IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 M M 11.8 U IIIIIL6 V] a^ WHEREAS by an Aft of the Parliament of this ProvirtCc, passed in ti,e Koriy- fourih year of His Majelly's Reign, intituled, « An Atl for ehe better sec.r.n;- th.s « Province against all seditious attempts or designs to disturb the tranquillity thcrcofV' i, i. among other things provided, " That it shall and may be lawful for .he Governor, « Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government for the time being, ... « appoint such Person or Persons a» may appear to him proper, for the purpose of ar- « resting such Persort or Persons not having been an Inhabitant or Inhabitants of this '.. Province for the space of Six Months preceding the date of his Warrant, or not ha- « ving taken the Oath of Allegiance to our Sovereign Lord the, who by words or « aaions. or other behaviour or condufcl, hath ot have endeavoured, or hath or have .. given just cause to suspeQ that he, she, or they, is or are about to endeavour to alienate « the minds of His Majesty's SubjeQs of this Province from His Person or Government, .. or in any wise with a seditious intent to disturb the t.anqu.ll.ty thereof." NOW KNOW YE. that I ISAAC BROCK, Esquire. President, and Com- manding His Majefty's Forces within the said Province, by vinue cf the powers ,so ve.tcd in me under the authority of the before recited Ael, haveappoitved and >-^^ ^ by these Presents appoint and depute you the said ^^^^^^^^^^ r^^^^^C^hrT^ ^/-^ /^ C..SUD o-^-- — — ^~ ^' toc£y into Execution the several P.uv.sions u. the said reciied Ad rca.ained-- Striaiy conforming yourself in every particular ihcrciu. Given unde^y Hand and Seal, at Arms, at .he Covor^cnt;iou>e, at V.:i: this /^e,o^e-^^^^^^'^-^''^ZiP *^^> '" r^ in ihe~'year of <^l.ox^ One thousand Eight hundred an.] T.clvr, nnci^ol His Majesty's Reign, the Fifty-second. hy Hii Honor's Command^ Q