:.P^ ... « '^ 11, y^ • » ' '^ Ori'ginal coplaa in printad papa^eovara ara ffllmad baginning with tha front covar and ending oh tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa- . aipn. or tha back covar whan appropriata. All other erlginal'copiaa ara fllmad beginning on tha firat paga wHh a printad oMIIuatratad Impraa- aion. and ending on tha laat paga with a printed or llluatratad Impraaalon. I "iil Imagat auivantas ont Ati faproduitas ayac la plus grand aoih. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da raxamplaira film*, et en conformh* avac lea conditiona du contrat* da filmaga. Let Mempiairea origineuM dont la couvartura an papier eat ImprimAa aont filmAs en commandant par la premier plat at en terminant aoit par la damlAre paga qui comporia une emprelnta d'impreasion oil d'illuatratlon. aoit par la aacond plat, aelon |e caa. Toua lea autrea exempiairas originaux abnt. f llmAi en commen^ent par Ja ^^ premlire paga qui compOrte une empreinta ' d'impraaaion ou d'illuatration e^ en terminant par la darnlAre phge qui comporte une telle empreinte. '^The laat recorded frerne on eech microfiche ahall contain tha aymbol *^- {meaning "CON- TINUED"!, or the aymbol ▼ {meaning "END"), whichever eppliea. Mapa. platea. charta..etc.. may be filmed at different reduction retloa. Thoaa too large to be entirely Included in one expoaure are filmed beginning In fhe upper left hend corner, left to right and top^to bottom, aa many framei oa required. Thef following diegrems illuatrita the ' method: Un dea aymbolea auivanta jippareTtra aur la darniire Imagtf da cheque microfiche, aelon la caa: la aymbola -^ aignifia "A SUIVRE". la aymbola ▼ aignifia "FIN". Lea cartaa. planchea, tableaux, etc.. pauvant Atra filmAa A dea teux de rAduction diff Arenta. Loraqua la document eat trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un eeul clichA. 11 eat filmA A partir da rengia aupArieur gauche, de gauche A droita. at da haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'imegea nAceaaaira. Lea diagrammea auivants illuatrant la mAthode." »- ■'/ *i 1 3 32 X /' .\- r V \. fre: A PLAIN If^i' r MAST ^•4 , Jttfrintedfn T. Ci r^ .x'-r^T \. FRENCH OENDER& ; j . ) . TAvoar Bsnra A~ A PLAIN AND EASY ART OF MEMORY^ BT WRICK'THB SKrOKKt OV 15,548 ^ KtA^ SK xjB^Kirio lir ^ rmfr' aouM$. >K • % I BT THE MASTER OF > GRAMSllR SCHOOL. >F ii 6Ri 's\ J. 1 . QUEBECr 99priHted from the ilk Londtm SdUiim./itr Jt^Duptrnt, iy . ' T. CAftr & CO. FRBBMASON»* HAH,. 1 ' "X; N <3^ .rfaA h % ■ t^, >'J^»i»itl»i ii iiii^i '■ ^.WM W M.lWHW i i. IRTISEMENT. The opinion W Publisher of.this little'wbrk had formed of itd litility in assisting the' student in the French lang%e in acquiring & knowledge of the genders of t)ie nouns, and in impressinff them strongly on hi^memory, having been fully confirmed by the apjlW^pbation bestowed upon it by several eminent Tekd|iers in this city, to whom It has been submitted ; he has been induced to prmt an edition, as w^l for the benefit of his own scholars and the plkblic in general.as in the hope of deriving som\e pecuniary advantage Wh! p'w °^*Mf "^^ He trusts that his brother Pnnters v^iU not d>sut\ve him of his just recompense, by bringing 6u\^other edition, j)r that, at least, they will allow\im suflBdent time tp dispose of his stock oh bandore they do so ; which, should no such. interference take place he conceives he niay reasonably hope^^o before ' another copy can be procured from &and • that which is in his |K)ssession being, aslSjbe- lieVes, the only one at present in Quebec, if lot m the Canadas. \ ♦h?i?fn^ ^ ?*^.^^S' '"! proof of the reputation of^ this little work m England, that it passed through FOUR EDITIONS in Loudon in the short space of ivio months. ^ Quebec, Jan. 1887. , ROBERT DUPONT* ,,.»: In till XM>inpose I am Jill experien Itsobj the acqi fixing in Ihe Fren of which with cvei Frencl of the Br predated — a gene €ontinen circle, in of iocalc and the < ^he distan French p( ^ho cann * Smoli« |»i«ht wbiich nam, Gener 4h* Rfver Si feat by the •oiUlfclly PREFACE. •1 ^ ' th. .^"' '"° '*?°™ *<' i"**"' obstacle to preciated. It is a species of.«nivenid DassDort S!*?'«'» port, those whot>.»K.nKw.* '■•"■■ ' ■ \'^-: ■ Iwm, Gener«1 Wolfe and hi. -r™„ ?® heifW* of Abra: |i^ call every mniffui^eii^ «»er n Of ^* iWng it |BW(?i2u^ iiy ^^ ISijSr*!??'^ "?' *"">P»i»'' « French defTcbment, and •nfljred them to pa«8. The hhtorten remarils'fliat »hfe J«!' h5^.*o£' fe«*»:»c»ioii of the anny. Here, th^n, «• Miiml. ud Qoebec aniTall Canada BecuFed to Knritti ^- V fii^fS^'^i^W *»«» leaniert Fwich well. (/) "* kJvfr V^sS"^*"'"* -f°H.".* °^ di • tran»ac1i9n is aifeo S^£iiM?^- '*'**'** recently ^riblished H&bry ffr^l f. ?'^f°™» commwMfed the advanced cnard ftfjlie HghtWantry, and ft^ai conseoiiently am6nP5S height, he wag challeqnd hy a •entry, Ind with neat .|««eiiceof nilnd,froniTiiik5oWIeageJf ihp PrJ«ch »?: irice, answered him according to their manner t U beliiir yet dark, he came up to him, told him he wasaenttherl r/?i-*«!5F* ^W»?»<»? and to «»M o«all the other men •ioSlffEy,'!!'- J^^J '■■^«*'* ^''°« *« ""• for thathe Y-Sii'fe 5l"® *ff ^'® • &^ eccountof the B-— * A*M\<^* if they p^rritted. %iig fiaewp had the deiired f|^:^afldiafed»|pjjjf,UtwJ* ^^ ^^' mmdld ^er ma .wVafW*e ia MMSI tiasaed. Mns lea aome to nost re friichi cat instr gend9r»\ mvaace endless li io harafi readiest rales^ tht thrir pupi what has hitherto been scarcely attainable, by any, it will be fptiuid equally beneficial to the^ teacher, the pupil, and the adult. Knowledge an4 learning cannot be acqul^ without exerdon : those who aspire tq possess these distinctions must prove by industry and perseverance that they deserve them : but mlich may be done ta assist the memory by art and method, and it is the duty of every teacher to render the patl^. of im[^ovement as smooth 'as possible. VV. R. QOODLCCK ClaMical and Coaitmrcial Aeademy, 5, St. Bennett*! Place,; . Oracechorch Street, Jai^e 8ih, 1826. Jun. ■"m" yy<' lntvot^unian, \- The s/stem by which the genders of ^ French npun^ may be most readily and firmiT fixed in the memory, begins by classing th^m by their £n^ syllables. '^Thus' there a& 643 nouns ending in er, which are aU.mascnUne except two: there are 144 ending in o»-, aU masculine without a singlelszception : 70 in of 24 in m», and 83 in ard, all masculinefrithoiit exception : and 305;in tt, all masculine except one^word. Therefore, if these sU endings cmi be bxed in the memory aa mascuUnu, the learner Will know the ^nders o^ 13^9 noons. > But the difficultyji/io remember longliriCs of terminations, and to fix in the mind the gender of each. There are many gcamroars where wkdle |Miges are filled with terminations and exeep«> tionsj but they contain 'nothing to assist thtf memory— no clue by which the ending: i^ 0611- nected to its own particular g^dw'. Those who- learn from these books itiay fierhaps remembibr that all nouns ending in tU» hxt of the 4am gender J but there being no gtiide or eatcbwoM to assign Off to the oiatfettlUMbs, they muilW continually in\danbt»'''^''>f'i!'.'iU'.^ ••itl i; .^-v^ywi^nn: ' My plan to ^elp the meinory ig ihls': at 4m^> introduced the mMcnlinc endings in t»^f ^eni but such as gii^ thenAtSi l&kmwii itif^^ fbentioned above are gtveu hi me first four lines of the fir^t fable, which a*pupiV can OMfllj team in half an hour, and will thus ac(|ttire the genders of five thou- sand seven huadi«d and forty French nouns. . < '• ' , • ■ • -. < ■ ': \- ' •■■-■•'•' ■: > . •\n V i i A.v r feiianr ie Jrait dfi — r«»»»i^*" ■Xi . r-' ., .. ,tii« ifOMil«li€Val tviU fitc.tlhe nouil»iniaf; tpwi^r* tif9Mtifi' erj and; oo of . ttie rest. Uav* iffg, imtntii these fables byi heatt, i^erfectiy, w|lioih*a»ili\«9e^f»ooiy^hme iir mfmbery liavf be accompUalHsd j» ft very W hourfl, thd put^ily ^Ml..^t meets; witii> a noun* e9tiiilg^,UI(e a»y ^VMInel th*«l»:i»wi» glv«ii ip the f»blea$ mW ^fl^;aa<»f)nal» Jjhe ^ea^ by «eeuritk|g to> the , giAIJiiMf vaord^ (^ i«»lfuicei* i§ be itrante to uae «,1fofi e«dH|g Ml i^ i»r( JA «rliMiMeOiififle»oe ih»^>«» and #f^ai»*itiiMN»iline tjjitiiiMitinmij affdntfaat. the word he yv«nta it MMtmatmUnm: Thc feminine eodt oir ^ beim* inl»o« '►.,. wiUbe Theei must 1 memlx theyi^ observi cannot difficuh (he oth( la tfa readw^ acertai with c( iieingii other, i and phr against tei^ipes. For i\ lines, I of Von mory," formed be called mqre ea teobestt) ,, ,,. ■■*. ej every } and no 1 as gh^ ed above ijTQt fable, an kour, ive thou- ouns. )t(. Uftv* iboiv ik>a9' thd|>ut»Hv ble»$ MfiU* «g t» iHe 11^ iipiiiov «> ioMTtfr purintlie onee and' diiMwidine 9v • . >. v Plur Aoeortf (5) un bi^et. ^t^wrf (6) dit-il en JUrieux, (7) Qui te rend si audacfeuE ? :. . Que fais-tu i^i midotru f (8) ^ ' •' Oh riemi (9) Rien dis-tu ! > Je niis le roi (lo) et hitnaitre (U) itei; P«rdi »• Et 8i m tinstani, (15) sans dire moi, (jm V ^ rii ne tournes pas le doa, (17) / Fatiil8)je te nlangerai comrae un iriflot • ' ' Le€hkv»l (19) enee<^, («o) ^ • v Rctourna sur ses pas ; • - ' ,.,*'» >• '-^i .Coided«s.rjw/omflc (94) d»un r(«irwa»,rf/ («5) Auss. vite qu'un «.*wi^ («a) ou1er*«/. (^f) -^ Notre cheval eiT JUribond, (98) ^ Pour se Venger de cet affiront (29) -- A 1 *ommff (30) s'adressa : § Et8oiiimto^on/,/e(Sl)luinomina. - Ouidit homroe ,ffdsunmgrrf.(32)mUic^^ II fau| le mettrc sur le couT '-^rv?«. " ^rv-- HQ n n*uime point le Iicou, -^ Et il croit que le/k'em, (34) 77 N a pas le bon goAt (95) De Vktrbag^ (36) ou du grain. (37) N^moins II part, et dans le vimJi (38) IJ tronve 800 ennemi. „ v °/ Plein de courage et de>/, (39) lis 8 flancent sur le tymn • Et le cW«ir (42) mort r^tend. 1« cheval le remercie V Aye J ai A#wm (46) de V0U8, • ■l^it le chassettr^ et puia II reotraine au logis. Ainsi Vorgueil (47) et roulratfe, Furent puni. dans le .anglierf *;t I^ cheval par un dur esclavaire, Paya |M,er Ie|,A»«r (48) de s'AtJe venff^. /■ ' '»'■■■ . " ■■ ■' NOTI^ TO TB P„„ llu„u„ g^ «•, all nuwcnUnes except la Uer. the ■*..-? ■xQeptions in thememc^i^y fornii«« tUa^t^ '*♦, » -T^ .;<.v^ V 'Aiir' ■^^ v^ t ■' u in hi8 " Art of Memory,?* F^ IrMmim^ fhef niigiitsay, themMnwk^a((impM9kwH9iabm method^ it Uke one^ tvfto Afev «v ewAtU the ttit After wWch 1f.i9it»gpSfpmmmi¥^mim mer and oiiller coold enter tlie mind without . lM5ingremembef*rtMe3il«|itiojMt masculine. ' /■ ...^..■t.';,. S.Fraii. «4|tt^alifliB^iA^, 4. Boi^t 805 French jnwM efo« itr el; the only one feminiiui i« umsili^t, a Ifoeesiv 6. Hnardi f^M wviaire att naMtiliafei .^ijUmmii 1t»ei»dH|giita*c/,aatilasciiii]i«. 7. Furieux, The learner will o1^fl«i>vfttliftt this «Jective is here used aa a stibetaitlive. French ajUectives are very frequen% niild^ .MjbstantiV^s. There are 50 noans in ettx^ all tva^cttUne. 8. Malotm. There are 49 ihMuis iii % df which glu, birdlipe^ trUm, a l^lfcjej ai^ i^Hn* virtue, are feminine, i Br9k^adAi^|hler^uh|Mr,ife feminine of cou^ WonU,whieh weoAasciiliiHb) or feminip«t«AMM, as deslguaiikig ihalck and' females, it is not necessary to except particularly, *■ *^^ jB*nder must be immediately obvious. 9. Rien. 78 in en, all masculine. la? Jkftsf Of M idi or. ibi ahd^; ihw idid faith, ara the only femini&es,. except paroi^ a will,^#»|ehigdrieilyti8*diaiftfepli«fl**^ W Jftftf^^ S id tUtf^i i^ascom WJW/i; iita#^; ifaaicuU^. 18. Jto. fy itfaf. dirtkisfeidih^. 1%. AidhiK^ Tli«hslrei»8tio^tisih/;drt»ii^ «h« feiiiihihei hrb mtirci, ttfci^, foatiitf;dti a&C JiiiAl'iyi^ midi^ the afternooii^ -fr- X'- # jtef**'* ^ ItMMil «^.;iiMi|iy W which w 16. Jljfc ^f« Ji oi'ieoi^'fc^^ ii#t, die iiMrnag^ por^bir^ ^^t W. IdiBMialim^SDimDe. ; ia|irf, 1«8 in fl^ nU nmicttlmc. 19. Chevat. 69 in ol, all masculine. \«Q'W. ^ jn af,«|l^^m88ettlii)e. ?*• |j^. .15 iitail, ailimMvline. 2sVOci?«i.^ 96jp^«|r,alliiweaHBp, S4^ ^toMM. :^ in a mare, of coune. ^4 Jffroni, 6 in oni^ a}l nyaaeuUne. 90{, Ho^tmt, TherearelSinompe, ofwhiflt sommey a sum, gpomaie, gom^ and pnmii^e, ap epple, are feiiiiilMne. Scnune, asleep or omu ismaseuline. ^ *; ~^ 3^1.v Ankig^nkHi Of 151 in Mv; t>l*i^* »! •tepi hatistey eanMc^aod litiej a listj^aM^ •I■OBU!'^<;>7l -7,?^?'- ■ •'•'"■"^ = -: ?■■;■, ■ .^., / • 9l.M»r4, \S\tkDrd, all laaseiiUMii .; r ^. XMoin 4ft iQ*M| all masculine.^ . 3 4: Ji> g aiu 9i>diii,a«T ciSe, & cage, naie, the act of Sailing, akbagcs, doubt ' ful expressihoai and passerage and^saxifrage, the mimes of plknts. The two last ar^ seldoS used 37. /^««V Of66in«h, la mlin. thTha^,* Is femmme:«t takes Its gender fMm the Utin miinus. • \ ^?8. riandisV Of 127in«, sour^, a mouse, vij, a screw, Vebis, a sheep, and tteur de lis, lini femimnej aSs are Iris and Themis^ of course! as females. \ ' ^' £'*''• ^*r? *'» all lioasculine. ^^tu' ^''n V^^^''* all masculine, except Wfehair> tbeflesli, which is derived from and fcrtlows the Latin caro, camis. ' 41. Feu. 30 i i eu, all nuisculine. ■ 43. thaaagur. As Words of this ending occur very frequently, tl le learner foust be quite perfect m this note. Thferc are 1234 words in «^, aH mascuhne but e*'} but though the exceptions aj^ so numero4 they may ^ le*»nied in two minutes. Remember that, «»cc;>/ «*, all the masculine nouns actions or. ti^de, Latin nouns in in eur designate men in their and arti derived from verbs, or hw.**;,- iT ' ™ i>»r, as parleur, jaseur, acteur, ^l!^ 'h*^* 1^ "^^ «««culhtes in eiir, whieh «i>'iiot designate men, are heur, luck, arid its* compounds bonheur, malhSir, with honneur. deshonneur, and pteiirs, tears. Therefore, except ^the above ««, whenever 4he learner meets with a word m eur whieh exprewea * living ^n.ntnrr. lre~THu8? remember It is mascuIiijcTand If it does not, it b feminhie. The 67 feminines in 9. oK> cage, !8, doulit* Nge, the loin used, the hand, the Latin a mouse/ ur de lis, f oourse> > except rom and ig occur s perfect eur, an ceptions in two all the in their 5rb8, or acteur, » which add its' »nneur, except ts with d if it net in eur express properties and qualities, as laideur, ugliness, hauteur, height, rongeur, Mness, 8ic. 43. BsprU.: 44inf£, all masculine. .' 44. ^^t. S2 in «/, all masculine. 45. R(^u$: 34 in M*, all masculine. 46. Besoin, 15 in oin, all masculine. . The reader will observe that I could not well include cin in the rule of w, oU in the rule of it, &c. j as, though the gender is the same, the prdnun-*' ciation is so different, that the memory would not easily rpfer besoin to vin, or la'itto esprit. 47. Orgu^l. 78 in i/, all mascdlineu ^ *48. Pkttstn 17 in ir, aU masculine. ^^ "■'" 4 ■■ ■'■'. '/^ -' ^ >.;:■• •;."^,-' : The leahie^ will observe, that though in these fables a termination is sometimes repeated, yet none are to be foUnil bpt such as give the rule j therefore the repetition will help, mthf r thjan confuse the memory t thus,' for a woAl in of or age, if mot and herbage do not instantly occur to the mind as the guiding word, ffigot and courage very probably may; and so of the vest.' ^/ . i > ■ ff>' ■ \ /■ .' \,.>i ■ - \. :_■._ .„ - T -■ ■-.^ /. ■ _,.^1„.^^ « , V. • . ;»., '\.' ' ' - > . / * -1 \[ • ,\ 1 \ ■' . ■ , > ' ♦ ■ , h ■ , ,. k \' •- ^Si^ r%r- I, ■ :- i ■■■ ' ■■■' 1 \ \ ...A' . ;./-I^'«ii(*V'/'J<*^ ' . » ,-.\ ] W'teft g^ the §tmfkr^ jjjyp ^ Wroyagtr prirent loir i*b«i/: ?K^^' De miitiiciiBiii8Bt8*aiMi9t«r Au d^lin da jour (§) lis «ntendent un grand^n#tf; (e?) Ill en litiriiint UD 9iir« ^fv • lypn ill* (8) sorttt. :*/ « *wnt diwk Ji nof «riK«^ . ^ fJnd'^xi4ger.etdispo8, Bts*tfl8ii^ntd'un/|pi^,(ll) Ofhnpe 8«r Hfl Itoi/. (18) ' A ^ i?flc*a, (15) "*"^/*" ^»*^' (14) iHi un ^qui^taitaussigrasetgrbs ^ :Qu>n iifoim?, (16) ou qu'un/wp«fo . n7\ Bans nn »iUon (18) s'eteijdie - ^ ' Mais il manqiie son coup; (22) I •Car en lui flairant le corps, m\ ^ ^ 11 prend notre »• ' i»tt. - — i -- — - — X hpmnte pou^un mor fc ai comme aux cad&vrea 124\ il nn *r,n^u^ ^ y • %■ ^^ M dooanda oe que Lkuut mmU '^y :*; -a- C^r dtt bant dit-il j^ obstrr^ % Que 4e fi^ U Bcmblait ie f^Uios. jQui ! a i^Vi avcrti lut dit-U; ' ' 'Que csini qui di^fvte mq aair, 9aQaleiMnp«(88>) 4tt|>M^> • N'est digoe que de in^pris. -4 ' 3. D6pari. Of ^4 in flup<, Ij?^^ a j^te^, |^ i|i^ 2(}> ^psjQ vrhcfQ the final ^ ia, prece^d \gf #Mj(9otfierletfeicUap/,a9^ ^ do, in this plac9> as t^ is a feminine ^ndws^ and i^ ifojtM in Not« <^ o|f tb^lMP^ISiSr 1^^ iljoiU^, n^ig^, ilg^g^, fe|^)i» »fe. IMilig^ •in*- J:-/^ '4 ■■■■■■■:;■;:-..... ■ : it ■.:: : -, ..• .■■ $» ifewr. Of 128 JA lOttT and 6 in iir, all %tt masculine excq)t coor, a court,and its compounds Aid tour.; a tower, a casUe at chess ; tdur, i turn,alnck. A turner's tool is masculine. . fBrmt Of 15 in iitf, nuit, night, is the only feftunine : miuuit, midnight, is SLcuUne .s^iJ^r^iiiTisr^"''^^^^ V^^!^^' T,*'^^'^ "« 198^ord8 in ow-er they are all masculihe except 11 name^ of plants. ^ xedoaire, Ac. and affaire, business, idre, a floor, glaire, the while otan egg, paife, a pair fSSr'It' ^"'^?"' chaire,Tpulpit/andju: gnlaire, the jugular vein. . •" H»i w^'T^^H*^- /* about one-ninth part of S iS^^'^ Z^'^* *",*^^*' genders. ' They are ISSl £t? «to.fai,r classes, nouns i1i ,W and «*te«, which belong to the feminines, and iUon Bmlon, which belong to the masculines. FoV i/fo« see note 18 of this fable. Of those whieh end in m (without being in foir, often, and «fo«) there^are405. These are all masculine^exVept 1:?§"***°"*' °^ Viom^xx, as laideron, &c. and Snt^ir^^K^i' Tu**^"** ^ ha-ejorm'ed iAt^"' sentence, Ui help the memory: Cethommeeh jpai»iotMii,qttqn entraineenprwonavecdeswiw. tfWMmi, a q(inmi8 une irahUon, car on Tehvava pour ^het55u bM dans la molten, pour en foT ft^ -^C^JSli?"** '" Jrorn^ii/ mais ' sulvant sa ffl^,il d^sa^tont en fa t fam ct cAgwow,, i fa^ iwBdusalMiimjjjursa ron^. Cette feco^i doil jilWMigrtiemofi. The ^xcepHous inoM are in itklics. ■■■■-,- -iiii ^^.•■. •■■;-/; ■.■;v:: 11. Sma, ^ 14 ia out, all masculine. 19. Tilteui. 10 in eti/« all masculine. I IS. Bofbif, . HoasHwof^ Tkf %Bdi flso say ■iin rosbif d^agneau, a roasted quarter of lamb. Theb ^fe47,inf^ all naseuUoe. 14. Czar. d,in or, all masculine. 3| 15. Bacha. , llie 65 nouns in a are all words adopted frpm vtW langvages : tkeywee all mas- culine^ except s^pia, bandoni, talfpa^ fidaca> and --vteula.. 16. Maine. Of 19 in pine, all are miii8sej its denoting a fem9.'. 18. SilUm. 44 in i^, all masculine witho exception.--'' ■'■:. ■■■.■^-- /■■.:■ ^r:^-'^: 19. Long, % in ong, both mascuHne. 20. Mori here means a dead man. I.a mort^ dci^th, is the onlf ftmitdAe of 21 in crL 21. (Jmrroiup. Of J^m oux, tome, a cot^h, isthcbnlylBwhdnej: i'^:'. '.- ««. C(D%. 5 in dilj^/dl inascuU^ci. ; ;t 23. C^r. ^ in o;]}f> 1>ofh masculine. ' ^ 24. Ci^Aftreg. 2 in m^, botl^ Isascidjine*. ^t 25. Pm^. Of 26 in o^, the only feniir^ nines are airogue, 4g\6lgiie*, vogue, syno^pogueV and pir^eue^ a.canoe. ,v W.^Matmpr^^' Of 19 itf .ore, ofandn^tf^ m^ta|fli0re, and P^re* ard feminln^. . ..'^^ 27. Jf^tn:^ « in iBr*«, all masctdin^ i "^ 28. TewM, 8 in empf, All masculine. aa^ Pgrfc. H2 In jft u T t Ift ^ •^OBptioit i j> . '» MASC0UNB ir*BL#- vl Que dM«4nc^,,el_^ „.„:-_ « flue i^ji^ Yp-v "*'*^*^'* (w) soil puDi T - ^,^' .V5>\- --/ 1 ,.' /^ Firfe (ai) dii M^wifev (3S) et*du c&d- ladroit tonffire wi9te H aidi m * (35) le t / de aoD^ ei^/bii (36) EiiomiMgiMMM dit de tmgfrold (37) tettkrtil (38) avanfc de cooifi ancun m^ue (39) / j^x Fl^ r* ■ m \. \. £.r%S '^wti is iTZ. *"5"*. *»" IS. Ctttcrc. Of 8 in .•«•- -x—^ok . weight, is the «5y «lS«^' hw"' IS"""" « «tltr ' <»<«. all mMcalioe but tartre, 1*-^; ****•»" ^* ^ f^mmm m pile, vigile. Me, bile, file, and their compounda. The learner must distinguish tie from ilUi, which belongs to the femidi||e#. 30. Embl^e. Of 36 in erne, brftme, cr^me, «d4 triiifeme, are femi;ijw/w4 a |e<»»«fWe at nlm^f «8 la sepU^fp^^ When |^ orap;u^^s «pQkepr of, th^ nume^nls hepomp noim/i Q^SV^PV' lipf5, as, w dpuiihme, tw^h p»ft. , . 3i. Travail. 24 in a»/^ aU masc»J*oe. , 32. Minutre, .5 in Utrey all w^cujiue, af ^e ^ in a*^t«, 4 in uitre, and 7 |n ^^l^J^c, except pr- ebestre. „ ,. ;?3. I>woipfc,|£i4iinipfe, aUw^cu|ine, ., 34. ^«ierc. Of 18 in i«r^| vitrc, a wif)^, ^pitre, mitre, and litre, are feminine. 35. Stoiame. ^10 in i«»e, all masculine. 36. Exploit, 10 in oit, tf!l masculine. 37. Sgngfrofd. 2. in otd, apd 2 in aid», all masculime. „ 38. Messiret. 20 in ire, aU masculme exi^ept dre, satire, mire, ire, and H%ire. 39. Risgue. 6 in Is^ue, all masculine except bisque, an advantage, and brisque, a game at cards. -s, * .-*fi' The pvpil having leamcd thie three ^.,,^ ,^ fables by heart, and read the notes with «M!a»- tioa, <»m-knoiw th e gende rs of t 7 47 wmMwH^e ipipi. i vift ^two easy Jiulea, whMbi Sl^« . in T ^ \ 't» RUlE 1. -w^^'^n^*? 310 nouns wmcn wid with a t(n^. pitch, voir, the ^^Tnd r^^** °"M>oi». Saints* dav n-I-!! L and La Toussaint, All guld? A naeTl'^L/'ifS^'. ««' *»e ■onani. * -^"^ '«'*«»• be»OK ^ • Uataule, A willow Vn aaoe. aa alder treo Un royanme, a kingdom I,e baume, balm Ua paeaume, a pMl* Vaxe, Ihe arte Le laze, luxury Unbuite^^abuti Unmufcle, amuecw Un volume, a volume XJn rhAine, a cold Le coitume, dreta — Le culle, worrtilp Un tumulte, atumolt Blfere< Le mere, ragar Ub Bdcroscope, a Ub t*leecope, a teleieopo Uii toliloque, a i^llloquy Un divorce, a divorce Unnrme, anelm UnpoRte, apo«t . \}n pouce* a thumb Un tube, a tube Le coude, the elbow Le roug«, rouge Le comUe« tbe^height Un ongte, a nail or daw Uniniecte, an ioee^t Un dialecte, a dialaet Un epectre, a ipwire Un cemede, a remedy Un cidre, a cedar Untlicle, aaage Le rigne, rei«n Uoeigne. artgn ^ U« labyrloike, a labyf mth Un philtre, a polioa Unchiffre, a cypher Un trdne, a throne > Un code, a code \ . Unpiriode, a period ' Un carroeee, a carriage Un po£ma, a poem Uncofre, a trunk t Le linge. linen Le bronte, bronae Un vigeoble, a vineyard Un cloitre, a monaetery These 78 nouns, i^Hh a« those [31] ending in flc/r (wme. uple, „'';'«"i^t 1» bene .;a^ fo» Uli 8a mardiindiie eti CMafe ^rnnue (96> ... £t daiM Hint mhmte (,^t) yoj^«f' ^^^&ri "S NoTttr «o THK FiBST FEMiMiiia Fab&b* 1. fiWc. There are 99 nouns in iW«, all fe- mine except vaudeville, a ballad, mille, a mile, ' codicille, quadrille, spadlUe, and trille. 2. Douzainej 47 in mnc, aM feminine -ex- cept Le Maine, a Province of Prance, and eapi- taine, a masculine absolute. , 3. TMse. 48 in as$e, all feminine but Far^ nasse. ■* 4. Coupes. IS in oupe, oil feminine except ^"^Tcincfte. 16 in ucke, and 19 in wche, t^ \. feminine except baiidruche, a technical ^ord. pi^douche, a pedestal, and 8 nouns denottn|; men: j . . „_:.: 6. VenUme. 1 5 in ot«c, a« femmme. • 7. T^te. Of SOnounsinete, allarefieminin^ excepts compounds, coupc-tftte, he. and tlfe. _ names of men as proph^te. 8. Vente. 35 in ente, all feminine ex?ept It trente, 30th day of the month. 9. Debitante. 49 in ante, all fleminine, ex* _ cept three names of men, and rosslnante, a mean horse. w . . n ^Pi«re are 7 1 5 nouns Ut t^, all fenioiney except g^nie, genius^ inccndie, a. cott* ■■;#■ «?•• Aey occur venr^S^rt,, ' ""J"" *»U9i V .• . ( ' -•i •> A^ Hill iae. Illey an lA Miokie^'cxMbC 8 dedgnationt !;c^t > i^ninc but -. ■;•^ f- f. ' • ■ Ending in all femi- • a side, imber of • as de» all ft- " ^, aud re, aR inur<> t6. Fme. 44 in «e, att feimnine. ^.Minnie. IS ih iitt, abd 14 in «rte» afl feminine but parachute, and *Hlte, dpubt, t$. Riehetti. 90 in en^ alf fisminii^e withcwt «acei)U9n./ \ ♦ ' r r-.,, i • 1173. ■'■f . :„L ' '^Y-- t' #1 /__ ^. ;<•■•■ ■•■-■,' ! ', •-' -i ■ itch «rt«^- it_ ^ ' • ;./T ■■■.■ ■ ',1- -r»»iij. Y ,. ,,■ *«« G«iM?cr or 1461 V^- ,. 1 » * - ^!gjgfc(3i) _L_ ?^i NdtuuL a danse. WW, (13) , '^ fc Ic pffodi prt «»,«rtip^ (3«) 18 la gel6e je te courris def iMlie, .jtnalns sttMi ftdttlatidi»« am^rilM nolte odKinition r -Jais 80uvien8-toi que la beauty cxt^rieure; iMera toiyouf* iittM beaotte int^rkMirea. Nov«» TO TBS Sbcond FmiviNB Fa^ls. U Jtifi«Mi«. T^ere are la iMMHis in ttme,yi feinUufte*' . . : -'> \/ «. iiosi^e. Off «9T nwuia caidiiig ia fere, idl are fenuBioe except cixnctftfc;^ Words in ^re airtf clataed 8«parately^ At Salenci, in\ FraiK^, ». yonag woman i^ annually chosen " (fueen if le ceremony is admirably descnbed ; lUa ni|k1jkd 1^ It^i^re de Salenci. SlReine. 12 in einc, all feminine. Couronne. 30 in wuie, all feminine ejcep* ^nn^ «9body :/per80tihej a person, is fenur $• CoUuitB. l« in ttite, all feminine. 6. Tache. Of 30 nouns in ache, the nnly^ , y ^o wwffhf Bi iraitef B , p floti'ffr'^j ^ ^.J plume, relftche/ relaxation, and 3 or fi^tar' name* of men, as brj^vache, "a buUy, &c. ■•i-4- m ^' Onde, Of i4 ffti^«Mti«lifcmiiHB«» ^ fnoikle, -the JoSS.'^r-*'^* opJy mucttljoe ^. I— ^\ 15. AX^ ^^'llslf 5^^^ cello. '^^ * colour, aod wolonccUe, a vJolod-- !»«»• aapace. 1 "* feminine eicept «s- except 8;itle, mote a"dvf' '" "'^ ^--^ ^^mt S^?"^'*" feminine. •x^ptiST"- ^y^^"' ^ feiniiiiiie without eoline to i 84. Boi «5. £» 86^ Col ealineexc Tisc^res, . ToXfs^re, ci oecarrenc «r. «« ate femin tale, and t 88. Ni names pi 8i^. Pi prfeche a. ; SO." So tiiMte, al 31. Vi •leiije* a 38. Gi 33. N 34. 7t the nanii only #h< wounds. ..|^.. ^•^- riQuctiljiie iile^ and ve, ;\ ^- , he oii]|r venS-/ vio]oo-.r '' ■ '■».'■■■ « • ■ • ept es. I thout M except coUne is multipMcande. \ _^ 84, Boticte. Sinoactejwlfcniinine^ «6, £xc«4e. II in ttte,4U feminine. «6* Coftw. Of tlie Wn^uns in >re, the roas- ealine exceptions are 7 designations of men, with ▼iscferes, mysi^re. mii^ftpe\ cautfere. i^lt^re. ulcere, cnitfe»?? «»<* «^ few words of v*ry rare oecnrrence. '^ \ .\ . „ „ ^7. Rivalt. Of 50 in afe^tand l« m aUe, iM are feminintf^but jcandak, intervaUe, ov^, pe- tale, and the compounds of balle. 28. Nabote. 47)n ote, all fdmi! names Qf men, antidote and vbte. «i^. Piii*»ftcAe. 17 in ^, an^feminitte but pT^e a iermoQi ' ^ ' > : ', SO. Sotte. 3r>.o«te, all .fcmminc but tir«- Wte, a boot-jack. „ * - „. u^ 81. Fierg«. 11 in erge, aU femmine but ^eim, ataper. 32. Grij^, 4 in i>pe, all femimne. S3. NMte, It in^a«e,aU feminine. ^, 34. Ingrate. 35 in ate» aU feminine exceg the names of men, and stigmate, which is used only When speakiog of the marksof our Savuiur s , wounds.- ..; ;,■ ■;• „• . ■' ' ; ^|; ■ .X ,;if-- X *«ne wyogro/ (13) ji, , . «ojre/ (14) ^ ''' *' M filj«, queUe «,. ^JemouTOi, de Ab&e./(aaV - A«* PWJe* oiBfi&i i'«»,;^ / -; ^S^C&*""«^"^) •» d-„« |« tu n'eusses pa» «,£ rf. &.• . / .,x (») J; \adCMcLe. are the only WfWlfW- conWv^bS we »y; n &«« Mw W .«» »» wv«. ii *f o *• .'1 i "1? ■ \*v \,. \.. -* « »/ 4 ••" 1 8 f i;- A, tS^!^'^- Heme, ao femin femio ■nes in fee "Iwr, (hat e«c«pts,j,,^^ ^t^- ''" r*'"" feminine bu, P>«="inwhichl^«,^«« """efflC SarSf ■«v», rattan* k • • ' ' '*•*» • . *o« Guerre, Ofio* ■ • T '''!"' itO. Botti «1. Brai pimancke minine wh 3«.. Cift ^. Ga< *Me, mod' ^4. Fei -35. Pi< 36. Ca 27. Oi nine but ghosts, t 38. Pi exception \ 39. Bi are cttroi ^ndsace 31. 1 all femii designai * 33. J 33. i feminin dianocl The fixed i nine i whidi vdesigi ?»* P* 5 an the lT»«se 5 -** police, that-do^ bemascu- ut moulcj iinlnebut inine but d6rstood. »>c. This "wge, as w femi- (hat all mascii- aw and re, the nd the imittM re,g€. atoire. conte, acept Utwe 5s are 'and ' le. „i„toe when |t means a ^e^-j^^„.i, „:-« but ftne, an ass, tr»«¥» -"fir'^t^ aU femintae but n^oee dianoche. ^ >;• , \ N ' , "'■■ ' -■ ^ . ■ * - ".v ■ ■ ■ '. feed in l&e me»~y th^ 8£f J^', ^ ,««e, nine nouBS. There J2»»fa«e are 39\ — ' 'in The teat •^« of •'e added vue casem*. kl -— wn f^ rourbe, «fecei» > &ne Vagu^ta |}Matle,«v« Une defaiVB, Une retraite, LaffMVN*' UneDonoge Uoeloge.a La puin|ie« 1 La moelle, I Une tourte« lA4SUig«tt kafrailB«v< iSidanipe desigiMitk complete 7133. 'J 8415, wi nouns, /^ agrees a! thet'reii AS"80< fables tt in the df his lead rtfert 1 the>fob1 tittle pr tbftwo 43 ■ i8«ndef of •'e added MriiAtti >«r ^^^ 4ilir«| tjne valve* a valve lja«DrB,»l«pw»«y Snefttipe, awatp trne frague^a wave t}Mat6,««ttta| ^ UnedcfaittJ, a defeat Une retraite. a retreat lJneiiortoge,aclock Une lege, a lodge La pomiie, pomp La moelle, marrow Une tourte,a fruit pie lA«Uigetdirt kafraagetmefa Une colombe, .a dove ^ UMlWBibe.allotro Une tombe, a monume* lApetfte,aplagae Une verte, a waistcoat Leeeendrai/ailie* Uoert^?e«par««'^ >»1 iLl'hesc Bouns, with all those {sihit^Uh ^rdei SSstoMOions and a few worde seldom uMd, S^he feminine list, which amounU to 71?3 This mimber, added to the «iascuhncs. lill; wiU giv* the total jmouni or the ^n«h agrees as neatly as possible with those maoe i>y the lFreiich ■•';■> ■ ■iird* B«r4 - it "^plittae, the plate «> j^rioSw. vertin WWry, which awatch«ove«;ejr .^^^^^^^^^ Le wide. P»yr''*i **'•"- ~ bf»n*eco«"* «^. Mil- La wide, the pay otawi- uJwmme, asleep, ^^V Uoew»rl.,amoaje ■ . ■♦ 1 which a watcn """""I^- Tftiitened, a copper |lJ?;ifnthe.a.q«areabody oftoldier* ,. .fc 1* -f. UncpUpthe,apUoth,Uiar chitectpre ;' - lun poel, a Move, a comn IjnUuafryiotMveB. So Polacre, aPolW»««» • tleman , „,.. - Une wurw, • ""irKi. malU travelHof P««* Lrprp.e.p«rpV^^I«'- t;K'fir^**oril.ap. jSi;S;a.«Wee.e« v»Uhihe;^uod La ««te. tb«^he«4 Sty of • «»«' P"P** uSeteT»,atVmerttjjl "cardinal, &?., go triomphe, a triuinph, Un prttaxte, a pretence, a « jj^^y ^„^.,j P^^»"' .«.i.ntRo- Uoetrio«ph*,Mf «»?«•«>♦ Lipr6texte,anaocient Ro v^ ^, c"f\™«oeter cantblAopric ■i^t atateaport ^ . Une vis, a ■«•»«■ ^ A-.- Un tfltUe, a veil, • cdtet Une voile, a Ball I'V w a^ V-'.-., .:-%■ . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H .^^^^^^r ' ' ' . -f ^^^^1 ^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^-. fcf. ' , . "■■'*. ''■''^"■-'.\'' ^^B 1^^^ ■s > . f ■ ^ " ^- ' 1 « ■ 1 * ' . ' •' - .■ ■^■''•■■-''■ '^^^^r '.'■■'.'' * I . . r ■--.'.■» • ' -. '■ ■ '■ - '-" *'" ■ ,■ ,■'•.' , . .■■ ', .\' / • " ■ 4. . . . i: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ./ ' '. *•■'* / r* ■ ^ . I- * , , " . ' ■ -'