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Lorsqua la document ast trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul cllchA, 11 ast filmA A partir da I'angia aupArlaur gaucha, da gaucha A drolta, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'Imagaa nAcassaira. i.as diagrammas suhrants illuatrant la mAthn^a. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 •t--t---t--t- TENTH REPORT OF THS IN00BFORAT''D CHURCH SOCIETY or THl DIOCESE OE MONTREAL, roB HE YEAR ENDING 6th JANUAET, 1861. Ebtablishbd 11th Octobeb, 1860. I^COSTOBATBD BT AOT 07 FABLlXUXirT, 14 AND 16 VlCTOBIA, GAP. 171. fnxxnD BY JOHN LOTILt, AT THB OAK ADA. DIBXOTOBT OIVIOB, BT. NIOHOLAS BT. 1861. I*" ■>- « .• \\;^^: '»•«* :'iJ ' ' 1. ^%: 1.:.. ifi,".' ••?■ V6 .,^i ■i-i.:: 1- 1 ■ I. ■/'•.!••, !!• TI PBI TENTH REPORT or TBI IMOOBFOBATIO CHTJECH SOCIETY or TBI DIOCESE OE MONTREAL, roB THE YEAR ENDING 6th JANUARY, 1861. s 8 '• ,<',•'! r;.' s EST.iBLISH£D llTH OCTOBEB, 1850. IirCOBFOBATBD BT ACT 07 FaBLIAMENT, 14 AND 15 VlBTOBIA, CaP. 171. Potrfttsl: PBIHTID BT JOHH tOTILL, AT THB CANADA DIBIOTOBT OmOl, IT. XIOBOLAS ST. 18«1. 1 >:w•^ iili , -i»...'"-Jj ; i'fr k m 3i Tl be he ^ Tl appo ofJi • A thei T] Gha] X detei Tien I Clan NOTICES I .■) ' ''•i^^ The Meetings of tihe Central Boabd, for the jear 1861, will be held on the following days, at noon : — Wednesday, 6th March. Tuesday, 18th Jane. Wednesday, 4th September. Wednesday, 4th December. The Annual Sermon tur the Widows and Orphans' Fund is appointed by the Lord Bishop to be preaehed during the month of June; And that for the Missionary purposes of the Society during the month of Januaiy. The number of Representatives which each Parish, District, or Ghapehry will be entitled to send to the Central Board, will be determined by the amount of the subscripdons forwarded to the Treasurer before the 1st October. Vide Article By4aw, No. 6, Clause 4. 'Office, Cathedral School House, Montioal. Depot of Books at Mrs. Walton's. m 1 l':^'vf M'v- TM li NOTICE OP MOTIONS. The Yen. Arohdeaoon Gilson gave notice that it is his inten- tion to move at the next General Meeting of the Church Society : 1. That the last sentence in the first section of By-Law No. 7 be omitted, and that in its place be substituted the words, " and that the whole of the monies thus collected be transmitted to the Treasurer, and be applied to the Missionary purposes of the Society." 2. That the following alteration be made in the first clause of By-Law No. 5. The Society shall meet annually in Montreal, on the third Wednesday in January ; and that an Annual Sermon be preached before the Society, on the Tuesday evening previous, by a preacher to be appointed by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. 3. That, in accordance with the By-Law No. 10, which pro- vides that the Lord Bishop of the Diocese shall direct what Ser^ mons are to be preached in each year, in each Parish or Mission, in favour of some one or more of the objects of this Society, the Central Board of the Church Society request the Bishop that he will be pleased to direct that two Sermons be preached in each year, in each Parish or Mission in the Diocese, on behalf of the Missionary purposes of the Society. n CLERGY IN TBI DIOCESE OE MONTREAL. RIGHT REV. FRAXOIS FULFORD. D.D.. LoBD Bishop o* Mohtbiaii Airs Mbtbofolitait. fDea», TBRT REV. J. BETHUNE. D J). -^ Senior Canon, TEN. ARCHDEACON GILSON,M.A. -^ Aut. Minuter, REV. E. WOOD, H^ — Honororn Canon, REV. J. REID, D.D. •• " REV.M.TOWNSEND.M.A. " " REV. W.T. LEACH, D.C.L. * •• " RBV.C.BANOHOPT.MJk.'^ Arehdeaeon, VEN.S. OILSON.M.A. "'^ f YEN. ARCHDEACON OILSON. M.A. -^ lREy.J.SCOTT,MJL. -" Biehop'e Secretary,. REV. EDWARD J. ROGERS. O /St. GXOBOB'b Chubcb, REV. CANON LEACH, D.O Ji. LLJ). . -^ REV. W. B. BOND, MJL, AMft. Minister. Tmititt Chubch, REV. CANON BANCROFT, M.A. -" St. Stbphbit'b Ohuboh, REV. J. ELLEGOOD, M.A. '^ — St. Lvkb'b Ohuboh, REV. J. TORRANCE. — [Chaplain to the Foreee, REV. EDWARD J. ROGERS. "^ REV. 0. P. ABBOTT, South StuMy, REV. W. ANDERSON, Reo^r, Sorel. REV. J. ALLAN. IsUauxyoia). REV.W.BRETHOUR,MJL, Omutovm. REV.F.CODD, Clarendon. REV. L C0N8TANTINE. M.A Stanbridge Eatt. REV. F. BURT , Huntingdon. REV.E.DUVERNET, MA. Bemmingford. RBV. J. C. DAVIDSON CowomniUe. V n •'■■> BBV.J.PLANAOAN LacMn*. BIV. J. FULTON, M.A^ RusHitown. BIV. J. OODDBN M...< ~.. Bi»i*h PotUm. MV. J08BPH OUFFIN, Lakti/Utd, Oor*. BIV.J.IBWIN.VJL..Reotor, St.JohM. BBT. JOHN JOHNSTON. Aytmer and BuU. BB?. J. JONES « « JMford. BBY. W. J0NB8. Ortmit. BBV.B.P.IiBWIS. B^n Babrm)oi$. BBY. n. LINDSAY. MX. IVm^ Ftilfav. BBY. B. LINDSAY, MJL. „ » AwflM. BBY. A. D. LOOKHABT. ...» ^ ^«w OImvow and KUkmmif. BBY. B. LONSDBLL, MJk.. Beetor. St. Andr»w$. BBY. THOMAS MAOHIN. Otuloto. BBY.J.A.M0LBOD.MJL. OMiU0vm4. BBY.W.O.MBBBIOK,M.A.. BtHhier. BBY. H. MONTOOMBBY. Baotor, FhOipiXntrgh. BBY. WILLIAM MOBBIS. ~ BwUnglum. BBY. T. Wj(MVB8BN. B.A.. WMiFornham. BBY.FBBD.8.NBYB. ».. GmmilU. BBY. OBRALD DB COITBGY O'QBADY. B.A.. MaaeoueU. BBY. JAMBS FYKB PohU* U Canaffn^a. BBY. CANON BBID, D.D.. Beetor. 8t. Armand Ea$t, BBY.F.B0BINSON,MJL, Abhott^f&rd. BBY.0.BOLLIT. JtowdoM. BBY. J. SCOTT. M.A., Beetor. Hunlutm. BBY. O. SLACK. M.A.. MilUm, BBY. B. a. SUTTON. Bchoardttown, BBY.J.S.8TKB8h autton. BBY.CANONTOWN8BND.MJL,Beotor, Clor»ite«vUU. BBY.J.P.WHITB.Beotor. Okomftfy. BBY. 0. A. WBTHBBALL. B.A» laoolh. BBY. A. T. WHITTBN Watinioo. BBY.H.WBAT. B.A LaprairU. BBY. T. A. TOUNG. MX c/oUcm du lam. PIULYBR8 TO BE USED AT ALL MEETINGS OF THE BOOIETr, AND OF ITS 8BVBRAL ASSOCIATIONS. Prevent as, Lord, in all our doings with thy most graoioui favour, and further us with Thy oontinual help ; that in all our works, hegun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and Anally, by Thy meroy, obtain everlasting life through Jesus Ohrist our Lord. Amtn. merciful Gk)d, who hast made all men and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wonkiest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be eonverted and live ; Have meroy upon all Jews Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take flrom them all ignorance, hardness of heart and contempt of Thy Word ; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be one fbld Under one Shepherd. Prosper, Lord, the labors of those Societies of the Ohurch in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in the promotion of this olgect, and whioh have nourished the Ohurch in the Oolonies : and bless in like manner with Thy Holy Spirit and Providential succour the Society in whose cause we are now met, and the undertakings which we have now in hand. " Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us ; prosper thou our handy work," for the sake and through the merits of the same Thy Son Jesus our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one Gk>d, world without end. Amen. Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Qive us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptaUon : But deliver us firom evil : For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. ^ t .," ? i • f 5 '»■ \ 1 :; ' rj It' . < ■; •'H • ( ; '1 W. l,^?j >■' J^- m ■fei '■v'CSl : *' !ii ■'■■**. a: i I CONSTITUTION Of ^t C^ttYt; Bo(t■ sif (•■i"'= > !:-f ^^=-;v^fl J . ' -1. :.;'* Uff *!•; '1 •',:< i ■..:ul-^A ■•■)!. W:x- -..■• '-t ik ir,:i^ .-J>r i,Wl'?:*:"'. -^L'■'/:>',? ! (. > J- ■ .l\ rri •■>■ -K -<;,-«i 'ivii^ 'l^■•-! i»fj «if^, ■ '• r.y.r- THE I '■. i ■ I. CHURCH SOCIETY OF THB DIOCESE OF MONTEEAL. • ■.'■■'»' 1:1 '.>,*'] niiirt m '■; ■'■';t'l IP i' ■ FAIBON. His Ezobllsnot thb Hioht Honorable Sib Eduund W. Head, Babonet, E.G.b., Ooyernob-Genbbal of British Nobth Ambrioa. FBESIBENT. .- - • The Right Reterend the Lord Bishop of Montbeal. VICE-FEESIDENTS.' Hon. George Moffatt. Hon. Mr. Justice Aylwin. Hon. Mr. Justice Badgley. Hon. Mr. Justice McGord. Hon. J. Fangman. Colonel Wilgress. ► Colonel Austin. C. Phillips. Thomas Selby. W. Baker. The Very Reverend The Dean of Montreal. The Venerable Archdeacon Oilson. The Rev. Canon Leach. The Principal of Lennozrille College. Major Campbell, C. B. Col. Stephens Baker. Rev. Canon Reid. ReT. Canon Townsend. And all Chairmen of former District Associations of this Society. '- • . . •?>•• '4jI ' ' ^ '.I -^ ,' '^ ' ' ■**■■• Cf' ,1' '■'!:■ 'iVKi •■.>i.-- !::m ..'■',■•'-,' V.'iil ,■■»."','* 'i.. 10 KEMBEBS OP THE GEHTBAL BOABD, Fob TBI TiAB 1861. The Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and the other Officers of the Society ; all officiating Clergymen of every Church and Chapel of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese, being Memhers of the Society ; and Repbisbntatiybs. PaBISH OB MlBSIOH. R. S. Tti.1i, G. Smith, T. MUSSBN, S. 0. Bago, J. Pabkin, Db. Fbasrb, Db. Jones, O. Simpson, 0. TaoGY, R. Taylor, J. H. Maitland, i ' Db. Soott, E. E. Shblton, Pbofebsob Johnson, J. J. Gibe, «...••..««... W. H. A. Davieb, John Lovell, William Pillab, Thomas W. Niild, Jos. Dbakb, i H. S. FOBTEB > L. M. Enowlton, > James S. Dixon, Galloway Fbeligh, > N. S. Bbown, S Amos H. Yacohar, Majob Oampbbll, O.B. Sib Wm. Johnson, Bart., J. Yule, W. B. Austin, J. 0. Bakeb, Alex. Bbown, W. B. Johnson, i . * * Jos. Dbake, Thos. AiiLChin, Pbtbb Polioa, T. B. Andbbson, Oapt. John Waimwbioht, , Bdwabd Jones, Jb. Bdwabd McDonald, Ohables S. Peibob, Isaac Oootb, R. W. Sheppabo, Cathedral. St. George's Oh. St. Luke's Charch. Abbotsford. Brome. Berthier. Bedford. Olarenceville. Ghambly. Danham. Hemmingford. Milton. Rnsseltown. St. Armand West. St. Andrews. St. Johns. Yaadreuil. 11 LAY OOMMITIEE. W. H. A. Dayiea, Chairman. Hon. Judge MoOord. Hon. J. Pangman. J. Ytfle. Dr. Eraser. E. B. Shelton. J. Tempest. J. LoTell. Hon. Oco. Moffatt. Ool. Wilgress. Ool. Haitland. R. D. Thomas. O. H. Monk. Dr. Scott. 8. 0. Bagg. T. B. Anderson, Treasurer BOOK ASB TRACT COMMHTXE. ThS YiBT RiV. TBI DlAH Of MONTREAL. The Yen. Archdeacon Gilson. Rev. Oanon Leach, D.O.L. Rev. Ganon Bancroft. Rer. R. Lonsdell. Rev. W. B. Bond. Bar. S. J. Rogers WIDOWS AHB OBFEARS' FUND OOIOQTXEE. T. B. Anderson. Hon. Judge McGord. Colonel Wilgress. Oapt. Maitland. J. Tempest. OLEBOY TBVST FUND COUBMUTEX. Lord Bishop of Montreal. Yery Rev. the Dean of Montreal. R. S. Tylee. Hon. George Moffiit T. B. Anderson. Oapt. Maitland. And all the Clergy who hare commuted I HONOBABY OOUNSEL. StBAOHAB BlTHCM. IBBA8UBEB. T. B. Amdibsom. .=-»1 'Mr . ■ '^\ P^ '■ '■:*', S'fc' - ■ '*, 'fliPi J. 'a ■•>;■> m i1 * - :^.^^ ■ J .,■ ■ ^sw i ■;..? *. ■*'-i % ■ t ■ . / ■,iU '^^^^ 1 ;* :;^;iEa »' •■■ 'M Wz i ■ -"' , IHHI ■ ■:y^% ■ ■f/ l'^ , -ti IBHSB ♦ ^. 'f', A mwim W J::-D : 4 M '■H.' &■ ;.-» ■■»";!i - J- }, ■ ,'it*d - ** aa. m mm 4^ ,-■ mM .v^ ■*^i!mKSM Z-iS "<4'i>jmg0 K'( 't^i S^'J **■' ■■•■ V."- ■EOBETABY. Rev. B. J. Roena. • t:,-, . ,''-■. i. ■ p-fi '•■Hi ■V-IS, lH^'■ ■■■■'•=1 II ; Sk", DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY. The Annual Meeting of this Society was held at the Mechanics* Hall, on Tuesday evening the 16th January, 1861, — the Bishop of Montreal in the chair. After prayer the Beport was read by the Secretary. Ist Resolution Moved by Rev. J. Irwin ; Seconded by His Excellency Lieut.-Gen. Sir F Williams, K.O.B., the Administrator of the Government, That the Report now read be adopted, printed and circulated hj the Secretary. 2nd Resolution Moved by Yen. Archdeacon Gilson ; Seconded by Geo. Baker, Esq. That this meeting desires to return thanks to Almighty Ood for the onward progress which His mercy has enabled the Church to make dur- ing the past year ; for the additional Dioceses which hare been established by our Communion, not only on this continent, but in all parts of the world ; and it is our earnest prayer that He will be pleased to enable us still more and more to bear witness for His truth and prepare the nations for the coming of Christ. 3rd Resolution Moved by Rev. J. H. Coit, D.D., Reotor of Trinity Church, Plattsburg, U.S.; Seconded by G. Smith, Esq., That In order to insure the permanency and efficiercy of the minis- trations of the Church in this Diocese, especially in the poorer districts, it is very necessary that some systematic efforts should be made to pro- vide for the maintenance of the Clergy by partial endowments ; and it is the duty of the Lay Members of the Church to endeavour to put into operation some scheme for raising a general Sustentation Fund for the Diocese, towards which '* the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel," in England have offered to grant annually very liberal aid. A collection was taken up amounting to $130. 4th Resolution Moved by Rev. R. Lonsdell ; Seconded by Rev. J. Scott, That the cordial thanks of the meeting be given to all those who have taken an active interest in the working of the Society, during the past year— -especially to the Secretary, Treasurer, Honorary Counsel and Lay Committee. 5th Resolution Moved by Rev. C. Wetherall ; Seconded by Colonel Maitland. That the thanks of the meeting be given to the Lord Bishop for pre- siding on the present occasion. The Bishop then dismissed the meeting with the benediction. EEPOET. .mi 1860 In oomplianoe with the By-Laws of the Society, the Central Board again presents its Annual Beport, and the accompanying Abstract of the Income of the past year : — TREASURER'S STATEMENT. OBNBBAL PUBPOBBS. " "■"*■■:■■>■"'■•■''- Annual Subscriptions in Montreal, $1636 31 Amount contained in Boxes received from Montreal Parochial Association, 146 44 Collected after Sermons for Missionary purposes,. . . . 249 07 ^ - OoUected on Day of Thanksgiving, 120 00 2150 83* Subscriptions received from the country, 1349 21 Collected after Sermons for Missionary purposes, ... . 469 79 Collected on Day of Thanksgiving, 108 49 Amount received from Boxes from the country, per Montreal Parochial Association, 9 50 1926 99 Collected at General Annual Meeting, 1860, 101 00 Rents, Interests, &c., 28 00 -^ 129 00 Total from ordinary sources of income, $4206 81 ■ V-rAf S.3 ■W:'':. ^>' CM u Proceeds of Landf sold, 420 00 *' of Loans returned, 33 00 Donation to Education Fond, 60 00 Balance of last year, 1374 22 Making a total of $6061 03 Total Expenditure for the year, 4528 91 Balance on hand, $1632 12 WIDOWS ABD OBPHAMS' rUHD. Amount collected in Montreal, 369 10 " " in the country, 874 87 Donations, 32 50 Put to the credit of this Fund from the Fund for General Purposes, 265 00 Interests and Dividends, 1199 60 2141 07 Balance of last year, 814 33 Debentures matured 680 00 Total, $3736 40 Amount invested during the year, 3631 33 Balance on hand, $104 07 Total amount of inTestments for the Widows and Orphans' Fund is $17,830.00. During the year there has been an increase in the amount nused in Montreal of $424.28 ; and there has also been an increase in the Parishes and Missions in the country of $695.66. The Montreal Parochial Association has pud to the Treasurer the sum of $1520.05, which includes $155.94 contributed by the Missionaiy Boxes. The income of the Society has been, from ordinary sources, $1046 more than last year. The sum of $308.43 was raised in, the name of the Society and eitpended on local objects, independently of t^e Central Board, as allowed by By-Law No. 7. This sum is not included in the income of the Society, as it does not appear in the Treasurer's MCOQBt*. 16 $527 haye been contributed towards endowments, and I486 have been reoelved from the sale of Books. Tbe total amount raised within the Diocese during the year for Church purposes is $44,764, which is $6,652 less than last year. At a special general meeting of the Society in June last, an inq)ortant alteration was made in the Constitution of the Society ; Sections No. 2 and 3, which provided for the encouragement of eduoatior. and granting assbtance to candidates for the ministry, were struck out ; and the 5th clause was so altered that the Society cannot now make grants for the erection of churches and parsonage-houses, setting apart of burial-grounds, &c. : the effect of which is, that the funds of the Society are now only arailable for direct missionary purposes, and for granting assistance towards endowments. This change has been rendered imperative by the ftirther reduction which has this year been made in the grant from the S. P. G., and by the necessity of providing means for the increase of the number of missionaries as occasion may require, as well as securing a sufficient support for those who are already employed in the Diocese. The Board, however, fully recognises the important results which have heretofore followed the grants of assistance to the building of ohurdies in vailous missions, and hopes that, without delay, s(Naae (ngwization may be devised whereby that branch of the Society's operations, which has promoted this good work, may be provided for. During the past year no less than six churches, towards which «d has been givoi by the Society, have been consecrated. On the 9th February, the Lord Bishop met the Archdeacon and seven of the ne^hbouring clergy for the consecration of the new Chnvch at Cowansville. At Pigeon Hill, in the Bev. H. Montgomery's mission^ a oburoh capable of holding 250 was consecrated in June by the Lord Bishop, as8bted:by the Archdisaoon and 12 of the clergy. At the Gore of Chatham a churoh capable of sealing 350 per* lont^ at a cost of more thw iS600, which has been principally raised by the untiring exertions of the Bev. J. Griffin, the mitk sionary at that station, wafr coauiecrated b September last. ;0j y}''\ i m I ^' -A M ■ 'M i; ■'f .■;;■'- i Ml m X--' m m ■en m ■^ 5' 16 ; '. •n ■ At Bexford's Oorners, in the Township of Bolton, by the active zeal of the Bev. Mr. Godden, who may be said to be our •pioneer in that district, a church has been erected, and was solemnly dedicated to the service of Almighty Qod by the Bishop of the Diocese — also in September. In the mission of Hemmingford, on the 17th and 18th October, the Bev. E. Du Yernet had the pleasing duty of assembling his congregations to meet their Diocesan, who had come amongst them to set apart, for the worship of Almighty Otod, two new churches, which have been erected almost entirely through the exertions and gifts of the members of the Church residing in the mission. We have again to deplore the death during the past year of a very useful and energetic member of our Society, A. F. Holmes, Esq., M.D. The Central Board have already taken the opportunity, at its meeting on 5th December, of expressing their sense of his valuable services, and also of their sympathy with his bereaved widow. « The want of a Periodical which should give information res- pecting the condition and work of the English Church, alike in our own country, in England, and throughout the world, having been long felt by most of the clergy, and many of the laity, in this Diocese, it was unanimously resolved, at the last Annual Meeting of this Society, " That, in order to create a greater interest in the working of the Church in this Diocese, an occasional paper, con- taining information concerning the progress now making in this Province, as well as in England and in other parts of the world, and describing the operations of the great Missionary Societies, be printed and circulated." In obedience to this reso- lution, the first number of a paper having this object, and called the " Church Chronicle for the Diocese of Montreal,'* was issued in May, 1860. The present issue is about 700 copies monthly^ at 2s. 6d. per annum. The success and usefulness of this Periodical will, we are convinced, from the experience of the last few numbers, be easily secured, if the clergy and their congregations, and especially their Sunday-school teachers, will take an active interest in i^ circulation. In different parts of the Diocese it has been hailed as a 17 most nseM publication and it is admitted to be doing a good work.* From the fifth number of this paper the following important paragraph is extracted : — ENDOWMENTS FOR COLONIAL DIOCESES. An important step has been taken by the S. P. G. At recent meetings of that Society, the vast benefits likely to accrue to the Colonial Church by a well regulated system of endowments, has been forced on the attention of the members, especially in letters from the Bishops of Adelaide, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Montreal. In Nova Sootta, the Bishop and Church Society, looking for- ward to the time when the grants hitherto made by the Society must cease, or be greatly reduced, have set forth a bold scheme for an endowment fund of £40,000. The other North American Dioceses are also more and more anxious to see some permanent, though small, provision made for the support of a Church of England ministry. Under these circumstances, the Society, after very careful con- sideration, has come to the conclusion that it cannot better promote the lasting interests of the Colonial Church, than by cooperating with the colonists in their efforts to make the Church in their several Dioceses to some extent independent. The Society has, therefore, adopted the following resolutions : 1. That, considering the amount of the unappropriated balance in the hands of the Treasurer, a sum of £10,000 be set apart for the purpose of aiding the colonists in providing permanent endow- ments for the Church in the several Colonial Dioceses. 2. That not more than £1,000 be contributed to any one Diocese. 3. That it be a condition of each grant that not less than five times the sum contributed be raised from other sources. 4. That it be a further condition that the entire Endowment Fund be invested in securities, and upon a scheme of administra- tion, approved by the Society. * Applications for this paper may be made to the Clergy of the dif- ferent Churches ; to the Secretary of the Society ; to Mrs. Walton ; or to Mr. Lovelli St. Nicholas Street. ■> ■ t ■ I. - ' f.i "Til « In the letter of the Secretary of the Society to the Bishop of Montreal respecting these resolutions, there is contained the fol- lowing information as to the nature of these endowments : " You will observe/' he says, " that they have reference to Diocesan efforts for the general supporting of the Church, not primarily to the efforts made locally for the endowment of particular missions." During the past year aid has been granted towards the stipends of the following clergymen, to the extent of $2302-79 : — Rev. P. CODD, " J. C. Davidson, " E. Du Vernm, J. GODDEN, « <( D. Lindsay, A. D. LOOKHABT, Bev. T. Maohin, « W. 0. Mebbick, « F. S. Neve, « E. G. Sutton, " 0. A. Wetherall, Mr. Gosling, Lay Reader. The following grants have also been made by the Central Board during the past year : — To Church at Rexford Comers, $100 To Glebe at Kildare, $200 To Church at Clarenceville.! $100 To Parsonage at Waterloo, $100 $500 The following Reports have been received from the different Parishes and Missions :•— ABBOTSPORD AND ROUGEMONT. Rbv. F. Robinson reports that the people in his charge are becoming more alire to the true position of the church in this country, and espec- iallj in this locality ; and they are most desirous that in the changes which must arise out of the withdrawal of the aid formerly receired from the Society in England, for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts, they may not be deprived of the ministrations of the Church At Abbotsford, the local provision for the clergyman's salary has hitherto been of an uncertain and fluctuating nature ; but at a very full special meeting of the vestry, held for the immediate purpose of settling certain questions relative to the tenure of the pews in the church, the subject of the clergyman's salary was taken up, and a 19 resolution pasted that twenty-flTe pounds should bo raised for that object. It is also resolved that that sum, less five pounds promised by subscription should be raised uy a vote upon the assessed value of the property of the members cf the Ohurch in the parish. Tlie rate was accordingly laid and a large share of it collected and paid over to the Incumbent. As this has not been done without much inconvenience in in a few individual cases, and as our congregation is but small, and has only a very few persons in it of even moderate wealth, this effort can- not but be legarded as an assurance that no reasonable exertion will be wanting on their part to secure the continuance of those ministration! which in times past, under God, have proved such a solace in many a deathbed scene, and such an eiScient aid in training np the rising gener- ation not only to be respectable members of society, bui, above all, to be " faithful soldiers and servants of G hirst." At the same meeting, a rate was laid upon the pews, to meet the cost of certain repairs upon the church, — thirty eight dollars of which was collected and expended for that object. The germ also of an Endowment Fund was planted, the Sacramental collections being set apart for that purpose, and it is much to be desired that our people to whom God has given substance, would even from an instinct of self-preservation, if from no higher consideration, regard this as a subject of the first importance, and for which generous sacrifices should be made. It is to be regretted that these local efforts have reduced our number of annual subscribers to the Society. The amounts raised during the year, are substantially as follows, viz ; Abbotsford— Annual subscriptions, $14.16 ; missionary purposes $5.60; Widows and Orphans, $4.08 ; clergyman's salary already col- lected, $85.21; for repairs on the church, $38.00 ; incidental expenses, $5.26 ; endowment fund, $7.49 ; For missionary purposes on Thanks- giving day, $10.06; total, $169.76. BoDOEHONT,— For missionary purposes, $6.50 ; Widows and Orphans', $3.20; Clergyman's Salary, $6.60 ; incidental expenses $5.30 ; for mis- sionary purposes on Thanlcsgiving Day, $5.00 ; total, $79. Total in both places, $248.76. AYLMER. Riv. J. Johnston : — There has nothing remarkable occurred in this Mission during the past year to call for special notice. As will be seen by the Treasurer's report we have raised through the present year 120 dollars towards the clergyman's income ; $10, for the widows' and orphans' fund ; $7, for the missionary fiind ; $3, on thanksgiving day, and $44 forjocal purposes. Making in all $184. v.'. «■,•» 'i... •' '.i ■.i,."< - r ■ ■■■ ?;■ ••f ,1^ ■.^: ft '■'.'■,'"M. ■'■* ■iiii%\ • ■;#■ 20 ''!• BEDFORD. RiT. J. JoNM ;— I ftm bapp7 to maj that we are getting on a little better with our eontributioni in tbia minion. We bare now a iniaU deposit of prayer books in the Tillage of Bedford, which we hope will answer a good purpose. BBRTHIER. Riv. W. 0. HiRRiOK writes ;— In the immediate sphere of mj own labours, embracing an extensire district along the shores of the St. Lawrence, covering twelve of the old French Parishes, with the assis« tance of the Catechist, Divine service is regularly performed at four stations separated by long distances. Three Sunday Schools, one Bible Glass, and three English day schools are in successful operation. Tour missionary renders thanks to Almighty God, for the measure of health which has enabled him to carry out his appointments almost uninter- ruptedly during the year and also for the tokens of continued blessing which have attended his feeble eflTorts for the extension of the Redeemer's Kingdom. It is always a gratifying duty to acknowledge kindly co-operation and the reception of favours. I take this opportunity therefore to offer my sincere thanks and those of the congregations of Berthier and Brandon, to Miss Dixon, and the Oatechist, (who while ready to aid in doing good works), have especially contributed towards the efficiency of the Ohoral portions of the church services by training the children in the practice of Sacred music. Thanks are also due to Hiss Morrison, who again this year undertook the duty of collecting for the Ohurch Society. And among the contribu- tors of the year I have pleasure in recording the liberality of George A. Wood, Esq., of Quebec, who furnished the Berthier Ohurch with a suitable bell. The following particulars may not be without interest : — The mission under my charge is situated partly in this Diocese, and partly in that of Quebec. There are three churches, one of stone, one of brick, and one of wood. The communicants are seventy four in number, and the Sunday School Scholars Sixty-four ; the baptisms for the past year were ten ; the number of miles travelled on duty, within the limits of the mission were, by the missionary eighteen hundred, and by the catechist four hundred and fifty ; and the amounts raised for various church objects were, — at Berthier, Ohurch Society General Purpose Fund, $64.75 ; Widows' and Orphans' Fund, $8.00 ; Sunday OoUections $102.16 ; Parsonage Fund $268.60 ; Oost of Bell $120.00 ; pew rents (applied to ■upport of mUilonary), $91.00 ; Balance for Chareh repalri, $69. 68 ; Garp«ting and matting for Church, $32.00 ; Ohurch^yard fence, $22.00 ; Sunday School purpoiei, $12.60. Total $780.68. At Ririere du Loup, Diocese of Quebec, Oburch Society General purpoiea Fund, $17.50 ; Widows' and Orphans' Fund, $6.80 ; towards support of missionary, $45.00 ; Sunday coUeotions, $20.00 Total in mission $869,98. BROME. Riv. R. LiNDBAT : — Greater prosperity has been bestowed upon this Mission during tL«> past year than in any since I was appointed to it. I hare received into the church eleren adults and nineteen children from other communion. The congregations are steadily increasing. Among the contributions for local purposes are two items which I baye put in, not to swell the amount raised in the Mission but to notice a circumstance in our Mission which it was most important should be encouraged. $92 have been subscribed here for the new church in Potton, $45 for the new buildings at Lennozville. In our new Missions and in building new churches all the surrounding Missions have liberally con- tributed. One member of the Ohurch in Dunham told me when begging for Brome Corner Church that he intended to give to every new Ohurch that he was aslced for in the Townships. It is most desirable that every member of the Church should in like manner feel it a privilege to taka part in the extension of the Church, especially in new Missions. The following amounts have been subscribed. St. PauP$ Church Knotolton. Sub. to Mission $222.60 " " College, 45.00 " " Bolton Mission, 10.00 " " Potton Mission, 92.00 Sunday Collections, 30.13 Sacramental, do 21.92 Widows and Orphans, 4.08 Missionary purposes, 7.55 Thansgiving/or the poor, 3.37 St. John's Brome Comer. $436.55 Snb. to Mission, $61.50 Sub. towards debts of Church, 218.50 Weekly Collections, 19.50 Sacramental, do 7.50 Widows and Orphans, 1.08 Missionary purposes, 2.45 310.33 Total $747.08 '41 mi f I* •.v.i; m "■#1 'i i; m BUCKINGHAM. Rev. W. Morris writes :— He is happy to report that the charch mem- bers of his mission still continue to contribute liberally in support of the church. An instalment of the debt due on the purchase of our church organ has been paid this year. His annual stipend, arising from the pew rents in aid of his salary, has been promptly paid in full. He still continues to receive very valuable presents from his parish- ioners, chiefly in hay and oats for his horse ; one of these he mentions in particular, G. W. Eaton Esq., who contributes annually a barrel of flour and a large hog, amounting together to $20.00 as a Christmas present. This act of liberality is particularized not for praise, but for the information of wealthy persons in other parishes, that they may go and do likewise. The following sums have been collected.— From the sermon in aid of the Church Society's funds, $5.60 ; Sermon in aid of Widows' and Orphans' Fund, $7.50 ; Rev. W. Morris' annual subscription $7.60 ; Subscriptions to Church Society, $12.50 ; total $33.00. The whole of which has been remitted to T. B. Anderson Esq., Treasurer of the Church Society. CHAMBLY. Rbv. J. P. White : — ^With thankfulness to the Great Head of the Church, I have again the satisfaction, at the close of another year of presenting a favourable report of the amount raised for general Church purposes in the Parish. Although the numerical strength of the Church has decreased, yet no considerable falling off in the amount of subscriptions to the Diocesan Church Society is apparent ; but this, in some degree, is owing to the zeal of those who kindly undertook the office of Collectors ; and our thanks are due to them. And here I do not deem it inappropriate to express my thanks to a Lady of the congregation, who for some years past has kindly and unweariedly presided at the organ, with much satisfaction. During the past year the front-fence of the Church-yard has been painted, and that in the rear most substantially renewed at the cost of £25 ; and next year endeavours must be used to place new windows in the Church. The following are the amounts collected during the year : — Clergyman's stipend, $280.00 Church expenses, 100.00 Insurance on Church, Rectory and Schools, 36.00 Repairs and renewal of Fences, &c., 100.0 23 Sacramental Collections........ mk. 28.15 Sunday School Collections, 10.00 Collected for S. S. Festival, 13.50 Lending Library, 2.00 Annual subscriptions to Cliurcb Society, 152.50 ' After Sermon for Missionary purposes, 17.16 After Sermon for Widows' and Orphans' Fund,.. . 10. t5 After Sermon for Missionary purposes, &c., ? i q ira Thanlcsgiving Day > ^'*"''* Collections in Boxes for Church Society, 1.70 $764.88 The Church Society, the only Missionary Society in connexion with the Church in the Diocese, is now felt to be a great blessing, and design- ed ultimately to affect much good ; by it the wants of the Church are brought plainly under the notice of the people, and they are consequent- ly stirred up to good deeds in her behalf. A great and arduous but glorious work it is in which the members of the Church Society are engaged — even the attainment of means for the extension and consolida- tion of the Church in our land;— a work worthy of the greatest self- sacrifice, and which may be aided also by the smallest gift, and fur- thered by the humblest prayer. And it is to be hoped that all the members of our Church in this Diocese, as brethren drawn together in one common cause, may by their cheerful contributions and earnest prayers so co-operate in the great work contemplated by the Church Society, as that by its increased means of usefuluetjs the growing wants of the Church shall be supplied, and the saving truths of the Holy Gos- pel made fully known throughout our Diocese. CHRISTIEVILLE. Rev. J. McLEOD.^The amount of our subscriptions and donations on behalf of the Church Society for this year is $41, the whole sum being remitted to the Parent Society. The collection after sermon, for Missi- onary purposes amounted to $10.88; and for Widows and Orphans' fund $12.53. The offertory collections amounted to $25.50. In addition to these the Children's Association in aid to the Church Missionary Society collected $52, and the contribution in aid of the suf- .'erers in Syria, on Thanksgiving Day, amounted to $27 25. COTBAU DU LAC. IIkv. T. a. Young :— During the year the following sums were raised in this Mission. Annual subscriptions to the Church Society, $20.25 ; collection for Missionary purposes, $3.50 ; collection for Widows and , 'i ■^'''■'41^ '. ■ . ■/ /,,•■(;; m ■"'■1^ .■r»-\ |f| :^ ¥ ■^^1 ■fe y-i'MI^M im' ii ^*^PI fs^^m 4"^ M^m ■V^y sS ip 1 i /;'.;:i r. ^>'^ -The following are the details of the amoants raised in the Cathedral during the year ending 31st December, I860, for local purposes ?-» t 'ir i ii 'I'l 7.: mi, '■%•■■ r: J"; •4." ■ ' ■i| St'': I: P«wRenti, 96,847.00 Aasistant Minister*! Fund, 263.75 Offertorjr, 3,10S.05 Irisli Society, 24.00 Total, $10,240.60 Tb«re are still unpaid subscriptions to the Building fnnd of the Oathe- dral, amounting to $6,199 a large proportion of which is not yet due. The whole of the remainder of the square on which the Cathedra' ib built has been acquired ; partly for the site of a See House ; partly 'or the site of a Parsonage, and partly for the site of the Cathedral Sc!.ool House. The latter building, with a suitable residence adjoining for a schoolmaster, has been just completed. The Schoolhouse is a spacious building, with a room large enough for the general meetings of the Church Society, and the bynods. Provincial and Diocesan. In the same building, is accommodation for the Diocesan Library, which has been removed there. In the large room, the boys' day school and the Sunday school will be accommodated, and the girls' day school in a room in the second story, of sufficient dimensions. A Chapel with free seats capable of holding some 350 persons, situ- ated on the corner of Dorchester and St. Urbain Streets, is nearly com- pleted. It will be served by the Cathedral Clergy. There have been raised for Church Society : subscriptions $878.20 ; collections for Mission- ary purposes $132,80, and for W. 0. $60, making $1071.00, and total amount raised $11429.62. HT. lukk's. Rbv. J. ToRRANOB : — The state of the Church in this portion of the Lord's Vineyard has sensibly improved. It is gratifying to observe that the poor of this district have manifested greater interest in the services of the Sanctuary, as evinced by their attendance in large numbers dur- <, ing the year. The number of the children entered upon the roll of thy Sunday School is 120, and the average attendance 75 children. The great difficulty experienced here, as elsewhere, is in getting per- manent and efficient teachers. The following statement comprises the items of the sum total collected in the parish during the year 1860 : Diocesan Church Society, $60.82 ; General Objects : Church So- ciety Annual Sermon, $13.00 ; Widows' and Orphans' Annual Sermon, $15.00 ; Dorcas Society, $100.00 ; Communion Alms, $24.00 ; Collec- tion, Thanksgiving Day, for the poor, $12.00 ; Christmas Collection, $15.00; Sundaj Collections, $120.00; Pew Rents, $320.00; Judge Ayl win's Donation, last instalment of the debt upon the Church, $2000 ; Judge Aylwin's annual subscription towards the Minister's stipend, $300.00. Total $2,979.82. . . ., 85 TBINITT OHUIIOR. RiT. Oanon Bancroft :— Since my last Report we bare taken poiMi- fion of the edifice formerlj occupied hy the Cathedral and originallj built hy the Oongregationalista. Through the favour of Qod we are now comfortably settled, the neceisary repairs having been effected under tb« careful and unwearied supervision of the Church Wardens, Joseph Jones and W. A. Merry, Esquires, whose devotion and leal, together with the cordial co-operation of the congregation, I would here thankfully acknow- ledge. This change has been accomplished with the approval of the Lord Bishop and of all parties interested, and will, when financially completed, be in every way advantageous to the interests of Trinity. The Church at present is well filled. The attendance in the Sunday School numbered the last Lord's Day one hundred and ninety-one scho' lara with twenty-four teachers and officers,— whole number two hun- dred and sixty-nine. The communicants present on Christmas Day were one hundred and ten,— whole number about two hundred. I give the following statement of the subscriptions and collections for I860, — 4 months in the old and 8 months in the new Church. Congregational Collections, $ 889. 26 Pew Rental, 2460 . 34 Church Society, Sermons for, 86. 9S Church Society, Widows and Orphans, 88 . 30 Church Society, Subscriptions, 120.35 Colonial Church and School Society, Sermons, • . . . . *12.00 Poor of Trinity, including Sermons, Donations and Offertory, 419.38 Sunday School towards training young men for the Ministry, 40 . 00 Parochial Library, 48.03 Sermon for Repairs, 123. 10 Towards the Organ 190. 8S Irish Missions per Rev. Mr. Gubbins, 72.00 Subscription list towards purchase of building $2962.00 of which paid in 1860 2000.00 $6610.56 In the above statement of sums raised for the Church Society I have not included two hundred dollars which will, D. Y., be paid to the Church Wardens of Trinity Church, Ohristieville, Easter next, as per will of the late founder. NEW GLASGOW. , > [ The Rbv. a. D. Lookhabt writes :— In forwarding my Report for the present year, I am happy to say that we have a further increase in the number of subscribers to the Church Society, and this' notwithstanding '■A . \ ■ ■'i.t' ■7(v >-.v i '- '^: *i i m ■t'vKm.'r-T- 1>\ xfe- I ;■«!: '■] a severe loss which the people in this part of the Mission and also at New Paisley have experienced from a terrible hail storm which came just at the time the grain was ripe and caused great destruction, so that in many instances the greater part of the crops were left upon the ground. However, as I said, this severe loss to our people has not diminished their subscriptions to the Church Society, but we have rather an increase of subscribers. I must here bear witness to the fact, that when I called upon them for their subscriptions, there was no complaining of the loss they had sustained, but what they gave, they gave willingly and cheer- fully, and I trust, as unto the Lord. In Kilkenny, accompanied by my Church Wardens, Messrs. Taylor & Foster, we visited with hardly an exception every Protestant family in the township, and this was no easy matter to accomplish, as the houses are so scattered and the roads so bad. Every one gave most cheerfully to the good cause and we have to record an increase of ten subscribers over last year in that township. This is very gratifying indeed, and shows we are not going back in the good work, but rather advancing from year to year. I must also mention the kindness of Messrs. P. tc R. Stevenson in neat- ly fencing the garden in front of the Parsonage, also the kind manner in which Mr. S. Hamilton and Mr. P. Callaghan came with their mill and thrashed my grain free of charge. The subscriptions for different purposes are as follows : — Annual Sub- scriptions to the Church Society, $38.82}; Sermon for Missionary pur- poses, $3.25; Widows and Orphans' ditto $5.40 cts.; Contributions for local purposes, $87.55 cts. Total $135.02. POTTON. Rev. J. GoDDBM : — The Society will be glad to learn that their opera- tions in this Mission have been largely blessed by God during the past year and thus each year since they began their work of faith in this dis- trict, your Missionary, through God's blessing upon the efforts which have been made (through the faithful and devoted friends of the Church in Potton and elsewhere,) has been enabled to report a gradual progress. In my last report to the Society I expressed the hope that before another autumn I should be able to have a new Church erected at " Rexford's Corner ;" that hope has been realized and it was with thankfulness to God, and also to the friends of bis Church that on the 28th September last I was able to get it set apart for the worship of Almighty God : which hiappy occasion was made doubly so by the ad- mission of 21 persons to the rite of confirmation, being the 2nd confinna- tion within the period of four years, the time which the mission has been worked. Twelve persons, 6 adults and t children, have been baptized 37 during the year. Three full services are now held every Lord's day and a Bible Glass on a week evening. The order and responses of our congregations are creditable to the people and a source of gratification to the Missionary. The ladies, to whom great praise is due, am still active in every good work. We are sadly in want of a properly con- ducted day school for the promising children who are growing up under the shadow of the Ghurch, and I do wish from my heart that the Society could help ua in sustaining a permanent Christian School in this village. The thanks of your Missionary and of the Congregation are due to those kind friends who assisted in the erection of our pretty Church and to Mrs. McGord for the gift of $20 for the purchase of an additional half acre of land. The following amounts make up all that has been contributed during the past year : Church Society, $8.00 ; towards Clergyman's income, $46.50 ; new Church, $1003.27 ; Offertory Collections, $32.33 ; Pro- ceeds of donation party, $33.26 ; collected by Ladies for papering Parsonage, $11. 75; Total raised, $1134.11; in Mission, $389.59; out of it, $744.52, exclusive of grants from Church Society and Christian Knowledge Society towards new Church. RAWDON. Rev. 0. RoLLiT : — The subscriptions both in Rawdon and Eildare are smaller than usual, which may be accounted for by the facts, that in Kildare great efforts are being made to purchase a glebe, and in Rawdon the people have had to give towards the completion of the new church which now only requires the pews and erection of the furniture of the chancel, to prepare it for public worship. Some of the congregation have been liberal, almost beyond my expectation, but there are others who here, as elsewhere, are remiss in aiding a work which all feel to be necessary. SOREL. Rev. W. Anderson reports : — That the subscriptions to the Church Society, amount this year to $93. Collected for Missionary purposes, $33.65 ; for Widows and Orphans, $30.50 ; pew rents, $336 ; offertory, $184 ; endowment fund, $520 ; local expenses, $100 ; subscription in aid of Church fence, $35 ; bazaar proceeds, $573. Totol, $1905.15. The report, now presented, is by far the most satisfactory one which has ever emanated from this Parish. Every item exhibits an increase, and while local claims have been better sustained, than ever before, it has not been at the expense of the contributions to the Church Society which are considerably in advance of those of the preceding year. '•ij '-■•'i.>vl v.««-l »' ■''>T ■ '^l ■ "■• ■ m ^'•^^ ;•■■■ J."-.: ^' ■ ■'\ • ( ! 88 i-*., ! ■ri,. ., "i The total thus paid over to the Parent Societj, inclusire both of the proceeds of the Sermons above reported, and of the annaal subscriptions transmitted without deduction, amounts to $157.15. The Church Ba- zaar held in the month of May last was eminently successful, realizing the handsome sum already mentioned. With this amount, the Church spire has been tinned ; a substantial fence erected in front of the Church and Rectory, and various other much needed repairs and improvements of the Church property effected. Warmest thanks are due to many friends from Montreal, and other parts at a distance, for their assistance on this occasion. The ladies presiding at the different tables were unremitting in their efforts, to promote the success of the undertaking, and the very best spirit from iSrst to last, seemed to animate the whole congregation. The Parish is indebted to Thomas Mussen, Esq., of Montreal, for a donation of finest white damask communion table cloth, and napkins. The Endowment Fund has been increased this year by two contribu- tions, one of $200, from Mrs. John Anderson, long a supporter o^ the Church, and of every benevolent enterprize ; and the other, a legacy, of similar amount, from the late Mrs. Thomas Bray, a spontaneous offering of gratitude to the Lord, at the close of a protracted illness. These, with other contributions to the same fund from friends of the Church, will be found acknowledged in the Appendix. And whether in view of different contributions from its first formation to the Endowment Fund ; or, to the Bazaars, from time to time held for Church purposes *, or, to valued assistance, rendered from year to year, in the Choir, in the Sun- day School, and in every other department of Christian labour, the apostolic exhortation to the Philippians might well be used, with refer- ence to not a few in Sorel ; " Help those women, which laboured with me in the Gospel." The Church yet remains to be carpeted throughout, a better bell provided, and a fire-proof safe procured, for the preservation of the Church registers, and records, and very much larger additions made to a Fund, so essential to the future well-being and stability of the Parish, as the Endowment Fund. And, it is confidently hoped, that those, who are already well reported of, for good works, will not, in any additional efforts required, to supply these particulars, be found wanting. W. H. A. Davibs, Esq., late one of the proprietors of the Acton Mines, has kindly intimated to the Rector, his intention of conditionally making a munificent addition to the Endowment Fund, which it is hoped, will God willing, ere long be received. Meanwhile, it is a most pleading duty, thus to notice, the tnlling mind which is acceptable with God ; and the prompt recognition of the divine command, "freely having received, freely also to give." The peculiar nature of the soil at Sorel, having caused a slight settle- 89 fthe iOD3 Ba- zing urch arch lents nany ance ment to take place in the Rectory foundation, a centre brick wall was erected, under the building, early in the spring. The board fence round the Church lots, commenced last year, was also completed ; both of these works, in the absence of other means of defraying the expense, at the Rector's own cost, amounting with other incident outlay on the Church property, to $100, included under the heading of local expen- diture. The Church was again beautifully decorated for Christmas, by several ladies and gentlemen of the congregation, under the active superinten- dence of James Shuber, Esq.; and to the same gentleman, with Mr. Anderson Brown, special thanks are further due, for their willing can- vass, in the Church Society's behalf, as also to Miss E. Laprairie, the Society's persevering young friend, for her renewed efforts in the same good cause. In this brief retrospect of material progress, during the bygone year, coupled with the encouraging facts, that the Sunday School now num- bers seventy children ; that the congregations are in general good ; and that the communicants are upwards of eighty in number ; it is humbly hoped, that the Lord's cause is not retrograding in Sorel ; but that with the blessing of the great Head of the Church, the Parish has made a decided advance, towards occupying the position which, as the oldest Protestant Mission in Canada, it should naturally sustain, of " com- ing behind in no gift." STANBRIDGE EAST. Rev. J. CoNSTANTiNE :— Our Church here, having become so dilapidated as to be unfit for use, has been taken down this autumn, with a view to rebuilding it next year, which, with God's blessing on the work, we hope to accomplish so far as to render it fit for Divine Service. We have decided to build it a free church. Our Church members are most anxious, to do all in their power, and are well worthy of the kind consideration of their spiritual mother, and without this, they or their children are certain to be lost to the faith of Christ. We shall receive assistance from a few liberal minded persons, among whom may be mentioned, J. C. Baker, Esq., for $200.00, but we shall still need help, and we have a very strong claim on the assistance of sincere Christians. The following is our summary for the year : Subscriptions, $33-16 ; collection for general purposes, $1.50 ; Widows and Orphans' Fund, $2.60 ; con- tributed by Ladies' Society, $15.77; Sunday School expenses, $6.23; wood, &c., $2.50 ; subscriptions to Clergyman's stipend, $43.50 ; sums paid towards rebuilding Church, $102.67} ; Chronicle, $5.00 ; Total, $212.83i. mm 1 -.1 :' E.J I I ;*-: 40 ST. ANDREWS. Rur. R. LoNSDELii :— It affords me much pleasure to report rerj farour- ftblj of this parish. The congregation continue to manifest the same degree of kindness which I experienced on my arrival here. I do not sup- pose that our congregation here is surpassed by many in devout atten- tion in the house of God. Our communicants on Christmas Day amounted to nearly sixty persons. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us, let us h^ thankful unto Him and speak good of His name. The following return will exhibit what has been done during the past year for the maintenance of the Church and iier Missionary Society la this Diocese : Towards the restoration of the Parsonage $348 have been paid, a larger sum however yet remains due to the kind individual wha advanced material and superintended the work with zeal and judgment, —for other local purposes $6'76 including poor money, repairs and im- provements on the Church. Proceeds of Sermon for Missionary purposes^ $11.10; for Widows and Orphans, $15.25; collected at Offertory on Thanksgiving day, $9.12 ; subscriptions for Church Missionary Society,. $50.39} ; transmitted to Treasurer of Church Society, $86.46}. Total collected for Church purposes, $1112.06} — a sum unprecedented in this parish. We have to thank Mrs> Colonel Johnson for the gift of a hand- some chandelier with side lamps for the Church, which were very much needed. ST. ARMANDWEST. Rev. H. Montooubrt : — During the past year we have had reason to> be grateful to Almighty God for his continued presence and favour. The number of Church members and communicants have been consi- derably increased, and a growing desire manifested for the services and ministry of the Church by the regular attendance of respectable and attentive congregations at both the principal stations. A steel bell of clear and powerful tone, weighing 111 lbs., has been purchased for St. Paul's Church, Philipsburg, and in addition to thO' painting, papering, and other improvements made in the Parsonage last year, the premises have been still further improved and rendered moro commodious and respectable. St. James's Church at Pigeon Hill, which was commenced during th& preceding year, is composed of a strong and durable frame work double' bricked, and which when the laudable design is fully carried out will seat 250 persons, and cost about 2000 dollars, has by the unwearied and commendable exertions of the Ladies' Association, been finished inside ; a clear and silvery toned bell placed in the Belfry by the contractor,. udge Hubbard of Franklin county, Vermont ; and the whole given up to he Diocese by the building Committee, who generously and praise^ "& *1 worthily assumed the responsibility of the remaining debt, was on the 7th of June last consecrated by the Lord Blahop, assisted by the Arch- deacon and twelve of the Clergy from the neighbouring parishes and Missions, with the Rector. After the building had been solemnly set apart for Divine worship, the administration of the Sacrament, and the rites of the Church, fourteen persons were confirmed, making in all forty seven, male and female, of ages varying from fourteen up to seven- ty, who within the last two years, in this parish, have thus openly con- firmed and ratified the solemn vow and promise made in their baptism. Our finances also are all in an improving, and somewhat encouraging condition, as the sums raised for the following purposes will show : Philipsburg, Ordinary Sunday collections in St. Paul's Church, $17. 92 ; Ofifertory collections at communion $13.02 ; Collection for Mis- sionary purposes, $5.50 ; for Widows and Orphans, $5.92 ; on Thanks- giving day towards debt on parsonage, $5.75 ; Pew Bent, $16.00 ; Rent on Glebe for two years and a quarter up to Sept. 29th, $36.00 ; Ladies Association, $93.23 ; Subscriptions to Church Society $42.50; towards Clergyman's stipend, $107.00. Total, $342.84. Pigeon Hill collection at the opening service of St. James's Church tn January last, $11.50 ; Collection on day of consecration, $16.15 ; Ordi- nary Sunday Collections, $7.58 ; OfTertory collections at Communion, $6.92 ; on Thanksgiving day, towards debt on Church, $3.33 ; Collec- tion for Missionary purposes, $4.10 ; for Widows and Orphans, $3.75 ; Ladies Association, $102.98 ; Donation from Mrs. Dickson, Three Rivers, $10.00 ; Do. from Rector, $12.60 ; Subscriptions to Church Society, $25.72 ; towards Clergyman's stipend, $38.00 ; towards annual rent of Church lot, $10.25 ; towards erection of Church, $600.00 ; Total $818. 21, and Grant from Church Society towards the same object, $200.00. Making a total raised in both parts of the parish of $1106,65. ST. JOHNS. Rbv. J. Irwin : — The Collections and Subscriptions for the Church Society have not been so large during the past year as the Rector would desire, in consequence of the pressure of some local and temporary claims upon the parish. The tabular statement, however, will show that the amount of the annual subscriptions sent to the Treasurer of the Society is the same as that remitted last year. It is hoped that the time is approaching when this and other parishes in the Diocese will see the propriety of remitting the whole sum collected to the Church Society ; particularly with reference to the late ammendment in the Constitution of the Society, whereby it has now become essentially a Missionary or- ganization. In addition to the amount given, under their separate headings, in the ■i •' r .1-' •>'. ■i.i' % J'lS ft* 'A*- m L> m m Si w ^m. H- .., 'f 42 Tabular statement, it should be mentioned that 35 dollars have been contributed to the Irish Oburch Society, and about 25 dollars collected for the use of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. SUTTON. Riv. J. S. Stkis : — The second year of my missionary labour in this part of the Lord's vineyard has completed its round. When we look back and see the good fruit of our humble labours we are encouraged still to hope for further success in the work of the Lord. Our prayer is that the Church may put forth her strength, and take her true position, the divinely appointed instrument for administering the means of grace to the people of this land. Many persons both adults and children have, during the last twelye months, been admitted into the Church by baptism and the number of communicants has increased. FINANCIAL aTATBMBNT. Collections after Sermons for Missionary purposes are as follows: — At the Church, $6.50; at the North school-house, $2.67; at the South school-house, $2.78; total, $11.85. After Sermons for Widows' and Orphans' Fund, collected at the Church, $2.32 ; at the South-school- house, $1.63 ; total, $3.85. Collected at the Church on Thanksgiving day for Missionary purposes of the Church Society, $3.50; subscrip- tions to Church Society, from 51 subscribers, $48.87|. Towards the Clergyman's support, $119-00 from 19 subscribers. Contributions to- wards erection of steps at the parsonage, from Mr. Henry Billings, a large and beautiful Granite Stone; Mr. O. 0. Dyer, $13.00; Mr. J. P. Hunt, $2.00; Ladies' Sewing Society, $10.00. Offertory collections, $19.80. Labour given in cutting hay, drawing gravel for garden, &c., and furnishing parsonage with fire- wood, $30.00. This is a very low estimate for the many acts of kindness I have received at the hands o^ those and many friends who are ever ready to lend a helping hand when called upon. In this place I return my sincere thanks to Miss A. E. Dyer, for her kindness in giving her services at the instrument every Sunday and at all other times for the benefit of the Church. Collected at Choral meeting, $5.27), towards purchase of lamps for Singing School. For four lots in burial ground, $8.00. Total amount raised this year in the mission, $375. 15. _ VAUDREUEIL. Rbv. J. W. Pykb :— Our Report for the year just closed shows, I am sorry to say, a great falling off in our annual subscriptions to the Society. Our record of deaths for the past year is larger than usual. One death 43 that of Mrs. De Lesderniers, has left a blank ia our Church and social circle which will not easily be filled up. She was one of the earliest members of the Church here, and to the last was always a regu- lar attendant on its DiTine ordinances. She was ever " ready to give and glad to distribute," for all works of piety and charity, and to us the loss of her example and influence will be great indeed. Her memory is blessed and she sleeps in Jesus. We are encouraged by i~.e fact that the attendance on Divine ordi- nances has been regular and satisfactory. Four communicants hare been added to our list and the number present on Christmas day was 30. I am much gratified by a very pleasing act on the part of the ladies of the congregation, and other friends of the Church, who presented me with a very handsome silk gown. I hare also received several presents from various members of my Congregation, of more or less value, but all equally valuable and acceptable to the Minister of Christ, as evidences of a kindly feeling and attachment on the part of the people among whom he is called to labor. The following is a detailed account of monies raised for different Church purposes :— Annual Subscription Church Society, $48 45 Collection Missionary purposes, 4 12^ Do. Widows and Orphans, 6 00 Do. Thanksgiving Day, 640 Pew Rents, 116 60 ■ Offertory and Surplice fees, 85 27 Donations, including a Silk gown, 64 00 <> $330 74} WATERLOO. Rhv. a. T. Whittbn : — The sums raised in the Mission this year are as follows : Annual subscriptions, $55.00 ; Widows and Orphans' Fund, $8.44 ; Collection on Thanksgiving day, $6.40; towards Clergyman's sup- port, $120.00; Subscriptions towards the building of a parsonage house, $808.00, collected in the Mission, and $77.00 collected from friends of the Church, in Montreal. St. Luke's Church, Waterloo, has been paint- ed outside and newly shingled, this year, the expenses of which were paid from pew rents. The old parsonage has been sold for the sum of $800.00, which, added to the sum raised by subscriptions, amounts to $1686.00. The New Parsonage, the building of which was let by contract in June last for the sum of $1785.00, is now ready for use. It is a substantial brick building, two stories high, well planned, and I believe it will be con- yenient and comfortable. It is built on a piece of land, 1 7 acres, the gift of the late H. Robinson, Esq., at a convenient distance from the Church. ,.: ■i^il I fei! ri ■i^ ■■' ^' mi m '■'■' \ ■i'r ■■'>J:>I m |! t^ h'i There has been during lue last year an increased desire for the min- istrations of the Church. During the summer I held a third serTice every alternate Sunday ; one at a small Tillage 2 miles distant, the other, 5 miles from Waterloo. A week day service once a fortnight, has been commenced in a part of my mission, where the facilities for attending the Church, for the aged and the young especially, are not very great, and where, in many cases, much indifference for the public services of the Church prevailed. There is a wide field here and the labourers too few to cultivate it as it should be. May it please the Lord of the harvest* in due time to send more labourers into the harvest ; and stir up the people, especially those who have the means of grace amongst themselves* and value them, to give, as God hath bestowed upon them, for the pur- pose of increasing the ministry of the Church, and adding daily to its members such as shall be saved. WEST FARNHAM. Rbv. T. W. Mcssin : — In this mission, we have collected $25.60 for the Church Society. The collection for missionary purposes, (including that of Thanksgiving day), and that for Widows and Orphans, amount respectively to $3.35 and $3.30. The Sunday collections reached the Slim of $44.30 ; $15.00 were spent upon the parsonage ; $28.00 were subscribed for a set of Communion Plate ; and of the subscriptions towards the Clergyman's support, $41.22, have been paid in. Through the kindness of Thomas Mussen, Esq. of Montreal, our Church has. been refurnished with a carpet for the chancel, communion cloths, and hang- ings for the reading desk and pulpit, the value of which amounted to $60.00. The sum total of what has been raised this year, in and for the mission, amounts therefore to $220.67. EDUCATION. Extract from the Beport of the Colonial Church and School Society : The operations of the Society for 1860 have been attended with marked success. The number of students at the Normal School was 60, and the number of juvenile pupils at the Bonaventure Schools were, boys 172, and girls 150. Infant school 110. The report of the working of the country schools was, like that of the city schools, highly satis- factory, showing that the proficiency and good conduct of the teachers were unexceptionable, and that the schools were increasing in useful- ness. There are now 22 schools in operation, aided by the Society, in which 1152 scholars are instructed. 45 INOOHB or TBI OOLOMUL OHCBCH AND SCHOOL SOCIBTT'S SCHOOLS. Grant by Society in London, £664 10 7 School Fees, 320 2 10 Private contribuiions, 1088 18 6 Total, £2073 11 11 KXPENDITURK. Salaries, 1706 1 Books, apparatus, &c 412 15 Total, £2117 16 DEPOSITOR". There have been imported during the year : Bibles, 100 . .; Testaments, 100 Prayer Books, 1140 Hymn Books, 740 Tracts for gratuitous distribution, 21160 23230 In the Depository, as well as in other branches of the Society's operations, much more might have been accomplished had there been funds available. Therefore, while we thankfully acknoiw* ledge the efforts which have been made in behalf of the Society we must again urge the necessity of securing new subscribers and of increased liberality on the part of those who are already such in order that the Society may carry on successfully the important work in which it is engaged. Nothing less than this will be suffi- cient to maintain the Society in its present state of usefulness and to extend its operations. And surely it would be a disgrace to the members of the Church in this Diocese, if, through their want of zeal and earnestness, there should be any failure in carry- ing on so noble and blessed a work. Let it not, then, be said that, by the smallness of their offerings, the Society suffers embar- rassment, or that the Church is thus in any measure retarded in the execution of her holy mission of extending the Redeemer's kingdom, and of saving from everlasting d^truction the louls for whom He died. ■' A ,J. i^[- li to OQ Q* Ph O w » n c il il Pig il GQ CQ I— I P4 o 3 E-t S 8 8SSS3 S S S a S uo Bosodjna XnuoiBftK joj poto-moQ laatOAkopns 3 I I I Si «> $SS8 S5 S 3 88 a s 8 «; SS8 88 is3S S ^ SS9 j S S 9 o SS8 8 8S S S S& S 3 SS M M OSQ s (§3 «» 1-1 SSSS8 S S 88 -og qojnqo (H BUOJ)VUO([ pint fmoitdiJos «5 S Sf^SSS S S 88 8 a fc| s a v»v<>/\«v<«' ll s ^ a ^ ^ > > > ti > ti fi a pq psmPqnH H M 1 d ^*^^*^ § - . i-i ei ►» nnpqpqpq 47 set; SSSSSS ft S S8 8 sss 9 e sssss S il 8 ge^sai 8 8 8 •0 * S 8§S 5 88 S 9S 88 8 i-iKi-iS 8 iS S:ao ■•^»^| m iii w- .s iS 3 & 8»ia38 8 '51 S g a gsssa g 8 3 8i »9 8S 8S8SS ISS S9 8 ft 8 8S983 S 8 j S s: ^e; Soft 8^8ft8 8 » 8 8!::88ft j la M «o laMMHH 8 CO IS ; to i 823 1 : -.n 8 sn ;s8 s S5S3 ■4C0H s » s s s sss Si a «eoH iS 8 S 88 SsIsS S9SS!3 8^'^SS »a' SSS^ S S S SoSS 33 » ss (OM s s^ 8S SS S^SiSS I CI ^ QQ hi Hi^w cJ I t^ *^ 1^ ^ >^ ^ ,a s a, s >■ S-' 6; fc sr^*^ » ^*^^*^ ••a :Ji SI s»n I i*«^' %■ 111 ^ /*»^ /»»«% -^i •11 F(f«r, ^iactst of Pont»al m ^tcottnt imt^ t^t ^xtmnttt. Cb. I860. Receipts. Balance, Annual Subscriptions in Montreal, Collections in do., Annual Subscriptions from the Country, Collections from do., Collection at Annual Meeting, Rents, Interests, &c., Proceeds of Lands sold, Donation to Education Fund, CtSt $ cts. 1374 22 1791 25 369 07 2160 32 1349 21 568 28 1917 49 101 00 28 00 420 00 60 00 ■ ■ f m m = 1' I- A 'v^l kM\ H MEMBEES OF THE OHUEOH SOCIETY. * LIFB ItEMBBRS. t HONORARV MBHBEBS. M; •His Excellency the Governor General. *The Lord Bishop of Montreal. •Lieut.-Gen. Sir P. Williams, K.C.B. . *Lieut.-Gen. Sir ■Wi^iam Rowan, K.C.B. Abbott, J., Montreal. Abbott, Rev. 0. P., Clarendon. Adams, Mrs., Montreal. Anderson, Mrs. John, Sorel. Anderson, Rev. W., " •Anderson, T. B., Montreal. Andrews, H. 0., " Armstrong, Charles L., Sorel. Austin, Colonel, Chambly. Austin, Mrs. W. B., » Austin, Wyndham, " ♦Aylwin, Hon. Judge. Aylwin, Mrs., Montreal. •Badgley, Hon. W., « Bagg, S. C, Montreal. Baker, A. L., Frelighsburg. Baker, W. S., " Baker, Col. S., Dunham. Baker, W. S., " Baker, Col. S., Dunham. Baker, William, " Ball, Wright, Milton. Bancroft, Rev. Canon, Montreal. Blackwell, Mr., « Blackwood, Miss, " Blackwood, Miss M. " •Bond, Rev. W. B., " ♦Bonner, J., " Boston, Miss, " Bowker, H. M., " *Braithwaite, Rev. J., Chambly. Brethour, Rev. J., Ormstown. "Brookes, Mrs. Brown, Mr., Montreal. Budden, H., Montreal. Bulmer, H., " , , Barrage, Rev. R., " Gibb, Charles, Burt, Rev. F., Huntingdon. *Gibb, Isaac J., •Campbell, Major, C.B., Ghambly. | *Gibb, Mrs. I. J., ^^ _. ., ....„„, _ — . Davidson, Rev. J. C, Cowansi Davies, W. H. A., Montreal. Day, Hon. Judge, " Dixon, J. S., Berthier. Doolittle, Rev. L., Lennoxville. Drake, Mr., Montreal. Durnford, Capt. " Du Vernet, Rev. E., Hemmingford. Dyde, Col., Montreal. Ellegood, Rev. J., Montreal. Elliott, Jos., " Empey, Alex., " Flanagan, Rev. J., Lachine. Foster, A. B., Frost Village. Poster, Arad, Brome. Poster, H. S., " Fowler, R. J., Montreal. Frazer, Dr., " Freer, E. S., " Pulford, Mrs., " Fulton, Rev. J., Russelltown. Garth, C, Montreal. •Gault, M. H., " Geddes, Charles, Montreal. Garth, C, Montreal. •Gault, M. H., " Geddes, Charles, Montreal. Geddes, Mrs., " Gibb, Charles, " •Oibh. Taaac. .T.. « « (I 53 Gibb, Victoria, Montreal. Gilson, Archdeacon, " Glen, Miss, Ghambly. Godden, Rev. J., Potton. Godfrey, Mrs., Montreal. Gordon, James, " •Griffin, F., " Griffin, Rev. Jos., Gore. *Hall, Geo., St. Johns. Hallowell, Mr., Montreal. Hamilton, Mrs. G., " Hamilton, R. H. " Hatt, Mrs. R. B., Chambly. Howard, J. W., « Heward, A., Montreal. Hibbard, A., " Holland, Mrs. P., " Holmes, Mrs. W., " Hutton, J., Montreal. Hutton, Mrs., " Idler, E., " Irwin, Rev. J., St. Johns. Johnson, F. G., Montreal. Johnson, Rev. J., Aylmer. Johnson, Rev, Thos., Abbotsford. Johnson, Sir W., Bart., Chambly. Johnson, Professor, Montreal. Jones, Dr. T. W., Montreal. Jones, Rev. J., Bedford. Jones, Rev. W., Granby. Eimpton, Rufus, Milton. King, E. H., Montreal. Kirby, John, " Kirby, Thos., " Lane, D. 0. G., " Leach, Rev. Canon, Montreal. Leach, Mrs., " Leslie, E. S., " Lindsay, Rev. D., Frost Village. Lindsay, Rev. R., Brome. Linley, Charles, Montreal. Lockhart, Rev. A.D., N. Glasgow. Longueuil, Baron, St. Johns. Longaeuil, Baroness, St. Johns. Lonsdell, Rev. R., St, Andrews. *Lovell, John, Montreal. Lowe, John, St. Armand East. Lunan, Wm., Sorel. Mackay, R., Montreal. *Mackie, Capt,, 88th Regt. •Mackie, Rev. Official, Macrae, Geo., Montreal. *Macrae, Wm., St. Johns. Macdonald, E., St. Johns. Macdonald, Mrs., St. Johns. Macdonald, W., Montreal. MacDonnell, Dr., " MacDonnell, Mrs., •' MacDougall, D. L., " MacDougall, H., " Machin, Rev. T. *MacLaren, Jas. Maitland, Col., Montreal. *McOord, Hon. Judge, Montreal. McKenzie, Mrs. G., " McLeod, Rev.^,, Christieville. Merrick, Rev. W. C, Berthier.. Millar, G. M., Montreal. •Modbury, W. •Moflfatt, Hon, Geo,, Montreal.. •Moflfatt, G,, jr., " Moffatt, Mrs., " Moflfatt, Miss, " MoflTatt, Ogilvie, " Monk, G. H,, St. Martins. ♦Montague, Mr, Montgomery, Rev, H., St. Armand. West, *Montizambert, E. L., Quebec. Montreal, Dean of, Montreal. Morland, T., Montreal. Morris, Rev. W., Buckingham. Mussen, H., Montreal, Mussen, Thos., " Mussen, Mrs. T,, " Neve, Rev, F, S., Grenville, NicoUs, Rev, Principal, Lennox- ville, Nield, T, W., Montreal, Nield, Mrs., " 0' Grady, Rev. G. De C,,Mascouche. O'Grady, Mrs,, Mascouche, Osgood, W, A,, St, Johns. •Pangman, Hon, J,, Mascouche. Pangman, Mrs., " Parker, Robt,, Hemmingford, Parkin, J., Montreal, Pattison, W. M., St. Armand East, Peirce, C. S,, St, Johns. Pillar, Mr., Montreal, •Pipon, Mrs, C, Jersey, Porter, Miss, Montreal. Prentice, Mrs., " Pruyn, F., St. Joffns. Pyke, Rev. J., Vaudreuil. f Ramsay, Rev. J. Reid, Rev. Canon, St. Armand E. Reynolds, W. P., Montreal. ■'?1 -..*!■ !r«i:.i mm 64 .!}•!• B:l •Eobinson, Rev. F., Abbottsford. Boe, Edward. Bogers, Rev. E. J., Montreal. Bogers, Mrs. E. J., " EoUit, Rev. 0., Eawdon. Boss, Mrs. Boutb, H., Montreal. Sache, W., " Sanborn, John, Milton. Savage, George, Milton. Savage, James, " Scott, Dr. W. E., Montreal. Scott, Rev. J., Dunham. *Sealey, J. Selby, Thos., Dunham. fSewell, Rev. H. D. Shelton, E. E., Montreal. Simpson, George, " Simpson, Mrs., " Simpson, Mrs. A., " Slack, Rev. G., Milton. *Smith, Alexander, Montreal. •Smith, G., " Smith, Mrs. G., " Smith, Miss S., " ♦Stayner, T. A., Toronto. •Stuart, Henry., Montreal. Sutherland, Dr., " Sutton, Rev. E. G., Edwardstown. Sykes, Rev. J. S., Sutton. Tamlin, John, Milton. Tate, Rev. F. B,, Montreal. Tate, F., jr., « •Taylor, Col. R. A., « Taylor, R., » Tempest, John, " •Thomas, Henry, " Thomas, Mrs., " Thomas, Esther E., " Thomas, H. W., Montreal. Thomas, Amy., " Thomas, Claude, " Thompson, Rev.Prof.,Lennoxville. Thompson, S. H., Montreal. Thorndike, Capt., Chambly. Thorndike, Mrs., " TiflBn, Mr., Montreal. Townsend, Rev. Canon, Claronce- ville. •Tylee, R. S., Montreal. Vaughan, — , St. Johns. •Wait, Rev. W. W. Walkem, C, Montreal. Westover, D., St. Armand East. Wetherall, Rev. C. A., LaCoUe. White, John. White, Rev. J. P., Chambly. Whitney, H. H., Montreal. Whitten, Rev. A. T., Waterloo. Whitwell, Rev. R., St. Armand W, Wilgress, Colonel, Lachine. Wilkes, Geo., Montreal. •Wilbraham, Rev. C. P. •Williams, John. WilliaTis, M., jr., Montreal. •Wilmot, Col., R. A., « Wilson, Lady, Chambly. Wilv, Col., Montreal. Winn, J. H., « Wiseman, Mrs., " Wood, D. R., " Woodward, Mr., " Workman, W., " Wright, Dr., " Young, Rev. T, A., CoteauduLac. Yule, John, Chambly. Yule, Mrs., " Yule, Miss, " m. LIST OF CONTEIBUTORS TOE 1861. ABBOTSFORD. To Church Society, Bradford, A.N $1 00 Drake, W 1 00 Fisk, Mrs 1 00 Friend, A 1 00 Friend, A 16 Johnson, Rev. Thos 6 00 Eobinson, Eev. F 2 50 Bobinson, Mrs 1 00 Bobinson, Edward 50 Eobinson, Isa and Charlotte 50 Robinson, Anuis and Emma 50 $14 16 Totcards Clergyman's Salary. Johnson, R«v. T 20 00 '\-.{Bate towards Clergyman's Salary. Bradford, R 6 09 Bradford, R.jun 2 61 Bradforc', VV.M 8 55 Buze!, Captain 3 48 Crossfield, O. jun 4 56 Drake, \V 4 75 Fisk, Abraham 8 70 Fisk, E. Esq. J. P 4 64 Fisk, John M 6 19 Fisk,N.C 5 36 Fisk,S.C 6 22 Honey, Mrs 2 03 Johnson, H.B 5 80 O'Dwyer, Major 5 SO Roaeh, Joscpli 4 35 Whitney, Major 3 61 2Vb0 Caldwell, Mrs,, (i 00 Wilson, Ezra, 2 00 Foster, Hon. A. B., lo 00 Lindsay, Bev. B lo 00 LindssiV, James 6 00 Kemp,21ijah, lo 00 BUCKINGHAM. George W. Eaton, 2 00 Mrs. Henry, 1 00 M. H. Palmer 1 00 John A. Smith, 60 Mrs.Colei.. 60 Denis McFall, 50 G. Noakes, 60 J.Tomkins, 50 J.Thompson, 25 J. McFarlin, 26 Mrs. J. McFarlin 26 W. McFarlin, 26 •T. McLaue, 25 H. Ross, 25 J.Pearson, 50 H. Lowe, 50 R. Tompkins 25 Thos. Ross 25 Robt. McEhx)y, 50 W. Scarf, 50 J. Scarf, 50 Jas. Sharply, 50 Thos. Fraser 50 Joseph Barber, 50 Rev. W.Morris 7 50 CHAMBLT. Braithwaite, Rev. J 7 50 Braithwaite, J 50 Campbell,Maior,C.B 20 00 Collected by llrs. B. B. Ilatl. Austin, Col 5 00 Booth, Mr 50 Booth, Mrs 25 Blondin.Mr8 25 Bower, Mr. 50 Bower, Mrs 50 Charloux, Mrs 26 Charloux, John 50 Beaton, Mr 25 Beaton, Mrs 12i Beaton, Mary 12i Elliot, Miss 1 00 Evans, Mr 25 Evans, Mrs 26 Feilders,Mr 15 Findlay,J 50 Findlay,Mrs. J 50 Findlay,H 50 Pindlay.Mrs. H 50 Gale, Mr 50 Gale, Mrs 25 Gale, Charles 25 Glen, Miss 5 00 Hatt, Mrs. R. B 6 00 Hatt, Samuel 60 Hatt. Miss L 90 SR Hatt.MarvR 26 Haldane, A 60 Howard,Mi, , W... 5 00 McMillan, Mr. 20 MoLacklin, Master 26 Montgomery, Miss M 2.1 Montgomery, Alexander 60 Moffalt, Master G 26 Morrisson, Mrs 60 Mears, Master 26 Nicolson, John 60 Nicolsou, Mrs 25 Nicolson, James 12i Nicolson, Margery 124 Finnigan, John 60 Smyth, Mr.,, 1 00 Smyth, Mrs 1 00 Smyth, Henry, 1 00 Watts, Mr., 50 Watts, Mrs, 60 Watts, Miss, 60 Stoddart, Archibald 25 Stoddart,Mrs 26 Stoddart, Robert 12| Stoddart, Catharine, 12j Wilson,Lady 5 00 Williams, Mr 25 Williams, Mrs 25 Yule, Mrs 5 00 Yule, Miss 6 00 Yule, John, 5 00 Yule, Mrs, J 2 60 Yule, Master J., 60 Yule, Master W 50 White, Rev. J. P., 7 50 White, Mr 2 50 Collected by Miss Vitty. Austin, W.B 5 00 Austin, Mrs. W.B., 5 00 Bell, John 12J Bell, Samuel, 12i Blain, Miss 60 Burland, Miss 60 Burland,MissM 50 Carey, Mr 60 Carej.Mrs 25 Carey, M 26 Carey, Harriet 25 Carey, Sarah 12J Carey, Thomas, 12} Carey, James 12} Carpenter, Miss, 50 Durliam.Mr., 1 00 Edson.Mr. 1 00 Finnigan, Mrs 50 Finnigan, Mrs. G 40 Ingledew, Mr., 1 00 Ingledew, Miss E 50 Ingtedew, Miss M 50 Nichols, John 50 Stewart, Martha 50 Stewart, Alexander, 50 Simmonds, Mr 50 Vittv,Mr., 60 Vitty, Mrs 60 Vitty, W., 60 Vitty, Miss 25 Vitty, Miss S., 25 :r,.V: '■*.-Vl".' 68 I'.i % 1 ^K, I'l'; 'K fSf Collected by Miss M, Sparkes. Campbell, E., St. Hllalro, JO 76 Campbell, Archibald, 7S Cambell, Bruce, SO Campbell, Mary 25 Clunle, T. J 76 Clunio, John, 75 Cooper, Mr., 60 Cooper, Mrs. , 75 Farrell, John, (2 years) 1 00 Gilchrist, H., 60 Orecnshields, B., 25 Grcenshiolds, Mrs 60 Clutton, Samuel, 60 Lamont.Mr., , 60 Lamont,Mr8., 60 Lament, Helen C, \i\ Lindsay, Mrs 60 Lecoultro. Mrs., 37i McCano, W., 60 Simmers, Paul, 60 Sparkes, Mr 60 Sparkes, Mrs., 50 Sparkes, Miss 26 Sparkes, Miss M 60 Sparkes, S 60 Sparkes, J 50 Sparkes, Mrs. J 26 Sparkes, Master J., 25 Wallace, Mr., 25 Collected/by Miss Maria Montgomery. Johnson, Mrs 2 oo Johnson, Sir William, 6 00 Johnson, Miss 60 Johnson, Miss A 50 Johnson, Miss C 60 Johnson, Miss M. A., 50 Montgomery, Mr 25 Montgomery, Mrs 25 Montgomery. Miss, 25 Scott, Mr. 25 Scott.Mrs 25 Ward,Mr 50 Ward,Mrs 25 Ward, Sarah, 26 Collected by Mr. II. Brisset. Brisset, Mrs., 25 Brisset, Miss, 25 Brisset, H 12i Calcott, Mr 60 Calcott, Joseph, 37i Stoddart, Mr,. 60 Stoddart, Mrs 60 Stoddart, Miss, 25 Stoddart, W 50 Stoddart, Mrs. W. 50 8. J., 26 Fielders, Joseph, 12i $152 50 CHRISTIEVILLE. Collected by Miss Jane Lavicount, and Miss Emily Jones. Aitkin, Mrs 90 60 Casson, Thomas 60 Chellingworth, Mrs 26 Christie, Mrs 5 00 Craig, R 26 Friend, A 2 00 Irving, Mrs 26 Jones, Hon.E W. & O. 10 00 Jones, Mrs 4 00 Jones, Miss M 60 Jones, Miss E 1 60 Jones, Miss C 1 60 Laricount, Mrs 60 Mace, Mrs o 25 McGinnis, W 2 00 McGinnis, Mrs 1 00 McLeod, Rev. J. A 7 60 McLeod, Mrs 1 00 Pearson, Mrs 60 Proctor, Mrs 60 Richardson, Mrs 25 Ripley, Mrs. Joseph 26 Stephenson, Mrs 25 Tyler, Orange 60 Tyler, Charles 25 $4100 CLARENCEVILLB. FABISn OV ST. OEOBGE. Bullock.John 1 00 Chapman, Albert 2 00 Chapman, Mrs 2 00 Curtes, James 2 00 Deric'k, Mrs 1 00 Hawley, Peter, 00 Hunter, John 1 00 Hunter, Thomas 1 00 Longeway, Augustus 1 00 Sawyer, DaviC '. 1 00 Stewart, Charles 1 00 Taylor, Ira 1 00 Townsend, Rev. M 7 60 Townsend. Mrs 1 00 Townsend, Hobart 1 00 Townsend, Miss A.E 60 Townsend, Helen 60 Townsend, Francis M 26 Townsend, Harriet M 26 Macfle, John 100 Young, John, jun 1 00 Young, Philip 1 00 FABISnES 07 ST. THOMAS. Derick, Philip Calvin 1 00 Derick, Mrs. Catharine 1 00 Derick, John P 1 00 Flagg, Mrs. Ira 1 00 Struthers, Mrs. Robert 1 00 Vaughan, Amos H 1 00 59 COTEAU DU LAC, Bailey, Mrs $0 60 Bridges. B. W 50 French, Gershom, 60 Fraser, Miss, 76 Grange, Thomas. 1 00 Grange, Mrs. Tliomas 60 Grange, Miss 25 Grange. Mis^ Mary S 25 Grange, John Davis 25 Grange, Her.ry Perry, 25 Grange, Marion, 25 Grange, William, 1 GO Hosmer, H. P., CO Houston, Mrs., 1 00 Kell,John 60 Fattcngalc, Daniel 25 Perry, Alexander, o 60 Perry Mrs., o 50 PeiTy, Edmund, o 60 Henrj', Roebuck, i 00 Scott, Joseph, flO Scott, Mrs 60 Sulivan, Ralph l OO Young, Rev. T.A 7 60 COWANSVILLE. Collected hy Rev. J. C, Davidson. Rev. J. 0. Davidson 7 60 Mrs. Davidson, i oo J.B.Davidson i oo L. H.Davidson i 00 A. R. Davidson, l 00 Miss Davidson l oo Miss H. Davidson, 1 50 Geo. Shufelt i oo Mrs. Shufelt 50 Fuller Shufelt, 50 James Ruiter, l oo Mrs. J. Ruiter, 50 Miss Ruiter 50 Miss A. Ruiter 50 Hiram Travor, l OO Mrs. Traver, 25 Geo. Cotton, 1 oo Dr. Cotton 1 00 Thos. Cotton l oo Geo. B. Baker l 00 Mrs. G. B. Baker,... 1 00 P. Cowan 25 Mrs. Cowan 25 Percival Cowan, 25 Peter Cowan, 25 Geo. Galer, 25 Mrs. Galer, 25 Nelson, Galer 25 Wm. Kathan 60 Mrs. Kathan 50 Miss Kathan 25 James O'Halloran, 1 00 Mrs. O'Halloran, 1 00 Miss Margaret O'Halloran, 25 Miss Lizzie O'Halloran, 25 Miss Alice O'Halloran, 25 James E. O'Halloran, $0 25 Mra.G. Ruiter, 60 Friend, 80 JohnFarr, 60 Mrs. C. Kathan 60 Frederic E. Kathan 60 Friend, 1 00 Mrs. A. Pickle, 60 A. Pickle, 1 00 Seymour England, 60 Thomas Shufelt, 60 Samuel Wood, 60 Mrs. Wood 60 Henry. Wood, 25 Thomas Wood 25 Hiram S. Wood, 26 Sarah 8. Cutler, 25 Eli Hall 60 Mrs. Hall, 60 Miss Hall, 60 Miss Harriet Hall. 25 Eli:Hall,iun 25 RufiisHall 25 Clark Hall 25 Colonel Hall 1 00 Calvin Hall 60 Mrs. C.Hall. 60 Miss M. Hall, 25 Geo. Hall, 25 Landou Hall 25 Reuben Hall 25 A.Hurlbu t 60 Mrs. Huriburt 60 Emma Huriburt 26 R. Hulburt 26 R. Hutchins 60 Mrs. Hutchins, 60 T. Ford, 60 Mrs. Ford, 26 JohnFord 26 Miss M.Turner 25 Joseph Jones, 25 Henry Kathan 25 Mrs. H. Kathan, 25 J. Jones, 25 Geo. Adams 100 Mrs. Adams, 1 00 Joseph Dent, 25 Mrs. Dent 25 Total $61 00 Subscriptions towards Clergyman^s support. Collected by Mr. Jas. Ruiter. Jas. Ruiter 12 00 N. Ruiter, 5 00 W. Kathan, 6 00 Jos. Dent 2 00 Geo. Adams, 5 00 P. Cowan, 12 00 G. C. V. Buchanan. 6 00 E. F. Miles 4 00 Jas. O'Halloran 5 00 Hiram Gleason, 1 00 John Jones, 2 J % '•- ':-4. mm ;•*■■■< r'r *,: aa p»;:. Henry Jonefl, 12 60 0. H»ll, 2 00 Dr. 0. Cotton 12 00 G.B.Baker, 12 00 A. T. Hurlburt, 2 00 Joseph Jones 2 00 John Farr 1 00 E. D. Fuller S 00 Chs. Borlgh.;, 8 00 «97 00 Collected by Mr. Qeo. Shufelt. Oeo.Shufelt 16 00 Oeo.BoriKht, B 00 Samuel, Wood 2 00 A.Morohouse, 1 60 A. Shepherd 1 00 G.E.Williams 1 00 H. Seely 8 00 A. Pickle 6 00 Thos. Shufelt, 1 00 $36 60 Collected by Mf, II. Traver. H.Traver, 12 00 T.Foster 1 00 Geo. Morehouse 1 00 D. U. Christie, 2 00 M. Haney, 1 00 $17 00 Collected by Mr. Geo. Cotton. Geo. Cotton 10 00 Thos. Cotton (I 00 S.England 2 00 Hiram Fuller 3 00 D. F. Ford, 4 00 $25 00 9174 60 DTJiNriAM. William Baker 8 00 Mrs. Harriet Baker, 2 00 William C. Baker, 1 00 Mrs. Mary Ann Baker 26 Master Frank C, Baker, 26 Josepn S. Baker, 60 Mrs. Charlotte Baker 60 Col. Stevens Baker, 5 00 Mrs. Lavina Baker 1 00 Ghas. S.Baker l 00 Master Stewart S. Baker 25 Master Arthur S. Baker 25 Master H. Austin Baker 25 Master Robert W. Baker 12 Miss Catharine L. Baker 12; Joseph Baker WilltMn S. Baker Mrs. Harriet E. Baker, Master Frederic S, Baker Master Malcom E. Baker Miss Amelia L. Baker Miss Mary P. Baker Miss Harriet Baker Miss Emma L. Baker Stevens Baker (2nd) Mrs. Delusia Baker Miss Mary Amelia Baker Master Martin E. Baker Joseph Barnes, Eugene Brown Mrs. Sibcl Brown Charles E. C. Brown Catherine B. Brown David Browne , H. Nelson Clarke Mrs. Ciiarlotto Clement John W. Craif Mrs. Martha Craig Charles Coatsworth Mrs. Eliza Dunning Edward Dunning Miss Aniy Dunning Master Joseph Dunning Master Orrin Dunning Miss Ellen Dunning Charles S. Gailor Mrs. Mary Ann Gailer Horace Glcason Mrs Mary Gloason J. Orrin Gleason Miss Mary Ruth Gleason Mrs. Soplironia Gleason Dr. J. B.Gibson Mrc I ncy S. Gibson John Harvey G.H.Hill James Hope A.W.Hubbard Mrs. Sarah Jane Hubbard Master G.Wellington Hubbard.... Master C. Columnus Hubbard Miss Mary A. Hubbard Miss Susan Hubbard John Johnston Alfred Jones Edson Kemp, Mrs. Jane Kemp G. L. Kemp John Lee Mrs. Hannah Lee Miss Catharine E. Lee Thomas MarsViall Mrs. Helen E. Marshall Master James H. Marshall Master George Marshall Master Silas England Marshall.... Joseph Marshall, Miss Alice J. Marshall Miss Agnes M. Marshall James Marshall Mrs. Selina Marshall Mrs. Lunretia Maynard Miss Mary Louisa Maynard... •10& 800 1 00 26 26 m 80 60 26 26 1 00 1 00 60 26 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 26 00 00 00 00 60 60 60 1 00 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 1 00 1 00 26 25 12} «) 12 (I 12 724 (0 00 00 00 00 00 50 60 1 00 1 00 23 25 26 26 25 26 50 60 26 25 .'.» M :.■,.■■*■■ 61 Heiiry PoBoncUo $0 60 Mrs. Lea Pottor 2 00 J.O.Pottor 60 Robert O'Brian 62 Master Alonzo O'Briau 26 Miu Alice L. O'Brian. 26 Master Franciii O'Brian 26 James Robinson, 26 Mrs. Hannah Robinson 25 Master George W. Robinson 25 Master Wm. D. Robiution 25 Mrs. Elizabeth Rykerd 1 00 AsaB^ltord, 1 00 Mrs. Mary Rylcerd, 1 00 Malcolm Rylierd 60 Mrs. Malcolm Rykerd, 60 Miss Jane Elizabeth Rykerd. 12i Mrs. Bridget Rj'kerd 1 00 Miss Anna M. Rykerd 1 oo Reir. Joseph Scott, 7 50 Miss Anna Mary Scott, 60 Master W. Spencer Scott 26 Master ThomAs Hewson Scott, 25 Hiram Sfeley 50 Mrs. Alzinie Seeley 60 Mrs. Francos Arabella Seeley, 26 Miss Mary Elizabeth Seeley, 26 ThomasSclby 5 00 Jonathan Solby, 26 Joseph Selby, 1 00 Mrs. Sarah Selby 60 Master Thomas Selby 25 " Benjamin Selby 12 " William E. Selby 12 Mrs. Doct. A. D. Stevens 1 00 Miss Matilda Elveretha Stevens,.. 25 Mrs. Jano Ten Eyck, 1 00 Henry Ten Eyck, 60 Mrs. Caroline Ten Eyck, 26 Miss Jano Ten Eyck 12i MisB Mary Ten Eyck I2i Mrs. Thos. Wood. 1 00 Loriw Wood 60 O. H. Woodard 1 00 J. L. Watson, 1 00 Charters, J., jun. Curry, A., Francis, fi., Francis, Jane,. .. Orasby, J Oruer, J.j Harris, Mrs.. Hart, O., McCombs, F McGllton,A Nolen, Mrs Nolen, Mary Nolen, Ellen, Pennyfore, B., ... Severs, J Severs, A., Stacy, R.J Stacy, W. Stacy, H., Stacy, T Toynton, R Wheatloy.G., $95 m EDWARD8T0WN. Charters. J 1 00 McCombs, F 60 Nolen, Catharine 60 Ross, A 25 Sutton, Rev. E. G 7 60 Sutton, Ernest A 26 Sutton, Julia E 12i Tovnton, R„ 1 00 Wheatley, G., 1 00 112 12i Towards the support of the Missionary. Bridge, J., 2 00 Cameron, Mrs. A 50 Cantwell.T., 1 00 Carson, J... 8 60 Charters, J. 6 00 $0 2S 3 15 ots 89 1 75 12^ BO OBO 560 6 10 4 18 60 BO 80 040 1 60 1 00 1 25 a7S 75 6 00 9 50 158 40i Church Steeple. Best, J 60 Bowman, M., 1 00 Cantwcll, T 5 00 Cantwell, Mrs.T 2 00 Carson, J 1 00 Cash 60 '• 1 00 " 26 " 60 Charters, J 8 00 Charters, J., jun,, 6 00 Curry, Mrs. A 40 Curry, J 60 Davidson, J. S., 1 00 Dunn, J 6 00 Gornon, Dr BO Lericho, A., 1 00 McCombs, F., 8 00 McDoweUE., 1 00 McFarlaue, W., 1 00 McFee, 0., 2 00 McFee.M 1 00 McGilton. A 4 00 McLeod, J., 1 00 Moore, Mrs. R 1 00 Nolen, Mrs., 2 00 Oweus,G, 1 00 Pridham.E., 6 00 Pridham, R 1 00 Pridham.F 1 00 Ross, A 1 00 Severs, Margaret, BO 8ta«y, R.^,. 1 00 Stewart, R 2 00 Stewart, Mrs. R 1 00 Struthers, Mrs. H 1 00 Sutton, Rev. E. G 10 00 Ta8.sie, J., 1 00 Toynton, R., 1 00 Wanless, J 1 00 Wheatley, G 18 00 Wheatley, W 100 «91 65 9m i'^ ik m I ^!. 'j; K'i '% ••; Church Matting. Bowman, Jamos $0 2S Canon, Mrs 50 Dunn, Robort 00 Frary.Mlss 12^ llart.0 60 NoHbitfc, O., 50 Roberttion, J 85 Stacy, H 30 Stacy, T 85 Sutton, Mrs.. 1 00 Toynton, R^ibocca 85 Whoatlry, William, 00 Wlieatley, Susanna, 25 Wheatley, Anuiu 85 ST. BHMI. fiedard, Mrs. Jane, SO Belcock, Emma 18^ Duncan, Mary 50 Dunn, J. 1 00 Dunn, Mary Jane 60 Dunn, Amelia A 85 Dunn, Joseph, 85 Elvidge, W., 1 00 Elvidge, M., 60 Elvidge, W., Jun 60 Elvidge, Elizabeth 26 Elvidge, John 86 Jack, Mrs. R.. l 00 Outher, Elizabeth o 50 For Melodeon. Bedard, Mn. Jane 2 00 Cash, 1 00 Duncan, Mrs,, 6 00 Dunn, Mrs. J 10 00 Dunn, Mary Jane, 6 00 Dunn, Amelia A 4 GO Finlayson, Mrs. A 1 00 Finlayson, Miss 60 Finlayson, Catharine, 60 Friend, 6 oo ;; 1 00 1 00 " 5 00 Havr, Miss A. L., 6 00 Jack, Mrs. R, 5 oo Lawless, Mrs. J 2 00 Struthers, Miss, 6 oO Sutton, Mrs. E.G 5 00 Swails, J 2 00 Turcott. Mrs. B. , 1 oO Warren.S. R 10 00 Young, Miss, 1 00 $73 00 ... Church Shed. Barber, N 60 B»rber,J^ 60 Duncan,H., 5 00 Dunn, J. 80 00 Dunn, Robert, 40 g!vl."l! , >;■ V •■ Odbert. J «0 25 Boy. A...; 25 Taylor, L 60 Peter, E 25 Whitney. Mrs 26 Willard, Mrs. and Miss S 100 Stukeley Mission Fund. Brooks, L. H « 3 00 Blake, S 2 00 Goddard, G 4 00 Johnson, J 2 00 Kneeland, G 1 00 Knowlton, Asaph A 16 00 Knowlton, Amasa 16 00 Knowlton, 8 2 00 Knowlton, L. H 8 00 Odbert, J 1 00 Peters, R 2 00 Eoger8,M 1 00 Roberts, H 3 00 Stevens, J 1 00 Sargeants, A 1 00 Sergeants, J 1 00 Whitney, A 50 Willard, A. and W 10 00 974 60 WEST FARNHAM. Alsopp, Mrs. George 2 00 Barr, John Oscar 2 00 Conant, S.M 1 00 Donahue, Wm 1 50 Huugerford, Mrs. John A 50 Marvin, E 3 00 McCo-MU, Robert 1 00 Meigs, iJaniel B 1 00 Mosuer. James 1 00 Mussen, Rev. T. W. 1 50 Oshier, Peter 1 00 Peuchen, Mrs 2 00 Seale, John 1 60 Seale, George , 50 $25 60 GRANBT. Collected by Mrs. Edwd. Gilmour, Miss Gray, Mr. Samuel Neil, Mr. Joseph Bobinson, Mr. Frederick Coapland. Abbott, Dr. George 1 00 Blampin, James 60 Baird, Mrs. Tlobert 60 Baird, Miss 60 Bradford,E 1 16 Bradford, J 26 Bradford. Mrs 26 Cainu, Mrs 2 00 Cole, Mrs. Alfred 26 Cole, Mrs 26 Gilmour, P. C 2 00 6ilmour,Mrs 1 00 GUmour. Robert 60 Gilmour, Alfred 25 Gilmour, William (0 25 Gilmotu-, Angus 26 GiJmour, Maria 26 Gilmour, Charles 25 Gilmour, Amelia 26 Gilmour, Edward 1 00 Gilmour, Mrs 50 Gilmour, Edward 26 Gilmour, Miss 25 Griggs, J. C 50 Griggs, Alonzo 25 Griggs, Truman 25 Griggs, Jared 50 Grigg's, A. & F 60 Jones, Rev. Wm 4 00 Jones, Rev. Mrs 2 50 Jones, William 26 Jones, Alflred 25 Jones, Llewellyn 25 Jones, Ida 26 Nicol. Robert 20 Penny, Samuel 25 Penny.Mrs 26 Penny. Mary and Jane 60 Pilsworth, Wm 60 Payne, Josiah 60 Roeder, George 25 Rowell. Sybil 42 Ray, Samuel 60 Ray, Charles 50 Spackman, Thomas 60 Townsend, Mrs 25 Vipond, Mrs. W.B 50 Vipond, John 25 Vilty, George 25 Vitty, Mrs 25 Warren, Oliver 1 00 Wetherbe. Mrs. 0., 1S60 and 1861,. 2 00 Watson, Robert... 25 Whitcombe, Dr. J. G 1 00 Whitcombe, Stephen 60 Whitcombe, Mary Emma 25 Whitcombe, Louisa 25 Wood, Franklin 1 00 Wood, Mrs 1 00 Wood, Samuel 25 Wood, Anna 25 Wood, Francis 12i West, William Luke 50 West, Mrs 50 West, Miss 26 Total, 133 87i NOBTH SHBFFOSD. Collected by Mrs. Alex.'Galbraith. A?hton, Capt. Wm 25 A!)hton,Mrs 25 Ashton, Matthew 20 Ashton, Wm., No. 2 25 Ashton, Mrs 25 Burton, James 26 Burton, Miss 85 Burton, E. & S 60 Galbraith, Alexander 26 Galbraith, Mrs 2S Heffernon, Mrs 26 Lawson, John 25 MoLaughliu, Miss .„„. 26 65 Savage, Mrs. Abrabam 50 Savaite, Robert 25 Savage, Sylvester 23 Savage, Miss Amanda 1 00 Spencer, Mrs. J. C 25 Talburt.Mrs 25 Total, $6 00 SHKFFOBD MOCNTAIIT. Savage, Col. Benj 2 00 Savage, Mrs 1 00 Total «3 00 Missionary's Support. OBANBT TOWNSHIP. List No. 1. Abbott, Dr. George * 00 Aitcheson, John 1 00 Anderson, William 50 Baird, Robert 2 00 Baird, Isaac 50 Baillie,Mrs 2 00 Ball, Almond 1 00 Baillie, James 50 Blarapin, J 2 00 Bradford, J 2 50 Brack, Mrs 1 00 Burns, Abraham 60 Barber, George 1 00 Cairns, Mrs 4 00 Cole. Henry 50 Colburn, Michael 1 00 Coupland. Fred 1 50 Coupland, John 1 60 Cook, Peter 2 00 Cook, Gteorge 50 Cook,Wm 1 00 Dixon, Proctor 1 00 Furgesaon, Andrew 50 Gilmour,F C 10 00 Gilmour, Dr. 5 00 Gilmour, Edward 4 00 Gray, William 1 00 Griggs, Jared 4 00 Huugerford. Wm 50 Horner, James 1 00 Johnson, James 1 00 Johnson, Thomas 50 Morau, Mrs 1 00 McLane,Wm 2 00 Nicol, Robert 2 00 Payne, Robert 1 00 Payne,Josiah, 3 00 Payne, John 1 00 Perkins, Wm 60 Reynolds, James 50 Biobtnson, Richard 1 00 Ttoeder, George 1 00 Ray, Samuel 8 00 Ray. Charles 3 00 Scale, Joseph 8 00 Sparling, Mrs 50 8treeter,W 1 00 Spaokman, Thomas 3 00 Vipond, John 1 00 Vitty, George 1 00 Mitchill, Augustus 2 00 Warren. Oliver 6 00 West, W. L 6 00 West, John 3 00 Wetherbe, Mrs. Olivia 8 00 Whitcorabe, Dr 10 00 Wood, Franklin 6 00 Watson, Robert 1 00 Wilkins, John 1 00 Woolley, Mrs 1 00 Williams, Daniel I 00 Wheedon, Henry 1 00 Total, ?121 00 List No. 2. Cunningham, Wm.. Cox, Michael Dimond, Samuel . .., Fife, Prescot Jenkinson. J. W.. .. Johnson, S. J Keep, Imlah Kennedy, James . .. Kennedy, Thomas.. Latty, •Tames Latty, Thomas Miller, Capt. R Neil. Samuel Neil, John Neil, Edward Neil, Amelia Seale, Edward Town, Daniel Taylor, Mrs. (sen.) Taylor, Josepli Taylor, John Yarnold, Fred Total $30 00 KOBTH SHBFFOBO. Collected by Mrs. A. Oalbraith. Ashton. Capt. Wm 6 00 Ashton, Wm. (No. 2) 2 00 Burton, .Tames .' 2 00 Galbraith, Alex 1 60 Galbraith, John 2 00 McLaughlin, Mr. 1 50 Latimer, Henry 1 25 Nicol, John,Jr 1 00 Spencer, J. O. 2 00 Spencer, Mrs 1 60 Spencer, Abel 60 Savage, Abraham H 2 00 Sava^, Sylvester, 1 00 Savage, Mrs. Sylvester 60 Savage, Miss Amanda 2 00 Lawson, John 2 00 Pratt, Robert 2 00 Woolley, RandaU 1 00 Talburt, George 1 00 Total, »30 25 i ''i^f'K^' )^J:-' '';■■■' 'm if I ''4: Collected by Miss Martin. Ashton, Robert 2 00 Carter, Wm 2 00 Prlend, A.,.^. 1 00 Martin, E. W 2 00 Martin, 0. B \ 00 Martin. S. 8....... 60 Standish, Joseph » w Total 110 60 BHBBFOBD MOVRTAIir. Collected by Colonel B. Savage. Ashton. Henry 1 00 Ashton, Mrs.. 1 00 Brack, Edward 2 00 Brown. Dr 60 Brown, Mrs 60 Button. W 100 Craig, Aaron 2 uo Craig, Thomas 1 00 Craig, Hamilton 1 00 Craig, Martha 1 00 !,:t p Craig, Ashley 100 Craig, Helen 25 Carty.Wm 2 00 Classon, J. A 60 Priend, A 2 00 Oalbraith, John 1 00 Goodwill, Pred 2 00 Geer.Nelson .^... 50 Geer, Miss 60 HaU. Charles 2 00 Hobbs, James 1 Oo Mock, James 2 00 Morson, Wm 4 00 Osgood, James 1 00 Purdy, John 2 00 Pepin, Octave 1 00 Bioach, James 1 60 Twombly, J 1 00 Yeadry, Joseph 1 00 Total 164 26 OBENYILLE. Collected for the Church Society, by the Misses Neve. Bradford, Chs. J., 1 00 Beswarick.John 26 Beswariok, Mrs. 25 Barnard. J.......... 2 00 Chamberlain, Miss. 1 60 Crooks. Mrs. John, 60 Cooke. William, 26 Davis, Joseph ,,. 25 Dickson, Mrs 50 Duar.Mrs 60 Praser.Mrs 26 Praser, Miss 25 Poreman, Mrs., „.... 26 HUdredth, George i... 10 Kldd.Mr.. 26 Le Roy, Mrs 80 Murray, Mr., senr. 25 Murray, Jamea, 86 Murray, Mrs. James 25 Moore, Martha., i 26 McMillan, W. &D, 1 oo Neve, Rev. F. S 7 60 Neve, Mrs.. l 00 Neve, Miss l oo Neve, Miss M. W., 1 00 Neve, Madeline, 25 Neve,Alice M., 25 Ogilvie, Mr. o 25 Owens, Owen i oo Owens, George l oo Owens, ThomiM, i oo Owens. William l OO Packenham, Charles, 60 Proudlock, O.. 25 Pridham.Lt. Colonel 2 00 Pridham,Mrs l 00 Pridham, Richard, 2 50 Prldham. George A, 60 Pridham. James , 25 Pridham, Miss E., 25 Reeves, Daniel, i oo Reeves, Mrs. Daniel, 50 Richie, Mrs. John 25 Sherwood, John, 25 Sherwood, Mrs. Wm., 25 Sykes, Samuel i oo Wilson, Robert l 00 Weldon, Thomas, 1 00 Weldon, Reuben 1 00 Weldoo, James, 60 $41 05 Towards the Missionary's support. Grece. C. Claude 7 60 Hildreth, George. 2 00 Kains. George 40 00 Keatly John 1 00 McGuire, Wm 2 00 Owens, Owen 20 00 Owens, Thomas 6 00 Owens, George 6 00 Packenham, Charles, , 1 00 Pridham. Edwin. 20 00 Weldon. Thomas , 6 00 Weldon, James, 6 00 THB UOUVTAIir. Cousins. Richard. 70 Horner, Thomas, 1 00 Tompkins, Mr 70 Yates, Richard 1 50 AVOHKirTATION OF aBEirviLI.B. Crawford, John 9 00 Kelly, Robert, 4 00 Kelly, James, 4 00 McMiohael, Daniel, S 00 PBTITB KATIOir. Carson, Wm 1 35 Carson, James, 1 00 Reily,John.. 2 40 Robinson, James, 4 00 Robinson, Robert, 2 40 Smith, Heniy 8 00 $162 66 67 5U 00 00 00 25 25 25 00 00 00 00 60 25 2 00 1 00 2 60 60 25 25 00 60 25 25 26 00 00 CO 00 Ml 05 port. 1 60 2 00 40 00 1 00 a 00 20 00 6 00 6 00 1 00 20 00 6 00 600 70 100 70 1 60 [•B. 900 4 00 400 800 1 36 1 00 a 40 400 a 40 800 HEMMINOFOBD. DuVernet, Rev. B 7 60 Wilton, Mr. and Mra. J. C 6 00 $12 60 HUNTINGDON. For 185&-«0. additional Baraes, J., additional 1 60 Boyd, A. " 176 Boyd, J. " 160 Blatchford, C. " 166 Lewis, J.8. " 1 00 Morrison. J. " 6 00 M'Narland.C. " 75 M'Narland, B. " 1 00 M'Lean, B. " 1 50 Bayers, Geo. " 2 00 Rhaw, Bobert, " 4 38 M'Garvey.J. " ICO Ball, Josiah 4 00 OlouKh, Jas a 00 Fee, Sam 4 60 Fee, John 1 60 Ferns. J 3 00 (Jardner, W 2 25 Happer, D 2 00 M'Narland, J 2 50 MoKee, J ; 2 00 Beed,Wm 2 00 Sparrow, John 2 00 Walker, Jas 2 50 Henderson, S 2 00 Henderson. Hy 2 00 Henderson, Thos 2 00 Henderson, John 2 00 Henderson, W 3 00 Irwin, Mrs 1 00 Irwin, Thos 2 00 Johnson, A 1 00 Kyle, John 2 00 Legfjatt.G a GO M'oIatchie.G 1 00 Mulhern. J 8 00 M'Coy, John, J. P 2 00 M'Coy, John a 00 M'Coy.Matt 2 00 M'Coy, Jas. (Gore) 2 00 M'Coy,Miss 1 00 Piatt, John a 00 Coulter, Hy., Jun 8 00 Todd, Bobt 2 00 Thompson, W 1 00 $63 28 For 1860-61. Booth, John 6 60 Barnes, John 1 60 Blatchford, C 8 00 Bruce, Jas 2 00 Boyd, Mrs. & Miss 1 60 Bell, James 2 00 Doneily, John 8 00 Hyde, John 4 00 Hyde, Jas 4 00 Lewis, J. S 10 00 Morrison, John 6 00 M'Lean, Edwd 8 00 M'Narland, Chas 2 00 Bobson, Jas 2 00 Smith, J. H 6 76 Sayers,Geo 2 60 Hunter, Thos 2 12 M'Narland, John, 2 12 Sparrow, B. l 00 Sparrow, John 1 00 Clough, Jas 8 00 Leslie, Wm 2 00 HI5CHINBB00EB. 1869-60. Additional Sums. Dawson, William,.., a 00 Foster, Hy. 2 00 Foster, Jas 2 00 $46 00 For 1860-61. Boyde. Bobt 2 75 Coulter, Hy.,8en 4 00 Coulter, Hy., jun 8 00 Coulter, Jas 8 00 Levers, Matt, 4 25 Pickover, S a 00 Kyle, John 8 00 Irwin, Mrs.&T 3 00 Henderson, James 3 00 Henderson, Henry „ 1 00 Henderson, W 8 00 Johnson, Mr a 00 Gamble, Jas 3 12 Foster, Arthur 2 00 Jolly,Mrs 1 00 Wills, J a 00 Todd,B 8 00 Wood, J 8 00 White, Mrs. 1 00 40 12 ISLE AUX NOIX. Allan, Bev. John, 7 60 Allan. Mrs 1 00 Children 76 9 25 MASCOUCHE. John Alexander 2 00 Mrs. John Alexander 1 00 William Alexander 60 John Alexander, jun sO James Alexander 60 Joseph Alexander 60 George Alexander 60 Jane Alexander BO Launcelot. Alexander 60 Mrs. L. Alexander 60 Francis yllexander 100 Mrs. F. Alexander 1 00 Bichard Alexander 60 Mrs. Bichard Alexander 60 ' "'■^*\ 68 I'.' . ■r! »-. Henrr Alexander A 25 Mrs. Henry Alexander 25 ThomaH Alexander 25 Hni. Thomas Alexander 25 William Alexander 50 Mrs. W^illiam Alexander 50 Mrs. Bell 1 00 Henry Brereton 25 Mrs. Henry Brereton 25 William Oole 1 00 Mrs. William Cole 1 Ort Patrick Connor 1 00 Andrew Ewan 50 Mrs. Andrew Ewan 50 Mrs. Ilobert Ewan 1 00 Miss Foster 25 James Garraty 25 Mrs. James Garraty 25 Elizabeth Garraty 12| Alfred Garraty 12t Adelaide Garraty 12| Frederick Garraty, 12| Ellen Hannah 25 Isabella Hetheriugton 25 George Hill 60 Christopher Hodgson 25 Mrs. Christopher Hodgson 25 Isabella Hodgson 25 Mrs. Hntchinson 60 Frank Johnson 1 00 Mr. Livingston 50 Mrs. Livingston 60 William Neil 50 Mrs. Neil 50 Rev. Gerald de Courcy O'Grady... 8 00 Mrs. O'Grady 6 00 John Waller O'Grady 60 Gerald de Courcy O'Grady 50 Kathleen O'Grady 50 Hon. John Pangman 20 00 Mrs. Pangman 15 00 Henry Pangman 1 00 Louisa Pangman •... 1 00 John Pangman 1 00 Edward Pangman 1 00 George Bury Pangman 1 00 John Patterson 1 00 Mrs. Patterson 50 Ellen Patterson 50 Jane Patterson 50 Eliza Patterson 50 George Henry Patterson 50 Louisa Ann Patterson 25 Isabella Patterson 25 George Reilly 60 Mrs. George Bieilly 60 Miss Elizabeth Reynolds 60 Thomas Robinson 1 00 Mrs. Thomas Robinson 60 William Robinson 50 Matilda Robinson 50 Richard Robinson 50 Jane Anne Robinson 60 Francis Albert Robinson 50 Henry Robinson 25 Mrs. Henry Robin8on....i 25 William Biobinson 60 Rody Robinson 25 Mrs. Rody Robinson 25 Mr. Rogers 2 00 HeniyWalcot 1 00 Mrs. Walker 60 Anthony White 1 00 Mrs White 60 William White 26 James White 26 To shed for Church at Mascouche. John Alexander 10 00 Mrs. John Alexander 2 00 Launcelot Alexander 2 00 Francis Alexander „ 2 00 Richard Alexander 2 00 Thomas Alexander 1 00 William Alexander 1 00 Henry Alexander 1 00 Arthur Brereton 50 Henry Brereton 2 00 William Cole 2 00 Patrick Connor , 2 00 Thomas Ewan 2 00 Robert Ewan 1 00 Mrs. Robert Ewan 1 00 James Garatty 60 Christopher Hodgson 2 00 James Livingstone 2 00 William Neil 1 00 Rev. Gerald de Courcy O'Grady... 6 00 Hon. J. Pangman 20 00 John Patterson 2 00 Mrs.Peterkin 1 00 George Reilly 2 00 Thomas Robinson 2 00 Mrs. Thomas Robinson 4 00 Thomas Robinson, jr 2 00 William Robinson 2 00 William Robinson.jr 2 00 Henry Robinson 2 00 George, P. Rogers 2 00 Mrs. walker 2 00 TEBBEBONNB. Collected by lUiss Jessica Sanson and Miss3Iary Ann Moody. Alexander, Frank 60 Burton, Thomas 60 Friend, A 12J Maw. Thomas 60 McKenzio, John 76 Moody, Matthew 25 Moody, Mrs 26 Moody, John, jr 25 Moody. William 25 Moody, Matthew ; 26 Moody, Mary Ann 25 Moody, Alice D 12| Moody, Agnes H 12* Moody, Henry 12* Moody, Matthias l2i Moody, Mrs. John 60 Moody, Thomas 25 Ranson, Edward 50 Ranson, Mrs. Edward 60 Ranson, Edward L 60 Ranson, Jessica L 26 Ranson, John H 60 Roussille, Louis 26 $ 7 62 1 .. 69 00 60 00 60 25 2S MILTON. Ashton, Mrs l 00 Ashton, Kliza 60 Bullock. Mrs I 0« Bullwik, Eliza A 50 Bullock, William 50 Chartior, Stephen 2 00 Chartier, Mrs. 8 1 oo Oillespie, Charles 2 00 McMillnn, John 1 00 McMillan, Andrew 50 Bunnels, John, juu 1 00 Bobinson, William 1 00 Robinson, Mrs. W 1 00 Bobinson, Duke 1 00 Stimson, GeorKe 2 00 Slack, Rov. George 7 50 Slack, Mrs 2 00 Slnck, Eliza l 00 Wallace, Thomas : 2 00 Wallace, Mrs. Isaac I 00 Watson, Joseph M 1 00 Watson, Thomas 2 00 $32 50 SOUTH BOXTOir. Ball, Mrs. RufUs 3 00 Ball, Wright 5 00 Ball, Mrs. W 1 00 Blampin, James 1 00 Galbraith, Joseph 1 00 Galbraith. Mrs. J 60 Gibson, George 1 00 Eimpton, Rufus 6 00 Kimpton, Martial 1 00 Kimpton, Marcus 1 00 Sanborn, John 6 00 Savage, James , 5 00 Savage, George 5 00 Savage, Dennis A 1 00 Tamlin, John 5 00 Tamlin, Harry 1 00 $41 60 MONTREAL. CATHEDBAL. The Lord Bishop 50 00 Andrews, H. 5 00 Bagg, 8. C 6 00 Bagg, Mrs. 8. 3 00 Bagg,R.S.C 1 00 Bagg, C. 8 1 00 Bagg, A. J I 00 Bagg, M.H 1 00 Blackwood, Miss 6 00 Bowker, H. M 6 00 Brown, W 2 00 Brown, Mrs. M. A 2 00 Brown, H. A 1 00 Brown, T 1 00 Brown, M. A 60 Brown, W.J 50 Carter, J 6 00 Cash, 1 00 Charles, 8.M.T 8 00 Cowie, Mrs 2 00 Cluston.Mr. and Mrs. J.S 6 00 Day, Miss 1 00 Dean, Very Rev 10 00 Dennie, Mrs 1 00 Dickson, Mr 2 00 Durnford, P 6 00 Dyde, Col 6 00 Elwell,Mrs 1 00 Empey. Alex 10 00 Freer, Edward 6 00 Freer, Capt 2 00 Friend, by Archdeacon Gilson fi 00 Friend, by the Lord Bishop, 60 oo Fulford. Mrs 6 00 Eraser, Dr 6 00 Friend, by Archdeacon 1 00 Gault, M.H 7 00 Geddes, Charles 6 00 Geddes, Mrs 6 00 Gibb, Charles 6 00 Gibb, Victoria 6 00 Gilson, Archdeacon 7 50 Gilson, Mrs 2 00 Gilson, R 1 00 Gilson, H 50 Haldimand,Mr8 1 00 Hamilton, Mrs. Charles 1 00 Hallowell, Mr 6 00 Howard, A 20 00 Higgins,J 1 00 Holland, Mrs. P 6 0(» Holmes, Mrs 6 00 Idler, E 6 00 Jones, Dr. Walter J 5 00 Johnson, F.G 10 00 Kerry, John 6 00 Kerry, Anthony 2 00 Kinnear, David 4 00 Kirby, Miss 3 00 Lane, Dy. Comy. Gen. 6 00 Lang, Mrs 2 00 Ludlam. W 1 00 McCulloch.F 4 00 McCulloch, Mrs. F 4 00 Macdonald, W 5 00 MacDougall, D. Lorn 10 00 MacDonnell, Dr 6 00 MacDonnell, Mrs 6 00 Mflcrae, George 5 00 MacKenzie, Mrs. Gordon 6 00 Molson, Mrs. Mark 2 00 Morland.T 5 00 Moffatt, G.Hon 20 00 Moffatt.Mrs 10 00 Moffatt. Ogilvy, for 1859 10 00 Moffatt, Ogilvy, for 1860 10 00 Moffatt, Miss 6 00 Mussen, Henry 6 00 Nelson. Mrs 2 60 Nichols. Charles 2 00 Ogden, Meredith 4 00 Ord, Major Gen 4 00 Ord. Miss F. M. L 4 00 Parkin, J 6 00 .Penner, Miss 2 00 Phillips, Mrs 2 00 Poole, Mrs 1 00 Raynes, Mrs 4 00 Reinhardt,G. 2 OO Ritchie, Mr 4 OO 70 Boss, Mrs. and Miss 8 00 Roe, Mrs. Edward 6 00 Rogers, Rev. B.J 7 60 Rogers, Mrs 6 00 Rogers, Fitzgerald 1 00 Rogers, George W. N 1 00 Rogers. Francis Jessep so Shepherd. Mrs 2 60 Simpson, G.W 10 00 Simpson, Mrs. G.W 10 00 Simpson, Mrs. A 6 00 Smith, Miss 8 00 Smith, G 60 00 Smith, Mrs. G 6 00 Spence. Mr 2 00 Sutherland, Dr. 6 00 Taylor,R 6 00 Thompson, 8. H 6 00 Townsend, W.A 4 00 Townsend, Mrs 4 00 Townsend, William and Marian... 2 00 Tooke, Mr 1 00 Tuggy, Mr. and family 6 00 Turner, Misses 2 00 Tuson,E 4 00 Tylee. Mrs. R. S 4 00 Vennor, Mrs 2 00 White, Mrs. J. J 8 00 White, Mrs 6 12 Whyte, John 6 00 Wood,D.R 8 00 Workman. W 6 00 Wurtele.Mrs 2 00 ST. osobqe's chubch. Adams, Mrs. R 5 00 Austin, Dr. 1 25 Barber, Dr 2 00 Beaufteld, R 2 oo Barlow, Mr 50 Bowles, James 60 Bond, Rev. W. B 4 00 Bond, John B 2 00 Blackwell, Mr. 10 00 Brewster, 3 00 Brady, F 2 00 Brown, C. J 1 00 Budden.H. A 6 00 Rurritt, Mr. & Mrs 3 00 Bulmer, H 6 00 Cash, 1 00 Castle, Mrs 50 Chaplin, Mr. 4 00 Cooper, Anne 1 00 Collis,R.D 6 00 Charters, Mr 2 00 Cochrane, M. H 10 00 Critchlev. Mrs 60 Davies, W. H. A 6 00 DonoUy, Mrs. J 60 Dupuy, Miss 50 Doherty, Mrs 2 00 Elliot, John 2 00 Elliot, Joseph 6 00 Evans. 8 1 00 Elwoll, H J 00 Fowler, Mr. i> 00 Fowler, Mrs 1 00 Foster, J 1 00 Footuer, Mrs 1 60 Gault, A.F. (don.) 25 oo Gault,M. H. 4 00 Gault, Mrs. M. H 2 00 Gee, Mr. a 00 Gibb, I. J 20 00 Gibb, Mrs. I. J 20 00 Glennon, John 4 00 Graham, Mr. James 2 00 Gordon, James 5 00 Godfrey, Mrs, 6 00 Harrison, Mrs l 00 Hanna,Mrs i 00 Hamilton, R. H 6 00 Hall, Mrs. W. A 1 00 Himsworth, C. G. 2 00 Hobbs,W.Jun 2 00 Hopkins, J 2 00 HoggartiMrs flO Home, George 2 00 Home, Mrs. G 1 00 Howard, Dr. 4 00 Hutton, J 6 00 Button, Mrs. J. 6 00 Hutton, W 1 00 Ireland, Mr 2 00 Johnson, Professor, 6 00 Kerr, Miss M 60 King, B. H 6 00 Kurczyn, Mrs. & the Misses 6 00 Leach, B«v. Canon 7 60 Leach, Mrs 5 00 Leach, Miss 1 00 Leach, David, 1 00 Lindsay, W. 2 00 Lifflton,Mr8 1 00 Linley, C 6 00 Lovell, John 10 00 May, Miss, 2 00 MacDougal, H 6 00 Mackfty, R. for 1859 5 00 Mackay, R 6 00 .Maitland, Col 10 00 Major, J.E 2 00 Macduff. Thomas 2 00 Milne, Mrs 1 00 Millar, J. M 1 00 Millar, G. M 6 00 Moffatt, G.jun 6 00 Morgan, W 1 00 Moss, Mrs 1 00 Mulholland, H 4 00 Nield.B 2 50 Patterson, Mrs 1 60 Reddy, Dr. 2 00 Reynolds, W. P. 5 00 Roe, T. P. 4 00 Routh, H 6 00 Roberton, Mrs. .A S 00 Roberson, Miss 4 00 Sache, W 6 00 Schneider, T. H 4 00 Sharpley,R 2 00 Shelton, E. E 10 00 Scott, Dr. '. 6 00 8imms,R 2 00 Simms. C 2 00 Sutherland, R. l 00 Thayer, Jesse, jiin l 00 Thomas, Henry 20 00 Thomas, Mrs 20 00 71 Thomas, Esther Eva 6 00 Thomas, Henry W 6 00 Thomas, Amy , A 00 Thomas, Claude 6 00 Thompson, Mr 1 00 Thompson, W. H 1 00 Towner, G 2 00 Vass, Mrs 1 00 Walker, W. S 1 00 Watkins, Mrs 1 00 Waddell.S 1 00 Whitney, H. H 6 00 Wilkes, George ~. 6 00 Wilkes, Mrs 1 00 Williams, Miles, ]un 5 00 Wily, Thomas 6 00 Winn, J. H 6 00 Winn, Jane 2 60 Winn, M. L 2 60 Woodward. Mr S 00 TBINITT CHUBCH. Bancroft, Rot. Canon 7 60 Bancroft, Henry 2 00 Barton, Mr 25 Boston, Miss 6 00 Orathem.Mr 1 00 Crispo, Mr 1 (0 Doran,Mr. 3 00 Drum, Mrs 1 00 Empson, Mrs 60 Garth, 6 00 Hendry, R 1 00 Kirby. Thomas 6 00 Kirby, B 2 00 Merry, Mr. 2 00 Parry, Mrs 1 00 Ringland, Mr 60 Smith, Mrs. H 2 00 Taylor, Dr 2 00 Tempest, J 6 00 Ti«an,Mr 6 00 Walkem, Charles 6 00 Walton, Mrs 8 00 Walton, Alexander 50 Wiseman, Mrs 6 00 Wray, Joseph 1 00 Wurtele, Mr 2 00 Wurtele, Misses 2 00 Wilmot, Colonel, R. A 60 00 ST. LUEB'S. Aylwin, Mrs 6 00 Barrage, Rev. R 5 00 Galdecot, Stapletou 2 00 Filer, Mr 2 00 Filer, Mrs 1 00 Gaw, Mrs. Henry 1 00 Hibbard, A 6 00 Hilton, James 1 00 KirkupJIr. 2 00 Leslie, JS. S 5 00 Nelson, Mrs 1 00 Nield. T. W 5 00 Nield, Mrs 6 00 Pillar, W. 6 00 Stupple, Mrs 26 Sunday School collections 21 67 Tate, F. J 6 00 Torrance, Bev. J 22 60 ST. BTBFHSir'S. Blackwood. Miss 6 00 EUegood. Rev, J 7 50 Gough, Alfred 2 0« Porter,Miss 5 00 Prentice, Mrs 6 00 Smith, Alexander, 10 00 Wright, Dr 6 00 NEW GLASGOW. Colleeted by Bev. A. D. Lockhart. Goodbody, William SO Qoodbody, Mrs. William 50 Goodbody, John 60 Alexander, Gowdie 25 Guin, Mrs 60 Lockhart, Rev. A. D 7 60 Lockhart, Mrs I 00 Lockhart, Charles 60 Lockhart, Annie Louisa 50 Livingstone, John 60 Livingstone, Henry 25 Lloyd, Louis 60 Lloyd, John 60 Lloyd, Mrs. John 25 Neville, George, 50 Ratter, William 50 Rafter, John 50 Thompson, Elizabeth 60 Whyte, John 60 Whyte, Mrs 50 EILEEHITT. Collected by Bev. A. D, Lockhart and Messrs. Taylor and Foster, Allen, Breretou 25 Allen, Mrs. B 28 Allen, Henry 25 Allen, Jane 25 Allen. Isaac , 25 Allen, Mrs, Isaac 25 Allen, Mrs. John 26 Beunet, Henry 50 Brophy, William 25 Brophy, Mrs 26 Brophy, Thomas 26 Brophy. James 26 Brophy. George 25 Burton. Thomas 50 Burton. Sarah Jane 25 Cook. John 2", Cochran, Solomon 25 Day, Charles 25 Day, William 25 Dunbar, Henry 35 English, William 25 English, John 25 English, Mrs. John 25 English. Mrs. Thomas 25 Foster. Andrew 25 Foster. Mrs. Andrew 25 Foster, John 25 Foster, Mrs 25 Foster, Mary Ann 25 Eraser. Mrs. William 25 Eraser, WilUam Henry 25 m l;;-';^. l^ 1.;, ,'; Vj? • m m 72 '4 If Frasor, Ann Jane 28 Fraser, Sarah Ann 26 Fraser, Jannes 37 Fraser, M. B. 12 Fraser, E. M. A 12 Friend, A VZ Friend. A 12 Hamilton, WilUani 25 Hamilton. lUchard 25 Hamilton, Mrs. R 25 Hamilton, William 80 Irwin, James, sen 60 Irwin, Mrs 60 Irwin, James, jr 25 Irwin, Mrs. James 0. 25 Meldrum, John, sen 60 Heldrum, John, jr 25 . McMorris, James 25 MoMorris, Mrs. James 25 McMorris, John 25 McMorris, Hannah 26 Neville, Robert 60 Nickel, John 25 Smyth, Robert o 50 Smyth, John l2i Willis, Mrs 26 Ward, John 25 Wadsworth.R 22} Taylor, Henry 60 NEW FAISLST. Collected by Bev. A, D. Loekhart. Campbell, Christopher 50 Poole, Mrs 60 Poole, Thomas S., 60 Poole, Elizabeth 25 Poole, Hannah Maria 25 Poole, Martha 26 Sievright, Isaac 50 Sievright, Elizabeth 60 Stevenson, Ralph, sen .50 Stevenson, Mrs 50 Stevenson. Ralph, jr 50 Tindale, William 50 ORMSTOWN. Collected by Miss Pallisf^r. Cottingham, Samuel 1 00 Cartier, Robert 25 Carty, James 76 Friend, A 25 Do 26 Gaundry, James i 00 Gilbert, James 75 Hamilton, Mrs, W o 26 Lynch, Michael 76 Lebarge. Mrs 25 McGerrigle, John l 00 McGerrigle, James l 00 McNeil, John 26 Patenant. Joseph 26 Bembers. Mrs. Jane 25 Scott, John 60 Scott. Alexander. 60 Sinclair, David l 00 Sproul, Edward BO Sadler, Thomas i 00 Sadler, Mrs. Thomas 60 Taylor, John 75 Wilding, Dr 1 00 POTTON. Bowker. David, 25 Darling. James, 1 00 Elkin8,M. li 3 00 Groyware.Fraucis 75 Gocfdens, Itev. J 8 00 Holland, Richard 8 00 Heath, Charles 1 00 Hollingsworth, John. 80 Manson, James, 2 00 Manson, Robert 1 00 Manson, David 1 00 Parker, F. J 8 00 Perkins, L. A 8 00 Perkins, D 1 00 Perkins, Lewis 2 GO Perkins, C. C 1 60 Perkins, L. D , 1 00 Perkins, Wm 1 00 Robinson. George C. 8 00 Robinson, E., 4 00 Skinner, Samuel, 1 00 Stephens. N. P 60 Wilson, Wm 1 00 Snodgrass, A.. 1 00 $48 60 Towards New Church. Boright, N.andS 10 00 Barry, Alvin 6 00 Coons, Isman 3 00 Chissamore, Ira.. 4 60 Darling, James, 10 00 Elkins,M. L.,jun 3 00 George, Wm 2 00 Green, W 26 00 Holland, Richard, 26 00 Holland, J 2 50 Holbrook, E., 2 25 Horner, 8 4 60 Hall, Julius P 1 00 Heath, Charles 2 00 Ingram, Herbert. 2 25 Johnstone. 2 28 Kidder, Luther, 2 60 Nott, Seldon 2 50 Mason,Stilman 4 50 Mock, P 10 00 McMannis. John. .' 15 00 Perkins, L. A., 6 25 Perkins, C. C 4 50 Perkins, Lewis 2 28 Perkins, Wm 2 80 Perkins, David, 6 00 Perkins. L. D 3 00 Peabody, Albert 2 25 Parker, F. J 10 00 Robinson, G. C 10 00 Robinson, Edward. 10 00 Stearns, Charles. 10 00 Seymour, J., 2 60 Snodgrass, Alexander 1 60 Traver, Jacob. 20 00 .w-;4= n Traver.Wm 20 00 Thompiion. Win B 00 Whitney, M„ 2 28 Sweat, Ira. 2 00 $2S8 70 Collected In England 47 00 " in Newfoundland 194 00 MONTBBAL. Lord Bishop of Montreal, 20 00 Williams. Sir F 20 00 Anderson, T. B 6 00 Brown, T. 8., & Co 4 00 Boynton, Geo. C 2 00 Brown, Alfred 2 00 Colli8, R.D 4 00 Cash, $1 ; Cash $1 2 00 Ca8h,84; Caahii 6 00 Cash, 92; Cash. $1 3 00 Davies, W, H. A 10 00 Moffatt, Hon. G B 00 Frothingham,John, 6 00 Lyman, H., 2 00 Mor«[an.H.,JcCo 4 00 Eouth, H. L 6 00 Bimmer, A B 00 Elmmer, T 2 00 King.E. H 4 00 Frotliingham & Workman, 4 00 Simms. R B 00 Stewart, Henry, 4 00 Gibb, L J 6 00 Shelton, E. E., 6 00 Maitland, J. H 2 00 Xtian 2 00 Savage, Alfred 2 00 Gardner, John 2 00 Mulholland & Baker 3 7S Ferrier & Co., 4 00 Evans, J. H^ 4 00 Miller, G. M. 2 00 Gault, Bros. & Co 2 00 Schneider & Bond 4 00 Nleld, T. W., 2 00 Mus8en,Thos 2 00 McPherson. A 1 00 W. D., $2; R. W. 8. $1 3 00 Clarke, A 1 00 Taylor, R.,, 1 00 Whitney, N. 8 2 00 Smith, S.G., 1 00 Lowe, John 1 00 Bryson, A 1 00 McKenzie,G., 1 00 Friend 2 00 Cash, $2; Cash, 81 3 00 Cash. $1.50; Cash.$l 2 BO Cash, ei ; Cash, 82 3 00 From 3 illegible names, $1, 8, 2, ... 8 00 CoUected by Mr. R. Holland 22 12 PBOST VILLAOB. Foster, Hon. A.B., 100 00 Huntingnon, L. S., 8 00 Williams, J., 2 00 KWOWtTOir. Poster, H. 8., 80 00 Knowlton, Mrs. L. M 20 00 Reid, J.Sm 4 00 Hewson, J. 4 00 WATEELOO. Robinson. Mrs., sen., 8 00 Robinson. H. L 4 0« Parsonage, J. D., 4 00 Allen, 0., 3 00 Ellis, R. A I 00 Edgarton, J. P., 1 00 FBELIOnBBVROn. Reid.Rjv. James 4 00 Roid, Mrs 1 00 Westover, Daniel 8 00 Pattison, W. M., 8 00 Friend 1 00 Baker, W.S 2 00 Kemp, A. 8, 80 Smith. J. H 1 00 Reynolds, B. S 2 00 Westover, A., 4 00 Spencer, Poleg 2 00 Tlttemore,L 1 00 Kemp.O.B., 1 00 Chandler, H. M, 1 00 BBBBBBOOKB. Gait, Hon. A. T., 10 00 Henneker, R. W. 2 00 Somers, A 2 00 Morkill, R. D., 2 00 Winter, Alex I 00 Woodward, A 1 00 Wilson. T. H. L 1 00 Short, Hon. Mr. Justice, 2 00 Cash 25 Henderson, F 40 R«ld,Rev.C.P. 8 00 LEKNOXVILLB. Nicolls, Rev. J. W 5 00 Miles, H. H.,and Mrs. Mile 5 00 Wurtele, Rev. L. C 3 00 Friend 2 00 Abbott, E.W., 2 00 B. & W., 2 00 G.C 1 00 A. 8. H 1 00 TowlcMrs., 2 00 Smith, Mr., 100 81008 27 RAWDON. Barber, A 1 00 Boyce, Richard 1 00 Copping, George 1 00 Copping, Miss. G 50 Copping, 6 Children 82} Copping, William 25 Coppini, Miss W 25 Coiiping, George, iun 25 Copping, Henry, jun 25 Copping, Miss E 28 m N M m wf ^t0 ill' ^4 $.m .1, ■>). •: . i''' m PS^'l m p. T4 (*•" Gmy.Thomsi 1 0* Kerr, Misg 1 00 Pljfott. H 1 00 Rorke, M 1 00 Rollit, Rev. C 16 00 SoroKgy. W., son 1 00 Smith, H., 8 year* 8 00 Swift, Jameit 1 00 (28 m Collected by Mias Smith. Blwnravo, Miss 85 Dawson, Hnnry 25 Holtby, William 85 Mason, Eiiward 86 Mason, VVilllain 85 Neville Jacob 25 Pigott, Thomas 21 Pigott, Eliza 2i Korke. Samuel 2! Smitli, Sarah J 2f Smith, J. A. and R 2i Swift, Moses 81 94 00 KILSABB. Dixon, B 2 80 Dixon, Mrs B 2 50 Dixon, Mary 50 Dixon, James B 50 Dixon, George, jun 50 Dixon, B.jun 60 Woods, Russell 1 00 Woods, Mrs. R 60 98 50 (Jotteeted by Uisi M, Dueon. Benny, W.J o 26 Berczy, W i OO Dixon, George, sen 3 00 Smiley, Samuel 25 94 60 DE BAMSAT. Collected hy Miss Bead, Connor, Laban o 25 Horton, George 26 Read, James o 50 Read, George o 40 Robinson, A o 50 91 80 RUSSELTOWN. BELMONT AWD MANlTIiroVILlE. Collected by Miss Barrett. Armstrong, James 25 Armstrong, Christoohor 25 Armstrong, John....'. 25 Armstrong, Wm 50 Churchill, Albert 25 Kelly, John IS Woodward, Mrs 25 92 00 Collected by Mi$a Saunders. Armstrong, James o 2S Olirt'. Joseph 2S Cliff. Mrs 25 Cliff. Wm 121 Friend, A lo Roberts, Wm 25 Saunders, Wm 50 Saunders, Robert 37J Watt, Itobort 60 Woodward, John 25 Woodward, Margaret 25 93 10 Collected by Mr. Joseph P. Bow. Allchin. Thomas 1 00 Ames and Fargo 1 00 Pulton, Rev. J 7 50 Fulton, Robert 1 00 Hoglo. A. V. V 50 Mfx!, Abraham 1 00 Polica. Petor 1 00 Rodgers, Robert 1 00 Itow, Jos. P 1 00 llow, George 1 00 Row, Joseph 50 916 50 Collected by Miss SfcCort. Local purposes 4 37i Collected by Miss Margaret Fiddes. For local purposes 6 95 Collected by Mr. P. Polica. For local purposes. Allchin, Thos 2 00 Ames and Fargo 1 00 Baker, L 50 Quay, Edwin 1 00 Moe, Abraham 1 00 MoMillen, Wm., 50 Polica, Peter 2 00 Rodgers. Robert 1 00 Row, Ira 1 00 Row, Jos. P 1 00 Row, George 1 00 Tate, Wm 60 Wright, Joseph 1 00 913 50 Donations to Clergyman. Allchin.Thomas 6 00 Baker, L o 75 Hoglc, A.V.V 1 60 Moe, Abraham 2 00 i»IcCort, James 1 00 Polica, Peter .' 5 00 Row, Jos. P ■ .■.". 2 25 :i-.. 75 Row, Joseph 1 60 Row, QeorKo I 00 Rodgun, Robert so Offertory,., 921 60 , 18 00 SABRBVOIS. Monsieur 0. Roy, son 14 00 Mr. Bower 4 00 C.H.White 1 00 Monsieur 0. Roy, jun 2 00 Monsieur Masseau 1 60 Monsieur E. Roy 1 00 Madame Roy, sen 60 Monsieur Cyr I2i Miss Roy 25 Miss 8. Roy 25 C, Jones 4 00 Monsieur L. Roy 26 G. F. Jones 60 Mrs.G. P.Jones 25 Thomas Ryan, sen 2 00 Henry Ryan 26 Wm. A. Ryan 26 Mrs. A. Ryan 26 Henry Mauny 1 0(t Madame Mauny 1 00 Dr. Lucien Mauny 1 00 Hosias Babin 60 J^r^mieBabin 26 Octave Fortin 26 Alfred Fortin 26 Elie Gavin 12i Joseph Babiu 124 John Miller 25 Ebenezcr Miller 25 Mrs. J. Miller 60 George Miller 25 Sophrouia Miller 25 Sarah A. Miller 25 Charles Miller 25 Wm. Miller 25 K.J.Miller. 25 E.H. Jones 60 Martin Jones 26 Stephen Jones 26 Thomas Jones 1 00 Mr. Cheeseman 50 Mrs. Gheeseman 25 Monsieur T^trau 1 26 A. Choini6re 2 00 Joseph B^sette 60 Thomas Ryan, jun 60 Mrs. Thomas Ryan 1 00 Miss C. M. Bassette 60 Miss Josephine Roy 25 Rev. B. P. Lewis 1 97i SOREL. Collected by Messrs. James Shuter, and A, Brown. Anderson, Rev. W 10 00 Anderson, Mrs. John 6 00 Armstrong, Charles, 6 00 Armstrong, Edward 1 00 Armstrong, J,D 1 00 Armstrong, Jumes 8 00 Allen, Edward l 00 Hramloy, Miss 2 00 Bray, Miss 60 Burgess, John 1 00 Bcgley, Mrs., 1 00 Cuthbert. Miss 10 00 Clarke, Mrs. E.A., 6 00 Dunn, Mrs 2 00 Dorgo, J.W 1 00 Flnlay, D 2 OO Fish, R 60 Fuller, A 60 Gift 60 Gift 2 00 Gift 1 00 Hunt, George, 1 00 Hart, Henry 1 00 Hall, Mrs. Nelson, 1 00 narrower, R 2 00 Heron, Charles, 1 00 Johnstone, Dr 1 04 Kittson, Mrs 2 00 Lunan, William 5 00 Lane. Mrs., 1 60 Marshall, Mrs., 1 00 Martin, Mr 1 00 McNaughten, Wm 2 00 Nelson, Rebert 1 00 Pearce, William, 1 00 Parkinson, J 2 00 Penton,Mrs 1 00 Phillips, Mrs., 1 00 Shepperd, Wm 60 Savfeuy, A 1 00 Smith, C.M 1 00 Woolley,Wm 1 00 Woolley. T 2 00 80 00 Collected by Miss E. Laprarie. Anderson, Mrs. Jno 1 00 Burgess, Mrs 60 Bramley.Miss 60 Dunn, Mrs 60 Finlay, Miss Agnes 60 Finlay, Miss Jane 60 Friend. A 25 Hunt. Mrs.G 26 Kittson, Mrs 1 00 Laprairie. Elizabeth, 25 Martin. Mrs 25 Woolley, Mrs 1 60 740 Endowment Fund. Anderson, Rev. Wm ^8$ 59 Anderson, Mrs. John, • 200 00 Bray, Legacy from the late Mrs., 200 00 CuthdertT Sfiss 40 00 Clark, Mrs. B.A., 20 00 Towards the Church Fund. Anderson, Rev.Wm * 00 Anderson, Mrs. Jno 5 00 n '• Tl.' ffVJ'sftt-' I m 'ik fef' ■'■ifii *' '■ V:'. ■; ^ m m w :'!l- 76 f y- i 9 If" I Anderson. MIm B W) Brown, MUk. » 00 CIsrk, Mm. R.A 10 on Outhbort, Mitw S 00 STANBRIDOB EAST. Collected by Mra, Corey, Mm. N. Chamller « 00 MrH.J.Uoroy 1 00 M. Coroy 2 00 J.CCoroy I «0 B. Coroy 75 L. Coroy 80 Collected by Mlaa Nary Jane Baker. J.O.Bakor 1 00 Mrs. J. C. Baker 1 00 Mary J. Bakor SO C. M.Bakor 121 F. Plorco flO E. J.Kriir^rs 1 00 Mrs. Edson 12i Mrs. Z. (Jornoll 1 o* Mrs. E, Cornell 1 oo H. Butlor 1 00 Mr8.Rykerd 85 Mrs. L. Baker 15 Collected by Mita Lucy Baker. Thomas Bakor 1 00 Mrs. T. Baker 1 00 Arthur s. Baker 124 Lucy Bakor I2i Jane A. Bowse 25 Ben|. Alien 1 00 CharlcH J. Allen 10 Lucy M. Tree 12i Collected by liiaa Mary Cotutantino. D. Sanderson 50 S.Thotnits 60 Mrs. 8. C.Cornell 1 25 Miss P. M.Cornell 30 0. H. Cornoll 30 M.E.Cornell 10 H.E. Warner 25 Mrs. E.G. Knight 60 Mrs. Johnsone 12J Alex. Johnston 1 00 T.Hamilton 1 00 G.M. Tones 45 Lucy Jones 10 Elvin Jonos 05 0. Constantino 25 Mary Constantino o 32i Biev. J. Constautine 7 60 {33 16 Subacriptions towards Clergyman's Stipend, G.C.Baker 12 00 J. Coroy 16 00 P.Pierce 3 00 3. M. Jones 2 00 Bon.|. .Vllon I 00 Thomas Biker 7 00 rtiomas Haiuiiton 1 60 8*ma paid towards re-buildlng Church, T. Hamilton 1 00 Charlos Wolib 1 W D. Sanderson 1 (H) Board 80 Mark Brown 00 W. Pilsworth 3 00 Mrs. Z. Cornell 15 00 .T.C.Baker 22 00 Thomas Baker 60 00 Benj. Allen 1 60 J.M.Jones 6 874 Contributed by Ladies' Society to- wards parsonaKo 15 77 Oontributod for Sunday School. ... 6 23 Wood for Church flros per D. San- derson 2 00 Drawing do per T. Bakor 60 ST. AXDREW8. Collected by Miaa De Ilertel. Mrs. Col. Johnson 2 00 Mr. McNauKhton 1 00 S. Burwaxh, iun 1 00 Mrs. Burkett 60 Miss A. Jones 60 Mrs. Simpson..'. 1 00 C. J. Cluiiie and Brothers 2 00 Mrs. E. De Hertel 1 00 Mrs. Robertson 1 00 Mrs. V. Palllser 60 A. Jefferson 25 Mrs. Kempley 60 H. Kempley 50 R.Brown 50 Doctor Howard 1 60 Mrs. Ma.vrand 60 Miss De Hortel 1 iiO Mrs. McArthur 60 GeorKO Chapman 25 Mrs. Burroughs 1 00 Mrs. Phillips. 50 Mrs. .Tohnson 25 Mrs. D. Do Hertel 50 Martin Leroy 1 00 919 25 Collected by Miaa M. A. Wanleas. F.Farrish 4 00 J. H. Dickson 1 00 W. Nichols 1 00 W. Clarke 50 Mrs. G. Wanless 25 In Cash 26 Thomas Wanless, 60 Collected by Miss E. Abbott. Mrs. Macdonald 4 00 .John Macdonald 1 00 G.Schneidor 1 00 Joseph Leaning 60 77 loo loo loo k loo loo |(N) (so loo loo loo |oO loo Ino 87* JsnotBookuM o 12} O. Hydo 80 ThoiuKi BurwMb 00 Mri. Forbt'n SO Mri. M. Hurwash 1 oo Hn.Abliott 2 00 W.Abbott 80 X.Y.Z OiiO Martin Lero,v 00 B*)v. It. Lon«(lale g 00 Mra, M. KurwaHli, sen 00 M. Biirwaith 80 John liurwash I 00 Albert Burwaah 1 82 923 04i Total eso 88} ST. ARMAND WEST. VHILIPBBUBO. Collected by Mi»a Whitwell and Mist JJuneon, BriRham. Mra 28 Chcesman, C. B., 1 00 Chcesnian, Mrs., 1 00 Farnsworth, Dr. J. P 80 Hcndorsun, J 1 00 Holt, Mrs., 1 00 JaiuHsun, Mrs., 1 00 May, Mrs., 20 MontKomery, R«v. H 7 Oi» Munson, Mfss 1 00 Nye, D. T. E I 00 Roberts, C, 1 00 Roberts, Mrs. C 1 00 Roberts. T.R 1 00 Roberts, Chas, H 00 Russell. Mrs., 1 00 Smith. W. W 1 00 Stowo, Mrs 1 00 Strite, L. M 1 00 Strito, Mrs. H. B 80 Strite, Mrs. L fiO Smith, W. W., 1 00 Stowe, Mrs 1 00 Taylor, Miss 1 00 Taylor, R. 80 Whitney, P 1 00 Whitwell, Rev. R. 7 80 Woodbury, Mrs 28 Young, Mrs., 1 00 S5 78 CENTRE BOAD. Collected by Mies Ruiter and Miss Burley. BillJuKS, L.N., 1 00 Bingham, Mrs., 60 Barley, Mrs 0^80 Durrell, Nelson 1 oo Fellers, W 28 Johnson, Mrs., 1 no Krause, 1 00 Mitchell, Geo 00 Uoore, Hon.P.H 2 00 (•"*._ •),''1 Pimmcrman, F OSS Rosonberver, Mrs. D 00 Ruiter, Mis* 1 00 Stanton, M 1 00 Stanton, N BO Tliroope, 11.8 00 11 BO FIOBOir niLL. Collected by Miai Moul. Hutler, Mrs 1 00 Evans, N SB Holesapple, J 1 00 Holesapplc, W. 8 2B Holosiappio, Adeline 88 Hilman, Mrs., l 00 Hubbard, ErastUM, 1 00 Martin, Mrs., 00 Maynard, Miss H 1 00 Moul, Miss 1 00 Rhykard, W.8 60 Russell, Mrs 80 Shuefdt. Miss S 1 00 Wager. Miss, 88 Collected by Mies Lota Brimmer. Bril, U 88 Brimmer, Miss G 1 00 Rrimmer, Miss L 1 00 Drew, Mrs o 80 Embury, Mrs n 60 Fells, ikirs. Elizabeth.. 1 00 Sagar, N o 68 Smith, J 1 00 Stone, Mrs, 8. W 1 00 Thomson, Mrs., 1 00 Titcmore.A 1 00 Yates, R 1 00 Yates, P 1 00 Yates, D 80 1147 ST. JOHNS. James S.Allen 1 00 Miss Baldwin 1 00 Mrs. B. Burland 2 00 James Bissett 8 00 William Bissett 2 00 Mrs. W, Bissett 80 William Bourne 8 00 Isaac Coote 6 00 G. R Charlton 2 00 Miss Anna Charlton 80 Mr. Cookman 80 Mr.CoiTan 1 00 Mrs.Corran 80 Thomas L. Dixon 1 00 Mrs. Davis 1 00 Mni.Eadie 1 00 MissEadie 1 00 Mrs. Grant 00 Mrs.Gardham 80 James Harrison 1 00 Mrs. Harrison SO 78 CharI'>sHibbard 1 00 Mn.Hibbard 80 Mr. George HaU 2 00 Mr-. Half. 2 00 fiev. Joan Irwin 7 50 Mrs. Irwin 1 00 Baron de Lougaeuil 6 00 Baroness deLongueuil 6 00 Charles Lindsay 3 00 J.E. Leodel 3 00 William Macrae 10 00 Mrs. Morehouse 1 00 Edward McDonald 6 00 William McDonald 6 00 Mrs. W. McDonald 1 00 L.G. McDonald 1 00 Mrs. L.G. McDonald 1 00 Nelson Mott 4 00 MissMcGimiis 2 00 R.B.MoGinnis 1 00 Mrs. Samuel Milliken 2 00 Mrs. J^icbols 26 W.A.Osgood 6 00 Charles S. Pierce 6 00 Mrs. C. 8. Pierce 1 BO Mrs. J.C.Pierce 3 00 Miss F.Pierce 1 00 MissC Pierce 1 00 Francis Pruyn 6 00 Mrs.F.Pruyn 1 00 Miss BuHsell 60 Miss Helen Smith, 60 John Smith 1 00 Mrs. John Smith 1 00 Mrs.Seaton 26 Major Taylor 2 00 Virgil Titus 2 00 Samuel Vanghan 2 00 Mrs.Vaughan 1 00 Mr8.Vandall 60 Mrs.Walmsley 1 00 Miss Ward 60 Miss L.Wright 60 C.Wilkinson 1 00 Offertory Collection on Christmas, 10 00 9140 20 ST. THEBESE. E. N. Monk., Mrs. Monk.., 600 400 SUTTON. Collected by Miss A. E. Dyer and Mias Harriet A. Sykes. Coapland. John i oo Dyer, Miss A. £ i qq Dyer, G. C 5 00 Dyer, E. A 1 00 Frary,Asa 1 00 Frary, Gilbert 1 00 |«fy.G.G. 1 00 ^«j;7.G-W 60 Kemp, £ 2 00 Mills, MiSR Emma l 00 Niblock, Alexander 1 oo O'Brien, Thomas 1 00 Robinson. John 60 Squire, Ammie C 1 00 Sawyer, Edward 1 00 Sykes, Miss Harriet A 1 00 Sykes, Mrs. H. A. 1 00 Sykes, Emma Elizabeth 1 00 Sykes, Sergeant Joshua Wm 1 00 Sykes, James Samuel, Jr. 100 Sweet, Enoch Martin 1 00 Upstoue, John, sen 1 00 Upstone, Mrs. John 60 Upstone, John A 1 00 Upstone, Elizabeth T 26 Upstoue, Charles Orren 25 Upstone, Stephrn 26 Upstone, Soph' . 25 123 60 Collected by Miss Emily B. Frary. Baker, Henry 76 Barue3, Job 25 Cutter, F. A., sen 25 Cutter, F. A., jun 26 Davison, Andrew, sen 60 Frary, Miss Emily B l 00 Goad, John W 60 Hurlbut, Charles 26 Moffatt, Mrs. Thomas 37J Newton. Thomas 25 Phelps, Miss Chloe 25 Squire, Captain Sol l 00 Squire, Mrs. H. P. 60 Sampler. Levi 26 Wyatt, Daniel 25 16 62i Collected by Miss Robinson. Allen, Jeremy 26 Robinson, Samuel, jun 60 Simpcton, Mr. 1 00 9176 Collected by Mrs. Dr. Seaton. Campbell, Robert 60 Caroll, Jane 60 O'Brien, Mrs 60 Willey, Mamon 1 00 Seaton, Mrs. B 1 00 Seaton, Benjamin, M.D. 1 00 94 60 Sykes, Bev. J. S 7 60 •Annual Subscribers towards Clergyman's Support. Allen, Jeremy 8 00 Coapland, Jonn 2 00 Dyer, G. C 12 00 Davison, Andrew 3 00, Frary, Asa 12 00 Frary, Gilbert 12 00 Hunt, Hale, Kemp Newtc O'Beg Bobi»i Robin Simps Squir Sweet Upat* Wyi 79 1 00 1 00 11 00 60 ]1 00 |1 00 |1 00 |1 00 |l 00 |l 00 |l 00 |1 00 |l 00 so 00 8S 25 76 25 26 Hunt, J. P 4 00 Hale, John 2 00 Kemp, E 20 00 Newton, Thomas 5 00 O'Began, John Francis 6 00 Bobinaon, John 2 00 Bobinson, Samuel 4 00 Simpson. Mr 8 00 Squire, Captain Sol 8 00 Sweet, Enoch Martin 4 00 Upstone, John, sen 10 00 "W^att, Daniel 1 00 Wyatt.John 2 00 S119 00 Lota in Burial Cfround. Frary, Asa 2 00 Mills, Miss Emma 2 00 O'Regan.J.F 2 00 BiObinson, John 2 00 8TJB8CBIBEBS TO SIITtilKO-SCHOOL. Collected by E. A. Dyer (See's List), Cutter, F. A 4 50 Dyer, G, C 4 00 Dyer, B. A 2 00 Frary, Asa 3 00 Frary, George W 3 00 Frary, Giles G 3 00 Hunt. I. P 4 00 Kemp, E 2 00 O'Began, J. F 2 00 Squire, Captain Sol 2 00 Sawyer, Edward S 00 Wyatt, Daniel 1 75 Wyatt.John 1 00 935 25 Collected by Oiles Frary {Seo.'s List.) Allen, Jeremy 1 00 Baker, Henry 2 00 Barnes, Job 1 00 Cutter, F. A 2 00 Cutter, F. A., sen., M.D 8 00 Coapland, Justine 1 00 Dyer, G. C 4 00 Dyer, A. fl 2 00 Davison, Andrew 2 00 Frary, Asa 1 00 Frary, Giles G 3 00 Frary, George W. 3 00 Field. Timothy 1 00 Ooad, John 2 00 Giggs, Alexander 1 oo Hunt. I. P 3 00 Hurlbut, Charles 2 00 Hurlbut, Benjamin 1 00 Kemp, E 1 00 Lamott, Lester 1 00 Olmstead, Alden 1 00 CBegan. W 1 00 Renolds, Freeman 1 00 Stephens, Bliza 1 00 Squire, Annie C 2 00 Squire, Captain SoL 1 00 Sampler, Levi 1 00 Scofleld, Steward 1 00 Sawyer, Edward 1 00 Upstone, John, sen 3 00 Upstone, John, jun 3 00 Wyatt, Daniel 2 00 Wyatt, James 2 00 Wyatt, John 1 00 Wyatt, Richard 1 00 Promised, 6 75 t64 75 VAUDBEUIL. Aud^, George. 60 Aud6, Mrs. 60 Burland, Benjamin 60 Burland, Mrs 25 Burland, Miss B 12* Burland, Miss V 12} Hlinkinship, Joseph 1 00 Benson, P. M 2 00 Benson, George 25 Brazier, Mr 50 Clark, Alexander I 00 Cameron, Mrs. Alexander, 25 Cameron, John 50 Davidson, Mrs. J. W 50 Davidson, Mrs. A 26 De Lesderniprs, Mrs 5 00 Graham. William 50 Griffin, Honey 25 Harwood, Hon. R. U 5 00 Hodgson, John, sen 1 00 Hodgson, John, jun 1 00 Hodgson, Mrs. J 60 Hutchins, Hawley 30 Hodgson, J 25 Halcro, Miss. Jane 60 Ivison, James 1 00 Ivibon, Mrs 60 Kirkbride, Thomas 50 Mathison, Miss Louisa...^ 60 McCouche, John 50 Metcalf, Richard 26 Park, James 1 00 Park. Mrs 1 00 Parsons, Mrs 25 Pyke, Miss 60 Pyke. Miss Marj' 60 Pyke, Revd. James 7 50 Pyke, Mrs. J 1 00 Pyke, Miss E 12* Pyke, J 12i Robinson, Christopher 50 Robinson, Mrs 60 Robins, R.S 1 00 Shepherd, B. W 5 00 Shepherd, Miss A.... 25 Schneider, Frederick 20 Saunderson, Joseph.. 26 Simpson, Leah 25 Simpson, Isaac 60 Schneider, Zaidee 60 Thompson, John 1 00 Taylor, Mrs 80 Thompson, Henry 60 WaUh, Autoine 60 ^:v'J tt: 'i> >' WATEETX)0. Collected by 3Iias J. E. Butler. Allan, Charles 1 00 Allen, George H 1 00 Butler, J. C.,M.D 1 00 Butler, Mrs 1 00 Butler. Miss J. E 25 Butler, 3Ii8S Jenny B 26 Butler, Miss Emma 25 Butler, Miss Lucia 25 Carter, Willian 50 Carter, Mrs. \Vm 60 Cousins, Richard 60 Draper, Mr 60 Ellis, R. A 2 00 Ellis, Mrs. R. A. 1 00 Ellis, Miss Marion 50 Ellis, Miss Louise S o 60 Ellis, Miss Jenny E 25 Ellis. Miss Charlotte E 25 Edgarton, Mrs o 60 AFrieiid 50 A Friend 50 Hill, Mrs. R 25 Jordan, Mrs 25 Leach, L. P 75 Lay, J. B 85 Mitchell, M 25 Martin, C. S 25 Nutting, H. 8 26 Parsonage, J. D 50 Parraelee, Miss 80 Parmelee.W.S 1 00 Parmelee, A. B 50 Reynolds, Zenas 1 00 Reynolds, B. A 25 Reynolds, E. 8 50 Robinson, Mrs. H 10 00 Robinson, J 2 (K) Robinson, Mrs. J 2 00 Riabinson, H.L, 2 00 Robinson, Mrs. H. L 2 00 Robinson. Miss _ 50 Robertson, W. R 26 Stevens, 1 00 Snack man, J l 00 skinner, C 25 Stinehour, Miss E. G 50 Taylor, E.0 60 Taylor, W. A 50 Ta.vlor, Mrs. W.A • 26 Wood, 'Williain __ « 26 $41 5ft Collected by Miss Mary Ann Armstrong, Armstrong, Mrs. James _ 25 Armstrong, Miss. M. A 26 Armstrong, Miss E o 25 Armstrong, Miss F. C 25 Armstrong, William „ o 25 Booth, Thomas, third „ 25 Booth, Eliza o 25 Booth, Amelia J o 26 Booth, Catharine SB Booth, Joshua 25 Booth, Andrew 25 Jones. Wm. H 60 Lewis, Amasa 1 00 L. Michael 25 Maynes, Samuel 25 McDonald, John 25 $5 00 Collected by Miss M. Foster. Codd, Henry 1 00 Carter, Miss Catharine 50 Carter, R. Lee 75 Carter, Thomas 50 Dampier, Mrs 50 Dampier, Miss 50 Dubois, Amelia 26 Foster, Miss Mary 50 Foster, Douglas 50 $5 00 Collected by Miss Ellen Keep. Booth, John 50 Booth, Hugh 25 Booth, Levi 25 Hanna Robert 25 Jo'ilv, William 25 Keef Ellen 26 Pavton, Remey 25 Paytou, James 25 WEST SHEFFORD. Collected by Miss M. Hayes, Hayes, Henry 50 Hayes, M. H 124 Hayes, G... 12* Johnston, Sophia E 25 Whitten, Revd. A.T 7 50 Whitten, John Alex 50 Whitten, A.T.T 50 Whitten, William V 25 Whitten. Samuel James 25 Whitten, Miss Eleanor 25 Whitten, Mias Julia F 25 $10 60 Collected by Miss Vincent. Clarke, Wm 60 Hawley, Harriett 60 Nash, Miss S. A. W 50 Vincent, Rosalin 12i Vincent, Alice 25 Wells, MissS 1 00 92 87i CHURCH SOCIETY. List of the contents of the Boxes of the Montreal Parochial Association for the year 1860 : No. 1 (Montreal) contained (( (( (I 2 3 4 9 10 m w m m ■SUP m w All- 4m a» m m 8. m n •» M M ^ M m «' 8Z tr- 100 ee lao u W/i If Ma K' us (< lot >::'.: ^Y-- frv.>;^:, ■•(Mi 1'. ■If' *■ : iS; .'•#'*' :i ^■■i^' !l •f!^ U'< ':' -J- H-i W' 'ri'^ *v/5^ *M; i .*. (1.'., ■ fe r*' :;» .'>*'■■ ^■Mm-'^ m & \ f'' ... ^!i i!^ m:. i$>'- mm;::,. "'..;'; vy ■.■of; I ■'».•■ ^' ■■.■,■'■> ' /: 1/ 4. fr. i^i-*>i OSrOTIOE. THE following BOOKS may ho had at the CHURCH SOCIETY'S DEPOT, or at MRS ',r.\LTON'S, Notre Dame Street :— BIBLES, Small Pica, Shev ■, with References, . ; jCO 8 3 « " 8to. 6 « " 12mo., .-ith Refetences 13 9 > ».« " +hA:oc 6 10 « " S'ieep, 13 " Diamond, 24s., Lir <> Covers, 1 7 PRAYER BOOKS, Great 1 inier, Svo., 6 3 " Pica, 8vo., 3 9 " Long Primer, Roan Gilt, Red Lines, .... 5 " " " " .... 3 « " " <' 2 6 " Ruby, 32mo., " 1 3 " Nonpareil, 2 4mo., " . 1 lOJ " « " Sheep,..., 9 " Pearl, Bro., with Hymns, 016 COMMON PRAYER, with References, 39 " French Calf, Gilt, 2 6 " " Sheep, 1 6 BISHOP WILSON on the LORD'S SUPPER, Calf, Gilt,... 16 " « «' Cloth, i. 10 TESTAMENTS, 2d. English, demy, 8vo., 2 " Diamond, 48mo., Roan Gilt, ' 8} " Nonpareil, 24mo., 6 NICHOL'S HELP TO READING THE BIBLE,... 3 LEARN TO LIVE 3 9 « " DIE, , 1 6 THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, 3 6 BISHOP BLOOMFIELD'SMANUAL of FAMILY PRAYERS 1 6 " KEN'S MANUAL of PRAYERS for Yowng Persons, 7i PAROCHIAL PSALMODY, 2 " '« Voice Part...... 6 TUNE BOOK to the Psalms and Hymns 3 G THIRTY CHANTS, arranged for Four Voices 1 3 PSALM AND HYMN BOOK, Bound together, 7J THE PIOUS CHRISTIAN'S DAILY PREPARATION,.... 1 ALSO, A LARGE SUPPLY OF REWARD BOOKS, FROM 6d. TO 2s. Gd. EACH. i?t