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Lea diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 t t- LMTTEISS. &(., i'> rm: REV. W. AGAI.' A!)AMSUj¥, D.C.L., CflAl'LAiX AM) LTTJKARTAN TO Tin: IIO\OR\HLI] Tlli] Li:<,ISLAI IVI^ (OIMIL OP (; A N A i) V . 4^ I i: II i: <' : 4 Printed l)y S. Diorihsiiiri; ainl (J. Dksrarats, Queen's Printer. 1861. K Mo.N (jiie expr o flic I liitiC Jc do \ i;te t et }i save vutr( el (I sunt a po I'ass uvcz do t( Jo iiieri men qui j votn avcc Aul L E T T J] Ji S , &, c . , TO 11 IK REV. ^X. AGAR ADAJLSON, J).C.L. MoN CHEU DOCTEUR, QuKDEc, 11 Mai, 1855. Cost nvoc liicn dii plaisir (jik^ jc me ]>r<^tc, A lit demnnde (jiie vuiis mo f itcs I'lUilro jour dv vdus ecriro (|iiel(jii('s ligiics puiir cxprimor I'opiniuii »^iu; j'lii luriiit'o de voiis el da votre condiiite olliciclle, pentlant Ic temps ([lie j^etiiis OmltMir do Cou.seil Legis- hitif, ot ({lie VOIIS oii etiez CJiapeluiii et IJibliotliocaire. Jo ni'estinio houroiix, je voiis iissiiro,do roncuiilror cotto occasion de VOIIS fccriro cpie pendant pins de liiiit ans, que iio.ns avons i;te tons doiix an service de cette cliaml)re,ct en rapports constants et jiresqiio jonrnalicrs, j'ai ete a memc do reconnuitre cc que savent })arfailenient tons ceiix qui out eu I'avantage do joiiir de votre intimity, que vofro anionile, votro tielicatesse de sentiments et de inanieres, votro ediici'tion, vos connaissances et vos talents, sent du premier ordro ; mais ce qne d'ajax'S ma ])osi1ion, j'ai tjt6 a. portee de remanpier pins que les aiitres, cVst I'urbanite exqnise, J'assidiiite, I'habiletu, et la bonne volout6 avec lesciiiollcs vons avez en toutes circonstunces, renq)li vos Ibnctions a la satisl'action de tons. Jo iThesite pas a expriiner la conviction oii je snis, f|ne si votre meritc accompagne de services longs et meritoires,est convenable- nient rcconnii, vons n'anrez ricn a ap[)reliender dcs cliangements qui pourront snrvjnir dans votre position. Esperant qu'il en sera ainsi, pt faisant ponr votre jirosperito, et votre succis liitur, les sonhaits les plus siuceres, je me souscris, avec la plus parlaite estime, Cher Monsieur, Votre lout dovouc servilcur et ami, R. E. Caron. Au R6v. Dr. Adamsou. 1* (.EITEUS. r Rev. ami Dkau Stn, MoNTUEAi,, 9//i Mill/, isr)5. ill |i:irliiil iickiiowlcd^iuonf til' yclir csfrciijcd Idli c til" the *2r>fli lilt., I liiivc iirciit )il(':isiir(' in snyiiif? lliiil I li;ivc kiinwii yoii lonir Jiiur iiitiiiiMtrly :is u |'riv;itf IViciin(ir fo bo Spcukcr nl' tlif r.cuisliitivo ('(iiincil, yon pcrliirnicd yitterecl t)r even clouded l)y liarassinf;: cares about the moans of a tenijioral support becomin*!' your position and merits. 1 know" that yon stand high in tlio estimation of the Members of the Council, to whom you have at nil times soiiiiht for opjiortiinitios to make yourscdC useful, and with the liokl which yon have on their adii-tioiis, coiise(]uent on your untiring elllirts to servo them, you have, J think, no cause to apprehend that any uig-gardly spirit will be exhibited in making ])rovision lor your comfortable support, whether as an active or retired officer of the Council. I take this o])i)ortunity of thanking you for the many acts of kindness which 1 have received at your hands during the period thut I have been a member of the Council, extending now to more f l-KTTKUS. ft thiin Icii ytJirs, iiml iii(ir(> piirtifiilnriy H'f tlic soliciliidc yon iniini- Irslcd 111 :ii(l iiic Ity your kind tilljccs diiniig' \Uv. linn- lliui I [irtsidcd over tlic di'lilx'iMtiuiiN ul'llu^ Council. J ri'iuuiii, my dear Doctor, A'cry sincerely yours, The llcv. l)ocl(ir AdiniisoM, Legisliif ive ('oliucil, t^)uel)ec, .T. MouRis. 'iuKJJKc, 17/// Noveniher, 18r)5. ]\Tv nn.Mi Di!. A damson, I ciMiiiot leave Ciiuiida ^\ilIlol|t re|iealiii<;' wlial f liaviMiftrii had occasion to say. that you are one of thos(! Iriends wiio stand very lii;;li in my esteem. J can assure you that I liave been unich (li>tressed at the peculiar hardship ol'yoiu- casi' coiiuected with the removal of tlu<. seat ei" ( iovcrnmeiit. J hardly know any one who has sniiered so nnich as yoiirsell from llu' present system, i ha\-e olleu wished that the (loveriiment had more means at its disposal (iir sal isl'vinii; claims siuiihir to your own. I reiiret very mnch that J can see no Av^ay in which I can serx'e you. All I can say is that no one more appreciates your merits or woidil he more sincerely r<'Joiced than mvNcIf at any chanii'e that may he advantau'eoiis to you. Helieve nu>, with kind reriod durinu; wiiich I h ive not hei'U in attendanci^ with the Legishitive Council, it is most frratifying to ohserve, that they hear tin; fullest testimony to your liiitliful and unwearied services, which com- jnenced at ii much earlier period, during the governments of Lord Sydenham, ISir Charles Bagot, and .Sir C. Metcalfe, and during G I.KTTKHS. the wliolo uf'Mliich liirii'. T liiid nlnindiint opportunity to witiipss ill yoii the siiiiu' iiii(|ivi;itini!; iiiiil zciiloiis »list'li;iri;c' of duties, iiiiiicd to ill! iirluiiiily ol'di'ini'iiiior townrds every one, wlii^'h tlieii olitiiincd I' r yon the iilhct ionnti' eslceni niid rc^iird of l)oth Jirani-ht's ol'the fiCfiishilnre ; sentiments whieh it is most liratiCy- ing to ohsnve have still heen preserved ii: the more extendeil sci-m; ot'yonr hdjors in the liowcr Trovinee. 1 ciinnoi hnt expn ss ii sineere Avish, that the close of yoiir lili; may be paswed tree tiie inconvenienees and trials to \\ liiidi yon, j)erha[is nitire than any othiT person, have l)een already exposed in the dischtiri'c ol'yonr most anhions tinties, and I will oidy atld, that at the close ol my own career it is in every way ii sonrce of unmixed satisliiction to me to have heen perjuiltetl again to renew yunr society anil I'riendship. Ik'lieve me to he, my dear Doctor, Yours most sincerely, The Ivcv. W. Agar Adamson, D.C. Ij. r. 13. De Ri,AiiuiruK My dear Dr. Adamson, (■iuEDEC, 23n/ Octuhcr, ISfil. My predecessors in the office of .Sjioakcr of the fjegisliitivo Council, the lloubles. Messrs. Curon, Mcdill and Morris, whi'so letters you were so kind us to shew me, have only ex|)ressed what I feel myself, and what I am sure every Meiuher of the Council would l)e happy to repeat concerning you in the discharge of your duties as Ijihrarian and Chaplain of the U|)|)er House : that tlujse duties have been perlbrmed in the most eiiicient and satisfactory manner, is l)est evidenced ]jy the fact that you have ( ischarged them (Uu'ing so many years, and I am sure you will continue to do so permanently, whatever clianges may take place in the com- position of the Legislative Council from time to time under the Elective principle. With kindest regards and best wishes, believe me to remain, Yours sincerely, .Fno. Ross. The Rev. Dr. Adamson, Legislative Council, Quebec. LETTERS. MoNTMAGNY, h 7 Janvier, 1858. MON CHER DOCTEUR AdAMSON, J'ai 111 avec boaiicoiip d'interfit la brochure que voiis m'avez niiso cntro les mains coiitenant divers temoij^uiigcs, ties plus lioiiorables en votre faveiir, et qui n'unt rieu dV'xiift6r6 |)iii.s(iue j'ai pii nioi-in^me, diirant une longue suite d'anuies, apprl-cier chc/ vous Ics rares qiialit6s que vos nombreux amis se sent phi a ^Miumerer d'line mani^re si juste et en miime temps si liatteuse j)our vous. Je concoiirs done cordialement dans tout ce que rhonorable Mr. Caroii— run do nies predecesseurs distingues— a si bien exprime k vcttrc egard ; et jc puis ajouier que, par suite d'evenements qui me sont counus, j'ai pu,en sus des eloges m6rit6s contenus dans la brochure a laquelle je vieus de faire allusion, appreeier chez vous d'autres qualites, non moius rares que cellos qui resultent d'une intelligence supurieure et d'une education accomplie ; celles qui caracterisent riiomme de cu)i:r, sensible et honorable. Avec I'assurance de mes meilleurs souhaits, au commencement de la iiouvelle ann6e, pour vous-m6me, Madame Adamsou et votre familie, veuillez me croire, mon cher Docteur, Votre tr^s-humble et tr6s-ob6issant Serviteur et ami, E. r. TACHfi. All R6v. Dr. Adamson, etc., etc., etc., Toronto. JVOOObg::^ T A 1) I) u i: s s i; s . Tin- iidilrcss, luldptcd by Hk' ('(Hiitiri'untiuii oC (.'liri.st C'luirch Catliivlriil, on liitsttr .Moiuhiy, to llic Itcv. W. Au;ir Aii lis, llir ei^hl years, is to he dissolvcnl, I leel it to he my duly to express to you my senst; of your services as As.^istaut Miiiislcn' in my I'arish. Those services, 1 am f>lad to say, have iiUvuys heon williniily and elii'clually rendered on all occasions; and I \vould more cs()ecially advert to your fearU-ss thouiih perilous ministrations in the Immifirants' llos[)itul during the learfid iirc^vulencu of the ship fi;ver in 1817. To Mrs. Adamson I h(.'1V('(I, iiiirly iiKire oils ill sliil) Ks for jrt of arish. coni- iirney NE. Ai>nu';ssi:s. !) To riiK \\e\. \V. Ai.au Adamson, D C L. lli.v. AM) pi:au Slit, Sc|);ir.il ii>ii Itilw.'cii ;i |i;i.st(ir ;i ml ;i |i('()|ili', ("ir wiidsc ii.tcrcsl.s he Ims hihncil, wlm Invc licfii lor yi'iiiN tlic oI»|c('ts ol' liis cure, iiiid wliu iiplir.'fialc Ins ilcvol ion to tliciii, liiiisl ever In* iittciidril with |)!iitil'iil lriliiii;s. W'lu'ii \\i' rt'iiiri.ihi r llif ruiisliiiit iiiid \!iri(iiis liilidis oC your iiiiiul, und ol y'liir p.'u m tlic cmiisc n|' llcli'^inn miuI \'irlii>', in llu; d(di'iic'i' ol" till' diii'tiiius ol'oiir Holy ;tiid lirlovcd Cliiiirli, iiiid ill till' rnrllui'iiiicc ol' lilt' sacred c'liii.st' (dClmrity. W'lifii uc ri col- Ifc! till' kiihlly II id :iir rliiiiiiitc cli.'ir.icti'r of your |inv!it'.' adinoni- tioiis.iiiid ilif liiiiliriil cliiiiiiciicc ol" your |iiil)lic |ir<'iu'liiii|j; — wlicii wo nir-'iiilicr your kind iiiid coiistniit iitloiitioii lo tli.; sick, tln^ Uii'id. tilt' poor, llii' alllu'lrd, and the Itcrcavcd — ulicii wo lirin^' to liiiiid your liiMoic di'\(iti'dn('ss and nidirinu /cal al ii lii.ic wlicii I c'stili'iic'o r.ivaizcil this City, and >o iiiany oT yoiir c Icrirul lin-lhron IMI vicliin.s ol'il -uhcn, Kov. and drar Sir. wo rcllccl on Ihcso circiiiiislaiK'cs, Wf li't'l deeply and ko'jiily the lo.s.s wo aro about to MLstaiii. niliii'iill ,ts it is to rccoiicili' oiirsclvos to an event \\ hicdi causes lis so iniicli reurc I. we siihinil to the conviction, that it, is ruled by an all-wise l'rovideiu*e, and wo recei\'e some consolatj.tii in the hojie, that yoii may l»e called to a s|»lier(^ ol" labor where your talents and ae(jiiiremi'iits may lie as condiicivo to (ouTs j^lory and your own eternal happiness, as they have hitherto been ; ami as a .s!i iiamo of tho llcn-tor and (Joiijirojiatiou of Christ (.'hiireli Ciitheilral, and others, your friends, to oiler Ibr your accoptiiuoo this small Salver and I'lirse. We cannot, Kev. and dear Sir, brin£ration, a Committee of St. Ann's Conj^iegation waited upon Dr. Adamson, and presented him with a Silver Salver, with the lollowing inscription : presented on the 1st May, 1852, BY THE OONGREGATION OF ST. ANn's CHURCH, MONTREAL, TO THE REV. W. AGAR ADAMSON, D. C. L., AS A SMALL TOKEN OF THEIR ESTEEM, REGARD, AND GRATITUDE. :: 12 ADPUnsSKS. And uceoiniumied hy Uie lulldwinir inKlrrss : 'J'o rm-: Wv.v. \V. A. Adamso.v, 1). ('. fi., 11 Ev. AM) ])i:au I'm, ^\\', tlic fMUigrciralion ol" .""'t. Ann's Clnn\'li, cannot jxTiiiit your tii'|);irtnrc' from lliis City, so loiii;- llic scene ofymr lahors iii the iMinistry, wit liont lest iCyinji' llie (l','e|) sense t/f iiralitndo we owe to yon, and the rei'Tet wliieli, as Clinrelinu'ii, we feel at tlio separation. In reviewin^jf the history of onr (vhiiri-h, sine.e its erection in 18+M to the present, yonr name has ever heen interwoven theri'- with. \\'e call to '•eniend)ranee your el: (jiient diseiinrs(',(h'livered on the day it was llrst opened iiir Divine Service, to u crowded amlicnce ofunr leUow-Ciirislians, many ol' \\ iioni iiave since <;on(^ to '' the I[onse not, mack' with hands/' and amoiin' liiem that great and good man \.'ho then rnh'd the aliiiirs ol'this I'rovince. A\'hen onr Chnrch was (k'stroyed by lire, we were again coni- pellctl to solicit donations from the pnijHc. Von, i-ver zealous in promoting yi.nr Uedeenier's Kingdom, and onr wclfiire, iuunediatcly to )k the case in lianil ; and hy yonr powerl'iil and heart-stirring ajipeals, obtained a considcrabh: snm ol m(»ney (rem oiu' bri'lhreii in Western Canada and the railed ."States, wliieh, with that col- lecteil by the imlinng em rgy of our own beloved Taster aiul many other Christian Irimids, have enaljled ns to cancel ail onr liabilities, and the edilice may now be di'dicated by conseir.ition to the ])erpetnal service of the Triune Jehovah. And now, lleverend .Sir, in beluiirorthe gentleman |)rcsent and the Congregation ofiSt. Ann's Chnrch, Ave bi-g ytmr acceptance of this small token of onr sincere regard, ever praying that the '' Great Head " of the Church may bless yon, yonr amiabU' Lady and family while on earth, and that iiereafler we may all meet m the Realms above, where separation will be unknown. M. II. Gault, Chairman, Henry Weston, Sccrcf.ari/, John 13. 11a i.l. Church- ivarden, B. Chambellin, do, C. DoHWiN, Committee, A. Smith, do. Jas. U. Black, do. ^> ADDRKSSESJ. 13 TO Tifi: ui:v. \v. A(.'ah a damson, d. c. l., t jierniit litbors ill tiuli' wo el iit llio c\\on 111 Ml thfri'- k' live red ci'oudfcl iK'c <;oii(^ nut great till com- ealoiis ill lediately t-btirriiig 'jreilireii i;it cul- tui' ami all Diir eeiitiun sent and )taiii"e of hat tlio k' l^ady meet ni 'I, vanlen, CllAIM.AIN TO 'rUK l.ECISt.ATI VK fOUNni.. Dear and llr.v. Ijhotiier, At a time wlieii Ijy your removal to (Jiiebee, wc are about to expeM'ieiice llie loss of tliiit williiiij^ and etiieieiit aid \\liich diiriiifi' your resideiu'i* (or so loii<>- a jieriotl, you have evt>r lieeu ready to alllird in all thinizs eoiiiiecled with tiii! welfare and udvaiicemeiit of llu- <.'!iiireh ofC.'od in this Diocese, anil when we are about to ])v separated from one, avIio by liis kind ofiiecs and Irieiidly co-o|)eralion, lais endeared liiinsell to so many of us, we, your lirethreii in the Ministry, shoiiKI not do justice to our feelin^y ilid we sutler you to {Ic^part without biddinij^ you an allietionate liirewell, and expressini'- the hcjx' that tln^ iiovd Trovklence of(iod may call you to labor in soiiu' other spliere of usefulness where your talents and a('(|iiiremeiils may be maile conducive to His (ilory and your own teni|ioral and eteri'al liappiness. Commendin<2 your dear liiniily and yourself to the Heavenly guidance and ])rotection, "VVe remain, Vour afiectionate Brethren in Christ, Pvev. \V. T. Leach, D. C. L., St. (neorge's, llev. W. J5oMf, 7\ssistant, St. George's, Kev. J. Irwin, St. 'I'homas, lU'V. ^. Km.ecood, St. Anne's, ]vev. Vj. .). K()(;ers, St. Mary's, Kev. D. llonERTSON, Military Chaplain, llev. VV. Anderson, Sori-I, Rev. .1. Braithw aite, Chaml)ly, Kev. W. JJrethour, Ornistown, llev. J. CoNsiANTiNE, StaiibridgG East, Eev. E. DuvERNET, Ilenrysville, Rev. .1. Flanagan, Lachine, Rev. C. EoREST, (;renvill(> and Chatham, Rev. J. Fui-TON, RusseJlttJwn and Manningville, Rev. Daniel Oavin, Sabrevois, Rev. Joseph liRiFFiN, Ciore, Rev. N. (lUEROUT, Rerthier, Rev. II. Hazard, Sherrington, Rev. J. Jones, Redfbrd. 14 AODRESSl^S. Hev. D. Lindsay, Frost Villii^'N Ki'V. 11. Lindsay, Hroiiie luul Sutton, lU'v. A. D. LocKHAUT, Now (Jlasgow unci Kilkenny, llev. li. LoNSDRLL, Liiprairie, Ivov. C. Maurice, LucoIU', l\(^v. J. Mountain, Coteaii dii Lac, Rev. Fred. fS. Neve, Clareiuloii, Rev. (Jerald de Courcy, C)'(irady, llemmingford, Rev. Fred. Rouinson, Abboitsforil ami Roiigemeut, R-ev. C. RoLLiT, Rawdou and Kildare, Ivev. J. Scott, Dunham, Rev. Richard L. JStephenson, Buckingham, Rev. E. Ci. Sutton, St. Remi, Rev. MiCAJAH TowNSEND, Clarencevillc, Rev. J. 1\ White, Chaml)ly, Rev. A. IL Whitten, Shellbrd and Waterloo, Rev. R. Whitwell, St. Armand West, Rev. T. A. Young, St. Martin's and St. Thercse. address and DONATION TO THE REV. WILLIAM AGAR ADAMSON, D.C.L. The following address was presented on the 20th instant, to the Rev. William Agar Adamson,iii acknowledgment of his ministra- tions at Yorkville during the brief period of scarcely three months. The address was read by J. T. Brondgecst, Esq., Church-warden of St. Paul's Church. At the conclusion of the Reverend gentle man's reply, a donation, consisting of an elegant piece of silver plate and a sum of money was handed to him — the gift amounting in the whole to sixty pounds. to the reverend william agar adamson, d.c.l. Rev. and dear Sir, m Your brief ministrations in charge of St. Paul's Church having most unexpectedly come to a close, it becomes the duty of a congregation deeply indebted to you, to record their grateful sense of the able and successful services with which they have been favored during a period of peculiar difficulty. The undersigned members of the congregation of St. Paul's, therefore, avail themselves of the occasion of your separation from AODR&SSES. 15 ilkeiiuy, iiingfurd, Ligoineut, )o, crcsp. them to express Iheir deep regret at the loss of yonr zealous and efficient labors, and to assure you of the high estimation in wliich they hold you as a Christian Minister and a waim-hcarted friend. Nor can they take leave of you without remembering, in their sorrowful adieus, the aflectionate partner, whose symjjathies and services have aided you in the discharge of duties, which not only demanded the most faithful spiritual care, but also a social inter- course marked by the most impartial urbanity. That Almighty God may bless your earthly career, and perfect it in the joys of salvation, is the fervent prayer of, Reverend and dear Sir, Your faithful friends and late parishioners. Yorkville, Toronto, 20th February, 1856. J. T. Brondgeest, Church-warden, and fifly-two others. ;oN,D.C.L. nt, to the niinistra- ! months, ii -ward en d gentle ! of silver mounting L. -