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About two years ago the Monitor procured an interview with Mr. Reuben Petch.of Griersville, in order to ascertain from his own lips if the reports were well founded that be attributed his most astonishing re- turn to health to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The result of the interview was pub- lished in the Monitor under the date of Jan. i7th. 1896. Mr. Fetch's case wts certainly one of the most extraordinary in the annals of medicine in Canada, if not in the world. He had been ill fur five years, and in that lime he consulted no less than six of the best physicians he could find, but none could give him the least relief. His limbs and body were pu£fed and bloated to such an extent that he could not get his clothes on, and for two y> irs he had not dressed. He had lost the use of his limbs entirely. His flesh seemed to be dead, and pins could be stuck into various parts of his body without being felt or creating the slightest sensation. He could not move about, and if he attempted to gt-t up would fall and would have to be lifted up. He was un- able to op>en his mouth sufficiently to take solid food, and had to be fed with a spoon like a child. The doctors said his trouble was spinal sclerosis, and that he could not possibly get well. lie was. in fact, nothing more or less than an animated corpse, so helpless was he. He was a member of the Canadian Mutual Life Associa- , tion, and was under their rules, entitled to disability insurance, I and made a claim for it. Two doctors on behalf of the Association were sent to examine him, and they pronoroced him incurable and permanently disabled, and in accordance M\*h their report he was paid a disability insurance of $1650.00. This was about two years after his sickness began. For three years more he lir -tred in the condition above noted, utterly helpless, and a burden to himself and friends. He was then r ted to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He did not hope that they would help him, but in his sad conditio, .e was pre- pared to grasp at anything that afforded the prospect of even a slight relief. The first change noted in his condition after he began the use of the pills was a disposition to sweat freely. 1 hen life began to return to his hitherto dead body, and from that time on his progress towards recovery and activity was steady and certain. The publication of the interview containing the facts above noted created unusual interest, not only in this section but throughout Canada. That a man who^e limbs and body were all but dead, who had been examined by medical experts and pronounced incurable, and on the strength of th3ir report paid a large disability claim, should afterwards oe cured by Dr. Williaus' Pink Pills, was looked on as a marvel. Many were skeptical ; not as to the cure, for the fact that he was actively going about proved this, but they did not believe it would prove p>ermanent. In view of the doubts then expressed the Monitor determined to watch the case closely, and now, neatly two years after the cure was first published, has again interviewed Mr. Petcb, with the result that wa are in a position to say most emphatically that this remarkable cure hw proved permanent. On being questioned Mr. Fetch said : " Yon see those hands — the skin is now natural and elastic— once they were hard and without sensation. You coald pierce them with a pin and I would not feel it, and what is true of my hands is true of my whole body. Perhaps yea have observed tltat I have now even OBBud to use a cane, and can get about my business perfectly well. You may say there is absolutely 00 Or. Williams* Pink Pllla Ours telAtls* and Rhaumatism doubt M to mj cure b«ing permanent. Indeed I am la even better health than when I gave you the fint loturview. " •• Do yon still attribute your cure to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ? " asked the Monitor. " Unquestionably 1 do," was the reply. " Doctors had filled as had also the numerous remedies recommended by my iriends. Nothing I took had the slightest eflfect upon me until 1 began the use ol Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To this wonderful medicine I owe my reicise from a living death. I have since recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to many of my friends, and the verdict is in their favor. 1 shall al- ways bless the day I was induced to take them." The above are the chief statements made by Mr. Petch in this latest Interview, and the Monitor may remark, from a long acquaintance with him, that we consider his statements absolutely true and reliable. He has no interest to serve other than a desire to recommend the medicine that has done so much fur him, and we feel sure that if any sufferer will write Mr. Petch, enclosing a stamp for reply, he will endorse all the statements made above. We may further add that Mr. Peich's remarkable recovery leaves no doubt of the wonderful curative powers of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and it seems reasonable to Infer that they will do for others what they have done for him— restore health and vitality. The check on the inside front cover page is a reproduction of the one by which Mr. Petcb's dlt- ftbility claim was paid, and is given in further corroboration of his statements. A LUMBERMAN'S LIFE. Constantly Exposed to Inclement Weather.— He Falls an Easy Victim to Rheumatism and Kindred Troubles. FVom the RichibuctoN.D., Review. Mr. Wm. Murray, of Cormiersville, N B., is an old and respected farmer, and a pioneer settler of the thriv< Ing little village he now makes his home. While Mr. Murray was yet a young man he, together with his father and brother, lounded one of the mill properties to be seen in those early days. The mills consisted of a sawmill and gristmill, and were operated and managed by the two brothers. Labor saving appli- ances being then comparatively unknown, the young men were exposed to dangers and difficulties almost unknown to the present generation. One cf the greatest evils in connection with the bi siness was exposure to wet and cold, which, though unheeded at the time, uave crippled its victim with rheumatism. In a late conver- s ition regarding his disease, Mr. Murray told the following story of his I ^p long misery and final cure by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills : " For ^ over twenty years I have been a sufferer from rheumatism. I attribute the cause of the diseaise to the time when, as a young man, I worked at our mills. Ii\ the winter we would haul logs on the pond where the alternate ti aws and f'osts of early spring would imbed them in the ice and slush. When the time came for starting up the mill, I would go out on the pond, sometimes in water up to my knees, and work away from morning till night chopping logs out of the slu:>h and ice. I was generally wet from head to foot, and every second night of the week I would, without changing my clothes, stay up and run the mill till daybreak. So you see I was for two days at a time in a suit of partially wet clothes, and this would last till tb'* ice had melted in the pond. After a few years, rheumatism fastened itself upon me, as a reward for this indiscretion, and at last became so bad that tor weeks in succession I could only go about with the aid of crutches. At other times I was able to hobble about the house by the aid of two canes, and again at other times it would ease off a little and I was able to do some work, but could never stand U for more than a couple of hours at a time. The least bit of walking in damp weather would overcome me, and I remember one stormy night when I tried to walk from Cocagne Bridge to my home, a distance of five miles, that I had to sit down by the roadside six times, to ease the terrible pain that had seized my legs. During all those years of agony I think I tried all the patent medicines I cnuld get a hold of, but they did mo no good at all. I consulted doctors, bat my sufferings remained undiminished. In the fall of 1895 I vtrent to a doctor in Buctouche, to see if there were any means by which I might at least be eased of my suffering. The doctor said frankly, ' Mr Murray you cannot be cured, nothing can cure you.' I was not satisfied; and then I determined to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I procured half a dozen boxes and began taking them at once. I soon felt a change for the better, and after my supply had been finished I got another half dozen boxes and continued taking them according to directions. That dozen boxes was all I took and you see me now. I am alive and smart and can do any kind of work. I did my farming this spring and could follow the plough for days without feeling any rheumatic pains. Yes, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did CM • world of good, and I atrooglv raoomm«ad thaw for the core of rheumatism " ^.,^. Drt Wllliama* rink Pills Our* Solatloa and Rh«umatl«m DO YOU NEED A TONIC? Are you easily tired, lack energy, feel wealc in the bacic; do not care for food ; cannot reiisli your work: and talce no interest in life? Are you nervous and subject to headaches? If so it is a tonic you need* Dr. Williams' Pinic Pills for Pale People — the best tonic )n the world — can not harnt the most delicate. They make people strong. Dp. Williams' Pink Pills fop Pale People. DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE are not • patent medicine in the sense in which that word is generally understood. They are a prescription, the result of almost a life-time of study in the treat- ment of diseases having their origin in a depraved condition of the blood or in a weakening or wasting of the nervous forces. These pills were used in pri- vate practice for years before being offered to the public in their present form, and it was the unvarying success attending their use that led to their being put up in the present shape, in order that all ailing may avail themselves of their marvellous curative properties, and enjoy new health and a lengthened least of life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are offered with a confidence that there is no disease arising from a Watery or Impoverished Condition of the Blood, or a Shattered State of the Nerves, which they will not cure if the directions arc followed and the treatment persisted ia. Give the pills a fair trial and they will not disappoint you ; but remember you should not expeci from a single box of pills that which it may be months of medical treatment has failed to accomplish. While good effects will undoubtedly follow the use of a box of pills, it is only by the faithful use, according to the directions, that difficult or stubborn cases can be cured. In cases where nothing more than a tonic is required, one or two boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be found to fully restore ttie vital forces, and will enable the system to thoroughly resist the inroads of disease. If the blood is kept pure and is supplied with its life- giving properties, thus assisting it to absorb oxygen, disease can make no inroads on such a constitution. To maintain this condition Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be occasionally resorted to. They will be found a positiva cure for the following troubles ; Poor and Watery Blood, Anesmia, Ohloroais or Green Siokness, Dizziness, Palp.ltatlon of the Heart, Nervous KeadaohOi Ijoss of Appetite, Indigestion and D3r8pepsia. • After-Efifects of LaGrippe, Eruptions and Pimples, Sick Headache, Pale or Sallow Oomplexion, - Swelling of Hands or Feet, General Debility, Depression of Spirits. Insomnia or Loss of Sleep, General Muscular Weakness, Shortness of Breath on Slight Exertion, Spinal Troubles, Partial Paralysis, IJooomotor Ataxia, Sciatica, Chronic Liver Oomplainti Neuralgia. Chronic Erysipelas, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh of the Stomach, Nervous Fits, St. Vitus' Dsince, Consumption of Bov^els and Lungs, Swelled Glands, Scrofula., Fever Soros, Bickets, Becovery from Acute Diseases, such as Fevers, etc. All Female Weakness, Tardy or Irregular Periods, Leucorrhcsa, Suppression of the Menses, Loss of Vital Forces, Loss of Memory, Binging in the EarSt OhronioorAonteBhenmatism, Hysteria, ato. I^nk Pilli are unrivalled for their action in Invigorating the Blood and System when broken down by Ofsrwork, Worry, Disease, Excmsm and lodiv* ontlona el Uviof . Or. William*' Pink Pills Our* Paralysis and Looomotor Ataxia PARALYSIS. Do your hands tremble? Are you liable to tremors that you cannot control? Have you lost the full power of using your hands? Do you stagger or falter in walking? Is the face distorted ? Is all one side of the body affected? These symptoms indicate the beginning of paralysis. There will follow agoniz- ing pa^n? complet disability and death, unless you take it in time. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure you. Read the evidence of the cured. A TROOPER'S STORY. Awoke One Night to Find Himself Speecliless, and His Body Paralyzed— Could Touch a Red Hot Stove without any Sensa- tion of Pain. From the Huntingdon, Que, News. Mr. Donald McNaughton, of Hemmingford, Que, Is not only known to all the residents of that town, but also has a reputation thruughout the country as an expert marksman, having on one occasion been a member of the Canadian Rifle Team at Bis'.ey. England. Mr. McNaughton is a member of the 6th Hussars, and takes part in all the leading shooting matches in Canada, having last year stood third in the grand aggregate at the Quebec Provin- cial Matches. Mr. McNaughton has passed through a very trying experience, the particulars of whicii ha recently related to a correspondent of the Hunting- don News. He said : — "About the end of December, 1893, I awoke one night having completely lost the Eower of speech, with a ringing sensation in my ead, and a feeling of extreme cold in every part of my body except in the immediate vicinity of my head. A physician was at once called in, but despite •u, all be could do the power of speech did not return W for two days, and my body remained partially para- " lyz'>d. In this condition I continued under the doctor's care until about the last week in March, 1894, sometimes having two doctors in attendance. — During that time my appetite was vei7 capricious, sometimes very good and at others loathing the sight of food. What food I iook die not digest, causing me much discomfort. When resting on my right side the blood in my body all appeared to circulate in my left side, causing great pain in my lungs, and when lying on my left side I appeared to have no blood in circulation on that side. My body was at times without sensa- tion, and I have actually burned my hands on a red hot stove without feeling any sensation of pain. As I was not getting better under the treatment I was undergoing, I got low spirited and despondent, and saw nothing before me but a miserable life, ana perhaps early death. About the last week in March. 1894, my brother brought me a box of Pink Pills, given him by Mr. McFee, postmaster, and urged me to give them a trial. I began taking them, carefully following the directions, and before I had finished the box I felt they were helping me. I continued taking the pills, and continued to gain in health and strength, my weight increasing some 19 pounds. Complete vigor and sensation returned to my body, my stomach ceased to trouble me. and I felt better than at any previous period in my life. I have not had the slightest recurrence of my trouble, and I feel that I owe my present health and strength to Dr. Williams* Pink Pills, and with feelings of gratitude recommeod '.hem as a medicine worthy of all confidence." AN INVALID FOR YEARS. Mrs. Davis, wife of Mr. Levi Davis, proprietor of the Central Hotel, Irish Creek, Ont., has been more or less an invalid for years, and is another of the vast number who owe renewed health to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Davis savs: — "About a year ago I had just partially recovered from a long siege of illness, but felt that I should never regain my usual health and strength. I was weak, and could do little or no work. I seemed to have no blood in my body, and felt much like giving up, when one day J read a testimonial of a lady whose case was similar to mine and who had been cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This decided me to try them, and I was no less asto' '-hed than gratified at the benefit Isoon derived from them. They literally made a new woman of me and I am now enjoying better health than I have done for years. I now value Dr. Williams' Pink Pills above all other medicines, and if feeling the least unwell at any time I at once resort to them, and always with the best results. I will be glad if my •tatonwQt will help some other snSarar, Or. Williams* ^InH ^lll« make tha Waak dtrorttf. A REMARKABLE CASE. A New Brunswick Lady the Victim— Suffered for Thirty Years— The Attack Caused Partial Blindness and a Feeling: of Semi-Paraly.sis. From the Woodstock, N.S., Sentinel Mrs. E. P. Koss, of Riley Brook, N.B., says : — " I have been a sufferer for thirty years, and I am sure I would still be in the same lamentable conditiun bad it not lieen lor Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was married at the age of ts^enty and am now iiity-one years old. I bad always enjoyed good health until after my first child was born. About a month 1-iter the illness attacked me which has since made my life miserable. 1 consulted different doctors, but they did not agree as to the nature of my trouble. One said it was a species of paralysis, others said symptoms of fits. I would be feeling very well when I would sud- denly have a sensation of partial blindness, and everything before me would sparkle. 1 hen my hand and arm on one side would become numb, and after about ten minutes this sensation would pass to my lower limbs, then my tongue would become affected, as would also my hearing. Voices, no matter how close to me, would seem dim and far away. Tnese symptoms would !ast for about fortv minutes, I would have a violent pain over the eyes, which would continue for twelve hours or more. Notwithstanding all that was done for me, these spells were coming more frequently, and at last I would s imeiimes have two attacks a d^y. I was also troubled with bron- chitis, which added to my misery, I could not sew or knit, or do any work that required close attention to it. AH this trouble had never ' left me for years, and at the age of 48 I consulted another doctor. The medicine he gave me, however, made me worse instead of better. Then I was advised to trv Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsi I was using the third box before I found any benefit, but then there was a decided change. By the time I used twelve boxes I felt as well as I did in my young days. Every symptom of the trouble that had so long made my life miserable hai disappeared. For eighteen mouths I did not use the pills and w.- s as well as ever I had been in my life. Then one morning I felt a slight attack of the old trouble and det£ .-mined to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills again. I got a box and took an occasional pill, and have never since had a symptom of the trouble. To say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done wonders for me is putting it mildly, and I strongly urge their use on all who may be ill. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were alec of great benefit to a niece of mine. Miss Effie J. Everett. Her mother died when she was quite young, and naturally much of the care of the household eveloped upon her, and as she grew up she became weak, easily tired, subject to headaches, and her com- plexion was pale and wax like. A young lady teacher who '-as boarding with the family, and who had used Pink Pills with great success,urged her to try them. The result was that she soon was enjoying the beat of health and is a fine robust young lady who shows no traces of her former illness. INCIPIENT PARALYSIS. The Peculiar Experience of a Pubnico, N.S., Lady— Attacked with Diphtheria* the After Effects of which were Developing^ into Paralysis. From " The Light," Yarmouth, N.S. There are many diseases looked upon as dangerous to life from which the victim apparently recovers, but which in reality have left behind alter effects that make life miserable. Such a sufferer was Mrs. Elias Goodwin, of Pubaico, N.S. She was first attacked with diphtheria, and when the virulence of that trouble had ended, it was found that it had left behind the seeds of disease, which not only made her life miserable but threatened her with permanent invalidism. Concerning her illness, Mrs. Goodwin says : -" Shortly after I had apparently recovered from an attack of diphtheria, I found myself in a weak and almost helpless condi- tion. I soon became so bad, and my hands, feet and limbs were so numb as to leave me almost helpless. In fact I could scarcely walk even a short distance. At times this feeling of numbness wouldattack my throat, causing a sensation such as I hope never again to endure. I was attended by several doctors, and I tried a number of remedies, but all proved useless. One of the doctors who attend^l me stated that my trouble was incipient paralysis, and that I might expect a st roke that would render me utterly helpless at any time. I was greatly discouraged at this, and despaired of ever being well again. Some of my neighbors advised me to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and I finally decided to do so. In the course of a few weeks there was a decided improvement in mv condition, and after using them for a few weeks more the change they wrought was marvellous. All the feeling of numbness had passed away, and my limbs were as strong and vigorous as ever they had been. I also found that in other respects I had derived much benefit from the use of Pink Pills, and I have no hesitation in saying that they raised ma from my helpless condition and made m« the strong and healthy woman I am to-day. I sinoerely trust that the virtues 01 this medicine may becomn mora generally known, tor I fael that disease must vanish when Dr. Williams' Pink Fills are givao a fkir trial. Dr. Wllllamr Pink Pills Act Dlrwotiy on th« Blood and Morve* It is Blenmatism Have you a severe pain in tlie joints or in tlie muscles? is tlie pain aggravated by cold? Does it arise from exposure to cold or damp, or from a wetting? These signs indicate Rheumatism. It may develop into Rheumatic fever, or if not checked, may occur again and again every winter. Read the cures on this page. A CRIPPLED SHADOW. The Statement of Jas. Davis, of Vittoria— Stricken With Rheu> matism He Wasted to a Pain-Stricken Shadow— Doctors and Hospital Treatment Failed to Help Him— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restore Health and Strength. Proof apon proof accumulates that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest medical discovery of the 19th century, and the following story told in the grateful patient's own words, again substantiates the claim that they cure when other medicines fail. " Knowing that I am a living monument of the wondsrful curing properties of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, I deem it my duty as a 1 grateful man, to give my testimony for fhe aid !'> of such as are afHicted as I s. I am i\ resi- dent of the village of Vittoritt, Ont., and have lived in the town or neighborhood all my life, nd am therefore well known and what I say can be easily proved. Three years ago I was s'ricken with and partially paralyzed by rheu- matism, and after being under the care of two physicians I was given up to die. I wasted to a human skeleton ; nothing more than a crip- pled shadow. I^ lost the use of my limbs entirely and food was giv^n me by a spoon. Life was not worth living and such an exist- ence was indeed miserable. Thus I awaited the end to come, — an end of human suffering too awful to depict. As a last resort I was persuaded by my friends to try medical treatment in the General Hospital in Toronto, and after spending several weeks there came home dis- heartened and even worse than before. While writhing in the pangs of pain, discouraged and ready to die, I heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and of the marvellous cures they effected. While doubting that they would cure me, I was prevailed upon to take them. The effect was marvellous. For two long years I had not enjoyed a single night's rest and I then slept a sweet sleep, which seemed like heaven to me. I revived, could eat, and gradually grew stronger, and as I gained strength my hope of living increased. I have taken forty-one boxes, which may seem a large quantity to some, but be it remem- bered I had taken many times their value in other medicines and had been declared incurable by doctors. The result is I am now able to undergo hard physical exercise. 1 he fact is beyond all question that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a last and only medicine, proved successful in reaching the germs of my disease and saved me from a life of misery and pain. Again I say as a grateful man that I cannot too strongly recommend this remarkable medicifio to all fellow beings who are afflicted with this terrible malady. James Davis. The above testimony is signed in presence of Ernest Wbbstbr Maybb>. LONG STANDING RHEUMATISM CURED. Mr. Wm. Hopkins, Ninga, Man., says : — " Twelve years I was almost constantly afflicted with rheumatism of the muscles, at times the pains being so severe that I was nnable to work. I tried electric belts and numerous medicines, but got no relie(. While in Boissevain during the winter of 1894, the druggist there advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as he knew of a number of cases In which they had cured rheumatism. I got half a dozen boxes and took them back home with me and b^an their use. I was on th« fourth box when I began to get relief, and I continued taking Pink Pills until I had used ton boxes, by which time no trace of the rheumatism remained, and X have not since suffered from rheumatic pains. I cheerfully recommend Or. Wllliama' Ptok Pill* Cor (rbenmatism. as I have proved thev will cure (( Or. Williams' ^Ink PIH» Our* Wh«n Othmr M«dlein«s PtM A FIGHT FOR LIFE. The Experience of Mr. Samuel Sparks of Napanee— A Terrible Sufferer from Sciatic Riieumatism— At Times as Helpless as a Child. From the Napanee Bc&ver. The life of one afEicted by rheumatism is at times aln.ost unbearable. The sufferer is racked with pain until he thinks even death would be a relief from thi:* painful maUdy. Among those wh> have suffered much aiid found relief is Mr. Samuel Sparks, a market Rardener weil known in Napanee and vicinity. Mr. Sparks recently related to a reporter how he was re;jtured to health and strength, lie said : — " For several years I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism in my limbs. The doctor who attended me called it sciatic rheumatism, and the trouble was always worse in the spring than at any other season. In the spring of 1893 I had a very severe attack, and was much worse than I had ever been before. I- was not able to do work even of the lightest kind. I suffered the greatest agony and could get no relief either sitting up or lying down. At times I was as helpless as a little child, for my legs felt as though they had become para- lyzed. Then the trouble seemed to settle in my bowels, and the doctor said it was consumption of the bowels and that I could not live much longer. As the doctor could do nothing for me I determined to make another fight for life and try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I felt that even if they would give me relief it would be a blessing. Great was my astonishment, however, when within forty-eight hours after beginning the u^e of the pills I found relief. I kept on taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, every day growing stronger and stronger, until at last I was anew man. and again able to do as hard a day's work as any man in the township. I cannot praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too much, as in my case they restored health after all other means bad failod. RHEUMATISM SINCE CHILDHOOD. Mrs. John W. Larder of Chester, N.S.. says : — " I have been troubled with rheumatism since I was 15 years old. In the mornings I suffered so much that it was agony to move my limbs. My limbs would swell, my feet would get very cold, I was troubled with shortness of breath and my heart would palpitate violently. I tried many medicines, and while some of them would ease my pains temporarily, none of^th gave me permanent relief, and I was steadily growing worse, and despaired of a cure. One day a litu^ book containing testimonials from those who had been cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was left at our house, and looking through it I saw testimonials from a number who had suffered similarly to what I was doing, who were cured by this medicine. This determined me to give them a trial and I pro- cured six boxes. Before I had finished three boxes, the pain was leaving me, and I could sleep better than I bad dine for years. I continued using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until I had taken nine boxes, when all traces of my trouble had vanished, and I was enjoying a condition of health I had not known for years. I gladly give you this testimonial, hoping that my experience may be the means of inducing some other Buflferer to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and obtain relief from pain. A BAD CASE OF RHEUMATISM CURED. Mr. Isaac J. Zimmerman, who has filled the position of assistant postmaster at Beamsvillb for the past sixteen years, is one of the best known men in that section. His many friends know that he has for years been a sufferer from rheumatism in a severe form, but now, happily, he is nearly freed from his pains through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Zimmerman says: — '"Five years ago I was attacked with inflammatory rheumatism in a very severe form, and was laid up for four months. Indeed so severe was the attack, my friends scarcely exf)ected I would recover. The disease seemed to have fastened itself upon my system, and in the winter esp€»cially, I suffered a great deal from it. About three years ago I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, and to my great satisfaction they drove (aln, )st entirely) the disease from my system, and I have since been troubled but little with it. Naturally I feel grateful for the relief I have obtained from Pink Pills, and recommend them to others." Mr. G. C. Britton, St. Martins, N.B., says: — "I wastrrnbled with rheumatism in my back and slionlders fsr fifteen years. I tried many medicine* bat got no relief, until I began using Dr. Williams' Fink Pills, and they nave wrought a cure. It is over a year since I disoontinucd them and I have not bad a winge of rheumatism in t.iat time-" Or. Williams* Pink Pills Oure all ftorms of Pemale Weakness A BOY'S SUFFERINGS. until He Successive was a Attacked with Inflammatory Rheumatism at an Early Agre.— Each Year Brougrht Fresh Attacl^s With Increasing: Severity ' Physic&l Wreck. From tbe Belleville Sun. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kelly are people who are deeply grateful for a kind intervention of Provi- dence whereby the life, health and happiness of ihtir twelve year old son, Master Harry, have been restored and preserved. Mr. Kelly is one of the best known conductors on the Midland divisiun of the G T.R., and is n ow resi ding in this city. A Sun reporter having heard of the cure of the little fellow and the joy uf his arents, called at their homeland was met by Mrs. Kelly, who on tting informed of the obj< ct of his visit, at once told the story of the cure and how the results were a.:d'ned. " We were living in Madoc when our boy wasal>out five years of age, and in i he spring I N^ent to call him one morning. He replied to my call by saying he could not rise. I at once went to him and found that he was un^ible to walk. Medical aid being summoned we discovered that inflammatoiy rheumatism had our little boy in its grasp. All that aiteution and d>x:tors could do was done and the attack passed ofif, but the following spring while in Peterboro he was again seized with the dread disease and again we were in terrible dread of losing thechild. When the warm weathtr cam jajj-.un he rallied, but was very weak and only a shadow of his former self. Despite alt we could do he was again attacked in the next spring. You can imagine the fear and dread with which we watched ihcoC recurring attacks, each one more severe thart the last, and each one leaving our boy in a worse conditi )n than those that went before. His last attack confined him to b d for three months, and his heart was dangerously affected. His sufferings wtre terrible, and it was pitiful to see him trying to carry food to bis mouth. His nervous system was so .shattered that a form of St. Vitus' Dance had affected him, and his hand and arm trembled so that he could not feed or aid himself. S>rary relief. I suffered from extreme headaches, dizziness, loss of appeiiie and palpitation of the heart. I got so weak that frequently I could scarcely move about, and my whole ner- vous system appeared to be in a state of complete prostration. When I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink I 'ills, I doubted very much if any medicine would restore my health, but I determined to give them a trial. After I had taken several boxes, I noticed that I could sleep better, and that my nervous troubles were growing less. My illness had been going on for about four years, so that I did not anticipate that it would be easily t?adicated, especially us doctors' ■ treatment had failed, but after I had taken something over a dozen boxes, I was ^w}/,f/* '»'*'" again in the full enjoyment of health. I think people using Dr. Williams' Pink iiit^ rf"'" Pills should pay strict attention to the directions, and not always expect a cure from one or two boxes. Had I been so unreasonable I would not to-day be y,^ enjoying the good health I have, and I hope this message may beoefit some '/^ poor discouraged sufferer." THE CHANGE OF LIFE. The most critical period in the life of woman is that attending the cessation of menstruation, or as It is more generally termed, the change or turn of life. The symptoms attending this period are fainting spells or attacks of faintness, as giddiness, headache, general debility, exhaustion, a feeling of melancholy, hysteria, pain in the loins or limbs, hypochondria, etc. The change is a gradual one -for better or worse — for the former if the patient is wise enough to fortify the system against the ravages of the system attending the change. For this purpose no remedy ever discovered equals Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They purify the blood by acting directly upon the sexual system, lessen the severity of this critical period, and finally leave the patient in the enjoyment of robust health. All ladies approaching this critical period should take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. TWO DOCTORS ATTENDED HER. Mrs. A. Ross, of Pau-is, Ont,, is a lady well known and much esteemed by a large circle of friends. Regarding a serious illness and subsequent cure she says :—" When we think of the many fellow sufferers we should not hesitate to let them know the means of cure when we have found one. My trouble began four years ago when I was ill, and had to undergo an operation for ulceration. Afterwards, I suppose from the coming change of lifa, I became so weak that I could not move more than a few steps without suffering from palpitation of the heart, and sometimes fainting spells. I was as pale as death, and not able to do my housework. Two doctors attended me, and although they did all in their power for me I felt that I was sinking into my grave. What I underwent can scarcely be described. Finally the doctor told me that he had done all he could for me, and could hold out no hope of a recovery to health. Then my friends urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and while in this desperate condition I began their use By the time I had taken six boxes I was wonderfully improved. The fainting spells had gone and the pains had almost dis- appeared. I could eat a hearty meal and had increased in weight. By the time I had taken ten boxes I was able to do my own housework, and from that out I have enjoyed the be it of health. I have recom- mended Pink Pills to many others, and they say they never used any medicine that did them so much good. I am not anxious for publicity, but suffering as I did, I am anxious that oth&rs shall have the benefit of my experience to help tbem to a cure." FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. Mr. John Decaire, Sahanatien, Ont., writes : — " I take the liberty of writing yon a few lines in praise of your Dr Williams' Pink Pills. For some time my wife was a great sufferer from trouble peculiar to females. She was very weak, suffered from dizziness and headache, and her complexion was sallow. She was not able to do any work, and friends were almost hopeless of her recovery. She was urged to try L'Ur valuable medicine, and I decided to get two boxes as a trial In the course of a week her appetite fan ta improve and tiht felt more hopeful. She continued using the pills, and under the treatment has fuuvNcoverecl her health and activity. We both Btroocly advise womea auCfertng as she did to use Dr. Wifliam'n Pink Pilla." Guard Your Health by the Oeeanlonal Use of Or. Williams' Pink Pllla it EXTREME NERVOUSNESS. Frequently brings its Victim to the Verge of Insanity.— The Case of a Young Lady in Smith's Falls who Sufifered Severely —Given Up by Two Doctors. —Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Have Restored Her Health. From the Smith's Falls News. Many cases have been reported of how invalids who had suffered for years, and whose cases had been given up by the attending physician, have been restored to health and vigor through that now world- famed medicine, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but we doubt if there is one more startling or more convincing than that of Miss Elizabeth Minshull, who resides with her brother, Mr. Thos. MinshuU, of this town, an employee in t rost & Wood's Agricultural Works. The News heard of this remarkable case, and meeting Mr. Minshull asked him if the s :ory was correct. He replied : — "Ail I know is that my sister hac! been given up as incurable by two physicians. She is now well enough to do any kind of housework, and can go and come I '^ as she pleases, and this change has. it is my honest conviction, been ^^ brought about by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Mr. f^/^ Minshull then related the following story to the News: — "My sister «Jis twenty years of age. She came to Canada from England about ^iten years ago, and resided with a Baptist minister, Rev. Mr. Cody, at Sorel, Que. In April of 1896. she took ill and gradually grew worse. She was under a Icctl physican's care for over hvo months. The doctor said that she was suffering from a compli- catio;i of nervous diseases, and that he could do little for her. The minister with whom she lived then wrote me of my sister's state of health, and I had her come to Smith's Falls, in the hope that a change and rest would d- her good. When she arrived here she was in a very weak state and a local physician was called in to see her. He attended her for some time, but with poor results, and finally acknowledged that the case was one which he could do very little for. My sister had by this time become a pitiable object; the slightest noise would disturb her, and the slightest exertion would almost make her insane. It required someone to be with her at all times, and often after a fit of extreme nervousness she would become unconscious and remain in that state for hours. When I went home I had to take my boots off at the doorstep so as not to disturb her. When the doctor told me he could do nothing for her, I consulted with my wife, who had great faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as she knew of severrl cases where they had worked wonderful cures, and I concluded it would do no harm to try them anyway, and mentioned the fact to the doctor. The doctor did not oppose their use, but said he thought they might do her good, as they were certainly a good medicine. In September of last year she began to use the Pills, and before two boxes had been used, she began to show signs of improvement. She has continued their use since, and is to-day a living testimony of the curative power of Dr. Williams Pink Pills." Mr. Minshull has no hesitation in sounding the praises of a remedy that has worked such a change in the bt^alth of his sister, and cheerfully gave the "News" the above particulars, and when asked to do so, most willingly signed the following declaration : — Smith's Falls, Sept. nth, 1897. I hereby make declaration that the statements in above as to the condition of my sister, and tb« ^nefit she received from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, are absolutely correct. Witness, J. H. Ross, THOS. MINSHULL. RESTORED HER SON'S HEALTH. Mrs. E. H. George, Belleville, Ont., writes :— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have dona wonders for my son Fred. He is now thirteen years of age, r\nd antil the fall of 1896 was always strong and healthy. Then he began to fail and grow weak. His appetite forsook him, and he did not care for or relish his food. While in this condition he had an attack of la grippe, which further weakened him. Under thti doctor's care he at first appeared to grow better, but shortly the improvement ceased and he greW worse. He became so weak that I had to keep him from school for weeks, and I was afraid he was going into a decline. While he was in this condition, a pamphlet describing the cures effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was left at our house ,ind I decided to give them a trial. I bought a box and they helped him so much that I saw we had at last found a medicine that could cure him. His appetite grew better, pains in the bad', and headache, from which ha had suffered, disappeared. In a few weeks ha was able to return to school, aud since then has enjoyed the best of health. I believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved mj •od'« llfei, and I trust that this may be a benefit to some other sufferer. tt Or. Williams* Pink Piils-A Tonie, rtot a Purf^ative Medicine ANMIA, Or Poverty of the Blood A trouble chiefly affect- ing young girls between the agf;s of 13 and 20 years. Symptoms : Pale or sallow, waxy complex- ion, headaches, indisposition to exertion, loss of appe- tite, fluttering of the heart, dizziness, sometimes fainting spells, complete loss of ambition, shortness of breath. Anaemia developes into consumption. Check it in time by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills— always successful in curing this grave trouble. Read the cures on this page. ADVICE TO MOTHERS Young Girls Susceptible to Troubles that May Result In Decline- Pale Faces, Headaches and Fickle Appetite the Symptoms of Early Decay. From The Sun, Orangeville, Ont ^ Some months ago Maggie, the fifteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweeney, of John Street, of this town, began to fail both in health and spirits. Her face was almct as white as chalk, her appetite very fickle, and her limbs b gan to swell. Notwithstanding her growing weakness she per- sisted in a'tending schjol, until one day her teacher advised her to go home, and not toretuiu until she lelt better. At the same time the teacher, who knew the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in such c. ses, advised her to take them. The advice was followed and Mrs. Sweeney told our reporter that almost from the out- set there was an improvement in her daugh- -ter's condition. Her appetite became t)et- : /'S^l^ • ter, the color returned to her face, and the ^ .^-i^lf-* 'severe headaches that had made her so miserable, vanished, and she is now feeling better than she has done for many months. It is quite evident that this voung maiden was suffering from a lack of Blood, as do so mar.y young girls who are just at a critical point in life, and it is quite as apparent that there is no other remedy the equal of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in such cases. They enrich the blood, stima* late the nerves, and build up the entire system, and mothers will act prudently if they insist upon their daughters taking an occasional box. We know from experience that Dr. Williams' Pink Piils have done great good in Orangeville and vicinity, and there is scarcely a day that our reporter does not come in contact with some one who has a good wurd to say for this wonderful medicine. • >> WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY CURED. Mrs. T. A. Craig. Watson's Corners, Ont , writes: — "At the age of fifteen my daughter Teresa began to show symptoms of weakness and debility, which were all the more remarkable as before that time she had been unusually well and strong. We con- sulted a t^hysician, who prescribed for her.and for a time she seemed to improve a little, then the improvement ceased, ana she became worse and grew so weak that the least exertion seemed to tire her out completely and her ' heart would palpitate so violently that we feared she had heart disease. This state of affairs continued for two years, during which time she suffered a great deal, and at times we despaired of her getting better. Having read a great deal about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, we at last thought it might be worth while to give them a trial. There was an improvement in her condition almost before the first box was completed, and after using seven boxes she was well and strong. Other members of my familv have since tested the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with success, and I have pleasure in recommending them to any who ara suflfering from general debility. rsa Decline and Oonsumption Preventsd by uslnif Dr. Williams* Pink Pills tj A HAPPY GIRL. Hiss Amina Kelly Tells of Her Illness and Subsequent Cure— A Statement That Should be Read by Every Girl in Canada. Miss Amina Kelly, a well known and much esteemed youai? lady living at Maplewood, N.B., writes: — *' I consider it my duty to let yuu know whai your wonderlul medicine has done fur me. In April, 1896, I b«gan to lose flesh and color ; my appetite failed and on going up-stairs I would be so tired I would have to rest I continued in this condition lor three months when I was taken suddenly ill and nut able to go about. Our family doctor was called in and he pronounced my illness chlorosis (poverty of the blood). At first his treatment appeared to do me good, but only for a time, and I then began to grow worse. I continued taking his r medicine for three months, when I was so discouraged at not regainiPT; my health that I declined taking it any longer. I then tried a liquid me( icine advertised to cure cases like mine, but did not obtain the slightest benefit. 1 had become terribly emaciated and weak. There was a constant terrible roaring noise in ray head ; my feet and ankles were swollen and I was as pale as a corpse. One day while in this condition my father brought home a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and asked me to try them. In les-t than a week I could sit up, and in a couple of weeks I could walk quite a distance without being tired. My appetite returned, the roaring in my head ceased. I began to gain ilesh ard color, and befnre I had used a half dozen boxes I was as healthy as I had ever been in my life. My friends did not expect me to recover and are now rejoicing at the wonderful change Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have wrought in me. If my statement will be the means of helping some other discouraged sufferer you are at perfect liberty to publish it." The above statement was sworn before me at Maplewood, York County, N.B., this 14th day of May, 1897. ^^^^_^^^__^ Timothy W. Smith, J. P. WEAK AND RUN DOWN. Miss Jessie Lowry, Marathon, Ont., writes : — " It gives me much pleasure to acknowledge the benefit I have derived from the use of Dr Williams' Pmk Pills, for I sincerely believe but for their use I would now be in my grave. My health was completely broken down. The least work or exertion would fatigue me, and I was subject to headaches, dizziness, and palpitation of thn heart. I was pale and my appetite fickle. I had read so much concerniug Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I decided to try them — and after using five or six boxes I was once more as strong as ever I had been. I now regularly use a box of the pills every spring as a tonic medicine, and always find myself the better of them." HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS. Miss Mary Dowser, Grimsby, Out., says :— " Some months ago I was troubled \dth severe head- aches, accompanied by pains in the stomach. Theso grew woi x until finally I was confined to bed. If I moved about I would grow dizzy and I was also subject to spells of vomiting. A doctor was called in but the aches and pains refused to disappear. Then I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking them for a week or two there was a decided improvement in my condition, and after using the pills for a few weeks longer my health was fully restored, and I have not since had any return of the trouble. Miss Bessie Fullerton, Halfway River, N.S., says :— " For several years T was In a very poor state of health, and my friends feared that I was going into a decline. I was induced — after many other medicines had failed — to 'ry Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and their effect in my case has been almost magical, and they have restored me to perfect health. Miss Aglae Caret, St. Joseph. Que., writes;— "I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with the most gratifying results. I am a teacher by profession, and last winter as a result of hard work, I became weak and run down. My appetite was very poor, and I had hardly the courage to undertake my occupation. I was advised to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and their effect was marvellous. I have never enjoyed better health than I am doing now. In recommending them to others I feel that I am only doing a service to our common humanity 7 " Miss Grace McMillan, Chesley, Ont., writes :— " We have nsed yoar Dr. WUliwQs' Pick Pills in onr botiMbold as a blood purifier and have prov«d them to be a firtt, , f','j:.\^w/'lk i^'ii"/y -' • HI -^ cure, Mr. Taylor is an engineer on the Dominion Atlantic Rail- «=r J . Ill 1 j^li!^jjH\ * ^'^ '' kill' ^^y* ^'^ "^"^ being between Halifax and Kentville, and he is one of i(/;Lllil// i\,iH .TuirTrn'rinih:!,; illi wi the most popular drivers on the road. When asked by the reporter concerning his illness, he said: — "It was in the spring of 1896 that I had a severe attack of kidney trouble, brought on by continuous running on the road, and I suppose it is caused by the oscillation of the locomotive. It affected me but slightly at first, but gradually grew worse. I consulted a doctor and then tried two or three varieties of so-called cures. Some helped for a time, but a'ter stopping the use of them I grew worse than ever. I had noticed numerous testimoinals in the papers concerning Dr. Wii.'iams' Pink Pills, and reading of one cure that was almost identicjil with my own I decided to give them a 'rial, and purchased four bcxes at a cost of $2. But it was $3 well spent, for I was completely cured by the use of the pills, and have not been troubled with my kidneys since. I can therefore recommend them to others similarly a£Qicted. ILLNESS FROM OVER-EXERTION. Mrs. Alexander Mc Williams, of Duart, Ont., says : — " From lack of rest due to nursing relatives through •evere illness, 1 became completely run down. Appetite and sleep almost completely deserted me. The smell of cooking victuals became offensive and often I would not get more than one hour's sleep out of the twenty-four. My nervous system seemed completely shattered, and at times speech almost failed me. Many times during the day I would be attacked with weak spells, which seemed like waves smothering me. Several physicians were consulted and prescribed, but no relief was experienced. I gave up all hope of getting better, and these who waited upon me did not think I would live long. My father had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills successfully and persuaded me to try them. Almost from the start I experienced relief, and after using six boxes I was able to be up and go about. I still took the pills for some time longer, and my excellent health to-day testifies to the good they have done. HIS BOY COULD NOT WALK. Mr. Ezra A. Book, Silverdale, Ont., says: — have every reason to speak '.n terms of the warmest praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. My little son George, now nine years of age, was weak from infancy, and until his sixth year was not able to walk, and I doubt if he could do so to-day had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We tried several doctors, but no beneficial results ensued, and we had about given up hope, when we decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He had not taken them long when an improvement was noticeable, and thus encouraged we continued giving him the pills for nearly a year, by which time he was as strong and active as other boys of his age. We shall always feel very grateful for what your medicine has done for him." THE BEST OF ALL MEDICINES. Mri. John O'Donnell, North Onilow, Que., writes :— " I have unfortunately had to take a great deal of medicine in my life, but no other medicine has ever helped me at vour Dr. Williams' Pink Fills have done, and I consider them the beat blood purifier in tha worki, and would not be without tb<>.m in the houu for anything." i6 Or. Williams* l*lnk Pills -Blood Bulldor and Norvo Kosiorer. What Is Consumption? Do you spit blood? Are you also weak, languid, and easily tired? Are you slightly fever- ish -especially at night? Do you have profuse perspiration In the night? These are signs of Consumption. It is regarded as incurable ; do not let it become so in your case. Many cases declared " incurable " by the best hospital authorities have been cured. K^ead the cures on this page. WAS SLOWLY DYING. The Strange Case of Mr. James Owen, of Johnville— Doctors Told Him His Lungs were Affected and He Could Not Recover — Now in Good Health. From the Sherbrooke Gazette. When a man faces what medical authorities tell him is certain death, and regains health and strength, he is naturally grateful to the medicine that has restored him. Such a m in is Mr. James Owen, one of the best known farmers in the vicinity of Johnville, (jue. Mr. Owen tells his story as -'/===^^ follows: — "On the 17th of Decem- ber, 1894, I was attacki?d with la grippe. A week later the trouble developed into pneumonia in its worst lurm, and I did nor leave mj bed until the first of March, 1895. and then I was so weak that I was unable Co walk alone. Ail winter my life hung in the balance. Sum- mer came, and I was still weak and Iceble, though with the warm weather I gained a little strength, I had however, but very little power in my legs, and I could not ride a mile in a buggy owing to the pain they caused me. My lungs also troubled me and I raised a great deal of matter. I then consulted the best doctor we had in this section of the Province. He told me candidly that I wasp-ist medical help. He said that my left lung was in a state of collapse, and that my right lung was also affected. TMs was in July, 1895. For the next three months every day seemed to draw me nearer and nearer the end. I was so pressed for breath at times that I could not walk any cistnnce without stepping to regain it. In the mnnth of November I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It was certainly a forlorn hope, and 1 admit I did not expect much benefit from them, but took them rather to pleas'} a friend who urged me to do so. The result is they have made a well man of me. I have not a pain about me. My breath comes as freely as it ever did, and I am strong and vigorous. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills havo given me a new lease of life, and I am glad to let everybody know it. INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION-CURED. Mr. James Wrir, a well-known blacksmith of Boissevain, Man., says: — " When I came to Manitoba some years ago, I entered into partnership with a friend in a threshing outfit. Aside from the work being hard it was attended with constant exposure, and many a night we were compelled to take the warm side of a straw stack for our night's 1 >dging. The result was I contracted a very heavy cold, and was obliged to quit work, and coughed all through the winter. In the spring^ I attempted to work again, but could not stand ' it, so I sold out my share of the outfit and_ s ttled down at my trade as a blacksmith. 1 7 did not improve, however, although I was* steadily taking medicine. I thoutiht I was in< consumption. I fell off in flesh fro n 158 to 123 pounds, and looked like a walking skeleton, and suffered from nervousness and a constant hacking coush. My wife made a trip to Winnipeg, and while in a drug store there told the druggist of my condition, and he advised her to take home some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She brought back a half dozen boxes and I began taking them. After I had taken four boxes there was a considerable improvement in my condition and I con* tinued taking them until I had used ten boxes, when my health was fully restored. My case is one of those which substantiates the claim that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills core when other medicines faU " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Ours dolatioa and Rhsumatlsm. tj ' CONSUMPTION OF THE GLANDS CURED. Mr. C. Eaves, of Queensville. Ont., says : — " My little daughter. Cora, eight yeun of age. was attacked with what the doctors called consumption of the glands. A lump came on the side of her neck half the size of a hen's egg. Among the doctors who attended her was a Icadiag Toronto physician, but she was constantly growing worse, and we feared she would not lecover. Finally we began to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and soon to our great delight she began to get better. During last summer she gained ton pounds in weight -and has not missed a day at school. We are sincerely grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for her." CONSUMPTION OF THE BLOOD CURED. Mrs. J. N. Gordon, Cataragui, Ont, writes :— " If I could not have got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 do believe I would now be in the land ot the living. I had what one of my physicians— for I tried a number- called consumption of the blood. I was wasted away to a shadow, and my bands were literally transparent I had a hacking cough, could not sleep and could scarcely eat. Doctors having failed to help me, I deter mined to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and was soon gratified to find that they were helping me. I continued their use for several months, and am thankful to say that they have fully restored my health I cooaidm Dr. "'llliams' Pink PilLs a blessing to humanity." DOCTORS SAID IT WAS CONSUMPTION. Mrs. Chanley Thompson, Housey's Rapids, Ont., says ; — " I was pronounced by a Peterbo»o Ehysician to be in consumption. I was fearfully emaciated and looked and felt as if I had not a drop oi lood in my body. I had scarcely strength enough to walk across a room. I could not sleep at nights for the pain in my lungs and the cough that racked me. I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they have restored me again to health and strength. They are the best medicine I know of and I believ* tbey savad my life." NERVOUS PROSTRATION CURED. Mr. P. Lapointe, proririetcr of the St, Louis Hotel, St. Anne de Beaupre, Que., says: — •' My daaght «ir icsephine is another ot tlie many whom Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have restored to perfect health. She ecame very weak, lost her appetite, was pale, had no energy and was not able to do any work about the house. I called in a doctor, but he did not help her. and I feared that we would lose her. One day I read in a new<;paper of a young lady whose symptoms were the same, who was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to employ them in my daughter's case. After using three boxes she was decidedly better, and after four more had been taken her health was fully restored, and she now enjoys as good heaith »» any young girl can do." CHRONIC LIVER COMPLAINT CURED. Miss M. A. Smith, Napanee, Ont., says :— "I suffered for four years from liver complaint with all Its attendant misery. 1 tried quite a number of medicines, but they only seemed to aggravate the trouble. I was much inclined to flesh, and it was only the exercise of considerable will power that I was enabled to go about at all. Food disagreed with me, my complexion was of the aallow hue peculiar to to this trouble, and I was the frequent victim of headaches and dizziness. One day I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and by the time I had used two boxes I could see that they were helping me. I continued taking them until i had used six boxes, when I was as strong and as healthy as «.jver I had been. I have no heaiUti«o in attributing my good health to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." UNDERMINED HEALTH CURED. Mr. Jas. Stamp, Kinmount, Ont., says: — " My wife was troubled with indigestion for two years, and became so bad that her system was undermined, and she lost her strength completely. She looked as if there was not a drop of blood in her body, and to aggravate matters she contracted a cold, which left her with a cough that threatened consump.ion. She was attended by three doctors, but their medicine failed to help her. Her stomach became so bad that at times it would retain nothing, not even a glass of hot water, and she would be obliged sometimes to go several days without tasting solid food. She saw Dr. Williams' Pink advertised so much that she decid d to try them. By the time she had used three boxes she could eat lietter, an I could t ol Its sales throughout the country is enormous. I, Riciiard B. Collins, hereby make the following statement, which can be confirmed by any nnriiber ol witnesses in this section of the country. I first began to complain a'ooul five years ago. I had been then working in a fish shanty, and .va,s wel almost the whole time, summer and winter. I was then confined to th» house for three months. This was my first attack, and on »,'etting bcttni I commenced work again the first of the following February and ecu tinued at it until the next January, when I took a much worse attack The doctors pronounced it rheumatism, and after treating me for that disease until about the first of May, they discovered that my troubia wai disease of the hip joint, and advised me to gn to an hospital I went to Toronto and stayed in the hospital five weeks and then returned home I, however, did not recover, and was compelled during the following summer to go back to the hospital, where I remained three months, lfP\ getting worse all the time. I was told I could not be cured, and when I If hi left was only able to walk by the aid of crutches. I then came home and 1 1 was not there long before I was taken to my bed. I continued in tht< state until January following, when I wasadvised by several friends to irv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took their advice, and before I had finished the fifth box I began to improve, and by the time I had completed a doMv boxes I was able to walk without crutches, and have never used them ■Inca. I was able to do light work in a short time, and in January last (1897) I commenced working' In the woods, and have no trouble from the hip unless over exerted. During the last three years I have speni I300.00 in doctors' bills and medicines, trying everything r3Commended, but without any good results until I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, to which I owe my restored condition, as the doctors gave up all hopes of ever seeing me out of bed alive and well. I may say that before I began Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* daring my last attack, I put in many a night so bad that I never expected to be alive in the moioio^. A LAME BACK. One of the Most Painful of Maladies— Mr. Peter Millar Suffered for Years, and Experimented with Many Medicines Before Finding^ a Cure. From the Brockville Recorder. Perhaps no prettier place is to be seen In Ontario than that at Newman's npper lock on the Rldeao Canal. At this station for a quarter of a century resided Mr. Peter Millar, who during that period acted i» the capacity of lockman, and was perhaps the best known man on the canal. Mr. Millar is now a resident of Merrickville, having retired from active life. To a correspondent of the Recorder be related the following experience : — " For many years I was troubled with a lame back, which gave me great pain at times, and caused me much loss of sleep. I tried different kinds of medicine, but found little or no relief. The spring of 1895 I was assisting at getting out ice one day when I felt something snap or give way in my back, and it was some time before I could straighten myself up I now became so bad that when I laid down I was unable to rise without assistance, and I fullv made up my mind that I had become a chronic invalid, and never expected to see a well day again. A couple of weolts after my back had almost entirely given out, I saw by an article in a paper that Dr Williams' Pink Pills had cured a person troubled similarly, and I immediately sent and procured a box to test them. Be- fore I had finished the box I found my back somewhat stronger, so I procured five boxes more, and by the time they were used I found myself oomplctely cured Since I took the last box I have not had a pair or particle of lameness, and my health has been far better than it had been fo? years before." To ensure obtaining the genuine alwaya ask fior Dr. WlUi^mi' Piok PiUe. h there we BiaB7 fHoA' OQlored Imitt^tioix^. so Or. Williams' Pink Pills M«k« th« Wmmk Strong Palpitalion and... HeartDisease. After Climbing a hill, or run- ning up-stairs, are you out of breath ? Does your heart beat vio- lently on such occasions? The beat felt even in the head and wrists ? Do you feel faint when out of breath, or when I: ^ crowded or hot place? Be careful. The heart, the mont vital of all organs, is at fault. It may be a matter af- fecting your life. Read what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for similar suf- ferers* I HEART DISEASE. A Trouble no Longer Regarded as Incurable— An Oraiigevllia Lady Who Had Suffered Severely Speaks of Her Illness and Tells How She Found a Cure. From the Orangeville Sun. A remarkable case recently came under the notice cf our reporter, and for the benefit it may be to some of uur readers, we are going to toil them about it. In the south ward of this town lives Mrs. Juhn Hubbard, a lady much esteemed by these who know her. Mrs. Hubbard has been a great sufferer from heirt trouble, and ultimately became so bad that it would not have sur- Srised bcr friends to have heard of her death, ut a change has come, and she is once more rejoicing in good health. When our reporter called upon Mrs. Hubbard, and made his mis- sion known, she said she would be delighted to tell him of her " miraculous cure " as she styled it. " Of course no one thought I would get better. I thought myself I could not last lung, for at times it seerr r1 as if my heart was going to burst. Oh, tho dreadful sensaiioos, the awful pams and weakness, together with a peculiar feeling of distress, all warned me that my life was in danger. I consulted a doctor, but he could do absolutely nothing for me. My friends saw me gradually sinking, and many an hour's anxiety I caused them. My strength waned, my nerves were shattered ; I could not walk, for every step caused my heart to palpitate violently. It is utterly impossible to fully describe my condition. One day a friend bionght me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to'd me to use them, but I said there was no use— they could do no good. To this my bene- factor replied, that if they did not, they at least could do no harm ; so tu please her I took the box of pills. Then I procured another box and began to feel that they were doing me good. I took in all eight boxes, and now I feel strong and hearty, each day doing my hnusewot k without fntigue or weari- ness. For anyone who suffers from weakness of the heart, I believe there is no -emedy so sure, or that will bring suca speedy results, as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Had I only used these wonderful pills at first I v/ould have been spared months' of inttnse suffering." Mrs. Hubbard but re-echoes the ex- perience of scores of sufferers, and what she says should bring hope to many who imagine there is no relief for them in thin world. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved more lives than we will ever know of. HEART TROUBLE CURED. Mrs. George Raymond, of Rosseau. Ont., says that Pink Pills helped her wonderfully when other medicines failed to give her relief. She says :— '■ My system having been completely run down from over-work and worry, about two years ago I was greatly alarmed when symptoms of heart trouble set in, causing my life to be despaired of several times, and my case was given up as hopeless by a good phvsician. I decided (on the strength of testimonials which I saw in a book one day) I would pive Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and accordingly did so with most satisfactory resulis. I took something in the neighborhood of one dozen boxes, and can truthfully say that I gained constantly in health and strength, beside.s being now perfectly free from heart trouble. I can cheerfully recommend Pink Pills to people in need of a blood tonic, or a general builder-up." Mr. Jas. Gage, Brookdale, Que., says: — • We have alwavs found Dr. Williams' Fink Pilb a good family medicine, and think they should be kept ia every home." Mr. Peter Mcintosh postmaster, Pleasant Bay. N.S.. writes :—•' I haw* used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in my own family, and have sold them to otb "■«, who have been greatly benefited, and I have no besitatipo lo sayins that I know of 00 more valuable medioiiuki" Dr. Williams* Pink Pills Act DIrsotly on ths Bf >od and Nsrvsa si FOB... CHiyREN. A question often asked is this:— "Can Dr. Williams* Pink Pills be given to child" ren ? " They can. For young children the dose Is one- third of a pill. Children oyer ten may take a half pill. The pill can be cut with a knife, and may be dis- solved in water If necessary. A YOUNG LIFE SAVED. Florence Sturdivant, of Grindstone Island, Saved from an Untimely Death- Her Parents Saw Her Dangerous Predicament, but Were Helpless to Aid Her— How She was Rescued. Among the Thousand Islands is one called Grindstone. It is seven miles long and three wide. The inhabitants of this island are a wetl-intormed clsust of people who devute their energies to farming and quarrying fur a livelihood. In the home of one of these islanders resides Florence J. Sturdivant, the four- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sturdivant. In February, 1896, she wail taken with scarlet fever, and after the usual run of the fever she was left with a weak back and Kradu- ally began to lose strength, until finally despite the best efTurts of physicians, her life hung in the bal- ance. It was at this crisis, v\hen all seemed darkest, that an angel of health ap|)cared on the scene and released little Florence frum p>aia and suffering, and restored her to strength and health. This remark- able occurrence is best told ia the w.irdL of the father. Mr. Stnrdivant said : "Florence was takro sick with scarlet lever, and we in^mediately called a physi- cian. .,.16 prescribed for her and we followed his directions closely, giving our little patient the best of care. After two weeks the fever subsided, but Florence was left with a very weak back. Severe pains were constantly in the back and stomach. We did all that possibly could be done to relieve our little sufferer, but to no avail. The difficulty seemed to baffle the efforts of the physician. Finally, at the end of four months of treatment, we found our patient completely prostrated. At this time we called another physician, >\ho agreed with the diagnosis of our own doctor, and said that the trouble resulted frofti the scarlet fever. He pre- scribed a course of treatment, and we followed it faithfully for three months, but instead of improving, Florence failed. Mrs. Sturdivant and myself were completely discouraged. A brother of my wife, who v ,» 'isiting us, advised us to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and I purchased a box of the pills and began to give them to Florence. This was in October. 1S96. After using the piils a short timewe could see an improvement. Her strength began to return, and she would sit up in bed. Her appetite vas restored and she ate heartily. We also noticed a gradual brightness in her eyes. We eagerly purchased a further supply of pills, and watched with delight the change for the better that was wrought daily. From sitting up in bed at times during the day, and at times standing on her feet, Florence finally be- came strong enough to walk a little. She gained in flesii and strength rapidly and the pains gradually left her. In a month's time she bad recovered her health and strength. We cannot praise too highly the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am positive that without their use our child would have been to day in the same sad condition of her early sickness — a confirmed invalid— if indeed she bad had the strength to withstand so long the ills of her affliction." (Signed) William H. Sturdivant. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this sixth day of April, 1897. H. W. Morse, Notary Public. Mrs. A. Babcock, Dresden, Ont., says:— "I was afflicted with general debility, my appetite was poor, and I was constantly tired. I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and they have completely restored my braith, and I am feeling stronger than I have done for years." Mr. W. Walsh, Upper Pockmouche, N.B , says ;— •• I used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for la grippe, and they proved very effectual. I would reoofflmeod them to all suffenng from this complaint." Or, Williams' Pink Pill* Ouro When Other Medicines Fall. A DANGEROUS SEASON. Nature Requires Aid in Throwing off the Poisons of Winter— Close Confinement Leaves Old and Young Weak, Nervous and often Despondent. At this season of the year, young and old feci the need of some ass'stance from the medical world to help nature in her work of renewing and rebuilding the system after the trying months of winter. Teachers and students especially feel the effects of long months of mental toil that have been rendered more dangerous to health by hours of study in clo^e, ill-ventilated rooms, and exposure to cold and storm, and chills from wet and bedraggled skirts. The following letter from a well known lady teacher in the west tells how she made use of one of the most wonderful medical discoveries of the ace, wiih happy results. " Every spring for the last eight years I have suffered from attacks of what the doctors called nervous prostration. The attacks were generally heralded by nervous headaches which lasted 7-\ for three or four days, causing untold agony, palpitation and pain 7 ^ at the heart, loss of appetite and a general feeling that life was not worth living. Only those who have suffered in this way can imagine what I endured or how great has been my joy to find that I have learned of a means of escape from all those horrors. This wondrous medicine, which doctors acknowledge to be a good tonic and of great benefit to weak people, was brought to my attention by a niece who had herself been cured of a dangerous malady by this remedy. She had become weak and unable to continue her studies, her blood turned to water and her face lost every tr^ce of its once fresh, healthy color, and a general " breaking up " of her system caused her friends to fearthat she was in the first stages of consumption. She became tired of hearing thoughtless people tell her how pale she looked, and seeing an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, she bought some, in the hope that they might restore a little color to her cheeks. She was surprised and delighted to find that after us'ng them for a few weeks her face regained its bright, healthy color and her strength and vitality also returned, and to-day she is perfectly strong and healthy. Knowing how I had suifersd she strongly advised me to try thera. I did so, and instead of feeling " worn out " as usual at this season,! feel stronger and better in every way than I have done for years. Those dreadful headaches and other distressing symptoms have entirely disappeared and I feel years younger than I did a year ago, and my friends say.I look ten years younger. I feel so happy that I can perform my duties with seal and pleasure, that I wish td recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all teachers and students who wisb io escape what I have suffered.' Gratefully yours, H. S. K£R, A YOUNG GIRL'S RELEASE. Mrs. W. J. Lyons, of Harrnwsmith, Ont., says :— •" For a year and a-half my daughter Eleanor was troubled with a malady that we thought would end her life. She bece.,ric! thin, pale, tired all the time, and ntterly unfit for the least exertion. She suffered from pains in the back, sick headaches, swollen limbs, palpitation of the heart, and all the other miseries doctors attribute to a lack of blood. She was growing worse and worse, until one day a lady friend urged her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After using only fouf boxes her health was fully restored, and she has not had the slightest return of the trouble since. YoumAf make this statement pubhc, as it may help someone else similarly suffering. IN A DECLINE-HEALTH RESTORED. Mrs. W. Goodwin, Argyle Sound, N.S., says—:—" After the birth of my first child I was In poor health and unable to recover my strength. I had a severe pain in my left side and lung, which almost made it Impossible for me to breathe. I had a bad cough day and night, and was troubled with night sweats, and on awakening found myself very weak. My complexion was sallow, and my appetite entirely gone. All my friends believed me in a decline. Our family physician attended me for a long time but I got nc better. Then t. friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Acting on this advice I bought a supply, and continued their use until my health was fully restored. I am sincere in saying that I believe Dr. Williami' Phik Pills saved my Ufo." STOMACH TROUBLE. Mrs. J. B. Samnels, Pcjx Rlrer, Que., writes ;— " I have been troubled for years with a weak stomaok, ftnd found no relief from toy medicine unfil I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. It fives me pleasure to spaak in their fsvor. Dr. Williams' Plnh Pills Cure all forms of Pemalo Woalcness 43 Have You Indigestion? Have you a pain in the stomach? Fulness or distention after meals? Wind on the stomach? Hiccoughing and eructa- tion? Sick- ness, bile, distaste for food? A yellow tongue, bad complexion, taste in the mouth? These things arise from indigestion and dyspepsia; they can be cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Read cures on this page. YEARS OF MISERY. Caused by an Attack of Acute Dyspepsia— The Su^erer's System Almost a Complete Wreck. From the Drumbo Banner. Among the residents of Blenheim township, in the County of Oxford, none are better l>nown th^n the Dawsons, who settled in the county while it was an almost unbroken wilderness. Mr. S. Dawson is a leaning member of the Baptist church and a pruminent temperance man, and is esteemed and respected by the %s hole community. There are few in the country who do not know that Mrs. Dawson was for years a great sufferer, who now, happily, has been restored to health. To a reporter who recently called at the Dawson home, the lady gave the following particulars of her illness and cure. She said : " I hav e been a suflerer for a great many years. The first sytuptoms appeared to be pains darting through my syr-tem. I con- sulted a doctor who told me my stomach was very weak and that my trouble was d} spej'Ma. I was given medicine, but it did not do nfa any good, and I discontinued it and tried different advertised medicines. They did not prove of any ben fit and I went to another doctor. I would go for days without eating a meal, my heart at times wuuld almost cease to beat, and I would become so dizzy that I thought I would die I was but a mere shadow of my former self. I tried other doctors, but the result was no better. Then again I tried other advertised medicines, but still got no help. At times my stomach would swell totwi e its normal size and would not even retain the medicine I wis taking. A liitle over two years ago while in this wretched state, my husband suggested that I should try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was willing to try an) thing that might help me and yet I did not expect any good from them when all other medicines had failed. However, my husband got a few boxes, and by the time I had taken three or four boxes I was perceptibly better, my pains began to vanibh an I I could relish a meai. I continued using the Pills until I had taken twelve boxes, when all my trouble had disappeared , and I was once more enjoying the blessing of health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me what years of other treatment failed to accomplish, and I shall warmly recommend them." DYSPEPSIA CURED. Miss Lila Langhlin, a young lady who is teaching in the Fort Stewart public school, S'lys: — " Some munihs ago I was suffering with a severe attack of dyspepsia. I procured some medicine from the doctor which seemed to help me for a time, tlien it apparently lost its effect and I became worse, I had a terrible pam in the stomach which caused me much distress. Then vomiting set in and continued until I was so weak I could scarcely stand, and at times my sight would seem to leave me. While in this state one of my friends aavised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I procured a half dozen boxes. By the time I had used them I had fully recovered my health, and I ztJX recommend them to others similarly suffering." THE PANGS OF INDIGESTION. Miss Alzina Bishop, Chisholm, Ont., says : — " For years I suffered from the pangs of indigestion, for which I tried many remedies without obtaining any beneficial results. I could eat but little and that had to be carefully selected from among the plainest foods, and even then I frequently endured much agony. One day I came across a pamphlet containing the testimonials of those who had been cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and made up my mind to try them. The result is that I am to-day a living testimonial to the great curative power of this medicine. All traces of my indigestion have vaDisbsd and I am onjeying hotter hsalth than I bava done for yeart be'-rt." f». improved to such an extent that I go around half the time without using my glasses." SEVERE RHEUMATIC PAINS-CURED. Mr. Oliver Ireland, a farmer living in West G-irafraxa township, Wellington county, says:—" In the fall of 1894, one damp afternoon, I was engaged for almost three huuri setting out strawberry plants. Of course I felt uncomfortable, but I wns so intent ori transplanting that I did not desist until I haul done the work. In a few davs I began to T^el the painful effects in my joints, and realized that I was sufifering from a severe attack of rheumatism. At first I thought the attack would pass away, and did n )t take any medi- cine. But instead of passing awav the pain grew worse. I applied to a doctor, and took his treatment for some time, but got no relief. When spring came I was unable to do any farm wo'k, an 1 my circumstances were anything but enviable. When my case about as bad as it could be I began the uho of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mv malady was a stubb rn one, and I had used nearly six boxes before I began to find relief, but the Pink Pills di I their work, and I am to-day a* well man, with no trace of mv lormer trouble. I freely permit the publication of this tetter, for the good it may do some other su£ferer." Rev. David Forbes, whose missionary work in Algoma has been productive of much good, writes :— " Mrs McPhail who resides at Marksville, wishes me to thank you for the great benefit her daughter has derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For some months she was very much run down, and looked like death, but as a result of using the pill* she is better and stronger than she has been all her life. I have often recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wbiln oo my mission visitatioas, and cao attest tbs food »£E&cts wbiob follow tbair as9-" Or. Wiliiamr Wnk Pill* fo» 9Hmn, Wom«n «nci Childron. Early Deeay. This is a man's disorder. Loss of manly strength ; the energy and desires of manhood deficient; you are languid and laclc spirit. A duli pain hangs about the small of the bacic— the knees are wealc, perhaps, and tremulous. You have tried to get mentaliy and physicaliy stronger, but lost hope. There is no occasion to despair. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give just the kind of strength needed. They strengthen the back, improve the appetite, enrich the blood, and give tone to the system. DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR • MEN YOUNG AND OLD. Every man who finds his mental faculties dull and failing, or his physical powers flagging, whether from overworlt or worry, or as the result of early indiscretions or excesses, should promptly take Dr. Williams' Fink Pills. They will restore his lost energies, both physical an J mental, build up the blood, restore the shattered nervous system, and ward off insanity — the too frequent out- come of excesses. YOUNG MAN You are committing suicide, or fitting your- self for a place in an insane asylum. You are indulging in habits which, if persisted in, will cause premature decay and death. The result of your evil practice is a broken constitution. You are suffering from Nervous Debility, Loss " — of Power, Failing Memory, Weak Eyes. Self- distrust, Lack of Energy, Aversion to Society, Stunted Development, Palpitation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Impoverished Blood, Pimples, etc. Your ambition and hope are gone. Be warned in time. See to it that the evil habits are stopped at once, and the Springs of Life restored by the only SAFE and SURE Blood Builder and Restorative, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. We have many testimonials which tell of the efficiency of these Pills in the treatment of excesses and evil habits Such correspond- ence is private and we are not permitted to use the nam ,, but we may briefly summarize a few of the letters received : — Mr. A.— P — Pain in back and loins. General weakness. Melancholy. Losses at night. Doctoring for over a year without benefit. The Pills cured him in two months. W. J[. B. writes : — " Hav« suffered for years from the results of early indiscretions and have tried many remedies, but got no relief until I took your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, used six boxes, and am perfectly restored. Would recommend them to similar sufferers." D. J. G. writes : — " My constitution was completely shattered from over- work aggravated by early excesses. Doctored for several years in vain. Finally took your Pink Pills, and after using them for three months, all traces of my troubles have disappeared. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blessing to humanity." W. P. writes : — " I believe I was on the verge of insanity or the grava. My troubles were the result of foolish, suicidal habits which grew upon me. A friend who knew my condition, and knew thai I had used other remedies in vair, advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did so, and experienced relief from the first box, and after six months' faithful treatment I am fully restored and a man again. I most earnestly advise those who are in ft ooo- dition similar to what mine was to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." NERVOUS HEADACHE AND RHEUMATISM. Mr. Thos. Scott, a successful farmer who lives on the second concession of Delaware township, Middlesex Jo., Ont., says: — "I have always been a skeptic as regards the virtue oi advertised medicines, and when a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for nervous headache and rheu^ matism, I looked upon the suggestion as a joke, I had suffered for years from nervoiu headaches, and when you add to that affliction chronic rheumatism you can have no idea how I felt, unless you have suffered similarly. Doctort did not appear to help ma, and at last in sheer desperation I began taking Dr, Williams Pink Pills. After I had taken ten boxes I fait as good as now. My headaches bav« disappaared, and my rheumatism has been gone .'or ft y«ar. I am now convinc»d that Dr. Williams' Pink Pi\h ira »ll iif%t to qlaimad Cor tbam, and thay h»va ny baarty ndonation " v Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Blood Builder ^nd ^•r^9 flo»toNir I* You Have Catarrh If You are Suffering from Any of the Follow- ing Symptoms: Does your voice have a husky, thick sound and nasal sort of twang T Is your breath frequently offensive from some un- accountable cause f Have you a dull, oppres- sive headache, generally heated over the eyes ? Oo you have to hawk and cough frequently in the effort to clear your throat ? Are you losing your sense of smell, and is your sense of taste becoming dull? Does your nose always feel stopped up, forcing you to breathe through your mouth ? Do you frequently feel dizzy, particularly when stooping to pick anifthing off the floor? Are you annoyed by a constant desire to hawk and spit out an endless quantity of phlegm f READ THE NASAL BALM eURCS NASAL BALM A POSITIVE CURE FOR COLD IN THE HEAD AND CATARRH As an almost instant relief for cold in the head, and a positive cure for Catarrh, no other remedy can tal