% '¥ 4 <* 4 •! « « 4 « « ■4^ :s^ « 4 •( <* ^ 4 4 * ^^4 4 4 ^4^ 4 4 "^S 4 4 On Os 00 Organ Recital KNOX CHURCH, STRATFORD, ON Tliursday evening, Dec. 14, 1833. » ^ 11 ^ » MR. WM. REED, Organist, New St. Andrew's Church, Toronto. MISS DORA L. McMURTRY, Soprano Soloist, Jarvis street Baptist Church, Toronto. MR. ANDREW TILLEY, Choir Master, Knox Church. t ^ 1 1 > TICKBT5 OP ADMI5SI0N, 35 CENTS To be had at Joseph Rankin's confectionery store, J. H. Kenner's bookstore, C. £. Nasmyth's drug store. '• y HCRALO PRINT rogramme. Hymn No. 90— " All Hail the Power of Jesus* Name. ^* INVOCATION. pan t. Organ — *' Grand Choeur Dialogue/' Eugene Gigout Organ — *' A Sunset Melody, if Chas. Vincient Solo — " / Heard the Voice of Jesus Say/'C.B,Harriss Miss Dora L. McMurtry. Organ — " Toccata in E major, " Solo — " There is a Green Hill/' Mr. Andrew Tilley. H N. Bartlett Gounod Organ — " Pontifical March and Fanfare/' Lemmens rogramme. Hymn No, 278 — '* How Firm the Foundation,*' part XX. Organ— ' * Fugue in D major, " Bach Organ— (a) '• The Answer/' Wblstenholme (b) *^ Caprice in F/' Wblstenholme Solo—** Divine Redeemer/' Gounod Mias Dora L. McMurtry. Organ — ''Communion/' St, Saens Duet — Selected, - - . T Miss McMurtry and Mr. Tilley. Organ — Overture to '* Euryanthe/' Weber GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Although a stranger in Western Ontario, Mr. Wm. Reed has a very wide reputation as an organist and we are pleased to have this opportunity of introducing him to a Stratford audience. In his quiet way he has ever upheld the highest standards of tiis art. The ** Musical Courier," the highest authority on musical matters on this continent, says ; — ** William Reed is a concert organist of conspicu- ous ability. His recent recital on the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music organ showed him to be an interpretative artist of very high attainments, and demonstrated, in a brilliant manner, his technical mastery of the instrument. The lighter numbers, which he inserted for sake of contrast, proved his versatility, and stamped him as a player capable of pleasing all tastes." •* Miss Dora L. McMurtry's voice is a purehigh soprano of bright ringing quality, and, at the same time, it is cap- able of sympathetic interpretation. She sings very artistic- ally, and has an extremely musical temperment, which circumstance, combined with her dramatic instincts and feelings, makes her singing most effective."