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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too targe to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de I'anf le supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lj WIT] Printe SACH^MZI^TAIi SZZSB.GZSSS, CHIEFLY IN THE LANGUAGE OF HOLY SCRIPTURE. Intended to furnish K\)t ©Ijttsitfau ^^omiuuutcafnt. WITH A PROFITABLE SPIRITUAL EXERCISE, DURING THE PERIOD OF THE DISPENSATION OF THE DIVINE ORDINANCE. By W. F. TEULON HALIFAX, N. S. Pi'inted by W. Cunnabell,end pfllollis Street, near Ordnance Yard. 1837. A' T s< w d: P' fi] k 01 S( E n: fi fc t\ t\ in ti it k PREFACE, This little Manual, the Author selected and composed some years ago, with a design to furnish his own mind with a profitable spiritual exercise, during the period of dispe^sation of the divine ordinance of our Lord's Sup- per. And having now for years, found it serviceable in filling up the vacancy which then occurs — excluding irre- levant thoughts, and securing devotional ones;~he is desir- ous of extending the help to all Christians, who may con- sent to avail themselves of it. On the principle of the English Liturgy, — and particularly its admirable commu- nion Service, which derives its manifold virtue and beauty from the living Oracles: he has looked to the same source for materials and authority for its composition; and seeing that our Lord's Prayer, is by no means a solitary form in the sacred page, he deems it a sufficient apology for the adoption of a form of sound words, when our imperfec- tion in the solemn duties of the Lord's House requires it. And as it will be deemed unbecoming, ' i the so- lemn hour when the most exalted intercourse between ^ <)■ ^Jl D ^^ PREFACE. «a.tl. and hcaven-the church mihtant with her divmo head, is transacting,_for a christian communicant to be dKsengaged, or engaged merely as a spoctator;-it will on the other luu.d appear proper, and even indispensable, that we fVau.e an employment with all that spirituality and -.crednes. which befits the occasion:_and with it our po- smon as humble worshippers of the Most High. The au thor w.th this object in view, and in hope that it will be' blest to others as it has sometime been to himself, that tear of pemtence will at times drop on its page,_that ho conflict between conscious unworthiness, and grati- tude to Him who loved us, and washed us from froizf our Sins .„ his own blood; may be led to issue in his ardent and unequivocal aspiration of praise : that the lip of truth now touched With a live coal from tho altar, may here utter its unbending purpose-its sacred vow, to be henceforth the Loid s; remembering that we are not our own but bought Hith a price,_even the inestimable blood of Christ as of a lamb without spot or blemish:-And that on the' solemn appointed tiraes-the Sabbath, and the new moon •suceeeding each other as time tlies, and life transpires' Holiest, and Ins blessmgs retu.-n on the heads of the riah- teous. growing together in meetness for their heavenly re.t, and urging their way to the woiship of the Church Triumphant, ,s his fervent desire and prayer :-and this ae- I PREFACE. V complished, to God the Almighty and merciful, of whose only gift it cometh, that his faithful people do unto him true and laudable service; be praise and glory and wor- ship—ascribed for ever and ever. Halifax, Attgust 27, 1837. I i CHAPTER I. PHRTST'S POWER AND GOODNESS MANIFESTED CHK.I- TO HIS CHURCH. PART FIRST. SacraiMnial Exercises;-for the Ante-Communion. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me i I will take the Cup ot Salva- ifonVand call upon the name of the Lord-^- I will worship towards thy holy temple, and praise thy Tme, for thy loving kindness ; and for thy truth for thou hast magnified thy love above all thy name-' Thou, even thou, art Lord above; thou nast made heaven, the heavens of heavens, wrth all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein ; the seas and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all, and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.' Give unto the Lord ye kindreds of the people, cive unto the Lord glory and strength, give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name ; bnng an offerin'' and come before him, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.'^ Lord thou art my hiding place, and my shield, I hope in thy word.* Vj mag- nify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.' Jehovah liveth, and blessed bo my rock, a Psalm cxvi.— b Psalm cxxxviii.— cNehem. ix.— d 1 Chron. xvi.— e Fs. cxix.— f Ps. xxxiv. and Jet the God nf mv QoI .• taste and prov^lh^ftK"';? ^o.^'^.f^"''?'?-^' .« '"an that trusteth in liim '■ Ti !^f 7 H'-'f e<(ny 01 i^"f y-V . , ,.„ ^hose names are written Sheaven-andtoGoc"' the Judge of all-and to he s»iri"s of ust men , made perfect-and to Jesus I ' 1,1; ,tnr of the New Covenant— and to the broo'of prinklin. that speaketh better than the , 1 j^f A ,p1 Wherefore: we, receiving an im- ulieb. X.— vHeb. xii. hm fill \ p neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight ; but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.^ Seeing then, that we have a great high-priest, who is ascended into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us maintain our profession ; for we have not an high-priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet sinless, let us there- fore come with confidence to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in our time of need. For we know, that we are redeemed, not with corruptible things, as gold and silver, [jut with the ]jrecious blood of Christ ; as a Lamb, without spot or blemish;^ who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and consecrate us unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good v\^orks.>' Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it, by the baptism of water, and the word, — that he might consecrate it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thinir, but that it should be holy andun- blemished/ Ye are washed — ye are sanctified — ye are justified, in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God/'^ Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into his death; therefore we are buried with him, that like as Christ was raised w Hcb iv.—xl Peter i. — y Tilas ii. — z Eplies. v.— a 1 Cor. vi. I i tr. ^J:^^ ^:^:l^tM lo^iaSS even so newness of life. CHAPTER V. CHRIST THE TOUNTAIN OF LIFE TO THE BE- Venly, verily, I say ""jo yo",^ J.^j^f ^Jf'^^Il in ,ne hath «y,«'''^^V^S ''f«; ^''^^/j^ „,an may which Cometh down from |--eaven, .. ^,^.„,i eat thereof, and not die. . J„^'" "^''if in| man eat ot which came d"wn from heaven .>^a^y ^^^^^ this brea.l he shall 'V'^J^^^h i wi gi e for the life I will give is '7fl''*'''"'^;^,„,7for the food which of the world. Labour not only otne ^^^^_ perisheth, but for th^* food jh ch nau ^ lasting life, vvhich the Son of Man sh ' g^^^^^ y^^^^^ for him hath God the ^f'^orks of God? This ^'L'" 'KZTol Tt w b lieve in him whom is the work ot ^od that w ^^^^^^^^ ^ he halh sent. My fathei givem ^^^^^^^ heaven, for the bread «f ^'.J '^ ?e to the world. ,lowa from heaven, =^"'1 S vct^ .e ^^^.^ ^^^ Lord, evermore give us i'"" ^'^^'L^ ,,,,ui not M.f- breadoflife: he t ^-it come^h to thee . n^ ^^^ f.v humrer,-he that believeitv m b llora. vi. t,i 8 I If •! more thirst. How can this man give us bis flesh to eat? Then said Jesus, Verily, verily, I say to you, unless ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you; But, who- soever eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life, and him will I raise up at the last day. For "my flesh and blood, is the genuine meat and drink. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. As the Eternal Father hath sent me, and I live — by the Father; so likewise he that feedeth on me shall live — by me. Here is the genuine bread that came down from heaven. The fathers ate manna, and are dead, — not so is he who eateth of this bread, — for he shall live forever.*^ Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son, to be a propitiation for our sins: and we have known and believed the love that God hath for us, — God is Love, — and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. We love him, because he first loved us. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. And we know that the Son of God has come, and hath gi- ven us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jisus Christ; — who is the true God,— and eternal life.^ Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or perse- P.ntinn. av fVllTlirio m* nal^orlnnoo /M« r>Qi»?! r*!* cst!t7rki«»..*«fti«»»*.«i»»«» 4 16 Amen." Behold ♦he handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word.^ COLLECTS, For Godly Sincerity. O thou divine searcher of hearts, grant us we beseech thee truth and sincerity of our inward parts. O may we not wear the semblance of reli- gion, to please the eye of man ; but may we in reality experience all the changes and privileges of the new-birth, that we may not at the last take our portion with the hypocrites ; but studying now to have our consciences approved in thy sight, may we ever be found in the number of thy faithful children, who worship thee in simplicity, and godly sincerity: be this O Lord our portion, world with- out end, Amen. For Spiritual Mindedness. Lift up our hearts, O heavenly Father we be- seech thee ; from worldly cares, and the thoughts of earthly; things, to meditate on thy celestial joys; that we may direct all our tho b's, words and deeds, to serve and glorify thue. so that this life being ended, we may enjoy thee forever in thy heavenly kingdom; through our blessed Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 8 Z Cron. — t Luke i. 17 + Foy the Blessing of the Holy Trinily. O that the God of a)l goodness may delight in us .vSle wVa:seml>le hefoPe him ; ^P-^in^ peac. to nil our hearts, through the grace of our Lord Jes s f'hris • animating and assisting us in our humble attempts to do his' will, speak h'^ pra'^«. J|l ' «: V. ht ourselves in his favour ; by the love ot God nd nourin.' such abundant grace into all our h"arts hat we may be cleansed from «11 sin, con- ducted into all trufh, and confirmed evermore m il IsanctUy, and heavenly wisdom by the commu- .r.on of the Holy Spint f that tbe one true God may receive the worship ol all creatures, for ever, and ever. Amen. For the Redeemer's Md. O thou true Paschal Lamb of God, who taketh awiv the sin of the world ; hear our piay*"^*' Sk e thy blood upon our hearts, save us from te destroyer, and cause us with gratitude and ad - mTratS to Rejoice in thy salvation: now and for ever more, Amen. For Vital Christianity- O thou by whose holy name we are called be thou formed in our hearts the hopeot g'«'^y' ^^^rth e seed of eternal life within us, create us aftei thine own ima?e in righteousness and true holiness, and t J tl I, > f 18 make us one with thee, as thou art with the Father in glory everlasting. Amen. For Communion with the Saviour. O ever blessed Jesus, give unto us, meat to eat, which the world knoweth not of; and peace which it cannot take away ; that we may be privileged and supported, as thy disciples of old, and ever- more enjoy thy favour and consolations, as thy faithful people , for thine infinite compassion's sake. Amen. For Actual Communion. Al'nighty and most merciful Father, who hast p^iven us the true bread of life, which came down from heaven, grant unto us thy grace, that we par-» taking thereof spiritually and indeed, may be nourished and strengthened, in all holiness, and goodness; and made meat for the perfect enjoy* mentof thee, with thy glorified church in heaven j through our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen. For Increase of Grace, O God, heavenly Father, who hast given for Us thy beloved Son ; give unto us, we beseech thee, whi 1st partaking of these emblems of his body and blood, to eat of the hidden manna, — vouchsafe to bQ k ept by thy power, through faith unto salvation; 19 ' dU rhrist hem" formed in us the hope of glory, through SSmaWe love, and perfect sacrifice. Amen. For Protecting and Delivering Grace. Here thou true Paschal Lamb, we celebrate thy ,0" I!thy r^eritorious death, and resurrection ; do hlu deign to acknowledge us thine own, and let the destroying Angel ever pass over us ; and do Sou nleaTfo? us in heaven, and thither brmg us, for thy name sake, O Lord; to whom be glory and honour and praise and thanksgiving, world w.th- out end. Amen. For Christian Purity. O Son of God, Saviour of man, hear us merci- fully in this our day of grace, and save us fron. al s^n that he purchase of thy blood may live, and ever glorify t'he passion of thy redeeming sacn. fice. Amen. For Persistent TJ7iion with Christ. Blessed Jesus, hear we beseech thee, the voice of thy spou'e, and by thy precious blood which was shed for us, cleanse us from all sin, and be thou our veVvUfe and head, that we may be faithful with God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, give glory for ever and ever. Amen. 5-'; ¥. I v] un "t H Piiia?' .■ ■ j'«J^.'"-*'V-WlP ■ Til* ■ ;H g "tW 20 I TART SECOND. SACRAMENTAL EXERCISFS FOR THE POST- COMMUNIOx\. Praise for Increased Mercies. Thou God uf love, from whom cometh every afood and perfect gift ; accept we beseech thee our fervent thanks for these and all thy many mercies; and he thou the strenatience, inherit the promises. Teach us to deny ourselves, lake up our cross, and follow Christ in the narrow way of holiness. To employ every talent, and moment of time to thy glory. Pardon ^ve pray thee our past remissness; and sanctity us wholly in '.'.. „^,.i «„.! iw.riir Fni- thn sake ot our Lord spirit suu I Lv/i viiii^ i.\^ !*»'■ •^'- '- «f / Psalrnxxxii.-- a Hebrews iii.— -l^ Isaiah xxxx. SI Jialh regenerated us to a lively hope ; by the resur- rection of Jesu3 Christ from the dead. To an in- heritance, which is unfading, undefiled, and incor- ruptible ; reserved in heaven for you, that are kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation : ready to be manifested in the last time. Wherein we do greatly rejoice: though now for a season, it may be we are in heaviness through manifold temp- tations; because that being proved, our faith (being inuch more precious than gold, which though it be tried with fire, i3 perishable;) might be found unto the praise and glory of Jesut Christ, at his appear- ing: Whom having notseen we love. And though now we see him not, yet believing in him we rejoice with a glorious and inexpressible joy, rea- lizing the object of our faith in the salvation of our souls.*^ O Lord I will praise thee, for though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away and thpu comfortest me. Behold, God is my salva- tion ; I will trust and not be afraid, the Lord Jeho- vah is my strength, and my song, he is also become luy salvation. Praise Jehovah, call upon his name, declare his works among the people, make men- tion that his name is exalted. Sing unto Jehovah, for he hath performed excellent things, be it known in all the earth. Shout and exclaim, thou inha- bitantof Zion , for great in thy midst is the Holy one of Israel."^ m^ 1 • m CH APTER XII. THE CANTICLE OF THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power, for thou hast created ail things, and for thy pleasure they exist, and were created.^' Worthy is the Lamb that was slain: to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. Blessing and honour, glory and power, be unto him that siUeth upon the throne, and nto the Lamb for ever and ever, Amen.^ Great n and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty ; just and true are thy ways, thou King of Saints ; who will not fear thee O Lord, and glorify thy name, for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy counsels are revealed. s Alle- Iqjah, salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto Jehovah our God. Praise our God, all ye our servants, and ye that fear him both lowly and Most High." O Jehovah, our God! How excel- lent is thy name through all the earth ; who hast placed thy glory above the heavens! From the mouths of babes and sucklings thou ordainest strength against thine opponents, so as to put to silence the enemy and avenger. What is man that thou art mindful of him.'^ And the son of man that thou regardest him.'' For thou madest him a little lowtjr than the angels, and crownedsthim with glory and honour !^ 1 will praise Jehovah with iny whole heart ; I will declare all thy wonderful deeds. I will rejoice and cxult in thee ; I will s*lng praise to thy name O Most-high, For thou supportedst my right and my cause ; thou sattest on the throne judging righteously. Jehovah re- nianeth for evermore ; he hath prepared his throne for judgment ; in righteousness he will judge the >vorld. For Jehovah is a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of distress. They that know thy name, will trust in thee ; for those who seek thee, thou Jehovah, forsakest not. Sing praise to Jehovah, who dwelleth in Zion ; declare among the people his doings ; for avenging bloodhe hath remembered them ; he hath not forgotten the cry of the afflicted. To me Jehovah hath been gra- cious, seeing my affliction, against those who hated ime ; and lifting me up from the gates of death ; that I might rehearse all thy praises in the gates of a Psalov vLi.-»^o Psaim viiu lit S5 the (laughter of Zioti, and might exult in thy sal- vation. For the poor shall not be forgotten ; nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.f I put my trust in thy mercy ; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation ; I will sing to Jehovah who dealeth kindly with me; I will praise the name of Jehovah Most-hiirh.'i Preserve me O God for in thee do I trust. To Jehovah I say, Thou art my Lord, no good have 1 but from thee. As to the saints who are in the earth, they are the excellent in whom is all my delis-ht. Jehovah the portion of my heri- tage, and my cup, thou art he, who hast appoinieii my lot. The lines have fallen to me on pleasant plares ; yea, the inheritance is deli m^^ ajrainst thy power. Guard me as the tender apple of the eye ; hide me under the shadow of thy wings, from the wicked who would destroy me, from my mortal foes who compass me about. As for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness ; I shall be satisfied when I awake in thy likeness.^ 1 love thee, O Jehovah my strength! Jehovah, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I trust ; my shield, my safe retreat, and my high towef t I called on Jehovah, worthy to lie praised, and from mine enemies I was saved. And to iny God I died aloud: from his temple, he heard my voice, and my cry came to his ear. He sent from on high — he laid hold on me ; he drew me up out of many waters. He delivered me from my powerful enemies ; and from those that hated me, because they were stronger than I. Truly, it is thou Jehovah, who lightest my lamp: my God who enlightenest my darkness. With thy saving shield thou protectest me ; and thy condescension "maketh me great. Thou makest ample room for my steps, that the soles of my feet may not slip. Jehovah jiveth? And blessed be my rock! and exalted be the God of my salvation !^ His own errors who can discern.^ Oh, cleanse thou me from my unknown sins ; and from pre- sumptuous sins keep back thy servant; let not such ever have dominion over me ; then shall 1 be uj>* 3 Psulm xxviie— t Psalm xviii.. 37 right and clear of great transgression ; and the words of my mouth shall be aeceptablca and the meditations of my heart, before thee, O Jehovah, my rock and my redeemer I"" We vvilNrejoice in thy salvation 3 and in the name of our God.^' Arise O Jehovah, in thine own might, that we may praise and singof thj power !'^' My praise shall be of thee in the great assembly ; my vows I will pay before those who fear thee. The needy shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek Jehovah shall praise hin;; for their hearts shall ever oe revived. All the far distant inhabitants of the earth shall remember and return to Jehovah, and all the families of Jehovah worship him. For Jehovah's is the kingdom ; and he is the ruler among the nations. All the rich of the earth shall eat and worship; all going down to the dust shall bow before him, of whom not one can keep himself alive. A seed shall serve him,^ shall celebrate Jehovah: a generation shall come, and declare his righteousness to a people that shall be born: — what deeds he hath done.* My Shepherd: and my kind Provide;, Is the everlasting Lord, He vouchsafes to be my guid©#5 As I lean upon his word. In sweet pastures he will feed me. Where each cheering promise grows — uTsalm xix.— v Fsalm xx.—w Psalm xx?,— x Ps. xxii. 3S P';i M V ,1 lie, by living streams shuli lead me, Where his full salvation flows. And iny erring soul recover To his way of life and peace, For my souls eternal lover, Vests ine with his righteousness. Though death's gloom my path were shading Love should dissipate my fears, For thy love, that pass pervading Lights our eyes, our spirits cheers. Thou, a banquet hast appointed Me, — hefore my envious foes ; — Hast with oil my head anointed, While with joy my cup o'erflows. 8urely, mercy, like a river Through my life shall be supplied ; Thus sustained, will I for ever, In thy sacred courts abide! Joy of Cod — delight supernal. Fills my heart — dispels my fears; While I seek the Great Eternal :-— Though I tiead the vaie of terir«2. S9 Mercy, — dissipates my sadners — CJoodness,— all 1 want supplier? ! Thee I'll worship ! crowned with gladiies.^; While the day eternal flies'.^ Who shall ascend the mountain of Jehovah? and who shall stand in his holy place? He who hath clean hands and a pure heart; who nameth not his soul in a falsehood, nor sweareth with intent to de- ceive. He shall receive a blessinj? from Jehovah, and ri'^hteousness from the God of his salvation. Such ar'e the people who seek him ; who seek thy pre- sence, O God of Jacob.y To thee O Jehovah, do I raise my soul : make known to me thy ways, and teach me to follow thy paths. Direct me by thy truth and teach me; for thou art the God of my salva- tion. And in thee do I hope daily; because of thy ffoodness, O Jehovah. All the paths of Jehovah are mercy and truth, to those who keep his cove- nant and' his precepts. The counsel of Jehovah is with those who fear him ; and to them he mak- eth known his covenant.' I trust in Jehovah, I shall not slide. Examine and prove me, O Jehovah; try my reins, and my heart: for thy kindness hath been before mine eyes, and according to thy truth have I walked, I will wash mine hands in in- nocence, and so compass thine Altar, O Jehovah! tn i-'i»^i'«^ with thft vnicft nf thanksffivinsf, and to y Psalm xxiv.— z Psalm xjlv. i> I 40 Ir;.; V '«, I! i h •? I'f; I ■• recount all thy wonderful works, I love Jehovah, the mansion of thy house, and the dwelling-place of thy glory. I will walk in mine integrity ] O re- deem me, and be gracious unto me. My foot stand- eth in an even place ; in the assemblies I will bless Jehovah.* Jehovah is my liiiht and my salvation: whom then shall I fear? Jehovah is the guardian of my life , of whom shall I be afraid.^ One thing do I desire of Jehovah, and this I earnestly request j that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of Jehovah, and to make enquiry in his temple. That 1 may otfer sacrifices of joy at his tabernacle, and may sing and give praise unto Jehovah. Attend O Jehovah to my voice/when I call be gracious and answer me. When Jehovah saith, Seek ye my face, my heart replies, Thy face will I seek: hide not thy face from nie.^ Blessed be Jehovah ; for he hath heard the voice of my supplication. Jehovah is my strength, and my shield: in him my heart trusted, and I am helped; hence my heart greatly rejoiceth, and with a song will I praise him. Jeho'- vah is the strength of his people, and he is the fiaving strength of his anointed. Save thy people, and bless thine heritage ; feed them also, and exalt them forever.^ Give to Jehovah, O ye sons of themiphfv. GWi u r^alin xvxi:— b Fi^alm xxvii.— c \hd\m xxviii. Q 41 lo Jehovah, glory and power: give to Jehovah the glory due to his name. Worship him with holy reverence. The voice of Jehovah is full of power: The voice of Jehovah is full of majesty : And in his palace every thing proclaimeih his glory. Jehovah sitteth rpon the flood ; yea, Jehovah sit- teth king for ever. Jehovah will give strength to his people ; Jehovah will bless bi^is peo[de with peace^ Sing to Jehovah, O ye his saints comme- morate with praise, his holiness. For his anger endureth only for a moment, but his favour conti- nueth through life: weeping may be a guest in the evening; but joy cometh in the morning. Hear O Jehovah, and be gracious unto me; Jehovah, be- come thou my helper. Thou didst turn my mourn- ing into m' th; thou strippedstof my sackcloth, and didst clothe me with a robe of joy. Therefore, I will praise thee, my glory, nor will I ever be silent; Jehovah, my God, thee will I ever praise.*^ in thee Jehovah do I put my trust ; for my rock, and my fortress thou hast been. For thy name^s sake lead and guide me ; for thou Jehovah art my strength. Into thy hands I commit my spirit ; for thou hast redeemed me, Jehovah, God of truth. In Jehovah do I trust. I will exult and rejoice in thy mercy, when thou hast considered my trouble and hast known tny soul in adversities, nor given me into the hand of the enemy, but hast set my d Fsalra Kxix. — e Psalm xxx. f • Si n 42 If i t feet in a wider place. I trust in thee Jehovah; I say, thou art niy God! my times are in thy hand.^. Let thy face shine upon thy servant; for thy mer- cy's sake, save me, O Jehovah! How great, O Jehovah, are thy good things which thou hast laid up for such as tear thee! and hast prepared for those who trust in thee, and honour thee before the children of men! In the covert of thy presence thou wilt hide them: thou wilt seclude them in thy tabernacle. Blessed be Jehovah, who hath dis- played wonderful kindness to me, as in a strong city ! Thou didst hear my sup])licating voice, when I cried unto thee. O love Jehovah ! ye his saints: for he preserveth the faithful. Be firm, and he will strengthen your hearts, all ye who trust in Jehovah^ Happy he! whose trangression is pardoned, and whose sin is covered! Happy the man to whom Jehovah imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spi- rit there is no guilt. I said I will confess to Jeho- vah my transgressions; and thou forgaveth the guilt of my sins. For this shall every penitent pray to thee, in a time when favour may be found. Com- pass me With songs of victory ! He who trusteth in Jehovah, mercy shall compass him about. In Je- hovah be glad and rejoice, ye righteous; and shout for joy, all ye upright in heart. s Rejoice, ye right- eous, in Jehovah: for praise becometh the upright. i P;5ulai xxiii.— i> Tsalmx %\iu k*0 • 43 Praise Jehovah with the harp; sing to him with the ten-strin«fe(l psaltery, sing to him a new sonjr; play with skill a joyful melody. For right is the word of Jehovah, and all his works are faithfulness. He loveth justice and judgment. The earth is full of Jehovah's goodness. By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made; and all their hosts by the ene- nergyofhis mouth. Let all the earth fear Jehovah, let the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For bespoke — audit was made! He com- manded—and it was done ! Happy the nation, whose God is Jehovah; the people he hath chosen for his heritage. Lo! the eye of JehovJth is on them that fear him; on them who place their hope in his mercy : to deliver them from death, and keep them alive in famine. We place our trust in Jehovah: he is our help and our shield. In him indeed our heart rejoiceth; for in his holy name we trust.' Let thy mercy, Jehovah, be upon us, according as w^e hope in thee.^^ I will bless Jehovah at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. In Jehovah my soul shall boast; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Look to him and be enlightened, and your faces shall not be ashamed. For Jehovah redeemeth the souls of his servants; and none who trust in him shall be desolate. The angels of Jehovah pitch their camps around those who fear him, and rescue them. O \i Psalm XXX iii. m ''li If 5 44 r. i"!- '•Ii fear Jehovah all ye his saints! for there is no want to ihost who fear him. The rich heconne poor, and sufter huni^'er; hut they who seek Jehovah shall want nothing that is good. Who is the man that desireth life, that wisheth to see days of prosperi- ty ? The eves of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. The righteous cry and Jehovah heareth, and from all their tron- bles delivereth them. Jehovah is nigh to the bro- ken hearted and the contrite spirit he saveth. Ma- ny are the afflictions of the righteous one; yet from all of them Jehovah delivereth him. Jehovah keepethall his bones; and not one of them shall be broken." O Jehovah, say to my soul, I am thy salvation. , . t . i i x n And my soul shall exult m Jehovah, and shall re- joice in his salvation: my whole frame shall say, Je- hovah who is like thee ^ delivering the afflicted from one stronger than he ; the afflicted and needy from the spoiler. Then will I thank thee in the great assen:bly ; before a numerous people I will praise thee. Saying, Jehovah be magnified ; who delight- eth in the prosperity of his servant. Then shall my tongue talk of thy justice, and continually re- sound thy praise.^ Thy kindness, Jehovah, is unto the heavens: thy faithfulness reacheth to the skie^. Thy justice is like the great mountains ; thy judg- ments are a vast abyss! Man and beast thou pre- i Psalm xxxiv.— k Psalm xxxv. 45 want [)oor, shall that iperi- I, and leous tron- 1 hro- Ma- froni lovah ill he n thy ill re- ly ,Je- l from fro[u great praise jlight- 1 shall lly re- s unco skie:^. u pre- servest O Jehovah! How excellent is thy kindness, God! hence men trust und^r the shadow of thy wings. With the rich food of thy house they shall he satisfied, and shall drink of the stream of thy pleasures. For with thee is the fountain of life, — and by thy light we are enlightened. O continue thy loving kindness to those who know thee, and thy righteousness to the upright of heart.' I said 1 will take heed to )y ways, that I may not sin with my tongue. ^Ncw, O Jehovah, what should 1 hope for? My whole expectation is in thee. O spare me, that 1 may recover strength, before I go hence — and be no more.'" Jehovah hath put in my mouth a new song; a song of praise to our God* Many shall see, and fear and trust in Jehovah. Happy the man, who putteth his trust in Jehovah ! O Jehovah my God! very many are the wonderlul works that thou hast done. I delight to do thy will O my God ; for thy law is within my heart. Thy faithfulness, and thy salvation do I proclaim, f conceal not thy loving kindness and thy truth amid the great assembly. All those who seek thee shall rejoice and be glad in thee ; those who love thy salvation shall say, be Jehovah continually magni- fied." By this I know that thou favourest me, thou supportest me in my integrity, and wilt set me in thy presence for ever. Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel ; from eternity to eternity, Amen, ) Psalov XXXV i. — m Psalm xxxlx^— n Psalm xl. ■?iW-'1iP- ;;r * 46 and Amen '^ As the heart panteth for the streams of water, so panteih my soul for thee O God, My soul thirsteth for Goil,— the living God. I went with the multitude,— with them approached the house of God, amidst the sound of joy and praise;— with the multitude keeping the solemn least. By day Jehovah commanded his kmdness, and by ni«^ht his song was with me. Why art thou cast down, O mv soul ? Why art thou disquieted withiA me? Hope in God ; for yet 1 shall praise him, as my salvation, and my God. Display thy light and thy truth ; let them guide me, and bring me to thy holy mount and tabernacles. There will I approach the altar of God, the source of my joy and exultation : on the ' urp I will praise thee Jehovah my God. P My heart teemeih with excellent matter ; 1 will utter what I have composed for the King. Thou art fairest among the Sons of men ; grace is dif- fused on thy lips ; wherefore God ever blesseth thee. Gird thy sword on thy thigh, thou mighty one, display thy glory and thy majesty ;an^ m them ride prosperously on, in thy course oi tru^Oj meekness, and righteousness. Thy throne O God is for ever, and ever: a sceptre of equity is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou lovest righteous- ness, and hatest wickedness ; hence hath Jehovah thy Gpd anointed thee with the oil of gladness ^ Psalia xli»— p Tsalm xlii-iii. 47 above thy fellows: Myrah, Cassia, and Calamus, perfume thy robes of rejoicing from the ivory palaces. Princesses, are amon^ thy beloved-ones ; at thy right hand, standelh the Queen, arrayed in robes of the gold of Ophir " He is indeed thy Lord, and worship thou him." All glorious in the queen in her apartment ; her robe is embroidered with gold. To the king she shall be brought in rich attire, the virgin companions follow her ;— to thee shall they be conducted ; they shall be brought with joy and exultation, and shall enter the palace of the Kmg. Thy name shall be remembered O Jehovah for ever and ever: so that peopleshall praise thee throughout all generations.^ We have a river whose gentle streams shall make glad the cicy of God— the holy abode of Jehovah Most High. God is in her midst, she shall not be moved ; for God will speedily afford help to her. Jehovah, God of Hosts, is with us: the God of Jacob is our refuge.^ O all ye people clap your hands: shout to God with the voice of triumph: For Jehovah, the Most High, is to be feared, as the great over all the earth. He hath chosen our inheritance for us, the excellent lot of Jacob whom he loved. God ascendeth with shouling ; Jehovah, with the sound of trumpets! Sing praises to God, sing praises ; f:ing praises to our king, sing praises for God is king over all the earth: To him sing melodious q Vs^hn xlv. — r Psalin xlvi. * I'. ■ ', 43 'V ■ i ii praise. God reigneth over all the earth; God sit- teth on his holy throne. There are assembled the princes of the people, the people of the God of Abraham: for to God, who is highly exalted, belong the princes of the huidl' Great is Jehovah, and highly to be praised, in the city of our God, on his holy mountain. Beau- tiful for situation, the joy of the whole land is mount Zion; on the north side is the city of the great king: in his palaces God is known for a re- fuge. As we have heard so have we now seen, concerning the city of Jehovah Sabbaoth, concern- ing the city of our God,— that God will establish it forever. We, O God, have thought on thy kind- ness, in the midst of thine own temple: as thy »ame, so thy praise shall resound to the extremities of the earth: thy right hand is full of righteous- ness. Let mount Zion rejoice, the cities of Judah exult, because of thy judgments, Jehovah. Ga round about Zion— number its towers, mark well its bulwarks, count its palaces: that ye may tell it to the next generation ; for Jehovah is our God lor ever, and ever ; he will ever guide and defend us. The mighty God, Jehovah, speaketh ; and calleth the inhabitants of the earth, from the rising to the setting sun, from Zion the perfection of beauty, (iod shineth forth with splendour. Let his saints be gathered unto him, who have made a coveuusU 4 Psalm xlvl.— t P$alru x.Uii. 4d with hi rn by sacrifice. And the heavens shall de- clare his righrousnei^s; for God himself is the judge. Hear my people, and I will speak ; O Israel! and 1 will testify to thee, for God, thine own God, am I. Offer to God the sacrifice of praise, and perform thy vows to the Most High. Then call on me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and glorify thou me. He who offereth praise glorifieth me. And to him, who walks in the right way, I will ehow the salvation of God. I shall be as the green olive, in the house of God ; for in the kind- ness of God do I ever trust. I will ever praise thee for what thou doest ; and I will hope in thy name, God; for thou art good towards thy saints.^ Be- hold God is my helper — Jehovah is the supporter of my life. I will freely sacrifice unto thee; I will praise thy name, Jehovah, for it is good.^ Thou hast numbered my wanderings; my tears thou hast put into thy phial: are not they also in thy record.^ This I know, that God is on my side. In Jehovah 1 will glory on account of his word ! In God I will trust, and not fear what man can do unto me. 1 have made vows unto thee God, and to thee with praises will I pay them. For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt thou not prevent my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living.^^ Be gracious to me, Jehovah, be gracious: for my V Paalm hi.— w Psalm liv,— x Psalm Ivi. % m 50 L'f soul trusleth in thee: in the shadows of thy wing I will take refuge, until these calamities shall have passed over. I will cry to God the Most High; to God, who performeth all things for me. He will send from the Heavens and save me. God will send forth his mercy and his truth. Exalt thyself, God, above the Heavens; displr.y thy glory over all the earth. My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is determined; I will sing and give praise unto thee. Awake my glory; awake, lyre and harp! I myself will awake at the cariy morn ! I will praise thee Jehovah among the peoples; I will sing to thee among the nations. For great unto the heavens is thy mercy; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the skies.y God ruleth in Jacob, I will sing of thy power; I will sing aloud every morning of thy mercy; because to me thou art a defence, a refuge in the day of my trouble. My strength, to thee will 1 sing; For God, the God of my mercy, is my de- fence.'^ Give thou a banner to those who fear thee; that it may be displayed because of thy truth. That thy beloved may be delivered, hear, and save us by thy rig-ht hand.^ Hear, O God, my supplication, and be attentive to my prayer. When my heart faileth with grief, raise ihou me up and direct me. For thou art wont to be my refuge: a strong tower from the en- emy. 1 shall yet long sojourn in thy tabernacle, y Psalm Ivii.— z Psalm lix.— a Psalm Ix. 51 and be secure under the covert of thy wini»s. For tbou, O God, hast heard my vows; thou hastgivc-n loe for un inheritance the people who fear thy name. He shall ever al)ide before God, thy mercy and truth shall preserve him: so will 1 ever sin^ j)raise to thy name; and from day to dny perform njy vows,^ Verily, my soul waiteth upon God: for from him Cometh my salvation. He alone is rny rock and my salvation; my defence, 1 shall not lie greatly moved. jVly soul wait thou only uynm God; for from him is my expectation. From God is my salvation and my glory; my strong rock and my refuge is God. Trust in him, at all times, ye peo- ])le! pour out your henrts before him; God alone is a refuge for us. Once hath God s[)oken; yea, twice; this have I heard, that power belon^eth un- to Got! ! To thee also, Jehovah, belongeih mercy. *^ O God, my God art thou; early will 1 seek thee; iny soul thirsteth: my flesh lorjgeth for thee, like a dry, thirsty, and waterless land. So long I, to see thee in thy sarictuary, to liehold thy power and thy glory: for better is thy kindness than life; there- fore shall my lips priise thee. I'hus will I bless thee while I live; in thy name 1 will lift up my hands. As with fat or marrow, my S'.ul shall be satisfied, and with joyful li|)S my niouth shall praise? thee; when I remember thee on my bed, and mo- tlitate on thee at every watch hour. F)/r thou arc woni lu be uiy help, hence in ihe shadow of ihy h Vs. Ixi.— c Pi>. Ixii. 1 ti 52 If % \ II wings I will rejoice. My soul cleaveth fast unta thee; thy right hand upholdeth me.'^ In Jehovah the ricrhteous shall he glad, and trust, and all the uprii,rht in heart shall glory in him.*^ Praise wai- teth on thee O God in Zion ! and to thee shall the vow iie performed. Hearer of prayer— to thee shall all flesh come. Our iniquities have super- abounded; yet our trespasses thou hast covered. Happy is he whom thou choosest, and admitted to dwelTin thy courts! We shall be satisfied with the good thinss of thy house— even of thy holy tem- ple. The God of our salvation, hast answered us; than, who art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and those afar off upon the seas. Whatever Com- eth forth with the morn, or the evening, thou mak- est to rejoice. Thou visitest and waterost the earth; thou enrichest it abundantly with plenteous raiu from the heavens. And thou blessest all its produce. Thou crownest the year with thy good- ness, and distillest on all thy ways fertility; even the pastures of the desert, and the hills on every side rejoice. The [)astures are covered with flocks — tho vallies are clothed wuh corn-grass— they ishout, yea, they sing for joy.' Shout with joy to God, all ye lands: sing forth the glory of his name: make his glory the theme of thy praise. Say to God, How awful are thy works! w.. ^..^tVx L-inoii tii'oi-.:hiri thpp* shall «iii«r to ihcs A II d r^alm Ixiii — e Pi. Ixiv.— f Ps. Ixv. 53 unto ovah II the wai- II the thee aper- ered. ed to h the tem- id us; jarth, com- ma k- it the teous \\\ its good- even every flocks -they forth me of /ork:^ I n ihce — shall sing to thy name. Bless our God, ye people! and make the sound of his praise heard. It is he who preservest our lives, and sufFerest not ourfc3r to be moved. Thou hast brought us to a rich land. I will enter thy house with offerings; I will perform unto thee my vows, which my lips pronounced, and my mouth spoke in my trouble. Come, hear, all ye who fear God; and I will de- clare what he hath done for my soul. I cried to him with my mouth, and exalted him with my tongue; but if in my heart 1 regarded iniquity, Je- hovah would not heard me. Yerily God hath heard me; he hath attended to my supplication. Blessed be God, who rejected not my prayer, nor with- drew his mercy from me.s Be gracious to us, O God, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us. Let the peoples praise thee, God, let all th© peoples praise thee together. Then shall the eartk yield her increase ; and God, our own God, will bless us! God will continue to bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.** Let the righte- ous be made glad, and exult in the presence of God, yea let them exceedingly rejoice. Sing to God, ning praises to his name; extol him — exult in hi* holy habitation. Blessed be Jehovah from day to day.* When oppressed this God is our Saviour; thin God to us h the God of Salvation. Command () flrttl r lur offon «rt h • rt/Mlfii'iri vi/hnf thrtiihn>^t tiitriP tdf rT lax^v ^ i X '.J* va g Pdidiu Uvi.— b Ps. Ixvii,— i Pa. Uviii. -'if^mifirrr-' if'i 54 us. Sing^ praises iiuto Jehovah; to him who Jinci- iMitly rorlo, on the subliniest heuvens! Lo! he thun- (lererl -A-iih a rni;][hty voice! His Majesty and his stren^nh appear in the skies. Awful is GoH in his sanctuarv, the God of Israel: he giveth strength and might to his people: Blessed he God! I address tny prayer to thee, Jehovah; to thee, O God, in an acceptable time: according to thy great mercy, hear me; according to thy truth, grant me ihy salvation. Hear me, Jehovah, for excellent is thy kindness, according to thy great compassion reirard me. Hide not thy face from thy servant; (Ira'v near to my sou! and redeem it. Thy salva- tion, O Gofi, shall raise me on high! I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him wi?h thMukf^giving; for this will be more accepialde to Jehovah, than a full-horned and a full-hoofed Fteer. The afflicted shall see and rejoice: and their hearts who seek God shall be revived. For Jeho- vah listeneth to the poor. The heavens and the carrh shall praise him; the seas, and all that mo- vethinthem. For God will still save Zmn, and they who love thy name shall dwell therein.* All those who seek thee Jehovah, shall rejoice and bo glad in thee: those, who delight in thy salvation, sIimII say, Be Jehovah ever magnified."^ Thou art my hope O Lord; my trust, Jeho- vah, from my youth. On th*:!e have I depeaded k Pdalai Uix.— 1 Pd. Ixx— m Fe. Ixxi. 55 anci- thun- id Ir.s in his englh lee, O great nl nie lent is assion rvanr; salva- praise V h\m jiialile loofed 1 their Jeho- (1 the t luo- n, and i All [ind bo 'ation, Jeho- euded from the womb: from my birth thou hast support- ed me; an Happy the souls who join to sing The praises of our Zion's King! Chanting his praise, with opening dawn, Telling his love, from night till morn. On harps, with hymns, in sweet accord Sing Hallelujahs, to our God. How joyant is the good nian*s lot, God in his works forgets him not! y Psalm xci hi »»»#•>«#"*»**?«•! I ■■k, w But gives him bread, and sure defence, In his unerring providence. Fools know not this, nor understand How all things move at God's command. My shepherd! thou mine horn shah raise: And flhed the joy of oil and praise Upon my head: then who shall charge With guilt, the soul thou dost enlarge ? Though briars and thorns against them strive, The trees of righteousness shall thrive. These pleaded in thy courts below^ Flourishing and persistent grow. In thee they cannot cease to excell Or barren prove where thou dost dwell: Nor fail those grateful proofs to give That thine they are, whose life they live, z Jehovah reigneth, clothed with majesty; holiness becometh thine house, O Jehovah, to the remotest ages.* Happy is the man whom thou instructest, and whom thou teachest out of thy law. For Jeho- Tah will not for&ake his people, nor desert hia owa K Pialxn xcii.*- a Psalm xciii. 67 inheritance.^ O come, let us sinsr „nto Jehovah! singaoud to the rock of our salvation! Let ua come before him with thanksgiving, and in psalma smg aloud unto him. O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before Jehovah, our Ma- ker; for he is our God, an I we the flock of his pas- ture, the people his own hand conducteth.^ Sin^r unto Jehovah a new son.cr; sini^ unto Jehovah, all the earth, smg unto Jehovah, bless ids name: pub- lish daily his salvation. Declare his jrjorv amone the nations; amon- all peoples, his wonderful deeds It or great is Jehovah, and hi-hly to be r.rais- ed. Honour and majesty attend his presence; power and beauty are in his sanetuarv. Give to Jehovah, glory and power; to Jehovah give the glorydue to his name: bring a present when ve en- ter his courts. Worship Jehovah wiih holy Rever- ence; tremble before him all the earth, let the h.*a- vensbeglad, and the earth rejoice; let the sea with nil Its fulness roar: let the fields, with all that is therein, exult; let all the trees of the forest sinc^ aloud before Jehovah.^ Jrdiovah reiirneth! let the earth exult: let its numerous regions be glad! TbQ heavens declare his righteousness, and all the peo- ples behold his glory. Worship him, all ve hi* angels. Zion heard and is glad; the cities of Judah exult, because of thy sentences Jehovah. \\q Joveth those who hate evil ; he preserveth th<* b P*alin xciv.— 8 Vsulm xcv.— d Psalm xcvi. I ,'s' ' 1 t fl souls of his saints; from the hand of the wicrked he delivereth them. Light is scattered abroad for the righteous, and gladness for the upright of heart. Rejoice, ye righteous, in Jehovah, and celebrate, with praise, his* holiness.*' ^i"g ^^ Jehovah anew song: for wonderful things he hath done: his own rifrht hand, and his holy arm, have obtained for him the victory. Jehovah hath proclaimed his sal- vation; in the sight of the nations hath displayed righteousness. His mercy anrl truth towards the house of Israel, he haih remembered: and the remotest parts of the earth have seen the Salvation of our God. Resound the praise of Jeliovah all the earth; burst forth into joy and shout and sing praise. Sing praise to Jehovah with the harf); with ; the harp accompa- nied with the voice: with clarions and the sound of trumpet, resound the praises of Jehovah the King. Let the sea and its fub.ess resound — the world and its inhabitants. Let the rivers clap their hands; and let the mountains shout together, before Jehovah who cometh to judge the earth. With righteousness he \m\\ judge the w'orld, and the peoples with uprightness.^ Great is Jehovah in Zion ! and high is he above all peoples. Let them praise thy great and awful name; for holy and powerful it is. Exalt Jehovah, our God, and wor- ship at his footstool, for he is holy. Exalt Jehovah e Faiiim xcvii, — f Psalm xcviii ked he for the heart, jbrate, I anew is own ed for lis sal- played ) wards bered : 3 seen praise ) into aise to cm pa- sound ih the d— the p their before With id the vah in t them y and [i wor- ihovah 69 our God, and worship at his holy mountain: for Jehovah our God is holy.s Attend O Earth! with loud acclaim Worship Jehovah's holy name! jEHovA-f, know, is God alone: Come, with glad songs approach his Throne! He made us, and his own we are, As folded sheep we claim his care. Enter bis gates with holy song; With songs of praise his altars throng. To him be thankful;— bless his Name, Round the wide world his love proclaim. Adore our everlasting friend, Whose truth and grace can never end- h Of Mercy and Justice I will sincr; unto thee, Je- hovah, will I sing praise.* Thou wilt yet arise, and have mercy on Zion : for the appointed time to favour her is come. Then shall nations fear thy name Jehovah, and all the kings of the earth, thy glory. Let this be written for a future si^eneration, that a people to be born may praise Jehovah: be- cause he looked from his high sanctuary! from the g Psalm xcix, — h Psalm c. — i Ps* ci. # 1 't I i ■ *' 70 m hearens Jehovuh beheld the earth! To attend to the fifroai/int^ oT prisoners; to release those who were doomed to death; that Jehovah's name might be declare(i in Zion, and his praise again resound- e J in Jerusalem; when peoples shall be assembled together, and the lun^ loms to serve Jehovah, Of old, thou, Jehovah, didst found the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. These may peri-^h, but thou shalt remain: they all may be worn out like a «iM9itmjf('- # \i ml 74 O'er each creature reigns snpremc, Creatures all his ^lory beans. Ye who hearken to his word Men and Angels — praise the Lord! Ye who manifest his power, Prostrate fall, and Him adore: Your obedience swiftly prove; Hear his voice — obey — and love! Praise Jehovah! Ye his hosts! Of his triumphs make your boasl! Long as love -our cup supplies Waft his glory through the skies ! Where his countless gifts extend Praite, — Oh praise him, without end! k Bless Jehovah, O my soul! Jehovah, my God, thou art very great! Arraying thyself with light as a garment, stretching out the heavens like a cur- tain, flooring thy chambers w^ith waters! using the clouds as thy chariot! walking on the wings of the wind! making the winds as thy angels, and flam- ing (ire as thy ministers^ Out of the earth thou k Psalm ciii. r God, ght as a cur- ng the of the i flam- 1 thou 75 bringest forth food, wine and oil, and bread, which strengthenest man's heart, and niaketh his face to shine, and gladdeneth the heart .f man. How ma- nilold, Jehovah, are thy works! in wisdom hast hou made them all I All wait as dependents on thee, that they may have their food in due season. VVhat thou gi vest them they gather; openest thou S ?,! h'"«- '^7 !!'■•' ''"*"^ ^'''^ ^«°''; sendest thou lorth thy Spirit, they are created ! and thou renew- est the face of the earth! The glory of .lehovah en- dureth for ever; he rejoieeth''in his own work". Wh le I ive, I will sing unto Jehovah, while I ex- ist, I will sing praises to my God. My meditation on him shall ,e pleasant; in Jehovah I will rejoice. Uless Jehovah, my soul! Praise Jehovah '» O give thanks to Jehovah ! call on his name • make known among the people his deeds. Sing to' inm -to him sing praises; and rehearse all his won- derful works. Glory, in hi. holy name; be iovful your hearts who seek Jehovah, seek him, and his strength; seek continually, his presence. Comme- morate his marvellous works; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth. He is our God; his sen- tences are known through all the earth: that they might keep his statutes, and observe his laws -. Fraise Jehovah.-" Give thanks to Jehovah; for he IS good; for his mercy endureth for ever, Who ! Ps. civ. — in Ps. cv. M 'ii (,y, .') 76 can express the mighty atits of Jehovah ? Who nan shew forth all his praise? Remember me O Jeho- vah with the favour which thou bearest to thine own people, i\nd visit me with thy salvation; that I may see the prosperity of thy chosen; that I may rejoice with the joy of thy people, and may giory with thine inheritance, £;ive thanks to thine holy name, and glory in praising thee. Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, from eternity to eternity : and let all the people say, Amen. Praise Jehovah." Give thanks to Jehovah; for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever. Thus should the redeemed of Jehovah say, whom he hath redeemed from the op- pressor, and jiathered from distant lands; from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south. Let these praise Jehovah for his mer- cy, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men: for he hath satisfied the thirsty soul; and the hun- gry soul he hath filled with good. He brought them out of darkness and death-shade, and broke their bonds asunder. Let these praise Jehovah for his^ mercy, and for his vv^onderful works to the sons of menf He sendeth forth his word, and healeth them, and rescueth them from destruction. Let these praise Jehovah for his mercy, and for his wonderful works to the children of men: let them sacrifice the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and vvith joy celebrate his wonders. Let them extol him in n r:ialm cvi* bo nan Je ho- le own I may rejoice h thine p, and ih, the let all Give me rev iie(i of the op- oiri the i from is mer- )rmen : e h un- it them their for his sons of healeth 1. Let for his n them fl with him ill 77 fhe assembly, and i)raise him in the session of the elders. Whose is wise, will also observe these things, and understand the loving kindness of Je- hovah. ° My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will smg and oive praise unto thee. Awake my applause, awake lyre and harp! I mvself wiU awake at the early morn ! I will praise, "thee jj. hovah, among the people; I will sing unto thee among the nations, for great unto the he vens -s thy mercy; and thy fiiirhfulness reacheth unto the skies. Exalt thyself, O God, beyond the heavens; display thy glory over all the earth.P 1 will greativ praise Jehovah with my mouth; amid the multitude will I praise him.^ I will praise Jehovah with mv vyhole heart, in the convened assembly of the un- right. Great are the works of Jehovah; souc^ht of a I those who delight in him. Honourable and ^Honous is his work and his righteousness enduretti ior ever. He makerh his wonderful wv rks to be remembered; gracious and comf)assionate is Jeho- vah. I^ood he giveth to those who fear him- of his covenant he is ever mindful. His mighty de^ds he iKs... shewed to hit^ People, by i-v](r''theni the heritage of nations. The woiks of his hands are truh and justice; all his statutes are f lithful; they are established for ever and ever, because consti- tuted with truth and uprightness. He sent redemp- A l^tflll -im cvii.-'p Viiihn cviii,— q Feaim cix. lift 7a ■*i I tion to his people; he appointerl hts covenant for «ver; holy and venerable is his name. His praise shall abide for ever/ Praise, ye servants of Jehovah, praise the name of Jehovah. Blessed be the name of Jehovah, f(»r this time forth, and for ever more. From the risinor to the setting sun, praised be the name of Jehovah! High over all nations is Jehovah I Transcending the heavens is his glory! Who is like unto Jehovah,— our God?' Not unto us, O Jehovah, not unto us; but unto thy own name give glory, for thy mercy and truth's sake. May Jeho- vah remember us, and bless us: may he bless those who fear him, both the small and the great. ''May Jehovah heap blessings on you; on yourselves and on your children." Blessed be ye by Jehovah, who made the heavens and the earth.'' From this time forth and for evermore. Praise Jehovah.' I love Jehovah, who hath heard my voice and my suppli- cation, because to me he hath inclined his ear, I will call upon him as long as 1 live. Gracious and righteous is Jfdiovah; yea our God is full of com- passion, Jehovah preserveth the simple; I wa^ brought low, yet he saved me. Return, O my soul to thy rest, for Jehovah hath dealt kindly with thee^ Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes frojn tears, and my feet from slipping. I shall then walk before Jehovah in the land of the living. r Psalm cxi. — s Psalm cxiii. — t Psalm cxv. MBMHH &j' It for praise name li, for n the me oi ovah ! iho is t' iS, O e ^ive Jeho- those 'May 3S and , who IS time I love uppli- sar, I IS and com- I wa^ y soul I thecy e eyes II then living. 79 What shall I render to Jehovah for all his favour* bestowed on me ? The cup of salvation Twill lift "P, and cali on the name of Jehovah. x\Iy vows I his J^oLr'^'''r'^^^"L'" ^^^ p--.fee Xai vlnr /h ^'"'~^' Jehovah, since I am thy ser- vant-^thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid tlK.u hast now loosed my bonds. To^he^ will ^fFer a sacrifice of praise, and I will invoke The name of Jehovah. My vows I will pay unto Jeho! vah, now m the presence of all hi/ people • in >nhrO%''^'', house of Jehovah; in^h^ mid t ol thee O Jerusalem. Praise Jehovah." From all who fill the vast profound, Let endless praise arise. From all above, beneath, around. Through seas, and earth, and skies; Praise to Jehovah ! Father—Son— And Spirit :— only God : Who niiglfty am for us hath done : Oh be his name adorned ! v Give thanks to Jehovah; for he is irood : for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the house of Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. Let those vyho fear Jehovah now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. My strength and my sonjr is Jehovah ; for he hath become my salvation. The u Psalm cxvi.— V Pdam cxvii. ■m m ;SN so p voice of joy resounds in the tabernacles of the jiisf The rii^hthand of Jehovah doeth valiantly ! The ric^ht hand of Jehovah is exalted ! I shall surely Jive, and shall still rehearse the works of Jehovah. Open for aie the gates of ri<^hreousness ; I will ^o into them, and praise Jehovah. This is the gate of Jehovah, by which the righteous shall enter ! ! will praise thee ; for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. The stone which the builders rejected is become the chief corner-stone. By Jehovah hath this been done ! and it is wonder- ful in our eyes ! This is the day Jehovah hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad thereon. Save now, we Ijeseech thee ; Jehovah now save-— we beseech thee, Jehovah, now pros[)er us. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of Jehovah : we bless you from the house of Jehovah. The true God is Jehovah, who shineth on us : bind the festive sacri- fice with cords unto the horns of the altar I Thou an my God, and I will praise thee ; thou art my God, and I will extol thee. Praise Jehovah ; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.'^ Blessed art thou O Jehovah ! Teach me thy sta- tutes. In the wa^ of thy testimonies I rejoicp, much more than in all riches. I will meditate on thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. I will delight myself with thy statutes ; never will I forget thy word. Thy testimonies are my delight-- w rsalin cxviii. 81 3 ]\iHV The surely ovah. 'ill go Q gate niter ! ad art li the stone. )n(ler- 1 hfith Save 5 — we ssed 13 5 h\ess Glod is sacri- ThoLi irt my 1 ; for w ever. y sta- ^joicp, ite on ys. I will I ight-^ and thy statutes my counsellors. Still teach uie thy statutes, make me understand the way of thv precepts, that I may talk of thy wondrous works, According to thy righteousness revive me Let thv mise to thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to rely. I hy statutes have heen my sonirg, in the house of rriy pilgrimage. Thou art mv portion. O Jehovah. I am fear thee ; of those who obs J5V.. J. iMiu cm my portion, the companion of those who erve thy precepts. 1 hou doesc good to thy servant, O Jehovah, ac- cording to ^hy word. Thou, Jehovah, art good, and doest good : teach me thy statutes. It is ffood tor me that [ was afflicted, because 1 learned thy " statutes. Better to me is the law of thy mouth, than thousands of gold and silver. Let now thy mercy be my consolation, according to thy word to thy servant. Let tiiy mercies come to me that I may revive ; for thy law is all my delioht. Let my heart be sincere in thv statutes,*thMt I mav ne- ver be ashamed. Thou existest for ever, O Jeho- 7^^}^' ,^T^y ^'^'*''^ ^*^ established in the heavens. Ahy taithiulness js throughout all generationw. How sweet are thy words to my taste ! vea "tweeter than honey to my mouth. I'ruly I love thy com- mandments more than gold-— than fine izold. O re- gurd me and be gracious to me, as thou are won ;o» to be to such as love thy name. Direct my steps according to thy word, and let no iniquity rule over me. Make thy face to shine on thy servant, and teach thou me thy statutes. Ri.i?hteous art tho«, O Jehovah. Thy word is exceedingly pure ; hence thy servant loveth it. Thy rij^hteousness is everlasting, and thy law is truth itself. Numerous are thy mercies, O Jehovah, Consider how I love thy precepts ; according to thy mercy revive me, O Jehovah. From the beginning thy word is truth, and all thy judgments are eternal. I rejoice as much in thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. Seven times on a day I praise thee, on ac- couHt of thy righteous sentences. Great peace have they who love thy law. I have waited for thy salvation, O Jehovah. My lips shall utter praise, for thou ha«t taught me thy statutes. My tongue shall resound thy word. I long for thy salvation, O Jehovah, and thy law is my delight. Let my soul live that it may praise thee, and let thy sentences help me.^ I rfjoiced with those who said to me, let us go up to the house of Jehovah. Our feet are now stanrling within thy gates, O Je- rusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem ; they shall prosper who love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces ! For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee, Because of the house of Je- hovah our God, I will ever seek thy prosperity. > X Psalm cxix. — y Psalm cxxii. 83 pur help is in the name of Jehovah, who nndp thn vah shall be as M moved, hut abideth fo ount Zion, which are round about Jerusal r ever. As th cannot be re- e mountain.^ about his people, f em, so Jehovah is round ever Jeh ovah hath don »*om this time forth even for and hence we man be blessed ; "th u teat thinofs for u: or e- "hi"r u .In "rr ^'TV'"^ ^'"''' •''•-•-' -' '•- i'' u r ..V , ' *'''*^^ "e, IS mv rest lor t>vov • here I wdl dwell for I have desired it. I w i I a I. .n-' •lantly l.less her provisions : 1 will satisfy her " .To.? :;;Th' ^■""' ','"''' '■" pn-- wi . ii >' tion, and her saints shall sing aloud for joy/ 1^^ i K If ■K^'inw 84 Behold ! descending from above, Brotherly-kindness — perfiict love, As each with each entwine; The si.;ter pair reflect their grace ; Transcendent fair, as face to face They shed the ray divine. Like choice perfume, whose odours fill The ambient air — and sweets dislii. Refreshing all anew. Or like the sacred stream, that fed By Moses' hand, its unction shed — A consecrating dew. Rich in his priesly vestments drest, A brother, by a brother blest ; This grace pervading all. Just so does there on Hermo.'i's hei^^ht-- CD LInnuriibered drops, as chrystal briglit — A constant blessing full. In every gift this love we taste, iJelighiing, strengthening every guest : It maJces each spirit whole. Where'er it comes, the blessing moves Of him, whose blessing ever provei The unction of the soul, g «■ Psul-n cxxxiv. 85 Praise the name of Jehovah ; ve servants of Je- tiovah, praise him ; yo who stand in the house of Jehovah in the courts of the house of our God. Praise Jehovah for he is ^oorl ;'' ,]n. praise to his name for it is pleasant. For J(dn,vah hath ehosen Jacob for hnnsoM, an. M/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 ^ i^ 12.0 1.8 U ill 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "Q ,V \\ ^ 1 am commanded, O my soul, to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God. Then, do I shew justice to all, by rightly per- forming my relative duties? Ami dutiful to my superiors—loving to my equals — and conscientious to my inferiors: — ^^and an in- structor, and good example to those about me? And setting aside malioe, and the besetting sins of calumny, detraction, and all evil speaking; envy, and covetousness, do I show to all living, benevo- lence, self-denial, and charity? Do I in justice to God — stand in awe of him at all times, trust in him in all circumstances, thank him for all his goodness, particularly the saving gift of his beloved Son, love him with all my heart, and serve him in all my life, and conversation? Have I kept in fidelity to all my former resolu- tions, and purposes of serving him : especially my baptismal vow: and do I willingly renew and strenthen these determinations? Do 1 in justice to myself, prefer the favour of God, before all things else, and live in religion, and chas- tity; in industry, frugality, and temperance, remem- bering the account which I must hereafter give of my stewardship? Do I love mercy, — as the attribute and action of Jehovah, the fountain of the promise, the warrant of my faith, the spring of my hope, the motive of my charity, and the pattern of my conduct towards my fellow creatnres? o a ir st cl es w w 94 Am I hereby moved, as I value the forgivcncsa of God,and the salvation of my soul, to forSve mlr/h?'"- """7 «»e.who/i„ an'y mattl. '; manner, has injured, or offended me? poorT^ ' discharged as I ought, my duty to Christ's Whereunto have I attained, in reference to the subjugation of my pride, and the acquisition of christian humility, and meekness? '""not What are the particular graces, and blessings, I especially need to pray for? *" vv;i'"A''?^»''^ ''u'^ "''"'".»' '"^ ''^P^" 'lence, and be will to call mel" " ^' "^ """"""'^ ^^'''^'''' FINIS. Note. The christian Communicant scarcely need be reminded that Our Lord Jesus, [JEHOVAH- JESHUA,] is identical with EL-SHADDAl of the Old Testament—the ELOHIM-JEHOVAH, the God of Revelation: from its dawn to its accomplishment. Therefore, that the ascriptions of adoration and praise, contained in this Manual, are to be offered, with devout confidence to the Im- mortal THEANTHROPOS.— Our Exalted SA- VIOUR, — God the SON; of whom it is said in his epiphany: '* Let all the angels of God worship Him,"* Let then, the happy members, unite, in honouring their highly exalted Head : let every knee bow, and every tongue confess, that Christ is JE- HOVAH; to the glory of God the FATHER.—Even so: saith the SPIRIT. Amen. * See Notes to the Rev. G. Townsend's Historica. and Chronological x\rrangement of the Old and New Testa- ments. — And the particular version? of Blayney. Booth- royd, Home, Holden, and Nevvcome; to whom I am principally indebted^ for the emended readings introduced.