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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. »y errata sdto int ne pelure, iQon A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 S 6 E 3 / ^ ./ ORDER O F T H E. (gotirrnor iti Cotintil> Of the jth. Jjily iJC)6y * F R T H E ^ REGULATION OF COMMERCE . ' BETWEEN THIS P R O V I N C E A N D T H E ®lniteti States of America. ■«■•• i^S>9*9mm* (QUEBEC: Printed by command of his Excellency the Governor ; By WILLIAM VONDENVELDEN, Punter at the Nezv Prinling-Off.cs,. Poor-Jlreet, Upper-Town Anno Domini, M.DCC.XCVL m^ ^i^'.<>.i.iii>..'. %. *r^' % M I .\l / ^. O R D R ,E /(A/ V D U ■ , ^oulorrneur en Confeil, Bu yme Juilkt^ ^79^v P U R L E REGLEMENT DU COMMERCE 1 • ' ENTRE CETTE "proving e E T L E S €tat0 WiniQ be V^mtxiaut. f •••••O^, t; - Jv**-*.*"- ■>:*«>--"*" ^t *-* »M»*a*# <*^; .tiv; r.T ,j,.,^,,,^. .■if*-- -■*♦., vr '* "J- U^ M< 'Uu r VfTf* .•■■.■. $ t I'fiii i i -! 'j'jf'':''ivi ORDER O I- T H E iiJ (go^trnor in CounciL MMCft^MMM PROVINCE OFT ^ . Low£rXanada./ ^°''''^- At His Majefly's Executive Council of and for tlie faid Province ■ of Lower-Canada, held at the Caflle of Saint Lewis, in the City - of Quebec, in the faid Province, on Thurfday, the fcventh day of July, in the Thirty-fixta year of Plis Majeliy's reign, and in the year of our Lord, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix. Present,. His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR in COUNCIL. I'rMmbie. T 7!^7HERKAS by an A6t made and pafTad in the lafl fefllon of the Provincial Parlia- V V ment of Lower-Canada, intituled, " An AB for making temporary Provifion for " the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States cf America by Land or *' by Inland Navigation" it is amongft other things ena6led, that for and during the continuance of the faid Aft, it fhall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Perfon adminiflering the Government of this Province for the time being, with the advice and confent of His Majefly's Executive Council, by order or orders to be from time to time id'ucd and publifhed, to fufpend the operation of the whole, or of any part or parts of any Ordinance or Ordinances, or of any Aft or Ads of the Legi nature of this Province, relative to Trade and Intercourfe by Land or Inland Na- vigation, and to give direftions and make regulations with refpeft to Importations, Exportations, Duties or otherwife, for carrying on the Trade by Land or Inland Na- vigation, between the People and Territories of His Majefty in this Province, and the People and Territories of the United States of America, any Law, Statute, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. And whereas by a Treaty of A- mity. Commerce and Navigation lately concluded between His Majefty and the Uni- ted States of Aincrica, figned at London, the nineteenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, a free Intercourfe between * His Majefly's Subjefts and the Citizens of the faid United States of America, for the purpofesof Commerce under certain Regulations therein contained, hath been flipu- lated and agreed upon: And whereas many articles of Goods and Merchandize, by the Laws of this Province of Lower-Canada, are now prohibited as well to be imported into the faid Province of Lower-Canada from the faid United States as to be Exported therefrom to the faid United States, whereby it is become tieceflfary to make certain Provifions for carrying into cfFeft the ai^refaid Treaty according to the Tenor there- of; His Excellency the Governou doth therefore, by. and with the advice and con- - fent i '0 VI nee he City day of I in the cty-fix. ; Parlia- fion for Land or ing the utenant e being, r orders whole, s of the nd Na- tations, nd Na- and the ftom or r of A- le Uni- he year letwecn for the 1 flipu- by the iported cported certain " there- id con- fen t ■ tp ■■ ■ ■■»> — y-t^^ O R D R E ||. I .• .il > \H\\. D U IM. I 1 I ' (igiou'oerneur m ConCeil •iinnitiioOSniiimM )i '« I > '. > . 1 M PROVINCE Dul c . ' '•; '• V Ijas-Canada, j ' Au Confeil Executif de Sa Majefte pour la dite Province du Bas- Canada, tcnu an Chateau St. Louis , dans la Cite de Quebec, dafs la dite Province, Jeudi le Septieme jour de Juillct, dans . "V „ 1^ Trente-fixicme Annee du Regne de Sa Majeflc, ct dans I'An ' - ' 1'^ ' de iiotre Seigneur, Mil iept cens quatrcvingt-feize. ; .• ^ ''•,•• ■•-"- ' ■ >v/:n. i. ..•-• •• Present, ' • v -,^,u .<..."_. ^ ■. ^ Son EXCELLENCE le GOUVERNEUR en CONSEIL. ' - VU que par un ACtc fait et paflc dans la dernicre Scffion du Parlement Provincial du J3as-Canada, intitule, " -Acle qui fait une provifion tnupormrr. pour le Regie- •• inent du Commerce, entre ccttr. Province et les Etals Unis de I'Avia-ique, par ierrc ou " par la navigation intcrieurc ; il efl parmi d'autrcs chofcs ftatue, que pour et durani: la continuation du dit Acte il fera et pourra etrc loifible pour Ic Gouverniur, Lieu- tenant Gouverneur ou la Performe adminidrant le Gouvernement de cette' Province pour le tems d'alors, avec I'avis et confentement du Confeil Kxccutif de Sa Majefte, par ordre ou ordres a etre de tems a autre 6nnanes ct publics, de fufpendre I'opdration du tout, ou d'aucune partie ou parties d'aucune Ordonnance ou Ordonnances, ou d'aucun A6te ou AQes de la L6giflaturc de cctte Province, relativement au Trafic et Gomnicrce par terre ou par la navigation intcrieure, ct de n of Ilis prefent MajcHy, inrittiled, '* An ASt or OYiliiiance furt/icr to rf.'iiibtf ihe Inland ** Commrne of ihh Province and to extend t/ief/ime;" alio of an ()rrhn.wu;e palled in the fame twenty-eighth year of his prcfcnt Majefty, inlituled, " An Ordinance lor prpni'tinp- " the Inland Navigation," alfo of an Ordinance pail'td in the Thiiticth year of the reign of His prcfent Maj.'Hy, intituled, •' An Ad or Ordinance in addition to tlit Ail intituled, an " AH or Ordinancf Jiirthrr to rr^nldte the Inland Commerce rf thi^ Province and to extend thr " fame pnfjrd in the Tzucniy-cighlhyeur of Ilis Majr/ly's reign; " alio of an Ordinance paded in ihe'l'hirty-fird year of the reign of Mis preltnt MajcHy, intituled, "An AH or Or- " dinance to explain and amend the AH intiiulul, an AH or Ordinance for promoting the Inland " Navigation and to promote ihc Trade lu the Wejlrrn Country ;'* alfo of an Ordinance paf- fed in the fame Thiity-firll year of the reign of Mis prelent Majellyj intituledi " An AH *' to prevent OI'/lruHitm to the Inland Commerce upon the Death of a Superintendant ;" alfo of an Atl of the Provincial Parliament of Lower-Canada palled in the thirty-third year of the reign of His prelent Majelty, intituled, " An AH to permit the Importation of Wampum *' from the neighbouring States by the Inland communication of Lake Champlain and the River Ri- " chelieuor Sord;" alfoof an A6tof the Provincial Parliament of Lower-Canada, palled in the Thirty- fifth year of the reign of His prefent Majcfly, intituled, " An AH for a'- " lowing Pot and Pearl Aflies to be brought into this Province by Land or Inland Navigation , " for prohibiting the ImporlatioTi- of Tobacco from the United States; for Regulating the fees of " the Cii/lom Iloiifc O^iccr of Saint John's, and for repealing the AH or Ordinance therein. *' vientio7ied ;" and alfo of an A61 of the Provincial Parliament of Lower-Canada, palfed in the prefent year of the reign of His prelent Majelly, intituled, " An AH for allowirrr: *' the Importation of Salted Beef and Pork and Hog's Lardfor a limited time from the United '* States of America;" be fufpended, and the operation of the faid Ordinances and Aifts, and oPeach and every of them, and of every part thereof, is hereby fufpended. And His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and confent of tlie faid Executive Council doth hereby further order that it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Citizens of the United States of America and alio to and for the Indians dwel* ling, on either fide of the boundary line between the faid Province of Lower-Canada and the faid United States freely to pal's anjlxqjafs by land, or inland Navigation into and out of the faid Province of Lower-Canada, or any part or parts thereof, and to na- vigate all the Lakes, Rivers and Waters thereof and freely to cany on Trad*' with His Maielly's Subjeds in the faid Province, provided always, that this order fhall not be Gonllrued to extend to the admiflion of Velfels of the faid United States into the Sea Ports, Harbours, Bays or Creeks of the laid Province or into fuch parts of the River* in the faid Province, as are between the mouth thereof and the highell Port of en- try from the Sea, except in fmall Velfels trading bond fide between Montreal and Quebec. • And it is further ordered, that all goods and Merchandize, whofe importation into this Province is not or Qiall not be entirely prohibited, miy freely, for tha purpofes of Commerce, be carried, brought and imported into the fame, from the laid United States in manner aforefaid, by His Majelly 's Subjetts and by the Citizens of the faid United States upon payment of tlie feveral and refpeflive Duties due and payable by His Majelly's Subjects on the importation of the like goods and Merchandize from Europe into the faid Province. Provided always that nothing in this order fhall extend or be conllrucd to extend, to permit or allow any fuch goods or Merchandize to be unladen at any place or pla- ce* [. 4 ] D/Jor and the rt^rn he /n/rjiid led in tlu: prcni' ti tlie reign lituled, (in extend e /if: ICO pa fled 'II or Or- (he Inland ncc paf- " An An alfo oC d year of Wampum River Ri- a, pafled r//;r c'- ivigation, he Fees, of e therein. I, palfed allowinr; e United nd Aifts, the faid to and isdwel- Canada on into 1 to na- ^ith Hi» not be the Sea Rivers. of en- al and >n into rpofcs United he faid ible by J from xtend, r pla* 4 NEUR avcc I'avis ct confcnlcmcnt du Confcil ICxiJciuif pour la ditc rrovircc, or- donm: ft dirige par le pr^font, que ropcralion d'nno pallec d uis hi vingt-huitiime annec du Rejine do la piilentc M ijeflc, intituleo " AcU tn Ord^nmance AOttnOidon. *• qui ri\^Jt plus ainplemrnt Ic Onnniene mtcritur de cctt: Province et qui I'drnd-" AulPi i"!'«.=» f-'Ju'. d'unc Ordonnduco pallec dans la nicmc viii;i,t huiiicmc aiinco dc ia prolciuo Ma- jcllc, iiiii::;let; *' AcU qui encL2iray/ la navigativn inictnitre. Atilli d'unc ()ido:maticc pallee dans la trentiiinc anneo du Kcj-nc de l';i pielenti; Majelle, iiitilulee, '• AHe " lu UrdoKnancc qui ajoulc a I'Aile intituU '* AcU ou Ordonnance qui >•.;■; /f piu^ am- • " p'l-mrr.t le Commerce intcnenr de cdle Province et qui I'dcnd, pajjc dam la vin^)t l.ui- *' Utineannee du Kcgne de fa Majr/ie." aulli d'unc Ordonnance paifie dan.j l.i Lrcnte-cc- iniienie annce du. Ke;^tu: dc la prefente Majeftc, intitul^c,. ** Acie ou Ordonnance qui •' e:tever na- tJirc, fnall not be liable to pay for fuch goods and effefts, any Impolt or Duty what- ever, unlefs the fame Ihall be goods in Bales or other large Packages, unufual among Indians, which fliall not be confidercd as goods belonging bondjide to Indians or as Goods intitlcd'to the foregoing Exemption from Duties and Impofls; that no hi^Jicr or other Tolls or Rates of Ferriage than what are or iliall be payable by His Majefty's Subjetls, fliall be demanded by any perfon or perfons, of the Citizens of t!ie faid United States of America, and that no Duties, un'^er or by virtue of this order, Ih.ill bo Goods carried payable on any Goods which Ihali merely be carried over any of the portages or carrying T"I]io"^f.«m"t P^^^^'"^* within the faid Province of Lower-Canada, for the ptirpofe of being immedi- •Irom Duly. atcly rc-imbarked and carried to fome other place or places, it being nevertheiefs here- by ordered, that this lad mentioned Exemption from Duty Ihall extend only to fuch goods as are carried in the ufual and diretl roadacrofs fuch portnges or carrying places and are not attempted. to be in any manner fold or exchanged during their palfage a- crois the fame. Frovilua y p€ tl m St. Joh-i's decla- trd the o; iniry And His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and confent of the f-iid foic Pore Executive Council, doth hereby further order that the Town of Saint John's, fituate upon the Well fide of the River Richelieu or Sorel in the Diftri£l of Montreal in the faid Province, fliall be and is hereby eftablilhed and declared to be the fole Port of entry and clearance for all Goods and Merchandize to be imported from the faid United States of America, into this Province by land or inland Navigation, and that it fliall not be lawful elfewhere to make entry of any V^eflel, Boar,, Raft or Carriage or of any Cargo or Load or of any goods, Wares or Merchandize imported into this Province from the faid United States; and that the officers of Cuftoms of and for the faid Port of Saint John's Ihall attend every day, Sundays excepted, in the Cuftom Houfe of the faid Port, for the of the Duties of their Office between the hours of eight and twelve of the Clodcin theforenoon and three and fix of the clock in the afternoon, from the firfl; day of May to the firft of Odober and from ten to three from the firft day of October tO; the lafl; day of April. And His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and confent of the faid Executive Council, doth hereby further order that no Regifter, Manifeft, Certificate or other Document fliall be required for any Veffel belonging to the faid United States of America, arriving from thence at the laid Port of Saint John's, except the Docu- ments andTapers which hereby are required. And His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and confent of the faid EKCCutive Council, doth further order that all VeflTels, Boats, Rafts and Carriages of what kind or nature foever, containing Goods, Wares or Merchandize palfingby or through the faid Port of Saint John's, flball be reported at the Cuftom Houlc of the faid Port and be fubjeft to Vifitation and Search by the Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms eftablifhed at the faid Port; and that upon the arrival of any Vefl'el, Boat, Raft or Car- riage from any Port or Place in the faid United States, at the faid Port of Saint John's, the No manifeft to b"" required from American Velfcls uiileis by this or- Vnf. entree doit 6lr,» faite de !cu»J vai'TcRiix ct v itu , rrs a Jc. Jean. LeCap'taine, &c. doit faire un rap- poitd^foaarrivi. ( I I 1 >i i ■nj kill uyiid ^fiiv/jfi :/J.&raiii3 ];;;)'! -/mJ )i,il 3{:j rapport report liii ii'rri'val. And to nnke a focoiid iPiKiri of his cargo or lij*i, Oil Mlh, Quakeri. Finally for iis ■ ^\tLk ui refufal. ^fovifo. C 7 T the Mailer or mherPerTon having the Charge or Cominaivd of fiich VefTel, Boat, RiO't or Carriage, fhall forthwith repair to the Cuflom Houfe nt' fuch Port iind fball thrrl^ report to the Chief Ofliccr of the Cuftoms atfuch Port, the arrival of the faid Veflel or Carriage, and within twenty-four hours after fuch atrivnl, fliall make a further re^^ort to fuch chi<5f Olficcr of the Cuftoms of .the Burthen, Cargo or I.oadof fuch Veilbl, Boat, Raft or Carriage, whether in packages or llowcd loofe, of the particular Marks, and Numbers of each package and the Place or Places^ Pcrfon or Pgrfons to or for which or tvhorti ihey are refpectivclyconfigned, or intended. And the faid Mafter or Perfon having the Charge or Command of any fuch Veffbl, Boat, Raft or Carriage fhall fmiher tkckre, that no part of the Cargo or Load of fuch Veflel, Boat, Raft of Carriage ftnce the departure of fuch Vtffel, Boat, Raft or Carriagd from the Port or Place in thefaid United States from whicii the faid Vcffel, Boat, Raft or Carriage fliall hiive failed or .departed, has been landed or unloaded or othetwife removed, except as he fhall then fpecify, together with the caufo, titnC, plate ahd mannor, which faid reports and.declaration rfcfpedtlvdy fhall be made in writing, figned by the Party mak^- iftg the fame, artd Ihall be att«il*?d by his oath or affirmation^ if one of the Perfons ciillcd Qui=keis, whidithe (Aid chief Ofhcyr of the Cuftoms is hereby authorifed and required to adminiften And if the faid Mafter or Perfon having the Chargeor Command of any fuch Velfcl, Boat, Raft or Carriage, fhall n&glett or omit to make the faid reports and declaration, or either of them, or to attefl the fame or either of theiVi on oalh or affima- tion as aforefaid, as the cafe may require, he fiiall for every fuch fiifence foifciiand pay a fumnot lefs than five Pounds nor inOre thsti two hundVcd iuid fifty Pounds. Provided at\vays tliat, in all cales where the infothialiOn licrcby required to be givcii on the lecond report Ihall have been givch at tte tiilifc of aialdrig the firll report, a fc- ,cond report Ihall not be required. Owner or ron- frriiee of g.^ods, & make entry tliercot on oath. .U^J-Hi;: ChkfOmcerto eftiniaic ihe Du- ties* And His Excellency the Governor, by and w'lth the advice and confcnt of the faid Executive Council, doth ftfrthcr order that the (bwrter or Owners, cwrtlignfec or conivgnecs of any Goods, Wares oi' Merchandize on bbdrd of any Veflel, ©Ocit, Raft or Carrfage, or in cafe of his, her or their abfence or ftcktlcfs^ hifr, her ottlieif known factor ot agent in his, her Or their Names within forty-eight hours after the Mafter or Perfon having the Charge or Command of fuch VelTtij Boat, Raft or Carriage Ihall have made re- port of the arrival of fuch Veffel, Boat, ;Raft or C^iriagc Ihall make entry thereof with the Chief Officet of the Cultoms at the fuid Port- of Saint John's,, arid Ihall fpecify in fuch entry the particular marks, number and contents of each Package; or Parcel where- of they fhall conlift, — or if in bulk the quantity and quality, all which Ihall be doncupoa the Oath or af^rpiatjon as aforefaid of the Perfon by whom fucii entry fliall be made. Provided always, tliat, where the particulars of any fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandize fliall be Unknown, in lifcu of the entry herein before dire6led to be made, an entry thereof ftlall b^' made and received aiccorditig to thi^ circuMftances of the cafe, the: party making the fame declaring upon oath or aflirmation as aforefaid -all that he or fhe kVlows or be- lieves concerning the quantity and particulars of the faid Goods, Wares and Merchandize and that he orfhe has no other knowledge or information concerning the fame, which fai■' :■..■■'. And Mis' t3^c;fefefcy%e iCovefriOr; by M with tife W^iHi^Ac^tii t^hic^ tM Ex- ecutive Council, doth' further Order that in all cafes wH6rtatiy Duties 'al^fc Of Ihall be by- law impofed and piayable on any Goods, \Vares Of Merchandise, impdhed ffom the faid United States fo entered at the faid Port of Saint johh's, the chief Oflicer of the Cuftoms ^t the faid Port (^"^^alfit John's fliall hiake an ettiffiafe df theimOurtt of fuch Duties j and the amount of the faid Duties according to the faid cftimatc having been firlt paid or fecured given a Ic- faid C 8 ] rapfiort au principal ofiicier do la douane de tel Tort, de I'arrivtSe du dit vaifTeau ou Voiture, et dans Ics vingt-quatre heures apres telle arrivec fcra encore un rapport a tcl principal officicr di; la Douane du tonnage, cargaifon on charge de tel vaiffeai!, chaloupe, ladcati ou voiture, foit qu'iKs foient en paquets ou autrenient, dcs marques particulieres, et nunieros dc chaque paquet et la place ou places, perlbnne ou per- ionnes auxquelles ils font reCpedivement confignus ou defines, et le dit capitaine ou la perlbnne ayant la chargt ou le connnandement d'aucun vailleau, chaloupe, radeau ou voiture dcclarera encore, qu'aucune partie de la cargaifon ou charge de tel vailfeau, chaloupe, radcaii ou voiture, dcpuis Ic depart de tcl vi.iM'eau, chaloupe, ra- deau ou voiture du dit port ou place des dits Etats Unis, duquel le dit vailFeau, cha- loupe, radeau ou voiture aura fait voile ou parti u'a ete mis a terre ou decharge ou au- trcment tran!'port6, except^ de la maniere qu'alors il fpecifiera, ainfi que la caufe, tem.T, place et maniere; que les dits rapports et declaration refpeclivement feront faits par Icrit (ignes par la partie faifant icbux, et i'eront atteUes par ion ferment ou affirmation ii c'efl une des perfonnes appellees quakres, que le dit principal officier de la Douatife eft par la prefentc autorife et requis d'gdminiftrer. Et li Fc dit capitaine ou la per- fotine ayant la charge ou le commandement d'aucun tel vaiiTfau, chaloupe, radeau ou voiture, neglige ou omct de fairc ies dits rapport et declaration, ou aucuns d'iceux, ou d'attefter iccux ou aiicuns d'icfcux fous ferment ou affirmation comme fufdit, felon que le cas pent I'exiger, il encourra et payera pour chaque telle offence une fomme pas moirts de cinq livres courant ni plus de deux cens cinquantc livres. PouRvu toujouis, que dans tous les cas ou I'lnformation requife d'etre donnee fur le fecond rapport aura ete donndc en faifant le premier rapport, un fecond rapport, ne fora pas requis. tt fon Excellence le Gouvenleur, par et dc I'avis et confenlcment du dit Con- ffii Ex^cutif, ordonne encore par Ja piefente, qu'aucun propridtaire ou proprietaires, <:onfignataire ou confignataires d'ancuns elTets, denrees ou matchandifes qui font a bord tl'aucun vaifleau, cl^aloupe, radeau ou voiture, ou dans le cas de fon, ou leur abfetice ou maladic, fon, ou leur Facteur ou agent connu dans fon, ou leurs noms dans les quarante-huit heures aprcs que le capitaine, ou la perfonne ayant la cliarge ou le commandement do tcl vailfeau, chaloupe, radeau ou voiture aura fait un rapport de I'arrivee dc tel vailfeau, chaloupe' radeau ou voiture fera une entree d'icelui au pre- mier oljrcier de la la douane du dit port de Saint Jean, et fpecifiera dans telle entree Ics differentes marquCs, numtrOs et contenus de chaque paquet ou piece dont ils confiftcront, ou ft c'efl en malfe, la quantit6 ct qualite; tout ceci fera f lit fous le fer- ment ou affirmation cornme fufdit de la perfonne qui fera telle entree ; pouivu toujours que Icrlque les particularites de tels elFets, denrees ou marchandiles feront inconnus au lieu de I'enrree ci-devant ordonnce d'etre faite, une entree d'iceux lera faite et recjue feloh les circonflances du cas, la partie faifant icellc declarera fous ferment ou affirmation cornme fufdit tout ce que lui ou elle fait ou croit concernaiit la quan- tity et particularites des dits effets, denrees et marchandifes, et que lui ou elle n'a aucune autre coiinoiffance ou information concernant iceux, lefquelles ditcs entrees, aufli bien la premiere mcntionnec que la feconde, feront faitcs par 6crit ct feront fou- fcritcs par la panic faifant icelles. Et fon Excellence Ic Gouverneur, par et de I'avis et confentement du dit Confcil Ex6cutii", ordonne encore par la pf^fente, que dans tous les cas ou aucuns droits font ou feront impofes par la Loi et payables fur aucuns elfets, denrees ou marchandifes im- ■pott^es dcs dits Etats Unis, ainfi entries au dit Port de Saint Jean, le premier Olticier de la Douane da dit Port dc Sairit Jean fera une elUmatiOn da moiUant dc tels droits : et Etfcrsunrccond rapport foti» fcr. mrnt dc fa carfpii foil i>u charge. fcnalite pour negligence ou re« fus. Provifo» Le prppricfr;irc on (< hi a i^m des niarchiiiilifes, See. font coHfiViiCes doit fairc une cn« tieed'icclks f.uJ ferment. 1 1 li •<«» I e principal Of- ficicr ellitn(.ra !(.« DroitJ. I .1 ' i. I' m I ■ A proffHon may )i9 had tor gi)ocl» carrir:d beyond St. Goods not to be landed at St< John's uiilefs in open day. Penalty if lan- ikd. wilheuu Goods remnvfd before wf ighcd to ko forfeited. C 9 ] fecured to be paid parfuant to the provifions herein after contaiiicd, ihc faid Chief Oflr- ccr of the Culloms Ihall give a Ccriificate thereof and grant a Permit to land or unload the faid Goods, Wares or Mercliandize wliercof Inch entry (hall have been fo made, and then, and not othcrwife, u Ihall be lawful to land or unload the (aid Goods, or to proceed therewith. And fur encouraning and protcOing the commerce of the fair Trader againft all mo- leftation from Cultom Houfe Oflicers, his Excellency the Governor, by and with the ad- vice and confentof the faid Executive Council, doth further or 't:r that when any Perfon or Perfons Ihall have occafion to remove by land or water from the faid Port of St. John's to any other Port or place within this Province, any diuial> le .Goodsy Wares or Merchandize duly imported into the faid Port of Saint Johns from the United States of America, on which the Duties by Law impofed fliall have been paid or lecurcd to be paid, the Chief Officer of the Cuftoms, upon a requelt in writing for that purpolc made and figned by fuch Perfon or Perlbns, and to fuch Chief Officer delivered, fpecifyin^ the particular Goods, Wares and Merchandize to be removed, and the number cl Packa- ges in which the lam.e are contained, with their marks and numbers, fhall, and he is hereby- required to give a protetlion in writing ligned by him the faid Chief Officer, fpecifying the particular Goods, Wares and Merchandize to be removed, the number of the Packages containing fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandize fo to be removed, with their marks and numbers, and certifying that fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandize have been duly ente- red at the Port of St. John's and that the Duties thereon have been paid of fecuied to be paid, and fuch Chief Officer giving fuch prote6iion fhall limit therein the time within which fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandize fhall be removed from the faid Port of Saint John's and alfo the time within whicli the faid protetiion fhall be in force. And His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and' confentof the faid Exe- cutive Council doth further order that any Goods, Wares or Merchandize intported or liroughtin or upon any Vefl'el, Boat, Raft or Carriage, from any Port or Place in the faid IJnited States, fhall not be unladen or delivered from fuch Veffel, Boat, Raft or Carriage at the faid Port of Saint John's but in open day, that i.s talay, between the ri^ fingand fetting of the fun, except by fpecial licence for that purpofe from the Chief Of- ficer of the Culloms at the faid Port of Saint John's; and if any Goods, Wares, or Mer- chandize fhall be unladen or delivered contrary to< the diredions aforefaid, or either of them, die Mafter or Perfon havhig the command or charge of fuch Veffel, Boat, Raft or Carriage and every other Perfon who fhall knowingly be concerned or aiding therein or in removing or otherwife fecuring the faid Goods, Wares or Merchandize, fhall forfeit and pay a fum not lefs than Five Pounds nor exceeding Fifty Pounds for each offence, and all fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandize fo unladen, ar delivered, fhall become forfeited and may be feized by any Ofiicer of the Cuftoms ; and where the value according to the highefl market price of the fame fhall amount to Twenty Pounds, the Veffel, Boat, Raft or Carriage, with the Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Hirnefs and Horfe or Horfes there- unto refpettively belonging fiiall alfo become forfeited and fhall and may be feized by any Officer of the Cufloms. And His Excellency «he Governor, by and with the advice and con font of the faid Exe- cutive Council, doth further order tliat no dutiable Goods, Wares or Merchandize im- ported or brougjht into this Province, in or lipon any Veffel, Boat, Raft or Carriage from any Port or place in the United States of America, requiring to be weighed, guaged, talfed or meted in order to afccrtaiii the duties thereupon, fhall be remov- ed from any wharf or place upon which the fame may be landed, p'vt or deliver^- ed, before the fame der the direClioii of un»- fhall have been weighed, guaged, taled or meted by or the proper Officer of the Culloms appointed for that pur- poie 1 x\ 1 aj ol dl h d| cl Pi v{ urn ■h\ d< le of or in ir- )i(£r I lo ] 1e inontant des dits Droits felon la ditc cflimation ayant cie d'abord payd cu garanti d'e- tre paye en conlcqucnce des proviUons ci-aprcs contenucs, Ic dit principal OlBcier etc la Douanc donneia un Certilicat d'iceiui ct accoidera uii Permis pour metire d tcrre cu d^cijarger les dits cflets, decrees ou marchandifes doiit I'entrec aura et6 ainfi faite, ct alors, tt non autrement, il fera loiliblc de inettre a terrc ou dc decharger ks dits effcts ou dc les tranfporter. Et pour encourager et protegcr le Commerce de I'honnete Commcr^ant c6ntre toutc xnoleltation de la part des OHiciers de la Douane, Son Excellence; le Gouverneur, par et d<; i'avis ct confentement du dit Confeil Executif, ordonnc encore par la prclbnte que Jorrqu'aucune perfonne ou perfonnes aura occalion de tranfporter pi^r terre ou par eau du dit Port de Saint Jean a aucun autre Port ou place dans cette Province aucuns clfcts, denrees ou marchandifes, fujets a payer des Droits, duenient importes dans le dit port de Saint Jean, venant des Etats Unisde I'Ameriquc, fur lei'quels les Droits impolcs par la loi auront ete payes ou garantis d'etre payes, ie premier Oihcier de la Douane, fur une requilition par ecrit a ceteifet, faite et figure par telle perfonne ou perfonnes et de- livrer, a tel principal Oilicicr, delignant les diflercnts effets, dcniecs ct marchandifes qui doivent etre tranl|)ories et le nombre de paquets dans kl'quels iceux font contcnus, avec Icurs marques et numeros, < 11 par la prelenie requis de doiui^r une protection par ecrit, fignee par le dit principal Offitier, defignant les diiiercnts elTcts, denrees et marchandifes qui doivent etre tranlportes, Ic nombre de paquets (jui contiennent tels eircts, demecg et marchandilt:s qui doivciu etre ainli tranlportes avec icurs marques et numeros et cer* -tiiiera que tels etlcts, denrees et marchandiles on t ct6 duemcnt entrfs au Poit dc Saiiu jean, et que les droits fur iceux out eie payes ou garantis d'etre pay 6s, et tel principal Ojiicier qui donnera telle protefction limitcra dans icelle le terns dans Icquel tels effets, denrees ou marchandii'es feront tranlportes du dit Port de Saint Jean et aulii le tcms ou telle proteclion fera en force, ui^^ Et fon Excellence le Gouverneur, par et de I'avis et confentemcr.t du dit Confeil Exe- cutifordonne encore, quaucuhs elfcts, denrees ou marchandiles, importfs ou emmcnes dans ou I'ur aucun vailllau, chaloupe, radcau ou voiturc dV.ucun Port ou Piace des dits Etats Unis ne pourront etre decharges ou delivres de tel vailfeau, chaloupe, radcau ou voiture au dit Port de Saiut Jean qu'en plein jour, c'elt a du'c dcpuis le lever ct le coucher du, Soleil, a moins qu'il ne loit obtcnu une licence fpcciale pour cet efl'ct du premier OHicier de la Douane du dit port dc SaiiU Jean. Et ii aucuns effets, denrees ou marcbaidifcs font decharges ou delivres contraireaux direciions iulditfs, ou aucune criccllcs, le Ca- pitaine ou la Peribme jiyaiit le commandement ou charge de tel vaiffeau, chaloupe, ra- dcau ou voituie et toute autre peribnne que Ton laura etre concerriee b. aider oua tranf- porter ou autrement a mettre en fureie les dits effcts, denrees ou marchandifes, encourra ct payera une fommc qui ne lera pas moins de cinq Livres courant ni qiti excedera cin- 'quante livies courant pour chaque ofi'encc, et tous tt- Is ellbts, denrees et marchandifes lamli deciiarges ou delivres feroat conhfques et pcuveut etre failis par aucun Olficier dc la Douane. Et lorfque la valeur, fuivant le plus haut prix du marchi6, ie montera il vingt Livres courant, le vaiiTcau, chaloupe, radeau ou voiture, avcc les agrets, ap- paranx, iourniture, haruois, cheval ou chevaux y appertenants refpedivement feront aulli conhfques et iisront et pourront etre failis par aucun Ollicier de la Douane. Et Son Excellence le Gouverneur, par ct de I'avis et confentement du dit Confeil Exc- cutif, ordonne encore, qu'aucuas effets, denrees ou marchandifes qui font fujets a deis droits, quifcront importes ou emmenes dans cettc Province dans ou fiir aucun vaiffeau, chaloupe, radeau ou voiture venant d'aucun Port ou Place des Etats Unis de I'Am^rique,' qui doivent etre pelcs, jau^^s, comptes ou mcfurcs alin de conltater ks Droits fur iceux ne prul {, jauges, roinpc^s ou meCurcs, iceax icroat confilqu^s et peuveiit cure failis par aucun Oiiicier de lu Douane. r,t Son Excellence le GouTcrneur, par etde I'avis et confentcmcntdu dit Confeil Exq- cutil', ordonnc encore quavant dc decharger aucuns ellcts, deiir6ies ou marchandifcs jqui feront i rri port-is ou eramenes daiis cettc Proviucc, venant des dits Etats Unis, fur ki- quels aucuns tauxou droks lout impoles par la Loi, Ics dits taux et droits feront paves on garatitis d'etre pay^s a Sa Majcfte, fes Hferitiers ct Succeffeurs de la m£inc manicre qu'iceux Ibnt maintenant Wv6s, prelevcs et recouvr6a fous et en vertu d'aiacun A6te de la X^gidature Britannique ©u par la L6gi(!ature dc cctte Province roipedivcmcut. .tv'rcs udc entree faite d'aucuns ell'ets, dearies ou marchaadifes fous ies paqueu, le fuup^ou de iraude, d'ouvrir nalties and forfeitures created by this Order (hall be recovered' and declared in any of his Maje(ty's Courts, having jurifdi£lion in this Province, in the fame manner and^ form, and upon the fame evidence and by the fame rules and regulations as any pe- nalties or forfeitures incurred for any offences againfl the laws relating to the cuftoms- and trade of his Majefty's Colonies in America, may now be recovered or declared* forfeited in fncb Courts refpeftively. And in all cafes of penalties or forfeitures in- curred by virtue cf this Order, after deducing the charges of profecution from the grofs produce thereof, the remainder fhall be paid and divided as follows, that is to fay, one fourth to his MajefVy, one fourth to the Governor of this Province, one fourth> to the feizing officer, and the remaining one fourth to the chief officer of the cuftomft at the cuflom-houfe or office to whfch the feizing officer belongs. And his. Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and confent of the faid' Executive Council, doth further order, that all Veffels, Boats, Rafts or Carriages, which (hall be feized in purfuance or by virtue of this Order, or of any Aft- or Adls* of the Parliament of Great Britain, or of the Provincial Parliament of Lower-Cana- da, and which fhaU be condemned in any of his Majefty's Courts of law, in this Pro- vince, (hall be fold by Public Autlion, to the beft bidder, by the chief officer of the cuftoms, at the cuftom houfe to which the feizing officer belongs, and at fuch place in the Diftrift, in which fuch Vefiels, Boats, Rafts or carriages fhall be condemned), as fuch chief officer fhall think proper to appoint. And his Excellency the Governorj by and with the advice and confent of the faid Executive Council, doth further order, that if any officer of the cuftoms or other per- (on, executing or aiding and aftifting in the feizure of any Veffel, Boat, Raft, Carri> age Horfe, Cattle, Goods, Wares, Merchandize or other thing whatfoever, (hall be fued or profecuted for any thing done in virtue of the poweis given by this Order, or by virtue of a warrant granted by any Juftice purfuant to law, fuch officer or other perfon may plead the general iffue, and give this Order and the fpecial matter inevi- dence,. and if in fuch futt the plaintiff be non^Cuited, or judgment pafs again ft htm, the defendant fhall recover double cofts; andtn cafe any information fhall be commenced and brought to trial on account of the feizure of any Veffel, Boat, Raft, Carriage, Horfe, Cattle, Goods,. Wares, Merchandize or other thing whatfoever, as forfeited by this Order, wherein a judgment fhall be jeiyen foe the claimant, and it fhall appear Penattiei where to be recovered. Divifion of the Penakiet. Good condem- ned to Be fold by the oflicers of the Cuftomi> OScerj mnlef- ted or lucd may (lead thi* order. U> [ H 1 I ' \aucuTis efFels, diinr^es ou maichandifes, fach^mt qu'ils font fujcts a etre faifisen vcrtix •de cet ordre, telle perlonne ou perfonnes, fur la convitlion du fait, encoiura ct paye- jra le duuble du la valcur dcs elFcts, dctir6cs ou marchandifes alnli caches ou aclietes. Et Son Excellence le Gouverncur, par et de I'avis et confentement du dit Confeil Ijlxtcutif, ordonne encore que tous clfets, deniees et niarchandifcs dunt I'exporta- eion n'ell et ne fcra pas entreremcnt prohibce par la Loi, pcuvent, pour las fins du Commerce, ctre librement pon6s et export^s de cette Province aux dils Etats Unis aufli bien par les Sujets de Sa MajcR6 que par les Citoyens des dits Etats Unis, cC ieront exempts de tous droits quelconques. Marchnndiffi Ac qui peuvent fti'f rxpotti'Cfitadi payer dc droiik OITuifri pfufc vrntfuirirtiuiiiaua cuudii*iiU. Oi \et p^nalitpt pcuvent tire ie« Er Son Excellence le Gouverneur, par et de I'avis et confentement du dit Gonfcil lEx^cutif, ordonne encore qu'il fcra du devoir de tous officiers quelconques de la Douane de Sa Majefte de failir et s'emparer d'aucun Vailfeau, Chaloupe, Radeau ou voiture, eflFets, denrees oU tnarchandifes qui feronl fujets a 6tre faifis en vertu de cet ordie, audi bien hors de leurs Dillritls refpeftifs dans cette Province que dedans ; ct tous cfFets, dcinees ct marchanUiles qui feront faills en vcrtu de cet ordre de- meureront fous la garde de rofficier qui faifit, jufqu'a ce que les proc^des que Ja loi exige foient fails, pour conftater fi iceux ont et€ confifquis ounon; ct toutes P^nalitcs et Confifcations encourues par cet ordre feront rec:)uvr6es et declavces dans aucunes des Cours de fa Majeft^ ayant jurifdiftion dans cette Province, de la ineme maniere et forme, ct fur la memc evidence et par les mcmcs rt'i^lcs et re^leniens couvrcc^ f}u'ancunes P6nalit6s ou Confifcations encourues pour aucunes ofFcnIes contrc les loix qui ont rapport aux coutumes et Commerce des Colonies de Sa Majeftc en Amerique .pewventmaintenant Gtre recouvrfeesou declari6es*confifqu6cs en tellcs Cours refpcflive- ,nient. Et dans tous les cas de Penalit6s ou de Confifcations encourues en vertu de cet or- dre, apres avoir deduit les charges de pourfuite du gros produit d'icelles, le rcflant 4'era paye et divife comm'e fuit, c'eft a dire, une quatrieme partie a Sa Majcfle, une quatri^me au Gouverneitr dc cette Province, une quatrieme a I'oificier qui faiht ct la quatrieme partie rellahte au principal oflicicr de la Douane 4 laquelle I'ofBcier qui Tailit appartient. Divifiondejpc" nalu£t>. EfFcts ct>ndaiti> ne» doivent ^ir« vendus par les of« Et Son Excellence le Gouverneur, par et de I'avis et confentement dti dit Con- feil Executif, ordonne encore que tous Vaiffeaux, Chaloupes, Radeaux ou Voitures 'qui feront faifis en confequence ou en veitu de cet ordre, ou d'aucun A6le ou A6tes du "i^'"* Province, to the ufe of the Party grieved. H£RMAN WIT5IUS JRYLANOr C Ex. C »/3 IOj 2/6 SIN I Si la C »6] >/8 g/B. 6d. firra *'il y avuic une c