'P''*wt-^ f V - a IMilMasMl aot/w7-«m ■^H: ■I U-3'. Centimeter ' I J 3 4 5 6 7 • » 10 11 12 IS 14 15 | ^i |4y^ i| ^ ii|ibi|i ^ i|i| H i | |i rt i f | |H fl|i # f l |i W | 1.0 Inches "• I 72 > '^ ^ ...„ nm^mtmoi to nnn stanoiwos av PPPUXD mm* nc «st <«^ ^ ^8^ '^M xJtlii^if J .^ •«'!fc':t*"'V- »,~ tL (■.■ V <',■■■.»■ CIHM Microfiche Serl«^ (Monographs) ICMH Collection do microfiches (monOgraphles) I. 4 -•um •'.>? I Csrtsdiwi InwIiMts for Mlrtetlcsi MIcforipfoaMCllens / liiwlt^ •;-" ^ , '•>t^%- □ Tl#it lit tout tftia Of flMtoraoM I'oMhrawidtIa WNAM IRv Wla llMpMltVM lpra#Mi NMii. lon«M «•!• Miit poMiM*, ItltKtt, n'ont y D tMii 10X Mt radiMtioii ratio m ItX 12X 1«X »X ax > ■'•^•^"■■.. i> • '-'i^ • 'If, Jr. ■■•>^':r'-"" Wa4«l full l^n Colon □S: n 13 P orfeaoi/ QMlitv of pilnt MrioiA H QualM Miria dt i'imprtMioii ContkNiOMi pfilin H on/ liMhidM indtKlM)/ vOMipfWIO nil 'flMi IfMNX TitI* Oil iModif -ttlnMi from: / U titf* 4» I'Mi-tlto pfOwiMit: □ TiticpaiiofissM/ • Plft d« titrt dt l»livrai«ort □ Caption of \tHml .Tiwa di (Mpart da la iiwaiioii n % OMr iqMa (pAriodiquat) da la livraiion AX mn 2ix -'»»: 24x 2IX 32i( totlw iMftt IIM BMfl f0pfOflll#M tn#nllS Nttro^lltan Toronto Roforonco LIkrory •olAitn '.inO NMOfM OPfMOfNIf ROfO OfO IIM ROOt powlbit ooiMMcHnt ttM tontfltion an4 tofltoH of tho orif Inol oopy ond In hooping wHIi thO; fHmlnt eontroot •pooHlootlont. VoRonf r« Hoi lo Im plupfi doltn oonlor fHmof In pfNitM popof oovofo OM fllmofl boglnnlnt with tho front oovor and ondlhg on :,':1 ■ : "■2:: ,, 4 p. • "■;■■'■: '. , ,■*• ''-...iw^ / „ - ■ ,;, / '■■ ■ tMnkt — ■«— * — «-^ ^-- / , ' ' '"j ■ Nttre^lUwi Toronto Mforonoo Library ■ '■ l«l*«ln Room' .j ,. T ■ % . INm«d »n iprtt* )nth« Inttd I U$ WCftipWIfM OH^MMIOI OOfIt W MWOftUfO SM PSPMC SM WipfiHMa SOlM flMMM WI-^OMimon^ftHt psf IV pwmivf pwv w vn isfiiwiiOTif soti pw w dofiMro o«fo fill ao m p o i o un* • m ptil m i tf'ImprtMlof) o« tfUkistrotfoo* mH par to m o Hi plat, flow la 0—. ToMO lot amrt l a implt ln i orlflinaoii tont fNnite an oo m iw a wfiiw par la .pramlOra p ttonlfla "A iUIVIIIMa •ymbala ▼ alinlfla "HN^ I aba I Mo I tha fiimto * dat taux da rOdiiatlan dMMranti. Lartqua la daaumam aat trap grand paur tira raprodult an un taul aNaM. H aat WmO A partlr ||da I'angia tapOrlaur eaiiaha. da tauaha * draita, ^: ^at da haut an bas. an pranant la nambra 4: d'Imagat nAoaiaalra. im dlaframmaa aidvanta • Maatrant la mOttiodo. '' ■ ■ ./■■ ' ■ ■ ' _> ■■: -'r h p. 6 / V';*^:, ' >/■■' 'Si ' •l^' lipiiio SERMPNS * : , . « ■" -v ■. -/.v^;-;^. .■•.;■ ■■-■■ ;'!!,■■■>;':'■•'■* '■'•I IaBBATH EVSNOfOB DTISW, StJBrV. 'W. T- ^«C'0'3»I3OOHC, nii«pB'ii.«nviiM«poaM/«ii«v /> ^ ^.-^ ^|0 WBICH in AbDBD^ ^•t HE SERMON • ■ "'nu|uaiH> irtr ■ .■;■■;■. ■'■■.'■---\'-'.,.:^/' pi M «M UMW% VAT AHM «!■ »Vin»Ak i ,i. f^P. *S'->-''':'-'f-,:^ 'J*^ J^f; m iiQ$^L 01 w mmmx *,:' BKINO SERMONS raiAOHKD PM :ii4&^ „^ il<< ♦ SEVEBAL SABBATH EVENINGS IN 1869, a -, - . . BY TM LATE " Htiriflnm or miiTnu oauROB, CAM t TO WHiCa IS ADPED "the sermon •■ '• ' -U .■■/':•■■■■ niAOHED BY •R fn umb's »4t Arm nu rcmotAk ^^ II n » I ti irm . ,»^ . .y/ >i,ja 4- TO] f'S$ )BONTO: miNTED BT Ai LpVELL * Oo, 6Y tONOE BTHEBTi :V ■■.' ?.■; tj. 'i'. '.. . f*»-|ft:^A •.V SU^Z »ft if'^ ■*?« ■'fe '.'-■^ ♦£ ' ■ * » E-^^ :^. \ » ■- -•'■ -, v". • ■, ■ v' _^ ^ ■• t ■ V ■ ,; • '..,.. '' .; ,. ■ . ■ ■ ■ -■ .: f / '•:• .■■•'./,:■"•-" -^^ ■■* • ;■ ■■.;, ■■ "^' "■■'•■^■'. ■ -•,»._■,. „ ;, ''■../".^■■' ■' ; \ , '«v';^,^) : . - J ■ '■'^r '■: : , • ■ .AE-^H ^Qmtk -V' .. ■■maim, „ Mi:. -AS-*" nusfATORT Nore. I *.»• •";« ^^i ^;{i TIm fwj aatonl d«ii« of « ioek, raddanty bwMvid «l tti Pittor, to baT« MNMmMnorial of hk pnlpil kbowi» m^ ' ttiia pubUoikkm. Tho oMmbOTi of MoMUo Obvnk olli«fihMl U^MMdto mmdmot Mwmii^ Vh- oa iaporlMit do^lriiidi rabjMli, of whidi il nat kwnm tlMft aotw wm pvMMnrod MBOiig ihopApanof Um Lj-hiinittUiaii vitt M W i tftt i ^ with ckffied fri«Ddi of tiio dopwM, mA mf •WB, I wKUrlook to pMi tliMo Mnaou, uid parti of Mr> mmm, throofh tho p r w i, andor 017 owb ■aponMoo, It am* bo Ngroltod thait ono or two aro somowln* tn^[mm- taty ; oad wo hMitiktod M to printing tiMMk I^t H thought on tlM whoU that any lOoh rtwutiiu hfmMk thiy «BR raoiQ tho mothod and man|ior of a lovod vSftd ai^ fnaehw, wiU not bo rtgardod with tho Imb intM hf ioqpoetaat road«% whmkft to bo pohnod with aU tho . ' ■ \rv-\.:^:M. w:.v MMm* donip^ Maidi, MWt v .^' V- :? 9- :, "'A 'f . V > t«* ffi't-. . '' f** ■* ■•■■■ ■' "•* ■ IWrmONT TO THl OlOIAfllB .1* v'l Aoamm un mrtii «f •un, -f BATiof iMOMd, witli gTMl plMmr*. tiMl Um tialM of Milvilk Ohoroh, OaII, wot* «bov« lo p«Ukli » aimbw ol ilM Im« BabUth •vmiof iMtvrM^ d«UTM«d by UmIt kl« fMter, JEUt. W. T. Mardodi, on tk* dMiBoliv* 4o«lrfa« ol «Im WailBiiiMtor OoafMiioii of Fnith^ twihnfaTlly oaUaA **n« 11f« poinlti of OUTininn," w* rmadOj mmbnm Uk» oppotimitj of ioMTliog thmtvith • ikorft atOMiMiit of oar fMpMI nNP tM, onifMMr* Mid B B W Ii O f y of OOT ^HHtit biolW in tbo OotpoL Wo oonflno oar rMnarka wfoitUj to Um ImI iUttM «r •ightoon montha of Mr. Mardooh'i Ufa, daring whieh Mm if w wor* oloMly alUitd with Um io onitMl mootiafi for tho ptoelMMtion Mid dofonoo of tko Doctrijud StaiMUrda of oar •MBinon PfMbyHrUiiiaai. TIm airw imrt a n oM whioh brooght m togatbor for tkk okM V* w«U M||^ lio* oolj to lb* iMO|»b of Gall tad tidnity, bat obo mm Synod of tho OMindn PnabyUriMi dboroh. All wo wonld b«n mj K thni Umm doel>ia« ^4 bom rodoly ■— il adinthii kmJity, and Tiawa oppoaad to tban aamaaUy pcopagatod to th* Inialanding of tba 1m« iifonnad, and to th* oaoiing jotft oiiinoa W thoaa laa« B» hadan atlar abhorranoa of anytUiig lika tampat^ with troth, lor thf aak* of aithar popobriaiiig Umaalf or tha dmnh of hit ohoiaa. Withoatlmrotfatoar.hapfoelaiflMd tiM whol* aoonaal o|. Ood. la a paoonal fkiaitd hawM Mlhfnl, aa4 «nM;andia lA k'-'j^'" « 'M' ".'■•»»■■ itft %il \^m m 9\m %jXjMit 4e«MM, wkkk «« kov* m4 praj Mf b« for lk> ■aiftwUnw, mmImI* aad nlnlillilHMi «C Mif M Ikft r»H of «•' ^'<>^ ''**** OhriA ^/■.^^^.■■^•■- BOBBRT AOHWOIf, " "■•'-^ •■../' ' Mli^taff of Um United PiwIqrtwiM Ok«f«k, ir. F. «««., a.11, ifi««i», M»* ../■■. \-m . S^-- il^ littrtSr ••Aon* ^1m '^'i*!^ ■tetaoMnl of mf tei,IMr to th« OoiiMl. te «i«o. te *h. rf.lM«- •^^ ■OMl oJiawflliT ol *h« bto B«f . W. T. MwdMk. Aft •• «fMM0« ol tlM df«p riip«8» to wMA Mr. Mwdtek «■■ Mdbf th* poblto gwMnUj. w« te^v* <«ljr te f^wH te lk» IMM mMn who •teMidMl th* huMMl MTfiM MM oo «h» liMaili Mtevllv Ml toteriMBl, ool only to IMvOk «h«ffik| MA ■*» to »» . ABdww-t ohnwh, whw^ ftMoidtof to iwiNI^ ■Ml wMi IM BoT. Mr. AoMmm MM ■ ipMtel airrte* to ^•••■■toatetomWfoMitotemteddMA. TMtate««- ^iLirttedi .nd tM 4«n» to«MiW •»* ««»«-• 1 dutog tM ■WTtow, oftoowl not* iteoofly tMn Mi, «1m ptew wMoh oar dopMted MMMv Md to tM «MMm of bU wbo Md «M pteMon ol Mi aaqMal- MMft, MBd «Im p^ai of Iktentog to Mt «l«r oxpoiiltew of W« ■!« gUd te MMwr fti H > w i g l i*»to vf Mtef »■«• li glf* to IM pal^ iovM of hi. ki* HpM ^' wy--^ TMiMh Ti hrl --* **^ plHunvtof hMvtog IMii diMi«BH> Wmw •myoonM^iot thM th^ will do «^ ♦• «^ Md hMil of «k« Mrthor, nod Mio ii^i OMpiJii ■ ■ftiliihlw. J, B. Wnm HA., ^.>^^^ ,. f''*im, -^ * 'f ' ■• CONTENTS DaoovMB I. Bpk L 4 Dhoudmi II. Rooa. ix.10: f^vwrdfa^ of Oim* Uluatrmtodr-jMob m4 U PMnorm m. Iblk xL IB-M : with v. m DiflovitlM MiMi4M«d. mpmU^jt eoniiMlod vtA ^ tlMaiuMiriol«lGkMp«loglir,M» **OoaMttAl» ' M aU j« ftlMl kbov," .*a..... :.....M.f. P Duoouan tr. ▼.tr Dtiiiil* AtoMiMiil SpMoh in Bjmod at HMdlioD in rapport of AppMl. ftettml Swoioii bf lUv. Dr. Willie. 9 Oor. I?. 7 l ^ with OoL iL ft^ : .• ■ . ; V- ; J . ■ ' -.t*^. ' •. - v . " Hm IVMMora in iMthwi VmmIs,''.-" IsUbliih. MMitia VMth, *«. ••• •<•#•*••««## »«*«**(« \' ». tl H\* '< !! '" m.^ «• .rf .> Vj tif» ^,^1 1 . •« 1 1- t \ f * ~ ■ i * ^i. « / , - ' "l. * ; •t •* ,jr/^,Vj,- ,' / , . * ly * * n . . ^f^-^ iv . '^ , b'*^'-! !!:/a fjnw^if^^^ *'/■ BI800UBSE I. Am^ m Aiamm t horn thoM ImU bj AraUMH H> h\ :' ' ••* fa* mhkrowmai^f aoi to wni ato or to oontiiuM amtftfiii . #l . lifct dkpntoaQd dividoB. Hm Qommmiity aaumgil wlritlMM - '^ Hwwi pnt m n i tf ,hj m gtmi aujopfily, CUvioiali^ tW I oi ^MMdad * hff* pAfMitiqa of our paqal* doaol iwlb^ nndiMtalid wlwl CUvliiim k. '^^T?^ T^: J , I ipMk, of ooon^ iNiIj of my oiro oQQgngat^ r*S* ^ •p^»i "» P«»«»d«a, aqMlfy to olliwii^ iwi ;y^ % iliki Iraqr, bartUof, woildly ago^ lij «1m afcadiaf ^ ||U| , ^^ •itoolMMiod iartraekkm wbioh in aiiji of y »*'■' Y: StCr ^Ai^ it- ' c^ ^->' id ■:■/ "5.t vonb^ iii» imf*wd PMlmiat, "Th* Lor* .. i«|tiiat there is no opposition between it and ptfiUfi^ exhortationr^why, there caih be no practical appeal 'irifthaqfc, a bplla 61^ which to rest : I osll on yon to pusa» . me U^e of oondnet, if lam not vooking yoa I most shefr yM^why t I nrge and implore you to bsliete ; if I wo«ld not iiMK* yon I most explain to' you what you are ta ^ |hif tvieViitting jfkmg^ aad ttaa^ I nugiit b)0W fiv* m A^hdtrt moimi oi^ ttw sfaiiaBidi of our ehurah. th* . Mmato fri«i pop^r «« oomj3i|led in Ssotiaad t^ lap^ ViM tiia tot gfi t eia l Mimi bl y of Hm dwwh im fc^^hlH^ B w»MdM-«»; ; ftvd to dMir IIP thft prindplw of ihit ehnra^ mAmmmhIj mm mufuiM ft» WwtaiMter, oompoMd of iMn of aU duidM of opbfdii, "mbkk ftftorMmftl jmum eontiii^A labonr, teiwd m Cam' iMkNi of Fai«h,ftlftig«rftiid «lio CkDOTml Aawmldy tad PftriJMiloii^of 8eolk»d. TImm «(• «ho StMMftxdt of our ohni^. Tbagr «m «dUi ' ^: HHnnj CUviiuatio, infttmneh m Umy agM 1m|^ pitti ite ' views of (Miin, ^honsl^ tiieir ftothoril^ iaW digivi otWHk. . ■an dipwidft iipon him, M viKtt iilwt lr« «Im| tp^ thoir Mtira aKnoawiit with tho woid of Qof^ v 3^ dniwn «p«ftt ft timo whon tiio ohnrah wm Aiminiftii OROi^ onron whioh w«NooiMid«radftif| od bj the itjraod of I>ort thirty jmn mOimty mi Ij vwydiatiiMllj slatotho fUthof thodnmh d from afiotoiBify did hj tho inoatWiBdlitl^ ^^oonnaalbf Ua own will, ftaaty and im mammm^: ^ «fe*l..riKCJ-«:is .**■; *'v. '•■V: It I'^- f tMI Bol wlir ttpon ttiit wid* Mp«oft of PndiHiMtion,' iluMgli it indodM the whol* qiMrtion, «od ou be ol««riy pKovvd fttmi NMon m wall fes rtvaUtldh. Tlu poini aromd wUbh ttie Ara^niMi MntroTtnsjriMi topndoftinatkm mtoItw ' k the oonnaxioa beiwMn the deerae of God and the ialf»- %n of man ; Ut other words, what is the deeree pnrpoae or eleetion which Ood in eternity d«oreed regarding silch as are iiffdt ■■'Oardootrinoisthis^ ./ ■ ■ ■;.> . ■> .'',,.""■'.';■■■' ' ^ <^Thoa» of tnankind who iare predestinated unto Iifei,"Opd ' liiorB the lonndatiott of the world was Uid (Read Oonf.> \, >(, JThe Arminiaa doetrine is-<- ^^^IGkid from all etemitjr determined to bestow salvation on ;iliaae who He forssaw ahonld penwvare onto the end in their fidth in Christ Jssns, and to infltot ererhMting pnnish- Mtmk on those who should oontinne in tiieir unbelief and lisiafc onto the end His divine sueoorsL *"''flia tWoajstems diverge and difi^ on this pdnt ; both Aliidl aikt olaim an eteriMl purpose on the part of Ood lenMHdi hia pe(^le. The reason why Ood ehoosea one and liMfsB anotjier is, says the Arminian, the foreseen foith jand f wwefe ra nea. Aooordiog to our theory theee are not the^ ^ eMM but the eiliMt'^-somethjuig bestowed— and the onl^ 'fMisoii Seriptux* gives is, "^e good pleasure of Ua will 16 IM pniaa of the glory of Hia graoe.'' ^ The o&e theoiy makiBa .the' grace bf Ood d^«ndetkt on ibmiithing in the sinner that makea him t6 differ-^or what nmttsKt it whether it be good woib Men or foreseen ? the yebm giv«a to Obd aU the glory, and attribntea faith nid ' (iMMytbing else to the wonderful love of Him, who aecord- iog to Hia merey <^ose us not because we were holf or farea^entb be hdy, but that we should b« holy and v^thont 't^ane before Him in Ibveu'";: '■■... ■ ■.; ^r^'X-'^^-- JBefoce quoting Seriptnra proof-appeal to teaaon-^ia salvation OodV work— ccmversioD, ho. ; we ask— then when did Ood reaolve to do it t Oh, who without impieliy wotdd dare to say it ia aomething he did not always maaa to do t in other words, juit a^t and hold our dogtei^ . * <» i - , ^ 1 - » t j/ ' i^**'- ., -' -, > 1 o .'fj> •--' " -^ i < S.. v'* ff: lY.' 1^ -^'^ ' J'i'-i. -.-^V^ Soriptof* praot Bote, f : S8. (BmiI and oplaiii); A«U IS: 48. " " r tTlMM.2: la «• *« A ^ , iSUtt 3:5. •« if ■-■■">. ■ "■. -■-, .• ..'■'■■ ".'.■* • . . ■'. ■'■.■'' Leaving the lUtemeiit of objaotiotui and improTemwiit W next Sabbatl^ I would oondnde with one or two remMrki of ft general kind bearing on onr preient topic. I could not expre«too strongly my oonWction m to iho importance of every one thoroughly ondentaading and holding thedootrine of Ood*g electing loVe, aa ao elaailly revealed in these portiona of Scripture. It is no meiw Ihaovy involving no practical results with which we hen deal ; yon^ ideaa of nohai O^ i§ determinea the whole stmotofO and tone of your piety; and that system of truth, thai intsvpt*- tatk>n of Scripture, which elevates |Gk)d, which makaa Him not like to us, but *« dwelling in light inaoosaable and InB of gloiy," whdoh makea its chief end His glory, andonrwall- ' being subtwdinate thereto^ onj^t to commend itself at omo to the adoring reception of all who love Ood. ... > Diffloultiea there are beyotid doubt in this view of tratti| for who can by searching find out Ood I the nalura Mid .d^iree of these diffioultiea I shall try in my next leotinwio state and remove-Hmly this I may say thai they an diiBool" tiea less in degree and different in kind from thoae Utttk belong to any other theoiy, and their influence on the pfoaa mind is not to bewilder but to hnmUe and call forth aail. did from Paul the exclamation ** Ohthe depths I dre." 'S»»J >. "kj \ V^^ 1.*?^ ^^kxM Miii' yv, ■>•■' :«*.■ >*'■ '^^: ;.'■»«, ,■ . 4 ■'■■/:>■ PISCOUBSE It "3 In nj laik LMt1lr^ whkOi wm m«ralj of w introdtiotory iMiim, Md in which I itatod mthw ihra diMnuMd th* doetrine of Ood's d»a— m to hooMn lalfaiion— yon will «M>in1itr I sfaitod the point of difhnnM betwoen na Mid [ AminiMM, betweM tho doetrino on thia point profeMtdand liild bj tiM PrwbTtoriaa Ohnroh, and piofaMed in the atnn- daidaof tho Ohnrah of Vngland, and that hdd bj MethodUta , MoRteaniana, and all otheia who hold to Anninian teneta : Omt doetrina being that God, from all eternity, in the «gei«&M of free graoe, aovereignty, for reawma known only io Himaalf, but not for anything in the ocentnre, ohoee n oartafai number of ainneia, elected them to everlaating life: Tha Arminian Tiew, that God elected auchlp-He foreaaw would beUere—this election, in other word^' d^enda on ihair beliafing ; onoura, election precedea and giteaulMth. Salfalion in their Tiew, depeuda on the linger himaeU^in our view, it dependa on Ood ; they hold thnt Ood muat •aa or foraaee aome good qualitiea in.tha ainner. before He am ekot him to life ; we hold that Ood ean aee no good in tba rinnar ezoept what he determined beforehand to beatow ~4tt other woida I diall endeavour to-night to deuMnatrato^ . the one ia laltation by g»<»i **>• o***" *^ ''®** . I w&A to gifB you the argumenta for the ddetrine in aa obndmaad a f orm aa pomible. The doctrine in which we liold the ^ory of God ui de^ly oMioemed, and which I am to ^OfO ia, i^ eternal unconditional election or ehoioe by Ood U hia people to etenud life altogether irre^peetive of ' mpy f^i*c r<«d in them aeen or foreaeen. bat embracing jn ita ygw^wma fMthi hoUneaa, and oveiy graoe. - " Vinly let m aigue from raaaon—fuppoae the Seripturea kid BO|l» M m hold they hava^ daariy varaaledit, atiU from wa eo«Ul anivu a* tba oonduaion b«for« ua. I i . ''-ml^^h^M li ■■V *'f ilwJl MMUM ihiM taidMBfiital trafbt— til ih m iHi — daiMn Uabl* to clinial p«dittoii---(mi ol i Idiid » portion «m mtkI Mid •> portioa UmA : no bdiotMi til* bibk •! aU wiU rarcly qowtion iiMM tfai^pfc fltlMii I adi, how oomM it to p«M tiuti mom mo prod wUlo dtlMn parish t Whmioe ia it that oak of tho hQinMi laaai^ OM daaaiatakoBand aaokhar left t We ataad kwldi^r ott) A greet fact, en qndeniablei iaane, end we epk ^e reeeon of ' tbe fM>i Beoenae, ai^ the Arminien, the one betiwed'aad . Jbe other refnaed: gnmted, but that ia only pftttting tlie diffleoltj a atep be<^ How waa it ihat the one beUarred nnd theother not! Waait thatthe one waa better than th« other, waa more pmdent, more truiting, kia wieked t Ko^ aaja the ArmSnian, now p r aaee d into a comer, end joal aaawerittg anbatantially in ^the aame way — ^Man ia » fret agent, and in the ezereiae tlien the leeaon for aome reoc&lring and aome rejeetiqg mnat lie out jpf themadvea, mvat be the opeiatioii of Hit Spirit of Oodrbnt if thia operation ia oonmum toalV if with equal power the S^rit works on eadi aoid, Okol oaimot ifooonnt for it mtiier : equal poww acting againat eqnaJl Naistanoe— the aame inflnenoe beering on inen eqiadly dead in' abia, would prodnoe the aame effect in all,, and on tidi^ . .Boppoaitkm dither all would balievo and be aaved or all r»> fue and b6 ket Itioairming then from the eiBnt back to the canae, tMrf^f the nnJtoniaUataetof adilbranee in effbol being p r o dtt aal' ottainner%aiidthatdiffnencienol ariainf fromanjUiiBC^ tlMmaehfe% nor from any infhy w ea o^ the Spirit th^ In Mnunon injoy, w»arafonttd^ti>fh»oonBliaioBi ^3bmkmwt\ .>■■■■(', '4 ■/-v'*' "•J-^ 'i >4J '^■& M I* •*, 'WVi .-f:, /;. fMNM il,tlMl ttk pvodoadl I7 wImI Ood doMfot ■Bd wiihlMldi bom o ttw toat llihi t flMNlon k* ilwufs iirtMid«a«od«^fbr kMwmwteiiMliovdMallkiB iNtlBi fiom«iMbigl!piiii«oCfth* woild; imiMmynt^MW man lMii«f«Ua pwdwHnalip^ md i lwMiy t pwpw lowprdt AIUioi«h I Mi MWMwIm whit will form lib* mbjcol ot a fataw Ltofaf* «m •flaadom gi aot th ai w wtwritott ii God's work, thai Ood Moks tho aiaiMr bofora tiio linMV •Mks Ood ; if it won othorwiM tho dootbn would Jwl b« lOfWMd, Ood nwaUl bo tho lianor'solMt, and not tho titmmt Ctod**— ■Uhoogh I do not «it*r into tho diMoarioa of this now, Imt anmnio its truth— I am anxiow to pna thia lino of argonont, boeaoM it OHriao to waj own mind i nmfatib lo proof, iaaiiatana and to ns a loomly modio of proetdoroto tik* uHua Ood doM, and mj Ho alwaja intondod to do it, to maaonCrom the thing dona thai Qod moat havo had a p«r- poaotodoit; and ia alao a modo of pivaanting tho dootrtao, whioh muroty nqoiMa the abaanee of all Ohriatian hnmiliij to gainaaj or donj ii. ■ - Av» yonabeUofw? Have yon «cp«liaetd thai Mlfaig dkan|(e whidi eonatitaiaa oa new ovMtnrea f Then, . who oooirarted yon, yoniielf or aouM iaUow areaiue t Daro jon think or aaj either of thaae t No, ii waa Ood in hk giaeerefealinghiaSoninToiL, Admit OWH, admit that your new birth waa Oodfa woric, and the qneaiion ia aettled— 70a admit eleeiimi, andof ooone eternal eleotion, for withotti i mpi e ty we oannoi dmqr thai whatever Ood doeainiimolM pttfpoaed io do ao from eteniity— there oan be no iaram lAkh he did not foraaae earning him to alteo^ pupoae. Oil it ia beoanae manV prond heart iaonwilling to ha hnnbiad into the. dm* of ain and halpleanaaa, vnwilling to be istiTCty dependent vpon Ood for aH-ihit th^ eavil at and lealat 1^ aovaraignty, invent the dahaive theory oC lujiwi^h fdth aa a ground of bboiee a theory utterly di- ■Inelive of aaSvation bygiaoa^ and robbing Ood of ttml' . itkfy doe to 13Bm name I . B«t 00 ^ dootrine of eleotion ia olaarly dedndble ^om ttilHiit iw wy whtf, in tarme of the etroagaai kind, aalvatioo' '^ i a n iw i»w fc w <*»iMwa ** IT % ■^*. It AltrUmtod to th«/fM gtm«$ of God. ' KMd I qoolo 8ori^ ion toproTO ihUUitor dootritie,/*lgr gnoo wro yoaircd throogli faith, and that not of yoorMlTW it it tho gifl of God :** wo an " jiutifled frao^ by Hit graoe"— «we an ohoMA to tho pralae of the glory of hia grace wherein he hath nade iu accepted in the beloTed.'' Now what ia grace V—p— meroj, aomething giten ua for which we hare no «>Mm , which God may withhold or give according to Hia pleaaate. It waa an act of grace on the part of God to proTide a BaTionrat alL He might juatly have paaaed oyer the hnmaa race, and left them to periab, aa He did to the fallen angela. Ho might chooae none, few, n^ny, or them all, aa ■oomod food in Hia aigbi Aa Judge He could condemn all, • for all had tinned and come thort of Hit glory. At Sovereign He could forgive and tave whom He would. True, thia ia denied : the great and turely good John Weiley^^ihe founder of the Methoditt ohnrohea^ and whoae termona mould their theological viewt, deniea thit ; he tayt, "i deny that God might juaUy have patted by me and all men. I reject it at a precMibtit attertioq utterly nntupported by Hol^;: Bcriplure.^ fi to, then God waa bound to provide talvatUa!" for all ; John M^ey'a God would have been nnjuai had he not provided the meant of talvation and put them witUn hit naoh. Well, if to, there ia no grace in tiie matter; there *ean be no graoe in beatowtng what could not juatly be tfith- held : it it timple iuitice, which God mutt bettow ; and Paul ahould have writteSi inttead of graoe, juatice— " the jiuHo* of God hath appeared." It ia another goapel which it not another. But, ^ <'o>uo ^ "^o point more immediately in hand.- Buppoae in an atiemblyof one hundred people, under tha preaching of the goapel, fifty are awakened and oonverled, while fifi^ remain untouched and go on in unbelief to eter- nal ruin. Did God have towardt each of the fifty the tarn* purpoael Atturedly i^L On what account watHiapitcw - pJMo different towarda URne pwtyaa cwl^aied witiith* otoer 7 If it waa aomething in himtelf which he haa nol revealed, '* tho good pleaanre of hia will," then thwreonv^'' aion waa "^t the puipoae of God aeoointing to elooMa^ • night itand." It waa aaaei of pm^ ^rrace; but if hJa'ptv*;, ' -if Yiii ^^•^.^:^ ^H, fir 1*1 ' -m ■KmK 'f''! ■^« bg» «M ooiidiMoi-a by mA ariitafwi* ^."^Tf-?^ ?^T^ ^hikld«Uniiiiitd*MdiiiiwiK»wMiiolfr»o««l ri^ U *lit' Wth «« M» i*^ Wly : th^ '^^^'.^Ttjr! ,••«-* btrtowdl Im4 ••• work p«fonii«l ; for ltob.tof -mm woald odl 1M (MklTaUon by g«»o« ; no. ii to nol IWM tlii»» d«t«iine. the matUr »i •!!, bat iha (Wth of ih« iBdiTidiiBl prowling wul dMWTlng the g»oe, V «M« eaj b»mtakatlimga»d€mrtinggmc». If, I repeel, we we ■ated by gn«, in «»y intelligible ..n-S it i. by r'^«»f^~- ^ S meioy, which eot being eter pr-wit m the Di. ine «iodk nothing more end nothing leM th^g^'e •twnel dMne of penoonl election. / Bn^ do«i th^ word of Ood expreedy tewh wh*t we •flm t "To the Uw wd to the tertimony " mn>t efer be ttM iiltim«te reeort ; we think it doee, end eo dearly thrt we mtfrel eny oonU feil to find it Not to bowUder you with » long list of pMMge. in proof, end meny might be jnettura togetherto the 0th chn)ter of Ro- mw,. Look et the chapter. It opene with • joiy ttrong •spNMbn of regret on the pwt of the Aportje oter the obdorecyend blindne- of hi. feUow Jew., hU kinimen •«. ooiding to the fleeh, ,thet w mwy^f them wJ«»oted e^retioa. The dietinetion of*whioh he i. n^eking, end which I wieh Tm deeriy to bc« iu mind* e. it will come np HfJ*". i» »<>* between Je# end OentUe, not en election of the JewWi niOfhiioiM exdnrion of the OentUe., bat en election of • nnmber of Jew. to the exdarion 4i another nttmber^wid bow kthi. ? Hegite. in Ter«» 6th the prindple of wlut^on, ^ M thoagh the word of Ood h- ^^T t»"%*S?;„ «b«k i., *ot beceow the promi«» to Abrebim U. fmjad in wr 9l it. intended i»ae.: whoeyer wwinduded (itieof iJufidaiO. he ii .pciking) dudl get the promi-H-" they «re " «* .a I«d who ere of I«d.« not eteiy mdivid«l de- t^r-n from AbhOiem by n.*a«d de«wit «e diildren of liTi^ in ▼. 1 1-Jr««* «^ Ibatt-not that Ood Tiewed |SwS«oil»S biit both oqndly rfnial. bott^^ •, ■* *< « tlma in Ims : tkif wan «lilkU«i ctf om moH^, aiOM birth, and th« dsoUnUon Mbeliog th« om and imarfim bf iha oilMir WM mada pvaTiova to thair bain|^born, aad «t«UI not thacafora hava baan^foondad on any tiait of nhaninlai in aithar, bat waa laaolTabla, in tha olaar langnaga of Um lltb Tana, into nothing but tha aoraroign plaaaoza of Oo4— > " that tha poipoaa of Ood aooording to alaetion might -rlnnij not of worka, but of Him that oallath.'* How olaar i» this language : how oan any ona willing to ba tanght out of Ood'a Word fail to laa hara thawhola natter T Ona elected, the other left, that election not laal. ing on worka bat on the aoTereign parpoae of Ood. Ilia mora trifling to tell aa that it waa on aoooant of foraatan good woirka ;. there oould have been in the oiroamatanoaa no worka bat foreaeen onea, and when worka are expremljr aoC praady exoloded it muat mean foraaeen worka. The objection which the Apoatle auppoaea may ba pat s^aarly ihowa oa what hia meaning is. Had tha election q>oken of reated on any good qualitiea aeen or foreaeen, thoM ~Woald be no meaning in and no call for the aappoaed qoaa- tion which an objector woald raiae : *' la there anrighteooa- noM with Ood 2" Jaat the objection that ia still pat, whiah we conitantly meeV-ria it right for Ood to take ona aM ^r iMva another t And how doea he answer thial Doaaha «ay, aa sometMople would say—" Oh no, Ood givea araiy one equal advantagea, the same meana of graoe ; and il teata with themaelyea entirely— he choae Jacob becaoaa Ha »w ha would pencTere in obedience. '* t No, my frienda, ba aaya nothing of the kind, but daima for Ood tha pmogatiT* of ehooaing out of a loat world such aa ha shall blesi^ adalj and entirely according to hia aorereign will—" I will hsiw 'nanj on whom I will haye mercy, I will have compaaakm ^ on whom I will have ocmipaasion,'* The quotation ia iMm ~ Xxodua, deacribing Octt'a worda to Mcaea aa to how h* iroidd tTMt the Israelites, aU of whom had commiMpd idclatiy, and therefore o/toe liaUe to Ood'a rightaooa jodf* mmta ; and the meaning ia, jnat aa Ood claimed thcrataL; akj for thair ain a certain number, and to be maidfal^to % rart an •« Mijie. aoynwya will; m doaa ba. Ml ' 7? . . .*. ■A^'h>.5.i!^Xif^-:t, %■ ki '' ,^, 1^^ ,., « It k nol o( Ua tlM>* ''^M^ nor ©t W« *bM raBMlk Voft of Ood who tlMwvlh maiVT.'' I* to no* M't wflMBi. ••d working, tt to trno . Iml tlioy •!• •wtMiV "^ agJlMTt to and ariiiiig on* ol Ood> i a y t ts i f* ?%* ™ »«oh. who«it I. i««Ud Ood "nJ-d np." ih^k -- rf«gd him • •Ution Md a i>ta(0» in wWoh hi. lnn«to w4ok«l- aMWOuld dkpUy Mwtf, and wh«o ho would m m ^^ ' Ihiltlio Almighty pow^ol God. >««y ^.-J^St^^ AnamawottoMhlngof th^o two ▼«••% m if tlioy t*«gM 5Il aS\io»wllyinfM«OTa Into ««•• h^rta, poiitlTrij WdfafCldidinghard«i*hdrhi«ti. A Itttto f*to>tfoB. fe^wvv^, will ihow thii in Ito proper Ughi, God !• nieh M ar* ; hnrdaft. t wiU iMwdon, Ac.," il mH to hMdmnhMTt that it lof t, 'iA««dy bud ; an^lkhe tmo iManing •tt^ wiflkad potiona to aot oat thoir Hunt to oinmnstanoaa whore they ini g^wMk Phanoh, when Godiald "I ia nil M tha ftiUtai«»* of thia, " Wiaraoh hardened Ua "^^ ^ aii oMeoto*—** H ia i^ -wty ol^jeotlon Oa* ^^ thaae dija-"M*»>«* be (», if Ood^i P»»»P<«*t ii. and hia win towanda hia orealuwa alwi^ ' ««»aa.r why doth he yet «nd laaH-why poniA tm lar a«l tafoc what He hath determtoed they ahaU ^^^t MMiw«n|h*inapii«A writer, II yoabegto toq«Mtk»^ 0«M ti^ to diateibttto Hia fafor aa He wm ; If yo« dany ST^lMiUa^i of yim daima for himaalf, dotag aa yon plaiii^ :;i^yiW «; -yi-***!* "Who att the-, qh toil^, : «, ,-ot* L'.*:. f. , ■'^^"S •? M^,. *'f t It fa Urn wiik vkMi tUi mik to ffiwifliil "tTIi «lMa Ood W Im teppj •»« MM to to UmI i" I iiy «tel wtotatOT, ioMBoah m Ito I«mii|» ovt «f vMA Il« M lirti H to pfopto to wtollj Mnvptdiwdx, and •§ httft tto f^ io dtofMOM Hto faTor m H» wUL I tov* av«ll at ipoM toofth on ih«» T«nM la ovd«r th0« f o« aajr all tor* on IMviiM Miihoritj at toast ana rT~ifT of Sflriptoro tp whioh at all timai yon oan rofar. It to pi»' tob^ tto otoanat portion of tho Bihto toaring on tto pilule io otoar ttot, aa Spnisaon mji, "Till Araiatona gat ilrihi otoptar araawl out of Ato UUa, ttoj oan navir ovartam tto doetriaaof Ood'saUotioglOTa.'' . : I do not naad, mj Ohrtottoa frtonda, io addooa fnrlkM Sflriptora proof and iUoRtration. Wliat wa hmrm advaiiaS pttto otoavlXt I think, toyond donbt ttoia tnitto : Ood fi^ ataraltj olioaa Hto p«>pto, atookad tham fkonr tofon t{ lomdatlon of tto world, not tooawa of good to tonmm!^ ttoa^ not for a hoUoMa ttoj powiiii, tmt to linlimi ttot Itoj itoald to holf and idttoiit Uama tofora hill i» lof« ; not for faith forsaaan, for tkara oonld to no fUth la- dapaodant of Hto giaoioaa pnrpoaa to baatow it ; * '■■■ .ty • ■•■■ ' 1 '■ '( I '' .17 I <: I ' ■'iAVf?M':*f:f^ m «V>< &?T' --« ^Mi^tM InlMtaywiiig fife ttpon iHMmiMMiV«ir He wffl t jriy> iliow {he ebwrdity of this ol4e«>iion •»*;?•!;- «B(irteiiw«f tlu.«eWlioioAeit ;70uli»w«w»yw«ddifld, • w^ who » proftiff^e wd widad ; you «« en A«m^ erTlIo«ri«ml«ii--«e ytm kept ftom preying toOod to. M^ ymit ehiM,tomelt huiheerl.to torn hun from the wHOi of hie w»y»l ybnrcreed forWdeyou doingii Ton e^ fcr Oodte gbeto oniwhet He wiihholde from enoiher fc. trkons • thoMendi of profligete ohildrenheTe peruhedend iailpiidung; your oold, heecUem creeds ¥ "Wm it wrong for God to confine the knowledge «f the wuy of life for one ihoumndof yeen to » em«n nation of . l««e end kftTe eU the world in deikn«»-to Jo iim|^ «riK«Bl« in Bethmide^d CtooiMn rather then li^ T^ nnd ffldw-to gltew thego^ endleefe heethen l«id. m «ro« daifcoem; wrongto oonwtthie child end leave the ^ ft^iuhi»«ne;tomve\hi»pe«ontendpermittheohildio ;r« in wid«dne« I The« thing. Ctod h^ d^ Soofli God ie doing. Do you quertion the wctrtude^ fhemi ThflyiuTolTethe ewue principle •• •»«»«»»• "*^ gofdy ie the ignorwice^ impioue bejond all mee«u:e the IdaJiemy, which woul^ charge the God of ell gmoe, in t SSiTw* own t^elerndllife, with p«rtttlity and wrong doing 1 ah It tendan oor own exertion unnuuumiiy and uae|Mi. Mil lamelectedl am eafe do what Ia»y> if I ^mwA |toefcdlam1oal,dowhakIiriU." _,, We^ M w apfly «ri. tide to olli«i»rtfc«j2?^ -^' * it^, Ttoa bw in dattg#ofM» ridn toi j tf ya^ '■■^-i /■i w. /v I'* f'3. nodvw ondMOktt Iw dtodii^«n4i upon Um iHll U QtA^^ iMdiai, vfiB uk Ahtt&iitii would Mjr, tlie irm <>f «ii»Ii^ %• diHM. Wdl, dbjoa imMm thai I The thing k l^)tt ih« mind ol Ood : if he k to ^ it must bo m^ do irhM I wiU ; if ho b to Vto it ■baU bo though I do nothing. Ah^ mj friondi, jon would not do thct ; while willing to bow t« the Divine will vaUn Atum, you would vm vnuj meueHBd emy tppUenoe, and oombine with it ell pnjer to ^ranil with God for meroj. but I take a Soriptaral oase-lPaul and hb l^w paiMntgecB. He haa a rerelation of the nfety of all— yet he aay^ Bzoept theee abide in the ahip^ ye ^uinot be Mved. AetazxTil Teiy wonderful that the objection b uaed only in tho Toiy natter ilk iirhioh tl|ie oonneotion between meana and enda b oertaiu 1 1 mayjget medieine from the phyiidaii, but! cannot be sure of recoveiy ; I may bbonr, plow and BOW, but poMiUy no hat;^eat ; but rare as the Komiae of an imehaiigeable Ood can make it, if I.uie the mSoa of giaoe I ahall obtain ; " Adt ahd ye ahaU receiTo, Ac." luataad of parafiaing effort, without it there oonld be no effiarl ; What aie innta^nB to mm f I cannot obey ; but Gk)d haa ehoaen to late some in oonneotion with tim .uaec^the meana of graee-^ah that b different, then I may seek ; per^ adventure I may be amongst them. ' (3) Although true, it b uselSss or dangerous to pnaeh it. TbM b a prevailing error which I hesitate not to ehaiao> teijae as at onoe nnseriptural and unwise. It amoidkia fo thia, that sinners must not be told their helplessness lest wo discourage timm ; that we become their enemy when we tell them the truth : Well, how b it in God'a word t lUw Chrbt^ two great invitaiions^" All that the. Vkther halli given unto me, ^*> *'Itfumkl!hw,oh Rither,Ac.» He^ in the aet tff xeoogniang^ sovereignty, freely invitsa. Wo cannot be far astray following rach an example. \ Many other objeetiona : but let these auiBce. Tho um of tiib doetciae^ I have not time to-iufl^ to entto u|(te i, they will oome out hoWoter in om Intuio Isctuiei o» the <**; (ft ■'i ^v'^i peiii^l)9raaIsmi,th^lQffii >" ./T' Jil ^mmMo^ jbfy^mdail pendTvaioM Mlw*iOii ot hii pftopU--!* !»• fcNUiaittUm of the tiM Lo«a knowetb fM» M*» ?*' Lord itandeUi row, hftTUig *Wi wJ, ^ " \ . .uA T, ^>.' />- W". ^-»» X ■J^-> \ X. \ \, \ »/i} -."i • '\ I -> ) '4' It h '■■"" f ''in Miy liMt tiNDtittv 1 ttd^eavbared to demonstnte, frojon rtoiflfi in>*« *■ ^"^*^**'^ and held by^ onr obnrbh. |^ ]pnMnfa4 i«ro Mrgnmenti from £whon— firat diewinf fr^' tl^'lMiniltfedd fikot of •oim being ttived and loine ki|i^ ^ iAm'eqi^yi1iew(Mrd'ot Ood had come, and boih iMrillit'', 6C|tUi^ difpiated, and lio enmity a^^ainat Gkd— and i!M0»4t ! linm tte dfltrly t«Di(|^i and mnoh inaated on biUo trath 11p0^, MMttlbm ia of graoa— that the nltunate naaon ortJapiaa of •al?ati6li Ai^iat be in Qod, his ^[raoons puipoae towMdabia*^ 'i«4Mini«d. IjiaTeyoaiiftin^ of 11i« 9tk eb*ptw of fbb ^main, on tlib important and ademn trnf^ ancfaiiebi^Qdad, 1 hope, in shewing to every nnpr^a4iQ64 fittnJ %bat hiiymd all ^ntroverqf the doctrine we deal idiik, ia^bi^ fd% iMddoira mkI ilioati^te^ t 4r0lr your attention ^ one or two of the pr^vaili^ objaetidna Mgdiu^ deotion ; that it made Opd pwtial, thli|. it par^ya^ human effort, and (Bven tho' true it waa iii^^r t6 lei it alfme : To eaob of '^eae I te in repl^iDQb;. atfiniMnta and iltiiMiions aa, t, trait, remoy^ froin^ P*^„. ' ]p wonia,. howeTor, be nii«rly ine^oaable and, crqei ^«ra I^Ww iho matter aa a mere ^onolnaion, t(f whidh yow ' ii^^eigeiioe' mnai ^ve oonaen^ ^'^ntent myaelf, with thn own deaumatKatfon «f iia iratfalalneaa from the wond off d^'; ^ m^ joatiy b^ expeeled^^kat ,1 ah<^d, lu^ «4io^ lli» 4al( «t a)n, ao iHiat I ean t0 MfolTo th^,l^,, SS^aii^aa^niai whiohb»«%:fnd tronbi* «H« mMol, ■^ lit ilwirftoi, tr u t h. ^ ; - ■ .,./- '' T^ bt it ftom me to mailMi HifiA of theae d5mK!amt»>»^. TT' "»/. r^ - "J. \^ ^va -f. r .V ^#^: w i».^ ffl»* 0^ this, that our received docti^e is beset with few^ difficulties iSwn any other theory which would not rob. Qod even of foreknowledge ; and that the yery inoomprehensi-' ^)%' ftf the theme serves to promote its objeot^<— the humbling so of man before Ckd, "of whom and to whom are all ti^gs," that no flesh should glory in his j^esenoe," . . lyhat I wii^ this evening to do, so for as 1 may be en»- ' l4/ei4, is, to look a litl^e more closely than we have done to, the objcotionii and difficulties which are raised JHSpdnit the dodti^e ; and for purposes of clearness I shall look ajt these as ihey relato first to the Goi^ invitation to the sinner, Ikttd second to the life of obedience and holiness of the beUever. 1 Difficulties connected with the nnivers4 g«q;)el invi- tations. /- .' -^ .../-'' i!''*^'; It is said ** how can QroA, honestly and sincerely call on ii|(| ainfter to repent and beUeve the gospel, when by • ■eoret irreversibie decree he has made certain that the graost i|ecfMai7 .for obedience to the call shidl not be gnuated t how give a univecssl invitation if thmre be a limited design t" I iirtiatie again that we innst tread softiy the ground on whidi, we now stand : the difficiKlty I mention iin nai one ; th«k 11^, many honest idnoere mindi are troubled therewith, and r Qpd fqrb^ tiiat I should, by Wiy ffippimcy of langoagie, at 1i|ift^ti*!| [aess «rf sentiment^ PMtke lif^t of the matter* K».! K^,aieaihidy«nd witii hnmhlaneas of mindai9 hov fir, «a4 to wlial jlifM* «0 MB 'nnoT* it. ^v- iC4 ^ i* -ii ■':.yi^' ^r^' ffer 'lf> ■-'iV- iMe, iiid ehalhmg^iig us, m they do, to solve it, #e wovU 10 Mifk reply ; tlM diiBonlty u equally great on your bwn' ilMory. CKxl mobt certainly know* whether one wiUMoeiiil iir r^jeeft tiM offisr^the rejection intdvei inoonoeiTable ^nilt ^ of whidi h* Would have been free had he never got th0 olTer ; why doea a graeions and mercifnl Opd, knowiiag whkt .tike ziwiili mnit be, ply with invitation and iihreatentng epmev of,]^ ereiilnrea, who, he infallibly knows, will aoorn iheiu •11 and bruag on themselves the greater oondemnation t Wifre we, I Sfty, dealing wii^h the anbjeot in that way, we eonld readily nlenoe the adverwry^ ; but that to-night ii iiT Vf ■■ ■' - ■ 3»V . ^ , is* / ■th^Bl/ «nd expresalj ucribot t^ the. Father, the .b^ptovivg ^tbe withholding of that knowlcH^ which Ofn >v« ^ i^l^the reiMdn why God reveds to one end hidee fvovi another, "even «o Father for'eo it seemeth good in t^ light." Nay, more, he blewes Qod that if ia a^;; he dt»ea ntft' merely, aa aome, admit the tmth, but he rejoioetii in it, a»d aaysiu BO many woirds, 1 delight iu thia arranjKeme^t, rthan¥ tKee that while in righteous aovereignty thou with- - holdeat the light from •owe, leaving them to reap the «»- ' aequenoea of their own- jpride and unbelief, thert ia ^, hindranee to invite each bnrdeied JDueaiid to aaaure Moh . nhoereaot^ humble Beeker--of aooeptance. "Oome unto tw^ all ye that are Weary and heavy, ladeti.'' Whatever, therefore, my fiieoda, be our inability Waeo in Sail its elearuMa the prinbiple of reoondlialioh ^tween thaae thingii| the aovereign parpoee and the free offer, thdre if not, thMik cannot be between them any oou^radictiwi ; nay more, thi ' fact that it is QodV purpose to save ioine^ that he i» oon^ Mantly dgiitS it, arms us with renewed oonfidence in jMlIing Q^on men to believe. * .^ t Itwaa so with Paul when he had laboured {dt a tine ill Cbrinth (Acta 18Ui) and seemed to be mdcing no im|Kreeaioa on the hea&en population, when he was losing heart in the work and about to give way to dflapondeney : Opd appeared to him in a vision, and encouraged him to go^ on in hif preaching of the gospel, telling him, you must not forsalw yunif post ; do not be diriieartened : *' I have mucb pedple . ip this city*''— and did the fact of God's announoipg that Iw tad seleoted those whom he would save Ifamper or enfeebw Ihe ApoatlJB*s preaching of the word 1 Nay, i^l strength* •ned him, atadhe oontmned for a year and nx montha to Meaditiw gospel to the dbiurch. at Corinth. ' j /^ I take decided and strong ground on tiiia poiiii ; jvffa tiimno dectiQH according to gtmoe, did I not believe fj^l I eoiOa not ^readi the gospel at alL If it ia not t^ ftjcfd ' and imdiangeable purpose c^ f9od to convert sptfuBi siniifiii. / tylli^ pi^uhbig 4»f the croaa^ then ntme iMl be oonvecte4f > Inptfsd of the doctrine of eleq l tion fette r ing m e in e aUi||g'^ - ^ to brieve, it is my chief confidence ; if uo ohNjtijik^.^ . f#v«liQ|ii4l BO purpoacQt Q^ ^ ewi^whe^av^W ny -'- ..; ^ \u . - v • , fc*-! -C ^; ei It ■' f^ .•,V""J ptMehiaff t bat, Uwued be bianuufl, He lina pnrpoM ; vbA' with the ifiMfAr w« th«iik God for it ; and f«el euoouragMA' to My* in hui mune to our foUow ainnera *'coine unto dim." I Mti taking oraoh •trpnger ground than many would do, who agrae with me in the dootvine of dection itwdf— and 1 trost I may not be betrayed iiito any ezpreaaiona wkif^ might leflflot injurioniily on those, who, holding aaatron^ aa I do the thing itvelf, would not ataooiate it, aa I am . doin^ with the pMftel inTitation. I venture to aay that in .qty opinion theae CalTinistic brethren are wrong : that wUathqr ilae a polii^, % silence or otherwise, whidi/ wmIm to ooflt up, hide, and ponoeal thia oir any other truth beoaxua offMi- nve to oamal prejudioe ; moh poUey haaadireet ttnAmtgfU 99Mcmte doubta in the minda of othen aa to thr Hthlg itaelf; and is, we think, a withholding from Ood^ ink Mc - in which He alone can effectually apply it, the honor if4. gk»7 du« to iBJa name. - 1 waa Tary muoh struck with a remark I met witli in i^ book I was Utdy reading, ** Pastoral Sk^tehea by Spenosv.'* *< Itiiay will not quarrel with what Ood doea, but will ao* pcrout him to have any ]^ beforehahd.'* For esam]^ you find no fault witii my aaying, Ood converted yoU]^,^ was his work—but you rebel Mid scruple to cecmve ** Ci<4 always intended to do ii" Oh, my friends,- unless we tif xnpared to launch forth on a sea of utter uncertalnliy, Hi n^ the Deity of all pUm and foresight, to deny Him id^ we daim f or oiuselves, preiAmt ihoiiglU before action, lipii^ to my mind it is olisar as the lioonday sun, strong aa^- imjir«BCtM^lB •• IKvine truth can make it, that knowm u^ . CM sMall Hi*v<>r^:*h**Hkpurpdwsiudlsti^ :Sf will do iU his pleasure. To remove in some meurt^ ibb diflieolties-HJOiudderHa) His secret purpose is no rule «l dn^toui, •*Oo4> decrees are consistent with your fri^ . dom.^' (b) He haa not revealed who ar» elert. Whi* raaadi^ canyvMigivd for thinking you axe nc^ smong ihcto t wikdnd^ jll^,^„,jli-_j,.^jf%.fa> Wl^Aha>^^i4ffhtaoasr Pink . It 'l^iffioifltieB eoaneoted^^^v^ the ;-(' ■'it<. « '■» T*t V ^>> \y .. s, • •■ ' .. ♦( I ''V> . , I ■» \* r rfV • • ^' J) <■ DISCOURSB ly. J >; No erent in the worid't hictory om approadi in ito gwii-^ Biw wd wonder that event whi«h OalTMj nw when th^ ftM f>f dod laid down hit life. The advent, the inoarnatioa ol 1^ eternal one— the life on ei^h in a lonn o( a Mrvaat' b.— The worlt of Ohfiat was twofold, oornb- pODding to the twofold need of man,— ;to obey the law l»d. to edbr ita penalty— or, as 'teehnieally stated^ Ins aetive and i^ passive obedienoe. Troe^ some deny altogether the former, and teabh that the obedienoe Christ g»ve.tb~ the Uw, iji Jbie Bfe, was nothing more or W fhaaalife of pei^ooi hiijHntw designed io shew ns an examiA» aoe ot ding to wh{o]| iro ondit to Uve. In this, as in a great nniny other thi^gv, t|ie MMgrte not a falsehood bat a half tmth : It istni% ^,ii an exan]^ bat 1^ i« only pittt of tho tmlht H ni^ff^ tbe liw and m«de it hoooiinUe :>e obeyed it |qf «l^ i0 tliat while by his ihj» lawJiyWviiV^u ^ -^^ ^ «»^^ llgmln thy pfy ^ oi the tow by faMUing aU Hi itnn^ lMi#iMt^dt h§ xeqi^raMti. i'-t- lhJ|tr>«iimij| «t ^f now ^4m^ i^'-£ . »i If" . ^i •»■ ^ " \/-' Oiiiil'MtM «h» tralli of hki ««MliiiiK bf Id* dnUi» to (iMW M Iwir w^ too, ■hoold bo wUUiig to dk lov tniilA nUb In tun. th«o it » milo troth, l«fe ok, lioir UtUo 1 thrt tpio UtHod BodooBur diod daq^y to difirlMiruftinHiaiMy Mid WM faitlifiil: How Uttlo this Mootdi trilii MriptttM twftMwg. wbkdi dtuUn Mouid hk dying all that ii tihnMo in ferring the atabli■hi^M^ jpn in tiie trne Tiew to dng|||hlg ftnrth the falaa for ospooore. It ia anffloient to m^ It il entirety nnaotiptual, nnwortlqr of a God of Jnatlee, tad Jf in ita root and prineiple Sooinian, aa it uakaa Migration depond on oor repentanoe and fiith, not at graott btatowed, botwoifctdony.';'",^ ' The aionMaent of Cfluiit waa hit tnbttltntlop in the tiicm aad titad of nnneia,.in idddhi flie ponidty of thdr rial wnt inatfern4 to Urn, and he waa treated and dealt wifii by Oodaa bearing the aina of niaay. Not thrt^ died meiil^ flnoipl^ ttw Bin and wiekedneaa of men ; nptui%t he died'i^ hdip tiiom in aotM n^tteriooa way; but aa thdr wsik§t tepivteatalite, tad Head, the iniquity of na all waa li^ ^ajpba him, ao that by hia ttripea we might be heaM. . , CkMrrtet Tiowt at to tho attnte of the atonement ww tofiiiObly, in my opinion, tt^nuve ooiteel ^wt it to IKb . lillii ; for if (Mir Satiottr toAtedtho p«ntMydne to otlMti^ .llli tttoH ttiorediy andcr X^ goremaMul of » jiMi 41^ — 4im^ — ISIHI^ muK — '^^^^ «Mllii*»al|pt iad proper piopuittiaa for ^m .'"#1 s' m '•'H /*'' K ' '^^^! •» py. \ ^ ^5.. iV-' lu ti^:: DoM tli« BiU* thm tatbh thia to 1wv« been i&e^^4im of lib dMih t Moal olMriy, moi* •mphatioiaiy, U#^ H* g»t* UbmU • tacri^ wb«l ii tlMitl Oo lAc| to Old ^J^l^lHiiMit timM «nd MO. Th« priMfe ImmU » lAmb.io »n tfVr , il is laid thonon, it is boaDd and Anointed for death, awl thpn oonfttinng oyer it the dna of the people, Ujing hie . |t fti|»^ on iV-H^jmbolionlly tmnefwring their line to ite heed, _ jen, Mijing iO in eo many'^woidi^ it iMoomee in figure th«ir aabititute and ite death ht offered. ||^.8nUtitnte for their death. On no other theory eouM thi ' trapMMtton have any meaning; "the Mood of babe and of "goaU oouU not take « •mij ein," but they were figures of Him that was to oom#, aad tanght the andent wonhipper that forju|tt>be fov- gifen blood must be shod^tfae penalty n^u^Tbe axaeted; • pieflgnring and holding forth in symbol the Lamb of" God, tha Saeriftee that Ood would proTide, whioh taketh au«j the dn of the world. And hew olear and definite is the language of the New tJCeitament as to the substitutionMy nature of tiie Sanour i» hii sufferings I " He was made nn for us, tho' he knew 90 sin, that we might be made the righteoniness of God in idm.*' Surely that teaohee that he endured our penalty, pad wa ecgoy the imputation of his aoqui^taL He gave himMlf f«r na^that is, in our plaoe ; m he himself iSir% I Ijif down my life for the sheep ; nay, even stranger tbaft Hmss, "he redeons us from the ourse of tiius law, being mdaaoniae forus:** beyond all disputdLteaohing us that ia tlM covenant of redemption Ohri«^ becamis ona under the flona jof sin'— not a sinner in the aptnal oo mm iswo n of ,it, ' for ha did no 810, neitherwaa guile found in hi# inoi»tl|,t |mi faj imputation the sins of his people were lud upon him. tbe t& anffloieiMy of the Bedeemer'aoflinring aroaa aatplf tei tbsM two oonsideratians : Fixst, the dignity of J^ r, tha Son of OodrthoLdivii|ity ot hif pwion f^vt liB#aviISiTrai?»prwl^^ 'f'^'! - '^^>c-i ■%. .' .■' I.i«!« IfWmmmm Ml MAeiiol, 1wl#1iiit J^, htiHh fonvw pmfMted thim thai mn Maotiidl: 4»i, ||fl|»dlj, from tlM pivtn* i^Kiintmral II wm tlit tfifn^ totad tnnu or ooodition of ilia ooronMit. ** Therolori^" pi|| Jmm, ** doth mj fafcher loro me bowiae I Uj down mgr - tifofartlmdiMp.'' " Ho oamo not to do his own will, b»* tlio wUl of him tlwft arat him.** Jnfinilo in tshm tho^ htt 'iftf0f0.ww»,-wurfudag in intrinaio merit tho utmoat nof* pll[ ont imagiBotioB, had it not been appointed aod aarifoe^ it eoQld not hare aTailed to mto the loot Bnt being tho )pamb of Ood, flniphing the work that waa giTan him to do| conjoined to ita infimte -effioaoj m^d merit, He ia able tf» Mtve to the nttermoat all who oome to Ck>d throtogh him* j^ot, aaama^ng tiltat thia pert of our aabjeet ia deailj vndar>. iltood that Jiaaaa Obriat in dying inta the apbetitvM aa^ imnkf of othera, let na prooeed to the chief point >—- "* _ '?V . li. For whom did Obriat die I or» what tiie extent of hia •toning work t Wbaterer riew we maj adopt aa to tU% the extent of the Atonement, it mnat, in aome wagr or •aother, be in perfect ^armony witii a free and Qniteraa|i eall to manldnd idnnera, and we belieTe it u the difflMlly felt on thia point whidi origbated and keepa elite ipi ijfkt CShnreh the enror-<-the God-diahottonring erxoi*'— of tkvaafr Konal ntonemeni Now what are the terma of the goap«il .eall t V ^ Bible wamnted me, or told me when praaclk' ing the goqpdi to aay to eveiy penon " ^eaua ^Ued for yom^ Ihaii manifmtiy tiie qnea^to ia aettled ; the atmiMBMnfc jjl^ y n i ye r a d . Bnt the Bible waixanta no anch thing. ,PlnM<>it" ^g the goapel i* not telling men tiiat Ohiiat died for tl|ei|^ - imtiliatiiat Be haa died for ainnen^ nnd if we aeoiq^ joJE him aa » Si^vionr thm we approjffiate him aa dying t«f tm In liet, in reality there ia no atonement nvailatile fof bm *tai Ibelifva Of oonne,— aa I AtSL ahew, it ia deteciiii|Md Ikiid fixed in the pnTpoae of Ood, bnt iBsaometluikg ivSU| Whiflli I hate to do, it ia mine only when I accept Boi tp g» |ofet We belieye and hold n limited iia^ to the eiaet|.to moh aa (Mi be anted. The rihir &ilda nimitenal «tcsMm«v(l «it«ndin(||[ to ^ wefliM'^aBtvvd. Toahewt^tR^gft^fono^ IbtamcH of ^ Jattw ia new our twt ' ^41 .'V-vJ--* ',««' I*. ■ 1*.' ■-!.,: m ■*^*\- ^gfi;. #■■ -^ (M t alglii, awnmiog th« troth of wM I h«t» *« ftw»J^ y |«^ dmAj d-wn, MfM lor » pwtiwUr wd *itn *• . MoMOiMil horn th* i>et ol Ood harlnf from dl .t-nil^ «lMtodtotv«li«tiogU'«bU p«opl«, •«»* glT«» tliepn tottj; fcTloor to U <^««n«l by him J -nd » w. tod th. iwji^ MM»I1« llnWiig th««. two thliif^ togelhtr ♦•who ihdl liflT* toytiUof to the eh«i«« of God'fc deet T it 1. God that jiMlip itih, who rfuOl oond«mn » it is Ohriit that «ed. 86 ottf Saviour "Tho «ath« gava them (the sheep) and I lay dow* mf life for the ihen*." Surely it i. triflii* with the plaineil* Saclplea of oomm* »>\--.'- ■ " ■■ ■■ ■" "' ■■'■ • \ ;m. h"^-. ^,|t!»^, ■ 1 diii ■'%:■■' h' idtii0 >-' ,'"■•'. HP >«»*:. -■■ ' ' ; - - ^t^n DSy no ■;.' WB:. onrad ■ ,. ' fl :/■:. i'i;. B«llookal»fMrol tte iMopimbl* ob>o«ioM «o awl, twnl Atopmml. (•) It mtkM «h« tterioar laj Avrnik tA^ lUtlortovlialrMdyinparditioii. 8w«ly th* wUdMl Aipl- aiM win adiidt tkftl dttring ib« 4000 7«m tha* praMdM llM oiMiiBff of Oluptol many p«tUMd— of tlM islwUtaati of iko old worUdMteojvd bj tho flood, of th#aMii of Bodoai and CkNBonah, Um Pharaohs and tha JMtbah, tl)o Ahaba and tha Jaroboaau. Did tha Satiovr dia for iham f Oaa anjr ■u» in hia aobar aa na aa , and axardaing.lha Jodgmank Ood baa givaa na, to anpport a thaorj, dara to atlriboto aofh foUgrt anoh madnkw to tha Son of Ood t Tha mind raeoibi in tarror from snob a-thongbt— and if ha did not dia far tboaa who pariabad, prariooa to hia djing, why ibonld ha for thoaa who shall pariffb anbaaqnant to tha aTont t Ara Ood'k porpoaaa and wsjs of acting altared or modified by r^aranaa to tha t>Mt, tha praaant, or tha fntnra t No, '* he saaa all things at one Tiaw," and "known nnto him ara all hia , wwks fsom tha baginning of tha ^orld." Bvary avant in tisM and atamity is now and avar has baan pcwaant to tha Divina mind, and to allaga that Ha died to affaot andl wbioh this daterminata porpoaa and foraknowladga of God bad datarminad should ba otherwise, is to charge Ood with folly and the Son of Ood with utter laok of power. (^) A uniTannl atonemmit, with ita aooompanying doNN trinaa, leaTca it entirely^ dependant on the will of smus whether any, by the atonement, shall be saved aialL It 1% on thb theory, a mere peradTentnre and uooertainty whether the tears, agonies and blood of Jesus Christ shidl rasnlt in any good whateTer ; there is no certain seed given to M s wi a h in which he saaa of the travail of his soni, but all is left t* the veriest contingent. Oaa weraeoncUa that even with the wiadom of GK>dt 43aa wa think tha pnrpoaa wbioh he purpoaed in himself in atamity, the i^pendons nnana used, the ndsrion and daatil flf Ohrist-^hat aU this should ba done without tha oartaintr that ana aolitaiy aoia would tharaby be saved t Would avaift and Ufa. on a mam pM^iiapa, en an israawUdi Hlglitaot»bai«alifladt Yttii^not;Udy«tw«aMi4ntW Mla4 thAl df Ood whviiiv am Md *«B« • . M 4^ •■-i.'- '?A7 I I WM c? *"X" :-^i'> \;f>^ 1^- ^i in MMnl and for bo ane In pirtWh*." Urf««»il StLi««EtlIti. iio«««i«i«ii*. It makei «!• B^deaiH* n^^STdebtk and yet itk eMctod from iho debtor aB tlw^ 9uaf. It i«pi«ente Wm *• nilMug f oc oriminrfa to fw% llHim alter thair lenteiloe h«a bean carried into e«eoiilKHi.> It dMi«ea the Ood
    teraeting what Ohrist had eiBEeeted for. them. ^ -m '■*i -^H^*! **>* Si^ %/ ^M ,1' ' 1 » ■tk'. lfoiv<* *i f W'*'i< ' Wr'^ to * / *' * cV^' t ^V' - .^^.^ ?r,,.,- if T,* .*■■> r'*« 'h¥ MT gPEEOfl IS SYNOD AT HAMILTOK; -.i^f jTTJisrBJ xse©^ ^ *f-« Bav. W^ T. Murdocl^ «rf 0«i», -W thai !!• 1^ laology ir» fequiwd frw Mm for "t"^"* ^fTT". " Midiig before the ftttMtt "d bwttiwii MWcWed with bim in tikis diMBDt Mid oompbintt who, from ja««« •nd nP^ limiM, we» far hefctor fitted to giro the Synod » dew ,ri,^ 4*.«^;,g rf the whole eeee than Knttett; bat, frM» Vaiiift throngh dwmMtenoae he need not now iiMWlj vnwimnffly thniek to the faregronnd in the diMmwoM l« Oe Pteebyt^, hie bwthwn wonld not ptonit Wm, t ad he did nofrgtei*ly di^riie it, to "Itt* hk leh^ite »o^ be^ thiiCtoiirt He mnrt, too, o»Te, et the ontee^ ihekiiid indnlgenoe of the Oonrt f or any imperttdidM in rt^e o» B«ner, •• eddreming the Synod, he mif^t my, forttj Mtime. H*woaW utterly recoil fiwm the tMkellotUd W did h« nok totfw thrt, to • yoimg member l|k|Wm^^ Si«t indidlenoe would be eztflnded, and did he n^eel UiM , the eeoae «hv •dTOOrted-Ohmeh ord* «£j»^'jK^^ the iww4*-J»w§ » •kw'W **»»** ~»** *^ h0^^^^^ «d 7^ odmmMid their e^betjott. • i^^Zr^^ i^ irhibh. donbtijii, wooldjjt S;SSirir28yhiiddone,fc^ finding of tho<^ ti^w^ev aeemedvliditt thenadfee in i«fcHtow«*» *^ • V i^oA of God. no* «i^ here widied dijtfa^ ilrtioaBy, tadi«tow. They J«Wl *«> *T-5i^ ^^^ --- - - lib iiwnIA on* «i« »>•-««* Jj:- ^y^ ^ *^^jiiA!ti. *-'.*'•' j'% W ?t kfo JBon from wNiMwliMi witfimik idb OhoMlir-hf wUA «!• Badatmnr wai mMiM Um fMopb in^lar hiin. H« Would brieflj namte^ fhe Mstorjr of fho moTttiiMil oat of : whkli Cho whole nutter had WMta. In 8tpfai»i boi^ hM^ »'70iing man named Dovi^ RoMdl ttaitiJI Oalt^ «n hia ihty, a« he aaid, to Otdoago. He had been identified in aome mqr with refival meeting! in BbotlaiAd, •nd before ooming to Oalt he (the apeaker) vnderatood h^ had addreaaed aome week-day meetinjprin thb eiiy. Hm thooi^tleady, he ponfaaaed, aaked him to gite hia people an •eoooiit of thaae tefival meetingi in Soothmd, befiaring it would be inteieating to the people to hear of them. Be fonnd^ however^ that hia manner of elating tbe a^ing trork of ovr bleaaed Lord-^tiie nature of awring faa&r* th* gRNnda on which inJb aaaunmoe of bmng in a rtake ctf graee nated— wete ao MLpi eaa ed aa to Taiy from our xeeeived ' doolrinea on theae pointa. -The atdtement began to innraaaa ; many wunjttiaeted by what aome ealled a ndw Ooapel ; h*. and hia MIow-lftbopcera held meetingi eveiy day^-SiOAwlll and all— In ^nte'a Ohuieh/and, la la known to the whoiri Oonrt, tiMae were kept up diuring tiie entire wintw. ^ The atteliion of the Preabytoiy waa direeted to the mofe> mfnt by * eomplaiiit ^rom memben of our 'Ohurdi, whk&' oomidaJmt wai dinniwNd, and the minister (Qomplained agnltM a^idttod t^; lh«i Tieal^ytefy of th$ dhaigea. A ooattniti«# .WHI then ai^poiiited to viait Oalt, ib fuquira into the <»1gili> pntpw^ i&id praaent itafa^of religion there. Thit Ooai-^ ttdttiB did'ite woik, g4ve in ft nnabimoua Beport, and ^ ,tlMl Report, in the Uandi meeting of thePi^al^rtaiy, % fin^Biigwaaairiired at af ter a wh^ day'a diaouaaioa and pngnnrfnl deliberalaon, which amoogat other thingi^' adopted g»nendly the flndinga of the Committee, At iti nest mee^ ' iilg the ^aaabyteiy reebpaidered the finding^ and by ft huge afi^Jmitg^ deleted it from theb* record, end, bcgitmiog agiSft ib.iMM on the Beport of the Omnmittee, pwied the x«ot«- lixm, aa ibe fin^g ojF the Pniiyieiy.on the whola matter; iJifhUk w» art hew eompjaining The Jpoi ■••* >i >-! lltat in ih(^ Ooaniatteb% E«pa»tk thera iathe d aliftaMlt hftHHWanMlli^tikiMiAi S!^s.< 'if -»' u.. 't* " ■■i- IgndingtoAnmiiiMilwi. 5fci«iw«»<>'^**^^ . • a«lin«l)Miata thai toiu* foUow^lfam •w*^«wn«^ "^ **>**• - ^irtoftto truth •qdtWiWFO^Wni*^ *•» ^j"^*! moidinwoft of God. «ho oompliOiioni on tho oth« lif«d ip»n» and nuOntrin tM thi. mwittlNt ««^^ •MM d^eotlyoat oV«nd wMiiwwwrUy-ooiuiaotedint^ »• MMehiDg of tiKMO who ftoimM flWOd, who wt aildjfi^ ^STof iio (ninwh/^id who,« dl hW^^ ipttfiM to bo the intiriaUe imo of woh thiiigi, pfodap«# , Iho impTCMion that Ghoroh csreodi waio B^***"* ^J""}^*^ md soiBOthUiff b«di in that wny iMiMdid lor *«>*• •^'^^^ Mfc UnwiBiiig,howeT«Ktodo«ythliigmo»tl^igj* W9M nMntely noedod in tho oii«Wurt^o« to PJ-^^ Modb. th»r ww» ooBtwt io fitam what ttat »•«•«, ' ftdToidiiurtion WW ffiopii^ to iMintaim aMt, and dstaid; ^ : this amont»k o*« Pn«^P*^ "'PrJ^ «Dd duly approwd, or oaltod to thia offloe,** a^ t? r|far«to irtwpwWoBol what thia «ei«M|tothU Ootort^jW^gg JS^oTNit fl»at>vadndttadte^iiM»»ffc «^^ laaffiui^ quoted from the itajidarda admita o| moff tap QiM, v^aiiiBg ^-4hey, aa^tJhun*, hi^P^ ton it^ he Mked, too niMbio ^oovo tin* tho FkwbytMyiiHtMid of oalUngit "agnotooi »oiiE»^ Ml th^ did, ibonid Hmfiy dowtt it pramatim to giv* ifiqr ddiTorMioe m to thia pwt of tiie quMtion t Th«f ^Aiippdhiiti) hdd nol^ md wwe theM to oouplsiii to thi« %iMd agiiiut tliflir bobg pemMmeiitly eommitted- to tho appMmd of ft moTomant in whioh thej luid not oonfidinoi, a^jkvhioh, M'tho oflldal nport «f tho CkmunitM h^ th«romin|[l^iN>ttnidial«TU. • V^ i. / 3!Im Moond part of t^ ftmondmeni Mjeotod liy the Vir«i^ ligrteiy lint affirawd » fact whioh all admitted, and then ■tiled that they hdd rnoh to be oontraiy to the ataodaida. Waa4hii npt true t He had not yet met with ftn individnd i»ho ilBinMMl the eontnoyi ▲ faint ftttenipt wm made ' at M «EpUHmtiontif Qoeatlon 1S8, which WovU make it maao* thai the o^ly qmOifloation And oaU there meant w«i that fbMa God, atterted by^fraita foQoiring their Ubonva ; and ttwit 1^ MkU irf th« Ohurah waa n6t meant to be itMlnded. Hiit waa ao^ptepbet a KWiily aatrny that no other member of. the Bre^iyteiy leitented it ; iM would he the doottine of the p^oslh Bre^Mik ; and woidd, if adopted, nltlmately ^mA in the extinetioii of the Ohnrch aa m divinely inatitiiled iMGdatlon attogethcr. It.waa mooted, he behevodi by 'idOM^thit tiM eftteehiam ia not part of oar atandarda ei alV— , 4ml|y the e onf ^w fa n. The admiaakm wooUi not «lter tl»» qu M ^lun mndii aa he* ^ooi^'tit el bar gives totho pnwtiflal eaRying yte.y of Gudph to «t«fy o« oe«K .cteBflM %feitenting the prtnoip^, and lefor for furtliiij •A#JM to thk Court, we are refnaed even iUa referwMQ, ail# ^^ fonad to aeeept of a deUteranee wUoh touqhe. not tiMquatftkm at aH v and in aabalanoe. though »f *» ™»^ ^ltoo«n«>le oura.lv- wllk^ Pj-^^^ *«adouawoA,"and murt aoi ba md^y ui«e»li#^wWi» •foMjthatitwaa "awork o^ grae. " waa merely 1>H^ tiMimMetion. Of timt being the oaM»thv only had «vfc- imm of th* meet ooolictiBg Wnd ; and ev«i if it^w, iiitboaldbeahowiitha* iiuidanthe «»fr»«» «~*^ ||l»iB«yi «rih» «id ava n»«k»^ '1m^ wocUaff. aadin the asMoiaa of Hia mwmwpxf^mm V«roalof d-fa— 'into-imlioaalighii -«-* H^^lhaftllH M umny-l fay.fli ^ ^^tf mi l j iwimpn WW H I T *^" ^** » L- '^'S^ ' ^r*'" ' ♦''.^' >^'-'* i^.ll 't'S 4> £^-': ■ 4 \ ' mesmk Hit UfMiag. H^m jjllly jonwia 1» ini^y^M ^i^ " ; todiMiwiliiaqiiyrtioiralpnniiiytiiAlilM^i^ ^. eonld noi think' of angr iiBM m prnciiin m tlis. pritflial Jotm fiitbfal ttt^onj to bo bone bj tho Ohiud^ to *H lightfi ol hflUr gnol Kiof in appoioiiiig to^ or wfthdiftwiag ftoni, Mid oontroIli^K in all tho oxofciM of ^ ainbtrj of tho Wocd, Thftttbo Oharoh hM from Him tho ratlwtify, «iid is pUoed nndor tho iwpoitaibUity of fnding Hia Ohuvli. "mm- tho ffiMt prlndplo ^hieh Iim «t tho loot of al Ghonh order, which in all tho^histoiy of tho Cnmidv i» boOi iti bruMhM^ hat been stiMidilj adhend to^ W fonned one of the toy prindpleo of tho DimiptioQ of '41, tliut the dhoroh in her oonititated antiioritiet ahoold mtd thoee who are to ahepherd the Hook, and oonkt not *»« th iiH- the oare pf eonb to oifaeni, V^^^ther aelf-appointed or Mlit I9 * earthlj peiaoBB. He held fhtA thif waa the timo to Wiidiir qate thw prineipie, and /^emit none to do tho thepiievirii Wk who hUA dimbed vp lonio other way ;-Hk tiioiio whmi this eonntrj ■eem*. invaded by an army of-<-he had ' ^'yiin tt flMd—religimu adventnreri, eomdavowedly Flymonth 11^^ xen» ndiooUnf , aahe wM told they did in the-ohief ckfy oft thia Frovino^ anything like ocdinatroa to t^ aiiniikiy^ othei% fodh at they hadTm^CMt, di«owning aiqr atet «l al^- dautting to beloQg to all^ and hold eommnnion with d^ bi^ a]iaetingontheaemeprineipleandi»-oohoiagthoonoflif^ ' **Wo need no boly hands laid on n»V we Heed no ooHh^' miiriqa from menr-we have ooor oommiMion ftim God ««< h%^': Kay morb^ dedati^g, and appenntly ei^ported in their podMon by edilio who ahoidd know better, that to b» identified with any denomination woid^ &own their Ma. onoeaad w^pdEon their power. Ahi if tbalwno traoi the^ ware all wrang. ISiey eboald, if that be ao, lenoanee I^w. byterioniwn, if being Predqrtegiana lemittBd their inflnaimi . for jgood in the caoee of ^ libater : 1%at^ in other woi4% Mlil^'denomiMiliomt ihoald all lapee into one, by i^mm jlimfag the di|tinativo-j:.j^ ti^- .i'r' , ,v ■ fFVi' if-«-i*-. r ■ H ■ u * ♦ s i;;^ «eh too tediou., if impitfimoo to Pfr^TSl JS^h. might t^ "~«^ «*^''*»L*^;l*t^ rZJS«,Mto?i til. Wo«a» «bo It wottW «!«> Ufo IN*J !^^I^«i«Hfyliiitt fotit J Mid "W wdwonWttXw* *- .1 ' g<\-^ ;«'*'*' . '' /■'-. nWi a ott* • «»MttlatiQ»~iMik ^staring, «te. kiM| inlo «i«y ^•iul pkinfdltimatlMiiatli(idt«Mkiiig «f thair ciUno, and, not lika thoaa who detha thamaahwiii thaaadaja with thair nama-HM thoGwak warrior arnmd hiakalf in tha arnumr of Aahillaa— th«j are qqI tha a«aai» Tofoft^ hia portion he nnght qi^Bta laig^ fn« nw^ anthor^ both^^ad ai^ U^ ; ha would qooto Hiaft bm 9r. Owan, »ho inm^^ii^mam appaalad t^ aa if otbarwiia BiBdad. Dr.Oweni^ wHttan^tfaatiftoba giltad«r«a Uaiej oaaaalf anoh, wcva to ha eaUad, than ai^ ona n^lil takaitapon himto pnach, in hia own mora «"«*ginatiatt: Na^ if thia waia allowad, tho aott of paraona who w«^ nottij aoooa lotwacd to praaeh wonld ba piaaiaafy ihitiat» vbon tha Ohriatiin«naa of hnniili^ waa laaat davwlopady iftboLeid^aaaa OhmtwaathaGodof ofdery^ha^^^? Ml ohwroh to no audi aonloBioB. HaalaoitedthafaBowtat frindpiAWIllia' addraaatotlM^alndanteor inox fmto^ « nonthor tifoi^pM^tbmhha%jcmmttlim -.1. i4 •4a if-*.* fm^iinm, ain ha »>«M»ffi»* «« t«*«^T^rti tif jhiifrtiia'tlii ii^liifaii andpnadl Mongii *^ nil ITBrhliari iHwinliy i jjl S?" U" f-^ , it* - ?^:; tv^ ™!^;^; ss'fe'f^Jr:;,*^ #^ f.^ "Klf ■' !«!rw^ PMiMshlng ih. word. . W« rtther thmk tUt «J X»l»w«ohii.g tha word; i^i. -imply, "ihey who W«r* STwiih limitation, that th. Tty nart Tana H»^^^ that tha di«»a«ion bronght Philip, a oompanion of 8tn>han, , T!r ♦T. «;*• of armaria ; thithar'ha want and ona of the MToni to a oity oi Damarw , •!««•• a ^ •ad pwachad Ohriat to tham, parfonning niiMe» also. And ^Swtha narmtiTa ont; you find tha i«»t«ctxonoI . STSpian aonuoh provided for by thi.«ma PhUip be^ SXS^diractadbythaSpiritof GodWm.^. toproftr hb aaS tha intarpraUtion of tha wort of proph^T to t^ !ta«2r And yet, a. iUortratiag atiU further onr pre-ant SSX tha ApoatU- having once heard .«»at 8«n«ria h«i SSStha wSdof God.aU U«>donainorfar thattu^^^^. 3^ own number «^ down by authon^ oftha AD«!So^ollage. to do what none Urn than ApoeU- eo^ ^^^Jfc^S^ of tha Holy Ghoit Finally, our W toduS^ouldStba oomptota wHhout our noticing how Sa hS^booki of Scriptma ai» the moat axpre- m warm.* 3«Jrita '" and in the vary ; doaing book of the canon, wa JfTtha S«*ion. addre-ad to the angel of mora lha« ««^ with a. charged Mth the reipouiib^ fgrtig or pFOhiWtiBg othera to taach.^ ^ ^ *l^ ^^^j^i^^wsmMiO&om. Our deri.* that tha. ^ HteJ^WTaal that^^^^ l-T'lii J.' '■^n ■ kir NMlM fjr«tt ikil tioitdM of tlMptiiMitpfe ^ ^ptm^ tog. Bat, from the ipiritita which aatukdiBg miaMt^fti oftan dMried, Mid tha rwj ganeral MMMiation of' thbctf with • mutiUtMl OoqMl, or k defoeiiTo exhibitioii of tht iniih, wo fe«l warranted in stiU iusieting on the neM«% ol » regtilw oonrae of preparation for thoee who ara to haadto the myateriei of tiie kingdom, or moald.the raUgions opidott* «f their fellow-ueii. And if, aa it is plearing to know, Moli^ which^ mippoaed to hare diMarded learning, an after all apptying themselTee to ebrraot the mistakM of their pradeeeli ■ora, or, aa may be the oaae, to inpply what theaa had laaa o^ portnnity, though wUlihg, to ph>Tide, . it ia hoped thatwa need not ao tery laborionaly defend i| poaition wl^ jtow ▼enture very deliberately to aamil, aa rather tnm aa ey« inward upon onraefrea, enquiring whether the power of tfe* pulpit might not be mora effeotiTely worked ; whether by anything wanting in the matter or mann«r of our preaohing we may not be hindering the gospel, or diluting and inpov, eriahing the apirituid aliment whioh ia decigned to noariah and perfeot liring aoula." He apologised again for ooAupy. ing 80 rnnoh of their TalnaUe time, and hoped that thft Synod wonid not lay thia matter aaide on anj^technioal §atm ; that they would give foHh to the Ohunh a clai^aad aonnd, and calm the feara of many of their bei^ . who,, if theae thipga continued, mighibe driven to tieacalamitouaiotheOhnreh. He had read the othar d*^ an extraot from aa addreaa of Henry Ward Beeoher, who wialda anch influence on thia lOontinent, in which it waa aaid thatifaiiymaafBUhehadacall from Ood to jo fbrUi pnadung and bapti^ng, he ahould do aa That %aa«te dangw to which we wmo now ocpbaed, the dark dond thai waa driflbg oTcr our land. Sometime ia the wiater, • writer in the Bee&rd, ia tU eznberaaoe of hiapoetb tikmgbl a|»oke of a doud ehaiged iH> maay^Ueaainga being at piw« ■ant overiiaagingthe laa^^d needtJ^ oaly oar prayer* and ' Mil to pnaa it topoar 4owa on aa btetii0i till there be BOi -y a ea oogh to'r eee ife t hem, A f w y befcutifal Mkwight Ift tfve one! thi^t doud waathera^ and all of thev^ 4ti —fof radi aaont^oQriajg^ ithimH ginl thnmadTm ♦ ^ ,. • T'i ■ - " < «w» of Mollbw dbod ilMi iNM »ow lyioff thfM* toOk ^avf«A Willi ««,ai«mt«WmMH wlifc*bf«imwl..d«ririo« 7,„fli,ntfir or h«itetiiig dwsd ioAml wilh l», ni^f b« ilTZd fia our bdoftd Caiacoh t»tth ooiil»«i»•• , . ••> ••x ' » ' t , ^ t •♦■ ,.«■ • - ^^ IV- . . • ^- .i i M-". c^ !>•*- A ^ '-3 .la-ic f - \\- %, .-^'tf'' "* ^;- tha Toqr w cabne ai of God ia atroqgar than aaan, and the •fool i eh n ew of God wiaer thap man. 1^ ^m law pijuofaim laja ia» Apoatia, ia the jewel, thai tfaaoaikat ia ndf or vnali^. Wa magr be poor, bat wa hsva in trwl^ and j^ vm «iiai«^ thalwhifllimakaa aaaiqrjdwh ; and i| Mdoan^i "" * * fOfOo^fihatfifluil IP-' .«B)iia|r anda ao innhpabia aca aoeoaipliilMd, M^ ii^ 1 ! i'-.-'^S! u;^ >!• U it . ft f- 1 «t«mr «i« iiWi^* >f^^»^ l_iiul«**' :'■■"'' - ■ '"■•■''.■ f" ■■■ -^■■*: ■'■^/-■■"- ■ '"'■■ '■■■', ^ flOipel, iiMn, b !»«• ••^^ » IVfoww ; tot «■ M» wlwl-4ti«iinirtenJBMfc«» •«««'•: tot iis oowider «J inSgi of IMtip* WMdomjn tliit •mngtmwt.or liowthij awign k labMmd by i^ And niiar ^ "V"* ^ ^* •«* gnfMdireetwt >■..■■■.■'■ ■'■■>:"-'' ':.■■ l^ **twMM»owM.** Matt giye «»» >««»♦ *» ^*»^ "^ p«dtfo.-.. l&urtli't tiaMW to not d m Oewvdd y^ wiMiom knew not God, ^lm» » \ ' <-J\ : 'i: rr , - » • yl iMid i Ood Iqr tiM '^loolkluMi* ol pmOinit*' to mi« «lMtti ^ 4hit Mm*. Darinf kot fMM^ nr« ladMd wtt tttii t WM ma : p« ilumad Ui irovd imto Jaodb^ MiilitoiM Mi hfa J«4gwMntt to hwil ; H« luid not dMlt m witt aigr J Mi tin p. Kow 1m would A»w unto the agts to oomi ttM» «K- MtcUog riehM of hu gcaoe in lifai IdniiMM towMdi in thrangh Ohriit J«mw. .T<« Iwnr naiij within UMiwMof ehfirtiwi light drat thair 99m to this 1^017 l-4ilindi! 1^ th» god ol this worUI, m tho oqntnt dodttM^ krt tho ligllt of tho^^orioua goqp^ of Ohriit ■hoold ihino*iuito lh«n.<' TM:tiie go«pol ttOMU w ii thm ttUl raw md pwiaioB^ •Iboit abimcbuit^-ccKCMding abnndMifi The pancioni of thaio riduM uo not w mndi envied m thij we miknown, ^* Whom,," Mje the fttvioiir, i^eekuig of the Comforter, aiid the pfed&w Ueadng of hie indwelling pr8eenoe,<--" whoift the worid oennot veoeiTe, beoanae it teeth him not, ntithtt Itnoweth him : bnt ye know Him ; for He dweUetli wftti jTon, and dudl be in yon." Bidi indeed they are 1^ poa-, - oMs andk a treaanie 1 the wealth of Sheba, what ie it to 4iat Here are the nneeardiable riohea of Ohrii^ whieh the gieal Itedeemiv himaelf beoame poor to enr^ na withaL Here «ie the dnrable riohea and righteooaneaa which He— the peraonal wiedom of Ood— diapAaaa from hie liand ;— (h^ gold tried in the fire which, with the whito raiment^ and eye aalTO,* he vargfit na to receive ; "the true richee " adapted to eveiy hnman want, and filHng every o^weity— eatiafyiiig wi^koot aating. Thia ia what all other treaaniea, the vaateat thai ear& can ykld, have failed to do. " He that loveth ' ailver ahall not be aatiafied with ailver ; nor he that loveth abundance with increaae : thia ia alao vamty,** (Eoo. &.) The ocmqneror of the world— it ia aud-nnt down and wept, beoune he had not anotii«r worid to c * 4^ MhtMdw^ inthf •«plOf«iMii d |ii|4Mittto : <( We lunr* ihit tcMom ia j^ a ii qaanutled' tew taSlmviiM: p wrtoyp, awi fl laii niMinni wifli t^qimItm. Pkobri)^, teo» li» ^MiMAw lOp i9«rtoli« mtiioi^, Mid iirt* ©f W» J?»P"«f?»^-*^ oMMed k tlM «7w o( hmuij, bj thdr Iwmwa q wliHw ai oM r MdSMb mftring*. Not the h»-H«gni he-tw* «» not* 4Mi God BMBafy 1U» oim powor >7 w. It is bo* in bumoKr with lus iii9» : bo win Jtein «lio ptjdo of att i^oijr. A«.wiD iMko «io» ifpaw* Iqr *!»• f*! oonteiw bofcwiia ^ UMmm of the ii»kr«m«it oad tho gfaadMt fi^ nsah^ «|M wOflUag of bio oim ii^M pn^^ iteiwiadaBaad - «-^ ^ *^i of God^ in llnia oonaittiag «ha tniMin te Owlhwi wiMia^fBr jga$ aannadMi to pi arifA^t bafa betn bj a BiubAqr na «ha laii^ w» »i^ ^^ <<>»A ^ ^""^ ^ "''^ «a4,iiid tnialMaaiPaliiNaad to ibaToieaot ^ ift gUft Si9dM«iQP Of to waatfiSi olbli m^ ?«j^j ; X' ^^iii^^i9j^9i'^^ fegrwliiia la-ba* ',"»,■». i^s!4i.4. 'S^^*^< /I 4-? '■- r /;^* MillilliM«iMA'l«t.lMllMl^ ^k- ^ >ii Hniliiiim^ ji-HwWL ft ■^^^"r'^^M^^^^^^ .*'^^^^W^^^^^^ '.W^^^^^^^^ ^^^I^W^^S^^ -^^^RM^ ^w^Tl[W|^^ «i Biiyiiiiig^ is aflir 4t9iv with tl|t n«a >l tin %9iMi^t of dMlE^.Mi4 OMtMM «&tb tM ^Hveifui Itlwikw*^ pii ftg i n! > lliai ipr JU» MMOQiilMf «fc AtiiiM nith the pMlM^h«(i*«i itoJPoidrf^of tllsVoramt l|a«»liM nupiifaivlji^tMt* no bninaii IKM9«', no i^vttr V^^ ipEia idh# Jifl^ to ftdM oat of diclciiM^ W oflWitPijI^f ^flr^ What Mii tho liiMJ A^ill of inHnninatiinii or tho witmlHilinMiAi liiffifbm^.w mf99m, not to bo dtapiadi } ytf, «(?«■ .to ^ i otitol ; aaa aoftr noro^oii^vMd ihMi wlioft oopp ocMto'tiio MTvioe of dbiiik. Stilt, at borii; Uro «i»v|il| ftrthfH >iMii% ■iqni Plwl i ottrpovoir, Hkothfiiof.lkoiiMB ^dM ongom f a ^ JforMio^ ii in wbit ire bwr. iSio indfe of ^ dofdtod fliijr fall not bofoco the povor or prawnn , ..A^r^j ««ilid t Bali «be oilc of tboXiORl mstbirot Or, w4m'' ^ KN ^idoQii'* hiddfiil boloto tiio pimMm umf ld thooHnifti in one 4^ ; ptiMli iMoonUng obedient to tiie tMi ; heethen tein- flMfondDtn ; Ofadee efaniek dnmb-* and ak length ^rond ' inpckMRoitie stooping to eiEwobaiianoe at the ahyine of a iilS«n tt hiid fbr agga >«rty toleiated, or ilewwly per- ieel^! ■ *■ ' '",^„^ IpaM from this text, to add a few remarki on the Scrip* tnxe I read along with it; It will aerve aa, in a iort, • pia^fieal appBoafion of onr inbjeot. That paMge alio, like «io one jnrt explained, eommenda to na the^preeioua Go^, and eapedaSy miggMti irUnt ita jmf pxedotunefB ahdnld irt l ^we-Hfc oawrfnl Oiw r ii i uiiaUun b e t wee n a tme f a ithe nd • fUea; a temporary and abiding one ; aapeeolatiTe faith, . iM>ooe that can beer to be tested Iqr itB fniitK ^^^ ,-'/•' ',» »■?.* t|» j» \ SSjS'm ':.K| BMi' «• ,ti»' Miiitail tMMM aniB : Olkxiit ^■■^W^V ^^^^^ l^^i^^^ ^B^^^BIW^FV^V^IP ^^^F^^^^^t^^ ^^^H^^^^iP ^THBvJi^^^ !■!■ yn,** thM, Hit lMp>f' v r^ , tbi* ^ dl^ let «lto ksmMiifM dflioHkni ttf lidlli toiobT- MW«d. It li not 4N4]r a b«Bm^ alMM Cte^ Iwil iiirii;- fwitYfag Itlai M li» H oAnd in th» €l^i#i^ ted lo^. irfNII^ popoMS for wlikh Wis oOModl Tmv tiphat iIn Ii-HM^ . 4h« ivrtf^^HMBMr ao gg wi ttr a 'Uo^fimn(fitp»or en^^ .-^ «"' ■ ' Kit . y if '■'■'■ ifv.;. 11 #.' ^''■ SmbbAi oi «Md«n«MMii* evMi C» iPHili COMii to^-iht |»l^p«» «l ipi^ittif ah©: 3t*flk4piH^i^l»J«^ liW^ , itd Wttit • lOQM ImM of ti» flTM* obM of fri»|yfMk iS^ S« ijoiti^: ttiP#i» .^pplll |«9« Ai^lMii 4«7SiM «kiiR «f iiirr /*"- ftdHi; tall * woikiofUM »M«r«f odwi|hpiiklty«»fl|«il MUm Inr* MM : IhKl GkM vm^' ^'•^•1^ *» T^"* htac^ br . IMI • Ihal y^ Wag «»»*•* •»* g«wm*i4 *• l«w» »«jr*o .Ida, to oooiM^Mid with aU iMnKiihat «• tto l*^** 0»'' hamm hammi wflniitofiidc nndor oonwknM iu^ovpeor W ouMMtt^grail IbMfbIt) wd kagUi, Md ^opih, «imI LSk^lokiiowttt low^if ^u^^^j; t^\ If'T 5r ' 4i'V. '• ■•■■ 1 tK >.* . ' oo iJKWrti »»Mttum I liiilMi i>»»|t g^jobt HI Jk* m agtiiii»th«wflM^'8«l«ik I«tttfl«iiftyoiiteikoaiA H tliMA^Kl^iat; . -j, ilttilirdiMHnM, to ift^piaaiiMiiiiiEAi^cnMod vmiS tloB' oil tlw loM (^ » aioir TmAot, inA joiniffth tiSlB tmt h^ appraeklioii of tiM* pthr!i|itoe tiwj^ gnwe^iil alM4>]iwfoi^ort»tttno-4nio'i^^ M ono^adir ol tm Qoiq^ Olid fbOinMrt « cbtodtt of .fhk traO. lf|o Otoo of ftotHww iMMtoftan j^m tmtaA^ in |^«^ fif^ in ^pbiraLwkwra^ fMfond wluMlina forMSflo, tt«« mm' eoaw to 1i oooMtoi foe fho vMluda^ gtel dlfedrindiMliM^ fio viniiiol thAiuMi 16 bo d«Ofliv«a%tlkoj?]inuiiaopi^BftaiMioiMoroi^ aortoali^ £N»b tho poinfal, iiia m it tiA0A M«m, iki^4iow d«ty o^ ei]^9iiiig ft: yot t cb not bdSoro in theM Us cfbr^ J^ i^t down «agB ill ndioe. I an teitify,to hi* froti «dybl». IliikloiipoitanityOf iMoring WMm4 to qioiik tiM >Bi]i &i loto rand I think no ono tei^K^^ hModliii pbidbgi onlhe Hoor of tke Into $jiio4lHlho# being fittomobjylaa pw ad botb nith hii obiUly and^nfib Ul nodMty. 'Wk^.^ liimk ^ mu, ^ p^iL-^p^^ ^ ^ ■niyitdWiai Xi»]ii«dilMiitoo»b«9in^b^^ ItifnoftinSJ draditalloio otao #ooiB^ia«tin^70Qt^ fo ]»to bo«M m goii * tlittiMiqr iw valiiiilib^iie^ci ^ VltMbliind^WoiiiMit imjnmi^ >f^ai. liitf MO whift faifo bMii knt'dioiiihOil bgr tiNi' iM iiidbMi 'Btmmoim^ ud it t^^ii^nipr^ tbeir bdn( irdl indoiiiiiitlod b tlNM thi* wo HO lo Mi^ araehOf«di|»fbo£1|l»oii0^of -^ T'—'r fof ^?1 -- '^' mimwmMkaiim mikm^mt miL^mmmi^iX'^ti^ifi^tm^^ >VJ' ¥ m^- fei-* ftt«r Si.''-- £>' ■ '•^^y toiSt 4rPia Uu mun ImtiMMlMitri dooMoM of oar iiUii, o» iKlttf tiMBi 4owa te tte U^ d om»1 F«^J«idloefc ♦•■••y wortol Oodk^Mo;" wo aw nol oM to ttw dlMiBhk Wbrt piMrapUon in tlM ir«7 tlMMi^ '<»> ' «o ON tno^^oloiii Jndf^ of fho nivtaid ntelioiii ol iniUi» Qtihl iibel^l^*^ tlio Um mkomo pMts ol oar vMinfo ^ iM airignod Mid adiplod to oz«t oa iho boHUMi m^ MMR&QC lor ft momMit to tiio key word of dor toii— " Tho tiiumin «irClMii TCMb^^-dooi nofe iM omm or 4m- 3SL ol whfti b oommitted tb at forUd'tho prMohinc of tiM G«ip«l Vr li»lvw I Wm moik in ordiury oommiii bew thftt ft oortodkr of tioiMiToiy wlio ii onlj tho icoii^ or ^««^i ^ trttMBiiiaioii, alna wftUiold at pkomrt ftnj pftvt oT aWhtt't ftffcopriatkma t Soppooo 1m wmro to mj, Bo ooiilMit;yoaliftro onoaih; tho tbondftiioe nMyte onsft^ | ftiv 99«. May |M>lnM tunpor wilb^ his trout f Toa woold iMhit ovi koowiiig aO-HMing ^1. tot, too oftn, i^ ] - oTsiopKloTotohftvoit |N>;ftiidwh«nftiaaii,«gaftrdifta| ol SboMHi, dull fofoio to go into oomprooiiiiiig oovom» | WrhftidlrdidlliooMftin titodit lor hi* oonwioiitioaaMW 1 i . Iwir BHOiyahiai «e^lar>re|7J^tiy^^^^^^^a^^ ftfoiitin filM inil ! , ' '■ ' It njoioM mo to know that yon of thia congngition i^prtdatod tho labour and TigOanoo^of your paster aa • mtdhman ontbe tiyk^of Zion. ThB oonstanay of yonr gMftohmtotto him mnst hftvo li^toMd hia bnidona ; and I |Miy zoeopiiao otban beaidflB hia pwn Udek, many hare - M^, fUtem not preaani-eapooially feUow Iftbonrara of y^^am'^ dabominfttioms^ii^ atcongUianad hia hmidi by Ibii#i^|cll9 of ■yntimeni and feoKng. Xiatf tea ootefort yo% h}a moaming flooh, by ^ that ' ^iiiljyilfiiilvtilQy naMliaremofodi ^Uwiiwiuio** inuiiHf Imw tD ilk Olofat ptimatily ; tt i% aa haa baan «aid, '.^, ■* 6.S. '*,^t IH ( lot • biloMA MlatMlil wwM wgkn 90 5*. nlm of II fai tti MTisf nd mmMI;^ aoloal7«ni«lM a«fni4«d, b«l «1m (CmMm onyMfftoaii^tMM^ LrtyowMciwrfdwutUoMof l04igr flov into prafllKbfo ehiMi4k of pMif. Bo moio ioiMii tiuM ofwinxodUag tho vocd, in iMwing tto «oi ? V #■ y*'4' .1 -■' <^r # ■* ,». ' < if»i -n *?• ^f . v-* .r^ Hfi :-s . ^ ^^ ' p. ^ tt - 't * '1 K^'-T' « ■* WH'" ' - f * < ' ^ (^ i •^ « >* -. * ' /. % 1 " i 5 *■ A £^*. •* _ • » -— — -i « itfS — 1" r - 'r '*■ ^ _j'5^ p:', (» '^',. * ' 1 »>'„' < fc^ ' ' 1 A # -r , -^r ■k : • ■. ■.■ '. ,: . . ■ .■■ -,■'■. ■■-.'. ■ '_-' -.' * — '■L.. «.■'■"■ WSs fv> ■■'■ ■ >■■":;.,•,..':.." ^" \ %' . '■,'1 ; "■:''. ' ■ ■•-.' '■; •^-' , '■,-' ', '■ ' ' ■'■ \ •♦' V ■■"'■-'.■.■ ■ ' t ■-. ■■ • ,■■.';-," . .. - -.- .