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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clich6 sont filmdes d partir de Tangle supdrieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la m6thode : 1 2 3 ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 /^ ' .- / « > » I / . ft -f,C ( , ri 1,4! 4 / / SOME STATISTICAL FEATURES OF THE FLORA OF ONTARIO & QUEBEC AND A COMPARISON WITH THOSE OF THE UNITED STATES FLORA By a. T. DRUMMOND. X ^ 1808.] DKUMMOND — COMPARATIVE FLORAS. 129 SOME STATISTICAL FEATURES OF THE FLORA OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC, AND A COMPARISON WITH THOSE OF THE UNITED STATES FLORA. By A. T. Dri'mmoni). The recent issues by Prof. Gray of a fifth edition of his Manual of Botany of the Northern United States and by 31 r. Horace Mann of a Cataloirue of the Phfcnoganious Plants of the United States cast of the 3Iississippi, have suggested the thought that with the materials for a flora of Ontario and Quebec, which have been for some j-ears accumulating, the prominent statistical characteristics of our local vegetation might now be indicated with reasonable certainty, and a fair comparison instituted be- tween them and those of the flora of the United States. That any statistics given will, in coming years, be altered in consequence of additions made to our flora, is certain. There is reason to believe that a considerable number of phajnogamous and filicoid plants not at present known to occur within our geographical limits, will yet be detected there. Whilst, however, these statis- tics are not invested with absolute certainty, they can, I think, be regarded as fair general conclusions. The works of Michaux, Pursh, Hooker, Torrey and Gray, etc., aff"ord much information regarding the flora of this part of the continent, but since their publication our knowledge of it has boen greatly extended. Foreign as well as provincial scientific journals have within the past few yeai-s contained valuable papers on the subject of Canadian botany. The institution of a society, whose special aim was the promotion of botiinical research in our midst, infused for a time much interest in the study, and resulted in the accumulation of considerable material for a provincial flora. Some of the papers and catalogues were published in the society's ' Annals,' but many are still in manuscript. To these ■ 4:]() TIIK CANADIAN NATLIIALIST. [Dee. latter, as well as to other catalof^ues in the liands of the editor of this journal, I have been permitted to have aceess, and from them have derived nmch aid in arriving' at the results t>ivoa hereal'ter.-'^ J<]ndeavours have already been made to brinj:' the flora of Ontario and Quebec into one connected view. The w(n-k of the Abbe Provanchcr, in the French lanjiuaue, which was l)ablished some years since, is upon an ample scale, and contains descriptions of the plants referred to in it, whilst the more recent brochure of the late Proi". llubbert is simply an arranticd cata- logue, which was intended as the precursor of his contemplated Hand-book of the Canadian Flora. Prof Ilubbert's list, in addition to the results of his own collections, as well as of those of his correspondents, probably contains all previously published information bearing on the subject. The views of authors, of course, vary considerably with regard to orders, genera and species ; however, for the purposes of comparison with the flora of the United States, those of Prof. Gray, as expressed in the recent edition of his Manual of Botany, are here adopted. Further, it should be premised tliat only flowering and filicoid plants arc referred to in this paper, our knowledge of the lower cryptogams being as yet too linuted ; ;uid it should be added that when speaking of the Northern States and the United States or Union, no more extended geographical limits are intended than are kept in view in the Manual on the one hand and Mr. Mann's catalogue on the other. The prominent features in the distribution of the plants of Quebec and Ontario have been indicated in another place. With regard to the nature of the flora of the United States, it may be, in a general way, said that in the eastern and central portions of the Northern States the vegetation embraces a mountain and a woodland flora, which, excluding the more southern * lu addition to the catalogues cited in the foot note to p. 406, vol. i. (new series) of tliis journal, I have had access to those of Dr. Thomas, of the Riviere-du-Loup i[,)ni, and Dr. J. Bell, of the Maintoulin Island lU)ra ; to the notes of Pruf. Hiucks on Toronto plants (through Prof, flubbo't), and to the elaborate lists of Dr. McLaggau and Mr. John Maeou.i, the former of Avlioni collected in dilfercnt sections of the pro- vinces, but chiefly in the western peninsula, and the latter in the vicinity of Belleville. 18G8.] DRUMMOND — COMPARATIVE FLORAS. 431 forms, is siinila. to that of Ontario and Qiuboc; that as the Mississippi is approachfcl thore is a transition to a prairie flora ill some districts, and in others to llie flora of the western plaii.s and wooded country ; that along the Athintic coast there is a maritime flora, some formor membeis of which now occur in special inhmd localilies; that the line of distribution of nioiiy «f the Unitt-d States phmts has a nortli-westward trend ; and that the Southern States have tlieir semi-tropical species, many of which do not ranire as I'ar as, wliilst others extend within, the geoirraphical limits of the Northern States. All these circum- stances largely affect the number and character of the species in each region. In our two Provinces there are representatives of one hundred and fourteen natural orders. Of these Magnoliace;e, Mela.»to- maccii;, Dipsace:v, liignoniacea), Phytolaccacea), Lauracea^, Ceratophyllaceie, Platanacea), Amaryllidaeejv, Coiumelynacea*, and Xyridaceaj, are, as far as known, confined" to Ontario. No order is, however, peculiarly provincial ; all have their represent- atives in the Northern States among the one hundred and thirty- two orders which embrace the flora of that section of the Union. It is nevertheless a not uninteresting circumstance that, although there are eighteen of thc-^c Northern States orders which have no place in our Provincial flora, they comprise only thirty-five species, most of which are Southern States forms. The genera which have representatives in Ontario and Quebec number 575, of which 428 are dicotyledenous, 124 are monoco- tyledenous, and 23 comprise the filicoid plants. Of indigenous genera five are unknown south of the Great Lakes. These are Cochlearia, Crepis, Armeria, Pleurogyne. and Ekeagnus, each of which comprises a single species. Crepis and Elajagnus are, with us, only found along the upper lakes, and are probably entirely western in their distribution, whilst the remain- ing three are of semi-arctic range. In addition to the above there are some introduced genera, as Scabiosa, Tragopogon, Ajuga, and Borago, which apparently have not been noticed in the United States. Within the geographical limits of Prof. Gray's work are 834 genera, 031 of which are dicotyledonous, 175 monocotyledonous, and 28 are filicoid. Tiierfl ai '"js 2tI3 genera in the Northern States which are without eithei indigenous or introduced representatives in either Ontario or Quebec. The relative numerical proportion of monocotyledonous and 4:52 THE CANADIAN NATURALIST. [Dci cc. (licoiylcdiMious genera deorcases from our section of the continent sduthward. TIiuh, in Ontario and Quebec monocotyledons arc to dicotyledons as 1:3.46; in the Northern States as 1:3. (il, and in the whole of the .States east of the Mississippi as 1:4.13. The inimerical relations of filicoid to plu«no<>amou8 genera present much more marked differences. In the Provinces the proporti(»n is as 1:24, whilst in the Northern States it is as 1:28.9. The relative positions of the orders with respect to the number of genera in them vary to some, though not to any considerable, extent in the two countries. In the Northern States and the whole Union these relative positions are not much diiferent. Couiposittu and GraminiU, however, assume the precedence there in each case as well as here. Arranging the large orders repre- sented in each country according to priority in point of number of included genera, the following results are presented: In Ouar'io and Quebec. C'oiiipositx 56 Filices, Liliace^c and Umbellifea:, each n) ( jraniin;u 47 Crucifera; and Rosace.T, " 17 Labiat.T; 24 RanunculacL'a' and Scrophulariacei, " 15 Kricacea; 22 Orcliidaceai 14 Leguminosre 21 Caryophyllacex 12 In Xorthern States, Composit.t 86 Umbelliferae.x' 27 Gramina; 67 Scrophulariacea; 25 Lemiiiiiiuisa; 39 I'ilices 22 Labiateclex' 35 Raiiunculacex' and Cruciferae, each.. .. 20 Liliace.i; and Ericace.T, each 28 Rosace.c 18 Of the 57G genera in the two Provinces, 291 or rather more than one-half, are referable to the twelve orders which take precedence in the first of these lists. The aggregate of the genera in the second list barely attains the half of the whole number of genera wliich have representatives in these States. The largest interest is of course invested in the species which occur within our geographical limits, and in the numerical relations of the orders and genera with regard to the species which they embrace. The details given with respect to them will be less wearisome. Recent discoveries have confirmed the occurrence in Canada of several species whose previous claims to a place in our flora rested solely on the authority of Michaux or Pursh. I have therefore experienced a reluctance to exclude any of their species — unless the occurrence of the plant is very improbable — on the mere ground that it has not been noticed by subsequent observers. This reluctance is increased by the circumstance that the Lake Superior and lower St. Lawrence districts, where many, if not \{ {( 18G8.] DRUMMOND — COMPARATIVE FU»RAS. 433 most, of tliose species are pupposed to occur, have received but a limited exploration. Thouirh ScJtlxtila tjfirllh, Vtririil,ir!,i Kithuldtif, and Iltx (jhihrti are prohably err*irs, I have liad no hesitation in admitting Rhoiloihiuhoii muxlmvin, Phlox mncii. h(t(f, Trichoatcnui dichotomimi, Ainfnmuil'i tttr 47 76 loS ( )rchid.ice.T; 46 57 71 ScroiihuUiiacea; 44 66 94 I'ilices 44 57 76 LiliaceK 42 62 78 CaryopliUacex' 34 33 70 Polysuiiacea; 34 38 54 Umbe'ilifera; 28 45 58 To somewhat complete the parallel drawn, it will be useful to bring to view the number of species in tlie more important genera of Ontario and Quebec and of tlie Northern States. To extend tlie comparison to the flora of the Southern States may diminish its interest, as many of the conspicuous genera there are i8r,8.] DRl'M. MONO— COMPARATIVE FLORAS. i:!.') but scantily or not at all roprosontoil north of the Groat Lakes (tr in the valley of tlio St. Ijawrence. The caricos, it will be observed, constitute nearly l-14th of our flowerini; plants. The asters comprise thirty-ono and the solitlairos twenty-six species — the larirer number in each case beinii- in Ontario — and toj:ether form l-2Sth of pluDnoirams. The maximum development of these two •ienera is proba))ly in the Northern States, but they do not there form so conspicuous a relation to the entire vesretation as, thouuh tljcy comprise seventy-eiuht species, they constitute butl-33rdof the flinverinjr plants. Alon<^ the northern banks of the lower St. Lawrence and amonu; the J^aurentide hills to the northward, tlie same er of species and individuals of each species, poorly represented; and in the cfiect which they elsewhere have upon the aspect of the shubby and hcrbticeous vegetation, they are replaced by Conuts Cunnthnii'ni and Vjic- ciniums. Ontario and Quebec. Carex iiS Aster 31 Sniidiign 2^ Polysnniim 19 RiMiinciiliis and Junciis, eacli iS S.i!ix 17 Vii.la 16 Kiipluirbia and Habenaria, eacli 15 I'.iiiiciini 14 Potaniogeton and Runiex, eacli 13 P(.a. 12 Vacciniuni 11 Xotthern States. C'arcx 155 Aster , )■ •Solic'.a.no 57 Jiincus 2'> l'()tanu>,;;eton and Euphorbia, eacli. . . 23 I'olyc;oninn 22 Cyperus and Scirpus, each .■>! Panicuni and Helianthiis, eacli jo IlesMiddiiini and Kanunciiliis, each i.) Habenaria iS yuerciis, Viola and KIcocharis, each.. 17 Common to Ontario and (Quebec on the one hand, and to the Northern L^nitcd States on the other, there arc no less than 1,51)1 flowerinjj; and filicoid plants. Of tlie.se, 1,089 are dicotyledonous, 440 monocutyledonous, and 02 filicoid species. There are thus ciirhty-five species which are without vepresentatives across the border. Of these, however, it should be specially observed nineteen are manifestly introduced, and there are there- fore only sixty-six indit;enoiis plants which, as between the two Provinces and the Northern States, are peculiar to the former. There is thus a very marked similarity between the floras of the.se two sections of country. The indigenous species referred to include the followini; : — Anemone narcissiflora, L. 'rii.ilictruin alpinum, L. Ranunculus affinis, R, Ur. R. cardiophyllus. Hook. Caltha natans, Pallas. Aquiiegia vulgaris, L. Arabis patula, Graham sp. A. brachycarpa, Torr. & Gray sp. A. retrofracta, Graham. Erysimum lauceolatum, R. Br. Vc^icaria arctica, Richn. Draba hirta, L. D. muralis, L. Thlaspi montanum, \,. Cochlearia tridactylites, DC. Arenaria arctica, Ste%'en. Linum percnne, I.. Astragalus L.abradoricus, DC. Dryas octopetala, L. D. Drummondii, Hook. >o 430 THE CANADIAN NATURALIST. [Dec. ("leiiiii Renicuhtum, Michx. Kiibiis nrcticiis L. Kosa strictn, Liiidl. K]iil()biuni letrapnnuni, I,. Ribes rixyacaiuhoides, L. Saxifracja (irftiilaiiclica, Hook. S. nivalis, L. Anjjelica lucida, I,. Sium latifiilium, L. ('(iriuis siiL'cica, \.. Naiclosmia frisjicla, Honk. Aster Lamarckiamis, Nces. A. corniiti, Nees. Matricaria inodora, L. (jiiapbaliiim sylvaticuni, L. Antcnnaria Carpathica, R. I!r. Senecio camis, Hook. Hieraciuin vuljjatuni, Fries. Ciepis runcinata, '1'. & (). Aiuiromeda telrauona, L. Ledum paUistre, L. Ariiieria vulj^aris, L. I'enstcmon gracilis, Nutt. Pediciilaris palustris, L. Melampyrum pratense, L. Mertensia Sibirica, Don. M. pilnsa, Oon. Gentiana acuta Mx. v. stricta, Hook, I'leurogyiie rotata, L. Rumex acetosa, L. R. domesticus, Hartm. KKx-agnus argentea, I'h. Salix reticulata, I^. var. vestita. Alisma natans, I'll. Echinodorus subulatus, Engel. Iris tridentata. Ph. Kriopliorum capitatum, Host, K. russeolum, Fries. Carex Macminii, Dew. Carex bicolor, Allioni. C. ovata, Rudse. Klymus F^uropajus. L. 'I'riticum Macounii. Dew. Asplenium viride, Hudson. Wood.'ia hyperborea, R. Kr. * Equisetuni littorale, Kuhl. A critical examination of the above catalogue sujrjre.sts some remarks. Jianunculas ajfinis and Ji. cnnUoplniUnit will by some authors be referred to li. auricomus Linn., which, however, i.s a known British- American plant, and is absent from the I'nited States flora; Gi'nm (jrincn/afmn, Ahgilird hnuhi^ and Asf< r ornnit! are species of which not much is known ; Cunx Man, t> nil and Trlficinii M icoinill were only discovered about two years since, and, when their range is more fully known, may be found to occur south of the lakes ; Sium luti/olunn Prof. Gray reject.s from his manual as erroneously applied to the broad-leaved form of *S'. Unt'tire Michx., and here a similar mistake may probably have been made ; and Equiscfuynliftondr perhaps requires confirmation. l*iof'. Gray, again, in the manual, takes no notice of Anihis hracJii/c((rp f, which Torrey and Gray locate at Fort Gratiot, Michigan; of Nunlosmla frigida (to which ^V. stigitt'itu Hook. is referred) which, on l*ursh's authority, occurs on the highest mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire; o^ Lfdum pfdusfrc, whose occurence in Vermont and Pennsylvania is mentioned by Beck ; or of PcnstcmDit gracilis, to which Wood gives a place in his flora, with Chicago as a locality, ■ It should be further ob.served that Matriairia inodoni is adventive though not native in Maine. Aufcr horealis, Prov., if a good species, and not a variety of ..I. (irstionn, must be added to the list. If the twelve *Ei)1T0r"s Nori;. — My ostoenietl cone-pondcnt, the 1. !e Mr. llmntaiii, Vermont. Li/copodinin alpiniim, long known as a Xew- rouncliand plant, may be added to this list ; it occurs on the north shoro east of Point do Mout^, and probably elsewhere. D. A, W. >o 1868.] DRUMMOND — COMPARATIVE FLORAS. 437 species referred to bo rejected from tlie catalogue, there still remain fifty-four species unrepresented in the Northern States. ^ In connection with the non-occurrence of these plants in the Northern States, their range becomes a subject of considerable interest. Speaking generally, some are of semi-arctic and boreal types, and only occur in the more northern or otherwise suitable stations; others are entirely western in their distribution ; whilst there are a few which are sparingly distributed in the Provinces, or with whose range we have but a limited acquaintance. Rannnculm nffiius, ThaUctmm alplnum, Vedcaria arctica, Cochlearia trklictijUtcs, Saxi/raga Gnvnlandica and S. nivalis are peculiar to the arctic climate, and, with the exception of the Ranunculus and Cochlearia, are also denizens of the coasts of Greenland. Anmiria arctica, an interesting discovery of which was not long since made at Muskoka Lake, Ontario, by one of Prof. Hincks's students ; Dri/as Drummondii, a pretty species in the Gaspe collections of Dr. Bell; Astragalus Labmdoricus, liiihus arcticns and Plcurogijne rotata are examples of a less arctic type, though the little Arenaria penetrates the polar regions beyond Whale Sound on the West Greenland coast. Ribes oxi/acanlhoides is said by Torrey and Gray to occur throughout Canada; and Caltha natans, AquiJegia vulgaris, Linum perennc, Rosa stricta, Matricaria iuodora and Elwagnus argentca are probably limited to the north western parts of Ontario, and may be looked for in the neighbouring districts of the Northern States. ERRATA. On page 4.11, 4th line from foot read, "268" in pl.iee " 26.3." On page 432, instead of " Of the 57ri genera," read " Of the 575 genera." On page 434, in the comparison made of the number of species in each of the large orders— instead of 33 species in the Northern States referable to Caryophyllaccne, read 53. On page 436, in Ontario and Quebec Carex should be stated to have 117, not ll8 species, and to Juncus only 17 species should be referable. Ik