points. Precedence in playing and choice of tables given accoi'ding to entry of names on the marker's slate. -4, 4^ 85 ^'»'e in the Houso, riayors of J^illiards slioul,!' to tlio M !irk er whether they intend to play ii ^raiue |of 50 or 10() points. The cli.'ii-^ros will be as follows : [PooL-Five cents pel- hal!— Stars t extra. [Black Pool— Fifty cents per hour for h'v players or less ; over that nunihe O 1) pay e ten cents per ball. Foi- a second hour or part fherpof,ten cents i)er hall. [BiLLiAiiDs— Fifteen cents for a^r-irne of 50 ; twenty-five cents for a (ranie of 100 points, or two consecutive mimes of 50. I' J'^ivo choice lP^'''^^»">^-One cent per ball. T >^^^TB[|ha|.ds ^V'f'd in con- ■^ecuti Caiiom Games~F wo con- ve panics twenty tive cents. fteen 11 fifte en points. cents for ^-aine of Twenty -tive cents for twenty-five points. No Caroin C ifainc () f ^anie to exceed twenty -five points. OTHEr\ Games— By the hour, fifty cents IN ■..inienc.' the last is en'' "se i.. fjjo r-y twenty ''y the Hall ^ out of the "» the Hall t^<^>..itiieiic.Ml I ' J" ?ill the '>om, Coffee 1, unless the ^vhich case tion of the ENTRANCE HALL. No stranpM' will \ni adniittod to view the House, unless uccompanied by a nieni- llter, and then only hetwoon t!ie hours of [ton and twelve in the forenoon. No larc^^e hoxes or articles of h.iisse, and inti- itely sent by ^', if in the ent member lember who ter will be ^*'iy),Mnd to 'ie Poi-ter's Jettei- in ♦;E>ERAL SERVAMS KEdJlLATIOS. No officer or servant will receive, under penalty of dismissal, any pi'esent whatever [fi-om the members, guests or tradesmen of the Club, and Jiny tradesman detected in ■ giving such, will be forthwith discontinued land never dealt with again. Servants while on duty wnll not talk to each other, except on matters connected with tlieir business ; and no servant is permitted to address an individual member in tlie house on matters eitlier pei'sonal or relative to the concerns of the Club, all comnmnieations of the latter kind to be made to the Secretary for the information I of the Committee. I If any money or articles supposed to be I the property of membei's, should be found i by the servants in the Club House, they will be delivered to the House Stcwanl. No a})plication for I'einstatement of a servant, who may have been dismissed m tl le r epi esentation of a member, will be read or taken into consideration, unless it couHi through and l)e recouunended by the 40 member l)y vvliose representation he oi- shtj was dismissed. Servants will be held responsible for] breaka(/e and loss of and daniaf^e to the' property of the Club. No servant of the Club shall be sent out of the House on any errand or pretence whatever, unless upon Club business by the Stewai'd, Secretary, or member of Connnittee, or to post letters at stated periods, or to call a cab from tin nearest stand. MISCELLANEOUS. No pamphlet, advertisement, or notice of any kind will l)e laid on the tallies or put up in the Club by a member, without the consent of the Active Connnittee. Any pamphlet which it may be wished to make known t') the Club, shall be sent to the Connnittee for approval. The locjil daily papeis are on no account to be taken out of the Morninof Room durinnr the day or eveninfij of publication, nor any othei* papers ^'or one day ;ifter the}' are laid on the table. Ml 41 citation he or sh JSjuKlwiches or biscuits may l.c sei-ved to Miibers in the Bilh'ard. Sniokini^^ and ^'osponsihle I'oiC^ii'd Rooms. 'Jania^e to th,- ^ No refreshment of any kind will he ^rved iihar twelve o'clock, p. m., unless hall be sent out ^^'^''^^b' '^'ithoi-ized hy the Active Com- nd or pretence 9'^^^'^' ^'*^' ^^^^ nionth, on timely application Jb business by ^ writino; to them. >i' nieml)er of i The House will he closed at one o'clock, '<^ers at stated | M , except on Saturday, when it will he '»» til- nearest |osed at 11.30 p. M., and 8un(]ay, when it will he closed at eleven o'clock, p. m. J The forerroinf^ Regulations may l)e altered tit, or notice of ^^ '^ majority of the General Committee tables or p„t ^^ '"^y uieetinn^, notice of sucli alteration f". without the ^■"^^'i"^' '*^^'^i ^'i^'^'i at the previous meetiticr^ 'luittee. Anv *^'^'^ communicated to each member of the '•^Jied to make ^'"'"»'^ittee, torrether with the date of the ' '^«»t to the J^^^'*'^''^^' ^**^*' ^"'^'^^ disposal of tlie same. S. " no account J-nino- Koom pubh'cation, ly after they ml 1^ nil M> -*Mk, HONORARY MCMBCRS. 1st JtiiivifAr>', 1S04. H. II. H. TlIK DUKK OF KDINBURnil. H. II. H. Thk Dukk (3F Connaugiit. H. \\. H, Tiih: Dukk of York. Thk MAHQt'IS OK DuFFERfN AVI) AVA. Thk Makquls of Loune. IE Marquis of Lansdowne. IE Earl of Derby. IE Earl of Aberdeen. r)MiRAL Sir Geo. Greville Wellesley, G. C. B. ).MiKAL Sir Edward Gennys Fansiiawe, G. C. B. [dmiral Sir Edward A. Inolefield, K. C. B. iDMiRAL Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, K.C.B. Idmiral Sir J. E. Commerell, G. C. R. V. C. [dmiral Sir Algernon McL. Lyons, K. C. B. LDMiRAL Earl Clanwilliam, K. C. B. lDmiral Sir George VV. Watson, K. C. B. ^ice-Admiral Sir John O. Hopkins, K. C. B. iENERAL Sir p. L. MacDougall, K. C. M. G. Jeneral Lord Alexander G. Russell, C. B. Jeneral Sir John Ross, G. C. B. .iedt-General a. G. Montgomery Moore. The Likut-Governor of Nova Scotia. .•4*V»\ mi I til UIST OF MEMBERS. The year denotes date of election. O. M. sisnifies Orijfinal llember. P. M. PrivileKfed Member, The asterisks denote jliose on Supernunurary List. IN!)(» Al.F.lSON, J. W *(). M ...r>LAN|., J. WxiLEY. (). M P)OAK, Hon. Rout. <). M ... Bprns, Adam. 1880 Black, J. F., M I). 1884 Black, \V. A. 1884 BoRDKN, R. L. 1877 Brookfikli), S. M, 1867 Bullock, Fredk. 1804 Bkll. H. H. P M....BAKF.R, FION'. L. E. 1'. M....BoTsi.(.Ri., W. M. 46 O O. M Chkiotiton, W. H. 1874. . . .CnisHoLM, Wm. ISS."). . , .CinsFioLM, J. M. 18S7 ('lakksox, C. J. I'. 1865. ...CoHnKTT, F. D. 1873 CowiK, A. J., M. D. 1884 CROFfON, ,J. Blakk. 18SI Curry, Wm. 1887 CrRRY, M. A., M. D. 1881) ClJRRKN, A. E. 1890 Cutler, T. M. 1889 ...Cory, C. D. 1890. . .Chipman, H. L, 1889 CA.MPBKLL, Ci. s. 189.S ... Clkrkk, H. W., Lieut-Col. 1\ M....CiiiPMAy, L. DkV. P. M.... Clark, R. v. M....C()wan.s, J. R. P. M....COKKR, C. R. P. M.. . Cotton, F. .\1. P. M Campbell, W. R. P. M Chalmers, D C. 47 3D 0. M — DuuLL, Joiijf 0. M DlTFFrs, .JoH.V. 0. M, . . DdKFus. \V\u 1868 Dalv, M. B. 'I'^^r: iJoiJLL, w. M. ^^^^ Dkysdalk, a. ^^^^ DiTFFus, VV. Staiuh. ^^^8 Di-FFus, J. Norwood. l'<72 DuNOAv, D. H. 18~<^ DsVVEfl, MlCIIARL. p. M DoDWKLL, C. K. i\ iM.. ..DiMocK, C. H. p. M ... .Dickenson, S. S. 1891. 1894. Edwaris, D. C. Evans, C. A. • Ellis, A. E 48 ISH.-) Fakkkll, K., M. I). I8.S8 KiELDiNfS, Hon, W. .S. *iu4!r: V o cy M /> IS /.). \\ M I'. M YSIIK, TllOM AS. FnZCKRALI), M. I' Fkkkik, W. 1>. J I! 18S2 18(): 1S7.-). 189a. r. M \\ M o- .Hraham, Waf-lack, J . '^67 Lawson, William. 1887... .Lkckie, R. J. *I864 Lewis, W. J. •891 LaW.SON, (>K()K(;k. p. M....LrNDv, C. \V. O. M....M0KT0X, L. J, ^^"^7 Meagiikk, N. H., Ju,lge Sup. Ct., N. S. •88 1 Morrow ( iEOFFRKY. •581 Morrow, Jamks. •893 WoRKow, M. R. ■■*■' 51 isr.i. . I ssn. . . I so I.. IS8I... 1MS^. .. 1800... ISOl... l\ M. M(!l)(.NAi.r> Hov. ,Ja.s., Cliii-f Ju.sticc), N S. . McDoNAM), \V.\FiLACK. .M.\('Faf{l.vnk, Hon. Alkx. Ma(;KINI..\Y, ANIMtKW Mackinlav, ('. II. MrDoNAM), .J. A. M(!Tn.\ks, Hkctoi;. MacSiiank, Lt-Col Nkw OOMHK, 1. iT o 1802.. ..Ox Lie V, F. II. 1803 Olanu, J. C. I*. M....OrSKLEY, J. \V 52 (). M 1 87(5. IH8-) 1889. 1890. 1892. I'.vKKKii Hon. 1). M. M Thomson Jamks, Q. (!. *{). M TiTi'PKU, Hon Sue Chas., lit , (J.C. M.(;. (). M . Twining, \Vm. *I878. . Thompson, Rt Nov. .1. S. 1), K.(\\I.(;. 18(58 . ToniN, William, M. 1). 18S7. . .TowNSHKNi), C. .1 , .I.algc S ("ourt, N. S. 1804 ...Tkooi', (Jko. .). 1887. .. TRonr, W. H. *i88I ... TuFPKR, IToN. Sir (\ H , K. C. M. (J. 1804 Tr()(.i', a. S. r. M ...Tokranck \V. H. 1'. M . . .Trott. (Jai'T 54 XJ ^ -M . . . Uniackk, RniUK. '^808 Vail, II„n. \v. u ^- ^^ Viz.iKi), A I* 5'"i O. M....\, .J„„N. O. M . . . Wyldk, .]. T. I^SVfi ...WaLLACK, MiOlIAKL. KS7.'i ...Wkst, a. W. '^'^H-i ....Wkst, F. S 1884 ....Weston, H. a. i>^8r) .... Whitman, A. ^^'^^' ^Vkatiikkuk R. L., JuLKV North, I). A. A. (J. Colon KL Leach, V. C, C R. K. SUROEOX-COLONKL AroHKR, \\ M. (). Suroeox-Major Lkes Hall, A. M. S Lieut Colonel An.sthutiikr, R. a 50 Cai't. Tkotman, a I' I> CaPT. LoNfJK, A. l\ I). Cavt. [|(,n. ,1. (;. C()Liw)HNE, A D C Capt. (J. T. Kllk.t, King's Hegl Capt. R. L. IlAKTr^KY, King's Kegt. Capt. H. W. B. Johnson, King's lU-gt. Capt. Akdaix, O. S. I) Majok Brady, II. A. Major Banning, King's Re^'t Capt. Montkith, A. S. C. .Surgeon-Captain J. I). Mom, A. M. 8. Major \V. Apsi.kv S.Mrni, Mil. Sec LiKUT-CoLONKL I)kChK((;H, A, P. D LiKi-r-CoLoNEL Shannon, D. A A (i ! :