%. ^ ■^ ^J^ »• .0. .03.^^^-.A IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^|2B |||||2.5 ^ 1^ 12.2 H: u& 12.0 1.8 11.25 il.4 IIIIII.6 y ^ A A (A v2 ^ /I 'c-1 ^/. /A ^1 •V7 ''W 7 % V ^ » ksP w- If fr COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 53 in the past will, without doubt, join with the writer in wishing the proprietor of the old Albion a continuance of the very great success that has previously attended his efforts. » 4*, *-v 4 I The present accommodative powei* of the house is 400 people. Visitors to Montreal should make memorandum and consult their comfort and inirse united by a call at the Albion Hotel. We must not fail to make mention of the magnificent view to be obtained from the windows of the two upper floors of the build- ing ; one can step out on the balcony and obtain a view of the River St Lawrence, the Victoria Bridge, and an ever varying panorama of mountain, hill and dale. Situated as the Albion Hotel is, its guests can ever make sure of sniffing a strong breeze and plenty ot it. Such a luxury is a novelty in a majority of the public houses of entertainment. iii]ii i y. •.y .. ; <■; .;'■<: 0: •-)y ;:; r-:' ,* i;,;?'v "•) WHPli ': 5 'U 'f: .his all-powerful remedy can act it will suddenly arrest the progress oi waste and weakness, and repair the body with new and sound flesh and fibre, made from new, rich and strong blood. Its power of increasing the flesh, strengthening the blood and restoring functional harmony to the Liver, Lungs, Skin, Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bladder, removes at once all obstacles to the securing of health to those who are suffering from organic or wasting disease. No one can take this remedy without deriving immediate benefit. The first dose commences its work of purification, invigoration, and extermi- nation of corruption, weakness and diseased humors. It communicates its curative powers through the Blood, Sweat, and Urine. The patient feels its delightful health infusing influence circulating through the system like the electric fluid. It is free from dangerous agents. Every drop of it is absorbed in the circulation, and commences its work of regeneration and cure. ' 'I ' ■*■• I Ji I ft <^if ■••) ■) i h- p.* ■v -' ' ■ i if ■ R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Kadway's Ready Kelief Emporium, St. Paul Stkeet. COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 55 A Great Sensation ! A Good Sensation ! •— 4^»— <- Important Truths for Thinking Men and Women. PAm CURED IN AN INSTANT. LET RADWAY'S READY RELIEF BE USED ON THE FIRST INDICATION OF PAIN OR UNEASINESS, IF THREATENED WITH DISEASE OR SICK- NESS, THE CURE WILL BE MADE BEFORE THE FAMILY DOCTOR WOULD ORDINARILY REACH THE HOUSE. HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES WHO FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS HAVE USED THE READY RELIEF, HAVE HAD NO OCCASION FOR THE SERVICES OF A DOCTOR. Every kind of Pain, Ache, Ci-amp, Spasm, whether from injuries, accidents, poisoning, or from disease, that may exist, in the inside or outside of man, woman or child, is instantly stopped, and the cause, (if disease) quickly removed by the use of Radway's Ready Relief. The uniting of ingredients so as to secure perfect harmony, and through their PHARMACEUTICAL EQUIVALENTS, an assisting power of their several properties of cure, fulfills one of the most important aims of the chemist. A remedy may contain some, and 2f6rhaps all, of the ingre- dients of the Ready Relief hut if these ingredients are improperly comr hined, regardless of their pharmaceutical equivalents — the entire combinor tion is worthless, and will fail in securing tJie desired or anticipated re- sults. Herein lies the secret of success of Radway's Ready Relief — Pills, and Sarsaparillian, and the failure of the legion of imitations put up by incompetent men, who think if they put together similar ingrediente they produce the same remedy. Radway's Relief is the only remedy of the kind that is prepared on scientific principles. The intelligent ob- server will at once see from the properties it possesses, its fitness to cure the diseases named. , ; ^, Every Farmer, settler in iague districts, PUntei', Mlnier, Forester, Raftsman, and all whose avocations place them in districts where they may be exposed to malaria, should supply themselves with Radway's Ready Relief and Pills. With these remedies they can depend upon safety against these terrible diseases — as well as the means of cure for all ordinary ailments or bodily infirmities — of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprain, Strains, Swellings, Lumbago, Gout, Weakne.-s or Paralysis, Cuts, "Wounds, Bruises, Bites and Stings of M»is.. '\^ ■p --VV" ■■ '/|H|.t^'V,..., ml t Ul W ««) O! C/3' w J4" M COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 57 €rccnc & Sons, Hat aud Fur MaiiufacturerH, 517 and 519 St Paul Street, Montreal. ^W. O. COCHRANE, PRODUCE MERCHANT, FCIl rilK SAI,K ANlt rilHUHASK OF BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, LARD, PORK, Bacon, Hams, Seeds, Grain, Flour, r>RESST]I3 HOGhS, &:C., / I '. ' r CONSIGNMENTS AND OKDERS SOLICITED, ^; j /, ; *| Corner Grey Nun and William Street, 41 V /%«v « k i ]yC03SrTI^E.A.Xj- MCMILLA.N & CAESON, » ^ F -.1-^ IK/ m «•«- *' IMPORTERS OF «f.' "SA^OOLLEI^S, AND Manufacturers of Clothing, WHOLESALE, 150 :m:cGill, street. Prom the facilities they possess for the piirchase of Goods and the thorough knowledge of their Manufacture, they flatter themselves that their Stock will be found equal, if not superior, to any in the trade. 58 COMMEnClAL SKCTCH OB' MONTREAL. Cii'eene & Sons, Hat and Fur inanufactnrerg, 51Y and S1& St. Paul Street, Montreal. MONTREAL FACTORY; -►^•♦-4- DOORS, SASHES & BLINDS. A LARGE STOCK OF Of all descriptions, always on hand. Also. SKIRTINGS, ARCHITRAVES, MOULDINGS, CORNICES PANEL WORK, AND OTHER HOUSE FURNISHINGS. St. Gabriel Locks, Lachine Canal. OFFICE A^D SALEROOMS: 761 CBAIG STREET, MONTBEAL. HOOF SKIRT CASSlLS^rCAMtl J A.NT> bASSlLS^CAME Importers of Fancy Goods, Notions, &c». 9 & 11 RECOLLET ST., MONTREAL. COMMKRCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 59 €t«eiie & Sons. H. t and Fnr Manufacturers, ,517 and 519 St. Paul Street. Montreal. S. TUCKER & SON, LUMBER MERCHANTS, PAPINEAUVILLE, COUNTY OF OTTAWA, AMD St. Gabriel Saw and Planing IVIills AND PACKING CASE FACTORY, ST. OA-BRIEL LOCKS, ^mtA Mxmhx mA §xmtA ^nmbtt, Represented in Montreal by Mr. William Dickson. 4?i ST. PAiL STKiiT, - WHOLESALE '" I LEATHER, HIDES, & OIL General Commission Merchants- tm- CASH AOVAfTCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS, ^ ; 1 60 COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. Cireene & Sons, Hat and Fur Manufacturers, 51 T and 510 St. Paul Street, Montreal. CANADA WIRE WORKS. e\ ■v,' > THOMAS OVERING, MANUFACTURER OF WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, RIDDLES, FENDERS, GRATE and STOVE GUARDS, MEAT SAFES, RAT AND MOUSE TRAPS, BIRD CAGES, &c., &c. ' ' Particular attention paid to Builders' Work. CEMETERY, GARDEN AND FARM FENCING, MADE TO ORDER. 757 CEAIG- STREET, MONTREAL. ' ^ ^ IP. O. Box 10SV. "^ ^^KIRKWOOD, LIVINGSTONE & CO,^' -=^^49 COMMISSIONERS STREET, KIRKWOOD, LIVINGSTONE & MORE, A. SHANNON <& Co., GrocerSc Wine and Spirit Merchants, 102 & 104 McQILL S^'^ilBBT, MONTREAL, Have constantly on hand, a well assorted stock of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Mustards, Provisions, Hams, Fish, Salt. &c. : Port, Sherry, Madeira and other Wines, H. Wines, Brandy, Gin, Scotch Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Syrups, &c., &c Country Merchanta are invited to caii and examine their Stock before purchoMng elsewhere, i^" Terms Liberal. COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 61 Greene & Sons, Hat and Fur Matufacturers, 51 T and 519 Hi. Paul Street, Montreal. ' — — — CONVERSE AND PLASTER MILLS, LACHINE CANAL, - MONTREAL. Manufactures, and has for sale every description of ROPE AND CORDAGE ■: OF THE BEST QUALITY. ALSO '■ ' ' ' Calcined PlasterlParis and Land Plaster. ;. L..., J, Price Lists sent on application to ■ ; JOHN A. CONVERSE, .. f ..., '< ; / J". &c T. BELL, WHOLESALE, CATHEDRAL BLOCK, 273 NOTRE DAME STREET, x«a:oiNrTiiEA.L, Importers of French Boots & Shoes. BKALEU IN Rubbers, Moccasins, and all kinds of Felt Goods. «? COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. Greene & Sons, Hat and Fur Manufacturers, 517 and 519, St Paul Street, HontreaL 0-^L.Kf-A.jO-a- «3i:*OKr3E3 cito l\X.^i.Jti.J:-.:- ^ Ci»:£HLJE£J8« CI R. FORSYTH. Proprietor, 552 WILLIAM STKBET, (ST. GABRIEL LOCKS.) MOlWREAIi. OFFICE AND SAMPLES ROOM, 130 BLEURY STREET, 3^^ 01SrTI^E-A.3L.. "WILLIAM LA"WES, No. 37, ST. JOSEFH STREET, WHOLESALE DEALER IN .H i, LEAD, PEWTER, ^©€1 <^©«) ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PAPER STOCK AND WOOLLEN RAGS. THE HIGHEST MARKET KATE PAID. COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 63 Cireen and Sons, Hat and Cap Slanufacturers, 517 and -■" 519 St. Paul Street, Montreal. 1-4 i'lt: » CHIEF OmOE : N08. 19 AND 20 CORNHILL, LONDON, ENG. CAPITAL, S8, r>00,0»0 8TO., OR 91S,S00,000. « MORLAND, WATSON & CO., Managing Directors and General Agents for Canada. FRED. COLE, Secretary. T. C. LIVINGSTON, P. L. S., Inspector. . « - ' OFFICE: > Nos. 385 and 38T St. Paul Street, Montreal. NELSON, WOOD & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS TN ^ PAPER HANGINGS, CLOCKS, CORDAGE MATS AND BASKETS. vBt (A: MANUFACTURERS OF BROOMS, WOODENWARE AND MATCHES, 29 ST. PETER STREET, 74 YORK STREET, H. A. NELSON, A. 8. WOOD, A. D. NELSON, MONTREAL. TORONTO. H. W. NELSON. 64 Commercial sketch of Montreal. Green & Sons, Hat and Fur Manufdcturers, 511 and 519 St. Paul Street, Montreal. I. & lAOElllIl £ it ESTABLISHED 18^0, mmY WHOLESALE, ..•v. •!',<■,-, - 381 AND 383 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. EWART, SHEARER & CO., ^ ''^ '- t ,. ''' ■■ : ^ ^ ? ■ "VvTUOLESAJLE r 422 ST. PAUL STREET, wmw f « » COMMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. 65 '® ? Greene & Sons, Hat & Fnr Manufacturers, 517 and 519 St. Paul Street, Montreal. a-. 131. i3:^!z:exjI-i WHOLESALE ^miiuimmk %mnt Into No. 6 BONSECOURS STREET, MONTREAL. A $>ood assortment constantly on hand at moderate rates. (LATE CLARK FITTS,, INSPECTOR STREET, BETWEEN BONAYENTURE AND ST. ANTOINE STREETS, lias constantly on hand, of the best qualit^ Plain and Fancy Crackers and Biscuits OF ALL D E S C R T PTION S . {■I 6^' COMMERCIAL SKETCH OP MONTREAL. I. ■ I I Js^iiKr MANUFACTURED BY PERRY DAVIS & SON, PROVIDENCE, R. I. I THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE OP THE AGE! THE UNIVERSAL REMEDY FOR INTERNAL ADD EXTERNAL COMPLAINTS ? Our P'irst IPnysicianR CTBe and Kecoiiiixiend its Use ! It enjojs the Largest Sale of any Proprietary Medicine in tlie Worid I BEWARE Buy none MVr THE GENUitiE! PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER! Has been favorably known for more than thirty years, during which time we received Thoiisaiids of Testimonials, showing this Medicine to be an almost Never-fjliliJlii? Remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Headache, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side, Jiack, and lioins, as well as in the Joints and Limbs ; Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains in any part of the System, Toothache and Pains in the Head and Face. As a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the Stomach It seldom fails to cuixj Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Com^/laiut, Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Headache, Piles, Asthma ar Phthisic, Ringworms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and General Debility of the System. It is also SI lr*ron:ii> and !Sut*«- Jlemedy For Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painter's Colic, Diarrluua, Dysen- tery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalds, Bui'ns, Sprains, Bruises, Frost Bites, Chilblain^ as well as the Stings of Insects and the Bites of Poisonous Insects antl v (niomous Reptiles. IT IS USED WITH EQUAL SVOOESS FOR CURING COLIC IN HORSES. OR FOR GALLS AND SPRAINS ON MAN OR BEASL i^- DIRECTIONS A€€0.>IPANY EACH ROTTLK. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Family Afedicnnes. PERRY DAVIS <& SONS, Proprietors, MONTREAL. !■■ 1 ■fVi ROBERT WILKES, 455 St, Paul Sxkeet. tT^^ CX)MMERCIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL, 67 Greene & Sons, Hat and Fur Manufacturers, 517 and 519 St. Paul btreet, Montreal. ROBERT ^V7ILKES, 465 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL, And 48 and 50 Yonge 8t-, Toronto, lesale Dealer ii Wicles, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SIi¥£B £ £LE€TBO-PLATfiO VABE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, KJNrC^LTHII, FRENCH ^ISTD GhERMA-IST Stapt© and Faciejf ©@@dl8e An Immense Assortment in every Department. J. E. HUNSICKER, Commission Merciiant, 22 FOUNDLING STREET, m <'ASH ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. 08 roMMKHOIAL SKETCH OF MONTREAL. EWART, SHEARER & CO., AVU^OI^T^'.SyVLE &®fSll &c., &c., &c.. '■^ 9 422 ST. PAUL STREET, F. 4> « ' SI / DATE DUE DATE DE RETOUR f/7/^ I EC 2 6 ^: ili AA(C / ^- V-tf LOW! -MARTIN No. 1 1 37 1