IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k t^o {/ *^, %. V ^C. '^^'V^^ ,/<'*^..% J? i< 1.0 I.I 1.25 ;^ii^ ^ ■^ i^ 1122 t i^ 12.0 1.4 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 l\ v ip o -'"'^^ ^>- INVOCATION. In thine own house, on thine own day, We nicot once more to praise and pray : Father in heaven, ac< cept our praise, And hear the prayer w^e hum - bly raise ; And when our work on earth is I'one, Oh :-- R- _^_^.il;_. :pfi:^=*: :=ii:?i:l:i=9Z=::it:^ -t— :ii::lq! ol-— • — - — J . -*-- . "rgi — S" — ^-^*-o — i-Sf.«-ag — 1-# « « — e — *_c^_rj_i^_u save us all, thro' Christ thy Son ! A • men, A - men. Thro' Christ thy Son, A - men. Amen. _ 1— ^ « — ^ -. 0^k0 fS Sit Si _CSr..^ ^_* ij « __ ^-.-^ ^_«^__ ¥ 2 ■'? SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER. Slow. 1. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet liourof prayer ! That calls me from a world of care, And bids mo at my Father's n. c. And oft escaped the tempter's snare By thy re- tnrn,swecthourof prayer, And oft escaped the tempter's •J ' -•- I • -•- throuo Make all mywantsand wishes known : In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief; snaro By thy rctum, sweet hour of prayer. ^^ KND. P. C. vii — »- — -s-r— - — •-!-• — 1-\-* — r-T-^^r —•-!-• — •-T-fi— "iV' *y* — •-t#— •-T»--»-T-r-— •-r'*^Ti i!2v — ■ -1 ' — r'' *~\~\ ■-+ # — 1 — I — 4-1 *-+-• — — F-ki 1 — 4i 1 — i-w — 1--4 m — f ' 1 — 1-' — 1-1 5 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings siiall my petition hear. To him whose truth and faithfulness, Kngapjc the waiting soul to bless ; And sinec ho bids me seek liis face, Believe his word, and trust his grace, ; I'll cast on him my every care, And wait for thoe, sweet hour of prayer ! : !| 3 Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet Iiour of prayer ! May I thy consolation share : Till, from Mount Tisgah's lofty height, I view my home, and take my flight : This robe of flcsii I'll drop, and lise To seize the everlasting prize ; II : And shout, while passing through the air, Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer. : ;| ^' ». PERFECT LOVE. « Arraug«(l by W. McDoxald. Yo wlioknow your sins for - civ - en, And nro hap - py in tlio Lord, Tlio'you iiavi! t''"*'"'" pf"<;u and comfort, Greater ihin;,',s you yet shall find, 0, yo ten - der Iaml)8 of Jc-sus, Hear your lieavenly Father's will; Coinc, my bnthren.eomc, niy sis-ters, Seek, O, seek this ho - ly state Have you read that pracious promise, Freedom from un-ho - ly tempers, Claim your portion, plead his promisf. None but ho - ly ones ean on - ter. — I i-T 1 H 1 \—f ,-- 1 -t-- — -1^ -( 1 -j-.—.^ 1 — , 1 _|._ 1- r -i _(_, _ Which is left you Freedom from the And ho sure - ly Thro' t!io pure cc - m his Word ? I will sprinkle yf)u with wa carnal mind ; To pro - cure your full sal - va ■ will ful - iil; Piay, and the ro - tin - ins ti les-tial gate: Can you bear tlic tliou^htof los ter, tion, re, 1 will cleanse you from aU sin, Jo - sua suf - fv-red, proimcd and died. Will come streaming' fiom a - hove, All the joys that are a - hove. Sancti - fy and make you lio - ly ; I will dwell and riiji^n within. 0, bo - hold the I'.ealin;;' fountain. Gushing from liis wounded side. Now ho - lieve, and pain the blo?sinp, Full sal - va- f'on, p rfeet love. No, my brot'.icr, no, mv sis - ttr, God will per - feet vou in love. viq__q:i— J- q-q— lj-d-ii:j:-:izj.|.:.^-~z:«=r«:, :;-ji May ' niphty sound from heaven, Sii> .ii. ' ly come ru.shinp down ! Cloven r !n,u;ues, like as of lire. May tiiey sit on all around. On the soul of each be!iever, May t'iO Holy Glio t como down; It U coiTiinp ! it is coiniiip ! Glory, glory to the Lamb I 1.^ o THE VOICE OF PRAISE. I. 2. 3. 4. WW Tlio \s\\ - leys and And shnll tno voico The word of lifo the mountnins, of na - turo ho j^avo us Then train j-onr youthful voi - ics — Si — H N— -K K ^1 K- The woodhind nnd tlie phiin, The riv - ers and the Thus jjlo - ri - fy its Kinj; ; And man, the no - ble To puido us to the sky; That lie mightjust-ly To hymn his praise above ; For ho who lioro re fountains, The creature, No save us, IIo joi - CCS In ■N- — 1-0 ^ — — 0- — 1 1 sunshine grateful sent his Je - sas' and tril) Son dv the uto to inir null, hrin;^? die- love, The stars Shall mer - To die A - round '3- >- :5i -7- r :5: -0- m -*,— - that shine a - fv strew liis in sliaiTic anil liis throne in -j/ •# that deck the sen - a sac - his love =i-=3 sod, Pro- please, And fice ; 'I'o laini, And — q-: — =^ !=ilz=qzzriiL*=lz:* -• the scs ri - j)ro( i S: ^^Pi^P^t^^^i^^^ ■••- -J- ^^=5^ ~^- l3l ^- claim a - loud the plo - rv of mv God. ]*rais - cs, lio - Iv ail - - ra - tiou. Prais - es man withhold tiic sac - ri - lice of praise ? Triiisc him, ve tiiat live for - ev ■ er; Praise him save us from the death that ncv - cr dies. Prai--5-:- j .... .1. "?:- :J: >- .i- ^>~<-^ • "SS""'"!"!" ..' ~ ~^Z ZZ.01 .-.-^ 'TS' a< Oi I I VOICE OF PRAISE, Coocludcd. to tlic God above ; Piais - i-s tliiou<;h the wido crc - a - tion, Sound a - loud his greatness and his love. ev' - rv liCMrt and voire; I'riiisc liiiii, hc'.s tlio jjlorious Giver; Praise him in your sorrows and your joys, prnisc him for his Son; IVaisc liini, ev' - ry trihe and nation; Pruisohim for the battle he has won. praise th'e-ter-nal Son ; Praise him, praise the Three to - gether, Tatiier, Son, and Spirit, three in One. MODERATJ. ANOTHER YEAR. A - notii - rr year Has told its four - fold tale, And still Pm here, A traveler in the vale. Why am I spared To see a - noth - cr year ? Why have I shared So ma - ny mereies here. Fiomtiod a - lone My nureies I rc-eeive; To Ilim a - lone I would for - ev - cr live. Then aid my fonj^jue, Com])an - ions on the road. To raise a song of grat - i - tude to God. ^^::^\i0Z=:=0z:^^^=^^iz==z^z:ziz^z==:i^^ .4 M CUOllUS. w K ziz=jzii-^-i=:z\-:^zr:i—:^-:S^-r—ii lujah, Halle -lujah, To God bo all the praise. Halle - lujah, Halle - lujah. Let all our voices raise, Halle 1 U ix' • THERE'S A HOME FOR ALL. > MoDr.RATO 1. TliiTc'n a lionic for U. Tlicre's II homo for .'J. TliLMv's II liouic for the iioor on thiit hcnu-ti - ful slion", When life nnd thu ill, nnd their hosoms shall tiirill Willi the rnptiirc tlic vounn, and ii ncrapli's |iiut koiik Will the lieavcn ita of Iv sorrows Iienlthful chorus arc ciid-c(l, c • motion l)c sinning, Anil For the While tho - \ — Kucc'tly they'll rest in tliat homo of the lilesit, By siul, \i!:iiiitivi' uiDiin iK'V -er morcnill hekiiowii In briu'ht harp- of gold, which will ncv-cr <;ro\v old ^ S__ _, •: J- "- -#• • • •• _,_ =* ..0. ? "^ " 5 the |)resence of unpcls tliiit woikl full of peaceful Thro' the glitter - inir arches attend -cd. There's a Iiomc for tho de- vo-tion. There's a home for tlio arc ringing. There'saliomefor tho • ^ — i 1^ S'T — 1 kr V 1 K \t — I S S ^ — S- 1 \ Ki — ' S K 1 V Sr fT^ i I sad, and their hearts will be glad, When thcy'vccros'^'d over Jordan so dreary; old. when lime nnd its mould The fair form of their heaufy has faded'; uood, where none may intrude, Never tempted wiih c - vil nor fol - ly, For bright is the dome of that And brightly they'll bloom far bc- Thcy will calmly re pose, freed from ^ fjifztr z - trzLiiiziirE^zz:*.— *— *— *.c.-iRl •M • TIIEKK'S A UOMIi: toil ALL, CoDcluJ^!ll. 'II • _ *3 _s_ _^ 4_ qri:i;rr:3;^:q"~~y:irj^"~#i?:».~">j:^_^::| I There's a liotnc for tl-.c vile, i;ll poliu'cd with puiio, ; -- — ->Pj *• - J— .^.-a-^ ___.:c_r_D_;IJ When ihcy're - loi-ncd liv the qui( U'liin;;' spirit ; * :fl -5 ■•' -•'■ ' '*- ~ -•- For cMcIi sliiill lie licir 10 illot luiij^iloni fcio liur, ra - (li - nut home Where so Hot't-ly re • jjosciill tlio wcnry. yoiul tile ihirivtoiiil), Where the s|)lciKlor()l' youih ne'er is shsulcd. tri-uls iinil woes, In thati)hieo ion;; pre-iiared (or the holy. 5__c: — I •1 £ -•.-■-Eiz=:*.-_»z=:«~«i-LE;:--*-3J And 111! its full fzldi'v inhciir. ['all, 1 here's a for us i.ll \\li(n the snmmon;; shall We will lly to the tiiins of our iSn\ lour, |i\nd join in ihe tong of tlmt Uautjful throng, And sing uf redemption forever. RINQ OUT, SWEET SILVER BELLS. FINE. Earkzstlt. fine. D. 0. lliii};oiU,rin King out your free, inspiring call, Sweet bells of sih ' r tongue ; Before his footstool here we fall. And breathe our grateful song; To us ye spenk of joys iniseen, Immortal life and light, A world of purity serene, Where faith is ehanged to sight. lO Con Spirit©. DARE TO BE RIGHT. 1. Dare to be right! dare to he true ! You have a worktlint no oth - er cau do; Do it so bravely, so 2. Dare to be rifrht! dare to he true ! Other men's failures ean save y(ui ; Standby your conseience, your 3. Dare to be right! dare to he true! Love may de - ny you its sunshine and dew. Let the dew fail, for then r »/ r /TV T J_.„-N.-J_._ kindly, so well, Aiifrels will liastcn the sto - ry to tell. T'lcn, dare to be right ! dare to be true ! You have a honor, your faith ; IStand like a lie- ro, and l)at - tie till death Then, dan', &c. sliowers shall lie given ; Dew is Ironi earth, but the showers are from heav'n. Then dare, ic. /r\ ^ -*•- -«- -•- I I;. -••' -• •• _ * -•- = -^- -I r- r- -^- -••-•- -• #- J w( r'.i t'latno otiicr can do; Dare to be riglit ! dare to be true! 'lou have a work that no otli-er can do. •* { UARE TO BK RIOHT, CoueludeJ. Dare to l)e ri^jht ! dare to Ije true ! God, who created voh, oares for you too ; TreasuFCM the tears that his striving ones shed, Counts and protects every hair of your licad. Cuo. Then dare, &e. Dare to Ije ri>;ht! dare to be true ! Cannot Omnipotence carry you tluoufrh 1 , City, and mansion, and throne all in sight, Can you uot dare to be true luid 1)C right 'i Cuo. Then dare, &c. Dare to be right ! dare to be true ! Keep the great judgment seat always in view ; Look at your xvork as you'll look at it then, Scanned by .TehoTah, and angels, and men. • Clio. Then, dare, &c. Dare to be riglit ! dare to be true ! Prayerfully, lovingly, firmly pursue The pathway by saints and" by seraphim trod, The pathway that climbs to the City of God. Clio, 'riicn, dare, &c. 11 EATON. L. M. ^ J_ _.- _,- -A- -^ .0- ' ^ ^ ibis is a precious book indeed ! Happy the child who Iwves to read! 'Tis God's own word,which he has given To show our souls the way to heaven ! It tells us how tlieworldwasmnde, And how good men tlic Lord obe;'d. 18 OUR HAPPY HOME. 1. In that world of glo - ry bright, Wlicre the Saviour is tlie light, All is joy, and 2. There the Saviour we sliall sec, And our voi - ces 3. O, how sweet to think of heav'n ; Hap - py home to 4. Fa - ther, guide our steps a - right ; Miiy it be our joy, then will be Tun'd to heaven's chil - dren giv'n; Here, "by sin and great de - light To live ho - ly Chorus. here's no night, Nor sin nor sor - row there. In our hap - py homo in heav - en, there's no night, Nor sm min - strel-sy. And sing sor - row driven," There, all in thv sight, That we nor sor - row there. re - deem - ing love. is per - feet rest. may dwell with tiice. 3—3 -s— F— •* — — • — • — • — 0—] =tEE=5=5=5=5=5£i: i Where the golden harps are ring - ing, Angels beau-ti - ful are singing. And all is love and praise. OUR OWN DEAR HOME. 18 1. 2. 3. 4. Home, dear home, we ncv - er can for - Lured by gain wc seek ii foreiffn gilded papc of earthly pleasure holds the flowinp bound by sil - vcr chains of ^5 get; Friends, dear friends, we of- ten there have met; Press'dby care, or shore, Worn and wea - ry heap the golden ore ; Still -our yearning fume Some may pant to reg - is - ter their name ; Round ournaraes no howl, Mirth and mu - sic lure the careless soul ; But with us at love. Here arc foretastes of "the home a- bove; Thou from whom all -m- - w- -m ^-- m- ^ -»- -0- -^- -•- -•- -• 0- -0 ,^- | I | On the Painted Firm-ly Cborus. pierced by grief, Home lias af - forded iis a sweet re - lief, hearf demand Rest in the homestead in our na - tivc laud. wreath may he, But you may read them on the old home tree. home, you'll find Home joys that nev-cr leave a sting be - hind, blcs - slugs come, Helj) us to piaise thee for ii Christian home. Ten-der memo - ries round thee twine, Ten der memo - ries, &c. .,_J_J. 1 I -0 — {- •- - ^^^ -• — « Like the i -vy green round the pine; Overland and sea we may roam. Still will wc cherish thee, our own dear home. 14: A BEAUTIFUL HOME, 1. Tliere's ir beauti - fill home for tlicc, lirotlicr, A liomo, a home Tor thee; lu that Uind_ of bliss 2. There's a beauti - ful rest for thee, lirother, A rest, a rest lor thee; In those mansions above w 3. There's a beauti - ful erown for thee, brother, A erown, a crown for thee; Wlien tlic battle is done, ! -0- lN-c- JEZ? pleasure all is vietory CHORUS. is, There, brotlier,'8 a home for thee, love, There, brother, 's n rest for thee, von, Our Saviour will give it to thee. A A A ^eJi'll'ii — N- ;:>=lN--: beauti beauti beauti ^- -«- It ful homo for ful rest for ful erown for ::drir=::.N -•- thee, brother, A thee, brother, A thee, brother, A .«•- -« « «. :^::^I^d — li'^r-l — I — IS — ^T-'-^ — ^ — ^ — p*,— -St-- |- .. -j ---[ ^ — ! Kt- ^•i beautiful beautiful beautiful ^ « • home for rest for crown for P- - __ 0—0 thee ; thee ; thee ; In that land of In those mansions a - When the battle is bli.-s where i)leasure is, hove where all is love done and vietory :» _ won, • There, hrother,'s a There, brother.'s a Our Saviour will rt: -•- homo for rest for give it to thee, thee, thee. • •-• I I i I A BUAUIIVUL UOME, Concluava. le There's a beautiful robe for thee, brother, A robe, a robe for thee ; A robe of white, so pure and bright, A glorious robe for tlice. Cho. — A beautiful rolw; for thee, etc. Wilt seek that beautiful home, brother. That home, that home above ; In that land of light, where all is bright, That land where all is love ? Cho. — A beautiful home for thee, etc. I WANT TO BE AN ANGEL. 1. I want to be an A crown up - on my an - gel. And with the an - gels stand ; ) foreiiead, A harp with - in my hand. ) Tliere, right be - fore my iiiigl -0- — I- :z:l^=zNz=q=::l:zE:^.z:F=r^F-qz=qi=£^=f"| fi^Eg^ ^_ Sa - viour. So glorious and mu - sic, And praise him day and night. " I -AzMfiz:Mz-M.iz.MitLzS -» — — • so bright, I'd wake tiic sweetest l!^li^?ll;llil: I never should be weary, Nor ever shed a tear, Nor ever know a sorrow, Nor ever feel u fear ; But blessed, pure, and lioly, I'd dwell in Jesus' aijiht, And with ten thousaa_i_t f 1—1 m -t:- Chorus. 3:13: :W I a - -iN-iNl bovc On the folds m of our :W=:: — I-T 1 r ■J=l=zfn I ban - ncr — that watchword is Love. £j!Ej_^ — I — i-lzsi. — I — 3-1 fw-— Fs— S — »—0'\-^i\ — 0- — «-] ^—C^g — • 0—0-l^^Z — 0-1 Christ gives us our watchword ; 'tis writ - ten _^j. 0. .0- -0 0. _S_ -0 , _ mm'— m»^mM I 1 1 ^^ >^_ 1 1 |-T-T»« — • ■-T-:i— I— i — — '-T — I—' -I r- Christ gives us our watchword ; 'tis writ- ten a zT- -«- :l:i:q: bove On the folds of our .y=c ban er — i UJIli^fiEl that watchword is Lovi:. i^s \ THE SABBATH PAY. a7 1. I love tho bless - ed Sabbath day, Which God has kind - ly given; When wo may meet to 2. I love to hear how Jo - sus died, And how he rose a - gain; Ex - alt - ed at his 3. I love to sing on earth his grace To fall - en, sin - ful man ; Bat, when in glo - ry, praise and pray, And learn the way to heaven ; It leads our youthful thoughts to Him Who Fa - ther's side, A Saviour-priucc to reign. To him the pure an - gel - ic throng Raise him I'll praise More than the an - gels can. Then will we sing in loud - er strain. Through lE^^!EE?=*E^EfE5EE5EE5EE5_ElE^EE^L5^^>_=;ElE;^J: ^=fe?-H,j'EE^PjE^?ET:?E.E!EEs'EEi-J:?=E3'^=?-Hif^^^ reigns in light a - bovc ; And makes the joys of earth prow dim, While mus - ing on his their ser - aph - ic strain; And yet a cliild's tiianksgiv - ing song His list'ning ear may all e - tcr - ni - ty, Wor - tiiy the Lamb tliat once was slain, To Him all glo - ry' love, gain, be. :==fE!^5EESEE!Ei:t'f^*E}:*:=!£EE>EE^i:SEEI5:zE^EEuEi-5=:5~?^^ I 1 88 GATHER THEM IN. " <3o, therefore, Into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come In."— Ldkb xIt. 23. With Prohptmess and Animation. Mat db sdkq as a Dun. {Guthcr them in from the broad highway, Gather them in from the prairies vast, j Gather them in from the street and lane. 1. Gather them in, 2. Gather them in. Gather gather them in, gatlier tliem in, Gather the children the children m: mj Gather :^=M ^"> _#---#i the deaf, and tko poor, and blind. g^:g:rt=:t=rt=C=irt=ii=t=zt-i=piz=ji=ji=:5==qii:t=t:rizp=piz:pi=prrp— ^^ CHORUS. •• -S- _S_ -5_ _S- _S- -5- -5- • •• • _8- .^ .}_ • _s.s. • ? j/ fl ::?crf?1 Gather them in, gather them in ; Gatlier them in in this gospel day,Giither, gather them in ; ) > ) Gather them in, gather tliem in; Gnther them in of ev'ry cast, Gather, gatlier them in ; J Gather them in, let tho Gather them in, gather them in; Gather them in, both the halt and lame,Gather, gather them in ; | Gatherthemin, gather them in; Gather thcra in with a willing mind, Gather, gather them in; J L^_> — i^ — I — 1_> 1^ > ^ ^ 1^-1-1 ^_| — i.0 — — — — 0.L.f — I — •!— 1-3 K — J — ^ — i^-X Gather them in, lef tho ^ '^ ^ I!v:^^z:^^:]■=--:J5c^-^- FULL CHORUS. house DC full, y > / _ Gatlier tiiem in to the Sunday school ; Gather them in, gather them in. Gather the children in. P- -^- ^-- ^- -•- ^- -^- -#- .. -#- -0- -# . -#• _ -#_ -#- -#i . . . -•- -^- •Wi'- -1 — ^- ^« I r- I I—- I -I -w~ m^ -m— —w— -w- ~w -»— -m~ —Wi m M ^ — ^- -,— - ^ V- « OATHBR THSU IN, Ceneladed. SO 3 Grather them in, gather them in. Gather the children in ; Gather them in that arc seeking rest, Gather them in, gatlier them in ; Gather them in from the East and West, Gather, gather them in. Gather them in that are roaming ahout, Gather them in, gather them in ; Gather them in from tlie North and South, Gather, gather them in. Chorus. — Gather ihcm in, &c. Gather them in, gather them in, Gather the children in ; Gather them in from all over the land, Gather them in, gather them in ; Gather them in to our noble band, Gather, gather them in ; Gather them in with a Christian love. Gather them in, gather them in ; Gather them in for the Church above, Gather, gatiier them in. Chorus. — Gather them in, &c. LOVE OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL. m^m^^m^m^mm^^^ 1. I love the courts of 2. Here we de - light to God, As Da - vld did of old; I love the word that tells of truths More precioua far than gold; And come, With those who love the Lord ; Our pleasant tasks and cheerful songs The purest joys af-ford; For dpar unto my heart, This sacred hour of rest.Where Jesus meets a lit - tie child In courts that be has blest, In courts that he has blest, love and barmo-ny, Fruits of the golden rule; And hopeandpeace,andholy faith, Dwellin theSabbathscbool,DwellintheSabbath80hool. iPiiilfiliiililiiliiiliiiifigiiJilg^i X' 80 SUNDAY SCHOOL RECRUITING SONG. M MODBRATILT QCICE. 1. 2. To our dear Sunday school there ought many lo conic, WIio spend Sunday wandering or trifling at God meant all the peo - pic who live in this place, To hear of his goodness, and join in his M^-^-- home ; I'll try to bring one, or I'll try to bring iico. Yes, all that I can, I'm dc - termined to do. praise ; So I'll try to bring ojjp, or I'll try to bring two, Yes, all that I can, I'm de- termined to do. 11 if, One or more hoys. #-!-# — 0-^—^^ — ^-0 — ^ — • % one, I'll Girls and boys, or two girls alone — I- FttU Chorus, I'll try to bring one. I'll try to tico. Yes, all that I can, I'm de- termined to ■ T-*'r-' — • •-T-iw — • — 0-r T do 1 3 Let me th'nk ; arc there none of the dear ones at home, The large, or the little, who never have come? Oh, I'll beg and I'll coax, try for one, try for two. Yes, all that I can, I'm determined to do. 4 I\Iy cousins and playmates, who live in this street, I'll ask tlicni to come, the next time that we meet ; Who knows hut among them I'll get one, or two, For all that I can, I'm determined to do. SUNDAY SCHOOL RICRDITINa SONS, Concluded. 8X 5 Out there in the lot whore I pass every day, How many spend Sabbath in frolic or play ! If I could but get one of those boys, now, or two, To come here next Sabbath, whnt good it might do. 6 Perhaps up to heaven some day I may go ; What glory and blessedness then I sliall know ! But I want in that glory that many may share,— That one, two, yes, all I can take, may be there. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. r ■ /A — « — « — 0-i-cs—^—\-0 — — #4-S— — j-d — ^ — •-■F-S — • — a-f-*— I— «-+-— i-i— -f-S — i — I 3; — — — 0..i-^ X 1 i_j — 5 — ^_i_« — — 5-i-#=^€ — #-i-25 — 1-0 — S — I 1. Father of love, 2. Humbly we pray, J. Make us resigned, 4. Sinful are we, :f=i:£=:=i:E=FHE Father a - bove. Send down thy blessing up Humbly we say. Words that our Lord and Re Patient of mind. While to the throne of thy Thoughtless of thee. While 'round our footsteps thy -•- -•- -•- ii^r J 1.0-^0- - on - deem grace care 3:3 each head ; - er said ; we're led; is shed ; Shield us from Trustful and Make us con- Though we for- :p-i i— ?-i:P — 1-^ — ^ — '■-T pride While here we bide, Give us this day our dai - ly bread, weak, Huml)ly we speak. Give us tliis day, etc. tent With what is sent. Give us this day, etc. get. Watch o'er us y^t. Give us this day, etc. x: fi»: t:t Give us ly bread. this day our dai I I I I ' I I I i I I I t 3S THE EVERGREEN SHORE. 1. Wc arc joyous*- ly voyng - ing o - ver the main, Bound for tho ev - crpfrecn shore, 2. Wc have notliing to fear from the wind and the wave. Under our Saviour's com - maud , Whose in - . And our s ^- r- jr> j> J^-r-r^-- Z 11- z ^ u..^JZ c :r.~ c « m •_!' • ^-ri_»i ^^ -^:- -hr-^. will the sooner be o'er ; We will weather the blast, and will land at last, Safe on the evergreen shore. S a TIU EVBRORIEN Both the winds and the waves our Commander controls ; Nothing can baffle his skill : And liis voice when the thundcrinj^ hurricane rolls, Can make the loud tempest l)e still. — CiioRns, In the thick murky night, when the stars and the moon, Send not u glimmering ray, Then the light of his countenance, brighter tlian noon, Will diive all our terror away. — Chorus. SHORB, Ooneladed. 83 5 Let the high heaving billow and mountainous wave, Fearfully overhead break ; There is one liy our side that can comfort and save ; — There's one who will never forsake. — Chorus. 6 Let the vessel be wrecked on the rock, or the shoal, Sink to be seen never more : He will bear, none the less, every passenger soul. Safe, safe to the evergreen shore,. — Chorus. BEAUTIFUL ZION, pLitIjz:g-|:.i:i~J:^jJ-^i:gpE;SzISz:^i:|?-tz:^^:ipH:i-E I. Beautiful Zi - on, built a - bove, Beautiful ci - ty that 1 love; Beautiful gates of jiearl-y white, 2. 3. 4. Beautiful heaven,whereall is light, Beautiful an -gels clothed in wiiito; Beautiful strains that ncv - er lire. Beautiful crowns on ev' - ry brow. Beautiful palms the conquerors show ; Beautiful robes tiie ransomed wear. Beautiful throne of Christ our King, Beautiful songs the an-gelsshig; Beautiful rest, all wanderings cease, Ritard. Beautiful tern -pic — God its light; He who was slain on Cal-va- ry. Opens those pearly gates to mo. Beautiful iiarps thro' all tlie choir; There shall I join the chorus sweet. Worshiping at the Saviour's feet. Beautiful all who en -tcr there; Tiiitlier I press with eu-per feet, There i^hall my rest be long and sweet. Beautiful home of perfect peace ; There shall my eyes the Saviour see; Haste to this heavouly homo with me. [3] Ki 34 THERE'S or Semi-chorus. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. With feeling. Tnio, or Semi-chorus. ., _ 1 . There's a beauti 2. In that beauti - 3. In that beauti - 4. Of that beauti - ■■X ful Iiomc in a far distant land, Where sunny days never grow cold; Wliorc the ful home there's no need of the sun ; It neither hath darkness nor night, For, iu ful home there's no poison - ous breath, Nor anguish, nor sorrow, nor pain — No ful homo brightest visions arc mine. Of pleasures to mortal un - known, Save to :3: -0- -- 1- i=p=E; f-d- 3EJi •v -\^ -■N— -- 1-« — »-- ==i :=:4zi=:q:t=4--:lz:*- loved and the lov - ing pass not a - way, And the youthful they nev - er grow old. glo - ry ar - ray'd the King ou his throne, Is its bciui - ty, its love, aiid its light, dark trib - u - la - tions, doubtiugs, nor fearS, Nor weeping, nor hop - ing in vain, those whom the King has giv - en his seal — To those who Hrc wholly his own. ±zHzz\:==z];iZ==zt:^=z-==zzh\:=:yz==:^z==:mz=\;izzz:^zhi:zz=z:y=^z^^ CHORUS. hz:fAzr.=z^=zzhz:m:=^-^z^^^^^^^ beau - ti - ful home, sweet beau - ti - ful home ! Oh, when shall I thy glo - rics share. With -I— -> — P- -r- -i — TUERK'S A BEAUTIFUL UOME, Concluded. 86 saints and long-loved ones with Jesus to dwell, The crown of redemption ^& to #- J -0- -•- ,.^ri wear : Oh, beautiful mansion, mj t-T"^ '•-aP F r- 1 p>— «_f«l _ , ±iiz:|:zl:»i=t;-t:iiz=zt==t=fe^-^:=:t:t=b:t;iitr:t=itil —J- --]- / # heaven - ly home, We'll praise thee, dear Saviour, wlien there, We'll praise thee, dear Saviour, when there. ^_j..^ — * — ; — »•-— * — *-j-f^-f= — ^-j-^i — p — ^—0. — i i/ I 5 In that beautiful home are now gathered the hosts 6 From that beautiful home, far from life's stormy vale. Of those who have died in the Lord ; Soon, Boon will his messengers come, Who, amid the fierce storms and tempests of life. To bear us lone sad ones, over the tide, Believing, relied on his word. — Chorus. To heaven, our beautiful home. — Chorus. NcT£. — If desired, the foregoing piece may be Bung in unison, omitting the Second Treble, and uniting in full chorus at the end of each verse. HEBRON. L. M. Sweet is thotrorlc, my God, my King,To praise thy name, giro thanks, and sing ; To show thy love by morning Iight,And talk of all thy truths at night. £i^:4:.p|;»-.-p{?:J:5-5E»-»:i:b-5==f:l5-^ t t!. f 1'; Unison. m ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY. -l2:-3r:^z= 1. An 2. Shcpl 3. Sa - gels from tho realms of lerds, in tlie field r ges, leave your con - tern iiBEf=gfg^= I j-,-ff= f-r-^ ^--1 — x~r plo - ry, bid • ing, pLi - tions, ^■^.- J „__ ^ I I Wing your flight o'er Watch - ing o'er your Bright - cr vis - ions all tho flock by beam a earth ; night, I'ar ; »— ^ - 1 '~ ~f ~p 1 -*— ^ — 'I ~^:z I iiiilil^ fsst: Ye who sang Crc - a - God with man is now Seek the great de - sire tion's sto ■ ry. Now re - sid ■ ing. Yon of na - tions, Ye pro - claim Mes - si - ah's birth. dcr shines the in - fant light. have seen his na - tal star. rr:. 1 J. V -h 1 — l-H 1 I — i-H l-T 1 t-j 1— I — I — -A- J 1 <3r— sttiT*-* izziiitisp: iiisiiiii:iliii^ilip Come and wor - ship, come and wor - ship, come and wor - ship, wor - ship Christ, the new - bom King. iSii^teiSili^iigiiii^g^li^] ANOELS FROM THB lUULMS OF QLORY, Concluded. 3r Saints before the altnr bcndinp, Waiting long with hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord descending, In his temple shall appear. Come and worship, &.c.. 5 Sinners, wrung with true repentance. Doomed for guilt to endless pains,^ Justice now repeahj the sentence, Mercy calls you — break your chains. Come and worship, &c. HOLY! HOLY! HOLY!' ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly ! Lord God Al - might- y! Grateful- ly a - dor-ing, our songs shall rise to Thee ho - ly ! all the saints a - dorc Ttieo, Ousting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; ho - ly ! tiio' the diirkness hide Thee, Tho' the eye of sinful man Thy glo - ry may not see ; ho - ly ! Lord God Al - might - y ! lip^ All Thy worksshall praisethy name, in enrtli,andsky, andsca. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly ! Mcrci - ful and Miglity, God in Three Per - sons, Ble?.«ed Trin-i - Cheru - him and sera-phiiu fulling down bo- fore Thee, Who wast, and art, and cv - er - more shalt On - ly thou nrt ho - iy ; tliero is none be - side Tlico, Per - feet in pmvcr, in love, and pu - ri - Ho - ly, ho- ly, ho - ly ! .Merci - ful and flighty, God in Three Per - sons, Blessed Triui - tv. be. ty- ii^ilSppsii^igaii^iii^ife^ilii 3S Quartette or CaoRus mf BEAUTIFUL CITY. 1 . Beautiful Zi - on, built a - bovc, 2. lleautifal heaven, where all is liyht, lieautiful ci - ty that I love; Beautiful angels, clothed iu white ; 3 „ i -»'- -•- Beautiful {jatcs of pearly Beautiful strains tiiat uever 3 -#1 yj^.w^ji—^—z-X^—jz — :: — g-f-^ ^ ^ #—•-»-}-# — •— » — •-J-I — ^F-'j— ^— ^-i-i — r— b — i wiiite, Beautiful temple — God its light; tire, Beautiful harps tliro' all tlie elioir; ~»-^ 3 , Ile who was slain on Cal - va- ry, Opens those pearl - y Tlicre sliall I join the eho - rus sweet, Worsliipiiig at the _«?« •_^«i« •,.••.- ,»'—ft •- f liepeat pp. gates to me. ya - viour's feet. Zi - on, Zion, love - ly Zion, Zi - on, ete. Beau - ti - ful Zion, ei - ty of our God. •^~# « • — 0. 1 BEAUTIFUL CITY, Concluded. se Beautiful crowns on every brow, Beautiful palms the conquerors show ; Beautiful robes the ransomed wear, Beautiful all who enter there ; Thither I press with eajjer feet, There shall my rest be long and sweet. Beautiful throne for Christ our King, Beautiful songs the angels sing ; Beautiful rest — all wanderings cease, Beautiful home of perfect peace ; Tiicro shall my eyes the Saviour sec ; Haste to his heavenly homo with me. WiTU Precision. :l2::s::d:zm^: ^^ JESUS, lH--:^-:^!:::^ -m- ■■•- FULL OF :1 *-t-*->-g- -t-m' — S ALL +5 COMPASSION. 1. -Tc - sus, full of all com - passion, 2. Guilty, but with heart re - Icnting, 3. Wiiitlier sliould a wretch be fly - iiig, 4. Saved, tlie deed shall spread new glo - ry humble supjiliant's cry ; Oh Hear thy humble supjiliant's cry ; Oh, let () - vcrvvhclm'd with helpless jirief, Witli sor But to him wlio comfort Thro' the shining realms a mc know thy row at thy gives ? Say, wliither from the bovc ; Ilark, an-gels sing the great sal- feet rc- dread of pleasing ( va - tion, ]H'nt - ing, (ly - iiig, Rto - rv, --^ ^ — ^- ^ »»i j;^ -0- Sco, Send, But All I oh to en -•- liinguisli, fiiint.and send me ([uick re lliiu who ev - cr ■ laptur'd with thy T die! . lief!, lives ? love. ilSli Oh, see, Now send, On - Iv 'Tis all faint, and quick rc ■ cv - er with thy I ^ * 7 ^ ^ ^ die! lief! lives ! love. ii^l »< '^ 40 SCHOOL HOUR. rr: zzzJ=:L^.i-j:S£:?:i^rhi:iz:J:SLg:if=3.*z:S;«iS-J:l Hark! tho 'Tis an Sabbath hour of bells hap arc py -•■■ nnping : meeting, Let We zz2i\lz±^cz zr-^z:Lzzzziz-tzuz==.\zzz:tzi:z^\i=±z^:==z\/zi:l-z=z.^::ziz us haste with - out do - lay ; Prayers of thousands have met for praise and prayer; But the hour is »—rzfr=^0zf.^zi=z:i^\—^-}z:ft=:^-tzw. i iii!^i^ii?ifii:oi§iipiii now arc winging Up to short and fleeting ; Let us heaven their si - lent then be ear - ly way. there. m^ 3 Do not keep our teachers waiting, While you tairy by the way; Nor disturb the school reciting; 'Tis the holy Sabbath day. 4 Children, haste; the bells are ringing, And the morning's bright and fair; Thousands now are joined in singing; Thousands, too, in solemn prayer. SING HIS PRAISE. FINE. SFINE. J Would you be as angels are, Sing, sing, sing His praise ; | Would you l)anish every care, Sinir, sing, sing His praise ; ) Like the lark upon the wing. Like the warbling bird of spring, D. C. Like tiie crvstal spheres that ring, Sing, sing, sing His praise. M^^ziza.zzziiZiZi^-zfzzss:r_;^zizz:\:a-zz-.^zzzf:^jrzizi:zz:^ ;-C:: If the world upon you frown, Sing, &c. If you're left to sing alone. Sing, ic. If sad trials come to you, As to every one they do, For that they are blessings too — Sing, &c. For His wondrous dying love, Sing, &c. That He intercedes above, Sing, &c. Thus, whene'er you come to die. You shall soar bevond the sky, And witli angel choirs on high, Sing, &c. Girls. :3=::1: m By faith I view Did Christ, when I was sin n my Saviour pur ^- ■ MERCY'S FREE __^jrj3ovs. 41 bleeding, On the tree, su - ing, Pit - y mc, On the Tit - y tree. I), c. nie ! D. C. '!"() rv' - ry n:i - tion Hark ! hark ! wliat piercing And did lie snatch my And now my Imp - py ;:-i:« — p — ^ — i:, \ — -:i_t_pz:l:.KZ:zi'-=^-zizi:>;J FINE. CHORUS. he H crying, words I hear, soul from rn - in, soul can sing, TiOok to me' ! Mcr - .'v's free. Can it lie, Mer - cy's free. look to Mer - cv'a Can "it Mercy's me. free, be! free. ITS lie Ko O He bids pent, yes, is the be - ho my -wi- — #— r-#* • r !8, '-p: guilt - y lieve, (lis did sal Piojihtt, ^- -^- C D.C. zq=: -*— I*ZI' now draw near, miss their fear, va - tion bring, Priest and Kiiiif ; -^_ _^_ _,*_ S. 3 Jesus my weary soid rcfreslies, Mercy's free, mercy's free ; And every monieiit Christ is precious Unto nu', uiiio nic. None <'an dcscrilir the bliss I ))rove. While through this wilderness 1 rove; All may enjoy the Saviour's love : Mercy's free, mercy's Irce. Long as I live, I'll still be crying Mercy's fiee, mercy's free ; And this shall be my theme when dying, Jlcrt y's free, mercy's free. And when tiie vale of death I've passed, When lodged above the stormy blast, I'll sing, while endless ages last, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 1, '^ ll 42 HAIL TO THE OPENING YEAR. A.-. A.1. .> .r> •-.'•■• In .n_ •• i-m .. t TT .n I 1 4- .-v 4' I > n KIAav* lvi-kH*-t ^Imi-k 1 T r.iarl A ^. A-liiv i *T .1 .-»- •-!-• • — 1^ — 1^:^-5 — "— *^ -5-^r5^ — • — • — 4-^z^-r^ beau - ty fad - not ; Oh ! S^* pil - grim are you praying, may bo your 3 Beyond tills scene of trial, Wiiere heart and llesh do fail ; Beyond the dark'ning shadows. Beyond the glocmy vale ; Cho. 4 Beyond the thought of grieving A kind and gracious God ; Beyond tlic fear of sinning, Beyond tiie chastening rod ; Cno. 5 Beyond Eartli's weary burden, 'the cross, tiie scourge, the rod ; The saint shall dwell in glorj'. The saint shall dwell with God. Cno. «, • I' 4A THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ARMY. ip?^ipp^s^sif^^^ia^ipp 1. O, do not be dis - couragcd, For Jesus is your Friend, O, do not be dis - couraged, For Jesus is your Friend, 2. Fight on, ye little soldiers, The battle j'ou shall win. Fight on, ye little soldiers. The battle you shall win ; 3. And when the conflict's o-ver. Bo -fore him you shall stand, And when the conflict's o-ver, Before him you shall stand ; q?|5:=:i;i"pzrp=:izi::^=i_pz] ZX- i=p=iiz:icz*=i:i=z:p— pr irtzffzrzizqrizz-f END. ^S He will give you grace to conquer, He will give you grace to conquer, And keep you to the end. For the Saviour is your Captain, For the Saviour is your Captain, And he has vanquished sin. You shall sing liis praise for - ev - er. You shall sing his jJraise for - cv - er, In Canaan's hap - py land ^ : I CHORUS, Repeat from the j^ to the End. I am glad I'm in tliis army, Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army, Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army. And I'll battle for the school ; V #;iz:p:rp=»=pji|i: i-p-p-gzif-i: 1:1;- >!ic-^-.} :C-"i:=c: { :t:ii:: =t::=p|:* ir^ii|?:i:pj f- p-pnizrpia^p-p iEEHEEEEtS lli^sgPi GOLDEN PROMISE. 46 ra - di - ant shore of light and lovo ; A peaceful homo of rest above ; Is mine, if id bright, The TiOrd him - self the glorious light, — A garden shadow - less country, fair and few more seasons of grief and woe ; beauti - ful garment, white and fair ; A few more wca - ry days be - low, Then if I A brighter crown than angels wear ; A palm but faithful of beauty, am faithful of vict'ry CH0KU8 I should be ; This promise the Lord hath made to me ! I will go, I will go, Go to that ra - di - ant blooming free, A riv - er of life in store for me ! I will go, etc. I shall see. The mansion prepared in heaven for me ! I will go, etc. mine shall be : This promise the Lord hath made to mo ! I will go, etc. ^ -•- -#- -•? -•- Lzzzz*z= Jzziz J- zliz J:=izzz:ijizi slioro a - bovo, I will go, _s — Js — J^ ,. — ^ Repeat Chorus p =^H*»J=-!zzzza=.:zzzz5=Ef£EHEH=HE55=ffl :zzz K* J— J >-• •■ 1 1 ■•• Or this : Smff a • way, ye beauti - Jul an • gels, Sing a - way, ye HI We will join the beauti - ful an - gels, Singing a - ^_ (•_ .^_ .^_ -^- -ft- -i«, .^. -^rt,«i .0:n^. ,0: ?Jit:i=:C-C:i:*=:»z=» — 1 1_^ — ^ — ^_ beauti - ful an - gcli. Sing a - way, way. Singing a - way. Glory, glory, to the Lamb. .*.-(<. Sing a • way, Glory, glo-ry to the Lamb. 8 Hearts all filled with holy emulation, We unite with those above ; Sweet the tiiemc — the theme of free salvation, Founts of everlasting love. We will join, &c 4 Endless life in Christ our Lord possessing. Let us praise hit precious name ; Glory, honor, riches, power, and blessing, Be forever to the Lamb. We will join, &c. I • I WE COME WITH 80NQS TO GREET YOU. 61 Mwm^mM^^fim^^mmm^^^ 1. A year (week) a - pain has passed a - way, Time swiftly speeds a - long: We come a • gain to praise and pray, 2. We come the Saviour's name to praise, To sinji: the wondrous love Of Him who guards us all oar days, 8. We'll sing of mercies dai - ly given, Tiiro' ev' - ry passing year ; We'll sing the proinis - es of heaven' REFRAIN, :^ ^ina smg our greeting And guides to heav<;n a - With vol - ces loud and S^^m^^^^^^^^m SODflf. bove. clear. We We Wo come, come, &c. come, &c. we come, Wc come with songs to greet you, We ■0- # .- -g- -g, _ j-S qg :j=t:ii=La-E*|^iEQifiHTii-t:— :±}^zU-t:zzz3:?±— ^=zE: We come, Wexoipe, We come with so songs to Mm^^ greet you. come, We come, We come with songs a - gain. e come, We come. We come with songs a • gain. 4 We'll sing of many a hapi{>y hoar, We've passed in Bunday school. Where ti'uth, like summer's genial aboyfva, Extends its gracious rule. — Cffo. 5 Our youthful hearts will gladly raise, Our voices sweetly sing A general song of grat^'iii praise, « To beavea's eternal Kiiog.— Cao. ~ ^hi i' •. 68 HEAVEN IS MY HOME. If 1 m {I'm bat a stranger here, Heaven is my home ; ? Earth is a desert drear, Heaven is my home ; J Danger and sorrow stand, Round mo on every hand ; Heaven is my m^m^m^^^m^mmmm^m S^iSiii 2 What though the tempest rage, Heaven is my home ; Short is my pilgrimag«, Heaven is my home. Time's cold and wintry blast. Soon will bo overpast ; I shall reach homo at last. Heaven is my home. •i 3 There at ray Saviour's side, Heaven is my home ; I shall be glorified, Heaven is my home. There are the good and blest, Those I loved most and best; There too, I soon shall rest, Heaven id my hom$. O COME, LET US SING. 1. O-come.letuB sing! Our youthful hearts now swelling. To God a - hove, a God of love, O come, let us sing! 2. O swell, swell the song. His praises oft re - pcating : His Son he gave our souls to save, O swell, swull the soTig ! 1;. All full chorus join, To Je - sus cou-de-scending, To bless our race with heavenly grage, AH full chorus join! ■sv-g— Nr-i — ^— N|~1 — :^T"'^~"^~=^~^^"1=^^--^l-^— =^~^-^~^^^^^:^::T.:J^:.— ^--^|— — i^r—zzLz—] COME, LEX US SINO, Conoladed 68 Our joyful spirits glad and free, With high e - motions rise to thee In heavenly melo- tly! O come, let us sing! The Immblc heart's devotion bring, Whence gusliingstreamsof love dospring, And make the welkin ring With sweet swellingsong. To God, whose mercy on us smiled. And Ho - ly Spirit reconciled, By Christ, the meek and mild, All full chorus join. ^ V 'TIS THERE WE LOVE TO GO. i ? ij-, M 11 LIVELY. * »k ' K CHORUS. »^ " - "" -■^'*' 1. Bells have rung, 'tis time to go, We would not do -laj';) Ah, those sounds how wcU we know, On the Sabbath day. ) Sabbath school ! 'tis there we love to go ; _5_.__„5__j-_t_^__^_,.__^.l_u_M to go. mm ^ ^ p P I tis Yes, yes, yes, there wo I*: _«- love :5~ 2 Teachers dear wo tliero sliall find, _ Guiding us to heaven ; ■ — Let us then with earnest mind, Heed all instruction given. — Ciio. 3 Yes, our Snviour, wlion Iwlow, Biidc little c'liildren come ; lie is ju-i. as willing now To lead us to our home. — Ciio. \ ■ 54 HOW LOVELY IS ZIOlSI.* .1 SOLO, or two or three voices. how lovely, O how lovely, u CHORUS. Zi - on, ci - ty of our God. O how — #- -^9- ■#• -#- f^ -#• -#- -#- ^^»' ^^.»' I — •- - j|- — g|- -Sly How How lovely is Zi - on, How lovely is Zi - en, Row lovely is Zi - on, ci - ty of our God. ±:Si*zi(:t.sSiii:i*i.-^iii-*:l3i-i:z'l;|:=-*z:ii:p;i:t:::ip:l:=-at:Jt:z4:— t::=t=^ U I —— ^ lovely, O how lovely is Zi - on :1:i:i±zd— :i. ci ty of our God. How F-.:^Ffo^= lovely, . how lovely, how love - ly is Zi - on. Joy and peace stiall dwell in thee, ±:ijr---r--*— I ii^:l:[:rz: *iz::l:r-i:zz:i::i.!5g:zz|iizip:iiiz \l^fdi3.z^:zzXIIZZZ=Xz\z:^:zzM:=l\l~^ * Sing the Chorus, without the So)o, to the first double bur. for an introduction ; then be^iu the piece, and Bing it through as written, in the Da Capo the same arrangenipnt of beginning muy be observed. HOW LOV£LY IS ZION, CoQcluded. 65 DC. :fc.^ love - ly is • Zi - on, how lore - ly is Zi - on, how love - ly is Zi - on, how lovely is Zi-on, how love D.C. S:^3~ ^^gE^ii|=g|l^PS|^pyi|^ii^i}ii^^ Joy and peace shall dwell in thee, jojr and peace shall dw«ll in thee, Joy and peaMshkIldw«ll In thee, Joy and peace ahall dwell in thee. ::p: :p— :l:i-i-i_J;l:p=u:rp-— i4:-p:±:lirpzri:s:5S.Iriil Wiin Frelinq. O, TO BE THERE, i3i?Sl :8:#l:s' O to be there ; I Where never tears of sorrow I Shall dim the O, lovely home I Thy fragrant, thomless 1 I ■ flowers, Droop | not nor ^7\ I eye; die; Nor aching pain nor care, shall orer- 1 come our But everlasting bloom Crowns all thy | gol - den i^iiitep mor- row. to be theta! 3. O, let mo I jro ! I Pcath, sliall not tliure dissever. Our I lovinp | hearts ! | Kivcrs of pleasure flow, At God's right | hand for- { ever ! | O, let uic I go ! ( hoursj 0, lovely home ! 4. For thou art ( there, | Who unto nic hast given Eternal Life, making mc | pure and | ftur; And tliis, to | me is ( Heaven, | For Tlioii art | there ! | 66 THE ROYAL PROCLAMATION. VERY SPIRITED. / CHORUS. prof^hi • ev' - ry J ( Hear tlic roy - nl ■ J Publishing to mation, The ghul tidings creature, To the ruined of nature ; ) of fialvation, sous reigns, Jesus reigns, Jo - sus reigns, Jesus lliiiiripi^io^ip^iijiiiippilis )' Je - sus reigns, he reigns vie- torious, - verheavcuandearthmostglorious, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jcsns reigns! 2 See the royal banner Hying, Hear the heralds loudly crying, " Rebel sinners, royal favor Now is offered by the Saviour." Jesus reigns, &c. 3 " Here is wine, and milk, and honey; Come, ami purcliase without money ; Mercy flowing from a fountain, Streaming from the holy mountain," Jesus reigns, &c. Shout, ye tongues of every nation, To the bounds of the creation ; Shout the praise of Judah's Lion, The Almighty Prince of Zion. Jesus reigns, &c. " Sliout, yc paints, make joyful mention, C' ist hath purchased our redemption ; Angels, sliout the pleasing story. Through the brighter worlds of glory. Jesus reigns, &c. BEAUTIFUL LAND. ''Wit 1. A 2. That 3. Ill 4. The • * sorrow -0- frcc, heau-ti - ful land by faith I see, A hind of ri'sr, from sorrow free, The home heau-ti - ful land, the city of liglit, It ne'er has known tlie shades of nifrlit; The plo - vis - ion I see its streets of gold, Its beautiful p:ates I,, too, behold. The riv - heaven - ly throng arrayed in white. In rapture ranye the plains of light ; And in -15;— K ^ Si i — ^ P-i-i — * ^—fi—^'~m Kr--K- -•- ■#- of ry er one i the of of har ransomed, God, the life, the - monious zr- ^-T— — _-• ^ 1 ■— 1-# • — r i N-T— CUOKUS. bright and fair. And beau - ti light of day, Hath driv - en er'-s - tal sea, Th' am-bro - si ch'jir they praise Their glo - ri ::>z:^— : m ful an - gels, too, arc there. Will the dark - ness far a - way. Will al fruit of life's fair tree. Will ous ISayiour's matchless grace. Will vou go? Will vou go, &c. you go, &c. you go, &.C. you go' :?• -i— f^ May be repeated at pleasure, pp. Go to that beau-ti -ful land witli me? Will you go 1 Will you go? Go to thnt beau-ti - ful laud? -,_ .0- _#- -#- -#_ -#- I ^ g, -f -^' :•; If* ..0.- -#- --0- -0- -0. -^ ■^hz-,z=^-^ziz\^—^-==^z\z=:^-==:z—^^^ - I.« I""UIII 'I y 68 GENTLY — SOFTLY. A SAVIOUR EVER NEAR. 1. Hush VI he my murmurings, let cares dc- pnrt, Jc - sus is near me, to cheer my heart ; He's near to help me, 2. Why should I languisli — wliy should I fear '! In sorrow and anguish He's ev - er near; Sleeping or waking, 3. Scenes that will van - Ish smile on ipe now, Joys of a moment play round my brow ; But soon in heaven whilst life's hours remain, He speaks to cheer me in toil and in pain. He speaks to cheer me in toil and io pain; in pleasure or pain, Koaming or resting, He'll near me re-main, Roaming or resting, He'll near me re -main. He'll meet me a - gain. There'll cud my sorrow, and there'll end my pain,There'll end my sorrow, and there'll end my pain. :k CHORUS. I Gentle an - I lopes of g!o gels near me rv 'round mo / glide, ) 'bide, ) ::^J -U- ■0—w — 0- — »-\-«. — -J — -t— f-v-i • -5-+ -0- r- -f-T I- -t-T: X=lt:|:; And there lingers by my side Saviour, Saviour, a ■-•- -fH—lCZ ^- :{:=|:zzzU; A S?.r». W^ IJfftAR-, t^oBdndea. 6d er near. A Bavibiir, a Sa - Tioor, A Sft - viour ev • er nettt. Sa - viour, Sft #^ ^^:# — p It — ^ — F-T-^^ — -p = — -^ -T-g- — - t^^a-^:=>l3>^z=r=I:^:}:(iT=-^=zz:a|-i:pzzz: ^ Si/ -.f—tl—f^-iiOt S er nefb'. SUNLIGHT. CHORUS. d=j=3^I::^.-::^p2=S=I:^=^ZI:fcJ:3z=I^ZI:^-2I=^:JrT:r^— ^r^ 1. The sun shines bright, And it pour^ its light O'er the val - ley, the field, and flood ; ) Thfe night-bird flies From the sun-lit skies, To his home in tlie le«tf - y wood. ) Then sleep no more, for the _#- .ft- -M- -fi- -^- -(I- -^- -^- -P- P- -t- :.f.z .f^^0- -^. .»- -^- -^- f=itz • — »- t—7-- day is colhc. The night with its gloom has fled ; With a cheerful heart ful - fil your part, And the path of duty tread. zr iiii 3 God's word is liuht, Likn the sua so bright, And it Hhines in this Christian climu ;. And sin retires From its s«ai«hlDg fires, To its home in the Aeaa of ciime.— Cao. 3 Poor pn^ns sleep In their glonm so deep, Not a star lends its feeble ray ; '> But rays divine On your pathwHy shine ; And you basic in the bright broad day.— Cbo. 4 Then pray and toil For a little while, And thrt wants of the world stipply ; ' ''' Do all you can, Whether child or man, For the night of the grave draws nigh.— Cbo. ■w? eo STAND JESUS. I -•-■-»- -0^-0- -0- -0- -0- -•-j#- -•• -•- -•- r is j 1^ ' -f ■•■*- - ^ -P~ -f - ^- -•*-•- ••- -•- -•- r— 1 K— S-J- CHORUS. --^l-d- >-- fc-j- our little band; Whatev - er oppo - ses, for him we will stand. Then stand up for Je -sus, what-ev - er befall; On -I — p-^-i p_l_p_^_J-^=?5_^-J-i — ^_!^ tJfLl.p_j._i^_| — J— g-i-t: — ^_^^g-t Calva-ry's mountain he stood for us all; Then stand up for Jesus, Stand up for Jesus, Stand up for Jesus, for Jesus. -0- -»i.0- - -#- -#•-#- -•- -#- -#5^ •- -#- -#- -#- ., - -»' -#•--#- g^ -m- To God for our armor we'll fail not to go ; He'll clothe m with trutli and with rijihtcousness too ; The "{losptl of peace" shnll our footsteps attend, And the ^ood " shield of faith" from all harm shall defend. Salvation our helmet, tlie Bible our sword. Though wily our foes, we arc "strong in the Lord;" While watching and praying our armor keeps bright, Our Jesus will help us to stand for the right. — Cho. 4 Though little temptntious — the worst ones of all- Will often beset us to make us to fall, We'll stand up for Jesus, and wlien life is o'er, For us he'll be standing on Jordan's bright shore. — Cho. DEEDS OP KINDNESS. 61 I. Suppose the lit • tie Cowslip Should hang its golden cup, And say, " I'm such a ti • nyflower, I'd better not grow up!" Ho w many a weary trav'lcr Would miss its fragrant smell ! How many a little child would grieve To lose it from the dell ! f^' Stippose the glist'ning Dew-drop Upon the grass should say, " What can a little dew-drop do ; I'd better roll away ! " The blade on which it rested, Before the day was done. Without a drop to moisten it, z- Would wither in the sun. 3 Suppose the little Breezes, Upon a summer's day, Should think themselves too small to cool The trav'lcr on his \yay : Who Would not miss the smallest And softest ones that blow, '' And think they made a great mistdo;, If they were talking so 1 I DO BELIEVE. 4 How many deeds of kindness A little child can do. Although it has but little strength, And little wisdom too ! It wants a loving spirit Much more than strength, to provo How many things Kxhiid may do For others, by its love. liJ^iSililii^lililli^iiii^ll^^ii 10. — I will believe, I do believe That Jh-eus died for me; And thro' his blood, his precioas blood, I chall firom Bin fa« free. And thro' his blood, his precioas blood, I chall firom Bin bo M^-0- -0- _ -iS- ^m. ©9 P3^l . EVENING. "Abide \rith us ; for it is toward evening, and tliR day is far spent." A - bide with me ; Swift Ijo its close I need Tiiy pres fust ebbs ence ?tfc falla the ev - en out lifo^s lit - tic ev' - ry paes-ing il^f^lliliii - tide ; The durkncss deep - ens ; day ; Earth's joys prow dim, its hour; What but thy grace can 4Bs — i®- Lord^with me a plo-ries pass a foil the tempter's li— '.I bide ; way; powsr? s=»_,-J = A-mWi When oth - er help - crs Change and de - cay in Who like Thy -self my fail, and comforts all around I guide ond stay can flee, the -I ziii^itiSeB Help of the helpless, O a -bide with me. see; O Thou who changest not, a - bide with me. be 1 Thro' cloud and sunshine, Lord a - bide with me. 4. I fear no foe with Thee at hand to Wess ; '" Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness ; Where is death's sting, where, grave, thy victor}'? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. Hold Thou Thy Cross before my closing eyes ; Shine ihrough the gloom, and point me to the skies ; Heavtn's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ; In life, in death, Lord, abide with me. Amen. HbMEWAftD douNb. es t f\ ■« A d^m n*\ f\ nnn n nil V\/\ti n /I I flea run lAAa ^KTtk '«*a Vi Avn Anrn fA K ^ («m <1 j Out on '• ( Tossed Ob D. c. From - ise an o • ccan the waves of of which on ^^^mMMM all boundless wo ride, We're a rough, rest -less tide, We're us each he be - stowed, We're •••• 5: homeward bound, homeward bound, homeward bound, homeward homeward homeward bound ; ) bound ; J bound. r« from the sAfe, qui - et har - bor we've rode, Seeking our Fa - ther's cc - les - tial a - bode, WiMly the storm sweeps us on as it roars. We're homeward hound, homeward bound ; Look ! yonder lie the bright heavenly shores, We're homeward bound, homeward bound ; Steady ! pilot ! stand firm at the wheel ! Steady! we soon shall out-wcathcr the pale ; 0, how we fly 'neatii the loud creaking sail 1 We're homeward bound, homeward bound. 3. Into the harbor of heaven now we glide. We're home nt last, home at last ; Softly we drift on the bright silver tide. We're homo at last, heme at last ; v- Glory to God ! all out dangers are o'er ; We stand secure on the gloritied shore, Glory to CJod ! we will shout evcrtoore, We're liorae at last, homo at lost. •^ i REALMS OK THE BLEST. I'll po to that beau - ti - fal land, Where the woary arc cv - cr Life's danp;eis may compass me round, And my faith may be put to I hope my dear father'll be there, With my mother and sis - ter I hope that tiio day is at hand, When the tempter's do - min - ion tsr|4Li*riJ=rJi£-^Eri«.rzi»^S:pt:--=rir=ri:i:irrfz=:l=z=t:.::= nt rest ; tlie test ; so dear, will cease ; Thero join with the 'I'"', trust! to the My teach - er, whose When Christ, o'lsr the ,s ,s s .s • ■J I — "5 <^ — CHORUS. CO - les - tial band, And lean on the dear Saviour's po? - pel's plad sound, That guides e - ven me to my thrice ten - dor care Hath taught me sin's dark path to sea and the land, Shall reign in an un - end - ing breast. I'll go, I'll go, I'll rest. I'll go, &c. fear. I'll go, &c. peace. I'll go, &c. «^\ ru -0- :c: -»- :ti: -0- x: r I -It- .^_ _#_ .^. z'z ±1 z»z •izirpL:p-F:?:irtizi:ztiz:r^=:jiriz^-^=Ez3 ^ go to that beau-ti - ful land ; I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, ff— b A — n — ^ — ^ — h-f-*-» — f - -P — t — /- I'll go to that beau-ti - ful land. ^^'J_> !— -P- -I # • •-, :| HODERATO QOLDEN GATES. 1. Lit - tlo travelers Zi - on-ward, Each one entering in - to rest In the kincr liom of ==a^ ^'-^ 1. Lit - tlo 2. Who are Piano. _•_ *1 -f- travelers Zi those whose lit on-ward, Each one entering tlo feet, Pacing in - to rest In the king lioin of your Lord, ig life's dark jour - rey thro'. Now have ) "ach'd ihat Iwaveuly scat, ••svit — z—i * » »-|-i — ?— •— r-n • — • — •— t-^ » — •— r-n • • 5— r-A — f-^ CHOKtjs. Joyful ->s-^-, il5^i?iii^p^^pii^fi^ilEiyiiip^ In the mansions of the blest. There to They have cv - cr kept in view 1 7^! Lt jJi^ * .« welcome Jo - sus waits; Gives the crowns his followers win; !!»>_#• —C — C — P— f-3 — P — »-t-H — ,— «_1-P — I ^ — t-P — •■4-« p • i_i.C_M_ t I Lift your heads, yc • •* ^ • » -5- •• golden gates, .^_ ..^. ..^. And let the children I in. m^m^mm^m^m .3 I, from Greenland's frozen land I, from India's sultry plain, I, from Afric's biirreu taiul, I, from Islands of the main. — Cho. 4 -li ..ur cartlily Journey past, :-vVtry ti ar and ]iaiii gone by, Ilcic lo;:;etlior met at List, i\t the portals of the sky. — Ciio. [CI 6d OVER THE SEA. ^ i ^ 1. The sea is wildly tossing, And often clothed with gloom.On which we're swiftly crossing To our o - ter-nalhome. 2. We've many a foe to conquer, And many a storm to face, Erewe in heaven may anchor, And sing redeem-iug grace. 4^ -•- -7-- CHORCS. — zz=F===:=^=pr=d=r^pd=3:^^i=::^cdI=zIIz==cr==:=:z::z=FI==-r=:r^cd=:^zizzl^; Over the sea, over the sea, Gracious Saviour, pilot me; Over the sea, over the sea. Spirit kind, my guardian .^.. _(•- ..^_ _•- -^ .^. .••. _»_ _* ^_ _«. .«_ _^_ »?=? .:1zz:ifv.-i!v::>r::— -t- :f:i_5_5_> ;t;:__c: 5— i;i- 5-i-t —5—5—5: 7?j7. i^ :5:i:C=5_5-5-l-*=«~P~'-l:f— ^-Itzifzhf— •=zi^$jE*^-13 be ; Over the sea, wherever I roam. Father a-bove, Oh bring me Iiome Under ^::|:^vrr5cz5=l?:| r[:— 5=5- ^-5:|J=5-5=5--{:»->— ^— ^-^-^- the briglitco - les-tial dome. -t — j- it I i Though nature in commotion Detj our power and skill. Our .Jesuf rules the ocean, And bids the winds be still 4 Sail on then, comrades, bohlly. And miiko God's word your chart; Do every duty nobly, With 'jovful, trustful heart. - '. -^ T . It a We'll fiont t!ic gaspel banner, And guard it with our lift;. And shout at bist, " Ilosaima," Victorious in the strife. m JERUSALEM, THE QOLDEN. S. S. WisuT. 1864. •T» ^ — 3:_,_i_5 0-i~s — J— i— #-!-•- — • « — ^,T-s--t-^-i-# — — ^_i_ssi_;_c 1. Jc - ru - sr, - lem, the gold - en, 2. They stand, thor? halls of Si- on, 3. There is the throne of .^-,-|t ^ z*- ^. :?: Withmilk and hon - ey blest. All ju - bi - lant with song, 5^ Da - vid, And there, from care -i_. . -I — »-t-.-i-»- Beneath thy con - tem ■ And bright with many an re - leased, The shout of them that pla - tion an - gel tri - nmph, ^^^ip^SPii ==:): iliipsi?^}^!! 9 r Sink heart and voice op-prcst. I know not, 0, I know not What joys a - wait us there, What And all the mar - tyr throng. The rrince is cv - cr in tliom. The day - light is so - rene ; The The song of tlicm that feast. And tlicy who with their Lead - er Have conquered in the fight For- ^- fe3=Ej -•- -•- ra - dian pastures ev - er ... — ri^|E_.*__i:^j-j-j__j__._-jj cy of glo - ry, What light he - youd com of the blcss-cd Are dcck'd in glorious and for - cv - cr Are clad in robes of 11 pare sheen, white. rxv-c--?— ?— -t— P-i 4 O sweet and blessed country. The home of God's elect, O sweet and blessed country. That eager hearts expect' Jesus, in mercy brinj us To that dear land of rest, Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit over blest. n r ds THERE'S JOY IN JESUS' LOVE, 1. 2. 3. We come this day to Oar ho|)C is fixed a With ev - er tender praise lone care Our Saviour and our God; To Him our songs we raisc.Who bought us with his Mood; On himwhonnvc a -dore; For l)lc-sinps all his own, We'll praise him ev-cr- more. Our lit- tic onesarc led, The joys of heaven to share With Christ, tlieir living head; LL.:- — >J _• ::N|ld:J= D. S. CIIOUUS. •-• • -0.0- From sin's dark waste of tears We raise ourthoughts above, And sinp;, de-spite our fears, There's joy in Je-sus' h)ve. His care, tliat bids us live, His grace, that points a-bove, His word, whoso pages give The joy of Jc-sus' love. -#•• We thank our heavenly KingjThat mercy from a-bovo Hustaughtourlambs to sliigTlicie's joy in Jc-sus' love Chorus. There's joy in Je-sus' love. To all who faithful" zr=>:f:i__*z:* •i^li-nc-sric: —^—^^yAjL-Jizii live; There's joy in Jc-sus' love, That nothing else can gTve. THE PRAISE OF JESUS. 1. Wc sing the praise of Jesus, the ho-ly Lamhof God, Who came frcm iieav'n to bless us,and shed for us his blood; 2. We sing the praise of Jesus ; tlio' once on earth lie taught, He's now in hcav'n, and sees us, and knows our every tiio't ; 3. Wo singthepraiseof Jesus, who did oursoulsredcem.Whoweleom'd lit- tie cliildren when they were bro'r to him ; I THE PRAISE OF JESUS, Concluded. WTiodicdin awful anguish up - on the cross, that we Might live to sing his prniscs throughout e- ter-ni -ty. Hs will not frown up-on us, although to himwe raise Our sinfullicarts and voices, in one sweet s'ong of praise. He kindly spoke, and bade them that they for him had charms. And then lie did en - fold them, and bless'd them in his arms. GLORY TO THE FATHER GIVE. 1. Glo - ry to the Fa - thcr give, God in whom we move and live; Children's prayers he deigns to 2. Glo - ry to the Son wc bring, Christ our Prophet, I'riest, nud King ; Children, raise your sweetest I _ -^ -O- -'S- -0 ,0- -C3 S3 O > way, Come a - way ! Softly it whispers, Come a - way, Come a ^0.. ..0 0- .^: _0« _». Come a ' way ! -~ -•- SEcrf^f: J.- 1 > — > — >— > — / — ^-'-\ 1 -^ — ^ ■■»• 1 -1 1 J 3 At times perchance too near I tread Some crui'l quicksand's treach'rous bed, Some yawning gulf, some fatal snare, Some spot where death is in tlie air ; Then comes tiiat warning voice to say, la a gentle whisper, Come away, Come away ! Sol'tly it whispers, Come away. Come away XU£ STILL isMALL VOUiK, Concluded. 4 Some foe wim radiant beanty drapes Temptation in a thousand shapes ; And many a glittering prize is given To lure mc fur from home and heaven ; But never fails that voice to soy, With its gentle whisper. Come away, Come away ! Softly it whispers, Come away. Come away ! "7-3 5 Ah, gentle Spirit, faithful Friend, Be wiih mc always to life's end, "I'ill He who keeps my heav'niy crown. Shall send his loving angel down. Upon my brow his hand to lay. And kindly bid me. Come away, Come away ! And softly whisper. Come away. Come away ! SWEETLY SING. ip^l Sweetly sing, Angels bright. Far away, Now we know, sweetly sing, Traiscs to our heavenly King; Let us raise, let us raise High our notes of praise ; angels bright. Robed in garments pure and white, Chant his praise, chant his praise, In me - lodious lays, for away, We in sin's dnrk valUy lay; Je - sus came, Je - sus came. Blessed be his name! now we know. We from earth must shortly go ; Soon the call, soon the call. Comes to one and all. V tho shadows llee away ; See ! the earth from slumber waking ; " Lift your heads ! " behold the day ! WAITING BY THE RIVER. 73 ZT" -Z- * . •• ,f. „. -....,.1: ,i,„ ci,«,-,. waitiiiff for tl:c liontmaii, 1. \Vc oro waiting by tlic nvcr, •) Tlio' the mist hang o'er the rivor, 3, And the bright cc - les-tial city \Vc arc >vatrl:ing on the shore, On - ly waiting for the hoatinan Audits l>ilUws loudlv ror.r; Yet «c hear 1 he song of an -pi Is \Ve have caught such radiJntgleanis.Of its towers Uke dazzlu.g suu-hght, 3. And the hrignt ce - ii.a-ii«.^ --j. ° - ^ ^ s,-- h — j — r ciioiujs. ^^ — I — -. iNilji-i: ,. K„„. .. .V. w; are waif.n. by the river, Wo are matching on the shore. SoonhcMlco:nc to boar us o'er. ^^e arc wa by Wafted from the oth-er sliore. We arc waitmg .U. With its sweet and peaceful streams, We arc ^n-. iLt. I -•- -— shore, :-:^ "i«: ;hit3 sweet ana peacemi mil-uiu.,. -v .y .^_.-..„, --^^ _^_ _^_ -» - -» - -?i_ ..J — -i-i-«:-r 'SnW «-aUing for th« l,oatm'm, Soon he'll come to boar u» o'er. 4 He has called for many a loved one ; Wc have seen tlicm leave our side : With our Saviour we shall meet them, When wc, too, liavc crossed the tide. 5 When we've passed that vale of shadows Wiih its dark and diilling tide, In that bright and glorious ciiy Wc shall evermore abide. J 74 lEAVEN BUSS. *- -#- -#- " ' -0- ' -*- -*- ' ' ' -••V •- -# — •- ' -0- 1. There is a glorious world of lijrlit, A - bove tiie stormy sky ; Wlicrc saints deptirt-cd, clotlicrl in white, A- 2. And there ia nil the sacrod sonfrs Those heavenly voices raise, Ten thousand thousand in-fant tongues U- 3. Those arc the songs that we shall know, If Je - sus we o- bey; And that the place where we shall go, If —9 !?-■«- y'-l'^— ^ — I ^-:f-^— ^— ;= — ^-:f- ^—, ^-]-^_|— ,-:f-^— ,_. ^ — ^-:^-^-^-g-_^ ^. CHORUS. Livt'h/. ^U. ; — j.l — I — \-i--iJ- — ^-i-l—\ — i-i — I — i--\. — ^—^ ■-(--• — i_J._^.i^-i — 1-1 — »_^-l_4 1 — ^_j_Lq.^iJJ tA -0 — 0- • -•*_•- y !/■•-/ ^^ -•• ■•- -•s#- dore the Lord most high. Sintring glory, glory, glory hal-le - lu-jah, Singing glory, glo-ry, glory, halle-lujah! nite in perfect praise. Singing g!ory, &c. found in wlsdoin's ways. Singing glory, &c. 1^5 :5: CLOSING SONG. The chorus may be repeated or not, at pleasure. >_ 1. Come, children, ere we part, Bless the Redeemer's name; Join cv' - ry tongue and heavt.To eel - el irate 2. If here we meet no moj-c, May we in roalms a - hove ; With all the saints a - dore Redeeming grace his fame, and love. B;-i?;-<):'iil:5z^p-^— ^: :ii-.:l tit— p--z:zt:|:i-*:|: b=i:t:--z:zt:f:i-*:f-^:}-i-''c=t-ii»; I — p-r CHOKUS, CLOiQ«a BOSQ, Copelttded. rs Jesus, the childraa's friend, Him who our souls a - dore. His praises have no end, Praise him for- cv-er - more. A CROWN OF GLORY BRIGHT. CHORU8. .IS K _,-- nearer my home, nearer my home to - day ; Yes, nearer my home in heav'n to-day Than ev - er I've been be -fore, 2 Oh may 1 faithful prove, Tbo crown in view. And through tlie storms of life My way pursuv. — Uao. 3 JesuB, be thou my guide, My steps utteud ; Oh, keep me neiir thy side; Be thou my frieud. — Cuo. 4 Be Thou my shield and sun. My Kuide and guard ; And when my work is done, My great reward.— Cuo. SING PRAISES. -> 1— 1-T H 1. In the 2. As he 3. Let his -^- -^- -»- -•? -^- r I -•- ifll^^ilEl 10 - sy light of the morning bright, Lift the voice of looked in love from tlic world a - hove, Our distress - es praise bo spread, for the Lamb who bled To de - liv - er -C: -C.: ■y^- praise on high. From the tilled his eye ; And a us from woe, Has en- CHORUS. • — * — * — ^. — *rH — 1 — d — %-'.-i-\-»—\*^-*—ii-\-^-'-\-^—%--V.\-W-*--l\ ai- -«i- -i^- -•- -■!- • i f • r -•-.-^- liir*- •=*• ' lips of youth to the God of truth, Let the joy - ful ech - oes fly. Sing praises, glad praises, world to save, his Son he gave, On the blood-y tree to die. Sing praises, glad praises, duied the cross, the disgrace, the los^s ; Let his praise for - ev - er flow. Sing praises, glad praises. nil— ifcir: Let \-» « • ^- — •-4-5 1 1 -5- -4- 4- -#7 -^- • f f -*- -5- -,/- ypur songs a - rise ?:}il;^l :p: to :5: the loft - y skies, And ex - ult m God m our King. ^i: i^mm i Now exHltr-d high o'er the earth and sky, lie ilelightri in mprcy still ; Bends his gracious ear our requestB to hear, And our longing souls to fill. — Cbo. — • 0- — CZZC ^_ 6 On the cross he hung for the old and young, But be loves the children be«t; To his arms we'll fly, on his grace rely, And secure his promised rest. — Cao. ill WALK IN THE LIGHT. 2d. a let. 2d. Pleasant is tne Sabbath bell, In the light, in the light, Seeniing much of jojr to But a music sweeter far, In tlie light, in the light, BreatheS where angel-spirits tell, are, In the la the light light of God. of God. CHORUS Let U9 walk In the light, in the light, in the light. Let us walk in the light. In the light of God. _,«_ -n- -^- -ft- -^- -^ - -P~ -^- -P- -^- -^- -n- -(•- -•- - s s J IS s _i!!L»- 4. Shall wc cvor rise to dwell. In the light, in tlie light, Wlicre immortal praises swell, In the liglit of God \ And can children ever go, In the light, in the light, Where eternal Sabbaths glow, In the light of God2 Cho. — Let us wane. &c. 8 Yes, that bliss our own may be In the light, in the light. All the good shall Jesus see. In the light of God ; For the good a rest remains. In the light, in the light, Wiiere the glorious Saviour reigns, In the light of God. Cho. — Lot us waik, &c. ./' 7S YOUTHFUL WORKERS. ?!:.;■ 1. In tho vineyard 2. Toilinfr ear - ly 3. Up, mid cv - er 4. Stfiiilfiist, tlicn, in of onr Fn - tlicr, Biiily worlv wc find to do ; Scattered in the morning, Catching momcnt-i through tlie duy, Notiiing at our culling, Till in death our lips are dumb; Or, lill our en - deavour, Heavenly Fa- tiicr, may wo he! And for gleanings email or si 11 '3 do - cv - cr Z0ZIZ~0~ -I [- — :?— ijz: we mny low - ly minion and for (f -t^fl-z~-;;izzM _g_z=rj « ^m gatli • er, Tliough we nro sconiing, So a - long fall - ing, Christ shall in ev - er We shall give 'KW-0—Z.z=,ir:^ ___ * — ^^riir;5zzp-i:5: but our his the young path king praise few. stray, come, thee ; Lit -tic Gath'ring And his Hal - lo clus - tcrs, lit - tic clu8 - fers Help glad - ly, gath'ring glad - ly Free - children, and his chil - dren Reach lui - ah ! hal - Ic - lui - ah ! Sine: - :===iz}zzz=:ziz\z^ z±zizi: »\:iz==zizz=:ili'=iL\LZz===z to will their ing — ^ — >_i fill the garners off'- rings by the cv - cr - last - ing through e - ter - ni -0- -0- tcrs, glad - ly, children, lui - ah ! ^- Uzi=iz:'^zzzz:=hh~t^'-—i-h0^i\ L*:z '0— lit - tie clusters gath'ring gladly and his ciiildren hal - Ic - lui - al-. ! iii^ipiii^^ii^fe^^l Help to till the garners Free-will oft''rings by the l?each their cv - er - last - ing Singing through - ter - ni ■ I too. way. home, tv. SUCH THE \-%T-^' • •-* — • • — •-T-*; ^— »^ — • »,-T-»*— • — •-•-• • »-T ; 0-^-—ft ^-T On the verdant mountain, By -St ijizz: the stream, the .5; fountain, Jc - sus is I their theme. IS I :^iJzi:^z:4iird=<,-*-*.:--*=:e from sin's eD^lavement, Vict'ry's palm they wavp. — Cno. 3 Now the skilful fingers Sweep thi golden lyre ; Not a iiarper Iiu£;ers In that ransomed choir j Voicss sweetly blendini; With the tuneful string, To the throne ascendini;, Praiie the lieayeuly King. — Vao. 4 Children now sojourning In a World of sin. From your follies turning. Strive to enter in : Let your younn afTections Kound the Saviour twine ; And 'mid heavfln's attractions Vou shall sing and shine. — Oho. so MISSIONARY HYMN. rr- -0- -#- - 0. .0- - — I 1. From Gi-cenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where xVfric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden I ..«_ -0- ^ r=!-i'' — » — »— •-rO — •-T-P— •— a r-r- »-T #—#—*-, -o , — h-T-" — r — £ — Z—r sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, Thoy call us to dcliv -cr Their land from error's chain. y \ ' 2 What thonsrh the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Tlioup,h every prosp"ct pleases, And only man is vile ; In vain with iavisii kindness The tfifts of God arc strown, The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. Shall we, whose souls arc lisrhted With wis - I I - I far; Happy hearts, full of song, 'noath om- banners we i)ring, Lit - tie soldier'! of Zi - on, prepared for the war. go; 'Mid the cheering of an -gels our ranks march away. With our flags pointing ever right on tow'rd the foe. CH0KU8. Marching on, marching on, sound the bat - tie cry, sound the bat - tie cry, For mmm the Saviour 18 be -^ — f- ft-'-im 11/ — 3_^ ^ pzliprrp — ^:zz^zt him -.v". draw the sword : Marchin on. = ::4: _#_• — #—- j-H- _k- _ 1 4-1— marching -0 -V- -9 on, •zzirt" Shout the -0 -r-z£t SUNDAY-SOHOOL BATTLE SONG, Concluded. 'rs^i -4- i J-?~TT"g — ^—-^ — *— -- hi- g~. — g't * • # *~T *« H-i-.^- ^m^^^^^ is VIC to —I -ff shout the VIC to -(•■ -• -5 ry ! \Vc will end the bat - tic singing, "Hal-le- lu -jah to the Lord.' ^-.—J-tv ^ i ? >-! *- ^— liiiyi^iil Figliting on, fi.nliting on, in the midst of the strife, At the call of our Captain wc draw every sword : Wo, arc l)attling for God, wc arc striiLrglini:' for life, Let us strike cv'ry rel)el that tiglits 'gainst the Lord. Clio. — Marciiiug on, &c. 4 Singing on, .singing on, fi-om the battle wc come; Every fliig bears a wreath, every soldier renown ; Heavenly angels are waiting to welcome us home. And the Saviour will give us a robe and a crown. Clio. — .Marching on, &c. LITTLE THINGS- Zd-=N -SirS=S-rEs::ifl:J-^-S:^:i:R-!l.S-J-S=:S: .0. .0- .0. j^^- ^ Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, ^lake the mighty ocean And the bi-auteous land, the beauteous And the little moments. Humble though they be. Make the mighty ages Of e- .ev • ni - ty, Of e - i,"v li .0. -0. .0. .0. 0^ T^i ,0. .0. .0. ^ « ./^ ••- -•^- -•- i^-^- -^ Ai-1-_V 1 /-l 1 •'-1 ^ 1 >-J .1-1 \/ 1 l^-i-i 1 .1 I ^ 1-1 i k^-l 1-1 1 JJ land. 0'0. 41 1 3 So our little errors Lead the sou) awav From the paths of virtue, Oft in sin to stray. 4 Little deeds of kindness. Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden Like the heaven above. Little L-eeds of mercy, Sowi. I _\ youthful hands, Grow to bless ihc nations Far iu heathen lands. 84: te=3-^'-^-^ ^M: :*i5i*: THE GOLDEN SHORE; OR. A HOME BEYOND THE TIDE. CHORUS. Cres. -S t'=Mrsifi Girk. ( We nvc out on tlic o - (•can sailing:, Iloinewanl l)oun' a «inilc for eacli joy, and a tear for each Lik(. tlie lii'.t.s of the rainbow be s\vift-er to --f!!- :*:*: fail, If thine eye should grow ilim, lud thy caution woe, Should betray thee, when sor - rows like clouds are fly, Tlicn turn, and tbro' tears of re -pent -ant dc ar re n. Look ft - loft. . . . ■■j_;_^^ ■ pm;, jjook a - loft, look a rayed. Look a - loft, look a - grot. Look a - loft, look a loft, and loft, to loft, to be the the 3-:,3 fn"m, and con - tid - ing of heart, friendship which nev-er shall fade, sun that is ncv - cr to sot, (*- -^- .^. _,_ -0 --,-l-r — -. — P.-J —0-^-0 -0- S ^T\ ^:z:jiz:j:i:iz=*:t:l-J:l:z:i:Liz=:i=z:^-^:L: B^^ /TN -0- bright gates of crys - tal the shining ones will stand. And sing me a welcome to '0- P: their own na - tive land. • ^ > 2 It is not fi>r nic to bo scekinir my bli-^s, And buildiuir my Iiopes in a rcaion like this; I look lor a city which hands jiavc not piled, I pant for a country by siu undeiiled . — Ciio. 3 The thorn and the thistle around me may grow; I woulil not recline upon roses below ; I ask not my ])oriion, I seek not my rest, Till I fiod them forever on Jesus' own breast -Clio. DuRTT. Soprano and Alto. DON'T YOU HEAR THE ANGELS COMING? ^^^■:.^.;-^-^^^^^r^J•:d:z^:^-=^Fz'!5l::f^=^^■:I^[: 8Q 1. llo-Iy angels in their fliglit, Tiaveisc over earth and sky, Actsof kiiuliicss tlioir delight, Winged with mercy atf they tly, lip Semi-chorus of Girh. ^— J J-*-p ?— ^:^---— *— -_^"*— ■-^-* ^- ^rg— * ^ r^*ri--t Don't you hear them ? com - ing o - vcr hill and plain, Scatt'ring mu - sic. in their heavenly train ! cnonus ^^^mm^mmMm^m^^^^^^^^^m^ Oh! don't vou hoar the an-Lrels coniiuir, singing IS ihcy come ? Oh ! i)ear me, angels, angels hear me home. S, 1^ !•- .f«. .* .^. _^. _,. 2 Though their forms we c:iniiot sec, They attend ami u'uard our way, Till wo jiiin their cuinpany In the ticlds of heavenly day. Clio. — Don't you hear, &c. Had we hut an angid's wing, And an augol's heart of liainc, Oil, how swertly would wc ring Thro' tiic world tlie Saviour's name. Cuo. — Don't you hear, &c. Yet. mcthinlvS, if I slmiild die. An 1 liccoine an ang(d too, I, iicrha]).s, like theni might tly, And the Saviour's liidding do. Cho. — Dou't you hear, &e. 90 GENTLE WORDS. •tie words, how swcot they sound ; Joy they givo to all a - round. Words of love, what peace they ■tie words will reach tiio heart, Balm to sor - row they im - part ; Lov-ing words arc sweet to •tic words then free - ly give, They will teach you how to live ; They to you are free - ly 1. Gen 2. Gen 3. Gen ciionus. --p-'-pl :a^=zi^=z^—ztsrzn-z\z=:z:^zzzz}^JZ] thing, dear, hcav'n. T- • Gen-tlc words, how sweet they sound ; Joy they Gcii-tlo words will reacii the heart ; Joy they Gentle words then free - ly givo ; Joy they -#-"-#- -#•- -0- -0- -».- _--i- -•- -^- J ^_ grvc to all a - round, Words of lo^ v ;= •_ •c they hring, Hap - pi -#- -CD- -•- -0- ness to cv' - ry thinir. CHRISTMAS CAROL. 01 ,N_^.-J. 1. Wo three kings of O - ri-cnt are; Bearing gifts wo travcr 2. Born a King on Bctlilehcm's i)lain, fJold I bring to crown I 3. Frankin - cense to of - fer have I : Incense owns a de - I \ - far Fiehl and fountain, Moor and -mountain, ■ gain — King for - ev - cr, Ceasing nev - er y nigli ; Pray'r and praising All men rais- ing -0- -•- E^EE3 CHORUS. Fol - low - ing yon - der star. () - v(;r us all to reign. Wor-siiip him, God, on high. Oh, star of wonder, star of night, Star with roy - al beau- ty bright, ::• .^,_^- Westward leading, Still pre - ceding, Guide us to the perfect light. __ — J- -,- _ — ^-0 C 0,-0 — 0—0-0 0—^ — #-- ,_ Myn-h is mine : its bitter perfume Brontlies a life of gatli'ring gloom — Sorrowing, sighing, hleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. — Cho. Glorious now behold him arise, Kinc; and God and Sacrifice ; Heaven singing Hallelujah ; Joyous the earth replies.— Cho. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^' 5/ > •7 /S^ s*- r '/ Photographic Sdences Corporation 4^ <^ m A \ ^^^■^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ? .^i- 5 ¥ (- V ^^^ o^ 92 MODEKATO. THE LAND BEYOND THE RIVER. tJHUUUUATU. riv - cr ; Its smil - ing valleys, hills so green, riv - er ; But hap - py, nev - er - end - ing life riv - er ; When we've the crown and kingdom won, riv - er 1 With end-less bliss our hearts shall thrill. 1. No mor - tal eye that land hath seen, Beyond, beyond the 2. No eankering care nor mortal strife, Beyond, beyond the 3. That glorious day will ne'er be done. Beyond, beyond the 4. When shall we look from Zi-on's hill, Beyond, beyond the .-_! -9- -,=* the nv -cr. the nv - er. the nv - cr. the nv - er. Beyond, beyond Beyond, beyond Beyond, beyond Beyond, beyond izziM-t Its shores are coming near - cr. The skies are grow-ing clear - cr. Each Thro' the e - tcr - nal hours, God's love, in heav'nly show-ers, Shall There is e - ter - nal pleasure. And joys that none can measure, For There an -gels bright are singing. Where gold- en harps are ringing. We It_ _|«. -«. _^- _^- _^_ _|t_ _^_ •~c:n:c=z-7irt:— q^_:z:f:i:f:nit=t=t-ir|rrzD^z=:»z:i » — •-+-• — lO — •i-m * m •-!-• — l o — #— I li*--J=i day it (■eeraeth dear-er. That land wa - ter faith's fair flowers. In the land those who have their treasure In the land ne'er shall cease our singing In the land beyond bcj-ond beyond beyond the riv - er. the riv - er. the riv - er. the riv - er. We'll stand the storm, We'll stand the storm, Its REFRAIN. ■^)\%-zz^z-^zzz^—]i-Mz=d^—^^ £^lzzt-zzr:=z:;zz^r-i-^'^.iziz^j=i±-A±zz=^^^ -0~ -H ' -tr- -w=zr- :?=:t: m THE LAND BKYOND THE RIVER, Conclnded %i rage is al-most o - ver, We'll an - chor in the har-bor soon, In the land beyond tlw rlv - er. FAR, FAR AT SEA. 1. Star of peace to wand'rcrg wca-ry, Brif>ht the beams that smile on me, Cheer the pi -lot's 2. Star of hope, plcara on the bil - low, Bless the soul that sighs for tliee ; Bless the sail - or's 3. Star of hope, wiien winds arc mocking All his toil, ho iiies to thee; Save him on the 4. Star Di - vine, O, safe - ly guide him, Bring the wanderer home to thee ; Soro temp - ta - tions I — n — I K — ^^^ T — ] i^T — I T-*-.- — ^ — d'-i — i-T— ^ H — ^— — T — I ' Kt — I— ll vis - ion drea - ly, Far, far at sea, lone - ly pil - low, Far, far at sea, bil - lows rocking, Far, far at sea, long have tried him. Far, far at sea, Cheer the pi - lot's vis - ion dreary. Far, far at sea. Bless the sail - or's lone - ly pii-low, Far, far at sea. Save him, on the bil - lows rooking. Far, far at sea. Sore temp - ta tions long have tried him, Far, far at sea. ^'" \ 84 HAPPY HOME ABOVE. 1, We soon shall leave this for- eig;n land, And cross the 2. No sor - row there ; from radiant eyrfs No tears of -V- flow - m,!^ {^ricf are nv - cr, startinir ; And No in sad our fare Saviour's well, no ililiili^ia^^lp^lil^l :-i;:p: CHORUS. — • — •-?-• presence stand, And sinj^ his praise for - ev - er. Oh, hap-py home a laboring siglis, When friend from friend is parting. S ?- T bove. Oh, hap - py home a -• — »- -•• •- Tf~t~ r — It bove, Tliro' •t • end-less days we'll sing the praise of Jc - sus and his love. -•- -•-mm -»- -•- -•- - ! >___ J __ S -w— —w— ^ m ~ — I k^-i-i •/ — I ^-' 1-1 — I — "J 3 No lurking foe, no hidden snare, Shall evermore beguile us ; No pleasures false, as well as fair, Shall evermore defile us. 4 Then, childion, now repent, l)elievc, And walk tlic j)ath of duty ; Then in the home above you'll live. Where reigns immortal beauty. WHEN THE MORNING LIGHT. es When the morning light drives a - way the night, With the sun so bright and full ; ) And it draws its line near the hour of nine, I'll a-way to Sabbath-School. ) For 'tis there wo all a-gree, On Or the frost - y dawn of a winter's mom, When the earth is wrapped in snow, ) the summer breeze plays aroimd the trees. To the Sabbath-School I go; ) . _ -es*--. When the ho - ly day has come. ilfl^^^il^iii: 3=^: ■^' All with hap-py hearts and free. And I love And the Sabbath breakers ream, I delight ear-ly be, At the Sabbath-School; I'll a-way! a-way! leave my home. For the 3abbatli-School. I'll, &c. ifeEli=y^y!^3^;J^=j3=j=?=j^ii^Si^fi3^ Girh. Bqi/s. All. I'll a-way ! a - way ! I'll a - way to Sabbath-S.cnool. In the class I meet with the friends I greet, At the time of morning prayer; And our hearts we raise in a hymn of praise. For 'tis always pleasant there. In the Book of holy truth, ,. „ Full of counsel and repitrof, * "■'^Ite We beliold tlic guide of youth, "^ At tlio Sabbatli-School. I'll away, &c. 86 THE SHEEPFOLD. 1. WhcnJc- 2. Then in 3. Oh, why sus tlic meek and the thy green pastures I'll ou tlic niountiuns so it low - ly was here, Ho spoke in the accents of love : lay my-self down, And feed on the life - giv - ing word told and so drear. Where darkness and dangers ap - pall. "For -bid not the ; I'll drink of the Should children be iiii;giiEiiigiiiiiEiS:i:jiii^iili^}iiiii :l2; z-;—iz^%zizl-;^=zizzzi-z=zi-iztz-»^^^ children to come un - to me ; Of such is the kingdom a - bove." Great Shepherd, I'm helpless lr-iJ=::iz-■^^z:*^■IZ-i^^-:^■=z:^\■^^^ less and wa - ters that peaceful - ly flow. And nev - er by tempest are stirred. But guard me and guide me, my suffered to wan-dcr and die, When Je - sus would welcome them all ? Ye friends of the children, ^ go Mzz:.t—'zz'z::i%-==zr:^^^^ ^ — ^ — > — ^ — I >-i-> — ^ — J s-i-g* — ■ — « — F — 5" * — — • — ^ — of - ten I rove ; My sins and my fol - lies in pit - y re - move, And gath - or a child in the Shepherd, I pray. And give me a heart tiiy commands to o - bey. To turn from temp - ta - tions and gath - er them in, And stud - y to woo them, and la - bor to win. Be - fore they are wedded to sTxn^^-zi izr^^rzi #-+-# — # — # — # — # — #- ^' TlIK 3llKi;PtOLU. arniri of thy love, And give liim tempters a - way, And iicv - cr fol - ly and 8in, And die far a place in tliy fold, dc-part from liiy fold, a-wav from tlio fold. CoDuluivd. 97> 4 For 'lis not the will o.' the Shepherd divioe, That one of these lambs should be lost, A pre( ions palvaiion ho purchased for them, -• And lonpuo cannot te.l what it cost: He grieves wiicn he sees them by folly beguiled. For ])rcii()us to him is the .-oul of a child, And safely at Inst, in the land undefilcd, , He gathers them into hia fold. I u WANDERING :7^--^— «- LAMBS. q^Tl::rr::^-J^^±TI:^z;:^--^--«=3|-:;7^:i~Jr;-:]-T:r^zr5zq5^:]■^=p^^ 5:lJ=*-rj:[ -:izf:-«:-:f— ^I^J-Ii==:;-;:i:J-S-JIlf— S:hr*TSrJ:F ains, barren and cold, Far from the pasture, far from the fold,"WandcT the lambs, by folly beguiled ; CHORUS. S S S I s s s W ^— *— •— • — •-*-» — 5-^-— ^.t-#-#— «— • — e-*-'—«—*—--^-0 — # — #—#-•— **i-J — fi-t- S-;U Rescue tli'^ children, friends of the child. Hasten to seek them, hasten to save. Ere thev be lost in the night of the grave. S N N - -• *^ *^ Jesus, the Shepherd loves to behold £ Lamljs of his Hock secure in his fold ; Grieved is the heart of infinite Love, When from the sheepfold little cues rove. Oho.— Hasten to seek, &c. 171 Pleasures allure them, false as they're fair ; Lies in their pathway many a snare ; Tempters around them se^k to decoy. Dangers in ambush wait to destroy. Cho. — Hasten to seek, &e. Gently and kindly guide the young feet, Line upon line, witli patience entreat; Happy the heart whose labor is this— Guiding ii child to mansions of bliss. Cho. — Hasten to seek, &c. :i'^^ 08 REMEMBER THE SABBATH-SCHOOL. 1. Oh, re -mem -her tlic Sabbiith-Scliool, When the sum-mer is past, Ami tlie chill winds sigh 2. When the spring buds uro o - pen - ing, To the school you re -pair; Whnn the suni-mcr flow'ra 3. Oh, the same friends will meet you there, And a- round you will cling; And the Bame songs will -i:I:;ii^;i=i=l::=?zi:z5-iir:zzii:z:ii*;kf:;:=i:pzzz5il:f:==t^:itzi :i -^ -Nt '^^^^Mmm ^ > r mournful - ly. And tlie snow-flakes fly fust. Do not pay, " It looks drear-i - ly ; 'Tis a cold win - try blossom - ing, Oh, you love to be there; Like the bright and tlio beau-ti- ful, Love to hon-or God's greet you there, That you sang in the spring; And the same truth ad-dress you there, And if you will o - CIIOIIUS. day ; " Come with eyes sparkling mcr - ri - ly ; Come, boys and girls, a - way. day ; Come with hearts warm and du - ti - ful. Come, hoys and girls, a - way. bey; The dear Saviour will bless you there ; Then, boys and girls, a - way. i — Yes, a-way to the Sabbath-School, the iifc^^ ■.X-. I f RKMBMBER TUB SABBATU-SCUOUL, Concluaed. do Sabbnth-scliool, the Subbatli-sdiool ; Yes, a - way to the Sabbath-school, the blessed Sab - bath - school. GENTLE SHEPHERD. m^^^^^mmmm^^^^^mm :\ Far from the fold of Je-sus, I, a wayward child, Like a strayiiijj lamb, had wandered in-to des-erts wild ; But the Gentle Shepherd sought me, Won me by liis ciuirins ; Safe away from dann;er bro't me. In his lov-ing arms. To hi.s bosom close lie i)a'.s«cd me, Pardoned all my niii. Led me by tlio still est wa-tera, In - to pastures green. (^ Now all day I'm glad and joyful, Happy in his love; All the ui}j;ht my rest is peaceful, guardei I from a-bovc. J Evermore I'll trust iu Jc - .sus, He shall be my snidi' ; No tillurc-ment shall entice me from my Shepherd's side. \ By and by, from earth's tenii)tations. He will give mo rest, And in heaven's greener pastures Make mo cv -er blest. ) CHOUUS. Praise Jesus, Gentle Shepherd, Saviour, loving, mild ; Je-sus' name is sweetest mu - sic To the Christian child. > 5 > if lOO THERE'S A CROWN FOR THE YOUNG, ■M ohl 1. I know there's n crown tor tlie saints of renown, And for saints wliose good deeds uro un-sun^; But H ji ciiours. say, is it true, if their days aro but few. That a crown is laid up for the young ? Yes, yes, yut, k know tiierc's a crown for the youn-j; ; If tlieir livcji daily prove that the Saviour tlicy love, 1 know there's a crown for the youtij.v. r / / •> The youtlifiil shall stand in that heautiful laud, And the soujj of salvation shall sing ; And the infant of days strike it'^ har[i in flic praise Of Imnianut'l, its Saviour and Kin^;'. — Ciio. 3 The nolile of birth, and the poor of the e;irt!i. Both the man and the youth and the cliild If in Jesus they trust, when thty rise from the dust Shall be crowned iu the laud undcfilcd.— Ciio. 1 iUKUK .- A OKOW'N VOU i'llK YOU.NU, (.'uncludel. lOl 4 The soul of a child, tliou?;h by folly doflled, Is move precious than tonsuo can cxprcitrt ; And redeemed l)y tlio blood that on Ciilvary flowed, It shall shine in the region of bliss. — Cho. 5 Then be it your care for that world to prepare ; Bear the cro-!s, that the crown may bo yours ; Never tiro in tho roud thiit leads upward to God, For tho crown is for him who endure. —Ciio. Jojifid, GLORY BE TO GOD. There's n sonj the anp:cls sing, And its notes with rnftiuo ring. Round the tlironc whoso radiance fills tho heavens above ; -*. Lrp-prrc-j:;] It Sheplierds heard the distant stiaiu, Wiiteliiiij;' o'er Ju- Je-n's pl.iiii, Glory, f:!o ry, f.;lo-rybe to God, Glo-iy, glo-ry, _ -i, m #1. -p. .p. -••. .^. ff. •-!:_•-. r<-»z-zizz:.\zz':zzzzi:zzzii-~~~zi::z TTz: zy:.ii':~9 -§':» r»~-i:i:_i[:^iz:i:nz"z— -iit:z:2~:r:L:z:L;~a~5ri Glo- rv be to God, to men, to men be peace and love, Thro' the eunli and thro' the ,skv. Let the an -them ev-cr flv. ^ io» Pfoco Kii ertrtli, gooil will to liLUKV UU 'II 'JOti, t'onlluiirJ tiifii, pciici' on earth, (jooil will to men, peaM on ^m^mmmmm^i^iimm^mmMi r I , Peace on earth, pood will to men, good will to men, pood will to men, peace on peace on cartli, j;oo(l will to men, l)cacc on earth, good will to men, good will to men, peace on cartli, p;oo(l will to men, peace on eflrtli,good will to men, and ;;loryl)o to God, . J- p , Peace on earth, pood will to men, earth, earth, > / ^ y glo-ry bo to God, to God on high. Glo-ry be to God, Peace on .^- _^- -H- _(«. -ff J '^ -J ^ plo - ry, glo - ly be to God, cartli, good will to men. f^- GIo • ry bo to God, glo - ry, glo - ly Iw to God, QLOKV BK TO GOV, Concludtd. loa ' ll^l^liliil'iilililiiiHili^lliip^^ A - mjn. Pcac'O oa earth, good will lO men, and glo-ry bo to God, to God on higli, u ^- -^- -J- -^ -^- ■^- -'■- -^- -^- -*■- -^- -•- -t" -*=- -<=»•• ca. -•=•- • PHILLIPS. 1. Je - suH, Saviour, hear my call; Siu • fill though my heart may lie, Thou my life, oiy hope, my all, c\ T i__ ;_. _ _A 1 1 n..-.*. . -,«!. ., ._._-. r..— -«. it.~-. t --j — « i 4.1.— — aI,. i 1 2. Lone-ly in a stran-gcr land, Cast, me not a -way from thco, Lead mo by thy gon - tlo hand, Lord, a - liiile with mo. I^ord, a - bido with inc. 3 Tliou Imst died thu lo>t to save, Died to set tlio caiJtive free, Tiioii didst tiiuniph o'er tlic j;;ravc, lyord, tihidi; with inc. •1 Fill me with thy love di\inc. Conaccrato my life to tln".-, Bond iiiy stiihhora will to thine, Loi'l. al'id'.' «ith mc. 5 When the shades of death prevail. Father, let mo clinjj to theo ; When I pass the gloomy vale, (Still ahidc with me. f> Tlioii, f) then, my raptured soul IIcaven'B eternal rest shall sco ; There, while endless ages roll, Live and rcisn ^^■ith thco. 104 ^¥ -O mm CHANT. O COME, LET US SING. Ilrr— SB. BOTOI. 1 . O come, let us sing un - 1 to tlie | Lord ; ] Let us heartily rejoice in tlic • • . | strength of | our sal - | vation. 5^ii^ -o — -ss— Z — H ==]=gs^^j3=E3i:}~3 mm^m^mmMMmmm Let us come l)cforc liis presence | witli tluinks ■ | givinj^,| Au'l sliow ourselves . . | glad in | him with | psalms. r - <- -CD i^SiHie^ill^g 2 Fur the Lor) u a | ur-at — | Cif)i\ ; Aud r trr ill | Kin.;- a- ( li-ivo all | irods. Ill !iis iiand iirc all lin; coriU'i-:- | of t'lc | eartli ; And the streii.iit'i of t!ii? | liiil.s is | Ids — | aLo. 3 The sea is hU, \ and he | mn'h' it ; And his hands jjre- | pared — ilio | dry . , ( land. conii', let iH wor-ltiu | and i'.ill | d.iwn. And kncLl he- | fore the | Lord ou^' \ .M iker. 4 For he ii the | Lord out | God ; Aud wo arc the people of hi? pasture, and t' e I .■!icep of hi:- — I hand. worsliip the Lord in t!ie | heauty . . of | holiness ; Let tlie whole earth | htand in | a\Ve of | him. 5 Fur ho coiu'.'ih, for he cometh to | judac the | earth ; And Willi ri;iliteo!isnes;5 to judge the world, and the | people | with hi-; I truth. Glory lie to the Father, and | to the | Son, And" I to the \ Holy | Glio?t ; As it wa.-' in the leainnin.a:, is now, and | ever | ehall be, ■^^orid I .vithout I ':nd. A- | men. THE ROSE OF SHARON. lOS a. |] ns. 1. There is a Eo?e whose beauties grace Tl:c gar - den whore it prows; In Ioav -ly liearts it finds apIace/Tis 2. Unchanged by tini«| it uev-cr dies, Its Leau-tics ne'er dc - pnrt ; And not a thorn this Kosc t^upplies, To 3. Tlio' in this wil - der-ncss for - lorn, This Lovely Rose was Ibund, Be-foie the morning stiu-s were born It CHORUS. _, \_-l — ^,__A_^ ^ — ^_. — I ~ « Shar -on's love - ly Hose. piiToe its liome, the heart, bloomed on heavenly ground. Bcau-ti - fill Rose, beau- ti - ful Rose, Rose of Sha-ron, beau-ti - ful Rose, u » _,_.> ^-g j-# -, 0-j~0 • , - r — ; -^ — 5- 1- J— S-- J- *--JJ Rose of Sha - roii. beau- ti - ful Rose. 4 Its iVngranee liUed tlic heavenly plains, And all the sons of earth Miij' prove tie virtues it contains, And sing its wondrous worth. 5 lu regions )iarelied by burning heat, Or chilled by polar snows, The Rose of bharon wc may meet, For JcfUf- is that Rose.— Cho. loa THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD. 1. There's beau-ty m the 2. But there's a world a 3. Wo weep, for here we sunshine, There's benu-ty in bovc H3 More beau - ti - ful Inn-guish, But There's no sor- the showers ; 'There's beauty in the wildwood, There'a and i)ure, Wiierc all that's bright and love-ly For row tliei-e; The eje that fond-Iy ga-zes Shall i=^-=ji=::>.l=d-J^.': 2 r — I — -Hr— 1 — I Hr-i ^--j — pj-t-^i — I ^r. — »37jj — 3 1-^— j — :^I->| — :h— d — :?^ beiiu - ty ill the flowers : The val - ley and the mountain, Tlie o - cean and the ])lain, In benu-ty cv - or tihall en • dure : No an-gry storms as -sail it, No blast nor sick - ly blight, No ehilling nev - er shed the tear : No pangs of sad bereavement Shall pierce the mourner's heart. No grassy robed, en- winds, no grave shall 0- -0- I • • ^ -'" -•- -ft- _ — ^._« |C — C _^r=i — (t-T-^ «— • — ^-T-^'—m m-i-0 — 0—^0 *-t-^^=^ '-t-^- ~F^^-^F^^^-^P- '^—'^-\^-0 — • — ^--•-\-0'—0 — 0-\- 'j-\—^-\r\ 1 [?-T-^ — ^ — ^ — ^-\-\ — r'^P"'"!^ / — \ ;~ ciioRrs. trance the heart. And ev'-ry seu?e en - chair), buiii - ing licats, No dark and drear -y night, mar the ground. No death shall hurl the dart. Beau-ti -ful world, bcauti-ful world, beauti-fui, bcauti-ful world; \ rnr: BKAlil'lKCI, WOKIO), <:uucliiUI Bcaiiti-ful wodd, bcauti-ful world, beau-ti-ful, bcauti-fiil world. -Ts -0- ^, -b -r-::3c:z«3*fbu---c:-?--fi:i-^^i----::=:-il: J.- ?:J "?"P~? 107 4 s and eternal Shall bcanty smile around: From hunger, thirst, and weakness The ransomed souls arc free ; They drink the stream, they pluck the fruit, Of immortality. — Ciio. i^ i^ ? i^ 1/ > THE SHINING Hi WAY. 1st. I 2d. 1. The pcarl-y pates arc o - pen wide, I sec the bright ar - ray ; | On ei-thirsidc The an-gels — I^I:^=ii=::^^-=■*^" -0- -0 - :5=:*iiz«; golden crown they wear, and the palm of vie t'ry bear. And they strike '4y~0'':-li'~^~'M-i^===^0^^'0'l~0'^0^=^^ When from ambnsh Satan's dart Wounds the pilgrim weary, Wlierc's the balm to case the smart In the dcsprt dreary ? — Cno. 4 But the deep, cold river see, Pilgrims, just heforo you ; What will tiiun your solace bo AYhcu Ua waves roll o'er vou?— Cno. the gold - en harp as they sing. 5 Pilgrims of the Saviour King, Earth's temptatinns storiiing, We will join your band and sing In life's runny morning. — Cuo. ' i GUIDE US. SAVIOUR. 109 1st time. 2d time. ^p^iieii^lllsil^gpiPi^ilipp 1. God has said, "For -ev - er blessed Those who seek me in their youth,) They shall find the path of wisdom, And ( Omit. ) j the nar- row way of troth." 1st time. I 2d time. Repeat ad lib. pp. pi:gig^igl^gi1pi}3igi^fii:igl^lpi Guide us Sa-viour, Guide. us Sii-viour, In the narrow way of truth. ^ Guide us Sa-viour, Gu ide u s Sa-viour, (Omit.) ) In the nar-row way of truth. \ 1 * Be our streniith, for we arc weakness ; 3 May thy watchful uni;els hover Bo our wisdom and our guide ; May wc walk in love and meekness, J^carer to our Saviour's side. Naught can harm us, Naught can harm us, While wc thus in thee abide. llonud us when there's evil near ; May wc hide beneath the cover Of thy wings, in time of fear ; And in sorrow, And in sorrow. Comfort our sad hearts, and cheer. And when death at lust o'ertakes us. And we sink beneath his might. May that blessed morn awake us, Safe in yonder realms of light ; There forever, There forever. Chant thy pralao with angels bright. m no THE LOVELY LAND. m 1. There 2. There 3. Sweet is a land of pure de-li{^ht, Where saints immor - tal reign ; In - fi - nite day excludes the night. And ev - er - last - ing spring a - bides, and nev - er-with'ring flow'rs : Death, like a nar-row sea, divides This fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dressed in liv - ing green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood. While .0 — 0-r-^ — ^ 1 l-T T i ■ T-# • • 0- -r— .0 #-,-F ^ 1 |-T J- IB -r- CHORUS. -CT— l^r 1 l>r~Kr« mnmm&^^^m^^m^^^^^ Elensnres ban - ish pain, eavenly land from ours. Jor - dan rolled between. Oh the land, the lovely land, The land o-ver Jor-dan's foam ; On the golden strand wait the -•--•-J 4 J «. -f»--f- -ffr±: ^ ^^ — ^ 1 — ,-- ^i.^jic: — i«i,f_, — ,t_ _(• — «. _(t_i«^:^-„ri:L-t-__t: • — n — |_j:pz±i_ fe^iifiififtfelSipiP liap-py, hap -py band, To welcome the ransomed home. zftz zfr i?i :fz Jtjt. .-. J J J^ . 4 Oh, could we make our doubts remove, Those gloomy doubts that rise. And view the Canaan that we love, With unbecloudcd eyes. 5 Could we but climb where Moses stood. And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream nor death's cold flood Should frigiit ns from the shore. £HALL WE MEET BEYOND THE RIVER? 3 111 Shall we meet be-jond the riv - er, Where the sur - gcs cease to roll, Where, Shall we meet in that blest hnr-bor When our stormy vojiige is o'er 1 Shall Where the inu-sie of the ransomed Kolls in har-nio - ny a - round, And u ^ in all the brij^ht for - ev - er, wc meet aiul east tlie nuehor, ere • u • tiun swells the cho-rtis M«3 r-t- CHORUS. :iiEi^fe5l3: -^t Sorrow ne cr By the fair, With its sweet, shall press the soul? Shall wo meet, shall wc meet, shall we ec - Ics - tial shore? me - lo - dious sound ? ^rrzKiirthg-EIE?: meet, shall wo meet. Shall we meet bc-yond the riv - er, Where the sur - gcs cease to roll ? 4 Shall wc meet with many a loved one, Torn on earth from our embrace ? Shall we listen to their voices. And beliold them face to face. 5 Shall wc mcp*; with Christ our Saviour, When he comes to claim his own? Shall wo hear him bid us welcome. And sit down upon hi« throne \ li:; 112 DO WHAT YOU CAN. m. Don't think there is ■nv: -»- - 1-- |>°^i:6:-?~'t:5:izzirrz:'5 m » nofh 1" for childrcu _# #_ V to do, Bc-cause they can't work like a ■ # - -»- .■ m * 1 ^ - m;in ; 'J'ho --V CllOliUS. *-;-*—# — tf — s — #-i-tf-tf J * — — g-- ^ — ^..L,^^|,_j .^ "..-^ T_^ r— ■'^ harvest is great and the la - borers few : Then, chihh-cn, do all that you cau. £i;?r_!L:>: :»— 2-— 57-* '0 • -»■■ 'St.'. s Cliildreu, do all that you can ; ■ »'- o •■ 0- L __x K ^ ^ i.| — , i_y — ^ — ^--V — ^ — ^-i-;.- I J. — s— -V- :iN-i;^-3^ — Nf— !- -• — »- Children, do all tliat yon cun ; 'J'he ]i:u-vc:rt is f:;n-at mid the "? ;/■ / "^ ' ■ 0—4t- • _ lii-bovers few; Then, children do all that von can. _ _ 0- -a- \ N| l_ u. :>i:v:-5-pz:L^-^~:4:--5--i;przci}.>-;;ir.:;rzz::;iic:}:|!.?:1] 2 Yon think, if great riches yt- 1 had nt cnrnm.iiyJ, Your zeal should no v.-eaiincss kiiov,- ; You'd scatter your wealth with a liberal hand, And succor tiie children of woe. — Quo. ^ 0 WHAT VDU CAN, CoiicluarJ. M It was not the oti"i-iug of poin|) und ot (luwcr, It was noi tho golden bequest — All, no, 'twns the mito from the hand of t!ie poor That Jesua appluaded and bloiiscd.— Cno. 5 Then don't bn ii < fail? ) No ! I'm bound for the kingdom, Will yon I'm bound for the kingdom, Will you rise ; \ eyes. J O .1 I'm bound for the kingdom, Will yoa Yes, un - seen ; bnt still, believe me, Such a Guide my steps at -tend; ( end ;^ For I'm bound for the kingdom, Will yoa He'll in ev - ry strait re-lieve me, He will guide mo to J- the — K Kt K— I \-T-9 — • Mr — I K — "^ TW -«--S-J-« i-K — P.— I — ^-\-»—%-\-tzz^A\ go to glo-ry with me ? Hal - le - lu - jah ! Praise yc the Lord. -^- I I •- -XT. -•-- [81 f> Pilgrim, aeo that stream before thee, Darkly rolling through the vale; Should its boist'rous waves roll o'er thee. Would not then thy courage fail 1 No ! I'm bound, &c. 6 No ! that stream hath nothing frightful. To its brink my steps I'll bend, Thence to plunge 'twill be delightfal; There my pilgrimage will end. For I'm Doaad, &c. ^ . 114 14 Hi ca-i i-l fe= TEACHER, WATCH THE LITTLE FEET. 1 . Teacher, watch the 2. Teacher, watcli the 3. Teacher, watch the lit - tie feet Wnlking through the meadows fair, WancVring througli the crowded lit • tie hands, Bus - y, bus - y nil. the diiy, Mak-ing forts witli straws and : lit - tie lips, Lisp-ing sweet and plcasunt words, Sometimes their soft utt'ranco 7*1-0 1 i-0 V,5=:#-I-# #•- 1-> 1> *--0 # «— 1-« • Sa=#-* street, sands, trips, :i: DUET. CIIORCS. Scarcely heard or noticed there, Nev-er count the la-bor lost, Plucking ro - ses by the way. Ncv-er deem the la-bor lost, Dis-cord in the notcs%f birds. Never deem the la-bor lost, Nev-er heed the pains it cost, Ncv-cr heed the jjains it cost, Never heed the pains it cost, m 0-—0-J.-tt J »• — •■ Little feet will Lit-tlc hands here- Lit-tlclips "some- -J- 1-0 X go a • stray. Teacher, watch them while you may. af - ter may, Na-tions and their his - t'ry sway, times pro-claim Blessings in a Saviour's name." Teacher, watch the little heart. Pulsing here witli hope and love. Truthful lessons hero impart, Leading to our homo above. Ncvor deem the labor lost. Never liee■ — i n lie CHRIST ON THE MOUNT. 1. Como un - to Je - bub, ye that mourn, Our blessed Saviour said; His prom-i3 - es, how sure they are, "Ye 2. Yo poor in spir-it, un- to you How great the blessings given ; His choicest prom-is - es arc yours, "Yours iS^i^iiiSl^lil^iSisiilli^lp^Sii i CJIORC9. shall be com - fort- cd." This prom-ise, on that sa • cred mount. Was giv - en by our Lord; "Re-joice, and is the kingdom— Hcav'n." • _• m* -m- C ~*I! U ^ __# #-|-«^ • • #-T-l^ »-T-»- i 1 •-T-»i-r-» — -•- — -•-T SI » ' I .^ :r^ >» ' be ex - ceed-ing glad. Tor great is your re-ward." 3 The meek, and they for Jesus' sake, Who persecutions bear; He promisis a heavenly home, A CTOwu of glory tliere. 4 Be merciful, for unto snch He spares his chasteninj^ rod ; Be pure in heart, oiir Saviour says, The pure shall dwell with God. THE INQUIRY. 117 ^imm^^^^^m^^^^m How How can ran be bo a a chorus. 'Tis found ia :5: troub - le roll, And drink of pleasures downward road, Where Sa - tan reigns and hap - py child Where waves of ho • ly child, And shun tho Je - sus: Yes, 'twas ho With blood tho bless • ing bought: 'Twas dear to him, 'tis FINE. un - dc-filcd TlLit sat-is-fy the soul? For nil with-in and all around Is doomed to droop and die; Then sin lias spoiled Tho noblest work of God? How shall I tread enchanted ground, And keep my garments white ; And free to me ; It costs the sin - ner naught. D.C. l-'i'-Jz=:'il:*:5:;i:*:Si^!:Irj:=idJ where shall happi-ness be found, And wlio the want sup - j)Iy ? where shall conqu ring grace bo found. And armor for tiie CHORUS. (h\y, Sing - ing one tri - umph-ant song? They have clean robes, wlilte robes, White robes arc waiting for mc! Cod, Heakd with his al - miglit - y name. -^1 -•- -J- -•-•- -0- :•;__-»- n=L_ - - m—Z^z: « j— z*' "•*' ■■•- "•- -^' ^ ■S^z^^-rz'n-^ztzzrj^^- 1::,»-,,,»— :;— ir-|iio r „-.-rgiT-.^ r^]-?-^:^ |-f ---*'^»"~f ^!=»:FzzEF -z:zi^zrzz-zz.^zzzzzzzi:t-^zzzi-;,-z:ziz:'zzzzr'zi^-zzzzzX.z-;iz:zzzz:^A fz:Z^\^i^bzz3z\^=y.Eizizi^lzz^m Yes, clean rol)Cs, white robes, Wash'd in the blood of the Lamb. 3 Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in ev'ry liand, Througli their great Redeemer's might. More than comjuerors they stand. — Cho. 4 Jov and ghulnoss banish sighs ; I'erfcct love dispels all fears ; And forever from their eves Hod i:hHl1 wipe away flieir fearf?.— Cito. i- -t- ISO DcET. Lively. SABBATH-SCHOOL BELLS, CHIME ON. I of care, To greet one day in seven ; To join in praise and prayer, And :?b. Wo leave the world of -#■■ learn the way to heaven; The Sab - - - bath bells The Sab -bath bella in vite in . . . us vite us all, aU. r Faint -TV CHORUS. em - - - - til, m of God's ho - ly call. Cliime on, ciiiino on, diime on. sweet bells, vonr cm - - - - hi m of Faint em -blom, &c. Cliime on, ciiimo on, diime on, sweet bells, yoar -0- -0. -#_ .,_ _,_ cheer -ful ring Shall tune our lips God's praise to siii' Chime on, sweet bells, chime ou. j^?^l2rrizz5~czzz5:=i:K:;*zz::?_i-Sl-»;::z:pz;t:c:z:i5=t:=:?--i^ SABBATH-SCHOOL BKLLS CHIME ON, Concluded. 181 Chitno on, chime on, chime on, chimo on, chime on, sweet bcll3,'chimo on, sWect bells, chime Chime on, chime ou, ii^^^ilip^il^^i^^liiiipnipo on, I sweet bells, chime on, sweet bells, chime on, sweet bells, II N I - -I — :5= J « chime on, sweet bells, chime on. 2 Wc leave our hooks and phiy, To i-cad that " Rook Divine;" Tiurc wc iirc taiviht ilie way To joy-; tl:iU ii"'fir iK'i'linc; The music of those Sahhath hells, How swL'Ctly ou the oar it swells ! Cno.— Ciiimc on, loved bells, your welcome ring, Shall tuao our hearts God's praiso to stag. Wo leave our earthly homo. To seek that bk-st abode, Wlieic loved companions como To lift t'lcir hearts to God ; List to the joyous sound that tells The music of those Sabbath bells. Cuo.— Chime on, sweet bells, long may your ring Inspire our hearts God's praise to sing. m I f ■;* -h ■f ^ 18S THE LION OF JUDAH. DUET or SEMI-CHORUS. Treble and Alto. 1. 2. 3. 4. my de- 'Tw'hs Jo - siis, my Saviour, who died on the tree, To o - pen And .vhcn I was will -iii": with all things to part, He gave me Tho' round me the storiTii^ of ad - ver - si - ty roll. And the waves of And when the last trumpet of Judtrment shall sound, And wake all the And when with the ransomed by Jc-sus my head, From fountain to Tnstnunmt. fountain for sin-ners like me; His boun-ty, his love in my heart ; So structioii cn-com-pasa my soul, la nations that sleep in tlie ground, Then, fountain I then shall be led ; I'll — i-i :i:i:d: l)lood is that fount lin wliieh par-don ho - stows, And now I am joined with tlic con-qucr-ing liaiid, Who are vain this fr:iil vcs - sul the t;'mpest slinll toss. My when lieavcn and earth shall 1)0 nn'lf-ing a - way, I'll fall at liis feet and iiis nuT- cv a - doru. And :i eleanses the marching to liopo rests so sing sins of of the the foul - est glo - ry cure on blood of blooil of i: wher-ev - or at Je - sus' the blood of the cross in the cross cv - er • it flows, command, the cross, that day. more. ^Atfij-^ :g_:i!?lfi--r:~fi7r!'' [ T — * — :** f ~' -*-- * \~ — »~ — *-f--j — ^— —- '|-^ ^ — p-l--s— r CIIOUUS. -9- -* life '^'" '^r — ■zz.«'"i-S • dah shall break . n- -•- ^ *"'[ — !ZIi?~^f "T~- '■ — I — " T"^ — .--J.. .V_J.._H_, J-,-J- /7\ Tor the vie - t'ry Li - on of Ju - dah shall break cv' -ry chain, -^- -^, .«_ _ _ -^- -fiS- And give us a gain and 1 S a gam. ^-4-1 -— -r-Jd-s:— wms^mMmmm^ is I HALLELUJAH. ii:o 1. Ill tlic ftr bet - tor l.iud of 2:10-17 and lii^lit The riinsomcd are sinj^-in-i- in parments of wliite, 2. Like the sound of lliu soa swells tlioir elioius of praise Kouiid ilio . LET US WORK FOR THE SCHOOL. i 1. Let us work for tliu school with our hearts and our hands ; Let it ncv -cr, no. nev-er de - rlinn • ~ ) us work for tlie school with our hearts and our hands ; Let it ncv -cr, no, nev-er de For its iiruis-cs arc sung by the good in all lauds That are blest with tlic gos-pel dl "Tis pcrtumcd by the pray 'rs, 'tis bedewed by the tears Of the ho - ly, the ac-tive, the They rejoiced nt its hopes, and they mourned at its fears, When its friends were but fee-blc and at S 3r clinc ; true; vine. few. ) I 7r -ss* tu cuuuub. — 5-.'-.— .— •• -•V— ---5— ei^r — — •— — •— •-!— ^-*-g-5— i— p-.-— s-t Rid-lv then, ral-lv then, stand bv the school; Why should it languish and die? Rai-ly then, ral-ly then, li#:=~ Stand bv the scliool ; Whv should it languish and die? .<•<'■. 3 Now the sunshine of favor illumines 4ts path, And the church spreads above it her wing; 'Tis a source of her weal, 'tis a source of lier worth, And a gem in the crown of her King. — Cho. 4 There arc thousands now singing and shining above. There arc thousands now toiling below, Who are melted and won by Immanuel's love, As they heard in the school of his woe. — Cho. JOYFULLY. isr m^ 1. 3. Joy - ful An - gel - ic cnor - is Fiiends, fondly clioiished Sinjr - in;; to chncr me tl Death, witli thy weapons Jo - su.s hath bio - ken ^ ••- - ly, on - ward I move, Bound to the - tcrs sing as I come, Joy - ful - ly, liave passed on be - fore ; 'W'ait - inir, they iroufjh dcatli's cliilling gloom, Joy - ful - ly,' of war lay me low, Strike, king of the bars of the tomb ! Joy - ful - Iv, ^- ! . - -f^'- -. -• - •i: land joy - watcl joy - tcr - joy - -»- tt: of b ful- 1 me ful- rors, fill- right spir - it3 ly haste to ap - proach-iiig ly haste to I fear not ly, will I ft - hove; thy home ! tiie shore ; thy home, tlic blow ; go home. I J7=^"^^::::J=t:jF:r:J^ji=:jzpjiz:zJr=:Jz:i---j-c:i^ ,, j-i:;.-=rr=f?z=:]:jrj::z=:ti=:r±i-3=:c Soon witii my jjil - Sounds of sweet mcl - Bright will the morn I *- grim o - of age end - cd dy fall on u - ter - ni -« -# be - my tv low, ear; dawn. Home to the Harps of the Death shall be land of bright spir - its bless - ed, your voi - ecs ban - ished, his seep - tre I hear, be gone : -S ^EM?Mil;li^=FMii;siiPjli^li^=j51;^=jE!l^l; At % ■-%_ — 1 — -- i— ] — 1- 1 (vV >- -•.- — K -• — mJ -#.- — , -* — I'il- gnm auil Ilings wish the Joy - ful - ly, 1 :i: -1 — -#- « m.- 1 '■J t ^ stranger no liar - 1110 - ny then, shall I more shall I roam, Joy - ful heaven's high dome, — .Toy - ful wit - ncES his doom, Joy ful home, home, home. tz:j:»izz:?==»:b:===c=3«:f:=5l-f::i^z:dz3ia:f:^i:z: rest - mg haste to safe - ly p.--t:i:rz:r:r~-t::i:3----qi ISB HOLY ANGELS, SONS OF GLORY. |i 1. 2. 3. ^-33*=j^P2— S^^-p^IIiEEj— ;{i-»nf~«E^Fi~J^ .0- I -0- -0.0- • -•• -#- Ho - ly nn - gels, sons of glo - ry, Clotlied in robc^ of liclit di - vine, They re - pent llic wondrous ^^to - ry On tlieir win^s of {iladncss soaring, An -<;c!s do their Lm-d'.s bclipsts, Ev - cr lov-inj: and a - dor-inif, Saints and martvrs, faini and wca-rv, With lonp waiidcrin;:.^ licic on earth; Til -giims, prophets, a ■ gcd, hoa -rv, I 0- -e -»- ^ _ •# -o g- -# ; g- gj ^_j_ /Ts rrv ciioKUS. Lively. Of a God for sin Thro' the rc;.'ioii-; of Heirs of heav'n thro' tlic nor^i slain, And a - t!ie preat 1 Am. tlie Most ; Thus tlioy swell the henveidy theme, new liirtli ; And ex - alt the Savioni's name. Sing-ing glo - ry, glo-ry, glory. H^— « — u — m — ~j — "^ — 0— -- — ' ■--* — • — * ' h-"-^ T- — ' — =i--t-o — -f-=K ^-1--H -il *J • -a- * * -•- -0- -C5 - o- glo-ry, hai - le - hi -jnh, Hal - le - In- jah to the I.anih, Hal - le - hi - jah to / • '0- /CS ^ _ ^ ^ ^ -o- -cr — o- the Lamb. I - y IS. J' i II 4 ChildroD, who were mt'ck and lowly Foliowors of their Master horo, Scckin',', llki' liiin, to l)c hnly, Now arraycil in lictuty there, Cuich the pure scrapUic llurae. — Cho. IIOI.Y ANUKLJ, SOXS OV (JLOnV, ConcluiJcl. 5 Millions more on earth remainiiiir, f I'rjL'iou-! laml)s of Christ's wide fold, Wlio th^ pen I of pi-ji';-. olitaiiiiii;;, Shall>' faee heliold, And his houiuUess love pioclaiin. — Ciio. O'ER THE FLOWING RIVER. 139 Little children, Christ has bought you, Bon'rht vmi with his procinvi'* blood ; Givj!iiiii. then, you lieaits ind lives, too, Joined in lovin^r lirotlicrhood, To extol his blcascd name. — Cuo. m d^-^:i^ '--^— dz::^ cj _»._i__^ T.-j _, — •-^^^^ #j*— ':^_— # =E'-^ . ^-J S-s Fair-cr than the summer flow'r Is cv'-ry ho -ly one, Singing, shining ev - ermore, With glo-ry but be - gun. IN IS — ' 1 It— I — !- _^ 0-0 — 0-J-0 — 0—0 — 0-f~0—0 — »— •i-grS— !-• — •'— » — 0-r»—0—0 — 0-f-0—0 — I — t\-t— '— n Once their eyes were streaming Whh the tears of woe ; Now with rapture beaming. Not a tear they know : Crowns of glory now they wear, And over as ihcy rovo, O'er the tuneful harps they betr Tbeir skilfol fiogen mor». 'Twas Inimanuel sought them, Straying from the (old ; With a price he bought them, Dearer far than gold ; Not the treasures of the mine, Not bloating flocks he gave ; Bbod he Bhed,<— 'twas blood divloe« To lanctify and ssre. Little saints in glory. Guilty though I be, I have learned the story, " Jesus died for me." Ransomed by his blood divine, My Saviour I will lovo ; Qear his cross, then rise and jdia Yoar shining baud above. 1 3.30 WE WON 3. We wont give up the Bi - blc, We'll shout it far and wide, Un • til the edi - o shall be liciird Bc- per - isli - iiig 111 iicu. 2\mi it u - loue i-;iu leu us now »vc can nave hopes or nciivii, i iiat tliro' tlie ^. — Yo?, Jems, &e. 3 Jesus loves me ! loves mc still, Thoufrli I'm very weak and ill ; From his shining throne on high. Comes to watcli mo where I lie. Cho. — Ye^, Jcsun &"?. 4 Jesus loves me ! He will stay Close beside me all the way ; If I love him, when I die He will take mo home on high Cho.— Yes, ,Tesus, %■''■ i^i '4 - * 138 PRECIOUS SAVIOUR OF SALVATION. ANNIVERSAKY HTHN. let time. l^t time. 2(1. 1. Pre - cious Saviour of sal-va-tion, Wc, this fes - tal day, would sing, | And would make our eel - c - bra - tion, [OmiY.] j With our Saviour's Pre - cious Saviour ! 'tis tliy blessing, Cneers us in the mom of life ; \ 2. Helps us on-ward to be press-ing, p. — § — •- [Omit.] prais-e9 nng. 'Mid earth's sorrows and its strife. 1: re: -0- ■m~Y- it^=5HE=E;l:S^E m 'Tis thy nicr - cy that hath led us, To the Sab-bath-school wo love, And our teach - ers Guards from fas - cm - a - ting pleasures, That would lead our feet a - stray : Sets bo - fore us there have fed us With the mim - na from a - bove. hcav'n-ly treasures. While wo walk the nar - row way. 5-fel2=rz=t:=tz.~:tr:E:>|-iz=:i— 5=z>i3}rf=rpr=r=zfl Precious Saviour! wc adore thee, For tliy many mercies shown : Let our praises come before thee, Find acceptance at thy throne ; Thus our songs, to heaven ascending. Join with tliose of saints above. And, with angel-voices blending, Celebrate redeeming love, ft* 1 THE ANGELS SING. S. M. 133 And let your Who ncv - er -^_ -^ ..^- joys knew r- be known, Join our God, But in the chil - dren song of with the ;£^-^t. ^^-L^. CH0RU8. And thus sur - round May speak their joys the throne. The an - gels a - broad. in their hap • py home, homo. The i=^ii?i^ii;j;i;^i;Sii==i?Mii2iii y-ff— » — d^ — « — *— * — - — S4-* — m— 2 — •-^f-S — t — • — ^ — ^4-^ — H — I — J +-• — * — ' — i— T— ^— 11 an -gels sing in their hap-pyliome, The an -gels siug in their hap ■ py home. And we will join them here. JSL -e — •- :f=:S=£•=IqS^ 3 The liiil of Zion yields A tliousaiid sai'rod sweets, Before wo rcacii tlie heavenly fields, Or wfllk the golden streets. — Ciio. 4 Then let our sonp;s abound. And every tear l)e dry ; - '* We're marc'liitig tlirough Immanael's ground, To fairer worlds on high, — Ciio. 10-4 I I HEARD THE VOICE N JESUG SAY. 1. I heard the voice of Jo - sus say, " Como iiu - to mo and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy 2. I heard the voice of Je - sus say, " Be - hold, I froe-ly give The liv - ing wa-ter; thiis-ty one Stoop ,±i&:^^ipibi=tnzqz=zi:l&iC:z:j-iziriliE=:E=--?:i^^^ ^-1 head up - on my brcu'^t." down, and drink and live." -»- — .1 came to came to — S ..,0 Jc - SUJt Je - SU.S, as ami was, AVca-ry and worn and sad ; I di-aiik Of that life - giv - ing stream ; My found ia liim a rest - inir place. And ho has made mo glad, thirit was quenched , ray f-oul re-vivcd, And now I live iu hiin I heard the voice of Jesus say, "I am tliis dark world's light; Look unto me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bri-'lit." I looked to Jesus, and I found In him, mv star, my sun ; And in that light of life I'll walk, Till travelling days nro douc. WE ARE QOINQ. ::^iz:i5=4;:::i;=:?^r-:1- 136 -»- -g- -».- -».- -#- -g.- -i^.- -#. -J- -#j 1. Wc are go - ing, go-ing, going To a laml where all is liL'ht ; Where are flowing, flow-ing, flow-ing, Liv-ing 2. Wc are t-ing-ing, singing, singing As we joy -ful pass a-long; Hear the ringing, ring-iug, ring-ing Of our 3. We are pray-ing, praying, praving For the sin-ners all a-round, Who arc straying, straying, straying In a n ^ ^ 1^ > ^ ^ ^' > . - -•-. ._.__. -•- -^- > ^5j ''"' !^ ^ J^ i"^ ■'" ^ DUET. CHORUS. y wa - ters, glad tii mis - c pare and iiright. Here wc learn re-demption's sto - ry. Here we seek our Saviour's grace ; There we uniph - ant song. Hap - pi - uess our heiu'ts is swelling As wc ev - er upward tend, And we ry pro - found. Wc are long-ing to bo - hold them Tread with us the heav'nly road ; In our ^ • -•- - S N I ^ ^ > 5—1 — t ~ ~'T~::~i~» — » I ::^r=zr|3E^3=5E -j:::hz::h-:!5=: ^. -0 — ^_ -g- I hc-liold his glo - ry, Wor-sliip - ing he - fore liis fnoe. not cease from tell-ing Of our pro-cious heavenly Friend, wc would en-fold them, As we jour-ney home to C4od. j^-frvip:i:iz=:(i-r(izz:}?:i:f^:zi?rrt-ri:ri:.|?:ii d— rir;:{:n=i:t:=rtiz:E:{:»:z::5-*zr5ij:E:fl Thus while yoar.-i are fleeting, fleeting, I'ace we on with prayer and song. Hasting to the meeting', meeting Of the hlood-washed ransomed throng. Jc!-us, !;?avionr, leave us never, Hvlp us faithful still to prove ; Tlicn at home with thee forever, ■ , .. t >[ay wo gathered 1)« above. I I! 1 i 139 :S^1= MORN if? 1. Christian, the morn brcalis sweetly o'er thee, And all the midnight shadows flee, Tinfred nro the dis • tant D. a. home is in the J_j;-J?->.-.i:!r^-;:zij^;— ,-.^->.— ;.-/<-y_^,^-j:fi<^:^,; — .••-•'L_.i- __._ Tr--* m'- — • » ■--,--- r — — » » » — ^ »-t-» •-- • w^ — m- — »- — 1 — r skies with glo - ry, A beacon liijlit hung out for thee, world of glo -ry, Where thy Re -deera-er reigns a - lone. A - rise, a rise 1 I the light breaks o'er thee ; Thy S name 13 I gta vea the throne ; Tiiy 4 Cliocr up ! c'hi><-r up ! tlio liglit bnaks o'er thco, Bright as the Summer's noon-tide my ; The starry crown in realms of glory, .* 2 Tossed on the dark, proud waves of ocean. Calmly composed, undaunted be ; 'Midst the fierce teniiiest's dread commotion, Thy God doth still remember thee.— Arise, &c. 3 Christian, behold ! the Innd ia nearing, And the wi!d sea-storm's rage is o'er, List to the lii;avoiily hosts now cheering ; See ! in wiiat throni^s tliey range the shoro.— Arise, Ac. Invites thy happy soul away. Away, away ! Icavti all for glory, Thv name is craven on the tln-one. &c. THE BETTER LAND. 137 1. I hear tlief ppcak of the better land, 'Ihoucallest its children a happy band; Moth -er, oil, where ia that 2. Is it where the t'eath-e - ry puhn-trees riso, And the date grows ripe under sun - iiy skies ; Or 'midst the green islands of 3. Is it far a - way in some region old,VVlicrc the riv - crs wander o'er sands of' gold ; And the burning rays of the 4. Eye hath not seen it, my gcn-tlo boy. Ear hath not heard its song of joy ; Dreams cannot picture a ::f^::>-:1; *'^ 1^ — »zz: * 0- -•- - ra-diant shore ? glittering seas, ru - hies shine, world so fair. "t:^1;^'^~'^~'^ — "^J^rj — ^~^l — ^-'trp^~~*^~j^-^~'>rii — ^'i — !;-|!;t ^-^-^.Ji^^-J^zi—^ — ,_T.,_^_j_^_^.i:,_^_a__,_^_q_i.^ — £_i — i_»_t Shall wo not seek it, and weep no more ? Is it where the flow'r of the orange blows, And the Where fra - grant for-ests perfume the breeze, And strange, brisiht birds on the starry wings. Bear the And the diamond lights up the se- cret mine, And the pearl glows forth from the coral strand ? Is it Sor - row and death may not en - ter there ; Time may not breathe on its fadeless bloom, Far >JL ^ 0^0 .0 — 0. -0- -r- -5- -.\zz -J ^S,_4-5 i{fe^E!-SES: " — ' > ■ I fire- flics dance in the ra.vr - tie boughs ? Not there ! not there ! not there! My child, not there ! not there I rich hues of all glo - ri - ous tlihi'j:>< ? Not tlieie, &c. there, sweet mother, that bet - tcr land ? Not there, &c. ] heyond tlie clouds, and beycnd the tomb. 'Th there ! 'tis there ! 'tis there ! My child, 'tis there ! 'tis ♦.here ! il i< : I f 183 M u FULT. CH0RU3. ff ^ GLORY TO QOD IN THE HIGHEST. AVKIVERSART ANTHEM. DS=i^=J:i q — ,_i 1. Glo-ry to God iu the liigh-cst ! Glo-ry to God, glo-ry to God, GIo - ry to God in the high-est! Shall 2. Glo-ry to God in tlic high-est! Glo-rv to God, glo-ry to God, Glo-ry to God in the - - - - *^ / -S- I ' I S N I .,_ -,. .0. -,_ :(•: \ ^vVii-li-r • • » » *~«*|--S-#— r-- »— •— T-f • — *— •— T-ff •— »— • •— F-r-t — • • high-est ! Shall :E— p: 8EMI-CHOnU8 or DUET. J J- ^_z:*-5--«Lz:;!5:}j^,^ -•:{:?==:?—!— ^ # — # — #.- - »-^:^.r*^,-S:'r5.— -.— i— 1^-^-« • — • •-•^-^—^ _^--a-^t_,_ q__j_ j_t he our song to-day; An-oth-er yc;ir'.s rich mer - oics prove His ceaseless care and boundless love ; So he our song to - day ; The song that woke tlie glo - rioiis mora When I)a-vid's great - er son was borne, Sung ,-a^'- m I FULL CHORUS. let our loud-cst voic - cs raisi; Our An - ni - ver - sary song of praise. Glo-ry to God in the high-est! by an heavenly host, and we Would join th'an-gel - ic com - pa - ny. lfelE== ti:^:= «« — T~g~ :lE?zzrrEtE:'— S— 5— •— 5-pEiq=c?{ liUJKV XU liOU IN lllK UluUtat: CouBluJei. 139 / />' ''" izi-zt 1 SI. 2nd. liigh-cst ! Glo-rv, glory, glo-rv, glorv, Glo-ry be to God on liiijli ! God on hii:;li ! I _,_ y •- :•; .,. .,. _ • //' I :==: ==•: _«. ^ . 3-~» — 1" + -! — r— r-T»— • !-•— J— #— »-,-tO— l--,-P -rr-OH— rr^-- — r- »-|. -' ! — — f 1 — ! — * -»-f ■>. — S — t- - •^^^?5__^:}:^.-*■ !}■-= cbT' ' ANDANTe. 1. Cling 2. Cling 4. Cling CLINQ TO THE MIGHTY ONE. BK7. J. A. WILLIAMS. • .0- -^- -S- 1— ' -•- -•- -■=- ' -#- • -3f- -53- -~- • -#- -^- to the might to the lov - to the bleed - I -•- -#r -y one, Cling in thy griuf; Cling to the ho - ly one, He gives re - lief; ing one, Cling in thy woe ; Cling to the changeless one, Throuirh all be - low ; | iiig one, Cling to his side ; Cling to the ris - en one. In him a - bide ; *— z^:i:S ^ 3:_z P-i-i ^_q — i-F p — P-i Lii ;._i_, >_q — i..^s — , ^_i_^ C Cling Cling Cling to to to the the the 3:— 5^ — ft — ,- gra-oion3 one, Cling in thy pain ; pardoning one, lie speaketh peace ; com - iug one, Hope shall a - rise ; I Zfl Cling Cling Cling to to to the the the -»- _^ q— - 0- 1/ fiiith-ful one, henl-ing one, reign-ing one, • - - •- -lO- IIo An Joy will BUS - tain, guish will cease, lights thine eyes. =1:- 140 11) Joijful, but not too Just. THE LAND OF BEAUTY. Ddm and Ohoeot. There is a world of beau There sunshine cv - er lin»::lm=:_ii^_zJ:_4^-irr =9r:zziiip±z^i=^iziit-^:l;--!!:::^r Con 8uj ^S J __ J the lif^t ; the tomb. should die? m^m^m^^n J'herc is That land I'd like :#■ :5 a it to foun is bo tarn so an flow - mj», ho - ly an - gel, =r*:i:c:=rii: by the golden throne, land it is so fair, wear a robe so white, And my - riad And Chiist hiUh And dwoll witli an - ficls sing said, the wea Christ for • cv #- ■# If 5 — i.*-r., — ^_^_^._^.7_»i_« - ing Their praise to God a - lone. - ry Shall find a ha - von there. Fast That And er In that blest land of light. „ » * -^^ -0-^-0- „ ^ ^- « -s- -J- » -•- -^ „-•- -^- -»■ ••■ ••■ ■£- -*: -^- ;i THE LAND OF BIAUT7, Concluded. 141 CHORUS. ^^l^^ ivilk^KIl Up in that land of beauty, That land so bright and fuif, .^. -pi _ -fft. .0- -0. .0- -0. .^r-ft. r May wo all meet our Saviour, And in his glo -ry share. p. .pi BELOVED. lis lo 8a J. sz O thou, in whose presence my soul takes de-light, On whom, in af - flic-tion, I call ; My comfort by day, Where dost thou at noontide re-sort with thy sheep, To feed in the pas-tuio of love ? For why in the val ■ O, why should I wander, an a - lien from thee. Or cry in the dcs-ert for bread? Thy foes will rejoice when my and my [ - ley of ^^zLzz-zzi: s-0 — •-4 ■^ i^: zt Si =1= •ipf=»:.:t-t:iri-iTCrp^z:»-C:Jl:: p:tt::^zt=r-ipi=J:p:tf:==P-f:'-tl=: fi- p- -•— • i :rjiiT-1-:*^:J sonj; in the night, My death should I weep, Or sorrows they see. And hope, my sal - va- tion, my all. alone in the wil • der-ncss rove ? smile at the tears I have shed. m^^^^m 4 Yc daughters of Zion, declare, have you seen The star that on Israel shone ? Say, if in your tents my beloved has been, And where with his flock he has gone ? 5 He looks, and ten thousands of angels rejoice, And myriads wait for his word ; He speaks, and eternity, fill'd with his Toice, Ec-eehoea the praise of Cm IajotI. t I 148 BEAUTIFUL RIVER. 1. Shall wo gath-er at the riv - er Where bright angel-feet have trod ; With its cr3-8 -tal tide for • ev - er Flowing 2. Oa the mar-gin of the riv - er, Wash-ing up its sil - vcr spray, Wo will walk and wor-ship ev - cr, AH the 3. Ere we reach the shining riv - er, Lay we ev' - ry bur-den down; Grace our spir - its will de - liv - er. And pro- ful riv • by the throne of God? Yes, we'll gather at the riv-er, The beau - ti - ful, the bean-ti bap - py, gold - en day. vide a robe and crown. . -er, !SiP= I i^ ? I? / 5 ? j? I P^ > l^L^i-l:=.^-i-^t^L\-M=z9-tM—h-^^^^ Gather with the saints at the riv - er. That flows by the throne of God.^ .^t^zy^^Lii^^^j |5^Z5-n=53p:z5z:t=u=:s4:|=s=*=^-;:t=t:z3!:-t=i=zi|Ea:M 4 At the smiling of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saints whom death wiil never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. Cho.— Yes, We'll, &c. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace— Cho. SORROW IS O'ER. DUKT. Wlint to me arc earth's pleasures, and what its flow-ing tears ? "Wliat oro all I seek not carth-ly glo - ry, nor min-gle with tlio gay; I do - siro the 8or - rows I do • not this world's gild-ed plore? There's a sonf^ ev - er swelling, still lin-gers on my ears, " Oh, sor-row shall come a - gain no more." store: There lue voi - tea now calling lirom those bright realms of day, " Oh, sor-row shall oomo a - gain no more." CHORCB. 'Tis a song from the homo of the wea • ry : " Sorrow, sorrow is for - ev-er o'er : Hap-py now, ev - cr hap - py on -0 — — — #- _ -0- ~0. -0- 0- _ /^ -#- m 5— 5— « — 5 — • — #-•-•—#—•—# — •—•I- J y-ci—^^ -•- y i Canaan's peaceful shore. Oh, sorrow shall come again no more." 3 'Tis a note that is wafted across the troubled wave ; 'Tis a sonp: I've heard upon the shore ; 'Tis aswect-thrilling murmur around the Christian's grave : " Oh, sorrow shall come again no more." — Ciio. 4 'Tis the loud-pealing anthem, tho victor's holy song, Where the conHict and the strife are o'er ; When tlio saved ones forever in joyous nates prolong, " Oh, sorrow shall come again no more." — Cno, l-4k4 CHRISTMAS HYMN. bT n. B. n. ritiNVK albkbi. 1. Ilurk ! tlic Iier - aid iiii - f;cls Kiiifr, " Glo - ry to iIkj ni'w-lioru Kin^r ; I'ciicc on eiirtli, iirul intr - cv 2. Hail the hcavcn-liorii rrinco of Peace ! Hail I'le !Sun ot Hi^litoous - ucss ! Light and lii'o to all he ff .^-/L-/^-. mihl ; Goil and sin - ncrs re - (.'on - filed." ilt>_\f -" nil ye na - tions rise; Join tho t iiinij)h briag.s, His - en with heal - in<^ iu lii.s wiri^s. .Mdd ho lays his f;lo - ry l»y, liorn tliat nicn no -o ■ — > — «^ ^ Cm. # /TV -^= c:=S"r=^.'-i.: -s_>- -•- ff— ',— ' m- -—.- — — ...^ — j- -V -55- of the skies; AVith th'an - frol - ic ho5^t pro- claim, " Dn-ist is born "in Beth - le - liem." more should die, Born to raise the sons of cardi, Born to give them 6ec - ond birth. 1 ^ A Boys, or Fibst SEHi-Ciioncs. LAND WITHOUT A &TOHM. UIALOGCt: AND CUOKL'S. 1<4C GlIiLB, or SECON-fi SKMiCiiORUi. M UOrS, or riRBT OG1II-V.IIORC8. UIRLB, or OECONB OEMiVHORUI. ...a. — 1_ j-i > — 1«< >-« — « — # i-L- , — 1^ — -4 — «-'- — •--— .^--i i«( — / 1.0 — 0-^-t ^.l -^- ' •• -•--»? -•--•- -—5- »- -•- 1. Traveller, whither art thou going. Heedless of the clouds that form ? Nought to mc the winds rough blowing. Mine's a 3. Traveller, art thou hero a stranger. Not to fear the tempest's power ? I have not a tho't of dan - ger, Tho' the i CHORUS. — <• — ^ — *; — iJ l-o-F* — * -{ * f f *-i-M ^ » -^ {-•• — # — # — » l-g-g-*— »#p land without a storm. And I'm go - ing, yes, I'm go - ing To that land that has no storms, And I'm sky more darkly lower. i^iE p»- -••- — • — • — } 1 1— -; ^[-r >j — b-f* • — • — * ]'C ^ — ^ — ':i-l-'=' ^ — bl fe=^- Jzr?i:rf^Jrh5=i=!!:2rc|:irr!«— ii(=J:j::^:]] z — C — J — Z-1.0 — — — 0.J.g-—g — g — j.j.^-jj go - ing, yes, I'm go - ing to the land that has no storms. p. .ft. _>_ _^_ _,. -0. -0- -0- .. _•- .0- m?i?i?l:iiii;iisi5iiia 8 Boys, Traveller, now a moment linper, I Soon the dnrknens will be o'er. Girls, No ! I see a beckoning finger, Guiding to a far-off shore. — Cho. 4 Boys. Trnrcllcr, yonder narrow portal. Opens to receive thy form, • ♦, Girlt. Yes ! but I shall ho immortal " ""^" In that land witboat a ■tonn.'^CHa [101 ^ i; /I'.r- , ; / « X4:& ON THE ROAD TO HEAVEN. if ALLEUKttlO. utf^::2:-::|: 1. 2. 3. We're a Pa - rents, We're a hap - py tench-era, hap - py band tliey band of are of scliol-ars, . with us, sehol-ars, On On On the the the road, on road, on road, on ---tf-ff 4 I {; ; ; — f-» * • #-?-#?- the rond, We're a hap tlie road, With a host the road. We're a hap till 0- y int py m m^^ i=f itm; -•: — #y •- band of schol-ars, On can't be numbered, On band of schol-ars. On t^i tlic road to the road to the road to hcav'n. lioav'n. hcav'n. 3=3=a=2:H=s We will While we We will -l-T— t i i I--T — ' 1 1 Vr count raise count our our our la-hors nothing If we £;ain tuneful numbers With this hap la-bors notiiing If we gain that •py that ^m^mMmm^m^^Mm^i^Mmm ■» — '\ CHORUS. ^^^^^^m0^^^^^^^^^ bliss -fal shore ; There we'll Sab-bath throng. Let each bliss - ful shore ; There we'll join heart join tlie and tlie songs of an - gels. Singing ev - er - more. voice u • nit - ing, Swell the joy-ous song. songs of an - gels, Singing ev - er - more. We're on the road, we're ^j^li^lj^iSii^iiiSiii;^^; "4, -py tlmt - py :i ON THE ROAD TO HEAVEN, Coucluded. 147 On the road, Come join our hap - py band, Tlio' small the gate, the way is straight to Zi - on's hap-py land. ■'•^- ' ±zEli'::zz^:ir^^z^~h — p— ■#— '-l-eB— ^H-; ^-i — r-f -t^— ^^-t- — ^- F # — »-T-| ^fl WE'LL STAND FOR THE RIGHT. Z^' 's»»4-'^* 1. This lifo is n bat- tie with Sa - tan and sin, And wo are the Bol-dlcrs the vTct' - ry to win; And Christ is the Cap-tain of our lit - tie band, Whatev - er op - po - ses, for him wtj shall stand. 2. To God for our ar - mor, wo'U fail not to go. He'll clothe us with truth and with righteousness too ; The " Gospel of ])cacc " sliall our footsteps at - tend. The good "shield of faith from all harm shall defend. All. We will stand ^:^:zf:z=^ for the riglit, —^zzizzzzzjzzzz^zzzzzz: We will stand, for We Wa will stand, will, &c. the right, we will stand for the right. r— C; -#i- 5 mm Salvation our helmeit, the Bible our sword, Though wilv our foes, we're strong in the Lord ; While watching and firuying our armor keeps bright, Our .Torus wil! hplp w to fjtiind for the right, — Clio. Though little temptations, the worst ones of all, Will often beset us, and cause us to fall ; We'll " stand up for Jcfus," and, when life is o'er, For us He'll be standing on Jordan 'e bright shore. — Ciio ,"S ,fi I 51* 14S THE CRYSTAL SEA. 1. Sweet must it be to dwell se-cure rroin sim - pie stain, from tlio't im-pure, Ko wand'ring foot -step 2. How oft the struggling spir - it tries For blest com-mii - nion with the skies ; How oft we pray that 5' CU0RU8. to re - trace, No mourning for the Saviour's face; An J this our hap - py lot shall be, When wo may bear Christ's per - feet ira - age, cv - en here ; And 0, like Jo - sus we shall be, When _^_ _,- -,- -J^--*Z -p_ - ^ -•- T m -^- -^- <•- -^- '^- -^- ^ 2rj|-i:zi=^i=itzi=:p=i:^±ii»=r^izri?-ptL:=-ziz5-fi?-nr:z-z-=rri 2il-r=:-U==S:=-5={:^-i=5^=czzi:i?=j:»riz=?=cz:b5z:j:!:z-5-~ i 1 ^ — J 1-1 > 1 J_( > ■ ^ — i_u ^ ^-I I 5=::|=r:»I==:j==Irr^J:T-:^-:^~r':==:^:^Tr^z=z^z;:3■~==zl~-z^ ^~_-r:z:s-r:2irrzi=::j:*:iJ:z^:=iri-{:iV— we have ranclicd the crvf - tal ?ea, Wlien we have readied, have reaciied tlio erys - tal sua. wc have, &c. g;i(r:;rr=;_; «!ri:;:g->':h£*^=g-iipr=r»;j-.:-j";=i^:==r»=?:l:C=i:'-:i':z-|i KIND WORDS CAN N^VER DIE. X49 1. Kind words can ncv -er die, Cherished and blesr, God knows how deep they lie, Stored in the breast. 2. Childhood can ncv- er die. Wrecks of the pa}f diet may from their loft - y scats tude give up ; j With what for ti be passed, ou high, they died ; 5=E= Thou shalt ho to Far be- yond the _ ^ ..^ , "None but Christ," the martyrs cried, Ours li - ons cast, Hold tiiou thy pro - fos - sion fiist ; Nev-cr, nev - er, star - ry f-ky ; With n - nit - cd voice the}- crv ; Nev-cr ncv-er, the strongest side ; Ncv-cr, nev nev . er give up. nev • cr give uj). nev • er give up. " None but Christ," tho martyrs cried, Ours is vet the strongest side; Ncv-cr, nev-er, nev-cr give up. 'ir"""* W n.^ l; I ■ • : i' J 169 SHALL WE MEET BEYOND THE RIVER » Mo&XBATO. 1. Shall we meet Iwj'ond the riv - cr. Where the sur^-cs ne'er shall roll, Wlicre in nil the bright for • ev - er, 2. Shall we meet in thiit blest har-bor, When our stormy voyage is o'er; Shall we meet and cast our an-chor, 3. Shall we meet in yon-der cit - y, Where the tow'ri of crys-tul shine, Where the walls arc all of jae-pcr, E^^ b -o— **--.* - 1 -••—* — • — #-v-#— -•— r i»-'-— •-T-#s— • — -" — #-,-»— r-#i— #-.-#•— # — m -r • — •-r S IT — T — CODA. -\,-i~^.. Sor - row ne'er shall press tiie wul ? Shall wc meet, shall we meet, shall we meet? Shall we meet be-yond the By the fair, cc - Ics - tial shore ? Sliatl wc, &c. Built by work - man-ship di - vine ? Shall wc, &c. /->, riv - er, Where the surg - cs ne'er shall roll? S^ 4 Where the music of the ransomed, Rolls its harmony around ; And crciUion swells the chorus, With its sweet, melodious sound. 5 Shall wc meet with many a loved one, That was torn from our dmbrace ? Shall we listen to their voices. And behold them face to face ? ,-., YES, WE'LL MEET. 168 Yes, we'll meet, in yonder mansions, 4 Wc shall meet, where all is onward, Where our 'vand'rings all shall cease ; Every change new glories bring; On that brlglit, coles - tlal shore. *l-l^ ^^mm^ There we'll meet our dear compauions, And be crowned with perfect peace. Yes, we'll meet where bliss immortal, Sweeter fur tlinn rest can be ; And before the tliroiie eternal, All our earthly triumplis see. And the host still moving forward, Glorify our heav'nly King. 5 We shall meet, 0, weary brother, When the burden wc lay down ; ^Wc siiail change our cross of anguish, pP^v For a bright unfading crown. VERY LITTLE 1st time. THINGS ARE WE. tl ) That would be a shocking sight. Vcr - Nev ' y er ?-i?4-->- lit - tl'J things are wc, quar-rcl, nev -er fight, O how [Omit,] mild wc all should bo ; —I — 2 Just lilvC pretty little Lambs, Softly sldpping by their dams ; We'll bo acatie ail the day, * liovc to Icnrn nnd r^a^c to play. 3 We will love our teachers too, And be alwap kind and true ; And attend to every rule, Of our mnch-lovcd Sunday-school. J ; ■' 15* |j:Tq:;ir]=:d=:teiF=fc' THE HOUSE UPON A ROCK. Mstth. 7:24,25. ^I;S1 rq — J iJg — — s — — — 0-i-, ^ — t- — , -#-'-# — 0—J-0-L-m — m — 1 — ■ — MJl , 9 .0 — 0- -0 — O, if my liousi3 is Iiuilt up - on For He wliose word is lust - iiig as O, if my house is built up - ou Thcu let niy liousc i)o built up - on ^^-k-r-\-,-« — •— • — »-^ ■mk a. rock, I know it will stand for - cv - cr ; The floods may come, and the the hills. Whose truth is unchang-ini? ev - cr, Hath said my house on the the sand, 'Twill fall when the floods are swclliiig ; The winds will blow, and the ft rock, For there it will stand for -ev-er; The floods may come, and the C ^ 0-,-0 ^ — ^ # 0-r-0 — J — ■\-*-r-p • •■ roll-in;? thunder's shock May boat upon my house that is founded on a rock, But it sol - id rock sliall stand, He'll holn'it by his mifi;ht in the hollow of his hand, And it tcni-pt.'st will dc-scend, And beat np-on my liousc tliat is built upon the sand, And it roll-ins tlumdcr's shouk May beat up-on my house that is founded on a rock, But it N > S ,S S N S nev-er will fall, nev-er will fall, nev-er will fall, nev-cr will fall, surely will fall, nev-cr to rise, never will fall, nev-er will fall, '^'-f^tf--* — • — » —• — -•• — *-\~jzm :>—[:: iEi:}5ii5s=?^iilii!;}:;ii^gl FULL r;ev-cr, never, nev-cr. CHORUS, ff my sure fonn-da A.A-4^4..- I - tion, 'Tis Jo - sus Christ, my _ _- _ _ I ! I i ii_u, _,___! — ; ^-~ • — •-,-•— •—•—#-T-, m 2 •-!-• * ,*-T-*. • — • «— T .-r--]- I\Iy rock is ~0- It IS y\\ rni'k is firm, is tirm, *■ ' ■ ■- nil;; uj'un a rock, c.-iciuaoa, Vr(S. ^ .. ;/ ! ISO f- • — *— » — i*-^ •-» — •-^-^-i^ r^r^ — * — ■ — •-■' ^•-#-'■0- #-#-i-#--iiF-# -*.nrr' dj lov - ing Saviour, Je-siis Clirisr, my lov-ing Saviour, The rock of my sal-va - liun, The rock of my sal-va-tioii. SEMt-CHORUS. I OFFER THEE THIS HEART Or MINE. Is t j^ 2d time full citorus. 1. I of- fcr thee this heart of mine, 2. Ou earth there is no hap - pi - iiess, 1 O God of iio - li - ness, No love can bo as pure as D. s. I'd rat- her bear tliy cross than No one, liko tliec, to loye, No iiand, like tliine, has pow'rto D. s. How sweet 'twill be for mc to cs^-r-Tr-rx-''—^ — • — • — • — •-!-*— rj-* — ri » — • — i — t-=~* j^-m~,-W^~» « — — * w-^ ^ ^ <^ ^ iii • y*'/^ Fine. DUET. D. s. j^ tliine, No oth - er love can bless. My bosom swells with love for thee. Great Fount of swect-est joy, be A kiiijr, the throne my toy. bless. Out-reached from heaven" above. And oh! when death's cold cup I drink, Tho' but a child I be, think. It brings mo near to thee. J \_m « «• c «• m ~C 't* "t '.i. 't. ^ * a «.• m. '*" ^ _fl« I- .. ',.■'■ '■ if Ik -'i l^! .-1 ■-a tee HOSANNA TO THE LAMB OF QOO. 1. Come, O my soul, ia joy • ous lays At - tempt tiiy great Re - deemcr's praise ; But what tongue caa 2. En-throned a - mid the ra - diant splieres, Ho glo - ry like a gar-ment wcai-s ; To form a robe of 3. Raised on do - vo - tion's loft - y wing, Do tliou, my soul, liis glo - ries sing ; And let his praise em - s * i . ,^r-H 1 ^— T- -I ^^ -?. i ^h=z-^zzz^—i—i-A:iz=9-^~^:t\zi-*—^^^^ spedk his fame. What verse can roKh the loft - y theme 1 Glo - ly, glo - ry let us sing, While heaven and earth with light di-viue. Ten thousand suns a - round thee sliiiic. Glo - ry, tie. ploy my tongue Till listening worlds shall join the song. Glo - rv, &c. ^ AUEORETTO. I 1^ 11 AUEORETTO. \i:^zzi-z\zzizzz\=zhzzhz^'z:iz-j:i:^:^Z7i:^=rriz=-,zziZz:yT^^^ -•-■-•-^-s-*-*~^-|» •— * — ^-r~ *"' >~5 •■"• — ,-i-f-!-— — p-i-«%c:.^_.p — >_i glo-ry ring, Ho - san-na ! ho - san-na ! Ho - sanna to the Lamb of God. Glory, glo-ry, let us sing, WhiU mz2z-zzz---^\-i--^^:^\-4=:B-^^ \\^:^z:z-zz::z^\z^zz»zztz£{-J^zzz^zz^z±i:r--^-^-;^-=^^ i nUET. +n COME, YOUTHFUL PILGRIMS, COME. lOO 1. Come, youthful pilf^iims, come, haste to the S:i-viour,. Come, ye young wan-dcr - crs, cling to his side. 2. Hero "see the bread of life; sec \va- ters flow - ing rortii fiom the throne of God, pure from a - bove. 3. Fa - ther in hca-vcn, hear, wo bow be - fore tliee, Look down iii raer-cy, lend a list'ning car. ste I 1— «: 1— ^: — 1-© *-— rt • — *— *i#-t--3 I ; — •- m^m ■-k- liiii^iipii^iii^iiSfPiiiiilip^ Kaoel at his mer-cy-seat, sue for his Conic to the feast of love, come, ev - er Par - dou wc huni-bly ask, while wo a fa - vor, Lambs of his bo-som, for whom ho hath died, know-ing Earth has no sor-rows, but heaven can re - move, dore thee, Wilt thou not lis- ten, and an - swer our i)ray'r. I il-[??!=?f=l=l=li==^^}l= -H- "9- ^•ij>— ^— — |-g CIIOKUS. i ,-- J- ,T5-^- Kneel at his mer - cy seat, sue •^;«^-_o for .m his fa - vor, Lambs of Iiis bo - som for whom he haih died. Note.— Rt>ppat the last two lines of eaoh Torw* for the fhoros. leo THE BEAUTIFUL STREAM. :rdrzr:^Lz:>ii::l: — ^- P' M.z™:lrd2I:::::^-:=dI^rdrzr;*'^•:.^lI::lzz=_^:L_Irz■:q"^:d:T- 1. O, have- yon not hcnvJ of a licnii - ti 2. With inur-mur-in;; sioiind dotli it wan -•der 3. Its foun - tains nrc deep nnd irs uJl - fiT-f 4. This licau - ti - ful stroiini is ilic Klv - cr 5. Oh, will you not drink of tiiis hiuii - ti ■ -CD- -•• ~ • -# •- ■ #• ^■,-#- ful strrnm, Thfli tlows tliro' our Faih-cr''* n, - loiiir, Thrn' fields of e - tcv - nnl arc pure, And sweet to the wea - ry of Lif;! It Hows for nil na - tioha, ful stream, And dwell on i;.s peace -ful land ? grceu ; sonl ; free ! shore ? I Its Wliero It A The H u , V I , . — . cnoi!t!s. iLO'"" — H^-j 1~ r,H — "^r ■*« d '^fi"i'~*- **~ii """Ji — ''~'T\ — f- f--3 1 — s~i-T- — I — i-r Ava-terd'^loaml)ri;rlit in the heaven-ly lii;iit, And rip -jile o'er po!d-cn sand, songs of the blest, in their lia-ven of r^'st, Float soft on the air sc - rene. flows from the throne of ,lo - ho- vah a - ionis ! Oh, come wiu've it.s hriL>lit waves roll, lialni for each wound in its wa-ter is found ;( )h, sin-ner, it Hows for thee! Spir - it says come, all ye, weary ones honu-. And wan- der in sin no more. Oh, seek that bcauti - ful stream ; &Mn -rs— #- :E:: ^ ,.l_0--#--^.---_-#-'-o^-«-----l-#.--#--#--~--#-'-^.-_-^'^-^-— 0-^■-•-^-w-:J_-*.- Seek now that beauti - ful stream ; lii wa-ters so free, nrc flowing for thee, — Oh, seek tliat bcauti -ful . stream. % MOPERATO. JESUS IS MINE! IQl 1. Why should I be sad or fcnr 2. Mii.cliom dan - ger to pro - tcct 3. Mine thiougli liiu's tcm - pcs-tuous Juur iul ? Jo - Biia is mine: Wh' sliould'cjes wiih grief bo narful . nic, Jo - f-ua is mine : From my wnnd'rings to cor • icct mo, my, Jo - sua is mine: \\\.a% iho' it bo rougii and storm-y? 0:^5- B£± >i — • — « p p — m — ^ — a:i:c. — mi—fi::\z_L,Mi. — i_,'^iz:i__i:^ ^ ;/ ^ ^' P U if* P 1^ U DUET. Jo - BUS is mine : Now, liis gracious worli com - pict • cd. Ho a • bovo ail pow'r itJ - cd, Jo -8113 is mine : Mine to fill my 8oul with pleas- mc. Mine, a price -less, peer - less tieas-uro, Jo • sus is mine: Now ho i-prcads his ban - nor o'er ine, Sets the '• blci-s-ed hope" be - fore mc, And bv hosts in glo - ry grcet-ed ; Jo - sus is Mine e en now, and mine for - ev • cr; Jc -sus is Of his com - ing soon in glo - ry ; Jo sus mine ! mine I lUinc 1 xT— -, 0^--0 • • • •-■ • *•— ,. «— 11 4 Till that day, I'd fain be telling, Jesus is mine : . ^ On his love be ever dwelling ; Jesus is mine; ■" Thus I'd wait liis bltst appearing. His own voice my spirit cheering ; Till I sing, the palm-branch bearing, Jesus is mine ! xesa OH, so BRIGHT! 1. There is a bet - ter world, tlicv say, Oli, so biifrht! Oh, so biipht ! Whore sin and woe are dono a - way. 9. N© clouds e'er pass a - long the sky, Hap-py land! llap-py land! No tear-drop glis-tcns in the •, Tho' wo are sin - ners, cv' - ry one, Je - sus died ! Je • sus died ! And though our crown of peace is way. eye gone, 2:b-3:;t— i:crr-ri:pzii;::t-J?izz2rz:-iz5[--:i:^5ri:tni5i:*.-^ — c-*fl -.<>' Oh, Hap Je - so briixht ! Oh, so bright ! And nui - sic fills the balm - y air. And an - gels with bright wings a pylnnd! Hap-py land! They drink tho gushing streams of grace, And gaic up -on the. Saviour' may bo cleansed from eve- ry stain, W(5 may be crowned with bliss a air. And sus died ! Je ^ # sus died ! Wc re there, And s face, Whoso - gain, And / . . . - V \ S S f ''^ ^ ^ J J ^^ • harp's of gold, and mansions fair. Oh, so bright ! Oh, po bright ! brightness fills tlio ho- ly place, Hap-py land! Hap-py land! in that land of pleasure ceign ; Jo - sus died! Je - sus died ! Then parents, sisters, brothers, come, Come away ! We lon'j: to reach our Father's home, t'omc away ! Oh, come, the time is gliding ])ast, And men and things are fleeting fast, Our turn will surely come at last ; Come awav ! come awav ! 5 Not too tSlow. COME TO THE FOUNTAIN. les I 1. C) come, children come, to the foun-tain draw ncnr, Where tiic wa-tcrs of lilc nie 2. Tliis fountain is flo\vin<; hy nijrht and by day, 'Twas opened for sinners ; then 3. From the des-cns of sor-iow and sin quickly flee. To this fountain of life, whose ^. •_ _«— # 0. -p— - — - ^- ^'F.^i ^-^-S -|~» — '-0 — 0-\~0-0'—^0—0'\- ~|-=i~f"#— •-! I — h— ^-T-»— •' — *'-' flowing so keep not a • wa-ters are • clear, ■ way ; free ; iill -J ,. In Jo- sus 'tis opened, no lonj^-er do - lay, O, come and ac- ccpt him while yet 'tis to - day. Come, drink of it froe - ly, 'tis free - ly be-stowed, Tlie life giv-ing fountain, the"riv-er of God." It heals ev' - ry sickness, it ban - ish - cs pain, And who - ev - er fcistes it, will ne'er thirst a - gain. ! jL ss_ _^- _»_•. _^- _^. _^- ' J I i^.-S-^--izzhi~izzzi:hi-iz:iz=zr4z^—Wzzz^ UEFUAIN. ,•*' 1 ' ' J I ! • I 1 ! ''»^ :T^-^:-s=Z0fi[z:^zrz=:i-=r:z':i~^zz±z\zJz=zi—i-r-^^^ r • • • . ' 0, come, chil-dren come, O, come, children come, O, come to the " Fountain " while yet 'tis to-day. 134: Duet or Trio. THE BIBLE, SACRED BOOK DIVINE. 1. The Bi - ble, 2. A gift by 3. It tells us sa - cred book div - inc, By God di - vine - ly sent, To of a Saviour slaiu For in - ppi - ra - tion };ivcn ! All goodness, lio • li - ncss en-twine guide our 30uls a - bove ; An in-dex of his kind in -tent, us on Cal-va - ry, Who meek-ly bore our grief and pain. ^' ■0- *■ •• »■- J-- ::^:zt-^zii' cnoKUS. this gift from heaven. I love u - ment of love. I love to set us free. I loVe •- -0 love it, I love it for its prom-is - es, love it, I love it for its glorious tnnh love it, I love it for tlio love rcveiilcd 0, _ « _ -•- ■•- -•- -• • V!fez:Trzi-iLr_tzz:'^: :::^^^ -f;::-}irzi;-zi:c:=zi=^:.r:.zzz::l:t-==^^=2— • 4' 1-"-— u--ri::z'.::i-^_- .-'(iziL^ i rich, cv' . God so ficc ■ ly ry page (lis sin to giv - en, playo.l ; - fill man ; -# :•: Tiint Tiiaf. I i: ■ — Vt--" -A -0- ' 0- of - for doubt-iiij^' love it light sin - for and nurs the life here to may -0 all, And hiip • learn Wliat ( jod .0 — — — 0. -I *- 1 !-- prom-ise scaled, lie - demp - lizuz'.'zin'f,: r — •— ^■ pi - liim - tioii's #: ne.'s self fin - in hath ished 0. -0 •••- -• heaven, .^aid. ])lan. ^-T-# • ^-i»I •-11 HEAVENLY HOME. lee u__.-j -*j — 1-T- 1 ■ - -»< — -t— T-j-^ — :?^~d Hi"~: Ht-J ^ — H — *« — *» — vt — t ^l 1. Heavenly home ! hcaveuly home! Prc-cious name to me; 2. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! There no clouds a - rise, -••- -#- -iS- -0^ -0- -O- -•- -•- -0. I lovo to think the time will come When No tear-drop fall, no dark nights dim Thy FINl!. 3..ii_*^-':_»:z=5r:li^._i_zb:j:t.;:: n— -j::z:*:1:J:ziiJ:z:J:::iiS:b»^-5i~ii=-l:g:i±zS; I've no a - bid - ing cit - y here ; I seek for one This earth-ly homo is fair and bright, Yet clouds will of - to come ; And ten come ; And I shall rest in thee. ev - er - smil - iiiir skies. ' — -i^-f — ? — I [— *-< *^-;?-^-| ;?— r — y^-^ — '^ — ^ — ''-^"i j — r — l?-^^ ^-^ .•_:?:^- tho' ray pil - giim-age bo drear, I know there's rest at home, oh, I Ions to SCO the Vv^ht That irilds my hcaveniv home. — ^-^'^— V — ?~? — / — p-'-P'— J-i-p — p — I — r-'-' ■*■* Heavenly homo I heavenly home ' Ne'er shall sorrow's gloom, Nor doubts nor fears disturb me there, For all i-i peace at home. I know I ne'er sliall worthy bo To dwell 'ncrtth heaven's biight dome ; But Christ, my Saviour, died for me, And now he calls mo home. »*• m loe SONG OF THE LILIES. ' coaiiiaei the UUeai cif t)i« tloM, iiOff t\i»y giaw."~)lAi'i. U, ISa i iU. ")' Hark, the . Hark, the . Bat - ter- Iiillfpp^li35pri^^l;|3!|^?i^|:||l lil - ies whis-per Ten - der - ly and low, " In oar grace and beau-ty, See how ros - cs speaking, Tell-ing all a - broad Their swcot, wondrous sto-ry, Of tho eups and daisies, And the vio-lcts sweet, Flow'rs of lie Id and garde!), All their 1 —.1^0 #— -# 0-1 — ==: J T 1_: 5_ fair wo love of voi - ces -^ — 5-j prow ; " God, meet; Thus our heavenly Father (-'ares ("or all be - low. The lil - ies of the field. The beau- ti - ful lil - ics of tho In the Rose of Sharon, Jc - sus Christ the Lord. The ros - cs how they hlooni ! Tho l^^'iu-ti - i'nl ro - scs how they And their Ma-ker'ri priiis-cs To our souls re -peat. They i^inj^ their Maker's praise. The beauti- ful fiow-*.'rs, how they ' field. Your Father cares for them, And shall he not care for you 1 Mooni! Your Father, &c. bins ! Your Father, iLc. Let us then, be trustful, Doubtinp: not, although Much of toil and troubla Be our lot below. Think upon tho lilies, Sec how fair ther grow. The lilies of the field, The hoaiitiful lilies of the field; Your Father, &c. m i-CA-'TER SMILES AS YOU GO. ie7 I — 3:-^_-Xi_, — — 5 — — 0-^-0 — ■ — — j — # — i<- _^rT;i~* — ^_i^si'-»- i-i — P — P— 1. 2, 3. Scat-tcr smiles, biiglit smiles, as you pass on your way, Thro' this world of toil and care ; Like .the Iwams of the Scat-tcr smiles, bri;,^lit smiles, 'tis but lit - tic tlieycost; But j'our heart may ncv-er know What a joy they may Scat-tcr smiles, briglit smiles, o'er thcgravo of the past. Where the orphan's treasure lies ; In the tear-drop that , cnoRfJs. — i- morn-iufj that gent-ly pla}', They will leai-e a sunlisrht there. Scatter smiles, cir - ry to wea-ry onus Wlio arc jmle witli want and wo'.'. glis - tens thcrj light will shine, As the rain-bow paints the skies. bright smiles, Scat-ter Scatter smile.i,brig!itamile8,briglit smiles, smiles as vou pass on vour way. Scatter smiles, bri'^ht smilea, -0- -0- iiig^l smiles as you pass on your way, Scatter smiles. smilea, Scat-tcr smiles. -Oy bright smiles. I Sent for emilos. briplit Mnil'' Sr-ntf^r -milos. ht Snsntcr smiles n» you pnfig on yonr way. 168 HOME. 1. There is a land of pure dc-liprht, Where saints immor - tal reign ; la - fi - nite day excludes the niffht, And 2. There ev - cr - last - ing sprintr a-bides, And nev-er-with'ringflow'rs: Death, like a narrow stream, divides That 3. Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood, Stand dressed ia liv-ing green, So to the Jews old Canaan stood.Wliilo _ «— r ■ * • '-l-l^ m ■*"IZ1=' 1"! m * — I'* 9. ? •"F cnonus. k'asiirc'' biin - ish pain. We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground, ^\nd soon shall hear tlie trumpet sound ; And then wc hap - py land frmi ours. Jor-d;iii rolled l)e-twccn. mmMmm^m^mm^^^^^^m shall with Jc - sns reign, And ncv^r, nev-er part a - gain, What ! never pai't a-gain 1 No, nev- cr part a-gain. Whatl nOMB, Concluded. --^-K-^~S— i^ SET- H -H-H leo nev - er part a-gaia 1 No, ncv-cr part a - gaia : And then. wo shall with Jc - sua reign, And nev-er, never part a - ga'n. :E£ iiHiiiil^jS^l^liiiiaijfi ON THE CROSS. -^r--^ — 1. Be - hold ! behold tlie Lamb of God, On the cross, on the cross,} j Now hear his all, im - port-ant cry, ) For you he shed his precious blood. On tlio cross, on the cioss, } | E - li, la- ma sa - bac-tha-ni; } Draw near and sec your Saviour die, On t!;c cro3s, on the cross. o Let all the children corao and sinc^, Of the cross, &c. Parents and teachers cotno and sing, To the cross, &e. Here let t!ic preacher lakc his stand. And with iho Bible in his hand, Proclaim the triumphs of the Lamb, Ou the cross, &c. 'Tis done ! the mighty deed is done, On the cross, on the cross ; Tlie battle fought, the victory won, On tlic cross, on the cross. The rocks do rend, the mountains quake, While Jesus doth atonement make. While Jesus suffers for our sake, On tiie cross, on the cross. Wlicre e'er I go I'll tell the story, Of tlie cross, &c. In nought my youthful heart slpll glory, Save the, &c. Yes, this my constant iheme shall be, ^ _. Through time and in eternity, ' * - That Jesus suffered death for me, On the cross, &c. 170 THE CANADIAN BOAT HYMN. Wordi hj Hit. T. SiiTAOi. m^^m^^m^^^^^^mm 1. Sweetly let's join onr cv'ninnr prny'rs, And pive to the wind all world-ly cares ; We'll sinfc 2. Tlio' dark 's tlienifiht in which wo siiil, Our Pi - loi's on board, wo can -not fail; The wind 3. Faint-Iy at times wo pull tiic our, Yot cv - e - ry stroke brings nearer shore; Cross winds, 4. Make, "make the port, the tide runs hiuli, Un - furl thy white streamers, the iiaven's ni^h ; Tiie liills 5. And when the port of glo-ry's gained, And full re - derap-tion wo have obtained ; With angels and row o'er and waves His roucrh waves are and dales of a • bove. Ho- -.^: Q —I s T~-^^— v~i Vt-» —!■-"« — — :; i-» — i^ — ! Nf — S — V — V — K — K — V life's rou^rh sea, We'rj sailing to c - t?r - ni - fy. Blow, breezes, blow the streams of grace. The haven of glo-ry's our voicj o-bpycd. And ilie great deep by bim was made. Blow, &c. in the way, Pull strong tlic oar, and iiumbly pray. Blow, &,c. life look dim. We'll sing to our friends t!;e f ircwoll hymn. Blow, &c. zanna we'll sing.To Immanuel Jesus, our Pilot and King. Blow, &c. laftd-ing place, Bl#r, breez - cs, blow the streams of grace, The ha • vcn of glo-ry'a our rest - ing place. •^-U: 1- ^2-E —-\-0 J >-. 11^ — i!-,: E*=iri=*Er=?ilS;EfE5^=fEr.7E*;i3=^E m :ii-t MfGHEK THAN 171 _, — j i.^.g. *-iJ-, ow nnd cnve ; t:iiii ofpooJ. ■ly bc-Btow; From tlic I'll pray lu nf- '^ In st-a-sons of priof to my Cod I'll re-pair, When my licnrt is o'cnvliolmed with forr AVIicn Satan, my foe, dares come in like a Hood, To diivo my poor soul liom tin' I'cun And while as a stranger I sojourn be -low, All tliy covenant bless-inss, Lord, Iroe ^^-^-,i°- ends of tlio cnrth un - to tliec will I cry, Lead tne to llic Uock that i.i hiirli-cr than I, IIinli-cr tiian I, to the Sa-viourwho meuk-ly did die, Lead me to the Iiock that is hi>;h-er than I, Ili;ih-cr than I, fiic-tion's dark night to thy throne let mo lly, Lead mo to the Kock that is hiirh-cr thuu I, Iligh-er than 1, v^ ' I r f r 11^ ' ' r High-cr than I ; Lead mo to the Rock tliat is high-cr than I. When thou, Lord, shalt close my fniil pi'urimage here, III the likeness of Jesus then let me aii^car; In the swellings of Jordan on thee I'll rely, Looking to ihe Rock that is higher tiian J, And when t!ie la^^t trumpoitsliall sound thro* the fkies, When the dead in Clirisl Jesus immortnl shall rise, With the ransomed I'll praise him above yonder Hky, Fixed firm on the Rock timt is higher than I. i -^' 17» Solo Alto. TEACHERS, TELL US OF THE NIGHT. Solo ToDor. 1. Tcacliers, tell us of the niJit.What its signs of promise are. Children, o'oryouinoiintaiii's lieij:ht,Seeth;itKloiybcamin"starl 2. Teuclicrs, tell us of the night.IIigiier yet that star ascends. Children, Idcsseduess and light, Peace and trutii its coursuj^ortends.; tSolo Soprano. Solo Tenor or Buss. Teachers, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy fore ell ? Children, yes ; it brings the day : Promised day of Isra - el. Teachers, will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? Children, ages nro its own ; Sec, it bursts o'er all the f arth ! Chorus for \sl and 2d verses. Chorus for 3d verse. iS^-iMz: .__,-_J__>. 1. Children, yes ; it brings the day, Promised day of Is- r.i - el. 2. Children, a - ges arc its own ; See, it bursts o'er all the earth. 3. Children, lo, the Prince of Peace, Lo, the .«_•-(*- -^' -«- -(■• _ ^ -«• -^- .|t.. -*- .^. ,- , . v^^il U l^ ^ -«_•-(«- -^' -«- -(t. -«• -^- .ft: -*- .fit ^•#iJ-#---54 »•-• — •• -si:i=— **-5 |-»* - E— E— r- -« l - •"-54 ••-•— •^-•4-« ' Son of God is come, Lo, the son of God is como ! Teachers, tell us of the night. For the diukness seems to dawn, Ciiildren, darkness tikes its flight, Dou!)t and terror aro withdrawn. Tciclicrs, let thy uandcrui;^? cease; Hie thee to tliy qirct homo. Cliikircii, lo, the Prince of Peace, Lo, the Sou of God is come I INFANT PRAISE. 173 1. Children of Jo - ru - sa - lein Sang the 2. We have of - ten heard and rend What tlio 3. Wo are taught to love the Lord, We nro 4. Pa- rents, teach -ers, old and young, All u praiso of Je - sus* name ; Chil-dren, too, in these, our days, roy - al Psalmist said, " Babes' and sucklings' art-less lays taught to read his word, Wc are tauglit the way to heav'n, nite to swell the song ; High - cr and yet high-er rise, Join to sing the Saviour's praise. Hark ! hark ! Shall pro-clnini the SiivioUr's praise." Hark ! &c. Praise for all to God be given. Hark ! &c. Till ho - sau - nas reach the skies. Hark ! &c. hark 1 while in • fant voi • ces sing, Hark ! hark ! hark ! while m^ :t:zzizfl ::]■: M: ■4-i I :?=E in - fant voi ces sing Loud ho -sau -nas, Loud ho-san-nas, Loud ho - sun - nas to our King. ifi i 174 March MoTenieutc *- • J r — ♦ < — - MARCHINQ ALONG. TIic cliililrcii arc The foe is be - fore We've 'list cd for life, Thro' conHicts and tri fliitli'riiig from near nnd from far, The trumpet is sound-ing the call for the w'r, The uls us m bat - tic ar - ray, But let us not wa - ver, nor turn from the way, Tlie and will camp on the field, With Christ as our Cap - tain, wo nev- er will yidd. Tlie our crowns we must win, For here we con-tend 'gainst temp-ta-tion and sin. But ::^IIr-:^=:^-d=r=^l con - flict is rapjinjr, 'twill be fear - ful and lonp;, We'll gird on our armor, and be marching a -long. Lord is our strength, be this ev - or oiir song. With cour - age and faith we are marching a -long, "sword of tlie spir - it," both trust -y and strong, We'll hold in our hands as we're marching a -long, one thing as - sures us, we can - not go wrong, In • trust - ing our Sa - viour, while marching a - long. i^- itni-ii: "fp- 0..-—01—0'- 0-12 , \-j >. .^-4- Mareh-ing a-long, wo arc marching a - long. Gird on the ar - mor and be march-ing a - long. The r— ^- :^^;=^ £: -0-T :5z=irTri=:j=riqz:ziH^z=::^=::f5=z:^zz:i!!5zzi::}5piiZiz:».?zriz:ii=rp— T MAROHINa ALONG, OoucIuJeU. ires con - flict is rag - iujj, 'twill be fear - ful and long, Then gird on the ar - mor and be marcliiiig a -long. 1 COME TO THE HOUSE OF GOD. ^,^,^^, M Q-^.-™ P?: Cast off each And holy Bow to his Then, wand'ring 16= :i: 1. Come to the house 2. Tlie world hath lost 3. Come to the house 4. IIU word and will of its of to God, thiull, God, Iciini, His 'Tis tlie And, Seek Sab dav ^'liUl hiiu bath of ly in -I- -I ■ liirhts peace seek praise the and his and J- skies ; love, face : praj'r ; =fKEEE|E|^iEEpEiEr:{E^E:EE^Ep^==E{E:E: we a du - chast'n pit ry ties ing grim, load, call rod, turn, Lot To the Ask And hymns Lord of of praise all and re • ccive to his courts a - rise. a • hove. his grace re - pair. PP^^tlEiiiE?PJE»^3^JEi^lJ^i i7e LO! THE ' J I MODKnATO. PROMISED DAY IS BREAKING ^1- 5: ■Vj — ■«« --» f, g — -g - g ■ c:;--- Sec its ;r!i)i"ioiis liulit fip - pour, Darkness, ha - trcd i\'vj:t\ no iikm-o, Life di - vine his word? ini - part, -#■- M^ 1. Lo ! tlic proini-cd day i^ l)rcnki:ip, 2. Yes ! the promised day is hrcakiii:;, 3. O the joy of his np - poiu-iii^-, An - {rel notes are soft-Iy stcitl- Tor Ini - mini - uol (■onK'> lo vanrj Ami the i-tnnntii he yives sliidl en - uii-h ter On tl)e mornincr's wakeful enr. Sin and .k'.ith, and man re - srore. Ill - to ov' - rv o - lien lioart. Hark! thry float a -round and near lis, Ho - ly strains of pe;;ee and !ove, AVf! - I'o^nr, weii'onio, ura-t'ioiis Savimr, '\Vi>lcoinr, Ki'iudoni of our fSod, Now the Qiu'cti of (.-'lin^tian gra - tes Is hy him en-MuDn -od tliere, ' Fall-inG: on the lii-t'nins sjiir-it ^ Dwell Willi 11-; in pow'r and plo-rv, Sov'rci|Lrn of the best and ]iur-.'s't, -v-A-:;; -H---V a * — 9 From the ha|) - i)y world a - hove Make on earth t!iy hle^t ii - ho^ll^ Uri-jitest uf llie j;ood iind f sir. I ili \-» "* ^'_-*^*[ \ Sov'rci|Lrn of the best and ]iur-.'st, UriL^Jitest uf llie j;ood iind f sir. 1 9': Sir,*.-: |i ;- ,i=z:;i — #_r t :^ r^ t»} Lo! ii=L lo! ^:^l5;=Ei=J h It LO! TUB PROMISED DAY IS BREAKING, (;onoluJpa. -iiit «« ft m\ 177 Lo ! the glorious light ap - pears. T£E- ^ :^--^^ '-:1- — _:q: GOD SPEED THE RIGHT 3 I. 2. 3. 4. Now to Be that Pii-tic'tit Still the liciiv'n pniy'r , firm, ir oinvi our ])ray'r asoetid- iiilc cause contciul-iiifr, God speed a - gain re- peat -cd, (lod spceii the right ; Ne'er dc-spi'iiiiig, tho' de - feat- ed, Godspeed and ]ier - se - vcr-ing, (>od speed the right; Ne'er tli' event nor r-j — ji ''i -^ ■-~-1==^FiJ~- Be tlieir zeal in heav'n re - cord-ed, Like the gooil and great in sto - ry, I'aiiis, nor toil.s, nor tri - als hced-ing, Truth, ihy cause wliatc'er de - lay it, With suc-ce-s on earth re - ward-ed, (jlod speed tlie riglit, God speed tlie right. If they fail, tlicy fail with glo - ry, God sjieed the right, God speed the right. And in lieav'n's own tinii! suc-ceeding, (iod speed the right, God speed the right. There's no ]iower on caith can stay it ! God speed the riglit, God speed th.e rigiit. I (_r^^ • 178 THE MIGHT WITH THE RIGHT, Dr. Caucott. May ev' - ry year but draw more near Tlio time wlicn strife shall cease, Let good men ne'er of truth de - spair, Tho' hiira-hle ef - forts fail ; Tho' interest pleads that no - blc deeds The world will not re - gard ; Ed— r- T And truth and love all hearts Oh, give not o'er un - til To no - blc minds that du liall move, once more - ty binds, d- To 'J'he Xo " ^ -^*T-» — M — \ — I d— :ij_-4':|: live in joy and peace, riirhteons cause i)re - vail, sae - ri - iicc is hard. Now por- row rci/rns, and earth complains, For fol - ly still her pow'r maintains ; Hut In vain, and l(Mig, en - during wrong, The weak may strive against the strong ; Jjut The brave ami Inu* may seciu Imt i'ew, Hut hope has bet - ter things in view ; And -:i[ the the the 1 , i I_ss 0-—*~0 • •— !-• !-• • g — •-■»-; > — P 5 — 5-1 VHtli tho right, •'i i...'i ,.„!. . , .,.,.„ \\n.„.n .1,., ...:.. .1,1. , .,;»!. *.i,., „;™i,t o.,,i il,,> f,..,.i> t.i..,ii ».« W) .i.., .„;,>i.«. ...:.i, »i :.„i.i ... i ., _ day sliall yet .'m' • near, When the might with the right, and the truth shall bc,Wiieu the might with the right, and day '^iiall yet ap - pear, When, S-v. day will yet nj) - pear, When, &e ii^i^i^iii^it TUE MIGHT WITH THE RIGUT, ConcludeJ 179 truth sluill be, And coiiin what thcic may, To stand in the way, That day the world shall see. ^- -r^-zz:^-- 'W- -0- ^iiiii n if " Au.niiRr.TTO — N AROUND THE THRONE OF GOD IN HEAVEN. 'N K Hi— N N V ^T" ^ — S — N' 1. A - round tin; throne of (Jod in heaven, Thousands of children stand ; Childicn, wliosc sins arc all forgiven ; A 2. In How - ing robes of t^pot-loss white, See cv' - ry one ar - rayed : Dwelling in cv - cr - last-ing light, And ■^^]!k-^Tr r 1 r-» — • <* — •-[-•— — #-,-• • • 0-T-0 — •— •• m-j ^^z^p -A — -1-T- ... p!_^ •0-hi- "~j 'i-*~ —a- :£:.^,=r5 -•- -* . ^ , baiul, Sinix - ">y: fflo - ly. '.^'-^ - »T. glo - ry fade. iSiiii;,' - ing, &c. L__s_pi: iZT- t IH3 to God on -0- high. ;■! \Vhatbroii;.',htthcni (o that world above ? 4 fici'aiisp tli.^ Saviw .• ,^hcd his blood, 5 On earth they ^ou^lit tiie Saviour's grace, That boavcM so I)ri;;lit and fair, 'l"o wa^^h awav tUcir sin ; On earth thoy loved his name ; Where all is |jeaeo, and joy, and love ; IJalbe'l in tli.'U j ,i e and piecious ilood. So now they see his blessed face, llow came those children tlicro ? Bcbolil them whiji and cksii ! And stand before the Lamb, Singina; glory, &e. Singing g, -ry, tc. Singing glory, &c. n ISO PEACE, BE STILL. 1. Once up - on the lieav-iiii;' o - cciin 'Rode a !)ark at cv'n-inf; tide, While tlic waves in wild coni-mo-tion, 2. In that dark and storm-v liour, Fear- fiil ones awaked their Lord, Je - siis by liis soverei"iipow-er, 1^ ^ ^ 1*^ ' > > > ^ N s '^ ' > > cr.-i-ii-^-*irr*— •=:*iirrvir»=i:*==«zri7#-rii*zz:*-_::i#Ti:^ — •-! rl'fcff;4::r!iizjr=:il \..t.e'..^fi : — i!_i-^i_-« — « — «-j.-_- _ «_]:-i: * *:=:z.:J:;««.z:#-i:q_zzrt --^r-N — H— rl— _^-_^,__N_ ^__^ _^s,.>_^- Mi ■ — •-■-•-•I-* ^ ._^_I-,-_, — ,-__<-i j_.» *-9 i-0. — « — 0-1.0 -—.0 — , — 0.1 Dashed a - gainst tlic ves-sel's side. Jc - sus, slecp-ing on a pil - low, Hci^d - ed not the raij-ins hil - low ; Calmed the tem -ja'-c with a word. On life's dark, and rest- less o - eeau, '31id the hil -low's wide com-mo-tion, ^4i^LZ.0^Z^0—0—0ZzYm~^z=.--±A'-^^ ir — :^-i j_"ii_-i: ^- ' . -0-s While tlie winds wove all Trenihliiin- fou! your Lonl is iheri. --V — \ — ^^^-^ ^ '^ a-liroiid, ralm-ly slept tlie r:■:^:: -0— Son r)l (iod. ]] lie will make \oii still his tare. ^-.. Jesus knows your silent weepiiiir, When before his throne you bow ; «'evcr, ncv( r is he sleepinir, Where he reiLins in jiloiy now. f tlie World is (l;irl; !)efore ihre, ir tin' billows, rolliuij; n'er thee, All ihy siMil with terror (ill, Hear hitii saying, " I'eaee, be slill," 3 If [I n, II. RALLY ROUND THE CROSS. l-it. I 2.! 181 IJS.-J — ^ — _ pi — 12 — ly — ^ — ^^j. — y. — p — n — M-\-m 1 — 4 A- — 1-1— i — ^ — " — at* — S — S — ^-■ -•- -•- -J- #- • -J- -•- -•- -i- -•- 1 - o fur and wide ; 1. Hark! the Gos-pcl trmni)ct sounding', Hear its eel iMil - lions to the cross aro liy-in;^, Wliere the Saviour bled and ■■■■\ died, CoiTie and join that no - ble rr - my. — v_^-\;;t — J. — 5 — >-iv — > — * — — * 1 it_ti_J-ti — 5—1^ — 5-i-= — v — > — t-t — I — I-/ -0- -0- Zo — f;±ziMz3:- :r=E? y— And our bat ■ tie - cry shall be. Ral round the cross of Je cuouijs. , I I Hal - Iv round the cross, Ral-ly round the cross; Je » *-f -* — •: — * sns; — #-• — I — He has died i;:iir:^ •^: rce. 5irq>-ir-^rrz:^:i:=,^-iT- r ~i— izzp:iL--a:-!:-[: -•- to -# — #- make us — 1^ >. S- sus died to make us y -#- -cs- free ; llal-ly, ral-ly round the cross. 2 Throuf,di Ills all atoninir merit, We no more are shives to sin ; Ev his firaco we yet may con(|ixv Foes withou*^ and foes \\iihin. Conrajjre, let our hearts he valiant, Au'i uur armor hri^inly sliine ; Take tlie lielmct of salvation, Wiclil the sword of truth liivine. '•) See our j^lorious banner wavin,Lj O'er tlie C'liristian's battle-i?round; Faithful at our ])o>ts of duty, Ix't us each and all be 1.^ ^.^.T.-„^ ,/ — C T,, > — ^_.!L1_; >_.,, C Veilin'jf tiiy na-t;il sk'ies; Look Iic - yonil, there's lijrht for thee, Strcaniiii;; nVr tlic tur-liid sea; Veiling tiiy na-tal skies; Look be -yond, tiicre's hope for tiice, IJawninir o'er a tranquil sea; II I / I • • • ' .0^ • * -a ti- -0- -0 0' *J!~ Soft-ly it smiles, tho' distant far, 'l"he beautiful i)o - lar J^oft-fy it smiles,tho' distant far, The beautiful po - lar star, star. I 9 — 0.J-0-J.-0 #-T — 0-,-0—P—0—\ :r r-^-j-n 1/ i** W* I • 3 Lonely watrher, pale •with Rricf, 'llioii sliait find a sweet relief; Though thy teMrs unheeded fall, Jesus will eoiuit them all ; Look beyond, there's joy ibr thee, JJreakinu' o'er a trouliled sea ; Softly it smiles, tiiouuli distant far, 'i'lio beaiitilul jjolar -lar SUNDAY SCHOOL RECRUITING SONG. SiNQLE Voice, (Hot,) on Semi-chorus. 183 /ioy. 1. Do you kuowa-iiy lit- tie bare-foot boy, In a p:nr-rct or a eel - Inr, Who shivers with cold, and whose 6'iV/. ^. Do you know a-ny lit- tic tired girl, Whose feet with cold are aching, Whose shrinking form braves the 3. Can vou think of a comrade who often goes To play in the lots on Sunday, And who's late at school, and who M ciionus. •^ -#- -«/- -*- ' s~ / P gavnients old. Will scarcely holil to - gctlicr ? Go bring him in ; tlierc is room to spare ; Here arc food, and shel-ter, and winter's stnrni ; The aliii.s ot'tlic richer tiiking ''. Go bring her in, iStr. .' breaks the rule Of his teacher dear on Mondav'? Go bring him in, &c. ^—1-0 — 0—^ — *- -^-4^- -* -9- -\ N— S: -0- liepent in full Chorus. iS^i And we'll not shut tlie door 'Gainst one of Christ's poor, Tho' vou bring every child ;#i;ri----z=z:i— ».]:•— J— S. lU the ty. / r- -C^V /-i *< — ■• 4 Go! gather them in from tJie tenement liousc. And the nicrciiiiiit's stately ])ahuc ; Fv\nn il'.e wo, Id's il;nk Mrifi', mm t'le heiivcnly ble, Let tiiem drink from the golden cliiilic c. Go bring them, tic. I*" Ei^m IllAClILn. 5 "I'if' die Master's wt rk ! there is none so low, lint his loving hand niny reach them ; And tiierc'o none :o tunkcn in want and woe But well juy to liclp and teach them. Go bring thcm,&c. mm ^;l 1 '.,.. ^ y 1S4> THE HAPPY HOME. u^:.::*^_4?rq — q — 2 — a — a — j--,-_q._gi4-« — g — j — ^ — * — ,_p,^j_a_i_3 , 1 — n — q_ is brislit'ning no longer B:pl2::GL;p I am bound for the land of the livinp-, O hinder mc not on Tnyway ; The sunlight The flowers that liloom in my jnithwayUreathe odors that waft mc right on ; They lure nie I am weaned from this land of the dying; De-cay is enstampcd cvery-whcre ; Earth's pleasures areseeming The joy-rays of life are remembered Like sleep-thoughts that float thro'thc brain, The ilesh and the spir- it r::^ be- to and arc |x.: 10Z -0 hS ^S- N— .N_-H^,-H_ ^KKFRAix. Joyfulhj. --' — # •- * — ■ ■ — ■ —a-^-0.-^ — L_p___i — r-i /__! i. ,. )n'.\ ) care. ( gain. 5 fore mc Tliat heralds e - tcr - ni - ty's d tav - ry, PjiU weicouie earth's time to be gon fleeting — My soul has grown weak with its weaving, Each striving the mastery to -r Thcro's a There's a .iN. hajvpy home beyond this of care ; A hap-py, &c. :?-bi: -> — >- 9 5—5 — • — •-!-• — tf — # • *-i • — 5 0-'-^'0\_»-~i ^0 — •— • — 0-^-0- -0-0 — — 0-1 home a - buve,whcrcaU is Unc, And tiio good shall all meet there; A home above where all is love, And the ^^ '0- 0- 0- S . — ^ ^^ -0- -0- TU£ HAPPY HOMK, CoucludeU. Coda for Last Stanza, , s 1^ \ I I I lit III good shall all meet there Shall all meet there, sliatt all meet there. I r- ^ __ 3 I nm. waiting the summons that bids mo No l()n;.^cr a ]iiii,a'lm to roam, But, loiivinj:' the past in tliis death-land. Make the land of the living mv home. 18S The mesBcnger-angel stands waiting, The signal to whisper to me, That the place is prepared for my dwelling, And the blaster is calling for mc. The land of the living is yonder ; TJicre life to its fullness has grown; There sin, and tcmptiition, and sorrow. And sickness, and death are unknown. Tlicro tlic songs of redem])tion are chanted, By a holy, liarmonious l)aud ; 0, when siuiU I leave this clay casket, And fly to my home in that land 1 Can be sung in two sharps, if preferreJ Come, children come, God Come, cliildrcn conic, Christ COME, CHILDREN, COME. 1. o lids you come ; Come and Icani to sing tlio jids you come ; Ear - Iv seek liis face and sto - ry Of the Lord of fa - vor, Love and serve your „ . _:9~i—zizizLzx—zi'z:zzizizzzj::z ^^^-'~^EizJ±B^E»^^M^ Come, children come. Come, chitdrcn come, 1— r life and glory ; les-cd Saviour •cs- -0 — Si]] Come, children come. Come, children come. m, '-UZZ-ZZ i^mi^MmMmm^ Come, children come, the Spirit siiys come; Come with Zion's sons ami d:iughters. To the s])riiig of living waters ; Conic, cliildrcu come, come, children come. Come, cliildren come, make heaven your homo ; Tlien, tlioiiLrli earthly ties may sever, \ou may live with i'lirist forever ! Come, chiidreu come, tome, ehildieu come ! ai a naca vms 183 THE GARDEN HYMN. S\—\ H 1 gnvden comes, ' spices yield their rich perf imes, Tlic lilies grow anil thrive; D. B. Which make the dead re- vivo. ^M #■ ^-f-! — ^— I >-]-| — y—^^ -^-\-V—/ — a-p-j— p- I^ZIlf FINE. Ill - ics :.iakc the prow and thrive ; Ecfrcsl dcaJ I'c - vive. V — t; '5 ri,-4__ _.^, DAL_if? iiiCT showers of 1 + — ' — — «-^ — -+-•-*- — ' — ^-31 •| J — I Hj—i--- «-^^-.i — ^_^_j_11 grace di - vine From Jc - sus flow to cv' - ry vine, __- , — -^-0 -*>■ 0. m. -» "- -*'- --- -»- -_'' i5--|— ?z;pr«zr-«zi:::r'-L:ii«-:pS.i:tzi:c-^.;czr.:prj:"zzrr: r- I — m. 2 0, that this (h'v ami barren ground In S])rin2;s of water m: bound, A (Vuiiful si/;' ■' :' ■ Tlie (lo-ert l.l' While .lesns i^. ■ <"■. ^ And iiKikes his ije'. , .J Tlic glorious time i-; rolu. Tiic ^'racious '.vorlc is i.ow l ..!, My soul !i witness !-;; I fasto aiiil pee the pardon free l'"or nil mankind as v.-cll as nie, Wiio conio to may live. Conic, brethren dear, who kimw I he l^onl, And taste the swctlncas of his wurd, In desus' ways go uu: Our troubles and our trials Iiorc, Will only make us richer there, 7 When we arrive at home. We feel tl'.at li^av'u is now bc;;un; It ipsucs from the sparklini: throne, Fron; .Icsus' throne on liii;h: It comes in floods we can't contain; \\c drink, and drink, and drink again, g And yet wo .still arc dry. I'ut when we como to dwell above, And all surround the throne of love. We'll driidi :i. full supply; JcbUb will load hij armies through, To living fountains where they flow, That never will run dry. 'Tistliere we'll reign, nnd shout, and sing, And make the upper rcf;ions ring. When all the saints got home: Come on. come on, my brethren dear, Soon we shall meet toizether there, p"or Jesus bids us come. Amen, Amen, my soul replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies, Anil cbdm my mansion there; Now here's my iieart.and here's my hand, To meet you in that heavenly land, Where wc .-;hall piirt iio more, RECRUIT FOR THE ARMY ABOVE. lar 1. Tliei'e'.s many a poor lit- tk' l)()y, Wlios 2. (io out ill tlio liC(l;^t's iuid liml, For 3. do, lioar-iii,:^ tiic cm - sign of Iuvl', Its 'Iicr iiiid inotiicr arc iload, ^Vll.;sc liciiit is a stranj^cr to -us has ^iv - en tin; ^ui^•, 'I'lii; halt, and tlio iiiaiuR'ii, and tiiu - nus I'or - cv - cr unfurled, liccrult lor the ar - my a - — I— r— Hi •^:— a-*-l-* — * — •-!-• — i — 3^1-* »—{-» — -0-1-0 ~» — #- -q-r_::^i_, — ,. ,.t , — # — ,-.t — £'S_^_i_>z=:t3 — i?..!-!^ — p T-P >_i-,> — >__l;s-i_i5 — ts — ii_l 1 — i-> — ^_^..±_5 — > — >_i CHORUS. Faster. k ' \ -^ i joy, No homo save a hov - el or shed. \Vc care not how poor or rieli he may be, Go, bring him in, Sal - blind. Go, bring them all in - to the school, hove. Your warrant em- brae -cs the world. -5 va-tiou is free ; His soul is S - - -• ~0- jcw- el, whose light by and by, May shine in your erowii, like a star in the sky. -0- -0- ^ « V ^^^ - .^- -^.- n- -0 . ^s - - - t>\rv^ %>-' O^. %.t IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 5^« ^^ % :a 1.0 !fi^ I.I 11.25 1^ 1^ u '- u WUu 1.4 2.5 2.2 1.6 V] Va /# 1^ c%^^.>.'' /^ w .'>; "^ '^ '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 f\ V a>^ \\ % V 6^ ^^ >^, ^A^

y, r. — jj — 1 - 1 — I — s- ■* -I — • -^ — izi joys would not be full, Had we in - fant hearts are full Of tlie not the Sab - precious Sab - Ev' - ry changing scene Brings its Lovc-li - est the morn Of the -(8- -^_ -^ _#- C5_ _i«_ .^_ rrri^rii^rczzrcrdzzrjr^-— iiz !--• — » — m — •-4-,o— +-tj — j~ hap - pi - ness, Yet our Sab-bath day; Then our t:=C: bath school, bath school. 1*^ To our hajipy cars Blessed news is brought, Tidings of the work Love divine lias wrought, — Gracious news and merciful ; How we love tiie Sabbath scliool. Sweetly fades the ligiit Of cacli passing day ; Peaceful is the night Of the Sabbath day ; Then our hearts witli praise arc full For the prcciouii Subbath school. M^ p I 190 With I'^eelinfj. LOVEST THOU ME? CHANT. a. FiOvcst lliou Lovcst tliou I.ovcst thou mc? mc"? mc? Mine cars jittcnd, And all my powers of Oh, thouglit most tlear ! That one so vile as Lovcst thou iiie "? Let me uot dare con - he - ing I may sent to blend fear, flee, To hear the words from And draw with faith and From this most earnest, •9. ,;!?- >i- « -iiu -t-W^ifrl: -C5 d-T aat- ^-t?" I*' -I ■" 1 'mmm^^m such bold ten rE-^^.- a friend As ness near, ' 'JNiis der plea Of Je - sus ! Je Jo SUS! sus! m^i:^— -r 4 Lovcst thou I me ■? I Let pity melt my heart, sore was I dealt, | To I Jesus ! To think of all the How contradiction 5 Lovest thou | mc ? | More than mother, More than ftither, | sister, J brother, | More on earth than | any ( other, | Asks I Jesus. 6 Lovest thou | mc ? | Yea, Lord, thou knowest, That I do love thee, even | to the I lowest. | By grace, I'll follow | where thou | goest, | Dear | Jesus ! 7 Shepherd Di- j vine, | Thou good and kind, Grant us these words to | keep in | mind, | And grace to seek thee, | and to | find | Our I Saviour. LIGHT. 33^=3 part -ed, cloth'd in white, A - ed, cloth'd in white, A ^ ^^ THERE IS A GLORIOUS WORLD OP LTOIIT, Coneludea. --1- (lore the Lord most high. But, hark ! amid the joy - ful songs Those happy voices raise, Ten thousam' IQl Ten thousand, thousand • 3ii SEEr 'rK— ^— I *■-!-• r' z^.- ■* in - fant tongues U - nite with per - feet praise. Soon must our cartlily course be run. Our mortal frames "doray; Parents and children, one Ijy one, Must fade, and pass away. Great God, impress the uol'emn thought Tliis day on every breast. That botli tlic teadiers and the taught May gain thy lieavcniy rest. CHILDREN'S VOICES. 1. OU, childhood's happy voict^, bird-like aud swtct, What can fo cheer us at homo wheu wo meet. Loving and worship-ing at Je-sus' feet. » • -•- • -0 p. .0- .# .J _s=. -#- :p: * .,. ^. :•; .<, -S-i 1 !_- 1 1^— I . — i| l-, 1 1—1-1 >-|-*— I 1 i ^ '-I / ^-l- , 2 Cliildren's liosannas were sweet to lii.'^ car, Wjio, now enthroned above, still bends to hear Songs and hosainias from little ones here. 3 Lo, where their Sabbath-seliool melodies ring, List'ning and hovering on viewless wing, Angels beholding the face of llieir King. 4 Saviour, blest Saviour, prepare by thy love All the dear cliildi'cn to ])raise thee above, Warbling forever in heaven's happy grovo. 5 Let us on eartii begin heaven's long employ, Soothing tlie sorrows our souls that annoy, Singing each day with nn ever new joy. lea BREAST THE WAVE, CHRISTIAN. ^^mmmmm^^i^^m li^Tlil 3=3 i 1. Breatt the wave, Cliristian, When it 2. Fifcht tlie light, Christiau, Je - sus 3. Raise tiic eye, Christian, .Inst us :;:: is strongest ; Watch for clay, Cliristian, When tlie night's long i.s oYt tliee; llmi the race Christian, lleav'u is Iw - fore it cios - cth ; Lift the licart. Christian, Ere it re - pos - _. - » — •- -•- -#- :2=E~ -ost. tliee. eth. ( 1 — I- %■ HI — U r«» Kr s^ — •^--J — 1---1 V N — ' ^ St — f — J— ^ — • — * — «—^-f- — ii-^—9 — *-:— *-i-s On-wanl and on-wanl, still He wlio iiath iirom-is - ctl Thee from tlie love of Clirist Ho tliine cu - Pal - tcr - ctli Let notiiin.^ that >Z.±±Z9- — N ^ 5 ^3r^^5' — I — ,-kz '^' ^p-# — »— #- Coda to lust versa 1 :#: (Kav - or ; Tlic rest that re - main - cth Shall be for ncv - cr ; The love of the Sa - viour Flows on Ibr scv - cr ; Press to the mariv, ami then Praise liim for I ev - cr. cv - cr. cv - cr. 't^_i^.~'^-'.zzzz^~ztzzzi~hizz-rzzi^^^^ ^ sev - er ; Press to the mark, and then Praise him for - cv -#- -•- -0- -0- C3- - cr. •: Tliec from the love of Cin-ist Let nothing? '.-^r. THAT WILL BE JOYFUL. C. M. 198 i :]1 ♦ pleasant thus to dwell be - low in fel - low • ship of lovo ! } The good shall meet a • bore, . J D. 8. To meet to part no more, The On tho' we part, 'tis bliss to know The good shall meet a - bove. ) d. s. To I / I / III/ Fine, chorus. c — — — y/.i.f — |„t_^_i_* — — — 0-i~0 — — • — 0-i,m — • — ,-«-^.i_q_a_c_^ — — 5 — ,_i good shall meet a - bove ; And, tho' we part, 'tis bliss to know the good shall meet a - bove. Canaan's hap-py shore, And sing the ev - er - last-ing song With those who've gone be-fore, Oh, that will be I I I I D.B ^ joy-ful, joyful, joyful ! Oh, that will be joyful, To meet to part no more, Pu-if-0 — 9-__- — 2— p# — f"~rP • — ^ — •~r' — >^*— r ^—w-^-rm—0— Yes, happy thought, when we are ftee From earthly grief and pain. In heaven we shall each other see, And never part again. — Cho. Then let us each in strength divine. Still walk in wisdom's ways. That we with those we love may jmn In never-ending praise. — Cho. 184 te*^=i JESUS IS MINE. FINE. T. £. Pekkins. =::?5ij: Fade, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine! Break cv'ry ten-dcr tie, Je-sus is mine ! Dark is the wilderness, D. 8. Je^ - SU3 a - lone can bless. Jo - sus is mine ! D. S. mmmwm earth has no resting place. j_—-t':_:5— »"-■&— ^—#1,, Born but 1 ^t\i±=±z±£[:-^-»t^i Jesus is 2 Tempt not my soul away, Jesus is mine ! Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine ! Perishing thinjrs of clay, Born but for one brief day, mv lieart awav, ? mine ! 3 Farewell, ye dreams of night, Jesus is mine ! Lost in this dawning light, Jesus is mine ! All that my soul has tried, Left l)ut a dismal void, Jesus has satisfied, Jesus is mine ! COME TO JESUS. * Teacders. 4 Farewell, mortality ; Jesus is mine ! Welcome, eternity, Jesus is mine ! Welcome, O loved and blest, Welcome, sweet scenes of rest, Saviour's breast, Jesus is mine I For the Infant Class. 1. Come to Je-sus, lit - tie one ; Come to Je - sus now; Humbly at his gracious throne In snb - mis-sion bow. 2. At his feet con-fess yom* sins ; Seek forgiveness there ; For his blood can make you clean ; He will hear your pray'r. 3. Seek his face without de - lay ; Give him now your heart ; TaiTy not, but while you m.ay, Clioose the bet-ter part. ^m *: ._ rtz==:i:t:z t±z23:^: :iii^}i mm ScaOLAftS. COMB TO JESUS, Conoluded. 196 At hia feet con-fess our sin, Seek for - givcness there ; For his blood caa make us cleaa ; He will hear our pray'r. Seek his face with-out de - lay ; Give him now our heart ; Tar - ry not, but while we may, Choose the bet-ter part. n,—^ Repeat the first rerse for a closing stann. SWEET LAND OF REST. I' * « Sweet land of rest, for thee I sigh ! When will the moment come, When I shall lay my armor by, And dwell with Christ at home ; ) And dwell with Christ at home And dwell with Christ at home ; When I shall lay my armor by, And dwell with Christ at home. ' No tranquil joys on earth I know, No peaceful, sheltering dome ; This worlds a wilderness of woe ; This world is not my home. This world is not my home, This world is not my homo ; This world's a wilderness of woe, This world^e not my home. To Jesus Clirist I sought for rest. Ho bade mc cease to roam , But fly for succor to his breast, And he'd conduct me home ; And he'd conduct me home, And he'd conduct me home ; But fly for succor to his breast. And he'd conduct me home. Weary of wand'ring round and round This vale of sin and gloom, I long to leave th' unhallowed ground, And dwell with Christ at home, And dwell with Christ at home. And dwell with Christ at home ; I long to leave th' unhallowed ground, And dwell with Christ at home. mmmmmm i sjs- II i*i THE SINNER'S INVITATION. ■M J=J^^,5^ /IS D.C. 6in-ner, come, will you go To the highlands of heaven ? ) Where the storms never bio w, And the long summer's given j J Where the bright blooming flow'rs Are their odors emitting. D. c. And the leaves of the bow'rs In t'ae breezes are flitting. /TV -(ti. -#- kJ. CHORUS. ler 5 tnwnrd, onward to glo • ry ! Yinld not to the wi • ly Ibe : Tict'ry and bea*'n are bo • fore tbM, Shout your triampb as you go. >-|:i-?z:iira.-iqd3; jsj:t:p-p-»=p:i:i- •=:^r:i-?.Ta=??=a -*35S . d=if r^^f =a--±:4r~-:Siii WHO SHALL SING? -wr 0- ' • •-•-•- p- -J- -#- -»T • • -*-g-#-* -— (- . Who shall sins,' if not the children, Did not Jc - 8us dio lor them?) May they not, with oth - er jew - els. Sparkle in his di - a - dem ? ) D. c. Wily, un - less the song of heaven Tiieybo-gin to prac-tico hero? Why to them were Toi - ces giv-on,— k'^irra. -■-i-»— »-t — r r-«. — »t-^'— a-r — T-=!-Tr-»-; — f-j-» »-t t r EcEiiStit l?l^^li^ie5i!lMiiii^£f;^iJ^iI^^ -...e. — 1_.. DC. ii^iilililll Bird - like voi - ces, sweet and clear ? -«r ces. m^ 2 There's a choir of infant songsters, White-robed, round the Saviour's throne ; Angels cease, and waiting, listen ! Oh, 'tis sweeter than their own ! Faith can hear the rapturous choral, When her car is upward turned ; Is not this the same, perfected. Which upon tlic earth they learned 1 Jesus, when on earth sojourning. Loved them with a wondrous love ; And will he, to heaven returning, Faithless to his blessing prove ? Oh, they cannot sing too early ; Fathers, stand not in their way ! Birds do sing while day is breaking ; Tell mo, then, why should not they 1 :li 1S8 -JB- OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN g; lllllliilllfl 1. Our Father, wko art in htarrn, ) ballowud ) 2. aire us thU day, our 3. And lend ui not into temptation, ) But deliver ( siS be thy dai- ly u» from namp; bread ; evil ; Thy kindom come, thy will be I done on ) And forgive us our tre«passei, aa I W8 forgive I dom, And \ the power, and the j For thine is the kingdom, And ( ■ ,1 s earth, as it Ibem that g lory., for- is in trespass a- ever.. and heaven. gainst us. ever. | A- 1 men. i^il^^: zss: Illl^iilliggJ] JESUS' LITTLE LAMB. Infont Class Bong. 1. I am Je-siis' lit-tlo Lamb, Therefore glad nnd gov I am ; Je • sus loves me, Jc-sus knows me, AH tliat's good and 2. Out and in I safc-ly go, Want or luiugcr ncv - or know ; Soft green pastures he dis - closeth, Where his iiap-py fair ho shows me. Tends mo ev'-ry day the same, Even calls me by my name, flock re - pos -eth; When I faint or ttiirsty be, To the brook he leadeth me. ^i^^^iigiiii^iiipiiiii 3 Should not I be glad and gay ? In this blci^scd fold all day ; By this Holy Shepherd tended, ■Whoso kind arms when life is ended, Bear me to the world of light ? Yes, oh, yes, my lot is bright ! WHIN HIS SALVATION BRINQINQ. leo 1. When his sal-vatioa b*''nging, To Zi - on Je- aus came, The children all stood singing Ho • san - na .o his name : D. s. He bade them still attend him, And smiled to hear their song. i±z0;hiiZiizzj(z=Jl:=fczi=zi<~}z3=:*-f=*:±r^^:rz:iJ r- Nor did their zeal of • fend him, But, as ho redo a • lon^, 2 Then since the Lord refaincth His love for children still ; Though now ns King he rcigncth, « . "■ On Zion's heav'nly hill ; EVA. C. M. Gentlt, with Exprbssion. We'll flock around his banner, Who sits upon the throne, And sing aloud hosanna ! To David's royal Son. 3 For Bhould we fail proclaiming Our great Redeemer's praise, The stones, our silence shaming, Would their hosannas raise. But shall we only render The tribute of our words ? No, while our hearts are tender, They, too, shall be the Lord'd. -*:}:';j-J-*-3r;:'^»-S-»-^-r*t{-»-*-*-'^t«^>j'-.J-.;r*:5ir';5r^-»-J-«-':3=*:^S-- 1. I loTe, I love the Sabbath-school, Where happy ehlldrAn mtiet ; Where rich and poor ali!(e may come, And sit at Jn - sun' fevt. 2. I love, I love the Sabbath-school, Whure children l«aro to pray ; And hear a-bout the world to come, Aud Je-aus Christ the way. ■■,1? I ii ! '1 900 DUET. THE PLEASANT SABBATH -SCHOOL. 2d voice repeat. 1st Voinj. When lig'it comes o'er the plnin, And sunshine o'er the lea, Oli ! meet me once a-gain,Whcre oft I've knelt with thee; ) 2d Voice. When first the sun's bright raj', lilumes the sparkling sea, rilleave my homeward way,And kneel in prayer with thee. > n 1st voice. -_ N 2 6 Jerusalem, the golden 67 Jesus, full of all compassion.... 39 Jesus is mine 194 Jesus' little Iamb 198 ao4 INDEX TO HYMNS AND TUNER. If ill PA OS Jesus loves me 131 Joymlly joyfully 127 Joy is for earth 20 Kind words cin never die 149 Let us work for the school 126 Life's battle field 196 Lischer 157 Little servants 16 Little things 83 Look above 124 Look aloft 86 Lo I the promised morn, &c 176 Love of the tsabbath-scbool v9 LovePt thou Me ? 19' Marching along 174 >eicy'8 free 41 MisHionary hymn to Morn 136 National anthem 4 ■ Nearer, my God, to thee 202 Never give up 151 No sorrow there p 1 1 come, let us sing 5 ' 0! come, let us sing unto the Lord li4 Ot to bf there 5ft Of such is the kingdom of heaven, 7ii Oh ! so bright 16 1 On the cross l69 On the road to heaven 14C Our Father, whicii art in heaven, 19a Our happy home 12 PAOE Our own d'ar home 3 Over the flowing river 129 over the sea t56 Parting hymn 125 Peace, be still 180 Perfect love 5 Phillips 103 Pilgrim stranger 113 Prayer for missionaries 49 Precious lessons of salvation 132 Precious >abbaths '6 Rally round the cross 181 Realms of the blest 64 Recruit for the army above 187 Remember the Sabbath-school ... 98 Rest for the weary 16'> "est yonder 46 Ring out sweet silver bells 9 Sabbath-sehool bells, chime on... 120 Scatter smiles as you go 167 School hour 41 Shall we meet beyond, &c. (a) ... Ill " " " (6) ... 152 >=icilian hymn 19 Sing his praise 40 .'^ing praises. 76 Song of the lilies 166 Sorrow is o'er 143 Stand up for Jesus 6' Suffer little children to come 118 Sunr^uy, sacred day of rest 87 PAOE Sunday-school battle song 82 " '• recruiting song (1) 30 " '< «' (2) 183 Sunlight 59 Sweet hour of prayer 4 Sweet land of rest 195 Sweetly sing 71 Teacher, tell us of the night 172 Teacher, watch those little feet... 1 1 4 That will be joyful 193 The angels sing 133 The beautiful stream 160 The beautiful world 106 'he better 1 nd l;-i7 The Bible, sacred book divine ... 164 I he Canadian boat hymn i7> The child's desire 48 I he crystal sea 148 The evergreen shore 32 The garden hymn 186 The golden shore 84 The happy home 184 The house upon a rock 151 The inquiry 117 The laud beyond the river 92 The land of beauty 140 The land of the blest 21 The l()v»!ly land Ill) Ihe Lion of Judah 121 The might with the right 178 The pleasant Suudaj-school 200 PitUE The polar star 182 T he praise of Jesuy 68 the precious Sunday-school 189 The KoRe of ^ha^on 106 1 he royal proclamation 56 The 'abbath day 27 The sheepfold 96 The shining way 107 The sinners' invitation 196 The smile of Jesus 24 The still small voice 70 The Sunday-school army 44 INDEX TO HYMNS AND TUNE8. PAOB The voice of Praise 6 There 8 a beautiful home 34 I here's a crown for the young ... 100 There's a glorious world of light 19o There's a home for all 8 There's joy in Jesus' love 68 'Tis there we love to go 63 Very little things are we 163 Waiting by the river li Walk in the light 77 Pandering lambs 97 We are going 135 a Oft PAOB We come with songs 6i We won't give up the Bible 130 We're going home » 108 We'll stand for the right 147 When His salvation bringing 199 When the morning light 95 W here do we love to go ? 18 White robes 119 Who shall sing 197 Why should I be sad or fearful .. 161 Youthful worktrs 78 Yes, we'll meet 153