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FaaturM of tfito oopy may htMbUotra^MMNy imi<4im. wtiiah may aHai of Ilia ianapa in Hm raprednetion. or wrtiiali May liflnifiaanfly alMnii Ika MMMl mathod of f URiinf, cnaakao oaioWa. □ Colourad eovart/ Cbuvartura da aotilavr □ Covars damaftd/ CoMvartura □ Covart raitorad and/or laminaiad/ CouMmira raitaurAa at/oM pallicuMa □ CovartMamiNintA , v^ La tftra da aoHvartura manqua * □ Colourad flMpa/ Canas ftefraphiquas an aoulaur □ CokNNad ink (i.a. othar than Wuror Maak)/ Eneia da eoi d aur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) □ Colottiad plMat and/or illumationt/ PlanelMi at/ou iHuitratiom an eoolaur IE Bound with othar niataria(/ Rali* avac d'autrat docuniantt □ Ti#it bindinf may eauN thadom or distortion alonf intarior margin/ da i'ombra ou da la intMaura Laraliura aarria paut diitonion la loni da la □ Blank laavat addad during raitoration may appaar within tha taut. Whanavar poMiMa. tham ha«a baan omitlad from fiknigt/ . II ta paut qua eartainat pagM Manchas aioutiat ton d^una rattauration apparaittant dans la taxta, mais. lorsqua aala Hait poss^. eas pagM n'ont pas ttt f il mtos , L'Institut a microfilna la maillaur aKamplaira qu'il toi a *t4 pessihia da sa proourar. Las dMaMs da eat a K amplaira qui aont paut-tra uniquas du point da «ua~ bJhliographhpia , qui pausan t modlfiar una imaga raproduHa, ou qui pauvant a»igar una modifiaation dans la mithioda normalt da f iknaga sont indi q u fa «»• □ Colourad pagM/ fagas da eoulaur □ fagas rastorad and/or laminatadA Pagas rastaurtes at/ou p aNi cuH as NgM diseotourad. stainad or foxad/ ' Pagas dacoloraas, tachataas ou piquaas LkjP»gasd*taeh«as (""T^howthr rUdTranspai □ Duality, of print varias/ Qualiti in^gala da Timpraf sion □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continua ^ D includas indax(as)/ . Comprand un (das) indax Titia on haadar takan from:/ L9 titra da I'an-tlta proviant: D TitIa paga of issua/ Paga da titra da la livraison % I I "Caption of issua/ a Titra da dipart da la livraison Masthaad/ 6in^N|ua (piriodiquas) da la livraison r —1 o \ ■. » .; ■ . ■ i -1 Commantairas supplimantairas! This itam is fihnad at tha reduction ratio chackad batow/ ^■' Ca documant ast f ihni au iaux da rlduction indiqui ci-dassous. 10X MX J ItX 22X 26X 30X-> iP y 'i\ - ^ • 12X 1AV ^flV an^. I I9A ' ^* -', v. '^nA ,28X 32* » . 1 Th« oopv filmed her* has bMti rtproduesd thaAks to th» generosity of : ' f " jr- AngileMi Church of CuMda Qamral tynod ArdihMt Tb# ifiMflM oppoarlno h*** w* tho pooolMo cofMidorino tlio •condition of tho origlnol eof^f and in itooping fliming eontroot tpodfieotloni. signiflo "A tUIVUE". io symbolo ▼ signlfie "FIN". Las cartoa. pianchoe. taMoeux. etc.. pouvont Atro flimde A doe taux da rMuctlon diffdronts. Lorsquo Io document est trop grand pour Atio reprodult on un eeul cHchA, II cot fNmA A pertir do i'aniMa supArieur gauche, do gauche A drolto, ot do haut an bae. en prenant la nombro dimogeo nAceesoifflrtee diogremmes suhMnts INustiont io mAthode. \ 1 2 3 -a ^ ^rr r^^ 6 \ , ¥-^ ■->■ t . ■ ■■ \ . . ■ ■-■ \ ■■ ;." - ' . .r- ^ 2l)e Vetfect Xftn» of «ib«rta: /viMSy j«»' ■jtfyf.i,- SEKMON, r ^ paBACHEB at;prinity church, STJtEBTSVILLE, ..t; ON SUNDAY, XIlTH JULY, M.DCCC ^W' f !»■ » ^. \ BY ^^f THE REV. R. Jr. MACGEORGE, uw u iU M W T ot nansnr cbvms. ■' ' t ' TOtlONTO: rm^ED AT "THB CHUECH*' OWICl. iiuuciooaMm. t i .;^ J--r > L \ \ \ \ \ / t fl=^^ r .^- \. ' ♦ 1 ■ Wii' ■?>--^> i(. ■A*^j''i»JS)i.iLS& -• ■■■ ■. TD TBI mirawi ot THE ORAKGE il 8SOCIATIOX, ■ '■ . -■;.■"•' J '^- 7" - V'' ''• .-. «■' ■• ''■'■■■• YOKE DllTBiCT, ■i ■!^;. 1 ^ ii't ^- ->';/ ' n| igp TBS OTHER ORANdBMEN OW' VAXfADAf TBI rOLLOWiNO 8XBMOI1 U INflCBIBIP. *•'.., % ♦* j'i - -<<' ink J«fy» 184C »■• «^ 1:1^ gS-S u ► -' \ 'p 4 t>^-» > ">-''l.«r I . \ im fe-, I -.*?-; '? >, :\ I ■ ., \ SIRMON. «• Bat vlMWO lookcth «alo the ptyAet Uw of tibtfty, tad ootfthiMtfi dwnli^ Im balag DOC a IbifttAil h««Mr, bat a doer of Ale work, this immi ihliU ta bteMed la hb deed."— 8r. Jamm i. S«. T«s Alnighty it free* aiid therefore idm, «• he p»ee«M fi«iii''HitovMlingbtiid,w«s free alto. iPor, •■ we read in tbe Wofd of Tratli, ''Odd created man in hb own iaai^" ac •imiiiliide. To a certain extent, tbovgh in a very injforior dafree, bt waa a aioial» or Spiritual copy (lo to apeak) of iiia IfalMnr. Bat, aiai! man* **being in honour," did not long frtain Ids privileges. That ardii*agit«tor, that first of r«!be|% tha 4ovil, apraad his meshes around him. He sowed disoonteol la Jbis tond ^pdnst Ids kind and indulgent Sovereign,— p anadad him that he was not his own master,— and vhispenBd in hii «ao«oMliding ear that be could live independent oif $h«. JLoird of 4he Universe. And the tempter prevmled. Ad«p gav!0 way, to the infernal suggestion. He took and eat of ^ fimit of the forbidden tree, and in one instanyost his int^prity. Jb one instant Che blessed union between earth and heaVea wai4lissolyed; the golden chain which connected Abe ci^ • ^,1 f « .11 •f f f(u iif p *ji'Wiv w ^^' ■••^ »"W < . 'S'-» Eren lucli, my Chriitian brethren, U the condition of erery one of uiby natur^B. However much pride may tpom at the confession, the fact is as nndonbted as it is sad, that we come into this world with the chains of bondage riretted to our limbs. By nature we are the children of wrath, the enslared subjects of the Prince of Darkness, without strength to break his yoke, and, what is worse, without incUnation to disobey his commands. Thus must all of us hare lived, thus must all of us have died, wretched and hopeless, had not He, against whom only we had sinned, taken pity upon our I9W and lost estate. He "who at jRrst said, "Let us maktf''man in omr own image," resolved to re-create him in and after that blessed and holy similitude. In the fulness of time the Deliverer came,-^Ood Was manifested in the flesh,— the second Adam atdned for tho guilt of the first Adam and his countleu generations. And when on the cross Emanuel bowed hiflleadTOl «dd, ** It is finished,** and gave up the ghost, victory was wrested ftonat death, the fetters were struck from the slave, and a new and living way, which hell itself could not shqt, was opened up, by which the weary captive might have access to the Father. But how are we to participate in the bleisings of this gpreai salvation? Enfefebled as we are by sin, how are we to walk in this glorious way? Through faith jft the erudfied Re- deemer. Christ not only died to purchase for us freedom, but he bestows the gift upon all who come unto him. ^ By hit i^pi^it h* forms us anew, purifies us from our natural cormp- tions, and gives us strength to fight with success against th« world^the flesh, and the Devil, those merciless tyrants, those haid and^uel task-masters. This is Liberty in the ftiH and genuine scftsepf the word. "If the Sou shall make yon free,** says the Apostle, « ye are free^ indeed.** Look at an uneon- - verted man, what a. perfect picture of a skive does he present A s]av0 to sense,— to covetousness,— to luit,— to unbefief,— ^ a slavcj in one word, to all that is vile, crawling, and nhtM' nabie. But b e hold him after the bles s e d Spirit h a s c a t u cd ' fi ' *•». f- "^ ,-, iyf«j?py~«". ••». ■■■■.■ -' \ tke precious lecd to tpring up into the bcautooui tree of lioli- nett, and liow migrhty ii the eontrast It is now liis meet and drinlt to do tlie will of his Either which is in heaven. Walk- ing in the Spirit, he fijlfils not the lust of the flesh. He stands forth a pattern of ^ very thing which is pure, and lovely, and of good report He brings forth abundantly the^fruits of the Holy Ghost, <* love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentle- ness, goodness, fiiith, meekness, temperance." To sum up, he rejoices in the liberty with which Christ has made him firee. Yes, my friends, the Gospel is the true Magna Charta.— ^ To it the genuine patriot ever looks. By its rules and maxims . he is ever guided. For here alone he knows the treasure is to be found, and he regards with suspicion and disteust every political or social system which is not based upon the rock of God's most holy woa^ And for this, among other reasons, that experience haslmuonstrated that liberty at no time has permanently flourished when divorced from religion. Chris- "danity is the sun, without which the fair flower must pine, Und wither, and die. Open the pages of history, and see what the preaching of the pure truth, as it is in Jesus, has done for mankind eve^ in a mere worldly point of yiew. The stream which took its rise on Mount Calvary eighteen hundred years ago, has con- tinued tojrun, and sWell, and increase, ever since that eV^nt^ ful hour; and, wherever it has shaped its course, refreshment, and fertility, and lifci^and peace hav^e followed. Take one Instance out of many. Look at our own beloijed Britain.-^ In her state of darki^ss and idolatry, there was not a more wretehed, degfad^, or enslaved land on the ia^ of the. globe, llie great mass of her inhabitants were but little if anything removed from the level of savages. Comfort was a word equally unknown in the castle of the Thane, and thiei but of the Serf^ And often was the atmosphere darkened and pol- luted by the smoke of the flames, in which human victims Were offered op to their hideous and bloody idols. Anon the Cross was planted amid an do all things. IknowOod canfWport,and hnssapportad, ku Church independently of the ^tate. But He wSs by »mm: He has dectared that JOngs should be ker nonuM hAnh ^^^ Qo««w her.nwpsing mo^is. And ^ • natiim^ in diwrt ,«ipp«siti«i,to Jfis wUl, mnUimmM. -■■ iihly lfla)ttWiBk^btoswi»g ?.v, -.,a^-^ The exp«i«Miit of foveWis^iiatlMW^ »*IP» wf*^ wWdmtke Mrt^wy eiiwr -^ • •*f u*.e*ii-iliJi_i'' j^j^- ■jTfil^s^rrr. ."^p-iW^'v Ti'fl- "Tt ■^ f, Si ■^V1j|f'- B)"*"-^^ -■^'i ntUgkB, mvi^rtd iMir momnkt Mid r«iMM|i9«di bf r Qwl?-^ Wki Fr^BM >iNPP7? Wm Fimim frf«? AU ^ yoa «» AiiMvfr Om qofflion. <* TiM.iiiiMrift tttlTdNd by tbat tinglf nation, hare ohMgttd it it wti« nil the hittorift of th« oif ,!Mwoid -vm P^ allowedii take itt « free oourte," and to be gloiie4 in the conv:c|i4fn of jdnoeri. Th«^^lbb wat doped aM>jMMid in fatten of ii Cjkritt indfledwBaj«tBin«l,bn»iabitaBtbUy Utile moif niifc«ii(inri:fffia ^ i|^(Ofiwr»^ T^^ ^ fffrnf yr>ii r i p^X^ 'i I' W-. V. /, •'•'' 'U'.^' ttoiMMMit Th« blood of Jotiit ctoiMth from all dn, ttU the Seriptoro. No, exolaimed tht Popo^-oot w. Craaturo merit ii alio noodful — and ponance la needful — and the flamet of purgatory most lend their aid before the tinner's soul ean be At to meet its Ood in peace. Well did the skilful and, deadly scheme work. Millions of poor sinners were enticed from the new and liring way which leadeth unto life, and taught to worship, if not the whole boat of heaven, at leaat a less brilliant host of earth. A host of ao-called Sainta, — embracing, doobtleaa, aome wor- thy of the name, bjjit including not a few who died not in the odour of aanctity, but in the ranknesa of luat, ambition and unbelief. JehoVah waa robbed of hia excluaire honour, and a portion,— and that a large portion,— waa doled out to creap tures he had formed. Thua did the Prieata of Rome, like the Prieato of Jeruaalem, make the word of Ood of none effect by their traditiona, and ** darkn^as covered the land, and thick darkneaa the people." But the Anglican Church waa not left to languiah in thia peatiiential fog. Her Great Head aaid «*let there be light, and there waa light"; and the kindly wind of the Reformation purified her altara from the dnat of Romaniam, and reatored their ancient evangelical beauty and aimplicity. Other nationa were not ao highly favoured. Many to thia v«|y day want the **perfet$ Jaw of liherfy," and in their con- dition, we may behold a dreary practical illuatration of the truth, that without a apintual knowledge of Jeaua Chriat and him crucified, there can be neither proaperity nor freedom. JUok at Italy— at Portugal— at Spain.— See how they have fallen from their high and pa]my\eatate. Their learnings th«ir commerce, their chlvalric renown, have all paaaed away llkc>i Tiaion of the night A nobili|y without apirit— traders ^without enterpriae— a popniatidn Ignorant and poor, aild a locofi-like swarte of ghaveling friars, « blind leaders of thi bludl*''^— apeak w|th sad eU»quence of Rome's power, to blast th«aodal» M well as the i{»ritiial, interetti«f the huiBMi nuD^r H^' 'i ^ J. d *. .j^> ,,.'#^ 'V \ X' i s ■U' py 9 Bal.#t il««d not tnWt Into tlioM rvflolii f^ prti ii wImI I hsv* judmnced. In the natiT« kuid of many ft on« n«w bt^. ibri oMf* li« ^o nint may road the MMrrowfal truth. Y«a— ^ in Iraknd y^a may b«)iold the working of tho bano and tlw antodoio— of tho blotting and th^%iite. That boautlfbl bat •oro diitraetod eountry, fornithet me with all the lIlnatratkiM I raqdira. Would the happy day were eoriie when It pro* •tntod only tho bright ddo of the; plotaro — tho lUiibMI without -the olottd^ Oo into tho proTinco of Ulitek'» and you too a happy« a peaceid>lo, a loyal, and i^protpetout people. Tlie land w^l eultiTUted — inanufiictoriet abounding — commerce extending hor bntnehea in every direction. You find education, oecular . and religious, dlffuiing its blettingt around. You find Ood'i word widely drculited ajnd read, and the Sunday kept holy. Ezoeptioni, ef course, there are, as there are to every rule | but I diink I am borne out in saying that such are tho loading features of Protestant Ulster. ' Change the scene. Take staff in hand, and journey tai^ wards the south, ancl what, in too many districts, do you be- hold ? The yery rererso of the picture we hare ji»|t been contemplating^ Impro^ment of every description seema nipt in the bud. Ignorance and superstition rule with an iron hand, and their power is known by their fruits. Thq sky is reddened with the incendiary's fire. Hie quiet of midnight is broken by the report of tho murderer's moskoty and tho scream of his hapless victim. The efforts of honest industry are cramped and shackled ; and the former is often forced to quit his fields at the threat of ^he tyrant mob — ^forced to i^ndon the roof-treo which from infimcy had sheltered him, least a' worse thing befal him ;^east the blood*hound of murder seiio him in the midst of his family, or the aasassin't shot strlk^^m down at the plough. v v-»^ • What Is the cause of this mighty cThns alone ean we destroy error and ilirin eonls* A$ in Aseociation, yon take high and most solemn gronnda. IW ffnaliieations whieh you consider easential for a member fuole fram the Regulations) that **he shouU Jwveta ire love and veneration for his Almighty Maker, pfodno* f of those lively and happy fruits, righteousaoM and oha- to hot commands. A firm and atedM i«iymiareiiwrii«dM«ik Tlta iUflMuH ^ laidel, ud the rebel, ^1te their eyee ■tedUlf iaq^pea yoe; And frheit ye« tium aride IroiBRthe iiBhit IMMp^hen^ yo» eMiB t(^ lire up to yoer rule%^^yim ffim Ae^eMsy a iMtfiil raatage. The uogedly, unoNfal Onap^ JMM^ ihihe Mtterett fee to Proteaiantim, to the Bible^ aai f#GML The Plipial and the aiiheUeref peint to yo«r e»- fMM* and e3Dehdin» <*behekl the tendeney of thehr ptimlplei^ . And UkuMt kt addition to yonr own damo^^n^ yon iHiy hanre ttw M ood of many a poor soul toanairer fov a> the ja dy nieat iiUj^^^^Tkt early Chrietiant wtm iakmB \ij tlieiv nathaBd ^ fa i ii atr qp; The wnAd, aeeing^ their MlkattkmWm^ Htoik knowledge of them that they had heeii with Jeioi/' Bei»aa let it be in year.caae. So ooadaet yeomelireii that the world 'may be able to p gently avails himself of the means of grace eommltted to her «are. The voioe of prayer is daily heard within his dwelliflg. Barely he is an Orangeman." The man, of whom these Mags eannot be said, is untnie to his professions^ fights iander felse colours, and is a traitor to the cause heprstMids to SBpport I can ooneeiye of nothing more revolting than Ike boisterous lip-loyalty of sudi an Orangeman, perjured as ke is In the right of God and man. '^.^-r ^^^u,- ■&:fi;A-m 'y^'^: yourseltes, you can do nothing aright Howerar Mefly yon frame your rules^ you cannot keep ikdn by yoiv bim um^lded strength. Not one of you by natare is suAdeiit ^ these things. Oh! be instant then in prayer for strength ftotti on high, to walk worthy of yofttr Tocation as GhristiaDS. MM]^ Ckrisi by his Spirit enable you to live godly, r^teodi, and sober lives to the glory of his holy name. Folget act v. *: ' ';■*»;• '.'^.' If ^Ikftk yM an «iiga||;«l in • ttoni wirfiur*. Lik« Derry^ di« flitMkb of your joab are besieged by a he^t ef inveleiate lee% led o«, by the world, tbe fleah, and the DeviL li^e ikm J^lprentice boye, shut the gates of yoor hearto agaimt thair V •dtanees. Oire not up the •tniggl^ however hardly yoo aref pmeed» howeyer fiercely you may be tried with the artillery \^ •of temptatioii. Cootinae etedfiist to the end, and yon ehall / neeiYe a crown of glory which fiideth not away, eternal In' !the heaveni. Be ever looking into the perfect law of Uberiy. •Ba not forgetful hearers, but doers of the work, and then yon ahall be ble«ed in your deed. While you stand forth on all ^fitting occasions for your civil and political rights, omit not to be constantly striving for an interest in that emancipption fran tb purchased for you with the blood of God's own Son. 4Aad lot theoe words be emblaaoned on your bannen, an4 ikspiklted on your heart! : .,« -ii •I ^ fV'\* 'V I % VINIS. m- / '■lA , ^ , "/^ •' ' >■' ' ^: ;.' ' • ^ M • " ''t - ; S' ' < ' » .' ' ' '■ w '>'•-'''. i I ^ '-^ ,-M n^, ' ^V'.f- hmjum CHURCH oi^ cawada GEHERAl SyNOO ARCHWE* ' V ^ ,,..,., ^^ . • - . . , -jJa '■."«'»■■..-;■■.'. •*<*',- >■ ■ • ■."'•■ •'■■■ : i ■ '■■v/V "^ I' ' ■■ "■■ ■' ' ' '"^v '" " * '•• ^•" ■■ ■■',■■ ' '. ■ ■ ■ ■.■■■.■■■■ * ■ ■ r- ■ ■■^~'^''-: ,"' ^^''X 1 ■'"' '" ■■ , ■ ■ . ' ' V ■ ' ■■, N. ■ . ■ ■ " ■ . r - "* '* > ■■ ■,'. ;: ' ^:V' ,'■':■■'';".'; i "■ V ■■ ■ . ^ : : .■ : ■■•^\ • . -y : . . *• . V "^ \ ' ■ • ■ i ■ - -. . ■ "-X ■ , 1 \ '■'.'"■ • / . ,■ -vX " ■ \. ■ ■, ■ ■ ■ •■ ^ . ' '.. ■ . ' ^\- ; .V :,,,■;: ■ ■ , ■ . -• * ■ . . ^ \ • • •■; / • *.',.'■ ■ ' ■' ■ ■ — ' ^V * ■ I ■ ■ , ■ , -v' -.-,■■ ^ ■- ' ' ■ \ ' 1>^ - ■■ ■ .',■.. .■ ■ ■ ..«w, •,. ■«- X *'' ' '• ■ ■ >-' ■ . " '' ■''■' \^ '"■'■"■ "^^"^^'*><. i- \, --I ■V- ^^s *■ \.' ,■.-■-■.•■ ' *■ . • - . \.,. " \ , ' ■' ■ ■> .■■,.. • • ■■" ... : . ■ \ . - ■ '; .■■,'• y ■ '. ,. ■■ ' ■ ' ., . ■ V N. ' .' ■ ;' .. . ■ . 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