COMMEMORATION OF THE 400th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Birth of Martih Luther, ioth-i2tli November, 1883. TO BE HELD IS ^■ St. JAMES' SCHOOL-HOUSE, on SATURDAY, loth NOVEMBER, at 3 p.m. The Right Rev. the Bishop of Toronto in the Chair. 1. Chorale — " Wake, awake." 2. Reading of the 46th Fsahn— Rev. \V. Reid, D.D. 3. Prayer, by the Veil. A^-chdeacon of York. 4. Opening Address, by th"^ Chairman. 5. Paper, by Rev. B. D. Tlmmas, D.D. Stibjcct : " The Nece.^ty for the Reformation." 6. Address, by the Rev. Principal Caven. Subject: " Luther and the Biblical Scholars of the K.efornia]ion." ^ 7. Anthem— " 96th Psalm" — Lutheran Choir. 8. Paper, by the Rev. Canop DuMoulin. Subject : " The Conversion oi Luther. " 9. Address— Rev. J. C. Antliff, B. D. Subject : "'Precursors of the Reformation." 10. Address — Rev. John Burton, B.D. Subject: " Luther at Home." 11. Anthem — St. Jarnes' Choir. 12. Paper — Rev^ Canon Scadding, D.D. Subject: '^ Metallic Records of Luther." 13. German Address, by Rev. E. M. Genzmer. Interpretation of the same. 14. Doxology. 15. Benediction. The Public are cordially invxced to attend this Meeting. By the hindnesH of the Bcv. Canon Sciuhl'm