TEMPERANCE, LONGEVITY, INSURANCE. A TRACT FOR THE TIMES. Reprinted from the Canada Citizeru *' Smote by truth fall ancient errors, Reared by power and propt by wrong 5 And Earth wonders when they perish, How they held their sway so long." There are few phases of the wonderful history of the great Tem- perance Reformation that so well illustrate the unsoitnd basis and unjust operations of unreasoning piejudiee, and also the astonishing progress in enlightenment that has recently been made, as does the remarkable change in the attitude, towards total bstainers, of Life Insurance Companies, 'ihe hard-headed business sagacity that directs these institutions is not very likely to be influenced by any merely sentimental considerations, and yet the companies, that some time ago looked with suspicion upon teetotallers, now seek after them as insurers with the utmost eagerness, and even offer them special inducements. Why do they do this ? Simply because IT PAYS. Total abstaine; s, as a class, have longer lives and better health than moderate drinkers, and insurance companies can do with them a safer and more profitable business even at reduced rates. Not only is the physical health of the abstainer superior to that of his less careful neighbor, but he is much less liable to injury « from thos ? climatic and ot'ier accidents of common life that so fre- quently- lay the foundation for disease and death. All his faculties and nervous safeguards agfiinst these causes of injury are also more on the alert, ankftnJfn£^njtl^\^lUg^U« 30 Adelaide Street East, Toronto ^'ri f^ «*» _