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In order to aug- ment the power of the Water by in- creasing its pressure, permit me to fur- nish you with the following necessary informations. 1st If a fire breaks out in any part of " St. Peters Ward, " from St. Ni- cholas Street by St. Paul, St. Peter and the other Streets adjoining. Open the 14 inch stop cock in the Upper-Town market place, the 4 inch stop cock in Mountain Street, in front of Sauh-au- Matelot Street, at Mr. Shaws build- ings, and the 4 inch stop cock in Notre-Dame Street, at the corner of the church in Lower-Town, 2nd. If a fire breaks out in any part of " Champlain Ward." Open the same stop cocks mentioned for St. Peter's Ward. Or, instead of opening the two 4 inch stop cocks mentioned, open the 12 inch stop cock under the stairs lead- ing to little Champlc^in Street ; either, will do. " ... 3rd. If a fire breaks out in any part en the -Town 5ck in ult-au- buiJd. ck in of the ^part same >.f s two 1 the md- her, art iin is, P- Angdle Street and St. John Street. Stop cock at St. Genevieve and St. John Streets, (outside). Stop cock at Suther- land and St. John Streets, (outside). 4th. If a fire breaks out in any part of " Palace Ward," eastward of Collins Street. Open the 8 inch stop cock in St. John Street, at Laniontagne's cor- ner. And for the westerly part of the same Ward, including Collins Street, open the 6 inch stop cock at the head of Palace Street, or the 4 inch stop cock at the corner of St. John and St. Angdle Streets, leaving the 8 inch stop cock at Lamontagne's corner shut. 5th. If a firr breaks out in any of the parts of *' Jacques Cartier " and " St. Roch's Wards "-rr-viz : from Crown Street eastward to St. Nicholas Street, and westward from Crpwn Street, by " Prince Edward " Street, embracing Crown Street, the Marine Hospital and its neighbourhood as far as T. C. Lee's. First, open the 6 inch stop cock a. fit the head of the stairs of St. Au- gustin Street, leading to St. Yalier Street. Second, open the 8 inch stop cocli at the corner of St. Augustin and St. John Streets. And should the fire be in that part of "Jacques Cartier Ward" embracing St. Valier Street, eastward from Crown Street to Craig Street, open the 6 inch stop cock in St. VaMer Street, at the head of Crown Street. But should the fire be in any part of the Wards west of Crown Street and in the neighbourhood of St. Valier Street, First, open the 12 inch stop cock in St. Valier Street, at the head of Crown Street. Second, if the fire be a great one, open the 14 inch stop cock at the head of St. Claiye Street. 6th. If a fire breaks out in any part of " Montcalm Ward." Shut the same stop cocks as for St. Lewis Ward. 7th. If a fire breaks out in " St. John's Ward," the pressure will be found sufficient, if not, open the 8 inch St. AlJ. Valier ch stop ^in and ^he fire artier Street, Craiff in St. I anj 5>treet ^a/ier stop fiead fire stop eet. »ait me stop cock at the corner of St. Augustin and St. John Streets, and if east of St. Augustin Street, open the 4 inch stop cock at the corner of Glacis and St. John Streets. 8th. In addition to the ahoTe, be it remembered, that such Hydrants as are governed by stop cocks, in tlic neighbourhood of wliere a fire breaks out, should it be necessary to attach the hose to them, the stop cocks must if shut, be opened. Water will be had at all times in the other Hydrants, not immediately governed by stop cocks. . Hugh O'Donnell, Engineer Quebec Water Works. St. be }0^^. mSTRUCTIONS PODR fiTEINDRE LE FEU DANS LIS DIFFlilRENTS QUARTIERS DE LA ClTfi. QUljBEC: INPRIM^ PAR AUG. COT^ et Cie. 1859. Ddpartement de I'Apeduc de Quebec. Bureau de Vlnginieur^ 9e Novembre, 1868. J. B. Bureau, Ecuier, > Chef de Police de la CiU. J MONSIEUR) Relativement au mode d'^teindre les incendies, qui de temps k autre ont lieu dans les divers quartiers de la Cit6, Ton peut toujours obtenir un surplus d'eau des Hydrants de I'Aqueduc ; et si vous voulez augmenter le pouvoir de Teau en augmentant la pression, per- liiettez-moi de vous fournir les infor- mations siiivantes :— 12 lo. S'ii se declare an feu dans au- cune partie du " Quartier St. Pierre " en de9a des rues St. Nicolas, St. Paul, St. Pierre et autres rues adjacentes ; ou- vrez le Robinet de 14 pouces sur le march6 de la Haute- Ville, le Robinet de 4 pouces au pied de la Cote Lamon- tagne (prds des batisses de M. Shaw) et le Robinet de 4 pouces, rue Notre- Dame, coin de TEglise de la Basse- Ville. 2o. S'il se declare un feu dans au- cune partie du " Quartier Champlain," ouvrez les mdmes Robinets que pour le Quartier St. Pierre, ou au lieu d'oa- vrir les deux Robinets de 4 pouces, tel que ci-haut mentionn6, ouvrez le Ro- binet de 12 pouces qui se trouve sous le grand escalier qui conduit a la petite rue Champlain; Tun ou Tautre rem- plira le mdme but. So. S'il se declare un feu dans au- cune partie du " Quartier St, Louis," au-dessus de la rue St. Louis : — Fer- I a| J IJ »s 13 If ans au- Pierre ^t. Paul, sur Je iohinet aiwon- Shawj Notre- Basse- ns au- >lain," our Je d'ou. s, tel Ro- sous elite em- au- Is/' er- mez les Robinets suivants, savoir : — Le Robinet a la rue Buade, coin de la Banque du Haut-Canada. Le Robinet au coin des rues Ste. Angtile et St. Jean. Le Robinet au coin des rues Ste. Genevieve et St. Jean (en dehors). Le Robinet au coin des rues Suther- land et St. Jean. 4o. S'il se declare un feu dans au- cune partie du '* Quartier du Palais, " a Test de la rue Collins, ouvrez le Ro- binet de 8 pouces sur la rue St. Jean, coin de M. Lanionta