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I an; -—ail'! li , j)i iMniti«-!ii pi.nr. \'\)f < ,rcni M ( >uni why \ve u!\x It a •'<\>n n. — laiul i.Ul^ t' 1> MUailKTl ■ ihnr I .iti ;i .1: " cclebrilie: >ii\'< oiH' < ar-; oi ih.e other, t iia-at nwuintaitis like K''eat jnen, ail', ^! ih^ l;,i' .n. O! OiH .11 If w iu' li .iic noloi ol the Green Mountains arc tlic " White " ones ; but of the two, the one vegetative, the other not so — both, however, worth seeing— which can rank, according to the Darwin or anv other theory of i. Mouni Mansheld has its otitp-^^t (48 miles S. K. from St. Aibans.i ,;u the Vermunt Central Railway, at Waterbury, a >in all village which can boast of its proximity and connexion with the celelmitcd Mount, antl the possession of a large hotel iandlorded l.\ a great Bruce. On the arrival «>l the passenger trains at this place you are s.»un ushered into costly, elegantand e. miri>ita!)le stages, whi.h remind you pleasinglvot ihe '"good "1(1 times '• gone !.y. The distance from here to Stowe, where the Ma.nskii-.i.d IIotkl is situated, is ten miles, anm,ir/^^s .and blitn(t/>^. whn /^. held now heaves many social. . . eminences. . . to that high posu.on. Scores of the.n desert Saratoga, or other res(.rts ovvly Situated, to frequent this place. We found thai out at the MAN-SFrrxn Hotel, which is a suitable m-.i for the '•/'/^•. It u patronised by great numbers, not onlv on account ot the wholesome air. fine drives and the gorgeous scenery •surrotmdmg it, but also, we dare sav, in considerati<,n of the c.vua good fare which it extends to its guests. The building IS large, elegant, airv, and comoleielv fnrnlA ..vieK -.»! ^!-.l •Tiodcrn conveniences, appurtenances and inMu-ovemeni^ ^vh.chcanbe expected in such a first cla^s e-tab!ishment. J mm* ('.///A// it, tlic name of the J«.int Stock (.'u., ...r owners, whu have erected this ffotcl and made all the dcpartmcjits on the same tooting. Money profusely and wisely laid out will mand attention and gootl interc>t bes>ide>. Messrs. ] cum avcn- der and Gale, the reprej^eutative jiroprietins and managers, have a larj^eaml well drilled /<7JV//«,./ under their active su- pei vision ; and it is due them to say that no dinsatisfaction can |)c icll hy any one — - where " l-avender' " scents ahead and all around, and where a "(lale " h.dds the helm, l>e^ide^ keeping the craft and sails in good trim. l\ ic mo>t pleasur alile excitement we exi>fcrienced cm the Pacific Ocea n was. Allen a ^ale drove our >hip bctore it, without a pUmgin.u ur rocking motion, as i( the angry W waves Were of no a«:counf. d e would n»ention, as a noticeahle thing, that the dignihed ippearanntf,'" which we hope will annov I enian. rhc pretty village of Stowe i> gracefullv situated on a high K'lliMg plain. 1- ,|r,cs not awkwardly h)ok at the Hotel, which centrallx o^eupiev a large (xpan..c in il> joug but narrow limits. Ihc inhabitants do not seem to relv on the transient one. lor a living, and, consequentlv. the tourists escape the boring process so thoroughlv practised at \iagara Falls and elsewhere. AVe went one afternoon on a hurried exploration to some isricio, as far as what is caileti many natural curiosities, in •11 4>lltt the " Notch," wlieie we found I He way of falls, prci ipitous cUvat inns, and immense IxniUler? trcwn fv-rywhcre. and I.H>king vcrv little like the wHii h f J.ivid made StfUU use (If f., kill du- Giant. V arioiis Si ized tices arc to Ik- .seen on thoc l.oiddcrs uithonl almost any soil flu; r.,ots, tlurcforc. txttMul long anus towards the distaiU earth which .ul.idiv helps them with it I ream. s milky kindness and loving t 1^ rertninly interesting to visit tht.se (piarters uheK (he s„n lurks like a thiet, and where the ^oiild ((hI ••.It hotn iesend)lanee t.. attract him tl scientist e," — there heing .so many points ot Hi« and interest him, that he v|V would fairly do.-,t on the matiy evidences of the uglv red scenes angularly sh.ipiug theni.^elv or e> intervening heie and thei e on our wav \\c >e ,1'hKv positi a!.< ■>iil)erior m ever\ other wav The dri\e, in a 1 )iiggy or >iage, from the Hold to tht -IS a verv Nose— or one of the Summits of .\fount Manslieid, good recreation after diui: . Well disposed and puffing the Muoke of a pure Havana, you can for a while feel rom])lacent. and give a kingly and kimily look to th of a plain like kind over which voutra\eL Tl from here awA t lere. across the Irish e sceners ic scents corn inij mown prairies, or from the Ih.wers stic wn on the way by hands imscen, are agreealile. Hut no tourist, deserving that nam long ou the wide and smooth road with the otiercd to hi< olfactor WA \ c. Could fca>t '^imi>le (are we ' bcf ore Je.i\ III' overlooks />/, y sense—especially after having done The intelligent and s.atistied Epicurean till matters «v'ir>!» h*" J'o readahout rromctheus from the ;e.T .inc im li il<')\'Ci[\, ancient books of ficti tory when a ^tran^jer one can actually !<< seen .' Nature's works arc (Umm- '»!i a sc.»k w hifh huinl>lc(he l.righttst genius am-.n,' mankin.l. And h must hcf. I re. re our c-ycs, i., an illustration of that siupend Old Mansrield UniH ca mav be a nivth invenffd hv rl parity nt' the (Hcen Hoys, but a>suredlv 1 le nrc >!de ii> procure cannot be r eyes heavenward, and ^ce him— licare the great exhibition. Others bef^ the elephantine (ihoj^t, petrified and •re us have ing *een high po^i^jon in both worlds— the hcavenh- anfl occupying a good and '•nt wc cannot on that account direct toward ///w without feeling ready to imitate their ad The features f>f the oid man. |.r..bil)l terrestrial our .xtcps and Ior»ks miration. ot .Methuselah or more anterior be and s.haj)cd y a contemporary ing, are primitivelvroar.se acco beau tit rdii\g to the then prevailing notiiMis of tl ul. Thcv arc, however, so f.ir h ie uman m a and dtvclopn-.e.n, as to bc~nude— anri ca< h eve, The ppear.uit e expo.sed to the without y come out boldly— if somewhat fanta,<^tical any outgrowth on them, of anv kind, not th e way of shrubbery— or pimpl even m es- as I with some fleshy individuals. Wc rather f t sometimes happen- well of the old Patriarch on th incy and think at account. IFe must have been before Xoah's time— before .r/zV/Zr had eitln i evil d sition.s or existence. The forehead, the nose, the I the chin are each prominent and well hewn out isoo. i|>s, and in the CO, ni IS wanting, as it is with us nnrl some otl H that defect in the giant— fifteen miles high, or I,,, -is scarcely perceptible, like Kentucky, is remarkable for the head to foot Vermont, the Iiuli\i{lual I M Ai^ *■»■« 1 u tVoujCi Conic to \)v i)ro\ case liefore u.s. " Old Mansfiel Of provi or alr)ne ITS ; but 1«. from eduction •ed from n] )ti.sed — t PillHIP Ih the I'uritatLN is undoubtciUy the Fatl.ci -.i Masunrv— one of the rirst Graiul Masters who prcsidcvi over the early om inenccMicni of the f^arth and invented the s^acrrd cnil)kn)s. „r toul.s of th<- . I iK- hui , nf the great (^and Sire. •'^ ^^'^l' -'-^ ;rd, arc b >th -very green«-alwaN> >>Hingami huklinK on well, in*) my winlm, on ih- hardepidern.b. JJul, as we get t' the Ilalf-Wayllouse, the Man's. Field, m sleep now, we I.m- vi-h't oi the i,- ..i leaturcs, and have to somewhat crawl.our way upward thron^uh the under-and over— bush lining both suics of tl,, road. Diminutive beings, perhaps, find it aUo hard to ^u through the"lock;s of -jome ■'■■•■: '■n.l— as thfv f : ; i . their indi\ iduul sunnuits. Wc goi to the na!t"-\Vay-Uou^.e, where saddled mules aiul hor>e.s have nou to be used, ju>t in time to escape a heavy ->t'>rm. n.ade bright with lightning, noisy with thunder i>ea!s. and dihivi wuin ■. Eight otheri. md gcntle- uien, preceding us have to encounter it and submit to tlieir unlucky lor. Ouf young daughter and s-eif have to wait li.df- an-huur for a clear sky, an>! then we Ic ' e :^add!e and allow our.se] vcs to be guided h :k-mu,.. loaded with the l)aggage of the deluged pariy auove. A narrow path- way, excessively steep almost all along, presents itself to our romantic mind and expectation?. The loading mule, aw., re "f her favored position, would rather often stop and clip with her sharp and grinning tceth„ihe leaves on the wnv. Past her we could not get, as she invariably then would make hersell transversal or show kicking dispositions. Two mile.-* nenrly we made or climbed in that fashion, the sure footed animals Wv> rode showing, ncvcrlhc: ::