«>. J^. ^""^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) // /q y ^% y 4io 1.0 l.i 1.25 ISO '"^" inn^^ lAo mil 2.0 111 1116 V] v^ ^1 ^;. ^%^^^ *^vv V ^ «^ %.'< ^ 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 -^^ iv <> ®IB?P Of THB Q UEBBC JAIL ASSOCIATION, 1834. PRINTED BY THOMAS CARY & Co. FB££MASONS' HALL, TiUADE STREET. 1834. A / QUEBEC JAIL ASSOCIATION. ESTAIil.ISIIID MAY, 18J9. OPFICFRS AND COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. PATRON Mis rxcfLLENTY LieuL General I Old AWMEW. K. ('. M. Governor in Chief, Ac. PRESIDENT.,. The Honorable and Right Reverend CuAULEs James Stewart, D.D. Lo)d Bishop iart of their system. They owe it to the liberaliiy and forbearance of the SherilV in not pressing for the paymeni of n considerable sum (£71 10s.) due for raw materials for which he had made himself temporarily responsible, that they have l)i'en enabled to commence and continue the manufacture of cloth frotn hemp, and although they hope to carry on this description of matmfacture to such an extent as afford a prospect of extinguishing the debt, they are obliged to appeal lo tlie liberality ol ilie public to aid in relieving them fronj their present embarrassment. The funds arising from contributions during the lust year havt^ been no more than £37 83. 3d. The value of ariitles sold £;>.'{ 78. lO^d. after f)aying their ordinary exjienees as set forth m the annexed accounts, and adding the cost of materials nnd implements, they are left in debt to tlie extent of jC7iJ Is "Jd. X v-^ I ( f The nriiclea tnamifactureci l>y tlie prisoners and sold hare been as fullows : — Manufartured. ^ o ^ , c u in o bO V) >^ m to k- u. J< c o O y ^* m en o o T3 "5 m b 2in j7j Vol •i:. 8 tr, c C rt , yj u 0) a> e •>»« > u 61 o s < -^ CO y. ^ •* ^ ^ « m Ida 'j:{ ;So/r/. 5213 1 ;{-jij I iu I !:» I .. I rnr~T II Reniaiiilns on haml. I ~'i(; I 7(; I ijij I GO I 'i;j | I) l» The Coniniittee, feelinjr that tlu-ir luhoiir has not hcpn wholly in vain, that sotrie good hn.s heen done, even with their hniitcd resources; niid tliat the ()l)jecta iht'V ptirsiin, — the- cmplo\ nient nnd reforrnalion of prisoners, — arc dcservin. Donation AtjdtT.son, VVillimn Anderson, Atitliony Atkinson, Henry A Friend, DumUton, lirown, iikv. .Iitsejih ll«'dard, K ze«r Hipnell, Jolin UiirrHgf, Ktv. II. l\, Baird, t.ber.rzar Hennett, IJenson Bnrfon, Santl. Judge Flack, James Hurroii^hs, Edward Caldwell, Hon.Sir Juba Bart. Cotf.n, John Cliigstnn, Kcv. John Cary, TI)onias Oinpan, Thomas Cairns, Hubert Cochrune, Hon A, W. Donation, do. do. do. Codville, John Campbell, Charles Clearihue, Jtimes Donation. Cash, do Dnchosnay, L. Juchc- reau Donation, Dunn, Mrs. Rolert do. Duchesnay, Chailes do. Dorion, Pierre do Dalv, Domiiiidv .5 5 5 12 5 o 5 5 .'i 5 10 5 5 3 5 5 IS I U 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 $. (/. De.sl»ar;it« Ccorpn Devery, irichaitl Durettf. I'l.incis 5 Eckart, huac l{. T) Donation t 9 Fergnson, Archibald Fletcher, J(din lM»her, John Charlton Fisher, John (') Freer, Noah Glass, John (Jinger, William Goldsworthy, Donation, (» (iore, Manly ( Gore, Lt. Col. (1 Gowen, Hammond (iinKrn*, J. B. Donation, (I Hale, Hon. Jehn Hale, J.OVry Hatknrss, Ilev. Dr. Haddan, II. I' Henderson, G. Hossack, WiUlann Hudson, Rev. J. Jcssop, Henry Donation, Jcnes, . do. jt UPS, Nathaniel i) l.oikhait, Rev. S. I.eMtsurier, Henry Lane, Edward Latham, R. Donation, Mountain, Ven. Arcb- G deacon Mountain, Miss Donation, Musson, John Methot, F. X. (i Montlzaml)« rt, Mrs. Miinn, John £ 9. //. 5 5 5 U 2 r> 5 5 5 3 5 3 3 ,0 2 d 3 5 5 • 2 10 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 u 5 5 3 5 2 6 10 9 5 3 9 \i MeMnhon, Hev. P. McCftllum, I). McIMicc,.J. Donation, McLood, John Massiir, Louis Nond, JoLn Neilsou, John Opdcn, C. K. Price, WiUinm PattDn, William Petry, William Pnzer, Georfje Do. Donation, Petry, Frederick Pcmbcrton, Gonrge Pellntier, P. Donation, Penn, Richard Poser, Mrs, Panet, Louii Quebec, Lord Bishop of Do. Donation, £ 5. d £ «. If. i) Ridley, Rnlph f) ojHacey, John Donation, 2 6 2 6 Sewoll, Hon, Chief 5 Jutiticc 5 5 Do. Donation, 1 5 Scwell, Wiliam S. 5 Sheriff, 10 lu OSewcll, Henry I). 6 6 Seymour, R. 13. 5 5 Sims, J. J. 5 5 Stewart. Chs. G, 5 5 Sheppard, P. Donation, 5 5 Stewart. Hon. John do. 5 r> Skey, Doctor 10 5 Symep, Robert 10 5 Do, Donation, 1 10 5 OTremain, Benjamin 5 Donation, 2 6 5 0|VaDfeIsoD, George 5 5 o;Wilkie, Rev. Daniel 5 I Woodbury, E. f) 11 ft; •^ • J © vD ?i O TJ O VO o o 0! 4; C s o < u Li in < » H «<^ c c C^ w c -^ i/^ 1.-; o — -^ o n« o CO >o I O t^ i-H l~^ '«1' ■ c rt tjo 5 ■- c ■*■ 2? c« 0! Q^ I I I I I 5 • ' ' • ' 9 = m -3 I 1 • -:? Jr o ' oj ' -- ' i: . ^ = i- ' ^ ' - I- = . 6Cp Oi 1 i ' s ' o a; -c ' 'S. ' " ■■ ^ ' « ■ 5 ,^ tn c rr S c 'i: • en eo c C.- !_ " c « s w ■J er c "bio ■3 o I c «i ■3 ^ aj _ ii o - O L.- u C Hi C en 2 1 o c u "o u bn fl.S u V in < Q r Q c-i < . . , a o XL X - g s a O O a. O '-^ '5,2 2 = ~3 O M O 00 CO O CO Tl« so CJ «o 0) o tt -c 1 tiR -;r . B n m C» .X 1 o> 01 , tn 1 3 • '0 ' C: m L. EC s s c ^> o:^ i o - — . - • y o <- o c „ o bi .r 15 t: a. »- c > >■. « •5;- >. I' —I a; s « e 9