IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 H KS 124 I.I "* 14 1.8 11.25 ii.4 ill 1.6 m ^ M 7W A 'Ya'' 7 /A \ ^^ \\ r- % '^%Vx ^ ^IA ^12 1^ ONTO, THE COMMERCIAL METROPOLIS OF ONTARIO. — ■• >■ i ■-: ~ MON i-KI-.AI,: The sabiston Limo & publishing Company. THK nOMlNION I I.I tTWTKATKn C.KNI lir-t is pii'-cm Ivlio is I'spoc IMiiiuis pli:i \y\ Ikt i.-ipiil |llsii;llirn';illl UrilisI) Ni |\\ imIiIi iiiul p |ukI a hall ai ■anla,!;\'s. !■ history 111' W L'stiiio anil c|u ytK'bi.'i' ami IlKaiis tlcMMl kviTi.' brounlil In a starllint; Rnul a (.piarl In-siilts ol' I'iv kil almost an Gni'iit in till' \ froi'iinlo. In tlu' i-ar laiKO of llic s Kil' lis, who ci' |iVLi.'nt iicalii linaili' to th Iraniiliar anil ll.a Noiivi'lle |ii)Si) 7 M. ill iial ol till' I iik'spalihi'S, ; porco at his il ■inff till' west •ronti-nai-, > this as I'ssi'nl Bis by il he Kiild aid froir llnilians, so Ithi' lii'iy 1 1 Iwas not fort locations api THE DOMINION Il,r,IISXKy\. TKl I ^OROIVTC) AN II IS It )1\'K A I. SKK IC'tl. Ill ■.)ii, 111 llv llHIIUl I llu .•niains iil iIk' I' ri'iu li loll, CHNKRAI. lOIlN C.RAVI'.S SIMCoi:, lir^t Lieut. GttviiiHjr of ITppt r Caiiaiiii. 0\' a\\ iIk' i.'llii.s ol ulilor C:iii;k1m, 'rorniiU' i^ pu-iiiiiiu'iil in niMTiy lospccis; but an\ one .\\lio is l's|H'i.ImII\ iiiU'iVNlfcl ill iIk' '.liiily of tin.' ■i\:iiioiis |ilia--L"- ol Ikt lil'o uill Iv mosi -.iiin-U aiila^\'s. l'"ioni Ikt comparativi' voulli, tlu' liisioi\ ol' I'lironto pri.-M'nl> iVu ol llu' piitur- i.'si|iK' ami quaint li'aluii.". ill « liitli iIk' ■■torii.'- ol Oik'Ik-1.' ami .\lonti\al alioumi ; liul it is h\ no ■ iiKaiis'\oiil ol iiK'ul.iit. Till.' horrors of uar ;\\iri' lirou}.;lit lioiiic to tlu' oarly settlors ol' ^■orU in a startliii},^l\ vi\iil ami iinpk'iisant inaiiiu"; ipiarter .'I a ii.'ntur\ later, the hiooilv i> sulis ol ei\ il strile ami laelional lau lessness :ol almost an entire proviiue were niosl proin- jiiienl ill llie viciiiilv ol N ork's ei\ie sueeessor 'loionlo. In the early ila\s ol l-'reneh rule the iniport- aiue o! ihe site was not o\ eriookeil, ami most lol us, who eonsiiler I'oroiito as ol eoniparatively iiecenl creation, are surpriseil at the releieiiees ^inaile lo the place, ami the nu'iitioii ol its l.imiliar ami euphonious name in the records ol •|.a N'ouvelle I'" ranee many ilecailes past. In iii.Sii 7 M. lie Denoinille, then (io\ernor-lieii- ?eral ol the colon\ , mentions the post in his iilespalehes, and states thai part ol the meagre ■ilorce al his dispiisal must beciiiployeil in fj'uaril- ,iini; the western I'orls, iiichidintj Toronto with |l'roiitenac, Nia^ani ami iithers. He rej^^arJetl jtliis as essential to the well-beint; ol'the country, b\ it he hoped lo secure the alliance ol Sand aid from the Illinois ami iitlier western jlndians, so as lo cope successl'ully with It he liery Iroquois. Hut aid from h'rance juas not forthcomiiij,'^, and no pernianeiit forti- Iftcatioiis appears lo Imvo been then erected. pliice especiallx in \ ieu o\ the luu ljiL;lisli setllenients on the sou h shore ol Lake Untario receiv edpr.iclical recognition, ami iiislriiclions were j,'i\eii for Ihe establishment ol a stockade ami store-houses, and .1 coiisiilerable dei;ree ol i nteresl and at tent ion was di reeled to the post. In the joiirna! of Canadian e\enls Ivm- i7|ii (trans- mitted, as ciislom,ir\ , to the I loine aiil!iorilies|, we i^vt lull details ol the proceedint;s then iimlertaken. It max be nieiitioneil at Osweijii then calletl i'hoiiei;iien a s'one fort ,iml tradiiiL; post hail be.n esi.iblislud bv the I'jitjlish authorities, and u as dta(\ini^ lo il a \asl deal o\ the trade in pellties v, hii h the l-'reiieh u i shell lo pass throiiu;h their ow n hands ; lo lurlher this, no pains uere sp.ired b\ ihe I'anailian Cimernor. lie si>s : tinlicini; inrorniKl tliiMlte Nnrllictn l,iili;ins nrdilinril) wen' hi ('hiuii'yiirn w illi lilt ir [trlTii-^. Uyw-iy"'! T"tniii.,. iin the N'nilli Wot siilenfl.akc t liiuii.ti, twenty live le.i^ni-; fiiim Ni:t^.ir;i, and scvenlj -ItM* frmn l-nrl f'tonU'niic, li v\ i- tlinni;ht .lilvis.lMc lo rs!;llili>ll a pi»M ill )i'ili r. .-ml 1,i •■rMil ihJlluM an tillirer, tiflefll Sidclii'l-, .tihI si.iiu- w.iil.tlh ii l-i ron^liiicl a ^mall slock.iilcforl tliite. Il, c\pMi>r wiil mil lie i^, llic linilit'r is lr.ili'|>iirli'(l tlitle. anti the rt-niaindiT will lie riuivi-yfit l.y tin- llar•|llL■^ lie'iini^i'ij; Im I iirl I- ronli'n.ic. 'I'tm nuich e ire tMlincil lie taken In |irt\enl Iliese Indians conliiuiint; llieir 'railc w.tll the l-'iiolisli, and I.I riirnish llieni at this |msl with all their ni-ces>arie*, tvei as rheap as at ('lumej^ilen. Messrs. de l,i Imviiiii re an.l Iti^i'l will |ierniil snnie eannes In ;; i Ihne ml lieensi , and will apply Ihe lunds as a ^ralllity to the nllicer in Clninand lliere. Itiil it will lie neerssary lo ordi'r the roniniamlani-- at 1 lelrojl, Nia^ar.l. and I'orl Ironlemc lf> lie careful thai Ihe traders an, I slurekecpers uf these po-ts Intnish ynmls |..r iwii -II three )ears In cnne, at the same rale as ihe flnutish. l'.\' these means, the Indians will dis.ieciislnm lluin^tlvt^ Iroin j^oinj^ to Choneyi'en. and the fait;li^li will l-e nl'lii;, il III aliandon ihal place. I'p to this time the place had .ilw,iys been known by its old Indian n.iine o( loronto , but shortly after ihe erection I'l the li'rt it u as called I'orl Roiiille, Iroin Anioine l.ouis Kouille. C'ouni lie |ou\. Colonial .Minister, 17(11101751. hroni the seiiuence o\ e\ents which 11,111- spii'eil in other p.irts ol the coiinlrv. foil Kouille had but a short ami checkereil career. It stood pr,icticall\ aloiu', surrounded b\ savas^es, half Irienils, half foes, ;inil uilli the outposts of a i^reat hostile pouer immedialeK in its front. I'hoiiejjuen was caplnieii a id destrojed by .Montcalm in 1750, but the lespiie was only a temporary on^' ; two \eais later liradslreet surprised ami took I'orl hroiiUiLic, and lie \ audreiiil openly espresseil te.iis ih;ii Ihe post at roronto miolit soon sh.ire a like fate. With the capture of foil \i,ij,';ira in Julv. 1750, b\ Sir William Johnson, Uoiiille became isolated and untenable, ami uas aban- doned forexer by the troops ot fiance. In the follov.iiii;' year Ihe famous partisan leader, .Major Koijers, of the Kani^ers, visited the post while on his way to Helroit, whither he had been seni by (ieneral .\nihersl with two hundred men, to t.ike over that fort and district for Killer lieor^e. They reached the llumber on the evening of Ihe joth September, and loiimled by a > 'eared traci ol land o\ over ;i'"' ,ures, o,ciipi>il bv a few Indians. Uoyers was st:ikk bv the v.ieal number o\ deer in the locilily. Me ends the account of his visit by staliiii; that he thinks " Toionlo is ,1 most coii- " venii'iit place for a factory, .ind from thence " ue may very easily settle the north siile o( " Lake frie."' for the first lew years after the compiest, a considerable tr.ule .ippears 10 h.ive been niaill- laiiiid at the post with the liiili,ins so much so, that Sir Willi. nil Johnson, writing; a few veais lalei. slates thai he knows men whowoiil.l uillin-ly pay Xi>"'"' b'rilie mo- nopolv ot the ti.ide there; bill sii, h business not lookeil on lavorablv bv the authoriiies, and al! tnule ifrjidtially ceaseil. .\ lew Indians' huts existed near the mouth ol Ihe llumber, bill ap.irl from this, the place was withoiil life, vvaitiiii4 the .iwakeiiiiii; touch of the .\ns;lo- Saxon. We shall see how this came. '\'o Lord Slielburiie am! his fat .loiislv concessions lo ihe .\nurican republic must we look ■ as the prime cause o\ the establish- iiieiil ol 'roronto. \o iloubl in course of time a setllemenl would have in .inv case been made there; but ii is improbable that -.uch would have happened uniil the present cenitirv was well under weii^li, ami then l.ickiii!.;' the impetus ami position o\' beini;- the ollicial lieail of a r.ipidlv-t;iow ini;- province. The surrender to the I'nileil States umlei the most unfortunate treat) o\ 17^; ol the enlire south shore of Lake Ontario east ol the NiaL;ara river, would soon liav e to be made, ami the new sv inbol of the revolteil colonies woiilil then ll,iiiiit on fort Niai;Mi.i, in full si^jlit ot the little hamlet of Newark, which been deterniined on as the tenipor.irv capit.ili'l the new province. .\ more si'cui'i' location vv as essential. .\lllioii;,li il W.IS luH until ten years, ifiei the peace th il a permanent seltlenient was estab- lished on the site now occtipieil by tinlario's chill citv. we linii lliat in I7,S,S the atlention ol the (iov eriimenl was ilirecteil to the localilv, ami t',ipt. liotlijr Mann, ol the Ixov.ii l-aujin- csis, siirveveil the h.irboiir and ilrew out a plan for ,1 ii-wii on iis shores, report ins^' I'll II v lo Lord Horchester, then liov ernor-Cieneral of ({ritisli North .Nmerici. Accompanv iiii; il he y'live a sketch of Ihe ruins of ihe olil tradiiii; post, w liicli indiciles that onlv live buililini;s existed w ilhiii the palisaile. C'apl. Mann's pl.m of the proposed settlement appears to have been b:ised chiellv on supposed mililarv rei|uiremeiits it beino laid out perfectlv si|uare and with a broad esplanaile suiroiniiliiif; it. Mis report of the harbour was verv favourable, termino- it "capacious, s.ife anil .veil shellereil." No action appears to have been taken on this re- port, and il is not until 1711-! that am further mention ol it appears. On the -'Jiid of .April of that year, we learn from the Journal of Mr. I'liovvett chief dr,iuy;hlsiiiaii in the olVlce ot ■I THK DOMINION ll.I.I INTKATKM. 4 iIk' lii-.! Siir\i'\ i>l r|i|H'i I .iii.ul:i lli;il iJoiiU'iiMMl-dini'iiuir SiiiiiOi.- miU liiin a |ilaii 111 iho lo«ii ami linviisliip ol Toioiilii ask- ing liini if il liail I'MT lu'i'M laiil mil. Tlu' plan liiTc iiKiitiimcil was, iiii iKnilM, ilial inaili' l\\ C'api. Mann. 'ii'iicral Julin (iravcs Sinuoi-, « ho IkuI -.vrwil till' Kiiij; uilli ili-.liiKii,in in llu' war nl liu' ArtK'ikan rfbi'llion, airivoil al (Jnchi'i- in N'.UviiiliiT, 17111, with his iMitviiiss'iin as l.iiii- tcnlanl-liin CI nor of llu- ncwlv-iiwili'il I'ri \ Inn- III I'ppiT lanaJa. In iIk' riijlun in^ snmiiu r hi' roailii'il liis ik-w iloinain. Inn ii li ul alri.uh Ivi'n prailivall\ lUi iilod llial llu' s,mi ol' i;in\in- nuMil iIk' l'r,niiK-i.' iiuisl Iv I'slahlisjifil al Slime pull'' K'ss upon to luislilo .illack llian v\as W'uarU, llu'n llio chii'l lnun ; .iml so lai !>aiU as jniK', I 7111, in a k'lUT to Piuul is. «>.• iliul his an-i'ssihli' spoi : ihal il shouUI not Iv ilu' i.ipiial of llu lU'W rrmiiiic is ixpivssly •.laUtl. In iIk' lollow ini; aiiliiirn, pri'p.iraliims wiii' niaik' lo proMUiK' siiiUiiu'nl al Toriinlo anil ils \iiinily, aiul thi' l\in),''s ships wi'ii' si'iu lo KinjjsUin lo brinj^ anv ot lIu' ik'vv l.o\alisi ininiii;r;inls w ho I aii'il lo ni.iUi.' llu'ir hiniu's in ihil pari ol Ihf I'nuiiui-. Il ua. roiiiul lliai very t\\\ «oro wil'in^^ 10 i^o hi so lonioU' aiul inil-iil-llK-way a spol ,is Toronlo llicn uas, anil it is proh.ihli' Ihal none lanu- up al ihis linu'; llu' .K-luil l'ii-^innini,'s ol a si'llli'iin'iil miMi' poslpiUK'il unlil llu- lollou int,'' sprini;. On I hi- ;ril iil .\la\ . lyui, Sinuoi' ,iinl a pari vol' i,iilil.ii\ Irii'iujs sii oiil in ho: Is ni.iniii'il hy a ililaihnii-nl ol' his olil iv^iininl. ihi- Oui'iii s Ivanijirs lor I'orl Toronlo SUirlint; lIu' shon s ol ihi' l.iki's. In liurlini.'lini l!a\, iIk'I n > ilouh) lioiiilklli- uas Ihi'ii .1 111. Ill 111 li.oih lui'iiti wars ol aj^'i', Ihi' son ol I onimoilori' Itoiuhill. , uho hail si'rvi'il \\ilhu;ri'al ilisliiulion iliii iiii; llu' iii\ .isioii oT r.iiiaila hi ilii' r.'\ olli'il \nuii- I'aiis in 1775,, ami \ilui li.iil. siiui' 17.^1. inin- mamliil llu' rioiimial M.iriiu' in llii' TpP'' l..ikis. josoph, Ihi' '111., was an iiniisii ally ahli man, aiul oiii whosi' allainiiK-nls haio nol ri • iiiviil Ihi' alli'iilion llioy ili^si'rv iil. Id' an ixii'lli 111 siirVi'ior, a maslir ol pr.uliial sia man- ship, aiul a lopoi;rapliii al urili'i' ol' L;ri'al iiuii' 'W^ lliis -,ur\i\ ol ToiiMiUi liai hour III' iKvoln! i;ii'.il alUnlioii ; .1 r..isiiiiili' ol his i hail is h, 1 ri'proihii'i'il. ilis .Ki'oiinl ol llu- loiilili , ' lliis pi'iioil is inliMisiiiiM : Il IcH 111 niv I'll 111 III iki' llii' lir-l Mini V "I \ "l'. II ill" 1 iii|-;i; I 'riiifii.ini I . \irii"i llir I.ili- liitniil s,,iit'.. iiliii iliiii n>iilril 11 Niiy II 'I' Nii'.:^!". Iinini; I-uiih I ^r.,' \ / 4'. ^ r% - /*// r ,. .1 .V lit •S 1 >' ,' •In.'''' Kiillrliclti' . I . /IMS./,.;;,,, .i;.r,.l.l.,.l,ll,IIIH «/,./.,///,//,/,..,.//■ 1 /./. /// I- I. ,/i /l.i/.i.rl, ,///,///, «.'^/^. |. il ^. .. .A, ■Ll-lirr ./'■, Ill, J J /i f ,t.l-.ltl.rt4 l|.,T ihc ~.i( r.iri'iii-' 111- (Simcoi''s) expression of opinion ihal llu' bulk of the new selllement slioiiM he, il possibk-, eoncentrateil in the peninsula siirronnileil by the w.ilers i-^i Ihe i^real lakes ami Ihe established in a enlral point. In the lollow inu; December, wriliiiff I'rom Montreal, lie lonliriMs this view, and states that he has I'oiiiul a siir\ ey 111' the l.a Tranche or Thames river, on which be proposes that the new capital be located. Toronto is .also mentioned in this despatch as Ihe best harbiuir on I.ake Ontario, and aii- mirably suited lor settlement. 'These views are reiti.^raled in another communic.ition lo Oumlas, dated jHlh of .April, 1711-', in which it is ckaili stated that the meeting; of the I'pper (.'anaila Le^fislature (which he purposed cailin); tof^elher before long) would be held at Newark solely as a matter of convenience, it being a centnii and re.iclu'il their .Icstination on the |th iir ^tli, a ilai which slunilil be aiiiiiially cuninunioraliil by all Toron'.-.nians, and which, it is hoped, will be specially iionoured nest year as the centenary oi the be;^inninfj ol ihe scllleiiieni. l-'oi .il- llunii;h the lioiernor was solely on a loin ol inspection (nol haiint; previously \isiu'i.l lb' spot) he had as we have already seen fully decided on est.iblishiu;; a low n and naval depot there, ,inil had broii),'hl with him a survey or, Joseph liouchelle. lo lake soundings and m.ike a careful ex.imination ol ihe harbour ,iiul its surrouiuliiigs. Siincoe hail also onlered two ol' the Kings ships the "Caldwell' and Ihe " Hiill'alo lo (ollow him Irom .N'evvark lo the new post, and they were ret. lined there to facililale the survey and assist in the formation of the selllement. i-\U'iivive pkiiis fur tin- iiii|>rovemL>nt nf ihi- cnlniiy, h.i iL'siilvid i)p i:\ecll iicy 111 my |ieriiinnanre : I still ilislinetly recnilerl I lie un inicil aspect which the cunnlry evhiliilcd u hen lirsl 1 entereii ihe hcaiitifiil liasin, which lluu hecaine the scciu' (if my early Iiy.lrnfiraphical nperalinns. hciise ami I rack h-. I.ire^ls liileil the niarL;in nf the lake, ami rcllecleii llieii iiiierleil iniajies in iisjjlassy surface. The wanitcriii^ sivaiic had cimslriicletl his eiihemeral hahilaliun licnealh Iheii hivurianl fnliaKc the ^;niup then coii-.islin^ of lul\- l!i■ I7S1, >,MI,. ill iIk' I'pp, 1 iuisirill\ ;ihU li.n i- Mill I. . I K' W MS ;i!: ■|i.;il •M.:miiin- I L4l\Ml iiuii' ir liv il>» nil , . I li.irl is liri, .■ I.-, ililv .,1 .1 \"i:. II uL , ,•;.,■, lI '^iimi> hlMI'L! ImIiii' s 'i 4 1 HON W II I 1 \M r 3{ //l / ,/// (//, f* li. '/•' •m*/ «. , 1 I'.n, Imii It mI .1^ u.u its >\il>stanrt*, ii \\,-i- rcnilrn Vrrrmlfti .'lul II i(i..iH liiisi, .Is liir till' I'l'iiili.iiilv ■>( if> sfriu-iirr. li.nviiini Sinun.' -l;i\i.'il l>iil ;i k'U il:c> s nn iliis Ills liisi \i-il, ivMiliin^ \i:i.;:ir;i km iIk' I ;lli, I lis Ji'visinn h:iil bvi-ii m.uU , subjiil, lu' J.'ulM, III iIk' iiiiipl I'l' ;i r.niiiabk' i\piii I I'l .mi II.mi.Ik'IU'. I K' .ilsii ik'i iilitl «iilunil lU'l.iN ill, II iIk liiliir..- Ui« 11 slunilil Ih;ii' i Ik' 11.11110 nlN't'ik III luiiunir I'l ill.' Diiki. ol lli;il n;iiiH- ; .iiul in .1 Kill I \(iiiuii 1.1 tii.'iKi;il Si|- .MiiiiJ I'larls, llu'ii ii ihubi'i', nil iIk' _;is| hI'iIk' saiiK' iiumlli, Ik' 1111, 1 .'< >.M I ,N K ).N 11,1,1 :^s 1 ls',\ 11 ,1 ). 5 w.isMbniil liwiiUr, ll »:is iTiili'il iMiiiK'iii.iul^ vwsl 111 ilu' siU'dl iIk' pii'si'iil I'MrliaiiU'iil liiiikl- iii^s ; ;iiul mIiIumi^'Ii a ^Inuluii.' nl such liMil maliTial .ippi'ars 1,1 us iiniiuMillv iiiisuilabk' Inr llu' ri,,> llif prnjiA 1 nl nuMiliniis thai llu c li iii.,i.' nl nan,.- lias boi'ii v'sl.iblishini;- llif i-,ipilal nl' llu- j'rov iiu\- on llu- illi'i Il'iI. I liaiiK-s uas siill niaiiilaiiK'il. ,iiuI llio \\o\k ol l.lluU- luiu- u,is losl bi Ini'i- llu iiiiun al lu'- si-llknunl al ^■nl k was pnslu-tl loruaiil i;aii lo lu- vaiiiv-ii oul. 1 11 | iiK , ik ;avliiiu-iil s .liiillv i-'W llu- L;rouiul ol ils bi-iiij; llu- niosl ol llu- Niai;ara garrison w ^ i\- si-ni .u loss i liL,ibk- pku i lor llu- iia\ al aiuI niilil.iry ii.iilri.' lo llu- iu-\i posi, llu- lasi Ji\isinn a.-inin. I'l llu- I'lin iiui-, Siiiuni.- lia\ iiii; ,1 lallu-r ponr p.inii-il In Siiiuoi- liiiiisi-ir, IK- I iniiL;lil l c,lpil,ni. 11- l,iki-s, ami Ist.-.l liy III, ■lly r,-c,.lli-r! I "Ik-11 111 -I im- llu- M-iiK iiullrncl,!,- llt-iU-ii lli.-ii Il rili^ s.iini,-. -i-iu-.illi llii-ij I l.iillilii- ii.irsli(-s uii, Vi-ysnl uilil ini-.iMilc ll iliiwin^, tin in-«- C.ljiil.ll, ', tiiiil cmii riiji'Li, Hi- lhrmij,'h llu ■essly fur ihr m .... A TORONTO WHARF. From n print of ih-io. TlIK l>()MINIOX Il.I.I IMTKATi:i V^^M Till I ISII MXHkKl' TDUONId Ht'iiii .1 ]M im I'f i^jo I'Vi'in llii>. pv.-riiHl up to iSi ; Wirk nKuk' i;i>oil |l|•^'l4l\'^s, ii>nsiili.'riiii; ll>^ i-oiii;i;ir:il i\ i.'l\ ilislailt ;iiul i'-oliilv.'i.l |ii>>illiiii, aiul iIk' lacU ol t;iiiHl I'lHii- munii-alioM u illi ihv.' ca'^li.i n aiul miM\' aii'i'ssililc -(.•IlK'iiK'Mls. In llu- lall i>l 1711I Sinuoi' r^.-- pt' 10 till- l.i>rils ol T.aik' ih.ii •>.>iik' 711 raiiiilk'> vwii.' Mtlliny; in ihi' \ii.'iiiil\. Iliiriii!.', Ills iiiliiv r>.'i;inK'. h^ niaiiilaiiu'il (liat l.oiulon, oil llu' I'liaiiU"-, was ilu' pr,ip>.T plaii.' lor llu' ^ivil capital 111 iIk' l'i\niiK\- ; aiul wluii t-afh ill I 7piisi.'s reiiun iiij; lliere uilli his olliei lis as soon as aeeoiiiniotlatioti eaii be obtaliieil. lie does not seem to lia\ e hail a \er\ exalted I'pinion ol the new eapilal, lor in despatelies he eiiipliasi/es how I'.ir it lies out ol' the reijular eoiirse ol' lia\el hetueeii Kiniislon aiul Ncu.irk, ;iiul llie utter lack ol aeeoniiiioila- tioii existine in the pl.iee I'or the courts; with no u;aol, poor mails, aiul llie ,ihseiico ol t;ooil artilieei > to erect the necessary public buililinL;s. l''or all uoik in aiul about llie seltleiiieiit. he uas ilepeiuleiit on the nieii ol the Oiieen s Rant;ers. In .May, I7inall rivulet, which Iiein^; ini I'loved liy sluices, aliotds an ea>y acress lor ImaN lo 1^0 ii|, lo ihe stores : the l-airarks, lieini; hilitt on a knoll, are well situated for itealih. and coinnianit n (leliijhtful |ir(ts)Kri 01 ihe lal-e 1(1 llie west, and of llie harbour to the ea~l. The ^overninenl house, wliic'i is not yel linishfd, is aboiil Iwo miles above Ihe garrison, near the head of the liarNiur, and llie town is increasing very rapidly. The Iron! of the cily, as now laid onl. is a mile and a halt in length : handsome xpiares are projected, parlicubrly one open lo 'he hailiour. The rivei lion empties il>ell into the haiboiir a link' above ihe town, lunnin^; through a marsh, which when drained will atVord beautiful and lertile meadows ; this lliis lias already been eltected, in a small degree, which will no iloubt enciuiia^je turther attempts. Ihe loii^ U-ach or peninsula, wliii-li atlor'l a most dtdi^htful ride, is consi- dered so iieallhy by Ihe Indians, ihat ihey resort lo it. when- ever indisposed : and so so 111 as the bridj^e over the I 'on i- ruii>lied, it will o'' course be irenerally resorted !■■, not onb for pleasure, lull as llic convenieni road lo ihe heii^liu • ■I Scarboroutjh. Till- (•round v liicli has been prepared for the I lovernmenl House Is siiuated between the city and the river lion, in a lieauliful spot and ils vicinity well suiied for iiank-ns and a jtark. The oaks are lar^^e. Ihe soil e\cellent. and watered l ,1 laro;er connect i 110" centre structure to be Km leet kiiio. 'I'hey were opened uilh iniicli I'lMiip aiul cereinony in June. 17(17. '\^ Russell, at the bei;iiiiiiiio- ol the session ol that year. Not the ol the ineasiires iiiaiio^itrated iliiriiii,"' the earlv vears ol the ti>wii w^'.s llie eslablishnieiit ol a public market. litis essen- tial leal lire id'civ ic lil'e laid out b\ lio\ ei nor Hunter in iSn;, \')\ the site ol the present Si l.awi'ence market. It was orii,^inally ciiKd .Market Ss|iiare. and was an iipen area, Iweiity- bnir leet wide by lhirt\-si\ loiii,', riinnini; iiorlll and siiutli. In iSj; a well was iliio in llu l-vino-sti eel Iriint, and the pl.ici' lu-i'aiiu- tlu nieelino- place ol hall the tiuvnslolk, .uul the /oc///(' lit much o,issip as w^dt as id tli>se bar- i^aininti'. In iSdt, a certain H.irrisiei -ai-law , called |)'.\i"c\ Uoulton. piiblisheil in l.oiukui a ipiarto volume, entitled, "Sketch ol His Majesty s Tro- viiice ol I'pper I anada. ' Irom which o\\^' mii,'hl expect a laiilv omul account of N'ork .'it period. it is, however, ahiiosi identical with that by Siiiilh, above tph'ted, and has eviileiillv be. n t.ikeii boddv lioni the earlier work. b'roni the pen ol tieoioe lleriol. Depatv rosi-M.istei (leiieral ol Ihitish \,iiili .\iiierica, we have a more orioinal account ; Ins book published in i.S(i7. 1 le s,i\s ol N'ork : .\ loMo .mil ii.iirow I I'liin.iil.i. disliii..;iii-lii d I'V llie .tp pill.ili( I liilil.illu I'oilil, tonus, and mibi.iKs lln- h.nlHiiir. .[iiiiiiit; It lioiii ihc sloniis o| ilu,,-. .md •eiidcrin^ it llic, si lit anv. .iroimd llir 1 o.isi ol ih.ii s.m III oe-h w.ilcis. Mores and Moi k houses .n, , Iiii, inl iiiai II. •■ cMuniil) of lliis point. .\ .|iol c.dlcd llu I .aiiisnii. stands on a li.iiik of the main land op|Hisiu- to the point, and , oiisists . iilv (it a wooden hloi-k lio'i-e and s,.ine sm.ill colla^^cs III tnc s.inie inaU-rials. little siipctiov to temporar) huts. The house II, wllicll the l.ielllenaill -< iov eriliir lesides. is likewise formed ol w I, .md in the ti^^iue of a li.ilt sipiare, of one stoty in height, with (;alleries in the i ( titte. It is suliicienlly CdmiiKidtoiis for the present stale of the province, .md is erected upon a bank of the lake near tlu' 1 rHK noMINION IM-IVSTRATKI) Vll-.W iiF I IlKUN H) IN ■"■ll "I I "I V..,\. III. I..IMI, .,,.,., ,llll:: I., ill. |.|.lll ' 'l"lr.l I., r I IM .1 iiiilr .III I ,| li.ill in irni^lll. III. ■■I"'ll "I III. Il,ill...|ll .1I..II;; il I..111I,,. \l,iin |„iM-.'~ .11. ■I. I'K ...1111.1, I. ■.! ,• .1 «lll. Il .li-i.ln .1 ...IIM.Ul.lM, :.:i.. riu .I'K.iiii . 111. Ill 1.1 ihi, pl.iiv I.. iis|.i, -, 111 Iiii..ii li.w I. Ill ,11,1 I.'. I ulihii, ill, l;i|„c.,r >i\ ,.1 ..,(11 • "'. 'll.l 1 1. «li.. Ii:i\r 1,11111. illy li,n,||.,l ill llli- | 'ill. t'.milix, .11,. iiii|.r, .s,.l will, < iiiiiiuii!> ,,ru..ii.l. I .,i 'I'.l.liii;; .1 l,.«M «lii,-li iii.iv I..- I. 111!,. I li.iii.U.,111,, ,1.11,, I .1 I'V , ,i,'li;iiiliii, 1,1 ill ilu- mi, 1,1 ,.l .1 «il. 1,111,,, Ih. 'iil'liii;;- ..I l.ii.k .11 III, 1.1,1.111 lAlnniin ..I ih. l.vmi !... Il w. If .1. ,iMiu-,l a, uiii^, 1.1.1 ,,'iiiu-. .11 M.iirr li.ik' .SIkmIIi', iIu' I'tl'm.'!' in N .'il, ill ilM'll \v,n iiiiM|iil,K. ,,| .1 i,ii,.,... .\|| ilic iii,i,{.. Ill 'I'll' i,;; ;;.ini„ill, ifil r.lll liu „. Kllllt'il, Cullil-llil il .1 c .iii|.iiiy 111 (ilinnuiif^ .inil 5,1 i.nii nl llic Ki>).ll .\i « 1. 1. III. II. III. I n-4iiiifiii, niMii I1.1111 111.' .iiiliii.i. Tlii.s l.inv liml liLCii Aii^imiiliil nri'iik'iit My, ns li.i- lucn licfnri; saiil, liy |,.iiiii^ ,i| llio Isiiin', iM^iiiiciii iiiiili'i ( ;i|iliiiii .'Oiiiiniiiul 111 111.. iillK' L;.irriM'M, Till llu' iiii- \N ■ 1. m 1 .iiia.l.i wiiiil.l l.nn iii.iiiii, kni In |iiiiiii 1 11 inilll-'IKl.' Ol illl .iss.lllll. .illil |l,lsUj \ i.ll>.'IUs lill Si.:iil>iMiiu:;li !li.'iu;lils In lirv.' i,'!!!!^ il .1 linsliji' iKxi' sii;liU'il ; ;iiul l;iu- in iIk- vvtiiiin.; I'l i1k' j.Sili .\piil, iSi ;, tJK' lirsl mhiiuI >.i iIk- al.iini w .1^ Ik, III!. .\n .\nioiic;in stuniilron nl Hi \ csi'ls MiNi-il. .Shi'iidi-'n lir,i iliin as .1 ,.,|,|iii. nii,l hn n .•iin\i.-\inL; Ji, .,1 Ir.Kip., Inul k'l'l SackvtlV Hmi- ^•"■^"'■^ i" 'I"-' ilclfiicr i.l hi, ii.ilii.ny cuiiiiii.iiul. «iin i,. Innn lluv.^ J.iv-. ivioiv. .nul n.nv K...nK..I up '''",'"'"" ' l'''^' "^•^'•' .■■!. "■!.'! i" liav- l»-e„ ildnuli'.l. , . ,11' > • • , •""' '" iTi'^i-n,' 111, |,.rci' liir ilii- iirniciioii ,.f llu' cnuiiiiy. ' mm, 1 lif ca|iliiro 111 ilii- ik'i.ichiiKMii, .11 ilns liim;, «,.iil,l hiu, iii.l. 1 l.T III, ii|.|,a aii.l l,.H,i l,..,i,...| .\-„i,il.K. ill, IHI. (.■.-Ilni hn-oiv.-n us ;in ailininibk' sunimai x . 1„,m an irr.iii.' I aii.l, in ii, .iic-cl., i„ iliu "■ liNI'iii "III" I''-"' i'.W>.il.l. .iii.liliM.-Hi..l; 11,. s.ns: IVnina. • I.. U li,.ii., ,iiii,ii,.| ii| .1 « 1,1, |,,||,1,. I, ,11, 1, III, ii>.il.-.l ..|.|,,l : {,.111 ,,ri:,,. I,, nil. |„,i,ii, ,,| 1,1,1,1 , l,,;|,, .1 «ii|, ■I'M.l.lillj; , 11,,,, |,;i,|.|ii.ilK i,.,,|iii.. li,„ii III, ,,,..111. '■.Iiiii'i .lll'illl. I. illllil l.iiiiiii.l,.! l.y Ih, l.iiil.liiij. Il, ■■.■"U...11 .HiH ih.- .| I uhiih Ih.. l„.,,rii,.r, i,.,i,|, 11, ,. i, I'l.i'.'l. , ""I Ih,. ..i.i.vl, ,.n ih,' iiL;lii. 'III,. 1,11 ,|,l. ,,1 ''"■ >"■" ■ pull, II I. I h, l,.li;;|„iii|,.iil., ,vhi, h ,11, !,.„ , llii. .Ii,,l ..I, l.,.iiiiihil ,,11 .1....I1III ..1 il, |,|.i,i,Hi\ I 1,,lllt|,|lU ,.11.11111: ill,- ,li,|.i|i|,,, Hhi, h ,i|,|„ ,11, |„.ir;i,|,.,| •iiK h\ 111, ,K\, I, nniii.ii,.. Ill, «|i,,|,, \ mill, I ,,iil, ,1 III,' I1..11. mil. Ill Ih,' vi.iiiiu .,1 ih, i,,„ii, ,111,1 III,,, ,11, l''''»i h" -|.iiii.i;, l.> «hi. h llii, „ iih'iiuiii I, „.ii,i,,l, U'l' li.iM.' si'cii llial SiiiKiio .opiMlfilly iiri^iii sulvsi.inlial rnrliliiali.nis ,iik1 haluri,'s sluniKI Ik' iTi'ili'il l.n- iIk' doKiu,- .■! il,,- liarbnui aiiil l.iun. .111,1 his appli, alimis \m.'i-,' unsik'- fossliil. I';\,'ii ulu-n llK'pnlilii-al air was slowly llli, li,iiiiiL; whh III,' imilli'riti,L;s o\' a cominj^' I'.'nlliil uilli l!u' rniU'ii SlaK's, ,iiul wlun amp!,' link' oNisUnl I'nr iIk' iTnlioii nf ik'linsiw u.n ks. praclii-ally iinlhin^ ua, ilmu' kir llKpinU', linn ,>l IIk' I'nniiuial lapilal. .\l ||u .iiilbr,al< ..I I lu' war llu' original !,)■,■ IniiMiiif^s, pimr ,'\ ,11 in lluir Ih'sI clays, IkuI falk'n inl.i partial ik',a\ ; ami llu' l.i\Mi t;u,iril,'il nnh |i\ .-i inupk' ol imprinisfil rk-kj works, iiunintin); in all llircc Iti-ik-Ii .'I poiiiuk'rs i-.'iplurcil in 17(10, am! slill confuU'iiliv .supposi'il to ho ol usl. 1)11 i1k slocks was an iinfinishi-il sliip ol uar, lH'i,;un in iHiJ, hill never larrii'il l.i ,'onip!,lion. TIk' iinliapp\ L;\'iiius ,)!' Sir i;,',>ri;,' l'i,-\osi s,'inu'il lo par,il\/,' Ml. ,'iK'i'^y o{' llu counlry, ami Ins laluoiis policy ol irusiiiu.; in chances and in llic hcnijjnily ol ilic enemy lell cverylhiiii; open to attack, .\ml ihe .'Hack was luM skn\ lo icK-BoATiNc; Toronto hav. TlIK nOMINI »N I 1.1.1 rs I l\',\ I Kl > III ^ ..M lll'.l t ll.l.l I lll.l, li.iilint;!. Ill' Wlllxli SiiH'riiMi |.ii»,ili-l)'. , I.. lll.l I'm iMIIhII.i'.' \.y shr.ili Hi hi. I" III.' 'Iii'll. i.ri.'h <• Ill-Ill rii \\llll Nlll' 'ij "ihai;:' Wli'i Itill' 'tUlf- ,j,a4jU>'!'-'^ 'i^te^ NKW 111 11, MINI. n OF nil-. 1 I'l'I'.K l_ \NMi.\ (.iil.l.l 1,1' lilil-IK rM k' ail'iiil lihi li.'i.l i.i ll •■.'i\ ic, ,\ .111.1 ( .il.ii iiotitlik' it -ill.' Ill III .'I l.iitiliiij .\ii .■> Iki'l. ill I i'.i li.iik.lliiil i T! ! i: 1 JOMINION I T.T,r TS'I' W ATPU). I |j->lir'ihrf»iM' Ik III III ihc ('iinii>, iiivl !<• I.tll liad ■M lit'ii r Kinu^l'.in nr N'l.i^.Uii. Thi "liriM linn "i iIhh hu'M uii-'nl ili'ii Iri| (II) ihi- <• it* finiii). |l tlirv li,i-l l.iitili'M I ilii« -i(|(- III I III- P'ln, hu \ Hiltl h.iVL' ri lirnli'ii HiiilJn^tnirH lli'iyliu 'r*u'v tissu'il M. un i.H' \\v\\, .111(1 III* whhilri tt Imw.uiU Kiii^-it>n. lifm-riit .\riiit Imm llmi 111 .ill lmm'^ ill v\hit-li .1 lliiti>ti > <>inin.' .1. 1 •!• rin^i\t h. Iii^ |)trit''rrvali f hi- toiMp^ i.i mI hi, |iM,i, .11 I ihii* iMirjiii^; ..i| ilic ktir.rl, Ii.i'i- 11- only ilii- -ticll." Il \oik ImiI l.'fii .leli-nc. U- .ni.I iin|.i.. i> ri< >l : il n --hip <■! w.u jn iln- ImmU ui itii '•hi|iuii);hl h.'i'l >M'in ncLlr-ily i'np>Hi-.| |>< iti*->irii< linn, llu- lui!l ii<lHM(|f. iiiir uiili hi» 'liif.l ,M|-. li'ii ^ii t .1 rM.iit-.iiU-« td )•< u un lIu- -liMn-. '^.iil w,i» rnpit'ly tnkm • . Ilie l"t.iu .i^«niiltK'l mulrr cum r III llie vi-">t'U. mi-n pf"inip;l> I'lnl'.irknl mil ihi* •♦riUv.irl loui'i^: llu hi'Hl *i-aiMcn in \h : \iiii>ri-,tn ot'iM'*' . ''<>■> UM(|\ l<> ihi >l.ll. Il\ this li'iu', Mi'Ni il. .H^tirt'il .t| ihe point i>l il. vi nt, li.i.l l>t>Mi^|i' li]<. men ilnwn tin* shurc rcnl. iiiul h^il ilnwn ilirin up in lini'tri^ht in liont ••! llu* ImUi-iIco. .ukI .it h.ilf r.iiiiiu.) t.\ut\ irutn till' niii//lf III ili* ^iii.t. It u.i<« a il.mittlr»>. 'iiiL rit'sper.ite enpr'li.-ni. *' cVlait t>i" n niiiynttii|in*. ni:iii re n'lM.til In j^niTir." I lu tir>i Ainirti .111 I'l' ■.i'lf H»i)it tilt- nun ilown liki* ^;rji" lulnri- iIu- ^cxtlic. I'mlir C'lvcr nl ilu-ir l'r".vUiik'Kt aniitl llic ilin ,-)iiki. till- Ann'rit'in liimi'^ ertw ikislml tu the '■li'irr. I III 'li-i'inlMrkatiiin «.is «• 11 h.inilliij. n,, s .i< ilie k('< I toii> IilmI i4rtitiiMl. till- rilli ini-ii iinii«li. ami liulitinj; with an riu-my Him .It'll iiileil I ver\ tree. I li* aiU.ini e -a ^ Onw Imt «.icnily. At nl'oiit 2 p.m. he riiierpri Imni the lon-M in the reiir nf the I'l'l Irencli lurl nml in. Thr lleet tiAvin^ ellecU'*! the •lioenil'.irt.aiii. and anv m«>ri' prolrai'lid rrsi.iance wmilil have d.Hinu-d (he loHn. The American tninp>pnOu-d on mid v>nn envel"pi'.l lilt Tort. It cif^iaini-d at ilii^ tiiiie \vithin it ■ eniienlc dii ^.'\t rnnicnt i.t " Kin^;"- IImiisp," ■.Mme pitldic .•tltrt'>. ihi:ti<«iMl conip'i'imrt nl li.irrai'ko .ind >tMre hniivs and .1 pnudcr iiia^a/ine, liujit inln the l>ank (in the like -h..)i . This inii->l Iiave hn n n rii'e:.. -Inifliire, os Urnck, in iHii, c.inpj.iinrd that "ihe »»nly povihr iii.ii;a/i'ii' wa,-* a -Ml. ill \\ I "Illy sixly ynril* Inmi the Kind's I Imiw.." Iiif .salVt)^ -.ike lIii-danpriiU-api'fndp^;L' lia.i lu'i n nninxfd In ft slrcn^i -tunc ''iiildinn ci ii'tiiiiitd .111 Hit wattrltnni ni II.. I ...• fill-;. I,AKKs;.iK ItoMl-: FOK 1,1 t TI.1-; CHH,1iK1-:N. TmKONTO I'! \NI\ < III til. In, I al.iini, Shcilk had i"'l hi- men in Ii.iiid. ai!ijii.i(hi>ii w.u >cfn btMiiiii; ^inwn an '.iliialtai I'.uiii. ,ni.l iIk- vM-^tim nl ll-i- {nun. The pi. HI .il alt.ick \\a> at i>n.r disi-hiMd. Tin ww ol ihr !i wa- tin- thuMtuu'd pnini. \\ hilr du- >hiii- ni «,ii (iit;.i^i.| the ihne nmlilatrd i^nti-. an nvei whelming; uniild !>L- thrnwn a^hnie, and all u-livat In the wk-s\ wnuld It cut nil. Sheall.- tluiuupnn. detache i.In« ret KM 1 tn Kiiiij-tnn. < iptain \lt\iil at the 'II id ol the twn <■ iinp.inies nf the Sth. was imkred in ihi- ■' nice, aliniit 2al- l.acKed m|) iiisianianenu-ly. and leiuinc.l fni iviitt-neciniiil:^. \\i Neil Idinhelland the ^rtatir iml nt his lira\e ^lenadiei- had litm killed l.y the tir-I eaniiniiade ; the remnaiil, -catleml and shalttrcd. fell hack frnni ln-forc the Ia>hin|; lire, and the Ameiiean ritlf-. aK\aj- 'leiperattlv re^i-tetl. held their nun. A btlter. -.kirmi^hin^; tit;hl ( ii-ued aniony the trets. ;iiit the ea^er ri-inlnrcemenl^ liii-riid I I the shore. ( it neial I'tkc nt ihe Anierii an Aimv. ■•:: -M'.i'er "t lepule. I.inded in the re.ii ..f the rilU-men a the head nf a 'livi-i.m at lea-i i.txm .-ironL;, and the torn nlics .il the Itritish detachment, - t)ie /v.VV//.. /h'lhinm, -Inuly I. II I aek np.tii the tnwn. \K-.inHhiIe, Shialle tnllectt 1 hi, >tni,,-s. di Hpalcliird III- e.inM'Vs. an I ordered hi- lelri al ii|nii l\ a^^.n-i The li^lil enntp.iny nl the Kinj^'s reKiiiRiit, an .idditiniial leiii- Inicement Inr Niaj;ara. was rapidly .ippmachiiij^ Inim that .liiei-iinii, and allmdi-d opportune -ii|p.>it. I Iil* ship niid the .li.kjard and a lar^:e . ( »f the assailants. 250 were Instantly killed or wounded, of the defenders many perished. I'ike had pushed on tn the Iront and was in the ad .it (piestinninj^ a inililia -oldier, one Jo^eph .shephfrd, whose tainil) still reside in the township of \'nrk, when v\iih a flash and eddying; -iimke the infernal blast h.\ept throuRli the air. \ heavy mas- itt Mone -truck the i;encral down. In like mann.'r, shepherd wa- eruslicd at hi--.ide, andw.i- lH)rneolV 111 tlie arms ..I hi- relative and tellow -nidiir, Joseph l)enni«, nl liiittniiwnod. Westoii. The i^allant {general and nrnre ImmMe soldier, Imth died of llu- iiiiinie> reetived. within a W\\ hour-, victim- alike in ilie cau>c ..f their re-peciive countries. The contest itsell was stayed hy tins eata-tro|»lie ; it had endured eight hour-. The surviving rrtM'ps had with- drawn well eovereil, and unniole-led hy the enemy ; all that cou'd I'c .Innc Vm\ liccii "lone, an.l N'nrk capitulated tInoiiRh the local .ilticei- .i| r.iilitia. What remained ol the public i THK dominion ILUI.ISTRATKD. Mnrf- ».\- Mituii'ii it'l. i»ii luihili i anil -i\i\ fi'iu ii iliii.i ini'll liiiil iliiiMillicM .itni>. ^luMlIc lilt luhlliil liini "I llii rcLi'I.i!^ '»- l^'l'*''' 7- «"iiiii'-i"'l ; ""1 wniKiikil "liuft Willi line Mim'.inl iM.ii'H' nml Imii ini'iinl ilu aiiilln\. |iii.iiniis .ii «.\i ; .mil lill l'-iil> 'li'liliiiiil'ly nnil wiiln.iii "li^iiiuiiHii iipiin Kln^'*''!"' >iii"li .Hc itu' liii-t>. IJM iiiti iiiiii > .111- It Ii liilhr in.l:iiiiiil iileviiv inli Mii;ilil iniui. «ilillir il. It is ii.iinliil til iIk- .Miity -li.inu-liil'y .il.UMil il." »iii'i'i->. mill |'i-i|ifii.iliii ail- i.I'v.iiiihli-Mi. «irili ,lt .1 l.uei (ii-iiiiii. .ini! ill .1 'li^l.tiU Mini. .iiLiiliil jii.t hlii Iniliiin. Tin- ilitai'i- iii'ii'l lie i;iM-n i ikrtiw I)-, lli.m m ih. vin.M.iu-;ii,i-^>- 111 till Kn. In. si, „■(,.,, ,. 1 1 1 1. . Il.i« tlic vnui.lli'i Iti-linp 111 ■rmiiMli', Ull'i 111 11 Icltil .111 ilic.-i-i-il I'l riiKiii.i liitii-un, I -,j . 1.1 \|,.mii-i-lli.. i-\ |.ii-.iilint 111 llic rniti-il l.iti. ul Anuiii .1. itnl li.ili .1 Nml.. ■.7lh l.inilliy, 1X15. t-\pH--Mil Iliniv-U.-l-liilliiH. : In \iiiii. [Si {, llii' imlilic Inililm^;- it Nnik, llie Lipiiil ul 1 pi'i 1 Clll.lil.i. Mill- l-intlt li>- tin- l|.ri|K .1' tin I nltui 111 till a'i|i-li^ -'t i-.u-ilnlitinp. Tin \ riiiW'ltil ..i iwu ( lt-;;.iii' li.i ' . "i'l' 1 •lt■.^l■na 111 iittn-i-. lilt llic aii'iiii mnilaiiim ul tin- I 1 j;i-l.iliiii.- ami I mill-, nl lii-tiir. 'rin- liln.iiy. anil all tin- |ia|iii^ .iini n innU ln-l.iiii. in^ t..ilii.i in^liluli'in- utii- riili^ililli-il ; at tin- <.ilni litiir llnj rlinn I1 tt.i> i.ililii.l mill llii l.i«ll lili|,li\ tuMllv |iill.n;r'l. I iii.iiImi, 'aniiLM. wlm lias j;i-nL-i.ill\ litlt.i\i'i liiin..i,iM\ . wa- -11 a-li.iiiii'il .il ihi~ l.i-t lialisaitiiin, lli.-il In inilt.UnKil n. i..lii(-t lilt' I k- 'i'''in^;ili^ til till- I'tililii lil.i.iiy. ami aitiLilli, -1 nt link IM-- Ihim~ lilliil »illi ilnni. Inn liaiilh .in\ wi-ic 1 .iin|ili.-ti.. -N'ltill I'liv.lU- l'lii|'nlt\ w a.-, 1 ..t ( ;-:^"< .1111' -i-\ lii'iiM - Il I: in a .|,i!i- nl iniii. ' .111 \i-n till ini . -il. «liv 111. imii'li- iiiiliHn^. .111.1 II-- Iil.i.m at \\ 1 .Iiiii;;liiii -Ii.inl-I In- Ih-I-I liiHK -.n-Kil tliin th.i.i at ' riu lii sll ih lion I'l Ifi .- |-ill|i|ii iMliKlitl;;-^, 1 1 11 1 11^ 1 1 . I pp. 11 1. 11 1\ .1 SI- '. 1.1 1- Mow . p.uu III .1 ilii iiiiil L;.iiii 111 \ ink. Willi il- ii-.ii.ll IilH-t.ilil\ , I 111- I nip, 11,1 1 llm 1 1 iiim 111 ;_;t.iiiU-il ;i siiirnii-nl sum In ii-l'iiilil till lli'iisi 111 r.i'. liimii-iil .iiiil llii- i'IIk-i siiiii- luiis Ii.iil Ivi-ii ili-siroM-il ill ,1 I. II iiiiiii- slih- sl.itili.i! .iiul ni.iiiiii-i . \ i.HLii' i;.iirisiiii iii.iinl.iiiK-il, .Hill llii- i.n lApitiililiiu 111 piiMi. iiiiMit\ .liiliil i;:i-.ill\ ill iiu ii-.isitii; llii piiispiiil\ nl till louii. rill- ill u li i;isl.iii\ i- Ii.ilN iM-ii- I iiiiiiuiiKi-il in iSiS, .itiil i.'iiipli-Kil ill iS.M. Tlll-V Mill iTl-iU-ll I'll ,1 sill wlli-ll.- llvrki.-li-\ sill-;.!! 'WW inliisiils Kiiit;, .mil n'n- sisu-il ol :i liuiiu; ik-si-i-iplion, llu- ii-siili ol' .1 \ isii til, Ilk- prol'.iM\ ,1 k-w Xi-.iis hcloti- llu- piiblii .ilioii ol till- book ii.-roiri.'il 10. ■I'hi- tiiiMi 111 \.iil.., I 111- iiilint 1 111 I'l'iiii ( ■.111.1.1,1. 1- .Mil lili^l; mil .n-,i,iu.l ill 1I11 tiiiMi-lnii ill till -atm 11,11111, Mil Ihi' nmlli silk 1.1,111 iMi-lli 111 lia. '1.1111, Imn ,iiiiilitii\ |ii.illl ul \k-« il- | I- .ilnl i-Mli-nnly V , Nil. il jinlii-iiiii-ly liirllln.l .iml 1|., l.-nt mnk- tlinmn ii|. nn lln |ii-niii-nla-.iil In.n It in niij;lit In 1 .i|i.iMi m iiin-iili lilili n-i.::ini' ,ij;iin-a .111,11 I, linin tin- I.iIm. lit Miy tij;nl.iiK mil. «iili ill' -tiiil- nnnniij; .n iii;lii .ilii'K-, ami piiinii-f- in lnonin- a \i-ty liaml- - |..wn. Ik- plot irl ^jiiiiinil marl. Ill, Mill Inr it. i-\li-nil-aliiiill a link .iinl - k.ill aLiiij; llii li.irlimir, Inn al pii--i-iil. tin- ilinnln , nl limi-i .1.11- II. 11 i;ii-.iih i--."ri-il I'lin liinnlii-il -nnl lili>. Ini j;ii.iti ■' 111 «llii-li all- -liililt lit iMinil. lull lln-n- .lu-. Inmini, in,ni\ 1 vii-lkni nm-'ni Iniik ami -imii , ,iiiil iiin-t nl ili- n.iial ilvM-lliiiK I'liii'-i - annually ,ii'ik.| m iln- ln»n ale "I lli- 1,1-11-, ik-.i-ri| 11, iln- I ,ilik.- .iliriii- an- a t;iiM-ii ' l„„i- -, ill. I1111-1 111 .i--*. ) Al KS i 1 1 *N I I, I » ; >» I iV A il\ i nu'nt lunisf. aiul coinpriMN livi- luai I'tifk Imililin^;'. •>! u\'« sliiricH hij^h. Tlu' iiiitri- luiililiii^. .i|i|tn>|iiultil i\.ltisi\il\ III iiilli-^iiin- in-.lruction. U cij^hi) i\\>> l« «i in I..iinih \'\ ri^hu li\t- in ilr|il)t. ami itiruti'iniiril 1>) .ni tlr^.iiii "ini nifittal ilniiic, I'lic lniililin^;s l.uinini^ iu win^- .ii»- ii-. jKrlivi-l) t..ri> ti\i- Uri M|u.uf. .ith! air lUili.aii-l i.-tiu- n-y I'l till' print i|ials. |i|n|f^...i> .uhI m.oU t- m| ilu . "lli -. . I lu l.ifUlciiant t.'ivrntor «>l llu I'l-ixiiur i-. I.\ mm I In- titluf, till \i>it..i : ihr |iiMiti]ial i- llir Ut\. (. II. Il.nii-. i>. 1).. I.iu- I. II..U ..t Clare Mall. ('aiMl>ri. 1 ). , .-l i^hiei nM".ilK>p-. < am liriilj-r. \'\\c a\.iwi-«l tntir^i' nl sunliis jiiirMUil ii'in|MiM- thi rlas>i('>, tnatlu ni,iii> ->, I'n^ll'.h i "ni|«»iti<>n ant> aiul Inn I' : .i".l n a|>|K-ars that |iu|tils arc iit>i all . xtirim tlu i> an> ntinn tn a [art nl the s\>.leni lai whiih ii (■nilirait'.. Siu h iii^titiiti.'M> aii pi. ii tiarly intt-n'Mint^ in a iif» ounitx. .iti>l hav* lon^ I'ctM; ilie .li'^ ran ..| llu pi. '\ inn : llu\ an . .ii ilu anu (nni-. a pltilt^r ih.ii Miu-llr>lual > uliivaiion u ill i:" liatnl in l"i aliiMii >i\ mik'., ai'il iciininaliii^; in a iiirxf.l point niMrl> iippn^iic Itic {:.irriMUi : tlui;* i-nclosin^ a hfauliful Imsiii al>i>til n mile and a hnlf in ilianuicr. cnpnlk- iil run tainiii^ a i^ri-al ntniilitT nf vi'->«i'l-, and at the enlinncr nt «liiili. slii| ■» may lir \\itli site') during* llu- uiiitir. I lu- (.iriiialinn nl ilu- pcninMila il-'clf i-. cxUnnrdinary. l-ein^; a tnrrtiw -lip uf laml, in >c\t'ral place> tuiI ninii than --ixtx )atdx in liieadtli, l>itt uideiiin^ inuauU its e\lrt-mn\ 1<> ni ailx a mile : it i> piimipalt) a hanU nf sand, -li^hll^ <'\ri ^iiiwn vvilli j»ra'-s ; ilu'vsidfsl |>ait is very i iiii<>ii<>|y jiuri •^I'LMtd Iiy many laii;e punds, that ari' the ciinliinial re^irl i>\ j;reat ipianlilies uf wild low I ; a few tiees ^catteted up'-n i', Ljreail) iiu leasf thi >in^;idariiy i-l it- appraianee ; it !ie>- m> \>>\\ ili.ii (he wide expanse i-l Lake < 'niario is mxii ti\it ii : llu- t iminaliim ui llu peninsula Is called ( liliraliai I'uiu', where a lijtuk house \\:i-> lutn ereeted. \ li^hth-m-e, al the wisleiii I vtieinily ol the Keach. has lendered ihe aece-s tn the harhiiur ^alet> itraelicaMe hy nij;hi. Thi ea--lein IMil .il the hailiniir i> liiumdid Ity an e\i»-n-ive mush. lhri>ii,i;li pari <>f whu li. ilu- nvt r I >> n nii:s I. id le ii ei-. Iiai };ex it-vlf into the !i.i-in. X" pi lei in eithei pi"\iiu-( lia- e.ipitidd 1)^ llu Atnetiean ainiy on the J71I1 April iSl.i riu-y held It hi'Wi vei, mily a few 1I lys ; luii in thai time the ^•>M.-rnntetil hniisr and all ih> piitilie Itiiildiu^s ami .sl<>i. Wire I'limt, alter lenuixin^; ■-o mueli .-t tluii tonl.iit^ a i"idil lie cttiivi iiieniK cniried i-ll. li.iMirnl li.ul niv't iintiu'iliiilL 1\ alUi I hr \\:i\. in iSii.. ;iml elU-rUtl ki; ishil umi It. is •>iiKo li.ul .i in.iikvil I'tKt I I'M tlu- pios|niil\ t>l llu- piin iiiii,-. llu- i^iihli^' s* luu^l sxsli-ni \\;i-^ InauL' iiialril. I h*.- I livn kii i;*.- '•inn nl /Jk«) .1 w.ii iH-iiii^ .ippriipri.itvti lo .iNsisi ill paying tr.ii lut •^ sal.ii i..s ami ohi.iininL; hiUiUs ; ^.Sdf ua'x aK«> \i>Uil t»'i tlu puieliasi.- 1*1 a lihraix Km llu- trn ot tni-mluTs o\ llu- K'i;islalin\-. \ovk f;ti'u sK'.uliK in importaiui- ami Wvallli a*- llu- \^ars went nn. ami s^ t ailii;ill\ hnl sun.-t\ assiinuii llu- vential aiiil etMit li^lliiii^ piwilion 111 pi o\ iiu ial aliail'^. niilil.n \ a nil tia\al inU 1. '.I .NOKMAU hCHOOI.. ■miiu-ni e in tin- I. ;iriu d pi ,.) k— \ahial.leiMilie i.kdo- hand wiih hual imprnv.nunl'. and thai wluKt the indu-iiiim- aj;rieiiliuri-.i and llu- t-nterpri-ini; tiadei aie prn-eiuliny tluii \ariuiis meriliiiii'U> pursiiii- and 'peeulaiinii-, the ymit i>t the eiiloii) will U- reeeiviny the l«iulii> mI i.tlkj-iate *'iuu-a- li'in. the xteppinj; tn U-s-.inn->. Piid an adxantaj^e pher. and the ^eiilknian. Ihe new parlianunl lumse, the eint^rant^ a-yhnn, the l.iw siK-ieiy hall, the Sii.l'." kirK. and a kapti-i eliapel .11* ai-i cnllspininUs ill llu- list i .f the reiellt illlprnX ellu lit- m| the tuwn. and art- eviru-iue^nl miuh puklie spirit and prii-peiiiy. The yarrisnn is sitnaleil tl the tnwn. at a mile disiante. It etin-ists uf karrai ks tnr the Imnps ii>im11) stationed here; a resirleiuv fur the enmmaiidin^j mIIk . r. imw nni-.l rrei|ueiiil\ ui-nipied ky the lienlenanl-pivetimi ..| iIm proviiue: a kallery and iw.. kl... k Imiises. whieh in^etlui pruteel the entrain e .»! the, Tlu- -vpaee ketwi-eti llu i;arrisun and the town ixwhujlv iimim.I Im the it>e .i| ilu ^i»\rrnmt-nl. The hnrlHiur u( \ ork is neatly ciieular, ami f-'rmetl ky a vfiy narrtiw |K'ninsula, -^tretchiiij; fmm the western e\lre- milyi'l the I 'Wiiskip uf ScarkoTini(;h, in anuklitiiiLMliretiiuii, niade ^n rapid a |in'|iiess a^ \'uik. In ilie jeai 1711;, ilu spia i»n wliieh it siand> presented nnly ime ^.ilitary liulian wigwam; in the eiisuin^^ ^1'*'"^ 'I''" Hi"iii'»i f'T ike liitnn melrtipoli^ i.f I'ppei ("anaila was lived upon, and tlu- kuikl in^s cnuinuiieed under the iinuifdi.ite siiperinUndence nl the late tieiieial Siinccie, then lu-titenant ^nveinnr, win-- li'ieial aiul enlarged pkins of iipni\enuiii ha\e mati li dl\ a'lvanecd the welfare and prstcpieni anu'linralion ot it-- soeiel\. Heini; ihe residence of the chief (illicers nf ^uvernmeiil, koili cixil an I niilitary, many of the conveniences and coinfoiN ot pojixhtd ttte .m tit tie iiu > x%iih. Several nevispaptf- aie ihtic piinied wiekly. The lanik o| the ailjaceni townships for several mik-s louiid ue in a hint* stair nf (-iiliix.ilmn, so (hat the market of the tiiwn 's alxvays well supplifi.i \x liii h ».iu.kvl with ili«.' le placxituni »>l llu' ivuvn o\ \ drk 1\\ llicCil\ »" ri>i\>nlo, politiial t|iK '^liiMis. tloniinaU*.! a I olluts. ami tli^- ^-xinl-- uhiih ivilni'iiaK-J in tlw i\'bt.'IIii>n ot '17 wv-ii.' Iuiiil; (.■\ol\t.-cl. In )iio-^i ila\ s o\ pviNonal piv-Urnu lit aiul ku k ol s\ slv in iM- ipialilx inn usi in li\ il S1.1 \ it v appninl mi-nl''. t'liuvn olViCis \\vt\ iialuiallx tilkvl l>\ Iiil-iuI- aiul l:i\i»nritrs ol tlu' lUmiinanl kution, as w a ■ llu' tinixoi-sal ink' al thai pciiiuk .\ln|sL-s rrcpt in. anil v lii".ll\ I\\ this pi-rsistv-nt I'lin i;\ ol !i'\\ at^ilalots, puMii Kvlini; was aroiis.-il t>i llu' stihjt'il, ;niil ,1 ilivisitn nt lliv pi>|niku • inlf two ilisliiul p.ulii's .rsiilicik \ biiU-t Utul lollowi-il onv ihal was tnainta'iuil up I0 iliv slinini,' piiiiul ol '^7 aiul ' ^S, ami which hail iu» Miiiill shaiv in hrini;ii»n ulnnil ihe arnu'il THK noMINION IM.I IS'l'HATKl > I TllK M1;Ki !,.< KHl'\>i<.MAH i Till-: KSri.ANADK, I.ODKINO W I ^T KROM UNION STATION. IMK l)OMI.Nl().N 1 I.I.I IMTKAlMvi > ll risiiii,' 111 Uk- r|i|UT I'liniiKv. Inl.i llu' iiuriis ami ikiiK'rils nl iIk' luii r:iLli»iiN u i- ilo piiiposi- iu>u lo i.-iili.'r ; Init il iiki\ Iv |iiiiiili-il out lllal ail l-Xetlll-Ml I'u'Ul lli.l\' iNi- lalii' pai"l>. Iiisiiui.- lias iK'M.r W'l Ih'iii iloiu' to llial iiu- pnrlaiil si ..I ion oi llic v omiiiim I y !■ 'unv ii as iIk' l-aiiiil\ I'limpKl, iiiM- lia\t' ll' Is Ikcii criliiizfil ill iIk' lii^lil ol llir ll nl' iIk' Liniiilr\ ; mi llio iiHiliarv . iIk' i. ' ilo ili'iiiiii- lialion ol' llK'ir iikIIuhIs aii.l ails uliiili lias Ihcii so loiii; ill lasliioii, apparcnlly proceeds lioiii llu' lacU ol propiil) imlt^iiitj tlu- JilVu iillii's willi uliiili i^oMTiinu'iil ai llial linii- uas lai- i'ii.'i.l on, ami llie iinciilliv ali'il ami iiiU'JiK'aU'i.1 iiiiulilion of iIk' tfival iiiaioril> ol llu' pcopU'. Ixohiil liouila\ liail lakin a piiimiiiciU pari ill aiiHisini; aL;ilalioii lliioii^lloul llic piiuiiKc, ami al a laKr ilalc louiul an Mc liciiU'iiaiil in OI.Il ST. ANDKKWS, KINi.MKKKT. i1k' person 111 William l,\on Mai ki'ii/if. Tlu' sior\ ol ilii'ir pi'rslsti'iil allaiks on llu- L;oMrii- iii'iil ami i;oMTmir lias lici'ii ollcn loUI. 1 1 uill 111- siillii ioiil Ikti' Io say llial Maiki'ii/ii' bcyaii in |S_"4 llio piihlicatioii ol a m'Wspapi'r, iIk' Cii/ii/i/ii/ .\(lviini/r. 111 nivo I'xpri'ssion Io his \ii\\s. 1 1 uas a pirsonal ami rather olVcnsivi' sliii'l. ami allii an cspi'i'lall\ violcnl dialillH. llii' \oiiiii; iiKii ol Voik niil IOL;ilhi'r. OIK' nii'lil, pro(.i'i.'il<.'il Io Maiki'ii/ics priiilini; ollin'. aiul throw its unliro loiiU'iiIs into the laki-. I his was a show or ol ^ri'at l;o(iiI lortuiH' lor I hi' agi- tator, ulio ri'ici\ I'll ^.(kk> lompi'iisalion lorlhi' ilaiiiaiji' : h,' iiilarj^i'il his paper, iiicreascil its lii't iilalion, ami b\ posini^ as .•■ martyr obtaiiu'il iiiaiu IK'U adhi'ivnts, lie was lin' linu's le- luriu'il to till' I loiisi' ol Assi'iiibh ami lour tinii's I'vpi'lKil. riic agitation i ,11110 to a lioail in noioiiihoi, iH;^, an arnioci party ol robols niiistorint; iioar llio c\\\ on tho loiirth ol that nionlli, ami al'tor .1 sl^ii ,iii.,!i, ihri aliniii!; Mu loun iinlil llu si'Voiilh, u lion Ihov woro pin Io loiil In a I'oJ^ ol inihlia lioiii llu' lioio ilisirlii. Maikoii.u lloil. so\ ol llio inoro pioininonl rohoK woi\ !iani.;oil. the loval militia uas iiuisloroil ami sovoial roi;iinenls uoio onihodioil loraotive sor \ il o. riu' robollions laotion, assisted by liorili ol banditti Ironi the Slates, kepi up the ai;iKi- lion lor soino tiiiio; bill bovond a low raul- Ironi .11 loss tho troiitior into IMlisli teriloi'i and llio iniiiilor ol a fou I'lrilisli snbjeols whose ilealhs wore aiiipl\ avent;oil nolliin;: serious resulleil Iroiii the .irnioil risint,^ .\laiiv oli,'iiii;es in sooial ,ind oi\ io lilo liail taken plaoe diirini,' these years ol politiiii siiilo. Sii l'erei;im' Nlailland, a nobleiniin iH liii;h soi slandint; ami well deserved iiiilitai repniatioii .irriKod in S'ork, as dovernor ei I'ppor Canada, ill i,Si,S, and under his ivgi ami that of his suooessor Sir John I'olborne (ol reninsular and Watorkm fame , mam inipoi ll inoasin loiuoineni on ol tlio I 10 most 1.1 llKul.l I ol iu1l;o Ol 01 1 1. James' ml iindoil oil uoi lli\ I liaiisllii I roionlo, I ll d.ito llu . riio p \ 1 1 \ I espi' . nil inj^ w,i IS rapidlv luliiion ol tlu- IronI llluMiyh so li'i 111 p,ii I ^;i. I Mill , Vli'.llU Oil ll illil llu -s Ml oil tile 111 llio pl.r .Moiiio, ami I, h ol « liii ll \i o I ,iimi'iliiii ,'1111, ll ; iho 11 SI iiiali\ I's On iho .J7II k , 1 UMl w .Is ll 1|. I I lison. 'Ill' 1 1,11 pel . s I/,/, /•»;, ll.'.. C.ii lia.o. Ju.iiil Wii-I s| . I /(/l I III, ll I..I111 Rolp ,.'. I Mollisi . Milti'iiu \'iii, l.\ \^\\ .Mai ,11111 s l.osslio. s| - \!ilt rill, ii,Mu;i- Muiiio n01.;i Hufjo,, 1 ll. Koloi nil .' Ill ,is the I OUIK ll I 1 iiiipli Io stir .N'llli.iiii I, yon nil iiiiw ise ai ihuli Mr. M,i isorx alive f .o.'p .ilive and 111. popukit liii.l.a ,is lolli S|. (loorj; St. I'alrio Si. .\ndre Si. |),,\id Si. I.awro THK 1>0MINI0N Tl.T.TTSTRATKn. I'lui-nu'Ml I'l iIk' NWII.iiul till.' loniiii- iMi i>l IIh' I;i (.'i'iii|i,m\ iIk' o|K'nini4 kI K' iTii'>.t r.iMiinis ^vluml ill l',iii.ul;i, I'ppcr .iii.ul:i lUlli'i;!.' Itsj^noik' IImII iIk' lulniLii I iiIl^c" »>\ i.'r I he HiMi llu- iu-\\ cviirisl) l lln' moK- impoi- I iMuliTlMkiM),'-. Ill this |iiiioil. I Ik' nu'sl iMiWi'ilIn ol .ill, ill OIK' Miisi , lunvi'Vcr, . ii.iMsiiinii ol llu Unv II nl ^ Hi k iiilo llio cilv lomiilii. This 1H.I iiiioil in iN.i). in'il Irmii J, lie lIu' liis|(ii\ 111 llii'iilv ti;ill\ ciiMiiiH'ii- -. Till.' puiiiil.iiiiiii li.ul In I Ills tiiiu ii'.hIkiI Mi\ ii'speel.iiiji' lii^iiii' ; toMsiik'iMhK' 111:11111- liiiiiij,' UMsiMrik'il mi .iiul Inisiness i;i.iK'iall\ IS nipiillv I'Npaiuiiii;^. Tin.' iinsMiisliu 101 \ I'luiiliiui ol the muiiiiip.i! ;;o\ii iiineiil liroii^lil |lii' Iroiil iIk' ipii. siioii ol iiuorpiHMlioii ; ,iiul llliinit;li some opposilioii w;is ,lio« 11 hyllie 11 p.irl\. il e.iiiieil. ami in (■'ehiiiMix , S;|. .1 liill . oveiiiiu; llu' pioposetl ineasiiie was iii.'.liueil liilo llie Assenihly by the loeal tnem- i,.iik1 iliilv p.isseil ; il leieivetl the ivoViil SI Ml on the mil ol Mauli. I'lie aet pio\itleil i.ii llie plaee slioiiM he ealleJ llie (. ily ol .'loiiio. ami siioiiKI he iliviikHJ iiilo uaiils. I. Il ol uliieli slioiiiJ elei I IVMi aklei nun ami vo , Miiikiliiuii as iepieseiilali\es 10 the l'il\ .'nihil; ihe Ma\oi lo be eleUeil b\ saiilie- ii M nialives. I'll liie _'7lli ol saiiu iiioiilli llie llisi .ivii leilioii was Ink!, iisiiliiiiM ,,s lollous : s I . wiiKi u 's w m;ii. l/l/i I ii.ill. ( ',/■,//( !lllU II \- liioiiias IV Moi- John \i iiisii on;;. \ "son. loliii Doel. |.i." Il.iipel. ^ si. 1.1 ONl.l s WAKIl. \lilirilhll. Ciililh ihllill. '■•■'•■ r.iiliae. il ., John I i.iil;, .I«.ikI \\'iii;hl. tieoii;e (iiiinell. I si. I' \ I i;ii k's « \|j|i. I .1/1/1 rill, II. Co/Ill, i/iiii II. !'■ h'hn Riilph. Joseph Tin Ion. :ji •• I |)eiiison, SI. J.itiies liolter. "^ s I . 1 1 \ \ I 1 1 ., \\ \ 1; 1 1 . .\/i/i riiiiii. ( 'itiiii, i/iii, II. \ 111, l.von NLieken/ie. l-i.inklin Jakes, ■'Iks i.esslie. loliii I )Miiiinioiu|. si , 1 \u i;i Si I u \i;ii, /,'i/i nil, 11. ( •iiiii, i/iiiiii. ii.'iLje Munio, Win, .\illiiiis, ii'oi:;e |)iii;i;.in, l.anlner IuisIh ek. Ilk Keloiiiiers Heie in 'lie ileeiileil ni.iioiilv, .'111 ,is ihe polilieal eoniplesion ol the iieu Ihe abiUi does not iiuhule ihe niilil.iiv sta- lioneil here, persons eonlineil in i^aol, liansieiil persons, or iininii^rants. Oi ihe iippe.iraiue ol Toionto. .it lliis liMle, .1 \ isiior « riies : Ih. . iiv III r.ii..iii... ilii 1 ,i|iH.iI 111 r|i|i. 1 r,iii,iii,i. h.i- ..I l.l|ii'lh IIM|i|i.\ol -illif I ..IW il hl^t, "11 lllr I'lllllll III liiiii'. |K<|, lli,ii, iiiil(;iiiK III lIu' liiliiii' I1.1111 lli>. |>,i>l, il i> M.ll'ii) imsNiMf In iiiiijcrlitri. \\li,il .iiK.incr il iii,i\ \il lll.lKr II is MT) |i|l-llt]\ ^ilu.lliil wtlllili .III 4 \t-('ll|.|lt ll.U li-iill III .111 cli|ilit-,il liiiiii, ri>iii|iii>iii^ .111 .III. I III ri^lil ol iiilir >i|ll.ire liiil.s. III. 111.' Ill .1 l.ii'j; p.iiiii.iil.i, .ill iihirii .1 l.ii>;r hill. I li.K II... II .I... ml ; .111. 1 .11 il, i-Mi. iniij i, ,1 l.u-. Iij;lil Imii-.. .1, .1 ilii.ili.iii 1.. 111.' i.iilr.iiii, III 111.. |;,n, Ii 1, .1 ,1.' ii.iilni 'iii|i III l.iii'l, 1.1 .1 ,.iiiii\ ii.inik', ifs.iiililin^ 111 111. I II lliiiliii^l.iii l!:i\ ,111.1 l.aki' (liiliiii.., ,111.1 Ilk. il. Il.i lU' lU-.-H ..I a ,Illlllc.l ^l.kllll ll'|.ill it. 'III.- ll.U j, .ll I I 111 I'. Illil.'s ill .li.lllU-U-l. .111.1 .11 ill.' .'.I>1 .'M .1 l.irj;.' uiii.liiiill .1..1..I li.i., I 11.111 ill. I. Ill I i.ii. Il I ..II .... I til.' UiM I 11. .11. .1 .iNl,iii....| .11 I. ,1-1 I III. .' mill-. I 111, .11 \ .M.ii.j,, r..lil,iiliilij; , ,|,,|, .||.| liiiii|,.ii.i, iilllii.,. Ill, I'.irli.iiii.iu 1 1. .11..', ill. I .'.\. iiini.'iil lliiililiiij;, .11.' t.ii^. .111.1 \U'II liiiill. Inn 111 III. III. .Ill, .ii,tiiit;iii,ln.l I.II ilit'ii t'le;;iin.'i'. Tlu' I,. i;i,|,iii\r I iiiihi ll Cluiiili, I i, ,1 ..,|,|.ii.l..l 1. ,ii|i, .I....1.11..I : ill.' l.'V.ll .'ll'l'. III.' till. III. . ill.' ,|...lkl i', .'luii. .11.' ^.iim'..l|, III till- . \li. 111.'. .\, llie II...III I, .111 ..111. mil 111 ll. til. I "ill ..I 'r.iii.iil.i. „. Ii.ij |iii\ .11.. It, iii.'iiil.. I,, ihc |i|..k'> ijiiii 1,1 ill. I'l liii.., ill.' Iiiilw.iil, .it til. .1111,11111111111, il, t'l.'l', -111, .iiiii ...iiiiu .1^.1111,1 Ir.iiilt. li.iM.M.i. .iiiil iluiiHii^ u I'lllllll. Ill, 1. 1. 11^ iii.iv il .\i,i, the .ii|,|.im^ ..I iIk .11.1111, I. Hilling ,1 ,e|.,ll,it. ,ilii| .111 .iilii.K Hill. |ii III}, lit I'l. mill 1.1 ill. I. i;i,| , 111 it,^iii ,ilil>, u-uil.l iinin.'.li.ik ly |..'t.'.'ivt' thai the It, III. .1 1.1 ill. I. III. r riiiil.l I..' ».'M .11. .11111.11 I'll hy tli.ii ,il.irIili.L; e(iv\, « In, ll, till' .'x.'ell.n. i il . .11111.. I n .1. h. Tlir I l.'ll,.' .1 \,, i, .1 lilii', . li.liiili. I, IK. nil liiii,li..l .111.1 liik.l ii|.. Til.' (...U'lnini'iii,. i..iii niiliir.'i. lit Imiik Iiiiil.lin^. Lilt llic ^t.iiin.l, ,ii<.itii.| it .ii. t.1,1. 1'lilly . .111,1111. 'Ilk. I with ,1 |ir..hi,i..ii ..I ti.',iiniriil ll.iwi'iin;; tilt, ,111. 1 ,liriil',. Til.' II. I, pit, ll 1, .1 l.ii^i.', Iiiit lir.ui .toll. .11, l.iil I1..111 till /..ll mill t..l.'nt 1.1 til. III. ill.. ll j;ilill.'iii. II »ll.. .III. 11.1 il, lit iii...|i. . leil.l. .l.K.lllt.1^;l ti.lli. .i.iiiiln. Tlieie i- ill ill. Ii..,pit.ii .1 li..iiiliriil 11. ...I.l 1.1 111. It. « iiiii\.i,it\ witi.h i, .\p..'l..l ll. I..' .i.'.k.l ii.'ir lilt. .Ill; .111.1 till pt. p.. I. nil. II .it ,iiii; \.ilii.' in il, 11111,. .11.1. 1111.11' .IIII..II, .Mil til. Ill liilliv; u-in.l.i, til. Si. .III... ruin,, tu" with .lt,tiii,l l)..ii|, .inl tiiint,,, 111111. .1 ll.;;. ill. 1 in till' !•.«. 1 . Ml. iiiiti. Til.' I ppi I (,1111.1.1 t ..11.';;. 1, .1 pi. nil, 1.111 ii.i.i..ii, liiillihii", ..I i.ilh.r M'li', I.l l.tiiMin;;,. iiillilm. ;;i.ii.lli.l U..1I,. '.iii.l II... I ,l.iiil.l.. li. - III limii. I III, iii,litiitiiiii ,t.iii'|,, ,1 pi.'ii.l iii..iiiiiii.'iii ..I till' pit. III. ll .III.. linn »lii. h Sii J..|ni ('..II ...11..' I. It t. I III. I'l. ' III. . : I .t .1.11 .li,i'.. Il.l;4i'lll.ll! ll p I ,' 1.11.' i II mi I 111 ,1 .1. i| liillv 11. .,i.ilili,liiiij; it, ,111.1 il «ill . I. . III. tl. -, 1.111,1111 nil ll r |i ilk I'l'ivin.'. . ,iii'l the iiu',111, ..i .littii,iiij; till' hi^lif^t l.i.iii. In-, inilil llu bv a bikli .Maeken/i. lebels w.r, leieil aiki^.niik ll eotieet iieil, ,iiul e,iiiieil iheii av li\ e siT ll b\ honle Ihe ai;il,i. .1 l.'W r,'ikl, •.ll leritofi ,iibiee|s .1 nolhiiii: e lile Ikiil ll polili.^i ibleinan I'l ell niilil,iii ivernor ei his n'gi'iii ilborne (.'I i\ inip.'i- iinpli to slill i^iealer k'liijlhs by eleelini; i\ till, nil I. yon .\laeken/io as ,M,iyor a siiif^ii- 1 iinuise ael, eonsiilerini;' Ihe eslinialion in ^l||. ll Mr, ,\laeken/ie was hekl by the entire "i-" I \.iti\ e boily, ami .111 ael uhieh serxeil lo .'p ilii e .iml itilensily p.uiv spirit. III. popiikilion ol Ihe iieu . iu H,'is i|,J5.|, li\ i.l.'il as lolknv s : S|, lieorj^e s W'aiil Si, I'alriek's M. .\iulieu s St, Diuiil's Si, l.avvreme " lolal , . 71K . . i,74« • y..»54 liDW.KHDs .lloNl MKN r, llti.ll I'AKK, Hi I'm-: 1>(>\IINI(1N 1 l.I.I N I'K'AI'IM liiwi'il, all siMl 111 llu iniiis Ik. .1 ik'i i-iiMl ill llu' liiipos s.lllk til /v I'd ll.lllUlll ,i !■■ llh\ .11 ! !'l.n\ 111 III l.lil.l. ilMI- lin u.cs li '-mmII nuiiil iliKii li.ul 1,..«»1, .iiul Ullll IIk' k -K.ulllv ..II ;.i\ . I iinuiit ;1.'.m1i. .Ill ..■in.iik.iliU' ..I lh..>vl..i^- |..h.|l,ilu 1 1 .'>.■ n. l<.i. h. I i.i l"iii;in^', IM 11. liliM.viili'.l !• I 1 1.. II 11.11 II .. .iii-l ,11 lllr iniiiiil r>.iiititi 11 - -.iii'l .; ill. .1I...I.1 l.\ lliiii 1..I.HI !.>i, I. I),-, U.I lii.;;i I.. Ml Ii.' II'. Til. I' u. iii.iiiv UiiiiMiliiil .iii'l |' Ill.lllllll.'ll. Ml till- .|'\. ,lll..illi;-t Wllllll ..II. I- |..1MI. lll.llU .1. M mil:; "I l'..n..Ml.l. ih.iiii..ii. llu >...i.u |..| i.liiiiii|; 1 iiii^l nil- ... mill-.; ii.'Ui t .1. ,t! r.iil.iiii L.l.illv . I. --111111, .iii'i 1-I..1 null'.; uihiu.Iim. i im].|..\ 111. nt 1..1 iliiiii. ^t\.i..l ^ 1.1 I ■llllil.ll .1. -. iipii-.H Ip.iw Ihim t.illlll.l in .Itllililll |..I|U..I llii I'l'.MM.i. 111.1 I oil li>|')'> Ili.ll llu 1 >I^ III. I ..I I I'lii , 1.1 liih.lli.'iii"! Ill 11.1 i:.i".l u.'i'l .'I MMik, !i.i> I .'.il.IiOii.l .1 liki iii-iiiiii III. II .111' in li'.iiiiiliil ■ <>-i>. I^i'liiiil .\ ( ... ill. ^1.1" Ih.l .lull I -l..!. ..I --'iiiM .\ C .... .111.1 lilih .1 .ii|.l., il. .Iiiit;i;i-i'- .'•Mi'li-liiii.'iil l.> Ml. H.ikii. ..|ii:il I.. .111) 111 ill.' ■ "ilMil "I .\ 1. Ill- I' i'l II .'in 111 il. I'l-iiii ill.' ^I'lir .iii'l iiiuii-iUi ..I ill.- 1.1 I ..T..iti... iliii. t- .\ir\ i.'.i-'.n I.. I'lli.M- ill. 11 .1 i.iilr.'.i.l I .■iiiliiiliii. ili*'ii will '-. ftiilin.t I..l\i..-ii lli.-nu .iii'l I. .live lliil.>ii, li.t l.iki siiih... ; 111. ^T-iiiii'l I- i...\v 111 111^ -iir\. Jill ill. I'llij (I.i;,„„|, ii.ill IV .1 Mit I1.111.I...111. I.lli k l.iilkliiiL;. i-.iiil.iii. lll^ .v.. II. lit I" 1 .1111111. "I.ltl. .11 I'll 111. -ill. I. lit' Ml I.lH. .111.1 1.11 illr lilltUt.'i- nli'i • 1 Ml- ill. I i:i\ 1.1 r.ii.iiil.i .liillM^; Ullll. 'jlii-ii- i- I .'iiiM' il I... .111 ..I (. iii\ iLili-.n i-li.iiiili. I. .111(1 .111 .i.liiiil il.le lii.liu. rill rpj.. 1 I . IJ.ilik i~ .1 till, -t.ilir 1 illtii .-. .iii'l till I 111. 111.! t .i|ii|i.iii\ h.l\e .1 II. w III. II-. tut Il.iii'.ii liiii; till II t.ii'Mii-". I fi.-i. I- .111 I \r.-lli 111 Milk. I iiiiUM. -iiii.i in.U'.l Ullll > l.iiil.liiij;-; tin- M.i haiiu - lll-titilti 111 III III. II inn tin;;- 111 uiii- nl ill. 1-1- hiinijii;; ill. nl.irkcl -i|ii;ii.. llif iiiiiliiri| ;iiilt..'ltii.-' liii-il in .iiinlln 1. .1 1 i.-.iillii^ 1.1 111! I- ;it iiiii 1 "iin-r. .vln-'t- tin- I .,; li-ll. Ili-ll, Si I'll h. .mil full mill |i.i|ii-i-. M.i;;.i/ill.--. KrUi us, .1. . .m- t.ikiii 111. .III'I I.I Willi li >ii,iii|;i-i- r.iii ii.iilil) iilil-un .1. I , till. 111^11 till- ."iitii--> "I .nil "I III. -iili-i iili.1-. Till lll.llkcl. .Itl- lll'i-l >-\. Ill-lltiv -.lllllllinl »l 11 1111.11. tl-ll. |iiilll li\, 1^;,'-. \.-;;i-l.ilil.'-. Iiiill.-r .111-1 hint. Tin- I-iiii-cniial ( liiii.h i».i li.'.nv. I.ii;;. an. I li.ii .liiiK. -iilln'li'lll 1) i.i|i.ii'iiiii-liir iliv .ni-.iiiiml.itiiiii .■! .(.mill |ii'isiiii-. Il i>M-ry ilia-ii'l)- anil I'U'tjJiiily tim litil in tin- iiiicrKit. Tin; < athu- lii' I'tliirrll is a^c ami lian.l-.iilU' Iilill'liii;4. I'.'. 11 llf Mini liii.l;;.': II I. 111-11 I. ii'iit l.ii III'.' ar.i..iiiii|;iliiiii III llu- tiiiiiii- r III- lathiilii - in Hii- .ill ami il - m - nil). Tin I'li -li) If nan rliiin-li i- a lull . liiiililtiiK. iiml |......— i- .1 kit;;.' .iiul 11 ri'-|ii'rlalik ii.ii;;lr;;atiiiii; tlu' Mi lll.i.ll-t- ll.iv. .il-ii .ivi l\ s|.a I'iniH lirirk ilia|ii'l III ilii-cii) ; Ik. I .ili.riil iiili.iliiiant- nl T.. I NIVl-.KM l-\ 111* IKIMIV eci.l.Kl.H. 1..111 I liavi .1I-. .an \tii. ,111 • linn'li .\ In- k 1 ■ \\t II .111. luk 'I 11 1 vt i\ L;iatil\iiii; I" '■. .11 11 inn mi 1.1 1 1n -^ I r. .11. In. 1 "I llu in ::i.>i - I. -ulni;;iii ll.l-i 111 llu \ I1 ur I ..I iluiii < .. .i|.. .1 11..11. >',i\i.'r\. llii\ .lU'Will I'liili I'll '1 .111.1 kiii'll) ii-i-il, .mil .i|.|ii -ir t.iciiiii. .1 -. list- ..I ;;i.iliiiul. .Il llirii lu-.ilnii III, an I -li.... lIlL-y.liiU .ii'|iK. i.ili tin- int--lnn.ililf lili'— in;; -.t lit. iIliii ; tin- -IK-i t- 111- \i ill. .mil ut'll kill I nut, .III. I I... III;-. I.I ill. lll.k.'l.ltl;;,ll.l. i-Mltinn- "t tii-..|;;f lliiiiull, l-l.. .Hi II. lU iM II .illkr 1 iili.inriii;4 llu- In .1I1I1 .in.l i.iiii|..|l ..t lli.; iilhaliit.iiit- lliilr .11.- ni.ill) t-M.Il.'iit I. Ill 111-, -iiiu' ..I lii-l r.ii.' I'll. 11, 11 I. -r. l-iitir iirH -|i.i|it-i - nl ini.jiifstiiiii.ilili lak-iii .Itl (iriiit. .1 in ttiis Illy -till- ('.■/ami/, .■/.'''/.-//. /';''/.- '//.I* (V/i /..'..,;/ f///, /;(//.!//. Iiiiiiii ilial.-K .nliiriiiiliL; * '-;; 1. I kill i- .1 -I'litiiiiil n\i-iiiic "t ;;ii-.ii lin^tli .mil 1. lllalk,ll.l•.- lll.lllly, iiiU'ink-il .1- ill. t-lllr-mi-. til tin* Kind's t nil.-;;!.. \ tin. Ii.i« li.-ilm . .1 K'*'!' larii) in this priw iiui . -km- the I'liiinils; l.iu.'L'iiii .Mill tin -|i.ui..iis ;;iaMl w.ilk '- .1 i1l'<'|i -linil.lii'r) .111 I'.ilh ni'li'-. |i|.i:iltil uilli ill. .k..n'i-t tut'-, till' ;;.-nllf w.iMn;; .ii-.i. i.i, llu- ;;rarL'(ill h. n-i . li. -Iniit. tilt' tl.iw.-tiii;; i.italjia, lllc \aiU'n.ilc.l Imll-t. III. 'kill. ;;lftll aiul till.' ck';;aiit i:i |irc-s. Tlie |itiv.ilL' h-.ii-.- ..( -.lint -.1 ihf lilincilMl ilili.iliilailt- nl T'linnl.. ,111' kii;;. ui-l l.'lt)'. anil ili-jikiy ;; 1.1.11.. Tli.if 1- .1 i..ii-t.iiil iiiifi I iiiir-i' ki'|il 11 1 1 with all pan- nl lIu- I'liivinrc .mil the M.iii--. tliihng lliv .-.iiiiiRT mniith-. ky -U'.iinlin.i's. .mil 11 1- .1 v. ty Int-ly cil) .11 the -in in;; 111 ilit- I'roviniial I'.iili.init'iit. in the winter, il the -li-i;;!!!!!;; i- ^nnil. Tlic lilfi.iti of T'lrnnt'- li.ut' i-l.iIili-lH' I an .iilinii.ilik' liici.ny -nciety, pif^idiil .'vti ky tl'f .Vltiinii-y i h'Iil'I.iI, whmi' vari.'il arcnniiili-liim-nt- .iiul .inu'iiity llf ni.iiiiii'r- icinlci him .111 nrnaiiu-nt t.i -n. iety. .mil -jiei'ially |i.iti"iii/L'il ky the )irt'-ciii Lieut 1 ...M-ninr. Nn 1 . 1 1. I, liim-elt a ili-lilli;iit-lieil ciilllliliiilni to the liitTnluit III the I lay. Tliiie i- a pkiii nnw in ciinii'iii|ilaiii.n-. There art- many;;e iiiaiiiilacinriei. .it r.ii.intn. ilicil with Kie.ii .icciirary in the T.iriiiiin .ind Mmm' Ih-tr'rt ...I eiiikit Mill" in;;-! llieili in.iy lie tlienlitineil .1 kir;;e Inlinilry .mil .1 cnacli liuikler's. (he -tore- .ire ver\ nuiiu'inii- -.niu nl lllf meti'haiil- 11 iinniediatc cniiiirciinn with sluttukk I'.ii inin^h.itll. .ili'l ihe p.itleii - in I* ii;;laii'l. riio tlow i.'iuiiK'il liail plt.'HH 111 iisi'liij unik hi'itir.' It. Nil liiiuls I'xi^li'ii itl llu' IreasitiA, \\liili' tlu' .-III. 'I.- iiiul tniiitiiipiil liiiikiiti).;'- ucr.- ill a ili'pliii,ilili.' ■.tall.'. Siik'u .ilks lltiTi.' uii'i' until.', ami .nil.' Ill the lif-l sit'ps l.iki'ii Ha'- In luitiiiw oiu 1 Iioii'-.iiiil .1 1.1. Ill iikt.iin.. .vitlu'Kl t iMiviik i.iM. i!iHi,iiln Inikvi'i 1.1 III.' ..imlntl nl pi'ik si 1 i.iii'-. lun ij in. pkiiik-- Will' I, till liitiniiiuliii.illv .Ml ill.' prill, ip slU'tls, .iiul ;.,!.'. Il W.I-- ill.' pilklii l.'i.iltin til. It. II. I'.II llu' iitli.'i ik'sii.'ii impi ti\ v'ln.-ni .1 I. IS t'f lliu'cpt-'iti . on till' pi '.iiul k'vii.l .tiul Ill iniiiK-\ I.i in.tki.' a sul h. n jiiiiiiin. \\ Ink- tlu- liini-iiin .pi.-sti- .il ill.' I.IH IllllK'ss .111.1 .'\pi.'tli. 'K X nl llli'- M biiiin ilisi'iissi.'.! .It .1 piiMi. itii'ilin;; In' in It. ml .i| 111..' tii.itk.l. 111. pkitliiiiii ut.'.I. .i\ .-t a ImiI.Ii.-i's sialli li.iiii wIii.IiiIk- spv-.ik.i wciL- hat ail;4iiini^ I Ik* ii.nvil l:.i\.- w.iv : ill l.t' linn iiiain nl lIu' pi.'i--nif- \vi-i\' kilkil ni uniiiHk-i In bi-itin iiiip.ik.l I'll ill. -Ii.iip linnk- bi'knv aiiuiii;; llu'si' Hi.'i\' I nl. ii.l k'il/n ililvin. his sun Akk'fitian I'otiisnn. .iiul .illu'i vw II kiinw natiK's. 111..' .Iink'ta \isiU'.l I'.ina.l.i lliis \i.'ai' .lit.\ ik'.tl Its ii. .uu ti in l.iinnl.i. IIk'.iU li.ti tin iiR'ans oi ;.;i'appliiii; v\ilh sn .lu-ailliil ,tit cpi lU'iilif, aliil isnlali'il pi-i siiii,i| ik-vnlinn In llii sii'U ami ilyiii.i; «as all llial iniikl I'f alliiiipliil Owv luo luiiHlti.'il pirsniis rv.ll\itlims in lit. ilt'i'ailliil pla;,'iti.'. Itl llu.' \i'. Its inititi.'iriali.'l\ sii|isoipu 111 In th- cil\ s in. nrpnt.ilinn link' .il inU-u-sl .ii.-iin\'J l\i||tiv-al csctits In \\ Ili.ll \\ .- ha\i.- .ilt\-.iii; ilrawn alU'iitinii absni h.-il puhli. iiili-nsi Mr. M.I. k.-n/it' s i.-tni nl .t\iv- nllt. i- was sli.ii! .iiul in i.'s^:^ 111.- iitii t-vt'ii .'k. It'll 111 .1 -.'.1 in llu.' t'nitinil. Iniit;; ik'li..ili.'il |i\ Knl't-it Iklil uiii Sullivan, wlin u,is aUn .ipptmilt-il' Ini M.-.11 ; 111 i.S;ii lu- I' I litinias I). .Mnirisnii, wlui lilk'tl iIk' nirtt.'o iiit< iS;.S, ulit'ii \klt't'iiiati I'liui'll fcif^iH'ti ill li'' sti'ail. riu' rclit'llinn n\t.'i, a t iiiUtl lanaila snnn 'i'' 111 \pttl. I.' '1.11 nl .1 pilll| \. ls,iii-s|it.'t.'; lilt- I'llsillt-ss • kt. k.-tl. Si ■iiiti ittati\ nl 1 1 in til, iiml 1 1 ,4 I' 1 1,IMI1 >. I .11 llial pt-iim ll.iiiii-s H fit' n It. Ill 11 nni I llk'uk'tl hv -;it .iit'i' ilci^fi'i taiiittl. \M sii, 1, t-i in^ IS i|it.'\ .1 suit lit a mat sulist-|iiiialii\ 1 .1st imJi.T tilt Ml' riic In Thi^; I)omini(in I i.i.t is-i*K'A'rKn. Mil ol'Liinti' \ wo I J iiu! IIk' priiuip,! ilk' lojoiiiiu iprii\0liK'MI lev illl lUi.' ;i sill'- 114 i|iii."-li''i • I this 1.1 iciliii^ IkK 1 m I L I'L'i !ci s|ii'.ikri' .i\ ; ill Idl llis '-('I ill kiumi Ni'.n .iiUi I III- I il\ li.ti, Jlul .11) >pi- n 111 Ilk .iIUllipKll lillls li> till I Ml 111 llu >l iiCi iiroii I- mIii'.hI' iliU'ii-'i \\ as slu'i! il in .1 -i.i I!, !il llll .\I.1M' I ink 1.1 I': ollii'i' nil' ;iK'il ill k llil SlUHl 1' Inwcil, ami llii.' i|iK'Nliiiii nl iIk plai i loi' llw I iin cil ucii' nl a l.ii iinhk i .iiul iiiini' pi.Tiii,i- ml wtMiliir. .il ,i iiii|.n> i lin |..i|.. i- win lillcil «iili siMl nl lln.'t,'ini.'iniiK'Ml ol iIk' ,iiiiali;aii)alii.l ml- ikiiI Hpi', .iiul iii.iiiv nl iluiii im."i muv appear "I"'''- '"' -"''i'li. •'"'I 'l"ii"t; 'I" " -pii"« -ii-.'! IM' ii , 1 I • I . II .1 ,1 II , . I -. . I I -11 ^^■'' 'I'll'' '*"iiiiii"ii f'lr I'l 'li^lr.iiii' ill w.iilinL? llitiiiliili llll mill'-. I>i'i aiiii' nl iliii'l iiiniiii'iil ; .iiiil uliiii llu- In Ih' iM-i.'ik'iil ^pii iiuii-, nl ;m i liilci I -Uill. ' ' , , . . ' .ti.iu Im 111! I. ilic ihil- i.i " iinimiiiiiiii.ililr- nun ik'i isinii 111 laMHii nl l\iiiL;slnii u a-- miiniiiii I'll. An iSn-ptinn In lliis, lumi.'\ir. is iIk' I'lly ,||,.||i ,. u,,! ii ,i ,, n,. ,ii,ii,ii il ihini; i, ,.,,■, h..iM .tin k llll linpis .uul spiriis nl lIu' piiipk' nl I niniiln 1 1 all. si ill ill usi' ; an iii;lii i ami k-ss syniinili i- i,,,| n, ih, mu.! in llu 'n. k an .i-, .iivl in. im lu.ny I I s.iiik In /I'in. Il uas lili llial llli.' K'llinv al nl buililiiiL; i niikl siaii I'K lia\ i.' Ihi.ii ilcvisi^l. In inn. I Inm \ii.iii-. Ii..«.i.i li.m »..ii.|. iliilly iiiipiH\ril r.irli.lMKiil .Hill till' JoparlllK'illal iiirKi's, sin. ill llnwiVir, ilsil.iys au- iiuiiiIh-i i-il, .'IkI 'rnrnnln ■ iIm-. I.n ; ii I ih. -i.l. «,ilk- li.n, l.ii n Ir.^li |.l.iiik .IS llii'V al thai linu' unii.-, unukl W a iiiishlii- \m1| sunn pnssi'ss .i lii i, iKMil-niiai Ui s wnilln "'' "" ■"■"'"i;- k.u. l.i-i' pi..wi. ,in.l .i l.iij;i- iiiiinl.. i ..I , , ■ , , , 1. I 1 ... ... ■ Mn iM.lliiil liiiiklinus li.iM hull ii.,licl, [n i.Sir. ih, l>lii\\ In llif prnspi.Tii\ nl I Ik- pi. in.'. I>iii \\u- li.T pnsiiinn aiiili nniiiK, i la inipmlaiu i . i i . . ■ ■ i , . .v i ' ' ■ ' ' I 1..11II ...Ml. until .iln'iil l.jnn iiiti.ilMl.inl>. in Isjd llif mini u'suli .is ill .\lniili\Ml .1 li-u yiai>'.r In many iispnis i.Sp, .m i.\inlliil ximi. i,^, i,,,] j, „,,.,, „.,i i., k,--. „, is.,, t,,,,; n, i.s>j ii ^Imwi'il sill II prviliilinns nl wnc. In I'l- ill lii 1 1 I'iisi i ailii' llii' L;i\al liii', iIk'ii .i x i- ilalinil nl ..I.1I...111 ,|.oi«.. .in.l in |S-|J llu niin.l.. 1 li.i.l li.i 11 1.. I. ill. 11 inns. llll- I lii'i k in lIu' pi ns|v lil \ nlllii> I hi' ik ailly l\ pus l^-iii ilMnn^hl iniiuilli iIk' I5..i.f". •! i"li iiu h. 1 i' n vi.n-. In i.'>.)5 ili. .in «.is Inil li'inpnr.ii), .uul vlkiuj nnl\ a Irisli inimii^i.inlsi, ilicii llii. i.-\i ilfiiii nl i nniKx't- l"r"l"i"" ' i.l n. m.;.-! in iSi J5.11.1.. ,, , . ., ", I , , ' , I • 1 , - • f I . , . . . . . r..t..nt.. M.I- ilu-..ii.t.|,iu .1 in lNi(. .111.1 'iliiMi- III.. ..iii.ili mmihiT nl llu.' ir.iik'spi-npli. . I In pnpiil- iil u il n lliu msii 1.: '...ul [■.li'm, ..nil l.isih the , , ■ , , ,, ' ' ' ' '^ • imnil.. I - 1.. Ih. I.i _L',i-l.ili\i A--init.h . iiinii li.iil l'> lliis liiiu- li.S|i) u;innii 1.' nv ir 1 1'l m n nl I Ik- piMi'i^iinal ini; PailiaiiK'nMnr a I'u c I In ■i..uii.l ..n »lii. h T..i.ini.. 1- ..111,11. .1 i. ikmiK kul. I ......11, .uul l.ii il 'inpnn I'liii'iils liill\ in inipiiiL; W'ars' ii'sl in llu- Inni; I'l ii k iMiiklin^s nil l''innl- -|..|.inL; i;.nil> ii|. I1..111 ilii- - . .ii;. . '! li, -m.i- .m Milli llu- kiinMkil;;i nt il.i\ Will hi.-iii^ siini. \ miiinr i.-\i ili-iiu-nl u .is llu- ailinnnl :;in. 1, Ik lii-l ..111 .11 iniii .iiij;li > : ; ,.iti..ii runnii.:. |.,ii ..iiiiiil mil. \n i^nini; nl i-imin.:.; nl .1 mnb in .1 pii.uUnI I l.i- s| 1 i-,-is mi liu- mi .,Mmi '""' ' ■"'> •■"""'' ''" '.'"''- "' ''''' ''■'>• '" " """ .iniiiniunl nlliii.ils mukl iluik lui i.ipiil nl I lu nl urn m I In i ,1 1 nl Willi. mi I .n mi .Mac- '''-''^^ '■'•'■''"'"'■■'• -''''I ''•■■"'«;'"-••■'' ''.^ ''•''''- '""""'s ' - h .111.1 .1 lilllr i\'--l. I he prill, ..I ill. I'. till. I. II. -unMli, .uul lur snL-i .uin; lu.'ni\ is mu nl ki-n/ii- ils niu--limi.- ii-^pnUil .iliki 111,11. and ■■ |.|,.ni,- -• Kin;;' • ii.l." --A.l. Lii.k .ni.l --cii,,, 1, ii-tii,iikal>k- pinpiL-s.,. m.iynr lunv .1 p.ii ilniuil pinili^;.il. His ^■\\'ii>\ .11..1,. .,,,.1 . I ili. l;iii. 1 •• \ ..iii;i-." ( Imr. li ••' unl In \piil. i.spi. ,1 ilis.isi inns liii- I'lnki mil in u .is piihliiU ImmiiI in linni nl llu- liniis^ u lu-ri- ' -imi-. Tlii--i- .in -iiii.n.-.l in ih. in..^i ilii,|J\ ,11 ..| .1 piililii liniisi- .,1 llu. mm I nl Kin- .uul lu liail luinul slu In r. .uul « liu h u .is simu-il ami ""'"' ■"'' '"""" '"'-"i''" I i"" "I ili'- 'iiy. Tin- iw., N\ isnn siii'i-is, .uul siii'pi nwi .1 k iiiji- aii.i I il I nnsiik-ral'lv b.iluiiil. Mnsl pi-npk- w i-i i- in |.ini. i| lli.ti..ii;4lil,iu - aii.l llif ^irn t- . .'iil.iinni^; llic^c^i il'.l ..I »li..|.- ..I -|..u». .Ill- kiiii; .111.1 S..iii;i -Uii-n. llll- I'lisnuss ii-iiiii-nl llu- Inuii ki-lnu- il svmp.illii uiih ihi ki-liiit;s nl llu- 1 inU-is, aiul Km-. -ii,-ii .m.l ( luiin -m-. 1 I...1I1 -1 111 Iroiii ili, 1 1..11 l.iiil .f .'uikril. Si. j.iniis I., tlu- lil\ II. ill r\o piinislmu-nl m.un-sls Inllnunl, llu visit ,11 ili. . .1-1. in iMi.-inin ..t iln . lu ; ,it iluii ,-..iiiiiii-iii-iiiii-iii iiul in. Ill) nllu-i \.iiu.ilik- lniikliii>,'s wi-ri.- ik-s- nl l.nnl |-!l|.;in llu- lii si .ilii-i his sii^niiii; llu- 'In* iiimi\ .L.-i i..i;i ili.i. Imi .lii. i^;ini; .in ihi-y i-\U-nil iiiuiil, ami tlu- inlal kiss cnnskk-i.ibK i-vn-L-ik-il inlanunis Ribillinn l.ns,i-s liill u.isaUnllK- "'-'"-'I'l- 'Ih-v 1 li.n, 1 1 i«.. .u tlirc. ..iln-r ,■ .. , ., .. , ' , ■ , 1 I . I .11 >ii.ri- I., l..-i\\.-.ii ilieiii. 'ill. kriiii..- 1 i..>-ini: llu- ^.ii.MKii). Il raui'il iIk- i-Mliri.- ila\ , as usual nii-,isimi nl snnu- piilnu Inkiiis nl ilispU-asui c ; . h '• i, , ,. ' • . , ■ . , , . "*'' l'"n ».i- .iirii-.l .i«-.i\ l.\ .1 (^ii.ii .inil i1.»h1 in .11 thai piiim, llio appihaiiiis Ini Imiliiit; 1 u- nut In .1 k-ss ili-i;iii- \. as tlu- lasi- in ,, ,„. , ,„, , ,„ . ;. . ' 111. , , III s- r- f-' III. .).inii;..l i.S5ii. wliirli .li.l i-.iniiiler;il>lr ikiin.i^i- iiL.ii^ till' li,iiiu-s «i-ii- nl a\i-r\ prinuli\i- ik-sci iplinn, ami, iili..l,- ,-..ut>i- ..I iln- H 1- «.-ll .1- ..n llu- l..,r.l.-r. ..1 ..ilu-r h.iil il nnl lu'i-n Im llu- i-\i-i.-lk-MI .issisiaiiii llu- Inllnuin.; i-\iilk-iil ik-sii piinn nl 1 lu- -lu.ini- in ilu- nnmiiy ; .1 iriiip..rinA hri.l);i- ttus plnri-.l ..M-r illmik'il by tlu- troops in ^airisnn a nuuli iil\ .11 llu- ilnsi- nl tlu liall-ii-ntiin . h\ .inni- '-In m. 1. .in.l .1 ii.-« ..m ..I .1 ni, kiml i- in :;ri. ik-rilv.'f,M-cc of ilamaKV unukl havi- lu-cii sus- li-inpm.uv uriui, will Ih- nl inli-ivst ; ■""" "' >nvii..ii. \l...i.i .1 .|i,.,u.-i ..I a mill- «i-.i ..I ilu- l''.ii i- llll I. ill ..1 llll ...iiiily .111.1 .il\. .iiiil .iilininin^- ii a '"'" I 1.. ll.i- . '-11.111. 1> l.i|.i.l |.|..;;l.-.~; »c ll.n., ..i„i, -|,.i, , uh,,,. ||„. ,..,ul, l.iii- .iii.l .ij;.i, \ll sill h i-nnllaL;i, 11 inns, serious .uul appall- h. ii.l .111 -.1.1 -.-iik 1 -.ii. ili.n li.- I..1- li.i.l iii.inv .1 .l.i\ , t; 1 sli.nn .111 ii.ii.ilk Inl.l, iiil; is iIk'V appc.ll at llu- linu-. i-\ i-ntllally 1 i-- Nll.iiililin in .1 I'.'n.l I..1111. il> -iln.ili.l ..n ih. i, n -|..,i V lilll. i-.i-lwar.l ..I ill. .-. nil. ..I llii . ily .in -illl.iu-.l llu sail III a niarki-il ijaiii in llu- app.-.iiam.-i- ami "l"'U' iln- -i.m.l-. ..1 ..itli,i« ii ,|,.| mnk, 1 l.nil.lint;. .m.l 1 in Ikiil. tin ..1.1 lii, ll.ill ii.i- ., I..I..11 111. Ill, ; .111,1 n.n ,11 llii 1111 I11..I M-il. link .|, ,,ni ,,|,| |,,,ln,„it,| |,i|, .,| ii.,| |,ii,|, l.nihliiiM,. il,i fh.iil 11|,,1, Ih.lll .,1, 11 M.ll- .11;, . ill, I..IMI ll.l.l n..l Hll..lly k.Nl .ill .,1 «|li,|| «,|, ill Kiiijr >|. ; ,, |, „ j,..,,, ,|,„.,. ||,^. Iiiiii I., ih, mil ..1 •■ N..iki' llll.- M.I, ii.ilk- »,-ic 111 "iiiii I in ll.iU' «.i. Ill, i,,l. ,,| «liiu->. ..p|,..»iii- in' I'lic I'uikliiij^s that siu-i\-i.-ik-i.l thosi- ilcs- 1 my .li l.i|.i.l.iii ,1 ,.in,liii,.ii, -..111, ..1 ilu . i.i.siiifjs. .ilu-i -lu in.iiki-i -.|iiar.-, .iii.l iiiniiiin; .|..«ii i.manl. ilu- lu\. 'I11---I inlialil) nl .1 prni.;i\-ssi\ i- iit\, .iml tlu- n> iiiuli.'r MU'iilioii Iniiiu-il iin i-\i i.-|il inn In llu- i8 THB dominion IMvUaTKATKD. \\ VCI.ll'FK COl.MOK. Tlii^ i- .1 \ir\ -.trau^t |i.okiii|; I'liiMin^, .iiui i- iiiitoiiuii.iii fi.r llic riiiUt.ittMn uf tlu' aitliiiLri nnjiloytil lu- iliij;n iiwln'l nl nflcrwartN. The nld cily lunlHing-. wtri- tlr^tri'yt hA- lnvn irtrtfrl in thiir I'l.iir. r.ilhd ihi sk •' I-awrcnre llall'.m'l "St. Lawrirnrt- lMiil'liiij.'.>,' \Vt (inil .1 liM "I twcrHy "lu thurchr^ in thr I.inI Tornnt". 'lircctory ; ihiM arc four l''piM'ci|Ml, om- I'usliytiri.ui in cnneclion wilh ihv Church nf'1. one Prcsliytirian Church iifCan.Kia, four Wc^Ii-yan Mfihutli-i. >>ni' CiihnHc \p.M»tlic, tHtt It,i|)ti->i, "nc I »iM-ip|(.'s. aii'l iwn K'Uii.ui Cath"Iir. ThiiL- iii.n lu uthet I'uiUhui;^ thai Wf haven" accuuni of: --it. |.uiu-- Church or the " C.uhcclr..- ' I K])!-- Coptl) ua^ cii-lroyt'il in the i;rcat tin*, an-I a uxw lunhiin^.a-. art- al^-u the Chutrh ot ihc Holy Trinity, atcl ihe Kontan Catholic Cathedral. The loruier wa> creeled \Mlh ti\c thousand jHiund- senl l-y ^onu- UlHral }<» r-.>n Irom In^land, ■ >n condition thai the \\\uiU of ihr seal- sh"uhi In- Inc. The otner lmi!din^> of note are the rarhanunl Hiiildin^^- aml Ciovernnicnt Hoii>c, the Cniver'-ity and rpper Canada CiilKm. n>^,iode Hall, ihe Itank-. Cu>t«ini Mouse, lamaiic .\syhnn. etc. The I'arhauient |{ui!iUnt;s and < ioverniucni House, which were formerly ih-cu|iii<1 hy the I.ieulcnani fiovernoi, the (iovernnient oftice-v and the le^-islaturs of rplHT Canada, had. since the union, l>ecn th'\ott'vernnienl front Montreal lhe\ were o\frhauhd, p'H in rcp.iir, and a,, iiucd a portion of their ancient di^nii). Toronto Cniversity (or Kinj,'~ ( ollej;'") rcieived a grant ot 225.^)44 acre- o| !and. and r|i(»er C.mada ( ..JleRe a j,'rant ot (H,<>42 acres ; they .ire tlierefore well enilowi-d. < KRootle Mall, more jjenerally known as " Lawver'' Hal!,' is a handsome Iniildin^ sl.TiKlitij,' > hirnishe'. the superior c<»urls with suitalijr accommodation forever, for the sum of 6.000 dollars (urrenc\. ( K^..ode Hall contains a (.j.^id law- library. There are at pre>en( .S20 names ctilere-l on the student's roll of the sociity, of whi. h ^42 hue hcen admitted harriMer-'. Snriie years a^;o, when wt hist .nriMf! ill Ti'ronto, w. were taknig an i vi nni^\ -tr.>ll, ex| l-tin^ the hi^;hway> an-l liyw.i\- of the *,»ueen Cny, wht n in the e.-ur^' p. r. ^^li'iation- we -uddi idy ciui. in tront of a lari;e. |ov\ pde ot huildin^ uliii h w< had not pn \ioii->ly « 1 n. De-irinu' oi knowni^' the nanu of >o lorinidahle a lonkini; building (for those days), and the iisi-> lo which ii w.i- applied. We waited a shnrt liun in h.iid he, itointinj; to the pile withliisrmjier." that's I, i-\er- Hall." "What i-ii:'" ^aid we. not ipiiie underslanked aj-ain. ** That's where the la )« r- ;;u to stud\. ' We could ^ain no further inforinition on the suhjecl. It ip peared to u-- rather strange that in ^ anada peopK- should ha\< to >tud\ an arl, the art of lying, which in other countrr. - 1- api lo come rather toi. naluially. 1 )n the following inotn iiig h..we\er. on ,i%kingoui landh.; '.. we ascert.nned that thi pti//ling piK was called " I.awuis Ha!!." and that it wa- oiiK the l.oy's imperfect pronnnciaiion that con\erled the hon profession into a vice. The hanks are >uli >l.intial cui^tone Uuildlngs, and consi-,t of th« I pp> t < anada, (ioniniercial, Mrmtreal, and Ikink of Hritish \<>iih America. Th*- Cny Mank ol Montreal ha> .d-. .in agi im \ . anil lliete In a s,i\ing> Hank. Toronto .lU.i eoni.ijn, tin Provincial lainatie .\sylum. which i-. a large mass ot hni'd iiig, erecitd on a sutticienily large plot of ground, hut situated .'.carcely far eii.uigh from the puMic f.u .1 liuiM ing of that I'oal plic» from Toronto to the oi p.ninsula I't the recre.itii.n of thi -. and .Mii^ionalh there m- two hoat tin ^t.iilon. Toronto has a lloaiiu News Uoom, -1 >oiitt\ of Arts, a Mechanics" In-li tutc, a riieatrt . a I'liilharmonie So.ietv, Cricket. Curling;. .iud Howling ( hil-, a Typographical Siciet\. a Hous»uf In du>tr>, >thoo|s.,| M. di< iiu . ant Sink ( I >cIiom1. I'roxincial Normal Sliou|..ind \Io,|.| >.hool. Ilic piincipal n ligioit- and char it aMe ass.. i-ial ions are. the ChunH soeittv. Wesle>an Mellh-di-l llr.ieas So,it-iy. the ol.jccr nt win. I1 Is to pr-iciin jimI niaki u)> . lotlung foi iJu |«Kir ; i!u Mouscof lndiis|i\. which is piitly suppurted Inanannml: Tarlianientary giani. and p.irti) l>y \olimtary conlriltutioiiv 'The l.nil'ling. which iHcn incle.i al an expense of neai ly eighteen himdud pounds, is e.ipalde of accomodating Irom ' si\iy to eight) itrsMiis. 'Then i- dsi. a Tottmto hranch «\ \ the l.nglish Keinale T.niigralion Society, the Toronto ( in Missmn, Ladies' ItiMi .\ Catli<.lic ( irphaii .\^\ tum, .1 IVniperaiiie Uetointation >o(ni\. Cppei CaiU'Li j liiMt S.'cieiy. Cpper Canada 'Tract the Lliiin Assoiiation, lor improxnig ihe lal md leligi.ius conilit of the colored jHipulatioii. The National s.icieliis an .md the Kree m-isuns, t fdd Tellows. and Son- and ( 'ailels .if Temperance | lia\( I'tdL'es here. The <"anada < onipan> an ..ffice in T.iionto : ami | aniongsiihe nianul.tcloiiis will he found tounderies. tanrt fies. hieweriis, disiilhries. sham gtj-i tn IK. starch f.uiori-s f,hie factories, planing nn lines. s..ap and < ainlU tactorio. papei mills. .i\e niamilactorics. mpe walks and oil clod, maniifaiioiy. .n-., etc. 'Their .in- right hiiilding s then Intin ilios, ,.t ih, pnsint day. furnishing rM tlu- sirmnur sc.i- t l.iinl >ii ix'MJn^nl.i ' 'i thm.i inn .mil ( 'tnii n Mi-( It-mits* In-ii I, Crirkrl. <'nrlini;. j ut\. .1 llMii^i-i.rih I'iials .ni>l l»i^|.tn t'nivii*.|i\. rpi'ii "f \>ifU ( ! \I...|,| n.Ihm.I. IIh Ms ,it<. iIm Clniiti '. iitv. rh. ..i-KV M- t: lot IIk pool ; 111, •"rir.l li\ .HI .iiniiiil it.u\ riMitriliuiii'iiv .HI tspi n^f of nt.ii .11 rnnioil.jiinj; Ir-'iii I "I, into ■■! 1 >. the Tiiroiito (iiv Im.Ik (M| .\-\ t\. r|i|H'i (*;in.i'li ' i<(>. .ukI lllf I:I;^1h rtlij^i.iu- iunilii(fi ti ■.\ vmUcv sIm^ii.'iiiI stall', miu' tlic pirlxJ laii aiul in llu' riinki'uptui.'s lU'L'iir- InllK'saiiK' iniiiilli llial sau 1 lu' i>pi'iiiiln of i li^l>.'ii^^^^^^^^^^V J^^ raih\a\ >.'iiinnii>iiii.'ali>iii IhIuil'ii MniUrial aiul i M^K^^m '^^^^^Vfl^HL rumiiln, tlio lalli'i- oiii !■ mori- hocaiiu' llic scat t*IK Ol.lVKR M'tWA r, K I- M.c... I'unui'i "t (hiLitin. .Uuii l)i.)i tlu Mn|>iM\, IIK ni .itfl . .ilij\.iiion o| the link iouiiir\ li.i^ kt I'l |i;u r with iln- im n.iv in |»o|iul.iliMn m| iIi. IhiSMi. Ill in "ihii i\oiii 1I1.11 till ili'iii.iiiil .111(1 --upiil) li.uc |l>. >ti .ilxiiil i't|ii.ilh >il.Miriioil. Till- li>l in i(tii»(io|) i^ i-o|iii-tl honi .t n inlui m| tin I |i|>i-i I' I (..i/.llf ol tin- i-iiil ol A|.iil. ISJJ. .mhI i^.i-. ImIImh^; — (I .\ •• o 1 ■• I) II ll M -■ n II II (. •* II u I ) tj " 1! .1. i„ 1 lllloll. ll. p> .ll-,l..' II "■ II II III . . 1 1 Itki'X-.. :r .. 1 . 1) 1 1; II k".. 1 • ■ 1 111. r. 1 ll HI |.;iil III .^ 1. . 1 1' il.lIlK ^ .1 1" 1 l.|l^ll.| 1 1 T 1, II 111..H. M.|, |„. .n. iir 1" ■ 1 Tl II l< l>ll>llt 1 II lu.i.l 11... 1 ) IN. |>»r llll.h.l 1: llll-V. ] IT 1,11. h.l !■ ..k. |a 1. lll.l 1 ll'UlMIt ■1 ,1 .:,.[ I i u ■ |iMnii|i ti \. III. nil' I- in llir IoIIiimhil; aitjcli's, wliii'h in Mt\ III*-: liui ihi' liriiiilim; 1111^1.1 li.i>t- Ik-iii .1 |iliiiiiliil When |ii I |.ii,hfl J (1 1^■.|^ |ur liiishil 1 I '.• Il'iiir |h-r i"w I I, ; I M'lii )ii'r li.irirl I J i> I iljlil niH.|i;l|it:r- .-lli.' |.iiI.IhIi. .1 m I1.1..11I... m, . : r,ijii~li I "l-ini.I, riiiNli;!!) ( iiiariliaii, t'hiiicli, r.ilnol. |-\,iiiiiiu 1, 1. 1. .I.,-, .iiiij \urlli .\iiu-rjc:ili. Ill llii.i . ■.Ml. ih,- I'.iiii,,!. i, i^uiii il.iilv. I.i VMillv .mil «i'iM). Ill ,ivl..i.NliiMl anil MisCfllaiU'iiiN Uin'iil. Duiiiij; llii' Mijuuni III llii |;ii\i.|iiiiuiil ill llu' L'|i{i<'i rii.viiiii. till' (.111 lll.l (1.1 '111. I- aU.i |iiili|i>lu.|| in Tiiiiiilln. \\c llaM- iiiiiillii! In nuMiiiiii SI I'.iiii. k'~ Maikri, .iliiaii'il un (.luicn .sinri, ami s| .\iiilriH', Markil. siliialiil al tin cMirmi' «cM nl llu .111. llu- li.iiiK'i liLiil iK-ciilllt; shalilii willi aj^i-, anil a new l.'.iil.lin:;. iiiiirc in iiniMin ttilh tlit' inipinveil ..l\ le iil archi Nriuif nnu aiioptcil, is H'lw in iniiivt' nf erciliiin. llie Wi.iciii \larkei i- (jomially 1 nn^iiUioil 1.1 hai.- Inrn Imili "iiir yeai^ liiliin' its limi-. a. the Im aliiy in wliicli ii is siiu iiiil is thinly |iiii| Ii .iie nii^hliinliiHiii of tin- rily are t'lmi liiiryin^ ^toiinits; ilifM- ail- "I'oiii-r's I'U'liI," anil llu- "■riiiiiiiin \cctii|».lis," liiitli mI which ari' iipin In all ilriiiiniiiialiins, and St. lanii's' • Vimlciv in I'linmi'liun with St. Janus ( 'alhcilial. The Iwu latlv I ate situnlfil tii the niiilh nl the laslern exttimily nl the iiii. anil thi' liinmi a litile west ul \ iinm- "heel. A ciniet- I IV is alMi allailii ll 1.. the U.aiian ( 'allu.lii- . hiinh in I'.iw.i MllTt. Ilttrini^ the next ton _\ears the eity increased ^oMsideiiihly in population, hiil bu'iness was uiiiks ilireu many luiiiilreJs ol' men mil ol cmploi tnetil. .\l.itiy lamilies were entirely iles- Itliile; benyars swartneil in llie street, ami lisilors earrieil .iwav with I hem ilisMiiti'e.ilile ill! press inns ol I he povii I \ si rieken stale ol lite eitj. I>\ ile^rees piiblie works were resiiineil, .mil the iipplieants lor eharin ileereaseil ; ami ill iS.S'i- ni. tilers h.ul resiimeil ihe mirmal eiiiifsi', 111 one the ileeaile an e\tre- tnely imporlatit nm' lo llie iil\ ami pro\ itue, lor il sai\ ihe inaiii,'tiralion of that n iileiv-spieail sjslem ol railways uhieh now emers i.>ntaiio. .\s inif;ht haxe been expeeteil, this bei;atl al Ihe metropolis, What was alleru arils kiunvti as ilu' Noilherii lirst ealleil the Ontario, Sim- eoe ami ll.irnti Kail\\a\ liail Ihe honour ol beiiij.; the lirst, anil on Ihe 151I1 ol' l>elobei 1.S51, l.ailv rilnin luriuil lite lirst soil, al a spot opposite Ihe I'arliameiil luiiKliiif^s. Ihe work of lonstritetion uent on uilhoiit interruption, ami within nineteen months on iiilh May i.S^; Ihe lirsl seelion of Ihe i\c\\ line, exteiul- inj; I'rom I oronio lo .Xitiora, uas openeil lor piiblie use, ami h\ the 1 ;lh ii|' June, Ihe \ill,if.;e ol'llollamls L.tmliiiL; was also aeeessible. In 1S55 Ihe whole roail, Irom the capital to C'ol- lin^uooil, was openeil. Ihe same year ( 1.S55I also sau ihe completion ol two other iinportaiU lines, 'roronlo anil Hamilton, ami Ihe liratul Trunk lo .Montreal ; lite latter the most note- worthy ol all, .IS linkim; toj^elher I anaila's two ijreatesi cities was ollicially opened lor trallic on the j/th ol October. The (irand Trunk continued its march wesifrh willioul delay, ll (ioi ernment, the pere^jt inalin^; I'arliamenl tmninjj up Irom Ouehec, whither il iiail ),'one in i.Spi. Sir TAlmimil Head assumed the roil s ol power abi III this lime, arriv inf,' in the city in Noieinber, and occiipiinn the olil liovernmenl liousi' at the corner ol Kin^ ami Simcoe street'. Parliament mot on the isth ol the lollow iti^^ T'ebrttary, and was ,1 rather noteworthy one su lar as Toronto w as concerneil inasmuch as that Ihe ipieshon ollhe permanent capital was liercely ari^ueil, ami a ilecision linally arriveil al in lai out ol the cili ol Oiiebec a decision idlor- waril reiersiil b. the IJueeii, whoileciiled that 111 taw a shoiikl be the laioreil spot. .\ lierman traveller, Mr. J. Ii. Kohl, i isiled I'anada about this lime, .mil has Lit .1 \ery inlerestini; si'ries ol conlicisons ami notes ol Toroiilo. I le sa\ s W. i,..„li,,l ,,i 1.1. 1 il„ 1,1,1, ,11... ill, l.iki- 111,' l,.,.i-l.-.l I' 111 West ( '.111.1, 1.1. \,iii s,-,- fir. I a Ittiit; li.irl,iw |«ii insula, strcti-liin^ ,,111 t.,i sunu' mitis li.,in the in.iiilkiiul iiil,, ill,- I.ik,-. ll is ,„,an,ii'ti Ity ir,*rs. 1,1 .1 lew In, Uses anil a li;;!illi, ,iis,-. .111.1 |i„,ks like all .iveiiiu' strrt.'lu-'l ,*nt iiit,i the vi.ihi. 'I'liis is what ill the It.iltie is e.ill,.,! .1 .\*,7/'7///c. a u.,i,l ili.ii si^nilii's a Imv Kr,iiiiul riiniiin^ iniutlu- sea : aiul il ,111 1.1. ,-s a sin. ill h.irlMtin 'r,,r,>iit,, Il.iilNiilr. inwluise in- 11,1111,, si ,-,,riier lies the l,,wii. .111,1 ill!., M liieli j,,n pass 1,\ a 11,, I n-ii spai-i,,iis ,ir ,-,,iii,'i,i,-iu iiiir.iiu'e. I'he i.iiuies ,i|' ill,- ln,lians iiseil t,> slip in ami ,,iit lu-r,-. .iii,l ,,i f their prill, \illat;es l.iy ,111 tlu- site ,,1'whal is now tli- ureal I..W11 'Mlel ,-.llleil eilllel the li.iy ,> 1" --I'll i .iiii)>i!i^ on 1(111^ sind) |H'iiiiwul.i. Hut l)i<- Inili.ih-^ h.ivc ti<>v\ \ itii'oluil likr ,i inoinin^ ini>t, .in<) iixiliih^ ii'in.iiri- lo ui'.ill <\tn thtii iii(-iii'ni<>. riu- r;i|tiill\ ^;r"w inj; Ann-rimn iiiwii- Mtui %>iiiutim(- i" Ik- iisli.inu-il "t iluir tii^i liiirn|>»Mn n.inus wliiih «fii- j;i\i-n (Ikmii wliili- llujiui n >lill nuiicrnliiyo^,! uitli n-miuil'faiuv-. o| wluih thr rit\. «hrn it ha- miiwn lirh .in'l j;r.intl, lK-j;in> tu In- a> Ilu \<<\\\] >>{ York, liir f\a .tiil**. t'l-ini; at tir-I -"ntall in iu .|iim iwi.iii-.. -nn! nni mii.nkaltty t Umii, ^riu rally known .t- '* l.itlli' \.'ik." 'ii "xcn ■* Uirty LillK- N oik. " aii.l v\ln n .il'.-iit Oil- )(.'at iN.v. lilt- i"wn hail ati|uiiiil Io.inx) inlial>ilaiii- ami gnoil 'inliTly 'trtiiN i' t'<'^;an i" ik-iiu !■• ^ti iiIy --'mnilinj; " 'r"iii>ni"> " ua- -.nlistiiiiud li.r ii. Tin Afl is |iri.-vi\id, I am told, in T-'ronl"', ilnm^h I havi n*>i luin alilr lo (jit a Innk ai it, Imt I innnni •n-v \\li\ ihc lK-l|M.r I'.u- lianuiil -hindd l>c ncidcd in -lu'li a casi. Many ol ilu-^i- InpiiMns u( re d'ai'li-nis nf |ilarrs arc made with no oihci aid or I'oiniMlthan iliat o( ihr |iosiMia-:fi j; ulmv cuM-nl h alwayi injuind and \\h i ma) otht ol-icriion-. -ini;i' In i-.m !rv.| jiidf^i- ululliti a ntu .auu- uili adapt n-.clf t<> i... i;int ral nro|^ra|ihual nonu'iiilauir^ <'| il.t » .,unii\, hi iS^jMi. Iliiuclirllr said in In- tsolK-nt w-tk mii ( .inada. " iJu n-um of N iirk remained for a Ion}; tiiiu' suiall. Inn v\ ilhin tlu >«■ li\t or si\ yi'iUs it hit"' iK-tn dt'\i-|o|iinj; rnj'iilly, and iiowcnMiain- 40011 |K'o|)lt-." Id iS4.t Ml. Mti< kin^liani iu his unik nn Cniiada uroii . " Tlic town V«inaiiird toi a lon^ liiui -.niall. arid liad. ten )tais a^^o, nfdy 4(K)(» inhn!iiiaiU\. Uiil williiii llu->t-- si\ \(ais ii has liff^un rapidly to iniTi-ast- IhiiIi in i-\l»ni and }H>)ii)laiion, and now counis 1 }.oo() inhabitants ami i\\>> hundn-d l.riik l»uili hou>is." hi |S^4 anoilu-r wrili-i miyht havi- ri.-praled ihi- -^anic lomiula with a lilllc allcrntiim ot ilu- tij^iin-s. and jjivi'i , iiisu-ad of i ^.000. 5n,o(x) as ihr anu>uni of its population. Toronto i> jar^i- and jxipuiou-. Iiut. likr all Anu-iican lown?*, i> Imill on a nnich lart^cr scak- than is nquirni for a city of 50.0013 pers«»n>. You ofirn havi- to drive for niilt'^ to pay a visit m it, and many of the pul)li<- iustituiious appear to Ite far out in the fields. The inhahilants are sealteitd over a spai'e, anil their d\v great town deserts; and sjnee this is exee.ssivly intoii- venifiii and of eourse often expensive, and sinre the \ery idea of a town in\oive> that c»f the proximity uf ih^. iiihaliitanls, and of the members of the eonimunity liein^ tnutually within reach, one cannoi see why these American towns shoulil not be allowed |.) grow natuially. the sciom! h'-iiM l.i in^; I'udl neat I., ilu lii-i. 1I1. third i.i ilu M.on.l. and. I. in-''ad oj rinmin^ oil inio . ndji-- ^n.i-- ihu wilt not be pa\ed perhaps lor lrll\ yai-. and w li u th* mI I is to bv lound in the fai \\*s| .ui-l >■ Ii'h.1 m.i.iei in the n mole ea^t, and )ou lia\e to ^o a mile to yiut -Iht iiak* r - anil two miles I.. ).>nr lailois and ii lakts an hour - hive !■■ lunto^et to a tiiile soiree. There n'U-l >oine I a »e on. would stippo-«e loi a phi iii)nien<>ii -n 1 •Mitinii.dl) repealed, .\i\i\ it a|>pear^ l" I>e lliai wli< imm i a t<-wii 1- lounded it is wtili the idea thai it is eeitain to m|..w lapidlv. and tl r npin ^paees utu-t I'e li h |m| ehure'- ami other publi. b lildin^s, and the "Ireils br bi .ailet than i> desiiabi, lor tin u-ipiir. iiuiils ..t a It'tle ttifaiit stlllemeni. It 1- 1 ibie l-o that. when a nueleus nt -orial life and tiaiiie i- '-nee loimed. iti. owners of land near this iintre hi^h priees tot il. and - Iiim.Is. t . thai reipiire.i tonsiderable sp;m nuti'lt lower terms in more disia lienin a I lo a-k seix l<'(4es, .indoiher iiistitui I an lind what the) want ot t disiriels. Tlir poor am iho-e whost' oeeiipation> do noi ate their m arm-- !i . iheeentre of ihelowii. naliiiall\ ehooM- reuiotei ami ther. I'ire eluaper -itiialion-.. ihinkiiii; piob.ibb itiai ihe in'on- veiiieiins ;(ilembnji them will !k mmI) hnipoMis. iml that Ihe ^ap> win l« vp. idil\ lilled up. In Amniea. i shoi up oui o| the t;iound, oinnibuse- and other helps to lapid li>ealion .in -un- to make iluit ippiaranee to shorii-n the dist.mee-. \ll ihis do) > rot. however, hilly explain lo nie why, in > oiiiparison with our cities, where ne eiiiliipital lor<'e i-^ -o powerful r.- to diaw all the biiililin^s so do-el) loj^ether ilia' ihey aie altnost one upon amrthcr, the eenlrilii^al should be here -so ^renl") pree- in Toronto I-tok spriiiRinf; up I'ke ituidirociins on all sides. \oii may have nevertheless, e -nsiderable ditlieulty in (indini; an alMxIc and I was in'd iIlii the house rent is evtranrdi narily hi^h ami that it I-* olten not possib'e, for any money, to obtain a eomforlable residence for a family. A great part of *hat is ealNd the town consists of wooden jiheds or huts inhabiteil by mechanics, laboua'rs, and poor. In this ipiaiter you see aKo liitle wooden dwellings, which, though with only one or two windows and built ol boards, do ml look unpleasing even from the outside, and in the inlerii)rs are fitted up very nicely, nn.r iwo d<-llai-. I'eople .Niiiiidain loo ol ihe dearness of w.iod, though immedlatt ly belnnd lln- town begins the endless forest of iht North, and a single conll igration will olien eMnsiiine in one niL;ht more wood ihan would be needed lor the entire city during the whole long winter. The rleiniess of fuel miKt be occasioned ilurel^ore, nn rely by 1I10 high wages of labour Wood is in boundless abundance indeetl, but not m* axc". •aws, and hands. Wire the woodmen lure as reasftnabli in ■ their demands, ,ird as willing to work, as •<'.\t paiieni 1 iei man roo|. grubbers in the . ';■'''//;.-, Toronto might cook ii^ dinners with nothing nuire than the ^tiirnp. und roots itor) , as Inini; lital in u hiili tlu- eil\ was \isiicii h\ li. U. II. 111.- Pt-itit\- ol Wak'.K. Ilu ovv'iil absnibcil intblit atloiitiiMi lhi\>ti^^lunit all till' Unlish WmiIi Anu-ri^ an .id.iniw's, jitnl t'\U-n- si»-' aiul claboiaU- prL']''afaI iiMi-. uvtv niatk- lot a nt'lilltii^ rvi e-piion to ihr vli^i in-uishul \ isiioi . lie laiuK-il al llalilas on tin.- jolli Jul}, aiul al'lof a liti.ral iitareh ol tiinniph u .-st \\ ittil t\'at.-lK'tI loronii^ o\\ ilu- evciiiiii; ol tin- 71I1 o\ SvpU-nibn". Al abtMit lialt-pasi si\ o'vlovli, ih' sleanu-i A'A/^mAi;/ Ivat ino ilu- I'litKi.-. ihe lioVi'i'iitM-VieiKral. tht.' Hiikv- o! \\-\\ vasllc. and a brilliant -iiiU', rt-avlieil tlu- piv-r al itit* loot of Joliii Slt\-L-I. aiul IJK- patlv laiukil aiiiiJ iIk- hearty tlK^'rini; ot ilu- t hotisaiuls t\l spt'itaiors \\ hi> hail j.;alheie'tl \o set.* anil \o wel- i-oiiie I ho lUir lo ilu- llirt>nv.' ot' lircal Uiil.iiii. riic Mayor ami *. il; I'vuiuvil onieiaII\ ivietveil ihc I'ritKe' ami his iilinm'; alti-r his n-ply lo the' .iilihi'ss ol u t.-ki»nK'. .t boily ol silund- ihililrvti, about i>ni' thoiisaiul stroi:-.;, saiij^- ihi- National Anthi-ni. Tiie \isit^>r^ wore iIkmi iliivi'ii to (io\ crninvnl Mouse. In the ONi-nlno \\w st rvids wiMv brillianlly illuniinalctl. ami nu.i-h i-nllnisiaMii was i'\ erswluTi' shown. The Prince's slay in loroiilo exlemiod ovct six (.lays, and was a period ot incessant work lor hini in recei\ ing^ and answerin^^ addresses, inaumtratiiig new biiiklint^s and parks, attend- ing^ levees and balls, and taking" part in a variety of entertainments of a social aiid ceremonial I Ui \binda\ 1 ■lew up li\ the Jhiion. \istiing < ei\ ing and re huMed. arched, nid ih'- pourin whi.l, IlisK. p.i-t eleven the |here was an in ispection ol \. ^ei-ity. at iw', an inaii ^ii three, a visit Is I I ai lour, h\ liieh. as usual hlu- luorning. gr niiriie was tti Il lii^litiess was { yuan, for the r Ritiued journeys ■nhiiost to ellec lible lund ot goi |l!ighiK-ss posM ■itnytliing, thoU| Iment^ would h; |tli"ugli of eoui Iwhieli dislingu lihat eharin ag: lloiigs alone lo ; I have alreai Iwhich was ^e «i 'ri(i<: i»<)MiNi<»N ii.i.MsrwA'ri';!' liiliMi'. I lu' iiirri".|niiuk'Ml ol il',i' I.imuIoii |f'//»i'v u lie «.is uilli ihi' p:iil\, uioli'ii iiuisl liliToslinj; Mi'iuunl ol iIk' w IioU' trip, :iiul ui' |\lriul ii lew iui'i"> Kl Ills rcciTil nl llii' »lcij in iMnnlii. I|..s:i>s: I )ii 111.' fH'iiini; iif llif ."'h, alln llii li.iiii|iii' :ii llii (.m\' iiinclit li'MiM-, lli> Kii- tl lli^hiu-s' 1)1 til n ^rnnil it'Ci|'iiilik', nil a Mtt.tller srnU'. ihf tt'ililt* I'liti.ittcc In tht* Miil- lit Miisfiim, wliilf iltf rhir.inci' Itnll iiitidi' i- liitill «iilt a I . r.iw iif ( ioiltir .-.I'litttn'. ami a ri.rri.lnr rmtitil il. at'iir I " j.'.in III iIk' liall .if llri.l);t'waitr II1...S... .Ml ilir iiiuiiiir I. -.1 ittn-iii^e ciil sinn.-, uiih inlni.l ti-44i>laifit |i.i\eiiu-iii nf ' h.' must evi|iilftiti' .1.' i^os. Thu 111. nit- nf li^hliii^ is Ir.itit ' ). Iiiii.l .iil.iiir. 'I i;l.ts.. s. rt'i-its ill iltc .-filiiij' .if i.tcli iliatit- ft. an.l llic'cMiTl i.f ihc' ti.-h li)i|ii wliicli i- lltn~ ilif J I I .iv.i titu ts c\t .eillnjil) flt.tsU- ami l.f.miifiil. ill .liii.Tfnl |iaiis .if till- l.iiil.liit^ lit.- variott- i-intrt» ..f law u- .;iiit:it.-il. .til'iici, tn.'i-v'. IIS, anil Ik-iut M-iiiil i.-.l Ihan lltiisc (if \Vi-.lmiiisi,-r Mall. One ..f iliu hall ■ .-nlitily ii.-.ii|iii-.l li\ a -iiili-it.liil liliraiy, anil in litis. a< llu- |iia-sl a|i,uititi-i-l, a raisi-il ,lais was |ilai.'c.l fur ilu rtin... :^li. IliKltiu-ss irti-.i-.l ii llu.- I.iiil.lii.j; ai iiiit. •■-I.irk, »ii I «.is r.-.-.ivcil h) 111- visi|..r. wit.i Itl.l iliv.u-.l In ii.i-.-i hint ,11 lite It. ill wiih .1 |.;r. at nitilmrsl nf .-itiltii.ia-iii. Mr. Ilily.iril <'attn-i.iti, tin- Iri-.isitiLT nf lit.- I..1W >n.ii-ly, liiti all till- jtiilj;i.'s anil intMitliots nf III. Cantilian liar, tint fits lli(;lin.-is 111 iIr- l.ittfr Itall. an.l |iri-s.-ntoil Itim willt .1 ..iti; anil iln.|iii-ni a.l.lri-s., I., which the- I'finci- rf|.li.-.l: an.l |ltis an.l walUinj; thr.ittnli iln- i-.miis l.irttti.-.l tin- nitlv .-.ri'- • iiimI |iari nf 111.- tutsitifss, an.l .l.tntinji w-as al niin- cniii eii..-.l ill ihf liliLir; with s.utu- t-i^ihl i.r li-n sl-1< of .|iia- llrill.-s. Spaciiius as litis .t|iaiint.-iii was, Imwi-vi-r, il was liinili-il In air..tti...l.iiL' all wll.i w islti-il l..ilani. ; s.., .t- llii-n- wiTL' |ik'ttly nf> |i.ilkas an.l w.ill/i-< iM-ru snnn fiirnit.l in all tit.- k-annil an.l cnrtiiTs ..f lit.- Iiitililitti;. anil r..iirlsnf C'.itiininn I' an.l snlonm lla'l- pf ('..n\ ri-s..iiit,l.-.l willt .i;al.i|is. tniisic, l.tii);lil. 1, an.l '■ Itlll.- wlti>,|i.-rinKs .if'eal.-.l llirlali.nis. Tit.- iini--t-, a. Usual .liiu-cl s'.ry .lane- till marly twelve - i-..-k. anil the .ktki-, wl... ti.-vrr .li.l .lati.-i', sttlllcli-nlly iH|.K,l in n.-ci.-ivittj; the ...nurauilal nit-i .if the cliii-f ninn- I. Is.. I lit, I Ir.ini;. |,--.|j.i-s f,,r lli. linn .lan.l he h.i.l tn.i.l.- (li.-lali'iti. Ilel.iie iwiKe 11'. I... k ill.- |ii in.-. .- -., .ttiil, as it \\ Is iheii It. -ally ."^tniit.iy nt.iiiiitiL'. . \.-iy .ute .llnx.-.l his e\atn|il.-, ami ill. t ttti.lnii;lil the s|,a, tints liitil.liii^; w.ts sjleni an.l il.-scrl.-.l. 1 In \l..n.!.i\ llie |.iiit.-. siaiK.I , ,til\ in llti- tti..rnitiii anil lew up I.J the Nnrlhern K.tilway 1.. ('nllini;wi..t.|, II n. visiiinn en t.iiti-- New iit,ttk.-i. lli.i.H.iril. .tii.l llarrie, iienitii; .mil re|ilyiny In .iililiess. s al place, an.l lieitit; lie. fell, trche.l, .tii.l lie-wel. .uiieil at all. (In the II. -\l ilay iitiiil ill"- p..iiritii; rain, liter, w.ts .t ret;. 111. i .it .-Icveii n'clnck, 11 will. 1 1 I lis K.'\al lli^jhues- was ..f c.utise ptcsi-nt : at hall p.i-I ek-veti there was a visit t.i Tritiil) (■..llef;e, at twelve It. -re i\ Is .m inaii^ui.tlt'in nf a park, at half past Iw.-lve an \ Mlui,i.-ers, al .ui.- a visit 1.. the Tmnttln Ini- .i-i-tly. al iwii a n-ceplinn nl Kin^jslnn .mil Itelleville il.-pit- .ilii.iis. an itiaitj;iiraliiiii "I llnrticuiitnal Sncieties" gmutnl- ;ii litre.-, a visii nf inspectinn 1. 1 Knns's Cnllet^e an.l Nnrmal -^. I I al l.iur, an.l a ^ranil liall in the evening; .11 nine, at \\tti.-lt. .IS usual, the prittci- ilaneeil every ilnu-i- till lintr in III* iit.iriiiiiL;. Tit. suite lie^.tn in think thai if Ihe prn int.- w.ts 1.) lie l.ill.iwe.l mil in ihat iiianiier. Mis I liL:luiess was cell. tin in i-niue lia.-k a .saikler ami .. wiser nan, f-.r Ihe mere jursniial faligu.- invnlveil in such cui- intteil j..itrneys, halls, addresses .mil u-eeplinns, was .-nniit;h iliifisl II. elfect a c.instituti..ii ..f irnlt. I'ltt the ine\haust liMi- titllil nl ^nnd luininur .in. I ^ Itatttre which (lis Unyal lli|;ltness possessed .s.-etttc.l ennit^jh t.. carry hint lhr.iit|;li nylltinii,^:h al litis titnc I a'tn.isl feared that airan|;e- ineiils w.nild have In lie itta.le tnr relieviiij^ llu- suite, wli.i, lli-iti^li nf i-.tiiise It..', wanting in llie .iinialile chara.teristics .iisiin^iiished His Knjal Highness, di.l not |i.)ssess lliat .harm against all e\ciletitent and all fatigue which lie- l.iniis .il.ine tn youth. 1 have already allu.k-.l l.i lite t Ith as lieini; a .lay Iwliich was set apait tor a most inordinate numlier nf I,, in, It.,. >, 1, 1 .1 1.1 111, ., hail I..1.11 liMill hii.I.i)-. I lie in.iss.ini t.,iii It.i.l m . . s.ilal. d llt.-ii pnslp.itteitti-lil 1' this I 111. .1.11, an.l III. i.n lllii d.i) it r.iim-d li.inli r .\ 1' Itlll linthilin kill li'.hannled an.l liemitl-d pmeessiiuis. .ill ■ l.tiik .111.1 .|rippiii(i, well- tn I.I- seen .iImiiH III. It.. . in .ill direl-lintls. Tin llrst t. stiv. .-ll.ul was .i>-|.att,, .11, a- with. .Ill Ihe slinhtesi pr. i.iiii-.iied .i(;, .1 imwd nl lilih \.i. 111. si. n..l 1.111 iiitn l..iki- I liilarin and disiippeared in the lain 1 ami this iiiii-restitt|; .-eri-iiinii) over, ihe .-i.iwd kit 111. Ill I., ih. ir ..wit il.-\, .mil all in liy iiiiiliiellas w.-iti splashitu; and sipi.tiuriiiK thr.iunh the niii.l 1 inihi-r Hialt.l .-i-lelil.llinli the illspeilinll nl \nllllttei-l-. I'll lliis l.iller event, h.iw.-ur, I tint-l l.e i.ll.iwed l.i dmp the v.-il. .\n '■ ittsp.-.iion " is It. it .lit . vhil.-iaiiii^ .-i-ietniin\ ; .in.l ultett I., lis natural ilrawli.i.k- it.ii.i In- added the I.i.-Ih thai •■, ■■ on the niniiit.l were slu.rt nf .1 sir. 111(1 reuiniental .-.intpaiu 111. It llu- -pedatnls Ulldi-l ,"./i il//"'! ' Innklil Ms tmiildv .tnd ilaiiip asih. «intt|...f lintui thii the nr.uiiid liilli- l..ll.r llt.tit a .lil.ipi.|al.-.l w .1. reniirse, .mil iv-nnne w 1- in .1 hurry t.. net luuiu- an.l .hatiue his .-Inilies, 1 iltink I h.i . ii.lil eitnuj;Ii. \V.n;in;li.itt.lket.-lti,-f. I . ill.- riime thai It. Ill ii.i-.isi..italk In 111- ritnn .Iry, ha.l it..t .1 1 liei-rini; elli-el; .ind III.- a-pe.-t .if i-rowds of .-..tiitlrv peo|ili-. e. .mi- in fur a (ii.-at holi.lay, up i.t lit. 1 .ii.kl.-s in -lush, i-lu-erk-ss, ilrippint; ami w.-arj, Ita.l, .ut llu- wli.ile, lallur .l.-p:.-s,iiin iltllltelli.- :ll.ltt iilllitwts.-. >.. V. iih the i-ipi nittt; 111 Ihe palk Iv.liii-li it wi.'ilil hue I...-11 111 .1.1 ..f hiltttanily In -Inn "it -tu It a ilayi. Ihe r.iin w.t- lt..u\ an.l in.-. — ml, .hivilij; in i-ei-enlrii- iiisli.s .m.l. 1 iiuiln., an.l lintimitu; ">' ''" HI. 1.111.1 with -iii-h vii.leli.-.- it s,ettieil In l.e .-.uniiif; up a- w.ll .1- I low It. Il.-r.- Ill- U.iy.ll llijjhnes- laid lite fnlltldalinn st. till- ..f till- st.tlit. 'it llu- i,iiiei-ll, the ei-reiitntt) i-nniieeti .1 willt wltii-h w.ts .if 111 - Usual meanre eharai-ler. Tlti- stniu ern .did In -hiiw tlie aiuiety 1 I lire pi .iple In In- pic»enl, .mil siilli. ieiilly .pai-l.ius 1.1 aeeoiiiodaie all willtoul Incnn veniriuc. The I'rinee ol emir.e daMcid till Imir in Ihe nil. riling. Wiiliin -i\ hniiis alter Ihe ■ ..neltisioii nl this .-nieriaiitmiiil the wlt.ile pally were otjaiii en inui. h.r llnir ne\t ha I Inn! pli-e al l..inilon. Inwereil .ittil )ihmil.i-il. III.- iti.-\ il.ilik- inil a iiia^n ippeil llu- ni ill. .'Ill -iK- 1 Irnwi I, with .111.11. w.l- illtU pre-ettleil li- k' III III I. inn. ill Ita\ilti4 lieetl .llil) .iddress rea.l wliii'h llu- riiili-t liiiii. an.l llu ■• Allel llii- ill. il.|'l tall. Ill- tinlll II. Ihllk- .mil Kllie-li.ll w.l.- re.-ei\.-.|al llu- l.iiii liiinetil ll-.ils--. ' " I'll. i| at an .11.1. mil 1 -i\.-r. lit. I'liiu . Ii.i.l II. sl.trl .i^^'.iiit In \isit llu- I ni\tt-il\. wlii.-li, Ilk.- 111. iilti.-i puMii liiiil.lin^:- in r.'r.itil.., i- .i -p.t. i.-ii- mil lint. I -ntm- -ir.u-tint-. and ..tu- w.mM .1.. Iti.ii.iitt to either nl llu- I'niversities in {'.ttnland. Il.-r.- It.- w.t- t.-.-t-iM-.l l.y ih.- Ite.iils nf Ihe riiiM-isily mil llu- vari.uis pi..less.,rs, an.l tlirniitilt the lim Iniililitu; sinning his natm- in llu -litdi-iit-' I k, ami, a- lu- had nut llu 11 i;ra.lual.-d. rie.-i\itn; ill ./,/ iHlttk'l> ^fillHI'l in-l.-.lil III .01 'hi .Itlhhi'l i:i,i'iit".\ l-'roni the I'tiivei-ily the I'rinee iltnve In in.tii(;itralt- llu- lli rticulliiral ."^neielies' Kmumls. Il was not a day tnr iiiait(;uraiitti; .tnylhing lul pi-iiiN, Initiilains, nipiediiels, and waierwnrks. kill the I'rincc went In ihisneveiiheless. There was I maiittiru-eiit display nf fruit and llnA-ers under the tents, .in. I a w.indcrfiil cnlleciion nf gatik-n siult in the waj nl iitani.'nliis and swedes, cltcttntli.-r, carrnis, >ipiastii s, and |iiinipkitis, with other vei;elali!e eecentrieilies ..I ^;r.|le^.pl^- l.irnis, l.i.ikiiiu like Inlislers |;rn«n up.ui vines. These the I'linee in-pecled willi liis sui!.-, and then pmceede.l In iiiaunniale ihe (jr. liy planlinj; a ii:--- k l.inkini; vei'e- l.ilile called a ynitii^ iiiaple-lree. This was done In Ihe iisual sioiie-lajin^ si\le Mis Royal llijihttess disiriluitiny tlu- eartlt. then very like tiiorlar, with a silver spade, which, nf miirse was presented In him when he had tlnished the stale iiarikninj;. I-'.verylwidy seemed to wonder when these j;old medals, silver trowels and spades would come In an end. His Koval Highness still In open the Ajjricullural Kxhi- hition lit I'pper t'anada, at Hamilton; and it was aininst ihnUKhl that this would result in a silver pleiigh with ekony h.mdles, nr a sleam-lhreshinjj tiiachine with a Calliope .illaehed In play " ( io.l save the i,iiu-en," or an oat krui.ser I.eautifully eniliniiik-re.l with the royal amis, like the chair ..f slate whicli which Miss Wilder ha.l sent nn the iirevinns day In I inveiiiment H.iuse, liein^j presented In him. l-'rom the Ilorliei.ltural inaunnralinn the I'rinee went 1.1 Knox's Cnllejje, ihence to the Normal .s^choots, md thenee, alter a state dinner, tn the i;rand kail j;iw ly the eiti/ens of Toronto. This was a very lieaiitikil fete, iieller than that at ijitekec, kut ol course far inferior In that of Montreal. It was ^iven in lite Crystal I'alace Kxhikilioii kuilding of Toronio tl-'.xhikition kuilditiqs are as common i:i Canada as Ciovernment or I'arlianienl houses, t and this w-as as adiiii- ralily adapted tn the purpose as any liall room not specially built for the occasion ever cnuld he. It was sutticiently WIl.l.l.VM l.Yii.N MACKIiN/IF, In i.Siii William l.v.iit NLukeii/ii- ilicil in ■|'.iiiiiiui, :i).;e-il I ill. i-'fiitn a rtiiiiiKial |ioiiil ol \ ii'« . his jil'i- havl bcvii .ittylhiiif;' hitl siii'iv.-sl'iil, ami ill s|iii..- Ill a stibsiriptiim raisvi.1 liy iiis rtis'iiiN, llK-lasI iiuuillis .if his lilv- ue-fc spvnl in .iiiitpaialiv e' puM-rty. Tito same vi'ar « itiiessvil an iHiihrcak ol pnltiolie- I'ofMir in tlif vntolltiKni ol ihoiisaiuls ol llii' men ol' Toronio on the- iveasion ol lliv tinwarrantvil soiziifo of I Ik- lonreik'nilv e-oiiiniissione'fs Mason and Sliikdl by an AtiK' ship ol-H.-ir uhik- t>\\ an iinarnii'i' Urilish sieaiiu-r. lotliinaK-ly war uas a\L-tii'il b\ llu- I'liiu-il SlaU-s sttt Te-iKk-rinj^; llte-sc two ne.||||i;nK.|i ; |i,|| Hiis i'\ ciil broiififht out pioniiiK-nlly the' loyally anil war-like spirit ol'llie l.'an;iilian pvople, anil boiv ijood I'rtiil in ihe pernianenl establislinieni ol' many exeellent volitnleer corps, u hose ellieieney was in sovei-.-il instatues soon to be lesteil. The ilistitinuislK-il litlcniliiii- .Xtttlionx Trol- lope visited (.'anada abotil this lime ami draus a ipiainl and orij;'inal pielitie of some le.ilures ol Toronio life, O'i this ue repiodiiee the follow in^ exlrtiel : l-*i..tii I'rese.iti we Ws..; ".1 1.) llu io.iti.l Trunk Kailwa)' In Tiirniiti.. and st.m-.l ill, t..liir .1 l.-w dais. Tor. into is the III ill.- rt.i\iii.-.- Ill 1 pper Canada, an.l I piisuiiii- will ill snttu- .I.-l;!,.- ttle ;(ll sn ill spite nf I Mtawa and its pretell sintts. Thai i. lite law enurls will siill ke held there. I .In itnl kiinv. thai il willi-njny .111)- nllier siipreni.u-\. uiiltss it |„. -..iileand pnpiilalii.n. S.iti-. ',-w years aj^.i Toronio was ad- \ in.-inj; Willi rapid siri.k-s .ittd l.i.l.linj,' fair to riial l,)ue- Ii.-c. nr pi-tliaps \lnttireal. Ilamilloii, akn aii.illier 1 1. w 11 11; Ippt t ( '.iiiad.i, w.isi^ninj! alii-ad in llu- trite .\iiierieaii still- ; l.iil lli.-n r.-i erses .-.nil. in had.- an.l llu- towns were .-h.-.-k.-.l .1 while. Tnrnttln. willt a iiei^jhknridj! sttkiirk, which is part nl il, as >nuiltwark is nl l.oiulnn, i-..ttl.iiits 11.. vv ini-r 511.000 inhakilants. The sireels are all parilleln^ratiii-, ami there is iint a sinjjle eitrvautre tn rest the i-ye- 1( 1 - l.iiilt dnwii einse upon Lake Ontario ; and as il is alsn on the (irand Trunk Kailwav , il has all the ai.lwhieh laeilily.if iraltie ean };i\e it. The two sights nfTntniitn ate the <>sj;n.i.le Hall an.l the rttivetsity. The l)sj;.i...le Hall is 1.1 Cpper nhal ih.- l-iittr Courts are to Ireland. The law i-niirts are al! held hen. lAlerinrlyliltleeati lie said liir ( lsj;niiik- Hall, where- as the exti-rinr nf the l-'niir Cniirts in I >iiliiin is very line : luii as an iiiti-rior the temple of 'i'hetnis at Toronto keals Imllow that which the ^ood.less owns in Diiklin. In Hiililin, the .-niirts thenise'.ves are shakky, ami the space iiii.k-r the dnnie is sn tine as the s.-etiis 1.. pr.iinise that il sh.iul.l lie. In Toronio the enurls themselves are, I iltink, the tiinst eiiitti liiiiis that I ever saw, and the passa(;t-s, vestilutles, and hall .ire very liantlsntiu-. In Upper Cana. la llie coaimnii law itid||ies and those in Chancery are divided as they are in t» 1 1 U<' l)OMINI<)N II.M INI'K'Ari.l ) Ilil^l.tiiJ s I'lil il i<, i\. I u.,1 I., III. Ill, Mjiini I I .in.hli.ili lauytr* ilt.ii ilir u-itk tii.i) l>r iliiituii i< ^iilu-r. Apj' i^ .illt'vifil in I'liiniiinl ci^i'^ ; liiii At lar .i< I i-ntilil Umim ^lu-ji IMIUVI Mt' .l|i|U.l| in lu III III li« tiiitll '>-(UlMl>iilllr .lllil llii'lf^t, 111 l.iiKViT C.iiiiiil.i llic iilii I'lfiii'li \.\\sn ,irt' iliti jiilininiMU*!! il. Hut ilir I'liivi'i-ily i- llic t
  • i)' , I lulicvr, inlctiilfil (>< he jiuifly N -r nmn. lhi'ii;;li I ilmilit whitlii't iln riTi ivnl l)|ii» nf aicliili'Cliiic liivi- nni Imii ili'|iiiiii'(l Ir.uii in; "I ihr »inilii»<. Ill' ll'i- .1- il in.')', lliL' I'lilli'gi' i- II nianl) nulilr slruilurc lit'i fiiHii li:i. riiMuiiM|iii; innnni.iin^ ii«i' Imni ill* valley-, -mil n« fmni llii' Iwd- "f Inki'- in .swii/ii' iml, >Ciiil.inil, .inil Niiriiii'rn Ilnly. Ilui (rum such liin.iil ".iii'i* a« llmsf lit l.aki I >nl:i'iii. I.aki' Kiii', .inil l..ikf Mii-hit;in, Ihc shiiri's ^Iii'Im' viiy ni.iilu.illy. .inil li.uc nniir ..I ilif ni.i itiial. nf I'.Vily -ceniTy. The MrcLii inTi'iiitilii an- |«\\ii »iih »i«iil, nr iiihir |,|,inkcil. as .ill- Il f ami (.imluc; Iml llif) .iic kc'i'i 111 luiiii . I'll 1- I -limild -ay ilial ilir planks .iit lii^i u-i-inl ili.»n I) llic l.ikc In Miniiu'al, anil wlicn all Iml n.iicil .ml ilicic .in a^ain It.aii-.i nil l.y ihe Si. I,.i«icncc t" lie ii-id in llic iliiirim|;hfaK» iil ihe ul" I'rdich rapilal. Hnl if ihc -IrccI- nf Tnrnniii arc Ih'Mct than ihdsc nl ihc "ihct i.i«ns, ihc nuils ruuml il .ut hi.i-c. I li.iil Ihc liiinimr nf nic.uin; iwii ili-iinnui-licl iiicinlicrMil ihc I'mviiiiial I'liilianiinl ai .linncr -nnic lc« niiW- mil nl Iii\ui, .inil. icIiiininH Itu-k ,i -hml while afli r ihc) had liii iiiif hii-r»him>c, vi.i.^K'id I" I'cnl iiv ill piikiiiK Ihcni u|. Irmii .1 dilch inil. «liicli llicii carii.iK'-' l«cn iipscl. Tn nic il appiarcil ill I m niit.iculnu- ihal an\ caiiiaui- -li..iilil make ils tt.iy nur mad wiihimi Mich ini-aiKcnliiic. I in;iy pcrhap" lie allnHcil in Impc lliai ihc ili.cnniliuiie n( thn.c Muriliy lct;"i- Ml iv In -nnu' iiiipin\.niciii in the tlinrnut;hf.->rc. niirint; llic ulinle I'l' iHc lixil u;ii In llic Slates iIk' mililaiv iiiUicsi u a-, suaililv iiiain- Kiiiici.1, ami n.'i a leu vomit; nicn ol tlic iii\ cancr lor\v.' partii ipalion in prailii'al vnUlicrini,', aiul iiu tlouhl UiiipU'il In the lar^'c boniitv iilKrci.ll\\ llic I'liilcil Sl.iUs rccruilini.; ii^'MlH loi ilii-ii. I'lilisli'il ill Ihc \mcriiaii iiiiin, .iiul sli.iicil ill llic \.ii\iiin luilinics id ili.ii I'li'iiil) slniyj^lc. piii\cil iiiiisi pmlil.ildc lo inniiiln mculiaiils, a \iirtn: aiul stcaily ili-iiiaiKJ c\i.|iii(,' llM Mippiics 111 all UllUls (ill till' II..C of llic 1 cilci.ll lioi>p>. Mi(,'li prices rci)4iicil Miprciiic, wiuk was abiiiulanl, .iiul liirliincs were iiiailc ill very ijiiick lime. Iius.inls the eliise nl llic war rumours nl .iliaeksoii I'anacl.i h\ liiiiaiis were eurreiil, allliou^li lew people IvIicNctl lliol llic I'liileil .Slates aulhorilies woiilil permit sin 11 to lake plaee ; but llie misj,'overiiiiieiil .iml i;ciKral politk'.iUleniorali/alioii ol that loiiiitrv was so ).; thai these rulliails «crc pci- mitteil lo leisurely or|,'aiii/e ami recruil on rniteil Stales soil lor the aMiweil purpose ol attacking' I'aiiacl.i. Oit the ist ol Juiie. i.Siii., tllC C.lll lo .Hills C.IIIIC, .Iiul U.IS >|uiilxl\ IC- spoiulcil lo l\v the (. anaJiaii militia. \ hoilv ol luer oiU' llioiisailil l''eniaiis crosseil llic Irontier, l.imled on I'aiiacllaii soil near loil ICrie. and ^a\a^Cll the eountrv in all directions. Volunteers I'lom I oroiilo, llaniillon ami other localities luirrieil to the Iroiil, ami several encounters uilli llie iiuadiiif; lioide look place, resulting; in their c\cnlual defeat and espulsioii from Urilisli tcrrilor\, bin nol belore several \aluable lives of the loronlo Miluiiteers hail been s.-ieriliccd. 'I'licir names were : laisij;!! .MelCacliren. Scr^'eaiil Malhcson, I'orporal l.aekey, and I'rivales .Milersoii, rcmpesi, Hel'ries and Smith, all ol the Oiicens Oww Uille I'heir honoured remains were nivcn a pi blie luiieral, which was attended with cicri ace-.iiiip.inimeiit nl' respect and s\mpalh\ iVoiii ■Poronto's eiti/ens. In the Queen's I'aik a lar^'c .Iiul hanilsoiiie iiioii'imeiil was altei u aiils creeled to their niemori , .mil was I'ornialh un- veiled m\ l>oiuiiiion May. 1S711. In lli> bAcel- Iciuv llic lio\ eriior-lieiieral. rile t'oiircdcratioii oi ilie I'lrilish .Voitli .\merican I'roviiiees came into 'lied on llie isi ol July, i,Sii7, and was celcbr.ilcd in loronlo uilh iiiililarv p.iiades, cvcursioiis, illuiniiialioii .llid .ill olliii oiilw.iid esprcsNions III III iNaiil jiu . llic I in once more bci am a capital, .iiul on llic '7lh ol Dc. ember, lli lieulcnaiit-liinernoi, Maior-llencral SlisUil opened, with all iliic ceremony, the llrsl I'li lianiciil ol llic new rriniiucol Onl.irio. llic -loiN ol loronlo since I onl'cilci at 1. bccii one ol iiiiinlerrupteil projires^ I li iiiosi stilling eielit- ol the period will slill \\ licsh ill the memories ol most ol our rcidc;- .iiid reipiir.' lull si.inl .illcnlion in a liuriici: sketch such as .lii^, .Menlioii mi^;lil spccialli be made ol Ihc visit ol II. K. II. rriiicc .\rl lui 111 i.Siiii. ilii. I'ciii.iil r.iiil ol i.'^;!!, Ilii Sell. i clcbr.ilion ol |SS|, .iiul llicilcp.ii lure ol Ihc Ijueeii s llwii. l\o\al lire lailici- .Hid oilier Hoops lor llic scene ol'ihe N'oilli wcsl icbcllion ill liS.S:^ ; all these ciciils weic c iiioic lliin oidiiiarv inlercsl lo Ihc cili/ciis n llic Oiiceii I il\. and ilcscii e iiiucli more alien lion than our space pcrmils of. Kusiness '. ,- been ^'llOll and has sti'ulily expanded, altlioiiL;!; land-lever and,iioii lia-- i^w more lli.m one occasion resulted in .1 ccil.iin amount el eonmicrci.d depression The popiil.ilion lij. more 111. ill trebled in Iwciilv icais, w Ink l.icloiics .Hill business houses have aiUaiued 11 r.ilio. lo this rouiulalion ol coniiiierci.i success have been aildcil those ii'stilutioii^ which form the higher and iiiosi noble portion ol .1 city's ^jrealness; universities, churches, schools, hospilals,,irl i^allci ics.andlibr.H ies c\isi in plcnlv. and rank ainoiiL; llie lii^l in llic l.iiul Silualeil as loronlo is, ilic cciiUe ol a rich .iiu: prosperous province, llic poiiil lioni which rail- ways and lake sliippini; rad'ale, the prov iiu i.i capital, anil the seal ofni c.h schools o\ Icaniiiin. she ranks ainoiii,' the i;real cities ol .\iiieric.i. and, uiiiler wise civic iiianai;ciiieiil , will 1 ,iii a close .Old perhaps vicloiioiis race vvilli lu ' i^rcal eastern lii.ii tor the I'oniiiu 1 \ iai supu MI.ICV ol III ilisll XllU'l II .1 J. r. lanv vi;i-s. 1 r.ii.i .\ss|,...,V!l N I 01 loHON 10 I.Syl lOlSlil Isi lS;i 1.S7. »<;.\ i«7t i«7.s I.Sjd. i«77 1K7S, .K7M iKSo l.SSi . i.S,S_>, Sj-i, • .V' ■ '1. ■ 4.?. .(1.7, Tii;, iHiS,; I.SK| i.S,S5 iS,S(i i,S,S7 1 s,ss l,S,S.,, iHiKi iSill . iHoJ. 40, 47 47' 411, 4'i. .s.v 5.S' 111. till. li,S. 7-' <|.S, -fl.--, 50(1, 1 50, 1114. ".s.v 7S-'' Hill, ,SI<>i 'l,S4' 1144, iij-'i '•.s7. 1.S7, .;,si|, •SI 4. ",v-'' „SH7, ,i);,j, iXiH, yi- -••Sii .v"- .VI.? 7".s 4'i- ii,;i. i|i>i ,Si)ii (,<,;, :>' ' 70^1 (1(15 .S .' ,1 4".! 017 .?-•« 5 Si) 45" In' l^'.l lS.,n IS50 iSfKl iSrn 1.S71 i,s;j is;i 1.S7S i.S7,i 1.S77 1.S7.S 1S71) l,S,So I,S,Sl ISS2 KSSj l.SS., I.SS5 I.SXO 1.SS7 I.SS.S i.SSy iSijo 1S91 1892 si'/,'/.. !-,.;S.S ; Mlil.i i.ii:s .111! ) •,.iSii 1.S117 I.Sli .|N.S U.S. nil, l.l-». Hk), 107 Mil 1,-1 1 .,S(»i ■l".i Hii) IKKl ,11.( .4JI) ,65' Iliifiiiii.ilii'ii lulls 111 in If lu'iiiin ii'iiil'ir, III il w liisi r.ii llll III. ' ^'ii'ss. I h <\lll -.III! I. 'Ill l\Mili;> I a liiirii,. :lll N|ii» lall, iu\- Arlliiir llll Si'iiii- I t\w ilijiar- til'' lailli r> ilu' Niirlli- Ills \\ I'll' .' illi/l'IIS ,1! iiii>i\' atU'ii- llsillfSS ', i- ll, allllKlli;! Mui|\' I hall aillKIIMl ol iilalli'ii ll I- ais, u Ink uhaiiicil ill lomnuTii ll ii'slilutitin> ihli' purl inn , iluiri'lu's, 'laiii's I'sisi ill llu' laiiJ I ,1 I'ii'li aiul w llii'll I all- C pi l'\ III, A III Kmi llill;;, I'l AllKTii .1. I. w'lU I. Ill >.■ «illl lu- ll iill slipi V THK DOMINION IM.IJHTKATICn. ».1 Tin: KATl-: SIK DANIEL WTI.SON I'RKSlllKNr Ol TdKliNTu r.NlVHRSlTV ^4 Tmk oomin'K^n 1 I.I.I i>;i'K'A'I'ki ). .'. w K. llriick. (. W. Cllri^ll<;. 1.1, M ll.l-«r,|lll. W II M.lllllll'll, , U. M.llli.l ^. Wiliniit II. Malluw.. I . |l lllr lj;.lK- .\.."(i.llii Ikitii.ll inlfri^t.. ■> ■ r.ivt'iiiini'lll ' ]i|iiVillU'llt '*' I ,il,K rtiTil.inn liic ,i|i;i.iliiiii I 111 vlll" ^t^■ I'lli; (., .^i.ll'IK-.' UMl jn.i.l.illi'M- (•M|ll|>.ll.lliM';\ r,.„lf liol,l,.i lllllc ;llf.lil^ II'' ,l>lll nlllu' L' li;i- nnint'i I "' i;(i-*^ivi- ililil I !,■ piisilll ll'l ii.ii Tni.iiii.i a till- lii-l cHiiiin ir I'inll lll.lliy 1 ,11 ill.- O'Vsl-. I «i .isurt' .IS ni.iy IV .\imI I'liiviiui 11 il,|.hlsi>, 111. s Iiu-Ill!n.-M Oil- 11. t;i.iwil 111 I'L' i.n.l I'-'Wcr. iilk.l Sl.iU-s .1 nki.l .i.N li.ninc [.!) ali.l |il"t;"' ^minilll "t I'l lllf lu'lu-lil «■ III. |- iiiuiiiliiil). .,,1,1 1 y lull ..I iN-l mU'.I 1.1 I'.lili.l" iililicrs ;ll llU' itiic> .Is ihi' iiil t'l iiksrn. IVlir II, Uiliicali ll.iiiy lvt\ssi.ll. 11S..11, Willi MiMiilkii. I..M-! viiIiltLui I. I'llii nil, A. lluU'ii. |lcn U'lv.n, l.iii K.ilH..rl>iiiii ^ Ci'iirnc ij^iUit.', I rc.Ifi l.isli, Ch.irlcs 1 IliimiAill, |..)iii Wliillcm.iii ilinii liHTf h.i L'.vily yi- iifil ■■k..rc..r IL- priiici|ai wcfv imtir l.k- lll.ll .T| ..r ..h-. u.uis.icl iiii-llliili.Mis, il jhi.iv : I. cell ani.'i Itlit- w.itU liciii h.i i;ivi. iiiiifl lin.ivol llii'iv .A |a.i.l \ .iii were Inrriic'l I'tiir "tr tivt- cent uric-- iii^n ainl arc si ill in ftii\c ■ni.'ratii'M in t'lij^I.m'l; lull a-i-.ucia'i<'ns \u.vU: U|' i cunc iat ' \i-K'nCf until III'- litiLT I'art nf \Uv jUvl ci'iilnry. In Ciin (■! I th'-M- as',..(ialion^, ,.r ni-iri' |tr..ji,.-rK , U Mrilsnl Tra.k- ta* 1 ■•iii|t.irali\L''y. slill in 'In ir infam y. Tin.- Tnronto lluartl ^ I I IhiltK a |'n-.iii'Mi I'f ^riMt |>ninuiit*ni-L- in llu- nicr Tl u> p Ci ■^ fti: I' »i '■ in III. atfair^ n'li nnly "i ilii-iiiyanii the rroviiic^.' nf i )n- . iiii af the entire Dnniinii'n. It is cnnti"i^e iiiL-n arn! i-* a h^Iy well tr^ani/tnt, S.M. .-IV.- anil iiilliieni'al, an-l il lia> rni ;i liitle in •!•• widi . I't-Miu ill irixhin;; enn'iiiinn of th-- " i^diccn City." r.'rnnin does nnt \\\ Imiil tn |>rc-eminin -nl pusiiinn in-.i cnitimereial cly in ( "inail i. i^ iliK- tn her inlani! I'll many himtlreil tmles Imth fnim the A'laniic anil il 1 .M^t-, lornie ! 1 >r the iinr|i 'ie nl iMunMtin^ svii'li III. ^ as may I.e ealiiilaii''! tn inereise the "f ihe rill I'rnviiuf lit ' liitari'i, aii'l aUn in w luh llie s.une in ' - ph isi-, tin- 1. 1 into |;nnnl nf Trad..- nuinli Tn am >n^;st .1 iiilieM the leading lnuiness men nl the |irit\iiice a nl ^I'wn In lie an instiiiiiitiii nf t> n-jtit and uiije- ad jLiwer. hs inlliieiice is felt tliranv |.iiik(il .!> having nn -np'rinr in Canada i[> cnmin-r.tal aeti irnj;iesdvu i'leis, >ince the Hnird wain*n ini/ed, fli. :»mninit nl Itii-^iiK-si trr. i^.'eted i^* s ni|ily w-uvh-rful, and till- lierirlit ennferr d, it^ Menther-* de-* .'ive tin- thank' nt liv c iiiiimmiiy. A^ lar hack as iSjii menlinti js niade nl a Mill nfTrailc in Tnrnirn, uhich \\ i^ «»it^ mi/tsl in the It y pari ■'! 1S4S. A Irw ninnth-. later a )>L-iiiinn vvas pe- iiifl In patliam.-nt askin;; Inr mmipn'^a inn, I'he list nf I nll^er^ at Ihi-. p rind u i'. sni dl, I'lii \va^ nndi- up nl -.iieh lines a-, thi.- itillnwin^; : i ienrj;e IVici>al Utd-nil, I'tinmas 1 iiksrn. iVter I'aterson. Jnlin Mnlhnlland. William I,.-d!ey rrin, huncaii Melhinell, I. Met Haslian. Tnnnihy 1. I air, liiii) Iviwiill, Tliniius Nii^ney, Thnma'^ I'. Harris, |nhn i^nn, William WaUcti Id. jiMepIi Wnrkman. U. C. t.Miilkn. |n,rph n. kid K. M. Suihcrland, l.ihn li. ihirlaiH. Inlin 1 1 iriiii;.-!' n, Win. Unwvll, Unhert Wii^lu- un, A. Ilideuach, |nh:i Shaw, Walter Mclarlane. Wm. len lers.,n, Jamex liently. M. I. M'lteirne, t icn. Michie, nn. KnlfertMin, I'eter 1- reelaml. Ale^an ler M array, I-. InlTat, ( ienrf;e 1 tenlrnhn, 1. K. Arm^trnn^, AlcNandt-r 'tlilvie, 1 redeiick IVrkins, Knliert MeKay, .\n^iis Mcln- isli, Charles Unh_-rlsnn, ( ieur^e II. ("heney, Tlmm is |Iiiuii>!iill, |nhn Sprual. Samuel I'hilips, j. McMnrrich, I!. ■ Whitteinnri and Samuel Wnrkman, all nt whom were ■idin^; inereliants of the eity .md pmvince. During the arly years nf the histnry nl this important nr^;ani?alinn. a riMl la 'k nf ennlidiiice in its uselulne'^s wa^ ■.hnwn by iinny I thf principil m'renitile men nl ihe ih? rity. The meet- wj,^ «ere pnnrly a'lencled ;;nd il » is nlien witli miieh rnaMe that a <( inrum nf nu tnliers c Mild he limu^hl ht^eiher >r di" Iransiellnn nt liusine». I. ike the miinrity nf ymin^' n-.litutiniis, It ua-. shiiniu'd l>y Ih;: \eiy nun who --htiuld ia\ ■ heen aniniij; its mnsi prnmJnent and ^taiuiih uplmlders, illu- wnik liL-in^; lill in the hand> "\ a tew i-nci^eiie men \\\)hi mvi; niiu'h '.;' ineir linn- tn the wi-llare t>t the Itnard and 'rnved then- .elves lieynn I d ndit m be »■ ipalile. trU'twnrthy '111 pfr»i;\ -riiij;. Lnnkinj; I'lck over the histnrv nl the Tn nnt I tinard nl Trade, it it Innnd that Imnr the mniiiienee iK'i'.i, (|uiHti ins of pahlic interest and nnpirtance were li^eii'Si-d M it> niepnrta linii iaalities, postal arranj;einents, the currency, the taiiti, and te' iprneity wiih the I'nlted Slater were ainnnK the sult|C'."> treated l>y the Miendiers in an eshaustive manner. K ^-riiiii; tn tin- (ii-.t nfthese, it is rcenrded in the niinules ulc| prtiduee ample revenue Inr the wants tif Ihe Ifjveinnieni." l-rnm iS^\ tn tS^; a fa rly larye trade was done in TomiUn, hut in iiie latter year the city l^e^;aIl In feci tho eliects nf the depies!»inn ii business, wliich en\ered every pon!uver lS5(», the circula- linn show-uil a de^:r.■a^t.■ n| $(,v»',"'> in ihr - ime pi-rind. The t.ill in till- niaikri-, ioni, rle. .\-. a resnll ■ i ihi-., Ian I becann- drarer, which tenipti.d speeulatnis who in miny cas' -, invi-sUd bt-vnnd piudeiicc. Anmii^ tin; mer fhani-., ixresMve impnrtaii .ii> receivd, an I Ini Imi^ < rrdtt allowed nn the sale nf the^- ^ lods. Tlui> it wa, that failure^ \v..Te numerous, and e\eii the ni.i,i s.ilid Imusi-s lilt the shock. The years i.Si;7 and |.S5,S an; still Innked npmi as the nmst severe period pa-sed tlimui^h by the merc.iiitile •nen of ( In'arin. \ ft, il prndiictive nf much ^;n ■-!. Surplus stock was worked n(t and iinpoii.itinn-. w jir ^naL;.*duiiiij^ [his perind thai the Torn, to li i.,nl m Trade Issued .1 ctriih c.Vv rtf lMt>inL-ss ability which today causes eteaniboais railroads, etc. Tiirouin bu-ines, men were the nri^^iM iti>rs .-t thi^ .md saw thai the North WC1I had a bitnre ot ^ prosperity which w iu! the head of Like Superior and the Red River S. -til. in -ni.. l-rom 1S4S to iSS; the llnard nf Trade may be ^li.l In have b.en in a | utiy linrniaiu stale, lint i»irnu^h "Ut ihi- loiij; p riiHl its nieetini^s were kept up, business was ti.uis- aeted and it was carried safely through this crisis by a lew .letive members. While Mr. UeniyW. 1 taili i^ occupied the ptesident's eliaii in iSS; 4, iheie was a decided c lant^e tor Ihe betiei, in an increase in it- uifiiibt'rs ,md i;ieaier .ic- tivity. A'H.ut iliisiime Mi. i:dj;aitnms Arts were the chief topics n| discussion during ihis teiin. In conneition with the litst ■ f these, a depurali-iii nt the Mnntrcal Hoard ot Trade visited the city, 'o meet the riirnntii auil Hamilton Hoards for the puipn-e "t training an Insotveiii-y Act. 'Thi- important work wa; .lecnnipli-hed salisfactnriaiy and presented l<> Tailiamen! at the I'd n *in^ ses-,ion. Most important action was alsn taken !)ii itie 1 uitf ■ piesiion by piessinu what were known as "Importers griev- ances, A petition of the Hoard, with the signature- "t the importers (sf tire eity was Inrwarded to the Minister ol Cu-toiiis, in refercnee to -.everal olijectiotjable clauses. The nutcnnie nf tins acti-inwas a ennlerenie, attended iiy ll'iii. Mr. IS tvvcll, at Tnri)nii', when the eniire <|uestinn was hid betnre him, with the results thai ihe ilay was gained by the Hoaril of Tiade fi.r Canadian im:>nrters. Cp In this tt ne the Hoanl of .Xrbitratinn had been little more than nne in name, but now its usefulness is often de mon%tr.ited in sitilin^; the .li-iputes nt iiieml>ers nf the Hoar»l of Trade. Ttie w.-tk done by this enmmittee since that lime has ^.lined the pi lise of the bench and the tej^islalnrs, in ihe satislaclnrv settlement nf ditiieulties without limj; and ex- pen-i\e lilij;alii'n. Mr. Henry W. Harlin^ tilled the president's chair lor live year-, and at the end nt the lifth was lendereil a bm-juet by the Itiard .is .i slight acknowledgment nf hi, vahrab e serv- ices. It was held in the Ro,siu II ui>e mi the Kith nf leb- ruary, 1SS7, l)ein^ in eveiv way a t;reat success. Those present numbered 50,) and received Mr. harliii^ with the ^re.xlest enlhu-.ia-in, while during th'. buvpiet they presented him with a serviee of silver plate. It may be W' Il lo uuri- Iron here that the hrsi ilinner n( the !' i.ird was held on the V» h nf Dee , 1SS7, wiih the president .Mr. \\ m Ince in the chair, and Hon. [oscph Chamberlain, Hntish pleni|intenli- ary tn W ishin^tnn in innnectinn wit!* tlie lisheiy i|uestinn, as the honoured u'ucst tif the occasion. Such was the success nf this dinner thai il was unat-im nisty decitled In hcdd nne eat h year thereafter. !■ rntn the i omineiiocuient the Tmontn H>>ard has on i.s list of members men of wide experience, eiierj^y and per severance, who have raided this nistiluiinn tn its pre.ent en viable position of |iroininence. It stands forth as an esam pli- to other eommnnilies, and h i- .ery forcibly shnw n can be d nie by united ettort Inwanls [impress. Hefoie passing further in this work it would lie veil to ^ive a few parti, id. irs ot ihe |)asi .illiiers of ihe Hoanl. i'lii.sii.|-:Ms. Mr. C -or^e IVrctval Ridout was the titst lo o.enpy the pre> eli.iii, beii^ lollowel by Mr. Thomas ( 'larksoti in iS5J, who held the posiiion for ^even years, resigning in l.SS'j. Mf i;, I . Wliitteni i-e h |,'d ihe po,t for a sh.trl lim- in ihi-., and wis succeeded by Hon. W. T. Ho'» - land, whose term nf -service lasted until i.Sd; 'Thiis. I ». Harris was then e eeted, bein;; fn I .w il the neM year by I. (i. Worts, who wis te elei led in li\e suc-ceedin' years. The ehiii was then till--d by \\ in. I-Mto'i for a period of twn yells. In- bein^ snec .-eded by Mr. W. |- MeM.istei. Thi:, f^eniKmin an 1 tlio,e I dlowini; e.ic h n. iiped the enveled pn^ilioii fni one vear : \. M, smiih, A. H. I,ee, R. W. T,|- liott. I. Mmrisoii, W. It H.tmilt.'ii, arid C M. Rose. In iSSj Henry W. H.irlinj; was raised to the |ins| nf president, to which he wa.s re ele. ted four lini---, W. fnec; U-inj; his sui. .'ssor. whowa. totlnued by Mr. W I >. Mitihewv Mr. M.vithew s orcnpied the chair in IS.SS and iSS>), .md was the predeeess .r nt .Mi |n •. I. Dividsin. whn ably -.eived ihc H»iil ,ii piesiileni lor i.S'io c)i, his ^u. c-.-svIr iKiiiii* Mr. Ilu',;h \. H.iiid. o' the lirm of Crane A Itaird, .Montreal and Tnritnlo. VI. Ivlkt. stilt, M^. Tne vice pn-sldentsnf ihisassocialinn were Ins., I'. I'.ilteis.iti, R. H. Hn-li, I. I). Rid-'iit, > *'Thnrnp.snn, \\. T. linn W. I'. Ilnwl md, T. I). Harris. |.ii. Wnr .. R. s,iroat..\. R. R. H lyd. Win lilintt, |nhn Turner, W W. V. M. M.- haul. I. Mi'iis- I>iilm^:. W. I Tl I, W Wilkii-, 11 \. Hiiid, Mr., W. II. Howl.imi. |. (.nidnn, M ^milh, .\. H Lee. t lO. C loder- H Hamill.m, (i. M. R(»se, Henry W. I.albraiih, W. I). .Malthews, I). R. ILinh lllain and S. I'. McKinnun. I kl XslKI.Ks. lieniy R'lA's-dl was the lir>t Trcvsurcr, holding' ihis res, pn-i ion till iS^J when he was succeeileil by Mr. R. H. Hull. This Mi.|,||eniaii \\,is f.illnwed by I, llarrin^; I III. having; !nhn M acd inild as his successnr, wh.i hel.l the Mtiiee f -r fnur years. In iSni, Samuel Spruell wa.s elected In lheotti.:e, beinvj succeeded by |nhn Turner who lultilltd the (111 ies nf this positiim troni tS(p7 to 1X70. b>hn .Mnrri- s.-ii wa% elected in this laiier year and r.'j.iwed by .\. H. Lee in 1S7J later I. Cillespie w as appninted and held the .itfiee till iSS_l when the present treasurer, Mr. ( .. M. R.ise was elected, and has c.miinue'i in the posiiinn tver --ince. TuRiiNTu CiiRN i:\( HANCI: AsS(»( IATIn\. Hefoie uientiiuiinii the amalgamati.m of the two principal cominercial ctr^ani/.iti.uis of the city of 'Tnmntn, it is advi>a- ble to i^ive a tew iletiils reuardin[; the C.irn K\chanf;e .\ cialion. Lacli nf these b ulies while separate anci distinct had .bseusttd the cpiestion of amal^amal'on in all its pha-es. II was unanimously ajjreed that the maintenance of two -ich bodies was a waste of business energy. Kn iwii for some years ;-« the " Produce and Merchants' I \ehar.t;e " and et>mp. ised of produce .lealers, millers anil inerchanis, the < orn T\chanj;e dates its nry.aii/aiion from ih-: year iSnb Its .d.jccis were to briny together from all parts ot the I'.-ovince ..f Ontario, clealeis in every kind of pr.iduce, to birnish telei4ra))lno rep.>rts nf the markets, to collect statistics of the receipts and shipments nf priKluce and to increase the facilities fnr -oinj.' business. Like the Hoard .)l Traiie this a,ssociali.>n also passed thr.iut;h a .lormaiit period, but it became evident that L;real results uould be ^;aiiied by the improved f.icililics (or bu-ines> thus ottered to nirich.ints. sh >rily after its orj;ani/ati..n, the .subjeel of grain inspec- timi w is discussed in an e.vhaustive manner, and to this day the beiielits derived Iroin it are admitted by all. .\ com- iiiiiteL was appointed in Dee-mlter 'St*j \n take umler Ihe ot llour iuspeeiini, and reported as I 'll'>ws : " That, in tli-ir opinion, a uniform inspection should be adopted by the wlmle Domini. m, and abo uniform standards, and they recommend ihat this subject be brouj;ht bet'Te the several Hoard- of Trade of Oi.tario and <^tnel)CC, in order tn ask I'arlianieiit for legislative powers t.i ameml the present act, and that the provinces of New Hrunswick and Nova Scoiia be applied to. tn act in cniicert with them, in order to a Inpt a unifnTm inspect inn nf standards I Mr. i. Iwar.l L\wsnn resigned the p.m nf Unur inspector in iSttS, Ivjing succettded by Mr. lames R.nigli. At this lime the tlour inspect-. 1 wa- aU.i nispectnr nt ^;rain, and disciusinn- folinwe.l as t.i the advisiluhty of making t;rain iiispe^ .i.)n .1 -.■pirate app 'inlinent in T..1.HU0. 'This matter was I.iid iiefore the Hoaid nf 'Ttacle, who by reas^m .>f Iheir charier the legal right to make llie appointment, and Mr. Kmigh w is elected lo lire p.isiti.m .-n the recninmenda- li.Mi nl the Hoard ol Txnniiners, niemlH.-is ot ihe ( "orn l-Achange. He was succeede-l I.S71 by btsej 'i Harri^, who. in 1S74 \ appointed by the (invernment l.i serve as grain inspector tor the city. During the early life of this associa- li'tri. tdegraphic market re|'orts were rarely used, but with a view lo an impr.iveinenl in iliis particular, It was (U"ided at a meeting of the Hoard .>f Management on June isi 8(»7, I.) buy tell graphic market reports from Chicago and Mil- waukee Inr the ii>e of memliers, the cost to Iw $iuu.ou per THK I >0MI NION If.l.t INlM-iATKI*. II .N. IIAIKI' ll annum. S-mv imik- Lilir .ur.iii);(.-nii-iit^ um< ini'l.- !■> rtitivf " ,iliU - h-'tii |j\».ri""'l. l.K^l.iii.i. r.«i.iy ihi- --.ivilc ni.iy lu" '.liii lu |tf .iluM'.t oimpk-tc. CUiIi^ t.uiu' il.iily fr'tm I'iij;laml L;iviii^: iiiict-'. iti omwiU, ■.ittck>. ^;r.iin .tml l>r"\iM'»ns; LMiitinuoii- ri|'"ris au- rcctivc*! imtn Chii.ii;i' : wliik ni-'iiiiii'^ .iinl .Uu'iii'M'n iK--|uic1k- .uc • ni \vm\ Mil- waukee, Diiluih. M. Linii-, l'i)U-ib«, !>cit'»ii aiui (i.wt-^... In adiliiinn !>■ ihi^, lour u-|-«"iu --f Mnnirt' i -'Mik-. .ui'l >t.'vtntit.*n t»( itir Nc\\ \ mk Siucl* I \(Iiai":;<- ^\^' nti-iviJ, i;ivinj; '.he piiccs i«( the liilkK-nl --ccmiiii.- (U.iU >n mi 'In. I J....,, I. The iiu'<>i|«.raiinn or ihe r<«ront"i i.-rn^i- A->" C'?ji"n l.M.k place in iS;^. the li'll-'win^; liein^ a li-t of ihi names of ilie lnt>ine'*> nu-ii wh'i -»,l»-.cri!'i'il i.i ihe pi liiii.n ; \V. II. I|..wlan.l, W. n. M..tthLWN I. \-. Kirk|.a*iirk. I: K. ("laik^nn. U-.i^r: >i.iai!. 1. T. f'uUttiM. Ilf^. I Unn. Uniula. hai.ILm. William < .alln.iiih, Th-'int. hi-..., IL \. iUii-l, I in..,ltthani A W.'fl-, Th.inia> lann » hriin skill, J.t.ipli Ham-. K. < .eor^jc II. rhapin-in. Ihonias \slinvir, >. \V. latiell, Thum.w I»')^.lalt. Th'. ma:* ('. riiioliolm, I.nncs \ min^' Urn. < !•««'. -hain. Inn., Winan-, Hnlkr A Co., U. S. Il.nvlan'l, |..h.i Sttwaii. \V. n. KnMx\Iion, !■. Iloulan.t. .\ \V. (,o,|s,.m. |. II. McNairn, K ' his|...lMi ,V (■-■., In>,|.h <.il-.n, \. M. (an non, MrUillc. I air \ ( o., n. ,\. ( Hiver, li. |. lJ..iili..h, |( Clark, l.inie- Hraden. lame- ( ok-tna;i, \V. Kyari, >. T Ir« in. \\ . A |. I.. Spink, \\ . U. \\ .vUw.'rili, Simon I'l. wi . I. >. Knihiiloni, t,il»:ion ("<.(.k. Naa. Waiciip, William I.uke', l.aiilkiu .\ \icol ami .\. \. Ik* I.ipititi A f o. The (ojlnivinj; j- a li^i of tlic p.iai ..tlicei- oi llu-Cotu I xchan^t .\<-(K~i.iliuii. ! hi.-ihi.Ni-. KoLcit ^pran was Uie lirM r-resident la-inj; f.-ljowed l.y I h>mn>^ (larkv.n, who occupied !he chair ilurinK iN'>7 N. In IN'H) U. spratl w.-i- a^jain ••leritil. idlini; ihe iilluv >ear. Wm, ( .all.raitli. W . II. Il-wtand. W . i >. Manh. ws. lame- V-mnj;, \\ m. ( .alltrailh, lame- MiCuaij;, Win. i .al hrailh. KoU-rt Nprati ami j. It'Laidlaw each occiipnil ihi^ poili'n in Miccessivc year- uiMil iS7«i. Mi. \\ . I». M.^. lhew> wa^ president in lS;>Sj and iSK^ re-pecl^ely. \ r. K iHJ-ii>i \ I-. The tir^t wi- II. S. Ilowlnnd in lS'.f., (..II.. wed l.y lames Voung wlio .ccupitMl (he vice chair in l.V»7 S. To Mrn ah ccide.l Wm. i.alliraifh in iV.-i, ul.o lefi the clmii on -he ekviioii ol W, II. Il<.v\land in 1S70, an-t wa- Io||.>hi.| l.y W. h. MatiHiw-ii, iS;t. W l< Wadwof.h, \S tn I arnll, Th-'Hia- Hynn. h l»a\i.U..n, II .\. Itatrd, |. h | ii.lh«' W. I). Maltheu-. I II. (.. Ha^:ar!y. M Mcl,aii^;hln.i (ko. .\., \. Weallieisloii uid I. I., spud. Mnet->i\«.l> i;ained the ;M*siti..n ol \ue pre-'dent until the amal^ati'.n \\itl< the ItoartI ol 'I'lade. -I," Ki i.\k\ I Ki A- 1 Ki i; -. Thi> oiu roll, and re>ponsil>lc po<.t was |ii-,t in tlu- lian-l- ■ •i \. I . Kiikpitriek who litH'dled llie .liiii. • lill ihe vt-at iS7(, uhen lu- w 1- Miccecde I Ity ]. II. (. tl.i^aiiyuh> lilk-.l ihe oMicf year, (nor;;*- A. ( ' «a- ih- n elected ind held the i-isiiion unlil iVSo. w h. 11 Wm. Maik Itccamc Scciel.iiy Ttr.i-urer. I h ■ I.ivi i;cnllriiian '•■ tdt Hii - impoitai'i |iosi «a- lam.- i.-.otlalI \\U>t held it duim^ ihe y,^at- i.S.Sj Si. \M \l -. \M VI IvX. < hu' i.f ihe nio-i imp'-ttani s'eps which have taken place in :lte lite r.| the Tomntn Hoard ot Trade wa- it* am.d;;am,i lion with the C.ttn|;c \s-o(iaM"n, Th.ii il wa- -n e\ cry way mo^t ad\is.d)lt' was the un.inimoii- opinion, i..r the -ult!>i"( had !)cen iiftcn dJM-ii^scd at ihe iiRetini;s ..I I-.ih llo.iiil". -Mloii^jh this «leci-i. -n wa.-*n for -omc, no dcci.Ied .ulion wa- laken until ih. -ptmi; ol iS.S4, w hen two loiumiiui- were ele» led to make out a list ,>f liyc law-, f-'r the two amalgamated Uhlies. The lojlowiii}' i> a li-t .>! ihi- j;enileinen :ippoinli.I o|i the eommitUH- ; I of Tilde lleniy W . Parlmj:. U. W. i:itioti. II Klair and W . l:. lliiMiit.n. I \. Ini.i;e \\. 1. ill-? lith. I. I,,, W. \K Millliew-anl II. N. I'.aiid. Kvery credit -liouid U* ^iven ihcsi- ^;inileinen L-r ih • at.k- and peiseveiinn manner in which tfiey ftillllled the duly allotted to ihem, th"i.};h ihey cloul.ik-s feil hilly repaid when noting the r< '-ti|f> uf thnr wotk. At thi date ..f the Ainal^iamaiion ihe menil)cisliip ol ttic Hoard wa-.n!) ^50 l-ul ii now reaeht-. over ikx). Meeting*- are lat^jely .ittended and the j^reatcl inleres: is taktn \u the di>ci;s>ion -it nil conuiiercial i|Uc>lioii-. Mr llenty W I>ailinj; was the lii>t pre-ident o| ihc nun liined a--"iiaiiiii-, with Mi Wm. i.ilhraiih as i-^i vice president .in-,e, treasurer, ami Mr. Kdj*ar .\. \\ills, -icietary. .■sinee the year l.NN-4 the sueees- o' the Hoard liecn inarvellfMis. In this year the income wa« $J,Sc>7.7i ihe expeniliiure liein^ ol cpial amount, while in iS'H) the micm me io,r 1(1 $io,lJi,<)l, which wiih an expendiluie o( $<..'i4J,i4 ^;.i\c a -urplu- >i li.'.r.i.r.;. After adding ihc aecunmlated fund ni$t l.Oi 1, 15 a lotal is given o| $1 s.jSs.o-'. * It thi- la-t amount $i.>.52o were invested in the niw l.tijldin^. K \iiln I I'Mi. This fund, whieh In- tound so much i.ivour with the menilter-nl ilu- of Tr.nle and has Ucn the mean, in many cji>e.s of t;rea(lv lesH-ning the lrouhte><>y WIkii !he nut— .iiy It j;is|.\ti.'n ii.i.! Keen ojii. lined. I')e laws were passeil, .uiil n came in'o opf lati-.n i.n ihe Joth June iNSfi. such wa- ilie p.>pidariiy ■>' .'I tin- movement thai .il tht cn.l of fur ilay>, 7^; inemK'i had 'U'l-cril'ttl. the picseiii meml.ei-hlp 1- S^o .uid in accoid. Mice with the liye law- a meeting wa- held on >rd Sept. |SS'» and irustci- appointed. Smre that dale s..nn f t w eh.ingc- ha\e Uen made in the hye law- a- (ir-l framed. .It alluding held on I7ih M.irch |SN7. In the iir-i yiai ihf am-'iiivl ..I gi. unity p.inl w .1- al'ovc an .i\eiage"l .'fS-'-i lo, and .iceoiding t.> the l>\i law the amount wa- iucie.i-ed l'\ $ii«>> in the Mcond Ii.'ni the eoninieneeincnt thi large >uin o( $4vs-.i»'^'0 ha- Uen paid, nto-tly l.t wid.'W- .ihd The liimt now under the eonir( 'he < ria Minv Hoa'd i> $i>.'fii and i- iiut-'e.l in dtli. nimc-, ni.'iigagis .iiid other -tcuriiu- l-e-nk-.a -mall amount which i- dep.>siled in the Hank of 1 ommt rcc. K'lAKIi Ml IKXIM III \I».*t AH I ).K-. lor -oiiiL year- afti r the organi.-aiion of ihe Hoarc too conniicd and alHiui two \cars .igo it wa- decided to purchase Ihe projKrty at the northeast corner o| Iioiit and Vonge -tieeis, then o.xupird Ity the " Ameriean ll.ittl." Some .k'l.iy ill .iliiaiiiiin; the title dee. i- .K-euiied .iiiil il was not until N.iveml-er l.S?»7 that tie Ho.iril were in po-scssi.m of clear piper-. The toial cost of the Huihlir.g in. ludinc land, Ac, wa-. .'ti47n,yjo.(.ij. Thi- strueturc i- iMH ol the tine-t erected in the t Ity of Torinlo and i^ a cie dil to the Hoard. It i- -e\en sL.rcy- in hcighi, the Hoaiil of I'lade rnoiiis ,ind .itliccs )>emgonthe uilding. The-e con>i>t ot a hall occufiying h(-S. .1 eleik-' ofiice V^i a counell r.iom S-*'t "i^'fretary's .'Hit e il.i} and the grain tns pector's room ioij -ipiarc feet re-pieii\ely. The remaining portion .if the Imildtng i- divide«l inl.i lari.;e and -mall «'Mice>. strain i- used he.iting (he I'udding. while in addition gr.iie- ah pined in the pimcipil iiltice-. II. \. H.iiid is the presiilent f-r lS*)J, having Iteen le el.cti 'i Ity acel.nnatioii. Hugh Ill.iin i- I -I vice pn-idcnt, .s I-. McKinnon Jiiil viec prrsi.knl, < ieorgc M Ki.-^c tie.i-uier, the secretaryship siiij icinanuig in thi hand- .»( I.lgar \, Wills I. r. who ha- ^ . I.u>g and aMy luHilled the duiies ol Ihi- pnsiiion. The c.unmiltee- ot the H.tar.l of Tr.ule are : I he 1 ouncil-Kvaminei- ot M.niraml NIeal. " " •* ( iiain. " " Hides and Leather. MtHir .md (all Hoard ('oiuinittee. Hoard ol .Vrt'iti.itors and Ixaminers of ( .rain tot ( rntarin. Trustees .^f the (iratuity lund. .\llachcd l.> the Kxaminers of II. mr, meal, grain and hides and leather arc three inspeeioi-. THK |)OMINIi>N rivUI imtka PK I > x.,-> lillill HI.MN Vu. I'l. -1.1. 1 M. KlN^(>^ 11.1 Vi. . ri.»i.|. nt. I'.KO. MACI.I-AN KOSli. Ti.iiMii. i. i-:iii:ak a wii t.s, i^.ii.ia BOARU IIP I'KADK OI-'KICKR!?. mim 4 Si L^ 1 -^ w— - Ihh; |)Omini«>n li-i.irs-i wa 1 ki ■ IIS M MM fnl .umI Wl l<>>" ||i> nii^illf^^ W.I ,i„i |..hii M.< I U.1-- "I 111' "III tl .1I...11I ^.^■■ll| Imll |l'lll■llt^-l'''| ll7 hi, lii.ilili ■niii^; ill! i^;'i'' li.ii li.i- |ii'iviil I ^11 111 llir I '" IMinl .1 ^lll'lll 1 vfiy Ml' Ilk.' i.i|>iil '-tii'l| < liilly 111. Ill*' |..»lr.lpilMill-l| ,li«liMlrl |i1'm| ,. 111. .11- i\lr lllilli'il IlillKi II <| tn-.l»|.il 111 v.illlll jlin ) ilii' I'l |,|, , ami ..lilt I ^Inil I III 1 III (niiiiy. .iii'l li '■ I lllii^rs "I I IH'I milvi' V Ll..>i.ii. ly pl.iiiii| hi^ l.illl.lllr,;- ill L.ilr till- I ' li^lll...lll^. I< ,,|,,,.„ii. Hi. .||1|•^> W-l"- ■•'•' K'll Willi Ult'l IlLl'ii^i'ili-i a I,. I l.y iioii l|,i ,vi-iii>'ii' li lun; ilii"i;-.'' ..,1 111. in'. ,i,vl..i.Mill' . ,|. VHI..1- I" ^... uilly liiii.i-li' .lu.ll »i>li I ai tif in in fin Ik an 1..-I niil'i , I.. V ii-|i. • .,. ii,.-,. UD «» w At clt lip to 111.- . . .U->. liln-' 1,. 1..1. \ vlllill 1- 11 , 1.1.1111. ■' ,X^ aic nil ■1111, .ilhoi' ■., In .lii-i ,1,1 ^l.^|.l. .1 «l...lli-ll H| I..' 1.1 lllv c'l Jl^l ''. 1V1-. Ilie vi H, .,. lll>- )i'-IV #■ ■ -v.; I- llt ■ ,1 111.- I.i|i U^i , ilii-ii-iiy '■' ; llil- | lliil<-'liil. ^s .mil III- .,1 |K l.lllil J Ill ihi I), iiiiiiii'iii , y, .It 1" al 111 .ii.-..l.-1'iri 1, |..., wli.- I. II. Ill' . i\c tn.iiili- i.^lii-l.l l.y 111 h-iii 1.. ili.iw i.liiii; llii- K'- u.i> ili.r .i;ill . li i 11.- M.ii 1.1 ll .ii.iiil.l In- I II rlur.\ctt'ri/ l|l|l-^. 111- lunh . .ircliil, 1 il.imlii.iliit- 111 flmi.o II k. Mn.l.i ll I. TiK- ll II .11. I'lliii r.l.ill.llll III- I "I'-i-f ■'«' I .illil will I'l vis. riii 1 with thi: ( wlicii tlic^c Illl'. I)(!MiNION II.I.HN rWATKI). .?" \ MMHONMI. .\ ('..., \\IimI,v,1, |l,y C U, I'dt .11x1 \\rlljfl;^l<)lt >lrii-|-» Tht rr .irr 111.111^ ilt'l.Ullf llhi' hil'iry mI ill, » innuiii'iii' III tin |ilii'ii..nii H iif I'fll.llll I ir Ml MIS, lilll tl Willi III III- iliMii nil III 1 1 III I .1 bli' slllklln; r\ain|i|i III Ihc li'Mil! Ill , ni'l^), mII n tl.llii i , i.l.nrr .Hill liiiMhi's- .iliilii^ III. Ill ilii- liiuciinp .,> imy lil.liiii: III liiliii M.ii.liiiial.l ,\ I .,., iiii|iiiii, rsiil ilry unml- . ji, liii^iiifsN Wfti riiiitiilctj fi.rly iwi, )f.irs n^ii liy llir l.nli-- |li.iiiii Inlin Miii'iliiii.ilil, liiil III ihiiM' •'aily,liys iIh cmi lU.iHiil iiiiiili'il |iri'li'iiiiiili^. .Nil, Mat'iliiiialil li.iil lliiii .ll.iilll M vi-tl )r,lls l-iilllllli-li iai i^piliilm. .iii'l h.lil hmi ii'iii.iik.ililc I u I .nil) lull >i^lil iliititi^ time. In li; III. Iii'.illli f.iiliil him, .mil |ii> ^.ii|,.,| |,,r l.iiii.iiin, ii Jnilii; iiiiij;litiiii iiiniilh- In Tiir.iiilii, «li,ii- lii- i ^ II li.i. |iliiviil III lie III,' iiiii^l iiii|H.ilaiii iliy ,. I. II II- I III ilii' l> iiil'iii III (nn.iilii. Ml. M.irilnnalil .ii hisl mil .1 Mll.lll lill.iliis, liiiiiM' ,111 \iiii|;,- .III, I, »li, I,' In- \i-iy Miiii-.liil liii III,' iii'M Im- yi'.ir.. |||. ,lii| ii,.l Jit..' I.ijilil sliiiU, iliiMII^ lltU ).ii|.,il, I. Ill , V, ly si, |i H.I'. |li hilly III nil, . Hill III I.S^ I III' U.K. at i|i(. Iii'.iil ,,| .III ai • nil 1 1^1 1| Mill. In nil. Ml. .\l llii.liiiii'llii'1,1 1 ..inn, , I ( h ijiialci |iiii|iiiiliiiii~, .1111^ il naliiiiiiil iiii'i .>aiy In iiinM' I il ' <'\l,'iisi\,' ininiii-, ■ nil Wi'lliii^iiin .in, I. wlit'ir hi lliliniil him. I'll In lli,' »IimK..iI, liaili-. Ili'i, thr Ihliih.. 1-1. 1 Ml mhiin.- Ill .1 » I, ihil iii.iniiri, .mil il ihr (inl I )i'ai . till' )iii'iiii.i . «i II' fai tun .piall liii III. nil n.ii il Idi.alnl iillm ami I ilsji'r lli'iiiisr. Mete i.uil nn l|i, .' .Iti'i't. rill' lill.llli •. al till, linii' Um .1, kliiiult,l|.>iil ,.' mil' nl III, lll.i.l M,li,l mill , \li'n.i\i i imMl.ili llir titiy, .inil has lakrii tin* UmiI I'Vi-l sih , Tin' i-^l, ii-i\t ihi.i'. IK, iiliit-il .11 till' ini'si'iil inni* wi ir i'|ii iiiil liii liu.l . mi'Ui' >iais ,n;ii, Ihi'y atr, Hi'hiMil ,liinlii, ilu- nin.i ^[...catily |il.inniil in ihr i-mii'. Mm,' ai,' many -is I'nililinu- ill rnliililn, Ian till- Inlly riilii,,;, ,,| , aili Hal ,1,. ihi' I. infill ihi. Iiuil'lmi; iiiii.iiU' .ilmi,- i,|| n, |ij;llliiillls. Il is n larl Hiitlhynl niilj,',' llu ., |i|('Mli.i'. I ..{i|insilr till' una. Miniiii}; linil.liii), in nlm h I hi' vilmli ..ih 1,111,.- «as stailiil. l:Miyliiliii4*ii ll.i Iniil.lm^; i. i nn I III! with uii-ai s\-lrin ami ,>n .i ;;i>;.inin' siaii-. Tli, |ll.|.m^ l»n I'lmi s .i\ st,iiy »aii',c,
  • ' v.iiaais Hal.. I In ilic insi i|,i,„ .h,. ihi- 111 li nllu'i .. 'I'lu'-r nllnrs h.Hf lii'lll l.lUly t> llii\.ili il, III, l.ltl'st illljIliiVi'imill. fill Ihv InllVi'liicmi' anil I'nllilnll in.lnimt. Iii'ilin aihli'il ihr , making llniii i.,ii'.|ilt'li' ,'vi'iy ri.jinl hir llii' |ii |il ili,|i.iiili nf Ini.imss; kl ili.m' I'li'.r i- Ihi- iniiali- iilt,i',' .,| t|„. |„..n| .,| tin' II Till- 1 irinii, ik-paitmi-iils ,if tin- l,inl,|,nj, h,II li,',l lies, lilliril .ICl'nllllllj; In til,' ||,i|,|, ,,,, «lm.(| iln-y ,..,,. Ill, I, ,1. Till' liasi III, III I. i|i\ii|, ,1 ml,, |«,, |,nll|.i||., nl vvliiih is use, I as a .lii|i|iin>; innin .m.l tin- nihcr .i. ii'i) I I. '^s Ihi' Unnils.iiim at ihi' lallvr |.l.n:i- tht- ly ilr.ks art- inn .llniij; rails in iht'iii, (im. savnij; .i ^leat III nl mm nlhi'nvisc takiti ii)> in i .ii)>in^ ilu' ^immI. in lln ik. In III rli,:il.,il. I In Ih,- lir.l llnm ai.' taiii.-.l tin .in, I sta|il, ili-|iniliin'ii|.. Th, -, i I ||,„,| ,,,|,i.,,ns I iil,'il «',.,. Ik-n., ('.inailiali Unnllin- ami lailms' itim 11.^-. (In the Ihinl limn nl lln- ImiMiin; aio ihf .ilks, Unnil., iim.lms, laci's, lilil s, liisicty ami ul.n,',. ...mi; In (lie tli'valnl, ami a.ccmliii;' llii-ii-liy In tin- lii-sl all IV,-, the tisitni uill timl I ,11 ,in ih, Inimli llnm-. I III lln- u>-n(s' liiiiii.hin^., Iialn-rilashi-tv, sm.i|| «aus il I 111, y Tlll-I, is yi-l llllnlhl'l iniM II. ,l,-|i.iii. lit .11 lilt' tn[i nl ihr liltihlil.^, v\ Im h (-,,vi-|s |h,- ,lilltr ). k, ihru-liy iiinlainint; an air.i nl Iniit'rrii ihiiiisiin.l tfinlril ; this is till* i-aijivt ,U-|i-iiliin-nt. I li-rr .nf kept I ml. nl ItinsscU, (a|H-.liy ami Hnnllni i-ai|K-(s, IhiiIi ,,1 I- m.l milai'l lire .iml imnmtnl j;.in.|,, ill rlntl,., |ii,.,|,.iiiiis, iiii^s .111,1 liriii|n. riimiLih nil il last (In. is ihr ;. .1 nl ii. l.iml III llir 1 Inniiltinii. I mm Ihr f J^iiinj; (hr I'liiriil Ihv .liirk III this uiK.miii rniii-i-rn i. ihi- iait;i'sl III, llnaiininn is |i|.nr.l. r.iii|i|nyini nl i. i;in-n ihlnil^h' ihi' yi at (n alinnt lim |ii i.nns, wlm air ilistiilmi, ,1 .,vri V, III' 111. 'l-'li 111 infills. I'hrrity.ajr, llir rnimity. .u, tain, ,1 II' In,, wlirn ihr linn. Mt. Mar.l niahl uas'ialin Itmn , III.'. Ill' hail liiiill ii|i ih, liail,' ..I Ihi. h iii.r : hr «as HI- nil nilii-l nl Ih-- llii.inl -it |m ni.iny yr.-iis, li'.; In III liy lint Uuly iii.mli lll|;li r.lrrin .l.lnl., s,-irrlfil 111- liaw il|i rr-nllllinlls riiiliii,lyiiii> thrir „ iiliiiirnis iiliiii; tin- Ki-n|iiii,-ity ,|iirsli,in uidi llu- I niu-il Slalcs. '.la. llir .l.ltllnrnf I Wn usi fill linnkl,, " llll.inr.s Mil' .. What II is anil llnw In Siriirr II," mil " Tntlic nn.'. Mill nl Ihr Wairhnn.r. ■■ Th,-.,- arc i.ilnalili l.,iiiks I'liiiM l,r na.l liy all. Th. I.n,- hnn. ^;.-(llh-lnan II I Inncli-ii/i'l II. clmnl hi. lih l-v hniir.l, ttiHhlnl il'li ,. Ik- artril inilr|mi-tciitl)' fur hmisrtl, .mil, al ' .ireful, hr was m A,'r srllish. Thr ln-s| jirniil nf his l.iiilliin|iir- nalinr is.hnwn in llu' siitii nf imiiiey ittii-il In thr Tnrnntn I'.irk I l-i.tnLiI, .iiiiniiiiiin^ I,, nn h in f ID i,iii»i Thr |iirsrn( ni, iiilu-i , nf tlir Inni air Is, Mii.lnn.ilil, I'aul ramiilii'll ami Janiis I. \|.ir nil. Thr tifst \\<, , t^rntlt-llirn wrir |i.utllrts vi Itli (he II III. I'llm, ami simrc his ilralh l.mirs K I I'uialtl In-rii ivlmittril a |i.viiiirr. The prrsinl lirni n I. ,s l■m-r^l'lll• .mil .m-rrs.fiil lli.iii in Inrimi yrar., ami il lalii will I'lniiiiiK- In 1,-1,1 III,' ir.nit .i. hrirtnl llii II .\ <'ii., Cnrsrls, Cirnii Hay .111,1 X.lrlaiili 'lis. rtli sll.\|,r nl thr cnrsi-t li.i. a u'ri-at ih-al l-i«ilh Ihr sl.ap- nf th,- ilirs. w-hiili ,.i,rr. it j s -vlii'ii tlicsr H'lmls wrrt as still ,is a li'»,ili| anil (hr laily ^mmm |s< sS'f f * ^ '^ I'MAIILt-^IIMKN r til' nut MI ht LU • iiK- t III .i->i il III [1(1 oil I 1.1 I I I ' ii>,iriirh> III xl I • -I I III! W I- .!-> -.ill- ll'Hii ■ -> .l)>|- .< It [■•! 1,1 't III tlh ( lill't II I III .1 ''i.ii'^'lil ).ii I It. I II ml ■ !•■ llii I* ■ ■>) .1 tillli 11 M II. I' .III' I llir mil it in;- < u n . ..i iIm im ti>I< .■< n i<> i hIkh c ihf l.iws ..| Ik..II. Ill till- ph..- Ml I,.- I.iu- ..I I.M.II.I., .li! lIlKj-i li.llli;ril. I I,- • Ml -el Ml |.| cl.i\ l^.l vtl|>| Mil III I til' ll.tliu , a lit-l|i I., till,- I'lMji, I .1' \i l.ij.iiK II) Ml lln- Ih ,|v .iimI niiii)-iiu > Mi'li iIh-^v <|ii;thiK . 'Ilu m| il.i.nruy I'Im c iKhc m-c. » ^.tty l->Hlll>|ii|l^ .III Im 111- lonli'l 111 till- 1; ,\ ( '. .lli>l hill I Mt^i-f ., tiianiif.ii -111- •! \-) Ml .^1 >. hni'-li A i ". . \\||,,s, l» til >'l :i' llir (■.)iii'i mI ll.iy jml \i|i.Iii'ii- ■.tllTt .. Tjusf ;^MM.|. .lie I Hl-i. tj l.n'<\\I| lIlllMlt'llMlll lliv Uuiiiiiitiin itial a ill M-ii|>liM|i <>t ihnn is imi lu-n-ss.iiy Inn . Tilt' liMII ll.'IVr II |iir->rnMtlU-s \\U,t imvit rvtiy t'<>lliM|| i>| ( .inatl.) ;iniy .t l.fMii)r->. i tnly iIk- )•• -t ni.iUii^iU .lu- u»i'il, .iiHJ Ihc •jiLilily, st)tr .111.1 hi uf the (itisils .in ili.'ri("n- ,i..:ii!.i. Mi, s. |t. hriish k lln- in.ina^i*!. lli* i>> -i ;;('nlli-iii.Mi i>( Im;;Ii )i>i>iiii-'»> <|i|,i|iiii >, iMiiiii ■•u> .iikI I ••n«i'ii-r.nir Imuhi'U ..11 nrMiiiul In in .ii.'||li,)| ;|||>I lt|•|)^ • ili/> 11. |>iKi>\M> ( <>: I I '.I ■■! Ml h . VM. I lit. ill -He \1 VM< i Iki. W S« lloMj '[ Im I 111 Ml TmI.imIm I, llii .1 htl> .it III! ,111 svMiJij m| ( ..ii,)(l 1. \\ III I Ik I ill hiii-i< . I Mil ill ill', N. lit; Inn , Ml in hIi iiiAi I hiK iiii^n );< nin- in iv .i* • it it m II. ii i ■ |m llu <.)iniii i'\\\ t|i. .\.. ..t th. t m.l, h. HI .l.vnhi min Im M < U Is Infill si Mi'l Im -I in III- l.i\..iin .1 ..m. s^n. I. in iii.liinih.ii -Is llu [• Ill ( ..ll-t^i ..1 Mil. It \\..m\.\ U nil |>..>i.ll.ti III lll\ Mtlnl I tiinltift .ll^. Ixr ilii ^iin|'l< li.i mIi 111 ri' Is 1.. 1.. Imuii'I 1- tiMwIi. I, , |.. Ill, ^N n, I il .iiij.ii, I llllllU wlli'h Mill ,l|>)i|r> j.lh .lll'l sU)i|rM|| ^Itill .IM \U ■ iiUitiMii. .\imI II I- ■•In, Ml uhnh lln • tin t ill. ■ lis nl T"i>iiii>i. I>iii (■. -lintt Ills Iroiii ill )'>tt- m| Cm. nil ill.- M|.|Miittiiiit\ Im .i nnisii .il I lln. aii'.ii -iii li i. mil |il.i<. ilnm Mn .in i->|n.iliu with ihr };i. lilll. .1. s mI miv 'iitiit II iii-iniiii..n .-n tin • imiIiii ml. Tin ..ill. j;i I. ml' tin-; is i Uuililiil >liii. inn . J iiMlin ; • m.l 7^ \ 1 V '" ' '" 'I'll" 'i-i"iis. .H \m I. » .111.1 1 I t'lhi IumVi siKit, .1 Imi.iUmii iti i\ii\ H.i\ smt.ilili- Imi iln |.iil|.i... ■ m) III. |iisllli-l|Mh. I tut Ini tin I i.lix.niinri m! «, si ( ixl |i.iii"ii«, iliin is .-itvi a l.i.iiii h. .i sinti <■! iiHinis .i\t r il>< I > •inininii Kinl. Iinildiii^. .i* tin • Mfihi .i) ^('.nliti.i \Mtm' .ih'l I"..!!.-!;,- sii, , i Ij), ni.iiii ■ •-t! .i \'u\\ i- lit M uiili pirsi lit. >l. i> iimI I. -s. .iitiiiriiw wiiliin 1 1 1. Ill ill miii w.inl .i|t|ii ,11.111' I. It Is spK-inliilly Imiii'lu-.l lIirMiij;hMiii. ami ,1111'in^ lln- a|iptM].iiaii- ili:(iir.ilii»iis ari- a vny liin- m-Iii lion h>)l<>^r.i|ihs i| tin- nmsl taiiiMiis iiiiisi< i.nis. voral ami insiimiiintil <>| ihr UMflil. Tin imt^ii i| lil.i.iiv III Ihis l.inl'lini; is a lan .iinl . \n-. ilin^ly \alii,i!.|( i.itli-i In Ml, I'Miitiiimi^ tnit s, ..n-^ j.rMi.ii..ii si.iiut.iiil vimiU- in nil l1(-^tlal mill ill. >iil iinisii. ilii liMiiatii s, jivt-^ m| tin- iii.i-.l(rs nl imisi. . ami l-nuks ..I irlvri'iici- ul i-vrry kiinl. .sinh a lilirar> is a ■ n .lii Im thr » it\ as %\i-ll as i.i tin- t iilK-^;i . Tin i.iiri- in ilu- riilK>;»- ("i thi ns»- uf tin- stinlmu ihirUiii |iLintis aii.l a ina^iiiti.i nt [r ■•r^an. in .uMilnm Im .ill tin- ..llni iiiMimiiriils .Iinl ni|iiisilts I.n iln- i jilih- ( >|iii|'m( III m| .n. h .in iiisiiiniiMii. Minh imirt- ini^hi l>i> th -riiiiiivt ••! t*h .i|>)« .iram I .111-1 ■-•|iii|>iiit-(it III llu- mlU't;!', lull '-n'tm;h has ln-t-n snial in |iri>\i- jis 'l|» I t'lllU m till ' |i ■; l|.| : lll'l •()' |i I • III nil < IIKI' It Im li '.ii'l . MMii iniii-: ih. WMils ..I tin •■^> I'li-i. Ill It II '.• <>l tint III til. Imimmi.. ( mII. ;>. ..I Ml). I. i||..r..ii.:> it in iiMi, I. i-n. ,ili l.i.Mnhis .,{ iMua. III.. m ii-.l .111.1 ]ii.i< II. il. \Mi .il iimI ititliiiiiuhiiii. )'\ tin- iii'^l < nun. ni ii.i.lni-. I 111- \. IV 'iriin^;. -si (iMiiin m( :1u- f.i a' I mimi., an M liiH.|> i.t inn -n i|. nn M||..iriiti-i| in lln li,i>|s-il i\<.||, .|.| M|.i. .1 \.\ thi . • .ill.^i Tin I Mill St-\iili i| tut.. (]i -iM \, ml. nil. .Ii.iti , .111.1. Ivaiiiiil ('i.nlis. Tin- i\. inn, .it. ii^nl .lll'l iin| .iinl simlrnU ^i.i.lii^iu . m.l .i lin;; h. ih. nmnlx t mI -i nn- I.1I.1 n. I.iil i- . ..1.11111; I" .iImIiIx. Ini n- ,11. .1 C'.I.I 111', -. \i -. Ii..| ii-liiiM. Il iiMi.>iii.its, , , mil • Il - ,iti'l awai'liit iM .|u.ililii •! ^tn>l.iiis. \ tifliiii unit lii\. :iTI.'ii'l(.||iH,i..| tin- u'lintii.l |.. iiM.I MK. TO'l ii- ^r.nlnai. - is vmn-tiinrs lalM-n as ilif Im| nfluin^: a .'.Ih;;.-. Imt llnui^h tin- T-.r-MiiM 1 .tllim m| MnMi- has i\.|\ u-.tsmi i.. n jniiv n iis^f,ai aiiil unmiii^ sin 1 ess in this p.iiii. niai, it inaltrs lln r. siih- in ,kill tin- siamlar-l liy Hhirlt il ask 1 III I )OM!NIf^N I I.I.I TSri\*ATI'M> if. f.^.iiiT f, li^ ■■.VKI.IMiMINl" Ml- K;.l;l-;U1 UAI.KhK \ Si)N> tM l•- Ml l< tt' I- • 1 )i. < h . I)r ^l l.ll >i-|l>>'>| \Utli li li.l- lircli •■l^,llil-l ill I tililli < iImii will) tlu ( ollr^if. Any |utsnM wit.) rin I'l.iy .III iii'lniiiKMl will. mn\ imn it Irii "1 <^;r. .in\(.r *i\i\ iiMi->i> i.iii- .iiul i- OTIC >t| ill! Mios) iin|i( I .r....l. th.iiii. pir.i.t. Ill : |. U. Km. <,>.C. : rr..| |.i>. I.MU.I..I1. M. A. : Wm. M.|).,n;,l.|. M.A. i T. ».. fill, k-^l.-ck .111-1 I. II 'r..tIIML;l..!l. Tllr \Iii-km1 !(if,rl..i.,iiM! till ^;iiiili 111.111 t" rtlioiM the ^^^l I' !-> diu- in (|H.lii.ii) Mf'li<>.)i>i ( hitn II, ;ui-l r<>ii'lu« hT <>l llu r.ii.iiiiM riiilinii-'iiii N'HJeiy. iii'l Ii.i> ihiriiit; ili.i! tcriii ut ri-".i
  • ir'trii" <"ii'lsit it'l ilit- i;umi TofiU" Nhi-.ii.iI Krsii\:il')t i.S,So. wliith liv nivi nri^;in;iUcl, (iiir ut llu- ni->-i ^vH.c- .fill fV(.rii^ "f llu- kin'l t\ir hi-M in .\nuTiM\ Mrrhf-ii.i. ilu' riii\tiNii\ ('..Ijc^f dlif ('hit'. iinil t)u HimIv kii'iun.w Mr. T'lriiiv^ton'* ( >r< hisuj. wliiih i.> nnw .1 Iliinri--hiii^ lll^litllli•>n In ail>, lie Ims coii'liicU-'l the H.itiiihitn riiilhiuni'inii' StM-iiiv. .Snutn^;-! Iii^ [iiipiK wli" li.ixt .iliiMtly ln-iunu' Micit--.- fill |iiililii ^itij^rr-. .ire Mi'.-i"" >ii-.iv .iiul K.iiic K\.iii. Mi-- Jiilli'ii I»'Kr\ifii\. Mi^-- .\!'. .ni.t , U> uluu'. The -..inu- in.iy In -^U'l ■'! hi- run.. .iikI » it|;;iii pii|'il>. Ilrli.i> t.iiij;lii ilii' piiiii'i nt Mr>. Ni\ilk-*!* >ititH.I t..r \ titiii^; I..i«liis. Kolk'^inn ll•)U^(-. for (I'll yciirs. .iiid is nni^ ilitiiinr .il Moiili.m l,a 111' i-'iiinaU'iJ in any \sor. Iv, \\ \l Kl.k *V >'»N-. (K-iural I >r\ I, U aiul riMihiiit;. M- Iv S7' .V». •!•• ■""' 4.^ Kinj;->lri\t- ana and innri it|Hi|i>,«' .1 riin-idiraMr tr.uit- in .ill the larger t'>w ii<% and i itics. Il tail I't' i'a-«ily inukrNi"ud ilial a Iuuim- dniii^; .1 iratlc mkIi as iv di'iic Iiy M(--'r-. K. Walker A ^-inN, inii-i iiiii-.%.inl\ liuy in \rry lar^ji- iju. intuit - •>! .dl pnnU -old m the s| aiul tan li.l! ai Itiwi-r Ihaii llu- vnidl. f ,-iaMidiiiuiii-. Ihi-. ,it dl ,v.i.i-. 1- i-K \kt |> h. .\\\A llu n •^<-"U an l<-iii;;lit l>> .11-1. •im> i lixiiiL; in .dl jniii- i>i i|m 1 i.itninhtn. Intiii Nm\.i N,,,ij,t i.. Miiti-h ('"jniiilii.i. whi>. th.iiik- \-> llir iii>.i(i-> •>! drlivni w, )i .1-. partfl-. i"'vi aint* i\|'U >-.,i};t , f.iii I'liii ^ I> .it tin I"Wt-l prill > wiih.tut h.iviii^to oiiii- !■■ llns ii\. Mi-^t-. I\. W.ilkt 1 A S"ii- 111.1 \ iii-lly 1.1 ■ il.iihi t.. Ik ..II. .•! tl.r i.Id .-I linn- in llu .il\ iii^a;;rt| i.j .lir .iry ^; U .iikI t|..iliiii-. ir.ult. .ih.l .>n. of llu i>ldi--( i-laMldu.l in .iiiv nun atiiih o< < iijMtiMii. Two after Toronlo w.i" iiiadr mi-- .m m .o||„iiaii.l -|irno li.ui itu>. .111.1 tlit.\ now oin .>t the liiu si I oiiih I li.'ii- in tlu- . .•iinii\. llu- pr. nti-i - •>• ■ u pii-.l an \»iy iNten-iM-. Inin^ loin -.i.-n)- in lui^hi. Ilimh^; .1 h. intact of otK''.l .ui.l m-m n Uy\ ..n Kin;; -in ■ i. and I XI. M.liii^ tw. Iiiin.ind In 1 l>a> k to < olhoriu ^in ' 1. Iht- niiiMi'ii-i t''tii H «'<|\iippi d w iih iMrMlnn^ ih.f 1 oiiiprleiii .i--i-iaMt- is lUipl.Mi .i lo .ill. ikI i-> ill.' iiUMuious fiisi.iineis. Tlu -toek 1- liirj;i- .111.1 ver\ i om pi. 1. . ...iisisiin^ .il uiMiih-. inilhiu-rj, piiei.d dt\ ^ood-. . I.iiIhiil;, iii-i'iiii tailoring. i.trpiN .ind huiisi liiinishin^s, whii'h an- riipM.iled into tin iii.iii\ .lilli nni .h p.ninu nt-. ri.Me ^f »s wili-aiW V e\p.isf t.' llu \ ii w < .t lllt.-e -U tin -tlrrl a tastehil. .nira< li\t i!i-pl.i\. Mi'sr-, U. W.dki 1 \ .ni an enlerpi isii.f; linn .iiul iliii|.>n,Lddy ineril llie i-Moiniiut- 1 u- toiii tin il spleiiili.i ^..oil- ,111.1 1 he.ip priie- have ultl.uiu'l. 'I 111 y. ire hi^hl) isleniitd \<\ .ill wh.> have nut llu in lor tlu I! hoii'tral»lf dealiiij^s. I '1.1 I |.-i I \\ .\ I \i;i. VMi. < lent ml (inicerit -, i le, ; ! \y\ '.)iie.n str.-i Wist. This tinii was unlv 1 sialilisluil a y. ir .1^'t. lull -tiu*e tinu ha- dr.iun ther a i;niwiiij; cmi iii'elinn. I'remis. 1 .siiualep,itifi West aie (icciipii- 1 l -tls of tin iinr'-asn'^; iniHil.i-i <■( cusLmuis. roi: ijitilii; "I It.l*. (■.(lee-, sui;.!!. r.iiiiie.l t^unl-, -ueh .1- iniit-. ve^eUMes, li-h, eic , laMe «'eliearii-> ..' all knuK. al- . hniii-. In. "H, e^us, Imlli 1, elu-i sr, lloiir, .111. 1 tee.l I >iiiin); ihe seasiiii lie-h Iniiis are alw.iy- k-pl .mi li.iiid, while Imtiei and e^^s are ^penalitii . With lefennrf to ihes.- l.itlei pt"diii-is the hnii III- ni.ide sp, i i,i| n^r m. nt, with tariii eis III ihe vit-iiiiiy, ihiis r>cei\in^ a .Inly -.iipplv muI alw.iy* litviiii; lu-s'i i»..o(s tti otUi ihiir ( tisl.iin,i>. Tlnirsloil; will aU.ij . 111.- l-.niid i-i t.e of ih<-ii iht j;n iii 1 rin; is laktii in l-aMiij^ .tiily lust clas^ .iriicle-. The pi. .|>iii-i. .i> arc Mr I rciii^;ic\v and .Mr. C I .inaiiil, men ot > did tn-dit aiul 1 m^ cxpi-rienct-. I». l;k..\ .\ ( .... |i..d.t- III ) o.d and W.....I. I^N .til. I I'Hi >padin.i .)\. iiti. . riu ti.i.U 1 1 ,111.1 wtM>.| iiui-i .\.r .is.. I m,,;,i inip.trtaiif. . l..iiij; -. .xii ii-iveli ii-fl l>oi}i lot indii-tri.d ion. tin- .tiul It.i the h..iiie. .m.l pioiiiin. ut iiiioii^ th.i-e ntiliul with ihi- ir.ul ■ in T..r..iii.'are Mt— i- I). Iln.ulh. .1 \ Co.. t.t Nt.-. iS.S .in.l imi Siii.lin.i .ixeiiii.. I hi i.ii-i.u-> w.i- esi.d.hshetl .iltoiti lwo\tais ;im.. |.\ Mes-i-. i!i.».i.ll..oi .\ \|< I .i.l.ltn. llu- latter i;ehlle.iian nliriii^; liom Ihe liu-itu— tpiii. n-fiiilly. ami .1 .i.n-lanll> iucnasin^ tra.ii Let 11 I allied nil e\el -llht the im. plioli • '1 the luisim -.'*. rile pniiiises on .ipir.l loiipiisv s -uii.ilile \.iids ;in I. el . ' .illonliiij; ample|.iM.i|i f..| the;.-"and .lispl.^y o| -(..t k. .1- Uill - foi ihe i,i|.i.l pi..-.iiiti f tra.h. The .ire alwa\- Well si.Mke.l with a hill line t.lhard an-i - >lt ami wimd, inihi -pe. ial|\ ul.ipie.l (u th. w.inl- of llu ir wi.l. an. I suadilj 111. le.isin^; p,iir«ina^;e in lh- tiiy. Itesi.t, - iht i\i»n-«i\<- i-nl .uid \M..t| lnisim-.s .aiiul oil Mes^r-. Itniadl.H.t a C... i-ondni-i .1 le.uliii)^ D.itr). .\\\\ h.i\. .111 ..Idee .ir al It a-t a t-raneli l..r this .lepailnu-ni at 1 11 \l.iiinniL; \ , w hit h is mitjer the per-itni d -iipei \ isit.n I Ml. \. |ti...i-ll....t. In llu eoal I'ltsin.-s ;^j^t.ii- are 1 --i liiiiiall) enip| .ind in lh. I )aii\ on. , uliik ^ev. 1 eiiiplt.yees are rei|iijn'd iMn-lanilx. Ml. 1 1, Mniadl..oi h.<.l • e.uehilly alter llu- and uoo.'l l»isine-s .m.l i- .1 man < wi.le pra. ti. al eyp.rieiuc in this line. The uaile in tlu- eiu I- .•.nlimially^ .m.l i- see.ui.l to Mr. I' I',|...idlo..l Ih loh^;, (o Ihe |I.,.n.l oirr.i.i, aiul i- eoiisi hnd ' lil-t . l.i-s |.ii-iiu--s mail wlm-. .dm is t>. he up with I he lime , M\*\ to st(itl\ the til Ins manv patnm^. I- Till': I )nMiNioN iM-i ' vrwA 11 ,vl llli: 1)1 \ U lAKK >'ANI'IAKirM liii I'lir I'vi.k ^WPUMM I»..i r.iil.. i.-i'Mi''-: s, ,, I uv Hi.l M. .I(. .1 sii|.' iMih M'l. Ml. t . N liMinlui^ IIMmI. Ml'.. M.i.l*, \s. 1h.Mi;;h h r. Mt,.t. |..r iln- I|. iMn, I, I ..1 nil 1.11. Ill - ll.lV. 1..II;; p.isM-.l ihlM l^h i|u' ^l.i;-.- t.| . v|i Mnn III. I oiohio h.iv. ijiiiil .1 i-.iiii|.,n.iiiM !\ urnit il.iti.-, < . II uitiiMiiiilu .K.iiii.i^>- "t <>ii> )i .III iiiMii'. lion. pi ■ii.i^iii. .Mi'l 1" iM-v.-iiii;* rtloiu mI I M. < ". s, li.iiir it^ I :ii<'t. .!iiK' -I'ii- .ni'l nihil itiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 m/iiiN. ri-nltitl m iIu- l.-iiii.iiiMti til lilt 'I'iii'IMm >.iiiii. Ilium \^-.n, i.iii"ii. it],-.ii|n.r I'.'i uti.l.i Ilu J.iitii ^|...k ('Mni(>.uiii>. I.t Mil- r.ihiii \.l in * >. i.'Im t. iHSii. riu- t-M .iiiivf ..t till- .i"...i.ittMii ilii'i) -I'-U'l ,1 ImiMiii^ Mh ..n 1 1, .itli ^ir. . i. I >r,i I'.irk. ■•! I'm tiM.tli, rii ^iii'in!'" Ill lilt . lU. .nul ilir \.i\ ■ 'iin M'li.K It-, tl .w Mi"-i il.Mr.iMi Imi tin- |iui|'..-.-; iMil»-li! '* uiJiiiJ. 1 1 in.ix !>«■ ^.ijii tli.n )h>^\h> t< il><>tii I i I'l ill l.tinitl ipi iii'-u- I'f.uiti •h'. v.. v\. I,. I., |-.,i.| i.\.i Ilk.- ,ni.l .*it\ II |)i-ii r.irk A 1 ■tiMini..|i..i|H .inii h ni'i-.tnii Itiiil-iini; v\.i- -i.ih iri-rl»)t. llllltlU'Ilt-., .Hl.| in f\it\ M i\ i t,i|'ii.l 1-. ilu- I ii.l in Ml «. riir -..inii.niinn i- iijliti I";: '"\ v l«« I «i'l' . .in.l It.i> ilu- l.tllMwjii;: i".»ins -in tin tr- •|- . 'ivi ■.i<.it\ V. Till ;.;i.iiilnl tliMH I .int.iiiix .( l.iij^i- rnlt.iiiri- 'mI! .tii'l -|i.i' i..ii- I'.iili.iir-., .lUo.i ri-.i.liiil |'ii\ -iri.m*-. 'iltin - ni'Mi, Miniiiii i: ..It tin xinn- an- .i .iinitii; i....m. i^v-Vt I'll. *>iii|i'i'h ]i.iniu .net kii^i kiiflnii: .i 1.11^-. i.'.ini\ t.u ti'l" «iili li\<^.- It-!; ii. .lU" .\ l> "I' ("•'<>< An .iili||ii> wuv^ i> pl.ncil (•• ilir iiuiil, ..| th. ImiMiri;^. . ..Mi.iininj; vi\.ini>" -i.iii'. ,iii; itK-ni roiir.nii- .1 t.iMii'lix i >n t i lii t, w itit -If- v.i^li lull- .iinl ,ill tin l.iirM iiii|'i"\i imnl-: .iK" -ri Viif M.iii,. Mj-ii.ij.l, ..II.ii>. l.ii.Ki. si.-.nn t'-ulti. ..o! I'ni >i.. Mill .lU" i-. ih'' i( I ii-.iti.tii 1'i.iiM. .1 Ix-.Mililnl .'l'-|i|. 1,111. -M \ .(i I' .1. \Mlll H.HMm..|,.| W.lll-' .111.1 ll:tll.i ■• *.i"' I'l.isiii i.triii.i'^ .iii'I . . nil. |ii.-. i--.. Ilu- \\.tiiK\MrK i- ^f.)ni< <1 ,it)i| \,iniiolu-il. I >'i ilii> i.t >ni i> an ii|iin ■ mhii \\iili 1 'i. M \ s\,t\\.- M.ill ^'iriHiHtni' il In a nrai t.iilin;; : ihr tln-i i-- "' ' ' tinni. A l.ixaiii'v i-. a.lia. ii-. !.• ihis nniui ; a |iM\.iif ■' ''a. Is IfiMi lln 111-, nil Ml In iln in niti.n ini. ami a f'ni-U..iM.- sLiin^av 1. i.U l>. ji Itoii iln- ni.iin liall ..ulln- .:i"Hii.I i1.Mii. 'rill ii ai ^iaii> n-nm-i I tin Kf- imiil \miIi Mu- \ li'l ni-l arr .-..uml in with a l-ti. '» |i'>nh. lite li •iKr ""til ll'..ii is lai.l wilh hrit k. ami tin- ifinaimlit ..I the los. - 'ti. !it i-. tilt. Hill will. (Mn'M-n , lui\ iiiij a pin-- ll.ii.riii.; .ai l.ijt. I I" n till- jiasi'iih-nl .1 |i(-i\ >ii )irK to ih< ljiiiuii'I iI.h.t ami il'- '■' In ihf tiisi Ikiiir l.\ ihc tiiii'. hina.l si.iiii.iM alu-a-U '"' m-'l. Tin- iiisi (Iti'H i.inlains ih< h siilctil |ili\-i. iaii'-. I'"- Ml ;ijnnlincnl-. wiili >c|»iiialf t«alh an: ui'' I .iiiid..!. v\ it!) -.iv III fl i.Miin-. .mil inas^.i^r r.him, -ln.wi i '•.nil iti.l tl.iw ..t1„r l..itli i...>ni>. Ml iIu-m' loili ami ma~- 'm I-.. mi- art- |'i<.\ i.k .1 with lln tah »t |ihinil'in}; a|ii'Iiam < -. .t itir « nil til ihi' r.iTii.lnr ilit-\viii^ liiiililJn^ inniaiiis sri- vani," stairs. Ia\at.ii\. rii. On (his l1.H>t, al lln- sniitlnm iii.l .i| the Iniililin^;. tlu'rt i-a lar^c i«iisi.>n\ xiTainlah, al'i.iii (K) K-rl I. lilt; ami m drt wiiir. «liirli is ii.nln-«i hntn lln- fiiiriil'ir. Tin- main siairwa\ h a.K in tin (l.tni. «liiih . I. mains litin-n l.iii^r. airv ln-.I i-mm- ahnui i\\<-l\f Kit ti\ liHr. n. .i\^<> ihrii' lar;;r -< r\am-' luil i.mnis .mil a si)iatatc ..rrri.i.'i t .iinni'ti-.| with ilu- winj.; Iniikliii^; ami haxin^; sLiii- Ka.Iin^ in tin- itasrincni. Tin- ln-.l i- i .il lln- nniih la-i i.iinii .>t ihr tiiiihliii^ .'n llli- lln<>t i- v-rx |il(-as:iiit, liaxiii;^ an oria^'inal mrin-r a^n^t' wliirh risrs ihi' han.lsnmi- invvti uhii'h alltiriU .t s|i]n-rli \ irw. I'r. mi this i<>hi r ihc i'\i I lilt;* - .i\»i ihr lily til 'rnrnuln ami I'ar mil mi tin l>riia.| liMs. iMKil l.aki' ( hitaiin. ( >i) .i rlcai iku ilu- mist rising Imm Ihi lalU nl Niaj^ara ran Ih- ilislimilv -nn. Tin intcrinr .-I ihi' l>uii.liii|^ has l>tii shiii l>\ im-aiis nl rn.|\. '|'|u- iii- Ii «."iiKMtik is si.iimii ami \atiii-lu.| ,iml is,.i .lak an.I iluii\ i-nlmii. All ihi rriliiiL;s an- l.'Mx ami i-\i-i\ mnin in lln liiiil.hni; is Will lij^hti-.l. Tin i \u-iini i- .•! \i|iiti- liii'k. Thrrr ari' nrtiaiiuiilal .Itiinui vvimlnus jn.l ,i maiisanl in..i. slatnl in \.uii^.Ur(| r.ilniiis a>iit ninanu'iiu-il with a |>irti\ imn ( 11 stini; tUfnraU'l in I'hii- ami j^nM. riu-inaiii l-iwir i-\irv -ha|>il\ ati'l has a m-ai lial'-ni)\ ciilin^. Ii is almiii 7i> t.-i I Wt^h. ■riurr .m- iwn niinni t.-wiis. wlii.h an- ^lan In! in I. •nil ,iml aijil tn tin- linisli nl ihr t \u-iini. 'Ilu sani i.n\ anaii^^iiiifiiis, lln thaiiiiii'^. iihiinliiMi; ami Miiiilaiinn. Iiaxc all ii'i't-ivt'il s|K-rial aMi-iitioii. ami air in all ti-sju-i'ls aiUi|iiair ami salislai'lnrv. Tlu' huiMiiti; i- lu-.iii-il li\ Inw )iH -suit iVimi .1 sirani litiln in ihr liascnu-ni. whirli rmn muni. -.ills with imi-Ii r.mni ami li\ will tini-lir.l rar-. Ttn- ilan^tr Imni tin- is mini li/nl l|i|\ tif w.iiri ,i\,iiki!ih' Inr all |»iii|"'s(.s. Tlu- pii-st ni nlliri-i- n| tin a-s.. .i.iii.Mi an Mrssi-, It. ll.timr hivnii. prrsitlnn ; I >. W . Ali-\an.l«-i ami Hon. ("has, I>rni\. v in- |»r«si.liiiis ; |. A. t'lrlaw. tna-iirrr : * . Si-lioinimr^: I-.lliot, M.l>.. si-, ivlarx. Ihr .lin . ini- an- Mi-ssis. Ilcnn o'lhiin. Stajili-t.Mi Cal.l .nil, K. Kil^;."ut, T. I. Wilkif. ali n| Inronin : t ,. nryr l".is III nf ami ( .mrj^i- I". Ila^m-i.t Kin^siuii. Mr. Knlitri liiikiiis is .III. Hint. Tlu im-> s|H'.-i.iIist-. .mil nt iluir iiu-llii»ls mI' wiirkt!';^ tint Mill) iii('aiiail.i l-iii in niln-i lamls. | )r, Kllini vxas tm s.inic xiais tlu i •..iinim-is ,tl tlu- t 'njli-^i- nt ian- .III. I siir^miis nl i inl.iti". .unl is a imtiihtr of tl i- Aim riian \--n.-iatinii t.'i tin n mix .iml ( 'nu- of Ituliiii-ix ..( \fx\ \.itk. \|.a(t Immlliislir. I Hint is .i ( ' !.;i'iitl( • ni.iit. .1 III. in w lln .nit Is i.. his |i|..f»s-i.tnal .iinl •;» tu iiihnrf till- i-h.inn .'I .1 ^< iil.ll .mil s\ inp.ulu ii< n.iiitii', w Itii li i- .im- nt Ihc imi-t plitinlls |.,.>,i -sii.Ms nl till- lllK' pllVsiriail. t on- iiiv.-.l in a s|.ini --t tin- nm-t i ii!iM|;t. m.l |iliil.mlhrn|.h\ , .n I' iiniilislu'.l liiMi<' jirnin- iiiinri'. sitii;iif(i in .i nm-l In.iniilnl .iii-l .ij'i'rnpit.iti- Incaliix. siijii rintrnili'ij l>\ .m ti|irii;hl .iml .u . <i'ri I'aik >.mitaiiutn m.ix \xi-!l l'> i .iii-iilrii il >|>li'. 1 1 ..ntx mills ,1 t.iii .III. I .iisjnii ii-sit'il n t.i |i|..\i- it- i;n.ii ntihtv .iml In i-iaMi-li ami lAini.l ilu !Hii«li.i*nl iiittiii 111 I' vx liirh it i- .ilit-.nlx r\( Hiii^ nii niaiix .i .uiil t iVX till < .ill.lihail Iln1.ll-, 1. llxKivi-. 1 nivi'i-jil .straw llai Works. hiy\ N'otij'c sirrt'. Till- I'liixcrsal .Straw Hal Wniks ;irr xxell knuxMi in this 1 ilv, ami ihi'ir iitihly lus Lirii rii-n^ni/nl iiml appii i-i.iif.l l>\ ihfii many ('is. I'luy Inivc Imn c-i.ili li-ln-il in rnii'tiio fur iln* p.isi li^hi yr.nrs, .iml i-i^iliti-rn innnilis -i^jn l.ninil it luci-ssuy I'V ihtir iiun-asin^ iraik- in iijoxt- initi thi-ir ti'fsfiu -puMoiis nn.t pninisc-. wliirh .WK- lititd willi all t'u- lu-rc-s.itx « t|uipnH-iits for tin- prnprr iiianai;c*im'ni nj siu'fi an i'npnit.iti Inisiru'S'' .Mi. M.irris. the pn-prieloi. h-i-t Inul tfiiriy years pr.irlical fxperii'Mi-c in .lyi-inii. I'K'anini^ ntnl aliuinj; hnl-. anil this r.n-i ;iImu- shniil.l l.c - iltn iint proof n| his .itiiUty in coraluti -nrh .ui fst.ililiNliMifiii in .i prnpt-r maiiiui. 'Iju' pri'mjsi-s, iiKlii'linc .sinri- anil fafioiy. oci-upy an att-a of fouitefti hiMulu-il nnil hiriy sipi.iri' Ifd, anil ntc nlniir.ilily ndaptrd It iIu-' lin-int"s canit'il nn ihi-n-ir^. A pk-itt- j;Ia-s win.luw lii^hi- np the .sinrr an»I n.lmils of a ili-t I iv ol v|nfmuns nf Mr. Harris' -ui-'-fs-hil wmk. I .ailji-s' .inil ^fnilnu'ii's >ir.iw ami fell h.iis art' rlcaMt-.l. ihiil, ami allin-.l lo tho liiN-st sty'i's ami all w.nk ni'rn>icil in Mr. Harris i- pt.-nipilv iloiif. Time fniiipeuni h.imls arc niiilnyi-il the xxhoj.* Mr. Uaiiis is a man of kci-n capacity, and his cmTi'y. cnlerprisi- aiul aliilitv ili-serve the xvell incriud recnj;nititin tluy receive tr»ini lln piinlic. M Tl-ifC noMINtON IM.IIHI WATKD. 1 l>\\ AHIi I I-IIIK < It.ittn- ' .in>l \t\\ iliiir.ui mI)->)i.i\( mmI hit ihrni .iii! .\\.>ii 111 i; hi'' <>|in)j>rt ^-siii^ iiiniii^t.ikt .ilili' )>,titi.ilii\ I'll liiin \\)ii>-vi' iiit'iit:tl ni.ikr ii|>, ii ol ti-titK-iiit ill. riilliin- ,ii)il .1 hlu'li M.Ut.- •>! rivili/.ilixii. Aiii>-ii^ -ill nin ( 'aii.t'li.iii titii''. 't'Hioiiiit ' pii' i-iiiiiK lit ,is tin- Iimmh- ..ftlu':iii-..intl •>■• iciK »••■. Hi-rntiiwr-ilit". fi.lj.-^f., |iul)||i .unl |>ri\.Hi- in^lilutn'ii* 'il hiirninj;. in iii.ri.ii>in;4 iitiiiil>t-i. In-;u .iiii)>l< L-Mili'm I- lit llu' .111)1 this s|in w>ik >mi iIr- i^Unvii 1 it) ot tin- \Vi>l wiilil in«K'i"l !•< inf"m|.Uli- with >iiil :i tiiit r skttf h <>| jn iiislitulinn whirh in ii^ |i,iitit iil.u lil.iln-ji III t-»lin Mtifili, «M-rii[»ii--i the loniini-'t plilrc. \\ i - li-r I" Ihf 'I'-i'mi"' ( '«'itM-r\.ilMry '•! Mn^ir .iti'l N.littnl M>x iilioii .iivl < )>ir%. This ut-)l kit|ili(-tl I'l ini\iiU' istiiMislnmnts ["'isi->si(i^ iniiu- m; tin- ilistiiiciixi- li-.itun s III .i j^iiminf • •iiisi-n.ilory i>t ntiioii . .unl ill tin- m-iisi- I In- It-rin is >iiiih'r>l(i |il;n-ti| at $^i).i)Ofi. ilitio piitliii^ tin- in^iitiitiiin .it miir upuii a sullil linaiM-ia' lasis. Tin- i '>i|iiir.iiiitii n-iw i MiiLiiiis 57 ^han- hiil'lrrs. aiming nh<>ni .\n- tniiiiy 'il lln- in<>st inthn-iitial 1 iti /t-n» lit T'TiHil'i. all ilt-siruii" nl i|i-\»lti|ii ^ in m.i initlst a raii.nlian Si hnol nl \!ii-ir whirh -hall In- -^ii hikI tirf.t..| : rn-si.|i-nl-. linn. I., \V.; \i.. I'ttsi.j.Mls. ir.M. lliaiMrll..r Uiiv-iainl W l;. M.Minn. h. «,>.< . : M.irn.r.iry Tniisiinr. A. M.t'.isliy: Ml. lust in- \|ai I.iHii.inaiiil Klines IKinlt rsnii, I ji-niv iVIIali. I,. A. S. [!. j.incs. M..\.. Dr. (.. .Mrrliiii^'Kyt-rv.n ami las. I Ku'ltis. in. Th«-ulijt*i-tsof ilu- 1 'iHisiTsai'iryas siati-d in its chirli-T an- inaiiirulil. Imt a prnfi-ssion, with hill pMH(r inai'piin- ami hnhl l>) K-asi-. piirrliasr nr • ilhiTwist . all !ah>l'.. I>iiililin^'>. insiiunn nls ami apptianrcs n.ri's-ary Im iln ihnimij^h t-'pnpnn-nt »ni niaiiitmam-c i»t a ronsi-rvalnty '»l imi-ir. ami Int-xrn isr all puwirs ralnilatt-d In adv.inci- nnisical rulliirt a,,i| .ippriiiatimi.*' Tlu- Cmisirva tnry nprncil « ith ahnnt 20(j pupils, hiit the attirulaiu c ha\iiiK ^railiially itu'rt.-asi- iiuiri- than dnuliU- ihai innnlirr. il h.i-- liviniiu intrxs.ii) llnin tlim l'> iHin In int ira-x . nnl will) the iniMiU-r n( u-iulur- in tin x.iiinu-. -Ii-partim mi^. Imi al.n the class ninni arrninimKlatioti. Thr {.n-iilly iinhiiirs tiidriiu rerei\e raiehd in-Iiiniinii .iiid .ire edu rated iijinii -.niiiid piimiples. Tin < i>n->erv.itnr) Imildin^ i^ I iiitrally situated at tlu- mrin-r nf \itii^;e street ami Wiltnn .i\ciuu- the "Mil I- and reieptinn riHitns nn tlu- tirsi tinnr present a liiisy scene and everything litinkeiis ahle ailinini^ iralinii and system, inellmd am! 1 .irne>(m-->s in the piiisnil nl kti"«Kd^;e. Sn sieadil) has tlu i-usiiu-.- n( the <'nnser\.i till) nil le.ised that I he I Inn. ( i. \\ . in hi- annual repnrt In iln-sliarehnlders annmimedlhat iM\ iew nftlie i^mwth i.t'the Instiiutinn and the need nl' .idditiniia) at eninmndatinn his jin.ird taking; -teps in steure il. [n arciiidanee wiili this we imw le.irn that arraiipimni-. ha\e lieeii niade tn lake the whnle nt the liuildinj; tmw iH-iiipied tiy llif ( 'nnserxalnry. and e\e.-piiii^ the ^mund llmu, all nl" the Khnk al tlu- <ein^ had 1 1) means, it speak iii^^ ml 'es. I )nnr-.willlie 'Iniililed ami walls deadenerl, and e\ery modern appHaiue si-eiired In reiiiler the xarinu- tnniiis lii places |nr nriiiiU rirvip- led sillily ami niniU Is nf i mnfint ami innxenienrt . The Cnriservalnr) nr^.iii i- ntu' nt tin lai^-st and lim-l in this < nl ntry , .uid is in enn-tant use \>y the students prepariiij^ tlieni fnr pmlessiniial players nr tt-ailurs. alt■lrdin^^ tlnin the np|«trlunity, in Kmsianl practice, fur a praeiiial te-.t n| their prnlieiem y in itr^jan playing. An e\relliiit lilirary i'. provided t'nr sindenis. cimlainin^ rare and \alualile wnrks, and aiij;inenlef! cnnslantly l>y new Nmks and niiisie liy tecn^ni/ed aullmrities. Spe(-taJ N'nrinnl courses .ue arianm'd fur ilmse desiring; to lake a teartu-r's diplnnia. which ranks in merit the same .is the aitisi-"- eniir-.e. ami op|MirUinity is ^i\en these -tmleiits tit\ imparting pi.;cti frcted hiiiiselt rii (•erm,iii\, and returning In ihi'* cnuiiit tireanu' direi tor nl llu Uiiawa I aftu s I ollr^e r, rondmtnr o( the t horal Niri»i\ time, until .u ceptini; M ^N<-|ttnn he still hnliU .IS iii^aiii-l n| SI. Andiew- ( hm It-le, he reinn\ed to Tninlltn. Me Wa- aUo appnlllted 1 ' 1 ihlitni nt ihi' Inrnntn Cllnr.d Sneiel> ; piesnlelll nl tfi, ( aiiadian Sntut^ nt Mii-niaM- at tlnir inetim^;ii iSS.S, ami te elei ted in |HS((. and In has Ik en \ ii e prcsiih n- for 1 tnlario nl the reaelu-rs Natinnal \svh t.itinn stm t |HS^ Ml, I'tsher i-> devoted In his prtites-imi, is elilhu-ia->t|i in >ii> Wnik. and l'fiii^;s tn luar a -teaiU piiipn-e wim h has iii.> Ir hirn I rnimnih sm 1 r-.-.hd as ,in 1 dm alot, ami lii-> piipiK I doiii lad In I ah I mlhiii^ nl llu /eal and .iidmir wH Mimh he hinisi II i- animated. Mi- clitet energies, Ih.m e\er. are devnted to lln- Con-i rxalnr). v\liiili has ^;rimt, rapidly under his rare. It is nnt onlv his aptitude lor te,i< ii in^ whirl) ha- in.ule Inni kimwii, liiit lii> pupil- reali/e 11 e he liads them n|i hy 1 nniiii^ down in them. Ioiii him a rare -i.ilt ot esperieiired leailu-is. some n| them ih> tiii^ni-hed not onU here, hut rei o^ni/ed in l.nridnn. Itn-inn ,^ and \ew N'ork .is pos-e— in;; m, irked mu-u.d .il>ilitv and 1 x perience : sij^. I lanrtsm iJAuria, author ot nin-i ' c.d wnrkx and iiniiienti) -uree-slul in \nial iratnmt;; Xtadamc d' \uiia, eipially jilted : Si^. ( diiseppe I >irielli, .\- sn, iaie nf the London Aradein\ of Miisir ; Mr. .\rthnr !•: I'isher. Mn.. Har. A.( '.n.. A.t.( . I ... I laiK. I : Mr. J. W 1 Harrison, * li^aiiist of St. Siiimrrs ( hiirrh ; Mr. I. H.i\ le , Mr. V. r. Mum. Mr-. I'd^ai |arvi-, Mr-. S. M. Ilark, Mr-. A. M. Mvni I, Mu-. H.n ,. Mi-. |. II. Itiadley. Mr Tlmmas Siiele, Mr. I'ir-|nn .md nllur wrll kimwii nanus Till- SrIuHil nl KliN'iilinn and ( Oratory is an imporlaiil pan of the <'oiiser\atory system, and is under the ilireriion '>! Mr. S. M. ( 'lark who ha- lon^" heeii well krmwn a- a lendinj; rxpoiienl nf the .01 n| i |.., uiion. Inr iimre than ten he ha- Ueti eii^.i^ed ill 111- )>rntrs-inn Lnili in ( aiiada ami th<- Irii^'d Slates, and al the pie-eiit lime oeritpii-s lln rliair 'if rlorutinnin Triiiit) I'liiiersitx , Tnrnnio. .\ssn<-i,)hel-arte and .istlu-tir culture (lasses .IK- rmului-led liy Mis- l.aiiia Mar( iillivtay, a finished artist in Inr particular ruld, .md one whose worth has hern atte-ted hy llie hi^he-l tiilmle-f 1 the pte-- nt Inith * anada .Mill the rriiird Stales. The rla—r- Inr physiral iraininj; .in- mndu'ted hy Ml. 'Ilmnip-nji, tiaeher i>i I ali,tlu-nies ami ^yiniia-lie- ,ii the N oun^ NUri- ( liri-ti.ui .\-sim i.utnii HniM iri^. Ml. S. II. rrestnii conduits tlu' rlasses in si^;lit siri^in^;, Intrndiirinry Tlimry ami music in piihlic sehonh. Mr. rrisinii ha- heeii for many vt-ars teacher of siiij;in^; in the I' Nnrmal Srlionl, Totmitn. and has heen on the siatt n| ihr ( nii-erxalni) lioui the lu^imiinjv Special prrl.iin In tin- dep.irlimtit nl the ( nii-crvati"). in t ninmnti with -ome of tho-e cniinei led with the nm-iral rniirse. The (nnrerls and lec iials ^iveti al regular interv.iU hy the students ami tearlu-r-.. are free In the students nf tlii- departmeni, rnrisistin^ ot tin reiidititui o| as and cnru itnsfrorn the wnrks n| ttn-^re.u masters, < ondurin^^ nnn h In Ii e dt-\elnpineiit nf nhned ami iultiv.ilcd taste. Tin cnur nf I.erture- alsn fn e t., Mr. ( leor^f Kei<|. K.C.A,. I>r. I i. Sieiiiii^; K\ersnn. Tin intal attendance at the Kin eiitioii Srhnnl iluiin^ its pa-i \ear was n\er se\enly, pmvint; lK\(ind peraiKeuiure I'ariada will sustain a well inn tliutd! m-iiintinti >>t tin- kind. Nn tlaiin- .ue m.ide to .u com|ili'-h impnssiliiliiies in a slmrt time. I'!lncntinn is a fiiu art, and llmse who advertise to ^railuate pupils within one year are drjirading the an .iml iniurinj; its prin;res.s. Tin rnur-t extend- o\<-r two \eais, with a pn-i ^r.idii.ite npiimi nf a third year. the -latt i- the lu.-t etluieni m he Tin- jirinripal. Mr. s. M. (lark, siaml- nnt nnly anmnj; thr leadiiif.; nf (anad.i. lull of the (nntinenl. Mis e\perienre \, nt the widest, while the assistants have Iieen rhosen with tin ^^natest iwn-. The pressure raiised hy the imreased atleii 'lame has mrrssitated an increased stall, ami three new teachers have lieen ;.diied. i.e. Mr. Wni. Mousinn, M..\,, Professor of Literature; Mrs. K. I!iiislie. .issistant in \il->, lu-Mi I- I '111)11)^ III ilir < MhtcfMitiir) "ir.ui^rr-. )•> I I Ji oilirr, .!■< tlii-ii oHTi t.ili'DK ili'M lup, III ilii-^ mil roi'iisiii \'\ iiui>i< ami .irl, >tiii)><' ih.ti i- .iikI ri-»|it'it I I 'Ik .ittiuriiiu-nl<> ul ntlur^. hIikIi. M.inlin^ in l)ii rt-i Iiim', .IK N'.iriii'il only in ^rciii -.i lionU, nr l.iti-r \\\ Ihi- wnrltl ii>.t'll. I liM l-iifl ■'kill li '«fr\t'-. lull iiKi 1" t iinvcy .ui idiii <>l ti < I II 1 1 "It I. ml |>l.ii I' I he ( ii m i u|iu''> jiuMii^ ilii- nliMur 1 i-si.ilitislini< nt's ni lorMMtn, .uxl :-.hi>Hi litit iiii|i<'rli'( lt> ill wiilr t.ui^r III tl^ ill! rt'-isni^ UM t hilnr-.-.. The I inU.iVMUi tn csi.iliii'ili ihc ( Mns»r\.ilni\ iiit I I Milli |iriiniiil NU|<|i\ i.ii^i- .itti-nil.uu'i- iini| ihc prt '^^. \ iIm'Ii (litTr is r\L-r\ riMMiii tnr Mr, IMwiinl hi-i.ilt. ,iihI Ius iliio Inr^ III rii:.iiit willt -.iilisl.ii-liini lIu' i.miIi iM', .iinl ihc |>rM|i,i^.iti.h1(>I i.r tl'iwii ln-.uiiin [iLiMi-., ■>. .tn irnlu'-ti) liiMixiti^; m1 Imtlt I- IliTf, nil Iff i>|if.|.i||\ .l^ it ^.^I^■t^ !<• .1 tiniT, vslui II li,i|'Iiil> iN f^i'ivsin^; yt'.ir II) )(.it. In l,if^;ii i ilit- nm^i pd «..||s mIki ll.l\r Hull' pliils'lli tlMiK .it llu'ir •lv\i'lllli^-< litM' I.I |' II wi!li H.iwi-r*, liri-.iu>i* liny I«inl tn ilnni .i ln.iiii) .iii, wir.iihs itn<[ )M>Mnl |il.uils, \A.\\ a |iriinnnri)l |i,iri, Miri.ilU ,iM't HilifrwiM*. N'.il niun- ih.ui livr wmth .i^n Tiirnnliiniiins \\li>i »istii->l Inr .my ir.ill) tint- \aiirly ul ihm-'. m |iii|iiihi ^>>i K i\ H'lWt rs, Hrri' niMijit'lli'il III M ml tu tin- Anurii.iiH Im llu- .ir.oiniiKiil.itiiiii, .iml | Ii,<|| vili-l.i. I I'ut tli.irikN i.i ttir i-fu r^;y .iinl aliilit) ul Mr. Inhr A. I >M II III] I, iiiiM I 111' U'.iilin^ ii'irlii ullurist ainl tum' ^luvvri in y ,ni.iiiii, iiu'-.r WiiiiiH Mv all >n|i|iliril truni his splmili'l j^uiii li>-iiM'-> ill Tiiriinli'. Il i<> ilt">iralilt' llii-ri'l'irr, aixl lliuiMii^hl, i |i.iiili|i' with till' iiliji-rt of tlii-. nninl'ii In ^im a liii> I xk.lili III Ml. l>unlH|i > aliiiM-,! uiiiMtalli Ir.l [n-i^uss in iIm III). Mr. liunliiji «.is txiiii in Narily .iliMirlnil Aniirii;iii Aays nt a [narliial .mil ^;'^ .ihrail natiin . Hrraini- lltiic Imm ilic <,>uri'ir^ llnti-l. Wv I .in iina^^iru- .i nadir •>a\ in^ " W a [itriiliat »,!) lor a {iroiiiini'itt hurlii ulturisl lt-> in any pru|«.'s^iuii ur lallin^;. Iia\i- !iin^ a^jo diMii\iTi--d " thai llnrt- i-. iih rnad to suci-rss," Mr. l)uiilii|i |irii\»d, fur In- ar i{iiirt'ii aIniiiM ttu- full tlirurt-iiral know li-d^i- nf tint. il iiil liirr liy sUidvin^; nii ijuiri aftirii'mrw in hi^ nirts -lanil. making ii)M-j;inuin}4 lii^ -.|ii-c i.iliy. In iSSu, h.u in^ ln'iniiif «i'll ;in|iiainl.'il uilli tin- ilu'iiry nt i"M.'-yr(>win^. he ^aw a liih litsl i;ri-cn hnusi-, a uiimIcsI and niui^tftit.itiuu-- -.triuiuu' rnij ttrl in diiiu-iisi'iii'.. Tlit' fnllnuin)^ yrai il ^^a>dllnM^d. Tlu' lir\l )i'ai .1 lliill">i' S\5n IiTt \\.l> ru'ilcd. \c\t Ma-«"n ilii> '^.\\y: [il.iiT to a nil in- nun Urn -.iiiu inrc 12x50 trt-l, ufial II kinivMi as a ihrc- (luaiti'i ^pan Ii.him'. I.ikt- all uitii who \\.\\\.- irai'lK-d any i^roinincnrr in their rhoM-n livi'lihood Mr. I tiiiilo|i lU'Vi-r ii-aM-d >hid)in^ and oliM-r\iii^ tlu- di'M-lu,. ■ lit III III roM'^riiuin^ in ('.in.nia; an. I liy hard vsork ami |n tM \iTcmi.'. hf rapidl) lni ainr nion- roinpi'li-nl. lil iiiiisi lu- ll iiniiiliin-d thai roM- i-iillun- is onr ol ilu nin^i intriiMtf ami • iiliii-iili of all natun''. tlnral ami a^ ihr dt-niand tor ilioicr IM-.1S .i|>o r.i|iidly iiunasiil. .1^;i' iiiict- ot j^ round |.iin hast-il al ihv mrniT ol Markt*ii/if avcnur and lilom ^iiiri, wliiTr ihf liiu'sl I'siahlishnu-ni tot hi(;li class nisi- evil- iiin in till' I >oininioM si.'.nds in day. Tlu- |irriniM.-s arc ioiaud iii'ar ilir outskiii-s n| tlu'iil),and ('nri-.isi ot -.'ii^lii lii|i loofi'd j;ri-i'nhoiisi's, ■l^;^;r^■^;,Minl,' J5.oi)«) stuurr lr»-t o| l;l,l^s, lon^iriii ud u|ion thi' nrwi'si .ind most .i|)|irn\nl plan an>lli(-aii-d li) steam. I.onkin^ l>.irk, tin- liiu-nt pro^rr-strom llu fiMj sfi'iii-. almost .111 iiirndilili- \ isia. I'lit onr v\liiili I1III-.1 lit- i-\ii'))tioiiall\ ^ralilyinf; to Mr. Duiilop. rriily "'iiin roiiiiiiirs all lliin^s, and In- is ihe arliitralor ot his ■ n\ii tuiiuiU'." His last luiili hoiisi- i^ 140 tci-i lon^;, hip- Inl .ind ^la/i-d with dniil>li- iliirk I'r(.-iirh ^lass lOMO iiii tu s stjiiari'. In ^;l.i/in^. the ^;lass is Imitid In ^iili. r, hot o\i-rlap|H'd as is ihe lasr i^eiiLrally . and luld in I'l.i'- ii\ iKiltfUs siTi-wt'd \\\y\\\\ oviT llu' isli hars. TIli' ^l.i" In not luddi'd in putt). Wlun the pa. s are pertei il) Mjuue, -.ay 10\|(». there are luiter ehanees. as will I.e e.isil\ iiiiil< t^hiod. In ^i-t perteetl) ina|eh<-d ti^lit titling ed<;es. ihiin rt'nild lie the ease wete the panes ijviO. or aii) mlu'i nn e.|iial si/e. Ihese ri..»ls are almost jierteeil) w.iter tij.;lil ; tli.ti K. while ihey ma. leak a tew drops .n ihi lie^^irmiiij; n| a Nli.trtiT, alter a lew mimiles the drip slops .ilto}.;elher ; .nut iluri .ire two niher adxaiila^es, naniel), iheie is no ilarkeii 111^; o! the Mint taused liy din ^^atherin^ al ihe laps, and lu'iii an\ dirt inside tr.un mmieiised moisinie on the ulas^, ill. v\,iier runs down the ^;l.i''s suikui withoiu a 1 link, as it vi'HiM meet in the ease ol lapped ^lass. nmin^ ihe n-ieni i''iin> ntiiMi ul llorisis held in loioiito ho ,ts <indnp\ m.ivnitiecnt ami ptoJ;res^i^e ei(iiipiiu'nts. 'Ihe sash hats iiM.! , lie ol' elear while pine, ^roo\ ed to earry olt ilie tlrip. «l lil iimier I tie \eniilaiors he has similar i;ion\ed irnut;hs toi ill- '.line pnipn^.r. Ihe ventilalnrs are wnike.l li\ p.itelit t^iiii. A iiMil teinperalure (s.u" 50 or iliereal>.nits| i-. main 1-uiu.l, and tlu* stiird) stems and sioiil, sioeky nature ol his pl.uit>, with iheir t'mc iolia^e, speak eloipienily of iheir e\ allrfii ipiatteis. Ivises are the ehiel ploduet ; rariutinii^ and M.iiets are prndueed 1 , (|nanlii) aUn. while Mi. Ihinlop ha-, ilie Inmonr of hein^ the htst tlnvist in the rii) to Inne "lilies of the v.ille).' Me imports them direet from Htrhn, 'T. aiul for a tuisines^ dtvelnped tinni enidesi lii^^innin^s nnl\ li\e years ,ij;o this is a reeord of prn^ress unsurpassed. \Iaii\ special varieties of roses lia\e lieeii iiiltiv.ited hy Mr. Dimlnji js pinely ( ' ^rnwu stock; .iiid .1 new rose, named " I niunin, " .1 Npiirt Imni his celelir.iied and pnpular "' I'eile dcs l.irdiiis." is nil ihe inaiket this year. This i-. ihe tit^i inse nf reco^ni/ed merit sent out Imm rnronln, ami .lUn lioiii the Unininioii. lor in no city in Canada horticulture, as an indvisiry ami an an. made such rapid strides in pn- i;rcs, as in roroiitn. Uurin^i i.Sgj ihe msc will he tarj^el) ^rowii for exhiliition purposes, .ind toj euliin^'s finiuwhiiii In lie prnpa^^.iicd. Mr. nitnlop i> , \er alneast nf the tnms. and his eh.irmiii^ persnn.diiv .uul di\nie.lness tn llm.d in lerists h.i\c m.ide hini a t.woiuiie \uih all whn kimw hini. lie WiiiiM he icriiie.i ill iiillnipiia! "a hustler," ami as .i ■ liideiii and lover of hnitieiiltuu his erurjjy and entcrprist aie eerlainly wonderful, his marked success hein^ emirieiitl\ Wi'll deserxed. He luliexcs ilinrou^,diIy in the p.iv\er ul the press, and in his iiii-.eHish and kind way .iiiriluitcs nni ,1 liltle nf his siueess to the jiulieinus Usc t.f "printer's ink," heinj.; Ircipunll) iitetie.l tn in leiij^tliy .iiticles n| praise ami I redil. nnl niily in the leading; Toroiiin dallies, lim in ihe Ih-sI llurisis" JMinnals nil this contineiil. In all hramhes nt his profession Mr. Dunlop is at lioine. and he has wielded .i piiwerlnl and pioi|ii,ii\ i pen in promiiienl jniirnals. Mich as ///( /■/.'//./.' h\^lhiit'^e. and in enn\eniiniis and l'.im|uels is imi nnly .III iiulelatij^aMe wniker. Imt is most .md is sought for a I .dl leatherings. He was .me of the orj^aiii/ets lit the rnmnin ti.iideiurs' and Klorists" ('luh and iis liisi -.eerei.iry, l)eiii;; imu \ ice-president ; always having takeiiihe ■ leepesl interest in the chilis ueltaie. He lielie\i's in keep in^; lip with the procession, .md in it is lij^lit up towards the from, and diiiint; the leceni tlorisis" cnnveiilinn in rnroiiio coiitriliiiled l.iij,'ely, 1)\ his >ierliii^ social ipi.iliiies. eiier^v and ci\ic p.iirioiisin, in its ^ucciss. I le is one of the exece ti\c conimillee lor Inteinatioual cnincnlioiis, ami has le cenil) .iitiiided the Usual January meeting of the i-nnimitiec in Wasliinj^tnii. He letiirned \ia New \'ork cii\ and al leiuied .1 sjilendid liaiupiei in llieit honour. I'ers.mallv. his provtrliial hospiiatii), m.mliness and intej^iiix wnii ilu ^ood will and lespe.t ol a host of hieiuU. TUK (iKAiiAM I'liK WiiKKs. MatiufaclurtTs of Hind (/lit I'llcs ami Kasps, Hardware !)calers, etc, 110 Nurk- strtct ; Thomas t .raham \ Sons, propritlors. -The leading.; L'stal)lisliincnl tor the manufacture of handmade tiles and ami a half his ,,. iiernal ancestors had heen en^at;cd in i| f m.inuf.iciiire ot tihs. Ileic he si-r\ed an appieiiiicediip 1 t ekven year^, lifcomiiiL; proticicni in the woil. in iise\ei> dcmil. In iSd; he went to the I'.iitijd -Males, where as a manufacturer and em[il(iyee he temained eleven yeais, this j;ainin^ a complete knowU-il^e of ihe rcniirements of tie American market in this line. He removed to ( anada and settled in Toronto in the year 1^7-^, .md laying; tliu loumla lion ol this liiisiness. 'iivinj; his whole lime ami energy to the w..rk. he has Imilt up noi only a lar^e trade Imt an envialile repiilatton, lot he is reciij;ni/eil as a ol i-nlei prise ami reiial.ility. Kor the Itrst few years he was Incaltd on Shcrliuiifiie sireet, hut the more convenient [iremises ai 1 in \ork strict, near Kiiii; of every de-cripiiun are also lar^tly dealt in, the firm ul Thomas (Jrahain .\ Sons hcinj; widely known. l!aiii lile diirinj^ the lime it is helni; made neeivtsilie same amniint n| raie.Ts u-ndil he the case il maniilacliired in old .sliitlield. I'liis popular (irm ship^ its j^nod.s |o all parts ot (tiuatio; also to some ol the adjoininj' provinces, and yeatly tnids the demand for their j^omis m.-ieasin^. Not only u an as>orted stock ot tiles idways kepi .in hand hut iliey ha\elliel.uil ities to make any new - 'r special kind tif Ide "i rasp ihni ret pi ires skill and more than ordinary care t.. pi. h luce. One ol iheir specialiits is the manufacture of all kinds ». I til.-s, rasps or Moats, and some other in-lrunients used hy the ' elerli.ary, their goods l.eini,' well I nown and in s'eadv demand from all parts ..I the lioininion as well as ihe I idled Stales. A lew yeais a^o they added other I. ranches io their luisiiiess, inchulin^ iluise <■! Inek-miiliinp, hell lian^in^; ami ueneral rep.iirin^. and any speci;d ariic'e in iron or steel can lie inanutAcinred or rep.iired piompily and at tiir prices. Some years ajjo .Mr. (iraliam look into |i.irinershi|> with liiin his two tfldesi sons, T. 11. ( • raham and f. U. (Iraham, who have lueti Inisily iiii;ai;id in the l-usi lU'ss since hityhood. hoih ' I whom are deieriidned to help in niaini.iiniiit' the wed known re)iut.itiiin ol i|iet>rahani Ilie Works. "The him of I hoinas (;raham \ Sobs liol.'s a Ifont place anmni.', ihe mamitactureis ol < anada as acotuein GR A lU M f ! L E|;\^i/0,Rf< s . ., r.isps is ). Idled .n Toronto ;,nd operatid under the marked l.y eiiteiprise, energy aiul undoid-ied ulialiihly. hy nanico! ihe ( 1 raham l-ile Works. It was fonmitd in \'s~\ 1-ioiu 'he day Inisint ss was commenced, pi oin pines,-, in I'i'l- Ml. riuiiiKis tl raham, who was hum near Sliellielil, I'aiylaml, ini; onleis has heen theit aim, as uell as to produce an at I icie that great centre uf the Tile industry, where for over a century sold on ils meiits at the lowest cost pussihie. .?" THK lH)MtNK'>N lM.nSTW^\T»i.l> ;-l, |),| r.llll unil 1.1, I iili.ii ihc 1. "• ml 1 VI, 1. Ml' ■ htl H.> l.H ,1,. : ,-.,ll,n Mr I IMi ■ i..-llf,ll Itk iK .mil r.l III.' h.l ul.lllH l.ill.i" , llfrlil « Ith rt tlh ltf.|il'|ii l| kdiiinit it'iiiii' . I'.l.ili i.liiil . |i, i;ii Dull. I til.llu'li- til fl \«'i.iii.i. Ml ito. "( HI" l'iiit> i< .1 •|il< n 11 iliiiu-ii. "i| iMIli'iil, .III'! I il.ilil li.lh'lil iliiiU'M. I'l " iii't iiMHhrn ■4, III* lIl'i'UH ki n|ili |t:l,i.',| liy .1 . liiilli I.II .lit. .Ill K iili.ii.'i' ilit'iii.«fKi * li' I- iiini|i.iny. i-m ii.-.l iliriiM>:li iiv .iiiciicy jiiiiki iiii' In hIiic li.ii I'.in lit' ^'ivci ill III' liMinil 111 i.ii .itl.i|iu il.i (■iiii-Hf. Ill Si-h ( iKiU'ilrr.i §tllfl tMluC.llliill. I imlilii' .Hill I. DiiililniK .1 Si. Xiin', I liiiii- III 11 U'li'iihiiiu' «^=::j<-' TO«ON O k\DI.\'l\jK MANlKAi-TrKINO Ci • (I (>.) -(Sec lieil pUKc.) I'.uli.imont lltii LmiI. m. Il'.n t-llt-\)lli- ; Ins, l*y ilu- Imiii , It \ itiurj.i, |n i^Mtlict-nl I'i'.i I If r.ifli itor 'lin^ iiif (i inip rf IMI ^tt ,1111 ailil li'M \\ li M !« ul.i, .irt* : ..I ('..rM.>: I iijmlu'i'nt •r .-III lit)'- ^;rl |l'i t<>t <>f>liri:i IK ^u•.^^ly mI |\ ui ciinii- u|>iiii , W Uiiltlil III Initcrpii'i.' |in ^c »iif ;i (all t Itlit- <;nl.Umiths' -ut-ly (■nKaj;t^. AiOf ..I Wcllint. 'inri ) one is \ . lu-.rliil w.ircro )n\ih^; ilirce I.i ' III tIik flat nt •',r'\\ lliDIII* |iiisiit- <.n 11 h i<> \hv i-lf^an I :iiui those ciMii ami the chrunc mcnlsislhat of ')! t awl Thk dominion II,MIHTHATK1». M ImKxMx U^r>i ximk M \si I \' M u\s>. ( ■• ll.hl). . h.l f.flll On-cr I'l^lllv I'fl •Tin "( thf ll'H H.ltl'f nil i.Kli.ilnii ))ilt in iKt' III C.iii.til.l iltiniltf il>^- I.Ul , ii« litu* Im-i-m ill*' siltHr>l {uti'Tit. I liMd^li iliii I M,i'.Mi<'; |.Aii-nu>il in 1HS7. tu-iirly a million aikI a t ,ijHiiii' li'i't iir»' li'.H in ii>i . Ihc |utnli.irit> uml un III.! i*\ii-IU-ntv III tip- U.iili.iior In-* n iht- ^^.■1 iiiiiil. Nil IhiUi >t |l.t^kln^ i'« lUTt'HNary, llii>ir -.iriim. can I'l- II null .lint ill iii:>-il 111 -^i/r xi ti|i,ui('v ilu- ni.iUrf tri-m .ill III, . lolloM^ ilu' inlrMliirliuii •>! ilu* s.illnrti Kars t \Mih till- .11x1 JH II ri-*nlt •<■ il.llurc li.i'« ki<>\ui , ,Mti) litM a nn-.H iiiitnii iiMinn rciitrr I Mr |i.r.»hi.i U nil ill 'I M,iiiiil.uiiifiiii:<'.i , r.l.lli i-luil in iNN;. Hull tKMtl>|ll,irll-|-< iliul W'tko il t>. t;(< OiilLiin -iiu-tl. Ii'" Ii.i* 't'-Hn h i.i.umIu'. in M«»ntri*iil, <.Mn Ihm . Ilninilinn, W iiiiii|"ti' I \ui I. It.t I'll- |iri-iiiiHf> .ii |or..iiiM i-iivcr s. mt- I .. rf* ..( j;i..uimI in liiiil-hnu-* "nl yiinU, llir niiiiii i.ii\ I. .t -itli-iKJiil loiir HhKi'y liiirk IxnMih^, m* \ SI'' 1 Ml li-'i- |il.ini lor ikIi.iIoi Hoik to l>i' loimil on ilit- ihMiifiti, .iikI iIm-v Dir -i' If lnal^t■r^ In Canada oj ilu- iiloiil iMiriit. lliHii r<.t;tl>li4hnit-n( it ii|ui|i|>f<| mih i,hinri\. o| ulthli llu-y own ihr |mtt'nl, and uliich i> Mhlioit ol «liirh«oiilil ..(iit|i> va'.lly inotf ••pan- ih.iti ii our tIiH|.o^al in ihi^ iirlitle. Al-our ont- liuiulicil ilk'l WMiknifn aif rii)plo\f strnin nnd Iml ii.r. ImhIi kiiuU o| lu-alin^j l-cint; illiislr.itiil «il)i ilu- iM.i.l K I'li.iloi, un ihc |'r^■lniM■^. V. that \;>itor» -lav «-i II iliiMHi-lviH liolh sv>leiti>. in oncr.ilion. I lu' I'Usincs, (if If roni)tany. t'xiT|'l lor ilu- worlt o| one tra\i.'lli'r. is con 11. u.i ilirnit^;li a^fncit-H in ilit* citu-s olicatly naiiit-il, f.icli IV iiiency lookinn '"^^'^'f ''"* inli'rt'His nf Ihe honst' in tht- i..\tiiff ill Hliicli i' i-. ^itiialf»l. rfihap'' Ilu- I'fs-t fviiltnff i.ii lif j,'iMri "I Ilu- po|.iil.uitv ol ihf SaMot I K.i.liaiiti ill l.f loiirii) HI llif fminifralion of smiu- of iht l>llliilin^;^ i.ii have ailopuil ii. Anions; Ilifsearf. in lorontu. ( ppcr /aii.ula <'ollf|;f. Inivfi^iiy ('ollf^jf. I'rfsliylfrian l.-utit-^' fiiiil S.'liool. Collf^'iaif hi-^liliiU-, lU'W railianitm liuihl- s < onU'ilfr.irion Life Huildinj:, and ovt-r a do/t-n 11I1CI nlucation;)! insiiuilioiis. In'sidcs a 1." 'if chlm■hf^ piil'lii ami pti\alr l.nildtnj^s ; in M« n tlif Work- l:iuldiin; ..t M.UiII I nivfi>ily. M. t ■ ' <»thfilr,d. \nn» < huich. M, (li.iijf, ( hntcli. .1 l-ik- l{llildin^;. till li-Ifphonf lAilian^^f, jtanipif di. iViipIc, and nunu-i - o'hff nifit luMldjiii;- : ill \\ooinf''s nun .dt nvrr n.iil.i, ate: l*residi-nl, I. W . U.iiy: vire pn-iilrnt, hi\il I'oUIr; mnrral in iitaKc r. |iihii M. I II HI. I d sf.indirj; of ilir lonipaiu U in iiMi;iiilu'rnt drvr'nptiiriil of liif lirrai till l.i>lor. ri.f kff pir^i Hitli indii>ry ilu-y liii i.ul h-.\il 111-' Mill K ('"Mi'wv. Ihrir art- si^n> -I oui cil)'^ ^;i^frv(l, and (hf-r atr oilu-r iiiilu':iti'N. Ascmdin^ Irom ihc niodf>t niirancr on ilu- north • ui \Vellinj;toti ^urrt wcsl Isccond dour fiom \'unjit- -iiffi) one is whi'lly unpirp.irrd hi src such a lar^jr and < lirriliit warcrooin, fxtcndin^ ra^t Aard lo N on^c sirt'ft, and li.iviny ihrre l.u^r w indnws ovri looking that iluirou^hl.irr. Ml. ihi- tiat nif to he loiiml thf ^ital vanlls, .itiicr-. .ind -Ii'urooin* ol the ("oinpany; tlirir stock room for clinks Mil! other bulky miods lirin^ siiuatfd in another part of thr I I'liildiiij;, Thr moic vaiuablu portion of ihr Ntock is ol "ii;i-^f kr|it in thr\aull<, jiroirclrd, as indfctl are the whole |!'iiii>rs, t>y thf Holmes rlcciric •-y'trm. The vaults arc '1 led with cherry cat ii nets and li^hteeifctii>ns. Among ihe v;oods displayid perha|is thr most uniipie rvhibit is of ilu- products ol llie Anstmia » loi k 1 omp.uiy, for whom this lirin ha-, the (aiiulian agency It shows 10 whai .» m.irvelloU'. ilcvrlt)|imeiit thr cliKik irilu>iry m AmetiL" his atl.iiiuil, when iluir ch.isir aiid fifj.aiit «ir>igns in broi/r ami old sdvri cm hardly br di'tingiMihcd liom ihr otigm.d prtvliu lions it iioied lieiich arii-> whose pircrs biiiig such enornuuis prices. Some of the very laiesi no\fllies aie manlt ' clocks in onyx, black marble, anii'pu- oak and oihri tancy woods, A line array ol ligurrs, ^idf pieces, -.talitf tie--, camUlabra an I orn.imrnis ci'> the magnitimit a->siirtiiient in this drpaitniriil. The \ongeMKet end ol the shown)iim i-. utilized as a silverv.arf depositoiy, where the goods are shown with great tli>play of tastf in hanilsomr wall eases "f oak. cherry and walnut. No mote altractixe and inviiit'g stock could well be imagined. .Novelties tor ihe loiki and iioiidojr, l-.o binaiie-, pre snitation gomU, ami iho^e enticing . '.lie notion- in siUn ^o iiukIi sought alti-i I'isi now 'or wedding and birthilav gifts are ihete in profusion. In addition lo sierling silver sp ons and lorks in plain and fancy patterns, there \> shown a lull line of ihe celebraled Rogers llaiw ire, including many of the laiger pines, such as berry, fancy ladle-- and pir knives, all of which arr handsomrly cased in saiin lined Irallicr cases. Therr are aKo .abinets of silver knivesand forks, and cumliinalion >rls !ish, Iruit and dessert, all tastefully titled in plush lined coinpailmr ni-. and forming a sunstaiitial usriul as well as a \ery beaiiii fill oiittit for the sideboaid. Several casts Idled with gold and sdver heailed canes indicate thai the linn is quite abreast of the popular deniaml for these gimds. Ihe presi dent of ihf ("onipany is Mr. Harris II. I'udgcr, in part of whose warehouse ihe foinpany have their premises. The active business : ian:igement tievolves upon Mr. Waller I. Harr, one of the l»est kn-wn jewelry nun in the Hominicm of Canada. He is indefatigable on the road, and numbers among his cushmiers all the imfjortant jewtlry hrms as far east as Halifax. He personally su[H.'r in tends the Ameri- can buying, and has iu&t returned from a visit to the manu- facturers of New Vork and New Kngland, wheie he hu l>cen The pickinu up .American noveliies for the coining seas hrnis travellers cover the entire Dominion, parts of it many times during the year, and, in aildilion, ihr manager him.i^elf makes a special trip imw and again, so that ihe jewelry ir.ide is kept pretty thoroughly posted on what the Company has t«i oiler. llieir increasing Inisiness necessitated the inovr ii>lo I heir present ne\*' I'lemisrs lasl year, and nti dotibi Ihe fall inilr will justify their large evpeclations ami warrant the pri)visions f<»r a further e\trnsitin of business. Till r!\tiiKl-. Tt;\ Co., 4()(i <,iiieen-sireel west. t ie<\ Mann, I'rop. Tea is nOen condemned by a certain cIa^s of proplr as bring highly injurious, owing to its action upon ihe nervous systnn. i M cmirse the abusr of any article uf diet irnds to endanger the health, but it i-. unreasonable lo suppose that nioiirralion can injure >ne. Tea, in infusion, is one of the most relreshing and wholesome drinks it is possible to take, ant! "the cup that cheers but not in- ebriates ■■ is a lavourite with the majority. The well known Imnirr Tea Company has been eslablished now for a con- siiUiablf time, having iipened in 1S81, and since that date has oblaiiHMl a most saiisfactory and successful busines>. Having a thorough knowledge of the trade, this linn could scarcely l-til to create a demand for their goods, and it is an rslablished lact that their teas unsurpassed for aroma, delicacy of llavour and strength. Muying in the large cpiantities they do, ihry are able to obtain the pick of Ihe crops, and at pricts which enable them to compete u; the utmost advantage with other houses in the same line. Tieir store is 2J \ 45 le(.t in dimensions, and is litied througtiout with everything necessary in such an important business, the whtde presenting a most attractive a|)pearance. The slock consists of lapan, China and Indian leas, carefully selected from the best crops and admirably blended. An assortment of crockery and glassware is also on hand. The firm import direct, sell for cash only on small living profits, and are masters of their busineiis. .\ jobbing department is connected wit*, the retail trade. Four assistants are em- ployed. Mr. Cieo. Mann is the able manager for the com» pany, and has always conducted the affairs of the firm with thorough ability. To his energetic measures is tlue much of the company's success. TflK 1 >OMlNION IT.I.tTSSTKAI'Ki) f.l. It. .\UKAV & CO. S C.KAIN i :i.I-: V A lt)R. J. B. MrKAV \ Ct\. I, rain Merchants, jS Wellirpltm sireet easi. — The .il>ci\t* ilUistralion ^ives ;in f\iil!cni view of the loo^anc Iiu>hcl rlwalur at Kuikclnn ownt--'. \>\ J. H. McKf»y \ Co., Torontn. This enterprising lirm iie ynn liiisiness sunie ten nr t elve years ajj*) and ^;ave ilieii alteiiiiiT. especially t>j Imiley. At ihiil lime ihis ^raiii was shiin -fl in a v.-ry liiily imi uneven cunilitiMii t>> tne I niuti States, the -inly inarke' then fui ii. keci>j;ni/inu that .i clean, heavy atui even li-rry wuuM he appr^ciateil this lirni, with a f( !,aillaw's nei- '■ liarley Cleaners." Their st lecliun l<.r these elev.i alsu a ntosi ha| pv "ne, situated as they are al all ctpal staliitns un ilie Canadian racilii K'tilway T'-riintiiand l'elerl»nri}'. Mi-ssrs. |. H. NUKayA trill a siretrii itf c .mnfry aln.iil seventy ntiles l.inj; fertile ami best I»aile> pr'"lucinL: l>ell "i < >nlariu. iti ihat sectiiin iii\e •iperial care t'. their l-arley, anurket"ve, has .t capacity loii.ox) l.ushels. Their neM lai^esi ejevatnr i-, at M»itl V !'ich ran aii nniTnud.ile al ><>>•* So.(k*Khite eyed marroufa; ., ni' Mue and (.rMini demand 'mm I upland fcir ( an.idian barleys, th Ivirned ihrir attention to the ev porting of lame, ami I with mos' HaUerin^' resulls, and anticipate ne having a very heavy irade with all parts <•( the ( Hd Country. lippetl ihe cehl.raled .Mors Aas I the |)rin between Cm. c..n , Ihe most I-aimers nl oft of fa. \ lit lll'l C.iMipit f \i 1 MM !"■ 1 l,,.i ill' il c iilt\ i.-inovt S.- '1 ■" r^ iSLi : .If.) < \a( • iui'.: iti.'asii ).. lo-r^l p \ lit ilic cm , niirri"! ■n.h.l a-oit ,. I..ii;ili ear inc M.M-ll,i. .^.l ,^,,,bvl..".K ■LslIK'''' 1 • ^U\ Ssi' i.i'iir''. S'lMi-O.a-I.e n ■kI.u, It ,l,^.>^ I'll. . :arm'M .1 m kri t.' sfif« hi M.', «l f- !,i~KiMill,n I'l i.K-M.i--, he 1. tii-li .ind 1 11 'iw till- lit" ■1 1- .■'■llri' i~ l- .1 ■rnl 1 '1 ■. 1 i*f - aro t Hi-liK ;,.!. ( • tn|i?Irt-» ^ •■■ \Il. . . ,lll h.l.ll I.M- «, l.n. ■I , u.. .\.-.. - ' ; Il 1 , w.,. Il «■■ .1 -. n. i,.| .,-n. >iirii ^ *f 1 >•■ ^1 lUI llul 1 1 .'i-..ii\ .il ; 1.1. 1. i-uil.. - W.' ll.Ul A i. ..Mll.ll iii» a i..|'lir1.U ■ ll.. .l.-.ll, ■ 1.11,1 . ■ ■'. ..1 Ihi ii; ■.ll.rl w ^^Hi -1111", 111 h. Alllnl IIIIUK'.I .1 ^H< '.^.iiil |.h.llil ^^Bi > |..tni<. li. iilti'l 111 1 OMTNION I M,T T^SPK ATKH. .^P ||i>iii-r>. Ihi^ I' l■'.^^■llIl.tlIy ,1 liur.iiy .'^;<*, ;iiiil in ilu- I- lliiw nl litiialiirc linm ilu ).ns'i. I'*- (..m.! k> .iikI fxrinsroscii ilu- )M>rki-rs ukI Ijsti-. ot .ill. In Tilii- \,i--t vtiliinu" (»f ri'iuliii^ miller |tl.icfil hrforc the ,, imcc-. iIm- ifatiiT nf t>> (lay to In- i-clci tii , pirkinj; nut I, rii -uit his IT lu-r iin! t.i^ii- <>■ -.iinly. In thi-. ■( I i'l rvcry 1 'iiiMtry ntu- i- I;it;;tly .i-^-istcl I'V thr 1 1. |tt >>i ^i.ii Kiiicr. Anioi)^ till loK iti<>-i ill thi> vnlual>l<- ai>l .ui' ( iliKMlii'ii ami |■l<•^l(-'•^ in ilii'. rjiy, miy lit' iiirii ihf v^cll kii'iwn hriM ot \lc^-.i-.. \atitn-var .\ t'n iim (■"iniiifnn'illiii^im'-.s in tin- ',»iierii City in lS(>7, li.ivr li\ llii'it *iitfs|ircai| 1iiiTar> knoult'ilv;c ami tare- r.iMi|iii'hi'ti-.i\r r.clirti'>n nf I-mhI,-., L;.iiiu'tl a laitit* r\i t iiH H- 1 -ini^ I'l'iml.iiiiy. Tin- ImiliJiiiL' in u hirh tlit \ ^il,n I lit. II cxlcnsivc lni>int --. an a Ii.uhNi'Iii'' tliifr -tnipy I'lii'l. -Imclurf il ;»i (;.S \ onm' sirrci. a («*w ilin.ts ,.'.iitli ..) r.ilUx'' aril exactly |'jlIl"^i^L• raili"ii -tn-t-t. e.irli tiat in ihr it'liMLi iin-a^urin^; 7S\JS ^^'^'^- I'"' '■'imc is htlfd willi nnc jtii 1 iii;isi platr ^la^; wintlttw^ in the riiy, nllnr-lin^ a lull I lie t aiefiilU atr.iii^r|'aci"ns and I, iiitrii'ir uiili lij^lil ami ili>]>la\ iii^ I";i' tin I'.l a-.-.iiiinirnt ii| Ihm.I > )>il<'i| mi s|uK(> rani;in^ tlif- l( M^ih I -I the 'ture. The sliick i> very \arie«l, niiii-.iii^ \\i\\ I tMun W"ik-i nt t-veiy ile^ciiptinii, tmhrae- {^ t.iiKJat'i ainhnis mI !">eiry, histitiy, liriinii, tli., a i|ir>iiliy )>riii^ inaile of i-na| \\it|K, and volunie'V on ■\•^^ -iil-iect^. A »lali III oiiiru.'ii^ an«l coiniMtenl a^-.i'i- 1- cm|.l"jfd tM all. nd t" the want> uf eii^tonier-*. The ;t -, i, Nn|n'iiiili iiiled l-v Mi. \ aiiiii var, wlin l.'i^t■■^ hi> pi iMtnal anrtiiiiin li» all ihe i< .|inrtnu'nK nl the Inde ill n| hi- |Mlriins, and l>y hi^ ti|iri^))i and linnntalilc iilni'^> ha- licenme in sucial and luuine'^s eiicl 'l -kvv 11 v IrKi.iT. .■^1 . A \kii I,\\\ -i'\. \ i.t-ii.t Tivi- |iimii\. Nowaday-^ tea i- oiu" "I l,..ipt'>i iiflinuid relre-hnKiu-, and i^ eerlainly <>nv "I 111'. -I pleasant. The nhlest tea tnerchani in thitaiin I' waiehiiiise is III he fitund at ihi' rnrner of Chimh and Mie >t reels is Mr, IMward l.auson. This hiisiius-, . piiu-d ill llie u-ar tS^^, and its su. eess has hreii most ,,.l. A uiic«l .leal .'I lhi> pr.'-peiily is ilu- re-iill «»l ihe iRtoi^ rare lo nlilai.i nu\i evpeiienee, and lins special facilities in •■ii^, he i- thus cnaMed to uive his (^i>ti>iners an advaii uil.iw priie>. At lhi> \\i l; kiui\Mi estalilislinieiti ihne ■ 'arrest a--.nrtmeni i»l new crnp leas f\ir i-iu red in tlu- k'l !" siU-ii fi.-ni, ciunprisinj; 'i\i'r tillv ^radi s, niiytuies 'l.iids, ishich Mr. I,.i\\-nn is aiiipK ipiahlied in make. !.i>^;enilcinan dealM-\etii-iveI\ in teas, cnOi e., rhocnlales .ninas, he is (.-nahlid tn j^ive iin>.ivideIed nn the premier-, and he 1 111 !ni ( '.iw an'> iinc(piallei"S A |..r\s|..s ( ... (laii Mh.ui \\ . |.( del- I \-i.iau^' >npplii -. Mil kiii^ -irr.t \\,>i. I Ix- h nd I hii.iiu -s in nin.hrn tun. •, is •.. sp< , i;d(-in. The 'l\\^ ■ i.\\ I'li-iius- III) ilu -niall -.. .di liav. pa-M d .iua\, and iM lia\r laip j^. luial » -laLli-lipii. ni-, kimwn a. I an--. ■ . A. .. ili.\ aiene. cs-,ard\ I. « in nmnlxi, and .In ihrii . ni-li ..til ilu -.mall mil. h.ini iiihis..un line. |i is 'li. . \. iMhini; (mm .m mi dh- i-. an .ui. Ii.-i lnit >- Il «i alia, h Ihi ii.iuu' fjeiuial lu ti . l-iit m ll- nmu .-I Mii-( a^ .ipplii d In .1 paitii iilar lin. ni with • -sniics. Ir. it .>r drn^s. It is anmiij; ■' L;.ih!\ upnii .Is sliarpK ddiiud Inns ..t ■ Ihal dtsijih^^ialuiM,, n pla. ^. In n..t.iisMus. ;. lid III. \ iimi, inaiki.i than llial n| ih, dMit;j;isl. '\'\u .'i\ nl .lid tinu- was , lu inist. .ina!\si. Iu il> cinisi .ind '•>■ Incr.-asin^; • nnip. iitrnm ..nip. IK.I lid., s.u-nliru .Mid In In-.. .Ill* I (■ tMimminal. u"' lia\^ tin- mndirii .liu^; >hii. . wluic s,«!a w.itit .ind •\.i!.i\ ih.-din^;s. Ihii .hsim, i^iaiimi h.ul - i in. ilu ■ iiiin and 'he dispinsu i.-nk tlu n di\» isr w.i\s, winh 'pii.i.ii\ nudi. itu- man m.ulc the link Mn '::■- 1 •niimu'i. iai si. I, .ims.- ili.- wlinlr^ah- .Ini^^isi. aiul ' d.ah I in physi.j.iiis' siippji.s. Thf nutsi (imiuni litiei . las- i* till- ie(entl\ .•ly.ini/ed (irni. kiu-wn i> Inisi.ii A J..hnsi.-i i'.,.. !.imilf.|. wl'.h is ilu- ..m nt Ilu- letail .Inif i-itsin. >s ,,| smart \\ . Inliiisi.m. ''Mil i- I.Maltd in .■nniMu..!i.'iis pu-niisrs. .11 N... .T.m 'I'll Wfsi. and Iheii's is irulti.l .i hii^lil) spi.iali/r.l Insirninenis .in>l applian. » s win. h. in tlu- hands kill.. I siir^^.-.m, are niaih- i.i iniiiistn in tlu cnmlntt nl 'IU-.I .ir .KlnrMii'.l ; raie . hemi. aK. new rt-nu-ilits. ' phaiinan iiii. als, nu.Ju inis put up inall shapes, si/is |"MU.. li.|iiul> in .dl sia^;.-s..| . ..nd-iisali.m. pill- in .ill "in '.| . niisiiin. Ills an I cn.itini;, an as-.trinu nl s.i v.ui.nis ' 1.11^^(1 i<..ilkrii..ii. Ilu- iiu.| .iiul tlu- 'M^ ph)suian are m Ik- .nnjiralnlale.l .ei ha\in^ in idsi a lirni su highly .»i^ani/r.l and s.i i.miiHienl in 'lie wants nf tlu'ii lai|^r aiut x.iii.d . nnstilu. tu \. \VAKi:uniM; o^ j;invAKi» uawso DHVM, STORl- (H- rm-: JOHNSTON St JOHNSTON to 4<' THK OoMINION II.I.I ISTKA'I'fCIl . HRNMINl lIulSi;, lOKO.M- liHNKKAL OFHICK OP Till-. i.KKAT NIIKTH-WKftTl-KN THI.K<'.KAI'II lu -(Dee lltkl piiiir.) nn-K^... THtC OOMINION ILLUSTRATED. Thk (iRKAi Ni'RIIiWksikrn TKi.FiiRAni C(t. (len- ^a' Offices: Corner Scoti and Wellinijton s^itreets. II. I)wi(;lil, I'resiilfnt ; Krasltm W'iman, ex rres'dcnl. Elt'CtruMly is lliP climax nf ihK ^t'lup d centuries, 1(1 n1ll')n^^t all I Mr ways in winch this wonderful pcncy hat been iitili/ed, nont- have dune more to J(lvinc(; civili/ali'in than that kn'stem of teleqraphv, no » con- .itrcdled by the ilreat Xtrlh Western Telegraph L'ompany, ■*nd they hive kept pace ever since. The "Western /■'A nion'' represents the I nited Mates; the ''(ireat North ,^Vestern" represents Canada. The sy. stem now known as ,";th(. "(;. N. W." d.-ites its inception to July 2S h. 18.^7, - wht'n the code of siKnaI«, invented by Mr. S, h". li. Morse, ■:>Mas introduced, and a single wire l>etween Tororto and i(,'iiebfc was pill up by ih^ Montreal Telegraph Company, vho were e'-tabltsf.e>. connec'ion was made with liullalo, and the movement was already certain of su xess. A 1,'ood commercial venture is always sure of oppo-.iti(tn, and other attempts were launched with small succe s ; amongst ti'ciii, the I>omlni n Company 1 A-hich in iS; i had 9,000 ■J nrlt> of wire and 4^,0 otiicesl, but its Inited .states connec- tion the Atlantic and I'actic Telegraph being acjiirM by the We-tern Inion, it soon fell in tl-e lap of the larger ^ c iro'iratiim. The ( iiand I'mnk. the I'rescott and Uvlown, ^ niid the \i.igar,i lalls teleyrai.h system^ were all in like manner al)S'^rbed. In 18 jS a cmnection was etiected by the Montreal and Troy (_o. wrtli Tri>v, and fmm there with IWitiiloand New \ ork, while extensions were also made other American points, and cables crossed the St. l,aw ] rence at intervals. These little incidents in the advance oi this sys'em of telegraphy are virtually epochs in the his tory of Canada, and thus we proceed. The same year the lllritish North America Company built a line from (^)uebec la'her Point to report vesseU passing uii the St. Law ence. Before this latter event (in the year 1S51) the line as exiendetl from Riviere du I,oup to WoocUtock, and connection was made with St. John and Halifax. Two lother lines cunnectcd i,»uel>ec and Montreal, and aftei live ■years of opposition all bu'-mess passed into the hands of ■the Montreal company, which was now strorj- in resources land a tli -roughly proL'ressive institution. Next year "The JPeoples'" line was built through (,'anada, and was in its ■ turn absorbed. Meanwhile a new factor, mightier, nioie ■extensive and more enduring than any of its piedecessors, lar.i^e. The V!ast, the land of the morning, has been many Itinies the scene of the dawn of history, but this lime, in ICanada. the west superseded ; for, from a small beginning jin the west, with Winnipeg for its centre, sprang a com litany known as t!ie "(Ireal North Western." Neailv all |grfat corporations and eiilcrpri>cs can tell of some period of then existence wlien frmzied competiii(>n and "greed If >r gain," by cut ra»ti>, etc., made their b'lsiness virtually 1 1'»Mng game. This was the state of things in telegraph [iiig wlien the lireat N'Olh Western slept ed on the stage, ' to the sensfiess and wasteful competition -d rival com Ipjnics. in iSSi, however, a I'M'PY calamity b*feii these |coni).anie3 as a comprehensive scheme for their am alga ma lliun into OIK, emb dying all the telegraph interests of ■ Canada, originating with and devise'l by Mr Erastus IWiman, th- lite piesidenl of the (p. N. 'V Tel, (,'0., was learned out. The new company the subject of this sketch The (ireat North Western," leased the Montreal I anil 1 Kim inion companies' lines at a specified rental. I'lhO'C fACts, tersely statv), speak volumes legarding the early history ()f telegraphy in Canada, while the modern land later history would be far too Ion); to be recorded in |eauty frrun external appearances, and the interior, though in some parts too small for the immense operations, is on the whtde most admirably adapteartment can be summoned at a moment's notice. On this ll lor are also the otiices of the secretary and auditor, Mr. (Jeo. O. Terry, and the treasurer, Mr. Arthur Cox. as well as of the two inspectors, Mr. j. T. Townsend and Mr. W. |. Duckworth, both thorough and accomplished electricians, the former having been in the employ of the company for over forty years. These inspectors look after all otijces in Canada, west of Kingston. On the third storey of the building, or, wha; is more properly termed, the second doo:, is the ojierating room, at the head of which is Mr. R. li, Toye, who has the honour of being the first Canadian who took messages by sound, and who has to-day probably a more complete knowledge of the innect5 with the Western Inion lines at Hultalo, De'roit ami (.hicago. and al-o ha.s direct con-^cction with all the principal cable ccmipanies. The employ 'es at the Toronto oiiice number over Jouin busy seasons 1 ne delivery (l-'partm''nt i^ c 'mplet**, and has about Oo insssengers, who deliver all over the city, while there is also a "call bell " service for messengers to bring despatches in for transmission. Itesides Ihi* there is a special messenger department, the ' Mice being at the corner of Melinda ard Jordan streets, th"? service being a g'eat convenience to the company'.s patrons, as they have merely to touch their alarm, and, while the message is being written, a boy calls. Mow like nngic I Kor in ten minutes our c"nimunication can have reached the utter most parts of the t-vrili. Mr. A. It Smith, the well- known superintendent of maintainence and construction, has been compelled to take oitices in the basement of the building, the accommodation above not being e()ual to the pressure for room. In rear of the basement the lincmens" supplies and stores are kept, and there is also a large boiler room, where heat for the whole building is generated. The budding is splendidly lighted by electricity, and everything is modem and convenient. There are also live line men connected with this oflice, and a horse and express are also •\ :cd in the special worK. Another [irominent oiticial has had to locate his oltice in adjiining (juarters in the person of Mr. R. T. Kasson, who is superintendeiit ol the I'ress News department, in connection with the New S'ork Associated i'ress and the United Tress. This company manages the Canadian Associated Tress, and has a corres- tumdent in every town and city in Canada, who furnishes fill details of any passing event. The Toronto branch is alt'i'iated with the "New Vork Associated Tre-s" and the " United iVess," which it continually supplies with all th.: important news events, and receives in return the news cf the world for Canadian papers. Resides this, however, the company handles an immense amount of special cor- respondence for Canadian and American papers. The ['resident, II I*. D*ight, K q , is the best known executive man in the company, and his old time signature, " D. W.," typical of a man of strong individuality, has Sscome familiir to every employee who has had occasion to receive his kindly rebuke«. Ttrionally, Mr. Dwight is a tl oroughly practical aid actual business man, of wide experi. nee, and varied and extensive ac>|uiie- ments. He is a strc ;, direct, practical thinker on all sub- jects, especially tele^ -ajthy. In 1849 Mr. Dwighl, with his own hands, recei "rd and fcnt all business passing through the Toronto ollice, his one assi tant and messenger being Mr. F,ts^^on, now the head of th*? news department. Many interesting stories could be told of this primitive period of the business, now so much expand :d and "^tdl headed by the same men. Such men as Hon. (Jeorge Rrown and other newspaper men used to come to him and copy reports as he read them from the (ape : now they are sent out nealy type-written. To Mr. Dwight is largely due the credit of organizing the present telegraph system of Canada. Mr, (ieo. Hogarth was, about five years ago, a ^pointed local manager for the Toronto oliice, and is in every respect elticient and satisfactory. He is a splendid type of the self-made man, having started, over twenty years ago, as an oflice boy in this very oltice. He is an example lo our t,"anadian youth of whit may be accomplished by starling out with no other cao'tal than pluck and determination. So rKAM r.AlNDKY. Till t tM \l, :■' M. 1 ' \l l.ll I. A-'-'lK \.\t I. ( oMIANV. - >inri' |S'"( ilii- i»ii| f..iii|>3ny uih-i.UimI a liir^e ;uipcroiN Inisiiu'^^ in liK- as>iiirance, ailding yt-arly Id tlu- annMint of work thmi'. The hcn(h|nartci-« aru locaieii M Waicrl'if, Uni.. the cnUrt* I>usine«> liiinn t:o\erncd liy a Itoarii o( iliri'iinrs, "f which I. I'. Houman, \:<*[., M.I'. i> presiulenl : (". M. T.iylur. Km]., im vicf|>rt'siilent. Uoinri Melvin, r-|.. Jn-I \ict'-jire'.i.k-nt ; Win. lloii'ii\. I'-sij., manager. .ui-I W. II. KiihleJI. I >(|., secretary, lur ihu vcat L-ntlir^; \\s\ 1 i.-»vmlK.'r, 1N91, i,7'iS iM>Iicie> were is.sue(l, living; i,-i| u> a -iuin uf $2,t«)4,05o.Ji ].(ilicitjs, wa?. in force on th;\i «Iau-. At ilic sauie liine llic ca-h suri'lus .nnmintt'd tn :f 1 ;n ^^ij.ih). the ncl asset > hfinj; $1 ,')5-vu- 1 upon the People'-^ I'opuiar '.'Ian, ^v^enlv■VL■ar Siirvi\,irsbip nistriljvition Clan, the IK.iiliIe I. iaiiiltty I ntluwnu-nt, the ordinary Life I'lan, .iml the IndowiiK'ni I'lan. all of which have found consiilerai>h- favour Miih thtr pidtlic. I xiotini: solely in the interc>.ts ol ils mi-inlter-., .nil prolits ar^' e'|uitaliiy divideil anionf;>i them, whih i- HI v\ery way a rno^i ^uitahle niethi»d an«i '»ni whi< li >h'H!ld I

    l of inMirance. In Toronl'i the affair- of ihe coijipanv are entrusted lo the care of Mr. * leor;;'* l'a\ne. the district aj;ent, who i- assisted in the local work I. V Mr. f. I.. Troy, city aj^ent. Their oltin- is on the tiiHt floor of the ',>u<*ni lily Chatnliers, where thev employ a ^v.\\\ of >.i\ assi>il.ints. 1 or sc\eral years these j;entlenien have ninn.iL^tii uith ;;reai credii tn iheni-.elve';, by t'lnn continued ener^v. the compaity's business in this city, ad linu each year a Urge \oUirue of new assurance*. They are both well vei>ed in life assurance, ln-inu at the same tirne able and p-Tsevciin^ business uien of hi^;h repu tation ain<»ng thrir fellow cili/eiis. There are two nieni bi'r- of the board o( directors resiilini; in Toronto, .\ifrcd Mo-Lin. i:s.| .<.».(., ;,nd I. Kerr I isken, Ks.]., ..f 1 be well known tirni -d John Kisken A * o. The other ilirectors are located in ditleieni paits of the 1 lomininr^ and all of them are pioniineni in business and professional circles, men of Jilerlin^; worth. enio\ini' the fullest confidence of iheir re speclive conuminities They are as follows: It. M. I'.rit- ton, ',>.('., l\inj;>ton : |ohn Marshall, wholesale inerchanl, Kondtui : I'lancisC. Ibureof ihi* tirni of lohn Unices ('o., seed ni''n:hani>, Hamilton: K. I'. <'lemenl. Harrisler, Herlifi : Uobert llaird. merchant. Mayor of Kincantine; S. Henderson. II. \.. I.!.. It.. H.(M,., ( Mlnwa; ..nd last, but not len-1. the Hon. Wilfrid I,aurier. leader of Hit M.ijtsty's Koyal * ►ppositicm in the House of Crtrnmons, < Mlawa. The company is one which ,ire-eminenlly deserves a shnie "I public pa'roiiage. I>. W, I'liKi *.'•■ 'o., Wholesale Healers in 1 rasei River Salmon and all kinds of Lake I ish. 1 oot of West Market street, -hi r jeais past tlie lake tlshiny inHustiy has been of ^reat impoitance and ijives employment to a larj;e number nf men tlirnu^;hout the year. In the t,»ueen City a tirin which has for the past twenty years held a leading place i" the wholesale tish tra. \V. I'ort ^5-= Co. This tirm is more especially celebrated for its l-raser Kiver Salmon, tluiuiih all kiniK of lake tish are handled, such as salmon, troui, whi'e lish, pickerel, bass, herrings, etc., and in season all varieties of salt water fish such as cod, mackerel, haddock, herring, etc. Tremi'^es are occupied at the foot id West Market streft, consisting of a two story huiliing, p' \ So feet in si/e, the principal feature of which is the large freezing rooms which have a rapacity of 60 ions. During the sunim^.r a large supply is taken in and frozen for winter con«umpl on. I here is als'i a branch establishment at New We=tminsler. I". (".. undei the management of his son ^Ir. K. H. Port. Mr, I'ort owns an extensive silmon tisherv on the Ira'-er Kiver, and in this noted salmon docs a large trade, hardline as much as J< •<) tons in a season, part of winch is sent to the American markets. He al>o carries on extensive tishfries in I ti«t, 72f> ',>ueen street eas'.J and 450 Spadma avenue, other* in tlie surrounding town- In waj;hing and preparing shirts, collars, cuiu, lace curtai'^ and huhes' un'lerwear a specialty is made, this being alsot!*! case wiih hotel work. Articles art called for in any pari of t!ie city and delivere/ Vcmge-stieet. - It would be. perhaps, a matter of esophr to Contemplate the very general use of locks and kev*. Their very employment suggests the idea that someone it not lo be trusted ; but there remains (he fact, and whik there are people in the world who do not recogni/e the ditVfrerce between m,H>n and hunu, locks mus* be used. As this is so, it is as weM to employ a first class locksmith an<) Mr. Hugh Itrimstin, of 500 Vonge street, may he mentioned as one of the principal men in his trade. Hi* knowleilge of the busin-ss is cnnsidcable and he has had twenty seven years expeiiencc in this city, which is surely sutiicient recommendation. The extent of his business hu necessitateil his removal to his present i remises, which ire very complete and conveniently situated. 'The buihlmg now f»ccu|)ied contains three storeys, each nieasunng 2oxS(» feet. The store is handsomely arranged antl is wei! cipiipped with everything necessary in the trade. 'The stock is considerable and complete, com]>rising evrrylh'njj recpiired by those who need his services. All kinds o( cutif ry, ra.'ors and scissors are gr-umd and repaired. Mr Hrimstin employs three competent assistants, and makes a point of never leaving a ioh until it is perfect. This fact, combined with liin natural energy, hM brought him his MICCess, Ml ev K. [" \: of in W h ." t. A li' ni .1 ( , a> ^u » m In s ex ,\l !»• I ca i\ at II THK I)<)MIN1()N I 1.1,1 ISTKATKI). 43 ^ »«i.i.- r. -^ \-^^ ip'r .— *rt*. ^ "^ IHK M.AI.PlNi: TOBACCO HAClOK\ ueen >ireet ea*;. rroun.iinR tuwn- uiu. lace curtaif- t.iiis)iein(; also il^^ I for in any pif . all work l>eint| h. Mr. !. A.r I Steam Laundn,! prciprittiiis. I! ] heinj; connrt-tc II upon which thi- plinu, iiiul provf I lie is u smr.' I a plea&ant com | Uellhangrr, alter nf cnnsiuer j the philosopher! locks ami kevii. I thai soirenne \> \ t fact, and whilt | t recojjni/e th( | [s mus* he use i feet. This fact, rou^lil him Ki^ | IHK \!« Al-I'INK I'onA) ■ n Co., Corner Walter ^-- ^IcMiirrich 'streets. I he use of tobacco is now almost biiversal ; lovers of the ftajitanl wt-eii, m our own ( 'unlry, lni;'ea«ie from year to year; and many hundreds h.ive not pnly become fond of tobacco, hut of the sprcial brands in ;lud houses [heir trade extends liom Ihe Allan'ic to the Pacdic, f ur travellers contti.ually jcovering tiii> territory. The head.juarters ai.d fatt<'iy of Ihe (' 'mpany, are very lar^e and comnudKtus, being vecently purchased, at d tilted up specially fi>i this branch pf trade. 1 he p'enuses cover an acre anti a half of j;round, ihe factory in it'-elf beir^ iSo \ 125 fret in dinien>ions, iHm r tfie rapid pros-eculion of trnde. •ilo-eyv in hciyht, oprrated by a 00 hoisrpowei en , ItraiccI ihr lughout by >team, thi- ^plrn(iid factory is Mid of convenience ami om.deleness, ard fr. m a |oirn d ulilil) forthe wholesale tobacco trade iitisurra's-ed. pt is oidy necessary to men'ion that from IJ5 lo I5ive some dchnue idea lof the mt^i'iluoe and t\ ent of ifie bus ness. Alt kinds of bmukiny. ciew nj" ami tine cut lotiaccos nie here manu- uc'ute-i. only iniporied leaf bein^ u»ed. 1 1 ennnieiatc [the li t of torands nude in this estaldt>hniciil would be ii'.i tS'iiilr- in th's w trk, some ein in chewing bi.'irg * braver," ■'Jul)ilee." '* Ticuniseh," •' Anchttr " and ■'•knti Koy," and in smoking "Siiimv South," "Silver lANh," ■• Cut Cavendish," * Puck \1 xtuie," an 1 there is a |hi ^t i]f others l('0 ni'm»rc us to mention. A -pecially is ni.'c ot hich gade cl.ewiny lolacco. antl lie '■ McAlpmc Itohacc'i '' incie^ses in popularity boni year to yrar. lite It. <>ni]'nny aim to keep up ai h Ihe tinies in every partii ular* lat'd iioi only otU'r sp tial advantages to ihe trade in the |sii|>eriMr manuiacture of then tobacco, but also ot)er tn Iducenicnls in terras and pricch cblticult l" duplicate rise- ■ where. Uideis jiour in f m all direct ions and receive limmcdiate respimse, all brandNaril stock l«eing guaranireil Itn he just as represented. The I'resident » f the Company list.ol. K. A. McAlpine of New Vurk who a! v. controls an lexieii-i\e icd)acco factory in the American Meiropolis, I Mr. b'hn ,S. Williams is manager idlhc l.'anadii:'! l>usines!<, |l>ein^; the right man m the \\^\\\ place, possessing as he jdiws .1 wide linancial knowledge and t^cctknl luisiness |ca|iaci:> He is far seeing, (tiudent and conservative in lall dealings, and ably manages the atlairs ot the L'umpany |*t all times. ToBuMd |Iaiii>\\aineof the largest houses in the hardware trade in the city is that conducted l)y the Toronto llatdware Manufacturing Company, whose exten- sive premises are situate! on ",>ueen street west. This laige establislimenl was opene»i in iSSi, and the proprie- tors have every reason to be .^atisHed with their .suc- cess ■'ince that date. Thtir trade is lirge and constantly increasing, covering the whole province of Ontario. The Ituilding occupied has a prominent position, and consists of three stories and a basement, each being itM) feet stjuare. This Iar,'e i)lace is usnl entirely for the manufacture and exhibition of iheir productions, which, by their durable i|ualuies, as well as elegance, have obtained so large a i-ale and ate known "-o well throughout the province. Their goivds comprise mantels, grates, tiles, stable tdtings. cresl- ings, o^c, and nothing but the best material is used in t^eir manufacture. Their ware rooms are tastefully ar- ranged and contain many lieauttful specimens of their work, amt are imieeii well worth visi'ing. Those who wish tor anything in their line could not do better than see this large estaldi>hmen(, where their wishes will be attended to in every particular, and everything will be done to make them satistied. The enormous trade nece^sitites the con- stant employment of forty competent hands, and this fact alone testifies to the extent of their business operations. A traveller is kept continually on the loac taking the orders of their many customers. The proprietors, Messrs. I. 11. Taterson and tieorge (iouinlock, are thoroughly practical business men. having haNH» HARDWARI-: MANfl-ACTl'RINC. C«»M^AN^, .3a 44 THK 1)OMINIv")N IM.USTK^VTKI) I I I' I.AIMKS' niNINO KiioM AT WHIlHS ( ri-l-iin.>.-(S. . n.M pan. i l.KNTI.KMI'NS niNlNi, KnuM Al « KliU S lliiuun.l ll.,i,r,.-(tn u. »l |..mi TllK l>nNtINlf>N lI.I.IfHTKATKn. 45 modern instituliin, (ur we timl that m biblical times it wa« much in vogwe, ami, although, in this age many Improve- ments have l)een made, y**t, particularly speaking, the in vention of harnesH is, perhaps, the >me outlits, in the way jf carriaet', harness ami horses, may lie seen, and the ilurabdily and beauty uf style and hnisti of harness, saddles and general rex50 feet in dimensions, all.»rd- ing ample accomnicdation tor carrying on this imp'irlant branch id business. A full stock of saddles of all si/.-^s and weights, harness and trunks of all descrittions, is carried, including light and heavy, single and double, harness, finished in nickle or brass; rlso, interfering pads, back bands, circing'es, curry combs, brushes, whips, trunks, valises, etc,, of many varieties. Moderate prices and tine gvods are^prfcvailinj; characteristics of th"? In)use, employ- niert being given to f mr hands of experience and abdity, while all op.-ratii np aie supcvist^d in person by Mr. Smith, A large and steadily increasing trade is done, and satisfac- lion is guaranteed to all patrons. Mr. Smith is popular in bus:ne.-s and social circles and, it is neeiiless ', ) say, retains the good-will ard respect of al who, at any tinne, have dealings with him. lOUM'kV ol- Mai. AMY MAM I ACTl'kIN<, CdMlM.W. !1\KK\ W llHH, Kestaurarit and hming kuoni, o() and <>S ^iu\\v ■^iret-l. Scirccly any place in ibis ciiy is krmwn ifHtr than Mr. Wt-bb's restaurant nii Vunge street, and no ^)iher pla*- in the city can better illustrate to the vl^ill^r llii' IcM-ellence t»f rornnto'** eating house-.. Mr. Webli is well own here, and his admiralile restaurant is patroni/etl by Jllie ('///( of rornntii*', professinnal and coiuniercial l■lrcll■^. |lle "pened this busim-ss on the s^th lunc, i.sSm, ^ince wliu li .' Ids energy, enterprise and carchd aitenii'in lo all the rt.iiilsi)f hi-' patrons b.ive u on for him a \L-ry consider.ilde |aiut constant I \ increa-.inj; traile. 'i"o givi- proofs of ibe ienorinousconiiection Mr. \\ elil>hasattaine that he iinched, ill si\ consecutive days, ten thousand four hundred Jpnii lu?iy pei>'on>, and that his ordinary aver.ii;e is one nhiiu^and per day, are >uliuieiit. The building occupied 'im-.isis 'if four stories ami a basemeiil. I'.ach llat measure^ \ty l.y ^e\emy three teet, and the whole cMaMishineiii i-- Itilied ill llie lini-sl siyle with all ihal can adt! to the comfort invrnience of the visitor. The restaurant and dining Irooiu are furnished with liand^oine taldes and chair-, and llhf iunch coiintei i>. repteu- wuh iverything reile. The |luii) bug also cuiitain^ a ball-rooin, assembly hall, smoking nd dri'»ing-rooms, \c., and all the littings and decorations ■are oii the most superb scale. To meet the wants ol the liuimcioiis cusiomer^ as many as (orIy-si\ persons are em- Iplnyeil throughout tlie year, anti every possible attention \^ lid lu all guests. Mr. Ifarry Webb's "unu is coin| 'elr, laud all the delicacies of ihc season are to be had. Mis i:ilenngestal>lishmen{ silu..;ed at 447 \ iUige-street, where 1^11 i.rders for public banquets, dinners, \c., .ue talvcn. I.Mi. Webb is a popular and courteous gentleman, whose Ithurough business (jualities ami energy have obtained for IImmi a large trade ami the esteem o| a large ciicle()t patrons. M«Ci\KV Mam I Al 1 this.. Co., 4<> Ir.uit street west. J A. I). Kennelly Manager.— When the biting winds of winter |nipihe hngers and ears, and the thermometer is down beltiw 1/cru; when ilie snow covers the ground and ilie sleighs are uut. kw thin,;s give mure pleasure than a conitortable seat ■ near the slove. and il that usefid article be made by the iMoCluy Manul.icluring Company, the Jeelmg of enjoyment lis liU'ly to be enhanceil. This company w;o organi/ed in ^\>i■\2. ;ind it.s heant., where all their well known and excellent Istovesare manufactured. Their success has been remark jahie, and their business now is one of the largest in their I line in (he I )ouiinion. Their g..ods are famed lor durability, "'ii-gance of ign, superiority of workmanship and erior excellence. \ arnishes, japans, wood Idlers' paints, and painters' supplies generally represent the stock id this house, while varnishes, japans, p.iints and C"Iours of every description are manufactureil under the personal superintendence of the )>roprietiir. The ofiice is at S2 llay-street, the warehouse being at IS -ind 17 .Mincing I.ane, w hite the f.iciory ami yards cover a large area on St. Lawrence slieet. The latter premises ct.nsisi of several buildings devoted to varnishes, ja[>ans, paints and colours. .\ start o( esperienicd men are employed, while the best machinery and appiratus .ire used. Shipments are made to all parts of Canada, several travellers being kept on the nud. This house is agent for Sanuiel Cabot's Celebrated .Mortar Ci«lor> and Creasoie Stains. Mr. Muir head is ihe sole propritinr, managing the entire business himself with tact ano per day, and in com paiing the vari- us hotels in Toronto one would be right in saying that '* Little Johnny's Mot'*l" is one of the best and most popular $1.00 houses in the city. The proprietor tloerves the ctmHdence of all, for he is unfailing in tiis endeavours to make his guests as c irofortable as possible and to meet their every wish with prompt attendanct;. ANDRKW Ml iRIilvAl'S PAINT FACTORY. .,r» THK dominion II-IAJ«TWATKn. . oi rm-: ci'NsThi'c i in- Thi, . ( I nice (il (%>ll>iiriir slu'i-l ; ( iutlxtn, rtt-?ii ! K t < I \KI" 'I.Mtl IMn I'ru-e sirict. Arthur \N. Arciai^h, Man.Tj;(.-r. riii> idnct-tn, ihi- tmly (';in nne ni ihf kiTiliiirt itii'hI iti \vhifh this ccmpnn) lias lii»n in «>|iii.itiun a Iarj;t amount nf unik h.iN l.ctii iliMif in tlif -"ily nf r()h)nl", uhiic thcii [lavcnitnt- arc >ucsi'H-«fiil)y lai.S "n Hluor, *»ii>ti, i nrrarii, Kay. •'t. (it'nrj;e anti TnmntMslrL-e. ■ for iht- l)c|Mrtnicni "t Wiiks. ami ihcy ha\c als.i cansifucliMl many ilrivewny-^ lor intlniihials. all of which arc well ilone. .uul tht- wearing 'junlity of ihr woik nu.iranltt. I lu- company cnri^truci ^irceii aiui rnatjw ays, paving ihcin With a^i'h.ilt, h.nini: thin heatl otiici- at (•( ('■■Il.nrnt* sircet, aiiti sioru' iiu-lui ari.l lactoiy, roni.iinui}; all ihi- iuci'*>ary plant, at North Toioni.. ; nni* ot ihi- \ns\ i'|'iippi-il f-laMisli nunt^ on the lontimnl for iht pri.'p;it.iiion of asph;ilt tor pa\int; pufpo-t>. Tlit- luachimn i-.t the laltil tli-si^^ii, I'uilt i-sprco-iy Un Ihi-^ company !•> the AIh il Inline W ork^, Imni tht* plans aiui nn>li-r the piisonnl >u|ifivU ol till inott c^fH'ti rn^inct I in Anu'tica. the iLnicnHi m| I III' far I or V ui- "h* \ |S'» fc« f, ami I lie il.iil\ ouipul. wh< n ■ ropijriil. c<|U.iU .'.oi^i >i, vai<|s of a>phith pn>m^ per l a1>o ^iviui; Hork I.> ncm) icamflcrs and <|unriymi*n. ('ohiract> arc i-nti-rrti in|o • <[ any part of < anada, and credit i-. Am- ihc mnnup meii' ■■•( the cvct llt-nl way in which ,il: woik iinihrlakin l>y t'lr i-ompany ha<^ I'tt-n loniphu-d In ilu' tnlurc tlu'> mi<' creel and opriali an a»phall rcliiuiy. which wid hf an nd>ii lion to the tndu'tiiic'' of (*nnada. the proopcnx id iii< ftMiHtrudinj; \ I'aiin^ *'<». nir irrlatnly prorni-«ii i;. having ample capilal and l-ciny diicrlcd hy ^t nilcmcn "i well know n l>U'>int"ts <«tandin^. w ho Uaw ^howti ^rtat rni< i piiic and capacity in condiicliiij' the ailair^ ■ t ihc contpai \ The oMICt*t^ aic Aithur \S , < .miImii,, pit-idini: |ohn II ra\lor, vice (-rc-^idenl ; Arihui Xrd.i^h, \rihur j.eonai 1, I . \. Tennaiit, dire-.iois, mid lami^ I'earson, Mdjcilm. U. M. I.KAK for liKlitin^ a \utusv in t ornwall, Kr^., in \'n2, finpioyment has increa^-ed id an cxlraordinaiy extent and it now pia- ticilly univcisal, liut perhaps no invention ever met rtith such opp-.i-uion. The prevent generation mat Conyratulaie themselves that they live tn an enli|;htene(i a^e, when no oppovition is marie to uselul progress, but all udiine thnt will improve anil further it. I .a'terly electricity is p '«hin^ i's w.iy III the fioni as an itlumihattn^ power, and now it niit-ht h- said that ^;as and clcctricUv are the suns of nii;ht. li.isalirrsor electroliers are largely u-.ed and arc reipured n t\t-iy rr siilei cc. ( liicc or liuilntnc where ({as < elcctticit) is the l'Khlin}{ power. Messrs K. II. I^rar »;- to. nie lit ' o( ihe la'i;'-st importers of t-asahrrs and electro liers in To. into and making a specialty ol these goods, they keep a very 'arije and well assorted selecti m. Ihey have hcen nfteeii ) -ars in this Imsiness in Toronto, and have oc cupK-d their p 'mises on Kiclimond sheet west since iHKi. Their trade i-. hi ye and constantly ^rowin;; and its larne pro poriicins aie enti ely due to the e\ client <|uality and varied nature of iheir stcjck. russessini; a peifect know!ts and liastnicnl, each iLit measuring hfty Ity ninety feel, l.a'ge plate ijlass window s admit the light (»n the lower tlonrs where their show r\IIN|i>N 1 ll.l :"S TIVAIKI ) 47 m I "m a f^ ^': d Boots H «r C . B L. A C H F O R D . P'Nt5„o^3a3 jsapsf'' '^! ri }: %i^::M L^-tf; II. )« c. nuciii ■■Ki) -. INI \Hl.l^^llM^:^ [■ II. .\ I . Ill V III. ■HI', U'liiil 1 'c.ilfi^ ill :uiil .M.imi l.uliiiirs 111 l-hif lii.iii-. .Nllni's. Unt'Le-rs, t ic, s_;, .St. S' anil Sit Mfi^; -liuf! c.i>l ' Mil- I'f Ihi- U'>t krmwn l-ii^i lu ^' him^t^ in 'rnrinilu, in I. Id in llle I loininii'ri. i> ih.-.l n( ihi' .iliiivc linn. l-iali ii.lit'il .ivfi a 'iii.iili-r 'il a iiiliiiy ai;ii. liny ha\<;. I'V 'I' allcnliiin In ihc wants cnviililc )f|iiitatini) 111 I'l-iii^ slim' liousc 111' Cannila. riuir iiivril liirnisliiiii;- mil sf.ils, ailiniialily -iiiU'il In llii'ir liiisini.'s» anil In llu o.iii(.,ii ,if ihcii nisi.iniir.. I liey hav. Inur \irv liaml •iiun- shii« »in. I'eople par's .il the | Inminion. knowing that they can ijet eveiylliinjj h'lm thciii ihal i> new .mil, ht'siiles which the\ .lie sure "I genius; a In, as the Messis. Illacliloril iii.ike .1 specially of f"i ^;enls\ la'lie>\ misses' .iillef.iil iiiillhs anil hall sizes, .i lacl which is viiy much apprccialeil liy those who have very nairo'\ or wi«le feet. Messrs. II. .s ( '. Hlachfoni are Ihorough ^oin^J husiness met. of w iile evp'rieiicc anil .tliilily, who lia\ I , .It all limes, put forwaril e\ery elliirl low arils meeting the reipiirenu'iils ■ 'I llii'ir patrons .mil to l,.-cp their stock supplied with Ihe newest l'ooiIs at the ini'si leason.itil- prices possiKU-, I'.titiciilar attention is jiaiil to mail 'irilers. which tonn .1 veil laii^c item in the' '.iisiness. Mr. Illarhlor .liieiiil- to til's ili'pariniiiii "^' '.'■■rsorally, alltl every possilile caic is i.ike '-i.l'y what i- orilereil. \'ou neeil not he .it all .ilr.iiil \.'!i will not I'e suiieil. lust senil the si/e, wiilih, kiiul .iiui alioul whal price you wish tog.i to, anil V'Hi are sure lo he well iihaseil with \oui lairchas^. IlKkiiKKi i:itiii«\r. (11) Kinn-s' eel east, (heniisi ami I Iriiuiiisl. -The practice of pharmacy is an'l cerlaiuly oiiyhl lo lie one of ilie most respectc'l of all kiniis of liusiness. A lar{»e iron pestle .mil iii utar, half a ilo/en Inltles hearinL; siinilr\ inareellous hicio^;lyphics. a small crocoilile hung to lheceilin(;,a lew liuniltcsof herlis.oneor two pnnileroiis lilack leltcr volumes, with the aihliliun uf a i;riiiniiii, skull or Hvo 111 impress Ihe Ireniiilin^ paiieii', ami a " i;ift of ihe|;ali" on the parlof the owner of all these invslerie-. theilrilg store of Ihe past .age wascomplele. Il will lie prolilalile to lurii from thei'ontemplationof the |oriiieri);n'irance of science lo take a i;l laslef'.il. I il.iss cases ami cuplxianls contain pan of the select stock, which consiss of the tinesi ilriigs chemicals, perfnmeri, sponges ami loilel arliiles of evei v ilesi ripli. n. The ilis lirlising ileiurtnienl is ciiniluctcd umler Ihe personal super visi.m of Ihe proprielor anil only the piiiest drugs are used. Physicians and patients may with every coiili.leiice «eml t'leir prescriplion- to hedispenseil at Ihise'slalilishinelil. Mr, l.lliornc is Ihc sole proprielor and manuf.acliirer of the celc I'r.iliil remedies known as l lerin.m l.ininietit, uneipialled for sprains ; Neura Irr neuralgia ; Indian Ilerli Hitters and Hal- of I'amarac .-,nil Tolu. Tamarind Iriiit I'lraniels, an escellent laxative, is Mt. Klhorne's latest and most valu •il'le preparation. A stall of competent assistants is conslanlly employed. .Mlhough this eslalilishment has onlv hceii open hir the past three years, Mr. IMliorne, liv his energy and ihomugh business ipialilies. has liuilt up forhini- self a large and increasing trade. Ilis experience in the drug liiisiness extends over a numln'r of years. Iioih in l-.ngJand and at Montreal and roriuito, and he is '.horoughlx .jualilied, licing an associate of the I'harm.aceu. licai .Socicly of Creal llril.iiu. Ilis unvarving cmirlesy and polileness to all who have coi.,e in conLlcl with him have made himone of the nvist popular druggists in this ,•i|^. 4S 'I HK nOMTNK^N ! I.I.T TS'PK ATKH. l-;hl Ain.l^HMl' N I Ml TIIH 'KNhKoN M ANI lACI 1 KING i I'll!' t.lM>K-»\ M \M I \' t I KIS'. Co., 1,1.1., M.iiiut.n liirtT- »>t Hal'V < ■.uriaj;i.s, etc. -One- tif i)if laiiicsl marnit.u luring c-ri.-i-rn^ in (he |ioininiy \hv r.krs llint they can ^can-cly kerp up Miih till- iiniuen^e ciHtuin. and one hmultril anl"rfy«. ami lastiiunt, mcasiirini; nni; hiin-lred fet-t Ky tw-' hiniiircil k'l-l. The j^enL-ral rcpiip- tncnt of ihr «h'ile c^lahli^hment i-« pt-rfcct, and all llu* mai;hini'ry and tools in u>l' art> nf the mo>t moth-rn dcsirip- lion. The tirm al.-»o nccupy a^ a sa. *ro»iin one 1 ir^je three >*lnrcy Iiiithling, at iS; \"n^e>(ree1, where an .Itraclivc display of all ihc i;o»'(U that they make i-* vhnwn. Th. manu- factures of the lirni comprise, .h \m11 ,i-- I»al)y cai.iai^e-- of all kind-., \ el'ieipede^, doll calt-, bicycles, tricycles, e\pre*> wa^i^ons, \vheelliarr.n\ -., rocking; horsf-v, reed furni- ture, l»anil"io niKeiiies, tic, etc. Thi>- year the manufac- ture of hi^h ^rade safety hicycles ha^ l>ei-ri Kej;nn. and the comj any are already doinj; a lar^;e trade in this line. Th^-y ha\e a i*ft:a\ many patents ot their own construction, sm h .1- a detachaltle slci^ii runner, an all ^ear for waijyon-., .m improved tricycle for little ^iils, a canopy top >prinj; lail \va^;;on, three patents .m a ritliljei lire v\hefl, etc., etc., Uesi'tes a threat nnny patent:- on machinery, such ns are us«d in their nianulacturin^; estahlishnient. The men employed are all experienced .\nd skilful, and each ilepartment is under 'he maiia^;ement of competent foremen. The material U'-ed ii, all manufacture-. i> of the tlnest (piality, and every care is taken to make the jj.jod- of the company the he-'t on the market. To better supply the eastern trade, an oltice and salesr'tom hn^ been opened at Nos. rN .v I'HO \r)lre l)ame>ireet. Montreal, and the hou-e has < orrespt ndini; tirms at nian\ points in ( ar.ada anil the 1 nit -d Slates. The niticeis of the companv are Mr. P. * .< ndron, pre--iiient ; Mr. |. I-. \'o|;e!. viit- president ; Mr. *> II. I i.».Kr, Jn«l vice ).resident ; Mr. I.. \. I)n>seau, sei . (r\ and treasurer, and Mr. I. A. tienilron, superintendent. .\II these j^enileaien are well known Im^ine---: anteem and re-pect o| .ill w ith wh'un they have come in con tact in their busine--s rel.itioii>. Lar^^e hou-^t'- >uch as llie--e are auum^'il those which have helpei! to build up the wealth of (Canada, and the deu'lron Manuhicturinjj * o. I, id,, whose enterprise ha-' brou|;ht them such a larj^e business, certainly deserves the immense trade built up. IIknkv Smiim, Wholesale lancy ( ionds, etc., 3; Itay- strcet. — The proprietor ' ' this younc oricern. which only commenced oper.iti.riior paitner of the iirm of Snnlh .v lud^jer, which was en ga^ed in this same line of busine^ ,, Abovit the latter i.-nd of i8o>^ the members di>-oIved partnership, whereupon Mi. Ninr.h c«uii III".-, whirh liis busines' m.ijoriiy o| obtained m i-«es. .\huli and a heij^h experience, which sh .ind dc-patc i^ one "-irtii ■s as the sole jTuprielor o| a bu-.i bids fair ti) take all U-fore it. I Ic has located s est.dtlishrnenl at 5^ Ikiv sireel, amours', ihe the wholesale houses of Toronto, and has ihu- 't .udy a tine situatimi but alvt e\iensi\e pritn show a (lonlai^e of .(5 feel, a depth of (So feel of fum Hours and a Kaseminl. hrom previous Mr. ^mith has (uie«! his premise^ in a w.i> he h.e. greatly studied not only r-.nvenience ■h in all work, but li|L;lit aiu' ventilation Then- 'i the building ihe sample rooms whi.h is splendidly aiian^ed. and tilled with selections tioin tin ste of the laiL;'. and \aried sioek which is composed ol nil cla-.scs of fan.) j^oods, .liun^;isls' sumlries, woiulenware, etc. Twenty niri; tmd emi'h'ynient in the various niternal diuies 01 the esiah lislmuiit, while the external work is entrusied lo fr\e cm meroial Ira^ellers. who takr each their own disuicl, un; thuscour all parts of ihe country, from I lalifax l«) \ an aaivcr. It is hardly necessary to mention any fatl- with j reference to Mr. .^milh, who i^ so widely known, j;read\ ; res))ecled and esteemeil by all. WAKJCH'ifSK 01 IIi:NK\ SMI I H. Ttii- i)MNTiNi(>N ii.i.t T*s-rivAi'i-;n. 4«; MORRISONS bRA55 WORKS "• ? .M' 'KKIhMN'-- HKASh WuKK-^. I wti - \I' i^''N, lir.i-» rnuhilci anil M.iiHila.MurtT ^f I I 'i^itR-i-rs\ riiMiil'crN' ami ( i.!-^ tiller'^' iSiass ( hhkU, Sltstiii 1 1 . tii^C"" iinil l,iici>mnii\f Uras^ I illini<, cm-i^;)- ;uii! .iMlily, lia-t l»uiU u|> DiK- III ii> nm^t iiiipnruirit it)llll^lrlal (-.t■)l•lt<.tlrnt.'llt^. 111 thctt: ilay<« nt rapid ruiluay if ^, ii 111 I lie -..niiiary wnrk in C'lniifcli'tn with ilu con^irucli iii -il (i,nlilinj;s, iIr- y,\\\ pjaycl l>y ihi' I'rass Ikiiiii cr ^iwA - iiiorL- and MMrt- un|»tilaiii, and ihf |iri>diirls •I his t.iciury niort- and tiiiire cunipli\ and varird. ■^ 'lUf thirty vear.-. am" Mr. janifs M'Trivm t-si.ilf hvlio.l ihi' liiiiincs> winch Wa*^ his name, and wlucli has sU.idily devL-liipcd ui;(il it has ri<s in iis s|Hrial line thrt)Uj;hnui ('.iriada. The pmni^rs coniprist- .i >i'l'-iidnl Imililinv;, ; Jx lu^ tet't in dinnn-.i'ins, pat' nl it thii-i- .\.\'\ pan hmr -.lorcys hii;h. ll is hlii:«l with ,d' the latt-si inpr.ivcd niaihlniTy, .iperatcd hy arc lu-aicd liy -.itMni ihiiinj^hinit. I rnpliiynit-nt is i> for ISO ihi-n, and th" annual ontpiif <■! the i--ial' I li-.|irnt.'ni i-. iinincnsL'. Tti cnunuraif ihisi- prndiuis uoiiM |iiiif .1 ^;rcat am unit nl >paL'i- : liiii ihis is nrniivfssary, a-. I \lf. Mofison is-iuis annually a ni.i^;nihtiiii tMlal'n;iic that iiiy 1)1.' had •in applu-atinn. Siillice il h>r us in say that he I minuiaitiiri's every variety in brass wort, uf i-ni;incers', I I'll! nlK■r^■ and j^astiiiri:.' supplies, the latest improved san- I il.iry apnliani-es. and locoinnii^e nitin^s .if every descrip iitn. His i:aial.ij;ue is a rewlatinn tn ihnse who are mil ao|u.uiitcd with tlie vxleni h* which Canada is ahle to pm • luce « Ilk of this kind. Wiih ihe latesi desi^^ns and the !'• -; applia-ices, with spK-n-liii lacilitie-, ai.d skilled v\.itl I iii-'ii, Ml. Miitris ti.i.le evieii'ls ihrnu^hiMii the 1> Mniniun. In additiun in •irec iravellers ennsi.inllv «m the ma'l, the lumse iias |hr.uulHs in M.iiiht.d. \\ iiinipe^ and Vu t-ma. ihus heinj; I a Me (M supply teaddy evfry demand uj»tn iis lesmirce'. I W iuihe» we cunsider the aniDunl ur the tpiality of the wnrk, "I die nundier nf persons in whom einplnyment is furnished, i thi' indiiitry stands f^irth as id lIu- hi^hes"- value, nnl '[It '-. Tornnlo, hut !•> Canad.t at lar^e. Mr. Morrison is j lum.eK .1 th^'rou^hlv skilled practical mechanic, and there I Tire iii'ed m the h' si .■ lo properly oversee the opera nsot hi> e-iahiishment. A native •)f Momreal, lu' I his m.tde for himself a p!ac<' ar.d nriine amon^ the forenu'st I minnlaclurers of Canada. Me is a memher of ihe Hoard o| Ir.ilf. an inllueniial eiii/en and a gentleman whose in- I lo^riiy i^ as imi|uesiioned, a^ his energy ai'd ability are ap I luretii to all who ha\e had business rel.itinns with him il'irini; these many Veais. M. M MMON \ Cn., Wall I'aper Manufacturers, 4 and 'I Kui^;-sircel wesl. The ilecoralions of our homes occupy ">"ie;;«.-neralaltenlioi, ai the pr< sent lime than perhaps at any I I'L-rh-.l in the history of linulishspeakin^ peoples. The M'tei lot artistic lasie and the l'i\e •)f ihe he.uiliful, leads ihe j'liliiH h) more care in the embellishment ot the interior ol '"'ildiiins, a fact which c.>nn'>l be h) ) nun h appreiiaied. It ■'h^mid be remendiered at the same time that to ihose who>.e occupation il is lo manutacturc Ihesi dec^naiive addition-^ lo the beauty ol our homes, is due a l.iijje share of the credit t'lr the disiinination •if the ele^;anl ilesi^ns w hich are now s.. uni\^ rsally met wiih. Messrs. M. si. unit on A ( •>. 's beaut ifid w.dl paper adorn^ a \asi nunditr of residences in C.uiada, ami iheir enterprise in proeurint; ihe 'ervices nl skilful artists I.. desi^:n the various patterns must be acknov\ led^ed liy all t" be ,1 i.i.nn to the publie. Their manufactures are kimwn ihrounhout the li.>minion, and their popukuity is allesied b> iheir eii'iinious irade. Thi^ establishment w .s opened in 1S51., and has a very lar^-e and coii'.ianlly increasing; eonneciion. Thei^howronmson Kinj; street west, occupy a three storey buildini*, ^-i^h llai bein^; jomhi feel. The stock ol wall papers, hanj;in^;s, boi'lers, etc. , is very lari;e, and e.iinprise>. beside ih< ir ..wn manufnc.ure. snme ol the hnesi impi>ru^l ^o..ds. 1 iietiiurs|..rv mi \ ..n^^e sireel ennMstsofalwo-and-r-hairsit)rey buiblini; ''^'''' ^'"^ '''^ express pur|H>se of wall paper in.inufacture, beir^ V'\i<>i) leet in dimen-ion-- 'lids I^ the largest place ol iis kind in 1 anada and well worlhy of a visit, bein^ decide.lly one o| ihe siies o( the city. A lar^e slaM ol hands are conslanlly i "uployed at the kiny-slreet slore ami a very lar^e si.itl is needed at the factory. The goods manufactured are celebralcd lor their 'pialiiy am' the pei maiiency nf eolnrinj;. Messrs. M. Maunlon .\ Co. may be said t'l be ime ot tho>e linns who, by the maenitude oi their op -rations and the lent;lh of lime they have » ■mducicd Ihem so successfully, have larRely aided in brin^jin^: Torimto to its present posiii.m a- the prineipal cily of tlie Dominion. The iinilorm siraij;hllnrwarii and hnnnur.ible denlinys nf ihe linn and 'heir pmnipi fulhlineiil of all en^;a^;enients have w 111 II. r lh-.-in .1 liiuh and histini; reputaiion. t:S^|i""""f^S!y^^ ^^[ '"^-.^ .-Atf^^j IMIMINKIN WAI.I. I'AITK M A Nl' ]■' ACTi IRV. 50 IHTC Dominion Ti.T-irsTWATrr^ ,MK. I K \Mx !-. 1 Al.i.AKT 1 -'TAKI.ISIIMHNT I'l I k\N'K -^ TAtU. AkT.-tH«ti I ior.) l-KANK S. Tai.'.ari c-^ Ct', Ititixinei-. ami l>ealcr» in (iold and Silvt-r \Va»che=, lewflk-f), I'laied wair, Dianuinils, (iiin>. Ilicvclcs iind Sp'Ttin^j (lomU <.f ail tifscripiiiins. Ilcail|')artti> : S«( Kin^j ^l^rt'I west. Stalilily, cn'ert risL' anil prt>j>ii-N arc c^^u.lCU■ri■.ln.■■■ of iht- ImMrcss ctrrieti en l)y Me-srs, Krank S. 'rautiatl J-' to., who .ire already piDnnneiit n ihr fi 'iit rank uf the Healcr> III, and im'orit*r> of, icwcUery, j)laled w.ur, diamonds, Hiin>. Iiicycles and spitrting girds of all d*>criplii.ns in Canada 'I'l is hrm ln> ilic honi'iir i-f standnii; among thi- favoured lew who have >i»run^ mtti public favour from the very uioment they opened their donrs for liu^^in^ss. ami the reason of this will be I«st seen in this lirief -ktich of is rapid rise. The important factor in any yrc-at iiiti;ulion is always its heai, and in this basint-is Mr. Krank S. Tag- gart, the senior -.neiiibtT ami foundci, stands pre eniireni. possessing marked and superior executive alidity, ripened by nearly a piarter of a ccn'ury of actual liusiress life, l>e sides having been jje^cral nmna^er of The ("has. Siaik Co., o( thi« ci'y, previous to embarking- for himself in September. l8y'. This lirm, heinc composed ome catalogue of its kind ever published in the Doniin'tm " This catalogue isdescrv ing of special mention from the fact that it tells to the world thai, in Canada, we have business men Iwnt upon beipj; n advance of t* c timrs, .ind who are progressive to such a degree as todef> com{>etition. In "this album and buyer's guide" of watches, clocks, dianionds, ^.,ld and silver lewellery, art goods, ^;un5, revolver*, sportsmen's reijuisites, bicycles, etc., arc cuts representing ever) branch f their farsightednes", liberality, patriotism, and (he belief in the grand old maxim, " live and let live," of the publisher^. To describe, in detail, the premi-ies would be impossible in this work, out some idea of its im- mensity may be f<»rfred from the following : The premises are eligibly Icca'ed, at a most ilesirable point, on one of the lea img streets of the city, and comprise a s dendid four storey brick budding, 75x125 feet 'n dimens'cins. afTirding ample accommodation for the display and sorage of gcodF, as well as for thi rapid pro ecution of trade. The fpiip- ments and conveniences are thoroughly new and modt rn, and (he s'.ocU is tastefully ciisposed throughout, the r ;ua- loj;;:ie ishowing exactly the arrangement of the store, so that p>iaes living at a dislanc; are enabled tu buy to as goihl advantage a-, if present at tli- counters. However, to see IS to fully appreciate, and a visit to the place of bu^i nrss of Messrs, laggart v ' Ct). i* worth a tourney of m my miles. We wi*h to impress upon our reader^ that thi" tirm, in Inndling fuch .» ma-eof merchandise, are pracii* il im poi'ers and rxpo'-ier--, and Liny all line-, illustrated or .pioied in tde calaloguc, and iheii bisin ,- is to sell alt gootls .it whnlesilc pii;es, or less in any .[uantities, .ind this is t' c only » ^elusive house i>\ tl v kind in ( anada. The turn is well e->*ablished, has it-i name .ilieady made, and if energy and enteciprise, in it^ tme fo-in, k worthy of ad miration, we might say, with the poet liun ate, thi* house "IS broad-based on the jwtiple's will.'' All stick is guaranteed to be just as represcnte(', and the bu iness is cim'iicni 'fi the w id- awake principal of always IrMii; prepared to ^^cure the liest and ;it the right moment. Vtt- I sonilly, Mr I rank >.. Taggart is .1 y.iing m^n, wh'< needs 110 inliodiKMion to lh(_ coniin''iciaI world of Toronto and ofihi^ province, havini^ l>een the arbitrator of his fortune, iiitnaL^ir;;, as abovt- staled, a la^^e bu^ine^s of a simdar kind tor inai y y^ars. Success t -the tirm ol which he ii th« | ■^enioi meml>ei is a'-sured, for he not only has the con tilenceof busin^si men, but is widely popular with hit] fellovN cili/eiis. Wii.i.iAM TtUiKi KKi.h, MamHactureis' Agent, 6 Welling ton street eait Thro iglmut the civili eil W(trld trade i» tushed to a remarkable ejrtent, and every facility row pi _ t tken to place goods u ilispalch. Among the on the market with the gi^ate&l means adopted in the inter-'st' nf I 1 '^l Mil.iMI.Ml NT Ml i KANK S. TA'AiAK 1 Sl CO.-lIliUrlt.r. ) THK UOMINION lUUU»rKATB;£>. krAilc genv ally, ^'id now txiifniively carrltil on. ift iht Iwilnrik i>f initniiractiiier»' Af(ent. I'n thi« rli^ii Mr. Wil PUm Threlkrlil l>clHii|{>i, having chUMiiIm il his iMndnrti ome yt^T%. tiAvtnit |irevi.iy Imd an ntienilnl m «rlence in Uncy |{ni)ilii, ... I having a ui commence i >%\ne%» on n very favuiirtlile loutir^. I'or the |iiir|)<> '<«(• I'lhn locA'inn is "nc well suite*! I'> hin renuiiemenH, beinn jin (he niultt ^r (he whuU'iiilr |>(trti"n of the city. Mr. rrji'ellselii reprewntH the followjiK New \ orlt hmiH, ami in ■Iht'ii reaiieclive linen the leailin^ hoiiieh in the trade : |Mr»ri. 1"' IMumenthnI *y Co., iniporter* .ind maniihn: lliirert "f n^rtal, |fAri and cmchct hullont. ; Mr. John 1llenr> V o^t. ninnurnclun-t i>f inillinriy and fuincrs' (rim- jmini^N. hrduU, cords ^eal and neahtle Iou)ih, etc. ; 'I'hc I l.ane Mariifat-turiiiB Co., nielat novcliiet, etc.; Sanderi I Maruifacturini; Co,, Iwlln, ha^n, etc, ; nl >*, Me w^s. ( Jniis (Mil Uro*. vb^ iNdlock, of *!.tiurtO, l)racett, HmallwAreit, letc. ; Mr. A. McTavinH vValt, nf K'onirenI ; The Inland ■ .Spinning Co.. Ltd.. *n*)e an.! linm t'lrrAiU ; Messrn, Kohl, jllmderunn ^j-" C >., of Montreal, hosiery, ^jOves, under- I wear, endirnii'erien, ihawls, etc. At al linirs a lar^e Itarcc of san-pIes i carried to meet the reijuirementt of hii liapi.ily H"- "Wtr^; ir. tic, which covers the entire Pominiin. I I .11 complrtcnesi i every detail it cannot he beaten, for liht* vaiioiiH tirnii ft ire-ienied together supply ^tm with Irvcty variety of jjond*. An eupcrl in these lir.ri., I Mr. Ttirelkelu is ex'reinely careful in carrying oidy ^Se choicest ^uod'«, n fact which hnn aided hini (o a lui^h drifce in n.iinini; the conlnlence of the trade. Never-.l employees jare erk;.i^;e(l. amon^; them hemj; a commerciril travellrr of leK|iericnce, who attends to the nut!i tie hu.tine^* of the 1 li'iuse The proprietor make« every ' (tort to ^ive hi« cit t lliinirrv^ full t^atO'faclion, l>y KUpplyir^ lliem wi'h the linest l^jMods at the lowest p()S.dble ,.iicc^. Tte rapidity with jrthich hu business has thrown «peal;s very fivoiirabjy i f I lii> ninnatjernent, nntl ithowti that in all pit>)iabilitv rri jr^iaMishment will become oni n| the leadiri).; in thin line in ICamida. l-.uTABUIbliMKNr Ul- A. A Al.l.AN ^i (. U. A. A. Ai I AN (S-' C«> , Wholesale Hats, I urs, etc.. ;,! IHay-biteet. - Ihe bu<^ine£S of this lirm was commenced in 11^77. Uurin^ the iifteen years which have passed since Hiat daif a constant increase of the sales his liken pUce, liintil ai the present time the tirm stands procninenlly ■iniijn^; the leadinjj mercanlrle houses of Canada. An txlensi.e builiinj;, 51 llay street, is occupied, tieir^; fcven Isiorey, in height, containing; eiijht (I )ors. each ^5 x 1 iS in ;. Mefsrs. A. A. Allan v- i o. are importers, m.uiu I'actureis and wholesale dealers in h'ts, caps, fms. rob^s, tlovcs, etc. The basement is the packing ^^*^ shippii't; "loni, the first floor Iwinjj filled witli ?n enormous (juanlity ■f soft iiats in the most fashionable slylt". the produclions |i'f t'-uroiieand America, as well as tif i'anadmn manufacture. Hard I. at- in wool and fur, toijetf-er wiih .aps ai.d j^loves 'ccupy 'he second ami third flats, ^traw goods the lourih, |fnd fu,-- the fifth. On ihe sixth dai the extensive pquirenients for the manufacture of furs arc kept, dressed land raw skins in large quantities, dyed skins from Kussii, Rffftl iiliin« from London, etc. The facti ry lake* up ihe neventh Hif, -hlocklnn lieinj; done on the top vx etghth floor. In thr \\>>tl of the \ariou4 dei>nrlnient)t, about one hunrlied employeeii are eni^a^nl, a lar|{e number beintt skilled o(nminion, and the use nf iu^h das. siaMoiiery is a conipaiiion ronsi-oi,inion, M is instructive and interesting to no (' the .advances that have bern made in each of there ,iri-'tntalivc induxliius and to ascertain i'\a bifii acroniplished by enerj^y, enterprise and Inli't^iilv. In looking over the llehl It is loniparaiively e.isy to see thai lIu- stationery, priming; and book piiliiishini; trade has t\rrci»pd an important inlluence upon our ^ prr^-ess. The old establi-'hed house rif Messrs. W.irwirls ,\ Sons, ,if Torontti. is thoroiijjhly representalive of the tad that iiier^y and abdity will win iheir way and it stand- in the forelroni of • >«, ("nnadian trade to 'ay. The late Mr. Win. Warwick vvi- ilie founder f '' e tunise, and wa- bom in Montreal in jS;;. In iSpt '.e be^.m in a small «ay the \unA-. and stall' nery business in Woodstock, l Intario. I- roni this nuclcas sj)ranj; the present e\ten-.ive t'slablish- cut whieh .idor'.-. Front street, Ttinmlo. After a few years uf assitl 110U-. attention lo the business in Woodstock it yrtw wiili ^MMt rapitlity, and h- deltrniined lo remove to the "hub" i.t the ]>ro\inre and roniine himself f«i the wholesale trade exclusively. The business in Tt>ronio dales i' inreplion Irom iSoo, and alter that lime it soon rose 10 tl.e distin^;- ui>hed position in the trade it has t\fr since maint.iined. In iSSo Mr. Wm. Warwick died suddenly, and Ins ^on and pailner, Mr. Cuy 1 . Warwick, then assumed control ol the liusines*, and proved him elf fully etpial lo the j^reat Must which was thus une\pectrt;e K. Warwick was admitted a part- ner, .lh the lirm name was changed to Warwick \ Sons. Attain, in i>'S7, Mr. A. V. Kutter, who had been connecle. with llie til 'I for 15 years was t.iken into partnership, tht firm ni* ne reinainint; thr xamr. Mill anoilu-r nddiiimi wan made in iHSo, when Mr. Chai. K. Warwick was admitted. Ifii-se lour parlmrs now cnnstilule Ihe him. making one on Ibis (uiMinenl. The member* of ihi him have^rown up in the bu^iries-, and tlnlr special 11.1111111^; has m.ide thtni ex- perls, ciunmandinj; an experieiue ami brratllh o| know- led^'e which theory and practice combined ahne con Hive. I hey I'icupy premixiH recently eiecleil on t^ ■ iii'Wrst drs'.'!* s|.eiinliy adaplfl lo ihe ' usiness. This line new building, desi^ni-d in the Uomaiicsipie s<)le ol charai'lir, and ailinirably localtd on }■ font j-irert west, in the very btarl ol the uiy, in four and a hall\h lii^h, and {ixioi feel in dimensions an>o|, and a" a still further precaution the front and rear poriiMh)* have each been tnlirily isolaltd. Ihe frtml laiiidiiin, both interior and evteiior, i-* solid, subslaiiiial and bt-auliliil. and speaks tlo'|Uenily ol the enterprise of the hrin. It in nlili/ed for the whcdesah- si.itiontry, honk departmeni and odicrs, running back one hundred frti 11 deplb to an open .irra tWeUe led wide belWeell the bi'ildiii|;s, III Knjn^ ihioti^h (he .several tai^e tloors in ihiH I'liddiii^ one is struck with the idea of 'he amount <..<■ nesH that reipiireit such a lar^e stnek of \\riiiii|; and print- mi' paper «>! i\ery deseription, en\elopes ol \aiious ^i/es and shape-., and all Ihe iniscellaneoU!* ^-ouds that yo In iii,.ke U|> ,1 well eipiipped wlxdesale sl.iliorieiy house. riiese are arranged with methodical care, and the general apptarance ot iieaineis and ileanliness is \ ly pleasing, ^lost of ,he paper sold by W at Mick .\ "siins is 1 lanufaclured 'pecialiy lor them, and bears Uu* trade watei- narks or ilis- tiiiclive names ciwneil or conlnlled by the lirn. which have stood the lest of years and are known wherever the materials are ii->ed ihrou^hoiit the l>oniinion. immediately III ih ' * - IS Ihe manulaclurin^ department, ihich includes ifie pi.itiin^ oltice and bindeiy. 'I he area between llie two buildings is covered with an iion tool hlletl in with thick ) hue ulass at ihc level of thi- ground Htior. .timI iher- are 'roll lifid^^es coniiecliiij; the upper sinrics of the Imnt and tear buildin^;s. The inaniifnclurinj; department is equipped with all the latest and most modern impinvements in the \ aiioiis deparlments ol pilniin^, bot)k binding, blank bonk niaiiulaciurin^. etc. The \m^\ hum of labour in this build- ing indicates active operations in the several dt [>arimenls, thiou^h vihich a tour t»f obseivaiicm is nmsi pleasiny and instructive. We see here the blank papei brought in Irom tfie stationery department, and having; been put tfirough the various operatioi., of |irinlin^;, folding; ami Itindip^i, Is sent l-ack li> the book deparlmeiu in tlie shape o| lieaulilidly liiiished books, tverytliin^; in the process bein^ done under llie -aiiie roof. 1 ew hou^es in llie Uominion can I o.i>i of capabilities of this important nature. The order, K'^ularilv , cleanliness, li^jhtin^, ventilation and pertecl re^^ard lor the c.indorl and w*. llaie of the emplovees are distint live charac- leristics of the manufacltirin^ ile|)artmenl. In the bascnit nt are the printing presses, stune of which are of the newest kind, cajiable nf doin^ the tinesi cut vvtirk ; next is the Mrsl floor VI here are the composing mimi and oflices : on the Second floor is the bindery proper, where ihu jirincipal staj^es of bookbimlin^ are carried on; on the ihiid floe- the folding, sewing; and other ope; ilions are ptrfornud, ar .1 on the fourth aie a number of rubn^ machines : al^o sio k r<»on) and store rooms where a coioplele slocL of materi ds i> kept. In bookbinding Messrs. Warwick \ .sons may be said lo be the pioneers here, and 'tavin^: added a piin ing ollice Idled uji regardless of cosi, tl.i.'y now make a of line edition Work. They do all th .'p.-ntin^and bi'"b il: lor the » intario ( iovernnunt, and the jener..! 'r'-.,ie in I' is line coniimies to increase from year to ear. Hooks, m -ua/ines and papers are bound lastefull)' an 1 artistically i*" all man- ner of styles, and satisfaction is (•lurantced. It vvmild be impos.sible in this brief sketch to enumerate in detail the very larije s'ock of siationery carii«.o, lpu. •: sutlices to say that ii is full and complete, and is tastrfully and systi malic- ally dispusetl thioughoul the resptctive san.ple and wares rounis in a manner thai affords ease of inspei.>!cui lo palron- ail'", adds beauiy lo ihe premises. There is h» huriy, no mislakc, im ma/e of merchandise but cveryti "ng has iis place anranches of ilieir business personal y; the\ never put olt lii to niorrow what lh( y crin do today, anil are ihe architects uf their own fortune, stability, prl'gIe^s, and entei prise characteil/e the establishment on every hand, and Iheir future prospects are of that peculiar brightness that these iiualities alone reflect. 5- TTHK liOMINION ILI.I.IJSTKATKI-). jf^"'*!*?*''--*^ WIvM I'KN Ansl KANi I-. LO. » Bfll.lllMi Tf IK 1 )( >\iiNi()N Ik 1. 1 TsTHA'iM-:r) ^,\ Bla*. I W hALiltkV '"I LUKlSlll HKOWN X to. lni \\ I>IKK\ Asm k\\. I. (".'\if\N\, cornfi nf Wtl- Ili'iL^mn iinil Scnlt-slrect-^ ; Mr. I. I. Kt-nny, mannj;in^ dir- I'li'.r. Ihi- worlil lii.-i crt'tlit hy iiu.ti.^ nf u\ll |>laceil insur aiuv ; thi' vcssfl-ownt't iiiui llif ^kipjier alike protrct ilu-ir \^.■nt^ire^ I'y c.illinj; in (he aid n( insurance cipital : tlie iinnufaciurer linuliles hi-. prDiliicin^ c.i|tn(Mly liy cimliilinj^ I'i 'ii'-iirance. and tlie Iru^.il luiMer <'i a }innie in need of Ml no lU'incv ^f'-^ i' thnuii^h llie reci!raticc pniicy. One -if the ninst extensive, reiiahle and i'i')4resstve insurance cnriinralinns nn the cunliniiit i-i ihe \\ o^iern A-^siirance ( 'onipany, w hose headi[iiarurs are I iCiUfil al loritnlit, and wliose Dperalions since iu tounda lion in iS^r have lieen chararleri/ed hy slal>ility, < iirrj^y and |'r«isperiiy. I lie company ua^ incorporated liy clniier on the ahove date, ^rantin^ it perniis>iiin to cMiy I Hi liuiiiie>s in tire, marine and life assurance. I he I. Mupniy has not so far etiqa^ed iti lile lmslne>s. I'he lir'-l pre-idt'n: wasIsaicC fidinonr: and for several years sub -i-ijuent to ihe dale of incorporation ihe position of sec- lelaiy was held hy Mr. Uoheii Stanton. Ihe tir^t annual i"-pi'Ll of the company show-, a total premiiun income ■•"' oot).(Ki lieiny for lire insurance ; that a'ler pro- V ithnj; hir all losses incurred during the year there >\.is .1 prolil halaiice of $155,125. lu on this account, thus nvallinj;, holh in extent of nii^iness and financial siuiii;ih, in uu of the foreign companies which transact luisincss in 'III- C'lmtry. Ihe " \Ve--iern" Ins now agencies in all the pdiicipal towns and cities of (.'anada am! the I'niied 'ssati-s The WcMern Assurance Omipany's Imildinj^ i^ one iif the finest in the I>orninioii. It is adniirahly I 'cacd, f.uinj^ \VelIinj;lon-st rect on the corner of Scott sliomingo mahogany, ami ih^ iliandcher and frill on the edge of ihe counter are in p"li:iheil brass. This .s|)It'ndid structure was ereclcti at a of $5o,("H->o The present managing director, Mr. I. I K'-miy. succeeded Mr. Koberi Stanli-n and .Mr. Iternard Il.Milon lome years agi', and is sell' por.sessed, ipiick, ralcu II;; .;nd clever, having ofhciaied with the highe-i creried buiMing, which has a Irontage of 1 ^2 leet and a depth of i^> feet and a heighl ol ihree storeys, occupied and owned by this company. .\n addition on \ 1^2 feet and live si.ireys in heighl is now in process of ricction and in this part of the works will be placed an l.nglish chain o\en ol the most approved pattern. I".'piip|)ed diroughout wiih the best luMuit machinery ii stands forth as the hnest establi>hment of it> kind in Canada. Some idea of the anuiunt of w.trk carried on may be nnied from il'c lad that the o\ens, which are of the inos'. approve>l type. ha\e a capacity of 175 barrels iA' flour pi ■ day int ) soda bi>'-iiits. and in the varioiisdulies of the business 2ix> ex- perienced hands hnd conslani employment. The output includes every Kind of biscuits on ihe market, several being those in which Messrs. Chrisiie, lirown \ Co. have gainul a high reputation. The business is carried ..n upon strictly wholesale line-i. tlie go tds being placed upmi the market t'irect to the reiailei. In Montreal this hoiiM- has its own ..gency. In the year iSuS .Mr. .\lex. l>r a man ot prat lical experieiut in his line, and an example of untiring indiisiry, energy and perseverance. He emigrated hom Scotland neaiiy 4 J years agr) and settling in foroiilo cun nienced a busine-s liom winch has risen his present esteii sive establishmen*. lie is an esieemed member o| tlu- Toronto lio.ird ol Trade. C\l I'tJ .'t 1, l;i!Kf'\ \ Sii s. 1 , Wholesale Dry i looils, .p> and 4S Itiy street. The wholesale dry goods trade ol Toronto is represented by several large concerns, whose names are well known from one end of Canada tothe other. ( )ne among these is that o( ( aldecott, lUirtun vV ."sjience, which came into operaliverlool-e extensive premises, ihey vvere eipiipjied with all the necessrry re.piireinents f^ir working a wholesale trade to peiftctitui. In reality two >[ores ha\e been leased and thrown into one, but this does not give loo much room, every possible space being taken up In \arinus descriptions of Dry goods of all kinds and in the latest fashions are comprised in the hrm's stock, which IS not hosiery .nl) larj;e lull very complete. Dress >iik-, saliii-i, imntk* vt')ihs anrf K"i,(is, general hr'lAUMSllMI.N r Ol-' CAI.UECur ]■ Ill KTON .% lialieniashery are some of tlie principal lines in which thev ileal, one and all beinu composed partly of domestic and partly of foreign maniif.icliired goods, and in consequenc 'i'iiv l'OMINI«>N iKI.USsXRATBtJ. i ^^AUI.I^UM! M Ol- W. I. OAi.l \ C» 1 UK '.Ml.lM N SIIIK I" I- AC li'KS Messrs. (.'.lUifOitt, fUirton \ Sjunrc an-'i.-impnrttM- tr<>m (Ircat Hrrain. ihe ('oiiunciu >>* l-.vir"pc .inti iht- I niicil State-;. They are .iceiit- l.-r ihc I tuinii i-n li-r 'he " Soniu-itc (..'orsels.'' nianiil.i»:tiiierMiher>. » Im li.ut- factories iit (ictmanv, I raiue ami tin- I mini Males; l.n .^[■innin^ ( o, . I't IIhIimh, I iij^., ll^.lmll'.lclhlel^ i-l -twini; cii tcnsanan«l shipuunts. Kvery ineinlK-r of the tiiiii is an al>'e met chant ainl piomintni anion^; the lai-iness men of Turonlo. They are S. i ahlecult, r. II. livirton, ami K. W. Sjience, all iiein^ members ol the Koaid ol Trade -Mr. CalileCi'lt is ••*"irman and a nienihi-r of the eveculive boanl of the dry ^jonds sfclion of this ass.iciatiiin, and is foremost amoni; the pro^ris- sive nieti of the city. I'ach parlncr i- activuly eIl^;^^ild in the control of ihe business, though the house inan.i^t i i- Mr. K. \V. Spenre, while Mr. Murlon tills the position of buyer. AH are experienced in the dry L^oods line, with which they have been C">nnected from Vonih. I'ruminenl as citi/eiis thi-y are at all times interested in the wdfaic and pro^ri -^ of the citv nf Toronto. W. I i.\(;K»yC'", Ktljcali'inal I'ublishers, 5.^ I ront- street west l"here is not a ■'Cho il boy or ^,'iri who attends a public school m any province m the Dominion ff Canada who d es not know s mie <)f the prt^luctions f)f Me-isrs. * ta^je w-' Co., of Toronto. Kdiiciii iial publicali. ns ftirm ore special and distinct feature' f the publi-hitij; trade, and can only b? properU c nducted by htms wh > devote very !»t'ecial at eiition t:hed in llibd, Messrs ( ia>;e *>* Co have shown i heir special abil'ly for yn ducinj; h cks prescrdwH for the o )s <'\.inun8ti Ts, and lhe:r c»dfbr,ited r»-aln.j; biok-. bofilis cm jnith»n-tic, algebra, vvritifR ard 'Irawmy are I ' c bes' in (he country. This may l>s readily seen fmni the fact ihat their publications hive h;en accepted an*! authorized for use in every 1 rov n'"e in < ana'la Messrs. ( ia^e 1^ < n. have the ni i>t cimplete st ick I'f misccltane<)Us bo'^>ks tn the I- Tiii.ion, and ate larjje mamdacturer-^ of enveloic^ and s'alioners' supplies, rh"ir p'emises fo"sis- nf a live- story brit k b ildi''^', nf^d are 55x120 feet in dimensons. Here ate fnij I -ytd over one hundred and tifty persons in the various drpartmerts, and 12 travfljers are eti^aiid throu|;hnul (he yr ar atterdir^' to the business of the htm, which extends from Vic'oria t > Hal fax Mr. W. |. i '.treci. - -Uusiness, .iiid business made a success ot, are greatly dillerent : many there are that go into it, but feu make a -ucirs- ot it, because in thi- lolh century men j;o into bu-ines-, reipiiie not only the "Alniiiihly ilollar," but with it iudj;meril and keen business taci and abilily. accompanied by rij;ht principil, which is the only loundation of •.ueces>fiil Inisine--. Mr. Cooper'-, establishment date> its inception to the year 1S74 ; piexioiis tothat he >erved a term ol li\e year> in p.ulnershi|i with hi-, brother on \ on^T,e>[reet, under thi- nauH of J. a j. t o..iur ; at the exiuialion, Mr. K. Cooper took a stand on 'Jueen street west, near to his pTeM-nt place ot business, where he remained li\e years, thenci- moving under the < 'rcident Hall, remaining; seven veaj>. from iheie lo hi- present place of business live ycar-- since. making a total of sexenteen years. Mi. Cooper w.tsime of the hr-t to open .m e\clusive gents' fiiinishing business on the street; the premises are eligibly iooaletl and tastily htted up, the arrangement and ilesign pl.mned by .Mr. ( ooper hiniM-lf, being at once neat ami attractive and giving the store that systematic ami cheeiful ap)iearaine, so pleasant alike lo Uith customer and visitor. -\ ^w special lie- in connection with this establishment; Neckwear, collars, cults and line shirts to order, a laidiless lit guaianleed ; m neckwear one of ihe mt»>I handsome stock i that can be seen, curving U-lwei-n f«iut an»! live hundred do/en on exhibition, niosily of KngUsh importation ; collars and cutis the same. " .Shins to nider." \Ir. C«> ipei claims, ha^ been the backbone lo his busine,-;. owing to the in created tracle gained by th-- unch.ingmg satisfaction given to all. thders are re* -ived froni all parts of the Hominion and executed \»ith ciieful a lenlion, .\!r. Co .per being a prarliral shirt cutler himsell. thus knowing when a thi"g I' "lone right. Anothei item whi:h 1- worthy >,( ictue , Mr. Cooper is an imp utei h im ihe Kng idi. American. I iinch and 1 .em. .111 markets, ihi.-einbbng him lo .airy a ela^- of go mU i,..i to be had in ivery liou>e. I >oin^ ,i tirsi c .1-.S irade, it is nece->aiy to import Irom the variou- foreign mafkets. A few pointers can be aitribuUd In Mr, ( '.Htper s siicces*. his systeni and neatness ol keeping sloik; as sifin as one enters the store it is in.iiccable. atnl ilrau-. atlention at oncf to (he la-le (lispj.iyed, tin gouds l-eing mostly shoun under glats e.ise*. thus keeping them tree from all du-*l, and giving them alw ays a 'resh appear anci". Mr. Cooper i> of Kiigbsh birth, ami has been a tesi detit ..ITfiroiilo 22 years; he is a prai-iical hunnesx man and ,Tas ^larled by Mr. t . K, C"o.iper, w!io, while being the only proprietor, takes up the nclive work of management, in w hijh he has been very siicces-.ful. The IVironlo St! Works are manii<"actuiers of and dealers in all kinds o( *.ai for lable and ilaiiv" u>v, meat curing, b.irn I land .mil loil salt. I hey are agents for the Canaiia Salt Association, which has it- headipi, triers at ( Union, < hit. . and c.inirnl> .dl the large salt blocks in this province. At 128 .-Vihlai.le street ei>t i> licaie.l Hie well kno-Aii establishmeni of ihc joroni.' S.d' Works, comprising a building four storeys in li"ighl and in \ So leet in .bmerisions, of which the base- ment, or cellar. i-» used for storage, having a capacity of 501^ ton-, the tirsi lloor being di\idntario, enormi>us ipianlilies iK'ing >hippt d n the lourseof ihe v ear. A new process, known as itie " .\cme," has lately been inlioduced by these work-s, by which« n grade of salt is turned ' manu'acturer of high grade -all for lable and dairy use in the country. He is widely known a., '. highly respected in tm»ineiii circles ihroughmtt Canada. — i I'lIK noMINIdX I I.I.I Sl-K-A'Pl-.l I. S5 ....y K. -1,1, 111. .,l, li-ll.i, IK ^llJiitlllU luU-III. /^ a' t' % ^V(,,,| r>lK- yiiir nl.l ClKiry Sftdlitin-, •>•/ Vjr*'s l-ROM rill I'AMill N IlUnUN IIKC )T11 HKS t'o. Kll< C. 11 11 ■.I Vll.l.l MHSI.KIIS, r.KI Ml.Y Kl 111 CI 11. OUR NUHSHRY INDUSTRY. I A Review of an Interesting Business Enormous Annual Shipments Trees Sent to all Parts of the Country — What a Famous Toronto Firm IS Doing. Tlieie is no intlustrial calling that has .iiMed sh m'lch I to the plca-^ure, ctimfott antl happiness of mankinil as the I prixiucinu and disseminating; of fruit and ornamental trees ; I m»r IS there a business less appreciated by the millions who aie heiiehlted by it. What were our himies without the rsirvmen f He has b^en the means of cimtnbuiini; our I fruit g.\idens ; he has reared the trees for i)ur orchauis and It has Iwen ihroujjh bis labor that our shade and iirnaaierital trees and shru'u in iheir intinilc variety nave l-een cultivated and impro'.ci The nursery has been the vitil and pritne mover in the pi eduction of the orchard, the vineyard, the paik and the liomt "rouniU. It is there- (ne only natural to presume that in -^ur special Toronto I numlwr, our readers wiiuld like a h. ief sketch of an imlustry (hat not enhance the value of property. Ihe nur.-ery industry is of threat importance, siiu'e every j real estate owner is alive to the necessity of having Ims grounds ami gardens well tilled with trees, tl )wers and Jmall fruit. There is no mure gratifying sight than to walk thrnugli a carefully kept garden, filled with tl >wers givm^ forth their delicate odors, and trees bearing in cluMers their luscious fruit. It is a true, though old, raying that a man can be known Ity the manner in which he keeps his grounds. Tree" and Ibtwers w^re < lod's gift I to nil'- and he that neglects them is refusing a pricelc-s Ifift, hiHi showing a nature destitute of those liner •ensihdities that di>tintfui>h him from the animil k-ngdoni. Kvery one has a feeling of veneration for these beau'iful things, itiat brighten and enrich the dreariest, as well as the most luxurious, place. They are admireil in cottage and palace alike— in the sick chamber ?id at the ban<(uet. This feeling is 1> )rn in us, descendinj" rom our remote ancestors, for we are told in the old heathen mythology that the anc enis had a 'Miiddcss of I lowers." called " 1- lora." This innate feeling should, be utilised in teach- ing our children, while young, the importance of pcpetu ating the ornamental ami fruit trees ih-it give us such delightful shade in our parks and on our streets, and hucli excellent, healthful fruit for oar tables in the hot days of luly an 1 August and throughout the year. The city property owner is interested in trees and phnts because they enhance the value of his land, by making it attractive and siKib'e. I'he farmer abiolu'cly requires frui' trees anil Iterries to make I. is land yield an inercit proportionate to its cisli value. These two cl issfs thus being depen lent, toagicateroi less extent, on the nurseryman for articles that will improve and make mote valuable then proptrrties, the sale of the articles b.'Conies a matter of the highest public im[>ortance. It is too common a practice among nur-cryinen to misrepresent slock, as the misrepresenta- tion cannot be discovere 1 f t two, three or more years, wh-rn It IS too late to remely tlie swindle. l\H)r nursery stock is worse than none at all, for it eats up the prolit and leavjs no margm. U is an '-abomination on the face of th^ earth." " It is a barren hg tree " It is natural that the tirst ipicstion to a business house aspiring for puitlic lav >r, e*pecially in Hie nursery business, sh uild be for some asoirance or guarantee that it was responsible and reliable, so that in deabng with it there could be that conlidence that encourages a natural growtli of trade. As we are interested in the extensive dissemination or distribution of trees t'iroughout our b.'autiful anominioii: and as there are so many, si called, n'lrserymen, complained o( to us for their swindling and fraudulent practices; and as our advice is so often sought by letter ; we consider it tjur duty to bring before oar readers a nursery tirm that the testimony of the general public, who have had tlealings wiih it for miny yeir-., shows conclusively to bi retial)le and broad mind'd in its dealings, careful and c ouiteous in its irea'.menl of patrons,— no matter how humble, hon'*>t in supplying imly genuine tirst-class, hardy, home grown stock, true to name ; and progressive in enlarging its faciliiies to k-rep pace with the ever increasing demand of itstr.ide. A searching personal investication (iiscbises the same view. We refer to llrt)wn Bros. -. Co., ( intineiital \urseries, of Rochester, N.V., Chicago, III., and Toronto, Oi\\. Tliii tirm is strictly the only nursery house in the country growing stock both here and in the Initcd States, and for this reason, as well as the reasons lust state. 1, we were induced to make it the subject rnat'er of this article, h does not ask the patronage of our penp'e without a standing, for it has purchased some of our land, and is one of us. r.r "weal or woe." The coiiutany i»rew from a small beginning. The llrown j'.rothers, Chas. |. and Kobt. C , have been in tli? nursery business since boy- hood. They commenced with honest principles with the idea of budding up the largest .and most satisfactory nursery business on the continent. Tlie well selected name, "( mlmental Nurserie.s," is very appiO[»riate for today in nearly all parts i>f this continent their name stands high for reliable slock. .\i iirsl they employed only a few strictly lngh class, reliable .agents; but as their business grew and the g >ods became known ih- ir force of salesmen increased into the hundreds. .\v.\ no.- they .^mploy an army of representatives numbering ti o the thousands, distributeil from the most northern h: liiable part ol our I 'ominlon to the ( lulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pacilic Ocean. With such a large fmce to handle and direct, it wa^ found necessary to open branch otYices, and Chicago, 111., was selected as the western d reeling point and I'oront 1, Ont., as the t'anadian one. The main olli'.'es, managed l>y I'has. |. Ibown, are located at Uochester, N. \ ., in the Trust and Safe Deposit Uuilding and are handsomely hlted up and arranged so that the immense amount of office work necessary in such a busi- ness can be rapidly earned the agent as it gives h'm THB DOMTNTON lT.T,TTSTrT?AXF^n. nitl only primipt leniittance^ of nii)ney, but keep'* him well sujiplie'l in ammunition with which to sell. The <'hicai;o oiiices, in charge of Kd. ('. Mturi'*. are located in the New I nity Hinliiinij on Uearhorn-street, in thai city, ami are el<*i;antly fitleil up for the nur^^eiy lui'iiness. Th--* I'orontu cltices, CiMilioIlnl by Koht. C Hrown, which we hive i>^rstinally feen, are in the Canada Life lluildin^ on King-street wesl. A great corps of correspondents, steno graphers, bookkeepers, copyists, etc., etc., is employed by ihi-^ company, an i hfte.-*" Remington type writers (and a h.ilf dozen or mon; ph Miographs) are in constant use in its various <»lVices. Thev were the first iirm in Toronto to use the phonograph in a business way. The company ori^jin ally did business under tlie name of •■ Itrown Kros.," but WAS some lime since incorporateil untler the laws of New N ork as the " Hrown llroihers t ompany," with a paid up cnpitai of $loo,cxx5^K) Chas. (. Brown, Rochester, N. v., i> pre^itient ; Robt. C brown, Turonto, Ont., treisurer. and K. C Morris, ihicago, lib, secretary. (has. I brown has aUvays attended to the h^nie ftVices and nurseries, while Robert. C. brown has opened and m.Tnaged the branch otuces until hrmly cstablishf-d. Me now dtviiles his time between the Toronto olVico ami Ridyeville nurseries, for the Brown llrolhcis pernmally o\frsee their business, Mr. Mi>Mis was an employee of thf tirm, and his aptitude ard faithfulness to business «on him an interest in it. The nurseries are located at Irnndefpioit, N. \ ., within a few miles of Rochester, right in the center of the beautiful (iene>ee Valley, and at Uidgeville, Ont., in the noted Niagaia •iistritl. Ihsre are no other pUces in the woild so well ad.xjled to the latsing of nuisery stock. The soil is uf siri>nK. graveW I'am. with a heavy clay vub soil, on elevated surface land and th'Moughlv well drained, producing vigorous and taidy trees ard plants. The clo>c proximity of the lakes c.iuses a slow and careful growth uf the tree in the nursery, thu'; ensuring a tree that will be able to >tand the shock of transplanting. We cannot give space for the scenlihc reasons of this. Sufhce it to say that it is these c.>nd'tiors of soil and climate that have made these section? of the country noted the world round as the best producer- of nursery stock. '1 he men in charge of the nurseries are careful, experienced and scienlihc propagators and cnbivatois, vet ihe Brown Brothers, we are told, person- ally oversee all their plantings and watch jealously every vjiiety, so that nothing until f.'r sale shall be allowed to 1)C put on ihe market. They are especially particular Iv ^ee that their Hock has a stdid, hrni texture of wood with abundant hbrous roots, fanters < f nursery stock will know what this means to them. It is this habit lh:r has doubtless corlributed m thi> company's success, for it b'ings forth only genuine trees, and causes that conhdence among its patrons which we tind in all parts of the count y. The assortment of fruits, ornamentals, shrubs ami llowers raised by the company, includes everyth -g of recognized va'ue, and embraces over Son i-tinct varieties. This is probably tuice as many varieties .as grown liy most nurserymen, but it i^ required by this company since its trees are distributed in all parts of the country, and what does well here might l>e of no value in Florida or California. New varieties are propagateii annually, but before ottered to the public are thoroughly tested on the experimental gniunds in Ridgeville and Irondequoit, and their good qualities positively determined. \ arieties pos- sessing true merit will prove themselves, and without it no .imount of adve-tising will long sustain them. As may be im-iginf il in such an extensive business, the number of trees budded and grafted annually is simply astounding. For the sea-ion of iS>.l this company iiropagaied in tlieir nurseries over a million trees, and for the season of lSo2 will propagate about o .e ard a half million besides hfty thousand roses and an immense amount of ornamental 'hrubbery antl trees, grapes small fruits, etc. It requires a f-'tce of from one hundred and twenty-hve U> one hundred ard tiftv skilltrd hands to grow this immense stock, who are divided up into gangs un ler competent foremen, each having his department. Twenty-hve to 'ifty teams of horses are used constantly, and each nursery is well t(cked \\ith cattle to furnish manure. The Rochester nurseries have hundreds of acres under nursery cultivation, and are located in Irondequoit, a few miles out of the city, on the borders of Irondequoit Bay, an oMspring of Fake Ontario. The town is right in the centre of the beautiful (ienesce \ allty, with its fertile, well watered and i.dling landh. This is the home of the nursery industry. ftr il was here that about the hrst nui^ery of any extent was established, and there are row m<'re nurstries there to the square mile than any where else in the world. These nurseries aie so old and well known that a full descnpiio i thereof is unnecesiary. They are supplied with ^reen h"uses, cellars for storing trees, residences for employees, birns for cattle, and all the other parapiiernrdia f . t the production ol trees. Kverylhing is complete and the facilities for raising stock possessed by this coniiany'.s home nurseries arc un-urpassed. No expense has been too heavy wliere it tended to an improvement, an! it is no wonder t>"it its trees uniformly give such good satisuction. 'I he Canadian nur.-eiies of Brown Biothers Company, also comprising hundreds uf acres of Umi under actual nur^eIy cultivation, are as stated, located at Ridgeville, Ontario, abr.ut half a ir>ile out of the town, and twelve miles from .St Catherines. Ihere is a high ridge extending for nfany miles through the Niagaia peninsular until il reaches and crosses the Niagara tiver. Above that iidge is mostly Wautiful table lard, ticologists claim that wliere this iid;e leachcb the livcr, there the Niagara Falls were many th )u*andfi of years ago, but the water wore away the rofk until now the falls hive receded some seven nii!v*s and a huge rocky gorge exists where they once were. Rhlk>eville is situated |,oiH) plants apiece, and the thitd i 5.ikx>. There are also shops and a root cellar (me hundred and two feet long, healed by three large new tiurney lM>iIers. In these nurseries only the hardiest varieties are propagated, suitable for tmr severe climate, and special patn is taken in propagating imly that slock that is adapted to our ( ana dian soil. These nuiseries are under the control of Chas. Fisher, who comes of a family of nurserymen, and who is a recogni/ed authority on all matters pertaining to (ruit growing, and rspec ally in the producliim of clematis, and ornamental trees and shrubs. Mr. Fisher is a stock holder in the company and consequently oversees the business with mote care than a mere employee would. After trees have stood in the nurseries for three or four years, they are olleretl to the public for sale, and now c^mes the busy time for the nurserymen. The tree must due, packed an 1 shipped, and as this can be safely done only at certain times in the year, the work must l>e rushfd and all liands maile di> double their usual work This is termeil the packing season and occurs in Ap'il antl May. or Clotober and November. At these times the sap in the tree is ilormant or inactive, .and it can l»e dug, transported and transplanted in absolute safety. Bffure the actual I'acking seascm opens, the clerks in the olhces estimate the numl»e.- of trees sold for the season, and prepare digging bills for tlie foreman of the nurseiies, which show him just how many trees of each variety to dig from the nursery rows. While he is dtiing this another foreman in charge of the packing yard, a large vacant piece of land, divides it up into trenches, each one laWlled with the variety with which it will be stacked. The trees are tlien brought from the nurseries to the packing yard, where, after being care- fully examined and the poor stock, if any, burned up, are " heeled " or placed in these trenches. A gang of boys is then set at wiirk labelling the trees, after which a man lakes a tag with the name of the customer on one side and the order on the other. Me selects the trees called for and places them in a stall with the tag attached, A checkman then ex.aniines the order and if correct marks the tag •M ). K." Kich tag bears the numl)er <4 the man wh«> hi Is It, and he is called to correct any mistake he may make This in.sures the customer the varieties he calls for and prevents confusion. The order is then carried to another part of the yard called the •Mmll rinc" or tying gr4)und, where it is tied into a bundle. The roots ae then immersed in a pool of clay water, thus receiving a coaling that protects them from the air. It is then again enafiined. and if found correct, placed in a stall with other bundles for the same locality. These bundles are tlien packed a box lined with straw, and damp moss jdaced aroun the roots to protect them. .After iH-'ing weighed the bo, i. forwartled to its destinatitm, where a man, hired previou l\ opens it and delivers ihe bundles to the customers at t*.ti resi(iences. This manner of delivering is of great imp' r ance to the buyer, because it not only saves him the t mt that would l>e reiiuired in going to the railroad sta'inr after his trees, perhaps which he can ill atlortl to lose. In; it insures prompt delivery to him while the trees are ye' ir a moist condition. I>uring the packing season this c rr. pany emphiy in their packing yards from four hundred i eight hundrfd men and b')ys, and the shipments d;iih aggregate over $.p>,ihmi in value. The conipany make- all its own boxes, having shops where men are emplo\ri; at this work in the winter. The houses in which ' labels for the trees are kept is very curious. It is divi i into pigeon holes, each l>earing a number, which ha corresponding immber in a book, numericallv arran^ that shows just what lal)el is in the hole. For mstanci . the Browns' K-st cherry in the book is number 4io, 1 1;" hole .^o will contain Browns' Best labels. There u- miUi ms of lal>els in these houses, so systematized that , nv particular kind can lie found in a nnniient. The Rocht • c- packing yard is located in the eastern pari < f that e; v ad|oining the tracks of the New York ("entral Railr^ ■ from which tiie company have its own side track aud i i form, enabling it to load and ship stock with moie patch than if compelled to send il lhroui*ti the ie|.;i > freight houses. The Ridgeville packing yartl is lociteu .v the nurseries. We have trieti in this sketch t() give "Ui readers a brief idea t>f how this famous imrsery house cor ducts Its business, l>et>e\ing that in so doing we shall interest many of you who are interested in the subject. The value of a few shrubs or trees on a piece of land i> inestimable, but many are tleterred from puichasing them for fear of l»eing swiril'ed. This fear has to a great exte't kept back our f.irmers, many of w' ose farms are harrer where they should be teeming with fruit. In these daysof quick Iranspurtation, no farmer is too far away fron' our big markets to raise fruit for prolii ; and be-ide. the canning h.H. OP I.AII I V \> 'TS«'N Hi Co TKAPKKh HANK * 'F CANAOA. K'ii(i.Ki>"N Hki-., \Vli(ilf.,;Uc ( '.inttTii.nur-. lu; i"> ii.i \titei'n--.lhfrc i-- n'>i'Uintty in lliL' wort. I. whore, in proporlii'i; !'• it> |teen ihat the w ludes.ile nianiif.ictnrfis uf « urifeciioiu-i) niu-i use tiiily pun and unadulteraled inj^retlieniT- In all I'tepaialinns. In this review of .i cenlre >i| aciivily ami ei'inuierce hke Tiiionlo, it is e\cepii(»naily yiatifying thai .iiu- of the l>e>t known ami most tehaMe w!iolesjlf lonfer li-nirv h' 'lives of ihe I >itnrniiui shouhl leceive noiice, laiiuly.thaiof \le>Ms. Kol.cit^on Itrci>., of lo; an*li i ;i,Meen s'n el e.isl. 1 hi-, popular enterprise dates itst-viAl'li'lunent io i^o.(, .iHil ilurin^; thi^ lonj; inteneninn pciioii o| years, l\ ceethni" a ipiarier of a century, ha-* steadily proLiressid in tvety depaituienl. and il slan»U to rant h of Iraile. \ll kinil> ol confer ■ tinncry are here manufactured. the purii\ and exrellence of tlie ptoduction-. of ihis hou^c liem^ .i^ familiar as tiouseiiold \\nrds throuj;hout ihe lioniinion, the Ir.ide e\ lending from \ ancouver to I.alirador. As many a^ thirteen travellers are c<»ntinually on the on the inunen-.e area their trade covet>, and orders in liom all paits. each rt'Ccivin;; the saiiie careful attention irrespeeiivt I'f si/e. .V speciall)' is made of fme chncolatr- hon I'ons, ami Ki)l";rtsHn'> candies are unsiirpa-.Ned, a fact that is prnvin hy the larjje enstoin with wliieh they .ue a< cordetl. Tin- fad that us competent and skilled employt-es ,ue con •>laut!y en^a^ed will yive some i upon them the hii;hest credit f(U eiierjj;y, enter |irise and aliilily. Mi- Thomas Kfdierlson is a member of tlu* Hoaid of Trad? I.AII.KV, Waison 6t* 'o., Wholesale Clothiers, >i and 51 1 ront strtet west. — '>ne ol the (ddest and most ihnroc.jjhly represtnlative wht>le!^ale clothing houses in the ciiv of Toronto ii that of Messrs. I.iiley, Wnison ^S*^ Co., of >i and 5 J I- font street west. This popular estittiish ment dates its inception to 1S54. when it WA«!i (ouno feet m ilimen sions, anii eipiipp d with nil the latest improvetl appliances and mac' inery f r the pio.lucti )n of clohing of all descrip tions. '\'ne excellence of the clothing ma i." by Messrs. I alley, Walsun oV' Co. has becirne proverbial throug umt Canas. TiiK '"KAhKKs H\NK iM Cw \i'\, comcr Vonye .uiil t'olborne-streets. -Among the yitungest financial in stitutions o( Canada tliis bank was incorpnraled and esiab lished in July, rSS^, and during the course of ihe six years ol its eventful career it has steadily iin[iro\ed its standing as well as enl.irged its .irea o( operations. The Kail of iS.Su and the Spring of 1SS7 were trying times for our yiUing nume tary instiluiions, and so great was the financial depiessinn that the I'entral Hank, the Hank of London and the Federal Hank closei! their doors. These facts are all fresh in the ininos i.f businiss men. ami from an outside pt>int o( view t)ie Tradtis' Itank thought to be tottering, being only as yet in it* infancy ; it diit not fail, however, thanks to the foresight, prudence and conservative man.igement, and be cause its assets were in such shape thai it could meet all payments promptly. The head(|uarters of the bank arc in Toronto, the first lloor t>f the buihiing on llie corner of \ onge and ColUune streets being occupied, divided inio various departments, and in all covering an area of iSxlj:; (eet. The bank proper is handsouiely titled ujiand tastefullv arranged, convenience and comfort having been closely studied. The building is very handsom<', being built of red brick and icd Kentucky sandstone, and is ranked amoii^ the Imesi buildings ol the city, ({ranches are located ai Ayliuer, I )r,iylon. Klniira, (ilcncoe, viuelph, Hamilton, Ingersoll. Leamington, ( )rillia, I'ort I lope, Kidgetown, "sariua, Miathroy, St. Mary's ;ind lilsonbur^;, each being under the contnd ol competent managers, who one and all hold the conhdeiice of their superiors. Alex. Manning, l:si|,, antl Wni. Hell, I'stp, are re'^pectlvely president aiul \ ice piesideiit, the rem.uning members of the board being Messrs. A. A. Allan, S. I . McKinnon ui -w vicepresiilent of the loroiilo Hoard of Tiadei, and RolH-rt Thonipson. Mr. I[. >. Strathy idls the lionoural-le and trusted position of manager, one in which he has evercised ex cepiional fore-ight and judgment, adding to the prosperit) of the bank by every means in his power. He is a member td the lioard of Trade, representing tin 'I'raders' Hank, jis a nirmber of the executive conuniltee ol tiie Hankets sec- tion ol the Imdy. In his arduous duties he is .ildy -,tvonded ly Mr. -I'lnilius laivis, ihe inspector, and a siatf of smne tv\e'ity-tive clerks, besides! he managrrsoft he various branches. The autht),()oo.(x>, of which $tio4,4»Ki.»M_i have been paid up, while there is a rest tund aniouniiiig to $ is.ivxj.ito. The net prtuits for the year ending M.i> ;ist i.*sni, were .i>54.4_i;._io, from which a '> divitlenil was p,ud, .md after other amounts were written oil tor various purposes $1 5.000 wereaddeti to the rest account and $5,i, 14J,04((. jo. all of a fust- clas^ ehuracter and mostly available at short notice. Still V'ung, the I'r.iders* Hank is strong, and is today stronger in its resi.urcts .uul belter managed than at any former perioil of its historv. K. KtvNnii's, Hoots ami Shr)es, 4tij Songe street. — Hoots ami sb.tes have in the v.irious stages of progress and civili/alion assumed sh.ipes .mil fashions in accordance with the itlea of those who nioilelled them, and history has marked these lasluons on her pages, though the footprints of the many shois have long since been lost to sight. The foot gear of the prcM-nl d.iy supply his customers with rubbers, overshoi's. boo-s .ind shoes for winter and suimner wear. The trade done is both wholesale and retail and is one of the most solid in the city, giving employment to a num1>er of hands. The concern was founded as far bai'k as 1X52, and has K-en conducted (luring the past h\e years m ihe present addle s, having been removeil from 152 \ Ongeslreel, where the proprietor carried on business for J4 years. Mr. Keynolds makes a specialty of repairing, and guarantees to lit all sorts of deformed feel to satisfaction ; big feet are made sniall, and the prices are as moderate as consistent. Mr. I\eynt)lds is well known here, and owns one of the best businesses in the city. 58 THK dominion lUUUSTKATKn f f r If, i r I e V/MALCY ROYCE * I STABMSHMI M Mp WHAUl Y RnyCH & t O, I Ml 1-1 W H MOM Ml.N I" ln-^iyi.fcl jilKl >>Clill.Uirr«l h\ (■ H i.ulUlt. \VnAi.K\, K« vci ^S-^Cm., Maniifaclurcrs, Importers of an-l Wholesale l>ealeis in Musical In-truments Music and tiem-ral Musical Meicli.inlisc, 15s S On^e stteel. It would be most imere'lin^; t<> .i^y slmtent c.( mu-ic tifipend a short time inspecting une of the Iarj;^st waiehouses in the city, which is tlev-aed solely t-i the sheet music tra-ie, the sale of musical tnstrumeni<, and the manufacture of hand insiriimen's and drums, that nf Whaley, Koyce i-* Co., 1 5(S Vongc streei. The premises are admirahly situatei'., and are tittetl with handsume plate ^lass fronts. The in leriur i^ fried up in the PMst modern style, with shelves, counters and cases fur the di-jusal f il >')r space. Here are kept every %iriety of musical instruments and general musical merchandise, sheet music, music \m tks, in^truct'on lnoks for every known musical instrument, hiiul and o^che^t^a music, vi'dms, thites, clarinet'^, and all other band and wind iii-'rjments ; >;aUars, banjos, -ithers, viulincellos, double biases, drums, accur'lems, concertinas, baj.'-pipes, auutharps, harmonicas, in fact everything neces sary to ihe full t'laipriient (»r a hit*h cla^s wholesale inu«iical business ; they arc aUo music cnt^tavers. printers and pub lishers, in fact are the nnly mastc eni;ravers m I'anaila. Composers, whether amateur ui professional, who desire 10 publish fheir composui -ns, will do well to send their manu'-cript to Messrs. \\ haley, Koyce >Sy Co , upon wlium they can depend f ir clear eni;raving, go td paper and care ful printint>. In the factory, which is attached to ijir bjiloin^j, are niaimfa:tured the ».el'-brited •• Imperial" bind instruments, which are to day acknowledned by our greatest aili> s who u^e tliem, a^ incumpa'able ; ih- hrm niav iJStly feci pruud of their success in this line, as well a^^ of their •♦ Imperial " 'luplev drums. Sume idei of the lar^je amoun of busine-^ done in this house may Ite )*ained from the fact that eii^hteen a'^sistan's are rp'|uire 1 to c >pe with the orders that are r'ceivcd daily from alt parts of the country. The mtin*tf*rs of the hiin are Mr. K Whaley and Mr. < i. l.'. Uoyce. Il »tli gentlemen are shrcwti, prac tical business men, full uf energy. pTseverunce and busi nesK tact, and in every way pialiti^rd to c tnduct the fade in which they are engaged. They have l»een established only a liitie over four >ears. but the excellence of their Work, the pr tmpt execution i-f all orders, and the honour- able straight business dealing '}f each member of the hrm have already given them the iv. 'st enviable aiul excellent {>usiti'>n uf Iwing the leading house in the music trade in Canada. KkKi>i-.Ki' K h. (i< I I Ki I, MonuDiciilal >L-u'pior, M.irllt, v\ ho h is gained >uch a wirle reputation not only in Can.ida but in ttie I nited -Mates, belongs in a f.»mily of sculjjior*. lie was born .it riyinpion, I »evon thirci Ktiglanil, and at the age of fifteen, in the year 1M57, iell lor t'anad.t, but on U\> .urival in New \ tnl \\.\> intUienci-d by one of his bi"thet- to u-main and liiiish his yc.its of appientitcship Ml city. He ciigiigfd hiinHLlI with .1 well known tiriii o| -ridiitoi,, \\a\\ whom In- worked tor fourteen year>, and »luring tii.ii period took a prominent part in carving numerous inonununlal work>, which will e»er remain a^ proofs of his abilitj in this art. The siulp Uired portion of the entraiue to ilic ( CfiiK'tery ; liu- 111 iiiument erecle S. **.\rc'.ic ;" the .\mler>on, huian«l, '^leinway. W li.tney, and other niansoleums; the K.igk'-. \»-t, which suniioitnts the eiittaiice to ilu- New \ ork Lift- Iliiilding-.; the >i.iliie of "Hope," which -.l.iiids 1 n tlu- He' monument in the sleepy Hollow CtiiiL'ten al i'prrytiiwn : llie loni!- of |{)sho|> ( inderdoiik in Triniiy (- hurch, N.\.,.ire among the many works under- taken by him in the I'liited >'tnu->. un a visit t'> C.mada his old wish to settle here returned, while his l.nglish birth and training >irongly aided in this dcci^icm. In the yen 1 iS;o the iar\ iiig oil (he McM.isii-i Hiiilding .md ihe I'ost I Mhie was ' ued in his hands iind<.r ronlracl. ( hit I auiont; his many undertakings in the i.Mieen City the Coal olArm-- over the entrance l" the ",tuecn Cily In^uiance Huildiiig on Church street >tan of liind> red gr.Tiiiu, hom ^i. deorge, \. B. Il w.i> lirsi no'tct'd in 1^71, and on c\aniiriation [.irtived to be of excellent ipialily, upon which a compaii) was formed ami work at once commenced. l*or this popu i.u stone, which is now used throughout North America. Mr. C.ullelt i> .Tgent in < bitario and <,'iieltec, the n-e o| wliich he has pii-hed with t-vident ability. He "lofs worlv bir the Inited Malc^ antnii, ( obourg, II )wmaiiville, Mount foresi. Ilarrie, < >riH'a, Markhain, Stratford, ^L Mary's, Clinton, (iodrrirli, Smu ,ie, Hrantlord, I'aris, Niagaia lalls, A>r, M. Catharines, < lall, I.owcll (Mich.), Cape \ in cent, N. \.; Iranconin, N. II.; Detroit, etc. He has aNo made the granite columns for numerous buildings in Toronto and other Canadian cities, and tor Imildings m various American cities. Mr. < 01 1 let I a short time ago issiieil a pamphlet entiib-d "A lalk About Moniiinenls," tull of itiformnlioii and containing much advice to ihosr likely to purchase mmiuinenls, etc. His grandfather, brothers, and other lelatives ha^ e foll..\\id the art of sculp lure, one and al! having made their mark in this line. He has no'A ihifc nephews engaged in thi-» art in Htvonshire they having a high retmlation as leading workers in marble and granite. Nothing need be mentioned ol hi> popularity and esteem, fur alt know and respect him. A. K. Dow ^ Cti., ly Victoria s.rcet, Toronto, or iro4 Itroadway, Oakland, California How many of our readers are aware that some iif the ( .lest raisins produceear ( iNoi ) was 50. ckkmxx) pounds of raisins. \"et these ate facts. Karly in 180I Mr. A. K. Dow, acting for the belmonl Colony Co., personally selected a tract of Si>o acres of the finest raisin grape land in California. This they have decided to call the ''Toronto Colony," as a nuinl>er of Toronto people have already purchased vineyards of twenty acres and upwards while some are now settled on their vineyards at ihis date, T':c land is most beauti fully ^ituatcd between the Krcsn* .ranch of the Southern I'acilic K. K. and the S erra Ne\ oa mountains. It has a slope of twelve feet to the mile, giving perfect natural drainage. The whole tract is irrigated by the Alba Irriga tion Co., which draws its supply of water from King's rivei, the largest and most beauti'ut river in Central Cah- fornia. This water is furnished at the ridiculously low price of 49 cts. per acre per annum. The soil is a rich sandy Niam witha large percentage of mica mingled iherein. This mica is the secret of growing a large and luscious Mus- cat raisin. The climate I Here words fail us. Californians are made fun of for blowing about their climate. It must be seen to l>e appreciated SuMice it to say that this section has a healthy climate second to none in California. Think of 2^n cloudless days in the year and that such a thing as a sunstroke is unknown. I'he air is so dry that even at the hottest 'ime, when the raisins are drying, one does not feel the heat as he would in a more moist climate. In ad h tion to raisins this laml will produce oranges of hne «|aality, inferior to liest Morida oranges, it is true, but far ahead uf many orang*s grown in I' torida ; or you can grow lemons, peaches, {tear-t, prunes, nectarines, apricots, plums, hgs, walnuts or almonds. This land is offered to both settlers and investors at a h>w price and the very liberal terms of 25 per cent down and balance in four years. The hrm of Messrs A, K. Dow O^ Co, is composed of Messrs, A. K. Dow and M. Ivan Dow, both young Can.i- (bans. The senior mender of the hrm ha« resided in Cili fornia for nine years. Mr. M. Ivan Dow resides in Toronto. They have offices at 1004 Hroadway, Oaklater acre the third year and upwards ? Kemembes no money is paid until you have had an investigation ant satisfied yourself of the truth of Messrs. Dow &* Co.* statements, lor further particulars and circulars call eu or wrne to Messrs A. k. Dow i!-* Co., tg Victoria-street, Toronto, or I0U4 Hruadway, Oakland, California. XHK DOMINION II.I.I l^ TKATKn. 59 ■'# ilTBiiiTinillTjlSB ' iniiMltSiSi! :•«•" lEiisss !iliriifi ■■ *=^^/^''^^ -<:i..~ JSTAHI.ISHMKNT op THK KIIMP MAM FACTIRIN*; CO. Mne >i)ecialiy in 'hi'- (k-i'.irtUKiU i> tlu- piiMic school lUauin^ I«iai.l. Thi'' i-> a well finished artirU'. ami is -oo const ruciol as toiril. Ml thai Ls .mil uc ^e- .1! llif hack ot m\i^\ Vkll^is' t'oior s \s*h Sl'lM'l IKH. — Mtssrs. Kt-i-vcs.V - '\i>. M\ Cheapsiilc, [^onilon, 1.0^.. take this opiinrtiinity .if tiukini; the ('anitns' ^ixkN has lit-en opened at No, :.( 1 street west. Toronto, under the niana^^'nu-nt nf \!r. \V. H. laii^jer. whirre the trade can he siipi-lieil at short ivitici-'. A lull line of e"l.nirs, sundries, etc., can he found here, especially I be famous Mad.ime Vnu^.l^■ stuilies, so larjjcly user putting; in their hands cnloiirs ,nr ,1 price so reas ii,.inei> tn ohtain samples of these culmirs. Uecoralors also will lind these I'-l.Hir^ .inswer their purpose c'lually as well .l^ ilie more expensive luhe colours they iiHW use Inr decor.itive painlinij. (t may not In- generally Unown that over a hun- 'Iteu yc.irs .i^i» in 17.S1 the Society nf Art' .1 warded Messr*. Kee\es a siher I'.ilciiefnr the invenli'pn of water cojnnrs in caU'v Previously colours hatl In-'cn ^up I'lici lo artists in I ladders. The colours sitld liy this llrm are as imre a> any i i>chres, etc.. -they pick iikit ihc \h:A of ihi>se which the\ huy. and use it for ihcir superior colours, while the rciininder is employe I tor the •'ecrs. Reeves are^e manui.v, .irer-' nf drawing l«iaiils, T vjuares. colour l)o\es. sketching hloeks. academy l"Mid>, pencils, stretching frames, eanvas. raseU, etc che Thi hoN. 'uhes pcritii knile plied Reevi price' thiui; . . .my schnni rhiid can cany hn.ird aiul -"piaies all in "ue. Another feature nf ^real utility I-, shown in the C'ln^truclion of the im hnxes for nil tuhc colour-.. The lid-, of ihese hnxe-. are -.'1 made a> u> receive the edj;es nt the palette utien it i> put away in the Utx ; hut tn prevent any ciluur ihai may he left on the pa'eitr siiikin^; tct the insitle ni the lid. it is hol- I twed out so ihe odour shall luii touch the lid : .mniher specialty of Messrs. Ree\es in this line is a lilted ho\ itf their art students' cnlours, very ip and suilahle in all respects for the am.ileur artist. , is an e\ceedinj;l)' wtll math, heaxily japanned tin lo'. \ 7 inches and I '.• inches deep, coniainiiij; 19 snf art students' ci.l..iirs, hnttle nf paledrymj; nil and lur- le. six hof- hair hrushe-. wn >den palette and palette 1 price rnuipleie, $_).5"'- These hn\es can he sup- in sexeral sj/es, alsn water cohiur I'nxes. Messrs. •s make a vast assortment to chonse from and at all i. Messrs Reeves' annual out-put nl colours is snme enormous; the jjreat care exercised in ihcir manulacj ture ensures a Ihnrounhly rc.ialile .iTiicle. as testjlied hy ,ill the eminent Rritish artists of the day ; no hatch of colours showing; the laintest trace nt inierinrity is permitted lo he sold. The lolhoviu}; compri--.e a feu nl ihe many depart- ments : the larpenii rs', the cahinet makers', the ^;rinilinf* ntnin. the drymi; room, the mouldinj; and siampin^ mnms, the puKine- lahellin^; and stocking moms, the deiiariment for making; -.kelchin|» hloeks, millhimrds. pHrilolins, ihe hiniiin^;, cunini; and irinnnin^ nt hlncks, etc.. also ihe lirush deparlnient. Messrs. Reeves make their own hrushes — sahle. camel hair, and all other kinrls ot hrushes lor artists' Use. lU'siiles Ihe making; nt stretchin(» Iranies and covering them w itii canvas, the prinnnj; nt t'.c canvas is aUn done on the premises. This is a hranch tor which Messrs. Reeves are justly noticeil ; they pay particular attention ii> the manufacture "il canvas, aiul their make is un-urpassed tor iis ijuality and duiahiliiy. The line.-t and hest nl material is vi->ed m its mnstrueiinn. and any cnlnur or ipiah ily made can he hnnishe«l. .\II sizes, up in thirteen feet wiile arnl --ix yards l.iii^. can he had. Tlie widest canvas at present made hy any other lirm is under ten teet. .Ml ihis ^nes lo show that the lirm f>\ Reeves.V .Sons arc strictly headipiarters fnr nearly every article liseil in ihe artist line. Their repuiatioii as thnn.uj^hly conscientious manufacturer.-., turning; out iiniliinj; hut sound, reliahle articles, is well knnwn all -iver the wnild. (lEORt.K J. 0>N-i Alii K, Confecti-treet on which there is a confectioner's estahh'-hment, count the numher of people stopping in front of this htore and com- pare them with the numbers interesltd in other places of bu iness, and It will he found that more are attracted hy the confectioner's tliar hy any oMicr. This \> only natural, for what can he more lemitin^ than the delicnms tlisplay of well made confectionery setti tn Mr. Constahle's window, at 408 <,'ueen street w^-st. It w .is in llie year 1S57, -now thirty -IX years aijo that tliis jicntleman originally com- nienceh K>o\, Pialer in Il.utlware, etc.. 57 Hay street. The hardware business may be divided inlo two classes, one including all the heavy gonds and the other the lighter goods, called ^helf hardware. 1 )f these two divisinns the shell trade i- the ntie reipiiriiig a mnsi varied knnwhdge anrl a well ass..ried -l"ck. Toronto grows in pnpulalinn every, and as the population increases new enterprises are starleil to supply the demands for varii)Us gnods. Among the most recent ventures, and one which deserves special notice, is that of Mr. lanus Dickson, ever.uice, and has special facilities itii cniiilucling ;; -uccessful shell hardware business in this pari nf the >-'[)•. Ihc premises he has selected in which to transact is business are situated al 57 liay strec'.. Mr. Dicksim has sIiovmi goinl judgment in selecting his present jtremises. I lis stock is complete, and consists of every ileseripliim of shelf gonils, such as tuiilders' hanlware, ti>n|s, cutlery, etc. lie engages the services ol two coinpeleni assistants, and has already mailc a most favnrahle impression upnn the pultlic. The premises are nicely lilted up, .md there Is no iloubi that Mr. innics Dicksnn ha- a gr.uid future hefnie him. lie is courteous, obliging, strictly upright and honorable in his dealings with his already numetnu-- i>attM piilii I -4"- -'"^.- ..^■.-■■- v.. - »-^^ .V> V^ UAKKH..! ~l i.l. \v l< lOIINhl .^N It I •!. iS. I ii.xli..^. IKS 4 'he most im|>ortant i>Ipsali' millinery h^w-v iii the t-ty ii that --f Me^-r^. |l. c(:ill J-' **»'., «hi>sf huiMiin; ih siiuatf'l at li nn«l \Vrllin^;(i»n "ttert «"(. The ['H'lnive* arc c<)ual in e\- t anv twii nrilinary ^'llr^■^, ami are hvc stmic* hi^'h ; l^i-ihcr ihc'V (iirm a hanilsnnu- litock, covering an arta c>r Vu live tlmusaini square fert. Tlie tirni have been eslnh. f\\cA fi'r some conKiiteratile time, anil are well kniiwn nit^Jiniit the country. I'heir 'I'lirontu iirt'mi>es are ail- liilv tide'! from tl. tor to roof wilh every le^uisile for |ii >|'rr coniliKl of the extrusive trade The firm tieal >!rii^i\flv with (he larije'sl anil l»est known h Mise-s in I'aris, lull anil New \'ork, anil have every nttvehy as s ton as ■ •1 the mirket. Their siock i> the largest anil most hiniilele in this line in the cilv. and c-oniprises nil the •A iK'si(^ns anil ^o.hU (or milltneiy, Ihiweis, ribbons, |ia|H-i, ha's, bonnets anil nnllinery trmiminn«, toj«fther fith a cho ce a^-ortment of fancy dry i;ouds ; the whole iildini; bi'inij reiiniied for Mie duposAl of the eio'mon*' )ck. They employ ;i la'^e minib'-i of hand- here, and a similar e^tabli^hin^n in Monlreal. '.>iie. Tei l.ivtdlers are condnuallv on the betwem IlaliTw and Vancouver, and the amount of trade done is enotm nis. ( Kl \Kin WaIKK MkiCK < nMI'WV ([.MM, Jii lun-nto it; A. ('. Wintc n, serrctary-treasurer. The pnblii arc ,dly be^:omin^; alive to the f.irt thai it is t*. their own in ■^!^ Id ii-e thr water nulir, uhirh ran now be ubt, lined till- ■nii.itiy at thr in.MMifairory of the ( »nl irio Witer Ibiei ' ompanv, I l.iniiiedi. Thi- company was incorpiir- |ttd in April, lS" that they are now in a pi'siiii.nto supply thi- ap l.iratus lit the various water departments of ihe I )(iminii'n, |!n takini; hold of (his work, Ihey are inaiiiifaeHirers aK-- of I icier ^iip|h)rts, .;ial extensions, tisiiiie locks, wniei can |ei;i-!ers, stiainers, (ou[ilin^ seals and les-Tvoir indicators. veral years these meters ha\e been in u^e in over live huiiijrc.l timn^ and cities of the I'niled .Mates and Canada, I U-ni-th of lime which has proved beyond .i doubt its re ■ ihty and measuring apparatus. Ironi year to year its . pul.iri's increases, as is only to be expected, f..r it is be ..min^; a nefc-.siiy to all hou-eho|.lcrs. The product of |hi- finpany in every particidai is and the cost iiwrr ihan any other. AH pirls an- intctrhan^eable f<.r re Jairs without having; lo rcnio\e the entire meter. The Jinlario Water Meter C'omp.iny (Ltd.) guarantee to make, free >i charge, all repairs on meters uhicli may be n lurned as inett dent from wear, defective material or ron Btniction for ti\e years fr-mi ilalc of purch tsc, a proof alone Vt ihe lirxt jiass .polity of thest? ^oods. ( )Hicesare occupied In the rernianent Huildin^^s al jd Toronto-street, bein^; liniler the control of Mr. A. ('. W'inion, the sccr':..fy- |lrta-iirer. This gentleman wa^ ni.imlv instimiicntri'. in the ■•■rmation of this c pany whose .itliirshc is nian.i^inj; with |creat enerviy and ability. In llamilloii. London, Montreal, N, C.itherines, \\ innipei;, and Lower I'lovinces, they are , hrini; s-ipplied, in tact aie bein^ used from to west jof Canada. M pre'cnl the work is made expressly for lanada, i>ul it is expected that the company «ill commence |eper.ilions on their own account in the early pait ot iSn2. W. K. li'ilNsi.i-. .V Co., Whob.s.ijc Clothiers. 4V4; llmnt street wc>.t. S. \V. Front and I!ay. IhroughiUit the |]'erii>d, which lias readicl a iprirlei of a century, liliniiij: which this house has carried on business, all ils ^'peiati'ins h.ive been mo-t sviccessful. Their success may Ihe fairly attributed to the excellence of their j^oods. and the lalis'.liite accuncy uilh which orders are executed. They Ihive always aimed al ijood value in ihe class of fabrics used, lat the same time rlexiitin^ cb'se attention to the style of |makinn and Irimmini' Uii^menls. In executing orders the iiosi miiinlc detaiU le location is well ad.ipted for (he liievelopuu-nt of the class of trade \\hich thi. tirni specially ulli\.ite. While a lar^;e st;T|f ..f travellers are employed [inakinv; periodic,! I visits to customers in the vaiious provinces if the I'ominion, the stack is ke|pl at all times fully assorted |m every de|iartmpiit, anil biuers vjsiiini: the cilv can ilway-. couiplete their lists in this establishment. This is |*'iinei\hat ofa new departure in the clothing trade the plan I herctof.ire bein^j to place the bulk ot the iiroduction by |s.iinple early in the .season, Utile attention heinji Riven to liho probabilities of assorting demands. The advantaj;e to I the (Idler ol beint; able to replenish his stock as his trade |mayHairanl is, of course, apparent. An examination of I 'he enormous amount of finished jjoimIs on hand (o meet the |re(|tiirenienls of this class of irade would sui;(jt"*l that it had I already assumed lari^e proportions. Ihe firm is coniposed ■'i \"'. k. Johnston, Herbert Lanjjl'.is, I. C. Hlack and W . I K. [ohnston, jr. . ii. Lll 11 I-, Wholesale and Retail Diy < louds Merchant, 1-3' *^padina ,\venue. - In Toronto there are many prrunin I en! business men nclively cn^raj^ed as wholesale and retail j'lealers in staple and fancy dry ^oods, and new enerpy is I ininLintly l>einK added to (he ranks. Among thime who I have recently embarked upim (his business here and who I have built up a business of magnitude, is Mr. S. (.. 1 Utile, of 2JI SpaHina .\vcnue. It is now alnnit 14 months since this competent [business man established him.sell here, and durint; this period has met with such marked sin cess ihal heri'-ohed lo ulili/e lar^;er premises, .md t.ikiuv; in two ^lore^ \u,. .'jo and -'[l about ihc (ii-t ol the year, he hn- now one of (he tmcsi ret.dl dry ^jooils houv^ in ilic city, The preini-es are S" ** 4.S fi't-'t in dimension*, and are tilted up with evervthini; neeilful or useful in cairyini; on this impi-rlant branch of luisiness. I he stock liaiidled is Very complete, .md iiiiludes staple and fancv dry ^j Is iif all descfiplioiis. It would be impossible in ,his brief sketch to enumerate the list of jjood^ carried in lel.ul : i' consists in pait of loituns, wiMillens, linen*. Vidies' and gent's furnishings of all description'*, ddlar^, cults, neckwear in the newest and richest designs, under wear of many varieties, the latest novelties in all lin:f>, fancy dry ^;ooils, velvets, eic, and, in slioH, everything; u-uatly found in ;» lirsi chs-. dry yuods biuise. A special line of men's and boj^' ch.ilnn^; i- kep( in stock, and nli ^o ids ^uaranieed 10 be |Usi a> represenled. l!mtdoyiueii' ii furnidied foi iwelve compelent .issisi.mis, and ,d! patrons receive prompt atleniion. Mr. I.iltle is a native -d "the land of brown heath and moitnlain Hood," lui wa- in business in T nj-land for tweniy years previous to his coming here. He is a member of the < ahdonia *^iii^ to the Dominion its proud •/ .is a nianiif.icturinj» country, and among these our iron works clmn particular no-ue. Thi- is es.entially Ihe iron a^;e, and our mc-chaiiical indusiiics lank amon^ our most iui poiiani, as m a country where the manuf.ictures are, to a larue extent, in a stall- of incubation and coiisbnil cvpan sion. it is of the hr,i iinporlance that, with re^anl to the pr' diiction of the heavier iron appliances for building anil street railw.iy purposes, we stould, as far as possible, be in dependent of the foreign producers. I lappily in Tor. and in Cinaila ns a whole, this want is suppli-d by the Kcllocii Iron Co., concerning; whiili enieiprise it i.s a matter of public copi^ralul uion to know that it is well esrab- lished ami in successful operation in this »,'ueen City of the West, lounded here only four years a^o, the business a histi.ry in ilseU of envi.ible pii-jjress and marked success, due mainly lo the uniiriii}^ ener^jy. /eal and superioi ab''ity of Mr. Kobert L Ueidpalh, one i.f the members of the lirni'. who ha. lull charj^e of the Toronto and Canadian business. The proprietors ate Mcssr . ("has. ||. KeHontl and thcnl>ove mentioned gentleman, !ii'lh of whom are civil engineers, and have a wide knowledge of building inm and ornamental work in iron and sleel, as well .is i.f ihe hnest .lesignini; and .irchiteclurat productituis in those metals. It is necessary, therefore, to describe I'lietly their progress, their splendid headipiatU r^, and their extensive mo.les of operatiim. Their premise., wi.lelyaml familiari) known as "The Kellogg Iron Co. ," are centrally and eligibly loc;itcd al \os. (15 ami fi; Wellington stiect west, and the fact ihey cover an area of nver an acre of gn.und will give sonu idea of ihe magnitude and cxleiil of the enteriirise. The newest and latest improved appliances and machinery for heavy steel and iron consiruciicui, comprising eye beams, girders, roofs. lowers, columns, slairs, ornamental wcik, \'c . in iron and steel, are in use throughout these works, while to make everything complete and abrea?;! of the times, the proprietors have moiive piiwer to i.perate these, in the form of ,1 I \ horse |>ower electric motor, innkinK in all an . sinblishmcn( which, from a poin( of ii-mpleteness, stands second to none. .\ specialty is made of tme arcliilcelura! *voik. .iml of hghi bridge bnildiug. while, as all (he heavier m.uhinery usid in the W"iks has been ma have .dsu furnished ih-n reipiisiies for llie new libi.iry in the I'.irk, .is well as having lelitled Me-sTs. ()Keefe*\ Co. 's and Cosgrave's breweries in the most mmlern style. .\s a particular branch of the business, police station and gaol work in"ght bt .nentioncil, including such te'|uisiies as stetl cells, cages, bars, etc. Mi. (has. 11. Kellogg .Old \Ir. Ueidpath make a uniipie anurhim, < f tids city, who is located at 23 Adelaide-strt^et east. I-ess than 8 yeirs ago Mr. Hurham embarked on his own account in this capacity, ard by his energy and ab lity has founded a substaritial and ever in- creasing business. lie has occupied his presfnt ottices for about two years, and is very well and favourably known throughout the city as a competent insurance agent and most reliable real estate broker. Mr. Uur^am represents f\ < THEKE"' tJlllcmT£CTl/llA!,,,!f| * "^»»!S^ "?*-»• ^3?r.^EL CONSTRUCTION. *: '^fifp^- IRON ROOFS a TRUSSES. ■ WOS.BOUS. 5f' STIRRUPS a OTHER CflSTINQS. IHI-. Kl-.l,I,iJC,i. lRn^ THK DOMINION lUUUSTKATlCID. ■I i -^ UH'U.I SAM llodl* AM" Ml"! Mi»l>I Ol W H. IfAVIITON J. :\i. swrs N W. K. M. s\VI YN a'^nic of the most pnpula. and time-proven insurance com- panifi in tire, life, accident and plate glass now in exist- ence, ncluding the I'h-i-niv Insurance Co., of Brooklyn, N.\., 'he Agricultural Insurance Co., of Watcrtown. X.V., and the ',>uebec Assurance ("n. The last named company need hardly he mentione:, o( Brooklyn, is also too well known to require any CO. Tien:, iiere, Ijcing to day under hetter management and stvon^e*. \n its resources Ijan at any former periourham i> especially giKed with those (lualities which tend to make a successful agent, and which are so indi pensable to success, lie exolains care- fully and reason loly the advantages and inducements of his companies. In real estate, he buys, sells and exchanges city and farm pi iperties. and is a shrewd, careful and specu- lative investor, .dways endeavouring to deal to the atlvan vantage of Ids clients. Mr. Durham i« prepos^ensing in manner, making friends wherever he goes, and is esteemed by all who know him. W. B. IIVMII I..N. s... '>ti'PL- .\liUiiifaclHrer>. I ^ .i industries ol ( '.madu gn increisfs in \ohiim-and widens in extent A *'"., \Vh.. legale B'...t .iiid I 17 I- 1. Hit si reft Last. The apiice, and nur coni merer ng the many n-iources which g<» to m.ike up tlie fnbrir mI Tur-into, ancl the proud >tani: uf i^"' Dominion a> a maim laciuring Loumry, the Ir.ide in the manufacture "f h..,iK .m.l shrieks forms ,1 itioii imp irlant element. One o( (he oldesi and most reliable uhoIt>s;ile hollse^ engaged in the manii f.irture of boni^ and shoes in Canida. i^ of M('>srs. W. B. Hamilion. Son i\ Company, of 15 .ind 17 lr'Ueces>'"ul operation during tht- long in'erv<-niiig pcrinri, i-, sinnding eviilence of its reb dulity and sietling worth, uhile r.'iiilvOig foremosi among the csiablislnnent-. of iis kind in C.Tuadn. Ihe premise-, occupied are large and suitable for lln- reipiitemenl-. of :iii extensixe manufiic'uring busines--. riie\ comprise a four storey brick luitlding, ^iviSn feel in dimen- sions, equipped frtun basement to attic willi all the latv>l impro\til applianci'N and machinery, foi the mamifac lure of (tools and shoes oi all deM'riniions. .\ \iMtor t(. tlu- h'lise woiil'l be- apt to ipin'c " theie i-. nothing like leather," at >eeing e,i.h denartiiM'ni eoiiiribul ing its share of work "H a •'MLill piec* of leather, uliim:itrly to be conil'ined in tht gr.ind twnle m| a eoininon worltanll\ employed, which will give Mime iilea of the magiiitiidf and exMnl of I lie bii^iiiesv Domestic and imported leailu-r \> large'y iised, and all kin«U of bo4i(> .Tn iniroduriion to ihe roiiimeicial world of Canaila, ami their repuiati'Mi i- desirable nnd en\iable, so much ^o thai to >a\ thai .1 Ih.oI came from '* I lamitlon's," of ropuiio, i> io state ihiit It will be found iii-t ;is leprescnted among the very Ik,-.! of its kind. The he.Td of the tirm i*. one of the pioneer business nien luie of the Council of the Board ol Tradf, ,1 director of ihe I anadian Bank o| ( 'oinmeree, lite I iie Insur.ince lixih.inge, and of the I.onilon and < »nia»io l.oan Co, \|r. Il.imillon, per^onallv, is practical, 'iiligent, far seeing and una>-«iimini.', poss>es->ing accurate tiiiancial knou ledge, nnd the best o| bu-^iness a!'ilit\ . The IN- mber-. of the tirm ire Chesiei B. Il.nnillon who .ibly assists in ilie business aiul p.eison.dly sujiervises all npera- tion> in the factory. Mi. lamr- Buil, who ;iitt:id^ to ihr srlling dep.Trtmenl ami Mr. A. \\ . Blachford who looks .if'er the hnancies, 'he success of the lirm spealNing eloipiently of theii excellent business abibly. ludging from the very crrdilal'le p;ist ofnearl> hall a rentun" and the uiu-xeelled fari s prosperity, iiies at presi-nl cngagi-d by ihis rtpresen'alive tirm, it is only fair to assnnie that they will eonlinui- in ihe future 10 take their stand as second Ir) non< in 'iheir line in < anada. MK^sB^. \V. K. >^^ D. [. M' Swi \\, Merchant Tailors, II 28 i,>ucen street west \ ery often men'scondit ions control their apparel, while ihcy are often governed by their gar ments. lor instance, a student in his gown is put in a mind of gravity, and is restrained from lightness by the very unaptness of his clothing. In all centres of activity like Toronto, where all classes congregate, merchant tailors hnd a desirable lield, and among the fashionable and re liable ones Messrs. McSweyn Bros, hold a leading place. These popular tailors have been established here since March, 1888, and their energy, taste and superior ability have had their due cfTect, unbounded success having at- tended thei I'llorts during this period. The premi.^es oc- cupied are 22x35 ft^^t in dimensions, affording am)tle u- cnmmodation (or the storage and display of stock, ai well I as lor the rapid prosecution of trade. A full and complete assoriiiient of tailoting cloths is continually on hand, in- cluding choice i>r(Hluctions fiom Knglish and .Scottiifc lof ms, West of Kngland worsteils, Irish serges, overcoat- ings in naps, Meltons, beavers, etc., Knglish and Canadiao I trouserings, and in short ever) thing usually found in a Hrrt- class hmise of this kind. The garmentsfrom this h'. |. McSweyn, who are thoroughly experienced and accomplished merchaet tailors. They employ twelve compeii^'nt assistants, and "-.refully super vise all operations in person. The Messrs. McSweyn have 1 proven themselves the right men in the right place, and thoroughly deserve the prosperity they enjoy. I I 1 \i. >■ .\ c I. , I uiniiuie, I pholsifiy, Ijuiise I in nishini; I .oods, en., 342 and 344 i/ueen-stuc t uisi. — ( »m | of the best known furniture and upholsiering luuises in ilii : '.'ueen ' ity is ihat of Messrs. I teming \ Co.. whose phici id bu-.iness is at 342 and 344 i,»Meen-slreet west. This tirm I was i-si,ibli...|it.>d in iS.So, since which lime it has prospeini | arid gone sieadily on. The premisrs oo upied eomprisi lb la.-ge feci in .ire workshop- iiioiU! I can select to advantage, as then stock is chssilrod, each depailmeni bring conipi li- in itscll. Ihi lirm enjoys the highest repiil.ition in'la for their reliability, cheapness, excellence o' design and workmanship. .\s manufactuicr- and dealers in birniiure they have placed upon ihe market some of the (inesi drawing-room. paili>r. dining-room au'l library suite-, as well as the liner gradi sol bedroom furniture, in which line, as aKo upholstering, they make a specialty. Ihey give 'inpitix nn-nt to eight s.ilesinen. '-fsides a mimlu'i o) competent workmen in iheir factory. The member ol this tirm Me>.>rs. |, |. nntl }. Ileming-are well known among a large circle of frientis, and retain the conlideuce and j.'ond will of their customers. The area over which llwir trade extends is steadily growing, and the Inuist ..; steadily increasing in pojtul.irity. Their present premises, 'li'Migh eoinni" ln'Ciiim* ^^> |ir"'t;u-^vi\f ■11 ivi ry h.iiid tli:it many iin|H)rt.iTil .iinl m■li'.|)(.■ll^.ll>U■ l.u" i.ii< in the ci' world are I ■»( litlle niuiiii'nt. I'akc fnt tn.->taiice the value oi hre insurance, and ill li.nly life it is little rcc«'t;ni/ed nn aeciuiMt '►! it> \er> i-i-ni niniiness, llciwever, when the uiiiiMial happen^, and llie wirld i-. i^tartted liy a v.iM |ohn-tinMi, Cliii-ai;') nr I. ind<'ri iMntl.i^ratiiin, men ^li'|. and lake an inventory ■.! the value 'ri tiri- m>urance as a rej;enetative faeii'i in the » nmniercial witld. Thus inlroihieinj; ilie >ulijei t ol tire insurance, it i^ LMiiipaiiMe with the ulijcd ol ihi-i work to make s| intmiitn of ihe !.anea>liire Insurance ( o. nf Manchester, r.n^;., whose head ollices lor Canada are Inci. ed al T'lruiitM, in ihedcneral Trusts Ituildini;, corner of Vonjje ,imi <'..||Mirne streets. This ntd reliaMe in>urance eoi;... r.i'i'in was (ounded in I^^J. when it was ^im m jtiTaied l'> ''[u.-iial Act of I'ar I lament. I >urin^; llie lorij; intervt nin^; |icriini I' has been aitended \\ilh niarktd -uccess in even 'ie|'.\iiuieni, having; e\teiiiled its lnisine-«s in all parts of the vMttld. 1 he fact that ihi- capiial and assets of this lime )ir'i\eii ciimpany tn^jelher e\('eeil the enormous >uin of $-!(),< -in.exio. IX). an'l the total incime fur the past year ovei J'^.(V"'AXK.j.(M.). will ^;i\f -oine idta nf its relialiility and \\ot\h. This is indeed a wtmilerful and most creditahle >hii\M[|^, ;tnd the strung linancial stantlin^ and j^reat si/e ol 'htc.iii|iany enable' its thousands of a^enu in all parts <•! the worlt place amoiin insurance men. Its itKiii-. in C'an.ida pre\ioiis to Decemlur, iS(h, hail been ' i>y \lr. S. » . 1 nuican ("kirk. wh.. held this Irusud |"|*ili'Mi from Inly, iSo.j, to I )L-ceinl)er ii>i, iSiji. In addi- tion to beini; ctiiel at;ent in ' '.iiiad.i > f so ^real a company, tic nl>.. acteti as general n^;ent lor ()iitaMo, Manitoba, ',»ue- liv, the North West and Hriiish Cobunbi.i, lhrout;hout "liich territory he established a complete system ot local and di'trict aj^encies. Al the end of iSiji Mr. ( "l.irk re ^i^nc'l his position with the* ha\in^ come to a mat 11, d and satisfactory arranj^einent w itli them. The Can.idian (lep-rtn: nt is now* carried on as n branch, and the '"■ irs of the com|)aiiy appointed to the manajjemei.. if ' ''.. J. (i. Thom|ison, who for many years held a re sponsible poition in the offuie and has for some lime prac ticaily mana^jed the whole lmsine>". lie is iherefoieihe Iwsi p is-,il»le clioice as a represcntaiive, and is a man of e\ cepliiinnl abiliiie.s and wide i-\|ierience in (ire in>urance. He still maintains the old headipiarters, where every facility f'T LMrryin^; cm the business is all irded. Mr. Th-unpson ■iuccvU Mr. Clark in all the ^;eneral capacities, and is in Lveiy 'cspect an acipiisition to the c mipany. In the s.ime Imilil.ii^ are locited the city oMices, on the ^lound Hoi>r, the ■igem-. l>ein^^ Messrs. Low i\ IlAiniIt«m, bri^;hl, ready and aclivf men, and fully alive to the company's interests in Tur.n/ ,. The progress of ihe lancashire in Canada has been steaily and marked, as >ta(iMit'« prove. The amount >-( insurance now in lorre i* $J7,4( txi, representing $j2,o7i,.Si(, the nn>ss amount ot risks. Ihe total t anadi.m asMi> are .■fjJo,^ 10.05 ; their ca>h iecci|its. $JV'-*'*^l''" • '*"■■ *^^ '• '"^pt ndiiure bciii^ ,f 17 J. 054. 50, a ^;.^lnof $t4<),4.So. ^4 bcin^ reachtd. I Ik- >uiu ol $ioj. U v'"* Is depovitcd with ilie ( anadian iiovcmmtnt, while m iNoi an additional depi'siiol f 4S,ftfio.(»7 was maile for the seem i'\ of ihc ever iiicre.i-inj; arm\ o| policy hidditx here. Tiuth. )U>lice and honour have nlwajs been characl< ristics ol the deaiinc' of this .on:|>an> in * anada. p(.-r"us condition of the ronipany is greatly to the credit of its oiticers, w bo have i-vcry ie,i'roud of Iheir results. (.11 \>. \\iino\, Manufacturer ot iiin^;er Ales and Mineril Waters id all descriptions, sm >>hetlHUirne street, hilling; l' e hot nuutths ol •.ummer noihinj^ i> more lefrcsli in^;, nor, indeed, can there be anything more accepiaMe than a dr.uinht of some -.weel, cooling lie\eraj;i-. Cnlike intoxicants, the re-ull is wludly benetii ial, c ear |S5(), in the tily of Montreal. Ili^ ""''''li^jni^j ener^;y and ililij;iiice soon had their *lue etiect and he w.i-. not many years attaining the po-nion of manat-er. and soon alter was ailmitteil as a partner in the same enterpiisr. In 1805, having; bdly paid up his shares, he retired fioin his partnership, and commenced maniifacturim; tm his ou n account, establishinij a factory with a capacity of _joi> do/cn per day. .-\s an A I arii(de is soon on demand, \\r. Wilson was obIij;eiieen City of the west. Marked and eminently well deserveil success attended hi-. elTorts on every hand, and the proj^ress ol the business was uninterrupted. The tacts that his t;inj;er ales and mineral waters e\hibitei>liian Intercolonial r.xhibi ti'in, -Sydney, New South Wales, he received another prize meil.d, udl ^;ive some Idea of the hinh character of the be\eiat;es niar.ul.ulureil. The facloiv .- admiralfly located ;ind splendidly tilted up, front basement lo allic, will the lale>i iinprovtd appliances and machinery, ihoi •u^;hly modern .ind convenient in every ie-<|iect, bein^; from a poinl of conipleiciies.s uusurpas-eil in Canada. The demand bu the drinks made in this lach«ry continue^ to increase yphon> and other bottles, yin^jer ale in (juait and jiinl botibs, as wet I as sarsaparilla, lemonade, cream socla ami (jinjicr ale, all of which have a standani repulation. Mr Wilson is a ihoroujjhly pr.ictical man. and pcisonally supervising; all operations, he i;uarante(s ; ^*' iction to all p.iirons. He is esiremed by alt who know hi. II as a reli.ible and clever business man, who merits Ins )»rosperit) in ihis city, \eedlesi losay, lie retains the j;ood-w ill and respect -4 a wide ;nid "-tciilily incrensinj; circle of patrona^je. lit s ii.i.v \ Hkhw mi 1 , Por- trait \rtists, .Si Kin(;>ireet east. — Mcssi-, lieniley \ lirownell sue- ceedeil to the (dd (inn of Hcnlley, Mrcvv.ster A Co., and occupy pre- mises at St l\ini»->lreet east. Their studio is suitably npiipped and the reception, or waitin^- ro.ini, is decorated with a choice •■election of crajon and ink por- traits, ilie results of their such cop.y and enlarjje small pictures of all kinds and (inish in any style known tc the art. rheir speci.dty is cra>on ami ink portraits, vvhic are Itnished in a superior manner. .\nv change can lie mailc in the style of cl ithinj^, or of wearin;; the hair ; can remove hats, etc., etc. This house is turning; out the l>esl work in Canada, for which they received .1 bron/e medal at the 1 ) uninioii Industrial I xhibition. Me--srs. lien t ley \ Urownell's portraits lasi as bni^ as oil. look well in any light, and are in every way e kept busy; in fad, so lar^e has iheir business become thai they can harilly till theit i>rdcr>. For lirst-class work at a reasonable |>rice this reliable house is highly recommended, for which hundreds can testify. *4 Thk dominion IUMISTHaTICD. ,( ^ JH c-.i:n M-il.lK \I.IM KMW I KN<-\ 1.1>.|,H', ToKOM-i N"i KNKkiK.H, ( .CO. Leslie \ Snns, prnprictors, 1 104 i^>uct'n-.-irfcl tasi. - Tlic i umnin \iir<«crie> Wfn- cstal)li>lic(l in lS,t7, liy Mr. 1 itMirtic Leslie, "^r., who is siill aclivfly cnj;at;cil in cartyinj; on the I'lisincss with his iw.i sons, \*h'> art* as>Hciiilt'il uiili hini. Mr. I.cslic*. >x., whu i- nnw aim.', I eighty ei^hi yea*., of a^e, was l>«>rn in Scotbtui, where he ^pent liis htiyhood .lays, ami lUsplaycti a iliciilcil taste for horiiiuliural purstiits so early in lite, tliai while a mere l>oy, he was recognised as an authority iiiioii ^janlen inj;, and hi> nanirai tastes in tliat tUrectlon i'au>ed him to be ,soiij;ht alter l-y many |-roii)inent gentlemen of estate in those days, lie occupied, tront time ti> time, many posi' ions where ample opportunity \vas altorded tor ihe display 01 liic talt'lit he possessed ftir l.iniUc.ipe work and jjener.d ornainenial planting;, and these remain to the present day a monuint ni In his memory. Itul, In in^ -if a proL;ressi\ e turn, Mr. l-e>ii« was not satisfied with the conservative methods in the mother land, and ai:< oscd of when he decided In tiev.iie all his ener^iies to the e--taltlishmenl ol ihe nnr>eries on *Jueen street east. The rules and re^julations then estalilished have ever since lieen adhereil to, and, doidtilrss, this tact has lar>.;ely conirihuted to the popularity of iliis nursery throughout ('anada, ani important rule referreeen tested in this nursery th.ui in e\ery other way put together in (".mada, and luither in keepi ig record of rejiorls of custoineis in all ihe varied climates n, this country, gave this hrm a knowledge «hich they lind af tlie greatest value when their advice is sought as to -^nere certain varieties will .succeed anci where noi. I'very variety of fruit tree entered in their catalogue for sale is repiesentcd in the experitnental orchard hy one or lU'ire specimens upon which the fruit can l)e seen and tested in |>roper season, which, to the intending planter, is of great value in determining what to plant. These gnmnd- are open to visitors ie\ce|)t on Sundays! and all who take an interest in horiicidlure arc cordially invited. The informatiMn to j-e gleaned is varied and nuisl interesting liut wi; have only space lo refer U\ s<»me leailing features. In the cultivation of trees they do not stimulate them into excessive growth t>y heavy manuring and the use of potash a.s is often practiced (and thus making iheni hmk large anil hamlsome at the expense of their after vigor) Iml grow them tiT r-fwierately fertile soiU. The climate of lorfuito i-. a \" V rigorous ime, anrl trees grown there conseipiently he(ome well hardened, and calculated to si.ind and thrive Wed in the coldest part of the country. They grow largely of those \arieties which have been tested ami proved to oe the hest, and, therefore, those who have little knowledge of varieties likely to succeed will do well to leave thoir selection with the Messrs. Leslie. In the ornamental and forestry grounds can I'O seen many specimens of enormous si/e, ami they are yearly selling tiudiers for ship building and other purposes, trees that were mostly (.'rr)wn from seed upon their own grounds. Mr. Leslie, sr., ^ys : 'M'ifiytive year's experieiue h: ("an.idjjn tiee glowing has convinceil me thai fanners ran piolnahl) grow iiees lor .dl purposes on a faim, ' In these day- when farm leiicing is hiinming so expensive it is interesting |o enamine the many varieties ol hedge plants, and especially the hedges iheiiiselvts in ihe nursery grounds, man) of them being not only |ierma iient but beaut iiul nml at the saiiu- tinu- sullicienll\ cltKc and strong lo prevent any (aim animal from eithei gfiing througli. leaping over or breaking them. We understand ihe aclual C"st per ind i^ K-ss than for the ■ •rdinaiy farm hiue, besides taking vip much tes% roiun than the unsightly snake lences. The day is surely not fai disi.inl when hedges will be the rule rather the exiep lion in this countiy. Tlic Mes»r-. Leslie hold more |>ri/es ■ind nudals h<>m exhibitions inr fruits and mirsny >HK-k ihan any nurseryman in Canada. I >>\ the lirgest and Iniest display of fiuii ihey were never beaten. Hut pri)bably the most iini'oriant pri/e they hold is a gold medal lot the hnest and largest exhibit of nursery productions, ihe experts who [udged the entrees in this clas^ mak ing a special note "f the "thriftiness ami general -uperioiity " of the stuck ciMnptising ilie t vlnbil from the old inivseiy. .Ml the pri/es .md medals held by this hrm were .iwarded at ihe leaiimg exhi bition.s ofCanada. Some years ago a special silvei was presented to the senior tiiember of the lirm by the .\gricullural and .\rts AsM.ciaLi'n of 1 >ntario, ihe insc i)>tion upon which .is h.Ilitws "T.. I .eorge I,., '"e, sr., in grateful acknowle.l^r mini foi hi-, httrticultural etiorts, by the ('"Uiuil of .\gricullure and .\its .\^> of t intarict." |r. addition to the direct ord t business this (inn i^ now adding an agents' departmeiil undei special super vision, and when c.un|>leteii will be one of the most thorougli antl serviceable yei brought before the public. I'roin the r experimental and practical know ledge, exm... - ing over a half century ami more, s drisseil ivilh choice samples o| ftotwear, and caiini fail to attract the many customers of j'arktlaie and \vf* end who possesN any love of the beauliful. V\\c Interior ;J even more pleasing, and is replete with boots andshocsi al' sizes, stales and weights, made special , loi hisown IraiK for ladies, gentlemen, missc-'. youths and chihlren. ThJ st.ick is tirst class iliroughoiit, and duralile. neat tilting .m \ fashionable fooiwear can always be olnained al Stephens ■ Modeiale piices prevail and a hirge and growing lraik';> done. Lm|)loyment is given t.> .1 number of competefi | and c'.uiteous assistants, and saiisfaciion is gu.iranleed 1 all pations. Mr. Mtphens i*, perhaps, the most rcliaM(| and popular boot and shoe merchant in the west end ; hei esteemed by all who know him. and thoroughly meritu fi ■ success. b-iiN lii KN-s \ >..\s, Carriage Works, 126 and i:J lohnstreel. Th's firm makes a speciality of tine carriic f work, such as cou| r,, landaus, \ ictorias, I nglish .aits, broughams and buggies of Canadian ami .\nni styles, also sleighs of every descripticui. They are al- 1 manutacturers of the celeltrated I)'>minion l\press Waggcrl as well as ambulances, which have bpen siipplied to thi I'olice Commissioners, Toronto, and the Ottawa Huiiiar:!^ Society, also fur "The King's Daughters," I'ort Arlhu' All work manufactured from the U'si material and fini^hc with Noble \ Hoare's .' .-^glish varnishes. joMN M. Iki.M H i\ Co.. .Manufacturers and lm|i"rit: of I'ainis, f'olours, Varnishes an ' thorough (anadian and -vas born al Lingston, Ont. ^i' McLennan, who is also a 1 i.nadiar .s acknowledged to < one of the most expert and praciica* paint men in .Anu'rifn his ex|>erience extending over a number of year^ THK 1 )OMINinN \\.\.\ ' STW.V n I t ic vtilulnwH ait I i-nr, aiulcaniii kilaie and rtc» Che inU'rior >| .(>, ami shncsi ihiMrcn. Thfl nval tilting ^\l [ il ilt Slf|ih(Ib riiwini: ir.itlc.i cf cuinpftcr I ^u.irnnit-t'il ' lnll^t i(| ■a L'lui ; lici- Ulily merit* * 'I j6 and i-'l >f line carriac I l.TiKlish tHj .ind Impt'iie:- . ( tftic. ar- most siM'ce- 1. McI.i.Minar| a yminp niin )f Ihf 'lomr m-r in tin- !i'" was n»iigN| .mild its -ectfl ■111 lie rfMRnf^l s. He .m. Onl. M:| jwledged 10 ttl i-n in Anieticil if year- w'^l tmiN M. I KKNCIt fhr; lii^i-*! in umf.l^■Ul^^■f^ in ,ind iht I 'nit id suh', III* i.ilif inventor .i| ihc i\<>\\ (.nnuu^ Mcl.cnnin I'lpi'in^ l'r"(-i«, h-Mi-tlli I di'M lilird. Ani'in^ thi )>nnl and v.iirii-'ii it.i.1'.' Ill Cin.idi Mi--.-.r>. Iri-ntli .\ ("n li.ivr midi- Ihnn ■.**lvi'» a Mt't-i ini|i j"un;; Mill I iii('r|f lilc ye. I.-. oimiK-liliMii ha-, la'rii s* ki-iii iin'nv; |»iinl mannfarliiri-r'' ihal prici's ui-rc ciil and protit-. HiTf .ihn-'.i nil mv\ .»-• a nilur.d c'inM'<|'H-Mitc- Ihc ')ii,iliiy "f lilt; himU dcltri'pratid. and cIkm|' adnlirralcil |t,iinls and 'linns hecami- the nrdi-r "f ilu- rta\. T' nvurrnnu- thi'^ v\i\ .Mid li' pi'-vf to ihr L*iin-.iiiin-i thai tlii' ' ' and •,lion^;«>.t c il'iuiarf liy far the ilu-a|it>i h.i> hiiMi the aim -if ihi- m-w iinii. liny tuiii ont notliin^ Imi the -.Ir'mneM and purr-t C'l'ls anil l>y ronstanl work and slhfs into ihi* faiMnrifs nf nliii ''t all the I.u^t"'t nin^iunurs in Canaila. » tm' of thu . In- 1 I iciors of Ihc r hiisincss, and onr whirli '\> connn and hil; ■'.< .it'.rnti-m of ihc whoh- iradt- to day. is ilu' Mrl.cnnan I'm I in;; rrorcss, now in ii^c hv .dl the I.uc' imph*nu'nl one nitin lrnrd • piit4- J^ p -r rtni. I lipping a* a pron-'.-j^ no iio\idii hnt i'\(i|il lor prj''*ary (-ont • hi* nlw iy« proveil a fiiihuv Ii«''M Ihctariihat hilht'rli i( ha<« hi-i-n loinrl iiit|itM^ilih- to kvip iht' paint honi » ...^ .n ihc hoiioin of the (ank^, and »ilh variiidi ihc milctiat <<>idd not he fonml lo ihiii ii lo y>v h .1 con>i*ii'n<'y ihal i' Mould How fret I) froni ihr artiih- hnu' ruriH or i-d^i"* and lca\in^j a hii;;hl nl"'»''. Ml s.. o iliMli'iihii'* arc owriomi* l<> and ih'' mannUclurt-r can now prinn , Mxond co.n and varni<>h hi'^ ^ond* coinpli-iL- at hall (he old cost and with l>t '( r rt-HuliH. The firm arc ion*ianlly in rio-ipi of very romi>hincnla, hrar udlirit; and clucrlid U'stinioiiy to iK c\i > ll(>m c W c nii^lit atld til. II MeHitt, Irtnth i\ <'o, have rrtcivtd many mosi < niiVini' oNcft friHit oiir Amcricin roii<>int to oprn n liian' h ('%tal\\ , hi \>»i I id tlreetH. idu^lries ipf a i hy il is : madt- of lis hiianci.'' inslilulion •, and on tlu^e (he pro^reMH .ind dev< I'lpmenl of a comninniiy .ue in a ^reat mca'tiire dt'p< ndeni. Tlic ■.um,;- \'uA 'V->lem ha-* h 'cii a p overfill laclor l..i i^ood in the preseii' • <'nliirv, .iml h.M iiHiriii ted hoMi indi\idtia)s andnatitiii- in hal'i'> of ce>iiiomy .iiiil pnidenre. Amoii^ tlie many inoin ' iiy iii<.litiiiioii<. of which the i ily of Toronto i> \\>\\y proud, noni' -'ands ,•> lU-scividK hi^li as the lorohio I .••ni-ial Tiii^l- ( ornpany. loundeil oidy .iUmii ten yt ar^ aj^o, m otd- r to meet .i lon^ fell ,in I mciea-inji want, il has in a -.h iri lime lakcn lir-^l raiil% anion^ ihr fnom larv lll^lllullon'• of the piovincc, ".-fore the e-lal'h>hmenl of ihiH company the posilioii o| vxeculor, alii.iu*t trii-tec. call c| loudly for ihe c-lahli-hincnl ot sitih an insii'iitioii a> ihe **'oionlo i .cneral rriist-. ( unipany. It is rertai 1 that no r piny eoiild li.ive started iimler mirc favour, il'le au»pi, futniiine factories, vxa^^on hui'dcrs. \c.. in ("an. .la This is a in>iliod of applying; painls and varnislies wlurcly the article to lie p.iinied i- flipped in a tank of colitiii instead of hciii^; hriished. An immense savinij of lu'lli lalKiur and material i> (hiis tlleclv'd tit the lonsnmer as Mr. i.en, A. Tox, of the Hank of t'otnmerre, and .Mr Henry '>. Howl. ind, of the Imjierial Hank of Ciinada. Thr Milnr direr'ors air Mi - rs. \V. II. l!in^ .he man.i^cr in re«pie( i>- ihe t'vecuiion of the trusts and respon'^ihihtic^ iindeil.ikeri hy ihe roni pany. 1 he ciitnpniiy \\.\-- iin ■ rp<.is placed at f hki.ihn). | hi> loiniMiiy lia^ lull power lo eveente even kind of iru<>t and tin.irii lal .i^ency. .Old .iiiion^ tli- variou* duties uiiderl.ikt>i the t> Mowing important olliecs : .\>i n trnitec appuinled hy coiiits, lorporal.ont oi private persons; as nn executor, id- iiiinisli tP-r, ^u.irilian. coimiiiltee. receixer. or any other pidiriary lurictioii : .is an a^eni lor .my person holding any ol the lore^oin^ mImccs : as an .i^ent and allonuy h-r ihc inanatjemeiii and winding up oi estates; asuna^int lor the isHtiinj; ami I ountersi^inin^; oi Himk', honds and oiher ohU- gallons, and lor recei\ in^ anil inanaitin^ s'nkin^ kinds; at an a^;ent hu in\esliMt; inoni v , collcelinn in'eiesl, divideinU, moiii;.i^cs. and ^;rner dly lor perlormin^ any linaneial ofhces j and a* a receiver nul assignee. .\ I lr^•c amount ol money i't always at the dt ;'osal ot ihe nuiipany. to he loaned Kt the lowest rates o) in»eresl on hrsi iMortnai;es on productive l.irm or lily properl)'. I he ^ tie I Jeposil \ .iiilts. w hieh are .1 hrancli ol this hody, are siiicily hre .ind luir^lar proof, protected hy thr Holmes I leetric System, and ptoxided with every modern .ipplianee in use !or t;ivin^ imnplete -ecurily. Ihe hnildin^ enclosing; the vaults v»as consiriicted spci ially lor Ihe purpose at j;real outlay, I'liv.ite sale* of dillerent si;es cm he rented ai a low cost hy the \enr or hir shorter periods. .Sales are rented lo iriistces. who are per- mitted Id place a lock of their own on the door, in ndtlition to Ihc company's, for hetter salety. I'lale chcsls, deetl h'-xcs. etc.. are received under seal lor safe keeping, and insured at $i per tor $l(xi o| value • r every ciihie loot ol lor s'lnie year-, the company occupied piemises at J7 mid ji| WcHinmon street east and \it I' nrnt -streel cist, hut are now located in their own splciidi>l huildini; •'^* till' Corner ot \ on^ie aiul Colhorne streets. It will lie eas''y seen honi (he lore^oin^^ and lij an examination of the dirfc'.o'ale, that with such nun »'. the helm il is not to he wondered that Ilu Toronto t.e't'ral Trusts Company has achieved Mich marked success, ''idike the appointment of a private imlividual as executor or trustee, rc^ardin^ whom it is impossihie to s.iy wiietliei he will live to discharge his dutic«;. the Toronto ( lenerc', 'Trusts Company never dies; and il is hut reasonahle to ctmchiilc thai a well ot^ani/ed and sysieniatic.dly nianamd company must nccess.irily he aide 1 I ailniinisU r estates more elticienlly and ecnnimiic.ilty til. Ill j>rivale individii.ils. who in many instances liave neither the lime, the laisiness facilities, nor other rpidifi cations necessary lot the t.isk. The r,ipid increase which has taken place in llie niimher and value <>l the estates managed hy this concern is the luHest proof reiiuired ot ils appreci.ition hy the puhlic of the (irovhice. KSTABUISllMl-Nr Ol HtKONTO <,I-:NKRA1. TRlsr:i CO. THK nOMINION 1 I.I.I ISTW^va-Kl) ' :^^:/^^. ]>rAlll.l>liMI-..N [■ iiK 1 IIH WILKINSON I'l.Ol 1.11 tO , l.lMn I !•. (hi-i- li.M l..ii;i. ) l-.sTABI.IMI.MI.Sr OF «. A. Ml KKA\ fi CO. -(St. iicxl pant) Thh: dominion^in^KA.'rKn. ) II) W II Ki\'"N I'l-'U.iiC... ilin. I. M.ik,i,..| |'l..n;;lH { s, ,.,|.. 1^. 1 Mi.> lull. II..,.. M.' I >.-! mI.I ..hi v^,ll Mi.iii)»-i uluii lilt l.iiiii.'is n| iinlJii.i (oiiM i| ilii iijild H'^.iiiliii;; )lu liititii) <■! il)f ^.iil in very iiiiili, ■ \\i li.-lxli-'l il uilli .1 hoi-, UK I II l,iu|;l)ftir-nil^ luui- ■ iim -.(11.111 ilir iil; .11). I I lie l.iriiu i « In* .l.n-> ii..l .\ ii>t- ill! I.r>t |>|.)ti^)i " t>h ikiii^ u|<" )ii> l.iii.) iii;)\ 1 >mrh I \(.i-«t !.'*ii.'|' .ml u| III!' |.r..(r^';i> iiiK i"*. " lli.tM- w Im kft |i ii|. ,;li lin |.|.M i-.>)..n tMllll"! i\[i'i I l.i Ili-.ll llic I'illl.l,"' ■..' tin- mil i< li,t\i' |it.iv(-ti ili('iii-i-|\i-. Iiilly .ll■rl'.l^l >il iIk- iii)ii'> li\ in- --Ih. ..'I.I.IMl.'l \\llklll...|. St':>l|.|.l)i) I'lnDKll." -oIIki'i \\ lioih "ii< •I'ltu.lnl .iL;lli'tilliii,il iliU-ri-sIs ihc ..tiMlll)'- iii.l.u) -I'lilij;-.. I lu- t\li'ii-i\t' i-ii1tT|.riM- iK'W r.miitl .>ii ■ I h. WilLiiiM.ii ri..ii)4li I ■.■iii|..iii\ 1 1.1. 1. 1" cs its in I i.iM t.. ill.- iii.|;' 1 tii'i^\ I .liiilit) .>l il- isUriiu-.l I ^,

  • i, Ml, < .1... Wilkin-^. Ml. rhi->^riilli'iii.iii. w ho i-^ ii..| .I\ .il.!< II. >. Iit'^.ill ill.- lii.ltillLi. lull- <.t |>l<>it^ll> ih iSdS. .ili.l 111- -iiri •.-. h.i- iiiiii .)><.! V( Ml l>\ \i . . iititll .1) tilt- |.i. ■•i-iil liiii. I. il ilh- I11.1.I..I ihi l.uui'st |.|..ui;li l.u|..i\ ill ilu- 111.- til.iM. Nl\ \ •■.lis ,1^11 llu- I'tl-ifK---- ll.l.l • It . [•'iiii.l IK .'t--'\ t.'l'iiij.l 111 u w.iiks, .Hill .1-- lilt- Ixiiii. r '.lllMn. ilu- !>>\\|| ..1 Altli'l.). .Il.l In.t ,lll.»>l i^M.iij i.iilu u iliHi ■. lilt- < .•ll)|...ll) l.'l il I) W iii-l llli'lL^iil llllo .> |"ili1 '. i. li'-iii a |.ii\.iii' ■■.i|... I. III.. II ..\.-uluii' )li ihi i^U'.u ( i.iilvx.iN-. < .uiM 1>t- 1 tost- .m h.iii.i. I '| llllUli.tM Is till' illMsili silc, .Mill h, 11' llli-> ll.Ut i .1 I.iil;<' .Mill s|.|i ti' < .|iii|<|.tt| i.i. i'.i\. an. I h.ui- .1 ^ III II Ir.iiii I'-iih ( '.in.oli.iii I'ai itii- .nul ( .land riimk iilu.i\s. SI. l)ir\ \u>\\ . .>iutn:iniii|>Kl> i>l lis Kill. I in I h n 111 Hi 'II. .Mill Is till 111 u iili luwisi III... hiiiriv .Unl i.-l llii|.|..\« .1 .Hi|.t|.iMtt-s. l|;U)IIi:.l 'M|'-"il\ .'I "\i-|- ^o.nixi •null- 1 >* .11. 111.- I.iiil.liii;^ is .1 v^t..i\ l.ii.k sirii. iiir.-. 111! JiiiNi;:; Il I 1 in .|i .. ii-i.i||v, ill, ].|iniis,> in .ill .i.\.r- ; ii'iitl J.'. It-. I 111 In-I 1I....1 Is iilili/f.l .Is .1 \\.Mri".'iii, (I'l Ilu r\' r|>lt.i|| III till- w. vlfiii ,11,1, wlk u iIm- iiftiii s ;Ui- ii.'l. .uhI t.i .ii)|.rtii;nv iis . .iim|.Ii-uiu--s Ih-sI. is. ul !i-' . i.i M-. ii. I'1i.iim}|>. i,m- w.iiil.l II. I like s.ixin^^ t,.| ih,- ill Ml' s\,r. iii.iiit .illv .Mi.inj;r,l in ililti -iiiil |i.iii- ..t llus 1. I'-ii- iiii'in, .1 i.iilw.iy siihii)^ )>.i-sii|M tlir'Ui^h tin . . nli.' ..t . I ■"'Ki'1 ''"■■> ill >ii> l> -I ^^'1^ ll)-ii llx' .I.X.I- .>( lilt- r.iis |iis| 111' 1 \.ii vvilli ilif IliM.i ,.l !'■■ 1.1, i,.i\ .-. ilii slii|;^ il -i.'i.ii;,- s\shin s iiiisiii|>, .1, \\ ;■ niiisi nuiiiinn .lU.i . s|,l,i;.|i,r.,i|„-.-s. (Miish.-.l in li,r.lH."..t. a lull suitr. in «liti^ -^(-tit-ial ami |>ii\.iti . Inin^ iiiiti/dl. ulu. Ii an <''.ni it.iM) liiiitislicl tiiil ht.iit.l Iiv si.MiM. while a Itiit- .iMa\ <>t !M i I. Ml u .111.1 |.ii itins j^ivi .. .HI .lii ..1 i.-liiirim-nl l.'ilii- iii- tultiill. I III' s,,.,Mil llal is;| ^(M.'l.ll U I -ll.<|i. Uhllr |lls| ..u llir Mill, .-s Is .) ,iiM:il.U- ami ,. .111111. ..Iioiis l>..aiil iii. 1.1 ihr III si ilut.i. sinli ,ix tli.- Iiml; .hkI liiillni^ lo'.iiis : l>r\.. ami .11 ilu- h.m ..l ilu riii^iiif iimis.- .1 ; I'liil.liiii; is .1 in.Hil.inii; >h.>|i. .ill .it wliii h wiv\ i.i 'I- >i|. Ih. tnii a .Ml- 1 iii.'st i.>n\. nu ni in.imil.t.-tiirin^ Iumii.iiii..ii. III. Mr. I .111.1 .i|.t-i.ilftl l>\ sttain ii'iiiMi-iut. .111.1 sii|.|.li,it with (ill I'iMi, , with imini/i-s inl<. 1 .tin}'li li in ss ■ \ iiiihi). Sulk> ;'I..U!.;h s, r.i|.i-rs. ami thi- 1 .1. s-"\ '"Maml.M.I |.|..ii^li." .in r.tiiti,aiall\ . .in-l ilu- ■ It t \ti-ni|s ti.iin ilii- Ailaiili.- hi tin- Ta. ilir. a ii.i\i-llii I !lit iMsi .Mill iiin- till ihi- wi'si liiin^ t'iii|iti>)iil. till "I'Miv iisr ih.- vii\ In si iM.ihiial ill inaiiiilai hiu-. aiul u Hill « Mil II (.ti.iij;lis •• I'. .liMii'" ill an\ ".il, \\ M. ii< - i.t I'LtOLilis ,11.' in.itli', I-, snii Ii^Im .iml In.iw ai.^l : |>iti|>.'t s. .ill .,ti-iit i.tws .iml \t s .iii.i. I,..|. uhilr iln\ als.i m.iki' ilu- tn-s| |..ail s, r.ipi-i ill.' iiiaikil li. ilay. lIu' luisiiiiss i-iuilimus to ^iiow " f. mill aluMily is t-\U-mliiij; into ollui lainK. •iii,;hs li.iv iiij* Imii siiii 111 .\usti.ili.i ami ^oiilli .Vnuiiia. ■ ' .litnioi- nt till- iiiin|ii.ii\ .lie: (ii-i>. \\ ilkiii-oii, pn-si : : I I. h. \I..ti..n. M.h., vi'n- pu' : K. St. Ik Noiinii. I.: MX : W. II. l-t ii.iin. tr.MsUiii. .in.l ilif IJi.ii. |. Ik IniM.ii ami .\. rii.>iiiliiii loiltl. I'la- n piiMlioM .11 iln- ')up.,n\ is alrt-ailv t sLiMislut). jiul t'iiiplo\in( 11 1 >-• hiiiiislu-il I ir..iii u) til 7!) haiuls ill ilif iutiusiiy. Mi. is 1\ siipp.,|t,-t| Ml tlif inaiiaj;i-nuiii ol his tiiuipiisi . ami i* -1 iviii^ -tt ihf liinhtsi 1 ii.lii. Iiw im-n )ia\f fMinpliluil I-'li pt isi \ti.Mit 1 I hail I «■ in ih,- pi rlifllii^ 'm- . 'ii.rpiis,-, ,iml .ill who .in l.iniili.n wiih ihc proiliu ts I '>' In 111 will ii-ailil\ }',ianl ilu in iln palm ot sini-css, \\. A. Ml KKW \ <"«».. .silk Mil. haul-. vU\. 17 .iml *: 1;; -ttf.i i-.«st. Am '11^ ihr innmious liusini-ss.s .ipri.iu .1 i.i'uimumt) ii.nic ^i\i- [;iiMii r t aiisi s.nisi.n ii..n iliaii " ol tin- silk'inrrrhaiii. Hi- t;tii«ls npnsriii iiir\ii\ . .isi ■iiiii s, ami li\ this iiuaiis his piospnit) is ,, inu ^iiap- o| ■ -lu'i i-ss ol his .iiniliy. 'I'lu' lunisc known .is \\ . A. ■iiitiv \ Cti.. siiiiaU'.l al 17 lo 27 Kiiij; -trirt t-asi ami .? .Mill 14 Citllioiiir sirti-i. Is oin- ol ilu- inosi pinmimnt in ■ 'ilk ilr\ ^i.MiiU line. Il was oi^ani/nl in ilir u.ii i^U-'H'l Ilii- I'lnis ni-ail) fonipli-U-.I .i pi-iUMl ol 411 \tMis. ' 1. Il Ims Ikih ..I unitimii -.nil »-s-. ami stiaily ^;iowlh. It is ' ol iln'^;isi ami hm-si ImsiiK-ss hmiM-H in rininiln, iia\itin ■I ii;Mihniil liiiiila^u- o( KK) liii. a «lr ill "I jtxi ti-i-i ami is I I -i.'ifjs in luij;l>l. l-ioni this il will In- si-i n thai .m Ml list- iiailt- imisl In' rairii'il ."M aiui lli.ii il iiiiihI hi' oiir nl ii.isi [loptilai lit ihi' l'UNim'H> .. .h*s<'| Ttin'iilo. Pry TH(. DDMlNloN B.^SK, ■^ Ui.|.\.i\ ilfs, lipii.iH .;ii- !,aiullitl. ami in a. Mill. -11 tin III 1.1 .111 w 111. 1) kiL.w n .1^ uiilliiuis. anil m.nilli- in.iki ts. \|issi,. \\ . \. MuiiMV .\ to. Iia\i' alLiiiuil ,1 uiili- popn knit) as silk iminis aiul .Iim1«-is in hiir pnfls oi .ill kimU. Ilu- iiilciioi ot ikiii rsial'lisliim-ni has lui-ii kiiil lUii wiili ilu- ^ii-atf'-i i-.irc. so ilial lUsiomtTH laii iiansacl lluii husim-ss with (M-i-aml nuiilnrl. riu-^ntMUau-iliviilnl into miim-i.>us , l.issfs. vvliiih thus cnaliK-' caih tli-paitmcni lo hr .itumlfti I.t in ilif m.>'«i s,iiisl.irl.ii\ iii.iiimi. ( iiitain ^ooils ol jll kimU. an h iU'sij.;iis nl tin- lnM woikmuiiship. sfitriis in t-Miy vaiitiv. latli.'i.'-.. liansiuus. rit-.. .i| japain'-.f. Mooiish. .XiaU-Mpir .mil I.^;\pliaii tU'sij^iis. with .iirlain ptiUs. loops. . haiiis. triiim-s .uul uinips lomprisc ,in i's|k-i jal iKpailmiiii. whiir^nnils t It t">U^ht tVnm lIu-loWfs| |u iln- lii^lu-si piirr. ( Mlu'i 'ir.iiiibrs III ilu- liiisiii-'ss. ilu- milliiH-r\. iln-ss iiMkiii^! .iinl niaiitli' iiiakiiiL;. an- supi.r\ isi-il liy i ' pi-ritiu ttl |.U(W..iiiiii. who .Ml- assisti-il li\ a si. ill III" roinprUiit opiia im-s, I In toial minilu'i nl haiiiN niijilnyfil is 2?.^. V\u- iliuaiitl\ ili-« 1. It I'll '^hnw windows nl this t-vlalilishnuni ■ittiait (itiu-ral atii-nlinn. ami alwavN tiraw a t-rowil nt pas St n^i'is. Mi-ssi*. \V. .\. Murray i\ to. :,ri- known lhroiij;h- otii llu' whole i-Miiil of (ana. la. Ir mi llalil.iv, N.s.. to \ .iiii'i'UXfr, II.*'. riif ini-mlu-rsot iln- linn an- Jnhii l>iyiian .iiul \S . I- Mmrax.ilii' Inrnn-r m-titltniaii liiiiij.' a iin in litr ot tlu- Tnioiit.i ItoanI -tt Traih. Il is Illlo^l^ill llu Miiilril t'iu-iL;i«s nt the paitiur-. ill's h.. s.i .1 popakuil). I ln'\ .11 ^ l"'lh ;»'< luisiiuss nu 11 aiul pinminciil lili/cii'-. li'\itM"N ..\NK. II, ail ..tiiif. .'.nu-r m Uinjj aiul \ .111..,.' sin, Is. llu loim.l.nion i-l ihi- ii-liaMi' iiisiiuilinn. ulmh tioiii iIk' litsi III III i|iisi|\ t'..iiin't-ii.) wiih ihi piMspiril) ol ilii' rity. was kiitl in 1S71. Thi- anihoii/ttl I si.H k. whiih amoiinis to $1 .5im>.i>ihi. ha- lit-iii p.ii.l up. I lamlstuiK- pninisis ari- oiiiipii-ti. In in^ l.n-.ititl mi thl■ | onn-r or Kiii^ .iml \ .ui^i- siu-cis, ha\ inji .1 IroiiMj^i' on till' oin- 'ilk- ot Si Ifi-t .Mill Mil llu- olIuT ot (HI lilt. Tlu Imitil- ni^ is six siori'V-' hi^h. Uu- hank i.iil\ taking up tlu' j;roninI ami hisi iIiMirs. .Mr. K, II. iSiihuiif. a ^;intK'man wi.h-Iy ki'owii in tiiiaii'.ial •"■' liiisiiu'"-s lin K--. Imlils tin- ,iltii-i- ot iM-'hiiv. A p.tsiii,.! In' has liHiil with in. lit |o hinisill ami -aiisl.n ti..|i t.. ttn- iIim'i lovs. I In- ILmhI ..t .lin-i lors 1 .insists III l.inu's Austin, I^stp. pii-snUnt ; I Ion. l-rank Mniih. viiT pn-siilnii ; Wni Iiui-. I'Mp. ItlwanI\. l-lsip. I'-. M. i-oit. I-si,.. .mil Wihiioi \). M.itilu'Us. Isip ItfsitU-sihi- liratloitii'4-. hisait' siiuali-ti in Toionlo. on tlu- t-iniu-r nt' i,)tufii ami I-.sIIut sin-t-ts. t^lui'i'ii ami llvniil.ts. i^)in-in ami Shcrlioiniu'. ( itor^i- ami Kiii^. ami \t^t* sp.i.lina .niinii-. Wliitli). I \liri.l|;( , i )tillia, ( tshawa. ( 'olioviri^. liraiiiplnii, Napaiur. IkIIlmIU'. laiulsay .mil ( iiH-Ipli .w \A.u\"^ whi-n- lirani-ht"> haxf litrti opfru-il. The usual luiikinj; liusim-ss is iiansacti-il. lU-pnsiu Iu-iiij4 rr- i'i-i\iil .11 intrii'si, Stirling i'\. h.inj^i- lioii^lil ami s.,|i|. .nul . iiinimnial tuiliis issmi-iI t.-r Iiintpi in ami oth.-r imintiii-s. .\l I.nmlon. lai^laml, tlii- Nation. i| Ikiiik ol Si-nilaml ; al \«-w \ nrk. till' Natimial (ily Hank ami llu- Itank ol Mi iil- nal .III' t'uir i-orr>-s|Hin ' nis. this latter iiistiiulmn lilling ilu- s.\im.- ottu-c ill Mmilrcal. r.s Till-: noMINION Tl.t.I I^STWATKI> ■ .-n'flft* !g^^" nn: wu.i.iam-^ jactokv, >i. in \ki, r. MONFRKAt. nFFlClS AMI WoHKS dl' IlII- WII.t.IAMS MPO. CO. See next paKi ) Bi THK DOMINION IM.nsTKA'rKn. fU( rHK uM AKIO BANK. \\ It I 1 Wl-- \I \\t I \» II l;l\'. f ■"'\.. >S Kiiil; ^luii u. -I. J \. II I .Willi. II. M.lll.t^rl. A-* .III (M«lini< ..t lilt- IM.|.|||.II Ifiiliii^ .ii^.iiii-*! tin- iiilri'iliiriinn .'I ni.u hiiu ty, llir ■>ttii\ itl I ki. Ii.imI \rkH tij^litMiuiiilJoiinr llu' ^| 'inning niiii) i> ,i ^ I I x.iitijilr. Hell. id unrki-tl li>i niiiiliiii'iiK. iiiiiiMiiN I'lluiN \\i If .11 l.i-.t <-ii>\Miiurt-iv.., .111.1 llu 11 KMill |.|,Mnl MM iAliil.iti..ii. riu mill li.iii'K ,ilii< • i > I'l ninl.lifil ilu' iiixintor. Hi>\M'\(.'i. llu- intioiliu-ii'iii -it i.iil.iti. i\ >.Mtii I'l.ivf.l ;i !.( lulil i.illui ili.iii .1 liiinlr.iiiti I.. I .III. I I.I ,|.i\ iJK' Will 1. 1 1. Itl III iiiti ^i-i I in uiih.iDi ii. i till lit iii..>i'iliil invi-tilitiiw ■•! thi-. I . iiluiv i* tlu- mwImi; IiiikIiiiii . UiiiU- .Hill •uihl'i i-v>ini«' .11 liisl. it m.i-. lui ii iin JI'IiivmI ii|»ii) I MiiiiMiMll) , unlit ii i.iii ti.iw \\! |l,i>i|i> ill .liimisi .111) il*-'.ij;ii. < »in i '11 lit- kilj^t-l -.t-w ili^ liiiu Mti'iiti-. Ill \hv l)o i.m is till- " Willi.iiiis." wli.'-t u.'ik- iit •iiii.iiid ;ii M. tliiin. ni'.n Moiilti-al. 'riu-ii v\.iiii.>.>ni in Ti.r.'iil.. i^ .It s-*< Imi'^; "Ititi wi-'t. ;ni hoiii. lilt- -^li.iw h'.'in is ii-pliti' with i\a\ .1. .1 I i| III. 11) ■>! \\ ilji.tnis sc vmh^ iii.irliiiit-^ .uhI ni.h liiiit I'liiM^v siu-l, i> llu- i-.icni ..I llu ir.ulf tli.ii lliiil) nis-.n- II' ."11^1. mil) i-in|ili>)fi| in titini^. rf|>:uiiii^; .unl .iltitnlin^ i.. [ill. iimini..ii-. iMiiciii-,. Mr. .\. II. Ii-sMiiiItn, ihf i I'' ii;;. I III \U\s shtn-, is Will .inwii in Imsi |i"^ 1"^ in TtK. mio .IV , I 111, in o| inic^rii). k.i'ii l'iisiins>. ]i''ili!\ .Mill toii-i^lii. Hi il.rt.t.'U r.i.iin- llu- uv|'tii .■! I 111' iiiiiii. j.iiis |i;uri>n-.. Till OMVKiii liwtv. \.\ \\. Ilin^;i.iii -ii.n im->i. I ''.I'M -Hill. .\iiMiiii4 llu iiDii) tiiitr|'iiM> l^^liii li ,11, rail) in^ mi i-\t.-ii-.iM- KiKi.iiinii'. in ( .ui.ul.i, tlu- llliiiL.ii < hiiaiio Kinks jiiimii^' llu* liM. Thi* iiu-iii|iin.iti"ii III- v.i^i iiiuiu-i.ii) iiitik pl.iif in iht xi.ii I'^i7- M' I v\liiili hini' il has iisill in iis pn-s. ni "li'i si.:iiliii^. Till- thill) l.itnth .nniiial nn-ilin^ .•! ilic, js was hcM .11 r..'ii>nio, nil llif Ktili Iniif, iS.n. ''Ii"i lih tt'|H)il | (•• ilif .vhaiihi. hills l.y tlu- '""■'■I 111' piLVitl tht- snli.liiy nl tht- Mank'j. atlairs. In JI'iiiiH.i ,1 l.iij-i' Itnililin^. Ill iiiaiik i\<-i-).iiiiiial lacililics in tht- Han- sat li'in tif l.iisiiu-ss \\iili l.iii-i^n rnuniri' s ami aikk^il) lo till- Vf. Ill) aiii.mnl. .\ll,-^ .ij ji.inkin;; ;iii .arrit'tj mi. I .illi-riimiv ma. If, ili-. 1 lu- paid ini(M| si 1 irk is $i.Vm>. ixKi.iH). whilf ihf Ut-sfi\c luml is $jSij,tMMMiti. h.ivin^ L. cii imu-ast'.l during llu- pasl iWfKf iiionlhs l.y $.i(t,(Ht«).tx). Twii divi.K-nds, (', |H-r ffiii tai-h. wen* paid nn Dt-t t-inlH-r |si. iS»H". .hi' Jiiiif IM, l.SiH. making a suin uf $105. txjo.tx). Thf m-l pii'lii', all. r llu- usual .1. iiiu-llinis, aimninlcd In .$ I ;•'. hii.No. whMi till- li:ilaiu-c rairicl li>i w.inl t.t ilict(.>rni iVd J is .•f;j.'..SS(..S4. Tlu- assiis .it llu lonU .in- t.l tlie litsi. and n.ii h ihf suiii ..f $7.(>-»ij.5,V'-"5' I'M"" tlusc l.w (i^;iircs il ni.iy In- i;alhi'ii'(l al mil c ihnl its is iml uvrid.'in- nm 11- ^t.diiliiy'i'Mi \aluid. TiNi.i-i.\ \ *^ii.\\\it.itni's. and, inrhaps, iht- lu'sl l.iniwn llm^^^■ in ( 'anaila i-nca^^cl in ihis niamilaclure is nl thf lin^li-y \ .siewaii ,\I:»inil.u.Hiiin}^ (h.,!!! rorontn. This l>tisint_*ss was i-stal'iishftl in lS7l, havinii Itrn ImintUd at thai linu- I'V Missr-. < '. ( . .su-wait .\ * i>., ami was pin- chasfd liy Mr. A. h. Iin^lry in lN74. hv licin.^ rmw Mile piiipiiflm, alihmi^h uini'in^ llu- hiisinf-s titutir iht- naiiic of lni^;li\ .. '>t.w.irt Mti;. I o. Thf piiiiiist s ociupit.Ml mm piisL- tlu- stti-nti Hal I'l a ihut- slorty Uruk I nil.lin^, 25 s (x) It'i-l Ml tliim iisiinf. T tu'Sf preinisis an* littLiI up arul t.piippt'd wilh all llie lali-si anti miist iinpn.vfrl marhintry .Mill ippliaiuts tisfd in llic- manutactuie of iiihher siainps. I Miy v.iiiclviil (iil'lirr .iml intli! --tainps arc made lu-re, inrliidiii}; ..ftu-i- >iamps tor hanks, railroatls. daifi-^. -t-ll- iiikirs, liid^f and ctrptiraU- scaN, clc, the raw maUtial li>r wliith is inipiiflid Iritpi the rnilid Males, |-.\cryilass nf work is made l.y this lirni. all orders liein^ prmnptly tilled, whiili iK-ct-->ii.itfs the cm>-!ani eiiiplovment ttf a stall of -killed workmen. (mmmIs are shipptd lo all parls o( ihe Uoniinion hy ihis hmise, which is thf h-.uliii^ tnu- of its kiii.l in ilu' ci.iiniiy. Mi. I int;l. y i.^ a native of ^at ksville, N. 11., and ha-i \\vvt\ in ' 'ntari.i loi the past J5 )ears. He lias mei with a hii;li tUyre'* nt succis". owiiiy in a j;ieat niea--urc to his tnernv. perscveraiue, anpreci- .iled. MK \ 1). TlNi'.l.KV. THK DOMINION Il.Ut TSTW ATKl ) 1 ^.TAhl I>HMI Nl <'h THK MVCHNIAN MARBLi: i. O. KM Alll,J^^llMI■NT < 'F I'l I'l I V >; li' KNS Tin: MviiMw \I xkhi l ('•».. 20 A muhIl ■■' in-.uiuii'>n. in iiil'li.wl ii w.i^. not ;i litih- in \"»^'iK'. A- •!"vvn I lie -^iriMni "f tiiiu-, ilinini; llu- ■»\\itli\ jm-n- in^ .i^(-«. I .■iinilis> iiiyri.iils i»f UMii.iI-. ii.i\f Imii l»i)rni-, .lit Iia-. (Ml lr(.i n itu- Miuirini^ inli- wlun- il )'>iin'\ti\\. '{'•> unu- tiun MhirMi- iniisi nttiU rii'.ill arl..intlii i-><;rntil\ in^ (>■ notii c (hat ilurr ha^ Itt-t-n nvi-ntlv (.■-t.iMi'.lu.ti in Toronin "Tin* Mytvnian MarliU- ('"•ui|>an\." joini ■<(ock anv > an- in ciipifil, i"-ini^ aliinii ^J^4*^J '^'^ ' '" ainl ailmiral-K a'lap ' In llii- I'Usiiu-'.H. Iliis iniinati-- tlit- niainilai tiiit- itii a larjic M'aK- "tt aitilii iai niarl'lf Un «ain>('>tlinj^', "iailn aiiai'l lu-n- ir ^anlin^ llli^ ntw imlii-'lry. \:\k\\ a^r i- nnc of nn-rf nr h vs tlan^iIi"rl, ami \\v live in "Ik ul iiiarkul |'rt"i.'rc>.-ii'n hm.n.U rnnipUtir lif-. wlun llu- •^^niii-.i'i i" <"'*ii- Nlamly r\..Kinj^ ru-w in\irii(">n>. A i«\\ m-.un a^o il u.i- thnti^ht r<>r Inic an ami cKioraiiv*.' [>ui'|i< ^t-s no l<>rm ut •»Ii'ni.' foulil ^ll|H■I^t•"IL■ iiiarl'lf, il Iia\in^' llic i;iini rni-iu\ f\|K nnf In tit;lil iun-ianll\. 'riu- M\.iiiian M.irMt- ('-•. "l 'rmniiln )ni-.MSM's a patt-nt Inr inamitaiiiirinj^^.iiiilKia! niaililc that KiantU llu- ".,-\ ,-ri*'.i u-^l and nii»-l iuii^niiiii. an'l haw at lii.ilK ••nlvi'ii iln- pii.lilctn. t'\ pro'liiiin;^ niaj;nili< t-ni iiiarttlL al ' t iht- ixpt-nM- >A ihr na! naliiial aririU , ulnlr it la-^l-t fipiall) a> I'ln^. Inst a-^ i*U'ittit'it\ ha> -.npti-rdtil ^a- aiitl faiiillc li^jhi. and "tantl*. in ils \\.\\, tin- cJiTnav "I tin- jir-mpi'l icnitiriL->, -.1 this pmdurtinn nf thi- Myicnian MarMt- Ci.. -lands priiiiiiniii! wiiti nuihiny in \ ii-w in suipiis-. it. Thi- tuntpan\ \v;is i -lalilislud Inn- alMiui *i niontli-. a^<>, ami it ha> I'ccn aninn^ iht- la\'.urid h-« ..I iMisinr^s »si,d.lish ini-nis that, lr<>in tlu- ninnu-nt thi-\ npi-iu-d tMiir drs t>ii Imsitu->s. IiaM- W'ln the ^^nod will nf Lu-incss. im n lIiroKjihnni thi* cit) and provini-i-. Tin- ni.uiai;*,!. Mr. |os. ( , \|j|li (ha nip, i> a >"inij; (nan, iln'i'iu^hlv >itii\ani unh all phaM.-> ot (!u- industr\.and has t>\ his < ikti^v ami ahdiix plaivd il on a siurtsshd lootih^;. and has di-\(-l.'.)M d llu- l.iisi n»'ss in a \iTy ( riilitatih- iii.innrt. Tlu laU-iir ( niplowd ii. ihiN uork i-. Mr\ larL;«l\ nuporud Tiom I- rami-, and skillid arlisls art' (ousi.intK miptovrd. llu- fait thai Ironi foio4i> hAiid> art- nnploji d v\ ill ^i\ i- sonu- idia ot llic mamiitiuU and fxtchl ofthr i>usin«--.s. Th-- tradtaliiMd) r«-.i. hcs alt pints. .t Canada , tltt- popukiiilv o| the j^oods ronsi.uitl) inrrriisinj.. A H|H-riall) is ninalhioonis, cli , Thi-y ha\c riiintl) linishrd \lt. I>iiMi.iti \lrlniui"s m-v\ n-stdi-iuc in Monlmd. and ha\t- on hand lar^i- 1 onira< |s hen- lor hnish s< t nrit) ( 'onipan\ : diret tors, jolni Hnrti Mtf'iKY \ Itr kNs. (leiu-ra. Trintris. n ('..ji street. l-'oini\loi> leet. Il is one ol the linesi ecjuipped esi;d.lishnunls o| ns kind in Toronio. and other apphaiues ..| tin,' laiesi inipio\<'d i\pe. the lorruer inanntaetuie.l li\ \|essrs. Hoe. l'..ttei and Cani|>l.ell o| ihe Initid Malis. while llieii siotk itl type is most iiiHiplete; in r.ut. iheit eipiipineiit eiiaMes them to undertake ati> ilas- <.t \\..rk with e«(nal laeilil). I'ower is olitained Ironi .1 ^as iii^;ine ol id horse powii. made l.> Messi^. li..u ,v (',,.. .,iid has hdl\ e.iii.dird all e\ |>eel.iii.tns in iinniinj,' ihe niaehimi). Twt nt\ live hand- are sieadil) ernployid on the |iri-sscs .md .is e.iiuix'silors. while this esial'lishnunt is ol the tew in 'r.ironloeni i)lo\in^ male ami t'emale hands al the s.mie late ol w.i^;es. H.>oks. i-onniureial ami joli priiitiiij; of v\it\ ileseription i> iindert.ikeii. Itoih pkiin and ornainen'.d. the spreialties t>eini4 1k». .k and law woik. eolouied woik Inun eh eiro plati s, , u , I'osUr-* of .ill kinds reeei\e pionipt attention, whih a- |ihot.i l^raMire piinlrrs lhe\ Ii.ive turned out e\n-llenl work. In all lines o! I'tiiitini-. Messrs. |)ndl\ A Hums traiisaet a Iarj;i' I'Usines^ ami ha\e l.iiill up a hij^h repnlaiion aniony the leading houses in this w. irk. Mr. John Hums i^ a uuinln 1 of the Canada ( ..uiiril. Ili-pariiu-V. Mt. j.nnes Duille). i- also ,\ uu-iul»er ol the Maple I.eal Couu. il. ' h..lh ;iir pi.n tiral nten, aide either to rmi a piess, mI t\pe ..i in.inaL;e tin I'llsim-ss. In e\el) detail lhe\ ha\e pro\eil ihemselvis hilK eapal.le. and d'si-t\,> tlurespiel inwhielithev aie hel.l l.\ their lill..« eiii/en- : the I II Ttlt. ItKlllsIt t ' \N \1'1 \\ I,"'\\ \M. |S\ IM \tl M < "\1 |-\NV (l.nnned.) This i..Mipany its', in tlu Imperial Ituildin^;'.. No. \2 Adil.iide street ea t. lonMito. with an ilhee in ( iival Itritain at No. 17 I >uke street, IMin liin^ih. Il was ..rj,'ani/ed in Jul). 1S77. nndir a sp,-. i,d ehuler, ilerived Imni the rarh.nuent ol ('.mad,!, with .1 \u\\ 10 the safi- in\esinuni in < .inat. lined in ( itril.un, .:ml also t.. assist in Mippl) ill); fanners and other piop(n\ .twnersoi ihis eoiintr) with inone> al the hiwest piolitahle rates, lor ihe purpose of pnnhasini; and improv in^; laiul. ereetinj; huihi in^s, .-te. siiue its or^aiii/ation the eonipan\ has l.rou^ht oiii ,j ver\^^e anioiint of mone\. ami is ronsi.nitlv in ree. ipt ..I fresh supplies through ilui'i Ijlinl.nrgli a^^e'iuv. The loll. iw inj; well know n luisiius, nun eomprisi- th.' ( ' Hoard of Direetnrs, \i.'.; President. A. II. r.implKll. i:s(|.. presiiientol ihe Muskoka Mill and I.umher 1 'onipaiu : \iee- presiileiil. M.ajor ( ;eoii;e ( in ig. president o| iJu- lew pul.lir lihrar) aii.l niaii\ aimii ■I 11 K. Kerr. Msm. Ile vhoK'sale nuri hauls I-. |. (a.kv.n. i:. .1. .1U1.0S0I urgh. \i/, .1 the loll. . .Wtllg W well km . Is.,... I.UllH'il .1 int-n III I ill iMiilit.ini ; I'. I . \ !■■ •■ IIKAII OHKKI-; OH Till' IIHITISII i. VNAIHAN MIAN A> INVHSTMI-NT tOWI'ANV. (I.IM I I . c.|.ll:lil.l. ipiiLu ~.«i.ill\ an.l Hr...k\ill.', ^iii.l W. K. Hr.nk. Ismj., i,( Vv.^,^. W . U. M,,n,ii,ri \ Iriiil, W .s.. Ijlinluiruli, im.l K. 11. T I'lTMinn funinuTcially, mill is pnsM'ssfil in ii iiiaikcN. ilnli,;!,.,. I .|. |H iiiaiia^c-1. Imi |i..i|( ,. ;i, ..111.. ..|.l,.l \l.lll,. i-li .l,.l,. .,! . ■ , H.l.ll. , ., .1 -I UU \:,i>.i\ ■ .i. I 1.11. UK'S Tin-; Dominion iM.ns'rKA'i'Kj >. AN LOAN AN H. Tuir in- I-- r\ Mil- II Ml N r I 'I 1 Ml': I'OMINION I- \PKI ^)S Ll>. I lit h- .\)fM.'\ I M Kl ■- ( o III .1.1 .'III. . . \| «.>lK i lllU'i Il'-I! Uilh Mil I.. II .\ ( ->. ,111-1 ollm i;itlUI- .111.1 ..til..-, iij I Ml kill}.; >tii 1 1 \\.--i. \\ . >, simii. iiirwaniii-. fn* .ill )ninii> in ( in.ii UriLiin iimt llir .■.iiiiiiu lit. n ill 111 M.iii.ij;* I. Iii-i .1-. ,11 1 I-. I In- uiu II Jiii; iii'lit ,u.'i ■>! a I" < ■ w anliii^ i- ilniM- 'n .ill ]i.n K itl ilu- uurlii. .iinl iliis i >i^i« i->ii .il ! i\ ili/.ii|.>ii HI ill. ( ••iiiiniiiiu .iinii\ w 111 1 1 |.nii\ hi- rijiiill) In p. i).vil.ii U>i tin- [ni'iiipiiio-- « iih liii.l-. r..iil\ i\|>ri --ii.ii. -.1 ilu |ii.'j^ii ss. -i.iliiliu .tn.t » ni< i 'I--. ■■' -tii\ j;ii..ii t \|'ii>-.iniii|\ . -urb .w ilu " I liiiniiii.'ii. i-.i>.i ^•ll■.ilM■•.^ I'.ii.iiii.-ui I..1 till- (..ii'litiMii "I tin M.m .11. nll.iltiii . t>|ir.i.ill\ I.I Ilir tin whiH its In .iili|ii,irlt i- ir U.U..I. aii.t ^iiu i.iilv lit tin- r.mntn .ii;;i . 'Ilu lii- ■n I.I till' |)i>iMiiiii>n lApii -^ ( '..iiip.ui\. Ii'-in jt-> rMiiK-l In !iiiiitit> ;ii Wiiihiin'^, 111, 111) iti\,.T- ,1^... uhtii I. in- hm-t i.i .'II. «.ii;L;i.n. wiili ■>» ,iii 1 1> i 5 i.iiipl..yn ~. i uilMHiitil iluii iiii'i 1 l.ii ililitv lo iluit pn Milt (tj-.iJii.jiiMuil piisitiiiii .i^ tin,- 1-1 I \pti s- I itllip.lll) -it ( '.lll.ui.l. « nil ..\fi I. OH) IHlplnyvi ... in*, ^^.l}.;^:.•n^ ;ni'l h.'1-.r-s .iliiiMsi imnmuinl'lr. .iiwl r.iilw.iy spi- -- I1111-. In. Ill i.n,m i.. ...imm. , .inn.>l l.iil h. \-v ..I iml ;i «liii 11 iluy tli-!i\i-r ;iiiil (i<>p.iirli ^.hhN. ,iiiil ihrii ^■..||s|^l^ m .iiul tn.iikriili.' riilf>. Tlu luisitk-^ !> "iii- nl ^■llIl^Iillll i;iii\\tlK .tiiil .Is ruii.iiti. tm - \v,iiitt-il lo Miy p;)it. iiirliiiliii^ tiiiita-y ami \aliial>li-> ut all .!i >iiiplioii-., whili- iiilliHiii.n-. .in- iii.uU' ami ■.aiislnriii.ii i> ^ii..r.inliril. Ill ilif Tinomo utini-. alx.iu 40 h.imi-. arc rin- pti>\itl. Tlu- lii.->.t III lApii-.- I iitnurii.Mis .iri' npcralitl in I v\illi lirsl l■Ia^s » oiiipaiiit> t.>i all pomt-. in ihr I'niuii Slates, ■riiiiiii^liinii tin- l>oniiiiinn. in i-viry tnwn Mill ) ily. tlii-. iimipaiu \^ t>tabli>luit, .mil tlu\ (oiiin.l tlu- 111. Mill n-si .uid iiiipmianri- hi ii.iiltis u) ilii^. -.pi-rial work li'nj;ist siiij-K' line of railway •■iniu- o( any i-\p k-»-. loinpaii) II '!"i"ittii. The iii'-iiliitioii ".iH ill' I'lpor.ik-il l'\ -.prcial .ui m tin- worlil. The nltii i r- ol tlu- rompanv an I Imi. » in.. t I'ailiaiiuni .i| lan.i.l.i, .1- lai Ivi. k .1- iS;?. l.n't iht- "Do A. Kiikp.Hi u k. i.t KiiiL;Niuii. pi.-siil, ni ; |.,hn ^ t oiiipaii> " tii-1 pi. 11 li. .ill\ l.i'^.in optr.ilioii^ 1 \Viniiip.L: i'l l^'*^-'- 'oniiollmL; i\pu-> t'liu-^rrom Kat I'oH- ;iri-i 1-1 M.I k I..iki'. Man. wtsl. opt i.iliii^ .HI till' C P. U. a- I as It u.i^ oaiipk III! .imi in iiinniiiL: "i-l r. \- ilh> iMiin IV iKu !.ip,-il. ill.- uLiii- ..| th. p...pi. . ,1^ I -anU >.\U .ni-l ,n.i w.i,- i.r..^iii/..l. ami tin in. iiamrs nl n O'l'rp.inv wiu 11. . I -low i.. ..|..ii\r thai .1 \\h\<.-\ spin n i.l |Hiai. 'II, W.I- .\itnsi\c nnnui lion-' imli'- ^'iivil'U. .111.1 ili.n Mir*.*-- w In nuh' Io alt. ml a will oi;^,m- ' ol n.'l (oii.liiiUil , \pu .-. ninipanx. I lu-\ ilu-nlou. in i^^-l- I' Mil I.I Toioiii... lo.atjn^; till' j^'iiicial otti. t s Im tlu I' "II. -11 al \ov riJ ii'i Kiii;;-.lriit riu\ o.riipx "ltIIII'..!|o-,> .illil siiil.iMi pirl.U-l - lliTr, ..itll)HI-in^lil.' 1..1M-- "»i" ■ |..i'iMiiil (l.iorol .1 -j,l. ii.liii ; >ini-\ sini. luir. ailiml 'D^o.n kuilii) l.>i till pioiiipi ami cNpi'ilitioiK ('oiiijii. lion "I ihi- i.iKiiii'--. \li, \\ , s. >!oiii 1- ^'1 niaiiai;. I. .iiul ''K ,.';...■>. a- Will .1, ilii.v, ,,t M,. I. "a. U.isu.ll. "supniii M'l.iii rl til' ( hil.iri.. iti\i.ii.ii. .11, li.iai'.l lu'o. wh.l. ilu • al I .pi. ., .iM,.|„ ,,„ ill .iu i- Mr. Win. Wal-h. riu' •"liiH..; .Mill j;iiuial >iippl\ ottif. s aiul iliitt ra-liii r ami "ill !' parlnii III .in- aU-> in ilii-» Lniktin^. \\ t- now 'iiuv\h,n p.uiiciilaii/iit. Ui 11- ii..w uiir utiu-rallv l> ilir |)Mininion lAprv--. ( 'oiir»aii\ i^ i'>.iiuialyl ar ■iij^ol iipi>n a ^\-'U'in.ili< lia-i-.. in ili\ iiion-. imliuliii ; I'Hir in 'I. i, Uni.uio. Wrsurn aiut I'.n ilir, tlir -up. rin H'kii!. lor , a. h n-sp,Mi\,-i\ |.,in-; N. T. M.wail. Mnni "i\. Ml. Ilo.wi-!!, riiMiin... \V.-.t.rn and I'ai'ilii-. ti. j-onlai o) Miiiilr< al, M. 1. i,ii\ ami ti.a^ini I. ni'l ilu iiilur> .lie iiu-ii lioiu-tl in ilif .il.o\r -kiitli. ,iio\\>, ihoii^li l»rirll\ >laiilili II tiim-> tin rt- wm no rouipitiliM' r\ainina ti'in- loi ailiiiiN-i..ii lolo ili. o| tli.i-.. win. ii.>ik ilu- n.iiiu • ■I .ipoilui .nits. \ii\oiii iiii);lii -t-I up in tlir lim^-.. aiul till only prolntiiui a^;.iin-t ilvaK was tin- inlroflm lion o( inmli iii>s|iTy .iiul i-ninpli. alion in the priparalion ..| tin \arioi|s tuislriMii-. wtiicli passt-d .is inrdi.iiHs mu r. At tin pi. siiit liinr till' -iriii i-\a intis ot ili.-( iniarioCnlli-p- ol I'll. HIM. UK protti-t plusi.iaii and paticiii alike Mr. Tlioina' lolin-ioii riiMiim-m* d Itusin.-s i.i, hi- own .u lomii thiii- \rars a^;... Iku '11^ si-tviil his tiiiic w till oiu- of tin- nldtsi tirin- in Id ml mi ^;h. Sintland. 'Ilu old t oniiiiy .ippn iiiin-ship isom ot r\'il dinaiioii and ^; ihoioui^hm >-, and our siil< int's ( \iK-riiii. I well t-\iiupli(ifs ilu- faiu . 11 lily his siuri-ss h;is ).ifii \vt\ yralil) iii^. ami ni-'ilic- Inni 111 his \i-iitiiu-. Iltiw«-\ir. il wnild mti In- oiil ol plar- lo ^i\c .1 lirii'l ri\u w ol Ml. |i)lnis|o!i\ liK and i oiniiu-n pi'i^Kss ill < "aiiada Allvi hi- appi. iiii. rship lu- laim- t.. I .niaict- shirk .il diu^f^isis' sundrit,- Il wiiutd In- iiii- l'os,ii.lf Im detail the list I.t Muo'ts. (oniprisi'i^ in p.m pim.. "lilies .Hid rheinirals. ihe most disiraliK- atul popular pateiil iiRdiilnes, proprielar) ini-di.iiu-s .i| worth .ind merit, phish i"ilet .Htit Us. Iiruslu-s. soaps, pirriinus. sponj;es. sui^^ ap- p.H.itiis ,iiul evervlhinji that le^^ilimatelv Ih-Ioiujs lo this l.raiuh ol lui-imss, .\ spe( ially is made ot dispensing;, :uul ihis deparlnunt is under the ju-isonal supervi-'in ol Mr. ]• Inisitin, .imi prr-.ri|iiion> and rii apes are rnnipinindid |'i..mpily .Hid in .; manner ■lispl.iyiii}^ the hi^diesi -laiukird >i| p|. iles-innal ai loniplishmeiit. < iwinf; to the rapid j^r.-wih nf itii-iiRss Mr. I'llni-tiin iia- laielv opeiu'd a liranrh sinreal the loriier 1.1 Wellesliy avemii- and l>a\en|«irt Koad. niuler the nian.i};enienl of Mr. J, ( i Kos-, who has likewisi- iimlerpine all the lu-ces-arv examinations io ipialily him forilu position. The stock eanied lure, i- \iiy similar to that in ilie main ston*. while ihe dispeiisini; is also very i-aretully and skilfully executed. Tlu- store 1 . a model of coinpleleiu-ss and lieaiil). l>eiii^' ituuon^dily imidein in every partienlar. and il is ihe most attractive tirii^ store ill the west end. iVisonally, Mr. lolnislon is an esU-emed eili/eii. and i> a man of superior . diication. ( iillnre .ind ahiliiv. hein^ respeeted In all who luiow liim. iio'li in so.inl and C'liniiicn'ial i-irclcs. viiiirp. In l.'^Sn ilu- );ti 1 iran-eominenlal line wascoin k-l..l. u|,.|| il:c cimp.uu .,sltnl.d n- s.rv ice In \ ictoria ■"'lam ni) hiCliii..! aii'l Japan. \ la ilu-(.l'U. and its liii'isltip Ijtus. lo ail tile in-:ily |».ris in these i-oiiiiirii-s. '^'t i-. all th- town- and cities uluic l-m i;.;n comnu niai ■■'tiei^ can 1-.- c.i..M;.hed. This c-nnpanv In v.- expuss r.u- "i!;i-r. Minninj; le-ul.ulv Iroin the .\llaniic to the I'.u ilic wa til. r.l'.U., ci.\,.'n;; llie Ininu-iise .ire.i of neaiU 'iiilr- -•! i-inintry, or aiiotit luo thirds ni all the railwav line- '"aiifd.i. .ilso II i\iii(; ,c\ luindie.l miles .li -la^i miih- "I'l •"iiu inland water inule-. V;;. lu i.s have iiet-n esiali 'i^fiui in laiiidon. I.ivvrpoul, (da-j;ow and .Maneltesler, iiiid !lM DRUG STOR1-; Ol- riiDS, joHNsros. TUK noMINION I I.I.I ISrK'ATIM). mmm i:)\\mw'mmm Ml Ml 1.1. KKSlhl N n II. Al AI>l;\1V. jllMIII Kl-IM\IIM \i UO MV. 1711 in Vc ill \, Till' < (111. ill. 'inl .111. I III. T, in iii-iilmi...i- ... T..(..M(.. .n...., .■..iiiM'. .ii-..n.i l.. iii.ii.' Ml t .iii.i'l.i 111 ).i.i|..tii..ii I. .ill. si . ..I til. .'in,. 111. I, iii..iii.\ i-r, ill .ill III, 111. r^ uliir)) |.i'il.iin :>..iil .111.1 ... i. Il.\ llil iili/fll> .If. tips .111 i.|ii,>ll\ Irit.lilij; [...-111. ill. l;.-,i.U's |H.sH.'s*iii^ .1 iii.ii;iiiru\ 111 r..Mi!ii..u svhI.mi. r >i..iit.. >i\( |si'K '■^' 1. I-' -• I 111- i- li.'l .'l«.n- ' -.11. ^ . I.iil II It «ii. -.. .11 111, II. mill K. ...I. \.Miti-iin 111 ill. 1. IV. ml. I I. mil. Ii ..lit,. I.. I . ..iit;i.iiiil.iii..ii. ,1, till I \ri. ISIS .lit II. ii ..iilv i.; .1 til. .-I int. II si iii^ II I lull , I .111 .iTi- .1 I'MltlLlI . Allll.ill..|| .111.1 lisl ..I th. « .1. lU.lIK .I..11.-, >i.i ilsiii;^ .-I till' i'..tiiiiiii]i| liiiii lu.iitilx wlii-n it.i lulh'isi.iiiil llu' I hai. 11 111 111 his si I I .mil lli, ^. ..! «..ll. Ill- is i^iiiij;. NiiiMs I111K. I. I.. Illicit, .. |||s|i|, till .,1 ( il\ -M I Is, ■riiiuiilii." |.i|i\ |i. \\i\ ,\ I 11.., |i, .iliis 111 Milliiiiii .mil l.uiiv (.,i.ii|s. s.O"in;i- -Inil. In lliisi' ib^si.l ki,i, , ,iiii|„ lili,,n il is i.iilj ilu' liij;lirsl inili'i nl luisiiu-.s .iliilii\ ih.u , .III ti,.).r I. It siii'i-i'ss. ( lrj;.llii/.lli,,ii llillsl I.,' iiirl'c, I. ,illrllti"ii , v,i H.iLiliil. .111,1 .iliiinil.inl. Il is »,'|| ili.ii 11, ., ii.iik ..I litis ii.iiiiii' .1 iiriil ,K, till 111 sii, Il .1 liiisMiiss Ml. Ill .1. Ml. I'lliii |i. h,'> sliiiiilil Ih' i;niii. (ill 11, s,'n,'s ,is .1 ,|,|, ,1 ,li,| , \.iiii|ilr 111 11111 ( ' >iiiii)i, jiiiiMM^ ulial 111.1) I.. .11. |ilislii'il lit starling; ..111 uillt 11.1 i.llut rapiLiI lli.iii llm 111 , iui);j ami |iliiik. I'll,' l,iisini'ss , arti,',l mi l>\ \li. Im ,'\, r Ih, 11 |.tii;^ii-ssi\(', ,im| il i|iiii'i|\ .imlsiii.l ilx ilt-M-liiin il, nut Willi iniishi 11 ^iii\mIi, lull, iiiiliki- sum, I' ill. It ,.tiiM..i I.,, II .1 liitli sii, ,iss, .111,1 «l,i,l, ll.n,' 1.11111, llr,l ,1111 al hill ;;i,'.it lliili;;s l,i'l,,|, llii\ «,ri' .il.l. . Ml- l\.\ III (It |i|llililil .Mill riillsi'n.ili\i', i,|H'l.llilln "Il In. null lrs..iM,,'s ,111,1 nil Ills ,i\Mi sl.ilii|i1\. Nil. l\,-\ |. .1 I 111. nil. 111. .111,1 ,'liiiiv,-,l till- l,|,-ss,'il |i|i\ilr^i'iil liiiiii. 1.1. .11-1,1 III". 11.1 I. mil, thai 111 Ills l.ithii's, in ili,. ,,iiiiii\ nl ||al-li 111. HI. t Inst .Is 111.111) ..I till' iMiisl siti-i, ssliil i-iitiiini I, 11,111 111 ili,'«,,il,l lini' ,l,,m-. Ill' li'll llu- |iliiin;li al llu' i-arl) .1-, ,i| 111 )i.iis, .mil i-iinniu'iinil lnisii.iss jiji' in iju' ii.un ni I'lnis. Mm his luaiii .iml s|i|,M,li,| |ili)sii|iu' «,ir t. Mill); |wi«.-is, ami In- |iiiij;ri'ss, ,1 rapiilly, l„'iii^ s,„iii aihiiii l,,l .Is .1 |i.ir1mr uiili ih,- |,r,.|iMrliir ul llu- sim,- ulur,' In Has .i|i|.l,'lilin'il. This is till' 11111-lriis 111 .1 sM,-r. I\i')'s ii|,(-i.iii,iiis is ii|iiall) ,.i|iali|,-, Milli llii s.inu- liiii'si^lil, la, 1 anil jii. liiiii ill, I.. 1 .111) .111 an r\|iaiisiiiri. Till r siilijiri has ,iiii|i|) |.tin(-n. i in ilic- ,l,aili ,.l tin s, nun iiailiur, Mr. hi) snhl mn i|u- Inisiiuss ami i,-in.n,-.i I.. I..1111I..11, llf.i., whi-ri' hr .11 iiiti-i- riili-ri-il inln llu- wlii-l. -ill iiillhm 1\ liiisiiiiss. «lii,|i Ipiiii ih, l,i-L;iniiill(; »as a|i|..ii iiMli iiul |i|.i. Ill .ilh |ii..lil.ili|i- ami |ii..(;ii-ssi\,-, Th,- 11. ui. ..1 111, I1..11S1 j;i,-« .i|iaii, .mil .1^ lis i.iniirualiiiiis ri-arlu'l 11. .111 lliiiish ( ..hiniliia n. Ilalilax, Mr. l\,-\ m.i sl,,» i.. Mali/,' llu- |ila,,-r,,r hi- h,-a,|i|iiarli-rs »a^ 'riiniiilii .\ 1 .S'li. 1711 ll.'M'il,') sirc.t. a j;,iiiil .-in ,.l «liirh is It, r, li'is Imn iiiuli-r llu- sii|„'uisii.ti i,r Mis, Kali' \\ hit,-, aii.i th, lull.. 1,-ss lii,- ),-,iis .ij;,i hi- ii-mi,>m-,I, aiul llu- KiMl.iin irtll. Tliis s,'Ii,,,,1 ,ni.l Itmnr \\,is up, m-, I ,.n >,-|.., nil,, 1 1st, i.SiKi. an. I is l...',it,il nil iiiii 111 llu- llillsl lir.iiililiil siiit'is 111 r..r..iit.., ihc |.i,iiiisis , .,ti.|.iisiiin a\,r\ Itiu' l.iiil.liii;;, tw.. si..r,-)s' till- liisi-ni, HI, \, r) suhsi.iiiii.ilK liiiilt. uiih I.Hj^i' iiilrani\ .mil li.ill. sp.uiniis .li.iwiii)^ 1...1111, Iari;i . I.iss i.iunis .mil .iii\ iliirniitiirii-s. .\|l th,- rni.nis .nt- l.iitx, .nui llu- |ila.i' |i,iss,s.,'« .111 ,'v,-,ll. Ill ri'iiiril r,,| lu.illh Inr llu- 1«.. \iars i.f its hisi..t\. .\ ilu.i..iii;li .1..1I ..| ..Hii.-is, t,.i,li. is .111.1 assistants ari- .'tiipl.i), ,1. tlu- rar-.- n) sin.linls, ,is i,. ,-..ui- f.irl .iiui i-.lii. .i.l\.iiila^,-s. lii-iii^ ran lull) alli-iulcl l.., .Mn.i.l) this sil 1 .111.1 I1..111, has .iiiiaiti-.l .| li,.lli a ilislanri-, llur,- Iniiii; li,,\\ s,'\,' li,,in Chiiii^V'' Ihltlahi. Miititnal ami nilu-r ilist.un |i.iiiit.. i,,-ti,ral s.iiisi.i,ii,,ti l.t-,ii ,-vprrsst-,l l.y in.un win. Ii.-ixi lii.inl ..I llu- s,h.i..| 1.,-iii^; isialilislu-.l, aii.l al iis I'liiliil l.»'.ili..n. I'lii' si I1...1I is in mi si-nsi- .1 I'harilal,!,' iiisiiiiiii,,ii, .in.l ,'hil,|iiii .iiu-n,lin^ il au- 11', I rchu'i'il in lluii s, 1 si.imliui; ; yl tin.- his .iri- piil .11 111-,. |,n\,st iiii.sil.l,- p.,int 1,11 till- purpiisr 111 plai inn ili>' si-hiiiil Hilliin tlu Ir.ii'li 111 |i,irt'llls 111 iiiiHlt-i.iU- iiu-.ins ami rniiipiliiij^ wiih llu , iiiiM-iils, Tlu- knur an- lutili lix ,',iti- iriliiili, ,11 : llu-x art- Irrt- Inuii ta\<-s, an, I llu- iiiiiis, \\li,i iln tlii- ti-aihi-'^;, -iri- paiil im .-al.iri,-s. Tn i-miipi-k- with -, Ii,i.i|. ,'iin.|iu-ti-.I in this ni-iniH-r is 11.1 nriiiiuiry iimlfilakin^. .in.t 11 ii,|iiii,-s lilt- siipiinii ,111,1 , nc.iir.i^.'iiu'iil ,.(' a unit,-,! I'm- tL'si.uil |H.ipK-1.. iii.iki' il .1 siii-t-t-ss, vxhitliiaii inih 1.,- at l.lim-il hv .IMT)^i- all, 11,1-111, ,'. This ,,li.hiii, -ill is,,ii. wlii-rt- tkiii^hlcrs lit It-mh-r .ij^t- 111. 1) linil .111 fMiih-iil,- ami sihii..! Ir.-iiniii^ < 'hristian l' -t.iiit i.iit-. uliti, 111,111). «liii \tr) iiriiptrl) 'In iml \xish tli,ir , litliiitii i \piis,il In t. .11 hill}; anil inlliu'ii, , s 1h.11 It i.l lluii iiiiiuls .lu.n limn ihi-ir ..Hii lailh. iiia\ r,-s| .issiirt-,1 ihal llu) ivill .ilu.ixs hv 111. .rail) ami ri li^;i..iisl) iiii,t,-i rr,il,siaiil 111.111. i^i'iiunl .111, 1 itnilrnl. Irniii litis l.u-i, if tin nilu-r, tlu si-1 1 shniiltl rt t fixt- till' xxarni.-sl suppnri nl ill,- , ninilUfitl) . I'lnk-st.ltil p.iit-nis xxlui liii'l that tliiir il.iiit;lili is .n s |.. I.t- h-ll ..iph.iiis. Ilia) h-.ixt- ill.'!'- -• ' ■ ,,..;.;;;!' t- ill llu- liilU-sl lit- lifl aiiil .issitr.'ii. . ma: tht-ir I 'htistian piiltiiplts xxill Ik s.ilt-. tsiilts nl tilt- unrk, .Is hi-rt' llispl.iyi'd, XXtlf Xt r) t'llinUl.l^iu^ Tlu- XX. Ilk 111 Miss \ml isnii is paititiilail) xx.irlh) .iliinttn, -iiiil slinxx , .m .ii'iistit- iiisi^lit .111.1 .Its. iiiiiiii.ili..ii r.iit Ix stt-n 111 1.111- sn x.-iin^. Tliiist' 111 Tilsit' ( ti.ih. nil. Miss lir, til .iml I'll. llu lii.ili.iiii xxt-rt- .lis., ^tiiiil." Tlu- (//-/',-, A"/'/,."/', ami .!/,»/ .ils.i spi-ak III 111, xt-iy liij;lii-si it'iti'snl piaist'.il ihi, -, ll,.,,l. Xxhil,' llu' Inlhixxillt; hlltr Inllli' ,l/,l//. flnlll liisin .mr IIiikIus, spt.iks Im iist'h : I'nilu l;.lil..r.i! lilt' .U.ii/: Sir, I xn.iil.l lik, l..iliit',l .itltiiiinii tlir.iii(;h x.iiir inhmiiis 1.. a 1,1) iiii|H,il.iiil ni,,x,-iii,'iii r,,-i-iiilx s,-i ,,ti |n,ii in T,,rtiiil,i hx tli,-'U>-x. A. II. Iltinill, nl t'stalilishint; a ri'siih-nlial s,li,„il Inryirls. This ImiM In, ,1 m-tilnl. Il has l.,-i-ii .1 ih' lail Ihal s'l 111.111) I'rnlislaiil i;irls xxi-ii- s, ui i,, Knin.iii ('.illinlii- iiisiiiitiintis 1,, i,',-t'ixi tlii'ir rtlii,-.ili,.ii, .iiiil il is iiuisi salislarlni) In luilf thai Mr. Di-inill is niitinii; all ill! rli.m;;t- is si-,-11 in lIu- niatktil iluitasi- nf ir.nili-. 111, 1 \p.m.l,,l s,-,ipt- 111 iht- l.iisiiuss, ami llu- imrt-aHfil raiilili,-. I'.r inmlmlin^ 11. Tlu jirtniisi-, iilili/til .in- Xi-ry siiilal.l. litiii); t-ln;ililx IntaU'il al SiVmiK"' ^lr,,t. .ill,,nlini; iiinixall,,! laiiliius Im llii' sinrat;'t ami ilisplax m an iiiniu-iis, stm k nl niilliiurx, .1- xxill .is Inr llu- r.i'|.iil I'l'-i'i'iill I 11,1. 11'. M.ssi's. Ixt-y ,\ ('.>. ..pi-iu'.l III T..1.111I.1 xxilli.iin any (;rial spluint-,' as llu , ,,lliK{iii,il ,\ pt,ssi,,n puts it, ,mil haxi- imiili-sily lakin tluii siaiul in lluii ,UMl 111, ills. Mr. Ixt-v has li.-iii an .mix, iiu'inl.ii nl llu- ll.iaril 111 I'raiit- i-xi-i' sin.-, lu ,.,1111 t., th, ,ili. .111,1 is a, rar-set-in^ l.usiiuss iiiaii. 11, il..,s a i;,,.i.l .hal 111 ,11'lix. nliirial xxmk in llu "slitrUuniu simt Mtlhnilisi t hiinl-, ami is .-sttt I 1.) all xxlu. kii.nx lum III sii,-i,il .111,1 l,iisiiu-ss cin-lt-s. Ill,- silinnl shmilil mil iilx kii^;, p.ilr,,-, lull -hniilii 1.0 lil.L-r.illx .111,1 piniiiptl) assist,.! rniaii. i.illx. Ihi, i'liI I.I ht; llu- lH-Miii:iii V nl sXsh I sihnnls Xxhilh shnnlil (-\ist ill t-xi'ix l.ixxii .nut ,-il) in llu- 1 liiiiiiiiinn, am! il is 1,1 111- hnpiil tli.n this lirit-l'ski'lili nl lliis nmhriakiii); in.iy, 11 XI i,|t splt-.l'l illli ri-sl ill lilt' tlinxi \. It. Iltinill, piim-ipal nl tlu- af-uliinx , xx ill In lilrllish .iiix liirlh' I I.t. Is .111. 1 ililniin.ilinn Th K IX- innst liilppy In llu XX nil cluiiil. .\ )i.ip,-r i, piililishi-il il 111 ill, si-hnnl, r liiiiij; 50 rt'lits pt-r ,1111111111, I I .11111. I'll. Ill XX 1 ul i- i-.illi-,l lilt- /'")/. ./.iw/, llu u.lh. iiliirr Ki Tlu A. II. 1 1, mill. ^aiiiplx- ul pllt II III ilpU-s XXlII III- St 111 lllsllll.' Iltinill, la. I) plili. : Miss Maix M, 1.1 slall nl ; Mis .\. r,. I'lx il I li-li ami i-lii.-iili,iii : Miss .Mai^;.ii,l |..litisi.iii. In^lish ami llil -mil. Ill ill,' .1 pallnu'lll ,,1 ,.1 Miss |;i 1 \:. U.ilii Mr, V. I'. Ilniii Us, 111, liislriuliir 111 xiM-a I mil L-li'al In llil' an ilr W hilt- is u-arlur nl ilraxx ipl nil, art iit-t-ilh-xx'irk. 111, .Miss Kali- ul paiiitin^i ; .Mis, Mar^;.in-I ,\. iLiii^la 111 Miss \i,i,i ^. ixfriu-'ss .mil iii-siriK Inr in plain si-xxiiif^, xxliil. Mi I-isk is mntrnn nf llu- iiiHiiitiiinii. Iht- iialily 111 II: II. I. MK. JdllN n IVKV. THE I^0^4INT0N IT-M TSTI^ATKD. iSTAni.isnMH>;'r oi- riKi: r.(n.r> mam'i actirint. c< (■Sl'AllMSllMI NT Ol- hVANS ist SuN> Till'. I'iKI. ( i-'l,H M \\i 1 \. II KIN., (i. Who ln> Ihil lu'.itii <>| Tun- ( uis it«i !•> «iiir Ir.iiliii}; \\liuK.,;iK- ^;i.«-,t\ lirm-., ..IK f-iiinn) lii'l)) ii.itjiin^; the ^ri.'l iiMDinvciiiiiils in llu-ir j;imT,il init>iiic ap|KMr,iiitf \sliiili ]\,\\v iintit- ilurin^ ill. p.'M uar iti iw.i. rii(-.i- iin|ir'>viiniiiN arr ^t!ll in..ic ii'.ii.' ttluii wv lAaniiiu- llu- liiu- .itli..-. an^ .i)"|varainvi>l iIik ■.iivi-l an. I llu' innn ■n-.r .^llall1iti^'^ .il i;. ....!> ttliuii art In-ill^; ilistrilminl Hail) hi all paru «•! ilu- t)>iiniiiu)ti. inilu-ali' niiyi-rs lr<>ni all |.art> ..I ihi> \.i't h.>iiiiui..n I.Mik l..r rluir sii|i|ili.>. .\in..ni4 all iIum- l.irt;ii waidinii'-rs ilu- |iTt.-nii>.f-. ol (lie j'lir.- * ii.l.l Maniilat- uiimi; ('..., .t| wliiih \\r ^i\v .iu in ihi-^ niimlur. -•r.m^\- uiil M. |ii.Hniiu-ntI\ lliai ivcn a |u^- .ui ■ ..l ilu- r'nuM in aapiai- .in.v aii.t nnmnj^ llu- larf^c-.! in ih.- .iu . Thi^ .oii-iMn) lia-^ ' \'i mvim \iar-. lariir.l on ilicii hiiMUr» in ilic hiiiMini; kiH.«ti .1^ No, \i Ironi ^irctt la-i. I>iit -.iiirr tin tii-i .i| tin- WM liavi- a.l'U-.l lo ih.'ii lariory llu- lar^;*- wanhouM- lonnalK '"■.iipir.l by till- \\ ^\ timt..! J. \\ .^j i\ ("...', Mill- makint^ il ilu- kir^M fartur* ..1 llu- kiii.l in tlu' Di.aiin ii.ii, Il . oiisi^l- n( t'i^;lu lar|;i- Hal-., loin ..I whirli an- rSo I'Tl |..iij; aiul 25 .'"'t-i \\U\v i^u- oilu-r loar an- nxt tt-ti l.y J5 "i!li .Har^^i' iHiiMliij; in ilu- ri-ar ilntnuij^liK liiriiislu-tl uitli mill I..| llu- ^'liiulin^; ot all knuU ..I ^|.i.«'iinuil.Iin|;-,. ahuii S" ('■«' ■">'' l':nii|.; .1 tK'|nh ..( ali'.ul 40 lit-i. IIum- oiii. i s lia\i- jii-^i ln-m '•"..i u), l.y \|,-s,r>. l>a\i.Uonanl K.-ll\ . , ..nlra.h.r^ tor ilu- tti'ik HI tlu- nio'l inautilui M>lr in aOi an. I an- llior..iij4lit\ titniislu.l witii all llu- nixiU-rn oltuv iinpr-.M-inriilv Itii'i ttl1.11 Is of still ^^n-alrr intt-ri'sl h> .'iif who has s.-i-ii tlu-ir ji'MHU for ihi* lirM linu- is tlu- cMcc'liht^K atiraiiivi- appi-ai :in.v..f ihop;ukav;cs ..fatlilu- ihinuh.iis I'iius ..t^.ki.K whirh ili'\ itMiiiirailiirr. I his (..nipaiiv has hmh up a sphndi'l n|'iiMti..n (in llu- supiiior .jiialiiy aiul punt) ol tlun ^;..i..ts. 'Uiilf .11 llu- Muiii- linu- th(-\ ari- tlu- Ira.h-rs in pulliiif^ up all llicir ^>uu\y, in iumI arul tasty piukajii-s, an.l l.v a slri.t .»litnti..ri hi iht-M- tv%.i points and its ili..rou;;h kn.iwkil^;. ..I I '■^'■fj '■laiK-h III l!u-ir luisiiuss. ilu- I'uir I .ol.l Mannla. initn;; I ' <>■ li.K (nim* h. the (null rank am..iiy all ilu- uiaiuikuiurin^ i ''""'Vf f ihis .■.uiiilr\. nnl,a\in^ ilu j^nu-ral ..t)ti-rs ..I tli»- tiriii wr' tirst into ihr lla\ournij; .-xtrait i.tom-., wlirn- some thirty (lilicn-nl lla\.iurs arc maiU- aiul put up in lHi'irv\rlI kmmn siyk- ol litiiil,-s. Tlu- inimlK-r t.l l..tiK-s .uitl I...VCS cm ihr talili's in this r<.nni. which Wi-ri ln-in;,; j^ot n-ailv f..r shipping, was suMu ii-nl i'\iih-iui- to iis that ihcir 'i^ii'l.' Ill this o\nif; ilipartiiu til. wlu-i'i- wi- tiuti.-ed 4|iiiu a nnml.t-i ol ha in I s l.tisy a I ilu ir work pviltin^ up I'Hir .miu'e pa.-kaj;es ot ihr well known Itrami oi I'lirt- (miM Spiivs. all oI which are ^^uaranln-*! to l.i- sirniK pure. In this ntom also we noti.e li'm' pih-' *'! < 'uri \ I'ow.ler Celery Sail. Mu^lar-l. 1 le.l-s of all kiu.t> ami Mixe-l riekliuL; Spii IS. all in llu t-oiiisi o| prcpaialu-n lor shipiiuiii. Ai llu south-ea-t end ot tin- liat wi- coim- to a ro..m in w liii h is placed niaehiiur) tor the ^riiuliny aiul pn-pariuj; ot" iVcrli-ss \Vashin^; Ctmpouiu!. tor whit h iheir tiaile is ia)tiilly iinrea- in^. I )esf iinlin;; hi llu iu-\l tlat wi- piss ihr.Miyh the eotle. ^ri ruling; and packiui^ ilepaitnu nl ami the j^emral stock r.iom until we loim- to ihc situth t-asi put o) the llai, where, in a se)iatate ro..m. a niind'er ..1' hamU are i nttiiiL;, ■■tampinj; aiul wrappini; up liar- ot s.up antl .aki-s .it toilet -...ap ai llu- n-ar end ol tlii- llai wc liml a t.«mi where the materials enh-riiii; iiU.i the .■.imposition .if soap are prepaiccl anil passd lank to lank milil in the tiai l.elow the prot-e.Mit ten th.iu->an.l p! the saiiu- class whuli an- cillu-r imp.)rleil nih. ..r luamita. hireil 111 ihiscomiirv. jet laianu-l I'ash- lor sh.xes is also maiuitac Unci 111 liiis "tlat ami is alr.-aily^;ni/c.l as a hr-t .lass aiiicle. laillur on we .-.uiu- |.> th.- milling .h-pa.lmeni, wheie spices .if all kimU are [ground in ihrec lar^;e T rem h i'lirr siotie mills ol the most improved kin. Is. Near lids is the .'ottet- i.i.isiinj; room, Irom which we j^el .1 pli'a»anl I. \s wi- witiu-ss ihe Ira^r.nit lunw 11 eotlee hi-nics Iniii}.; eiupliid oiil ti..m the hot loashr iaht ilu- ."oler. where .1 powirtiil t.m cools jix) pomnts .il .otlee in .ili.uil two minutes. This .leparhiu-nl a eapaeity ..I al'oui ^xni IMuinds per .la\. l-urtlur, h. the nai, we liml the larger I'oiU r ami steam engine. We also pass ilir.»n^ih the storage .uul shipping departuii-nl. eaeh ol which plaee- alt.irds ample i-videiue ol the evient ol the i.usitiess an, I ihe \ariely ot ihe aiiiih-s hirm.l .uit !»> this tirin. ami when "lu- l.i.iks o\er lluir Ioiil; price list ami tiinU on ihe liist )».>^e that eveiv arirele liL-arin^ the name " I'ure 1 iold " is };uarante.-.l h. l.e i\.utlv as represenleil, an.l w ill lie taken haek ami llu- nu.iiey relmuleil It in.l l.iuiul so. We are a''le hi see leasoii whv this husiiu-ss lieen s.> 1 niinenll* suceesslul. We must m-l turpi to .neiitit.n the lanious Pure (iot.l nakiii^; rowih-r. the mamilaituie ot w Inch, we learn, comuunci-.l .ili.Mit ihirl.eii years a^;o l.y an .\inerican linn, the s..le lij^lit lor I'u- sale ot 'leiii^ l...ii^' I <.ut s >>'irs l.iier by Sli. .\k\. I.irdine. who then hl.^i adopted the orescnt style ol tlu lirm. applyint; the ira.le mark *' I'ure ( L.hl ' to all his lea. I iii^ lint's. riiis Making I'owder has now ;; \ery with- ri-|uita- lion atnl the sile-. ol ii. as .iKo ..I all ihe j;i..cery articles ..t this ci.iicerii. have irnieased siea.til) \iar l.y year. Ten lra\elleis arc coiisi.inlK emplo\<'.l throng houi the I >omiiii.>n. which tad udl ^;i\c some idea of liie e\leni of l.usiiuss Mr. A1t'\. lanline. .it one linu- . f Ihe lirm .il Sloan. I. inline A M.isoii. is tiow ihc sole pio|iri.-tor of the ruie*i.>lil M.iiuilachirin^ 1 ... . .md has t m r\ ic.ison h. In s.iiis,,. ! with the suciess which .is aiutcleil his enterprise .iinl in.nia^e- nu-nt. lA s\s,\ Si.Ss, |,ui .Wholesale DriigKisti, 2j |-rnnt-slrcet wesi. The iiamc ..f Kvnns, in etmncction with ihc ilru^ tratif, is celel.rateil throughout the j;lulie, ami few tiini> ha\e attained " such a r..>pcctcd posiii..n in tfis husinu-ss. The lon^e-.iahlished liriiis ol I-'vaiis. Ia--cher\ Welil.and l^v.iiis, •^tins .V Co., with whom the Canailian houses ,11c imimately connccteil, are well-known in I. upland am! tluir opcratimis cxtt'iul hi all parts ol ihcwoihl. Their cmmeiitt mtnl in C'an.uLi dales from ihe time when they purcha-id the liusi- ne>s formeily cairietl on l.y Messrs. l.ani lougti ami ("amp- hell in Montnal. Willi aMe ami etiicitnt niaiiamiiui I they attained a very laii;e ti.ule, ami, ow ini; h. the tmmlier o( Iheir custoiner> in the west, felt oimpeliid U . their coiiveii ience h) open a western l.rancli in this city aod placed Mr. I. II. I'earce in eharjje. Thai this steji wa.wi-eanti well planned was soon appareni liuit i-oiinecli..n in Oniaiio r.ipidly luciea-ed until at the present lime they have one of ihe larj;e.s| .Inij.; esial.lishmeiits we-i of Monire;d. Ihe l.uildii g "lecupied is a laij;e l.)Ur-sIore> laick stniciure, each Mat liein^ twent)-s;\ and a had feel in wnltli by one liuiidrtd am! si\\ iu lciij;th. It is fid y ecpiippe.i lhr(>ut;lioul wiih cveiythiuL; necessary for the proptt carrying;-.. n ..f the liii.>-i- ncss, ami eushimers may he conluleiil <.f havir ^' alt ..rdfis e\eciiied and slupp.d wiih c.irretiress ami pntinplilmle. I'.very ileparlmcni is man.i^cil lyc^mptient, w ell-.pialiheil men. a^ I the whole is under the earelul supervision of Mr. IVarce. The st -ck cuiiprises a loniplele sileeiion of pure diu^s, ch- mieals, perlmncry, >pohne*-, p.atenl im.dicines, ami drum;ists' sundries. The drnj;sareaM guarantied (iist -class; ami a» most of th..' p'larniacouiical preparations are maim- facliireil I'y Messis. KvaiisA >..iis ilicinselve-. I'aln.ns may feel assure.l ..f their genuineness aiul caretui coinpoutulinL;. The l.iliora..ry aiui nulls ..f the liiiii are al Moiiireal. luii the western branch carries a c..mplete of eieryihinj; reipiirtil. The e\tent .»! the conipany's business may le better nntlershiotl when the fact that live tr.ivellers are kepi i-onsiaiiilv 'in ihe r.iad in wesleiii Ontario is nunlioned. rhe-.e are in Ciirinecti.'n with the wesieni bianch alone, Iht- \ I on Ilea I htui-ie having its own. w ho take olhc? tiisiricts. .Messi-.. l.vans t\ Sons are sole nj;enis at tl consij;nees in ( fi.r the jus'ly celel.rate.l .\Ion serial I.ime l-"rnil Ju'ce, which has an enormoii> sal-- in al! parts tif the country. Tnis brarul i>f lime Iruit iuice is umloub edly the bes in the marker. The jnire juice an.l iis preparations, already lar^e'y u-ed. are rapidly increasing in popularity. The evteiisit e tratle 'lotie at this es'abl shnieni 1 eccssitales the c Hisianl emp'oymenl of ihir'ecn t iMiipelenl pers.uis. Mr. I. II. IVarce, the able man-'j;er tif the western branch, is a j;en'Ienian of lonj; business expcr rnce ami well kn.iwn in ihe eily. To hi- unvarying; couinsy and attenli.m h. the ilesires ..f .ustomers is due in a ^reat measure the succe-s of the compiny in the city and province, and the firm are to be con^ralirlateii on iheir choice of k.i worlhy a representative, whose personal popularity is very ^rtat anuuiKsl all wli.i ileal with the house. 71 Ti I »•: I )o\i I NK>N I I.I.I :*si"K'A*ri:i > 1 . r-l I.l.lVAN, I , ^'i 1 I i\ \N. Tr-'ith ii.r ■•! ill. ■■ I.I .I'll I « .ih . (1^ Kiii^- titii 1,1-1. Ill .ill l.ii^i iiti - iln i|iu'ii"ri i.iiiu-> 111 ilic tt .1^1 III I .'ii'l ilu Ixi-Hiiiix- in.iti. " U Ik II. r.Ui 1 tilt- 1 -i i..|.mMiii III wlii(li I I .m I It I lij^hi .ii Iimmu . Irum )...iiit- ••! t.'inlt'il. 1 V(ti1t-ii>« .tit'l liliii.iliu "I -iipi'lii- in i-.iiin^ .ui-l .IniiUinj;. ni'l in -If-n .i rti-.i tl;i"> ■'" In TMiuiit'i ilu .m-.wit uoiilil Ik -j^iwti \>\ rrltitiii^i I" ^lr. 1. Niillix.tii -. iii.i^iiirn-iiiily tiiiiu-lu't " I.Liiikr ('.til . ' .11 n\ Kmu >iMvi ..1*1. Thi- i-'pul.u .111-1 u.ll-Urpi r.ili ha- littu iri i-|m ra I I.-I-. mil It r Mr, '^iilljv.ih' iii.iua^riMt iil. I<>r hmt tliiri' \>..\t^. .iiiti \u- U.u\ il lilUil ii|i .iikI^t'l !>• ^iiii hi- ..wii laMulioU" l.i'it . .imuiri"! Ii\ In- iniarln "(' .i » ■^i n -l.nii.uil- ot ilii- kiiiil 111 Tfiitnii'. r\rr\lhin^: i- mw. mi"liin .in>i li.iinl -oiiii . .in- 1 itu- l-«lliiHin^; I'ritI wmi.I |.i.Mirf will ^;iw- >.nin' i'Ua «•! ihr .n ■ «'Uini'iil.iij«in .hhI lii^li -.HiiiLinl whiili ihi- ■■ l.rj'U r ( ".ilr" rnaml.mi-. .utiliu}'. .i- tl ilm -. nin'st liJn i all) tl' tiir i-u-ii^i III "riif <,» < iu ..| ilu- \\ r-l." Il i- ,iiiniiral-in).:( iintiim.ilU. l-roin the Minii- ailtinnnj^ Ilu w iii'tini. w illi tilt wi-nl- '■ I.i-.nJri 'all" tinMa/itniil on ijiriii ill -.nil. I Mr I Ml iM* 1^1 a III -u It-. 'Ilu.- mil III ir \- (-\t-ii nimi ]i|i.i-in^. .mil fani \ .nul |i|.iiii .iiiii<|iu 'ink lini-lmii;-, miti|;li •! willi a lt.i.'['> tikinlm^; mI • dI'iiii- in liniriiM.i walli-n n-ilnij;- .iiii| \\a\U •;la>l\\v m.i) ).. alli'Wi-il ii» 'all il -mil i-- i-nuinl. Hn*- Mi. '^nlli\.ln li.i- .1 luai 'illM'r anil a h.iiuUiinu- anlii|iu- n.ik i.iliiiul .iml ■ Il -k U'liiml a ->inalt ■ oiiniri. wlnn- .i hill att'l t iimiiK'U a>-"»rinunl '•! A i ri^ai- i- ki-|ii, \\liilt-ii|'ihin;^ mII lhi> riKtm. hi llu> hnil lra\i'lh )-. lilU-il ii|> willi .ill lln mdiiI'iiI-. hI .i limiK. rii--.r ilu "iniui r..mi.' mi t" s)K-ak. is ilu- hai ■ r.iiim. whiih, in ilu- iin.ui iisi-inuil, is -n lirillianllv arravi-l .1- i>) l>f almosi 'l.t//tin^. I It ii is a nirxlt-l liar khiiii. iinli-i iI ; a ni.i^iiijhc lilt "i.ik lahiiui ailmn- lln- vilmh nl niir si.h . whirh iH liu-rntl\ l.i ih-f '>raii Mr ^ullixan ami iniiH.tti-i| .Mum i h>i lln -it|. iim|Mi-.i- lit ilrriiraiini; hi- hvmi It-ir. * 'n all si«li-. llic •.«jui|inK'iih art' riih .uul artislii- hannoni/in^ aiu| timing till- wliiiK- with I't-anl) 'if tlcsi^n ami (inish. A hnr inarMi l.n-l*i>ar is imlitil a jt-Wfl." aiiil in )•< 111^ ihoriMi^ht\ iMoilt-iii. Mr. snllivan siamU pri -iimiuni. I'l-siairs is a coiniiMKiions «liiiiiinronni. noi so larj^i as it i- 1 ami comfinialili'. ulurr .ihuiil v I'lrsuns can ln' sirvnl at 'incc. The nhsiru- i- always ilu- lust tlir inarkil can .tlliinl. white on ilu- hill oT Ian- is a wiiu- Usi siiontl lo ,ionc on I'li*- rnnlincni. Tht- 1 far is always well sim-ki'l willi ilu- liramis o| Him-. Ii'|Uor, ami ii^;ars, an-l lour ,lMi. I . TKuK 1 s I>r.\i:i.l->I1MJ.N r KH ASK r.)K 1 1 K • •im)«i>ni ,niil • Mdiit-oiis 'oiii iiih i- .m i oiiUmh.iHv . ii. I'liivfil, Ml. >utli\.iii Is |>tili.i|i ■ lm« ilu- li^hi ini'i Ih.iw «iii-s in .ill tlir m-wi -t t.i.l m.i-t • Uh. ioiis -t It- .11 ,1 nioinniis ih.tin In iht> -imial h-u \|i. 'sulhv.iM i-- \ti\ )'o|.iilai. ,iiiit c.iui- III a Inu- ti.ulf. wlmh roiiimms i,, imu.i^. trom iimt- |o imic. rhii-ni;li out till' \.u)oiis io..i)is .]|, hainUiiiiii I'll lines ol oM < oiiniiv roursin^ V iius. spliinliil ml |i.iiiiiiiij;s I1..111 tju- lusi .utisi-. niihiilm^ I. in |iioihi> Iidhs liom thi ol.i ma h i-, .ill ol whii h ^i\i .in air <>> it-tim-nunl. .iml s|.f.ik- ■ l>«|ui nii\ ot ilu < h.u.u lii .imt kt I |.iM|; ol ilu- hoip,, . I it;lii..l In ■ lulii. iH. Ill-, 111. I h\ -ti.mi. .mil -iiptiv isf.l ,iimI nnnai^til hj om o( ilu nio^t . ..m|.i-itiii ,iml |io|>iil.ii ho-i- m ( ,in.ui.i. Tlif "l.t-.ulti I .III ." I oinl-iiu'il with it- i-ilu r "" roi^ns ot \.mla^;i " in 1 oiii I- If! ami lu-aiii\. sMiuN [irr t-miiii-ni in iis own s|.htU' ot |iuli 111 ii-.-iiiliifss. \||. .siilli\.in is a man whnm one woulil think lioin lor tin- lutsim-s- : In- unl.iilm^ lonliall). |i!-i\i-ihial lios|iii.ilit\ .mil -iithiij; soi ial inialitus nuking iimi .1 t.uoiiriti will) all who kn-iw Imii, tl<- -Ui'ii. - l!u w.uits ol his [Mtinns. anil sums to nu\i ilu-ni at all i|n.iriiis .1- lln -.ivini^ is. "to.i'l'." IVrsoiiallv lu- is tnUii.iinin^ .iml I h At r. .inis>ti| ol maikt-il luisim-s^ lahnl. .iml iiiosi t's|n-ri.illy siiirt-sslnl in ilt-alinj^s with ilu- juiMit-. ' ii " 1 - I i."i. M . Matiul.. -mtini; U'wi-lhr, (>i Kin^ sitttt cast. I on ino>i aimm^; tho.sL- leiinscntinjj the ji-wt Ihiy husi 1 fs, in "loronioi- \|r. lien. I- 'I'nut'y, w ho^- line slou- is •iUMiL-tl ai .\.i. fu Kin^j stiifi casi. Ihi, l.usim-s- was t.slalilishni alHUil 7 years at;o. ami ha.s lieen ^^a^lually Iniill up lo iis present proniinenl plate anionic luisiness honsts in the L'liy. Tie premi-es, which are i-enlrnlly l.icaiel«l ami silvtr waii:hi^, aint every variety nt iewelh-'y. A vpfiiaiiyis niaile t I '"l-, a lar^;e husiniss \>v'\n^ rlone in iIu-sl- lines, ami il may he -.lid ihat the honsf enjoys one o( tli- must -rilid rtir.iueiions in tht- city. 1 m two years Mr. I mrey was in partnership w-iih Mr. I. iiiiuldtn, and had lh«- lienehl nl tin- I ^ yeais eNperieine and (oiineclinn enjoyed 1 .' the latter. Mr. Irurey is.i |>r.uli of Im>o,.-. have I'ci I: c>v.miiui-il 111 ihe h>>|it-i>t lin-lih;: siiiiu ihiii); i,ut-. ilu-ir shelves raiisac!-.t d in the search lor snun I lioiie Mack kliei III .\ldini iditioii. or the st-ane 1 l/t\it liecn hauli'd lio|n its hiddt n o iner. Hooks ha\c Ini :ind will he alw.iys, .i .sniiree id delij^hi to ihiiiisands. 1 li i are sold in tai^e assoiinM-nls at the willkiinHn sttire <'l Mi I . r«iiter. is.i N ••nj;esiri-et. This L;tiiilenian eslahliNlit his husiiu'ss inui yi.its aj;it, ,iml >ince done an e\ni sive and r.ipiilly increasing Ir.uh. tli. -...i-k '■■ ver> i mh ph-'f. raiii;iii^; fimn das-ical hit Lilure tn the iiu *t iiuHict ticiion, and cnmpiists Imth lu \\ and snond h.iml htinKs 1 \erv kiiK"-' ■!'"' iiiicri'siit'^; \arit-iit>. 1 he stoic has an .m of thicc hundred .iml niiu-iy Mptair ''i'i,,ud i^ it e<|iiii'P'''' ^* '''' '*" ''"-' m ce.ssary liitiiif;-. A pl.ile ^jl.i- wimhiw li^;)ils up the >tort and cvpo-ts to\it-.» a ks-tcU' display ol lilt liti laliiie III thepiestnt and tuniier da) -, 1 sale .11 niiiikiiie piircs. orders hy in.iil uceixe pioiii| .Ulenlioii, .md .Ml. I'oiler in. ikcs a specialty of his supply'- hi^h schiinl, rolk'uc .md iini\ersily le\t Imoks. ( »ne 1 "ii; pelent assistant helps in ihc attcntlanee of the nunienr- ciistcineis. Ml I'lirtcr is a popular, t nterprisii j> ni.iii ■ luisiness, whose iiilej^iit) and siK ial ipialities have won il, t-iccin of .dl his miineiiiits .ici|iiaintt''nces. Ml-- M'hi'M.ii. I >iessiiiakin^ and |\ Woik. ;;' i^iuefii-sticel wist. It isniiw a (•eiietally acceiled f.ii I il' tlie j;t'ntk-r sf\ tan nmliiiake idnnisi any «>! iln* liudr' li.nles and iiroU-ssions wiili the utmnsl sncciss, rivalliiij". 1 111. my 1 .isi - Oit work of mt-ii. liiii .t is in terlnin li.n 1 ! ^ ot comineicial Ide ihal they escel, and mic id ihtsf is du- inakiiiL; ami m'licial tutdle wmk. Thi-, iiulted, stei- - ' Ik- wniiian"- sphere, lor apart 'rom the laci thai -he t." he-t nndeistand the ninkin^ i>\ dn -si -. there is su lum dclicaie and iniiicate Mpeialinn .il out lids line ot laisim that man emdri never nndeitake. ( »ne o| ihc Iniesi '- iMiiiintiife in this hianch ol CMtnmriif in Toionto is \h Mil lonell. wlm opiiiL-d )u 1 stiie a lii'\- Ic-s ih.iii out- \a a^". Alili-'ii^h Ml recently t -laldi-hed nei -utctss since ih.^ tiiiit- has lieen -uch a- |o lnUy jasii';. lui in her veiniui' ller tiade 1- lap'dly incicnsinj; and .ill who have patimiA hei -line ifcii^. and iln'y nppreeiaie hei laUnt (< 1 1* occnpatioii -he has taki n up. The store is ionuiiodion .11 convenitnily aiiaii^ed. 'he plate ^'h-s winduu- ixpi^ii. t'l view a hand-orne sell clioii o| mmfK. Mi>M ■ \ and y. McMniifll iimhitake dn-'smakinj,', and niarnil."' line all kind- <'l ait iieed'e and fancy wnrl. Mi^- ! Mcl)i'nell making .1 sptcialtyol nil pdininu I 1 art vv\'y. having secnrt d pri/e" ni the roroiiio I'ldiistri I l'\Iiii'ii'' ot I Silt I and iSfti \l It hm- 'il Heihn Wools is .iKiicaiii' \ spici.ihv is made o| l.incy woil< and stainpinn, i-k ^;■l -piciimrn- ol whicfi may he seen. Three cnmpeteni .1 -i-' an Is are einph-yed to het,i the prop; if tress, whose iinvaiyii;. count -y ha- not I. tiled to ohiain iis rewanl in her pi sv' eviensive tiatle. Il is a cuinpaiatlvely ea-y ta-k tn pu-iln' lor Mi-s McUnnell a tnitire of pm-peiily ami ^ood fniiun as she pnsscs-f- those i|unlilic- thai have alway- Im tn;^' -ncci --, namely, encfj;y .uul eni«ipii--c. 'liii. i)<).\iiNi(>.N li,i,i isri>:A i"i;n. I --I ADI.ISIIMINT III UlNN'IIKrill lIRl W ,N Ml l.ll II IlKii.. . I;. .. ik.i 111 1-, -.11 1, I .. , 1, ,1. 11, I .s l.ii 111.1 ''ml. \iii..i.^ III. I.iii;. Ii,i..l, .111.1 ( ~l..ii-. i I III... 1.1 M.-sis Winiiihilli Mi..<.. il ii .mil S I .I..III.. -In. -I si. 111. I. |.i. 1 ii.iiiriill\ 1.1 llu' I I. riii- n-i!!.-. IS ,1 \r]\ I.I.I ..III. Ii.ixiii^; I'lTii in I.Sv*». ill. jl. IIII'is .11 Ht.ll limr lulllti \i l\ llliiitisl 111 st/i .111.1 .l|. (..nil,... .1I...11I lliv't I" ■«•■'■ \iis-l-. Il;ll..l.l .111.1 li.l mil Uilllilllllli jillli .1 llii' I IS, ill iN;^. vtliiii ih, r' mil iWiiiiiiliiih III II. I I. .|. II\ till III,' l.l|it,ll\ ^K.lMli^ 1 1. II I, III IS.SO ill, ..1.1 |il,Ill|sls U.l,' pllllcl .|..\MI 'Itlil til,' I'li's, 111 lll.lL;llili. I III l.i.ll.lill;; I 11 . h il, lll.lkill^ ..11. ..t III, tilHsl >I. Ill's ill ( 1 1 1.1. I.I. \ui,li .1 hi. III. 1^1 ..I ,(11 1. , I, ,111.1 llii 1. 11^, si |.i.iu j;l.iss sli. ,\\ \MII<|..Ils 111 llu |tll||lilli..||. rill Is sIli.-lK 111, III ii.l lilU.l II. Ii,.,,|,s. ,,|ti,','sl.ll .in. Ill «s. Ill, I |»,||.iiliiM|s 111 iilil. Il .1 l.llt;, Ir.lil, Is ,l..iii . il l.,'iii,i 1,1 lIu' 1,1.1, ,1 .111,1 ,sisi.ii„is III T III,.. Ml. Wilililllilll Is .111 .iiiiM' .iii.l .,i,|j;.ll.' Iiitsiiiiss 111. HI, \Mlli ,1 tlii.i.i.i^li ..I llu |,,-ll.ililils ..I Ih, ll.l.l,,. .,|,.| llu, 11. ,.|s .||„| |,'.,||||. 111. Ills .,1 111- 111. nv ||..iis, w ),.. hilh ,(]i)ii,,i i.ii, ilii's.iiii. I III 1. .|:..M.. lii -IM . c ,.| I I '.I . ( iiii'i \ ..hl;.. :in.l -illlU'I stifils. Mr. I..I111 \l, I l.iwl) l'llll(i| illlil ( .rllcllll \|.iii,i^rr. In lllis iiisiiliili..ii, wliK'li is s|ii,lun t.l ns llu '1.111^ ..r i'.iiiiiiii'iciai i-.illi't^cs, ■ llu' fiiy III Tiirnntii i- .itili- '.ii',i,l ill 1 'niiixla .Is iln- ir.uniiij; -. li.inl ,*,i; .i,,.V,//,,. Ii I-' siniiii'il i.n 111,, cm. I I V, .111;., ,1,1 I s,i, ,',, 'MK I M iKnULV III!''iis IitIiih' anil :i--fnililv Imlls ln'iiiL; wi'll Ii(;hlLil, lli'i'l III. I I 1, - ii|. 111., uliiili 1.1 till' l;iii;r lull I, -lliliiiiu, M'lilil.ili'il mill lii'iiU'il. .1- ut'll IK liciliK lii'.iiiiilull) iirpi'inl iinil li'inilsimifly liirnisliiil ihtnn^liiiiil. uriy |. -silili' i'..iiiliiii .mil r.iMwnii nci Liin^j ,ilii.iil,'il. im Imliii..; si'i.iii.itf Iiiilft r.Hims lilt liiliis mill (;i.|iiliiii. n, iiu si I ssi'iiiial ill .iiiisiiiiiiis in smti .-in iiisiiniiiuti. I'luiiult'il Im llif )iiii|i<.si> i.f ii.iiiilii^ iiii'ii .iii'l >'iitnj; uiiiiu'ii in liuHiiuss riiini>i( |,iiiin|i| I iiii-ihiiils, llu- I. . I, .111" lliisints, 1 .iil,,y.. in|iiill)' .iiiiin. .1 1 ilv';;ii'f ..I I'ftuirniy iml n-.irhi il l.> .my nlliii I .i.ililislmiriiii 111 lis ii.itiiii.. li is iiMiii-it mill I ..nil.. I It .1 t.) |.i H'lii'iil I III situ, s int'ii anil has a l.ii^^i' iM| 1 la- iiini iiiliiin riiiii|iiisis lilt' I nul'sli ilo|iatiiiii'ni llii' ilii'iiri'tical ili'|iillliirnt, , Siiiinui. I.ii Linn, pi luiinii- lii|,anil lu.irlii'.il ili-|iarlii tin ; Mr. J. W. >iyiiiiiiil 1 mli-y, '".iriis-i't, lie, l.i« ile)i.iiiiiieni : .Mr. I. II. r.'iiii'. Ii.i.ikkei-iiinn ili|iirinienl ! Mt. I. W. Iliinvn, l.nt;- li-h ili'|..itiii'.iiii : Ml. N. I. ( hiik. lil.'i;i.i|.li .'■ 1 .11 im-ni, I I v. Ik' .mil iiiiliii'liMl iiislini'lii.n, is iiii|i,iti. •! in " > i.i l..\\ iiin lir.iiu-h. s : I'.ii.kkii'i.ini;. sl„,iiliaii.l, li.inl.inn. r.iinm-i' atitliiii. til-. iiirirs|i,,:titi tier, luisiiii-ss liriiiiiaiislii|i, typcu riling, cnninu'iciiil Mw, U'lct;i'iiiliy, l.usini'ss inaciin' mill ..llui- umk, I'li', I'Ic. I'.saiiiin.iliuiis aio lii'lil Hi'i'kly .mil mi Ihi- cuiniilcMinn i.f each ouirsi-. wlii'lhi'i,ir\, inli.|int,ltale, ,,r ailvaiiri',1, a c, iiihiMle is m.irilcil I'l sii.'.'i'sslul -liuk'nl'i, «liili- in ."ililiiimi 'i ilil'liuna il ciinfi'irt'il ii|ii.n lliiisi' «h.. have passf.l ;li.- rvaniin.i II Ills. -siH'iial alli.nlii.n is iha\in l.i llie licl llial all niiiliiali's ail- a-si-',sil m Im lalive |iiisiliiin-. liusii.iss nii'ii ate I'liiiiiniially 'i|i)ilyiii}; 1..1 llieii n.;'*'".'ii's, as ilie iliiilnlliai; III ihe rmiiiilii r.iisiiH'S> ' ..llcni' all' "ill l.iiiiw 11 |ia-s|i,.its 1.1 (■iii|i)i.)nifiii. 1 hiin-'mils whii lia\t' passeil ltiiiilii:h a eiiiiisi, in Ihc aliiiM' iiiMiluliiin U siily In llic 'ilile niannii ami aliiliiy «ilh »hicli Ihr wmk is tarriul nil. Thtii' hiitulrtil anil ihiiiy si'M'ii siiul. nis wetc i-nrn'Ifil illlrinj; llie yi''" eiulinn DfCi-inliti, iSnl, which i< 1I..11I.1 a «i.-uliiliil ifi'.itil. 'siiulfniii aic in .iiU'nilancf iVnn ivciy iLiiiiiy in I intaiin, every |i|..\inL-f in the 1 1 iiniliiiiii' .\ n"'*'' man} si. lies i,f ihe neiehliniilini; re|'iil'lie, Keiniuila ami llie Wesi liiili.i Is'aiiils, Muith \nieriea. lapan. 1 iii;lmiilt lielanil anl Si- .1 and, lliis -urely is siillieielii |.i....f i.f llie |..i|.iil irily nf this well kii.iwn i-.iinniercial cnllene. The anniial eal' I.inne anil |iios)ietHis nl the cnlle^e ii. a wntk nf an, ami is inmleil fne .m a|i|i.iealiin In ihe iiiananei. The i-iillej;e is ii|ell ihe entile >e'ir (iin \ Meal ii His I, sii llial sliulinls e.inenui al anv lime with ailxanta^e. Mr. I. M. Criiw'), ihe iiianai;* I ,inil -ii|ier\ i'lnn piimiiial 111 I'le insliuili'in, is 11. .1 nnly ace.,ini-lisliiil in ihnse suhiet l-, \iliii-li he iiersiinally sii|ietiiil, nils, l.m slamis | le eniinenlly in llie liisi taiiki. nf an Innlish -.linlar. ami as a luisiness niaii.inei his few eijiials .iii this ciinlineni. lli.i :iu-eess as ihi- lieail ill the r..r..nM Ihisiness ( .ille^e is ailmilleil l.y .ill. The latest p.isseil ii|',.n him liy ihe rili/ens ..t l.ll, 111', was ihal I.f his eleetii.ii as lii^h scli.i'.l liiisiee, M.iiih l.|ih, iSi).'. Willi Mieli an aei-niniili-.heil chief, 1..^ iher nilh siieh ahle assi.eiaies, llie fuliire ..f lllis |ii,| Hilar r.iiimieri iiistiliiU, n is a Iiiinlil nne. Tlil' TOKONTO HKKWINQ ANll MALTING (.u.-(Sei; nf xl|pa«e.) THK I )OMINION ll,M ISTK^v VhA^ THH CN ' Ah lO Fi'Ki.l AN'lt Hi 'III I r. .("X !•> 1!kI \M\i- \M' \1 \l I INi. ( ■■. . Si, 111. K •slllll. (h|I,l,|, li) tin- IIK tl"'l'"lll.ill illli-^wl iIk .i»)lilK-lil n>< > ii\ "how s till' -..iim- rMrnint'li- tiiltrprUi- in th<- f,i.iihlciii .iinl tii.i^nitiult III its uliiilis.jli- isiiil>ii"»l)iiit'iil'< .1- 1^ ili^pl.iu.l !.) till- lui->i!u-xs nil II <»i Tuinniit. I-Vw ilinrini^li l.ii("> in ;iii\ tit), ail- •Ii-\>iu-i1 l<> llu- imnantilt' tr.nlc. -m- litii'tl with I- man) liainl^niiK* houses l<»-.u|i|il) lluw.ini* ■ >( ?lu- pnlilii- a^ an- tH't or tlin-i' <'! . Itn.lni^; .uiiuu- .il ilii-.til\. 'I'lh- T'liitnl" si«-t'ial miinl-f wmiM l. il.l-l, K i> 'I llu- !ait;t-.l I'nwin^ i-.lal"li"lnninu in i'anaila. riu- luisitu-^s \\a> »- iililjslu'l III iSiil. au'l llic tnnn'anv imw lia-* a^t ncii'. in M"Mirfal. i^iiul'iT. Kin^-icn. * Miawa ami ..tini liiir-. llu- aliN niaiU- )>\ till- Iti-smiv li.ivr ai hif% \'\\\a\- \. ami ci.inl'ininji .w llu) «l'i j-rMi.! Ihm|\ ui h < \n-lit ni tLunr. , r^' rnn-iinu-il in aluM-l i'M-r\ htun an in all |>arl^ "'I llu- l>Mniiriiirnrlurf. Iia\in^;a !ii>nta)> "I iwi ■,V' '»'* ' "It sjin(-in--in-tt, anil ri-ai liinj; "MT in William -ir. ii. llnw t iiM-rinj; a \ir\ l;irj;c art-;' uj i;riiunil. ll i- >u\> I'lii .1 ilni'iij;hiiin uiilt llu- niif.i m'niiin niailiinti) .hh' a]< lili.uii f. ami h.\s A (■ Mtil) i-l alM.-.ii i.iki«».(ii»o ^.illim- a \r;-.r. \ larj;r ami i"in;-.: !-.... stall i- ■■m|'l"\nl lUi ilu- liri-iniHts, al-'i >t.\cial -ntsi'lf lr,i\ilKr- anii. uitli .icapai il> iliirinj; ill'- si-a-iHi ul i(Xi.(.KXi Imslu'ls, niiil llu'ir mall is soiil ail <>\ci' i!ii' I>nniiniiiM. Tin- Itraiuh uaiinn. < a .('ili-\ iik-nt latt iliai • •iir nu-t'l'anira1 indii'lriv- rank amtm^ mir must in)|Nirtnnt llapi'ily. iir. ui' nii^hl sny. with i-m t-ptimial ^^ratilii-atinn. iinr imlu-irii-s ari- Ikiiij,' rapiilU irtant oiu-. v\lm'h has a uiik-s|irrail i !ti rt ii|iiin llu- lifiml status .i| ( iraila a- a ma.niitai lurini; ttimify, i- "t ilu- I hitaiici l-'irL;.- anti Itolt <'.. (I.miitnii. i>t Swatisia. near r-iriimn. I Ik- hi-inrv ul thi>inu-r|nisc i-wnr nl" almn-t iinlmunik'il sui'ti's-. it ha\in^ in si\ years ili-\i-l'i|>i-il into ihc larj^ist \itT\iv ami Itnlt \Vt»rks in Canada Swaiisi-a, n -iil'url' of T.irtiiilM, admiialiK Imatt-d jiisi wt-si ul Hij^Ii I 'ark. ahiint ilirii-c|uaru-is "I a nntf. rij;Iit mi tli-- lake slum-. ua> ihi- I Im-rii >iif lur llu- wnrks. tTi-riiii al'mil U-n year- aj;n, aildiliuns ha\in^ ht-fn madt- eaih siu ii-ediii^ year. Midi the im rta-c ol lui-invss. h \Mmltl he im|'>i-siMe in llii- l>riet~ ski-iih :•> desirilie areurati-ly the manituld ik-|>nrlinents and icjiiipuK-uls of the workn, l»ut sniitc itk-n '»1 lluir maj; nilmU- ina\ 1h- (frinetl frum n j^eiieral imiliuf ol the evcclleiit faeilitie'i allurtied fur niamilaiiiire. The preiniM-s in all ('t\er the e\iem!t-d area of 4Mtti;;Mv . Mn-i-teni. antl tile ie|Miiiel. allei krin^ most n miti • >ii-i\ iittived k<, the niana^^er, \|r. Hiikmi. ni llu- iillnes ai tlie Ih.nt. ua- jilarid Ul rhai^e u' the liimkee|H'i, aiiit was iishered in a iiitisl interesiiiij; maiiiii I ihr upun ihi* vieM.and knit- and small niethanual devite- aiei.iiehilU pat kill in k'i\e-. lasielidly arranpd .>n -In U, , limn tiiie end i.i ihe ..(her. litre, aU'tiiilti- are tilled atr<>rilinKi" ih*' I .'lal'i(^ii, .Mian^jemt hi. aiu\ \h rle. I -\-ii ui piivaiU. I'.is^jii^ ihroit^li to the mam lai lur) . on « itin i -ide. Ini llu i-nltame i- akoui ihe t eiiire. as l.n as the e\e t an leai h llu le stem- a p.-ileii nia/e ot mat hiiiery. (>n one hami ai.- small ko\- nidiistiioM-l\ and thverh ihreadiii); kolt- at - ueli pi i thoiis.i d, -nim- ol whom -m « t-ed in pr«>! mm. II 1. 1 as) lit imtleiMaiitl llu- pt iiei iinii ti| till* litilt'* anil tilling* III ihi-\ |hi-o llutin^li till M' te^jiei live hiimUtil ti-Mi'il lah ni mt| lAptriellie. I Ml oiK- liailil .lle lie|\ tlllllatl'^ llll one piiipt>-i, oh tile iitlu'i imiiti-i si' ni.ii knii '< sut li a- ilo " 1 1) than lie I pM Her," I lit in u sii-ain " I'lmt li and sheai, antl llie splmditj kolt and iivet mai hint - lt>H laeloi\ . I ui the rein re til tin kinldin^ i*tlu ik- •nakmu d |iiiiiiinni ami wire nailniikm^ toonis, Uiih a uhiih att em lo^etl aiitj si-pafale. ami an- ino^i iinpoii.nii p.itis ti| ike mdiislt). Ml lilt lale-l iinpiovtd inailiiiuM iml .ippliam I s ail Inii m opiialioii: ihe powir i- sieaiM. Mid till kinldmi; lhton|;lioiil l- li^htetl k\ ejeiirieil), Hi, < mpaiiv sinipk m^ llieif itwn d\iiainos. I'a<«siim niil ul iNi opposiu end iMih- whit h we tillered I- iln mr^e ritiin, wnlt a -epar.ili (D^'im liiit i up spei iailv lur tin- tiepariiiu >'. ttiMstdt, in el -e pioxiinity. is ihe tu-u loimtli). now pn. lieall\ in eniki)o, .Is a lai^i kru k kmldin^ will k* uni. i Ihi- \i-.ii, there keinu ai pre-ein oiil) a small m 'lllllMl^ toi m m ii|H'raiitiii ; mil this kuildi"^ i- .i sinlakle tat ois wlud im patkiii^ antl shipping Uixe- ul the esi.iklisliineiil ,ti. inamilaehiretl, and a eaipeiit< i shop is in i titnietliun t atiullui ad)im> \. toi sio ap> til all oil- lur n-i in the kiisimi- Ihe eletii>> plating I- the lale-t aii|ni-iliun lu the kiisnu'-., and tli< -|i li.ul) lilii d np ik-pattimnl lur ihis wurk i- -et mid lu i in < aiiaila. ihi appkaii' es ami appiiileiianei - kein^ lir-t ela'-. iiti hiding •.ohiiion kalh*. pti..i..i keiile-. (;al\ani/iii;4, an I kiat^ tasliii}^ deparlllielit ( ' mipk te i ihe wotti iliu deserikes the woiks ol ih, Miiiaiio |{uli rumpaii). ami ih.n lu euhtkli I \ulh ea-i a\u\ -net es-, ever im re isjii^ Iruili yii In )<.u ihe e\tt'n-i\>- kil-llies , iei|uiies men til the ke-l > kiisiiie'- akilil^ and i< • ni.ili- rmaneial kiio\\|ed).ni pa-se>l, sidings III ilK't;. I. K. tunning .\ \ ii^^lit aiuiiml the inaiu kuiliiin;^ ul till lai Itn), while li\ water llu- shipping i- uiu \ tellol. Till- laei thai einpluynienl is liiiiii-hed lur truiu one Inimtred and lilt) i" two hundred hands, will ^i\i soim- idea til the lAtetisive t liarai ler of the kllsines^. Th, trade e\l( nds Imm the Atl:mti>- lu the I'aeilie. ami unl) oiu iia\eller is lonsianll) oul. llu- eompany tipeiatin^ thron^li aiiotlu-r ;:^eiiev, is the) art- lepreseiitt-d parlirnlarly k\ the larj;esl haul ware Iiohm-- in the I >oiiiimuii. Al S^.m-t ,i. tin iinplo)ets ul ike Kuli Woiks make up a M-rilakle litil. town, and ha\e .i -ehool hon-i and i hnn h lar^el) -iippuiiid sokl) |i\ them. Ihe indiistrv has pniviii in e\eiy respei i a eredii to the pioprit-iurs. tu I ,>ionto .nitl to ( '.niatla. ami ii I- e\ei .idvaii. nij; aloiij.. the lim- ut prti^res> ,nid prnsperit\. llu ui)niieiiients .ilwa)- In m^ akiej-^i of ilu- time-. ilu name, lunneily the "Onlaiio |to| Co..' altiiie, has ket n .h.m^;«'i toMnt.iiiu l-uip- ,ind It-'k ( o. Thi- tlireelui- ..! ihe I um pa 11) whit h i- a priv ale joint -luc k mrpur.iiion, w iih .1 e.ipiial ol $jm).iMHi. .lie some of (''s represenla1i\,- kii-im— imii. iTh kidinj; Mr. ke. \\ ul1llin^iton. I'resitle it. Ml h M liiin, . 1 -1 . Munireal. and Mr. 1. M. M. liitM,. -s.,iitai.. Ml W ., Uuv- .,11.1 Maiia^ier. 1-tamisU. I liioun. l;s.p Mr. I' Mrlnlvie I- a din-etor o| |hi- t.iaiid Iruu'. K.iilw.u .Mill .1 mill .u i u-liuned lotiu- man.ii^eimni ol lai^e liiiaiiti.d \eiitnre-. wkili- Mr \\ orih ii^ion i- .i niiin I'll o| the Ito.iitj ol I lad'- .iml .1 man wht. Ileitis iiti iiitm du. tloii |o ihe I oaimerei ll woild of ( aii.lda. The tlireelor.Ur Is .dlti^elhel .1 -llulij^ one : tilt -olid .Hid e\er ^ruw ini" kilM lit— sp.-akm^; elut|m-nll\ --i ilui loi, .iM|,t. pn,,!, ,„ , ,,,|,| -upt liur kii-iiie— , .ip.uii) . tlion. the whtije ilh its array ot tall eliiii eys tiii^' lu the \i.silt)r an asi»fcl of fiilcrprisi' and prioress I're-eiii that wtiujil rL'inilut i I ht' threat iron indusirii-s of Wale^ tNTAKlu H'»k*.K AM» ItUkT LU., ijMilKl'. THfC DOMINION IM.IIMTKATKl). 77 TIIH KMIMRK DKIICI-; 1 III cjiN riN<; KiMiM I iiK rKi:ss KiKiM. lOKTiUN UH COMHiMMj K'IOM— l!>-< li> XI |.i.t;t / n II : I >» »\i I Ni* >N II. 1. 1 ■>* rwATi:! » ■• I Ml I Ml Ihl . It \utl lu Itt. \. ic. In Jl'lll Ml in At hiii'inl'ct. -inn- /''/. /.''.;"' »r Ml. hit II ■• hi^i ,i|t|'i.ii.iii. i . iihl I" tl i* ihi- iiiliiiiiiMi l>> ii\\% lit 1*11* HMiU ,, I'm I iiMi » • t| the |iriiininriii liti^iiu** (iilir|iriM « nl ilu- i^tiiriii i it\, tli.ii m| /a, /-.nffti, (.ill* luf •pi-i till llunlJMM, .iimI ill"ltltp lltr in I Unit ttltM^jKrl, 111 •■iiiiliii^ <..iiiu ••! th(- Miiil'* uliiili til.llk llti lMllr-l Ml Mt ••li^(,l|it |>lti(;rt«< ■) |>|M^r(->> »lih li, ih.nil.- |i> rhi ti<.iii\ ,i|>)'inl>lh. Ii.i- millui lictii Im tl)<' in > I |ttl't|| «>) I III' ( MU l|<1lM lilt I l>t|lllll|i>ll it. I' I |t.l< .1 l;i ik'I.iI t III III 111, IM HJih ll I III' mM I. I, »hi> •>•> oil I II It. hi It •! Ill- U'tn- hi \ tl (oi), h.hl ImimiiI liiiiitrit < iiiitrMnli'il in lit' ni'»-|i.i|u I luM, iioi <n iln iM mI I • Mill. It. Ill, I'll 1. .1-1 III- loili-n^-i tin j'iiiU ^tlio oit]' I'oiu >l Viini. .Mill vUki vM'ii llni- .tltihi-i .it iu imii >. "•> l-ir .i* l< iu III I )i)i,irn> it.i- imiih iiiiti. NMiiU th. IimI.I sii JmIim Mi.n.>|.M>.i.! nfoi i)n .tth. If.x. ..l iln |.. opK • 1 ( .in,i •'.iM linn llitnu^li. ii>>l t\ tilioMihlin^ -Hill liMrliil •iiliN, tl \^ u lili tuti lii» till .i< ilu ^••iih i >■! iliiii |Hitiiiri| iiiliiriii.iliiin. ilir |>\U i)> t tl.i I, .tin I <•■• l.ti .i- ilu I •■MM i\.ii)\( |'.ii'l\ »(M r) itir M|iriil\ .n.iVMiJ ,111111 \.ill'ilii>l I'li'i liMlii- "I lilt h/. /, ,1111 1 !/.»// ^; IV. .iiiMtlti I .itnl ni'iii |>M»i iliil ii.i-iiii. Il ll.!' Iiti II -.ii>l l>) ///. /: 'I///.'. t.|t)M.ninl'- lli.ii |i.i|H I WAn I >i.i!.IUIii.| l.\ .i K'^i III mill, n hid r» .iinl >'llii t-.. \\\u> uti i\.il i.r \\\u l"'ikni^ Imi liv>*nio li'iin till- |)iiiniiiiiiii I oixi iniinnl. .tinl it'ii -iii li mllin III I o itinlhil it-< >>iii v .iinl tr.iniinil lUnlli* i -. I In |i III |>iii|HtM .liitl licciliiiii li-iin MiMii;^ jHioMnl Ml ) imiMi ll Ml ( '.Mi.ti|,i. it i.inl>. ^.inliiiilt iiiKh ih.ii tin Imliliii^ •>! ^hit-k i^ iimI iMnti .ni iit)V I nil 111 h>li.l\r .( |<>iiiii,il .11 tilt 11 Mi\ii 1-. iln MmiUIimMi iH Ml //,, /..•/*,;. .in iiMi Mill) ni.iinil.u tun I", l>iil -iMtinio. I,u\ \i r-. iinii luiiit-. I.irnn r^ .iiiil Mllti'r-, wIimIi.uI tik |>i-i^m|i.iI t iiiI> ti> vftxc, l>iii ivIiMiMtin iMiw.iril uil)iiii;l\ l mI ( '.tii.t'Li
  • oI.iikI I>) .id*! ii|i'i-iir,.il mi |iij\,iit «n .in tiMiilKJ t)\ ill. Ml. Mill. Ill m| llnu Mm. kltM)ilu> Im )>ur->iii' Mliirit \ulli -iii^^li iii'o- Mj |iui|iM*<. W lini llic )i,i|iii ■.i.iih ll M\ri iMtn \i .11- .i^M. |.|i nii->i'» wvu- -.t I iih''! m .i IKU I'llilllill^ Mil ImIiII^'hII Mitl't. I'Ml .lIlllMimll Illl-M (Ml), ptionl liM l.ii'^. t'lMiir-.. ilii imniiM- hn.iini > mvuli <), .ui-l l.i>I -innnu-r it ll ui|;iiiltn'it w.i-. I.iki 11 )iM,>|..siup i.t. W 111 n iln |i,i|>i r -l-ir'! ■! in till- otij |innii-i- It w.w with .i iMiuplrtt |it.iiil. "in It .!■> \v\\ in iln- 1 K'niiiMMji iiM-^fs., .iii'l iiit ill. t.i>ii «i .iii'l nnM i uni- pli'U' ]>ri.-»- in ( '.ui.iil.i. Itiil I 5 nnmll.o or.irti I) il,i|>si>i lnliTi- ll «.i- ImuiiiI mriHvltA Im .i.j.j .1 vr'.inl l.l-l II. .t- U.I. jK rill tiii^ liii--.. Tlii- i'l .III I A('i-ni nil- iini-jinin iMiiin.ili-ni. ciilu-r in ( '.Mi.KJa Ml ih-- t iiiii i| m.iUo, Im .1 iMuinal hiving lit iiriji r .1 oiroiiil l.i-t |>i< -- » iiliiii sin It .1 -li< iMiimnim limit. Tin I'li nii-t- \\"\\ "h 1 n|iitil .1% i)u Iimhu ni ///( /:/«/-/;< v\.i". <-iiiii|il. -I. ll I.i-i n. hiliir, .mil 1- mik- m| 1)1. iii>i-l I Miniiii)ti'< iu-M-ii.i|Ki iillit I - 11) ( ,ni;ii|,i. Ilii' t'ltilil ilu; i- .1 li.Mii loot III lirirk ••inn riiri . :mi| tin- moot rMno|iii hoik ol.jnt Mil .\t!i'l.ti'.ii-olii.-Ll. Iiitwicii Non^-i . Iiilhio liuiltliti^; y//. /:«///'( iM-.ii|.n-- oiviti l.irj^i tlimi^, .11 ili. liMiti-in lirin^; ilu- jtno-. room, ulin h i- j^vSft Inl in iliitii-n Mtin^.^e ami airy, ant ll<-f Will pcilictiii}^ prt-oM o, nil u liich ihi iliMfu-rii i-iiiiion^ ..t till- paper are prin let I. 1 1 ere al-o i- the machine on w hit It 'In larj^e imIU ..f p.ipi-r .Tte ilain|iehi-il lit Inn- Iteinj; put < ji the pre-ics. Kehiiul liiis is the -leaiii en.;iiie ami ininnr nun hini-ry, whilf in 1 he cornet i^ Ihe eU-vatnr. which 'uii« to Ihe liip of the hiiiltlint;. Next to thr pre-^ rootn are ihe iii.iilint; room, paper ami holler rouin''. Iimm-ili.itely alMi\e Ihe [ireos ronm is ihe InKine-- Moi.r. re.icheit Itoin ilie sinri ll) oevi-rnl liroail olep>. \t the 1 nd ••! the spaciMiis part o| the oiiice, cleviileil lo ihe puMic, i> the oitire "f the iiianii^;i-i mI ihe ailveitisiii^ lieparinieiii, while ihe a uotkin.inship. I \\m ..| the ll.ior- ,iie ilr M.:eil to Ilu- eililorial ami reporloiiil .-latl. the liisl U-iti^ reaelieil hy a lli|;ht ol -kp- front the liii-ineso ollue. Ileri the manager hai hio room, w Ink- lU'xt n. Imi) ntv lite 'plan ei> of the rhief ediior. < m lliis ilonr are aUo \hv rooms ol Ihe news, associate, ami weekly eilitoi-,, uliiU- tin* l.hrrtiy ami fyle rooms are siimte'l in the cenlrc. * 'u ilie Hi.or aliiAc ihis ihe city eililor hoM-, his emit, while Har.kin^; hint on eiibi r siih- are "he comim' .uu! spoitin;^ uli'ms, j In- lei'oiiers ha\e iheir ipi nurs al the oilu-r einl ot ihe lIo..r. while heiween are ihe nij;hi editor ami the operaioi's loom, where ilispatchcs trnm all pails arc ninhlh lereiveil o\er ///. /-.«/,'■/'." private wire. * in the top llotir is the omi- pusin^ room, a niaKiiilicent larye n, ^oxSo feel, In |.y skyli^;liis as wt-ll as uiiuiows,, an-l a'linilteil to 'te the linesi C'linposin^ room in ihe ciiy. Ihe proof lenlers arc cmh venienlly sitiiaied on ihis llooi, while al mie tnil. i-parateil hy a -Inliit^ door, is the sureoiype room, where casK are made ot the pa^jes. Ihe w In tie Imiltlin^ is hrilliiinlly illuininaied with elecliicity, .ind ladiaiin^ Imm the nian- ayer's ollice, the various department"' arc connccled hy olficc lelephones. The whole e-tahli'-hincnt h, perhaps, the liuiHt ('MitiiiUt ' ii-w>p.ipet oMin Pi I'( iMiunl m I in.ula, -ind ihai Ihe liu-iiiv* tt| /'ll /•'/,'•/,, ha- ropiirni -ih h airotiiMio.|,i liiii) i«i aiioiln I t'\iilei» i- ol (he h.itliti^ iHi-nion the papi t ha- as-uitiril /''it A"/"/', had iioi loiii; U-eii t suili|i-het| nil II- iiilliicmv on lh« mlu-t InriMMH d.iilir« ua- leli, and u soon oni-irippid ii« rival* in ihi* morning lit-ld, ami iliotr iheiti III i.iU- ril'i^e in eveitiii^ idilioti- Tin* \\,\* .1 hi'l ustirtio CMiipon lali- in mdei to l>e .il'lt' to hoast ol a luhluiii- ciicid.iiuii). / '< .'-"i'-' . -i>adilv Kt pi tui Its course as .1 leuiitmaip neWHjinper, ctiii \mccd ilnl shrewd hiisines^ men wmihl see lliiMU^>t ihe iraniic elloitt in wmk iiH cou)inns and c Innate tin- uoitliol .1 "cni-iilatnHi" thu» tihi. lined an an aiKerii-inn medium, \i.i h.ive ihc ulan.^^icr'.o| /;, / v; , hci-n miiii^ ii ■>{ ihc value o( a new spa pt r |.. ad Ml lilies. I nder ihe (.re-enl i iiciimstaiiccs iln le is tnon- 111 eti ever h>r a uhicli will lesnhtuly siand up lir 1 an.mla ajiain-ii such nioveincnt-, a- .I'e ai prt'M*ni t;"int; ..n, ami the way in which the people ha*t m the pa^l rallied .iiound / ^i- /■ "ifr, ami approved lis seniiim-ni -, eiiiniirai^tA I In iitaii.i^;! im m 'ti I npi |o| ion in int) aiut iln lea -my ni|. pMti in ihe liiiiiie I Ul |Ul(MM>.\ Tt I I • (oUl VNV , \\ holesale *s|,il|i.|,i i«, I) .|ii lla> Mitt'i. U It loiild If po-il.|c III .|mii doHh 1 1 ilic l.ii^esl papti mill'* in iln- itHiniiy hii a sii>^,le wi-i what ttiiuld he the t eiilirrlv f»Usp( mled, neW'papt'is inhl iinlf •latiointsiM I 01111110 I- th. it lnovi|. Is Ihl Itllhct A I lli«( Mjitp.iny. 1 he ptcitMH-i* oci lipied 1 t (In- CMinpinv coit-i-i ol .1 hhick, v\ iili .1'' < inaihiiK n i| liicil ill liuot. hindink;. I»'v ni ikini; and 1 nvrlo| < nuimi. < lull-, all ot ihe iiiosi modi in aittl appixvnl upe. I he t • i>. piny an- wln-le-ah- ihahis in p.iptt ,iiid •laiiomn. 'I I > a li.nh- i-on»is|x chii lly III m.imi' ti 'itiiii|^ i nvt loj t - .lal ) i|.i Irivi's .mmI in l> 10k l-indin^'. I In >i ^p. x\.<\ h alun > .m- p). X papileiies. papyriiu- nntr, ruiiiiusi i\oiv iio|i-. ^uo'sVpiii noli>. o'll In^l'sh \elUim no|<- .md coloiiied tissue p.ipi 1 I'll'* coinp.iiiy was iMinuhd 'hoiit foiiileen )i'ars ai;o, aiui ii ih'- pM'-'-i't ijiiu- ^ivfs einilo>nienI to .ilioiil one huinli. > .tiid -ixi V pi r- iii^, riii-ii CI. I nine rs .lie dj-'tilaiii d llin ion md ihire evpein nci d Itavt Ih is aie i <■ n 'Miilly Oil Ihe Thi- h IIo^mku an- ihc ilinits ol tl.c I'MM.panv : ImImi \< Itiiliii, lol.n t. l-'.llis, I*. |. |v h' I. Maudlin. Mr. I 111- is a pfominciit nictnlu r mMIi \- lonhi Iloanl ol I'lade, ami take- .111 activf in'in*! ir nil l)n- ino\. ■minis of that |.odv (or the t'ootl of ihi ciis I Iln- adv inccnu n m| h. 1 , ,,uiiiu ici il riosm mj Mi. |t.i|)ii is pf.ipiiftor ol till- iMort;iUoui, I'.ip.-r Mills and piisid.ii' and mana;;ei of i!'i- ■roronin I'apei Ha^ \li!U .i| <'iiinu .11 KSTAIII.ISII.MI NT Oh TMH HAKMHK & I-I.I.IS ^OMI'.ANY. I IHK l»«>.SUNION lI.I.t'.STRATKI) ;•• ■V-?-"^., ■>?'■' . ..-..■. ■ : LJutiOi ■ m ■f .sal si' is t1 ' .J- I^.'C'l ^fi jM ''"^^If^ hI^^h "Wis SS9 >! -J1 j^Ss^SH^ ''^.. — ^j — ^ . T 1 ;"• r-^-i — 1 1 l>r,Mll,l->llV' ■ ■.I'lll llUnUN IlKoriU K^. >. c li. xl?]i.iK' •) 1—1 AHI.I^IIMJ N I' lif « II I.I >.M MK()WN.-(Sn MiM p.mi Kl S1AIR\N r IM 11. .\liiKi-..\N |>i .- ii. M p.ij l-.STAIll.lSllMl.:Nr OK lir ri IIISUN. UICNCM >Si MSBHr.-lfic ik\1 paui- ) THK nONtlNION IM.lTMTWATKn :\ OFIlCi: ANU MII.I.S iiV W I" ll'tWl \M> tft C- . OFIICl-; iiK W. r MoWI.ANn iS: Cf IlK-iw \ !;i;m-.. WIl-KviI,. si., i:..Mlvi.iii.l.i .. M.iniir.u-uii. t- -'1 Ar.Miint K.-.k-. I.r.iliur (i.i.hU. .\r.. 04. ti. r-irimlo. Alih-ui^li ilu-.-in |ii iiiinii in lluir Uiii' i-l li.!Niiu--s i^ \i.r\ t^rc-it Mi.'-^t-. lti"« n Kr-". li.wi- i;.iin-'il tlu- iIk- lMiin'I.i'i"n <'i ihi- I'sinlili-lnnt-ni .i> far l>.ick 11^ 1X411, .in. I itn >i-.i' ■■ liici u;i- -utf'^iK-il li) hi-, ^.in*. uh.i Kc^^.tH .in-I Ilu*- -irni cnritil Dii ilu- WMfk nii'liT till- "tylc <'i Ilr.'wn Ur-w. .\ linn -.i.i-iy >'iiii turf lino, 'inli .i- t ■iin-nfi' h- lil in ^;ri-at rnnu-^i tlinnii^htiui tlK' iMimlr). Ithnk l{«,-.. o; n ■ ri<(iti-.iit> laiuy IratlKi j^m.mU, <>I all kintU. \^>. U-i l..u.k^. walk-w., .\.-. Tlu'ir \\arL'linii''i' is a wfll uriteiLd an.! iinuiinsr i'ni|i'irinni ■ 't * n-mral anil laiu-y MaiinniTy ( i ai. i I'aiurs nf t \rt\ ■ K-N ■•■|iti.iri. In tin- limikliin-linj; ■•■ n .i \kt\ lar^;r lui-iin -- i-».liini-. V it-ntilic-. nu-iliial. iL-^al. i.nKtralt.l v\.irk--. tni;;;! /ifux, fic., pa^-in}; thmiii^h ilu-ir haniK. In ilii^ M^■^'.^".. Itrnwn Itr.i-. hav. ln-i-n a«ar\i-T 1 iJo \aricti«N o) tlir t'anailian Iliat> ait pulilixlu-'i l>y ilii- lnMi-sc arni (I iini-«tntaii'l.iri| v\..i-k> III ill'- n.iniiniiin. Mr. Uirlianl Hinwn i>n.iu liu- »..|i |>r.i|iriilitr an'l i- llmr- uj;hly tAiK-rinu-.-iJ ni i\ii\ I'r.mrh. -.hrt-wii in liii-.nn--. nialii- -. ra|iat
  • if 40 feel >utli a depth of too feet. [{ is very sui.-sl.intially 'milt uf hriek and cut >totie and nre sents a verv pleisint; appearance. .-Klevators fur handling heavy gf)ods eoinnuinicate with each tlal, and the en'ire ImildinR i^ heated hy ■-team and well ventila:e«l. ■"he lir--t llonr. or iiastnien', i'. well li^hte'l and ol the full dimensiuris r.i the huildinj;, the stuck on thi> tlal l.ein^ shafls. pnle^, 'vavy hubs, lu' runner-', curled liait waggftn skeins, cte. " the ne\l tlout, the principle <>ne, a poriion is taken up the <)1*;-,-f, while tlie remainder is used fnr tho sturaj^c ot t iiri.ij^e harduaie, paints and varnishes, The L'eneral ship pin^* room also takeK up a part of this flat. Two tjepari nienls on the ne\t store\ . ihe on.' in front lieni^ iievuUil to Itirniner^' 14 10 K. ^m h as fine pUent leather-, w-ml .-nd union cloths, cor lutoy.., \elveleen--, ran\iis dtiek. iid)Iii 1 and enamelled cl iiti, cloth, carriage carpets, tapestry, \V illons, etc. In ihi- rin>ni i> ano-her ^ei apart lor earriage Unips. which are di-.playt'd wilh g'eat lasie and in vvell- as^i.oied vatifiv. Itiiitons, ih.inioi- lares. IiUl;^'\ daslu's. i-li. , are includetl in the al.ove s.,.ik. In the dcparlnient hrhind ihis, 40 \ 71; fe -t ni si/f, spikes, earriaye ami lijtht Inilis arc kejtt. lelloes and rirus itf all si/cs .md kinds .ire st.ncd on the fourth llal, a* well as mdvinade gearing and huggy gears. The top or tifth -li>ie\ is tlevuieil to patent wheels f'lr light vehir'es and e.irnages, liodies for earii.igt- lops, cutlers, runners, and a large sl.icK of nios-, which i- used in the inanufat lure .■( cushions and niatlres>es — imported from New ' 'rleans, I s. |-rotn the f.ircgoirig it i^ seen ihal the g.)ods cirrie'l in this estalilisjimenl are in ahiiost endles-, varie'y and cuniirise every rcipU'-ite in the nianufacmre ot vehicles of all kind-, fr.-in the hea\y trud, r.. the lighr trotter. *si\*ten men, each urll p-iste sirietl, a wholesa'e one, the trade heing df.dt with direci. Mr. W m. hrown. the pr'piiel'U ol thi> innneiise estahlishmeni, d.-vitte- himse'f Ln'irely to tin' uianageuien', and it i-. to his elf trls alone that il has reaeheil such a proninent plarc among like rommerciil houses in the Itominion. For many years he has Kven Conricctnl with ihe It lar.l -.f Trade of ihi> ciiy. -d whi. h he i> an honoured ineuiKei. 11. M'.K'.XN. I'r..,iriehii ,,i III. \l,r. h.iiii , Ke^i.i.u.n.i. in I S Jor.ian sireet. In the \ear I.S75. Mi. I . [ewell ■ ipine.l this test niraiit. whieh In earri.d on mil il I.SS7 w iih marked sin-ee». wilt u he reiireil. ihe go.idw ill anent proprietor \|i. I |.iri\ \Iorg.iii S'lMie 30 \ |3> feet in --i/e. ihi- >e..|.iitraiit !s situated at ar d S lord U. v!lei t. aird under tin i.,iilie nl the Mereh.illls' K,.- lauranl is gteath i>atr'mi/i'd l hanr-.Mmfiy titled up. w lull' the latter is an.mgcd with the ^reah -t iMnxeiiienee. i.d.les lieing plaee'l .m all sides l>u' the iis. ..| ,u-i.imirs. I he har i> proMiled with the best hrairds in wines, li.jii.irs .111 I eigars. se\'-ral harienders heing at hand i.i wap ii| 1 ^P 'ners. In the luinh ro.iin. smart and e\p<-iienie.| wai ters are at lian.l. whi!,- ihe snviee in ever) wa\ is pertni. ( lean lahle tl.itli- an lo .;ihi pi ,, pie luneli .11 this ii"ieil Imuse. I lit |.|opnel..r is ;i iiati\e <.| < '.iM.ida. .in.'l I i.iiiinenecd his iiaitiiMg in ilii^ hue at ') ve.u. ..1.,^.. in the! I-:. 1 lul-.iii.l .iIPiw.imU wiih Mes-rs. I.' ,N I It hd. I --11. ll< >s V.IX pupiihir .Old .le,. n.dlx s... I) :. le-r nil. ml i' ihoui ilu .-mK miu win. h el-.-i , .ii 7. jo p, 1 , -MM lilglll III 1 11!.. Ill I' ui-.i)\, |i!i.M\i A \i i;i I, Mamil.'i I irers' Agi i;tv and Ini|ivMers, s^ 1 ront sireei west. I his leltaMe tirm iv siireiv m.iUing its wa>' among the c menial htuisi-s ..• Toioijt.t, j.efiMiiing lie'Ur known and in.iking iiselt -ri V >pul It in all puis nl ( ' in id.i. rrtmiiiu n ly Incited jii die piiiiiipal wh di'sjL' iltsii-'M tif r.ironi.i, plel^.ise^ are oem puti at si; 1 r'.ui s'recl wcsi, Manii'acuireis' agents an.l imp 'iici.s <>('hris and t.iilors" Irimi.iings, etc., it i- lie. e..- ip\ Id ilu mend '"is ..I lli.' lii m t.i he c< 'in inually Ci"i xei^aiit Willi e\e(y chingi' in the m ill, els. which I hey wai. li in llie d ■-!■ .1 m mtiei, \ large, and .11 the same time, \ei\ i-Miii,.tcle si.irk is alw.i\s Kei'i oti haiul. Mihi'ugh ttu v il nuMe, in l.itge .ir.\ (Ivvdeiis flhl.i tif ihe woil.l irn..wiu.| llMkei . .1 liiuii go.t.ts; Cmtie, I .-e A *'<> ol ll.'wuk. S.-..!. h iwieds : K. I'rnigl.- A s .n. o; llavvul., s ..uh m, .h'; |),!\iil M-.M-h-vA *^ Ills, \1 hic'h stel, ilil.h.l g.u II. en:-. .Ill I I. s M iiu \ (■-... l;i minghani, hnll-n- I (.'in 1!' \ii in; ■■ I I i.i ilu- raeitlc ili" se\en ira\. I « i. in [III inipl"V ft ihis li.nise visil .dl the piincipal ih\ gn -i. (si iliji,,^!i«L.(i|>, 'Ihe iiiein'iets Itf the liim are Mr. U. I' lIuichisoM .lite ■■! Mids A lliitchi..m, M-mueali. Mr. II w.ii ! I. Pignum .m.l Mr U A, \ishet. .\ 1 .in- evp.tis m wi'mI!.!) - .uid al" I- toinnui. I d nu n. I' .i<-Ii n .em her has hei n iinin \.-.iis r, -11 nee ted wnti ih.' -.^ '1 |e-a'e .iiul inip'Tlii ;; W'li'I;. n 11 I'll, .ml 1I111-, itgiit'er, ■ a linn u| e tpi:.,lm \\ . C. II o' > M. A I ■'.. I. inn. 1 I.'iii .md I ..iimiissi.h M. I ii.inl-.. 41 \..n^.- ^Itnl, Viiu'ii- tl.r ..Id es|.,l'l|sh. -1 inni-in J. i.ilew li.i\. .nj-'Xtil sui li .1 t.-ng .md hon..,- d.l. .-Nist.Ii.e 1. Ih.ll ..I \Ussr',. W l: ||..wl.Mld .\ (n >' >iiiniiss|Mn nu f hauls III gi. 1111 ,ind Il"m. ti is i,.tw lliirh \i.iis -iii.-i ilie ine. ptu'ii -il the l.usine>s. «li. n. l^x h.', 'h.ding .mil siM,i iiiM-giti\. Il has wik.d up t.' )k ]'i.-iii h.gli iiii.MU id si. m. hug. Ihe Inni i- st.i ' ->n Win. I'. llwAJ.nid. t-,11.. k.i \l.(. . tiul I.. A. Iilh\. Is.|.. u\<' ^m^linu'li well aii'l l.ivoi.ihh kiu'wii .iin<'ii<; hiisHies^ ni'i ll loi,gh"lil ihe t'Hiiitr). Tilt pieinise> ..eeu ]>iiil. ne siin.ited at N". 41 ^ onge siK-ei. ailioiiiiii^ 'In- iii.i;.;nilii t 111 Ito.ilil "1 Tr.uh- hiiilding. cninpiisi- .1 |,ikh t<'ui ~ii'ie\ huji/ [jn^ .■■■\, ling .1 g,.imid .ire.i mI \>i \ Jim K . !. 111. ni.Mii Mfh. IS .lie l.ualed'tn the giound ll ,iini .n^ oi'.I'.d'h Mil. ..! Ilu- lincsi siiiies in the eiu. Thi i.">ms ,ne loge .u'l'l lofl> .Hl'i well lighte'l through line pl.Ue gl,,. \viiii|..Ws riu le .m- a sel lit suh i'lru-es .in |lu ne\l ll"..i. ill. list .>i ilu luiiMing Iteing unli/ed is st..i.ige l..r tl<.ni. ' 1e. In tin gill. -I. d .itlues iheie .lie provided e\er\ .■ ipilsiii- ind . on\, luiii.e t'.i ilu- sui-i-es-!id .toing of Itusiiie-.. rhi> linn d^i-s .1 I.Hge .11, d tlourishing Inisiness ii,i.iinmi' sU'ii nuiil';ni|s Ml lloin and gi.iiii. then 'ipeiaiioti> evten.hni; io,\(-r\ put ll ( ^11 Wni. 1'. i l.reii i p.'oninuni tiguie in i'lisin. s. .m.l puMi.' hie toi ilu h.ill .1 t*niui\. .md, .dih.iiigh .nU.mee.l m \e,iis. i- snH ,uti\. Old eni-'lgttu III .III. lldlllg lo tlu- \,nioiis enler)ilises III whieh he i-, iliIeK s|,-.l. Mi \\ lllt.ini i- .il preseni I'lesld. Ill "I ihe I ttii.ui" li.iiik, Ihe l.on.lon .iiul Canadian l.o.m (on p.iM\..mdi!K t ■..nieilei.iii'in Lite .\ss,„ i.moii. ihrieof th- iiiosi |iromitH'Mi ol ( '.m.i' nisiiiuiioiis. IK-isj n-iiiveMJ ■< I niied SI tp-.. h.i\mg tu.-ii liorn in New \tirk Stair; lint il ..••■ '»■ .i.-.i-iie.l with no lear 'tf 1 onirailiitioii that 11" ' l"v.d siii.j,-. I ol 11,1 M.M.sU exist- io-da\ than Mr Will, P' Ml [^\U^ i. n.o-t de\ . .ted t.'i 1 lU-iru-. Ill i''-' pui .'Ll ot wliM ll lie .h-,i|.i)s till- gre.iiesi aeiivit) .iimI ■ !ieig\. Ill- w. Is i ill \, w llruiiswiik. I.m li\ed 111 I iiioni.. and l-.r ihe last eightei'ii veai-. lUis.- Ill inlier ol the Uo.n.l o) r,.i.h . an.l .iK.,'.,t the ha-hnj |oi,.nto , inl.s. Mi-s ^. \|i 1 \iii;is. ji.alet m siapj, ,ii„| |-.,ni\ l»i\ t .oods. Mdlin. i\. 1 1. . V'-' '.'u*eii si net wesi. riu- (.hi ill. it ilu w. II .m.l'l) known .lr\ g ts housi t Mis- s. M' f. Hire' . Ill JliJ l.lileeii slieel west ha- hreli .lelively .ni'l sue. essi. illy liid'He the piihlu |o| uais i-\i .1 .Inig .1 ipiarUi -I a . eiiu. is ■.landing evideme ..t its uh.ihiliiv ,ind surhiig woiih. Ih ■ pnniis.s 11, -A o, .npiid .ire eligihlv loiaUii. .md .11. >uii,lih .i.d .1.1 .iious, heing 7^ x in jiri ni re<|uiieiiu iii ..I iliis mip..ri,inl l.iaiuliol ra.h. Ihe h.intUoine plai.- gt.i" windows. Ill ilw.i\> lasielullv diess. ! wilh ■.im|iles ..I sH} :. .md lain \ dri guoiK, iiiillin on liu- premises, as m.ui\ as .ighi assi^ianls ..l (Aperieii > .md 1 1 .!.■ Iieing eoiiiiimalU emp|o\eil, I'lifni lining g.'i meills .,1 ■M.ii.iiileed. and all |'_ U .ire wairaiileii i.> lie |iia .is lepiesei e.l. Miss M. t ".illre> l- highl\ esteemed ).y alliWl >. know he', and i^ .1 tiist . lass husine-s l.i'.K ami an .ulnmaMi. 1 n'.i.i ol fashi..ii. ind ,1- a p..piil.ii niiltiiier, dn--^ .n I man'le mi.ker. st.inds pie eminent. T THK dominion iKKTItSPKATKn. r..KMM I > <.l->i.. I.. I a ^u.ii ■ .'I- iiilil ll iriiMMiit-, I. iiiKJiniaKIt . fci Iroiii tt> liiiili il h.i-- P'U'i HI lilt < rii),titiiii<l ' ,in.t W.I* ■.1|i. ihcn -...itlii ilu' .i.liiii'iisli.Ui.m fi ili |.tn-|.rcni-. «lli«Il ^;.Uc llir lilM- "f rumu- \u,Vn\ in III.- l.nv.-.l. "Mu- (..Ilnuiny I* i.iImii Ir.iiii lliis |M|» '^ **'''l'i' f''^''^''' will tlicK-jMii.' -Iriniioii-K sii|i|iui( llu- part) whiili -•li.ill nil v.. .■.Ill- llu- iiif-i-iin'- lM-Ii(Vf.| l.i->i llu- inu-if-t .it llu r'umliy. Ill lining -.<>. c.uv uill !■•- i.iKi-ii Im i\«ti .11X1 l<< ( \ hiid lilt' iiiiiin*! iniirtiN) 111 all ii>nhiii|M.iari«.. *riu-i.iii-t SM* |iKm(I U mil llu- c.uiM' of |> llu- li.iiih- wliirli tin l.ilu-nils nl'Cnii.vIa liavi- l«i lijilil i'^ iml llu- LailU- .i| pailv , lull .if tMii>tihili"iiat rij^lii a^.iiiiNt liu- iiinliu- ititt-rti uiirr i.l i-\riu i\c iM)\Mi." Ai^.iiii llu- iiiiMiiiirt-nuMi III liu lunii.uiiiii 'il tlu- " Ki-I'iini AiMinnlinii " u.i> inaili- in ilii-, tlu- tir-i i"iu . ^i\ iii^ tit" "'.nu-> nl ilu' uHiii r- nml llu- r"tii-.iiiui|iiii nl llu I>.m|\. 'i'I. ■ -apiil L;ri.wih in llu liiciilali'in nf tin- (.'/>•'■< iii-'ii^ht .iii'iiii .1 -fiiii wci-kly t-.-uc '") llu- piip»-i ill i.S4'>. wliii h ilirii- u-.ii- lain \\.i> Cnlli.ui-il li, a iri ut-rkly. Almut till- tiiiir Mr. I!ri)»ii piililiNlu-il at l.onilnii aimllu-i new- 1 i|H-i, lalh-ij ///( //'.././// (,7,'/;. Tlu- isMU- mI" a ri|^iilai • laiU iliij imt laki- p!a< i- iinlil tlu- I. ill ul l^S.y ^' ''>>" <■■'■■' \|i. limun u.i- .1 ri-|niM'nt;Ui\f in I'atli.nn- ill aiul in oppi. -lUxii. a < ,..\i-riinirni noininally lil'cral inuU-r Mr. l-ranci- lliiirk- Li-in;; in puwi-r. wliilt- Mi--.-«rs. Iiaitluin ami l,al« n Mint Ii.hI iriirt-'t tmni pcMii liK-. Tht- \i-,u I.S4S Naw llu- iTliini i.f llu- ISaklvvin iniiii-sii> , plril^t-il In llu- srcul.iii/.uinii ii( ill, rlir)j\ iL-.r\rs, \\ l,i(-h \\a> li-li iininucluil tmni -.(---simi t.. -I -11.11. "riu- (,/.-/•, . i>iiliinu'-Ii Mill. 1S51, w.iN iiiaikt-il in tl,vf,7''"( !-\ an clilnrial. pii>iii\i' nii I 1 nn \niLiiif^. iiiuliirli llu- < .ii\tiiiiiii-llt w.l-- iliiiniinrid. lull i-\ iMriaiol Imin .ill • liaise- nt (nnaplinn. In ihc nmMili n| (),l.ili,l Inllnuill^. llu- kaill-I^ ll--i^;iK-.l. IkIMK tnlJllWul I .\ Mr-r>. Hiiirk- .111. I Mnrin. On ilu- i-.; nt ( i,-|..l.,i. iSy^. ilif lii-t i>>iu- nl llu /'l llu- -aiiK- iki) I 1 llu- nid Cninuu-rrial Itaiik liuiMin^ .11 2i .iml 25 Kin^i -iri-i-l \\\- inlar^i)! in llic i-arl) p.ul n) 1X54. Tin Hank n) (niiiiiirn-i- unA n(-(llpii-> tin- ^it^■ nt llu-si- nflnV-. III.' i.lil Imii.liiiL; JK-in;^ lUriik-.M) l.n^li-li. Itiiill nl l.ii.k. -l-'iu' Irntil. it Iml a lu-i^lii \A fnnr ^imcys. .iml ihnr'l cniiaiuvs Ai liisl ilic iihl>, nicupii'-l nnlv tlu' v., -u-iii pi.riinii n! tlu- liuil(liii|^. Kill in iSoo k-.i-ed ilu- rnlit. ■.iMiiiMii'. Tlu- lui-iiu-H-- nllt(«.-v ui'M- ita llu- tir-»t tlunr, :i> Will a> tlu- .uTMinitiiii^ ilt-parinK-iit ; nii ilu- sL-cnml ikmi ilu- i'i)iiipii-jnj4 anil iiliiniial inmii'., whitf llu- jnh ntlnt- innk up llu- tmntli (Inni, 'tn \i-ar> atur i.i' in^^ pii>-«i>-inn, rt-iiin\al \\.1^ niailt hi .inntlu-r luiiltlin^iHi Kin^ sirril. uliirh lali-l\ 'li^ •ippi .iii'il. lia\ inj; liitii ■"■iiipii-il |nr rnan) \(.-ar-i. Mi. Hmwn. a-> rliii-fnl iheOV.'A . tnr many \far- .hI\ .Kate! alnm-t sin^l. in ii^ rnjiiiuii'. tlu- .'piiiiMj; tip of tlu- N'nitli W.--!. .iti'l pmpn-i-il ill 1.S55 ''Mppljin;; l.nki- \\'iMnipi.-i; aii'l ilic > Uivi-r with >lf milmai-.. nml next in( nntr.ltia linn a^iiaiiil the aniu-\.iiinn nl 'lu- Nniih \\ f-i I'L'iiil'.ix uii'lti llu- '■ iiirnipnr.'tinii nt till- llu'l-nii |lay Tviriluiv nl C-n.Hla.' huiin^ i\\t-ni\ viai-. lu- y\\\\Y^ with ^nai ii-Ma<'ii\ tn ihi- ipu'siinn. hiiii^ .iliiin-^i laii^lu-d at l>y In- inMU-inpnr.uif^. nml li.uiii;; .111 inxt'tcrali- ciuiiiy in llu- < "iiipaii) , whii II ( ill 111. 11 ci I I 111' n-pnii that it ua-- ntilx . .1 \ ahir ;>- .1 liMiiiiii}; i^nMii'l. ( 'niiiiiiis.,intur-» aiul inr ii-pniMli-iii- liail at \aiiou- tiino Im-n sciil hy llu- p.ipi-i iliinu^li ilii-> liniiiKllt'-^s (oiniiix. u lin hml in\arialtl\ npiTliil iiinsi n|Hni ii> tuiuii-. Ainilht-r i"aii-*i.' iiplu-lil tiy tlii-- is thai n| u-inpi-iaiui-. llir tssiu- nl laiiuan 4, 1N55. huini: .1 fiitii-isui iipnii ilu' allark niailr h) llu- / .,(i/< v , llu- Inlnliln < 'nll-^fH al i\ i' i'l|,';Ut nt till' h,, wa- Imv MiiKi. Orinlni j(). |,Sh4. ua- iiiatkid I') ilu- ninnval nt llu- papi-i In llu-ii ruw nth. .-> nil l\ill^; -lu-ii i-ast, ihi- huild i.ij^ I'liiij; paiilv .1 U-siiiiinnial in \1 1. liinwn. frnm his .uhninis il) tlu- I.iliiTuI rank-, llu- nmv i-nu-nt in llil- inallii uassarli-d .i-varlv .is i.S^.S, \Ussi-. \\ ni. M-MasUr. Jnhii M.-Miirri-'. \V. I'. Mnviland. Jnhn M.udmmld. Saimu Spnu-Il .niil Win. iU-Miifisnn lu-iti;^ sk,-lic;i-d. as a cnininiiict.- in si-K-ri llu sill- aiul laiiy lUii all ilu- m-rcssaiy airaii^t-- iiu-iil-. This, tlu- si'tniid hninr nt ilu* t/V.'/'i. is pnihalily Will rcniiinlu-ifd liv Tninnimiian-. .iml liniii tl'i- lialrniiy ulilth pmioud tnmi llu' Imr.t nl ilu nuikliui; al tlu -nnnd -ti'U-). Ml. Mmwii nlu-n addri'ssi-d hi- i nnsiitm-nls. r\ii\' part nl' this sirufltirc was linki-d uiih many Iniul riniL'ni- liraiiivs nl llu- past, -n that wlu'ii it ^a\c phuc In nihcr I'tiildin^s il was with iii.inx ii-j;rtts Tlu- KihI't- was Inrc- ni"-i in nplinldin^; t -r -.ilunu nl rnaliiinii j;n\i rnMu-ni inwahU ( nMr<.-d(-raii(in, nml inniiumd in lu>1d it-, p.n-itinn .1- tlu- Ua.liii^ paper n(" Mnlarin. li was this drall i\eiiiiia!l\ made up the t»re:itir part nl the Itritisli Nmih Aiiuriea Aet. 'flu- iievi ileni nl note was the williiha \al I.) Mr. iirnwn I'tnii the inini-'try. and Inllnuiiif^ his deleal in 1S117, ill Si'iilli . hil."in. Iiis reiiteiiRiit hi'tii pai li.uiu nt.ii \ lile. ('iitil 1S7J \\\ d.hdnnald I .nv.innu-ii! was rlnsd) !l„- '-pM- nil,. III. ha, l.,vii tlu tiieM.|..f m-li.vaml liiilh. Iml tlu -utn an.! ^^.^. hed l.\ this innrnal .ui.M a-oi^e IlrnUM miw de\nte.l \l '^v;#i!^SaslC-^--'*>N»^^ ^xs*^»:i I- t- ICI ?i IIU IN 1 1 " IV axuldnii; I.. -I Irand and iManiu. In wntiiiK ihe In-mr^ "" ««lilii.K ■>1""^'. .md alily see.nided l.> his l.mihn. I .nr.u.n nl ihis laninu Mid Mill pnpuiai iniinial. n,u- M.iisi i^u hark IfM.wM. Mr. Oynuiiul. amlniher pmninieni w nie.s .iilaeked In the \ear 1.S44 It wa- in llu- up, iim^: nt ihis \ear that ''"■ K-''^'.'' p.iili.iiiunt willi v,^.,iii an.! I.nlliam>. Nmuet- Mr. I K-nip- Mmwii. in' nl ih<> Imiudeis <■! ilu- Itaiiiui. and .1 ininn.ihsi ol ihe hi^ntsi nlt.iiinnenN. ^a\i up his crtniu-i linn Willi tli.ii p,ipi-i itiid entered iipnn the pnhlii .iliuii itl llu- d'/.'.;, whiill sjiiri l»eeaine itle leading Kelnmi paper nl ( auada, I lu- hr^i i-»ne .ippeaieil mi the 51!) "I Mail 11 and entisisied nl a tnur p.ii;e paper nl si\ i nluinns to Hay (niiipany : in deleuse nl llie Maim- laijimt ilu p.i^e. pul.lislud e\er\ 'riiesda\ " ai tme pninul per an ^s is in ilie Innniosi, .is aUn t|! lli. iM'-e nl the uinii. ' in aildiii m !-> ihe iisiial weekl\, an t-\ti.i e. tiled llu- liiH, .nul till* Sent I Ail; 'nt a litii^ time Cniiled. -idnlieand |t.)ni-..i I-aIii " u.i- issued mi llu- ain\,il nl ilu- . |^ its liuliliv 111 which il aid -d l.nnelv ; llii-> wa-* I hi I nt^lish lU.iil, Ini there was nn ealile in thnse dnv-.. and new*. ■ , , lti«l [lid 1.1 (me Ihe .minirx the r.iilwa\ nn i..nk l-m^ m iiaxel. Ihe \ew Vmk iiMil wa-^ mitv tneived l"ll"«i''t l-vMr Jnlin Maedmiald s denial, ihe rehisal nl tl - kiinwM as llu I'a. 111. Neamliil. and hinu^jiumi, 11 nne. a week. Tlu hi-i pap.r wa- teinaikaMe Im ilu (/.v// parlt.imenliry emnniitlee. the relie.U L- .i K.i\.d( nmmis-u.t Ills were t'leehar^es !ir.iiij;Iii .ij^aiii-t llii- pnuer, and sn »\e!I nplu'M. I ha I ihe t-mitse .if ptililie keliiiL; wa- eniiret) ehan^ed. .iiid the I.ilier.ils were \ ieiniiniis. t'.ui i^h the ( 'nn ser\ali\es lu-ld ihe inajnrily in the I lnn>e, ehielly limn llu- use nl .sir Muyh Allan's money, Ne\l in nrdet wa*- the puliliealimi n| ilie I'aeitie .Seaiulal, llimu^hmit wineh llie (//.-'■'f tnnk .1 tirm sl.Jiid. ami ihis time rmisi-d the npinlminl ihe ma- "s In sui'h an 1 steiii ih.ti the Ial>er.ils wt-re leiiniuil In pn r. These seam 1.1 Is were m.irkitl li\ Mi. MeMidU-Ms llmi. L. S. iliintinplmrs si.iU'ineiils in the ('mnmmis. Sj Tl I l\ 1 >(i\! INIv^N 1 1,1- 'v\<.\ ih:ii. riii-; ruKoNTii 1 .\ 1 1-. k I ' . K . Ih^IiIv III itM'll. rii> ritiifi|;>> .III ••! .Ihii). >i|ii lilt liiiiiiuiK' ii< h .iml 111 |it lint l.i->l(. Tilt- |iriiiii|iiil Ji'ii|< -I tuiiiiiiiK i> .1 lint' i-lu ri\ il> ^k, txijli -ik'< i.ilK |i>r tlit .. .>| \\ .lit tin... Dm. ilt. .Ill II It I ■•! llii' lui nil lilt- W.I- III, It It l>\ li I- *\ill lit;lit»-'l .ui'l Mi'.iii\ liiiiii-li ■' I lit II > onit ilii- .ul^.■|ll^ill^; .i^mis. .i.i.j ilit- >. < n i.ii\ Ti- II l'^ loxllK. Ill l>U' ••lllt'l oMlM .III till .lllxi lli^ill^ )' -iiiiM ii|n ( Ink. I)i<- I'.i'.liiit. 1x1 1 uli-ini i- (lit 'U-^i >■ III. .i.Ki itiMii^; . I. ik.lhf I k k..).,|.. Willi ;i ili-.k t.. III. )ii mU.-. tlicih>.tii.iii.n I k kfi.Hi. il.i- wtfkU hmI |>t!, M.iil stil>^rii)'t (It >>,iiini< III. ilu < ii\ ill liM'i\. .>n>l \. * '•■•\-^ siK> ill |>.iiiniriii. rill \\li<)1< ■••Hilling imo li i1 liinjj hy J4'. U-rl wlilf. ,\vii-niliiii; liy lln* 'I's.ii-f wlnih In at the MHilh wfsl t nii'ii i-t I la* |ti''in, V"" ■ "'H'" '" fdf liiiMitim-iii uliifii is pltM>.iiilly siltijiu-il n Hn louii). lloni. I hi iMtiin> >liy I.H llu- w.ilU '>l wliifli .111- nf tii;hi ^laini'l wnttil. Tluif ^ ihi.M-nf the cijilnr in (liii-l. ;inil ..nt- nl llu* Icuk-i wnm-, oil wliirii is ;iii .nitc i-ioiii ini thr iniufnii-nd' nl c.ilt'i- tln- siih (.-ilii'tr. vi\\ t.litMi, .ukI •' liHwI rmiin.'" wlicri' <'\\) iitins .iti^in.itf, ihf -i« ilii'j;. cM-lianm-, -itnl li'lr^i.i|iti riliim, ihi- iMiniiH rcial rtliini, ilif :uti-.i, ihf uHiif tt.'jf^i.tph MlHTJiMr. .iiiil iimilhfi I' uiitn. uliiK' llu- list in tli' MtK■^ is iif llif " iiii'if -iniuil .i^.im-t ih.iii Mnnnin iriM.t r(.i(!ii>. On thi- i>|>|>i>m'c- ^idi- t-l the hall ati i)i. iil'iary, tilt- i"uin, itf. * >n llic top It.u i^ thi- t"ni|i>..iiii: I'liiin, litiiii the wimliiws III wliirli f.uin^ Noilh •■in (.ii. I r-'iMin- .1 hiK- view t.l tin- city. .\ll ilii-. i-. lakcn U|. i..i 1 nni)'osiiiiin, c-M't'i't i>iH- t'lnl, »\liitl. i^ t!f\'iif(l t , tA< iiie.iinli'srent lainps jpeini; Mxti t .n-h fr.iiiif. Tlie loreiii.ui 'Ifsk is ill ihf leritif nl itn tonin. (lu-ln-'e'i in a ^jl.i^'- j'.iiii U'ln, the eij;ht iin|'t)sin;;> In- t-i thf Wc-t nl tliiv .iiiii .it the western eiiii is the >>iLtt litvpiii^ iic|'.iiinu ni. I h* [Mper ^iH-s til pii-ss .11 i . I. IP., .nil! -hnrtly after th >i iini' ilif wtirk nf mailing eomimnee-. I In- >iiriinj> in ;ill il'in. in the m.iili'iti ili |Miiiiienl ttm. llni" sa\ inj; iln- iiii-.ial i li-ik- .III initnense nniMiinl tit laimm. It is a -^til In ^le the '- u.i^^^'.ijs .l.i'-hiiii; ilowii lu the '/■■.■'■. .-pi-i lal ti.iiii i.n s.\uu liays, whin Iw-i w.ii.'^'in-> aie iti|'l"y il tn cniy ihr- ilh Hi.iteil I weiiiy p.i^f |i.iper 'n i)ie train, tin- pipii jtil d iij .IS lii^;h .1-. tin- w.ii4K'>iis « ill hohl, .nnl nnh hy tin i-if.i'e* -kill in tliivini; i .m .i "spill " he ,i\c'iieil. The (..'"■* i - iln "t.arl) Itiril." Ii reaehes" ('..jO a. ni.. i-very < ii\ 'lun, and vi'l.ii^e liet ween Turuntci ;in■ in uther wnls, the t'""ii wlieie the suliscripii'-n lists are kepi. Il is ealleil s<. Ii\ n asdii t.f the fatt thai the innenimis maehine iiseij toi . il 'Iressin;; was jnvenUil \(i yenis a^o liy .in American nain. rt I..n- I in which lliis wiiiti i.s c.itrit' w iile, aiiil i> lilted up ii !e )<>r the wtik in hand. Mn the ^rie p iwir. w.i- I ndt !iy the !'• ■y the \\ alernns |-!ii^ii I'liilcrs is sutiKieifl i" h.i I" >>r lliantliii'i. Kltltei |. . ll>c necfssaiy p..wer. Al pieseiii the U«ilers are ..nly i tku • li<i«U, i- spIndldU .nl.ipli d I. 'i l"r the pmposr. Tin* pre>-s i in^;. line "I them !»ein^ ipi aid t. •\t iiirneiit wa On Mail It j; ifi. ar i.SS(i l.rititi^hl t'l U .t mimhit v\riliiij;. i>pt>t iim^. th Tl. Hid p.isM'nt*! r tle\aliirs It an- art' Irei^ln vw.U III I'll ti^htetl Ir dis. har^ni III tiis prixaii' nliiri' |i) Miniir'. rile wiiiiikI did Ml. Itriiwii e.nU pan nl Ma\ Mr. Ittnwn hati - nrK.- lir. Mt «.!•. *ln>l •I I" run >ht\ fi- ll. inn'it u 111" li h.w In I'l llh n|.ri^lit^ ul iIk' l>l tilt' lllx.l ||ll|ll< ni.l'-hlin- lu-iirt-sl Ilif 'loni iHi ft'i i l-'iii: liy -'.( 1 I u^c \\iii. I l> .1 I ipfi ilaiiii't , lull l.iili' 11 l.lllifll It'illl ll'f ^llu^l^. .IIhI l ill lllf .i;i.i|ilii .lllll.l . lA, iliifllt* ;ll "!• I'M" ill Ilif I III. I'.ipfi pifsMs iifciiiy llif ffiilif III' till •|-| lint, .(iiii ai If lli' s.liiif that lia\f litH'n ill 11. f liir tile al I ..II. liall III, KUV III III, all. I |>l..liiiti,'lil'f raj. wli*. ha.l l.i i>lll|.aii\. Al 111 Itl. hlK III,'. .1,1 i.laliki'l sli.'fl alti'rl ,.iil,,lfiall. ii.'lil ..I III, nail Ml I' lil.lin^. a> 111. ,lail\ \fH>|ia|.fi in Alluri. i nr.' ,.1 the Kiill. ,'li iiaitnn .l.iul,' p.l^t It'll ycais w.ll: , Il n.. »..ill.l I. I a ca|.acii |iili. tak.iiall 111 all llii' ( .1..!..' I.iiil.liii^ l...lh •> raiLif liy ..f |j,i«ii i4,.Kxninlii |iauf l'..|.if^ .111 li.i.ii. anil ihf ,,ilitr siiij;'i .1 sp. \l,ii..r .111.1 iiil.'iM.i )>..iiil ..I I .|.a|i,i ..I i.| -,|.|.. ,i>|>la.f,l III ill.' I'.lili.iial 'hail. I In llu lii.l ..I I If |iarlinfiil ..Mil.- ( .l..ln ami ,'.|iiall, .h i. a 1,1 ..I a M •| hf lIllMII III. pi. .f* riii'.ilai ».iik, an. I a I ir. . i aiiipl.tll llal pifss aU,i Tir ..lliri' uniL. .\ I. .1.1, 1 iifnr al liniii'. iiia.'liltif aU.) stall. i' inal 1,1 nay I t., IN prCM-lll HI Mr. i,..r.l..ii llr.i»ii. »li.. Iia.l lakfii ,'P 111. I la II > 1., ,la\. , anil'. I lail I. a sanipli <.| ill. rilf slialliii|4 i-. ..I thf li,',l, .111.1 is lu illi Ihe lliiiljjt' W.i.i.l Nplit riillf r.i\scr .111,1 iii;l.' p.irl in 111,' f,lil..iial u..ik ..I lli,- ii\ an. I aili'.ii. .'I. 'fan.,' ..I Ihe ^^ll.>|. 1X5,, lin.l.lln, laiu llli^ III.' liialli ,1.. Ih, .11.. I hii.l- ilir.'iijih.iul thf liiiililiii^: is liirnisliL',1 I.y flccli ll..|.l' p.lWlT l>iini .piift U^;,' stfalll , ss, uhil.' Ih,' aini'.l ,',lilor ill . hi. I iiiilil ill,' ladii pan ..I iSSj. wluii hiins.ll in a l..ll\ 11...111.'l> .I,, in la-l. Inl Ml. I.ihii I l...ii.l,ih. llif lal laiKiK,' .ipp.,iii(,',|. Tlu' pifsfdl ..l(i,'fr> ai,' U..l.frt JalVra liiil. anil linlili'.l ahmn ..iif -i.l,- li\ kirn,- plal,' ^la 111 A ill, I.. liu'tiy p. ill. I Ill'K' iUf ihf w.'ik with I fvf II f I, ,lri(' III .1,111 ; I . A. , hifl f.lil. avl..l. I.l iil'la inaiuinfr slanils I. Ih, s. Willi- ,' ..iiin'i'is. lik. ihf ri'sl III til,' titlinj^. alf ,.r,'lii'ir\ . Iif.iii liliillt pi.lish,',!. .111,1 '., pla ,1. .I.'sks ,,| III, l,.,.,kk . I.. HIV,' anil .,1 llif r.ii ,'n.l iif thf l.iiihlini; Ir. ali.l 1 npi'ili'.'lly iiii.h'isl" ....I aii.l ln;hl tins;' .il.irs, which alf pi., a., I.. Ih, Hi,' ihir,l .illMll . i.r art' tivf sill. lit iw.. In millf. .1 tifaiiiiliil siriifhir,', I..11I1 ,''.tf .111.1 inli'rr.allj. I>fsiniif,l li\ Ih,- tt,.|I kll ,'ily. M, ssrs.'l .\ Kii..'\. ill,' l.iiiklin sUl,. Tht » ills alf ,.l ^..^la^;,' liiln allv Illi fi'pi'ls ;iii,l ..IhiTs as wi'll as llii iili's l.,'iii^ till' ,l,'p.,rlli .11. hil, '.'Is,, I this I-'.l. I- .il... thi' Ilea, I ill l:ll/.il..'lli.iii I..111 .ill . Ill, r.'.l saii,|si.,n... an. I . hanlsiiiii,- ar. h, t\l,'ii,liii^ iifiirl) tlu- v\li.,lf vtiillh ,,l llu iiifi.i whir,' all l.iisin,'.. piarlirs ,.l a ..I a^jiiit. I.l ir.u.'lliii^; at;fiils. .111. 1 ..I siliill thai they at'tiiallv rtst i.ii sht'lvcs ,in ll tlu' tfiljii^, ami ilrii piiwfr III. ,1. II- th. I,' pilsIS l.itli.'iirapl .uraphiin; C. Ill, f many pri'sscs is als. i.f 111,- 'r,.i"iii' itwfr niiiifir uhicli inns thf flfvat,>r. an. I .1 - t'\'i'ii anil a li.iK ,'^;iikirl\ ,'stal.Iishf,l ..llinv in l,..ii.|..n, I'ai^., ,111.1 thf lai^; liiiiltlji)^, ^iti's it Ihf appfnra ( it it- Ill Ihf riiitf.l Malf 1,1 ( . 1,1.. I'Uiall. '1,1, ,1k ..1" M. .if Urt-atfi l>rt*'i']lh than it iifvt-r nutit' iiffih-'l than at th,' pr,'sfiii. thf I.i >;fllifi. Thf ilaily i, S 1 Sauitilav f.tili.. -lull I firfill.111,111 I.l J {,5,. , mj;f sirfi't. an. I .1 liaiiils,mi,.r 1,1,' I Is 111.' HI at I, .in, I III! nl Ihf pi .11111..! U' I. ,1111. 1 in ('ana, la. ll;,' I.i ilti'iil, illar «iii,l,.«. » llh ils li).'lii .1 lu'iii pl.i I'll! ilay, a ni,in.mi,'iil .,f minhty j.iiitiialislie aiul In fiiU'ipii.f, .111,1 .1 piiwfi ill i!ie kill. I. I.fliij; -'I THK IjOMINION Il.I.tlSTRATRD. «:> ir^'S' Sli; * i f -»i ! ! i ^ ^ ^Ti- . ^ww g fear JX'AIU.I-iUMKNT 111- KliNT IlKi i;si'Ai...iniiMi:N 1' oi II. 1' ;iA\ii> s ii>. iiUht hni; cf 1 l.i.l. trii .III- pl.t iKlK.. 1 rlli;ilU'. ' 1 .1 l.S vt-r iit'ti'M . ■ I...MI, llf |insls, lif.v ll>>ll>. 1 1|„- l-nMl! »lll 1 Mll.lll ..... .■ II I..III.I ,/.'/r l> ■-.'.I.'.' ri.ll iM.ISII.Lini Ihl I'Vlllii ^vV f/'.v''f -iiv' Lilly i, S 1 1 1" ILIIlL I..U ji. |..";.- I.MII1 ml ilii wi.i.U .11.1 .. Ill iIh- I'I. l..t .., .IM.I I.M-l.H- Ml^ 1 iliilr ll.U. Kisi |;t;"-. Will. limiKrr- ;ui.| Jrwill.r^. inS \i.ii^,' uiili iii,)< liiiit-i\ n| ilu- l.ii.^t ;tiii r.' h;iM'UalI i;'»'i|s, tiiiU, I., tviiij.; t^l..\ i >. ci.'f|ii(i ^. u, ^\ nin.i-inin i.i'.ii'.i ill. w.ll Kii-'V.u sij^n ..t ilii Inili.iii < 1... k |t.iin.I im.h-r ilif -ii|k riiil" inUim ..| Mr. lV-ir\ A ll.iih, .i .i}'|t.ii.iiiiN, ini lii.ljn;^ tlir ^i-ai spn i.ili\ , ili. hmtn- V\fri i^ r, .si. II It .!i.iiiii;iii-l). - :ii< I -I ul \l.v-r>. Kini in.-inlicr nl tlir liriii. Iliv ..Hit.-, .in- -iiii.iir.l at f\u luitlirr i;Mn^. nMiiiiiiiiili..ii, li-liiii^ la.l U, . Miii'i-ii^Li ..iiltiu, jm lii.lni;-, )liM., riu i|ii.iMii lii;uii- uliii'li -.irikr tlu' u^ iilm^hilU . nil >.) ihr si..u-. .iii-l .ur liMtil u|> with rvi r\ rn)vii-.iu- !..r .aii'ii'. .iiul )i.nlt|li^ .>! tile l'^■^l in.iiiiila( uiif, >it..\\ sh". ', 'ii^-. ,H ihi' .hllrrtnt li<>tn-> <)l tin- t|a\ U,\\v pioM-tl .i .h - - i. rc-sinlly > .iii) in^ ..n the l.iis ))l'^^, inrhnhnt; tt-li-|>li<>ne ^kali-^. .mil, in tatt, the ininuMii' vim K i .niit d i ml'i.iri <- i 1. 1. Il\ -111 . (--.-.hil iii.i'lr ol at 1 1. It til 1^ the ti.'tii I- nt I In |inl> ■ ■•iim*. Iii.n. Mv\ inj; I.. ini'iiM>iiii; l'n-.iin-'.> tin- (irin liavt- nini|ili.-ii- n-.-• ill. otoii- ; ami iln .m . Unit \\>iiknian, iin|)aial
  • -ivt- ..I " sjioiiin;^ ^..'kU " Mr. I ta\ ir- ^dl's i.t I ni,- ;t.iNi\ ol iln- ^ii.»U ami loni^ . \|.<'tn'n'->' "I lIu- linn l.-ive l<>i i)i.' nianiilai tnn ..t ^)iniin>iMin >it|.[ lir^^. in> iiiK <>1 tin liini, an ili>.i- !ii"iiL,lii ilniu a laiiji- anil -I ill in.n asin^ tiaih- ^m. .■ ih. I,iiii..ii> Naiiaj;annMti I loiuf I'vcniMi .-r ( 'hi-t Macliinc, ..iii;hl\ tnnviisiiit v\itli all •»)'..riiii^ niaMci>, Imih ai Ih'Ii f ■I', inn:.; ..I ihi ti lMj>iinvH ii\t 1 ts\.-ni\ 'hi.c year- a^<'. Tin ihi ti-.»' ul wlinh iU\ it »■ ii i.) im alciilalilf l'i-in-('n in ili\ilii|.- ami nln.ia'l. I le i-> aNu a welt kn.)\\n -ii|i|i. Hit-i "I \iv I11.I1...1 I li.. k I'alarr Itwillcn M.tif i^ withiiiil tinnlii .-nt ..1 iii^ thr . ht-.t ami nniM lc> j;inirall>. Ihc tirm ha\i- pnr- naii.tiial (;amf ol I.hiuhm- in thi> . iu. Tin lirm ^i\r 2^ « < n- ii' ^> -t in 11 ■. hm- in 'ihi> > it\. Tlu tmililin^ .>. rii|iuaU'ni Cm (h>- tati-.i in\rnli.>ii in hityiK- snililli- stani ■>!< tijiation in < in)>l<>y('fs, )>rsiiiu-ss cxIlikU It.nn .Moiitrral ami llalilax In \ am •mwh. M.t. Ihc j.;rMnninw tin ^..n- ami wait Imiii mainilai iiiini^; Im iln- |.a--i iw.i Ma.s«iiN, au'l ihv m w Owinj; !>• 'hi lapiil iin i.a^"' in tin-ir wi -u m tia.k- tin y lia\.' '!>. t^ hi;lilt .1 l>) la 1^1 I 'la It- :;ta- w lii< li m rvi- i.. *' salat coinl. 'ital>l< n.iin>l it m-< .'v-^aiy h. i-tahli-^h a hiarn h li.>n>(- at I lannlii.n, -liM^\ .1 iiiu^l lit ail. hi 1 an. I la 'x mating 'li^jilav ..1 In -. an.! Lit )> !• -a.MIt' in iln- inatltt-t. \:\vr\ riii) )!.•}<. i->L'V|>i'Mcm 1 .1 wlnr<- iht-ii |iali ■ «■ ill i\. Thi atii.n ti\. -ill I linn -tmw n ni tlu' w imln» ^ivi- in In-, nwii .li-|iartini-ni, ami niily iln- vi-ry tiiiist rl;i-v>-n) wnik r hn.»-^i' !i. mi, ami i usl.iinir-. .tultiini; Irnni Ihi^ hramh "an .'111 , l.nnl ill. ,1 .tt i)i< innm nM- ^i,,. k within. l-ai^;r \^\.\--~ \' Ui:t'. •nn «-vi-i) atli-nli«'ii. {'.irlirs .'dlfiiiiL' ^-tiHU liy mr^il ' <-« - "11 till t otinti I N .niit walU >hnw til aiKanta^i- tin .-xtiy • niu t-i\.il>li n^ whn h niny Ik- iin-ii- t art
  • -^n w iih n» nnn h <-niitiili-m ca^ if thi-\ wcri- In t all an. I A.ii.ii-.. i.-wrllci). .liaii'.-mlH .III. I nil). I I't III-. ^il\ii\v.iit , li.iiii .1 Ilii )■ I. - .Mill iii.y. It st ot a I'tiiii -.[k t iall\ chn..-.c l.ii tluinsi-hcs, as paiiiriilnr iMi ni nn i- i;iM n t.i -1',. Mliil-i ai..iiml till- sh.i,- in . liM.1,,1 .hs].|a> in.i\ hi-M-ni is mail. ■■it ihr '■ Kii-lj^e." inainitai Inn .1 t-y ilu- .iklrsi :in.l ..i.Uis .>f this tiahiit . ■ I.inii/iv.\, hm- k alln-i j^n.i.U. n|ni.i ^Liss, ,. ' is'|ih. l-tiiii '» rinna. tt<'. M«ss|s. K,.ni Ihns. inaniil.irinii .1 lni;> I'nili.iii nl lln-ii w.iu s on iht- |>n-niisi s. ami In assi-.t 111 Mils, iw.-niy niir skillnl .iml t'lln nnl w.nkimii aietinjilnxril liirMii-liuiil liii- \«ai. All nnhis .im- uniii-ilakiii .imt cv I with inninj'titink , ami llif w.nk . an Ik ihnn-M^hlv mIikI ii|>nM. Tin |. mi. lilt. .Is an Mi-ssis. A. A U. Kmi. >0i>> au' Will knnsMi Liisiiii'ss nun. .in.l w hnsr iiiiiicsis .im t 1-1. 1. -1) i.Iiiililif.l Willi thns, ,.t til. . iu in whnhlli.-, Iin. Ii\.-.| s.. I M^ .in.l in uln.h I h. \ hj\c l>iiih n|> a lint II. I'. Itwil- .V (■■'.. hialtis in S|H.,!iii^; ( Si ' ;: -tnii. I Of. .nil.. An i nt ihal has ^;aiiu*.| .1 • I'lii.iii.iii, a> well as a ti.nir t'\ti-iiils |n i-\i-t\ |>.iit •'I ' .Mi.i.l.i. ami whit h is a |iii.iniiii ni ir.iliitt- aiimn^ I lit' nni ' niiil. > iiiri|.:isi> ..I thiM<*nnli\, is that .•! Mi-s^s. ||. \\ l'.i\H > ,V ( n. , Si \ ..n^;r slurl, tltallTs in '»|i. "Ilill^ ^iluK ..I •i« r\ i|. s.iipiinii. Ibr InKinr-s was lii>i i sialihshr.l .m li s|i,(i ill iSSi), I. ninxi.l t.. \ .ni^;i- stif. 1 in I. it- (all nj liavi- .•< < nj.h'.l ihf |iiim m |.m hum s sin.i Mu- -I'lin^; It. I'lu-y air >>|>.n.lnlly siuia id in ihr vriy hisi u in the .it\,aii.l| ftct in .linn n-intis. having- (niii llais. .ill ..i > lit' hilly ni rii|>n- I I.y iln- linn. Tin- 4th is usi .| i"ir |.tnin, llir till .i> a I'.ii'kinj.;, whin- s,mi.iI .m- l>iisit\ ini|ilnMil in .rail- n^ III. u hint s tnr slii|>iin ni. .'III! Ilnni In iH'i-u|.irrii l.n I mill su|i|ilii-s, as well as tin- kinlliil ^nmls nniinil.n viJifiT si-M-ral t;irls .iii' miisiantK ki'|»i iin|0|>lLinhill\ liiti-il up and tipiiiptil P I ..iii 1>1A1II.1sI1MI.:N1' oi- H. I'. DAVUIS (t CO.-lNiliUklR. S4 Tin-: l)().\iixi(>N li.i.i 'sTKA'D-rn. /^ S 3' ~^ w-^^1 ~ - f SBSS .Il-i.l ■■'■ ' ■■iiiiti.fl I 1mi.1.U-i,«-,II ■ iiiliiiv ,li,ill e > I'llr jh uhit I 11. ■« ili„,. liVhlIK-SN lui-ll Ifj ll^Clll,1li^^■ t 1^ lilli "MIv iMl.hl I, ■li..ul.l l.,rivr ].'l-llf.l . ii^iiici ].rl.k■^-i..ti.ll, .1.- .ii.i lirvv inhl l..11M.ll■t^ ..I ll I.J Mt. I.iln' .i.-lUl-Mll)' ,,l ' Il.lll |..[|C "I ''..', I |M - |..r ihc I'lii-i.i li.i irivi'i l-l Ill' 1 uIm Ki> •AkA^si^' CANAlllA.N DANK 111- CI'M M l.Kl !■ 11 ILI'IM. III. I. 111. II mil-, '■• In 1,11. 1-. 'Ill iiiifiiii..i 1.-^ ..1 l:„ ll ■ .1.1111 111 .1 1 ll I lilt ^taiil ' ■■!■ 1. 1 i.t IIUl I.I. liii.' ..) ri.iiii |||.». iiiiMl ihii ll |... ii,in(; II llll' l:I Ml' I. IN. lillli.: ll Ill Ihf I'liilii l.y I III llir \ '•*^ ^||.<1>|I. ; Kl-Sl, :^I.CXMI.IMHI. Ill Mil i III III \\i'iM .111- li.iiikiii^ liwiihiiiMn-. moir lii^hh c^Ut tnnl m *U< tlii\ |>l.iy .1 ^;m-.iui |i.iii ill luioiinim^ ilu- ).;riit iii..-,|.tnl\ ,,! till iMlinii. th.iii 111 r.iii.iil.i. .ilnl il 1^ |ii»sili[i' III III;]).' ilii^ sMi> iiiriii I-- iliit' til .1 lai|;i- iiuM-surc Im llu- assis T.Mii I' iitnliiiil III ilii iU-\(-lii|iMuiil i»t (hf naiiiial ii-.itiiiri--. ,>imI 'iiiMiu's-. ot iht' niuiili) )>> llu- f'.iti.ulMn It.niKiil ('hiii iiKi-', riii-< insiitiiiiiii) lia> i'\ct liccti liirtinii>l in liiKitrin^ I. ^iiiin.ilr |iii>iiii's« i.'iilt-l|>r)'.t ^. .itiil 111 il.iv <-l,iiiil> in lilt' ii.M ,1 lii^lui) t\liii-h c|.iU"> Ikii'Is III llu- I'M lit Cull I, .1 I'll It whii'l) iinu- It w.i- l) llu- laii' Srn.iti>i \|. \l.i>U'i, uilii .III aultinii/t-'l I .ijiilal ii \v.\\ an- iimv umi $1 ^.Dtm.ixxi. I lir JtaiiK lia-^ 47 Im.iH' lu's ill Canada, ami an .i^i-iu \ in Ni-u NniK, aiul Ii.ih aU'i a^i^-iiN ami t-<>ii(<<.|iiin(|i.'iiN in llu- 1 liirt iiimu-y marts ul ilh v\ iiiiu' tin- lii^t animal slau-incni rt.i, iiKnIr llu- asset-, wt-ii- $J. Ju^.uSi . aii>>>''^^4< I" '•'^•'^■mIu' li.iiik nii'vul intnllit'ir iu-v\ ami , .xii I lull- iiii.iiU-ts at llu- t iiNu-1 (>l Kiii^ 'it>'l I "''I'll I -n.,s. u.ii ilrsij^ni.l l.> U. A. W .lit. , III jliiltalu. .u\'\ ,Mrlt-il al ail r\|i.iisi- i>| .fi^o.iNH), Hi.- Imililiii^; i> \|>i araru'c ami in >i\lr is -il ilu- riii/«-i| Italian Um.iissanri', its \\ ImU atrjiitrcinial • niii l-iMiiMti l>t'in^ at •iiiic >li^niru-(l ami pleasing. Ii is Imili <•! .1 .1.1)1 li|it\Mt samlsiiiiu-. Its iiiassi\rnts> l.ciiif; nlicMtl li\ ill III III > liist-l W'lik .Mill III lui i.isii'liil nriianu-nlaliiiii .is uill i. i>\ an al>unilami mI uiiuluw li^lit. tl has a ikmliK' !.t. .i-li .Mi>I A "Xinnu' rnim-i Iuvm-i »tili a Ironl.iL;)- l>n Kiiii; ami jniilaii siiirls. "llu- iiitiii'it is spLuiuu, ami Tl>r >|<<<>iaii'. All tin- im'-i hiii-li.U uil llir h.imlsiiimsi i'tul.liii^ iiiilu DiMniiiKin. llu- lairsi ai 'tiiisil n m in tin- n. \\ l.uilihn^ liriii llu- .i|i. nitii; 1 .t a "saMiijjs I >.']i.iilni. nl . ulu.ll. till la. k xiiii, !• uas nn|..issil.|r |,. .|.. Ii,|,.h'. I ii-i.iHu-is in.i\ (ii'|>iisii in .inuuints as \i>\\ as ,,\h- .|n in ill* •{ill iiilul iMiikni}; nil.- tnl till' iiMa -•riiiKiiii •>.iiit\iii^ ■'■'■lit .Mi>> .11 1 1' 'I I ' 1 1 It., niii- HI) iiti iiniitisi iIkk ail- \2 liii^lii, miali'in ami i|t-s|^n. I'min iln ■ I. It. ill lis .H^aiii/aiinn llu- <',.iiaiinii\. Hi- Hank lias .1 ^\\i,\t^^ .Mi.t iin,,-s in \li. '}!. 1,. W.ilk.i. III. j;.-mial ih.iii.ii;. 1. a lianku nt ^ .iliiliix .iml . vi.-iisi\)- t'\|i. lii-m ■ . III. Iiiltnuni;: nan >1 i^tnllcimn . nMi|ins.' tin- ILmi-' mI DiH.inis-. i..n. \ i.,\. |-*.-si.l.-ni : |n|in I. |iiM>Unn. \i.. l-irsi, 1,1,1 : |.i>. (I., til, in. W. n. Ilamittnti. Inlm llns kill. I,l.( ., 1. 1. .11.. Unl-.H Kll^niU, Mal|M^^ I.'-m;..,! ,,,.1 (i.-. Ia>lni. I I I lll.Kslii Nil \| , ,11 \ ( , . , j'al- Ml lialllsll-I-.. S,,||, itnts 3iiS»t. - Ihis a^i- js I li.n.u ii-ii/t'ij liy I't in^ nil. ii| ii,\ i-nl inn, in ta, I ihtr nnu-u. iilli iMiiinv sh.itl cvfi siai:>l |>r.immfni m ilu- liistnt\ nt |>iii^ IS .111. in wlii, h tlif'.il (•cnius ,>i man . \nl\iil mam iii-w .Ms, nvi'ih-s. Di-siiinj; i-i u. m,! tni tin- ht-iu'tit .il l>tiMiu-sN nu-ii anil the i^iNural |itil>lic a luit'l n \ i. w .if the ic; u-M'htaiivt- cHnnu'itial .ind | fuui-,-; nl T" M'lii'i. I is litiint; thai Mcssis. |*,ih, tst,inh.iu^li A < •., ilir I'tiK |iaUiil liatrisU fs, soli, ilnis niul t-sj'i-iis in Cinaili, 'li'iiilil tl, i-i\t .mn, lal tuilicr*. I h»s,- ^inlk'tncn an- a, . .nn- |i'i-!ir,| t ii^iiii'iTS aiul iliiiij^hlsuu'ii, ainl jmsst —inn a wuU- j.niiis-t.iiial. .IS w, II as ,, nu-. li.iim .il kimw Icil^i- nl |.ai,nts iiiil iifw . Dniiivan. i-s. ill, y lank .is I he fnifiuuvi jiait'iil li.iin.teis nt the linio. Ihe InlLiwin^; i-nntnl.ui. il liy Mr. I .•ihei.siiiiih.iu^h, ihi- ht-ail nl ihf tnin, sj-eaks I i>>t'it-tilly nl his aliitil\ .in.l ihc uitt,- smjic .illnit|,<| iti < .11. i.Ji an |iaU-ni wmk. Wi-iiiU'te il ahiinsi jiu-risi'l) , .is, ■ >ri 111, whnlr, it is a ninsi iiniu.i;an; ami v.iinnhli histni) nl I'.ii. Ills (he ht-iKlii nl .ill |.in)i|,-. " The mi^in ul jciliis I'Hi-ni llir inventinh dati's as tar hack us thi- Matuie nt iiinm, |"'lu in the ii-ii;n ot Janu-s I., I») tyhiih sialnir e\chisiv, Mi;liK «ei,' ^ivi 11 In llu- lirst .Hul irnr iiiv, niurs ni a miv iiiiinila, uiif. tin a ii-nn >il 14 yt-ai-, pinviihil it «as ma .••iiiMi) III law nl iiiisi hiivmis in ih. stai.-. \ |iauni lil Kn^laiul. or .in\ lou-i^n c'.uinli), al tin- |>re-i-ni ila>. Mil ;;r.ii!t ul a nii)nn|Hi|\ m tin' st-nsi- «>f ihe nUI , unimun l.iu. I' i- llu* yianl tty tlu- ( i.iv.rnnu-nl in tin- ori^inalm .lis • '■^< II I or iimninr n| a III \\ ami usi. Iiil ait, inarliim-, ni.inn l.i.iiii.' lit , >iin|'n-.ilinn ol malt r. nr any lu-u .uul i|s,-liil iin |iiii\' iiunl ihi imn, ihi' i\. liisivi- rijihl. Un .\ uiin nt y»-.ii ■ I l>i >• lisin^ that invt-ntioii- I'lie i unsiiji-ialinii tni »l.i,li tlii^ j;iant is hy llu- nowii is lh»' lunrlii in sncitly if 'ultih'. Ir.nn tlu- inw nimn, whii li l*--iulii is r.mli-rii'd ii|m)ii ihe 1 Mil. l.y ihf iii\enl.ti ; lirsi liy the (iiniimifd iiracn. i' ,il thf undi-i patiii! ; s,c,,ti,|. l>y Hi,- prnctiri' "f ihe iint'iainn, nr the i>|i|>iiiiimil\ trii|H'iiy on llu , x; ma Imn .4 ihi- [lalihl. I'lie liistoi\ ■■' rU.iils in Tan. id. I ln^;ins in 1.SJ4, wlu-n tin hisi |tatenl rt;is i,sued nn luiu- Sih tu iii.i Nnah ("ushin^;, "i the cily 'f ',"utiecji)r a waslnin; and hilling; ina.him . I nmi thai 'laii up In ihr \iiir nl the f.mfedi-rnliim n| ilu!*. di< ic was nnl) i.SiiO pat. nis issued, and tlu-»e Kunpiisi-diht' I n'. Ml, i^i^nt^i l»y iMt h nt the |»o\iiues nr rnlnnit''.. whiili li.' p« hail a si-paralr |al(-iil .1. t nl iIs..\mi. Sim <• ( niitcder.iliim, however, a (;real inrnase j.crn mad.' ni ihe niiinlii'i iif p.iti'iils taken out hi ( '.in.nla. ne.irly .1'\ii,,| >,,,-»■ then. < hii \ahiilil,' manat.i':,; iii^, lumlieriii^ .uul mining inihistii, s, fnsi, 1, ,| and pmirct. .1 liy ill,' N.iliimal l'.)lic\. Iiaxe in a^;c ineasni. nidatiil llu- |)rn^i('ss ul in\i-niiniis in ihis eniiniry, and il )..a\ safeh III- s.iid that the sniis III thelaii I Inniiniuii have pimhiced in \en1inns ihe impniian..- nt wlmli is in im ihyn,- inieiini tn ihnsi- ,i| ,iiir nei^hliniiis in ih, ^miili nt iis. Siuh is the <-n iriprtseni ( '.inadi.iiis, ihat pali-nts I' r inipniinnt iiiveniinn< are miw luiiij; taken mit l>\ tluin, mil nnl\ in (".inad.i, liiiled M. Ill's and In^Iaml, Iml in the vaii.uis enl.inits nt ihe I inpire and man) Ionian .'nunlries. Tat ei its an- l^r.inud in ( aiiada Inr .1 lerm nl lill.-i n >i-.iis. Tlu- htst ( invefimirni lee is tueiilv dnilais, uhi. Il 1,-e pi. lie. Is the iinei 'inn Inr li\e veais ; ami linih,-i tei's nl $jt>.iHi Inr e.u h -.-ai-i . I .liiij; 5 veais lu-in^ nipiisiie in nrder In pmle.i ihr iliMiilinn tni .1 lilll leiiii. Ii is ilienlnie lu'i' In pa\ the tirst hi in nrder to nlil.iin the patent . and ill,- siil)se(|ni'i)i Ill's ill nrdei in keep il nli\e the lull u riii. r«n nlh, r n-.)nisiu-s an- neeessary in nnh-r l.» kei-pilupa leiil .ili\.-, nain.-l\. tlu- article rnvered )i> tlu' in\eniii)n iinisl 1|iln\,'d III, iti\, ninis SI. lh.1i ilu'il .ipplii all. Ills niav he pins., tiled l.i .I'sii,'. ,s>|,i| ;ssu,- Lelnre 1 II,- pa iIll nltii. .' It is esseiili.d ih.ll im n lia\ in^ a le^al as well as a tne. h.inii al ,-\piiiem'i- slinithl lieemplnyed." .\s we sai.l hel.ire the arti . h- speaks |i>i iiselt .ind »e wish in add. that llieie is iiti innie liei|iient snin.e nl pal, nl hli^.ilinti. tli.m ilmse p.ii,-iiis, apph , .nil IDs Im \\ hi, Il a I. prepared li\ ntexperiem ed pi art it i.m* is. t li.-ieliiie, as .Messrs. 1 eilu isinnliaii|.;li .\ C... ai<- i v- only paieiil li.iiiisti Is ill ( .iiKula \\ Im possess thai necessarx l»'j;-il .iii'l niei'h.inicat skill. heiiiL; a iini,|ne < •iin1>inaiinii n| , n^in . , is. . It. nij;ht smell .ind ji.iriisters. ami \\ Ims. pr.u lie- is \\linll\ i|,-\.iled In pleparin^ ami pinse. inin^ ajppl . aliniis |.>i paleiils, ,iiid .nelin^ Inr patenlees, m ..ise ul mil 11,14, iin'Mt , tl is .IV II lh.1i .in in .-inplii)iii^ llu m II .ips ill,' iwu tnld .id\ani '^.' . il iheii Ic^.d .md iiuelnm. .il evpeiiene.'. ami it n.-eess it\ thi\ .h-U iid ih. < .Is, U'tiin- llie enuM .. Ihe inip.iii.ini liim-iiniis ul siieh .nlieiiuts .ire ni >t ^,-iit-iall\ kiin» n. lull in llu- in\en Infill, -V ate indi jiiiis.ilih-. This liini |>a\ paiiieulai .iilin Imn In tli.irii..! inveiiiiniis, and as ilui,' is im puuii in sij^lii In sii|H i-.-,|. .luititity. tills is a pnini nl llie L;reaiesi inipniiam •-. When ii is nni, niheied iliai s,.ii,,|\ .1 mnnih pa^se^ Iml -.nine tlt'sli disit.M-iy in ine. h.itd, s. -niiH- rnn1li\ a nee 1 nlii, ly n. u I, siMi,-^ in tli< spun i>| th. imn s in \\\\u \, u.- li\e; .ind ihal in-.inli.'tis , .( ,in\ \.ilm'it mitil s,.iii,.l |.\ |M>eiil si m,i h, a- tin-) UDilId • |lhckly In I npied .ind lllih/tariisier he, mm s .m mdiv idu.d nl iiii|H)rlan< e. M, sm-. I-, ilnrstniihaii^^h .\ < 1. are wid.-ly .uid lavunr.iM) kimun. .nnl tin. I, is|, mil llmi.iti^ldy llu- le.piireim nis in eaeli 1 ase : ilu\ piep.ue .ill ili'tiniu tils, anil e.iriy ihrtiu^h .ill n.^uti.i liuiis, s,'eiitin^ Inr ilu inwiiiur the evehisiM- ri^hi ..i his jn \eniinri. Tin y se,iire pileiits in .ill parts III ihe unild ami V'ive v.ihialile ptntessjiHial nssisiame in nl'lainiii}; Aim' and I iiinpi an pan hi s. in^ sp,. ilu-alinns and dia\Mni;-, M .nehiiiL; .is t.i ii-i\. liy, e.ueatini;, leisstiini; .iml e»ti'mliMi__ nl paleiils. armiiiij; rejei ted appln atiniH, piep.irinn nss!|;ii minis niu! Ilcen-ii-s, arlvlsiii}^ un valiilily, scope, ntul in- triiiL^i'inents III p.iieiits .iiid re^jshMii^ hade ni.iiks. iVr snii.dly, \\t. I'llhi'i-lniih ni^h is .1 )niinfi n| vaiii'l .ind e\i, iisiM' .11 '|iiii. III. Ills : h.- is pKpulat in -u. i.d .iml liUsim s, cirries ; his sneial (|iialilies, Iiii i.i sa\ hs utai'i s I'li, ^,,..,1 will .iwA lesp, el nl a Imst C, II. 1)1 NM\.,. Iliilrlnt. J.S; Chnr, It Miei'l I,,, Inl'inln. The had. n| huh In I 1~ .1 llmsl Mi1|.n| l.llll nlie .iinl tai^ely .iltii tini; ilie ^i-m i.d inten-sis nt ihe i .)iiiniiiiiii\ at|.;e. The j;i.-.tles| i:\n- .iIw.iSs In II,- l.ikeil li) d.'. dels ill iiii-ai In si-eiin- Im sale iinlhin^ Iml p.-iti-,lK snitii 1 ;^un,U. |,ir as is une n| ih, prim .iili.hs in ihediel ut iiinsi pe.iple. Mr. C. II. Dunning is une nt ilu- l.m};esi esiahlished de. tiers in this line in rnii.nin. Iiav iit^ . niiinien,','d hiisiiu-ss in I.S57. I'nr llu- p.isi tliiiiv ve.iis In- a!ily eomhicled his evtensive w.uU- wliieh has^el) in, rt-asfd nniil .n ihe pieseiii it minpares t \^ilh nt any ntlu-r ih.ilei in ihe tnuii. I lis pi,'niise> .11,' ,-, i-nsi\,'. Iitjiii; i; \ Ul teel ill diiiieiisinns, .nnl .ire til i,-,| with .III ihe net t-ssary ('i|iiipin,-iils, |,irinini;. I'l l.u 1, .1 nindel nt ,'leanliiU'ss and nealiu-ss, .ind a eredil in ih, iii\. )|e ki-,')is aK\a\s ill t,H k a \i-r\ line s, U-, tinn nt heel, nniltn-,. pmk. ami ntlu-t liesh .in>i sail nnats. pniilli\, lish. tiiiii ami \e^el.ihte- in se.isnii. Imll.r. ei^^s. eaniied p.imls. ,1, . .Mi. Ihninin^ in.dNes a spe.i.du nt .iiied iiu.its li.i\ in^ ,1 upii tali. :' Im keeping llu- hesi in iliis hm- in the 1 lU. tj.- esp,, t.ieiliii, s |. I\i\. .\ C.I. \l.iMii;atimeis ..I line l'.nn|> .u,.! •sinus. IJ4 Willm^i.m -Kiel wisi. l.sial.lishe.l IN;. I. This niie piiee Imiis- ni.i'mlailnris .1 l.iit;e line "t I Is and shne-s .ilid is ih.' lea.lin^; hnii>L- tut style, ipi.iliu nt m.tierial ami v\ <>ikiiiaiistiip, I ney sin. In, I !•• pte is ■ .iiid have siuiieihd: luin^in^; uul ihi- lu-uesi and 111,1 t hishinnahle i;nn,|s in Ihe latest >i)lcs and ah ul s,ili.| h-aihet. Their hnnis and shues ,Tie u.iiii !.iiind In Imy llie li.mi ihat Ills snmutlily, ^ivi s e.milnii and is ut the laiesi Lishimi. Thev ni.lkt- ;dl kimls : hand sewed, ( i-iuilyear sewed, McKay sewed, stamlaid *. lew w ire, h u.. I -sewed Uirneil, t iu.iilye.'r sewe I intiied ami |'e^i;etl. Ihev keep a laii;.- assuiiiiit'iii .it idl kinds eniisianily uii hami, and can nil .irilers innnediaieU . iherefuie ii-ndeiiii|' it iiniu-ces>ai j lir iluii , iisiuiiit-is t.i Imtil kiij^e stiieks ; an nn. I. milled aiU.ii, t.i^e In Ih,. retail dealer. They sf. imp all tin ii iiwiii.;-.i|s mil! ate resjimisihle inr their j;einnneiu-s-. KSTABhlSHMl.NT oK J. U. KiNll Sl C(i. IHK l)C)NtINION Ill.t ISTKATI^-.I) ^'4 iiiBrio*"-* " l\)KlJMO AlMl.KllC CI. Ill iHM ^i^. l-'K^-M.' \iliiiih I.I ' ll.T.,. ('..IKj;. .A. ■nil., - ill.' .Iiil. «,i- ll..,ii..l ,1 -l,.«n l.iii -.ii,-U ih,' I. .II.. I., W..-. ..Mill .1 ~;i..H 1.....'. ..n. ■•! II..' I-V. Iili;,- (M.U.'.I li-i ll Mil ..I.ll.ll -lil|.,-,UI. ll ....,» .1 1^ . I 1. 111^411. 1. m:ii^ vMlli'.ul .11) -illilili. i-liil. It'.ii-t- \\<.|lltv ' I llii' ii.tnir. It) .iii'l l.wlil.i; li.ilil). An iltii^ i> l;im n h. i. ..I lli.- uilli .in |-.Mi;Ii^I|'n|.. .ikJiiM |„,|.ii|.iii..n n..l ..ik- llijnl .H.ii^nili. .-iil l.iiil.tiii^ ti.'U in .' <.t <-i>.tt.>n <>n ('..lli;;. ..rr..i..iit.>. ituii i> .m .ini.Ii-in .iiiil.Mi- ;i^*i>.i.ili..n iiiul ,.\.nii.-. Tin- -iu- . Iilmii ha^ niai.\ .i-lv.ii.M^. ^. I'.. 1.>i;im \\< tl . .|in|.|.i .1 < iiil. lii.ti^t- w ith t<\i'i I. IN).. nil-Ill I xT^. I III a W.I. u llli n i^ .ih lu-ail) .w |.. .^^iMi in ili. \t n .'run. "I llu . it\ . i.Hi. ii.ix II.. « ti.i.l li.r Iw. \^. .1 \tr\ j^.....I .illiKlu- .Lit. .in. I is ni..ri- t-.isilx um.Iu.I I.\ -iml ..ii-. ..uin^; l.. II.. h-.n-t . win. ii Is .1 s.i, .i .*. In \, w \'..)k llu [.■ .ire ir.iiislci s\si,-ni. il w.iilil U cUi « lu i. . I In n .i^.iin il ll.n-1..ll. I n;4i.iv in^ \... { hIi..i\ . ll.. s....lli Wi l • i ill. ...M.i|.;i- vMlh \li. K..l.iii-i.n. Mi. I..nni.\. .mil l.i|.;. Il.irsi..n. .ilx. 111. I'.iii'.u ulirir llii' liisi >. ..I .111 ill. u..rl> \\ s 11. 1 II. 1 1. I nui.ivini; No. ( .li..»s iln- \\,\ {.i.m.Ii in. \li, I II. N.U,.,.. »l ,1 l.r.Mll.,llll,'..ll);ili.l III,. .hl.ll...i . M Inin. . .1.1. hi siii^ I III' .issinil.K.I < ili/i lis l.t'li.ii r. .|llllH'll('ll.^ lll. »..|k, .111.1 .V... 5 •lu.HslIll III si SI III I III ,111.1 III I III I..III..., . uliili' ]'.. siilriii K..|.n.s...i Is ni.iMii^ .1 s|.ii'i'li. sntri.iiiiilr.l \ III. ,...i.linl..i-. \l.ssis. I. U. (isKi. |.,lin I. Ii.niil-.iii. V. \. 1,1111 WiisLii. I n^imi I i.nniiij;-. \lissi-, M.issia ... 11. 1 ..I I.I. 1.. SSI' Inn. , I'l..!. I ,..|.l»iii sinilli, »li<< ..Mil. .11 ii|.. .11 :)i.' ..11 .isii.n s.i. Il an rt.H|ii. nl .i.|\..r.i. \ , ill. '..Ills. III. II il nil- I. 'I U'il,.ll..wi ilii .i.niiiii'iii. M I. r. Mitii.n. i.m ..I ill.' III. .si .n.ii^'lir uiiiLiis im |l, .111-1. Ml. ( Ilniiui...l ^.:\l iiii..»i, ..ii.l hi. I.iii. ■siinili. 1.1,. .. vvli... lil.i' ih. |iii'si.|i'iii. is.i »..iiili rliil -j.i. il ..I «li,il .III allil.l. lil.i\ I..' .11 III. ii;. ..I ;_•. hi. |. I. U K...S. ..Ill ..t il.c |.i. nil.. Ills ..1 llir SI lit int. .mil i.lliii |>i.>i III' III . III'. I. ,. I .. . Iiil. Imiis. .mII si.m.l »lii II' llir i . st i. Willi It .. ,isi< M w. ill .. II ,. lin. Willi ill. wrsi ,: M..iiav slli.l. It will siaii.l .ilniiil till. I I'.ii'l. tli.iii llu .1 I wills, St. .Is t.. ',i||-s( IM ,1s ,,|.l||\ ..I ill.' lU.'s, .I..W si. III. In . Is |...ssilil. , ( ill I ',1.1 iiii^; ..II ill. s, ,1,11.1 l1 till \isil..| wi lin.l liiin.i II III ,1 s|..i.i..iis hall, w|i|i l.ii^;.' Iili |.|a. . .1. s.l-a. I In til. lit;lll llli'li Islli, sii.m^, is' 1...1111, iii'\l : , II. |.. .11,1 s ,.li.. .', 1.1 hill. I will, h Is ih. si. ii'l.iiv's ..III. , . 1 1.. I' III. .1.., 1 11. I. Ii.'slnninl i..,.iii .iml l.i\al<.ii. s. Dim.I.. 1.1 I I'.iss.i^. I- th, l.iili. - |.n\ III I .iili.r. with .1 St I..II.III' I .. { . in. t ti.>iii llu V . I. III. I. ill. .III. I lis ..w n l.n.ilt.i V. .\il|. 711 li, i'li.ii^. Ill \..ii.l ll.,. I ii'i^. I.ilh.ii.l I. ...Ill Is ..11..1I1, 1 . t.itsi'.j { sii'j.s, w liii II, w nil . . Ill s. ,111.1 s knij; 111. .an l.i' ,is ,1 |,' l.ilhn.l I>\ .m> . In) nil 11.1 . .liiiiii); i..l;. ihi 1 I In llu- lii.i i). ."1 is .1 ' MnnniniL: h.iili. 7^ I, .1 L.i.l:. w illi n.iiiu i.>iis ih. , .il; i...'.i.s. In th.' It'. in 1- lli. |i-iii.l;ii.j; 1....111 ..i .li\,iii. ,.i.,i I..1I I s 1..1 I .nUi-:. 1. ills. .111.1 lli, l,|i,s I..1 Mils .1. .•.iliiunl, Iln ill. I, lltslh. l..'.tl','Vs Oi.i|. .111. 1 sini.l.ii.,, 1' Ih.l.' .1,' I'.si.lis ihl.i s,|s ,.| u.|,„.| l.,,w'..ii: .ll,\-. whil, ;..l..w .ill ll 1 ill, l.,is.i... nil will I.. |l,' M.. Ills ml., nil, ,.i..l |.isi.,| |.',illin. ,n;;it ili'. i' th. lliii.) II Is th, .In. ii.l; I. ,1 lii^lll. ..ii\ ,111. 1 ,i[>iitn.. III. -\^ I. . I 1. .11;; with I w.. .lining i... mis ..ll 11. wli.> ...1. ill I.. lhi..w.. iiii'i ...1.' ll I. .jinn. I. ,m.l W...1I.I m,.: ill, si .lining i.,.>iii in tin iilv, ..i its. .1 ,is I...I1. . • lining 1.... Ill .>i I.. I |>iis..l. .linn, Is. Ilui,' ,11,' kill It, n. sii.ll.iv. si'ulii^ 1....111. I.. I. ...Ills, si, ,11' i,..iiiis .mil ,1 i...'k,i 1 11. I" I., , iii''i,|., .1 \Mlli SiH. 1... k. Is. Ii.;\ in^ a si.iii'w.n ...ii "I II int.. ih. :;\nn..isniin. lunll,' l.,illis. |.hili^,' l..ilhs, .1,.. l>\.. palatial^-, ami in \\ as|iiti^i,,n. Ihillal.. .mil 1 ..iiniiilui.' wi 1. ,il.l,' i.. s.-.m,' 1 ■_, ;,. n, ..i ^i..iiiii|. w In, h 11 ' 1 • llu 1. 1- .1 -|..i i.illv i . w hi.i 1 1. .iiul .. n.iii, ilii.i, h.iil tli,.r..ii;;hK ,'i|iil|.|.,'il wiliii;\iiiii.isniiii, «..illil lia\,' l.,'.li itll.iK ini|».ssii.l, 1.. .1,. ,ls. w h. i. . . v, . |.l I'.l'.l . ..iiiinill. . f...llis I..1 tl 11...I i ..I llu' i..n i.iiniilit; ira.'ks. i. n.'iiii; .m.l [„,\\\,.^ i ns, swillnnill^ li.illis. .m tlio m-h ..ntsknls ..1 th. . iu. imliss n 1 In i.liu.i,- inC' ,>'i.lil. Li.'v. 1. . .11. k. I. I."'! L.tH an. I ..llul , Inl.s wlii. i. I. sl.iiiialils. .iK'ssiiii; .111.1 I..11I1 Is, I'll. I lii'iii,lnl.irshi|. I'.iik. Hui, is s..iiu'lllllli; Mn .i).|.l..|.li.ilr in III.- 1 1'. l lli. 1,^ >■•"< '^"' ' i"""' I" ■' """' ' *") M"'!' 'i'"' '"■'" ' h-l ..I ih,' \,w \..|k Alhh'lii' llul. is .l,.s,',| I., a|.|.|i.a"l-. th,' sii,' |.in.has,'.l'llu \,'u |i..| ,v l,i...l, "" "' is |.i.a i.l, .1 I..1 .11.. I in.ii I'liul .1 I1..111. in llu l.inl.lii.;;. iii.l al all liiiu's in.iin ..i> .iw.iilin:; ilii'ii liiiii h.r l.alL.I. It i,iu,'iii..i ..I (liilaii... llu li.,n. |..hii' 11. \. iI.a I';..I.ii.s..ii. win. h is iii„I.,iiI,i. .IU iii,.,i |,l,i, in . ■,. i> i< -i', , t. I h. nislnsl |.i,.|...s,.l I.'. Ml. I. M.issiv, ,.| l.i.r..ssi' lain,'. .111.1 I. mis, ll ,„„ ..lllu' l.i-sl .ill i. .1111,1 ailili'hs m his .l.n lli.iidn -> i.ili i-niiii i- Su 1. , I l..i.'^ I J..U. l l.iiih. mil tin Ml. I II. \,ls,.ii. .,11,' ,.| . '.ini-.tiiv . I'. ,1,'. I ill s,.ni |.risi.|,nls ..I ihi' |.i,s,iii t,iri..i\,i |.i.,.lii. I'll. ,111,1 III s|.iii' i.t his "ilu 1.1 I. ■ I... ililv T..I..I.I.I ,m.| I 11,111 wlu... Ill still lu.l.l Ii|s,,wii ai;.misi ,1 ti,i. k, -• i lij.s t. i-v, I v\ 111. ll w ill l.r .1 rum n,; ith' ; ..11 this 1I....1 tlu'it' is .lis,. iiiil.'ln.j; will. I. M..til.l I., a .i.'.lit .ihki' ll. th.' |,r iTs.iii.l v..ilii(;>'i ..n.'. llu ,1. . .iiii|,aiuiln; .in^i 1 , iiiy N... I isli.,ni,, i-.i;;' il"i aiiiil. tii |ih..|. .;■.!, ijiliv . w ill. ..Milu.i.l li;;l,i., th.'i'li 1 iu ..I ill. I'l.iiis w,r,' ili.iwn l.\ ,Ml, \\ j.lfit., lakiii in lii.iit ..I llir ...iLij;,' Imih ,.\ \|i. U.,l.iiis,.ii in I I" I'lnl'hni; will I.. .,1 | i,ss,,| t.ii, k ,111. 1 i..ii);ll I.1..W11 .1,.| . I laiili..v. ll..' w,ll .,i..,wii .'i.hil.'.'l. 1..1' a' ,is ...11. S,'pi,inl„'i, 1S41). hi' ha\iiij; i.iiii',,! liu km. I It. .111 Mi, .h.-m;:, 5si.,c,is in li, iijlil, ll.. iM,ii..i l.,'nii;..l siniii,,; |.l,l.' m .v.n i,'-|...i ,is,iiu ..11 III,' , in, Ml. Ii a nil, i, sis !■..«. 11. Ilii,- this ij.nll.inan ami his . li,uiiiiii,i; wili' |..iss,.l '1. -it;n ,m.l iiii|« .ij.j.. .11.111. , . I hi small l...>s hai .' I., , .. '.I aim. .si •\il\ i.i.ii.K s|..;t hai.' 1.1,11 i'..iisi.l, i,.|, m.l llu- in.itu lia|.|.\ n-.lls. ' ,\l llu liin.' llir ...It.ij;,' l.iiili n w,is I'IUlIlI I m.l., in .n.ik. 1 1 lit.' ;.\iiir.a-liliii .mil I..1II.- -hails haM I.,', n .ill.i'tli'.l in s.i. h .mi..iinlsali.l ..II -u. h tiniis sinn' I'.v w Is. .m.l ihi- hr-1 |.i'ls l.uiM ..s .1 mi. , , 1 lam ni..iiiiiiKs ,11 th. |.,w si|l,„ ,i|,m..ii ul .$5,011 |i, i in ..I |.,i\iiui,l a- h.m |.iii.iill..l III.' .iil.s,ii|.ii..ii ,.l .'Mi\ I..M1 iu'i^lil...iii was Ml, W. ( a\li\. i.ii ihi,.i.l ii,.w lit. iumi' I lu' l.i' n is I. «i \ inU l..n;; i.v ij..ln-l I I. ,ii..l ..1 ,11. k. I, 1,1, 1..SS,', |...,il.,ill. In, v.lin;;, iii.|.„.i Minis, r,u,|,ii'i ..iriui ..| hWi.v ,iii.l llivi'ili-'v siu, is ih,- |.i, sini u .i.l.n.. "i" 'i""" "I -i ''"'I'l H-" '- ' • "' 1 "'il' ''■'•■,■■ -ii"!""'! -■<<" . .nil. Liwiiij;. K.iimi'l-'i' -. inj;. I".vinj;. l...wlili;; ami ..I Mi. haiL.ti' \|.'( ,iillu . '1,1,1 . Ihi 11 linn' \..i.iii;.- S.l'.ill'li u mils . ,,..11 ., 1. ,| ih, i. i- ,1 l.ii;;.' I...W lini; (;i. . 11 •^cii. .iililrti. -. ' 1 1 is isiiiii.iii.l ill. in iis . hil.lii'ii wrn- l...rii in ihis ...iiim,. ihi' |.li..l.. ..I wl'n. It 'w,is's. m.l ,1 i.i<.|.i. t , is i.. 1.. I.iiilt. llu iiil.s iiii.|i. imlslu.l st.iii', m,ln-i^; ..I l.iii.l, will ,..-1 in llu- lu■l^;lll...ln takiil llu- .lav l.i'l..ri- it- .1.' Iili. .11 ...iiiiii.' I, ii|>.ii 111, "1"' '■ 'li' . hlh 1- I', wik li,iv. I. .,11 |,'.l .ili.l .all 1 ■ 1 1 ..I $!-•;.'"»'' 11..' -. hi'iiu' .11 tirst 1,11 I..1 want ..I .h . .isi.,n ..I lli,' liniimj; ..I llu- liist s...|, s, |,ii'nil., 1 jisi. |S.,| , ..l.l.imi.l li..'.. ll..' -..iil.iiv. ,il,.|i;; with th.' h-l ..I sli,n. Ml .1., .'.invas-.i. I .a ,. \..ii .1^;.. il . ,l't.iiii,'.l li.-li iln l.\ Mii |.r.' ill I ". 1 1. \. l-,,ii. .m.l Mis. \,l-,.n. w n. Ii..l.l.'i-. I h.' it.ll.iu,. 1. 1- .- .$.•;.<«., I.iit in ..i.l.l In illl. 1, -l |.,tii- ..111 lull -..111 inn llu' siiv •■"- ..K a]. I, I.iimH.' -I'mwli in ,'lli;ra\ nij; \... J. l..i;,lli, 1 with Mi. U..I \|i. '• ""<'f ''- |"|"ll'l. ■ ' H- -n. . .— .ill ..nKii,..l -nl.-.ill..'i- I. 1 .11 Ih.' iin.l.'lslalullnn 111' sli..iil.l l.i',,.iiu 111,' -ii'ti'l.iiv il l.i 1111. .\. th. ,.i. hit.. 1. m.l th. s,. i,i,in . I .ii'i. 1 i.imll, !■.. k ,iii' . s. lii|.l ti. m . ntl,m. < I.., I hi- I, ,' is I \iK\V N .. 1. 'I'lii-: l)(>Mi.Ni<>N I I.I.I r^;-i-i\;A'ri-;i >. m£JM\ VVi^t $1" ■ ti. .iiiil i^iM-- tlif nuiiilu'is ihf run lit thr ilnli. \..'-<\\ nil lohi !•, nti |iiti\ itirti fnr ;it $|,.(v» |iiT nnnuni, uiilh'Ut vn n.iri' . K-c. .iiiil il i-. |M"'i"-Mil III li.iM- i\\o |.i.lic>' l.uMi "l.u- lilMiu-, tllr Uti'k Mill l<> I* I III! |,)|r VI -r nl tin :^wiiii.t>iiuii ,11(1 1 ) HI tils I'M rwo m in tlu- wci-K, w lien i lu- ll mi. t -.c\ ;iri iill ai iliiir \\<'ii.'K.intN. will) its i-iiitM.inl iiilhi\ iii'H' JnifirK-is, ji sltMiittl nni Ik- 1 I .1 rii) lit jmt.iKin in It! vtiiiii^ im-n ■■ii^iij'ril in t tiiiicli iiic\|H-r( ;\ in ifoxi-l- l>it (Ik- yimiij; nun nl'Turnni'i .m .ilhJtlu- Immr .iiiil t lull Mi|n'rii>r !<• .inxi'iui^ lit llu- kiml uliiili liiis ln-t-nlurt lull It I' .UIttii|'t* iiluiIhis. A iniirli Us-. I \1MHMM' si-IiiUH* nii^lit Ik- ciurinl mmi wiih l<--.s iri'iil-K . Inn iln- I'UHnoUTs ;iri.' <|iiiu- mnrulrnt t!u-y .-n rnnvii m think 111^; l!i(- vwr ^nmin^ im|iiiri.mi-!- ut Iiiiitnlit»U ,i .1 1.... : I. - •!.... .1.^. ...I ..I ii... •: TK... i.t. 'i.uK.iniN, Willi lis l■(ln^l.lnl nirui\ m >*"iiii^ im-n ■-n^ii^'i-ii in tn^; ih.ii iiic vwr ^nn\in^ imjiiiri.mi-!- ui ii'Iimhii iiv-ni.inus ,i iii'H' JnifirK'ss, ii sltMiitil imi Ik- Itio nun h iin-\|H-rl .\ nu*ni- [iliin nillu-r in inl\;iiiii- ih.m alinasi iil llu- 1 inns. Thitiinij;!it\ '"■I -'lip .i| 2, (»()(> aili\i- ;\rnl JHonon n-siilmi nit-nilu'rs. a stair rinn|HU'nl insltiu t iliai <\l .iii\ < liil> wan n>i'"l thr cnvialilr ilisiinciiun "i hritij; I'KOH'. IKANCIS 1. HRfiWN. llu- ^rt'atoi '* >liakLs|>L'rcan rtaiUr ' in .\nu lu.i, I h* )"lli)\\in^ > ht- wcni '•■ II'im.mi, and I'ul, a ciiu-c in Uu- *'\liitinpletin|^ his ciMii-e iiere he wa> appointed i yeai -. and hi^ LACepii.'iial j;ifts fi> a leaeliei Mcured Inr htin. when leavirii;. the hiL;he>t lestiniiiniajs In mi i "ill i.ienli\ and studeiil>. \\ hih' in \ iij;iiiia he, i.'LietlKi with I'l^il. Moiinieer "I I/mdim, made altan^;enu-n^s li»r huldini: a summer i.f el.'riu:..ri ai i.tiiiisliy r.iik. ' 'ntariii, wiili the inieiiii..n of aheiuards loundin^; a I'eriniiU'ni sch""l in ri'V.-nt". A \et)' -im i -sinl -uininer >es- nn encnra^ed I hem in dn >i<, auA ihe " < mt.iiiii ' iille^enf I iralMry " was e-lalijishcd. Ihnini; llu ni-i "ver tiliy pupils -w-re enmlled. live "T whuni w en- ^^rad\iatt-d. lle.sides the wrk carried -ui in rnr^iu.i ih' \ lecmred once a wiek in \ it-tnria rnivei-ily, »i'Ii.:ml;. IiiwariU the end uf the hist year ; he pattneis decided lu tliey dal in'( v^nc in regard i.> the system m| in striictinn. I'riit'. lirown ha-es his sy>ieni on the *'Trinit\ "I imn." and adheres rlust-Iy i-. the prineiplcs laid down liy ihe >haKr>pfare ■>( elocutinn. i rar.eois nel.s:irie. lie hieak'i away fiiMU l>elvir:e, however, in the teachin;; of j;esiute, and lias evoheil an oiij^jnal method, whieh ( nai'le> hini 1" reiluee i" a seien< e thai tor which ho nthei leachei has >ei heen alilc to iliscover, mm. re ih.iti ^;i iicral princii.les, which necessitalt.s Kaviii;^ ^i>ture lo ihe impulM- o) ihi innmcnt. lUil he made an even more original and imp.. ri- ant discovery in repud m the proper placing of the vo^mIs, which, when tliotouj;hly mastered, makes nionointiy in iradin^; and speakinLT an iiiler imp'.s^il.iliiy. The encoiira^eniitu whieh I'lof, t!r"An leeei'rd ii-.m his | unils 1 iduced him i i esialtle i a school u( !iis own inidei tile name ol the "PeUarte r.'llii;c "f "halon," l.tiii^; »vell cniitied to Use the nanie ol the ^real IiMindir ol etoeuiion.iry princiji'cs, since he liimsel' is suoh an admirahle «\pi'nerit of the ndsarte method ot recii.d, and is the acknow led^;ed pi.^sessi.r of on- of t!ie lineM voices to he heard on the Xaieii.Mii plaiioini. l,\\\si.\ ,\ \\i|N,i\. r.nokhindcr- and Manulactuiei > Siaiioiui). 14 .i:id pi I.iunl'aid s'lv.i. lio.ikliindin^ is .m impoit.iiii In. inch <■! r iiiimiicial in.liisuy, t<>r in older lo pieser\e lionks jur .tn\ |in;;lli ol time it is .tbsnhiieU iieci-s- s.n\ ihat lhc\ should In- sid.sianlialK tumnd. This work i-. underiakeii l>y \1es>rs. Lawsr.n ,ind Wilsi.n. nl 44 .md 4(1 I,omi>aid sireel. wh.'-t exeelKni iiiamil.u imis .md superior siyh- h.ivt j^iNcii tlu 111 ,1 hij^li reputation. Their iia*ir e\ tends all .'\er Onl.uio, and its sucei ss i^ due larpiv lo the sieadkisi adherence o| ihe linn to il^-se sterling piinciples ••! iiitej;rit). whirli re^ul;.ie and ilisinij;uish all IinnouraMe niei -aniile toncerns. The> h;ue heen estalilislu-d lor neailv three years, and have liiillt U|i a fast-j^iow inj^ comu-ction. The p'l-miso are t"ort\ I'v ninet\ Iim- let i in diiiu-nsiini,. .ind arc siiu.ited in close provimity i.. tlu |* cxfieeand ooks, making; .1 speciah) ot l»iiiks. .nvelojies, papi-i ndinj; and law hook l>indiii^. The tiim f;i\i' employincnt [•> iwent\ li\«- skillid hands, who arc krjil cuisiantly at wi.rl. ihiou^houl the u-ar i.-\eculir.^ thi' niinuo'it^ ordus Tlu imiulicrsor the lirin .ire Messrs. 1. M. I.awsnn ,ind I. A. Wilson, who 111' hi^hl) eslieimd in l»oih -oei.d .ind com mereial circles. THK dominion I LI. I IS TKATbrn. . 1 III- I'm. 1,' iNl>i>N AMI *. AN.A III AN I i "AN AM' A( .l-M ,^ COMI'ANN i ; l.-.M-.S Wl- I ^N \1'1 \\ I I \' ■! ( "Ml \\\ . rIK'.ll. t'lUjnU till- pt'^iiinn "I iIr- U.i'liri^; lam ...I. I.. I t.. r. \\M<\ IM tin tollo r.iiif. of t T' >'t III. MM I.ii 'i- lilHII' i.i iiitti li. I . 1h » ti ilu- lif.nli|ii;irUT- All .l-Ml> MV III ill ■ It -• niilf I" .fl.dl l.y|«l Ahll. III. i.l .M.hl.llil. ^)l< I'liilil^ u-.ii h ihr -inn -.1 $-;S.-;t}*i.S* in^. Ml. l.iiiM > I', kirk, ihr n %|« < ud ,iiiK-I|l.|l|i IsM.iv\l.-.l^;.- Liliiit' .lie I>i..i1('*l. ill lnl(;lll III >l\ -iMll I'll -t'Dl- m.iii.iiii \l I(),l H.)\ -lirtl iIk I .Mill <\(' .Hill lia\ jii^ ^s \ <>•> l*'t 1 'tto itii Whilr , M-i(litll\ •.iivril, niti'i l.ii^rK iiil'i 11- • nliili- ilh' iiiliiim I- l.iiil .ni|.in.l ll.iiilx. (I. I.). ,iiiit- |i.)Mlii>n III "^r |t,iiit. .•! ('< \nth il)> II I'Mii. hr .il.Hi.l. In llii , ilir I till. III. > ll.inK, ilii l.i Ilu- III ilu It ImIiIxIII}^ 111 ( .(M.lll,!, iinin lilt- ( .111.1. Ii til 't.inil.ii.l lUi.i . . „. Wnuii,.., I| ..<:' \ Till III. |...>iii.. ^; |m.Il.mi I. I. Wl ^IMN .\ S,,. McKir< (>. 7 .111'! ! (.Ini-I'i Wl.. ..I. Ilnni .m.l sli.T M.,, : The w h.'l. -.ill- nuniit.ii I'Hi^M iii.>rc^ftv ' nt.', {I .■I'M- iilfl tn the rii) < w ^., mIs m.iiuil.u iiiri il hcrr. h.uiiiL! flif ili-^nv. .1 H' nl \H-m\i, "I ihc hii;lu-*i |'t.i.liii-r.. .VniMMj; ilu- l.'itni.'si ..I ilu- 'I' lit tli.U i'l I . I. Wr-tnn .\ S'n->, wliiill h;i 'ivifcn yiMi l'iiihtiii|4. |ii ■a rii)^; ilu- ]: 'II .1 C'.ni ini Lilly y\T"\s iiii; I'lisiiH-s I'l iiiantil.u-iiii'', Icirniiil .il A'lifd I'V the hiMi. I- ii'.nl l.ti tin- |.iit|'< II ll.'ih It) nvciHu- i)lli<'ii>;h ill liini'>< }|;l^l well -^iiiti'l i.> ilu- ii <|iiiti'Minii Ilu II li;i(lv, i- 11" rrnv\.k-. Wf.i.i .ml .') iiHiin. Tlu- l.iic Ml luti'i «if iht- tirn .;ui In f.U'IU .iiu'ial .mil -niKi'k' wnik nt ilu- liii;.inf--. \iii>ilur I'l-ithu Mr. Kuh.inl Wi-st.'ii, Ins ilu- .-xcr-iyhl <<\ ilu- *>Unv \\"\l III yel .111'iilu r. Mr Wcsion. .ici". • flirt in iitiin^ ilcp.iriiiu'iii. Tlu* Liclnry is liticd uiih .i t'ninpli 111 in.'iti-in slii> inju'him'r\ . --tn leil i<> the (■■-tlnrnu'ii. Tin\« Ihr- Ui'Mi ilu- liriii \ i^il i-\ir> imil .■( fli- liMvincr, M.iniinln. ilu- N.irlh Wc-i. ,in! ihr ni.nlii . -.uiny (|-,c prnin niu-n inatlt* In ilu- iolilii I the la (mm I Ik- re' i'l ptirchaM-r, l.irt'inost rank in ihc trade, .im)| the cart' taken TI le oiilpii t ..f (hi- 1,1 my ia).< SI hell- ■ .i) and WDrkiuen i** evidence .'d l>y the hi^;h vji.i.l.- -^ ilu* j;t)nds pi.idiu'ed anti ilu- .ipprecialinn in which the\ .lu lu-lii hy ilu- piililii. In this tlii-y cmpiU* •>iicces-liilly »miIi ihe I'ldest aiul most wii Til lely 1.1 u-ir rcp.iiation is iimst lirnily in the !>.. .il'lislu li in ladies . Iiili'.rens In^li ^;r.ule "^hnes ; these in iiiarliine se«eil, rivet- ■! .iii'i hand turns nre kn'.wn rrmn Montieal In \ iemria a- li ■ liest the ir.uie pnidiici:-., ,ind ihe (iinieiti nf style- -ii' I lasts in Ihesc line-- i- liniited (inl\ by ihe rc'|uiienieii!s i the iraiie ture, and an: This III Ihe ell i.nK KOO,1> III I heir I'w n inanid.i' nK hnn in < >ntnii>i do nut liandlc lines ot e.T-tern make. tlu- Luiul.. 1 1 ,nl. I, whiih and ( .nia>li;in l-oan rr'intitit Ml ; ..lit; ih.' I'.iil l;niK-nl -tnu- ri;;!!!!' •'I .i|.riali,.n^ iiiiilrr Hpriiiil .i,l -.1 I'l MIX ll.l> ^Ili'Mi- ll|>. ..Ill- .,f Thr li;iillli|4 ' ii.lir llii- I'r.-^i.lrni .11 .ill II- I run r.l;. irrrn* 111 lliis <■ ■ I Sir W. I'. II.. llii' lir~l. |.i III il hn- !.>•.■. 1,1. K ( uilli (ill. \ li.C, I,, llu' I iiii I -., 'II. M'-V 1 .i,'.i,liiil. .111,1 l>,,l Mni Kii .ilil .\. s,|..i..|,. l,.iinii-. W. .]., I. U. W.i.l-w.ulli. lilh. i;. i:. II U. K. Ci. kliiirii. I.' \I..\ . Ml' "I" 1.' Ill I.I.. Ili'iiil. -til. r'.''i|.. ,liri',t,.r'. ils x.ljilit) .iiul ^tr.iit;ltlt',ir«;u,! .t|Kriili,iii^ .Tn- \..iirluil t,.r. I.ikf niiiiiv ..tlu-r fiii.iii.-inl rm |..>iali.>n^ III .1 tike ii.iliiri'. it ori^iliali-il in llu' \luri ll Cil). .11 .tiii-f ruiiliiij; laviiiir uilli ihi- ^I'lu-ral |nililir. w li isu ruii- li'I. iii-f li.i^ in till w i^i- In ' -HIV 'III an iiun.i-in^ l.ii> ,1. I,.i il Mill ill ,ill I'.iii- ..I llu 1>.. mini, III n paitl II III.-. ril. i'iini)i,iii\ k'W til i(;iirt's vx ill iiiii 111- ami'* .If I'li'lin^; .Xii^ii-t .il-t. ItSfjl, vdialf I lllrinj; ill iliaii^;, - li.r r I.ikiii |ila(i' ari' »iiili as In |ir,tvi- llu inrna-inj; |iit|,ulaiil) nl tlu 1,1 its int. re iir,.s|ii it|il|,.ii. Ill, fiirral iiii|ii.t\,-ini'nl ill lia'li- tliiitii^li.iiil tin (.tiiiiiry Ii.k .iIs.i aiilt-tl ■-laltlishini; a li.lli.r . I I hi ■ir attiiiis, iiiKTi'si liaviiu It, 1 11 |.aiil with uri'.ilfr |iuni'iiialit,\. .\t llu.' rnil nl' I.S<)| $i.45J.'i'i'i.'i2vxat ihi' aiiiiiiiiii iif tilt' liuliililii.sii|,.>ii ih'JK'n- atui tcrii! . Ihi- .\u(;il~l .U--I. IS'K'. sli. Ill . f ilirir liiiani iai vcar. i-asc ftir ill' $i'i'iS.'»7'i.l lurMiiii'tiis ia> I.I1I. tlu ami llu lajinenl nf Iwn iliviilcml', nf 4 |ii'r ,;ont rath. $i5,orx) ha 'I'HK DOMINION iM.trWTKATKn. K-l .ri!i_ If |i_ ^!^aa£c^' iK^IC « AKI.KIIOM-. Ill' lllA'-. KCli.l Kf. l^ MlN- CO. l.iMlllii |:M Alll.lSllMINT (II KIMI TA\I.CIK ,V IIWNl-., I; , I I. ,M, -. .\ , I .i\ ( I.iiihikIi. M.iiiuI.m hii llu |.i.i|.ii.l oulilli.u., .1 ,111 c -liMilini. lit liilhi ll.i.i.l, .m .hi|i|M,l In .ill |i;nl~ nrWi^kin I ■, Imiii , ,1 I ,1,1111 111. .•! ,11 |i. .. i,|.li..i,, : 117 \ ..1,1;. Mil. 1. .1,11, .1 I., ill. II «. ml-. M1.-1-. Uii.l. r.nh.i ,\ IliviK- .111 M.ilil.iK in I 111- ..1-1 1.. Ill i: Ml ('..liiinl.i.i, I In i.ii ..I I I I 1,1,1,. will. I, mill ..III ■..nil ..t 111, (Hit -I .1. ■•iL'.Il- 111 I III llllj., .11. I- ..I, .111.1 Wll. .1, >.iK- .ll.ll.I^ Ml. lllllllIK I) .111,1 l.lll, V llu til III ..I K. i'l, T-ljl..! \ l».l\IIC .1 1 f. Ml. ( 'IlillKv Kii.l, .ii .,, ,„ I ,i,...l .. I,,,. I.. .11 . .l,, ; v.ii .. li.'iMii^ -II. .lu ;; U. Ill, lii-l 111 ..11 1- Ml .i|..irl i..,- ' Ci,,.» ,li.i|„', Mr. K..I..11 Tiiyl.ii ;ii'i.i Ml. 'I li .-. M. Hum-, .ill ..I wliinii , .,1, .1 i|., .,|il .ti„t sM II kii.'wii 111 Ml >. I U. >l.. II I t.i\ ,\ ( .>'\. .iii'l : ill. -1, ,,t,,l t.> iiiilliii, i\ .,11,1 III., A .liy ^: U : lli.' x( ir Im iii.iii) yi-.u-, ]iK\ili^liiiK iil, r. .n [I,. I'l, -.lit |..uil -1.11 K |.iii\ wii- I.. I 111.. I ill l>i^5. 111. iliii.i 1.. ll..". I-. Ii.illi. I- .111.1 i,,..,iiK- ; 111, l.iiiiil, 1.. .Ill I llu- lui U.I null ilic millim-iy Ir.uU., 1 l|.ir:iliii|.; .1 , i.. -. .17 \\.ii^. -li,t t. .lie tii.iii, 11-. . . ..\. lin^ .1 j;i..iiii.l -1... k. 11 ll I. tin 1.,,-. Ill, lit 1- ii>. .! .,. .1 1. 1 . i\ iii^ .111.1 ■.lii].l.iiij; -uiiily wliulr^tili- Ir.nli'. llu) .in- .il> . tnr^i- inn,, .rler- '^"I'l ,,,., ,,| .,, |,\ J I, I I,, I. .111.1|,ri-i li\,' 1I.1I-, mIimIi .11, ..ll,. . . I In 11 "ill ln-.ii the ,1,. -1-1 iii-|i..i li. .11. I..1 ,Ai-i\ r.iiuliiinl, I'r.mie. Ciini.iny .111. 1 the ruiu.i, -. Il.niiin .1 ,1. r...,ili-\. 111. I.i.n.iy l.,ini; I....1I1.I .11 \l,i. .|..i.,ll,l .irli, K 1- ..I 1 \r,ll.iil .|ii ilil , . .ili.l llu- «li..l< «ill .i-s,rli-.|. t;.iiin,l .1 llit;li ri.|,lllilli .xer lluir iili..i, niry i M.,rl I- ..,1,1.. ill, lii.ti. 1' lir:;. I.ri.k l.inl.liiii;- .111,1 \ iiiU. \ -till . il i '.iii|iil,iil .Kik- .ire .■ni|.l..\i.l tlir..iiL;li.'iit llie iii-i,le I.. Ii.ililit liy li;iii.|liiii; .inly i;.i '.I- , .1 .|ii.ilily. ,..^, ,,,,.. ,,, .,11 i,,, .1, 11 ,.l ^i.,nii.l. 'I lie lli.irhiiii IJ ;ili.l .ip Mil in tin .lllletelit .I,)..iiliiii-nt-. i,e-i.l,'- -i\ ilel.-ial mil .11 in..iler.lle jiliie-. l".l.ll i- .ieti\ ely eli^.lL;e,l I :. lit. .■- in llu 1.1. 1.. I \ ;iu ..( till-, -1 .111.1 I I illl)i|..s. .1 tl 1-. . Ill I-. I In II 1. |.I,-. Ill iti\i' I..1 M; N.W . I". .111.1 in tlli' 1. 11 -in.-..-, wllili' Mi. K -Ml i- lii.' I, |ire-elil.lli\e ..I I In- ,.ii,i,,. .in. I .ir, .. I'll. lie, I l.y .111 inj;iii. ..I ini|.r..M,l ,,.11 IM .. 1- Mi. Win. .\li A.iiuler. re-iilelue in \Viinii|.e(;. Ii..n-e ..1, ili,- Tra.le, Hi. II. .11 .111.1 -t\l\ ll\i il..l-i- |...W.I. I ill) .■inl.l..\ei-s .III .iii.i.nlly ,iu|.l..\e.l in llie LiiMij .mil «. in h... in-. .111. 1 in III. -|.iiii-^ ..lie ir.iv.ller. wliieli is .(nil,- -tiHi. leiil I..1 .1 l.n-i 11.— ..I tin- kin, I, i- -1 111 111 till I...1.1. Tlii..|..iny i.illle- ..11 ii,.\l,ii-n, Inrin III, ir.lili .ill ..m 1 I '.m.i.l.i, ami n..l ..iily :., , 1,11.,--. l.lll llie l.ilj;i-l in llie , il\ , .lll.l .lie 111, I. "111,;. lil.ilnll.iellllei- ill 1 >nl.ii i. . I,e\ I .1 .1. .ill.l. It. 1.. ihe i.^ luininii, i,n-in,-— I li. til 111 .1. n - .1 I'll;. Im-iiii— in iiit.ii.,i li..ii-e »..ik. Link .iii.l .illue lit ill,;;-. 111,1 lilliil ii]! s,,nie,il ill, |.llnei|.al l.ank-.inil lliill.nj;. ill tile Illy. Tile) iMrr\ .1 ll.lllil-..llle line ..I iilli., •'■ k- ill -I... k. \\.ire|.".lll- .lie nn^llilieilil. .llj.l .ll li:li; III, ey, ..I tin . .ti.eti.-.illi iinliinil. 1 In lli. lii-1 ll...,i Ii,li.,|,l- kmiA liiMiiluii 111 iini,|iie .III. I .iM|; ile-it;n-. ,1,1 .1 >;ieal x.iiielv ..I li.ill };...i,l-. < hi llie M-,-,inil ll elia-ti .111.1 ilij;. ml ill. lKllij;|.... Ill -. t- meel lllee\e. < hi ll.e llllr.l ll..< I i- >e.'li llie .lining .111. I I. .'.I I lllini.ilie, vtllile ..11 ill. I.. mill ll, ml III, iluni ,1, |,ailiin 111 .mil ii|.|i.iKlerinj; 1,1,1111 i- ■II.. .U.I. Tile ha-. 1,1. Ill i- ll-eil I..I llie -It.r.lee i.t evll.l ■ ... I . ell . Tlli- -line i- line .ll the \in lilie-l I.I I.e -.een in 1.1. 111.,, ll i^ l,,-,| ,|iiile il,.-e I.. Kini; ,.11 llie Very l.i-l |i.ii •! N...ij;e Mieel Im .1 laim Ini-ine--. ll.e l.elln; > Ini-U llLl^llilieelll. The lli-lul) ul this eiilll|iany ha- lieell I. II. ,1 |.ii.;;ii — . The l.ii-ine— i- -..liil .iinl in itieiil.ii, li..ilii-lliii^ iiniler all ein iiin-lance- I'hi l.lll,, It |,ie-i,|i III ..I llie e lilteil Hi lelliellll) |..l llle |illlli -. t" ulli.ll il i- iml. Willi llit;!i eeililljis,' .iinl lieiite well li^;lllL'il, il i- ilmiiithll il S.>-..'.J»;;,ir:r-»j:-;:-;:;._ :-:>.^:^t..;.;L^3aBgad ..I I'ACTDKV OF tllAn. KOC.l-RS & SONS CO V. I.lMrTi;li. 'Pill". I><)MINI().N Il.l.l tSI'KATXI 1 CANADA I.Il'l-; ASSIRANCK COMl'ANV 1)11 1.DINI. -|S< r in x; |)iiKi.) THK I^OMINTON ITvM^STRATKI) *)r Ink IN'.kkhCih iiiiikk Si ikimi mi MnntkN I.AN- 1,1 \..K-<. Cannila l.ile Huililint;. Kin^ ttln-ei wrM. Thr |,i,i|.rii'hir« itf lUvsv ■.cImhiU hiivi- f\iry riM^'n In U-cI ^;f.iti tietl in iht' MicrfHM iiu-l \\itti in nlinnsi iw<> thinU r liuni lln- >r.u iSNN, ;ui'l llif liroi cil tin- -.rrii-- w.i-* fiMinttni m ^1. Jnlin, \ |;. \li-H>rs. \l.i\iMU' In^il»■^ .Hill i rm' rniiirlliut, w\u> mil ilirn ir^l'liii^; in New \nil,. urre ni%linl tuinmcln lilt I'll. \iiH-f lit New llniniuic-k .irul>h a^ihiH'Iiii St. | Iiy till" 1 "hii ' "mii iTintiiuleni nl l.i'f:. M:in. iHJitr liMiiclirt .in- ;il -intl Cit.iis in ihr si.itc i>t \i.iiiu-. Tlif asitini>tiiii|^ riipiiliiy \t iili \^ Mcli iliin oi^ani/.i tinii ifil ru.iy I't* >'m;iIIc.| h.i^ infrtM-^viJ, is ihf nhi>l |ii»it ivrpOMidhat tilt' witrk rarriiil md is licli) in lii^hr^tinmlion l>v tlir ;^,-inr.»l jiiililir. I "riMfily kiifwn .i> tlir linlii/ SiIiumI ..| |.iiii;ii.i^i*«. ilicy ;ui- niiu Unnwn llirnujjii.iiii tli-- cnnnliy ;is rh»- " Incn "■ (."i.iiifllii-r," tr<'tn ilic n;iiiu"' nl lh« |'ii'|iriiiiirs. Till lint^ti.i^cs liiii^lit ;tt ili{'->i' instiiiiijoiis .irr I n^liOi. I (inih. ^|i.inisli nnil It.ilian. tvhicli art- tlit* nii>>>i iiv'iiil t>i r.n^lish >.|irnkinK ii.iiii .i.iy ' Sinijily nniliin^. Tliis is diit: i>> ilif nld syslciti i\ltffrliy llifory \\,\s Ino much usnl. llic li>aclu-r liiinscli iini lii'int; siiHiuit-nlly I'lUut'isnni with his ■;iil.ji.c'. " '|■hl• lnL:r^•v I'l ulfllii-r ' nii-lliM.I t'ompiisL-s ilif twii fiiltiiwin^; jHinils: isi. I VTiy l,in^;ii.i^;c i- citmjm^cil nf a \i»'al)nI.iTy ii.v. K I hi li-i I'f u.ii«l-U'fil, ami Jml. » ir.unniar (i,f. I. the arl lit I'liitm;; iht-sc w.inJin^; prn|'crly tuj^rihrr. ' lainj j^ inaiK* ihil ilii- sJMiifst (iivsililc lufans arc atlupifii. 'I'lii' mcmIi (ilu\ 1^ Icarni in tlu* sainr way in whirli cliihlrci) learn their rwn fnnnui*, thai is, wilhiitit iranst.itinns. < Mijcri luacliin^ lir%i. loll'tw'iijliy tit-linitinnk. anti Ihmu^h the C'tnlt-vt, lit- ■.jll^.•^ man) niher w.\y< wiih u'liili irai her-, iie l.iunljar, has |iii.ven itiat the iiiliie vnraltiilary may he kMriu-iI. riiis is done |i» allitvv the stii.jenl In ihitik in ihe lan^;ii,ij^e lit' w l^^■ltnill^^ anil In ^nch perlectimi is (he luelhuil hrnii^ht ^ in a lew k-ssitn> he will name any ohjeci wjihuul liesj- taiiiin. Kamiliarily is a(-<|iuteil. aiiU!i!ints aci(iiire thai teelin^; in lan^ua^e ealUd hy the ( kt ■ man- " S|irail^;ehilil," Ihe laciiliy which enaMcs us tn u-II wlieilier a ^iven e\|ir(*ssiim incnrreci siniply l»y einisuliinj^ mir vnr. To leach the |>H|iil how lo -.jical, a lant^iia^i- i> alway- 1 he chief nhjeel. willing il l>einycim-«idered tmly ^ecimdary in iiiHi-iriance. I.very cHorl is made to make eat h lesson iii Ictiamin^. e the |iiililic musi iioi imagine lliat llie leiH'insare^uttitient in tlieniselvesio^ain iieilertinn, hir Imnie stinK i-; a!solar^;ely neci-s-ary. Tlie leaching; •'latl eonipriscs iiitii III ihntoiij;h eihicalioii and nati\ the coimiry w hose Ian^; ihey are teaching. Ttnis a ( ierman aluiu- lrai"hi-s lu-iman, a Irenehmari I reiich, ind a Spaniard Spanish, jly tins means those little peculiarities of evpressirn ami .iccini are thiirituyldy lifiiuj^ht oul. To niake the an of iLMrliini; as conipleli' a> )>o.'sil)|f, lessons are ^iven pri\a'(ly, 'till cli'srs never evceelin^; n ore than ei^ht individuds. r.i'i.lf* the re^^idat course, other lectures aie dt-livcred. to (\lilili pupils lia\e Inr adinissinii. Spriril arran^enuiils cin I.' made wheieKy priv.iie an.l puMie sihooK can ha\e tlini classes t.uij;lit Ity Ihe " Ingres ( '.lutellier "' prolessnr,, itiii- ;;i\int; pupils an advantage ne\er gained in educalinnal iotiliUi.ins, The Torniito l.ranch oi-cupies a nia^iiiticenl Miile of monis in the Caiuda I.ife lUiildinj^, Kiiij; sirti-t wesf, admiiatilv I'>caled in ih'* ciMiIral poiiion nf the tiiy, ami accessilite liy car- from all poinis \siih i-a>-i-. Iiisiiue- limi is ^i\en Iroin if i in. to <» p.m., and the olhce hours are 10 a.m. tt) *> p.m. Mr. 1 ietir^^e ( outellier isatihe heaij of 'iic ImidiiIo liranc'i, which he has directed with ptifcci sue- »(ss I mm the start. A of wide expeiiciice as ,\ trachcr, il iv at once seen that no oij.- inorecapaMe could he pnssiMy fiimd tn fntiil his .liiiii-s. I It- i-^ asNi>u-d hy a .-.laM, e.uli in- liiviiliial III which has proved liinistlf lo l»- a leacher of L;reai .diility. The melhml n-etl and tin- ceriainiy of ar.juir- inj; ,1 full knowledj^e of .i !anL;ua^;e eiisiires sut :ess to MesNts, Ingres \ ' 'outellicr. Till I i.:.t|AM\ 1,11 K lN>lK\\it (I'Vtl'AW -it N|\V \"ivi., Il '"••ers .\ Utiniie, Mana^ji-ts, p. Kim; --ireel west. 1 tttiiu-rly carrymi; < ii their operations wiiii M-Miin-al as the pliii of theii ('an.idian headcpi.Trlers, thf (.eimaiiia Life lakl\ iLinoved to loionto, lintlini^ thai this city wouhl he ni'iK i.inveiiienl and more cential lor their l>iisiiu-ss jn this ci.iihtn. Thiscompany isoneof ilie most pripidar of Ameriean iriMir.mce e.iiicerns, and dates its orij-in from •he year iSimi in N.\v \ nrk Trom that \ear the assets, uhich were Mien $?i>M4i«t.(K>, have shown a sit-ady inciease. until at Ihe ['(t'lut day they aimtiint to $i 7,(mm),ik(.).'H), and the surplus Is alii. lit seven times the orij;inal assets. Ihroui^hout the >s!iolet\tent <>l <".inaiia this company has become known as I'lK ..f the most re'ialile and sirai^liiforward concerns of this kuul, claims heing always paid in full and inimedialely. I'filicies are issueil hy them on all the usutI plan=, and, in ad- 'hli.i!!. on the " hoiid" and " duplex Iioiid" plan-, these two iaitii liL-inj^ n.osl aihanta^eoiis, hoth as re^;atds the in sural. If and the investment (i-atures. In January, iSS"), a new Hid de.servedK popular addition was made toiliealM)Ve plai> This is the dividend tontine plan, which ^;ives to the applicant the privitc^c of a tontine period of lo, 15 or 20 years. At the expiialion of these periodn ear. This fiiii'l 1^ moreover incrr.iu-d hy such inlerrsi as ihe com paiiy mav ils« If ohLiin, llius ^i\ in^ lo the assured a ma \ inn tin III dividends, without au) extr.i charge therefor. In addi- tion lo ihe divideii.U, the a-sund has the piivih^e, at ihe end ot the l.nilim- pi riod, to surrender his polu'\ lor the lull amiMinl of ii> h^.d rescr\r, whit h is delinilely si. tied and guaranteed in it. This nin!«rs i'vi-r\ divide id imiline poliev .in endow meni, ejlhei for its full face vali e ,iimI divltlends, nr for its guaranteed reserve and ili\ ideiuls, according .o the kinil of polii \ 1,1 ken. The coinp.inj nou 1 ecu pits extensive ollices .Il pi l\in^ street west iToiontoi, and its (anadian atlairs .lie luider the al.le .nanaj;emitil ol Messrs. jellers .\ Komie, to whom all e.imiminiotioits agencies ind par licularssl Id U- .iddresscd. In ihe conduct of its affairs many skilleil agents K-presenI the) ompany Inun the Atlantic to the I'.ieil'e, an\ one of whoin will he onl> too liappy to ).;l\e an\ de -ired inform.-iiioii. Till IlitIM M |\-t I I I Hi\ AMI iNst K \^< K (mMIASV «H (ANM'V. Mead Ollice K lis, .pis.t ( anada Life liuildinc. Kin^ street west : Mr. A. Iraser, secret.iry treas uiei. I'.sl.ililished in l.S;^, this cunpatiy has successfully operated an e\len.sive luisiness throughout Canada, heini: ih*" only concern eiiijn^^ed in this line of insurance, il incorporated l>v Act i>f rarliament with a suliscrihed capital o( $nni,u<.o.oo, having a deposit with ihe I iovernmeni of $vt.7--t ""'• The tnt.Tl am lunt of irisuiaiice in Imce at the cud ol iS'Hi was $1 ,7'>S, 1-1 |. and f,ft in the Canada l.ile huildini;. Sir .\le\ander C.inipliell, K.C. M.ti.. I.ifUlenant lloveinor of < 'ntario, still c.iniinues in the honouralde position of prcsideiii, tiein^ supported \>y Inlin I,. Illakie, Ks.]., vice-president; [ohii Hell. |->.i.. i^i.C'.. Uol.t. Henny, Ks.p. I-.. \V. h'athliun. I:m|., Hon. lu.lne Wilkinson, and Ceorge McM'.irrich. lisip, all men of known tmancial standing,'. Mi. Alesaiuler Iraser tilUwilh eminenl ahilily the respousihle pnsiiion of secretary tre.isurer, while \\t.^e C. KoMi acts in the capacity of chief engineer, iieiiif^ supported hy a slalf of trained inspectors. This com paiiy inspects Itoilers and insures ihe same a^'ainst explosion. In carrjinj; out their w.trk. elticient ami Ire ipieiil inspection ami advice as to the proper mana^^emenl of lioilers insured is inc.udeil in the policies issiu-il hy the lloilei liispeilion and Iiisuraine Company of Canad.i. I ii.ler this rej;ulai supervision the artual lieeomes known, defects hein^ di.scoveie.l when slij^ht, Iluis costing le>s lo repair, lor the same reason ihe hoik- r.s last loiij^er in coiiseipience of heini; kept in hefter oriler and carefully manaj^ed, the owner i'cin^; relieved -^f lesponsihility \ lar^e proportion of the income ise.i>ended in keeping up ihe in-'peilion to ilie most perfect stand. ird. w.)ikini; "H the principle that preveiiiion is the hesi course to take. Thai succes- lias allended iheir elfnrls is proved hy the fact that durinu the life of this cunpany eMtistr> has. in this a^e ol progression Imvards ninrc ciuiipk-le lile, adv.mced i.i an art, having the cnservative adherents to the .'Id time mechanical piocess nt rneie '*strenj;ih .iiul nuiscle."' In loronto the prnfession is repieseiiied l>y ahlc exponents; and amon^ the really accomplished dentists, whose professional iraininj^ .is well as their praciical ex 1 jricnce places ihem in ihe front rank. Mr. M. I-'. Snndi. wh" iiccu|iies verv handsome ipiaiters in the new ( anada Lite Itiiildinj; on Kint^sirei t. is deserving; of special mention in ihis work. Some idea ot the im mense pioj;res- which ha^ heen made in dentistry, and the aslonishini: dei^ree "I accuracy and perfection lo which its most deli, ate jirocc-ses have heen .airied hy the leaders of Ihe protessi tn, may he formed hy a woid picture .'t Mr. >miih's mai;niticent suiie of .tllices. luit to thomu^hly ap- pu-ciate it one must needs see il. Mr. Smith htxaii practice in this cily nn rooms .iver the Molsons Hank, thence 1.' his present spa cious ajtartmenls in the Canada l.ile Huilding which were designed and ainiipd spci i.illy ;or him. These otliccs are appmaihetl tt'-in the ^;eneial hy a wide hall, which, as il were, sets the* whole suiie apart fr.iin ihe others. At the end ol iht hall is the recci'tion mom ; It is a hands. unelv appoiute he pleasantly and pr >fil iMy en i^a^ed. I verylhin^ In ■ heerhil and home likr, the whnle inieiior of ihe iihiiu preseniing a ( Mnalionof harmoni oils linlin^^s and a ^jcner.d etUct of lefineincfil. f rniir this room nie lour doors leaditi^ to iK- dtltereni operi'iii^; looms, which iiiien into each oihei. In these rooms all Ihe hesi and iiiosi tlnhorale linings, iriHtiumrnls and app.iiaiu-^ nri' to he l"un.|. the uiolive povwr lor opii.iiinj; ih- various appliani cs Ih in^ ek-i-tiii-itv , .iiid ev i-r) ihir.^ nf the very latest in denial ,irt has heen pressed into the service. A lu w depariiire has heen made hy filling' up an electric plaiil, s.. airan^^ed ihal a sniall im anilesccut li^lrl ina> Ih* introiluceil into Ihe nn.uth nl the patient. Thus work can he . uried "U h> ni^ht eipi.dlv as well .is hy day, and thi- i- an advanl- a^e iip.iti which it is not necessary to dilate, tot'i-isc wfio h.ive known the pains ..f nn a. hin^; tooth. A splen-hd dre^s ln^; room and lavatoiy l.ulies is de-ervin^ .il special n fi lente. The lalHualotv is a most important ilepiitmenl and s pr.ivided with a douhle U-n. h. one side of whu h i hlicd with lathes; the other seating wnrknian em plo\ed on ^;n|i|, ruhher, and celhdnid wink. The liiinth operating loom is known is "the e^traclitu* roiun ' and sep.iraie h-iin the rest, as all ihe ainsihctirs aie adminis tcred heie. The fad tiiat we h.ive a deiilisl in 1 nlo like Mr. Srnilh. possessed of such foresi^^hi, laste and enlerpri'e, as well as ol the hi^;h standard. 'f profi iiin in llngland before mmini; lo iliis cil), and a-- a denial -iirgeon stands pre emiui nt in TorontK, his ctin. linual list of .jppointim nis speaking ehupienily of his evei inert. 1 ing praclice. Il been said, .ind not without rca -on, thai NIr. Smilh's parlors are fi'iut a point of corrijileie- iicss un-urpassed on this 1 uiiiineni. Till. TiiK'lMii ,S\\ INi.s ASH I.nw Ci»\ii-A\v, ( XVues in the Can. ida I.ife lliiilding. 4(1 King-sireet wesl. .\iuorig ilu- sewial fiu.incial cnrpor.iiions which have the cit\ of Toroiit.i .Is tlieir hi-.ulipi.irters, ih<- Toronlo Sa\iiigs and Com pail) stands lu^h. It jovinded in the \ear 1SS5 and has ni.uie gooil strides towards atlaining a le.iding position .•mongsi the tinancial institutions of Toronto. That it has been successful rn.iy he learned from the fnllowing figures: the authoii/ed c.ipii.d is ^j.mxi.tMUMX) ; tin- paid up capital am. Hints 1.1 $.pjo.(Hio.()o. whih- ihe Reserve hind has reached the sum nf $5o,i)(»OOii. The genei.d basiiiess of .1 |,,.in ( omp.iny is tr.iiis.n led and moiK> is lent on I'irsi class secur- ities su» h as m.iriga},;es upon real estate, deberilures nnd bank and loan companies* stocks. The savings ihp.irlmetit ennlribules an important branch of the work carrii.l on, and will be fomid !iy all, to be very convenient. e\erv faeilit^ being provided for s.itisfaclory oper.itioiis .if this kind, (■our i«.r .■<-ni inteiest is allowed nti all savings depnsii- h..ui ihe d.iv of mil) nil the bo.iks to the day nf wilhdraw.d, this amount being plaii-d lo the credit of depositors ar or longer. Debentures are issued In the com- p.uiy lor three m li\e years at h\e percent in annninls.if $i.,o or any of iis midliples. The directorate is|ioscd tif ihe following giiillemeii. .dl of whom an- well known in Tmon- lo circle's: U..berl laffr.iy. Ks»|., president : C.e.i. A. (ox, Ksip. vice presi.leiir: I-. (';. Cox. I-:s.| , |. R., Imj., ex-M. I', for Lind-ay. Out., and rhe Rev J. I'oits. D. D. Ml. .\. I-;. .Ames is the m.iniger, hiHilling his duties in a most .dile manner. He spent some \ears in the innne) maiket nt Tnronio. and is a inemliei of the Torontn Slock lixchange and of tlu- Toroii'o iSoaid of Trade, previous to which he was manager of ihetliiiaria Itank at Ml. loiest .111. I afierw.uds at l.inds.iv. The diieci.iiaie, un.ler llie esteemed ptesideiii. Mr. Robert lalhav, deServ e the highest credii for the manner in which they have tilled their [i.isi- lioris and co(iser\ed the intt-resis of the shareholders. \. M. ItwiiNo \ Ci... Real llsiate Ihokers. lot Ha, street. MX \eais ago this business was e-tablished. and since ihen has r.ipidlv grown lo be one of rhe largest jn The paitneis. Mr. .\. M. and Mr". T. M. Itanling. are Uith widely known in real estate circles throughout Uiii.irit) and Manitoba, in which provinces their opei-ilioiis .ire chiefly londucied. As real estate hrokers. ihis hrin eoiitiols an immense amount ol pr.iperlv in the above p«irlions ot Canada and in Toionlo. which thev sell at reasonable prii-es. I'hey undertake the work of placing estates upon the market, and the collection of rents and t\er)thing eUe in this line. Several large priiperties .ire c.intr.illeil bv them in Ontario and .M.mitoba. their business in the N.irih-Wcsi luini^ ;i ver) import. int one, and is ihe special hianch. 1 his tirm have I e.iuiihd otiites.u loi Rav sii..--i. Mr. r. \I. Itanling is well known al-u in insurance circles, biinj; connected wiih the Canad.i I. if. Company, harm property is also handled by Messrs. .\. M. Itanling \ Co., who have now control of upwards of $;o,()«k) worth of real estate. Roth gentlemen are natives .if simcoe County, and since carrying on business here have gained a leading and intluenlial posiiii>n, proof of the shiiwd and judicious m.nnagenient of their ahairs. Tin j are esteenurd in social as well as commercial life as prominent citizens. ^>, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. ^ % 1.0 I.I 11.25 1^ |2.8 2.5 12.2 2.0 L8 U ill 1.6 i V] THK dominion IIvMISTKATRl ) CL.Ni-l-UKKA'iloN tll-K AbbUCiA'UON ill ll.UINtJ rnSFKI'KUAiinN 1,11 F. A^soi UTI<>N. ManoKi'iU ^irtc- tor, J. K. Maolonnld; AclUiiry, \V. C. Mn.(|nn;ilut at will, theie are other insutuMons \\h\t h h(thl fun that cnnnol he drawn ; funds whi' h cniumi he M|iian- dered ; fuii(l> which are a< (un.iilaled for the lienelil ol fam- ilies when death ^teps in. ("onim"d(.re \andeiltdt once soitl : "Any foul can make money, hut it lakes a mi^;hly smnrt man to keep it *' Any '.ne who studies ( anadian life will tnid that tins is an axiom, and that iu results are (leinuard for a man'- family is a policy uik-u his life. It has l.een ^aid that in this iiuartertif n century out of laio men reputed rich the niajr>rity ha\e failed in Im iness, or died poor. Ii happens that many pers.uis hy a c-indpination of circum- stances have been eiiahhd, when mider 40 years ot a^je, to accumulate a furtunt, and then with a thin margin thty hope to l»et ome Kolhschilds or \ anderhilts, anrl the result has heen that they have lost ail anf their wives, who hail ^iven money to their children, have ^orie down on iheir Itendeil knees, in an emerpeiir\ olicy, they coidd not have i^nt ir. If n man coultl he relieveii of anxiety, there is no le'lmj; how loni; he miylit live. In Itolh Canadian and Amcri< ati life, it is IMTuli.irly noticeahle that the great mass of nien die from worry, liut if a man kmiWH that while earning enough for the support of his family, that hy some pr()cess that fam- ily will lit .uislainetl and supporteil when he is deal Richmond-sireel, extending from N'onge to N'icloria. This progressive Company was incorporaud .April 14, 1N71, hy special Act of I'arliament, and now has a guai.miee Capital and Assets of $4,ti,SS,(Kn). It is ;i purely Home < 'I'liipany w it ha 1 1 assets inxested in first class Canadian Mr rtgages, dehentures, and stcurities. Their premium r.ites are from to to 15 percent, lower than those of lirilish or .\merican companies. All policies after two years in lorce, are free ;,iihject orly to proof of age from an) olijecfion in regard to mis siatmient ipt (unissinn in the appli< atioii. Age will he admitled at an) lime upon reasnujlile piool. larlureit) prove age does not invalidate policy, i'rotits, which are unsurpas'-eil hy those of any other company traii- snciing htisine'.s in Canada, are allniai.d rviry 5 yar";. The Company issue all kinds of pcdicies, ami their .\nmiily Dndtiwment is one of the 'nosl desirahlcandattrnclive torms of Life Insurance contract ever offered to the insuring puhlic. It mndiincs prf the prohiss,- earned. I'.ver) thing that is pu>silili- to \n- done has luen accomplished for tliu advanl.ige and ci»nservation ol th> lici interests .if polieydioliiefs, ami the future prospects nl tin .Vssoci.ition ate 'if the uiosi la\orah!e ihaiacter. 'I'he Coin pany i ahly olficert^d, and its directors are noted in tinatii i.i! eireles |nr their iveciiiive .diilily, pnidmce, and steilinu inltgriiy. The Itireclor> fnr the ensuing year are : I'h'I dt-nt, Sir W. •'. Ilowlaiid; \ icr I'residents. Win. llli.-' KM|.,aiid l-:dward Hooper, llsi). ; Messrs. \V. 11. Ile.illy. lion, lames N oung, M. I'. Kyan, S Nordheimer, \V. II (.il.hs, A. McLean H.-ward. J. I». Idgar, Waller .S. A. L. Co.iderham, W . 1 >. Maihews. ( .entge Mitchell. an.i I. K. Macd..naht .Mr, 1. k. Macdnnald is Manav:im; hirtetor. and Mr. W . C. \l.u<|on;dd. Achiary. This ( miii pany stands today, as it has done lor many \ f' progress lor the lutiire than heen ohiained even in the past. Ml. |. K. Maedonald. the al.le and managing direilor is deserving of Ihe highest praise loi !i!^ itulelati^'ahle eUoris to pioinote the int'ieM-i i)l the 1 'tn pany, who are also nnii h indehted to the outlying |' 's|. under the llonrds of .Montreal, Halifax, nnd .Si. John t<>r n The IJOMINION n.I.USTKAXEI). 93 it ill yy stmt'nt, v\liilt' tht ii|>lct('. r.-irtici lf>s llinn <)»i |R'r ml ("I lliL' [Ki-I 10 >f llic priililssi' (ircis|>t(ts of ihf actei. Thf ("I'tn- nnli-tl in I'' inl lice", aliy llie reiioM ami one whieh iiiitsi lie very saii-laetoty to the poliiy holders that they have an ahsohlte cash surplus overall lialiililies alier uiakini; provision lor 1 very ItV that this eoinpaiiy has ol $jlj, 11117 d wlmi to this aiuoiinl is adil.d llie eapilal siiliserilied hy the shaielmlilers. $inii,oiio of which is paid up. and $000,1-111 remains as a seciiril)', we have in all $1,^12,11(17 as siir| liis sedirity to llie policy-lioldeis 1,1 liie company, in lad all those interesleil aiu to he coii^r.ilnlated 1111 the proud position wliiih the t'onfeilerntion lafc Assoriatioii occupies today. Tile Com/ iny"s ni.i^nilicetit new liuililiiif^ was liepiiu ahout uvo )ears .ij;ii, and will slmrllv he rea ty hir oeeiipaiion. llii- lieuililul slruclu e has an evtended lontaue on Viili|;e, KkliiMoml. aii-i \ ictoiia-slreels ol 4J7 fei I and covets an nil of 21,5(1(1 sipiate feet. There are 7 sloiejs ahove the i; level, and a hasetuent under the whole liuililinj;. Ihe lieii;ht from the lowest to the hiijhest II level Ikiiii; neatly loo feel. The lower in the centre ol the Uichiiiohd sliett,* rises III ,1 total height ..I .:l.| feel from the uraile line, and ihe two minor towns inail- the corners of \iiii(;e and \ icioria streets. The ha-e of the Imilditii; is of Connei-ticut hrown stone, and the remainder of the stone, used 'liroui;hoiil for cornices, sills, lintels, etc.. is reil .sandstone In in l'orta(;e laiiry i|unnies. The l^riclis used are of .1 rich lirown ihoco late color made especially hir this worl, hy the Toronlo Pressed llrick and Teri.i (.'ottal'o. to hannoiii/e wiili Ihe ■I me andllns h. union) ol lints t;reatly enhances the l.eauly III Ihe ilesi(.r|| siitlicieni contrast heinn ohtained hy the j;ieen sl.lle. Ill the roofs. The design is will conceived, Ihe UTi'lipiiiu of p.irts very eDecliial. and the liuildint; possesses a diunity unusual in a (hilhic desijjn. The coiisiruction thriiiuhoul is what is known as the slow hinnint; luiiieiple, lll.ll is. at e.ii-li storv there ate ,0 id heavy wooden lieauis aloiii 4 ,',.et .ipart caiiyiin; the llooiini; which is.uielhek ni-soi ; inch plank, aiul one I'lickne'-ii of inch;. liMv.ii;; the ,i-.iins open lienealh anil having the uiuli r side iifthe lloorin^ pliscieil, thus forming .1 p.itu-lled ceiliu);. II. lie case is there .1 lii.iin liiiill into ihew.ills; l,iite.i.h rests on a stone coil lel, so thai in c.ise ol lire tliev would sl"»ly hum and char, or fall free of. mil do no injiiiy to t, ".ill-. The v.iiilK, ol wliicli there are 00 in the Imililint;. aieenlioly hnproof. Iieinj; liuilt 011 solid f.aieda'iou Iroiii Ihe l..i,einenl. Theiiiiilier for the c-.|isiriiclioiial w oihIwoi k 1 eaetully selected liou^ |-ir, and Ihis is the hrsi iiili"- '' I of Ilritish Co iimhi.i tiinliei into 'loronio h.i j; hinidii 1; piiiposes. TiirtUMj; now lo the ar'.ini;e nil Ills ol Ihe hnildiln; "•' 'nid the lai(;e-l pile of in the lily. The Conlederalion I. if' ,\.sociation w II occupy the whole ol the lirst Moot east ol the m.iiii lower. The mam oltice is a room, im x y.Sfeel, and Jli feet lii^li .ind die l'":"'l 1^ n 40 \ jj feel. This main oltice is eiiiuhed wtlh lieaiitihd plaster cast ornament winch i- .piite iiniipie in Ihis Country and »hen completely decor. iteil this io,.iii will l.e -ecoii.l to Hone in the li'.niinion. In eoniieclioii with the C.iiup.iny's oltice i- .1 .securities V.iull Imilt l.y Messrs. I. ,\ I. Taylor, I'lironto. I who have also supplied all the vaults in the Imihlint;! at a cost ofovei $15.1100. It is IJ \ S V Steel hiiilt of sou,! metal 4I.. inches thick. 111 ide up o.'o thicknesses of I hloiiie steel .illd iron pl.iles allelli tely: with. .Ill i|uesti.iii il is the stronj-esl that has ever I .en hiiill in Canada, and he who would enler il with the aid of liiillny, hloH-pipe, or even explosives must he all iill. i/^i ii- III:, hiirnlar indeed. The remainder of Ihe luiildint; is laid out ill .illices. Tl-y are replete wilh .ill luodern irranj;.- iiienis .ind improvemeii s. ..ue iiiip..iiaiil point liein^; llial "•■"I) I n has lari;e Hillside windows thiis^ivin); ,; | li^ln and venlilalion. lAery suite ..I iwor....iiis lua a vault, at o a lav.itory There is not a dark cmridoi .iny where, .ill l.eiii.; Hell ll^lllell and ventilated. The l.iiilditi|; is healed Willi steiin, and o|k-ii lirepkiies are plelilihilly ilistril.iited thr..iinhiiul i-acli Hour. 'The veiitil.ili..ii an iii(;eiiu til will l.e vn.ike.l l.y an exhaust Ian driven l.y 1 lei liicily supplying lioi 111 in winter and col air in smiimei, and coiisinnily ihawiiij; oil the vilialed air. Ilmh electric liirht (;«'* is sup |ilie,l 1,. every room in the huildini;- The main staircase is hull; of iron, the steps lieinj; ol sl.lte. reslin|4 on iron siren Rei-. There are 4 lame elevators of most recenl and iiiipi. .veil make. They will he run hv clecliicity. On Ihe l"P ll....r isn l.irj;e .^ssemhly M.ill. Supper kootii. and .\iile " ii..|.iltilor's i|n.irters, and .1^ie ..ud h.inilsoine lava lull lor|;eneaal use ol ten.inls tin addition to those ou c.ich llooil. The Kenetal inside finish is of whi;, 0.1k wilh cal.inel l'" The principal entrance hill and ve-tdmle .ire lined «iih iiiarl.le, .111,1 p.ivedwiih M.isaic. Theafhitectsol this hi.iulilid structure, which ii indeed an orn.iment to the 1,'iiieu City, are .Messrs. Kniix \ Klliol, andihe conslruc- liiinai siipeiintelideiit, \lr. I. \\ . siddall. Sm h i- Ihe new liiiiue (if the Confederatioti Life Assuciatiou. TiiK TnuiiMii tfui.KKicti Corset Coinpaii}, C. .Mi' ward, manager. 4(111 \'iiii^e street. "There are man)' maiiii f.icliners of corsets in Toronlo In fad Ihe nho'i- of the l>oiiiiiiioii of Can.ida is supplied h) the mamilacturers in tlie •• (.llleell (.'it)." Wiltliu the p.lsl twelve montlls a new loncern has l.eeii loimdcd known is tin- Toronto Ordeoil (.'oisi-i ( ■omp.uiy. and is under the .ilile iiiaii.ioi-niiiil ol Mr. C. Millward. 'The premisis occupie.l l.v the companv arc ixUllsive and well lij^hted. The) aie lull) nlllipped w il h .ill the machinery, tools and ap|iliaiices necessary in the m.imifaclure of corsets. The)' have a I'ronla^e 011 Soii^e street of sixtedl h'et and a depth of one hundred led. ■The flout of Ihe store is ilii.-d wilh a h.indsome |.l.ile );l.iss wiiiil'.w Itehind wliiili are anau^ed ^oiiie ol lliej;oods iiiaiui- 1. 11 lured hv this concern, 'llie si,.ck comprises a lai'^^e i|il.tiilil) ol the valiolls iii.ilerials iisid ill the iiianuf.lduie of all kiiiiis ol sta)s, corsets and iliilihen's T! 1,- p|..\liieiil i- oivcii to ei^hl inipdelil persons who ate iiniiir the inana^eiiii lit of .1 skilled loienian The c pall) have only lieiii in exisleiice -■ me lew iiioulh-, I. ill the 1.1.1 lll.ll till) ill.lke their |4oiids Is in ilsell e yh to seciiie for them a wide and e> .•r-increasin;^ | atron.ii;,-. 'This linn has commodioits pailo.s lor lilliii^ ci.r,ets lor pincli.isers to insure s. isfaciioi. Mr. Millwanl, the iii.ina^er. is a fetilleuiaii of Ioiil; e perieiici- in the l.usiiu--^ .111.1 under his 'al.lei;ui.l.illi'c the .01 nil Mill .l..ul.|l. s. make i.ipi.l proi;n-ss. Mus. 1:. III. will, liiipoitir 1. 1 ,111.1 li.-.ilii ill Dr) Ii Is. ,Sj(i N'oiii,'!- sir.el. for collsideral.l) iiM 1 aipi.iltel ola.iiitini .Mis. Ilewelt has controlled tlii,|i>liiiii'iit with 11111,11 k.ilile success, in.ikini; il one ol the most popul.ii in Noith 'Toninlo. 'The loundalion ol this thrivino con- cern l.iid ill the )ear I.Sdj since which tiiiit- il shown .1111111. d growth in llie anioiinl ol hiisiness done. Mr-. 1-.. Ill well is .111 importer .ind i.lail de.der in iliy ;^o>.,Is .iii.l ..icupied .1 St.. !!■;.. Sjli \..ii^i sir. It which l> piomineiill) >ilii.ilee)ond doiilil lo Ik- a most ahh tiliancier ns well as .1 lapalil.- m.iiiai^ei. 'The 1. of directors i- composed as I..II1.W-: Joliii II. I;. M. .1-011. i:s.|,, ; U. W. .sheplierd. T-.p. 1 ice pri sidi-nl ; W. .M. .M.icphiison. Tlsip, S. II. TiwiiiL;. L-i|., W. M. U.iin-ay. I\-p. Ileiuv .\ri-lii- T'-ip, and S.imuel Iinl.-), T;-i'|. Mr. I. \\',,|lei-lan Thoiiia.- is ^eiiei.d luanaiiei. and Mi. -\. It. Ilinnlord Mil-: MOI.SO.NS HANK THK nOMINlON Il.r.nsTRATKn Thi^ is the bcsl iiirpiisc iiini'Iiini- in thr woilti Pi sa «« •« :?^Wp^ CANADA OFl-lCH, i^ I'ROVT STRll-r Wi:sT. TOKONTO. ONI'. I-.. I CiiU'tKinraiiil l.iirKf I'nttiphli I wurk 1i;is tin »tjii:il. I'KHUXTJdN ■(;' (Ti:..l. ■nil l'o«tT ntiil Tu ;ull<'. C;ip:uit> one -i\l< » mil In .»\< r '■t \■t•^^ t i^hllis <>f an iiu h. Ni;W VORK OHI ICi:, CLINTON IIAI.I.. i; Asl..r I'LACi: -| I»Ol»Kb HROM IlkUAi \V. J'KK1'Hi;t10N C ' iTradt- Murk Hi Kistt-rt.l.l Tliifl Cul rrprpfienlN the n:oitt pcrltrt aud lupid tutmiPK iiiachiiK t v* i in: nun < iiim i!. CapBclty one thcvl tu qiiarler uf an inrh TMK J. I.. MOKK18SON CO. NbiW VOKK ANU TORONTO.- (Jiec nexl page.) Tin-: ])r>MiNi()X li-i.irs'rK.vPKi >. 95 MK. |. I. MORRISON, Till. I. I-. M'MvUi-...N C'n . Xl'W \'»«rk iiml Tomnhi. Witliin llic |u-.t tlec.ulr a rumpnny has Intn fnrinL-«! iin'Nr iIh' II nut' ul lliL- I. I,. M'lni'un ('■•., i'in.'r.iiiii^ ilifiii^ipoui llif NiiiiTican c.inliiK'iil, with uMici_'> in Ni-w \ mu .mi Toiiiiito, titr the nianufaclun' atnl sak- nf :i win- -.liicliinu niachiiit', fnr use nf Imukltiiultrrs, iirinU'i<, ^'a!il>|u■rs. inpci Imi\ makers ami ollicrs. Tlii! nanu- of llii> lumpany is The I. I.. Mnrrlsim ("i». . ami ils huaii ntlitu is in lliu ( ■liiUuii II ill I \^inr i'lao- ami Ij^IuIi .siuvl I, ruar t'l Uroadivav. \«w \'iik. I'lu- urnani/.riif llii> cmuiiaTiy i> ilic jji-nlkinan lr.>ni whiim ii lakes iN iiaiiR-, J. I.. Mi»rrisr»ri. a -At-ll kii'-wn ciii/ni «ii r-T'iiiiM. ariii ihc success ol the coini'any rmist he L-xtec'lin^ly ^ralilyin^ tit liiiii. The machines niaile In ihi> CKinpany are known as ihe ■* I'ciieciinn '" Stitrliini* \|.i< liints. They arc niaile in various styles anil si/c-,. luini; pnitecliMl hy reni>lereil iraile marks as, A, !!,('. I), r, K c. II. Aj. I!j, cj. I).*. i:.i. i:i. n. v, a iif tl. em arc driven hy steam |im\\,i ^nly. while 'iiliers av.' Cnn-.inictcfl s'l as to lu us -d hy sieam and find [mwer. *tr fnr luiiii and treadle work, or lnr liand w.iik ni.iy. The vatie'y 111 machines and their ci|'at'diiy is very ^■^l^■n•^ive. a-, may lie iii-l};iii from ilu* iiiiinl'er of sizes and styles ma cui.jneni, and \\\h ri.\cr e\hiliiled, have i^.iiiuil the Iiij;liesl pti/es. the lalc>-l hoiiurs in tliis direeti.-n bein^; a medal .>f excellence ■nvantc'l liy the American liisiiiule in iS(Kt. Ilu- New V trk ■.nice is under the manaj;emeiU of Mr. A. (i. Mackay, lh( f'.in.idian oltice. located at jS I'ront-siieel west, Toron- to, Uiiii; under the nianayement ol Mr. lames Ihown. .1 (linr waieiooms, a hill line of machine^ is kept in stock, a^ well as machine parts, ami a lull line of hiiokMnders' and U^\ makers' round ami llai w ire. know n as the *" I'eileition ijii.iliiy, al mill prit e'<. This last 1-^ the liest doulile tinned liesseiiier steel wire, made in the lollowlii^ si/es : Uomid wire \os. iS. ki. ji. 22, 2], 24, JS. -i". ^7- ^N, ^n and ^o ; ilai win Nos. ro, Ji, J". 2\. 21. J5. .'.'. _■ ;. Jo an«l jn. |i i-> wiirdiy of mention lliat thi-' com|i.uiy is lnoked upon hy ihe ti.ide as llie l« a^st yrade of workmanship and nialeiial. TIkv have m.Mie what mii'lit he i-allceedily as po^^ihle after lec.ipi of mdci. Till. I'WAt'i \s I'aiki —s (if . Cneral < Hiires, M-.ntre.d. Main ..itu-e for f.mada. 55 am 5; \ oii^e stud, Ttironlo. I. 1'. Iiwin. manager The hi mry ol" the s\>tent ot iiaiis l^'it.ifp'iu and express, forwan 'iif" imw c p. 'eiieally the record ol the ""iim, irj,,| |iin|;ies, i ti ( '.Hiad.i. ' here is [ diaps no com "III. 1 ; , nterprise that inlhieiires and ^uaj^e- >o markedly tile ^;i III ral l>llsincs^ inliri'st ol a ounlr\ in all parts a-> does ^11 1 \pu ,s ciimp,iny. Tims it • .rnis peculiarly contpalihie Willi ihc nhject .if this eoinprch nsive work d.voted to the trade- . Hid indii-lries of T'opiir .. that ihu .iml tilling; tepre sc-lHaii.'ii >hnuld lie made o| the hadinj; espress c.inipany licre, and most promnienl if Canad.i. The (".niadian . h.ii.u It ii/,d ihi tuuipiist -iiK-e il> roumlation, am' ti.i> i\ri lelKiied credit iijion the tlrsi manager, Mr. ( Cheney of Montreal, who hy his eiicrj;y and ahility con- triliutcd l.t'^ely to its success up to the year lS()5 is mm president. Since that date the progress of the compatiy has lieen even more rapid and marked, and it has extended hramhes in e\eiy town and eily throuj^houl the nmninion. The otiices in loionlo were the lirst alter M-mtreal lo he opened, ihi- lieiii|; in 1S50. .md it mitdil he siiiied thai the lnisine-,-, ttaiisacteil here in many cases exceeds that of Montreal. It was mil until iSdoihat the present man.ij;er, Mr. |. I). Irwin, wa-^ appiiitiled. and im-». promote«l ill a maiuiri exeeptinnall) i^ralilyin^-, n ihrliii^ upmi liim the hij^lu't credi! for eiien';). iiileipii-e ami aliilit\. Tluir p)emise>ani.e in use. which of .nmse iiielmles s|ilemlid ojines and si.irerooms, .ind evei) laciliij is alfoided hn the Lipid .iiid ea^\ pioseciitioii of this imporiaiH luisiiies-,. In the iii\ eiupto\iii,iii i^ hiini hed lor sixty hands, while as in.iii\ .Is twtniy ti\e ri^s jnd;;;ons arc icipiired, which l,i( Is will i;i\e -..iiir ide.i ol the magnitude and exleiil ol ihe Ini-ini s, hrie, I loin tile lore^^ojn^ idea of the l lo hiuiiit s, ni;iy III' hnnud. while to eotnpiehend ihv i -I. i^t- iiiid I' routes, and all under one husiness head, I he Canadian l-Apress Company. Il would hi- useless i.. I iiiiinei.i'e ihe list of railw.iys and lianspi.rta'ion lines with whi-h they ha\e niitiut lion, the hillowiii;; hein^ a parii.d list : TheC'I". U. and all ils hr.niehes ; ihe ( anada .\il.oitie ot ; Ceiitr.d Vrrmoni ; N.ipauee, T,nuw : Alkiii .md hoiuiiiion. l;.i\ of |-"iindv. New Ihuiiswiek A \o\.i Scotia, r. 1:, Island. 1 nipres. line. 'the ioioni.. lakes, ihe Northwestern, Sariiia \ Diihilh, while ihe hesi t.f le i; K in summer, and iliey ;;uarantee .l■;aill^l Itosi in winler. This extensive and iilial'K I ompanv r.iiiks .nnotiL; ihe lonniosi in the world, as ihe loll.iwim- lai-'s piove: Iluv issue money orders at all points in Canada on their line-, ami to over |o.rKx> places '.,\ the I'nitcd .'states, and in their wide rauj'e of business em- pl"») over iJtK) pcisMiis. In T.ironlo the business continues |.. iiicreas,' trom vear lo y.u, due kui^ely lo prudent and I any is well isiabli-'icd .md bioad based oil ca(iital and ihe people s will, and it is onl\ jair to assinue ami perh-clly safe (o pndicl that in the hiture it will conlimte to pro^^rcss, and maiiuain ils present disiiiif^uished position as the first express company of Canada and second lo none in the world, j. KwvcKii \ C.I.. Merchant Tailors. 2].\ f,)ueen Si. Kast, C'arlyle's lUoi-k. This old established " firm of nier- chani tailors has lon^; hehi a very promimni position in Toninto ill this line of business. The foundation of this concern was laid as far iiaik as ihe year iSj \ by Mr. |ohn I'awcelt. the present proprietor. At 2\4 (.hteen stu-et llasl a three st.irey siruciure 25 x too hit in dimciisinns is occupied |oi the business. Tlitiiu^;h ihe exicnsive plate ^lass wind'iw is seen .1 s|.|emlid .issuriim iii of dntli samples while the interior is lilted up wilh evervthin;; neees..iry lor )>i'iperly displayiiij; the imnierous cloths. Iniporied and doinesiic tweeds, cassinieres, woolhais. etc.. lor lrowserin};s, coatings. et<-. are set-n in i;real piohisioii of ihe best in. ike and bear ill}; the l.ibri and im.iiiuI.u iiiier of woild wiih lame Messrs. laweetl \ Co. alwavs a .oinpleie stock of the latest styles on hami to meet the ever chaiit;in}; w.inl^of tlu ir customers. The hrm are fashionable merelianl t.iilors and siricily adhere lo this line of business ^jivin;; iheir patiiiTis lull saiislaction in lit, linish and siyh-. All orda-. are lilled upon the I'reinises by a stalf of lifteeli experienced tailors under the personal sujiervision o| the proprietor, liy this means he is eiiabhd lo eiisuii' 'he hea woiklm his ciisioineis as he is a culler ancl tailor of ni.itiy ve.irs expr rieiu e. Toronlo and all parts of ( )nlario contrilmle lo sciii clieii'.s I.I his siore aiul each shows an increase tiver l!i'- pri vioits .me in the amount of w'. rk carried on. (1. A WkKsI-.. Wh.ilesale, impoiier .ind d.aler in IS.mkrupt Stocks, 41 Colborne siu-el. The name o) i',. A. Weese is widily known through, .-u the country a^ tint of a 111, in of i^ieal enterprise and )>iidi Oper.ilin^ a strictly whoKsalr business as a j--l)lier ,md iiup.iiter he als.» dials \erv lar^el) in bankrupt stocks, which, is his sp.'nsis|ed in s|a^;e coach tiaiisporlation tlirini^;li Canadian forest ylooin, limited kn-ilities. a lew hufsi-^, iiu-n and w.i};(.;ons. I'r.t^iess .uid stability have Ol'HICK Ol- Till-; C.ANAlJl.VN ICXTRKSS CU. *,6 TMK 1 )OMTNTON 1 M.I ISTW^VrtCU- IMl'KKIAl, UANK OI CANAUA i-:srAnLisiiMi:NT wm. kapam Micitoiti-: kii.l)-;h co Ut-i. $i,«)jo,i<)2. ru^i.k-ii', II S. I|..\vlaii«l : \ ii»-l'i. -i- .k-m. ■ni..m.i> K. \K-iiii! ; C.i.lii^T. I). U. WilKk- -.\ii\ .ii- tL-in|>l to r(-\ic\v lliu tnaiuifniiiiiinL; niitl i-oniiiu k ir--'nir\r^ III :i lar^L' lnuiiu ^- ccntii- like rotMhi.Miiii^t ^ivi- a \' tsUitin nt the tlr-i iiiii"iri,iin\- li> ilic Uaiik^ aini niniu)!.- i iii-.iiiuti"ni%. riuy linlii ilii- \i\v.\\ MU'linHi u' t\> lian^r Iniwi-i n ira'U tin- Ires, ami Miiupy ilii' |'ii,iii,i|| ..f n Niiii-. In i wvcu -li lii'ti - aiiil irv4ii.n>. 'I'liL- ■':if.i>". aiul al'ilii) 'ii>|.!a>i-.l in lluii man- am.'nunt Inrin an itn|;nit link ji) wliicli In e-^tiniale an»l value the t-innuunia! >t.inilinLj nf the eoinhuinity wheri- 'heir inlliience i> iVIt. and a ih»sc in-.)ui-iiiMi nl iht_ir re-i'iu* r-. j;i\e^ a vahialile iiultA lii the t ">niliii.'ii ..| all i'li^ine^ iniir- esl-^. 'I'Ik' I Sank of I'n^laml, the tni)>t ini|iortiinl lin^mial in-'tilution in (he uorM, ua- im urptttaleil in Ido^ : in tin lolluwini; \>-ar the l!ank "f >».';l w.i- in-iituied, ami in 17SJ thr I!ank nf«l -|nan}; inli* e\i>ieMiv. Sii.i l Ih 11 time tlie hanking '•y^Itln lias exlenileij to all pari".'!) iln (ivili/ed UitrM, ami ('an.iila is in a |«i-.itinn l<> Intact >il ,i>, marly jn-ilut i sy--ii in .1- ;tny. Am 'O;^ llie l-e-t kn^wn ani»niini>m is tin- Ini luri-il Huik of Canaila. 'I'hi^ insittutinn wa^ iiii'<>i|>iiiaii'(I i)y A' t "I I'arlianunl in 1S74, anil it|Hneil it> d 1 ir> tor liii-.i- ne^> on the thsi of Manh. iHy:^. \\^ hi^Jitry-imv lliat time ha-- hern one iil' -itady iiini^re^-. and di^ elo|.iiu-nt. ' The lir-^i hoard of direi'.t.r> e-n^i-led of II. ." . "l.-wJand, Msij. (late \iie-|iie-«ident of the Canadian Haul. , ' >.|ium ni 1, Win. Kamsay. I'.mj., Mi-s.^r^. |ohn >miih, r.iitir k liiiijlu-', K-ilu-ri ("arrie. T. K. \\ ai!s\\nrth. and John I i-Ken, \vhle 1 >. U. Wilkie, I-!s«|., (o'lneilv niaii'j^er nl lite ',).irhr.' I J.dik, TMronto, wa'a))|iMiiueil C;uhi<'r, a |josiii..n he Ikin luld with the hii;lH st distinction ii|> lo the present ti'Ue. In 1S75 auihuriiy was obtained lioai I'arliaiiieiit for ihe aMnli;aination of iln- Niagara I'istriii Itaiik with the Imimial, the former hiin^ merged into ll.-«- laii* r in :hc -im*- yiar. Iliis aMaii^emeiii slreti^^ilu-md Ihe lioard of tin- Impeiial Itanl; h) the ar tjtii^ition nf 'I'. Iv. \lerrin I!s(|.,and the lai-- lion. >iuia'or I{en-."n, the former heinj; the pre-idenl and the hitler ilu' vice I'M sidiiu o( ihi Nia^jaia |li--'ric' Hank, vvho-i- Ik-id- «|iiarters were at St. (atluriiKs. Sini e tlien the Imperial has suecieded heyond ihf ispi rt.iiions of iis fomideis, and, from .1 (omp.iratively stiiall inoiiuition, ha* ii>in to a hii;li po-ition in ".he tsiima'i'iii of iIr- pulilie. Thf capital -lork (pai I ii;d now stands at $l,*».t().lw7, uhih the re>t atnoimls i»p $1,020,292. The nnmial ri-p Tt for th-.' jiast year shows a hi^^hly salisfar'ory >tati- of .ilVair>. I )i\ idends upon the stock ha\i' Iteen rt-^ularU paid hoin the hi -.t day of the opin in^ of the hank, and h.i\i- a^'L;re^aii-d $1 ..|2_i.7(i7, or an avira^e of 7 '+ per n ihen-lo a lioiius ot I prr eenl., amounting in all lo $171,622 80. Sinre iS«m the n-st ai count has lie«n im re.i^rd I>\ $5ti,(MH), ihi* hank premi>es ae- eounl ha.s hrcn rrediltd with $'».27(f.(»i : th<' timd io .■ over rehale ' 11 hilK dis.omitrd 'urrent. has hfeii snppleini nied Ity an appropriation ot $.1,655.74. The nlloiimnl to sli.ire holders of $5oo,ockj new stock has been taken up to the c\- icii! o| $.pii.(Mi.i Ih. dcpo-ii- and no!, 'irndiiion ol the hank h ,ve im rea>ed datiiij^ the \c.ii to t.n sum of $l,,;2'i,- '"' i\\ 21 hranclu ■. of the lia'ik, in« liti'.iii;: the . ,. 1 -. -■- - tiL-ad oliic.-, anai led uiih a ^\.steni .nid rii;ii- l.uity which he 'peak ^o id inaiiai^crmnl. llranelu •• in Manitoba -Acre opened in Winnipeg and Ihandon in |N^2, and the bank ha- ever since takin a prominen* put in the th\i'lopment of that province and of ilu- North Wcsi i^eiier- ally. Ihanches were afterwards opened in I'lHta^e I. a I'rairio and ( ali^ary. A was opened durinj; ihe pa-t year at Mdmonmn, Albeiia. « hile the new premises at Ihan Ion (die pi'ipiii) ofihi'bankl have been in op.'r.ition since the l_ilh of \lar i.f the ( i..\ernnieni of the provinceol Manitoba, and makes a spi-cit!ty of all Manitoba and NorihWest business, having; ^o » I ta :i lilies for tratisferrin^; mone\s d-jHisited w iih an\ o| Us nltieers in ( )nl.uio. or wilh its agents in (.real Uiiiain il.loxd's Ikmk, liiniiedl Timmi ihos" poini- to any point 111 Manitoba, the \' inh Wesi Terlllor^e^ and Itriiish ( 'ohnnbia. 1 onntry bram lie^ are .ibo open at the lollowini; points in < hitario : M. ( aiherines, Wtlland, N'iaj^ar.i I'alls, I'ort Colborne. In^ersoll, Woodsloik, viall, Fergus, St. Thomas, I'.ssex, Siull Ste. Marie, Uat l'orlij;e, at all o[ which .1 jiiiural banking business is nansacied. A savin;;s deparlnunl is attached to each branch, every faeiliiy ln'inj; atlonlcd lor the d -posit ai interest of larj^e and sm.ill suni--. The Itank abo makes a speciall) of ( ioveinmini and muni cipal d- bentures : il has lloated nmre than one is'-iie ol de beniures of the < ity ,i| Toronto on the l,on'Jon market, and has lieen a lari^e purchaser nf those and other hij;h class secmities. In -h'Ut, every facility, of which ihe modern system of bankini^ has taken advania^e, i-. -•tiered tu ihs custoniers of ihe Imperi.d I'.mk, and that ii -. elioiis in ihie direciion ha\e been appieci.iiid i^ e\idenced by the sin< ■ss and iHo>.pi,iiiy it enjoys. The bank is .ij^enl in t'anadafor iheCheipie Itank of London, I!n[;land, .ind is.ues eheipies upon ihal bank avail. ible in every city and town ol an\ im portanee in eveiy pari of ih'- world, ihn- alfordinfi liavellers Ihe same i.icililics whirls cmld otherwise be obiiin-d only ihroii^h a letter 'f eredi!, biil wiihoui Mu annoyances .h lo idertih.aiinn, etc., which nii,i;hi be, and often are. inlhc|.-d uimn the holders of such . K Wilkie, l"-i|., I lie able and ener^iiu ( '.i-.hier, who has brmi^hl his many years of bankini; e\pi ri eiiee lo bear on the alfaiis of the Impeiial I'ank of ;*aii«'i. wilh surh evcilleni resfihs that it now siands anmnj; dn foremost banking insiituiions o| the country; Mr. I!, bn nin^s, A-sistani Cashier, and Mr. h'.d. Hay, Inspector, ii.'il: gentlemen ol lar^;e ,ind i.iried expeiience in linancial mailers. \V\i. K\!'\M Mil K'Mii- Km t i-:k Ci'., 120 kinj; street wc-t; ("has, W. lanan, manai;-.r. t )ne o( il-.e j;reatest discovirii- of niodern nudicine is i hat disease is caused by the pres.iui of mi'.'robes in ihe bli;tid. The re\elation nf this evir.i ordinary f.ict has almos. entirely revolulioni/ed the >y>iin; of medical therapeutics. The » is lf\ destroy the rnieroi.e or bacillus of tlie disease aii\v I city c nincil and Hoard oj Tra-ie, which surely ouidii to In ■.niVirient i;iiarantee ol iis genuineness. .\mnn^;si the im in bers o( the ci nip.iny who manufacture this article i% llu tirih of Northrop, I.yman A ( "o. , the well-known Canadian Jruc house of Ironl-street, Toronto, and since its introduction ii. lSi)o the remaik ible inciea^v in the busin)-ss done has 11c ressitated the estalilishmenl if ten agencies ihrouiihoiii iln country. Sinmn, Cobb .\ Co., one of Ihe lar^;eM wholesale dru^ houses in ihe Cnited States, Incate'l ot Cleviland, Ohio, are abo cnnmrted with the Can.nli.m con^pany. The store oc-rupied by the company i> a lar^e one, wilh hamlsnmc plale ^-lass window?. A space of |i\c thousand sipiue bel is used, ::nd the ju^s mn lainin^' the valuable remedy -in piled from t5 >nr to ceiling;. I our employees are kept constantly at work execulin^ iu-l shipp-ni: nrders, which cmiie in larj;e numbers by i\tn mail. Tiie medicine is use 1 for all diseases, and the )nir chaser is only asked tosinle for what ailment he re< ri III ;*.in tii. -i.ituls ivnintn' il.i iry : Mr. Il, l.n V, ln-|>cclnr, \»i>l ncc in t'lnaiicial ) Kin^; street wcM: rt'at^^t ilisifivtrii! i hy lliL- 1 tfi-.i . net ion. of this cxir.i iii/cil the ;«)>i(.iii raclilinncrs \u-\\ c (listMM- nii'i ii ich willcdect Illi^ list ii|nm a p.ik-i!' mhilcnt anil ikli )ii ill lliL* iitti \v:i) nil u-'cful ri-itiiih will Mirdy "h"-.!! has rLT(i\tlrii:; it> iiitrniliii'tioii ill fSS (lotU- lu- > lhi«'iij;h<'iii ilii ol the lari;o: talt>, liuMU'i .11 Il I he Caiiatlinii lie C(»nt]inny !■• uiiiilows. A I llu- ju^;^ Kin 1 ti >nr to ctilinp. rU ext-eiMiii^; ;ii il mliets liy i\cn ■>(>, aii'l ihi' I'lit nt he rr'juin ■ thi Ictl iiiirnfiiiat'.'v lie, tarefuil) I'f • useil with fill' (:<>m|iaiiy's rfj'ii ftiicitnt aiiil ;>lilt' have in a I yi^^ ■inetly Itefnti tin N iiMiiicnsf -.ill- I. Ml, Mr. 1. .\ Ir. I. n. M.Kin ^; (tiiectfr. ( ^'ll^ 1*HK nOMINlON lULtJHTKATKJ » n? \l. \h Cmnm.i 1 . \ l)t;iK-i in l.ii|iior>. 4i I Mllntnu- ^ilreel. .\ (■.iictiill ex.iiiiinaiinn nl the |ia>i hi^- ^"ij ami |iieM-iil <ii ul 'I'tininlu's varums enmnurcial t iih'i|itiM-s and iiiiliisiiial iiiNiitiiiiniit reveaU not i>:,ly the tael tli.i: their ^;iu\\lh. ahhini^h in niaii\' in^l.lIl^e^ .ilinomial, ha^ t'.Tti tin- n-^iili <>l llu- .i|ti'lirali..-.i iuees-- iiii^hl ha\e lieeii reaMiii.iltly aiilie' >leil as the re\\ar elluris math- n»*i nnly t" meet tl;.- i;ri.rtin^' ileiiiamU t)I the iiiirease in llie in irkel-. already eini- ii'ijl.d liy this (vnter Inn alsn iiilliat exiendetl area niereased .iinl improved . iMniininie.\lii)n IkhI made pO'ssiUh- and it was l.irilrly o«in^ In ihe I'aet hy le.ili/iii^ .\\n\ prtix idiii^- Ini llii- i; [Hissiliiliiii .. ill llu- iK.n ruliiie tlie\ wei'- eii;iMt tornurlv onl\ I'r.iviiuial. Il i- now hardly hound liy the ronriiu-s n\ ilie Dominion itself. Il was this honest eiilerprisinj; indiis- irioii^ elVorl of lur eiii/iiis in ihe \.irioii> avenues o, coin ii'cirial and indiisiiial lite ihe iisiiij; lo ili; hill of evei> ii|>|>niiuiiily oltered ihal has plared the < ity in ihe enviable I't'iiiiin in v.hieh il is to il.i) aniiil. jnailvin^ its proud ilile •rtlii' <,)ueiri City o| the West. In .ilniosi t-vt-ry department "I I 'iiiuiiereial lite minierous inst.inet. s may he found of men vv 111 > have e.inied a re|iuIation of vvhieh they may he justly pii'iid and havi- st-riired a deservetl compeleiUeney who III siill in llu- prime of ;\ vi^tirous manhood and aeti- ul\ ( ii;.^a}^ed in eoiHhi'iiii^ itie hiisiness^-^ tluy have- hitilt '1)1. .\nd iliis is i.,pi-e'..*.l\ the easi- in the htpior trade. 'it which Toronto has heeii ton^ famous a fact '.isil\ recalled to llie memory of Canadians hy ihe menliavis and Larry C'osj^rave.hiii ii I' i.iihcr to ihc WnoK-silc Traile llial we desire to direct 'ih iiiioii i-i this .iriiile such hein^ of nioiv tlireci and per-.ii-, ai-unicii .ind menial .uiiv itv .ne iii'hspeiisalile lu■l\^.llich to success in lliis a^c of active .md in some 'ases uii-i inpii oils eomp.-iiiion, and we have iheretore miicli plea -iin III calling our readers aiicniioii lo ihe name ol tlic^;enilemaii "inii|,.iu-d al the he.i.l .if ihis .uli. le Mr. McCoiinell Whole- -iK Wine and Licp.ior Merchaiil who is prohahh oncof ilu- liesi Aiii! I'losi favourahl. known men in llie Dominion in this line, ^' I n,iiin.dlvof a ipiii k decisi\e iiatinc ; \eais.if caiehi' study ■'II'' I'-ervalioii and practical experience in everj detail ol llu- 1 l^iness has rendered him an expert in the seleciiitn and «"u- >f the larj^e ami varietl stock carried v\hile his commo 'lii'i: iiul well a])poiiiied warehouses alnindantly tcilih not "iiK lo ihe appreci.iiioii with which his efhirts to <-ater lo ilie I'll' ' in llie past h.ive hcen received lull .ilso ihal no expi ii sei-Iieiii}; >pared in pmv idiii^; every faciht) to linn KSTABiaSHMKNT Ol- M M. CONNHI.I,. to ni.iintaih the lepulalioii of which he is ^u lustlv jiioiid .ind ill this coniieclion we nii^;lu remark that while Sli. Mct.'on nells experience has enabled him In >eleti compelenl assistants he still controls and i-.ttif iwo tna^iiiliceiii commo- dious (i\e storey hriek huihlinys. each 40 x too feel in .ire.i. ami ari- htU-d up wilh everv coiucnii-lice foi the proper siura^e of ihe immense c.irried and .ill modern conveniences for handling the same with sncli cxpedilitui as the ever increasiuj- trade demands. In the I mi hi- inR at 45 ( 'olhonie on the ^rtniml (lour are localeil a suite of l.istehill) liuished and well appoinieil tiftices ami also ilu- sample room w heie displaved in a most allr-Klive niaunei ari- lo he tound sainjiles of all the differeiil varieties ol wines tnpior-H and ii};ars kepi in stock, ot for which Mr. \lc(o,inell controls llie -ale in iliis coimlry. It is fuied up in tlie h.-i ol taste a heautihil, mahoj;any cahinei heinj; |>aM of the hn- ii it lire, and all ihe other hxtures are in keeping; with this really artistic specimen c)l hirnitnre in cahinei linkers art ; tlic h.dauce of this huihhri^ is usetl Sn the slor.i^;e of viock, which is so assorted and^ed .ts to faciliiale ihe Idling; <'f orders vvilli the hasi possih'e delay. The Ihiildiu)^' at 4O (olhoriie i» i mined iat. ly oppo-iie ihe one jusi di-scrihed and is exactly ihe same in dimensions .ind appearance hiin^ iiscd exclusively as a hoiidecl w.ire house, .uid is liiietl up ill e\er\ way suitable for thai purpose. Iiom the above, and the photogravure dhistralioiis which aii)ieir on this pa^e it will be seen t!ial ihe premised occu- pie I in the proM'culion ol tlii- lar^;c biisines-, arc hands.ime coinmodious siruclures, while tlieii loc.ilioii in the very ceiiiie ot the city Uhf hiisiness porlioiil makes ihem from points of convenience and jjeneral utility unsurpassed in ("anada. Mr. McConiieirs repulatioii beiu^; so generally reco^ni/ed. ihal ill addition lo si.nida.rd ^oods in every line which are alwavs in slock, true lo brand and in prime coin lii ion. he has the ex elusive Ciinlrol of many ehoice braii'U ol wines and liipiors. and il may sd'cly he asserted that his stock is oiu of the most judiciously selecieil and best assorted in the Dominion. A hill line of Canadian, Irish and .Scotch whiskies i> aUiays in stiK-k. as well as a celehratetl .\nieriean brand " Ante- diluvian " for which he i-; sok- ai;eiii for ( 'anad.i. ami aKo lor D. I'. McDonalds celebrated .Scohh whisky "l.on^ j.ihn."" a ti'pior o| such well reco^ih/ed repulalion as i 1 neeible price coiisisteni wilh theii ijualil)' .ind eomlition. < >tlier leailin^ speciahlit-s of Mr. MeConnell'- areli(.;hi wiius. ("h.Tini a^nes, Ihiri^undies. Khine wiiiis. clarets. Sail i-riies. Maileiras, sherries, ports, etc., and a lull stock is cairi d in prime con- dilioi, and of tlu- choicest viniaL'c .\s .i tiii/en Mr. Mc- Coiinell occupiis a imiipie position. He has luni,' resided in 'roionto, and has imimali' kimwleil^e of the city's his- tory, .iiul has always cnj >yed ilu- respect and confidence of his mail)' acipiainlanccs. his list of friends b.-inj^ most eoin- prehciisive. einbraciii|; many persons proniinent in loiimur- cial .iml political circles, as well as in liie humbler walks nf life. In all his feeling's and aspirations he i- essentially a ( an.idian, and as opiHirtunil) offered he has always ex- tended his sympathv. and praciically assisted any niovc- nii'iil which in his iud^meiil would improve the condition or enli.mce the -.enownof ihecii\o| Toro'ito. And it has been owin^^ to mis bnrnin;; civit- palriotism. .(nd ihe exis- leme of this fi-ature ol his chiracler, llial pioinuU-rs of athletic sptiris have received fVoin him such eiilli siastlc siibsranlial an I loyal support. He is in ihe strictesi .sense of llie term a self-made man, nnil of no <»ne can it more iriilhhilly bt- .aid. that it is entirely owin^ to his own un- aided efforts that he enjoys the respect, i-nd occupies the posiiion thii he does, in ih.' melropoliian eity of the pre- mier province of ihe Dominion. .\l lA. I'lMM \v. l(o..i and Shoemaker. 7<>() ^*^^n^;e sireet, Toronto — l-ew parts of the altire need be sot arelullv iiu-nded to as llie covt-iinj^s for the U-el. f -ar^e numbers of ptople are ohlij^cd to hi on their Icii .ill dav. and an ill- lining bout woiihl ^^ive ihcm excruciaiiiiL; pain. This fad should be siiliic'ent itlCelilive to eVerV'He lo bu) onl\ .if tlie hesi dcilers. .\mongst those in the (ilj w''o come under this heading ina\ I't' nifntioaed Mr. .\lex. l-'india)', whose v»ell kufiwn and larj;ely-palront/ed store is siluatttt at 7(:»(i N on^e street. This gentleman commenced business on his own .iceoun' in 1S.S7. and, having a loii^- ex)Hrieiice before thai da f, is ih roughly ipiaiihed lo hold his present po.siiimi. lie is ellicienl in everv branch of the business, ami his careful. c"-iis(-ienlious work tiraws forth ihe en- comiums of his ciisidiiiers. 'Ilu- store tehil, alltaiiivi- silec ion of i;oods, which ^ivt- a favour- able impiession of their ipiahly. Tlie slock compiises all si/cs and grades of boots, shoes, rubbers, eie. A specialty is made of iobbin^ and Tepaiiin.'. and in connection w ith llu' laller may be meiiiioned the " invisible pauh." Two e'lnpctenl hands .ne employed aM the year loiiii I. Mr. lintll.iy is an ener^'elic luisiness inaii, whost- lai^e trade has been prodiic'd 1 iitirely by his own exirli'ms and enterprise. 98 THR nOMINION lUIATSTRATED. MR. H A. CI,\RKV. KSTAllI.r^HMHNT ()!■ A TiiKi\i\.. ' \N\i'i\\ iM'i-im. t pipu. r.ii-nuil Mii-ci-^-. of iln ■■ \. *\ I in|.n -,' iIk'I.iu-i ani! iii.i,i p ihit m.ichiiiL' mack'. The '' Nlu I iii|irt>s " Si win-^ \l.u Kliiu » •>., 4S.i N"ii^;«--sliixt, v. .\. »l.ur\, M.iii.U'.tr. While not wi^Iiiiij* III 111' iiiv i'li'-ii-' wc c.iU s|Hri.tI .iiiintiiHi i.i ilu' fi'l li.wiiii; l.uN : Tiu- "New I^nlltrc>^'' i-i .ni ntlinl) ncu tiincIiiiiL'. fi.i li j-. llu- li^hk'^t luiiniuj; luck -sliich stwin^; mat hiiu- in the \v<>rM. (J.i It i-. in t\iry w.xy uvsi om- vitiieiU li' hanilK . a:nl is t.isth Icarnetl. i j. i It ]H)^sl's>(s ilixihiiv'ly luu .ind speciiil IcMiiins ulilih .in- f(nnui un iiu oilur ni.uhini-. (4 I It h;i- Uucr working I'.iil- iIkui any nilur ni.u'hinc. 15. 1 li i-« i"n-nurli»l <-ii ;.iintiplt."- itKit li,>\t' I'C'iii nil.'"! .iniliiy. Id. I It ha- liu- ni>.M |K-ilt:cl .m'l pr.iiiinl .itiairhnRnls )i.r 'Iro- ni.ikinj; unci faniil) scwiiic. 17.1 li li :-. th»- nui>i iipni|ilctL' iti-'riutinn In uk. The " New l'.inpres> '" is Jii ')iTiinenilrti"n.illy (.isy nmlinn ; it i> hm(I I'y tailor^ .itnl ilrt» linkers .i> uill a- in i'ii\atc I'.nilits, ,uin. Thu aluvi- e\p[i--si-. in .i run ( i-irt>pi- hirihtalcil h) ihr r..mpany in ■ inler thai all ni.iy lie lor.-. iiHT.I nf iis t-MflKiici- an'l >uperi»>iiiy nvtt all i t>ni|H-i'i'>r'. I>'i imt t.iil lo -.alis-ly yMnr>t.ll .l^ to the claims lhi< l.ilesi ainl mtM iinpi"Vi.i nrtlilf nn vdiir i>,unina^:e hth>u t\en i-\pit.-«siii!^ an »>i>iiii"n. k-t alone making .1 piirchaM i'l thi-- line. The ^rnwth "il ihr l"n\ >>t rorimlii ami it^ piix-ni innrial -^uprfinai'v .iinun^; ihi- riiit- "I' ' mtario ha- in ilu jninur I a-r hnii ••"» phcnunutial, ami in the l.iiitr spiiiaiilt tart-, ari'l i.irelv i\ii prn\.ike iliMii^siitn a- lu tliL'ir caiisrs. ipr wh\ in ihr natural onkt >>! ihinj-* a <-<>n lituicfl imtt-aiinj; pii»spirii\ may not U- ri-aM'ttahly aniici palf'l in the luliire. 'ihr'ini;h the \»ry actiilent nt it- pn-itinii i- the capital <>1 ihf premier prn\inii' ut the l)n- mini'in, il wn> plat'cfl in pns^L'->i")n ot niaii\ adxanla^o, (m here w.i- mee^-aril) Iniaii'i tin. -eai i»f ^n\(tiimtnt. the law I luiris ami eHinatiMiiai in-tihitii'U^. while thi- iinrivalKd water ami railwa) ir.ii-poriation lacilitie- j;a\e >\\ch an im- petus In the cunnnerrial lifi' of the eily a> lo nui nnly ensure its pre-einitience, I'ul al-u In allraet mannfaclures. and thus Mimulate il- indn-tri.d de\elti]'inenl, -n that at perseiU it may lie -ately -laied thai Tnrntitn mntains all ihe es.-eii iai elenunl- nf j;reatm.>-. and will in the hilure receive -itih a{ \2n leel : the i-||i,e i- nn the i^round llnnr, as is al-t' ilu -li"\M,.nni, when ,iri- displajeil ,1 iiMnpUle as-nit meni nl i!k> mi.u hiiu- -iiM.ilile (nr ivir\ \.uiet\ nt en^^.i^ed in Ihe maniil.ieiiiie nt thi- j" usiiies- i- a ptiuliar one. and reijuiie- a e-imhinatinn nt ipialilie- in -V line its -iiriesslu! pmstcniinn, tor in the-e da\s nl iln-n. M'mpetilinn prndnc tinn at the pns^ihK- priee cnnsiMenl willt ipiality is a neiessiiy wliii'h ran unly lie attained li\ manu lai luring in kir^e t|uaiiiiii» -, whith cannni In- maint.iinid iiiUs.. tlu -ah - keep pare ih, tewilh, >.. lli.i; m additii>n t.. tneehaihr.d -kilt, tlmriui^ti kimwled^^e nt ni. Serial, lai-ines' inielhjieii. I- nt a vir\ hi^h nrder is al'-«nlutrl\ neeessary, a- nnt niily musi the miehine ii-ell he -aii-taclory. the tare-, nl tinaner and ntlii e del.iil- attended in. hut al-n it is all im pnii. nil tn sn tindei-iand Itie wants and keep iu site li tnueli with the piihlic a- i" he enahted tn hrin^; il hetnre lluir nnii't a- to -eeiiie the^nition .ind .ippreci.itinn il- iiierii- justily its leieix ini;. .uid it is enliiel) nwitii; tn the Intiin-if exrellente n) the niai 'iltie tl-elt', and !<' the inteDi^iii r .iinl inti-j'iity nl" the manaj^emenl thai the |-'.nipre-> >i w ini; Marhine is regarded as the premier arllelc in ils liiur "ii tin < anadiati niaike! tn day. In appeatanee, i-niueiiiem c n| mo\ inj;. -iniplit ii\ nl enn-iiurti"Hi. ■|uieiiu— in. and ea-e nl. 'ipir.ili'in. I iiij;e nt wnrk. .ind in tin* usthilru-s aneriviui- n| liie mail) thnu-amls wlm an ii-iiiji iIkiu lhrnii;;hMul the I )ninininn, and we wmd'l here reiiiar'v ihai while the management do imt a-k palniiia^;e heeail-e llui< i> ,) ( aiiadi.lli enlei|'rise. -till this leature -hniild nnt • e !n-t -it;hl nf. namel\. ( anada i- imt fnr them a dumping' };niimd in wliirh In uidnad -uipln- un^ale- alile nr interior -tnck. laii thiir natural and lej^itimate mar- ket, and this taet alnne is -utlieienl ^;uarantee that the hijih standard nl niaterial and nianulaiture will he maintained, .ni't same ti'iiHunahle dealing whieh has 1 harai teri/ed ' u' ennipany's hiisin s^ in ihe pa-i will he maintained it> (he Mime. The present saii-laitMr) rnnditifiti nl ihi- industry i- due to tlie manai:er. K. A. ( larr) ; thi- f^eiithinan has hatl a lar^je a'ld varied luisiness eNperieme, and wa- for man) years enniiecled with manulaeiurinf; enterprises ot' ( oiisider- ahle maj^ni tilde, amonj^- oilu rs nii^;hi In- mentioned the wnoteii mills at Mran^^evilte, (ohimt.- .ind while at llie same lime he owned and emidm led .1 lai^^e knillin;; hiisiness in this ciiy, as well a- l>eirij; a lar^je impnrler nJ and dealer in entitm and wnols. sn that very few have lad heller nppnrtimiiies nf ai tompii-in^ uiosi n( the necfv>itifs, tn siy nnihin^; of the di-Hcaoies nf daily life, the hiisiness of the j^rocer and pn>v i-iiui inenhant is nt the greatest importance, and in any eeiilre o( .iclivity, be is a prnmineiit factor in Ihe eonimerciai f.d'ric ol the place. This is true in Toronto, ind anmn'.; the retail de.dcrs in yroeerics and pruvisiuns. Mr. J. Kinj'cr is deserving nf more than a mere pa-'inj; iio:ier. This popular an I nlu'l nunhmi hej^an l-usiness for him-elf in iSSti. and lh"ii'.' h.ivim* In cnin|telewiih nidei estalili-tud hnii-es, he lu mverthtle— . niel wilh a ll.ituriii^; ilej^iee of -iicfe-s. Ili- piemi-e- are elijiihlv l..-.ited at the enrnei '>f sp.nhn.i .m >iis-e\ .\veniies and an .idmirahly adapted io ihelm-tiu' for whieh they are used. The ston is spaeinu- .ind emi 1 dinu-. ample a -taple and t;ni'V ^if'teerie-, iiichidinj* ilmice tea- .nul eollee-. -piee-, tilJi delieaeie-, -u^ar and mnkis-e- ht-ni the West liuhi cnndininil-. hieakfasi een-.ds. and, in slior'. everylhin;; liii leLiilimalely l>elon^;s In ilii- Inan-h of iraile. Mi. ]\\i\i>' aim- to k' ep .1 prime line 'if provi-inii-, and hi- |uln>iis Im all .l;0"«|> In he jusi as lepreH-nud. The prices n( the hi-u- are cnn-i-ieiit with At. j^ood-. and are the |owe>l < "in patiit'e with a liv inj; liusi^-.fss, Personally. Mr. Kini;er i- eouiienu- Im-in vs man, who-e suceess i- dm !■ hi- own -leiliii.; iniet;riiy couphd wilh superior eiKijiy. eiiierpii-e and ihiliiy. Till, ll"l-K UkmIN<. (ovjivw. \\ Mr. Janie- NiiholMni the -ame time they removed to the Temple ('hamhet-. j; Tninnio -ireel. The Imsines- done l>y this eompany i- mi> e\len-ive an Hin- and exehanj^inj; |>n>perties. ()flhe iwn in-utaiiee i-nn-nii represented the Lancashire In-mance ( o. i-. :i lire ami lili' enmpany while the nihei i- punly devntid to life insuniu'i and is a hnme eniicern. The hnanci.d -landm^; nf li..,li i- iif the hi^;he-i character Ami -uch that lhn.ii^;hniii iiieir Iim-- a steady iiHTcase has taken place, hecoiniu- more pofiilu Innn year to year. Messr-. Hums and Nicho|-on an »>■' of lon'^' and liit;h tinancial tniinin^;, hoili l-avin^ aKv,i\ tollnwed the leal estatf, husiness, ihe one in (anaila au'l tlu other in Kn^jland. Holh are active in ihe work aid 1'* mer.ns nf -irici atleiilinn m their work and -nuivl |»rin'i|'l'- have not nnlv added In iheir hu-ine-s l>iit aKn in iheii up lalinii. They have alwa)s a l.n^^e list n| h.-use-, -tmr,-. rent, and all kind- of pmperlies in he sold or e\ehan^. •- ■-: llieir hnoks, while in the manajiemeiit of estates the. Iia*' the fidl conhtleiicc and esteem of their clients. In as well a- in lin.-ncial circles the-.- gentlemen liave iH't' their mark heinj; very popular toi their leading; .piaiuii- Mr. Hum- is a naitvr'ot 1 lamilt.-n < >ni , whih- his p;ntii'i washoin at I,i\eriioo|, Kn^land, when- he w.i- hir ;i l"ii> time cnnnected with one of ilw nlde-i land valualnr- n ili' etrtinlry. He lame to ( '.mada in the early part nf ih' |'" sent year. THI-: IXTMIN'ION II.I^tlSTKATKI). <)<) y .ml ninll iSSii. .iihI iI ■:' I I M',, he iu., 1.1 Mic.-,ss. III. ■I of SpiiiliiM .in- .■il I.I ihf hiiMii.- ("i'tn-. .m.l .•.iiiiin" f.'i ini lilt r;i(.i.l i.r..-.'. . ~la{.|<' hikI l.iiMi l.i«. ~|ii.t^. I.lil. h, W.M ■ .M-iylliiiii: liii il-. .Ml. Kiiiv' lli^ |..lll..ll> lin 111. Il ill. I'.Wot f.'lf Mr. KiiiniT i. illii-.\s is .lilt I riK'it;)'. I i:~l,ilf .\(;.iil-, S.iliif li.Ji l.iliii-luil by Ml. U.iililit; 1' i Killllll.lllll -MM l.iiiilHl-. ! 1-' If, Ni.h.iK.Hi ■ il.- Cli.iiiili.i-. ;: .■'.lii|i.ill\ i- un ...llf.lii'it; i.iii- illi; 1 .iiu\ .111 111, -;lll.\ !'•■ I, Illsll 11. < ('••■ lllil.iktl-. v.illt. I Imyilin. -. Mills sIM.UU-t' full.. Ill- i- ;i lil.' ,111.1 III' I,. Ill,' illMII Ul.i ii.lliij; ..I I..-.IM- i^li.iiil llitii li\t-, .; iii.ifL- pul'iil-ii il. .1-. Ill .in- III' II I'iuin^; .il.s.ii- I ( '.iii.i.l.i aii'l tlu h.' «, ,111.1 l> ...nil. I |iiin. q.l'' 1-.. I.I ihfii i'T: illsfs, M.IK--!' .-M-li.iin;.'.."' i',i.iu-» iIk-,. 1i,i" i-iii>. In vi'ii-ii -iiit'ii liiwf lull.'. If.l.lillj^ .(il;ii:lit- wtiilt- hi- I'liMi'i lie «a, liii .1 1""- I valii.Tltir., Ill ill. |i;\rl .if ill. jii'- ^ML:^ -^ >*- IS1 .MU.i.-h VI N r (il 1 11. ;j'NKiN> I'KiNTiN*. (>Hi-r.:i: oi- m.mmm ^ c< h.SKiN-, .\ ( n\ii-\\\. I.ailui Mf.U. I'ill.i\. ..I... 410 -' ih.ii n.Jihiiit; iin^;iti>r.iii..i) ;hm1 ii-.t m|. I., llu liinlu->l \.".ii^. >iuvl. ^■■iiiv n..iM'^ lifl|> --Ifi-p. .1^ llu- .Inuiiii; ..I Maii.l.inl vh.-viM In- .1. lixfir.! Iu tl'.ii |.;ilinii,. Iliu ii;rli. llu um.l ;)nil ll>i- iiikliny ..( the Wiitii. \U\ m.. , .i \^v\\' w ;hi(| ihunnij;lii> ifli.iirli'. jjtiilK-uu-ii liavf ihr l..-^l wiOu- iihiiii..ii, iiiii! iliiir Mill il'.r luhinil :in'l -li- ii-i\r nioii ,ii ■>! ilu-ir f«llnu oin/rr.- in ihrir timirt- itrt.-^pfiity. il ill. s|iirii>. riurt- i-- iiuthin^ tli.i) imtiut.^ ^lii|i m' .ill\ ih.m .1 t;.M..l., (iMtli.i l.ol :uhI .I..UM |.ill.)W. ■^1.. |. U MIK- ..I" ihr lUrt^^ilU- nl lilt- ;i||il -li..iil"ntiil<.iiiii|; !•> l1i> I'oiiiixil .lilt I lit- ill II (i| 1 ..f>nli)'-< . ili/t'ii> in lit. nil ui ..t l'i-i|.liii_i;. '\\\\'\ •") iAUn>iv<- iniiiiiM> .11 II'' N'lii^c sin-i'l. ilu- I'liiliiiuL; ciiinini^c^ .\ lMiMU"ini- ilii-. -i.iiy Moi-ls. ii.Milj linn ^iiti.iu' \vk\ in .liiiun I'll.-, .mii Ii.uiii}; .1 ir•^l'^ i-^ (iiiricl "II. i^iMiii; t in|>1<>\nu'ni t<> -<>mi. i.n ^kilU-tl Iliii'U. 'Tin- iiiiM \\.\\i- .ilu.i)-. <'ii li.iii.l .< l.iv^r n-s..ilin.iii .i( ilu-M- l;'""K. Multhlihi; ni.iIlK'sM-> ill li;Hi .unl u.xil. In .li.inin^. a |M>»<-.^ Is 11^1. 1 v^hiili •loi-'t. ii>ii iiiiitii lilt' Dhitrriiil. >t-t ■ hiiM-. .Hill s«ii-I.M'. in.ikin;; tilt- hMilids ,)n>l iKiii ,1-. Ii-li: .Mill i-lijn is II. v\, ,'in.l |.ril..i ^nlisl.i,ii..ii i- Li'Liiiiii. .-.1. .\ -.|... i.ilu Is 1)1,1. U- .>| iiphoUh iini^ .iinl i'IiimI. Iltii;4 I.I riiiniiiiiL' ill .ill l>i>iili' . li.i- |>l.i III ilu linn III l.'ii'.iii^ .. t ... ,1 ih, -.1 l».Miiiv; iii.iMiil.uiiiiiis lui*. liMM>\r.i.. I'liMislu-is .tn.l I'liiiuis. 11 Ail.I.ii.ti' -ii'.i.,isi. I t| tin- st\i't;il »si.ilili>liiiuiils tiiiiuii;; .'11 llu- \\"il. "I |>iiiitin^ .111(1 |.ul.lis|iiii|;. n.sis I'iinni- \ ('.I. I'.ir cUvtn \f.iis this liiiii li.ivt- siin isshill\ . inii .1 "11 ;ni i-\tt'nsi\(' iiiMJ \i-.irl\ i;rin\ ii;.-' .i- IhkiK. I'lli tiiiil imisii- [iiiiiiiis: ilu-ir %|>r»i.iliiiis l.iiui.; tin- cinii 'iKi'l 1. Ii-^il, l>.nik .iii'l ri< li' |>iinlin;.^. Ituok :niii mi;; i in |>iiiiiiii|;. .i> .iK.- niii^u-. Ii'.lli sl.ilt .iiul t.»iic s..| l.i. in iMi.!. iiiikni l>\ tluiii. .in.l .Is tluir sii\uly _iM"Uth 'I'VMi. uiih s.iiist.uii.H) ••> tl)i-ii t'lisluini'i . In iSSo. luuI ' Niil 'Iu list \. ill. llu- linn kii-twii .is I" nuns. Mt».i .\ 'm. \|i, \|.».'( ilt.n tilinnj^. s.. ili.ii imw Mi. (i. S' liinnis I't \!i. I. .\lcv. Iniii ;ii-- tlu s..|,' ]i, 1 \\..||.iis. (15 \ )■>!•') il) iliimiisi.ins, .11 1- .>t*i'U|>ii-(l h\ tin- linn, lilt- liisi a'% a |iii-i.wnii, f,nii|>].<-.l with ■iiMi.iI "t llu- MH'sI iiHHli-ni siyKs "1 ph -M- whirh .lit- nin l'\ an .S h.|i. ilt-rlrir iii.ii.n, rlii- 'iin ih<- sin.n.l iIumi IU h. lu.l tlu' .>llii-t--< .)i)il <'i>inji.)sni.L^ iiioin. tlu' lai'«'i ^.i|>|i)it.l «iili .1^i- am! t|k', I'uitit^-iv lunnis aiv mi ihi- ]uy-iitM. alt lu-lon^in^ li> skilli-i i--.m* nf ///(■ /'.'///////*'// .I/««7,,f/ /■•iirr t.\ whiili has si.irlL-|iii-''. It i-* 3-pl'. in si/t*. well |irimfil, .ritl '■t In- i|. nihil- iiiati'il |):i|)iT. hi'inj; tilled with a strii's uT 1 ''h*:i:^ articlis. ii... itl inlt-ifsi n. ani.itiui i)uisiii:in> ;s ^^cll .■ |irotr<«'sii>n.iU. nuisii- tiailu-is, insiiiiiiions. M)('iL*lii.">, ^iiit I'l' iradu. Hnili |;arinci> takr :ui aiii\f share in the iiian.u;cniciu, \v;itcl)iii^ wilh cli>-.c Mjrulitiy llie ciulrc work Tmk .\n \\i \m Mam 1 \. m ui\.. ( '.i., M.iMiil.utuiii- ..i A.l.ini.nil Wall I'l.isi.i. i.n) lispLjiiail.- Kasi. r..r..nt.. \ |.i.)i ti.-.ii u.ill |ilasi.i, .■ Lining all ihf aii\.iiii.ii;ts ..I m.i-,' i\|iiiisi\i iriiunls. ha-^ l.'iij; lui-n wantrti in the l.iiiliiini; vM.i I.I. ( 'iiiiinitiii liinr nun tar lias lun hian\ (Ifli'i'ls to all.iw lliitn : is cl.anly an. I ijsy i.. h.iii'lli' : s, 1 , jn .i I vt |i..ais. thus .))|.>^\iiil; ihc rmlsliin^ k,k\\ i.i l>r a|'|>hi'.l wiihiii t.>ii\ ci^ht h.'iiis, and ha\ in^ a .li-nsjiy that iiiidi is il unM.sic|ilit'li- t.i al'S"r|>ti«in. 'I'hi^ very dt.-n>ity n-ndiTs an adamant wall ini]i.i\ i.iits 1.1 heat, ink! m wain. Adamant is inaiiii- r.)kiiia.)ininii)n and will hi we n tntiani.iti.ih |.. an) Ad. nil. ml w.ill pl.isin is a liie ami w.itei pnnO. address. Mr. \V, |;, < hirrv is the ( '.>iiipan\ % m inai;i 1 ti.i mat hint- madi ni'.n.ii, math iii siatetj t.>nniilae .md e.m Canaila ami ^i\es his pi'js.)iial attentiun t11"«n" is avM-lI kniiuii Niyiii|;. tin- truili ol whii-h imi-'i In' a"liiiitii- Nfarti'ly a i\.\\ pas-t- lli.ii i'\iiUtut' i-. iml ^\\v\\ ilii-' |inwir i- iV.unI a- ui-ll a-- aiiiniiii-il. TIu-k-, iIk- tiliini-. an- uiu//Ifil ; il i-< iIU|;al, il lu'i t riiiiiiinl, lor ili m to \ii\t.- a ju-i lAprrssioii n|" ti|titiion «mi miy sulijcri lliat s.u ilu- liiiK- iMCfiitririiii's of r' \all) : lIu-\ an.- Iirowln-iiicn. tiiu-il. itnpriMHUil. anil t\«n lia\i- lo iimltrj;o ihf horrors ol Silnri, I lor iniluli;inj^ in a liliU' intk-pt't.tkiii'i.* of spifcli in the inUri'.Is .il inii- ri lonn. or t'lluruisi'. A t.trnian iiliior laul> imniiontil thai ilu- l!ni|'i.'ror had >lio( \'ri.'ss. and il lias niviT 1' ahuscl ii.a'.y i^uat lAit-nl. Man> <»! th<.' ^naUsi rhan^fs ih.ii ha\*- ln-i'ii rci-ordcd in < '.tna lian history, and niuiiikipal and pariiaininlarj n-lornis, ha\i- luiii tliu usuli nl lIu ouls oki ii and Irarliss stand lakt-n !■) tht- daily priss of the founU) . ,Man\ a mlional talaniily has Iticn a\rrlitraina ; c l(.n>i\i.' <-diiorial and pii soiial iritiiism on Mdijciis ol honu-. Mi.ial. and imhtiial in tcn-si ; ttihin^s of proiniiu-nt im-ii. and si-\iral ^ood shmi sioriis, iIk- uholi- |)rcsiT.iin.L; a luid^el ol most intrns iii^^ uadin;^ niatii-r. Ihi- si/t- of tin- t\\n/J \-~ 4 pajiis. niUv j.(. \v hilt- ihf Saturday and Sunday iditions are S pa^^es, llii' ll'.ii/,/ is till' only •>//(' 'I-/// Mi'irnin^ daily in tin- nounnion of Canada, and ha> tin.- laij^i'st lirrula'i.m of ,in\ diilv |»apir pulilishi-d in ( )iUario. Ii is very inuih aft-r tlu- s \ le o| the ^\'(<<' >("^',V////, heiiij; Itriyht. hree/y, pointed, pidu. neUsv, w lly, original, and iinitpie in journalisiu a \aricly of terms that lull half expre-s ii> f,r{,/ ,t/H ////'/,■ nf e\eellenee. It is .1 w idt'.n^ake joiiinal, ahty edited, lonlainin^ all the iiews in condensed form, and is ^itadJIy ^^amiiii; in )iulilii' favnur, lieeaii-e o| its outspukeii emnse and \ ii^oious manner in di al in^ with the e\ils o| Mnicly and ^useriiineni. It nc\er lall ers ill its ll^ht lor munteipal and parliamentary relorin. hatidlL-s inono|tolies wiijiont ^lo\es, und speaks in wonK plaini) imder^lood. Tlie seiidin^^ o| a special .< iriesp..ndiir , in tlie |iersini ol \1 r. Henry I'. llov\.ird. to heland duiiiif; MK. U A. WAKKINKK. loiMted in the lirsl llal of tin Inipeiial Hank lunldm^. e*>'- IIh- ColKi^e Monis are ha'Mlsojnel) t-ar)>eled and etpiippid w iih new hiriiiiiiie and modem appliaiue,. 'lite puniises ari' l-iil liani w ith lloniU o| li.;lit s-aeainiii^ in ilimu^h mmieixii^ windows, .ind the arraiij^ements for steam heat, \eniilati.ui a d all eoinenieiues. reaili perleetion. I'lie systen. of train iii^ .u\t\ methods of iiisiriieiion used, aie uni<|iM' and origin d imtiki- those of other eomniereial sehooK. in the Miisine-,> h'paitmeiitv, the term /'//•///.>. is iisid in the laoadesi seiiM-. w iih special rekaence to plod net ion, ^chan^i- anil ill ■ iiiliiition as i^.i\erned In Ihe natural Iaw> ol supply aihl demand. I'loin the llie.'uv and ptaetiec o| the hmdaiiieiii d ouiil- lesidtiiiL' Iroi tlle iipei.illon •■! I hij^hly appreciated siiciess. Such a paper is the /',>rur//.- the liriiish elections, and the is^uin^ ol a Suiida) eihiion. his kimw kilLje ttnoii-h L' principles nt the the... iorcv-s ,1.. ' laws, the stiideiii aci|uires a thorouj^h know ledj^e ol till' <i. and a sale ^uide loi Imme dealings. The slude.a pelloriM- in^ such woik under (he personal su|h-i\ isinii o| skilled experts, is ili-tiiiiiuished Imm the ordinary machine mid liookki'e)K'r. \<\ 1m- aliilil) I" make inlelli^ent appliiali>>n It'i'i/,/, that lirit^hl. iie\ sv sheet, whi ini^ Is eaj^'eri id < 'anadiaiis In U looked forward lo, liv tin idveni each mom- are praetic.d ilemoiistration> < f that enterprise always e\ inced and retpi Ills iif eiii/eiis, Ik- the //;.;■/./. \e tial. This popular |n turnal was e ^tah- spapi Illation" is ilu- ekctricit\ lllsnt Ills I l» sniialilv adapted lo the naiii - ihat ot oihi ill. lished in iSSol.y Mr. W. I. Maclenn. who is still a yoan the pieseiit day i ill'.* lif^hlnin.; nu'dium of connmmicaiioi I tepailnients •dem, practical leatures chaiaderi/e tlu- shorthand en nd\eltiser^ a ' tin man, aiu 1" .\delaide sir I whi on more than ability and cle\eriiess hav lin was a newsi I.. ated lirsl ei man in ulili( the l.-st s.- ^r( Iteiijaini'i I- rank uhs riio mi -ht. ami acciirac students em to lie Ihi classilied si, the //'<'/■/./ prei . Were traiisleired to //*i';//if,' theory, dicialinn. 1\ pewritiii^. .nnamtensis piaciic id tlh lell. I d trail- Ihi Ah. ork and leporlin;;. are systemalicallv ^laded wiih ew to atiainini/ the desned Melinda street, the kusiness 'Itice liein^ on Kinj; street east. columns nf the II <'>/,/ for advertising; purposes, always ^et Ml the many tli-tincti\e k-atur Ults , ra| >idk ami from the Ik - Ihe ho of th< I t:ne kH-atl* L- pa pi n on \' and in i\er onj^e street, wlich the (piickesl, the Tlu premises ari- I. dd. (earle I" id the liest ivMi tlu ethoiU Th. i'Iio.t|. that >pl iiiiO:-hfiiiii instriicti. lanru-r in which this paper allaeks the ^iant ireirlin^ i-acli stu.h a newspaper Tlu the liasemeiit. tlie kusiiu while tin- l-.dilorial ant! l\e|M rear cri the Business ( Idice. SttH-k KiNniis are upstairs, lilted up and eipiipp 1" «\ils of the dav. pi ices it in Ilu- hands of t-\er\ tliou^hllnl as hi, aliilii\ will dk lem. kaiiin-al.i 'ordiii^ to his eapakiliiies. i-nalijin.^ him to proj^res .u^;ll and well inlor Died ktisiness in in, and those w ho wish t>i kei p l.ltlMt 'ihelii lucoiporatm^ tlu' ///i /,///. / on ilu- j;rouiid lliHtr in akreasi o| the times. The // '(J/7i/ h. is scored adisiinct I tepartmetits are in the ! th< iti/ehs i.f lorontii lie show iiiLi CM IV A.w that in\estl[;.lll It 1-1. let AI1.1. iicrs' .|,i,.i,. 1 ky a lilt- 11 isl Itu that ' lulli Mir.ui --" pi .uiy . 1 U-l 1 |Mlll'\ oil Ic n ir I xpire luve ^lUMIi e liiaki ij; thei IlllMI.I • skill ail 1 ^pcru iii;i.| :i 1 lu- Ihl'lil ll m 1 ..I!.. I » "III pa iiiiieli fiwer ti-ni . 1 lisks 1 I'l-L* Linen i'lHK ' causi 1 tl ■■ .^. N tll.-»t. :- Ci>a dure <\.'< a teiw 1 and 'iirai e askt trie. 1)1 e, an The; uominion iuhistkatkii. itiildin^, coriu'i |ntl will) ti. n liii^r^ iin- I'lil •U[;li miiiuTi'u' IfUl, Vt'Illil.tli.iii *)^U-lli "'I tl.llll 111' .111.1 ..liKiiiil ill llti- Mii-^ini" I l.lrsi „ii-,, u„t;,. .umI .ii ..I ,„|.|.l> ..H.I llr rilll.l.iin.'llMl f ..I1l'l.lli.lll ..I ll..l..llj^il kll..\\ 11)1.111 Ills .HVil .il'.iiit liiri. Ii.' i,.,s. du' fMh. 1.) >'| i/l'-. ill.' illl|K.|| l.llls.l.ti.lIlN .1- ,)^.ll.l l..l..l-l. I.'. 1 l..'ll..llll- L.ii ..I -.kill..! ii.i. Inn.' II. .1.1 'irii'-m I I 1.. 111.' n.ii.iu' l..llii'i.. III.' Ill,' .S||..|lll.lll'l -.'('III I.. 1..' III. Mli.'.l .111.1 III.''i, li'll'l ^l.l.l.'.i will. I IK .1- |...-mI.1. . ic'iIiilU ..I III.' ; I'.i.'li MU.I. II .i..:;l.'>s .1- I. -I ; III,- hhhil' . ii'l -liinitl.ilinr, 1. 111. Ill 111 till. .'. I. .Ill;, iliy iiM.I 1.11. 1 l.l.llli... ■II. i.'s .mil pi . I, |,l.,vi,l.' : i.'li i;i\i- 11" liK'i (..iilth- I )i|Miii his (i\Mi un |iriininii.>ii. tWi Inssc^ A' '\ i| it;ii < ix.-rn! 1.) it. I I lu-iii fur tlmr Tlifn- iu- ,iU.. iliu-i' n'ri»"« "I lftiinr> on i uniiciibl p.tTlunuii' ,ii\ ;)i I'lliiri-, •iiiil ilii- lM>t lu.iki'o .iiiil l>tt-itk« III liti'iiiii'^-*, ,|,jhii.<] l>\ llii' |>ri- i|Ml .11 ir(;iitai |Hiioii<.. Aii<>ilu-i jil.l. II. .il .llht Wi-li-tih It Ml UK U I III' |';illi:illK-Ml.ll> .mil l.lhitix -.nrii'l), llli'i'lill^ scilli llinllilll) , III I'lli nlir;l^i' | i„. til I' l..v\ ,im>I jirntt iliin. ilil>.iii-s ,iiir>< I w wv vm Ii xi.ii ilir In-lihi iiMii .-III !•> ^nlil iiii-r lAi t'llt-iu'i' ih nri^ r's-^.n n.'l I iii>>ii (-Miu|>i.'iiiit>ii^. rii< Aliiiiiiii A-MK i.iiioi) i^ ;) .hi.n:; ol^Mi/.llioll ki't-piti^ III ;ti1h<- llk ■•) III, ..I I. (•ri-iil lK-ni'lii<. .l^ i(">nlls ul (l)i'- | rill- ( '..III p- ..r (ouiiiiircT. .is it i> |intll ilitit) itvi'l.l^i's IWt'Ml) '.lUiU-IlN |ii t MKiiitll. riir iMi iil.llli'i' i> ilH I.U^t- AS (MM l>t- .H ruiililt'xlillnl ; in, til) .i|i|i|i. .ml-* .!>>' rrliiM-t| lur \\m\\ n! mnin. A inusi iiluim iiuimI niitrit in ,\ luuiiin wIkii- ili(-r<' .iii ^i> iii,iii\ toin lilt i. Ill MlitinN: l>ul a •lisiciiiin^ |iiil>lii i- imi >i<>w h> iliM iiiiiin.iU' in ItMir <•! ihc hi --l. Mr. \\ iiiiiur li.i Ii-kIId^ Ixi^iiii'^-. mIiikiK I! aiiil r. iuiiii;;l>iii. Iii-iili- lA.iiiiiiMii^ III! H>>ik in -mm iirlirr-., iii-lwi'. |iiiiit |>at in Niw |ii-.i\ iwn \imis. mi Wi, ..l-in. k Ci-lli'j;!* \\\i\ ). .hh. ai |aini'-iiiiniiiliM!i. JliiK lii'iU ••! Iii<. •.ituk-iiN. ImiiIi iiirii anil woiiuii, an- winiini:. iliiit «.!> iMm ipli-- Im ! iii^lil llii-ni. III' lia^ ..Imi iliarp- ul tin punn.i ship , ;.., in llir j'«i\,nnmiil "S,|i,„,| ,,| r,-,|.ipiM\ (mi ilu- Imnlll- Ml jji^ll Nhnul M.lslcis." ,s:;||.lis|.nl I.; till- \liiii-Ki ni JMii-Miinii. Mr W.iriiiirr is an imiik-sI. i-m-i- ■ ■,\w II. ail. wi-ll iiualilif)! i.i ilisrliarLjr llif irs|>..hsil)lr iluliis il ili>' jiiMntini'iil I'osiiiiin )u- Imlils su at i ('|\ as I'lini'ipal .iiiJ \l iiiaj;i-r ..I ilic Cull,-,- ..tC..,! -m-. hi ilu-st- l.ti,\ iiiM. - .'iir iliicts nl inniimrt I- an- inn nnirii <>ini| in! in lliiir viiiiiiu's lu haM- liiMi- Inr till ii.iinin^ »iii^ man wim \\<>tili| s<-( otil nialily in Ulc is llii' iiiun- likrly in he siiri'fs>riil il, Ipi-Iuiv iiiMii; an uHirr In- v\ m)|m..| nl lIli- killij. ( •l.l'tliali's .)r«- ass|>Usilin l-.. ill. I iiKirhanis anil luisiiu-ss mk-ii m*nri.ill\, unuM piii.ili<»n nl llu- in^tiliiltnti is atnl il nsi- ii|)nn iK.'VMi imriis as i-\cty'li- scliinl m l.iisjn,^-, -.hniijij. Ilii -a.'ivss it iirliiiM.I is Inn tlir ..uti <-inr nl iIk-imiI iiiil iiiilliniK ami sysinn i-m|.|n\i'i|. TiMi'IK\M f. ANh 1,111-. Insikw-i,. That iIuti- i. 1 1 ill (iinail.i Inr a CMiiniany ilnin^ JMisiniss mi ihu .sann.- Heii. lal liius as .in- fillnwtil hy ilit: I'nitcil Kiii^;i!nin Tl-iii- jifMiicf ami (iint-ral I'nviiliiil liisliitilinii .1 laiylnnil is I tin^ .imply ■lunmnM rated !<> tin- L-\piTicnceuf 'rhcTcinpcr- .iiif, .uid t l.ilf Assurance Coinpany, which has n- a III I V i^-util its ^i\ih annual rfp.Tt. Ihc p. si i inn and pt - L;ir%s .'t this ciiinp.iny, as indtcaifil l.» lU aiunial rep- its, aic > a- I.. jiiMil) the stii.ii.;t'.sl i-njiiidiiiLC in is (utinf sue- a-^. When wu cdiishIi r llu- l.i- I that dunriy ilic past iv\.. )cais thf iKW liusinissni -.vvcralnl tlic lar^c.ii, stmn^isl and in.'. I .ii;';n,s.,ivf rninpaiiic> lir.s lalluii nil, Itnlh ux nuinhcr n| ii-.k. .mil amnunl i>) iiisurainv lakun, and that the ai;i;re^;alf imiiil'i-i nt risk> t.ikt'ii, and am-'unt nt iiisiir.y .ill llu- cmpanic- in C.ini.Ja. haM- i.dlin nh cnnvtdfralijy in i.uh m| ihusc years, w liilc the |pnsiiic-.> nl diisinmpan) has made laii;e and s-.culy ^^.tiiis, ii< I ludy in Mu-sc lealuies. lait iniuiy Icature nl its tnisiiu^s which tends towards niai^ni liiile and sill n^th, v\e nm-i In; < "n\ mrnl thil lis l>u-iiness is l..-iii:^ dniiL- tin the ri^;ht iiius .nid^; d Hillicn:,sum male -kill. The rales (har^d Im in-uraim- aieas k.u as i- i>..iM>! and i ijini) , and the plans ami j.i.n 'icc. nl llu- I- pany .iie nt tin; m>.-i lihcial ehai.uiei. lu ■i-k- i--uin^ pnin ie-. mi all the m ..| appmvcd pl.uis in iisi- I') " l"ii c pames it ntk-rs to l<>tal al.staiiicrs, whose lives ail- s.ui-l.iclnry in other nspecls. what is kllov^n as ihe Ali.ia iiers' liiaded riin.lhc rales ini wliii h .vie ihe t..\\ t s: 'I'l'i'-d l«v any iii'iituii m issuing; a refill. u\ im liic in MiraiKi.-. In. lu ly l.t.- n i^ , l.nnu-d thai it i> llu- ill- -si liuly lilttrd an.i --nelly e.|ii, pnlicy issued, and II iiiltiK iIk- pinnai, and piincipal nl.jcct ol hie in- Mir. ill. ,- pioieitimi Ini ihc Imine in a greater lienrte than .my .1 it-i policy l^>u^;l. Inr the reason thai it is the only |"iii> oil icil to tlio Canadian ptililie that can neither ki|isi- II 'r i\pire till i ii-iies, alk-r three amnial pniniiiiu^ iia\. t.rii paiil OP It. llii, ^^llaranlees hiH \alue in in Mii.iiir.. I ii all ninney paid nii acioiint o| iIu-m' pnluie>. m.ikni^ iheiii si i n tly ir ^aln.s iii,,.i. I.y The Tenipei.iiiie and ( iener.d Ijle wixv i-reater llian those maile liy any <'t lis tomjielitor-. while its death rale was con.sider nl'ly less than tint ot any n| tliim. In be hi-t in the malniity nl pnini-. coveted )i)' ihi jireliininary return in ^oMrninent would U' credital Ic, Init to be lirsi in aM. excilcn '•Ul .iilmiration. Not mily d< rs ii> sitcn-ss. as shown \-\ ilie-.e re|i'iils, command contidtiice, Iml Ihe lii^h rhar.uttr nl llu- men w Im cnxstituie its ita'e atul chier olh i-i. w.iriinis the heliel iliat the siii'i-ess and cotiliiliiue already t^aiiii-d will li|., •■ecrelaiy ot ihc I' ire ('ndii w riit-rs' .AsmK-Jation, all Hell known and highly lespected temper iince advoc.ites. ( M the m.m.i^ei, Mr. II. .Siiilierl.uid, wh" is a lite Inti^ Int.d al•^lainer, it .May l>e said, \>y i lo^e applieati'Ui to his work and Ky .-iil-'jties success, aii'l can iheiefnre '■ympaihi/e with, eiicouraiie and assist at.;ttiis in iheir dilliculiies as one \sh<) .iinw. Iroin piaclicul evpeiinue jiist what ha-* In he cmi tended with, aii'l dots nni merely lheoii/e. 'I'lii. I.u i |s liilly appreiiate'l Ity the agents nl ihe cniiip.iny. wlm in varialily n-spmid heariilv !■> iheir m.inaj^ers nipu'i>. I he cninpeieiicy nl il s sccretaiy. \Ip. |. (i, Item;, ami ilieoihti meud>ers n| ihe "Mice stall, i ahund.mily diy ili- I icl ill. It its aiiniLiI n-jMirt wa> inuipleled nil iln- evetinit^ n| the < |...e ' I' the nl'l yrar and s.-i.t'l to I Mi.iw.i nn iliehisi day nl the nt-w year, anil ilial this company's .iniiual np'.il an'l lin.iiictal st.iiL-inMii wire ihc lirst in lie^i\en t<> ihe piiiilie in CniMda. It is w. . hy ol iiniitinn ihai the s.iiite tiny !'e siul ol the rep nt '-f i*,- I'n led Kin^;llnm Ti iiipet nnce and I it-m l'invi. in lite (iist llonr of the M.uininj; Arcade huildini; on Knif. street. Torn do, (a cut ot uhichwill he -i.-en elsewheiein t*ii. Issiii-j wlure inipiiriis w iih ri-j:.iid lo iis pl.iiis .it pnhci. s Ol \\iili te^ai'l In dtsiieil I'l.ui., Will ri-cri\t- ptnnipi i nn -idi-ralion ainl caiel d .ilti ittion. ' *T'*^lf -IF^^' liwfe'il fiTifi fGO^r t" T mil - ' 3"! -- ■^X'.t" t; 'Il ./— I • ^•^•"Tt^^f^N^ffisi -ai qf^'_linn»"1— l-r1«T» •V"VtV*l|i»v« !r^¥^iiMfi^ 1-j — t ^■■.p^r=" ^,ii i )' __,, I— :V p r:J ~'^ n Z ■■ ^•" k^v''A'''*.1 \T^' " I |SS^1¥?^^M;'~I THU MANNI.NC .VKCADK, loj 'IHK UOMINION ILLUWTKATKU. THK ST. CHAKI,;;^ HOTKL ANP KKSTAUKANT. riu- M. Cm \KI !■.> li-»ll.!. \Nh kK>I Alk \M . 70 \'<>nj;r -trtfi. lunr Kiii^j, Mr. Ilarvij, M. I'u*nv, pn'|trit Ini. - riun is nnihin^ thai riiMs so i.ritvii\i*ly lu iIk- prfsii^;!- '»(' a I ii\ tin- >i/c i>| Toronto, .is .l.-iniMi- .in*! tirM r]:\-.> hold ami ii'>i.iur.ii)i .uioininodalion, ih.n i>, noi onl\ in ilu- ()(-'• ol liii/iii"., bill mure I'speriallj '>t ih'- iiavilliiit- ).iil>lir \\ Iiai 1)11 ' Boston Oysitr IIhum oii^ li'ic rcslnuranl> are lo Chicaj'o, Xt-w \oiK. Tilt' Uii lii;li( tiK nul llu i^t'M Atiitii.aii litiis in tluit r(.-s| ..ciivr linn, tlu "Si. CliarU-." is to Inronio. in facr. it is this to ('anaoiniiiioii, ainl sii)i|ilir- wim-s. li(|UMi> A\i\ i-ij^ars in i^iis. and sm'i-rv Mr. Int.. Mu<.so|i, uho • ,ir ll<-d it en, )■)> !•* tlu' )rar iSHS, u (-11 In- uas sui iiidrd l>) Mt'ssr-. lli-tHli|i \ I'itrif. Wm**' L;t-nilrnit n 1 ondm u-d 'In hoii-.-. iiHMa^in^ .ind iin|>ro\>ii^ itic a* 1 oiiiniiidalion. Ii nn )i-ii to wai, u ihl l»i<t and oh i^in^ altrnil.ail III the want'- ill |>atiiin<, \|i. rit-ri-i' h )• ]iiol>al-l\ iio Mi|>rii>>i in ih •• riiinttr). n> n-hr hricllv to tlu- m.i^nilin 1 1 t'i|iii| III till' iisiaiiranl. Il is a splciiilid thiri- siotcy lir I k .irii ■ urr, i.ntra'l) joi a cd nl 7*1 S on^r sln-il, pui luar llu' i.'iiur ol Kin); sin-i-i, iju- l>iisi'..| |ioiiiiin til ilu- rii), |>ri-srMiint; a nio 1 nltrailiM- tioni of platt' t;la<«in taliiiht ol slii'lM--. )Kantilnl\ rai\|i> l-Undm^ ol -.ri'iu'd \\ Is and l.inr) ^lass oMiatninh. iIm' Iu-.ihu mI uliich ti In- hi'ly a|i|iiniiil»d imisr Ik si-m, Nndhs. u, s,iy llu- |''o|irh'loi |iiiiU-s jtiinsrll in kiijiini^ llu' liar sioi Ud Wtdi ilu' I'htiii't'sl anil iii<-si |io| hiands o| lliu' whiskus and li^hl wines o| all desrrii liiin->, nUo eii and sitilahle hnuh eounii-rs, sii|i|ilit'i| idwa\s with llu- l-isi ilie inaiktl ran alloid ; In laet, ^^o ut. ler|irisiii^.; is ihe |ir'-|tiietio|ih- dine lure dail) will (^i\ I- sonu- idt-.i ol ilu' hluial |ialioi'aj;e aeeoidnl the li'nise. and llie )io|iulati y nl ils [.rnprieloi. On tlic sei-onil tloor is lotaled the main dining hall, ami a s|>i. i,d lealiire is, ihal ilu' lust o\>t» rs. limsi sarieliesaml s|.ieiin.ii. ol ^anu- in season in this eii\ .nr seixed d.iil\ at tlu se tjhk s, ami the house has hri- e piovi rliial .luion^ ira\i'lh-i^ .in.i luisim-s, nieii in ihe rilv for the t-\eillenec and sU|Hn>>i ehaia.ler ol ils hill ol taie. Miiu liosi. Mr. ririec. •npn- \ i es all iiperal on^i in person, ntui i'* esteemed l>\ all wli<> know him lur his iinhrin^ eiu-r^) and assidtiiiy in husiius>, and his womhihil laet to suit e\eryl>oiK's paitieiilar lasU and Canex. lie e.iiers i>nl\ to iht hesl pinjtlr. and tlm- awiids .ill ioniu-i tii-n wilh the roe^h eh-mt-ni tliai so Id ipunil) ruins ihe imu- ol .\ liist el.'is> hi use. riisi.n,iM\ \li. rieree is a native ol' Somersetshire, I'n^land, and has hmi inCaiiailn niiu- \i-ars. wheri- lu- has not onl\ retained tin l»ooi| wil aiul lespei-l ol all who h.n\e had diahnj^s witli Inui, hut h )s hiidt up n luisiiu SN vv hirh is i-onsi.mll) iix i< i- iiii; in \oluine. and utleets up n hitii the lii^hesi indii i< ^^ravely wanliny without due n-leren. eiL;v. rnl.lj.l ul Miprtior ahiliiv. I . I 1.1 il Ill < III \-i. I »tl. M II IH Ml, II ■mil- III ..I Itrr . l.h. Ill- iIhi.ImI TUH CAKtiWULU CO., LlMiTKin—tSee next page ) tli- • >\ Clmr .," III- ■\n. iiiil il Mr. Mu..n,. Khn ir \»> *tir ■.■.•.l,( 1., 1 11 ..IM iui.mI ill,' Mill .mI.i hill. 1 III THK dominion lI.MISTWATKn '".( I Ml CtlttUKl I <'■>.. (I. hi.) U, CitoHi'll, (.(in nil M.iti.i ^,1 Tin iii'iiM* itl "Tin* (at-rtrll ( ..iii|i,mv I ,liiiiti .1." I..UV I Km'II.i^. imlilj^lirlv riiliUl^ .UhI t' kl*IIMlr|.. h, ^111 with Knlvrt Cii^ui'll in 1S71, ,im'I lillin^ .1 u.ini, ^m w t M>iilt 1.1I1I1- iliiiit'i *inii-> nnril iS;S. x^lun iIh' tirin iil (II \\>\\\ ( ntn|).in) » Is IdiiiM i|, rnr.>i\ iit|; In litlinhiiri^ji .nul M|it'iiiM^ .1 liriiin It Itiisjui-s-* Ml <■((,>• Kiiliiin, liir ilic (-nii^iiMi mr nt ihi- JiotM'. 'I hi- l.r.nx li lintiM- (uniinii I v\iili prolii ■>• iht linn tiniil iKSo, MJlill il H.1% I Ill-Ill, I'lu Kfjllili IIM'Ml- III 'lie lui'illc-.-. lul 1.1 Nil. «iir> iiiiiiii r«. lotiiiiiii ill |S>J. wliiii lit- .i^.iiii II iMiol riirri'it •>! ill!' hiioiiM'SH, jiul it Ii.k rniiliMiiiil tiihlii III- iH Mi.i^t nil Ml n|i r<> ilu- [iii'>.i ni liiiu-, riir luu • iinii'.iiu • >i t>H Ciiswi'll ( iini|Mny I Minihili \\.i% ch.iMrMil in Sr|r Mill- 1. iS()i. Tlif lit injj ; U. ("nr^wrll, |iri^i>liiii ,uiJ p Mir>irin\n, mtii l.iiy Ihm^moi. Mi. runic i> O.u- <<\\\\ • uu m1m> Trni.iiiU'il in tin lnwinr^. wiih Mr. ('.ii>.»ill ilii-'u^lii'Ul siruv (In- iS;j, ,iltliniiL'li mmi.iI t'llirr-. Iiiur Iktii Mtmc yv.irs I'onni'iitil uitli tin- ImNiiu".^ Mr llall.ilu noii.ii^er of llu- l>in linn an' litnntl itt i\.iy 1.1 u lil>r.ii\ in ( .111 u 1, 1 .11 m I ilu ir ^iim lal !>iiiilin^<<, >nrli ,is IIH ii/ini-s, illu>lr,ili'nrli ;i- I tntiiil tlii'ir MnikiiiJ .lii|> In \\h- | mi I 'lit- ; Inr ilu- rnn wiiinin nt llln,r ll.ixin;; liunU In Mini liny Will ll.lM' tlirir ii.ii.lld- r.ill. ^i\v qiiiiiii nil'', .issnil. ship, iic. . It) luin^ hMiiiiiil. anil «f liclitM' Ihis in In- iIk' nnly tirni iiM'iUiada hIiii miilcrlalM- lln- wtuk nn >uih a M-alr. Tin- iran-arlinn- i.f ili( r<>ni|ian\ iMiinl .imnri't lIu' ^1>\k-, Imi .liicllyin ( '.in iij.i. ilii liiiiiil Male- .mil lltiMl fliil.iiii. l-nm tiavtilti. ,in tni;.i^nl l'\ ilic linn, .ui.l ihcy \ isii u-arly. irnm nnr In iniii liiiits, all I'iirls nl' Cu- Vi. (rnni llalidiv In \iri-.ri.i. .iinl lln- |iiin(-i|)al rilii-s ji Uu- fnilt-il Staii-s ami llir Wi-i liiiiit^. It- law jiuMir ,nii« finluinv niilsitU' nj l^hulu-c iir.iity .ill llial an- i-^iu'ii "i, Can.nla. ami ul ilu- *,liirl.n n- |M.ri-, il islhr 'wncrm uv...]\ Inri' \nlnim-.. li- |.iilitiiM I'-'ii' ill .ill naih al Ivm, ImMilrci'l .iml lilt\ I>nnk~. .iimm^ ii-ni..-l rnt'iil iiii|>nrMiil w.-ik- luiii|4 llir | mlicilnrc |ii m ■ ti. <■ '-I ilw .Sii|.rtiiii' Cniiit >tt' ( inl.irin, ami t'lif I li^ist nl lar l..i\\ UrpitrlsnC \n\a .'^rnli.i. Mm- n( ii-, lar^r-l Ininsac- ' w.K ilu- |Min-hnsi- nf ;1k' r|.|u-r ("anaila ki-|'nrts Imin llir kill' lliiny UnwM'll, ami ilu- n- prinnnj^ n| iln >anir -li .111 s.-\,-Miy vnliinus. ai .i 1 tisi nfa! ' M\rnt\ llmiisiml (I'llirs. It miw nwiis all ilir r.|H.rls pul-lishr-i in \n\a s.Mii.i ami matly all nl llinM- hiIiIisIkiI in Niw Hninsv\i.k. iiiH mI tin- -.maiUsi ami iim^l |in|uilar n .i-liil Imnks isMiiil I.) ilii linn is ilu- " ( ■anaili.ui Lawyer/' WIuu-mt hamllf. |'t"p»ii\ iniu-y In any iaUiiI. nr in^;a};is in ilu- nin>t iiiliin.i; inalU-rs nf luisjiuss, will find ihi. wnrk a r.-lial>lf. ami ilu-rilnn- a iiuoi nM-liil rnni|i.ininM. Il was |.rt-)'.iuil l.y a TMmnlii laH>.r in nSS;. iml imnrpmah^ ilu- ^; l.iwsnl niit.nin, \i-w llrnnswirk. \n\a Smiia, I'rinrt IMwanl M.iiiit. Maiiilnl.ii anil Itriti>h Cnluinliia. ami il will In- .■<|.r.iall\ nsi-lul In nru- wlinlias lr.iiis.ulinns w iih ilu- \arinii- pr.'\inrf. a- HiMii^; in a U\\ lim s tin- inlnnnaiinn ihal lu iiiii;Iil i.inlialtly havf In wail ilay s in uKiain tl-iuhrt-, .iml .'IrnuiMal a liillinm\|.tnM'. tlu- Imnk .n.iinj; nnl\ $1,511. Ml ihr l.nnk> uvfiil In iiiaf^i-i ralf^. in ( anaila air puMi-^'iiil ''\ ihi^ l.nn-i-. Tlu- Canailian /tin- '/////,.., a nimKlilv |'ul. Ill ilii'ii. tiivinn a sunnnary nl ;ill the iasi> lU-tidiil in Cm I'l.i. i-. a wnrk th.ii li.i- nut with yrcat liy ilu- pm- 'i"i Iir.iiit^linitt thipinviiii-. ,, I'hi- iii-w rninpa'ny kartell \\\\\\ ,1 I.U|;f li^l nl ru-.lniMri, .UMiiilrtl llnnii-Ji inaiiy \vm- ■I u. , . „h,' n:.ina};finiiil n| ilic |iii>iins>, .iml we ilm" ,i't u, ■ ill ' It will j^n nn ami imrL-asi- in impniianrc with llK-j;tnwtli ■I I' * ■•'uinir\. I'HIN IWniK \ Co., I'lnptiitor- nf ilu: Mnrsi- Smp \V-iik^: Mamif^nHin-r^ nf l.aiimlry .nul Tnilci .Snaps.— Iimm- tin- pti-M-nt (vnlnry M.ap- n( in.iny ililliiviil kiiuN li.iM' Imii place I nn tlu- inarkri. sunu- disapprarin^' mtiuly ri-»iii iiM. nilu-rs ^ainin^ will,- p.ipnl.!iily. Thi-. lasi i^ the .iM "iih Mnr-c's l.a Ii\ an W.I-, rniimli'il III iSi)5. .111.1 sinif that tinu- have ;iiiuil inarkeil ami iinimnily wtll (lf>i-ni-n('fi->s. .iml ;;H,if pinmiiu-iux- r..r ihc m.'piit n|' i|u-ir snaps '* .\Inrsi-'> '^•up " i, as fimiliai .u a Imusi-ImM wnnl, nrul i> iisnl ami »i-ll kiinwn llnim^;lii.Ml tlu- murilry. il^ piiiity ami i-\it'lK-m e I'li'i; un>urpass-i|. "Mir nnipiil in this line i> i-\inuuly \.ni..l, ami is nn^urpas'cil |i\ any (nrii);n 1iuiim\ Tluir tnil 1 Mtaps Iiavf a hi^ 1 pn-ltTinc,- with the |hiI.I: . ami an- I'l.i'U in oxer 5«k) \aiiriii-s, snuu- ln-iiij^ npaipu-. nllu-rs ii.iii.pan-nt, whijc ^pnialtics an- made ol " I'l-rsiaii Ifnuipu-.' "Wnnd \inlci." " I li-lininipi" niul "Iiifani^ iKli^^lit." Tin) .ilsi niannfarnnv .i\t-r nio varieties nl' Iniindiy snaps, ilu- li'ndinn and ni-isi pnnular specialties liein^ Mnrst-s Moiilnl •• i:e," " i:\.r> I My" and " iVrlertinn," ail nf tt'iich are tnn well kiuivMi tn n-ipiin- any innnncnt Imm u>. Till spU-ndid warelmuses ami uMiees nf ihe cnmpany are ''"■i!''ii .it 77 I'Vnni-sin-i'i eas', cniiiprisin^' a I.ii|;e l'u:Idin^; '"111 Mnrevs in hrij^hl and iS^'-'i i" diiuen-^ u-.. and tlu- 1.1. 1 dial Ihe weikly uiiipui isn\er HXi Imis. wit. ^ive snuu- nitM til tlu- ina^nitmle nl ilu- luisiiie-,-,. uliiih is, iti .-i -rse, ciHHinnally inereasinj^. A shnn tinu- aj,'n a lu-w ilepanure w.vs iiiaiK- in ihe niannrariiirv nl perlnmery, .1 line in which j'llui T; yliir\('n. a'su hie lair to rival utht-r cniueinpmaries, .Is tiK-y do in Iheir relehraled snap. At the I )nn sialinii suvirai .irres (tf land are nci-iipied liy iwn larj;e faclnries and yonU. the Iniildinj^'s Ininj^ fitted ni> with llu' latest inipmved mnehinery and appliaiue-; reipiireii fnr llie successhil jtrnse niliim nl their wnrk. In lnnh eslalilishnunts the employees luitii'.er over KX), wliil<- ten travellers are cnnlinually nn the Ma-!. The tr.ide .irea inniprise?, the nt Canada, New t"Uii.itaiid and the West Indies. Messrs. |nlm Tavlnr \ Co als'i 'iiitrnl the Dmnininn I>yew rin\\ lieen in evi..i'-ni e lor nvi-r six yt-ars, diirinj* which period il ha- xteadil) inen.iMd in \iihtnu-. Thi-y are the -i.le .igi-nis in Caiiul.i I n the l'arl'rnl,iliriken- I'rleilr. Iia>rc t\ <'n,, l.llit ileldt, I it-tiii.iii> . m.iniilai Hirers ol .iniliiu' tl)e<> nnd ali/ariiiiuv« -. Kead, llnl'liiki) .\ "^niis, I luddeisrii-ld, I n^.. iiiaiiii''aetnrets nl .iniliiu il\i>, .nid Miukl-iw \ ( o., I llir) , I n^. , ni.iiuif.K turer- <>| >l)ew(HHl and laninng estrai is.^e iin|Ho inininii Il\i-snnd and Cheinitat Clin Taylor is li\ liirth an raiglitdiman, having liein hntii in Ihe Cniinlv nf Stnlli>nlshir<', eniigrtliiig ^onu- lliirt) live )ears ago. l-'or ihrte \eais lu- \\.\s el-eted as iildiiiuan l-'f M. l.auMiue Waul, and during two yeais ni that period eli.iirnian nl (he M.irkil .mil lli-alth Com miltei's. Ilewasoneol the priniioiers than Mr. 'I'.ivlor. who, liotli in and out •>! puliUe nlhce, lian ever lieeii ideiitilted with (lie liest inlere't>> ol Tnimitn. ||e is a meniher ol the Itn.ud ol Ti.ule, and .1 laan whose lile has lieen ai.irkulin ,111 I iniiu-ni degree |i\ 1 liter prise, ludgiiunt niul liii-.ine-^ t^ Isalall.i- sin el, a private insiiinlinii hn the treatment of surgical and nt rvous dixenses of vvnnien, aiul llH)se sull'ering from ihe aojuired hal>it oT n.irmiics, nr alcohol in their various forms. After a period of twenty years active prnfe>,innal life, I)r. Il-ltord W.i ket dvei-led In devote MH. liOl.HOKI) WALKKR. hiinstl. eiiMiely In special work, and in order to hecmnc mure ihnrongldy i.mcii, and later visited KnglantI in sjiend si\ numlhs wilh Mr. I.awstm Tail, of Mir niinghani, the nu-si noted snrgeon in surgical diseases o! w .men. The iloctor, who was the lirst to o| en a private hospital in Onlario, esialOished i' in IlaniilKtn, Iml two year-, la'er, finding the house ina, and, in fact, Ontario, is to be congratulated in having such a much needed establishment in its milislunenl, Ihe princij .il varieties being the extension ladder sniLibte l<>r paintei ., lighifiing i"'l men, iiiimrs, nid L;eru-ral use. It > strnnt", siniple and reliible, ui.ile '.| clear, Nnrivay pine, with hicknrv I ling-, and * defy cr'.ss l'at> of wnait;lil iron. Thes- I. elder' are extreituly light .md filled wilh self acting gravity hooks, The " I niversal,'' suii.ible lor hniiu. I.irni. .md gener.d lue, is in two p.irls,nii'l can be u-.ed . iihei -eparntt ly or togeiher, and is known a. a double eviciision laddt r. It I an be u^ed .Is a piiiiter'- irestle. or b\ liniurs, .md i^ es- Ucni'-ly po|.ular wilh fruii gmw^is. '|"he p.iinlers' tle^lK•, r.ithi r dillereiil fr.m Ilu; foregning, is made nl Nniway pine, hifkfirj .tntl wmught inm. l-t- .mily use an article is luined out kii'twu as Mel-'arl" s Talent Model Step !,adiler. It is handy, very light .,.-, strung, manufactured fioin tlu b 'St maleri.i! , .nul ' .1 -lulf hung to ihe It-g-. *vfii(hloek, iheni np, n, .md is abvay- oui ot ilu- w.iy. (dell, I'.iient, the newi si .md laiesi thing in tlu- ni.ukit, is very useful for drying clothes, giving .1 kiige drving stir.'"ace. It is 'Irorig. liglil and well finished. T'js l.idnry .iKo manufac lines. ' --'e iiinnbi-i of balh Ihi- es lor (he vtlioli' 'ounhy, thiniighnm which the nutput i. nis'rittuud, giving univrr-.d -ati, taction. Ten nun are em|tln,ed mult--- the suurvisinn of Mr. v. ho is hitn-'.lf .i piacieal ui;n, h.iving spent ten )iMrs in the employ of the Id-ll \\ t .idenw.iie Woiks, of Indiana)Hilis, (ml. lb- is a inie t anadi.m, a live iml h.'iii'ur.dile business m.m, ami in carrying on this work Ins attained a deserved si,eeess and a high repul.itinn. r. I'l KM K WllsiiN. Chaileierl AiCnnnt.lUl . .\ssiglMe. .\gent,ete.. JS roioiuo stnei. Husmess men, nun and ti.idesnu 11 thioiighonl ( .mada to d.iy present peculiar .I'jH-it : for, casting an eye over ihe many revoln timts in si»ciely atuI <-oininen-e, nnc is led to liHik at : and in ihe higher fields of Muces-, pn-iiimu, callings and Ht-etihond included, then- is i ived iiis business eihieatinii in .Sc.tland, and is snuml and reliable in every del, ill ol practical woik. h miglii br iiuntioued that his .diiliiies weie reeogni/( d llrsi by lion. Mr. .'snow- ball, of .New liruiiswiek. who engaged liim .md brmitdii him out t.t Canail.'.,siiiil Im thneji'ars Mr. Wilsm, laiihhillv .ind satisfactnrilv diseharged his duties as accfMiiUant at ( h lliam, N.ll. lie then resnivtd (o embark fnr him elf", seeing ihe m.iuy opporiunilies nllered lor an aeciunplisht d and e.ipable .11 eoiiiitaiil in larger cities. .\c<'ordini;ly, three yea s ago he ieiii..\cd to Toionto, where he has nut with ni. irked siui ess, having drawn about him a wide and steadilv increasing eii. le of pair lis. All kinds of .utnuiilaiits wi'irk is skill- hdly eveciited. auditing being .1 specialty, while accminls are .idiusied. bonks siraigliteucd, monthly trial statements and ve.irly balaiue sheets .lie prep.ired, and contrails are m.ule iiv him for auditing or snperiuteiuting books, Mr. Wilson alsn making .111 additi iial specialiv ol luiinaging affairs (hiring the leinpoiary abs.nee of princijials. iVrsoiially, Ml. Wi'soii is a ni.m ol marked culture and eriidiiion ; lu- is a nu-mbir of tht Institute of ' "harleied Aecounianl^, is a m.ison. as we'l as ,1 meniber of various hu-rosse, tennis and I rickei clubs of Ihe cily. So(-ially and cinmu-r.ially Mr. Wilson h.vs made lu.nny liieiuU in I'nrnnlo, m\\\ his -nece^s is watclu.l with adinlr.ili 11 bv alt who know him. ingsi the busiu'- nf all age-, for ihei prescrilie medicines mankind. II. Ill ll^. Dispensing Chemist and Diugi^isi, ;;jS nnge-sireet. I)ruggisis occupy a nios- irnporiant p.isiiion . men of the pies.„'nl day, and, indeeil, nllicf has been |.i compound .111 I often lni the relief III ihe many ailments nf This being the case all will see that it is higldy necessary that a druggist should be an evperienced man. In (»ni;nio the lawspi.ivide thai all phaimacists belnre com- mcnciug business on theii own beh.Tlf sh-mhl pass a stringent examination, as well as uiulergo the necessary appii mice- ship. Mr. j. II. Ilully. of 5jS Vonge-sireei, is ihornughly ipialilied in every branch nl his trade and has had a lengthy and valuable experience of iwenty live years, having been seventeen years vvilh .Messrs. i;. Ilonper \ Co (lis store, wliich is of u large si/e, measuring lS\iio f.-et, is'.y filled with haidwonl tniinlers, glass cases, mirrors, shelving, etc., and plate glass vviminws, which expnse to view a tasteful display of gomls. Mr. Ilully commenced business ten years ago on the same street, but in iSKS found it necessary from incre.ise of cusinm to remove to his present premises at the corner of The stock carried is always carefully selected and ctjn.sists of pure 4 TlIK nOMINION lI.MlJSTW/^V'rKtv l^i tirm. wliiih lias it?. lnMi'i|iiarttis in Tcimnt". I'l-ttrr 1,ii"\mi in \\isteiii(" til. in M<>sr-. Kice I,...n il,in)ii..| The history nf llif minciii j;(>r> iR'arly half .1 ci-iihin '"the ye.Tr 1S47, when ii was >iariei] tiy Mi. Uiee I.iwiv In |S(»7 ilii > Cf nilcnian hirnicd a iiarlnership with his .nn, Mr. lie«'r^;e\\. Lewis, and Mes>ts. Ailhiir H. I,ee and jnlir, Leys, I'luir years liter the senior inrtner ilied, Mr. (.. \\. Lewis leliiin^ in 1S77, lea\ iiii; ihe Inisiness to he earried nn hy Messrs. \. H. Lee and John Leys. After iweUe >(,ir-, during; whieh time o>nsideral)!e |troj;r'.ss \\as made, the mn ecrn was formed into a joint stock company, nnder the uM firm's nanu'. Mr. Lee holds the responsihle otlice d president, the vice-chair h.ivin^ hern tilled hy s't. Leys uniil hi- iirmi detva-r, Ixnli of whom devMi,. their entire energies to llie welfare and progress o| ilu company. I'mlcr their eminently capalile adininistr.uioi' many improvenients have taken phice, antl greater siu cess ha-, attemletl ilieii cllorts tlian in years past. Kipr main venrs extensive pvendses wcri occupied on the corner 1' Kini; ami Toionto-.stiects with ihe addition of a lar^e war< lioiisL-, in wliich \\as stored har iron and lHa\y stock o| tin- I'la.'^s. In iSS't the linn look possession ot iheir ptt -ent (piarlers, whicli rcprc-'nt one of the ("me-t wholesale < -lali lishments in Toromt or Canada, llein^; hiiilt uiid^^'r i!,i diieclion of Messrs. Lee and Leys. Located prominent lv"i the corner of Kin^; and \ictori«slreets, it rises to a hei^lii <■' tive stories, am) covers a superlicial area of 4 of ^tone iiivi brick. Messrs Rice Lewis ,\ Son 1 Limiie'lt are inipoiitt- .ind deaUis inshilf antl heavy hardv\are, such as mechaiii' • . tnachin'sis' and coopers' tools; mill, plimd>ers' and hniMrr- siippli" s ; tine cnllery, har iron, steel, pipe, nutals, kiirlui utensils, ir mi h.- '- 'eatls, amiuunilion. ^;iiiis, surveyors' in strmiunts. wiie rn^t , window j,','.is.s, leather beUinj;, siw Lrass i;ords, etc., ' i f.icl the --lofk comprisi> a full asMir nient of all classes of hardw.ire. Their speci.dties are mu. tels, grates and art tiles, all of which are kept in -tod n, tiuantily and assortnient. and popular esi.d. lishment is divided into various departnu-nts. On ih- ground Moot is the general salesroom, very liaiid-- under the manaj»cmeni «'■ Mr. ' 11. Lee, ;. >tock-hohler. Dn llse second tl.'-r the .ilfices and ^<'neral sample rooms are located, wluK the ' liril lloor is devoted to the tlisplay of the majinili.cir assortment of manleK. ^r.uo and tiles handled hy thi^ Iitiik W'hieh, without douht, i^ the leading houst in Canada, nii'i carries a stock e i- under the man.ij^ement of Mr. S. >. Martiit, a simk holder, who is ^^Lo general manager ol ih' hea\y liartlware departmcn'. The hmrth and tdth il"*loek, whiiti i> stored i" dii ;i -^evcLd dillcrciii w,im huu-c-. and in the nient of ihc Kinv;-^trcii huiidin;.',. Some -iMy li\. w perienced clerks are emph)yed, while eit^hi commercial h.ivtl lers represent the interests of the company in Ont'ti". Manitoba, the XorlhWe t Territories. lUitish Cohuiihi.' and the ciiy of Toi..nio. The steady rise a. id ahtif-' uneipialled prosperil) of this concern must be crcdik I in the skiltui mauaj^emenl and shrewd iudj;mcnt of Mt^-^r-. Lee ami Leys, upiui wh'un has always fa-'^ m ihe acliv- conin.l. Mr. A. II.' i^ hij;hK rcj;arded in buHiu-.-' hi' liiiaiu ial I irch- loi his e\ecuii\e aliility and person. .1 worth ; he is one ot Toronto's toniuosi busine--, ne 11 and Is pioni ineiiily counetled with the Hoard ol 'I'radi , l-inj; c\ti»>' dent, ineniher of ilu' Council and Chaiimaii of the Wliot. sale II.. dw.iic .Hid Mct.d Section. Mr. .\. Murdeii h' is treasurer and vice pre-.idcnl ot tlii^ » -.lablishuu nt. h.i\inc succeeded to the latter ollice rendered \acanl by the deaili ni Mr. |ohii Leys, and it may be 'aid thai he shares in llu ^;encral hi^;)i 1 slimate acn.tded this imp.. it, ml firm thioii<;li oul the I hMuinion. K'^T.^ni.lSHMI'lNT OH HICi: I.IIWIS tk SON, I.1.MIIKI.. The Dominion iivi-tisTRATEn. 11 IB U'lw.irc ami itnn ■els. Tlu'U* i^ 11'. nl»>, IkMUt t^iiuHii is\ Sini ( Liiuiu-fl), arlv li;ilt a trnlury y Ml. Kill' l.i'ui*. slii|i wiili his snn. ir |{. l,ee and Inlin rilie.I. Mr. C.'. W. s<^ In In- I'arrifii on iflcr UmKc yc.^^^, was iiiaiU', llic cim- iny, under the nld |iiin>il)lc (iltlcc of 1 tilkd I)y a't. if whom devnifi d prnj^ri'ss of ilu l)lc ailnilnistrntiiin and greater mii rs past. I'or main t their pri -'in st wholfsak- < Mnl. ^ I'Uill llIlikT il I led |-roininently <>i liii;-. to a hfi^lil i ' \'i of 4iJxJ5<) ft'ct, sides of >tone anii itcd) arc in!|iniln- iicli as nu-ch.ii!'i - . hers* and luiildrr- )c, nu"tal>, kiirliii surveyor'-' in her belling, s.iw ist-. a full .^s^ur ;'ci.dlies are ni;ii. kept in ^tock in h.! popular' tnu-nls. On lli' hainUiinuK ni 1 liy luagniliiiT' I iiianaj»t'nieni **' n l!ie second ll"'>r re located, \\\ul f ihi" niaiinifii cw idley this hrii' ■-(■ in C"an.uia, ati'i l)ii,shnienl on llu U of Mr. S. S al iihinaj;cr ol ili' h and liflh l! - Ii-par'nieiil, vvlin \ r, a -.tock-h'iMti. ardware (jfioils iii ■ lock, whirl) ]■ ■-and in the \'.\^i nie sivfy fi\i 'M minuriial ii ncl pany in i >n' li'. Drilish (.phiml'ii rise a:i(I altrH'""' list he credittil t" inenl of Mr--^rv f.i.' M the a(ii\< d in hiiriiu s> .uv^ I person .' vM>ttli : n- II anil is pixiii I. I -nij; ex pi'i lan of ihr Wli.'l . A. Hnrdiit I." hlishni* nl. h,)\in;: Ml h\ th.'dr.^lli ' \h ^haii-. in \U an! hlin thi"u:',l' ri.\. Hi \i\ iV Co.. Whoh'sale (Irocers. cornei S.-nlt and I iniii >[ii(is. The nho\e photoj;raviire will ^ive a fair idei nI ill. I AUrnal appearanee uf Uu- larj^est nio^t ihor- 'iU;;lily iipiippi-d \vhole>ale j^nnt-iy wniehnUM' in (".in.ida. nnhii many r the inosi cnmplcie on the ii>nlintni. Till- >i/f (if the lot nn which ill'- Imildinj; ^talld-. i>. 50 fcei 'III I- ro on Seittl-s. i and S^^i on I'sphniade- 'itr.i, 'iLTkinj; M|uari.- feet. Ii i-. ho\\e\ir, an idi-.t 'il '111 interMal .urati^iiiH-iits. w r desire lo f^i\e 'Uir nadir>. I Ml 1 niiriiij; the preniisi-s a per-un i-, impre-st-d with the e\ '< lit m| l>ii>ines>. .nid the 'irdcr and ^vsinn ujih whi. fi it i-- 'ti'ii. . The suite of nllieesand sample loom is yiliii wide.'.nd •'\t 1 Ik- feet loii^. Til the ri^Iit is the private ntlice, then the i;tiiti,d iittici, wall the \arious deparlnu-nls in tluir proprr 'T'l' r. ^fiieral nianaj;ir, rashier, eulr\ departinttii. Ciistini^s 'i' p.niiiunt, irntiice drpailni.iit, \e.; then ctnies ihr ship I'Hi^: ,nid reiei\iii^ d<'p:Mtmi-nls. T.i ilu- hit ^Intelie^ ihr ■Miiplc ro'iin I'll a disianee nf o\ei (m teel : hi-y.mii this are dii piixate telephone loom and the ehak r>ioin am) lavat'>ry. Ilu >imple room, heautifullv dernraled -Aiih oina MHMi.d slulf ^oods. Mirniounteit hy displ.iy aiivertisiiij^ eaids. Im-ii eanfn'iy aiian^i ■! Ailh rveellriit tasir. \ numher '>\ -ilisiiun and ihiir as^isi.iMis arc I'Miiled at vari'nis p.iinis S'l 1- If. nutl ihe con\tnitnef of the ennstan' -.iiraiii "I eus '"iiKi^. Ht're, the scllin^^ is dune, and duiin^ the l)us\ iiMiii,,,| till' day is a si^ht, whieh oner seen is imi nadiK l"tt;..tirn. Il is a perfect hi\eof industry, and yet the iM'»st pirlnt order and deeoiuni is ohst-rved. The privat-- olli.e h'-iii Ihe tloor up four feet is pulishcd .piailrre'l 'lak ; al>"\i' iliis !'i aliuii! a likr extent is had \*'irk, ami thetice i.i the atliii^', philf glass. The elfeci of this, as well as of the K.vV. BI, \IN & GO'S., WARKIIOUSHS suite of olfices and sample room, /i wonderfully striking, and the whr»le /»■ as suhstantial and eninenieiit .is // A hands. mif, Thf plans «ire 'Irawn hy Mr. M.ii-luw Shrard, tlir pi.iuiin ent architc'l. I'lie hail wrk was lesi^iu'l hv Mr. Kohcri ,Mi'( "ausland. w lin is iidw lanioiis thnmj;liiiut ( ana'la hi> arli-tir tasif. Ihe firm has always heen noti-d for its enter- piisc. and we hi-litve has more modern iirprovements ihan .iny other liini In the Ilominioji. Lest this may he cpu-s- li'>ned we may mrulioi; some nf them, as lollnws : A uare- h'lusr irjrphoiu- s\st<'m. whieh enahles nil parts of the est ah lishmeni lo he spitken In. ffmi aii\ ')lli' r [larl. This W'are- h')Usi' Aiilomatie Ke-sfHinj; Ti-li'phoiu' desenei more than a p-issini; noiici', as it is the only one '>f the kind in evisienee. Ihe patei.t is heinj; applii-df'ir l)y the iineiii.irs and pnipiie- t'us, "Thf ToroMto Khefieal Works.' It is ralhd the " Seir >iitiii|;" system. It is vised at .iny si. ti\ a swiieh heiiu' turt;ed to the numher indie: tin^ ihr telephone or station desireil. After coin ei sat ion is t ii'h'l, as the rii ii\ inj; ttlephone is hiinn up the insiiuiniiii aiilomaiirally resiis itself and is at ihe snnie lime ihiai licl from the haliny. Tlu- 'teftet in all sui h -\sii-ms lu-iitot'iM- has Itjt n the d.inj;*! ol leaving llu swiieh in the position pl.ieed hir usi, whiih woreoui ihe inipienunt and hatiir\ .iiid prevented the lelephoue from hiin^; eatleil up h\ anv ot the 'tther stations until the mistake was discovered aii'l the switeh v\as mo\eil hark h\ h.iiitl to the h'>me positimi. This ^.luiee 'i| .iiini>\anre am! his>. is ciuirely remo\e'l hj this aiitnni.itie return switch. The apparatus is as ingenious as it is simple au'l reliahle. aiiespaiehC.imp'inies:anaulomalie el..ik siamp. which reords the exact minutt- v\heiiall letters and d.iciiiiienis are renixed ; an automatic lime cluck which re^^isters the esa.i lime when any memlier of the staff ar- rives at ami leaves hiisiness ; a hydraulic letter press, a letle; (ilecahinet ei>ntainin^' over irxilijes ; automatic hoist halche.i; huri.,' ar proof safe in ide of lire-proof vault lij^hted w ith ele.-- iri'ity ; Ihilnies' l-:ieitrie watch service: iwo tvpe and shorthaii'l wriieis; two lieM leleplioms. \c.,\c. .Since the imposition of twi cents on city letters ;i uniformed letter-car- rier delivers the city mail al a saviiiji to the husincss of ahoul $Jf"» a yea;-. Space will iioi permil -is to i^ive a description '-I the warehouse further than to say that it is the most com- uiodi'His aii'l convenient in Canaila. It holds a sitick on all the tlats of over an acre of i^rocerics. There are Iim- sliip- piii\; doors, all on a level wiih the railway lorries. Tlu- ha-..iiienl is solid j^iatiolithic. ami ii'ilhin^ has heen left un- done t'l aih! to the health and c«imfort of the employees or to faciliate the hiisiness. One do/en traveller-, are em- ployed and the territory covered extends from llrockville ami I m.iwa ihrouj^h to the I'acific t'.asi. 'I he reputation of the linn ami the immense vari<-ty of j;»iods held in stock are well known lo the trade, ami we have eli')sen rather ih.iti follow the heateii path. t'> ^,'ive the ahove descrip- tion, which we helicv'e will he appreciated hy tin- jjeiieral puhlie. who lake an inteie4 in the unparallehd advancement of the citv. THK noMINION II.MISTRATKn. YORK CHAMBERS, TORONTO KTBHKT.— (Bci- iHxt |m(ie.) The dominion illtjstratki > 107 llll SlAMiARII I, UK AssI II vSi |.; (■.iMI'\\\. I If.lcl (IIIKC-. l!ilinliiir|;li, llui.l Ofliir Icir ('aii.iih\, MniilrtMl ; M. M. Kam>;iy, (ii-ncriil M.iri;ij;cr tni C.iikuI.i, \ iiarl<" lliinlir, Sn|ifriincnilcnl nf A^cnfit-^. Tlu' ( 'aii.i'iiaii Hnanl Hi Iiiinlnrs is cttiniMiscd «ti llif iimsl |ihiiniiK-iiI int-ii ul tin- luiinlrv. liavinjj iiiitiii^ iK iiicinlicis Ilu- linn. ). 1. ('. Ali l„,l. i,i.('., I'lvniitTuI Caimila, Sir Ali\. T. (iail. K.'C. M.(i., |nM|ili llirkson. A. (iillt'siiit-, lw|., ]•'.. H. (iri-i'n>l)iL-lils, M|. riic ('anadjaii Hrani'li nl llu- Slantiaiil iii\i-sK ,1a-' II- liinil- ill Caiiattial) -fciiiilir- nl tlu- lii^ht'-t rla--, llui- n-taiii- iiiji iiiirinii- III rmul- liir the j;cncral ^nml. I liu' ul itii- olik'-l ami lii-l kiiiiw 11 nmipanii'- (•n(;a^;i'(l in ihi- Im-iiu-— i- tin* Manilaril l.ilf A—uraiu'i- ( "1 1. , wlin in tlii- lily liavi- tlu-ir B^fiK \ at i| Tiiriiiilti -Irt'i'l. 'I'lu- Slanilaril ('iiin|i;ia\ lia- ftii .1 I'lii^ liiiH' laLcii llir Icail in -iin|ilir)in^ tlu- lunililiiin- anil lilni.iii/inj; llu- fiintrart ul lilt- a— iiranci-, tlin- aHinilin^ iii- ,r<.i-i'l vi'iirilv 111 ihu-i- uliii li III llu'ir |Hiliri,-- ; tlii-. it will lie tmiiu'liati-ly -i-rli, i- an I'-pii iai piKanla^^f u lull tin- a- -iii.iiin- i- in'fiiili-il til lie a— ^jiuil m luini llu- lia-i- nf |k-i-u iiiarv ■ililitjaliiiiiH. Tlu- niarki-il -uii-i-— that ha- alway- at- IiiiiU-ii ihf |>ri>i;rcss ul tlu- rmnpan)- i-- im ilmilit iliu- larj^i-ly 111 tin- lilH-iali'.y iif it- ilialinn-. tlu- li-rni- ami i-iiiiiliiion- .il tlu- Maiiilaril will i-iiin|iaK- KumiraliK with thu-i- ul ai-.\ ullu-r i-inn|iaii) iluin^ Im-iiu-— in Canaila. It ua- (--talili-lu-il 111 1.SJ5. anil -iiu-t- that iLu ha- aniuiri-il a icjuitaiimi st-ruiul 111 nmu- i 1 llu- \Mnlil. A t^laiu-i- at tht* iiaim-s ul" thi- nltii-t-r- iil* till- iiii|iiiiia:it i-iini|iany it-\cal- a >lrikiii|; li-t ul iiolalili* null. ulii«-li ^marantcc- it- ri-liahility. Tlu-y havt- ntlirt-r- .inii ajii iii-ii- all uMT thi-wurlil, ami llu- liii-iiu-— iluiu- i- im- iiii-ii-i- in 11- t-\ti-iit. N'rai tiy \t-ar llu- ina^iiilmK- uf it- .i|--ialiiiii- ha- imri-a-t-il lilt .it llu- |irt--(-til.iliiin nl tlu- la-t roiHirt tlu- tiilal .1—1-1-. riin-i-tiiif; ul ai-i-uiiuilali'il tiiiiil-. aiuinim III uvi-r $i7.4uo,(X]0. «liilc-i ihtTL- is an an- nual ri-M-niu- I if iivt-r $4,900,001). Th-.- -m-cf— uf ihi- cnin- |i.iiiy i- ]iriiVL-(l liy tht' (livi-iiin mi llu- l.i-t rc-piirl uf a vt'r\-^:t- -iii|ilii-. 'I'lu- ti-riii- uf St.iiuiani iMilii-iu- .ut- iim-l lili- ' .mil lliirly ilay- j;rai-t- art- allowi-il Inr llu- iia)iiu-iit uf |iri-niiiiin-, ur in tlu- ca-t- uf piilii-ii-- uf ti\i yi-ar-' -lamiinj^. .1- iiiiuli .1- lliitti-i-11 imiiith- i- alliiwt-il If il(-alli -tunild m-- .,11 viilhiii Ihi- |iL-riuil, llu- pulirir- an- -till payaliK- iimk-r cellaiii t-a-y arraiiKL-nu-nl-. 'rht--c ami ullu-i- lai-i- wliiili an- pLiiiil) -ct fiirth on tlu-ir circular- i-annut fail lo rcciiiiniiL-ml it III |icr-un- inu-iuliti(; In cffci-t life a— uraiuc. 'I'lu- Tun nilu iillicc liiie-au c\lcii-ivc Ini-inc— Ihrnii^liuiit Wc-lcni Canaila, .inil iM-iapiu- a well lillcil ami -paciuii- ulticc. Mi. Iliniu-r, ilii- -iipcriiitcmleiit uf ancucic- making; hi- hcaii ufficc licrc. Ilk- manager, W. M. Kain-ay, w lin ha- ticcn nvcr 40 ycar- iiilh the cnnipany, i- nnc nf ihc im jinpiilai iiiaiiat,'cr- in ran.ul.i, ami i- nnleil fur hi- kiml al .1 ^i-iiial inaiiiu-r, ami 111- i;n-at financial aliility, a- shnwn liy hi- skilful llamllin^; nf llu- cninpany'- lart'c iiivc.-itnu'iil- in this cuuntrv. Till I-JW hill-: I\st-R\Ni|.: CoMi-ANv, nf Ilarlfunl, Cunn., Wcslcrn I'anada branch, W. II. 1 irr iV Suns, nian- aijfr-, Kiioin i). \'urk Chairihcrs tw Tnrnntn strcctl. -This Life Insurance Cnrpnralinn, wilh its capital nf $1,250,000 the laryc-l engasjcd in life insurance is ai.i.nn; the leading companies in this line nf husiness. It was in 1850, with licadipiarters at llarirnril, Cunn.. and dilriiij; its kinL' life nf fnrly-lwi) years has paid its pulicy holders uver $7S,jijl,ooo. This seems a lartje sum, averaj^in^ nearly two niilliim- a yeai, lull Last year the amount was nearly four niilliiiii- 111 dollars in death claims, cmlnu-ments and JivideniK. .-Vnd at present the . I-;ina l.ile has uver $,i7,ooo,- 000 invested as a guarantee fur the payment nf future claims. .Manajji-d upnn an ecnnnniical and cnnservative plan, cnm- liineil wilh the advania^^es ul the mutual system, it is free from the liabilities and dangers met in the latter. The IMilicies now- i-sued are very liberal, there lu-inK no unneces sary le-lriclinns, while al Ihe end nl three years they arc mm liirteilini; and incuntestable, and provided Ihe insured has in that period passed a lite in healthy Incalilie- and not engaged in certain hazardnus occupalintis, '■ he i- permilled ' I travel or reside wherever bu-incss nr pleasure may call him, and to enKa^e in any ordinary occupation wilnnul pr.-- jiidice tn his in-urance," I'ulicies are written under Iwn heads, participating and mm parliciiiatinj;, divided each into several cla-es suitable In the wants uf insurers. The forty- sec nd annual report shows a surplus nver all liabilities uf $6,tX)j,ooo,57. In Can.ida ihe amuuiii ul n- depusii wilh the iiincrnmcnt is larger than that ul anv ullier company, lieingnn less than $3,307,497.00, while Ihe anumnt ul in -urance in lorce in Ihe Dominion at the end nf iiSoi, was $i7.5JJ,ooo.oo. Tn Can.idian |inlicy hnlders the I-ana l>aiil lasl year the handsome ca-li .sum uf $715,489.00 in 'leath claim-, emluwinenl- and dividetuls. .Mes-rs. \V. II, tirr ,\ Sun- the -eiiinr memlier Uventysi.v vears in the cumpaiu's service— are the chief ,'gellts in ('aiiada, having Ihcit ullice at Kami .\o. 9, \'ork Cliamliers, Toronloslreel, i-rileihem lor circulars ami rates belore closing an appli ca:ii ^-rtu-rally known that the iJ' hiiys uiorr ru'i^-l, .m.l ol .. h.tu-r .|uahtv, than any »a»i.m 1,1 ihf worl.l in proportion to iu iHipuIaiion. Thi*ri- art- innually nmdf in Cana.Ia nv.-r a inilhon and a .luartcr yards, ni ih.- nianufa.inrc of whiih arc ^■ni|)Io\c.i h.t«..-ii i\ hiunIriMl in-uph'. Canaila aKo inipor'i- ovi-i yUwc ■uU a yt-ar, of which om- and a halt niillioii an- ot I'll"! laivslry which form iht- (,'reatcst competition to the product ..fCanaOian looms. * In ih.* Uiiiti'd Stales, in the year iS(x>, ihirc wire twenty- nine thousand penpK- fii^ia^^cd in ni.ikin}.'. marly loriy inilhon dollars worth ot carpti, an worlli oj eapilal was thus I'inployed, including' land, hiiildin^s anit mat hiiiery. Knowni^ what a lar^e and ^ntuinj,; luisims the car|K-l trade in Canada is liound to liteoinL-, the promoters ot the 'I'. C. M. Co., a )ear aj^o set al)out i^ainiriji all possible data and information, and learniiif^ thnt a small niimlu-r of looms were to Ik- dis, osed of, the owners not llav^rl^; tin- capital to carry on nianutacluriii^, a joitii sioek Com|iany. witli limited liahilil), was formed, and an < inl.irio i harler was pMn iircd for a ( nmiiany capitalized at $V'.'-'<>t>'J'). .»iid fia\ in^ as directors Mr. A' Claud." Macdonell. ot Toronto, and Mr. I.ouis M. Haves, of lVtirl«i«ro', l.f.ides ihosi- al ihi- head ot tliis article. Siune few months having heeii i.ikiii up ni ^ettm^ their inne I'Htnis into propi-r trim. o\i rh.iuhii}^ .In- d\e liousi-. t*n- '•"li'"K ''"* drying; room and f- pouring in fiom merchants who had ileltrmineil iK-\er aj^aiii to lni\ (aiunlian carpets, tiavin^^ heeii so thorou^hK thssatistud with the^^reasv, poorly c.lored. oldpatterne.l, 'hadl) dynl ^oods sold I'hein hy makers relying tin rhe tariff to hold their eiistomer.s for them. Tile r. C. M. Co., Iii-lic\ n^ that intrinsic e\celhnce must assi-rt ilsclt. l>oii},;lit modern siiurinj; ni.ichiiury whii'Ii thorouj;hly cl. ails thi. \arns..l all ^;reasc. They .dso hound in heavy lioiids tlu-ir yarn makers to use onl> the Inst lanl oil in niaimt.icturin^', and a heavy forleit nuisl he paid the t'ar[K't Co. i) mineral oil, at any time or in any ipiantity, is foimd in the yarn. 'Ihen. in th-siyns, they souj;ht the best designers of the I'nitetl Slates, and. seleclint* '"'^^ -i'*'' «^ri^^inaI etVects and the latest weaves, .vl once placed ihelliseKes on a Ie\ el \\ilh the lar^e^t l'liiladel|tliian inakeis m r.spect toipiality ;Uid j)attern. Such .111 iin)iori.inl feature as the tlyeiii^ of the \arns could not hi't receive the attention suc-.-ess deinaiuls, if in any- tliiiij; they would succeeil. The past evin-rience of others was a sutiicieiit lesson for this yomi^' coiuern to j^uard them a;;aiiist the error ot tryiit; to save niitiiey in ilus at the reputation of the j^oods, and the\' resoKed to use only the best aniline dyes, and if need l)e, in certain cokus, ali/.>.riiie. The l)ril!!ancy in the coloring of their carpets soon told in tlu-ir favor. Then in weight, knowing; that the l-",ni;Iish-made t arpei had the best reputation xA' all ingrains, it was .lecided lo surpass them, and, on examination, it was fomul possible to do so only in two wa\s to supp.l) a belter ^rade of stock Mu\ increase the weight. Kuyers of ^lli^ ( 'oinpany's carpets will tliercfori- liiid them to be at least 15 per cent, better in ipialit) of st«H-k, and comiiim, from one to one ami a half more picks to the inch to iju- same wei^dit in 'he yard. l-"iiidin^ the orders tor th * sprinj^ trade could never be completed in time on the pine looms, and lie.iriiij,; it was possible that the ( )ntatio Wtusted Company would probably entertain a projiositioii for the punh.vse ot ih.ii entire carpet- niakmj,' plant, nei,;oiialions wue oi>eiied with a r.-suli of the thirieen l«Kinis biin^ brouj^ht fioin 1-Jora to Ttnonto, niakini; the T. C. M. Co. the larjjest power loom facoiry in Canada ill this iiulustr). .Success lollowetl on their etVorls so rapidly l).a, it was soon evident that the premises, No-,, i and \ Jar; is street, would ne\ er accominodale the incieasin;; business. Ar- ra'.j^ements were therefore immediately entered into tor a ew factory ihal would t^ive llu room .uid tacililies reipiired. The liiiildini;. siiu.itid on ihe -ouili we>i eoMier ot |ar\is .iiitl l!spl.uiacle streets, a iVontaj'e ol one hmidr*-d feel with a depth nf seventy, fmir slorcys hiyh and lij^hled on thn-e siiles. On the ground lloor will be toimd the hmins, two and three-ply, of both Miirklaiid and Crompton build. Kooin ha» be»-n rescr\ed on thi^ lloor for sonu art square looms, tor which tlu- < 'oinpany are ne^^otialiny, ;.nin across the lane, and it b.-inj; inlended to lij^ht the taeiory liy electricity, all risk has been done awav w illi. livery coinlort needeil to make it a cheerful and healthy factory has been looked to. ami, with plenty of sunlii^ht and air. the factory lia'ils will be able to turn out more and better \s »rk. The president and vice-presideiu havinj; been h.i nianj years coniKcted with the linesl dry yoods trade in Canatia, the secretary tri'.isurer's loiit; service as accountant with one of our banks, and the superintendent having i;ratlu.iled from one of Ihe lari^est i'hiladeljihia factories, places ihis( ompaii) under ofiieers who, with their technical knowledj^e anil e\ perience, their eiu-rj^y and proj,;ressiveness, will not be satisfied until "the M.iple Leaf b"uul" of in^'rain carpel '■hall be kiutwn throu^dunit tiie leiij^lh ami breadth of ( "aiiada ; showing; the world that Nir purity of stock, lieautihd and lasting ipialitv of dvcs, ^racelul and orij-inal desij^iis ;iiid superior wei^lit art lechniipie the Torttnto Carpet Manu- facturinj; C m|Miiy, ( Ltd. I are leading;. all Kinds of Sioves. ( ;as . 454 Vont;e-slreet. No Ik \ K C vKUiNi.ios. Kepairs I'ixlures. W.iier T.ips. I'ijn -.. \c housekeeper can f,^ei alonj;, without the occasional \is:i of the plamber. In winter he is looki:il upon as a necessarv evil, your water pipes f^et fro/en ami the entire household operations ceased until, the visit of our mai]. then his sir vices are reipiired tohxup some leaky jjas pipe, or water lap or the cook has burned out the lining of vour Move ; now what ihe housekeeper wants, is to have one who under- sian«ls these v.irious branches ihorou^hh-. All these can be lound concentrated in Mr. Ir.i C.iriin^ion ot 454 \'onj;e- street, whose business is of such an extent as to monopolise two stories 16 \ 75 feet and a basement of a similar >ize, wilh a corps of assistants, and Mr, Carrin^lon is eiiernelie and iniiusirit)U.s wliiih has been the cause of his su.cess. his residence is over his place of business, so that ni^ht or day, he is alw.iys eii.inled to rcspiuul to a moments notice. »vliich coupled wilh a thoiou^jh kntnvletlj^e of hisbusiiies-iaiul icin^; reasonable ill his^jcs, has placed him, am.ui|; llu; pro- minent men of his trade. five am million low TORONTO CAKPKT MANUFACTURING COMVANY. Umitki>. loS Thk dominion iM.tie^TRATKn. KSTAiii.lSHMi-NT OH A. J. KING. TORONTO HISCl IT AN1» CONHJ-.CTUiNKK V CO. A. j. KiN"., ( I'linUkf .mil t.'oniiiii>-.iiin iiRH'lii\nl. S Klm-''Ui*i-t. I'.i^hi Vfiir-. cnj;:»}'i(l in oiu- lir;itnli ul luisi- ru-v". yivcs a runi^c ol r\|KTii-nt-t.' ai>fl lin-ntlth ni kiuiwlcilj^o thai notl'inj.' lUi- ran. Siiirimiulitl iluui i>> •'luIi an f\|>«ri- cnci- a'- a ^int.-ial pr'nluci- antl t(inuui->-'itn nuirliant. Mr. A.J. Kinj;. wlinsf piact- nf huviik-.-. U ImMU-il ai S rini- ^IrL■l■t, ^lan^I> ;»ri>tnincntl\ lorwai"! as a rr)iriM'niali\<.', ami i-. lU-scrvin;; nf more than a ii.i->in^ mxife. VUv ahii\c tads UK-ruly rdur lu Canaila, Un Mr. Kiny was i\icnsi\tl\ i-ii- ^;am-ti in Im-'int-ss in lii> tiati\i- laml. liaxinj; li.iilci! ■.ri_.iaal!> Irnni I.ini'tlnshirf, Knyland. liis Im^ini-ss apiiiutic aii'l t'(ii-rg) sunn liail ilu-ir lUu- cUWi aii'I In- lla^ Imili ii|'.\ lar^jc an*i riMiNUmtl) ^M'«iiiK l>usinrss. Siiiialik' ami rnnnnoilius prfniists arc ("itliil u\k C'tmiirisin^ a siun-. 20 \ lou (vvl In (iinicnsiiins. aHuniing anipk- ari-inii>.lati(>ii tt)r ihi* sUirajje ami 'lispla; nf slock, nuhhiing coIil sturagt-, as Wfll as for ihc rapiii prosit ulion of ir.i'lc Tlu- l>ii> tlnnc is t-niirely wIk.K-^.iIc. ami con>ij;nnKiils of a!! kiiiils <>\ proiimc. fruit jirincipally apples and iiiti\f slock, arc rtrcixni, ami dls- po>ccrfcct ^.ili^lacti tn lo producer antl liu)t'rs, BdUcr. cg^-, chircsc. lard, poultry. a|)plcs. make up sonic of the special line-, handled 1)\ Mr. Kinj^, uho does a lar^c and hieadily imre.isiriy c\p»irt trade with lai^land, lu^ ciMnieclious vviih iIk' foreign markets l.ejrig hrsi class. The fad that this season he is -.ending a I.irge con-«igMUMiii of ajiples lo ling- land, accoin|tanied hy an ageni. will give si'me idea ol" ihe extent of hi'i husiiies^. Mr. Kini» is preparing lor ;> special!) large evjuirt tratlc in lS()2, in fresh and pickled eggs, for which he often hrs lu'a\y local con'racts. In llie couunis-.ioM luisiness Mr. King is competent -mil reliatple. ami lu.'.kes liltera! advances ro(iial)ie and j-eruianent. rtrsonally, \Ir. King is practical far-seeing and diligent in lmsine>^. He ru'\er puts ort till to-morrow what he can to-day, and it is ■ ■-•eilless to say thoroughly merits his success hete. TiiK Toronto Bim iii and Com-kitionkhy Ci>., 7 KkONT Street Kast. While i)eing the youngest concern of its kind in Canada, the adTance made iti gaining the coii- (Idence ol" the puMii- is truly astonishing. Kstahli-^lu'd in the month of March, 1S41 thi> t-om|»any (Kcupies a fnie four story striurture as 7 i-nmi Street Ka-t, specially liuilt Uir the liusiness, it lieing 60 \ 200 feci in dimensions. The entire estahlishmenl is laid out in a thoroughly s)sti-malic manner, heing eijuijiped with machinery ami (he neces-.ary apparatus of the latest improved style Used in these manu- factures. In all, the emphiyees numlier se\enty.hve. part of whiuii are skilled haker* and through the 'tveii. In conledioner\, the celelirated B. h. W Omgh drops are their -.peiialiv, while in biscuits, tlu-ir " Scwlas " are marked li\ unusn.i! excellence. I'rom Coast to Coast ilu- ten traxellers «it tin- house are constantly on the road ticorgeW. Itooih. Mr. ilenr) ('. [■'orlier and Mr. Charles j. I'etei, .ire the pro prietors, all of whom are )oung men, hut endowed with .1 great v. -rg), enterprise iHid perseveraiwe. 'hie and .dl, they are active in the w-irk ol m.uiagcmenl. while the senjoi partner. Mi. I i^tier. represeni-. tlie t"ompan> on ihe \U>.\\i\ of trade. They are all popular ui ilu- ciiy, iVing connecii.i w iih n.muTi>us lioating and other ihilis. while js liu^inc- men ihcv have .1 & CO C. U. Parish \(o., SiMisiRO'iTON Hook IM^hi jsiikks. 2S \ joTokoNloSi. Kor a large nuin'HT of years llii^ housc has liel'l a leading place in the . ..Iiscripiimi Hook I'ulilishing I'irms of Canada, in fact, it is now the m various literar> works. The him is also npresciuoi ihh.ugli their .igi Ills in t \er\ Mate in the I nn-n Ironi Main. tt. C,dil..Mu.i. Illl. rKnVlhlSl NV\l\i.s I. Ill; Assi KA\< !■ S.i, n,|\ Ol Ni-.w \oKk, k. II. M.itson.tieneral Man.ager, .17 \*"iige- »lreet. The Provident Sa\ings Life .\ssurance Society nl New \ ork is the creation of it president, Mr, SheppartI Ihi mans, whose higli repni.ition as an .utuary is not »onlineil 10 the Cniteti Slates or Cauaila hy any means. I le deviseil ii- plans on scientilit piinriples. and arrangeil its rates widi n view i)f aflt)rding lilc insurance at actual cost, antl he h.\- heen emiiuntiy succe-slul. His plans have nought life iiiiii ranee vtithin the reach of many heretofore unable to carry it. .iiitl have answered the wants of those desiring simple lilt iiisuraiii-e itt A low t itsi. and ai the same time ini a vile h.i-i-. The Pioviileiii S.n Migs olleis ptoUclion at the lowest pi-ii hie ctisi, ami its linaneial ahilit) it» meet its oIiligaiion> .i- ihe\ nature, is untpiesiioneil. Its plan- are well worth alien lion and investigation. This liusiness was established in tlif I nilctl Slates in 1S75, ami has been in oper.iti'm in Can:ul,i three years. The ( '.matiian I Icatl < )llice is located in I'titnn- lo 37 \tinge-street mithr the able ( leneral Managership "' Mr. K. II. -Maison, a gentleman \\ho has hail a large aiui V tried experience in insurance maiters ixteiitling ovi r >! periotl tif eighteen years, ami his assistant, Mi. !■'. Spailin^;. has also had much experience in lile iiisurame, The preiiii se» on \'ongi--sireet present a sight til Ceaseless activilv. and are Well appoii'iU'il ami atlvaniageously situaleil in every «;!)■ The Savings have now branches in all the Canadian provin CCS aihl lire ye.irly eMendinj; their business opi-ratioiis uito every part of Canatl.i. Mr. Matron is tlevitleil to his 1 om pan\ and bv his mitiriiig /eal has matle a prontmnceil suri l-.^ in this ctiuniry to the entire satislaciitui of the Head » UtiCf. ami makes a |Hiini tif eschewing all politics ainl other maner* whii li might interfere with the successful carrying out ol hi- j business pmjects. Mr. Maison is a native of tlu- Xoriti "', ami has it sithd in the Cnitcd Males ami Cana-iJ since he w:is ten ye .1 . of age. Hyan honourable ami str.iigli! forvvarii t ourse this far thrt)Ugh life Mr. Maison has won tht csteeni, respect ami confulence ol .ill who have had busiin.'" transactions with him, John Samuel llemy Malstm. n pr< stilts the Savings l.ile in H:iiis|i C.ilumbia. Mi. Maison junior is a ver\ successful umlei w riter, ami altliuij;!! only twenty three yearsofage he hasalreatly made a liriMiaiH record for himself ami the Provident on the Pacific Ciu t. ing 2' liireni.i t^id'lishmei ha.i I, :iut The dominion II^LUSTRATEn. KM) ;;''->i..^tf^*s*«' - •■ , . •• ^ ^.v.-. 7'-^ OI-PICH op THH I'DISON i.l-Ni-lkAI. HI.ICIKH. Cit H>Kt>M() HON. Hk\NK nMI 1"H.- S. . iifxl i-ny..) ok^ Ml llu- liiuM . .lu- liiUi.lK-a I'V ^ ,111. 1 I1itHin.;r.i|tli \inl .irt' iini»'r;ani itl%N is ;\n iiuf ilitr Anuruan ■ tl wlinlll, hviti- I'ri)\ ini'i,-- "11 rt))r<-fiiUil II h'Mii M.iiiu KA\< K Sot ||-;IV ii.iiuc Sni-ifty I'! 1 1. SlupiKinl 1 I'- ll. il «u inatilr Ici carry il. irin^j siin|-U lil< nil a >al,' Imm- tite I.'Wisi )» -M ils nliIi};aiioii-'.b wiU worth aticii . il.lislu'd in llu' ■raiii'ii ill ("an.ulJ lutateil in "roron- Maiia^rrshii' "' hi. I a lar^^f iuni I^ll.iill^; ..vvr .1 Mi. I-. Sparliiit:. Thf |neiiii- . ., aiiivily. ami tni in fvi*ry way. aiuuiian provin- iipcraiioMs iiM" lU-.l 10 lus t.»m- imouiHcil sillies'* till- i!i-;ui OMiCi', iikI ntluT inaMi'T> invini; nui "t hi- ■ ni\\w NiMllinl iii-s niul ("a;iaiU al>K' and str ll^;ll! tsipn has Willi I hi ,i\i- had liiisiiii''- V Malsttn. nprv I C.ilinnliia. M'- tM, and alth.'iiKtt made a lirilliani I'aL-ilic Ct>a I. Tin: Klii".i>N (iKNJ.KM \'a\a iki< C.'.uiih l.uiuii.N.u I'dvrlHimuj^h, is ihi- Lir^csi cnuvrn niannlai lurinj; il(-liital .tp|>aiatiis in Canaila. This ('.piupaiiy has ii^ |K-anl'., widi I. ranch ..thivs .11 Hah(a\. M.tntical, \Viiini|'tt.; .111.1 WinrniiM-r. Thi' inaii.i^^muni .'f thi- luisiius^ i-. in tin- lun.U..tMi. M. 1). Marr, wh-i has I.ei n i-Uiinrnil « ilh ihf '■■ '■ 'II luisinL-s in Canada simv Sv\>{. isl iSSS. Thi i.iiu ii\aliK- kind ul insiil.ui-d \\ ir<- is in.ide in lliis 1 )c|iari- iiuni, i.Hisisiin^ ol wi-aihcrpriKil, nmi iuHaininaliK-, and rub- -.1 h.iusi' witi'.hiU' will-, tU-\ilili- cr.U, annuncialnr a^iKi wire ; in tact cwrMhin^; that i-. rti|iiiri'd in IM li-t'Tv ol (he jjrowUi nl" the husiiu'ss iif ihi* Kdisun ( i^ sMiiitwhal rt-'narkaMc. l-.n two i>r three yciir-^ pri.'r !■> 'SS the Mdistin ('o. had at \ariiius liiut-- ln-iii rc|irisfntid in Cmada hy ihli-.Tcnt pcrsuiis. ami Imt a small am.tunt .>! Ipusim-s, h;>d rusuhcd. It was diinud ai that linn.- ihal r.iiuda h;» 1 u.ii iU-\fl.t|n.-d siiMi. i<-iiil\ I-' « arr.iiii ihr i-si.iK Iblinitiil ot a niainilactory, Imi in Sci>U'inl>tr nliSSS Mr. M. 1». Hair, whn liclievfd lhuiniij;hly in the riitiirt* nf C'anada. iiLiiU' an arran^'i'HR-ni with the IMisnn Cn. in haiidU' the ( anadian l•usilK■^., a> a l.raiuli stparatL* h.mi the I'niu-d Sia- ii-s. .\ small lactftry wascstalijishid .it Mi- ilinxikc,|il.>y- in^' 20 men, ilu- Ci'n^ l-.tnc cuisistinj; uf mu- liirtinan, an.l tniir w inincii, Intt within fij;ht ni«niths rrnni llu- (MiMishmcni .»( the laoi.iry ai Slurln-Mikc llu- torce n( inuTi had ln'cn nuivased Iroiu jo to nearly ly) nun, aiul s..mi- 5(1 men were i-iii|i!nyf(l in cinsinu tinj,; licctriral )ilants iluuiiwh 'lut Canada. l-riHn that 'iine ihc ^^rowth dI' llu ( '"'tn)iaMy !i;is Urn remark. il)Ii'. Il secineil as Hmu^di |K'.i|)k> h.ul at ,,iia- 1 ■■;;■"■ •" r.-ili/f llu- iie-es,iiy . delect rie li^;ht ami ;rt»wcv, .ind Ihesiiiidl tarlury at Sherlir.i.')kc could scarcely keep np wi!'. ihe ileniatui matte upnn it hy the Sellin^^ I Kparlinent I'tr tin irical apparatus and supplies. In i.Siji the luisiiu'ss h.i.l je.i. heil such tlimensi.uis tlial the Sherhi.M.k. iait.iry v\as n.ii ahle by icas..n t.l lack .d luoin t.> (ill ihe iH.ler's I'f I'tly. ami it heeame iiecc'sniy |..r the Cnnipany t" l<»'k alHHii tor new tpiariers. Alter taiehdiy l.n.kin^' into the advaniaj^esol the varitius sites the linally .leci.led n|Min iVterh m, ami the result was. ihe\ hmll work- at iVterhtirti, which are the piide ol the toun. Tlie-ie ImiMin^s iire rectij;ni/eil liy auth.trities on the sidijecl to be the tnust t(|ui|>ped Machine Shops in Cana.l.i : they are Mliiaie.l at Ihf westcin e\treinity td the city ol iVter'boio "11 a I. It (o acres ni e\ient, and connected with the 1 rank aiis Kti ill uitith. Ill this shop i> manulaeiurt .1 all ol the dsna, 111. .tors, ;,M manufacltiretl. and aboii: 40 nun are emplove.i in this lt.p:iriiuent. To the east attain ..f this buddni^; ami next : the street is the wire tlepartment ; this isa two sioiey hritk iiiililiii^ 2S2 feet Ioiijt ami (kj (eel with- ; here the luisi'- litis -: ctiveriiig wires tii all ileseriptionsiseariied on. l^ery ber . wile the electri. ial husines- in the way .if covere.l wire-: this tlepartment j;i\es enipkiyment to ab.iut 250 men ,iiid j^irls. All the inaehincr) iise.l in these factories is of the newest aiitl Litest ilesi^n, and the facilities for turning out apparatu*^ and niateiial in a t'uap, tpiick ami ellecti\e manner are un- surpassed by .iii\ l-'.lectrical W'.irks on the Conlinciu. ( >ne, is iiiipressetl upon seeinj; thesi- ina;^niru"eiil works with the la. t that the) arc in the business to stay. < t\er half a million .|o|lai> has lieeii iii\este.l in this plant, .ind there is no ipies lion that the plant is as fme ami eonipleie a plant for the business, as there is in the wurhl. .\t the present time the works are t-mph>yin^ between 5(X) antl (>oo men. anil in cei lain st-asoiis .,f the year run two j^aii^s >,\ nun. thus keeping the m.ichiner) t..nsi.uitlj .it w..rk 24 h-niis .1 .lay. Th.e Construetitm l-orce connected with the lai^iiieering I»e|»art- nient eni|»lftys at times, in various parts .>f the D.nninioii a. inan> as J50 men. while the selling', which in SS was entirel) tlom- by Mt. M. I ). Ikui him-elt, !ms been increas.-.i until in llie present yen he has ;ii liis bramh ol.i'Cs an.l on the roail some 20 salesmen. Mr. Harr Is yet a j'niii^,' man, bul he has shown ^real abilit)' as a iiiaiiaj;er. aiul lo his eflorts kirj^ely is due the pr 'sperity of the Canatli.'ii branch of the laiison business. The (''iiiipan\ is now^ely eiij;aj,;ed in Idectric Street Railway w.irk. aiui is also con-trm tin^; some itnpor- taut Power rrnii-niission plant-, and i- constantly .ultlini^ new lines. The) are 'piick t.) lake uji .in\ new .ipplicatioii tif electricity which irives indii'alioii 'd bciuf; a beulit to ni.inkititl. ami if the hituic is to be jud^jetl by the -u cess .>! the past wc preilict that the I\iiis. Tlif aullinii/cil i .i])ii.\I is $j,(xk),o(xi, iit'uhiih $l.750.oix> Wfin sulKcril.i-il, and $175,000 paid u|i. Thr'Uii*lnnit ilu- v.\rii'"I 4ri'->'.i\t.- nnuiili-'ii. i-aili yc;ir K'^'"U a -.imri^i-r I'maiu'ial |i'»-iiii'ti than llu- uiu- |>riiu(.tt tlu- cniiiain ti»r ihi- \f.\i t-ntl- injijlst l)i-c., iSyi.ilu-ii tarniii^' imhiiiiii^; $5,000 |iri-iniuiii nil ni'W slock animintid i.> $115.0^4.21, wliicli aflii ihr lir ihutiiiu III f\iHii>i'>, ili\ iclfiiiU. "oiinni-'si'tn-, vie, K-'^*^' •* m-l lialanit.- ■•! $24,742.05. l-rMiii ihis suin $20,000 wcxv ailiii'd t: $4.0011 wen* set apart lur llu- ("iniin^i-ni .unumi. rnakiiii; ilii-. .1 t,o*XJ. Mnri^ap- Inamd anK'nnii-d !•> $oSi, 055.2'), shiiwinc a lar^jt- inrrcasc \>>r \Uv y.w. Tlu- as-.ii> .tnount h- $2.o<)2..S')7.ii. .ill Ix-inj^ «>| ih.- I' snljii amnuiit In $1 ,757.000. am! tlu' ninii her fif liiim^itnr-. cMffii'. ti.ixjo. liiii^ slmrtinj.; ti> a j.;rtai lAtfiit tin- i'\f(-jlrnl tariliiii'^ ntVrri-.l |.\ this in- an- in'inj; taken aclvantaj^t- nl l.y till- jxnpK-. T!u- ('(Mipany's nihci.-s an- siiuati'il at Nn. 7S Cluinh stri-tl, wliirh pn-niiscs havi- ln-cn mvupird t»y tln> mnipaii) andhy tin- 'Ininiiiu Sa\in^;s Hank (n( uhali instiiii linii tin- iniii))any i-< tlu- siu\:i-^ 1 i,.r nvt-r jo \tai->. I'lu- wi-ll knnwn .Mill hi^;hly cstrtiiK-it linn. I- rank Srniih. Nrii- atnr. Is prt-sitli-nl. wlnth pn-.itinn lu- ha> ht-lil sincr tlu- tm- iiialinii ni llu- cmnpaii) . ln-inj; al>l\ sfcnniU-d li\ Kvi^iik- O'Kt-eff. I"sq.. viLi'-pu-siiU-nt. \\ . T. Kirly, Ks'i-, Jnlui Kny, l\sti., anil |-".iU\an! Stink,\., tlu- ntlu-i (liri'ttnrs, Tlu- duties fi niana^ii an* luHilli'd liy Majnr Jann's .\l.l^^»n. a yt-ntlrniati "i -nlid tinam ial training,', wisi- jiuli'mu-nl and al>ilii\. SrNi.l'.H I S()\i'. Oltice 4 J Scnit Si reel, t nrncr of ('iilliornc Streti. Mr. A Knbin'-nn Manager. —" (,'leanliness i^ ne\l !«■' < indliness" is a ^aying old .tnd irue ; and truni the l)ruvi:rl> c.n lie lainlly rcali/i-d the ^i^antic iiniMjrI.ince nf an indiis'ry such ns the niantdaclurc *ti ihe far tarn eil and [Hipnlar "Stinlighl Soap,'" whose niisviun nf cleanline-'S is now t hi' nmsi e\Unsu-e in the world. Historians are ii"i slow In record the history ofthe growih and decline nl kin^; ilnnjs and nionaichs, l»in very niten nej^lecl the ^;reat sue- (■i'-se> nf itvir ( oinMiercial Kin[;>, frnni w hnse ^jn-atnes^ the grandeur of the innthrr cniiniry and her ciilonie^. have sprung. It is not often that siicces-. i-. attained in cnmnierce in any short period, owin^ tn the keen eompelitinn in all phases of liusiness life. Hul just as eleetricity is the urpass it in general exer to a c.ipacily of 270 tons per week. Ii\ luiie. 1SS7, iS ninnths after " -Suidiglii" was lirsi pkiced on ilie niirki-t. the snap making laj-actly of the wniks had in< re.i-id lo 450 tuns per week the in.t\inuirn nl pindiirtion then p.i.s>ihle. These I.icis reN-r I.i ihe original " 1 Innie " of >unlight, when iln- luMd<|uarler> were in W.irringlon, Kng Kind. MnwiAcr well est. ilili-.hed, ihe iiithi--iry niu>i neeils go on, .md in I eUruary. iSS,S, the (inn acquired 52 acris nt land on the Cheshire side ■>! the Mersey river, chrisitneed to 1200 loiis per week, .m amount nt soap ihe '.tin -umptioii of which can scaicely he imagined. It wmtld l«e inijKis^ilile in this hriet -ketch tn describe in dei.ul ihe wnrk- w'heie '^indighl ^ )ap j- manuf.u lurt d. biii snme iile.i i.t the magniliiiie and extent nt the enterprise in. i\ lie fniniedhom a >horl relerenit in ihe uiuxcelleil laciliiie- o| ilie 1 mipaiu. Imagine huildings .done, envering an area of len aeie-.. Iniining .111 irregular ijuadrangle i i.inpri--ing ilie "s..,iper\ jirnper : the frame ro..m, drving mmn. -tamping m nn .ind gl)Cerine tacinry in connect it )n, lieside'.printiiig.liilingi.iphing. card and wtind box making depart nienls all lilted up throiighnui with everything modern and new, an't giving ein|)lnvincnt tn an army nl hands niimlK-ring i^foo. I he eiiiiie premises covering 52 acres, with mad- leading theieto. oliice- .in«l dining rooms foi woi k people, ihe wharves where Sunlight 'si'.ip i- -hipped heiiig all Itghud \-\ elecuicjty. Me-sr-. I.ever Hriihei- .iwn iheii oaii i.iilwav .uid cars, their oun -leamers, -eh.ionet- .ind harge-. and have erected a large numl't r n| .pi aim hui hand-nmet oiiage- for their workpeople : in laei ihe\ have a woild vvithni then property, the eharaetei. the atmo-pheie, the lile. ilie eivili/alinn, which exists in ihe Home nf sunltghi soap. cnndiining 10 make up what i- called " ilie lone" of rclialiil ity which has made iheir soap famous in all parts nf ihe civili/ed wnrhl. It is ili)ul)tfnl if to day the name of any article of dninesiic use is mure familiar to the minds ol Canadians than that of" Sunlight So.ip." It is 1 he ( headipiarlers that is nf -i)ecial nnie in the review nl "I monin's cnmniercial a'ld industrial inlere-is. .md the manager. Mr. A. Knliin-nn, whn has p'omnie*! the inlere-i- of Sunlight Nn.ip in a Wiindertul and credilahle inannei here. Heisntver asleep In the inlerests ol " Sunlight,' hut is (t»r it tir-i. lasi and all the time, and in Tnmnto alone, has adverii/ed the soap!* I>y his nwii p>rsonal intluerice and recnmmeiidatinn. I or ins'ance. .Mr. Koliirisnn i- an .icofupli-hed priniei and new-paper man, and knowing well the diMiculiy ol rieaning tvpe and lt»rms. hy the ohl u-e ol hen/ine, l)e. etc., he has induced many of the leading printers anil pmprielnrs of news papers in the cii\ to tr\ 'sunlight -oap. and the result is. iha( sunlight i- taking the place nl the old lime eleanei-. and dfK.'- il- work even lietier. I liese things are virtual revel.i- iioii-Ioman\ people w hen il is remeinhered that the -ame soap which willclean thewortil tjre.'ise.ind intrnduce his gnods, atui main a man .ifler accidentally living a lni of " Sunbghl " al his -ugge-ii jJterwar.l- used nn ..ther. Me-sis. I.ev.r Itioilui- h.wc ahead) been awa/ded -i\ g..ld medal- in cmii pet il inn wiih ilie world, v\hile in ( ihey have let eivnl a gold medal al < M'.awa in i,S, ati.l a hiplotn.i *>i Hnnm 111 i.SiH. also ihe hist awanl at I.nudnn. lie-iiles their geiietai m.magir in InViHitD. the lirn have reMtluni agents in Montreal, Ultaw 1. Winnipeg and \ icinria, \\.('. .Vleachni ihese places a Im 1 -lock nl s lap i- carried, and a gratityiii^ l-usinr-si- beiiu -ne by all. K.ich agent allend- tn hi- teiiitorv. Ttimnio oting tin' hvid ultice. In ( )iilarin "f tin le.iding .malviical clunusis in ihe old coiinirv. in respect In purity and tieeilniii In-iii injiiri^ius ingredients ; and h,\\ ing a so.ip « huh ijiiaii es .Old advantage- peculiarlv il- own. Messr-, I.evtr llMiiJurs h:ive imi he.sitaied 10 place ii on 'he market lo enn-un-ieis in great Hril.iin, liiirope, Auslr.t- lia, C.mad.i and ihe l'"i'..ed States. 1-or a soap of six vears olil, • plieiiiHiienar is bu. a piMU vvtod to describe its almnsi unbniindid -uece-s. Tie best pomfni il- excellence, i-ilnl today it has a largi r -iale than any iwnnther laundry soaps manufactured. It-r lairii), ipiabiy, and lasting properties, " Sunlighi" is the i Iwainsl swap in the w.irld h)r laundry, and geiieial hnuseho'd purpo-es. .Messrs, I.ever Hrnlhers are In be cnngrauiliLlcd nn iheir Canadian represenialive. wlui i- indeed a !-|'lendid ex.ini)'le of ihe '*righi man in Ilie righi place. ' He is faniidai with every deparlmeni nf the immense fadmy at '* Tori Sunlight, " and knows ihnrnughly all p.iits of ii> manufaciure. He has recently returned Iriun the fieathpiailers, and was a guesi at the magnihreni reception given by I.ever Hmlhers in the H'l^hl linn. \V. 1,. i.Iail-inne, nt "roil Sunligh'," when thai -latesman npened .1 new dining and recieatinn hall erecleil fnr the " Sunlight' entpl- yes. Mr. Knl)inson Is a native of l\ng'aiir|, aii'l that he was a >choi.lmale and companinn -'( the .Me— rs. I.evei Hroth-jrs, l.;ih plainly his cnimeciinti'i with the lirm, and I.e possesses a marked and superior bn^i iiess talent and his • event- en vears re-idence in Canada ha> enabled him to gr,- p the sii.ialinn of how in induce Cana dian- tn use " Sunlii;hi." I |i> pleasant personality. stetJinj; integrity anil s.u:i,d which, as belnrc .-i-marUed, iilready cnver len acres of ground. What the future o) ihi.s enterprising lirm may l«, no man lan faintly iniagiiie. 'J*UI-: noNtlNION IIvIvtlRXKATKn. .ii kl K^^Rt" IH ..<^J^^^ ^^^A.<^I '-i^ . i^fim:-- mmM rH w~ , tf ' - m-MJmtir f ' pR.^^'JBi t timet- h EOf^m MBmrn I'r ir^«^ EM^iSifm n-^fl fUU 1 • ff-ffi-p 1 $ " H ! !: S' mI 'W J,: Si ■ - ;-\ • S roN l'HnTO,[Nl>. ~- — .•* nSTAm,lMI.Mi:NT '^V THOS. lUNNKT ^t CO. KSTAHI.ISHMHNT OF JAS. A. SKINNKR & CO. Ti!">. in \N(.i .\ (*"., W h.'k'silf M.iiHifartiircis "f, ami healt-r^ in, ("hk and Iiii^, ^u \Vfilini;lnn--.lriil tte>t. I litTL* is iiH hraiu'li at luisincss carrit-d on in (', ilin' tli'pi-iuls M> niaurialK ii|)i)n tlif clinialt tif ihe cminttj a> ih.ii nt llif haUtr and turricr. I Uirini; ihc suninuT nmnllw evt-t\<>iie must lurds wear hals, while in « inler tlii.' nutrc fin--»iru- ran atlurd l" wear, the mnrt* cuml'irt iht-re is in I'c tnjnycd, ^Htrr^l■ naiiiral charat teri-tics ot the cnuntiy ha\u tiieri'f'irc lead in ilic i>'nlilislnnent nl'an extensive indii'liy in the rnatnitacuire and sale i>f hats and hir^, I )i)iii.d diroiij^hiiut the Ontniiii'in ate lii^e wholesale h'ni-.e:. de;dinj; cxehbively in these lines, and in Ontarin Messrs. Thus, lliinncl \ Cn,, (if io \Vellinj;ii»n street we-t Tnronti', dn the leadinj; luiNiness, a-, wholfsale uianiilaeinrers and dealers in liats .ind furs nf all kinds and their es'atili-linieni ranks amnn^ the largest in Canada. Ivslahlishi'l over I2)eai.s a^M the luisiness has .1 history uf ahno>t ntd)oiinded -iict'ess due kuj-el) to the tti^;h character ni ihc j»iiim1s sold, and the eneT^;y ami adility of tlie proprietor. The premises uiili/ed by this well known house, are lar^e and snjialile as the .H'Coiiipan\itin rnt "ill show, and comprise live splendid tlai-;, earh spL'cially lilted up for the work "lone in them. The lacioiy where raw furs are liein^ continually made up, istlu'l-est liyhied and lat^est in Canad.', while Irom liase- ment to atiir, lhee.stalili.shn)enl from a [x.-nt .if»- unpletenes-. i'i un'iirpassed. Importations are m.ule from different parts nt Asia anil luiropo ad. In Messr-. Uiuinet \ Co's spa' ious wareroums, is always taste fully 'iispo^ed a full and complete nssnrtmcnt of hats, caps mil i"is includinj; mutVs. laps, lioas, gloves, i^aunttels, rolies, tloaks, 'iverioals, circulars, capes, eir, of all si/es weii;hts and varieties, also Ijals ot the best Knj;lish and American nianuiacture of the latest style and newest fashions. Ample aa-nu "lation is afforiSed for the stunnel su[HTvi Mni;,ill operations In person ^juarantees satisfaction. I'.. so nalh Mr. Thos. Dunnel is possessed of excellent Imitiess capmiiy and hy his own kern foresight and enterprise has liiiilt up this lar^e ami [jrowint; l>usines>. Ik* is the sole pro|'ri''tor, and his jr !^:neni in turs j;ive him wonderful advantages in business as Iwilh liuyer and seller, lie is a meuiji. r ofthe. Hoard of Trade, and also ct the Ktiyal Can- •inian \ achl CInl), heinp popular in .social and commercial circles Us. A. Skinnkk .\ ('•> , Miiporteis (tl ("hina, .\rl I'ot- teiy, etc . S- ^^ clline'"n street , west. < dd china, like ol<) pamtinq-, has had threat value set upon it ; but it is diftuull to !-ei' now, w hen all the k[i exterior and interior ad ornaments lieingsiich as to prof luce cuie of ihe line^it warehouses in the I >t)minion of ( anada. The beauty of the interior is enhanced by the line display of chinaware, including (rown Derby, Royal Wor- cester, Wedgewood, Carlsbad, I lungarian, and Uoullon Ware, tea, dinner ami loilet sets, cut ami pressed glass of all tlescriptions, piano lamps of rich design, as well as artis- tic parlor and hall lamps, art pottery, bric-a-brac, etc. .\ specially is made of hotel supplier this tirm ^ .ing an im- mense business in this line. A branch of the house was opened in \ ancouver, It.C, in iSoi, two travellers being constantly employed in that province alone, besides the seven travellers who push the lirm's business in ( )nlario, <.htel»c, and the Maritime I'rovinces. \\t. Robt. If. Skin- ner is now the active member ot the firm, and by his high business ability, energy, and enterprise, contributed greatly to the firm's undoubted success. W. C. .\i>.\Ms, K,I).S., Denial Surgeon, \iiali/ed air. while he is ihorougldv in formed and conversant with all the latest scientific inipto\i nunls iv his profession. Hesides this he di>pla\i'd marked mechanical genius in earlier dajs of dentistry, by 'he in- vention of a "tooih ele\aior" foi removing deca\e»i and oilier roots, and he was also the lirsi denli-t in the .ity to utilize electriciiy professionnlK. llis otliees and reception nunns are eomjortable ancl pleasant, and all the laUsi im- liroved appliances and apparatus are in use, lie does all kinds ol dental work, and makes a of the pri-- ser\alion of the natural teeth, and eari-fidlv au'i -.killfnll) attemls all difhcullies of the month, lie is a thorough Canaiiian, anri is an example that mav be us,.-,! in n-puiaiion ot thai absurd and unfomidetl prejudice that un'lerrat*^ Canadian talent and enti-rprise. Mr. .\dain-, is esteemed socially and professjiuially, and in his wide anil sieadily increasing circle of patrons, are the leading and mo-t inllu enlial ])eople o| Toronto. K. T)hAN, t'.roeeries, Provisions, etc.. 127.S \)ueen street west.— It is now nine years since Mr. T', Dean si;irled in business on his own naount and since then iie has built up one of largest conneciions in the city. In every part his name is held in high favour a,s throiighoui he lias proved himself to be a steady ami nliable nierehanl. 127.S <^tueen- street west is the location of his store which has .1 splendid fronlage of 25 feel and runs back 100 feet. 'Through the large plate glass windows may be seen a magnilicent display of various goods which are selections fnun his large and choice stock. 'The interior of ihe store is very eoimiiodiously arranged and lilted u|) with the usual necessaries such as counters, shelving, slmw cases, and refrigerators. U is fully slocked witli a large and well selected assormenl of griKeries, |irovisions, vegetables and fruits when in season. In fact in this store is kept constantly on hand one of (he Tuiest lines of teas, cofl'ees, cocoas, spiees, idde delicacies, etc., to be found in the city. 'The patrons of this store meel with the vitmosi courtesy fioin the proprietor and his four assistants who have together gained a high reimtalion fo. this establish- ment. Mr. I'. Dean has Ik-cii many years cij^aged in the grocery business and is thoroughly conversant with every detail, thas underlaking with great judgment the imrcliase of his stock. Thrtnighout his career he has proved himself a man of energy and straight forwardness. Thk 1)ominion iM.n!srK>\ vko. POST OFFICK, TORONTO. I IH l^ I )()MINION I KM ISXH^XIKU •ij OKI iCI-: M'lvtlAITV MANTFAC TIHINC; CO Ui n iM'i-' I \i I \ M \\f I \< n KIN'. (■". \ .mil iiihct I'liiiimiri'. llS Iliy -luil. 1 liu riiinMny is .-m- ..f ih'".c (■■tiicfiris vvlio-i' ii|ifr.iii')ii-, an: \t ty txtcn-ii^-, cnvi-iin^ .»!l;>uw 'il lilt* riiitol St.iu-* .T"' Cui.nia. i.K-ai Itrilain, I i.uul- ami derm my. liavii'L; Itraiirlio lucari'I in itic princi- |i:\I i-i'i'---. Kr-'in is i-si.iMi^liimpii ii has Iii*n m.iikfil l-y the I'lt'li iUitl inTM-xeiancc nf is ..itictTs, uln' hive )>hiCL-il llii-ir iiMHulacttirf"; in ll»"»us:inils nf ottues in (^mada .ilnnc. l\.tchf>U'r, N. v., I'. S. A., is tht'hcaii'iuarlfrs.if thisomt- I'lny. am' al this |ii)int ininu-nsc tai-hitiL-s art' in i.pcraliitn, !^lt^in^ oui tiiiishctl work sutlicicnt to rill ilu' rr-|iiirfiufnt-- .^1 ihc v.nittiis l)ram'hfs N\-\\ \ imK, ( liica^;!!, rhiladilphia, U.ishiiiLil.m and San IranfiMn have i-afh an fsial'lislinu-nl ij.'iii.; l)ii^iiu'>s lor ihf nitice Spcciali) Mamif.irUitiii^ ('<•. Ill I'aii.i'la, Ttir.'iui) ha-, hecn sfluclcd as t)-,t' chii I puinl in whith lit mannfacUirc ; ami nni .mly is there a warehnus.' Ik- If I HI I also faclnr'i's, where nil the \v<>«'d and melal \Mirk iii]itiicd t.iiill the m<-e>-ary dttails isearritd nn. 'rhenlticts md w.irili'Misf are I'tr.ueti al i iS Itav -i , the I'liildinv; l.rin^ |ruS.ii<-t t in diinensinn>, and three siureys in hcij;hi. \ ault ,ui-l otti.f (urniture fnr puMie 'itlires, banks, mist fonipanie-*. etc., and C(iinpri--in^diicunuTil tiUM-aliiiiets, rnlhr liookshelf caliinels, aVly deposit liles, i-uplioarils, pigeon hohs antl 'Inwi-rs. vault omnilnises, toin eases, aiiioinatic antl )dain .i'l)ii^t.i''le slielvini;, Shannon lettei tiling ca! inets, rap-iil rtilli-T r ipier, ete., are a tew of the >peciahies nianiifaetiired. Sl'viii travellers are finliniially en^;a^ed in coverini: .dl lurts of ("anada in the interests of the Toinpany, while a lnr|;c siaM" t^\' eumpelcnt workmen is employed al the f.ictotiits. The inanauement of the entire Canadian business is ill the hands of Mr. j. \\ \\ ddman. wh and iinpotters. with an unbroken reeotii ioi lii|;h .jiiality of workmanship, unrivalhd skill in teelmital details, anti unevrelled inte^;riiy o| purpose has seeure'l to tlif tinu of A. II. Dewdney \ liro-.. 01 Kin^ street Kast. .\ jxisiiion of proiniiieiu't' in (heir line of busiuevs. aiul a ftmii.i ti.iii leinarkable for its hnn and eonsiaut attaehnu-iu M ill. housL Tin busiius, was r>tablis|u in 1SS5. the presi-ni lirm ^oiri^ on ttilh it. The premises e(unpris.' mu- lan;e da; up siairs, thf la. lory Ivin^; fully ei|uip|M-d wiih all llie ' not handle wail In ,. Tlu\ imp ul diamonds .ind other preeious siones. iml >lo a I.uj;e busiiuss in rrpairinj; The busim-s- has ^.t exei.did their faeililjes ihat liny evpcei lo nuwe to ku-^.r meiiiiMs before the end of 't)2. ihjrty hands are employed Ivsiili s two iravillers. wlioearrii their operations into i\ery jwri '1 t anada. All ihe meud'ersof tin- linn are ( "aiLKliaiis. iind I i.'ir biisim-^- in < an.ida. t speeiall\ in ilu i it\ is a lar^e er inrreasiiij; one. .\s niamiLuturin^; it wi ller^ they 1 |i,m ihi' steond kuiiesi biisiiuss in The partiiris f a), .ill prai tieal nun \\ ho ihniou]^hly understand the trade, and all opeiatious ale personally supenised by themselves. T.i this (aei and their general business aetivity their smress i-- mainh due. I , ulaeiui rs of Star Rivet belt- ing;, and ilealers in lulilier ami cotton lultir^, 70 Kinj; street t'asi Infler the name ol l>i\on, Smiih .\ ( o.. the 1. |H\"\ .\ Co., man and ilealers in lubbt liiundanon ol this Imsmess was laid 1 thf year l.*<7J, b. .iiid , • 'pt'raled lor lt>ur years when the secoml partner retired, the liim name bfiny then chanjjed \n \\ I", hixon \ ( .>. The well kntmn cstabtishmeni ol this lirni is siiualeil on K\n\i siieel I'ast, at No. 70, In-dn^; four storeys in height anil 2~ \ I55teel in dimensions, comprising; ollice, uarero.tin ■ind l,iclor\. I■ilsl■(■la^s maehniery i^supp'inl as well as ,dl iieres^ary applianct s, power ln-iii}^ rettived from a J5 II. 1'. euLiine. I'ute Haik i.mneil, patent -ap joint and patent star livti lulling is m.inutaciurfd. while in adiliii.)n rubber and loin.ii bfliine. I'lKfriix llelt (hi. Kerr's uielallic laciu}^ are il.alt in. lAvry carf i> taken in the preparation ol the h .itlier. only bark bein^ used in the 'atiniiijj; process. Larj^e double .Irixini; bflt- .irf the speeialt) of!hishou-f. which has turned out a larj;e number, s,.nie of -.vhleh ha\e been in'.iaiil .'peraiion lor upwards -d 17 years in \ariou-. lactones and mills in the city ami country. ( Iver the whole of (anada three salisnien are constantly travilling in the iiiiere^ts of the house, while thirteen lian.U are steadil) einplovetl in the inaiiul.iclunnj; woik. ' )n the tii-t of the building are the otiices. vareroom. hlled wiih mimeroiis sampit >. and the factor). Ihe ne\i is devoted to >itelchin^ ihe L^ootls, while the othfi flats are set apart as currying ami diyiu;; rooms, l.-r their exhibits al the Tonmt'^ IMiibilion Me>-rs. HivonA Co have won n silver medal and seven lii^i prizes, while a brop/e medal was awanlei) to ihem in lS7<'.U the I'hilailelphia <"entennial. Mi. |-. i:. Dixnn, the sole proprifii'i'. is iIr- mui of .Mr Alexander l>i\oii, formerly a well known AMerman of the city, rromnicm in business liicles and enici prising;, he is a marked tij^ure in military mailers; bein^j niired m.ijor of ihe (^'ueen's own. He was al the engagement which took place with the lenians at Uidgew-iy. as an oHicer of this rti;inu*nt. Tii.t^. M-twiiKw, Sculptor, \S \ 40 .\rcadf, \ ouj^c siiffi. The siadplor's art is a primary indicaliim of a hi^h slate ot ei\ili/alioii, is i.. say. if the ail attains an ideal in seopeand be.uii) , ripu >» nlin^ litu- propurii.nis uiih flabo- ratf and aitistie iinishin^;. In l.nj^tand, and es|>ecially on the continent of l-'airope. art has lonj^ since allained a noble and loftyideal. In line artisiie tastes Canadians ha\e becune known lor ihcir power to assimilaie, if not to create, .ill ilieii pio.hiciinns. It is f vcepiion.dly j^r-iiilyinj; to notice that in Tori Mil o we ha\c a sculptor whose merit and power to create was esiablished in the old woild, and wh.»si- pr."lnciions in ihis sublime, ait an- of the highest order of execution, in the person ol Mr. Thomas Mowbi.iy, ot mimbtr .(o \ On^cst'-.ei Aii-.ule. This aceomplisheil and reli.dth- seulpior has hcm fsi iblished heic since l.SS<>, and during this period his envi- .ible reputation, couplcil with cxicrisive operations >oon ren- dered hiiu conspicuous, and he has met with tininleriupted success. I If bfcaine first known lor the excellence of hi- piodiiciious in ihf work of the Customs House an.l of the .if lliiiish North \ineri< a. al'out lourlecii ye.irs a^o. and il hut mud the above date that he lelurned to the city. Ml. Mowbray makes a specially of his work as an archilee- (iir.d sculptor and as a modeller and carver in sionennd wimkI, .iiui hi^ produciioiis in life si/e busu ami statuary, in plasler- I'aiis, aif in thf hit;hfsi ^ense .if tlie term artistic. He does .ill kinds .)| ditllcuh and .lelicate hardwood liini-hini^ lor pubhc and private buildinj^s. also ihe lincst designs for churches, in si. me and plaster. .\l presenl \Ii. M.iwbray has Ihe cuitract (or doinj* the carving and tinishin^; of St. Alban's Caihedral, of iliis city; the County Court House, \|oek : Cook's Church, of Tori'mo ; .a'lso .\rchbishop ( liary's t'athfdial at Cin^ and many others, all of which will };i\f soiue idia of tin- hi|;h -.landard i>f his natural and .iccomplishments. He is a n.iii\e ot l-.n^land, wliere liis abilities in sculpture are widely and favorably ki.Kwn, and it mi^;ht be here mentioned tliat Mr. Mowbray Uirn a sculptor, thf .irt bein^ in the Tamil). He has been iwciit) t'ne )ears in this eomitr) and he lias buill up a \i its author the hi^;hest credit for artistic ^enius and woiulerhil taste and ability. Mr. Mowbray is aldy assisted by his son, Mr. John, who has L;rown up with the art, and as ihe\ svii«er\ise all .iperations in pfis.m, saiisfa(tions of lai^iland, Itolli are j;enilemen i>f pleasant and en- lertainiu}; aililress, whose siiilin^; intet^rily, proverbial iiospi- tality and devoieilness to the ar'.isiie interesls of this city, have gained the goodwill and respect of all who know them. Tm:t)M.\Kl't Tki'I'I t K Co., Hroktrs and Commission .\j;ent,s, 71) ( olborne street.— .\fter the liipiidatinn of the Imperial Produce Company — so lon^ .ind favourably known in this city, the was succeeded by Ihe (Ontario I'r.i- tluce Company, coniprisiM(* Messrs. 1'. V). I'age and W. K. Hell, with othccs and htathpiarters at 70 Colhornestrcet. Their establishincni here comprises a four storey building with a frontage of .^5 feft and a (depth of I jo feet. In this building they have excellent cold sttiragc lacihtics, while besides this ihey have .nnothc. at the Don. The business (il>eraled is a conindssi.,n agents and brokers, nil kind of produce being handletl with eggs as a specially. Though only beginning businc-s in May last an extensive connection has been built up in eggs, bnltcr and cheese, which lines they handle principally. ( )nc salesman attends to the cily trade, wliile two imn and twti teams are kept constantly emplo\ed. the hands employetl increasing in number accor- ding t.> I'lc amount of business. The pro|>rictt)rs are young men. though their experience in this line is extensive. Mr, r. 1). I'age and Mr \V. K. Kell were Itoth with the Impe- rial Produce Co., and not onlv admiral*Iy maintain the prcs* tige of Ihe idd company, liut also a wide anil steailily increasing circle t>f patr« iis. Thk Dominion ii.i.nMrwATKn oll-rcIS nit TIIK TORONTO MAir . 'lUL " M MI . ■— The 'rumntn Dnily .1/.///. (;incrany at nlily 'Miiiluih.i iie\\-.i';i|pt.T ill Ciin.iil.i. h;is f.uiri :ij;...i> tJu- U.itUnj; iin'.iin ..f (he ( ■itiiM rxativt- |i.iTly. In. Ill ilu- \iry roinnitruvim-ril -if lis curi'cr ii inuK ;i hitjli pinrt- amnii^ ii> ronleiiiporarie'., am! llit- iinli'juiKli-nl. Ihtiuijli slnnij; •-iipimii whit li ii. rur tnany yuars, j;;i\»' i" tin" tmhiy ■ •f ils|i;iri\, v\.is .ii^iiii^iii.htil fur it-. cnuM-'tfiii-y. .iini for a i.rraitlli antl tairiii'v-, .il 'naiiiuiu ili.ii ili.iU' K.iii- sl 'i|ij«.ni-nl-. In iliis cimisf, il sufxv»fitllv»-""iiliniu-il, . Arrtiii^; a pinvirfiil intliicnrr onilie roiintry unlil llio yi-ar iSSl). wtu-ii ililr iiiMinciit prcsiiil fipr M-tltcnii-iil. The i;ravily t>\ thi- ■-iluatioii ainii>c-, rank. Tin- .I/«/// rtt>v to iIk- o{Ta-.ion, ikrlarhi^^ ilM'iicilorili ii> iiiilfpiiiikncc ainl fr«iiloiii from [laiiy lit-s. ami il-< iKJiif Iliat ihv piiMir iiiU'tt>i:» would l>c lul',. r sirvi-.l liy a " hvL- mill healihrul ('iliciMii iliaii liy iii''is,'iiniittatiii>; ikvolioh lo out' >il ^i\ yiMr> now rnn.iiii'- lo ptovf the » isdoiii o| the oniric adopit'il, 'I'ne (anailian pcopli- apprt-iialcij it". M-rvircH, aivl year afti-r yt-ar ) frcLiI nun iVoui iinrca-.oiiaiiK- prijiiijut.-. ; tiMrlc-., in ii-, ('rjlici->ni, il ha-, direcltfil piiMir opinion t-lt'ci livcl), laKini; diMti^>(oii hi a Iti^liir plain- and iinparliii^ .1 lit.tltliiir t n. lo piililK h'l . li. plaiforni U ihi- puMli ^ihkI. Ii js ii,ilii I'll) I'll tifilh' r li\ parly hill |iaril/an • oii.iilt'i.inon-. |i h \oi'aU'> ill M^hl, IxiaiiM- Il i-< iliv ri^lii. and hohU lUili 1, ->|H(n->il>l« lo tilt lii^lir>i mil >i| duly ittoiK-. iiMiipyin^^ ihh .1 1011, Il M.tliii.itl) niiinlii'r« atiioii^ il^ liii lul'.. ih- ilioii^htliil iradi'r-> ihroii^-hoiii iht'roHnlr>, a loii^iiiiuni \ m oiii c ■<( Il 1 1 and \arii d, ,iiid • ompii-tin^ Ilu In -i iK-itit tii i.j ill il.i^M. of ihi- ( piM. Tin dt'in.ntil h a til -.1 riplioii aif niirion., and M i« ii'i -umII ImI>ii1l* Id Ihr r\rcllrnrt> of ilu- iii.inap'ini-ni llial N t-H-nt n>t(-| uilh coinplili' viiMaclioii. .\s a matlrr o| lotiin, iniM'h imp' rtance i-> nttat litd lo llit> *'dll a t ompriiii' -tail I if pti*\t d VM lit I*, a I Mho-t di.-al air all I lie lit 1 • ii( lai iliiii - (oi t-\pi.'iliii and an nrati \^^n\^. Ilu iiliii.tii) pa^;r, m hii h i^Vi err III loi 'anadian |> ipit'tlion. nl ihi day. Not II ss In intp'irtaiKi- nor in iiiuii"! i-< lliv -*iud (In- lUal It'ii^'' o| ii\aliy. |i-< H\Hti'iii ol iii\t. I iitr* -.poudi III 1 1 mi III! Ulo<lli|r. Il> rrpti-<« lilati>«'. Ill- lo In- fiiiliid in (Xi-ry villa^f, 10V01 .nid rily in Ciiiih. IIn ..pirial rorir«ipondi Ills are uiiim-ioiK, and ii-. hK-^r iplii< larilllir^ llie III %l ihi- rniinliv ill->id.. Ity spr< iai arr.iii^. MM Ml II laps Ihf caliK loi old World 1 w.. Fh. rainili... Mongol laiiopiMu l'n-s \^i-iu 1.^ ail plniediindei trihnii. and .id\.iiila)^( laki n ol i^erv It^iliniah iiuaiis .ivaiJaMi' t . liin.i; iht doin;;s of ilu- \s idi hoi Id uiihin tin- 1 'HUpa>- -■' u rolui.ins in die slinrlol po,Ml>k* spaiu nf iiini'. .S|Kiial,ii li'iilinn is 1i('\loH«-d on lli<- " ipakt- np " o| the paper, .iriij the nalur.d 1 la-dtiraiion .•! ilii-|.,' Ill ididt'lin^ Il an la-v nnllir l'>r ikc read. 1 lo find at mmi, what i-* waiiU'd, i)iii> iviii^ hiiii litiu and iioulil. . |n i|„ < oiii posing r< Hill I .in aiMi> 1 I pilnl* i^ loil in ont- ol ihe U .1 lij^hii d. I»esi Miiiilakd and io miiisi a)iarlnu-ii's eonriivaMi'. and in ktepin^ v\ilh ilu )■ ilicy of proj^ii >s uiaiiik-'t in evin tk-paiiineiit l.ili|j-.hnu'iil. a iuinilii:r ■*• lype^i nin^ inailiiiit > cm kc ht-ri Tin I'li^ily .il work. Tin- prr>iMMrii KJioJ. id d. ri u- I of 111.' modern ik-siiiplion, ihr pnsse^. t^vpi ci '' hein^; cm illi ih ill c\ii> respici. Ihe editiiri.d ruouiH e lai^;e -iiid 1 -.m loiiaMtr. Il is ipieslionalile wlullu-r ihiy aic eijiialled li\ ^ho^e of llie lar^u dailie- o| I.ondon and New N'ork ; liny ale ('erlainly imi surp.issed t.y any in ihese pl.ices, Th, i'uildin^i in uhieli ihe I/.;// is loeated i> owned l>y llie pnj piiolors oltlie p.ijHT li is a li.indsoini Iniildin;;, and -inc of the la.j^fsi 111 ilie ciu. The Invver poftioii is of >olid lut si. me. oinaiiiented with pit.i'teis -it p-ihshed granite aii'i vaiiejjaled iii.isoiiiy. The lii^'ur slon\s are of red I'liil with striking farinas. It is surinotinlid li\ a lii^h Imwu whieii loiuni.inds an tKteiisi\e \ie\\ ot the L'lly niid of \..\U- Uitiiiio. The I'uildinn easily allruls ihe aitenlion ol ihc siian^era^.i snJKianliat striicUire ot ample pio|n>rliiins .mil leaiiiihil archill eiui'--. Ill I Vll I 1 \l UKsI k\ I. I.ll I. I N'l k \N' I. * '. iMi \\\ Iliad .iih.i ( aiiad.i : Mail Miuldin^. |oi.,nio : \\,u.\ M. Mini I y. Manaj;«r. I ale liisni.m. e lias esMiuiaHy t.n.mi, a p.iil ol marly .ill oilur kinds .>f Ini.iness in the woild. .nul iu value .Is a lialaiii-e wlu 1 1 lo all eoinineii ial ui.uhineiy >.u< searcely U- oversialed. It is iheielou eoinpalilik- wiiji ilu otijerl of this work mi Toroulo, thai due iiiiuinK sho\dd l>i' iii.ide ol sii ^ and iho|..u^lil\ lepreseiiiatiM' .1 Ilk insuranie rorp*>rali<>ii. as ihe linu-pioveh .nid ii li.Mt Mutual Ki serve I'UIld l.ile \sso.ialMiM. whose head ■•Mi loi Caiiad.. aie loeah d in the Mail Ituildin^oi ihis eii\. Mr \Vii. I. Mi-Miirliy i^ liie inaiia^ei lieie ; and. hy his iii.r;^\ .ind .d)ility .1 ded xiry inauri. illy in huildin^ up a l,-ti;< .uid ^lowiii^ kusiiii ss in < lu'ario. Siahiliiy. eiiterpiise .iii<> pro^;ress lia\e eliai.u leii/ed the Muii. d Uesiivi- <'.iiu|',iin lioMi its very f.iinidali'iu. a;i I as \|i. I'.. |!. ||ar|Ki.itii esteemed piesidiiil ol tlii lompaiiy , said lo .1 lep irter Ituni ihe New Vork Woikl. la-l ^epieiiitur. "There is im im-'i- ^iiikio^ ehapler in ihe hisioiy of life iustiranee Ihaii wkiili lellsol ihe pheii'iminal usi- of ihe Keservi I.ili liiiid Ass.ieialioii >>( New \ork." Sp.iee will iiui peruni -ii I kill a< eotmi III ihisj^reai iri'.itiutii>ii. I>ut the li llowin^ i.xi- will ^;ive s'uu idi .1 ol it' in. ij^niiudi and pruspniiy. Itn piesideiii, Mr. 1:. IV llaipii. is deMi\ini4 o| the'lni^lu-' iredii for Ilu- m.imier in wliirli he personally ji.iltled wtl'i opposiiion ill esialilishinj^ the \|ulual Keservc. He has ti profession. In-in^ as the ll"ii. K ' \|. \\ ells staled at ike l.isi aiinuid nueiin^;, '■ The N i|- leon ol lale In-uranee " on this eoniineiit. The Mnlii.d Ut herve kas lor its m/^o/i fttir, ils pn-sideiil, Kdward It. Il.ii per. Il lias over (k).(.x»im. and Iherefore. at its inei-plimi in iN.Sl. had to ciiiiipeti ^i''- the more conservative adherents lo ilu >i]d life iiisuranct ■)' teiiis. Il siilkees to say, and he i|Uotalions givt-n in dii- skeleh will prove, that in spite of .ill opposition, itii Mulunl Reserve irimnpked. anil frnni year to year has i>n' pressed to ils preselll dist iuj^lhslu'l position as the lore I puiely inniual lift "■ipur.ilion in iju world. Ikirin^; tin year iSyi, $* jSij.ikjo.oo h.ive keen paid lor death (-lanii'.. u .' 1 . 1 ^ in ill (' IK >l II III II) h..|. 1- 1 • ill Ill ^1 '""1' III .,1 1. 1 ll. 1 II II Mil. \. ■Wli, 1 >!.■ , I 1 ■ II llll 1 •1. .^l.lll . !■ >lil->rs |S II 1..1. 11 I'-I.ll l.\ 1.' III. .I-'M. liilh'l ..I I i;i.....«N., ,>ii;;l.l I.e I t ihls 1 l.iiiiis in vaiil.i^e 1 l.nmiii \' and po.i| . \|i. Ml \1 I lit.illhtif I ..I. ll is Mitlu .llI'Mlv ll I I hu|il> lu. h I. I In ii|iyiii^ ifli In tiitixU, ih' i oiiilihuih V ll •I 'I t'lrhx 111 <.| lit •It'll). lixl' nt It! ll 14 mill I- fll-iU itii-r ii(,,, •l>-|i.iiiniii)T, li^ .1 iMiii).itini .ill lilt- II. . • .u III. ..linn.l II, )* ,HI f \ )<|. i|. I <|iit"ly III L;r'twiii^; Iimi iir /.///^llMW. , .■\.>ml itii- >|I'.lnti|M I 1 ll |.-|'l. M Ml.Hi>.. \[\ ill ('.nil l.>. I n\ lil.t;t.i|>l.i. >| .irr.iiii;. Ph.- f,Miiii,.., I iiiKlti (riliiiu. .,111^ .iv.iil.iMi' r ll- . .Mll|'.l>- '■' ti ,1.... S,H.,,,I .1 til* |i.l|'Lt. Kl'l <, Willi ilii >>l>it.' I |M litxl .It Miitr liiiiil>l>. In lilt .111.- «'l lln: lii .1 ■It"'* i'"iii*tiv,il'lc, n.tnitcst in cvi'r> :r ■.' lyiH'Mtlini; Tllc |»l^■■^^"l.l1I i-. i»t iIk- III. 1.1 In-ill^; cMflKiii -• l.u^;i- ail"! ' "111 .ItU l-«|U,lIliil li\ \f\v N'.irk : ili.v ■,f pl.u!.-s. riu iicii t'V ill.- I'ru Milling, ami >ni- >n i^ "tl -.t'liil Ir.i li.-tl ^raiiit. an,iiil>l.- wjiii III. t <)iK- nil iil'oii n|.n'''i-iua1iv.' .' II .Mi.l nli.M. .M ii.a.l ..Mm.. I ilii-. »it\. Mr . I»j hi-, iiiir;;) liii^j ii|> a l.irj;. tii.j|.iiM iii'l ( ■Mtll|i,UII 11. II M\n til. I I, |) III. r ti..iii I. i> 11.. I It... ihaii li.i: iial l<.-M-i\. II 11. •! |H'l)lll1 •<< t. Il'.\\iii|^ I.I. I- .|..-|.. liU. lit' I III. 'Ii.;^lu-' lll> l..iMl.'i) wUh ■. I If has.i.m ,. «li.-ii ll. Im- I'^-'l liK'"-' n-l In- slan.l- 1" ,^;a.llu. II...I. , "Tli.N.ii- ill. \ U.- luanl it. 11.11 $Jiii>.(ir»r'."<"'>'l -.1 ill ! ii^l.tixl. \ .111.1 Swc'liit. I.'- .ukI Caiii.l.i. tl. nnl n»^lnllt^^ ,.,, ..I ..riali.'H i- I prt'iiiiniu I'i'iii. I.. i-..ihihIl >\i''' U- iuMirarici *y^ K ^i\.'n in ilii* >i|ip.i>ilton. ill. hi year lia-. iT" as ihr i.irc "' ll. During ilu II .k-nlli .1.1111*. I ■ ;;i,ii)il "iitci' lilt' Ht^ani/alini) •.( tlu riiin|>an> in |, iHNr. l-i*iiivj $li.i>J7,.Siiii.»M) [laiil hi llif rtitlt.v\> ml <>i|.|i 111-^ all. I U'MrliriaiK-s iil ii« iji timm-iI iiii'inix i>. iKiiiii^ ill. >.inii' )(-.n ill.' .i|.|>lir;)iiiMi> l«ir lili' I, . . ui'.l. ainMiiiilr.l lo $^ii..iii<« n^.r ill, V. II iStXi ..' $'KJ.StMi),|.(Mi, Till l.ilal ' ! ilii* n'>i'l\r .• iJ ■ till t^i 111) hni.l-. a-> i('|i<>ih-il l<\ ill. .iiMlihiis, mi N.ivrin In I Jl. iNol, .11 )(■< h. $*"-*M. all "I tvl'i ll p>i"> l<> ,|i,.(v iliiil iIh- Mii'iial Ki-M t\. '- in im i) i. s|hi i;. r in !!■. K iiiiirri-^ iiiid lii-lti-i niaii'^i-il at .)n\ l.iniu-i |H'ii>i.| .,\ ll' liislMi). riiiis lai p' .irrali/in^, 1. 1 ii<< mm jiaitirii I HI ' "t\ till- thi.'l <'aii.) olhir \vliii:h, a< Itclnic imn M.,n,.l, I* .il'K ni.u.a^i.lht Ml. W. |. M. \luiii\. l.iHMit.l III I .|•! •illii.s HI th. \l.iil Itinl.lin^, iv.n a. iiiKH Mill .111(1 I ..iiv. III. n< I I'.f . .iirv inp, .III tlic l>iisnit-'>-> "I tin -.iniiMiu i- .1(1. ' I. \li. M.Miiiin ha-- .xiiirnl tint a liiiK t tlriila-llit' ll |iri-s('alati\. )i. i. ai..l i< lli<.i>iU(liasi*sii| ilii'n(-vu->i |>l. .<<) III. iiisiiramr. A<|ur' I mil. t< liii'i i> Ml lii'i|ii. nil) . > .1 ii.iw • la)-* a« tnrnitrl). i., •• Wlial /• III.' Miiiiial K- I'n. Inn. I l.i \>> /" \ii.| iw ..III iina^im iln- ai ^u.-r l.i-in^ »(ini llini].; like ili " ' It I ' a-««.i( i.iti.iii I.I ni.'nii>t . "iit..! i>> liiini>li i .i* li ..ili. i >\iili lilc iiiMiraih. t>>i iln-ii lainilii<», h. |iii)U-si.ih- lit 'li'itMsi'il iiu-iiilH-r^. aiiil li.r th. m. nriii^ >.l , (■ ilih.r-." )■ nun llir r.ihiiitu ..llirr almir. tin- l.iisin.'.'. I.m iS'ii Ha.lii-il ill.' rii.inn.itis hiimi uI ,f j.ikhi.ihii ihi, I'l ik< \Mluitn-'> I'll ttu' i-i|nil\ m| itu' .'iini|i.Mi\ « |.iim'i|>t. «. ii'> .., II r^ial'lisli.'') ir), ami tin al iln\ <.l lU irpn-MiiM uvt Ik I.. 111.' l>ii->iiK-><> i.iiitinn.'o t. i^ixw a|<.ii «'. .iiiH i.ili.iM aif ilu'i-Tlnllv ami inli-IK^riill> i*\|>1ain(il .il ill. >>ii«i. riiL-n- i> .li'iii :^ili-ll with till- h.miinim) ( t..M inini iit {liKi.iHHi, a« s.'ciiiii) Im I .111.1. ll. in |h>Ii. \ li..l.|i ■<, ami ii ini^lil lit' Ih-ri- iiHiili.>m-.l li.nn iht* .lati- xl its Mit;aiii/a iixit, iliis .)ss.M'i.)ii.>ii ha> | Utorr •In.'. I hi- i Im I .i.l \,iiii,i|.;.- thai mak.s ihi- MuUial K.siivi- a wmiI.I u kI.- l.i\i>riu is that it |)la.'l'^ lil.- uilhni iim.Iictsiinall\ \li. MiMiiitn is .i.l.ii.h .1 h. ili. luisin, >... ami i> ;»>-.>,. M'l ..I .it'.'ui.itt- linan. Lilian Itil^.-. i> vv.ll as wi.l.' I s|.iiii'ii. > ill as<«iitan. (-. I !•' is uii.i^suniiii^ an.l 1 1* \n. I>. m^ Wi II .111.1 l.iMiial'ly kn.iwii 111 s.iri.i| .mil > ninii iiial rii.l.-s.ii 1 1... lit- is li.r lilt' Kfsi-ii.'. liisi. I.isi ami .ill lilt inn--, .111.1 lli his inarki-il sii. t-.-s... It iiii^;lii .lis.. Ik- im nii.'iir.l. thai in rm..ntn. Mr. M.Miiitn i-- iiiv.i sliiw In n-siiH any iiiinsiii-i' m .mat-ks ii|Hin ilit- Mutual K.Mivf. ami al.l) I'.iti'k-s |.>r th.- ii^hl. im n l^ Mi. Ilai|>ti h.i^ t his I. up I s|.|irir. IVis.iii.ilU Ml. Ml Mnitn lia> h.i.l an r\tt ii.hil an. I • rolil.ibh c \miIi tin- ( Ill Militia, .in. I is a ii-liii-il nthri-r. llr i> a Il iii.iiiK s|it>ii. t's|.i-ri.ill) ihiisf ^nim-s cniiixtrtl niir^l l>y nalt\i's .'I "til.' laii'l I.l l.iriwn h'alh ami nntaiii IIihiiI," h.u ini.' I til Ml.-. I .1 w iiitnii]4 shiiit' fli III. Ill) .1 . I.«s(- I iitliii^' in.ih h at thi- ;^t.iiiih link, whih- .11 " U.wlni^; ■•n *.hv ^;n'i'ii " In- is |..-|.ii .111.1 skill.. I. I lis >ii rliii); inli'^iilv. •..•nal <|iialitirs .iii.t iinl I'l.avint |.i'ts.iiialit) h.ixf hiin a la\.>iitf u ith .ill .Oi<> kimw liini. s. ll. Cii \Nhi I.l;, Dental *sai>|.!ifs, ,1/,/// lluil.lin^, I'rfi h' tlu I'l.iy stft-ei. .\iii..n^; llit- ni.iiiy ic\..luli..ns ..t Mn-ii-iy aii.l i-iiinm-icf, |>erlia|». ili.- im»l ni.iik.t! il< vt'|.i|iim.-niH in !h. |.|.i|t'ssi.ins art-- luMivt-il iii I'l-nlistt), \^hl.ll Iikiii iIr* hM iMiii.- itifch.inicnl nuMesH ha^ .li-vcli>|icil tn an an, (.inilnnin^ in Its stii'L--s!i skill, ^t-hiti-«, ami >*liiily. 'I'luis thr a|t|.liaiH't's an.l .nniaratiis iitili/i*'l in lliis pr.i'i-ssiiuis miisi i;i'i-t|s l.t-ji Mitiilu in.iTks .tl iiii|)r.iV('nH-ni, ami tin- lmsini'» i>( .Ic.tlin^; .ll ^Oi.>lis.ilt- 111 ili'iii..! siipi lit s l.>iin>< an ni:|>>ul.iiii lai-tm in ..III ..'iiiint'i. lal t.iliii.. Ml. >. Ik ('li.intlltr, nf 'ri.r.Mitu, \\h.t i|,.f> I Ik- k'a.lni^ l>iisini-ss in I '.inaila, .i<> a iM.iniil.iitnirt .ll aiiil iji-.ili-i 111 sii|.]iliL-s nl .ill .lt:^i-ii|itimis, is tlu tv- I'l. .1. st-rvin^ III spi' iiiciiMm) in ihi» wmk. Nu l>ust ll^■s^ ,.| ihf fvii-nl aii'l ina^ of .Mr. (^h.inil)ri's o»nI«l I i<- •>( mu-fhio.iin t^ioMili, .iiul i( is exception. lly urntil) ihl; i. ii..if that ii is ilu- . -Iilt'-t m ( anaiki, l.t-nii; im.iIiIisIi.-.I .it ll,.' i.HMi I'l Nt-vii'.isilc. I lilt , av\.iy Lack in lS;"», an I h iiMXiil ;«i yrais lalii l.i r.irmiln, .iL-tiipyin^ tlu- pu-srhi prniiM's iin the hisl nf the .l/r// Itnililiiig, cmmi <>■ Hi) an.l Kinji slret-ls. The liu*lness eml.'ar.-s .le.iltnn in .iiil 111 iiiut.uiiirin^ Lit the whol. >ali' ti.ule iKiital siipp ics i.f .til kinds, ami Ihis is the .>nly hmise ni the kind in ( .in ail I. I level. ipin^; al.m^ pi.i' lines trmn yt-ar In )e.ii, tlif has i-\p.iii.leii inio tu.i .litleretil line.-; alte.i'tj . an.l we lAish here tn speak uf each separatel) ; h.nnelj that iiientii.iif.l in llie liej^innin^r, ami the new depaitinenl ol "iiiLiK il insirimienis aiitl appl, eariieil ..n tindi r ihe tini. iii.iie of S. It. Chanillef A Snii, \V. I l.-uanl'r the -ti>e s|ilendi.| sample ami >tmi' i..,)ins, eaeh aitnieni ••I'fiiillv. taslefnily and s\sleniatic.dl)' aii.u)t;e.l, \. iih the ili..^^k .li^pti-ied in cal'ilieis an.l sh..v\ ease-i. a.laptetl l<> ihe adv.niiap'i.iis slttrage and .lisplay ..f n.'o.U. and the emi ^iiiii iice fit palroiis I lerc is .i lull an.l c.miptete assnitmeiit <»f ilie iinntiluilin.iiis li'.t nf article>, appliames and appai- .Uiu ii^ed in ail hranelies of the dfiilal pmfession. Mr. ('h.Miitlir manufactures largely, ami a .■.mipelenl stall is C'liiimiaily einpl.iycil, the Uusincss I eiiij^ laiye and j^i.iw iiiK It now evli-ndii fr.ini th.- .\ii.iniie i.i the I'acihc, and lliiee travellers are mi the r.ja.l : nnlcrs pmir in frtun all ilifeiti.nis. and receive imniedtaU- respunse. The fact.try I'lrmnly hicatnl at Newcastle will he leiii'.veit In T ihis )iar, and will rertainl'/ l>e an anpiisition i.i ihe citv's in.hisiries. Inijimtali.ins ol c.mrse are extensively tna.k' tnini l-aij;!.!!)'!. t 'niled Statts, ami (ierninny in IhiiIi line>..l liiisincss, ihe trade in snr^ical insininu-nis Uin^ so tyakin lo ihe denial, l-oi denial ami sur^ical appar- uii^ this eslahlishnienl is a eiii|Kirinin, and heinR the principal house nl ihe kind in the I >ominion, it is n.'i a liltle cr.'dil In Tmonin |i> have hiich .in enlt-rpri'^i.* in opeia- linn here. Mi. (li.indUr li.i^ l>e<-ii the arl.itrai.n ..I hi^ i>mi rmtune, and ilie lit^h.iy ^l^ hit l.nxiness is indeed .i pleasant proni ih:ii iii.hii>lr> ami .it.ilii\ cmipled with ihe hit;lirsl in le^riu -Aill wii, iheii \\.\\, .md that Imnrsty in lesprevnla- Hon i< always ihe hetl |>nlii -y. He desen '•> ihe ht^he^t ere dit Inr hi-, lllll1ll\ that ll.ue lliiiinph. d n^ain^i rin^lish and Aimiii .in cmiipcininii. TersMiMlly he is ph-.i. ani, pracinal and la'seeni^ in lin-ine*s, and is eoleenied hy .ill v\ho knnv\ him. lli-« son, Mr. \\ ll'iw.hd, is iniiniattU assniialed w -III ihemiHr.l I.mshii-ss nl the'e, hnl ni..s| espei-i;il|\ ill ilie rei'i-nll> rlted s|iti; ins nniienls .lepartiiii 11', an I ilniini; ihe mi- iti.MHh n| its eNisi-nrr* in i;>iiifs« i^ pr.iclicalU in Ms inf.n.ij. I'Ut uith xiii'h inn .piall.d (aiilities Inr catr>in;.; it . n in I'.in. i,ecti.>n with ihcn nld esi.iMished .leii'.il iia.le. wiili i|ie ^eaisMi txp-iieii.e |mi.m-ss|-.1 (,y Mi. 1 |);in>llfT .'senir.r and the lailet hiving t^ioun up with the Im ines.., nne I an si'iri ely as.,uine the lutiire in store for h. Iloutveri the pro pi Is are e\cepii.iiMll\ Iiiij;hl, nn.l >u(-e.'-.s is already uiaiiieil, .Ml. ll.iMar.l t' is pro'iuMy one o| ih<' ,iml ninsi widely known ol o>ir )nnn^ luisinis.. nun, h.ixiii^ ii.imIK'.I li.iiiMH'ein In "I't n in Iln- inleiesu nl his lathei ^ lui-ihess, , his eslen>i\e uliei lii'^" Imirs .Is < iptain nt iJK- hrsi |ti(-)le llnl. in rnrnnin, ||u is u wide auake, cles.r, )el \er\ unassiiiiiin^ Liisini^s ni.iii, and his ipi.tliiies, pleasant person. ilitv , .md Inve of manly sp.iil have made hiin .'. I.ivmite uiih aM ulm know him II'- is nne ..I tilt' in in\ i-v >iiid< nts of I ppit ( ati.i'.i <'n|- le^e, n.iw lellet't^l^; In.n n ihe ohl '.Min.i M.iit-i." It nii^hi 1.1- iiieiitimie.l that Mr. s. |;. ( is .in nld and popular •* Kiii^hi <.! the road.' In in^ ,i meinher .il the ( 'oni niii.'ial I r.ivellers* Vssoii.itjun, an.l with n\tr Jo \eais ex- peiiene. ranks .it n( the ol.lcst mi the li>is. I.l\ t H|..<'l \\|i I.I .\|M.\ \M. t il..|:|, Is-i u \s. I ( "\li-VN\. As.ii ,. $14> ;|,s |'\ii.. Ji,i«i,i7(.. \\i>. «.. \. ('. .sviiiii. Ciiiri .\..i.M wn Uksimim M > kl- I \H\. rill w.iihl tn ilav. without in-.urani. in. . lil. or niaiiiii w.inlil U- .t wml.l nl . nininert ihaos. In .i wnik nl this nature, si.iiisiii-t ar.- ntien iirniu>t'ly iptnlid. \ei s'(;e III sa) penple tn u^e th.- Iiaikneje.l evpiessi,,ii Ilk." little si.'hk in ...Id hmii.s. Whv.'* '.Sinipl> t..raus.- II..W .id,i\ s li^iiii ' v^ ill |>inM .iiiMhin^ Idiii iIk' sol\t i>i \ .*l .i t oii.p.inv hi ill. ,1^1 nt . I W'tinaii. N'..iil) - v.'ivmit kii.>w« all ah.iul milniar) s|.ii|..iirs in this rniinti>. ihe r.i. nt eati'iiis in the I'less lia\e inlnnned Us nl th. lij'iires .-l tin- relisiis We .11.- .i|>n p. isled as In tllt'.imiual ni,'|iul>i| tlie in.innl.uiniies an.l ol the larnis. Itui ihe orte •hin^ in w hill) i-\ei\ newspaper .>llir.- s.-.-nis if.;nnranl. ami ii|miii wliiihnur (ili/'-n- .iie iil iiiLanud. is in-iiian.t. espei ; ill\ lilr insur.ini'i-. Ii is nnl\ when ihe happens, .md ihi' . omnimiiiv is .Lulled l.\ .i ^oal t'lii.ap. nr l.i.ii.|nii ( nntl.ii^r.ilinii that the \ due .•! insni.inee as a rei!i n. i.)ii\« Int..) i^ appri'.'i.iird nmst. I tm- ol the^est .in.l sir<>np-si iiisiir.iiii 1- 1 ..inpanii's in ih.- w.'\tin.s, .nini'i ..j st |.iiii. t»* street, riiio ( 'nin|iiiiiy alln luarl) h.ill a ceiiliir\ n| aitiial l.usHiiss in (an. id. I, an- |o d.i) oimn^ur in nsmines ami liellet managed than .it an) Ininier jierinil nl lis his'ory. lliKiiiess nper.tliiin* were i oiniiii IH i d in Monlii'.il nml I'linmloas lar hack is i.S^i, Mr. j. II. Mailland, then l.i ir^ t 'liirl .\^i 111, III lMfi.plii pii'si'iii t'liei^ili. in.inapr, M'. it. I . r. Mniih w,is ,ipp< inteil ( liiil ,\^tnt and kisident Sei-|i't.iry. Ill- ll is \>\ lint III n^ p. rs.M-n nie ami sii|H-rini^eim 111, I'liill up a -oh. I .md mnsi.mtl) U'^"^^'*'^ ''f"' III ss exii'iiilin^i Itmn t ia^iN^ in \ anina\i i. Il\ hi' lnresij;ht .ir.l i'\..-lleiii iuil^imnt Ihe I'l nMilonlliie was pl.n-id under il- pii-st'iii ellii lent inanat't'in<-i i. .\l.oiil tw.nt) U^i■ u-ars a^n the I'ninpany r. s>.|\ed lo eri.T| the splendid shine l.inldiii^ that ii'Mii an iichitectiifal |Hiinl ol Mr-w adnins M.inHeal. ') he loll.iw in^ evh.iii-li.e sinleineiii w II ^ive ».iiii.' idea n I ihe si.-indin^; o( ihi-. line pio\eii n.inp.iny, They have a\,iil.ille as'ei' to ihe atimnnl i-f $H.4.|'>. S'>S' which, caipk 1 viith a hn'miee ol sni.siiihed rapi'ai not called npnt .$S.77i.S,ix '> I'lie ic in.siiraiire ; (511.111x1 llalanee pmhi ai d ln^, \. \JS. jji. I ilohe ; ,..;*tual Innil ^.V-t-'"*" l.ile .ml antiiin.- hind . . 3i,\*i2 'ii<> ' Mlie funds as eniimernii'.l J."'77.,i-*" This \ .>! Iitisines'i pii>>li'mlous linurt-s •' 'lytliin^ known in the c.mntry oe,iside of the reiih (ways. .Minns' rtitylH.dy cin till li'.w man) miles nf r.iilwny liiere aie in ihis eniiiiliy. in.l wli.ii is ilieii eapii.ili/ ilimi,^e the si-iiniiies o| railways a'e appar- ently llie .inly inve'iinents leM sinre the n ilehls Mtp posed p.iyineut. ItuI heic Is an institution unlike ilie savinj^s hank whi.h pniti-ei'- the sum i.a\ei| in exiis-i .i| llie iieeessiii.'s nl lift-, |.i he kept for ihe fnliire. and which 1 Mil he taken mil at will, l.>r il h.ilds hinn^ that eaiinni I"* drawn: lumU ^^hi(|l aie aecii niilaled Im tlu' heiielit "I l.iniilii's wli.n d.-.tli su-ps in. ami that in Inrce many indlionini . the oi^ati ,' limn nf the i.i.iipany s'lmethin^ in the nei:;'dM.((... ..I nf 14.1 ntillimis nt d.>ll.iis i.i p ■! 1 > hnldern an.l I heir la mi ties: th.ii has .111 inc'.meol $10 J(ir>.;45 a )ear, ni ,111 ;ivefa^e d.iily iiicmie .1!' .$J7,. 11 will Imy dnilirs to cover his iiiikedness nr to keep him Winn, il he is hiin^iy he w 11 Imy IikhI lo keep hini alive, and it f>e is dry he »ill l>uy nun tn .pitiirh his tliirs*. even ll ll rail's his healtli, )et when he net-Is pinleetion it^.iinsi the accidents of hie, you have to ^n i. i^ an .>llii-.'<.t winch n>>l only iis liiilhplace. I'lit Ihe i-mpiie at kn^<- -.hotild l>'.- pr<.ud.' I.IVHRfOOI, AND LONDON .\NI) (H.o»K INSl'RANCK COMI'ANV. itr> iMtC iJUrvilNlOIS lUuUC^TWATKO. lARMlR IIKUS., HAMILTON. 1-ARMI-:K HKh-^. II \Mll.rON. OKHai. ANH MIOW Klii'M.; Kahmkr Hkn*., Photographers, 02 V-mge sUefl.-- I'httI"- ^raphy, <>iic of the most vMxiilertiit ,ino in- limatelv asst)ciale(r w ilh Itoih lnuin(^s> and pleasure has it liecnmc. Ihe cli-aale of ( anada >eern^ especially suited lo tine work in this 'nie, and the <,tueen City o| this ^reai I>o- ntinion h not hehindhand it the matter of photography. One of the foii; studios in the city is that conthicted liy Messrs. l-armcr Hros., who have a \ery hiyh reputation fur excellent antl careful work, and wi.'>sc rueriloiioii.s endeavour > to send out nothing l>ul the tmesi copies atxl to obtain all in ilieir kine that can in any way improve their art, have inel with their reward in the lari^e and extensive conne^iion, which is steadily increasin;;, although their esiahlishnienl m this city i;* "f comparatively recent date. The lirni hav.- found it neccssaiy lu (tpen t«(j studios. The piincipal "ne is at 90 Vonye-streei. Three stories are used hire, and ^he gallery is sixteen feel \n ■ '■• hy <'ne hundred ami twenty in length. The branch stuiiiois at J04w, in which are exhibited iome ve-y fine specimens of the firm's art, which are ^u^e to prove attractive even to the niovt casual r)bserver. lioth e-tablishnients are luxuiiousty fur- nished* and lilted with everything; necessary, includinj^ cameras and cither apparatus of the latest model. A specialty is made of chiWren's photnj;raphs and groups, which are taken uilh artisiic skill ; indetjd it may with pe»fect Iru'h l»e said that all Messrs. larnier's ppKluclioiis show the si dl of true artists aj d men of laste. The firm are manufacturers of the \Vincht.^ter Kagic Pry I'tale, a nmch used and de cii^dly useful addition (o the trade, and calculated to be surpassed in clearness and lone after development l»y none. All kimU of fine mouldings are kt-pt in stock, and frames are made lo oiiWi. Mr. J. K. Harke is the able manager of the nueenstreet establishment, and has had a long experienci- in the art The proprietor, Mr. J. II. Farmer, is a pi.-iclical Imsinesk man, thoroughly comprehending all the details of photography, and his courteous and obliging manners have gained for him the esteem of all who have come in rontaci with him. Mr Farmer als'> has a sludin in IlamilKm, (Jnt , which is the oldest established sluclio of this lirnt, having licen in existence for upward* of 15 years. I-AKMI'IK HROS.. ItJKtiN'IO, Kl-XKITION H'OM. THR nOMINION lI.I.t.'STKATKI "7 pT^^MER B I'AKMKK UkUh,, TOKONTU. (bM prt ililiK I'iiKtJ Tiir. UnssiN llni^r., Ccinu'r nf Kinj^ and N'urk StrctM^, Mr. A. Ni-lsun, I'i..|.ric1nr nni.- .>l Ihi* Ic.iiliii^: Im.IiK in the |i"inini(»n of Caiiiul.i, llu* Knssm Ih.iisi', is ilic^tsi :iiul most popiilnr in llu- (.-iiy <>t 'lontnlM, nml hns ;i repiirn- ti'.n wliiih fvUiuis far Itcy.ind itu- iMirilrrs of ilu- cnuiilry t" Kiinipf ami ilirini^jlmiii tin* St;Ht.N. It is ciiUrnlly IiumIciI 'III iHl' I ■uncr >if Kin^i am! \ nrk sliuels, aiul i.s dm tlu' ruutf til nearly all the street car lines i" the « iiy, mu\ uithin ea>y ijistance uf ihe l.'ni".i depui, and the various wharves un the lai.efioni. The ilnce area nf tiiis luiildinj^ is one acre, .md il lias a j;ood frontaj^e on Imth llie sireets ahove men- ii..ned, .\n>\ rises to the hei(;hl nl four sioieys. I'or the |iast Lilly ye.iTs it heen (Uie of the in-tiiniinn-. nf the ciiy, iuni il-i ^rey sttme entrances which are massively I'uilt jjive ii a vt-ry ini|Misinj» ii|>|teaMnce. I)urin^^ thi^ period il has hid H'Vtral |iroprieiors, Iml is now in ilie hands til Mr. A. Ne! M.n, a t^enllenian of ^;nat e\|iLrlenie. first auion^; ihe (»ucsis nt this hotel, royally niusi lit- nienlioned. for nn ui^re line necasion niendieis "I ilu- royal l.iinily have so iiiitud iindei its loof, I lie piesenl proprieioi is a native "f ll.ilil.iy, \. S. , and nearly all hi- life has been spt-nl in con ntrcli'iii tlin.iij^h a •■.M,i..uLdi renovating, and the > ihe nltice. l-'lled np in a handsxHie mannei with heaulifnlly carved Mack walnut, the I iiiiveniences ol teleyrajth oltice an an vutf the hilliard r(M>ni uhidi is furniNhrd with ei^^ht tirsi .■llls^ tallies ol larj^e si/e, while scats are arran^eil around thi .mm. ( )pposite III the hilliard room is the har which is tur ni hed in m-i^t snnintuuus Myle. Another main entiame is I'll i"mi^ stiect .ind leads tlirecl I'l the dining ro"m staircase, while i''e la't! ' entrance is on \ ork slieet, 15 teet wide and leading to the etevatnr. The iheck and ha^^^a^e rioiiis ai.' als.nm this Hat. » )n the th'nr i-' the dining rni>m which aseatintj capicily nf 144. It is loo feet Inn^; and .(O feet wiile, lieautitully decorated in cart>t t In -c, llie kii< In n. one ol Ihe piinripal poitio|)» id cM'ty hniil, would hem iheetosi'si in ipedion, I'rto larye ranijc-, one of M.uieiiseA |)uepiiri|iiet 111. ike is j() feel in Kn^lh: the other is loti-it hm^ hioil I rs .Hid evei) other apparaiiis retpiiinl in it hniel kill hi n aie I'l he htuiid iiere ei-n milled III Ihe hull 1. making it 'i\ei .|V>' < hi the ^rniind llniii Ihe h.ikei) .11 d oltuanls dcpailmeiii is Inealid, I ikini; U)> Ihe K.ii pnilinn. the irinailnler liiih); nccupled hy tlie l.iniidiy nnd intone pumiii, where ilxie i-> .1 j^ hi>i-r pnwi I ( ii);me and t\Mi 1 nikr*. I he w im ci liar, -ilu. led in Ihe Inwei I ail nf the liidldin^, is well iirian^eil nnd hlhd with the hii'-si hrandsol lurii^n nnti donieslic wiiie«. li<|iiois, elc : in l.icl the hevcra^e^ caiii4 d hy if i ■ Imii'-i- aie id tin- ilmieeot kind. Separ.ile imin the irain Imildiii^ is ilie \Miik- 'Imp (nr e,tr) nierinu .uid uphidslerin^, and where till ^i ti eial repairs nt carried nn. A small Imi uell 1 ipiippcil I iintinv: oltice is ■ 'n hy the Imli I !i>r piiiiMn^ hilU nl Ian* l<>r • ally and late hreakt.i , dmiier>, and -upptis. I he i< .id m^ room is 1 omforlahly hiinidit \ -'5 Icet ill diinciisions and supplied with ev» ly neei-ssily. Iheie is a I'.iihii'- simp iltaehcd to the h' .ti 1, 1 .piippi d utih live ehaiis ai.d l.e.nitiddly ih C'liaUd. Itiii ai^hiiut ihe I hiu-e it under^oin^ iciUeoi.ttiMii, uhieh will add };ic.itl\ iells. tii., aw I. lid ilitmi^h' lit the huitihii^, con liiMlin^ iliiccily wiili ihe oilier. I veiy ci>n\cnicMce |Mi..,iljlf is iMimd in ihi-.nntid linivl, and evciy dli-n is made on the p.iit nl the eniidojees In m.lke the niKst- ni|||(Mlt.'"i:e. The s>slrin nl Xenlll.Mlon and ilr.iinai^e is|)iit>«t iiitwiy jiarlit ular, s|iti aii> iilion hein^; de\otcd lo this. Mr. WiMmiii Itarrie is chief cUrK. and Is assislid hy Messrs. Sktdccy, (has. Iiisti, and |.i^. Coi.ihirH. Iravelleis who , now Mr. .\. Nelson will In.- exceedingly pleased In ju-ai ol uU ^aininv: 'miml ul the Uii>sin Ihni-f, ihe chaii;;c insnies eviiy 'ointorl. ami wh.ii is o| ^re.ti impnilaiui , an evie 'eni menu to the ^;uests. lie is anenlti;Nan in evety sense of the wnni, .md leaves nn stone uniiirned lo meet the wi-hes nl hit patnms. I >n account o| iiiciiasfd it li.i-. heeii lotind ni'ccssaiy In eiilaii^e this popular hoti'l. which hii-n done hy the :"dditi Isevt'iit) ti\ i- ele^.inll) htmislied riMtiiis «■// tti/t', with hath all. H hed. The l.ite>i' t \posctl sanilai) plimiliin^ .nlopied ihrou^hout. The Kossin is the l,ir^;e-t Imiel in ihe piovnice. having; m\- iiodalion Inr v«' J^'ie'ls. and is the only one il Toronto complete in all its .ippniiitnient>. ii siiualioii licin)4 eon\iiiient tn the railwa) station, sii-anilKini landings, and in close pio\iiiiiiy to all the f.ishion.dile sli>rcs and piii'lic nltiies. with eleitric lais p.issin}^ its door- every tvo minutes tn .ill jiarts nl llu' ciij . makes it thi- lnn^l (,,11- vcnient ami desir.dile lioirl in I'l'i'iiiln i < sii>|. ;ii. .\l'i;. NkWKI.I. \ Co. Al \M 1 A) : I UKKs o) Oki.AN Uki-.i.s ami Ki-ys, ji IIavikkSi, .\ feature nt peculiar iiii|H»rlance and nf imi a liiih- pk-asure lonnle, re^.irdiiij; the "Himieieial ^icaliiess of Tmnntn, i, thai c\iinsi\e Mami- l.ieiiiiiiij; esLiMislmit nls with headi|uartei -. in ku|;er Anieiic. in cities ; |]a\e lter St., heiii^; a hianch of a Cliic.ij;o Imuse, the largest manuractojy ot Or^aii Kttds and l\e)s in the world, whose well est. ihlislnd repulalioii and e\iellenl ^;Jr OH TliK lUKDNTO I'HUTOCRA I'M IC Ci 'l.»KMNnt I'M"! I II ;i( All in Co., 104 Kiiij; Stri'l-*.. ^Vt'^l. III Miiiirlj aii\ li' .< h lit M it'iu-i: has iniir«- pio^rr.s'^ In til iii:i(k «iiirin^; ill- si lunil) -fni-' jcars than in ihat "I ph«it..^ni|.h>. ami ihi- run easily U- pnivi-il l») aiiyniu' wh.. ri.-U-is lo Mtiin' "III iu|'('iti«in til |ihiiio^ia|p!is» from ihusf un j;lav> In ilii.>i' 111 Uk' |iu>int «la\, which laiui, 1 ^liiliil niai ■ vt-Inii-. )U'\i.|i.|tinLiU <.t tin- an. *Uw n\ ilu- lart;isi aii-i iiinsl silt ri-<-Hriil (irni-. in (anaila 'ii^aj^nt in llii> ari, ami (■iiiainl) luuiiiji ihc lar^i-l imniiM - ami {.iuaU-^l larililics \<l llu- U-st i|iiality in ihi' city, is lIu' Tinnntu rhilii;ili-t' nl \n. I'M Kiii^ Mrri-t, U'l-si. This liiKiius- wns oialiJi-JK't on the i-t nt [inu'. i.Soi, liy Missrs. I. S. Walla... ami II. C. 'Iii^;u.ll. «h.' haw \uv\ uiih till- j;u-alisl siitris> linin the slaM. niiil havr ii«iu a larj^f ;>nil ivit inrrrasint; |).itinna};c. A^ I" 'iii lu-s "I |.lio(..^ra]ihy nri-ivc llu- nmsl laMliil alhhlinii, nnlaMy ninnnfrcial work Mich us iiluil'ij;ia|ihiiij.; inamif;nliiTt'rs' >taniplt?s, >\art'hiiust;s factorifs, nmchimry. M'hin.U ami '«ihir |)iililii- luiililinjis. '■fsidcncfs sivtu'ry. i-li*. Tlu- iirintin;^ ik|.inlnKnl is in ,hi- Iiamls ot i»ni-i»fllu* iimsi csiKiinmil jxinlir-. in llu- lnisiiirss aiiii piiniin^ il"iu' tor tlu- Iiatli- nitivcs llii- '•anu- larL-lnl atti-nliun as thi- Ih-.i itii\alf «oik. I'.vfn ilcparlincnl is unsiiii-ss is luiii^' woiki'il n|t, ^ii.mI \it-u-.iicn j^oinj^ to llir ilislamc ol one m two lnimliiil MiiK-s ii> ;iinltriakr -)n' tiiin in ihr rit\ tthich niakfs a s|HTially ol 1 ati-rini; tn \hv "ainalcui " iiailc, and a larfjf rthil cxcr-im nasinj; liiisini">N is imw carrifil on i\r'"isivlfy in ri-Inatiint;koilaksamI ili*vi-lo|i- u iC '^ ' ?':"'^'^ pM ^^Ht\ '''^^^^w^^^l ihB BHV^^^?«B9| Sp^Pi 5^1^ ^^Sk^' '^ V^^'^. mm H^^^^^^^. ^> .A dKm I^Hr u^^ ' -^^R^jj^S* mm hI MK. J S. WAI.I.AtI':. inn liliii~- An.illui ili|.iirliiunl wcniliy "I ^|K'iial iiunli.ii in IIii'M' (■nlmnii> In wliii-h ihis i|.ai.ili\rj\ xuiiu^ t'tim li.i^ tlltliril \\~ llHiMlioii i, lliiil |i|l.llilMIIII VKhiill. V\llilf il i> II Miy f\|iitl^i\i- lilu(i>^. |iI.ii||U-,-> UMlll> n|ll.ll Im lilUsI -Uil i'n(;i;uilin, A s|iLii.lll) i^ lUii mi.kIim.i |iIim|.i, I.iI |ill.llil-lll(lt.nilli;, ...llll' lit Ihc I'lMlliny lilllK 11! I'.iM.iil.i iifiiii; vii|i|iliiil. Tlu- iiistiiiiiii'i '•- iMiil {il.ihi iiM.l.iii lit I.UisI anil iii'isl niipnixfil aiu' ilu- inti-rpii-c -.i llti> liiiii lL-nil> llii-ni In Iif aU\a\^ nn tlu- Im 'xniil fni niiMliiri IU-« ill |i|lninj;i:l|iliii ini|ls |tl"ili- llnnii{;h 'Inrniiln ran nlilain \itu>.nl llif i-ily : id siinnini.liiii; sulmrlian sctaui) ■•! wliicli a iai^t- inlU-t-linn i> bcinn Iniiiini, 'riir >]\i}\\ wimlnw fsliitiil^ a tiiu- cnllii-tinn i.ri-\i'i) (IfM rij' linn nr lillnliinlaiill- ailihliliillli-n^ nl llli' |ihntnnia|illii .in. WInIr lllc inli'iini aii.iiifjiimnls n| ihr >'~lalilishiii< iil n.iii jilisL* i\ WallaiT a Mtllknnun ami iis|iriliil nsi.liiil nl rni.iiili nlli'iiils In I III' liiiani'ini; nl llu lit in. »liiK' Mr. II. ('. I ii:»ill |Kisnii.illy Mi|iiiiisi.s .\iiy il.|i.iilininl .mil il.l.iilnl ll" |il, .mil liusiliis- pail nl Ihls rniiiirn. Iiiinn lliiirniij;lil.v \M II vi'isi-il in all liiaiu'lu-s nl this iiinili-in ail, llii- irstill nl .1 hi. Inii^; i'\|iiii will isl.ililislu-d and has a liiiii n-pn lalinn Inr llu- inn\i-iiiL-iiri- and i-nndnits in ai-rnininnil ili"ii wiiit-h it .iKitrds ils j;iu-sls. 'riu- Imil.Iin^ Irnin liasi-nu iii '" .illir, lui-n n-liltt-d li\ llu- [lu-si-nt |iriiiirii-lni, and i- ii"» Irnlii a pninl nl rnnnili-ti-iu-ss uiisuriiassid. Tlu- liar-rnniii i- alwajs wt'll stiH-ktd with llu- ln-sl wiiu-s. liininrs and (-ii;.irs. wliili- all llu- necessary adjmu-ts usually Inuiu! in a lirsl 1 l;i>- linU-l art- jirnv id(-d. Tlu- .///./;/(- is M-iniid In Hunt-, aii'l 111* l.dilis an- always sli|ililii-d with llu- lu-sl llu- inarkil tm .illiird. I'risnnali) Mr. Dandy sludits 1.1 |ili-asi- his |ialiiili-- aiiil is an ulili^in^, [in| and tnnlial llnst. TlIK ] DOMINION II.I.I TSJKA'l"K,Jl. [^ |it-(-ial nit-titi>'ii In \omi^ liini lt;<> |)l;)lilUI1ll WnlL pKHlui'i--, rouli- I) i- iKo iiiiiiif i.i liMiliii}4 liiiii> 111 mil I'l.tnl iiM.l.ih tin t iilii|>ii-i ■■: Vtiiil U>i aii>iliipL: y I t(l siirrtniiiiliiit; I i^ IiL-iii^; liiinn-l, ( I r\i-i) (It ■■< ti|' l.h..tuma|.lii> .Ml. lnl)li^hiiK 111 I I'lii ///(■;■- inrlii.iiiiL, ► iiniNlu-il, while llii il iiinM-iiii'Mn l"i 1,11..,. Ml. I. > i.t T" I" Mr. 11. C. Tiiiurll anil lUlail i.i ill' , lii-inu I liotMiiijhI.v .III, Ihi' ri-iili "I I II ihi- kihniiJliiii- anil l,liii-ill-liiil-- l„-,| 1,,-|,| |l,.l|M'*lll ill, S.iiniul D.iMil;. I.ini^ ami i.'ii.ii' III ha^ a lii^li I'l'" ill aiii'iiniii"! 111"!' (ruin lia>c'iiiiiil I" priiliir. anil i- """ . Tin- liar-Mi'iii i- lii| anil lii;-''-- iiiMil in a tirsi > 1.'^- ,1 In, an.l ll« ,1 liii- iiiarkii ran |ili'aM- hi'' |iali"li-. ^^H\ ^1 4i:m% i-;?>i'aiii.i-.h.mi-;nt ui m Akvii-: ^ t» OM ICK ()!■ rm: Md^HMON \\\ M.DISC. ami I.uAN* A'^-uCI VTIOV, lUiaii- \ ('<•., M.uniliUtiinrs nf Mi.\f^ .irul r.irkin^ ' IX -. .m«l DiMlirsiii Kin-lliiiL* W I. 20 Slu'|i|Mr.l Mtiil. \in'>n^ ihc main tiiin-. » li^^.ii;iil in tin- iii.iiMlliirliirc n| li.i\rs ins I'ulviii^ ( .iM- in r I... th.ii 1. 1 Mfi-.r- llarvif \ ('".. «li"'v «L'II known I'^iaMi-linnnl i-. liluati- 1 .il Nt>, ^n Slif|.- iMi'l >trtHi. |»is«.t-^v, ., ,1 liisi il.i ■• It |«!ilait.»n t>ir u li.i''ilii\ . '|n.iln\ '( wtiik turnr I Dili, aiitt m:itni.s^ aii'l I Atitiinl. Thi> liUsiiif" w.i- tNijli|l>h. .1 alti-ni 'Hi \x^lr^ a^tt liy NK's-r''. \ iiilt iV llnrxii- al N'tni iMraii-iii, Mr. S iiiH rL'liiiii;;. .tml ilu ;-iM.v-. h.i". siiuf lut n t aiiitil oil l>\ \\\. Th'-mas llarvif. v!iM iia- )>) his aliili y aiul miiirinp i-iu>^> l>iiill up a Itnr \wV ill. 11 fviiri llirtiii^huiii ill"' I'loxinct-. TIk- |iriinis(-'. • u|'H -I riim|iiiM- a iwti >Mtn I'rirk Imililiii;:, 4ii\t>o Uii in ni>ii>i|>('- .1 kiiiillin^ uoMil. All i>)H-iali 111 < !iM. i\-. \i II it'll i\ plain-' ik'I unlv I'u- inaimsN .iimI i \ati- 1- . )iiliu*-.l Iiy ..!! u-:k : l>nl lli-- t-Munuly l.iw piiits I'VmIiiil;. .. laij^i* amnmit itt rapital \^ invc^U■ll in llii> -Hii ---, niiiii- MTniini;ly llian the ^im|^Ii^■ily "I lla- work iiini.U; liiK the lait-'l iihiIiimI-, aif iin|ik'yt'tl. ami ih' ^1" ii'i liiii JHtii spait'il In [ir«iilii(c '111- ni'i't iK >'k' ti'>iili-.. 1 i" I'lich ipal (lalnif nt the l'ii>in('-'. i> I -'v making;, uhili' an \t<(;-i\i' liaiU- )•' rani(.s ni ilii-. lirm I'liii^ ilu- i'\ti'n>ivc ami jmlitimis ativL-rlisini; m.iil anil tL'K|iliimi'. willimit ilu- lu-rcs 'iiy i-l -.uliriiinj; Mr llarxir u.i-. l'«trii in .Monlnal i') yxx--, n^u, anv iViryniK- wilh wIumii lui-itims 111 r"ii,.ul, rillui ill a liiisiiu-.-- ur •'inial rtlalion. Till l)ii\|IM'i\ Mill I'lM. \M» I,'t\\ A-'-'Oi I \| I..N. Ill till „■ liay^ It! i^nal tinamial ilisa-.Uii il IkIimuvis i\iry iii.^ii Id cuusiikr ilu- Slit'-.! ami nui'^l prlt- inaniur in wliii h lie lan invfit ilu- nmiu-y at hi^ (lispnial. ulu'lhur il Ik- . 'IimII ..r larm'suni. Within ilu la-t iwu yl■ar^ 'lu'Cin- ii'i.iii I'liMir lia--, I'y nuMii> nt' Tiu- I > >niiiii<>ii Miiililni;^ aii>l '■'.111 ,\^-,.iriali rash ill a ni iniiir whirli jntilmli-^ any pi^siliiliiy •'III--, arul yd in siuli a inaniu 1 that ilu prnl' i.i h- ikrivi i| inmi siu'h an invr-.tnunl r\iiL«l r\i-n ilu- imtsi -.unli I ilrtiiiiis ,t| iuarii-t'. I'or ilu- iK-nclii ol who havi- iml \.l I. , II ^i\tii an up|K»rliinily liu-\amiiu' ilu- m-hiusvf'inmJi 'I til! iiistihilinn, a h \v wiinU rclalivf In ils unpriTi-ili-nU-i' ''i<<'< ^ in Ilu- pasi ami ilu- l>rilliaiil Diiilunk liii llu' hiltirc iii.u M.ii til' mil ot I larr in >iin^ in, an- 1 what pirt-auiinn- aif lak<-n in pn-M-nl iis |n^ - Tin- Irnsi-' Cnrpnrali tl ( hilari-i i- llu- ■rnisU-i- u| ihf A's-«ialimi. ami Is A-.^-^ ilu- .a-in liaii ^i{ all sin-unlit-s fur Inaiis niaili- lt\ tlu- Assmitti-m. .\ll llu- inniu-\ paid in hy tlu- nuniln Ts In ihc lira. I nliiii- nl ihf asviiialiiHi js. as snmi a> inii\(il ami cnlt tt-il in llu- h-rnks. hanili-il i>\vr tn iju- TmisUi . v\iih tliv i-M't-plinii n| an anmiinl r pial in nii aiul nni- iwcirili pL-r i\-nl., whii-ti is iK-iiiu'U'\ ih«' I'risi.h nl. ( lal \l maj^i r .iml Niiui.uA TrtMsiini. In a'l-Miimi to ilu- alin\t pn-r.iii- lii>iis is llu- t'lllnwiii:; niii-, uhirli i^ siiin.:;inily t-iitmii-l ninn -liiri's, without K'ssi-nin;; in any rcspL-ri ilu-ir 'Inmi >iji- coiiiloris. Mysurh nu-aiis a hmni- may !>.- sin-urt-il ms rMn- mt-ly i-,isy ii-rnis of payiiu-;il. n-ally n.^tin^ link' if aiiMliin^. itmrc ilian m-iik-rau- rt-iil. In < -.mtusi-.n. sh-mi-l liu-'u.iili-r mnhmpkiu- iincsiiiu; with an ihsliiiilinn « liirh iml im-ruly piomist-s In niaki' sJMc-in p,-r t'liii. for llu- iincstor's nioiu-y, lull artiiilt) stii-ols in pi-rformiiij^ ulial il promises, any hiillu-r inl-.ruialinn may !•.- nl.iaiiu-il \^\ writin-^ in iht- ^L-ninl p-ni;ral niana-ci, Mr S. 1-. Kil^;..n-. '..r in iliai ^^.■ntll■man's L'(tirii-nt co-workt-rs Mrssr,. .s. | ). rajnu'r.iml [. \\m\ millan. Hliohotil r.-sp-.-iivrly llu- n-spmi^ihU- |M.,iii.,iK .,| S.Vn-lary ami Tri-asunr. Tlir I U-ad Uiii.-. if ilu linminioii Ihiihlin^' ami Loan Asxiriaiinn is |i«-ati-i| ai 54 A.U-Iaiili- sinri., Toroiiin. ami any iiu'inli.r ol ihi- siali ilu-ri- i-iiiplnycil will III- mily ion phas-il to furnish full parii, -.ilars in <-onm-rlion wilh iIk' in-ii ulioii. TlK-rc an- at llu- pn-sv-nl tiim- innru ilian iS.ijo) sharis nf tlu- siork nf iju- insiiiiiii.,n in Inrif. ami llu- .iss^■l^amm^^. l-. nvi-r $.»5o.irhi wliirh. ii nm I-i- a.s Will to m ■mini., is a j4iialcr sum ilnn all nilui simtla'i iiisii liilioiis ill iJK- wholr Dnmini-m put hioilnr ran sh-.w n.ou-h llu- As :.-■-. ■• ■■■ ■■■ ■■■•■ •■ ■ ■ ■ li.uis is llu- t.illnwin;; niii-, whirli is siiin.:;.nily i-ntnr.-r.l, I'houi^h llu- Assnriaiinn is in ils inl.niry , niin^ only li^hti-i-ii *' all nllii-irs wlin liairlli- tlu- itimis ol tlu- Assnriatinii ar-- uinntiis in i\isU'iu-i.-. ilu- alinw- li^nri's i.nisr i-nnvi-y to 'lie nipiiivil lo ^ivi- liniiils fnr ilu- failliiul piTfurmaiui- nt Hu ir ir.ul.i's inin-l llu; impiv*sinii thai a j;ival fiiiurr lii-s ln.•fn|c .|lltil•s." Sii oiull>, tlu- of ilu- sinckhnhK-rs nr iii\t-s- ai assn,iaiinn whiih has an-- -mplisluil sn inurh in -o sl.ort a t . Il . i. . iiili- Il I ilii'il • -III II - lli-'iiilii'i'^ ■ i( t III' V >.>ni-ijll in'l III • -I toil t iiiiii 'I'll 1 1 • -i' w>i, •>>. .^ _ ><>.... I • l. .It ■ , 'i i- t--i s is niily loaiu-il nui l i.iws pni\i-|i-s iluii : •■ Nn mniii;,!^.- nil rial isiati- shall In.- a.-ci-pu-il until ilu- prop riy nlli-n-.l as SI 1 mily fnr llu- loan advani-nl on sio-k has li 'i-n appr.i)s,y. ami artinj; for. llu Assofialioii. aiul sulisi-ipu-nlly irmmairnliil liy ih'- ku-al l-nanl and appio\L--l liy a ma]n;iiy of ihr Umril nf |>iri.r(ors or a I. lan ( 'nniiniiti-i-appniuu-il hy llu- Ihri-riors." ^o iniu'li Inr ih'.- I- iiilion tisul in llu- m inipulali-iti nl ilu- )un>pa<'i.' will ui mu- hillimi of dollars, nr. in ntlur words, mmr hv an imuuiisL- sum than tlir t-ntiri liankiu^ tapilal nl tlu- riiiiid Stalls ! I'lusi- insiiiuhons hn- nish llu- ln-si taiilitii-s |nr l'-»rr-iw in;; im-ni \ an-l. al ilu- siiiu liiiK', n-iain llu- luiulils nf tlu- inti-risi wliirh oihurwisL- would lind ils way into tlit- pm-kt'ts of disianl (-upilalisU. \ni ihi- liMsi of llu- lu-ni'liis whirh surh or^ani/niionst-onfcr. is llu- lialiii of sa\ \u\i whirh ilu-\ prnm-ilr. Ahnosi c\i-ryonf with a \rn mnili-ratt- iiu-tiiu'. ran, lt\ irasnn ihlr t-ronoiny and torcthmij'hi. sa\i.' ciuiii^di inniitlily lo pay lor oiu- or tiuu-. That rviry surrrs, ma\ .iiti-ml ihi- 1> iriinn huiklin^ arul Loan AssiK-iaiion and thai tlu- slud.-w n| ilu' rk-\rr and in-lrfati^alik- ( iiiu ral Mana^;.r niayiuAir ;;rnw luss is Uu- varn si wi.,h o| vmir rorrrspmuknl. I . U lln.s.N.v ( .i..("i.\i\iis.|,i\ M|,K. (I VMS v\ Hkii M-.Ks, 5M|-k.»M SrKKi.r Kvm. Thr nmnnissinn iiR-rrli,iiii is -MU- whn during tlu- past i|iiarti-r of a ri-nlury has iKminca lu-n-ssiiy Iinili lo llu- manufarlurrr and to I'lu- .xlioksakr. (iinlinin^himsu f inn-rlain liiu-s nf ^nmU. In- .k-aU ,,nl) up on wli.ik-sak- prinriplcs, si-Hinj. jn all rasi-s ii|hu) a ctimmissimi l.asis, Tht- (inn *i( \- . \V. Hudson \ Co. was i-siahlislii-d in l.SSi»and al linu- nf wriiini;, l.S(|i, has Imill up;i wi.k- iradr diroUMh .i|| p.uis nf tlu- I'n.viiur nf Ontario. Al 50 K I out Sirr«-'I i;asi suitaliK- and rnmiiioOMINION II.T.nSTKATKH Ini <.k\m:v Ki l!li) !.■ ( "n i | . t I '. I I"- .M'lili' |, : l-r>>ni^ir.-.t. \im . MMM.ti. Ai^. ■.! : s. ||. c Mm. r. I'u'-i-Uiit : I.1-. II. Mi-K«i-hiiii-.> ;in.l Trr.iMinr. rill' m.iiiur.nfiin- of niUlM i i; U is .m imhi^lry «') ^ iiii ]» tri.iiHf. .iikI ihr < ;r.ihl'> UuMmt ( u. .if M..iiin:i| wntU ii<> iiilroii u-tiot) in r!uM- iiii^r-.. iKixin^; ^friiri-'l .ni tii\ i^ihK- ri|'u tilinii ( .cMi-nMVf v.ith ilu Doininion. Tlir li.tnir .-f tin- riilil'cr iri in ihc l'nit»«! Si.Urs, .nul it is a m;it!i.*r ff puMir . Mhi^'i.uul.'ii.'n tlml in ('.iiiiiih, tluTc is.i nililuT ni.imi f-ii'liiiinj; inn(|\ \vli"s^- |.fM.lmls ,|KU- fnv'uruMy witU ihtisi rii" .u), ■>tlu-r f.uiory "n ilu- mntiiu-ni. ;inil iliis oun- l>.my is till- " (ir.inhy." I' i.» ilu- yiiU 1SS2 "Hir ni-ij^Ii- '"Hi?s .(.rus. Ill,- rrt-fk |...urr.| ilu-ir ruMicr ^','»»U iitli> tlu' . m.iili.ui nt.irkit rej^nnlKs^ .,( the .luiits tin- \. I", ini- I'MMil. .nul snnll ( "nn.Tliiin < ■unp.iuiis h.itl n liani •'ini^^j^U' in livi miiKr ilu- scalliin^i lin- 'il a lirirr <>)>|Hisiiinn. The 'ii.inl'\ UiiM«TCii. \\r^. l.iiin'li'il al ihis .lau-. nm! aflrr ti\i- yi-ars w.i^. u-i>rj^aiii/f«l with Mr. S. II. ( '. Min< r, llupnsi-nl prrsiilt-tit. ni ilu- lu-ail nl'allairs, and lia\«- not .,nly Iw-M tluir 'iv\n. Iiiit li.iM-. l»y tnnriniially nianiifai-uirint; cln)Hrinr •^>»kI^ in ilu- AnicruMn roniitanirs. livid. j;rn\\n, ami iLunisluil. sMiulin^,' h) .ii> in ih.- niltUtr industry .tl ( 'aniKl.!. stmiij^rr in rt'^'•l|^^^■s and luiu-r niana^inl than al any fnrnu r iH-rimi III its hisii.fy. In tlii-sf d;tysnf keen|«-'iiinn it is I inly Ilu- lii^^lu-l «.rdir"f l-ii^iiu-ss nurit iliar )an lioi't' fur siicri-s<. I Ir^ani/ niusi lu- |nTfi rr. alh-uiinn < vrt wake ful aniiiapirat aluindant. In rvi ry drparinn rit tin- }>rst mm to lie f'lund aii\ w ht-n- must U- srt urrd for ilu- l«-si |iiisitinns ; MU'h nun an- luwr dear ■ aiul wlu-n a|>|M.inU-d mvisi |if^i\, n f-oinphU' I harp-, and ni-\i*r suhjctl in intirrntddlin^j. Il i<. -..iid ( men In aid Iiim in hi> nndivtakin^-.. With ilu- rnnijiany in ra|>h nf whirh is lu n- n-prnduri d. is an Anurirnn tx |iiTt. iiuhidin^; snmr nf thi- fimsl nu-chaniral I.tUmH in thi ruliltri hade, ihal mmvy ran I»ti\. Thi* aUtvi- nil will \i'\\i Mini- idi-a . if the ma;n'Midf and isUni nf tht- ht-adipinrii r- ..t (hr (iranliy (otiiiany. nimprisirij; m-m-ii Mil-stanlial l-ii-K lHiildiii^;s aP cniuu-.ud in nm- I»h.ik. lilted up lhrnit^likelih. lull il mi) U- Muiitinncd iliai il is the Mid\ sy^i 1.1 .1 the kind ulili/ed in ( anada. Mt \|mer. tlu pie-idt'iu. Iia\ m^^ s|K-eiaHy inirndui ed it fmm New Irr,(>. The .iimpiiiiy Iia\c- rilK (IRANHV Kl l>i:k CD , LiMiii.h expanded sn rapidly that hisi.lrs ilu- e\UMsi\t a^em \ in Tmnnin. at l mni -.irii I. iluv h.ui- l.iaiulu-s in Mi.nlttal. Winnipej; and \ ieinria. l;.)". Messrs. Arnis llnlden an their af;enl* in Tiininin At\.\ in M nnireal. and this Inm le quire nn inirnihit'iinn in ihe ennuuen ial wnrld nf ( 'anada. As many as »5 irax.lleis are handlinj; iheii ( ,ianli\ rul.JKi j^'mhIs ill ( .itiad.i. and the ilu rease.)f trade -peaks tl' n| ilu- exeelleiue nt llu-};n.K|s |{.m,Is. arutpassed. Thi cimipany is a jnim sini-k limited n>rpnrati'>n. nf whi.h Mi. S. II. ('. Miner i-* prcsiileni, and Mr. Inniis McKerhnie ihr seerelary-iivasiirer. It ma\ aKn l>t- nuniiniied ihal .1 s|H-(iall\ paieni .iniilaied Imni is mamifariuted. knnwn a- *' ihc NieKei hnie patenl.' whieh lias iHinme vnyj-npnlar wherever inlrndueed. Mi. Miner is a tluirniinh Canadian. ami a ihnrnii^hly pri.;;ressi\e ami ener^;eiit- liusiiu- s man. alwa)s ;>,..»inji In keep al'n-ast nf Uu- linu-s. and in his ,iiter prise en leavniirs with marked suecess in hit ihc hull's eye n| IK.pidar fashinn and favnr. He is whai \MUTi. aus 'i,rm •*.i Inisiler," and is nne .-I lh"si> nun w Im ma\ uiih pm pri. I 'le addiii-fd in rehitati t .d»iird .nul unlnirndc.) prcjudiee which underrahi ('an.ulinn laleni and eiil< tpiis.', iVrsnnally he is rsieeuud lt\ al) whn kimw him in social and I'Usiufss eirele-, aiut iheenmpany. nl which hi- is ihe fnnmh r • |iTI III- and pmmnter. is .dsn \iry i.i Tnmnin. w h, ' tnlarin irade ceiiires. th. UKMNTO DROI' HURt.I-; CO.. LlMirt.n. W. ('. Nil Is, Mniir.Hul leed. Cnaland W I. ;;i u ' i^ti rarlianieni street. The supply nt siu h m.uier- ni -■ i>< ral Use as are kepi in sinck i)y Mr. W . ('. Nilcs. itin^'i; necessity he immense in a city n( ihe si/e nf Tnmmf. A' the same tiiiu- there are already many in tins Irade, irii wh, ansi nuulerale CCS. His iilliee and yard arc situated in a prnmiuenl ; tion on rarliament-street. The huihlinj; mTupied cnni. two stories, each Mat measiiiinn (ifteen hy lorty leet. ■ilnck is well selected and niivinnsly heen hnuj^ht willi .1 view In svipplyinj; ihal hi^h class n! irade dime .11 I'H' esiahlishnu'nl. lie Ins always nn hand all kituK nf .u,'! and wnnil, Jlnm and t^-cii, haled hay .ind straw, nais, hran. and grains, split wond and dry kiiidlii (^ may he had .1; any lime and orders are prmnplly execuP d. I- ive h.-.niK .n^ employed and Inur teams are continur ,ly en^a^^ed in thi- husiness. Mr. W. V. Niles is a ^rnt eman of undniil'tfi laziness experience and Ins future ) osperity is amply assured. W. I>. MxiiHlws \ Ci). , I irain and ("oinmission Mcr chants, 2t> Inml street easl. This reliahle house w.v tnunded as far hack as ihe year i.S5() hy ihe tale Mr. W . I' Matthews, the father of ihc Rcnileman wlm i> mm the licni nf ihe firm. The husiness in which Messrs. \V. I ). Mnt thews \ Co. arc engaged is as proiliicc atui connm-^iim merchants and also as maltsters, linni ihe hrsi. cnlei |>ti-i: mil push has marked tlip career of this hnuss which h.i* pn>jTiessed in a wonderful manner and nitw Iran^acts one . is an ex president of the Itnard nf Ira.!. "' which he is siill an active memher, nnw heiiii; a nu-nil" r ol I he Cniincil and nne nf ihe ixainini-rs in ^r.iin. ' le is p-'pn k.r in hnancial, husiness ami social circles .md is rccn^iii'' '' as one of the hading citirens of Toronto. i:..' i,M |i in I'nU-s. etc. olll" IS h. . thi- hc.U I" iiiH' re.i^" ■ tiir windo- lu-e nl •nil, ihi 1; :lut (lest. lurdly he • 1I1.1! -la-h ai ll.i!K-r. n( • |H-taiion t' >mpele u M-i with .1 .'i'- linn .nt MMti'^; all IMtU'llS. .uiil tacloi\ mi-iisi ills .uui sliape- ii.ilinns, in. ivir coat-i: luisjiifss ai' lain Mtl^S in l.ui ev iWiMiiishr.; MIL'. M.s- tiijlii In ni.i .•tly l-n-iwii ilfauini;, ^' cliiin IV, CI I'tr , .I'nd h iiiiiii'in. i 'U\ \ 1 ih. im|' taut hmi .hcr ol I. >• II, all iiansact 111"., .teiln \ I I Wnn.l, ;n ..n.' 1 hi;iIUt> ciI '^rtu (*. Nilc^, nin^! .: nf TM|..|lt-. A' I this Irailc. .iti! out (ini! ytat a^ik he w.iy of hm^ci the tiff nllLul.'. ti-c It i-< ci'tl.Miily ;C(.'ni!y iHRtu"! lu i| which ( )tn|<:irf- Dti a sirnil.u l>tiM In'si ^< i(kI/>, .inii losl in(nli*r;ite )»ri- ;i pruuiincni ; "si K'cupieil citiiiain- y Inrty IclM. Mi-* L'li liini^ht wilh :i (Iniif ;>t t!i^ all kin. Is nf ..mI slr.iw, (lal"', liran, ^^ m.-xy hi' h.iil M \. livcli.-.'iitsan ^ ftinn^^cil in Ihi' mn iif uiuIi'iihU'ii ipcrity is amply Commission Ma ial')i' huiiM' was V lalL- Mr. W, l>. >i i^ now the -ssrs. W". I>. M^l ami conimi'->i"» If tirsi. entt't|iri''C hoiiRs which h.i' A«acts t'rn- nl nathi. drain .iivl ; Ihc chid :;t.iiii if ntall hmi'^i ■> a' Hu'y turn out an ;in 1.SS7 I. (KM- 000 Nu tiim h.i' v lanil.U'l .|iiiliiy «' I an i.'.\\vvl\, where *'r.un|'iii'^ lilt I-. iKCiiniin^ nioie cuninion cvtiy stiinmer, an|u-nsal'lc foi ■ 'iir wihil'iws. Mi'Te cs)HcialIv for ih^M' mI st.ircs aiitl other pl.ifc-.") luiMiu-'i where ^'imiU are e\|>)> iiii|..l. with other e-Iahhshetl h..iiM-s. have neveiiheles- III with a llil'crin^ ilej;ree of Micie*-"-. jl-'lh memlicrs i.l .'i<- iMin aic practical teiil .in:iti->rai li-tn toal! ti.nrMiis, The preniisi-* o.ciipic'l c mipi ise a splentliil --tore Hill In tory, four slort')- in heij;li', each 15 \ 50 feci in til iiiiii^i ins They ntanulictnrc it-nts anil awnings ot nil si/I--. .iml -hapes. Iiot^e ami u:i^;i:o|i com r-.. larpautins. tl i^s of nil ii.ili.iii'.. inchnlinj; I'cntionv, ^tre.iimrs, and lu-.e uilh wliai tvcr I oal ot ar'ii- de-ireil. ( )n e\liil'iiio[i i-i ihuir | I. ice of I'U'.iiiess iiie to hi: found also blinds of v.iiioiis si/e>, water- I'l'o j;o.mK. brass goods. (ini>lHnj;s, oni.inr'nl-'. etc., cur- Iiiii lin^-i ard pole-, h.numocks w iih awnirigs attached, anri ill I.l. I r\' rythin^; iniaj;inahle in ihoc Inie^. I'.mi'loyment i-hitiiished lot tin h.m'U, and the ir.ide is I ir^e .ind yiow mi;, \lissrs. Hi>urnc \ Hntlcr li.ivc lately piirchasei' the rtnlii to inaniilactuie a*'peci;div in the line ol soap, p-ipu'- ■•t\\ liiown ;!•. Sconrinc. rhi> picparation is \innpi.dled lor ckMiiini», setiilihing, or poN-'hinj; met its. inarMc. paint, ni.i- cliimiv, crockery, cnth-ry.^ware. eaithcnwaii-. oilrhih. iti- . .tnd has aiiea'iy j^iineil liinh i.ivor ihiou^hont ihe Do mini '11. Tliese ^;enil'.'p'»'n are diMtvinu of the hi(.;lu*>l cic- 'lit t .r their /v.xK cleiprisc and iiMtitv in proinotinij this 11"]' iiani indU'Ty. ^coiirine tills a hm^ (ell want in the lion- hold, .ind it is (Piily a tn liter r( tinn when on iis own lint . it will -.tiuid in ihr Ion lioul ol itie many ions t>f iliu kind now tloodiii^ the m.irkit. Mi. Ilourne is n nini >ii of ihe Masonic oriler, and Mi. Hiiller h»Ionj;s in I. I ' I I. I-.. Ii (ih o( vshom aie pl.iin. pt.i-.tical and ch-v. 1 in ;ill ■ .uiiaeiions, .uid are pos>c-'id in .i ni.nked decree ot '\\-' aeilin^; tjualiiie.s indespcnsablc to success. iVrsmmlly thc\ ar<' popttl.ii in •< mciil their >ucce>-. ,il Iiiisine.-s Khhotoit^hh \. Twmi;, ltr:det ill Uall I apers, Siaiionaiy, «lc. : I jS.S i^tuet-n I'ri-et Wesi. - This Ihairishin'^ liu^inis-; ls- tal'lished in I.SS4 hy ihe present piopriclor, who in iSSN took Mr. ( iih's into piitncrship with him. This ^enthman retired fiom the Im-ine-s two veil r-. laier, since « liich tinte Mr. Taylor ha> carriei) it mi luMisrlf. As a store (he tir-t il lor of a two s'orv l>uddinvi at 1 .iSS i^ West is occupied, U-inii lot Net deep and haviiij^ a width of Jo Vel, The "-hiMV windows are Iari;e, nticd wiih plat-* ^kiss and drcsM'd in A xery lis'eful niiiiuur with a splendid selection of^uiip'es. I >n all sides ol ihe interior, which is commo diously ananplw ih ''ountets show ras.s, cahincts, etc. , (he* (^'oiK are displaynl in Iari;e 'pi intides and of ^ft-a'. vat ily. as follows : 1 o., -tatioiuty. ie a\eiy '^h lice .ind lull selection, whirh mav also he -iil't every p.irt o) his j;ro viny coimeit'on. In l:ict. lie is ^;really esleemed by his lcllo« liii/.-ns .u a slijit and hoii.r.i'i'e umii ol untiiin^ eticri^y and pei sever.) uce, ujion whom hiM reli.ince may be pli'-ed. Aiiki.n TiloKN, I»e.dersiii New and Svrond hand lur- nilurc, Pianos ami < h^.n s. .\u,\ (Iriural Hoiuvli-ild I toods. Si i .ind S15 '^htccti sitiit west.- A itniipte and impoiiant business is that c.irtiid on by Mr. AllVi-d Tlioin of ,Si ^ and S15 i^hicen strcii west, who ihk s .1 leading tr.ide as a dealer in Ml w and second hand hirni litre, pianos, or^^aiis. stoves, CIO, ki-ry and hous.hohl ^00 K. f|c b.-^.m business in lite t^iuecii rii\ in 187S, .ind durini; ihc intervening period b\ hi-, own eneig\. iiilt rprist- and .ibililv built up a solid aH"! ^tc.idiU inciiM-'ing tnidi ainong tin- reli.iblc i I.isses of llii west end. Till' pri lliises occupied .'le ci»n\enienl and suit.ible and are J5 s lOo led in dimensions twospaciius ll.ti' bi-iii;; utili/(d. ThioM^hoiit these coniniodious vaie- !■■ .;ns, \-, .dw.iy^ i.i>tehdly dis|K.Md, new and MCond hand tuiuiiure oj' all kin l.s inc uding p.iilor .iiid Udrooni suites, >ide and centre table-, iliniug room and hall futni nrct sofas, ih.iii^. novelties in lurtii nre. oitoinans, cupboinl.s, aUo pi -no, .irid orgitis ol I'te manul'iciure, as well as stoves, ..up-t-. v'.l-i^''«'ire. croikery. chi, a w.iie. ami in short e\er\- Ihing in the line of household goods A specialty is made ol bu\ing, selling and e\cii.inging Inrnitnic. sto\es, itc. I ine goo K atiho.' M.iker. 10 >( "In.rch- -lu. t. A w.ll lilting aiiicle of cloihing is biltei hu on.' that is the opposite, but perhaos part ol the Innnan losltmie which it is ,disoUiict\ nceess.uv lor htallh .Old coiiilort should tit well is the b-oi. '|he io,,i is most delicately con-.inuted and consi-.ts of ninrtcen dillerenl bones .ind thn^ ha, .1 \ariety of iiiMvcnients. retpiiring a covering which, while it should be soft and p'iable. musi als4» l»c ilnr- able I r.iiher has proveil to be the best niilerial and is wnix.r-.illy Mr. t'has. .Suili has onl\ be* n in lit:.sincss lot aboil iwo year-, but I .i- .ilre.idy built up .i very line iiade, whiih is ripidly incuM-iug. lie occupies .i large -lore .11 100 t huichstrect, whiihnua-aie ihirtceti by lw ih- line cuss toni work, and mirrois. The getu r.d arr.nigenu ni of the- >'ore is .tnd atlractivc. The slock incUides .d| kinds o| ntiieers' walking and tiding boois. leggings, .dso Itlanco Me- tal imlish, bl.ickings, \c., and a'l go dssoM in thiseslablish- tnenl ;■: o! ihe hiust miality. Mr. Swi' n.ikes a ^peiialty iif I'ltlcie'l work, in which he ust, noi.iing but the best Icallmr. \c., and employs two ski htl workimn to assist him. lie is .i genthimti possessing tlmrough businessipiali lies ami. with his periisteni i nc'gv .ind enterprise i( Is easy to presage h^ him a successful lulure. THR dominion iM.TTSTRATKn. sr. JAMl-> CArilKDRAI. litRONTt) II. \V. (Ill ( •iiiuiii^sj.ii) I liti I' wi'll kin»\\n 111 if .1 ii-nlri-' nl < iimnii.-ni;il ^ri'.utu>^, ;iiii| ill ;i c\{\ ni tlii> kiihl. A m<'-i ruii^iiiiiil lii'Ii! i> fimml Inr iln' « .iinini>*i .ui-l tln»i'>ii^li)y'K- ili-.tlvr>. ill die t'>iiuni-.'i'.n Im^iru ^■-. .in.l .■ii'l pt r!i;i|.'. it!U "I ilu IhhI Isiiomii- Mr. II. W. ( ull, w ll<■^e 'k.t-liiuiiiui- aiL- t Ltiitally .in. I lUj^iltly 1". .lU-l at .(S .in'l ^2 M. l..uMiiiri iiKirkil. TIk- tail iliat llii' i'i.)nilar iiicn haul ha*. !>L-cn a.-livt-ly ansitiit' t iinpniKinl liu-%nK^>< air lin^ a siiitalil C"tinini>-.iori Itmisr, « hirli i- loratt-'l ai |S JaniN sirctl, ami thi- >|>acinu-. siori' al Si. l.awrtMiii' Maikit. whi'Ii is .>"^-*> ^'■*^'' '" tliiiuMi-'iiin-.. iui'l irxtTV laLiiily i> allitr.K.I lor llie rapiil and tarcful aili-nti-'n In iratlr. A j;i*rKTal ionnni%-i"n liu>iti' ••> i>. .jnru-. an itr j'n..i|s art' liainHnl, siuh n-. |ir - \i^iniis, Iniit. I'rnhry, In-sh aiul iiimi nic.iis. anil piKnipl n,Uiin> ail alwav- niatU. |ii<>lilalili- saU^ :.ti rltcrhil hii'I iM.-.lciatr |iri.-.s. Iiu^kI. whtK' it .l.sin.l. lilxial a.Kannsan • iia'Ir'.n.itK'is \li.riil1haH{)ii.|..ui;hkn.'v\lr.l|;e..lall|.|iasi> uj Wf-leni anil tasicrn Irallir, ami lia* a wulv ^;iiural kimw k-il^c. all lit wliirh (|uatilif.'^ uialik- liitn tu ulttr imliii t'lncnt- tu iKitrnn-. ilitlinilt i.. i!u|ili anil ilic I >-.niini..n. Mi. (nil i>. juTM.nnlh, a i^.FiiKnuin ol |>lia>iiiH aiJdir-', an«l il i> iit'i'illi!*'. In say iciaiiis thf t^iioii will .,ntl rfs|Krl nl all who al any linif liavr tkalin^s w ith Inin. Ih i.Il M' Km-. II I, rraniial Ma.liin si, 2O1 \ ..n^. •^Invt. siiirr llic in\ti,tiiin u| sewing mailiiius ami in (.u' -il niarlntu't) mI v\vf\ kiinl ilu r-ininirnr hI iIu r-tiiniryhas im.l.Tj;.Hir rn.iiiy ilianj;is. 'Ilu- intili.nls .i| nl.taini'.i^; a livi'liliDii'l air nuniriuiis aiiii fjiiili- ilitkri-ii; Irnin llinst- "l..|iu-il prinr lo Ok- jcar 1S41. I>tit iIk aiiiutiiu of wage^ i-ai lu-ii is lai in i.\rt.- '■rr i>t (■ni|il'iyi.-is is JOI \ uii-'f-sircii is a ami ha.s !••) iho |u>t tiltirn \t'ais Lit n islal)lislu-.l in li I'ity, during; ilu- wlinU- nl wliitli ijnu- lu- has'iU'vntid lii» ,1 tire attfiitiiin to llif inainitarhiK-, I'ltlin^ anil rrjuiiin).; <>! .v, kinds nf sew in^; marliints. Ii is ot no r">nNCi|iK'ni-r wk.Ui. till- inailii uilh .1 niarliim- Mi, M.Knij.;lil will al nnn n]iai( it and jiiil it in pi tU-ii i.mUi. 'Iht pn ini-i s In, m-riipti » .tr tillt'il np with all ilu- niarliiiitr\ and tt. nrii ss.n\ i>>i|, l'iisini.->s, Ill-ill^ sparioiisnnii "ill li^lilcd. Tin- In mi is (m,, uilh ,\ hamlsDini' pl.iu-fila^s uindnw. Mi. Mi KiiiifMi l,i aluavs on liaiul a hup simk ol oil, nodh'-. !•» Ik atiu p,iti lot all kinds (iI'Mwint; niai hin»> and suppHi-s ■>( iln ri-lait sinris ilin'U^jhuiit llir pr>i\iiu-r. Mi- is assi>itd dy hv I mnpi-lcnl ina<~)iinisis .md has .ill he do to ki 1 |' |i.ii- \\\\U ilu oidirs aKv,i\s on haml. (in^. A. W M Mi\, .\n hiirrt and <*oiistnuii\(- In-iiin-i, ||) rnioH lilmk. Toi-inio stu-il. \\ ■ ■ -in h a i^riu r.iliiv.i -III ri'ss ti. In- judmd in M>niuiti"i ih n.itionaliu iii,ih\ Mii-iakts uiiiild nmloul'Udly on-ui. Nivnlhrk ss. . lai!-^ .m r\t' over piott-ssimi.d and i ninnit ui.d lilr. inaiu -it 1I1' I'lo^t snrifsshil nit-n an louml In hr natiM < nl ( lid I iiL.Lin' Tliis is l)y no ini-aivs lo umk iiau- ( taknl .ni-I ini' i piisf, for il lot., is wril iM nipliliid in |tn>spiiiu. An . . ainpli- o| the l.iniur is ilu- ;;i-niKinan wIiom' nanu* lin >ktl(h, who was Iiotn in I.nds, l"M;;laiid. |ainiar\. iSji. and ra int- lo Ton ml o in iSs''. 1 li'n hi' m ri\iil hi- idii. 11. III. sUnl\in^ anhitiiMiir Hith ilu- lali- William KaiidnMi. . w hi. was a piadnalt- nl ilu- ( iriinan Ttrhiiiial Si li-'-il Arrhik-( liin and ( 'i\ il I'n^iim lin^, in who>i- otln . Im .|„ i hvc yrais. ( 111! ^ulijiii natural i,isU loi ilu- pn-|. ..1... andnilind arii\rl\ upon il on his ,,\\\\ adoimt. iravdii', I At. iisivcly. prailisinj; in I'lininto. Monlnal, Alh.ini. I '. Holt and ( 'hiia^;o. and .-.j^aiii n-liniud In Toi-'nto in l^;■^ wliiii- lu- s.tiUd. I III.- his wril i-sial.lish.d ripni,ih-i lonpliil wiih his \\ idf i \p'iii-iiri- .iiid i\(i iisiv. ..p, riiim soiiii nndrriil him (•on^piin"ns. .md lu- ha- in.i wiili uiii' li-iMiptt'd sti. Il.rtor-.ill kinds ol dilli.nli .nid d. Ii. 1 .mhHi-cUiral dt-sij^nin^;, and has pion.dl\ \li Walnm i^ I -l.iimd l'> alluhokMw mm. and a- .m .m 1^ i( > 1 lu ha. wisi. Mr. \\ III. N. ( loiu-. thu -oK |.iopiiiioi ..t ihi- inll < fiilial and 1 niirpiisinj^ lui-inis-, i- .1 nahxr nl lai^land 1 .anil- In this i-niinliy al'.tnt .1 ipi.irtii ..I .i . iiiiiir\ .!;.;••, II ihi 11 wint to ilu- Stall's lor ilin-c )iars .ind lias lu. n in I^u- m-s iwcnU lixf \tais in T-.tonin. .^liihiij^ in Tnitinn. i t si,il.lislu-ln\. d an online io ilu' > <>nii.i' on haiul .11x1 ihf wmk to '»• roinpli-ud. M.' is i-nri\.i-.r with i-\iry iklail in ilu- 1 nnsiriu lion of iMiil.lint^s. j^.iinii. ^n-at t-\pt.rii'iu I' in I'n^l.iml prt\ii>iis in his in ( .^ a. la. I II- has .ni otiu'i- in n>nni 1, in ilu' liujldin^ kiiovui llir Kit'hnumd < 'hainliris. w hi. h an- sii|i,iu'd al ii.nxti. Kiilnnoiid siritl wi-si, ,\11 kinds nl sinii- .nid nftiii W"r- ri'iiivc ptoiii)>I .ilii-niion on ilu- slmiivsi n.iii. i . -.killnl h-'i! nii'ii liiinj; iinplo\-'il on ilu wmk. Mi. 1 rmu- is .1 pr-.n. Iso^'natii. Mr. I lll^;h MtKnij^ht "i ni-ni and is nnu h rcspi-rli-il in InisinL-ss ami s.h 1 pr.u'liial hinisi ..l I'.ii^ . Api-ritni. 1 mV'. Ill ih.ii in I'.iili'.r linu s ,\nf\ the mini V.KW t»*N TUK UKACII, TORONTO IS1,ANU. i'>li>lu-il HI t! . i;i'.'tUA*iilrtl lii^ It ml rr|Miiii)^ <<| ,\] tnsri|iit'nii- ulut ! \\\\] .11 oiii'i 11 pail ■^i- 111 iifi llpli - M .1- lirn ^^.ll\ In ll> 'llir Irinn is lilt.. Mr. MiKtiij; .iln! )iiti i|i|'Iit-« m.iny •>! il' - i> .i-'sUUil I'V ttt II <1-1 IH kll 1' |).1.{ Intuit li\i' I- iv^incn. ■in li .1 ^;t ru i.ililv .1 h n.Uinii.iliu iii,)ii\ r\i'illu-U'>'S, I .I'ljn-^ I lilf. uKun ">t i!ti r> ol (Mil I'livJoii.' Ill i.ilnii .iik'k iitii iiu^l't Illy. All IV iM- n.nnc hi .i, iS^\. HI ri\nl III- filii- .Vilh.nii K.nillih'.ni. VihiiMMl N !,.«,! „ linM-..lll.r II- -|.| lin i)k- pri'li ,sii.i, aniiiinl. ir.i\illi". IiimI, Alluiii. Ik .1 Titiiiiilii in iS*;'j lili^hnl li'|>iil,ili<>i\ \trii»i\i i.]nr.ilinr.. Ii,i> iiii'l with iinir liMii nil .mil ill lit.r. I il IkuiiU'tiii- ri'l'inln. llf tUT- ilictiiuiis .uiit III. tlirnli\ ^it.11.11 j:il.|\ .iM I l\i,..ii.ilK M. in. .iii>l;i<.in.>nl: • >Mlr.irll i' iiiM, (li'\i>rin^ I iihim--. Ih. ■(;;:': ' I Imil.hi)^^..! i\M r -iil'iiil'N ihi If .!! I('\ lljlii. \\h\' liny .11 ihf ['KM' I'l i\ i-.inn .\hili- i! 1^ iM till- ..>nii.i' II.- i> o.nvri.i ■ liiiiMin^s. ^.liiiiii. Iii-. iiriixiil ill ( .;- I>iiilihii}4 kn>>^ui i.iU'l .11 r I .iiht I, l< Hill itlhi I Uui. iiilhi . ^kilhii »t'r'. . i liiIU- is .X IT'OI! lut-ilK-SS ill'il SiKl.' Thb dominion illustrated. 1 Ml.- l!\K- I \N. I'aslii"iii\|.lc Milliner ami l>re.ssm;>kt.T. {:.S i,»iicfn Mrirl I-.:i*;i. Tlii'* is imt' "f ilic k-w slnres which may hi* •''»''' '" ^"'"l ■' I'ltMsin^* rlU'cl In llii-> thurnnnhtarr. .\hlii'n};h Mr-. Il.irrhy uriK lierii in hnsint-ss for :i lilili- „vpi MM'Kf iiiunlh-;. stic ilrawn lu^^cthtT .\ nt-. I.ini tiaiif uhich it-lls , er) fMrcihly .•( hir ahility as n inil- liiK-i inii ilrrsMii.ikfr. The h.iMtion of (he Ntnre is nl ^2S iiun-ii '•iri-el Las', ami tht- jircinist-s niTiiipifil ci>Ni|irise a liiret' -lurry Imihlin^ which ovtil'ti.K-. iht' sttccl by .i Imiii 1^ kit ill Ii*nj;ih ami h.i^i a ilf|ith nf 41- fi-i-i. The siort- is hi-litr-l i'\ l.nnf I'l.ilt i^las-i uimh.w, which aiM ii» ihi- t-Mt-i i |T nhi«cil t'V ;lii' tine .! cliiiin- ^ainpk's with vshiih lltry ,iif ilifsM tl. Tin; iniL-iiui has a v-iiiakin^ an- hoth taiiifil on hy Mis. Il.ircl.iv. ami a ^llK:k t'l ihuvirs, fcalhris. rilihnris, am! nther rt'i|uimmnls .1 ihf I.iiesi siylrs .in- always on hanil, Mrs. It.irtlay has 1,1111-iial laLili'ii's in In-r l'ii-.iiu-ss liy ini|ioiiin^ iliu-rl lrt»m 1,1 1^14 'W ami Nfw Surk .ilt iht- rhici i(.>|iiisiics hn a inilliii' ti\ hiisim-ss. rroinpl allrntioii is ntvcii lu all onlns. which uiiinlciip in Iht* ncwfst mil im»>t rashiuiiahlL* nuihoil';. \ sl.ilt .tf live i-\).. rii-ncfd han.K .in- cmislanily i.-iii| \\i>. li.uclay Is wi-ll vcrsi'il in ihf ails -if fashi..nal>lf inillin ,M mtl ihessinakinj;, ami is wi-Ii |«istt't| ai all iiiiifs in llii- ,li.iii^«s which lisliiiiii nmlfr^'ties. An alile Imsini-ss laily, n hcrscll (II Ic ihnr .iit;hl\ ciini|icUMU iiian.i^f riss ami may kxl iiisily jirnmi of the succt-s-i i|iii|l) lu'iuiiiinn hci i.wii. lU-i tlicnlrlf i> iini'iisc'l annm^sl ihe kuiit-s of I iiiniilu, aiming w hum slif rill so.iii luidine secun. imnc. ■ iir lia-. .ilria.jy shi Ulhh IS . .ini'iisc' ..^ h.i'. a it-|<- I ■.111- arul uMices. The (^ui.iU hamllttl l>y this htm .iie lUteiiMiy vaiieil ami cumpri-e ph-'inj^raphic maierials uf . my ilesiriptiiin, etc. li.uki;i.nimls, r.nneras. h•||^^•s, anil 'ill aiiiaiLMir miHits .ue prumiiient aii'onj; their larye am.1 ..)rii « inplnycti in I'l-velHn^, ^i''*'''l^;• I his luiihlin^ is litled ii|i with e\ery ilnn^; lui < >sary m i. It mallei^ mi( h<>w heaiililul a painting nr pictun >.f any kind may Innk, ii is cerlam in he imprii\eii when suirtiumlcd l.\ a tasiehd li.iinc. .\ lieiuiilid \M>iiiah'> loneliness i^ .ilways enhanced l>y a hantUnine dress and in the same way the fiainc ~ei> nil ihe |.iclure. Mcsmn. Wih/ .\ Mc.Mahnii are in the fmnl rnnk nl ihnse enna^^ed in the m.tniitaclure nf picture Iraiiies .ind mmildiii^<. .md their ^nnds . (!. Sussex .nid Spadinaavcnue nr ()Si» spadina .ivenue. Sue- cedeil his lather a lilile-'Ver .1 year af.n. It Is needles^ in rei (inni heie the importance nf the lamil\ * ir"cer, a- .1 !< ani i>| his l>u-.ine .s laciiis, and llie hi^h cliai.ic- ter nf Ihe yimds snld, lind ample teslimnn> in the wide rus- t' m with which he is .ucnrded. The |>icmise.- nccupied are suii.ilije and i mivcnit nt, > nmptisin^ .1 -.tme, JS \ nm ht-l in tliinensmn-., thiee Mats liein^ utili.'id, liili-d up ihinii^honi u iih 1 very reipiireim-nl nl this impnrtani hranch nfii.ide. The stuck eairicd is full and c-mplele, .md in the preseiil cnnipiehensive stale of the trade einhr.tces pioducl.s fri'in .dniosl < very |inriinn nl the(dnhe, inchidiiif; tea^ fmni Chi- na, lapan and Inni.i, this lines^ spicialli-' i nllte Imin lava, Moi ka "s, ,11th .\merica, -u^.ii and inoIas-.t". triisines.. lie l.ehui^s 1.. th- ( iran^;e and Ma-nnic < 'nliis. .intj was h.r ■S )'ears connecled with the f^'nern'-. (Iwn rct;imtni heie. JiiiiN .M \i i.'-N \ ( -i., Ihiicliersaml I'mvision Ih-.ilers, ij and Ih 'M. Lawrence Maikci. The larnisl, njdevt :mil In I known liriii of hntrhers in ihe Si. L.tunnce Maikel here is thai nf John .Malli'ti .\ ("i>. who occupy ihreeatljninin^ shires kiinwn lespeetivily as nns. \*. i.) and ih. That ihe tit ni havt heen in full swin^ hen- dining lln kisi ilnriy^ is ,1 sufticii lit guarantee i>> the puhlic of then sieilin^ worth and relii.hilitv .IS a Jimi nf n [iresent.iiive Imlcheis. Ih. y are dealeis on a \i ry laiL;i- si ale in llie i>i -t Km>wn maiUels, .nn! ihe name o| |n|in Malinn A ( "n. isas l.uiiiliariothr residents of the ',»uei n City as hniisehnld \\..|i|-.. I he sialK Mt ,s|,. .Malinn and Cnnipany ncriipy, are sphndidly tinid up wiih special repaid tn tin- several hramhe^ ..f ilnii liuj-iness ai.d are provided with a splendid relri^eialnr fni use duriiii; the hnl weathci. Tlie linn trade in mess hurf in a \ cry v;real extent and .ire prepaieil in --upply il in » .ir Inads or in sinal lei i|n.inlitics. In additinn tn ihis ihey have always uii hand ai cording hi the vari-'iis sfa-,,ns some of tin- ^ huiccsi cnl. iif lieef, iiiutii.n, lanih, \eal and p-nk lni;eiher wilh ^;aim-, poultry and v. nis"n in i-rasmi. Ihey alsn keep a splendid sine!, of >alt meats, hiillei. eL't;--, etc. li nr cnm petent as--ist.iiils au- rei|uiieil in > .oh r to keeep p.ire u ith the lal^,'e amninii of tiade alwaj-. m hand and thi* I'^in are regarded as owniiii^ Miif .i| the nm-i solid .oncriis in ihe city. VIKW ON TORONTO IHLAND. 7*^^,,^ »-M li-ltC liOXlINlOlS I Ul.U^iTKA'^fc;U. HA.NK nK Mu\Tkl- \! I'm. N-'I \\. lK;il> 1 111 I viniiuiu aii>i "^I'-v* •. ti.t iji;., .,- simi wi-i, •' liiMiiiiiri iii'l --i.tvi.-. "' i-- .1 iuMiliiij I'H a l>iiini)i III l>its|iti» iliai i^ orit. ttt ilu iw-^ itii <>ri,ii,! in iiu (■■■innu r< labiic. In "1 «»Ttitvi'. "i .ill kintU, ill tlu- <^>iiivn - lu re in 1S75 aii'l ha- -.iraililx pru j^n-Nvil Iia\in^ nut with unimcrrn]il< 1! •'•■isjuiiiy (Iiiiini; ilu whiilf iniiixininj; (ii'riu<|, a rf>iil' 'liu in a j^n at nua^m*- Im till- hii;li ih.iraiUi «.f till- yn.Ml. -,.|nini*i> oi ui) n "1 .;u »'li^ili|\ I'HMtid ill ti() '^tmi'ii-Iii I : \\i -i ainl ,11 f -niiai'li- and ( iiiniiir>ili-)n>. iliici- -|>ai i.iu^ till- lb \ ho lit t mi 'iiini n- -in- IkIul; iiiili/tii farrvin;.; •n\ llii- ini|>Miiant i! iraiU-. A (titl att>l • <>iii|ii nivnt lit tuiniliirr anii -.imv- i, mt li,;;|tl in. ladini; |>,ul-ir .nnl tiffli'Hjtn '.iiiii^ : iiiiijn^-r«"iiu ami hall hiriiiiur» . -i-li- ami rtnin- laMt'.. ihaii'. M.ta-, ..ituiiian., I.ii'lun itii'iiinrt. als.. -.tnvi^ of all iliM ii|'ti<.n-ailapu ilt-'i . ..ilarii!'i ^.lli"ll- -l/l > Inr ctMiUmH .ukI liiMiinj; piiiiM.-i-.. \|r, \"l.)ii ina'.i- n >|>t.*tiali\ 'I tin- ctlil'ialnl 'Miiainl \ ni\tr-al Uaiii;' ." Ill u-an li ai< aiii'a>l\ in u>(- in < .n.a.l 1, ;iiii| }• 1- n«ii|li>> I.. ^a\ it is ilu in >t mii^i v\i r |H'iihi< nt ;"i (iu- ni • nt-\. Ill- iinili'r'>laml-< llioiou^^liK all tlu- ii<|iiiirnu n>^ <• ln> traik' a IK I d'li'-. a »' ri|iH''.tnU"l, « hill- imi.lria^e |triri> pri ;ul. ^Ir N'i'.iii i- |>ular will) all uho Uiii>\^ Inin, aixl i-> a lirst \'..\-- \>:\^i- ikss man who n lain^. tin- l;""l paiiniia-t t.i all >^fui haw- il(.-alin^> uiili liiui H. ( . Il.k'.t ^M\. A|HitIu'iarii-* llatl. s-'» ''^'"M '>'>«' v\t'''[. < )ntatic> |ihaiihat'i>u art- nr)tcit ihintii^hniil tlu point niun amt ,\Ui, in tlu- i)<'i^hl*<>iniii^ ri')iiil>]ii Im ilu ir thomni^Ii kmmliilu,. .(I t \>i Ilu ii ira<(.-. 'I hi- i-. i huHj, ijiu- in Ihi- Ian i)ial'< inl:nt.i |>.i-s,'^s,-s an <-\..lliiil ami \ ( 'iilli-^r III I'liarmacy, wlu-ri- siu ar<- i>rrliitl\ ilrilU-il in all ihi- riuliiiu-nls <>t ihf |iiiili-s-«i«tn Wiin this in iniixl, ihi- iinnu' ni" \1r. I>. ( ". lir^iiM.n nia\ hr nu-nilmu-l a> nnc of Titronhi'v fnrcnuivi iliuf;j^i-i--, I |i i- a rli-\cr ■ hi- ..|..-iu-.l till- A|M.ihr<-;uirs Hall in iSSX. has had a nmst -111 I'ls-lid ratctr. The store In- ti.'ni|iifs i^^ twriily l>y cii^hu lilt in -.i/i. anil liis privati- rfsidiitri- Iwiiij; ovtrluad, tiun- is aK\a>s sonu'fMic on tlu- prnnises to attcml to niyhl lall-, A lar^i- plait' ^;l;iss \\induH hj^hu u]> tlu- store ami tlisclust-v to vii'W a hand-Jinu' displaj •»! oim- of the i^n t\- -old within. I'hf intuiioi i- liandsi'iiuh i'(|iiippitl with all tlial i-. nrtes- sary to properly t'liuUut the lHi^iiu-..s. llamKont. j^las^ i:asfs nil tlu' tniiiUcrs and walls, innlai.i -nim- ot ihc ioil,t arliolfsand perfuniury, \l'., whilst on ihu shelvi's au- arran- p-t a innnl.t 1 .-I Itiu ttin. ^;l.i--. Ix-til. -, la-h ial!> la!'ili«ii. rontainni;^ lIu pliai niainpo lal pn paraiioii- atit pitrr dni^-. . h..nii' aU, L ilei anil Ics, p.rttinu ly, -oa[i-. sponges, a... n| ilu- (lui.-i iptalii). Thf di>pinsin^; drpartnunt i-, .an-lull) -ttptrvistd t'V tlu- prtipiirinr, ami all druf^s an- j:.iiaianln.-d pnu- and of tin- hi-t .pialii). Npf 1 lal atuntiuii shituld 1m drnwn to Mi. l-itj;ii -on"- ■■wii ph pa rat ion-, wlti* h eoiisi->t- o| tmi^li -\rup-, < od livti oil laimlsion and Miom hial 1 .o.Mti^;i -. all o| pmv.d\.and liavinj; a larm -.iK. Mr. lcr^;u-on i- !"■ t-t I onj;iaiuhiud on hi- -iu.i>-, and In- jd-h tnam^i tnent. Ill- ...n-ianl .nnili's\. .uientinn and <:an-- h.u. vi.-n lor him ilu- isteem oi a 1.iil:« . ir. I. ot )i.iirnr-. I'lt'l MS I\-lK\N't I'-.. MI l|\KM'"ii|i. I..\\,. ;i. \N,lltni;t..i, -ti,.i .a-', n. I. Mau-h.n. (..lui.d \^iui.' - Mihoii^li on> o| tlu and nm-i n liahh- in man. t < om- pniex (■( Ami iiaii nri;;iii, i!u- I'hnniv, n| Haiiloid. •n\ \ I nsiiim-rr. .1 hit-iiu-— ni ( anad.i oil the jolh Ma\. iSnii. Iroitiiha* liim-.ii-i nllaiis ni Caiiaita liaM' a-iinud a \i)y ■ iii^tat Inn and piospcioiiN i-oii(|iiioii. pto\ni<^ ihi ahitiu and .lUT'^v ol Ilu vaiioii- .i}.;.-nis. I'mnttit'iit a uj; i(n-( t-Mr. II |, \l nij^h.m, tlu ;;tiu lal a^jinl lot ir . Prnvnu. n| ' Intaiio. II, 1- a man o| man yt.Us prariiial > \prrii-tin in lin- m man. r, Ikiii^ lor iiin<- u-ar> « otm,, t.d with lit. ko\al In-iiraiK"'- ('.m .pan), and tor two \l■a^^ with in a^i ni \ nl 'the I.i\elpno . l.nlidot A (dnl.e. ' M|Ue llir HHIi nl laMt.iry '>f the ptcseril \ear he ha- hi Id the i o-l of j^eneial ai^iiH in llii- rorpi-talmn. and hy hi- ie-!le-> and all absnih in-; i-tu't_;y ha- pu-ht'd the liiisin — in Inmnio w ith i^naih iiu uMMil ^.ir. •,-, and is -i.rel\ niakiu^ his eo.ipanx ni leading it that pioviiue Hi- olm-e i. at .;() \\ . Ilin^ion -iieei laxi. ii) ih- ntid-t o| the l-itNim-- inriimi ni ihe iii\ rhi-> rnuipaiiv lin.i-l- nl a pa it I II p I a) Hi 1 1 > t $^..i4I(>. aiul a— ii- amniinl n^ to $5,024.^14.71. white in this c .iinir\ tlieir .|s-e|, r.a I) $l4.i.54 1- lap-iMs on ihc int U, l\. -»iKiii 11.. Keal i;-tatf and linnniial |lrok^ r. I •_, Utrtniiniid -iiiei wi- . I'lnntiiunt aninnj^ the esi.iie and loan hrikfrs of rnroiiin i- Mr. U. K. Spronlf, nt 1 ', Kiilminnd sireet west, a i;etitleinan w!i<> is in i-m r\ -en^e nf 'ti ■ ti-rni an aeijiii-itinn !n iliis impoil.inl and larj^ilypio- t ■- ioiial hranch if luisini-ss. Mr. SpintiK- lH-j;ai' hn-ine-s na Ids own acconnt, here. alMHii Imtr nr live wais a^^o. niul tl-iiinj' II is peiiod has, l.y tti-as-idnoii>appIieatinn of sii|nrini all titv and taei, Imill up ,1 . onii'.'i lion petm,inent attil desir- ahl'-. His ofliees are enn\i'nii/iiil\ located, .tnd are suitai'Ie and tnmnucliiuis. Mr. .Sptmile is a ^jraduaie of 'Inronio I'liiversiiy, and i-a young umn iMisscswd of marked eiiuiitinii I- thai, -.lui al'.liiv. \\ - j . ■...!:. .riv ..dapii d to ilu : '■-1,111 .\\i%\ t-r-ikeiati'" l'i:-in-"— . .nid has -nriiidid in a n.- ti.i'if) in^ maniu 1 in litis . ii\. He dot - a i;eiKTal real e-iii- i>ti-nu -s, .111(1 i! pr. peii_\ owtu-r-. who ai< (1 ehiel p.Hion-.. are a— nrtd -f ill de.dniL-^ I'eti^; ph.i •;!;[, piolii.ii'ti atul peiniaiieiil. I I.\\ \kl* i"M . I vpir - ( w'e Wnil,... yS.\ VmU.u, ■ .. ■ ^■teil. Il m.l\ le -atd '\ilh -orii, deL,|'e o| \er.nil\ 'l.^ the liii \lU' .nut Us km h-^e n VoK;lin ,ued to .1 l.iri^e eMi II the mode- ot pmt^ie-- fioin one pi. tee |o aiuilhei. riu . >i. pos-il.|\ not i|uiie .In popii'ai in s..ine niher ennntiie-: I tii Ihi- i-'iiot lnl inii-l le alliiouied In tlif Met lliai ih ro.iiK ;iie not -n ^of .1. Atnoir4--l thn^N^- dtal-n^ in"e\l..' in r.-ironio, au-ntii n nnisi U- iii/de '.| ilu well Knn« ji ..mi laiiiil) p.ilioni/ed I!\ptes-. ( "y le Work-, tin- p,.ipriiir.| ..• whieli. Mr. K. jniie-. Is ,1 pia. miin ..I hm^; e\pt li. ... . . tnd ha> keen e-ialitisluNhil. iiid it is eerlain lh,,t he I., doinniu-h low.trd- Iiiin^i.!^ tnvward thi I.eiiet elass. - .1 Mi.i<-t-in^- in this eity. An examinaiioii ot hjs ■■tn.k -.'lii pro\e inl'ie-lin^. The. piriai>s it nt.i\ l'.- i.iliid ai dn. and rIuni-\ xtloeipiih. m, well known |o ilt.- Ieinu-|,wa> th" -in ee— or I . a sllli nmre .iw kw aid Innl.iii;^ n>ai'hine. v\hieli had no ptdal-, hit only iwn wheel-. Ii< tiili-r siiiinj^ m a -eat almvi- ihrni wiili hi- (eet Iniielin^ di. cont'd, alnn^; which he pinpt'lkd 'fwiiscd l.\ a kiiul nt w.iik ni^ motion. Wh.K a enniras- is se-n tuiw on lnnkinj;a'i i thI Ml, |otu-s" well equipped -lore. Here we see inuhine ol ihe lust makf-. w iili l»a 1 lieaiin^i. d.-i|eate. yet strong wh. < U, eoMilnrl ilile ^priiiQ -oat-. ami all lite LHe-i inxeniimi- m.i em iriv.niee- lli;tt n\iU the |iie\i|e ot the presfni d.n liu wonderhil and usiKd artiele il i-. Mr. jnnes has a eitmi i u- stnek. ami is ahle In supply iyelt>ls with all ihe ie.i -.m aee-um. nteni- and pari n) the in lh nine-, and ni.dves ie| 11 inj" ■» spi-eiidi), j^narantieiiiL; all wnrk. He 1 tnpln\ . t mi ski letl ni.ic liini-is iliroii^hniit the u.u. and tin- niiml iu-eessai\ tn eopt? with hi- truU*, which extend- ;dt n\ei dn- eil\ ;itui lu-if^hltniirtuin'l. Ml. Iniu-s is a eh-\vr. prjci > il and relialile man. liill\ < oinpiehei din^^ his I'lisimss, and lii- enier|iii-e is reeiixiiij^. and will emilinue to reeeivr. du- .'ippicL'iaiiifM Iron) the piiht i- thai il certainty nieiiis. ifSb: .\mI,.I in J ,1...- ru-inl iimI i ^' ii> i.ilr |;r..i V.> .niil is rrtnliti.nll) lo [tri-Kr hiN nun .ltl\ nf ri.ll f.t:il< . ishilr hf -lU'. )liUfs lll'Ml^'.llJi-s, raiifli i-l liiisint ».. • .) I |i;ilri>ii*>, .iii>! iijHrlit > Icll 111 )i > lUT".. \\lni ;ii' 1 1 . I.,„,^ |,l,., ■:.:l. :S.| I'.mH.ii. , I \< );lrir\ i .1 l.llj;.- ,M.I1 H.llul. rii.-> T. i-r riiiiiiliio : I II! •;• 1I-- I pi' '•' iiif i.ii'{ iiiai III ■al'llji ill "rvl. ." Wi-ll kni'WM .•ikI lllr |i."|irhl ' 1. 111^ ('\l.( It u- |M-f liiiir w i>. I.iiii h. I ..- itrltcr rinsst ' • t >>l Ills 'lii.k «ill !>'.' i.iIIkI :iI '1,1. 'II Known [•> iIt.- ,ivvk\\iil.l jiii.l.m^^ lUM wIiitU. Ill' li'fl liiihliii^ ilii •\ it kiit'l III w.iU It) liifikin^an I. ml sfi- til tihitii "'t ) i-l Nti'tii^ i\ III , U. t ln\(.-iiliiiiis iM-l IHi-rnl lilt) :lii if> ll;l^ ;i rittii|.j II* ill lite tri'ix.ait ml II I It III ,I|||i|mI. : ,11 111 lilK lllllllli. I l< I'llil^ i'l, iiMl I,,. ili'XiT, prjri:' il l>iisiiti-ss, aril !ii' .' Ill ri'i'i'ivc. ihf I ciTIaiiil) till 1 11% THK llOMINION lUI-t'STKA n-l Ti i.ui-ii r.viii-. :;ii.| Kliuj-iini «, -i ; ■Iluina, T. I'-'l.. l'lM|llil|.l|. I III-,, lllltl'li iLllll- «, I,- ,.|„ I til III. iiiiililli I.I M.i\. iSSv ■"111 -"»■■• lli-il liini' lin. I.... .1111 i\ IIiiii. I\ |...|.ll'iii. I hi, I i~ 111. 111. ..I r |i'it. Ill lili- iiiuiili\. till' ii|iii|,iiii'iii aii.l .ili:itit;iiiiiiil l.iiiif; llu n-iill III mill It lli..iii;hi .iliil ixliirii'iiii'. Ml. rii.iliiiK 1. I. ".I., till- [...[iiilat |)i..|.iii|iii, |iiT%<.ti.ilh Hli|K ritlU'lKU llil> -; iMi-liiiii 111. wliiili 111- i- , 1.. il.i ill till- iiiii,i viii,r.ii'ii.i\ ,ii.n,,,«-r. I..I 111- liiiil turtil) -li\i< \i-at-s (-\priit-ih-i- in I.«.ii.l.>ii, I ii-^'linil. |,n-n.iil. Ill i-i.tiiiiii; 1,1 ihi, i.iiinii). Ili-«.i- .il~.. il ..II. linn' |ii.i|iiifli.r ..I iln- M,.iiii, rmki^li ll.ill-.. ... :lut II will In- Mill 111, II Ills kl|..«lnlf;i- ll.l, I.1-1-I1 jj.inu-.l In I'l-i. \\..rk ni r..liiit-i-|i..ii uilh tin, iiii|...ii.ilit p.. ml in ,,11111, ■'. ■;!-.. II. l.n\. In ili,-.-,.ii,iriirii,.n..| ilu,i- li.iih, iH!, ..-iitiiih,- |.riiii ipli-s »,-iv iiilr.uliiivil l.v Mr. I'...ik. I., iiki. h 11HMI1, lutrilii'il liiMlril air In lililllaUil lllh.lij;li llu ' n- in a rinrinl. llu vili.ili-il ,iir Iniii); .il ..ii.i 1.111..M-1I li\ a |K-i|i-, 1 Mil- r\i-iililaliiiii. riial lAi-iviliiii; ,•'-! -lit* jK-rlii'l kitiil, iiianx niiiiii-nl iii<-ti .iti- i'' 'I'l I'. V. mill I. .1 .111,1 };iM- 11 llu- l.ij;lii-,t i,-i-..fiiiuii,ki " ,1- I., llu- ^;^•tll•tal (iiiLlii . Wilhiii llu- tt.ills .,| ihi, l.inkl- iiin ••111- ,-.m liavi- a 'I iirki,li i.r K.iinan l.aili itunliruil 1,. ilu- m|iiiiiiiu-iils 111 h , i-asc. iir, a, iiia; Ik- «i,lu-il. llu- iluiulii . ■Ii..». r, shaiiii iir itiu r llu- ,«iiiimiiin lialli. llu- lilliiii.:, in ,.l llu- 11111,1 liiaiiliiiil kiiiil in iM-iv .li-|iarliiii 111, .iiunil "11- Li-iiij; al liaiiil 1.. «ail ii|<.|i .ill ia.iir. ami fj.-nlli 111. 11 ii.-.|iiiiiliii^; ihi, |i..|.iihir iii,liuiliiiii. On llu- lir,l ll.i.ii .in- .."iliiii; anil ilpi-,,iiij; i.„,iii, in ilu- IVnitl, llu- ,liam|iii..iiij; ' I. I.allis ami |iluiini- li-ilh in llu- nat-. On llu- m-i-miuI "'»'! -I"' 'illur I liiij; ami ilr(,siiu; 111,. »illi lu.l .111. 1 '..1.1 lialh,, .-I1-. Tii-ki-l, an- $1 .-.ull, ..1 lliiili-i-n I..1 $li,: a siiap halli with .,r 1-..I1I sluiwi-i -uul |.liiiii;i- ■ill,. lill) i-i-iils. On M.Mula). \\>-ilii,-,ilay ami l-ii.l!n I t!^ Il !•• "|nn 1.11 la.lii-,. .illui llulrllin);^, i-M-ty all.-i ii.>.i, in, I t-\i-iiiit(; liiiiij; |,,r ^, nili-imn. litis |iliitij;i- l.aili .'III.-|;i->| niarlili' mu- mi llu- ninliu-nl, ami lilli-il ii|i «illi iMTv iiiiivcniiniv. Ml. aiul Mi,. I'. t'i.iik an- 1 liit,i|iiili,l, ■.M,.;;li ri-|iiilaliiin, ami iimli-ilaki- i-viti llu- imisl ,ili,lin.ili- '»■. . Tlii-ir siiiri-,, i, «i 11 kii.iwn. lluii |«i|.ii|.iriu in, n .1, 'lit ' I >iar l..v,-ar. Mr. Ili..iiia, J. K. ( ....k is' -ilia. Ii.-.l '" II :, i-,lalili,|tnutil in llu- , .ipai ily i.i iiia„i'iir aifl 'k. i-iiiaii. He i, a j;railualr nl llu- Si-li,i,il ,.l M.i„a(;i- ami l-li. 'liiily, ill i'..niu-iii,iii «iih tin; Wci Kml I1.>,|mi.iI, l,,r ||i>i -r. III llu- tu-iviiii< ,y»lilii, |iaral),i, ami i-|.il,-p,y, Liii-inn, Kiif^land, Ik* iiiakc^ iiin-.»>atjL' IiIm itpi'i-i.illy, a trlas. w.\ lill-. Ki\I.K llr.Mia-.K NH.yK iukumd. .'1 11 .iiiiuiii 1.. -.11111111, till. I I.) llu-„i..n 1..1 ill, nil, .111, 111.\,i,. , lilt |..itii, ami iu-r\..ii,.li,i .1,,-,. Ml. 111". ma, I'. r...,k .li-,ri\,, ,\rr\ ,ni-,-,-,, ami llu- liij^lu,! p..pi|i.iitl\ . I.. I in ^i\in^. :', il Ull. , 1.. l!,.- ..I 'l"..|..iil., .Ill , ,,l>iiu 111 ..I llii, 'I. ,. iipli..ii. li. Ii.i,,'..iil<-ii,-,l .1 1 1 lip.. II ill. Ill .111.1 1.11,(1 .1 u.llil ulil, Il ll.i, I',, -11 i;ii-atl\ lilt. Ill, ,l,ill .,1 .1 ,1,1.1111, .III- ki-pl , ,.a,laiillv l,ll,,\ ill .lllrli.llli.4 I,, ill.- ,. \\ h.„,- ma: ! , 1 i, -I ...! I\ .,i, '! 1 .11. 1, a,, . IM \ . lit;..,.. 'In . ..■ .. ; .,, ,1. ,. i.a II ;, 1,. \... 11 I lill ,l..,i Itiiiin.; tu.., 'I.-,,.-. l\.-\, l!r.„. Ii.i\,- I'li-ii i-n^.i^iitl in,iiu-,, .1, liii,ii,i'!i,. plinnl.i- , .111. 1 ^.i,- lilltl,. .111.1 1.) UlMiii^ lluii i-liIiK- nil. I t.> 111.- vv.-ik, ami liiii, lill ;: 111 .1 iii.'-l ,killiil 111. I r .ill lliiy iimli-il.iki. Ill, \ li.n,- ^.iiiu-.l .1 lii..;li l.piilali..n in llu- ,il\. lluii lu-.i.l'- .pi.irlil, .11,- .11 (1 I llu ,lrt-i 1. ulirli- tlir> lia\i- .III i.llti,-. unit .111 ,-\l,ii,i\i u..ik,li.-p ill llu- lull) i-iplippi-il I..1 llii- «..ik I" I.. .I..11.. .-,.,1111- ,-i};lil men. mil ,kill,il in ilu- .il..>\i- liiii-, ,.f v\..rk. an-, nipl.ui .1^tl..iil llu- \i ai. .\II I, .111- |'i,.iiipll\ hllril, ami .ire i.iiiir.l ,.iil iimli-i ih.- p r, •lii.-,'li..ii III' till' nu-inlii-i, ..t llu- liiiii. Tin- p.m livl,. Mr- 'I'll. .Ilia'' ami Mr. Iii.,r^i- Ke\s. luu,- Imi^ l.ini i'li^.i;;is .N.lelai.l.- ,li,-,-l easl. (apt. K. M. Melvilli, l'i.,pri, l.,i. \\ hilc ihe l.t'siiu ,s ha, .inl\ lieeli,|u-,l .iml in ..peialii.n 1. 11 the l>.l,l UM. year,, it ha, liee.ilne widely km.uit. .it-,! h.i, ;;.iiiie.i I..1 il, pr..pliel..| .1 ,le, aiul iiiM.ll.le iepiil.iti,,M. lieitii; kmiun a, ■''I'lii' r..ri)iilii I ieiieial .^leaiusliip .\^ene\. " rile luaikpiaitersare ailiniralily hiealeil at rf .\.lelaiile street I'.isl. .iml a very eMensive ami e.tnsiaiitl) ^ri.wiii^ sleaniship ami railvva) luisiness i» ili.iie. Tlie ..Hiie i, siiilahly ami lasleritllj riirnislic'il Willi a HTy line ami vaiieil assnrlnienl nf pii tun. Ill inan; kiml,. iiu'lii.lini; -.niie eMelli 111 repr..iliie 11.111,111 ,te.liii,liips. whiili ei\e t,. il .111 .iir ..1 1,'lini iiieiii.;llllle,s 111.1 eheerlllhu',,. Here are ti. kits ••|..r the mil li.iu.'a.lh, s.ivlnj; is. ii-.u hiiiM .ill p.uis ..I the vmuI.I. .in.l .1, .1 -pi-i iai l.ii lilt) Ml. Mihille lia,a l.iaiu h ..I llu- ( ■,111a. liaii I'.iiitie U.iilu.i) i.itii-,, wiih .lii,-,-i \\ir,-i, .Xnuin^si ilu- liii, ..I sieaiiisliip, repn-setileil are the .Mian, aiul lle-ner,',. aiul lite Uku'k I liaimuiil, all ,'! wliieh sail I.. .111.1 lr..iii I 'aii,i,li,iii p..rt,. while tin .\iieh..r. \,iii,.n,il, l(..i .l.',iii\, I mull. It.iliaii. Si'th.',, llainl.iiiL., 1 K,l,', M.ilh.ty, r,u ili,' St,-,iiii-liip r..inp,iin I..1' I ■.iiil..inia .111.1 Ihe r.u-ilie ( 'nasi,. Iia\e Ihi-ii p,.iii'is i.l ilipaitiiu at New \..ik,-il\. I!e,iile, lluse. I'api. Me|vi||,- i,'pr,',eiit, a li..,l ,.| ..ther,. luhulin^ the Oii,-tit U.,x,,| M,,;| Mi-,im,liip l,.i . \tl, Italia. 'r.l,iiialiia an, I \, w /, .il.i'n.l ; i|., I', ami I nil U.,\.i| Mail Me. 1111 Nai ij;.ili,.ii ( ' p.iii\. I'.r .\ii,li.i'i,i. riiin.i ,111.1 Nl,, /i .il.iml ; ,||„, ||,, I .i,il,- l.'i s..tiih p. 11,. .M.iiiiiiiii«. ,1,,.. ||„. ( l.iu 1.111, l..r II h.ij .mil I'.ilriilia. ami lirili,|i In.lia I iiu- l-.r l.i-I In.lian |..ris; >lia«. N-ville ami .\ll,i,,it |<,,j;,| .Mail Slenniers k.r New /ealaiul .iml (■..l.inial p..rl,: .Viist'r,. I liniHaiian ll.n.l, Miaiii N.ivii;a' C paii\ 1., (.■;i ji.als. ami ( '..rni.iiiilel ( '...tsi |»,ii,. r.ilesiine. ,1.', The |.i.'al sl.aliier, IrLiii rnl.ilf,. M I laiiiilt..n. Nia.'ai.i' M' llu v.iri.Mi, Ippei Lake line,, al, pii-,.ail,-.'| l,\ -Ml. .M.Kill,'. .111.1 li.k.-l, -ire ,..1.1 ill , ,-iij,,|| will, II 1-1, ( i„.k ,111,1 li.r w,.il.l lem.wneil t..urs. llu- liusin,-. wa,, until |,iitit,ir\ 1. I.S,).>. ,-.irii,-il ..It nmler ilu- lirm n.tiiu- • it Mi-l\illi-,\ Kii haul,. 11. 1.111 wa, rei-,-iitly piiii|ia„i| |,t the pii,eiil pi,ipii,-t..r. Wheiin.-r leipiir,-.!. .in\ iiil..iiiiaii,itt p..,,ll.le will l,e j;i\eii 1,. iiil, luting; tiavi II, 1, with llial miir- i,s\ .mil pli-a,i|.|4 manlier t..r wliiili Mi. M,-MI1,-', ,,|||,.,. i,,,, I.., ..lite pt.iMrl.ial .iml, IVisi.nally, Mr. .MeKilU- is j;, nial ami .ilteiili\,-, his i-,iii\ersati,iti lieiii|i ai;ri-ealili' ami enleriaiuinn. eiiliveiieil l.\ keen wit ami aiie,',l.ili s aeiiiiire.l l.> hi, eMemli.l Il.ivels ill ever) pan i.l the kluiuii vvi.lhl. \,lv,-iitiiies .inil ill, iilenls ,.l a tlnillinj; i liniat ter ar,- r.lali ,i l.v him in hi, p.rv.nal ,'\p,rien,'e, .uul uallii where .1 liaveller mav I.,' i;..ilin( '.ipl.iin Melville ha, eilhei li,-,-ti rij;hl al the plaee, ,,| kiu.w, .hriiiitelv ..I il. It i,, ihereliile. axi.iniali, iltat he i, pe.-nliaily ami ailmiralih ail.ipieil l,'i llii, hlisiness. while his laiiiiliarity «ilh the variims lines, e..iineili,iii ami Ii.illiis that he il.'ies l.tisin,,, f,,r. i, reallv wi.iuletlul, anil he slamis me eiiiiiieiii ami iir,i in the frcni'l rank nl llie ijc'iu'ral sleani>iii|i aui'nti in Cniiaila. Till-: 1)<>\IINH>N TKMI?-;TKATKJ> \ii';w \ttiu.Nr i i.KAsxN r M \iiikv. iukunh) \\ 1. Ni' ii..i \\i' I ■• , * 1,1 .111.) ) •.iiiMii'*-.i"i Mi-h I..1II*-, W in-liotiM'iiii II, III'., II iiid i^ I luiii NUfi I I isi. Ml \u'hr.r> n.niu-cli"H wiili < hN il.Hi - :tw.iy h.irk in ilu- s' \< ii lirs, v, htn ill i-<ihn I i^ki n \\u \ wrTf the nnly In in in oil- cm tn^iM l\ in 1 tie nit" 'I'lu \\u\ lii>u--iii^ l>i.iiiLii <>l llir l■1l^nlt■ss iMiiiiil i>ii liy llic aluiM Iumi hiis ItriMi iIk- Imi^i-t rviiiMisJii'i! Iitii-. 'I'lu* ['mni-*!-' ntcu- |Mi-(| .lie <«itiMiril ■)( 1 1 mill I ; Pixiii '^iii-t-r I .ivi, .hkI con- ^is| 111 I'Hir I1....I-. i.ich \MlIi .III .iH';l "1 j^ \ iz^n (crl, siiii :iiity tiMol ii|i .nii ihr wml. >i| \\.\tr Ituii^iii^ nil A liii^i. >('ali-. In ;iii \-i (inliti.iiy ^Ini.i^.' ilu-K- i> akti .1 larj^r Knn-li:! w.irrh'iiiM'. .\lr-.-rs. \V. I. Niitiu!.-> A C'n. arc nUu ^\i'l(-l\ ktii-wii n- r'tiiiiiiissinii lut'i t', h.iiiillit)^ '•>>'^'' ■|ii.intiii<--< iif AiiH-iiL.iii ^iiiiinal mjU, ^irirtly pim , >n(h .is riiuir I ..inl W . '-. ( >il, I'Airnl.anl W. ^. (dl. lixi.a \... ) |.,im|(>iI. \... i l.anl n,l. No, j l.inl < III. Ixiia N< a!> I--,,! .in.l L.ll.nv ( tiU, .>l w|, \U, \ imii-'rl iiiirmii-.c '(uanlitiL-^. Tlic) also li.uii K hv,i\\ ^on.l,, |>a|'ft, iMt[tct lining-, tir. A- loiiimisii'.n tiu-iclniiS lit) li.i\<* cMal'tislu-il a Willi- < i>ircs|»iniU'nCL>. ami liavt* ilu- liiirst fariliiics fi>r ihc iraiisarliiMi i»f Inisini'ss in ilif a.! lllfir HlsliHl|f»s, tlr.lljll^ .-n M llolc^.llf liln-. solely Willi |iil. Iicrs. i »iu- IruL-lkr is fiii|iloyciI, Iln-uuli llu* j;nat(i .iimoum of ui ris is il.iiic l>y ini -Mis or i itrulais, -i-ni ihiotii;'h'>iii i)u> countfy, sani|ik-' atitl jiritrs l«-iii^ iluirhilly ^;fvi-ti on a|< I'licaiion. Nlr. \\ . I. \uh"l, Uhlrly krinwn .in Lii-iiK -.. Ih> olli. • I-> Mij^'l in i'.irlvil.ilr .ii IJ74 ',iiinn ^ti.-.t w.-i. I h- li.i^ ,ilv\a\.s a tony li-l ol |'lii sum- .it iito.Jri.Hi' l.ih- on iiii|>|o\.i) i.'.il I -l.ih. Ill 1- :iU>l \.- .i- .III insiii.ini (■ .11^1 lit. !• |tii -riilini; in 'lii- i .i|n> ii\ >r\« t 1I Ir.iilin^ ( oiii|>ani< >. I'lii- i;< w ts tin In-t |>n) hlllhl.llV \M(il. Ill' slioun ^; l.ili'iil ami .nHoii^.,1 In- piil'li lalioii-. I'r. Willi's s.-iiiioiis };.iini i| toi Imii wuh ^>o|.||l.^ iHV. Ill- oiiii r i^ |>i itit nil) loi .111! I on <,Mi< > n -ti<< t wi -1 i-xai tl) o|.)«.>ii,- ih. siil'V\,n . Ill inj; .iliiio-i m ihi ■ i niu' o| I his ail •mil. Ill l-iiill ii)> a lat^r ami lonii. • lion III iliis |>oili'>n i>l the i,tm'i-n ( tiy .iiil> .in>l aiai^^Iit loiwaiit iiianiii i in whii li In- i-;itiii-s "ii liu lui-ni' - 1- 1 ojiiinii.ilU i^aiiiiM^ loi Inin lli<' lonrKlnii r a- wi-|| a< 1 -h 1 ni ami ii^pi 1 1 oi Ins lill'.ws 1 III/. 11^. Il.niiij; lial I'.iikil.ili si-hool ItoanI toi ihrir yra'i^ .iml lillnl llu p.-iihm orciinn man of >ilrs ami Ituildiii^- iltutii^ lliat linit- .hkI iliiou^h his I'liiT^jy " f^tuiH-n \ ictoila" *m Imol was Imill in 1SS7. ih,- l.iml liring |iiii< liast'il on ( 'lo>.c aM-iiiir ;ii ihai liinc lot $ifi |Hi I.Mii. whii h is now woiih $^0 |iii I'h.i I \s. lli.wilii, K' I'slah- Ihokfi, J.| \ on^i- -in-(i ArVaili'. Ui-al I- stall- a- .1 means ol iiui-sinu iil i-s new Hfll known I" U- urn* ol the miM prnlilai>U-, insuriin; ' . ii ■! n . |.ioi,i| I r- Minis ill n-ailv iiiom-\ . ;i> v.rll ,1- olun 1 iM m'. I >> im I. -iM o) tapilal in .1 M-i) -1 oil linu-, loionio. L- i |'io,;i, ■»-.n I .Hill li\rly 1 1 nln ol I oinui' It I-. Iia . |>ioVi n Ml in\ilini4 liil'l loi ia|ni.ili.|s .imt 11 Iim- '* ^;o .ilu-,nl" icil • -i.ii. I.h'k.-i-. I' n< III .uiionL; th. uti.iMr .iml sn. vl-s-IhI t. .it . -lair IS i- Ml las. ||i v\)t it. u|ii.>, lu .nKjiiaitiM 11-. . li|.ilil\ Io. .iii.l .It J.J \ ..Mi:i- sitfi-i \i..i.l.-. Ihi- \i iml lavmi''U kr.own }.;■ h;i- I t -i.:l-Ii-liiil it ihi- liiii -irio 1N7S. ami ihnin^ liii- |'iii"i| ha- iml will hmiIm-.I niul riillv w. I! ill .1 IV., I -. s.. . f ai'l .In. iii.iniK loin- H-'iiiiini- 1 lit u'\ . < ii<< ij-ii-i' iikI Ihishu -- il.ihix M'. II. v\1. M !< .1 ii.ih\.-..t I t.^lin.!. .iikI ..Mil. i..(',ii.i.l.i ill |iiti< . 1S71 ■.1J1. t III 1 III. il in ilii' (,ini I n 1 11 \ hi' nn. 1 evil II- 1\< l\ III II .1 1 ' -i.ih . ..n.l Io i|,i>. wliili hi' iliH-s .1 ■■, . Ill II il t -laic l, luuoli.iU-s l...>i 1i||\-. itrlunlllll -. Ill\i >.ll<< III. II. (lists, .l||i| |l I oiiihti I- .iiiv II i.t llu at;rm \ l.ii-im-'s ni n.ili I' I'l I- II. illy. Ml. Ill wh It I. lai si I ini;. Jili^. ni .111. 1 > h ^. 1 l.itrohs. ,1 . wi II I. lo .iM who , .ill II) 'Oil him \\^■ ^„, ., I I aihil .iihl . All ii i.iii^i ..I ...|niM minis^i'h'oi 1 1o|>mI.ii riti.iii, I.>ii ilic |.i> -1 nt |.|..-|iil>i v,ilm' ..I I. il I -I. lie III ' inim|.,i .n ih- liU. N,,.i.illv .imt imiii.ilh. Ml. 11- ul.M |.o|.ir,>i I n I. • oil III i.) hi ■ st. iliii|: int. t-iiu . ... 1.1 1 i|n.ili 1 Ml. I |>l. .I'liil j.i i'.>tt.ihlv. hivini' I mil M \. Ill I.II!'' 1. I'll 1 >>i u|. - l.l..,k>.>l a..i. .'.Mi'l 'ii 1-1. I'l i-M'iy li..iischol.t tliioii(;li - ol li.iim- III. nil- Lliullin jM ill i|. pa sill aw. IV, il- I'M.h met |.\ Ih.' cxU-iisixc | I, . 'I' II Ml "hoi lli- tUh* n-i. s, 1 '•1 il .'III ol nil ini|i'.)l III 'I-, .Mill ill ihl- . Ml ss(,. ( .V Smith lo, 1. 1 j„* M.iy .ii. . 1. an- il. . oiii hlv II I'l. M nt.ilivc III iiiiilariiiH I • of ilic crlilii.itiil "t I. I i^;>>\(-.i-i I'owil. I,'* ,>ni| ilo .1 li.nlin^', lui-im l-iisnu- ', h> .ii'<|ii.Mii Is l'< ii|. .| with ih> ir r\ii-tr ^ ..j'l i.ili >n<, .Mill Ih' i-x. I II. Ill ' liaia. Ui .•) llu- )i a-t |>ort.!' 1 |.|i>tliU( ' ti-iul. II <1 I III- c'|i.iny (-ons|.ii-|],,i|s. jn,,! |,ih .i|i a II '.lc cxlciuhn^i iioni . lo i'oi-i, wliit h i- f.iiisi.iiiilj HUM i-ii<)! Ill viiliiim-, I hi y )..mi- I.m^c uuI -iiilalil. 1 *■ mists. .o\(-ii|i^; Ml .iic-a ol I'HMi ■i|U.iic l> ri, litlt'l n|> m iiii ilir l.itc-i iin| laiiii i.i ha^<- ihr only |itiic j.ow.h-i. Iml itiM • I'l . Iiiin (h.H tluii •■ \ c.'si I'limIci' Inr slrmjjlli .ui I [.ni.t, i- 'in-ur|>.isscil, ami thai in iill n-s|'(-( is it is tttc tir.iic-i ,1 pi.'.i. h 1.. i.fih'iti'.n ill fh. linr o| y,.ist, |.|.,.)iu cil. |i. It nil- rxit-iuU .ill i.Mi ( .iii.itli, aii'l two iiavrlli-is an- r..i Willi. ill\ on Ihl' lo.iil. II. i. llu- -I'cciitlu is"\i-asl I'owiln, II v\hilc ill Chu-i^.i llu-y inaimtu tiiic \aiiovis spcriallii-, 1, h .hilling i'<>lr.ui-, whi' )i in tnnt* will l|I i:i'>wmi^ I>ii im-s- KKCKKAI'IUN t'.WlI.l.lUN iiK;ii lAHK. •nil-. I )(>.\tiNioN ii.i,iTs'rK/Vi*Kn. lay IMIIAN lUI-1'AI.'il ■> llMWAkh I.AKHiiN Mil. II I'.VKI. h.c.. • ~ < . ijH TlIK DOMINION II.I iistnatkh rtr» TtitfmoMt 1702 fo Box sae ^^ II I I- , '^^^ (iENERAL Off ICE 25 MATERIAL DEHT 27 F»CTOnv AOJOINING I iKMni'lVllJilXii // J Si.IamksSt , //r/,Arrfr. I riMi M' K \\* ', M.iniifactmin^ \S'hMlf*flIf |c«t lUi Kodiii't iJ, i5, -7 -^ii'l -*i. Tfiuplc UiiiMing, St. lanu -. stri'tt. M"iilttMl. In .ill ll"iirisliin^ .imi |'rn^ffosi\i- iinirr^ iif cninnu' .iciivily liki Moniuai wlmliwalc |i wtllciy h'MUf^ .uc I'MMi'l in nclivr .iml mu l•^■•'^t^lI u|i( i.tliMii. In llif rovii:" "(" ilu iiKl-'-ifial .mil !nisitn-.s inti'n>l-' nf the chy, it i". r\r''i'li"n.illy ^raiiiyinj; !<■ m.ikt- nicniion i»f well ainl t.i\"ural>ly kii'tMii hou>i'. tMi^.i^;t' in iSt);, whu roh'liu'.til IIil Iiusiiic>> U|t \i\ Iii-i (k'.uh in l)i'i-cnilicr, iSSn, wlun lif ua-. succrc'U'i I'V 111-. cliK->I snn Mi. John I,, l! ivt-s. This i;fntlcnnn h.i> in.untnine 'hi' >h-tin^; ptisitiun in the irailc nhiih th' hmi>c f'>rt)ifily IkIiI, imlMuiinh-.I success liavinj; altt-ndul i' in every ilciiarlnicnl. The prcnii-ts iu-cupiuf which aiL v\<-II iijuipiitd with cwrylhinj; nct'ilfiil o[ Useful in carrying i>n this liianch of iiade. The facl'try is titti'ii up with .ill the laie^- innirovml machinery and appli.imes, s'luliinj; apjinr.Uus, Intrnishinj.; niatriiils, ctr.. am! from a point of rmn pic ten ess is i.tu- of ihe linest instill. lions in the city. In the factory as many .is twelve competent ami expi-nencitl jewellers .ue enipjriyed ; in the the itlliee and other lieparlmenls, tive as^islanH are rcc|uired, while (our travellers are constantly nn the load ihrnii^hout Canada, ihcir I. iri;e and t;rowini; ii.ule eMendiny from 'he Atlantic I" the I'acitic. AM liavelUrs eairy a lull stock, while in the light and convenient wanroonis in the city there is alvva)-.on a hne and complete assoilmeiil of iewellery of y\\ 'e^crip'ions and in many varieties, in fart in this hrief ske. ■ ' Atiuhi lie ini|K)ssil)le to emnnerate the list of c<">ods in il.i.ih. I low ever, il c materials and iiipplies lor this indusliy. Mr. John 1,. 1 aves is siill a yniin;; man, Inil having;, so lu speak, t;rown up with ihc Imsiness, he possesses a hreadth of knowledge and wide ranj;e of experienc-.*, which are ct|ualled by few ; he is alsi' po>sessedin a marked tlc^;fee nf those sterling 'pialilies indis- peniahle !o success. The courteous and ener^elir manager, Mr. I. 'r. Monk, is a valuable acc|uisilion in the hasincss, an' iiid^jiny from the oast rectd nf the Imusr, it is only fair in assume that it will continue in the future tit luild its place pruminenl in the rank of the «holeial-j jewellery establishments of Montreal iiiul Canada. M. Ml MvsHK. Teas and Coitee, V'i'r N ongestreel. lAtry Keslaurani has its special aiir.icuon, witii one tl is ago-Ml cup of c-lTee, with another Ua, with a third steak, with another oy-iers. but those whose le.iiurr is tea or coffee aie pationifed by all cla-ses of socit y (or alter all there is nnlhinj; more relreshinj; that eilher a ^;o known as ■* McMasitt's .mii bdiou- coiiee. ' Tlii- deUcioii' drink and lus the >ptci.d advantages t- naineeiMuhs it. Mr. MrM i^iri I reps in s'm 40^^ ■( ciiMimi branch < I wini MK. M.MAsri.i*. these goods S..IIH- of the linesl bh nds ol collie .md growths oi lea to b. t.'und in thecily. Thi se he imp' risdiiect from the planiaii >n> and thus secures to his pairons ihe hnesl (piality oi ^oods. His sloie is >i\iecn by lifiy feel in dimen- sioii'i lilted witiia handsoiiu- plate glass window andronlains all the nece-sary tiitings arid appliances for the Irade. Theu is no d.mbi that Mi. .McM.^su-r has all those sound bii.iius> (ptali'ie-j whu'h characleri/e a successful tradesman. Ik- is eneigiiic and persevering and I'e.series the siippuii and patronage ol ihe public geiur.dly. \V. ( \i\i.t;i \M. Cii.. Commission Merchants and Manul.uturtrs' ,\gents ; lleadtlllice for Canaila, 14 and 10 Iront Street West. - - Me-srs. W. Calveii ,\ ( ■... M.unilict urers' \;fnts and ( 'ommissjon, who liaw ipiariers in I'ortpnto .uid branches in the leading Canadian eilics, are proniinenl in the Iront rank ot the t\tensi\e com- mission houses i»f the hondnion, whifh fact though a mete "i.i'einent must needs be supporteil by kren tore-iglil. en ergy, ami bu-ines~ ability of a superim chaiacier. iti ihose b\ whom the tiih- and tlie honor have iietn earned and hehl. The most peculiar i)arl of ihc exUnsive business utjw car- ried on by this tirrn is, thai il is not of a ipiarter of a cen- luries steady and gradual , and has in >(.me e.^es even oulrivaHett older r.mipetitors, due inninly ti» tin. prudent and (onservaiive guidance of its foitimt^ by Mr. W. Calvert. In eveiy tlirection the busi- ness rauniied. and with the rapidiiy of the e\lension ol the high reputation lor sitiling i's Connections spread integrity which the house holds to day, Thus far ihe lecoril of Messrs. CalvL-rl tV Co. has been un|necedenle. McKay A Co.. Call: Jiio. Xewlon A N'Mis, I.imehoii,e; )ohn HennesA Sons, (»wen Sound; John \\,iMiau, IIoIimh. Ihii.; K. .\ Co. and N. W. j.omeiy, ot reteibi-m; John Camellord, I'aris ; Jas. Leslie, Montreal ; .■». lleaii moni, I .len-Williams ; I). Williams \ Co., Co|liiigwoo.l ; Jno. Walerhonse, Tilsoninirg; A. |. Syer. Wyoming: Mm Inn A llalcrati, I luddersheld. Kngland. The Ulssel Cai|/ei Sweeper Co. are repu-ented by this hoii^e in Can. id. i. Mt. Calved, the proprietor, is a well-known and popular l.iisi uess man, not otdy in Toronto, but in all pirls of the cum try. lie h. is alre.idy given 'he irongest e\idenceof bideiic»s. ^tnu -. puMIt' build i 1 114s, I ic, .ire due io private lesideiiees. Abotu one and a liil' years ag'i he planne.l and supervised the en 1 lion 'I ilu- lu^li ievel pumping si.nioii lor the ,it\. Thiovighoni the I'loviiuL his nanu- is well known, while he has ,1 branch oliiee .11 Wo.idsiMck, and transacts a large bu^iuess in We-um t Mil.irio as well as in ihe eil\. Courteous and pleasing le all, experienced, anil conversaul wiih every detail of his pin lession, it is no woiider th,it Mi. l-owhr beconu- so iir cessjul in his .idopied countrv. While in conjmutifui wiili his piuliiei Ml. Cuihbtilson.' he -lesi^ned and carried -'iH I he County . Uaptisi. Nletliodisi. Conj;reg.iti..ual and AM SaiiUs Chuicln -. and Thomas* organ factory, aiifl Slewar's foundrv. and lii' New Water Works. THE DOMINION ILLUSTRATED TORONTO NUMBER. OE>]>fKRAI^ I]V»I^Xt ^; C'liniiiMti ilniiki't', n.iiiiii'l.. i!f lit y.irn> .mil llilil <|U.ililv, Hill ^ .irr lln|inll* 't in ^U■^.rs. S. riiii- • prnihu'linll. .Itf I'-.nliii^; inilU K- K. r.iTi> .\ I "., i;k«. 1.1.1 ; \l. >, 1. 11^. I jmcIl.'iiH". U.iMiaii, 111. linn, y, III riifrl.oiii; ; .-.. lit-Mii- '., Cilliii^w i: W'votniii^: 111 ^.l-^^■| Clllnl in ( '.in.iil.i. Mt. nil ]>i>)ttilnr l.ibi- nrls iif tin* ciiiil iili'iu-i.- Ill l'( int; 111 ijuil .ui-it.i. rirm ripri-scnliii. lirr (il tiis It'll'. w ' i.r, ;ui.l Iii^ jiliM^- . li.i\f tijiitlL* liim I him. Il nii.:li' .ilH'sA in Tiir. '1.1.1 ('^^lnnriit 111 llii- Ir.iik' in t;. 11 1., I i \ I ,11 i^, -I.. I. -. |, Ill-Ill- «li.. ill |.n [..iiiii;; n [111 ^11. ii^^lli III llilii; in .1 -mil-- l""l""ll '"'I i-.ri, .,^1.. \|i. .1. il^ Jll nirlmul :i > .1111- 1- ii|. in :h'r..i.t -I Ill- .v.iiilli ..I ^^i -Hill I'llui-iill.'li nlirll t-\|..-rK-ii.t. II.- ..| lln- K-.i.lini; ill ..III uitli |.ii.k tr.iiii hi- |il.tll». ■Il.j;.-, Ihf ( iiir K, ■.i-\. Ill lillMlK.,^ Ill.iil,-. I olu- ;liul ;l li.lll Hi. .11 .-( llu- lii;;li mil Ihi- rrtuiiiri. I.r.iii.-h i.lfii-i -II H-^', ill W 1-1,111 .111.1 i.h-.i-ilif; li- lUl.iil ..I hi- |.ii. - I.rt-.nilt- -,.. 11. ..niiini' iMlli li -iliii i-iirriril <.iil ..Ili-I^i-Unililii.;;-. I s.iints Cjnin 111-. Iininilrv. ami lIu' vliiinW. C, Di-niim iii \:i,in \. .\. .\ I'll., 1-iiriiiT-.. SI \ lliiiviiiK Caiiiiiliiin ImluMry, Kmiirvw Svuintj \|iu'hiiii.ii t <^ 1 1,1111 inn -^' M •" llaicliiy, .Mr» It} 111 iilli-y \ tiripwiifll ft) i:i.i.-hf.iril II. iv (■ 47 i;..iirni-.V llullci 121 lliiiii-iin llut!l<. -• 4- lli-..i.lli«ii I). \ (' jl i;t..«ii llri.v, (Nurwry) 555(1 lli..\Mi Uriw., (Miili"iUT>, » holcnale) So l;i..»ii I'rcif. I-. J,, (SihiN.l ..f Orntnry) H7 Win., (( arria(;f») *) l;iii-h iV Cii .11 liiirii» Jiiliii \ Nm- ( I hri-lii-, Hr..»ii \ Cii 5J Cllt-m- .il luniniirci- 100 ( '..nri'ilerntidn Kile ,\sMicintinn yi I'l.nslalik', (ifii. J $<) I'min;, II. N. \ Co 122 lull, II. \V 122 |i,uii-s, II. K. \ (• S.;, !■• Ill 111 mill Uoiili-ntlal Acailcuiy 7-' lic-«iliH-y, A. II. Jv Co I i.i Hiil-Min |a^ 59 liivun, I-'. I-:. \- Co Hi l)..iiiini(iti H.-ink 67 li.i«, .\. K. \ I'll., (Im|)i)rler« fniil, etc 5K Dunm-ll, Thiis. \ Cii HI Diiiinini!, I'. II "5 l)iinlii|i, Jnii. II., (KhiriM) 35 liurliiini, Jim. II. C 61 62 Ka\ es, Ivdmiinil 1 2X i;i« , HIain & Co 105 Kilivnrili, ThiK 1 2(1 Kll.inic, IIitIktI 47 K>aii- \ .Siin», (Wholesale (hi-iiiisls) 7.) lariner Hro« 11'' l-',iwreu, J. A; t;o 95 l'V-rj;uson, D. C 1 24 I't'iliorstitnhaugh iV Co J^S I- iiiillay, A\c\ > I n-iich, Jmi. M. iV C< f>4 fi.S I'uii-Inn Thos '2,i 1 .nge, \\. J. & Co 54 i.ulk'It, 1-reil. H 5** llaiiiillon, W. I!. Sun .V Co f'2 llanis, T., (Universal Straw llal Works) }} liirvie .\ Ci) 119 lk-*ell, .Mr.s. K 93 lk-»lell, Jas laf) ll..«lan McCai;, I). ,V Co 61 M. Clary Mfy. C.I 45 M.lnnnell, M 97 M.DoniK-ll, Miss 74 Ml Kny, I. II. ,\ Co Ml Kni^hi. IIukH \lcMa-lir, M McSwryii, W. K, \ I). J Mutrisiiii, I, lines ', I'lii.- Mi.l-un- Hank Mol^;nll. II , Miiirheiid, An.'rew „ MiariK- Miirrav, W. II. ,\ C'l Newell, .\u(t. ,v f .Nirhiil, W. I. ,\ Co ,\iles, W. C. .Nolan, I'll Onlarii Ladder factory. . Onlario Water Motor Co I Miice SiH?ci.dt) I '11 rarisi.iii Sii-.iii. Lniinilry I','llii;ri-\s .\ larr.iiiil riiii-niv liisiir.iiici- i 'o. I if Hartford I'orl, II, W., ,\ C., K. 1.1. nil, Will., " .Miirnln' Kilter Co. " Ilil .SiNi|i Swifi, ('has Taj;^;.irl, I- rank .S, ,V (!i ■, lnhii .V Co Taylot, 11 'rciii|ii-ralire .mil l.ile Insiiranee Co Till- . l-iii.i Life Insurance Co., Ill Hartford The .\.laiiiaiit Manlifnctiirin^ Cti. The It.ilnioial The liarlicr .V Llli- ('.. Till- It.iikr Iiis|H:cti.ili and In-iiranir C'l. Tin- Itriti-h t'.mailian Loan .ind ln\tslnu-iit C The Canadian I-'A|ire>- Co Till- Canadian ol Ciiinnierce Thi- Car-Mcll Cu. il.lil.) Till- Ciinslii.- liii^ .111.1 I'.ivin^ Cu. ol Canailn (Ltd.). The I liiiniiiion Building ,V Lu.iii ,\ss cialion The |)(iiiiiniun l-Ajitrs- C The Ldi-uii < iiiK-ial l-'.k-ciiii' CV The Knipire (\i-ws|ia|H-rf The Lmpiri- Tea t'n, , ■. . . , The I Mainifactnring Co, (Llil,) The < ierniiinia Life Insurance Co., of New \'ork ...... The I liilikn .'■'hirt l-.icti.ry .md Mens' l-'urnisher Till- ( iiildsiiiiili'- SiiH-k Cu 1-il.- Work- The C.iaiiliy KidiLii Cu., (Ltd.) The ( Nurth Western Telegralih i'<> Tin- lliinii: Siivin^s and I,oan Co., Ltil The I luilse Kelllin^ Co The Iiii;ri-s-( "uinellier .SehiM.I of l^angunges Tin- 1. 1„ M..rri-..n Cu The luhnsiun -V Iiihiistun Cu The Kcllui.i; Iruii Wuik- The Keni|. Maniitacliirin^ ('u The Laiu'iishire Ins. Cu. uf Manehesler, Kng The Mail Tlu Me.Mpine Tohaeeo Co The Mutual Reserve Life Ins. Co ..114 The Myeenian MarhK- Cu The ( )ntario Hank riu- Ontario l-'ur|;e and Hull Co., (Ltd) The I )ntariu Mutual Life .Vssurance ('o The ( )ntario I'rudiice Co The I'ruvident Savings, Life Assurance SiK'iet> of New N'lirk Tlle I'ureCuld Mfj;. Co The KiKssin I louse The Slanilard Life . Vssurance Co The St. ( 'harles Ui-stautani The Tiirontu BoanI uf Trade anti C«»rn Kxchang'- ,.251 The Torimtii Hrewinj; aivl Malting Co The Turiinto Biscuit and Confectionery Co The Toronto Business College 3» 122 128 (12 49 113 93 .So 45 123 (•7 117 I2(> 120 124 103 At l"3 42 32 124 42 fKi 59 80 S7 104 98 57 89 }.i I It 4S 1)1 48 124 49 (M no 121 50 '03 ■ 31 lOi 107 99 118 7.S ')' 70 95 »5 103 4(. 119 71 109 78 37 4S 91 54 37 35 120 41 1 10 98
  • aviiig', and Loan Co 91 Wulld too Bank of ( anarln J7 lu» Co 07 •. 50-51 Ill 99 69 86 31 34 lao 65 I imni- .^ C.i. il'i Tingli-v ,\ Sicwart Maiiufaeliiring Co .Mhli-lii Chil. I|..ii»e Turuniu C.illeg.- Ill \lii-ii- ... Ti itunti . t '. tiisi-rv atiir) . if M u-ie Toruiito I)rop l-iirgt- Co Turiintu I leneral I'rust* ami Safe l)c|«>sit Vaults. Toronto Hardware Manufacturing Co 4J Toriinin Nur-erii- 64 Tiirunlo I'.i-I and I'reseiit I -3 1 T'r..niol'li graphic Co 118 Toruniu ^ali Work- 54 Trorey, ( ieu, I*; . . . 74 Tinki-h llalh 135 \'aiinevar .'(■Co 39 Walker, llolfotd, M.n., etc lOJ Walker, K. ,'., Son- 33 Wallun, Cha-. .\ 13a Warwick I'v Sons CI Weill., I Larry Wee-e, 1 1, A Western Assurance Co Weston, I-, }. ,v Sons. Whalcy, Kuyce \ Co.. William- .Ml'g. Co. . .. Wilsiiii, ('has Wil.son, I'. Turner. 45 95 u 63 '03 Winnifriih Hros, . . 75 Willi/ iV •23 Vc I llde Hu.ike Shop|)e, Krahk I'orter 74 GEHERAL ENGRAVINGS. Poptpalta. Kirk|«;itii(k. lluji. 11. A lo Miul.i-n/ii', Win. Lytm it Mownl, Sir ( )livi,i iq Osji'MKlf, I Inn. Wni 5 SiinciK', i it-n. jnlin 1 •rnvcR 3 Smith, I Ion. Ir.uik loi) Tlu- AiiL'liiun Hi^hi'p «ii Toumhc 19 ViMws In and about Toponto. A TuriiriiM \Vh.\rl in 1S40 5 Rmk i»t" Montreal 134 l\i>au\ ol Traclt ItniMiiit; 28-29 ltimir in 1793 4 I'ost ( lliice 112 Uicrcation l'a\iii(>n, Ili^h I'nrk 136 Allun's Cathedral St. lanifs Cithcdral, Th.; i:splanadi-, lork u 133 '3 c 9 101 west from the I'ninn Staiinn. The I'ish Market of ToronKi in 1S40 Thf I.akesidf llntne U lii,'lc children, Tnronli' Island. The Mani inj^ .\rca 80-87 Toromo I'nivcrslly 3 University of Trinity < "nllene iG View ofToronto in 1H50 7 View on the lieach, Tnmntn Island .... 133 View on Toronto Island. 123 \ie\\ on Mount I'leasant Cemclery, Toronto 136 York Chamticrs, 106