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X._-.rhe society «»>aU -s^t^o"Vrvfll^^^^^^ i'^'^f f^r?Se^cSr?»t quarter. coUcKiate Institute Liter- It - It shall be called 1 ne w « ''"^ni-^motto.Xi'MX'.eMensMMA^^:^ encouragement of r.^a^*rS^BVc«^o„. et- ^- S^e adn^ltted for die- V ^No ootttroverted point in © rnssion in tbe Society. Masters of the Colkufiate Insti- ^nt^The Prmci^*^ iSl^nTncfaf ^1 its meetings, tute shall have the ngnt oi » ^ 1 MEMBERS. VII.— The names of candidates for meniHership shall be posted up in the entrance hall for at least two days before their election, and anv member may, by private notification to th*- President, request a ballot to be taken for the election of s-.ch candidate. VIII. (a) -If no ballot be requested before the next regular meet- ing the President shall announce the names of the candidates propos- ed and declare them duly elected after having assented lo the follow- ing declaration :-" I do hereby promise that I shall observe and strictly obey all the laws, rules ana regulations set down in the Con- stitution of this Society." In ca?e a oallot has been demanded, the President shall announce the same without disclosing the name of the member who requested it. The ballot shall be declared sustain- ed if two-thirds of the members present vote yea. (6) All clergymen and the trustees of the school, and all those whom the Society deem proper, shall be considered Honorary Mem- bers of the Society. IX. -No member shall be entitled to vote on any question or be elected until he or she has paid the quarterly fees. OFFICERS. X.— The Officers shall consist of an Honorary President, Presi- dent, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary. Treasurer, four Councillors, a Pianist aud Room Committee, who shall rank in the above order. XI —The election of Officers shall take plncc Quarterly by baPot, at the Quarterly Meetings to be held in Septemoer, January and April. All arrangements (based on parliamentary or municipal pro- cedure) for the election of officers for any term shall be made by the Retiring Officers of the term preceding that for which such election is necessary. Each Officer immediately after his election shall assent to the following declaration :— "I do hereby promise that I will faith- fully discharge the duties of my office to the best of my ability and knowledge." XiL— The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or the person appointed by the meeting, shall preside over all meetings of the Society, enforce the due observance of the Constitution, decide all questions of order, announce the result of all voting and give the casting vote in case of a tie. XIIC— The Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Society, the names of all candidates Proposed and elected, ana the number of votes cast at any election or ivision, and shall keep a roll book in which shall be entered the name of every member of the Society, with the date of his admission and. of each jiiayment of fees made by her or him. The Treasurer shall receive and account for all moneys belonging to the Society. XIV.— Evory Offlcer shall, at the conclusion of his term of office, deliver to his successor all books and docunienls in his possession be- lon^inK to the Society, and such successor shall thenceforth be res- ponsible for the safe keeping of th ? same. XV.— All records in the possession of any Officer shall be open to the inspection of any member. COMMIT! XV [.—The Officers of the Society shall con«*titute a General Com mittee which shall have power to make By-laws for conducting the business of meetings of the Society, shall select subjects for debate and make appointments for all meetings. XVII.~Thoir meetings shall be held at least once a fortnight, and three members shall form a quorum. XVIII.—They shall at the Quarterly Meeting of the Society pre- sent a report of the business of the quarter. XIX. —In case any OMcer is absent from three consecutive meet- ings of the General Committee It snail be the duty of the Secretary to report the same to the Society, which may, at its discretion, declare such office vacant. XX.— Vacancies occurring under the foregoing section, or by rea- son of the death or accepted resignation of any Officer, shall be filled in the same manner as at the Quarterly Election. XXL— Special Committees of not less than three members may, after due motion, be appointed for any purpose, and such Committees shall continue in office until discharged by the Society. XXII. -The member first named on any such Committee shall be the convener thereof, but the Committee may, at its first meeting, appoint a Chairman and Secretary. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. XXIII.— Reports of such Committees, other than reports of pro- gress, shall be in writing, and handed to tlie General Secretary. XXIV.— In case a quorum is not present at any duly appointed meeting of the General Committee, the Secretary shall record the names of those present and report the same at the next meeting of the Society. In case a quorum is not present at any duly appointed meeting of a Special Committee, a report shall be given at the next regular meeting of the Society, by the convener thereof, which shall con- tain the names of those who were present or any other explanation he may deem necessary. MEETINGS. XXV.— The regular meetings of the Society shall be held at half past seven o'clock p. m., on every Friday during school terms. XXVL—Five members shall f own a quorum. XXVTt. Any inember appointed to take part in a program nne who is unable to act, shall, within four days, Mive written notice thereof, with a satisfactory excuse, to the Secretary, who shall forth- with procuio a substitute. XXVTII. -Any defaulting member who has failed to give the notice required by the preceding section, shall forfeit his riirht to vote for Officers, unless satisfact^ory excuse be offered to the Society wltn- In two weeks after the meeting for whi h the member was ap- pointed. XXIX.-- A Critic shall be apj>ointed. on motion, at each meeting, whose duty it shall be to criticise the stylo of the Essayist, Readers and Debaters. XXX.— The General Committee "^hall have power to call a special meeting of the Society at any time or for any purpose, by giving not less than twenty-four hours' notice thereof. FINANCE. XXXI.— The fee for K««tlemen shall be fifty cents and for ladies twenty-five cents for Initiatory Quarter, and ten cents each for each subsequent Quarter. XXXII.— Any person joining the Society two weeks previous to the Quarterly Meetirg shall be exempted from paying fees for the next Quarter. ALTERATIONS IN THE CONSTITUTION. XXXIII.— Alterations in the Constitution shall be discussed only at the Quarterly Meetings. XXXIV.— No such alteration shall take place without receiving a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Due notice of change shall be given at least two weeks before any retrular meeting. ORDER * OF * BUSINESS. XXXV.— The order of business shall, subject to any change the General Committee deem advisable, be as follows :— 1. Reading of Minutes. 2. Election of Members. 3. Introduction of new Members. 4. NominatioEi of Candidates. 5. Communications received. 6. Unfinished bitsiness. 7. Business from General Committee. 8. NOMination mnd Election for Ofllce and for Committees. 9. New busin€«s. t( n n c i I I 10. NotioeB of Motion. 11. Roll Call. 12. Appointment of Critic, IH. Programme. 14. Announcements for Meetings. XXXVI.— In the above order of business there shall be allowed to each speaker ten minutes; the Negative leader to have fifteen minutes. To the Essayist twenty minutes. To each Reader ten min- utes (provid^-d that at Open Meetings all the readings shall not oc- cupy more than half an hour) ; and to the reply of the loader of the Afflrmative and the mover of a motion, five minutes. XXXVIT.--The order of business at the Quarterly Meetings shall be as follows :- 1. Reading of Minuses. 2. Roll Call. 3. Reports of General Committee and Secretary and Treasurer. 4. Reports of Special Committees. 5. Business arising out of Minutes. 6. Election of Officers. RULES * OF * ORDER. XXXVIII.— Every member in speaking shall address the Chair, con^ne himself to the subject under discussion andavoid personalities and indecorous language. XXXIX.— No member shall speak more than twice upon any subject unless with the permission of the Society, except in explana- tion of a material part of his speech which may have been misunder- stood, and no new matter shall be introduced upon any such explana- tion ; nor more than once until every member present who wisnes to speak on the question has spoken. A reply is allowed to a member who has opened a debate or moved a Substantive Motion other than those enumerated in Section XLVI, but not to the mover of an amend- ment. XL.— When two or more members rise at once to speak the Chair- man shall determine their precedence. XLI.— When a member IS speaking no person shall interrupt ex- cept for the purpose of calling him to cder. XLII.— A member called to order shall at once sit dowji until the point is stated and determined by the C'hairman, whose decision shall be given witliout debate unless, being in doubt, he shall invite dis- cussion ; if such decision is appealed from, the grounds of appeal and the reasons of the decision having been stated the question shall with- out debate be put as follows: 'Shall the decision of the Chair be sus- tained V XLIII.~-Any member may require the question under discussion to be read at any time» but not so as to interrupt a member while ■peaking. ,3 ■. -^ : V- -tr^:;-4. '^ XLIV. -When a membtir is speaking, a mgtion being read or a vote taken, no member shall walk out of or across the room or make any noise. Conversation calculated to disturb any member while speaking or reading or to hinder the transaction of business shall be deemed a violation of order, and if persisted in shall incur a censure. XLV.— Every motion shall be seconded and read from the Chair before being discusser^ , ,,, XLVI.— All motio. 3 and notices of motions shall be in writing, excej)t votes of thanks, and motions tore onsider, to adjourn, to close the aebate. to lay on the table, to propose the discussion or to refer. XLVII. -A motion to adiour* shall be in order at any time ex- cept when a member is speaking, during a discussion or elortion, or immediately after a motion or the adopiion of the previous ques- tion. A motion to adjourn simply shall be decided without debate. XLVIIL— On the adoption of a motion to close the debate, the main motion and all amendments alread;^ moved shall be put in the usual order without discussion. XI.IX.— Only one amendment to an amendment shall be in order, and no irrelevant amendment shall be permitted. L.— No charge shall be entertained in the Society against any member except when made in writing, duly specifying the alleged cifence, and over the signature of the person preferring the charge LI.— All charges £^ainst a member involving reprimand, suspen" sion or expulsion shallbe referred to a Committee of five members, to be chosen b> a vote of the Society (subject to the appeal of the person against whom the charges are preferred), at the meeting at which the charges are preferrea, and whose duty it shall be to notify all persons interested, examine and d'^termine the question and re- port to the rfociety within t\v^o weeks from appointment. LI I.— A motion to reconsider the decision of the Society on any question must be made by a member who voted in favor of such de- cision. LIII.— A vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting of the Society shall be necessary to alter, add, strike out or suspend a rule of order, or to suspent? or expel a member. LIV.— When the Society goes into a Committee of the Whole the President may leave the Chair and call upon some othei member to preside. The Minutes of tbe Committee shall be kept by the general Secretary. LV.— T wen ty-foui hours' notice in writing of the meeting of every committftG shall be posted up in the Entrance Hall. LVI,— Wheii the report of any committee has been handed in it shall be deemed received without any motion to that eftect, and may then be adopted with or without amendment, considered in Commit- tee of the whole, referred or laid on the table. L VII.— Cases not provided for in the foregoing rules shall be governed as te,T as possible by the practice of the Legislature of On- tario. I i