^ . ^ .0. ^ C IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 12.8 m ^ !? IIIM I.I IIM 1.8 Photographic Sciences Corporation 1.25 1.4 1.6 M 6" ► 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 I ^ Ll r FOR THE CONSECRATION OF J THE REV. WILLIAM JOHN BURN, M.A., Xl yifar of ConiscUffe, in the Diocese of Durham, AS BISHOP OF QU'APPELLE, OF THE REV. WILLIAM WILCOX PERRIN, D.D., ] "tear of St. Ltihe, Southampton, in the Diocese of IVinchestei-. AS BISHOP OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, AM) OK THE REV. WILLIAM PROCTER SWABY^ D.D., Vicar of St. Mark, Millfield, Siim/cr/ard, in the Diocese of Durham, AS BISHOP OF BRITISH GUIANA, ^ IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY, ' [ On the Feast of The Annunciation, March 2^)th, 1893. MORNING PRAYER AND HOLY COfAiVIUNIOH AT EIGHT O'CLOCK m. The jJean and Canons will meet the Arclihishop of CANTEisiiuuy, the Assistant Bishops, and the Bishojjs Elect, in the Jerusalem Clianiher, at a |.:an. Proctor and Registrar. The. Preacher (The Rev. Canon iiody, D.D.). The Hisliop i'llect of Dritisli (iuiana. The Bishop Elect of Mrilii-h Columbia. 'Ihe Hishop I^lcct ot (hiAi)pelle. Vicar-(i(iu'r;d Assistant liishojis. Tlie liisliop of Lniiildii. Archl)ishop's A eruer. Aj)i)aritor-(ieiural and J^erretary. AHCIUilSMOl- nl' (!A\Ti:Hlil-UV. Chdjjlaini of Binhoji.'i to i\,ll„ir t/i<'ir Jlls/ioji.s in cri-r' <■ . '■ } Nii^ The Archbishop will procopd to llie Xnrtl) side of tlic Tloly Table; the Assistant Bishops to seats on the South side; the liisliops F.lect iuid the Preacher, to seats appointed in the Sacrarinni on llic South; the Dean will take his place at the South side of the Table; ilic Canons their seats on the North side, within the Rails. A Voluntary will be played until the Archbishop, IMsh.ips, and Clert.'v are seated. Tlie Archbisho]) will bi'Liin the Service of the Holy Coininuiiion. The Epistle will be read from the South side by an Assistant Ihshop, and the Gospel from the North sideby another Assistant Bishop, tlie Itcspt.nses (Tnrle in ])) andXicenc Creed (Cobb in CJ) being sung; after which the l)ean's Verger will conduct the rrcacher to the I'ulpit. The Sermon ended, the Dean's Verger will conduct the Preacher to his place again; the Organ being ])layed. The Canons" Verger will then conduct the Bishojjs Fdect to the Islip Chapel, where they will jiut on their Hochets. During their absence, an Anthem (pari (if Xo. S.'W ), taken from l'>;clesiasticus li., 1 ;{, by Sir John Stahier, will be sung. "I ile-ler tn Ihi' llnly One." Tlie Archbisho]) Avill then take his seat in the Chair in front of the Ihilv Table, The Bishops Elect will return to the entrance of the S.-icrarium, where two Assistant Bishops, preceded by the Dean's A'erger, will meet them and jiresent each in turn to the Archbishop, there seated in his Chair, saviiej, "^lost Peverend Father in God, we present unto ytm this godly and well-learned man, to be Ordained and Consecrated Bishop." The Archbishop will demand the (iueen's .Mandates foi- ilie ( 'onsecration, and cause them to be read, and the Oath of Canonical Oliedience to be ministered. The Presenting Bishojis having returni'd to their former places, the Bishops I'.lect will kneel on the step in fnnit of the Archbishop's Chair, and will remain kneelinir during the Litany. The T.itany will be chanted by the Precentor, at ;i Eahlstool inmiediately West of the Lantern, the jiropur Siiffraije being inserted, as follows: "That may it jdease 'J'hee to bless these our brethren lllected, and to send T'hy Grace upon them, that they m.iy duly execute the Ollice whereunto they are called, to the edifying of Thy Ciiurch and to the honour, praise, .iiul "lorv of Thv -Name. ' Answer : — " We beseech Thee to hear us, (iood Lord.' 'I he Lord's Pra3-er and two Collects of the Litany, with the ])ie'cding versicle of t;ach, will be said by the Archbishop. Thi- litany ended, the Archbishop will say the prayer, " Almvjhty God, Oivcr of nil goo t (IiIikj.s," (^'C, Then the Arfhbisliop, sitting, as before, in his Cliair in front of the Holy Table, ■will ]int the Questions of Examination ; which done, standiiiff up he will saj' the Prayer following, after which the Bisliops I'.lect will retire, conducted by tiie Canons' Verger, and put on the rest of the Episcopal Habit. During their absence, the following Anthem, No. 998, will be sung, the words taken from Isa. lii., 7, 9. {If'm/.'J). "flow licautifiil aro till) foot of Iliin that brliiuclli udnrl fidinj's cf salvfili(.ii : ihnt saitli unto /.ion, Tiiy tieiiiij j)lai/ed softly diirimj their departure. The Dean will tlii-n read the Invitation. The Sacrist, kneeling in i'ront, of the Holy Table, will «ay the Coules.sion, remaining there till the Elements are presented for Consecration. The Archlushop will proceed witli the Absolution, &c. The Sacrist will then present the Elements for Consecration. The Archbishop will administer in both kinds to the Dean, and to two of the Assistant Bishops, and then with the Dean, to the newly Consecrated Bishops and to the other Assistant Bishops on the South side. The General Distribution will be first to the Cler ^/y and then to the people. The Communicants will approach the Holy Table by the side entrances and retire by the central passage of the Sacrarium. The Service concluded, the Sacrist will receive the Alms froni tlie Dean. The Archl)ishop, with tlie newly-consecrated Bishops, followed by the other Bisiiops, in reverse order tu that of entering, will be conducted by the Dean and Canons to the Jerusalem Chamber. The Organ will be played, aiul the Congregation will retire. THE ALMS AT THE OFFERTORY WILL BE DEVOTED TO "FOREIGN MISSIONS" UNDER S.P.G. AND CMS. The AtTKiiNooN .'^EKVICE wiU lie held at '.\. IIAKIIIMO AMI MIN.-, ^lll^Tlll^ IN lillMSAIlV 10 IIKU UAJEai'V, Bl . WAIITISV l..»M:.