SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL SCIENCE TORONTO ESTABLiSHED 1878 Affiliated to the University of Toronto, TJiis School is equipped and supported entirely by the Province of Ontario, and gives instruction in the follow- ing departments : 1-CIVIL ENGINEERING 2-MINING ENGINEERING S^MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4-ARCHITECTURE 5-ANALYTICAL & APPLIED CHEMISTRY Special Attention is directed to the Facilities Possessed by the School for giving Instruction in Mining Engineer- ing. Practical Instruction is given in Drawing and Surveying, and in the following Laboratories : 1-CHEMICAL 4-STEAM 2-ASSAYING 5 -METROLOGICAL 3— MILLING 6- ELECTRICAL I 7— TESTING The School also has good collections of Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. Special Students will be received as well as those taking regular courses. b/WWWVVWVV> For Full Information See Calendar. ■**■■■■■ L. B. STEWART, Secretary, F. B. POLSON, J. B. MILLER R. J ,^ « THE POLSO^^ IRON WORKS TORONTO, ONT. 4c The Best Equipped Boiler and Engint Worl CO ca +3 o C3 d bo d d o +3 d 03 d 0) OS -(J . ^ Ph d O >- LU d ce in ;-! o d a LU O A oc (3 I < z Q O i PQ D O POCKET MANUAL OF MININCI. POCKET MA.NUAL OF MINING FOR THE USE OF MINING MEN, LAWYERS, BUSINESS MEN, PROS- PEGTORS, AND THOSE INTERESTED IN THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF G AN ADA. BY J. H. CHEWETT, B.A.Sc, C.E. Assoc. Mem. Can. Soc. C.E. Mining Engineer, AND C. M. CANNIFF, Grad. S.P.S. Mining and Civil Engineer. TORONTO : THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, LIMITED. J 897. TH I Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, by Thk Coi'r, Clark Co., Limited, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. PREFACE. Ill presentiriff this small manual, which has heen prepared more particularly for Canadian readers, the e Tables — List of Elements, Various Tables of Weights and Measures, Lumber, Power, Fuel, etc., Measure- ment of Water, Workshop Recipes 112-122 Glossary — Definitions of Mining Terms , 123-131 Index 133-143 ERRATUM. ^^ In the first table on page 15, in the column of "resultp," insert oppo ite "Antimony, Lead, Bismuth (Zinc, Molybdenum)," the words, " Coa:ing on charcoal " ; the reactions being the same as for the succeeding table. POCKET MANUAL OF MININC GEOLOGY. Structural. Geology for the purposes of this hand book may be considered be the study of the structure of rocks, and the agencies which have participated in their formation, and also their classilication according to the sequence of that formation. Of the various theories on the creation and development of the earth's surface there seems to be a preponderance of belief in the supposition that originally the globe was a molten mass, and that a rock crust was formed by a more or less lengthy period of cooling. Subsequent to this appearance of the primitive — or Archean — rocks, and simultaneous with a strengthening of the crust by a still further internal cooling of the molten mass (into unstratified rock) began a process of working-over of the external rock, in which the atmosphere, heavily burdened with carbonic acid gas and other vapors, greatly assisted. In those, creation's early days, the seas although shallow were, as compared with now, of vastly greater extent than the land, and their formation was no doubt owing to the condensation of igneous vapors once the first crust was cooled. From the start, according to the generally accepted theory, shrinkage due to cooling and volcanic action kept the earth's surface in a constant state of bending and contortion. All in its due time, ensued the disintegration of the hard rock, through the decomposing action of carbonic acid gas in, the rains and atmosphere, alternate heat and cold, and other causes, such as are in fact observable in our own day. The hard rock passed in due course into broken fragments, then into pebbles, sand, mud, and clay, finding its way by the agency of streams and rivers into the surrounding shallow seas, where, as a^Bo from observation the same process is seen at this time, it was deposited in layers to form sedimentary beds, which in turn from pressure and other causes were to harden subsequently into rpck. Tjae contortion above alluded to was on a grand scale, and the best reasons exist to believe that, whether the periods of rising awd falling occupied thousands or billions of years, various por- tions of the globe's exterior varied at intervals in elevation from the portions adjoining, resulting in countless alterations of the afea covered by water. The sea, which formerly c t« a; 0- 3 J i I U S fc. Eh < O ^- "S -? .2 *>^ "C C oj (u P4 o PS o V be <3 < 3 o Oi (>» o> o K S M X o <3 fri Geology. Metamohphism. Just as bricks are made from wet clay, uiuler the action of Hre, moisture and pressure, rocks like sandstones and limestones, uncrystalline in texture, under certain c(mditions are metamorph- osed, i.e., changed, into granite and marble, or others which are crystalline, and ^he area of action may be either circumscribed or extensive. Many of the Canadian rocks are metamorphic. Some- times mvtamorphism lias resulted in no chemical change, while in other cases the ingredients subjected to the process entered into new combinations, perhaps giving rise to various crystalline minerals disseminated through the nuiss. The water necessary for metamorphism is that contained in the rocks themselves, for the most part ; the heat may either be derived from the earth's interior, or th;it resulting from the friction created when the rocks were shoved or folded by causes already referred to ; while the pressure, which may or may not be necessary for metamor- phic changes, could be furnished by tlie overlying ocean or rofcks. Veins. Veins are the filling of spaces in the rocks, which may be cracks made by uplifting forces, by shrinkage from cooling or drying, by the separating of layers in a rock, or by cavern-action. The forces producing metamorphism were responsible for much of the rending of the rocks, and the filling of the spaces with quartz or other stony material was probably effected as a result of such action. Quartz is the most abundant of all rock-making minerals and it, therefore, was the material set free in the majority of cases when, under action of the vapors actending metamorphism, the rock mass below or on either side of the fissure was decomposed. 'J'he same fluids that carried this quartz into the vein took with it the gold freed by the decomposition of the rock —provided it was in the first place gold-bearing — so that in forming veins nature found a way of collecting in small area the rich minerals which were before thinly scattered. Similarly other minerals came into veins, ores of lead, zinc, copper, iron, etc. Fissures filled by deposition from above, and sometimes carrying mineral, are not true veins. Metallic ores, likewise, have often been deposited when a sedimentary bed was forming, and the strata may then have been tilted^ exposing to view — edgewise — the once horizontal bed. It may resemble, but is not a true vein. Many deposits shew evidence of being a series of parallel fissures close together, produced by compression ("crushed zones"). The metalliferous fluids are supposed to have flowed along these fissures, attacking the country rock on each side, dissolving the rock and replacing it gradually with the metal sulphides (this hfi,s been termed meta- somatic replacement). The gold bearing iron and copper sul- phides of the 'IVail Creek district give stroug indications that Geolooy. they are of this character. This will explain the irregular width ot many of the veins and gradual fading away of the mineral into the country rock, without shewing delined walls, thougli many parallel slickensided surfaces will be noticed throughout the dei)osit. Veins are often " faulteu.s matiM-ial (h.'rivcd from vi-^^etahle or animal (le(Mtni[)oHi- tion. ('oMinion clay is pure clay mixed witli /grains of cjuart/, feldspar and usually traces of iron. Owing to the iron it hums red, making red hrick. (Mays free from iron are re/o/v7f' -Like syenite, l)ut contains the striated feldsi)ar8 oligoclase, lahradorite, etc , instead of orthoclase. Coarse or fine graiiUMl. Color, grayish-white to dark green, sometimes uliuost black. (JALC'AltKOUS KOCKS. CUnnmoti /y//y/r.sA>/;r.-- Consists of calcite or dolonnte, often im- pure from clay. Col(>r, dnll shades from gray to black. See calcite. (>r>/v/^(\ Limestone consisting of concretions, snniU as (ish-roe. Tidiwrtine. — Stalactites are limestone concretions shaped and f(krmed like icicles, and coiresponding formations on the Hoor are stalagmites (dripstone). A similar deposit from streams and poijds is called travertine. Crii-stiiUinc //nnesfoiic, ArchUerturnl and Staluarti Marlde, unlike the last three, are metamorphic, crystalline, and there- fore glisten on a broken face. ^ IGNEOUS KOCKS. "^lassive Igneous rocks may be subdivided thus : — Abyssal or deep-seated, solidified under pressure. Oyke, solidified in wide fissures near the surface. V'olcauic, solidified on the surface. The structure of these rocks depends upon the rate of cooling as well as their chemical constitution ; rapid cooling gives line g»*aintd or glassy rocks. When the fine grained rocks have well defined crystals scattered through them they are termed *'por- pbyritic." Slow cooling gives coarse crystals crowded together — granitic structure. ♦ I ABYSSAL ROCKS — {haciinj a granitic fitructure). '■i Granite — consisting of quartz, feldspar and some basic or dark coloied mineral (mica, hornblende, or pyroxene). SSiienite — as in the metamorphic syenite, contains little or no quartz. Hornblende is most frequent, and pyroxene often occurs as the t Ben, it is translucent ; when merely the edges transmit light 11 12 MlNHRALUi Physical Propertiefi of MinaraU. faintly it is suhtranslticeut ; wlien no light is transmitted mineral is opaque. ] Lustre. — The lustre (or aspect) of minerals depends on i nature of their surfaces, which causes more or less light to !)») fleeted. The varieties are as follows : — ;( 1. Metallic — the usual lustre of metals. If imperfectly iiin lie it is submetallic. i 2. Vitreous — the lustre of broken glass. Subvitreous appl similarly. Quartz is vitreous. This kind of lustre may i^ee hibited by minerals of any color. ii 3. Resinous — lustre of the yellow resins. Example, w opal, zinc blende. x 4. Pearly —like pearl. Talc, etc. ] 5. Greasy — oily. 3 6. Silky — like silk. j 7. Adamantine — like diamond. 'i 'J'he intensity of the lustre of minerals may be graduated iui descending order : — Splendent, Shining, Glistening, Giimmtu: C«)LOK. — In distinguishing minerals, both the external cc and the color of a rubbed or scratched surface are noted. I latter is called the streak ; and the powder scraped (»ff, the .v/,i pou'der. When there is a milky or pearly reflection from d interior of a specimen, as in a cat's eye, it is opalescent. If ]r matic colors are seen within a crystal it is iridescent. Miiul that give out light during friction or gentle heating are p ph orescent (as seen in the dark). J Elfxteicity and Magnetism. — Many minerals become t) trifled on being rubbed, and attract cotton and otlur light i stances. If the mineral is not electric unless heated it is oiic pyroelectric. Several ores, chiefly of iron, are attracted bv3 magnet and are marjnetic. 3 Taste and Odor.— Taste belongs only to the soluble niiiui and IS classified under the terms astringent = the taste of ali saline=^ taste of salt, alkaline = ta.s,te of soda, coo/- Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium. 1(5 MiNERALOG Boant some of powdered suhntance and fuse a little ivith hortix in platinum ivire loop. Results. Formation of colored bead- Violet Mrtals. Manganese. Green while hot, in oxidizinjf flame ^ Blue while cold, in oxidizinjj flame. [ VCopper. Brown, opaque, in reducing flame..! J Yellow in oxidizing flame \\ j chromium. m reducmg flame I / ' Green Brown in oxidizing flame Gray, opaque, in reducing flame. } Nickel. Blue Cobalt. Yellow in reducing flame Titanium. \ Molybdenum. Formation of colorless bead — Yellow in oxidizing flame Brown or gray in reducing flame . , If much mineral is used, and the bead becomes opaque white on cooling \ Barium, Calcium, Strontium, .AhuJ I nesium, Zinc. Non-Metallic Lustre. Fune a particle hi/ il.ielf in platinum forceps. Results. Colored Flame — Pale green Rich green Crimson Pale red Bright yellow Violet Magnetic mass or bead . , Metals. Barium, Borates and Phosphatt : Copper. Strontium, Lithium. Calcium. Sodium. Potassium. Iron, Nickel, Cobalt. llNKKALOGY. 17 Fuse substance vjith soda and a little borax on charcoal. Resilth, Odbr of garlic Arsenic. Funu'S, white ' Arsenic. Metalh. Metallic globule — Brittle . . . . Malleable . Coftting on charcoal — White Yellow Dark j'ellow Pale yellow and phosphorescent- hot White— cold Slagf (blackens silver coin when crushed and moistened) Antimony, Bismuth, Tin. Lead, Silver, Copper. Antimony. Lead. Bismuth. Absorption in the charcoal Fonftation of opaque blue or greenish blue enamel Izinc. \ Sulphur (a sulphate). /Barium, Strontium, Lithium, Sodi- \ uni, Potassium. Manganese. Fuse a small particle with some borax on platimiin wire loop. Formation of colored bead. The bead reactions are similar to those described under "Metallic Lustre." Cuppjllation. Ores rich in goltl and silver may be tested in this way. The mineral is powdered and mixed with soda and pure lead or lith- irge and reduced on charcoal with the blowpipe to a lead button. When cooled and cleaned the button is placed on the cupel. A ?ood cupel may be made thus : lill a clay pipe bowl three- luarters full of clay, and in the cup-shaped cavity left on top prew some dry bone ash, and smooth the surface with the round- jd-ipd of a glass stopper. The lead button is treated by the )xi^zing flame, and is kept moving on the cupel to bring it in JOB^ict with fresh bone ash all the time. The lead is absorbed n the bone ash and finally, when the cupellatiou is finished, the ittte silver or gold button gives a flash or gleam of light. Galena ,)re«j of course, require no addition of lead, but a lead button Jon^ining the silver for cupellation is obtained by fusing with "''lion charcoal. 2 It MineralogI § o O H O 9 u C W . 0) v (u . C 0) S CO v -t-i »4 >. , IIh H H s o S u 9? u s ^ 2 S 2 j« » eiS u « cs.ti .c -ti d cS 5 fl C V bW !C . 0) -5 u a: n C t) ?< w J[S1h5!J ►^ H Oi •a u: 0: Q ^ 0i g 5 ■ ' »— c o-SE,! ej d t. »-;- a> [EMALO(iY. 19 OccuRKiNo Canadian Minerals. CLASS I. Chapman's Syllabus for Determination of Commonly 1. Native silver and black silver sulphide. 2. Native gold. 3. Native copper. : , , CLASS II. 000, i.e., scratched by the knife. {II a.) Metallic Lustre. 1. Yellow. Copper pyrites. Reducible to a metallic bead Magnetic after ignition. b 2.- Bronze-yellow, or reddish. Magnetic pyrites. Magnetic I before fusion. r 3. Plesh-red, but with blue or other tarnish. Bornite. - 4. Lead-gray. Galena, lleducible to metallic bead of lead, and coveri )g support yellow. Molybdenite. Infusible. Tinges flame green ; soils paper like graphite. Stibnite. Fuses in candle flame. Gives dense, white fumes. 5. Gray or black. Graphite. Infusible, no color to flame, marks paper. Pyrolusite. Turquois enamel with sodium car- bonate. With hydrochloric acid gives odor of chlorine. Hematite. Ked streak, magnetic after ignition. '! (lib.) Non-Metallic Lmtre. ' 'recUk red or brown. 6. Hematite. Streak red. No water on ignition in the bulb- tube, magnetic after ignition. 7. Limonite. Streak brownish red. Yields water in bulb-tube magnetic after ignition. ' _8. Zinc blende. Streak light brown. Yields no water. In- fusible by itself, yields coating of oxide on the support. _ Yellow hot, white cold, and green after ignition with cobalt nitrate solution. reok uncolored. \). With sodium carbonate blackens silver. rypsum. White, very soft, yields water in bulb-tube, easily fusible. .,Q MiNKItM. DderminalUm of Common Minerah. 10. Barite. Fusible with ditficulty, yields no water, tii. flanie green. , • , , i. 11 Celestite. Fusible ; colors Haine red, yields no water. j_ 12. Zinc blende (some varieties). Yields no water, no tla^" coloration (see 8 above). ^^ {2). No sulphur reaction. 13. Rock salt. Taste is distinctive. 14. Fluorite. Fusible, occurs mostly in cubes. ' 15 Apatite. Infusible, occurs in six-sided prisms. ^ 10. Mica. Fusible on edges, can be easily divided into slu^ 17. Calcite. 1 CLASS III. ^ Hard, i.e., not scratched by knife. (Ufa.) MHallk Lustre. ^^ 1. Yellow. Iron Pyrites. Magnetic after ignition, fiisii (rives off sulphur odor ; cubical. ! 2. Brownish yellow. Reddish. Magnetic Pyrites. Magii ; before ignition. 3. Silver-white. Arsenical Pyrites. Gives off odor of am, and becomes magnetic. i 4. Black. Magnetic iron ore. Anhydrous, streak black, ii netic before ignition. il 5. Dark steel-gray or red. Hematite. Magnetic only -e ^ ' ignition. Streak red, yields no water. . .' 6. Brown. Reddish-yellow. Limonite. Yields water m I tube. Streak yellow, magnetic only after ignition. ( I (///&.) Non- Metallic Lustre. . 7. Hexagonal pyramids or prisms, yields no water, infiu'i Quartz 8. Hard, cleavable in various directions, fusible on the e * Feldspar. 9. White or pale green, fusible with strong intumesct^ Prehnite. 10. Dark red, opaque or semi-transparent; yields no waj fusible, regular system. Garnet. i I 'i t] )] I DANA'S CLASSIFICATION OF MINERALS. (Condensed with but ultfjht alteration.) In tlie following classilicution these abbreviations are used: ! = 0<)l<»r, S = streak color, L- lustre, H— hardness, (j — specific ravity, H, B. — before blowpipe. The lij^ures given with the imposition indicate tlie percentage of each component part. SULPHLFt (jKOUP. Na'i IVK SiJLPHUi:.— Orthorhondjic, octahedrons. Also massive. and Srrr canary yellow, sonietinjes orange yellow. L=: resinous. r»^nBparent to translucent. Brittle. H=l. .1-2.5. (j=2.07. urns with bhie flame and sul})hurous odor. In closed tul)e holly volatilized and redeposited on walls of tube. Uses : gun- jwder, bleaching, medicines, and for manufacturing sulphuric }id. Native Tklluhium. — lihombohedral. Sometimes in six-sided risms, but usually granular massive. C and S = tin-white, rittle. H = 2-2.5. = 6.2. Sometimes contains a little iron, id also a trace of gold. MOLVBDKNUM does not occur native. MOLYBDENITK. — Molybdenum Sulphide. Hexagonal ])late8 or iusses, in thin leaves like gra[)hite, and rtsendjling it. H = -1.5. (t = 4.45 4 8. C = pure lead gray. S = same, slightly •een. Thin sheets very flexible, but not elastic. Leaves mark 1 paper, but its mark is slightly bluish gray. B.B. infusible, dphur fumes given off. Sulphur 41, molybdenum 59. Occurs equently in Canada. MOLVBDITK. — Yellow oxide of molybdenum, is found in Canada. . ^ Boron. Sassolite. — Boracic Acid. Hydrogen Borate, Occurs in small alea, white or yellowish. Feels smooth and greasy. Tastes iid or a little salty and bitter. The borax of commerce is liefly derived from native borax, but also from ulexite and ssc^itc. (j = 1.48. Fuses easily, tinges flame green. ^ Arsenic. Native Arsknic. — Rhombohedral. Also massive, columnar or mnttlar. C and S = tin- white, but usually dark grayish from minh. Brittle. H = 3.5. G = 5.7. Found near Port Arthur. OiifiMKNT. — Yellow Arsenic Sulphide. In leaf-like masses, idji0metimes in prismatic crystals. C and S = flne yellow. L = illil^t pearly or metallic pearly on cleavage face. Subtrana- irent to translucent. Sectile. H = 1.5-2. G = 3.4. Used as vinjl Burns with garlic odor and bluish flame. Sulphur 39, selic 61. 21 , 23 MiNKiiAr.oc Avfienic. llKWAiAH.—AvHvinc Suliihidc. (! Hinc cloar rvA to oraiiji Transp.ireiit or tniiiHlucont. II — 1. 5 2. (i-.S.H") .S.()5. I'm ill iiiaiiufactiiring li reworks and King's yellow pigment. Saii uharacteristio.s as last. Arsenic 70, sulphur .SO. Arhknolitk, WiirrK Aijskmc. — Arsenous Acid. Isonietn In minute hair-like crystals, botryoidal or stalactitic. C-— wliit H = 1.5. G =3.7. Used for alloys in small portions, as with It; for shot making. Arsenic 70, oxygen 24. Antimony. Native Antimony. — Hhombohedral. Usually masbive, wil very distinct plate-like structure, sometimes granular, ('and =tin white. Hrittle. H=3-3.5. (;=0.() 0.75. B. B. fu* easily, passes oft" in white fumes. Occurs in New Brunswid Uses, alloys and medicine. Stibnitk, (jRav Antimony. — .\ntitn()ny Sulphide. Orth. Uigl r^iombic prisms with striated lateral faces. Cleavage high perfect. Commoidy divergent columnar or iibrous. Sometiiii massive granular. C and S=lead gray, liable to tarnish. L shining. Brittle^ but thin plates a little flexible. Somewii sectile. H=2. G— 4.5-4.02. Fuses readily in the Hame of candle; B. B. on it is a])sorbed, giving off white fuiii and sulphur odor. Distinguished ])y extreme fusibility and i vaporizing B. B. Antimony, 71.8; sulphur, 28.2. Affords tl antimony of shops, and is principally used for Britannia ai Babbitt metals and pewter. Frequent in Canada. Kermksitr, Red AiViimony. — An antimony oxide and sulphii in red tufts of hair-like crystals. L = adamantine. Mostly accoi panying stibnite. B. B. wholly volatilizes. Bismuth. Native Bismuth.— Cleavage rhombohedral perfect. Gene ally massive, with distinct cleavage, sometimes granular. C and = silver- white with slight red tinge, subject to tarnish. Britt when cold; somewhat malleable, heated. H = 2-2.5. G— 9. 9.8. Used as alloy. Occurs in Hastings Co., etc. BiSMUTHiNiTK. — Bismuth Sulphide. In needle-shaped crysta of lead gray, also massive ; found in the Mikado mine near 11 Portage, Ontario, and elsewhere. Tetradymite. — Bismuth Telluride. Hex. Crystals oft( tabular, with very perfect basal cleavage. Also massive ai leaf-like or granular. Plates flexible. L = splendent metalli C = pale steel gray. A little sectile. H= 1.5-2. G.-7.2-7. Soils paper. The metal is mostly derived from native bismut the most valuable mines being in Saxony, Hungary, Bade Cornwall and Australia. Tellurium 48.1, bismuth 51.9. INKUALOaY. 29 Diamond. — Isometric. Octahedrons, (lodeoihedrniiH, and more jin[)lex forms ; faces often curved. Cleavage octaheften slightly magnetic. Soluble in heated aqua regia. Jatinum is at once distinguished by malleability, specihc gravity id extreme infusibility. Found in Canada. Ikido^mtne. — A compound of iridium and osmium. Found Laringly in allu vials in Quebec. Palladium. Native Palladium. — Isometric. In minute octahedrons. Oc- irs mostly in grains, sometimes of divergent fibres. = steel fay to silver white. Malleable. H.^4.5-5. G^ 11.3-12.2. Merclrv. Native Mercury. --In fluid globules scattered through the mgue. C = tin white. Entirely volatile B. B. and dissolves in [trie acid. G= 13.58. Native amalgam, see arquerite. (JiNNABAR. — Mercury Sulphide. lUiombohedral. Cleavage [teral, highly perfect. Crystals often tabular, or six-sided risuis. Also massive, sometimes in earthy coatings. L = un- [etallic, of crystals adamantine; often dull. C = bright red to rownish red and brownish black. S = scarlet. Subtransparent nearly opaque. H = 2-2.5. G = 9. Sectile. Distinguished [oni red oxide of iron ai»d chromate of lead by vaporizing B. B. ; [om realgar by garlic fumes on charcoal. Chief source of metal. hen pure identical with vermillion. Mercury 86. 2, sulphur .8. Found in British Columbia. Copper. Native Copper. — Isometric. No cleavage apparent. In plates masses, and in large or small tree-like and thread-like shapes, [)nsistiug usually of a string of crystals. Malleable. H = 2.5-3. = 8.8-8.95 B.B. fuses readily and on cooling is covered with lack oxide. Dissolves in nitric acid and produces deep azure |lue solution on addition of ammonia. Occurs in Lake Superior 3gion. 26 Mineralogy Copper. Ohalcocite, Copper Glanc p., Viitieous Copper Ore. — Copper Sulphide. Orthorhombic. Also in compound crystals like ara- ^'j^^onite. Often massive. C and S= blackish lead gray, ofteu ' tarnished blue or green. S = sometimes shining. H = 2.5-3. G=5.5-5.8. B.B. gives fumes of sulphur, fuses easily, yields copper globule. Resembles argetitite, but is not sectile, and affords different results B. B. Copper 79.8, sulphur 20.2. Occurs frequently in Canada. Chalcopyrite, Copper PYnrris. — Copper and Iron Sulphide. Tetragonal. Tetraliedral or octahedral crystals. Also massive, C = brass yellow, often tarnished deep yellow and also iridescent. S = unmetallic greenish black, and but little shining. H = 3.5-4, G = 4.2. B.B. fuses to magnetic globule, gives sulphur fumes. Distinguished from gold by crumbling under a knife, and from iron pyrites in its deeper yellow color and in yielding easily to point of knife, instead of striking fire with steel. Copper 34.6," iron 30.5, sulphur 34.9. Common in Canada. Bornite, Erubescite, Variegated Copper Pyrites. — Iso- metric. In octahedrons and dodecahedrons. Also massive. C = copper red to brassy brown but tarnishes to bluish and red- dish shades rapidly on exposure. S = pale grajnsh black and but slightly shining. Brittle. H = 3. = 4.4-5.5. B.B. on char- coal fuses to brittle magnetic globule. Dissolves in nitric acid with separation of sulphur. Copper 55.5, iron 16, sulphur 28.5, Fairly common in Canada ; also houritonite, a sulpli-antimouite of copper ; and domeykite, a copper arsenide. Tetrahedrite, Gray Copper, Fahlrhz.— Isometric. In tetrahedral crystals. C = steel gray to blackish. S - nearly same, to brown and cherry red. H = 3-4.5. 0=4.7-5. Frequently found with galena in the Slocan, B. C, and elsewhere in Canada. Atacamite. — Copper Oxichloride. Orthorhombic. In rhombic prisms, etc., also granular massive. C = green to blackish green. L=adamantine to vitreous. 8 = apple green. Translucent to subtranslucent. H = 3-3.5. G = 3.8. Chlorine 16.64, oxygen 11.25, copper 11.25, water 12.66. Cuprite, Red Copper Ore. — Copper Oxide. Isometric. In regular octahedrons, also massive, sometinies earthy. C = deep red of various shades. S = brownisli red. L=adamantine or sub-metallic. Brittle. H = 3.5-4. G=6. Subtransparent to nearly opaque. B. B. affords copper globule. Dissolves in nitric acid, hiffers from cinnabar in not being volatile ; from hematite in yielding copper bead. Copper 88.8, oxygen 11.2. Occurs in Canada. Mklaconite, Black Copper. — Copper Oxide. A black pow- der, and in dull black masses and botryoidal concretions. Con- tains 60- 70 of copper. Mineralogy. . , " 27 Copper. Chalcanthite, Blue Vitriol. — Sulphate of Copper. Tri- climc. In oblique rhomboidal priarns. Also as efflorescence or incrustation and stalactitic. -deep sky blue. S = iincolored. Subtranspareiit to translucent. L=^ vitreous. Soluble. Taste nauseous and metallic. H — 2-2.0. G = 2.2I. Sulphuric acid 32. 1, copper oxide 81.8, water 36 1. Olivkmtk. — Hydrous Copper Arsenate. Orthorhombic. In prismatic crystals, also fibrous and gra'uular massive. C and S = olive green to liver and wood brown. Siibtransparent to opaque. Brittle. i = 3. G- 4. 13-4.38. B.B, fuses with deflagration, garlic odoi, .iud yields brittle globule which with soda gives metallic copper. Copper oxide 56.15, arsenic pentoxide 40.66, water 3.19. Malachite. — Green Copper Carbonate. Monoclinic, usually in incrustations. Structure finely and firmly fibrous ; also earthy. C=: light green. 8 = paler. Usually nearly opaque, crystals translucent. L=:of crystals, adamantine inclined to vitreous; but fibrous incrustations silky on cross fracture ; earthy variet- ies dull. H = 3. 5-4. G = 3. 7-4. B. B. decrepitates and blackens, colors flame green, and becomes partly a black scoria. With borax, fuses to deep green globule ; finally aftbrds a bead of copper. Malachite is not bluish green like chrysocolla, which it resembles ; moreover the former has complete solution and effervescence in nitric acid. Copper oxide 71.9, carbon dioxide 19.9, water 8.2. Common in Canada. AzuRiTK. — Blue Copper Carbonate. Monoclinic. In modified oblique rhombic prisms, the crystals rather short and stout. Lateral cleavage perfect. Also massive ; often earthy. C — deep blue, azure blue. Transparent to nearly opaque. S = bluish. L= vitreous, almost adamantine. Brittle. H=: 3. 5-4.5. G = 3.5- 3.83. It makes a poor pigment as it is liable to turn green. B.B. same as preceding. Copper oxide 69.2, carbon dioxide 25.6, water 5.2. Occurs in Canada. DioPTASE. — Copper Silicate, Rhombohedral. Occurs in six- sided prisms with rhombohedral terminations. C = emerald green. L= vitreous. Transparent to nearly opaque. H = 5, (t = 3.28-3 35. B.B. with soda on charcoal yields copper. Hard- ness distinctive. Copper oxide 50. 4, silica 38. 1, water 11.5. Chkysocolla. — Hydrous Copper Silicate. Usually as in- crustations, botryoidal and massive ; in thin seims and stains ; no fibrous or granular structure apparent, nor sign of crystalliz- ation. C = clear bluish green. L=^smoothly shining, also earthy. Translucent to opaque. H = 2-4. G=:.2-2.4. B.B. blackens in reducmg flame, gives water without melting. Cop- per oxide 45.3, silica 34.2, water 20.5. Occurs in Lake Superior region. 28 " MiNEKALOOV Lead. Native Lead is rare, occurs in thin sheets or globules. G = 11.35. Found near Kaministiquia, Ontario. (Ialena. Galentte. — Lead Sulphide. Isometric. Cleavage cubic, eminent and very easily obtained ; also coarse or iiiit; granular, rarely Hbrous. C and S = lead gray. L = shining metallic. Fragile. H = 2.5. G-7. 25-7.35. The lead of com- merce obtained from galena ; used in glazing common stoneware, being ground to impalpable powder and mixed in water witli clay ; into this the vessel is dipped and then baked. B.B. de- crepitates unless heated with caution, fuses, gives sulphur odor, coats the charcoal yellow and yields lead globule. Lead 86.6, sulphur 13.4. ('ommon in Canada. MiNTUM. — Oxide of Lead. Powdery. C== bright red mixed with yellow. G=4.6. Identical with red lead, but for arts is artiricially prepared. B.B. affords lead globule in reducing flame. Meneghinite. — A lead sulphantimonite, occurs in Canada, Anglesite. — Lead Sulphate. Orthorhonibic. ]n rhombic prisms and other forms. Also massive, plate-like or granular. C— -white or slightly gray or green. L= adamantine, sometimes a little resinous or vitreous. Transparent to nearly opaque. Brittle. H=2.75-3. G = 6.r'5-6.4. Distinguished by speciiic gravity and by yielding lead on charcoal vith soda B.B. Differs from lead carbonate in lustre and in not dissolving with efierves- cence in acid. B.B. fuses in candle flame. Aflbrds 73 of lead oxide. Usually found as a decomposition-product of galena. Crocoite. — Lead Chromate. Monoclinic. In oblique rhombic prisms, massive. C = bright red. S = orange yellow. Translu- cent. H = 2.5-3. G=5.9-6. 1. B.B. blackens and fuses, forms a shining slag containing lead globules. Lead oxide 68.9, chro- mium trioxide 31.1. This is the chrome yellow of painters. Pyuomorphite. — Lead Phosphate. Hexagonal. In hexagonal prisms, often in crusts made of crystals with a radiated structure. C=r bright green to brown, sometimes line orange-yellow, owing to presence of lead chromate. 8= white. L-more or less resinous. Nearly transparent to subtransluce;it. Brittle. H= 3.5-4. G — 6.8-7. 1. B.B. fuses easily, colors flame bluish green, charcoal coating is white at edges and yellow nearer mineral. Has some resemblance to beryl and apatite but differs B.B. and is higher in spec. grav. and is softer. I'hosphorus pentoxide 15.7, lead oxide 82.3, chlorine 2.6. Cerussite, White Lead Ore.— Lead Carbonate. Orthorhom- bic. In modified right rhombic prisms ; often in compound crystals, two or three crossing one another; also in six-sided prisms like aragonite ; also massive ; rarely librous. C = white, grayish, light or dark. L-adamantine. Brittle. 11 = 3-3.5. G = 6.46- 6.48. B.B. decrepitates, fuses, and with care gives lead globule Mineralogy. * 29 Lead. on charcoal. Effervesces in dilute nitric acid. Distinguished by spec. grav. and by yielding lead when heated. From anglesite it differs in giving lead alone on charcoal B. B. , as well as by solubility, effervescence with nitric acid, and less glassy lustre. Associated usually with galena. Cerussite is identical with white lead, but for arts and coninierce is artificially prepared. In rare instances cerussite and anglesite are mined for lead. Lead oxide 83.5, carbon dioxide 16.5. Found in Canada. Zinc. Zinc is a brittle metal, but admits of being rolled into sheets at 212° F., and is thus extensively used for roofing and other pur- poses, being less corrosive, harder, and lighter than lead. Used for coating (galvanizing) iron. Also alloyed with copper to make brass, muntz and spelter metals. Obtained chiefly from smith- sonite, willemite, calamine, zincite, sphalerite, and franklinite. Sphalerite, Blendk, Black Jack. — Zinc Sulphide. Isome- tric. Perfect dodecahedral cleavage. Also massive, sometimes fibrous. C = wax yellow, brownish yellow to black, sometimes green, red, and white. 8 = whitish to reddish brown. L- resin- ous or waxy, and brilliant on a cleavage face ; sometimes sub- metallic. Transparent to subtranslucent. Brittle. H = 3.5-4. = 3.9-4.2. Some specimens become electric and give off a yellow light when rubbed with a feather. This ore characterized by lustre, cleavage, and by being almost infusible. Some dark varieties look a little like tin ore, but their cleavage and inferior hardness distinguish them ; some clear red crystals, which re- semble garnet, are distinguished by the same characters, and also by their difficult fusibility. Zinc 67, sulphur 33. Common in Canada. Zincite, Red Zinc Ore. — Zinc Oxide. Hexagonal. Usually in foliated masses, or in disseminated grains ; cleavage nearly like that of mica, but the plates brittle and not so easily separated. C — deep or bright red ; by transmitted light, deep yellow. S — orange yellow. L = brilliant, subadamantine. Translucent or subtranslucent. H=4-4.5. 0=5.68-5.74. B.B. infusible alone, but yields yellow glass with borax, coating on charcoal yellow while hot, white cold. Zinc 80.3, oxygen 19.7. OosLAHiTE, White Vitriol. — Zinc Sulphate. Orthorhombic. C= white. L= vitreous. Easily soluble. Taste astringent, metallic and nauseous. Brittle. H==2-2.5. G=2. Extensively used in medicine and dyeing. Prepared to a large extent from zinc blende by decomposition. B.B. coating on charcoal as pre- ceding. Zmc oxide 28.2, sulphur trioxide 27.9, water 43.9. Smith.sgnite. — Zinc Carbonate. Rhombohedral. Massive or incrusting ; reniform and stalactitic. C=impure white, some- } 30 Mineralogy Zinc. times green or brown. S=imcolorecl. L= vitreous or pearly. Subtransparent to translucent. Brittle. H=5. (j!=4.3-4.4r). B. B. infusible, electric. Occur? commonly with galena or blende. Distinguished by effervescence with acids. Zinc oxide 64.8, carbon dioxide 35.2. WiLLKMiTE. — Zinc Silicate. Rhombohedral. In hexagonal prisms, also massive. 0^= whitish, greenish yellow, apple green, flesh red, yellowish brown. S=uncolored. Transparent to opaque. Brittle. H=5.5. G=3.9-4.2. B.B. fuses with ditti- culty to white enamel, more easily on adding soda ; yields coat- ing yellow hot, white cold. With cobalt nitrate this coating becomes green after heating in oxidizing flame. Zinc oxide 72.9. silica 27.1. Calamine. — Hydrous Zinc Silicate. Orthorhombic. Rhombic prisms, cleavage perfect, also massive and incrusting, mammilated or stalactitic. C=white or whitish, sometimes bluish, greenish, or brownish. S=uncolored. Transparent to translucent. L- vitreous or subpearly. Brittle. H=4.5-5. G=3. 16-3.9. B.B. alone almost infusible. Forms clear glass with borax. Dissolves in heated sulphuric acid, solution gelatinizing on cooling. Pyro- electric. Differs from calcite and aragonite by action with acids ; from a salt of lead, or any zeolite, by its infusibility ; from chal- cedony by its inferior hardness, and its gelatinizing with heated sulphuric acid ; from smithsonite by not effervescing with acids, and by the rectangular aspect of its crystals over a drusy surface. Zinc oxide 67.5, silica 25, water 7.5. Franklin ITE. — An ore of iron containing zinc and manganese. Cadmium. Cadmium. — Only two ores known : Greenockite and Eggonite, but it exists with zinc in sphalerite, smithsonite and calamine. ■ ' Tin. Tin. — Tin is used for coating other metals, especially iron and copper. Also alloyed with copper. Lead plates, coated with tin and rolled thin, get the name tin-foil. With mercury, tin is used for mirrors. The chlorides of tin are used in the precipitation of many colors, and in flxing and changing colors in dyeing and calico printing. "Bronze powder," much employed for orna- mental purposes, like in paper hangings, is the bisulphide of tin. Stannite, Tin Pyrites.— Tin Sulphide. Commonly massive or in grains. C = steel gray to iron black. S= blackish. Brittle. H=4. 0=4.3-4.6. Tin 27, copper 30, iron 13, sulphur 30. Casstterite, Tin Ore.— Tin Oxide. Tetragonal. In square prisms and octahedrons, also massive and in grains. C=:brown, kllNEKALOGY. 31 in. ll.ick, yellow. L = of crystals high adamantine. S-=pale gray |() l)rowr.ish. Nearly transparent to opaque. H=6-7. G=6.4 7.0. Has some resemblance to dark garnets, to black zinc ^leiule, and to some varieties of tourmaline. Distinguished by iifusibility and its yielding tin B.B. on charcoal with soda, [arder than blende. It is the chief ore of tin. Stream tin is the [ravel-Hke ore found in alluvials. Tin 78.67, oxygen 21.33. Titanium. Titanium. — Never found native. lluTiLE. — Titanium Oxide. Tetragonal, in prisms of 4, 8 or (lore sides ; often needle-shaped, and penetrating quartz ; often w'inned and in groupings ; sometimes massive. C = reddish fiown to nearly red. S = very pale brown. L — submetallic- damantine. Transparent to opaque. Brittle. H=6-6.5. G= .18-4.25. Sometimes contains iron and then very nearly black. J. B. alone, unaltered. The peculiar subadamantine lustre of utile, and brownish red color (in splinters much lighter red) are triking. It differs from tourmaline, idocrase and augite by being maltered when heated alone B.K. ; and from tin ore in not ffording tin with soda ; from sphene in its crystals. Rutile used or porcelain painting, and coloring artificial teeth. Titanium til, xygen 39. Cobalt and Nickel. Cobalt and Nickel. — Not yet found native. LiNN^iTE.— Cobalt Sulphide, Cobalt and Nickel Sulphide, sometric. In octahedrons and cubo-octahedrons ; also massive. !! = pale steel gray, tarnishing copper red. S = blackish gray. = 5.5. G = 4.8-5. B.B. on charcoal yields sulphur odor and nagiietic globule. MiLLKRiTE. — Nickel Sulphide. Rhombohedral. Usually in air-like or needle-like crystallizations, sometimes like wool, often 11 divergent tufts ; also in fibrous crusts. C = brass yellow, in- tlining to bronze yellow, with often a gray iridescent tarnish. Sebright. Brittle. H=3-3.5. G = 5.65. B.B on charcoal uses to globule ; after roasting gives, with boiax and salt of hosphorus, a violet bead in oxidizing flame, which in reducing lame becomes gray from reduced metallic nickel. A valuable re. Nickel 64.4, sulphur .35.6. Found at Sudbury (?) FoLGERiTE. — Massive, plate-like, no crystals. Brittle. C = ight bronze yellow to tin white. L = metallic. S = grayish lack. H = 3 5. In minute grains only, magnetic. Nickel 32.8, rou 31.3, sulphur 35.8. Found at Sudbury, Ont. Blurite, Jack's Tin. — Massive, no crystals observed. Brittle. = pale olive gray inclining to bronze. S = black. L = metallic, 32 MlNKKAL()(i\ I Cobalt and Nickel somewhat silky. H = 3-3.5. Gr:4.2. Not magnetic. Nickel :C iron 43, sulphur 53.3. Found at Sudbury, Out. Whartonib' alhed to blueite. Smaltite, Cobalt Glance, Chloanthite. — Cobalt or Co])iilt Nickel Arsenide, graduating into Nickel Arsenide called Chloaii thite. Isometric. In octahedrons, cubes, dodecahedrons ain other forms. Cleavage octahedral, somewhat distinct. Ah reticulated ; often massive. C = tin white, sometimes incliiiiiij to steel gray. S = grayi8h black. Brittle. Fracture granulai and uneven. H — 5.5-G. G = 6.4-6.9. In closed tube afFordi metallic arsenic ; in open tube, a white sublimate of arsenoiii oxide, and sometimes traces of sulphurous acid. B. B. on char coal gives garlic odor, fuses to globule which gives reaction foi iron, cobalt and nickel. Arsenopyrite is white like smaltite, l)ui yields sulphur as well as arsenic, and in closed tube affords tlit arsenic sulphides, orpiment and realgar. Cobalt varies from '23.5 to none. Found at Sudbury. CoBALTiTE. — Cobalt Sulph- Arsenide. Isometric. Crystal similarly shaped to those of pyrite, but silver white with red tinge, or inclined to steel gray. 8 = grayish black. Brittle. H=:5.5. G = 6-6.3. B.B. gives sulphur and garlic odor, and magnetic bead ; with borax a cobalt-blue globule. Distinguislied from smaltite by yielding sulphur. Cobalt 35.5, arsenic 45.2, sulphur 19.3. Niccolite, Copper Nickel, Arsenical Nickel. Hexagonal, usually massive. C = pale copper red. S=pale brownish red, L = metallic. Brittle. H = 5-5.5. G = 7.35-7.67. B.B. gives garlic odor and fuses to pale globule, which darkens on exposun Assumes a green coating in nitric acid, and soluble in aqua regis Distinguished from pyrite and linnaeite by its pale reddish shade, and also its arsenical fumes, and from much of latter by not giving a blue color with borax. None of the ores of silver with metallic lustre have a pale color, excepting native silver itself. Nickel 44, arsenic 56. Found at Sudbury. AsBOLiTE, Earthy Cobalt.— Black Cobalt Oxide. Earthy, massive. C=black or blue black. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, giving chlorine fumes. Occurs in an earthy state mixed with oxide of manganese as a bog ore. This ore is purified and made into smalt for arts. Erythri'ie, Cobalt Bloom.— Hydrous Cobalt Arsenate. Mon- oclinic. In oblique crystals, cleavage like mica. Plates flexible in one direction. Also as incrustation ; kidney-shaped ; star- shaped. C=peach red, criiDson, rarely grayish or greenish, S=a little paler, the dry powder lavender blue. L=of plates pearly, earthy varieties without lustre. Transparent to sub- translucent. H=1.5-2. G=2.95. Resembles red antimony but ^INEUALOGV. 33 lohalt ami Nickel. hat Hpeoies wholly volatilizes B.B. Red copper ore differs in olor and in giving blue glass with borax, moreover tlie color of lie copper ore is somewhat 8om})re. V^alnable as cobalt ore k'lieii abundant. B.B. garlic odor given off, fuses; a blue glass vitli borax, Cobalt oxide 37.6, arsenic pentoxide ,S8.4, water 24. MoRENOsiTK (Nickel Vitriol) is found in Canada. (tKnthitk. — A hydrous magnesium-nickel silicate. C = pale ,pple green. (tARSIRRITK. ~A variety of genthite occurring in serpentine ocks from New Caledonia, and worked for nickel. Most of the I'orld's supply formerly came from that locality, but Sudbury low outrivals it. Uranium. Uranimte, Pitch Blende, Coracite. Uranium Oxide. Iso- letric. la octahedrons and related forms, also massive and lotryoidal. C=grayish, brownish or velvet black. L=sub- letaUic or dull. 8=black, opaque. H=5.5. C=f9.2 (when maltered). Used for painting on porcelain, yielding a line range in enamelling tire and a black in baking lire. Obtained [lostiy in Bohemia. B.B. infusible, gives gray slag with borax. liowly soluble in nitric acid when powdered. Uranium 81.5, xygen 13.5, lead 4, water 0.8, iron 0.4. Uraconitk. — A Uranium Sulphate, found in Canada. ToRBERMTE, Uramte, Uran-Mica, Cii alcolite. — Tetragonal. u square tables, thin plates like mica ; plates brittle. C=em- rald and grass green. S=a little paler. L=of plates pearly, 'ransparent to subtranslucent. H=2-2.5. G=3.3-3.6. B.B. uses to black mass, colors flame green. The micaceous struc- iire, bright green color and square tabular form of crystals are triking. Uranium trioxide 61.2, phosphorus pentoxide 15.1, upper oxide 8.4, water 15.3. Iron. Native Iron. — Usually massive with octahedral cleavage. and S = iron gray. Fracture hackly. Malleable. H = 4.5. ^—7.3-7.8. Acts strongly on magnet. Native iron is the chief onstitueut of most meteors. PvRiTE, Iron Pyrites. — Isometric. Usually in cubes, the triae of one face at right angles with those of either adjoining aces. Many other forms also. Massive. C/= brass yellow. i = brownish black. L=often splendent metallic. Brittle. 1=6-6.5. B.B. gives sulphur odor, yields magnetic globule. Vill strike fire with steel. 0=4.8-5.2. Distinguished from opper pyrites in being too hard to cut with knife and also in laler color. 1'he ores of silver at all resembling pyrite are steel 34 MlNEIbic. (J and H little ]){der. When ii crested shapes called cocksromh jti/rUc-i. Found in (Canada. Pykkho'HTR, MA(}Nh;Tic Pv kites. — Hexagonal, In tabulai hexagonal prisms, massive. C = between l)ronze yellow am coi)per red. S=dark grayish bhick. Brittle. H- 3.5-4..i Gt=4.5-4.05. B.B. like iron j)yrites. Its inferior hardness shade of color, .;nd magnetic (piality distinguish it from pyrile and its bronze color fr(»in copper pyrites. Iron 60.5, ax' phur 39.5. It is the important ore of nickel at Sudbury, bciiii workable when it contains upwards of 2% of nickel. At ilosslam it is intimately associated with the gold deposits. AKSENorVhlTE — MiSl'IC'KKL, ARSENICAL IkoN PyKITES.— Ol thorhombic. In rhombic prisms. Crystals sometimes elongatti horizontally ; also massive. C=silver white. S — dark gravis! black. L-:shining. Brittle. H=5.5-6. C=5.G7-G.3. "Ue sembles smaltite, but is much harder (giving tire with steel) B.B. gives garlic odor, and magnetic globule. Arsenic 46, iioi 34.4, sulphur 19.6. Occurs in Canada. . Hematite. ISpeculak Iron Ore. — Rhombohedral. Crystal occasionally thin tabular. Cleavage usually indistinct ; oftei massive granular ; sometimes plate-like or micaceous ; als( earthy. C = dark steel-gray or iron-black. L==when crystallized splendent. Streak powder cherry-red or reddish-brown. H o crystals 5.5 — 6.5. CJ=4.5 — 5.3. Sometimes slightly magnetic Iron, 70, oxygen, 30. (Jommoii in Canada. Varieties : Speciih Iron. L — perfectly metallic. Micaceous Iron. Structure foli ated. Bed Hematite. Submetallic, or unmetallic. Brownisl red. Red Ochre. Soft and earthy, often containing clay. /(*« Chalk. More firm and compact than red ochre and of line tex tiire Jaspery Clay Iron. A hard impure siliceous clayey ore, having i brownish-red jaspery look and compactness. Clay Iron Stow Same as last, but color and appearance less like jasper. Martii is hematite occuning in octahedrons, and derived from oxidatioi of magnetite. Hematite's red powder and the magnetism whicl is so easily induced in it by the reducing flame distinguish it froD all other ores. Magnetite powder is black. Menaccanite, Ilmentte, Titanic Iron. — Rhombohedral Often in thin plates or seams in quartz ; also in grains ; crystal sometimes very large and tabular. C=iron-black. S=subiue tallic. L=metallic or snbmetallic. H=5-6. 0=4.5 5. Pvt sembles hematite, but streak is black. Acts slightly on magnetii MiNKRALOnY. 35 li'ini. Kcdle. In c()ni{>()siti(>ii liko hematite, hut titaniiiin rephices some jt tlu! iron. Found in (jJucIxm; and t'lHewhore in (Janachi. MA(;NK/nTi'', Maonk'I'K,' Ihon Okk. — Tsonietiic. Also granuhir, lassivu ; occasionally in frost-like forms h(-tween the shetts of iii(;i. (J iron-hlack. S--hhick. H— -r).r)-().r). (J 5 0-5. 1 1> infuHihle. Strongly attracted hy magnet and thus ditl'er- 1114 lioiii preceding. The hhiek streak and strong magn<'t»8m dia- ii'^uisli it from fiaidvlinite and ehromite. Iron 72.4, oxygen >7.<>. Very common in (Janadiau igneous rocks. KiiANKi.f viTF,. isometiic. In octaluMlral and dodecahedral jivslids ; also coarse giamdar, massive. (J = iron-hlack. S - lai k rfddish-l)r()wn. lirittle. H— 5.5-0.5. (i=4.5 5.1. Usu- dly t'cH!l)ly attracted hy magnet, li. !». with soda gives zinccoat- ii<,^ to charcoal. Soda head in oxidizing llan)e is cy magnet. The compounds of chromium, extensively used for (igmcnts, are chieHy ohtained from ehromite. B. B. infusihle ilont! ; with horax, a heautiful green head. Found in Canada. hiMoMTE, Biit'VVN Hkmatitk. — Hydrous Sesquioxide of Irou. Jsually massive ; often smooth hotryoidal or stalactitic with !')mpaet tihrous structure within ; also earthy. = dark hrown iiid Mack to ochre yellow. S = yellowish brown to dull yellow. = wlien hlack sometimes suhmetallic ; often dull and earthy ; )ii surface of fracture frequently silky. H-^5 5.5. C!=3.0-4. IB. l>lackens and becomes magnetic. Varieties : Jh'oion Hematite. rile hotryoidal, stalactitic and associated compact ore. Brown Jc/in', Ycl/oiv Ochre. Earthy ochreous varieties of brown or yel- ow color. Brown and Yellow Clay Iron Stone. An impnre ore, lard and compact, of brown or yellow color. Bo(/ Iron Ore. A oose, brownish black earthy ore occurring in low grounds. imonite afibrds water when heated in glass tube. Same com- )ositi()n as hematite, but containing 14% water. Common in Janada. Mklantkkite, Copperas!, Green Vithiol. — Sulphate of Iron. ^lonoclinic, in acute oldique rhombic prisms. Cleavage basal, )t'rfect. Generally powdery or massive. C=greenish to white. --vitreous. Subtranspareut to translucent. Taste astringent uhI metallic. Brittle. H = 2. G = 1.83. This species is the •esult of decomposition, from exposure to atmosphere, of pyrite, % Mi\f<:rai,0(;y Iron. marcasito and pyrrliotite. Copiunaa ia much lined by taunt and dyers l)ecrtU8e it atfordH a black color with tannic acid, tht hitter being an ingredient in nut galls and many kinds of buik Similarly employed in manufacture of ink. Also used in makin, Prussian blue. Sulphur trioxide 28.8, iron protoxide 1'."). water, 45.3. WoLKKAMiTK. —Iron-Manganese Tungstate. Moiu)clinic. Al* massive, C dark grayish black. S dark reddish brown Ij=Siibmetallic, shining, or dull. H— 5-r).r). (i}=7. 1-7.5. Thi metal tungsten is employed to some extent in making with ironi steel harder than ordinary steel. Soluble tungstates have ;il,si some uses in the arts. Found in (Janada. CoLUMBiTE. — Iron Niobate. Orthorhombic. In rectangiila prisms more or less modilied ; also massive. C=iron bl.ujk brownish black often with characteristic iridescence on surtaw of fracture. • S = dark l>rown, slightly reddish. Ii=:submetallii shining. Opac^ue. Brittle. H=5.(). G = 5.4-0.5. InfusihK Its dark color, submetallic lustre and slight iridescence, togntliei with its breaking rean, atforda bead, deep aniethyatine while hot, red-brown on odliiig. Diflera from iron orea by violet glaaa with borax. ^I.iiiganeae 0S.2, oxygen 30.8. Occura in ('anada. I'siLoMKLANE, — Dioxide of Manganeae with water and some )aryta or potasaa. Masai ve and botryoidal. C— black or greeniah- Aiick. S=reddiali or browniah-black, shining. H-=5-6. G= -4.4. Wad, Boo MANUANEaR. — From 30 to 70% dioxide of man- aiiese with water and some hematite. Maaaive, reniform, arthy ; in coatings and froat-like markinga. C and o= black or nowniah-black. L=dull, earthy. H = l-6. G=3-4. Soils the iiigera. Like preceding it may be uaed in bleaching, but too iiipure to afford good oxygen. Sometimes uaed for making ini))er paint. Occurs in Canada. Mallarditr. — Hydrous Manganese Sulphate. Fine fibrous, = white. Easily soluble. Tkiphylite. — Hydrous Phosphate of Iron, Manganeae and iithium. Orthorhombic. In rhombic crystals. Maaaive. C= leenish-gray to bluiah-gray, but often brownish-black externally roni oxidation of manganeae preaent. TiuPLiTE. — A Phoaphate of Manganese and Iron, containing uoriue. Orthorhombic, uaually massive. Cleavage in three lirections. C— blackiah-brown. S=yello wish-gray. L=resin- »us. Nearly or quite opaque. H = 5 5.5. (t=3.4-3.8. B.B. ;ives violet color to hot borax bead, fuses to magnetic globule. Affords 30% manganese oxide and 8% fluorine. IluoDOCHROsiTR. — Manganese Carbonate. Khombohedral. ike oalcite in having three easj"^ cleavages, and in lustre. C= ■ose-red. H=3.5-4.5. (li =3.4-3.7. Manganese oxide (51.4, sarbonic acid 38.6. Occurs in Canada. Aluminium. Aluminium. — Obtained by different methods from alumina ind cryolite, and from corundum and bauxite by electric heating. Corundum. — Rhombohedral. Usually in six-sided priams with ineven surfaces and very irregular. Also granular masaive. ^— blue and grayiah-blue (most common), gray, red, yellow, )i'owu and nearly black ; often jright. Transparent to trans- ucent. H=9. G=4 when pure. Exceedingly tough when 38 Mineralogy Aluminium. compact. B.B. unaltered alone and with soda. In tine povvdtr with cobalt nitrate beconiea blue. Aluminium 53.2, oxygen 46.8. Varieties : the name .sapphire is usually restricted to clear crystals of bright colors, used as gems ; while dull-colored crystals and masses are called corundum : the granular variety of bluish gray and blackish colors containing much disseminated magnetite (whence its dark color) is termed emery. Found in Ontario. Bauxite. —Aluminium-Iron Hydrate. In concretionary forms and grains. Alumina 50 to 70. An important source of the metal. Spinel. — Isometric. In octahedrals more or less modilied, Occurs only in crystals. Cleavage octahedral, but difficult. (J = red, passing into blue-green, yellow, brown and black. The red shades are often transparent and bright, the dark usually opaque, L= vitreous. H = 8. G = 3.5-4. 1. Alumina 72, magnesia 28, The aluminium is sometimes replaced in part by iron, and the magnesium often in part by iron, calcium, manganese and zinc, Infusible, insoluble in acids. Occurs in Canada. Chrysoberyl. — Orthorhombic, also in compound crystals; crystals sometimes thick, often tabular. C — bright green, from light to emerald, and brown ; rarely raspberry red by transmitted light. S = uncolored. L= vitreous. Transparent to translucent. H = 8.5. = 3.7-3.86. B. B. infusible and unaltered. Aluniiiia 80.2, beryllium oxide 19.8. Cryolite, Ice Stone. — Aluminium-Sodium Fluoride. Mono- clinic ; rectangular cleavages; usually massive. ('=: white. Translucent. H = 2.5-3. G = 2.9-3. 1. Fusible in candle flame and thus easily distinguished. Used in making soda, porcelain- like glass. A source of the metal. Aluminium 13, sodium 32.8, fluorine 54.2. Alunogen. — Hydrous Aluminium Sulphate. In silky efflor- escences and crusts of white color. Taste of alum. H = l.r)-'2 G= 1.6 1.8. Sulphur trioxide 36, alumina 15.4, water 48.6. Kalinite, or Common Alum, is a product of the foregoing. Occurs in Canada. Alunite, Alum Stone. — Rhombohedral with perfect basal cleavage. Also massive. C = white, grayish or reddish. L=oi crystals vitreous or a little pearly on basal plane. Transparent to translucent. H=:4. 0=2.6. B.B. decrepitates, infusible. gives reaction for sulphur. Distinguished by infusibility ad complete solubility in sulphuric acid without forming jelly. Sulphur trioxide 38.5, alumina 37.1, potash 1 1.4, and water l.'l Amblygonite. —Lithium- Aluminium Phosphate. Triclinic, with cleavages unequal in two directions. L=^ vitreous to pearly and greasy. C = pale green or sea green to white. Translucent UlXKRALOUV. , 31) ilaminium. subtransparent. H=6. G — 3-3. 1 B.H. fuses very easily with nibbling, coloring flame yellowish red to carmine, with traces of rreen. LazulIte. — Monoclinic in crystals, also massive. C = azure Ana. H = 5-6. G — 3. B.H. whitens, yields water in closed ;ii)>(!. Found in Canada. Phosphorus pentoxide 46.8, alumina H, magnesia 13.2, and water 6. Ti RQUoTS. — Massive, kidney-shaped, without cleavage. C = )luish green. L = somewhat waxy. H = 6. G = 2.6-2 8. Sol- il)le in hydrochloric acid. B.B. infusible, but becomes brown, lolors flame green. Differs from bluish green feldspar in infusi- )ility and reactions for phosphorus. Phosphorus pentoxide 22.6, ilumina 46.9, water 20.5. Used as gem. Wavellite. — Orthorhombic, usually in small hemispheres ^ or \ inch across, flnely radiated within ; when brok'^n off they leave star-like circle on the rock. Sometimes in rhombic crystals, ilso stalactitic. C- white, green or yellowish and brownish, with omewhat pearly or resinous lustre. Sometimes gray or black. Translucent. H = 3.5-4. G =-2. 3-2. 34. B. B. becomes dark red- lish brown. Distinguished from zeolites, some of which it re- embles, by giving phosphorus reaction, and also by dissolving in icids without gelatinizing. Phosphoius pentoxide 35.2, alumina J8.1, water 26.7. Cerium, Yttkium, Erbium, Lanthanum, Didymium. Yttroceritr. — B.B. alone infusible. Massive. C = violet blue somewhat resembling purple fluorite) ; also reddish brown. L = glistening. Opaque. H = 4-5, G = 3.4-3.5. Fluorine = 25. 1 , ime 47.6, cerium protoxide 18.2, yttria 9.1. Samarskitr. — Orthorhombic. Usually massive, without cleav- ige. 0::= velvet black. L^ shining submetallic. S = dark red- lisli brown. Opaque. H=i5.5-6. G = 5.6-5. 8. Composed of ii()l)ic and tantalic pentoxide, sesquioxides of yttrium, cerium, lidyniium, lanthanum, iron, and oxide of uranium. MoNAzn'K. — Monoclinic. Perfect and brilliant basal cleavage. Observed only in imbedded crystals, C = brown, brownish red. Mibtransparent to nearly opaque. L== vitreous, inclining to resinous. Brittle. H = 5. G = 4.8-5.1. The brilliant easy trans- ^^erse cleavage distinguishes monazite from sphene. B.B. colors Hame green when moistened with sulphuric acid. Difficultly soluble in acids. Has now a high commercial value on account ')f its use in Auer and Welsbach lights. The best light is obtained from a mixture of thorium oxide §, yttrium ^. A phosphate of cerium, lanthanum, yttrium, didymium and thorium. 40 " Mineralogy Magnesium. Pericj.asitr. — Magnesium Oxide. Isometric, in small ini bedded crystals with cubic cleavage. C=grayish to dark green. H = 6. G = 3.7. B. B. infusible. Soluble in acids with effer- vescence. Magnesium 60, oxygen 40. Bruc.'Ite. — Magnesium Hydrate. Khombohedral. In hexa- gonal prisms and plates, thin foliated, thin plates easily separated; also librous. Translucent. Flexible, but not elastic. Ii= pearly. C = white, often grayish or greenish. H = 2.5. G = 2.35-2 45. B. B. infusible, but becoming opaque and alkaline. Soluble in hydrochloric acid without effervescence. It resembles talc and gypsum, but is soluble in acids. Magnesia 69, water 31. Eppomite, Epsom Salt. — Magnesium Sulphate. Orthorhombic. Cleavage peifect. Usually in fibrous crusts or botryoidal masses, C = white. L=vitreous to earthy. Very soluble. Taste, salty- bitter. Liquefies in its water of crystallization when heated, Gives much water, acid in reaction, in closed tube. 'I'he line needle-shaped crystalline grains of Epsom salt, as it appears in shops, distinguish it from Glauber salt, which occurs usually Id thick crystals. Occurs as efflorescence in mine galleries and elsewhere. Sulphur trioxide 32.5, magnesia 16.3, water 51.2, Occurs in Canada. BoRACiTE. — Magnesium Borate. Isometric. Usually in small cubes. Cleavage only in traces. Also massive. In crystals, translucent. C=white or grayish, yellowish or greenish, L=vitreous. H=of crystals 7, when massive softer. G=2.97. Electric when heated. Distinguished readily by form, high hard- ness, and pyro-electric properties. Boron trioxide 02, magnesia 31, chlorine 7. Magxesite. — Magnesium Carbonate. Ehombohedral. Cleav- age same, perfect. Often massive, either granular or compact and porcelain-like, in tuberose forms ; also librous. C=white, yellowish or grayish white, brown. L= vitreous, librous varie- ties often silky. Transparent to opaque. H = 3-4.5. G-3. Resembles some calcite and dolomite, but from a concentrated solution no calcium sulphate is precipitated on adding sulphuric acid. The librous variety is distinguished from most other fibrous minerals by effervescence in hot acid, which shows it to be a carbonate. Used in manufacture of Epsom salts. B.B, infusible, and after ignition an alkaline reaction. Magnesia 47. C, carbon dioxide 52.4. - Calcium. Fluohite, Fluor Spar. — C'alcium Fluoride. Isometric, cubes most common. Cleavage octahedral, perfect. Rarely fibrous, often compact, coarse or line granular. C = usually bright; white, or some shade of light green, purple, or clear yellow most VllNERALOGV. 41 !oinmon ; rarely rose red and sky blue ; colors of massive varie- lies often banded. Transparent, translucent or subtranslucent. \=i. G=3 3.25. Brittle. Phosphoresces when heated gently as seen in dark), affording light of different colors, as emerald, mrple, blue, rose red, pink, orange. B. B. decrepitates and iltimately fuses to an enamel, having alkaline reaction. Pow- iered and treated with sulphuric acid, hydrofluoric acid is given )ff, which corrodes glass, hence its use in etching glass, seals, or my siliceous stone. In its bright colors, fluorite resembles some )f the gems, but its softness and easy octahedral cleavage when jrystallized distinguish it. Its strong phosphorescence is strik- ng. Used as a flux in reducing copper and other ores. Fluorine 18.7, calcium 51.3. Found in Canada ; with silver ores in Port Arthur region. Gypsum. — Hydrous Calcium Sulphate. Monoclinic. Commonly n arrow-head crystals. Easy cleavage, affording thin, pearly, lexible plates. Also in plate-like masses ; fibrous, with satin ustre ; in star-shaped or radiating forms consisting of narrow )lates ; also granular and compact. When crystallized usually ;ransparent or nearly so ; the massive, translucent to opaque. L= pearly. C=white, gray, yellow, reddish, brownish, and even black. H= 1.5-2. G:=:2.33. The plates bend in one iirection and are brittle in another. Varieties : — SeleuUe. — Transparent plates or crystals. Satin Spar. White md delicately fibrous, used for trinkets. Alabaster. White or ight-colored compact gypsum having a very fine grain. Cuts into rases, statues, ornaments, etc. Foliated gypsum resembles some I'arieties of heulandite, stilbite, talc and mica ; the fibrous looks ike Hbrous carbonate of lime, asbestus, and some of the fibrous zeolites ; but gypsum in all varieties is readily distinguished by softness, by becoming B. B. opaque white through loss of water w^ithout fusion, by not effervescing or gelatinizing with acids. Moreover, by adding a little water to powder obtained by heating, the water is taken up and the whole becomes solid. Gypsum when burnt and powdered is plaster of Paris. Used for casts, models, and giving hard finish for walls. Ground gypsum used IS fertilizer (land piaster). Found near Paris, Ont., and else- where. Lime 32.6, sulphur trioxide 46.5, water 20.9. Anhydritr. — Anhydrous Calcium Sulphate. Orthorhombic. In rectangular and rhombic prisms. Cleaves easily in three directions into square blocks. Also fibrous and in layers, often contorted ; coarse and fine granular, and compact. C = white, or tinged with gray, red or blue. L.=more or less pearly. iVansparent to subtranshicent. H-=3-3.5. G=2.95-2.97. Its 3C|uare forms of crystallization and its breaking into square 4'J Mineralo(;y Calcium. blocks are good distinctive features. Lime 41.2, sulphur trioxide 58.8. Found in Canada. Ulexite. — Calcium-Sodium Borate. In interwoven fibres, or hair-like crystals, making small rounded masses. Tasteless. H=l. G=1.C5. L— silky. C=white to gray. Hydrous, Valuable as source of borax. B.B. fuses very easily. Wetted with sulphuric acid the Hame is momentarily deep green. ScHEELiTB. — Calcium Tungstate. Tetragonal, also massive. L:=vitreous. C=white, pale yellowish, brownish, greenish, reddish. Transparent to translucent, H=4.5-5. G = 5.9-(),l, Unlike calcite, and other minerals resembling it, in its high specitic gravity and non-effervescence with acids. Apatite. — Calcium Phosphate. Hexagonal. Usually in hex- agonal prisms. Cleavage imperfect. Occasionally massive, some- times mammillary with a compact fibrous structure. C= usually greenish, often yellowish green, bluish green, and grayish green, sometimes yellow, blue, reddish, brownish, colorless. L=vitre- ous to subresinous. Transparent to opaque. H=5. G=3. 18- 3.25. Brittle. When chlorine is present in place of fluorine it is called chlor- apatite, and when the reverse, fluor-apatite. B.B, infusible except on edges. Dissolves slowly in nitric acid without effervescence. Massive apatite is called Phosphorite. Distin- guished from beryl by inferior hardness (easily scratched by knife) ; from calcite by no effervescence with acids ; from pyro- morphite by difficult fusibility and by giving B.B. no metallic reaction. Useful as fertilizer. Phosphorus pentoxide 40.92, lime 53.80, chlorine (or fluorine) 6.82. Extensive in Ottawa valley. ' Calcite, Calc Spar.— Calcium Carbonate. Rhombohedial, Cleavage easy. Often fibrous. L = silky, sometimes plate-like, often coarse or line granular and compact. When transparent, colorless. C = topaz-yellow, and rarely rose or violet ; other crystalline varieties white, gray, reddish, yellowish, rarely deep red, often mottled ; when massive uncrystalline, of various dull shades, chalk-white, grayish-white, gray, ochre-yellow, red, brown and black. L:= vitreous ; of the finely fibrous, silky ; of uncrystalline, dull, often earthy. H = 3. G = of pure crystals 2.7, Distinguished by being scratched easily by knife, strong effervescence in dilute acids, complete infusibility. Less hard than aragonite, unlike it also in having distinct cleavage. B.B. colors flame reddish, gives alkaline reaction. Lime 56, carbon dioxide 44. Common in Canada. Limestone is 'burnt to make quicklime. Principal varieties : Iceland Spar. Transparent crystalline calcite. Bog-tooth Spar. Satin Spar. Finely fibrous, with satin lustre, usually in veins. Limestone. A general name for massive yilNERALOGY. 43 'Jalciiiiii. !alcit(! as well as for massive dolomite. Granular Limestone. las glistening lustre, owing to its consisting of crystalline grains ; ;he grains show the cleavages of calcite crystals, hence called !ry«talline limestone. The better kinds, valuable in the arts, lie called marble ; the coarser, architectural marble ; the finer vhito, statuary marble. Compact Limestone. Dull in lustre iiiless polished, and not distinctly granular in texture. Chalk. iVhite and earthy ; without lustre ; soft enough to mark a board. Hlidraidic Limestone. An impure limestone affording, on burning, I (piicklime that makes a cement which sets under water. Oolite. 'oinpact, consisting of small round concretionary grains. Rock M'llk. Wliite and earthy like chalk, but still softer. Deposited roin waters containing lime in solution. Stalactite, Stalagmite, Travertine. Deposits fiom calcareous waters. Ahagonite. — Composition like Calcite. Orthorhombic. In homhic prisms ; usually in compound crystals having form of lexagonal prisms, with uneven or striated sides ; or in star- ike forms consisting of two or three flat crystals crossing one uiother. (Jleavage not very distinct. Also globular and like !oral ; also fibrous seams in rocks. C=white or with light tinges )f gray, yellow, green and violet. L=vitreous. Transparent to ;ranslucent. H = 3.5-4, G=2.93. B. B. falls to powder readily tvheu heated, otherwise acts same as calcite. Differs in cleavage roiii calcite. Found in Canada. Dolomite, Magnesian Limestone. — Calcium-Magnesium Oar- )oiiate. Rhombohedral. Cleavage perfect. Faces of rhombo- ledrons sometimes curved. Often granular and massive, consti- ;uting extensive beds. C=white, or tinged* with yellov/, red, freeii, brown, and sometimes black. L== vitreous or pearly. Nearly transparent to translucent. Brittle. H=3.5-4; G=2.8 -2.9. Some iron or manganese often present replacing part of the Diagiicvsium or calcium. Iron bearing varieties become brown on exposure, and the manganese-bearing black. Chemical analysis Dt'teii required to distinguish dolomite from calcite. Calcium carbonate 54.35 ; magnesium carbonate, 45.65. Found in Canada. Used for making quick-lime. Bartl^m. \^; ,' Bahite, Barytes, Heavy Spar.— Barium Sulphate. Ortho- rbond)ic. Cleavage perfect. Massive varieties often in coarse layers ; also columnar, fibrous, granular and compact. C=white, sometimes tinged yellow, red, brown, blue, or dark brown. L= vitreous, sometimes pearly. Transparent or translucent. H= -••") .S.5 ; G=4.3-+.7. Strontium and calcium are sometimes pre- sent, replacing a little barium. B. B, fuses to bead having alka- line reaction, imparts green color to flame. Gives sulphur reac- 44 Ik MlNKRALO(tY Barium. tion. Distinguished by spec, grav., inaction of acido and hard ness. Ground barite used to adulterate white lead to make different whites ; also to weight paper. Baryta 65. 7 ; sulphur trioxide, 34.3. Found in Canada. WiTiiKRiTE. — Barium Carbonate. Orthorhombic. Cleavage imperfect. Also in globular or botryoidal forms ; often massive, and either fibrous or granular. C=yellowish or grayish white to white when in crystals. Translucent to transparent. L=a little resinous when massive. H=3-4 ; G=4.3-4.35. Brittle. B.B, decrepitates, fuses easily, tingeing flame green to translucent glob- ule which becomes opaque on cooling and gives alkaline reaction. Effervesces in hydrochloric acid. Distinguished by spec, grav, and fusibility from calcite and aragonite ; by its action with acids from allied minerals that are not carbonates ; by yielding no metal, from cerussite; and by tingeing flame green, from strontiau- ite. Used in manufacture of plate glass, and in France for making beet sugar. Baryta, 77.7 ; carbon dioxide, 2*2.3. Found Canada. Strontium. Crlestite. — Strontium Sulphate. Orthorhombic. Crystals rhombic prisms or tabular, often long and slender. Cleavage dis- tinct. Also columnar, or fibrous, rarely granular. C=white, slightly bluish, sometimes clear white or reddish. L=vitreousor a little pearly. Transparent to translucent. H=3-3.5 ; G=3I -4. Brittle.. B.B.,,,decrepitate.'3 and f^isea, tingeing flame bri^h! red, to a milk-white globule, giving alkaline reaction. Sulpliur reaction. Distinguished from barite by the bright red color of flame B.B. and its less specific gravity ; and from the carbonates by not effervescing with acids. Used in arts for making nitrate of strontia for red fireworks. Strontia, 56.4 ; suljjhur trioxide, 43.6. Found in Canada. . Stromtianite. — Strontium Carbonate. Orthorhombic. Cleav- age perfect. Also fibrous and granular ; sometimes in globular shapes, radiated within. C=pale greenish white ; also white, gray and yellowish brown. L= vitreous, or somewhat resinous. Transparent to translucent. H=3.5-4. G==3.6. Brittle. Some strontium often replaced by calcium. B.B. swells, throws out little sprouts, but does not fuse. Colors flame bright red. Effer- vesces in cold dilute acid. Its effervescence with acids distinguish it from minerals that are not carbonates ; the flame color B.B, from witherite and other carbonates ; calcium salts also give red color to flame, but the shade is yellowish and less brilliant. Stroii- tianite employed in preparation of strontium nitrate. Strontia 70.3, carbon dioxide 29.7. UlNKRALOOY. 45 Potassium. Sylvitr. — Potassium Chloride. Isometric. Crjstals often ubes with octahedral planes. C -white or colorless. Jj=vitre- )us. Tastes salt. H — 2. G =1.9-2. Potassium 52.5, chlorine 17.5. Nitre. — Potassium , Nitrate. Orthorhombic. In modified .i^ht rhombic prisms. Usually in thin white crusts, and in leedle shaped crystals. Tastes salt and cooling. H=2. T=l.l)7. Distinguished by taste and vivid action on live coal. ^tash 46.6, nitrogen pentoxide 53.4. Uses : gunpowder, as a ertilizer, and in manufacture of sulphuric and nitric acid. Sodium. Halite, Rock Salt, Common Salt.— Sodium Chloride. Iso- iietrio. In cubes and related forms. Cleavage perfect. C= kvhite or grayish, sometimes rose-reMar^2;= Opaque and either yellow, brownish-yellow or red froB presence of iron oxide. s Chalcedonic Varieties are : — Chalcedony =TY?a\^\\\cGui. Mass ive, with glistening and somewhat waxy lustre ; usually of pali iIinkhalogY. ' • ^ 47 Vifd. niyisli, bluish, whitish, or light browiiiah hIuuIc. Often occurs iiiiig (»r lining cavities in junygchdoidal and other rocks. Chrt/- (>y>/— Apple-green chalcedony, colored by nickel. Carnclidn^^ ;ii(,'lit led chalcedony. Of ckar rich tint, cut and polished and null used in cheapei* grades oF jewellery, and for seals antian Jasper has these colors in ■regular concentric zones, and occurs in nodules which are often ut across and polished. Ruin /«.s/>er=With markings resem- ling ruins, of some brownish or yellowish shade on a darker round. Porcelain Jasper =^^SLked (Amy, differing from jasper in eiiig fusible B.B. Hed felsyte resembles red jasper, but felsyte i tu.sdde. Jasper admits of high ijolish, and is a handsome stone or udaid work ; very little used as a gem. Bloodstone or Helio- •o^>^ Deep green, slightly translucent, containing red spots oloied by iron). Li/dian Stone, Touchstone =^ Velvet black and paque, and on acjount of hardness and color used for trying the iirity of the precious metals. Granular Quartz=A rock con- istnig of compactly cemented quartz grains. Silicijied Wood^ etrified wood, consisting of quartz, quartz having replaced ori- mal wood. i ^ b f 48 MiNKIlALOCY Silica. Opal. — Same composition .as ((uart/. Compact and amorplious, also kidney sliaped and stalactitic , oarthy. (J=wliite. yellow, red, ])rovvii, gieen, blue and gray. Kinest varieties exliihit tioii within, on being turned, a rich play of colors of delicate shades L=waxy to subvitreous. H~r).r)-0.r). (i — 1.9-2. 3. SoUiblc ii strong alkaline solution, especially if h(!ated. Also differs tnm (quartz in lustre, which is more waxy than chalcedony ; also in total absence of crystalline texture. infusible B. B. is Hk best character for distinguishing opal from pitchstone, pearl stone and other resembling species. Tripolite, DidtoNinceoiis oi Infnuorial Earllt — A white or grayish white variety ; earthy, massive, slaty. Forms }>eds and often occurs below peat. Soli as a polishing powder under the name of electro-silicon Formerly took the place of wood-pulp as the absorbent ii manufacturing dynamite. Silicates — I. Anhydrous Bisilicatks. Enstatitk, Bkonzite. — A Magnesium Silicate. Orthorhoin bio. Cleavage easy. Usually of tibrous appearance on cleavagi surface. Also massive and in layers. C = grayish, yellowisli or greenish white, or brown. L— pearly. H=:5.5. G = 3. 18.3 B.B. infusible. Insoluble. Bronzite has a portion of the mag nesium rejdaced by iron. Resembles liornblende and pyroxene but infusible and orthorhombic. Silica 00, magnesia 40. HvPERsiHENF. — Near bronzite iii form and composition, bu containing more iron and B.B. fuses; on charcoal become magnetic. WuLL.-^SToNiTE, TABULAR Spar. — A Calcium Silicate. Moiifr clinic. Barely in oblique flattened prisms, usually massive Cleaves easily in one direction, afibrding a lined or indistinotlj columnar surface. Usually white, but sometimes tinged witl yellow, red or brown. 'J'ranslucent or rarely subtranspareiit L=vitreous, pearly. Brittle. H=4.5-5. (V^2.85-2.9. B.B fuses with difficulty to subtransparent, colorless glass ; in powdei decomposed })y hydrochloric acid, solution gelatinizes on evajwr ation ; often efifervesces when heated with acid from presence calcite. Differs from asbestus and tremolite in more vitreoui appearance and fracture, and by gelatinizing ; from the zeolite by the absence of water which all zeolites give in closed tube from feldspar in fibrous appearance of cleavage surface and actioi of acids. Silica 52, lime 48. Occurs in CanaH hut not cllitw. Ii = vitniouH, inclining to resinouH or ptiariy, the latter 11 liliioiiH vnrietieH. TrauHparent to oi>;i(jue. \\~i^i{\. i\=',\.*l- {.,'». I». I>. fuses and the iion-hearing varieties art; most fusihle. iis(»hil)le in acids. Thi; crystalline form and rea«ly cleavage in \V(» iil.mes nearly at light angles to each other are the best dis- iiictiou. Silica .')5, lime 'Jii.;"), magnesia IG.5, iron protc^xide 4.;"), ii;iiit,Muese oxide O.o. (vommon in (.'anada. Varieties are:- ]lii/(ic<)/lf(', White, Aiftfite A calcium-miignesium pyroxene; in- IikUs white or grayish white crystals or crystalline masses. \)inii/i(h' Same composition, in greenish white, or grayish green MVxtals ; and masses cleaving with a bright smooth surface. Siili/i/c, containing iron in addition, like last, but color dingy. Ix/yr.s7//.s= Fibrous varieties of both pyroxene and hornblende, ut pyroxene is rarely asbestiform. AiK/ite—'Vlni black and rifciiish black crystals, which contain a larger amount of iron or roll aiid magnesium. (J=r.S.;^. Jt is the common pyroxene of sniptive rocks. /)ki/ln(l ^raiuM of olivo green color ; |s(» yt-llowiah green. \j vitreous. < 'leHvjil)K!. 'J'rjuisp.arcnt to liiiisliicciit. H () 7. (J .')..'i M.t). li. B. whitens Imt is infua- )1(' ; with borax a yellow bead, color rown garnet, tourmaline and epidote, but differs in crystalliza- ion aiKl greater fusibility. Chiefly a silicate of aluminium and iine with iron. Found in Canada. Epidote. — Monoclinic. Also massive granular and forming ock masses ; sometimes columnar or fibrous C=yellowish reen and ash gray or brown. S = uncolored. Translucent to paque. L=vitreous. Often brilliant on faces of crystals. little. H=6-7. G= 3. 25-3. 5. B.B. fuses with effervescence ■o black glass, which is usually magnetic. Partly decomposed y hydrochloric acid, but if first ignited is decomposed, and the olutiou gelatinizes on evaporation. The peculiar yellpwish green 52 Mineralogy Anhydrous U nisllicates. color of ordinary e^ndote distinguishes it. A silicate of aliiini nium, iron and oalciuin, with water. Found in Canada. Z018ITK, Lime Epidotr. — Orthorliombic. Columnar and mas sive. Cleavable. C=ash gray to white, also greenish gray, red. L=vitreous to subpearly. H=6.G. G==8. 1 1-3.38. B.B. swells and fuses. Like epidote, with little or no iron. Ilvaite. — A calcium-iron silicate, occurs in (^anada. AxiNiTE. — - Triclinic. In acute-edged oblique rhomboidal prisms. Cleavage indistinct. Also rarely massive or in layers, C=dark brown, differing somewhat in shade in three directions, [j= vitreous. Transparent to subtranslucent. Brittle. 11= 6.5-7. 0=3.27. Electric after ignition. B, B. fuses easily, bubbles and yields dark green or black glass, giving pale gieeo flame. Kemarkable for sharp thin edges of crystals, their glassv brilliant appearance and absence of cleavage ; implanted and uot disseminated like garnet. Occurs in Canada. Danbukite. — A calcium silicate containing much boron, Orthorhombic, resembles topaz in its crystals ; also massive, C=pale yellow. Trans) )arent. L= vitreous, slightly grtasv when massive. H = 7-7.*25. C — 2.98. B. B. fuses to colorless glass ; green flame. loLViE, DiCHRorrE. — Orthorhombic. Six and twelve sided prisms; also massive. Cleavage indistinct. C:= shades of Idv and yellowish gray. S = uncolored. L= vitreous. Transparent to translucent. Brittle. H = 7-7.5. G = 2.6-2.7. Resembles blue quartz, distinguished by fusing on edges. A silicate oi aluminium, magnesium and iron. Mica Group. Muscovite. — Monoclinic. Usually in plates or scales, some- times radiated groups of scales. C— from white through green, yellowish and brownish shades ; rarely rose-red or reddish violet. L — pearly. Transparent to translucent. Tough and elastic, H = 2-2.5. G=2.7 3. B.B, whitens and fuses on thin edges, with difficulty. Differs from talc and chlorite in being elastic; leaves tougher and harder. Sericlte is related to muscovite but it has 4 or 5% water. A component of granite, gneiss, and mica schist. Common in Canada. Uses : in stoves, etc. , decor- ating wall paper, lubricant, insulating for electrical purposes, boiler and pipe covering, etc. A silicate of aluminium, iron, potassium, etc. Phlogopite. — Monoclinic. C = often yellowish brown with oopper-hke reflection, also brownish yellow to white. B.B. like muscovite. Common in Canada. BioTiTE. — Monoclinic. Crystals usually short rhombic or hexagonal prisms. Common in scattered scales and scale masses, \IlNERALOfiY. 53 Uka Group. ; = (lark green, black. Transparent to opaque. Cleavage emiu- nt. L = niore or less pearly on cleavage surface, H = 2.5-3. ; = 2.7-3.1. B.B. whitens and fuses on thin edges. In mica cliist, gneiss and granite, much more common than muscoyite ; •ften in syenite. Mainly a silicate of aluminium, magnesium, )otassiiini and iron. Common in Canada Clear varieties valu- h\e for insulating purposes, as above. Lkpidomelane.— Allied to last, but with more iron and less nacniesia. Found in Canada. ScAPOLiTE Group. WfJvNKRITE, Scapolitr.— Tetragonal. Also massive, or some- inics faintly fibrous. Cleavage indistinct. C = white, gray, )ale blue, greenish or reddish, brown when impure. S = uncolored. Transparent to nearly opaque. L = usually a little pearly. H = ) 6. (1 = 2.65 2.8. The square prisms are characteristic. In }leavable masses resembles feldspar except for a slight fibrous ippearance usually distinguished on the cleavage surface. More usible than feldspar and spec. grav. higher. Spodumene has niich higher spec. grav. and differs also B.B. VVoUastonite is nore librous iu appearance of surface, is less hard, and gela- binizes with acids." B.B. fuses easily and boils to white glass ; mperfectly decomposed by hydrochloric acid. Silica 48.4, alumina 28.5, lime 18.1, soda 5. Occurs in Canada. Nki'heltte, Eleolite.— Hexagonal. Also massive, rarely fchiii columnar. C == white, or gray, yellowish, greenish, jluisli red. L = vitreous to greasy. Transparent to opaque. H=:5.5-G. Gr = 2.55-2.6-2. Distinguished from most scapolites and feldspars by the greasy lustre when massive, and the facility of gelatinizing with acids ; from apatite by the last character and also greater hardness. A silicate of aluminium, sodium and potassium, containing iron, manganese and lime. SoDALiTE.— Isometric. In dodecahedrons. Cleavage dodeca- liedral. C^brown, gray, or blue. L = vitreous, sometimes greasy. H = (i. G =2.25-2.4. B. B. fuses, bubbles, gives a colorless glass. Decomposed with hydrochloric acid, solution gelatinizing on evaporation. A silicate of alunnnium and sodium, containing chlorine. Occurs in Canada. Lai'LS-Lazuli, Ultramaiunr.— Isometric, rarely in crystals (dodecahedrons). Cleavage imperfect. Usually massive. C= rich azure blue. L = vitreous. Translucent to opaque. H=5.5. G=L'. 3-2.5. B.B. fuses to white translucent or opaque glass, and if burnt and powdered loses color in acids. Color supposed to be due to sodium sulphide. A silicate of aluminium, sodium, and calcium, containing sulphuric acid, sulphur, iron and chlorine. Used for the valuable blue paint called ultramarine. 54 MlNF-RALO(!Y Scapolite Group. . Leucitb, Amphigene. — Isometric. Cleavage imperfect. 'Ira- pezohedroii. Usually in dull glassy white to gray crystals, diss(;m- inated through lava. Translucent to ojmque. H = 5.5-(). (1 = 2.45-2.5. Brittle. B.B. infusible. Moistened with cobalt nitrate and ignited assumes blue color. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid without gelatinizing. Distinguished from analcite by hard- ness and infusibility. Silica 55, alumina 23.5, potash 21.5. Feldspar Group. Triclinic feldspars (jet the general term Plagtoclase. Anor- THiTE. Indianite. — Lime Feldspar. Triclinic. Crystals tabular. Also massive, granular, or coarse layers. C = white, grayish, or reddish. H = G. G=-2.G6-2.78. B.B. fuses with diffi- culty to colorless glass. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid and solution gelatinizes on evaporation. Silica 43.1, alumina 30.8, lime 20.1. Huronite, an altered anorthite, occurs near Sudbury. Labradokite. — Lime-soda Feldspar. Triclinic. Usually in cleavable massive forms. Dark gray, brown, or greenish brown, also white or colorless. Often a series of bright colors from in- ternal reflections, especially blue and green, with more or less yellow and pearl gray. H = 6. G = 2. 67-2. 70. B.B. fuses easily to colorless glass. Only partially decomposed by hydrochloric acid. Silica 52.9, ahimiua 30.3, lime 12.3, soda 4.5. Occurs in Canada. Oligoclahe. — Soda-lime Feldspar. Triclinic. Commonly in cleavable masses. Also massive, usually white, grayish white, grayish green, greenish, reddish. Transparent, subtranslucent, H = 6-7. G=2.5-2.7. A portion of soda usually replaced by potash. B. B. fuses without difficulty ; not decomposed by aci.;i Moistened with cobalt nitrate and ignited assumes a blue color, Infusible alone and with borax. Distinguished from tremolite and the varieties of hornblende generally by brilliant diagonal cleavage and infusibility ; from kyanite and andalusite by its brilliant cleavage, fibrous structure, and oithorhombic crystals. Composition same as last. Kyanite. — Triclinic. Usually in long knife-like crystals, aggregated, or penetrating the gangue. Sometimes in short, stout crystals. Lateral cleavage distinct. Sometimes fine fibrous. C— usually light blue, sometimes liavingablue centre with white margin ; sometimes white, gray, green, or even black. Lustre of flat face a little pearly. H=o-7.r). G = 3.55-3.7. Distinguished by infusibility from varieties of hornblende. Short crystals have some resemblance to staurolite, but their sides and termina- tions are usually irregular ; also difl'ers in cleavage and lustre. The thin-bladed characteristic of kyanite is distinctive. (Jem position same as last. ( )ccurs in Canada. 'J'oPAZ. — Orthorhombic. Rhombic prisms, usually differently moilifled at the extremities. Cleavage perfect basal. C = pale yellow, sometimes white, greenish, bluish, or reddish. S = white, L — vitreous. Transparent to subtransiucent. Electric after ignition. H = 8. 0-8.4-3.65. B.B. infusible; some kinds become yellow or pink when heated ; moistened with cobalt nitrate and ignited assumes fine blue color. Insolubl in acids. Headily distinguished fitom minerals resembling it by brilliant and easy basal cleavage. Silica 16.2, alumina oo.T, silicon fluoride 28. 1. Used as gem. EucLASK. — Monoclinic. In oblique rhombic prisms. Cleavage highly perfect, affording smooth polished faces. C = pale greeu to white or colorless, pale blue. L=vitreous. Transparent, Brittle. H=7.o. G = 3. 1. Electric after ignition. The cleavage of this glassy mineral is very perfect like topaz, ])ut is not basal, Used as gem. Silica 41.2, alumina 35.2, beryllia 17.4, water (i.i Datoltte. — Monoclinic. Crystals small and glassy. Distinct cleavage. Also botryoidal, and columnar within ; also massive and porcelain-like in fracture. C = white, occasionally grayish, greenish, yellowish or reddish. Translucent. H-^5 5.5. (i = 2.9-3. Its glassy complex crystallizations without cleavage dis- tinguish it from other minerals that gelatinize with acid ; so also in tingeing blowpipe flame green. B. B. becomes opaque, bubbles, melts easily to glassy globule, coloring flame green. Decomposed hSKUALOr.Y. - 57 iihsi/kates. liydrochloric acid ; solution gelatinizing on evaporation. ilica .'J7.0, l)oron trioxide 21.9, lin)e 35, water 5.6. Found in Canada. Ti TAN UK, Sphen k. — Monoclinic. Crystals usually very oblique hiii-oilged prisms. Cleavabla in one direction, sometimes perfect. )ocasi()iially massive. 0=grayish brown, ash gray, brown to lack; sometimes pale yellow to green. S — uncolored. L=:ada- laiitiiu; to resinous, 'i'ransparent to opaque. H = 5-5.5. G = .4-3.r)0. In dark brown atid black crystals, some iron replaces art (»f the calcium. B.B. fuses and bubbles. Imperfectly ecoinposed by hydrochloric acid. The thin wedge-shaped crys- al is generally a distinguishing character. Silica 30.6, titanium xide 40.82, lime 28.57. Common in Canada. Stauholitic. — Orthorhombic. Cleavage imperfect. Usually in roi-s-sliaped twin crystals. Never massive or in slender crystal- zations. C'=brown to black. L= vitreous, inclining to resinous, onietiines bright, but often dull. Translucent to opa(|ue. H = 7.5. 0—3.4-3.8. B.B. inf'mible, excepting a manganese vari- ty. Insoluble in acids. Distinguished from tourmaline and arnet l)y infusibility and form. Silica 28.3, alumina 51.7, iron xide 15.8, magnesia 2.5, water 1.7. Hydrous Stlicate.^'. Pectolite. — Monoclinic. Usually in aggregations of needle- haped crystals, or fibrous-massive, radiate, star-shaped. C= diitc or grayish. Translucent to opaque. Tough. H~5. (t= .8(5. B. B. fusible. In closed tube yields water. Decomposed by ydrochloric acid ; solution gelatinizes on evaporation. Resembles broils varieties of tremolite, natrolite, wollastonite. Silica 54.2, me .'is. 8, soda 9.3, water 2.7. Found in Canada. Lal'imontite. — Monoclinic, like pyroxene in form. Massive, ritli radiating or divergent structure, not line fibrous. C = white, assing into yellow or gray, sometimes red. L = vitreous, inclin- iig to p'uirly on cleavage face. Transparent to translucent. H = .5 4. (j1 =2. 25-2.36. Becomes opaque on exj^osure through loss f water, and readily crum))les. B.B. swells u}) and fuses easily white enamel. Deconq)osed by hydrochloric acid ; solution elatinizes on evaporation. The alteration this species undergoes 11 exposure to the air distinguishes it. A hydrous silicate of iluininiuni and calcium. Found in Canada. Ar ii'HYLLiTE. — Tetragonal. In square octahedrons, prisms nd tal»les. Cleavage basal, highly perfect. Massive and foliated. ^'=\vliite or grayish, sometimes with shade of green, yellow or ed. \j~oi one face pearly; of rest vitreous. Trans[)arent to pa(pi.'. H==4.5-5. (;=2.3-2.4. B.B. exfoliates, c(dors Hanie 58 ^ Minehalo(;y. Hydrous Silicates. violet (owing to potash) and fuses very easily to white enamel, In closed tube yields water which has acid reaction. Decom. posed by hydrochloric acid with separation of slimy silica. The easy basal cleavage, and basal pearly lustre and form of crystals distinguish it from the preceding species. It is never fibrous, Silica 52.97, lime 24.7*2, potash 5.2, fluorine 2.1, water 15.9, Occurs in Canada. Pyralloltte. — An altered variety of pyroxene. Found in Canada. Prehnite. — Orthorhombic. Cleavage basal. Sometimes in six-sided prisms, rounded so as to be barrel-shaped, and lookiug as if made up of a series of united plates ; also in thin rhombic or hexagonal plates. Usually kidney-shaped and botryoidal, with crystalline surface. Never fibrous. C = apple green to colorless. L = vitreous, except one face, which is somewhat pearly. Sub- transparent to translucent. H = 6-G.5. = 2.8-2 90. B.B. fuses very easily to enamel-like glass. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid, leaving residue of silica, but does not gelatinize. Yields a little water in closed tube. Distinguished from beryl, green quartz, and chalcedony by fusing B. B. ; and from the zeolites by hardness. Receives a handsome polish and is sometimes used for inlaid work. Silica 43.6, alumina 24 9, lime 27.1, water 4.4. Occurs in Canada. ZoNOcuLORiTr, AND Chlorastrolite. — Greenish varieties of prehnite. Found in Canada. Allophank. — In amorphous incrustations, with a smooth, small mammiUary surface, a\i^nd by not effervescing with acids ; from Laba/ite md varieties by fusing without bubbling to a glassy lobule, and by crystalline form. Silica 54.47, alumina 23. 29, }da 14.07, water 8. 17. Found in Canada. Chahazije. — Rhombohedral. Often in rhombohedrons, much Bsembliug cubes. Never massive or fibrous. C = white, yellow- ^h, riesh-red, or red. L= vitreous. Transparent to translucent. = 4-5. G=: 2. 08-2. 19. B.B. bubbles and fuses to nearly paque bead. Decomposed with hydrochloric acid. In closed fibe gives water. The nearly cubical form when crystallized is triking. Distinguished from analcite as stated under that becies ; from calcite by yielding water and action with acids ; jrom tiuorite by form and cleavage, and by showing no phosphor- scence. SiHca 52.2, alumina 18.3, lime, soda and potash 8.7, later '20.5. Found in ('anada. Harmotome. — Monoclinic. Unknown excej)t in compound Irystals. (J = white; sometimes gray, yellow, red or brownish. [ubtruM.sparent to translucent. L = vitreous. H==4.5. G=2.45. 5.B. whitens, crumbles and fuses quietly to white translucent |lass. (lives water in closed tube. Partially decomposed by lydrnchloric acid, and if sulphuric acid be added to solution a leavy white precipitate of barium sulphate is formed. Some 60 Miner ALOf! !Y, Zeolite Section. varieties phosphoresce when heated. Much more fusible thai, glassy feldspar or sca[)olite ; does not gelatinize like thomsoiiite, Silica 4(). 5, alumina lil.O, baryta 23.7, water 18.9. ^ Stimutk. — Mono(;linic. In crystals. Also in sheaf-like ai:u;ie gations, and spheres, thin pearly laniellar-cohininar in structure, also in radiateii crystallizations ; never line fibrous. = white, sometimes yellow, brown, or red. Subtransparent to translucent, L = highly pearly on cleavage surface. W = ?tS^-\. G = 2.1 LMi B.B. swells up, and curves into fan-like forms, and fuses to white enamel. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid without j^'ela- tinization. Cannot be scratched with thumbnail like gypsuni, Unlike heulandite in crystals. Silica 57.4, alumina 10.4, lime 8.9, water 17.2. Found in Canada. Heulandite. — Monoclinic. In right rhombic prisms wit perfect pearly cleavage, other planes vitreous in lustre. C = white, sometimes reddish, gray, brown. Transparent to subtr.ans lucent. Leaves brittle. H-3.5 4. = 2.2. B.B. like stilhite, Bubbles and fuses, and becomes phosphorescent. Dissolves Id acid without gelatinization. The very pearly lustre of cleavage face is a marked character. Distinguished from gypsuni In hardness ; from apophyllite and stilbite by crystals ; and from latter species also in not occurring in radiated, sheaf-like or spherical crystallizations. Silica 59.1, alumina 16.9, lime 9.'. water 14.8. Found in Canada. Margarophyllite Section. Talc. — Orthorhombic. In right rhombic or hexagonal prisms, Usually in pearly leafy masses, separating easily into thin trans lucent pearly leaves. Sometimes star-shape, or divergent, con- sisting of radiating sheets. Often massive, consisting of minute pearly scales; also crystalline granular; also flint-like. b= eminently pearly. Feels greasy. C = some shade of light green or greenish white, occasionally silvery or pearly white ; also grayish green and dark olive green. H — 1-1.5. (i =2.5 2.8, Leaves flexible, but not elastic. The extreme softness, greasy feel, leaf-form crystallization, and ])early lustie are good charac- teristics. Differs from mica in being inelastic, although Hexihle; from chlorite, kaolin, and serpentine in yielding little water when heated in glass tube. Only the massive varieties resemble serpentine, and chlorite has a dark olive green color. Pyrophyl- lite, which cannot be distinguished in some varieties, by eye alone, from talc, becomes dark blue when moistened with cobalt nitrate and ignited. Silica 62.8, magnesia 33.5, water 3./. Found in Canaila. Varieties : Foliated Talc, white to greenish white, leafy. SoajMone or Steatite, white, gray, grayish green. Massive, gran llNKIlALOCY. 61 l(ir[inrophijlUte Section. lar or inij)!il[)able. (Jreasy to touch. French Chalk, milk-white ith pearly lustro. Potntone, impure soapstoue, grayish green or ju'k (,'iven. Talc is ground, anr jtolishing ser[»entine, alabaster and glass. PvHoiMiVLLiTK. — Like talc in crystallization, cleavage and oc- urreiice in leafy and line grained massive forms, its greasy feel, ts \vliit(! to pale green colors, varying to yellowish, its feeble e(,Met! of hardness. The leaves are sometimes radiated. H =: -2. (J ='2.75-2.92. B. B. whitens and fuses with difficulty on (lgi;s ; deep blue color with cobalt nitrate ; yields water in Idseil tube. Radiated varieties take fan-like forms, heated. ilica (14.82, alumina 24.48, iron, magnesium, and calcium oxides .84, water 5.25. SKrioLFTR, Meerschaum. — Usually compact, of line earthy tex- ure, with smooth feel, and white or whitish color ; also fibrous. ) = wliite to bluish green. H = 2-'2 5. B.B. infusible, much ater in closed tube, pink color with cobalt solution. The earthy ariety Hoats on water. Silica 60.8, magnesia 27.1, water 12.1. (tLaucomtr, Gree.v Earth, — Essentially a silicate of inm and otassium. In dark olive green to yellowish green grains, or ranular masses. L = dull. \i=2. G = 2.2. Mixed with sand fc forms thick beds called greensand. B. B. fuses easily to mag- etic glass, yields water in closed tube. Serpentine. — A hydrous magnesium silicate, like talc, but ontaiiiing more water and less silica. Usually massive and com- act ; also in layers or leafy, the leaves brittle ; also columnar, sbestiform, and delicately silky fibrous. C flight to dark reen, to olive green and blackish green ; also greenish yellow, rownish yellow, brownish red ; rarely white. L = weak ; resin- iis, inclining to greasy. Translucent to nearly opaque. H = 5-4. = 2.5. Feel, especially of powder, a little greasy. oiigh. Fracture conchoidal. B.B. fuses with much difficulty n thin edges ; yields water in closed tube. Decomposed by ydrochloric acid, leaving residue of silica. In some kinds, iron eplaces some of magnesium. The distinctive features of the ompact mineral are no cleavage, feeble lustre, slightly waxy or ily lustre, little hardness ; yielding much water and low specific ravity. When polished has much Tjeauty. Silica 43.5, magnesia 3.5, water 13. AsheMus. Chrysotile is fibrous serpentine ; and usually the asbestus of commerce. Unlike true asbestus it ffonlfs nuich water in closed tube. The bulk of the world's upply of asbestus comes from (Quebec. Uses : tire-proof articles I all kinds, piston packing, covering for steam pipes and boilers ; lade into yarn, cloth and paper. - :, 62 MlNKRALooy Margnrophyllite Section. Dewkymtk. — Com})osition near Serpentine, ])ut containing 3 percent, of water. Massive. (' - wliitisii, yellowish, l)ro\\iii,s; yellow, greenish, reddish. Has the asi)ect of gum arahic. V(r brittle. H = 2S.5. (J = 1.9 2.25. GeiUhitv and (hirnkriti m^ varieties coiitauiiiig much nickel. Saponite - Soft, clay-like; of the consistence, before dryiiii; of cheese or ])utter, but brittle when dry. (J -white, yellow i,s| grayish green, bluish, reddish. Does not adhere to toiigiu Found in Canada. Kaolimte, Kaomx, Pure CfAV. -Composition : silica, alii mina, wat(T. Orthorhombic. Massive. (Jlay-like ; either coin pact, friable or mealy. Feels greasy. C = white, grayish w liitf ; sometimes brownish, bluish or reddish. Scale flexible, inelastic. H= 1-2.5. (1 = 2.4 2.0. B.B. infusible. blue color with cobalt nitrate. Yields water in closed tiilic Insolulile in acids. Kaolin is used for white porcelain of liiK quality and for giving weight and body to paper. Silica 4G.i alumina 39.7, water 13.9. Found in Canada. Finite. — Amorphous, and usually flint like. C = grayisli greenish, brownish, sometimes reddish. L = feeble; waxy, 'JVanslucent to opaque. H =2.5-3.5. (! =2.0 2.85. Silica 4().8"3, alumina 27.65, iron, potassium oxides, etc., containing water Occurs in Canada. Wilson ite is a variety. Hydromica Section. Fahlunite. — A hydrous silicate of aluminium and iron witb little or no alkali, and in this last jioint diff'ering from pinite In 6 and 12 sided prisms, usually leafy, parallel with the base, but owing the prismatic form to the mineral from which it vas derived. Leaves soft and brittle, of grayish green to dark grete color and pearly lustre. G =2.7. B.B. fuses to white glass, le closed tube gives water. Insoluble in acids. Distinguished fro talc by aS'ording much water B. B. , and readily by its association with iolite, and its large hexagonal forms, with brittle leaves. Chlorite Group. Hisingerite. — Massive, kidney-shaped. C= Black to browu ish black. S=yellowish brown. L = greasy, inclining to vit reous. H = 3. G = 3.045. B. B. fuses with difficulty to magnetic slag. Silica 35.9, iron sesquioxide 42.6, water 21.5. Pyroscle RITE— Orthorhombic or monoclinic. Mica-like cleav age; sheets flexible, not elastic. C = apple green to green. L = pearly. H = 3. G = 2.74. B.B. fuses to grayish glass ; gelatinization with hydrochloric acid. Silica 38.9, aluni- ina 14.8, magnesia 34.6, water 11.7. llNKItALOaV. 03 'hforitr Group. ViiKMicriJTK. — Mica-like cleavage. In aggregated scales. Also I bii^e n»ica-like crystals or plates. Flexible, not elastic. = ray, hrown, yeilowisli hrown. L = pearly. H. B. fuses finally ) gray mass. When scaly-granular the scaUs open out into M»rm-lik(! forms. I'knnimtk. — Hexagonal. Cleavage basal, highly perfect, mica- ke. Also nuissive, consisting of scale aggregations, and Hint- ke. (■=greea of various shades; yellowish to silver white; Dso ivd to violet. L^pcsarlyon cleavage surface, 'i'ransparent I) tiaiislucent. Sheets Hexihle, not elastic. H = 2-2.r)on edges. \ = 2.i) -.7r) B. B. leaves separate somewhat and fuse with dif- culty. Tartially decomposed 4>y hydrochloric acid, aiul wholly II liy sulphuric acid. Silica 3.S.(3, alumina 10.0, iron sesipiioxide 8, iiia^Micsia, 34.{), water 12.4. lliiMDoi/TK. — Monoclinic. Similar in cleavage and mica-like haiiicttr to penninite, and also in color, lustre, hardness, and pec. grav. B. B. and with .acids nearly like jienninite. Composi- on similar to last, but it has les.s iron and a little chromium. Pkociilohite. — Hexagonal. Similar in cleavage and niica- ke characters to last. () = green to blackish green ; scmietimes ed acnKss by transmitted light. (31=2.75-3. Sheets not elastic. 5. B. same as last. Silica 25.4, alumina 18.6, iron protoxide 8.8, magnesia 17.1, water 9. MAWdAHiiE, Kmerylite, Diphantte, Clinomantte, Corun- KLLiiK. — Orthorhombic. Mica-like. Sheets rather brittle. ) = white, grayish, reddish. L = of cleavage surface strong earlv and brilliant, of sides of crvstals, vitreous. H --3.5-4.5. = 2.99. B. B. whitens and fuses on edges/ Silica 30.1, alum- la, 51.2, lime 11.6, soda 2.6, water 4.5. OHM)i;noiD, Masonite, Phyllite, OiTHErjiE. — Monoclinic. leavage basal perfect. Also coarse foliatey ImhIiij,'. Reiii^ under |>r»ssiir from the ^an aHsociatcd with it, it riscH to tjjc Hurfaco in tii })orin;^', and Hoimstinu'H inaUeH a "spouting well" or "guslici It iH thought to he due to decom[»(»Mitioii of animal anosition. KLArKKlTK, MiNKIlAL CAOUTCHOUC, KlASTK! BiT(TMKN. hi soft flexible masses somewhat resembling india-rubber. Vz brownish black, sometimes orange red by transmitted Ijl'I (i =().!)- 1.2'). (/arbon 8;")..'), hydrogen 1.S..S. Burns readily witl yellow flame and bituminous odor. Amhku. — In irregular masses. C = yellow, sometimes brdwii ish or whitish. L^^ resinous. Transparent to translucent. II 2-2.5. U^l.18. Electric. A resin. Asphaltum. — Amorphous and pitch like. Burns with biii,'li' flame, melts at (W-lOO' V. Soluble nu)stly or wholly in ca phene. A mixture of hydrocarbons. Much used in naii making. Albkktite. — Coal like in hardness, but little soluble in caiii phene, and only imperfectly fusing when heated ; but havinL; tlk lustre of asphaltum, and softening a little in boiling water H=I-2. G=l.l. Occurs in Nova Scotia. Anthraxolite. — Black, lustrous, and reseml)ling anthracitt or albertite in general characters. H = 2.25-2.5. G=1.4 I. Composition essentially carbon. Forms small plates or irrci^aila; cubic Idocks between which is generally more or less (piartz Found in Eastern Townships ami noith of Lakes Superior am Huron, 'i'he pure mineral yields rixed carbon 90 to 9i\/°, volatile matter and ash 5 to 10. Mineral Coal. —Massive, uncrystalline. C:= black or brown Opaque. Brittle. H:=0.r)-2.5. (i = 1.2-1. 8 Contains carboii. with some oxygen an, oxygen 4-15, with mostly pjof moisture. The volatile hydrocarl)on ingredients 20-45%, ^•itli .')() to over GO in some kinds ; sulphur in the best coals L'low I, but often 2 2.5. Ash imi)urities 1.4-7.5 (average 5 or 0). iini.s with bright yellow Hame. Yields little to, or colors [ightly, a potash solution. Cccurs in Nova Scotia, Vancouver slaiul and in Kocky Mountains. (!aki.\() (.'oal includes that part of bituminous coal which )ftenH wlien heated and becomes viscid, so that adjoining pieces iiite into a solid mass. Burns readily with lively yellow flame, bt re([uir( s frequent stirring to prevent its agglutinating, and so logging tile lire. Non-caking coal resembles the caking in Itptarance, but does not soften and cake. ('ANM>;r, Coal — Verycomi>act and even in texture. L^weak. [liicture large conehoidal. 'Jakes lire readily, and burns without leUiiit,' with a yellow Hame. Volatile hydrocarbon conipounds Iveii out when heated amount to 40 to 50%, and eveti (io ; and Eiice valued for the manufacture of gas as well as for uiel ; also feltl inucli mineral oil. Brown Coal, Lkj.mte.— Color black to brownish black; of )W(lor, brown. (Contains oxygen 15 to 2l)%, and often 8 to 10 nl^i^sture; Hxed carbon mostly 52 to 05. Gives a brownish brownish red color to a solution of potash. Usually non- piig. The kinds having more or less of the structuie of wood recalled I'lijuite ; and in these kin«ls the oxygen present may be P to over 30%, and the moisture 15 to 20. Between the brown pis and bituminous there is a gradual passage in constitution Mm color of powder. Occurs in Canadian North- West, htish (.'olumbia, and James' Hay region. pEr resembles cannel coal but is harder ; deeper black and Iglier uistre ; takes brilliant polish, and is used in jewellery. PROSPECTING. General Principles. The search for minerals is attended by many difficulties ; tt outcrops are frequently covered with soil, and the appearance^ the ore is comi)letely changed at the surface. General rules fi guidance may be given as follows : 1. Ihe prospector should look for natural rock exposure occurring in clifis, gorges, etc., and be guided by stains, if aiii on the rocks. Iron sulphides are about the commonest miiiera: in nearly all ore deposits, and when oxidized by exposure to tl weather, the stains imparted to the surface will be yellow , brown. Copper, in like manner, gives blue and green surfii stains, antl in some regions, like the >locan, such green and b' discoh)rations are an indication, usually, of high values in silv 2. Watch for natural raised ledges and sags. Often the vti matter is harder than the enclosing rock and resists weather; better, so that it projects above the country. Or, if the vei matter is softer, a more or less delined trough results. 3. In a region where soil covers the rock, the prospector ma come upon large boulders [Jioat) of vein matter containing miiierii This must have come down-hill, and the parent ' ^dge is toi sought in the direction of the drainage. Good judgnK.nt needed. Examine matter composing river-beds for traces heavy ore of metals. If the float be pebbly or rounded it is sign that it has travelled far ; if the edges are angular, the ledj: is not very distant. Where the clue has been traced, for instaiu part way up a steep incline, the prospector may arrive at a poii where no float is to be seen, for it naturally congregated at tl; bottom ; then the ledge is close at hand above, in the foni maybe, of huge crags of quartz. Often from the point of quittic the float a trench, dug to bed rock, exposes the vein, 4. Where grade permits, dams are sometimes built to lio: back a stream, and when suddenly broken, the rushing watt strips the rock of overlying soil anct allows mineral to be lookt for with comparative ease. This is called hooniUKj. 5. 'J'imber of better gr ule than the general run of a particiils area frecpiently is evidence of iron oie ; and, in Ontario at leasi springs of superior ny, zinc ir lead. When once found it is necessary to determine the value if the deposit. If the mineral occurs in a mass, as in beds, )oriiig may be resorted to. Veins are rather more freaky and •ecjuire careful exantination. Those with sharp well-defined walls re l)est, as they offer some evidence of continuity below .surface. Oold often occurs in pyrites and in veins of crystalline (piartz. iVheii the quartz reseml)les white sugar, or is rust- itaiiied and filled with small angular cells having iron rust in iliein, it is a good sign, particularly when the quartz streaks are aii(h\ iched between layers of yellow and brown iron oxides, with 1 surface strewing of brown, spongy gossan. The veins length long the top, as far as traceable, should be measured, as well as leadt.h at many different points, the distance between all these )oiiits heing entered in a book, Pitsor tienchis, sunk at right angles to the direction of the I'eni, are needful to determine the general •strike (direction) and iip (its angle with horizon) with enough accuracy to furnish an 'lea of the future workings. Note any difference in the opposite "alls of the vein and where occurring. Often a result of that gg Prospecting, Uaieral Principles. oxidation of the ore, before alluded to, is to rot and soften it that the adjoining rock mass crushes inwards, leaving an outward show of merely a small streak ; or the outcrop may fold back (tail. out) and give false idea of thickness. If the rock be rich, the more thorough this part of examination is, the better in the end, Sampling. A vein may \ie 30 or 40 ft. thick, but the poverty of the ore sucli that it is not worth working ; or its richness may make a vein of but few inches repay mining. Disaster ensues, commoiil}- 1 from testing at one point only ; better many small, than one big sample. 'J his is particularly true when precious metal oco'iis ^ . nuggety. Having selected the lichest looking [)ortion of a wide vei^ij, at every '){) or 100 feet, shallow cuts or pits should be nuule ^ -^ across the vein ; or, if it is a narrow one, a comnion practice is to ^^v_j^iHj«iCetr1S4^rei\ch along the exposure. In both cases, at nie in. deep, with sloping sides. The ore is ground to powtlei tine enough to pass the sieve, by means of an iron mortar and pestle which foV prospecting need not weigh over ten iK)unrospecting is to be done in mountainous regions, as in British Cohinibia, it is an object to make the "jjack " as light as possible, and only absolute necessities can l^e taken. The explorer usually carries his pack on his back, though if he can afford it, it is better to take a cayuse or a pack mule to carry his supplits. A man can pack on an average about 60 lbs. It is pos- sible for two men to carry sufficient to stay out three weeks. A pack mule will take 2.')0 to .300 lbs. and can be obtained in British ColiimUia for about .$20. Prospecting in Western Ontario is, as a rule, a much simjder matter. One can go almos": anywhere in a canoe, with occasional portages. 'I he surface, too, is usually freer from earth, gravel, etc., than in British Columbia, and the woods are also less dense. In a canoe two men can take more than twice the quantity of supplies that they could were they obliged to carry it on their backs. 74 PU0SPECTJ> N(; Form to be F'illkd Out in Dkschibin'o a Pkospect, Date Nature of the property Area of the property Location of the property . Application made by Survey made by Names and addresses of present owners Nearest P.O Keferences How the pro2)erty can be reached What development is done Approximate height of outcrop above nearest water , What advantages does the neighborhood offer for a mill-site. . ., Facilities for shipping ore What are the water rights and power, and distance from the property Nature of country rock Length of outcrop traceable , Strike of vein Width of vein at different points Width of pay streak Dip of vein Character of the walls Character of ore (free milling, refractory or concentrating, etc. Result of assays, and by whom made By whom, and how samples were made ... Alluvial properties : Character of deposit Value per cub. yd Depth to bedrock Facilities for dumping No. of working months per year . . . ; from to. Water sup[)ly for hydraulicking, etc , Approximate quantity and head obtainable Is tlie property dry or wet , What fuel obtainable What timber or lumber ; at what distance General remarks MINING. General. The cost of operation varies with coiulitions, and demands areful considei'ation. A given deposit may he vahieless he- laiise its depth heh)W the surface makes it too costly to nine iind hoist ; and ch)se estimates are desirahle down to the mallest and every detail. Figures, of necessity, can he but aver- 7^/.£yS^ VJIQ e^/.£y££. t 9ZS Silver Islet Mine — (part of the workings). Note : — Portion in black shows ore-body sloped. ages owing to never-ending variations, like the hardness and for- mation of rock, in stating cost, etc, of blasting ; but the follow- ing (lata, necessarily incomplete, gives a fair insight into mining practice. . 76 t'f la 70 Minim, Oeneral. iJxcept in rare cases (l)y (liamond-drill trials, for insitancc) tl^ (li8C(>very of hods and veins depends on clieir exposure at the sm face. Tlie position, angle, etc., of the exposure (outcrop) uitt respect to tlie ground in the vicinity having heen noted— ,itt stripping of surface soil where necessary- some idea is gained ,is t the "lay " of the ore body l)eneath. Development work, witl view of detcrniinittg extent and value, is the next step, and ouijlit to be carried on that it may serve some useful purpose in the fiit ure working of the mine, should it become one. A hillside out crop, for instance, may suggest eitlier a tunnel or a shaft eiitrv for development, whereas one mii,'ht be better suited than the other for a mine in operation. A v ein out of the vertical i)rest'iit< the (juestion of the shaft's location ; whether on it, or to one side. so as to intersect it at certain depth. Such i)roblems occur in ni;iiiy varieties. l)ut this may be said in a general way : the entry to a mine, whether shaft, slope, -tunnel or adit, should be centr.illv located near the rich ore body and so as to aid drainage and uinler- ground hauling. Tlie cases are few where sinking On the vein should not be adopted until examination of the ore along tlie slope (or incline) reveals its worth. By so doing you *' pay^oiir way." After a freaky vein has been followed, the slope may prove too twisted for use as a hoist-way, and the owners then may either abandon it for a new and better-ciiosen entry, or devote it to exploratory work. Once the ore body is reached, levels are run (drifted) right ami left, graded towards the outlet. Tiiese should be every 111) tn 100 feet, vertically in veins. They cut the mine into lioriznntil layers (lifts or stopes) which are increased in numl)er and lessciitd in height, the larger the ])roposed output is. In other words, an increased num})er of levels means increase in s[)ace open for hlast' ing. Miners work in two shifts of 10 hours eacli, excei)t m here haste is desirable, as in shaft-sinking. Ordinarily, the cost ot stoping is iVtli that of drifting, and V.^th of sinking, and ,',Mi di upraises. The general uses of shafts, drifts, etc., as above, in getting ore to the surface, is best indicated by describing shortly the process of mining ut an ore body. For example, take a vein— vertical, or nearly so— situated so that the mine cannot be opened l»y a tunnel, but requires a shaft as means of entry. This shaft is first sunk, and, as already described, along tlie vein levels arc driven from it every 60 to 100 feet, vertically, as desired. The vein matter left between these levels cojistitutes the stoping groiiiid Suppose overhand stoping is to be employed. At a suitable dis- tance from the shaft along one of these 'levels, in which a tram- way exists, an ui)raise is begun through the ore body and carried to the next level above. illNlN^!. 77 II Slojiii'il. -The i)n)c«;H8 of stojjini^ now begins at tliu point where ho winze meets tlie h)wer level. Tlu; ore constituting tlie roof t' tin- lt;vel at thin point is broken «lown, loaded on the tram-ear, un to tiie shaft, and hoisted to the surfaee. Platforms are rooted so that tlie now heiglitened roof can he reached, and more ..ati'iial is Idown down and removed. Eventu dly the level is oofetl in and, if needs be, platforms erected above it so that the oof (»t" the stope is easily reached. This process continues till he whole of tlie ore body has been worked out, an artiticial Hoor )t'iii<.^ Idiilt for the upi>er levtd as the stoping [irocess removes ho (»iij,'inal one. Hy means of a box, or chute, built in the winze »r;itaiiy convenient point, ore from the stope may be readily It'livt ml to the level below, where a sli.ling gate prevents it from nteriiig the level, except when loading cars. If uiitlerhand stoping is to be i-mployed tlie process is begun at ho junction of tlie winze and the up])er level. Stoping may be L;inii"l on from both sides of a winze. It will readily be seen tliut tli(! rate at which ore can be got from the mine depends ipoii tlie number of stopes working, which in turn depend upon tho miiiibcr of winzes connecting the levels, and the distance ijcut (»f the levels themselves. Kdiiiiind B. Kirl)y, M.K., Colorado, gives the following yields iiul costs of stoping per ton of ore broken, l>eing approximately correct for Canada : Thlrkiii'XK ofpnjf streak calculated Tom per 8(j. fathom Cott per fur ore icheii 1.1 c, ft ~1 ton. of ore sheet. ton. A streak 4 in. wide yields 0.<)'2 $17 38 G " " 1.38 11 55 8 " *• 1.85 8 G7 10 '« '' 2.31 6 93 '• 1L> " " 2.77 5 78 " 14 " " 3.23 4 95 These costs are calculated, assuming wages of miners at $3.50 for 10 hours, timbermen $3.50 for 10 liours, foremen $-1 to $5 per (lay, l.lacksmilhs .$3.50 to $4, trammers ami suifacemen $2.50. Shtii'f.s. — The size of these should increase proporti mately with depth and intended output, and additional space provided for ventilation at the rate of 1 sq. ft. to 8 men. In soft ore the shaft should reach from wall to wall, and in hard rock veins is preferable on the footwall side for safety. Small shafts, say 5 by 7 ft., are sunk cheaper by hand than by power drills, and nearly as (piickly, and cost $15 to .$25 a running ft. for the first 100 ft. Only two miners can work on 20 sq. ft. area. In an 1 1 by 10 ft. shaft, 2 machine drills can work conveniently, and in ordinary rock sink from 3 Ct. to 5 ft. per day. Sinking costs from $5 ^ i a •^^ Mining General. to $18 per cubic yd., but below 100 ft. the cost increases eact 100 feet as tlie square root of tlie deptli. Rapid progress i* made for 10 or 15 ft., the rock being shovelled up from pLitfom to platform: below that, down to 1(,0 ft., it may be hoistedby windlass, beyond which machine hoisting must be resorted to, Unless the country rock be very iirm the shaft has to l)e tiiii. bered, and pumping is compulsory if water collects. It there exists any doubt as to whether timbering will be needed, trim up the shaft as you go. Ih\ft8, Tunnels, AditH.—Tlm larger these are, the greatei' need for timbering. The average drift is 4^ by (5 ft. and offers gm\ space for 1 drill, while in a 10 ft. width 2 may work. In hani rock 1 ft. per shift is fair work, in soft 3 ft. or more. Hnuliug through a tunnel is about twice as fast as sh ift-hoistiiiij! Tunnels over 8 ft. iiigh are driven in benches. In the west, tlk cost of driving varies from $3 to J^9 per running foot in stratilieJ rocks, and from $7 to ^\0 in granite. Methods of Mining. Ore deposits may be thick or thin ; and ocaur at any angle \v>li the horizon. The mode of actual mining for different cases is shown by the following table. '' rLong:-\vall Friable or soft roof Under 6 ft. thick \ Pillar and stall. Dip less than 4,5° -i :-; Pillar and stall ) „. iFlatstopes | Firm ore. Panel Gaseous coals, /"Gallery and pillar Hani ore. I Method of cavintf ^ ,.. ,,. Over ft. thick-,' Method of fillinir.... P»eldinjr Square setts. . . j vem-mattor. V (.Square work Medium-firin ore. (Under 8 ft. thick i ^/e»-haud stopinj? . . . .Firm vein-nuitier, T^- ,. „ I t Underhand stopiiiL^ . . \ j, . , , Dip exceeding 45°^ r Traverse with fillinii,^ . / Friable ore. Over 8 ft. thick { Traverse with cavinjc » o .. I I Traverse with sq. sett / ^^^^ °^'^- From 30 to 60 ft. of unworked rock should surround shafts haulage ways in beds, by pillars GO ft. wide on either side, stopes by arches of 10 to 20 ft. thick. In beds the unworked matter for supjjort iier,:ly equnU that mined in the rooms. Louij U'«//.— In coal mines two or more parallel haulways, '20 ft. apart, are driven, one from each entry. Tramroads are then driven to the rise of the seam, and from each road the face of ore IS undermined, and cut vertically to right and left so that its weight tumbles the overhanging portion ; or, otherwise, makes its removal easy by blasting. The refuse is thrown behind the Mining. 79 Methods of Mining. men. For ten feet in front of the working face the roof is kept well supported, and, to prevent the waste obstructing the ore cars, the tramway needs protection with pack walls and roof timl)ers. Long wall methods thus effect removal of the ore with- out leaving portions for support. Pil/ar and Stall is the most common metiiod for flat beds of any mineral. At right angles to the gangways and every 20 or 3()'tt. along it, passages (from 6 to 8 ft. wide) are driven towards the rise of the bed. At a safe distance from the gangway, to le.avc stump pillars, the ore between every alternate pair of i)ass- agcs is rapidly mined, forming rooms 20 or 3(1 ft. wide and from 8 to 10 times their width in length, progress l)eing backward up the slope. A chain pill .r of solid ore 20 to 30 ft. wide is thus left l)et ween each room, clear to the upper level, for support. Every square foot of roof area receives a pressure of 8 tons per 100 ft. of overlying strata, and the relative width of pillar and stall varies with different ores. When the rooms reach the far edge of deposit, the pillars are robbed, retreating, sometimes by long wall. Plit by weak powder, as a strong one may pulverize a large jortion of it without breaking stone. Trap, granite and syenite ire linn and brittle — hard drilling but easy shooting ; quartz is lanl for both ; dolomite, amygdaloid, limestone and por[)hyry hill easy but do not b> eak to tlie back of the hole. Every cubic pid ioinovef cheap, rapid hauling. Under certain conditions it is desirable to leave one or both wheels on an axle loose, loose wheels being best for short roads and sharp curves. A power that will pull 100 tons on the horizontal can only manage 47 up a slight gra-'c» of transportation from shipping centres to smelters in the Unitnl States, from Sandon, $7. 50; from Slocan City, $11. Tramways^ either surface or aerial, are resorted to when any considerable quantity is handled, as from shaft to mill, etc. The aerial varieties are either on the Bleichert or Hallidie systems. Mining. 89 Sut'l'<(''f Transportafion. Tlic Hl«'icliert has one or two ropes stretched tightly and sup- j)()itt(l l>y staiuhirdH ; on this run travellers to whicii buckets lire hooked, the motion being given by a single or endless rope, speed about 1^00 ft. per nunute. The buckets carry SOO-IOOO ll)s., and dump automatically. The Hallidie supports and moves the hiiid by the same rope which has a continuous motion in one direction, at rate of '200 ft. per min. A ropeway, at such rate, oaiiviiig 100 lbs. per bucket (buckets 100 ft. apart) delivers GO tons per shift ; it may be built for $I..SO per ft., and $2,000 for terminal machinery. The cost of the Bleichert system is higher, about !i!!l.7o per ft., but it is caj)able of handling larger (quantities and operating over greater distances than the Hallidie, and run- ning expenses are less. When the grade is above 147o it is self- acting, the speed being controlled by a brake ; below this grade power is applied. Pumping. Buckets may be hoisted by windlass or steam. For the latter service bailing tanks, holding 4o0 to 1)00 gals., with balanced valves and discharging pegs, give satisfaction for shafts, and similarly valved self-dumping skips for slopes. If such means are insufficient, a single-acting lift- pump, or a force-pump — single or double-acting — is advisable, the former for a vertical shaft less than 300 ft. only. Illumination. Lessened cost for plant has brought electric lighting into high favor in coal mines owing to reduced risk from explosions. In gold mining, such as in Rainy Kiver region, sperm candles should be used, as grease hinders mercury amalgamation. Of sixes (6 per lb.), the consumption averages 3 per man per shift. In metal mines they avfj cheaper than lamps. Entry and Exit. L((d(lers. — Generally of 2 by 6 in. standards, 18 in. apari:, with steps I ft. apart — should incline not less than 10° from vertical to enable men to carry tools ; at every 20 to 40 ft. in vertical shafts, or more if inclined, they rest on 2 in. platforms. Buckets or cages are much better and save time. o^ Boring. Punch-drills were, and are yet, "kicked" down by spring-pole with hand or foot labor, but not for holes over 3 in. diam. or 300 ft. deep ; the iron rods are 1 in. square. With a derrick (tall enough to support the whole length of tools), having a sheave at 90 * Mining. Boring. its crown, and a 10 horse-power engine winding a rope on a bull- wheel drum and operating the tools by a walking beam through a pitman, 6 in. holes may be carried 1,000 ft. or more. The rope is of 1^ in. hawser-laid cable. By another system the rope and tools are raised by a single-acting piston operating on a pulley ; the up stroke raises, and the down stroke lets fall the tool. "Jars," for taking up the concussion injurious to material and joints, play an important part. Mud is removed by a sludger. Such borers are conmion in oil fields. In south-west- ern Ontario the wells are drilled 4§ in. diam., and a pump of 1^ to 1^ in. tubing is inserted. VN'ooden rods are now used there instead of cables. Pump rods attached to a horizontal wheel, so that their weights balance one another, enable a 12 horse-power engine to pump as many as 90 wells ; this is the *' jerker " system. TiMBERTXG. Lining for shafts, generally, consists of series of timber frames, preferably dressed, slightly smaller in outside dimensions than the shaft itself, and separated from one another by vertical posts which are boxed into the frame timbers. Between the shaft walls and these frames, planks (lagging) are placed, forming a close sheeting, and any spaces between the lagging and shaft- wall are packed with rock waste. The whole is supported at intervals as circumstances demand by long, heavy stulls extend- ing beyond the side of the shu,ft into tlie country rock, and forming part of the frame at that point. If levels or tunnels need timbering the common method is by two vertical posts supporting a cap, with lagjjing en the outside ; or if one of the walls is hard no vertical is needed on that side, and the cap may be supported on the rock at that end. In soft ground the diffi- culties encountered often call for expert supervision. Sand- stone or conglomerate offers a good roof, soapstone a bad one, and fire-clay is the most dangerous. Hydra-Ulic Mining. Working shallow placers (bar, creek, or gulch placers accord- ing to nature of occurrence) is still done by pan, cradle, or wing- damming in British Columbia, but those of the older districts are nearly worked out. The far more expensive method of hydraulicking is now in vogue for working the deep placers, or the beds of ancient rivers which have been diverted by volcanic or other action. Except on top, these are packed t«»o hard for the simple methods, and water umler sufficient head to give the needful pressure is employed to excavate and direct the gravel into a dump over sluices. Sluices are large troughs, generally Mining. 91 Hydraulic Mining. frame, lying upon the ground, and paved with loose blocks of wood or stones to give a surface fit for catching gold and amal- gam. Riffles fixed on the sluice bottom at intervals answer the same purpose. The source of water, gravel-bed, and dump must be situatetl at proper relative elevations before the claim can be advantageously worked, while the supply of water must be ample. Sluices are lengthened if a test of the tailings shows a loss in gold, the nature of the dirt washed being an important factor. Generally they are on a wide curve to prevent too great a current, which would wash the gold over the riffles. Dimensions vary with amount treated, and the latter is governed by water supply. The grade also varies with the water supply and cost of water, and the water in the sluice should cover the largest boulder met with. If the water is scarce and expensive a high grade is needed. The heavier the gravel, also, the steeper the grade. The water is generally considered capable of carrying away } of its own weight of gravel. The water is led in ditches, flumes or pipes to the pressure-box (also called bulk-head or sand-box) which is a tank placed at sufficient elevation to give the jet requisite force. Ditches generally have sloping sides and a grade varying from 7 to 20 ft. per mile. Flumes are wooden troughs, carried across depressions on trestles, or along the sides Monitor. • of canyons, if necessary, by iron brackets let into the rock. Pipes, either iron or steel, are used in crossing deep valleys. From the pressure box the water goes to the workings in pipes, which are forked if two points in the ))ank are worked at once. At tlie end is a nozzle (monitor) of 5 to 9 iu. diameter, by which the water is pointed as required. Mercury is added several times daily at the sluice head. If the bed rock is below the drainage 92 Mining. Hydraulic Mining. level, the hydraulic elevator is used, being a pipe through which a jet of water creates powerful upward suction of the gravel to the head of the sluice. Gravel worth only 5 or 10 cents per cubic yard under favorable circumstances can sometimes be made to pay. Deep placers are otherwise exploited by drift mining. A tunnel is run after the position of the rich gravel is aocurately located, and the mining is prosecuted from drifts run from the tunnel. OEES AND ORE TREATMENT. Ores. An ore is a substance which gives on treatment one or more vahiable metals. Ores are generally mixtures of rock material and the metal in a free state or combined with other elements. This rock material or gangue is usually quartz, calcite, siderite, barite or fluorite. Quartz is the most common, and is nearly always present when the other gangues ire found. The metals are nokl, silver and copper, and the various minerals those of copper, lead, silver, antimony, zinc, etc. Iron pyrites is almost universally present in ores. The ores usually met with of commercial importance are : — Native Metals {simple or alloys). Gold, silver, platinum, copper. Oxides. Magnetite Hematite worked for Iron. Limonite (< (( Bog Iron Ore Cuprite Cassiterite Copper. Tin. Zincite (( Zinc. Bauxite Sulphides. Aluminium. Galena worked for Lead and Silver. Zinc Blende (( Ziuc. Chalcocite Copper Pyrites Bornite Copper. 4*" (( Argentite ** Cinnabar " Pyrrhotite (sometimes) ** Millerite ** Silver. Mercury. Nickel. Stibnite (( Antimony. Orpiment Realgar it Arsenides. Arsenic. Niccolite worked for Nickel. Smaltite 93 ( ( Cobalt. 94 Ores and Oue Treatment, Ores. Proustite ' S 111 ph- Arsenide. worked for Silver. Chlorides and Fluorides. Cerargyrite Atacaniite Cryolite worked for Silver. , . • ** *' Copper. '* '* Aluminium. Carbonates. Malachite Aziirite Siiiitlisonite Ctrussite Spatliic Iron Ore worked for Copper. • (( <' (< . . '* Zinc. ' " " Lead. " Iron. Silicates. Calamine Garnierite worked for Zinc. " " Nickel. These ores are workable, under onUiiary circumstances, ^vhen they carry amounts of metal approximately as follows : — Gold from 5 dwt. to 1 oz. per ton. Value $5 00 to $20 00 Silver 8oz. " 10 oz. 5 25 to 6 50 Millins" ores. (( 5 oz. " 10 oz. son to « nni^^'^^^C'^W^' 3 00 to 6 00 ^ Sulphides. Nickel 1% " 2% 7 00 to 14 00 Tin 2% '• 3% 5 00 to 8 00 Copper 1% " 2% 2 dO to 4 00 Free milling. Copper 2% "3% 4 50 to 6 50 Smelting ores Zinc ) Lead / 15% " 20% 10 00 to 15 00 Iron 30% •' 40 % for carbonate ores. Iron 50% " 60 % for oxide ores. ■ - * The figures given in this table will vary with the locality, facilities of transportation, and the nature of included minerals or impurities. Ores usually receive their names from the metal yielded which is commercially the most valuable ; f.f/., galenas frequently carry high values in silver, and are therefore called silver ores or silver lead ores, though the baser metal, lead, is largely in excess. These ores in British Columbia carry also zinc blende, ruby silver and gray copper, the last mineral being looked upon as particularly favorable, as it is nearly always found to, be accompanied by high values in silver. The gold ores of Western Ontario consist of free gold in a quartz matrix (or gangue), together with scattered crys- tals of iron pyrites, copper pyrites, galena, or zinc blende. One of these accessory minerals is always present in ** healthy ore,' Orks and Ore Treatment. 95 Ores. . ' - and sometimes call of them. The gold, though of less bulk and weigltt than the accessory minerals, constitutes the chief value, and tlie ore is tlierefore called gold ore. Similarly the nickelifer- o«s pyrrliotites of Sudbury, Ontario, and the auriferous pyrrho- tites ot Kossland, B. C)., are termed respectively nickel and gold ores ; both often carry ai)preciable values in copper, and the former yields a few dollars in gold. Tlie most commonly occurring metal in ore deposits is iron, as- sociated witli sulphur (pyrites) ; this compound is valueless as a sonrce of iron, tlie supply coming entirely from magnetite, hema- tite, ;ind spathic iron ore (carbonate). The pyritous ores, liowever, when they contain 'lOX upward of sulphur, are used for the manu- facture of sulphuric acid (vitihd). Gold and jdatinum are found native in gravels and s.ands of ancient and modern river channels, this character of deposit being known as an alluvion, (iold also occurs in segregated veins and intercalations between the sheets of slates, etc., and finely dis- seminated in eruptive rocks. On both north and south shores of Lake Superior a most im- portant ore of native copper occurs ; native copper being found in grains, pellets and masses in an amygdaloidal trap or greenstone, and sandstone. In other parts of Western Ontario bands of heavily mineralized country rock — technically known as fahl- baiids— occur, which will possibly form sources of valuable ores of copper and, perhaps, gold. General Treatment. The choice of the proper treatment for a given ore requires care- ful consideration ; no hard and fast lines can be laid down. Theories and practice must give way to the necessities of particu- lar cases. The following synopsis, however, serves as a guide to indicate methods of dealing with various ores ; combinations of two or more methods being sometimes adopted. 1. If free gold can be panned out and no sulphurets — Free gold milling. 2. Free gold found, but also sulphurets, which on being panned out aftei free gold is separated, assay sufficiently well to pay for treatment — Free gold milling and concentrating with mining machines for tailings ; chlorlnation, cyanidation or smelt- ing for the product {concentrates). 3. Free gold in small quantities, but much silver present in sulphurets — Roasting milling ; or free gold milling, vanners and melting ; or copper plates, vanners and amalgamating pans, 4. Chloride of silver ores and decomposed silver vein outcrops over 8 oz. per ton — Free silver milling. 96 Ores and Okk Treatment. Qenc.ral Treatment. 5. Silver ores consisting of part chloride or decomp )sed, and part silver bearing sulphurets — Free silver milling, vannera ami sjneltlnff, or if grade of ore i)i Itigh — Roasting milling. 6. Silver ore with base metal sulphurets, if low grade — Fine concentration and smelting ; if high gnuXa—Jloasting nulling. 7. Low grade silver ores, with gray coi>per teliurides, ruby, brittle or native silver — Fine concentration and smelting. 8. Heavil}' miii'^rahzed ores of lead, copper, ziac, often carry- ing silver —C'oa^'.se concentration and smelting. 9. Lightly mineralized ores of lead, tin, copper and 'MUC—Fim concentration and smelting. 10. Carbonate or oxide of lead or copper — Smelting. 11. Solid galena ores— Smelting, either after simple hand s'lec- tion (cobbing), or hand selection and coarse concentration on rejected ore. 12 Metallic copper ores — Stamping with coarse concentrafion and melting to ingot. 13. Antimony ores — Hand picking, coarse or fine concentrutm and smelting. 14. Zinc blende and zinc carbonates — Coarse or fine concentra- tion and reduction by a zinc smelting process. 15. Tin ores — Fi?ie concentration, roasting and smelting. 16. Copper pyrites and copper glance — Hand-picking, coar«t or fine concentrafion, partial roasting and matting. 17. Heavy iron pyrites, carrying gold — Chlorination pj^oces.^, or roasting and intermixture xoith smelting ores. 18. Massive iron pyrites, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, etc., carrying gold, silver, nickel or copper — Sul- phide (pyritic) smelting. Free Millixg Ores. Gold. — These comprise those mentioned under Sections 1, '2 and 3 of the preceding table. Under exceptionally favoural)le circumstances ores carrying as low as $2 per ton can be milled with profit. From this to $5 per ton, the ore body must be large and easy to mine, the milling machniery extensive and carefully designed, and management of the very best. In Nova Scotia where labor ($1.25 for 10 hours) and fuel (coal at$;^ per ton) are very low, ores averaging $4 to S6 have been successfully treated. Under ordinary circumstances in Canada, free milling ores aver- aging about $10 per ton are to be looked upon as profitable. The principles underlying the treatment of free milling ores are first, crushing to pulp fine enough to set free the smallest par- ticles of gold ; sec id, bringing every particle of the pulp into contact with mercury — the gold amalgamates with the mercury while the worthless pulp (tailings) is washed away. Ores and Orb Trkatmrnt. 97 free Milling Oren. Advantage should be taken of any natural slope in selecting a site for a mill, so as to permit the handling of the ore by gravity as far as possible. The ore as delivered at the mill is in variously sized lumps. It Gold Mill. tirst passes over a grizzly to the crusher (rock-breaker). The (jrizzh/ is a frame, 3 to 4 ft. wide, 10 to 14 ft. long, made of wrought iron bars which are 1 in. wide, 2 to 4 in. deep, and place I 1^ to 2 in. apart. The bars run with the slope, which is towards the crusher, allowing the ** fines" to fall into the ore-bin —over which the rock-breaker is set — and thus relieving the latter of unnecessary work. Jhe coarse ore is usually fed by hand to the crusher, which reduces it to walnut-size and drops it into the ore-bin. Among the rock-hreakera in general use are the Blake, Dodge, Gates and Comet, the first two being jaw-crushers. The (.'omet's crushing is performed by an upright cone of chilled iron, tixed at the top (small) end, and given a circular swinging motion, the ore passing between it and the conical chilled iron shell M'hich encircles it. The Comet has capacity of from 4 to 60 tons per hour, weighs 6,500 to 3'i,000 lbs. and costs f. o. b. $550 ^8 Ores and Ore Treatment, Free Milling Ores. to $3,000. The largest Blake, No. 5, is calculated to feed 20 stamps when run 20 out of 24 hours. Its given capacity is I tons per hour. BlakeiCrusher. From the bin the ore, in well appointed mills, is led by a chute to an automatic feeder, either Tulloch or Challenge, which feeds the ore to the stamps or Huntington mill, the latter being some- times used. It cannot be too well understood that the .stamp mill, although most simple in construction, cannot be rightly handled by a novice ; yet in the hands of an experienced man astonishingly good results may be expected. On a given quality of ore there are many points to be considered : the right slope of the apron-plates, the proper feed of water and mercury, the correct height of discharge, the fineness of the screen, the weight of the stamps, the drop, the number of drops per minute, the order of drop, the frequency of cleaning up, together with what quantity of ore to keep between the dies and shoes ; all these receive attention from the expert who is seeking to extract from any certain ore the greatest quantity of gold in the cheapest and quickest way. 'ilie stamp mill has been used for many years and, in consequence of its widely known capabilities, as well, remains prime favorite among mining men in spite of a lengthy list of alleged substitutes and improvements. The price at the maker's works is from |400 to |600 per stamp for small plants of 10 or 20 stamps. Ores kud Ork Treatment. 99 Free Milling Ores. The ore enters the nwrtar at the back near the top, and falling on the dies which a.-e sot in the bottom of the mortar, is crushed Stamp Battery. lOO Ores and Ore Tiikatment. Fret MiUiny Ores. by ^he dropping stamps. The stamp nhoe is attached to the 6(av,s- htad^ and the latter to the lower eiul of the stem. Near the top of the stem is fastened a tappet, which being worked by a cam on a horizontal shaft (cant shaft) is alternately raised and let full. Five stamps generally work in one mortar box and the usual order of drop is 1, 3, 5, 2, 4. The stems move in guides. A linii foundation for the whole is essential. Water enters at the top of the mortar against each stamj), and they splash the pulverized ore against the screen which is placed over an opening in front. Tlie average screen is of 30 or 40 mesh to the inch. The weight of each stamp is usually 850 lbs., the number of times it falls !)0 per minute, the drop in. When tine enough to pass the screen the pulp Hows over a copper ylate. This apron plate, made us wide as the discharge, is fV >"• thick, 8 to 10 ft. long, and falls \_ to 2 in. per ft., its surface being amalgamated with mercury to which the gohl as. Quick silver (mercury) is fed to the battery with a small wooden or horn spoon, the average amount being ih ozs. to every ounce of gold extracted. The correct amount is known by the feel of the plates ; if hard and crumbly there is danger of amalgam being carried off by the pulj), anl more mercury is needed ; if too soft «iui slippery less ainalgam collects on the inside plates, and liquid amalgam may roll ort' the apron plates : on free milling ore jf oz. per ton of ore milled would be the exj)ected average loss. As a rule it is better to use too little water than too much ; the right amount will just cany the pulp evenly over the apron plates. Periodically the amalqam is scraped from the plates and retorted, the gold thus gained being melted and run into moulds. The mercury vaporizes and, being condensed in water, is saved for further use. Aferciirtf, traps, through which the pulp passes after leaving the apron plates, save the amalgam and quicksilver not collected on the plates. Fine Concentration. — Ores mentioned in Section 1 require no concentration, practically all the gold being saved in the mortar and on the plates. Those under Sections 2 and 3 carry sul- phurets which hinder amalgamation to a certain extent, and a portion of the gold escapes with the heavy minerals (usually sulphides of iron, copper, zinc, lead, etc.) in the tailings. When the loss is sufficiently high to warrant concentrating the tailings (i.e. separating out the heavy minerals with the gold from the worthless gangue), some form of concentrating machine is used, such as Frue vanners, Embrey concentrators, Kittinger percus- sion tables, Perfection, etc. Ok MS AND Ohic Tkeatmknt. 101 /V" MUlinij Orefi. The mmuer is moat popular among mining men, and consists of an ctulless rubber belt, 4 ft wide and 12 ft. long, with an up-sbint of I in 35 to 50 in the direction of its motion, and passing from the high end around a lower drum which dips into a water tank. A steady shaking motion is imparted from side to side by a crank shaft. The f>ulp is fed on in water about 3 ft. from the head of belt and is washed slowly down. The slow, upward travel of the belt itself, 28 to 30 in. per min., brings up the heavy mineral, and a row of water jets at the head wash back the lighter sands while the concentrated minerals fall into the tank below, from which they are collected for subsequent treatment by smelting, chlorinatiou or other processes. Fnie Vaiiner. The p]mbrey is almost identical, but receives an end shake instead of one sideways. 'J'wo machines commonly go to each battery of 5 stamps, the pulp passing from the apron plates to the vanners. They take less than \ horse-power apiece to drive, and one man can attend to 16 or 20. The ordinary kind (with 4 ft. belt) costs 1575, not including tanks. Pan Amaltianiation — By the old process the crushed ore is rim into large shallow settling tanks, the pulp being removed by hand and further ground in amalgamating pans with mercury ; by the Boss continuous system the pulp runs automatically through a row of pans and settlers connected by pipes. The pan, which holds 1 to 1 ^ tons of pulp, is generally of wood, with a cast iron bottom fitted with dies, upon which the muller works while grinding. The muller is adjusted by a hand wheel and may be raised for the necessary gentle circulation of the water. Steam enters the pans during the operation. Generally, pan amalgamation must be preceded by roasting. Boasting. — There are various furnaces for' roasting ore. The Briiekner is a revolving cylinder, G to 8 ft. diam., and from 12 to 18 ft. long, being of smaller diameter at the ends than in the 102 Ores and Ohk Thkatmknt. AV^g Milliinj Ores. niidtlle, bo that the ore, being conatantly turned over, exposes new surfaces to the lire. One weighing 2.') tons costs ahoiit i3,(R)0. The Stetefelilt is a vertical shaft, the pulverized ore being showered in and roasted. Tiie White consists of a lonj{ cast iron revolving cylinder inclined towards tlie tire end ; still another common make is the Hofmann, somewhat similar. He- verberatory furnaces are also much employed. Ore Dniit'H are, conunonly, revolving cylinders, 44 in. diam. at one end and 36 in. at the other, 18 ft. long, and have 30 to 40 tons capacity per 24 hours. Concentrating Ores. * Gold. — Gold ores containing much sulphurets (Sections 17 and 18) are either concentrating or non-concentrating ores, the latter when 40 per cent, are present, roughly speaking. The nou- concentrating class require dry crushing by rolls, and either Crushing Rolls. chlorination (with fine crushing), smelting or pan .amalgamation Gold ore smelting embraces ( 1 ) complete smelting to silver Itad bullion, (2) concentrating smelting to iron matte, (3) Cv^ijcentratinir smelting to copper matte, (4^ pyritic smelting. Concentration maybe divideil into coarse and fine, the crushing in the former case being by rolls, in the latter by stamps. Most ores are not rich enough for smelting when taken from the deposit, on account of the gangue which is mixed with them. They are Old a AND OiiB Treatmknt. 103 Concentrating^Mill. 104 Orbs and Ore Treatment. Concentrating Ores. therefore crushed and the gangue rock eliminated. If stamps are used the product is finer and the concentrating machines must be suited to the finest slimes (vanners are best if value is high). All concentrates require subsequent workii)g by one of the processes mentioned under non-concentrating ores. Rolls consist of two rolls, from 9 to 36 in. diam., their axles driven by strong gear wheels, or by belts, and revolving against each other at a speed of 100 to 150 revolutions per minute. The bearings of one roll are stationary, of the other sliding and kept in position by strong springs, so that a uniform pressure acts on the ore which is placed between them for crushing. They cost from $200 to $1,800. At the top of the mill should be the ore floor, on which the ore is delivered from the mine, and the ore goes then over the grizzly to the crusher. It is next passed wet to coarse rolls, and thence to the coarsest revolving screen (or screens). Screens (trommels) Jig. are either cylindrical or conical, and cost $200 each. Lumps too large to pass these coarse screens drop through a spout to finish- ing rolls, and being then elevated are returned to the coarse Orks and Ork Tkeatment. 105 Conrentratino Ores. screens. The ore which passes descends automatically to finer revolving screens, No. 2 ; the portion passing No. 2 to No. 3, still finer ; that which passes No. 3 to No. 4, a degree finer still. The ore detained by each of these screens is of like size and graded according to the mesh of the particular screen which detains it. Each screen continuously drops its contents to its own jig, stationed below, while the material fine enough tc pass the whole series flows either to settling tanks for ultimate treatment on slime dressing machines, or is run through hydraulic classifiers. The jig is a water tank with a horizontal screen (on which the ore is placed) at one side, and a plunger working up and down, on the other. The pulsation of the water acting on the pieces of ore (of similar size but different specific gravity) causes the particles that are heavy from mineral to settled own through the lighter worthless material, and enables it to be separately discharged. Iron work for a jig costs about $35, the wood being usually found at the mine. Hydraulic classifiers work on the same principle, and separate the heavy particles from the fine slimes. Evans' slime-table and Collom's buddle treat the sediment from settling tanks, and are circular revolving tables about 14 ft. diam. 'I'he ore is fed on at the centre in a current of water, the waste flows down and off, while the heavier particles remain and are eventually washed oflF by strong jets of water into launders. From 10 to 12 tons per 24 hours is a table's capacity. Sometimes they are stationary, the water jets revolving instead. They are often ** double-decked. " Chlorination. — The common process consists of drying the ore or concentrates, crushing in rolls if necessary, roasting, and leach- ing in revolving barrels by the aid of chlorine (produced from chloride of lime and sulphuric acid). The fluid chloride of gold 18 drawn off, and the gold precipitated as a sulphide by sul- phuretted hydrogen. A small plant for working a few tons of concentrates daily is simple, and very few hands are necessary. A first class plant, capacity 5 tons daily, can be built for $5,000 or ^5,500. Cost of treatment averages |8 to $10 per ton of con- centrates. It is the most popular process ; also used for hand- picked sulphuretted ores. Bromination.— The bromine process is similar to above, but bromine is employed instead of chlorine. Ci/anidatiou.—ln the cyanide process the ore, tailings, or concen- trates, is treated in tanks with a potassium cyanide solution, and the gold dissolves. The gold solution is then rra through a long narrow tank with partitions, filled with zinc shavings. The gold B precipitated in a fine powder upon the zinc, and can then be shaken ofi^. In South Africa the consumption of cyanide was 1 to 2 lbs. per ton of tailings treated, and cost of treatment varied 106 Ores and Ore Treatment. Concentrating Ores. from 11.20 to $2 per short ton. If the vanners yield iron py rites, in which the gold occurs fine, cyanide consumption W(»uld be greater. If the gAd is coarse, or occurs with most of the copper and antimony ores or chemically combined with ]»ase compounds, cyauidation is inapplicable. Chlorination Plant. Silver. — When"silver, as is usual, occurs in free milling gold ores in small quantities, it is amalgamated with the gold and also saved in the concentrates and extracted by smelting, pan amal- gamation or chlorination method. If much silver is present the ore comes under the head of a silver ore. Silver ores — leaving aside such as require direct smelting, or concentrating before smelting — are usually divided into free milling and roasting milling. Free milling silver ores are amalgamated at once in pans (as mentioned under gold ores). The process costs $3 to $10 per ton, the extraction varying from 60 to 80%. Roasting milling ores call for dry crushing, roasting with salt, and final treatment in amalgamating pans. Cost, $8 to |lo per ton ; extraction between 80 and 90%. Oris and Ore Trbatmknt. . 107 Concentrating Orea. Tlie concentrating process spoken of above is identical with that described under concentrating gold ores. C( i'PER. — Milling is practiced on the south shore of Lake Superior, and as similar ores of native copper occur on the Cana- dian shore they may probably be similarly treated. Steam staiMps discharge the ore through screens (perforations yV i»- diaiD.) to hydraulic separators, thence it goes to jigs and rotary slime tables. Oxidized copper ores are frequently sorted but seldom concentrated. Smelting Ores. Gineral.—Ore^ of all kinds, as mined, usually require sorting by hand (cobbing), or coarse concentration (see under milling) before smelting, particularly when they have to submit to the cost of long transportation to a smelter. Where smelting is done at the mine it is often more economical to get rid of the worthless rock matter by slagging in the furnace, when suitable Huxes or fluxing ores are obtainable. The common ores to which smelting is applicable are mentioned under Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 before given. If sulphur, arsenic, or other volatile elements are present in the mineral, roasting or oxidation is first necessary. U his is a simple matter, although he process varies in different cases. Generally, a reverberatory iirnace is employed, the fuel being consumed upon a front bearth, separated from the bed for the ore; the heated fuel- gases ascend to the arched roof and so down upon the ore, and theuce escape through a flue. The heat must not be high enough to melt the m'neral. Stall-roasting and heap-roasting a°e among the other methods for oxidizing. Redaction, or smelting proper, is applicable to most metallic oxides, natural or artificial. The aim is to remove the oxygen, by heating with a substance having a greater attraction for oxy- gen than the mineral itself. The furnaces are frecjuently very large, the form varying with the metal to be treated ; the ore is intensely heated, together with coke or charcoal which unites with the oxygen and carries it off as a gas. The earthy and other impurities (often a large part of the ore), which have not keen entirely elnninated owing to defects in the mechanical treatment, must now be got rid of. Certain fluxes, or substances which form fusible compounds with the earthy ianpurities, are added with the fuel ; these melt, making a fluid (glass) through »hich the reduced metal sinks, and is thus shut off from the air. The metal is run off at intervals from the furnace bottom, while " 16 Pd 106 P 81 Pt 197 K 39 Ro 104 Rb 85.4 Ru 104 Se 79.4 Ag 108 Si 28 Na 23 Sr 87.6 S 82 Ta 182 Te 128 Tl 204 Th 231 Tm 170.7 Sn 118 Ti 50 W 184 U 240 V 51 ..1 Yb 173 Y 91 Zn 65 Zr 90 112 Useful Information and Tables. 113 English Money. Standard: gold. 4 farthings = 1 penny, d. 12 pence - 1 shilling, a. 20 shillings = 1 pound, £. 21 •• =1 guinea. Long Measure. 12 inches, in. = 1 foot, ft. 3 feet = 1 yard, yd. or y. 5i yiirds = 1 tod, pole, or perch. 40 rods = 1 furlong. 8 furlongs = 1 statute mile. 3 miles = 1 league. Miscellaneous. 6 f^ct = 1 fathom, water measurement. ^ tA statute mile = 1 geographical mile, nautical. 3 geographical miles = 1 league. 60 " «' = 1 degree. Surveyor's Long Measure. 7^^ inches = 1 link, 1. 25 links = 1 rod. 4 rods; or 66 feet = 1 chain, oh. 80 chains = 1 mile. Square Measure. 144 square inches = 1 square foot. 9 *♦ feet =1 *' yard. 30i " yards = 1 " rod. 40 " rods = 1 rood. 4 roods =t 1 acre. Surveyor's Square Measure. 625 square links = 1 pole. 16 poles = 1 square chain. 10 square chains = 1 acre. 640 acres = 1 square mile. 8 640 acres = 1 square mi 36 square miles = 1 township. 114 Useful Information AND Tablks. CCBTO MKAiiURE. 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot. 27 ♦' feet =1 *• yard. 4^ «' •« = 1 ton of ship's cargo. 216 = 8c.y. = 1 toise (Toronto. ) 261i eft. =9.685 c.y. =1 *' (Montreal.) 4 ft. X 4 ft. X 8 ft. = 128 c.y. = 1 cord of wood. British or Imperial Measure. 4 gills = 1 pint. 2 pints = 1 quart. 4 quaits = 1 gallon. 2 gallons = 1 peck. 4 pecks = 1 bushel. Imperial gallon, Great Britain and Canada : 277.274 cubic in., or 10 lbs. avoirdupois distilled water at 62° F., barometer 30 in. Wine or U.S. gallon, 231 cubic in. =8^ lbs., avoirdupois. 6.2321 Imperial gallon = 1 oAtA^^i lbs. of water. 7.48052 U. S. ♦♦ = 1 eft./ * , . . , The Winchester (U.S.) bushel =1.24445 cubic ft.; the Impenal bushel =1.2837 cubic ft. To reduce U.S. dry measures to British, divide by 1.032. Apothecaries' Weight. 20 grains = 1 scruple. 3 scruples = 1 drachm. 8 drachms = 1 ounce. 12 ounces = 1 pound, lb. Avoirdupois Weight. 16 drams = 1 ounce, oz. = 437^ grains. 16 ounces = I pound, lb. = 7000 " 25 pounds = 1 quarter. 4 quarters = 1 hundredweight, cwt. 20 hundredweight = I ton (short ton, or 2,000 lbs.). Long Ton W^eight. When specified, used for coal, iron ore, etc. 14 pounds = 1 stone. 28 pounds = 1 quarter. 4 quarters = 1 hundredweight (cwt.) or 112 lbs. 20 hundredweight = 1 ton, or 2,240 lbs. Useful Tnpokmation and Tahles. HD Troy Wekjht. Troy Weight i8 used for (fold ami .silrer. 24 grains = 1 pennyweight (40 cross-ties (2 ft. apart). *« •♦ " 528 splice-joints (2 bars, 4 bolts and nuts per joint) each weighing 5 to 10 lbs. An acre is 41^.560 sq, ft. 1,000 ft. n.M. of dry white pine = 4,0('0 lbs. 1,000 ft. H.M. of green white pine = 6,000 lbs. A column water, 1 8(| in. base, 27.7 in high = 1 lb. pressure, A miner's inch is 22(>0.8 cubic ft. in 24 hours, under 7 in. head, discharging through a 2 inch square opening in a 3 inch plank, the outer inch of the orifice being chamfered. '1 his equals about 10,800 gals. The average miner's inch in California equals 100 cubic feet per hour. Approximate rule for changing scjuare feet into acres. — Multi- ply the number of square feet by 23, and place the decimal point between the 6th and 7th figure from the right. Weight of a Winchester Bushel in lb. Avoirdupois. Lb?. Apples, dried 22 Anthracite 80 Barley , 48 Beans 60 Beets . . , 60 Bituminous coal 76 Bran 20 Buckwheat '. 48 Carrots 60 Cement, Kosendale Hydraulic 76 " Louisville 62 Portland 96 Charcoal, hard wood 30 Clover seed 60 Coke . . 40 Corn, in ear 70 Corn, shelled 56 Flax seed 56 Hemp seed 44 Useful Tnfohmation and Tables. 117 WeiyfU of a Wincheater Bushel iti lb. Avoirdupois. Lime, loose 70 Malt 38 Oats, U. S 32 " Canada 34 • Onions 60 Peas 60 Potaioea 60 Hye 50 Salt 66 Timothy seed, U. S 46 *♦ Canada 48 Turnips 60 Wheat 60 1 Quintal tish = 100 pounds (avoir.). 1 Barrel flour =196 ** 1 Barrel salt =280 " 1 Cental =100 " 1 Barrel pork =200 " 1 Barrel beef =200 '* 1 Keg powder = 25 ** 1 Pig of lead or iron = 21 J stone = 301 - K O H SB < 1 2 2 1 • B n Babbitt 1 3 112 64 20 32 2 65 3' 1 90 3 1 4 10 1 13 7 3 5 8 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 9 1 2 7 3 1 1 Bell-metal Brass, eng'ine bearings " locomotive bearines •' tough, engine work " " heavy bearings " yellow, turning " straps and glands Metal which expands in cooling 1 Muntz' sheathing Pewter Spelter Statuarv bronze T\T>e metal Fi>r soldering — Brazing, hardest. . hard " soft (< i> Lead Pewter Tin Rules for Obtaining Approximate Weight of Iron. For Bound Bars. Bale. — Multiply the square of the diameter in inches by the length in feet, and that product by 2.6. The product will be the weight in pounds, nearly. For Square and Flat Bars. Bale. — Multiply the area of the end of the bar in iiiches by the length in feet, and that by 3.32. The product will be weight in pounds, nearly. Table of Values. Aluminium 50c. per lb. Antimony 7c. per lb. Copper 1 He. per lb. Gold $20 per oz. Graphite (average) 4|c. per lb. " (foundry) 2c. per lb. Lead 2^ to 3^c. per lb. Mercury 50c. per lb. 122 Useful Information and Tablks Table of Values. Nickel 36c. per lb. riatinum $15 per oz. Silver 65c. per oz. Spelter 4c. per lb. Tin 13|c. per lb. Tungsten 70c. per lb. Fly Oil. Fill an 8 oz. bottle with equal parts of sweet oil and oil of tar, and add 20 to 25 drops of oil of creosote. GLOSSARY. Abi/ssal, applied to rocks formed under pressure at great depth, and cooled slowly. Abstrich, a mass of black litharge appearing on the bath of lead early in cupelling. Adit, a horizontal or slightly rising passage into a mine. Afterdamp, a gas remaining along the vein after an explosion of fire-damp. Aitch- piece, parts of a pump in which the valves are fixed. . All re, productive. Alloy, a mixture of two or more metals. Alluoions, deposits of alluvium. Alluvium, silt sand, gravel, etc., deposited by streams. kmalgamation, absorption of gold and silver by mercury. Amorphous, having no regular form. Amifgdaloid, igneous rock, in which the almond-shaped cells have been filled by kernels of quartz, calcite, etc. Anhydrous, containing no water. Anneal, toughening by first heating and then cooling slowly. Anticlinal, a fold of rock, or strata, convex upwards — the reverse of S3'nclinal, Apex, edge of vein at the surface. Aprons, copper plates in front of stamp battery. Arch, portion of vein left, to support the hanging wall, or because it is too poor. Arenaceous, sandy. Argentiferous, silver bearing. irgillaceous, clayey. ir77i, inclined leg of a set of timber. hrastra, a Mexican amalgamating mill. A round stone-paved pit in which the ore is ground and amalgamated by dragging heavy flat stones in a circle. Usually by mule power. issessment work, annual work necessary to hold a claim. iiu'i/erous, gold bearing. kck, vein lying between a level and the surface. kcking, timbers let into notches across the top of a level. ack shift, afternoon shift. alance-bob, a counterweight for pump rods. kiik, (1) surface at mouth of shaft, (2) deposit worked above water level, (3) coal face. kr-diggingsy alluvial gold claims in shallow streams. krrel'Work, native copper that can be hand-sorted. 123 124 Glossary. Basque, furnace or crucible lining. Bate.a, a bowl for separating metal from refuie. Battery, a set of stamp-heads working in the same mortar-box. Bed, a mineral seam between rock strata. Bed-rock, solid rock beneath alluvions. Bede, miner's pick. Belt, a zone or band of strata of ^ particular kind exposed on the surface. Black-band, a carbonate of iron found in coal deposits. Black copper, impure smelted copper. Black damp, carbonic (acid) oxide gas. Black ends, refuse coke. Black Jlux, charcoal and potassium carbonate. Black jack, zinc blende. Black lead, graphite. Black Hand, magnetite and dark minerals found with alluvial gold. Blanched copper, copper alloyed with arsenic. Blanket-sirake, sloping tables or sluices lined with baize for catching gold. Blick, a flash of light from the cooling gold or silver bead at the end of cupellation . Blind level, (1) an incomplete drift ; (2) drainage level. Blind lead or lode, a vein having no outcrop. Bloomary, a forge for making wrought iron. Blossom, decomposed outcrop of a vein, etc. Blower, a discharge of gas from coal ; also a ventilating fan. Blow-out, a decomposed mineral explosure of a vein. Blue^billy, residue of copper pyrites after roasting with salt. Blue lead, a rich blue stained stratum of gravel. Blue stone, copper sulphate. Booming, prospecting by laying ground bare by sudden discharges of dammed water. Botryoidal, in grape-like clusters. Brattice, used in levels or shafts ; a partition to separate air currents. Breast, face of a gallery or heading. Buddie, a circular tub for separating line ores from waste, by means of water. Bulling-har, a bar to pound clay into crevices crossing drill-holes. Buntins, timbers placed horizontally across a shaft. Butt, the end faces of coal. Calcareous, limey. Calciferous, lime-bearing. Calcining, roasting ajjplied to ores. Cam, a curved projection on a revolving shaft for moving another part of the machinery. Cam-shaft, the shaft to which cams are attached. (Il()S3Ary. 125 Cap, rock covering ore. Carhonaceou.% coaly. CarhoniferonSf coal-bearing. Cnsiug, lining of shaft or well-hole to prevent caving. Chimney, an ore shoot. Cholie-damp, carbonic acid gas. Chute, shoot, shiite, a timbered incline for throwing down ore and rock ; also a body of pay ore following a certain direction. Claim, a portion of mining ground lieid under one grant. Clastic, applied to rocks composed of pieces broken down from pre-existing rocks. Chyrites, 34 Arsenical nickel, 32 Arsenolite, 22 Arsenopyrite, 34 Asbestus, 49, 50, 61 Asbolite, 32 Asphaltum, 64 Assay, for gold. Rough, 69 Atacfimite, 26 Augite, 49 Aventurine quartz, 46 Axinite, 52 Azoic, 2 Azurite, 27 Balance, Assay, 69, 70 Barite, 43 Barium, 33 Barytes, 43 Basalt, 10 Battery, Stamp, 99, 100 Bauxite, 38 ^ert/i, 50 Bessemer process. 111 Biotite, 52 Bisilicates, Anhydrous, 48 Bismuth, 22 Bismuthinite, 22 Bitumen, Elastic, 64 Bituminous coal, 65 133 134 Index. Black copper, 26 Blackjack, 29 Black lead, 23 Black powder, 80, 81 Black sand, 72 Black silver, 24 Blacksmithing, 84 Blanket, 71 Blasting, 80 Blende, 29 Bloodstone, 47 Blow-outs, 67 Blowpipe, 13, 14, 15 Blueite, 31 Blue vitriol, 26 Bog iron ore, 35 Bog manganese, 37 Booming, 66 Boracite, 40 Borax, 45 Boring, 89 Boron, 21 Bomite, 26 Boss head. Stamp, lOO Boulders, 5 Boumonite, 26 Breaker, Rock, 97 Breccia, 8 Brittle silver ore, 24 Bromination, 105 Bronzite, 48 Brown coal, 65 Brown hematite, 35 Brown ochre, 35 Brucite, 40 Buckets, 87 Buddie, 105 Cacoxenite, 36 Cadmium, 30 Cages, 87 Cairngorm stone, 46 Caking coal, 65 Calamine, 30 Calcareous rocks, 7, 9 Calcium, 40 Calcite, 42 Ca^c spar, 42 Cambrian period, 3 Cam shaft, 100 Canadian period, 3 Candles, 89 Cannel coal, 65 Caoutchouc, Mineral, 64 Caps, 81 Cars, Ore, 87 Carbon, 6 Carbon, 23 Carbonate of soda, 46 Carbc nates, 6 Carboniferous 2, 3 Carnelian, 47 Cassiterite, 30 CaVs-eye, 47 Catskill period, 3 Celestite, 44 Cenozoic, 3 Cerargyrite, 24 Cerium, 39 Cerussite, 28 Chabazite, 59 Chalcanthite, 26 Chalcedony, 46 Chalcocite, 25 Chalcolite, 33 Chalcopyrite, 26 CAaZA;, 43 Chalk, French, 61 C^aZfc, iJ«d, 34 Champlain period, 3 Characteristics of common miner- als, 18 Charcoal, 13 Chemung period, 3 C/i«r«, 47 Chloanthite, 32 Chlorite schist, 8 Chromite, 35 Chlorastrolite, 68 Chlorination, 105 Chlorite group, 62 Chloritoid, 63 Inde3C. 135 Chromic iron, 36 Chrondrodite, 65 Chryaoberyl, 38 Chrysocolla, 27 Chrysoprase, 47 Chrysotile, 61 Churn-drill, 80 Cinnabar, 26 Citrine, 46 Classification, Geological, 3 ' ' of minerals, 21 Classifiers, Hj'draulic, 105 Clay, 6, 7. Clay iron stone, 34, 35 Clay, Pure, 62 Cleavage of minerals, 12 Clingmanite, 03 Coal, Anthracite, 65 Coal, Bituminous, 65 Coal, Brotvn, 65 Coal, Caking, 65 Coal, Cannel, 65 C(iai, Mineral, 64 Coal plants, Age of, 2, 3 Cobalt, 31 Cobalt bloom, 32 Cobalt glance, 32 Cobaltite, 32 Cockscomb pyntes, 34 Colors (of gold), 68, 69 Colors for tempering, 85 Columbite, 36 Common minerals, 18, 19 Common Salt, 45 Compact limestone, 43 Compressor plant, 84 Concentration, Fine, 100 Concentrating mill, 104 Concentrating ores, 102 Conglomerates, 7, 8 Converters, 110 Copper, 25 Copperas, 35 Copper, Black, 26 Copper glance, 26 Copper, Grey, 26 Copper nickel, 32 Copper crep. Milling, 107 Copper ore. Red, 26 Copper ore, Vitreous, 25 Copper plates, 100 Copper pyrites, 26 Copper pyrites, Variegated, 26 Coracite, 33 Corniferous period, 3 Cornish rolls, 104 Corundellite, 63 Corundum, 37 Coiichiching, 3 Cradle, 72 Cretaceous, 3 Crocoite, 28 Crushed zones, 4 Crusher, Rock, 97 Crushing rolls, 104 Cryolite, 38 Crystalline limestone, 9 Crystalline rocks, 4, 6, 7 Cupellation, 17 Cuprite, 26 Cyanidation, 105 Cganite, 56 Danburite, 52 Dark red silver ore, 24 Datolite, 56 Determination of elements in min- erals, 15 Detonators, 81 Development work, 76 Devonian, 2, 3 Deweylite, 62 Diabase, 10 Diallage, 49 Diamond, 23 Diamond drill, 81 Diatomaceous earth, 48 • Dichroite, 52 Didymium, 39 Dies, Stamp mill, 99 Diopside, 49 136 Index. Dioptase, 27 Diorite, 9, 10 " porphyrite, 10 Dip, 67 Diphanite, 63 bitches, 91 Dog-tooth spar, 42 Dollying, 71 Dolomite, 43 • Domeykite, 26 Drift, 5, 76, 78 " mining, 92 Drill, Hand, 80 •' Machine, 82 •• Punch, 89 Dripstone, 9 Dryers, Ore, 102 Dyke rocks, 9, 10 Dynamite, 80, 81 Earthy cobalt, 32 Efjgonite, 30 Elastic Bitumen, 64 Elaterite, 64 Elements, List of, etc., 112 Eleolite, 53 Emerald, 50 Emery, 38 Emerylite, 63 Endless rope, 88 Enstatite, 48 Eocene, 3 Epidote, 51 Epsom salt, Epsomite, 40 Erbium, 39 EraOiscite, 26 Erythrite, 32 Essonite, 61 Euclase, 56 Explosives, 80 Fahlerz, 26 Fahlunite, 62 False topaz, 46 Faults, Rule of, 5 Feeder, Automatic, 98 Feldspar group, 54 Felsite, 10 Fibrolite, 56 Fine concentration, 100 Fishes, Age of, 3 Flame, Color of, 13 Flint, 47 Float, 66 Flumes, 91 FlvLorite, Fluorspar, 40 Fluxes, 107 Fly oil, 122 Folgerite, 31 Foliated tellurium, 23 Food supplies. Prospectors', 73 Form for describing prospect, 74 Foivlerite, 49 Fragmental rocks, 6, 7 Franklinite, 30, 35 Free milling ores, 96 French chalk, 61 Fuel, etc., 118 Furnace, 101, 109 Gabbro, 9, 10 Galena, Galenite, 28 Gallery and pillar, 79 G*amet, 51 Garnierite, 33, 62 Genthite, 33, 62 Geology, 1-10. " Structural, 1-10. Geological classification, 3 Glaciers, 5 Glacial period, 3 Glass tubing, 13 Glauber salt, 46 Glauconite, 61 Gneiss, 8 Gold, 23 " how occurring, 67 ♦• mill, 97 " ores. Concentrating, 102 •' ores. Free milling, 96 Index. 137 Gold, parting, 70 ** rough assay, 69^70 «' value, 69 Ooslarite, 29 Gossan, 67 Grammatite, 50 Granite, 8, 9, 10 Granite porphyry, 10 Granular limestone^ 43 Granular quartz, 47 Graphic tellurium, 24 Graphite, 23 Gravel, 5, 92 " beds, 7 Gray antimony, 22 Gray copper, 26 Green earth, 61 Green vitriol, 35 Greenockite, 30 Grizzly, 97 Gypsum, 41 Halite, 45 Hamilton period, 3 Hand drill, 80 " sinking, 77 Hardening steel, 84 Hardness of minerals, 11 Hardness, Scale ot, 11 Harmotome, 59 Hatchettite 64 Heavy spar, 43 Helderberg, Lower, period, 3 Heliotrope, 47 Hematite, 34 Hematite, Brown, 35 Hessite, 24 Heulandite, 60 Hisingerite, 62 Hoisting, 85 Ifomblende, 50 florn silver, 24 Hornstone, 47 Humboldtine, 36 Huntilite, 24 Huronian, 3 Huronite, 54 Hydraulic classifiers, 105 Hydraulic limestone, 43 Hydraulic mining, 90 Hydrocarbons, 63 Hydromica schist, 8 Hydromica section, 62 Hydrous silicates, 57 Hyper sthene, 48 Iceland spar, 42 Jce «