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I 1 II I : II 1 - 1 <> 1.' 1 < A I, K- I , < < > l{ I> r-i Hon. AM. (■■■KK, MhMhfK nt Hit |•^,^^^N^.^^ V 'KK. VlK.-lMV \M. Hmvm.. II1M..KUU, S.,LlhllK,. AI.BA W, \ Y W 1 ■ 1 . 1 1, r A R S u N S A N 1 1 ( I I M I' \ N V I S S 5. li 0^-' ^-i ', //J^f ^''"^ /;-o^ ^nt in^'JJ^^ / < * a TACSfMl^^^O^^H^OPIGfNA . IN THE STATE LIBRARY fm^mrm^mnm IN THE STATE LIBRARY fc f « i A ^' Table of Contents. From. ,1,0 first reeonlrd iMrh Fatent to the Oceu,mtion of ih» ProvLnce by the En^lWi. 1630- 1 U64. I'i.'". A„K. . In.iMn I)....,l .0 Kilian van KoriHoluor for n Tract of Lnn.I on the Nortl.''*""' riviT (Manor of KcnHclacrwyck) Nov. . I.Hlian l)e...l to Kiliun van Ilengolm.r for lan'.l 'on Vh'J VvoNt ' Si.lo of' tho IliKlsonV River !":!«. Jnn.1.1. InJ.n IW.I to -'-ol.us van 'corl.^u- for a' Flat '.m' [,ong "island; calle.l ^ howanliacky '' .Fiiiio !(!. Iiwlian Deed for Land on Long Island. .... . . . .'..,".",'..'.'.. 3 .Fnly 10. [iidiiCM Dfi'd for Land (jii Long iHlaml ......".' 3 July Ifi. Indiiin Dird for Governor's Island, N. Y Ilarhor 1 July 1.!. Indian iWd for a Trm-t of Land on Long Island (Wallabout; Hnioklvn; IJ. N. Marine Ilosiutal) July 10. Indian Deed for two Ishmds in Hellegal.Tenkenas'lWanrs ' Islandi and Mninalmnonek (i'.laekwell's Island) .. . 1«3S. Apr. S. ComH.il Minuf-H. Appointment to the Coi.neil of j'o'h'an'n'eB'La 'Mo'n't.'ufne'- l.iittle on the Conii)anv's Rou-crvs ' Apr. 15. Ordinance prohibiting the fur Ir^de l.y private parties 'anci'^oritaining ' sundry police regulatioiw ^ " Apr. 10. Loiise of two lots in New Am..terdam I - Apr. 22. Lease of the Company's iiowery No. I on Manhattan Island 7 Apr. 22. Order in Co.ineil granting Wonter van Twiller the use of lan.ls on Red Hook, L. I May 14. Ianirc of the Howery railed Walensteyu I " .Tunc Appointment of varionn Officers of the Oovernment .■.■.■.■.■.'.■.'.■■.■.■ ." g ^^ June 24. ( .rder regarding ,he granting of Patents .... "" m ^^ .ny 8. Resolntion to retain Rev. Bogardu.. as .Mini.-ter of the (Jo..pel .'.'.■.'.■ .' 10 July S. Inventory of the I.:fr..tH and Goods at Achtervelt belonging to Andries Iludde ;n,d AVolfert Gerrltsen ,0 J.dy !.. Ag,ven,e,,t for the Cultivation of a Tobacco plantation on ' Ma.ihat'tau " July 20. Patent for a Tract of' Lnni \n 'iiarien.; '^.v.'.':.'.'.'::.'.'.':.':::.':::.'.'::. n ,( l}i Tahle of Caritents. ;; M-22. Deed for T.a„d ou Long iBland .■.■::: ^2 " Mar i' ; "'■■"^^'^^'^ ^«'- I^«'"! on Lo„g I«la„d (Q„ee„. (lo.) J^ Mar. 22. Dej,os,t,o„ concerning tl.o IJuiidings e ected in difforont'pi„ ' ' ' ^ ' ' m' ' ' ^" Netherland diirini' Dir v.„. T, -n - . , . "™'*'"t i '"i^l's hi New- Mar 22 R,f / ""^ ^"- ^'1" TwdJor's Administration : «4.:rj::S:s:--:::'- ;:::::::::::; i^ « A r; 2 ? .' '"■*''"" '''■"'"'''•^>- ''^ Acl.tc.rvolt, L. I. ^4 fr,,,,, N. Nch'l ' " t"gl.«l..,H.., .,„ c,.,„li,i„,„ tl„.i ,|,cj. ,l.|„rt '• a:^ I SX':,'r^'°'', '■';■:?'"* -«"-«.~..k,,:r:.,ki™,:,:: l Paob. 118 .. 12 . 12 . 13 . 13 . 14 . 14 . ir> I' Hi 17 18 IS !8 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 1641. Apr. 11. 1(!43. Miiy 29. May 29. June 6. Sept. 7. (( Nov. 30. 642 Jan. 16. « Mar. 26. <( « M.ir. 28. li A pr. 5. a May 24. July 9. Aug. 28. Nov. 14. Dec. 11. Jan. 24. May 6. Mar. 4. May 27. June 14. June 17. June 22. 3. 3. July July July 6. Julv 13 Julv 28 Dec. 1. Oct. 13 Table of Contents. Hi Resolntion of the chamber of W. I. Company, at Amsterdam, referring to the comraisBions for New Netherland, a petition of Wouter van Twillor to be allowed to dispose of lands in that country which he had purchased from the Indians, and liad caused to be improved, the aliena- tion whereof the authorities in New Netherland were ordered not to Per"i't 33 Patent for Land on Long Island next to Renncgaconck (Brooklyn) 34 Patent for Land on Long Island, adjoining the foregoing 34 Resolution to send soldiers to Fort Hope and curb the insolence of the English there «^^ Patent for Land on Louj,- Island near Rinnegaconck Kii (Brooklyn, south side of Williamsburgh Line) 35 Lease of "Wonter van Twillers Plantation at SBponickan 35 Lea.se of a plantation on Long Island 3(5 Bill of Sale and Conveyance of a House and Land at the mouih of the Fresh Water Kit (N. Y. City, 4"' Ward) 36 Patent for Land on the Mespacht kil, L. I. (Newtown) 37 Patent for a largo Tract of Land on Long Island (Newtown, L. I.) 38 Patent for Land on Long Island (Gowanus) 39 Release by the Directors of the W. I. (Jomjtany at Amsterdam, to Wouter van Twiller of the rent and si.xtli sheaf which he was bound to pay for the lease of the Company's bowery, on the island of Manhattan. ...... 39 Minutes of the ;'.ti,c::dance on the Council of Delegates from Hartford to negotiate for the surrender of Fort Hope and conditions oil'ered to them. 40 Resolution to i)revent the Injury . Council Minute on the Absconding of the Commissary at Fort Orange and ap])ointment of a new Commissary 81 Jan. 12. Resolution to take down the Mill on Governor's Island 81 I'cb. 1. Order of Council on an Applicati(jn of the Town of Flushing for a Minister 82 Paoe. f)0 r)3 53 53 53 53 58 59 ... 59 . . . (■)() . . . t;o . »)2-()9 :iikI . . . (19 . .. 73 74 75 7(> 78 79 79 . 79 d . 81 . 81 n . 82 'Table of Contents. 1648. Apr. 7. Letter from the Directors in Holland to Peter Stuyv Page. « Aug. '*> May Aug. July Auj " Aug. " Aug. " Sei>t. " Sci)t. Sept. " Oct. " Nov. lt!49. Jan. " Feb. « Feb. " Mar. " Mar. " Mar. " Mar. 82 87 92 93 vcsant; the ship Bogardns on Board ; lenient ]>ol icy towards the Indians recommended; trade with South America • church nuitters ; (Governor Forrester of Long Island 19. Letter from the Prince of Orange to Director Stiiyvesant, informing him that Cornelis Melyn and Jocheni I'ieteroen Kuyter had received permis- sion to return to Now Netherland and ordering the Director not to molest them 1. Proposals made by Dir. Stuyvesant on tlie subject of smuggling guns, manslaughter at Fort Orange etc, and Kcsolutions of Council thereupon, 88 23. ) Resolutions to B\iinmon the Chief Officer of the Colony of Rensselacr- 10. ) wyck to an.swer certain charges and answer to the charges 89 11. Resolution to permit the erection of stone houses within the walls of Fort ( )range 23. Resolutions to oppose Slcchtenhorst's continued encroachment at Fort ( )range 10. Resolution to send a small Military force to Fort Orange to oppose the encroachments of the Colony of Renselaerswvck 93 28. Declaration concerning the Trade with Eastern Indians 94 & Oct. Copies of two protests by Brant van Slechtcnhorst against Director Stuyvesant 04 Mandamus to F.rant van Slechteidiorst to a]>|)oar before the Director and Council to answer such complaints as will be i;iado against him 99 Order. Carol van Brugge, Commis.sary of Fort Orange, to proceed with the repairs of that fort and to demolish all buildings within cannon shot of the fort ini 27. Letter from the Directors to Peter Stuyvcsiint : censured for meddling in Kieft's affairs; English claims; Rensselacrswyck and Fort Orange; Fiscal van Dyck's complaints ; pro:u'hers ; iron mines 102 21. Resolution to sunmion the English towns on Long Island to send deleg-ates to New Amsterdam, and consider of an embassy to Fatherland 109 2ti. Letter from Thomas Tapi>ing, Rich''. Oildorsleeve and other deputies to Director Stuyvesant, promising to send an answer to his proposals and Stuy vesant's reply io9 4. Resolution. To grant the farmers on the island of Manhattan free ])as- tunige between Schcpmoes' plantation and bouwerv No. 1 1 10 4. Minute. Of a meeting of the Council and burgher officers in the fort, on the subject of a journal written by Adriaen van der Donck ; his impris- onment ; ])rotest of Mr. Van Dincklage nO 4. Resolution. To call a general convention, to consist of two doiMities from each of the Colonies in Now Netherland, to consider tJio sending of a delegation to Ilollaml ; votes tlierenimn j |o 6. A].pointnient. (Vunmissioiu'rs to investigate the case „f .Vdriaen v^n dcr Dolick J I ^ 31. 2. m 'i VI 1649. Mar. 0. " Mar. 8. " Mar. 15. " May 9. " Juno 2. " July 0. (( Aufi;. 2. " Sept. 18. 1050. Feb. Ifi. " Apr. 20. " July 24. " Sept. 22. lO.'il. Jan. 20. " Mar. 21. (t Mar. 22 » Ajir. 2t!. <( July 11. l( July 11. (( Aug. 2-t. 2able of Coidenta. Paob. Kcaolution. On petition of A. van dor Donck, that ho remain imprisoned until the above commissioners report 112 \otcs of the Council, on the director-general asking their opinion whether he should road i writing ho had drawn up, to a regular mooting of tho comnianality 113 Proposal. Of Director Stuyvesant, to compel Mr. van dor Donck to prove certain statements contained in his journal, or to recall them, and not to appear in court, or among the nine men, until he do one or tho otiier ; with tho votes of the Council on tho order 113 Minute of a visit of the director-general to rev. Mr. Backcrius, to forl)id him to read, or to allow to be read, any political writings in the Church. 114 Lease of a tract of land on Long Island for 2i) years 115 Permit to rev. Johannes J?ackerius, Minister of Now Amsterdam, to resign liis otHce and return to Holland 115 Resolution. To retain and engage rev. Joannes Megapoleusis as minister of the Church at New Amsterdam 116 Letter from Robert Ilusted and others of (Jreenwicii to Dir. Stuyvesant. . IIG Letter from the Directors in Holland to Stuyvesant : Rev. Megapoleusis : Bchoolmastcr sent out: remonstrance from New Netherland : Melvn's and Van Twiller's intrigues: free navigation of the North river; abuses in land granting : iioundaries 117 Letter from the same to the same : Result of the remonstrance from New Netherland: Rev. ilegapolensis' tract on confession: Schoolmaster: Ronndaries : Kmigration 122 Letter from the same to tho same : the New Netherland delegates: alarm of the Amsterdam Chamber: emigration: Pavonia: Melyn : Van der Donck 125 Letter from the same to the Same: (itoods smuggled into New Netherland by way of Virginia : .Melyn returns to New Netherland 127 Several orders agreed vp|)on iiy and with consent and approbation of the inhabitants of (Jravc^end att severajl tyines 128 Letter of (ioorge Baxter to Dir. Stuyvesant with the above, reipiestinghim not to api oint the magistrate lately nominated 130 Letter from the Directors to the same: they send letters t" the people of New Netherland, warning them against the late delegates: Melyn's unfounded reports: aliuses in land grants: pretensions of van Rensse- laer's agents, etc 131 Deed of land at Mespath kil 137 Letter from the Directors to StuyvesiUit: Secretary Tienhovon Returns to New Nethcriand |;5s Deed of a plantation on Long Island | Ki Deed (jf a bouwery on Long Island 14 1 Letter of Sherill Underhill of Flushing, L. I., to Director Stuyvesjint : the Director to be sued by an English inhabitant of Hempstead in the ( 'ourts of New England 143 ft i 1051. Aug. 31. " Aug. 31. " Nov. 15. 1652. Jan. 4. " Jan. 4:. . " Jan. 4. " Jan. 24. " Jan. 24. " Jan. 20. " Jan. 20. " Jan. 20. 1051. Sept. 25. Ifi52. Jan. 20. Jan. 30. " Jan. 30. " Feb. 12. Feb. 13. Feb. 25. Feb. 13. Feb. 14. Mar. 5. Mar. 7. Table of Contenta. vii Paob. Deed for land and cattle on Long Island 143 Lease of a bouwery, on tlic soutli side of Hans Hansen's bouwery, called in Indian Rinncgaekonck 144 Letter from tlie Director-General to the Nine Men on tlie condition of tlio Fort and tlie necessity to protect it against stray hogs ani' c.\ttlo 145 Deed of a lot of land, liouso and barn on the t'.ore of Long Island, near tlie Ferry I'i'"' Deed of a lot of land on Long Island, together with a house and lot in Breuckelen 147 Deed of a bjt of land on tlio west Hook of Reclikewick on the East river, 148 Council Minutes. Permission granted to Abr De la Noy to retail all sorts of wines ^"^^ Council Minutes. Proclamation annulling certain ordinances of tiio au- thorities of Rcnsselaerswyck 149 Proclamation annulling certain grants of land made by the authorities of the Colony Rensselaerwyck 150 Order concerning Jan Jaiisen from S' Obyn 151 Deed of 20 morgens of Land on tho shore of Long Island 151 Letter from Barent van Slechtenhor.st to the Court of Rensselaerswyck sent to the Director-General and Council protesting against certain of their proceedings 152 Council Minutes. Resolution, calling on the Court of Rcnsselaerswyck to exi)!ain certain obscurities in their foregoing decision 154 Conncil Minutes. Ajipointinent of Members of the Board of Nine Men, 155 Ordinance Regulating the business of the windmill 155 Council Minutes. Resolution on a petition of the Nino Men, that no hogs bo shot on the wall of the Fort and that the Fort be surrounded by pal- lisades ; church property ; Surgeons ; Anabaptists 155 Representation made i>y the Directors of the .Vmsterdaiu Chamber of tho W. I. Company to the Burgoma-sters of Amsterdam on various points regarding the Province of New Netherlaiid and Resolution of the Mii- nici[>ality thereon 15*5 Letter from De])uty-Govornor Goodyear of New Haven to Director Stuy- vcsant on trade between tho Colonies 158 Atlidavit of Mii'ha.il Bu-gein, tliat Coruelis Melyii lauded contraband goods at Staten Island, wliere he fortitied his house and maintained a guard of Raritan Indians 150 Atlidavit ot the Rev. Willielmus Grasinoor, that Coruelis Melyn incited the Nayack and other Indians against Dir. Stuyvesaiit, etc 100 Ordinance prohibiting the erection of buildings within COK paces of Fort ( )range l'''l Form 2 Deed of 15 Morgens of land on the East river (Brooklyn) 1()3 viii 1652, 'Table of Contents. Miir. 21. Resolution authorizing some mumbcra of the Council to (;oininiinicato witli^'"'*'' the Nino Men and investiguto a shiiulerous cliargo against tlio Dircctor- (leneral j(..j Mar. 27. Proimeition of the Director-(4enoral to disniisH tho Fiscal llondricli van Dyck, submitted to and approved by tho Coimcil 1C4 Apr. . Patent to Franc-is Soliol and Francis Cri'ion, aliiis La Capelie, of 50 Mor- gens of land at Mciipatli kil, with tho valley adjoining 1(55 Apr. 4. Letters from the Directors in Holland to Stnyvesant ; they have written to the colonists in New IS'etlierland ; proclamation against trallic in powder, etc. ; New Amsterdam incorporated ; a New-Netherland i)nreau is to be established, to check the abnses in land granting; eonHicts arise between the purchases .if Huron van der Cai)elle and van Wcirckhovcn ; war be- tween the Moliawks and Canada Indians; KeV" Drisiiisand (irasnieer, 165 Feb. & Mar. Minntes of the Chissis of Amsterdam ' j 74 Apr. 4. Letter of the Directors of the W. I. Company to the Inhabitants of the -Manhattans: concessions made: emigration; orphans; African slave- f'""^'-* 175 A]>r. 4. Letter from tho same to tho Magistrates of Hempstead and Gravesend: on -iiiiilar topics jjlj Apr. 8. Deposition of Thomas Foster and others regarding I )ir. Stnvve.sant's ac- tion at Flushing, L. I ' j^^ Apr. 15. I'roceedings in Com-t. Action in land matters 177 Apr. 17. Letter from the Director in Holland to Stuy vesant : he is not to oli.y the onler of recall by the States-Cleneral 173 Apr. IS. Letter from the same to same: (.Jeranl Smith Nicholas and Joost van Beeck send emigrants to New Netherland, to whom land is to bi; given, 178 Apr. Ixitter from Dir. Stuyvesant to (Jov' Endicott : tiiu war between Fih'iand and Holland: intended visit to meet the Coimiiissioners of the I'nited ( 'olonies J7(j Apr. Letter from the same to (iovernor Eaton of New Haven Colonv: peace in America to be maintained notwitlistanding the war in Europe: New- England i)eo])le trat 1^2 June 17. Letter from the Director-(ieneral Stuyvesant to the Council on a Claim now made by the Indians for payment of certain lands at Fiati)ush. ... 1S;{ July 19. Letter from Steplien (ioodyear to Dir. Stuyvesant on general alTairs 1S| July lit. Ordinance reducing tin- Duty on Furs |,s4 Aug. 4. Notice to tlie Public Creditors as to the mode o( jMying their claims .... 1^5 Aug. (1. Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant : the lioumlary c|uestion : Lidians to 1h' em]4ij^d in case New England should begin hostilities; Fortitita- tions; Letter Ihix for New .Vetherland I85 t 1 T*A(1I1. ito with 'ircctor- l»!;j ick vail ICi Mor- lt;5 itteii to )()\V(lcr, id to bu otwcon var bc- ismeer, 105 174 of tlie slavi!- 175 ful : oil 170 it's nc- 177 177 icy tlic 178 St van given, 17:^ l|i.'iillHl I'liitud 17lt peace ; New 1 7lt anting 1 71» Hog's 1H2 'CBolu- IS'2 Claim h.... 1S;{ 1 SI I ,S4 * . . . . 1 ^5 iilians "tilk-a- 185 1652. Sept. u Sept, « Oct. <« Nov. 1( (( Nov. 1( Nov. « Dec. u Dec. ir)53. Jan. u Fob. a Feb. (1 Mar. (1 Mar. Mar. Mar. Alar. Apr. May May May May Table of Contents. ix Paok. 2. Petition of Brant van Slechteiiliorst for his rolcaso from confinement and Resolution granting the recpiest 187 16. Bond given by Director Stiiyvesant to the MercOiants of Anirtterilain for 12(100 guilders to be remitted in s))ceio 1S8 1. Order in Council granting to lleiidrick (Jricksen van Lymnio one piece of land on Long Island and tc Jacob Corlaer another 188 4. Court proceedings ooncerniiig Land on Mespath Kil, L. I 188 Nomination of Magistrates for Newtown, J;. I ISO & Dec. Resolution of the Amsterdam Department of the W. L C' ■ my au- thorizing tlie disjiatch of a private vessel to New Xetherlaiid 189 & Dec. Indian Deeds for New Utrecht, L. I., and the land called Xayeck, L. I., to Cornelis van Werckliovon I'.to 9. Protest of Joliinnes van Rensselaer against Dii'ector Stiiyvesant witii re- gard to liis proceedings against the (Jolony of Rensselaerwyck li»l 13. Letter from the Directoi-s to Stiiyvesant ; War with England; Abuses in granting Lands; Settlement of Nyack, L. I. ; Whale and Cod fisheries to be encouraged 1 92 27. Council Minutes. Appointment of Clerk to tlie Municipality of New Anistci'dam 1 ',>6 18. Council Minute. Resolution concerning fari.i servants, brewing and the public scales 190 26. Council Minutes. Order empowering the Sheriff of (iravesend to prose- cute certain cases before the Court of that place. Resolution to put up a weighhouBe. Church matters V.H) 13. liesolutitm on rumors of war, that certain measures of defense be adopted, llt7 13. Resolution of the Burgonuiotei's and Scheepens concerning the defense of New Amsterdam i;(8 15. Proj)ositioiis of tlie Burgomasters and Schepens in regard to the j)resent crisis 19!) 17. Resolution of the Council approving of the foregoing jiropositions 2oO 21. Council Minutes. Resolutions concerning the palli.sades anmnd Fort Am- sterdam and the export of .vines and liijuors 201 20. Resolution to fortify New Amsterdam and sciul Coiamissiipiiers to Vir- ginia 201 7. Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesiuit recommending Johan de Ilueter, who takes out to Now Netherhind a number of i)eople for Reiiselaers- wyek 202 12. Joint Resolution of Director and Council of New Netherland and tlie Magistrates of New Amsterdam to provitle for the fortifying oi' tiie City 202 20. Council Minute. Resolution on a petition of the Master of the ship " Klbing " ])raying for leave to sail 2o4 20. Petition of Adrian van der Donek fur permission to return to New Netherland 204 ^l I X Table of Contenk. Paoe lfi53 May 30. Letter from Dir. Stnyvcsiuit to tlio (Jnvernor of yirf,'iiiia roeoiiuiKiii.ling Auf,'iintiii Herman 205 May 30. Council Minutes. Orders re^'.inling tlio erection of a redonht iit Fort Orange and the scareity of grain there 2(l8 Juno (i. Letter from the JJireetons to Stiiy vesaiit : European News : lieguhitions for granting laiulfs: Itenseiaerfiwyek : Increase of cattle to he encouraged: Slave trade to N. N., etc., etc 2O6 July 24. Extract of a Letter from tlie Directors to Stuyvcsant: a[)pointinent of provincial ofUcers : Van der DonckV Description of New Nefherlanii . . 211 " Aug. 18. Letter from the same to the s;ime: the relations with the New England people ,''.... 213 Se)>t. 1,5. Resolutiun of the AV'cst India Comjiany to encounii,'e privateering 214 Nov. 4. Letter from the Directors to Stiiyve.sant : Negotiations with the I'.urgomas- ters for aid " 215 " Nov. 24. Council Alinute. Api>()iiitmcnt of deputies to attend a convention of delegates from the nearest Colonies 2I8 Nov. 25. Petition of the Burgomasters and Schepens of Amsterdam for an order transferring to them the excise on beer and wine with the minute of the appearance before tiie above magistrates of the principal citizens con- senting to contribute to the expeiKses of the City 219 " Nov. 2.'). Answer of the Director-( Jeneral and Council to the foregoing recpiest 2l'1 " Nov. 22-24.1lemonstrance of the Mcrcliantsof New Amsterdam against the Ordinance lixing the rates of import duties, passed on the li)"' of November, It;.').'!, 221 " Nov. 25. Answer to the foregoing by the Director and Council 22;{ " Nov. 27. Journal of the Proccc(iing.s of the Delegates called together by tlie order of Novbr Cr, at the City Hall in New Amsterdam 223 Nov. 2S. Remonstrance of a (.'onnnittee of .Mt'rchants, containing exiJanations called for on the 2.5"' of November 225 Nov. 28. Resolution to i)Uf up the .shi|) "King Salomon" for freight hence to Fatherland or if it cannot be ol)taine(l here to send her to Virginia for tobacco .jor; Nov. 21». Re\\{ Dee. 12. Resolution of the Council, declaring the Assembly illegal, protesting against it and ordering it to disperse 23" Paob. nionding 2i»5 ; (it Fort 2(16 tions for xiraged : 206 ;iiient of I'rlaixl. , 211 Kiijj;laii(l ....... 213 214 irgomaa- 215 litioli uf 218 n or I'oin all 22r. 227 aiitrt of liuld ill 230 23it 230 I IIICIIl- 231 ("nun- 231 [lyaiii.'it 232 10.13. " Dec. 13. « Dec. 1.3, <( Deo. 14 « D.r. M. <• Doc. H5. " Dec. Hi. " Due. 21. " Dec. 24. I«.'i4. Jan. 20. " .Ian. 27. Jan. 28 Fcl.. 10. I'd.. It'. i'VI). 111. Feb. lit. ?\'l). lit. Vvh. 23. Feb. 2(J. Mar. 12. Mar. 31. 'J'able of Contents. xi Paok. Dcdncfioiis niaile by Hic I)ircctor-(}en(>nil and Council rogiirdiiif? the re- iiiiinstrance of the 11"' of Decenibcr signcil by the Hiirgoniastors and Sclu'iHjns of this ('ity and miine Enf^linhnien 233 licsiiliition aii|ioiiitiiig a Coniinandcr for the E.\|iediti(>n agaiiiHt Priva- fi'i'rs 237 I'clitioii of till' Convention for an answer to their Remonstrance 237 I'ercMiptiiry order to the sijvcr.'il Dcle-^ates of the (/onventioii to diH|ier8e and not to meet a^'ain nndcr pain of ari)itrary correction 238 Council Minutes, (.'onsidcratioii of tlie hist reijuest made by the eo-ealled 1 h'Ic'ratcs 239 lA;ttcr from the Director-(ioncral to the Inhabitants of lirooklyn, New- town and Flatbu.sh, informinjj them that the Knglisli privateers are again hovering' abnut and warning them not to send delegates to any meeting in New Amsterdam 240 Commission of Lev. Siinincl Drisius as Diplomatic Agent to be sent to Virginia 041 Answer of the Director-deneral and Council to the Uomonstrance of the Merchants' Committee of November 28'" concerning the new Tradc- Hegulatioiis 042 ( )rdiiiancc relating to Marriages 243 Letter from IVtrus Stuyvesaiit and the Council to tlio Magistrates of (iravcseiid with the alxive Ordinance 243 i'etition from the i>urgiim;uved : lien.-elaerswyck: I.aiidgraiits : Church affairs : Uevenues 2,">0 Order directing the Magistrates of (Jravesend to produce their charter in proof of certain assertions made by them 253 Xll U\5i. Apr. 8 ti Apr. H M Apr. 8 4< Apr. 9. <( 41 Apr. Apr. 14. 14 Apr. IC). Apr. 30. Apr. ;S(). May 2. Miiy 13. May 18. Miiy 18. May 18. May 30. May 30. Junu 1. June 1. June 2. June 8. " June 13. " June 13. 'Julie of Contents. I'aciic. Onlinauco aj^aiiint Pinitcw and Vatfabomis and rc'i|uirin;; wtrangurH U> rcpurt and j^ivf an account of tiioniselvcw 2.")4 Ordinanct' of tlio District Oourt at Itrcuckclcn, etc., for tlii' bettor defunHO of tlie Duti'ii towuri on hong Icland 254 Commission appointini; Secretary van Tienlioven and nurf^omaster Cregier to go as envoys to the (Jovernor of N(!\v Haven 254 Order directing a resident of nreuckelen to leave tlie country for refus- ing to serve as Afagititrate 255 Passport for the Knvoys to New Haven 25(f Order on a petition of the autiiorities at Fort Orange, relating to limits of jurisdiction, lands granted to the Patroon and appoint.nu'ut of Magis- trates 25"'. . . . 25!) Council Minute. Appointment of Commissionen} to lay out land on Long Island 2(!0 Letter from the Directors in Holland to Director Stuyvesant 2tl0 Abstract of a Letter from the JSiirgoinasters and Schepens of New Ani- stirdam (to thi' Directors of the W. f. Comp.) without dat • 2t!5 Letter from the Directors at Amsterdam to tiie municipal officers of New Amsterdam 2tlt! Pro]Misals sidimitted to the Council l)y the Director-Oeneral on having received information of the arrival at Hostoii of several Knglish nu'ii of- war, designed against New Netherl.ind 2t)7 Ke.solution of the ( 'oiincil to postpone the consideration of these proposals. 2t!s Order concerning the siilary of the ministei-a of the gospel 208 Part of a lease of the Ferry fi'om a Coimnittee of the Council to Kgbert van Borsuni I'errynian 2li ; renewed prep.u-aliolis for defeii.se. 272 i'ropositiolis made by the ILin'''' Director-(ienfra! and High Coiilicii to tJH'ir Woi>hi])s tiir liiirgoinasters and Schepens of this City of New- Aninterdam, which were delivered to them in writing 273 1054. JiiiU! 13. " Juno 13. " June 13. " Jnno 1 1. " Juno IT). '' Juno 15. " June It). " July 1. " July 2. " July 7. " July 11. " July II. « July '21. « July W\ " July -21. " July 21. " Aui,'. ± " An;;. Id. " Aufi. li>. •' Auff. 13. " Auj;. 1.5. " Aug. 20. " Au:;. 21. 'JUl0 of Contevts. xiH Paiik. Pl(<(lr;f> suhinitfrrl hy tlio Diroctoi Oonp.-iil totlio RurirotuuHforH etc. engaging tlu'iuHclves to confrilmtu to tlio pulilie defenfii-, whicli tlicy declino to sifCn 274 OnliT nil w ))('titi()u of Surgeon Viirniviuigcr for niodicincB 274 Resolution to ropjiir tlit! FurtiliciitioiiH and provide for tlio oxponnos by dutios on tixportod goods 274 Onltir dirw'ting all SiiiirilTn etc to ongiigo luborcra for tlio work on tlic for- tilicatioiw 27.') Letter from tncrcliants of N(!\v-Anistordam to tlio Director ote approving of the tole al)ovo mentioned and offering the iweniieH of Now-Auister- dam us a jiledge for the repayment 27tl Council Miuiite. Appointment of ('arston Jervennen as Commander of the ynejit • linen ;" New.n of Peace with Fnglaiid received 277 A]i])oiiitiiie!it of rernoimto Hiiperinteml the worknii'iion the Fortitications. 278 Ordinance regulating the Kerry at tlu! iManhuttans 278 Ke.HoJiition to Hunimon the .Magistrates of (iriive.^enil ami Middleliurgh to give an account of certain secret meetings in their villages and of rumors of a Dutch consjiiracy to ninnler tin,' Kiiirlish 27H Ordinance! agaiiist removing prnpiTty from tlu' (!icy of N'ew- Amsterdam during tli(! ]>resent panic and forhidding the return to the City, lifter the panic: has snhsided, of all, who may have removed 27!* Ordinance agiiinst circulating false reports and concerning peo])le who have removed from the City 279 Ordinanee to jirevent injury to the fortifications 2X0 Ap])oiufnient of Jac(pies Corteljoii as SherKT of New-Amsterdam and minutes, stating his refusal of thi' ap])ointment 2S0 Extract from a Letter of tlie Directors to Stuyvesant; Emigration to New Netherliind 280 Resolution not to iiuiuiro into tlie |)ast eoiuluct of the Burgomasters etc., hut to summon them hefore the Council and after having admonished them give them the letters from the home-authorities 280 Petition of Merchants lately arrived from Holland for permission to dis- 1 . irge their cargoes ])aying the old duties and answer thereto, remitting one-fourth of the duty 281 Order directing the i5nrgouiasters etc to send in a return *)f the revenues and expenditures of the City's Kxcise 2^<2 Extract from the Resolutions of the Hiirgomasteis and Si'hepens of the (^ity of New-Amsterdam (coiK'cniing a piihlic loan and a tax ou tanih. . 2><3 Ordinance regulating the pulilic wciirli house and scaler 284 liesolution of the Director and (/ouiieil to resume the Tavi'riikeepers" Ex- cise and to farm it luit to the highest liidder 284 Tlie Case uf John (iray (Criji of Middiel.urgh (Newton L. L) 2S4 Ordinanci' ngiilating the duties of the Provoost 2^7 Re.-oliitioii to ]postpone the collection of the tenth and to impose a tax on laud and cattle 287 t USi. Aiij^. 34. Ann. *JH. Sep. 3. Sep. 14. Si'p. 1«. Oct. 13. Oet. 20. Oct. 27. Nov. It. Nov. 10. Nov. 10. Nov. 18. Nov. 14. Oct. 28. ( Nov. 18. ( Nov. 23. Nov. 23. Nov. 23. Nov. 24. Nov. 25. Nov. 25. Nov. 26. Tahle of CuiitttitH. I'Afllt. Ordirmiico iiiipngin;^ n tut on ciittlo iiiid limd 2Srt OniiimiK'i'iigiiiiiHt ndling stnmjj li(piorn to liuliiitm. pnitHcd Anj^iint Ss"" 1(154. 2«8 Ix'ttcr from tlio Hiir^oiiiiiHtcrtt uml Selii-pcnH to tlu< Uii-tK-tor uml Coiii.cil ; wilarifH of tlieminiutor ami cliuri'lutlHcei'H mill tlio military ; ( 'ity-HJiurilT; taxt'B i»M8 Council Mimiti". Tlio MiigiKtrutcs of Midwoiit ^Fliitlnwh) nro uiitliorizod to li'vy a tax iilto Letter from i)ire('tor-StiiyveijHiit to Lady Moody at (inkvexciid in rcj^ard to the ap|ioiiitmeiit of (■oiiimi!neri4 to Kettle certain iNnmdary 1 Order on a j)etilion from the Court of Midwout and Amer»foort re«pect- inj; cliurcli matters '2!»4 Letter from the Director and (}onncil to tlie ((iovernor and ('(iniicil of Connecticut !) compiaininif of encroachments on Long Island and in Westchester County 2H5 ( >rder graiitini; permishion to Andries Ilarperls to huy an island and piece of laiui opposite Fort Orange ... •_'!»() Uesolntion to iiire Isaac Allerton's house for the purpose of lodging the children sent from the J'oorhonse in Amsterdam iilMl Nomination an7 Letter from SherilT Morris of (iravescnd to I)ir. Stnyvoant 2'.i7 Proposals from the (.'ourt of Fort Orange and lieverwyck with the answers of the Director and Council ^'.IS Coiuicil Minute. Resolution respecting the Town olliccrs of (travesend.. 21I!) Letter from the Directors in Holland to !Stuy\es;iiit : Ta.ves and HevenneH ilensselaerwyck : Boundaries and the Treaty of Hartford: Negro Slaves. :i(i(t Kemoiist ranee of the Schepens of New-Amsterdam against lieing di'privetl of the I'evenue from the City K.xcise ;in5 Deed of a house, harn, and 2."> morgens of lan.li one .Foseph Fow- ler from their village .">o7 AgrwMnent hetwwn P. L. van der Grift and partners and the Dire<'tor and Council for the charter of the ship ''de gulden Hay," to be sent to the West Imlies ;;()7 I'AflB. aSH >'" HIM. ii.SH votiia-il; ■HhvrilT; L'M.H tlitirizutl 200 I'jjurd to JHltcK. . 21)0 li'.tl I llUiyo- i 2!tl resjH'i't- 204 lIM'il of itiid ill 205 I HI III . . . L'!M) piig tlio 20rt 20tt [itiiidiiig :i!>7 ; totiikf i:i»7 2:17 iiiimvcrs 2!IS ■seiiil.. 2!t!> I'VCIIIU'H Slaves. :i(K» L'j)riviHl ■M\5 licrwiMj aoo xi'isc (if ;i()(5 )ll l'"o\V- .".117 'tor atiil t to the ;:(»7 1654. I)«'f. H. " I)w. 17. " Doc. 17. " Dec. 17. " Di'c. ;ii. ]«55. Jim. 27. " Feb. 9. " Miir. 2. « Mur. in. «' Mar. 2;{. " Apr. 2. " Apr. 8. « Apr. 20. " Apr. 20. " Miiy 6. " May in. " May 21. «' May 22. « May 20. « May 2(\. « Mav 27. Table of Contantu, xv Paiik. CoiiiK'ii Minuti', Proeot'tlitij^H of flie f 'uttnvil »tlttinK with th»^ BnrKoinaM- tcrx and 8('lio]Mti)H, uii tioing inforinud i>f tliu Diniutor'tf iiit(>iitio;i to viHJt Ciiruciio 300 CoiiiK-il Miiiiitd. KcHoliitioii tliaiikiiii; Allanl Aiitliiiiiy for HurviccH roa- (Ici'imI an a^ciit in ilollaiKJ ami votiii<; liiiii 11 rcwanl 310 Appoiiitmciiti* and proiiiotioiiw in tliu Uiirj^lit-r CoiiipanifHof Ncw-Amitor- dam 310 Apiioiiitiiicnt of ('oinini«Hio!iortt for liuildiii^ 11 cliiirch and paraonn^' at Midwout 310 ( (nliiiaiicc ajjaiiittt tlu! Iircakiii>{ otT or Htcaliiif^ of fi'iicun, (-litithimrilrt etc.. 311 Council MiiiutiM. Itmiioi-fi of an iiiti'iided iiivartioii of Lonj^ Island liy tlio United New Kiij;laiid CoionieH: C'oiiiiiiissioners onlcred to visit the new wttli'inent at Oyster I Say 311 (!oniicil Minute. Domini! roliiemiiis askw for pecuniary iisniHtance. Aid artked for liuildinj; a diurcli at .Midwoiif, L. 1 311 C(Miiu!il Minute. llciKirt of Domino Mcf^apoiensiM on tlio buildinj? of a cliiircli in Midwout, L. 1 312 Council Alinuten. (JoiiimiKsioners appoiiUod to sottlo some diflerencos in tlic KngliBli Townn on Lonjj Inland 312 Council Minute. Loyal Inhabitants of (Jnivesend askitij? that tho town election be postponed 313 Protest aj^ainnt certain partieH, settled without authority at Matinnoconck, \. 1 313 Order on a petition of tho Court of I?rooklyn for loavo to send a noinina- tion for MafjistratoH 314 Letter from the Directors in IIollaiKl to Stiiyvesant : Taxes and the Flefusal of the People to be taxi'd without their consent: Jews: Kuvetines : Fort on Ixnig Island : lioiindaries 316 Deed of a house and parcel of land in the villaj^e of Breuckelen 318 Petition of the Clerk of tiie Courts of Breuckelen, Midwout and Aines- foort for an allowance for his troubles and order establishing a tariff of fees 310 Onlcr on a Petition of Gregory Dexter, an Englishman, desiring to settle on Long Island 320 Deed of Lot No. 27, in the village of (Jnivesend, L. 1 320 Deed for 2."> morgcns of land, situate on the west side of the village of Midwout, L. 1 321 Ijctler from the DirectoiN in Holland to Stnyve-iant : Children from the Orphan Asylum ; Iloundaries: I)isturl)ani'es on Long Island 321 Letter from the Directors to the Miinicii>ality of New- Amsterdam and the Magistrates of other Towns in New Netherland ; Taxes on Land, Houses etc imposed 324 Letter from tho Burgomasters of Amsterdam to Stuyvesant : Boys and (lirls rrom the .\lin.-.houses sent to New Netherland 325 4 :»/ li I XVI 1655. June .'?. " Jniio 15. " June 17. " June IS. " July 10. " July ly. " July 10. Aug. 31. Sop. 10. Sep. 2"). Oct. 12. Oct. 12. Oct. IC. 1(556. Jan. 15. '' Kch. 15. " Fel). 15. « Feb. 25. " Feb. 2!>. Mar. 10 iV' 21. " Miir. 13. « Mar. 25. " Miir. 28. " .Mar. 2S. 7af>le of Contents. Paor. Council Mi'nnto on tlio applic.ntion of the Oversocr.s of the Poor in regjinl to their land on Long Island 320 Order on a Petition of tlie Magistrates uf Midwout and Aniesfoort for assistance! in niaintaininir their minister 327 Deed of 25 niorgciis of land in Mes]iaf h kil, L. 1 327 Resolution of Council to notify Lady Mood;' and tlieirdiabituntsof Graves- eiid to send in a iioMiinatio.i for Magistrates 327 Contr; ct to suiierintend the Ifouwery and cattle of Director Stuyvesant, at Aniersfoort 328 Lease of iv bousvery at Afidwoiit, L. 1 328 Council Minute. The Magistracy of GravesiMid. Letter from Lady Moodv and Uenionstrance against her noinineoa by the Dutch inhabitants of Grav( -.('n() Petition of liobert Jackson, Daniel Denton and others of II emsted for the grant of a certain tna-t of land, jmrchased by them from the Indians, "called Conorasst^t " (Jamaica, L. I.) and Council Mimite granti?ig it. . 339 letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant: Jews to have some privih'gcs; Indian raid of New-Anisferdam ; ILirtf08- 331 335 n(l,L.I. li(! will ntil (lis- 335 336 liiif^ i>y 33ti I]) a col- 337 111(1 por- !•> I litlwoiit ;!3S lingo (if 3:i!) I tor the InilinnH, iiig it. . 33!) viU'gfs; 1../. .. 310 ristnifi'.s 313 .1- Mi.l- 311 |iri('i(H's rlTcct. 345 165«. Miir. 28. " Mar. 30. " Apr. 3. " Apr. 4. Apr 4. (( May 14. l( May 27. ;l Mav 2(i. 11 Jiiiie 3. n June 11. « June 27. « June 27. u (I « It OB. Council Minute. Ai>plication from tlie Magistrates of Midwout for assist- ance U> pay tlieir minister and answer of the ('ouneil 346 Noiiiination of Magistnite.s for the Town of Middlehorough, L. 1 346 I{esolution of the Directors of tho W. I. Co., Dept. af Am.sterdam, con- cerning a ship from Medcnblick sent to Cura(;ao with Negro Slaves. . . 346 Council Minutes. Appointment of Magistrates for Middlehurgli (New- town L. 1.) Resolution to offer for sale the house and lot called the Old Church, on the East river, New Amsterdam. Petition of Sarah Joresey, first born Christian daughter in New Netherland for a piece of land on L. I. and Order of tho Council 346 Council Minutes. Lands to be divided between Middlehorgh and Aruhem, L. I. ; Cannons for Gravesend ; Magistrates of Fort Orange ; Anthony Jan.sen g^-r Letter from John Tilton, Clerk of the Town of Gravesend, to Stuyvesant, 818 Patent for lot in Brooklyn, L. 1 349 Ordinance of tlie A[agistrates of Midwout and Amesfoort, for the safety of their villages 35^ Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant : Trade between Virginia imd New Netherland prohibited : Jews: Lutherans: Public Records 350 Ordinance for the Payment of the Tenths 353 Ordinance providing for the Clearance of Vessels and for the Entry of Goods subject to E.\])ort Duties 354 Resoluliou, that the Directors and Council proceed to Gravesend for the settlement of boundary quarrels there 354. Judgnu'iit in tlie case between Gravesend and Anthony ■lanseii and others, 351 Pai)ers regarding the dispute between the Director-''^1'^'^^ ! 304 Order lor :i Resurvey of the Boundaries of .lansen's and Peniu)ver's Patetit ' .y,,r rttio Ordinance explaining the Ordinamv of August 1 l'\ so far as the anchor- age grounds in the Port of .New .ViusU'rdam are concerned 366 Patent for Land on Long I^laIul g,;,; Ordinance regulating the Fees payable at the Custuni-nou..e and Public Store at New Amsteiilam 3^;^ -:=SeSS W.tl,lk. f XVlll 1 (550. Sept. 22 (( Sept. 20 (( Sept. 30 « Nov. a Dec. 14 « Dec. 11> " Dec. 21 Dee. 9.1. Dee. 21, " Dee. 21. « Dec. 28 1057. Jan. 15 (( .1,111. Iti (( .Tim. 10 a JllM. 10 " J:in. 10 ik Jan. a Jan. 10 a Fell. 7 a Fel). 13 (( Mar. 12 Apr. 'Ibble of Cuntenis. Pa(ib. Rei)ort of tlie Commissioners appointed to inquire into some Diil'ereneen between inhabitants of Middieliurgh (Mcwtown), L. 1 306 Council Minute. Tlio Magistrates of Brooklyn and other Long Island Villages aslc, tliat Measures bo adopted to pacify the Indians in tlieir Vicinity 308 Council Minute. Indians of Masepingli, L. I., voluntarily return goods stolen by Sicketawacli (L. I.) Indians 369 Sentence of AVilliaiii IlidJett of Flusliing for allowing Pa})tist Conventi- cles in his House and of William Wiekendam for oftieiiiting as Minister of the (lospel at Flushing 309 Letter from D" Poliiemius to Dir. Stuyvesant, comjJaining that his House is not inhaliitable 370 Extract from a letter of tlic Directors to Stuyvesant: Settlers to dwell in Villages; Delegations to New England; Tenths; KenseJaerswyck ; Revenues ; Frenchmen among tiie Indians 371 Letter from Dir. Stuyvesant to the Magistrates of Midwout about the Minister's House 376 Apiuiintment of Magistrates for Hempstead, L. 1 376 I'etitioii of Domine Folliemus for an Advance of liis Salary to enable him to pay for a Parcel of Land 377 Petition of William Ilallett for Remission of the Sentence of Banish- ment ; granted 377 Patent for Land near Mespath Ivil, L. 1 378 Petitii>n of Edward Jessup of Middlebourgh for Mill-Rights 378 Petition of the Magistrates of Aiiiesfoort, jiraying Continuation of an Assessment for tlie Minister's Salary ; granted 378 Petition of the Magistrates of Midwout for Power to make an A.sscssiiient to i)ay their Minister, to farm the Excise, etc., ami Order thereon 379 Petition (if the Magistrati's of Brooklyn against the Asisessment for tlie Minister's Salary and objecting to the Appointment of I{ev. Poliiemius, 380 Pi^titioii of Jaipies Corteljoti for Permission to [ilaut a ^'illage on Long I,-laiid (New rtreiht) 382 Letter of the Magistrates of Ih-dnklyn to the Director and Council aliout the Salary of tlieir Minister 382 Petition of Inhabitants nf Middleborough (Newtown), L. I., aiioiit the Hou.i5 I'etitioii .s against 384 Minibter's 3sr. Duties on 3>:. lerswyek ; 380 1657 . Apr. 17, <( May 26 (( May 26. Dee. 27. 058. Jan. 20. i< Jan. 23. n of D" Polhemius. .Minister at Midwout, L. I., cVici'm- '"f^' ''i'-^ ^■^^■■»-y ' 412 Council Minute. School ordered to be closed 412 Council Minute. Survey of Land in Dispute near Middleborgh. L. I., and order thereon; Schoolmaster; Magistrates for Midwont and Amcsl ^""'•^ 412 Ordinance for establishing a new Village (Harlem) at the End of Maidiat- taii Islaiul ^ Ordinance to prevent Fraud in tho Sliipping „f Tobacco 413 I'atent for Land at Mespath, L. I 4,!j Ordinance for the better (Jovernmcnt of the Town of Flushing 413 Council Minute. The School of Jacobus van Curlear; Magistrates for Brooklyn ,-,„ ■ii.o XX 1658. April 2. " April 7. " April 11. " April 16. « May 11. « May 20. " May 2.S. » June T. " July 2. '= July 2. July -1. " July 8. « July 30. " Aug. 13. " July and " Oct. 4. " Nov. 27. " Nov. 10. 16.-)9 Fcl). 13. " Feb. 20. " April 21. " April 21. " April 25. " Ai>ril 1ft. " May 23. " July 23. " Sept. 4. TMe of Contmta. Paqk. Sentence of the Persons, who refused to contribute to the eiilary of Domino Pollicniius 41* Letter from Father Simon Lo Moyno, S. I. to Director Stuyvesant, trans- mitting a letter from the Manpiis de Daiilebout, Governtir of Canada. . 415 Ordinance against cutting Sods or dredging Oyiitersheils on Manhattan Island within certain limits 415 Grdinancu relating to Import and E.xport Duties 416 ConKrmation by the Indians of the Sale of Hempstead in 1043 416 Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant: Cm-rency ; English Intrigwcs on Ix)ng Island; Lutherans; Latin Scliuol ; Ministers; Snniggling 417 Resolution concerning the Ferry to Long Island 421 E.xtract from a Letter of the Directors to Stuyvesant : Lutherans and the Formulary of Baptism 421 Council Minute. Agreement with Gravesend for the Tenths 421 Letter from Stuyvesant ai. ' the Council to the Vice-Director of Fort Orange concerning the Tenths of Renssclaerswyck 422 Council Mimite. ^lagistrates for Gravesend, L. 1 422 Petition of I'eter Tonneman for pay for his services as Schont and Secretary of Hruoklyn, L. 1 423 Council Miiuite. Magistrates for Newtown, L. 1 424 Council Minute. L'lnd Matters concerning New Utrecht, L. I. ; School. . 423 Aug. Court Proceedings concerning the Iligiit of Way in Middleborgh, (Newtown) L. 1 424 Patent for Land in Brooklyn, L. 1 425 Council Minute. Letter from tiu; Town Clerk of lli'inpstead to Dir. Stuyvesant ; Ai)i)ointment of Magistrates for Hempstead, L. I 425 Summons to several jH'rsons at Hempstead, to answer a complaint of the Farmer of the Excise 426 Letter from tlie Directors to Stuyvesant : Smuggling; Currency; Tobacco; Salaries of OHiccrs ; Duties; Salt dcclan'd a Monopoly ; Fort on Oyster Bay ; Latin School ; Privileges of tlie Cxty of New Amsterdam 427 Letter from tlie Directors to Stuyvesant: Cidldren from the Aimsehouse sent to -New Xetlierland 434 Council Minute. Magistrates for Gravesend ai)pointed 434 Patents f.ir Land on Long Island 435 Letter from the Directors to Stuyves.ant : Renssclaerswyck: Latin School; Staten Island ; Code of Procedure 435 Resolution of the Amsterdam Department of the W. I. Company apjxiint- iiig a Latin Schoolmaster for .New Amsterdam 137 Patent for Land in Flatland, L. 1 437 Lctti'r from Director Stuyvesant and tiie Council to tlie Directors in Holland: Currency; New England and liie Treaty of Hartford; Public Accounts; Rensselacrswyck ; Latin School ; Fort Amsterdam 438 Letter from Stuyvesant to the Directors in Holland: Sick; Decline of Trade at Fort Orange ; Emigration 444 Paqb. of Domino 414 isant, trans- F Canada. . 415 Manhattan ;.... 415 416 416 ntrigiies on ing 417 421 m» and tlic 421 421 or of Fort 422 422 (1 Secretary 423 424 ; School . . 423 iddleborgli, 424 425 ad to I)ir. 1 425 hunt of the 426 ; Tobacco; t on Oyster am 427 (\lni8choiisc 434 434 435 itin School ; 435 ny apjiiiint- -137 437 )i rectors in ord; Puhllc n 438 Decline of 444 Ihble of Contents. ^^jj 1659. Sept. 17. Extract from a Letter of Stuyvosant to the Directors: Latin Scliool •^*°*" Medicinal Seeds wanted ' ^. " Sept. 17. Letter from Stuyvesant to the Directors : Direct Trade witli France 445 « Oct. 30. Resolution of the Amsterdam Department, W. L Co., concerning mail facilities " Nov. 12. Letter from the General Court of Massaclmsetts, through Seuivtary'ltawBon « T^ „. -n *° ?^""''''^"'' ^t"'yvesant, claiming part of the territory of New Netherland 446 Dec. 20. Petition of the Minister and Churchwardens of Midwout for material to ])aint their Church ^ Dec. 22. Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant ; Import Duties; "l^Iockhouse at „ ^.>'**^'""'"i>'; R'-'vennes; Renssclaerswyck; Latin Schoolmaster 448 Dec. 26. Kxtract from a letter of Stuyvesant to the Directors in [Tolland : Proposals fro.n New England; an English Frigate at New Amsterdam; Finances and Trade 1660. Jan. 16. Petition for Land in Now Utrecht," j.i.ng Islaiul '. 455 « Feb. 4. Petition for Land on Long Island and Leave tc settle a Town""' beyond tlie Hills by the South Sea," (Jamaica, L. L), and Order of Council granting it Feb. 9. Ordinance for the Establishment of Villages 453 Feb. 23. Council Minute. Connnissioner appointed to have Brooklyn' and New Utrecht surveyed and enclosed. Petition and Ordei-s concerninir New Utrecht ° " Feb. 26. Ordinance for the better proservation' of 'the" pallisades around' 'Midwout ^^ and Amesfoort, L. I " Mar. 0. Letter from th. Directo.-s to Stuyvesant ;' Postal arrangements \ ' Cun^cao ' iiid Slave Trade " Mar. 27. Lcrer from (iovenn-r Winthrop'.if New'TLmMi' to 'Director Stuyvesant in ''^ r.'gard to the English Frigate at New Haven . . 450 Apr. 3. Letter froin Director Stuyvesant to the Magistrates of Hem'stead,' sum'- moiling them to New Amsterdam " Apr. 12. Pc^titionoftheluhabitantsofClravesemlfortheappointment'ofa'cW man and answer thereto. . a- " Apr. .6. ,.^3r f,-ou. .he nircc..,. in Holland '.; Sti^vesant; ' Clel^y men 'and Ciiuich atlairs ; Slienlf of New Amsterdam .q, Apr. 9. Com,nis.sion of Peter Tonneman ,is Sellout of New Amsterdam'and 'liis Instructions Apr. 20. Letter from Diivctor Stuyvesant to the GenemrCou'rt'of Miissmdnmetts' '^^'^ " Anr .. I '""T"'-:! ^''^' ^'"*^''' ♦'^'•' '" New Netherland and the Hiid.son river.',' 465 Apr. 21. Le ter from Stuyvesant to the Directors in Holland : Staten Island ; Block house atOysterbay; AuctioiieeiV Fees ; Domine Polhemus ; Curi^.u-y and foivign Trade ■' " Apr. 26. Oi^ersof rv>n,icil on PetidonS'to be' rdieved from the Operation^ of the ^^ " Vf ., n ^^'■''r'":' '"'■ "'" '■''^'^'''"•^'""^'"f "f Villages, pas.sed Fel.r. ',., 16(;0. . 472 May ,'. Councl Mmute. Appointment of M.gistm.es for Lon. Island Towns. New I lantations near Brooklyn. Clinirh at Midwout! 473 .♦ XXll 1660. May 25. " June 2. " June 26. « July 5 " to Aug. 30. " Aug. 20. " Sep. 2. " Sep. 20. " Sep. 30. " Oct. 19. " Oft. 6. " Dec. 9. " Dec. 24. 16G1. Jan. S. " Jan. 29. " Feb. & Mar. " Feb. 18. " Feb. 25. « Mar. 21. « Mar. 31. " Apr. i^- May. " .luiie. " July 4. « July 0. " July 21. " Aug. 21. " A\v'. 21. Table of Contents. Pauk. Council Minute. Iloinateil and the Indians 474 Ordinance ])roviding for tlu; wafe Tran.sniission of Letters to Holland 474 Letter from Director Stuyvesaut to the Directors in Holland ; Postal Ar- rangements; English Encroachments; Sheriff of Brooklyn; Currency. 475 Council Minute : Magistrates for Middleborgh, (Xewtown, L. L) appointed ; Laud matters in Amesfoort ; Cliun'li matters in Brooklyn 477 Patent for Laud in Fiatlands, L. 1 479 Council Minute. Conference with Long Island Indians 480 Letter from the Directors in Holland to c ' . Blockhouse at Oys- ter bay ; Currency ; Negro Slaves . 480 Council Minute. The Church at Midwout, 1 482 Patent for Laud in Jirooklyn, L. I 482 Letters from Stuyvesaut to the Directors in Holland ; Political Ctain Scott 506 ^ A- 1602. Jan. 12 " Jan. 27. " Feb. to July. " July 15. " Aug. & Sep. " Nov. 10-13. Dec. 0. " Dl'C. 2S. ltj(!3. Jim. 4. " Jim. 8. " Jan. to Ai)r. " A])r. 10. May J 4. " May to "Nov. ,5 it 15. 1664. Jan. & Feb. Feb. 14. " Jan. & Feb. " I'Vb. 24. " Mar. 1(1. " Mar. 20. ■" Apr. 20. " May 20. " June 10. July r.. Aug. 4. Aug. 24. " Aug. 2',t. Table of Contents. xxiii Council Minute. Disputes about Land at Matinicock anrl Gravoaend, L. T 507 . Extract from a Letter of tlio Dircetors to Stuyvcsaiit ; BIockliouBo at'oyn. ter l)ay ; Lord Sterling's Olaim to Long Island 508 Council Minnte.'i. Long Island Matters jqq Extract from a Letter of Stny vesaiit to tlio Directors : John Scott's Pateiit for Long Island ,. - Council Minutes. New Ftrecht and Xyack, L. I. Quake'r.s nVFlusliing. 515 Letters relating to the Annexation ..f Long Island to Connecticut. ... ^. 516 Letter from the Direct.jrs to Stuyvesant : Saltworks on Coney Island! . . . 518 Council Minutes. Busbwick Affairs _r,jg Council Minutes. Churcb Affairs in Midwout, L. I. Magistrates for New ' Utmd.t 520 Extract from a Letter of Stuyvesant to the Directors: Long Lsland annexed to Connecticut .„„ ,^ ., Ti,. ,, 520 Conned Minutes. Magistrates appointed for Long Island Towns. Land granted and Land matters on Long Lslaml. Ferrv to Long Lsland. . . . 521 I Extract from Letters of the Directors to Stuyvesant': i'roeeedings of Con- ' I necticut on Long Island ; Fortifications; Huguenots; Quakers. . . 525 Council Minutes. A new Hamlet near Waliabout ; Cburch at Amesfoort • Volunteers for tlie Esopus War ; Tithes; English L.trigues on Long I^''""l 5^7 Letters from Director Stuyvesant to the (Jovernorand Council of Connec- ticut about tiie Claims of the latter roo Council Minutes. Confereneo with Long Island Indians; Appointment of Magistrates; Mill at Husbwick; OtKces of llecord established on Longlshmd ^^^ Ordinance for the Recording of Deeds and Mortgages in Urooklvn, Flat- bush, Flatlands and New I'trecht ] . . . . ' ' ' ..4.0 Patents for Land on Long Island r 40 Agreement between the Dutch Commissioners and John Scott. . ...... 54.4 Certificate of th.; Removal of some Engli.sjitnen from Sellouts bav in 104o 545 Council Minute. Appointment of Magistrates for Long Island' Towns 545 Extract from a Letter of Stuyvesant to the Directors: Fortifications „n Long and Stateii Island ; Jnbn Scott, and the English on Long Island 540 CouiK'il Minutes. Mill on Hoggs Island ; Gowanus Bav ; Tenths. . . 547 Extract from Letter of Stuyvesant to tiie Directors: Encroachments bv ' ^Connecticut; Effect of the States-General's Le'tfers in Long Island .. .'. 548 Petition of the Reverend Henry Selyns for his dismissal from the churches at Brooklyn and the Pouwery g.g E.xtmct from a Letter of Stuyvesant to the Directors: Imprisonment ,,f John Scott ; Long Island and tlin English 55] Li<'. rtso to rocruit Soldiers on Long l>Iaiid .igainst the Dutch. ... 555 Letter fnmi Col. Xicolls to Capt. Young about such Long Islan.l people aa liave taken up arms against tiio Dutch 555 XXIV Ihhle of Contents. V I SSCOND PERIOD. The Province under English Hide, from the Surrender by the Dutch to the Establishment of Counties. 1664 - JO84. Paob. 1604. Sep. 11. Passport for Capt. John Scott, foareing arrest from Connocticut 557 " Sep. 15. A warrant for Mr. Oovert Looetpiormaiis cum Socijs, concorniiig Oyster Bay on Long Island 657 " Sop. 2-1. A warrant for tlio arbitration of tiio Dilfcronces between Graveseud and New Utroi'ht 558 " Oct. 7. A Warr' concerning M' Govort Loocquernnvns bnisncsse at Oyster Bay in Long Island 668 " 0<'t. 7. ArticlcH of Agreement made with Deputies from Albany after the reduc- tion of the Province 559 " Oct. 20. Proceedings to ascertain the title to certain lands at Oyster Bay, L. I . . . . 560 " Nov. 30. Comniissionerrt apjiointed to collect the Taxes on L. 1 561 " Dec. 1. Letter to tlio Commis.siuners Concerning the boundary with Connecticut. . 561 " Dec. 12. Order to the Magistrates of Gravesentl to send in a statement of their difference Witli Thomas A pplegate 662 " Dec. 24. Appointment of ofticers for Flushing 562 1665. Jan. 2. Letter from the Governor to the Inhabitants of Jamaica, L. I 563 " Jan. 1^. Order summoning the Magistrates of Flusliing and Jamaica 663 '• Jan. 18. Order concerning Jamaica & Andrew Messenger 663 " Fob. The Govcriio" Lre toy" Inhabitants of l-ong Island, touching a Gen*" Meeting of Deputys at llempsteed 564 " Feb. 3. The Governo" Lre to the Dutch Magistrates touching y"^ Gen"" Meeting at llempsteed 565 " Mar. The Xarnes of the Deputyes met at the Gen»" Meeting at Hempstead, w"' his Highness" Depu'>' Govctui/ March 1" 1664 and Proceedings of the Meeting 566 " Mar. Order concerning Shelter Islaiul 566 " Mar. A Letter Written by Order of y" Govern' to the Cotistahle of Flushing . . 566 " Apr. 22. Ai>iiointnient of a Surveyor of Customs for Long Island 566 " June24. Letter from Col. NicoUs to Gov' Wintin-op of Coimecticntt 567 " June 24. Letters to the (iovernors of Massachusetts and I'lymouth 567 " June 22. A L'" of advicu- from y" Governo' to the Inliaiiitants of Long Island 56.S " Aug. 7. A Lycence for tlishing 561) " Aug. '.*. A License Granted to Mr. Robert Jackson 5()!) " Aug. 23 k, Sept. 11>. Licenses to purchase' Land from the Indians 569 " Sept. 20. Licence to tr.ide with the Indians 57<» " Sept. 27. A Warrant to y" Constables & Overseers of Mrook-land 57t» " Sept. 2S. Proceedings in a suit about the title of ILjrsc-Neck, L. I 57n " Dec. 28. A L'" from v" (Jovrno' to the Constables iuiil Overseers of tliatlands concerning their Meadow (iround 573 1666. Feb. 26. A special Warrant cliieeted to the high Sherilf for ih'' collection of the (Joimtrey Assessments 673 Establishment Paqb. 557 iig Oyster 557 CBCud and 558 ter Bay in 558 the rednc- 559 , L. I . . . . 560 561 tiecticiit.. 501 t of tlieir 562 562 562 563 563 !i Gen"' 564 ' Meeting 565 enipsteiid, jedingrt of 565 566 'lushing . . 566 566 567 567 hind 56S 561) 569 569 570 57(» 57i> tllathinds 573 ion I'f tliu 573 Thbk of Contents. ^^ 1666. Fob. 27. An Order directed toy" High Sherifte to give notiee to y" Justices and"^""" other Oflic" to attend the Sessions held at Jamaica y« 14'" March 1666 for the North Riding ' " M "■ oJ' r r ""''"■""" ^""'■'" '" "'" ^""'''"^''^ ^^' Oy^^o^ of Oyster Hay. ." 574 Mar. 27. A Letter sent by Onler of the (loverno^ to the Constable "and Ovieers of feeatalcott in belialf of M' Rich Smith of Ne8a^'P>'b« at llempstee,! ro. J.n.elO. A Warnintto theJi.ticesof r Ea.t Riding of Vorkshire to';ause';dl pjons o the s.ud Ri,.ing to keep an Agreemen' made betweene y« Inhabit'" thuivot and the Indyans ^ ;; June 16. A letter Written to y« Magistrates of the Towiu-of ne„;psteed 583 June 10. A Wirnuit to the High Sher^e re,uiriug him to Send in!o y^ Secret.ves '"" ' June 16 V VV "v '"""• "'" '*"'"'" '" '''^' ^-"1' '""1 West Ridings. . .'. . 584 J".u, 1... A Warrant Lmpowering y« Sheritfe to Levy the rtines imposed by Law on wich as ri^fiise to servo as Constable .I.."o23. TheGoveruo" I, ye,.,,.... to the Inhabitants of 'xew" Towne! Zl Aug. 1. A Letter from y« Governo' to the severall Justices of the Peace on Long Inland, intimating y- Intelligence rec'd of the approach of some Enemies Aug. 27. ^l^^^^^^^^rO^J^^^r. oYr "n.pecUvo'^nvnes following con; ''' cenung the Valuation of their Est.;tes D 000 .itmmumtm>tmimt im tiwfi ii»»lli XXVI t irtrtfi. Sept. 15 <( Sept. 15. It Sept. 18. it Sept. 15. eciall Warrant to the High Sheritle to make seizure of any Estate belonging to Capt. Scott 500 A Letter to the Iligli Sheriffe 500 A Letter written t.) y" Constable ano pay tiieir jiroportfon of the Purchase of Sellers Necke to y' Ldiabit'" i)f Jamaica 503 A Letter to tiie Justice of the Pcact? (!onstabl(! iVc ai Huntington 503 Mr. Andiony Waters :issin-ance to tlie Lihabit" of Hreuckiyn, on behalf" of the Towne of Jamaica of their proponjon of Sellers Neck 593 An Agreement made l.-cfore the Oovcrnor l)etweene Capt. John Tucker on I U! behalf of the towne of I'.rookhaven, i\: M' Kichard Smith of Mesa' n;;de w- Montauket 'indyans 'at' the ''^ Assizes Ifif.a etc in .anuiiing any Agreem' w'" C. Scott . . floft June .3. Memorandum Cmcerning land at Hempstead ■ Z. " Sept. 10. An Orde' for U. absence of one Man in ...,. fandly ''n Robert WUlian.s 1 lantation Oct. 10. A Co,nmi..ion appointing Cap" Sahsbuiy Capf'of a troop'of in.'rso'on ^"^ r^ng !:,iand ' " Oct. 12. An Onler heretofor.. grau;.;.] " ^o VhJ To.^o of 'seatal^ou' about' the "'' Oct. 13. A Warrant authonz.ng Capt" Salisbury to take the subscriptions of all such person,, as voluntarily List themselves in his troop. . . co8 • Oct. ... An Onler f,.r Thon.as Chutlield to receive Custon.e for all (^ood. e.xported or nnported to and from Kasfhamptoni ^^j; ■' Oct. lo. A Lyconce graunte.l to John Cooper of Southton 'to 'dis,K.8e' of '50- of JiZg WhaL'"""'' '"'""'" " "" "^'^'"« '" '"'" "' ''' ''■''^^' «f " Oct. 29. A Letter fron. 'la.■(Jo^;;.n■' ;:.' ih.: Constables and Overseers of' IIen;p. ''' stead for the constituting a Militia there. . (.(.(. •' Nov. 10. An Or.!' concerning the Raising the Troops of Volnnteers: ;.'.': 609 Nov. 12. An Onh.r for Adam Rn.wcr of J^roucklyn do grinde for all persons 'w- out Ji.\cep5on or Distinction iNov. 21. L>ber,y (iramt.i to the Inhabltaants of Gravesend to ,oe on .- their lence or ditching. " Dec. 4. To Mr. Wdls Hiirh SherifTe' &c. !!!^ " Dee. 10. An Order for the Indians to Appear at nJxt Ses:io,.' ;:,' testify' their Knowled int Rich. Smith and y Inhabitants of Huntington C13 iKMh iJiljiMlP i \ ( xxvni IOCS. Doc. 10. «« Dec. 15. » Dot'. 17. Iflfl!). .fiiti. 4. Ffb. 10. Mi.r. IS. " Mar. 15. " Mill'. 15. " Miir. 24. " Mill'. 1. Mill-. 1. Mar. 23. Mill-. iJ5. Mar. 25. Mar. 27. !i Apr. 1. Apr. ». May 27. June 8. June 21. June 21. June 2S. July 5. July 5. July 13. Auf^. 215. Table of Contenk. PAoa An Onl' for the Siimoniii;,' in \wtaiw at tlie next C'o't nt' SesrtioiH in tlio Kiist Kiilintrof Ycrkhliire to make proof of ii title of liin there 014 A l.re from y' (ioverno' tu y° Inhahitaiitu of IlemjiHteed 015 A Lro from y' (Joverno' to y' Iiihiihitniits of Huntington lilS An Oi'd' for two pernon» t iV: take oi'il' about y vessell w''' Buffered Shi|)rm'k at y" Kast End of Loiij,' Island H17 Tlie({overiio'' Warrant to Charles dh.vrr iV John (JitTord to seareli k trye Wlieth' y' Ship run on Siioare on l.oii^ Wand may be p^served fil8 Instructioim for M^ W'" IJaeker Ol*^ An OnF to y" Justices of y" Peaec, Uonstabled Overseers of Montaukett or who this may concerne • • • • ''^"^ A conlirmagon from y (;overno' of what proceedings were done in y* cause betwceiic M' iTrancis l)ou-lityof New Towiie iV: M' Jn" Kicks Cap" Jn" Vnderiiill iS: William Lawrence A:e "l'-* The (ioverno" Lre to y' Justices of y" IVace Constable & Overseers of IIemp.stead coucernin<,' y" Horse Race ^''-O A 1-re to y ConstabU; iV Overseers of New Towne ■ • • «'20 ()reeis ol New Towne »'21 Court Proceedings: Lmd near Coiiey Island in dispute <'22 Council Minute. Dispute about boundaries between I'-n.-huirk i\: New- town, L. I •_ ; ^'^^ Memorandum Concerning a Settlement to be Made by John Terry and othei-8 in Uemstead bounds ^^''' Letters about a rumoured Indian < )utbi'eak *>24 A Confirnia^oi! from y" (ioverno' of y" sentence A: .ludgm' of y" Co" of Admiralty Concerning y" Ship y" John i- Lucy '125 The (iovenio" Judgm" * ileterniination concerning y'' Land in .piestion betweene >" Inhabitants of (iravesend A: Francis Browne ti26 1 J 1 1' 'AflB. rtioiis in tlio for tilt' iii- 013 , 014 (■iitiik'ott. . . fill- wyno it 014 )rH, & ft i>ri>- 014 ■ 015 015 ilTi'i'ciiccH ill tllC 1 111 iu'iiru i\: 010 4 010 m Mutiiiifoiiii, 017 m V" WellH \- G17 H •ai'cli it tryc •veil 018 H Old H Mniitaiikett H (luiio ill V* V Jn" Uici,.er. of (Irave.cnd .•onc..n.in. makinK K<'od of y" KciiceH there „^ •' Apr. L'd. Liherty KraniKe.l to y [nlml.itants of Midwui.t nl»' FhitlMmh to pnreiuu;e Land of y Fnilians •• May 14. Oonn.il Minnt.. AlTairs at MartinV VineyaniyConneetient Ilonnih," i ' " 636 ' ^">' '"■ '''''f '■' ""• <'"^' "• Mr. Mayhew CoiLernin^r the tennre of land at Rlartiii s \ ineyard - •' .May 10. Notiee ;,mv ,.„ to all Personn < 'oneerne,! in y'LandV-alle.! MartynV v'iiieviird to appeare in New Vorke gg_ " J.mo 8. Some ij„les to be observed A ImpiiryeH to bo made at' v'' ( 'o" i.f 'sesJioim to be held at J^miaiea „„_ IiiNtnietioim for .John Lay ton Subcolleeto' of Suutli-iiamptoii'it y ..lacei. ' there adjaeent on Long Islanil ,...-. " Junel'S. A (Jrannt imto John Willianm f^r a ^^.^v iV.tent for v'' V>le iif ' Afan 'al.i. " Nomaiis land . . , (IS " July 8-13. Settlcmont at Matineeoidve .'' „ Ai.j^ 1... A (M-annt from y (Governor to Mr. Isaaek' i?.idluw 'that' his 'island' ealied ^" Love Lsjaiid shall be a ])riviledj.'ed jilace ,..33 Au^c. :^2. A PasHport for Taekponh an Indian Saehoni W" fo,-tv' Indians' to visit his friends y" North Indians " y,.„ < )et. 0. Trial of a Suit betw.rn Xesa.piake and Ilmitin-ton. L. I ,540 (►et. 24. L»^tter of the (Jovernor abont the Militia on l,on- Islan.l ("43 l)e.'. I. (V.nneil Mimite. Boimdaries of Xosaipiake, I..' I.. Domine's 'llook'and ' Sealalcott, L. I 107(t. Dee. ) ,, ., „. 644 1071. Jan. \ <-'"""•'' Minute. Indian titles for land on L, I. Ii.uan whalers, ete 045 -- A Lre toy' Inhabitanls of lIimtiiii,'ton ^.,„ I'lTl. Jan. 1:1. The ( ;„ve.no" l.re to Mr. John Mulfonl, Mr. Thomas James 'a:' Mr 'jer,^ ' imah Coiirklingat East Hampton yg^ mtrnmrnmaiMt^am^ i XXX 1671. Jan. 10. Feb. S-9. Feb. 24. Mar. 8. Juh- 11. Aug. 9. Oct. 6. Oct. 7. Nov. 9. Nov. 9. Nov. 28. Dec. 5. 1072. Feb. 24. " Apr. 2:?. " May 9. " May 28. " May 2. " May 4. '• May 12. " May 17. " May ;i(t. June 10. " June 20. July 1. Julv 4. Table of (Jontents. Paok. Ord' Concerning D° Pauliiiua. (Polhemius.) 650 Orders and Correspondence concerninu; Indian Land at the East End of L. I 650 Council Minutes. Qravcsen Transporte tliemselves for CamliTia, or any liis Ma''"^^' .\ew Plantaeons to enter tlieir Names at y"' Seeretaryes Office in tiuie, i^' take theuce their Pass-portv's 658 Lvst of v" Persons who have passes to goe fir Porte Royall in Carolina in the siiips Blessing, Charles iV l'lio-ni\ ; All liearing Date about y" l7'^ IS"', in"' \' 20"' dayesof Noveiidicr 1071, y'' Sliijis setting sayle (I'sently after ^SS f )r(ler regulating th(> terms of the Courts of Sessions on L. I 0.59 Council Minutes. DitTerences between the Town of Gi'avesend and Francis de Brnvne, Brooklyn Lands. Newtown Bounds. Xew-l'trecht 059 Memorials for ( 'ap' Mauning(at his goeing to y'' Sessions in y'' East Rideing of Yorkshire) 661 A Ijetf" to Majo'' (ien'" Leverett at Boston 002 An Answer from Majo' (ien'-' Leverett to a Letter sent him from y'' (tov- ernor of X. Vorko bearing Date April f L':'.' 1072 662 Lre from v" (loverno' to y' Com"" for y" Lidyan Affayres at y'' East End of Long Island <'63 An Ord^ about Whales C64 Liberty given to Mr. Coridiill it Mr. Doughty to .-ell Liquo" fi i^.wde^ to Indyans who are iielpfuli in y'' Whale tisliirig desigiu' 664 Lre from v" (ioverno' iV Conncili of the Miussaeliusetts to liis Hon..' Coil : iTrancisLovelace fi«i4 Council Minutes and Orders relating to Whale tishing on Long Island, Buhliwick an-li" p'sently 658 659 iiid Francis lit 659 i8t Ridein^ 661 W,)i mil y'' (tov- . . , ,' 662 East End of 063 664 : i'owdiT to 664 Ion..' Coil: 664 .oiitr Island, 665 ssion" at y" ,• iVc 666 667 668 669 about tlit'ir 670 1672, II 1673. II 1674. 1675. Table of Contenta. ^xxi July 4. An Ord' for Re^'ulating y« Abuse of Selling Liquo" hy y« small Measure, us'd by some at Southton />»« July 8. An Ord' for Cap' Silvester about y« unruly Indyans at Shelter Island .... 671 July 8. Lycenco given to Cap' Silvester to Purchase some iXecks of Land on Long Island p.,.. July Letter to S-- Jn" Ileyden K. (ioverno' of his Ma'><- Island Bormoodos .... 671 July 28. Letter from y» Governo' to y« OtHe" of y« Militia ui)on Long Island 672 Aug. 3. An Ord' about y» Lymitts of Honip.stcad it ()vster-I3ay 672 Aug. 8. The Governo" Answer to y" Letter of the Massachusetts, by Mr. Paine. . 673 Sej)!. 6. Council Minrites. Huntington it Xesivpiako ,' ^74 Oct. 15. Certaine Privilcdges Consi^ited unto, it granted to the Troop of Horse at y° Kast end of Long Island under y° Commatid of Cap' .In" Young 674 A'ov. 20-28. Orders relating to Whaling on L. I "^75 Nov. 20-28. Letters to Cap'. Jno. Howell .".'..... 675 Dee. 5. A new Order concerning tlie boundaries of Xesaquake and Huntington, 676 Feb. 17. An Ord'' on behalfe of Mr. Terry about the Matiiiicock Land, itc .' 677 Apr. 10 24. Orders relating to Whaling on L. I ' 57^^ May 15. Postal Arrangement. Beacons. Now Sheriflc for the East Ridiii" (L. I.) Waini)iirii '^ ' ' ,j7q Nov. 30. Petition from Inhabitants of Ileinstead to (iov' Andros for a Minister 680 Nov. 26. An Order about the Towiies of Seataicott and Huntington to attend Jamaica Sessions goQ Dec. 4. Cimncil Minutes. Towns of Eastern Long Island refuse to acknowledge the authority of the Governor of New York gg^ Jan. 8. C. M. A lishiiig Company proposed. Xewtown etc. Whales tlSS Mar. ;n. A Warrant for Mr. William Shackerly to lay the lioeuyes at Sandy Point, 686 Apr. 7. (I M. Payment of Ta.xes remitted to the Towns on the East end of L. I. Gravesend atlairs gg7 Apr. 16. A Warrant to Capt. Salisbury about the Settlement of the Militia on \M\g Island itc j.g7 Ajir. 2S. C. M. Nantuekett Business 688 May it June. Council Minutes and Corresi)ondence concerning the Boundary Lino between .\ew York and Connecticut, the Indians, Wanipiini itc 688 Aug. ,5. C. M. Indians Complain not to have been paid for the Land of llenij^ stead Town ,.,j^ Sept. 10. The L. 1. Indians and the War in Connecticut 696 Sept. l.S. A Letter sent to Southton and Seataicott 697 Sei)t. 18. The (iovenio" Letter to Mr. Woodhull, sent by the Indyati .'...'. 698 Sept. 28. C. M. Indian Po|)ulation of Nantuekett and Martins Vineyard 699 Oct. 5. Letters to (Jovenior Andros on Indian Affairs 699 Oct. 7. An ( )nl' Prohibiting Tr.uling w'" Indyans 700 Oct. 1(1. A Letter Written to the Dep'>- (Juverno' of Conecticutt '.. 701 Oct. 12. C. M. Secr> Nicolls charged with falsitication of the liivords; Trade Rivalries ; Huntington ; Indians 701 Oct. in. ( )rder8 concerning Fortifications on L. 1 7,14 XXXll 1075. Oct. 20. " Oct. 21, Oct. 27. Xov. — . " Nov. 15. Xov. 18. " Dec. 13. " Dec. 22. 1076. Jan. 9. Jan. 17. " Jan. 24. " Jan. 20. Feb. 1. " Nov. IS. " Fcl). — , " Apr. 10. " Apr. 17. " Apr. 27. " Mfij — . May 22. " xMay 28. Sept.28. " Sept.2S. '• Scpt.2'.t. " Nov. :?. 1077. Jan. HI. " Mar. i;{. " Aug. 13. " Sept. 27. " Oct. ;>. Table of Contents. Page. Letter from Socrctiiry Xjcolls to tlic Coiistaljles of .■severall L. I. Towns. . 704 Council Minntco. Indian Ailair.s 705 Lett' to Mr. Baker of East-Hampton 706 Council ]\[inutes. Indian Claims on Hempstead; Wlialin;;; Hempstead Bounds 70(1 Letter from Thomas Tojiping to Secretary Nicolls about Taxes 7o7 Petition fur Leave \o employ L. I. Indians in Whalin;^ 708 A ypeciall Warrant sent to Huntington to demand tlie Indyans Amies of Kockaway and Sea(iuiitlake, wlio are to Kintecoy tliere 70!) Li'tt^ to tlie Governor of Kiioad Irland 7io Letter from the Governor of liiiodo Island to the Governor of Massaciiusetts, 711 C. M. Aspersions made in a Hoston pa])er against New York to be refuted. Corrospoiidetice with R. 1., L. I. Indians 711 Articles of Corporation for a fishing Comjiany 711 An Ord' for all Indyans on Long Island to bee disarmed, in this juncture of y" Warr, & that none rand)Ie from place to place ite 712 Tlie (iovcrnu" Onl'' to M' To|)iiing Concerning .\[' James vt M"' Maker. . 712 Petition of the Magistrates of Huntington rellecting upon the (.\)Uit of Assizes 713 Answer to the Pcticon of Some AVhalers at E!ast- Hampton 715 Correspondeiu'c and Comu'il Minutes coiu'erning the Peipiod War and L. I , Indians 715 C. M. Connecticut Agents imiuire, What ]iart tlic \. Y. Indians took in the Iinlian War 7](5 Council Minutes. Indian .MTaires 717 Instructions and AVarranr of Dn-ections, for ('apt. .\ntliony lirockhoies and Capt. John Coliers going to Long Island 71S CM. Rhode Inland Refugees; Heinpstead Lands ; Miilinicock Indians; the Pe(piod War ; Wholers 71 <» Letter from Gov. Andros to the Gov. of Massachusetts 721 Letter Written to the Justices of the East Riding, >eiit by Capt. Salisbury, 722 Letters and Ordi'rs concerning Southampton and Southold 722 Rates (.if Towns in SulToik County 7'_>,") Protest of Hem])stea(l agaiiist a Settlement on Cow and (ireat Necks, L. I. anil the Results of it 72.5 An Order for John Coojiers Fishing at Meacocks iVc, near Ronth-Hamton, 727 An Order to 1 .e Magistrates and Otlicers of ilir .-rvcr.ill 'i'ownes c)n Long Island, to permit distre.-^.sed People, to settle amongst tiieiu 727 ('onncii Minutes. Indians and llenistead 728 An Onler to M' Ridiard Wo.Mllnill, ( <'erning a iirw w.ay on i,ong Island, 729 C. M. The (iovernonr of N. Y. accused by Connecticut as being at the b.ittoni of the late Indian Trouble 7;iO Warrant authorizing a Search for Sea Coal on I.. I 7;j(> License to ]iractice Surgery on L. I T;!() I'AOE. T. Town 9.. 704 705 706 ITetnpsteiid TOO 707 708 s AniiL's of 70i) 710 SSilC'llUSl'tts, 711 1)0 refuted. 711 711 is juncture 712 VI-- Hiiker. . 712 lu (Jouit of 713 715 iVur and I,. 715 ans took in Tl« 717 •kholes iind 71.S k Indians ; 71!t 721 Salirsliiiry, 722 725 eeks, I,, i. 725 Ii-ilamton, 727 "s c)n Loi!^ 727 72S •n^' island, 72;t i'in>; at tln' 7;!o 7;{o TM) 1077 (I 1C78, (C 1679. 1C80. 1679. 1680. ii;si. 1682. 168;!. Table of Contents. xxxiii Oct. 4. Proposalla from tlio Constables of y" East & Nortl. Ridings to the (Jov' /*'"'' C" of Assizes ^g^ Oct. — . rjcenses to purciiivso Indiaii Lands, etc ^'^1 Nov. 1 ( .. Liberty granted to Mr. Ricli''' Woodhull Mr. Sa'm'- 'Edsall &c 'to" ffls'b' about Seatalcott &c „ Nov. 5. Council Minutes. Indian Ailairs ' " " " Lo Mar. 18. Council Minutes. Lon- Island Towns to cut stockades for Fort' Jan.cs- Huntington and their Clcrfry.nen ; Kockaway Indians ; Militia on L.I. ' Whalelishing at Southampton ; boundaries of Jamaica and FlushinL'"' 734 Mar. 25. Letter from Tiiomas Townsend to Commander P.rockholls "733 May 30. An()rder authorizing tiio erection of a mill at Southt"" and Letter t.. .his- ticc Topping on the same subject »o • Sept. 24. Tax Lists of Easthamptoii and of Newtown, L. 1 ^00 Feb. 17. Letter to Justice CornweJl asking for Land .'n IIem].stead Xeck . . . ' rjO Jlay 19. Termission to build a mill ^ ,., May 21. ( )rder to the towncs on the west side of L. 1. to choose a Clarke. . . . . . .' ' 742 Letter to Southami)ton ., ~ Jan. 3. Order for the collection of money for Alirerian captives, etc. '•43 Jan. -. Council Minute. New Lotts; Corid.nry; Madnan/xeck ; ' Mhu.sters ' House at Flatbush .. Feb. and Mar. Letters from William Haviland to William J hre -,- Feb. 11 & 12. Orders relating to lands on L. I !*' Dec. 10. Resolutions of L. I. Courts of Sessions .,', l.t Mar. IS. Council Minute. Flushing affairs -4,, Aug. 3. Petition of Januiicii for Rt'inission of a Fine l-.^ Sept. 4. I'etith.n of Quakers for the sanii; ,\[ l'.\" Sept. -. Dispute between Flatbush and Flatlands abont th.'ir Poundarv '-'kI Xov. 2'.l. Onler to elect a Con.stable for Shelter Island '. JgJ. Dec.—. Council Minute and Correspondence eoncenn'n.r 1. I Indian^ -^,* ■. Accounts of L. I. Ta.\es . ,' Jan. — . Settlement of Cow Neck '.'.'.'.......'.'... '-^^ Sept. 27. < »rder to prevent disorderly Meetings ,,n L. I ........ ^^ '-% N'ov. 7. Letter from (\'ipt. Urockholls to Capt. Voiinir, etc. ......[ -'■^■, May — . Correspondence with Connecticut about the l!onnt. Brockholls to th.. (iov. of R I 'J'l Aug. 24. Letter fro.n Capt. iirockholls to .Instice Joslvne 1 .'J Aug. 28. Letter frotn Capt. Urockholls to Magistrates ;,f Martin's Vinevard 760 May 10. Letter from Capt. Hrockholls to FrancU Skinner " ' "Jit May 31. Letter frotn Capt. Prockholls to (4ov. of Canada 7^," Sopt. 13. CMMu.il Minute. Election of Delegates to ti,e Oen' '.Vss V ;:,;,ered '• " Irade ; Coin ' _^ Oc:t. 1. Council Mi.u.te. Indian alTair.s; Canada; L. 1. ; IlemVteJ.l -,? I I i ■m "' '. ].«■ —■ f * * f . I First Period. From the first recorded Dutch Patents to the occupation of the Province by the English. ( 1630 to 1664. ) Indian T)keu to Kii.i.w van' nK.vtn- tiik N.hmii hivki; (AIan-oi: <.r lti:.N^i:(.Ai:i:\vvcK). Wiiorcns* Baxtiiifn Jdi'sm CmK ri)tiiiniss:u-v :it Fcrt 0>',i//t/,\ wiini lioiv at tlie Minilmt'in. niontioMod to (lie Hon''''' Comicil (if tlii^i place: tliut the liiml situate near F uhtain anv land this vear. rcppatinif the same several times, accordinir to the depo.-ition inailc hy tin: s.iid WiJpfK rt G, rrit.'trii ; and whereas, it has happened afterwards, that (,'i7/i.i llnss.t sailinu'up the river came on the 27'" of July It;:U-+ to the place, whvw J,tn J, tlu-ro came also hy accident ('n/tniiKifk, Nuii'iiiK'niit. AI'init.^rn'\Siiijiskirii, K,iii'tin. >iinessee<'k situate on the ex^t sidu from upjiosite Ca.'^/h- Isl.tm! to the sai.l Fort, als,, from I'.t.iiwk tlie mill creek northward to NajaijonaewXwwi ;} leagues distance and when the .said ^' ///;.< /A/v.svYcauie and proposed i,. the sanu' owners of the said land that they .should sell, convey and transfer their respective p.irccls of laud, the same declared in presence of Jan Jans, n M.,in.onally appeared before iheni /'ii< jwhkt ne. K< inpUin^ NiinaucontamhiU and Slckejiotif III. lawful owners and ]iropriiiors of the land called San/ia\ iu widtli two days' JDnriiiy laml inwarils, for themselves and for the other co-]>r<.j'rietors of the same land, which they in their aforesaid (piality vohnitarily and advisedly declared to have traurl'erred, cedeil iind delivered, as they herewith transfer, cede tind deliver as lawful, inalienable ainl free possession by virtue and title of sale for a certain (jiumtity of merchandise, which they, tin- Lii'aulors, in ilieir afmisaid quality acknowledge to have veceived before the passing hereof ; to and Uilirt imi nt'thoir High: .Might: tlie .'states ( inierul of the Unitnl \itli'rlilnil-< and the I'rivileged We.--t India ( 'oni|iany, Departnienl of .1 ///.vA/vA/w, lestit'y and jiilliiiriirliki ii'm. I\liilijl as owners, in pri-.-eiiri' iif /', iiliiiii'ix. Cakiijiili iiiiii. as cliiofs uver the distiacts .and declare, vohml.irilv and '!• the iisiiiil stij)ii- ccs, appi'iKk'iiL'ics vestuil ill tlit'in mill actual jxisses- powcr, iiuthority to tlic said Mr. pwiui', hold, c'lilti- y and year ubuvo Hudson's Kivku. ix^hy, tliat, to-day 7/W, (!oiiiiiiissary U'cd, tliat on tlio Yiniaucontam/idt iiuto on the west he liver upwards lud lor the either ily and advisedly lo and deliver a.s tain niiiinfity of •e received before ;) for whom they 10 actions, rights resaid, they, the al possession and rot'iirn/or in viin. it, hi! or whoever iwfiilly u('(jiiii'i>d 4 A^eio York lUdork-al Records. 3 a.lvisedly I.y special order of the rulers and with consent of the community there, for and in consi.leration of certain merchandise, which they acknowledge to have received into their han.ls and possession to their full satisfaction and contontnient before the pi'ssing hereof, to have transferred ceded, deliver,.d and c.nveyed in hiwfiil, true anc free possession, as Hiey herewith transfer cede' dehveran.lcouv.y toand forthebch<,ofof y,„.o/;-/,v van Corl,,u' the mi.hllemost of the' three Hats belonging to tliem called Castnteeuw, situate on the Island by them called Kwunharku between the bay of tiie North river and the East river of New Netha-hm,!, stretchin.^ in h.-i.^tli from a certain kil coming from the sea almost north to the woods and in wi,ltli from a certain valley eastwanls also i„f„ the woods and that with all the action, rights and privileges, winch they, 111 their alores.iid .iimlity, havi. thereunto, constituting and substituting the said "^Vorhar in their ])lacos, stead, real and actual pnssession etc etc. Done on the Island, the M,uu(hiit,t.i, this K;"' (,f Juno A" 1030, \ ir r .> ^- ^ • Twil.l.KU. A. llLiiDij, Jacus liK.NTyi,, Claks v. Ei.sla.nt. r lti;!(tj. I.SniA.V I)|,l;l) I'liU J, AMI ON r.o.NO Isl.A.NK. We, Director and Council „f Nvm ^V./Z-rAn/-/ etc etc., hcivwilh testify and d chire that to. lay date underwritten before us personally app..ared ?; ;,/,/.,/«, Kdamau, Akarikun M,ko.w, Wann,-lce,i;nck, W.,pjutfa.',dyn!.. Eh.i.jl as owners P,:,nawu.. KaUy„-tUno being present as chiefs of the district and declared, that v„luntarilv and advi.se.llv, by special order of the rulers and with consent of the cm. „..;,iry, for ,vrt:.i,. ,uereha,;dise; which tlnn- '"■'^""^^■'^•''-^' * .ve received into their hands and power to their full satisfactiui, and conte.u- ment betore the pa.-.ing heivof, they have transferred, ce.K.l, surrendered a„d ...mveved a. lawful true and tree possession, as tlu.y herewith transfer, cede, surrender and eonvev to .nd for the " ' ."' -'"'f''"''^' ''"'/'/^' "'"' "'V'"'^ <;.rnl.,„ th.. westernmost of the Hats called lu.tal.nm belongmg to them on the Isl.md called S. ,r,u,/,.,rL./ between the bav of the \orth river and the East nver of ."V..^ .\ rt/,. rhuul, stretching in hmgrl, fn.m a certain kil comin- from the sea almost north nito the woods and in width from a certain valley, ineluded, almost west also into the wi>o.|s, Willi all action, rights and privileges etc etc. Done on the /.vA///f the i'nitid '■i/iini, testily ami red Ti nk'uiiinn, I as owners, in '. vohmtarilv and Imhan Di:i:t) for Lano ov I^.nh Island. We Director and Council of .V, ,. .Y, thchnl etc, herewith testify and declare, that, to day date underwr„t..|i personally before lis appeared Tmklran.r, /Cf.n,>.„i, Arank.n, AwaMoJ, H«m«c./v/.„,./ naj,„,uo,.rk.u., AV..;/, as owners, /.,./.,../., /w^-,,.y.,.„ ,i„. ..^ ,, ..^ eliiels ot the district and declare, that voluntarily and advisedly, bv special ..der of tj n;,"! and With consent ot the comnuinity, for crrtain g Is, which thev acknowled.^. to have received V t j ll tauMs 4 Eaiiy Colonial Settlements. iiiti) ti'i'i" lumils iiiul [lower tn tlicir lull satisfaction auil coiitcntiiu'iit liofin-o tho passiiiij^ hereof, tlioy iiuve ti-aiisf erred, ciMled, siiiivnden"! and conveved as lawful, true and free poHseSbioii, as they herewith transfer, cede, surrender and ennvey to and for the behoof of IC. v. TivilUr, Director (ieneral of .\V(/i Xrthirldn I, tlu\ easternmost of the three flats, to them beloiifjiui,', called (\tKteiiiiii' situate cm the island, liy tliem called Sewanluickinij between the bay of the North river and t!ie Hast river of Xvo .Vd/i'-r/nni/, strefchiun in lenjjfth from a certain kil cipuiin^ frum tho ^ea ;iiiuost iinrth into the wocmI.s and in width from a certain valley eastward also into the wodds, with all the actitiu, ri:,dils and privileifes etc etc. Done on the /.y/n/,,/ .)/,tnii/i'i/u.t, this 1(1"' (dMnly H!:!(), Jacoui.s van CoKiacAU, A. IIiddk, .Iauls Ukntvl, Cl.ak8 van Eslant. Imuan i)i:i:ii rou ( io\ kknou'is 1slam>, N. Y. IIakdok. Wo, Diri'ctiir ,iiid ('cinnril of .Xiio A'i//icr/i'ii(l vIl; iierewith testify and declare, that to-day, date underwi'il'.''n, lirfcire us personally appeared ('iiritjk't<>/nit and Puciluix as owtiers and de'clai-ed, that vdlnnlarily ami advisedly, by special order of the rulers and with consent of the community at /{■ .•ch, situate opposite the island of the Mnifthiitrit between the North ami East rivers of Ntm Nctlurland^ with all the action, riLi'hts and pri\"iU'i,'es. l)one upon the JkIiuhI MihuilKtlun, thin 1(1"' of June 1C8T. Jacou van ColtLAi:i!, AxNOHlKS lIlDUK, JaCIS IJl-NVVI., Cl.AKH VAN Im.slant. * I.NMW Dl.l II 1 olt A TliAOr ol' l.\M> ON liONci Isl.AMi ( W'a I.I.A llof I', BkoOKI.VN, V. S. Makim. I losi'ir am. We, DiiTi't.ir (teneral and Coun<'il of X. ir \, tlc'rliiinf. cte etc, testifv and declai'c, that on tlie date underwritten personally appeai'id before ns ICihit/ii U- i/iio, /'i iri./niiin, as owm'rs of this district, and declared that voluntarily and ad\ise(lly, by s]ieci.il ordi-r of the rulers ami with consent of till' eoiniiiuiiity tliei'e, I'or and in eon>ideration of a lot of iiiercli,indi,-e, « Inch tluv acknowleilj,fe toh.-ive received into their hands anil |)ower to their full satisfaction ami contentment before ihe p.issiiiL'' liereof, they h.ivc tran.-ferred. ceded, siirreiidereil and cotiveved as Lawful, tl'ue and free pos-fssion, a.s liny IcTcwirli traii-o ,-, cede, surrender .■iml comi'V to and for the behoof of Hi'ortj'' ItiijKiIJi' a eert.iin |iiece of land, called /i'i/iiii'ifii7,;inr/,\ .-itiiate u|ion the /jn/ii/ lulinuh .south of the Isl.iicl, the Miiiiiilnit^in, eonlainiiie- niorireiis and reaching from a kil to the woods, .~iiii!h and e:i>t to a I'erlaiii copse, whei'e the ir,il. r runs in; r the atones, with all the action, ri^dits and ]>rivile:,'es etc etc. Done on the hhiml M.iit'i/ni/'i'^. this \i)"' ..|' .luiie jtlliT. W. v. TwM.l.KU. J. \a.n < 'out. \i:if, A. Ikiuii:. Jaccs Hknikvi., ("r.AKS (Patent i.ssued June 17. I'M-'! van Hi.si.ant. for 1<17 mor.i,'ens Jot; rods.) m ', passing; hereof, roe jiousesbioii, as r 11'. ('. 7'w;/fa', tlieiii beldiifjing, the liiiy of tlio )iii ii cortaiii kil II valluj- eastward AN ESLANT. Ill declare, tiiat (^s• as owners ami li coiitieiit of tlie to have reeeived lave transferred > I'rewith transfer, •ectur (teiieral of iiate o))|MPsite the id, with all the .N Els L ANT. MOKi.vN, r. s. I declare, that on IS ownei-s of this rulers ;ind with di>e, wiiicli tlicv and contentment '(1 as law fnl, tine d for the lichoof he Iiiinij lnliiu(h from a kil to the vt'.v, with all the .-. Twii.i.iat. I., Cl.AIlS IN Kl. SLANT. A New York IHstoneal liecords. 5 Indian Duki. lou two Tsi.anih ln IIklmciat: Ti.;nkkna« (Waki>'8 Iblanp) ani. Minnahanonok (Ulaokwkll's Island). We, Director and Council of N,'w Nitfurland vU-, XvMUy and declare, that this day, date underwritten, personally appeared hefori^ lis AV//.v,y.v and Nunierii, both chiefs of Maryc/dnnoi. hnij/i* and declared, that voluntarily and advisedly, by special order of the riders and with consent of the cominiinity th(>re, f,.r certain ^'oods, which they acknowledf^e to have received into their iiaiids and power to their fii.l satisfaction md contentment before the i)assing hereof, thoy hav,! transferred, ceded, snrren.lered .in{, lyiui,' to the west of the larger, with all 'h<' action, n'f^hts and jirivilegc.s, etc etc. Done on the Inlnnd Mandhiitus, tlii> IC"' of ,luly Itl.TT. Jai:oii van ("oui.AKit, Ja(u.s 15i:nti;vl, Clako van Elslant. rol-N.M, jri.M-THS. Al-eolNT.MKNT TO Till.; OtNCIL OF JollA.VNl;s I.v M, ,N lAON K ; ( 'aitLK ON Tin; CoMi'ANv's l>owi:r.ii:s. Anno l(;;is, the eij,dith of Apnl at Fort Amsterdam in New Xdhcrhiml. Thnrsd.iy. His Honor. Director A'V/?, and the Council takin- int,. c.iisideration the .small number of members of the Council, have deemed it necessary to .select another proper, experienced person to add to the lioanl and ohservin- the fitness of Dr. .f..l„un„., .\tont„"' Aiml. On p,.tition of J.,roh Phmck, ShentT of the Colony o{ Mr. A\>ns,hnr, called A\'>,.r!arnr,H- ronceriiiUK the removal of .s.,me horses to the said Colony: whereas heretofore many anin.als have » Brcmklyi), L, I. t Now inii Wiml, Now Yorit City. 6 Earl if (\tloiiial Setthineiits. iM'fii carried olT from tlio Island of iJAr«/((/('r.')aiid as only njion tlm Howorv of llio former Director Tinillcr t'u'rc are some iiiiiiiial-i, wliiK* tlie other live HowerieH are wliolly destitute and liare oi' cattle tlioreforo the Hon'''' Director and Council, iiftor mature de'ihoration, deny Jac,(i, alhnviiif^ him only to carry away some ^oats. DituiNAMCK PKoniitrriNo Tni'; v\\i iuadi; r.v vuivatm caktiks and oontainino PfNuuy poi.u'k i:i;(iii.Ario\s. Passi:i) Apum, 15 KIJJS. (Stu I.HWH of Now Ni'lliiTliiiul pa^'u 10.) Lf.ask of two lot^" in Xi'w Amstkimiam (iiviN MY T">ii!F(-roK KiFrr to Jan Damk.n. Tiiis dav, date underwritten, 'leforc me, ('di'ih liif van 'Jicnhovi n. Secretary lii're in A'on vV( ///(vAnn/on tiehalf of the (Jeneral i'ri\ile:;ed W'l'st India ( 'om|iany, De|iartinenl of Amdi nhtiii, ll])))eareil the Honorable, \\"\~i' and Prudent Mr. Williniii l\ic/t, I)ii'i'cti>r (ieneral of XtW yctherhtiid on the one i>art. aM of land, to wit : tlie Iloii'iralilr Dire'-tor h.-.s iea.-^r ' ' > herehy let U) Jan Ddin-ii abovenamcd, who ai.-o ackiiowirdu:! s to iuive hired, two i- ^i., of lami, the larifci one of which has heretofore lieeii eulliv.ited 1a the N'ei,'roes and i .iu:ite on the iiif^t side of the road, to the nortis of the t-aid '/iiii Ihiun n'.^ miuIIi ipf the esj»i .lade of the Fort and ea.st of I*hil!j>j> ih Tnnj and the smaller situate to fhi' iMrih of the (Vir .jtaiiy's ^'arden and on the south of said •fiin Duukii, <-\tendini,' from ll.e loacl I" the river >/iin Daunn shall cultivate, sow or ]>lant the aforesaid land six eonoU', . locouvey twice all his manure On siicl l.ind ;ind do all this at hi> own co-t, fur which his !!• .r, the Dirertor. .-hall rcceixea.s rent half the i»i'odnce, which (iod the Lord >hall ^'raiit ' i the afore.siiid two l.)ts of laud every year, \ihether standiui^ on the field in sheave-; or : . ie in ly aj^rce. It is also esperi.illy rt,o l,il)..rers fourteen dav.s ilurin^' the iiarvi>t to In. paid for their day's woik hy the (yomi)anv and feroper to plant a vineyard or irird'jus in the Ioa' |)lace, thi; lo;- • • sh.dl l>o iiound to ,dlo\v it and have, notiiimj; to say ; with the express promise, tli.it after the e\;piration of the aliovcwrilten si\ years, the lessee, his chihlren or heirs shall remain in posse.~~ion ol" the I wo afureMaid lut^of land .auei-sons and j,'oods, movable and iminov.ible, present and fiit.ire. without .iny exception, submitting,' to the (Jourt of the Province of ll"!l,ni'! .\»\ .ill other Court, .FudL,'es a:id Justices, .ill in i;ood f lith witlcpiit reservation or deceit. In tc-'timony two copies of the same t iior are mid • hereof ,ind sij^'Ued by parties respectively. Done ;it Fort Ai/ixfen/'iru in .\'i lO AVtherlaiul, the lit'" of .\piil .\ ' ItilW > fiirincr Director itutc aiiil liaic ijI" y Jacoh J 'I a links BfNDlty Pdl.U'K Fax Damkn. iry liiTc ill A'ew it of Ai)ifliall rcrcivi' as lot- of iaiui oviTy I'spi'rially a„i, on tho ono part and hin Honor, Mr. Woiiler van. Twilhr, late Director, on the other part, uho in all amity imd friendship aifived and coveiiaiiled ahoiit the hire of tlu! Howery No. 1, belongitiy to tho Nohlu Directors of the Priv. We,-t India ( umpaiiy, Department of Anmttrdam, to wit: his Honor, Director K!,fl, \\m leased ami lierel.y does let to the J Ton'''" Mr. Wuuter van I'willer, who aciiiiow!nl<.'es to have rented, the afi.resaiil l!,.wery for tiie feini of three consecutive years to he.^Hii on tiu, lirst of May A" UV.'.S and emlin- on tiie lirst of M.iy A" ICil ll,r the sum of two hundred and lifty Caroliis giiildeivs to he paid yearly, to^'etlier with an e'lnal sixtii part of the produce, with which (lod sliall Mess liie licld, whellicr standini,' oil the Held in sheaves or us then .siiall he agieiil ..n to nvrive it ; nmler condition ih.il the Hun''" Mr. TwitUr shall In- hoiiml at the expiration of the said tliiee years to .sow a;;aiii the said liowery and in the nieantimu to keep tiio land in jiroper onli'r; lor .ill which the said parties pledge their resjieetive p.'rsons and properties, real and personal, pioeiit .and fiitiiiv, witiioiit any e.xcejition, siiimiitting to tlie I'rovincial Court of lloUand and all other Coiiri.-, Judges and Justices, all in good faitii,"withoiit reservation or deceit. In lestinioiiy two ropics of the s.inie are made hereof and signed hv l.otli jiarties with their own hands. Done at /•'■ ' Amnten/aia in .Wio NdlHrl.ui,!, tlie l'l" day of April lt;;{8. William Kikft. WoUlKK VAN TwiM.KIt. Oi.M.Ki: IN Coi-Niir, onA.vriNii Woi ikk \ an luii.i.i.u nil-: isk of i.a.mis on litD Hook, L. I, Thiirsilay. the 2J'' vcriiiir'» I.^lmiil, N Y llnrlx.r "^ Harlim 8 I'Mvlij Colonitil Setihmciits. rented, tlie Niid nowery fur a tiTni df n'w coMHui'iitivf years imdcr tlic I'dlldwiiig ('(Piiditioiirt: First, liannl Dirchin hIihII lie liniiid ti» deliver to the leHKees fuiir niileli cows, two lieiforn, one heili'r calf, tlirco bull calve.s, uuv iiiari! ami two Htallioim, a ycai-liiij; kuw, two wa;,'nii«, a new and BiTv ioeaMe harrow and plough and furtlu'r every ihinj^ now to lie found ujion the Itowery ; for which the lessees shall pay to the lessor every year ISO jwundM of liutter, one half before, the other after the harvest, also ")(• K'hepcU of grain, cither wheat, rye, barley or Mich i,'rain as they can spare to the satisfaction of the lesM)r, it heinj; well uiidcrMoud, that whatever incrca.-i^ of the s;iid ftuiiiialrt may bo had durinj.' tlio said yearn shall be r fur dlhci- jmrposes, the lessees shall be oblii;eiu( k-i .s al'ori'; This is the maik f~~A of ('oi;.Ma is .I.mousIN the voiin^er of Mi 1 1, imdjck. This is the 111:11 k y — J of (ou.sKi.is Jacobsk.N the elder as co[irincipid. AprOINTMi:.VT ami PltoMfi-noN ok V.MMoih ( )kKU'|:1:.s ok iiiK fJoVKltSMKNT. The Hon'''' Director and Council oii.-ervin^ the ability of Curu'H.i /•■n, //(/(/(.//■,/,, Keiper of the Book of Monthly waives np to the 1" of April, liaveappointid him Secretary and Keepir of the Hook oi Monthly Waf,'es u .'it! |1. per month, and ll. :iUU annually for boai'd money, coiiiiiieiiciiit,' tin; P'of April A" lti.'18. wiii^ ('tiii(litii)iiH: two lioit'ui'i*, oiiu ;iiiis, n lU'W hikI la- Itowory ; for botoro, till) otliiT i;i'aiii !ipi tlicy can ri'MM! of llii^ Kiiil L'8 for tliu Ichsor ;inil otio voiiii^ il sliciiilil liny of •, till' It'-Slll- sllilll i;ill lio liiiiiiiil to •onditioii ii-i now Imninl down liy I ^IimII .-tMnil tlio nil lis lii'forc, Mini II sill any of tlii! mill oxen everv ' Fiillii'l'lainl, till' [ion olio of till' 11(1 wiii^oii fitlu'i' let liiiii liavr tilt' 1' lessor sIkiII lie III li'>tiiiiniiy ami 111 two I'lPpil'S of >IU(K>I N at'olTMl. .I.M oi;.-i s I'ipal. :mi:nt. illlliiiCt II, i\rr]ifr rv ami Kii|ii r ol ir lioai'tl money, Ji'eu) Voik Ifistoiiral iieiardH. 9 % 10 Ifeiuhlck Pwtn'sen, nmH„n, «orvo(l iw MmH't Mason, «ii„,o tlio K!'' of May A" 1038 iw IiIk on^'ajfcmciit liail r,\|)iri.,l, ll. •_'(). a „ii.iitli ami ll. Km hoanl iiiom.v. ' ll,ii.l,'}rk (urrllHi-n, an iipprL'tuii'.., li;is m.m's wa^j.'H .sIiil'd 2(»"'of May A" Ifi.'iS. l\'ter I'Ukrs,',, fioin AuMtcnlum is eiiKaKca us a niati on 20'" of May A' Ifi.'JS (,« 8 (I „..r month. vj 11. jtr LtHivn,^ LouivHsen fn.in AmM,;,lam is c'np.i,^.il ,,8 a nun on tl,o l'o"' of Alay A" lO'lS a,A\ S CV./,'^ M/», /tV.vA„//, ('o,niiiis.sarv of provisioiiM. wa.s ..ii-n-,'i| on tlio 1- of April A" lfl3S l,v t\ lion- n.rector ami (V.i.m'il „„ .•!.; „. p n.ontl, a,s tin, ti'rin of luV on«a,' ..i.i'nt lias .'xl.!', part,..ularlyonam,i..,tof th., ......tainty wc have of his al.ility anil litncs. IW hi. ,.hari-i' ami of tlio p)oi! Hati.sfaction hi' has j^m'vcii iis. " Jitn Jinisen, ynnncr, is eiigagcl on l.V" ..f May 1(;;!8 u^ ll. 1« a iiio.ith, ns .r„„„er in Furt Jan Dhrhai from /^v«,vi as n.s.sistant Kunnur is ,.n-ai,^.,i on 7"' -f May 103.8 (,ii ll 10 orr month. '' >j • ■ I" 1 no,„a. Wa/ravrn is orii^ai^cl as carpLnfLr. sin,'.' I- of An,r„st UVM „« (1. l.Sper month ami 11. 100 yearly lioanl nioix-y. ^" ,;it1 ''!''^:^""'^ "'"^T '"'•; '"••'■'■"""' ''^' """ """ ' "i'-'-f'"' ^""1 <'-'ni'il, on thi' i:,'" of Mav A in,i>, o 11. .50 p..,. ,„,„,,, ,.s Ins ti'i'm of servi,'.' is .'xpin.,1, ami tlinv is m. littor person to l.; hai u'rc lor oversoorof lahor.'rs, inasmnW, as he has heen ililigeni ...ml faithful n all works couhik',! to hmi III the sorviiv of the Coinpaiiv. Jni r;it.Ts.n U:nn /■...n.klft earns ^s si.rireoii {l.arhhn, ,., ,),, Sonlh Uli.r ll M V month sinee ]()'" ol July Kl.'iS. '• ' ' Adriam J)irck.n from M.,.r.„ is eM,M,ei| as a.s.Mstaiit at F,.rt Oram,-, as ],e lluently speaks he Mohawk lan^ii,,..., ami thoroughly „mler,tamls ihe traiio there ; „« ItJ 'i pen , a "• '';;•-; i"-. Iroin the l.V of July A" l.l.S. , Tra.islu.eil l,v Dr. K. (-. OValla' h On tJie L^"' of June lt;;!S. ' ''Ha^iuii.) AVheivas the Master hoiLse-earponter is ilepaiti,,,. f,,,' FatherlamI ami there are here init ;;;:"„:$,/ ' ''"" '^"-'»^"' '"■■■ - ^'--'' -•l-.-fr .. ..UKperinontli. .inee 1- of .uL .V/^-A^.v^W,lm is n^:..,.il as Serjeant ,.,,1. is pe,- ,„onth ami 11. 1„0 l,oar.l n.onev siiieo F;.l. o. N,„einher A" lOliH. as it is neccssa.,. to have one to ilrill the soMiers in the pr," ;,;;:: ^IHViiO^Ti hoitnhr is ('Iic.'li^eil 'is ^/trlM-iTif Itt /'wv. * 1 n . 11 . ' , "'i-''"'" •"* *',er at saiil Fo,-!, is en^a^eil ,o ll. 10 per month .iucc 15- of July On the 24"' of June |.;;!8. (Translated hy H,'. K. ('. OTallaghan.) OlUiICR UKilAKI.l.N-i, IHK (.li.V.MI.N,, oK I'aikn'ts. r. 1 i.,|iic,t „1 111,! IVMl,,.,,,.,-,,,^™, ,„„„liii„„ ,1,„ tliovjall, :f 10 Kavly Colonial Sttthments. after tlic expiration of ten years from flie eomnieneoinont of their plantation, nnniially pay to the Company tl:e Tenth of all the prodnee whieh God shall besjtow on the hmd. AIho, ia future, for a liouse and garden a couple of capons yearly. llESOI,lTIO>r TO UKTAIN- Ri:v. HoOAlUirS AS MiNISTKK OF TUIC OoSPEt-. On Thursday, being the 8"' of July. In Council presented a pertain petitim hy P'r^'rari/us- B/i/jar/lns, wherein he requests leave to depart for Fatherland, to defend liim.-clf ag:iiiist Luhhcrl run Duicklmje. We liave deemed it necessary to retain the Minister here, so that the church uf God may increase more and more every day. InVKNTOKV of TIIK EfFKCTS ANIl (lOoDS AT ArilTKIiVKr.T nKI.ONOIS'O TO A.VDRIKS IlniDK A.vn WoI.FEKT CilCKUirSl-X. Three niilch cowa One heiler, two years olalisades; the house is 'Jd feet long, 22 feet wide and 4il teet deep with the roof covereil aliove and all around with phiuks, two garrets one above the other ami a small chamber riil foiiml mi ihe aforesaid I'owery, ealli'd .\i-lil,rr,lt, situate ii|)on A.///;/ lsl'U\ -^ ^-^^'^'"^ ^■-' '-^ «"«" --> -'^ /^...v //<,;*..,. shall also b. bmm.l t„ furnish as nu.ny dwellin^^. and tobacvo houses as the t.me may permit ; furtlier to p„t to u-„rk the persons, who shall c^«-»^ I,iN=.i.o //M AM „„. I,e all,„,,„l ,„ „„, f, .„;,, „„„ „ Tl.u .l„Nc »t /:„.( .I„„(.,,/,„„ ;„ .v,,„, .lV//„ ,.;,„„/, ,l„. „f J,,!,, .V 103S, A. Ilnuii:. Thi> is thu II J]^ "' "■^'■^^ Hansen afores''. P.\TK\T rrojiri(tm, tiiat tho said land by the said Iliuhlc or who thereafter may obtain his interest may be entered upon, peaceably settled, occu[)icd, cultivated, held, used and also therewith and thereof be done, bargained and disposed of, as he would do with his own lands ac(pilred by legal titles, without they, the grantors, in their said (qualify, thereto having or reserving any part, action or ownership, other than before recited, but for the behoof aforesaid now and forever wholly and lastingly desisting, renouncing and withdrawing by those presents and moreover promising this their conveyance forever lirinly, inviolably and irrevocably to maintain, carry out and fnllil all under tho rules of the law. without reservation or deceit and in good faith. In testimony whereof we have conliriui'd this by our usual signatun; and onr seal. Done in Fort Ainsterdo.ui in \eio N'etht:rl>t)itl on the Jlaxahatas, this 20'" of ,Tuly A" Hi.'iS. AViLLi.ii JCiKFr, Dir. Moi;T(iA(;K ON AcUTi;i:vi;r,r, L. I., (;ivi:n- hy ANni;ii:s lli inn; i.i Ui:v. Kvi:i;.\urirs riof(ARi)i:s. To-day. date iindcrwrittmi. before me, C"r>i>/i.s rnii, T!(ii/ioi'rn, Secretary of .Wir Xetherland, appeareiiiii, For all whieii the deponent pledges his person and property, real ami p T-onal. present and future, without anv »'\ce|)tion. submitting to tlu' Provincial I'oiirt of lltltnnd^ in all good t'aith is this conlirmed bv deponent's usual signature. Done upon the Island M'tnluiU.s, thi.- 22' of .liilv lil.'i^. A. Ili-niu:. I)Ei;n KOI! Land on I.ono Island. To-day, the 22' of .Inly li;.;>>. bet'ore me, ('nrn./i's r.in 7',',i,/i,i,; ii, Secretarv of ,Y, ,r Nvth.rliind, appeared Jamtnis ran ('>r, who i. Kii;fi', Dir. \uors riof(ARi)i:s. V'<'«' Xetherland, Xttfii'i'lanil, wiio hundivd ("arolus "ilfllfi Ilililrll'lluX oniijiM truly and do the hand.s of n-\U in oihiTwiso, in tlu! dit,fi-ict of •Is afoirsaid and I lilin, A/i'/rit.'i irii tlic ilr|iciiii'iit It any »'\cu[)tion, ■d liy di'iiiiiifiit's A. Ill i>in:, •rotary of A', m iiiallv riMioiiiux'd la the claim and .action, wliich the deponent has ni-on and against the flat,* situate upon Z.onrj hland to tho west of tho most easterly of the three called t'as/iukyic, and at tjio same time hereby tnmsfers the said flat to Mr. Wonter van Twllh'r, former Director of New Xdherlund pnttinf,' him in his own idace, stead, real and ;ictiial possession thereof and giving him full and irrevocable power, authority and special commission to dispose of the land aforesaid, as he would do with his own lands acquired by just and lawful tithes and at the .same time holding and delivering said hmd free from all suits and challenge to W- instituted by any person thereon. All in good faith, without reservation or deceit. In testimony whereoi; these iire.sents are confirmed by deponent's usual siguaturo.** Jacobus van Coklaick. Patk.nt kou La.m) o.v ^Maxiiaita.v Isla.m) (.\intu Waud Nkw Yokk C'riY). AVe, Director and Council of .\,w .Wthrrland etc., testily and declare herewith, that, by virtue of the Freedoms and Exemi)tioiis granted to Patroons, Masters and Private Perstjiis (in'tlio 7"' of June l'i21), we have granted, transferred, ceded, surrendered and coiivcved as lawful, true and free possession, as wi' h-..ewitli transfer, cede, surrender and convey to and' for the behoof of Wo,i(er nri Twl/lrr, Director (iencral of A\-w Sdheriamh a piece of land containin.. one hundred moignis, situate near Saj>ol;tnirk,in, boundcil on the North bv the i^t rand road Za by Jan from h\,tl, rda,a and on the west by the plantati.jiis ,.f tho same anil of I'jhrard Fi^r^'l and so fai into the woo.lsas to make one hundred morgens, provided, that all such roads and footo'iths as are now running through said laii.i. shall tor evrr reman, there for the use of the inhabitants' iindci condition that he and his sueccssors shall ackiiowK.dge said Lords Directors as- his s„ver, i.-n Lords and Patroons and after the expiration of ten years, beginnin- with the occupation and cultivationol 'lie land lieowns, pay a just tenth partof the produce, with whirl, ( i,,d -hall bless it and from tins tim,> forth for the house and h.t deliver yearly at Christmas to the Diivrt-.r a brace of (•apons; constituiingand substituting in our place, stead, real and actual i.osses.iun the said W van Jtiu/icr, etc etc. Dono at Fort Anuhrdain in Nt lo Xdlu rhind. l>Ki:i) roi: Land at AciiTi:vi:tf. L. I. To-day. date underwritten. bHoiv me. [r,v7,,.7/,v >'an 7V,7'll an.l truly indebted to (la-rtt \\nay do witl, the aforesai.l land, for whic-h the said Andrie. lladde pledges lus person and estate, real and personal, none excepted, all in good faith, rins done upon the Idand Manhatt\i, this 20"' of July 1(J38. A. IlniJDK. 4 4 I.NDrAN Dket) for Land on Lono Island (BnsnwiCK). Wc, Director and Council of New .Vc'M,vA/«7 etc, testify and declare, that to-day date nndorwritten, i.ersonaily ap,.,Mrcd I.efore us Knhtpoh.jno, .]f,'nr,je li.ipalje,^ (.■ailed h,nn.:j.„honck-^) a goo,l hvigue an.l a half to the J/c,v«,r/./c,v^^* and in width from the E.ist river about one league to th.-cop^s of the same M. s,nuu'hU,, ss\x\x all the action, rights, privileges, thereuut., belonging, coiistiiuling and suhstituting the said Lords Direct.u-s etc etc. D..ne on the /.vA///7 M.t,d,.it. >■■ in f of the said Director or of who nii-l, lit succeed in his • Wallaboiit Uny. ** Maii|itiU Kil t and ])roiiiisiiiy Andrien HiidJe A. IlnDDio. at today, duto Iran, chiefs of .oluntai'ik and loins of (liilTcIs, 1 siiiiie knives, ■er to their full m1, snrrendered , snrrenih'i- i;iid red West India I IkIhihI, s on Lo;.,,.'p;n<-k, Shtl^inrk (also called .S'c/,r;///.v /.,«y) and its dependencies and de.lare.l, that vob.nfarilv and advis'edlv with the consent of Pi.,;i,W),:, his cousin. W.itt-'.o„-hb:n,u,>, K,i'lp„hr, IC't,u'l„in;war.^, co-owners of the aforesaid land, for and in consideration of a i«rty of meivhau.lise, which tliev acknowle.b'c to have received into their hands an,l ])ower to their full satisfaction and .■ontentment befm'e the i)assing hereof, they had transferred, ceiled, surrendered and c.nveved as lawful, true and free po.sscssion, as they herewith transfer, ce.lo, siirr..nder and ivevtoaiid for the belioof of the Xoble Lords Directors of the(Jeneral Privilege! We.t Fiulia Con.pauv, Department of A,a.f.rd.nn. all his, the grantor's, i.atrimonial lands and the jurisdiction thereof, situate upon the /„„„/ /,v/,„„/ called 111 the lu.liaii tongue .SW;,/„,^^vy. reaching in len-th along the southside of .said island tn.iu R,-ch.>u,rha.'hj to Slck.t.uwharku and from said Sk-kek'uu^fnirh;/ in width to M,trtln t,l,itiiig in his place, stead, real aud actual possession of the foredescribed land a,^ its depen.lencies the said Lords or who hcnvifter may .,btaiu their interest, to enter upon possess in p.M.'e, occupy, cultivate and .lo and dispose therewith and thereof, as thev would do with their own justly and lawfully acpiired lauds, without tl.'V. the ^^rantors, ha^ ;,.^^v,e,■viu • retaining m the least any part .,f or authority over it. bm all to the behoof aforesai.l ; nndrr t/,.- .rpr.Z '"''■'>'">>>^ Hi It he. .)/,■,./„„. ,/. ,n,v bo allowed, with his people aud friends, to rem ,in upon the aforesaid land, p ant ..orn, tish, hunt and make a living there as well as thev can, while he himself and Ins people placo themselves under the protection of the said Lords, who will .^'aiit to them all I.o.ss,l,le a,ssistance and favor by their representative in this couutrv. In testiim'.nv whereof ai.d of the truth these presents have been signed by the witnesses, called upon to do" so. who were pr(\sent at the sale. Done at Fort Am.sWnlam in Xrw .,,ll,.rl,uid, the l.V' of .lanuary H;;Ji). Dull) PiE-rnnisKN m: VmKs , M.MKiis .Ia.vsi:\ as witness. Ml my presence CouNKF.is VAN Tii:miovi;n. Seer'' nrfifir 1 1 » « 16 Kftrh/ Colonial Sdtlements. DKrosrnoN co.nckkm.nh iiii: lirii.ni.vcis kukcikh iv iin-i-i:uK.vr I'l.Aiios i\ Nnw X:;Titi:i{i..v.\i) DiKi.Nn Dm. VAN Twii.i.Ku's Admimstuation. w To-day, the 22"' of March It'.;!',) l)oforo mo, Coni'lia van T/'en/ioven, Socrotary in Nru jV, (/i<'r/aiuf on behalf of tlie (ioiu'imI Privilo^^uil \V'(;st Irulia ('oiii[)iiny in pivsoneo of tliu uiidcr signed witnesses apiwaivtl (,'i7//'.s J'/ff, /wrn r,iii div (ioHti\ about 27 yearei old, at present master honsouarpenter on tiie Ixl.uhl ]ranhatans, to me, tiie Secretary, well known, and by true words, in place and with pro.nise of an oath if required, at the instance of his Ilout.r WllUnt Kicft, Dircfttor General of Xcni Xdhrrhtml, trstith's. declares and deposes, that it i.-; true, that he, deponent, during the administration of Woutrr r,in 'fiai/h;; formerly Director here, lia» worked as iournev- man car|n-nfer on all the works, on which he was employed and he, dei-nneiit, knows, wliat houses and other buildiiii^s have i)een ere(;ted for the service of the ('oini)any during Mr. van Tmillef'a time on the Island Manhatans, at F^rt OniiKjr, Fort iVusmii in the South and Fort llopo in the North on the Frc'sli lilftr * to wit: On M'tiiluiti's Islaiul. In /•;>/■/ Atnsfrr,lii.'/i tiio guardhouse with lattice work and a roof were made. A small house for th< soldiers to live in. A large cellar was di.g and built up with stones to the level of the ground and beams across to lay planks on for the Uoor of the houso. On the Island outside of the Fort. A new bakery. A small house t'or the midwife. A goathous(; standing behind the Vivo Houses. The church with a hou-ic and stable behind it.f Tiie smith's, c rporal's and cooper's hou.-e, which had with |ian tiles. The largo slied, where the sloop and yadit- are built, and the sailmal" h.ft abo\e. At the iJowery \o. 1, a very good barn, dweiliiig house, boathou.-e and brewerv covered with tiles.*t The hou.se upon Mi'. 'I'li-'dh r's plantati(pn. In the commander's house, standing iii the Fori, niiicji Ii:i^ ben lir.iken and repaiivd. The saw and gri>t mills have been at divert iim.~ provided with a.xe-. .lud arms and other requisites, were always provided, when neeess.iry. Much work ha- Ijccu done at CnrliHr's Ili'>i\ r>j. Likewise at Iti .]/ii/tf,i,//,,'/<. The hou-i.' of ./,ii( Fivrf-S'Vi w.is built at /'ar.m/.r. Tiic house of ^Vy/vf-Z/.v i-in I'^/'v/ at /'.f-i'^/./ was built. '** The hou,se belonging to the formi'r Dirci'tor „i\ tlic Island of llclhufid.** Fort Aiastcrdiliii. was built Uj) witli platfo m- for the guns in tlie Fort. The house of Tiprun Jiinsi'ii ) foi' which Wau/.r ,;in The hou>e of I)ouiiiu? /A/y-^/v/Mx ( '/'//vV/.v' must accpjunt. The hou.se of \\'u/j)/u'ri O'crritar/i, standmg in the liay, w.is built by the iCo') carpenters. been raised, was coin])l<'lcd and coverci * ConiiiTticiit liivor. t On till) .N'orth Bido of Pparl strool. lictwiM'ti Wiiitplinil Mil Rma 1 .-in-i-m, *t Afleriv.irilH, in Km, soM t.. r)ir. Sf;yr..,.i,it . 'I'ln- Ikhixo »t....>l ii.ljoiiiin.s' <'"' k'roim !t of St Mirk'; ** Tlii'HO words iiru crossed out in tUo orih'inal. lurcli. M ■:\v X:;riti:i{i,ANi) jcrotary in Nrw CO of tliu iiiidcr- t i)roscMt niastiT l)y tnio words, in I- KItft, Dircittor It lie, di'poiuiiit, n'ktid as jdiii'iu'v- ows, wiiat lioii!ii!s I', oaih Tioi tier's ''ort Hope iu tho New Yorh Historical liecords. 17 Ii> Fort Orange lie Ims Imd nifido : In said Fort ho had mM\..hy JJirck Cor^iclissen from ir.«w.„ a handso.no, hirgo house with a flat roof and lattice work. ^ "onsu Also eight small houses for the soldiers. At Fort AW, which was in decay he had built the large house in Fort Nassau. J'ort Hope III tlic JSortli he caused to be built. All which the deponent declares to be true and according to his best knowledge of tho bmdmgs, constructed by ord.M- of the late Director. He cannot name any other and tlTis ."do e b.v h.m without any simulation or regard of person Jmt only to testifv'l the truth Dn" J^ort AnMnn ,n New NetI.erhuul, date as above. GiUis Pleterseu, Maurita JaZ, Z ^\Umi^,\\ijtjrantrktersenx^\i\\,wm. ««/•<» ./a««<.» as id b eani.-; across ted and covered abo\e. ry covered witli e|):iii'ed. 1 anus and other ■arpenters. M.irk'i lurcli. RirruRx ok tiik Shu-s iifiu- axi, kkp.mh,:,, ,x Nkw N.t„«„land dvuino Woctkk van 1 WILLKK's Amu.VISTKATION. Before me, Cornells van Tienhoven, Secretary of New Netherlaml appeared in presence of lie nndersigucd witnesses T,,n., Jan.en, ship carpenter, about .0 yZ old, ad vU true Christian words instead au.I nn.ier promise of a solemn oath if neeessiirv at tl„ . / llonor. Di...t..r (General AT^, deelared, testified and depol^.lT IT ^^^f ^ ^ .;:^ ^ deponent, during the administration lof Mr. ran Tu-!II,'A ,,. «.„.i- .,) „ i • - ' ' A 1(.,U tho.l,,,, ■VSV,„/,„i-' „|»i,v,l »,„l |„„vi.fcl „.itl, „,»• k,,,,... The yacht " Prins Wil/eM^' has been built. Tile yacht " Ain.sterdain'" almost (iuished. A largo open boat. In the yacht " Wesel " an orlop and caboose were made In tiie yacht " Vreede " the sawie. Tho boat " Omwal" at /:-•/ Orange. Tiie yaeht with a mizzeii sold to Bar?nt Direksen. Tiio wood cutters" boat. Divers farniboats and skiffs were sold to various jwrties Also many bouts and yawls made for the sl.H,ps Moreover the earpenters eonstantly repaired and caulke.l the old craft. Done at For^ A.^ter^a.^^l^^^i^ I^Ta^'S^. ''^"""■'^ ''" '"'' '" "'" '"'-'^^ "^ '-^''- This is the mark J- of ^V vmuan r I'iitkkskn » as y^ JUArHM8 Ja.VSK.V TvMKN Ja.NSK.N. ) witnessed. 3 I* 1 18 Hady Colonial SeUlerneiite. . DKi'osrnoN conckunino tiik Eu}xtini,li-< ,"t,i Timho,',,,, Sivrolary of Xcr X.thfirhiml uppuarod Ju,!oh S/o/Tr'.vn from Zurirkw,* aiul in tlio pri'sunco of tlio iiinlL-rsiynud witnesses at tlio roqiiost of lii.s Hoii,)r ]Ulh>>u Ku'ft, Director on lu'lialf of the Privilo-o.! West India Company in New N.thvland, te.stili.'d, declared and deposed, that it is true and truthful, that during the mhninistnitiou of the Ilon'"^' Wouier ran Twill,,: formerly Director here, he, the deponent, has l.oen st.'adily employed ill the Go's service as overseer over the negroes l.elongirig to the rom])any with tlie said negroes in huilding/w/'^lw,v/,7v/„w, which was completed in the year lO.'i.-), also iti cutting buihlin-' timber and firewood for the Large House as well as the guardhouse, splitting i)alisampany's grain in harvest time, together with many other labors, which we have done with flu^ negroes. All this .leponent declurJa to be true and that he has done so in the interest of truth, to which everybody is bound to testify, especially being reipiested thei'eio. Thus done al Fnrt Amxt, rJnm, this 22*' of March 1(139. Tliib is the mark q 1 of Jacoii .Stuki-elskn af ores''. Wv»KA.VT I'iKTKKSEN JlAfurrs Janskn j- as w itnesses. ^^ IlETrRV OF WorTEB TAN TwiLLEES PuoPEKTY IN Nkw NeTIIEKLAND. ToK^ay, date underwritten, personally appeared tlie undersigned persons (servants of the former Director Wout^r ran T^o/ZAr) and jointly with true Christian words, in stead aned in presence of the un.lersigned witnesses an.l at the re.piest of his Honor, Director (Jeneral Willem Ivi./t, that they have each of them, as hereunder set forth, in their hands or charge the following property belonging to him can Til) ill er. On Bowery No. 1, where Atrt TonnixiH is farmer. 1 heifer 1 do of this year. n oxen 1 steer 4 mares 1 stallion 1 geUiiiig 10 cows Also the implements on tlio Bowerv. Two islands in the //, lle.jat on tiie larger one of which** n„r,'„t Jaimm is fanner ; the larger island contains about 100 morgens of land, the other about (iO inorgens. I dwellinghouse l niare 3 milch cows 1 Btallion 3 bull calves. • Uke of Zurich. Ward's Island. ORK DONE 11 V TIIK 3ll JlUU)h Sfi>lf,l.'t>)t. est of lii.-i lluiior iV»'(o Xcthirldiiil, iiiistnitiuii (if tho stciulilj eiiiployud li tliu said iiof^roL'S ciitfii'g Iniildiii^' i.ilisadus, I'luiiriiij; lie, l(iji;('tlifr with li!cl;irue to he triio testify, ospocially Nc^o York Ilu^torical Records. 19 On Nut h!and, containing ah.^ut 80 inorgcns a house of which the frame was raised and so it remains. 21 pairs of goafs. On Howery No. 3* 3 miicli cowB 3 bull calves. A tobacco plantation near Snpohanikan** on the N.,rth river with palisades around it. A dwclhng house in good onler, where Oeorye Horns and ThonuD* IIM live in. A tohaccoliouso. At Fort Hope and Fort Nassau. 24 to 30 pairs of goats. ;i negroes, whom the late Director hought from Captain Ax at fl 40 the piece A' 1030 and wlio liave always, with exception ..f a brief space, worked in his private service. All winch we, the depunents. declare to he true and to he .lone by us, becanse everybody is hound to hear testnnony to the truth, especially when called upon. Done in F,>rt Amsterdam, thia 22'' of March lC3!t. TnoMAS Hall. This is the mark ^ of Geokoe Homs. IS witnesses. \ND. (servants of the 1 stead atid with led witnesses and each of them, as ;ing to him uan riner; the larger Statement concebnino the Cattle on tue Comcany's six Boweriks. Where and how the animals on the six Boweries on Manhatts Maud have been disposed of. One mare of Bowery No. 4 sold to Jan Evertsen. One ditto of No. 4 to CornvUn van I'orsf. Two ditto of No. 5 sold to Jacob van Corlti: One ditto of No (i I , . „ , Oni> stallion of No. fi f ^" Anthony Jansen from S tin- Into Director Twil/cr Una Itoii^'lit one half of them from Barent Dirckxi'u itiul took the other half in Il-iMli|,iti,iii of a deht, whicli naiU JiareiU oweil tu the Company, (so he nayrt) ; they were sent to '*^(r. h' ><.i i'u\r t Colony. Tito foregoing i.s what is known ahoiit tliu Hl'orosaiil animula. « DeKP fob a lioWKRT NEAR FoRT AmsTKUDAM. This (lay, the 7"' May X' l(i39, k-fore mo, ConicUs van j'ienhoven, Secretary of Nem Nrthcr- lauJ, came and appeared in their proper jiersons, Aiif/ioiii/ Jaiuscn from Vi-cs, of the one pnrt. ami Ihtrtitt Dlri-ki<'n liaker, of the other p;irt, and aeknowledi^ed in the presence of the niider- tiigiicd witnoites. to havi- iij,'reed and contracted in amity and friendship aiioiit the purclnne of the Bowery hitherto ..(cn|)ie (fe Triii/, on the conditions and terms here nmhrwritti II. Fir/if said Anthony ./iin.wn shall deliver, as he now is doin<» to liarcnt Dirrkucn aforesaid, who also acknowlediies to have honu'ht and this day received from said Anthony the lany earth and nail, except the cherry, peach and all .il her trees standing on said land, which Haid Anthony rescrvefl for Iiiinself and will remove at a more sea.-KKI) Fou A I'l.AMArii'N m:ai; (niWANis, L. r. Tn the rnanricrand under the term-^ set forth l,rt;.r,. me. fom,'/!.^ ran Tn^hm'fn, Secret.irv in NiiP Nithirlonil, ami the undersigned wilnesses Thonom llesrh,,' on Ihi' one part and ''„/ 7i,y,\» (Urwyrk Colony. ilf ol' tlu'iii from vciU owcU tu tlio New York Hhtormd Jiecofh. 91 of Nein N,th,'r- f tllO Olio |llll't, L' of till) iiii(icr- piircIiH^o of the iiiiilfd W('Hti'rly and tiTiiw lii'i-i' vki><'n nfort'Siiid, tlic liiiid liH it. in mid nail, except *// ivsi'i-vi;8 for itto of one year, strotcliiiii,' Ieiif,'tliwi8o into tlio woodn, for all of wlii,/li t',>/-n>:/in I^mherU'n Cool hIiiiII pay at onee to nomas lieHcfu-r tlie sum of ;}00 Caicliis ^'iiilders, at 20 St. tlio guilder. From this time fortli T/ionuif, Beach, ,', tlio sollor.couvoyrt and triisfer,* (o tlio waid Corndi'i Lamhertncn CV his afi.rewiid j.lantation and renounces all elainw and prutcnsioiirt wlii.l, ho, flio wllor. niav liavc iijion tlio Kaid plantation, .Ic-livoriiij,' tlio winio free from all demand, (•l.allenj,'o and in.'iiml.raneo, that may he wt np to if by any one and tho purehas.r may further (lisp„sc of the lid limd. as he would do with his own land ae.iuirod hy just and lawful titles, witiiout the -rantor re.s..rvii j,'or ivtaininfr„„y ..jaini or profensiou in tl,- leusf either uf ownership, authority or otherwise, l.iit renouneing evervthiiiff t«. the l.ehoot asaforesni.l and disclaimin;,'all oxeeptiong. For all whieh parties pledf,'e their respective por«oii«and estate, mal and | crsoual, none excepto.l, iin.Jer suhmission to ,dl r.,urts, .Jud^'os ,inl .Justices, all in -ood fuith without roserv.itioii or deceit: this lias been signed by us in presence of tho iiiuK'rwritfen witneasi>s. Uono hi Fi>rt Ainittrilam in JVew Netherlitn'J, this I7"> of May 1030. Mauuits Jansen Thomas Bkeoiie as witness This is tho mark ^ nf Cknki.is Lami.eutsen Cool. CouNEi-is VAN Tii.NiiovKN, Secretary. fifteen hundied ceipt of what is (Tkntu Wakd N. Y. Citv). On this day, d ite underwritten, l.cfoiv m.', Cono/i^ Van T!cn/io>v„, Secretarv in AV//- N,lh,'rla„ T^mi hIiuII jrriiiit to flu- prr-'uiul, fitlior in rliti tii-l'nfmiii horvUy promlHinjj t.) iiho all ituliiMtry ami (lili^rciuio t.. ciilrivatc, Hi. w atnl till the 1,111(1. and not to attend cxchHiveh- to tlio incrfaxin^ of tho nforosaid catfli". «o that tlu' l\.!in>aiiy may not l.o fnif; rated in their exptvtation of nnnnally receiving a good ,'rain. And wIu'IIovlt lip, Lonilert Anntmn nsen due dili^'cnco towards tlio arliei4 thiols May |(;;i!» in Fort A m.sf,r Nith4rlaiul. This is tho Li:mii;ki' mark of Ai:i N isM.v, aforesai(|. Tho Jlmrfry nicntlonivl in llix ah .v,' [..'.mo imiiIhIdciI sovcnty-CKlit airci (.V.) x\wt(;vn»). U wbh aitiinti'.l Lcliiiid ''hV,//j lilnriliiti.iii lit r,;r//i(r« //.w< (Ml tlui W«/ Hiwr aihl wiw pnti'iilod to Lnnhrt Arentlcu lU Oct.ilmr KJ.t.'S. It Hi-eiuu to liavu been iiubm'i|m'iilly a part o( tlii' 1), /j'liini/ fnriii. (Seu notii on p. 10.) •i '% Le.vsk oi- HowKiiv No. T) ov M.\mi.\it.v\ I-i,.\nii iTinim Waiih \i w Vokk Crrv). This il.iy, date underwritten. Iirfore ine, l',,rn, !!.■< i;iti 7V, /,/////V7/. Secrelarv in .Vr /'• .\itl„ r- An)7. appcareil the Ilouonhle Mr. Wlllinin h'l'j't, director f;eneral of Xein X,t/ifr/,n,( tho Mtlier p.irt. and in the iiresenee of the iniderwritten witno8.'(e8, iirkiiowledixeii to have au'rc.'d and CMtitracfitd ahoutthe hinr of [Howerv | No. .") heretnfoiv occuiiied hy Mr. ,/ii,'-il> I'ltn Vurl<-i\ and of the underwritten cattle for the term of ^ix eonsccutivo ye.U'.s, which i!..wcry and citth; are tlio property of tho Hon"' Directors of the West India Company, chamher at Ain.^tivilitin. The Ildii " Willi, till Ki-t'l, director jrcneral. loases to Il^mlrick II, with Iho dependencies thereof lor the term of six sncccssivo years eoniinenciiii,' the first of May A' lfl:J9 and ondiiij,' tho tir.-t of .Nfay A° Kil."). FL'tvh: k //^/•w,7/i.v-/ts!i;ill|iay;mnually to the If on'''" Director alxivo named or tho Company's agent, ii8 rent of tho af..ro.s;ud liowery, the just half of all grain.s with which (io(l shall l.le.,s tho land, in such niannor iw may bo considereil ndvantagooim for the Comp.inv. The said !!■ mh-irk lliinminin'n wry expressly promises to cultivate or cause t'l lie culiiv.Urd the laud with all diligence and industry and not attend exi'lusively to the incrciiM) of the cattle, hut dili:,'eiitlv till tho ground wliich is the ( '.Miip iny's priiiripal chj, a, lirivm ; thereforo whenever it is ol.served and remarked that tho cllltiv.itio:! of tic soil is taken diligently and I'anie-lly in h iii.l. lln^lrlk Ilariifnx,'!) .-hall he .annii.illy p.iid on hehalf of the ('oiiipany, tifty guilders .as servants waj,'ivs. Till' Il.tn ' Director delivers to said lL:)ulr'i<- lliriititiys,ii three young milch co\v,s, .mu r^iitl hIiiiII ^'raiit iitii^oouH for tlio mill (lilijfciico to if till) nforuHaiil liilly riM'civiiij^ ii ICO tdwimlrt till! II by tlio Hdii''" I in ciihIi f.ir tlu^ till- hiiiil rciiccil ill, Init all hIiuII (ivtalilo [iii'Ki'iit icoH ; nil iiigiioil irt AmnU'r yeare, with i... old iiiiiiu wliicli alone, cxiliiHivo of tlio oiIut cattle, i^ at the (,'om|miiy'H v\Ak. Till! iiliovo iiaiiiud ll,,i.r/un,f. This is the _a imirk of lli:.Mi|{IC AT II.Mt.M.\NSE.V. [Thu al...vo Bi.w, ry contalut-a .omuwUut ovor 50 ucr.,H. It wu. alluulo eiwt of lUu Howry u,ul uurtU o( Divisiou wtrtiot.J - . . i.ion.u Dkki) fou a Pi.antatio.v on Mamiaita.v Isr.Asn. UK ('rrv). I .V,-/' .y,f/„/-- 'ifrfiiiii/ of the !■ underwritten >o. .1 heretof, 111- six coiisecilti\i! he West India II the I'owcrv iliir the lirst of tlio C'oiniiany's diall lilos the iaid II' }\il'-iik land with all diligently till \ ol)Ser\eil and n/.,.Uvi sells the at;,resaid tohacco plantation and its ,lep,.nden,.ic>. together wilt pickaxes. Upade. 2 aves and one copper kettle, two stallio,. ,. ...h. ,1.,. ,„„■ ,',„,,,,,,. helong. . //..r.//.....X.,.f,.r ,1m sum of eleven hundred and eightv-two guildeis which with o^ie hundred and twenty guilders of an old deht. amount, to the sum of thirteen hundred a uo guilders, reckoned at 20 .,i,,.,., the gi.ihl..r; wlihOi aforesaid sum the purchasers p, ,L , '•'>■;"■ "';■ 1-;'^ "f the seUer, or his order, as followcli : The tir.t installmen o. 1 r e .... -vd gill 1..S m si. m.i,hs from the date hereof, , the forth eveiy year. tw!. llild , ^n:ld. ,>. o the 1 , p,v„ient mduMve. For all which, parties pled... their p..,-.;,,. and properties .; I-I..sers lor the payment, and the seller (;.r the fivedom of the at.vsaid Ian . ! I,' ' "x ;""' '"■';l""'-^' '■'■■■'' ""' l""-^"-''' (•'•-■"t -.'1 <•.......■. without anv exception hiilimittmi: urn er hoiu, a accordiiM' t,, liu- I> , ■ /• > i . 7 ,. , ■ ' ■^" I'""" N.^0 yUudand, " ' '" ^''"'^ -''"-'-■'^'"" tl"-^ 1>^'" -f May IW'J i,. This i, the )( mark oft limtir. I ANSKN from OKkrImrgli. This is the l_ mark of Wu.kkkt Kvkktsk.v. ifibi ( ■ 24 Early Colonial SetthmenU. DEor-AUATION A8 TO TM..; NCMDKU OK FUU'T TUEK.ONT.IK rLANTATIOM SO.,.. «V AnTHONV JaNSEN TO IJAKE^T DiKCKSEN. On tl.e 7'"Ju„e, A" tO;51>, I, T/, «/^ ran Tiai/ioivn, see.-etary of ,Vfw Netherlaml ean.e and appeared personally M.-. Andrus ILuhh of the one pa.-t, and Wolphn-t Gcn-ltnai of tlie ,.ther part, and in the i>resence of the nnderwritten witnesses ack.iow!edj;ed to have a.nieabiy and in a friendly manner eovonante.l and a-r.vd ahont the l!,.wery called ^Ir^A/mv/^ situate on Lon,j hhnul, l,elon-ing conj.jiiitly to hini //,/,/,/,- and WoJph.rt Ga-rlt^ni in manner as follows: Fii'st, .Monsieur IIh,1,I., ahovenamed, i-enoumrs all action and elaim which he has to the house' ha.Tack,l.arn. .warden, together with whateveris fasfned hy eai-th a.ul ..ail, a.ul all other i,n >\va\\ keep and iit f.ve propei-ty j.osse>.s a mare which was from Fatherland bv .Arv//i ir«////,, /•/.v<7i,. >i"ought Al>o. tiu' land which bclon-.. to the abov..mentioued bowery of A.-htervdt, and the renunnln- cattle except tl.e mare aforesaid, shall be the property half and half, as heretofore of M.-. lluddo and sax! Wotph.rt ^'VvvV.w,, which Iioum'. bar.-ack, bar.., -ai-den a.ul the ^rrou.id wheiv.m th.^v st .nd tin; afo.'oaid //-,-/,/- wholly conveys t. him Il'-V''''^ Gernt^.n as he doth he.-ebv transport the sanus completely renouncing the same f.-.u.i this fin.e forth f.u- ever ; a.ul the abovenamed li , the States, his Ili-dineK-. of 0.-a.>gea,ult!,ellon^-i)i,vctor and Council of .V,„. X.th.rl.,nd: to follow wherevrr he the Dnvcto,-, orany..,ei.ibcr.,f the O.m.ci! lead-: loyallv to give i.istant notice of auv .r..a-on .md .n.ii..-y to the cou..try that .nay con.,, to you- k.iowiedge ; to a.si.-t, .st.pport and pn.teet bv all .neat,. ,n your powe.^, with your life and proj.e.-ty the inhabitants thereof against all public enemies .so tiailv help vou (iod. NTUONV JanSEN S?Av \\v:\t ami, appio UvL'ii, 40 Secreti Jtary. •w KetherJanil, H O'crritntii of liavo jiiiiifably rctlt sitiiato on iier as follows: ■s to tho liousi', rdcpi'iidc'licii's illf< UlldlTStoO.l w;;.s iinni^'ht the vi'iiiainliii,' >f Afr. //>i J partiis 111! ill . lit hdk. 1 WITH TIIMU < IIiirliJi(!iv< of •ivvcr- he, tlif y trca-Mii aiiii |in.t('('t \,y all ii»-t all public Mio Vork H'mtonml Jiccnrds. 25 TI„. follouinu^ are tho sI.M.atn.vs of all the Englislnnen -.vho have H„l,s,.ril,..,l tho fonn of tho Oath a> sot tortii oil tho othor side. This is tho -yL mark of (jKOIiOK TIoMS. lllCHAKI) l!l;ri)K>fELI,. AlJUAllAM Ll-WMAV. FFKANCI8 LAt TI.HV. This is tho /^ mark of EnwAiii) Wilson. This is 111,. ^ iii;iik of WiM.IAM WllJ.KM.SKN. This is tho /y^^ ,nai'k of John IIodsox. ^ >^ i John JIathawav. CovTHA.T TO n,-,r.n a iioisk anh commicn.,: a i.r.ANTATioN NEAU DKrTK. Bav, Max„a„an Isl.A.SJt. Thi. .lay .lato nndonvritton, hofuro n.o Corndi. van TUnhoven, Socret.ry in .Y, «, iy^.M.r- 'nn., appoaivd <„„nj. //„.,..( tho ono part, and r/«>;«..v 7/./ of the otho part wholo Iv doolarod tlut thoy iiiloiided .o ,„ai.. a plaii.a.ioi, and h„i,d a house noa. 7, uUi t^ ^r ^ J o.^^.>/..^...aiidi,i ,1.0 pi.o,eiu.e of tho ,indorsi,nod witnesses, have a^ived In inannei !. That thoy shall jointly ,.,,„• all the expenses of the bnildiii^, wa;,es of laborers and of all -pKaneiUs . lu,.|, they shall need for the plantation : also that alUho ;;^i„ proeeedi. 1 • 1 the plantalion or iron, all oilier pinvhases and sales whether thev wllM l . 7 ■"'-. >!-■' 1..^ ^1-vd half and h' „; ,„,„, ,,,,,, Z^C!l ' " ""'''^ '•' "'^^ """ '•' "'^ Inder e pre.s eon,!;,ion and stipulation that wheiiover eitlier ^A.^y,. //„,,, „, r/,„,.,„ II- I alio enan.ed ,leparts ,or Ku^land or Iloiland, or il thev happen to have ai.v di^eC o "I- 'i'l^'rrel w,:a earli o.her, ,|,. plantation, I.oum., the 1 nd beloii.^i,,. t ,"^^'^"'" ;::;;'"■'• '•''7-;;' "■• -';"^'" '- -'"'-i ^ -i.-^^^i N/two in. :;!ai';;:::h::.,':h, ''::;::;; riS;:::.:;.;:;-:';;;::!;:- I>one 111 F,„'l A„u.U nhua in Ifeui X.th.rl.nJ this 7'" Si^pteniber l.;;Jt>. This is "7^. ,1,^. ,„,„.l. „,• ,;,,^,|,^_|, jj^ ,^^_^ Thomas IIai.i., Mai mis ,I vnsi v. To iiiv kii..wled;,'e, (V.KMT.i- NAN TiLMiuVK.s Seeretarv. tmmmmmmum i 26 £a/-Ii/ Colonial Settlements, Permit to Govkknoi: rNDKuiiiLi, an-d a fi:w Familiks to rksihk in- Xi:\v XKrnKur.ANn. On the 8"' Scj'toiif),/: Wlicrc;i>: (toxi'riioi' /^'/('A /■/i'///, who rc.-ido.-! tii\v:inl tlio Xortli roijiu'sls piTiiii^ninii td ilwull witl> tioino fmnilii's lu'iv iiiitlci' our |ii-oti'(lion, on (.•ninlition of L'lijuyiiij; ^lU'li Fri'cdoni.s as tin' otlior iiilial)it:liits resiiliiii; hero, siitl ('/i(/tr/ii//'s ivijilest is i^riiiitcil, jiiovidi'd that lie and tlie l>eii](lo acroin|)aiiyiii States General uiid his Highness of Orange. r.KASi; OK BoWKUY Nip. 0, ^^A^'1I ATIA.V Isl.A.VD. This (h\v, date iindi'r\vritl(ui, liefure nn^ t'o/vi-Z/v iv/m 7V, a]i|ieared the Hon'' .Mr. Willidia A'tij't, director general for the Incoi'iioi'ated We.-t I.idia ( 'cMiMuy of ihf o:ie ini-;, and A/irii/cm J'i( the otht'r part, who acknowh'dgi'd to liive aniicaiily agrt'i'd .ind contracted ahout I'le hii'e of tiie iJowery No, t'« iieretofore cnltivated hy Wal/ilhrl ^/( /'/'/V.wv/. situate on the [.--land Mdii/niti, hehmging to tlie Hon'''"' I.)ireetor> of thetieneral lncor]>orated We.-t Jndia v'oniji.iny, in manner and on terms here- under written. The Hon''' Direiior delivers to ^l/i/'.//('(/« J'it't, /:•<, n the ahovenamed Itowery and the land thereunto heionging. A!>o, two inari's and one stallion, tliree milch co\\s, one heiler and one lieifer calf, which ilowery and cattle aforoaid, Ahralmin J'ii ti rsiii acknowledges to have received from the ahove named hamls, who, too, shall I'et.iin what is aforesaid on lea.-^e for twenty consecutive years, comnu'iicing and ending for which Ahriihnia J'ir/f'rK'H, or whosoever iTiay receive liis action .--hall jiay a!i annual rent to t!ic Hon'''' Dii'cctor af
aid of forty-live skepels id' rye. and ninety pounds of liulter, under 
 express coiidilion that the incre:i.-e which >hall, hy (iod"> lile-^iiig he prorreated from the aliove 
 ni Mitioned cattle, shall he shand and di\iiled every four years, piovided that the IJowi'ry shall 
 rem lin .stocked with a^ many cattle a^ the I)irei'tor no v delivers. .\t the expir.iliipn of the twenty 
 years Alirtilidni /'ir'/(/\ii'ii shall ^nl■n■nde^ h.ick the i!o\M'ry in sU'-h form a.-- he ijipw receive^ thr 
 came, iioth huildings ami cattle, it heing well under.-tood that the cattle are to he restored ipf the 
 same ipiality a.-^ are riow supplieil him. In witiie-.,- and token of the truth thit is signed hy parties 
 witlioilt 'ruile oi' deceit. Done in J'oit Aii,.\/< n/uin this. 
 I'aik.st Koi: Lamp ai Dii ikl (,'l'i uii.i.j Hav .MA.NnvriA.s Isi.a.so.* 
 We, Wilhiii Kiifl, I )irectipr General and Council ipf .\'' /'" .A'. //(.//(//((Z, I'ti- herewith testify 
 and declare, that tip il ly, date underwritt-n. w.- ha\c Lrrantecj t.i (i,,,r:;, llains anil ThmiidH lliil^ 
 fiphacco |)l,iiiti>r> in ])artner>hip, a ci'rt.iin pii'i f land, .-itnale lipon tin' IxliUnl Mitnlmtiinx, 
 reachinir in width from Ih'dil Inn/ lU-r the Kast river lo the kil of Sr/i./nnot's where the headi- 
 Iree lies across the wafer and in h iigih tVom the said ri\er directly into the woods for the sami' 
 dibtaiire a:- al'png the water, one imndred rod> of thirteen feet laeh : undri' the expi'e.-.s condition 
 • liitwii-n 47'!' & rc'i Sir, till- KiiBt ItiviT \ 'J' AvtMuiP. 

 ■Iiii.>siiiii t(i (lucll 
 I' ri'cdoin.s as tlii' 
 1 tliat lie and tile 
 Jiicsbt's tliu Lord,-. 
 , ill ]iivsoiico of 
 gL'iii'i'al I'nr tin' 
 /'/', of till- (itlnT 
 till' lidWclT N(l, 
 ln'!iiiii.'iii_i; Ici till' 
 il nil tonus luTu- 
 Ncw York Historical Tiicor(h. 27 
 and Ktipiilatioii, tliat Gennjo Ilnnin and Thomas Hal or wiio lioreiiftor by virtue of this dociiiiient 
 inayol)taiii tlii'ir iiitcrest, shall ackiiowlcditu tho Noble Lord^ Directors as their Lords and I'ati'ooiisi 
 under flie Moveruif^nty of their lli;;ii: Mij^ht: the Lordri States (Jeiu^ral and ohey tlii'ir Director 
 and Council here in everythinfi;, as it is the duty of all jjood i.diahitiuitH. submitting further tn all 
 such iinpost.s and taxes, as by the said authorities are alri'ady or may be (U'duivd ; eonstitntinic 
 therefore the said (ieonje IIoii>.i ',in<\ Tliomiix Ilnl 'n\ f)ur stead, real and actual i)nsse>si(in of the 
 said j)ieee of laud, giving tlieiii full and irrevocable jiower, to enter upon, cultivate, oeenpv and 
 use the said parcel of land, as they would witli other, their patrimonial lands and goods, without 
 we, the grantors, in our (juality aforesaid reserving or regaining in the least any part of or authority 
 over the j)ro])erfy, but for the behoof as aforesaid desisting, renouncing and withdrawing now and 
 forever herewith and promising to maintain, fulfil and execute tliis conveyance iirmly, inviolablv 
 nnd irr(!Vocably, all accoiding to the rules of law and to further eontirin this it lias been by us 
 signed and sealed with our seal. 
 Done the 15"' (f November A" 10;i'.) at /"'oW .l///.'(/(7'(/(///(. ( 'opy hereof has bc^en irixcu to 
 said Geonje llutiin and Thomas Ilal, which was signed ; 
 Wii.i.r.j[ KiKiT. 
 Wy ordi'r of the Direi'toi- and Council. 
 CoKNKLis VAN ']'ii:nii(jvi;n Secr>'. 
 i-y and the land 
 e lieiler and one 
 to have received 
 entv consecutive 
 ,n annual rent to 
 of lilllter, llllder 
 I from tin' above 
 he llowi'i-y .shall 
 on of the twenty 
 ow receive^ the 
 e restored of ibe 
 signed by parties 
 Patent for Lano at Sapiiorac^kam (SorTii Pakt of Brookly.n). 
 We. Willfi/i Khft, Director (ieneral and Council on beh.ilf of their High: Might: the Lords- 
 States (Jeneral of the riiited I'l'ovinccs, his Highness of Orange ant India ('oiii|Mny, residing in Kew Netherland, herewith testify and tkclaie, 
 that to-day, datt- underwritten, we have granted to 77iiimii,i Ii',\i/i, r, tobacco jilanter, a lertaiu 
 pi('C(' of land, situate upon the Lo/n/ Island >\\\ thestraiulof the North river bay near -S'ljiii'ir-if^dii. 
 stretching ill width along the strand from the canelnvike thr.'e hundred paces of three feet e:ich 
 .•md in length the s.mie di-tance across towards the woods into t lie copse, with the express condition 
 and stipiil.ition, that Tlmvi'it /Ii'kc/i, r etc etc 
 Done at Fort Ainstrrdmn in .Voo .\,f/i,r/'ini/, this '_'S" of Novbr ltl:i',>. 
 Will. KM KlKl-T. 
 I'y Older of Director and Council. 
 CoRNKt.IS VSN- TlKWiloVKN, OeCf''. 
 herewith testify 
 i| Tliiiiiiiin llitl, 
 lid MilliliiltiINx, 
 -vhcre tlu' be.arh- 
 >ds for the same 
 \pre^s condition 
 DeFTI roii A n.ANTATIOV NKAU SAl-oNlrKAN (NiNTM Wark, N. Y. Vyn\ 
 Hefoi-e me. Corihllx r.iii T:. nli, >,-,„. Secretary in Xew Xdhrrliiid, ajipeared ILndric 
 ]\.t,r>,rn from If, s, /. who in the presence of tjie nndersitjned witness. acknowledL'cd to have 
 coriveved and transpMrted in full and free prop,.rty unto J-//-///,,; p:,t.r.,„ from Mrhn.i,,; 
 his prcM'iit pla.itatioi; f-itiiate .agaiiist the L'.rd r,tll,;j beyond Sapjiohtn!<;in on the island ,d" 
^^ l''orhj Colonial SeHhiiicnts. 
 MM', an.l that with tl„. h.n.sa uiul all llu. i. la.tcMUHl l.y .arth a,.,! nail, su.Tun.lan,,^ to th. 
 l)eluM.t as atorosaul for now and for over all onuLMvhip or i-o,nM.,n..l whi.h ho //n,>lr!<- /'k'(,r..n,. 
 may claim to the aforosai.i plantation, to wit, so l.rn:i,| aloiiir tho shoro as his laml is wi.lo, aiul the 
 valley of like breailth. In testimony ami token of tho truth is this signed. 
 Douo this 3' Fcbnirry A" 1040. 
 riKNniJKK PlKTlIiSI.N. 
 This is the Ji( df IIkn-dui,' rirn:i;si:x, mason. 
 Maiijiis Jaxsk.v, witness. 
 T.i my knculodge, Cou.vixts van Tik.miovk.v 
 Rlv^Or.nioN- TO I'lKOllASI.; La.M.S on- .\oliWAI.K RiVEU. 
 On T/iumhn/, h,;/i,/ //,. l\'''' ,f Jj,r/7 [UUn]. 
 In conneil, resolved and conchidod t,. maintain tho elmrtor irnntod l.v tlioir Ili-h Mi-htinessos 
 ^;,.""; """""■ ^^''-^f ^"'"^' '' 1'^">V "" ""-^' l>.->''ts <.f y.r> Xrth.rl.n>.K and to send (\,n,.r,. ,„n> 
 l.r„ho,'en, Seerotary, to tho . I /■,./,,>/„,/„,* in order to ,,nrele,-e ,l,e Mdjarent lan.ls there- to s..t 
 np tile arms of the Lords States (ioneral ; t.. take the Indians 
 nnder our |)roteetiu)i, imd to prevent 
 , . • •■ "" ' "111 I'li'n-ei iiin, iino lo preveni 
 a.iy other nation committing any nsurpatioii on onr limits an,l ineroiehing further on onr territory 
 IfirAM. AM. MINI Tl:s ,>K nr» I'lJiM KKOlM.s. ( X v- r»/. /A,,.. //, ] C ,/.„,,). 
 May l;!, j.lto. Wo ,ho Direelnr and Ci-un.il re>idin- in .V. „• X,ih.rl.,n.l. I„r ,]„. ili„l, ,,„1 
 M,d„y Lords States (ioneral of tho Cut..! \.>h. rinn.i.. hi. Highness of Orne... and the Hoi,-' 
 »,reet,.rs „f the ineorpoi-ated \S-A India (' pany. having e^press orders and eommand fn.ni 
 tl.esail Lords ti.pur,-ha~emiheirname. from the Inhahitants .,f ihi-se parl>. alUu,-h Land, as 
 we think host adapted f,,r a-ririiltnre and llio sM|i|,.,rt uT all -..ris ,,f ealile 
 . Thea.t;.ro, i'm-suant to the order of onr sove.-eign LonI,. wo have pnrehaM..! from the great 
 CInef or Saelu.m named /•.„/,„„.;/., all ,h.- Lands left as an inheri.anee to 1 |,v his aiM^tors 
 Mtnateon /.»,<./ /./W within ,l,e linnN of ,V, .• -V- Ve ,■/„,„/, wi.l, all Mieh art i,,; and riidit> as 
 he lu anywi^e may have elaim („. a, -din:, to the Deed of Sah- ami the eonvevauee li.en of 
 existing: wh„h ..foiv.ai.l P.uh U... at^or some foreign nation had settl,.] on "the atore-iid 
 lands, about .Se/„,„^ ;,.,,/, has .mtilied u,- that nmie interloper, or va^rahomU have oo n the 
 lands wlneh we have purehased from him, and have he:.run there to hiiild houses, out down trees 
 ul down the arms of 'I'hi'ir Ili:.di 
 and to p..rform oiher work, aii.eH there. 
 • .S..» .nil,, I \.„,r.,lk IJ.,,„h. 
ndariii^ to tliu 
 dric Pietcrnfii, 
 s wide, unci iho 
 IV i;.v 
 New York Jlinlorical Records. 
 li Nfiijlitinpssps 
 ( ^iirih lix Prill. 
 ■ tlit'i-c : to set 
 mil to pri'vciit 
 [) our tcrrifiirv 
 IMKN- ON r.dVlJ 
 111.- ili-li :,li<| 
 ri'l the Ilon'^'' 
 i|iiiii;iiii| frmit 
 -IH'li LiliJ.s im 
 iiiiu llic frrcat 
 lii.-. .■iMresturs, 
 ainl ritrlit> :m 
 yaih-c lliiTriif 
 till! ;iliiri'.-,iii| 
 coiiii' on thu 
 it ■louii irccs 
 'I'lirir Fli-I, 
 In order to (>i)t«iii tro.;d aii, to send thither Secretary Cornelis min 
 Tl<:nlt,>i!<;n and (2.")) soldiers, to whom wo have also given the following instruction, licrciinder 
 inserted : 
 Whereas we have certain information that sonu; f.>reign nation has come to Martin Gvrrtt- 
 ani',^ and Schours hmj on L„n,j /.ilaii'l, b.'ing the lands of the Hon"' West India Company, mider 
 the dominion of the High and ^righty Lords States General, and there tore down the Amis of the 
 Lords States (ieneral, and bognn a settlement there and lo cultivate the soil : Therefore, we semi 
 yo;i. Secretary Cunuii-i cm 7W/i/ioi',-ii, the deputy sheritl with tiie sergeant and twenty-three 
 soldiers thither to ascertain the circumstances of the case, and you shall regulate yourself as 
 follows : 
 \ou shall ende;ivor to arrive tliirc unawares; in our .pinion it will be br>t :i break of o wnti.i- 
 down (t.rrectly all that occurs there, and you may happen to do. preventing likewl.-le. the soldiers 
 from committing any irregularity. In case the Imliaus have taken'away the' Arms, and the Kn-li>h 
 are imiorent thereof, and are willing voluntarily to dej)ar: in your presence, it would be advislibh^ 
 to pennil them to do so, without any i iuioti(Ui, but in such .ase, the chiefs of the Indians must 
 b." brought along as prisoners, and umkr all eircun, stances it will be also necessarv that yon take 
 the Imliaus with you. If it should happen that the T" .glish have been reinforce.l bv Vo many 
 '"''' Hcrs Mvhi.'h we <|o not anticipate) that you w 1 m.t be >tnc.g enou-h for "tli..m. v.m 
 shall mike an emphatic protest .•igiiiist them, then sign it and eoiue back? Above all thimrs." take 
 care that no \il 1 be spill. 
 Thus done in our Council the l.T'' of Mav, A° It'.lO. 
 Oil the I ("■ May, A" HUO the Secretary an.l (2,h soldiers mar.'hed out of /•;„./ Aiiusf,n/aM 
 with the abovewntfeu instruction, and on t!ie !.-.•'■ al break ,,f dav, arrlvrd at llio pl:„v where the 
 Lngli.h h.ad taken up their r. ^loeiice. wlieie they louiid one house .al-eadv built bv them and another 
 111 progress. 
 First, they were a~ked : What they were doin:: there ; bv what power, or bv who.,, authoritv 
 Ih.-y pre.umed to setJe on soil purch.i>ed by u>; ihev were asked to -how tlirir Vonm,issi.,n 
 Mirht men ,one woman md little chihh made answer: It was thrir intention t.. plant there, 
 and (hit the. were autl,o,l...,| ,„ ,1.. so by a Scotchman* who had gone with their com.uis.ioti to 
 til.- /i'.,/ M,,,:i,t,iiii (X,,i> a. ■.,,). 
 ; ■' - ; • ''"■•" ' ' " """"'' -'I"M""^ ■-'"'11 '•■"".' TUK roc.N.i.:,.,. f,.r tl.« «,V,ur..s „f .N..,v„ 
 n y ..V ..,..n,,l,n,.Hl, .,„.,. ,.,...,„s Ut ..>,. Ur,., ..,.!,. .,f Im„I,.„,, „..un„... 1..,.. nu \V,.,„„i,n.s,..r ,1,., 
 ' '"^""'^"^■" """'•■ '•'.■''"•••»ll'.^'a.-,M.nM,H\l.e.-Uui,-,„ .n..r l,i„ 11W„.,.h l!..alm,..,f K,,,;!..,,,! f„r ,1,0 
 Etivhj Vohmial Stttlcmenta. 
 Secoiully, thoy wore asked : Wli\ dui tlicv throw down tlicir IJixli MifrlitincsBes' Arum, and 
 sot up a fool's face in tlioir steiid { 
 To wliiifli sciMio iinsworod : Tlio Anns wore cnt di>wii l)y a porsoii who was not tlion prosont. 
 OihiTs answeriMl : yuch was done in their presence hy order of a Seotclinian, and \w who diil it 
 was »t lic'l Mountaiu. 
 Ilen'ii]>on six men were hroiiirht to the Fort, h.'c it iloih ami may appciin') N'lnvi; ICsowi; ail 
 men liy tlifis piit.H tlint tln> nai.i Co'irrll of Ni «■■■ Kiif;laml in Ani.-rii-a laiiici- aHHi'iiililnl in piililiipii. <'oiirto 
 ni-i-oniiiiffr to an Ai-to niailo ami a>;ri'i'il lip] on ilip iliiril ilni of Trliriiary last past l>i-forn llir .lati' of iln-is nuts for 
 (liviTs f;r>oil caii.ii'M ami roiifiiili-niion:! lli. m In p unto op.rially movrin^-o II A vi; ^-iMi, ^.-rai.nliil alii-inil liar^'iiynnl 
 anil HoM .\nil in ami liy tlieis pnts iloi. for ili.in ami ilnin- SmvicMirs ^'ivo j;ri>iiiii ulii n liarpiiiio pill an. I lonlirnii- 
 iinio llm lilt'Iit Ilomiralili- WiHiaiii I.orl Al.xaii.l.T liln lirir. s ami a.s.-.ij:iii:. All 01: pint of ll lainii l.ami of Nowo 
 Kiinlanil afori's:ii.l hr^-inninp' fioni a i-.riiiim^ plai-r imII.iI or !.-iii){ to tlii< Wi'stwanl of Capi' 
 Co.l.l or tlii-Naroliipins.'ts wiiliin tin- iatitinlr of F.irlii- or Korti.' .)iu« ili.;.'r.'i-s or tln'ri-almiitH niiiiliiii(;i' nppon tl,,- 
 Maim- laml lii-lwoi'iu' ihi' two Hivrrs tlirrr km.»m I.y tlir oi \ 1 rail iiiiini s of CoMrii i-mi niiil llmlsons liivii .'....il 
 (•oiili-ynin(.'i' in li-n^-lli from ICast to \V. si llo- ttimlr |.n«tli i.f tlic S. a 1 '.msI lli.-ri' IhI ivfi'mi tl„. M,i,| tunUivrrs 
 'IVi'ilior svilli all anil sini,'uli-r liavons liarl'Oiirs iTin'ki-i an. I IsIbii.Ih imliay.l ami all Ihlamls and H.-lta U iiip. niilijn 
 Fivi' l-nKut'sdislanoi'of tli" maim- lii'in^'iopposin. and alniiiinfri' iippon tlio pr.'inissrHor any part tlu'ri-of not foninrly 
 lawfully irrannli'il to any liy Hpi'iiiill iiann' Ami ail inyncs iiiimrailH i|iiarrii'M sovIih and Hoods niarisliis riNrrs 
 walMfrt laki'H lisliititfu liawkiuiru liuiitinnu and fowlingi' and all ulliiT lioyaltii'a Jurisdiiions priviledgiH prtlipini- 
 ni'iiivH protliits romoditlHs and liiTi-.lilami'nts wliutam vir witli all and ►ingul.r tin in- nml I'Vi-ry of tlii'iro 
 appurti'nMcDs .Vmi toKi-iln'r alsoo will, all lt,-nt.i nsi-rv.-.l .•111. 1 tli.' Iii.n..(iii of ail pr.liiis ,liir to tlinn tlic sai.l 
 Co ■nscll aii.l tlicirc .Sii.'rinsors Willi powir of Jii.li.aiiir. iin,!l .•,,.|,..s aii.l iiiiticri wliats...-v. r as well rnniiiiall ns 
 (JapitnU ttud Civilu urUciuj;.; ur wliicli may liuri-'ufUT uriw] wiiUiii tUu luuiuii IwmiUa nud prcciiictH aforcBuid to be 
 bos' AriiiH, ami 
 it tlii'ii prrKC'iit. 
 I lu; wlio dill it 
 1 11 child there, 
 Nero York Historical Records. 
 icr FHoM Nkw 
 lire found Not 
 n coiiliiu'iiu'iit 
 1 (iiir turrilory 
 il ronfinni'il iinlo 
 !^'e Hiiil briiif,'!' in 
 ;riM'ii (if llic mill 
 tim niiiliiit i.niul 
 •f fihllill^H Iliyilfli 
 (|iiiirriis itiiil iill 
 ITS liiilli nilliiu 
 itir duid I.i'ltiTH 
 ^iwi; ICvdWK nil 
 puliliiiur Coiirlo 
 f tlii'i» imtd for 
 iiMM'l Imr^riiviiccI 
 -I'll nrui roDtiniH! 
 u I, a IK I of Ni'WH 
 iirxt luljiiyninjio 
 ninr plmi- (aljid 
 .iiril^ "•xti'iiiliiij,'!' 
 il> wllicll tl'llill'lll 
 iif (niiailn Ami 
 nr I.dii^T Inlaiul 
 islwnnl iif lapn 
 lin^'c ii|ipiiii iliH 
 IcDiih llivir luid 
 hllill tun IliVlTH 
 tH lyiiif,'!- Hiiliin 
 riif mil fiiriiiirly 
 lna^i^ll^^- rivcrrt 
 Ifd^'iH prt'lifiiii- 
 cviTV iif tliriri' 
 • I tlli'lu llic haiil 
 1-11 iTiiiiiiintl an 
 A afDrcKuJil tu bu 
 aiiil nut i-i'tiini to it iliiriiiL? their livos, without the oxprcris eonsout of the Dirt'cfni-, wluToof thcv 
 ehall liu oliliijcd to siyii an act. 
 WliL'iva.s \vi!, Jol) Sciirn^ Grorije Wilhl, Jnhn luirunjUm, I'lillip ('(irt'Hn^ .Xiif/id/iii / 
 Cartehindt, Wllllani lldrktr, luivu within a fuw days, uoiik! to sL'ttlc on territory hclinii^in^ to 
 tlu.'ir Hii,'h Mii^^lilinr^s'M the f.ords Stales (u;ni'ral, withont knowini^ the same, Iteiiii; deceived liy 
 Mr. /'''/'('A a Seoichman, tlierefore the Hon''' 1) I'lrtm- (leiieial of XeioNitltirhiiul has !iad ns 
 removed thence and requires ns imniodiately to lireak n|> and (h'|)art beyond the liiuils of the 
 lion'''" Incorpoi-ated We^t India Company, whicii we are ixiunij to ilo, and proniise on oni- faith 
 and honor fortliwitli to st't ahont without fail, on pain of heiii:,' ])Mni.-.hed as perversa n>iirpers, to 
 which end we riubniit ourselves not oidy to thi.s, Ixit tu all other courts in the world. 
 In testimony of th'r truth aiul in ijood faitli we have suiiserihed this wilii our own liands in 
 Fort Amsten'im. in N' m X>thrrlitnil, tiie TJ"' iMay, A" Itiin. 
 ^^Siglled) doll Skvu*. 
 (ti:oii(ji; Wi;i.i!i;. 
 Joll.N F.\Ul.Nl,IO.V. 
 I'llll.ll' ( 'aim l.l.A.NIir. 
 N.VrAMi:i. CAIMKI.A.SDr. 
 Wir.i.iAM IIaukiu. 
 I'atknt i'ois [,ANn o\ Lo.N'ct Ist.AS'n, ni:\u Mkukoiikawikinoii (Rkh Hook, 12"' V.'aiu) of 
 AVe, Willeiii Kti'fl, Director (tenerat and C'oiitu;il of Xi'io X,'th'-rliiiil etc testify and ,lc;lare 
 herewith, tliat today, date underwritten, we ii.ive !.,'iveii and i;r.int(!d to Frri'k Lnhlh' i'>i),'Iaiiit us m'rrii as may In; l>y Urn .-niil Williuiii Lnril .Mcsamler 
 liis lii'iri'a or as8i(.'m'S or lii.s or tln'ire l>rpcilii'!) l,it!uti'ii'*iits Juilj;i's Simvanl.s or OiUivrs tlirrt'iiiito liy liim or tlu'iii 
 assifjiii'J ili'piiti'il or appoiiiii-il from liiiu' to lime with all oilier privilicl^f.i fraiiclnMi's liUeriii'S iiiuioilii's i'.«i'liralis 
 ami ca.siialtici lliiTi'of arrisciiif,'!' or wliii-h uliall or may in'rcaflcr arisf wiiUiii ilii' said l.imitts and pri'i'iiiis Willi all 
 tlir interest rijjlil tillo clainii' and dmiiaiind wUatsoBv.T wUii-li tlm said I'oiinstdl and llndre Siieri'ssors n.uve of rijjlit 
 liavd or oiiijlr lo iiavii or rlaiuin or may liavr or ai'niiiri' In '.•after in or to tliti said poicoii of Lands or Islands or any 
 till' priinissi'S and in lis fren amp e lari,'" and lii-m'tioiall m iniiur to sll intiMitti conslructions and piir[iost's wlmtsoi'ViT 
 ».< tlui aaid ('oiiiii'i'll liy verliui of his Ma'"" Haiil l.eiii'rs I'lilnus may or I'aiin (,'niu.it iht' -unn' Swkimii-; 'luil all way es 
 rrserving nnto the aaid I'onnsell and tlu'ire Siicoessms power to foceave heare and 'leleriiiiiie all and siii,i,'nler api'ialo 
 ardappeaU'S of every p"r.sim and perrton.s whalanever ilwellin)»(i or iniialiiiin(,'e within the Haiti Terriiories anil Island.s 
 or any part thereof so.i granntwl a.s aforesaid of aiel froMi nil .lnd:,'"in'n's and Sentences whatsoever f,-iven wiiliiii 
 the said I.anils and Tnrntorio.s aforesaid To IIWK and to IIoi.di-: all and sin^'iiler the Lands and preinissis aliove liy 
 theiH pnt« ^'raunted (oxivpta boforo exreptml) with all and nil manner of prollllls oomodines and hereditaments 
 wiijilsoever within the Lands and pri'inis.ses afnrenaid or to tho sai.l l.aii'ls Islands and pretnisses or any of them In any 
 wise lieloiij,'inf,'ii or apperteyiiin),'e unto the said William I. ird Alexander his heires or Bssiirnes To the only (iroper 
 use and hehonfe of him liiu said Willii'.ni Lor! .Mrxander his heires and assicnes for ever To l»' holden of the said 
 I'.niiisell and llieire Siiceessors per lil.MiiiM I'oMif \TIS ^tllatialosay hy lindeinf,'e fonre able men convenieiiily armed 
 and arrayed for the warre to attend uppon the llovermir of Newo Knehmd for ihe pnlileiiue Serviee within fonrtt'eno 
 diiw'S after any warnince jfiven or Ykii.ihNOH ;ind payinp- unto the said ronnsell ami thi'ire Sneeessors for ever one 
 lilt part of all the Oars of the mynes of (jold and silver which shalbe had possessed or oliieymd within the limiiis or 
 preoinets aforesaid for all Hunts Services dneiiHs and demaumis whatsoever due nnt'i the said Co ... iheire 
 Siiocet.sors from any plaiilacoii within thu precincla afore.sai.l The Banie to be delivered an;.i his Ma'- Ueceiver or 
 Depulio or Deputies BsalKued to the iiso of his Ma"' his heires aiel Siiecessera from time to tim ■ 
 the Lands procinots and Territories of Newe Kn^^land aforesaid tIlVK\ aid 
 '""<"■ Seate Ihe two and twentith day of Aprill in the eleventh yeare of the Uai^rno 
 of our so — i,Uriti.-,h State l'a|iers ( I 'ol. Series). Vm S, No. riti.) 
 ** In Ihe present tenth Ward '•/ Hrooklyn I. 1. 
 Early Colon i. 
 lb- Order etc. ^^'"''•'•'' ''^'"•'*''' 
 CoKMil.IS VA.V TlKNlloVKN, SeC>'. 
 NT Koii Lani. O.N J,o.Nu Im.AM. SV.xn RlNNKOACO.NK (PmH.KI.YN). 
 ,>.,,,.■ ' ■ -'■'''■M'i'*''-i'"iiilitioM and >lipul,iiiou.s ete etc 
 Uu.,e Ml /,v; A,n,ta:lu,u in JV«; JW/u ,•/,- '---l^ states (General were set 
 • "i A.,, a 1 ,n paee ,|,,.,,.„, .„, up a FoolV i„.ad. We !,.,., ,1„ .vfon.. n.oived to send . 
 .^lu..p wuh «old,er. tluther to I,ri„. said In.lians r onr oLedu. and ,:i,,u,i,!„: 
 Oui.KK (oN.KKM^,, ,^ Ai.r.,:,;n, nomvK ..-KVANi' FROM ^rAnv,.^^^. 
 Wl,e,va.. /',A,. /M,^,,. ,„, ,„„„. ,,i„,^.,. ,.„„„„i,,|.„„„, I.,. (;.,,,.,^,„„. ,^,,^^,,^,^ r„/,Vv/of 
 .)Ao.y/„.V to searel, for ...n.e run awav servanN. .,„.. of ,vl,on, is /•;/„.„.,/ (;-:„n... „.|,o |,a. 
 '.pK.u-ed i.e on. „s l,e,e. acknowledging ,l,at l,e did ind 1 run away fr Maryland; savin:^ 
 -xt tl,a, I,.. !,ad no,nas,er,n .)/„.y„.7; tha, Captai,, . V„A. ,,* hi. „„s,er. was in 17.,;/.;. Thi: 
 tatinr,,!';;'"- >.^"'''^' >/'-duvMin.at //,.•/• ....ho ha.h tal... h. oath theret,, 
 ic, ^r/A//.v. while a Dnsoner then. ,„l v ,.l„„i..,.;i.. i i i- ,.. ^ ni 
 ''; V;^^'"-;-"'[-M'n-ner there, hul volnnla-ilv I | hin.sdfa servant to anv person, hut 
 "S //.«/•// P,nnu.jton, well knows that he was f ■ap.aiu ( V.n: r\s servant in Vir.uu,,. 
 * Win. f'liiil.i>riie. 
Netn York Jllf^toriatl Ji'tconln. 
 >m tlio liond of 
 ircss coiKlitiiiti, 
 //i/,t'/;ii n 
 rovfiifiiiir liiiii; 
 Tliorufoio wo liavo (irdurcd that wiid PcUr l)r(qHi' hIiuII iij,'rcu with tlio ahoveniiincd Oriffina 
 for his fruodoni, and said Dniper shall l)t! hound to givu good suciirity tliat said Grijlinn HJiali not 
 bo inoli'ntc'd liy Uii[>taiii i'lulnr, or anyotiiiM- porHon, who may u.\hii)it; inn articlea of induiiture, and 
 BJiall runiain undisturhcd. Uutud 27"' August, in Furt Amdcnlam in New Ndladand. 
 i:m Kikft. 
 ivKN, See''. 
 t'with, that in 
 il>on tiiu I.Diiij 
 ;li\vay iiinning 
 IS on tliu saniu 
 iiTti, to which 
 nd tiiL' Lmd of 
 1ST !•"• ir,4n. 
 icr.ii were si't 
 iliiy n iiiiivfd 
 \ I'd to stMid a 
 Okkp fou PAiiT OF' A Plantation nkau Df.itkl (Ti.-RTr.K) nAV. 
 On tho sixth of ScjifciiiiuT anno i<;t(i. l),.f,,iv mo, (\,r/i>/i'.i nni Tienhoin'ii, fioorctary in New 
 Nethnhtnil, ill iM'tsciii'i! of tiir umh'rurittcn witnesses, apjicari'd Thovuia Ihd who aokmwlodges 
 tohavosoldto ^V(-/v/6' //->///.» the lialf of the hon»o and |.laiilatioii hituato hy tlio M'v/,/ A-///, who also 
 acknowlodgus to Jiavo iiougiit the ai)ovoiiamud iilaiitation iu maiinor and on the conditio-is under- 
 Thmi\a!< Ilii' sells to ^V«*;v/(' Iloms the just half of tho house, plantation and all the 
 dependencies thereof, toiietlier with the furniture therein, except a Imat, gun and doc wjiii.h 
 'Ihomm llal reserves and .-hall he at liberty to take away, hut mithiii',' else. 
 Provided that TIiodh.^ Ilnl -hall pay and defray half the expense of making the house tight 
 and round as well as the roof of the house. For which aforesiid half of the plantation etc. aforesaid 
 (ii„r and com.' to the hoi|,c of >aid //"///.v abovenamed, and that at the expense of the 
 abovenamed /Aw.v, uiitiU/, .-,■-/, //r*«i.y .-hall have paid the sixteen hundred pounds of tobacco 
 afoiv.-aid, or give sullicient security for said payment. When (ieoiujc ILmiH j.ays or gives iocuritv, 
 TIkiiikix II, tl mii.-t d<'part and be no l,,iig,.r al the iliarge of tho purchaser. 
 Done iu Fort Ain.-iLrdam this liT' September A' lOiU. 
 Thomas IIai.i,. 
 This is the -/- mark of Gkouc;]: IIoms. 
 This is the y^ -^ mark of jKriiiAFN FlKS-iimeKsKN. 
 Witness nuy Tim: 'Wn.T.irr. 
 To iriy knowledge Coknkiis van Tir.NiiovKN Secretary. 
 (!o<,',jc ll.„ns has p.iid to D' tiUfl lOuO pounds (jf tobacco. 
 / C,i/r,,l„( 
 li'<, who l|;is 
 and ; .-aying, 
 '/ill id. This 
 i.ath theiito, 
 ing whether 
 person, but 
 IfKsot.trnoN .IF Tin.: Avstkudam ruAMiuK ok nn- W. I. C mi-anv. Rm-itKixo to tiik wmmis- 
 si,,Ni:iis roi; Niw Nktiikui.am., a i-nui .v .., Woiriiu van Twii.i.rk to he ai.lowki. to 
 niseosi: ,.i i.a.mk i.n uiat cointicv, wmich iik i,a„ itkcii vskd fu.-m tiik Ini.ians and had 
 oAusia. TO 111: iMC!:ovi;i., tiii: ai.iknaho.s wiu.kkoi. iiik ai iiiokhiiis in Ni,w Xctiiebland 
 ui.Ki-: oi£ii!:ui;i> Nor lo ei kmit. 
 Copy. Kvtract from the Uegister of the lie.sohitions of the Directors of the West India 
 Company, Chamber of .l//(.v^tyt/u//i, Thiir.-day the 11'' April Kill. 
 "^ 1. Va.ndio Vkn, notary. 
a m wi ii 
 hkrhj (.'ohmuil Si.tlhm,nh. 
 WoHt^r van Twilh-r having' niidfrstood i.y h luttcr of Dirtu'toi- Kieft, that tlio Comimny hiul 
 or(U"-u(l him, tlie Director, ii.it to iiil..w tho \n\>[ .'rty whicli liio al.ovfimiiu-.l van Tirilhr liii.i loft 
 in N'cin Netlwrl'Viil U^ iKialiuiiafLvi without aiitiiority liriii;,' graiituii to iliat ell'nct by tliis Uompiiiiy,* 
 reiiiiests that sin-h aiitliurity bo j^'raIltlMi, so that lio may dispose thereof at \m pleasun-, also, 
 approval of the pmrimsed lands wldch lie bought from t 'le Indians with llie knowledge and eoiisent 
 of tho (Vmiiei!, for tlie maintenance of his <'attle and flir advamrment of popiilifioii, and Ima 
 siiu'e his departure from Ncm Netha'htnd, caused houses to he crectod thereon, uftiT he liad 
 previously offered them to some free persons, as appeal l>y the aDi.'ivit, win. dare not venture 
 their cattle on the ]>reniiscs, llirough fear that tiiey might be killed by the Indians. 
 Keferred to the commissioners of Ncto .Yi/Zirr/.i/id. 
 neneath was: Agrees with the aforesaid Register (Signed) CivsuEitr RuDOLni.i. 
 I'atiat i-oij Land o.v Lono Isi.anm) nkxt to UicNNKoAfoNrK iDuooKr.Y.v). 
 AW. IIV/A'w, A'/V/y. Director Ocncnl and ("i.nncil .tc, Ii.ivwilh trstit'y and declare, that 
 to-day, date nnderwritten, we have granted to ,/,//) Jlnnf/,,,,,/ siwvUiut parcel (.f land sitnate npon 
 the /,,-//;/ /.vAnc/ next to I!, nfijahm,', bonndeil e.ast an\ reaching 
 in width three hundred and fifty paces int.. the woods; with expres.s condition and stipulation 
 cte otc. 
 Done tiii. i.';i'" of May .V IGll at Fort Am.st. r,l,nn in \cw Ncthirhtnd. 
 PaTKNT FoK LaMi oV LoNi; Isi,AM>, AIU( 
 ii.Ni.\(, ini-; KOHEiidiNi 
 We, Wlllc),) K:,/t. \y\Yi:'\.,v (;ener;il aiid Council et,... brivuiil, te-iitV and declare, that 
 t.-day date underwritten, ue 1,;,\, .granted to J ', /. r .IA7///;,,,// a certain piece oi' land Mluale'upon 
 th(t Loiuj Ishnul, ri'aching fr ,ni .f.i,, M.nlUmrt.^ lan.l to that of l\ta\\ the Italian, in ui.lth 
 three hundred i.aees and thus right into the w.mmI, nnd.r the exj.rcss coinlition and stipulation 
 etc etc. 
 Done this 2U"' ot' May A IDll at F.,rt Amst.r.hvi, in .\', ,r A\t/urhi,i,l. 
 Resom-tion to MCNn so,.m>:us to Four Ilwci: am. .run t.ii- inrolknck ..f tiik Kvor.isn tiikke. 
 On Tlnuwlay. being the i;'-- df .Imie A" IHJ I. 
 Whereas th.. English of the Fr..h AVc r"^* of iV) ,.- A^7W„.7 irreallv trouble and harass „nr 
 people there, not heing satisfied with usurping and .adlivating the lands ^^ hieh we pnr.-lr.M.d p,i,l 
 for and took possession of, and, in addition, ,e in the night ami .ow grain in the lan.l which 
 ♦ Sr.' p. 1:1. 
 t Alherto. n V.-in^tiaii nn.'.-slor «t the AUixrtU nii.t /;./,-(m faniili..rt. - |i. |.'. 
 ** CMiiiiicticiit Iiivi!r. 
Compiiny liftU 
 TwUhr liii.l left 
 this C'ompiniy,* 
 plcasuri ; also, 
 il;ii' niul I'oiisont 
 iilitioii, aiul liiiH 
 II, ;if(< r he Imtl 
 arc not venture 
 New Yorh I{intorical Reconh. 
 our i.rni.l.! plow, ami liniil off to (luir Iiouhos tlio gnws our j)coplo mow, if our pooplo plow, tlicv 
 I!" '^"'tl' '-ikIkoIs iiiiJ iniittockri and ItiirburoiiHJy treiit tliciii ; ..m- \>km, tlioiii,'!. sfsiiidiiii.', tliuy cut 
 down and plant Indian corn in tiic ntead ; tlu'v take our liorsun, ,-ow« and Iio^'h l,y forco and 
 allow sorn.j of M.uni to die ofliunKiM-; thoy cut in i)im!8 ti.c ropes of ourplow ,ind throw the latter 
 into 11, .Ivor, and block iij. our lion^^o with palifiadcti «o that it is with difficulty people can i-o ont 
 of it on the land nide, 
 All which l.uini,' considered by u«, and ns it tends to the injury and dispara^'etnent of our 
 Sovcrui^'u and iho m"' We^f In.lia C.'oinpany, whoso ri^d.t 'and authority wc aro l.uund to 
 maintain, thcnforo, wc have resolved to send thither Docf ,/./,„«„fty /,„ Si,mlwjn,', member 
 of the Council of New Xrt/urluiuf, with 50 soldiere ami some sloops, in order to fortify our 
 House the Ifnpe* there, and prevent the repetition of such hostility as the Eii>,'lish have wickedly 
 < imitted ayainst 6ur people, and maintain our right and territory. 
 d declare, that 
 id situate upon 
 Y and reaching' 
 and stipulation 
 d declare, that 
 i (lay, date imdcrwritten, we have granted to l.amh,rt /fui/lnmen J/«/ a certain parcel of 
 laiid, situate upon the /,„/,,/ hhin.l on the /■,;/-/ A'/cw . ■ \ew NetheHund near the kil of 
 h'n,n,,j.,.um,'k\ f.irmerly occupied l,y ConuUs JuoAh,,, Still.,,, containini; five and twenty 
 moigeiis lH.ui,de.l on the north by Ilann //.,,<.<,»'.■<, the line between the two parcels in the whole 
 width h..ing marked by the mark of the W. I. fonipany on a tree; on the north it reaehea to the 
 La.-t river; with the express condition and stipulation efc etc. 
 Done tlu^ 7"'of. September A' lf,4I at /•;.;/, l//^«^7•(A(//(. 
 , ^"^i:""'- W. KiKrr. 
 l.elow stood : i,y order ,<] tlio 11. m' Diredor and CouikmI. 
 <^'"I«Nl:l.IS VAN TlKNIIoN I N, See'. 
 Agrees with tliv-. original, to which was attached a >cal in red wax. 
 t'oK.VKi.is VAN Tii:nii,,vf.n, Sec'. 
 I'lil.lSn TIIKKE. 
 and har.iss onr 
 Urrlia.-e.l, |,aiil 
 le land which 
 tiriit Uivcr. 
 Leasi.; (.1.- \V..r-n:u van Twii i.ku's Plantation at Sai-onickan. 
 This ,laN- dale underwritten, before me, ro>,.i;. r.n, Tlc/.n.en, appointed Se, retarv in X. ,n 
 .\,//c.A,.7 b.r the (.encral Incorporated West India Company, appeared the llo,,- 'ir;//;.„;» 
 /urf. Director (.eneral, ot the one part, and 77uma. Hull oi the ,.tl,er part, who acknowled.a-d 
 to have agreed and rou.racted al,o„t ,he hire of the plantation occupied to date bv said /A,// 
 situate about  
 said plantation to said nnm.,s IfulK who acknowledges to ha^c hired ,l,e same with fwo N..,m-ocs 
 tor live eon.sc.ut.ve years, on condition that ho, the Les.see, , -hall cause to be built on the'.aid 
 plantation at hi.-, own expense a barn fifty feet long, and as good as the Domine'.s, which barn shall 
 • !Iiirtf.>r.!, Conn. 

 1^ 128 
 Hf 1^ 12.0 
 lA 1 1.6 
 <5^ <> Q 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 '716) 873-4503 


 I " 
 I Ip' 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 belong at tlio end of tlio five years to tbe abo\cnaniod TwUlev o him who may obtain his right, 
 on condition that one hundred guilders and the nailti necessary for tlie barn shall bo given to him 
 towards the construction, the lease commencing on the tirst of January, A° l(ii2, and ending the 
 first of January A° lCi7, for which he, Thomas Hall shall pay annually as rent of the aforesaid 
 plantation and Negroes, seven hundred and fifty iioniids of well inspected Tobacco; but in case 
 one or both the Negroes should happen to die during the lease the Lessee shall receive a deduction 
 for them according to arbitration. In testimony and token of the truth, this is signed by the 
 respective parties this 30 November A° Itiil, in Fori Amderdam, New Netlwrland. And said 
 Lessee promises to clear in tha aforesaid five years on said plantation as much land as possible, 
 William Kieff. 
 Thomas Hall. 
 To my knowledge. 
 Lease of a plantation on Long Island. 
 Before me Cornells van Tlenhoven resident secretary in Neu Xetherhvul for the General 
 Incorporated West India Comj>any, apueared Mr. John. Underhill who acknowledged in presence 
 of the underwritten witnesses, to have leased from Mr. AnJrien lludde his present lK)nse and 
 plantation situate on the Flatland near Keskaechqueren on the condition and terms underwritten, 
 to wit : 
 Mr. John Onderhil shall have the use of the house and tobacco house and may cultivate the 
 land which is fenced and unfenced for two consecutive years, beginning the li st of INfay A° 1 C.-tL' and 
 endinp\s palisades reaching from this tree north oast 
 by east and east north east between both to Bcntcvacr^s copse aiul whereas there has been of old 
 between the land, which we sell to Gavert Loochnans and Cornells Leendersen, and the bowery of 
 Corndis van Tknhodcn a wagon road, running to the gi'eat Highway, it is expressly ordered, that 
 as long as Govert Loochnans and Cornells Leendersen have not fenced in the purchased land 
 against cattle, Cornells van Tlenhoven or who hereafter may obtain his action shall have permission 
 to use this old road outside of his palisades with v.-agons and liorses and when the land has been 
 properly secured by Looekmans and Cornells Leendersen, (which coiulition they must maintain) 
 the wagon road shall bo exactly where now Tlcnhoven^s palisades stand, wlieroto Loochnans and 
 Cornells Leendersen aforesaid shall give one half of the land required for the width of the road 
 and likewise Cornells van Tien/ween shall give one half thereto; the said road shall be used by 
 them as neigldjors indiscriminately as often as they please, it being intended only as an outlet to 
 the long Highway from their lands, without being a thoroughfa'-e, but belonging to them as their 
 property ; with the ex[)ress condition and stipulation etc etc. 
 At Fort Amsterdam, in JV. N. the 2G'" of Marcli A° 1042. 
 By order of the Director and Council. 
 Patent fok Land on tue Mespacht kil, near L. I. (Newtown). 
 Wo, Willem I^left, Director General and Council etc., declare, that to-day, date underwritten, 
 we have granted to Tijinen Jansen a certain piece of land situate and bordering with the valley 
 upon the eastside of Mespatchls ICd "f the East river behind Dominies llool, which is divided 
 from the said piece of land by a valley and kil ; the said valley beginning at the kil and the tree 
 standing upon the point towards tlie small kil in width live hundred paces, north northeast from 
 the kil and tree aforesaid to another tree marked also with the Company's mark, where Liurger 
 Jorlssen has his land ; the said land reaching from the last mentioned tree to the kil, dividing the 
 point of Jilchard nrudnell from this piece, east south east to the tree marked there ; on condition, 
 that Tijmen Jansen shall possess aTid use the valleys enclosing his land in rear and front and 
 divided by kils, it being iniderstood the valleys on the long and the broad side; all this under the 
 express condition and stipulation etc etc. 
 Done 1*342 at Fort Amsterdam, 
 By order etc. 
 Coknelis van Tienhoven, Secr. 
 • Later cnllod the Collfct, a poi.u between the present Crosby and Mulberry Duane and I.ispeiiard streets, vpUich 
 emptied into a small buy of the East river, now filled up, just souili of Chatham Str. (the Ureal Highway). 
 i J* 
 38 Early Colonial SettlementH. 
 Patent fou a laeoe Tuact of Land on Long Island (Newtown, L. 1.) 
 [Tlie original is in Latin.] 
 Wc, William lue/t, Director General and Council of New Netlierland etc., make known to all 
 who shall see these letters patent that wo have given and granted, as we herewith give and grant 
 to F.'ancis Douijhty and companions, their assigns and heirs in real, actual and })eri)('tnal posses- 
 sion a certain piece of land, with pastures and whatover else it includes, situate upon tlie Long 
 Island of this Province, containing six thousand six hundred and sixty-six acres I/ollaml mcnsnva 
 or thereabouts, geographically enclosed between four straiglit lines, each two thousand Dutch 
 perches long, of which the iir'^t begins at the east corner of J/anti IJan.fen'n meadow dividing by 
 the course of the creek the marsh iiito two equal parts arul extends to the plantation of Richard 
 BrtidnaU and thence northeast passing through the middle of the fresh nuu'sh to the small creek 
 bounding the southern part of Ilcnry Agneola\i {Ilcnnj tlic Farmer's) land, then following it 
 to its mouth: the second line beginning here bends towards the southenst following the seashore 
 to another small creek, then along the course thereof from its mouth to where you come to the 
 eastern extremity of the same marsh (where the said creek arises), tlicnce it bends southeast, until 
 it has reached the distance of two thousand Dutch perches ; the third beginning at the end of the 
 last tends mora westwardly and is of equal length with the former; finally the fourth starting 
 from the last point deflects to the northwest and doses the .^(piare at the abovenamed easterly 
 point of Hans Hansen's meadow, at which corner a stone is to be erected later for the 
 greater certainty of the limits: 
 With ]iower to build on the aforesaid land a village or villages, a church or churches, to 
 exercise the Ilefi.rnied Christian religion, which they profess, and ecclesiastical disci])linc; also to 
 legally administer high, miiMle and low jurisdiction; t(j decide civil suits for sums not exceding 
 iifty Holland guilders, while in criminal cases their sentence of lines up to the same sum shall be 
 final and without appeal ; in other civil as well as criminal suits of greater import to pronounce 
 the final senteiu'e, which by ai)peal may be referred to flie supreme court of Xcin JVetherland, and 
 execute such sentence and fmally to exercise all rights coiilVrrcd upon tjic said jurisdiction with 
 further pow(!r of nominating ami presenting to the Director of Xt'in Net/urland, i^oum of their 
 C(jnnnunity, that from their numl)cr suitable jjer.sons may be selected for the civil anil judicial 
 administration; with the right of hunting, hawking, fishing and trading and tlie innuunities 
 granted or to Ije granted to the colonists of this Pro\ inr^e, none excepted. 
 AVherefore the said F. DoMijltij and his companions their assigns and heirs are liound as long 
 as they shall remain in ]>ossession of the aforesaid land to acknowledge tlie said Lords Direct. )rs 
 as their Masters and Patroon.s, topayiifter the lapseof ten years the tenth jiartof (ho proiluce of the 
 lield.s, whether cultivated with the itlough, the hoe m otherwise (orchards and gard.'us not exceed- 
 ing one acre Holland measure excepted^ Finally to use the Dutcli stand. ird and no other and to 
 avoid confusion not to make use in selling or purchasing of any other than Dutcli wt'ights, ell and 
 other Dutch measures. 
 All of which under the aforesaid conditions we ])ronii.-; to observe inviolably and bind our 
 successors to the strict observance thereof by virtue of the commission granteil tti us by his Ilii'h- 
 ness the Prince of Orange Governor of the Fnited Tielgic Pro\inces and High Admiral. In 
 testimony whereof we have signed these Letters patent with our own hand and have caused them 
New York Historical Eecorda. 39 
 to bo coimtcrsigiied by tlio Secretary of New Netherland and the seal of New Netherland to be 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam on Manhattans Island in N. N. March 28"> A." 1642. 
 By order etc 
 PATEirr FOR La.ni) on Long Island (Gowanus). 
 We, Willem Kirft, Director General and Council etc., herewith declare and testify, that 
 to-diiy, date underwritten, we have granted to Corndis Lamheiism Cool a certain piece of land 
 situate upon tlie Lniuj iala/id, called Gouwancs, reaching in widtli fruni tlic wagon road, running 
 through said land, and Jan J^etersen's land lying along the river to a certain copse, where William 
 Adi-iaenstni's land is next; whereas tliis land has formerly been occupied by Jan van Rotterdam 
 and Thomas Beds it is expressly stipulated, that the i)atlis running over this piece of land shall 
 remain open; in addition to this piece a part of the meadow, situate near the valley of Anthony 
 Jannen from Sake, containing 28 n.urjjens, is granted to Cornelis Lamlertsen ; all with the 
 express condition and stipulation etc etc. 
 Done the 5'" of April 1642 at Fort Amsterdam in N. N. 
 Signed: Wimkm Kieft. 
 By order of the Ilon'''^ Director and Council. 
 CoKNELis van Tieniiov jsn, Sccr. 
 Release uy tuk DiRE(7roKS of tue W. I. Company at Amsterdam, to Woi-ter van Twii.ler 
 Company's bowery, on the island of MANUArrAN. 
 The Directors of the Incorporated West India Company Department of Amsterdam have 
 granted and allowed, and do hereby grant and allow, to Wouter van Twilhr, late Director in New 
 Netherland, that the said van Twiller shall not liavc to ])ay to the Company tlie sixth sluwf as the 
 stipulated rent of the Company's bowery situate on the /.■».^trrd<,n. attest, and iu testimony thereof, have affixed hereunto my notarnil 
 Bignature, this xiii Sept^ 1.547 (Signed) I. va.v peveu.c. Not: pub: A" 104T, xu. 9 ' mo. _ 
 After du3 collation, this is found to agree with the authentic copy, by us underwritten, in the 
 absence of tlie secretary. 
 Jacod Kip, clerk Hill 
 Adrian van Tieniioven, witness. 
 FOR THE Surrender of Fort UorE (Uarteoru, Uonn.) and conuit.ons offered to 
 This day the 10>" July A" 1042 before us the Director and Council of .¥ew 
 i\r.,A..^«;.Jappeared Master We,tln,e and Master ////^ deputies of ^ho Governor and 
 Council of Hartford situate in the Fresh River of X.'m, .V.//.r/«. -ness (,f Orange and 
 pay the q.rit rent for the possession of said land. Whi.h th.v tiie de,, .es bave provisionally 
 accepted, and .asked for time to show it to their Gov..ri„.r and Council of Ilarttord aforesaid, as 
 we have allowe.l them according to the conditions likewise given to them. Thus done m Council 
 on the day and year aforesaid. 
 Cotiditions offered bv the Director General and Council of .Yrw Ncfhrrhnd to Mess" Wcythyjh 
 ;uid ///// delegates from the Hon"" Council of Ilartfor-l. (Tlu; original is in Latm.) 
 Thevaretopay annuallv for our land at //„.//T>,v/tothe High and Mighty Lords States (ieneral 
 of the lieh/'C Prorinres or to their agents the tenth part of the produce of the lands, whether by 
 the i-longh, the spade, or other niauuer of iinpl...ment; orchards, kitchen gardens not exceeding a 
 ♦ Mmhien. " In our Nrlh.rland tonguo Meuhdm .loos not includ., all ,nc,vixble«. but ,.nly what i.s cnsUlered 
 liouBehoUl furniture and implemi.uta or iu.ftrumonts, and not money." (Wassenacr.) 
New York Historiml Records. 
 Dutch ncro cxcopted, or in plauo of tlio tentlis a quit rent to bo hereafter fixed, so long as they 
 shall 1)0 possessors of said laud. Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland the &'" of July 
 Anno Chri. 1C42: 
 Resolction to prevent the Injury done to the iNnrAN Tradic by Englishmen. 
 28'" of August (1042) Having seen the request of tlie Fiscal in respect to the serious loss 
 which till' lion"' Company is sr.lfering by tbe English in prosecuting trade with the Indians, and 
 tliat within our liniit^i and'ciistoniary trading places, principally by one George LimberUm, residing 
 at the /M J/f>w^tom, notwitlistanding wo most expressly have protested against him, we have 
 resolved not to permit it unless he (horgc Lamhcrton pay the Company's duty whercunto 
 the Fiscal is authorized to constrain him. 
 Patent for Land on Lono Island (Prookltn. Fifth Ward). 
 We, Willem Kieft, Director General and Council of JScw Netherland etc, herewith testify 
 and declare, that to-day, date underwritten wo have granted to Olaca Cornelissen Schmno a certain 
 piece of land lying upon Lmtj Island opposite Manhattans Island between the Ferry and 
 Andnes lluddv, where his land is nearest, stretching from Iludde's land along the river one 
 liundred and two rods, into the woods S. E. by S. livo and seventy rods and S. S. E. five and 
 seventy rods. S. by W. thirty rods and along the land of Andries Iludde aforesaid N. W. one 
 hundred three anil seventy rods to the strand, containing sixteen morgens and one hundred live 
 and sixty rods ; under the express condition and stipulation etc etc. 
 Done the 14'" of November A" l(i43 at Fort Amsterdam ui Ncio Netherland. 
 r>y order etc Cornelis van Tienuoven, Seer. 
 AvroiNTM»';Nr ok an English Secretary. 
 On the 11'" of December \M'l. 
 Having not i,Td the great number of Englisli who come daily to reside hero under us, and 
 that there an; nnmerous law suits and their cousi'.piences occurring for which wo liave great need 
 of a person wlio can write English and has some experience in law cas.is, in order to be able to 
 assist us therein and to write letters here and there. Therefore we provisionally appoint George 
 Baxter to the aforesaid oiiice, for whicli he shall receive yearly 11. 250 as, wages. 
!.f'*. «" au. ' J ! Hil i !MlUga 
 42 Early Colcnial Settlements. 
 Dked for a House and Gaepex, tooetiieb wmi the Ff.rky on Lonu TrtiANn.* 
 In tlio year of our l.urd and Saviour Jesurt Christ, ono tiiouwiiKi, six Immlred and forty-tiireo, 
 the 24"' of January, btiforu nio Vornelia van Tienhoven, ndiuittod Secretary in JVew Netherland 
 for the General Incorporated West India Company, ajipeared Conidis Dh-eksen llooohhindt, of 
 tlic one part and WiUiani Toinass.n, pilot on tlie yacht the Pauwo {Pcawck), of tlie ..thur part, 
 who in the prenenco of tlio underwritten witnesses, deeiarcd to liavo anueably agreed and contracted 
 togotiier in manner and terms underwritten. 
 VornriM Diivkxni sells to the abovenamed WlUiam, Toimsscn his liousc and garden together 
 with all that is fastened by earth and nail, situate on Long /dand, and 16 @ 17 luorgons of hmd 
 adjoining witii all its dependencies, t0i,'ether witli the Ferry for his, CorncHnH, remaining 
 time, snbje(;c to the approiiation of the Hon'''" Director, and in case the Director will not please 
 to give the Ferry to the i)nrc]iaser, he, the purchaser, shall, jievertheless, adhere to tho purchaso 
 of the house and dependencies thereof; tho abovenamed Williani 7>*«ia*'«?«. also acknowledges 
 to have jiurchised the house as aforesaid. For all which tho purcluiser promises to i)ay to the 
 abovename.l CWnclis Dirckscn the snni of Twenty three Inmdrod guilders, cash or wares to tho 
 satisfaction of the vendn-, ho, the vendor being bound immediately to make delivery and give a deed. 
 For all which, parties respectively pledge their persons ami properties ; movable and immovable, 
 present and future, submitting to that end to all courts, tribmuUs and Judges. But delivery 
 [cannot be demanded before the paymentj of the abovenamed sum. In testimony anper kettles. 
 2 carpenter's axes. 
 3 " adzes, and some other carpenter's 
 3 beds and G pairs of sheets. 
 4 pairs of pillows. 
 4 table cloths. 
 U) or 17 najikins. 
 1 small brewing kettle. 
 3 half barrels. 
 1 half vat. 
 3 tuba. 
 1 hogshead. 
 1 churn. 
 3 milk jtails old and new. 
 4 muds (a ves.-^el ct)i\taining four bushels). 
 * t'lilviirrt fiiinima work: riiriatinnno rflij^innU iiiatitiitio. UuUiniifer, Ilnnry, miiiiator of thn Wot. riiurch at 
 Zurich in loSO wnito PerfiM'tio ('lirialiniii)ruiii nmi otlic^r rolifjioua books. Scliultotua, John, born l.VJ.l, a culobrated 
 surguon of llliii. Muliuiur, E., Morul anU*frauticul Uittcouraus. Sleidanua, io., uutlior of History of tUa lioformatioD 
 and other works. 
;riini i n i i iii i iii i li rin i i i i | |> i 
 Early Colonial Settlemen*% 
 Sowed on tho 
 .bowery in tlio 
 cleared land. 
 1 ditto skiniincr. 
 1 e.;ti!nrtioii table. 
 1 eliedt ('imtiiiiiing sundry parcels. 
 A few ])anes of window glass. 
 A lot of old iron. 
 1 stone house covered with tiles. 
 1 barn. 
 1 tobacco house. 
 2 barrickrt, iJienjcn)* 
 2 Hvu year old mares. 
 1 six year old stallion. 
 1 two year old ditto. 
 1 yearlin;j; stallion. 
 2 niarcd of one year. 
 5 niiU'h cows. 
 1 two year old cow. 
 2 yoke of oxen. 
 1 bull. 
 All of which is found and inventoried at tho house aforesaid by Feutitje Jeuriaena above- 
 named, and Pdei' IJ/vnek, in the i)rcsonce of Ewraiulun liiujunlitu, Minister, and Mr. Jdchim 
 rietersen Kiiijter both guardians of the abovcnamcd J''t'u>i//« Jeuriaenseii hereunto invited 
 and chosen the G"' May A" 1043, in New Nethetiand At tho house aforesaid. 
 Petkk Huondk. 
 J. P. KuVTER. 
 To my knowledge 
 CoKNEUS VAN TiENiiovEN, Secretary. 
 3 yearling heifers 
 4 l)ull calves of this year. 
 Hogs, number unknown running in the woods. 
 sk('i)el8 of wheat. 
 CO ditto of rye. 
 3 ditto of winter barley. 
 7 skepels of peas. 
 1 ox plough. ) ^^.jj,^ appurtcmmces. 
 1 foot plough. ) 
 1 iron harrow. 
 1 block wagon. 
 2 sickles. 
 2 new scythes. 
 1 old ditto. 
 23 new axes. 
 4 old ditto. 
 2 lioeB. 
 Proclamation of Peace wrrn the Indians of L. I. 
 On the 4"- March 1043. 
 Whereas wc are suffering at present great injury from thcso lieathons, and many of tho 
 inhabitants are not certain of their lives and property, which doubtlcs.-* ha.s befallen us on account 
 of our manifold sins. It is therefore resolved by the Couiieil here that a (General Fast and day of 
 Prayer shall be observed on next Wednesday, being tlie fourth of March, for which every one can 
 prepare, to the end that we, with hearty sorrow and earnest i)rayer, may move God to mercy, and 
 that lie will not suffer His holy name to be proj/hancd by these heathens on account of our sins. 
 Whereas some troubles and misunderstandings have arisen between the Indians of Long 
 Island and our nation, whereby on both sides blood has been shed, houses destroyed and burned, 
 ' See note on page 10. 
Neio York Ilistorical Re.'orda. 
 cattle Blaiiglituiwl and tlio Indians niaizn pluiideml. Tlioroforo hotweon \w and thoin, who now 
 alruuily resort under tlii> great cliief J'^raiwoit:, a peace liiw luieii (joni'ludfd and all injuries are 
 foP'otten und for^'ivcn, ail our ^n.od inhahitauts are, tlien, hereby ordered and coinuiaiidcd, ns we 
 do"liereliy order and coniniiind tiicni, to obaerve said peace in every respect, and in no wise to 
 injure any of tlioso Indians who inhabit /.«;/;/ Mnid, indesrt they connuit wonio hostility against 
 oiir i>eople. In such case, everyone in at lii)erty to defend hiniHcli". To wliicli end the Iiwlians 
 lire alrto charged not to come witii arrn« near our people. All this on paii> of arbitrary correction, 
 to he puniwhed aH breakers of the public peace. Thus done and published in Fort Amntenlam 
 the 25'" March A" ItMIt, new stylo. 
 J'atknt fou Lano on LuNn 1st, and (OrtAVESK.Nn and Ni;w I^rawMiT). 
 Wo, WilUm A'i'ff, Director ( Jeneral and (Jouncil of JVnv jY,f/i Inventokv of the Effects 
 This day, date nndorwritten, before me Cornelia van Tic7ihovcn, secretary of JXe^o Ndherland, 
 appeared Mr. La Jlontuyne, Couucilli-r of New Nethirland ..f the one part, and Bout Francen 
 from N, herr each coW shall be paid the tirst year, twenty 
 pounds of good butter ; tho second and third year twunty-flvo poinids of butter for each animal 
 as runt. 
 For tho pcrformanco and assurance of all tho aforesaid ^''£.1sef Eucrxcn constitute.^ liimscif 
 lis bail and principal, and sjiucially for tho sum of three I'., ndred and fifty (,'aioliis giijhhTs 
 advanced by Mr. La MintliKjiif to the Lessee which must be paid within one year from date, tho 
 same bein-,' for the waj,'es of a servant man, board and seen aty for tho first year's rent; tho 
 servant's wajfos amount to ono hundreil t,'uilders; to which ond tho above named Hont Ffunnen 
 and Wi-snel Ewi'mii^ each as princijial submit to all courts, tribunals and jud;i,'es, placini,' unih'r tho 
 control thereof their persons and properties, movable and immovable, pre.icnt an' to Unit I•'"• 
 4 HowH ; I lioiir of 1 to 2 yearn. 
 1 now brtiwiiij; krttlo coiitiiiriiny u liogsliuml. 
 1 tliroo pniiigi'd fork. 
 I two pronj^cd fork. 
 ro|iu liiii! for 2 liorHUH. 
 1 winnowing fun. 
 1 peek iiH'drturo t-liod with iron. 
 1 iron lioiiM'l cliiu'n. 
 2 milk piiild, 
 I l)Utt('r tult. 
 1 iii'W vc.'^Hfl containing ono ^ liogshond 
 1 Wiitor pail. 
 1 oak cliost. 
 3 good acytlu'rt witli their handk'H. 
 1) Hicklut), guud and luuL 
 ;t pifkaxos 1 an Englisli. 
 I i-rorirt cut saw. 
 \ iron wedges. 
 1 imttorniiik tub. 
 1 lialf liarrel witli a hrass cock. 
 1 herring liarrel. 
 4 rings for Hcytiiet*. 
 4 ringA for HJckloii. 
 4 liillhookn. 
 2 weuding hooks. 
 2 now axoH. 
 1 cnrry coinh; 1 iron Indlo to molt lend. 
 1 iron upaiio to dig with. 
 1 pewtor tatikard ; 1 powtur cup. 
 1 largo powtor howl. 
 1 " pluttor. 
 1 coi)|H)r kottlo. 
 1 grindstone. 
 1 wheelharrow. 
 1 2.5 rung ladder. 
 2 inillKtoncH, clean and picked. 
 1 hcrew for tho harriuk. 
 1 augor. 
 1 carpeiiter'rt adze. 
 1 priming knifo. 
 1 hand saw. 
 1 funnel. 
 2 hits. 
 2 iron rings for a wooden mallet. 
 1 gun. 
 1 iron har 1 i feet long. 
 All which aforesaid I, Unit Franecn, acknowledgo to have received from Mr. La i]fi>nfiiffii('^ 
 promising to deliver them hack to tho ahoveuamed La Jfonfaijiie in the like cuiiditioii on the 
 e.\[)iratioii of our contract, or in default tho vahie or whnt is as good. 
 BoiT Fransi N. 
 CouNioLis I'licrKus, witness. 
 To my kiiowle(lgo 
 Afr. r.a 3f<>>ifanf/))<' discharLtes and releases /imtf Fraticin from tlie aforesaid contract and 
 liis lirotherinlaw from the hail hoiid. Said Bout Fmnccn has delivered the liowery hack to 
 Mr. Montaijne 27"' Sept. 104.3. 
 La Montaone. 
 Patknt kou Lanh (>\ LiNd Isr.AND AT Mkhic<'iikawi('k (TwicW'Tii Ward 'RuooKr.vN). 
 We, WlHiin Kltft, Director (ieiieral and Council of iW'w A'ct/icr/aiui vU-., herewith te.-lify 
 and declare, that to-day, date underwritten, we have given and granted to /',fcr Ctuv.itr* tho 
 Italian a certain piece of land for a tohacco plantation, lying in the hight of .Ut/rr/ikairick; where 
 /'('/ valley is eighty-live rods; containing twenty-nine niorgeiis Wv^i hundred and sixty-six 
 rods: under the express condition and stipulation etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Ai'istcrdam in X. X, the 'i'^ of July 1C4.'5. 
 "WlI.I.KM Klhl'T. 
 J'y orui.!' etc 
 CoKNELis VAN T.:iNno':EN, Secr^. 
 Patent fok I.anii near the Lonu Isi.anh Fi:kky iV . S. Navy Yaud, Cnv Pauk and Paut 
 uF l''lKin ^^'Al:I), illiOOKI.VN). 
 We, iri Kil ft. Director (teneral and C-ouncil etc. herewith testify and declare, that 
 to-day, da'e underwritten, we have given and granted to Tijunni Jun.sv/i a jiieee of land situate 
 on /.niiij luIdtuJ behind /'cAv the Chimney sweep alxmt S. \V. from flic land of Hurtii r 
 t/(;/v/".v,vv7i and touching with the south ]>oint the point of Jan /'Ai/ziCKif ( Flatnosei ;•'' stretching 
 along /iiinj' r\i land S. S. IC. from one valley to the other 105 rods with some ))r()monti(ri/i/'/< land, being the lirst starting place 147 
 rods .N. by W. eontaining together with a similar triangular hook 2'2 morgens 3l!4 rods 
 including a valley stretching around this land, not mentioned here; with the express condition 
 and stipulation etc etc 
 Done at Fort Am.stlied. Those who are running there are Lad}' 
 j}loody\i hogs. We shall not then go there, said the Seven Stara^ crew. 
 Done the 13'" October 1043. 
 This is the fp mark of 
 KrrscHKKT ' V Aksikn. 
 This is the ^ mark of Amhrosh-s Lonkn. 
 This is the ~f~ mark of Ritschkut Stout. 
 "We the unilersigucil attest that there is not on board the frigate La Gnrce more tlian one- 
 half barrel of cabbage, being alioiit 20 yij .'iO iieads tiieroin; among these are small cabbages n.it 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 bijifger than a iist, and a1)out seventy puni[)kins and a few turnips, sivtccn fowls for the Seceii 
 Stai'K anil her crow, witliout liavhig injured or taken any other animals. 
 This is tlie mark (^ oi rniLii' jANriiCN. 
 Tliib V* is the mark of Abkaham Jansen. 
 By me Svmkon IIobuins. 
 AuY Leendeksen, pilot of La Oarce. 
 Pkotest r.v DiuKCTOK & Councii, A(iAiNsT WW, Fiscal kor NEfir.KCT of'" nnv. 
 (1 tiie ('(luncil of Ni'io N<:t/u;rl(tnd, to you Voriulis 
 Wo, WiHidm Kieft, Director (ioncn 
 van (h'r llmjhnx, fiscal and schout of Nein JSdki liitnd. 
 ATany complaints are daily hoard of thcf'.s, rohhorics, killinj^ of hi(<>;s 
 and j^oats 
 and other excesses, and they m\' iucreiising every ^^^^■ more and more ; yea, will from all appearance, 
 shortly ciihninato in ]nililic i)hinilcrini,' and highway mhljery, and it is moreover to he feared that 
 jicople will murder one another, and all this because no delinipients are arrested, prosecuted, or 
 punished. Here also, from time to time, divers Ordinances are pnhlished to prevent such scandals 
 as much as possihle, hut inasmuch as no olTort is made to put the laws in execution, so all disorders 
 have full swing. Judgment has, likewise, hoen jmmounced and orders issued to receive the 
 Company's duties; these also have rem;iined unexecuted. Moreover, divers people have died aiul 
 hoen killed by tlie Indians, of whf-e pnjtcrty no duo inventory lus hoen made, i\or their ostate 
 regulated. And whereas all these matters appertain to your ollice, and the fault lies exclusively 
 at your door, and the conunonalty, meiinwhile, generally complain that they are put otl'hy words 
 and, further, thai, 'o result foi1,,>v.,, and that vou throw the h'ame on the Director, on the jrrountl 
 that you have no people to assist you. 
 Tlicrofore yon are, herohy commanded to /hoy in all ]iarticulars your instructions, as you are 
 in duty hound to do, so that jiistiem proper. 
 [Wo, also, have assurance that yon have atrociously dcfiuned the Director at carousals or 
 at the guard hou.se, saying ihat he is a rascal, a thief; that ho is drinking every day with 
 Afr. L> Dirci'tor would now wish you to .save it ; that you well know 
 who ])uy tho hiiles, &c. with many other calmnnios wliich you, by your oath, shoidd punish. 
 Therefore we rcijiiiro that you prove all this, or that you sull'er the puni>hment thereto assigned. | 
 NoTli. Tin; ()iira(rrft|i!i witliin | j ih ™iiitI1.-.1 in lli.' Dntili licc.ni. 
 I : 
New York Historical litconls. 
 The Fiscal gave for answer that ho hiis from time to time, done his best, and has performed 
 his duty to the host of liis uhility, 5"' of January, 1(!44. 
 The Director ami Council reply that the general complaint shows the reverse, and protest as 
 Thus done in the presence — 
 Tliif. diiy, tlie 0'" of March A° KVH, licfore mo, Coviiclin van Tienhoi^m, Secretary of New 
 Ndhnianil , iippeared the underwritten persons, who, each for himself, at tlie request of Jochim 
 Piekrxmi Kinjh'i^ attest, testify and declare, in place and with jjromiso of a solemn oath if need 
 be and tin icunto rccpared, that tlieir declaration is true. 
 VornfllsCornelh^cn- from Utrtrht. aged -l-l years, declares that ho stood sentry on the night of the 
 5"' of March in f •• mt of the house of the said Jochim Pielersen,* being about two hours before dav,near 
 the corn rick, aliouthffypacesfrom the barn, when he, thodeponent, saw a l)urning arrow, the flame 
 wiicreof was as blue as the tlame from sidphur, coming a'>out twenty paces from the house, between 
 the dungiilH and the clicrry door, which arrow fell on the thatch of the house and in consequenee 
 of the violei'.t wind the honso was imnicdiatcly wrapped in flames. lie immediately heard the 
 report of a gun in the same (piarter that the arrow came from. Tiie house was burned to the 
 groiMid. Also, that the Knglish soldiers dm-ing the burning woidd not come out of the cellar, 
 where tliey were sleeping, and remained therein till the house was destroyed. Wherefore they 
 ol)(ain(Hl no help from the English. 
 J"' of Marcli la>t. about two hours before day, he going the roumls about ^^r. .loehhii 
 I'ieti'rxi'n'ii house, on tm-ning arouml saw a burning arrow, the tlame wJK'reof was l)liie as the 
 llame o*' sulphur, coming between the dunghill and the cherry door, which hnrning arrow fell on 
 the riilge of •h^'hint /'!■/, r-t'-H-^ house that was burned to tin; ground in conse((uence of 'he violent 
 wind and the nsging llaine. Whilst the house was on lire, he, the de[)onent, heard the report of a 
 gim which they suspected was lirvd by th(! Indians whom they heard in the morning yet yelling 
 and shooting. During tlie aforesaid lire, the iluglish soldiers remained in the cellar without 
 olfering any assistance. 
 />//■.■! ^r\7vvV.s''/(,agi'il twenty years, dech:ri's that the English soliliers did not come out of the 
 » J'f/iiin l'i,t,-i;vii Kni/ti /■'.•< fiirm of iilioiit 100 uitim iit Srhirr,ildn. .ir iis lii^ culln,! it Z'/i-n'lii-l (Viilc of lilcssiiij;) 
 may liti lo.-iH('il ul.n>; th.> II;irl.'iri Kivcr from atioiit IJ J"" to 1 H"' Stri'fts. rinicliuii,' Imck liiua hiwiinl to .-)"' uinl 8"" 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 collar 80 long as the Hbovoinentiotied house was on fire, and he, the dopouent, narrowly escaped 
 with his life through tlio raj'in}' fire. 
 All which thoy, the deponents, each in particular for lumself, offer to confirm on oath, 
 declarinil:oop, sni^oiviuyp on tlie Bliip called T/ie Arms of licnselaerwych over tho 
 go<.i].s^la.kMi_ therein and on ijelialf of tlie lion'"' J^.froon Kilinm van hnmlacr. do j.rutest a-ainbt 
 Mr. 6W«c/;« m» ,Av /%^v/(,v li,scal, for tlie injnry and vIoIlmico l)eri,etrated on n.e, in disdiar.'- 
 H.g tile sliip, asif tlie Patroon aforesaid must be affronted, which tends exceedin.dv to the 
 shame, reproach and dainaj?e of the lion'"" Patroon who is fhe oldest Patriot of tho country I 
 assert that people oiif,d.t to unload an.l contiscate hueh ships as eoinc here without conunission "and 
 dnve their trade; and as this l.rin-s \e,o Nethcrlan,! and its ctHeers into disrepute, l.ut not so a 
 Patroon who so greatly advanced his Colonic and Xw iYf^ez-^^/jf/, as I maintain, then do I 
 Peter W,,nkonp, once more protest against you y.»i, 7,r y%/v,w, fiscal, and demand from the 
 Hon- Director and Councd in .Vm Xdherlau,! satisfaction for the loss and for the fo.vc 
 committed in unloading the shij) Tho Arms of Henselae rswyck. 
 Done Jfiin/iat/ans this IS"' of March A" 1044. 
 Tho fiscal answers: lie had obeyed orders and his Instruction and had used no force. 
 ColiNKMs VAN DKK I loY KENS, fiscal. 
 WiLLKM I)E Jvi;v. 
 YsKBKANT Clasen, both witnesses. 
 To my knowledge, 
 Minute of the appeakance in Col-ncii. oi- thic Sachem ok Mati.vneko.nok, L. I. to sue koh 
 15- April 1644. '■''^''^• 
 Appeare.l in Oonnoil Gauwaro^re, ,^vWm of JA./;„,,.;v;;,.Z. who acting for fhe adjoinim^ 
 vdlages of Indians, vi/. : Mafnuu-k-onek, Marospinr and Sih; leHh.fk;,, v.,^nv,wA to have ..oacu 
 and to plant m the abovenamed villages, which we grant them, provided th.v will not atlemi.t to 
 '".IMiv- any of ours, and will not suffer the Indians of lirrh;,„ha.l;,^ Tlu. A'^/y'.nd .)/„.vr/,/v, «'/,,/!. 
 ain«mg then, an.l will keep themselves separated from them, and that tin.. Jh.ll be toM to their 
 baclu-ms on the Plain near Mr. For.lh,un\. ; in case they are overtak..,. and killed amon.^ tho.e or 
 any of our enemies by the Dutch, we shall be held guiltless the.vof. Wherewith the ('hi..f 
 (..unnurony ,.s very well satisfied, and for confirmation a present is given to him 
New YorJc. Ilistoiical Jiecordn. 
 Patknt kor. Conky Island, L. I. (ah it tiikn was).* 
 W.', W>f/rm /w,//. I)i,v..t..r (Jenoral an.l C..iin,.il ,.f .V. vY. uto herowitli testify and declare 
 that to-,|:,v, dafr mi.liTwrittun, wu li.ivo givi'ii ui.d gnuitcd to Oy,/>,:rt „p Dycic, tlie wlu.le Conri) 
 M„i,l, sitii.ito on tliu e;wt aide of tlie Lay nmning into tiie North rivor, witli tiiu viiliuyH tiiureto 
 i)cIoii-injj;; on condition tliat in caso it «houKI ho dcunied nuco.s.sary or adviauhio the Company 
 ruscrvs th,. ri-iit to cstablinh (i.heried upon tlie said 6W.7 A/, /» I . „ _ WlLLKM KiKKT. 
 ^V Order etc Coknelis van Tienhovkn, Seer. 
 I, /VAv .A//iw/( fi 1 ant. a;;ed ahont 22 years, testify at tlu! ivcpiost of Mr. Moor 
 that he hcin.i,' in the year U)4;! in tlie river named liop/h-haiurk, u\ VhyuiHi, htard one Mr. 
 J/AAA,'/Av, say, that th(! hark now helonj^Mn;,' to Peter LouwrrerMen mul ih. nooi»u>rfl 24 years, jointly and each for himself, attest, testify and declare.in place and 
 with promise of a solemn oath, if need be, that it is true and truthful that (fovcrt lj)ock;nanii in 
 • Coney h'and in tl.e ,iaya of tlii.s patfiit wk.s cc.iisi.li-ral)!)- sn.iill.-r, tlmri now ; its north Hli.)r.) along thu " Dildi" 
 ronn...-tii.- On„„,n>d liny aud /fubluinl'. Cmk uioaaurrd ;,() chains, ita southslioro 00 chs. aloug the Ocean and from 
 "'" I " '"' ^'«"" '"l"'"'- !"l-f t" '!'>' .■iilrami- of tlio '• Ditch " into llie Hay not j llceren 
 Inland^ wliiTo Nicoltttn Voom is koopiuj; \\\* rcsidoiico in tiio name of tiio I'atroon liemelacr, the 
 a1)i)V(Miaiiii'd Xlrolam Voom ci'icd out to dorert hwlcmiuis, wA\\\\v^\y.\M, Strilvi-I Wlio answci'iMJ, 
 forwiioin hIiiiII lKtril('/{//irt/(.v Hailed down and pui'Hued 
 hit) voyage without firing back or niakiiif,' u«o of other force. All which we, tlio nndt'rsigiied 
 deponeritrt declare to have thus happened in fact, and to be true, olTcring to confirm this l)y onth ; 
 also that this id done by us in order to bear testimony to the truth, to the prejudice, wrong, hate 
 or favor of no man in particular. 
 Done on board tlie yacht The Oood Hope lying in the roadstead in front of Fort Amsterdam 
 in New JVet/wrlaml the 5"' of July, 1044. 
 This is the -^ mark of Coitrt I'iktkuskv, abovenamed. 
 This is the 'jOC mark of IIauman Auicntskn 
 This is the St.. mark of CoRNELir MAuimuKN nour. 
 IIauman Dodukb. 
 Uaumon Hastiaens. 
 Jacob Jansk.v. 
 Jan VEUiiuuonEJf. 
 Emikut Ei.heutsen. 
 ' Wii.i.i.M I'ietkkse i)E Groot. 
 To my knowledge. 
 CoKNKi.is VAN TiENHovT'N, Sepfctftry. 
 Before mo Comcliavan Tlenhovoiy Secretary of New Netherland, appeared hhrant (laesen, 
 aged 44 years, Luhhert Janxi'ii, ageil 415 yeai-s and Jan TomiiKneu, aged about 40 years, who 
 Jointly and each for himself', at the request of Xlcolacs Cooni, ollicer in Hvvm'Ihi rswi/t k, attest, 
 testify and declare in place and with promise of an oatii, if necessiiry, that it is true that (lovirt 
 Loorhtnane, sailing sometime ago from above i);ust Beren Ixlttnd, \'tivli'Ki;i)iNtJrt, Dama()K8 ahkkii A((AiNar Nicolaks C'(k)hn fob fibino on Loookman'm 
 (»"' (if Oi'fobiir 1644 in Fort AmitterJam. 
 WllHam (I,' Key I'ltfl. ag'st. 
 Xlciilarx ('oorii, Deft. 
 n.'ciuiw! Ooorn Iwiiij,' appointed officer on Beren hlarul by ^Ir. Uenaelaer shot at and disiiblcd 
 Ln<)ckiiiaii\i v.'Bsel witii ciiiKin. 
 Dcfcndiint Hiiyw lie wiw antliorizod so to do hy Patroon Renselaer. 
 Ordered tlnit t'oorn h)iuI1 j)rovo liia words to-morrow. 
 8'" of OctoJicr, 1044. 
 WlUiam lie h'eij, nftorncy of Govert Loockma».H, PltfT. agVt Nieolaea Coorn, sbcrifT in 
 /ii'imfafrHWi/rlr. Deft. 
 Deft, liiiviii-,' (biinajfcd by wliot tho sloop of Loockmonn, wliereforo tlio Fiscal assunieH tlio 
 (Mse for tlie f,'ov('rnnu'iit of Xein Xet/ierhuid. 
 Ilaviiij; sucn the iillidavits wliic.li wen; inado and (•(infirintd on outli on [\w refiuisition of tlie 
 i'ltff. and the alHdavit of Deft, witii the Fisearn eoiiehi.'iion, taking coj^iiizance of the protest and 
 piiihihition niiide by said Fiseal to tiie Deft. We, tiierefore, eondenin Deft, to ])ay the damage 
 lie (lid witli shot to tlu^ PitlfH slonp. said damage to be assessed by two arliitrators to lie eluisen 
 fur tliat i)urpose, fovbidiling iiini to repeat the aet on pain of iiudily punisliment, and be siiall 
 williiii ten months prodnee the approiiation of his Patroon confirmed by superior authority, and 
 in default thereof further ])rocee(iiMgs shall be taken on the Fiscal's complaint, and in tho meauwhilo 
 lie, the Deft, must not depart from the limits of Xcw Netherland. 
 Council Minute, that Kkv. E. TlooAunis uKKusKn to kkceivk an admonition in wurriNo 
 2'^"' March 1»)45. 
 Tlie Hon''" Director Wlllidtn Kifft has, by a])])r(>val of the Council, sent an admonition 
 in writing, dated :i:{ March to the minister //M(/(«n/«,v, which he would not receive or open, and 
 tlie paper is returned by the court messenger. 

 80 Jiitrlij Colonidl Si'tthiHeiit». 
 Ri:SIILtITION8 TO KMI'IXIV A I,()N(t iHt.ANM Sai'IIKM AilAINHT Ilimril.l: iNniANH. 
 This (lay, l»oiii^ tliu 'J4"' of May 1(145, camt' licro a cliicf naiiiiMl Witaui i/win, caclii'iii uf 
 Mocli«v/ii'(k-l/, at which place th" Mdti It in kullik now 
 reside, autl /i'eckoii/iaeki/,txni\ re(piestod to walk in a tirni lioiid of friendship with us and proniisi'tl 
 that the Christians should experience at the hands of his i)eoplo, or of those ahovciiumed villa|;es, 
 nothini; but every kin) both places of ,/'' rum ;is well an of 
Ktv) York llintoriral Jiecoriis. 
 Jaooh Sfofi,hi'n coiit.iiniiig toK.alior twoHtynii^lit inorjt uotiilitiuii iiikI Htipulatioii etc Ptu 
 Mono at Fort Amnti'i'ilum in .V. .V. thin fl"> nf July 1(J45, 
 Hv- OrJur ct(!. 0. van Tieniioven, Rocr. 
 Wo, Wlllfia h'left i't(! j'tc. havo frivcti mid {,'rimti«d to r'A-M* Jrtnj«#n from N'nenhn n piece of 
 iiiiiil lyiii;,' aiioiit S, hy E. Hotm'wiiiit K. o|.|)o.si((.. to tlio l''ort on I.oikj Mux/ and ixMindud S. W 
 and S. !•;. \,y Fi-ei'lrk' LuhUiwu and N. E. i)y Jan J/aiiJe it BtreU'lius alonif wild Jan Manje'fi 
 land I'roni tlio Ktninil S, E. i point ono Innidrcd and fif,'lity rodn, S, F. Ht'ty /od.s soiitli of tlic'liill 
 S. \V. i)y W. and W. S. W. (•ij,'lity rods, a^'ain tinon^di tii,. woovIh aloiij; lh„ land of wiid /'rerkk 
 N. \V. l)y N. ono linndrud and fi;;liteon rodn and afj;ain fifty rods N. W. l;y W., tlion alonj; tho 
 8trand Huvonty-fonr rod.M.ontainiiif? altogotlior twentyono inorgourt two hundrod rodrt ; with liio 
 oxpivsi* condition and Htipniation I'tc etc 
 Dono ill Fort Amsterdam in ^V. y. the 30"' of Septbr 1G45. 
 \\\\ Wlllem KUft otc etc., liavo pivon and (rrnntcd to Tlonrn Brrser a piopo of Innd Irinp on 
 the i'last river l)otweon tho land of Conieliti Dirckiieii, tiiu Ferryman, S. by F. from the strand np 
 one hiMidred and thirty-two rwls, E. h little S. forty-five rods to the maize land, then throUf;h the 
 mai/(^ land to the valley one hnndred and nine n.ds, alun;; the valley N. E. hv N. twentv rods, 
 then a-ain towards tho woo.ls next to .A/u />, /^/t';, lu„d W. N. W. to tlio woods and tliron^di 
 them next to Frrrn'k f.uhh.rx,!)!* to the East river N. by W. ono liiindrod ami twenty rods, along 
 the shm-e to the j.lace of heginnintr fifty-six rods, containing Hixtcen iiiorgens four hnndred and 
 sixty-eiijht rods, with express condition and stipniation etc. 
 Done in /iW Ain.'^t.nlani in N. N. this 4"' of Stptbr 1(M5. 
 PVTKNT Kon r.AVn o\ TiOyo TsnAND rHROOKLTN). 
 We, WUI.m K'uft, I'tc ell', have given and granted to Frn-'ick Lnhheracn a piece of land 
 sitnate npon the Fast river bet ween ilu. land of linrnd on Long Island (Newtown). 
 Wo, Wilkin Ki'-ff, etc etc have given and granted to Jarien TmiM who has married the 
 widow of Ilewlrick Ilarmenscn a piece of land situate upon Loixj Island., E. of the Ildlegai, and 
 W. of tlie great bay, opposite three islands called the three Brotlwrs, it being the westernmost hook 
 of the said piece of land, tlio easterly point of the said bay, and reaches from the strand along a 
 thicket S. by W. two hundred and sixteen rods to a large fresh valley, along s;iid valley to a fresh 
 water kil, which divides the land of Mr. Douthey from this parcel, then along the kil to the bay 
 and along the shore of the river to the place of beginning, containing by measurement sixty-nine 
 morgens one hundred and eighty-throe rods ; eight morgcus of the aforesaid fresh meadow belong 
 to this iiarcel, also a small island nearly W, of the house; with express condition and stipulation 
 etc etc. 
 Done at Fort AmsU^rdam in ^V. N. the 5"' of Septbr 1045. 
 Indian Dekd fou Land on Lono Island (RoiTnERN Part of Kinob CorNrr). 
 Wc, Wilh'm Ki.'ft, Director General and Council of Xno NetJurland, testify and declare 
 herewith, that to-day, date underwritten, personally before us ap])cared Seijscij, chief, Sej)!nt,>, 
 Ponitarannchjyne, chiefs ami owners of the laiwis between the Vmry fxland to Coinrane^ 
 along the North rive- and from (hn.ij Idand along the seashore to Wri/,rihpri(tnrr ami thenco 
 North by West and Ncrth North West to (hm,iMn,'>, aforesaid, who (l.rliued, that with eonse.u, 
 and approval of the other Indians, for and in consideration of a certain .lunntitv of merchandise, 
 which they acknowledge to have reecived to their satisfaction and eontentment i.efure the pa>sing 
 hereof, they have transferred, ceded, surrenden.d a,,,! couveved in true, free and lawful possession 
 to and for the behoof of the Noble Ljrds Director of the Priv. W. I. Company, Department of 
New YorTc Historical Records. 
 Amnterdam, the before described parcel of land situate upon Long Idantl, witli all the nctioa 
 rights and privileges etc etc. 
 UoiK! at Fort Amsterdain in New Nethcrland, the 10"' of Septemiier A° 1045. 
 The mark "^ ^ of Wh.lkm Kikfi. 
 PoNiTAUANAOHQYNE made La Montaone. 
 by himself. 
 Tlie mark 4 • of Seysey. 
 made by himself. 
 Oloff Stevenskn. 
 To my knowledge, 
 The mark v' — ^^ of Sipento 
 made by himself. 
 Patent for Lanh o.n- Lono Island (Bkooklyn). 
 We, Wilkni Kieft, etc etc, have given and granted to Andi-ii-s Ifudilc a piece of hmd upon 
 I-(»i(j Inland, almost opposite the Fort, touching S. W. the huul of 'Inn. Manjf and S. or in the 
 rear tlie maize land of Frcrick Luhhersen and bounding on the East side the laud of Chics 
 CorniiUnen Mdutelaer, in front along tlie strand tVom tiic land of .saiiiry Bretur and another ]>arcel, .•stretching along said Jlinrys meadow 
 to the aforesaid parcel and then through the woods and maize land to tlie ditch of CIms Cornel i{.i,7<'r CnrnrlUs;^/, , stretching alon".' said 
 /V/,r (Wnd;,,>,m into tho woods W. S. W. and S. W. by W. 1S7 rods, through the wo.xls'^E.'s. 
 E. and S. E. liy E. l»etweeu botli I5(i n.ds, thence to the value through the wood and nuiizeland N. 
 E. 00 rods to the iii:iize!ati of land 
 lying on the East hook of the Ray of MarccJikamirk and stretchinir along the shore of tho East 
««»«i»i«M 5' ii Him i l l pii Mmx i u mitMt^, 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 river N. N. E. a little E. 135 rods, tlience into the woods S. E. by E. 100 rods N. E. by N. 50 
 rods atid 150 rod-s S. E. l)y S., witli a widtli back in the woods S. 80 rods, aLi;aiii to tlic strand at 
 the place of beginning N. W. by W. a little W. Hit) rods, coutaiuing 57 luorgeus 33!) rods ; with 
 the express condition etc etc. 
 Dated at Fort Amsterdam, the 23'' of March 1G46. 
 Patent koij ax Jsi.a.nu in TnK East River. 
 Wo, Willem Kifft etc etc liave given and granted to Captain Jan. Onilerhil a small island, 
 formerly called Mentelaers Idand, separated from Long /x/and iiy two kills, containing about 50 
 morgens besides the meadows, which arc granted to said Ondcrhil with said small island, with the 
 express condition etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam, the I-l"' of May ItUC. 
 Patent for Land on LoNd Island (^Gkeenpoint). 
 We, Willem Kiefl etc et(t, have given and graiiteil to Adani, Matt a piece of woodland for a 
 l)lantation containing 25 morgens, situate on the west side of the Kil of Mispaelitis \\\to\\ the 
 point nearly opposite the jtlantation of Rirhiii'd Brndnd with the express condition etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Amnterdain, the 23"' of August lO-iO. 
 Patent foi: Land on \.osv, Isi.anip (Canarissk). 
 We, Willem Kieft etc etc. have given and granted to damjc Haxfrr and Richard Clnf\s\\\\ 
 their associates a certain tract of land situate on theSouthside of Iaihij /.stand called Va)iarif:oh Stiiffclsiii S. E. by E. 80 rods, along said Jacol/s 
New York Historical Itecords. 
 laud to tlio siiid viillcy S. W. a little W. 1()5 rods, along the valley to the place of beginning CO 
 roila \vitii a small point of land, containing altogetlicr 19 morgens 341 rods, witli express 
 condition etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam, the 11"' of March 1647. 
 Patent fok Land on Long Island. 
 We, Willon, Kieft, etc etc have given and granted to Volckert Eoeraen a piece of land 
 Iiehind tlio land of Jhcuh Be)ify)i on Loikj TuIaiuJ. stretciiing from the meadow or kil S. E. by E. 
 'JO rods S. E. 135 rods, 8. S. E. 3(;, in width in the woods AV. S. W. 90 rods to a valley, W. N. W. 
 136 rods and along the valley almost N. 200 rods, including a meadow lying within tliis parcel of 
 an area of 2J to 3 morgens, containing altogetiier 4? nior;reu3 155 rods, with the express 
 condition etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam, the 11'" of March 1647. 
 Patent fou Land on I/)no Island (Greenpoint). 
 We Widem Kieft etc etc have given and granted to Corndis Willemscn a piece of land on 
 the Kil of MfxpachtcK opposite Rlrhdrd Bvudnrl, stretching in length from tlie hook 182 rods, 
 towards the woods ino rods, again to the hook or bend of the hook to near the land of Thomas 
 Fiscock his brotlu>r-in-law, 90 rods, containing 22 morgens 136 rods with express condition etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam tlie 12"' of March 1047. 
 Patent foh Land on T/)no Island (Brooklyn). 
 We, Wdlt'm Kieft etc etc have given and gi'antcd to Corndis va?i Tienhorm, Secretary 
 licr(>, a piece of land situate in the allotment of Brenkden, foriuerly called Ilaredikaiviek, on 
 Loiuj Island, of tlu- s;une extent as it was survt'ved by the surveyor Ayidries Ilndde fjr Jan 
 Acrtscn of rtrccht accunling to his buok ; which Jan Arrtnen having failed to improve his land 
 pursuant to tlie laws, we have given his lot to the said Ti, niu/ccn, with express condition etc etc. 
 Done at Fort Amnterdam. the 15"' of March 1647 
 Patent fou Land on Lon(( Island (Xewtown). 
 We, Willem Kieft etc; etc have given and granted to Jan Jan^en from Ditmarscn a. 
 plantation lying South of l'i/cki'rt.'-gens, as may bo seen by tho marks, with 
 the meadow thereto helonghig; with the express condition etc etc. 
 Done at Furt Aiimtordain, tho 15 of ,\[ay 1047. 
 Summons to thk Ri;v. E. riooAitors to aim-kau hkfouk tfik Coitnci t answer oiiakoeb 
 In tho name of tlie Lord, Amen. Anno KUt; in New Ni'thcrlaml. 
 The Hon''" Director and Conned to the Reverend Eocrarthia BoijarJas, minister here. 
 Altliongh we were informed of yonr jjroceedings in tlie time of the Hon''" ^Voutet• van 
 Tinier, the former Director, and were also warned to be on our guard, yet were we unwilling to 
 pay any attention tiiereto, believing tluit no man who preaelied tho Word of the Lord woidd so 
 far forget himself, notwitiistanding we have lettera in yonr own hand, among others, ono dated 
 17"' Juno l(5.'i4, wherein you do not appcir to be moved by tlio spirit of the Lord, but on the 
 contrary by a feeling nni)ecoming heathens, let alone Christians, nineh less a preacher of tho 
 Gospel. Y'on there berate yonr magistrate, placed over you by God, as a elnld of tin; Devil, an 
 incarnate villain, whose buck goats are better tiian he, and |)ronuse him that you would so ])itch 
 into him from the pulpit on the tojiowing Sund;iy, that botii you and his bulwarks would tremble. 
 And many other sucli like insults, whicii we refrain from mentioning, out of the respect wo 
 entertain for tli it gentleman. 
 ^ on have iiitlulgcd no less in scattering almse during our admiiustration. 
 Scarcely a person in the entire laud have you spared; not os'on your own wife, or her sister, 
 particularly when you were in good com|>any aud jolly. Still mixing up your human passion 
 with the chain of truth, whii'h has continued tVom time to time you associated with the "reatcst 
 criminals in the country, taking their part and cicfending them. You refused to obey tho order 
 to administer the Sacramenl; of the Lord and did not dare to i)artake of it yourself. And in order 
 that you may not plead ignorance, a lew out of many instances .shall bo cited for von, as follow.s : 
 On the 2,')"' of September K!:}',*, having celebrated the Lord's supper, ob-serving afterwards 
 in the evening a bright lire in the Director's house, whilst you were at Jacob van Carkr's, being 
 thoroughly drunk, you grossly .abused the Director and Jni'hini /'/'etcr.st'n, with whom vou were 
 angry, because the Director had asked .something .d' you for said ./(w/im /'/t'^v^cn which vou 
 ri'fused. (See aiiidavit in our ]>ossessio!i.) 
 Since that time many acts have been comiiiilted by you, which no clergyman would think of 
 doing. In th(^ hope that you would ;it least demc;in yourself in your otlice in a christianlike 
 manner, we have overlooked those things until March lt!i;{, when om3 Miir;/n Aifriacn.wn came 
 into the Director's rooiu with predetermined pur[iose to murder him. He was preventeil and j)ut 
 in irons. Taking up the criminars cause, you drew up his writings and defended him. 
 He, notwithstanding, was sent to Hnll,ind m chains against your will. Wlu>reui.on you 
 fulminateil terribly for about fourteen days and desecrated even the pulpit by your passion. ' In 
 what manner you conducted yourself every evening during this time is known to vour immediato 
 neighbors. Finally, you made up friends with the Director, and things became quiet. 
7*^ Karlii Colonial Settknienta. 
 Ill till! )'car lOU, (IMP Liii(reii.i C(irnt'h'.t,ieii liuiii'' licro— a ii 
 nan who coi 
 iiiiiitti'd iicrjiirv ; I'lK'i' 
 opoiily took a falso oatli ami was i.'iiilt,v of tlioft— ho imincdiatoly foiiiul a patron in vo'ii, 'hccaiisc 
 lio hu'sjiattert'd tlio Dirwtor with lies imil 
 Hiiinmcr of tl 
 voii wci'c daily iiiakiiii,' jrood clioor witli 
 yuar. wlioii iiiiiiistcr Dmitluij adniiiiistcri'd tlio Lord'.s Su|)i)C'r in tl 
 you eaino drank into tlu! pulpit in the afternoon ; also on the Friday bcforo Christinas of t! 
 in thu 
 10 inorninL'. 
 le sei'inon ea 
 IliuL,' to repentanci 
 year, when you preached tl 
 III thu heifinning of tl 
 you coiunieneed as is vour custom, to scolil vour (K 
 le year 1(!4:.. I.ein^' nt pnpper at the Kiseal's wlii'ro you arrived drunk, 
 and the Secretary, ahusini,' ainoui' thu 
 rest deacon OI(>tf St,'iy,-iim:ii as a thief, altlioui;h he did not utter an ill word anjainst you; 
 wheruiipon the Director, beiu;,' present, su:;i;ested to you in a kind manner, tliat it wn.s not tlu 
 place to use such laujjua^u'o. As you did not desisi, (he Din'clor linallv said, t 
 drunk, you  ot indisposition 
 to wit on the 22' .I.nmary IiH-."!, you abuscrl him violently troin the pulpit, saving '-Wliat else an 
 the greatest in the land but vessels of wrath and fonnlaiii> of evil, etc. Men aim at nothing but t( 
 rob one another of his properly, to di.>mis>, banish and transport." For tl 
 abseiitei/w,rniuul ])U'tty drunk, you 
 coilimenced scolding the Fiscal and Secretary then present, censuring also the Director not a little, 
 giving as your reason that he had called your wif(> a whore, though hi- said there that it was not 
 true and that he never entertaineil snch a tl 
 loiiirbt, and it never cc 
 28"' March, we beiuir moved bv nioti 
 le provei 
 ire on the' 
 office instead of [irosecnting yon. sent you a ( 
 refused to receive. (See Report of the Messenger.) 
 ives ot mercy, and on ac.'ount of the respect attached to vmir 
 iau admonition under seal, which yon t 
 You administered the Lord" 
 ijipi'r at Easter and Whitsuntide without partak 
 your.self, setting yourself as a partisan ; assuming that the Director had .sent the J'rwc/ 
 /oU/io, meaning Li/.ff„:/. the midu-ife, to y,.ii in order to seek a reconciliation, but that 
 [if it 
 ■' /■■■■■ and om^ 
 think tu 
 ic(^ herore 
 \ou Would 
 ce with him ; using siiniliar laiucnage also to tin- Vonc/l-t 
 Anthonij (I /A/'/y-'.v. as shall a|ipi\ir by crcdibl,. witnesses. At the niakin"..f th 
 words and 
 means were used t^ 
 ) lireal 
 if (pIT. eop 
 aus, an e\tra"t from the order of the Lords States w: 
 to your Reverence, to return thanks to (Jod on the li 
 lleverence preached W(!ll and 
 about the peace, and though th 
 ;ave a gooil sermon 
 but tl 
 September therefo 
 iroughoiit not a word was uttered 
 thanks bj God for it, as the oti 
 e day was appointed s[iecially for that ] 
 liiirnose, vou o 
 ze;il. V>s this. ])eo])lt> can estimat 
 and the weltare of the coin 
 icr clergvmen who dwell within our limits lia 
 ve (lorn- with t;reat 
 I' vour dis 
 position toward the Company, by whom you are jiaid, 
 itry; which disposition is also manifested by fav 
 oriiiir those who 
 Adrian vmi, tU'r Donck. 
New York Ilintorkal Jiccords. 
 have iinmXy .lefrau.lo,! un.l injurcl tl.o Oompur.y ; tho convonticloa and gatheringH hold and still 
 daily contiiiiied m rufcrciiL'o tiicirto. 
 On tho :i.'" .,f r)cc..MnlH.r, you .said ,.ul,!i.ly, in the course of the sennon on repcntnnoo, that 
 you have frequeutly a.lnnnistcrod the Lord's suppe,- without p:tr(akin^^ of i, yourself, and wished 
 that those who are the cause of the trouble were .lisn.issed, and when fandiies are visite.l, they 
 cannot give a reason, why they absent theu.selve.. V,.ur had longue is, in our opinion, the sole cause, 
 amb.,urBt.nneckeduess, and fhose^^d^,enc.M.ragey,miuyourev•i!eourse,the cause of itscontinuancc! 
 We know no one hut only you wlio has refused t ake peace. Wlu-n you n.ako a visitation 
 you ,io not enquire the reason, or are unwilling to a^k il. We hohl tliat niou arc hound to give ft 
 reason lor such absence if it be demanded. 
 On the 24'" oftho sanie month, you rcmarke.l in your sermon, that in Africa, in consequence 
 of the excessive _lu..t, .lilferent wild animals copulate together, whereby many nionJrs arc 
 generated Lut in this temperate climate, yon knew not. you sai.l, whence these monsters of men 
 proceeded, lliey arc the ndghty but they ought to be made unmightv, who liave many fathers 
 and place their trust in the arm of the flesh, ,ind not in the Lord 
 (Jhildren can tell to whom you here alhul... These and many similar sermons which von 
 have often in-eaclied, have obliged us to remain awav from church 
 Seeing tlmt all this tends to the general rni;, of the land, both in ecclesiastical and civil 
 matters, to the disparagement of authority which your Reverence is bomul bv dutv and also by 
 your oath to support; to the stirring up of mutiny among the people, alrea.lv"spliti,ito factious • 
 to schism and contention in the church, <.r..ated by novel and unheard of customs, an,l t„ rendcrin.' 
 us contemptible in the .-yes of our neighbors, whic.h things cannot ho tolerate.l, when justice I 
 accustomed to he maintained, therefore our b..uiiden duty obliges us to provide tlierei.i, and by 
 virtue of our comniission from their High Mighlinoses. his Highness, and the Lords Directors of 
 the Incorporated \\ est India Company, to proceed against von formallv ; and in order that the 
 sime may be done more regularly, w have commands that a copy of this our Acte be delivered 
 to you, to be answered m fourteen .lays, protesting that your Iieyeren..e shall bo treate.l in as 
 (hnstian and eiv.l a manner as our conscience and the welfare of Church and State will permit 
 llie 2" of January JtJId. 
 hilt;. I"' of .January. 
 We have seen the writin- dated third .Lmiiary last s.^nt us bv A>m//v/„. no„.n;lu. 
 through Ine messenger, and found it lu ile and absurd and not an an'swer to the extract dated 
 2' ot .Ian> 1.11.;. M.nt to ..id llu,.,nlu.<. It is therefore ordered that said /.',./"/■'/'/. shall .dve a 
 ■.ert.nent answer to the conte,;'. of said .Atract. eitluM- airirmatively or iiegari^elv within the time 
 Lierem mentioned, „„ p.un of being pro^vnted in court as a rebel and contumaci,.us 
 Thus done in C.ain.al at FnH \m4a',la„i in New Xdlurlan,/ on the above date 
 On the 18" 
 We have seem a certain writing of Dom" n,yjard,is s.-nt us by the messeicer full of vain 
 Kubterfnge. calumny, insult and profanati,m ,.f (iod's holy word. t,. the dispara.a.iM.nt of instice 
 and Ins lawful superio,-, which he uses, as i> his custom, to vent his pas>ion and to cover up the 
 truth, and ,. in no wi.. an answer to ,,ur eharges and onler s,.nt him on the L' '• and 4"' of .lanuarv 
 last. rherelo,vweor,l,.,-hi,na.sc id time to answr it formallv within II dav> either ne-'ativefy 
 or aflirmativcly on pain as aljove. ' " 
 |K ?£S^_JS*TI 
 ■ /,,j 
 Karhj Colonial 8ettlementn. 
 'I % 
 On tlio first of Fi'l)nmi7 A° 1046. 
 Having hucu tliu tilunileroiw writing df Doni" lioijdi'diin purporting to l)c im iiimwor to our 
 clmrgcH, wlioruin lio iilUrni.s sonu', and donii^H otlior points tliuroDl', mid (leniandu proof, 
 Ordered tlmt tlio Fiscal sliull give said Botjanlim tjutisfaction ud law party 
 On tlio 8'" of Mari'li, 164(5. 
 Having soon tliu answer of FAvrart/un Boyanhin, minister, dated 8"' of March, Ordered, if lie 
 lias aiivtliin": nioi'i' to alieire eitiicr aiiainst. llic witnesses or otiierwise in the remainder of the 
 suit, that ho produce it within eight days, and at ihu same time Hj)ecify the reason which the 
 lion'"''' Director and Council gave liiiii for aliasing tiiein from tiie chair of truth, and refnsing to 
 ohey their order; in default whereof the suit shall he lU'oceeded with to j)roof, notwithstanding 
 his sul)t'>rfuges. The S"' of March ItUC. 
 Whereas Dom'^ lioijardus has iu)t yet answered the ])a]ier« nent to him on the 8"' Fehrnary, 
 he is liurehy ordered to answer them l)y the next C\)urt day, and bhow cause why he liiw 
 calumniated the Magistrate from the Chair of Truth, and in his writing. 
 Having st'en the writing dated the U)"' March lt)4t) sent hy the messenger from lU'cnirJiis 
 /I(if/ii(/n'i/, both ministers, and two or three impartial members of this Pnivince, providcil lliKjanhin 
 shall submit his case, as we do, to their judgment, and that he, in the meanuhile, shall not 
 privatelv or ])ubliclv, dii'(>ctly or indirectly, by aluisr or calumny otTend the Director .and (\)Ulicil, 
 and if, meanwhile another Direcnr and other Coiinrillni-s arrive lu're, we are content to jilace ihe 
 matter in their hands. On wiiirh he is ordered to communicate his resolution on the 12"' Aiiril 
 Dated •I-l'^ of March ]fj4»! in Council in New Aiihslcrilam. 
 12 -Vjiril Anno 1 11411. 
 Having seen the answer of Ki'crdriJus /ioi/arr/iin, minister, dated thi> 1'2"' of April, <]olivered in 
 writing, whereby he refuses the civil f Sfevensen, doncon and commissary of cftrgoes and tho Btoro, Ims j)ro8cntcd a 
 petition to in wiieroin hn i't'f|iU'stH tliiit four arbitrutoi-H niiiy bo named i)y us wim mi^'lit dccidi! tlio 
 (htiiiMiity whicii lio iiarf with Doni" /'.'rerun/ ns lin(jitnlu.-<, niiniiitcr iiuru to wiiicii tsaid lioijitnfiia 
 aim) consents, (sue his writinj? duiivcrud to uh i)y liiin, '>/"//') Tiu^rcfori! wu do not objoct so to 
 do, and iiurciyy nominates Dom" Atiyijtnli'iiKln, Mr. do Hikhjih, Vom^hi'i' Adriaen Vinhmrk and 
 LduriHH I'lHi /Ii uni/t once more to seek it, sceiuf^f the 
 opportunity that now iireseiils itself on the pait nf thn.-e whom we had nominatiMJ thereto ; From 
 the ministers, Dom'' J(dianin's Mr(jed to 
 judgment. Ami in oi'der that we may with more fervour pray <)(jd in the midst of the 
 congregation that lie would dispose you and our hearts to a Christian concord, wo recpiest J)om° 
 Mi>/(ij)i>/t'ii.iiK may ])rcach next Sunday, as has lic(;n always his custom, and being luM'e make us 
 partakers of the gifts with which (lud has bU'ssedbim. Vour lieverence will plcusi' to gratify us 
 so far in this matter as that we may hear iiini nn that occasion. Relying hereon, and not doubting 
 that yonr Reveience will have any objection to it seeing the jnsticeof our i'e(piest, wc shall await 
 your Reverence's iimncdiato answer thereto, aiul on the preceding matter ne.\t Thursday, being 
 the 14"' Juno. 
 l.KASK oi-' A I'owi.iiY NK.Aii ■nil'; Nakuows on L. I. 
 ]?efore inc, Conwlis I'lin Tlinhovcn, Secretary uf Niio Xetlii'rland, appeared Anfhoiiij 
 JuiMi'ti from .SWA'', who in th" presence of tlii' witnesses here underwritten declared ami 
 ac^knowledged that he U'ascd his imiiwery situate bi'ldw the lurvnw:^ u/nor d' /ittof'ti /i) hm l.utuj 
 Ixhiiid, to KdiHund Adliij^ who also acknowledged to have hired it for the term nf t'onr conse- 
 cutive years, connneneiug on the 2'' of last September and ending nu the "2' Septi'inber 10,">(). 
 Anthiniij Jiinxcn. shall alsi> be boimd tn h;ive built a lniu>(^ lit t'l li\i' in, and the Lessee^' shall 
 caiis(' the arable land to bo enclosed once fur all with posts and rails, which fence F.dinnnd 
 reinains bonii:' tu deliver back, on tlu; expiration of the f(Uir years as good (at lea>t tight^i as it 
 now will be delivered, anil the Lessee |iri>niises to keep the house and t'ciice in i'e[iair at his own 
 * K.vidciitiv 11 uiiatako for " I.nMHor." 

 / .|: 
 > "1 iii- 
 fJarhj Colonial Settlements. 
 oxpcriHO (luring tlio Icuho. Tiio Lomdo hIiuII iiiiiiimlly \my ii« rent of tlio ufdnwiiil Uowery, cuttln 
 and imi>li'moiits wliicli Anf/io/ii/ lutw ilolivci's, tlir rtiiiii of two liiiiidivd ^'iiililtTs llic tivM vi'iir, iind 
 two himdrt'd and lifty ^'uildui'M uvny vcar tlu! lliivc (.nccocdiii',' vciiv, witli tivi' |).hi.ii1k id' hiitd r 
 ajimmlly. Tliu Dtlior proporty wliicli .l/t/A(*;i// .Ao(,v. /ninw (U'livt'rH,aN|ioi'tlii' Hulijniru'd iiivciildry 
 Ai//ri/ in liiiiind Ut ro.-tton) at tlin I'lid of lliu luai,', wlii'ii tlio iimiilior of llic iMttli^ tliat tlii! I.c^iscu* 
 now dflivurn nliall liiMt of all Im dtHliictfd, and tlieti tin- iiicri'asr niiall Im' dividrd iialf and half 
 Ix.'twoon till) Lessor and tins Lessee. It is also i'\|nvsMly Htipulated tliat tlie risk of tlie eatHe shared 
 hn shared in coinmon hotii liy the [, Msor and l,(-isei) durinir the liMse, and if any of the cattle 
 happen to die, tiie iosn must lirht of all l)e made ;,' lod fnun thi^ inereaRe. 
 (liviiinlndor (if .Mhh. (li'slriiyml.) 
 Inventory of the property, implements and cattle delivereil hy Anthomj JatiHcn, lessor, to 
 K'hiiiiitil A'lh'ij, lessee, who acknowli'd^^iM to have receiveil the same, and promises to deliver 
 tliem on the expiration of the lease, as appears hy the proeoiling contract, to wit: 
 1 stallion 12 years old; I stallion of .'i years. 
 1 nnire of 4 years. l^dniKiii/ shall allow one stallion colt and two hull calves, at the end of 
 the four years, though the colt may 1)0 grown, and the Imll calves, oxen ; hueause Antliony receives 
 HO little hntter; of which colt and calves the Lessee runs no risk, unless the animalsbe lost through 
 the Lessee's negligi'nee. 
 Two cows in good condition. 
 Two new plows and appurtenances. 
 1 wagon and ap|iurtenauce.i<. 
 One harrow with iron teeth; 2 s|)ades; 2 scythes; 2 siths and hasps. 
 1 hamlsaw; one iron sledge^ 1 iron maul; I churn and tixlures. 
 One axe; one cream jiot; two pails; one lianilmlll ; one fan ; ono ])itchl'ork ; three forks; 
 one tlireo pronged fork; three horse collars with tww. Ioul' r(p|i(', licing a fore and aft trace. 
 One carpi'Mti r's ad/i! ; one ditto ave; 1 sickle; 1 hook; one auger; one long gnu. 
 Anthintij promises to furnish a.s much seed corn as he can. 
 In testimony this is signed hy parties tlic <>"' (d' Septemher lO-Ki. Xem .\clh< rlnnil. 
 This is the -l^ mark of Edman Aiu.kv, made liy himself. 
 This is the y--lj mai'k of .Vntmonv .Fansi^.v va.v Zai,i;i:, made hy himself. 
 CouNKi.is van dkk IIovkin-s, witness. 
 AiiuiAK.N VA.V Tiinhovkn, witness. 
 To my knowledge. 
 ruiicrly liuw and ili'livor tliu winio out /(«//*«« hIuiII furnisli tho nailn; 
 For all whicii tlrfrif Ihiiininii iiroinij^en to pay, for account i>i the Ooinpany, to Jun TtuiifHsi'ii 
 for lalicu- when liie joh is completed, the huiii of hi\tytl\e ^uildcrw, Jan Tetimaxin prondsen to 
 deliver on the ntraTid all the tiinlii'r in the nemth id' April next, and to niiso it ns soon as Domiian 
 Khali havi' hauled ami hrouj^ht it to the work. In te^itiniony thin is ni^ned liy jiarties the 22' 
 Nilii)i'ni, Secretary. 
 I-i;ask w a niiiRi': ani> f.ot tw i.anh at HuKnKKi.KN o.v liONu 1h[,a 
 This day date underwritten, Cr!,/;, r I'lxl,,;,- M\i\ (larrlt Srcm have, in the presenci' of ll 
 underwritten witnesses, leased innu (',>r)h/!n van '/Vt'/i/iwwt, Secretary of Nvio iVri/n rfanJ 
 piece of laiul of such dimensions as it may he, situate at /Ji;acf,;?, 
 the torin of four conPA'ciitive \vma which shall he^'in on the first of A 
 /.i/n(/ Islanif, for 
 t A" ItiiT 
 d teriniiiate on the lirst of Au;,'ust U\:>\, diirinjr which aforesaid time the Lessees shall 
 to |iay 
 U\'i-\ oiilv if in the meanwiiili 
 1>I h< 
 any acknow 
 (It^ to the authorities, tlie l,i'>: 
 sees sliiil 
 iiid to pay it. ii 
 fur heiii:; |H.nnitled to eiihivate the land iviil free, the Lessees ].roniise to lhorou;,dil 
 iiiai/elaml in the aliovementioiied lot within tli. teriii of f 
 eh'ar tilt 
 our vears 
 iforesuid, so that the ploiiLdi 
 I run over the whole of it and it can he ploii:;hed. Should there ht^ aiiv stones so 1 
 iri'e tliut two 
 iiieiKMiiiiol move them, Ihi' Le-^ces may let them lii'; hut they mu.-t remove the small stoir 
 the land. TIk! Lessees are liouiid to ellt, hum and remove from the land within tin- tini 
 lr,;n or whomsoever may ohtain his interest, 
 one liundred Carolus j^uihlers over and aliovo the exemption from rent and free dwelliiii,'. The 
 Lessees shall at their own expi'iis,. maintain and li\ the post ami rail I'eiice that is now set up or 
 shall 1)1! erected hy order of the Sehepens, whether in front, in the rear, or at the sides, and at the 
 t(M-iiiiiiation of the lease deliver the same hack in a irood defensive condition aj,'aiiist cattle, which 
 (,feiiiv) .,ha!l 1)0 tlu! pro|M.'riy of iju, Less.,r, without .lem iiidiii:,' any thiiij,' for it. They shall 
 properly oeciipy the house according,' to their circumstances and keep it weather tii,'ht during' the 
 lea.se, and at the end thereof surrender it in a tight condition, and in ea.se tlio house, thro' the 
 neglect or inattention of the Lessees should he de.stroyed hy tire, the Lessees shall he hoiiiul to 
 ri'pair the damage, hut they shall not he held responsihle if such occur from enemies or other 
 mischance, provided they have previously defended the house with their other neighhors according 
 to their ahility. Tho Lessees shall not l.u at liherty to suhlet the iXaee to any person, much less tu 
 Early Culonial Settlements. 
 remove awa}' from it witliout flio coiisciit of tho Lessor; ami in ciisc it lio fouml that tlio Lessees 
 liave, ill any maimer, violated tliiti tlieir contract, tlic Lessor shall have power to institute liis action 
 tiiurefor against them, tiie Lessees. 
 Thus (lone in gooil faitli and hereof two copies are made of tlie like tenor, the 20"' of Janiiarv 
 1647, in Fort AinstcnJavb in New X-tlwrlamL 
 This is the / W mark of Ciuoiia: I'isiiLJt made by Jiimself. 
 Gekkyt SkupiS. 
 Gysiiekt op Dvck. ) 
 J.u.o« llKNmacKSKX Kir. \ "'f'^^^^c-^- 
 CoKNEias VAN TiENiioVEN as jjrincijjal and Secretary. 
 LnrrKKS from the DtRKCTORS in IIot.lani 
 ■kal'io wnii TnH 
 -hvvksant; minerals skni' ro 
 •rni.K i.N 
 N i:\v 
 Netiieklanii ; ikox mine on Staten Island; Knoi.ish thaiuno house near F 
 13y the ship ^ule Jager" skipjx 
 'rimiiKtx.'K n,\\\\ have diilv ri'ceived vour letti'rs of 
 tlic 22'" of September 1046 with divers dixaiineiits and specimens of minerals. I 
 n accordance with 
 tlie said letter and accompan 
 panyiiijr list we tliid co])ies of your Honor's last letter, dated 2.")"' of N 
 ber 1645, sent liither bv tin 
 nicsseiij'cr A rent (. 
 'or.ise}>, wlio nn 
 itil this day has not appeared 
 It li'ttersto PlijmiuitJi, where 
 e apj)reliend therefore, thai the said ship 
 nor have we been able to hear from him in England, altl 
 tlie ship belonged, before it sailed from . . . . AV 
 has met with mishap on the way. 
 ILvvingmeanwhilereceived the Copies, we shall answer their cuiif cuts point for point, if necessary 
 ancl state, that we were especially glad that not only j)eaee h;ts been inaile witli the savaires there, 
 but also that it will probably be lasting and tirm; as h 
 hiis before this shown them t 
 o oe (lecei 
 'r the bad disposition (if fhcse sa\ 
 we on our side will /ilways have to keep a watchful 
 eye on them and their doings and therefore [every tn'casioii to re-npeii the war iuu>t beavoideil 
 and all injuries [iresented]. We would have; been ])li'ased, if the conditi.nis or arlieles of the saiil 
 peace (which we trust have been made in writing) had been .sent over and we expect tl 
 the return of the former Director Kieft. 
 lem now at 
 We were imt less rejoiced to hear, that there are signs of progress, that 
 .siiine villai'es an 
 springing up and that fine buildings are being erected around Furl X'-ir-Aiii!, on 
 which your Honors await our clecision, we have not found any verv great objections, to allow them 
 for the 
 present to come in in r 
 easonalili' nunilier.- 
 t till 
 itristrate< miL-.t 
 le same wav as it is done amoni' our owi 
 1 iieo 
 absolutely be left to our Director, .at least in tl 
 and according to the established regulation. 
 The specimens of Neiu Acthrrlami minerals, sent 
 no metal has been found in them; we can nevertheless only deem it advisable, to order tli^ 
 continuation of the search for minerals by your Honors ami wish to know, what kind of mineral 
 over, liavo lieen exammei 
 but, wi 
CSCl'l 1)1 Kill O 
 f tlic pi 
 ICO, where 
 New YwJc Ilutavical liecorda. *i*i 
 may be obtained from tlie f,'iv:ite.-t deptli espoci.ally, wo dctiire iilso ad 
 it is fdiiiid. Wi; expect also more information about the iron mint! on Stufen /.stand amX in tL, 
 meantime wo sliall endeavor, as wi; liave already been doing, to find and Bend over ])eopL, who 
 understand how to assay ores and to judge of tliuir value. 
 "We sec, that the Engli^h from Vi/y/'/iia and y.ir Etujland have found their way to Cumfao 
 and ventured to go there wilh their ]iroducts. Although this has been of great iussistance to the 
 l)oooplo of V\ira,;(io\\\ their linuMd' need, yet we hope, especially now, that with your Honor 
 arrival there the causes for it shall be removed. We ought to ])revent the continuation of this 
 t destroys all the cattle {'.) and causes the hor.ses to be exported for the benefit 
 (1 use of strangens, .ir else the facilities, which the Company docs not enjoy, should be tak^.. 
 advantage of and turned to its .service. AVe would therefore reconnnend to adnn't individuals of 
 this nation on payment of certain taxes, to be determined by the state of all'airs tl 
 to ha\ 
 ve your iloiiors opinion on this matter 
 'J'luis far we 1 
 lave eoii>i( 
 dated the L'.')"' of .November Hi 4,"). "\V 
 lered it necessary to reply to the above mentioned copy of the letter, 
 HM-,'). "We come now t() the .second letter of the L'2'' of September lO-if. 
 hich begins with the .smuggling, whi.Oi the ship.s from hero are enabled and contrive to carry on 
 if the opportunities olTcred there dnrini>; the sail up th 
 lit tl 
 leir arrival in Xew Xctln rhind, I 
 river h.^fore reaching lu,rt. AiHst,'rdai„. for which tluy usually take the night, in order to di.scliariri 
 in the way up their contrabaml g.iods. \\\' uiidcrst.uid iierfectlv well, how it can be and is d 
 Your Honor must considia-, whether we cannot get ])eopie to go on board of these shi])s when thev 
 make tlu! land, who could watch with tl 
 upercargo, until tlie.shij) comes to anchor before / 
 Aiiixtauliin. Your Honor mu>t also da uverything and endeavor by all possible means to put a 
 .stop to this defraudations. 
 Further iiiform.atioii ought to be gathere.l about the Kutrli.sh tradinghouse''' ten lea<'ucs from 
 Furl <>r(niij,\ also coiiccrning the right, clai 
 i;! savaws, to ,se 
 11 th 
 M' It IS 
 id to the EuL'l 
 nil our liiiuidaries 
 must prevent their locating then! 
 isli ; 
 liv all means, which vour 
 Honor doesTiot consider too dangerous, to involve us in a war with the English. Their d 
 arrangements must he carefiillv watched in the nieantin 
 I'll as bv others must b 
 invasions or tresj)a.sses by them 
 We shall look out f.ir.V 
 our knowledge or consent and exjiect 
 brought f.irward in the nie.intiine. 
 We h'U'e sci'ii that more iieirroi's co 
 troiii />'//■-/. rd'iiii, who has ag:iin been over tlu're wit! 
 lend aiiv new evidences airaiiist 1 
 oiior wii 
 a ivaulageously i'm])loyed and sold there than th 
 I'liv" has brought. "We shall take care, that in future a ifivater number of 
 be taken there. We shall als 
 treatineiit of horses 
 1 endeavor to send a wtcrinarv 
 iir^eoii, who understaiii 
 Is th 
 As to the matters, relating to the church, which Director Klrft has not 
 satisfaction, wi 
 lall wait 
 managed to our 
 Not timling anythi'ii; else to replv t 
 -oiior s ri'[iort thereon, before putting them in ordi 
 we collie upon 
 •'ener.il remarks 
 hii'ft has onlered the duties on beavers ;ind otlu'r tjoods. .M'nt here from A 
 that DireiMor 
 Xcthfrliiiid, to be piiid there against 
 from there list year, liavt 
 here at the s.iiiie iirice. 
 e notice priiici 
 nil' WlSllC: 
 'onsiijiua's of the >h 
 itiformeil us and proved, that thev Iiave not 
 lieen ,'ihle to sell beavei 
 Director l\i,ff had apju-aised them for ex]>ort duty, under wl 
 apiirai.senicnt iL'Tl l! iC, st. more had been paid f.ir diitv, than according t 
 iiitract, which 
 S|iriiiglii'lil, Mass. 
 -I ' 
 luirhj Colonial HetthviPnU. 
 stipulates for their retuni-freifrht a duty of uiglit poi- eoutuni, they ou^'lit to liavc paid. After (h:o 
 cousideratiou, wo could not well refuse to refund this aui,.uut, hut as the mistake had not Invii 
 cou.initted liere, hut in New Xethednnd and we did not kiu.w, wliat other ehar-es niav have heen 
 made against this lot, we promised to the said consignees to write to your Honor as we herewith 
 do, that what lias heen jiaid tliere in excess sliall ho refunded to their agent or factor, after the 
 matter has Iteen ihily examined. 
 AVe have made a new contract with the same consignees, a cojiy* of whicli we sen. As to tho>e, who shall iVturn, we .see no rcaso'n 
 why they .should he hound hy :m ,uth or constrained any i ■(•, than the free nreu -oing to llra::U. 
 Jan WiUenmni and Jan \V;/frinA\ wli,. pretend to he ,.xp,.|Ts in minerals am! :i".saver.s, also 
 to have knowledge of mining, have received permissi,,n t.. -o to \e,n X.llwdanj nnder'the 
 conditions st.ated in the annexed copy.* You will give th.Mu hoMrd and lodgin-s, als,, the use .,f 
 the sloop for such a pcrio.l, ,-,s .stated t!H>r,-in, suhject t,. the exigencies of the (lompany's service. 
 The hills for the freiglit of this ship '\Fah; nicer'' are enclosed. 
 Dkkd fou land on- Tin: .Nourn k.no of tui: ci.aixs or .VMiajsiv-our (Fr,ATr,AN-i.s.1 L. I. 
 This day, date underwritten, hef,,re me. ( '„rn, lis wni 7V,7i//-w., n, .secretary ,,f AV-/. \,thrrlnnJ 
 appeared \Vnlpl„rt Crnts. n who .oils to /', .ni. Corn.lUsm a pi.ve of land rontainin- fiftv-two 
 morgens, Htu.ate on Lo,„j /./an,/ at the north end of the Hat of A nnr.^r„nr/, whirh aforesaid' lift v- 
 morgens /; i/n/.s Carn./U'.sen als,, ac-knowledi;... |,, have pur<-l,ase,l fr,,m U'o/j,/,, ,•/ CAvvvV.v, „ for the 
 sum of live hundred guilders, payahle lifty guilders on next .VII Saints dav. one hundr.Ml 
 and httygmlders.,n All Saints day .V hllS; one hnn.ired and liftv -niJ.K.ps on All .Saints dav \" 
 Hill); one hmidred and fifty guild.'rs, heing tho la>t pavment on All Saints dav V l.r.o ' Tli." 
 parcel ot land ; the I.mvha.er prondses, on receipt of the dred, to t.^iuha' and pav to th<. ve,„l,,r 
 thei'urchaso inouey aforesaid, free of eosts and charges, without eontra.li.aion or ..xceptions on 
 the day It IS due, F^r .security and performance „f what is afore.sahl, parlies ph.d-,. their 
 respective persons and propertirs. movahl.. and immovahl.., pr,..,.nt and future, withont anv 
 exception, suhniitting the same to all courts and ju.lg,... In testimonv this is si^aie.l hv parties 
 the. 'J"! of Julv, A°lt!47. . I ' '"• 
 This is the ^ mark of ]\'„/j,/u:r/ (,\rn/.s-< n, made hy himself. 
 Tliie is the -e^l-j^^-^niark of Tcunh Cnu/!.^, made l,y himself. 
 To mv klli'wledm'. 
 CoIi.XKI.IS VA.V 'I'lli.MiloVK.N, 
 * MisBitif,'. — li. V. 
Kew York Historical Records. 
 Dekd for a lIurSE AND PLANTATION IN FlU8I.,NG, L. I. 
 I, Thamaa lioh'vhon h;ivo sold to Gcmje Wohaj xx house im.:l plantation standing and situate 
 in Flus/ilmj and the main bounds are to bo seen in the book of the Town of Flmhlmj ; together 
 with all the grain that is now on it and everything that is fastened by earth and nail, for th^e sum 
 of one Imndred and thirty guilders wliich is now paid nic. Wherefore I convey in true and real 
 lirojierty tlie said land and house to said Wolney w his successors. In token of the truth this is 
 signed by Thomas liohcrtmn in the preaencc of Jan Damen as witness, the IG"' of Aiiu^ust A° 1047 
 jf Auirust, A" li)4'i 
 A itKi'ouT OF Indian tkoiulk.s tiikre. 
 .lay appeared in Council certain deputies from the village of TTi.Ms/lc'rtA', situate on L< 
 Island, who report verlially and in writing, tliat they iiad bee 
 (one named Adam) that Mayawctl 
 or as he is now called, Ant 
 assuredly informed by two Indiai 
 Mcttliijairodf, liad by wampum invited, and therebv excited 
 lUDtnc, son 
 of tl 
 le chief 
 id Knglish, and that it 
 Indians to war against the Dut 
 'rtain that the Indians were resolved to kill tlie English at ILemstcede, 
 r this government, in the field when they were harvesting their grain and hav, and then cut 
 oil' their entire village, to whirh wi.'ked pint the Chief of Catsjajod- and his brethren at the East 
 end of f.oni/ Island had aijrecd. And wl 
 lereas tins is a matter of 
 very nnirh susi)ect that this rcju.rt is inventeil by the Eni,disli, as thev have 1 
 very great inipnrtance. and we 
 abovenamed Anti 
 land, it 
 voted th- 
 is unannnoii.-lv rc>ol\od t. 
 iderstandsihe Indian 
 si'iid Sccretai'v 
 nL;-uai:'i'. will 
 in Ti,-nli 
 1 one or two o 
 aise o 
 f fh 
 the Inilian tnngiic, to the east end of L(i)i 
 'h>r, n, wlio 
 illv conversant with 
 who were aKvavs fi'icnds ot", and olh'rt'd t 
 in a sl.iop, toelKplirc (if the ( 'hief and his brethren. 
 icu' .-crvi -c In (MM- natiiin, whether the al 
 )ove reiKirt 
 be true or not. and the reason which induced tlicm to undertake sui'h mischief a:,'ain>t us. It 
 al>o, roolvcl and cmcludcd that the said chief of (■a/.yaj,,.-k ;,nd his brethren shall be presented 
 amc of the Hon'''' Comp.my, with an otTer of our 
 i-illi three cloth coats iiiicl .s.iine trilh'S in the n 
 lViend>hi|i. which iho la 
 te 1) 
 I rector 
 !ini A7- rl had foi' 
 coiiclndi'il. All which being ilone and invi'stigated, this matter 
 cvigi'Mcv and circuiu-tances of the case shall demand. 
 merly i>roniiscd them, when pe 
 be di 
 ;d of 
 •M-i' was 
 as the 
 Thus done the 2:{'' of .\ni;ust A' li!IT, in Fart Aw.s/.rda 
 d! V 
 TivvKSA.Nor, L. VAN Di.ncklaoe, La Mun 
 I,i:i;M)i:its \ an hik (in 
 I'laico-nioss MAOK nv Dii:. SirvvFswr , o.n,i,i;m.so (i.aims fpon Lo.vr. Isr.ANO mamf liv ini; 
 E\l;l. OF Stfui.i.s.,, ami riMcl.l.m.NOS of Cofmh. IUFUIoN. 
 I'roi.o>ition snbmittrd bv the lion I )invtor ( Iciieral to the Council in ses>ion tiu> ;2^■" of 
 September, A' It'ilT. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 On tho tlay boforo yesterday, I was infonnecl by Mr. //rt;r^', Shcriil:' of jhlnshing, X\va{ a 
 rtaiii Scotcliman naiiiud ForreMa' liail come tliere to /Y«,sAi;iy with coiiimissiou totako ixKssessioii 
 as Governor of Long Idnml and of all the Islands situate within the miles there ahoiits ; that this 
 /^j/wsfe/- had spent two niiihts at //c/ws^r/Zc and one night at Flus/niuj, with our vassals and 
 subjects there, where ho had exhibited his commission. He came here on his way to Gravincnd 
 and Amersfoort there to exhibit his commission to the English residing under our allegiance and 
 government, whence notliing else than mischief is to be exjiected, and further encroachment on 
 the Company's lauds, which were granted them by charter from their High Miglitinesses, our 
 Sovereigns. We have demanded his connni'^sion and order of this said new Governor, and asked 
 by what autiiority he came within i)ur limits I To which Ik; gave for answer, that he came hero 
 to denuind my counnission and authority. Wherefore I had him taken into custody, and on the 
 next day had him j)laced under arrest at tho City Tavern at the Company's expense, and having 
 obtained his coumussion found one with an old seal dcix'iuliug, but not signed with anv name 
 arul, besides, a j>ower of attorney signed by the Parliament, and nothing more. The further 
 (jnostion is, What shall be done with said prettaded Governor^ Thirdly, that the counuissioners 
 please io make a final disposition of the criminals in prison, particularly Piojud. 
 (Signed) R Stuy'-sant. 
 28'" September A" 16iT. 
 Tho proposition of the Hon'''' Director General respecting the pretended Governor of fMng 
 Island and the neighboring Islands, being heard in Council, it was unanimously considered highly 
 necessary by the Hon'''' Director (reueral and Council to !u;ar theabovenamed ])retended Governor, 
 named 7''o/vvs^'^/', personally in Council, in presence of two or three impartial witnesses, and to 
 examine his comnussion in order to ascertain by wliose authority he, Forrcntir, lays claim to the 
 government of Lmuj l!w k and Phinp (u'rarrd)/, impartial witnesses, 
 all understanding the Knglish language, when lieiiig aske(l : Who had given him commission to 
 take possession oi Ltlier, or better commissioti than tlie oiu' he now 
 produced, and what authority had he to demaiMl tlie ( ieneral's couimis-iun '. To which he .,Mve 
 ff Dincklague, L\ Montao.ve, Bkian Xuton, Paulus 
 LEENUEi;81':iV VAN UEK GuiST Uud A. KliYSliK. 
 Cor.wir. MiNUTK on tue Aiiscondlvg of xni.; Commts8ai:v at Four Ouanok and aitoixtment 
 ■Wliereastherominissaryof Fort Oramje, (which is a place that the TTon''" Lords Directors aro 
 greatly inti^-ested in, in regard to the extension both of their limits and the trade,) has abscondc.l 
 from there, upon a report of ,' certain infamous and scandalous crime which 'twas said, he had 
 committed, and tlierefore said j)lace is \acant and it is highly necessary that it be again supplied 
 with a good, honest and suitable i>ers(m. Therefore the Hon'"- ( ieneral requests the members of tho 
 Council, that each or them would plciiso to give his voice and vt)te for whom in this country ho 
 thinks to be the fittest for said charge, in the interest and for the advantage of the Hon''" 
 The Ilon'''^ Director General votes that M;clia,lJanii:cn shall be otfere.l the Commissarysliip 
 of Fort Oraiuje, and if he refuse such oiTcr. then to send thither Carel ran Hrmjije late commissary 
 at Ottrai-ao, and in ease lie refuse, said Van /Irtiijij.; must (piit the Company's service. 
 Anno 104S in Fort Amsterdam in Xtno Netherland. 
 Tlesolved in Council that it is most advantageous and ])rofitablc for the Lords Directors that all 
 the eflccts which the late Director /wV/'C returned by inventory and had loaned to divers 
 persons, shall be again called in for the use of the Hon"" Company ; slundd any portion of them 
 not be on hand or forth ct)ming, those who have them shall be made to pay for them. This 12"" 
 of Jan>' Anno 1048. 
 The Hon"" Director General and Council having seen, that the eontiscated , si, lop formerly 
 nanded by Seijer Tonixsiui, dec', lies here ashore, and decays more and more, and is also 
 greatly out of repair and would cost considerable before it could be made seaworthy again ; haviufr 
 ®^ I'Miiij Colonial Settlements. 
 likewifie considered tlio little service this little &\uo\) could render tlic lion''" Coinpiiiiy, it is judfred 
 tobetorthohestiidvantaiieot' the Hon'''" Conipany to soil said sloop publicly to the liigliest bidder. 
 This l;i"' i;f Jan^ A" 1048. 
 Whereas the sawniill on iVw^ 7«?afti In,U,-s on an adventure. How'vcrv 
 inopportune the mishap of the" I'nuceKn" has come, especially as regards vour request, 
 will 1)0 stated hereafter, we shall first rop'.y to your report on the state of Jur coiKjuests! 
 in which you complain, that the ])c..ple are grown very wild and loose in their miu-als. It seems 
 to have ])rin.Mp;illy bren caused by the weakness of the late Director and the neglect of his duties 
 by the preacher. ^Vo expect your Honor will am(;n.l all this, f,nt a trretense of hunting and which we know to be only a mere pretense, yet we perceive 
 them to 1)(! so extremely eager, that we fear, they would rather begin a new war against us, than 
 be entirely deprived <,f these articles. Considering that in our present sitiuition a war is wholly 
 nna.lvisahle, W(^ think it is best, to supply the tribes very sparingly, but directly by the Company's 
 ollicers without the intervention of anv private parties. This must be strictly Carried out, also 
 that no traders be allowed to come trading on that coast under authority from other Departments, 
 excepting that „r Aoi.sfn-da>a. Wo have learned that a frigate from Medmhn<-k has arrived 
 there, a ship <'alled " JleivHh.i:' Cornel !.i 6V'/'/.9,v,7i .S«,y(), skipper, and have been ju-oporly astonished, 
 that yon should have entcired into negotiations with such cheats and smugglers, especially iw you 
 nmst have known, that none of the other Departments has been willing to contribute" for the 
 support of y,',r^X,ih'rhind M\A that in consecpience that coast has been reserved for the Depart- 
 ment of AimU'rdain. It is therefore our express wish not to grant the privilege of trading there 
 to any o!ie in the world, unless they como with a permit from this Department and that if a trader 
 comes without om- permit, you coiitlscato and hold his gooils until further orders from us. 
 It is true, that jieople are busy at the //,(,///-. before their High: Might; to bring alxmt a 
 general n^form for all ih,^ colonies of this Company and N,uo Ndlwrhind will jiot be forgotten ; 
 aprovisi,,nal resolution has already been passed, tiiat all c.ilonists there shall be allowed to .ship 
 their own iiroducts, as tlour, li.shes, meat, bacon, peas, beans and everything else in their own or 
 chartered liottoms to Brazil and Am/ola, that the ships returninix may take freight from /j'/v-/'. 
 but those coming back from Amjohi are to bring negroes to be employed in fanning. This 
 res,.lution will .show your Honor, that we toi> have the right to send a ship to Aiojola with an 
 assortment |)rMvi>i,,n-i and bring back neu-roes. Your Honor will therefore please to take 
 (piickly ailvaut:igc of it with the provisions, which you report to have in abundance. 
 Kai'hj Colonial ^ettltmenU, 
 Wlion 6lmll yonr T[i>iior rooeive payment for tliu two xliips wilil, the" SiroU" and the 
 " 'J\tinarau(lef" Tlio low [irico leiuls us to surmisi; that these Bliips were pretty well worn out mid 
 by your Honor coii.sidered iitillt to he used in the service of the Company. Weeould not, under the 
 cireumstiineei?, e.xpeet to em|)loy them with j^reut advantagi^ to us, for we ean now seek our fortune 
 only against the treaeherous Portuguese, sinee tlie peace with Sjxu'n has hecn arranged and Higned, 
 waiting only for the consent of the King, of whiuii no douht is entertained. We expect to hear 
 what the tihips, sent out by your Honor, have done in the meantime. 
 Your Honor gives eonllicting reports on the trade there, saying in one place, that ])rivate 
 individuals ruin the trade and in another, tiiat you believe the open and free trade to be the best 
 for increasing tlie popidation, whicli in time must bu followed by greater consumption. It has 
 been and still ia the usual argmneut in our Department, that the trade should be open to everybody, 
 but your Honor complains, that this freedom is abused by many, who go several miles into the 
 interior to meet the savages bringing down ])eltries and thus run up the prices of the goods and 
 your Honor therefore tliinks, it would he better to establish a trading |)lace, where all peltries 
 should be ottered for sale. We on our side consider this dangerous, for it would bring the savages 
 again into our mid.-t iuid be only a new form of restricted trade. K the ('oni])any were in the 
 condition to establish there a large magazine, such as you ])roposo, then we might as you suggest 
 niako a trial, but at i)resent we are su situati'd, that we must remain satistied with the export 
 dutie.s, to which you must pay particular attention, that the Company be not a loser by 
 You complain of the order, issued here, that the duties on heavers .shall henceforth be paid 
 lierc without considering, that we shall have no returns from the cargoes sent out. You have 
 besides sold there two ships and a lot of logwood at 1 1 11, for which the owners here have ri^ceived 
 12flor there about, so that they make a good pnifil considering the high prices asked for the 
 goods, which they bring there, as stated by yon. 
 We regret exceedingly, that wo are not able to dispatch the desired shiji with its freight as 
 quickly as you reipiested, as for the abovt' stated reasons the eipii])iiK>nt and many other necessary 
 matters nnist be deferred until tlie genend reform, which is IjiMng C(jnsidere(l, shall have been 
 agreed upon; the Lord grant, that it may be to the s;irisfaction of all interested. 
 AV^e were sorry to learn of ihc great (liM)rder, which your Honor has found thi're in church 
 matters, ])rincipally causeil iiv 1)" lliii/iifdnx. The proverb " IV/n'rc t/f xfifp/nn/ crrx, t/ie shif/Kjo 
 (iMfray" i'ltly applies to this eax'. lie with otheis has been ivlieved from I'eiidering his accoimt, 
 while in the meantime the church i-eiiiains in ;i troubled state and unpi'o\i(led, although your 
 Honor has provisionally alloweil 1)' /li'-h;_i\ t'onuerly ]ireacher at Citniriin. to remain there some 
 time. Ashe, however, had )ireviou>ly receive letter of dismissal from 
 there without trouble, also whether lu; cannot work there with as godcl results, as in the church at 
 N^ew Aindcrihiin. We ex])ect to receive on this point a niori- detailed report in your next, 
 according to which we shall act. It must al.-o lie considered, that tin'.-- ]i!an cannot be well carried 
 out without the consent of the Colonists. 
 The erection of u church building has really been necessary, but we notice al~o that it has been 
 very ex]iensive : the (Jolony e.'imiot yet bear .-iieh i'\]]enses. 
 Your Honoi' rejports to have foiiiMl general revenues for the defraying of the piihlie expenses, 
Xev) York Jlistorical Jievoi'ih. 
 lofurriiiff to tho resolution of Suptl)r 25, 1(147 iiml dcKiriiip; uh to npprovo it. ITitlicrto wo Imvo 
 discovered neither the resolution nor the reveiiuen, so that wo Hup[)(w(", tlicno nioims liiivo l.ocn 
 iippropi'iiitcd \\y Hoirio Bocrot resolutions or oinittcMJ Xa Ijo sent. 
 We liave boon very nuicii KUrprisud, tliiit w.nieliody Iuih dared to stylo liiinsclf there the new 
 Governor of Lomj Inland, wiyinf,' that he, Foirester, had authority from Maria Slcrlhuk. AVe 
 have been unable to discover that she had been empowered by either J'.'nijhiml or Scotlaixl, to 
 give Hudi autliority, mucli less to invade our territory. AVo ean oidy presume, that this man is a 
 notorious eheat and approve therefore your a(^ti.)u in Ktoi)pin^' his evil designs, but it is very 
 doul)tful, whether it would n.)t have been better, to have sent him to the English Vhyhiui.^ 
 instead of sending liim liither, the more sons the " Vu/ch'niW touehcd in an English p.n't, where 
 not only the pretended (iovernor, but also the prisoner J/ii'/iief. J'io/iwt* t;M-n\>i'i\. It did not 
 matter nmcli, uidess the first had found or obtaiiUMl assistnncc! tliero ; we do not thiidv he did, for 
 Hsyet we have not heard any complaints about this matter, nor do wo exactly know before whom 
 he niight mako^ his comi)laint, for as you say, he had no commission from the King or fn.m 
 I'arliauKmt. Wo do not suppose, li,; will ever obtain one, at least not against our Govermnent ; 
 for reasons which wo will give in detail. As to the other man, wo do not know, whether the 
 Magistrates here would have cnnlinncd at your request a sentence passeil on tlio other side. "\Vo 
 camiot determine, whether sentence passed ov.'r there in such manner would be executed by our 
 judges here anlaint. It is to be regretted, tliat 
 people have become so intimate with such follows, when they ought to have given a goo.l example 
 to others. 
 We must confers, that long ago an occasion ought to have been found, to determim^ the 
 boundary-lines bctw.vn the English, the Swedes and oursi'lves. We have had before nowabetter 
 chan.'e, as far the line between lis atid the English is eo„ceriird. Through their diplomatic agent 
 at the lla-jii.' they asked for it and it could have been done easily, for the K'in;,' was then in full 
 possession of liis authority. X,,u we do not know, what form the negotiations concerning the 
 boundaries ought to take and how t.. obtain a favorable decision and we are therefore considering 
 are.piesr to their High: Might: for a minifestu placing the territ..ry, claimed by them, nude" 
 our contn.l; then, we are conti.lent, m'ither the English nor the Swc^des will try to'claim or usurp 
 it. \\v Motlc, that even om- village's are i-ostly inhabited by English people, who iu some places 
 have had tlie assurance to elect Magistrates on their own authority ; we consider this rather a 
 dangerous precedent, yet we suppose, that only mild measures can induce them to give up this 
 j)la'i of >elf-govornnu'nt, f,n- it seems, these people liviug there will not endure a harsh govermnent. 
 Your Honor suggests, tliat this nation should be admitted to the small private trade a: 
 workliiMi.-u lit AMsUrdiim, for tUroali!iiiu(j to kill Uirector «!/^i'i*jn«. (N. V. Col, MSS. IV. Mi.) 
 L'ai-ly Coftmial Settlements. 
 tho beanngg of tho rcgulutionB, now under conHidoration, will bo. Tlio j^'oiicrai reforms, to l,o 
 iiitroducod on jour «i(h>, will hIho for huuic tin.o Imvo to bo Hlmpcd by thi-.n, the more w., oh wo 
 do nut know, wlieHu'r tlio coast will rtMiiiiiti under tlio diroction of tliln DqmrtnuMit iilonc or 
 whethor it will bo governed by all the DepartoitrntH. That in alno the .•.■aHon, why we camiol 
 decide on your Honor's recjuest for an increase of salary and for the transfer of a bowery, stocked 
 with two horaeH, six cows and two negro boys, the price to be determined l.y arbitrators/for which 
 yon had authorized Director Kleft to make an ugreemont with uh; at present this cannot be done 
 for the above stated reasons. 
 The bearer hereof Wm. T/iotnam-n, skipper of the " Vak-h-ntrr'' and /V^v C<;'ndl»i>-'n 
 CoKtdyck, niiistcr of tho " Pi/nappei;' who takes out tho duphcate of this letter havi; ivccived 
 assorti'd cargoi's from private ])artics. Their departure has been iniblicly announced, as is done 
 ^yith all ships mailing to other ports. Thi.s is the tirst voyage, which these vessels make to vonr 
 side and therefore we deem it very necessary, that your Honor should watch the unloading of 
 them ami keep a sharp lookout, that tho Company may not be defrauded of their revenu.s and all 
 smuggling be j)reveiitc(l. 
 Wo send you a list of all tiie free men, whom wc have given permission to go over on each 
 shi]), if some more, besides these, shoidd be discovered you will institute jirocecdinirs a"ainst tho 
 ships, conform to the contract entered with the owners, copies of which and of what further 
 has taken place here concerning these ships are enclosed. 
 We enclose the invoices  .v.v " we are deprived of several ships' journals, for instance 
 of that of tho ''SwoU" and several others, which you may have there. Vou will therefore! jjlease 
 to send us by the first opportunity the journals and everything reepiired to make up and verifv 
 the accounts of the jxtsous, who have reached here as well as of the lost ones, whose friends are 
 overrunning us every day. 
 Your Honor will no doubt liave received information 1 efore receiving this letter of the 
 misfortune, whicli has befallen our ship '' iJe Uroote (,',■, -nt" \ nevertheless wo h.ivc deemed it 
 advisable, to send yoi. a copy of the letter, received from the skipjuM-. Jrlm'-t- T'lom-iss;;,. We 
 have no opportunity here to send him the desired relief and therefore nronniieiid to y • IIou.u- 
 to employ all jossible means for securing tho said ship and rescuing the crew, if it has not alieadv 
 been done. 
 We have given ])ormission to Tninlije Ji/ri'arnw), who goes over with a huve faniilv. to take 
 with her 12 guns, 50 lbs. of jmwder and as nnich lead forthe defense.. f her family in tinie.if m-ed ; 
 but as we acted in this instance oidy with great ichictance and at tin' urgent solicitati.iu of the said' 
 woman, we would advise your Honor to keep an eye not only upon the aforoaiil irnis. l,u( also 
 upon tho arms of om- inhabitants there and to order reviews or musters in the coinitrv, to see 
 whether they have not made a prolitable tra l,e forwarded liv the 
 first ship. 
 We are negotiating with Jan. -vm Ilimleithiirgh about tlie four eases of diilTels ami as we 
 lack time, the siiips being ready to sail, to come to a conclu-ive arrangement, we have provisionally 
 agreed, that to ollset his claim about tho said four cases lie shall |uy tio duiv nor eon vov fees, for 
 the goods, .sent over by these ships, nor for the retuni-eoiiMirtnnents. which he niav rer,-ive bv the 
 same ships. The one and the other is to be charged to his aicl> l,i. l.r.fl,.,,. Arnont ran 
 lliirdcnhurij/i, may coiihi;,'!! to liiin. 
 Wo Imve ..,,,.i«...l ,1,0 su|.o,yar.o for tho ^^Pyn„pp,r, Con,ei;. (irersn,, „n,l.,.,l,. „li,ioM.. 
 UH pr oncloHo.1 copy, an.l ,,h..1 Umm 2<. fl on account of Mh salary t,. ho oan.o.l, tho halanro, wl.ioi; 
 will not amount to luucli, may bo paid to him thoro. 
 Commonding you horewith t> Ood'a protection wo remain, 
 IIoiionil)lo Dear and Faitlifid Sir, 
 Vour II .r's true friond.s 
 The Directors of tlu; \V,st, India Company 
 , , , Department of Am»ti'i;hui,. 
 Amsfenlam, , ^, 
 April T'" 104S. ;'• ' '''•'■•''• , 
 I'AVll) VA.V llAKKt.K. 
 Concornin. tho ease Of .l/-.«y .,„„ r.,//^.Mho Council has con.e to no decision yet ; vour 
 honor wdl therefore leave the pay,..ent of his ..lainis in ,tatu quo. ' 
 J. Si'Kl.t. 
 David va.v Baeklk. 
 Ln^KH .uoM TUK Pk,v,.,.: o. OK^.,.K n, n.uKcron STrrvKSAvr. .....oum.n. u.m tuat Co.vn ,s 
 Mk>.vn ano Jocuhm I„.:r..:Ks,.:x K.vtkk „a,. ukccveo pkum.ss.ox n. uiniuN to \,w 
 Tub Phinck ok OuANCiu. 
 Honorahlc, rrudont, Discreet, Dear Sir. 
 You will rccoivo hy tho bearers herc.f Jo,he>n Pi.te-xrn Cajt.r ^n.\ (Wnoli. )/,/,>, the 
 30U to allow those n.on to onjoy their pn.porty there free and unnu.losted by "virtue of tl e 
 prov.su.nal appeal, Kn.n.od to them by their lli,,h : Mi^ht : with tho clause M.spendin.! o 
 sentence i.asdod over them by you on the 25'" of July 10-17 " 
 Although I do not doubt, that you will .,bey and respect these order., yet I desire borol.y 
 >"- mon>.h you very earnestly an.i advise you expressly, that yon allow Uk^so nu-n to e y 
 .pnetly and wthout eontnuiictioa tho re.ult of the resolution passed bv their Ili^h • Mi^ht ■ 
 Jlorewith etc " n • - o'"- 
 At tho (iraveiiii' //ui/ue, v , ,. . , 
 M.yW"mi lour very good fncnd 
 W. d' ».)ka.\oe. 
 To the Honorable 
 Prudent, Discreet, Our 
 I)(!ar and Special I'riend 
 Pinurs Stuvvksant 
 Director of .Ycio Nttherland. 
 Karlij Colonial Set/levicntt), 
 ProIMHAI.S MADK HY DtB. STirVVKriANr (P.V rUK SraiKcT ok HMCdOUNit (I^N^^, MANrtl.ArollTKR AT 
 Four Okanok i;ic, and Uksoi-ltionu or Couwcri. iiiKUKri'oN. 
 IVoixmitiuiiH Hiibinittud hy 
 the Hon"" I)iivr(u'iU'riil iti 
 WlRTcasit isK'ciiby exito- 
 ricnco tlmt notliinj^ is ddiio 
 \>y the Fiiiwil to ohtiin a dc- 
 CMBioii iw to wliat is to ho 
 ilonu witli tlio f;nn:J, (ihoiit 
 ill iiiiiiihi'i', (ihtaini'il 
 from botli tiiu tiliips and 
 utill ri'iiiiiiiiin^ in tlie Council 
 Ciiaiiibur; in cano no fiirtlicr 
 claim is brought agaiiiist tho 
 fliips on tliat account, \vu aro 
 of opinion that thu giina at 
 least arc liable to ciinfiscatioii. 
 2' Ivi'gardiii^' the l.'lgiina 
 and 13 bullet moiiMs and sonio 
 other articli'S markccl .K, which 
 are sci/cd, not a])iieaiing mi 
 tlii^ invoice of goods taken on 
 3"' The imrcliMsed cloth 
 wliich still lies in the Council 
 Chamber, and is found lonj^'er 
 than is entered on tlic invoice!. 
 4"' In regard to tho hoiiii- 
 cido, whilst I was at J>'ort 
 OruiKji, and the wounding of 
 the gnnner by Simon Court- 
 hranty a suldier, who ran away 
 before my departure, and sinco 
 sknlks at JfiMiMiclifen without 
 the Fiscal making any ciupiiry 
 for, or i>rosecuting him, to tho 
 lilame and scandal of the court. 
 5'" The petition of tho 
 free traders in favor of the con- 
 victed r/aroh li'i/iist'ii ami 
 Scho'merhoorn. that their sen- 
 tence of banishment may bo 
 Finally, the case of Kijhi rt 
 UoHolvcd ill Council. To 
 ])ay for the guns belonging to 
 the sailors what liicy cost in 
 Holland, and to restore their 
 guns to those domi<-iliale(l heri^ 
 as settled burghers, on condi- 
 tion tliat his gun must be 
 product'd to llie(/'oniicil, when- 
 ever the JJurgher intends to 
 Resolved, accord ing to 
 ngreoment, to |)ay 100 percent 
 as por the Company's invoice. 
 Resolved that the fiigitivi' 
 shall be suiumonod by beat of 
Aew York J/i«turical litxvriU. 
 ran /lormtm, wlio boiiijr gtill 
 I lie ('iiiii|t!iriy'n HWorn Hi-rvarit 
 fiiii|iiiii.st(!ri»f flic viiclit I'riiii'o 
 W'lllliiiii, in viidittioii of |ii:4 
 liiiiKir mill trust, lint* |Mir- 
 cIkwimI f,'iiiiH aihl |>ii\V(l(T Iniin 
 tliuHimi^'^'liirsiit .V. '/'//K/'-v/ and 
 caiTiuil tlii'iii Of cauii'il thcni 
 to 1)11 i'omvi'vimI pant tliin placo 
 to Fiiii ()riiniji\ 
 ( >n llicsi) live forcpiinj; 
 |>roiiosilioiis <'.s|)cr ially, a linal 
 coni'liision is ni!<'{'s-.arv, 
 (Sij^'llDil) P. SrUYVKiJANr, 
 lirHt of Aiifjnrtt A* 1048. 
 Ti... ,M.titi.„. of ,v.,.,M.taM.. Ilnr^.lu-r. .vsi,li„. i„ ,l,i, ,ity, Xe,n Amslev.hm, luivlnc boon road 
 11, ( on.Kil, an.! ll.c ,.otuio„ and rondiift of ./acol, Ii,yns.,i m^d Jaroh Janxai S/„'nn,:l,uon, 
 in iv-ani to a eiTtaiii Hentoii.-u of banislnMunt recently irn|.o.so,l on then, for tra.lin-r in contr ii,in(i 
 "•"■'•'' ^'■'"•'•'■''. tl'" ""»'■'' I>im't..r(i,.noralan.l(;oun..ilof N,,n JVot/urUn.l l.avo gnicioimiy 
 ivvok,..l li,.. i.an,slM.i..ntofsai.l ,/.,rob h'. i,n.,n mu\ S.I„r„i.rhoorn, and dtrlaro thcMn fron. fl,i« 
 tin,., and Innrdorti. cai.al.lc of Koin^^ con.in^' and retun.in- l.ere, an ia purnutted to all other 
 lioncst i>i'o|ile. 
 Thn.s done in F„rf An^.tnuiun, the tirst of An-nst A' 104S Present, the General Mr 
 DiN.Ki.Aoi:, La Mo.ntacjnk, li. Nlton, J*. Lekndkiue.v ami Aduian Kkv8i;u. 
 The Hon'" Director General liavin;,' pro.lneed in Coiineil the charges exl.ihited to and niado 
 afjainst /,'/■„;,/ ma Slerht,;i),.,r>,l,AxM otHeerinthe Colony of A'«i«fA«r,v«.y,'/!', and the eonnter- 
 (•har-..s an.l pn.te.t of said S/,,UaU:sf. dat.'d l'S'» of Jnlv. A" M4S. it is therefore resolved and 
 eoneh.ded in (JonnWl toanthori/e tli,. ris,,il t,. cause saul SM,tenl,or.st. to he sununoned to apj-ear 
 here hefore the lion"' Direetorand Couneil and hear the said Fiseal's .leniand a-ainst him This 
 1(1"" of Aui,'nst A" li;4S. 
 Ahraham Wilhms,,, appeared in Couneil. decJare.l and acknowledged tliat h.'inj,' witli K.jhert 
 van Ihr.um at ,Y,'wl,ar.;i in the X.,rth in the year LMT, he in coinpanv with F/ln-rt mn Hormm 
 l.ou-ht^ there from KllurWrt, the eliief l.oatsw.iin and from tlie cook,'all sailiui,' on the ship St. 
 /l,,un/o, Covn.liH ('larsn, S„oy\ master. .'.U fruns [snai>ri.ui,'n.) f,.ur ke-s of powder, two ke-'s of 
 shot, which he declares t,. he true. This In'" An-ust A" l.US. .V, ,n A,nxte,',lnn. Present :^Thu 
 Hon"' General. Mr. Din. ki.a.jk. La Mon i a.^sk. I?. X, ton and Amuikx d" KiasKu. 
 Complaints exhihitcd to the Chief Otlicer of the Colony of /.V/i,.. A„7-,sv,v/r/!'. 
 A\V- j^:.l-e an.l declar,. that the p-antinn; of Patent>>aiid(iiehnil.lini,'ongnmndsahout the C.mi- 
 |.any"s fortress Oram,,, without the kn..wle.lire and consent of our Sovoreiji;ns' representative, tend 
I 'i t- • 
 Early Colonial Settlcinenia. 
 to the cli8pami,'cincnt of tlio authority of our Sovereigns!, tlieir issued coniniission, an infraction and 
 diuiiiiution of tlioir grautwl diartor, a notal)lo woakoiiing of tlio Fort aforesaid in tinie uf nblie 
 welfare such as the fanning of the trade, attaehingtho grain and masts :irul oilier propertv be'.oiitring 
 to the servants and vas^^als of the (jipiiipany, lie made or published without the advice and 
 ratitication of the reprusontativo of their High Mightiiiesses and our Suj>eriors. 
 "Without abridging antliority or right of the Colonists, or of their Court in attadiments and 
 lawsuits, we demand that attachments levied on the property of the Coiiipauv's servants or \assals 
 bo prosecuted within a reasonable time, where they ought to be jirosocnted, so that the interestid 
 party, bo lie servant, or vassal, may turn the property to liis protit without serious loss and !a[>.-e 
 of time. 
 We are informed, ami it lias l)een certainly laid before us in form of com])laiiit that 
 Ooininander.SV<'M/«i/wAs< endeavors to force and to make the inhabitants of the Colonv to prnmise 
 that the defendants will not appeal from his ami his Court's judgment and sentence ti.theMiprc iiic 
 and general CVuirt of X('W NfllterJnml , which we consider tu 'w a high criiii" ayainst. :;iid 
 conflicting not only with our Xeflifrlaml ]iractice, but also with the granted Freedoms ;iiid 
 F'xeniptions of tliis I'rovince. by the 20"' article whereof all iiihabifauts are allowed to ajijind to 
 the Commander and Council of Nrin A^tln'i'lnml from all judgments given by the Court of the 
 Patroons exceeding in amount the sum of Fiftv Carolus guilders. 
 In order to prevent the aforesaid unfounded rule, and to give the good inhabit 
 Province the beiietit of regular and just judgments, whereon, in conjunction with ini 
 depend the peac, liappiness and jirosperity of the country in general and the iiili 
 particular, We shall willingly leave to the Courts their proper authoritv and jiiri>dict 
 that for the better promotion of justice, a report and re\ icw of the alTairs and procei'i] 
 Colony, 1)0 annually rendered to us and our adjoined Council, the coiiimi^>ioiied rein 
 of our Sovereign home goverumeiit, puiaiiaut to articles 2U and :iS of the Nfio 
 ants of the 
 re religion, 
 laiiilaiits in 
 ion, saving 
 lings of the 
 \i t/urlaiid 
 Whereas in contempt of our otiice, with which we are invented by commis.-ioii from their 
New Yorh Hhtovkal Records. 
 \\\'^\ Mifjlitiiiesses, Coiimmudor Slechtenhorst in the presem-o of us and jnany otiicrs asserts, and 
 1)V actions aHirni.s that he i.s not subject to lis and our goveninient — in contradiction not only of 
 our general coniinissiou granted by superior authority, l)ut also of the Freedoms and Exemptions 
 of Patroons, article '2S whereof lays down, that "all Colonists shall be obliged to transmit, at least 
 once in every twelve months, an exact report of their lands and Colonies to the Commander and 
 Council there'' — by which indecent assault n])on the reputation of our olHcial character, and, in our 
 person, the dignity of our Lords Directors are seriously defamed and insulted : Therefore we, 
 to obviate hereafter all altercation and misunderstanding, first, desire and demand proof of, and 
 authority for this pretension under the signature of their High Mightinesses, or of some of the 
 Directors at the Chamber at AmMerf courtyards and 
 gardens on the Patroon's ground around the Fort. 
 Therefore do I, in my quality, assert and jirotest before God and the High and ^Sfighty Lord 
 States General, our Gracious Sovereigns in Froeeedings, as well as for all costs, damages and losses already incurred, or which the Patroon may 
 hereafter suffer hereby. Done in the Colony of /i\'?i.9dawi/ck this 2><"' of July A° lt548. Si-nied 
 P. VA.N Slkcutknuokst, director of the Colony aforesaid. A. ni-: ILhkiks, witness. 
 JV'low stood : Agrees with the copy written by Bkaot va.n Si,i;cini;NitoKST, This 10'" of 
 August 1()48. A^ew A. 
 Whereas the Fortress Ora>uj,', situate up the North River of JV,-w NetherUm,!, near the 
 Colony oi lienMlaerxwyck, was almost entirely washed away l)y the high water last winter, and it is 
 highly necessary that it bo ropair.'d. in order to maintain tlu; Hon"" Companv's limits and 
 jurisdiction; and whereas the i)n-sent condition both of the Company and of ourselves h.-re. d.M'S 
 n<.f permit us to make the r.'quire(| rep/iirs, nuich less to comiilete them, Thei-ef,)re the Hon"-' 
 I>irec: ■•Gener.J and Council for reasons and considerations aforesaid, have resoKid and cnrhided, 
New York Historical liecai'ds. 
 tliat it would l)c innst advantageous and IcuKt expctisivc for tlie eaid Company to permit some 
 rospectalil48. Present: The ITon''" Director General, Mr. Dincklaoe, La Montaone, I5kian Nuton, 
 Pauli's Leknueksen and Aoriae.v Keybeb. 
 Kesolctions to ori'osE Sr.EciiTENnoKsr's continued encroachment at Fort Orange. 
 The Director Ceneral laid before the Council a despatch from Commissary van Brnt/ffe, who 
 reports that Commander S/ec/itfn/iornt, contrary to tlio notice given him, proceeds with the building 
 under the Company's Fort Onuuje; [llesolvedj that bo pull down the same, and if Slechtenhorxt 
 offers opposition, that he. Van H., shall send word, when more men will be sent from here to his 
 assistance. This 23'' of August A° lt!4S. Present: the Iloa'''" Director, Mr. Dincklaoe, La MoNTACiNE, 
 Brian Nuton and Paulus Leenuerskn. 
 IIesohtion to sE.vn a smalt, MiLrrARY force to Fort Cranoe to opi-ose the kncroacii.meni's 
 OK TiiF. Colony ok Uknselakkswvck. 
 The Director (leiieral laid before tiie Council a letter fiom Commissary Van Brutjijc dated 
 the 4"' of Se[)tember, concerning Commander SUchtenhomt i.ii the tJolonyof Renselaerawyck, who 
 contrary to our directions and orders continues to erect a building near and under Fort Orancji', 
 within a pistol shot. 
 Resolved, therefore, that four to six soldiers be sent to the Commissary, for the assistance atid 
 the better execution of bis orders to ilemolish the bouse with the smallest loss to the ownew, and 
 in case (Joiniii mdiM" Sli'cht^nhor.st i)lfer  If' 
 Mirly Colonial Settlements. 
 Declaration conckrnino thk Trade wmi Eastern Inihans. 
 Before me, Cornells van Tlenhoven, Secretary of New Netherlands appeared Anclriea 
 Lmjoassen, aged tirty-throe years and Cornells Mauritsen. Bout, aged thirty-tlirco yearn and Jan 
 Jansen from St. Obyn, aged twciity-aeveu years, who at tlio reipiest of Mr. Govert Loochnans, 
 attest, testify and dei'Iaro, in place and witli promise of an oatii if necessary, that it is true and 
 tnitlifid tliat they liave been in tlio niontiis of October, November etc. A° IGttT, with e'owtfr^ 
 Loorhnnnn ann his bai-k along the North cnait from New AiiMterdam to Pahehetocl; Crommc(jou* 
 and New TTaven, during whicli voyage aforesaid they neither saw, nor heard, nor even knew that 
 Govert Looeknvtiis himself, or any of In's crew had directly or indirectly traded or bartered with 
 or to the Indians tlioro or elsewhere any powder, lead or guns, except that he, Looel-mani<, made 
 a present of about a pound of jiDwder to the chief A'ae/diou in the Cronvnegou and jjurchased two 
 geese in the Crommegou and half a deer at Pahatoc with powder, without having given to, or 
 exchanged with the Indians anything else to om- knowledge. The aftiants declare this to be trne 
 and olfer to contirm this on oath '*' necessary and recjuired. 
 Thus done the 23"" of Sept, .ilier A° 16-18 in New Amsterdam, Neio Nethcrland. 
 This is the >yr/" nuirk of Andkies Luycassen. 
 This is the J^ mark of Jan Jansen from St. OnvN, made by himself. 
 To my knowledge Cornelis van Tienhoven, Secretary. 
 Copies of two protebts hy Bkant van SLEoriTENiioRST aoatn-st niuEoroit SrrvvEsAxr. 
 Whereas the IIon'''° General Petrus Stuyvcmnt has again on the 4''' of September 1048, 
 through his Hon''' Vice Commander Ctrl van linujg'' and Mr. Laliliatle, serveil a notice on mo, 
 I answer thereto: Tli:it in Kathorland, which witii tiiis constitutes but one Province, no notice 
 can be given, much less can it be put in execution, except with tiio jirevious consent and advii-.' of 
 the sheriff, or the court at the place there, on pain of nullity and arbitrary correction, as I nivsclf, 
 on the IS"' of May last, informed Mr. otj/i- ///v^/y,? respecting a notice to be removed from ih,- 
 gate. Also, that the Secretaries sign all judgments and not the Ilig!i Slierilfs, iiml tlu^ iiotilication 
 can much less be admitted, inasmuch as the first complaints of 23"' of July of this vear, state 
 " within the range of a small cannon .'shot," and now on the 4"' of September, on one and the same 
 question, ''within a musket shot;" whicii is wholly in contradiction the oik; with tin; other. To 
 this must be added, that the lion'"'" General sulTers whole streets full of hoMse> close umKr J'nrt 
 Neil) AmMerdani.. Xow, if the Hon'''' (Jeneral or his lion'''" Councillors can show me a conti-arv 
 commission from their High ^lightinesscjs, our Sovei-eigns, and the Lords I'n^prietors of this Colony, 
 my liege masters, I will in all things obey it, but failing such exhibit and proof, [ am by ollice and 
 honor bound and obliged to obey my aforementioned commission ami orders. Ft likewise seems 
 surprising to me that the General should endeavor to use the jiower vcsteil in and intrusted to 
 him, against us and in our person against our young infant I'atroon, whereas he ought to live 
 * UurdiDur'u Day at tbo Eaxt t'lut uf Loii^ Inluiid. 
i\V w Yuih llhtoi'ical Itecorda. 
 also ii8 a Cliristian ncij^lihor, and cini)loy proper military force against your and our enemies •, 
 tlio rather as, heretofore, not only have protests been simply made against this, hut it 
 has been (;omi)iained of to their High MightinessL-s, our gracious Sovereigns, whom the General 
 also aeknowledges to ho his Sovereigns, and his Honor also intend to complain to their Xoiiie 
 Highnesses. Therefore, it is not becoming to employ such means, more especially as, on exami- 
 nation of the subject by their said High Mightinesses, no disposition has yet been made of it, 
 and the site of tiie honso in controversy, is situate about 500 paces from the Fort, beyond the 
 range of a unisket ball, and a small house belonging to the same lot bus stood there previous to 
 our difference and to this date as well as ten other houses in the same (piarter. 
 A great deal is said about false and mendacious protests. I hope to show the contrary hereafter 
 before im[)artial judges; therefbro I hero also protest against you. Consetpiently, I protest a 
 second time, in the (luality aforesaid, First, that those who ougiit to be my good friends and 
 neighbors, acconling to their previous letters prevent me from performing my duty and executing my 
 orders; and this I . V. Sr.KoiiTENUoBS'r. 
 After collating this is found to agree with thi; signed and dated original by me Juroh l\,'j>. 
 deputy (in the absence) of the Secretary, before and in tlie piesence of witnesses hereunto 
 invited, this 30"' October A" U!l*^, in Fcrt Aimttenldin in Xcw Xitlin-land. 
 The Hon'"'' General Pctridi Stit//i'<'x"' of August last, and this is again stated in his last 
 letter transmitted by the soldiers, wherein it was demanded only that we should abandon the 
 supervision of the Fort and the jin-isdiction thereof as that had, up to this time, been provisionally 
 pi'rmilted contrary to order and authority. 
 That an entire hamlet had been allowed to be built close under the aforesaid house. That the 
 Patroon's house and court should constitute one district ; as the Vice Commander at divers 
 times ami lastly on ihe 23'' instant, re[)resented. 
 Thus, the objectionable house was not "My obstruction in the least, but the ten houses which 
 stand to (he >iortli between the two except on tlu- west side ; and besides that, the Patroon's woods, 
 not a stone's throw otf, on the West, Southwest and Northwest of tiie Trading house are not meddled 
 with, though a hostile attack would come principally from that (piarter. Hence it is notorious, 
 that all proceeds from passion. The siiiue is the case on the East ; for the Siiid block hou.-e had not 
 Mirly Colonial SeUlements. 
 heretofore, nor yet lias any opening or prospect except what is visible lialf a league up and .h)wii 
 tlio river. So tiiat it is a farfetched ()hjecti(in, void of reason and foundation, and as nua-li justitied 
 as Cousin Gi/nkrt who, as we read in J^^o/s Fables, stood at a cascade on a liigli hill an(i drank, 
 and then complained of a sheep who stood in the stream below, that she roiled tlie water. 
 It is therefore beyond dispute that a difficulty is created where none exists. The Hon''" General 
 apparently listens to some lying busybodies, who seek rather to foment trouble and discord 
 between Christian neighbors, than to promote peace and concord, which, indeed, is the truth. 
 It is declared that buildings should not be erected so close to the Fort, as the latter is thereby 
 obstructed in time of necessary defense; and, as heretofore in the Articles of Coni[)laiiit 
 {Gmva/n/na), "the Portress is seriously weakc'iied in time of defence and necessary resistance." 
 So far as regards the renowned Fortress, men can go in and out of it by night as well as by 
 day. Slcahtenhord has now lieen more than half a year in the Colony, and the nearest neighbor 
 to the Fort, but ho never has been able to discover one person carrying a sword, innsket or pike, 
 nor has ho heard or seen a drum beat, except when the General himself came there last July with 
 Therefore wo cannot understand or perceive, whereby or wherewith such defense can be 
 nuide. Hut there are valiant soldiers, when they are armed with ax and gun, to cut down the 
 best and nearest timber in the Patroon's woods, and to shoot the game and steal the stone beloui^in" 
 to the Patroon. ' Tis wonderful that the (Jeneral should take such needless trouble about (be 
 Patroon's Colony and worry himself about his buildings, whilst his Honor tolerates a number of 
 streets full of buildings within thirty paces of Fi»'t Manhitlan where his government is. and does 
 not iir.st apply a remedy there ; more especially as the (ieneral himself writes under date of L'lt"' of 
 May lO-iS, that he is already expecting a war with the English, which God avert ! It must, 
 moreover, be remarked in addition, that the ten houses have stood many years, and still continue 
 between the two,* in peaceable and undisturbed ])ossessioii on the Patroon's own "round. Of 
 these, the last small hou.se and garden are on the border anvu and esfal)lished maxim in law, that he who will have, must first 
 and foremo.st prove his right, and having fully established it, it shall never more be questioned, 
 but on the contrary. 
 Thus, legal means arc employed to eject a person from his ancient and just po.ssession and 
 occupation, but no violence or armed force, which luive been used here, for this cannot and luiiv not 
 be tolerated in any land of justice, and is wholly contrary to the free laws of our dear Fatherland, 
 to which laws every one in this country is individually bound by oath to render ol)edienee. 
 In like manner, at one and the same time, have the three persons demanded of Slkr/tk)i/Mi;sf, in rhe name of the Fiscal, to a])pear at the Maiihatam within three weeks. 
 To this Sli'chteiihorKt repeatedly answered, that Ik; should take no notice of such improper 
 compulsory laws, much less of the summons, before and until they should lirst furnish aeoi)v of 
 * Tlui Fort iind tin- I'utroou's Trudiug Houau. 
 t Moat of tlio Fori ? 
New York Ilmtorical Records. 97 
 all the papers, ns is cnstoi.mry accorditig \o practice and order, and protested against all the 
 aforesaid illegal notifications. This copy having been refused, ho made further 
 answer : Had the General desired, or expressed the slightest request to see Slechtenhm'aC a 
 commission during the six weeks the latter was within his government, yea, in his very 
 quarters, ho would most cheerfully have exhibited, and is still willing tu show to his Honor and to 
 his councillors, as our Christian neighbors and friends which they ought to be, not only his 
 commission and orders, but even the plan of the settlement itself. But reflecting 
 that the Hon'"" Patroon ha.l been invested by their High Mij^litinesses the States General, our 
 gracious Sovereigns, and the liego Lords of the Colony, with high and low jurisdiction within 
 his possession an.l granted territory, ho would seriously prejiulice not only their Iligh Mightinesses 
 but also the Tatroun in his aciuired right and possession, were he, Slec/itenhorst, now in his quality 
 and being within his own jurisdiction to exhibit, in consecpience of such improper measures his 
 commission before he had received orders to that effect from his gracious Sovereigns and' his 
 superiors. As .already repeatedly stated, it wouhl indeed have been a violation of his honor and 
 oath were he, to the prejudice of the aforesjiid Patroon, to surrender so childishly and rashlv the 
 immunities obtained from their High Mightinesses, which are entrusted to him. Uut all the 
 aforesaid is as well founded as in the first ijmmiinina. 
 On the second and following points : viz, the arrest of the grain and masts. 
 Cannot a person execute a civil attachment against his own grain and masts on his own soil 
 and within his own jurisdiction ; on property atloat and moving on land, as happened in the case 
 of Jamh Jamcn. Hap on the 0'" of Juno 1048, who, on his own authority, cut down two lar-.o 
 pine trees for masts in the Patroon's wo.kIs, and brought them down to the waterside and on the 
 8'" of sai.l montii, notwithst ui,ling the attachm..nt, made them fast to the vessel and towed them 
 to tlu! Mcmhatans. And this still is set fortii and stated in the aforesaid gmvamhm, althou-di 
 not the slightest complaint luu, been made to us on the subject. What consistency is there in Uii'^s? 
 It is in truth a weak and uuiieard of complaint. Ihit one sees easily a mote in his nei.'libor's eye 
 and t summons contlicts by essential errors, with the second, 
 as lias heretofore been snlllcicnlly di'mi.nstratiMl, whereto we refer. 
 In ad.lition to this, it happened that on the evening of the 21"'- of September whilst 
 SlechtmlwrstMuWxh fellow couikmIIoi-, A,,,!,-!.', ,h: V.„, were walking together in the public 
 streets, without speaking a word to any one, they were saluted with curses and sweariiL' by the 
 Holy name of God, by the soldiers that were sent up, wh,. s,)iight to pick a quarrel and make a 
 disturbance, saying: Why .lo not people wish them Good evening? In conse.pionce of this 
 ius,>lence and insult complaint al>o was made, that the people ,/ci-^ '-prived of the free use of the 
 public streets, so that through the arrival and threats of the soldiers and sailors, and their 
 declaration that the aforesaid building should be j-nlled down an.l .lemoli.shed, not only the 
 Colonists but the Indians themselves were in a gre.at uproar and much excited and embittered 
 against your Honor, and sai.l : If Wooden Lpcn here, aviivy one who has arrived at the years of maturity and 
 is conversant with the affairs of dear Fatherland can readily compute what consecpiences, what 
 bloodshed would have followed such extreme and rash jiroceedings — what ruin not oidy of the 
 Colony, the Trading Jlouse and the Mitnhiitttns but all the Christians in this country, which has 
 cost dear FaHierland lieretofore so much blood, trouble and expense before it was brought under 
 the obedience of tlieir High ^Mightinesses the States CK'.ieral. We shall wait with patience to see 
 whether these foregoing indecen^ yea iolent attacks and the proceedings on which depended life 
 and property will be pleasing .and acceptable! to their High Alightinesses the States (Jeneral, our 
 gracious Sovereigns, and tlie Lords Proprietors of this Colony. 
 It is also a strange and in'heard of p.oeeediug that any one of Ins own authority, should come, 
 sword in hand, into another's jurisdiction to serve a civil notice ur sununons, and tiiat without the 
 previous consent of the Sherilf or Court tliero. Hence, it is to be manifestly coiieluded that he 
 intends to accomplish everything by force. This is further to be inferred from the fact that the 
 sloop was employed fourteen days, with soldiers and sailors in that expedition, and must travel a 
 di.stance of seventy-two leagues, t(i and fro, in the winter. We have moreover, most cniphatically, 
 at divers times protested against it un the ground of nullity, as we do not admit, and as we have 
 not recognized such imjiroper, compulsory notices. SUchtenhorst has lieretofore treated Yirhnnjyc, 
 on account of his L'jrd and master, courteously and respectfully, in order to remove a notice 
 which Wits posted up in his jurisdiction (as is previously more fully mentioned), and at the same 
 time told iiim that not only are tlie acts of those persons who serve such and similar notices null 
 and void, but they theniselves will be 'irrested and condemned to bread and water for five or six 
 day.s, indeed have been i)ul)licly jnlloried, and that by small cities in a Province where the 
 right of appeal lay from the aforesaid cities ; i.ideed, such happened to mes.scngers of States 
 that were Sovereigns of the Province, so that the States and Courts have written in a most friendly 
 manner to their small cities to release tlio.se messengers. Such improper notices being a contempt 
 and disrespect not only towards the Court or Patroon, but also our gracious Sovereigns, whose 
 place we occupy here, 'tis the rule when now :i notice of a Court or the States of the Province to 
 its inferior cities is given to a sworn messenger, he must first and foremost ask consent and 
New Yorl Historical Recorda. 99 
 n«siBtancc fro.a fl.0 offleor ot the latter place, who then gives him written pennission iFiat 
 ■>n.rnuaUo) nu the n.ar^^u, of tl,e paper to norvo tlu, notice, which written notice or order the 
 messenger must ti.en take to the City Marshal who then nerves the eunnnonn in the first instance 
 verhally ami >n wnt.ng on the party and then makes a return to the n.eBsen^er. This k a IcL^al 
 notiiication or suniinons, hut otlierwise it is null. ^ 
 Your Honor applies to n.e unjustly the epithet, Defmner, which is given to a person who 
 either fraudulently or forcihly roi,s another of what helouKS to hin.. lie .hon. tZ does no 
 concern n.^ed not assume it and I shall still n.aintain that the young I'atroon should not he wronged 
 hy your nucceut, n.sutferaldcs n.ost vi..lent attack tln..ugh a letter witluMU either day, dat^ 
 w.nch ,s al ,00 .u,tor.ous, and co.iclusively estahlished l)y sweeping letters an.l action^ The truth ' 
 therefore, does ,.ot re.pnre any witnesses, as the contra.y shall in due time appear n.anifest before 
 nnpartKd judges; so that tl,e above epithet, though too gross, is endured, and I, therefore, protest 
 gan.st ,t, whdst those who, aecor.ling to previous letters, ought to bo on; goo.l frie Is and 
 Chnstum ne,ghbors, prevent n.e frou. perfornnng n.y duty and executing n,y orders within n.y 
 Patroon s ..nnsd.c >on, w.thout being able to show n.e connnission or connntnd to the contmry, L 
 a rea. y state.l. 1 lus ,s more especially the case as ten lots aro already engaged, and not o.,ly n. v elf 
 ami the 1 atroon, but other respectable persons are thereby obstructed ,u.d dan.age.l an.l wii be 
 p.-even ed f..o,n e.vct.ng additio,.al buildings solely by reason of yo,.r p.-oceedings, which have ..o 
 toui.dation 11. I'lgl.t oi- reason. 
 The.-efo.-e the afo.-esai.l S/o-/>tn,hor.( in his quality aforesaid jn^otosts f.u- the thir.l a.,,1 
 fo,u-tlUu.,ea,^.M.s altl.eaf,n-esaid,.,.llitiesandagai,,st noto.-ious fon-e and violence, and that 
 beto.-e Abn.gh y (.od a,.,l to the Honorable, High an.l Mighty Lords States General, o,.,- gracious 
 Sovercgns an, hcge L,>r.ls of this Colony, a..d at the sa,..e ti.n.. agah.st all hind.-ances, dt.nages, 
 losses an.l nnsch.c^s wh.eh have been ca,.sed, or ...ay hereafter happe,. to be c.-eate.l hereby. 
 lA.ue .1. the Coh.ny of Ii,u>,daefwyok o.i the 2U'" of Octobei-, Anno 1648. 
 (Sig.ied) li. V. Si.KciiTKNiioits.-, Dii'ector of the Colonic aforesaid 
 After d..e coUatio.. this is fo..,.d to ag.-ee with the origh.al, signed .and date.! .as above, by me 
 Jaoob V... ass,s a,. -..c.vta.-y, ,,. the secretary's absence, in the presence of, a,.d before wif.Les 
 hereunto n.v.ted, th.s ;Jo'- of October 1C4S, i„ Fort Amsterda.n in New Ncihcrla,ul 
 What complaint w.., as Sheriff and Fiscal of Nexo Net/wrhmd, have ng^mst Brant van 
 .SUrntenhorst Shcr.lT in the Colo..y of Jici,^,hiers,rjd; he shall hear and see when he ai.pears on 
 our .ss.ied s...n,.,ons befo.-e such ju.lges as are thereto qualilied by their High Mightinesses and the 
 Hon- Directors, whose provin.-e it is to decide whether the s.imn.ons be\.gal and cor.-ect or not 
 t he tresp.asses and inj.iries .-especting which it was issu,.! being previously exhibited and proved' 
 An. we assert that wc a,-e notoblige.l to s,n.i,..on Sheritl i7.c/,/««^,.../ where he holds his domicil, 
 much less before the court of liemelaermyck where the accuse.l party is l.b.is.^l f pb.intifl and i.idge 
 an.l no other .n.agist,-ate besi.lcs hi,.,, .p.aliiicd the.vt.. by conm.issio.. of their High Mightinesses, or 
 by co..ii...ss.o>i from the I'atroon, except Anthony de Hoyes. the secretary, who, in like manner 

 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 , I 
 cannot bo witness anil judge. It ia sufflciontlj ;uhnitto. We will not enter 
 into a discussion here respecting the (Commandant's assmnption, that the Colony has high and low 
 jurisdiction; but we assert, conformably to the Exemptions, that the high jurisdiction in ^cio 
 Nelhfi'Iaml, belongs to the Company, and that the Colony is subordinate thereto. 
 Whether the notice or summons was made in writing or verbally, is, in our opinion not 80 
 inneh the question as, was it served ? This was done once, twice and three times by the Conq;any'8 
 Commissary in Fort Orange, in the presence of two credible witnesses, and the Commandant's 
 cxcei)tion is purely frivolous, jiinee in Fatherland it is not customary that any Hunnnons should 
 bo nuido i:i writing, but only verbally liy the sworn tnessenger, and the Commandant herein 
 contradicts himself, inasmuch ai. at the close of his nullities, he himself writes that ho received the 
 notice on the 28"' of September through his (ioor. 
 It is a llimsy misr"[)repientation (to say that whenever any summons and notices arc served, 
 the defendant is informed why he is suimnoned and subpiunaed; this is in no place the practieo; 
 and no copy of a notice can be furnished to ilie defendant, because the sinnmons before all (!oin"t9 
 is made verbally ; and whenever the defendant api^ears an appeal from 
 his (• ,irt, but also against even the Company's servants and vassals, to the dis])arag»,iiient of tho 
 cliarter granf.'.l to their High Mightinesses an.l infraction and nulliticati..n of tiie Freedoms granted 
 (0 the I'atroons, m |,lii„li,ig an.l bli.cka.ling the Company's fortress by divers buildings, phmghing 
 thi! ancient gar.lens and fields situate at tho dry moat of tho fort an.l heref..foro always ma.le use 
 of by the C..mllu^saries, chiefly eu.leavoring t<. i.revent, so far as lies in his power, the necessary 
 rcparati.ui of "the Fortress," as he himself sneeringly styles it, bei-iuse it can be entere.l by night 
 as well as by day, being severely damaged in the latter part of last winter by the extraordinary 
 high water imiii.latiun. As it re.piire.l, for that reason, necessary repairs, we therefore ordered 
 and commande.l our Commissary there not only to repair it, but tu put it in a proper state of 
 defense, to wit: t.) surmount it with a wall of stone instea.l of timber, so as to obviate the annual 
 expense an.l repairs. This being already l)egun, ( '..mmander S/a'/if.nfio /•■■ flic (juarrying 
 of stone .ui.l theeuttingof tinib.r and fin'wo.ul iieed..(l by tile fort, within the limits of the Colony 
 contrary t.. a former and oi)S(. let.! j)r.>hibition, an.l the farin.^rs and inhabitants to cart thom, all 
 aceorilitig to the tenor .if bis or.linanee, with.put th.- knowlcdgi. or onsent of us and the Council 
 of .V'lr yif/u-r/,i>u/, and yet not d.'signating liow wi.le tlie limits of the Colony extended, or to 
 \Hnnt .)ut where th.' C.impany may I'ut its w.mmI or take the st.me. This was never before done 
 by any chief ollicer of the Colony or tolerated by any Dire.'tors and Council, oiir pred.ressors, as 
 it tende.l not otdy to the palpable belittling of their authority an.l p'ueral commission, but 
 especially to th.' violation, infraction an.l nullification ..f tlie Incorporate.! West India Company's 
 supreme juris.licti.Mi, which exten.ls as well .n-er tlie C.)lony of TPt'/i.vd/a,'/'**/'//,'/?- as .Mer others; 
 if I his be tolerated, other Colonics such as Jlecnt^skdc, Flim/ii/uj, Gravcaend &c would be expecting 
 Early Colonial Setthmentii. 
 inoro. Cnrryin;; out tliin principlo, tlio Ifoii''" f'ompaiiyarotlniilly dciinvcd of (Iri'wood uiKltiiiilii'i- 
 lU'cewury for nlii|w, cliurclu'rt, forts and oth.T luiildiiigH, or bdcoiiic ohligcd to li'j,' tlieno from 
 their vftsmds imd nul)jt'ctH, mid wliiit in worsi" and more to lio apprclii'tidcd, iniint pnrcliase tlii'in nt 
 tho !iiglii'8t price, and coiiHiviiicntly tliroii;;li our iiialiility wo di'j^radi! and coiivcrt tiieir idj:li into 
 low jurisdiction, contrary totlic cliurtcr of tlicir IIif,'li Mij^litiinwco, and infritip-on tiicCoiniiany'H 
 prerogatives, licing bound liy ciunniisHion ami oatli to maintain liotli, Wc, thtrt'forc, do iicreliy 
 autliorii'.c and earnestly eoinnumd our CommiHsarv to proceed with tlie rcpaii-H of the I''ortrefi8, and 
 to tliat intent and ncrvico to cause timber to ho cut, stone to \n' ipiarried in and liaulec! from tho 
 mountains, elilTs and phtins in any jtart of New Nithcrldnd where it may he most convenient for 
 him or tiie Company, except oidy tiie liowi'vies and plantatit.iis wliich uro already feiu'ed and 
 cultivated, or may ho hereafter fenced or cultivated, within which he or atiy of tho Company's 
 vassals shall not bo at liberty to cut timber or (piarry Htoiie, uidess with previous knowledj^eof the 
 proprietor or occupant; and in case tho jealnusv of the Commander may constrain the iidiaiiitants 
 of the Colony, and hinder them from lendinj^ a helping hand to tho work with tiieir horses ami 
 wagons, wo order our Conuuissary to have a wagon made for himself, and to use therefor tho 
 horses of Mr. Jonas Broiirk, now on the bowery of Corh r against wliom the Com])any has a just 
 claim in conso(juence of an honest debt ; this, however, is to bo with the previous knowledge of 
 tho reverend Doni" Jlctjujw/tntih, his agent aiul attorney, and an account is to be kejit of what 
 they cart and earn each day in the Comiiaiiy's service. And wo also, in like manner, authorize 
 and charge the Comniis.sary especially to maintain tho Company's high jurisdiction, ancient and 
 previous use of the gardens and lanils situate under tho Fort, and not to code the smallest iota 
 thereof, utdess the Cominainler exiiibit to him. according to our previous demand, l;iter and other 
 order and commission from their aforesaid High Migiitinesses, our Sovereigns, the I-ords I)ircctors, 
 our superiors and Patroons, authentic copy whereof he shall transmit to us, so that wo nuiy then 
 otherwise order. Finally, iti order to nuiintain the jurisdiction of tho Fort, the resolution we last 
 scat for the removal of the houses built witiiin musket or small cannon shot shall bo peremptorily 
 executed if not already obeyed. Tims done in Council in J'ort AinHhrdaiii in New Ndherlund, 
 tho 2" of November A" 1648. 
 E.NOMsn claims; liENssKLAiiKswvcK AM) FoRT Oka.noe; Fiscal va.n Dyik's coMi'LAmTs; 
 January 27"' 1C49. 
 Honorable, Wortjiy, Pious, Dear 
 and Faithful Sir : 
 Our last letter to your Honor was dated on the 10"'' c»f April of last year, by which we 
 informed you of everything necessary. 
 We have in the meaiitime received iiy diilerent channeLs many letters and documents or any 
 way tho duplicates of tho documents, which have been lost by the wreckifi:,' of tlie " I'rincissf,"' 
 and although we see now, that m;iny of the letters have been completely answered bv oui' afore.-'aid 
 letter, we yet Und in some of the more important ones i)oints, which require a reply from us. 
K&w York Hiatoncal Records. io;j 
 Boforo wo proccod liowovor, it will bo i.ocoHHary to Hpeeify tho Icttorn, which Imvc reached ub 
 In 1040, Outbr. 16 and 1(J o.i board tho " J'rinceoso" t.'.on in port at liar(mloe». 
 Itll7, Jiinuiiry 15, from Curasao. 
 Two luttorH without duto of day or year arrived by way of the EnirliBh VinjlnHU 
 A letter dated AiiKunt 4"' |(J48. 
 Another witiiont date concerning oidy yoiir Honor's private affairH. 
 Two letters of 2'' and si,'}'' of SeptiMiilxir of hiMt year, 
 Fnrthortho following, letters fn.,„ l.nm, liode.^onh^xi 6Vmf//(■/!• of Septbr 4"' 1(548. 
 Hesi.les rea.linK "H tho abovomentioned letters wo have also taken up ti,e n.inutes of matters, 
 wh.chhave happened thoro and o.xuminod the books; we »hull cuu,munieato tho result to your 
 Honor m di.o time. ^ 
 Although y.m complain, that we have not promptly and thoroughly replied to your fornuT 
 let crs, we can only lin.l son.e m.important matters, which wo tacitly passed over, because we lacked 
 sutticient mlormation, to cnu) to a decision concerning them : for instance, you ha.l asked fnrour 
 approval concerning the confiscated shii, " /^'V/'/'' ", Unyhcvt ,an U. . n.aster. I'.nt we had not received 
 either the pn.per mfurmation nor tho report of the pr.,ceedings. which .miv reached us now We 
 can only agree with you, that it wxs confiscated fur good reasons, hut at the same time we cannot 
 approve, that the goods, after having been inventorie.l by you, were not sold at public auction, 
 that then- vane was not at.nounced and tho re-juircl three sumn.ons of tho Fiscal were not 
 published : al this couhl have been done in better shape on shore, than to pass such a sentence on 
 board <. tho ship. Now tho owners sue us for it, .lemanding an indemnification of lO,()ou tl and 
 they will nn.loubtedly avail themselves of tho abovestated arguments, but we have not vet seen 
 their ...miplaint in writing. What is alleged in this case, mav also brought up a.^,inst us 
 concerning the embargoed ship .SV. //,«/„/.. Nobody has as yet taken anv steps in this nmtter but 
 we are alrea.ly involve.l in a formal procee.ling about tho ship with its freight of hides an.l tobmvo 
 he former owner ot whieh has come hero now to claim tlu'se goods, asserting that he is a resi.K.nt 
 burgluT of this place: this, we believe, can be reasonably said of his mother, but ho liiniseif has 
 lived about fUteen yars in .S>,/«, as wo understan.l. He complains bitterly, that ho and the other 
 prisoners have not been treated according to the Company's instructions, but that the whole crew 
 hiu, been sent adrift in ono boat. Time will show, whether the arguments against it will appear 
 plausible to the ju.lges, meanwhile we are in a quandary and surprised bv such proceedin-rs 
 especially, as we notice, that they have begun in ^V/'./,v"' to .lispose of som.. of these goods witlumt 
 process ot law, then only one Mimmous was published before vou contrac'ted with .several merchants 
 for a large .piantity of hides. Vou have also nppn.ved of the plun.ler of a ,p.antitv of pearls and 
 reals otS; though the plunderers will represent it as a trifle, their assertions do^,ot a-Mve with 
 the supercargo's accounts, much less with the d.Miiands of tho parties in interest. We also timl 
 that this capture was made on the I.V" of April 1(!4>^ and brought in on the 2.^ but to our verv 
 gT.Mt surprise, you have only published one summ,,ns ,.oiiceriiin- this prize from that erty and by the many uncalled for 
 debts, which, we believe, he has contracted at the account of the Coiiii)any. We think, it would 
 have been better, to let him or his friends take the responsibility for these matters. The war, 
 which it would have been wiser not to undertake, was over before your arrival ; the debts ari^:.lg 
 out of the drafts, made by him, you have taken upon yourself by your signature, but we do not 
 recollect that we ever directed you to do it, much less that yon should concern yourself about the 
 debts made by him at the expense of this l)e]iarlmint ; for it must be remembered that this ])erson 
 hail been engaged iiy the .Vssci ' ' of the XI.Y anartments existed, that au expenses should be defrayed out of the common fund. We cannoi, 
 imagine theiefore, what reason induced yon to assume tlie.se debts for our account. Your Honor 
 will .soon learn how dangerous it is to meddle with other people's busiiu'ss, asalri'adv premonitory 
 rumors are spreading here, that you have interfi fed in a sentencie ])as.-ied by him against JiH'hini 
 Pictersen and Comelis Mflijn. We will not disi.ute whether they had not desi^ved it, but it 
 would have bi.-en better, to let the dead man disfiMid it, th an to s(!e, that iii)on ji sim|i|e reipiest 
 their High: Might: accede so much to these peo])le as to sunnnon your Honor to defend this 
 Bcntenco either in per.son or by attorney. The first of the two is considered l.v ioanv here an 
 honest man and they are surprised to see him so intimate with Comelix M,h/ii. who has always 
 had a bad reputation and who, as we understand, will do everything to create trouble and mischief 
 for us on the side towards the Swedish Colony. We shall have to say more on this subject, when wc 
New Yorh IlintoHcal Iteconh. jqS 
 come to the definition of tlic hoiindiricM 'mil wMl t. ,. fi 
 .bout 1-0 ,„ 180 tlioLndri , .1: ' ,,r''' ""■";'' ""■■"» '" ' "•■ "■•"'-T "'I «'»l. 
 AU. Irain fm-flu-r, tiiat you l.avo taken tl>e liluTty to i„,,H,.t .onu. of fl,.. n.-iv . I 
 w.tl.theiM.e,uioMoftlndingc.ou,raband«oo,ls,u,.U.x;niniM.Aeir k^^^u^ 
 matters of grave co„se,„enee. an,i alto,,;,.e.. t,- ^ ^ t t^ l'! ' '" Ti'T'" T 
 of tl.i. Departn.eut :rra.,te,I to ail n.er.I.n.ts • 1. .,. , V, / ^' " ^"'''^'' ^^''"^l' ^''0 '-ules 
 tl.at we do not wi.l, to .eo .lie (,o„,.anv in .u-k a iitioa ,.s to ,„vv^. .dU^ ^ "tl"'' 
 pnvate Lui-Icsters ..ronli„. to yonr inlentions, l„u for ,i,o fon i, / . ".^i h "' 
 as vet ninraet ealile Voiir IFono,- ,„,, t ,i .■ • -^ ■- "'''^''"^ ^^^' ""d tliese plans 
 opportuni'tv offers "' """"""•"• '-"I""—'""-- "-.ters nn.il a Letter 
 * * * * 
 At tins time it is in.praetieal.le to n,ake an a-nvniont vvitl, tl„. V„ .1; 11 ■*,.,. 
 cone..rnin,:r Hu' Konndaries. for we ,.„,not dinvr^ H"' Kn.di>l. here or ,n /-.n^f/.nuf 
 is .Ief.in,.d .t ir;„ / V. '"""^ diMON..,, iliat any one ,s ai.thori...d tlirreto. The Kin- 
 :^^ * **>''• P"P' -17 Vol, XII C.)l. lliHtory. 
 Early Colonial Stttlcnitnts 
 members of Parliamoiit arc prisoiieM or have left, t\w Priiwe of Wnli's aw\ \\\q Diih' of Yorl- 
 have taken refuge here, .*o that it tioems that everything i.s tiiriieil iiott 
 and that otforts are made to establish another form of ''• 
 om luiwards m 
 tiiat Kinmh 
 miont. Muv the Ltird 
 [>roteet thi 
 people against danger. These are in hrief the reasons, which we already gave in our former letters, why 
 weeamut satisfy your Honor's repe.ited dem;mds in thisdirei'tion and we know therefore of no better 
 remedy for the present, than that you must try to live in harmony with 
 English and Swedish 
 neighbors, the more so, as in yo>u' own opinion, the English are much too powerfid for ns ami it 
 is not advisable that we shoidd be involved into a war, of which we have, may (!od help us, 
 enough now with the Portuguese in Iir resist their attack. These treacherous pro.ssible. .\[eanwhilr we mu>t urge you to keep uj) with our 
 neighbors the friendliest intercourse. 
 In going over this matter, we are riMuiiided that the wifi' of .l/;/'(^/(«//?, jSV'/rt/.v, formerly a 
 resident of /A'«*sv,'Aj(.'/'.y//v/(7.', has iiiformcil us, that with your Honor's ci>nsent she had built a 
 house in Juirl Onimje. and she now asks this Department for a conlinnatory order, which as far 
 as we know has never been done; but whereas she adds to iier retpiest, tliat she may enjoy such 
 j)rivilege.s, as we shall grant to our subjects, we do not kiaiw, what she may intend by this special 
 reipiest and can give herein noother order, than that she shall be treated with the same fairnes.s, as 
 all other good anil hone;-t citizens of the I'ort. Von lielie^i', tliat inhabitants of A', //.v, At, r.v//'ycA' 
 erect hou.ses too near the walls of the I'oi-i, intending to dety u>. ,ind that the outlook from the 
 Fort must not be obstructed, at lea^t in cannon.-,lii>t r.mge ; you further state, they h.ive more 
 convenient lots along the river to build houses on, than so close to the l'"(a't; the other side asserts, 
 that they are compelled to do it, in order to bo prepared for an attack by the .s.ivau'es. \'ou will 
 tlierefore well consider these rea.sons and t.ake care, that while neither the one nor the other suiliM's 
 by eneroaehiuents upon his territory, tlic> Mttlers are .icconimod.ited as far as po>.-ible. 
 The many comiiluiits against the l'"i--cal l[,'ii.-u..i in i,is .luti., sJ.di;^ r :'; : :^^^ 7^ hu. 1. ... not...... ..,.<,.,.„ 
 trustworthy pa.-tio« c,.„e..,.i,.: ].iM,,v.;, I .^^ ' . ^ '^^'t. ""'"^ "t '" ^'^^^ 
 unk..owM to ,.s H,..l wlKMvas wo „o icv tl,' ,i nW ; f ^""^''" "'■" ''""■'^^''^''- 
 :;;;;t:;lt::Kr:::,;:r-i' S^^^ 
 ,. m! a::i':;i:':™::;n:i!;:^^™t™ '? '-r, '"?;r -'r-™' "- —*'« 
 to t vc-y w,Iln.,.ly on ..uvo..nt of tl.o yoocl c.l.an.ete.- ,,i von hin. hy von IIo,.o. It is t 
 w,fo has ..■•,ve,, ho.v. ,t l.oin, the i,.to,.tio,., that ho shonl.l soon follow he,- , Ht .'Z Z ^ 
 chu.vh a,..l his ,Jn,nn,utv. I, ! '^ I ^ , "rrif';"'' ^''^ r..,.Wo.u.., of (Jo.i's 
 n.an ^■:!:-l t:;:!:, i:::!:::^ -"- •-- -^ -^- '"^"--''i- ^-^^.-.i.., tho 
 . , "^ "'"• " '^ ^'l'l'"i>'tnu„t „f h'o,/o,f'J,n>.rn as Roooivo,--(u.no.-al at a yca.-lv «.,h,-v . f 4S.. it 
 h:. ,.l,.,s,and,n.won,p,..vo.,fiU,on.wi,h.ahh.,,,lMn,,„,.,,^ hvn.nstanoosa , Iji, " 
 or,.., -h ,on,s .!,,„,, , ,,a,lo, !,,.■ w' ioh ..ason wo havo ho.v .lisoha.-.od all snhalto... offi ,:: ^1 
 Al.hon.^h i, is wit),,,.,, ,.n.,v,lonr, that this |)o,,a..t,no„t has oJo.. boon Ifatho.- of anv 
 .•'nM.vn,hav,n, who,. ,„v„o,. always .vf,,...! i, f,„. ...„,,|„ , , ,,_„,, votth it, ,2 
 ■ f y 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 l)elievo, wc can Patisfy tliem liy payiiif^ them in tliosc values. "Wo arc sorry, that tlicir sliip lias 
 bucii lost and thureforo atld iii our answer, that they may send for the salt by unotlier opportunity. 
 Wo liavo learned of the precarious situation of the Island of CuracM with great regret, the 
 more so, as wc have no ehancc of sending the provisions, required by your Honor; we have tried 
 to freight a ship, but could find nobody willing to undertake the voj-age upon so uncertain results, 
 while we considered it nnadvisable to charter a ship by the month, as you propose. If we had 
 been sure, that a full ship's cargo of wood was ready mi tlu; Island, then we might have contracted 
 for it, but we observe that a great mortality has ])revailed there and fear, that but little wood has 
 been cut. We would therefore liave had but a losing freight, which at present la not at all 
 convenient. We also consider it (pilto unadvisablo to send more people to the Island, for that 
 would only increase our expenses and the products of the Island do not pay for the outlay. There 
 are enough good people on the Island, we think, to defend it and we shall take good care of its 
 interests, when our solicitations concerning the great reform shall have been iinally acted upon 
 by their High: Might: which we hope will be done shortly. 
 The loss of the ship "(7t; G^/vwfe ^rtvr/i" has much inconvenienced your Honor In carrying 
 out your phiTis, for besides iii>t making a iimfitable venture witli it heavy outlays have become 
 necessary, which are made still more Ijunlensome, because the country is not provided with the 
 necessaries to equip a vessel on account of the lacking funds. 
 We cannot sutliciently express our surprise, that u]»on the report of one Jan Shitjter, who 
 says, he has been a prisoner of the Spaniards at ^V/. Martin, no .seardi has been made for the gold 
 mine, which he says, has been discovered upon the Island on the mountain, where our quarters 
 have been. He asserts viiat the mineral is so rich, that 1<> pounds of ore will yield :'. pounds of 
 pure metal. We see that your Honor is very much grieved by the loss of the siieclmeu sent by 
 the ship " /'r/wc««,s«," since lost ; but we do not know, whether that specimen came from this 
 mountain, to which attention ought to be j)aid. We do not think, that the Ironmlne is of any 
 benefit to us. 
 Your Council minutes of December 5"' 1»U7 informs us, that you have jinbllshed an order, 
 according to which all Englislimeu, coming for some reason from JViw/ldven to take refuge 
 among us, are to be protected, because the Governor has refused to surrender to your Honor 
 Williain, Westei'/nnjsen and Sai/iiici Oodcii.fi ui/sin, who had deserted to Neio-E>iur side, but the mean.s, as 
 rejK-atedly stated .above. W«' send herewith the following: i):ipers : 
 The invoice of the goods sent by the ship '*7Vt/t« W'dkdm." 
New YwTc HUtorical Records. mo 
 Copy of tl.o contract and bailbond made and given for the voyage of the said ship for your 
 Honors information. i "' J"-'"' 
 We are surprised, that contrary to o.ir orders and to the contracts made with Messrs. Wouier 
 van I wilier Jan van Ilardenhenjh ^ndoih^,,yovi\v,s^ in.de then pay 10 percent duty on 
 goods sent i.ther, that being for every 100 fl. two more than the said contracts stipulate for We 
 have refunded this overcharge here but the matter is in itself of no small importance th'it you 
 receive the duties on merchandise sent here at your own discretion, when they ought [o be mid 
 here and that you made the aforesaid parties pay them. This must cease in future and we desire 
 expressly, tha you shall keep to the contracts and obey the orders received or to be received from 
 us. lielying hereupon we are 
 Honorable, Worthy, Pious, Dear and 
 Faithful Sir, wliom we commend to 
 ^ _ God's protection 
 Amsterdam, v .„„ ii > t^ • , 
 „ „»,, . i J^our Honor's Friends 
 the 27'" of January, 1649. The Directors of the Priv. W. \ Company 
 Department of Amstcrdum 
 Jacob Peeokns m. p. 
 S. Ryt'KAJJKT. 
 Eesolittion to B^^f^roN the Exoi.trii towns on Lono Islano to send delegates to New 
 Wliereas the select men here liavo at divers times by petitions requested to have a delegation 
 sent to Fatlierland to address ,.ur superiors on some weighty matters; and whereas the English 
 villages on l^mj Jdatul, whieli are subject to their High Miglitiiiesses, ought also according to 
 our best judgment be consulte.l on tiiis important matter, so that they may not hereafter 
 plead any ignorance, it is resolved in Council to invite them bv letter for the appointed dav 
 Thus done and approved. Present: The flon"'" General", The Vice, La M..ntau.nk."I5kian 
 NuToN, I'aulis LEENUEiiSEN, Tills 21" of February [1049]. 
 LEriEu FKOM TnoMA.1 Tapping, Rkmi". Gildeksleeve and other peppties to DruEcrou 
 Noble Sir. 
 May it please yon to vmlerstand, that wo have Ptcceived youi-s by hand of yourc Deputed 
 and authorized agents viz y..ur Secretary and Ensigue vnto whose relations wee have and doe 
 acconling to your request give < 'redence and w"' all couuenient speed indevred to aciuaint our 
 ...... ...th .. _1 iitii.i... * 
 xNeighbors w"' your plea-sure declared eiiietly in tite [nstructions you sent !.v them for vi 
 Consideration, who incontinently mad choyco of .5 of us to conferr w"' your aforesaid ai,'ents 
 further that so the might ha-c; the more light after serious consideration to retunie a plenari 
 nearly Colonial Settlements. 
 answer vnto you some grounds wore given viito your ag" and you inny please to vndorstaml tliat 
 wee are not. so well versed in such maters of l.igii Goueniuien*- as to give a present resohitiou 
 besides some of our Neiglibora are absent wiiose advise wee desire to Coneure w"' vs at w luisc 
 return wee shall w"' eonueuient sjjeetl iudevor it ; so w"' due respi'etsaud tliaiikful acknowledgment 
 of your well wishings and well iudeuors for our good wo Humbly take leave and liest. 
 Ilemstede fFeb. 20 : -iO Your servants 
 Tuo. Tai'I'ino 
 To our honercd Goncrnor Cu Panco 
 Petku Stlyvksant, Director IIicaud Gimikuslickve. 
 General of the Province IIknkv Pkksai.l. 
 Ne^o Ndhedaiid, Curafuo Jonas AV'ood. 
 these present. 
 Gent: Your letter by M'. W hit eh cad I ree''. and what declaration yo' deputys made you att 
 theyre returiic I know not, only this they neuer presented vnto niee any procuraties, from your 
 ownes and did not see yorr instructions: for what inyne owne hae done, if according to my 
 instructions by thcin to you j)resentc(l, the Cojipie whereof was Icfte with you, but this sure I am 
 it was with a sincere heart to all ycuir good, tiiat I presented them and therefore haueing discharged 
 my duty, I shall with God's assiM-.ince in euery resi)ect act and doe for you and all vndcr my 
 gouerinent, as much as shall lye in iuy power for your publique good, for present and future tyme 
 and had you wrote soo much toe me att first I should liave been contented and soe proeeeiled that 
 you need not haue troubled yourselves soe nuich, sou with my loving salutations to you I rest. 
 ffort New Ainxterdain 
 March the 20"' (41)). YoiK i.ovino kkisiend. 
 ScniOl'MoKs' I'l.ANTATKlN AM) liolWKUV No. I. 
 The farmers on the Island Manhattan reipiesting by petition a free pastunige on the Island 
 Manhattan betv.-een the ]ilantation of Schepmrns and the fence of thi; Great Houwerv No. 1, the 
 ])etitioners' reijuest is ])rovisionally granted, and that no new ])lantation8 shall be made or granted 
 between said fencing. [March 4"' lO-Ht.J 
 OF A .lornNAi, wiiiiTEN nv Adkiaen van iii:i{ Do.nk; his imi'kisonmknt ; ritoTFST of Afu. Van 
 On the 4"" of March A" 1049, met and appeared, on the invitation of the Hon''" I )ircitor General, 
New Yorh Hktorical Records. m 
 NaU>n, 1 MS p /.,u.^^., /w;«, A..,./.m>«, Com.nissary A'.y..v., Serjeant Z*^..^... 
 Next, the J3u.-gl.er uheer.: J^c-.J 6'o«,«.«A...., (.'a,>tai„ ; ,V«r etofore .lone, and .t> 1 .lues n.any thing, without his previous knowledge ; also for i . .Ion 
 ^.A'»^;er'""'^ ^''"'' '' '^ "''"'"' ""' ^""'^ '^'' ^""'^ ^"°''' '« ^" '"'-'^l'' l-"-""! then 
 M Woli,l,Msrn ..y. this matter does not concc,-,. hi,.., and therefo.-e he ought to be 
 xcused troiri voting. -^ "^ 
 Mart!,, Vriglcr says, that Van d.r Thmrk ought t.. be hea.-d in confine.nent 
 ueonje Jiaxti'i-, ensign, ditto. 
 :! r;n„ t :: " '"- •• "' ''"" *" ""■'•* " ™"- •■' •"" '- ■ >"- ^' >» 
 Scrj„mt /.,■,.„.*„ ,l,i„|,. ,l„t ^,,,,„,rf „„g|„ ,„ ,^,„^,.„ j,_ j,^,^^_ ^^^^j,| 1^^ 1^^ „,„„.„„, 
llii Early Colonial Stttletncnts. 
 Jan Evertscn Bout says, as Van der Donck is a burgher, ho ought to ho treated as such. 
 Philip Otraevily says, as Van der Donc.V has earned, so must lio ho paid. 
 Peter Cock says tiiat Van der Donek shall leuiain eonlined until examined, as ho desorvea. 
 Boryer Jorisnen says ditto to J*eter Cock. 
 The Hon'" Director General is of opinion that for the removal of all differences and disputes, 
 it would be requisite, to sumnion two .lei)uties from eacli Colony and Town in A'eio Netlierland to 
 deliljerate on the highly necessary delegation for tlio best of tlio coni.try in general. 
 Mr. Dinckhujhe says, he will not meddle with the matter, and thirdvs that men ouglit to wait 
 until the Lords States shall have given an order. 
 Fiscal Van Dyck thinks it advisable to summon two (Jh three persons from the circumjacent 
 English and other towns, to assist with those of the Manhataus iu deciding what is best for the 
 public in regard to tlie delegation to Fatherland. 
 La Montague, ditto. 
 Brian Nuton, ditto. 
 Oeorge Baxter, ditto. 
 Adriaen Keyser, ditto. 
 Paulas Lcendersen, ditto. 
 Daniel Litschoe, ditto. 
 Martin Criyier, ditto. 
 Auyusfyn ILerman refers it to the Board of Nino Men. 
 Borger Jorissen, Philip Ocracrdy and Peter Vock agree in opinion witli the Fiscal as above. 
 Appointment. Comotssionerr to i.westigatk tue rAsi? of Adktaen van okk P'onck. 
 Panlux J^enderscn and Adrian d' Keyxer an' ordered and appointed Commissioners to 
 examine into the wise of Adriaen ran der D»nrk, and that in the presence of the Fiscal, on the 
 5'" of March A" 1649, iu New Amsterdam in lYcw Nctherland. 
 Resolution. On petition of A. \an oeb I)on( k, that iik ukmain imi'iusonkd rNrii, tue 
 The 0*" of March A" 1G49. 
 In Council is presented a certain petition of Ad.-iin'n can der Diaick, on whirli the Dirr.lor 
 and Council have caused the following apostil to be made: IVtiti.^nur is ordered by plnp;ility of 
New York Jlistoincal Recm-ds. 118 
 votes, to remain in prison until ho bo exiiininod, and answer to the interrogatories, pursuant to 
 the resolution of March 4'" A" 1C4'J in New Amaterdam in Neva Netherland. 
 On the S'" of March. 
 The Hon"" Director General produces in Council and exhibifs to the members a writing; 
 after reading ,t to them, he inijuired their opinion whether said writing should not bo re?d to the 
 entire commonality when met. 
 Mr. DlmMage refuses to express an oi)inion thereon. Fiscal van Dyck advises that it is well 
 and advisable that it be read to the connuonalty. 
 La Montague, ditto. 
 Brian Nuton, ditto. 
 Adrlacn Koi/ser, Commissary, ditto. 
 Paulua Leendeiscn, ditto. 
 PRorosAL. Of Director S-rrvvKSANT, to coMi-Er. Adrian van der Donok to prove certain 
 Proposition submitted in writing by the Hon'"" Director to the ordinary Councillors and other 
 othccrs, the 15"' of March A° lOll*. 
 The ordinary Councillors and other mipcrior and inferior ofllccrs arc aware that wc by virtue 
 of our olhcc and comiui.si..,., have .piito rccornly caused one Adrhu-n van der ihnck to be 
 guanlcd u. las usual rc.-idcnco <.r continemcnt,* on account of a slanderous writing drawn up in 
 the torm ot a Journal, an, 
 This day underwritten the Director (ieneral went in j)erson to the house of the minister 
 liiickeniis, and there, in his ca[);icity as Director, told the minister not to read himself, or have 
 read by any of the Church dtlieers, from the pulpit or elsewhere in the church, at tho reciuest of 
 any of the iidiabitants, any writing, j)ctition, or proposal ha\ ing relation t > thi; municipal oi genend 
 government, whether generally or in particular, before .iiid until s\ich writing shall be signed by 
 the Director himself, or by the Secretary, by order of the Director and Council ; but this is not to 
 ap])ly to ecclesiastical affairs which are left at the full dispi>sal of saiil minister and coiLsistory. 
 Therein he shall be at liberty to order agreeably to church ordinances and the duty of a godly 
 minister, wiiercin said Director (rencrai oflfers him all aid and assistance as far as this concerns him 
 as Chief Magistrate of the country. 
 This (lone in (he presence of Councillor /..< MmitiKjnc and Soeretary Tlenhoihn. this s"' of 
 Mav, KUl). 
New York llktorkal Revards. 
 Lkabk. of a TUAirr ok land on Lon(i Island fob 20 yeaiw. 
 Boforc mo, Cn-ndh van Tkuhnwn, Scc-ietary of New NetherJand, appeared J.M^hcm Colder 
 of tl... OIK. part, un.l IHrck //o/,j,ri,f,n, of tl.o otlur part, who in tlu) prcfieiK-o of the uiideriuuned 
 witricHHeH, m^knowlodpMl and doelared that they had in all lovo aud friendship mutually entered 
 into and concluded a crrtain contract in regard to the lease of a certain tract of land on 'ho condition 
 hereuntowrittcn : 
 Duck llohjcrsten lea«c8 to Joo}u>m Colder a certain lot of land situato on Lm, hlatuL 
 together with the land heretofore h,„ed hy hin. Dirck to J„ehcm Culder, for 'ho term ot twenty 
 conseeiitive yarn, connuencing Anno Hr.i and on.hng y\nno 1671. The Lessoe shall have the land 
 rent free for the tirnt six years, and during the other fourteen following years shall pay annually 
 for the use of said land, which big an,l little he shall cultivate and improve as he thinks proper] 
 the sum of one hundred and fifty guil.lers in sueh pay as slull then ho current. All the expenses 
 that the Lessee shall ineur in huilding, fencing and whatever else is necessary shall ho at the cl.argo 
 ot the Les^, .., who shall mak(. such improvements as he will think fit ; and if it happen that ho, 
 the Lessee should .lie, it i. stipnlate.l that the I essor shall not .yect the wife or des,a,ntlants from 
 the land against iheir will. The fences and any other improvements, of what nature soever they 
 may be mad-- by the Lessee, shall at the termination of the twenty years, belong to the Lessor, his 
 hen-sand deseendants in full propriety with.-nt disbursing anything therefor. 
 l-'or further security and the performance of this contract, parties pledge their respoctivo 
 persons and properties, submitting tu that end to all Courts and Judges. 
 In testimony this is signed by the parties with Jan Nagel am] Pet^r Ja>mn Noormnn witnesses 
 heroiinto Bubscribed, this 2'' of June A° lt!40. New Amsterdam. 
 This is the ^j^ mark of Dikck IIoi.oeksen made by himself. 
 This is the />^ mark of Jociiem Caldkk made by biuiBelf. 
 This is the DJ mark of Pkikk Janben, witness, made by himself. 
 Jacob Kre, ) ,,r.. 
 Jan Nacel, f ^^'"'C^ses. 
 Pkumit to ri-.v. JoirANNKs T?ACKERirs, Mimsteu of New Amsterdam, to uesion his office 
 JoIkh, .1 n.irker!ii.o, minister in this city New Aimtrrdam, appeared before the Council and 
 iviiuchted his dismihsion, in order that hv may return Xo Fatherland ; therefore the IIon'"« Director 
 (fciioral and (Vmneil having considered the urgent request, cannot refuse said Ilu-hrim his 
 distnission; thr said Director General and Council have accordingly granted him leave to depart 
 for I'atlierland. 
 Tliis 6"' of July, 1041). 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 AT New Amhtkbdam. 
 Wiorofts Domxno Johannes liaoJceriuit on hi* urffcnt pntition, ami, nslio ileclnrcg with tho coniiont 
 of fho Cliissis, wiioroiii tiio ilospatdu's of fhu FIoii''" Diri'i'tcirn L-oiii'iir, iuw riu'civiid ffDiii un licvntto 
 and (iisiiiiBHion, in oihIci' to ilujart with tho iirst hIiIj)^ for Fatiierliitnl, iiml in tho muiiiiwliilu tiiis 
 con^roj^iitioii would rciaaia destitute of 8i)irituai iiourisliiui'tit, iiaiiioly tiie proaciiing of tlio Holy 
 Gos])ol iiiid tiio hiwful participation of tho Hlo.sdod Sacrainoiit, Thoroforo wo, tho Director and 
 Counuil wiHhinjf to promote aa far as wo aro able, tho lionor of Ciod, tho wolfaro and salvation of 
 men, cannot consent that this congregation ought or can remain bereft of a pastor. Wherefore, 
 on tlie instructions from the lion"" I>onln Directors, wo have resolved, as wo do hereby rexolvo, 
 earnestly and urgently to solicit and enti'cat the Hoverenil Dom° JohannM MtyapulennU, late 
 minister in licnmeliursroyek, who having obtained his dismission there, is now hero and j)repared 
 to dopart with the first ships for Fatherland, and seriously and urgently to iuipiiru if ho could iU)t 
 be induced by persuasive reasons, for the honor of Ood, the advancormwit of his chm'cii, and the 
 salvation of men to supply here the service of tho Word and the iidministration of tho 
 Holy Sacranujiit. His reverence has, as wo arealn^ady informiMl, no weighty reasons to decline otir 
 invitation. Meanwhile the extreme need of the ciiurch work imperatively demands, that ut least 
 one clergyman remain in this province among the Dutch i)e(>plo, both for this capital and 
 l{cniida<-r''ii Colony, wen it oidy for administi'ring Haptism to tho (ihildreii who are eommoidy 
 presented hero every Sunday at tlus Man/iti/d/is for baptism alone, sometimes one, sometimeH 2, 
 yea even 3 and 4 together. Tiierofore, wo excusing his reasons, caniu)t accept them at this time, 
 hut th> hereby resolve, if |)ossiIile, to endeavor to retain him hlamlu oi ef t/iKini iiohnH vofeiin, anil 
 we shall try to justify him to the best of our ability both to the reverend Classis and the I'atrooii 
 from whom ho has already received his dismission and settlement of accomit. Such wo resolve, 
 to bo most necessary for tho honor of God, the service of his i:hun'h, and the salvation of the 
 Thus done in our Council this 2' of August, present: The Hon''' Director General Pdrua 
 Stuyocsunt, L. van JJinekhuje, II. can Dyck, La Montaync, and Ih'ian Xiiton. 
 Letter from Robert Hosted and others of Greenwich to Dir. Stuyvesant. 
 Right lionorable : we the inliabitants of (/;w/ii«/t7t doe make bould to present your honors 
 with A few lins and to informe you with our i.tatc and condition as fulloweth : our nt yghborsof 
 Stamlford hath aliways desired and indcvord to dei)op[iolate this plase of (jnii iiu'c/i and to leave 
 it without inhiibitans that so the jiropliit may redoune to themselves as might be proved by divers 
 instances : and now they lay howld upon a new ocasion as we aprehend, for such an end M'. 
 /I'fo being returned Agayii from old Kuijland; they make use of his wekenes and sillines to 
 wring the land out of M'. Ilalletts hands and they stand redy as we think to gaync a gnmt from 
 your honor for such A thing. But we hoope your honor will seriously consider before they 
 drawe forth such a request from you: wc can not see that ^[^ Frh: have any right to it althotigli 
 he Joyned in tho purchcs, yet the former governor protested agaynst them and sent the vaiulragcr* 
 and souldiers and required them to submit to the govcrmcnt or Avoyde the plase. W. Ftkc 
 aliways withstood it whenipon when tlie governor required their answer the Captain and Mra. 
 * Ensign. 
New York Jlidorical Records. 
 Feke Bubiiiittoil to tliciii : alio hnving full power of his estate: •.vhoroupon the governor judging 
 hitii iiiitlto to digpoM! A pliiiitation, gave the laud to Mrs. Fcke no her own for inheritiince to 
 Jin|His(( of iw ohe pli-'Hed mid Aw imvu on your lionors wisdom and faytiifullnes, that you will 
 regard none of them : they persuaded Mr. Fvko all so to take all the atato from Mrs. //at/nl as wo 
 heer: not witlistanding lie iiavo hy writing given her halfo: ycuir honor have est. illislied Mr. 
 J/iiUi'f heer and we lioopo you will mayiitayn his rigiit: we have told you above what tiiey long 
 for and boo being Assured your honor will doe more uud botor than wo can dictat we rest from 
 new Htillo. Youra in what wo may 
 September 18, 1049. Roukkt lit.usTED. 
 Kiciur.i) Ckaiih. 
 Thomas Sukuwoou. 
 John Coo. 
 Lettkk from tiik DinEcrroRa m ITor.L/VNn to StrYVEaANT: Rkv. Mkoapolknsis : bohoolmasteb 
 HKNi' oir; uKMoNsiKANTi, FKoM Nkw N ktii liii.A.Ni) : Mki.yn's and Van Twillkk's intkiuuks: 
 Honorable, Virtuous, P'aithful Friend. 
 Wo wrote yon hmt on the 2S"' of January 1040- when wo fully expressed oiir opinion on all 
 nccci^siiry points ■M\d since that time tlie sliips " Pinm-e ]Vilh)ii " and " Vulrkoiicr'' havearrived 
 iicrc on tlic I"' of October last, by which we received two letters without date, probably of the lO"" 
 til' .\ii;;usl, liccausc the letter ti> their High : 'Migiit ; ret-eiviid by the same ships, Ixire that date. 
 Wc liavc besides receiveil your letter of tlie 'J.'i' of the same month witli enclosures and documents, 
 meant to support tlie judgments entered there against several prizes and seized vessels: their 
 owners lieie and others liave niiicli to s;iy about them, tlui first on account of tlieir losses, the others 
 we think instigated tiy party spirit, for they are the deputies from New Netluirland, of whom moro 
 We will lirielly state in regard to the first class of complainants, that the owners of the " Licfde" 
 trouble us a great deal by their demands of 10,000 tl : this suit looks very bad for us, because the 
 owners have many friends. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 The owners of the sliiji " Benin i'l," wlio liavc been silent so fur, begin to stir now, taking tlic 
 hint from the afore.siiiij .loputies ; but t.liis s'mll not troul)ie us much. 
 Tlio case of the seized hides lias l)eeu arningod by mutual agrconicnt, so that we need not say 
 anything on this j)()int. Nor is a further itKjuiry about lliWik'nhunjlis duffels reijuired, as we 
 have Compromised the matter M-ith lum, but we shall have to say more about Ainoldus van 
 Ilardenhcr have not yet heard any complaints 
 concerning the capture of the ship " Jontje PrhiM mta Dt'ii,-inar<:h'- " and the two S[)an ish caravels, 
 we have no doubt, that the owners of tiie iirst are busy collecting evidence: they will receive 
 powerful assi.4ance from peoi>le here, who wo believe lia'o a share in the ship. Wo cannot but 
 lind from all the affidavits and documents, that the Commissary T'lrhmin }yilh'as ha? used every 
 means to defraud the Company, while the treaty latel .' made between the Crown of Denmarck 
 and this r )untry will encourage these ])eo])lc to ])ro.secu'e tiiis matter eagerly. The same may bo 
 said of the owners of the two Spani.-^h caravels, the capt nvof one of which in your opinion might 
 be contested, as liaving taken place at the time, when the )ieace with Spain had been already 
 concluded. A\''o have found it advisable therefore not to break the cargo of the said three ships, 
 until wo .sec, whether it is reclaimed. 
 "We note, that some goods have been carried off by Captain lilmir'/f, sailing under commission 
 from William Kicft, which shouKl be jirosecuted eitlier by you or here bv us: wt^ have not yet 
 heard of them and observe as far as the wages and debts should have to l)e i)aid oul of the proceeds 
 of the cargo and the '' Prince of Denmark," that according to the Connnissary's calcidations the 
 proceeds do not amount to so much : but that is notour opinion, for if there exist sufficient rea.-^ons 
 for the confi.scatiun of the ship and her cargo, the creditors, who have |irovided the ship with some 
 goods, cannot be considered, nuicli less can the sailors demand their wage> : we mean such of the 
 crew, as are of this country; vou will see by the ship's roll and the allidavils, that there are only 
 very few foreigners amoTig them and ihat they apparently will set U]i the [ilea, that they were 
 engaged here and did not know, where the siiip was to go. which they first learned from the articles 
 of enrolment at (lluekstailt; ihen they would \ .ve willingly received their discharges, oidy they 
 had been paid a month's wages in advanct; and couM not refund the money. This is ipiite a 
 fiinusy argument, for some declare they had been charged not to tell, by whom and whereto they 
 had been engaged; it must tiiereforebe pri'sumed, that th(y were regular snniyglert?. 
 Speaking of these confiscations we are reminded, that the Deparlmenr of the .}fae:;e wrote to 
 ns about the necessity of sending the articles of ]ieace to Director Rud.'niiertjh at (hirai;iui, as 
 complaints hanize aiid cultivate tiie land, as yon may see bv the enclosed 
 Mons. s, but we cMiiiiot see how we can 
 dispone of it with jiinit'c because ,,f the remonstrance of the .lepulies froi,. Nur Xdhn-liDuK of 
 which we shall have t,) say a few words. If we were to relate ail the intrigues set to work h'ere 
 by (he .said deputies CnriuH.-i Meh,i, and Wo>,f, r ran T,nU,',\ to rob the Companv of the land so 
 dearly bought with moni'y and bh.od, wo should either have not time enough or our me ry 
 would .-brink thmi the task: we refer therefore to tiie enclosures, wiiicli will sliow vou tia'ir 
 falsehood j.artly and point out their principal Mi-guinents for your information. We cannot 
 however go on without renewing tiie warning, wiiieli we found lieressarv to give vou some time 
 ago: first concerning the defense of the late Director's aduunistration, secondly, a'bout the many 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 diiiorent pliieats and ordinaneos issuud in tlio begiiiiiiiii,' of your own administration, of which soino 
 could not have beun enforced, we believe, without great trouble and ilanger. It might be said with 
 good reason in regard to the first point, tliat you need not have so much minded the calumnies of 
 Cornells Jft/yn and JocL'm Fieicrsen Cai/tcr against Director Iu<;ft, as to endanger your own 
 reputation, especially as it liad taken place before your time and could tlierefore be referred tons 
 here. But we will not dispute the correctness of your judgment, as we desire only to say, that 
 sometimes a careful consideration and prudence may prevent great troubles. As to the placata 
 and resolutions, which are dangerous to carry out occasionally, we will onlysjieakof what we have 
 once before warned you about, namely the inspection of the nierehants" books. Hardenheryh has 
 formerly already complained of it anil now this point is again urged by the insinuations of the said 
 deputies, who distinctly assert in their remonstrance, that orders had been published, in which you 
 direct, that the merchants should at all times lay their books before you and the Council : we must 
 say, that this is not customary anywhere in Christendom, nor should it be so. We have as yet 
 received no copy of such an ordinance and shall therefore not consider it any further, except what 
 you admit yourself regarding Arnoldus van IlanlenhcnjJt, in whose case you acted on sutHcicnt 
 information of fraud committed in the measure of dulTels sold to divers parties. This and similar 
 casts will be the cause of a great deal of discussion, which we shall communicate to you 
 Your apprehensions concerning Domino /iackerii^ the preacher, have, as you expected, been 
 veritied. He has made common cause with the complainants, come from your parts, silly people— 
 at least the majority of them— who have been badly misled by a few seditious persons, like 
 Corndis Mhjn, Adrian van der Bench and some others. These men seem to leave nothing 
 untried, to iipsot every kind of government, pretending that they suffered under too heavy a yoke. 
 Wouter van, TwiW.'r confirms them in this opinion and aims at the command of the whole North 
 river: he admits publicly, that he does not intend to allow any one to navigate the river for the 
 purpose of trade and says, lie will resist any one coming there or to liennsclaiTswijck maintaining 
 besides, that F■ examined int,., but we ,|,> not inl,-ii,| to ,n>liirb any ,,n.' in his rights bcau.se of ,,ur ,,wn 
 troubles; we repeat ,.nly. that in a nv^^■ .■ountry, with only a small population iiiim.r matters must 
 be,,verh),)k.',l; a tr,v gn.wii wild must be bent gra,lua!ly ami with gentle haiul. In the .same 
 manner, as s,)mo people en,leav,,r to inva.l,' our pr.,perty there, the'attempt is ma,le in other 
 -piarters: the LimimuH o{ Z<,land ov.'ni>y the Island of St.Alurtin and lately one of them c; -le 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 to tlie llayuc intending to ask tlieir High : Migiit : to convey the isl.iiul to tliciii as tlicir property ; 
 learning however tliat the iiUairs of Neu) Netherlaiid were then being discnssed, they left again 
 withont taking any steps. 
 You will be informed by Secretary Thienhoven in regard to the li'.vvsuit against Melyn and to 
 him wo refer you. 
 We have learned with regret of the troubles and dilHculties, which some Clu'lstians have had 
 with the Gavages, especially as we are nut in a condition to take revenge : we judge therefore, that 
 you have done well to arrange this matter by the most gentle moans. 
 We do not think it advisable to consider at present your re(juest of erecting a redoubt opjmsite 
 Staten hhind, nor the case of the soldier, wiiom Cornells Mdyii has debauched and wlio is still 
 npon that island : we prefer to leave these matters, until the deliberations at the JIayue have been 
 We have before now exp. jssed to you our oi)i;iion on the question of the boundaries between 
 the English, the Swales and us and do not as yet see a chance, to treat about it properly here or in 
 England. We had therefore recommoiided to yon, to make if jiossihle a provisional settlement of 
 the boundaries subject to the approval of the higlier autliorities on either side. You said then, 
 the English themselves had pointed out such a measure and as we cannot think of a better expedient, 
 we hope the gentlemen of the government may hit upon something l)ctter, to obtain wliich no 
 exertions are si)ared. We commend you, Honorable, Worthy, Faithful, to the protection of God 
 and remain 
 Amsterdam, Your good frien«..i 
 this 10"' of February The Directors of the W. I. Company 
 A" 1050. De])artmeut of Amsferdant. 
 Jacob Pekgens 
 Jeiian Raye. 
 Letter from the Directors to Stittvesan't : Result of the remonstrance from New 
 Ni-rnEULAND: lli;v. Meoapoi.exsis' tract o.t co.vfessio.v : Scuoolmasteu : Uounoariks: 
 1C50, April 20'\ Honorable, Worthy. Pious, Faithful. 
 Our last letters were of the !(>"' of February and lil'" of March ; in the former we tnld yon, 
 how the deputies, who liad come here from New Ntllwrlaml, by all imaginable means, n.any of 
 which were to wcirk indirectly, ha,.rself desire to hav... As yet we cannot say anything else 
 about It, than wh,at we have aln.uly sai.l and to repeat our reasons. The same must be rci^vited 
 m regard to the prize ...rgo, captiiird by Ca,,. Bla,n;lt. iof we .lo not all intend to burden 
 ourselves with such intricate ..asc, as we have our han.ls full to maintain our lawful claims: 
 although we have direcU.l to kcp the go.,ds in safe storage for the benefit .,f those, to whom thev 
 may be a.1 puhcate.l, we learn, that sailors and soldiers at the Mun/.attans have sold to divers parti.; 
 lorI„;nU,-S>h..trc* at shamefully low pri,.es ; vou will therefor- plca.se to investigat.., wlu-nce it 
 .•am.', tor this matter gives food for various thoui;lit.s. 
 Tlu. wife of ir Mcjapol, ,.v/.will tell vou h.Tself.wiiat satisfaction we have given herat vour 
 rc4„..>t : we sh,..ll ..on.ult with tl„. d,.put...| breth-en of ,he reveren.l Cla..sis in regard to the priiitim^ 
 ..tthe Dominies m.anuH.npt on Confessi,,.,^ 1 inform vou of th.-ir opinion 
 The sclio.,!masfer.« f,.r whom you ask..l, goes out with this ship : God grant, that be may 
 con irm the good characer, whieh he has borne here, and cntim.e for a long time in the edilh-ation 
 ol tlie yoiillis. 
 We ..xpe(.t to provide you by the first opportunity with u.atcrials to ,.,p,ip the va.'hts, " New 
 S,rol and >' /.../,/, uow laid up, and if ,,„ssil.le with th. i-e.piire.l sailors : meanwhile we hope 
 t.j l.Nirn ol the tu .. n..nt ol your promise, to .end us a g.,od cargo „f timb.T by the ship " J>rL 
 W.llr,, : It would raise our spirits, f,.- i, vexes us t,. be fr...p,entlv toM, that we derive no 
 advantages from tl,e counti-y, that the proviiu-e is only a burden upon „ur shoulders and that 
 h.ivtore the .,i.i|uny would do betfr to abamlon it. That are the a,-,iments of the men, who 
 iKivetni'.l l.iilis; .ssiss iisol the ,-ounlry by 'iitrigiicK. 
 U\.Miea.stonishedatthedang,.rou;d.'iiveryoftl.eFren<.l,,nan Ihuj Pont, nl in the lidle- 
 ro:n-L It has n,.v... been our intention to take him from the In.lians again.t their will an.l y..u 
 * See Hill/nil. AM '"■liilos. ilcs 2 Ii„I,.h III 21)7 
 • • Wi/Um yWstiu,. who luuKht Hrl.ool i,. .\ao AmM,r.l,m till 1«.W, wh„„ ho r.-.siguea tu r..,un, ,o Holland. 
 Colonial Settlements. 
 will find that wc ordered .juito the contrary, directing tluit the savages should liepaiil for him 300tl 
 ,;11 pk 
 (1 th- 
 eard from his friends, Im' 
 with his deliver}'. 
 A surgeon, Mr. Hans /I'a ;wto/t', troubles us hero a good deal: he tells us, that one Jacob 
 Molentier, who now serves the Company there as surgeon, is inclined to leave on.r service and as 
 W KtcrKU'df, has also served under tiie Company a long time and as far as we know faithfully, we 
 itre willing, that you should listen to his recpiests, if matters are, as he says and if in your opinion 
 his services are required by the Company, ho may take the place of surgeon. We observe however, 
 that every ship takes over many peoi)lo of all kinds of professions and therefore wr are in (U.id)t, 
 whether the Con.pauy should engage such servants, especially as we ought to avoid all unnecessary 
 The letter from the F.ndhh of Bodon, dated the G"' of August 1049 and your answer of the 
 2'' of Septbr. take away the hope, raised by your previous letters, of having the boundaries 
 provisionally settled, which this nation seems to have proposed iirst. These letters give (piite a 
 ditferent aspect to the case; we find in them threats, to which we fear the instigations of Cornclis 
 ili'lyn have not been the least cause : the imnecessary trade in muskets, which you made with 
 VaMerick entirely without our knowledge and consent hai' also something to do with it : we have 
 been much abused on a<'coun1 'f the latter triinsaction, although tlonc without our knowledge, and 
 we were not a little surprised i y it. The excuses, which you make, are very flimsy and have not 
 been accepted by this board; you can therefore judg:\ how you have cimpromised your reputation 
 bv this transaction, tlie more so as now it is followed by com[)laints and threats from our KiKjLinh 
 neighi)ors, which nnist strengthen the case of our adversiries, if they get wind of it. If in 
 consequence of such acts we shoidd have trouble with the h'lu/fi.i/i, the deputies of tiiiir High: 
 Might: would be very much displeased, especially as the deputies from jXcw jS't//ier/>i>ti/ hAva 
 spared no ell'ort, to persua le them, that you may be, witii your precise proceed inu's, the cause ol an 
 eventual rupture with the I'jujIUh. We are however inclined to believe the roiitrary although the 
 resolve of the /i^;/f//M'/', to make war ujion the Wappinger Indians causes us much anxiety. If 
 these Indians shoidd be uriven away, then tlie EmjUxJi would tl us by ocrnpying their lands have 
 a chance to cut A'c'>>ti.seliterxu^i/ik oil from us; they might I'urther liecome masters of the whole 
 North river and with it of the fur traile. There are already a number of competitors lor that 
 trade here; Wini/cr van TmllUr and his ('riends especially pretend, that they alone ought to be 
 privileged, to carry on this trade, although the Company has:dwMy> maintained this right, to exclude 
 every body from this trade at any time; we would do it now, if we oidy coidd diseoverhow. 
 We had hojK'd, that you v,'onld maki' a [irovisional arrangement with our neighbors to settle 
 the boundaries, for we cannot see any chance, to treat with that nation here, for n,.body appears to 
 have authority to do it. The King has left his kingdom ami as yet nobody has been willing to 
 enter into correspondence with the i)resenl govei'nment of EmihiiKh a commissioner from the 
 I'rovince of IhiVnnii is now on the point of going to Ktujlitml; time will show, what he may 
 Many free people are coming over in this .ship, the '• Valrh itli-r" and we hojie, that a greater 
 number shall follow by every vessel. As people here encouragti each other with the [irospect ot 
 becoming mighty lords there, if inclined to work, it may have a good result. Meaiiwhih- yon will 
 please to accommodate and a.s.-^ist the arriving free men as much as possible. 
New York Historical Iteconh. 
 Wo cnc'ldsc till! lists of piiKsonj,'era and tli(\ invoices of the cargf/ of tlio " Valckenier." 
 Examine cvorytlilug closely, that the Company may not bo defrauded. 
 Ilorcwith etc etc. 
 Your good friends 
 Amsterdam TIio Directors of the W. I. Comp. 
 the 15"' of April IC50. Department of yl7rt,v^'/7/"' of April, and sent liy the " \''i/i'k(iu'cr,'" will have informed 
 vou of tln^ vexation caused to \is by the dejejjates from iVi in yitlmrland and their party, who 
 aithoUich occasionally a[>pearin^' to j;r<>\v weary of their solicitations, yet have freipiently instigated 
 l)v, wo do not know, whom, iikkIc new reipiests. We i)resumo, however, it has been done by 
 people, who wish to avoid ]iaying the tolls due to the Compiiny and the sequel of their solicitations 
 will prove this. Those deleicates and iheir followers have first assumed the bearing of farmers 
 and as if their intentions were only to pi'omote tiie increase of population and agricidture. All 
 their remonstrances show that, but now these fanners have suddenly been transformed into merchants 
 and they endeavor by all kinds iif means to ])ersuade their High: ^[ight : , that the customsduties 
 cannot be boiaie by the eonnnnnity. They had already imposed upon the good nature of .some of 
 the gentlemen, when we, observing if, ecimmunicated with tlu! ifagi^trates of this city, who, being 
 at the /Af;/"', ileclared, that the decision in this matter resteil solely with the Department of 
 Ain.s/rrt/ifin, entrusted with the management of these atfairs. When the petitionei-s saw, that 
 tliev could not carry out their plan either in (rtlilrrlanil nor at the IImjuo, they threw away the 
 mask, declared iheiiiselves as nierehants, who li;id frcightcil the ship " I'hiiiii/ii" which takes out 
 this hotter, and reipiestcd our board, t'.^at their caigo iiitemled for agricidtnral use shotUd be 
 exempted from duly. This was granted, bm when the invoices were produced anil the goods 
 brougl'.t to the warehouse, they were found to bo mostly real merchandise, for which we demanded 
 duty. 'I'liey refused to pay it, pretending that every thing should go free , they brought forward 
 as an argument, that if tli(>y were to export cattle from here, they would pay no duty on it autl 
 that they intended to invest the proceeds of the saleof these goods in cattle there, which amounted 
 to the same (as if they 'iai7y/(.v recpiest we send you li\ tluse vessels accoutrements, 
 clothing and other re(iuisites for soldiers in lYeio JVeihrrlitml and CunifaonA \wr annexed invoice. 
 Please to manage it well, so that we may reaji the fruit which M-e have a right to hope for. 
 According to advices from Dir. Rixhnhi'njh of the 2G"' of March we may expect, that a 
 large (juantity of wo.mI has bfun collected there and that it shall be brought here bv the .ship 
 '• Jloiijie,"' sent there for that pur[iosc. It is also our intention to provide not only \,'ir X.tlwrhind 
 but also the Island with everything rehar-), th.at we .are not drfraudecl by tlie>e intrigues and <'oiniriunie,-ite to 
 US your oi)inion, how we can prevent ^m\lgi^lil■.g in all sui-h ca.-es. 
 We desire very much to di^'over some vay, in which we might make arrangements with the 
 English reg;irding the boundaries: we inforiiied yon already of the obsfai'le.s wliic'h we had met, 
 and as yet nothing fm-ther h.is iieen d'^r.e in this matter, th.iii thai Mr. Hernt Srfmljil, /'!,t,,\S(n 
 has been .sent by our govermnent to the Parliament of Kmihtiul. eharge.l among others, as far as 
 wu can learn, to briii;.' nji this boundary 4iiestion for diseus>ion and learn, whetiier they are ii:cliners. a cousin of Mr. v.imh'r U,„.}o meinbir of the committee of 
 their High : Might : for all matters concerning the W. 1. Company and especially .\V(/' Xtth.rhind. 
 As he is a man very well inclined towards the W. 1. Company, we cannot refu.se his request, that 
 his cousin should be siijiercargo of the ship for the outward voyage oidy and that you .-hoiihl 
 ap]>oint him there to any position under the Com])aiiy, which may In me vacant and for which 
 lie is titled. We consent tu his appointment, for we desire to ciijdivate this mairs favor by all 
New York Historical Records. 
 mcanfl, cflpociHlly as this vounjr nmn i.s .,f a .Imtin-uislu..! fa.nily aiul Iuh the reputation of hcinL' .. 
 very j.fopur an.l piouH per...... whicl. compels ub to rcuoiuinuixl l.i,,, so hij^hly, and oudit to sun-c 
 you for your rule. ^ 
 As supercargo of tl.e ship " ,Awj/.r " goes out Wanuv Fransen, wlio has faithfully served tho 
 Company for u long period, lie eonu« to New Ndhvrland with wife anel children .ntendiuL' to 
 seek his fortune there and has reciuested us, to he given coi and of one of imr yachts when -x 
 vacancy ocrM.rred, thinking thathecoul.l serve the(V.n,pany well, as he knows all th^ harbors hays 
 and rivers there. After ,lue consideration we have resolved to gratit his rciucst, -vh-n a chance 
 offers and you think, it is for the advantage of the Company, but you are not to make any i.ositive 
 agreement as to his wages, until we have approved of it. 
 The suit about the ship -Jonye P, .uu: of Daimark'' is being pushed very hanl bv tho 
 intercstiHl parties. Although tl.e doeumentary evidence, furnishe,! by yon, seems ch'arlv to prove 
 It, that they were smugglers, for the majority of the crew were natives of IMUmd, our adversaries 
 nevertheless maintain, that neither ship nor cargo can be confiscated (m that account and that the 
 Company can make no further claim, than t,) take oil tho crew and thus frustrate t ■(■ voyi.ro Thev 
 also aUege. that we cannot prov.., that tl.e freight was owned hei-e entirely or in'parf the 
 documents are not quite clear ou tiiat point and we fear, we shall have considerfd.lo bother about 
 It, especially xs the king of I), nmark is c.u.cerned in it, which, ns he is now an ally of our nation 
 nmst bear on o.ir case. We have before now repeatedly warned you, to proceed ^ery cautiously 
 m matters of conhscal.on and to furnish us the i.ece.s.sary docmnents, for the complaints a.-e always 
 made here and it the evidence is not (juite clear, then we are the losers. 
 Secn.tary Tun/uxva will inform you from the //>,IVT.. NkW .VkTI.KHI.ANI. nv WAV 
 oi- Viuoima: Mklyn uicnuNs to .N'lcw \Krni:iji..v.Ni). 
 A' l.o.t, L'-' Septbr. Faithful, Ilono.-able, Valo,-,„s, Pioi.s. Dear. 
 Our laa letters to yon \vefe dated '_'4'" ..f .1 „lv by tl ./„<,;/- .■" and . I'" ,,f .Atinust by the 
 Jutiiij Colonial Settlementa, 
 " New Ndhi'i'liinil Fortujpi" : in tln' I'c-rincr \vc comimiiiicuti'd to ^oii what !i:i'l l)0('ii 'lime in ilic 
 cii-so of Adrian ]'uii i(l paying 
 all dutios to tho Company : in the socoiid wo saiil, wo would utlviso you of wimt might furtiiur bo 
 douu in tiii.s niattur. It Htaiuls now tliii:- : nothing has oi'i'ui'i'i.'d until to-day, hut we learn 
 nnexpoftcilly of other intrigues, namely that maiiv guodn, do.sti.MC(l for N-in N<'th'rlai>'l, uro diiily 
 shipped in vuuaels sailing to Vhujlniii with passes grante)>er, wr' 
 show you. Tlio ship sails under ch^irter from tills Department to Virghiia, hut ^ e have ni> doubt, 
 that all or at least tho greater part of her wirgo will bo sold in New .VctherlH/ul and in this manner 
 the Company wiil be eheated outof theirdueson the X'lO Xcf/it'H'im/ ^imds ; by m cldr-e inspection 
 of all barks, sloops and small craft coming from Virginia to Xctn Xifherliniil vuu siionld be; able 
 to prevent such practices and we therefore earnestly charge you to make all possible 'efforts, 
 also to urge tin; Fiscal and the Sliips-Inspector that they must rigidly ixamine all vessels coming 
 there from Vinjinia or other places and pro<'ei'd rigorously against all smugglers or other pinplo 
 who defraud tho Company of their dues. Wo believo this to bo an ctfectual way to stop their 
 practices and shall send you the invoices of all the ships going to Vinjinia, to enable you to act 
 C'linii'lin Mihjn returned to New Netherlaiul in the ship " Foi'tiiijn\ ])rotoctcd by tho 
 safe-ciinduct, which their High; Might: gave him that he may live there uimiolested during the tiuu', 
 that his law suit here remains undec'ided : yow must not interfere with him. as longas he com|>orts 
 himself (piietly, but leave him in tho peaceful possession of his laiul. Shoi.ld the fellow however 
 again make troid)le, then you may proceed against him according to law; take care to procure in 
 all lawsuits or eases of coiitiscation sutlicii'iit documentary ovidenco to sustain you here. Kelying 
 thereupon wo commend you to God's i>rotoction etc etc. 
 Your good friends 
 Amsterdam The ninctors of the W. I. Coinp. 
 Sci)tlir. 22' lti50. \)^■\^\. ui AinxtcrdiOii 
 V. Scnii.KNiioitcn. 
 IsAAO NAN iihlOI-K. 
 The first inhaliitants agree togcather att Atih'xfort that they would fen<-(! in a ci-rtaine ipi.mlitee 
 of l.atui to ("onteine eight and tweiitie .shares, the s'' land to bo feiu-ed with jjost and raile in one 
 Common feiK-o and to hauc it comph^ated by a eertainc liaye by theni agreed \]ipon. \ ppuii the 
 penaltie of forfeiting as much to the rest as the s'' fence might come vnto; otherwise if they had 
 not liynne bownd in such a penaltie the halfe of 'lu'ni miirht haiio left olT and then the burthen hahy uny c.ttlo should (^onu, over tho s" (Teneo to the trespassin.r „r any n.an the s" 
 live should he nnm.diatelie removed or tho own..- to paye tho dannna,.- & likewise for any tree« 
 the wind should Downe hy , n.ans fenee, the own..- of tho fe,,,., innne.liatelv to reniovj then, 
 vppon the penaltie ol payeiuf,. ;! ^nld'" it hoinj, a nmino thin;,^ for tho preservation of the fruits of 
 the lielil and lone anioiii^'st Meii^diliours. 
 It was therefore ordered that tho men sl.ould at severall tyn.os as thev tl,oui,d.t tittin- view 
 all the tenresan.l when they found .lefoets to j.i,.e warning; lo the nei^hhours f, .nake upp'u,evro 
 teMeesa.rordn,^. to order; the whieh if not imn.ediatelie done, then' the p'ties d..failin.' to pi.vo 
 live ,!,,ld" the tnst tyine. th.y were Con.plained of. - s i^ild" the n-eond & soe inereasi, .did' 
 uimil ,sueh tyu.e as theyr. feuees were Coinple.ied .V: the >' thre men to be ..aid lor tltoyrc 
 j.aynes. ' •' 
 It was likewise order,.!, that whos,.evor sh..nld improve soe >nueh of his s' lott in i-iantin-' it 
 as that any tnv or trees „f his nei^dd.our or nei,:,hl,onrs ru.xt a.haeiuK ^^- who hath not soe f.dlio 
 ■v.'d theyre -rounds, whereby pr..iudice may redound by th. shade of th.' tree, the ,.'tio 
 U'ed silou d I'iue iiifiinnifinii fl.<>H..,.f i.. I.;. ;..i i .■ ., .' 
 piviuduvd should i^ue mfonnation thereof to his nei,::hbours re.p.eMin^r then, to fall ,|own th'evro 
 trees, the winrh >1 he ref.ised the p'tie preiudiee.l mi,i,W,t fall them Imnselfe .t to be paid two 
 stivers a foote by the owner ..f the 8" ground for ally trees hoe should fall thereon, when tho 
 owner ot t lo s" ^'ronud should make vse of i|. 
 It was likewise ordered that whosoeuer should kill foxes or wolfes within the Jurisdietion of 
 the towne should haue for every fox two ,mI,1 • .^ for every wolfe thro gild" to be p" thorn bv the 
 rest ol the iuhaiutan*s by rate. 
 Howsesbnu^ lik., to be lired in the winter tymo by tneans of the groate tires then kept, 
 whereby tlu; whole towne might be vndone. 
 It was therelore ordered .t agree.l that eaeh .nan should make a ladder of twentie foote Ion.' 
 by a tynu. prefixed a.id in ease he di.l not thou to paye t.vo gilders ten stivers p week for all tho 
 tyme he IS wit h( put one. 
 If was likewis,. ordered that whosoeuer did fall any timber trees, he was t.. take them awave in 
 two luonethstyu,,, unless h,.e ha.l eithers,p,ared or I ted them .H.f.. othrrwi.. it nd.^ht be lawfnll 
 an.l Ireo f..r any n>an to tak.. them, the n.as,.u Wu.s that some ,n..n falLd a great..'^, n,v thnber 
 trees t.. u.ak,. v.^e ..! ,u sm.-eing them .\: .elliug ti,em to oIIkt plaee.s, when the inhabitants tui.d.t 
 want neee>>ary timber for buil.liny. "^ 
 J7 ^ 
 1.4 i 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 - of their High: Might: so f „■ as to pretend the C.lony sho.dd he 
 (li\ ided into seven provinces, ;i r.)yal foil built upon the point of c ami other dreams, so th;\t yon lu'cil not trouble y.uir.self about them nor take 
 any notice of them, if yon should hear of them from anybody td.se, than ourselves. 

 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Wo observe tliiit many pcoi)lc do not seniplc, to take ix.sscssion, iiiulor tliis ])ivtoxt, of all the 
 best land tl-cro witliont formality and without determination by survey, as if the <:omi)any and its 
 oiliiri's had nothing to say about it and IukIIkh-u robbed or deprived of Hii'ir prerogatives; we 
 have therefore to direct yon herewith, not to grant land to any one without his ackiu.wledgiiig 
 projierly the authority of the W. [. Company an.l yon will especially take care, that henceforth 
 not niore land is granted to peoj.le, than what in your opinion after a thorough examination of 
 their means they will be able and intend shortly to populate, cultivate and bring into a good state 
 of tillage. Several instances i)rove, that by non-observance of these rules many parcels of land 
 are now claimed as i)roperty held for years, although very few improvements in regard to settliuir, 
 cultivating, tilling or j)lanting have been made. Thus we see it in CoraeUs Mrhjnx, Wonter van 
 Twi7/ers md others' ca.so^ Jfeh/n owning an island, 7 or S leagues long, of which oidy eight 
 morgensof land are under plough. ]V„>i/t}„r)aitil and be will inform you by wonl of mouth, what has been and is 
 daily being done here in reganl to Xrw X.thrrlk for your nvall, for you will lenrii from all 'he 
 circumstances, that we make all possible endeavors to maintain not oidy thr prerogatives of the 
 Company, but also your admiuistr.itioii and authoi itv. 
 We have before now given orders, that u])on such occurrences, as you complain of, esjiecially 
 the creating of uproar o!i the ;;treets or elsewluMV by pe,,ple, who ought to know bett.'r. fidl 
 documentary evidence should be .sent tons. We wi^h. it bad been .lone in your last letter, and .lo 
 not believe for certain good reasons, that you had no reliable witnesses, the more so. as vou say, 
 that the.sc proceedings are not approved by the majority of the community. Our belief in this is 
 confirmed by the testimony of the English pi'ople living within our boimdaries. 
 »Sf.' Vol. XIII |i|i. i!7iiiiil 28. 
New York IlUtorirul Jiecorda. 133 
 Wo nro ai.xio.m to loam, liow you have l.ocii treatod l,y our En-lisl, noi-l.Imrs i. ro-anl to 
 the Imniwlarj -luostioM. It socns to l.o best to live Nvitl, tl.e.n in ncigl.horly friondshi,, an.l 
 coiTos|.,.n(Iciicc, .18 wc havo groat hopes, that the envoys from tlii« government, who will shortly 
 le^u-e for luujhvyl, will nettle the .,nestioM Batisfuetorily with the Englinh authorities, a matter whieh 
 it Id said, has been esiiocially ivcoiiuneiKlcd to them. 
 It is further our intention to apply to the Queen of Sweden and try, whether wo cannot 
 dctenuino the boundaries between us and the Swedes on the South river. Vou must in the 
 meantime endeavor to maintain the ri-hts of tiie Company in all justice and onuitv but wc 
 recommend at the same time to act at all occasions witli such discretirn and circnmsi.ection that 
 complaints, disputes and breaches of friendship with our allies be avoided. 
 We can take no further notice of Brant ran SlcUmhorse. remonstrances, than to receive 
 tlie mformat.on of the taking pos.session of the KaMil, which had boon convoyed t.. others loi... 
 before he t.x.k possession of it and wo have so far not honx able to discover, by what ri-ht he ov 
 his priiu^pals lay claim to this property, for they have never applied to the Company for it in .lue 
 form. .Nor can we understand, how the colonists of lientselaemoyrk coxxVl take possession of 
 ^.,v.«/.vAn,,^ afterwards callo.l lient.hwrs Sf„,j„^ an.l go ■„ far as to invest this j>lace with the 
 ngh^ ot staple dcmai.ling fiom every one, except the Company, a toll of 5 per cent on his ..oods 
 and growing so mipi.dont, that they finally asserted, Fort Oran,je was built on their territory •m.l 
 they would not permit anybo.ly to take his rosi.lcn.-e in the fort, oven though the Coinpa,,; ha.l 
 given their consent, and engage in the fiirtrade. 
 We have only this to *iyt„ them ill reply: the fort ha,l been builr by tlie Company maiiv 
 years before the said colonists selected the territory for tiicir colony ; wo have therefore alroad;- 
 directed you, t., protect the rights of tlie inhabitants of uur fort and'conlirm herewith our former 
 orders, ad.lmg further, tliat you must resist by all proper means and if necessary by f,.rce ilie 
 attempts of all daring to levy taxes or imposts in any river, islaiul or port within the Vjonn.any's 
 jurisdictioi to the injury of the public in general or individual traders. Wo are resolved never 
 to grant to any colonist such privileges and jurisdiction, as tliese people ernmcusly ima-Mue to 
 possess. ' " 
 It is astonishing, that the .foresaid delegates dare to spread tlie report in the community 
 at the (omp.iuy owned no other soil in X.no Neth.rland, than Manhattans Island while k' 
 cm bo clearly proNX-d. that tiiey have bought vast tracts of land 011 South rrrer, the Fresh river 
 Lomj Island and many other ,,laces in the neighborhood. These men are therefore -rosslv 
 deceiving people and try only to dispossess, if possible, the Company; but wo hope to balk 
 them. - . I 
 'Tis true, that the Xotary ./,„, ,v,;; 7^ IV/);*,- has made several applicati,.ns for a lar^re tract 
 of hind, which you think migiit be granted t.. him witlu.ut much prejudice to our intertNts- we 
 would have no objection to gr,,„t his re.p.est. if he wonl.l ,.nly desist from his extravagant demand 
 of highest and lowest jurisdiction, which we deem inconvenient and are still determined to reserve 
 for the Company : but wo are willing to give everybody as much laud as he sliall need Many 
 IM'ople are ag.im going over in the ships now ready to sail, who intend to settle there and vo'u 
 must accoiiim,)dato each according to his position and the number of souls with him. consulting 
 your own discretion and the requirements of their families, forit isoiiraim to promote the inc'ivweof 
 population there by all nuMUs. You will also acrouimodate the II„nord.l,. Unidrlrl- ran d.r 
 Caj.t/r u-ith fayorably lorated lan.ls, as far as he is iuelined to take possession of and cultivate and 
 IHople any land there, whirl, he seems to intend judging tVom his letters: we desire very much 
 Marly Colonial Settlement, 
 tliat siicli Wfiiltliy pcdplo inif!;lit take a fancy for tliat coiintrv. Wc ren;rct, that wo oannot ftiUy 
 comply witli the rLMpiust of Mons. Li Mnntangle, althouf^li wo are williiif^, upon your rucor.imeiuhi- 
 tion, to grant as imich, as tlio condition of the Company admits. Under tiiese cireumstftneos wo 
 thouglit it advisable, that you slionld he directed to enco.irage him in the continuanpe of his duties 
 and not to molest iiim for the jircsent on account of what he owes to the Company, further also to 
 increase Iiis yearly salary from 150 to 200 fl and to favor liim, subject to our approval, with any 
 ottice, ])ecoming vacant, for whicli you think liiTii fit. 
 We cannot say anything about the eoi)ies called for by Domino Jfef/ajw/cnsi.t, except that we 
 delivered to the reverend Classis the manuscript of his "Kxamiiiation or Confession for the benefit 
 of tho.so, who are inclined to approacli the Lord's Table," that it may be ])rinted : although wc 
 have called upon the reverend brethren several times, wo have as yet received no other n'ply, as 
 that they would take this matter into serious consideration. Afeanwhile the Almighty has been 
 pleased to remove D" A''\vcAv'«.s', a member of the commission, from this vale of nn'sery ; this is 
 likely to retard tlie matter somewhat, but we sliall not wase to push it. This (h'partment has 
 resolved to release you from your ))rivato engagement with 1)°. Miyapn/cnais and to charge itself 
 witli his yearly salary. Imping that M-ith the Lord's Ijlessing these lands will shortly be in so 
 flourishing a condition, that all the expenses for them may be paid out of tlieir revenues and that 
 in time also a i)art of the moneys disbursed by us may bo refunded. With this view we recommend 
 you seriously to make all possible efforts in collecting old debts due to the Company and tho 
 tithes from sucli pieces of land, wiiich are now subject to them ; so that we may be relieved from 
 tho municipal expenses. 
 Wc think a distinction should he made between the bouwcrics owned on the hmd of tho 
 Company and improved before occuiiation by the present owners and those taken up in tho 
 wilderness; we leave that to your I'iscrotion, for not jiosiiessiTig the proper information wo cannot 
 well make an e(juitable discrimination. Some n iTcliants believe, that the duties u])on beavers aro 
 too high, the merchantai)le beaver being rated there ac S fl ; they have therefore a.sked for a 
 reduction to Ofl, to which we canno^ consent, as most of the beavers, arrived in the last ships, have 
 sold tor 10 fl a piece or thereabouts. We find licsidi's tiiat large (piaiititii'S are beiii ' smuggled in. 
 Tlio same is done with g(jods for your market and we liave come to tlie conclusion, that the Fiscal 
 either connives with the defrauders or is not careful enough : we arc led to use tho former 
 exjiression, because we learn from common /vports, that he is altoi;efher too intiinate witii tho 
 traders, especially in places, which our i^er'ant., and principal olHcers should not frecpient. If any 
 comiilaiiit shordd be made on account of wliat we just liavo said, we are • pared to give; a [ilain 
 answer, on which you may rely, and if the Secretary and the Notary find n jther chances to certify 
 to complaints, then there can bo no difficulty. 
 It ia not all stiiuige, that passengers arriving there complain of too liigh paa.sage rates, lint wo 
 cannot help it at tliis time, although we have made efforts, even threatened the skippers not to 
 allow them a commission, unless they would take pas.sengers at seven stivers pi^r day for board. 
 It was all in vain and wo have been obliged to make an agreement with ski|>per lilonnntirrt for 
 tho transport of the soldiers and train-jjcr^onal, coming herewith, at S stivers jier day. Wo shall 
 speak of these men again farther on. 
 We are surprised, that you amuse yourself with protests and countcrprotests against the 
 [nunicipal officers concerning matters of so little imjiortance as Cor instance the pews and seats in 
 the church and as we trust, that the church is large enough tii place every om(' according to Iiis 
New York llhkmcal liecords. 185 
 rimk, it appoMrs to ,m, timt Buch trifles d,, not dcscrvo so nmcli attention r.s|,eci:illy in tlieso 
 troiihiesoiue times. 
 We were sorry to lioar, that the Maquea I.ad invaded tlie torritory of tlio French in Canada and 
 captured 8 or Chri.stiiuis, for M-hoiu they are .aid to deu.an.l a lar-o ruuHoni or they would cruelly 
 torture thoni, which excited your compassion : that is (luite proper for all Christians, but everyone 
 18 bound to take caro of hii.iself and his own people. You know, that some time ago men of this 
 nation were ransomed at tiie expense of tiie Company and by contributions of the eoinmunity, for 
 which we have never been repaid. We think now, that when tlic complaints mich France, they 
 will take caro of their own countrymen. 
 So far it has been beyond oiiriiiciiiH to comply witli your re.piost to send you a largo amount 
 of money in ^mall coin for tiie benelit of tlie public and it is ecpmlly impracticable to comjiel tlu. 
 tradera, agreeably to your second proposition, to i)ay tbj diitv of ,S p. ct. in cat-b and thus briix' 
 small coin to Neio mtJwrland : they make now every effort to free themselves from all bur.lcns" 
 at least from the greater part of the vustoMis and Wontcr van Twil/.r with his set encourage them' 
 not a little, trying to persuade them, that modifications will bo made, because evervbo.lv is un willin.. 
 to emph)y his ships in this trade or to briii^,' his goods into our warehouses. Wo"do not know ui)on 
 what grounds these assertions are made and doubt not, these people will soon find out, how tliey 
 have been deceived, especially when mn Tft^/ZAr attempts to carrv out his intention of making 
 himself master of the whole Northrivcr tnuie. We know that he has laid his plans f.,r this f.,r 
 some time past, seeing that he introduced the right of staple on Bccnn Mind, now bv them culled 
 RfmselarrMyn as mentioned abo\ e ; but m e do not at all intend to tolerate that : evervbodv ^hall 
 have free and unmolested navigation on this river and trade at our Fort Oramje, claimed by 
 them to be erected on their territory. Who ever heard a more impudent assertion ! This matttT 
 makes lis averse, to grant to any one in the future such unlimited colony and jurisdicti,)n, altbuugh 
 wearoat all times willing, to allot to every applicant as much land as they will populate and 
 cultivate, as we have already said. Although wo h:ive once before written" about the Island of 
 Ciir,H-tiired hy (.'aptaiii lUauvelt : all thi.s is direetiy coiitriiry to our 
 orders. Wo gave our reii.soiis before atul tliat sliouid liave been sutHeieut, to prevent yoH froui 
 placiuj; us iu (hiiii,'t'r of uuueeessary lawsuit^i. It is true, that lus yet no irKpiiry has l)een niado 
 al(i)ut it, apparently beeause the peo[>le do not know, what has become of their j)roi)erty, but time 
 will .show, what tho eonsetpieuces may be. 
 Althougli you an; of opinion, tliat the sliips •< l.'ufd," '• St. /i, ii/'no'" and " Joiuj/- Priiict)" 
 weie lawfully and proi)erly eonfisuated, we are nevertiieless ealled to account about it and i*onie of 
 the lawsuits are ajipareiitly goiui? against us. Wo see in tho doeuiiioutar/ evidence sent us, that 
 till! Fisi'al did not formulate ids complaiut eorn'ctly and did not acronipanv it with stillicient proofs, 
 lie must be more careful in the future; he also ought to ha.i: investigated, wiiat had become of 
 the embezzled pieces of candet, sold at such scaiulalous jjrices. We urge you to do it, but we 
 iiitendt'il also, that you should admonish the Fiscal to do his dutv. 
 You persist in asking Un- ecpiipnients and ai'coutremonts, promisiiig upon their receipt to send 
 us in the spring by tho shij) " /'riiis WUh m" a cargo of logwood. We have done as much in 
 this reganl, as wo could, and are now e.\p(>(!ti!ig the shi|) : iu ^hc hope cf the early arrival wo exert 
 ourselves again to send you l>y her next voyage soldiei-s, train-personal, annnunition and other 
 necessaries conform to the enclosed list, intending that, as you promised, their pay should bo 
 defrayed out of the customs revenues. 
 All this must satisfy you, liow deeply we are interested in -V('//> Xfthfrlatul and your own 
 reputation ; we posti>oiu! much, that is important, in order to ItenoKt that country — and expect from 
 you a corresiioniling interot and care: we liope to re<'eive by the next ship a s|)ecimen of tho 
 iiuligo, which you exjiected to obtain from a man on Suinh'r l.eendrtu'' ship. Time must show tho 
 result. The plan, made last year, to send thitlier ;{00 to 40(1 boys and girls from some orjihanages, 
 will not be carried out, being found to otTer too many inconveniences. .\o m )re correspoudenco 
 is therefore reipiircd on this subject. 
 Jahncr Thoiaunxen, late Capt.iin of the yacht " Ni'in Sionll" lias presented to us for pavnu'nt 
 your boiid for IlMiiHl.. dated I'O"' .if .Vugust ll!H», given for purchased cordage under |)roiuiM-, that 
 it should be paid out of the tirst lot of logwood .sent over here. We had ncn'er beard of it and 
 have therefore been obliged to refer tlx! man back to you, as we have no doubt, that you will find 
 means to .-atisfy him either out of the customs revemu-s or otherwise. W.- should have been able 
 to pay off some smaller creditors by balancing their claims against tin; duties on gooils shipped by 
 tho ves.sels now about to sail, but for reasons mentioned before this mode did not only appear 
 dangerous to us, but was also impracticable this time on account of the great expen.ses -aused bv 
 the soldier.s, the ammunition etc., which had all to bo paid in ca.sh. We have been eompelled to 
 allow skipper lUinnmnert, that he may deduct from the duties, payable by him, the cost of subsi.stenco 
 of 40 men for !1(» days to be calcidated accoi'iling to the contract made with him. The aforesaid 
 soldiers while making the jKUSsage are to be under the eommaiul of Captain Fijn, who got's over 
 with wife and children to .settle there. The (/'ompany owes him as balaui'o of pay L'OO ll, for which 
 he has troubled ns a gooil y tliM su}'i,'L'nti(>n, if vou 
 1'ho Dooks Hunt over tt 
 information whatever of tl 
 ' part I V 
 ow nil 
 fro(iucntIy called for it iind tiro still demand 
 10 amounts and values, wiiieh vou hav 
 ii-h you have expended, hut they g 
 ivo US no 
 are nnH.sini 
 ng it. We find also that tl 
 ■0 reeeivod, althouL'l 
 I we have 
 many iicconnts are not settled and other t 
 -^ ".' """"'■i-' aie noi, Betiieii ami other thing-i. Von will 
 UH far as possihic an.l send over your accounts, that wo may n.rko o.n- l,alan( 
 10 a<'connls of ecjuiimients 
 >n will liquidatu every item 
 For eortain reasoim, it is true, we I 
 answer in regard to tho houwerv, which 
 o as yot not dooiueil it expedient to give you a deti 
 you are using. This has not 1 
 you tho place pniferring others, hnl hecius,. wc (hou-ht,you understood 
 we were ignorant of the value and hication of 
 )een done, hocauso wo grudge 
 our intentions, a 
 inforination. AVe 1 
 lave now fnllv 
 it, in regard to which wo 1 
 .Iso he 
 lavo now received 
 as you will see hv the contract of 
 ,'reed on this Huhject with Juii Jnnn,n Dameii 
 act ill' 
 Pi'tor (lidtil aniiovrt us hcn^ with a d 
 ale sent over with Jmi, ('la< 
 111 \our 
 »>vt/( DamSS ll and in 
 II. >w) while in tl 
 an.ither wilh 'Jl tl. 'i"| 
 ns accounts ill 1(!4.1 (Secretary J'itn/i 
 11 pi 1 1(1 1 1 
 iiks of foUowin 
 hoi'i'ii ill fori 
 •years he is char^-c.l 
 in one 
 lese entries appear rather strain'o an.l 
 dissatis^ictioi. aii.oi^ his eie,lit.,rs here, who ask f..r a s..ttleiuo,it, while 'we .lo mit know,'whem.e 
 these d..ht,s ari,so. \ ,.,. will plea>e to give us au explanation In-lirst cliiMiee, that these people here 
 may get satisfaction. ' ' 
 Closing herewith, we c.imiueiiil vou etc etc. 
 "^ ^'^"•^•'' K'-'l- Dopartment of ^l,,.,sAW,/,;, 
 1>AVI1> V.\.\ I'.AKTK.N. 
 J. 1'. Sciii i.KMi.jueii. 
 i:i) or •rwK.vrv-Tw.t m.)1(.,i:.ns .)k land or Mhspath ku.. 
 jfore 111.',. /,„•»;. A'/;., in the ah.sonee of the .Secretary ai.p.mite.l hy the 11, m'''' Direeti 
 I'Airhj ( 'olonial Sdth itrnta. 
 (Jononil and Ooiiiicil of Xi'in Xethedund, iijipcarcil 1)1 irk IFohji men, nn inlmliitant licrp, who 
 di't'liii'ed tliiit 111' sold and cuiivi'vcd, as In- dtiff* licrcliy, to l'it< r llmhlo mid Ahrnlimn iIiiumi it, in 
 ooinjvmy, a tvrtaiii parcel uf land !*itiiatt> on Mi.ipuchtt n Kil uppn-ito llUluinl Jiriiliiih, U<\'\\\v\\y 
 tho ijropcrty of mw Cornel i8 ir///e'/y(.'((7/, coiitaiiiiiig according to tiio j;riimiil liriif, twi'iify-two 
 iiiorifciiH, olio liimdrcd and tliii'lyHJx rods; wliicii land lie, the grantor, coiivcyH to tin' said t'tter 
 lludde and Abra/iiuii Jonxin, in (•oiiii)aiiy, in oik', true, firo and right owncrwliip, tlii'ii'foro 
 nMioiiiicing tho right anil projicrty had tlicri'to, wiMi authority to enter on, cultivate and iiii>i! tlio 
 waid land froc and iininolested, on condition that tho resi'rvation mentioned in the ground hrief in 
 regard to the acknowledgnieiit of the Lords and i'atroonsof this cy law provide/.'" which has no lists of invoices. Yon will do well to follow 
 the directions given in the afore.-'iid letters and in oiir private letters to you and your deputy 
 Diiirkhiijc, fur we strive to iiisure harmony, i)ros|)erity and an increase of the population of New 
 Nitherhind. Every day the jjrospects improve. TIk; bearer hereof Curiielin emi T'lenhoven, 
 who returns in iiis former quality of Secretary will inform yon of what has further been done 
 hero in the negotiations or rather arrival of the envoys from I'lKjtiind, in regard to the boundary 
 -"»^ Tin,/,or.n l.-is mjucHtcl uh for ,.or.„iHsio„ t.. purcJinso a honwery i„ 
 An.n.Hucato w>th you, that you may Hon.l uh a full report by next ehance a.ul wo 
 n,ay theroupou conHent to the Soeretary'H request. You will .lo well therefore not to enter into a 
 new (.out raet w>th J/,oma, Hat, l.ut to await our answer to your letter an.l .ict accordingly 
 We have ..n^a^ed hero as bookkeeper in .V.., Netlu^-land ,fohann,s D,,i-man, our forn.er 
 first clerk, at a salary of 30(1 per n.onth exclusive of sul.sisten..u rnonev, whom wo reeo.nmend to 
 you most earnesfly, that if there is at present any vacancy or at so'nu, future tin.c you may 
 n.me.nber to advance urn to such a position iw you may believe him fit for considoriuK his past 
 Bcrviccs, behavior and knowled^'o. *' ' 
 In onler to increase the population of Ifno i\eth..rhuul an.l to pronu.to tho trade to it wo 
 have resolvecl tl.^ henceforth you shall den.and np.m all «oods which are properly n.erchandis.., 
 conuuK to N.w Netherland ro^n En^Hish Vuyhua or Nnc Kn.jlan.l, a .luty of A per cut a.u 
 that all Roods sen there fro,„ .VV,. T.^../,../ shall pass free duty, bo that tho practice c,f 
 some poop e, who sh^, the.r f,..ods to Ife,„ /uujian.l and then enter then, in .Y... .Wm.;.A,../ 
 nn.ler he lower tar.ff, ,nay bo sn.ppe.l and no prejudice bo done to tho merchants who ship their 
 goods .hre(.tly from here to N, w Ndlirrhmd. ^ 
 The, ,.roposition ,nade by yon in your beforomontioncd letter, to increase the .Inties on goods 
 sent to l,/.i/.;uatooqnaltho8oof AV,. A^.M../,,.,/ and thus .livert the tra.le from the 4n,er 
 has been found "■'Pr-ticahle ^^for all Depar.n.cnts of the Co,npauy being en, powered to issue 
 n.n.nnss.ons to sad to hnghsh ».■.,,.,., it would be to their prejudice and to ,he advantage of the 
 Dcpartn.ent of Am.terda.n an.l they wonhl n..t cnsont toit. Von have therefore t..a..t according 
 t.. tlu. aboy.. .M.,lcr, ,lMv..t,ng 1.! per cent, t., be .len.an.le.I on goods c.ming fron, English Vinjuna, 
 M..1 y,.u w.l further plea.so to .nfonn us by the next opportunity of your opinion !,„.! the resul 
 or BUCCOM of it. 
 The n,..th..r of TV,,n;. Andnc.s.n of Amsterdam, who sailed from hero as first gnnnerin tho 
 slnp '.VW ontho9'-of.Septen,berl.;4;t,d..sedhisaccountsintho b.u.ks of Cmii-ao March 
 ';.^';i7'' then wont to Ne>„ N.tl.rland, where he is sai.l to have .lie.i as n,ate o^ the ,:.;!; 
 L.:fd. has s,n..e three y.>ars overrun an.l sollieited ns for the balance of her son's wages, wbh^h 
 wc could not g,ve her, n,.t having the books here. Yon will therefore keep i„ ,„i,ul To ln.\ ns 
 at an early opportunity cop.es of this and ail other ships a,...ounts, that we mav bo in cn.lition to 
 coM.ply w,th the r..asonab .. rcp.ests of these people an.l obtain inforuuUion c'ncoming tw.. items 
 m the account ..f DavulProroM, one of 32'J tl, tho other of 59 tl, which we have mentioned to 
 becretary Thicnhoven. Herewith etc 
 ,, .,,,„, ,. ' ., Your good friends 
 tho J(y^^ot April The Directors of the W. I. Comp. 
 JJq'artment of AitmUrJain. 
 Jon AN IK Tnou. 
 Isaac va:« Bkkok. 
1 10 I'Milij Ciilonial Siflniiienta. 
 To the IIoii(iriil)l(', Vij^iiroim, Wine, I'liuli'iit, Uiiic'ruot 
 I'llrxM StuythMiint, Diri'itor (IcmaMl in 
 Ni II' \ith( rliind. 
 Iloiiornlilo, N'igoroiiK, I'ioiiw, Dear, Faitlit'ul. 
 Scorotiirv Corin'h'i run Tliifii/iiu'i'ii ri'iHittcd to iih, tliat sliorfly lii'fnro primiiijj awny fi'oiu 
 tlion lio liml liecii ai>i"iiiiti'(l l>y you ami tlic C'omicil tu the \i\mw ot" Jim /cjf * nalary l>y '-'J per cent fur tin- atlditiimal truiiliicrt in tliitt otllci'. 
 We know from experience, that on itmny lamlM in Ni-m XctlnHdint the tithes calleil fer hy 
 tile contnictH have liccn impaiil for s(>vcral ycar^* and that on account of the last innurrcctioii of the 
 Bavap'H the non-payment hai* hccn connivecl at ami evcuscd ; m tht^ people have now been in 
 ix-auefiil ))o8no»nion of thoir IiuuIh for aiiout (I years they nhould not In' unwillini,' to pay up nnd 
 von mnst take care to have the collections made at tirst in such a lenient niamicr, as you may 
 think hest for the avoidance of any trouhle and discontent. Aih ise us of what you do and how 
 you sueeeetl, that we may then consider, what should tie ume. Itelying hereupon we commend 
 you ete. 
 Ainifei'ifam, Vour piod friends 
 the 2(V" of Ai)ri! Tlie Directors of the W. I, Comp. 
 Itl51. Department of Ain'tii'ilnm. 
 .loUAN I.K TlloK. 
 Isaac van Ukeck. 
 To ^cHunonhXo, cti: Pctrun f^fin/vi sunt 
 \)\\X'vU>\- (\vwr\\.\ \\\ Ni'ii^ Xethcrland. 
 Dr.Kl) OK A I'l.ANI ATloN ON LoNO l-l,ANI). 
 Before me. ftiroh Kip, ai)|MiiMte(| clerk here, ;ip])eared /.I'irix /'updi/oii, of tin? one ]>art and 
 Joria Stevemi'n from Wimjeii, on the other jiart, who declared in tlu' presence; of the undernamed 
 witnesses, to have aijrced and contracted ahout the purchase of a certain just half of a plantation 
 situate on Ldikj /.s/mul south of /'. ^/• Sr/iaorifo urnjir, on the imderwritten condition, to wit : 
 Lwii y^/yW//o/( sells to Juris .s'A /•<'// .t.7i aforesaid, who al-o aeknowledi,'es to have houirhl, 
 the Just half of the ahovenameil plantation, formerly cultivated hy -/(in JdUKcii from DltimrHcn* 
 uecordini^ to the i,'roimil hrief thereot', and the deed thereof e\i'cuted on this day to the Itchoof of 
 the Vendor and (li/slirrt Ar(iwcil, df the liuildin^'s and 
 all standing; thi'i-eupon lic|o!i<^irii; to the vendor in partnership with (iyxlmt Ai'' nlxiii, for the sum 
 of ei;,dit liundred uml til'ly guilders to he jiaid down, after the sale and conveyance are ajiproved 
 hy the Hon''" Council, in \t I reals of el:;hr couiputrd at three guilders a pii'ce. Wherefore, llie 
 vendor hereliy tran.-pcrfs ami conveys the precist; half of said land with its appendaires, as they 
 hcfin^; to liiin, to tln' -aid .forit .VA /•/(*'/(. «r his suc'csoi-s. renouncing' all anl rij,dit and 
 property had then.'to, ami places the said Jaris Sfi'iion ot 
 • A ilistrirt ill IIiilHirin. 
Xev) York lli»tot'iial Utron/H. j^i 
 thi.iilh.voiiu,tit:,.,.r.l lim.l witli fl.o ,.|.|...u.Imk,m thuru.,f; Tlu.a.f..ro piirti... pn.u.iHo tl.iH tl„.ir 
 pim-liiHo uii.i .l.r.l tn liuM „n,l niuHo to U. lu'l.l, to olwurvo mid oxecuto lirrnlv arul ii.viulal.ly ^^\\ 
 iiiiilcr ti«)iiii accoi'djn^ to law. ' 
 fii t(-HtiiiioM,y Wm M HiKiiud l.y parties nml witnwm.H this II"' of July A" U\'A, X,w Am.ster,!um 
 ill Xiin Aif/irr/umf. 
 Thirt irt tlK»,i2l^ mark of Lkwih Pai-kuov, iiukJo by liimsulf. 
 Till* is fho AjWrniirk of Jokw Stkvknskn, made by biiiiHoIf. 
 Tills is t; K mark of Ovsiieht Arkntskn, iiiiulo iih witnusa, 
 Andukas IIoi'fka. 
 To my kiio\vli'dijj»», Jacoii ICii*. Olcrk. 
 Thisdnfo 11'" of July ltl5l, tl.c for..p,iui,' dmi ww. in tlio fthsoiino of tlio Hon""" Diroctor 
 (Jcnorai fully approved by tho lion'"' Couueil. la testimony Hi^r„,d, date.l as ul.ove, Xe^o 
 A msterdam, 
 I„„„v,v.«, ^yido^y of ./«h 
 J.>n.n from />.^m,.,v,«, assisted by h.-r present brideitroom, 7',,n;.J„ri.s.n ,'.„, ,l,r Vcm, ■wul 
 G;,.^h,rt. ArrentMn from liullirk with L,-;. /V/'/"". a native of ». .)/„.//.,. who .leeiared 
 that they had agreed and eovenanted together about the piirehase of eertain lands, to wit • 
 .hlt,e /}ou,r.,,n, a.ssiste.I by her present bride-n-.m abovena-.ied. sells bv virtue of the 
 .irronndbrief urantod by the Hon"'- Dir.vtor (Jenerai and Conneil of .Vnr .Wtlwri.t,,,! on the •>(- 
 otMareh l(!h.toher abovenanied husban.l V,r/. ./<,«.,,,. deeeased. her bonwerv or i.lautation 
 situate on fon,, Uuul near the plantafiuii of /',y,r S,h...r.t. en,',y,r (.•hiinnev-sweeper, and that 
 as j,^,od an,| as ba.l, as lai-e and as small as beloiij,.s to her. the vendor, aeeonhng to the ..roiind- 
 hru.f tii..n.of on iveord, under the above date, to (;;,.krt ArmUn from nulllck mA Le,rh 
 .pri.jnn Iron, .V. Martn, aforesaid, who also arknowled^fe to have pnivhased the above mentioned 
 br.uwery or plantation for the sum of two hundred and lifty Caroliis guilders, j.avable in three 
 mstalnu.nts, to wit, one hundred guilders down, and one hundred -nildei-s next New Year's If.r.l 
 ami the remaining tifty guilders in .Iiiiio I.'mI. i„ ..urrent piv. when the vendor sh:dl be bound t.i 
 give the prnvhaser ab.resaid a proper deed of the said land ; tliev. the appearers, .leelariie- that 
 t ley wil iiilhll fins their eontra.-t in all its parts. Wherefore, the vendor, for the .leliverv ami 
 the pnivhaMTs. for .1,,. payment tli,..v,.r. plrdge their personsand property, movableand immovable, 
 hiihmitting the same to all courts, tribunals and judges. 
il M^' 
 Em'hj Colonial Settlements. 
 In testimonj' this is signed l)y parties i i 
 Before inc, Jucoh Kip uppointed clerk iiere, ajipoarod Teun'sJorispii van der Ff?*'/'^, hnsband 
 and ijnardian o{ Add'' I)'uiivi'i>cn,ht{}. vvidow oi Jjn./diisi'nirom /)it/ia(rKe)i,v:]ioin the preseiieo 
 of the nndernimed witnesse:^, deehuod tliat they transferred and eoiiveyed as they do hereby, to 
 Gyxhert Arentucn from Bntlick and Leiris I'apelijon. in com])any, a certain ])li!ntat'i ii sitnate on 
 Long lulanil, south nf Piter St7ioromising thishiaeonveyaiu'e 
 to hold, obser\e and e.xecute firndy and inviolably, undrr bond accorditig to law. 
 In testimony this is signed by the principal and grantor, with the witnesses, this 11"' of .inly, 
 A° 1C51, New Amsterdam. 
 This is tlie —^ murk of Teinis 
 Jo.'UiJEN made by !5& him.self. 
 ToMAs FREni:nicKSEN ) .. 
 . r, • witnesses. 
 AnDUEAS llol'FVA j 
 To my knowledge 
 Jacop Xie, clerk. 
 On tiic d;ite hereof, 11"' of -liily 1(1.")!, this foregding iKm d and conveyance was, in theabsi'iice 
 of tlie Hon'''"' Director General, fully approved and ratitieil |iy tlie lion''" (Jouneil of Neio 
 Netkerlan'1, by order of the Hon'''" Director General. In testimony signed, dateil as aliove. 
 New Amsterdam. 
 \,\ Alo.s'r \(;\K. 
 II. VA.N DviK. 
New York Hktwical Jiecords. 143 
 Lkttku fuom S..KU.KF UM.Kumr.r, ok Flu.uin,,, L. I., t.. Di.ucrrou Stuvve.ant : ti.k Dnn-nou 
 Most iiol'lo (Jeiiurall. 
 _ Thomas Lawrence being at iV.'»«;nfM W,mh, wbo exelaiined 
 against .vourworsnp that bee coulde banc noo iustiee of you ami would prosecute yon in ne^o 
 LnyJand a tlie Connm.s.on Courte ; Mr. Eaton writes to n.ee for evidence tbat the nu.nev attached 
 in .e .a,uk of Ihomas Laivrcnce due to Jonas was l,y order froni yourselfe and soe to rcn.aine 
 until) the saulo Joua. came h.tber to answer such partic.da.-s as shoulde bee laide to his cba.w I 
 se,.t n.y ..epos.t.on that by o,-,ler fro... your wo,-ship the ..,o.,oy was attached a.,d that I qnestio.'.ed 
 not bt.t at your retu.-ne f ro..i the Sontbriver they ...ight receb.e better satisfaction i.. case vo.. iu.l.ed 
 .f.eete to gme then. a,. acco..nt, this Jurisdictio.. not being subo.-dinate to their8;n,atterri„ 
 d.iTc,-e,.ce falle.,K o.jt here ,.ot an.ung the.,i wee bane alsoe set yo,. inc'losed the list of the ,:a,ne8 
 o the people acco.-d,.,g to yo..r order: also the exa...inatio,. of the unfort..,.ate death of Nicholas 
 7i«%tb,.s conuuond...g you to the protection of al...igbtie god I rest a.id rc.uab.e yours to 
 co.n.iiand. -^ 
 Jflushiiiff this 24"" of 
 August 1G51. T ^^ 
 John Underiiill. 
 To the ]jigbte Worsbipp- 7>et,r Sfn!,v.sant Esquire, Governor Gcnerall of this Troviuce at his 
 bouse 111 the Iforte ^t'U) Anisterdani these p.-esent. 
 Deed kok land and rAnxE on Ix>xo Island. 
 This day, this 21."' of August A" 1(151 before n,e,,/,„v;/. KJj,, appointed ele.-k bv the Hon"" 
 director (ie.ieral and Council of Xe,, X<7^vA,W appeare.l II,nnj h're.sn; of the one ..art and 
 &o-ur Cornel <.H,r /'.//Av-of the other pa.-t, wlm i>. the presence of the ..n(le.'..a...ed wit..e>scs declaivtl 
 that they had ag.-ccd and cont.'auted together about the purchase of ce.'tain lauds and cattle on the 
 conditions uiidcru-ritten to wit : 
 _ Jlenry Breser sells to Sinr ('orn.lls de Pott,,; who also ack„o«ledir,s t., have bought a certain 
 piece of Luid situate on ^,/WUn 
 //oorhlunt.:uu\ 1- mlnuA- I.nhh. rx. n, as la.'ge a.i.l as small as apj.ea.-s bv the -.•o.i.ul-briefs dated 4- 
 of bcpt. I(;4r.and9'".,f .lii.ie bit.;, granted by tbellon-'vDi.vctorGeneVal Will/am Kl.ft deceived 
 to the l,eh,.nt of Hrnnj lir,s,r, with all whatsoevr the vendor has the.'eon an.l is bebm-ing tol.i...! 
 togetbc.r with thirty-tive an.l one-half (.v,V) goats, consisting of .nilch, b..ck and gel.le.l goats which 
 the pin-diascr now takes at his .-isk a..d ha/.ard, likewise, two ...ilch cows and o.ie calf which a.'e at 
 John .Vorr,.ss at 6V„r,*m/, aii.l a.^e to be .klivered to the pu.vhaser 0.1 Amsla'dmn Fair,* 
 • An nr,ii„a„,.« of l„.ll orM a rattlo fair to l,o 1,„M at X.w A,nM,nla,n oach year on tho 15". of Oe.ol„.r an.i a 
 a,r for 1,o,h .„, ,..., l- „f Nov..,..,... .Sr.,r«„. entaMi.!...,, l.y Or.li,.a„oo of lO.S a w...,dv ...arkot ..„..!. Mo „v 
 a,.,, a,. a,.,.,.:.l fr.-.. ...arK.U ,o bo h..),! for .0 ..o,.s.H-u,ivo >lay.. ..,.,i„„i,.« o,. St. Bar.holo.,.,;w« Dav, ,A,.,..b, •• "f 
 ■ro,a 1.,,,.. ,1.,. w,...klv ,.„.rk.., was h,.l.l .„.,w,.,.,. wl.a, aro now ..7.V,./,,,// and .W:„„v ./n,Y.. .V. Y. I.'. , ;58uvo c. ,le 
 ^u. w,.ro .. uM,.,.,.d. on. for U-an ,.,1,0 >U.rin. ...e wl.o.e u.o..... of May. tl.o other for fat cat.Io fron, U.,. •.;'.' 
 tr I. K ■' ^-•^■■"•-'. -'"""8 -I'i^'U -veral ...rio.!., no atranger i,. the I'ity could bo arretted or 
 K.. :.L. 
 Early Culonial Settlenirnts. 
 according to contract ; and that for tlio bumi of elovonliundred and twenty -five guilders, payal)lo one 
 lialf in llix dollars, or Realti of Eight, coniputed at three guilders a j)iec'e, the other half in choice 
 wampum, or merchantable wares at the seller's option, all prompt pay ; the ownership, claim and 
 possession of which lands and cattle the vendor hereby surrenders henceforth forever to the behoof 
 of tlie abovenamed Mr. Cornells kesi;u 
 aboveuiuned, made by himself. 
 • "Witnesses. 
 CoKNEI.IS 1)K PoTlKlJ. 
 TouiAS Eemm. 
 This is the 1 11 '"'"'^^ "^ 
 IIakmkn 1Ia.vs?:n', made by himself. 
 To my knowledge, Jacob Kip, Clerk. 
 On this 31" of August lil.")i, this foregoing deed and eiuiveyance is aj)proved by the Director 
 General and Council of N<'W Nethirlninl. 
 In testimony signed by the lion''''' President, Ntuu AianLrdain. 
 Lka.sk ok A nouwEiiY ON TUE soirm siitK OK {Fans IIa.\>kn"s boitwkkv, cali,ko in Imhan 
 To-day, this ^il" of August lil.'il, before me, Jiiiuih A'ij>, a|ipoiiit(Ml clerk here, aii]iearc(l 
 IiiiiiiiKi'l J(Uhsi')i of the one pai't, and Iliiri nt Jaii-uild a house and bergh, and is to deliver two horses, one mare 
 and one geldinir, each live years old ; two milch cows and one heifer of two years; two sows wdiich the 
 Lessor shall send froui Furt Oriiiuj, . The Lessees shall annually pay as butter rent for each cow, 
 10 ])<)unds of butter, and for each hoi'-e annually 15 skepels of hard grain, I'ither rye, wheat 
 or barley ; which cattle tin; Lessees acknowledge to have received on condition that each shall 
 receive half the increase, and the risk of death t-hall be in common ; and if it happen that any of 
 tlie aforesaid cattle come to die, tin.' capital stock shall Im' com])letcd .again from the iiu'reast' at the 
 tcrniinatioii nf the Lease, when it sh.dl lie divided and distributed. The Lessor, moreover, delivers 
New York Historical liecords. 145 
 to the Lessees with the bouwery one plough and wliat belongs to it. and half the land enclosed 
 coinplcte with posts and rails, which tho Lessees promise to deliver enclosed as they now receive it 
 at the expiration of the lease, and they shall join the land together which now lies in two parts: 
 and the Lessees may, if they consider it for their interest, place two or three tobacco planters 
 at their pleasure on the land. 
 For all which the Lessees, jointly and severally, promise and pledge themselves topay annnally 
 as rent m addition to what is aforesaid, the sum of one hundred and fifty Carolns guiklers, payable 
 m the produce of the Ian. at cu.-rent rates here, or in such pay as they can receive fir such 
 produce. Ihe Lessees shall, at the termination of tho lease, deliver np the land which they now 
 receive unsowed, and the aforesaid house and everything in the same condition as now re/eived 
 1 arties promise this their agreement lirm and irrefragable to hold, observe and execute, all under 
 bond of all laws. ' 
 Li testimony this is signed by parties with the witnesses; date as above. Manhatan, New 
 IS etlicrland. 
 Re.m Yansen van Ykveren. 
 This is the ^ mark of Bakknt Jansen Ral, made by himself. 
 This is the mark j^^ of IIenukick Dikcksen, made by himself. 
 Oloff Stevknsen, ) -..r.^ 
 Gakkit Ja^ben, \ ^^ •tresses. 
 To my knowledge, Jacob Kip, Clerk. 
 Le-itek fuom the DrRKCTOB General to t„e N.ne Men on t„e ooNomoN of t„e Fokt and 
 Wortliy and Dear Friends. 
 We have several times informed yon individually as well a.s in the meeting of vour Hoard of the 
 orders and instruction, from their High: Might: aiul from the Lords Dire-tors, our patro.ms' 
 .■o.H'crn.ng the repairing of the Fort New A,mUnhm. Having ma.ie several fruitless represent 
 tufions to the late iloanl and asked their assistance in vain, I begun the highlv necessary and very 
 urgent work with tlie few negroes and servants of the Company. During the bust two sumine,8 
 of 1...0 and ..II have made tolerable progress considering the small numbei-s of laborers and 
 would have enclosed the Fort all round an.) put it in good shape, if for the Companv's and the 
 count ry s service, my and the Company's servants had not been obliged to go to the South river 
 and remain there the greater part of last summer in order to bnil.l there a new Fort for the better 
 ma,ntenan,s. of tlie (\,nipany's rights and the defen.se of our territory. In tl-.e meantime, we 
 regret to say, tiie newly erected work has through neglect of our pn/clan.ation and orders been 
 destroyed and t,-ampled d..wn by horses, cows and hogs, as may be se.n dailv to our shame an.l 
 reproach. ^V e have spoken to you or some of you several times of the Vexation and disgust, 
 caused hyhndmg our new works, erected without tho communitv's help, rooted up, trampled 
 down and destroyed by tiie community's hogs, cows and horses, thus losing tho advantage of our 
 hard and diligent labor. 05 
 Early Colonml Settlements. 
 It is true, that the neglip;oiico mid connivance of the Fiscal has i-aused this, as lie did not 
 enforce or execute our twice or tlirico renewed ]>rociiunations. We are tlierefore compelled to 
 leave the Fort, to our shame and tlie detriment of tliis place, as we found it and to su8j)end all 
 work on it or to execute and enforce our orders and jjroclauiations, now alreftdy three or four 
 times puhlislicd and affixed, namely to impound the horses, cows and hogs, henceforth found on 
 the Fort and confiscate them for the benefit of tlie lion'''" Company. Otiierwise it is inipossilile 
 to keep the newly repaired Fort in good order and to do, wi\at has yet to bo done. Before taking 
 such extreme measures, at the risk of Ixuiig blamed for it, and to prevent all excuses of ignorance 
 and all reproaches, we have thought best for our own sake, first to inform the Board of Nine Men 
 of our intentions and to warn through tJiem the community, wliich has paid no attention to our 
 former orders, against the imjictiding losses, for it is disrepufabic for tills ])la('e, dangerous for the 
 iidiabit:mts generally in time of need and for ourscilves disgracc^t'ul and unbearable, to see the Fort 
 demolished, our good intentions and liard labor frustrated and waiitoidy trampled under foot. 
 Awaiting here u])ou the written answer of your Board I am and remain 
 Worthy and Dear Friends, 
 JSTcw Amsterdam, Your well-aiTected friend 
 in N. N., Novbr 1.'), 1C51. P. SrUYViiSANr. 
 Deed of a i.ot of lanh iiocse and hakn on thk bmokk ok Lonc» Island, nkau tiik Ferry. 
 Tiiis day, this fourth of January, Anno Itioii, before me, Andries Johaniiis Christ man 
 appointed by the lIon'''° Director General and Council of Neio Netherlands appeared Corneiis 
 JJirrickscn, ferryman, of tlie one i)art, and Sr. Coriulit de Pottir of the otiier part, who in the 
 pi'esence of the undernamed witnesses, dc/lared tliat tiiey had agreed and contracted togetiier about 
 the purcliase of a certain piece of land on tiie condition underwritten : 
 Ciinulis Dirriclsen sells to Sr. Cornel is de Potter, w\w also liereby acknowledges to have 
 l)ought a certain piece of land surveyed and situate near tlie Ferry on Lomj Island, adjoining 
 llenrij Breser, granted to him by the Hon''"' Director (reneral William Kieft, as appears i)y the 
 groundbiief, dated 28"' of April lii^.j, and now surveyed by iJhu^s van, Hlslandt on the 7"' of 
 iS'ovember Iti.'il, lieing in i)readth on tlie shore or iiortir side lit) rods, thence ranges from the shore 
 towards tlie wood as far as the marked tree, being the east side (!;5 rods, back again towards ti'o 
 shore, being the west side, 7») rods. Tlie surveyed jiieee of land lie's in a triangle, containing 
 aUoi;etlier 2 inorgens, (iTJ rods, together with a liouse, barn and all depending thereon, as appears 
 by tlie fence now standing; and all tiiis for tlie sum of two tiiou.sui'..,.■. and another parcel of land, runs along said Henr.^. vallev ip 
 W.St In Noit , ,„ \\ . N. A\ . |,,tween both, 172 rods, and further 8.) large and small as it a,,H.,rs 
 iHloo ot ^ on,.l,./hrr.rk.n> ■ ,s broa.l in the rear at the wood to said //,..,/.. X k by N 50 
 I"- ^.■^^ .s. 1. b.U,. I.>l>,.ods,,.onta,n,nginall 12. -g.ns Vu rods; together with a certain 
 I-l"",^ ... .. : .he who!., fo,. the s,„u of one thousand four hundred and tiftv guilder i', J 
 1 . .1. >. s.xtl ,.:„ shall ,.. pa,d on the first of M.y ICV", and so forth from vear to'vea^r, intil the 
 ; ^n: :;';:: ''■ - r' "• 'r ''■;"'";■' - "'"'' ""^•^"•"'^•'^■^^' ■- '^'"^- ^^^'^^^ fonnjcon: 
 p.ivni.'ut ot the a!orcs:iid sum than the tirst of M.ay, ltl.-)7. 
 Tho Vondor heP.by surren-lers ail right and ."lain, of ownership in the abovementioned land 
 .ua.,mte- tho . agau.sr all ehalienge and pretension to be set „p thereto by any Ine in the 
 * Tl,o vv„nl« „„.l..rli,i..,| ar. m.ppliod fr,m, tl,. Patent, whiol, ia .i,itod l.-'. of D.canha- lti«. 

 R i«i 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 world. Parties engage tliis their agreement, purchase and conveyance to liold firm and binding 
 to observe and execute the siunc under bond of all Courts and Ju'li^'os. 
 In testimony tliis is signed by parties witli the Hon'''" Fiscal and Clcu's van Eldant as witnesses 
 herein invited. Done 4"' of Jamary 1652. 
 Rogatus : H. van Dyck. 
 Claes van Elslant. 
 To my knowledge 
 Andries Johannis Christman, Clerk. 
 On the 29"* of January, A° 1652 tlie above agreement and conveyance in approved by tho 
 Hon'"''' Director General and Council of Ncio Netherldnil. 
 In testimony signed by the lion'"'"' Director Prosident Neco Amsterdam. Fiat transfer. 
 P. Stuvvesant, vidit. 
 Deed of a lot of land on tue wkst IIo<.)k of Rechkewiok on the East riveb. 
 This day, tho fourth of January Anno 1652, before me Andries Johan' Chrutman appointed 
 by tho Hon"'' Director General and Council of New Nitherland, appeared Jan llaea of the one 
 part and Sr. Cornelin de Potter, of tho otiier part, who in the presence of the undernamed 
 witnesses, decl:u-ed that they have agreed antl contracted together about tho j)urchase of a certain 
 parcel of land on tlie condition underwritten : 
 Jan ILua sells to Sr. Cornelis de Potter, who also hereby acknowledges to have purchased, 
 a certain parcel of land situate at the west hook of lieehkcicick on the East River, running froui 
 Frederick Luhbertsenn land ciist south cast and southeast by east to tlie valley, eiglity rods, and 
 furtlier so large and small as appears by the grouiidbrief dated 2' of April 1647, granted by the 
 Hon'''' Director William Kieft, dec'', to tlie behoof of Jan de llacs, with all the vendor has 
 thereon belonging to him, for the sum of nine hundred guildere down in good current wampum. 
 The Vendor hereby surrenders said right and claim of ownership to the above 'ands to the behoof 
 of Sr. Cornelia de Putter or his assign henceforth and for ever, promising the same to guaranty 
 against all challenge and pretension to be made by any one in the world thereto. Parties engage 
 this their agreement, purchase and conveyance to hold firm and binding, to observe and execute 
 tho B;mie under bond of all Count and Judges. 
 In testimony this is [siguedj by parties. Done as above. 
 This is the mark of Ja.n 
 IIaes, made by himself. 
 Cornelia de Potter. 
 Rogatus : H. van Dyck. 
 Claes van Elslant. 
 To my knowledge, Andeies Joii' CfTRisTMAN, clerk. 
 On the 29"" of January A° 1652, the annexed deed and conveyance is approved by the Hon"' 
 Director General and Council of Ncto Ndturland. 
 In testimony this is signed by tho Uon"" Director Stuyvesant. Fiat transfer. 
Council Minutes. 
 New York Iliatoncal liecorda. 149 
 Permission oRANTKr to Abb. Db la Noy to bktai;. all sokts of winks. 
 January 24"- 1652. The lion'"" Director General a.ul Council having read the p.lition of 
 Ahmm de la Noy for permission to sell all sorts of wines by the snial! measure, 
 Tlioy grant petitioner's request and resolve to lease to Llm the city tavern for the bonelit of 
 the Iloir'" Company. 
 Counctl Minutes. Proclamation annullino certain ordinances of tue AUTnoRrriEs of 
 The Director General and Council of Ncxo Netherlands to all who may road this or liear it 
 read Gni'ting: 
 Whereas wo have several times been inionned by the late Commi8.sary, Charhs van Bvaqe 
 as well as by his snceessor Johmnv, Jhjrhnann and whereas other j.rivate complaints have been 
 made over the impertinent, unbearabh, and uncliristiaulike tyranny of the present Connnandcr or 
 as he styles h.mself Director of the Colony of Renssdaerswyrk limmlt Arisen van Sl.rhtenhcyrst 
 in refusing permission to and forbidding the olHcers of the Ilon"'^' Company as well as other good 
 an.l faithful subjects at Fort Oramjc to cut in the open woods fuel for fh^ir use and subsistence 
 except m a certain tliick(>t. where the wood can only be obtained with great inconvenience and 
 the roads are almost impassable during the winter, or anyway very miserable and troublesome 
 and ' 
 Whereas wo are further informed, that he has forbidden, under threats of high penaltv the 
 farmers and working people owning w.igons and horses to cart fir.vwood for the servants of the 
 lion- Conipany or inhabitants of the .sai.l fort, thus compelling both, the oflh-ers a.ul subjects of 
 the Hon'" ( ompany, to carry the fuel begged from him on their shouhlers in .lavish tn.uble and 
 d.'pendence through tlii.^k and thin, ice and snow for the amusement of this overbearing Commander 
 and his merciless associates and to the disregard, nay, contempt of the lion''' Companv their 
 ollicers and good subjects; • ' 
 Whereas the sai.l (.'ommander and some of his subaltern ofHcers have so far for-otten tlie 
 teachings of Christ and their neighborly duties, as to insolentlv answer the last rcmest ..f om 
 Comm.s,s;iry and inhabitants of the said Fort .m the If" of January of this year as foliows- 
 " Newrtlyd,^s deniruuj to show our.d,Ys more aceo,nmodatin,j and modexf, than some oth< r 
 -people we shall alio,:, the people of the Fort and the CohmUts the aeeommodation of p're-wood 
 ^provoled .eer.jhody make applleation to the Dlreetor or the am>ciate^ aeeordlng to the Ordinanee 
 ^^hut only_ under th,, reserve and eondithm, whde his Honoris willhoj and aorees, that the 
 "people oj th, Port may eat down dnriny the winter th, aforesaid thieket or hare it eut down at 
 yhe>r expeme. Siyned: by ord<^r of the Court of lie,meUcrmnjek Anthony de Ilooae 
 " iseeretary ; •> j 1 
 which satisfactorily proves b.jth the prohibition forbidding the cutting of lire-wooersecutiim and damages all 
 inhabitants and colonists against all attempts, intentions and executions, which in this matter the 
 Connnander 8lechtenhwst or his associates may undertake to carry out and directing our aforesaid 
 Commissary to publish this Proclamation in Fi,rt Ormuje and to request the Commander and 
 Council of the Colony of nen)veral houses on the N'orth and West side of the said Fort, slinttiiig the satne 
 in and blocking up the passage to it ; 
 Whereas we are further informed by the jtresent Connnissary Dyckman, that they have again 
 laid out lots, still nearer and closer to the said Fort and distributed and sold thorn to several private 
^VteH and especially to a shuttiuj,. in and blocking up of the naid Fort, located there and 
 .ortdu.1 before Mr. lien.mkw' obtained the land for a Colony and eonse-iuently before a house of 
 his Colony stood there, 
 Th.rrfore wi', Director General and Council of New Ndherlan,!, authorize.l by thec.n.n.isaion 
 ,md m« rue hous given by their High Might : tho Lords States-Cfeneral, our sovereigns and by the 
 Noble Lon s-I),rec.ors of the iTuilegcd West /,.//. Company, as nm.tcrs an.l patroons of New 
 Nihrrland ami by virtue of the same bound to maintain their rights and privileges as well aa 
 good order and justice, hnd ourselves c.unpclled, to annul and make void by this our resolution 
 i""l proHamat.on all allotments, cessions or sales of land laying within ()0(. paces or about 250 
 Ivhmelaud rods rom the Fort, which land we. Director (tunend and Council, declare, until 
 otherwise directcl by tho Hon'"" Company, to be the liberty of tho Fort, to boused by its garrison 
 ami mhabitants who however, bo they servants of the lion"" Company or free n.en'shall'not be 
 allowed to buiM on tho land so as to weaken, shut in or i>lock up tiie Fort, but only to use it for 
 gardens, plantations, surrounde.l by l„w pallisades, and low and light summer houses, winch can 
 be easily n.ove.l or taken .low.., provided they have tl.-st infornicd us a.,d received our consent and 
 that the Dn-cctor and (Council shall have disc.vtio.. to remove the.n. whe.. necessarv. We wa.-n 
 anddii-ect thei-eforo everybody, who shall have or niay boeo.ne possessed of an v pa.vel of land 
 w.thm the af..resaid lin.its of the F.,.-t cith.T by punO.ase. lease or cession tVo... the 'sai.l Co..,,..a...h.r 
 NeMai/wr.t .n- his associates bcfo.v „r after the publication of the I'.'oclamatio.i, not to enter 
 upon It, m.ich less to fence it in or build upon it in any shape or manner under high ne.ialfy and 
 dost.'.ictioi. ot the b.iilding. |,,.t evc.-ybody take wa.-.ii.ig. 
 Thus done and resolved at our meeting at New Amdwdam, the L^'J'" of January 1(J52. 
 ()|{iu:k (oNcKisNiNu Jan Jansen kuom S' Ouvn, 
 On the 29''' of January. 
 Tho Dbvcfor (Jenc-al and (\.uncil having read the [.etition of JanJum.-n from -V Oh/n dbvct 
 that ho .shall satisfy the Fiscal according to the sctence passed this week tind o.-,ler fi.riher that 
 he .lebver to the Fiscal an authenticate.! copy of the b..n,l ..f i.i.le.n.iitv, whi.^h Brant van 
 bkcntcnhont has issued to him on account of the .'cioval and detention of his person. 
 D.'i;r. oi- •_'!) M,,.!n..:vs ,...• Lam. ,,v •,„,, .nou..; ..k \.osc. Is..an-.>. 
 Thi. day. this twen.y-uinth of January. Anno \C,:,% |,.,f.„.e uie .\„dn,. Johann!. nrht,>,an 
 app,.n,...,i by th.. ll„n"« D„-ector General an.l Co.incil of .V,-,,- .VVM,v7./;<,/.M,.p..are.l Prfrr I.indr 
 <'t 'Ih' one pa..t.a,„l A'.;.,../ ./.....;. of tl ther part, wli... in the presence of ,1,.. un,l..n,an,c.i 
 w,tn,..<.s ,l.v laiv.l that thcv ha.l agiv,.! a„.| ..ontracted t.,get!ier about the purchase of a certain 
 ]>arce! ot land on the c.nditio.. underwritten: 
 • 5^ I 
 Early Colonial Settlements, 
 Peter LiniJ>' having Rold to liarent Jatwen, wlio iiIho nckm>wlc(lji;o« to Imvc piircliiwpd and 
 paid for a eertiiiii ])anel of land coiitrtininjjf twenty niorgens, riiniiinij; idioiit soutlicawt ny knowledge, 
 Am)RiEH Jon' CnRiRTMAN, Clerk. 
 On the 20"" of January A' 1052, is tliis deed and conveyance a])proved by tiic TTitii"" 
 Director (lencral and ("ouncil of Ni-io Netherlaiid, and in testimony signed by the Hon*"" 
 Director General President. Ainntcrduvi. 
 Letikk from I5ran't van Slkcutknuokst to tiik Contr >>k Ukns.ki.akkswvi'K sk.nt to the 
 Copy of a Lette;* sent by Brant Artue van Slechtenhorst to his Honor, the Director General 
 ami Council. 
 To the Honorable Cotirt of the Colony of Uenssdaersioyck : 
 Respectfully shows Jirant van, SJ,:c/iU'nhor.sf, Director of tlie said Colony, that a few days ago 
 he received a judgment pii-ssed by the court at the Manliataim against Jan ,/ann<'ii .V Oliijn, 
 condemning him to a line of two hundred and fifty guilders, because he had carritid mi! from the 
 ManhatauH to this Colony. It is a(an. thev 
 r;;;;;;::r d iri: t m utie^au-nnoreitati!:::;:!;;^ 
 ho . pp a ml fho(,ourt M.don. heretofore he had no k, led.e or of wlu.n nohody had told hin , th o v-a^ 
 dc.tan.od hy ord«r of tho Court eontrary tothe ordinanees? JJnt son.o receive iu,pre sions bthe^ 
 dreams, winch thoy seen. ,o ..„er i,. ,h..i,. daily deeds either with or agains tho huvs ,f . 
 count.,-. Such unl.ea.-d ol and nnl,ea,....l,le proeeedin^s .s against Sl.r/.fenU.t i,. his ouality a, d 
 aga.nst othe.., ...ay well ,n tin.e .-uin this blessed and fruitful counfy or l.ing it toa so., eo JiUon 
 and tu.'.. tho laws into pul.lie n,.isa.,ees, whieh (lod forbid. ^ ^^'Hl'tion 
 _ The.vf.M.e the said Dhvior ox-otlieio p.^.tests an.l appeals against all these vcvation. and 
 ...innes. ndl.eted upon the said Slrr,,^,,^.^ i,. ,,;, „,,,„,,, „ ,,,^^ wh rC" 
 .h>neto ./../„.... the sk,pp..r and,/.,./,./... Sfof without law or ...Vht and eonfa.-v to l.e 
 l.nv.legesofthe(oh,ny. ll-vu.plainsbefo.-e (iod Ahnighty ,o their Noble Hi.^l, : Mi.d.f the States 
 xene,.al,ourg,;ae,o„ssoven.ignsand lieges and to the Lonls l'at,.oc...s and I)i,.ect,u-s of the ^aid 
 olony over th,s ope,, v.oleuee and eomp.,lsio,., ho con.plai,.s f,...ther of the live soldie.-s and 'live 
 ...nen s..,. by M,-. y,,^,.,.... i,. ,1,„ (^.,.,,,„,■, ,,„„, ;,. i,,,, „.,, , ,, „,^ 
 fo 14 days h.sow,. letter and the tlnva-s utte.vd against ... .S7../,A „/.../ at dilTe,vnt ti.ues 
 orde,-.,.g l.nn ,.ot to eon.H.ue wi.h the e>ve,io,MdMu.iidi,.gs a,.d settle,,.e,.ts..n ti.e r.o,.ds I^.,...o,';^ 
 ow,. te.-n ory, or he, -S/.^,v.,.^ would ea..se the In.ildh.gs to bo torn dow.. a.,d ,heu he ineited 
 U 1. lou telows f, .the I.o,-t, who we,.e .vady and anued for a li^ht, whiel. however 
 Sl,,htenh,,r. a,.d lus ,.eople p.wented. When they could ,.ot obtain their objeet, they i,.ve..ted 
 U u the ..„.,. ., „„, M,,„t..ates and the Fiscal of AV,. XM.vA../ a.-e a.ainst iLu L 
 M^/.. ,.< ^ ..g,stra,e ,u the ( 'olony of A^ ....A.v..,,.^-, he will hear and see, when he appea,-s 
 "1 m Ills nlhcial eapieity, they .night * * * * *«♦**» 
 -Id call forMmathisplaeeof .-eMdenee. These useless citatio.is and vexations of like sort were 
1S4 Early Colonial Sittkments. 
 nspoatod tliiily and tlio aforowiid Oiroctor protosta onco inoro iif^airiKt, all Iohhoh and projudico iilrcudy 
 ButTercd or which hu may luivo to BiitTcr luTcaftcr alno ajjaiiint all tliu liann and injury, done to him 
 pi-rsiMially and in Iuh ulHcial i'n|)acity, all rum t'j-jiniiMl/t and tin) wuid Director an hucIi olItrM aH 
 security for tho foregoing actions in appeal all the property helonging to and claimed hy the I'atroons 
 from the Hon''" Company, alno tho horHon and grain delivoroil to Mr. Prtrun Shti/cftKint hiniwlf 
 from the Colony and ruipieiitrt to give a like wecurity, to execute the Hentenco hereafter under tho 
 foregoing apjKfal. Done at tho Colony of Rt^iisHchuTHwyck', tho 23'" of Septbr 1(151. 
 P. V. Slkchtknuoiut, Director of the wild Colony. 
 As to tho detention of tho Hon''" Director, whcreiwHoincnicnilwrsof thin Court, the ])rincipale 
 of tho (Colony of ItenKseluirHWijck, had heen arrested in the time of the Hon''" Director (tcneral 
 WiUiani Kii^'t, which his Honor not only niaintainer,imi/rk by Brant 
 van Shrfife/ifior-if, Director of tho said Colony, on the 25"' of Septbr ltl51 and directed to the 
 Tlon''''' Court of liensudiu'ruiri/'-k, with the said Court's decision written on the margin as follows : 
 (sci! above). 
 After du is c1i;irly. 
 1. I?y giving the names of the principals of the Colony, arrested diiHii)^ tic I, me of Dirictor 
 2. By stating in whoso name and why tho arrest wa.s made. 
 3. By stating, whether the Court, declares null and void the arrest of ««» Skchtenhorst for 
 disobedience and contenipt of the order given by the Director (Jeneral and Council of Xcw 
 Nfth^rlnrKf , from which arntst Slevhtenhirst stealthily escaped and which declaration seems to be 
 expressed in (hf "r -icciflion. 
 A calor ri' f answer "h requested. 
AW Vork IliHtorUal lieeords. 
 T„..H.|.,y tlH. ;U.-^ of January l«6a. „t /ar^ ^.,. ^.M6r7,,,« pre«.„t tho Diroctor-OonerHl 
 bconTonfiZX'" ' """' '""'" """ """""""" -J«"b.mttodittauMli«l.llowingluvo 
 JtH'heiii, t'letirmn Kmiper 
 PuuliiM LrnilerUen {duu. der (ifnUt). 
 I'tier Coniffhai'H. 
 Tho 2" of Fi'l)niiiry lt!53 tlio mum 
 Joc/u'i/i Piitir»cn. 
 J'aidua Licndd'tum. 
 (Seo Laws urid Ordimmccs of New Ndhcrlam!, pago 123.) 
 Cor.voii, M.M-TK8. nKsoLtrrioN „n k vmnm of the Ni.ve Mkn, rnAr no rrwH m Rrrcrr 
 ..N ■nil.; WAl.l. OK TllK FuliT A.NI. I.IA, TllK F.,UT UK BUKUOLNUKl. 1.V l-ALUSAI-Iib ; CllUKOll 
 i'koI'Kkty; buKtiKoNrt; ANAiiArnsTs. 
 Moiul.y tho 12- of Fohnury 1.152 at /lr< .4 .».m/.,«, present tho Director General, Za 
 AliiiitKijne and ///v^w Newton. 
 The |!„ar,l of Nine Mm ..1.110 into tlie Couiiuil ciianil.er an.I requested tlio presiding officer 
 that th.. loir'" Co.MHMl wouki please to foH.i.l the shoutiii^' ,.f h..r, .„. the walls of the Fort and 
 that for this reason the Fort he enclosed with stakes or in some other convenient way. 
 I'he Diivctor <;,.n..ral consents to the rcjuest of tlio Connnonalty an.I pn.niises to have tho 
 nec'ssaiy posts ent and liewe.l hy his own servants or negroes, tho eominunity to hear the expenses 
 of piitting up the paihsailes and en.'losing the Fort. 
 Th.. I)e uons .,r the ..hiireh re.p.est by a petition that tlie money duo for the pureliased land 
 may he set oil against the Hon'" Company to tlio amount ..f IS.^Otl. 
 Tlio Council decree: fiat the offset. 
 The snrgc.ms petition, that nohody else, but they shall bo allowed to shave, to whicli 
 I h.. Director an.I ('o,in..il ivply, that shaving is pn.perly n..t in tlio provim.e of the surgeons, 
 but IS only an appendi.x to their calling, thai nobody can be prevented to pleii^e himself in this 
156 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 iiiattor or tu servo anybody else for f riendsliip's sake, out of courtesy and witl'out receiving payment 
 for it or keeping a shop to do it in, wliicli is hereby expressly forbidden. 
 As to t!>n other request this regulation eoncerning surgeons nnti the puiilic iiealth is made. 
 Whereas wc are informed, that last summer two or three grave mistakes havu been made by 
 the inexperience of some ships' barbers, 
 Therefore Director and Council order her'^vith that such ships' barbers shall not dress any 
 wounds, bleed or prescribe for any one on land, without the knowledge and special request of the 
 above petitioners o'- at least Doctor Za Montaijnc. 
 Doniine Johannes Mcgapolensis requests, that Anna Sinit.i, an Anabaptist, should be restrained 
 from using slanderous and eahunniating exjircssions against God's word and his servants. 
 The Director General and Council direct, thnt Anna Sni/'tfi shall jipjioar uu the following 
 Wednesday at the school of DaciA Pforooxf, where the Nine Men usually meet and that the 
 Director and Council together with the complainant and the consistory shall assemble there also, 
 to hear what the said Ann(Vt7(«/*' and tA'/>/,K the principal actor in these strifes and (piarrels, who notwithstanding the 
 protests of the Directors was last year ].r(,vi trade to these islands could bo secured for us. 
 but also that even the Knglish of Vinjinia would send their return f-eights of tobacco mostly by 
 W.\\ o{ .\,ii^ .\,t/i, I'hilld. - ' 
 It must be considered, that in Z7^//)7 ami we believe also in some other provinces except 
 Holland tobireo is not sul.je,.ted to the impost .,f the tobacco duty and it may be presunu'd, that, 
 even if the pioduee .,f Nnn NetherUmd were exempted, the tax upon tobacco could still bJ 
 fanned out, as now only a small .piantity co s from there. 
 The said Dirertors lind t hem-elves very much embarras.se.l and incnvenieiuvd bvtlie eolonies 
 granted in fori, u^r time-; with too extensive privilege's and exemtions, which have nuide their 
 owners so, )verweening. thatsomeof them went so far in niisusinir their privileges asto believe, that 
 they could pn.vent and forbi.l i.diabitants of X,w .V^'M.rAr//,/ to trade within their colonies;' this 
 IS contrary to i!,e law of nature, especially iia niuhu-stood in this country and by this people. 
 Whereas most of the i)receding facts aro considered to be of such nature, that the Directors 
 as a boiiy eaniiof resolve jiH\ Jiu'ul) Villi CoHWvnhowii and all others, who either avail themselves of these safe- 
 guards or else in a 100' 
 of it ; only I desire ymi to send for what you shall want as speedily as you may ; & the tyme of you 
 payra' m Coats or skins Beau" at Mr. Hnants prise by him propounded. It will answer mv 
 occasions any time before the first of August next; S', I hope if you .t I due once Enter to deale 
 each w'" other tiiat wee may doe pleasure to on & ano.slier ; I should have made a voyadge to you 
 for to liauo procured a discharge to Mr. AlerUm, but that I have many occiisions heare that Re,.s appeareil .l//-'A() pounds tJio block, also a chest with muskets, which he, the atliant, had him.^elf 
 cleaned and put in ..rder. That, the Director of .Y.'w y.i/i,'r/,tn>f. Pcfrr Six ;/>>,:><„„/. havin-beeii 
 infornnd then'. ,1', s,.nii! tiiiie lat('r (.nlereil the said ship to be attached and br.)Ught up to .!/;//( /,-//A/«,v 
 /.vA»i-/, where pr .lings towards its eonth;cation were instituted ; he. the alhant, has understood, 
 that in the end il was conliscaU'd. He further declares, that the said C\>riui;^ ALhja was Pcveral 
 • Not iircaervi'J,— H. K. 
 Early Colonial Settlementa, 
 times legally summoned to appear, but lie refused and did not obey tlio rtiimiuons and that fearing 
 he might be arri'stcl for liis rofnictoriiiess and for his aforesaid inisdenieanorti, ho provided and 
 strengthened himself upon Stateii Inland, wAiiivolw resides witli 117 to 118 Raritan and Southern 
 Indians eaeli armed with a nnisket, to defend him against the iJirector. lie deposes furtlior from 
 his own knowledge, that by order and direction of tlie said Cornelix Mdyn he, tlie affiant, M'ith 
 said Lidians remained in the woods for several days and oilers, after the foregoing deposition liad 
 been read to him to confirm it under oatli in tlio ])re8enco of Yonl'er Niculas van Waveren and 
 Ja7i van Wi/<:K; both residiug in this City, wlio had been requested to act as witnesses and wlio 
 witli deponent and me, tlie Notary, have signed tlie record hereof: quod attestor. (Signed) II. 
 Scn.VKFF, not. publ. 
 Follows the act of verilii'ation : 
 We the Burgomasters and Administrators of tiie City of Amstcnlam certify to all whom it 
 concerns, that Michael Bcrgier of Amjoulenie about 22 years old has appeared before us upon a 
 summons to testify to the truth at the request of the Directors of tiio W. I. Comjiauy and tliat 
 being duly sworn he declared, deposed and .said, tliat tlie .-oregoing affidavit, read to him by tlie 
 Secretary, was true and he persisted in this declaration, so help him God Almighty! 
 In witness whereof the seal of this city has been hereto atli.xed tlie 1:5"' day of February lt>r>2. 
 (Seal) (Signed) Gekakd IIii.st. 
 AFFinAvrr of the Rkv. "Wilhelvus Gkasmekk, that Coumf.t.is MF,I,Y^f iNcrrKo xnu Naya^k 
 A.N-l) OTIIKU In'DIANS A(iAI.V8r DlK. S 1 f VVKSA.N r, KTl". 
 To day, the It"' day of Fel)rnary A" lt!.")2 apoearod liofore \\w, Ifiii'lrick Schaef, Notary 
 Public admitted by tiic Court of IloUaivl and residing at Ainih-n/'iiH, and Itefore theundcrsigufd 
 witnesses tlie Rev. Wilhdinns (rnt.^mf--/; lately a minister of the go-pel in y>'io .Vrf/fr/ain/, 
 whence he returned last November in the ship " /A-//' mn <'/",f," who being in tliis city, deposes 
 and says at the request of the Directors of the I'riv. West India (Vnnpany, that a long time aftiT 
 Corm'lis M'h/ii, a freeman of ycm Xi'tlierJanJ. whom witness knows well, had arriveil in Nem 
 Xethcrhmil ''<\ X\m ship '• Nioi AWcrlanf.i'./u: Fortmja"'' on her hust voyage, he. witness, had 
 heard Xha MankattunslwWwm oi Xetn Xethcrlaml, living at yai/ad-, -.i place on /.ow/ Inland 
 directly opposite Stat'Cn /vi^ij;*./, frequently say, that the said C.irnri;^ M-lyn had made them 
 believe anr Pi'tnis Stnyr.s.mt would, as soon as lie had built a wall 
 around FoH Amsterdam, come to kill them, namely tlie xivages, whereupon the .said savages fleil 
 and came armed to Graoescnd, \shieh belungs under the juri-dictien of the aforesaid Conqiiny; 
 there relying upon tluiir arms they were guilty of many misdemeanors ami using tone insulted :uid 
 injured the inhabitants by beating and kicking them. I'.eiiig interrogated I)y the inhabitants, why 
 they did so, they answered, because CornAi<< Mrhjn\\.\i\ told them, that Director .SV(?y()(?,vrtw/ would 
 come to kill them; this, witness says "ue heard from the inhabitants and knows, that on account 
 of it they made complaint to tiie said Director and Council of the in-olenc(>. turbulence and attacks 
 of the savages, requesting to \n', protected against them. Ife, witness, knew this from hearing 
 and seeing it every day, being then in Nno .Iw.v/'/v/'tw, also that many .savages of dilfenrit tribes, 
 /lUritant as well as M'nthatt,inn, have come several tinu;s to hi.s, witiit^s.s', house, also into the house 
 of the aforesaid Director, in fact into every house on Manlmttan Idiind and .slid, what he, witness, 
New York Jliatoriccd liecorda. kji 
 himself hoard «ovoral timc«, that tho aforesaid Melya had bribed the 8..vago9 to come and murder 
 t K. Oirurtor. \n oonsv"^- - -•'• -""'•'-'1 '- ,. 1 -thority, also in fee simple, which is an absolute Lo; 
 •so that for the maintenance ot the privilege, of the Fort and of tho Hon'- Company and thei,' 
 ♦ A tfi'muutricul jime— ,T twi. Eucycl. 
I 1 
 Early Colonial Settkinenis. 
 jurisdiction and authority in this Province, we were finally compelled and oblifjed to defend and 
 publicly proclaim tlieir right and the limits of the Ftirt. Tliis proi-lamatioii luiving boon 
 communicated t>- the said Commander, with an order and directions to pii'olisli tlie same in the 
 Colony; he, to the disparagement of ourselves and our otKcial position, of tlie high and sovereign 
 authority of our Fatiierlaiid which wo represent hero and to the special atl'ront of the Lurds- 
 Directoi^, the Patroons of this Province, most insultingly and indecently dared to tear it out of 
 the hands of the Clerk or Assistant and to tiirow tlio seal of the Province on the ground. 
 The 8;iid Commander having by this insult and atfront olTered to the Siii)reme Government 
 violated all neighborly obligations and our previous acconnuodating moderation, provisioiudly not 
 to enforce the claim to the limits of the Fort's liberty until further orders were received from the 
 Lords Directors, we are now by that unwarranted action and tlu'ir derisive proclamation induced 
 and constrained to revuke our ])rovious favor and to direct our Commissiry, as we herewith order 
 him, not to permit any building or frame of a house to bo erected either West or Xorth West of 
 the Fort within (it»0 geometrical paces of five feet each or 250 Uhinelaiid rods, about the range of a 
 cannon shot and that no one may hereafter plead ignorance, we command our Connnissary, after 
 having posted and published tliis, to erect or cause to be erected North, South and West of the 
 Fort a post marked with tlie Ilon'''^^ Company's mark at the distance aforesaid, as dcterniiuing the 
 provisional jurisdiction of tlie said Fort. 
 Thus done and enacted, saving the claim of the Fisc to proceed on and against the (Jomniaiuler 
 and others for this and other misdemeanors connnitted by them, in our Comn-il this 5"' of March 
 P. Stovvebant. 
 Form of a Contract for thi' Importation of Nkoro Sr.Avi:^ from Africa, prescribkd iiv tmk 
 DiREcroKs OF Tuio W. I. Company. 
 To-'io Xellurl'twl, authorized thereto by a 
 resolution of the Department of A//iit<'rarties of the first part, and the owners of tlie ship 
 whereof is commander, measin-it)g about tuns, parties of the second 
 part, liave agreed and contracted, that the aforesaid ski[)per shall receive a license and the necessary 
 documents enabling him to trade for slaves on the coast of Africa and to make such other bargains 
 as he shall deem to their best advantage: he shall further return to the J/(//i//(//^«n^ with the said 
 slaves and such other freight, provided however, that the above liceiu^e shall not authorize him to 
 tnide on the Croid Coast ami that hi; shall not come any further West than vl/''//vM)r at most 
 Popo* under ])enalty of forfeiting the sai and before its 
 freight is unloarled, to the said Director and Council fifteen guilders for each negro as duty without 
 exception or eom]>utatioii, binding therefor their persons and property under renunciation of the 
 benefit onliniK iliiuxionlKet. ercusionin, as having full knowledge thereof. 
 Done at .Veiv Ajnatrrdain this 
 ' BiiUi ill till' ]iri'sent Ivinyiloiu of UuliDiucy.^B. V. 
Ktw York Jlintorical Ua'orm>rk, containinK tifteen nmr-onH. fifty-two re . appears by the irround brief 
 t ...of, si,,.^^ by the IIo...^ W;,n.,. K,f, late DirLor, da. .J fourth^ S^Zbel l' 
 1045,* lor tho Hitin of four hundred and fifty piilders. 
 The Vendor her..by surrenders all ri,d.t and ..laini of ownership to tho above mentioned lands 
 to and for the behoot ot Jan llcndvick Stdman, or his assigns, heneeforth for ever. The vendor 
 Jacob Leemlersen, promises to guarantee the same against all challenge an.l pretension that may be sot 
 up thereto by any one in the world, parties pron.ising this their bargain, contru'et and 
 conveyance to hold mv.olable, and to observe and execute the sii.ne. All under bond as by law 
 -... f 'm "'\"'T''' iV''t- '' T''\ "' ""' '■''"'■'' ''•^' '^"''"•^' ''''^' *'"^ ^^•'*"''*««" ^''^••'^""t" invited, this 
 .'" of March A ihoi m New AnwUrdam in New iWthcrland. 
 Ja(,'oII LkKNDERSKN van deb (iKIST. 
 Jan IIendkycksen Stelman. 
 Aduian van TiKNiiovEN, witness. 
 _,, , Paulls SciiitEEK, witness. 
 biat transfer. 
 Furthermore, we on the part of the Company, do hereby ordain the ratification of the sale. 
 RKsoi.nioN Ai-TiiouiziNo SOME MEMiiERs OK THE CorNoir. TO coMMrNirvpE wmt ruE Nine Mkn 
 The Hon'- Councillors La Montagu.' and Captain T«fe«aro hereby requested and antliorized 
 to pre^-ent themselves m company with Secretary van Tienluw.n at the meetin-'of the Xine Men 
 (^Vwriok van Dvck, 
 Without mentioning tlio varioua niinlHiiiiiviors of tin; Fiscal van Pi/rH; of whieli lie lins miido 
 himself guilty, l)y coniiivmice, negligeiiee and general fniling to do lii> duty, he IniH now had the 
 aiidiicity, to inwult, caluiniiiate and wold us and the Hon''" ( '<• incil repeatedly, as h\n own confesMion 
 and the evidence of tru8twt)rthy witnesses proves, especially his own petitions of July 4"', 1047 
 and September UliM, the petition of the Hon'''" Council of 1(54!^, nil of which we have ])atiently homo 
 and overl(Hjked on his promise of reforming. Nevertheless, ho has again been pleased to insult, 
 calumniate and scold the writer hereof at thj house of Caj)tain Fmn^inn Vi/ii, calling him in the 
 I>re8encoof Tyw, his wife, the nm-sfj and ^/K/rjcs ChriHtmiw, "Scoundrel, Murderer, Tyrant, Flound, 
 Baby " f»nd otiier like names. xVlthough we have a different opinion of ourselves and because so far 
 respectable peojilo never held us in such an estimation or were jiersnaded to l)elieve itof ns, yet 
 as such insults and calunniies have been uttered repeatedly behind our back and in our presence 
 wo cannot bear it any longer, without causing our good nana; and reputation to be suspected. We 
 are therefore conijielled for the sake of the Hon''' ('i)nipany's, our subjects' and our own honor 
 to suspend the said Fiswil IL'udrick van Dijfk from his office and duties, until further orders 
 from the Lords Directors shall have boisn received and in the meantime to eominmiicate this to 
 your Honors for approval or for the Fiscal's defence, as your lienors may deem best for our honor 
 and the public welfare. 
 New Amsterdam, the 27"' of March 1C52. 
 Nine Men, 
 Fiscal aaU 
 the Director General Pctriia Stuyvesant had read the foregoing to the Council and the 
 they <'• ^.lured, that they could not produce anything to prove the innocence of tlie 
 Siiw no reason, why he should not be suspended. JVw Amdcnhint, 28"' of March 
 La Montaone. 
 IhciAN Nkwton. 
 David PkoV(K)BT. 
 Wii.n. Hekkma.v. 
 Teste ColtNEMS VAN TlENlloVEN. 
 The Fiscal Tlendrick van Dyck came before tho Council, where the Hon"'' Director (k-nenil 
 informed him that he, ILndrick din Dyck, was re[)ortcd to have woumled tin.' Director (Jencral 
 in his rej)Utation, which he herewith (sxpressly denies and protesting against his suspension 
 rei^uested a copy of these proceedings. March 28"' l<>r)2. 
 The Director General has snapenileyik, call.- A pasipi'd^ and of the at)ovc iiropo>ition of the Director (ieiu'r.il, made in rcg.ird to 
 the letter to the Hon'''' Council and tiiu IScpanl ui' Nine Men. 
New York llistorkal Jieeords. 1(^5 
 I'ATKN-r TO FkaNGW SoLEH, A.VI. FkAVCIS erceive, that if necessary, in an 
 omorgeney a league may bo made with our Knijl'tsh neighbors, that thereby the insolence and 
 mischief-doing of the barlmrians can be held in check ; we cannot however consent, to give them 
 a pi'e|ionderance in tho council, for we consider that dangerous. 
 We consent to their reipicst to abolish tiie duty of 8 per cent upon tobacco raisi^d there ; wo 
 are besiiK'S petitioning the government, that when the duties 'ire again farmed out, the toll upon 
 New Nefherlanil tobacco may be left out: that would be a great advantage to tho planters there 
 and to promote such plantations still more, wo consent herewith upon the reijuest of tho inhabitanta 
 there, that they may, in their own ships, fetch from the coast of Afrli'it as many negroes, as they 
 shall reipiire for the culti\ation of the soil under the enclosed coiulitiona and regulations. Thcro 
 remains now only to grant their reipiest concerning tho freighting of ono or two ships for their 
 own account, regard being had to their obligations to and engagements with our colleagues 
 Kdieard Man and ln - A'/y.v.r Var.r m hur way from AV/t- S,'th,rh,u,l TI.lso 
 proocIinKH liuvo givatly Hi,rpri« ,„• ^ov..,-,,,,!,..:' ,n„l i„ ..onso.pu.nc." tl.reu envoy, woru Hcnt to 
 A//y/r/m/ in tl>o hopo to e(TL-ct u diHuontiniution of tlie.so rol)l)L.ries; l.ut rontniry t,. .ill expectations 
 dnrinfe' tiio time of tlioso negotiations ti.o Parlianient'b Hliipn tooic near tim i'„nhmn Lh,n,h and 
 Uarlm.hH'H 25 ..r 2.1 Hliipa stly heionging to tiiin ..onntiy. Tl...ir crews wero received l.ero m 
 ill. that now preparations are i.eing made too.p.ip 150 vessels, which will shortly go to sea to recover 
 in tins manner tiio damages already sufTered. Yon may gneHs yourselves, what thi> (•oMs,.,Mi..nces 
 will be. We have related all tliis in detail partly to warn yon, to be (m your guard, partly that 
 yon may judge why the ahovementioned freighting cannot be carried out, for it does not look as 
 if many goods will be sent to Now Nethedand this year, because a large .p.antitv of meivhandise 
 sent over last ,. ir has remained nnsold and also because of the abuvemenlioned reasons and fe'»rs. 
 We must therefore expect, that our reveimes from import dues will be very snuiU ; vet we see the 
 price of the commodities re a special bureau for .V.'w-.Y,'therland matters an,l it 
 IS therefore lav.sviry. tliat we shouM v.roWe by lirst opi-ortunity accunite registers ,,f all lands, 
 Jutrly I'o/onial SttlleiiuntH. 
 boiiwurii's luul Imiiwn, lot out on luanit by tlio (^oiiipiiny, with tlm rcntK mid con.litionH, «ii,/„i'/ !..• 
 rwtTvtd for tlio CoiiiiHiiiy, wliilc w.- Iiiivu rtMHoii to bclievo, tliiit Homo lands mid l.)ts liavu lurn 
 ^ivon to private parties witiiont ..iir linnwledKe, wo re(piiro u detailed information conccM-niii^ it, 
 for it liii-, tlie appearaneo, that with (Jod's help wo Hhall liavo there a larj,'e population in a nliort 
 time; we iiiiiHt ihereforo keep giMid onler, that every ono may Hiid u Hiiitahio plaeo and that the 
 land may he divided with more equality, than formerly, when everybody took, what pleased him 
 hcHt without knowledi^'o or eonwent of tlu' Direetors or tiu'ir oflicerrt as we find it now in the cahtis 
 of \i'ou/<-r run Thriller, Ol/.'rl G,ri-iUen* Luhhert van l)in,kia(je, Jacob Wo/ji/urtticn* and 
 othorH, who have taken and purehasod many traets of land from the Bjiva^^es without our eonsent 
 or knowled>,'e. Wo consider this very intolerable and therefore deem it necc ssary, that your Honor 
 Hhould warn o erybody by publie advertisement, not to buy or take poHsessioii of atiy land without 
 knowledge and approval of the Company and its otlieers, also dissolve all such eoiitraetsof purchaso 
 made heretofore, under tlio eomlition, tliat the buyers shall In) reimbursc.l lor their oiithivs and 
 the title vested in (ho Company. Ail this with the unders'.indinif, that wo are and will be williiur, 
 to ^'raiit as mueh land to everybody, as he will undertake to eultivate and ]>o|)ulate, but we do ni.t 
 intend to ;,'ive away the land with unlimited boundaries, as formerly, especially not wiiole islands, 
 of which one was f^iven to Vonylii A/,f;//i, who upon 8 lea;;u^^s of country has only nettled 5 or t! 
 livin;,' beiiiirs. His title has coiiseipiontly lapsed since a good while and it W(.uld have been proper, 
 that it should have been taken from him some time ago and given to jieople wiio would have better 
 fiiitillcd thi'lr engagements. It seiMus now, that Haron //ell,i 
 have negotiated with this fellow and bought from him one half of the ishnid without previously 
 informing us; IJaron Ili'mlrUk van rd-/ior,n, who goes there /ith a goodly 
 nunibei jt soulfl, to take possession, as your Honors may learn from the commission, which we 
 gave liiiii. If this gentleman is intiTcsted in the affairs of Nfw-Nil/icrhind and esjieeially in the 
 welfare of the Company, as we hopi! he is, then he may become an iiihtrument, by which iiiaiiy 
 l)eople coiiM be ilrawn thither, although we wish, that we could have refused the grant of such a 
 colony, for we agree with your Honors and consider such grants very ineoiivcnient for the Com- 
 pany, but we could not refuse it to this man, who is a iiKMnber ot'tiie Ciovernment, because we did 
 not like to appear as being oi)|)osed to the inliiix of population ; here again in this grant we me»'t 
 tlie inconveniences mentioned above, for Baron van d<:r Capello claims to have been |>roprietor of 
 these lands for a year or eighteen months; we must say tt to establish a government within a government. 
 If you had sent Dincklaijfii to us, this would not have had happened and it could have been 
 prevented in a ritional way, considering he resigned his ollice without giving an account ; we are 
 tiieref jre unable to understand, that any salary is duo to him, and we rather think, that he was 
 resolved to leave the Company's service under some ilisingcnuous pretext, alreadv in the year 
 1*150. when ho pres.sed in so outrageous a manner to have iiis salary p.iid in full, with which In; was not 
 satisfied, but he haii to stir up the soldiers also. We have so far overlooked many insolent ads 
 of S(jme unruly spirits, hoping tliat our beiievolenco and leniency might put them to shame, but 
 as wo seo that urbanity dues not help us, wo must nly upon God, the law and nature and wo 
 * Van C'uuwL-uliovuu. 
Xeio York J/isloriral liet-itrd^. jcj) 
 clmrjfi) mill diropf vmi Hu.rrf.n-c li.Tcwitli tlmf \t v,.i. ,i: 
 ,V..,. for thm piirpoHO j.ri„t.M| copios rolatiiiK lo jn.lirial ,■ .nrt. ■,m.I l.,v • .' 
 naTcaHCM,ftlK,vuI„o of money lm.s usually been tho ruin of tl.o .o„„„.v an,! i,. pop, la . • ^o 
 fa t M ...M.u.rv. W.. are ..onvin.^l. that the F,r/..y,,...v an,l o.lu... .arrv on a cmtra , 1 
 :";.:r:::i:::;:;:;n:: ';;;:::r 
 it.nore faithfully or el. ;. .i„ ,. ^Ji ;■;;;;,: ti;!:^';;;::';! f-''-^^" 
 an. .nany..t..rj.on.pL^ 
 iH'.iu., ,,f wlurl, w.. lo„n,l ilu. proof in tho inv^ims; tlu.y claim tlu-n-foro tint wl,., v „ 
 forournU..ntu>nan,l..xpr,..or.K,.rwa.s.,l,at you s! I., „..t .l.n.an.I UK.ro tluu. S /h. "n f ; 
 . .rv nn^n.luntal.lo .km, ,1.,, I.avor skin lu-in. valu..,l at H ^nil an.l wo repeat 1 e r w t , , 
 orde, that we n.ay n,.t ^et info n..w .lilli..ulties with tho nierchants everv lime 
 ^ ven to ,he «lnp '^ U,,, r/„„,r ; i, diilers son.ewhat fron. the eonlLsions ^iven tootl" hi 
 lueh are chartered or the voy.^,o out and back, while the •• W.,frr^.onr was chartore .1 t ; 
 "'^■^■"^■''"""'"^^^'^'' ■"- '" to- it^ l'.-k upon it. outward arrival in finding at. Id^llli,.!;;: 
 Early Colonial SvltUtncnts. 
 return cargo: the same poniussiou will now bo given to the " Iloff mm Clecff" unless we should 
 freight her for Vuragao juiJ the neighboring islands, as stated above, so that we eould not -(,'e any 
 danger in this, but rather in the neglect to obtain letters of repris;il, as all other Kkii)i)Lr., have 
 done: especially as he has since been fortunate enough to come across and capture a sugar ship, 
 which you and your council have declared confiscated by formal judgment, distributing tlie cargo 
 of this prize, as if the skip]>cr had received a commission in due form. Wo must therefore tell 
 you, that the capture was made for the bonetit of the Company and not in belialf of the skipper 
 and the >liipowners: tlie whole cargo of sugai ought to have been consigned to us, so that we 
 could dispose of it according to the rights and privileges of the Company against the Portuguese. 
 Now wo have to submit to many calumnies on that account and defend several suits : among 
 others the owners and after them the underwriters have attached the sugar, asserting that as the 
 skipper liad no proper authority to make reprisals, ho should be punished as a pirate and so on. 
 Wo have already a good deal of trouble about it and do not know, what the result will be, for we 
 observe, that these people still have their friends, especially because the loss of tiic insurance falls 
 upon citiziMis and iidiabitants here. We also judge so, because Johannes I)i/ckman and other 
 passengers attract but little attention with their complaint, that they had received too small a 
 share in the partition, although they could make no claim for any share, until the judgment was 
 definitely confirmed here. Anyway wo find, they received more, than was due to them. We 
 notice further, that the whole case has been siidly mismanaged, many articles iiave been stolen, 
 especially all tiie loaf-sugar; some tobacco, silverware and gold coins: eight chests were kept back 
 to defray the exjjenses, which is a great deal, and a largo quantity for presents and similar 
 purposes: this causes many complaints and others are made on account of the ship " Xea 
 Nederlantschc lortiiljn," skipper Daniel Jfaohicl/ten ; although it is now proved by all the 
 documentary evidence, that this ship and its car;;o were confiscated legally and for good reas(jns, 
 we shall yet have some trouble about it, beciiuse some people had shares in it, who will not 
 understand, that a ship, being a dead instrument, c;in .-.in ; but wo believe, tliat these people will 
 sutler themselves to be enlightened on this point. This, however, is our leaat trouble: but we observe, 
 that the fiscal neglected to seize the contraband goods, upon which the right of confiscation is 
 biised and if we had not been more alert here to obtain clear proof, that the munition of war was 
 l)art of the cargo, as you may see from the enclosed invoices, the documents sent by you would 
 liardly have stood the test, for some of the declarations of the mate and crew are contradictory 
 and we are very much astonished, that the necessary information concerning thesse proceedings 
 and confiscation is not given more intelligently. Wo consider also the sentence very intricate, as it 
 declares ship and cargo liable to confiscation e.xcepting the jiroperty of the crew and passengers 
 and what has been duly cleared and that this may be proved by tlio bills of lading. Now wo find, 
 that by public auction a lot of goods h;is been sold there, amounting according to a list sent us to 
 fl 7352.2, and we are told, that these goods were regular merchandise, not sui)ject to confiscation, 
 but not a word is said about the disposd of this money, whether it was held in trust for those who 
 have a riglit to it or what became of it. Although no invoice of these goods has been produced, 
 you could have seen from the bills of lading and lists sent you, that they were tluly cleared here, 
 ami the duty paid for them, therefore, even if the custom lionse clearances had been wanting, 
 these goods could not be subject to confiscation, because it often happens here, that (pianlities of 
 merchandise shipped iience are covered only by a simple bill of lading. In this case we need not 
 enter into a dispute, for tlie clearances were produced hero and we send you duly authenticated 
 copies herewith. That they have not been shown to you is the fault of AUard Anthony sX\\u\A\\.y, 
Ne^n York Ilithrical liecords. 17^ 
 towhom those goods were consisne.l and wlu, ti.ercforo slioul,! have .lain.,.,! tliom ; but ovil-.nitKle.l 
 porso„8 fnght^.ne.l Im.i by .ayit.g, that hi. own goo.ls, shipp.nl to hiu. free of ,h.tv, would bo 
 ohalloivrod. rho ownoiv havo now miuostod the restitution of the aforesaid money and we see 
 no roi^on whatever, why it should be n.fuse.l ; wo trust, that it has been kept there in eonsignmont 
 and good earo and .t „.u«t be paid over to the owners : as we have also good reason to eay, that 
 the whole „,atter has not i,een sufficiently explainod to us, so we have still more to say about the 
 promnirngs concerning the ship, of which not a word has been said, whether it is to bo used in 
 the Company 8 serv.eo or what has been done with it : we have been told bv strangers, that it was 
 sold for H3200 and sent with provisions to Curasao or the Oarlhean Islanih, a proceodin-^, which 
 n.akes us suspicious. This ship is now claimed by Bar.n Wndrick mn dor CapcJhlud his 
 partners who assert the ship could not be liable for the misconduct of Comdls Mdua ■ we sav 
 that Md,,n has been con.lcmned as agent and in behalf of the skipper, that before sentence wa's 
 pronom.cj^l si.thc.ent bad was given, that his real estate ha. been attached for it and that tliov are 
 fully justified in proceeding against and claiming the money received for the ship IJut here airiin 
 we have no evidence of how much it has been sold for or what lias become of the money if the 
 skipper has received it, then he is responsible for it to his owners: vou will observe and take 
 notice that we re-iuiro much clearer proofs not only in this case, but also in some prece.lin- cases 
 of conJ.scat.on, which caused us nothing but groat trouble : we should not be exposed to it " 
 _ W are quite coiu^erned in regard to the request of the Canada savages, who have become 
 iMvolvod into a war with the Maqmes and resolved to go into the country of tho latter- to 
 d.. so they would require permission to cross over tho North river and liave already asked it from 
 your Honor. We consider a consent to their request very dangerous, for we must fear to get into 
 trouble with the savages, tho more so for tho reasons mentioned above; it is therefore our opinion 
 that It IS best, to refuse such a passage i)olitelv. ' 
 We cannot sufficiently express our astoniihmont at tho insolence and boldness of lirant van 
 Slechtenhorst m umlertaking to deprive some people of their gardens, made bv them aroun.l Fort 
 Oran:;,'. We can only say to it, that we desire our authority in the neighborirood of this fort to bo 
 nmintainedm every way as far as a cannon shot and if he has injured anv citi.en within these 
 units or rumod anything, thou ho must repair it and pay for the damage. ' From what wo can 
 harn here, the owners of the Colony of R.ns.olaer.w.jrk have here come to an agreement and will 
 probably sen, over another manager, but wo doubt, whether thev will oasilv get ri.'l of ShrhUnhor.t 
 for It .8 said here, that ho demairepariiig to go there with a large 
 number of peo|)le. Time must .show, whetiier we sliall succeed well with tliis nation : they are a 
 crafty and generally treacherous people, in whom therefore not too mucli contideuce must be 
 The contract ])rojecte(l by Justus van de Venne has surprised us very much and wo consider 
 ourselves very fortunate, because it has fallen into your hands : it will show you, how .■^uch persons 
 try to deal with the ('omjiany : we must oppose such contracts by all available nuians and therefoi'e 
 consider it necessary to pui'chase from the savages or natives as much laud as can be obtained and 
 tliercliy prevent all such dangerous dealings by private parties. 
 Your journey to the South River aiul what has passed there between the Swedes and you, 
 lias surprised us, as you had not j)reviously mentioned this intention ; Ood grant that what vou 
 have done may turn out for the best ; wo cannot express our opinion of it, before we have not 
 heard, how the complaints of the Swedisli Governor will be received by the (Jueen : we hope that 
 the proofs of our |)revious po.sses5;ion will be accepted as sullicient : but we see little probability nor 
 any opportunity to make here arrangements with the Swedes for settling the boundary (piestion : nor 
 can we say much, whether the demolition of Fort Nassau was a very prudent act, as indeed 
 nobody could claim it and time must show, whether the Swedes will so understand it in regard to 
 the erection of the new Fort, called Casetnirus ; we are in the dark iis to the reasons, wliv the 
 fort has been given this name ; it nnist be guarded with care, that it may not be taken bv surprise : 
 we do not know, whether it is very necessary to make any fortitications opposite to the Fort on the 
 east side of the river and must leave this to your discretion, but in connection with this matter we 
 also must warn you to take good eare, that no stronghoMs be erected upon some islands near the 
 xManhattanx by |)eople, who have bad the aud;wity of instigating the savages against us : vou will 
 impiin; into this matter closely and finding it contirmed as true ])roctHjd against these peoplo us 
 their acts deserve ; we charge you however to use the utmost discretion in all your |)roceedings, so 
 that you may answer for them to e\ervbodv. 
 We have no objections to the provisional agreement with the English about the boimdaries 
 and the envoys, who have gone to F.miland, have been instructed to come to an airreenient about 
 it with the governint'Ht there, if possible; but the relations between Enossible. able to preach in 
 the English language, we have made every etfort and at last as if sent by the Lord Domine .SWrni^if 
 Dru'H, a bachelor of about 40 years, has made his appearance, who on account of the perturbances 
 in Eiujlnnd* where he had been preaching and was b, ,rn of Dutch parents,* has retreated from there. 
 He has the reputati,)u of being a very i)ious man and possessed of great gifts, is able to i.reach in 
 b,>th languages, English and Dutch and if necessary even in French, lie is said to be of a very 
 l)eaceful disposition and agreeable conversation, so that we are confident, the conimunitv will be 
 l.leased with him and that he will be a great instrument for the propagation of (Jod's holy word 
 and glory, also a Ht assistant to the old gentleman, D" Meijapolemis. We have allowed him a 
 salary of 11 100 per month and ll l'.'.O a year for subsistence and as he is unmarried, we have thought, 
 It might not be inconvenient, if he boarded with Jol„„i de ia M,mta,jnie ; but we do not wish to 
 ])ress such an arrangement upon either and propose it ..nly from pure atfeetion. 
 As you now will hav.) learned, that we do our very best to promot.^ the spiritual and temporal 
 weltare of New Xelh.rlnnd, we urge you most earnestly lo use all proper and suitable measures 
 in endeavoring to liud mumus for defraying a part of all those extraordinary expenses : we think the 
 community, whom we try to a.rommodate in every thing, should make an effort to assist their 
 ministers and supply their wants, for if everything were to remain upon our shoulders, we mi-ht 
 at last find the burden too heavy. ° 
 Upon your recommendati.m we had an eye upon D" Ora.^meer, but found his affairs with the 
 reverend Syno.,1 so far from being settled, that he cannot sail this vear : it is true, the charges 
 against him have been satisfactorily disposed of by the Classis of Afchmier, but the Svnod Imd to 
 approve of this de.M>i..ii and it will not sit until next August : then the time to sail thisyt^r will have 
 l.assed ; the good man is much inci.nveiiieiurd by it, but it is considered best for him on all sides that 
 * Tlieso words uro Diiiitto.l in thu copy of tliis letter, above rfforrud. — 1!. F. 
 Early Colonial Settlements, 
 lie should submit in ovorytliiiig to tiio onlinanecs of tlio church of this country and as God is a 
 God of order, we doubt not that ho will take care of him and all pious people. 
 Wo oncloBO an account of a lot of logwood, part of which one Jan Jannen. Iluyitaen lins sold 
 &t Bonaii'o, another part ho lia,-i given as a present to skippers and others : Lucas liodenhuryh 
 must bo sharply written to about this matter and the seller must be called upon for the amounts, 
 which lie received for it. 
 Wo alluded above to the contest about to arise between Baron Ilcndrick van der Capelle and 
 Corndis van WercUiown concerning tlio torritt)ry of tlie Nieuesinck and h'anfan.i ; this nuifter 
 has gone so far already, that tliey have entered written protests against each others ; the Honorable 
 Mr. Werckhoven lias addressed himself to us and requested, that he should be supjjorted in the 
 privileges granted by us, which we shall tiiid ourselves obliged to sustain as far as possible, that so 
 improper purchases of land from the savages may henceforth be prevented ; the said Werrkhoven 
 has also petitioned their High: Miglit : for the above reasons and we expe(t to see now shortly, 
 •what rules shall be established in these matters. 
 Undoubtedly much trouble w'll again nrise out of this matter and the evil-minded will 
 endeavor to tlirow the blame for all the disorder upon the Directors, notv.ithstanding that we have 
 in this case clear proof, that some of the kw-makers are the cause of it. Tiniv. must show, what 
 the result will be. 
 Honorable, Worshipful, etc. 
 Tiie Directors of the W. I. Company 
 Amsterdam, De)>artmunt n't Amsterdain 
 the •!:•" of April 1052. Davh) van IJakkle. 
 Jacob Pkuoenb. 
 Minutes of thk Classis of A-msterdam.* 
 Meeting of Feb. 26, 1652. 
 Rev. John Rulitins in the chair. 
 Rev. Samuel Dr/'sius presented hi'nself. Tie was formerly pastor in England , but educated 
 by German parents and in the German tongue. lie declared his readiness to be emploved as 
 minister in Av(/' Xctherhind. Inasmuch as the Lords Directoi-s greatlv desired a minister, who, 
 besides the Dutoh, could also preach in English, it Wiis resolved that next Monday a trial should 
 he made as to his German {Dutch) pronunciation. Subsefjuently, further negotiations could be 
 held with his Reverence. 
 Meeting of March 11, 1G52. 
 Rev. MatthioM Musniis in tlu; chair. 
 In accordance with the previous resolution, a trial was made last Monday of the gifts bestowed 
 by God on Rev. Sumud Dricsrh for preaching in Dutch. These were fomid not only sufficient, 
 but to the great satisfaction of the brethren, were vorj' agreeable a!id diifying: His Reverence is 
 considered to be a very desirable person to serve the Church of God in Xeto Netherland. He 
 has also declared his wi!lingn(>ss to go, and a.s two vess(>Is are about to sail, it is found necessarv to 
 call a meeting of Ciassis for next Monday, Afarcli 18"'. 
 • From "AinHUrihim CorrcRpondcni'o " in tlio I/ilirary of the St-iiilnnry of the Keformed Church in Amrrka, iVt-w 
 liruMXDick, N. ./., kindly furiiinhod by Kcv. A'. T. t'urwin, ut Mil/atmif, A'. J. 
New York H'mtovical lieaordH. \ 75 
 To tlio Cotninonalty at the IManatlians. 
 Honest, Pious, Dear, Faitliful. 
 Wo wrote you last on tl.o 22" of Marcli of last year and send you copy of that letter herewith, 
 that you may fully assure yourselves of our good intentions regarding your co.ninunity and the 
 country there ; the nioro so, as we were inuch suri)rised to learn hv your letter of the 2iJ"' of 
 September, that so evil-niiiideersons, taking passage, would 
 cost a large sum, which made us as somewhat uneasy on your account, we feared, that votir hopes 
 of profits would not be realized in that way: especially as something has occurred here between 
 Eiujhuul and our government, which has brought them both into hostile position to each other; 
 80 that everybody began to lie careful and it Wius apparent that hut very small cargoes of 
 merchandise would be shipped across the ocean. Hesides n-iother proposition was made bv the city, 
 offering to turn over to us 150 bovs and girls from the poor houses to be taken to New Xt/wrland 
 free of e.xpcu.se, provided we would apj.rentice them then^ to good masters for four year.s, during 
 which time they were to receive clothing and board or if they chose tl CO annually for clothing 
11' ill- 
 Early Colonial Setthmcnta. 
 tlicinselvos. In this manner wo thouglit your reiiiu'st mif,'lit l)o fiiltillcd in the sufost and nioBt 
 expedient way, hut tlie reasons, why tliis plan cannot he earried out fully, will he e.\i)laine(l to you 
 l)y his Honor, tlie Director. In order that y<.u may he still more eonvineed of our good will 
 towards your couimnnity, we consont, that yon may send ships to the coast of AmjoJa and Africa 
 to fetch thenco as many negroes as yon will recjnire for agricultural purposes, suhject to the 
 conditions and rules sent herewith to the Director. Wu consign to him also some ammunition, 
 powder, load and other things, directing him to sell at a fair iirico to the hurghers and community 
 a-s much, as each shall need for his defense, for wo arc resolved to stop if juissihle the unlimited 
 fontrahand trade in these goods carried on hy ,.-,>'.' ■ prrilus .v.ivl thus to protect our good 
 inhahitants against violence and molestation: W' 1 ^; , s y well that there is a nnmhorof rt-stlosa 
 mutineers who not satisHed with trying to mislead jnnnuniry there, are also stirring np an 
 agitation here in the name of the community. Your letters and protests however will hosuliicient 
 to put them to shame. We trust the good connnunity will on their side al.vays ])ersist in doing 
 tlieir duty towards their patroons, as we on our side shall at all times he willing to let the 
 comnnmity rule in everything reasonahle and maintain them in everything lawful, as yon can 
 ascertain witiiout harhoring any douht from the orders sent herewith to the Director and 
 Meanwliile we send you our greeting etc. 
 Amskrdam, •1"' of April ltI52. 
 ITonorahlo, Pious, Dear, Faithful. 
 Our last letter to you was written on the 2-2' of Marcli of last year, since which time we have 
 received yours of tho 25"> of September M,*)!. We have learned hy it of your continued 
 complaints against the illicit trade with powder and lead, hy which private jiarties provide tho 
 savages in too great an ahundance, so that grown insolent tin; latter cause much vexation to onr 
 good inhahitants hy stealing their cattle and also murdering some persons nanieil hv his Honor, 
 the Director. We can only presunu', that such holdiie.ss is I result of tlie misdiMneanors of some 
 nnitineers, helonging to our nation, who appear to persua'U these savages, that their evil deeds 
 will not he imuished: the government liere and especially the Directors of this ('om]iaiiv have 
 fjuite a dilTerent intention ; therefore we think it necessary to assure you. that wt! are giving such 
 orders in reganl to the oin^ and the other matter, as to make you feel, that your comi)laints have 
 touched onr hearts. We send for this purpose herewith i)lacats directeil against those, to whom 
 you refer in your lir>t complaint, for we do not wish that any i)rivate parties shall hring there any 
 powder or lead or other kind of annnnnition under the piMialty stated in the plaeat : we shall 
 seuil every year to the Director such a ijiiautity of it, as we shall consider necessary to he used hv 
 our inhahitants for tlieir defense or in hunting and herewith W(! order him to provide you with 
 wjjut you reqm're. 
 As to tlio second point, secret instructions are sent to tlu; Director and Oonnci! for their 
 govermnent in an emergency : if therefon^ any trouhle hefal you or violence he done to you, tho 
Neio York Hist&i'ical Eecorde. 
 way of complaint is open to you ami you will Icani by experience, that these harbarians will find 
 theuiselves deceived by treacherous iuforniatioii. We would have liked to aceoiniuodate you agreeably 
 to your rocpieBt to charter here some sliips, for account of your community, for the transport to New 
 Nctkedaml of farm laborers or young fellows, fit to be employed in farm or other work ; but as 
 wo can only infer from this reipiest, that by tliose means you desire to enjoy the profito etc. 
 (From hero this letter is a copy of the preceding.) 
 DKPOsrnoN of Thomas Foster and ^xnEEts beoaudino Dm. Stuyvesant's action at Flushing, 
 L. r. 
 April the S'" 1G52. 
 The deposition of Tliomm Foster, Stephen Hudson and [sack Bohye taken before the 
 Maiestrates oi Jflush'mg is that they comming into the meeting at Hempstead heard the Governor 
 say that the towne had not made a legail {;hoice and that all that they had done since Captaine 
 Tapp'nuj went away heo looked at it to bee a.s noctliing and wislied them to make a new choice and 
 hoo would coufinno them this is the full scope of what was written soe nero od wee can remember. 
 John Undekhill. 
 Thomas Chandlek (1) 
 April 1.5, lfi.52. 
 Ahraliiim Verphmck pitIT iigainst Dlrck Teiinissfn the Norman deft. 
 The I'HT demands to know, why Deft, burns lime upon his, plaintiffs, land instead of 
 cultivating it, as he had engaged to do, for through the burning of lime the soil is impoverished 
 and not imi)roved as tiio conditions of the lease reiju'io; furtliermore the plaintiff was to be 
 benefitted liy the increase of cultivated land, that is the fourth part. 
 'IMio Ueft. replies, that he has sown 7 schopels of winter grain, but no summer grain for want 
 of iiorses. 
 The Court of Nine Men decide, that PlfT. shall bo idlowed to take tho fourth part of the 
 burned lime and that it is to be his fourth of tlie increase. 
 Early Colonial SetthmientH. 
 Lkti'Kb from the Dirkctoiw in Holland to Stiiyvksant: iik m not vkt to obey tiik ouuiiu 
 Vuliant, llonoriible, Pious, Dear, Fiiithful. 
 Tlieir High : Miglit : only just now, wlien the privftto ships aro ready at the Texel to start 
 with till) first good wind for New Netherhmd. sent us thuir letter and the resolution, passed 
 already the 17"' of last month, hy wliicli they sunnnon you to appear witliout delay, to make a 
 reiKirt on the territory of New Nethei'land and the boundary (piestion between the English and ua 
 there.* Wo consider it proper and necessary to send you copies of them herewith : iw the above 
 resolution was passed without the knowledge of tliis Deparlnient or of the Asendily of the XIX, 
 further without any eonnuunication liaving been made to the deputies of the several Departments 
 at the Uayue, and as it is contrary to the charter, granted to the Company by their High : Might : 
 according to wliich such matters nmst be referred to the Assembly of the XIX, therefore we direct 
 you not to proceed on your voyage hither ,vith too much haste, but wait until you have further 
 advices from us. 
 Meanwhile we hope and trust to remove tlie erroneous impression made upon their High: 
 Might : by incorrect information and to succeed in liaving the resolution rescinded,. 
 The above had been penned, when Mr. Penjens returned from the Hague, where he had 
 hastened to prevent if j)Ossii»le your recall : be re])orts, that he had si>i)ken about it with many 
 members of the Assembly of their High : Might : and had so far succeeded, that their Honors, the 
 Muri'omasters Gi'aaif;\\\A van Swieten with six or seven members of the States of Jlollaml had 
 appeared before their High : Might : at o'c' yesterday morning and had called up the resolution 
 adopted by their High: Might: on the 27"' of April, which having been read, the States of 
 Holland protested against it and it was agreed, that it must first be brought up in the Assembly 
 of Holland: we received also by ex ^iress a letter, that it was resolved to keep back the above 
 mentioned documents. 
 Herewith etc. 
 Your good f.n'cnds 
 Amsterdam, The Directors of the West India Company 
 the 17"' of April lti52. Dei)artmeut of Amsterdam 
 Jacob Pkroens, J. Uvckaekt. 
 Herewith copy of the cargolists of the ship " Ilofd van CLef" for your guidance. 
 Letteu from the samk Til same: Gkraro SMrni, Nicholas and J the malice of the natiues wlio would be glad to see vs att variance heere in these p'tes that 
 thereby they might haue occasion and op|iortunitie to worke mischief to either. 
 3'>' the greate seperation vfe distance fniin our natiue Countries being .'lere settled i.i a vast 
 wilih^rness vt left as it were to ourselues amongst nndtitudes of bariiarians ^ of whoso. iTriendship 
 or p'forming Couenant there is as little hope as depeudancie : the w''' (to me) calls for a nmre 
 nearer vnioii of hjue & friendship betwixt vs y' are in these remote p'ts, the w"" 1 haue often 
 written soe now againe tor the discharging of that Christian duty I ought to p'form towards 
 n>y Christian neiglibours, I reallie prfesse my rcadyiies ife willingnes therevnto in all allaira of loue 
 A for that I vnderstand by one Jo: yo Sailmaker of your intentions of writing to me concerning 
 a cortaine man suspected to be guilty of murder ife that he should be in our Jurisdiction, beleavo 
 me S' neither he isor any other malefactoin" or fugitive shall haue either p'tection or Countenance 
 l^ku'hj Coloniid Settl^emeiUn. 
 hooro & if I may but rocoiuo a lino or two from yoiiraolfo to that ofloet I sliall Hcnd him or any 
 other to you tlioro to rocoiuo thoyro tryouli, Soo 8' with luy duo rowpoctB I rout. 
 Y' louing frioud & Boruaut. 
 Honoiirud S' 
 The Command of my principals & Complying with myno owno dofliros for the proscruatio 
 of all ffriono .Netherland siiould be (.ai.l in beavers, at 8 tl a j.iece or in silver coin, and that'they 
 now understand, Director Stuyvesant and Council had t;xod the value of a pi.ce of eight at three 
 guilders and therefore many light {.ieees of t.ght, which it is forbidden tocircui.ite here, had been 
 shipped there It they were to receive their payment in such j.iecos, the^ would lose tilYy I-er 
 cent and thcref:,re request, that .ome remedial nususuro bt taken. It was resolved, to instruct tho 
 Director and Counuil to act in this matter with tho nocussary equity. 
 Karly Colonial iSttfltinunts. 
 10'" of May 1G53. 
 Ilonornblo, Viiliniit, I'iouH, Donrmul Fiiitlifu!. 
 This sorvcBas cover to tlio cnclosod copies from our lloHolutioim, which will inform v«>" of 
 wlmt cotKicsHions wo imvc iimdo to itoveriil juirHoiis ; you will ^ovorii yoiiritolvcs accordingly, \Vc 
 Ht'iul with it 11 stiUi'iiiLMit drawn up by thu bookkcu-por of monthly wagoH, who riMpiircH further 
 eliiciilation upon noveral pointrf ; also a atatumcnl conwrninj,' tiui nu'tuur of Daniil i'mrmmt ; tliu 
 documents bulon<^ing to it iiavc been given to the supercargo Vitvent Piekem you will do well to 
 settle this matter on tlio basis ofthese papers as it should be done and to report tons by the returning 
 Kliij)s, tiiat we may keep the people, who have long solicited relief, from making complaints. We 
 suspect, that the papers sent us are not carefully collated by tiie otllcors of the Company, for in the 
 last documents many and gross mistakes have been discovered; this ought to be corrected. We 
 enclose also a list of the Company's servants, who have embarked and who are, contrary to our 
 intentions and former advices to you, mostly soldiers, because on account of the extensive naval 
 preparations of the country no sailors could be obtained; wo \io\ni it will be better next year. 
 Herewith etc etc. 
 The Directors of tho West India Company 
 Amsterdam, May lu"' 1052. Department of Aimtirdam 
 To tho Director and Council in New Nethcrland. 
 Lkttek from the DrRECTORS TO Stuyvesant in keoaki) to TnE ORANT OF IIoo's Island. 
 Honorable, Valiant, Pious, Dear, f'aithful. 
 By our last letter of the 4"" of April \t\»t past sent by the ship " St. AficMd," which sailed 
 about three weeks ago wc advised you in regard to the grant of Vnrckenn {lf<>romim!(l l)y him to tho savaguo .... 
 50(» Kuil.lorH, without giving m KutHeiuut proof . . . '^f "tho land'aml how m'uch of 
 It ii4 wililoriiosH and waMto 
 Bhouhl liavo till! mim, on which account n.y Hup.TiorH, tho rion"'" LonlH-Diroctors "took oxoeption 
 and demanded moro proof. ^ 
 J.in SW,/;,jn- han Imvu pl..a.s,Ml to addre.ss n,. in a most nnmannnorly way, saying among others, 
 thatuponmoandnnnoHhonl.l[ftll| the iodse. and damages, hereafter [caused] l.y the natives 
 The80 wonU woro nhoutcl ho loud, that es-ery one could hear them, which i^ derogatory not o.dy 
 to our pernon, l.nt also to our otHcial ponition an.l not willing to sulmut to Huch instdt, wo have 
 hcen compelle.l to u.form your Honors of tho occurrence and call for your advice and assistance 
 As to tho matter itself, your Honors know, that shortly I.efore the last murder said yther savages, even than the great.'st Sachem or chief who 
 a long time ago had sold, given and ce.led the whole piece of land an,l its .lepen.Iencies to the 
 former olhcers of the Hon'"' (V.n.pany and received according to the declaration of tho lato 
 Director and Council satisfactory payment for it in goods. 
 Novertliele.ss and notwithstanding it was improp,.,- and contrary to all reason and eouity wo 
 haveagived tor the sake of i-reventing blame and new troubles to allow the said Jan S,mU,,er 
 that he may .secretly give or promise to the .savages a gratification and make a rep..rt to us that 
 we might refund it in time, but we never thought, much le.ss abs..lutcly directed to promise for so 
 small a piece of lan.l so largea sum at thee.xpen.se of the Company or of our own funds, especially 
 not on so uncertain ..oiKlitions and terms. To have in the future a better defence before the 
 aforesaid Lords-Directors and to prevent any blame of negligence falling upon us, we refer this 
 purcha.se to your llonor.s' knowle.lge and discretion, that a proper resolution may be drawn uu 
 concerning it. *^ 
 Niw Ainxtinlam, ,^\\\w\1^\\J\^'2,. 
■*.* V 
 184 Early Colonial /Settlements. 
 Lktteh feom Stephen Goodyear to Dik. Stuyvesant on oknekal affaiks. 
 lO"" July 1652 Newhaven. 
 Honored and much 
 Esteemed S'. 
 You" of tho 25'" ditto 18 come to hand, whereby I understand of you' willingnes 
 to trade w"' mee for such Cominodityes & prouisions :i.s theasc partes aiforde, which I cannot but 
 acknowHdge witli thankluhies & eliall I liope answer you' desire to my utmost. I ha\ie at present 
 sent you aboute wliat (pumtitje of flesli you liaue desired Being 11 barrels of Pork & 13 barrels 
 of Beefe wiiich tliey have perused Boe farr as they conceiued ueedfull & alsoe wayd some of them 
 being all full & well packet yet differ in theare wayte. 1 haue sett them at that prise by the 
 Barrel! which Ensyne Briantt hath placed in his note given to you' Secretary, ' and 17"' of May of tliis year U'rl replying to your letters of tho 21", 2i."' and ;{0"' of 
 September 1(!5rs 
 were still there, not hesitate.l to embargo all ships from whatever place thev might come, to take 
 the crews fn.m many, >vho ignorant of any trouble entere.l their ports, and to keep them to the 
 greatest detriment of this coimtry, not allowing even the men-of-war of this government coming 
 from lh;ml to depart. As om- Ambassadors upon thei. mplaints to Parliament eould obtain no 
 redress, but were kept in suspense by idle talk, their High Mightinesses hav.i re.-alh'd then, and 
 since their return, the formidabl." preparations and eM,iip,„ents, especiallv bv our ir-vernment 
 made it aj.pear, iis if finally war would be declared, tlu" more so ius Admiral 7ww;> with a fleet of 
 24 ' 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 about 100 sails has btsen socii in tho Nortli, wlicro tho English Admiral Blake had also gone. The 
 Lord our God grant a happy result and hunuliato tho haughty spirit of tho English. This not only 
 imexpoetcd but also undesired rupture with tho English has given occasion to some New Ndherland 
 merchants hero to roipiest, that we should send a despatch boat to you and tho connnunity there 
 to give information of these new troubles. Deliberating with them wo have agreed, that they 
 should freight a fiist sailing galiot on condition that tlicy should remunerate themselves for tlic 
 voyage by the fees for freiglit and duties on tho goods taken by tho said galiot and coming back in 
 tho returning ships, each in proportion to his share of the cargo. 
 Altiiough we have no doubt, that pursuant to our previous letters, you will have entered into 
 r. leacue with tho New Eiujland people or arranged for a closer union with them and that in 
 consequence we sliall have nothing to fear from tho New England people, we have nevertheless 
 deemed it prudent, under the circumstances, to recommend to you most urgently, that yon arm all 
 freemen, soldiers and sailors and tit tliem for defense, give them proper otHcers, ai)]>oint jilaces of 
 rendez-vous, provide them with ammunition, put tho fortifications at New Amsterdam, Orange 
 and Ciisimii' in a good state of defense, to which end wo send yon for your better protection such 
 war material as the enclosed invoices and lists will show. You must not trust tiie English there 
 and keep an eye upon them, that you may not bo deceived by their sinister machinations uiuler a 
 pretext of prol)ity, as we have been here. If it should happen, which wo will not hope, that the 
 New England people take up this matter and try to injure you and our good inhabitants, then we 
 consider it proper and necessary, that you should make use of the Indians who as we learn do not 
 like the English, and devise such moiisures, that you live there afterwards with as imich Siifety as 
 possiijlo ; wo su])pose, that it will be safest to let all merciiants and inhabiamts liring their property 
 into the fort as far as feasible and acconnnodate them in kindness, in order to induce them to 
 remain there and not to return hero and thus depopulate the country. It will further bo necessary, 
 to surround tho villages, at least the larger ones, with palisades and breastworks, that they may 
 resist a sudden attack. 
 Private parties frequently give their lettcM-s to this or that sailor or free mercliant, which letters 
 to their great liisadvantago are often lost through neglect, remaining forgotten in the boxes or 
 because one or the other removes to another place ; for their better accommodation we have had a 
 1h)x hung uj) at the New Warehouse , where we now hold our meetings, into which every one may 
 ])lace his letters at any time to be dispatched by the fir»t sliip sailing. We deem it iidvisable to 
 inform you hereof, that the same may bo done in New-Netherlnnd mv\ that the ietti'rs put into a 
 l)ag for greater security be sent here to us, to be ileliverecl u]"in arrival to those' to whom they 
 lx;long and who usually come to tlie Wareliouse; they will then not be obliged to hunt up the 
 pei-sons entrusted with letters and run after them. 
 During these times of troulile with the EiigHsh it may be easily ha])pen. that some ill-meaning 
 Phiglishman resiiling hero or otiier persons despatch letters to iV» "'-.WMcrA//;'/ and endeavor to 
 excite your Eiigli>h inhaliitants against you and the connnunity. We think it therefore advisable, 
 tluJt yon should examine tho skipper of tho galiot and his jM'opJo uiuler oath and ijemanii from 
 them all letters entrusted to them and that you inspect all letters going herewith, opening all such, 
 which you deem suspicious, so that in despatching this galiot wo may not carry a snakoinour own 
 l>osoin and bring letters to people, who are against us to o\n' ilamage. 
 One ir^igo ChvKHen eotnes out on this ship; he has served theCompany assn|K'reargo and has 
 now iH'cn eniraired bv us as captain or ovorswr of tlit; (^)mpany's s.alt works at linnairo and of 
 tiie felling and liewing of logwood and its further cultivation at tl. 20 monthly ; also ./itn nindcr 
New York Historical Records. 137 
 Midst, a carpenter, engaged at fl 6 a niontli to go with tlio said Chmsen to Bonavro As at 
 present .t cannot be done here, you will provide them, iis far as iu your power, with implements 
 aim what else may be necessary. 
 With which etc" etc" tlio C" of August 1052 in Amsterdam. 
 Petition of Bkant van Sleoutlniiokht fob his release from confinement and REsoumoN 
 The petition of Brant van Shohtenhorst. With due revercnco shows Bratit van Slechtenhm-st, 
 niroctor of the Colony of nensselae,-»u»jcl; th^^i hf and his colleagues in the said Colony have 
 rcpoiitedly and very urgontly rcrpustcd, tliat the petitioner may be released from the arrest, in wliidi 
 ho has now been hehl since the 18'" of April Ixst, and tlmt he may receive per.nission to return to 
 the Colony, to attend to tlie Patroon's ur-ent business in the Colony ; to all these requests no 
 attention has been paid and as in the meantime by the arrival of tlie ships from Fatherland the 
 situation has been changed in so far, that the Lords Patroons have consented to the petitioner's 
 request, to «h8charge him fn.m tlie service of the Colony and to appoint somebody as his successor 
 whom It IS necessary to inform cf tlie situation an.l state of tl,.. Colony and as this can only be done 
 by the petitioner and as further the Cohmy has been deprived for such a length of time of the service 
 of its Director and nothing can bo done without the Director, which tends to the great disadvantage 
 and loss of the Colony and of i]\v. Lords Patroons, 
 Therefore lie has resolved, in onlor to prevent further loss and damage, to address yonr 
 Honors very rospectfully once more and to rcpiest, in consideration of tlu/foregoing and that 
 (un.ler submission) tlio unimportant actions of private parties ought not obstruct the service of the 
 Colony, that your IIoiiois will please to allow the p.'titioner to proceed to the Colony for the 
 aforesaul purposes, while he promises to return hero imnuMliatoly upon your Honors' orders and 
 oiTorsas security his own person and proiierty. Awaiting a favorable 'roplv to his petition ho 
 Soptbr 2, ir,52. Your Honors' willing servant 
 ]?. VA^f SLEeilTKNlIOHST. 
 The Director General an.l Council of Nan AVM/r/./^./have ahvadv before now replied to the 
 IH^tilionor's request, also informed the (\,urt of the Colony by letter in May last, that if they or 
 the petitioner give sullicient security for tlu> appoaran.r of the petitioner upon a summons of " the 
 TiM.il, the petitioner shall be free to return to the Colony for the purpose of attondin- to his and his 
 superiors' business. In the nieaiitinie some of his adversaries liav obtained a definitive sentence 
 against him "' oontimiaey an.l demand proper security for their satisfaction, which if the petitioner 
 giv.s m iM.JiMlt of Ih.. parti.s a.vonling t.. law, his re.pu.vst is once more granted under the 
 al.Momoiitmnod condition of procuring bail for his appearan.v n,H)n the demand and summons of 
 th.' 1' is.;al. 
 (Another jwtiti.m of Brant ran Slechtcn)„nvt of the If" of September for his ivlease was 
 answered by a referi'iice to the above reply to his liret petition.) 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Bond given by Diukotor Stuyvesant to the Mekchants of Amstekuam fob 12000 ouildeus 
 to be bkmitted in specie. 
 Before us, the undersigned members of tlie Council of Ncio Ndherland appeared tlie Valiant, 
 Honorable and Kigoroua Director General of New NethevlandvAw declared to have hypothecated, 
 pledged and engaged, as ho herewith hypothecates, pledges and engages with our knowledge to 
 Mebsrs. , merchants at Amsterdam, either jointly or individually, all his movable and 
 immovable property, which he now owns or may become possessed of hereafter, by whatever 
 name it might bo called, bouweries, lands, buildings, rents aiul salary to the amount of twelve 
 thousand guilders, until the first installment of the capital including expenses and interest shall 
 have been refunded to the siiid Merchants or their order, on condition that the said Merchants 
 shall remit and send by the first opportunity covered by good insurance, of which his Honor 
 engages to pay the premium, the sum of 12 thousand guilders, as above, in specie, either shillings 
 or double stuyvers. Soptbr l()'^ 1652. 
 P. Stuyvehant. 
 LaMontaone, Brian Newton. 
 The Ilon"'" Lords Directors will please to take notice, that in case the condition of their funds 
 does not admit of such a remittance, we have written privately to Messrs. Gerard Smith, Joost 
 and Nicolas van Beeck with their approval. 
 Order in Counoil obantino to Henoriok Gricksen van Lymme one piece of land on Long 
 Island and to Jacob Coklakk anotukr. 
 Meeting of the Council, O(!tober 1", 1652. 
 » * * * 
 Before the Council appeared Tlendrirk Orickscn van Lymme, who petitioned for a piece of 
 land situate on the Eastside of Jorin liappallm'' meadow. It was granted to him on the condition, 
 that it had not been given to somebody else. 
 Meeting of the Council, October 7, 1652. 
 » * * * 
 At the request of Jacob Corhwr for a piece of land in t!io village of Midwout, the Council 
 has granted it to him on the condition, that he shall improve and cultivate it, as other farmei's do. 
 * * » * 
 Samud Tou plff agt. Dirck van Sc/t^Jfui/n^ (Mt. in regard to the award made by arbitrators 
 for a certain piece of land situate at Misp/uMi Kit and belonging to the heirs of Richard Bcert. 
 Both parties being present, the plaintiil demanded i)ayment according to the award made l)y 
New York Historical Records. 
 Thomas IlalZ and Thomas Stevens as arbitrators on tlio 27"" of May, amounting to 510 guilders, 
 as oflset for the use of tlio said land and the benefit enjoyed by Samuel Toxi subject to the approval 
 of his Honor the Director General and Council. 
 The Director and Council, after considering d\Q report of the arbitrators in this case, authorize 
 the said arbitrators to estimate and value the rent for the use of the land and to offset it against 
 the improvements made by Samuel Tou or in case the said iiil)itrators could not agree, they shall 
 ajipraisu the buildings and fences on the said land, as they find them standing now and then equalize 
 the cost of the improvements against the use of the land and the rent. Novbr i, 1652. 
 Nomination anh Ai'I'ointmknt of Maiustbates for Middlkdobou (Newtown) L. I. 
 Mr. Coe, Thomas Hazard, 
 Mr. OiUlerskave, Edward Jesopp, 
 Mr. Wood, William Ilerck, 
 The Director General and Council confirm of the foregoing nomination as Magistrates : 
 Tho?nas Hazard, Mr. Voe and Mr. G ilderslcaue. 
 Kesolution of the Amsterdam Department of the W. I. Companv AuriioRiziNa the 
 Extract from the Register of Resolutions 
 passed by the Directors of the West India 
 Company, Department of Amsterdam. 
 Dies Lunae, IS"' of November 1652. 
 As to the rcaying duty" shiill be understood so as to mean customs duties and 
 convoy foes duo to the Company. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Indian Deeds fob New Utbeoiit, L. I., ani> thk land oam.kd Naykck, L. I., to CoKNEua 
 VAN Werckhoven. 
 To-diiy the 22'' of Novoinbcr 1(552, the Honomblo Mr. Cornelia van IVerck/ioven, has made 
 over in full, and tiio Indians called iSeiseu and Mattano, eliiefa and owners, have received for 
 themselves and as delegates of their friends and all other claimants to their entire satist'aetion and 
 accepted from the said ilr. IKercMoiv/un presence of C'lae^ Crtr«(!t;w, their interpreter and attorney 
 in this matter the followini^ merchandise, to wit : six shirts, two pairs of shoes, six pairs of socks, six 
 axes, six hatchets, six knives, two scissors, six cans, in full and satisfactory payment /or the lana 
 ' lyimj Eastward of the North River at tlie Heads, as the same has previoashj been bough 
 in behalf of the iroii^'^" Company and for irhieh payment was tojie made yet ; the saiu 
 land stretching from behind JL: Paulas" land, called Gouwanis, across the hills to 
 limits -I Mechawaiiienck, lying on the South East side of Amersfoort and thence past Gravesend 
 to the sea follonung the 7narks on the trees; including all the land, hills, woods and 
 forests, valleys, kilh, rivers and other waters, going Southuiard to the Bay and through 
 the Bay into the sea; and the aforesaid Indians do not reserve to themselves, their 
 followowners, their successors and descendants any, not even the least, claim or rifijht upon the 
 said land and its dependencies, but solemnly renounce now and forever in behalf of the said Mr. 
 Werckhoven all right:;, title, interest and ownership and cede the same herewith ])romising not to 
 do nor allow to be done anything against this deed of sale, wliich has been executed and passed in 
 good faith at Ncio Amsterdam, Manhattans, in New Neth''rland and was signed by the Indians 
 and Olacs Carstens in the presence of myself, Dirch van Schelluyne, a Notary public admitted to 
 practice by their High: Miglit : the Lords States Oencral yi.'sv\'u\'^ i\t New Aninferdauixn New 
 Netherland Awd oi Yonker Arcnt ran Ilattem, Jan Vingo and Nicholas Gouwert 'd?i\v\\x\cm(i9, 
 who signed the original hereof deposited with me together with the Indians and Claes Carstens. 
 Agrees with the original. 
 D. V. ScuELLUvNio, Not. public 1652. 
 To-day the 1" day of Docombor 1G52 the underwritten Indians Mattano, Mattaveno and 
 Cossikan consent for themselves and as attorneys for all other inhabitants and supposed ownei-s 
 of the lands now come into the possession of Mr. van W< rckhoven by the foregoing act, and agree 
 with the siiid Mr. van WerckJioven, that they, the Indians, shall receive from his Honor six 
 coats, six kettl&5, six axes, six hatchets, six small looking ghisses, twelve knives and twelve cans 
 on condition, that they, the Indians, and their descendants remove immediately from the land now 
 occupied by them, called Naieck and nevei- return to live in the limits of the ni/rk and situate upon the North River of Mw Netherland, and in behalf of 
 h.. Co-Uirectors with the belowna.ncd witnesses to tb.e rneetiufx of the Lords Directo.-H of the 
 1 riv.leyed West Ind.a (Company, presided over by Pardus Tlmm,:nnan, while his Honor, the 
 13urgo.mister lu-anh van d,-r Veer, Mr. A/f.eri Pat^r, presi.ling Sehepen and many other Direetors 
 were also present and there I have made the followinj,' protest: 
 _ Whereas your Director Sfu>/vemnf, resi.ling on" the Mankat(a>is in lYew Netherland, has 
 with the assistance of a nmnber of armed s.^ldiers, dared to come into the Colon v of Rensselaermovek 
 and there commanded to haul down the llaf; „f his Ilonc.r, the I'atroon, and (,V Directors, inflicting 
 insuflerable outra.^cs and insults and usin.i. force notwithstanding all fair re.,uests and protests, 
 Whereas he has onlcre.l by placat to c.t wood in and carry it out of the forests, belonging to 
 he aforesaid Patroon an.l Directors, without reroguiziug the rights of or asking permission from 
 the 1 atroon and Dn-ector.s or from their Director and Council, but executing his order by force 
 W hereas he published an.l alfixcl a placat, stating that the jurisdiction a^d ownership of the 
 soil at a distance of one hundrcl and fifty Rhhvland rods all around the Fort Orange belonged 
 to the Company arul he took fro.u the (Colony not ,.nly the jurisdiction and the soil, but idso 
 released the perso.is, living there as the Colony's subjects, from the oath t.. the Colony and made 
 tliem swear allegiance to the Con. pany ; robbed the Colony of its laud and gave it ou^ a.^ainst 
 quitrent and made arrangements t.- transforn, the people of the Colony into the Con.panv's 
 subjects ; stirred thrm up and caused them to dispute their contracts and their duties to their 
 Lord and Master and the oth(;r owners of the Colony, 
 Whereas he has released from his oath to the Patroon and other Directors a new Schout arrived 
 at the Manhattan, on the way to the Colony and compelled him to tako a now oath to the 
 Com]iany, tliiis making him the Comjiany's subject. 
 Whereas he has demanded, that the "lists, minutes, judgments, resolut.ons and lawsuits of the 
 (A)lony sliould be communicated to him. 
 Where|Ls he or upon his order ( 'ommissary Johann., Ihjeknmn of Fort Orange has entered 
 lorcbly, aided by soldiers with loa.lcd muskets, burning fuses ami open pans, the house of the 
 Director of the Colony, caused the bull to bo rung, and read and i.ubiished divers orders, nlacats 
 and threats, ' 
 VVhereiis above all ho lias dared with eight anned sohliers to arrest the Directorof the Colonv 
 hrani van Sfeehtenhor.t, within the Colony's own jurisdiction, taken him then to Fort Oranae 
 sent him guarded by four soMiers down the river and kept him in prison at the Manhattam, " ' 
 Whereas he has m every resp.vt au.l every where ...va.! ' the ri-lits ami privileges, jurisdicti.m 
 and soil of the Cohuiy, robbing it of property and men, against all reasons or divine and human 
 And whereas your Director Stnyrexant declares, that he continued in his office there merely 
 from the consideration and expectation, that before leaving he might have n.ine.l tlie Colonv. 
 All which n.'ver heard of attempts and proceedings having liecn reported to the Patroon 
 ,/oha>n,e. van Rrn.sela.r and tiu' Co-Directors with all the .locumentarv evidcMices. 
 Now Therefore. I, the Notary, and my witnesses demand of yon, the Lords directors of tho 
,.i 1 
 Aarly Colonial Setikmeiits. 
 Privileged West India Company, whether as a corporate body or individually you iiave given your 
 Director Stuyvenant any order or authority to commit such attempts anil illegal excesses in part or 
 all together. 
 And I protest not only against such use of force, violent attempts, damages and losses resulting 
 therof.'oiu to our jurisdiction, pre-eminences, riglits and privileges as well as to our lands and estates, 
 injuries, insults and affronts, to which we have already been subjected or may hereafter have to 
 submit, in .Tder to institute jjroceedings and recover damages for the same, whore and in what 
 manner we may determine and wo protest against everything, against whicii for the nui'ntenance 
 of our right and privileges we ouglit to protest in our own and our colonists' behalf; but we also 
 request under the benefit of this protest, that you issue an order by the ship now going th'therfor 
 the restitution and return of overytiiing as it was before and that you connnaiid and charge your 
 Director to desist from all attempts and recall his placafs and if you believe to have any claim, 
 that you proceed tiierein legally before your and our judges, to whom wu have before now 
 complained of your Director's proceedings and where the suit is still mulccided. 
 We request also your definitive answer upon every point and in case within twice twenty-four 
 hours you have not answered, then your claimants will be compelled to make their complaint against 
 the Siiid acts of violence, where they shall think most fit. 
 Hereupon the President Paulun Timmerman representing tlie meeting and acting as spokesman, 
 said to me, tlie Notary, that they desired a coi)y and that the Directoi-s would write to their Direct . 
 Stuyvemnt in regard to the matter and tiiat thtiy had nu intention to prejudice any one's rights. 
 Done at Anifiierdain in the ])re8ence of Dirck Damkertsen and Daniel van Ommers \m 
 Pro coj)ia i wiiat to do theri>, but we sent with it 
 also a goodly supply of war maiurial, of whicli you were to make use in case of need, as you may 
 learn from the enclosed copy. Since tliat time tlie ships " y^);/i"yn," '' Ilin/.i van /)'m/a" and 
 " GeMerKe Bloom " have, praise be to GihI, safely arrived hen; and we received by them several 
 letters, muniments and otiier documents sent by you. Time being short, because the ship, which 
 is to bring you this (piickly to inform you of the war with England, is already chartered, 
 we caimot get onr answers ready, so that you will now receive (tnly a partial riqdy ; 
 you may expect a full one with the next ship, also some soldiers and sailors, if they are to be had ; 
 the soldiers on the same conditions, as those lately sent, by wiioni you can supply in due time the 
Nev} York Historical liecorcU. 193 
 phico of tho old 8oldici-H, enlisted in New N.'therland iuu\ without .lonbt receiving extraordinarily 
 iiii,'li pay i diseliarginjr tiieso yoii niimt encounif,'!' tlicin to ncttlo there. 
 List year we would have likiMJ to send you Poinc neanieii and one or two ships earpentcrs, but 
 notwitl.Htan.hn- all our ellorts, wo could n<.t eu-a-e any on aeeount of the extraordinary prepara- 
 turns for war made here; we did not la<-k the ^^,od will and have no douht, that it will' he better 
 now and that wc can engiif,'o some, when tho ships are being made ready to sail for New 
 Nether! atttl. 
 _ You will ..leiise to forwar.l tho enclosure to Director liodenhorch by the next ship and to 
 write hini, not to fell any n.ore logwood trees or all..- • any to be exported exce],t for the Company's 
 account, for we observe that the Colonist Jean de /// miles in a straight 
 hue, oryourlloMur has not read the Kxemptions carefullv, for all colonists are not to receive 
 more, than four miles on one side of a navigai,le river or two miles on each side. His Honor van 
 WercHorm ha.l Ins choice and could have taken the lands, but as he luis not done it, has given it 
 up and gone to .\ ,jaek, one half of the same j.lace is grante.l to him, that he may settle there and 
 act f<.r his best. We shall lien-eforth not grant any n.uro colonies, as we sJ«e that the people 
 (lenian.l such extensive tracts. 
 We are greaHy surprised, that contrary to our firmer directions an.l against our ordei-s vou 
 have raised tho value of tho money in Ne,e Netherkmd and especiallv that vou have asked some 
 j.rivate j.arties here for 25 t.) IK) thousand guil.lers in Ilollaml shillini,^ and double stivers. Wo 
 are n..t at all pleivse.l with it, f.ir we are by no meaiH so reduced, that our officials shoul.l solicit 
 credit for us and engiige our territories for it. If anything is to be done here, then you will apply 
 t.) lis an.l to nolxidy else, we will attend t.i the matter in due time. 
 In accordance with your re.piests we shall pay strict attention to the inv..icv8 ; you must do 
 the same and n..t handle them in so slovenly a manner as the last ones, of whi(!-li copies are 
 enclosed ; for in many instances there is no other way to learn, wheiher tho duties have been paid 
 Early Colonial Settlements, 
 by certain piirtics nnd when thoy como for tlioir iiiorclmiidiso and arc cnlleil upon to pay up they 
 ^e;,'in to luinont luul prote«f, tliiit tlioy have puiil tlio iliitiefl to you, of wliicli tliero i" no ovidenco. 
 A lot of rnuri'linndirtc Ims Hrrivcd lioro not entured in tiic nianifostH or ttpcfiiied in Midi a miinniir, 
 tliat its oltBCiirity oeeaBioim a good deal of troiililo lietweuii us and the coiisignt'es, an ynu may tuo 
 by the enclosed extract. 
 The nuTi'hants hero complain bitterly over the internal duty of four Btivers iini)oH(.'d there in 
 addition to tlie S per cent on each merchantable beaver. We are Hurj)ri8ed at it, because we had 
 ordered you not to exact more than 8 per cent and to return tlu! b;ilance to thoBc from wliom you 
 had received tit'teen stivci-s; even though Director A7«;/K'w actions as well in givim^ away several 
 bouweries as iu charging lifteen stivers for each beaver are in scvcnil instances (pioted by you as 
 precedents, they have never been approved by us, nor are they now, and it is better to proceed in 
 tl'.is matter witli nudesty, that commerce, junt at present threatened by ncmy dangers, may not 
 be discouraged and pe')j)le disgusted with it, which apparently would cause a depopulatioTi of the 
 country and deprive us of the means to bring emigrants over there. We shall inforii. yo\i of our 
 views, by which you are to govern your actions, by tiio next ship. 
 The lawsuit aitout the sugar prize '' Nnntre Siijiiore (!■' los /igmeiliog" captured by tlio 
 " Watei/ioiW has oeeii brought to an end and we have triumphed. In similar cases iu the future 
 you must be very carefid to gather the nu)st reliable information as to where the ship ban been 
 loaded, by what signores either of thts retin(!ries or of the sugar mills and take the greatest care 
 with the papers and invoices, which are of the utmost imnortaiu'e to us. The cargoes often belong 
 to Portugueses, who owe the Company large sums and from whom we can demand them with 
 good reasons. 
 We have been wondering, that the confiscated ship '■' Nievn Nalerla"ticAe Fnn-tuyn" h'- 
 been sent liither l)y way of Ahj/ZM Fm/Z/i/a, although you must hav ■ . ..:i ■ ■ . 'h " '' " .. 
 van (ler Capdhn has a large interest in her; he has luiw attached h'^ ..y a ?natulajntis iwh' laidcd 
 her up. A lawsuit is now pending about her at the //wjue, \vh> ' . seemingly will not be co icluded 
 iu a slmrt time an>''el 
 van Gaii'jel, ymm coutiscated altlionirh tti- ,aties to the Ooiupany had been paid, invoices sV ■ 
 them had been given and entered ' ■■ V,,i- ■..anifost : by your proceedings you have brought down 
 up'.r. 'he Company and yourself the iiatred ♦"a number of jieople and any amount of slander and 
 oppmli. i.im. Noitlier you nor any other judge can be blamed, if after having ])assed sentence and 
 then receiving contrary evidence they m.ike a cliiinge in tlieir sentence ; that happens here and at the 
 Ildiju, every day and tln're can bo no doubt, that if anybody's gnods are entered in the ship's 
 manifest and ho can prove; it, lie nwy reclaim his property, when the merchandise of the skippers 
 or consignees are coutiscated : 'hat is the rule wht^rever in (.'hristendom ships sail. The Directors 
 direct therefore, tiiat you i-eturn the sanie goods and are not at all plea.>cd, that it was not done 
 last year upon tlieir order .md that in the first instance you have not deposited the money in court, 
 for the loss or not producing of the bill of lading gives no right to confiscate. 
 We have been i)leiv,sed li^ learn, that so far \uu have not had any iroublcs with the Knglish 
 there and hope you will not have any, but use all honest atid fair means to continue the former 
 liarmony and keep up yj) always an oyo opon, that you may bo 
 on guard and in time of nood uso bucIi iiiwinu an Ood ami naturo luwitivon you. 
 Ah you dfsiiv a ■,'ood farrior aH nniili ucodcd, wo will do our best to find oiio and send iiiin to 
 yon in the next nbip. 
 Onr attention having bwti (.-ailed to Homo letters, formerly written to m by the late Director 
 AV./l', W(! liml, that lio considers the sturgeon and '''"Itishing there very important and that sturgeon 
 may be caught there in sucii ipiaiitities, that tho niauufacture of caviar* might bo carried on im in 
 J/oacowi/. If this is true, it would bo of great importance and might h-ad to an extensive trade 
 tliere in tishcaviar and other goods. Vou will ph-ase to give us inform tfion and if there is any 
 chanee, endeavor to encc.iirage proper parties, that commerce may U' promoted in every respect. 
 We underhand, that the whaletLshery might at some seasons of tho year be carried on ; if it can 
 be done [irolit.ibly, it would be very desirable as adding to commerce (ind might encourage many 
 IM'opie, to seek their fortune in Xeio X'therluinl. 
 Private parties tell ii.s that many mulberry trees are growing there and that a large number 
 of tJieiii might i)e planted for the culfiv.ition of silkworms. Vou will plea.se to report hereon and 
 on all the i)receding speculations about the welfare of the country, for we hope that out of them 
 y:<' may gather something to bring advantages and profit for tlie Company ami the country. 
 We enclose a copy iif the insinuation, made t.. us in behalf of Jn>i>'I/.'k by tho Notary mn ,/,■ Vriui^, which will tell yon, what charges are made against 
 you. Vou mu.st proceed in such matters with caution ami save us hero from alt dilliculties as much 
 a^ possible. Tursnant to the answer given by us we expect fron\ you within a short time further 
 re[iort and reply, also a statement of retfeipts and expense.^ sales of skin.s, sliips, logwood etc* made 
 (luring your a.lministration : you will continue this reports by the Company's »i\kv.K every year, 
 that we may be p.^ted in and give information about our doings there. 
 Herewith, Honorable etc*, we recommend you to God's protection and remain 
 A7mt,r(fa>n, ' Your good friend 
 13"' of December 1052. Tho Director of the We^t India Company 
 Department of Anisltrditni 
 Jacoh Pekukni*. 
 Herewith also goes a copy of our resolutions eoticerning tho JTMi:Nr ok Olkkk w tiik Mitnioh-ality of Nkw Amhtk.kdam 
 Januaky a?'" 1063. 
 • » » * 
 Jacoh Kip w engBj;o(l und iiiitliorizeMl to »orvo iw Socivtivry or Cl(<> tl or huiidri'il rixdilor.t, to lii-f^iii on tlio 
 ni'Xt lirHt of Ftbriiiiry and he i» promihid tlic Mppoiiitinoiit to aiiotlier good olHcc imd tiiilary, if tlu- 
 Lord« Oiroctors should send iiiiotlicr man for thi- pliux'. 
 « » • • 
 Fobrnary IS"' 1«53. 
 * * ♦ * 
 Ruaolvcd, that the ordinances uonecrninj,' farm-servants and the l)rowing and malting of iiard 
 grain i)i' pnhliHhcd and posted. 
 It wart proposed to put up public whales, as requested by the Burgomatfters and Schepcn, hut 
 no result has been arriveil at. 
 CouNoii. Minutes. Okoeii kmpowehi.no tiik Shkkiff of GRAVKSF.Nn ro i-rosf-citi; ckktaim 
 Meeting of the Council February 26"' 1633. 
 Present his Honor, the Director-General, JjiMonta///ii; /in/an Xnohm, Fiscal Tienhovcn. 
 On the request of HicJuinl (Hhhonti, ShcrilT of (JravrMnil. 
 Tlio Diioctor-Gi'iicnd ami ("ouiii'il having si'on and nsid the i>roposition9 made by the SlicritT 
 of (lfa\'iH(i\n 
 concerned I)y the siid i)roposition9 lieforo theMagistnitesof Gravexend according to law, allowing, 
 however, that any i)arty thinking himself wronged by the Bentenco of the Magistrates may appewl 
 to the ])irector-(Tcneral and Council of Xnw i\etli(rle built and that an ordinance shall 
 be considered, when the weiglilioiise has been erected. They are to ]iro<'iire weights and meaMires 
 like those of Amxteivlum and all other weights and measures in this provinci; shall be regulated 
 by th(Mn in conformity with former ordinances and resolution iiuule and published in regard to 
 tiiis matt(!r. Copies of them shall Imj given to the Ihirgomasters and Sche|K'ns, that in ihe 
 meantime they may direct the Sellout to n^gulate, weigh or measure all weights, yard and other 
 measures accordingly and t'tami) them with a mark deteniiined by the I'.urgoinasters and .S(he|ieiis 
Neio York J/iHtarical Records. \\)^ 
 Aa to tlui |)ro|»08itioiiH of tho Ori.lmmimHtors, althoiigli tlio provident raroof tlm niirKomastorH 
 niul Sfhopcns ii« pmiHimortliy and tho I)iroi'tor-(k'r.ral and Council liiKhiy iipprovo of it, it Ih to 
 1)0 coimiilfrfil, tliiit tlieru in moru riHjnirod to placo tlio orplian-a«yliitii ui>on tliu winio loofiiiK m 
 that of Amnterd'tin, than tlio wuakneM and _yoiuli of thin only i)uddiiig city can at |.rfi*cnf alTonl. 
 It in nioanwhilu iiocc*Miry to take euro, according to Ciod'n wordn, of tlm widown and nrpiian.i and 
 thfrofori! the Director (tuneral and C'onncil resolve, that the deaconH, an orpiiaiiinaHtcrrt, Hliail havo 
 an eyu to the widown and orphaiiH, to report to the Unri,'oniii8torrt and Sche| h and thronj,'h them 
 if nccoiwary to tlui Uiroctor-CJunenil and Council, when special cnniton* i«honlil lie appointed for 
 Home widowH and orphaim or iheir propi'rty. Then the Unr^^'oinasterrt and Scliopenrtorif nueen»ary 
 the I)ire(!tor(}eneral and Council shall <,'ive Huch onlerrtund appoint such cnratorw, as tho cano may 
 mpiire, tho onrators to ho rortixjnhihlo to the nnrgomiwterH and Sehepeiin, and when tluj latter 
 learn, that good c.iro is not taken of llie widows, orpiians or their projtorty, tlioy shall gununon tho 
 curators and call them t(^ account for their ne^digi'nco. 
 The Hon'' l)iri!otor-(fenoral produced at tho mooting of tlio Conn<'i! in Fort AiiiHteriluvi. 
 nnil read hitters, dated Au>,'nst 1(5 and Septenihcr l:t, from the Lordsd)irector8 of the I'riv. W. I. 
 Com]). Dept. of .l//Mf measurks ok dkfknsk hk ahoitki). 
 Cien.-ral Meeting of the Oiroctor-Genond and Council of .Vc(0 .NVMc/'An)// and tiie P-urgo- 
 ma-iters and Sclu'iiens except Mr. Murthi Cmj'ict, who is absent, on the i:i"' ,.f March WVSi. 
 After liaving read the letf-rs from the Lord.s-I)irectors and thclatest news from .V^- -/- l<:ni)er Jun Jansai VIxkcIht ])rivately to 
 prejiare his sails, load his ordnance and make the ship clear for all emergencies and that iii case ho 
 should re(iuire further protection during the night or in the daytime, it shall be sent to him. 
 Done on the date as above and resumed on the 14"' of March lt!5;!. 
 P. Sti'Yvksant 
 La Montaonk 
 Bui AN Xr.wToN 
 Akknt van ILvrrKM 
 P. L. VAN DIK (iKlFr 
 Wii.n. Pkkckman 
 Maximilianis van Gheel 
 Allaku Anthony. 
 REsoLtmoN of the Burgomasters and SfiiiKEPENs coNrEUNiNo ini-: dkfknsk ok Kkw 
 (New AiUHtcrdaiu Ueoorils, Vol. 1.) 
 Thuiwlay afternoon Marcii IH"' HV.V.\. I'urgomaster Arrnf van Ilattem, P. I., vm. (hr 
 Grift, WiUi. lictrknuin, Allan! Aiithoni/, M. vun (r,,Ie, :\\A 1'. Wolfertu' n, Schepeiis met at 
 Fort Aiiisterdam, Burgomaster Martin Cregier being absent. 
 After deliberating on the j)roi)ositioii8 made in the forenoon they rcsolveil 
 1. The trainbands are already put nn duty, hut tlu^ 
 Director-Geld, .md Council an' recpiested to furnish 
 them with light and fuel. 
 2. We agree, that the Man/tafntix ^honld bo provided 
 with pallisiides ;uif thi 
 ^ i 
 PiMCosmoN-s OF TiiK T!rKr,o>fAsrr.us and Prnm'KNs i\ hk(;aui) to inr, i-rksknt ckisir. 
 The Mnrgoinasters and Sehcpciis of this city, ilartin Cregier, who i>i absent, excepted, advit^e 
 and deinoiistrafe npon the jiropusitidiis made im the l.'i"' March Ifi.'ili. 
 First, whether it is iKit necessary, to encio-i',! aliove all the greater part of th'w Citi/ of Neio 
 Ainsterilain in the most conveineiit m;inner wilh pallJNides, and after this has been done as speedilv 
 as possible to put the Fort Neio A m.-tenlaiii into a pMid sliape for defense, to serve as a place of 
 retreat; They oiler for tiie aecompli.-hinent hereof to provide the mm of 4,5 or (i thousand 
 guilders, to be collected from the community interested in it after the comidetion of the work. 
 The said niiigomasterii and Seliei)en8 further propose tu the Director-General and Council, 
200 J^Jarly Colonial Settlements, 
 wliethei- it is not noccssixry, to send besides the already dispatched letters some special af,'cnt8 to the 
 respective Colonies of New Emjlaml, our neighbors, whoso Commissioners, so the report goes, arc 
 to meet on the next tirst of April. They could obtain a speedier and more decisive answer to the 
 aforesjiid letters and coidd offer them personally good and favorable conditions for a continuation 
 of our former neighborly friendship, mutual correspoiulencc and commerce ; they might also 
 ascertain, how far they ivre interested in the unexpected differences and the Enroptian war, broken 
 out between their High : Might : and the present government of Emjland. This done and enacted 
 at New Aiiutcrdam, March 15, 1053. 
 P. L. VAN niK Grift 
 Wii.n. Beeokman 
 __ Peteu Wolfkbtsen 
 Maximilianis van Gheel 
 AiXAKD Anthony. 
 Kesoi.i-tion of the Dikki-tok-Genekai. and CoiNrir. Al■l'KOVI^•o of the fokeooino fkopobitions. 
 The Director-General and Council of New Nef/urlanil, having read ami considered the 
 propositions of the I'.urgoiuastcrs and Schepeiis of the C'lte.U'e and harmony, that the pn.pt.sed and ealled-for enclosure shall first 
 be made properly and the defences constructed etc. and the work shall be contracted for and 
 undi'rtakeli under the orders and diri'ctions of the Dirctor (ieneral and Council or their deputies 
 and tlie Ibirgomasters and Schepens or their deputies, the I)irector-( leneral and Council appointing 
 herewith out of their number as such (lei>iit\-, the first CoimciUor Moiis. /../ MoHtiujiie, who is to 
 ]iromote this work with tlu^ deputies from the Magistrates. 
 As to the further proposition to .send agents to our neighbors of New Fnijhnu/, although the 
 letters senttothe respective Colonies of h'osfoii and ]'I,jmiuj, n should he^utlicient for the purpose, 
 yet, as no delinite answers Irive been receiveil so f:ir, Direi-tor < leiieral and Council 
 agree with the proposition of the Burgoma.-ters and Sch.'pens and consent to send 
 jiropc^rly accredited agents to the respective Colonies. Th.' civilentiais and instructions signed and 
 given by the Director General and Council shall be submitted to the Hurgomasters and Sehcpi'iis 
 n« soon as they are written; the Director and Council will con.sider who is lo be entrii.-ted with the 
 Done in Council bv the Director-General and Coinicil of New Netherland, March 14. lti.'>;i. 
 M.irch IT. lO.VJ. 
 Mcotinir of the Director-General and Council of N,r N, therhnxl m\A the Unrgomaster rrt» 
 JFatt'in and Sehi'pens of this City. 
 It is res.jlved, on recoii»idering the orders and re.-olntions of March 1 1"" about sending agents 
* New York Historical lieconh. 2OI 
 to the iV-.., Englarul Colonies that they shall bo maintaine,l and executed without any alteration 
 ex..ep that the nnss.on sl.a 1 bo delayed for a while, to wait till an answer ha. been 'rece ve to 
 the letters Iron, the D.re.tor-. General and (V.nneil to the (Governors of Nev> En.jland and till tin.e 
 and circumstances should require the innnediate departure of the agents on their errand 
 ConKczr. MmrrKs. Rkschtioxs coxcehn:xo ■.„. P.r.u.AnK. ahouxb Tout Amstkud.. anu 
 At the session of the 21" of March 1.J53 the Director-General reported, that the late Nine 
 Men had been neghgent in enclosing the Fort with pallisades or^take , to which work 
 -omn.nn, y had voluntardy contributed a considerable sun. and whereas the aid work as 
 no been begun nnu.h ess been con.pleted, it is resolved that the parties, who n.anage t^ wo^ 
 and --e - ruse, w.th .t shall be warned, to hasten the work, pursuant to for.ncHnstuct". 
 z^^!^' '' '' '"'"" '"' ''^ """^'^ '^ '"«^ '""' ''-' '''^ i-*-' "'-'^y i'-.t "P ;ss 
 Whereas all kin.ls of wine-Spanish and French wines, brandy and other disalle.l M-aters- 
 are . ady exported fron. tns City by ,nany of the skippers, while the tavern keepers here Ive to 
 Inl '""•;; ""; ';"'"h '7'"" '"'" "■ ^^'^'"' *''° ^^•••-^-«— l and CouncH have re^h- d 
 and crew.th order for the better n.aintcnance of their necessary garrison, that henceforth not „ y 
 shall be allowe< to export from tin's City, neither by water nor by l.nd, anv wine or liquor Iss 
 the s n.e has been uly reported at the Company-s public otHce and the Excise has been pa d fo 
 ac a,kerofSpan,s w.ne--,for each anker of French wine-, for each anker of ij.dva" 
 d sfllcd water Tb.s excse and duty nn.st be paid by the [exporter] and if it shall be ou 
 l,at some nK.r,.han,s. traders or other inhabitants have sent off any wine, without bein-^ 11 o 
 •■"'"<- tiK. proper excise receipt, they shall make good the loss ^istained therebv bv ti.e Lor Is 
 atroons and besulcs pay a tine. The tiscal is to pay proper attention hereto and proceed .'^ 
 all disobeying this order according to law. ^ a„am,i; 
 Council Meeting of April 20, 1653. 
 Fir.^f it is decided i.,.on hearing the nnexpectod rumors, that the citizens without exception 
 shall work on the constructions, undertaken jointly for the defense of this Citv, bv immed atclv 
 < iggmg a ditch from the Fas, river to the North river, 4 to 5 feet deep and 11",:, 12 feet wide a 
 tlic top .-K.ping in a liitle towards tlie bottom. 
 He..ond, tiie carp..n,ers shall be urged to prepare jointlv the stakes and rails. 
 liurd the soldiers and other servants .,f the (\.nipaiiy with the free negroes, no one excc,.,ed 
 .ha comHcte the work on the F,rt by making a parapet and the farmei. Ir. to be summoned t 
 nam tne pnres ot turf. 
 Fourth, the sawyers shall imme.liately begin to saw planks of four inches" tbickiu>s for -nm 
 carnages and ]dat forms. >.^.u.o ii i t,uu 
 Harly Colonial Sdtlements. 
 It is further resolved, that Commissioners sliiill be sent to Virginia, who must endeavour 
 to obtain a boatloiul of suit for tlie use of tlii^ inhahilants licre. Tiie Fiscal mn Ticnhovni is 
 appointed on belialf of tlio lion''" Company and tlie Biirgtunastcvs and Si-hopen« are called upon, 
 to nominate a meml)er of their Board to join liim, which they will consider at their next session 
 and then give an answer. 
 Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant rkcommendino Johan De IIulter, who takes out 
 TO New Netueri.and a numukr of i'eoi>i,e for IIe.vselaehswyok. 
 A° 1653, the T'" of May. 
 Honorable, Vigorous, Pious, Dear and Faithful. 
 In the ship " draft" goes over Mr. Johan De Ilultcr* partner in tlie Colony of Renwlacrmujclc, 
 and his family who takes with him a goodly number of free people, among them some artisans, 
 cspeciallv a very good l>riekmaker, and many others mentioned in detail in the list, to settle either 
 in the Siiid Colony or elsewhere and assist in the cultivation of the soil there. As it is not yet 
 quite decided, where he may begin and as he may settle on Manhattan,t Idand, where 
 we believe it would be best, we have deemed it proper and just upon his recpiest for a 
 recommendation, because not known there, to direct you to favor him as far as jxtssible without 
 prejudice to the Company's interests and kindly assist him in everything ; an53. A. Pater. 
 Tu Directeur Stuyvi'sant in Xcw Nttherland. 
 Joi.NT IIesoi.utkin- of Director an'd Council of \i:w NFrrnERLA.vn and the MAaisTRArics of 
 New Amstkrdam lo providk for the FoiaiFViN(i ok the Citv. 
 Upon the written and ver))al jjropositions made ])y the lion''"' Director-General to the Council, 
 the Burgomasters and tiic Schepuns jointly, the s;iid Uirector-CJeueral and Council and the 
 Magistrates of this City, resolved. 
 That according to the former resolution of the 15"' of March first and above all the City of 
 New-AimUrdain shall l)e enclose.l ail aroimd by joint work and place. ami aiilhor of 
 two works on AiiMriea. — U. F. 
JVew York Hiatorical Recoi'ds. §03 
 Goncml nn.l Coundl, that tho citi.cm and inhabitants, together with the mechanics and hiborers 
 shall generally assmt either ,n iK,rs..n or if they (.tn afford it l,y other «„ita!,le substitutes an.l not 
 stop work unt. ,t,s ..on.ploted and in m.eh a state of defense that the good inhabitants 
 of th>3 City w> 1. their w.ves, children and property may be protected against a sudden assault 
 and incursion, whicli God in his grace may prevent. 
 And that t],e whoh, work may be dJne and perfonne.l in better manner and order and that 
 the said I).rector.UeneraI and (Joun,.il and the Burgomasters and Schepens may have a better 
 suiK^rvision of Its being done well and properly, it is resolved and deeide.l, that we go to work 
 with squads name y that one-fonrth part of all the inhabitants, cither burghers, merchants, 
 farmers or sailors ami skippers, cither already here or who may come hereat>er, shall be employed 
 on the saul work tor three consecutive days, as they shall be .lirecte.l and ordered by the K.id 
 Diree or. .eneral and Conncl, Burgomasters and Schei-ens either jointly or individually under 
 penalty of .',. ( arolusgu.lders to be imposed on those, who for the first time oppose the orders and 
 resolutions made in joint session of the Director-General and Council and the Magistrates and do 
 not obey ge,H,ralyor,n,bv,duallythecon.inandsofoneofthesai,l Council or MagistnUes;if any one 
 IS unwilling and .bsobedient a second time, he shall lose his rights as bur^^hcr and if „p„n a third 
 sunim.ms he remains obstinate and unwilling, he shall be pnnishcl arbitrarily and banished from 
 the I I'ovince. 
 'r-l'-vventexcnsesaud dissatisfaction, itisfurtherresolved, that the Director-General, the Meni- 
 bcrs o the ( ounc, and thcHaid Magistrates shall not only be and remain the managers of the work, 
 but also ea..h of ,hem shall acv-nling to his means send at his own expense a man to work, the 
 same onler to apply to the subordinate otlieei-s of the Hon- Company none excepted and the free 
 negroes, who with thcr fourth part shall go to work upon their section of the aforesaid work and 
 continue until it is complcte.l, subject to like penalties as above 
 (^.n..en,i„g,i,e lirst, second and third point it is further resolved, that no ships, bargesnorany 
 person whatever sha be allowed to leave within the time of 14 days or three weeks^ when the 
 DirectorCenera and h,s Conneil and ,he Magistrates hope to have completed the said work and 
 ma.le ,t .lefens.ble. provided it is commenced and continue.l with courage and .eal. In case it is 
 completed sooner, the Director-General a.ul Council will issue another order concerning the earlier 
 ileparture ot sliips, barges aiiii^vhor, skipper and Bnpercargo of tlio ship " E/himj,'" 
 anchored before this City, sliows that lie, the petitioner, luia taken aboard iiiscarj^'o, that tiio iiivoicus 
 are signed, that lie has provided himself with water and fuel and is (piite ready to sail any day with 
 the fii-st fair wind, which God shall send, from hero directly to the Fatherland and whereas he 
 requires your Hon"' Worships j)revious special consent and permission thereto, he petitions your 
 Hon''''^ Worships will please to give him this consout and permission, by issuing to him tlio proper 
 clearance i)apers, Tims doing etc. 
 The petitioner'? request lias been partly answered cipjht days ago, since which time petitioner 
 has continued to take in freight ; even on tlie day when ho snlimittod to ns his last petition has he 
 taken on hoard several hogslioads of toliacco and cases of peltry ; the Director-General and rouncil 
 arc further informed, that some peltries are being packed to-day, to be shijipcd and that lluMrfore 
 tlif bills are not ready yev ' .vhcn these are ready and signed and the duties paid or offset, the 
 petitioner shall not be dclayotl more than 8 or 10 days to his or his owners' loss. If after the exjiiration 
 of this time, it should be found necessary for the service of this i'rovince to detain the petitioner's 
 ship still longer then the Director-General and Council on behalf of this Province engage to ])ay 
 or cause to be paid in Fatherland the ))romised wages for ill! the days, the ship is thus caceably 
 in his ])rivate character as common inhabitant, submitting to the orders and commands of the 
 Company or of their Director. Which doing etc. 
 Adrian van dku Donck. 
New York Historical liecwds. 005 
 Lktiku from Dm. Stuyvesant to the Goveknor op Vieoinu b^xommendino Acoustin Ukuma^. 
 Ilouored S'. 
 This day fourthnifrht owor Ap;ontfl wont ont, hut throuffi, Contrarie winds and weather 
 bron^H.t then, l.ako uga.r.o to uwer Sorrow, an.l as wee doe feare to y ^'vate hin.lcran™ in other 
 wa.«hty afTayren, .n the >aea.,e thym one otl owcr Subjects here by nan.. Au,,u.tlne Ilen-.nan. 
 des,red the.se few Inu^s >m reeonuMondatio,. for to obtayue your lion" avde and Justice iff need 
 sho.dd re.in,re agan.t Mr /./.,. S,nrhur,jk his debtor, for son.e -luautitie off tobam,. the witeh 
 the le.ist yeare was arrested vnder Master f^oarhu.jh, hande, bv one Chad.. Gahn,, n.^rehant off 
 Arn^^un, ,t .s soo that the said ./..,,/ MTt here his atton.ey, videlicet Pa..L Le^.eX, 
 the u .t. h ,.s now bafsfyed .n what his principal! could den.ante, as by the .lischarge vnder the savde 
 laulu,Lee,.ler.t.n hand may appeare. f doe therefore rcp.est in the behalfe off the ,\ Mr 
 Augu.t.n./Ien-ma,u th^t lu.e accordinge to Justice may ohtaine what is due nnto him, what 
 Cour os.e or Seru.ce you please to Con.an.l nu-e you shall fynde mee readye in all lawful] 
 possd)ditio, tMbeeiyeM»ylOT«fe;v/a//i30"'May, AMSG3. 
 Y" Ilonnors Seru', 
 To the Tlonored ItdrhanJ Bmnd osquier and (iovern' off Virainia. 
 Tlecordatuni Tricesimo die" January 1054. 
 Teste J'Mia. Malhewa eler. f'omit. North'"" Vin/inia. 
 CoL'Nc.i. Mi.virrKs. Ori,kks eeo.vkdinu thk KHKonoy of .v redoiut at Foht Orange ai^d 
 THE S a full 
 and satisfactory information to tlu! >Lii,'ist rates or tlieir deimtics, hut also to givo to tlicin a 
 t'oniplote account and proof of wlicru tlicy sonil the grain to or how they consuinu it thenisclves. 
 Thus douo aud enacted by the Director-General and Council of New A imUinlam the 30"" of 
 May 1653. 
 Letter fuom thk Diukctous to Stuyvesant: Eihsopkan News: KEnnr.ATioNa fou okantino 
 r.ANPs: Renselaeuswyck : Increase oe oaitle to be encouraged : Slave trade to N. N. 
 vrtc ETO. 
 1053, Juno fi'". 
 Ilonorahlo, Worshi])ful, Pious, Dear and Faithful. 
 Our last to you was dated the 13'" of Deceni]>cr 1052 by the sliip called " Kllnvij'^ and was 
 Bont alone and suddenly with the (piantity of aniniunitiou, of which a list is here enclosed, to 
 inform you of the English war; by the siimo letter wo could only ])artly answer your letters and 
 accompanying documents of the 14"" and 20"' of September l('i.">2 received by tlie ships ^^ lioinri/n," 
 ^' IJiii/x (<• /ii't/fd" and '■' (rihlrr.sc lilom''^ aiid as since, (lod be praised, llie little shi|i".sy. 
 MichiieV^ \\a.i safely arrived here, by whicli we received your letter of the 11>"' of November 
 following, we shall answer now tiiis and the unanswered points in the former as brietly and 
 substantially as jxissible. 
 Your endeavors, although resultless, to obtain from the couimunity there some subsidy for the 
 maintenance of the administration, the military and the diurch have our approval ; but we cannot 
 as yet agree to your opinion in regard to this matter, that such measures must necessarily b;,- 
 introduced b^' our express order and direction, nor <|(i we consider it advisable t(j adopt this plan at 
 the present tinu', although the Company ought to have some relief anil assistaui'e in this mutter; 
 but tiie (litHculiies wiiich at present arise are apparent to us ami must be well consiclered. We havct 
 resolved to direct yi)U herewith, that if the community then; ■aiinot bo persuaded to make voluntary 
 contributions (which you must continuously try to obtain by all possii)le and gentle means), tliis 
 measure must not be introdiiceil against tin'ir will and pleasure, to prevent di^turbanci's in so 
 honorably opening a territory during these dangerous and troubled times. 
 We have seen, that ujxin the )>etition of ])eo])le from Kurt Ornntji' as well as from the Colony 
 of Renselcterincijrl' you have been obliged to close yonr eyes in regard to the plac.it about contraband 
 goods; you will do well to do that seldom and t .ke g I care, that by such corinivaiu-e not a 
 larger quantity of ammunition i^ sold to the savages, than each reipiircs for provisioning his household 
 and for gaining his livelihood, that this savage.' and barbarous people may not at >onie future day take 
 up and turn these weapons again>t us, with nioi'i' than toi) many of which, as we regret to learn, they 
 liave already been supplied by smugglers and evil minded j)ersons. Strict attention must therefore 
 be paid to this and the Fiscil directed to visit and (>\amine arriving ships ami cargoes and to 
 prosecute such smuggler> and iihgal dealers strictly in accordance with the aforesaid placats without 
 We have been aUj of the opinion, that the Ijest aud safe.st way at this period is to stand upon 
New York JliHtorical liecorda, '■>i)^ 
 your own lifrht mul (iefond it iind Imvo thcroforo iirgi'd yon in our letter of tiic 0'" of An",niwt l(ir>2 
 (of wliicli wo fiieloHo u copy) to arm all IVuo inun, Hoiiliurs and sailors and i)Ut tliu fort iticat ion into 
 a .good state of defeiiKp, whicli will now hi- of still -rcatcr ini|M.rlani'(., l)ecanse the (lisaj,'reenuMitH 
 lu'tween the two republics have resulted in open war, XotwitlHtandinj,' this you must not fail to 
 use all honurahlu and inm{,'inal)le means for tlKunaintenanee and eontinuation of the eorrespoiuh'tice 
 and conimeree with the people of Vlnjinla and X,m /u,n\t being occupied. Wi- have therefore caused the siid 
 ].lacats to be j.rinted here after examining and slightly correcting them and shall send them to you 
 herewith to be published and allixcd there. In order that the first of them may have better el'lect 
 and hear fruit, we have finally concluded to make in your draft no other correction, than onlv, that 
 th.' (piit rent or the atmual payment of 12 stivers for each morgen .shall become due ayoar after 
 the land h;us first been i.loughed or otherwise put to use. as you will see by the j.rinted copy. 
 We have also examined the placat concerning the illegal purcha.^e of land without the knowledge 
 of the Company, which you have already published and affixed there; we would have pri'ferrcd. 
 that yon had not partieulari::cd the names of the persons and had been careful to prevent all 
 difficulties and (pu-.stions from tlie Company's caluiiiniat..rs here ; the enclosed printed copy will 
 slu.w yon, what corrections we have made in this placat and we recommend to you most earnestly 
 the execution of this as well as of the other two placats. 
 Your proceedings aiid provisional order in and about Fort (h-aiiij,', after examining the 
 docnments etc., sent hy you for this purpose, have our approval; we only desire to recomineiid to 
 yon herewith, that you charge the chief officers and the court at said Fort not to give t..tlie people 
 of the Colony of Raixrhiersmi^rk any occ:Lsion for displeasure or complaint, hut rather to keep on 
 a good footing with them aiied to mv. that you have not exten.led the limits of the C.loiiv of 
 h'nixeliterHw.j.k any further, than the Freed s and Hveiuptious admit and as to th.' farm-, which 
 may fall outside the li.xed limits of the .said Colony, we are of opinion that the same ought to he 
 Juirly Colonial Settlements. 
 pnuitfd bv propiT piUiMitH in tlio luuiii! tif thu Coiiipatty ami loft in tlio pogsossinn of tlio proHfiit 
 uci'iipiintti uixler Mich cDiuiitiuiis luiil yimrly tiixen, us iiru iii:iilf witli iiiul iiiiposi'd upon otluT ("olciny 
 (•wiiors iinil private indiviiiimis, wi.liM.ir iioW"vur dniwinj; tliem into tliepiitinonsliip of tliu uforcsaiii 
 Colony or cxtfrnliiijij tiie sum ■ to tlinir ivnt. 
 Wii roconniifiiil to you niost .arm ally ilie brwdinj; of ciittlo und tluMvforo the slaii^ditorinj; of 
 tliu same, crtpecially of yimnj,' cows luul other younj? cattle, must hu picxented as mueh as possible ; 
 and if, in order to inerease the nund^er of cattle in the country, somo jjrivato individuals could be 
 found, who are willinj^ to purcliaso nomr animals in JUxpiuiioln or .jtlicr jiartiiof the IfV.v;' ImlieH 
 and import, tiiem tlici-e, the Company would approve of it und consider it a desirable measure to 
 promote aj,'riculturo. As we have also learne Canadian savages, if tiiese tribes could come without danger and without being 
 obligod to take a circuitous route to Fort Orange niul Jittisdaenwyik. 15ut they are constantly 
 molested bv their neighi)ors the Mn'/H'i.^, with whom they are at war almost incessantly ami this 
 it ia said is the cause, why the ('unat in favor of the Honorable r of opinion ai,d desire, that you shall not grant any others hencefortii, 
 because we believe it to be very ]ternicious and impracticable e.-pecially in a new country, which 
 begins only to /"/' Jlintoricdl litcurds. 
 privnto indiviilimlR, tliu iKlvaiicciiicnt of wIiom' inttM'csfrt imifit not ln^ pnrclmHod ;it llic "Npcim*' nf 
 tlio general welfitm. As tin' pnmiotidii uf tlio latter (lepondn mostly iipuii flit' growth of aeoiiiitry, 
 wo have foiicluded to reeoinmoiid to you tu net ill this iiiattor ulwiiys on Hiieli tlieorios, tlmt 
 ineronw) of populiition, (idv.iiiceiueiit of iigrieidtiiro and advantages to tlu> eoitnnon welfare may 
 result from it ; then the (Company too may at last reap some loiij; expi 'd lienctits fn m this 
 territory pnrcliahed ho deiirly. 
 Von can well imderstaiid, that we an; not idh? here, lint that our thoughts are eonstantly 
 engaged to discover means for the pron.otion of agrieultnro and tin .idvantagu ..i the inhahitants 
 there generally and for that jmrpose we have :dready asked the gi>vernment hero and aro ropoating 
 our demand now for the aliolition of the tax on tohaeeo grown there, whieh yon may commnm'eato 
 to the delegates of the iidiabitants au, experienced both in la\\ anil war, of whose 
 life and knowledge we have received thi' b<-t testimony, we have engaged him for our service ;ls 
 first Councillor of the Oiri'ctorat a siilaryof one hundred giiihlers per month, commutation iiioiiev 
 for board included, as you will learn in detail by our ship " Ivminek Sidomon." 
 For special reasons we have also resolved, that you shall let the increase of Couiu ,!lor Za 
 MontiUjne'n salary to lifty guilders per month anil two hundred guilders yearly for board beirin so 
 iiiiich earlier and from such a date, tiiat his deiits to the Company maybe balanced and lii[niilitcd 
 by it ; we trust this will make him continue in his duties with still greater zeal and take the 
 Company's interest still more to heart. 
 We have made an agreomeiit with some merchants here and alio" •■,] them to sail with twoor 
 three ships to the coast of .-lyV/'it to trade for slaves and carry them thence to the We.st fndien 
 and the neighboiiiig islands; as we expect, that oiu: or the other of these ships mav come to .Vr«) 
 Nethedand to sell their slaves to the inhabit, luts there, we ilesire and reipiiiv, that in that case 
 I'Mihj Colonial S'i((l/'inrnt)i. 
 you doinand no recoj^iiitiori from tlieiii, Imt a»«iMt tliciii in ovory pro|)er v/ny to clciir luvay all 
 obstaclt's, wliich niij^lit IimikmIi. tlio j)i'i>j;re»8 of agriciiltiiiv. Thin for your inforinution and 
 8ul)B«'(jiiont iK'tiun. 
 Tlio former Director Woittt'r van TwiiUr Ii;ih Hu>fj?i'«tcd to the Koard, whether it wonld not 
 1)0 ndviwihii! to mako Homo alterations in tiio cii'araniM'K, fjfivcn l>y tiic (!om|>any to tosal, 
 we have neverthorless concluded to apprise yoii uf it, tliat we may have your opinion hy the lirnt 
 We enclose a sealed, secret letter, wliich we direct you to keep in a special place and which 
 must not he opened or read, unless Director •S/ui/i'rtidn/ should die tin ro (which (Jod I'orhid). in 
 that ea.sc our orders and inti'iitions expressed therein shall he read inid we desire, that then thev 
 shall provisionally and until our further orders he carried out ami oheycd. 
 We called upon yoH mmuc tinu! apt for inlorination conccrnin>j the account of luonthlv wa^^cs 
 earned hy a certain J'ln Jmimn van lljuiidaiii, formerly Conimit..sary there, hut are surprised not 
 to !iave received any answer yet. A memorandum of the niatti'r and account is therefore hero 
 again endo.-ed, upon which you will take such order, that l.y the tlrst opportunity we may receive 
 n distinct explanation and statement of this matter, iw well as of the case of o\m Francis Dcvkerscn, 
 «U|K'rcargo of the i-liip '• .\it in to 
 40 morgens near the Sitrf/kll*, we have deemed it ailvLsahle to write you:ind onliM' not to allow any 
 one to trespass upon said meadow nor occupy it hefore you shall have examined ihiscase and if you 
 find that he, I'dn //< r Di»iil\\ lias purchased tlie said meadow from the natives with the coii.sent and 
 knowledge of the Director and Council thire and it docs not juvjudiee or infringe upon the 
 Company's rights, then, we are of opinion, this jiicce of lan liuvo HiiU'crfd no Hiiiall loiw ; hut Wout^r van Twiller iiloadH ignorance 
 uiiil tht" Hkippcr Willi lim iiiiit> liiivo I'litPii tlio cIhuw. Tlicro aro iindniilttt'dly on lionrdof tliiBttliip 
 tttill other I'. .iitrul»in(lj,'oi:u DonckV Dkwciuition ok N'kw Nktueklanp. 
 (Tho first piirt of thi.s letter i^ a duplicate of tho letter of Juno fi"" 1053 p. 20«.) 
 The good testimony aiul reports presented to us eoueerning the character, fitnesri and experionco 
 of Corntlls I'lin h', unn, coming uver with tiiis ship, iiav(! induced us to resolve, to take him into 
 our Hcrvieo an Secretary of ynur lii.ard at u monthly Bulary of M tl and 200 tl yearly for subsiBtence. 
 We trust, that y.iu will derive ailvantages from his service. As to ditrd run /iruiji/i; appointed 
 hy you to this otiice provisionally, you may let him again atteuil to his former dutici* aa Coiuuiibtjury 
 or assign to him .>iich as you think him ln--t tilted for. 
 Wo have icluded to cu'der and direct you heriiwith, that in case after tho uidoading of our 
 tihip " ('i)nliiiL- Siiloiiian " a cargo of toiiacco could he ohiained there, tlu' same he placi'd on hoard 
 and the >liip sent hack hi're with all possihle speed; if uot, which we hop(^ will imt ho, you must 
 •piickly .send \\n' said shi|) to Cnnirao to take in there a cargo of wood ami salt and thence let it 
 < ic directly to this country hy the niu-tlicru route, if tho season of the year permit, with special 
 orders to keep as close to the northern co.i^ ; .is |>o>sil)le in order to bo exposed to the lo;i8t extent 
 to the danger-^ of capture hy the Hnglish. You will give to all ships sailing frimi there the same 
 onlers iu future and as long as the wai' between this nation anil tlu'irs last. 
 Whereas Ma.ster* Adrian r.tn -Av A/zic/' has presented to our Hoard two petitions, namely 
 that having received his degree at law by the Tniversity of L-ijtiii and been admitted to the bar 
 by the Court of Hullan,! he may be |iermitted to [iriu'tice as attoriu>y and counseUor in J>mi 
 X'M(77(//i'/ ami further to be allowcil to ex.imine the documents and pajiers in tho Secretary's 
 oflice there to Complete his already bcijun I )c-criptiou of Xew X.tlo'fliUhl ; we have ivsolvcd on 
 the lirst to allow, that according to the usages of this country he may practice thci. as lulvocate by 
 iw.sistiug every one. wlio desinvs it, with his advic.'. but as to pleading in Court, wo cannot observe, 
 that for the pn-cnt it is proper to allow, iu'cau.se wo (hi not know, whether there is somebody 
 • A tillii >{ivttn tl) c'vi-ry nn.>, wlio liaa Uken bia degree as Advocate at the Dnlveraity. — B. F. 
 , 'Irv 
 '•■' 1 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 tlicrc of sufficient ability and flio necessary (jualifieation, (who before beiiij,' a^ P,/l lately in the ship " Iloff ran Ck,f five pieces of kers,.y have been confiscated by 
 the Fiscal tlieiv, liecau.'^e it was not entered in our invoice: .as however this omission was caused 
 by a clerical error, which the doenments entrusted to our skii)])er ('orn,/ts Cm rartfni 
 now c.ming over will prove to you, we have deei 1 it .advisable to notify you thereof, that the 
 aforre, so tliat we .ire de])rivcd and robI)cd of th.! j.rofits, which we might 
 hav(^ made on her return cargo ; it would have been of considerable asdistance, as her cargo of salt 
New Ywk Ilktorical Records. 
 would have sold well, for the price of salt is very high now and it was coming to a good market. 
 » » * ■* 
 Amsterdam, The Directors of the W. I. Company 
 the 24"" of July 1653. Department of Avuterdam 
 Isaac van Beeck 
 Letter fkom tue Diuectoks to Stuyvesant : tub relations wrrn the New England people. 
 1053 IS'" of Aug. 
 Honorable, Worsliipful, Pious, Dear and Faithful. 
 Sieur Allard Anthonij appeared lierc to-day commissioned and sent by you in tlie sliip 
 " Elhbujh " whicli arrived witli sevijral otlier sliips from divers (piarters in the Sound. We received 
 from liim your letter and ai'i'Dinpaiiyiut^ papers, dated the 5"' of Jime of the present year from 
 wliivli auiong others we learn to our regret ut' th(! danger apparently threatening our prov'iuoe tiiere 
 from tiie Engli.sh neighbors on frivolous and treacherous pretext, used by them to cover their 
 intiMitions. As our ship " Ctmlnck Saloinony^ by whicli we have given you detailed advices, is 
 now ready at tlie 'l\\id to go to .-^ea at a mouieut's notice and sve have therefore no time to say much 
 more ou this subject, which we would liki; to see dispiitclied by the said ship ; we shall only say 
 ill answer to your last received letter, that you may rest assuri'd, we shall endeavor and solicit 
 especially the Lords Mayors and liulers of th's city, subuuttiug all pertinent arguments, to assist 
 and supply the plai-es of so much importauce ti) us with the tliiugs most urgently needed there. 
 We trust, that in the meautiiue after having been duly warued now you will lie very cautious and on 
 your guard and that you have |)Ut evi-rythiug in good shape and st;ite of defense so that if that 
 nation has aiiy hostile intentions ui)oi< our possessions and makes any attempt upon them, (for 
 which we must not give them any pretext) you may be able to resist theui. We expect it however 
 the less, although very much inllated with pride just now, because they must have learned of the 
 lo.sses sustained by the English here in the last terrible seaKght with our fleet, in which they lost 
 about 20 of their strongest and best ships, .so that at last they were compelltHl to tly. It was a 
 great victory for our coiiatry, which would have been celebrated with the greatest rejoicings, if 
 the life of oil'' \ aliaiit .Vdmiral Troinp, of laudable memory, might ha\'o been spared. May the 
 good Ood awaken another like him and protect this country and our territory there against further 
 Herewith etc etc. 
 Avixt, nlitiii. The Directors of the W. I. Company 
 this Is"' of August, It;,');?, Dept. of Amtitcrdam. 
 Davio van Baeri.e. 
 To the Director and Council in Xew Ndhfrland. Aiiu. Wi;i.Mi:RiH)RP. 
 Letters from Italy report, our ('ousiil at All'ppo had written, that our peo])le in the Hast 
 IndUs had taken two Kngli.-ih hliips ou their way home, valued at about twenty ton.s uf gold. 

 No. 25. 
 Ea7-ly Colonial Settlements. 
 Resohttion of the West Iniiia Company to encoukaoe pbivateerino. 
 Extract from tlio Register of Resolutions adopted by the 
 Coimiiittee of tlio Directors of the West India Coiniiany 
 representiug the Assembly of the XIX at the Hague. 
 Monday, the 15"> of September 1653. 
 The Committee appointed to consider the ninth section of the Description concerning tlie 
 privateering or sailing with letters of marque have made their report on tin's matter, whicli says, 
 that the rules adopted for this business in 1(!4() should remain in force, but in order to animate and 
 encourage everybody at this time to equii) a ship or ships for the spoliation of the Portuguese, 
 consent migiit be given, that, besides the reduction of the duties granted in 1052, provisionally and 
 until further orders the following alterations be made, 
 All captured goods may be secured and stored in a neutral warehouse, of which the government 
 and the interested jjarties or their agent shall each have a key. 
 After sentence has I)een pronounced by the court in BrMil, the goods shall I)o soj.l in like 
 manner as now by agents of the said government, provided, that some one of tlie interested parties 
 or tiieir agent may be present 
 The moneys iov the captured prizes sliall bo received as usual and pursuant to old customs, 
 provid(>d that tile interested parties or their agent shall be .sitislied promptly and tiieir sliarc pai.l 
 to them, shortly after the receipt of the said moneys. 
 All captured goods, which the purchasers shall wish to send elsewhe.e, mav be shipped in such 
 vessels as the interested parties deem advisable, but only to tli.^ fi'tjierland and not elsewliere, unleBS 
 the government in BraxH upon occasion gives other dinrtions. 
 Only the negroes captured in prizes coming from the sea may bo sent with the knowledge of 
 tiie government in Iirn.iU to such places, as the purchasers choose. 
 The duties now received by the Cmipany for all prize good,; captured and specilied in the 
 aforesaid rulc« (negroes included) shall be reduced to 10 p. cent, and nothing more, thee.vport upon 
 order remaining as before. 
 A vote having been taken, it was unanimously resolved to adopt these articles and allow every 
 one to act according to these rules and tli.; gentlemen of the Committer received the thanks for 
 their excrtioua. 
New York Historical liecoi'ds. 215 
 Letter from the Dirkctobb to Stoyvebant : Negotiationb with the Buboomasteks for aid. 
 November 4"' 1G53. 
 Honomblo, Worshipful, Piou8, Dear aiid Faithful. 
 Altliough this ship the '• VacrwcV takes the course to New Ndherlnnd by way of Brasil 
 and Curafoo and therefore most likely will arrive late, we have neither been able not willing to 
 on.it informing you of what luis occurred here since our last letters of the 24"' of July, copy of 
 which we shall send iiy tin; llrst and better opportunity, ant has so far resulted from it, notwithstanding' that we 
 have importuned one or the other of tlunr Worships by constant solicitations, but we have learned 
 from them .at least so much, that the present condition of the city will probably not permit to 
 incur expenses or make advances without some assurance or without something tangible, from 
 which they could rej)ay themselves. We have thereupon requested that a connnittee of the 
 Council be appointed to confer with us on this matter, and tt, tliat you likewix' are very cautious ami make; the best use of the means and 
 ))ower given to you tirst and now by (Jod and nature, so that the haughty and intolerable English 
 nation may not get the better of us tiirough om- bad management and carelessness. 
 We are now coming to the reply to your two beforementioned letters, tir.st of that of J .nuary 
 7"' 1G.5:!, in which you say, that our people then' live in great fear bccaiuse the advantages gained 
 in Parliament over our govermncnt are zealou.-ly magnitied. We may well believe it, althoUi;h 
 it is sure, that the same are made ten times greater, than they are in reality ; but it is in the 
 nature of haughty people and generally the characteristic of that nation and therefore their talcB 
 should not be believed so readily or accepted as correct. We think their boa.stfidne.ss and 
 haughtiness will be considendily dindiiished now, because they have accomplished nothing or at 
 least \m' little during the year and specially because the great loss, which the English have 
 sustained in the last terrible engagement at sea against our Heet, causes tonsiderable ''ecline and 
 di.ssitisfaction witli their iu;w usurping government. As tu the union, .s;iid to have been made by 
 them with the Swetlish crown, wo have iw yet seen no sign or result from it, much less, that they 
 I (SI 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 have joined their forces to hlockiulo the Sound ; tlie English furthermore came cut of the r)eforo- 
 mentioned se;i tight in so disabled a condition, losing l)esides twenty of their best and strongest 
 ships, that they liave not been able to recover as yet and go to sea again. 
 You must also be very cautious in the intercourse witii the Swedes on the South river (against 
 whose chief you complain), as well in niaintaining rlie Coni|)any's |)rivileges as in avoiding if 
 possible to give them cause for complaints and dissatisfaction : for it is not advisable to increase the 
 numbers of the Company's enemies at this critical period. Concerning tho request made by some 
 of his subjects for permission to come and settle among ns, if we will engage to protect them, we 
 see no reason, why it should be refused and denied, (unless your view goes farther, tiian we at 
 present can observe), for it would indeed prevent an increase of ]>opulation, which is nevertheless 
 the life of a state and therefore should 1)0 promoted by all means. Hence the inlluxof free people 
 should not be impc'ed, but rather encouraged l>y resolute and honest measures ; justice and equity 
 then demand, that to the extent of our power we protect and guard all, who are willing and have 
 submitted to our laws and cust(jms, like our other inhahitants. 
 You extol the conditions and the oiler, according to which some English families shall be 
 admitted there to establish a new village or settlement near and opposite the village of Flushituj 
 who with the village of MiihliViurjh* p.rc willing to the same conditions and otTcr. You present 
 the matter as a proper measure, which would place the country and the administration in a firmer 
 andsiifer positior, but unfortunately wo take a ditTerent view, because the people of //emstudd mid 
 FluxhitKj have actually not only not prevented the raisingof ihe rarliamen''s Hag by some English 
 freebooter, but also permitted it to be done; an exanijile, which induces us not to trust to any of 
 that nation residing under our jurisdiction. Their immigrating and having favors granted to them 
 must therefore be restrictenr last letter of the 5"' of June of this ycir 
 (as we already mentioned in ours of the l^^"" of August, copy if which we enclose) what fr'volous 
 and false charges tho people of .N< lO Emjland have brought up against us only to cover their evil 
 intentions with the appearance of justice and right: they follow herein the (example of their 
 principals, whose gov(>rnmcnt is built nj) on the same grounds and foundation. I'poii hearing the 
 rumors from Nem luiijhinil they have magni{iert to the wurshipful b.wrd yesterday, tiiuL it has thereon adopted a very favorable and 
 salutary resolution in behalf of strengthening t' at province (which they begin to consider of 
 importance) so^ tliat we ai'o not -aistaken in our oj)inion, .as stated above, and you may therefore 
 expect by the first suitable o))i)ortunity the desired ju-ovisious and succor. 
 Herewith etc. 
 Amsterdam, The Directors of W. I. Comp.any 
 the 4'" of November 1053. De])t. of ^lw.s/ J,//, rl.uul. 
 Johannis Petersen Verhruijijen, Daniel Litaciior, Jacob van Couwen/toven and 0/(>f ^'tcvei'nan, 
 To wlioiii the said Hon''" Bui'goniastera and IScliepens i)ropose, that, whereas they iiave 
 asked the community to jirovido means for paying the j)ul)lie expenses and keeping in repair the 
 works and were answered, if the Hon"'-' Direetur-(ii'neral will allow tlie excise to bo paid to the 
 troiisury ot the City and for the City's i)enetit, they would willingly contribute, therefore the 
 Burgomasters and Sohepcns declare, that they have obtained the consent of the Hon'''' Director- 
 General to have henceforth the excise on wine and beer paid into the ollice of tiie Burgomasters 
 and Schepens for the benefit of tin's City, Jbil as for the present no ready money is on hand and 
 yet is much needed during these dangerous times and therefore some general taxes should bo 
 considered, the aforesaid Magistrates ask the (tornmuiiity, whether they will submit to such 
 ordinances and taxes, as the Magistrifos may consider proi)er and necessary for the government of 
 this City. They all answered " Yes" a id promised to obey the Hon''" Magistrates in everytliing, 
 as good inhabitants are in duty boii:,d to do continuing it with tl-.-ir signatures. Done as abovo 
 at Ni 10 Am-itcrdam in Nem Netl eriand. 
 llendriek Heiidrickfien Kif , haac de Foreest, 
 Jan J, iSohepinoes 
 Oovert Ltioekerinans, 
 Lambert Iluybertsen J/ol, 
 Francois Fyn, 
 Jan Lawrensen Aj>pel, 
 Jacob van C'uutven/ioven, 
 Jacob Stem da in, 
 Jan J. de Jimgh, 
 Conrad ten Fyck, 
 Peter Cock, his mark, 
 D. van Sckelliiyne, 
 Johannis de Peijater, 
 Agrees with the Original 
 Peti r CornelisHcn van Veer, 
 Abraham, La Noy, 
 Johannia van lieeetj, 
 Peter CiLtpersen, 
 Claea Bordinyh, 
 Jan J. Kuyjycr, 
 Joh. Petersen Verbruejijen. 
 JacoI! Kii'i", Sccretarv. 
Nev) York Ilistorieal liecorda. 
 The Director-General and Conncil stand by tlicir verbal promise given upon the proposition 
 and reciprocal promise of the Hurgomaaters and Sfliepons on the 1 1"' inst, to wit, that the Dirootor- 
 (Juneral and Council shall provisionally and Bid)ject to the approval of the LordstDi rectors cede 
 and grant to the nurgoniasters ami Schepen.s the collection of Iho common excise on wins and 
 hocr, consumed within this City, provided that the Hurgomafters and Schepens, according to their 
 l)ronn'8o and instruction, furnish means for the maintenance of the pidilic works in the City and 
 the subsistence of the ecclesiastical and political odicers [of the Company] and that the oxciso shall 
 bo publicly let to the highest bii''' ;r according to the custom of the Fatherland, 
 New Aimienlam, Novbr 25"' lOoS. 
 JJy order of the Director-General and Council. 
 Remonstrance op the Merchants of New AM^TKitoAM aoainst the Ordinance fixing tub 
 UATES OK lill'OUT DUTIES, 1>A88ED ON THE 19"' uF NoVEMUEK 1053.* 
 To the Noble, Very Worshipful, their Tlonors 
 the Director-General a;ul Council of New 
 Noblo, Very Worshipfid Gentlemen. 
 Your Noblo Worships have been pleased to publish on the 20"' of this month of November 
 an ordinance, containing regidations for the sale of and trade in goods imported here from the 
 Fatherland or hereafter to bo imported, similar to wliich anoitlinanco was i)assed and promulgated 
 in Soj)teniber last. Your Noble Worshi|)s have also bi'i^n pleased to call together on the same day 
 some of the principal merchants and traders of this City of New AmMerdam, in order to commu- 
 nicate to them the aforesaid onlinaiice and recinnmciid its execution. The said merchants deemed 
 !' then advisable to deliberate with others ami to submit their opinion on this matter in writing 
 to your Noble Worships, after having first connnunieatetl the same to the IIoii'''' Burgomasters 
 and SchepeiH. the lawful authority of this community. Thereupon the merchants and traders 
 generally (with all the respL-ct and olxidience, which they all acknowledge to owe to tlieir superiors 
 and will at all times prove, wln-n called upoi\ in reason and justice) declare, that after having 
 <'(>nsid(!rcd and ex.imined among each othotv tlie matter they are of opinion, the s;iid ordinances 
 and regulations can bo iutruduccd and cvi-Tied ut here only with very great loss, damage and 
 decrease of the connmrce, which with submission sh-^idd nither be animated and favored with 
 lii)cral privileges and exemptions, than burdenctl and iiamp.ivil with cajnious limitations. For as 
 to the price fixed upon some goohiinn!n viiii Ih'trk. 
 Jt>hiinn'i.t Xi t'ius. 
 /'. Conuliisen van der Veer. 
 Jacob de Weirt. 
 Jan Laui'iniien Appel. 
 ,/o/iitniies van Iiriitj(j,\ 
 Aiitfionij van Ifaiilinhiinjh. 
 Jueob Vixeh. 
 Jat'oh van Lt;euwin. 
 Ahram Nir/i,/. 
 Pleter lSth till! fir • I'.wt of necessary gouiU, little or not all siibjed to decay, wiia not sulHcient at 
 tlio present time. As no attention has been paid to thisonler in tho present petition the Director- 
 (lenoral and High Council direct tho j)otitioner-4 once nioi.- to show spccitically and prove in 
 regard to wliicli good.-* they fin.l theniselvcs niusHy injure.! and how tliey have mostly sutfercd 
 fr. losses and leakagi!^ also on what goinls they cannot afford to charge an advance of 120 pet. 
 Thus don<' ui Council, present the iron''" Director-Oeneral, Mr. Niai.ihis lU tiUh\ Mr. 
 Wirckhooen^ Mr. La Montai,(,iyne muI Mr. ICcvrM-w/i met at the City Hall with the delegates 
 from the Board of Mnrgoinastera and Schepens of this City of N,m Amxtnulam, Martin Krlyier 
 and Paiilm L,',vh-rtM,n ran ,f,'r Grift, tho delegates fr,)m the village of Grave^end, George 
 lla.i't,r and Sergeant Huyf„rt, from the village of Vlis.sin(jen* John ' IIu-Lh and Tohlaa Ihh, 
 from tho village of N-w Town, Mr. Voo and Gootman Ifanert. 
 Messrs. La Montaijiu- and I I'rc;^-^, /,•,/( propo.-on his answer, that he w;is .sent as a delegate from the High Council, they .'^aid, 
 they would have nothing to do with him and did not acknowledi,'e hiui as a member of the Council 
 nor w(,uld they allow, that the Director-General or his dei)uty .-should preside, as ho eonld not 
 protect them. 
 The English delegates sent a writt.'ti reply to the Hon"" Director-General of the following 
 tenor, that, if the Director representing li.e J'riv. W. I. Company will not protect us, we shall be 
 • FluBhlng. 

 '- ilia 
 |50 "'"^^ 
 t 1^ 
 1.4 1.6 
 % .> 
 "^ ^w^ 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. )45S0 
 (716) 872-4503 
 ^en, the 
 delegates from the Burgomasters aiul Scheepens of this City, whether they would live with them 
 in i)eace like brothers and friends; they wore answered " Yes, but no firm alliance could be made 
 with them, before the Hon'" Director-General, the High Council and all the adjacent districts 
 and villages had not been informed of it." The English delegates answered, if tiie Burgomasters 
 and Schepens would not join them and the Hon'''" Director does not i)rotect them, tirey would 
 form a union on Lo?ig Lsland among each others. The City delegates then replied, it would be 
 better to write about it to the Lords-Directors and they promised that meanwhile they would keep 
 them well-informed of and iissist them against robbers and other disasters of that kind to the best 
 of their abilities and live with them as their friends. But in regin-d to the letter to be written to 
 the Lords-Directors the City's di.'legatcs requested to hear the advice of the villages of J vicxfoort, 
 BreuGkclen, Midmout and on Staten Idan^J, as, at this season of the year, when the ships are ready 
 to sail, they could not wait for the advice and opinion of tlio people at Fort Orange, 
New Yorh Historical liecords. 
 Rcnusehtfrsioijrl- and tlio South rlrer. IIi;r(Mi|)()ii it was uniiiiiiiioiitily resolved to come together 
 H'^aiii troiii the, respective places on t!ie 10"' of December next in order to write to the Lords 
 Directors and then the nieetiiij; separated. 
 Done this 27"' ofJ^'Jovbr 1653, iit JVew Amsterdam in New Netherlamh 
 Maktin Ckigike, 
 P. L. VAN DKK GKin'. 
 Resolution to vut up tiik ship " Kino Salomon " for FREionT iienck to Fatherland ok if 
 Whereas the Noble Lords Directors of the Priv. \V. L (Jompanj liave sent thither the ship 
 " Coninok ISalomon" Cornelis Conradneti van (.kcmiien, master, with directions aud order to return 
 tiios;iid ship speedily eithcir with iv yood caryo iu>m here to the best advantai^e and profit of the 
 (Jompany or in default thereof to send her to Cura^au for a cargo of salt and wood, 
 Tiierefore the Director-General and Council on the information of several reports and letters, 
 brought i)y skipi)ers from Vinjlnia, that there isalaigeipiautity of tobacco in Vlrylnia, which for 
 want of ships cannot be exported and in consideration thereof, resolve for the service ami 
 udvantage of the said lion'' '■ Company, to put up the said ship hero for freight of tobacco and 
 other goods and thus to learn, what freight might be obtained here; if a full cargo cannot be had 
 here let her make a voyage to S/nit/i'n Idaiid on the North Capo of the Bay (if Viryiiila near 
 lIa<:i-iiiii, wliere it is saiil a sutlicieut <]uautity of tobacco lies ready for shijiment and thence 
 havi; hiM- rclurn hero with (iod's hel]), where she may take in the engaged freight, whi'-h in the 
 meantime has jjcen made ready. 
 Thus done and resolved at the nieoting held by the Director-Creneral at yew Aimtcrdani in 
 iV. N., Novbr 28, 1053. 
 Hkmon'stkan'ok of a CoMMrrTKF, of Merchants, containing explanations called for on tiik 
 25"" OK NoVEMllKK. 
 To the Nolile, Very Worshipful, their Ilonoi-s the 
 Director-Genoral and Council of New Netherland. 
 Noble Very Woreliipful (Tentlomen. 
 Whereas l)y your Hon'''' Worships' decision upon the request, made in the name aiid on 
 behalf of the mercliants and traders of this place on the 23'' inst., they were directeil to specify 
 and ]>rove through which goods and merchandises th(>y had suffered the greatest losses ami how 
 tile most average and leakage had occurred, also wJiicli gt)ods ai.d merchandises they could n 
 afford to sell here with an ad\ance of 120 jier cent, at the present time, 
 Tiierefore the said mcnthants and traders have empowered and de[)ute(l us, the subscrilters to 
 report to your Hon''" Worships as we hennvitii do. 
 First, that a merchant is not well able to give specified proofs, how his goods have been 
 Early Cuhnial Setthmeuta. 
 da,napc.,l ami ,1oproo„.te.l by leakage, dceay, avcnigc or otherwise, f„r a too careful invo.tigation 
 an.i research wouklhe require,], which without creating great confusiou in the tra.le cannot Im- 
 tnado ; but, we .ay it with .Ino rcpc't, the notoriety of excessive lossc-s by K,,!our Hon ^W orships have already been pleaeed to make an.) publish. 
 Second, even if the respective merchants had proved ea..h in his line, tiirough which goods 
 ho greatest loss had been incurred, then, we aff-.in say it with due respect, his proof sho.dd not 
 have led to the estabhsinneut ot rules, which are to be in force not onlv for the present and 
 concern a few merchants, who have sulfered losses, but also for the future an.l effect the 
 merchants generally. Uv if they, who had lost more shouhl have perndssion to sell their goods 
 at a lugher pr.ce, than the^, who had lost less, a great confusion would be caused in the trade and 
 he n.erchants would necessarily he nuule suspicious and uneasy in the expectation of bein-^ at all 
 nnes and occasions exan.ined concerning the sale of their goods. Hesides, each merchant"woiild 
 have to be provided in this case with a special document and order, by whicii to govern himself 
 and further such orders or rides are not in particular in any of the places under the juris.lietion 
 hen I,gh Might: the States General of the rnital Nethedands, but each merchant or salesman 
 hits a free disposition ot his wares. Yonr Hon'- Worships and the whole world know to hou- 
 great a wealth and increase of commerce, and we persist therefore for ourselves ami in belialf as 
 above ni repeating our former request, having resolved, in case of refusal, to hold the goods which 
 we now have here and not to order any more, for we cannot believe, that to enforce the said 
 ordinances will ten.] to the advantage of the country or city, to the benefit of the citizens and 
 inhabitants or to tlie increase of commerce, but only to the benefit and enriching of those i.ersons 
 wlio are already or may be ai.-thorized to carry out tiie rules. '' 
 New Amsterdam in New y,fJu'rIa)id, the 2S"' Novbr 1(m3. 
 J. V. Bkkck, Cokxklis V.UN i.KK Vkex, Jan L.i kkk.nskn Aim-ki, J. vvn Hhugok, Coknkus 
 oTL K N \V Y CK. 
 Requkst ok thk BrnooMASTEHs AX,. ScnK,.,.:.vs to kcmmox „ki.kters an,l Schepens of this City fi.li; eoi -ehendini, th, neec.ssitv 
 ot this step, make the friendly request to yonr Worshipful Ho.ioi^ to summon delegates from xxl. 
JS^ew York Ilisioriail JuconK^. 227 
 respective Dutch towns and HuttleniLMits to appear on tl.c Kai.J  ENcr.OSURES. 
 Forasnuuli tlio Dircctor-(Jcncrai and Conneii iiavo as yut Jio reason to believe, ])Ut that the 
 petitioners amir.ling to tiieir repeated verbal declaration and earner. i>rotestation:^ have no ..tlier 
 aim, tiian a due respect and obedience to the lion''" Company, as Li.rds and Pafroons and to the 
 authorities appointed by them, as well as a proper interest 'in the special welfare, ])eaeo and 
 harmony of thi;- country, community and eity, the Director-deneral and Council have in consiil- 
 eration of these declarations and i)rotestations given mature thou-ht tu their exhibit. Before 
 h.nvever jri'in- a detinito answer on tl;( Miain point the Director-General and Council feel in dutv 
 bdimd for their own justifieation and for the better informati..n and instruction of the petitione-s 
 as well as fur the maintenance of th(! Hon''" Conipans's jirivileires and the authority of its oliicers 
 to make some remarks on the enclosure date.l Novbr >27, lt!.'>:? and signed Martin Cru/irr and /'. 
 L. raiidrr drift, with niaruinal notes by Corurlix vnt} 'Werclhorm m\A TAiMi>nta(jne. 
 First, that the Knsign (uniuj,' Ihutrr and ail the Kn-lish delei;ates would not ackiiowledge Mr. 
 W,rcl-ho,-ni as dele-ate from the Director-General and Council. Tlie reasons herefor should 
 havebeenj^'iven, whether incompetence or misbehavior was alie;,'ed. That the said Baxter aw\ 
 the En-lish dele^rates would not alh.w, that either the Direetor-fJeneral or his deputy should 
 ]>i-eside or have a vote: the Director-( Jencral and (^>uncil call upon the petitioners and every 
 body else to consider, whether this does not border uj.on revolt, absolutely inf'riniring n])ou and 
 vilifyino; the suj)reme authority of the I )irector-Gencral and Council under theconimi'ssion given and 
 entrusteiieral ami Council* upon 
 smnmons ajipeared and that after som(> debating the Director and Council verbally hifonruMl the 
 said delegates, they were well satislied and pleaxd that for tlii' sake of peace the delegates from 
 * 'I'lii.-t .'•hoiilil lin ■• Hiirgiiuiasturs ami StIiuimmih," h«o iibovu. 
 Earh/ Colonial Sefthmeofs. 
 the C.ty should continue to live with tho English delegates fn.m the adjaeont villa.re. in unity 
 and harmony, giving the n„..t lil.cTal inten-iotation to the meaning of the8e words, but it w,« l.y 
 no means the mtent.on of the Direetor-Cieneral and Council, that sui.jects, bo.n.d to the authoritv 
 of the Government by their oath and duty to allegiance and obedience, shouM i,e allowed to entcV 
 with each other into a defensive and offensive alliance without the knowle.lgc or order of their 
 Government and their Council, much less, that subjects should infringe the (ioveruor's authoiitv 
 v.hfy the commission received from our superiors, insult, by i-ubliclv refusing to acknowled-'ru 
 them, the deputies appointed by the Dirc'toi-Gcneral and Council und'er the said commission and 
 above all pass any resolutions without their knoNvle.ige, as the aforesaid exhibit proves to have 
 been done on the 20'" and 27'" of November. 
 To the f<.urtli point, that the English delegates declare unsatisfactory the written answer of 
 the Director-General and Council, stating their readiness to protect their subjects with the mean. 
 given them by God and their superiors and therefore must defend themselves ami consi.ler 
 themselves as not owing any duties to the Director-General — the Director and Council shall 
 report the anmius, e.xi)ressed in these declarations, to the Lords-Patroons and refer it to the 
 judgment of impartial parties ; while they say here only, that as U/tm po.s., nnno Mh,.,hn' the 
 law of nature teaches us, f„rce may be repellc,! by fon-e and everybody has the right to defend ansting that it was given f.,r the .sak.. of peace and 
 without intention to j>rcju.li<;o thereby the authority and reputition .>f the Lords-Patroons or their 
 officers or to advise an.l demand anything, which might lead to their owa or other people's dama-e 
 disadvantage or prejinlice. "^ ' 
 Con.'erning I'urlh.'i- tli.. iv.ju.'M u{ ih,. liuig. .masters an.l S.'li..p..Ms, that the D^ivrt-.r ( ;..„.rMl 
Neio York Jlistorical Records. 
 and Council wonld consent to and approve of tlic numnions of tioinc peo])lc from t'.ic res])et'fivo 
 Diitc'li towns and villaguH, to meet with tliem the delegates froin the adjacent Englisii villages and 
 then to draw up for the country's peace and welfare such a report to the Lords Patroons as shall 
 be deemed necessary, the following order is made: 
 Altliongli the Director-Qoneral and Council might adduce woiglify reasons and liavo already 
 yesterday at the meeting of the full Hoiird verbally impressed them upon some of the nurgomasters 
 and Schepons, wliy this fashion of gathering and individual remonst rations without consulting the 
 Director-Creneral iind Council should be (liscounten;inced and although they have had a painful 
 experience of tl'.e jealousies, troubles and (piarrels arising therefrom during the time of the late 
 Director Kicft and also of the present Director-General, which are, God may better it, not yet 
 laid by, yet, having no greater desire than the safety, welfare and ])rogross of the country, the 
 peace and liarui.iny of ail the inhabitants, without regard to nationality, among eacli other and in 
 order to pivvent a charge being made before God and the Lords-Patroons of too great precision 
 ill enforcing their authority, orders aud instructions. 
 The Director-General and Coimcil direct upon the request of the Burgoiniistcr-: and Sdiepcns, 
 that in presence of deputies of the High Council theymay with delegates f)f the respective colonies 
 and districts in .Vcw .V('//((V^<«(7, authorized thereto and properly instructed by their constituencies, 
 after due consideration of the country's present dangerous situation draw up a remonstrance, 
 addressed to the Lords- Patroons, concerning the country's needs and circumstances, save that the 
 resolutions and acts ado[)t('d by the last jirovisional Geiu'ral Asseml)ly to the shame of its members, 
 shall not be prejudiced nor infringed . ,)on exce])t by unanimcais consent. 
 Done and enacted in the meeting at Fort Amsterdam^ December 3'', 1()53. 
 P. SruvviiSANT. 
 N. nK Sk-l-e. 
 La Montaonk. 
 C. VAN Wkuckuovkn. 
 By order of the Director-General and Council. 
 CoK. VAN RivvKN, f>ecr>'. 
 "We, tlio undersigned, delegateil by the Director-General and Council to hear the adviee of 
 tlu' delegates from this City ami the English villages, how ami by what means the English robbers 
 aud pirites might be attacked and further robberies prevented, declare herewith to have had 
 \v\ ki'.owliMlge of, much less consented to a separate remonstrance, as the above recpiest expresses 
 it, because hiiviug been refused on the 2t)"', we were not called on the '27"', nor were we present 
 at tlie meeting. Date as above. C. v, Wkuckuovkn, La Mon-.-aonk. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Dear Friemlfl. 
 As tlio Board of Biirironmstcrs and Selioppiifi of this City hiivo resolved witli the knowledge 
 of the Hon'"" Director-General npoi. calling for tw.i delegates from each of the adjacent village? 
 to wit AmerrfwH, Breuckelen and Midwouf to write jointly to the Lords-Patroons concerning 
 the situation of the country, wo reciiiest herewith our friends in the village of Midwout speedily 
 to select two delegates and to send theni to this place to-morrow, the 9'" !n;,t. provided with the 
 nccessiiry credentials i-nd directing them to report at the City Hal!, [{dying h.MTon we remain, 
 A,'.w Amsterdam yo„p affectionate friends, 
 Decbr 8, 1(353. U_y Order of the Burgomasters and Schepeiia 
 m^ .1 TT II Jacou Kii', Secretary. 
 To the Ilonorahle ■' 
 Dear and (iood Friends 
 the Inliahitants of 
 the village of Midwout. 
 Appointment of Maoistrates fok the town of IIemsteedk. 
 To-day, date as below the nomination for Magistrates of the village of UceTrntede on 
 Lo)u, Island in tins Province of New N,'t/tr,'/and, dated Decembers"", 1,'.5;} was submitted to the 
 Hon''" l)irector-(ieneral and Council. According to the privilrges graiite.l to tlie said village a 
 double number had been nominated, from which the (teneral and Council were to make their 
 selection. Afte" mature deiil.cratioii and for the sake of unity and peace among the inhabitants 
 of said village tliey for tiie present selected and appointed as Magistrates of the village of 
 ILmMfde Mr. StkklawJ, Mr. \Va»honi and Mr. G;id,r,,i;,tt, who are to administer law and justice 
 in the said village to the best of tiieir knowledge ami information in accordance with' their 
 privileges and the laws of Xe,o Kdherland. Hereupon the above Siiid Magistrates took the oath 
 bef(jrc the Hon''" Director-General and Council. 
 The newly elected and (pialified Magistrates are hereby authorized to call to their assistance 
 in ca,ses of absence or important actions, coming up before them, two ur three capable persons out 
 of the eonnnumty or the former Magistrates, residing in tlu; said village. 
 Thus done at the meeting of the Director-General and High Couircil held at Fort Aimterdam 
 the 11"' of December 1053. 
 P>y order of the Director-General and High Council. 
 CoKNKLis VAN Klvven, Secr>'. 
 Remonrtkanck of tiie Colonies ani> Villages in New Xetiiehlano. 
 (tx... Vol. I, pu-,. MO, X. V C..I. Doc.) 
NiiW York IIi«torical Jiecorda. 2.'U 
 RKSoLirrioN ov tiik Counoil niBKcrriNo iiik Convkntion to Kt:itNmir kacii mkmiikk of tiik 
 Friduy, December 12"' 11)53. 
 Ilnving received to-day a certain written traiiHlation, directed "to tlio Very Worsliipful 
 iroiioiahk! (Icntluincn, tiie I)irector-(}enorai and Council of Nein Netherl and on beiialf of Tiieir 
 llij,di: Mijjlit: tlie Lords States General of tlio UnlUd iXetherltmdx^ a liiimbie rcinoiihtraiice and 
 reciiK'Ht of tlio Colonies and Villages in the Province of JVein iVct/ur/aud"' and iM-ginniii.'^ with 
 the words " iruini)ly slicwetli" and closing with " Done at ^'l'w AmKtyner, Elhert 
 Elbertsen, Frederik Lidibertiten, I'aulHS iK SlI.LK. 
 La Montaone. 
 By order 
 C. VAN RuYVKN Secr^ 
 LtrrrKK kuom tiik Maoistratks of Nkw Amstkhdam to the Diuioctou and Council in 
 To the Very Worshipful Ibniorable 
 Petnis Stiii/vefiant, Director-General 
 and the Honorable High Council of 
 Ntir Xtt/ierhind. 
 The HiirgomastcrR and Schopena of thin City together with the respective delegates from the 
 villages of Gravenrnd, Vlissiwji'n, MidilUhurgh, IliYtnxtcedc, .Uneiifoort, Brrucke/rn am\ J/idirout 
 have seen the answer of the Hon''" Directi>r-(iencral and Council to the remonstrance delivered 
 yesterday to tiio Hon'''' I)irector-( teneral, a.-kiiig that on account of some obscure or badiv trans- 
 lated ]iassages in the remonstrance a copy tiieri'ot' be given to each member of the Council. The 
 said Assembly replies thereto, that they have submitted the original, of which his Honor the 
 Dircctor-tJeneral may give copies to the Council if he plesuses and they rcijucst once m*. 
 iil>oii each ,)„i„t or not, for tlio delugatew aro liuru iit greiit ux|HMi«e8 and wIhIi to kii..w, 
 .Uovt^rii tlienihi'lves. In cxpectutioa of your lion'"" WorBliij.s' B|,ew]y an.sw.T wi; remain 
 Sew AiMlenhim, Your Il.,n Wor>l,i,.H 
 l^fcbr 12, 1U53. iiun.l.lo Ht-rvantg 
 Akent van ElAi-noM. Maim in Cuihikk. 
 Gkoko'-- r>Axri;u. JonM Hk k 
 Tho ttbovu Ijavo siguud in tlio uunio of tlio 
 Jawu Kii', Sucr''. 
 low to 
 IIksolutiom of the Council, dkclakinu thb Asskmbi.y ilmoal, pkotk8tin(» AftAiNsr n- and 
 The Dirci-tor-Genoral and Conneil are il ihe present gatiiering, as they herewith do. As to the 
 remonstrance itself, the Director-ticneral and Coinicil do not know, whether the original oracopy 
 thereof have been submitted {n them ; the document shows and proves, that it is a translation and 
 the Director-General and Council further state, that they do not feel hound to give a deHnitive 
 answer to a private and obscurely styled remonstrance of a few un.pialitied delegates assuming 
 the rights and privileges of the whole. 
 The Director-General and Council theri'tore charge and order the aforesiiid so-called delegates 
 not to address either them or anybody else under such name and title; hut if the liurgomasters 
 and Schepens of this City or the Magistrates and delegjites ,)f the villages have each "or their 
 respective ))laces to make remonstrances or rwpiests, then they shall notify thereof the Director- 
 General and Council, who will give them an answer and such satisfaction, as the circumstances 
 and the case may require. 
 The Director-General and Council direct tho- Fiscal to communicate this resolution to the 
 petitioners, that they may not plead ignorance. 
 New AniDterdaiii iii New Net/ier/a/tJ, December 12, 1653. 
 La MontA(;nk. 
 C. VAM Weuckiiovkn. 
Nein York Jtlntoriral li'cortlH. 2.1.') 
 DrnicTioN-t M\i)i; nv iii|.; I)ii{i;rn.it-f}i;.\i;i{.u, and (Jc.i-.Ncir, icKdAuni.vd Trn; lli;\roNHrK,VNOK ok 
 Tin: 1!"' (.K l)i:( i:miii.;k hiunkd iiv Tin.; HfuottMASTKBa ANr> Sciii;i'i;.Nrt op tiiw Cirv and sumk 
 Tlui (iivt word "tniiirtl,itioii" iM-caiiiiposcN, that tlio tlociiinont was ori;,'iiially drawn up in 
 Miiotliur laufiim;,'.!, wliicli i.s coiilirniud l.y tlu; Htylo ami tonor. Tlic. cKivoriio.ss of" linr-omastfrs 
 nnd Sclioponrt may ho inforrod hi'rofroni, whim a Btrunj,'or or Ki.j,'lishman inu.tt pro;icr[i)t!, wliat 
 they nhoiild rciiionstralii and diMiiaiid. 
 Ill Iho i)ivaiiihh3 th(M-i;iii..iistraiitH i^niori! Iho Lmls-Diroctorrt, Imt HtH!iiiiri;rly cnvct this 
 ovcrrtij,dit aitorwardrt, when thoy Hay, thoy UL'kiiowlodjj;u thum as tlicir niasturd amfpatroiis. II,,w 
 far tliry do this, iiiiiy 1.,; pithcrcM] froi.i wiiat fuHoWij. 
 Tins HiipiMscriplioii " lliiiiil.lo U'.;iiMiistriii.'(j of tiio (J.ihdiiiM and Villa,'.--) in thi.s .Y.'w 
 Ndhedand Proviiico" lin.s hi;un very iinproporly visud in buc-Ii gom-rul tcrnid. Tli.; Ilr«t and ohlist 
 Coh.ny, Mitnhiillan hJnad, reserved as a Cohiiiy for tlio Lords-Diroctorn, the ('oloiiies of 
 Ur„.ixrla,^i;-^,niirk and of Statcn-I4,tn,U X\w dintriets of Ilewrmoi/ck and tlie .S',.(retend to be one bodv with 
 Netherland under tho administration of their High: Might: rejcetiiig all laws and orders not 
 eiuanating from thi.'ir Ilii'li : Mii'ht : 
 The following are the points: 
 The Director-General and Council do not know, what the reinonstranta mean bv an "arla'trari/ 
 Jtkiiiy Colonial Sellleinenls. 
 (ioittrnment" uiul lmviri;;fiillod boforotliom tlio BurKomiwtoM miil Scliopoim and thoRroator piirt 
 ot tliu rtij,'iuT.s ami u-IvimI tlioin, what tlun' iiiKli'rHto.i.l l»j an " arf/lfniri/ tri.Drrniiun/," tliry 
 rocoivo.l ho iiiinvcf. inu.'li liMrtcoiihl it 1,.. Htatr.l ],y tliciii, tlutt tlitt j.ivsoiit (i..vLriiim'nt in .-liai-o 
 hero was iirl.itrary or alwoliitu aii.l wliv '-It In co„/,:i>y h the ji rut inUiUhnu and tjaiuu,,' 
 pnnoiphx of nerij iihll ,;,jiil,it,,l ,;„i„try." SiippD^iiii,' (lio pn'scnt ailmiiiwtratinii to l.c 
 arhitriiiy, u-t tliuy a|.|)ivlioii.|. tli.. ivmoiiMruiit-. have ii.. ciiiirto cidiur U> vihfy and fuai- or t.) avvxm- 
 on tliat account tlic Oovcninuiit aii.l tho I/.i-drt-Dircctoi-H, for thoy havo thcuMuIvcw adiiiittiHl, an 
 Htatcd al)ovc. that liy tlicir nnitiial cov.Miaiit anroVL', that it U 
 dillcront and more arl>itriry now. tnan at the liini' of \{y. /uef/, whuii tliu V.U}^\hl\ roinonHtranlH 
 cuinc licro; they mn.-t ai..o |.rov.., that hy virtue ><( any law or laws made hy tlu- prc-ei.t 
 aduiinistn-tioii contrary to tlic Iiwm of our Fatherland, auyhody has miircrcil in rc-jard to hi. 
 property or hody. The Director-C ;,neral and Couni'il hclieve, that l.y virtuo of thcirn»ninii«Kiou 
 it i^^ their duty, to make laws, that i, ordinances and rules, re;j;ardinj,' police, comuu'rce, nnlitary 
 and the preserv.it ion of the counti'y, siiitahlo to tlie circuinstauivs of this Province, and that 
 the remonstrants as suhjucts are hound to ohey them, /lad morals prcnhiro ijood laws, suys the 
 provcrh; heiico it is not tlie desire, selt'-coinplacncy, and pleasure to rideof tin; Director-Geuer.il 
 an.l Council, hut the disorders, h.id will and disposition of r. my <,f the sul.jects, which cause the 
 issuing of msw laws; hut the |)irector-(}enoral and ( 'ouncil are not awaro'of liaviu;; nmde laws 
 contrary to tho laws of our Fatherland, besides it is well known as a matter of fact, that 
 ordinances and rides concerning' the whoh^ country have alwa-s l.eeu made with llu' advice ;ind 
 apj.roval of duly 4ualillcd delejrates f-oni tho country. The privilc>,'08 enjoyed hv tho Enj,di,d> 
 remoiwtrants may he learned from their alto-ether too liheral patent, which 'tliev make to cover 
 more, than its cntents allow. The .authority of the I!nr-omastersan,l Schepons is detiued in their 
 Instructions and tho privileges of the other signers are stated in their deeds. 
 The secon(l point. 
 Ood may grant, that tho Knglish and some of the Dutch may not give occasion to a new 
 fearful war with tho natives, either hy showing too murl, fear of tliJm or hy cheating them or hy 
 making them holievo am .ag .,thers stories ahout tho price of a ;ii.u'gen of kind among the Fngli.h 
 and Dutch, from whic'h the natives then draw the conclusion, tliat they formerlv >nl\ theirland 
 too cheap and show dissatisfaction, pretending imt to have received full s.iluc. "I'.ut ihe po-itive 
 a.sf,crtioii and fillegatiou of tho remonstrants that murders had hoen committed hy the savages 
 under pretense of not having h •en paid lor their land, is made entirely without foundation and in 
 bad faith. In c.ise the remonstrants were inclined to make a truthfuf statennMt ahout thism.itter 
 or to investigate it, they would tin.l, that the thr.v murders latelv committed on St,ik;i-hl,u,r ii^'iiiiiKt tln-irown iiiitioii or llu' aiitliority of IVlmiiU'iit 
 for tliuir prolctioii l,y lawful iiumiih. It Ih not noLVHHary to «.) fiirflirr into tliw. 
 'I'lio tliird point, 
 Tlio Kn^fliHli (I., not only on joy tlii' rii^tit of notninatiii^j; their own \fa,L;iKt rates, l.iit (.omc of 
 them mIko nh*iir|> tlio flection am! ai)pointn.cnt of sueli MaKiHtratoM, aa tliev ploiw... widiont r.^ard 
 to tlirir rdi^rion. Homo, OHpwiaily tho p.-oplo of Gtuu.-nai,!, v\wi lii)(-rtin(H aixl Analmptihts, 
 wliicli in decidedly uj^ainnt the laww of the .Yt-f/ur/iiiit/.t. 
 'I'lie ,\fa;?iMtriite« of Nno Aiiinkrdum, only elei^ted and appointed last year and not yet fnllv 
 n yoar in otHeo, havo for tho presont not tho rij^ht of nomination, the name liavinjr l.eeii withiielil 
 liy th.' Director-General and C'onncil for '^ I and snilicient reaHoiis. nntil the Lor-ln-Director-. 
 shall havu j,'iven orders to the contrary. Tim I)irector-(}eneral an.l ("oimcil lir.pe to give the 
 Patroons in dno tinio good and natisfactory reason^ why they withludd the right of choice nn-l 
 nomination. lint if it is to he mach^ a ride, tiiat tiie Nolection and nomination Hhall 1m« h.ft to the 
 l.cople generally, ulioin it ni.wt concerns, then every one wonld want f..r Mui^i.lral.' a man of hi.s 
 own Htamp, f<.r instan.v a thi.'f wonld chooMo for .M igistrate a tinef and a di.iioneHt man. a drnnk- 
 ard, a Hmnggler etc their lik.s, in or the nection. Thorfforo what llie rciuon.stnmts allege on this point is brought forward 
 abusively and in iiad laitli. 
 It appears very strange. th;it llw remonstrants endeavor to deprive the Lords-Directors, heing 
 the absoluto masters and owners of this Province, of the right, thatcivery Lord and I'atroon in the 
 Kathcrlanil exercises on his man.ir and the sm.illi'r I'atroons in this cmritry pretend and usurp for 
 their colonies, namely the right of appointing their own SherilTs. Secretaries, Clerks anMncil 
 onglit to he in force, the Knglish remonstrants may h-arn from their patent.s, the Murgomasters and 
 S.Oi.'pens from their Fn.stiMK'tions, directing them to maintain and observe, according to their 
 l-rouiise under oath, all onlinances of tho I)inH!tor-(}cneral and Coniu'il. i'.esides they and all 
 new comers are by their ••ovetiant and contract with the Directors compelled and bound' to obey 
 the Dih'ctor-Ceneral and ( Onncil as representatives of the Company and to submit to all ordeis 
 and laws iilready made or her.'after to be made, as the groundbriefs expressly stii.ulate it. 
 The tiftli point. 
 The fifth p.iint is (hmied absolutely. The contrary is proved by .an onlinance passed bv tho 
 Director-General and Council last year with the knowhMlgc ,,{ the I.ordsDinvt.u-s, by which the 
 inhabitants are expressly ailiiionislied and w.iriu'd not to buy iiiuls from the native., nor to .settle 
^..'^ s* 
 Karltj Culuidai SdthnuuU. 
 ^hci-oon without a convc.-ajice and .loed fnnn tlu; Dii-Lrtoi--(Jciionil aiul C.n.ncil, ami if somcLody 
 w:w ill i)o.-*si.;si()ii of such land, ho \vu.. to ask for and ol)taiii adood within halfn voar under juMudly 
 of forfoitiujj; Ids claim. Coueornin^' this niattor tla! silrntM^saIldlVlnollstl^■l^fs froui vh/^v-.s/'wW, 
 viz. m/urt Elbtrtsen and Thomas Sj)//..,;- nnist he charged with wilful calumniation, for they linvo 
 usurped tlieir lands for several years hack without havinjr a conveyance or title deed and coutiiuie 
 their illegal jiosscssion without paying tithes, altliough they and some otliers in the nuhc viliaga 
 have hekl the land fur 15 or L'O vears. 
 It is Pot true, that genei'a! patents had het-n promised to tjie iidial.itants of AndUchttn/h and 
 MUlwom. The contrary can he ix-c.ved by living witnesse.s and hy tlie written condition's, now 
 depoMted in the Se.-retaryV ollice under which lands were dlotted and taken jiossccsion of in the said 
 vdlage . If they iiave net their indivitlual titledoeds, tiiey may come and call for them ; they will 
 not be carried home to anybody. 
 The .'-ixth point. 
 " Qnantities of laml have hem given aioaij to som- jiersons " in the form of Colonies : 
 to Baron NederhovHt, mn Renssdaer, van der Cai^elle. Werrkhown., de Unite,, Me/>/n an.l otliers." 
 The Director-Genera! and (^)uMcil d,) not know, whom tlie remonstrajits moan by '(some person or 
 i>tT«w/.y," .-3 no.iiing has been granted excej)t upon the oixler or with the coi.sent of our Lord^- 
 Direetor.s who, we think, are not bound to explain their reasoiis to their subjects. If these lands 
 are not j-opnlated and improved hy the said patentees in conformity with the granted exemptions, 
 then it depends n])on the di..retion of the Lords- Directors to dispose ef them as they please. Iii 
 this case tiio remonstrants forget to consider their own position and to rellect that Jlemsteede, 
 VUsshujen and Gravesend claim a imu'h larger territory, whicii they leave nncultivated and imsettled 
 to the prejudice of tiie counnon property or the h'ttle of it, which they have improved duriiiir the 
 last ten years. Now that the time is at liand for collecting the Comjiaiu 's dues, tli.v throw, as the 
 proverb says, a cat into the yarn. It ischjarly evident from their i)retension3 and roun.l-ahout answer 
 not to owe any duties to the Company, becaus- the Directors c.udd not or would not protect them, 
 that they propose a uni.m with some malignant oj.ponents cud pDJect a new form of (iov.'rnment! 
 as nijy he seen hy the report of the Burgomasters and Schepens. ' The same tend.mcy is clcarlv 
 manifested by their remonstrance and time will show wliat else is concealed under it.' It seem's 
 wonderfully strange, that the Ilurgoma.stcrs and Schepens of this Citv should at this j.recarious 
 time join in a j-lot with a nation, which they and everybody else su.spect and winch onlv a Aw:i 
 time ago they called imtrustwonhy, whicli had no good intentions an.l if anvthing happened 
 would immediately declare itself for the North and to which other still more villainonr.heds were 
 imputed passe.! over for briefness' sake and we ch.se with the wonls: Quid mm,!, mutahile 
 What they wiy in conclusion requires an explanation. Satisfaction to the country can neither 
 beden.anded nor given, !mless it is proved, that the country in general or the i'nhahitarit. in 
 particular hu>-e sulfered, and secret claims and losses cannot be adjur;ted as long as they remain 
Nexo York Historical liecords. 
 Whoreua now reports have l.eo,, l.rougl.t i,. nnd oo,„i.laintB ma.lo by inhabitants of .bis 
 rrovmee, tbat the Lngh.h pirates Harder and otl.ers bavc returned to the waters of this 
 jurisdiction aiul liover around Flmhimj or tliereabout on Lmuj Mand and 
 Whereas it is to be feared, that a, before these pirates or robbers may commit some hostilities 
 either oy water or on lan.l :,f,ainst the persons or the property of the inhabitants of tliis Province, 
 ii.eretore, wislung to ],roteet their subjects, according to tiieir official outb and dntv, with the 
 l.ower and means entrusted to them by God nnd tlieir superior autliority 
 Tlie Director-General and Touncil have resolved to appoint and anlhorize the Hon'"" Mr 
 Jmnae La Monta>Jne,Con^..moy oi .Xew-Ndha-land, as they herewith appoint and aulharize 
 him to pursue, attack pikI capture the said pirates, how and whenever he may be able to do it by 
 water or on land .Mvii.^^ bini further power and authority to join to himself and command thereto 
 or tins j.urpose from the othcers of ,his Company or the free inhabitants all such persons as he 
 heiieves suitable and tit for the expedition. 
 Done at yew-Amsterdam in New Netherland, Dueember 13, 1653. 
 P. SriYVKSANr. 
 NicAsiis i)K Sii.Li:. 
 C. VA.\ 'Wekckiiovkn. 
 PExmoN OF THE Convention fok an answlk to their Pvemo.nstka.nce. 
 To the Xoblo Honorable Director-General 
 and Council of Ncw-Nethci-lund. 
 ,,. ,?" ^^'' }^'\f ^'""^ '"""^1' ^''« r)t.lo,n:ates from the respective villa,^..s of (hm-esend, yi;..!naea 
 M>d,del,ur,jh, ILcmsteede, A,ner^,.„rt, Brruckelen and M;du,o>d aii.l the deputies of the 
 ■ m-omasters and Schepens of this City, convened at the City Hall submitted to vour H..n'" 
 Uorsliips a Kemonstrance and R..p,est, to wlii,.h they receivcl the followin- dav" as answer ^i 
 demand for c„p,...s, that a well con.Mdeivd reply might be given. The said Conven'tion made on 
 t H. same day an answer in writing, wi.ereupon the IIon''» Director-General an.l Couiu.ii were 
 pleased. 11. Ucad ot giving a decision u,,on their rcp.est, to charge the Convention with illcMlitv 
 iKvauscof a pretended lack of jurisdiction of the villages „f Midwout, Am.^rsfooH -.md Ilrnu'hln, 
 M m consc,,ue.ice ..ould not send properly qualified .lelegates; and to protest a.-ainst tlij 
 Convention. 1 Ins appears strange, for the said villa.^>s were written to bv the I'.iirgomastei-s and 
 Schepens ,v,/y with the knowledge and , scut of the Hon'"' DirectoMJeiierarand Council- 
 bcMdes their Convention had no ntiier a tiian the service and protection of the conntrv, the' 
 -"^'■iiteiiaiice and preservation of the freedoms, privileges and propertv of its inhabitants, but not 
 an unlawful usurpation of the authority of the said lion"'" Director-Cieiieral and Council • on the 
 conlrar. their intention was to prevent illegal proceedings, while the laws of Nature .rive to all 
 men the right to gather fur the wc'lfare and protertion of their freedom and propertv. " 
 li.e Delegates, e.mveiie.l as above stated, respectfully request with the Burgomasters ami 
 bchepens, that you, Hoi.-^ Worships will ple.ose after having declared lawful the aforesaid 
 { onyen.ion. to answer the points sul.mitted in their RemoiKstrance, while tliev are wiUin.^ to 
 adiiiii with due respeet to their meetings and allow to share in and advise upon all business, which 
 u.ay come ni-, all sueh p,.rsons as your Hon'- Worships nuy .lecide to .h.pute 
^ ^■.— ^.p. 
 Mi ill/ Colonial Settleineitin. 
 In case of refusal, which they hope will not bo given, they would find fhomsclvcs oompi'lleil 
 to ]>roter;t iii;,'iiiist your II(i!>'''° Worsjiip^t for all the iiu'Oiivenionccs. whi.'li liiivt^ liefiilli'ii or iiiny 
 Iii'I'mH the eoimtry in f^eneral or partieiihir and they intend to apply to tiieir High: Miuht : the 
 Lords States-General as their Sovereigns and to the I'riv. W. I. Company as their Patroons in 
 order to snliniit to them a Remonstrance on sneh matters, as they believe are required for tho 
 sei'vice and the weU'arc of the country. 
 Done December IS"- Yonr ITon"" Won-hips' 
 lf>53 at Xcw Amsterdam. hnmble servants 
 A/vitt i'(Ji> llalti'm, 
 P. L. van Jer Grift, 
 Pii'trr Wolfertsrn, 
 Jiohert Coo, 
 Thomas Tlassard, 
 Thomas Spt'cfr, 
 Frcili'rirh L uhhcrtscn , 
 J. lluhhnrd, 
 Tohuis Fraks, 
 After comparing the above copy with the original I luive found tlie same to agree. 
 Xew Amsterdam, !>• v.vx ScnKi.i.ivxi:, 
 Dccbr 13, 1053, Not. Pnbl 
 3lart!n Crhju.r, 
 ir. Beeckiitan, 
 (7(0. Jhixfir, 
 Elherf Klhcrtmm, 
 John /licks, 
 Paul us ran der Ih'ccq, 
 Thomis Smart wont, 
 John Strijcker. 
 PKiiKMrTOKV Order to the severai, Dei.eoates of the Conventio.v to disperse anm) .not to 
 The remo!istrants are once more and now for tiie last time referred to the fornuu- answer and 
 the express order given by the Director-General and Council and delivered and communicated to 
 the remonstrants by tho Fiscal, not to address tho Diroctor-tToneral and Council any more under 
 the name and .stylo of "General Asseml)ly "or Delegates of the Land, fur the prctendeil 
 Convention is not only charged, but actually r, Toliias Feaks not to 
 a.ssemble any mure in such a f(jrm and manner, but to separate on sight liereof under pain of onr 
 extreme displeasure ,.:,d arbitrary correction. 
 Done and enacted at the meeting of the Director-General and Council at New Amsterdam in 
 Seal jVe the rland, December 14, Ui.j:>. 
 Py order of tho Diroctor-Guneral and High Council, 
 CoRNELlS VA.N Iiivvi:.v, 
New Yurh llistorkal Records. 
 (IN iiiK i;j"' OF Dkckmueu Kir.;!. 
 Till! DireL'tor-Ciem-ral iiiul Coiiiieil consulur, that tlioir last roply and onlur of yosturdr.y, 
 coiiiimmicatfd to the romoiistrants by the Fiscal, has l.cini .juito sulKcioiit and should have l.efii 
 obeyed by them as it buiiooves good siibjci'ts and that they should not have subniittud auother 
 address under the Tiaine and stylo of "Oonvontioii." But as the remonstrants have nevertheless 
 deemed it advisable, to make another -equest, to the abusi\e and false statements of which the 
 Director-(ieneral aiul Counoil are compelled to answer, they first understand it to be their duty 
 not to excuse anybody, but to judge. Therefore they have declared the gathering illegal, not only 
 because the settlements of IireuvM,-ii, Mldwout and Aiair.sfi.ort had no jurisdicrion, ius the 
 remonstrants abusively allege, but also because the DiructorCJeneruI and Council have declared 
 and do declare the present gathering unlawful and nothing but a conventicle for having assumed the 
 iiame of Ihlajatc* from the Prorlncr of Xcw Ndlurlaiid, which they aro not, as has bei'U siiid 
 before, and for not having been called together or convened by the Director-CJeneral and C'oiiiici!. 
 By virtue of their connnission they assert, that nobody in this country is authorized to convene a 
 General Assembly, except they, who represent their High: Might: and the Xoble Lords- 
 Not less abusive is what the remonstrants add, that the aforesaid villages have been inviti'd 
 by the Burgomasters and Schepens with the knowledge of the Director-Cleneral. That may bi, 
 but it was certaiidy not done with his consent and upiiroval. In the .same sense the pri'.-ent 
 conventicle has assembled with the knowledge of the Director-denoral and Council, because the 
 Burgomasters and Sche])eus and the English delegates from the villages of Grnwsend, J/ii/d/,- 
 hur,//T'" of Novend.cr list, 
 Burgom:ister Cr'njJer and Kiisign Geor^j,^ Ilaxtir invited the Director-General and some nu'inbers 
 of the Council to a luncheon, when the Ihirgoniastcrs, Schepens and EngliMi Delcgati^s by their 
 mouthpiece or speaker aiinoimred in the mo.st insulting manner jiossible to the Directi-r-(ieneral 
 and Councillors present, that on the In"' day of the m^xt month they would come together, tho 
 J)i|-eclor might do what he pica.ses and prevent what he could. If this is called pr,i'!ou)a-„owh(l,/e, 
 then inileed lb" dricg.itcs from the afoivs.-iid villages have been sumnu-iied by the linrnomasters 
 and Schejiens with tlie knowledge of the [director (ieneral and ( ■oiiiicil. who however assert that 
 it is the duty of the lion"'' I)irector-(ieiieral as piv-ideiit and not of the Ihirgoma.sters and 
 Schei)ens to convoke a (Jeneral Assembly and to summons delegates from the respective Colonies 
 and villages. 
 The point, that tlf lam of Xadtre n with the knowledgo 
 mid consent of their High: Might: to appoint the Director-General and Coimcil, giving them 
 ample authority for the preserv.iiion and protection of the privileges, freedom and property of the 
 Company and the good inh ibitants and if necessary for the convocation of an Assembly of their 
 subjects, but this authority w.is not conferred on the Ibirgomasters and Schepens, much le.-s to,/// 
 men. If any of the iviiDnstrants believes himself persiuiallv or his Colonv or vilkce iiiinred or 
 damage(l concerning piivileges, frei'dom or property, upon a decent remonstraiii'c and proper 
 evidence thereof the DiroL'tor-General and Council are bound and willing to maintain to t!ie best 
 of their ability and knowledge everybody in his property, rights, privileges and exemptions. But 
 Early Colonial Settlevients. 
 tlio Director-General nnd Council are obliged to oppose sneli manners and vays of assembling and 
 such injiiri(>^, insults and atTronts otToi'od to the (rovonunent and to incto out i)unisliuR'nt to the 
 autliors and loaders tliereof in due time, luiless a satisfactory reparatiii;i be uhide. 
 As to the recpiest itself " tho DelcgatcK^^ etc. 
 The answer is, that for the reasons, stated above repeatedly the Director-(Jeneral and Couneil 
 cannot declare the pretended Assembly to be hiwful nor can tliey further rei>ly in detail to a 
 remonstrauoe submitted in this manner. 
 That tlie remonstrants then add, " they are w'dUng to mhn'it with due respect to tlicir meetings 
 and allow to .thuri'. in and advise upon all l)usiness, whieii may coiiw up, all .siu'h ^lersons dc" and 
 fiirtiier continuing with a threat of intending to protest incaxi' of refnual ayainst all etc sliows an 
 aiilniiiH ereatiuir greiit misftiviiiirs in the minds of the Directcr-lteneral and Coimcii, but thi'y 
 shall leave that for tlie i)reseiit to (lod and tlieir superiors. They only .-iuy, that they are belter 
 informed couecrning their authority, comuiission and instructions, than the remonstrants and that 
 they also believe not to ri' piire the gooil will or tlu; permission of subjects, liow, wlien and under, 
 what circumstances to appear lu any Assembly, for they M^^i pro teinpori' autliorized and (pialiiied 
 by God and their sovereign government, to pro))oso and to direct all public business conform to 
 their commission and instructions, but not to assist at and advise u[)on the allairs of a self-created, 
 unlawful gatliering. 
 Ill concdusion tlie Director-General and Council prevent noboily to write to our Sovereigns or 
 to tlie Xohle Lords-Directors, as long as. he keeps within the hounds of due respect and truth, but 
 tliey tluuk the remonstrants !iave no authority to write as Uepresentatives of this Proviiu'e and 
 therefore the remonstrants arc once more and for the last time referred to the last decision and 
 commanded to hold no more meetings. 
 KLAPItUsn, INKOUMI.NO TU KM Til A r TUK K.VIiLISU I'KI V APKl'.lt-i AliK AOAI.N noVi;i;iN(. AlKilT AM) 
 C"oi)y (if an ojieu letter with which the Secretary 
 was sent to /'reitckehn, Amersfoori and Mldwout, 
 to read it to the iidiabitants there. 
 Dear and good frietids: We find it necessary to inform you, that we receiveil liust niglitiu'ws 
 of Bajcler^H and some privateers intending again some expedition or the other. Wt; 
 liave cousecpiently been out with some soldiers during the night and have foutid the farmers 
 around here in good order and on their guard. We recommend tlie same to you. 
 We are further informeil, tliat the Ihirgomasters luid Sehei>ens of this City l\ave in our nanu; 
 invited ilelegates from your villages and told you that it liad been done with our consent antl 
 ap]irly, had first submitted them to and advised thereupon with their superiors, the 
 (iovornment of England, which they intendcil and agreed to do by the first opportu.iity. Htliis 
 h;us been done agreeably to their sincere intention, we trust, that the said Honorable Governor and 
 Councd of State shall have received some time ago an answer from their superiors or may be in 
 daily expectation of it. 
 Therefore the Director-General and Ct-nncil of New Netherland liave resolved, for the 
 promotion of so laudable an object as tho continuation of peace, increase of connnerce and 
 cultivation of correspondence between such old friends, neighbors and co-religionists living in such 
 distant countries, to send once more an authorized and suitable person thither, to remind the raid 
 Honorable (ioveriior and Council of Virtjinia of our former good intentions, which we still have 
 and (jiir projx.sitiotis and to Icani their rejily. We have hereto reciuested, also authorized and 
 commissioned the Reverend and Very Learned Mr. Samuel Briesius, Minister of the Gospel in 
 the City of Nem Amnti'rdam and fully relying upon ins ability, wisdom and ex])erience we have 
 directed bin), as by tliis our o|)en lettnr and commission we direct and empower him, to go to 
 F//-r///jw and adr Richard Bennett and his 
 Council in order to rec . , in his quality as our cnd)a.ssador from the sjiid Governor and Council 
 an aiiflwer to our former propositions and to learn what reply was given bv their superiors 
 -Early Colonial Settlements. 
 upon tho matter submitted. If the Biiiil Honorable Governor and Council should not yet 
 have received it, then he is to propose and ask for a provisional continuatioM of the commerce and 
 intercourRC between the two places, a free pass or safeguard signed by the Hon'''" Governor for 
 some of our mcrchanta and tiiei>' yachts, to pay and collect debts among inhabitants of Virginia, 
 as we on our side have given and are still willing to give passes to come and go to t'le ships and 
 yachtrt coming to us from Virginia. All this to be only provisionally, until on either side wo 
 shall liave received orders to tho contrary from our superiors and countermanded tho provisional 
 passes, of whicli such ships and yachts might be informed six or eight days before hand, that thus 
 private losses, general in jury and further dilferences between nation and nation might be prevented. 
 If thi-i cannot bo (>l)taiued, tlien lie shall ask for a free pass for one ship to bring back our envoy 
 free and umuolested by the Parliavnent ships. 
 We further promise by this our open letter and commission to ratify and carry out all tliat 
 may be covenanted and concluded in tliis matter between tho said Honorable Governor, his 
 Council and our present envoy Domino Samuel Drinius. 
 Done at Neio Amsterdam in Neu) Netherlands the IG"' of December 1G53. 
 P. Stuyvesant. 
 By order 
 Answer of the Dikector-Geneual ani> Council to the Remonstr.vnce of the Mercu ants' 
 OiMMrn'EE OF November 28"" concerning the new Tkade-Keoulations. 
 Tho supplicants might justly be referred to the foniier decisions given by tho Director-General 
 and Council to their first request of the 22'' of November l(i.5.'i and pursuant to its tenor once more 
 be directed, to sliow cause, wiiy 100 to 120 pet are not sutlicieut advance upon goods and 
 merchandises imported here from tlio Fatherland, agreeably to the published orders, considered and 
 made not only by t!;e Director-General and Council alone, but also by tho Deputies of the 
 respective Dutcli Colonies and districts of this Province, without wiiose knowledge and advice the 
 orders and rules cannot nor ought to be countermanded or annuUid. Hut in (!i)nsideration of 
 the present juncture the Director-Cencral aiul Council liave ordered tlieir Fiscal to use all jwssible 
 moderation, until the aforesaid ordei has been comnumicated to the Lords-Directors and their 
 ratification thereof has been obtained or until tlie I)irector-(ieneral and Council with tlie sjiid 
 Deputies of the respective Duteh Colonies and districts shall have given other directions and tlie 
 matter lias l)een further cousiderod. 
 Adi 24 Xber 1653. 
 By order of tho Director-General and Council. 
 ', 'f 
New York Historical Records. 
 Okdinanck bklatino to Makbiagks. 
 (Seo Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands p. 152), 
 LkHKB from PctBUS StUYVKSANT and the CouNOIL to THK MAOI8TiUTE8 OF Gbavesendwith 
 Worthy and dear friends. 
 I received in duo tinio your letter of the 13'" inst. sent to mo by the Fiscal, which has been 
 commun.cat,.d to the High Council. Wo have boon very much astonished, that you arrogate to 
 yourself tho publication of niarriagc-proclainations within your village without our or the 
 Council's knowledge, in ciiscs where both parties live beyond the jurisdiction of your village As 
 to the allegation, n.a.lo by you, that tlie person is a freeman of your village, ho is the same in the 
 (Jity of Avut^rdam and here in this City and for this reason must tho ..arriage-proclamation bo 
 reported and published hero as well as there according to the customs of our Fatherland Wo 
 do not deny, that matrimony is ruled by divine and by human laws, but they who enter upon 
 tins state must do it according to these divine a.ul human laws, with the consent or knowled-e of 
 then- parents, tutors or guardians and then notify thereof tho Conmiissiirv, apj.ointed by liigher 
 authority, at tlie place where they reside or where they have previously been living during tho 
 la.st year. Your tinal re.piest, that we should send you a copvof theordcrand power of attorney 
 which his father has given us concerning this son, is not complied with, as wo do not tiiink 
 ourselves bound to do it, considering yours being a subordinate jurisdiction and subject to us • 
 besides the father would bo displeased and it would be unreasonable in us, to communicate to 
 othere, what an honest and prominent man has written to us in a detailed letter. 
 Thus much in answer to your open letter. This further serves as cover of the enclosed order 
 and resolution made by us and the Counril, which you must promptly obey, n.H because we wish 
 to prevent the marriage, but that according to divine and human laws and ordinances they may 
 be put in practice, proclaimed and afli.xed, at tho proper place and without infraction of anybody's 
 rig! Its.* •' •' 
 Relying thereupon ve commend you with cordial greetings to God's protection and remain 
 Nvni A nixivnlam, 
 January t't>, ItiM. y,,„r well-affected friend and Governor 
 r. Stuyvesant. 
 * A nmjoruy of tho narly Hettlere of AV„ Y,nk l.ailinR from nnmrlana, tho laws of that Proyince in regard to 
 nmrrmK,.H noturally ,,r«va,le.l. In iUuUUrlana a nmrriaRo was voi.l, it ,he e.pre>. consent of the f.thor or ^dead 
 of the mother had not h.en obtained for the marriage of a son. With regard to daughters the law w.'b .till more 
 r,g«ro„,; ovenamarrmge. entered into by a girl with parental consent, did not emancipate her from parental 
 authoruy >f.hewaHm,ll„nd..ra«eathor h»«..and'.s d-ath : nhe had to plaoe herself apun under the gurdianahip 
 of her father or mother. Ne.ther were parent, obliged to give before a (Vurt of Justice any reasons in c«se they 
 refu».Hl consent. This law had its foundation in the Codex Justinianus.— B. K. 
 Early Colonial Setthmenta. 
 Petition fkom the Buboomasteks and Soiiepens of New Amsteudam for tiie pkivileoe of 
 OF TIIE Director and Council denying the kequest. 
 To tlic Very Worshipful, Noble, Iloiiorablo 
 Director-General ai.d High Council of 
 New Netherland 
 Show with duo respect and humility the present Burgomasters and Schopens of this City of 
 New A-nuterdam : 
 Whereas the petitioners have now served this City ff New Amsterdam in their aforesaid 
 capacity for one year pursuant to the instructions given by your Ilon'''"^ Worships and the election 
 is now before the door, they very submissively request, that your Hon''" Worships will be pleased 
 to consent, that a donbie number may be nominated by the aforesaid Burgomasters and Schepens, 
 from which the proper number of new Burgomasters and Schepens could be chosen and commis- 
 sioned by your Hon*"''' Worships, so that the Board would be complete. Also, that your lion''''' 
 Worships will jilease to take into their wise consideratio.i, what salary the Burgomasters and 
 Schopens should have for their service ; if this is decided, the means could be collected with other 
 taxes from the community. In expectation of yonr Hon'*'" Worships favorable disposition wc 
 New A?nsterdam Your IIon''= Worships 
 in New Netherland Obedient servants 
 Jan>' 27, 1654. Akent van Hattem, Maktin CuE(iiKK, 
 r. Lebndertsen van der Grift, Wilu. Beeokman, 
 Anno 1654. Januaky 2S"' at New Amstekdam. 
 The Director-General and Council have taken into consideration the reipiest of the Burgo- 
 masters and Schepens and for weighty reasons have resolved and decided, to refuse and delay the 
 application concerning the nomination and to continue in oflice the present Burgomasters and 
 Schepens for the sake of peace and harmony during anotlier year antl only to appoint to the vacant 
 positions two other honest and cajjable men, liaving selected for this pur])ose Jochem Pielemen 
 Kayter and Olnff Stevensen Cortlandt. 
 As to the other request, taking in consideration the troubles and anxieties with the loss of 
 time and private expenses of the Burgomasters and Schepens, in their oflii'ial positions, being 
 mostly men who liave to i)rovido for their families cither by trade, agriculture! nr manual labor, 
 the Director-Creneral and Council consent to it and agree, that the Burgotnasters shall hcMceforth 
 draw, according to their i)etition, from the City's revenues and have as salary the sum of three 
 hundred and fifty guilders annually and the Schejiens two hundred ami tlfty guilders. 
 Enacted at the scasion of the Director-General and Council of New Netherland lieM at New 
 Amsterdam on the day and year as above. 
 NiCASirs DE SiLI.E, (/". VAN WKKI'KnoV KN, 
 La Montaqne, Cornelis van Tiemioven. 
New York Ilistorkal Records, 
 I'ASSKD JaNUABY 28"", PUBLISHED JuLY 2'', 1054. 
 (See Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands p. 163.) 
 The Director-General nnd Council of New Netherland to all who shall see this Greeting. 
 Know ye, tluit they'iiivo couunifwioned, authorized and directed, as they herewith commission, 
 autliorizo and direct the sworn Court messenger Klaea van Eldandt, the elder, to proceed on 
 receipt hereof to the village of Oraveseuil and to insinuate to and inform the Magistrates there, 
 tliat tiiey must not uudertalie to publish and ailix any marriage proclamation or bans, much less 
 confirm any marriage among persons, of wiiom the man or the woman, groom or bride, are not 
 residents or have not lived witiiin the jurisdiction of their village during the last year, unless there 
 lias iieen first exhibited ti> them a proof or document, signed eitlier by a MagistnUe or a beadle or 
 a Commissary thereto qualitied by tJie Supremo Government, that such persons have conformed 
 to tlie laws, ordinances ami rules of Netherland, which must be observed hero and have had their 
 intention proclaimed witliout interference during three consecutive weeks at the place, where 
 both or one of them are residents or have lived during the last year. If the said Magistrates should 
 continue to act contrary to this insinuation and our former express prohibition and contrary to 
 all general and special edicts, ordinances and rules prescribed by the civil laws of our Fatherland 
 aa well 88 by Imperial statutes, tlien the Director-General and Council declare for the 
 lirescnt such a manner of marrying uidawful, as contrary to all civil and political laws and 
 onlinances, in force here, in our Fatherland and among all our Christian neighbors. 
 New Amaterdam in N. N P. Stuyvesant, 
 Febr' 10, 1C54. Nioasius de Sille. C. van Wekokiioven. 
 La Montaone. 
 Letter from the Director and CouNoir, n* the Mahistrates of Gbavesend sent with the 
 koreooino order. 
 Wortliy Frieiuls. 
 On the lit"' of January wo made a certain order and resolution and in the shape of a mandamus 
 sent it to you witli a letter from tiie Director-General i)y a private party; in consequence we do 
 not know, whether tiio order contained in our aforesaid resolution has been obeyed and carried 
 out pursuant to its good intentions and j)uriK)rt. Acc'ording to the verbal reports of people 
 specially interested therein and judging from your last letter of the 'i'l'^ of January, dii-ectod to 
 the Hon'"'' Director-General personally in answer to his letter, you seem not to have well under- 
 stood our meaning and intention and on that account not to feel bound nor inclined to carry 
 it out, because in your opinion it is contrary to your patent and privileges, an infraction of which 
 wo by no means intend. 

 Hirly Colon ud Settlement'«. 
 Wo have tliorefoi-o concludod to Bond you by an ofliccr, namely our sworn Courtmossongor, 
 our furtlior resolution and insinuiition, ronowing tho fornior and inatructing you, how to publish 
 marriage proclamations of porsonH, of whom ouo or both aro rosidonts of and have 
 lived during the last year in another place, viUago or jnrisdiotion. It is contrary to and offends 
 all political and civil laws, not only of iVet/ierland and other adjoining countries and provinces, 
 but also agiiinat all customs and usages of this province and even of J^ew England, who all 
 unanimously agree and concur, that they who desire to enter tho state of matrimony must give notice 
 of thoir bans and j)roclaim thoir intended marriage and have thorn published on three consocutivo 
 days of prayer or of court-session, not in another jurisdiction, but in tho juristliction, place or vilLige, 
 where they both aro residents and have livotl the last year, and if tho persons desiring the publi- 
 cation of their bans are residents of different villages, places or districts, such bans must l)o 
 published in l)oth places and a proof or evidence of no lawful lot or hindranc-j existing must bo 
 produced to tho Magistrates or beadles at the place, where after the publication of the bans they 
 wish to be married, otherwise they cannot bo coulirmod in tho married state without committing 
 an unlawfid act. 
 We have considered it necessary to inform you hereof, that you may not violate through 
 ignorance the politiciil lawn, ordinances and customs of our Fatherland and tliis country. Relying 
 hereupon wo connnend you witli our greetings to God's protection and remain, 
 Ain^terdam in N. N. W( Jiy Friends 
 Febr" 10, IC54. Your well-affected Director-dencnd 
 and (Jouucil of New Nutherland. 
 P. Stuyvesant 
 La Montaone Cok. van Tienuoven. 
 The Director-General and Council direct thoir (\)urtmc88engor Vines van ElslandttoAcmmi 
 from Ensign George Baxter, at tho time of the arrival i.nd in tho beginning of tho administration 
 of tho present Diroctor-Gonend Secretary fo- English affairs, all such originals, copies or minutes 
 of letters and other dociments as liave been passed betwasn tho Direetor-Genend and tho 
 Governora of the neighboring Colonies of Nem England and Virghiia, also especially tho 
 protocols or copies of tho patents of tho adjacent English Colonies of Jleeinstcdc, Vlmiiu/en and 
 Oravemid, which tho said Baxter has in his deposit. 
 New Amsterdam 
 Fcbr^ 10, 1654. p. Stl-yvesant. 
 La Montaone. 
 aa ' gi B jij^^ .t ijjiM 
New York HistoiHcal Recm-da. 247 
 nuTira FOB pnRpoflBfl of a mdnioipai. bevbnrb. 
 To the Noblo, Very Worflliipful, Honorable 
 Director-General and Council of New Neth^rland. 
 Sliow with iliio respect and humility the HurjifoinaatcrB and Schepcns of thia City of New 
 WheroaB they need some money for ropairinf,' the fortifications of the City, for paying some 
 debts and for other expenses absolutely necessary, tiiey nxpiest your Hon'''* Worships for an 
 order, anthori/Jnf]; tliein to impose provisionally for the bonotit of thia city, the following dutiee, 
 namely that there be paid 
 1. ' 
 On all tnorclmndiso, coming in and going out, two percent on each voflsol, bo it amaU or largo, 
 ten Btuyvers annually per last.* 
 Citizona' Exciao. 
 For each ton of good beer 20 stnyvers. 
 For each ton of small beer 6 stuyvors. 
 For each anker of brandy, Spanish wine 
 or distilled water i fl lo stnyvers. 
 French wine and other wines of the aamo valuo half as much. 
 Water Excise. 
 On goods shipped to placoa within thin Province 
 For eatih anker of wine 6 stnyvers. 
 For each ton of beer G stnyvers. 
 On wines and beer going out of this Province the foregoing Citizens' Excise, for greater or 
 smaller quantities in pro|)ortion. 
 And that all tins may bo carried out pioperly and without fraud, the Riirgomasters and 
 Schepcns request, that two sworn beer porters be appointed. In expectation of your Hon'"" 
 Worships order wo remain 
 Enacted at the session Your lion''" Worsliips 
 in the City Hall at hiunble servants 
 New Amsterdam Abent van ITattem 
 Febr" 19 1654. By order of tlie Burgomasters and 
 Schcixina of New Amsterdam 
 Jacob Ku>, Secretary. 
 • Of two tuns. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Petition ok the same, KKQUE8riN(( to uk infoumki) what mkasurku had hickn taken to 
 To tlio Noblo, Very Worshipful, Hononiblo, 
 Diruutor-Uuiiurul itiul Iligli Council of 
 New Netherlatul. 
 Sliow with duo rosjMJCt and Imrnility the Burgoiiiiwtora and Schopcnw of this City of New 
 Whereas in our last ROSBion on the 10"" of February in the prcRoneo of tlio TTon'"'' Director- 
 Gonorul Petrus Stui/vvmnt bouio verbal jjropositions were made, to coiiBidor iiieaHUres by which 
 the robborieti by i\\ti EnijlUk privateers might Ikj suppressed; wliich propositions the Hon"* 
 General promised to communicate to the Flij^b Council, 
 Therefore tho Burgomaster and Sciiepens ruijuest once more to know, what resolutions have 
 been adopted by tho Diroctor-Qenoral and Coimcil concerning this matter, for wo think, that it 
 shoidd bo attended to with all possible promptticss. 
 In expectation of your lion''''' Worships' answer wo remain 
 Your Hon''" Worships' 
 Enacted etc humble servants 
 Febr" 19 1654 Akknt van IIattkm. 
 By order etc 
 Jacob Kir, Beer''. 
 Answers of the DiRF/rroB-GENERAL and Codnoil to the forkooino petitionb. 
 Tho Director-General and Council consent herewitli, tiiat theBurgomiistersandSchepensniay 
 levy tho proposed Citizens' Excise on wines, bnmdy, distilled waters and beer consumed within 
 this city on the same terms and conditions, as the receipt of tiio Tavern keepers' Excise has formerly 
 been granted to them according to our edict of the 25"' of Novbr, 1(!53. 
 Tho request for two per cent on all incoming goods, for 10 stuy vers per last of each small 
 and large vessel and for a water-excise on all outgoing merchandise is denied by the Director- 
 General and Council, because these duties concern tho country at largo and not a particular city or 
 The demand for the appointment of twosworn becrportcrs is referred, until further satisfacfctry 
 mformation as to how and in wliat way two beerporters shall be able to iic^'oinmodate and be of 
 benefit to the citizens, how two beerporters sImH bring the beer from 'lutsid'; oc i., the count ; 
 people, also whether a brewer outside of the City shall not be allowed irn^.^ijort iuB own brew 
 on his own cart, sled or waggon. 
 Thus done at the meeting hold by tho Director-General and High Council at New Amaterdam 
 ux New Netherlands Febr' 23, 1054. 
 P. Stuyvesant. 
 La Montaonb. Cornelis van Tienhoven. 
New Y(*rh lliHtorUal HvcovUh. 249 
 Tlio Dim-tor-GonPral n-portwl to tlio (^jiincil tho vorbul propoHitioii, nmdu in liis presence 
 by tho Biii|j;(.iiiaHti!r8 nrid SchopoiiH, ti. unlist for tho purpose of Hitppn-HHiiig tho rohherien by 
 AV(«A privatoerH foi'v iiioinit thoe.xpoiiHoof tlio roHpootivo coloiiion, villaf,'os itnd honiesttiiidi, 
 coBtiiig ttboiit 1000 guilders jwr month, uiid if the money ciin bo niisi'd with the conHotit of tho 
 r.Hpoctivo villiigos, tho Uirector-Oenerul and Counoil will by virtue of their commisaions proceed 
 with the enrollment. 
 Tims ouuctod by tho Dlrector-Oonerid iinu Council, at New AiiMterdum, Febr' 23 1654, 
 NioAsniH m: Silmc. C. van Wkki'kiioven. 
 La Montaonk. Cuu. van Tikniiovbn. 
 The Hon''" Director-General reported to tho Council, that both tho nnrgoinasters and tlie 
 greater number of the Schepeii.t bail ,ipiM;ared before him on the 25'" iurit., staling their complaint, 
 that the Diructor-Cieneral and Council had issued witiiout their knowledge an interdict and 
 forbidden Bomo farm servants to pluck the goose at the Hacchanal on tho eve of Ash Wednesday. 
 Tho Director-dcncral and Council had been actuated by certain reasons; besides it has never been 
 the custom in tills country during their time and is considered entirely frivolous, needless and 
 disreputable by Bubjocts and neighbors, to celobrato such heathenish and popish festivals and to 
 introduce such bad customs iiit.> this country, even thougli, as the Burgomasters and Scliepens 
 ])rcteii(l, it may be tolerated in some places of our F'atherland or bo winked at. The order 
 fiirbidding it has lieen communicated to tho farm servants by the Court mes.senger Olaea van 
 KIdandt on tlio ilay before tiie deed, but nc\ertheless they disobeyed it in contempt of tho 
 Government, whereupon some of the malefactors were summoned before the Oircctor-Goneral 
 and Council hy their Fiscal, to be heard on the charge against them and punisbcd according to 
 law. Two or three of them, who comported themselves very insolently and improperly by 
 tiireatening, cursing, vilifying and ridiculing their superiors in presence and in the hearing of tho 
 Director-General and Council, were committed to i)ri.son. This the Burgomasters &iid Schepcns 
 consid.TCMl a gri'at infraction of their authority, because tho Director-General and Council had 
 done it without their coiKscnt and knowledge, as if without advice, consent or knowledge of the 
 Burgomasters and Schepcns no order could be given or rule established or a rabble be forbidden 
 to celi'brat(! Bac('hanals and lus if, without the knowledge and consent of a Biibordinato Court of 
 Justice all persons disobeying a Christian and decent order could not be punished. 
 Ab the Director-({eneral and Council understand their iM>sition, authority and instructions 
 better than other people, they inform herewith the Burgomasters and Schepcns, that the establish- 
 ment of a subordinate Court of Justice undiT the name and title oitlier of '■ Sellout, Burgomasters 
 and Schejiens" or of "Cominis.saries" does in no way infringe upon or diminish the power and 
 authority of the Director-Generd and Council to pims ordinances or issue intenlicts, especially 
 if they are for the glory of (rod, the welfare of the inhabitants or the prevention of sin, vice, 
 corruption and mishaps and the correction, lino or punishment according to law of those, who 
 wantonly disobey them. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 The authority of "Schoiit, Burgoinastor.s and Schcpons" uiul wliy they have hoon appointed 
 is sufficiently slinwri in the instnu'tion8 given to them. They must stick to tliis and continue so, 
 ivitlioiU trouhling hencefortii tiiu Director-Creneral personally and inconvenience I im on account 
 of Fomo orders, rules, fines or punishments against and of offenders made and published liy him 
 pursuant to a previous resolutiiMi of the Uirector-General and Council. But if the Sellout, 
 Eurgoma-tere and Schepens or the Commissaries are asked by a subject or subjects to mediate and 
 intercede for the iiKMlitication of .m interdict, order or puiushment decreed against one or another 
 by the Director-General and Council, then the Burgomasters and SclieiKMis or Conunissaries of 
 this City and of other subaltern Courts may by respectfid recpiest remonstrate and inform the 
 DirectorGencral and Couuiil of their own grievances and of tiiose of other subjects, giving their 
 reasons for it, whereii]ion the Director-General shall give such decisions, either rene\ving or 
 mitigaiing their orders, as justice and the nature of the i;;.-.e mav reijuire it. 
 Thus done at the meeting of the Director-General and Council held at Xciu Ainatiri'am in 
 Keto Netherlands February 2tj"' H\'A. 
 W Sti'vvksant. 
 Nn'Asiis i>K ^ii.i.i;. ('. \AN Wkuckhoven. 
 La Muntaune. 
 Lettkr from tue DiREfTORs to SxrvvESAN'r: Oiu)rNAxri:s vetoi;i> a.n'd Ai'i'uovKn: Renselaeb8- 
 wvcK : Lani.i;rants : Cnrijc ii akfaiks: IIkvk.vui's. 
 ITonorahle, Worshipful. Pidus, Dear, F;iithful. 
 Our last general letter to you was ..f the i!i''' of July It).-),'}, sent in the '^Gdilrrae BUnn"' and 
 in our ship " Uoninok Salomon,'^ Ity which we answered several of your letters, na-uely of the 14"' 
 and L'O"' of September and I'J"' of Novend)er lt')r)2, while later on tlie 4"' of Xoveiid)er It!'):? we 
 answered yours of the 7"' of January and 5"' of June of the same year. l>ut as the ship 
 " Vae/'wel,"' which wa.s to sail for iVVw Netheiiaml \)\- way of Braxll and C'/nu'dn, could not make 
 this voyage on account of tlie misluip occurred to it at the Tix>'!, thi; aforesaid letter ami enclosures 
 could only be sent by tliis ship; for brevity's sake we refer to their contents in so far as they do 
 not contradict this letter. In the meantime, (Jod be praised, the sliijys "^'/w/?"anil •'//((/■/■i,i, by whidi we receiveil your letter of the T."' of October 1053, to which 
 we shall now reply as brielly and substantially, as the time may permit. 
 Yourcndeavors made to continue the friendslii|) and conunerce with the people of Viryinia have 
 |)leasei| us very mi!-h and we recommend, that you make t!u' same efforts in the future with th - aiul 
 your other neighbors. We have- tio doubt, that meanwhile the ships of the I'iirliament, stationed 
 on tha.t coast and ])reventing the trade with our peo])lc, shall already or at least before the arrival 
 of this letter have received different orders from their superiors in /uii//on, subjict 
 totheapproval of their High: Might: the States-General. This ratification given with the general 
 coiLsent ot the I'nn'inces lias been sent to the coimnissioners in /'.'nof'Uii/ a few days ago, so that 
Nev) Yorh Historical Records. 
 wo liavo deemed it unnecessary to send ofl the succor demanded for yonr places, not wishing to 
 create unnecessary expenses, altliough we had obtained it from the government of this city, as you 
 may learn from our said letter of the 4"' of November here enclosed. 
 The resolutions adopted by you at the general meeting appear to us very strange and 
 surprising and still more sui-i)rising is their publications without our knowledge or approbation. In 
 the first place you proclaim, that all traders shall henceforth not sell their goods, except Indian 
 goods, at a higher advance than one hundred per cent above the )>rice stated in the invoices without 
 adding thereto the freight, duties and other charges. An order indeed as impracticable, as highly 
 injurious fur the State, for it io a sure means not only to l)anish all trade and at the same time 
 deprive the Coini)aiiy to a large extent of their revenues here and in New Netherlands but also to 
 prevent an increase of po])ulation and cultivation, for wl:o does not know, that the expectation of 
 gain is the greatest spur for peoi)le to go there, as experience has sufficiently taught, while on the 
 other .^ide the fear ir conseciitivo years. We can well understand, that the traders going there and 
 returning again with their barter bring little profit to the inliabitanta, but the remedy pr^-poscd 
 by you to prevent it is in our opinion as impracticablo, as the preceding, principally in the infancy 
 of a newly opened country, whose growth must he promoted rather by encouraging and unlimited 
 privileges, than by prohibitions and restrictions, for to constrain people to engage in building 
 houses or in farming, who have often neither the means nor the inclination to do it, is repugnant, 
 and to compel them to remain, servile and slavish. However to benefit the inhabitants as !nuch 
 as possible we have thought it would ho convenient and less dangerous for the increase of the 
 country to prepare and pass the following order, to wit: tiiat henceforth no traders coming diere 
 shall be allowed to sell or take into the interiors any goods as abovesaid, unless they keep a public 
 shop there : by this measure not oidy the barteriiigs to a large extent will be prevented, but these 
 traders will also be compelled to contribute to the ordinary and extraordinary taxes, which our 
 inhabitants now pay. You will therefore act accordingly and before we leave this subject let us 
 warn you against passing, much less publishing hereafter any more sucli or similar orders or rules, 
 before having consulted our opinion in regard to them, for that we consider necessary for the 
 interest of the Company and this government. 
 We are not pleased with the assertion of the authorities of the Colony of Jienselaerswi/d; 
 that even in time of need and war they are not obliged to assist ; we con.sider it entirely unfounded, 
 unreasonable and unfair, for under sucli circumstances, nobody, whatever privileges and exemptions 
 he may have obtained, should be spared or excused, as the daily occurrences in our country here 
 now sufficiently teach us. What further concerns the running exixiiiscs for salaries of the civil, 
 ccclesiasticiil and military officers, the maintaining of the fortifications erected and remaining for 
 the support and protection of the community, it is only juM aii'I fair, that, as the royalties and 
 revenues of the Company there are not sufficient, the inhabitants help in hearing tJw expenses, as 
 it is done in all other loell (joverned countries ami cities. 
 We are at present engaged in examining the question whether tithes should be exacted from 
 the Colony of lienselaerswyek, so that you may expect our opinion concerning it by tlie first 
 opliortunity : but as van Twilkr and others j>ret(!nd, that some more land lias been granted there, 
 which is not yet subject to tithes, we have deemed it necessary to direct and recommend to you, 
 that you cause the Secretary, (we hope Tienhvven has the fullest information on this subject), to 
 make an examination and send us speedily a correct and detailed statement of the parcels of land, 
 granted there from time to time since the beginning with a specification of the conditions, that we 
 may so nnich better and surer govern ourselves accordingly. 
 We have decided absolutely to deny the recpiest made by some of our inhabitants, adherents 
 of the ^!ursuant to the 
 custom hitherto observed by us and the E;i.st India Company, on account of tlii! conscrpicnces 
 arising therefrom, and we recommeiul to you also not to receive any similar petitions, but rather 
 to turn them oil in the most civil and least offensive way and to employ all possible but moderate 
 moans in order to induce them to listen and finally join t!ie Refornu-d church and thus live in greater 
 love and harmotiy among themselves. 
 We have been pleased to see the zeal of several of our inhabitants of a new village on Zowy 
 Island for the Reformed religion and that it may not cool, we have resolved upon their n^preson- 
 tation to contribute in the beginning GOO fi yearly and are looking about here for a fit and j.ious 
 teacher or minister: we have also notified the reverend Clussis here, so that you and the people 
 may expect him by the fii-st opportunity. We are hereby reminded, that novv and then complaints 
New York Histwwal Records. 253 
 are made to us of tlie inconveniences and troubles, to which Domines Johannis MegapoUnsis and 
 Samtiel Driaius are unreasonably exposed thereby the irregular and scanty payment of their 
 respective salaries. We are astonished to hear, that even the former has to claim an arrear of 
 several thousand guilders, although you had made a special agreement with him, that his salary 
 should bo paid there, while the other has been sent to you on the same condition : as this has 
 always been your proposition, based upon so good and fair reasons, and was really necessary, as 
 stated before, it surprises us, that you take no better care to place these men above want. To 
 prevent this in future, we deem it requisite to charge you herewith and seriously recommend, that 
 you satisfy the demands of these persons aa best you can there, so that no further complaints are 
 made to us. 
 We should have stopped here and closed our letter, if we were not frequently embarrassed 
 by not having the general and special account books ; wo iiave mentioned this in our previous 
 letters and as we cannot wait any lunger, being kei)t entirely ignorant and blindfolded in regard 
 to the expenses and revenues of the Company there, because to our great astonishment no books 
 ol account have been sent over for several years, we have considered it highly necessary to charge 
 and command most earnestly, tliat you send over speedily by the first ship not only the missing 
 books and accounts, but henceforth also cause to be made a correct and detailed statement of the 
 expenses and revenues, entered there from time to time to be sent to us promptly and without 
 delay every year, tiiat wo may act accordingly. 
 With the ships sailing from here to Nein Netlierland (this sails from Rochelle) we intend to 
 send you a detachment of soldiers, ammunition of war and other necessaries ursjently needed there 
 and as three are already loading and two or three are reported to intend taking freight for Neto 
 Setherland, you may expect all vf^ry soon. 
 Meanwhile etc etc Your good friends 
 Amsterdam, the 12"' of March 1654. . The Directors of the W. I. Comp. 
 Dept. of Am.sterdajn. 
 To tlie Director and Council J. Ryckaebts. Ab-. Wilmebda. .k. 
 in New Netherland. General letter. 
 Ultimo March, 1054 at Neio Amsterdam. 
 The Magistrates and inhabitants of G^ravescnd iiaving written a certain letter to the lion'"" 
 Director-General, the following answer was sent to them : 
 It is resolved regarding the witiiiii letter, that the Magistrates and inhabitants of Gravcscnd 
 must prove by their patent or at least by an autlienticated copy thereof their right, both to 
 nominate and elect their Magistnites and to continue tliem in office during their own jjleiisurc. 
 Enacted at the session of the Director-General and Council, on the date as above. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 AN ACCOUNT OF illKMSKI.VKS. PasSI:I> Al'Klt. 8, lt!5-l. 
 (Laws and Oi'diuiiiioes of A'cw jS'et/wrlaud, j). 155.) 
 Okpinanue ok the District Court at IlRKrcKEt.KN etc., for the ije-itei! in:FE\r IllRCOMASTEU ( 
 REcilER Id (lo AS MNVOYS 
 Aiiiio 1(!54, yur Ainst, I'ifiiiii, on tlio 8"' of April. 
 Pitrus Siui/rciant, on lR'li:ilf of tlu'ir Nolilo Iliirh : Mii^lit : tlic Lords Stales (iuncral of tl 
 Uitittd NitlurlandnAwX of tliu XoMo Lords! )irirtiirs of tlu^ I' 
 riv. West India ("iini]i: 
 Genenil of 3't'(« Nethtrland, Cunn-uo, liursnance of the direetioiis of our iirinci|ials we have only endeavored ai 
 aimed at, as we still 
 :n'e aiiniii^- at a continuati'iii ol our Inriner intereourse, 
 with our Christian nei:,dil)ors and coreligionists without regard to any unexpected diferences and 
 (le]>oralile niisunderstanding- between onr respective (fovenuneiits in Europe. For this iea.son we 
 have already a long time ago addressed several friendly missives to the iieiglilioring Governors, 
 hut meanwhile some rovers anr In horses from tl 
 village of Amersfofirt un Limj /.s7revent them hv all honest and 
 p)-ot(.'ct our g 1 >iilijrets agaiii>t all such rox'er-, pirates 
 Therefore the I) 
 ireclor-( icnei'al and ( 'oimcil have resolved to have ihcin pui>iiid, atlacke 
 .Sovereigns, as by the weajious and own defm.-ive mean:, of our g 1 
 powei-, elitril^teil to 11- liy (iod 
 being incline*! or inteniling to gi\c therebv ti 
 less to commit any hostilitio against them. 
 il'ijccts, without houcver 
 Christian neighbors any cause for cdTense, much 
JSFeio Yovl Historical Records. 
 In order to inform un.l assure hereof the neiglihori,.^. Onver.ior.s Lieutenant-Governors and 
 Magistrates, we have considered it necessary and advisable to api,oiMt and send as envoys to our 
 next ne.gi,bor, the lion ■'^' Thco2>hUm Eton, (Governor of JVew-IIaven, the Councillor and Fiscal 
 ot New Nethrdand Mr. Vorncli. van Tknhoven u,.d m. Martin Vrecjier, Burgomaster and 
 Captain of one of the Citizens' Companies o^ this City of New A.^terdam, whoare to inform and 
 advise the saul Ilon'"^ (n.vernor and his Council, as well as all, whom it may concern, of our real 
 and sincere iiitentious in equipping and making ready some yachts for the protection of the 
 coiumcrce on the n vers and waters between us and our neighbors and in commanding our good 
 subjects Dutcl, and Lnglish, to keei, order and good watc.h an.i be ready for all emergencies. All this 
 i.s intended tor and aim. at the j-rotection of our good inhabitants in the open country without any 
 thought ot doing injury or damage to or molesting, much less committing any acts of hostility 
 a,^ams( our neighbors. If it should happen that in tiie pursuit of these robbei-s and pirates eom; 
 oloiirtaroif hvmg.Mibjects or of our neighbors might be damaged in their cattle, hou.ses or 
 vcs.sels, which we will not liope and against which we have given strict orders, then we engage 
 ourselves to give prompt and just satisfaction therefor, as soon as we are informed of it. 
 Kegardmg the capture an,! detention of one Thoma, Baxter, formerly the leader and captain 
 ot these robbers and pirates, in whose name and pretended authoritv th J above rehited robberies 
 and theft, were committed partly by himself, partly by his accomplices, our aforesaid deputies arc 
 espccal.y authorised and directed to inform the said Hon"' '^ Covernor of it and ask for his wise 
 counsel an.l aul as to how the stolen property may be recovered, also to .peak with hhn concerning 
 the aljdnction ot Captain Vr,y;.,^x negroes protected by a safe-conduct of the said Honorable 
 (.overnor and kidnapped within ids own jurisdiction. They are further to consult with his Honor 
 concerning thellightand recai-ture of a certain Jan de Jon.jh and linally to propose and a,k for a 
 contmnation ottlie former intercourse, commerce and neighborly friendship. 
 We, tile Dirertor-tieneral and Council promise herewith to approve, conlirn; and ratify all that 
 m tins respect shall base been done, covenanted and contracted by our deputies, the lion"" 
 Messrs. ( urneh^s can Tienhoven and Martin Creyier. 
 Given at our meeting at .\V//j Amisterdani, this S"' of April lt;54. 
 I'. SnvvKSA.Nr. 
 NioAsirs 1)1-; Su.i.i;. LaMumaonk. C. va.n Wkkc kiiovln. 
 Okdeu uiuKcnxo a uk.ii.knt ok HmavK,:,,,.;^ ,„ i.kavk i.u: countkv, kok ukfusinc* to skuvk 
 AS MAOlslUArK. 
 Anno ir.,5+, April It'", .\V,r Am.^terda 
 Whereas./,,,, hrer.ui Haot, ,n inbabitaia and own.-r of real estate in HreaekJei,, on I.,>n<, 
 M,nnv,.tor-(,eueral an.l Council, which otlice be refused to accept, saving he would ratber 
 '■'■iHov,. .,,//.//„./. ,|,:n. UMd..rlako M.^hdutio., svh.ivupon at the time "the r)irector-(ieneral 
 '•'•1 "-1 •• It yu will ,„„ .,-c,.p, to serve as Schc.pet. for tbe welfare of the village of /ire.eH-eten 
 ^^.l. other>.v,,ur fellow-re.ideuts, then you mu.f prepare yourself to sail in the ship - A';,,, 
 -^'/wnon tor //„//,„„/ agreeably to v>,ur own utterance" 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Therefore tlio Hon'"' Director-General ftiid I%Ii Council, in consideration of the obstinacy 
 of the said Jan F^ierscn Bout and the subsequent disorders, whicli could arise thorefroin, have 
 directed their Fiscal Cornells van Tlenhoven, to inform the said Jan Eoersen by the Sheriif 
 David Provoosf, that he must leave. 
 Thus done etc. 
 N. DK SrLLK, La Montaone, C. van "Wkkokhovkn. 
 Passport fob thb Envoys to New IIaven. 
 The bearers hereof, namely the Hon'" Cornells van Ticnhmen, CoxmciWor and Fiscal of New 
 Nethedand and his Honor Martin Cregier, Burgomaster and Captain in the trainbands of this 
 City, are dejjuted and commissioned by the Director-General and Council of New Netherland to 
 go as Anjcrts in behalf of this Province to the Uon'"" Governor Tfieophilm Eton at New Haven 
 and so mi.ch farther iis the occasion may require. Therefore all Christian Governors, Licutenant- 
 Governors and Magistrates of the neighboring Colonies arc hereby requested, to receive and 
 acknowledge the above said parties as such, and to allow them to go and cotne according to the 
 laws of nation with the yacht and the persons under their conmiaiid and their property, which wo 
 promise under similar circmnstanccB to do also. 
 Done at New Ainsterdam, li"" April 1654. 
 Okdeb on a I'Knno.v of the authorities at Fokt Okanoe, kelatito to limits oe jiikisoicttion, 
 The following decision was given upon a petition sent to the Director-Genend and Council 
 by the Conunissjiry and Magistnites of Fort Orange and lievennlck VlUaye datctl the IC" 
 Marcli 1054. 
 As to the first point the Director-General and Council resolve, that in due time the Noble 
 Lords- Directors shall be communicated with, in order to hear their advice. In the meantime 
 permission is given, that the Court of tlic Colony shall have jurisdiction, aa heretofore and until 
 further orders from the Fatlierland have been received, within the limits of Fort Orange and 
 Beverwijrk Village, except that they shall not issue summons or make arrests within tliest! limits, 
 unless they have first asked for |)crmis8ion to enter upon the territory, and then their duties shall 
 be performed by tiie regular Court messenger of Fort Orangr and lierenryrk Vilhuje. 
 The Director-General and Council consider the second, third, fourth and fifth points reasonable 
 and proper; pertinent orders and documents shall be made for this purpose in due time and sent 
 to the Court. 
 Concerning the sixth point, it is the opini.m of the Director-General and Council, that the 
 lands granted to tlie Patroon or Patroons under the Exemptions miist remain at their disposal 
 until further orders from the Lords- Directors. The DirectorGenera! and Council refuse therefore 
J^ew York Historical lieconh. 257 
 to reply thereto, until the honnckries ..f tl.o Clony shall have been .letc-nMiMod cither l.y the 
 d(.<...on of the nnthorife. in the Colony or h.y an order of tlio DirectorGenend and Couneil 
 pursuant to the instruction, of the Lords Diiv,..o.s. it is therefore eonsider.,! a.lvisahle to nerve 
 on and eonnnnn.eate to the Jlon Conunand.r AV„,W.,v. and the Ma.astrates of the Colony a 
 written smnnu.ns to this eiT.,.et hy the Connnissary JJyknian and two Ma'jri.strates. 
 7 ■ ro c.o,nplete the inferior Court r.f Justice Un- Fort Ormuje and Beveno,irk VlUago, 
 ^Z.aZ!^ •'"'" '"'^ ^''""* ^^''"'^''^ "'•" •'-'- ■'••^^ted out of the nanies 
 Tims enacted etc.. April 14"' 1G54. 
 LixrEK KKOM Tin.: DnuxTOR-GicvKBAr, kto to Joun HArrisT vax -Rkn's.skl.vek and thk 
 MAomuATica of Renssklaioiwwyck e.vi.M.vo on tukm to kun Tni-; uou.m.auv li.vk of their 
 Your Honors cannot ho ignorant of the fact, that tiie ])ireetor-(icneral and Conncii of Nexo 
 uydl,.'rlan,l have in the In-innin- of April h\yi insinuated in writin- to tlie tlien Connuanderof 
 tlie Colony of Rc,i.<^sdubli(^ welfare and the service 
 of the Company might retiuire it. Exi)ecting tirst your Honors' prompt and .lelinitive answer etc. 
 Fort New-Aimlerdam Nioasius uk Sille, La Moniaom;, Cou. va.v Ti 
 April IG, 1054. 
 Decision oivk.v ui-o.v a pktttton of Adria.v Jansk.v kkom Lkvdk.v, uk81dino at Fokt Obanok^ 
 Pursuant to a former resolution of the l)ircctor-(;cneral and Council no now houses were to 
 be erected between the Kils, whereby the Fort might bo obstna^tcd, but having considered the 
 request of the ])ctitioner and the necessity of having accomuKxlations for travellers ai'.l strangers, 
 the Director-General and Council consent herewith, that the petitioner may erect close to the 
 pallisades of 77wwrt.v ,/«««,'« a house suitable for an ordinary anil lodging-house for travellers, 
 provided however that the said house shall always be used by the iMJtilioneror his heirsand assigns 
 according to the true intent and meaning of his petition and not be turned into a connuon beer 
 house and drinking n' ice, but oidy as a regular inn and hostelry for travellers. 
 Thus enacted etc., New Amaten/a/n April 30, 1(354. 
 P. SriYVKSANl. 
 NicAsifs i)K Sii.i.i:. (J. VA.v Wekckhovkn, 
 La Mo.-fTAUNK. 
 Answkr to a pktition of the AL-TimKrrtKs OF Fort Ora-voe coNOKUMiNr, tiik limits of tiik 
 Fokt, sai.k of luuok and sai.akiks of tuk Maoistratks. 
 Anno 1G54, April 30"' at New Amsterdam. 
 The following answer was given to a petition from the Commissary and Magistrates of Fort 
 Orarujc and L%:tnvyck I7/A/y.', sent to tli,. Director-General and Co'uncil under date of .March 
 l?"" 1054 and now on file in the SecrcJtary's otlice.* 
 The tirst matter is left by the Director-General an.) Council to the discretion of tlie Court, 
 but the Commissary and the Magistrates should take proper measures and guard against 
 smuggling. The Dire(ti>r-(;eMeral and Council believe it woidd be advisable, to let the Clerk or 
 the Court messenger kcc]) an a -count of and receive excise money for a year or six inontlmso that 
 It might be ascertained, how nuieli eorn.js in from the excise, and tlie letting of it be re}:ulated 
 * Not i>rt'a»*rved. 
Neio York Historical Jiecorda, 259 
 somewhat nccordinj,'ly. The Qmmnimxry uii.l Magistrates arc further licreby authorized to make, 
 piihiish and oxe.iutu si.di orders uiid Hues against smugglers and smuggling, as the circumsUuices 
 (sliall rt'ijuire. 
 After duo examination of the second point the Director-General and Council order, that until 
 further advice and until the houndaries of the Colony are determined no wine, beor or distilled 
 waters shall be given out, tappo.l or sold at retail within one thousand rods around tlic Fort, 
 without duo notice having been given a.ul the usual Taj.pers' Excise paid o.i it to the Commissary 
 iiu.l Magistrates of tlu! said Fort, or to those wlio may have been authorized by them. 
 Concerning the third point the Director-Ocneral and Council directed their Fiscal to 
 republish the Ordinatu'es about the bakers and to punish those who.lisobey the siune accordingly. 
 To the fourth jioint : a number of schepds shall bo ordered by the first sailing vessel. 
 To the last: in consideration of the troubles, the loss of timeaiul the private expenses, which 
 tUe Magistrates have to b-ar, they being mt.stly nu'U, who earn their living either by farming or 
 by trade or as mechanics, the Director-General and (Jouncil consent, that the Magistrates may 
 receive and enjoy out of the revenues, levied ui)on the inhaliitants of Fort OranijemA Bcverwyck 
 a. salary of 150 tl annually. 
 Thus done etc. 
 LKTrKU FROM J. ]!. VAJ* Rk 
 ;.nssi;i,ai:k and tiik 
 DlKIXroK-(ti:.NKl!Al. I- 
 answer tu tlu' Mimuioiis of the 1(!"' of Aj.ril 1054 read and exhibited to .. 
 rsuujrk hy .Mr. Johann,:^ J)yrhnai,, assisted by RuUj^ft JMobgen wA Jacob 
 the Court of 
 hui'n, on the ;](»"'■ of thesanu- month, as foil 
 We have wi-ilten to our l.ords-I 
 d ( 
 rmc'i])a!s coiice 
 dated April li',,-)-i, hut have received 
 i-niii4r the llrst summons of the Hon'''" Dircctor- 
 .\l)oUt tlie last letter on the ([uestion of del 
 no answ 
 er, whicli wo expect shortly. 
 disincli'ialiou, we have also written t 
 ermining the boundaries, in which we are taxed with 
 o our principal 
 for tl 
 leir instructions 
 .•\s the matter now stands, we relor to an.l claim the benefit of the -il!'" article of tho 
 Exemptions of Suo NHludand ; but wishing to avoid any cause for dilTerences durinit:iiilrt of .\nh,>, ,!,' Si7/,\ I.,t M,>„f,„j„r and Cornr/h nin Ti,;ilwi'cn, who will allot 
 if possihle to every 25 mori,'ens of arahlo laml ei:;lit miirj,'ens of meadow. 
 Tims done etc., at A'cw Amsterdam May l;!, 1C.^j4. 
 Lktter fkom Tiir, Dikkivioks in Hui.i.a.ni) to Dikkctou Stivvksa.vt : Rkki:sai, oi- the 1'koi-i.k 
 OF lCr)3; Guavksknd; I'eai'k. 
 ilonoral.le. rrndrnt, I'ions, Dear, Faithful. 
 Our last^^nMieral letter to you, dated 12'" of March la.^t, was sent hy the ship " Sf" Marlur 
 .sailini^ for New .Xtlh' rlnnil from Rochi'lli 
 a copy of it is here inclosed. Wehav 
 on the 4"' of April your letter of the 3'' of January la.st hy the ship " (lehhvxc III, 
 shall answer .as far as necessarv, .'iddin'' thereto tli 
 e since rccen ei 
 present cii'cnmstanccs. 
 matters, which we considei 
 called lor liv 
 It is in itself unreasonahlo and therefore surprises us f,'reatlv, that tli 
 not consent t(» assist ii 
 e comnnmity there would 
 1 lieanni' tlie n 
 in duty bound to (hi it, hut that also the present situation should 
 were not oliliwd. We can therefor 
 ecessary expenses, without consiocrins,', that they aiv not only 
 ipcl them to it, even if thev 
 e not omit to recommend this matter t 
 that the community, oiir inhahitants, he held to make tl 
 You must use for this purpose the most lenient nicasun 
 the persons, who caniu)t be ]iersuaded by mildness, be taken in hand wit 
 measures. We shall ])rovide you from here with as luaiiv soldi 
 o you most earnestly, 
 nece-sary and proper contributions. 
 e.s with discretion and dexteritv, but so that 
 ]irojier coinpiilsdry 
 will see that in the enclosed lists. 
 nut necessaries, as we can ; v( 
 We are much pleased with your 
 il of 1 ii'ijlii'ia and hope, that it will bavt^ a i^'ood n 
 decrei' onleriii;,' coimnissidiiers ti 
 lit: ih< 
 hopefulness i.s, that the dissensions between the 
 soon come to luitisfactory end, of which we e.\peet t 
 f^o to the ( lo\ia'nor and 
 riiicipal reason fur our 
 present f,'overiiiiiclit of l\iiijlaiul wwA 
 )f thisshi 
 furtlu'r information before the dejiarture 
 We trusi, you have had ^'ood reasons for not publishini', but k 
 -Lceping h, abeyance the printed 
 le matter .so 
 eojiies of the plaeats concerniiif^ lands and lots and shall for the pre-eiit h 
 what we have directed in rei,'ard to the determination .if ihe boundaries of the Colony of 
 /A/i.v.v^Afc/w/;//,'/' oii^'ht not, w.' think, be delayed any l,.nfr..r. but execiiteil. as our proposition 
 was based npon equity and the i)rivih';j;es. Your .piestiun, whether the land outside of the Colony 
 siionld be offereil to the I'atrooiisor to the ( 'o-l )iivct.iis. we lieliev,. aiwu-,.!-^ It—It' f..,. tf tl ..„ 
 siionld be offered to the I 
 mentioned desire to cultivate the land under tli 
 H'vi> aiisw 
 ■r- it-elt". ffir if the ]ier; 
 t^i'iieral privile:,ri. admitting; evervbodv, then nc 
 rea.-oii exi.sU to refuse tiium, hut on the other bide, if they want to hold the baid land a.s I'at 
f IJ 
 Nt'w York J/iston'rai Jiecort/a. 'Jdl 
 and tliorofort- join it to their colony to wliicli it doer* not licloiiw, rlion tlicir deniiind cannot l)o 
 ^rniiitod. \Vf iiri) ploasiid to «co, that tlm pooplo of /'hrt Oniuijr an:/d'miin i^\\r olfence, tiieii you must nijain and for the last tiine;,'ive him a warning 
 and rueonimend that he attend to ills dutiert and tho Borvicu of the (Jouipany, in default wiiereof 
 you are hereby Hpecially and expressly auth<.ri/.ed to diwimrgo and innnediatoly suiuuion liini 
 away from there. 
 We enclose a placat for promoting the breeding of cattle, wliich you shall not only pid)lish 
 and allix, but aluo take care, that it w obeyed and executed. Ft will Im; a great heli> to you, if, at* 
 wo recommend, y ..i take a censiw of the nundn-r of animals in each colony, previous notices 
 having been given, and keep a register, so that you may learn on occasion, where tlie misning 
 animalH have gono lo. 
 We confess that tho description of tho condition of tho country about /'hrt Oraixje, which we 
 have reccivcMl, is dilTerent from yours; therefore we give! \\\ • opinion and agree to your 
 proposal to erect a suiiil I fort or even oidy a small redoubt or blockhouse on tla; lowj /.sfany shoidd also be placed at other i)lacos, tho ownership of which it is necessary to maintain. 
 The internal duty of four stivers for each beaver imposed by you ha.H caused us here much 
 trouble and we have triiM to satisfy tho inti'rested dealer.s here in (iiflerent ways, even by reducing 
 the import dnti(>s fnan Ki to 12 per cent., but they insisted upon a full restitution, to" which we 
 iiiid to consent. This must teach to you to keep within the terms of our engagements and treat 
 peoi)le according to what is due to tlicm, not according to wiiat yon rc(iuire. On the other Bide, 
 considering that you should not be deprived of tliis revenue, e^|)ecially as tho eA])eiisos will bu 
 Komewhat increased now, we have infornieil the said trailers, conform to the agreement made with 
 them Ih.it henceforth they must i)ay tiio four stivers for each beaver, and intend to reduce tho 
 liupm-t duties from H'. to \-2 per ciMit. lu-xt year, that tiie commiTce may not be burdeiu'd too 
 much. For the pr.> ..it wo have kept tho former ciiarges, to obtain from their surplus funds 
 caough to repay the unadvisedly exacted fourstivers; only a-< far as tobacco from the Vin/inliis is 
 concerned, wo have luado a reduction from 1.". to ;i() stivers a hundred weight, while the '20 st. on 
 Aciit .Vi'M' '•/««'/ tobacco remain a.^ bet"ore. 
 We do not know, whether you h ive sulHcient reasons to be so suspicious of yl///'/.(/( I'/// o, that he be leprimaiided and [Mini^hed, if 
 contrary to his promi-e he .-liould ndsdemean himself. On the other si.lo we hope, that your 
 suspicions of him are to be imputed more to the unfavorable eonjunctureyf the times, than to his 
 presence tlu're. 
 We have already written you our opinion on the resolutions ado|>ted bv the geiuTal meeting 
 of delegates and we hold it still. We have been amazed by the pru,-,.,.,liiigs of the delegates froi-i 
 some eolouus and villages, especially because in the whole remonstrance wo c.miiot tiud anvthing, 
 that could have given them a reason for complaining of some wrong' but from their conclusion 
 and accompanying ]>rotestafious it may bi iijectured, that tiie wlioK" thing consists only of 
 ' Lnni,' Isluncl iii'iir .Ntw Yuik or I,uiit; Isluml, al .) cillwl Miibi.anjorrt l.sUiiJ, „ppnaUu KotUk'licm. \Uihiiv C'.i ? 
 src v,.i. XIII. |). lua. • ■ 
 K(irhi Colonial Settlements, 
 for^r,,! ,,r,.t,.xts for mi iniiiiini>nt factioiiH n.. rino 
 to l.oi.(>, that alHo thi! (iiireri-ULrs over thuro shall I.e Ht'ttlcMl. wo rliarKO von nevertholoHH 
 to nu'to out line piiiiishnu'iit for what has passed, so that in future others niav not l.e led the 
 Baino wa}'. 
 The attorney, Mr. Fr,nn;>h U /ileum, hiw lioon informed l.y ns, that lie need not euleiilato 
 up..n sailing' thi- season, lie will Iw al.le to draw liis own cpneliisions from that ami fr..m what 
 lias happened to him here and report a(rordini,'h' to his employers, that w.. are not at all pleased 
 with sneh eommisMons: we inform hereof the Hnrf,'.miaHters and SeliepeiiH(.f N,'w AmHtiintam l.y 
 this oj.portnnif v. Tho parties just mentioned have sul.mifed to us in a sp..eial letter several 
 ri!«illeHts, upon whieh we have resolved p.iint for point as follows : 
 Fir.t. as they eomplain of loo mneh limited andstriet instriK-tions, wi! ;il„„^,n in theollieer.f Kiseal 
 and )W to tho Sehout's (.iHeo yoiiimist en^M-e a lit and honest man, as whom we now pn.pose 
 .M„,n r!,in:' and mort-a-es of li,,u,,es and lots within tho said city, hut not ..ntsid.' ..f il, limits, it hein;; 
 understood however, that this does n,.t .loprive y f the power heretofore ;;iv,Mi to .li>po,se o? 
 lots already ^'ranted, hut not ueeupietrihuti(| where necessary. 
 Lastly ami M'venth. we have -ranted and alh.wed. that the hou.se, in which the Ihir-onia.-ters 
 and Sehei.cu» meet, shall he given to thu city to he ai-proi.rialed t.. its uso and the earryin- on of 
Avio YtM'k J/intoriml Itcvonh. 
 'luiMuf HOC, flmr it iMiiKcr-* wlictlicr iIiIm In.iiso IhI 
 ifn liiiHiii(>Hri; Cur wi 
 tlio (!ity in c.iiiimdimlU', provid.'.l, hm wi' inti'inl it, that lit 
 Ikti'oii, nor nIiuII it, he alimnti'il or nHiriifii"('i|. 
 •iiK'* f" tin' ronipiiny <>r to 
 irivatc party hIihII Law unv el 
 (.'(incliiilin^ licri! wliat we | 
 wo rIiuII only aiM, tliat 
 (r nivrnrnif -iml datoil |)( 
 lavi! rcHolvcil upon tin? h'ttrr of llui I 
 w(i Miml imi'loMxl It copy (»f tlio lottcr writt 
 >iir;,'oniiiHtorH iiiui HdicponH, 
 ■i'1'inl..'r 27"' liwt anil .lircct yon fo info., 
 who Hijcn...l it» a,wl to urn. an,l pn-paro yo,.r..lf imnK.liar.dyf a,y p„n..nnH.nr 
 tlu, nn Mnon.. Wo huvo tins lH,for., uh uk our chiuf.Ht uin. W-M.. ,|.o pn.orvuti.m of tl.o connt 
 ill H(!ii(liii)^ otrtli(! ])mHcnt Hiiccor 
 Sonus i>oiiipiaiiit.s havo Im.oii inadi, licrc to iih. tl 
 en iiy tlio delf^Mttw from 
 yoiii-Holf concorninf^ the pcrMonH, 
 'or tlio fxcmplury piiniHlitiit'tit of 
 it in not 
 wi'igiitH uwed in thin city, iilw. a vanl ami oti 
 mt Ihcro in no propor ro^'ulation.or at least that 
 il n^K'T'liriK woi^dit. ami nuMwuroH. Wo liavo tlicrr-forc .lircct'cj 
 that Hdiim 
 there ill the (^ity Hall ( A',t, / //i. 
 Iii(!ri'haii(li»(i hi' miIiI or trailed 
 ler iiieaHirw, nhall ho sent over from horo to he kojit 
 //.*) .iiid wo deniro you to take caro, that tl 
 ,r>,;/;/. m,\ C.mp. we have pasHcd tluMMidoned resolution on 
 -: we cannot learn otherwine, than that, altli(Uin;h u second copy of it 
 ur;:ent recpiot .,f the interested parties wo cannot refu.se 
 '.s pursuant to it.s coiitenrs, also to order, that ( 
 ienyt oa/i der 
 leir <'laiiii willioiit iie^'lect for any re 
 isoii or 
 carrv ou 
 t with 
 11 r cast 
 precirthm not hy words, l.iit hv deeds, tlie onl 
 ^s you shiill not hunt up excu.ses, hut 
 e could not f,'raiit the re(|iiest iiia hlieral. .i.s voii caim 
 >t h 
 Diiiit therefore li 
 I" niake its revenues here .iiicl there meet the ex 
 deny such reipiests in the most [lolit 
 iiimcnd, that you do not dispose so ^^'iddi 
 leeii greatly 
 ;noraiit of the (^unpany's 
 pcnses; we cannot 
 .said revenues, hut rathe 
 e manner, so tli 
 ami iio cuusi 
 for I 
 I'ollhie fXIVeli. 
 at nohody is hurt in his ru.spect and authoritv 
 i'.y the loss of the ship " Uo/'t 
 deprived of the hooks of mouth 
 van K/xf," captured hy the /;//;///V,, we liiid oursel 
 (ir .\i llu:rlans. 
 Early Colonial Sdtlements. 
 going over in the " Cldem^ Bloin' and in our siiip " Gnnnhxck Solomon" slioiild be hooked md 
 begin upon tiieir arrival out ; but as since we liave passed another resohition, to wit, that tluir pay 
 t^hould begin with the sailing of the ships from hen" aceordiiig to the old usage, we have thonglu 
 it neeessary to inform yon thereof, that it may be change.l in the books there and the order be put 
 in praetiee by you eoncerning as well the soldiers eoujing with this ship, iis those, who maybe 
 sent over hereafter, unless you receive orders to the eonti'ary. 
 The loirr ^expected peace between the jn-esent govcrmnent of Eiujland and the TJniled 
 Provinces o'i Nethcrhiml has at least been solemnly concluded on the 15'" (jf KyxW and has also 
 been ratified by both sides and ])ublished ; as you may see by the enclosed oi'iginal ].rinted articles 
 hostilities shall ce;ise on the 14'" of this month new style, 80 that the damages done by one side to 
 the other after that date shall bo repaid ami indemnitied without jjrocess of law, which you will 
 see by the proclamation of the i)eace following the said articles. You are therefore especially 
 ordered and commanded ti) govern youi-self strictly in accordance with the tenor thereof, that no 
 cause for new complaints may be given. 
 Herewith etc etc. 
 the 18'" of May 1054. 
 Your good friends 
 The Directors of the West India Company, 
 department of Aiii.sterdiiin. 
 Ami;. Wh.miiuiminxs. 
 To the Director-General and Council in X. jV. 
 If it should happen, that some Portiujuese .•^hips arc brought uf) there by pirate ships or by 
 privateers, sailing un.ler charter and commission (,f the (^)mpany, then you are t.) receive from the 
 returns and net proceeds 10 ji. c. as recogniti,.n and furtlir,- act in juir.-uance of the enclosed 
 extract from the resolutions, adopted by the delegates of tiie respective departments at the JI(iur further orders an.l resolutions, 
 which oamu.t be done now on account of lack of time ; y.m niay expect them however with the 
 ships the ''J'ctrtbaom" and '• G'Mcrse L'/om.'" 
 By order of the Directors. 
 .\. 1>. mo Dhki u. juni(jr. 
 riisTs(Kier TO TiiK Dri'i.K All-; or the i uKi:(a)i.\i, I.i.rniK. 
 As the growth and ]>ros])i'rity of yonder state depends principally upon the population and 
 the cultivation of the soil, we are constantly busy to invent measures, which might serve for their 
 promotion. We intend for this puri)ose, (which has also the favoraiile endorsement of the 
 Burgomasters of this city.) to send yon in tiie aforesaid two ships now ready for .-ea a partv of 
 boys and girls from the Oqihan Asylum lien', making first a trial with TM) j.ersons. You may 
 expect with them also a quantity of provisions, that they .-^hall not immediately burden the 
 storehouse. While you see our zeal in increasing the ]>o])iilation, you must constantlv think of 
 promoting the cultivation of the soil, that on all occasions you need not rely on others hut may- 
 have recourse to your own resources. How much depends on this and how much you can relv in 
 such ca.ses on your Emjltsh neighbor,-, y.m have sulliiieiitly learned this last time. A.-, we further 
New Yo7'h Ilhiorical Records. 205 
 un.lorstH,ul tJ.at our inl.ahitant. engaged there i„ fanning, apply themselves mostly to the 
 l.lantn.g of toha.-eo, therel.y neglecting the cultivation of grain, we have considered it highly 
 neces.uy, n,. only to ..uuMd you, but also to reeounnend to you to keep such farmers to U.eir 
 duty nd obhgafons and n.ake arrangen.ents with then, that a certain part, of their land, either 
 already „nd..r cul nat.on or to be cultivated hereafter, is sown in grain When this is do .e, our 
 province there will by and by become stronger and its population will increase * 
 llcrcwuh go for the present tive casks of n.eat tbr the soldiers now conung, also some clothing 
 or then, acconlu.g to ..vo.ce, winch you will distribute with such advance on their pay as has 
 l)fen Ju'retofore given tlieni, ^ "' 
 Dated as above. l^y o,d,., ^^ ti,^. Directors. 
 A. B. DE Ukckek, junior. 
 DiKKcrous (IK TUK W. I. CoMi'.) wrrMoi T datk. 
 They write, tlu\t tlu'ir instructions are too lin,if<>d and strict, that thpv are n..t able to govern 
 tlie muni..ipality with ease according to the instnu'tions ami rc.juest tliat tliev may r.-ccive otliers 
 from h.Mv not so restri.'ted, but agreeing as lUNirly as ]H,ssible with the form of government in 
 this City of Aiiixicrdam, wlieronpon they iww awaitini; an answer. 
 They request als,,, tliat tliey may be allowe.l to elect their Sellout or at least to nominate a 
 d.mblr number: that the Fiscal lluenhm-m is now ofliciating as Sellout, but as little to the 
 sali>fa.-tion ,,f (lie citi/i'ns wh,) have submitted a i.etition on this matter, as with respect for tliem 
 That a distinction be made in the jurisdiction of the Fi.scal on behalf of tlie fompanv and of 
 tlie Sellout as well in civil as in ci'lminal causes. 
 That th,. nireet,,r has allow.'d them an excise on beer and wines, but only on condition of 
 mamtammg therewith the ].olitiral and eiviesiastical otHcers, which is imjiossible, as it will pav 
 only one thini of their expenses, while they have also to contribute their .share to the maintenance 
 of the fortifi.-ations. Tiiey n^iuest tiierefore. that this excise mav be given t,. them without 
 limitation and that tliey be authorized to levy a new impost (to which the coinmunitv is said to 
 agree, as shown by enclosure Xo. .'-,) sm'li .as on stampe.l paper A'c, also to le.ise the ferry from 
 there to Br.nlUjn for the purpose of tii-st obtaining funds to repay the loan of about JlOOO fl 
 expended m making the outworks and fortilications. 
 Asvi.e.M, July 7, l(i.J4. 
 * » • ♦ , 
 'I'lip iMul.w,! li.Mt Will hUow yoii. wliul provinions iiro Hoiit over for tlu> ImvH niid pirln wiit from fli,. Orpliiin 
 Asylum li.Tf, sviih whom you „„w may muki- an ,.-c|.rniuriit. \S<- rooomnuMul to you im>s( .s-riouHly to tak.. goo,l 
 carrof them nii.l pla.v tli.-m will. -o,„l mastiTH or f,'ivn tli,.iu surli .■m|.loym..ut ..lucnvlLor,', as will tci'ul to their and 
 the C(Miiitry'« h.-st ailvaiitugf. \Vi' Iravu it to your txperiinco uud iluliburatiou. 
 • • , ,♦ » » 
n I 
 "^^' J^ai'Ii/ Colonial Settlements. 
 Also tl.iit tlioy be antliorized to puss convt-yanees a.ul deeds of liousos and lots sold within 
 the City ini.l its lii,erties, also mortgages, and that to tiiis end a seal for the City may he sei 
 to them, distinct from tiie seal of the Provinee. 
 That ill these dan-erous times a good (jnantity of ammiuiition of war may he sent to them 
 among whieh some mnskets of 3i feet in length to be distributed in time of need nmon- tlij 
 citizens. ^ 
 They say in coneliision, as they have no ])roperty belonging to the munieipality, but meet in 
 a house owned by the Cjmpmy, they I'etpiest that it may be given them us a present or siibiect 
 to a fair valuation. 
 H!54, IS"' of May. 
 Honomble, Worshipful, Pious, Dear and Faithful. 
 Vou may ascertain our resolutions upon tlie points, submitted by you lately, from 
 the enclosed extract, whicii we have decided to send you as answer with the coinnian'd, that 
 you are to -Mt pursuant to its tenor iui far ;w it concerns you ; we cannot let this ociasiou pass 
 without informing you, that it has appeared strange to us, that you or some of you have allowed 
 yourselves to be instigated by some evil minded i)ersons so :ts not only to helj) arranging without 
 order a meeting, but also to present remonstrances, which we think were at this time very inu<-li 
 out of place, although it is represented dillerently. We write more in detail on this subject to the 
 Director General and Council, who will cominunieate with you in due time; meanwhile we 
 recommend and charge you to behave .juietly ami i)eacefully, to obey the authorities j.laced over 
 you and by no means join with the Entj/ Ls/i or other private parties in holding conventicles, either 
 for the sake of deliberating alfairs of state, whicli is not your business, or, which is still worse, to 
 make changes in the ju-ovince ami its government. Wo have wished to warn you and give y„u 
 advice, before we make other .lispositions. Relying hereon, that y,)u will act according to your 
 duty and couscieiice we dose commeiidiug you to the protection of God. 
 Your good friends 
 AnisterJuM, xho Directors of the W. I. Cou.p. 
 thel8-ofMayl.!54. Dep' of .4;;..vfc«/a/;. 
 EuwAKU Mam. 
 To the Lurgomastcrs and Schcpens of A^cio Amsterdam. 
JS'ew Yuik Historical liecorCs. 
 INKOUMATION urprise ami massacre: to do this the following' is 
 reipiircd without doiilit : 
 1. Repairing the fortiiications. 
 •_'. The cnli-tmelit .f soldier^ nndrr pay, that in iin emcrgeiuy they may be held in better 
 discipline oid assi>t the trainbaiiils. 
 3. Money and meiiiirt to curry out the preceding. 
 ^^^ J^arhj Colonial Settlements. 
 4. Anns f,.r tl.o cnlistcl sol.lie... WIuto they a.v to I.o ohtained a.ul ],..w wo must .o to 
 work, your Ilouors will iileiiso to advise nie. 
 1. It must further ho well eonsidercl, whether for the purpose of garrisoning and bettor 
 defen :ng one place, wh.eh if lost the country an.l all is lost, and if hold .^h sufHcie^it succor d 
 LuKl also IS held ,t ,s no better to give up other p.aces, especially Fort Ca.hnlr and to draw the 
 Iroo people and the snuill garnsonaou the South river to tliis place 
 2 As to the ship " Co,M Solomonr "ow ahnost ladon and ready to sail, shall we let her 
 it?dangers "' "'" "'" '" '"" "'° "''"■'" '""""''^^ ""l"""^ ^'^ ''" '"'"•^"^--l "'"• ''''« 
 Concerning /T,.^ r,,.m/;. our opinion should coinci.lo with the general feeling, that it is best for 
 the greater protect.on of tins place to call hither tho few soldiers fron. there and%o reconnnend the 
 guardmg of the Fort to tho free n.en. J5ut here we n.eet with the objection, whether the fre" 
 men, be.ng few m nnn.bers, will or can .lo it and may not he in danger of or at least fear boin.. 
 massacred by the savages, which tl..- already apprehend, having therefore, together with ,1,: 
 Con,i_.any s sorvan s, asked us for n.ore soldiers au.l assistance, else tlu-v would I.eT.l.liged to leav .• 
 the ru-er. To call away all the people from there, is tantamount to an absolute desertion and' 
 surrender o the tme rner to others. And if by the conclusion of a treaty of peace or by other 
 Zk t^Mr "V'^'T' '^''^"^■^"^'^'" ^'— -'— ) the onen.v does not 
 attack us, Jiow shall we answer for this desertion. 
 There are several opinions pro an.l contra the retaining of the ship " Co.incl- Snhunon.- To 
 ot her sml would be of tho greatest proHt both for the C.mpany and for the n.erchants, but then 
 the Govennnent w.ll have to bear the brunt of the .lispleasures and clan.ors .,f .h. whole 
 co.nnn.mty ; expenenced guune,-s, ma.-k.sme,-. and sailo.-s. ,o be e.nploved about the o.-dnance on 
 the walls w.ll be wa.itod and we will have to do without \cm to 1 700 ll,s of gun,,„w,ler less of 
 wh.ch we have not nn.ch now, while besides n.any people will want to leave b^ this sl,ip. tL., 
 read and delivered on the date as above. 
 -N'ew At/i^to Am^tcniam, tho 
 Schout an.i Mag,st,-ates uf th.. respective villages .,f nnnrhlm, MU,.,mt and (imrcnvt, to 
 whom, jM.rsuant to resolution, the pi-e>ent run.or, wen., r.nnnunicated. Thev we.v then ki.uilv 
 .•e.piesre.1 to ass.st Itrst m repairing and afte.-wai-ds, if needed, in .lefonding the works of this City 
 and the to.t and to g,ve a delinife since.-e an.l plain answer a.,,1 opini.n, : the Magist.-ates 
 demande.1 time till next M..nday to tako tho written prop..sition into con.ideratio.i. 
 Dated as above. 
 Okdkb coxobu.vi.vu xni; sai.akv of the 
 The Fi.-cal is .liivrii.l ,itid 
 '""' '"•'''•'•'■'i, t" i-iiiiind au.l inf.irni the lini'u'i.nia-ters an.l S.^hepeiis, 
 that the preachers have petiti.M,,,! n> for tlnir paM .lue salari.s a.,,1 wh,..•ea^. sin..- the Ihu-,.,,,, 
New York Historical Jiecords. 
 aiKlSdicpcns lire .•..n.-ctingtlie Excise, tliu sahiry f„r l.alf a year has Lccomoduo, that therefore the 
 Biirgotnaster,. an.l Hdiepeiis will please to i.rovide for the payment of these salaries, according to 
 promise, out ot these revenues. 
 Thus done etc., JVcw Ainnterdam, June 1, 1(!54. 
 Paut of a leask of ruK Fkkky kkom a CoMMriTKio of -the Council to EnnKRT van Horhum, 
 [Fragment] .... to treat equitahly, and in onler that the Ferrvman niav the hetter 
 pursue his Unsiness. it is granted him on tlie part of the JIoii""' Compauv, that for a time he sliall 
 liave the use of the Ferry house standing on Lon,/ Mnuf, providing he keep it in necessary repair 
 at his own e.xi)ense; the CJommittee on the jnirt of the Hon''" Director (ieneral and Council 
 promising to give the Ferryman all proper support in r.gard to Iiis husiness.* 
 In testiinony this is signed hy both sides, without fraud or deceit, this P' of June A" lti54 in 
 JVt'io Amsterdam in Xew Xitlurland. 
 This is tlie A\^ mark of EciiiiiUT va.v JIoksim made hy himself. 
 In my i)resence. 
 C. V. RiYVEN, Secret'y. 
 rni; i'imi'osai.s MAnK nv tiik 
 ;u'" .May. 
 New Amsterdam, June li' U>,)\. 
 The verhal and written propositions made hy the Hon*''"' Di 
 uid well considered ami a dehate havinir In 
 rector-General iiaving lieen heard 
 ■en had upon what further 
 the uiuh'rsigiicd Director-General and Council of New Ntherland h 
 concerns these matter^ 
 that tl 
 e community of this City is too weak to repair and st 
 ive uuaiiimouslv come to the 
 u-n aioiu: am 
 then- expense the works, made hy them last year for the defense of this Citv and its inl 
 •y n 
 eh 1 
 ('.■-s are a 
 bl<- t< 
 HMpiires it defend them ;igainst a con.-ideralile lio-tilc h 
 o man llie repaired works in c'ase of ;in attack and whe 
 L'li an emerijencv 
 rce ; and although former experiences k'ad 
 us to fear, that the country ]ieoplc, iiotwithMaiidiiiir their 1 
 lor the repairs of the fortiticatioii.s ho|)ing 
 take up arms against our iieighhois of .V, ,/.. E-.ijhind and that tliev will stilt 1 
 to assist in its defense in time of need, vet, f. 
 lelonging to our nation, will do little 
 ; to remain in ])osse.ssion of their property, if they do not 
 come to this Citv 
 peremptory orders 
 we consider it at luesent ipiite unad 
 or various reasons, which in time may he givei 
 to comiHil the country-people thereto hy 
 (ler til 
 d all 
 reproaclies of negligence and carelessness and to deprive them of ail 
 excuses 111 case ol rerii.sil. we have imaiiimoii«ly re-olved to Miminon the :\lai.dstrates of tlu 
 SiB OriliMiiiicii n^KiiliiliiiK llio IVriy nl ilu- M.irilmttuii 
 [msaiil July 1, Kifil, in l.iiwsn 
 f N. N. 
 1' Itii 
 Iiarhj Cohmial Settlements. 
 Brenchh-n, MUhcwt imm and Jacine, Cortdjon, tutor to Mr. mn \V,rrkl,ooven\, mn wh.I 
 reported the same to ns, to wit, that the Kmjlish at the North recruit soldiers, giving 25to;i.. 
 gudders i)er in,.nth and tiiat three largo ships were to come into the Hav or to the Cap,, to cut nlV 
 our retreat ; also tiiat soldiers in boats should laud near ll,lle,jat. preceded by a ketch to deman,! 
 the surrender of the Fort and olfer us many good conditi.wis; that the countrv people on l.„,.,, 
 h'/an/,>/ Isl.uuK wheiv lie thought, it would be safest,— all this has been told by the 
 Englishman with woeful face and tears in his eyes, so all the m.^n report, whil,; ho requested' that 
 his name might not bo mentioned promising t,) inform the Hon'''' Director-(Joueral and C.uncil 
 by day or night whenever he had obtained further news. 
 Although some o( these news are unimportant and nnfoiindod, w,- tin- Director-General ami 
 Council nevertheless believe, that we ought not be caught napping or neglecting anvthin- We 
 consider it our duty to make inim...liat,.ly all preparations f,,r the defense and prut.rtion'of this 
 City and especially of the Fort, which it is in our power to mak,;, in the following manner: 
Nev> York IlisUyncal Ilecarda. 273 
 Firet, it is considered ahsoluteiy iiccosmiry, tliut l)eHidefl the roj)iuriii^r and Htrongthcningof the 
 Fort the old inout be deepened und giihions set np there, ufter wliitsh the City Tavern innst bo 
 fortified witli brea«tworkri und raniparts, »n wliicii '2 .,r W ii^rht pieeei of artillery can be planted. 
 Ah to the outer works, made liwt year, which nut only we, but also everybody else thonght, it was 
 impossible to man and defend with so few soldiers, unless all the country people came in, which 
 we are assured they will not do, we have decided, that the cannons taken there last year must bo 
 brought away, that they may not be turned and used u[.on us, the more so as the works, especial I v 
 the angles are completely destroyed and no repairs are made because, as the Burgoiiuisters and 
 Schepeiis pretend, it is impossible for the small number of citizens to do anything without the 
 assistance of the country-people and even if repaired it would be impossible to defend them, unless 
 as was said above the farmers come in. Hence it is necessary to fortify a smaller portion and to 
 hear hereupon the opinion of the Burgomasters and Schepens, asking them to give a prompt and 
 detinite answer, whether they will iissist with the connnnnity and help defending this place for 
 the honor of our Nation, as long as God shall please to give us his blessing. 
 Thus done etc., New Amntenlam, Juno 13"', l(i54. 
 P. Stityvesant. 
 NicAsnrs nv: Sii.i.k, C. van Wkkokhoven, 
 La Mo.ntaone, Cou. van Tie.vuoven. 
 PKoi'osmoNs MADE nY TnK FTon'''" DiKix'roiiCtK.vKKAr, AND Ilidii CorNcir, TO THEiK Worships 
 TheBurgomastorfl and Scliu 
 poiiH answer to the 1st point 
 The first question is, whether the Burgoma-sters and Schepens are 
 resolved and willing, even though the country iieople should not come, 
 Tliey are williuif to help ac- . i i • . .1 . ^ . . 1 , ^ ,. , . » 
 cording to thJr mJs in " '''''l' "' •^''•^'''^'t'''-'"'»i-% "''"''taming and .lefcn.ling to the last for the 
 Btrcn^thoninK and defending honor of our Nation and Sovereigns these places .ipecially, to wit tirsl 
 ihiM City of .\. A. the whole City, that becoming too much the smaller fortified part of it 
 and tiiiaily the Fort. We, the Director-Geiuiral and Council, by our .'signatures hereto affixed 
 ])romise and solemnly swear before God to do it. So help us God Almighty. 
 They agree on the 2d point, 
 that Hiuli an order is necosHary 
 an(' if liny one within tlie juria- 
 Whereas tlio Director-General and Council find the proposition 
 rci)eatedly made by the Burgomasters and Schepens, that the country 
 diction of tliifl I'ourt i.s found people shiMild also take a hand in repairing, putting up and defending 
 tobeunwilliiig. they will a8.si»t tile fortifications, to lie just and e(piitable, therefore the Director- 
 to the best of their power in (JeuenU and Council are inclined to order it bv a miblic mandamus, as 
 oomi>ellinghini, whichit isthe .1 ,• -if .1 1 .1 . -1 • 1 • . ir- 
 duty of other Courts under f'"' <''riiiers niav judge for themselves, that it is only just and fair fo 
 your Uonore' authority to do '"^''l' '" fortifying and rei)airing this City in return for the services and 
 ftls". expeditions rendered and made 3 or \ times last year by the community 
 in behalf of the country people ; tlie more so, ;is such assistance is as much for their own safety 
 and freedom, as for the safety ami freivlom of tlie community. If however it should happci:, that 
 the country people remain obstinate and refuse, which the Director-General and Council hope will 
 not be the case with all, will the Burgomastere and Schepens help to punish all who disobey, 
 according to law? 
 Tliirilly. Tlicy will imn all 
 p()iiitiblu(iillt;«mwaud iiieaitH to 
 )(() to work,tt(tur haviiiK |>ni>)iiir ruHolutiouH ati 
 tt) tho mode uf ropairlug the 
 'I'liua donn at tho uipoting, 
 hold ill tlio City- Hall of New 
 AmHcrdam, Jiinu l^l, IUr)4. 
 Hy ordiir of Kiirgomiifiturii 
 And t^hopeis. 
 Jacoii Kir, Secretary . 
 Early Colonial Sittlements, 
 Fiimlly, will fhcy, with tho Director-Ctuiioral iiiul (^miiijil, begin to 
 {,'() t(i work piiiuaimlly iioxt Moruliiy ami purrtuiKiu ami indueo the 
 I'ommniiity of lliin (Jity, ii« fur an thoy can, to ilo the saiuo. 
 Tlnw dono etc., at New Amsterdam, Juno 13'", ltJ64. 
 Wo.thoBur^'oHiastor'. aiidSclioiH'iisaro fully aware of and iiiider.itaiid tiienoecssity of thinking 
 «)f and providing for some general measHres, hy wliich the expenHi's, already incnrreil or hereafter 
 to he incnrrcd for the defense and niainteiiaiieo of this and other eities, plaees, fortn mid of the 
 Provinee, might he defrayed and paid. 
 Therefore we deelare, that whenever the nircetorCJencral and f'ouncil siiall deem tlic time to 
 have eoine, we will eontril)Ute onr share, like other good and faithful miiijects, to the best of onr 
 means and eircumstanees with the other inhahitants of this IVovinee. 
 Done at ^ew AviMerddm, June 13, lt>54. 
 The foregoing pledge wivs given at tlie meeliiig of the Director-General and Cv)nncil by (he 
 Burgomiwters and most of tho Schei)ens, but they refiiw d to sign it, bowuisu, as tliey said, their 
 Board was not complete. 
 Order on a ri-rrrnoN ok Surokon Varukvammcu vou mkdicines. 
 Jaeoh Ilendrlckscn Varrcvanijer ihowed by his petition, tiiat the term of his engagement Iind 
 expired some time ago and tiiat for some years p:ist lie had imported at his owii expense from 
 JloUaml i\\\ his medicines, llo reipiests therefore, that some com[)cnsati()n ,nay be given to liim 
 for tho use of his medicaments. After duo consideration the Director-(h;neral and Council direct, 
 that the Commissary shall credit to the siiicl Mr. Jivoh 12 ll per month, from tlie 1" of July id52, 
 in hit* account for use of his medicines ami to increase his salary. 
 Thus done etc., New j. msU'rdam, June 13, 1654. 
 ,- I 
 Resolution to uei'air the FoiniKicAiioNs and i-kovide for iiiK expenses nv dcties on 
 In consideration of tho rumors and the dangers, by which this Province and sjiecially its cai)ital 
 New Amsterdam is threatonod, the Director-General and Council have deemed it highly necessary. 
New Yorl Ilistorkal liecords. 275 
 to (liilihemto upon nil |.ces.sary wc can retreat from 0110 to tlu; other. This should be dor.'j the sooner tho 
 better and to do it dif,',i,'er8 and laborers are reipi.rt'd. 
 We therefore call upon and c.anmand hereby all Sellouts, Bur-romasters, Sdiepcns 
 (;oiiimis,siiries and i'ajfistnites of the inferior Courts in this Province, upon sij,dit and publication 
 hereof to U80 ,dl dili^renco and to lii-e or cominand out of every vilhigo, colony or hamlet 
 some ;,'ood dit',f,'ers and laborers to coini- eacii provin.Hfn;lam, where they are to help making' and repairing' such 
 works, ad thu Director-! Jeiienil and Council or their deputies shall direct, under the condition that 
?f l- 
 lull! If Colon till Setthments. 
 tl.o laborers fihall roceivo two guilders h .lay i,. prain, boavem or wampum to 1„. paid weekly 
 Any one, wli.. h.i« heoti ,.h11,m1 npot. ,.r c.Mmnan.|...l l,v \m r..H|KH!tive MiiKinfrnti. an.l docs not 
 "'•-f I"'" ".^' "'• '•^'f'"'"'* "• <■'>""• "I'^'ll ''^•«"f.l foruaci. .lay ofiiia ab.euco UieknoHH an.l 
 fooblono88 i)xc.'pton. 
 The distressing rumors of ,lanp<.r tlireatonin- this Province and especially this capital of 
 .W,r.Am.(,'rdu,a have troubl..d us now for some time and after your IIon>"« Worships had 
 demonstrated to us verbally and in writing their good and earnest i.itcntions of makinir ail 
 possd.le resistance and defense at your Hon'" Worships' meeting, on the l.T" inst. where the 
 l.iirgo,„,u,tcrs ar.d S.-bepens of this Oity wr.. present, we have examined the matter to the best 
 ot our alal.ty and assure your lion'" Worships now, ren.embering the good cxampl.. givn us by 
 our forefathers m what they did in time ,>f nee.l for the defense ami profrtion of their 
 tatberland and themselves, that we are .p.ite willing to do the same, and ventui-e our lives and 
 We have learned by tlie aforos,ai.l written resolutions of your iron'"- Worships, that the 
 D,reetor-(.ener.d an.l High Touneil have found themselves eon.pell..l f. appropriate and levy for 
 the iK.tt.T defense of^ this pla.e during one year o,dy the tenth of all goods and n.erchandise,s, to 
 bo exported to the fatherland during this summer, or its value. 
 1. Consid..ring the prc.nises an.l acknowledging that there is j>eri<;dum in nwra, wo airree 
 as far iu, we are concerned, with your lion'" Worships' aforesai.l resolution, und.T this restrictiou 
 and reservation however, that the moneys and goods, which we have advanced for the repairs of 
 the fort,ficat,o,.s an.l the tenth hn-ied as above on goods and merchandises to 1x3 shij.ped this 
 sunnner, shall be promptly repaid and returne.l within a year pursuant to your Hon"" Worshins' 
 resolution. ' 
 2. We are further .p.ite sati.sfie.l with your- II.w,'"' Worships' promise of p.aying or rofundinir 
 cither by a setting ol! .against the .luti..s .,r otherwis.., as we .1., not fear, that your Ilon"'^ 
 Worships, Rccing our willingness, will disappoint us. 
 3. We cannot accept your Hon'" Worships' further ..fTei of security, bv reimbursement 
 through the duties ,,aid in n,.llan.I, but we expect in place .,f it from vour Hon'"' Worships and 
 the said Burgomasters and Schepens a special b.,ud ami mortgage on the revenues and income of 
 this City, as already faxed or hereafter to be fixed. 
New York //iatoriml J{ecord«. 
 4. In order, that tho inonoyg, obtained by tlio boforo statod moamiroH, may be i)r()iH.'rly nm-d, 
 wo beg loavo liorowitli to nniiiiid your Hon'"'" WorHhipH iiiul vvf^wtX. for tho wiko of |.rfv(;iitiii>,' all 
 jHmHiblo ()l)l().|iiy, tlmt tbt> iifoifwiid Hon''' Uur>,'(Hii;irtti'rs and Sclioiuuiw may bo allowed to 
 iiorniiiato hIx ald« iiiciiilKM-rt of tliis (•omimiiiiry, from whom tliroo aro to bo oluctod by your Hon'"'' 
 Worhbiim to control tiio t)X|K!nditiiru and diHtriimtion of tho said inom^ys Hiibjoct to tbu orders of 
 your Hon''" VVornliiprt mid tlioir Honors tliu Miirgumastcrs and 8i'lu'|.cnh 
 If it HJiould iiappen, that peace lias been made between Holland and Knf,dand, wbieli with 
 (}od'n liulp we iiopo to learn by tlio next tibiiw, wo request that the above stated tenth may not be 
 Your Hon"" Worships' 
 faithful subjects. 
 Olokk SrKVENsoN, CJovKur Lhkkumans, 
 JIkndk. J. VAN DEit Vm, Ueyniick Kvckeu, 
 Jan WrrTHAHT, Johannks van Huuon, 
 Niw Amtitenfatn in 
 iViffW Netherlanil, .Funo 15"' 1054. 
 Council Minitk. Aitointmrnt ok Caiwtkn Jkkvenskn as Commandkk ok the VAcni " IIaen : " 
 Nkws (>k I'eack witu Enolanij hkoeiveu 
 Anno 1054, Junc! 1.5"', at Neio-AmsUrdiun, 
 I'lfnis Sfitt/vt'xiinf, (PM liclialf of tlioir Noblo IIij;h: Might: fbo I/irds-StatcB-Gcncral of tho 
 J^nitrd Nefhi rt'iwh and of tho Noble Lord.-*-I)iroetoni of the Priv. West Itidia Company, Dircctor- 
 (biicral of iXi in-\,l' rhin>f, ('iir, liotmijro, Aruha and depemleneios to idl who n ad this or 
 hfiir it read (Jreeting. 
 Know ye, tiiat for the purpose of promoting the intercourse and commerce between these 
 ilistrii'ts entrusted to our government and other neigldioring countries we have decided to eipiip 
 and to send from here directly to ('itnt(;it<' Inlund, the yaclit called " r/t-' /lain." Reijuiring 
 hereto above all a capable aiul ex])erienccd man. to conmiand and sail tho said yacht as skipper 
 and jirincipal ami having iveeived a good report of the knowltMlge of Ciirsten Jcrvcnton of 
 /I ///.v^ /• fur tiie present appointeil an of Jnno 
 in the village of O-ravisend by some Englishmen, numboring about 50, among whom were some 
New Yai'h Historical liecwds. 279 
 privateersmen from tho North, the rest being E)iglish subjects of this Province from the villages of 
 Oravesend, HeeimtMh and Middelbunjh and tiiut these people had tlio intention of capturing tlie 
 ship " Coninck Salomon'' and then to sail with her to Vh-ginla. We have also been informed, 
 that some of the Magistrates of Gmwsend have again spread the report, that some Frenchmen and 
 savages had been hired, instigated or bribed by us to plunder and kill the Engllahvien residing 
 among us and that upon hearing this rumcr a meeting had been held day before yesterday, the 
 liv^t of June at Middelhurgh by all the inhal)itants, at which great confusion had reigned, some 
 desiring, as they insinuated and even plairdy stated, to be beforehand and make tho beginning by 
 falling upon the Frcneh and Dutch, before they could make an attempt; to which is added the 
 report, tiiat the people of Gravesend had sent aletter to Boaton, where the Assembly of tho Colony 
 is now in session, by a certain liichard Paiitem, the tenor of which letter is unknown, but tho 
 parties bringing these news suppose, that the i)eople at the >;,.rth are informal by it, tlie affair had 
 now been cleared up and we had instigated and bribed tho savages to kill all the English. 
 Although we do not know, how truthful these reports are, except that they go to show, the 
 said m(!etiugs at Gramwnd and Middelhimjh had been held, without i)roving their object and 
 although these reports ought to be fidly investigated and adequate punishment meted out, vet 
 considering the present situation and our own weakness, as well as the fact, that the Emjlish'inen 
 living among and under us only wait for and desire some (.ccasion, l)y which we might give them 
 cause to begin making troubles or war against us, we have found it to the best advantage of the 
 country and resolved for our better justification to close our eyes at present and desist from an all 
 too strict examination : further to summon tlu^ Magistrates of the two villages, first those of 
 Mlddelhurijh, afterwards tiie Magistrates of Gravt»nd, and when they have appeared, to 
 communicate the matter to them as a current nimor, asking them what they know about it and to 
 govern ourselves accordingly. 
 Thus done etc., New Ainsterdam July 2, 1C54. 
 P. Stuyvesant. 
 NlCASn-S 1)1- SiM.K, C. VAN WERCKno\Ti:N, 
 La Mo.ntaonb, Coii. van Tienhdven 
 I'liESENT Panic and f..ki.ii,i.ino tuk KEriruN to the (,'itv, ArrEK tue Panio has suusiukd,  Jir.V 11, l)ii')4. 
 (See L. and (). ol' .V. A', p. 108.) 
280 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Oedinanck to prevent Injuky to the Fortikications, i"A88Eu Julv II, 1654. 
 (See L. and 0. of N. N. p. 170.) 
 Aptointment of Jacques Coktkljou as Sheriff of New Amsterdam and mindtks, statinii 
 his refusal of tue appoiniiient. 
 Pni-suant to the orders and instructions sent by the Noble Lords-Directors to the Director- 
 (leneral and Council oi New Netherland a.9, well as to the Burgomasters and Schepens of this City 
 concerning the appointment of a Sellout, independent of the Fiscal's office, for their subaltern 
 Court, the Director-General and Council have, in consideration of the good repntation and 
 knowledge of Mr. Jacobus Corteljnu, late tutor to the son of the IIon'''° Mr. van Werckhovcn, 
 unanimously engaged and appointed him to this office under the instructions already given or 
 hereafter to be given. 
 Thus done etc New Amsterdam, July 21, 1654, the non"'« General and all members of the 
 High Council present. 
 N. B. Whereas Jacqms Corteljou finds himself aggrieved by the instructions given him, it 
 has become necessary to delay the appointment, until another experienced person can be found. 
 C?! i 
 Extract from a Letter of the Directors to Stuvvesant : Emigration to New NETnERi-ANo, 
 Jllv 30, 1G54. 
 * * * » 
 We have noticed, that the clause inserted in the jjrinted pa-ssports, given to freemen sailing 
 from here to New-Netherland, to wit, that they must remain tliei-e for a certain number of yeure, 
 is very offensive to many. As the carrying out and enforcing it, unless a sudden and unexpected 
 danger happened to threaten the country, are both either possible nor fair and just, because 
 antagonistic to the liberty of free jwople, we have resolved to command herewith, that you do 
 not comi>el any free man, traders or others, to remain there for any length of time; for we 
 understand also, that it is an obstacle to the increasing of the poi)ulation. You will govern 
 yourself accordingly. 
 * * * * 
 Resolution not to inquire into the past CoNoucrr of the Burgomasters eto, nnr to summon 
 Anno 1654, July 21" New AnM/erdam. 
 For imjwrtant rea-sms and for tlie sake of greater harmony it has Ihumi resolved by the 
 Dircctor-Geueral and Council not to make further iiKpiiries into what the Burgonuisters and 
New York Ilistoi'ical Records. 281 
 Schepens have done nor to make for the present any changes among them and it has been deemed 
 advisable, that the Jlun"'^' Director-General shall call them before him and in presence of the 
 Ministers of the Go.pel shall i^jintontto them the erroi-s a.ul mistakes committed in their addresses 
 to the U.i-ector-General and Council and to the Lords-Patroons, reminding tliem seriously of their 
 duties and tlie obedience and respect which they owe to the government, after which their past 
 conduct shall be forgotten for ever. Then tlie letters from the Lords-Patroons sliall be delivered 
 and tlie good intentions of the same communicated to the Burgomasters and Schepens 
 Thus done etc New Amsterdam July 21 1654. 
 (■■:"•• ■■■" •,;- 
 Pctition of Mkucuants latki.v akuived fkom Holland fob Peumission to disciiaroe theie 
 To the Very "Worshipful, Honorable 
 Director-General and High Council of 
 Ncw-Nctherlan d. 
 Show with due reverence tlu! subscribed mercliants, residing at tills jilaco and arrived from 
 the Fatherland by the last ships, that they, tiie petitioners have learned some further taxes liad 
 been imposed by your Hon'" Worships, concerning the petitioners' trade and whereas they are 
 mostly only the facitors of their principals, merchants in the Fatherland, and are bound to take 
 the best care of their principals' service ; u-hcreas also they (irmly believe, that the i)rincipals have 
 sent their goods agreeably to contracts, as it has been the custom until now to make with the 
 Hon"'" (Jompany ; wherefis further their principals are not aware of the order aforesaid, made in 
 this country by your Hon"'" Worships, 
 Therefore they request very submissively, that the ease might be referred to the Hon"'" 
 Company in Holland and that th." petitioners be allowed to discharge, receive and dispose of their 
 consignments as formerly. E.vpectiiig your Hon''' Worships' favt.rable decision 
 New-Aimt^rdain, in N. N. Your Hon''" Worships' 
 July 21»', lt;54. obedient servants 
 Jan WrniiAur, Cou. Stkenwvck, 
 JoiiANNis i)E Pevstek, Jacoii Hacker, 
 Joiiannis J. van Bruoh. 
 The following decision was given on the foregoing recpiest. 
 Pursuant to an old and well known contract all merchants are obliged to pay liero to the 
 Director-General and Council one jK-r cent of all their goods and merchandises, besides as much 
 more, as may have been imposed before their arrival : the petitionei-s cannot be ignorant thereof. 
 The benevolence of the Direct..r-(ieiieral and Council has so far prevented its being exacted.' 
 Ihit at present excessive expenses iui.lborrowed moneys liave reduced the funds in the ta-asury 
 and th( Director-GemTal and Council would lu- unable to pay the civil, ecclesiastical and military 
 otliwirs, much less to return the loans, if they were to abandon this iluty of one percent and other 
 resources any longer. Since, however, it will create greater distress and trouble both for tlic 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 coniimmity and more expense for tlic merchants, if the Director-General and Council wore to exact 
 the duty of one per cunt on all merchandises and goods in pursnance to the old and well known 
 contract, they have concluded, that it would bo easier to bear and more convenient to levy not 
 on the goods generally according to their published resolution, hut the equivalent on the Indian 
 goods and most necessary merchandises only, which bring the most profit, being sold for cash 
 and giving the least trouble to the community and the factors. Tiie Director-General andCoimcil 
 think diorefore, that it is unnecessary to refer the matter to the Directors in the Fatherland, 
 especially as the decrease of tlie funds in tlie treasury and the increase of expenses do not brook 
 delay. Desiring in the meantime to show our good will and inclination to promote commerce and to 
 deprive the petitioners of causes for com2)laints of too much strictness, the Director-General and 
 Council release herewith the petitioners from the payment of about one fourth part of the 
 demanded toll and staple-right, so that a piece of dulfels, commonly 38, 39 or 40 ells long 
 shall pay fl 3. — . — 
 one ell of cloth, dress goi"ls or carpet " 0. 1. 8. 
 an Indian coat " 0. 6. — 
 one dozen of blankets " 3. — . — 
 100 lbs of kettles " 3. — . _ 
 a hogshead of Rheiush or French wine " G. — . — 
 an anker of brandy, distilled waters or Spanisli wine " 2. 10. — 
 a ton or half a pipe of European beer " 2, 10. — 
 larger or smaller rjuantities in [troportioi,. 
 TrVe direct herewith our Fiscal and Receiver not to diMuand nor take more ami after he has 
 complied with this order the merchant or trader shall not be delayed, but he shall receive 
 immediately jiermission to withdraw his goods from the public Warehouse, take them away ami 
 Bell them to his satisfaction and the buyer's profit. Salt is left fcir the present free from duty, 
 because of its scarcity. 
 Thus done etc New-Ainsterilam in Ncw-Nctlnrland, .Inly 22'' 1654-. 
 P. SrnyvESANT. 
 La Montaone. 
 \' T 
 IS 5- 
 Ordek directino the Buroomasteiw I'm' to send in a return of tiie revknues Ami 
 Exi'E.vunruKS ok the C'itv's Fxcise. 
 The Director-General and Couneil have repeatedly ivniiiuled the former Nine Men and the 
 present Burgomasters ane proeeeds of the Tavernkeepers' Excise, which heretofore 
 ^:.:S wtii:;:' t'r " •"^■'■'" ''rr^- ^'^ i^'-^-«'--' -^ council tist: 
 n^c^^ IL /;";'' Trr'"" ";' f"''^'^- "^ "-^""""^ ^'- Burgon.asters and Schepens under 
 M : ■ ^ "' '•';•'';""' "•'•'•^^-^■"^tical oIKeers as well as of the military, sent over by the 
 S "pent'Tt','' ■; ", '"' ''''' ""'' "' ^''" '"'•'^^■'- ^"^"'^ ^^=" *° "'•-'- The'Burgo„.aster and 
 1 r n ";:; r''T'''T':^"'''^^^-'''""^ -•' — -'- 'o raise their 
 ml ie t s rl dK Th" ""; '"''"'"'"" ^'' ^'"" ^•■"' ^^'-''-P"'-'- and the ren.onstrances 
 ^s! Syh Ig;:;;:;::;;;!:"' "^•^^'"" ^^ '- ^™^'« -^ oxpendltu^sof t,. Tavemkeepe.- 
 Thns done etc, M-w-Amstcrdam in N. N. August 2% lGf.4. 
 P. Stuyvesant. 
 La Montaone. Cok. van Thienuoven. 
 V..i!'!';>'!j;T-""r"f''"'T'" "' "''^ ''^^ "' ^--I'-'-A.., .net in session, Jitr. 
 Mat,n ( ,,, .r be.ng absent, .vad a ,n.,no..ial dclive.vd to then, bv the Ilou- Director-Ge,.e.nl 
 ""^^ ^'"''-'".^ '"""'"v.ng made an e-stiniate of the expenses incur.-ed 
 . .d 1. t ca .-ost about mm guilde.-s. They have .-esolved to contribute their quota 
 tl.e other d.str.ctsa,.d believe that 3000 guilde.. will fall upon their sha,-e, which 7ey 
 ii.ii pioptrrv witliui their jurisdiction. 
 Thus done and re.-,olved August 10"> l(i54. 
 Arent van Hattem. 
 By order of the Burgomasters and Schepens 
 Jacou Kip, Secretary. 
284 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 (8co Laws and OrdiuanccB of New-Netlierland, p. 174.) 
 Rkbolution of -ruK DiKKc-ioit AND Council to kebume the Tavkunkeei'kbs' Excise and to 
 The Director-Gencnil and lligli Council have examined the accounts subuiitted by the 
 Burgomasters and Sc!iei)eiis referring,' t(j tlie excise on beer and wiuo, which Iiad been granted to 
 tliem provisioiiiilly under condition, that tlie clergy slKinld be ])aid from it. The Burgoiuiisters 
 and Schepens did not oidy fail to comply with this condition, but they als.j bring several items in 
 this account, whicli are not accei)table, for instance a certain amount of money paid by tliem to 
 Francis Le Blue and various expenses paid m his behalf to Ahram I^noya and several others, 
 wliich for decency's sake the Director-General and Couiu-il pass over in silence. 
 Induced by these and other reasons the Director-General and Council have resolved, to let 
 the excise on beer and wine, to be consumed within this City to the highest bidder, according to 
 the customs of our Fatherland, and they have further resolved that the same shall be let on or 
 about the 25"' of ^'ovend)er next. 
 Thus dc>ue etc New Amsterdam in ^V. ^V. August 13"' 1654. 
 P. Stuyvebant. 
 N. uE SiLLE, C van Webckhoven, 
 La Montaone. 
 The Case of Joii.v Gkay (Cbij) of Middeujueoh (Newton L. I.). 
 His examination on the charge of having abused the Miigistrates of Middeiburyh. 
 The Fiscal brought before the Council the i)risoner John Cray, who is accused of several 
 offences, most all of which he denies ; but he confesses to have prevented Marshal Bely from 
 attaching some cattle, because it belonged to his children. lie says further, that if he has called 
 the Magistrates of Middelhunjh thieves and has threatened, it wonld cost a life, if anybody were 
 to distrain him for taxes, imposed by the Conncil, it must have been done in passion, for he does 
 not remember having said it. He also denies having threatened to cause the death of Mr. Coo and 
 having lodged some of the privateers; he says, he has only given shelter to his son and to Thomas 
 Done at the meeting lield at New-Am.<^tfrdain by the Magistrates of Middclburgh and deliv'^ered 
 into the hands of the Fiscal iis a prisoner. 
 Tho said Magistrates of MIddelhnnjh &nA others lu ; Li'^orly complained of the insolence 
 and misconduct of the said Gray, now a prisoner, as the attestations delivered by them at 
 MlddMunjh to tho Hon''' Oireet.ir-General show; John Gray having been examined and heard 
 Ml regard to these deehirations before your Hon''" Board on the 10"', 13"' and 15"' inst. confessed 
 without torture and unbound according to I lie statement signed by him on the 15"' as follows: 
 First. He owned by word of mouth, th;it he has paid no attention to the sentence passed over 
 him by your Hou'^^'" Woi'ships nor has he j)aid the line imposed upon him. 
 * His counsel, see N. Y. Col. MSS,, Vol. V, 318. 
 Early Chhnial Sdtletnoits. 
 Second. That I.c disoboycil the ordor jji veii hy the AraKistrnteH . ,f Mul,Jelhu,,,h and resisted the 
 Marshal making a seizure, as tlie allidavit of the latter, ri'iH-aknl in [.re.en.r of '.lohn Grm, on the 
 13'", shows. 
 Third. John Gray has lodged and concealed two of tiie robbers or privateers, who annoyed 
 and tried to i)lunder the inhabitants of this Province on land and at sea. 
 Fouth. He lias admitted, that he with his son Lulc has tlireatene.l the inhabitants of MhlJel- 
 burgh, saying the same would create there such an uproar, as never liad been lieard before. This 
 18 i)ro\cd by the declaration roi)eiitre justice is 
 usually administered, there to be whipiu'd with rods and then banished the countrv, nmreover that 
 aiter having rcc-!ved sentence and punishment he shall bo condumnoirector.(ieneral and High Council, that the siid (.'r.n/ has nreived any further 
 insinuation either from the Fi.seal as pluintilT ..r by the M.agi.-trates of Midd. Ihur,,!' ^-unvvruUvr 
 this case, his cor;fe..sion and the evi.lence of others only showing, that the said ^GrV TMK I'lIOVOOST, PASSKI) AfOT-ST 20"' \CM. 
 (See Laws and Ordinances of N'ew J\'et/i,rhtn(f, p. 177.) 
 We, th.> Direct. .rGeueral and (^.uncil of AV». .Vvffirrfand, have at sevend occasions 
 s,.riously considered the instructions of the Noble Lords-Directoi-s, DeparfnuMit of v1m,v/,vv/„w, 
 LonlsaiKl I'atroonsof this Province of /\:,v/v A", /M7.(«'/, in reganl to a eolU'ction of the tenth 
 and to ],roviding revenues f,,r (h^fraying j.ast and future expenses, and haviui: held s<'Veral 
 nieetiiigs and consultati.uis on these points we find, that the collection of the tenili is for tiu' 
 present and as long the iidiabitants live so far from each other very ditlicnlt and almost imjiossible, 
 ♦ P.'c tlif ncBolution of Juno 2'', 1054, p. 2(iU. 

 Jlkirli/ Colonial SeUhnnenta. 
 8o tlmt the -vponsofl of c-ollectiiiR the tenth would almost bo as ^rrwit a« tho rcccipta. Bosides 
 BOino sottlere in the country claim under their ]etterH-,.utcnt each f„r himself Inr^;.! traetH of land 
 roniain.ng uncultivated and wa.te, from which for many years no tithes can ho expected 
 WiHhing on the one eido to counteract tho ncqiiHition of too largo Iracta and on tlio other to 
 prevent tho j,'reat expenses, whidi nnist he incurred hy collectin^c the lenth, tho Director General 
 and Council have for these and other weijrhty re.u«)nH deemed it hc«t, most UBcful and 
 prohtable for the IIon'''« Company, 8id)ject to tho approval of the LordH-PatrootiB, not to demand 
 and collect the tenth for some years to come, until the population shall have* increased, U'vyin.' 
 instead a tax on cattle and lan.l, to uit for each nu.rKen, whidi a party claims or denires to own 
 under letters-patent, o-ie guilder of 20 at. shall Ih3 paid yearly, for aicl'i head of cattlo over 3 years 
 old, one guilder for each head of two years 12 stuyvers, payable one half in Nove.nl)er, the other 
 half m April at the Ge.iend Treasury. Tiie tax on houses and lots in tho respective villages, the 
 owiersof which do not own or claim any land, shall be the 100'" penny of their real value 
 payable yearly, the valuations to be made by three impartial men, one being a mend)er of the High 
 Council and the other twv members of the respective 'Jourts in the villages, appointed by the 
 Director-General, 'iheso valuations completed, vacant lots shall be granted to othors, if tho 
 actual owners have neglected or are unwilling to build thereon iu pureuauee to tho printed and 
 published ordinances. 
 Thua douc etc at New AmaU'rilam August 24'" and 28'" 1654. 
 I*. SrinvFijANT 
 (Sco Laws and Ordinances of New Nethc:' tnd, p. 180.) 
 OkDINANCE against 8KI.r,INf» BTHONO I.IQUOP . iO I.NniANS, PASSED AuousT 28'" 1654. 
 (See Laws and Ord' inur oi New-Nctherland, p. 182.) 
 Letter from the Buroomasters ani> Schepens to the DrRECTOR ano Coi'noii. ; sALARrea of 
 To the Noble, Very Worshipful, [Tonorable 
 Director-General .-.ul High Council of A'cw 
 Sliow with due reverence and submission the Burgomasters and Sch.epenB of tlio Cifv of 
 On the 20"" of July, while in session, they were summoned before the Hon"'' Director- 
 General, when his Honor in presence of two ministers, Domino Meyajj^etutia and Drieshix 
u\tu' York J/i,s/,rir„l Ji, ,„,,/». 289 
 .■> H.MM.r ...,v,.,,„M n.l,u,Mn.,u.,l ,1...... „.,t fo n.Mu.,nlH.r what Im.l ,.u.h...| 1.. fore, but, to 
 ( ...,.e... ,1.. ,v.,rc,l to the ll..,.,..,..a.t..,.. nn,l S.-la-po... tl.o lotto.- ...I.lr.m.,1 to tl,o„. l,v tl.o Nnl.lc. 
 L..nlK-r).roc.torH, I.y wh.cl. wo ...v willi.,. t., ..nc.,-,. o,...solvc.s, foIlowi,.g tl.o di.-oc.io..; co-.t..!..,..! 
 Now ti,. IIo,.-Mion..r,.l n„.l lli.l, C,,,,,,.!! lavo been ,,l..,...o.l to ,v„,s,.,-o ,„ i,. , ,„,,.,.„,■,, 
 ..nt n. o.. the 4'" A„,..,st n,,,-..,. , o. ious an.l to la, l.cfo.-o ...s rbo g.^at nee Jty o 
 j.n.v..b„K u .•even,,... b, wbid. ,1 ivil a.l„.i,n.,..a,io„, ,ho .1...^.]. a,„l ,ho ...ili,a,.v (...•.■iv..'l by 
 o do on..,„o on.- ,j„ota ot tl.o an,o,.,„s ,„ l„. ,,,,i.i ,,„• tl.o loa.,, f,.,. ,!„. bnibli,.;, of tl.o wall, an.l 
 b.xv,stwo,-ks a.-,m,,, ,ho (:,ty an-l ,o .-...nwub U.o ;i..,-.on,a,.,o.. a,.,l Sobepo... ba.l 
 o Uamo.! last yoar tl.o .-ovo,.,... fn,,., ,b.. Tavc-nkoopors' Km-Iso .....lo.-<.o...litio„, tl.at Ibo o.x,,o„k.. 
 of tl.o 00. oH,a.„..l e.stubl.sb„.o„t .l,„„i,l bo ,.aM tbo,-otVo„. a,.,l tl.at tbo 1!„.-Ku....u.ter; a,..l 
 M.opo..s hI.oi.M ...ako ^ro.Ml the (l,.|icii tn,„. otia'.- rrsomvod. 
 Ilo.-o..po,. ,1,0 l!,„.p„„ast...-s a...l Sob,.|,o„s of ,ho ci.v ,„■ .y, ,..j ,,,/„,,/,„,, j,,,;,,,, „„ „„,^,^ 
 -n b..t tl.o wolfa.-o o| a„.l han..o..y botwoo,. ,ln, Ci,, h,.,I .boi.- H.,.,.,.io.-s, tl.o (}ovj;-..„.e,.t of 
 tl... .-ov.,...., a,.,l w.sb,,,,, ,.,..,, to pay olT lol,,,,. I.avo olb.,-...! a. ti.oi,- ,,,.ota tl.o .,.„. of 30..0 
 ;cu .lo..,assl,own by .b..,.- .•osub.tioM ,!oliv..,v,l ... tbo 1|.,„- I )i,-oo,o.-(io,.o.-al o„ tbo lO'" of 
 A..'..^.. ub,.,. .bs„„.., ... p.y iu p,.op.„-,i.,n. Hy .[..i,,,:, tbi,-, , boy boliovu. tl.at tbo taxos ami 
 ilobis ca.i b(( li.jiii.lato.l. 
 VVM.oroa. tl.o N.,blo Lo,.,U |.i,-..,.|..,-s, as Lo,-.1h a..,l I-a„-,„.s of ,bi. IVovi-.c-o bavo oo„.o„to,l, 
 b:.. tbo IvxcM. sbal 1... pa„l „„o tb.,- < 'i./s T.-oas,„-y, a. tl.o 4'" a.-tiolo of tl„ ,.- lotto.- to tl.o 
 jilll-j;o...astoi-H ai.d N'bopoii.s sbows, 
 Tl....vf.,ro wo aj,.-oo a.,.l o..jiage o..,-M.ho.s o>, bohalf of this City of yew-Amst^rdam U> p..y 
 to.- tho ocolosiastioal «-tabl.sbt..olit tbo salarioH ..f 
 <^)i.o of till' |)roaol.o.\s, 
 Olio pivroi.t..r, wlio is t,. bo .srl,o.,liiia.sto.- at tbo wiiuo tiiiio, 
 Olio bca.lio, 
 Foi- till! civil a.biii.ii.sii-aiioii 
 the Soboi.t, 
 botb tl.o ^^lr)J;olllastol•^^, 
 llu' tlvo Sobopoiis, 
 tl.o Soorctai-y, 
 tlK- (^.,.,-t ,,.o.so„^n.r a,„l wbatovor otbo.- oxponso. wo «l.all .ousidor no,.o8«»,-v. Tbo 
 ..u.-,:X..„.astor, an.l .s.hopoi.s will fi.rtbor p.-ovi.lo, in p..rsi,a,.oo of tbo .liro..tio,i.s tVom tiio Lor.N- 
 n-.v,,.,s f,.,-soii,..„„„o.- ,vvo,„...s. .,f wliiob tl.oy will iu ti.uo infor.u tbo Ho..- Go..oral a,.d 
 ( ..iiiicil, if tlio aii.o.mt is not sutlioioi.t. 
 As to tl... p,-,.p.,sitioii of ,lu.. I)iiv,.,„i-.(.o..o,-al and Counoil to m.ppoit tbo n.ilita,-v, tbo 
 I.U,;,on.ast..,..n, S..|,..p..,is b,.li,.v... ,i,a, ,b.. o..ii..„i.ui,y of ,bis Citv is ,io. able to boa., it a..,l 
 .....d.t not to bo bnnlono.l w„b i.. booa,.so it ....n.vnis no, tbis Citv aioiu, i,nt als., tbo ooi.ntry 
 ^.-.orally a.i.l booauso wo ai„l ,li,. fain ban.l. bav always .lia.v.l in .dl ^,„,,,, w.„.ks. oxpo.lition. 
 watc... an.l .,. bo.- l.oavy bunions, and bavo boo., willi... an.l tl,.- li.-st i,. tin.o. of ..o, bios a..d 
 .lol.'i.ilod oi.rsolvos. 
 Aaili/ i'oloitiul Stitlemcnts. 
 Wlu'rens the iriiii'''- Dirocfor-CiciU'ml propoMi-d t.. lis on tlio i»l" <.f July l«J«4, tlmt Jarqucs 
 C'c'l) (/(lit tn\n' tliu oIlicKof Si'hoiit of this ("itviif y,ii'-Amntiril,iiii .iiid wliirciis riotliinj: li;is I'liiiic 
 of it, tho lliir;;«)iiia,.turs itixl Si-licpciis rf.|uc,,t lii'ivwitii, tlmt tin- Sdiout iimy he uppoiiiti'd 
 acooriliiig to tlio iiiHtiiictioiin of tliu Iii of till- lion''' Diri'ctorOfiiciid and Council on iiccount of nonu' inisoncrH and 
 wluTuan at tilt! wuni> time a |iro|Mwition was inado to tliciu hy tliu lion'''" (ioiifral and ('(iiincil, to 
 inform tlio Hoard of liin'jroinMstci-H ami Sclic|u'n(t, that tlu'ir Honors had fin- inti'iition of iniposiiii,' 
 ft fax of tho ino"' penny on :ill vv:\\ properly and wherean tins linrp.inaKtfrsand Sclicpcns snliniifted 
 on the lO'i' Au<,'Ust a ri'.v.lntion to th.s lion''" (leiienil, wlifri-in tliey proiniso to raino ii« their 
 (piota tho Huni of ;(()()(• ^juilders. if pt-nnitted to levy it on the real property, now therefore tlu'y 
 have resolved to impose a fax of the lot)"' penny on the real property witiiin their jurisdiction 
 and trust, that the lion''" Uireetor-CJeiieral and Coiinei! will not olijeet to it. 
 Thus done at the session of the I5iir{,'omasters and Schepens, Martin I Wijiir iwnl Willlain 
 Buckmuit, hein^' ahsent, this .'U"' i,f Au,i,Mist li;:i4, at the CitylJall in Neii<-Ainst,rilum. 
 Akknt va.v IIaitkm. 
 lly order of the IJur^'omasters and Schepoiis of the C!ity of Xcm-A/nnf, rrAoisrnATKs OK Mii.wot r (IYatui-sui auk aki uoui/kd lo ikvv a tax. 
 On tho day, date underwrittiii, the Magistrates of tiie villa-,. ..f .]f:,lwoiit suhmittcd a petition, 
 to wliich the followitif^ answer was t;iven : 
 The lion ''■ Director- (ieneral and IIi;;h CnuiK'il of X, w X,f/„;-/ TO THK 
 My Lady. 
 Agreeably to yoiir I.adysliip's reipiesf and our promise' we have commissioned Messrs. 
 Xi'vanlun iff Sil/,\ ./,i/i ,h' Id MiiiitiKjni', members of our High (\»nncil and /',iii/i/.\- Li'mliftnai. 
 Villi t/er (irl/t and (>lof Steufnm'ii Cortlanilt, Schepens of this City, to settle the lionndaries 
 between the lands of tlu^ village of GriivcHenil, of Anthiuuj J,iim,ii on C'niic;/ Ixhiml and the land 
 formerly owned \iy /i'< >/„,■/ /V/w//< /•, according to the letters-patent and dec. I>. Our aforesaid 
 eommi.s.sioners will, if it so pleases (4od, report to-morrow mornini; and tlie.->e lines are to reipie.-r 
 and admoiiLsh your Ladyship to send some persons there, wlio may take care of your Li.ly.-hip's 
 lieconHneiiding your Lidynhip with cordial greetings to Ood's protection, we remain, mv 
 New Amxt-rnlaw, y,,,,,. Ladyship's 
 SopthrlJ, IC.r.l. all'cctionate frieiul 
 To .My Lady Ihh<,vah M,„ul,j j. s^vvksant. 
 at Gravt ii ml. 
AcW York JliHtorictil li.rnnlx. 
 :, ,'„n /„vvy, n troo iiu'ivliant and iiilial)itaiit of tlii,t City of A 
 lart lii'i'll ( 
 111 ly Mil 
 of tlio FiMfiil on tlim, Court diip iiiid wlioluw Imd liiii.M.lf marri.Ml I 
 iiiiiioiicd l)y tlio Court Moscin'or Klxhimll in (1 
 riaini'd Gooihnan ('nth, jiviin' at d 
 i\iHurl(tiii/.s and, a.s tin; Kiscal t 
 i.V an iinaiitiii.ri/fd fuiintrvniaii, 
 'r,,„,ri-h, a-aiiist tiio jaudal.li- lawH and ciiHtotUH of tli.. i'nit.d 
 iirtlicr stati'd and provus in 
 (•..inniund of Imh lawful guardian, tli„ H.-u"" Diroftor-Oct.ural, also will 
 the ImuH and who has ho far failed tu niak.' his appcaran 
 Ins charj^i', contrary to the ailvii'c and 
 lout pruviously puiiiishiiM' 
 And wlu'i-cas thii Fiscal 
 tho Biiid van Jiiui'ij ho coiidcniiicil in cdiilm 
 demands hv his motion, fxhil.itcd on the T' of Scptcmhcr lf!:.l, that 
 Therefore, after 
 Nitln'rliiiid, in ll 
 |iropcr invocation of the Lord, the l)ircctor-( 
 10 naiiKi and hclialf of their Ni 
 Ciilt,;! y,thirfr-(Jeneral and Council of A 
 Immisterin^' just id! at ll 
 le lli^'h: .Mij,'ht; tho Lonls-Slates-(ieneiu 
 irtM!tors of the I'rivileired \V'e>t India ( 
 foiindi'il in law and thei-i'fore t 
 Moleinni/.ed at (. 
 e re.,iiisition of iho Fiscal, declare, that th.' FiH'al's el 
 1 of tho 
 niarriaire < 
 .f ./,>/, 
 lai'L'esare true and 
 'iiinniM 'I'll/ 
 '/ alK 
 1 JA 
 ireenm,'}, and .■onlirmed hv an iinaiitliori/.ed jmr-oii contrary to the laud 
 I rill Virl,th. 
 and customs of Xrtli.-rhiin/ ami withoiil 
 il)le lawi 
 tho Diri'ctor (ieiieral and C 
 led t, 
 luni'il unlawful and t 
 previous piihli,atioii of tho l.aii», is lierehy declared hy 
 id ,/ 
 un ftin 
 io separate under penalty of i,Lin;f punished nccor.lin- t 
 V and Maria \\r/,f/i 
 Thus done etc., Xnr .1, 
 »SV/A, 6'. r,(ii Wirri7i„(; II, I. 
 'I III, 
 o law for livintr in 
 I'l'lhr II, li;,M, presint the l)ire(tor-(icneral, Mr. .V. ,le 
 Answ,:k ok ,.,,.: Dm., ,o. , I,.,, ,= a,. am. Co, n. „, n. .„„ ,,„:r,Ku ok h.k M, uoomastkus ktc 
 OAIKI. Al Ol XT ;!1, liKKKUlilNO I I' To TlIK lU.MK ArTIIOItniKS. 
 We h:ul not int,.nded to .iye an answer in wri.in;^ upon a case .o often discusoed and ..roved 
 sosilheientlytohenot less la,r, than necessary, and we shonl, , have meddle.l with it anv 
 turtlu-r, It It were not for the purp,.se to j^ive, at the request of the liur^-omasters and S.-henen; 
 """•'•'• '"'■t^"l'"l Mifonnation and report to the Lord.-Directors and whonuner it concerns of ou^ 
 endeavors, to ohuh. suh^idies and money, and of the dilat,.ry excu-es and pretenses' of tho 
 l..ii-.m.asters and Schepcn.s hroiii^ht forwanl to ol,.,,ru,.t so re.sonahle and m nt a n.ei.nre 
 V^CHssent to and pa... over the statement of the Ilurgomasters i„ re;;ard to what has pa.sed 
 Letwei-n them and us in presence of the two ministers. 
 W,. had expevted. that the Burironusters and Schepens would more value their promi.se made 
 ' "•". eo>,cenu,>:c the raisin,^ an.l procuri,,,. of a sul.sidy. hut a. they have failed to fuHiH i, „.. 
 'l'-me.l .t ourduty. actin,,MimhMMhe i,,struc,ions fn.n, the Diree.ors and feeli,,.Mhe ur.n.|„.y of\l^ 
 ■ase, to remmd the Jfa^stracy in writing, ..f their diiths and promises, of which they ackn^wled... 
 .1- Mil,, ant,., par, leavin,^ ..nt l„.w,.verall n,..„,ion „r tl„. amounts ,,. I,., p..,i,| ,•„, „,., ,.,„, „,,,,:,, 
 "•" '""''^ '■"• '""'''"'^ ""• < ''^- -'I- -'■' l-aMwo,!. I, ha, never heen • in.enii,.n. ,hal ,l,c 
 Karhi Colonial Settlement!^. 
 Burgomasters and Sclioppiis should pay ami support all, for tliat would IxMiot less unfair, than 
 inip(issil)le, and our memorial of Au^'ust 4"' was not meant so much to berate, iis to remind t.io 
 Burgomasters and Selie]»ciis, who understood the noeessity as well as we, to fullill their j)romise8 
 made and suliseril)ed hy t'.iem on the 13"' of Mareh XK^'A, to wit : * 
 " The I'urj^omasters and Seheiiens of this City of Nvw-Aiiisft'rdiun, Martin Cre<]i,n\ who is 
 absent cxce])ted, advise and demonstrate, tliat above all it is neeessary to eneloso the greater part of 
 the City of Ni'w Amsterdam witli pallisades and after this has been done as speedily as possible to 
 \i\\i Fort AmMcrilaiii \\\ ^yini\ %\\\\\>\i for defense, to serve as a jihuc of retreat. They offer fpointed them of their income, 
 the returned accounts and the retpiests or renionstraiu'cs of the lU"- and 81" of August annexed 
 thereto show with sufficient conclusiveness the (ir.-t, to wit the accounts submitted, thai the 
 revenue from the Kxcisc was not employed according to the intentions ancl .stipulated conditions, 
 in pasiug the mini.sters' .salary and the ex|)enses for the fortilications, but rather in entertaining 
 and seiuling olT one Li lilue, the second, that is llu' reiiuest or remi)nstraure ut' the ;'.r' Augu.st, 
 to which what follows herealtcr may >erveas answer, that although ]ii'ersuasion, we arcs obliged t.> find means ourselves or else to repiirt to the 
 Lonlsl'atroons the excuses, subterfuges and ilisinclination of our subjects in this matter, the more 
 .so, as It is well known and proved, that thi' export duties on peltries amounting year in year out 
 to hardly more than '.'O to 22 thousan.l guilders are not sutlicient to support the present civil, 
 ecclesiastical and military establislim.'iit, ami t.. defniy besides other cxpeii-ses and outlays, 
 necessary for the actjnisition of ammunition, repairs of the fortification, public works, churches, 
 houses etc. 
 As to the request, that a Schont might be appointed to complete the Court, according to the 
 order of the Lords-Directors, the Ihirgoma.sters ami Sehejiens are right in stating, that at the 
 urgent recpiest of Mr. \V,);kh<>cfi> we intended to connnission for this place Jacpus Cortcljou. 

 JiJarly Colonial Settlements. 
 Ho, lunvever, found liimsolf aggrieved by the instruct ions given liini and we have been compelled 
 to defer the matter, until the Lords-Patroons shall have approved or altered the inBtruetions, as 
 iirst framed, or until wo Hnd anotiior capable person. 
 On the last point tlie I^urgoma^sters and Schepeiis liavc been correctly informed by their 
 colleagues Pdulun Lieiuhrtnen and Olof iitevemon. To provide for the above stated wants, the 
 Director-General and Council have found it necessary and concluded, to levy on the houses and 
 lots, the owners of which pay no cattle or ground tax, the ]()U"' i)eniiy for this year. The 
 burgomasters state, they had also resolved, to le\y such a tax, to raise their quota, which they 
 pretend to be 3000 guildei-s. This point has substantially been answered before. The Director- 
 General and Council care very little, whi'tlier the lOO"' penny is ordered to bo levied by and 
 paid to them or to tlie IJm-gomasters and Sche]tens, as long as the proceeds are used according to the 
 instructions of the Lords-Directors, to ease their burdens and for the civil and military servants. 
 Wo have s])ent more time, than we intended, in explaining and answering these jxtints, but 
 it was done for the better information of the Burgomasters and Schepens as well as of the hords- 
 Patroons, to whom this letter with the request or memorial of tlie Burgomasters and Schepeiis 
 and our resohition concerning tlie tax of the IdO"' penny will lie sent, that they may iiiai. 
 !, *. 
 Oboeu OS A I'EirnoN from tue Coiki oi- Jfinwoi'T and Ame8F(X)Kt respectixo criuucii 
 The Magistrates of }f;,lii'niit and Amesfoort presented to the Couiuil a petition, which is 
 copied into the Book of Petition and to wliicli the following answer was given. 
 It is resolved upon the petition of tlie Court of M'nlicmt and A iii,xf,iort, first coneerning 
 the proposition to continue tlu^ teacher, that tln'v must pi ed in tliis matter accordiiii; t<> the 
 rules <,f the church and await tlie answer of the Linl.-Directors t.. tjie request made hy the said 
 Court or its de|)itties. Meanwhih' the i)irei'tor-(Teni'iMl and Council are satisfied, that the jiresent 
 teacher. D" PoUhiiilufi. ;\\U'ni\ to the divine service among them, until further onlers shall have 
 been received from the Fatherland and they also consent, that he shall receive for his ministrations 
 a pro])er and fair remuneration in conformity with tlie teachings of the Apostle Paiilus, '' thnt 
 Iw, who serves at ill)' ii!f/ and on the mainland opposite to^t'he White 
 Ston,- imt .piite two leagues fm^n M.m/iattas hhuuf. We do not know, by who.se authority and 
 an.M TUK PooitnousK IN Amstkkiiam. 
 After reading the letter of the Xoble J^jrds-Directors, the Director-General and (Jouncil 
 resolved, to hire the house (f Jlr. Allerton and lodge there the children sent over by the 
 Poorinasters and to direct Pttor Lcfvver, who has hired the same house, not to move into it for 
 this and other weighty reasons. 
 Done at New- Amsterdam, November !•"' IG'A. 
 P. Sti-vvksant. 
 ' t 
 Nomination asp Ai'POiNTMENr ok A[A(;isTKATrs foit IIkmpstkai). T,. I. 
 The Hon''" Director-General and (\)niK'il having reciMvcd the nomination made by the 
 inhabitants of IfcuiKtale, from which their Honors are to elect aiui confirm two ]>eraons to serve 
 as .Magistrates for the eiiBuing year, select and confirm herewith out of the persons nominated, 
 y\7.:^\r.Sflckl((wJ. John Sytnoit, Ruh^rt AniiiuDi and llnrij /'<,.(/'a,///, these two, viz : Jtjhn 
 Symons and /if))jrrl Axsimait. 
 Done Ncin Ainsltrdam November 10"' \*\U\. 
New York lliHtonoal Records. 007 
 Lktiku fuom tiik Duuxtou to the Maoistkatks ok Mi,-mi.>;.,-....> .... 
 \u . 1 1.1, ,. , Tifids and Good Friends. 
 Wo luuc sclectcl and ..onf.rnK.d o„t tho names .sul.initto.l to us John Symans ami lM,ert 
 A^naan.. Ma.,stnUe.s fo,- M,o next ,ear. J!„t wo Lave nlready Lefo,. now sfa.o.l, ,,ha a 
 odd ninnber would l.o .nore eonvenie.U, than an even one, ,0 deei.le all ouest .n an 
 .ldro.vnee.s t,ereo,.o we ...lu.voitw..uld be botte.- for the peueo of the village to add ft i 
 n..^nllage. In the n.enn.une wo reeonnuen-l ,ou to fVar God, honor ^our authomie.s and obo^ 
 Helving licreon we remain 
 ^\ew-Aiiixt<'rd((in a- ,, • . • , , 
 iNovbr 10, 1654. ' ' ^'■^■"-'"^^■"t'""e«l Governor and friend 
 !'• StI VVKSANT. 
 To the Inhabitanta 
 of the village of llecmstcdc. 
 Novi.:miii:i£ 1H, ie,:,i. ' 
 (Se... Laws an,l ( )r.linan,vs of .V. w-.Yef/uT/und, p. 184.) 
 ■^'■"^"■'^ "■''■■''• ^'"^""■•'^ MOKHIS OK GuAVKSKN-n TO DiK. STIVVKSVVr 
 Honored B'. 
 '•""I nt,.nu,., ,t ,s a eonunaun.l to mee from vomvelf and Couneill to „, l- 
 appearancebetore vou the IT'" ,.f ibim,iv mv diitve I b>in,. -u.i .,\ ;. »i • 
 ./o/u,..„n failein.^and //,A, „' i, ' .''f^-'-d v,,,H,n betw.xst .b,,u I,,,,),, ,„„ /.,,,, 
 'iMtve fhit .itti.fu.ti ,M 1 • , ^^'/T-/^v,«„, re,inin.ing mee t.. d,... ,nv 
 J. , ^ca.e luc uonld make, sm.staefon and allthongh before many wittnesse. hoe ,iid thou 
 Ml \'^ 
 Alarly Colonial Settlcmenta. 
 againc acknowledge tlic debt and Focinod to bee willing to paye, ycttt being (: as is eonseined :) 
 otherwise advised refused to doe it vppon wliieh his goods was apprised to the ITull valhie ;iiid 
 sattisfaetion and paieinent made to ye Creditor. But in ease reiter Joliiixonn. \a not eontented 
 and will please to eiigiige, that I niaye have f-attisfaetion both for niyselfe and wittnesses, in ease 
 the said Pecter Johmonii is caste in ye Action, I shall be readdic to obeye your ConniiMuiid 
 otherwayes I hope and desire I niaye bee excused froui further truble or cliarge, in reguard tliat 
 as my seU'e soo the rest of iny neighbours (: whom I must bringe in as wittnesses;) nre men that 
 line onely by our handy laliour and therefore humbliu intreate your Answer by this bearer resting 
 yo' humble seruant 
 Jo: MoKuis BO. 
 Grauesand, this 14"' 
 Nouemb A° D. 1654 sti : no : 
 To the rionouml Peeter Stuyvemnt Kwj fiouern' (u. 
 Ifew Aineterdam this present. 
 n" u 
 f the .V. Netherlands att ye ilortc of 
 Before the Council appeared Pieter Ilartgers as deputy from tlie Court of /•;,/•/ <)r,n„i'' and 
 Beverwjck; who verbally as well as in writing, made the following pr.iposals and re(iu(sts, to 
 wiiich tliu Director-General and Council gave answer, as noted in the maigiii : 
 The Commissarifts are hereby authoripied, 
 to riMnind Ahraham, the car|)enter, who has 
 taken the contract for the work and has been 
 ])aid the greiiter part, of his duty and if he 
 still remains careless, to com|)el him, as the 
 work requires it. The Connnissiirie.s may 
 make contracts for the rest to the best 
 advantage of the Company 
 That the new Iiouse of the Company should 
 be speedily completed. For want of funds 
 they cannot do it. 
 The soldier's shall bo sent to the Commis- 
 Kiiries. The request coucerning 2 st. for each 
 beaverskin is denied. 
 That six soldiiTs be sent nj> to go the 
 roiiinls and for olliei' services, and that for 
 their siqpiiort two stiiyvcrs may lie levicij on 
 each beaverskin, ser'.t away, wlui'li cuiild lie 
 ileiluctcd, whin the duties are [)aid at tlie 
 CiPMipany's "fli<-e. 
New Yovh IliHtoi'ieal liemi da. 
 The Coiniiiissjiry Curd van lirmjye vyill 
 reccivoordoratoscnd 20011)3 and Mr. Ahrain 
 Stua/s will l)u written to to deliver the l)id 
 iiiieu of tli(! laKt 101) ll)s to the nia^'istriiteH, 
 but u correct account of this and what was 
 formerly sen I; mnst be kept and submitted. 
 lie asked for a (jnantity of f,'unpowder for 
 Fort Oranye and its small garrison. 
 The Director-General and Council aj)prove 
 of it. 
 It has been necessary to let the Tavern- 
 keepers' Exi'iso on wine and beer, in order 
 to prevent smuggling. 
 The Dir. (!eii' ami Ilii;li Council have 
 conferred witli Phtcr Ilarigfru on this 
 milter and given him directions. 
 That some new gmunds bo allotted for 
 building lots. :is all the formerly allotted 
 ground has been built on. 
 They must first show, in what points the 
 instructions given, rcipiire to be amplified. 
 ITc requested an ami)lifieatir>n of the in- 
 structions, given by the Dir. Gen' and High 
 Council to the Commissaries of the Court at 
 Fart Oramje and Btivrwi/rl: 
 He shall receive l.'iO tl vcarlv. 
 That the Messenger Peifr Ryverdinyh 
 receive an increase of his monthly salary. 
 l>ir. Gen' and Council agree, that the 
 Coiiiuiissaries should have a reumneration 
 for ;lieir services and loss of time, according 
 t.> tile decision given to their rccpiest on the 
 i:!'" M.iv Iti.Vt." 
 That the f^llllmi^saries receive a salary to 
 compensate them for their services and loss 
 of time. 
 Thus done in the session held by tlio Hon''''' Director-G.-nord and High Council at A' 
 Amst.rd.im, October 28'" l.!.-,4 and euntinued .m the is". \.,vcml.cr, present the Diix'ctor 
 (ieiieral J\trm iituyu^mint, Mr. Xirasiux ,1,' Sille and Li Montaync. 
 When^as the inhabitants of Grm'ewiul have repeatedly complained, that n.. order was kept 
 there and ih,. fences and palhVadcs were not cared for, because the former Mairistrates ^'.v./y,. 
 lli.>'f,'r anhard had for imi.ortanl reasons been removed from ollico bv tho 
 Director-General and Council: 
 Karly Colonial Settlements. 
 Tlieivforo the lion''"'' Direi-tor-CJcnural I'eirim StuyvemnI ami ilio Hon''" i[r. Kimsiua de 
 Sille mid Mr. La 3fon(ii(jni' o( tlio Ilin;li ("ouiic-il ii|.iiL':iivd to-il.iy, tlic L';{'' of NovfinluT, in 
 pers(jii ami in pivseiu'o of tlio wliok; coimiiuiiity projuisuH, tliat tlicy should litiiur iioiuiiintc luiw 
 Magistriitos or runiaiii satistied with lliu presuiit iiicuiuheiits, viz: Wlllldia Wlllckc^ns, OomiiiiBsary, 
 Jan Miiurits, Schout ami John Tiltoii, Secretary of the iilacc, until the next election of ^Majjistrates 
 or adii a fourth otlicer to the ahovo named tiiree. 
 Ileroupou a unanimous answer was returned to the Director-Ciencral and IIij;h Couneil, that 
 thoy were satistied with the said thri'e otHcers, until the timi! should have come for a new election. 
 This was :\t I UK 
 vrvivi sant: Taxks ami T1i:vi;nik8 ; 
 Renssklakkswvck: ]3oi'.vt>AHii:s ani> tiik Tkkatv ok irAuii-otui : Mkoko S[,avi;s. 
 lfi.54, 23' of Xoveud.er 
 I>V the ship " Conincl- Sido 
 IFonorahle, Prudent, Pious, Dear, Faithful. 
 ived lieri! on tiie 10"' of yei)teml)er last 
 wi' l'eceive( 
 your -general letter of the 27"' of Jidy of thi.s year, and as the " (iroote C/irixtofcl" and " Swart, : 
 Arent" are now ready to sail, we shall not let tlic iii)|iortunity ])ass to auswer your letter ami add, 
 what is refiuired. 
 We have not been pleased to learn, that t!i" irn>at 
 if the itdialiitatits could not 
 persuaded by any arii;nments to consider the i)ealiMLr to their conscience, vou oni,'ht not to have 
 ncffloete either ti 
 voliintarilv or levied 1 
 JV execution. 
 ler such circumstances the ruli- 
 1 \y' ]iai(l 
 actimr with 
 circunispeetion and discretion and considering,' the financial abilities of each individual cannot bo 
 The measures introdueiMl by you later are approved ,,f for the present, except that we again 
 .s(! coiitniry to our lUMini.se, 
 ear an iiii])ort 
 irivate trailers. 
 find, that duties have been im]M>sed on some articles of mei-chand 
 made to merchants here ; although it nmy ho said, that tiiis kiml of goods 
 duty, that is not the que.«tion, from which the diflicu, arises. Thc^^e peopl 
 who have contracted with us, that tjiey ar(.' to ship such goods jiaying such duties on tliciii : as 
 they are hold to their part of the contiict, the (' 
 case, we are coiii|)i']]ed to give you once more our serious opinion 
 namely, that vou are to ob-crve the contracts, madr' by us here, to ll 
 we are 
 firmly resolved, if vou do iint. to t.ike other measures. 
 le .'idmmi^tratlon o 
 f alhi 
Neto Yorh Ilintorical liLcanh. 
 Ndhcrland\u\>i.h]i you to consider, whether tjio aforesaitl revenues, each service being taken se[>arately, 
 might not be fanned out in one or the other district, for we think a farmer of tho revenues would 
 pay more attention to tlicir colieclion. 
 i>. We have i)een glad to learn, that the last embassy to the (rovernor of Vii'ijinid has been 
 tiie inducement for extensive trade and sale of merchandise. Yon will do well to cultivate this 
 friendship by all possibh' means. 
 0. \ our action in suspending the jilacat sent you concerning the exportation of cattlo has led ns 
 to exannne the same and we are consiilering some dillicnlties, which might arise from its publication. 
 Tliey are not the same as tho-c, ol' which yon are afraid, namely that the Xfio KiKjIaml \w^<\<\n might 
 be instigated by it to publish a similar prohibition in their country, whereby our people would sutler 
 the most, as undoubtedly they draw many animals from that ijuarter, where there are a larger mmd)er 
 of tiiem and can be bought at more advantageous prices th.m in ourrrovince. There is little fear 
 therefore, that cattle will be exported from J'<'«i Nitlierhind imd we consider tho publication of 
 this placat on this point ipnte imnecessary, a.^ to the second point contained in it, concerning tho 
 slaughtering of cattle, good rules nnist and can be made, as there is no diliiculty and it will not 
 prejudice any one. You have herein the best experience and are therefore hereby authorized 
 to draw u|)another placat concerning this mattertobe published and executed pursuant to its form 
 and tenor. 
 7. Regarding the rumnng and deternuning the bonnd.iry lino between Fort Oraiujt' and the 
 Colony, we reconmiend that it be done tho earlier thebetter and although we [irefer not to express 
 our linal opiidon on the tenth to be paid by said Colony, until other private ])arties actually pay 
 theii's and ihe Company is in a po.-ition to receive the .said tt'ntli ; yet we must >:iy, that 
 meanwhile, when you impo>e some new taxes, yon slioidd a.sse.-s the Colony provi.-ional '■ for one 
 . >■ s' * 4. 
 'i .?i 
 Early Colon inl Settlements. 
 year in tlio lump mikI t(i biicIi ;in ainoniil, as t'oiihiilorinj^ tlio ImiUliii^fi, laiul and cattio in tlio 
 Colony, |trivato sottiors would pay i?) pi'oportioii : acconliiij,' to tliirt HHncHsniuiit they iiiust 
 immediatoly pay tliofr taxes and ii i'idv n ,ui*i! >■ property of tlio Colony ninut Iw levied \ipon. 
 8. Yon may uactiio enclowd ionw tor palonts and wo nliall bo glad to rowiivo a statcniont of 
 all the lands suc'cosfiivoly {i;ranted, to bo nned for oiir information, as it outrlit to lie. We think 
 inoro attention ought to liavo been ])aid to the t>li8tinato refusal of (ieor(je ISuxttr to deliver tho 
 lottora of the Ah^Z/VA colonies; wo iiavo already written about former proeeodingu of liim and 
 some of his iwconiplices. If with tho [lowi r yon have, you do not dure to puinsh a few seditions 
 jjcrsonsas a warning example toothers, then wo willingly admit, that wo see no way of suppressing 
 evils, which if they remain unpunished gradually increase iu struiigth. 
 9. We had been informed, that no order existed in the use of weights and measures auil had 
 therefore writttMi you on this matter. As ik>w however we hav.^ yimr dill'ering ailviccs, we are at 
 ease about it and have orilered the desired whole and half scliepel measures, which you may oxpoet 
 with this letter. 
 10. W^e do not know, what has astonisheil ur most : that the new ly arrived Swet lie iioriie and when occasion offers otiu'r meuf-ures must bo ado]'ted. so 
 that W(' may not fare worse. In order to prove here, when necessary, the impropriety of thesi- 
 proceedings and the violation of the Company's title to their lawful property, you are directeoso tlieni, lirst by wai'uing them olF, then by force; 
 liowover so oidy, that no other trouble is caused to the people, tluMi that liny aw ]>revente" of July ; what follows is to 
 give you lurther infornmtion. 
 16. Among the enclosures received in th.- said h tter w,. found several depositions concerning 
 the n.fauious surren.ler of tlie ( 'ompanyV fort on ti>e South river, which are neither eworn nor 
 attested. As this is necessary fur its j^.titiratlon, we have concluded to write and onler you not 
 only to send thorn ovor duly Authenticated, but also henceforth to do the same with all other 
 depositions concerning the ( 'ompany's interests, that we can make use of them in  Mathut,, who is to sail with his ship 
 Jonfjc lohui, to IWtn m,'o ; upon his re-piest we havo al... given iiim permission to bring 
 salt IroMi Ihu-na.rnu^ S,w .Wtfurlund on condition of his paving to vou such duties as aro 
 impose.1 and on t ho goods and merchandise, wliicii he mav bring besides, 1(5 per cent as otlier 
 traders pay here to the Company for outgoing goods. That you mav be better posted in this 
 matter, we send you eiRlo.sed tlie invoice of tlie cargo of tlie .sakl ship taken in iiere. 
 n. Experience lias taiigiit us, tliat Aew Xetlwrland tobacco is packed in ho-shoads very 
 deceitttilly witli intention to .lefraud, for tiio top lavers at i,oth ends are of tlie best .p.alitv, while 
 in the middle the worst and most rotten is jmck. 1. The bad condition an.l rottennos originated 
 tlirongh moisture, as the tobacco is packed too damp and ni.t sulKcientiy cured, which causes tho 
 leaves to turn black at the edge.> and spoils tiiem. while if tiiey retain tlieir veilow color tiirou-iout 
 tlM>y brmg a much higher price. T.. prevent this tlie iii>pectors of tobacco" should be directed and 
 strict, held to keep a close watch either by opening tlie hogslieads at both ends and taking out 
 the i.,lKiceo to see whether it is dry and well cure.l or bv son,.. oth.M- .•..nveiiient and saf.. means 
 M are cnsidered be.st; in <■ ,„e ..f negle.'t or c.nnivaiu.e th.. inspector must be reiiu.ve.l from 
 oth.-e. lurth...., tlie planter, then- iiui^f 1„. infornu.d, that much depends ..n tho cultivatiuf^ and 
 curing ..t th,. tobacco, for it is c..nsi.h.r..,l ,h strong.T an.l p!,.asant..r, wh. n it is prum.,I in'tim.., 
 during Its growth ; ..m.l if after drying it has a g.M„l yellow ...,l.,r, it has been found to he valued 
 • l)i«chBrK„ "I IhrlhoUl H.i„ik.„. a HoKlirr in tl„. r„n.|mn}'H mTvLo 
 •* Hefers to tho ncc.iut of Crntu Ooma v,„i U.tiUm. a foriii..r .sorvaiit ..f tho ('..mpany. 
 JCavhj Colonial StttltmentH. 
 much hiphor horo, brinpinpf ono-lmlf iw miu'li moro, tliiin tho Vtrginia tcbaewo. Wo Iwliovo tliitt 
 to 111- II iiialtcr (if coiiHiiltTiildo iiiipurfiiiicc, to wliifli nil i>osiriwHed our ojiinioim and tk'sires ; especially, that we liy no meaim understand or wish this to he 
 done there by you without our kuowledfje. Later, on the 5"' of this month, we havo renolved 
 upon just and well fouuilod complaints made to tw hero hy traders, that tho said newly imposed 
 and eulleeted duties shall he refunded there hy you and that this may he done so much sooner and 
 with tho least iiiconveiiienee to you we shall remit to you now one fourth of the Iti per cent duty 
 (m) that wo retain horo oidy 12 p. c. for i^ikxIh shipiwd to Nem Netherland,) which fourth part or 4 
 p. cent., received hy you necki r, 
 whose aliilitie-i, wc admit, deserve of a hotter and hiirher position ; for hesides hein^ a well 
 conducted man, experienced in hiisiiu'ss, liavinj,' served faitlifuily for some years as j>/'iicin'i:iir 
 (Btate's attoiiiey) and notary at Schietfuin, he is a yoimj; man of sound judgment and writes a neat 
 and Mianlv style. You may try hitii and employ him provi^ionally in the ollii'i; or in some other 
 place, for we have couchided, that he shall remain there in the Company's sorvici', rceommendiuj; 
 that upon the fTrst occasion olleriuf; yon ^'ive to the said Decker a proiKir and decent appointment, 
 for wo are contident that the ('omi)any and you will ho henelltted hy his <^ood and faithf\d 
 24. Whereas some time ago and afjain now groat complaints have l)ceu made concern iiifj; tho 
 deliverv of private letters comin;.' thetice, which are often kept undi^liven I two or three weeks 
 or lost entirely to the great disad\antaj;e of private traders and others, therefore we direct yo\i 
 herewith to have a box or chest made there, in which tho said letters are to be collected and then to 
 give them, well secured in one ]iackage to the supercargo, whi'uever a ship sails, with orders to 
 haiul tliciii to us on arrival hero, so that the peojile can ipiickly receive them. 
 i."). As passenger of tho ship '• (Jrnte C'hriiitoff'i'l" comes over a freenum, Jean /'an/ Jacijuct 
 with his family; as he docs not know any one there iiud intends to engagi^ in farming, we couM 
 not upon his re(]uest refuse hiui a letter of recommenilation, the m Xitlwrhniil and sell to tlm iidialiitants, 
 on condition, that they jtay to the Com]iany here for the goods and proceeda from their sale of 
New 1 oik Ilintoiuul Jiecarda. 
 HlavoB, hroiiglit bii^k hero in tlio saiiio aiiip, tlio lugiil iluoa or, if tlio Company profora it, tbo uiuiU 
 tuiiiiagu fuert pui'buiuit to tlio mien tor trade to tiie couHt of y^/Wcrt. The onuloBtid extract ft'iin our 
 rcHoiutionH of tlio lU"' in»t. gives }(m fiirllicr inforiniition. 
 27. Tiie invoiuea iinany may not bu defrauded of her diiea. 
 Herewith etc etc 
 AnuiUrJdm, Tlio Diroctora of tliu W. I. Comp.my 
 23'' of Novbr, 1054. Department of Aiiuit'rn the ])resent Schcpena of this City of Ifeio 
 Atiisti rtlnin : 
 Whereas they have learned from atlixed handbills, that your Hon''''' Worship:* intend to 
 let by public auction on the 2.")"' of November next to tho highest bidder the Tavernkeepera' 
 Excise on wiiU'S and beer within this City, 
 Therefore they, the undersigned, beg leave to remind your Hon''''' Woiuhips, that by a letter 
 from the Noble Lords- Directors, Department of AinnU'rihun, Masters and Patroons of this 
 Province, the excise in this City was conceded to the City. Hence we submitted to your Hon'''" 
 Worships several d(x;mnentB on the 31" August, wherein wo niiule such promises, tha; v.o were 
 entitled to iio])e, everything would he settled to our mutual satisfaction. As yet we have received 
 no answer, so that we have not been able! to do one tiling or the other, and we trust that your 
 Hon'''" Worships will not deprive the (/ity of tho revenue from the aforesjiid Excise, conceded and 
 granted to us by tiie Lirds-Patroons. II however your Hon'''* Worships should reipiire funds, it 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 would be, in our liumblc opinion, pr'^feniblo to levy for thcni on tlio country generally, but not on 
 this City alone. We refer this matter to your Hon'''" Worships' wise discretion and commend 
 your Hon"" Worships to the gracious protection of God, remaining 
 Thufi done at our session Your lion''''' Worships' humble servants 
 in the City Hall at New- Amsterdam, P. L van dek GnEFr, Wii.n. Bkkckman, 
 November 23'' 1654:. Oloff Sffvenson, Pietkr "NVolfertsen. 
 The snbstaRco of the foregoing roquost luus licon sufiiciently answered by tlie reply to their 
 request, entered above, therefore no further reply to this is necessiu-y. 
 Resolutions it) let tue Citv Excise to tuk nidiiEsr hiudei;, also the Excise fob Bkeucklen, 
 It is resolved by the Council : Wheroas there are no bidders come at present, the Tavern- 
 keepers' E.xcise on beer and wine.s to be consumed in this City during the next year sliould be let 
 publicly to the highest bidder on next Monday at the house of Seigeant Daniel Litschoe and this 
 is to be made public by h:indl)ills. 
 New-Amsterdam, Novemlier '25'" 1054. 
 It is resolved by the Council, to let j>ublicly at the Ferry at the firnt opportunity to the highest 
 bidder the excise on wines and beer in the village of lirciicHi >i, Midiroiit, Av^ersfoort and 
 adjacent places, the lion'''' Dircctor-Ocnenil and High Council being induced thereto by 
 important reasons. 
 Thus done etc New Amsterdam, Novbr 25"' 1G54. 
 P. Stuvvesant. 
 NrcAsii-s HE SiLLE, La Montaonk 
 C. van TlllENllOVKN. 
 This day, date underwritten, I, JJirck Jtinsen, ha\o sold, as in the iiresence of tlie underwritten 
 witnesses I declare for mystjif and my de; "endants, to have sold, to the Secretary Coi'iulis van 
 Ruyven, without persiia.sion or inducement on the part of anyone my tract of land situate in 
 Flatbush, otherwise called J/ .:V/«>om<, containing 25 morgens, or more, as it shall be determined by 
 the survey, and so much meadow as shall be allowed to each lot, together with all tl.at is at present 
 planted thereon and is fastened by earth and nail, \'iz: a house and barn, as at present can be seen, 
 and that free and imincimbered, without and charge standing thereon or accruing, save the Lord's 
 right. For the ]>urchase of said tract of land with the buildings, I have agreed on the sum of fl. 
 525, say five hundred and tiventy-five guilders, payable in the following installments; two himdred 
 and twenty-five guilders down ; half in merchantalile goods, ami the other h.ilf, one half in beavers 
 and one half in good wampum or silver money; the remaining I'nO guilders next Mayor Jmie, 
New York IluUn-ical Records. 
 payable ono lialf in beavers niul tlio other half in good silver coin, current wampum or goods, on 
 condition that the groundbrief and a proper conveyance be first delivered. All in good faith 
 without guile or deceit. 
 I, Vomclis van Jiuyven acknowledge to have bought the aforesaid parcel of land on the 
 preceding conditions. 
 Done, New Amsterdam this 2i"' November A" 1C54, in New Neihcrland. 
 Deiuck Jvnsen. 
 Cob. van Ruyven. 
 Ry me, Stoffel Micuelsen, Witness. 
 By me, DiiiCK Kkinen, Witness. 
 Order autiiorizinu w\k I.NiiAiiriANTs ok Mespacut to hanihu one Joseph Fowler from their 
 The inhabitants of Mexpncht having submitted to the Council a recpiest in English asking, 
 that Joxeph Fowler might be Iwnished from their village, !)ccau.se he does nothing else, than 
 incite 'he people, one against the otlier and cause mischief. 
 It is therefore ordered, as follows, by the Director-Cteneral and Council: the petitioners may 
 direct the said Fowler to leave the village and if he refuses, arrest him and deliver him to the law 
 Thus done etc.. New Aimtenlim, November 'J5"', 1(154-. 
 Agreement between P. L. \ an kku (Juirr and partners and the Director and Council 
 To the Noble Honorable Director- 
 Cteneral Petrufi KitKyvtmnt. 
 The Director- 
 l/ be chartered for 4 or ti 
 months to be omi)loyc(l in the ir<'.y/ India 
 trade either to liarhadoa^ Ciirdcai) or the 
 Carihean Tshiiuh. Wo thank your Honor 
 also for favoring commeree by thus offering 
 to have the ships provided with tackle and 
 rigging, to have it well caulked and made 
 ready lor de|)arture. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 It will be expected, that the associates shall 
 provision the shij) at tlieir expense and take 
 care, that the chief officers are sober and 
 careful men, able to sail the ship over the 
 The associates shall endeavor to provide 
 the sai 
 The associates request, that they may have 
 liberty to trade at all places within the Gov- 
 ernment of the Hon'"''' General, be it for salt, 
 logwood, or horses and that the price, 
 which we are to pay for the last of salt or 
 wood and for each good horse, stallion or 
 mare, be fixed. 
 Fi'.rther, that the cargo, which we shall 
 take from here, be exempted from all tolls and 
 The goods atid merchandises, which are 
 products of either nature or industry in the 
 West Indies, sliall be exempted from all 
 import duties here for this first voyage and 
 Also that the return freight, which we 
 might ivceive in the West Indiis, as salt, 
 wood, horses, indigo, c4. Your Noble Honor's 
 Very humble servants 
 CoHN. VAN ItuyVEN, ScCf". P. L. VAN KEU GuiKr, GoKN. SoUUTf, 
 * The dliiji " Ilnv " Imil Uwx\ tnken from the Swedet, dce Vul. XII, p. 7(1. — 1). F. 
Neio York Historical Records. 
 Council MranTE. Motion of Mr. La Montaqne. Proceedings of thk Council bittino with 
 THE Burgomasters and Soiiepkns, on being informed op the Director's intention to visit 
 Mr. La Montague proposes for consideration, that tho Hon'''* Dircctor-Cxeneral shall notgivo 
 any instructions without tiio knowledge of the Council. 
 Neio Amstei'dam, Uecetnber 8"', 1()54. La Montagne. 
 Present at the session the Hon"" Members of the High Council, Messsrs. Nicasius de Sille, 
 La Mimtayne and Covndis van Thienhooen, tiie Fiscal, and the Uiirgomiisters and Scliepens of 
 this City, to wit : Burgomaster Martin Vreyier and the Scliepens Paulus Leendertsen, With, 
 Beeckman and Ohff Stownnen. 
 The Hon''" Director-General Petrua Sluyvesant stated the necessity of his voyage to 
 That his Honor would send all books, letters and documents concerning the Govcrinnent of 
 The Members (f tho Council the country and now iii his charge to the Secretary's otlice, to be 
 ami tho BurgomasterH and arrange.! and put into the best possible order by tho Fiscal Thimhoven 
 Schopons consiuercu this wiso i .1 o ^ ^^ i- i> 
 aud neeesBary. '""^ ^''" ^«t:retary CimiellH van liuywn. 
 That it bo resolved to increase the present number of Burgomasters and Scliepens of this 
 The Director-General Belec'a City of ^"ew- Amsterdam by one Burgomaster and one Schepen. 
 from the perHoiis nominated by ' ' 
 the ilif^li Council AUnril An- 
 thony for Hurgoniaater and 
 John Ni'ciua as Schepen. 
 This matter ha8 been de- 
 ferred until tho new elections 
 sliall have l>een made. 
 A/lard Anthany and Miannis JVevius were then summoned before the Council and took 
 tho oath of allegiaiu.-e, the first as Burgomaster, tho other lus Schepen. 
 The. Hon'''' Director-d'cncral further delivered to the presiding Burgomaster, J/'ari'm Crigier, 
 tiie painted coat of arms of the City of New-Amderdam and tiie seal, cut in silver, sent iiy the 
 Noble Lords-Directoi-s in the ship " De /'I'refioom" 
 Thus done at Lort Am«terdam in y,-ui-\etherland. December 8"' 1054. 
 The names of the present iiurgomasters and Scliepens are 
 Will it not be for tho advantage of this City and inhabitants to 
 nominate now .-^ome ])roper peivous, from whose nmnber in due time 
 Iiurgomasters and Scliepens of this City for the ne.xt year could be 
 Martin Vrigier 
 Atfard Aitt/iony i 
 /'aidiifi Licndcrtxi'n van d> r (rrift, 
 Willi. liiCfkiiiaii, 
 J'litir Wolphcrt^i'n van Chuioenhovon., 
 <)l(if Stt.rfn.wn ( 'ortlandt, 
 Johannis Nanus. 
 December .S"- lt;r)4. 
 CotTNCiL Minute, 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 i.v Holland anij voting him a kkward. 
 At the incctiiig of tlio Hon"- Diieetor-Gonci-al and Hi.;!. Council of mw-Netherland the 
 report of S' Al/ard Anthony was received and read concerning tlie good elforts made in the 
 Fatherland pursuant to his commission in tlie service of this Province and its good inhabitants. 
 The Director-General and Council being well i>lcased with his services, express to him their 
 and the good inhabitants' thanks and resolve to further acknowledge them, by making him a 
 Thus done at Fort AmntenJam, Decbr. 17"' 165-lr. 
 Whereas by removal some ollicers' positions in the Burgher Comi.anies have become vacant 
 and whereas it is deemed necessary to fill these jilaces again, 
 Therefore Pauliis Leendcrtsen van dcr Grift, Lieutenant in tiie Company under the blue 
 flag is hereby chosen and a])ix)inted Captain of the same Company. Dan.id Litschoe, Sergeant, is 
 appointed Lieutenant and Cirnc/i.s ./(tcobgen Stcimojck Eiisisjii. 
 Thus done etc Decbr 17" 1654. 
 r. Stuyverant. 
 N. UE SiLLE, La Montaonk. 
 Appointmhnt or Commissioneus fok i.riLni.No a c.icucii and parsonage at Midwout. 
 A vote having been taken on the rcp.est of the commissaries of the village of Mulwmt to 
 have i.uilt there a church and a.'commodation for the minister, it has been reso'lved to prepare and 
 build in the village of Midirout a house of about tU) to t;5 feet in length, 28 feet in width and 12 
 to U feet high under the crossbeams, with an extension in the rear, where a ehi'.nber may be 
 partitioned off for the ].reacher, while the divine .service can f.,r the present be held in the front 
 part, until we have more funds and the material necessary for a clnirch has been collected. Then 
 this building shall be used as a pareoiuige and barn. 
 To i.ronujt,,. this work the Kev^ D" M.yapol.nsis, ^finister of the Gospel in the City J Now 
 Amsterdaw, Jan Smdujer and Jan S'njchr are hereby appointed and authorized to make 
 public and private contracts, as they may deem it most useful and advautageoUB for the 
 Thus done etc iVew-^OTS^cr(/am Decbr 17, 1054. 
 '",• s 
Neiv Yo7'k Ilistwical Records. 
 31, 1654. 
 (Sco Laws and Ordinaiicos of New Netherlands p. 185.) 
 Council Minute?, Kumohs of an iNTicNiniu invasio.n of I,,ono Island by the United New 
 England Colonies: Commissioneus ouueked to visit the new skitleuent at Oyster Bay. 
 27"' of January (1655.) 
 At tho luecting of the lumoi-.iMc^ Iligli Couiicil, hi.~ Honor tho Dircetor-fn'iieral being absent,* 
 Iield ill Fori AmsUrdaiii, T'lswil Coriulh ma Tii'nhoi'ni. loixirtcd : lie liad Iwimi itiformod on Friday 
 tlie [22'] of January, tliat Gi-onje liaxtrr coming from iV<„; Knijlaud had crossed the East 
 river on the i(!e at Wlii Stoiu; and :irri\ccl at Gravesend on Long Island, his dwelling place ; that 
 as a Schc'pcti of Bniilvhn and otiier cri' L'o.sfon and that the Lord Protector 
 of Kmjland had cr)mniis8ioncd and ciiai'i^ed the English general and t .e Colonies of New England 
 to take Long /s/und from the />i/fe/i no/>->i,i rolcnn and brir.g it under their jurisdiction, also that 
 this shouM he done at the latest lu^xt May. Altliough there is no doubt that this report was 
 forged and invented by people bearing ill will again.stthe Z>«(f<7i nation, especially beciiuse neither 
 our Noble Lords ami gracious Sovereigns nor the Colonies of N'ew E/igluiid haw given us any 
 information about it, when they eouimimicateil the treaty of ]ieace now lately made between our 
 home government ; yet the Fiscal dcclareij it to lie bis duty t,, jrive this information to the High 
 Council, that in time impiiries lie made into tlie trntii thereof ;in,| .^udi orders given, as might be 
 considered nect'ssary for jirevenfing such a design. 
 Thi^ High CouiuMJ lining listened to the Fiscal's rejiort resolve, that impiiries >hall be made as 
 far as possible, wbicli however can hardly be done now, because all rivers are frozen and the land 
 and roads covered witii snow and tl. .:>•' • traveling by water or land to obtain information o*" the 
 designs of the English impossible; but as soon as the waters are free from ice and the land from 
 snow some members of the Council with one of the Magistrates of the City shall goto Fjmg 
 Island and where else it may be necessary to impiire civilly and secretly into the matter, using as 
 a jiixitext a visit to OysWr Bay in the limits of .V.v/i Netherland to order flu! withdrawal from this 
 jurisdiction of the Englishimn, who have settled there during the troubles of bust year, and in 
 ease of refus;.. ..» proti'st against them in due form. Tims resolved the It)"' of January 1055, and 
 reatlirnied the 27'* ditto at New Aninterdam in Nein Netherland. 
 Council Minute. Domink Poi.iik.mils asks kou i'icimakv assImtami:. Ah* asked for m-u.iuNo 
 a Ciuk( u Ar Minwoii, I,. I. 
 Tuesday tb- ' f February (1()55.) 
 l{efo.,tb- iioard appeared I )" /W/(,'w/)M', provisional preacher in the village of Midiront, 
 who iu-keu ix'cui.iary help priMJucing a letter from the Hon"' (ieneral, which read as tbllowd: 
 • .'v^i,,V«.w»riMvfta in ilic \\\iil tiuli.n trnm Di'c.intMT l(i.)l to July IftV) Siw Jourual of the I'mceixlings of tUo 
 Kn^liHli Annv in 'lie U'lvt fiiilie.i aijil 'I'liiirliH'H Stiitc I'lipt-M. — II. K. 
 Early Colonial Settler. lents. 
 Copy. His Honor the Fiscul will pleiiso to assist and accommodate during my absonco the bearor 
 hereof, Domino PoUwduux, in some matters re(juired by him, with wampum and also 5 to t! lbs 
 of powder. Done at Nem Ai/Mterdam, the 15"' of Novbr 1(J.J4. Signed J'. Stuvvksant. 
 Being asked several times, how lie might be accommodated and assisted now, ho an.swcred ho 
 would ask for no more, than the Hon"'' Council was willing to give. The Council replied, that 
 he had already recei ed considerable sums and there was still some to be j>aid for his account to 
 tlie merchants. lie answered, tliat he would be satisfied to liave 30 ll in wampum now. Their 
 Honors directed tlie Receiver to give him that amount if feasihle. 
 At the retpiest of the Commit-saries of Alidwout for as.-iistance by the inhabitants of Jireukclcn 
 and AmesJovH in cutting and hewing timber to erect a l)uildiiig for tiie e.xercisoof divine sorvico, 
 for which they received the permission by a resolution of their Honors, the Dirtictor-fieneral and 
 Council in 1054, it was, upon tlie vote being taken, resolved that after the celebration of the Lord's 
 Supper now at hand a committee of the High Council shall go there with D" Meyajwhmls. 
 Done at Amsterdam in ^\ N., d.ite as above. 
 Council SIinutk. Rkokt (>•■ Domink Mkoai-oi.k.ssis on tuk iiuii.dino of a (iii-hcu in 
 MiDWOLT, L. I. 
 2''of March (1055.) 
 Before the Board ajipeari'd the reverend D° Julhiniu's Mrijapoleniiin, minister of tlic go.spd in 
 the City of yew AmtiUvdaiii in 3't //> .\ith-rlaiid, wa representative of the inhabitants of the 
 village of MIdwout, who showed, tliat liii' people of Midwout\v\>\ received from their Honors, the 
 Director-General and Council, permission to erect a meetingliou.se and make in it  .' IVbruarv 1055 
 should be carried out. 
 Done at New Aiiisterdam in X. N. Date ;i.s abo\e. 
 Council Minitks. Com.missionki« AreotNTKi) to skiii.k somk dikkkuknces in tiik ICNULisir 
 Towns on Lino Isi.anh 
 10'" of March (1055.) 
 Whereas on account of the long winter and the impassaliility of tlm roads no o]iportunifv ha^ 
 olTeTcd as yet, to carry out the resolution adojited by the High Council of ,V. (/) Xit/icrhvu/ on the 
 I'J"' of January last patit, therefore, the time iiaving come now, to execute the siiid resolution and 
 to settle and '' ,/ose of some ditliculties in the Kn, - M,^ that wuhont prejudice to their patent the eieetion of Ma^l.trates ho 
 MpoMod un d (,od Al,n,,d,ty shall ],ave vou^i^safed t • llonoral.le l)ireetor.( u.neral Petrus 
 N,njrr.uU a hap|^v and safe n-tun. or that in e.tse, (io,l forhid it, he should happen to die or the 
 voyaj^'C la,^ed too h.:,,., ,t ,.. ,n the discretion of the Hi^d. Co, ii to .iireet the inhal.itants of 
 (rr.n,e.,nd to proe.vd wuh ,he nondnation of ^raf,dstrafes, who then shall he held to n.al„l.-l, f,-,„n the lawful 
 native owners and proj.rieto.'s, paid for and oeeupied hv then, a lo,,:;- tin.e and nanied hv the 
 s,,hjeets ,d New Neth. rhiiiil. 
 Theivfore in the na.ne and on the I.ehalf of the said IL ^L the Lords States-Cme.-al an,i 
 the Lonis I),nvto>-sof the I'riv. W. I. Company. 1 si;;nify ,„ vou. that upon this afo.vsaid land 
 yon do not ..ont,,,,,,. to huil,|. Hear lands, f.rd eatth', 1„„ in davs after these.-vint; he.vof remove 
 f.-onUh<. jurisdiet.on of X.w X tlurland sy\th all your people. 'servants, slaves. t-„n,i„„v, eattie, 
 nnph.nuT's and all au.l everythi..- l„-o„i,d,t here hy you and vo„r nation as their p,ope,-tv. on 
 i-ain, that, .f yo„ or any of yours after the said tin.u are found hero contrai-y to this oi-der, I'shall 
 40 ^ 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 proceed against you ami all whom it may (•diu-itii cc ojiicio ac^cording to law and I protest 
 inoanwliilo a;,'aiiist all damagos, misfortmie, troiihlcs and ditVKMiltii-s, likely to arise herefrom, 
 declaring myself before (rod and the world to be innocent thereof. Thus etc. 
 2'' of April (105,5). 
 Whereas present cirnimstanccs do not permit, that the Fis('al of Ncio Nithciiand scrva in 
 person, piirsiiant to the previous ordei, the foregoing order and protest, therefore the court 
 messenger (Hacx viiii El»hint is authorized to perform tiiis duty. 
 Date as above. Signed : Sili.k, La Montaone. 
 Oornelis van Tienhoven, as Fiscal of New Nethfrlanii, constitutes and empowers, as he 
 hereby does. Cla^.^ I'liti E/.t/iin/, court messenger in this (!ity of ]Vrm AmK/i'rJitm, to proceed to 
 Atiittlniu'koHek Hit;/, also called Martin (ii'rritt,'KNKUS VAN TlKNUOVEN. 
 S'" of April (1055). 
 UjK)n the re(piest of ^IM< /•/ ^ '()>•;(/ //.79('«, deputed by the Court of ^r'''/<'^r/<'«, for leave to 
 send in to the High Council a double ••.innber of naines, that from them the places of some 
 Schepens, who have served their teri-.i and retire, may ite tilled. 
 It is sesolved after having tJike i a vote, that thi; present Schepens may, in accordance with 
 the last section of tlie in,structions given to them, present to the High Couiu-il and report iw far 
 as their knowledge goes on the character, manners and fitness of the most reliabl(! and faithful 
 inhabitants of their village and the places in their jnrisiliction : the High (Joniu;il will then select 
 from their number some to till the vacancies. * Tiius done at Am-ilerdiDa in yao Xetkerland, 
 Date as above. 
 NiCA8it:s i>i-: Sii.iK, La Montaone. 
 The Secretary is hereby directed to give an answer of tlie b,ime tenor as the foregoing to the 
 petitiotis of tiie Courts of Midioout mul Ain^'.'^^oDrt.'** 
 Done at New- Ainatci-dani in N. N. Date ;ls above. 
 * Georgf linpnilje w»8 appointed Schopen in place of PeUr CorneUifn : tli« others, Prfderick LvhberUen, Alhtrl 
 CiiritfliMen ami (horgr Dirckscn wttrv continued. 
 *• Th'xnan Sicartwout Umk tlie place of Jmi Strycker a." Scliepnii of .\fi'liiy>'il , Jiia Smdikfr and llfijiman 
 were CDiitiuued. lu Amexfrl Peter Oltiraen was appointed in place of KUiert Hlhrlxon {Stoolhiifft wliile A'ieolit'tn 
 StUlmell was continued. .\ppointraont» made the i:!"' of April Outho32' T/iumas S WITHOUT TiiEiit (J0N8ENT : Kkvknuks: Fokt on Lono Island: 
 2<1"' of Aj.ril 1055. 
 Ilonorablc, Priuk'nt, Pious, nc/ir, Fnitliful. 
 Our last letters to you wore sent l)y the ships '' Swartc Arcnt" and '-Gr-'e Chridoffd" on 
 the Ifl"! r(;s|). 23'" of Novonibur 1(554, in which wc ^ivo you full .letails: since that titiiu this shins 
 ''Sch,r an reciuired ; you will learn thi-^ by the said letter, which wc; intend to 
 dis]iatcli by the man-of-war now rea/' mi/umtdtnj after t/n^cepiritfiDn 
 of Un yatra from the ditte hi'rxif {i\n- date of issiiinf^ tlio palciil) to t/w payment of' the tenths 
 for the use ami Ixhoof of the Lords l*iitrooii/i and mieh other ta,ves, ai aeeordiiuj to the 
 requirements and eondiiion of the eoanfry all. the other inhahlliinta xhall, havt to pay. 
 Wi" might now say soniotliing about flii' stati'monts of oxponses and rovomii's -ont lis, hocausc 
 the I'xjK'nditurcs for iiioiitlily wap's and hoardint; have for tho last 7 oi S yciira Iwcn as nuicli 
 as tlioy liavo boon last year, tho eontrary of vhich can !"■ proved. The revenuea for the la«t 
 years have also amounted to considerably more tliaii yjnoo or 2;5Ui)0 tl, but is they aro only f^iven 
 in total {ijro»»o modo), wi? expect, in <'onli imity t'> our last lett(;r, a ci-n-ct and ])erlinenl statement 
 and balaiico sheet from you, whicli v^u are to seiid every year, that we may l'oni rn ourseKAiH 
 Tile caution used by you in and cimcerning the detention .:.iid appr.iiseinent of lh(^ Hwcdi li 
 ship" and her cargo meets with our a|)proval and has been well ren tved, Wo stated in our last letter 
 to the Director, how you should live with the Wr.de.i ou llie Siutli river and we shall hereafter 
 s;iy more about it : but we cannot omit tu iiit'oi'iii you, that while engaged in examining and 
 proving tho right of the Coiupaiiy to the said ri\er, we have fouml, that the transmitted 
 documents and cojiie.s are not only \alueless and bad, but also so villainously and miserably 
 written, that in many instances it is impossiole to comprehend their meainng. This is espi'cially 
 the case with tho papers drawn up tliei-i' and sent us containing the re]iort of what hap|>ened 
 between Director Stuyeixant and the Sahdifh (iovernor at the Smith Kivei' in 1 •)."((>, .~o that when 
 wo Were to to make uso of tht>so ]>apers on the main (piestion, we woidd liud ourselves completely 
 at sea and unprepared. We wore in the same condition, very much to the injury of tho (Jonipauy 
 when treating with the Knijlitih hero, who upou our ar-serlions regarding the boui-.daries between 
 us and their people there, demandeil and callcil for proofs and attestation of dni'umeiits, ]>rincipally 
 tho ileeils and conveyances for the land bought by tin' ( 'ipinpany and the jir^N i>ioiial agreement 
 (»)nceriiing tho boimdarios made bet ween us and th.'m then! at liirlffrd in lt'p."iO. As to our 
 great astonishment none of these d.iiument> has over reached us, this iuipurlant matter has been, 
 e  (h'tcrrcl from, tlian animated to engaf,'^ m ihu Nno NetherlamUnvin. 
 * .. * » ^ ^ ^ 
 We send lierewilh an ir.slrnction .Irawn up by us (nr th.^ Sellout of the (^ity of New 
 Amnta'dam. You may examine it and ;,'ive lis your opinion by th. «rst oj.poil unity, letting tlio 
 Fiscal** inthemeautih.etake..haix.'of Ibeollir... We have hesitated i.iiul, to allow him to 
 do so, on uToiuit of the serious ami geiieial (Complaints made here a-ainst him every dav. Wo 
 h.i\eth. lore deemed it necessary to recommend to the said Fiscal, that Im^ give, if pc.sBible, 
 hi Iter satisfacti(jn lo th.' community there, or else we shall be compelled to tako other muasiirea! 
 The preacher l',tllieiiuux, arrived tlui fiMiii ISraxil, has infonnecl us by letter of his 
 willingness to remain in X,a> X.th^wlan.l and take charg.c of the c(,n-ivgatioii at Mi, /won/. If 
 Mill think, lu' is wanted there and the said Polhcnuns is fiaind |.) ira.l an irreproacliabU: lii;., wo 
 have no objections to his becoming minister there provisionally and until our further order at a 
 salary already provided . , be provide.l for by tlu^ congrcg:,iion. without br ing a burden to 
 the Company. Although the condition of alfairs is not favorable to still fni-therdimiiush tlie reve- 
 nues, received by the C.mpany here, we have nevertheless, out of consideralioiu.f the bad times 
 audio encourage and assist both traders and inhabitants there, resolvcl to reduce the duties on 
 oiil ward bound cargoes, except In.lian goods, as dnllels and blankets, from 1-1 to lO per cent, so 
 that we have received from one only I-' and from the other oidy p. c. ,bities, the remaining 4 
 p. ■•. being sent to you as formerly, imlil the negutiated loan is paid. Vou will govern yourbelvea 
 Ill our hist letter direcU'd to Directm Stui/vcM„t personally, and sent by the ships " Sinarte 
 .1/w,/" anettled determination and intention 
 concerning the manmr, in which you niii-f deal with the 6VW<.von the South river. In cnse- 
 .pi.lice of it we hoped, that the rxp,,.,lition against them had already been made; but having since 
 l.anied by a letter from the said Director, dated at /:.i-/„i,/»,.s uu the 'JlM of Januarv of this year, 
 thai hr ha.l left .\'. ./• .V-M. /•/„;„/, We loiind ,.iirs,'lves disappointed in our hopes. It has properly 
 astoni-:ed us and given very little satistacti.ui, especially becau.se th.- Director's voyage was made 
 without our knowledge aii.l .•onsont ; bat we have iieverlhele.ss decided not only'to take up the 
 proje.t ag.iin. but al.so to carry if out with so much more a.ssuraiiee of siic.-es,s. ' Wo have now 
 chartrivd for this purpo.se fro,,, th.- liiirgomasters and Council of this city one ,,f their four largest 
 and best ships, raUed the " U',,,.//,," armed with :;•! pieces, wlii.'h is now being made ready for sea 
 ;iiid will sail from here with about 20(l men in 1-J or 14 d.iy.s. As soon as it shall have arrived 
 ih.Ti- you aiv directed and authori/cd t.) iin.h'rtake immediately and as ipiick as possible, but with 
 ciiition, this expe.lilioi, and cany it out bravely, even though Director St„i/nx„n/ should not have 
 reliirned from l,i- v .vage. In that ca.se yon may open our .said last letter to him personally, that 
 you too may be intornied id' our opinions and wishes and govern yourselves accordinirly ; lint we 
 strictly command y.ai t.. ke.'p its contents a secret anuuij,' you, a.s" honor and your oalh demand it, 
 and n.a I., divulge tliem until will, (bMl'-. help the exiiedition .shall have successfully been made." 
 As we have .said above no ilelay or sluggishness must be p,'rmitted. f,,r w.' iiiaha-st ind, that :,'reat 
 prelMirations are being made in Swahn, to a.ssist their c.uintrvmeii on the South river. 
 Mif l^^^^^^^m 
 ' ^^^^B 
 •l'RSHii>,'0fl roferrltiK to pursonul tt.'couiit« ..f H.irvuiits nml »ol,!i,.r.H cf ih,. Coiupttny, 
 "Coritili) :an Tunhuun. 
 ■" IITA 
 1 2.2 
 '%> > ^'"'■^ 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
  of May 1655. 
 The Council having read tlie petition of Gregory Dexter for a parcel of land in this Province 
 of New Nelherland for himself and some Eiujlish servants, also the letters given him by Mylady 
 Deborah Moodij and John Browne. 
 It is resDlved to answer, that the matter must bo deferred until the return of his Honor, the 
 Director-Cienerul, who will arrive in a short time. 
 Deed of Lot No. 27, in the village op Gravesend, L. I. 
 Heforo me, Cornells van Ruyven apjiointed Secretary in New Netherland in the service of 
 the General Pi^iv. West India Company and before the undernamed witnesses appeared Elbert 
 Eldertnen, attorney of Isaac Grevenraet of the one ])art, and Pder Ebcl of the other i)art. 
 The above-named Eklertsen acknowledges in his aforesaid (piality to have sold and he, Peter 
 El)el, to have bought a certain parcel of land situate on Lomj hhuidm the village of Gravesend, 
 called number twenty-seven, with all the outbuildings, house and wliatever is earth and nail fast 
 thereon or is sown therein, as large and as small as Isaac Gnvenraet hiis acquired it, free and 
 unincumbered without any charge standing thereon or arising therefrom save the Lord's right. 
 Elbert Eldertscn has also .sold and delivere.l to the purcha.^cr. wlio acknowledges to Iwve 
 received, one cow and two heifer calves, with one harrow and a plow. 
 For the purchase of said parcel of land together wilh the house and outbuildings and 
 whatever is above-mentioned, the buyer i)romises to deliver his l-.ouso and lot situate and being in 
 Pearl street in the city of Am.Htcrdam between the widow of Cors Pietcrsen txml Jor.w Paj)ai/je, 
 also free and unincumbered, without any charge standing thereon or arising therefrom save the 
 Lord's right, and in addition thereto within one year, thosum of two hundred Carolus guilders @ 
 20 stivers each. 
 For all which the respective parties pledge each his i)erson and jiroperty, movable and 
 immovable, present atid future, submitting tlu; same to all courts, tribunals and judges. 
 Thus done without guile or deceit in the presence of Mr. Jan do Jonijh and Jan 
 Uendricksen, witnesses hercuuto invited, in Aiadcrdam in Ntxo Netherland the 21st Mav A° 
 1655. ^ 
 Eliiekt Eldektsen. 
 This is the p£ mark of Picter Elel, made by himself. 
 .Fan J.\nse.n de Jo.N'(in. 
 Jan ITendricks. 
 In my ])rescnce 
 Cornelis van RryvEN, 
New York Jlintorical liecards. 
 Deed fok 25 mokuens uf land, situa'ik on the west side of the village of Midwout, L. I. 
 Before me, Conielis van Ruyvcn apiiointod Secretary in New Ndherland in tiie service of 
 tlie General I'riv. West India Company, and before the undernamed witnesses appeared Mr. 
 Jan dc Jonijh of tlie one part, and Jan Ihndi'lcknen van Gunst of tiic otlier part. 
 Tlio al)ove named Ja7i de JonN of Mareli 1(355, to hotli of 
 which wo will now reply as far as necessary and not answered by our former letter, adding 
 thereto what we deem proper. We approve, that you bouglic tl'iere the ship '' Ahraham's 
 qf.'rhande'" m ply between Carapio and the islands and if necessary also Nem Netherlands but 
 that to pay for her y,.u draw on us for 800 |1 appears stranj^'e to us, f„r we have on several occasions 
 expressed our dis].h.asure with such transactions and -i ven special orders not to trouble us with such 
 drafts. You ought to have I)een the more careful now. because out of our so small reveinu;8 here, 
 diminishing daily, we send you a considerable share and contribute and do mor.', than our ability 
 and condition warrant. You must recollect, that in future all such drafts will not be accepted or 
 l>aid by ns, (iu)r do we pay it in this case) but simply returned. 
 You arc to inform us 4)y the tirst opportunity, what revemie the Company receives in New 
 Net/ii'rhind from salt, that wo can act upon it. 
 Tito written conditions, sent over, Jiavo told us of the rules ma.le and the care taken there 
 of the children from the Almshouses, which have our approval; we hoj.e, that the Hnr-o- 
 mastersand Almshouse authorities have also been i.leascl ; they are again senditig by this 
 ship a i>arty of boys and girls as per enclosed list. Wo i-ecommeud them as before to vom- care 
 and although anuuig them some may be found of tenderer age than you r.Mp.ire, we thi'nk it d..cs 
 not matter, for it can be anuM.ded and corrected by one or two year's' longer service, which is of 
 little importance to the boys. 
 It appears to us very strange, that vinegar sells thc-e ns high as 70 to SO 11 the ho-shead, 
 while viimyanls ami grapes thrive so well and a good deal more might be planted and cult'rvat(!d \ 
 we begin to think, that our iiduibitants there sh,.w very little industry or diligence in agricultural 
 pursuits; besides it might be m:)de from beer, as here in this countrv'. Althouirh mufirmi.'ht be 
 said on this subject, we shall leave it for the present and (vnnnit it to y(,ur own speculations. 
 We arc surprised, that yon did not expect ilrlan Nmton to return to his old post of duty 
 there, for in your letter of the '27'" of .ruly I,i5t you re<-ommend him so highly as the o dy 
 trustworthy Englishman, mIio had ifmained faithful to the Company in all the troubles tlxu-e and 
 nowit is said, that he not otily ex])ressed, but also at that time alr-idy by his acts proved his 
 unwillingness to march against his countrynum, the EiljUsI,. If ties is tiie case, we do notconsi.ler 
 It ailvisablc to continue him in his position, but to discharge him. You may then put in his 
 place the ensign Dirrk Smith, if he is ca|.able and leads the Hfe of a good and faithf M.ldier. 
 You do not seem to understand our opinions or wishes, expressed in om- letter „i the 2;V' of 
 November 1., as you remi.ul ns, that the new duties, imposed there on certain goods, might easily 
 liave been laid only on ILiuids: w,. an; however of a dilTcrent opinion and (l.'sire therefore, that 
 our orders in this r.'gard be obeyed; but we have no objection, that you should get a revenue 
 from the consumpti..n of li.piids, which wealwayshave thought and .still think can be done witli.nit 
 obloipiy. You will act acconlinglv. 
 We are fully aware, that it is very necessary to establi-h the boundary lines between us and 
 ',i;.sh neighbors there, but as you have never sent us the docinnents and [.roofs, called for 
 by our last genera: letter, without whi<-h we can .lo nothing here, this m, v.^rv ()inc Kiujlhh i.coi)li' rthoiilil make any attempt ui.oii otir territorius tliui'u contrary to tho provisiunal 
 l)t>undary-af^recinent made at Hartford in 1C50, you slioidd jiroceod against Biicli usurpers witli 
 energy attor previoim protestation and wartiings (further explained in our letter of the 23" of 
 November). For this purpose we end you, according to tiio enclosed lists and invoices under 
 No. 4, tho requisites for building a fort, of wliich as well as of tho soldiers goingover now you will 
 make all proper and prudent use. This for your instruction. 
 We were very much i)leased to learn, tliat you live in harmony with the inhabitants of tho 
 Province and we recommend to you to maintain and pronioto this good feeling by all fair and just 
 means, for good aiul prudent rulers cm contril)uto nuich thereto. As the heavy outlays, which' we 
 make, are al.so for the maintenance and protection of our said inhabitants, we have hardly any doubt 
 that they coidd easily be persuaded to give us some subsidies, very much needed to pay for and keep 
 u]) tlicsc supplies. We have tliereforo considered, agreed and decided upon the measures, of v/liich 
 tuir general and the enclosed letters will inform you ami the copy of our letter, No. 5, will tell 
 you, what we have been writing in this matter to the Bui-gomastera and Schepens of New 
 Amsterdam and to all tho inferior courts tliei'e ; the original of it you can hand to them respectively, 
 but wliether that is to be done before or after the beforetnentioned expedition, we leave to your 
 judgment and discretion. 
 We have considered, that tlieship " />,> Waeffh;' now going over, cannot well sail from there 
 before next winter and have therefore decided to dirc-,:t you to keep lier there until the montli of 
 February or March of next year and then to dispatch her witli such a cargo, as you may find for 
 If Ca|)tain Fredcrh'k de Cuninck (wh(t is to obey your orders implicitly pursuant to the 
 extract of our resolu'ions here enclosed under No. (?), and Lieutenant Fs(w?')!, both coming as 
 such III tiie sliip '' J)e ir<(,-//(," should desire to remain there as freemen and not in the service and 
 pay of the (Jompaiiy, you may keep them there. The soldiers and sailors, not absolutely mpiired 
 tor the said ship, uho \vi,>h to remain there, may also bo kept either as freemen or in theCompany's 
 service, but noliody shall lie compelled. 
 The cxtrat't from om- resolutions of the 10'" of May 105.5, hero enclosed under No. 7, will 
 inform you of our wishes ami the consent we have given to the skipper and the owners of the 
 ship " Xet(^ Am.sf,rdaiu " and we adil, that they have given us good bail here. 
 The goods and merchandise attached there by the Fiscal out of the ship " Oroote Christfd'" 
 are found imt to have been declared here, especially the 30 awms* of brandy, as both the letters 
 written for the purpose and the receipts here eiudosed under No. 8, show ; they are therefore 
 legally coiiliscaleil and must remain so: this for your information. 
 The enclose 1 coj.ies (No. '.).) of our letter and of the invoices will tell you what we have 
 lately written and sent to Z«c.m /iWc/i/xz/y/i, Vice-Director At Curasao, by the chartered ship 
 " I.'ufdcr A copy of the letter, which we have since received from him via Uamhanjh would 
 have too been sent you, but as Director S:aijvemnt has been on the Island and received suttlcient 
 iiiforiualiou of the condition there, we have deemed it unnece.ssarv. 
 \ou have lately informed us, that you have been obliged to negotiate a loan from the 
 inhabitants there (not at all to their liking, nor to ours, and many complaints, perfectly justified, 
 have been made to us on account of it), but you did not report, how large tho sum was and as for 
 its repayment we have remitted from here the often discussed 4 ]). ct. duty amounting alreadv to 
 Onr iiwm ca. 40 KiiKlisli frftUona.— KVi.vd' 
. f 
 Early Colonial /Settlements. 
 7000 fl, wo liavo conBidorod it advisable, to order iniperntively, tlmt by tlio first opportunity yon 
 wend us a detailed and correct statement or account not only of the m-IioK; amount oftlie said loan, 
 but also how it was levied aud with whom negotiated and how niucli of it has been balanced 
 in accoinit with or otherwise repaid to the individual parties: we reipiire this for our accounts. 
 The good testimony given us every day concerm'ng the life, suitableness and industry of 
 Jokan de Deckcre, arrival there lately in the a\u]y '' Sioart^) Armt," has so increased our good 
 opinion of the man, that we have concluded to confirm oin- recommendation of him of the 23'' of 
 November 1054 and to direct you to pay special attention to him, because we believe 't will be 
 for the benefit of the Company ; in the moaiitiine we increase his salary provisionii!ly by 150 fl n 
 year or as much more as you ahvady may have allowed him. 
 Yo>i can well believe, that the treacherous action of Gcon/a Biuntcr and his accomplices has 
 startled us very much ; the papers and documents sent over have been translate(l and we 
 arc busy examining them, to form an oi)inion, but we are expecting the remaining jiapers, wliicii 
 you promised to send by the " Groote 0/i/-i.stofd" : upon receij)t of them we shall inform yon of 
 our opinion and wishes in this matter. Meanwhile yon are strictly charged, to keep the aforesaid 
 men in close and stringent confinement, as it is rerpiired in so important a case: we further 
 recommend, that henceforth you dispense in the government of the respective places there with 
 such foreigners, who have no domicile in this country, for little or no confidence am be placed 
 upon tliem. 
 Herewith etc etc 
 Your good friends 
 Amsterdam, The Directoi-s of the W. I. Company 
 the 26'" of May 1655. Department oi Amxterdam 
 Edward Man 
 1*- ^- Isaac van Bleck 
 We enclose the invoices of the few private goods shipped by the " IH/cj///," also the mu.ster- 
 roll of the sailors and soldiei-s going over, which will inform you of the itt^ms to be charged to 
 their accoinits: you will pay strict attention to it, that tiu! Company may not bo the loser. 
 A7e have here given permission to William Bmuuvr, to go over with his wife and three 
 children without paying ])a.s8:igemoney, on condition tiiat he act jis ri'adcr or comforter of the sick 
 on board the " KWyA," until .she arrives there, but not longer. This for your information. Date 
 as above. 
 By order of the Directors 
 Arrived per "7>,!liW^A" A. 15. De Deckekk jua. 
 Aug. i;5"' 1655. 
 Lktter kuom tuk DiijEcroRs to -rnK MuNicii'At.rrv of Nkw AMsricitnAM and tuk MA(;i8TRArKs 
 OF oriiKu Towns in New Netueuland: Ta.xiw on La.nd, Hoises b;yj imi-osed. 
 To the Burgomasters and iSchepens of tlio 
 City of Neto Amttttrdam and the re8i)ecti\-e 
 Colonies and Courts of the rrovinco. 
 Honorable, Worshipful, Pious, Faithful. 
 As a good government is bound to take care in protecting and defending its territories, cities 
 and inhabitants as far a.s possible against molestations and attacks from all foreign enemies and 
 No. 31. 
Neu) York Jlktwical liecorda. 
 noij^liliorrt, HO iw it tlio duty of n f,'oo(l coininiinity to help carryini,' tliii coiiitiion hiirdons, iimdo 
 nowwsiiry l)y iiiid iinpotifd for tliuir own iimiiiteimnce. You well know tlin ciirn and oxjumisc's, 
 which wo have luid, heforo tho country thoro arrived at itH prosont jjosition ; notwithstanding you 
 li;ivo failed no far to assist lis by hiidsidica from tho pooplo. This is not oidy contrary to the 
 maxims '>f all well governed countries and cities, espjcially of tho government of this state, but it 
 ia also durmg tho pi-esont state of affairs so highly necessary, that a longer delay is not admissible, 
 uidi'ss wo wisii to see tho Province, now giving so great lu^pcs, utterly ruined. Wo have therefore 
 been obliged to consider some meansof obtaining the re(piired sup))ort and have concluded, agreed 
 upon and determined, to imiwso tho following taxes : 
 For each morgcn of land yearly 10 stivers. 
 For ei'ch iiead of cattle yearly 20 stivers and 
 For tho rent of a house the twentieth penny (5 p. ct.) every year. 
 Although this oiu- order will be fully communicated to you by our Dircctor-ftcneral and 
 Counci'., to whom with their oflice we hav(> given absolute authority in this matter, we have never- 
 theless thought it necessiiry, to send this letter to you with the urgent and earnest recommendation, 
 not only to set yourselves a good example to tlio connnunity in raising the sid)sldy, I)ut also to 
 animate them thereto and if need bo, incase of refusal, to execute this order, for we have deemed 
 it iiecoasary for tho benefit of the country : whereupon wo rely. 
 Nota; This point regards V»'e have aln^ady allowed and granted to your Board tho collection 
 only tho «»rg„imiMtors and gf the excise ou beer and wine, that you may defray therewith tho 
 c epoDB o ... commnnal and other expenses, stated to you by our Director-General 
 and Council tliere. Rut as we notice, that tho moneys are not apjjlied to these purposes, but havo 
 been used by you or your predecessors for the r)ay and seiuling over here of one Le lUeuiu and 
 for other private matters to tho disservice and diss-atisfaetion of the Company ; wo have decided to 
 inform you herewith, that we have nssolved to liave the collet^tion of this money made again by 
 the linancial otlicer of tho Comjjany tliero: you will act accordingly. 
 Herewith etc etc. 
 the lit;"' t.r May 1055. 
 Liri-nci: KitoM riiio l>i:Kii()MAsiKKs of Amstkudam to Stcvvesant: Ihivs and (iiui.s kicosc tue 
 Nol)le, Honorable, Wise, Prudent, Very Discreet Sir. 
 Whereas with tho consent of their Ilonor.s, the Directors of the W. I. (Company, we havo 
 resolved to send over sonu; boys and girls, spccilied in the enclosed memorandmn, in the Company's 
 ships, therel)y taking a l)urden from the Almsliouse of this city and helping to increase tho 
 populatiim of Mew-N'ftherlan(J\ we desire hereby to reipiest and recommend to your Honor to 
 receive these children aiul youtlis kindly and to take care, that they may be emph)yed according to 
 their abilities for the best advantage of the Company and a jiropcr advancement of themselves. 
 Herewith etc etc this 27"' of May 1055. 
 To the Noble, Honorable Wise, Prudent, Your Honor's good friends 
 Very Discreet Sir, IWriis Stiiyvcmnt, The Burgomasters and Regenta 
 Director-General of New Nctlwrlaml or of the City of Atmterdam. 
 in his absence, to liis deputy in Nao By Order 
 Amsterdam, in ^V. iV. N. Niculai. 
L** I 
 Jikirly Colonial HettlementH. 
 Moiiionnuliim ..f llio iiiiiiios nml ligcs of tlio Aliiisliousi. .■liildri-ii, wlio iiro to «<> to New 
 NdherluH,/ piii-Huiiiit to till! onlor of tlicir Nuldc, Wornliipful lloiioi-s, tlio Hur^'omiiatora of 
 Tryiilyv PliWra, 
 Tt'iinlijc JauH, 
 JtDinlUjv Dircx, 
 Lynhiit Jans, 
 Dwium'r Voleherta, 
 Aiinitifc J'ietera, 
 Lyxhi't Oc/ritu, 
 Ih hoi'ti Jide of //,//,,a/e and that tlu, llonorablo Diroctor- 
 Geiicral J'etrus SIm y r.^ nf had -ivvn to the !!,.afd a pl.To of land iiuar the said honwerv, which 
 aniiox thuy intundod in time to turn int.. a new i)lantati,)n or hoiiwciy, when (lod"s l)k.8siiij,' liad 
 iiicivasLvl their stoek of cattle. They tino acr.on.„HMluf,.M. of \Y Polhnniux, their proHunt MiniH^.r, tlu.y Im.i c.vcto.l .i ,.o„voniont 
 .hvllitiff an.l alHo ullottcl to hi.,, a parcel of lan.l an.l aKkin^ that, aH thuy wo.-o ntill vci-y poor, 
 fi,cy iiiiglit ri'cuivo aHsistaiico hy voli,?itary '•oiitrihiitiorirt. 
 It wan i-c'solvcl to .•..„8i,h,.r Mk, ,,..titi.„„,r«' re(i,i,,8t,'wi,o,. fhu l,„il,li„« ,•« r.„ni.l.,t..l, tho Ja.ul 
 fonco.I in and tlio acrcount of oxpondituroa for tlio huiuo presented to the Council. Date as ahovo. 
 DeKI) o|.- 2.'. MoHUlONS OF I.ANf) IN MRSI'ATir KII,, L. I. 
 rofo-H. M.0 rw.W/.v r.n U,un.u, appoiuto.l S.-.n-tary in .VV« NrthMand\n the servi..e 
 of. o(u..e,.ai I'nv W.s,,lM,l.a (Jo„.pany,aud l.efo,. the uuden.an.ed witu,.... app..an.,l the 
 o.lu , ' art '' """ ' "■' "'"■' '"""""""'■ "^' "" ""^' '""' '""' ^'''"' '^''-'-''^J-n, or the 
 The above na.u.d y,'/./,,,^ acknowledges to have sold and />/.;■ Terra.jm to have hou-.ht a 
 crrta,npo,-t,on of the vendor's laud situ.ite iu Mr^iuu-htr, on /.>.j/ /.,/aW eontainin^Mn "l 25 
 uu.>p.ns. ly,u.. hetween M,-. AVn.v'v />.M.y. lun.landthut of eusif... DlrrkSmith f.-o,n /<,./..,«, 
 •"•"•"' "' ''•-'t and , ear .'•,(. n.ds, iu length on l.ofh .ides ;tOO n.,!.; it, sfetehes alon.. the valleJ 
 eas and west and .ulo the woods nouth hy west ; an.l ail that a.s «een hy the pureha.^.r, without 
 pest or n„ s, the n.en, woodland only, an.l that free and unineu.nhere.l saving the L.nlV riLd,t 
 !•>'■• ti,ep,„vha.se of .aid pa,vel of lau,l, the l.nyer pro.ui.ses to pav one huud-rd (Wolns 
 gu,lde.-s, one ha 1 down and the other half so soon a. the vendor shall exeeute a proper 
 (■onveyanee a,ui deed ot the afo,-e.ai.l land to the purehaser. All without fraud or deeeit. 
 J hus do,,e and signed in the preseuee of M.rch DuCho.oy and Jan LuUcrt.cn, wit..esses, iu 
 Fort Amsfenfum. in JVno .V.th.rhnul, the 17'" of June, 1(155. 
 This itf the PT mark of P,,.;,:,.; Tkhuauon, niadu by himself. 
 C^i.Aiis VAN Ki.si.ant, the elder. 
 Mak<' 111- Saisoy. 
 Jan LuBUKiw. 
 In my presence, CouNF.r.ia van Ri'yvkn 
 RkSOLUTION of OorNe,,. to notify Lai.Y M.X.I.Y am, T„K INUAIUTANTS of (iUAVESKXD TOSKNI. 
 Friday, the IS"' of J„„o 1(;5.5. 
 Whe.vas for good and various rea.sons no M,uristrat..s for the present year have as y.-t Iu..,, 
 .■Icc'ted in the village of Gra.cx.n.l on Lnuj hian.l au.l whereas at prese'ut it has been deemed 
 ...ressary for the serv.ceof the country and tlie administration of justice, that it be done as soon as 
 Kai'ly Colonial SeHlemcnts, 
 Thiircforo it in rt-Holvcd to write to tlio ydiout of tlio gaiJ villiijfo mid to Lu/i/ JMntrah 
 Moot/i/ 118 tiio oidoat and tli-»t piitoiitoo, tlint siio and tho iiilmbitimt« of Orammmd procoud 
 iiiiinodi:it(!!y to iii)iiiiiiiit<> Magirttnitiirt in |iiii'Huaiifo .iftlmii' |mt.wit urtd muid l!io iiotniiiiitloii to tho 
 Coimcil Cor tlio I'liiilirriiHtioii inid Hwi-aring \n of tlio iioiniiuitod Maglntrutea, iiftor wiiioii ii cominittiH) 
 hIiuII 1)0 Ki'iit tlioro to ruHtoro ordor. 
 Doiio lit Amxtenlani in N. jV, Divtc iis above. 
 CoNTii\(ri' TO 8uim;uintk.vi) thb Bouwkry and OATir.Kop DiuKcrroB SiuvvKMANT AT Amksfoout. 
 Tlie Hon''''' Conifllx ixtn Tli ii/ioi'iii, Fiscal of iWio Netht rhinil, iiftiirni'y of tlio l^in'''" 
 I'cti'us Stiiifi'iganf, DiiH'ctor-deiii'nil uf llio oiu' |)iirt, and Petrr Clnrsin of llio othiT [iiirt liavo 
 agreed and contnictuil in ii friendly and ainiwiblu niannur in tlio form and on the turiiis 
 uiidorw ritti'ii, to wit : 
 The abovonaiiied Pclt'r Claesen bIiuU fodder and wintur according to ciisttun all tlio cattk-, 
 which the said lion'''" General haa at present on his bouwery at Amesfoort, both young and old, 
 big and iittlc, without any exception; be Hliail also sow all t'le i.'id that is iit for plantiiii,', 
 provided that ho nliall deduct from tho rent and bring into account the grain he han wiwed 
 therein. For said wintering of all the cattle and sowing of the suitable land, said Peter Ciuenen 
 shall be paid the sum of 325 guilders, in words, three hundred and twenty-iivu guilders, on condition 
 that lie leave the miuiure of his own aniiiisi;s to |)ay said rent and 
 to bring it to the Ferry, when the Indian cMjrii will be ripe, viz: lifteeii schepels of Indian 
 com, and next year lt!5t!, twenty scliepel of good winter wheat when the grain is threshed. Parties 
 have also agreed that the lessee shall kecj) (he front and rear fences tight, unless an entire new 
 new one be made, which shall be at the lessor's ex[)ense. For all which [larties pledge their 
 pei-sons and jirojierties. 
 Done Amsterdam m Xem Xethcrlarid, the 12'" of duly, 1(555. 
 Dkikok Janskn. 
New Yorh IliHtoriail linonls. ,'{20 
 Monday, ID'" of July KiSr). 
 William /fwn<«, ii«!oinimiii.(l liy tlio Holiout nnd two f)tlicriiilml.itimtrt of Gravcmid AQcXanA 
 boforu tho Council umou)^ otlicr iliscoui-Hurt, tliiit ho liid iiovor aiiprovod of what tho forinor 
 Mugirtfnitfs of (hai'rHinil had dout' <'outraiT to their patimt iu clcctiuir twi-lvc ihthoum. wlio wore 
 to iiominato Ma^'irttratf.s hcn.'cfortli, tliat lio had alwayn prottwtcd aj^aiust it and tliat hu?icoforth 
 ho neither wouhl nor slioidd net in tho election of MagiHtrates otherwino tlum in purHuaneo of tho 
 l)atcnt, hy a majority of the votes of all the inhal.itantH of (frawx.'iit/. D.itdl an aliove. Present 
 his Honor the Director-Ci.'ueral /'^■/'/v/.v Staijvtii<,;' for our ^ragi8trates and John Murrin 
 for Sellout all which have fonoorlic^ lionui ollict^ amongst ns and hope will prove fiithful and 
 peacoahle iiuU'uvoring, to hynde vp that which is Ih'okcMi amongst us whonio woo piesent unto 
 your honour with tlesire of their Coiifermatioii and Establishment and Romaine yours the 
 inhahitaiits ffrui'Lumd in our Loyalltie and lidellitie. 
 •T"b' tl'o 1!»"' Was subscribed Deborah Moiuhj* 
 Anno 1(555, j„„j, Tii.r/roN, Clerk in 
 Behalf of the Rest. 
 It having been made evident to their Honors th(> Director-General and Council of New 
 Netherland ii\ their meeting, that the inhabitanis of drare.imd by a plurality of their votes and 
 pursuant to their patent !iav(. nominated ,i^ .N[aj;isti'ates f,,r the ensuing year Willinni /lonitt, 
 William Wilkenn and KIw.inl /liii-: and John M.oieif.'t ha Sellout, the same are hereby 
 confirmed as Magistrates by the Direetortieiieral and Council on condition tliat tlu- votes of tho 
 inhabitants be for good reasonssont to the Director and Council : whereupon the same have taken 
 the oath, promising to administer good law and justice t,. tlu^ best of their knowlodgo between man 
 and man and to be loyal to the government established lure in N i" N'fhhord, in the name of Anta 
 Thomas, Louris Janscn, Jan T/tomasscii, David Provoost as attorney for Peter Ebel, Cornelia 
 DiivLscn Uiiochlant and Diixl Corndisscn. Mulwout, t)''' of Jiilv 1055 upon Long Island in 
 .V. N. 
 The foregoing h.as bcoii entered by order into the Register of I4esolutions and an answer to it 
 deferred until another time. 
 Lease of a norwiajv and stock Ar Amkskookt, (ANNir.LKn). 
 Before me, ('or;i the vendor, situate on Lonr/ Tdaml beyond tlio 
 Hell-gate., extending on the east side alonj,' Sbiun Joxten'ii land, and on the West side abntting Juriaen 
 FnuMs land, as large and small as appears oythe groundbrier thereof, together with the house 
 standing thereon, and all tliat is thereon constructed, built, sot (jII or planted, and 13 hogs old 
 and young, as seen by the pnrcliaser. For whicli plantation and wiiat is abovemontioncd, the 
 purchaser promises to pay the sum of four hundred and ten guilders payable right down, to wit: 
 100 guilders in mercliantablo beavers and 310 guilders in good current wampum. The purchaser 
 shall also pay all costs, wliicli attend the sale and conveyance as well as those of tlie auctioneer and 
 advertisements. For all which parties respectively pledge their persons and properties, present 
 and future, submitting the same to ail courts and judges. 
 In testimony whereof tliis is signed by parties with the witnesses at Amsterdam in New 
 JVet/ierland the 10"' of Scpteiiilier A" IC.")'). * 
 lisistlio ■^ marK made by A.vDitiFs A.vnuiKssiiN liimself. 
 Li EVE Jansen. 
 By me, SroFKia. Mk iiiiu.skn, as witness. 
 In my presence, Oobvki.is va.v Uuvven, Secretary. 
 Le-iteij from the Directors to SrrvvKsANr: B()Uni)arii:3 a.vd tue Treaty of IlARTFORn ; 
 NO MORE Grants of CoLoNits to Tatruons; Trade with Boston; Postal Facimties; 
 The 25'" of September 1055. 
 Honoraiile, Pious, Dear, Faitliful. 
 Our last general letter to you was dated the 20"' of .May last past and was sent by the ship 
 " ]r'(/k van Ainstei'dam''' which sailed from here on the T"" of June following. We have since 
 received here the letters of tlie Council there <'f tiie 11"' and 2S"' of May last by the '' Gruote 
 ChrhtoffcV \\vA '^ Swarto Arent^' also Director Stuyvemnts letters of the S'^ 13"" and 2-1"' of 
 Juno, by tlie last of which we were infoniUMl of his dupio'ture from r^mcffo and we have no 
 doubt, lie arrivcMl in Nem Amnlerdam sliortly afterward ami has taken c irc, that the contents of 
 onr aforesaid letters and of others sent over since ills departure have been attended to as far as it 
 had not been done already; we expect to hear from yon on the^e matters in due time. In the 
 meantime and as the slii[) " r;,A/,7w/(/; /y/- 
 in y. X. the 12"' of October A", U!.-)"). 
 MoKTOAl^li. (iKoli,.!.; I'.AXTKK. or Ills UnVSV. AM. U-.l WKUV. Al (iuAVl>KNI., L. 1.. A.VO AM. IIIS 
 I'Uoi'KUTV, MoVAin.i: am. immovahm.;. as sk.uuitv riiAr iik wii.t, kkmai.v iv tiii.: i;o(.>i in tub 
 OiTV Ham., in winm mk ,, , ...nkinki., tmii. nisc ii aklko. (noi- sionki.). 
 AVhere.is 1. the undersigncl. ^A ,-/•;/,> /y,,,eA/., Mt p,vs..nt imprisoned l.v the Hon'"" Director- 
 (ien.'ra! and Supreme Coniicil of .Ww X.th.rlaud, am irra.ionslv removed from mv pri.s.m and 
 '•''^'""'■'' '" '■' •■ " ^" •'"" <'i',v Hall of thi. ,.itv. .althou-h I am uiHh.scrvin- of such favor -) in 
 which my coniiMoment I have pn.mis.vU,, nsnain and .ontinue, until 1 be released therefrom l.v 
 the JIon''M)irector-(}eneral and Supreme Council, or corrected and punished acc.rding to niV 
 .leserts ; l,.r tiirth..r guar.mt.M. of my abovcnamed promise. I spcciallv hvpothecate and mort-age 
 my bonwery. both house and land; situate in the village of (Jraveseiul between an,l 
 Whic'h with my earned m.,,-1 !v H;,g,,s ainl all the propertv movable and immovable., present 
 an.l future, shall l.c forfeit.Ml loth>. g .ermnent, in case it shall hereafter be foan.l that I shall have 
 acti'd coiitrarv to mv i.n.inise. 
•I - 
 K(trly Culonhil SdtlevientK. 
 Ordkr for tiik bkccrity of Amicsfookt and rii;.; lUv. 
 October IG'" 1G55. 
 Whereas to-d""••«' '^"^•'"'•itJ^ and during 
 Mr Moore . abseneo some suitable person bo appointed, who by rea.ling the Bible a.nl some othef 
 edifying and orthodox work on Sundays would continue among the inhabitants the forn of 
 religious worship, until your Honors should make other provisions Which doing etc. 
 Johannes Mkoapolensis. Samuki, Drisiub. 
 PETrnoN OF TUE Maoistratks ok MtDwouT AN,, AMESFoMiif, 
 The Uirc.ctor-General and (Jouncil of N. N. consider the contents hereof not only proper, 
 bu a 1.0 necessary and therefore authorize the Schout and Schepens named therein to take up a 
 collection. Date as above. ^ 
 PErmoN OF Jacou Luuv fob i.isc.iarok fkom ti.k Mir.rrABV service and permtssion to s^rrrLE 
 February 15-, l.;50. To their Very Worshipful Honors the Director- 
 General and Council of New NdhcrlamL 
 Shows with due respect and submi.^sion Jaroh Luh,,, Sergeant in the (.Company of the Ilon-'^ 
 Director, that with the consent of their Honors he would like to settle here in the country in the 
 Eavhj Colonial Settlementa. 
 villiu^o of Arnhem, ns he das boon granted land tlioro iind he finds it very inconvenient and 
 expunHivo to live on the place given him near the Fort of the Hon'"' Company : the petitioner 
 tlioroforo very respectfully recpiests the xNoble, Prudent, Honorable Director (ienural and lligii, 
 Council will grant him his honorable discharge from the Company's service, that he may witii Ichs 
 restriciion attend to his busii.ess and laml, settling and taking up his residence there witli others, 
 who live there already, for abetter defense against the mischieviousness of the savage barbarians. 
 If your Honors will please to favor this re(piest with a gracious decision, the petitioner will be 
 greatly obliged, remaining 
 Your Honors humble servant 
 Jaoou Li'uy. 
 ^ After having road the foregoing petition and taken a vote thereon, it was decided Jiat, ut 
 petitur. Date as above. 
 ' ] 
 Petition of the Magistrates of Bhdok'.yn, that the Minister of Midwout i'kkacii 
 alternately in brooklyn. 
 February 25, 1656. 
 To their Honors the Director-General and 
 Council of ]Vew Netherland. 
 Show with due reverence the Committee of the Sche])en3 of tlie village of Drcuckelen and 
 depending places, that they have learned and see, that the people of Mitluwut, belonging in their, 
 the petitioners', jurisdiction, are going about taking subscriptions or a collection for the Kupi)ort of 
 the minister in the said village of Midwout and as the reverend D° Johannes Polhemiun is 
 performing the duties of his charge only at Midwout, the inhabitants of Breuch-loi and adjacent 
 places arc disinclined to subscribe or promise anything for the sup[)ort of a minister, whoso 
 services they do [not] enjoy. The petitioners therefore resi)ectfully re.piest, that the said D° 
 Johannes Polh-mins otHciate for the present alternately at Midwout and li/vuckden (which he 
 api)ears willing to do) ; then they are ready to contribute to his support according to their means ; 
 or else that they and the inhabitants of Fireiickden and the adjacent places may bo oxeusod from 
 contributing to the su])port of a minister, whose services do not benetit them. Awaiting your 
 Honors' favorable decision we are and remain 
 Your Honors obedient servants 
 JoRis BiRCKSEN, Ai.iiERT ('oRNKLissKN, Tho mark $ of 
 JoRKsKY Uapail.ii;. 
 The foregoing petition having been read in (J(juncil and a vote taken thereon, it was resolved 
 to decide as follows : 
 The Directdr-Gencral ami rouncil ni lYew AV///(/'/,;?((^/ have no objection against DVt//y««wc 
 / dhemiu.s otiiciating alternately at b(jth jilaces, wind and weather permitting. 
 Done in Council, date as above. 
New Yoi-k Historical Recwds. 339 
 rETiTioN OP Tin.: Inhaum-ants (.k Mesi'at.i Kim, f„k a ^i-uvky of tiik vn,[,A(iK of Auniikm. 
 Febnmiy 21)"' 1(;5(>. 
 To tiiuir Very Wor.shipt'iil IIoiiom, thu Diructor- 
 Goneral and Council of Xcio Nctherland 
 S how voiy Imnil.ly tl.o inlmhitaiitH of Mftxpa^lh Kll, .Icsiring to l,e-in tl.o village of Amh^>m, 
 that thoy Imvu learned that Clue, van EHant wil. bo .ont l,y his llo„or de Sille to-.lay or 
 to-ni,.iTow to Hurvey hid land and tiio Hniail island, granted to his Honor by your Worships; 
 'I i.ereioro we, the petiti.jners, re.p.est your Worsiiips, that the 8aid Ehhint be directed to survey 
 also the island, upon whieli the viilag.. „f Anilwm is to be built and to .letennine how long and 
 wide It is in front and rear and that your Worships will Kx tlie width of the main street and tho 
 size of eaeh buiiding-lot, for some among us do not understand tho laving out of lots and would 
 h.eate tho houses arbitrarily, whieh would give it a sloven appw.ranee. We expect therefore a 
 tavoral)le decision and remain etc. 
 After having read tlie foregoing request and taken a vote thereon tho following answer was 
 To place this petition into tiie hands <.f his Honor Nicaslus de Silk to have the survey made 
 by Chus van Lldant and after it is done, mark and lay out the streets and lots in such a manner, 
 as his Honor shall deem most advantageous for tho settlement. Date as above. 
 I'ktmion of RoiiF.iM' Jackson', Damki. Dfnton and , ITKCII ASF.I) liV TIIKM FKOM TIIK InIiIA\S " CAM.Kl) CoNOKASSETr " 
 (Jamaica, L. J.) and Council Minttk okantinc; it. 
 To the Right Worshipful Peter Steevesant 
 Esquire, Gc 'ernor-CJeneral of the N. 
 Netherlitnds with the Conncell of State 
 there Established. 
 Tlie Inuiilile petition of ns sub.scribed showetli that where as we have twice already petitioned, 
 so are bold once again to petition vnto your W(»rship and honourable (!ouncell for a place to 
 improve our labonrs upon for some of ns are destitute of either habitation or [)ossession, others 
 Though inhabited yet tiiide that in tiie place, where thoy are they can not comfortiddy subsist 
 by their Labours and Indeavonrs By which means they are necessitated to Looke out for a ]dace 
 when! they may hope with (lods blessing upon tlieyr Labours more Comfortably to subsist. The 
 ]il.ice thi'v desire and have alreadic ])etitioned for is called Contmuset and Lies from a River 
 whicii divider it fro:ii O »i.'ir/'i- Vv to the H:)nnds of h.vni^f'ifi'l'' and miy Containo abmU, twentie 
 families; this place upon incoiir igement from your worship by onr messenger that presented our 
 ])etition sent tiie ^^ecoIld tyme wee have purchased fn>m tiu; Indians and are not willing to remove 
 out ol the juri.sdiction ill' we may liiH! tollerated to jx».s8e,sse our pur.'hase and whereas wee an! 
 .»..MK l-ItlVII.Kols; N.-AN KAII. 
 The 13'" of March 1656. 
 Honorable, Prnilent, Pious, Dear, Faithful. 
 The ships " Vrrr/ulde Beer,'' " Bontskoe" and " mtfejii^rt," wiiich sailed from then; on tlu; 2' 
 of iVovember of la t year and moanwiiilo were obliged oy contrary winds to run into Phpiionth, 
 eaf'ely, arrived at the TeM on the 10 '■ and 11"' ..f January last jiast, (Jod be praised. Wcrcceived 
 by them your letter ,.f the 8()"' of October with encl..sure.-(, which upm the occasion of tho 
 departure of the '• Ii(i;-i'" and the " liontihie"' we cannot omit to answer. 
 Tlie lir,-t poiiit .,f (•(.nsidcriition in your letter is the agreement regarding the bmindariesmado 
 with tho Enijlidi at Hartford in 1650, of which you wouhl make us believe, that a copy had been 
 already sent, trying to prove it by the tonor of some of our answers. Wodo not consider it worth 
 while, to enter into a dispute about it, but say only, that our statements were made upon your 
 advices, in whicli yon rejieatcid the treaty narratively, and not upon the text of the treaty itself. 
 If however th;t- si>o t.-. if ti,.>f ti, , i,--; i r j s 
 1 II I I i- •'"'■ '^^*' '*' 't> f'"'' ti'" l'i**«d pay proper attontoii 'w wn 
 and have therefore pood reason to eomplain of nne.pml taxation. 
 We w,ll,dadly approve of the expedition to the South river and of what ha« oeeurred and 
 been done there, as ben,, substantially conform to our intentions; only we would ha^' " er" 
 ud been done .n the sa„>e manner, as the SW,l,. gave us an example of at Fort Ca.unir Z 
 reason for ,t ,s spee.ally, that what is written and ^Won in copy ca, be preserve 1 fo.'ti 
 ;:i:l':fr'^" '"' "'"^"'^ '---•-''y '-interpreted and sn.ootiK.do;::::;' 
 or tlu, other, as the oecas.on n.ay seem to de.nand. But as in the above case it has ahvadv been 
 lietuturc. ihe atoresa.d Ju>rf C„snn!r must be properly provided and armed bvvon but 
 ..^Mrnson and to keep ,t ,n our possession ; you must try to induce some private parties to remain 
 We cannot discover, that we have given .lii-cctions to detain the ship " UW,/A" there until 
 Z^2 'r '">'^':r.''r"' '•"■"■ -"' "^ -t- vve onlcr expresslt. thiU it bo -lone'fo th^;ith 
 t^^^^l^Tl '^ 7 "^ "" '^ """'^= '—••.--. thi^ tax you will take eare to 
 tnl V I, li l . ' '"'""'' ''''■"■ ^^''■^'' '""' ^^•'" ""-^^ '^''""''l "ot l>o sent i.dand there 
 aiT ar? U : iP"":' '" ;"'""'-"y- - ->-'•' -- you may assure them, that upon 
 .itroin.ys in tlio same luanner, as it they were here themselves.* 
 * S.M< for the rnllowiiiB paratfmpli Vol. xiil, p. «;|. 
 * • i 
 31 -2 
 Early Colonial Sedlernenis. 
 Tliiw fur fi)r tlio prosoiit in aiiHWcr to your lottor ; wliiit foUown !>* for your iiintruction iiml 
 On iitrouiit of the niiiny fold conipluintH niiido to us from tiino to tiinci uf^tiinwt CorMlln uaiiy and further order 
 and diriii^t, that iicitlior of tlioiii HJiall iioucofortli ho oinployod in any puhlit! Hervico or civil otHco. 
 You will let tlio tirnt eoinicillor, .YtaimiiM (/<■ i^lllr, iirovirtionally perform the dution of Fiw^d and 
 i'n;,'a^o at* Inspector Home other lit and lioiieKt pernon. We intend Iu)\vevi'r, to keep the (Company's 
 WarehouHe there hencet'ortli well providiMl with Holdicrs' clothinji; and what l)elon<^rt to it ; thoHJup 
 " liontikm;" in now already taking over something; of the kind, fur which wee the* enclosed invoicen 
 and hills of lading : for the distrihution and mana^^ement of them a faithful and honest man id 
 needed as Connnissary, who shall he lield responsihle for the property and give a detailed aeeount 
 of it from time to time and we desire it expressly iinderslo )d, I hat we expect flu<'h acco\int to ho 
 rendered to us, because wo shall charge the account of the Warehouse administrator with whatovur 
 is sent to him. Wo think therefore that the duties of both Inspector and (Juinmissary can bo 
 performed by one honest and expiirienced man, and if you believe ./f(/t(/;i di- IXvhra the right man, 
 of which wo have no doubt, you may appoint him and for tho present let him also lake one of the 
 members of the Council ; but if tho said Dicker does not like it or cannot well bo missed fnun Ids 
 present otHce, tiu'n we approve of his appointment as Chief Coiuinissary at /'"/•/ Ornmj,' in place 
 of JJyokinan. 
 We eiu'lose the act of approval just received from their High : Might; the States General 
 for the settlement of the boundaries agreed ui)on at Ilarlfiml in Neio Enijland in 1(550. As wo 
 have said above, you must bo careful and not let the document pass out of your liands, unless tho 
 Xen} Emiland peojiie can exhibit and submit a similar coiisc^nt and approval from tlieir homo 
 The care and tender affection, which we have had all the time for promoting the iiu-rease of 
 ])ol)ulation and the cultivation of Nfw Nethcrliind, has induced us to resolve ami decide, that 
 lienceforth all mechanics and farmers, who can prove their ability to earn a living there, .'hall 
 receive free passage for themselves, their wives and children ; j)rovided that whenever they wish 
 to return here, they .shall pay double fare. We have further decided for tho benefit of the 
 inhabitants there, to trouble tho IhirgoimLsters of this (Hty again and reipie.-t their Worship.s' 
 assistance in our eudeavoi's, to have New Netherland tobacco exem]ited from the duties here. We 
 have yet to learn the result. 
 We liave been highly astonished, th.at in your letter you say not a word about tho logwood in 
 the above mentioned ships. Although we su])pose, we km»w the truth ai)out it, yot we cannot say, 
 whether it .vas forgotten by accident and stuck in the ])en, and are completely igi-i nit of tho 
 facts. You will therefore send us by the next sliip a full report and iiiforinati(»ii aboui i' ; ilo 'lot 
 fail to do .so. You must also send us an account and report on the horses and .sal*, 'j. i^iif ti i ro 
 in the "ZiV/'/f," Ann> Domnm'n, skipper, from Cunn'iio, that we may make sine of ii aiul see, 
 what disposition has been made of them. 
 We are informed here, that a cask containing 90 hats or hoods, marked WIl and after tho 
 closing of the invoices sci:t on board the " Wanjh" by the widow of Willnm llinmn for (hnie/in 
 can iiVyivrt, has not tuned uu then! and as the ilnties for it have bci'ii proiiiptiy p.iid lo the 
 ('onipany, iiii[uii-i('s shnui.'i ■ o s'lade of C'ljitain ('(Hitnrk and of the skipper of the s;iid :-liip 
 " Wuftjli " and the ciisk ;n, „ 
 1.T" of March 1 «.",«. ^, ,,. ^ "'"■ «":"' ^'•''""''' 
 To tho Diructoran-l Tho D> rectors ot the W. I. Company. 
 Council of A\>o Dq-iiHuient of vb«*fc>vA„«, 
 mtherland. }!''''' 'tf '^'^^^"''■■■- 
 Kdwaki) .Man. 
 Enclosed tho invoice of private goods and n.crclian.liscs, shippd in the -linnr^ to the 
 unloaduig of which the Fiscal must pay proper attention. ' 
 By order of the Directors 
 A. 15. Dk Dkckkuk. junior 
 CooNcir. MtNt-TK. NoM,.ATio. Axi, APPo:.-rMKN-r o. Sn^KiKK Axn MAotsTKATK. Ko„ Fu-sni.so 
 The no.nination. made i.y the Magistrates and inliahitants of the villa.^e of VIU.!n.,rn was 
 oceived and read and upon their rcpiest. that the I)i...,,tor-( General and Council erfn 
 their "•'" -^'- ^^;^;;t-.-^ the Director. n.neral has chosen and confirmed for the ei g yl 
 »» illiani llallM as Sellout. ^ '' 
 WilUam Lamrence us presiding Magistrate. 
 KiJwdril Farrlnrjton as second. 
 HV/Z/a/ft /VoW,.> as third. 
 Thus done in Council held at Fort Armterdam March 25'" 105(1. 
 Honoured (iovernour. 
 •iccol!" f ^''•'"•^•"•"f "«««>-^i"« t'» tlu- tenure and provilidgo of our pattcnt have for this yearo 
 .Kcorchng to our u^uall manner made Choice of 117///... /,'.,,.., WliLn ITOvW and fZu^ 
 nrou.so for our laiestn.tes (: all whi<.h have stood f,„.,Merlie in place and arc well know e o v ur 
 honour:) and allsoe of John V.^ke for Sellout, whoe Likewise is well knowne a, ip ,: Z^ 
 K(irlii Colonial HettlemenU. 
 iiiiioni,'3t us for an lioiicst man all whicli by tlioso our noighboiird woo present unto your honour 
 liuniblie desiring tliuro (^ontirmation and Establishment iind Romaine 
 March, this 24'" Yonre in all Loyaltio and fldollitio John Tilijn 
 165G 8ti : no : clerc in the name and belialfe of the wiiole 
 inliabitano as aboue s'*. 
 The foregoing having been received and read in Council, it was resolved to conllvm tlie 
 chosen Magistrates i>nd Sellout lor the ensuing year. 
 Done in Council held in Fort Aviskrdam, on the day as above. 
 Council Minute. Nominatio.vs and ai-pointment of Maoistkates fob Miuwout, Amksfookt 
 March 28"" Tuesday. 
 Having received and read in Council the nomination made by the Schout and Schepens of 
 the villages of Midwout and Amesfoort and their re(piest,that tlio Direetor-tteneral and Council 
 till the i)laces of the Schepens, who according to former instructions have served their 
 terms and will go out of office, therefore the Director-General and Council have chosen out of 
 the number of nominated persons, in place of those going out, for the ensuing year and herewith 
 confirm as Schepens for the village of Mldtwut Jan Stri/ckcr and Pd,:)' Loth, while they continue 
 Jan Snedl'ker for good reasons as presiding Schepeu : for the village of Amesfoort Marten 
 JaimcR of Brciichchn and authorize the Schout Pltter Tonnetnan to administer the usual oath 
 to the incoming Schepens. 
 Having received and read in Council the nomination made by the Schout and Schepens of 
 Breuckclen and their request, that the Di.-ector-Gcnoral and Council fill the places of the Schepens, 
 who according to instructions have served their term and are going out of office, the Director- 
 General and Council of N. N. have chosen and confiruied, as they hereby i^hoosc and confirm for 
 the ensuing year, in place of the outgoing Sehepen Frederiok Luhhemcn, as Sehepen of the village of 
 lireuckeJen William Bredenhent ami continue in office for the present Albert Cornelisnen, Juris 
 Direlcsen and Joris liapaiJje. 
 Thus done in Council held at Fort Amsterdam, on the day as above. 
 To the Very W(u-shipful, Honorable 
 Director-tieneral and Council of 
 New Netherlund. 
 Humbly and reverently sliow tlie Magistrates of Brearhilcn, that for some years piist a 
 numberof lots have remained unused and vacant, which they biilievo to be contrary to tlie resolutions 
 and desires of tlieir Honors, the iJirector-CTcneral and High Council. The said Magistrates 
New York Historical liecords. 345 
 Ih^IwI-Tll y-;'-.«--f Pennission, t,. allix u.ul p,.blisl. i„ the said village notices, dire.-tin,. 
 hi w^ n ' ^^''"\""r''^ ^" '-- •'-•" •-'" "'^ '-K before now, to erect buildings thereon 
 llono.„najj,re,senbe. The petitioners further believe that .ueli an order wouhl benefit the 
 wTi:!! "7"" ^•-P"!'"''^'--^ the village of nre„.M.n. Awaiting vonr Il.nJ .^ 
 ia\oi.ioio decision they remain ' 
 BreucMeii, the 20"' v 11 1 1 ^ir , . . . 
 Marcli KiSG " "'^'""''''''" Worship.V faitiifiil servants 
 The Magistrates of BiviiA-cUv. 
 By order Pktiok Tonnkjian, Secretary ^;ro ha<: 
 The foregoing request having been read, the following decision was made • 
 J.M-u.toi-(reneral and Council admit the fairness „f the request, but direct, that if in two 
 .nontl. the order cannot be obeyed, it must be done within six montl. at tlie late t, under , n y 
 ot eonhscation. Date as above (March 28"- 1056). ^ ^ 
 that dm ^t''''"f- "' '1'" -"^^ "' ^''^'"'"' "'^P"^"-'^'' '-f'"-- ^'- ^'-'"-1 -•"! demonstrated 
 tliat tlio 8ui)scription obtaned for the slln>>.,I•^ ,.f fi • . • • ^ "-iMuiLiiaicu, 
 /V/,«...,;,.vanmnnti,...toU,oV(! T,"m " ' ^"'"'"" '"""■''"'■ ^""''"^ '^'"''««'^^'' 
 not relv noon V 1 ^ '''''•' '^"'>'" voluntary contribution and that they couhl 
 qain sruaM.iN, they cannot promise .u- consent to do so in the future This m>v 
 sen e tor their government. Date as above (March 28, Do.;). ^^ 
 Aridleborough.MarcIi 30, I60O Novostilo. 
 Kight IT,uu,nib],.. A.vording to o,„. vsual and annual Customo we are b„ld ,0 p,vs,.,.t you 
i . 
 Mirh/ (Johnial Settlements. 
 with a vow or list o. -'1111108 out of wliifli you may bu pleased to elect our Miigistrates for our 
 Towno ami soe we rci/iemnt Esquire, Edward Jesanp. 
 these bee. Sam Toior. 
 *n;rhard Jieffs. 
 Ralph Hunt. 
 EESonmoN OF THE DiRF.rToRs (IK TiiK W. I. C\)., Dkpt. of Amsterdam, conceunino a ship 
 FKOM Mkdemblick sknt to Cru.\(;Ao with Neuuo Slaves. 
 Monday, the 3' of April 1650. 
 This Board having I)oen inf(l, that witli a commission from the Director of MedeinUick, 
 under the Department of West Ffiedand and tiie North Quarter, a ship has sailed for the coast 
 of Africa for slaves to be sold at Curafoi-) or 011 the Main, resolved to prevent such sale or trade 
 and write to tiie Vice-Director B,xk to hold the said ship and slaves there and proceed aj^ainst 
 them, as the law shall prescribe. 
 Council Minites. Aitolnttment of Maoistbates for MiniiELHCKCiu (Newtown L. I.j Rkrohitiok 
 TO offer for salk the iiofsk a.vd lot callei) riiK Old C!iu:rcii, o.v the Kast uivku, New 
 April 4"' It 56. 
 ■Reeeiver herselt and her heir, and that her patent receive this addition, considering that 
 she ,s the hrst Ciiristian daughter born liere and is burdened as above stated and for other reasons 
 winch ,nay uuuce your I on- Worships to benefit he- and her heirs by exemptir.g her from the 
 payn.ent of t.thes and other taxes Hlready in.posed. Awaiting your lIonX"= Worships' favorable 
 decision etc etc. ' 
 The following decision was given to this request : ^''" '"'* '^ ^^""" •^"""'"^• 
 The petitioner shall have her share of meadow as well as others : the further request is denied 
 tor good reasons. Date as above (A]U'il i"' 1650). 
 CouNcii, MmuTKs, Lands to uk mvun:u hktwee^ Middklhoiwii and Akniiem, L. I.; Cajj.nons 
 FoK (JuAviisiiND; Magistrates of Fokt Ouanoe; A.\rnt..\v Janskn. 
 Present his Honor, the Direetor-Cleueral Peter Stuyvesant, Mcasius do Sille, LaMontagne, 
 Cor. van Tunhoven. •' 
 Mr Robert Uoo, sent by the village of Middelhorgh, appeared before the Council and whereas 
 the ].eople of the newly planted village oi Aruhem mow and use the meadows, granted to the said 
 village ot Middelhorgh, as if they belonged to them, he requests, that *he meadows may bcdivided 
 between the villages of Middelbiirgh and of Aridirm. 
 After due consideration it was resolved, to send two commissionera to inspect the land and 
 to allot to each party the due share. Date as above (Aoril 4"', 165(5). 
 Monday, April 10"' l()r>t). 
 R..'ceived and read the petition of the ^Fagistratos and inhabitants of ^m?'ew»r7,askin-, that aa 
 they have surrounded their village with pallisades, they might be provided witli three or fl.ur 
 small pieces of ordnance and amniuuition, in order to protect their village and its inhabitants 
 against an attacking enemy, when neccssarv. 
 After a vof i,ad been taken, it was resolved to grant their request and give them for the use 
 of the village tw,> of the pieces lying near the Packhonse on the Strand of the E;ust river; also to 
 direct the (^omiuissary, to deliver to the petith.ners 50 lbs. of p.nvder and for each piecc'l2 balls 
 ot 4 lbs. each. Thus done at Fort Aiiisterdaiii in IV. JV. 
 Received and read the letter from the Commi.ssary and xMagistratos of the village of 
 Jieveni'ijch; dated - -. * 
 A vote having been taken, the following selection was mad., from the list of nomination, for 
 othcers for next year t,. take the place of the outgoing and as ordinary Magistrates of Fort Oranue 
 and tlie villag.; .if he,',ririj,k wi^re appoint.'.! and eontirm.vl 
 As .'Xtraipnliriary 
 (iooSKN GKKlirrSKN I VAN HoilAU'lvl. 
 I'mi.ii' PiKTKRSK.v [Senrvi.Kij]. 
 Early Colonial Setthmeiits. 
 As to the other matters mentioiuHl in said letter, it was resolved, to send up two coiimiissioiiers, 
 as soon as the ships " Waey/i " uiil " Gddcrse Bloom " shall have sailed. Done at Fort Amster- 
 dam in N. N. Date as above (April 12"' 105(1). 
 Concerning the petition of Anthony Jan-i'')i, received by the Ooniicil and relatini^ to the old 
 differences about the boundaries between the village of (fnivfseml and his land, the Director- 
 General and Council decide and herewith order, that the petitioner shall give a copy of his jietition 
 to the Magistrates of G rmu'scnd -awA the court messenger shall direct them, to leave tlie matter 
 upon reading this order in statu quo prina and not to jn'oceed with the fencing and dividing of 
 the laud until further order and decision of the Director-deneral and Council. Date as above. 
 Lktteu krosi John Tilto.x, Ci.i:uk oi'' Tni', Town of Ghavesend, to Stuyvesant. 
 Honoured S' 
 Wee received Ap" 25"' 105(1 a coppie of the remonstrance and cnmplainte of Antonio Johnmn, 
 (by the stibo*), not only what falselie and nialiciouslie hec hath charged to Ys as if soe had 
 Christians, as lyranhanunetans, hiniselfo lus a trublsome person, reuiving to your truble ami ours in 
 this tnrblsome tyme, AVhereiu the whole Countrie seames to hange as vppon Geoniitrie, and ail 
 our liens in jeai)erdie; as by the greate supplies the Indians haue of Amies and Ammunition ; to 
 the furnishing of themselves: more as formerlie; as if were Nye some verye sad tragedit,',) about 
 his, not our former Controuersio of the bounds and Linmietts of his bow land: the which the 
 Heere Fiscall, with others of the High ratef deputed eiuled by niarkeiiig it out vnto him ; of the 
 which Bow land as hee saitli, if wee shall wronge him in the Ic.uste, wee desire to suffer in the 
 extremest but preindice anreseruation thereof and others there lost their lines by the Indians, all which is now 
 forgott; againe wee knowe noe intorualle of land that is betwixst him and vs, but ours adjoyning 
 to him, vppon or about the Wester most ]>'. of the Hand in tlui Largest extent as farre as i.aml is, 
 soe eijuallizeing his in the lenth thereof by (Jrannt and pattent ; further the land iiexst to him is 
 ours by ] lurch ase from the true proprietours and is extant vmlcr then- hands, to w''' Antonie 
 Jilcides the tfiscalls iiiarkeing it out wascontrarie to the niimls of the rest with him ; socondlie hee 
 pleades his purchase, whicii being longe after om' ])aftent+ desernes noe Answere, alisdc declareiiig: 
 though against his will that some amongst vs were honest men and payed him fur keepeing tluir 
 Cables one that of p''^^otir land, as wee vsnallie doe to tliem that keepc onr ('owes one dther ])'" 
 thereof, but for one or both; tiierefore to saye, the Land is theres is fodish and redicnlous ; 
 and for his possession for nianye yeares, weograunt: bee hath had before wee conu . and since, 
 the greatest vse ife luniefitt thereof: with the preuiiidges of hunting. ti>hing, fowling er( : i)Utyi'tt 
 * Ciirruptiiin of tlie Dutch woni Stcdehnth, Slcolml:', rourt mcaat'ii^'pr. — B. K. 
 f /i'(i/i(/ Council. —B. F. 
 J Sou for the rimrlcr of rh-ar^,-snul, ilali'il Il.Tinhr. 0, ini.!. f,iiwB of ,\Vw N'rl/nrhml. p. 5:1 rt hci|. -H, K, 
New York Ilhtovical Itecoi'ds. 849 
 l.y our i,att....t, (hcs. all c-onie ritolio vnto vs, a.ul no,, to Imn the wl.ich i,i caso woo ha.l l,v„„ 
 (•allc.,1 Loforc yo' II,m„ur tho aflForesaid Order would liaue l.oym omitted ; for kuowoi,,.. you ln„e 
 ouer proiesscl to ys, our cnjoyeuumt of what is giuon v.s : wee ,„•. not discouraged, hut th.-roforc 
 m.ndo. sfl to i/hct our f.uceiug tor tho soeureing nioro or lens , aoreof as this year wee are' ahle • 
 winch .y S Hennery Mo-.lay, date nn.lorwnttoii, wo have j^ivoii unci granted to Jochem Oerritscn Cock a 
 lot lor a houso and garden, situate ni).)n Long Island in tlie village uf Jireurkdai, measuring in 
 widtl. an the Iligiiway twon,y.|ive rods, ti.e elmreliyard being on the West an.l the woods on tliu 
 Last, in length twenty-four rods in a direction South West by West, containing one inorgon : 
 with the express condition and stipulation, etc. 
 Done lit Aimterdam in New Ndlwrkmd tho 27'" of May 1050. 
 Okdinanck of trk MAdiSTU.VTKs OF l\rrnw()L"r and Amicskooui', fou TnK safi:tv of tukib 
 June 3"', 1050. 
 (Seo Laws of Neio Nctherland p. 22!),) 
 FRoniuiTED ; Jews; Luthekans; riiiLiu Recokh. 
 Tiic U'" of June 1050 Honorable, Vigorous, Pious, Dear, Faithful, 
 Our last letter t,) you, dated tho 13"' of March last past, was sent l.v tho " n,H,'.ko,' f w.> 
 have since received by the ship " Nieuw Amsferdnmr Pi'ier Dh-eUcn W.tferhnnU skipix'r, vour 
 letter of the 21" of the same month, to which we shall i)rieflv replv, as several ])oiuts have been 
 answered by ours of the 13'" of March, that we are well satisfied with the expedition, which 
 agreeably to our former orders you have caused to he le.I so discreetly and without dillicnltv or 
 hloodslied against the Eiujlish on Long Idand, who encroached tliere upon the Oonipiuiv's 
 territory. ^ We ai)i)rove of what has been done there and re( iincud yon to act henceforth in the 
 same way in regard to encroachments or usm-pations by the KnijUsh ; but be as cautious as possible, 
 that no acts of ojieu hostility uccur. which must bo avoided and harmony maintained. 
 As to your fears concerning the trade with H/y/^A^ that it will not be of long duration, 
 hecauso of tho high price of all kinds of merchandises, the low price of tobacco, and b(-cause v.m 
 are informed, that England \va^ forhidden the trading from Virginia io X,;„ Xcihcrland.—wv 
 are not so nnich alarmed ;is you sh,,w yourselves to he in your last letter, jiartly because the- yrW 
 ..ftnliacco may shortly imi.rnvc. wliir)r), iesui-d at the retiuest of the Jewinh or Portnijneur nation, yim Imvo foi'liiddLMi them to trade 
 to Fort OmiKjc. and tho Soutii river, also the i)urchaso ol' real estate, wliiuh is granted to tiieiii 
 Ai)oui the witliout difficulty liere in this country, and we wish it liad not lieen done and tliat you 
 J«w». had obeyed oin- orders, which you must always execute i)uuutiially and with inure 
 respect: ./ewa or 7 V/««/m»;*! people however shall not he employed in any public service, (to which 
 they are neither admitted in this city), nor allowed to have open retail shops, but they may quietly 
 and ])eaeefidly carry on their business as before said and exercise in all iju; > their reli'don 
 within their houseo, for which end they nnist without doui>t endeavor to buiL their housi.'s close 
 together in a convenient place on one or tho other side of 7V(.'w^//Mte/'aying tho 
 fare for her and her children on condition, that the amount shall be deducted from the salary earned 
 by lier husband in Brazil. 
 In tlie shij) " Blanwe Daitf'" goes also over Thomas Lodiwii'lucn, car|)cnter, for whom tho 
 ComjKiny too paid tho fare, on condition of his remaining in .AV/,- .W'tliPrlanil foi- thrc(; years or 
 if ho leave before lie must refund tho ])assago money to you in Holland coin or its equivalent. 
J^ew York llkU>rical Jiecm-ih. 853 
 this ^i;:::wT^:;r:;tc'r'' ^''Tf:-^ '"-''- ^-^ '- ^'^^ ^-^ ^^--i-^'t!, 
 while the freight for !,!« goo.ls was n.„,ittctl ' ' ""** ''" P""* '"" l"''''"^^'' 
 -.1 one ,4;-o in the .hi,; ^^:^^ ,f£. '' "Z!^^] «7 ^' f-'-"with hia wife, onoehild 
 been al.le to , J , ' o L^^hi: ZT "''"'^^ "' ""'"^ '" *''^ ^^'^'^^"'^ ^^'^ ^'^^ "«* 
 list to bulanoe it fl, ' Ti therefore, pursuant to ot.r reHolntion of the 16'" of March 
 ^^:s^^;' "" ""' "•^"""'■^' ''"^^"^ '^"'' ^^•'-'-- «•- -y >^" of service to hi.n ; you^Ul 
 new o.e„ ; you ean arrange^ilC wh^n il ^.^-liy^::: ^" ^-"" "-" ^" ^"-^ ^ ^"^'^ '^ 
 theyI:ir:r:!!L;u':;™::' r?"'?^ r?*"? -' ^'"^ latdyretumed soldie.. because 
 brought frou^L t / 1 ; e f. re!' '"'t '"'' !'"' '"-''^' '"■'■' '^^"^^"■•^'' *" ^'"" ^'^ -- 
 .on Lain, a receipt "^ ;;ixz ':^::::;zz ;^r '^^^' '•^^"■•"'^ "-- ^^'-« ™ 
 Ainsierdam, -^ 
 thel4"'ofJunel.;5<;. t,, \^!'' Sood iM 
 Tlie Directors of tlie W. I. Company, 
 Dept. of Anisterdam. 
 Edwakd Man. 
 Herewith also the invoices of th(. lately arrived ship "Nleio Amstevdan, • " from fl.„ ■ , 
 'J.te^ you „.y ,ear„, how great the depredations c.in.nitted 1^^^ L cZ^ ^^1 
 Adrun.v,,n 7.. .„.. have been and the ,uantity of n.erchandise, the wjgh .^:^ ^ ^^^S^ 
 EnwAKi) Man. 
 Received the :."■ of Septe.nher I .i,5(i l.y the ships " OUer " and " Du^f:^ 
 OuniNAN.-K K„K TH,.: Tavment ..f tuk Tenths, passe,, JrNE 27'" 1656. 
 (See Laws o{ M-w Netherlands p. 232.) 
 Early Colonial /Settiementi. 
 Okdinanof rBOviniNd kdb thk C'i.kakanoe of Vesselh and fob the Entry of Goods sudjeot 
 TO Exi'OKT Duties, i-ashrd Junk 27"', 1656. 
 (Sco L. of N. N. I). 233.) 
 RKSoi.nnoN, thai- tiik Diueotob and Council pkooked to Gkavksknd fou the setilemknt 
 20"' of Jmiti l(i5(!. 
 Resolved and decided in Council, that their Honors, the Director-Ctoneraland (Jouneil of New 
 NethcrlanJ proceed tomorrow to the village of (rraot'tn'iyt on Lomj Island, to settle the (juestion 
 80 long j)ending about the houudaries between said village and Anthony Juntien, Robert Pennoycr 
 and others ; if possible in the presence of sonic prominent and impartial Englishuien. Date as 
 Judgment in the case uetwekn (jkavesknd and Anthony Jansen and others. 
 The Director-General and Council of New Nctliedand., after having on Wednesday last, the 
 21'' of this month, personally inspected the enclosures or posts and rails i)ut up lately by the 
 inhabitants of (h'dviincnd and also compared them on the sj)ot with the tenor of title deeds, tiiid, 
 that the posts and rails are not put up or placed in accordance with their patent, which begins at 
 the kil or creek next to Coney Idond and not at the middle of the bay, as their fences stand and 
 stretcheo thence not along theslioreof the bay, liutto the point, where the land of Anthony Jansen 
 and Robert Pennoycr join each other, thence to the western .-ide of a pond in .m old Indian's land, 
 which meets and hounds have evidently imt been adhered to by ihr peo[)leof (rrui'i;sy>/v'(t aintoritati') to the prejudice of the partnershij) of Anthony Jansen and 
 WilUain. Bredenbent into its former conditi,.'<'rx^,>yrk sitimtu on tl.o North river of Ne,v-iyetlu'.dan \m NoIjIo Honor, 
 General Petrun Stayiiosant und tho llii^ii Goiincil of Nm-Nettwrland. 
 First. Your Honors, tho Diiwtor-C i.-nora! and Ili^rj, Council, will roo i.y a copy of an extract 
 from the register of resolutions of tiie L,r.ls-l)ire..tor. of the W. I. Company, Dept. of AmMerdam, 
 •late,! tho 24"' ot Xovemher 1(533 an.l marke.l B, that the grievances complained of by tho 
 1 atroons were sul.mitted to a committee an.l that it was decided, that the conditions granted to 
 the founders of colonies were li.v-fully ohtaiiiiMl. 
 S^,-OH of December 1();?;5. marked A, that the said Committee delegated live, out of thoir 
 number, to confer with the Patroons and incase they could not come to an understanding, the 
 matter should be reterre.l to a committee of their High: Might: or the court of justice and it 
 was further dec-lured, that the privileges granted to the Patroons by the XIX and recorded, should 
 be considered to remain legally in force. 
 Third. Your Honors may further sije by two letters from their High: Might: dated the 
 13'" of May and 1»' of June Id,!!, copies of which we marked C and D, directed to the Patr.mn 
 h>h„en van Ji.n.mlaer, that the Company and the Patroons of tho Colony were smnmoned 
 by their High: Might: to hav,. their dilTereiices settled by the Committee of their High- 
 Might : ° 
 As ithas ].leaset<'>i.^ .01.1 .•..nf..r..n Die ab..v.. r.'iat..!.!,•. fr..:„ whi.'h I .•onclii.h-. that the .liirereii...es 6ver the letting of 
 th.' excise on wine aiLJInvr for sal.' in .nir juris.li.-tion shoul.l !,.■ submitted to arbitrators as 
 e..n.'erniiigapoiiit .,f iMris,li,.|io,i, asth.. ,lilT..reiKrs aris,.,, befoiv n.nv have been referred and 
 sul.mitte.1 to arbitrators an.l if tlum- Honors are not sati.tie.l. but against our expectations sh.,ul.l 
 execiit.. their resolution an.l onl.r. to iimk.. the tav..n,k....p..rs licensed bv us appear l)ef..re them 
 then I siiall be .■.unp.H,.d to pn.t.'M again.t th,. „>,. of vioh.n..,., as I herebv do re.,iiesfing at the 
 same time a .'opy ..f yoiir Honors' n.M,|„ilon and as yo-r ll..n.,rs have told an.l .lirected me n..t to 
 Icav.. bef.;r.. th.. afon.>:,id t:u ,.,„k,.,.p,.,.s hav .p,.:„.od her,, in p,.is,,n. T ,.na-a-.- mvself. wishing 

 AT/r/y Colonuil Settlement)*. 
 to provont further clifflcnltiofl nnr wold durin>< his tiuie iiy our ii-.n- 
 koopoi-s accordinj^ to his or tlio iiirikcepera' U.uks uuder the s))ei'ial ('oudifiou thiit your Honors, the 
 Qeneriil and \\\^\\ Council, promise to refund the money paid by iw, if another deeisioii by 
 impartial arbitratoi-s is j»iven in the Fatherland. As to the orders received by your Iloiuirs in 
 rej^ard to the tenths from the bouwories in our ('ulouy, that is alto^'ether contrary to the privilej{es, 
 declared legal by the Hon. Company and the Assembly of tho XIX, and also to tlio 0'" »rtielo* 
 of high and low jurisdiction. 
 I am highly Hurprised, that the Jlon. (Company trios to impose such taxes and charges ujum 
 our Colony and its iiilialiitants, as they have no right whatever to do so, for on tho contrary we 
 have been promised by t' e Coiu|iany in the 25"' article* that they will defend us against all 
 violence; notwithstaniling which we have two or three times with considerable eN((enso assisted 
 tho inhabitantK of I'orl Onimje and the village of Jirrefwi/rk in n^pairing the Fort, namely first 
 during tho war of the French savages, then in the English war ami n jw during the late troubles 
 and whenever any ditlicuity arose, we have quickly made considerable |)rcsculs to the savages and 
 do so yet daily. Let us add thereto the damages done us daily through the killing of horses, 
 cattle, pigs, etc., by the savages, costing us yearly several thousand and further that the i'atroon 
 and tho other Directors maintain at their own charge their otliccrs and servants; I will leave it to 
 your U -iiors judgment, having some knowledge of these matters, whether such demands are 
 proper, especially now. 
 AmHdrilam in New Netherlami, .Ia.n Uai'tisi van Uensselakk. 
 the 20"" of June, KJS*!. 
 Extract from tho Uegister of Resolutions of the Hon. 
 Delegates sent to the Assembly of the XIX of the West India 
 Company now sitting at Amsterdam. 
 Monday, the 19"' f>f December lfi33. 
 Present at the meeting iMessrs. Mii'lnxtl J'auw, //>'iii/ri. 1 et (ic(|. — Ki>. 
Nm York JtiHtorical limji-fk. 887 
 ExtriU't from tlio Rc.^istor of U.-Holiitioim of tlio LohIh- 
 Dirwtors of tho W. 1. Co.ii|)m.y, IJoj)' of AnuUr- 
 TncHday, tlio 24'»' of NovombtT 1«33. 
 Tho .•ompl.intB of fl.o Patroonn of tho Colony on tho South rlvor of m,o Ncthrlan.l hnvinrhi,'h thfy (the Company) hare tha-c an fa/,t.^ j>o^:nbh' ;" as far as we know the 
 Company has MOW during tliirty years never faih'd to do so, neither will thcv fail at present to 
 do it to the best of their ability. 
 That the people of the (Jolony have two or three times repaired JWt Orung,; with the 
 assistance of the inhabitants is stated, but not sulliciently proved. If it was done, we acknowledge 
 it gratefully, notwithstanding it was done more for their own, than fur the general interest. AVe 
 the Director-(i(MK'ral ami Council now in otlice, do not know anything of a war with tiie French 
 savages; and during the /s/)our othcus to ,e,pnre the tenths- and wee the said Towne being willing to doe that which I 

 ill' , 
 £!arly Colonial Settlements. 
 reasonable and honest: altliougli wee miglit iustly pleado the great liinderance and damage which 
 wee haiie and doe sustaine in our estates besides the daily foaro of our Hues by reason of the 
 insufferable lusolency of the Indians being as it were in a posture of continnuall warro by reason 
 whereof we cannot inioy our land in peace according to our pattent and by that means arc much 
 disinabled : yet notwithstanding to avoido all differences that may arise betwixt our moste 
 Honnorable Patroors and our seines wee are willing for this present yeare as an acknowledgment 
 of the tenths to pay vnto your Lorde shippe or your officer de])uted tiftie scipple of peas and 
 twentie fine of wiieate and see wee haue agreed witli your Committees and wee question not in 
 Consideration of our weake and poore Condition your Honnorable Lordeshippo will accept thereof 
 and wee shall remayie your Humble Seruauts to Command the Inhabitants of Vlishing written 
 by order of the Towne by mee. 
 ffroin Vlishing Euwaht IIkam'.** Clkiucus. 
 this 29"> of July 1656. 
 Letiek fkom tuk Town of IIkmj'stkad to Stuyvesant. 
 Honored S' 
 Yours wee received Bearing Date the 4"" of July 1656 wherein you demand the tenths 
 Which iff they bee due according to Covenant then wee are ready to pay them iff there bee any 
 deputed to receave them according to Covenant. But we know off no General jieace was made 
 with the Indians till this year. S' wee allsoe doe expect that you will make good vnto vs such 
 i ■ 
 •• Edw, Hart waa one of tbe original incorporatorB of Flushing, the otliera were Thomas Furrington, Johu 
 Townsend, Thos. Stiles, Thos. Saull, John Marston, Kobt. Field, Thomas Applegate, Thomas Beddard, Lawrence 
 Dutch, John and Wm. Lawrence, Wm. Thome, Henry Sautell, Wm. Pigeon, Michael Milleard, Kobt. Firman and 
 John Hicks.— B. F. 
New York Hiatorical Records. 
 Damages as you by Covenant have 
 Leaves & subscribe our selves yours 
 Aakon his mark /[■ Finkman. 
 Simon Saiung. 
 John Finish. 
 Beniamin Coe. 
 John O Smith. 
 Nicholas Fames (?) 
 John Seaman. 
 John Stuugis. 
 Richard Wodhull. 
 Robert Maruin 
 ? Cob. 
 William Staddino. 
 Thomaas^-^^ Ellison. 
 his marke 
 James H"*— Pine, 
 Francis \/\/ Weeks. 
 Daniell Whytheai). 
 his marke 
 John j Ellison. 
 Richard Willkits. 
 Robert iackson. 
 Richard Valantine. 
 bound your scitfe to make good vnto vs. S' wee take our 
 The mark of 44^ Stickland.* 
 John IIickei,. 
 William Wasiibar. 
 The marke of Robert \^ Ashman. 
 Edward *Q Reiner. 
 his ^W" marke 
 Henry \[ Pearsall. 
 his marke Wil. Hickes (?) 
 Richard Qj Stiles, Thomas Champion. 
 his marke Jeremiah 5 Wood. 
 George Ka Mils. 
 Richard Brudnell. 
 Robert Fforman. 
 Joseph Scott. 
 John Smith. 
 Jonah Halsteade. 
 Thomas «^^ Southard. 
 William g SMmi. 
 Robert >?j»js|> Readles mark. 
 Willem Jacobs. 
 Ordinance renewing and amending the Ordinance against the Imtortation of Articles 
 OT Contraband, passed Aiu. 11, 1050. 
 (See Laws of N. N. p. 236.) 
 Patent for Land in Mespath, L. L 
 Petrm Shiyvcsant, Director-General etc., and the Council testify and declare, that to-day, 
 date underwritten, we have given and granted to Jan Catjou a lot, situate in Mespat, being 
 i)ounded on the North side of by Jacob Lube and on tlie Soutiiside by lioloeff Jamen, the butcher, 
 * The charter was granted to IIemp,tead Novbr. 16, 1044 (Lawn of .V.,<, mherlnnd. p. 42) At the expiration of 
 ten yoars to be^.n fro„. tho day. th« first ^'eneral p.,ae., with th« Imliann was concluded, they were to pay a tenth like 
 j1 IT -^''"'f f""' '='"'" °"'y"^'si"al patentee amons the above subscribers, «.*«,( Fordham, Jo/m Oaden. 
 Jonn Carman, John Laifrcnrc and Jama Wood were the others. —B. F. 
i • 
 • * * 
 Earli/ Cohnial Settlements. 
 strctcliiiig along tlic luc.idow South Eiist and Nortli West, in wiiltli along the bordor of tho 
 meadow thirty-two rods, into tho woods in a S. E. and N. W. lino in length four huiKh'od and 
 sixty-eight and three-fourth rods, on l)oth .sides, in the woods or thirty-two roils wide, containing 
 twenty-five niorgens, with tlie exjjresa condition and stipulation, etc. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam in Ncu) yelherlaud, tiiis 21" of August, 1050. 
 ; 4' 
 Monday 21" of August 1650. Extraordinary Session at Fori n - rdain in JV N. 
 Having heard tho debates ^>;v) and ro/itra and examined the evidence the Director-General 
 and Council find, that the couiplaint.s of tlie Magistrates of Gravesend are unfounded, hecausi; the 
 ocular inspection, made by tiie Director and Council on the 2.")'" of June, has proved, tluit the 
 people of Gravesend without the justification of law have fenced in a part of Anthony Janscu's 
 land and the meadow of William Bredenlcnt and ]>laced their posts and rails not in conformity 
 with the consent of the Director-General and Council upon tlu^ laml granted them l)y their patent, 
 but, as it has been stated, partly upon tho land of Anthony Janmn and through the mea(h)w of 
 William Bredenlcnt. The Direcr his cattle. 
 Further, in case the hay granted as al>ove should not be sulHcient for the village of Oravesend to 
 bring their cattle through the winter, tluiy are allowed to cut and harvest this year the balance of 
 the gni.5t5 at Fort A>nst>rdani. 
 Present in ( '. 'iril (icM.Tal /Vtrns Sf'iyivsant and the {^)UiU'illors Nicasius de Sd/e md 
 La Montayne. 
 Upon tlie urgent re([nest of the -Magistrates of Oravesend, assisted by Sir Jlenry Moody, 
 Bar', it was resolved to scud tlio following ordcrto Jacques Corteljouw at Najeek: 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Jacques tortdjoxm is hereby requested anort Atnsterdam in 2i. .V. this 25'" of August lOSO. 
 Ordinance keoulating t„e Fees pataiile at tuk OusroM-HorsE and Pn.r.io Store at New 
 Amsterdam, passed Seit. 0, 1050. 
 (Sec Laws of JV. N. p. 249.) 
 Report of the Commissioners AproiNTEn to inquire into some Differe.vces between iNHAiirrANTS 
 OF MmnELBURon, (Newtown) L. I. 
 "We, the undersigned Commissioners, deputed by the Hon"'" Director-General and Council of 
 New-Netherland to settle to the best of our ability the differences between the Magistrates of New 
 MiddcJburgh mi Thonm Sievcnsen, Iuvq proceeded to the bonwerv or plantation of the said 
NeM York Historical liecorda. 867 
 Stmemm, situate on Long Idand in tlio jurisdictio,. of New Netherlands on tl.o IS'" of 
 September Tiiero tl.o Magistrates of tlio said village appeared before us, who made complaint in 
 presence of the said Thmim Stemnscn. 
 _ First. That the said StmKmen had closed the wagon road from New Middelhurgh to the East 
 river near h.s house un.i turned it farther down to a deep river or kill, over which ho has built a 
 cam of wood and other material and as ho has .onstructe.l the san.e at a right angle, it is very 
 dimcnlt to turn tiio carts and wagons coming from above. As the sai.l causeway might with 
 great danger to their animals cause them to come to grief, they request, that the old road be 
 reopened. Afc««we,i maintained, that the old road, separating his honso from his barn prevented 
 liim from fencmg them in together or defending his place, and that he had therefore niade the 
 change. lie asserted, that the now road was .p.ite practicable. After having listened to the 
 parties and inspected the place, we are of opinion, that the common interests must be preferred to 
 individual interests, and that the old road being straighter and more convenient, than the other, 
 should bo reopened for the use of the village of New Midddhunjh u.ider the condition, however, 
 that the same be laid out from the house of said Stevem^a to the wagonroad, running from the 
 new road to the meadow, as the new road is convenient from there to the river. 
 Second. The neighbors of Stevenmi complained, that he has dammed up a certain rnn of 
 water, generally used, for his own private convenience, so that the kil is always dry below the 
 dam and remains without water to their damage and loss, because there is no fresh water elsewhere 
 tor their cattle. Thomm 8teuen.sen asserts, that the dam built by him does not injure his 
 neighbors, because the kil has no source or spring, but rec-eives its water only from the rain 
 fal which soon runs ofJ on account of the steep grade of the kil and because he hits made a sluice 
 in the dam, winch ho opens, when it rains. 
 Haying inspected the place we think for the reason alleged by said Skmnsen, that the 
 atoresaid dam is neither injurious nor prejudicial to the neighbors, because they can build a similar 
 dam below the first and gather thereby suliieient quantities of water for their use. 
 Third. The neighbors complained, that the said Steoensen has run his fences into the river 
 and thereby obstructed the passage of their cattle coming from the woods, which causes the same 
 frequently to return ir.to the woods to their great disadvantage. The said Stevemen said, that he 
 had placed his fences into the water to .sive further labor and expenses and that there was room 
 enough behind the land for the cattle to come home. After having heard the parties and 
 examined the title deeds of said Steve nse, , we found that Stevemen's boundaries run along the 
 river and not into it: we are therefore of opinion, that the said Stevaisen has deprived his 
 neighbors and others against the law of nations of the use of the shore and should now leave it to 
 the i)ublic. 
 Fourth and lastly. The Jbgistrates of New Middelhmujh complained, that the Siiid ^^'<,vn.v,» 
 had against the general rule of the said village feiu'ed in all his mea.lows with one enclosing and 
 they maintained, that the mea.lows shoul.i have been divided into thi-ec equal parts, one of whi,'!, 
 was to remain in his possession, while the two others were to be used by the community generally 
 and he should receive for them two equally large shares in the large meadow. Thomac Sfrvens/n 
 answered, that he owned and used the said meadowland by virtue of his patent, which being 
 produced it was foun.l, that the Hon'"' Director-General of New Netherhind had granted to the 
 said Steven^en the meadow in question containing twenty morgens. The Magistrates replied, 
 iitevensen had obtained the sai.l patent from the Director-General by trickery, as he had not stated, 
 that the meadow belonged to Midddhur,jh territory -.vhich seems credible, for the Director-General 

 J^arhj Cohynial SettlementH. 
 had promised tlicin, tlmt no pntonta sliould pnjudico their iidea and iw wo couhl Hnd no decision 
 {mod,- rati e) in thin controversy, we c'oiichKh'd to Hiibinit the ciwo to ln".s Honor, tlie Direi'tor- 
 Gonorul, iw being the best exponent of h'm promises and the patent. 
 La Montaonk. 
 The Direetor-Genend and Council of -,V. JV. received the rciwrt made by tlieir delcKiites, 
 Couiiciiior Za J/witoy/(,' and Capt. T/ioiuufi UV/A/^ concerning tiio dillerences between 'noma's 
 Steveimen and the people of MidJelhunjh and approving,' the same contirm it, to wit : tiiat the 
 general interest must l)o preferred to private eoncurns antl order therefore on the first point, that 
 the said Thomitx Stei'cntiai sliall ruiiiake tiic old wagon road.cJianged by hini on his own authority 
 from his house to the wagon road leading from tiie new roail to tlu* valley. 
 Ou tho second point regarding the complaints of the village about the damming of a certain 
 run of water, the Director-General and Council order, that the dam, as it now is, may remain, but 
 that the people of the village may if they wish construct another dam below that of said Steuenaen, 
 to collect water for their cattle. 
 On the third, tho Director-General and Council order, that T/inma.nd first owner of it ; in regard to the other half he shall be considered in the 
 allotment with the other ' liiabitants of MUhUlliunjIi. 
 Done at Fort AiasterJum in N. S. the 22'' September 1G50. 
 Council Mimtk. The iM.u.isrit.UKs ok Uuooki.vn a,ni> orniaj Lonu Island Vir.i mjiw ask 
 THAI' Mk.vsukks he apoi'tki) to pacify tue I.vdians in tueik N'ulmtv. 
 26"' of Septbr U:><\. 
 Before the Conneil appeared the Schepens of the villages of BrcurMcn, Miihnout and 
 Amesfoort, rerpiesting in the name of .■.; inhabitants of saiil villages, that before starting on hi:; 
 journey to Fort Ouvifje the Director-General would ])lease to make ]ieace with the savages 
 hereabout and proclaim the same, because some people have very gloomy forebodings, that in the 
 absence of tho Tlon''' General tho savages might make some attack ; ..r else tint if ]iossible the 
 Geneml should remain here or if circumstances did not allow him to remain, that his Honor then 
 would pleiLse to give orders, by which they couhl govern themselves in an emergciu'y. 
 After Bomo opposition, becaiise the time had passed, they were told, that their rc., L. I., Vo,,rNrAU,.,V HKTrUN 000„9 8T..LKN „Y 
 SioKETAWAuir (L. I.) Indians. 
 Aimo l.l.-iC, tho DO"- of Scptombor, ^l,.,nt twelve Huvuges from J/«my,/m./l- ca.ue here to tl.o 
 Man, nans ami n.h. the I-o.^t, hrin^.i,,^. oy order of their Saehe... a coat of gray cloth or iunoomt 
 un.l two ol.l Blurt . wludi they Hai.l, ha.l heeu stolen l.y n.emhor. of the Sicketawarh trihe, one 
 Hhut h-om a nej^ro ou Lo,uj hiand ut Jor.x.^^s'^ plantation, the other at lireurk.h'n from J„n 
 Loer.a . house ami the eoat or in,u>eaU from this «i.le of Mr.padl kil, where three houses stand 
 t,«ether. I hey dee ared, that the savages of Afafinerorfhot the trihe ealle.l SVcke/aw,,,,/, had done 
 It and that the Saeheui Tu.'/'panmn was nngry, heeause they, the savages, ha.I .lone it; it is 
 proved [Ins anger], hec-ause he or.lere.l the return of the stele,, artieles. They doelared further 
 hat the sav.ges Irom this si.lo of the W.,j>ph,,,** ha.l also taken a blanket from the pla..e, where 
 he eoat had been stolen ami that the Mutu.r >»,jA. „u,.n had now gone there to bring it back, as 
 hey had been obliged to retun. what they had stolen, an.l when they had como, it would also bo 
 brc light here. 
 Through the interpreter la,,r.ns /lan.snn, they wero thanked for the trouble taken by them 
 a"'l told, that then- ,.hief had -lone very well in eausing stolen goods to be returned, for else it 
 migh ,-,v:Ue disharmony an.l .pmrrels. We a...epted thi. on the eontrary as a sign of sincere 
 fnen, ship, which our ehief woul.l reeiproeate, whenever any theft was reported to him and wo 
 would iiil.irm him ..f it as ,so„n, as he hcd returned from /: ^( Oruiuje. 
 After th..se speeches we gave them a pou.el of powder to deliver to their chief as a sh^n of 
 our good heart, with which, they left. ^ 
 Amsterdam in ^V. ^V. Date aa above. 
 Skntknckok \Vn.u.vM ILu LKrr or Fu-siun,, kok allowtno Bai-tist Com-K.^noLKs in™ 
 1' Ll'S.MNlf. 
 Whereas Wd/iam llallM, born in DonctMrc, in England, about 40 years old, a rcsi.lent of 
 the village of Juj, iuu[ imw a ].rison..r, has ha.l the au.lacity to .'all and allow t.> bo called 
 cnvcnticlcs and gatherings at his Imase and to pe.mit there, in contemptu.ms disobedience of 
 l)ul,lisiied an.l several times renewed placats oi'the Director-General an.l Council of New Ntlu-rland 
 an e.vegesis an.l interpretation of Go.l's Il.dy Wor.l, as he confesses, the a.lministnition and service 
 of the sacraments by ..ne WUliam Wlekmdani, while the hitter, as he ought to have known, had 
 neither by ecclesiastical nor secular authority been called or appointed thereto ; and whereas he 
 wrh several others has bcm present at an.l listen..d to this ex.^geais an.l intcrprc-tation an.l after 
 hearing it has with othei-s from the lian.ls of the sai.l Wlckendam receive.! the Lre.ad in the form 
 and m.m.ier 111 which the sacrament of the Lord's Supper is usually celebi-.ited and gneu; all of 
 will..!, is in direct contra.li.ti.m with the gen..rai political and ecclesia.stic,d rules of .mr Fatherland 
 an, especially eontrary to the sai.l plmvitsof the Direct.,r-General and Council, which he as Scho.it 
 m the atoresai.l village wi.s bouml to uphold and strictly eaforce, which, however, he has not only 
 faile.1 to do, but himself has transgresse.1 and disobeyed. 
 * Hnpaolj.v 
 ** Sfo Voluiuo XIII, N Y Co". Doc. 

 Karhj Colonial S, Ulenignf«. 
 ll.c.n.f<.ro I.., J).rortor.non..nU an,! Cou.u-i! of tlu- .W.o .Yvlhnlan.h in .mrm.an.o .,f tl.n 
 tiMior.. tlu.HM.I ,,l,u.aK (.r.f ,lis,MisH ,1.., «.ua )r////„j/a„./, old 42 year., now a 
 p Hon ., ha. ha,l th. auda.-ty to 1 to and hol.l ,.onv..ntic.!..,s an.I gatlaTin.. an.I In .liH..lK..li..n..o 
 ot pnblmh... an.I .•q,.at...lly r.w,c-w..,l pla,.atH ,.f the Director-Oencral an.I Conneil of .Ye'o N.-th,-rhuui 
 ha«,aH u. hm.s.. f n,nf...soH, nsnrp...l th.. ..Ili™ of Minintor of tho (}.,sp..l in i.xmnn.lin,^ an.l 
 ;;rr .'"\ ^ V^'"''' """' '"''"•■•"■^""-^' '""' "•"-"i"^' ■•-. tl.o .a-rLa-nt. of Uaptinn and 
 udHr '':'';'•:''• ;'^'7" ''^"'"" •-"-' •"•appointed thereto h.V any eoeleniastieal clr scenlar 
 uuthont.) wh...h .s .l.reetly contrary to tho general political and ee..h.siasti..al rule* ..f onr Kalh..-- 
 . nd and espee.ally t.. the .ai.l pla..ats ..f the Dire..t..r.()en..ral an.I ('onn..il, expresnlv forl,i,l,li„,, 
 IBU convenfeles and .atherin., pnl.iie or private, except the nsnal nu.etin.s, whi.-h ar.. n,!; 
 nlv M\y penn.tte.l. but ak> based upon (So-l's Word and or.lored for tho servi.r ,.f (}o.i, if 
 ^u.y are h.^ld eontonn to the Syn..,l of I).„, ]„,,., in our Fathcrlau.! an.I in ..tluT elunvhe. of the 
 lu'tornied l-aith m Eur..pc. 
 Tlu.vl^..e the .,1.1 irV///,,,,, Il'/,.^vn.;,m, in pursuan.-e ..f the tenor „f th.. .aid phu-atn. in 
 Co,.en.ne.l to a hne of Km. p..„,.,,, pjrnu.h an.l is l.anishe.l fr.,n> this I'rovin.v ..f N^.n 
 111 Ills ease, nliall havo been pai.l. 
 Thus decreed and senten.r.l in f',.un<-il, etc., the 8'" of N..vend.or ICrxi. 
 , "^.'rn-vv''" V,"'"''"'^' '''""•'' '""' ''"""•■" ''^'^■" '"''^" '•'•'^'li'-'v i"f'"'""'u is a very po.,r man with a witb an.l several chil.ln.n an.l a .•oM,l..r 
 l.y tm. e, t.. whu-h ho d..es not i-roperly attend, so that nothin- can bo ol.taine.l Iroin him. 
 lheref.,ro tho Dir.rt.,r.(;,.neral an.l Council have r.>n>itte.l tho af..rosai.l line of U Co., an.l 
 aU.nv...| Inm to ivnu.ve, ..n con.lition, that if he is caiiyht here a-ain, he must pay it. 
 11"' of November KJoO. 
 LmTEH FliOM DToLHEMIl-a TO DiU. SirVVERANT;  14"' of .luiio lt;5(>, and soul with the sliip.s " Otter" and 
 •• I'lfonn,' J)>i'Jil'" hiiiiii wliieli, jiraiso Iks to (tod, tlio ships " Gelderse /iloiii,''^ " Wucij/i," 
 t})/'" and " Hiniti'kdi'." \\a\\\ Hafcly 'irrivod huru and 
 l)'';i/iiii. Hiiiirr iiiid lloiitikiM! w(i rccfivt'd your lottcr.-* of tho ii.5"' of Maivli, 'J'' of May, 8"', 10"' and 
 iirrivr.l in Kuthrrlaml. ] lreferred to see you kee[> there tlie detained ship " /)i)/f/iijn'' instead of 
 siudinj; her here witii a earjjjo, for the aiuoiint of tVeij^ht money earnuil hy her Uan jjeeii reduced 
 I'liiisiderahly iiy tho .-.ettlinj^ with and |iayiut,' of the people, whoso jjoods wuro on board of this 
 Knntin'i'H of till' slii|i " Dol. vessel and were utterly spoiled hy her unfitness. It is therefore evident, 
 /''""•" tliiit it Would not do to send her ajjain to .\V/« .Vet/ii r/und (ov u.setluiv, 
 iiiilr--; we urre to lay out on liei- iimre that she is worth, whieli you api).irently liave done already. 
 A.i it i- liki'ly that a demand may hi.' made here for this ;.hip, you are direeti^d to send us hy the 
 'I'ciainil '>viT till! iiri-ouiii of llrst opiK)rtunily tho aceount of the.sc oxpiJiisus iiunirred there hy you, 
 that we may make use i>fit in duo tiino. 
 * * * » # 
 The I'ompl.'iints made hy luerchants here over tin; hailnessof Vii'f/i'ni'ii tohaceo and the frauds 
 Viiyiniit tulmiii) tn lie in. eoiiimitteil there hy their factors have maiU' us resolve to write you, 
 "I"''''''' that this Idliaeeo must he inspeeted, liki? tlu; New Netlu'rlanlm of tliin letter Vol. XII, p. lltl. iiiiil Vol Xlll, p 70 
 *• .Ml tliene letler.s lire missini^ 
 t I'llii- riiii ih !• I, null, a|i|M>iiiteil .\|iril 1:1, Iti").'). 
 % \ 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 fatness for this dntv, which woukl not riMuody thi,^ ease, we rccon-.niend yon, to look about for 
 another fat and experienced person, who can ju.lgc of tiie bad or good (qualities of tobacco, by 
 pulling some out of the cask to see whether it is well dried and cured and by whatever else is done 
 on such occasions. Aluch depends also on the cultivation of the tobacco plant, for when it is cut 
 and cured at the pro])er time during the growing period, it is nuich better and stronger and may 
 easdy fetch a higher ])rice, as. we iiavo explained in our letter of the 23'' of Nov.;mber 165-i, to 
 wln'ch we refer for brevity's sake.* 
 AVe consider a change of the value of your currency, that is, i)lacing the beaver at tl instead 
 About fixing ft certain price of 8, and wampum at 8 for a stiver, instead of t), a matter of great 
 DM ""'' '™""'"'°" ''"'""■^'"•^•° ""-J l'=^^-° ^'"^'•^'f'^'-e deferred the consideration of it until 
 , " """ ; . '"^^t spring. Meanwhile we shall think about it and later inform you 
 ot our opnnon and wislies. 
 We are ready to believe, that th,. collection of the tenths is as yet of little considcM-ation and 
 TetS^s"' ^''^ '=°"'''="''" "' "'" '^'"'•'^L'« ""'^■1' trt.uble, but that is no reason for negh'cting it : as we have 
 "'■■C'lJy si'iJ repeatedly, you must introduce this measure in tlic most 
 suitable and lenient manner, for even though the amount collected may not be sufficient to defray 
 the expenses of each village, as the inaintenaiu'eof the preaclu.r, schoolmaster, etc., the tenths inn^t 
 nevertheless be demanded .and pai.l over in behalf of the (.\.,npanv to the aforesaid olliccrs, while 
 the community, being hehl to make up the delicieney by other ways of .subsidy or self taxation, 
 would then not contribute more, than now. 
 As to the collection of the tenths in and the contribution to other burdens by the Colonvof 
 The cnlleetion of the tenth li\)issL'lan\nvijck; we must consider this matter still a while and shnll 
 t,X ''"'""'' "' '''""'"■''"■'■'■ '"'^^'''^'^ y"" «f ^•"'' «"''•  i"'^'^-""t ""V <'-.o frotn taking with 
 him for 
 the peoj.lo of tho Oitv's Coloi'"*" 
 Ills own use a matchlock. Well, it must remain as it is, sita-e 
 ny-^" litivi; no other ruloand wo would suggest to you to make herein 
 the best and safest arrangements, to find Mit and stop such smuggling. 
 They do „„i consent to ac- Your proposition, to build a trading house near the former Colonv of 
 r','rr,ii;',;!'l,o',!::."""'™" ""' ♦'"- '""••> ^^ ^■'f-r/m-.f^ for the acco,nmo,lation of the Sinm',juen.,t 
 ^^■1'" lii'^t- brought and sold there about 4(MI0 lK\averskiiis, does nut meet 
 with our appn,val, because the trade with this nation will apparently not be of l,.ng .luration orof 
 lieasons why not. importance, the more so as by the estabfislmient and planting of the 
 City's ('.,l,,iiy on the South river, oec.;sion will be given to them, to come there with their peltries 
 ami trade, the place being nearer and more convenient. Even if at first it siioidd be otherwise and 
 ♦ $20.'5flO.OO. 
 •* See Vol. XII, p. 131. 
 f See Vol. Xlll, p. 'jn. 
 } Evidently imaiit for .Vui'/i/./i. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 To pivc proper orders upon ^^'^.Y wci'c to poiiio back tliero agaiu, then you must issue such orders 
 arrival of the *'(«Nf?«,«. aiul limit tho liberties of this nation ill such u niauuer, that it will 
 result neither to the dishonor nor to the disjxdvautago and danger of the Province and its 
 Pisplensed to hear a Jesuit Tho rej)ort made to you thero, that some Frenchmen with a Jesuit 
 nod some Frenchmen have set- from Canada have comc into tlio country of tlio aforesaid Senneijuens, 
 tied among the Senecas. j,„^i 1,^,^,,^,^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ settlement there, was not agreeable news to us, for 
 it can only he to tho disadvantage of our Province aiul tho inhabitants, llowever wo have not as 
 yet deemed it advisable to come to a final resolution in this matter, as being premature and the 
 matter perhaps of small consequence only, before M-e are not better informed about it. We desire 
 Further advices to be ex- you to make a close investigation and report the result of it to us, while 
 '"'^''" • you must take care and make arrangements for tlio security of /'hrt 
 Oranije, that no mishap befal us there. 
 Ahout JohandeDeckere. As you liavo given pennissioii to the Commissary of the aforesaid 
 Fort, ,/o/ian da Deckcre, to come to Holland on private business, wo trust, that you have provis- 
 ionally filled the jilaco with a proper and honest man, until the said de Dcckcre shall have retimicd, 
 wliich he will undoubtedly do in tho sju-ing. 
 liells for Bcverwyck, Hem- ^^^'^ should have sent you, as refpicste7't 
 McadanA Miduout to be sent Oran(je and Bciurwi/rk, the little bell for their new I'hurch, also two 
 '" ''''"''^" others for the villages of llt'msfm Island by assisting them in sui^h occasions 
 And to assist with r, or ^^''^'' ^ •"■ *'' »*oldiers, who however being in the ( Jompaiiy's ])ay shall not 
 soldiers, only emulid to. luar- demand from the people more than their (piarters, as it is customary 
 '*■"■'''''• here. Vou are also directe.l, to make the aforesaid farmers do their 
 duty and fulltil theconditi.iiis of the contract made with his Honor. 
 Whereas J/(//r///'' /Wr;**,'//, the mother of Dar/'d Jacohnenvun  sailed as 
 J. Duridacii van dl. II, |i, ,117, noli', mid Vel, XIII, various iilaces. 
Neio York Ilistoi'ical Records. 
 WIioth.T wo know, wi.«ru You will inform us by the first opportunity, whotlier you know 
 N. Tenia- in. imythiiig of the wliiToaboiit.s of Nicolas Tcnier from Bergen op Zoom, 
 who Kiiileil from huro as supercargo in thu ship "■ Pnna ]ViUciii" in 1G47, and how his acL-ounts 
 stands, as wc have to make use of this information. 
 We liave seen in a statement of monthly wages earned there by JacoJ} Jfendrirh, the barber, 
 that you have credited him with an item of i\ 455. i.-for expenses incurred by him, wliile livini' in 
 the Company's house. Wo perceive, it is your intention, to shove all your expenses there upon 
 Thoitem of •lo.'i fl4intlie 'Vf our shoulders, but as tills item could easily have been balanced against 
 of J. irendricks uoi^dmhted. the rent of the house, which said Hendricks un.loubtedly owes, we have 
 absolutely refused to pay the sum here as well as the balance of an account of wages earned bv 
 aIbo the balauouof tlio ac- Ocrrct Titis, a trumpeter engaged there, which you will have to pay 
 count of f/. 7',%. there, after examining an item in the last account of ll l(i7.12.-, the 
 origin of which cannot be discovered here, as you may see from the enclosed copy of the account. 
 TUo liiijment of slavua bo't Wo have also referred to you the payment of an account of a 
 hero reierred. purchase of slaves, imported there by the 'ship " WelcomsC : as such 
 things cause us and the people the greatest inconveniences, wo warn you as before to prevent tlieni 
 and give all proi)er satisfaction to the creditors there. 
 Ship ■• Vuijff" arrived in 20 AVe had written so far and were about to close this letter, when the 
 ship "7>(/ ////"' arrived hero in 29 days from Neio Netherlawl. We 
 received by her your letter of the 12"' of November last, intendJd principally, as the general letter 
 is to come by the " Otter-' to accompany the long-desired account books, which we shall now 
 thoroughly examine hero. Time will show, how much satisfaction we shall derive from them, 
 M-hich M(!'ll communicate to yVtvv" also a small cask containing drugs and other medicines, demanded 
 by you for sick horses. AVhcn rwpiired, ni:ik(> use of them and observe, whether they have such 
 an effect, as the KitijUnh [man and J farrier imagines. 
 Herewith, etc., etc. 
 the ly'" of December lt!5(J. 
 Your good friends 
 The Directors of the W. I. Company, 
 Dept. of Anititenhtm, 
 Pai'lis Timmku.man, Abk. Wilmeudonx. 
 (^aiitain Day has asked us to assist him in obtaining possession of or payment for a small cask 
 of biacklead, eent formerly to New Netherhuul for Cornelitt liiehr, then Commissaiy on the 
 South river, as it is siiid to have been kept or used in tiie Company's Warehouse at the Mituhnt- 
 tne to 
 tinisli the Minister's house, which is most urgent to do, the winter being so near at hand. "We 
 command therefore herewith, that the boards be brought together again upon receipt hereof and 
 l)ut to their jiropor use and to no other, as we have ordered. If you fail herein, wc shall take 
 pro])er measures : whereupon relying we commend you all with the usual greetings to God's 
 protection and remain 
 Hone At Aiiuterdamm N. N. P. Stuyvesant. 
 the 21"^ of December 1650. 
 Appointment of Maoistkates for IIemstead, L I. 
 Lovinge Friends. 
 Out off the Xnmber Presented vnto us for the Election off Magistrates before tho Towno off 
 Il(<'msti!(ul for the following Jeare I made Choice off Jolm Seanium and Richard (iU(Jerd< re the 
 Which wee by these presends Establisch and Conilrme jn that Office soo after me Love unto low 
 I rest. 
 Your Loviiigo Friiuid 
 (21" of December 1()50.) And (iouvcrnor 
 P. SruYvraANT. 
J^'eto York Historical Jiecords. 377 
 Potitk)n of Domine Poliikml-s for an Advance op his Sai.akv to knahle iiim to i'Ay fob a 
 Pakcel of Land. 
 To tlicir ''*[oblo Honors, Petrus Stuyvesant, 
 Dir. Gciioral and Council of New Netketiand. 
 Shows with duo reverence Johannes Theml Polheym, j)reiichor, tiiafc he, the petitioner, has 
 601110 tiuiu ago houglit from Corndh Aermni a parcel of hmil lying in the village of Midwout, to 
 better i)rovi(le tiiereby for himself and his family, iioping, when tlie time for payment came, to bo 
 in a condition to pay for it: but as the petitioner has been disappointed in this hope, because his 
 salary is not paid as he expected, and as a i)ayment of tl 100 lias become due, the petitioner finds 
 hunself compelled, nay forced to turn respectfully to your Ilonore and to request, that your Honors 
 will please to pay for his account, debiting the sauje for it, so much to Cornelia Aersmi. Awaiting 
 a favorable decision he commends your llouors to God's i>rotection and remain 
 i'our Honors servant 
 The acting Receiver is ordered to pay for account of the petitioner the sum of one hundred 
 guilders to Cornelis Aerssen. 
 Thus done in Council at Fort Aimtcrdavi in N. N. tlie 21" of December A° 1656. 
 PETinoN OF William TIallett for Remission of the Sentence of Banishment; granted. 
 The Humble petition off William IlaJhtt inhabitant of Vlltsinge VHto the Horn"" Govern' 
 General and Counsel off the New Netherlands. 
 Right Honnourablo, your pooro petitioner havcing Received the Sentence of Banishment and 
 bciuL,' tlu'ivby mlich disinabled from makcing the best advantage off tliat little estate I have left 
 and boiiige bound in Cousienco to looke viito the maintenance otT my family which might Suffer 
 much, iff my suddine dejiarteure should bee exacted, for these Reasons Right Honuoiirable I am 
 bouide to S ir..-)(). 
 After a vote had been taken, it was resolved a" follows : 
 Tlu! iH'titioner, William Ilallett, is granted and receives permission to earn his living as a 
 private inhabitant (piietly and pn)|)erly within this Province, provided that upon sight licreof he 
 pays the fine and the inises of law, t.. which lie was condemned. 
 Thus done in Council at Fort Amaterdam in N. N. the 21" of December KiriO 
i r 
 Early Coloriial Settlements. 
 Patent for Land neak Mkspatii Krr,, L. I. 
 Pdrus Stuyvosanf, Dircetoi--Gciieml etc., and tlio Council testify and declare, that to-day 
 date underwritten, we have given and granted to Peter Jansen Winckelhoeck a ].arcel of land 
 situate ui>oii Long Island near Mesj>at^ Kll between the land of Richard Brudnel and the fen.i' 
 of Jiichard Coolfacx, stretching N. N. E. to a large hvsh meadow in length three hundred rods 
 along said meadow fifty rods to the boundary of the said Brudnel, thence to the place of beginning 
 three hundred rods, containing altogether tweaty-lire morgons: with the express condition and 
 stipulation, etc. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam in JY. jV., the 28'" of December 1656. 
 PETrnoN OF EnwARu Jkssup of Middlkbouugu fob Mill-Rioiits. 
 I'he petition of your Humble 
 Supplicant Edward Jessup. 
 "Right Honorable and Wortliy (Tcntleinen. 
 Your huuible petitioner api)reliendinge a way wherein ho may do some seruiee to the Common 
 wcale without any preiudice either to the Genorall or any man in pertieuler by erectinge or 
 biiildinge a tide mill in the Creekc connnonly called Wassails creeke 1 am bold to petition to 
 your ETonour and Honoured Court the worke beinge matter of cliardye and Hazard to grante vnto 
 me the libertio of the aboue said Creeke with a small tracte of Land as your Honours see expedient 
 for a V, rke of that nature, with a jieece of mnddow if it be there to be founde and alsoe that you 
 would Do i>lea,sed to order that none shall ereete cither mill or millnes soe nearo the said mill that I 
 intend to build, as may be a hinderanco or preiudice to the said mill, she doeing the worke well 
 and sufficiently and dcalingo honestly as is reipiisito in the preamises and likewise that the said 
 Creeke may be free from any ingagements to any other. It is not my desire to be a hinderance 
 to any man or any ])reiudice to my Louinge and I'cspected frende Mr. (Joe for soe far as J 
 approliend as yot his miljne is oucr wrought and the Country may well cini)loy or set a worke 
 two mills and both haiie worke enough, wherefore I hope your humble petitioner wayinge tlie.se 
 thingss and knowinge your TTononi-s reddines to further thinges of t^ommon good and Coiiccriie- 
 ment Is l)old to present tlieso his desires hopinge you will bo pleased to afford a return accordinge 
 to his p,)iv desires and soe wishingo your Honour and mueli Honoured Courte all happines I rest. 
 Middlehoromjh Yo„r Honours seruant. 
 Jan. 1.5, 16.57. to be Couimaunded Edwaro Jhsscp. 
 ^ovo stilo 
 To the Honorable Goucrnor-Genoral and his lionoured ConscU tlieso present Jfanahalam. 
 Petition of thk Fagistkates of Amesfoorp, prayino Confirmation of an Assessment fob 
 THE Minister's Salary ; granted. 
 To their Noble Honors, J'etncs Stui/vesanf, Director-General 
 and tli(! Council of JVeui Netherlan'd. 
 Show respectfully and witli due reverence the delegated Schepens of the village of Amesfoort, 
 as well in (iieir official cajwcity as in-iividualiy, tiiat pursuant to the resolution, adopted in the 
 presence of the Hon"'^ Director-General i'etrus Stuyvcsant on the 29'" of December 1656, last 
New Yo7-k Historical Uecm-ds. 
 l)a8t, after conferring with and with the consent of the Courts of Breuclcelen, Midwout and 
 A iiictifoori, wo considered it detorinined, tiiiit wc of the jurisdiction of the said village of Anuafoort 
 should in proportion to our neighbors of the villages aud jurisdictions of lire iwkelen and Midwout 
 find and raise as om- ((uota of tlie annual salary and pay promised to the reverend preacher, D° J. 
 Theodorua Polluniius the sum of throe hundred guilders. After several considerations and deliber- 
 ations, conferring also with the congregation and inhabitants, under correction, we have, in order 
 to raise the aforesaid 300 fl in the easiest way, appraised and assessed the property of each person 
 conscientiously aiul to the best of our knowledge and made the cotisation and taxlevy, here below 
 given in detail, which with what some parties from Gravesend have voluntarily promised to 
 contribnte, will make iij) the sum of ft 300. When wo shall have received your Honors' api)roba- 
 tion we ])romiso to carry it out, hoping for your Honors' assistance against a few, say two or three, 
 evil minded persons, who might oppose and resist our good intention and project. 
 The persons assessed and provisionally ta.xcd for tiie contribution of the said 300 fl. are the 
 Hans Jatiscn f 16 
 Jan Claesen " 10 
 Vornelis Antonisen " 10 
 Jioelqf Cornelissen " 10 
 J(Woh I'ieterseii " 6 
 Peter Cornelissen " 16 
 llarpert Claesen " 15 
 J'eter Ctasseti promises to pay f 20 
 Marten Jansen likewise " 20 
 Elhcrt Klhirtscn is taxed " 32 
 Joris Jacohsen " 20 
 Cornelis Dircksen " 20 
 .hm Leyck " 16 
 Albert Bestevaer\t farmer " 20 
 Ilendriek J'ietersen " 10 
 J'i'tcr Jtoehtfsen •' 10 
 Ilendriek Cornelissen "10 
 Commending ourselves to your Honors' good favor, wo, the ^lagistntcs of Amesfoort, await 
 most liuiiibly your Honors' favorable decree, which doing etc. 
 On the l;i"'' of January li!57. Your Honors' humlilo and obedient servants 
 at Amesfoort on Tmiuj Island, The Magistrates of Ainesfoort 
 in New J\'ef/u'rland. By Order 
 Petku ToNNKM/jf, Secretary. 
 Having received and read tlie foregoing petition of the Court of Amesfoort, dated the 13"' of 
 this moiitli of January, the Director-General and Council of New JVet/urland tind the request 
 therein contained to be just ami tiierofore the said Magistrates of Ainesfoort are authorized to 
 carry out their taxlevy aud to proceed legally against renitent parties. 
 Done at Fort Amnterdain in N. N. the 10"' of January 1057. 
 PirrnioN ok the M/VoisruArKs of Midwout kou Powkh to .^;^'■^' \,v Asskssme.vt to pav tueir 
 Ml.NISTEK, lo FAUM TUK Kxi;;8E, ETO., A.M) OuDEU Tl-EKEO\. 
 To their \oble Honors, Director-Creneral 
 Petrus Stayvesant and tiie (council of 
 New Netherland. 
 Sliow with great humility and due respect the delegated Si'hepens of the jurisdiction of 
 Midifiiiil, that pursuant to tlu' resolution, adopted by tlie Hon'''*' Director-fJeneral /\'/rii.\' 
 Sill ij r, S.IK t afliT eowsuil.ition with and willi the assent of the t'ourts of UreuikeUn, M Id iront mid 
 Mtrlt/ Colonial Settlements. 
 Amcsjoori m tl.o 29 of Dcconibcr 1050 last past, tlio inhabitants of AfiJwout wcro to ooutrihuto 
 to tl.u yearly salaiy, promised to the rovcreiul pastor, D" ,/ Thcodorus Polhcmim, 400 tl, those of 
 lireuchelen 300 tl t.nd jhr^sfooH a liiio sum of ;{0()fl. That after several meetings, they eouid 
 find no otlior way, than to imi)osc upon caeli lot and parcel of land, of whieh there are about 40 in 
 Mulwout, a tiix of 10 H yearly in proportion. This tax of 10 fl yearly for every lot proportionally 
 would make up the sum of 400 tl., whieh we of the Court of Midwoui have promised in presence 
 of the Hon'"" Direetor-Oeneral to contribute to the yearly pay of the said Domine I'ollw.mim. 
 iJut as every one ot the inhabitants and noi-hbors has not the same amount of property, one having,' 
 less, the other more, we must and cannot tax all alike, but each in proportion to his property and 
 real estate. If we receive your Honors' approbation to such a eotizatioii and tax up to 400 fl for 
 the yearly pay of the said D" PolhemiuH, we promi.se to levy it directly and continue in it, each 
 aeeordiufr to his ability and to make the assessment conscientiously, i)r(nided wo are sujiported by 
 your Honors aj^tiinst unwilling parties, which wo hope will not make anvojiposition. We promise 
 also, to take care and pay attention, that at the expiration of each six months the .salary then due 
 sh^ll bo i)aid to \y VMemiuH and we think, that the said Domine Polhcnius might be satisfied 
 with it. " 
 We further very respectfully recpicst, as we have alreailv done in our letter to the Hon'''" 
 Director-General personally .latcd the L>1" of December l.l.V!, that we m.ay proceed at such time 
 as your Honors decide, with the letting of the burghers' excise on li.p.ids and meats and use the 
 revenues therefrom foi- the benefit of this village of MldwouU in i.aving the yearly salary promised 
 to our Court messenger and other daily and ineidcnt.al expen.ses. We promise to give an account 
 an.i prove the balance in hand at any time, when called upon to do so, upon which your llonora 
 may rely. Awaiting your Honors' favorable decision we an! and remain 
 The 13"' of January 1057 Your Honors" humble and obedient servants 
 at Jluhcout on Long hland The Schepens of MUhvout. 
 in New Netherhind. j^^ VtvAv^v 
 Pktku Ton.nkman, Secretary. 
 Having received and read the fon-oing petiti.m of the Magistrates of J/;,/,w,^C, dated the 
 13"' of January, the Direcfor-f General and Cuncil of ,V^w .VVMer^a«i 
 ever boon called or engaged by us as pastor, but ho has intruded here against our wisi.os, desiring to 
 preach in tho public street in iho open air; on account of whjch the house of tho Schcpen Jorii 
 f>n'cl\wn here in Breuckelm was provisionally given him to avoid giving offense to any one. Tho 
 burghers and inhabitants of Breuvhhn generally and tho neighbors say, that for such meager and 
 unsatisfactory service as they have had hitherto, oven if they could, thoy would not resolve to 
 contribute anything, for during tho two weeks ho comes hero otdy for a quarter of an hcur on 
 Sunday afternoon, gives us only a prayer instead of a sermon, from which wc learn and understand 
 little and when we think, that the prayer or sermon, whatever it bo called, is beginning, it is 
 already over, so that he gives small edification to tho congregation. It lias happened to us oidy 
 on tlie Sunday licfore Christinas, tho 2-t'" of December last, that in jjlacoof a sermon, which we had 
 expected to have, we had to listen to a prayer so short, that it was over, before wo liad collected 
 our thoughts ; it was also nearly evening, before ho, Polhcmlus, came over, so that ho had really 
 not nnich time and was compelled to break off and leave hastily to return homo, and this was ail 
 the edification— little enough — which wo have had during tho Christmas holidays. We maintain 
 therefore, that we shall enjoy tho same, if not more edification by appointing some one of our midst 
 to read a sermon from a book of ]iort aside from our inability already explained and submitted to your 
 Honor. Although wo, tho Magistrates of Ih'euckelen, have resolved to contribute to the salary of 
 tiie said J\)l/ieiii!u», tho congregation here cannot como to such a resolution, as there are many, 
 who cannot makt^ aTiy contribution and whom it would bo more necessary to snjjport ; there arc 
 l)(!sidt!s many bouwerios unoccupied and vacant, for instance that of Mr. J'uzdis, the one of Fverick 
 L'ih/krt,irn on the strand, while a very simple and pom- man lives on his other bouwery, who is 
 also unable to give anything, and Lo'Jioyrk lives \\\mn the P»M)r Houwery while his lot is vacant, 
 tho same as Pet,'r Vorndimeii's, EUx-rt Elhert»tn\H, the land of Hhwk Hans, Gmhlch land, Pder 
 MiiJlrmnripii\ Peter ManUt, Jean .]f,irfi/>i atid others more of whom there is (juite a number. 
 From the foregoing ytur Honor may well consider and conclude, what can be rai.-icd ai\d given 
 here and although every one shall be assessed i)y us and put on the tax list, nobody will he able to 
 resolve to contribute anything for such slender services, as we have heretofore enjoyed. We finally 
 submit with duir respect, that whereas the peoiile of Midwout have engaged Polbrmhiti alone 
 without our knowledge or consent, wo arc very willing and well satisfied, that the Midwout jieople 
 shall enjoy tho services of D' Pi)//„miiis alone, if the Domine wishes again to perform the service 
 and prayer instead of a service as '"ormerly, we shall not be bound by it to any thing, except to 
 what lr.)m inclination and free and uidiiascd will may be added to his salary, as .several among us 
 here arc well inclin.Ml to him, although wc do not enjoy his, /'olhrl,ty mi.l winli ii liii|.py 
 New Yuur boHidcB a pi-orfporoiiH mid hlcvscd admiiiiMtnitioii until tlioeml and coniMicndingonritulvua 
 to your Honor's good fiivor wo aro and ri;;'.>ain 
 ^''^'"''' -*"' Your lionorahlo Woi-hIhp'h linniblo aervants 
 the of January 1057. Tl.o M igintratiw of Iirei,<:k,-/,n, 
 iiy tlieir order 
 I'ktek Tonnkman, Socrotury. 
 After having read tlic foregoing letter tlio following answer was made : 
 Mr. Toniteinan is lioreby couiniission.'d by tiie Direc^or-Cieneral and Council t.. remind tiio 
 people of lirr,(ch-kn onco more to fulHll their obligation and proniiso concerning the salary of 
 their pastor, I)° Polhemlus, olso the Director-fJeneral and Oouncil will give such orders and make 
 Buch dis])osition3 as are necessary. Dulo as above (Ki'" of January 1057.) 
 II I 
 (New Utkecht). 
 To their Hon'''* Worwl ips, the Director-Oeiieral 
 and Council of j\'eio NetherUiml. 
 Whereas no lands nmy bo laid out and occupied hero without your Honors' approbation and 
 con.^nt, the pot.t.oner addressee himself to your Honors for consent to plantand est^^i.hV « ^^C 
 on Lmg Idand on the J3ay of the North river. ' " 
 Ja. CciKTKiJorw HS .;,ont (.f the heirs 
 of Cor. van We' .Wiovot, dec*". 
 The forcg.,in;r re.p.est havin- been received and read, it is decree.1 „. follows- 
 Fiat utpetitur, pruvi.led that a plan of it be subn.itte.l to the ^ .'rector and Council at the 
 hrfit opportunity. 
 Done at Fort Amsterdam in iV. ^V., the 1«"' of January ' ^.^7. 
 Lbt-ek of Tir: Magistkates of Bkooklyn to the DiRK amuiint of .'{Oi* tl vearlv 
 for tlie salary, promised witliout our coiiM^nt and knowledge bv the peoplo of M!,l„:„',t anil 
 Ameffoort to the reverend D«.minc Pol/umiu.o, tliat we of tin; Court of BrewMcn do not know. 
New Yo.-h Uktntril)uto tbo B3if OK iNHAniTANTs OK MinnLKnoKouoM (XnwrowN) L. T. Aiiorr tiik House iiitlt for 
 To the honorable goucrnor worthio scr wo whoso names arc vndorwritton desiro to make our 
 hund)le requests knowcii, in respK't of tbo house bidded hero by the towno of miiVehtrrnuijh 
 for puhiic'ke vsi— LArroN. 
 Fkancis Sw.\ ne. 
 Thomas (^^^>-^ Hornisu his marko. 
 The nark 2 of Nikles Cartek. 
 Samiell Coe. 
 the marke 
 the nuirko 
 ' 4 
 FAivly Colon till S,Ulementii. 
 A* 1657, Ifl Jmiimiy. Answer to tho forr^^oin^r writing'. 
 Wl.oron« Woo «-.,ro infornR..! that tl... houne off tho Mini^t.r ( : W\n^ 1 f,.,- ,. p„l,|i..,, „h« «„.1 
 1 ... flunk., then tin. are to r.juiru tl.o MaKiHtn.tt. of! ,1.., nai.l Towno, to „.ak., fhcir 
 aguiiisf tlio bcMiror J,>hn Luyton. Soo aflur inuo Luvo ij rest. 
 Fort A mnhnlam, ^""'^ ^"""'^ ""^ Guuvnoni'. 
 in N. JVedirlani. 
 1'aui of Lono Island. 
 Ifonered Hyr. 
 Synoe yourc la.st l.eeingo aft (hjxkrlny, woo have resencl Xctlior Lvno nor Lefer from you, 
 wee .lont not Imt you .tyll l.caro in Myn.l tl.e proj.osyshons then n.ay.l, 'nan.lv, that voul.I .^her 
 .nakc onto the Ryght and Tytolo of tho place to bo youres or givo V8 v.uler youro hand t.. free vs 
 rom Insuing Dani.go of a Leter sent from gouernor Eydon whycli leter was produced an.l parvsed 
 by Aly ' La'enj,jc at youro being there, and since that tymo wee have Rescued noe more it is not 
 t.uro de«yre to Lyuo from vnder goucrment if therefore it may in meshure stand wyfh your 
 worshypes pleshuro to manifest what yo„ Intend Concernyngthe plavec wee shall wyth a wyllingo 
 Jted.nes atend your worshype wyth onr ans.p.ers soe not furth.'r fo Tnibele at p'scnt wee humbly 
 take our leauo and lleste youro Ever luuej-.ge fivnde8 from OyHterhay the 23-" of January 10,57. 
 ,,, , -,, , TlunntiK Armataij, Daniel Wliijthea,lVnm,s, 
 ^^Uaomemntl^yx^Viox gouenier of Nicholas \Vri,jhU Nyrlfas s'.fmsnn, 
 the Ae,» netha-hmds AiUhony Wriyht, John DicJcinsm. 
 these present. These in the name <,f tho Kest. 
 BV TUK Town of IIkmi'sticao. 
 Ffortusmnch aa it hath pleased our Ilonnorable (J.mernor and Councell to direct their orders of 
 excise here wine and flesh vnto vs the iidiabitants of VHxhiiuj vi)on receipt of tho wiid orders the 
 Towiio asseml.K d fogetiuT liauc deputed fo agitate with your llonnors tho parties here spocifved 
 namely Williani Lawrence, Robert Terry, Tobias Ffcake with all respect to repaiiv vnto 'the 
New York Ilidoviml Jteamla. 
 Honnorablo as aforosnid liuinlily iiitrouti-irig tliuir lIoiinorH tliat t)> 'v will voncliBufe to Oontinuo vb 
 in our jmHuiit ri-liten mid i)nvilcd^i.H .,(' our putteiit and Articli'8 to which woo willinj,'ly Huhiuitt 
 with duo obudioni'o aeconiiuj,' to thu Tuuuor of tliu saiiiu : and that tlieir Ilonnora will ho pleusod 
 to Oonsidor our vnavoydahloH HtraitoH woo aro liko to boo oxposod vnto by tlio intnision of tlio inoii 
 of llempxtedil on tho East part of our boundot) written by order from the Townu by nioo 
 flroni Vfinhhuj this Edwakd IIkakt Clkkicus 
 as* of January 1057. 
 Wo whoHO names are vndorwritton boinj,' (K^putod by our towno of Flunhhuj to Advise with 
 the honored y" gouernour & his Gonncoll Ooncorning Boino jjortioularrt Among other thingorf wo 
 finding ourm'lvos Agreaucd that our iifighbours of //r/npuleif <\oi'h make intrusion vpon tho 
 bounds of our pattont ('onccrniiig wliicii somo overture htxn bone made for redrenso to tlio late 
 gouoriiour Ki/frt but nothing being done in tho business & things of that nature being let run 
 produceth great trouble ife Contention wo thorofore at tliin tinu! by tho Ai)ri>bati(>n of (nir Towne 
 have had acsese to the gouernour &, his Councell that thoy would s(! our rights Continued to vs 
 Aecording to our pattent & wo shall Rest yours over obligod in all due tl'.ankfidlnes in tho behalfo 
 of tho towno this 20"' of January 1057. Wiij.iam Lawrknok. 
 ToiiiAs Fkke. 
 Ordinance op the Court ok Brooklyn imposinu a Tax to pay tiik Minister's Salary, with 
 (8oo Laws of JV^eio NethoHand, p. 304.) 
 Pctition ok Merchants thadinc* to Nkw-Nctherland concernino Ditties on Imported Goods. 
 To the Honorable Lonls-IJiroctorsof the J'riv. West 
 India Company, Department of Aiiistinhvii. 
 Respectfully show herewith the undersigned moruhants trading to y,'w Xethcrlaiul, that they 
 have found and are assured, that many goods and moiehandises, especially Indian goods, until 
 lately procured by tlu' Knijlinh nation from the Manhattiim m Nlain also, that his Honor, Director S(ui/v<.\w>if. 
 dennmds, pursuant to your Honors' order, sis he says, on all goods, taken out of the ship there, a 
 duty of 4 p. ct. in beavers at t!tl or in silver coin, Jlollniul valuation, and if it cannot be paid in 
 either, he takes the value of it arbitrarily out of the cargo, advancing the prices fifty pci cent 
■! W } 
 Juirly Colonial Settlements. 
 agiiinst tlioso, declai-cd here at the Company's office. A great injury is tlicreby done to tlio liberty 
 of L'omiiiorcu, because cargoes arrive there often after the beaver-trading sciison is over or wlien 
 few beavers come into market and because tiioro is no or at least very little silver coin in the 
 country. If the duty were to bo taken out in merchandise, why should the best and most saleable bo 
 chosen, without considering, that often many articles are spoiled or that many casks of liquids 
 arrive there empty, wliile contrary to the usages of this country as much duty is demanded for the 
 spoiled goods and wasted liquid, as for full casks and goods in proper condition ? We do not believe, 
 that your Ilonore have intended that and turn therefore to your Honors with the friendly request 
 for a reduction of the duty on Indian goods and that the 4 p. ct. may be paid in New Netlierland 
 in wami)um, being the most current specie tliero, or at least that if to bo paid in beavcra, they be 
 valued at 8 ll, at whieli price the Jionorable Director marks them, when making payments to our 
 agents. The further rc(piest, th;i*' tlio amounts overpaid by us or agents on account of such 
 importations, during tiie hist year, be refunded to them there or balanced against the duties on 
 goods, which hencet'orth we shall import tliorc. 
 As the petitioners have also been informed, that the said Stui/vesant\vAS upon several occasions 
 threatened the merchants there with new taxes or tunnage fees, they re(iuest, that measures be 
 taken and the doubts about tiiis matter forever settled ; as for other reasons the duties are already 
 heavy enough, the petitionee further request your Honors' assurance, that henceforth no changes 
 in the tariff or in the manner of paying the duties there be made, unless a previous notice has been 
 given here. 
 Doing which etc., at Amsterdam, March 12, lti57. 
 Signed etc. 
 Letter from the DrBEcroas to Stcyvesant : Currency; Rensselaerswyck ; Negroes; Culti- 
 vation OK Silkworms; Luthkranc 
 Duplicate. The 7'" of April l7, introduced wampum in the yeir-Enr/imd Colonies, much to the disgust of the 
 inhabitants, who declared it the " Devil's work and money." See in Laws of N. N. the Ordiuauceg rel. to Wampum. 
 -B. F. 
NeAO Yoi-h Historical Records. 
 Wampum reduced from 6 to the currency means destruction of the commerce and consequently rnin 
 8 for white and 3 to 4 for of the country. To prevent this wo have decided, to make no sudden 
 "''""go, I>iit to proceed gradually beginning with the wampum, which is 
 to bo reduced from C to 8 for tlie stiver ; it being well understood that tiiis reduction shall not 
 To be carried out in the take effect before tlio beginning of next year, 1658, and in the mean- 
 spring of 1658 after due notice time, npon the receipt iiereof, tiie people must be informed of it, as 
 to the inhabitants. g„ch measures are published here in all well-governed republics and 
 kingdoms, to cause the least possible inconvenicnco and loss to the comminunity. We shall wait 
 The reduction of beavers to with reducing the currency value of beavers from 8 to (! guilders, for 
 be deferred. We see dilHcultics in making these changes simultaneously and would 
 rather liave once more your ojiinion on this subject. 
 That the remitted -i p. ct. are not of great advantage to you has not surprised us ; it is there- 
 The remitted 4 ;« to be col- f^re our intention to collect them hero from the first ships sailing 
 lected in Holland and neces- hence after this and to send you for the amount the required coni- 
 saries sent instead, nioditios ; tlie same would have been done with the 4 p. ct. on goods 
 shipjied now, if you could spare the nujuoy and lurn it to us. Should you be in a position to 
 If part of the 8 % received ^^^ '^'"-' fame, by sending us from time to time half or less of the 8 p. ct. 
 here could be remitted, com- of return duties, then we would n(jt fail, to provide you properly with 
 modities n,ight be sent. j,^,od, ;„ exchange ; while the low state Of our funds prevents us as 
 yet to lay in a large stock. 
 In regard to the collection of the tenths and other taxes from the Colony of Iiensselujh^' and the ^- (ioude 
 Meulen we mtormed you among others, that we would order an inspection of the confiscated 
 ^iocdi>^h ship "//ay"*and, if found seaworthy and suitable, send herover well fitte.l outand rej-aiivd 
 to be employed there as a regular packet between Curasao ■x^^^\ New-NetherUmd ; this has been 
 * Sue Vol. XII, p. 183. 
New YorTc Historical Records. 
 done and tho vessel is so far fitted out, that in 3 or 4 weeks slie may sail for Ciiraaao and thence 
 witli acargo of salt and horses directly to JVcw Netherland ; you may make your arrangements 
 While examining the documents and papers relating to the confiscation of the aforesaid vessel, 
 wo found, that she has been appraised tlicre, but cannot discover any specification or statement of 
 tho quantity of goods or merchandises, which may have been on board, mucli less what they were 
 Bold for and to whom the proceeds of tho sales were entrusted. We were surprised, the more so, 
 because in sending the ship this could hardly have been overlooked; if any reclamation had been 
 made here, wo would have been thoroughly embarrassed and as we are not yet quite relieved of 
 this matter, we must desire you, to send over these papers l)y the first opportunity, also a statement 
 of the losses and damages, inflicted upon the Company and the inhabitants by the surprise and 
 capture of Fort Casimir, so that when called upon we may make use of them.* 
 It is possible, that the money received from the sale of the cargo of this Swedish ship was 
 l)]aced into the hands of UonieliK van Tienhoncn, who was then Fiscal, but we can liardly believe, 
 that you should have left it there; if it was done, you nnist try to get possession of it, as even in 
 case his estate should be insolvent, which wo do not believe, tho Company should have tiie 
 preference ; report, \w\\ it is. 
 We have engaged here as Councillor for your aid and assistance Johan de D,:cker, late 
 Commissary at Fort Orange; and as we have observed from time to time, how badly the finances 
 of tho Company are managed there, we have specially committed their administration to said Decker, 
 for which he is to receive as salary 25 fl monthly besides tho 50 fl ivs Councillor's pay and 200 fl 
 yearly for rations. \Nc trust, tlie Company and you will derive great benefits from his performance 
 of these various duties and if his private affairs had not detained him here he would have sailed in 
 the ship " Waegh" but he was obliged to delay his deparrure. 
 Tiie enclosed copy of instructions will inform you, how the Company's finances are to be 
 administered : we have liad them specially compiled for this purpose, that for once we may see 
 well and correctly kept books. Those in.structions provide also, that as soon as tho said Decker 
 shall have arrived out, you are to make him a >:onuriittee of the Council for tho supervision of the 
 finances, upon which lie is to report to you from time to time. 
 We have com:nitted the funds and tho books of the treasury to the care of the Secretarv van 
 lieuiien, who has, as we understand, good (pialifications for this otfice. Yon will let him' open 
 new books and conform to the instructions without waiting for the arrival of said Decker, without 
 whoso arisistanco everything can be prepared. 
 * * • » « 
 Amstenlain, [26"'] of 
 May 1657. 
 To Director Stuyvcsant and Council, 
 in New Netherland. 
 Received per " Waayk " ot Amsterdam. 
 Your good friends 
 The Directors of tlie W. I. Company 
 Department of Amstt:rdiHn 
 Edward Man. 
 Isaac va:, Bkkck. 
 * S«i) Vol. XII p. 70 et m/. Tlin "hip snil tackle were valued at 3958 fl, the cargo cons.stlng principally .-f 15750 
 lbs. of Hour, i;poiled during the voyage, at 304 fl. See N. Y. Col. MSS., Vol. V, fols. *Ha-390. 
 t Bee Vol. XII, 1 . Ib6. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 Instructions fob thk Direotob and Counoii, i:* New NirrnKRLAND fou tiiio administration 
 OF TUE Company's Financks, 
 They are to take first an inventory of all tlie assets of tlio Company, consisting of money on 
 hand and amonnts due, of tlie provisions, ammunition, equipments, soldiers' clothingand merdian- 
 dise n. the Warehouse, of all rents and tenths due and of the lauds and houses beloiiLnnff to the 
 Out of this inventory they are to make ledgers of tlie finances, of the cash, debtors, farmers 
 of tlic revenue, current values an,l tlio Warehouse, each to have a separate ledger, of the houses, 
 parcels of land and bouNveries belonging to the Company, also i)ropcrly debit and credit the Com- 
 pany and those, who owe tenths etc. 
 In order, that the receipts and expenses be properly accounted for, the cash account sliall be 
 kept in one coin or value, namely Holland currency, the rijxdaehur at 50 and the ducatoon at 63* 
 stivers All receipts and expenditures in light money, either in wampum or beavers, shall be 
 reduced to the valuation of the cash book by addition or eubstraction. 
 If any slaves, horses, salt or other merchandise shall arrive there from CaraQOO or elsewhere 
 for account of the Company, they are to be sold publicly, every thing properly labelled, eitlier 
 for cash or on time with surticient security ; but no otKcor of the Company shall be allowed to 
 take or buy any of them, except at the public sale as above. 
 Nobody shall buy for account of the Companv any provisions, mater-'al or other thin.'s 
 except with the knowledge and by order of the whole Council, n,.r shall and account or draft be 
 paid, unless apjiroved by the Council and signed by two of its members. 
 No officer Or servant of the Company shall be allowed, to buy any lan.l, lots or other valuable 
 property from or make any conveyance to the Company without the consent of the whole 
 No officer or servant of the Comiiany shall farm any of the revenues or have a share in such 
 farming, neither directly or indirectly. 
 A strict account shall be kept of all export and import duties, for each ship separatelv with 
 remarks concerning all the parties interested; this must also be done in all cases of confiscation 
 and affecting other privileges of the Company. 
 They are to take care, that the financial ledgers are at all times kept intelligiblv posted up, 
 also that the books of monthly ])ayments to the s.,ldiers anj)aaii, Tnj/ikoj,j„„uio of Tajijmtn, Tciiwvc of Gwtyhkoiujh, Mattenoa of /Lsj>aiiiiocified, to be brought from 
 Ilollund and delivered to us. 
 10 ells of red {dousyns) c\ot\\. 
 2 pieces of dntlel. 
 30 kettles, large and small. 
 50 axes, large and small. 
 10 boxes of shirts, 
 30 pairs of {feromst) socks. 
 10 nniskets. 
 10 bars of lead. 
 30 pounds of powder. 
 some awls. 
 25 adzes, 
 some knives. 

 Jiktfly Colonial Settlements. 
 Wo further proiiiiso, that if any other savagoB or nations sliould commit insolence, molestation 
 or force against the inliahitants of Staten Island at any time, we shall assist in preventing and 
 resisting them. 
 In witness wliereof we the owners have signed this with the witnesses in duo form of law on 
 the land of Waerhinnis Couwee at the Ilespatinpatinyh. 
 Mark -^ of Nkoktan of Ilaokinyltsack. 
 The marks made by the 
 ^R The mark of Okatam, Sachem. 
 of Ilnckinghsacli. 
 Tl> > k S^ "^ Pknnikix'k, Sachem, 
 Z)> of Ilackhujhsack. 
 Mark o W'o "* Keoutaokaan, Sachem 
 of Tappaan. 
 Mark O-d of Ma-itenouw, Sachem of Nayack. Mar.' era — ^ of Keohtacjkckan, Sachem 
 of Ilavei'stroo 
 Mark ny%. of Taohkoppeuw of Tappaan. Mark o-H ^^ Tekinoii, Sachem 
 /* if of (fu'Cijhkotujh. 
 Mark ^ of Temere of GweghJcongh. Mark X]^ "^ Waerhinnis fJoiWEE, 
 *^ ./ » WV ot Ilexpatuigh. 
 Mark f (^ of Weertsjan of Ilackingsack. Mark "^"^ "^^ Maitenol'w, Sachem 
 of Uespatingh. 
 Mark of< of Kekinohauwe of Ilackingsack. 
 Mark -"Hv of Wewetaciiamen of Ilackingmck. 
 Mark ^^ of Saocis, Sachom of Tappaan. 
 Mark 'J[^ of Minquasackingh of Ilackingsack. 
 Mark (S^ of Mintiaseuw, Saclieni of Gweghkongh. 
 Mark or-r-o of Tekinoii of Ilweghkongh. 
 Mark Y of Acchii'ook, Sachem and Chief Warrior. 
 New York Hiatorkal Itecordx. 395 
 Lktter from DiitKOTOB Stuvvkhant to the Town ok IIkmpstka..: Tknthb. 
 The Magistniats oft Ileematead. 
 Lovitigo frindes. 
 Before me departure fron, jou Ij was in lioopcs ; of! a good act amongst jou both in settolingo 
 off mister DentouH contmuanc-e and tl.e agrernent off the tents for tl.e j.resent year. Bntt Beyin^'e 
 here Baek and reddy for me rcturne ; Doth ware Breuek off By mm tnrbelent spiritts iff i„ tL 
 nomie off tlie Whole or any is jet jgnorant; butt nott satisfeyt therefore you may be pk^sed to 
 vnderstand by this presents that wee as jett expe.'t the tents vppo.. the field for the year present 
 and ammhng to the value off that for the year past this therefore is ordered liy this present thatt 
 i)efore the gatheringo off the Crop jou sal give tymely noticij thatt woo may send a man for to 
 takovpwahtis the patroo.m due, an.l for the ministry: you al doe knowe that mhi^r Hohhert 
 Mmmmo tyn.cs .ninister [in] the twon of //.■em.tediWd leave the plaeeand alsoo thecxercyse 
 of the ministery wythout our Consent or Knowlidgo and for no or Jittel reasons therefore wij ken 
 nott admitt hmi in sueli a manner of eom.ninge againe. Soe after nu, love eomniendingo you al 
 mto tlic protection off the A Iinigiity ij rast. (July U, 1657.) 
 (Wtltlun hy titiiyveaant himseU.] 
 Lkitku from tuk Town Clkrk ok R,;st„oki. (Jama...-.v) I. I., ro D.KEcroR STfrvFSANT 
 Honored S'. 
 Wee your Subiects the Inhabitants off Jiusdorp having a Company off Catle to the number 
 off sixty or there abouts which have been within the bounds & Commons off I/emstead are by 
 them taken vp & pounded: wee vpon intelligence sent two men to fetch y"" & demaund y- in a 
 Loving and neighborly way, The magistrates refused to deliver our Catle' vnlesse we would pay 
 damage winch our Catle have done in there vnffcnced fKeld which wee refused to doe & our Catle 
 are there still kept cV retained in there pound. S^ wee iiumbly crave your worships assistance in 
 this Case f you would bee pleased to graunt vs a Reprievemont ffor our Catle which they retain 
 & alsoe a warrant to summons some off th,.re town to Answer the Cause at yo' hi.di Court And 
 whereas great daimnre may lia,.pen & Accrew to vs iff the Cause bee suspended wee humbly crave 
 your worship would answer our Requests by this bearer. Soo ^yith apprecation off all happinesse 
 to yo' Lordship wee humbly take our leave who Remain 
 July y-- 20'" v t ,10,. 
 •' jgg„ 1 »J"r Loyall Subiects 
 T n T?-' WW 1 • r „ y° Inhabitants off Jimdorp 
 lo the Right Worshipf nil i . 1 a .1 r., 
 ,, , J] "■I'liiii by order ffrom the Town e 
 / eefer bteyvesant Ls<2'° o , • ,.» 
 Goyer,K>r Generall of the Daniell d3n, Clerleus. 
 JVfio Jyetnerlands these 
 In New Atmterdam. 
 Weeras the inhabitances off Rmtdorp a villadjage vppon the Long Island in a letter off 
 complandt doe informe vs that thyn; neighbours off Ileemstead have tackeii up and pounded sixty 
 Jikirly (,'olonkil Settlements. 
 or tlioro abouts off thyr cattol for prodondet dflm.igo rlonno as tlwymy in tlioro vnfoncnd floldH and 
 alsoo more and greater daitiago may hapj.-., i:.! a.,r. 7 hy roHtrai.iing and poun.litige hucIi a 
 number off cattel—ijt is tlierofuro order.,! i;v thh jirosonts that vppon «ejt lieoroff Hie pounded 
 cattoll sal be redely vered att the leant tiie Myich kouwos and worekon o.xo« and tliatt themagy,<- 
 traata ofte twon off /leomntodd sal iimko tlioyro apyron.^o Before vs to give reaaorm [for] kiioI. 
 doojings and sum off the inhabitancies off the aforsayed towne to answer thoyre demaudingH and 
 Reasons; againut Weenwlay next the 25 off this instant. Acted and given vnder our hand and sen!. 
 JVeio AmnkrJd/n in tVeio Netherhmd, the 23' of July HJ57. 
 (Iq atuj/vesant liandwrltiDg.) 
 Letfek from TtiE Town of IIkmi'stkad to Stuvvksant. 
 Right worshipfull y" woo have reed bearing date the IT'" of July weeare in woo vndor- 
 8tand y" are vn.satiztied lerning Kumme speachos from sumo j)itlar man or men not being 
 imployod by the townc nor by thor kiiowledg or eonsent nether doe the town.) owne what thay 
 have said wee hoope according to the agromeiit mawnj agreed with y" and are willing to pcrformo our 
 desiers are to Iinbrace Mr. ,h'nfon>, ministrio if god boo pleased to continue hi.no atnoungst vs 
 and as for y'selfe weo have had sutKcient experience of y' wiiiingnesse and donl)t not but y" are 
 the same by y' late free and noble profer soe hoping will not take any exemptions against the 
 whoolle for some p'tillar Kstravigant speches for soe it will sumtimes fall out wheare'^a genci.ill 
 voat is wee have s- it Mr. ^hnons the bearer hoaroof hoe shall further informc y' worshipe soo 
 not further totrublo y' woorshipe att present wee remaiue y" in all seruico to command according 
 to our power 
 the name and bee haalfe of the towne of 
 /Aw/;«^<'(/fi?th:8 25 of July 1O57. 
 To the Right worsliipfull Peeter Stuimnt Governor-General of the New Nct/urlandea ut his 
 how8o/oor< Am»terdame these presents. 
 Stuyvesanfa Answer. 
 Lovinge frindes 
 Your letter send By Mister Semins and hie information have given v.s fnll satisfaction so 
 that woo sal rest in your promissc off hundert skopels off wheat for the rentes for the present 
 year ; about the continuancy of mister (l;nt4m amonghst yon wo sal vse al eiidi>vers we ken jff hoe 
 ken nott bee perswaded jou most locke for an other Ai)el and Godly men weer vnto wee on our 
 seydo sul contribu waht leys in our poure, soo Afftcr me &C 
 Seat to Ilemateed July 29, 1657. 
 U f 
 Patent fob Land on IjOno Island. 
 Petnis Stuyveaant Director-General of New Netherlaml AC and the Oonneil testify and 
 declare, that to-day, date underwritten, we have given and granted to Hana Joiujh and Dmiiel 
JSIeu) lark /iintoriml Jiecords. 897 
 Sti.jcr a lot of land onl/ r.oar tlio Kerry, wi,lo ..,. tlu, X.rthm.lo aix r,«lM flvo i-u-ho. .,„ 
 ^« Soutl. 8.do Bix rod, 8.x feet ouo i,.cl.. long .... tir. K.^tnido rkU-ty..n. rode, thr.. foot, on'tl 
 Wo8t8i.lo thirfy-ono rods tw.) foot ; with tl.o (,xi)ivmh condition &C &(J 
 AniHtmlaiii in iVt;w Netherlands 25'" of August 1057. 
 Patent kok Land mm Lonq Island (Nkw Uthkoht). 
 Potrns Stuyvonant m &0 an.l ,ho (Joundl testify u.d .l.olare, that to-day, date under 
 wntton upon a remon.t.unc.e and petition p.-..onted to us, we h.vo Kiven and lid ^^0" 
 erow, h do, to the newly l.o«un village of Neu, UirecU and the inhahitants th 2 Xady 
 ?■; hT ;•;'";'"=»■>' --'^--f'-' - P--l -f --■^.low lan,. situate on T.>n,j A W o " I,' 
 Last Hook of the May of the N.Hh nver opposite Cn.y Uand, containing with all kds c 2 
 .wan>ps and .nar.he.s, drowned and Handy land8 one hundred and thirty nuntens Ikm ndll n M,! 
 W.^ by the la.l „f ^..^., ./,,.,,, ,, Sal.. NorthEast hy the kil.'upon wSl ^I^': n 
 ^^ Ora.e.end^ b.t SouthEast and South .,y the san. kil. South West by the iiay of the ZS 
 In testimony whoreof this Ikw \min signed and our ral i,, red ww iitHv..,! tn if „f a . 
 .lam in New Neth.rland, the 27"- of August 1057. '^"'*^'^ 
 Letpkr from tue n,uK.rroK9ToSrrvvKSANT: LaMonta^nb, V.ok-D.rectoh at Fort Obahoe 
 iMtfuouLiNo; Tenths; Kkknch Privatkkus; UErontw. 
 The 16'" of September 1(557. ll..iu.rable, Prud.'ut, I'ious Dear Fiithful 
 Our l,«t letter to you was .lated the i.,:"' of May 1(157 and Jent bv the ship " m^" • the 
 .■opy „f , ,8 here enclosed, to which we refer; sinre that date the private ships " Jieverr " Beer " 
 and GeUerse lloom'^ arrived here safely, praise ho to God, on the of July and we receivod 
 by them your etters and papers of the 2" and .T' of June, also the duplicate of vo.n- letter of 
 JNoven.ber 105(,, the original of which had been lost with the " OtWrr A, se'veral matters 
 ■n this lett . have been answered by ou.-s of April 7. lt!57, we shall as briefly reply to tho rest 
 and what else requires 1., as possible in so short a time. 
 The satisfaction apimrently felt by the resi.lent community of Fori Oraruj. and the village 
 They provlBionally comlnue of lieverwyek over the adniinistration of the Councillor La Montanne 
 ,a Fort Oran;; " ."!' '" '"""""i' the same then- as CommisKiry or Vice- 
 Ua-ector provisionally and until further orders. 
 We shall furtluM- examine tho ronowul ordinances an.l pla«its issued b> you for the 
 and 1^^^'""!, ""??'"" •^'■"^'"'""'" «f -'""KKlinf?. Hiso tho .Iraftof an ordinance relatiiu. 
 and atiout Inspect DL' to juoco to (),.. l■|,J.>,w.^.• i- rr- • • , . v^oiii.nun iii.uwig 
 tot«,ciamiu.d. '" ',' '"^'oetion of Vtryuua tobacco and the arguments of the 
 , .„ , merchants and factora against it; our opinion and wishes in this 
 regard will bo sent to you by the tirst ship. 
 •See Vol. XIII, p. 78. 
* * 
 har^i/ Colonial Settkments. 
 Whcrenb Captaiii ,/e Ominck Ua» ii.tt given uh tlio l.'ft,*t ii.fonnation concoi'iiiiiff tim fxponsos 
 Tli»yaeilr8»iie««ct«ccoiiiii mid wiigoH jiaid in tlio rcpiiinii^ .)!' tlio HJiip " //./j^" (now ciijled 
 of 11... ..hi,- -ihi/r .. /;/,.„;, ,1 " „„,! „i,.,,i^|^ ,,„ 1,,.,. „.„y ,„ t,'«r«C(/tf,) you inmt lu Wfll nn 
 joii can .Iniw up im iK'oiint and send it fo iix witii a coinpleto li«t ..r staleniont, f.f all H,o 
 niatorial, used for tlio ivpair* ..f tlin wiid nhip and iloiivurod .mt ..f tlio WaruliouH... Tlu'so papers 
 liavo iK.t Ihh'ii t'..nn.l aim.ii- tin; ..tiior ilouiiiiiontH, with wliicli you say thoy wore sent; wo may 
 RMjuiro tlu'in some time uv liio other. 
 0, 7, 8.* 
 .\lthoiij,'h tho village of ll'ninfead and moiik! other dirttant bouwcrioH would >u.t make an 
 No..x(i.MiH..« to iH! BpnriMl ill agm'tneiit ah.mt the tenths, the expensen to eolleet them fnivihiy niUHt 
 collecting il.e I0ct». „„, |„. ,,,„rti,U.n.,l, l.iit ..very mn^Hsary step must l)e taken to obtain tlio 
 oth«r l<.>aH..im why. y\^rUf „f posHossion, which is very important to ub and whoii such colloc- 
 tions have hirn made oiiee or twice, the pcplo may find out the errors of their \v,,y and come to an 
 AVo have read your lonelily debates, verbous complaints and far.fotch(..| oxfiuscs in reply to 
 our letter of December lit, lO.'iC, sliowinu; that y..u .lo n..t intend to give in ,.r submit and wo 
 might givo you a satisfactory aiiswei-, if wi^ considered it necessary ..r worth while: but we'll only 
 «Miy, that in future you better keep aloof from such rcproachoa and challenges and take greater 
 care not to give cause for just complaints. 
 Your arguments regarding the questions, which ..fteii arise between skipper and merchant 
 They gend Instruciiona for over tho average of sp,.il,.d merchandise have been .liily considcre.l by 
 era^r:.;.!". ' '" "^ ' '"" '■^« *'"'' '' <" •"■•^"'•■'•' "•'»'''' '•^"'"ot well bo disposed of by an or.ier 
 or rules, we have found it advisal)lc, ti.seiid von herewith — t.. prevent 
 injustice to the skippers, which we notice has been (l..n,. to them -"two or three copies of the 
 Maritime Laws of Wubvi and as many copies of instructions .liawn up here for tho information 
 and guidance of the commissioners ..f admiralty, that you too may act ac.M.rdinglv. As to making 
 In due time rulcH for the rules for the fr.-ightage of goo.ls sent t.. Jfno Nd)ierhtn«m, wliilJ 
 yon would shut your eyes in the meantime to the sale of the prize cargo. AV.. answer briefly, that 
 you cannot prevent such j.rivateers to enter your port, but you can forbid them t.. break carg.'.an.l 
 Not to allow privateers with sell some of the jji-ize goods, which nmst not be allowed to be done 
 Spanuh prizes to break cargo, cither directly or indirectly within the Comi.anv's jurisdiction ; we are 
 therefore surprised, that you have made such a mistake and have acted co'ntrary to the usages of 
 •See Vol. XII, p. 107. 
 t A eeajMirt lowu of S,i>c(hu, capital of the Mind nf OottUiml. 
Nev) York IliHtoricul Jii'conin. ao9 
 t)iiH country, wliich miiHt bo followed and iinituto.l in every n-rtpeot, forotliorwiw thin government 
 and the Company would lieeomo involved in great troiilile, aw wo iiavo treaticH of peaoo with 
 J'hiiirfl HH wi'W iM Sjxthi. Sucli tolerance and connivance in our territory would alno ruin the 
 VVl.ich w.iul.l ttmil t.) dl. tnidc Willi the .Sj>utt!ar, we reconmiend, that you send some provisioiiH to tho Island, which 
 HendlDfl; of provlilong to are not only necessary and will he Welcome there, hut bIi ill also give 
 Cur„,no r.,.on,m..,ule.l. ,.„„ ....eanion to pn.vi.le yourself again with salt m.' horses ; it would 
 also he an inducenu'ut to open tho trade between New A'et/u;-/.uin, Agrees with tho record 
 15-" ot September, 1057. A. H. Dk Deokeu. 
 Honorable, Prudent, I'iou.-;. Dear, Faithful, 
 After having closed and dispatched our gen.M-al letter, we resolved to send you by the snmo 
 ship "ir.. De Dkckkb. 
 LWTKU KK..M TUK DiUKCTOKS To Stc V VKs.v.N T ; SM, Ta.xks; .Iouan iir. Dkckku. 
 The 22' of I)ecend)er lfi57. 
 Honorable, Prudent. Dear. I'^iithful. 
 Our last letter to you dated the 1.5'" of September w.as sent by the shi]) " U'a.vW.w/iw" to 
 the duplicate (.f which here enclosed we refer. Since that time the .shijjs " r>// and 1«'" of August and 7'" and 10<" ,.f September, which we .shall now 
 answer as brietly as possible together with some few points formerly deferred. 
 Early Colonial Setthmeiits. 
 The first point offcrinnr itself is your deliberation to prevent the smuggling in the fur trade 
 specially, ciirried on at the North. Wo also made this matter a subject (jV our consideration as 
 well as the renewed placat regarding it, which you propose and which with some alterations and 
 modidcatious we have approved, as you may see by the printed copies, to bo forwarded by the 
 ships now ready to sail. You can affix them there and must punish those, who break the rules, 
 without any counivancc. 
 We do not disapprove of your reason.s for executing the placat concerning the reduction or 
 the issue by measure of the wampum and would have confirmed it, if the magistrat.>s and some 
 of the principal merchants there were satisfied with it. Their opinions should be heard and if 
 they approve of the stc]), you may carry it out there; we return therefore the said placat* with 
 a few alterations, believing, that wampum should not bo received or paid out by us at a higher 
 rate than in New England and as we have noticed, that you usually publish such ordinances and 
 l)lacats ill t.ie name of the Privileged West ImJia Company without mention of the Department 
 oi Amsterdam, we found it necessary to direct, to name the latter also oa all future occasions 
 and not to neglect it. 
 Your project or motion, to have the Virginia tol)acco also inspected there, and the arguments 
 of merchants and factoi-s agjiinst it luive l)een thoroughly examined by us and altiiough wt incline 
 to your project and to the appointnieut of an inspector, wliicii would prevent some faithless factors 
 from defrauding their principals, yet, seeing that it would give cause to dis.satisfaction and com- 
 plaints generally among the merchants there, we prefer for the present to wait and you will 
 govern youi'self aecoi'dingly. 
 Since we wrote last we have also considered rules for detcrmiin'iig iind ci.llectiMg the rates of 
 freight for goods conu'ng from here demanded by the skippers, but we did not find them 
 practicable or at least not so very necessary, considering it is well known, that the skippers 
 discriminate and nmke sjiecia! agreements, so th,r t!ie small merchant does not pav more than the 
 great one and we inform all at our office, who are ignorant of it, that tiiey may act thereon. 
 As before the adoption and publication of our resolution concerning the remitted 4 p. ct. 
 some merchants here had j.aid to us the duties of 10 and 6 ji. ct., we ha\e tln"^ time, to prevent 
 trouble, given them and other shippeis the choice to pay their dues there in beavers as formeriv 
 or here in i.lace of 4 p. ct. only 2.^. What we shall receive here will b.; sent to you in neces.sanes 
 and commodities, as reiiuosted, ijy the ships now reauy to sail. The ericlosr'd bills of lading of 
 the private shippers will inform you, from whom you have to demand there the said 4 u. ct. in 
 We regret to hear, that the people of the Colony 
 their unfounded jiosition and cannot be persuaded to c 
 of RinmcliurxwyeJc continue to maintain 
 ollt'ct and |iay the tenths and other ta\( s. 
 Si'c r.invH of N. N., p. 289. 
Nvw Yorh JfiHtorical Records. 
 This is very dishonest and on aci-ount of the consequencos can and must not be tolerated ; we have 
 tliercforo resolved to direct once more and for the last time, that you make the attempt and in 
 case of non-comi)liance or refusal compel them by way of exeeutiou. 
 At your urgent sollieitations and in order to push the walling in of the Fort we have engaged 
 three stono-inasous, who with . . sailors, called for formerly, are now going over at such wages, as 
 the enclosed list shows ; as yet wo have not been able to engage carpenters, liecansc they are more 
 inclined ii-^t to enter service and to go rhere as fr;e men, as some are doing now witli these ships, 
 so that if ced bo you may employ them on day's wages. 
 A record must bo kept of all people, whom the Company brings over at our expense, .although 
 tlioy are not in our service and each ])erson must l)e cjuirged on his account with 30 fi Holland 
 money for passage, children under ten years half as much and infants nothing and payment must 
 be demanded, when these persons desire to leave there. Strict attention nmst be paid to this, 
 that the Company do not suifer loss. 
 11, 12, 13, 14.* 
 Johan rle Devkerc, whom wo have appointed Councillor and Superintendent of the Finances, 
 as we informed yon, is about to sail with his wife, lately nuirried hero, in one of these sliips, the 
 " St. Jan Baplifta," unless the sudden and unexpected frost has taken him unawares and prevented 
 him from getting ready ; in that case he will .surely leave in one of the 8hi])S now preparing to sail. 
 AVc neither can nor will doubt l)ut that you shall receive much assistance from him and the Com- 
 )i!Uiy will be M-ell and faithfully served by biiii. P.ut we nmst recommend and direct, that you 
 tlioroughly maintain and sujiport him in the performance of his duties and live with him in 
 harmony and friendship, as memijers of one admiuistration, each in his place, ought to do. 
 We send herewith a small box with eggs of the silkworm, which you may distribute there 
 among j)eople, who undvrstand the business, so that in tune desired results may be had. 
 We have hastened the preparing of the >'onuiioditics and clothing to be sent to yon on behalf 
 of till- Coinpanv so much, that thcv will be torwardiMl now bv the >iii)) '■ Sf. Jiin.^ consistiu" of 
 L^uch tpianlities and dilTerent kinds, as the enclosed invoic(>s shuv AV^e recommend you to bo 
 careful in tlicir distribution. 
 The invoices of goods shipped by ]irivate parties in the " St. Jan " are also enclosed. The 
 Fiscal irnist watch their discharge closely. 
 lleivwith etc etc 
 Amsterdam, Yoiu' good friends 
 the 22'' of Decbr. 1(!.57 Tlie Directors of the W. I. Company 
 Dejiartment of Ainaterdam, 
 C. WnsKN 
 EDWAJtD M.\.N. 
 To Director Stv;/> Council in A^nn Ntthcrland 
 Ileceived per " "ttcr" aiul the duplicate by the " St. Jan." 
 • See Vol XlII, p 75 
 Mbi-ly Colonial Setthinents. 
 Letteb feom the Town Clkhk of IIemstead on behalf of the People, puay.ng 
 After our hnniblo duties, It is not vnknowne vnto yo' lio" owr Sufferings by tl.o Indians 
 whoholdv8anSu.pencobytl.eiredeIayesand wee cannot gett them tu shew vs [he bou dsof 
 our Lands, whereby there is much difference amongst oure Selves Concerning our proport ons 
 for we cannot have Justice vntiU they have done vs righte And Layde out the Gene all bound 
 tlTl Y: T\ 'T '''"' " ""^'^ "'"'"^' ''' ^"""« °- Swine and chasing ooCat^' 
 here ,s one of the Inhabitants, as ,u.mely Jokn Smith, that of Late hath Suffered tit Loss for 
 or 40£ m Sw.ne w- he found killed and hurt in theire quarters, And being mett together tMs 
 day, wee have founde ,t requisite, to make our grievances knowne. And humWy to Cra red e 
 and yo' ho" d.rect.ons, for y= future, how to save our Selves harniies, for yf there be not A 
 desire to know, when yo' lio' wilbeo pleased to Accept yo' payment Concerning Mr Den^ 
 are able to make: herew'" desiring God to Bless and preserve yo' ho' 
 happiness we remain 
 increase of much 
 IIe7n3t<;ed, this 
 X"" 1657. 
 To the Righte hon"'' 
 Peter Steph van Sunt 
 Governor and Capt-Generall 
 of y" Newnetherlanih resident 
 att Manhat.ta7is. 
 Ever honored S' 
 Youre obedient SeruantB 
 for y" publick 
 John JAMEti, towne Clerck. 
 Right Ilonnorable. 
 shoull-norr''""^''!''*^*' «"'^' ^•I-'"*^ ^-^ '-^ ^--tmne Trohibition or Command that wee 
 d^oulde not receive or entertan.e.u>y of those- people called Quak.r. because they are su pooled 
 to bee by some seducers of the people for our parte wee cannot condem then, in thi.s case .^ilr 
 Chnst God ,s a Consunnng hre and it is a fcareful to fall into the handes of the livuin.. God wee 
 desire therefore m th.s case not to iudge lea.t wee be iu.lged neither to Condon. L.^. b 
 Coiidemed but mher let every man stan.l a,.d fall to his ow... Maist..- wee are bo.ml by tl 
 La. to doe good vnto all men especially to those of the Household of faith a.id tho,.gl for t e 
 •usaultvs ,f we haue o..r advocate to seeke who shall pleade for vs in this case of Conscience 
 betwixt god and our ownc soules the powers of this world can neither attack vs neither e"' 
 forif god luatifye who can Condem and if god Condc.i there is none can justif' a f tho^. 
 Jea ows,es a,.d s.isp.t.ons which so.ne haue of then that they are destrueti Je v,.to MagLt,", m. 
 Mm.ste,-y that ca..,.ot bee : tor the Magistrate hath the Sword hi his hand a,.d the Minis^r'h 
New Ywk Histai'ioal Records. 
 tlie Sword in his hand as witnesso those tow great examples which all Maiestrates and Ministers 
 are to follow M [oses] and Christ whom god raised vp Maintained and defended against all the 
 Enemies both of flesh and spirit and therefore that which is of god will stand and that which is 
 of man will [come] to noething : and as the Lord ha'h tanght Moses, or the Civill power to giue 
 an ontward libertie in the State by the law written in his heart designed [for] the good of all 
 an' of Wm. Tiiornk Junior. 
 Edward Takne ? 
 John Stokek. 
 Nathanikl II kffeki). 
 Be.viamin IIl'huaki). 
 The liiiirkc 
 Th,. murke J) Op 
 Rl.IAS DolciMTIK. 
 RllMIAUl) Sxom'oN. 
 Edwaki) (iKIKFINE. 
 Naiiian'ikll Tue. 
 First of January 1058. 
 Till' forcgoiiif; icmouHtrancM 
 f William Pidgion. 
 f (rKoKOE Clerk. 
 Edward IIkakt Clekioub 
 Nicolas Blackford. 
 Tiie marke of M MiOAn Tie. 
 The marke of ^ Pnini'i' [Id. 
 Edward ffarinoton. 
 Robert ffield, senior. 
 Robert field junior. 
 NioK Colas Parskll. 
 Henry Townsend. 
 George Wrioht. 
 John Foard. 
 Henry Samtell. 
 Edward Heart. 
 John Mastine. 
 John Townesend. 
 di'livort'd to his Honor, flic Director-General, by the Schout, 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 On tl.0 hr«t „f January 1058, sunnnoned b. tl.eir Honors, tlio Dircctor-Gonora] .nd Co„n,.il 
 E^s^rl/S:"^^'^ ^"' ''""'^^^ ^'^^^^'^^^^^^ the Magistrate J^l^^::, 
 iKOMst Signed the foreyonig remonstrance and were immediately arrested It wis fnrtl.nr 
 resolved, to .ummon also the Clerk of the said village Ei.aH Hart. Date Is above 
 Tlnirsday, tlic 3" of January 1 058 
 Con^ZyLS:t:^,,!::;^i;r,^f --• ^^'- ^«^— and the Hon^.. 
 Mwartllart, Clerk of the Magistrates of VUssingen, appearing upon summons, was examined 
 Answers to the 1", that ho has written it by 
 order of the subscribers. 
 To the 2'': that ho has not copied it from 
 somebody else's draft, but that he has writ- 
 ten it according to the intentions of the 
 ^ To tlie S"" : that no one in particular has 
 given him directions, hut that he has gathered 
 tl i utterances of tlie people when convened 
 in the town meeting. 
 To the 4"' ; 
 were absent. 
 that nut iill hail cunic, some 
 at the house of Micliad 
 Who has written the letter, dated the 27"" 
 of December ai Vliesin' :f wanting in matter of forme, yet in 
 o Jionnest intents we soe vnderstond f substance to be; toe know if y' liberty mi-ht be granted 
 w- was desired, Concerning w'" we exspectted yo' Ilonnei-s answer ye or nav w'"\v'" we should 
 haue bin fully satisfied & whereas y» IHscall saith we were bound to y» Contrarie by patten or 
 * One poiimi /'V('H(M/i=-i{;3 40. 
Nefw York Hktorical Records. 
 plicadoe publiBhcd by yo' Hoimcr «fe yo' Conn cell wo doe aflSrine wo nouor saw any bucIi plicadoea 
 nor neucr know thorn, but, for yo' llonnerfl porticuler writing an ordor Concerning y= Quakers 
 wo liiiuo procicutod vnto o' powers : as for y" Artikels w*^'' y" tliscaull is ploasod too canll o' Charter 
 if any thing bo in them, we nouor red thoni but an; ignorant of thoin ; but for o' pattou w'^" we 
 call o' Charter wo hauo liard red, & wo doe Oonceiue it grants vs libertio of ConBienco : w'^out 
 molistaciou either of Maiestrat or Minnester & if we are in y° darko therein wo desior yo' Honnor 
 toe direct vs and woo shall euer subaurib ourscluee yo' hiunble soruants 
 Amsterdam, New Nethcrland marke 
 Januarie y" 9'" 1C58. William /)^'\ Noble 
 Edwaui) Ffakinoton 
 To the llouoiu'od gouernour & his 
 Counuell the humble petition of William 
 NMe & EJiourd ffariiigton 
 That whereas your petitioners havcing Suliscribod a wrighting ollonsiue to your honnors 
 presented by Tohi'hi Feakxwa Acknowledge our olTence for Acting soe inconsiderately & humbly 
 Crauo your pardon j)romisoing for the Time to Come that we shall offend noe more in that Line 
 & your petitioners Shall euer pray for your he.Jth and happiaoss 
 Amsterdam, Willlam /)^\ Noble 
 January 10"" lt)58. EnwAun FFARiNfSTON 
 The Fiscal liaving submitted to theCtiuncil and read the interrogatories, on which in presence 
 of commissaries the Magistrates of Vlisnitujen, WUliam, Noble and Edward Farrinyton, were 
 examined, it is found, that tiio said Mngistrates iiave been misled by the Sellout Tohian Feakx ; 
 that they deserve somo punishment for having signed the remonstrance entered hero on the first 
 of January, but c(jnsidcriiig their verbal and the foregoing written acknowledgment of then- error 
 and promise to be more cautious hereafter, their fault is graciously forgiven and i)ardoned on 
 condition of their paying the costs and mises of law. Date as above (10"' of January.) 
 Before the Council appeared npoii summons John Townsend, who being (piestioned, whether 
 he had nr)t gone, wiule at V/isniiKjen, with the Clerk Eilward i/ard to the house of Edward 
 Farrington and had not persuaded Eihoard, Farrinijton to sign the foregoing remonstrance, 
 answered that ho hiul l)een at Vlitximjeii and \ isited Farrinnton, being an old acquaintance, but 
 had not ])ersuiRled him to sign anything. 
 P^irther cpiestionod, whether he had been at Gravcsend with tlie banished Quakeress, he 
 answered he had been at Oravesend, but not in her company. 
 As there are other suspicions indications, tiiat the said Townsend was friendly to the Quakers, 
 he is given the choice either to go fo prison, until the Fiscal shall have further informed himself 
 on this point or to give bail for twelve jM)nnd sterling, that he will a|)peir upon the Fiscal's sum- 
 mons ; he promised to i^ive bail, which he luui done lis the records prove. Date aa above (lu"" 
 15"> of January lle for other tn,ns..-essors and eont.nnaeiouB oilenders of good order u.d .0 Z tl 
 of the D,i-e..to,'-Ge,.en,l an.l ConnHI in Xew Nethcrland ^ 
 Ilavmg hea.-d the ,le,nand of the Fiscal .md the confession of the said //.,,.„ Toumscul 
 the D,..eco.--enen,l and Council of .V.. mherlan4, ad.ninistering the law in the . a , el f 
 1! , ;''^'7-/-^^;^"'l«".>- '•»"*'^>'"" «""1 Ihnnj T-er thereof 
 It dham .WAthat they should suspend ihoir meetings as Magist.-ates, until the Director General 
 and Connc.l have been in their village o, .sent their connnittee, to give the necessary orders; ,f 
 ineanwlnle something extraoixlinary cK-cu,-.ed, rliey should ivfer it to th.> Di.v.'torand Council 
 For the above stated i-oasons .md on account of what the people of //. w.v^,/,/ ,-op,>rt and 
 rcpiest in tiieir forogohig letter of the 28"' of De.-e,nher, it is resolved that the Direct<.r-General 
 and Council pi-oceed in person ,n some safe and (convenient nianner to the neighborin.. English 
 villages to give there some necessary ordei-s. "^ 
 Letter from Edwaro IJaut ■i-o ■^^x^, DmicnoR and (^orNcir. askinu to i.e releasfi. and 
 Right Jlonnorable (Jovei-iior anl(3iiHu(l to consider my poore entato and Condition and rolcuso moo from my 
 liondrt iiiid Imiiri>i)iiiii('iit, and I bIiuII iiidciivor luiroiifter to wivlltc iuoffonsivoiy vnto your 
 lioniwliipiw and kIuiII iivur rcniaino your liumblo isurviuit to ('oninuind. 
 January 23'' 1658. Edwakd IIaut. 
 In Council received and read tlio foroffoing potitiun uf the imprisimed Clerk of V linsingen, 
 Kdwat'd Hart, and liavinj;- (■(jnriive. 
 Sentknce of Tobias Feakx, Srnorr of FLUsnrao. 
 Whereas Tohlan Fcahr, a resident of Vl'msinijen on fAHxj Inlaml now a prisoner, has eonfesscd 
 and acknowledged, that ho received an order froiii the J Ion'''" Director-General, not to admit, 
 lod^e and enttTtain in the said village any one of the liereticul and abominable sect called Quaker'*, 
 but has nevertheless had tho autlacity, in contempt of the said order and formerly pid)lishod and 
 renewed placats, to bo a loader and instigator in the conception of a seditious, mutinous and 
 detestai)le letter yed, for 
 which as an example to others he dest rves t-evere punishment, yet considering the humble petition 
 of the prisoner Ffuhr, confessinji liis wron|fdoing and prt)nusing hereafter to avoid such errors. 
 Therefore the Director ( i.!i.ral and Ciuucilof .Veto .Vc^/d/'Ao/r/, idministering the law in 
 the nami' of their High : Mi;;ht: the Lords States General of tlie TTn'ded S'th,rhtndK'\\.w\\\w. 
 Lords Directors of tin- I'riv. W. I. Company first disniis.s ih*- suid T-^in-i Feakx from his otlice as 
 Sellout of the said vilhige of VUxsinijen and banish him from -his Province of Xiw XdJu'rhvid 
 or to pay a tine of 20b tl to be applied as direct. m1 by law, if he will keej) his promise, together 
 with the costs and niises of law. 
 Done at Fort Aiastcrdnia in N^. N. the 2S"' of Jaimary 1658. 
 r. SrivvKsANf. 

 ■^^"^ f^r/'!/ Colanial Si'ttleinmtH. 
 PK-rmoN OK .„K MAmHTBA-rKs or M.nwoirr, (F..ATut;H,. L. I.) vh to tu, D.^vosmoN ro bk m.uk 
 To their Noblu Vory WorBliipful IIoiioi-h, 
 /'titrus Stuyvesanl imd tlio lligli OouiU'il 
 of New A'et/ii'r/'ind. 
 Show with duo hiuniiity and reverence the Selioiuns of the (,'onrt of J/idwu,,/, that h..rctofor« 
 t hoj have several tMuen rc-iuested and shown, how necvssary and useful in easing tU. hurd.Mm of 
 the village and tl.e <'ongregation the four ehureh-lots would he, if grar.te.l to the village of Mir/wouf 
 whereupon at last yo,n- Honors direeted, that a urther report in writing nd a statenu-.t of the 
 manner, in wlueh the said eimrch-lots wore to be adniininfered, was required. 
 We suhMiit therefore to your Honor, as our report and further .vxplanatiou : we believe 
 imder eorreet.on, that the best .neasures for the advantage of the congregation u.l the vilia-^o of 
 J/«/»w?/(! are as stated hero below : "^ 
 . , *;"!*• '^'"'J f •' """■-',■"" ^^-'f'' ♦''•'"■ P"rf.Muinees lying on the eiist .side of the plain and s.,uth 
 side of the road bo used tor the repairs ami maintenance of thociiurcli. 
 Seeond That another lot of 25 morgens lying also on the east side of the niarketi.hu.e an.! 
 north H.,le of the road with th.-ir appurtenances a.ul privileges be used for the support of a school 
 divnie service etc. It your Honors ai.prove and consent, the necessarv means thereto shall be 
 Third. The remaining 50 morgens lying on the west si.le should nenessarilv b.^ ad.led to the 
 parsonage, but we cannot well deeidg, which is the most re.iuisite and best use' for t'lem The 
 further explanation of this point, quite lengthy, is substantially a request to be excused from 
 contributing to the .support of their Minister, until the tithes f,u- their village be-ame due; I have 
 abbreviated It here, because the .leputies fivm Muln'out took the petition and answer directlv 
 away and I had therefore no time to copy it entirely. It wa.s signed Jan Striker, Adrian, 
 Jleueman, Wilna Ja,ob>^e van Boenna and below stoo.l I? ■ onh.- of the Schepens of the (\,u,t 
 ot M/i/wouf, Picter lonntman, Secretary. 
 Having received and read the foregoing jK.fition the following answer was ..iven • 
 We consent to the lirst two points regarding the lots and allow, that thev be used f„r the i.ur 
 poses and no other, which the ])etitioMers jiropos,. and snbniit. 
 The Di.ector-General ••.nd Council agree, that the remaining two lots or*50 morgens be used 
 -or the parsonage, to support as far as they will go, the j-resent and future Ministers 
 rhe Director-General and (^.un.il are of opinion, that the deticiencv must be made up by the 
 mhab,tantsaccor.l,ng to tluMr fonn,..- promises and subscriptions and continue so, until the tithes 
 are due, when further orders concerning the support of the Minister shall be give 
 Thus done in Council held at Fort Armtsrdam in N. N. the 2'J'" of January 1058. 
 I*. SruYVKsANr. 
New York Hi>' itli tlesiring (rod Ailmiglity to 
 preseruo yo' hoii' w"' much healtii And happines wee aro 
 [Icmxt,:,',),- y>' 80"' S' 
 of .lan> A" It'.ns. 
 ulilo iiono. 
 Yo' lienors obedient 
 for y" Towno 
 John Jamks. 
 To till' li' hoiioral)le and our 
 very noble (Jouernor I'letcr 
 Stiii/i'i HUnt, (louerir and 
 i)\\Y\" (ieneriU of \' JViuo 
 Xethorhuuh tiiese ])re.-,ent 
 att 2I'tnnaten«. 
 ()ki>i;k on a i'Kiirios ok D" I'oi.mkmiis. Mimspkij xv Mmworr, L. I., conckkmno his s.vi.arv. 
 January L'.t"', l(i5,S. 
 Itoceived and read tiie roinonsfrance anil rc([uestof ])' Jofidnni.t ThMiloi'ua J'(>/h(\i/m.. preaehor 
 ,it Mi(fiiut, etc., on A'v/y /slinnl. who .slu)\vs, that from the month of ()ctol)er lt'>.")t to the 7"' of 
 .Vpril li>.")tj, the d.iti^ of his agriH'uuMit with tlio inhabitants of the villattes of Brewkelen^ Mlifwout 
 and Ahirxfiiort, he has had char^'e as pastor of the eoni;rt^galioii and performed the duties ('(innccted 
 with it as Well as he could, without however receivini; from the iuhabitaiits of said villas,'es any 
 remuneration for it. Ilaving arrived here from the l-lands ]>oor and wit' out means he has been 
 coiiipi'lled to draw, with the knowledge of I)ireft'>r-I"J. lie reiptests theiet'ore, that 
 this Slim might be balanced against his services performed during the time, as ahine stated, wlieii 
 he received no salary, so that his wife or children might not be troubled or a-ked to pay it at some 
 futuri' time. 
 Having taken this into consideration and lading well aware, that the laborer is worthy of his 
 hire, that the petitioner served as pastor in the said villages from the year It!.")! to the 7"' of 
 II: 1^ 
 iij5 iiiJA 11.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 %"" ..^ €^' 

 ,.v c? 
 .^^^^^ ,. m.s 
 ^O^ ^5^ 
 Early Colonial Settleinents. 
 April 165t;, witlioiit receiviii;^ any pay from tlio inhahitaiits, Tlio at'orosiiid amount of fl 942.*!.— 
 is placed to his credit and tlie i)ookkeepcr is dii'cctcd to discharge his account for ho nmch and t< 
 haianco tlie amount against the service, performed liy the petitioner. 
 Date as above. p. Sh:yvksant. 
 Council Minltk. A School okdebed to iik closed. 
 February 19"- 1658. 
 Upon a report the iiou'''" Fiscal de SiUe was directed, to proceed to the house of Jaoohus van 
 Corloar, who for some time i)ast has undertaken to keep a school in this City, and for weighty 
 rea.sons inducing the Director-General and Council thereto, to order the same to cease holding 
 school, until he has asked for and obtained the consent in proper form. Date as above. 
 Corx(^ri, Mijjuri:. StiuvEv op L.\ni> in Disi-ute neak MinnELiioRoii, L. I., and okdek thereon; 
 ScnooLMASTEij ; MA(i;sTi{,vrES for Midwoitt and AMKarooRT. 
 Tuesday, March 19'", 1658. 
 Received and examined the tieldnotcN and rotnrn of the sworn surveyor Jacqvei* Corfi'ljou, 
 according to which the land in dispute between Jan ///,?■ and I/ciu/r/fk Jaiici'n, situate upon Lon,o,.,„ ,0 ,,4„ ,i„ ,,w;:r;;:t:';:w::;r:r::,:i:::' """"°" "'"- ■» -'- "-"»■■■ 
 Date as above. . """*"'" ^''■"" '* ^^^««" ''"J ^^<-'<«- Monfoort. 
 SK..K.O. OK ™k PKH.O.S. .„0 ....... ,0 eo™... .o T.K SA..HV OP Do^H.K Po.„KM,.S 
 A],ril 2^ 1(158. 
 Pum^antto the ordor of tl.e Diro.to,-Gc>neral ami Conneil, dated tl.o Ofi-of MtoI, A,„ 
New York Historical lieiords. 
 Liri'rEB FKOM Fatiikk Simon Le Moyne, S. J., to Directok S-rrrvESANT, TUANSMirriNo a LErrKK 
 The 7"' of April 1658. 
 Very Illnstrious Sir.* 
 I send you witli my lovo a letter received in Quchec, wiiiuli thougli written in French is 
 sincere and friendly. lie, who signed his name to it, a very noble and also learned man, Lord 
 Dailh'houiy did not wish, I tliink, to write in Latin, hecauso perhaps mori! among you know Frcncii, 
 than Latin, anyway because it treats of a matter coneerning the French and those, who lovo the 
 French only. 
 Furthermore he wrote it, who to-day acta as the deputy of our absent Viceroy and who some 
 time was himself Viceroy. 
 May it therefore l)ring happy, beneficial and fortuiuito results. Dear friends of the Manhatans. 
 draw your furrows througli the sea to our Quebec and some time hereafter om- Vanadiam will 
 unexpectedly with God's guidance safely reach your shores. Altliough it is not in my power to 
 make, as I hoped, the voyage with you, for I have my forest b(jatmen witli me : yet at sonie futui'o 
 day I promise to be your guest and servant. 
 Even though my pen may have taken .some liberties, overlook them, if you please. Illustrious 
 Sir, and take this letter as an assured testimony of my regard for the Dutch and my love for 
 you, with which I am 
 Illustrious Sir, 
 Your most faithful and obedient servant, 
 Simon le Moynk. S. J. 
 Reverend Father 
 Quebec, the 18'" of February 1658. 
 I have communicatod to all tlic; principal persons of this onrmtry the int(Mitions of Messieurs 
 the floUanderx, of whicli you spoke. Nobody had -my doubt, that in consideration of their being 
 admitted as friends and allies of the Crown in .all the ports of France since numy years, we could 
 for any reason refuse their coming to trade with us and I cannot ol/j^'ct to if. I consent, that tiiey 
 may come when they please under tlie coiulitiou, that they submit to the same customs as French 
 vassels, forbidding tradt! witli the savages and the public exercise on land of tlii'ir reliLjion, whicli 
 is contrary to the Romish. You know the orders of the King about this matter. Wlierewitli I 
 commend myself to your prayers and am 
 Reverend Father 
 Your very humble and alTeetionate servant 
 DaILI.E I'olSi. 
 Obdinanoe AuAiNsr ocnTiNo Sons ou i)Ri;n(ii.vi( Ovstersiiei.ls on M.vNuvriAN Islanu wituin 
 CEUTAI.N LIMITS, l-ASSKO Al'KlI, 11"', Hl.jS. 
 (See I/aws of A'ew Netherlands p. ;i47.) 
 * Tlu< originiil is iu l.Htiii. 
 JiJarly Coloiuul ,SMhnicutti. 
 OKI' AND Exi-OUr DUTIKS, I'ASBKl) Al-KIL IG'", 1058. 
 (Sco Laws of ^Vew lYct/urland, pp. 348-9.) 
 Confirmation uy thk Indians vy the Sale .,f IIempstkad in 1643. 
 July tlie 4'", 1657, Stifo Novo. 
 w ho e ^.une. l,o Vm envntten tor our Seines an.l all the rest of the /ndians that .loe (U.i.ne any 
 R-Kl t or luterost in the Purchase that /nj>steed bought in the year 1643 And within the bonnds 
 and huntts of the W.iole tra.-t of Land (Concluded vpon w". the 'oouern^ of .!/..;! I ! I" , 
 us Paper Spoofied Dok by these p'sents Ratifie and Confirnie to then, an.l their heires for euer 
 wmo;^;" "'T': •■ ""' "^T^"^' ^"-^l-'-"' ^•'-- l-iresa,..lS„..eess»forEvertoeni." 
 " '"'"'* ''";■ '";'^f '?"■; "■■ ''■«:''>'-• *■•-" ••« <••• ->> that shall pretend Any Claynie or tith, unto in. 
 llie JlontvaJi^ baehein being p'osent att this Confirniacon 
 /sence of «!"'''' "''""'"^ "'"' "''""'" """*'' ^'' ^""■' ""^'' '"■'"'" '""" '"''■"'"^'* subscribed in the 
 Ri-uiD. GiLDEKSLEEVE. Tho marko of Takaposiia 
 John Seaman, *i c i r ,# 
 T„, T, I'H! baclieni of JArOTwav,. 
 John Hicks, m, i e -nr , 
 iho niarke of Wantaou, the 
 Montiike Sachem. 
 The marko of C„k.onoe, The marko of Romk.k, The marke of Waiuwanv, The marke of 
 RuMAs^vcKuoMEN, The niarkc .f , The marke of Wo.touMcAcKiN... 
 Vera topm Concordavs Cum Orhjinalh Scripsit p' inc. 
 John James, Cler. 
 and ^'!^V■^]'"Tn '^'""" r*""''" ''"'^'-'•'^'^yAcknowlod.^etuhauer.ceiuedof tl,eMa..stratos 
 and Inhabitants ot //..,;m.W all our pay in full Sattis.Tacvon for the tract of land S 1 1 n , 
 ^ em aceonlm. to the Aboue an.l Within written Agreem' And a.-.-ording to pattent and • 
 The Gen lionn.ls . as followeth-bc.innin, att a place ,.alh..l MaU.,,J.>tt. inj* An. o . ..in: 
 upon a direct line Xorth and South an.l from North to South an.l f.^m Sea to S. Jtl e 1 . 2 
 nmnmg fron. //..,;*./ harbour due East to a Pointe of Tree. a-H.-yning to the Ian 1. o / W 
 V.n,a,>,s where wee left marked trees the sam.. Line running fi'om S.^i to Sea tl... other l„e 
 bogimung att a marked tree Standing att th.. Hasten., of th.- greate plaine and fr..n. 1 t e.: 
 ■•unning a .bie Sonth lin.. an.l att a S.>uth Sea by a mark.., tr.. ma.le i ;k^.^ ^ J I 
 o «, An. fron. then,.e „p..„ the same line to the South Sea. An.l w.. whos.> names ..let 
 A 1, 1 all our forme,- Agree.n' to bo just and lawfull that the afore.J.l Inhabit.ants of //,',. 
 Shall Knjoye the- sa,.l Lan.ls According t.. the E.p.ity .,.a.-k..d bounds with all privileges tl re 
 .."to Any way belo,.gmg or Appertaining for then, their heires and Sucess" f. '• ....r. An.l wee 
 * Martin Uirritsea't Bay. 
New Ynrh Iliatorical Records. 
 Doo bind our Soluos to sauo and defend them liarmlcssc from any manner of Claimc or pretence 
 tluit Sliall 1)(!0 n.ado to distiirh tlicm in their rifrlit or aiiy p'te tlieroof liproby binding us and our 
 Success" to cause tliom to ciijoyo tlie Same IVaccbly witliuiit Any Molestaf;on or Interrupgon for 
 tliem tiieir lieiren and success" for eur. 
 Wlicrcunto wee hauo Subscribed his Eleventh Day of May A no* 1058, Stilo Novo. 
 "^'t"*-'««C TA('KA|.A|t8HA. 
 Waautauc/i, MAinoM. 
 ^^"' ^"■'»''y Pkehe Komach. 
 A true Coppy Compared with tlie Originall and both of thom being written by me, 
 JouN James. 
 Letter from the Directoks to Stuyvesant : Cursenoy ; Enolish Intkioues on Long Island ; 
 LuTHEUA.N-s; Latin Suhooi, ; Ministers; Smuooling. 
 Tlie 20'" of May 1058. Honorable, Prudent, Dear, Faithful. 
 "We wrote you last by the Rhi]i8 " .S'^. Jan BaptixUt''' and " Guhlcn Otkr " on the 22'" of December 
 1057, since which date the ships '* Waajh " and " Iloop " arrived here safely on the 15"' of March, 
 after haviuii; been in Eii'^'land all winter. Wo received by them your letter of the 22' of October 
 of last year witli divers enclosures belonging to it, which wo shall now answer agreeably tocircum. 
 stances and as far as necessary. 
 It gives us satisfaction, that you have made good rules against the squandering of the finances 
 and for keeping proper accounts ; nor is the reduction to be made there in receiving and jiayin" 
 Ueftv«rH to i)a roducid to 6 tl out beavors at the Company's office at no higher rate than tl and 
 Btul wttinpum by the meanure. wampum by the measure and in proportion to its (piality and value 
 against our in.structions sent to you in this matter nor have we any objection to the keepiii" of two 
 Tlio instructioiiH s.'nt to bo C';v;h accounts in tiiese two values, if they are finally reduced to Holland 
 oba«rv«d. currency pursuant to the above mentioned instructions, which we 
 n^comniend you to observe and follow in every part and point. 
 Ueflectiona over tlio letter With you we consider the sending of the letter from the English 
 Too\l^ "'*' ''™""'""' *" *"" Protector,* undoubtedly intended for our people on Long Island, not 
 ''*'°'' "■ only a matter of grave importance, but also of dangerous consequences ; 
 you must therefore keep a close and strict watch upon the doings of this nation there, that they may 
 not in time work us some mischief or injury. People, who might make an attempt of that kind 
 and fall into our hands, must not he spared or pardoned, fas it has been iloiu; in a manner with tho 
 traitor Bdxkr,) but must be punished according to the exigency of the case as an example to 
 ♦ I pouUI not fiiul t'.ii.'i lutt(;r, l)ut tU« Protector'n apoodi to Parliiinient on tho eS'" of January, 1658 (see CarlMe'i 
 Crominll, II, 039 (■< iieIiiig agiiinst ibo Piitcli goiierally.— B. F 
 Karhj Cohmial iS'ef(h'menf.% 
 «..Z:;f:i;:;:::;::dZ:s;::t:rr;,'V7,' r '■>-"-i."-v».- .«.,„, ,.„«,„ 
 -i .call., wax, will. :^,:;.:r^"''^"^'^^*"'''--'"i'^' '"-^-^ — '^i-k book. 
 • Se« Vol. XII[, p. 80. 
 tifo Vol, XII, |, ao». 
New York U'tHtoviml Iteconh. 
 Domino Drisiiis liaa ropoatcdly expressed to iia his opinion, that, lio tlion<,'lit it advisahlo, to 
 ('.■,t!ii)lisli tlioro a Latin school for t!io instruction and education of tiio young people. otTerinf^ 
 thereto h's own services. Aitliou^'li we have no ohjection to this project, we communicate it to 
 yon, so tliiit, if j'on too consider it (h-slralih', you may make an oxpcriminit l)y opening such a 
 si'liool tiiere ; hut you n.ust not fail to inform ns, how such an institution can he managed to the 
 hest advantage of the community and kept up with the least expense to the Company. 
 To cnconrago the said D" DrinliM in the performance of his duties, wo have increased his 
 hoanl money from 2'^0 to flOlHl yearly and i,'ranted him hesidcs a house rent free or instead of it 
 2(I0|1 yea ly, the Bame amount, which is allowed or paid to his eulleaguo D" Jlcijapolen&ia. This 
 for your infornuvtion and guidance. 
 We found among tlie enclosures, sent hy you, an extract from your resolutions, which infonns 
 us, that at tlie re(iuest of the congregation of /'orf Ontiuji! and lifivnnijek you have eugagetl the 
 former pastor of tin; Colony of J{<>nKi«iinpany may not longer be defi'auded 
 of their revenues ami the complaints of all honest merchatits and traders pri'vented anon.r . fo„n.I guilty of corruption 1 ..onnivan..o n.u.t not l.o spar'l. t m il 
 fa,tl.le.Hno«s .« «„ o.xmnplo to other« according to tl.o oxigegcics of tic cm.. 
 .«l.n.it the n. Z:f;' nt^ ^^'^ thon-fon, n.olv.l lo 
 whi..h persons breal' 
 l>um-sl. ..1 without nu.rov We llZ f ^>^^'' Y""' ''f^^'-- ''"vi-.g heen .lisc-ovorod n.a.y l.o 
 preparing for the voyage: ' ^"' ^"' "'"" '•'"^'^ ''^ °"^' "^ "^ ^"^ «''4- -- 
 8 or 10 daya. ^ '"-' "'" '"''""^•^' "^^ *''" " ^^ruynvUchr which wi„ aai, in 
 A,thoug,i sovera, families and a nund.or of free men —of «-,,om von ,„n«f i, . 
 and .,on,and the n.oney advanced to then, and the pns..ag , ^ I Z . vn o "a^ ."" """" 
 z;:S2;:;::"^ t :: ^"° '-^r -' '- ^^^.^pan/irt^;:':;: :^:z:rx 
 u iio.u lo engage tlieni. Wc do this, to promote the safety and wel, l.oin,, ,.f fl,.. „ . , . 
 ".creasing t,,e population. You .ee the.lre. that nothing l^Jt^,^ ^ ^^'Z^ ^ 
 re In i To,, . I '""■ "f'"'''' '" ^"•' "" ■"^'"^'^-''-f- 't i.^ ,vour .acred duty not to 
 idu r ^our e.>cert.on.s ether ,n dincovering nu^sures l.cnefitting the country and its i.dnl. "u.ts 
 o m hf, „g or dMUMMshing u.n.ecessary ta.xes. Econon.y nn.st Always I.e to you V . ■ . 
 ^p:i:rr"^ ''""''" ""'"^^'"^'*^^''-' ^"^ ^•-•"'- —--;;:;:;; ;;U!: 
 Tlie duplicate of our letter of Septeml,er 15, 1057, per " Washherker, which we heliev.-d to 
 ^.X::^Ll ' f ;'V"^'; '"^<"^' •-' -'-'• -- -'ft ,.ehind ..y nnsUe, i: o, L^ M 
 Lw ofTr; * ^^'^ >>oen Bh.pwreeked near the Island. The two copi;^ of tJio Marit e 
 L.IWS of], ..V are also enclosed for your information and guidance 
 llerewitJi etc etc b ■ 
 the 20- of May 1C58 a,, „• ?""" ^T'l *''»r''' 
 . The l)irect(.rs of the W. 1. Company 
 l)ei.artment of Ainnlenhtm 
 To the Hon'" />■/.„ C/ . ,.. Aim. Wn.MKKlH.NK .). l!o.NrK.MANTKL 
 10 the lion / etrus Stuyvcsant, Direct<.r (Jenural and Council in V V 
 Kec" per " J/oe«/ia;,,." - ••-. 
 dated l^^zi '^;^v^:^:^'''r: 'r "V": '"''"" ''-• "•- "-' -< "-^ ^^ ^''""- -' 
 On the 2' of July lt!.5S ap|K'ared befoio the Hoard WiUlnin. /lonionc, T/ioiiuis S/iircr, 
 Wllliani Willekcns and ('/itirlcs Monjun, Magistrates of the village of Omi't'send on Lonn Iftbmd, 
 l)eing deputed and authorized by tho inhabitants of said village to make with tho Director General 
 and Council an agreement concerning tho tenths for the ensuing year. .Vfter some debates pro 
 and rotitra, the said Magistrates agreed with the Director-Oeneral and Council, that ItJO schepels, 
 one half of wlieat, tho other of peas, should bo paid as tho tenths of the whole village for tliis 
 year, to be delivered on the soashore near the village. Dato as alK>vo. 
 • S..C Vol. \\\. |.. ai.^. 
 Mtrli/ Colonial Settkm&ntfi. 
 tliNCKKMNO liiK 'J 
 Ilonoriiblo, Dour, Fiiiflifiil. 
 TI,i. R.>o« „« oovnr of an oxtnu-t fro,,. ,t loftor of thoLor.lH-PafroonH, wl.icl. will inform von 
 ;■ --=7^^^^^^^ 
 --l..,-to,H.rs,.,,.l..l„,n..,,.,,H.„oHorB fro,n .. 1.1.1, uutho.-i v. If ho 1 1 i, , 
 of ti.o c A on .un of a .no^.;::::n;;:;;:'^; .i;:: ti^^ ^^^^^^^ ;;: :--;-;: 
 iMM. to sc.t aM Ic Ins d,.es : po.-sons, violating thi. ordc.-, n.nst bo dniy ,.,„.i.hed and a fnll .• , . 
 your pi-oeeedii.pH sent U8 l.y the lii-st cham.o. ' ^ 
 WlicruwitI, efu etc \' n . 
 K.../ ^ J J • ,. .r 1 onr atlectionatc frioiitiri 
 Jnly 2, lfir.8 Dirwtor-Cionund and Conndl of JV. JV. 
 En<-lc«cd in the {ovcguluir Uwy „,,. the followi,,.. note : 
 Monsieur Mo.viAciMo 
 ».::i:p^"::=:;X^^^^^^ -■ - - 
 u.ll act acco.-d...ijiy. J-ort A>u<>tcriitMl)H)rMiiiirtiirun(.'uur(liiigli 
 t» Di-ilcr l)y llioHit iircHciilM uutlioriricil uihI niiitii'iiii'<| ur* iV[aj{i»tti'utut( for t.liu towiui <»ll (fraooiunt, 
 Acfiiin Ainittiritiiia in \i:in Midiiirlnnil, ilutu im uliovt". 
 I'b'rmoN op Pktbu Tunnkman kou i-av kok iiih hkkviukh as Suiiout and Sgcuictakv up 
 IiK(K)KI.YN, L. I. 
 To till! NoMc, Very Woi'hlii|)ful, lloiionthlo 
 Dirut'tor-Ciuiiuriil ami ('ouiifil of Niw Xetherland, 
 Sliows tilt) ftSKiHtaiit tiicinl)f'r of your lioiioraMo Loan!, alHoScliimtaiulSw'i'utary of tlic viilajjcn 
 of liiYHchlin, MiiltnuiU anil AiiUH/ourf, tliat lio Um »ii'rve liart not j^ivcMi liiiii i-ivdit tor tlii'so wrviccH and is at a loss how to do it; Ju' ai^o 
 ruinos a (jut'stion now regarding; your |iotitioiH'r's salary of tl 'JdD yearly fur sirvici'tt in iln; ('ouncil, 
 which your Honors liavu j^rantod liini according to tho resolution of and coiiiniission from the 
 Director-deneral anil Couiuul, copied from the riicords and h(;re annexed, and disputes your 
 j)etitioner's claim to it. Anyway, he makes dilliculties, to place your petitioner's name on the 
 hooks without your Honors' order and iMinsent ; and 
 Wliereasyoiir petitioner has without douht performed tlieon his name may he properly placed on the hooks, 
 Ilonorahle gentlemen I Voiir llonois well know, what it is to he emhraced and Imrdened Ity 
 a wifeand live children, when everything hi're id so expensive and dear, especially for those who try 
 to sujjport their families honestly acconling to tiieir position. Mat the petitioner has no other 
 intention ami desire, than to ask for what is justly due to him for performing the duties committed 
 f,i) hiii charge and what in your wise discretion your Honors will decide to he due to him. .V wailing 
 hereupon your Honors' disposition and tavorahlo deciiion etc etc 
 Aiiinti ri/itin in .Yiiv yctherland Your Honors' uhedient and humble servant 
 July S"", 1(>58. Petkk To.n.nkman. 
 After having received, rcaa,ln,n „^, . i 
 ..f b„p .,„tar ie» . He ™,„„„^ ,1,,., u„ ,„,i „, ii „„, ,,„ ,,„„ » « •!'>• -" 
 AltiT „ vote hail hocii uleii, it w,B .iiisirorci : ° 
 Thi, i, t„ be pheeJ ,„!.. tlie l.an.lj ef ,l,c roople ..i Olm,it ,,..d it il i. f„„„J ,„,i ,„,,,,„ 
 .«ii",ii':,r;;:H:,:,i;::'' ^*"" "^"-^"■"^ '»"■«■"'" °— " '- i""™»««.. -^ 
 It was answored : 
 above^''' ""'^"''' ■' ^""'"^' '"■"''^"^ ''" ^''''''' "' '""'' •'' P^'-^^" °"g^'* t° I^^'-^^v^- I^ate as 
 t« 1 
 .1 «! 
 CO.KT l'K.K,.EKD,NUS CUNCEU.l.v. -nuC KlUHT OP WaV IN M,nnLE„0U«„, (NeWTOWN) L I 
 July 9'-'' 1G58. 
 Tlu>ma.^ .Stivmson, plaintiff, against John Gray and Sam ad Sales, defendants 
 1 ...intiff statets tha^, defendants have cut down his posts and rails, *o which defendants nc.lc., 
 answer, tliat plaintiff obstructe.l the n.ad, ordered to he .nade. 
 Having listened to the coi.testing :«rties, the Director.(ieneral and C„„„..il or.ier the defendants 
 not o use nor to make any other road, than the one now in use, until the Dire<.tor a. cl 
 rthe Mag.trate.sof the ■, mage of M.ldlSor.h shall have uirectod otherwise ad for 
 unseemly behavo- towards each other, both parties are conde-.ne.l to pav a fine of In . / 
 ^rH,.g each : 77.o,nas S^e.ens is further orde;ed. to lay out and ..2 Z ^! U^TI 
 Jlon-toffne and Captain Thomas Wilktt directed it. Date as above. 
 August 3()»' 1658. 
 llmms Stloens complains, that the Magistrates of the vHlage of ]^l iddlchoreh have oncwu..! 
 another road through lus fences, than .he one heretofore ordered b^ the Connnittee of the DirZr 
New York Ilktorical Iteconh. 
 and Council, Messrs. La, Montaijne iiiul Ciijjt. Willdt, iiiid coiifiniuid by their Honors; wliereby 
 tlic iiforeriiiid ISUvcnH claiins to sillier great injury in lii.s pastures : tliis being so, tjiu Directoi^ 
 General and Council once more order, that cont'orni to their former and also to their last order of 
 ilnly 1)"' the public road sliall be and remain, as laid out by the aforesaid committee. If anything 
 has been or is being done against this order, the Magistrates of the said village are ordereMyufsaj?<, Director-General etc, and the (Council testify and declare, that to-day, date 
 midei'written, -vre have given and granted to the heirs of Bi'uyii Barenfsen, a lot for a house and 
 garden, situate upon Lomj Island in the village of Jhruclrlin between the Churchyard and 
 /I //«■/■(! in the l!ay, tlie Highway l.eing on the Nortiiside, where it measures seven rods, along 
 ^Mer^'s land fifteen rods, along the Churchyard fifteen rods and in the rear seven rods: witli 
 express conditions and stipulations etc etc 
 Done at Fort Aiiidcrdani in jS'cw-Xethcvland, October 4"' 1G58. 
 L?vrrKU kuom tiiic Town Ci.kuk of IIkmi'stkad to Diu. Stl-yvesant. 
 Al'l'OlNTMENr OI- Ma(.ISTUATK8 fou Hksisteai), L. I 
 Ever honored S'' 
 After the remembrance of our submission and lunnble respects; it hath pleased God after A 
 Sickly and sad Summer to give vs A seasonable and comfortable Autunnie, wherewith we bane 
 beene (thorow mercy) refreshed ourselues aTid hane gained strength of God, S(ie that we bane 
 beene necessarily Imployed in getting winter foode for our Cattell and thereby bane something 
 pnilonged our wonted time of chosing Magistrates, for the w"' wee hope yo' honor will hold vs 
 Excused; And now according to our Accustomed manner: we hane voted and putt vjkiu 
 denomination our former Magistrate; Mr. I}icliiird Glldemleuc, and with him Will lam Si'ltaddcti, 
 L'ohrrt Foriii'iii and //< nri/ Pernall. They are all of them knowing-men, of honest life and good 
 "ntegrity, therefore we desire yo' honnor to choose i^' appoint twoeof them to be our Magistrates 
 And we >han v*-illingly accei>t of them. And allways according to our duty & obedience, wee shall 
 pray vnto the Most high God, to bless and presearue yo' honor w"' nnich health w"' happines And 
 |)rosperity in all your Noble designe Wlierew"' wee hund)ly take o' leave. 
 Euer honored S' 
 Your Loyall true 
 ife obedient Seruants 
 The Inhabitants of I/i'inKteedt. 
 In their behalfe liaue Subscribed 
 John Jamks 
 Ill histcxd this 
 27'" y'"" K5.5S 
 Sti/o Nouo 
 To the R' honorable 
 I'dei' Stcui iisant 
 Gouernor and C'apt. (ien*" 
 of y"^ yewndherlands resident 
 att Mdiiiiatitnu. 
 Deceinber 9"' 1658. 
 li^arly Coluniul Sdthmnts. 
 «r^:S:;:t^;:^::s:i:::r«r^^^ - 
 Ml'. Ihchar,! Gihl,rsh-cve, Afr. Ro>.,vt Forma,, " 
 J3one at I'ort AimterJam, the U'" of Dccunibcr 1058. 
 Summons to seveual peksons at III■M^•l•I•lI, ,■,. 
 not only tl.e Refusall of min,..nf nf M /' , U^ "^ < on,,.iH>.it, g.vcn unto ws information 
 .ll'^ V li;!'t;f 3d r;^ '"' '^^ "'^'"'"^ '^'^ ■-"- ^'-■- 'M-l-nn-e l.fo,.o us on 
 l.an.l and Con.non k.£Z ^:^: ^ ^^l'^^^ ^' t/ "7 "^?"l,f''^"-. f T" ;""'"' '""• 
 uii i^cttiUD lOob, AiunUrdaiii m JSuio yah<:rliui(U. 
 rxjtter accompanying the above Minin.ons. 
 Lovingh friends. 
 tl.c..c r™ V,,,.. „„l,. d„l "■',?;■' ^ '"...'- m„l,r,t,„„l „„i ll,c lc,„„,,„f ,!,„ ,„,,,„,,„ 
 tw o»t„ ■ ,„. i,i, „„„„ /,vLl //■/,. ■"""■'■■-•'si'i'""™ c-"..|H~> the ,iiir™,„,., „i(i, 
 u^-i-^iis/'^ -- ^"- ■-; -rr^r;;:::' " '''" '-" -■■' ■•« 
 A" 105S. ^'^"'' ^^'e" willingc friendo 
 and CiuviTnoiir 
 v. Stlvvesant. 
 Con,^.il Minnte. Sck.nu.nt of ,l.e E.x.iso .jnestion. 
 1 lie t/()iirt iiiet>.-ioii"('r l];i\iii.r ,,i ti. c 
 i" l-'-ncc of ,1,0 fun,:,, of tia'K i LvT'^i'T ;"""""" "\ '" ^"""" '""'""'"•'' ""■'•^•'" 
 i..\Li.t, tlicj j,aid the larinu.-, so that the iiiailor is settled. 
New Yorh Historical Records. 
 Letter from thk Dirkotors to Stdvvksant: SMi:(i(u-m<» ; Currency; T()bA(;oo; Salaries de 
 Ofei(!ER8 ; Duties; Salt declared a Monopoly' Fort on Oyster Bay; L.vtin Suiio(JL ; 
 Privileges ok the City of New Amsterdam. 
 The 13'" of February, 1650. Ilonoraltle, rriulciit, Dear, Faithful. 
 Our hvst letter to yon, dated the 19"' of June, 1(5.58, of whieh a ropy i^ enclosed, was sent 
 hy the " Bruynviwh" since wliicli time there arri\ed here, praised be 'iod, from time to time the 
 ships " Sjihcrainunifi," " //'(ui/vsant, thti'd the 24"' of 
 S(^|>t(Mnber, all of which we shall now answer according to circumstances and as far as necessary 
 without following point f(ir point of your letters. 
 The first point in your general letter, which attracted our attention and of which frequent 
 mention is made, concerns the smuggling going on there more exteiisivi'ly, than we like, not otdy 
 in beavers and merchandises, to the great prejudice of the Company and all honest traders, but 
 also in contraband goods, which, wo notice, ace being taken over then; from hero from time to 
 time in largo quantities endangering tiie safety of the country ami its inhabitants. The case lately 
 tried here before the Court of the Sehcipens between skijiper Blomiii/wrt and one do Lmuje for 
 2000 lbs of powder sent to Nfio Xcf/ui'hind, proves how true the reports of it are and we wish, 
 that we had then already obtained from tlieir High : Might: the placat formerly spoken of, whicii 
 has been delayed for some reasons : the smugglers could have been tried then ami not only the 
 said contraband merchandise confiscated, but the men ccjuld also have been sued for the fourfold 
 value of it or any other tine determined l)y their High: Might. This would have deterred all 
 such smugglers so much more, as they would luivo been held accountable for it here as well as in 
 Ni'W Xi'thi'rJdnd for many years to come. We shall now push this matter again with the 
 government and endeavor to obtain it: meanwhile wo can well understand, that all such 
 diifraiidations cannot bo discovered there and the goods bo confiscated, yet wo have hardly any 
 doubt, are in fact, for good re;usons, (piito sure, that the Piscjd is not doing his duty thoroughly, 
 although this is a matter spc'cially recommended to him and given into his charge as concerning 
 his otliee specially. We direct him therefore herewith most strictly to watch henceforth with 
 mort! zeid and care, if he has any intention to eontinno in the service of tlie company. We think. 
 it would help to discover or prevent smuggling, if upon tlie arrival and befin-e the departure of 
 8hi|)s some reli!il>lo soldiei-s were placed on board of each vessel, to whom you were to ]»ramise and 
 also give; a certain share of discovi'red smuggleil goods : that has often l)cen done here with good 
 results. We believe also, that enclosing the City there witli pallisades would be of anrpose, .and therefore we approvo of it) recommending further, that you 
 continue in yoin- endt^a\oi's, as we shall do in looking aliout for and engaging faithful and 
 e.\perienc(Mi men as supeivargos, whose duties will I'eiji'.ire them to be present at the discharging 
 and taking in of freight without being allowed to come ashore during the time (we understand, 
 fliat they continually are ashore) and (his ruK; you must specially enforce. If they do not obey or 
 we may be deceived or misled in our choice, tln'ii you must not hesitate to |)unish the disobedient 
 us an example to othi'rs. We send you now >omi; printed copies of the order issued by vcju 
 iigainst the excessive; smuggling carried on under the ivmw \.)i prorls'iitnx for the .va//"/',s', that 
 everybody may be warned to live up totlieiii without being in a position to plead ignorance. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 ,^.u .,.„ „Lf„„ .,,0 i.b..;.™;i';:'' ;4r :; ,t: ,7;.: ::;;";: f zT't" 
 no ..y of kcop,„. it tl.o,.o, especially as long as so n.u.h i. lost^n tl.e .•.. r, !• ^ L. ^r 
 *.a.,...„n;,,,,,,,,»,,.4.;z::^,i;;::::rt;^::?s;: ;;;;;: ::;^ 
 tlK. t«ta,.a„ a,„l ,1,0 ta„„.|al„„.„ will „„ bc,„„. „,i.,|,„| ,„„| „„,„„„„.;; „„„,.,;:' ""■"•'""^ 
 '■"IH'rta.u... to the,,,, will ,.ot he .live,-te,l i„to o,l,.,. ..l.:uuu.|. ' "^ ^""" 
 m.l^ UK n trijragt siicl. Juhj/,./, ,i,iu V,/ L 
 t M J had I.een clearv.l l,e,-e pursuant to the e,u-lose,l hill .,f |,,,|i„„ ,l,,li he .vfnn.Ll . ,1, 
 IJ^I^L .;; 1 ^ ' "" t" n ""'r"" """ '^' ^ ''^"■^^"- -1'-' ^-'^ we,.e «h!ppe.l nn.le,. ,1^ 
 S 'tl ?„ T '""' "■ ^ ""'* ""' ''"'■'"^'■■^' ^'^''^''' ■•""' "'"" c-«-atc ; lil<..wise to 
 tt' " 7 '""""'■•■ """"• '''"'^'"'"^ ^'""" ■■"••^- '-^""- ''v -"I'M- pr texts W 
 n^, that then the paH,e« en.e-l shall he satisfied and thei,. Jns, e.nph,, Jin this \;2l 
Nev) Yovh Ilidorical liccoinh. 
 4 '.'9 
 For your l)cttor information wo bliall continue to sund you statements of tlio payments nuido 
 hero for accounts of the soldiers and others in tiio service of tlie Company tiiere; l)ut we do not 
 consider i)ractiL'al)]e tliy iimpositioii m;id(! by you in rcirard to the dislike to tiieir duty, conceived 
 l)y tlie soldiers, wiicn tliey see their aecoimts cliarged with the deiits made here, for the people, 
 who have fitted tiiem out, would suffer serious hisses. 
 Our order lienci^fortli to levy a duty nf oiui per cent on all floods and merehandises sent out 
 uf the (Company's jurisdiction, was jijiveii to satisfy the traders and other jjeople hero, because 
 complaints had been made to us about it; but since you inform us, that ihe carryini' out of it 
 meets with unexpected opposition, we have no objection, that you coutimie herein on the old 
 footiufj; and levy ordy on wine, brandy and distilled waters the duties already imposed ; for we 
 endeavor always to prevent everythinj?, by which the trade might be diverted. 
 The loi^wood, bi'oughl there by the yaclit '• Dicimii,"' has safely arrived hero in the ships " St. 
 Jan" and ''Beer." We were pleased to learn, that you will (juickly despatch the yacht with 
 provisions and boards tci C'/rdrdu, where she is to take a cargo of salt, of which there is little on 
 hand. This trading tVoia one place to the other must necessarily tt'iul to beiu'tit both conquests 
 and their iidiabitauts and it should be kept up. As to the salt expected there we have decided, 
 that it shall be stored in tlu^ (^nupany's Warehouse and iukI not le .solil lnj anijime t;,i-''i-pl hij tin: 
 Company at a fan' and Iiom xf jiricr, it> hvjLced hij ijoi(,for ive intend to retain the trade irltli kkI' 
 as a x2>eciid monojioly for the Conqniiuj. 
 The inclosed invoices and bills of lading will inform you of the quantities of clothing, coarse 
 cloths, linen and other necessary material sent tor the garrison there, also of the anuumt of 
 powder and lead shipped now. We earnestly recommenil you to distribute these articles with 
 great carefulness and a saving hand, and t)uly among the most needy. As to your apprehension, 
 that in consi'(|uence of the |ierniission given to a few, now and then, to bring over some bars of 
 lead for windows more lead may be imjKirted there, than reipiired for window frames, we see no 
 way to refuse that iierniissiou, for every one may pretend to be about building a house or liouses 
 there : you can much better examine into it, lor we do imt only send you a statement, hut shall 
 henceforth add, on what pretext and ie[iresentation thi> jnrmissiou has Iieen given here, so that 
 you can see, whether it is true, and if not, seize and coutiscate the h.ad, as being imported with 
 evil intentions. 
 Wfi send you hei'ewith souu> bound account books, paper, (piills and ink-powder, required by 
 yon to compK'tt' and fend o\er the i-esolulions and other docuniiiits of youi' administration since 
 .lanuary lfl.")7. Although somo of the most important resoluticms and documents have been 
 received by us since tliat tinu', the copy of the rec(U'd of resolutions must not be sent witlnnit them, 
 that we may have here and can examine the whoh' siTJes in chronological (.irder. We would have 
 proviui'd you uilh this stationery earlier, if you bad aske(l for it ; and we send it now with pleasure 
 •according to the enclo.-cd .-t.itement. .Vfter the schoolbooks and stationery to be used for the 
 education of the youths, stat<>d in the enclosed invoice, von will please to look yourself. 
 We do not like it, that the I\ns and obstinali^ inrlinaliou to (juarrel and to arroi,'ate to themselves all authority. 
 * I'"iir Ihr (imillr 
 it^rnpliH «i'r Vol ,\11, p. J.IJ anil Veil. .Kill, \>. !l(i. 
 Kaiiy Colonial Setthnienta. 
 I itw^iW^A;' 
 > i 
 As we cannot always mibmit to it, w<. Imvo .locidcd t„ direct herewith, that, if von have not yet 
 nia.hi liny airrccincnt or are not lial.l.. I,, make any with the -ovornnient of New ' Ju„jla,ul, a block 
 house .hall he erected at our extreme limits, advaiieed to Oi/stcr Bay, without waiting for the 
 decision of tho Eiujlish nor Bul)mittin<,' to it. 
 * * * # » 
 The agreement, made by you concerning' the tenths, among others with the Colony of Hcmsc 
 l,ursw,jclc, has our fullest approbation and we have therefore no intention to make any chan-'e 
 liere, even though tho agents of thj Colony should apply to us about it: we shouhl refuse thJir 
 ivjucst and keep to the agreenu>nt ma.le in X,'w .W-therhind. We recommend, that yon continue 
 in this way, fcir it is a matter of great concern to Ud on behalf of the Companv. 
 What we have ordere.l in our last letter of the 19'" of June in regard to'the Lutherans, may 
 be learned from its duplicate sent herewith ; our intentions are still the same, as wo see no 
 reason, why the preachers there should rai>e .litli.ndtics about it; for it is an order practiceoun,l on this matter, has now arrived \\vi-iiix\m\Nein Eiujhind, 
 we shall examine him and inform you of our success as soon as possible. 
 AVi' find the n'quest, made U Johttn IV/'/v^/y,/,', that the salarvof his pred.'ces- 
 sor,Z(/(V^v Rodmhryh, late A'ice-Direcfor ixi Cnra^-ao, be j.aid there or credited in //„//,„„/ 
 currency, nut um-easonable, but (piitc just and we 'h a teacher shall be in.p.ired for, care brin- 
 taken, that he writes a good hand, to teach the children also calligraphy ; yon may expect bin, by 
 the ships sailing from hert; during the sin'ing. 
 AVe are well ],lcased with your vigilance exercised in discovering the smn-i,dc.l g,,ods, shipped 
 m tbC'/^/w^v/C-'and approve of th.. subse(p...nt confiscation. We wisli^ that the dispo>iiion 
 niadeof the goo.l. woul.l give us as nnich satisfaction and deprive us of reas,,ns to sh,,u- our 
 disideasure. Your letters .lo not say anything of the disposition of the go.,ds, but a resolution, 
 sent as cru'losure, substantially directs, that one half of the confiscated beavers shall be the .sh.ire of 
 tlH.(\m,pa.iy. (with the ninark, that its ti-easiiry was not ill funds), om; fourth shall go to the boani ,,f 
 l)ircctor-(i..neral au.l C.uiicil as inf,.rniers of this vnJation of the customs-laws, to who,e share 
 one third shoul.l therefore fall, .aiul ,.f the last fourth one half to the Fiscal and the other to the 
 church. This is a very uncounuon proceeding .and soimds very strangolv to our ears, for accordiie' 
 to the above miheard of remark the Company receives „>,! of pit;, apparentiv a larger shaiv, that" 
 It IS really entitled to. We confess, we .lo m.t umlerstan.l that, be,.aus.. th,. 'l)ir.vtor-( b lural and 
 Council have no claim whan^vr np.m these confiscat.!.! g.M.ds, which must !.,■ ar,.| tvmain converted 
 to the benelit of the < 'ompany ahuus as bring tlu- .miy sntrerer bv such .lefran.lations. It is tr le 
 that the placats issne.l cnccrning smuggling allow U, the .liscoverer and informer on., thir.l of tl,.. 
 g.M.ls. but to apply this ,Md.. to duly appoint..! olli.vr. ..f ll„. ('..mpanv, who - ;md this is the 
New York Ilintorical Jlct'ord». 
 principal point — arc to be tho juilgus, is rcull^ too vili", frivolous iind unrcaHonahlo. I^oinp inmlo 
 parties in interest, you could by no manner of means sit as judges, it was therefore a liiiuidi'r so 
 grave, that it has not its e(pial, and has never been coniinitted by any judge or court. AVi^ leave 
 it to yourselves, to imagine the oi)lo(iuy and the i)ad reputation, which your action nnist give you 
 as mendiers of such a board; you would tiierefore act wisely and we reeonnnend you to do it, if 
 you wore not only to correct this blunder, but also abstain henceforth from proceeding in siicli a 
 manner, without however ceasing to watch for and discover snniggling, aa tlie service of tho 
 Company requires it. As to the share of tlio confiscated goods, allotted to the church, we will not 
 object to it absolutely, because it seems, that they needed it, and thia practice may therefore bo 
 continued occiisionally ; wo consent also, that tlio Fiscal should receive a reiisonable share for 
 prosecuting the wise in proportion to his troubles and duties. 
 After examining your recpiest in favor of a certain representation in writing, intond('d to 
 ol)tain more liberty for the foreign trade of the inhabitants there, we finil tliis to be a matter of 
 importance and especially benelitting yom' people, but of doublfii! .'ulvantago for tlii^ ( 'onipany, 
 for a wide door will tiiereby apparently be opened to further defraudation and the Company's 
 revenues here in this country considerai)ly reduced, also tlie general government and specially tliis 
 city might claim, that the trade from here would suller by such measures. However, we believe, tiiat 
 It is a mciwure to encourage everybody in tho cultivation of tho soil and that upon tlic country's 
 jn'ogress and benefit depends nnich of the jn'osperity of this stiite, and we have .lere fore, after 
 long deliberations, decided, that the experiment, whicii you are to make after our ratification, shall 
 provisionally be continued, under the express condition, that the sliips, sailing thence for Frencii 
 Spanish, Italian ports, tlio Caribean Islands and elsewhere, to trade with their cargoes of products 
 of the coimtry, salt-fish, goods and mercbamlises, shall be iiound to return with tho return cargoes 
 procured with the proceeds of their vcnture-s, cither to thi.s City of Amxierdam or to tho place of 
 your residence in 2icw Netherland, in order to pay you, upon di.sciiarging and selling their cargoes, 
 such duties and convey fees, as tiie (.'ompany receives here: it has also been decided by the 
 Company, that no beaver, otter or other skins shall bo exported, except in ships coming directly to 
 this country. As to the duties to be im])osed u[)on exported products of the country, wooden 
 ware, salt or dried Hsh, antl what else industry or ingenuity may manufacture or produce — not 
 knowing, what meiisurcs your English neigidiors have adopted in this respect, which it might be 
 proper t(» copy to a certain extent,— we have preferred to leave it to you, instead of making 
 mistakes through ignorance ; you are tiierefore hereby authorized, to obtain the reiiuired information 
 and after consultation with tho M;igistrates there impose sucli moderate duties, subject to our 
 approval, as shall be deemed proper. Hefore lea\ ing tliis matter we desiri! to urge and most 
 seriously recommend, that a close watch be kept over these ships wiiile taking in or discharging 
 freight, that the gootl will and intention of the('omi)any for the welfare of the community may 
 not lead to itssulYering from defraiulations or iiaving its revenues reduced. 
 Thus far in answer to your general letters; we siiall now proceed to reply to the private letter 
 from the Hon'''" Director-General and take up such points in it, as we consider necessary, and as 
 have not been discutsed in former letters. 
 * » * * # 
 In regard to the itjcoinmeiidation, in favor of the reipie.st from tho Burgomasters and the 
 principal inhabitants there to obtain a modification of the duties on Neat Nethet'Uind tobacco, wo 
 have already mentioiietl, that we have made every iiossible eflort, to have it completely exempted 
 from duty ; but tho obstacles, which we encounter, deprive us almost, if not entirely, of the hope 
 '*'"'- 7iar7y (hlonial SetlleimnU. 
 ever to succeed: when occasion offers nnd tl.e time scen.H to l.e favoniLle, wo pliall nevertlioless 
 press the matter a-ain and ei.aeavor to see, whether so serviceable a measure cannot be brou-ht 
 alxMit. \ i)u shall hear the result in due time. 
 'I'lie ar^r„„,cuts, made by tiio siiid Ihir-oniaaters in favor of their reriuest, to increase the 
 M'ei-lits m the public weigh-houso p. ct. are not sutlicient to make us order such a ehan-e for 
 we see u.any .l.lliculties in such alterations; the merchants, buyin- tobacco and other merehandisea 
 tliere, upon which the English allow no rebate, can and undoubtedly make their calculations by 
 your weight satisfactorily and without risk, as everybciy knows his own business and is therefore 
 alert and cautious about it. 
 The three Hags, the partisans, halberds and drums, rerpnred for the trainbands, are sent herewith 
 also some drumskins, snares and strings, to be used when necessarv. 
 Thus far in reply to the letter of his Honor, the Director-General, The i?urgoniastors ami 
 .x-hepens have among others iv.p.ested us, that for rei.ayment of the dc^bt.) of the a.iministration 
 •hey might be given and granted the whole income from the public Weiglihouse, observin-' that 
 onelourthof it was already given them by you, which we now have also learned frour'vour 
 resolution of the 2.V" of January 1(!5S, lately sent over. This appears strange to us, for you omdit 
 to have hrst received our approbation and added reasons for the necessity of this step, so that we 
 could express our opinion on it, especially as time and circumstances recp.ired no hurried action • 
 which wc presume was not the case here. 
 Although the books of the colonist.s' accounts and of monthly wage,., sent by you, have not 
 yet been thoroughly examine.], we have already found in them much to displc:,,e u's. especially the 
 Items placed to the credit uf the CJompany's otlk-ers, while they were still indebted to the Company, 
 lor instance i ." 
 Councillor La Mont,ujne is credited with . . fl 1 1 - i ,• u 
 F.f... ., ■ , IIIIJ.IO.O 
 incmt Pikes with i 'n 
 and Gerrit Bicker with !.""..'..'.. I'oOii'o 
 all in favor of one Jaeoh Schdlin.jrr. upon the statement of whose account p/iyme'n't was. leman.led 
 here from us, notwithstan.ling that the lirst still owes the Company ll tltOO, U.e s.m;ou<1 has not as 
 much to his credit and the tliir.l* ha.l alrciidy committed his villainous ,lecd. You have also 
 g.ven credit to D» Johannes J'olhe.nus for (1 7s±t] _, but as he has that much to his credit .,n 
 Jus Jirasihan aeount, w,^ have balance.I these two sums against each other, which you too must 
 do in your books and you are hereby expressly charged, not to give further credit either to his 
 /everenee, wlajse account is now cl.jsc.l an.l with whom the C..mpauv has nothing further to do 
 nor to anylHKly else, he he an oIKcer or a party, to whom the Company owes nothing; for in c;,se 
 «.t death of the persons or other troubles the Company would only be the l.jser. W.- learn 
 further from the b.x.ks of monthly M-ages, that the Councillor Z.a JA.«A/y«,. receives in.stead of 
 il-i»()for rations 300 per year; the same increase has been alh.wed to J\ter Tonneman in his 
 account of salary; both dianges having been ma.le without the knowledge of the C. mi pan v, as 
 If It did not concern us an.l we n.v.l not know what be.'ame of our f mi.ls. To prevent troubles we 
 are now compelled to give t.. Councillor l)e Decker, x\m liOOtl f.jr n.ti.ms vearlv, instea.l of liOO, to 
 begin with his arrival there, unless wo wished t.. .lisaj-prove vour action completely, whi.-li f.,r reasons 
 we do not at present, but shall certainly do in the future, as we must necessarily resent any neglect 
 ,..,*''.",'''" ^"1^"''""^ '''••■■" ™mmand..r of /.!„•< CW„-„i,>, whirl, lio .s.irreml,.r.-,I to tUd Swedes uudur Uunnnh in 
 10.)4, wuLout otieriua auy resistuucc. Se., Vol. I, ,,,,. (J01-(i05, au.i Vol. XII, p. 80. 
Nexo York Ilidoriml Remnh. 433 
 (,f the Company's intoreBts and reputation. Wo slmll inform yon, what elso wo find to remark 
 on in tlic aforesaid 1)ooI order that 
 this may he done without fail, we elmrgo herewith the Receiver General Van Ruyven not to 
 ne-lect his duty an.l to make no payment to anyhody, whoever ho be, unless ordered according to 
 the instructions. As ho has undoubtedly a good knowledge of affairs, we have for your own relief 
 decided t.. give him an advisory an.l conclusive vote, but only on .iuesti.)iis concerning the finances 
 and ^xhnt is intimately connected witli them ; you will make a note hereof and act accordingly. 
 <.he arguments submitted by the Burgomasters and Schepens there, why the otHce of 
 auctioneer au.l the sale of real estate within the City sli..,.!.! I.o committal to the charge of the 
 communalty or its Secrota-y, apjiear so convincing and satisfactory, that we have granted their 
 rcpiest aiul Secretary van Umjven is herewith relieved from these duties. We understan.l, that 
 he charge.! for the sale of real estate a commission of 5 p. ct., which is too much and should 
 anyway have been pai.l int.. the Company's treasury, as it is done in this City hero. That this 
 method may bo followed there also, wo have resolved, that henceforth there bo i)ai.l for sales of 
 real estate into the Company's treasury in cases of voluntary sales the 40'" peniiv, one half by the 
 seller, the other by the purchaser, on Sheriffs sales the 80'" penny by the ].iirehaser alone, together 
 with one half of a gml.ler to the S.j.-retary besides his ofH.;e fees; you will act accor.iingly. 
 A considerable number of free pc.ple are now going over at the oxpeiise of the Company ; 
 among th.'m you may fin.l some, who have engaged to serve other masters, as this is the manner 
 111 which the authorities of liemselaemoijck and other private owners of col.>nies bring over their 
 people. Itisn..t feasible to .lis.,-,)Ner that here an.l we have therefore resolve.l to direct and 
 re.-ommeii.l you, to keep and cause to be kept a sharp look-out and to demand from the mastei-s 
 of persons c.ming over that way the passagem.mey a.lvance.l by us : f.u- else the desire .)f the 
 Company, t.. increase the popiilati..n, woul.l be thor.Mighly abuse.l at our expense, while wo 
 intend t.. grant free j.assag." only to free iinligent persoius, having the ability to make a living, on 
 the con.lilion, that it be c.iisi.lcred as a hxiii, to be repai.l, when tliev are in b.-tter .Mrcu instances 
 or if they leave the Company's territ..ry. Voii must keep a goo.l account of them an.l enter the 
 it.'iii to th.- .lebit of every one not only to demand the money in due time, but ak.. to see upon 
 the departure ot ships whether some of these men .lo not return to this country. A copy of these 
 a.-counts must be sent to us without .lelay every year, that we too ma., be able to see, how careful 
 of the interests of the Comi.any you are. 
 The slow expedition ..f the '^bips c.ming over n.nv, .'aused bv an earlv frost, has compelled 
 many c.l.mists an.l otlu-r frtviiuMi, now g..ing m this ship the " T^wv^-" at the expense of the 
 C..iiipany, to expen.I their little fund of money, .so that we finallv deei.led out of pitv t,> give to 
 the most needy for their support small sums, as you will see by the encl..sc.l lists, an.'l we .lirect, 
 that you charge these sums to their in.livi.lual accounts and allow them to earn as much bv labor or 
 .otherwise, also to take care, that these and other free i)e..ple coming over, muv tiiul places 
 .with good masters and farmers, for the country must bo made to prosper especially by agriculture. 
 Early Colonial /Settlements. 
 The invoices of private goods, Hlii])jK>(i in tjio " IVouw,'" mo oiiclosod (inmon8tmiico, wishing only, tlmt you had iivoided or piwsod ovor tlio too 
 minntr c>xi)liciitioii or Htiituniont ri'gardiufj; tlio (•xponHon, which iio clainw thu I'atvoon and tho 
 co-din!c'tor8 incur in iho maintenance of tiicir Horvanttt; the foilowinj{ wonln "or if impartial men 
 Ac" ini>,'ht alwo have been omitted, for it weeniM, they have given these people with their unfounded 
 claims Home hope, that by support ing a preacher they could avoid tho paying of the tenths; 
 osiMJcially if tho eauo u to be a 
 intended to direct and authorize you hereby, to appoint and instal somebody then^ as such, but in 
 order to do this for tlie present with the least commotinn, we would suggest to you, whether tho 
 present achout in the said (Jolouy — we think, he \i /fcrril Smart, who has already taken tin- oath 
 of allegiaiujo to theCompany — should not have the preference before others and be continued in his 
 otHco, on condition, that ho receives and accepts his instructions and commission (to bo drawn up by 
 you) on behalf of tho Company as Chief Patroons and Sovereigns under the jurisdiction and 
 govorninont of their High: Might:, the Lonla Statos-General. If yon think it advisable, you 
 may act accordingly or in any other c.nivenieiit ami suitable manner; act however without 
 precipitancy, but await a favorable opportunity; meanwhile we desire you, to continue in tho 
 former manner with tlie demand for tho tenths and other duties from the (Colony, until we shall 
 give you other instructions.* 
 In our next we shall inform you and give a complete and explicit account of the statements, 
 made by Cornelin Miiyn concerning the purclia.se of Stuteti hlnmf for account of the Company 
 under the administration of tho former Director Mlnnit ; also of our answei-s, given to some of 
 his representations and reijuests. 
 How much trouble wo have taken, to tiiid a Latin schoolmaster is shown by tho fact, that now 
 one Alexander Oarohi.i Citrnhi.^, late Professor in /.///*'/(/«/(/, goes over, whom we have engaged as 
 such at a yearly sjilaiy of SOUll, board money included; we give him also a present of lOOfl in 
 merchandise, to bo used by him upon his arrival there, as you may learn by the enclosed extract 
 from our resolutions or by the contract, made with him, to which we refer for brevity's sake. 
 We have sufHcieiitly ])ro\ed, by our late jirecantion ami orders, of how great importance we 
 consider the proper administration of tho finances there: as wo liavo seen, that to carry out our 
 plans a suitable and experienced bookkeeper is n^cpiired tlieris we have hero ongageii .ih such 
 Jacob Sam at a monthly salary of 5011 and I'OOll a year for board ; he is coming over with liir. wife 
 and family in one of these ships. There is further doing over ones Pirck Lootcu, whom wc 
 have cngiiged as clerk at a monthly salary of 20tl with 8011 a year for board; he belongs to a 
 good family and is also said to be a i)romisiiig young man. If you have occasion to advance 
 him, we recommend you to do so ; in the meantime employ him, wherever his services may bo 
 found required and useful.**- 
 •The followii ,r two i.ningraphs refer to lawsiiil.t hetwuiMi privatu partiHS. 
 »♦ See Vol. XII! p. /t he procured in tho short time before the sailing of these ships; they will 
 lie sunt hy the next opportunity. 
 Wy onler of tlie Lord.-i-Directors 
 By tho " niniei'," the duplicate A. B. DkDeokek jr. 
 by the " Moisman.''' 
 Uksolution ok rnio A.MsrKunAM Dkpaktmknp ok thk W. 1. CoM.-ANy ai-i-ointino a Latin 
 Soiiooi.MAHiKU I'OK New Amstkhuam. 
 Thursday, tho 10"' of April 1G59. 
 F?cfore the Hoard appeared Alfxandcr Carnhtg Curaius,\»X(i Professor in Lithuania mentioned 
 in former miuutes, who offered his services. After a vote had been taken, he was engaged as 
 Latin schoolmaster in Ncm y.llwrlmul at a yearly salary of ."itio tl, of wliicii one quarter shall bo 
 paid to bini in advance, that be may procure what books he reijuires, Tiie Board further grants 
 him a gratuity of 100 11, whidi the Company will lay out in available merchandise to be used by 
 him upon bis arrival in A'l (" Nethi riaiul, where a pi(!cvhic,h see thi' Register of Res,,lntions, .sent you. lit F p. ISd. 
 We wisii, that in seiulingus the juantt'd placats against sailors' provisions* your Hoiioi-s had a'.so 
 communicaJed your advice and opinion, whether the scanien shall i)e jiermitted, as they claim they 
 are, to trade to the amount of two months'wages without paying duties. We have so"t;ir admitted 
 their claim, but you will please to inform us of your approval .)r disapproval, that we may act 
 At the repeated requests ami representations of the Rurgomasters and Schcpens and 
 after many debates with them, wampum had already generally been reiluce.l fi-oni G to >t for a 
 stiver before the receipt of yom- lett,.r, but the expected reduction of j.rices for lu'cessary 
 commodities and labor did not follow, for everything remains as dear as formerlv anlic auction, projicr labels with thi- i>rice being atlixed to all, while in yoiw letter of the 7"' of 
 April 1<')."j7, rccomiiieuiling particularly the counncrcc with Ouruciio, you advise us, fo give 
 permission to priv itc parlies here, who desire it, to bring from there in their own vessels salt, (of 
 which a large quantity is on hand at the Island), horses iVrc mider just aiul fair conditions. 
 Early Colonial Settlemmta. 
 Altliough It ,n>gl,t 1,0 saici, tl.at the last order repeal, the farmer an.l therefore must be obeyed 
 yet being unable to 1 the one or the other for want of a vesnei, we find ourselves compelled 
 respectfully to s.,bnnt to you, whether, in ease you aftinn your last order, to keep salt as a royalty 
 of the Company and Bell it at retail and wholesale, this may turn out to the a.lvantage of the 
 Company, unless you forbid at the same time the importation of salt hy private parties from other 
 places; and if this measure is adopted, whether it would not cause an infraction, a diversion or at 
 lea^t an obstruction to the commerce and as a conse.iue.ice would .M.ibarrass and injure both, this 
 place and the Company. As some barks and other craft arrive here now and then from the 
 Canbean Ishxmh, Virginia, New England and other places, sometimes bringing besides their 
 cargoes of sugar, hides, tobacco, some salt, they would, if forbidden t,. sell the latter, take it fis a 
 pretext not to sell the other goods. On the other side, if the importation and sale of salt is 
 reserved as a royalty of the Company and no salt arrives from elsewhere, and if tlu. Company's 
 vessel should meet with misfortune, as it luis happened now an.l several times previouslv, while we 
 cannot obtain another within two or three years- the comnumity would suffer much and the 
 admmistration blamed for it. 
 Beside what we have said above, you will please to consider, that by reserving the importation 
 of salt from 6»mf«o as a royalty of the Company the inhabitants here woul.l be .n-eatly 
 discouraged from trading to Cum,;ao or sen.ling anything there, for except salt they can'obtain 
 there very l.ttle or hardly any other freight, than horses, for which private vessels are as yet too 
 small and meonvenient. We would be blamed for preventing „ur own subiects, who have no 
 resources among the neighbors, from trading to our own places, whi.-h we cannot forbid to strangers, 
 unless we also forbid them to brmg salt from Curasao. This would injure the Company and both 
 their colonies, but if your Honors in your farseeing wis.lom expect gr'eater advantaires" from the 
 execution of your hust order, it shall be faithfully carrie.l out upon receipt of your further advices 
 and the arrival of a craft, suitable to bring salt from C'«mf(w. 
 Siiice our last letter ^xo had but little intercourse and less differences with our nei.dibors of 
 New hngland. If no lu'w troubles arise between the two governments in Knroi„', whi,.!, (Jo.l 
 prevent, we may hope, that no material differences between us an.l the English here shall si.rin- 
 up: anyway, we, as the weaker party, have always been very careful, an.l shall .-..ntinue so, t.. -nve 
 them no cause for dis.siitisftietion and although your descripti.m of them hits th.,. nail exactly on 
 the bead, we cann..t persuade them, n..twithstan,ling ..ur sat;..a..tory ,>roofs, that they deviate from 
 the boundary agreement, „.a.le at llarl/ord in iCoO. Th... qiu'stion, as we have alrea.iv a.lvise.l 
 you, 18 only about the location of Oyster hay ; the oldest inhabitants of New Nrtherl,nvl place it 
 at 2J leagues further east, than the ol.lest resi.lents of Nen En,,htnd ; the lan.l cmprised in these 
 1\ le;igues is of very p,K>r an.l sterile nature, but the convenient hK!atiou .,f tiie Hay is of .'reater 
 consequence, for if it remains in the possession of and is settled by the Knglish it will be a!i open 
 door for all smugglers. To prevent this, it is therefore neces..jirv to build a fort or a blockhouse 
 pursuant to your orders : iiut the greatest .lillieultv aris.^s in deci.ling where and upon which p.,int ; 
 for if built according to the statements of the Dut.ih, ^ leagues farther east, the K.mlish viila-e 
 of JhmUmjUm woul.l ,...me within th.. limits of N.,n Net/,erland and we woul.l imme.liatelv .ml 
 without doubt meet with opp.^sition, to be followed by further .lilfereiices .ami tn.ubles, which 
 would not suit us at all at present, a.s long as the relations between the two governm.mls in 
 •Se.- V..1, XII, p, 246. 
Neio York Historical Records. 
 the Fiitlici-land are so uncertain and dimgerou.s. Wo liiivo therefore conchided to wait with it 
 another veur, expecting in the meantime jx.ur further letters and orders, also some good carpenters, 
 to build the works and the necessary houses at the least expense. We are still more induced 
 to make tliis delay, because the few negroes of the Company arc required for the quarrying 
 and hauhng of stone, lime and other n)atorials for the walls of this fort. 
 As very few persons live on Fitnien Idand on behalf of Baron van der Capellc, not more 
 than two or three families, for whose safety pursuant to your orders 5 or G soldiers are kept 
 there at the expense of the Company and as so far no more show any inclination to settle there 
 as colonists, tlii.s matter remains as it was, at least until you shall have spoken with Cornelia Melyn, 
 who is still in IloUand and who con\eyed the island to the aforesaid gentleman, and liave given 
 us further information. 
 Concerning the displeasure expressed by your Honoi-sover the disposition and distribution of certain 
 smuggled and confiscated beavers, wo must not argnc with you, being our Lords and Masters, who 
 may disi)ose and order accorditig to their pleasure ; we beg therefore only to state with due respect, 
 that no abridgment of any privilege was intended by us, much less committed; that may be gathered 
 from the ingenuous expression used in the sentence and its appliuatioTi, which else might have been 
 disguised and coveretl by the (jiiotation from your own jii'lnted i)lacat,— one-third for the informers : 
 as it is without precedent and not practicable, that jntlges should themselves retract or alter a 
 sentence once pronounced by them, we shall submit to the alterations and the application, which 
 your IIonoi"s may please to order. 
 What you have been i)lease(l to direct, ratify or consent n\M<\\ the written representation of 
 some merchants concei-iiiiig greater liberty for the foreign trade, is gratefully acknowledged on their 
 behalf. Whenever advantage shall be taken of it, of which there is little likelilood now, your 
 orders concerning this matter shall be strictly obeyed. 
 Xo other concessions, concerning the foiirtli j.art mI' tlu- receipts of tlie Weighhouse, have 
 hei'n made to the liiirg.. masters upon tiieir re.picst, than tiio.se ratiticil by you, as their petition 
 and the answer tliereto .■^hnw. iJiit tiie i>r.icvcds have as yet not been paid to them and seeing 
 that you are clispleased on tliat account, we shall await your further orders, before the granted 
 nncnucs are handed over to them. 
 Such rules liavi' been ad.ijiled for the keeping of the accounts, that we have no doubt you 
 will lie well .sitistieil ami pleased with them.** 
 Tiie great mi>takes, abuses and false statements, found to our regret in the old books of 
 accounts, have caused us s(j much trouble and labor, that we have been engaged with them nearly 
 the whole year Ui.'.S and have not yet (piite Hnished with them ; but we have got so far, that 
 most of the private accounts with merchants are adjusted and only a few items ciMicerning the 
 Company alone remain, with which we are now laboring daily. These adju.stments have, of course, 
 to be mad( lirst, before a gciu'r.d statement can be drawn up; the desoed balance sheet 
 can therel'on; not be sent with these ships. You may ex])ect it early next year with the accounts 
 balanced on the last of Dei-ember. The enclosed .scheme made by Receiver vtin liuyven will 
 show you, how we intended to have the books kept ; if vou desire any changes made in this 
 * See Vol, .\II, p. 100. 
 *» Kxplaiiatioii iif Hcimii iti'ins in fnrmiT ncriiiiiits in the fnlldwing piiragniiih is oniitti'd hero, 
 1 , * -• 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 inotliod, wo request to bo informed of tlieiii l.j the first sliip, flmt wc may act accordingly. The 
 Receiver* gratefully acknowledges the honor, conferred upon iiim hy you.r Honors: wo neither 
 can nor wish to doubt, that you and we shall be benetitted by his good and faithful sorvices as we 
 liavo already so far. ' 
 The order issued by you in regard to the sale of real estate shall henceforth be obeyed and 
 carried out; we liave only considered it advisable to wait with the collection of the 40'" peimv 
 urtil the arrival of the expected candidates for the ministry [in-opencntcn**), for then we shall 
 have so many more reasons for tlio introduction of this measure. 
 Not only the present Secretary Van liuyven, but also all others, who have before served 
 in that capacity, have received 5 p. ct. for selling real estate, but only v/wn t/ie j>roperty was sold 
 to the highest hvldcr at pulJk auction; for tliis commission the Secretary has not only to attend 
 to the Side and everything connected with it, but he must also collect the 'purchase money and in 
 case of bad debts, make up and pay the deficit: he must further i)ay the Comt messenger for 
 acting as auctioneer. This custom has until now been followed by the said Van liuyvcn, but 
 henceforth this business shall be attended to by the Secretary of the City at such a salary as you 
 may consent to give him. 
 Your orders concerning passengers, from time to time coming over at the expense of the 
 Company, were already put into practice before now and we shall continue to obey them 
 strictly. The advances made by you out of pity to the passengei-s lately arrived in the " Trmtw' 
 have been carried to the debit of each individual; the Ix.ok containing these accounts is bein- 
 copied and will lie sent you by the ^^ Moesin(in.'"-\ " 
 So far in answer to your Honors' favur of the l;5"' „f September received by the " Troiiir." 
 While we considered the same the ship '^J/o>s>,um" arrived here bringing (is your favor of tlie 
 25"" of April last, to which wc have to reply as follows. 
 The complaints and lucubrations of the Patroon and (he other directors of the Colony of 
 Iiensselaerswyck\ together with your reply to them, tir.-t call for ciir aiiswei'. We have little or 
 nothing to add to what you said, because since the th God's bh.sing I shall rc-over, whieh I desire lo nu.eh n.ore, because 
 your Honors service and the present state of the country require our presence here an.l elsewhere 
 At J'ori Oramje ahnost everybody complains aj,^ainst his neighbor, wholesale dealers against 
 retailed and vice vei-sa, because of the decline of fl,e trade, which grows worse from year to year 
 It ,s stated on authoruy, that although the beavers have been bartered from the saLes at high 
 pnces this summer, 100,000 guilders have been given to them as presents. I see no or only little 
 hope to remedy th.s, b, t upon the complaints and requests of the inhabitants I have contemplated 
 to go there during the greater part of the summer, more to restore narmonv among them and ..i ve 
 them some satisfaction through my presence, than in the hope of effecting anv redress in the dedino 
 of the trade; principally also to carry out, quietly and gradually, your orders ami instructions 
 concerning lie Colony of lienssdaer.wycK: Hitherto T iiave been prevented by manifold other 
 business and my subsequent indisposition. 
 * * * * * * 
 I must submit to your Honors, that I am convince.l by your letters an,l .locnnLts, of your 
 Zealand inclination to make this country prosperous, sending over for that purpose, as the lists 
 show, free people at your expense, but when they arrive here, we find them to be mostly traders 
 and hence persons unaccustomed to labor, who quickly become a chai-e of the I'oor.naster.:- others 
 who are more honest, enter the military. It wouhl be better and the Companv wo.dd with more' 
 certainty recover tiie sums advanced to these people, the eountry would also bJmore benefitte.l if 
 m place of sending such persons, you would look al.out and ..end us fanners or farmlabore'rs 
 toreigners and exiles, used to labor and poverty. ' 
 What I have stated on tin's point, as my opinion concerning pas.sengers brought over at the 
 expenseo the Company, in th.. hope, that it ..hall not be misinterpreted, a],plies with still ...-eater 
 force to the people sent over by the City of Amsterdam ; if thev had bee.. pe.-sons of fru-'d and 
 industnous minds, the good i.,teMtio,.s of the i!,..;gon.aste.-s would not have been rendere.l void 
 and the connfy acq...,-ed su.-h a bad .-eputation. It is the.-efore nec-ssarv, if the said l!.,.-gon.aste.-s 
 or the Company expect any return or advantage fro.n p.-evio..s or fut,..-e' expe.iditu.-es of thiski..d' 
 that fanners and farmlabo.vrs, fn.gal a.id industrious people, he sent ove.-. 
 * * * * # 
 Herewith, etc., etc. 
 AmM>n \nNero^.4herluny, Yo.u- llono,. faithful and dlectionato servant, 
 the 4"' ot beptbr lOoii. 
 To the Loi-ds Directors of the Priv. W. [. Company, Dept. of Am.ta'dam. 
 * Seo Vol. xn, (1. 2ri!» aiul Vol. ,\III, 107, 
Nmo Yoi'h Historical Records. 
 Extract ikom a Lkttkr of Siuyvkhant to the Diukotous: Latin School; Medicinal 
 Skeds wanted. 
 Scptbr 17, 1659.* 
 Tlio Latin sclioolinastor or rector, latoly soiit over, complains of his salary, because, he says 
 it is iiiipossihlo to BUi)purt himself decently with it, as you may see liy his euclosed letter to us. 
 Your re])eateil instructions do not allow us, to raise anybody's salary without vour knowledge, wo 
 have therefore referred him to you, proinisiiifr him our (avorable reconnnenda we now re(juest 
 your Honors' advice, whetiier a reaKonaljle sum may not be i,'raiited to him for -oard money. As 
 to his services and his diligence, wo nnist truly testify, that his industry is iistonisliing and the 
 jirogress of the young peojilo reniarUatjle. 
 Among other necessaries recjuired we would respectfully remind your Honors and submit, 
 whether it is not possii)le, to receive by somebody's recommendation and intervention from the 
 liotanical Garden at Leych-u .some medicinal seeds and jilaiits, which could be cidtivated here; if 
 so, which we desire most heartily, plea.se to have .some of them sent over by tlie tirst opportunity, 
 taking care, that such seeds be not packed in bo.xes or jjots in the shipshold, but in siiudl, linen 
 l)ag.s, all placed in a larger oi-o and hung up in the cabin, in the room on the ipiarterUeck or in the 
 gunner's (juarters, to be preserved from spoiling. 
 LETrER FROM STrvvKSANT TO THE DiRF.(T()Ks : DiHEcr Trade wmi France. 
 Per " Meulen. 
 Honorable, Wise, Prudent aiul Very "Worshipful Gentlemen. 
 By your Honors' consent, granted to the inhabitants of this Province by your letter of the 
 17"' of February la.st past, several prominent burghers of this City have been encouraged to freight 
 the fly-boat, the " J/(»)A';(," here with boiirds and othtM- lumber, as ])er enclosed invoice, and 
 and other iroods, 
 (lisi)atch her directly to Franiv, where the lumber is to be exchanged fo 
 and then she is to sail for Amnti-nhtm direct, |)ursuant to the dearaiu'e and permit here annexed. 
 As this is the lirst attempt, the abovementioned burghers and freighters retpiested letters of 
 introduction to your Honors, that upon arrival in the Fatherland they might be favored by you. 
 We ei'close also a |)etition. handed in by the master of said tlyboat, 
 concerning a cargo > 
 s.alt, taken in at the I.slaml of TnrliKjus without the ]iro])er salt permit, brought here, discharged 
 and partly sold : as this is prejudicial to the Company" 
 salt trad(\ limited to the Is'ands of Curacdo and Ih 
 vpoly and intentions regarding the 
 >i»i(itrlace^i havi 
 have by our resolut 
 ion reterrei 
 1 till 
 d sk 
 pper to you 
 for di 
 .f h 
 remind you, that, if this is jtermitted in the future, salt will be iin]iorted 
 your colonies, and in siiialle 
 its territories. 
 ibed 1 
 ■. but 
 ler pi 
 IV von, we 
 leg to 
 r (itiaMti 
 ties, which, under correction, would injure the Company and 
 Herewith we commend your Honors to God's protect 
 Fort AtiiKtertJam in ^V. N. 
 the 17"' of September Ifi.ni). 
 ion etc. 
 Honors' devoted servaiitf 
 •For till' balniicp nf this letter «ee Col. 1\)C, Veil. .VII, 2.51 nml XIII, lit). 
 **^ J^^arly Colonial Settlements. 
 Resolution op rnB Amsterdam Dei-abtment, W. I. Co., ooncebnino mail FAci..mE8. 
 Tliursday, the SO'" of October 1659. 
 It has been discovered tJmt private letters are not placed into scaled ba^rs in New Ndhcrhmd 
 and Cwmfflo as oixlered by the government and long i.racticed in Brasil, and Hunt to the 
 Company in charge of the supercargos or masters of the vessels, sailing to these parts, (for the 
 benoht ot the .norc-hants, as tl... ('on,pany intende.l it,) but that mastei-s of private vessels, eomi.,.^ 
 tins way, nsnally take them along and very often deliver them badly or with great delay It il 
 therefore ordered, that to enforce again the abovementioned order henceforth a clause shall be 
 inserted m the hailbond, given by skippers, siiiiing to N,v^ Xetfwrhuul and CHmuio, forbiddii..^ 
 themtobnng privately letters to this place under penalty of one hundred Carolus guilders f.ir 
 each contravention; they are to h.and then, in at the places to be designated by the Director. 
 General oi i\ao m/u'dand and the Vice-Director at Vura,oo respectivc.ly,a,Kl both these otlieers 
 shall be written to and ordered to see to the collection and expedition of the lettere in the albrcsiiid 
 manner by all shii)s, which shall also be done here, as far as possible.* 
 Agrees with the liegister, 
 L. Van Seventkk. 
 Letter fkom the General Court of Massachuseits, Tiiijoni,, Secretary Kawson, to 
 Much Honnored S' 
 Wee receiued yo" of the 27"' of 0<;tober 59 In Answer to a Letter of the Commission" of 
 the Vnited Colonies dated Septb' T'" 59 wherein wee confesse yo" haue (Jratitied vs in Lettin- vs 
 know yo' minde, though yo' resolution, & the reasons thereof be no m;.tter ..f satisfaction to v.^ 
 Wee haue then..fore thought it neeessiu-y by this „' Letter as also by o' Ilonn.jiv.l .t welbelo'ved 
 Major William Ilautlwrm and Mr. Jolui Ii!r/,a,;h {io whom wee d.,-slre you to giue Credit) to 
 U'tt you vnderstand o' cleare .V: honest Intentions in the business to stop yo' Admiration cV: 
 demonstrate the eip-itio of the motion of the Honnored (.'ommis,ion" on o' belialfe. 
 The I'attent gniunted to the Colonic of the Mu.s.achu.ett.s by the Late Klwj Charles be-inns 
 one the South part three miles to the Southward of VharlesRher or M,mavhu,ett^ Bay which 
 Lyeth m the Northerly Lattitu.lo of (forty two d.-rees & twenty minutes .t vpon an Eiist .V 
 West Line is to extend .piite through the maine Land of Amcrrlca from sea to sea And wee are 
 very well assured that s(,me part of Iludsom liiver (a name wi'l knowne to the English before 
 the arnvall of any Dutch in those parts**) Lyeth to the Northward of the said Lattitude efe is 
 withm o' Pattent graunted .V possessed by vs alwut thirty two years .^- although j.erhaps the 
 Dutch may haue Intrudwl within the said Limitts & wee by reason of o' remoteness to the said 
 Hudson's Ihver e....r having uiet - lIoMandorB, who trade in n,uUon.mrcr 
New York Historical liecordn. 
 iratioii it 
 riglits in all tho Lands gniimteil \a\ ospwi illy tluwo vpoii Iludnona A'/ye/' not being actually 
 l)os80»8cd liy yo' Nuliini, wiiioli i.s tliu only thing that at pruscnt wuo Intend & you may rest 
 AiiHured tliiit yo' iiurniitting a jia.ssago v|> the said Kivur shall no wayes be Iniiiroovcd by vs to 
 p'judieo your rightti vpoii tho Baid Uivur or that yo' amicable Compliance with vs shall be re(iuited 
 by tho treacherous it vnworthy Attempts from vs. S'yo" cannot be ignorant that tho RIdne the 
 Klh with many other riveiu pa.sse through the Territories of divers Princes, yet alTonl passage to 
 all in Amity, neither can it be more lawt'nll for o' partie to deny a passage mecrely for profits 
 sake, then for another to open it for tho same end it should o' enjoying o' right by some damage 
 to yo' Trade it protitt wee would suppose that Argum' so vnbecoming the Proflesso" of Christianitie 
 that those that dot; but p'tend to Comon Justice & honestie could never alleadgo it Beriously 
 without blushing. 
 Wee have iirohibited all forreign" to trade with tho Natives in o' Jurisdiction & cannot deny 
 yo" the like lihertio, but will not thercfoi'c ycild to be debarred from trade with o' owiie Indjans 
 thougii living neero yo", it pos.sibiy to hinderance of yo' trade, neither doe wee e-xpect or desire 
 that you shoulil be denyed the like liberlie. 
 Weo haue vnderstood the Capacitio wherein you stand it haue therefore nuide o' Addre.sse 
 to yo" as o' neighbo', iu)t judging it necessary io apply o'selues to the Lords States or Went India 
 (Jomi>any, yo'selfe being by them substituted to doe Justice and Conse(iuently to vs in o' clearo 
 it vndenyable rights, it in o' reasonuiih! it Amicable desires of ])assage for the nioro easy 
 Im])roovements of o' rights the denyal whereof will much more endanger yo' Ilonno' &c then yo' 
 Amicable Com])ljance with vs can render yo" obno.xious to yo' superiors. 
 The Contract made at Hartford as the Commission" haue truely allcadged was betwecne the 
 (Jolonies of Coneedcot it Ncwhaucn it yo'.selves, the MassachuKitts not being concerned therein 
 as you then very well vnderstiKMl, theire Commission" being Arbitrators, w'^'' you would have 
 objected against, had they beeiie parties, but were it as yo" say yet it docs not p'judice the p'sent 
 claime of the Mdsnac/nixittK u[)on IIud.iDiis Riiur, because that Agreement of not coming nearer 
 IJudncns River than ten miles is expre.-;sly Limitted to extend no further thentwentie miles from 
 the sea, to which weo never p'temled a title as not being within the Limitts of forty two degrees 
 t'venty minutes, yet tho.se ])arts vpon Iludfions Riihr that are in the Lattitude aforesaid and more 
 then twentie miles from the sea are Lyable to our clajme, notwithstanding the aforesaid Coiitract. 
 after u' due respects p'sentcd remaine S' 
 " 'on, 12 Xovc.nb' lOo'J. Yo'* AileclioiuUely Lo : freinds it Neighbo" 
 EinvAKii Kawson, Secref 
 In y° name & by y'' order of the 
 Gen" Court of y' Massachusittn. 
 PKirrioN OK TiiK M1NI8TKK ANn CniKCUwAuiu.Ns or Mnnvorr fok matkuiai, to pai.vt tmiik 
 ('nii« II. 
 Noble, Rigoro\is and Honorable Gentlemen, Honorable DireetorCieiieial and (ientlenu'ii of 
 the (^ouiu'il in iV(«' Nitlterland. 
 The church editice at Midn-oitt on Lmy Ixlaml, begun tiiuler your Honors' direction and now, 
 with (tod's help, nearly coni|)leted, requires according to our and many other people's opinion a 
 Early Colonial SeUhftnts. 
 coat of color and o.l, t„ n.ilce it last lonj,'.,', I.oin- ..oveml on tlio ouUi.Io mostly with boardH • 
 those matomls inuBt t.ecea^irily be fetcho,! fn.m the Fatherland nn.l wo re^uost, that it bo donJ 
 tipon your TIoMors' „n!or aiui rocoimneudntioii to tho lion"'" Oo.niwnv. VVhic-h doiiiir etc 
 Thi8 20"' .pf Decbr l(!5D, y,'.,,. rr ' i 1 1 ' 
 ,v,.« J t J ■ nr %r lour Monor-s' hnitibloHorvnnts 
 lYi'w Amsterdam in iv. iT. Towavmlu t « i> 
 Jan Stktckku. 
 Bub,n!!to'i'f rl'"', T;' ?'' ?" *';"'T''"^' l^"''''""- ^'- <^»""^'i' •''^«i'l-l = The ro..„CHt shall be 
 Bubmitte.1 to tho Lor,l«.I),rec.tor. by the lirst opportunity. Date as above (January 23, KiOO.) 
 Lktteb kuom tuk iJ,uK..TOU8 TO Stuyvksant; Import n,rr„,s; r.r,o„K„o,-8K at Ovstkkhav ; 
 Tho 22" of December, 1059. Honorable, Prudent, Dear, Faithful. 
 Our last letters to you of the II'" and 14'" of October were dispatched hy the " Lnfde" via 
 Curasao; duplicates of the same are here inclosed, to which we refer. As we have .lelaved to 
 unswe. .your letters of the 23- of July and 4'" of Septen.ber lOr.l.. received with their enclosmvs by 
 !l fT'" T '^^'"•'"'""'' ''■'' «''^'l' '•^■i'lv t" tl'^'"' and your later letters of the 1(!'", 17'" and 
 cit:i':c::'"'"' "^^^'^■^" '" ''- "'"'■'■" • '•^'■-'•"- •"-"^'- ••- ^="- ■-' their 
 bo 2!^^ "^7'-;'-" ;;'"• intention that ...licers and n.en of ships, s.ilin^ to your ports, should 
 ho allowed to trade to tlie an.ount of two months' pay without paying duties ; nor shall we allow 
 . ..ow because we have scm, what abuses arise fron> it, pernnssion having been given to the 
 steward and ...ok o the '• Tro.,r " to brin,, over 40 beavers and ;J2 dec.kL, wortt. nu.r.. than 
 our tnnes two n.-nths pay. Ft is a bad custon., by which not only the ("o.npany, but also all 
 honest trade., suffer, who cannot ..,„u,,e,e against such hucksters not paying even freight. 
 Therefore ,t nn.t be abolished con.pl,.tely an.l not further connived at or ,;nnitte.l ; '.c 
 merchandises, taken along l,y otiicers and sailors, u.ust be sei.ed and confiscated, as well as 
 cverythmg else not entered upon o,;r bills of la,ling or p..rmits. For this very reason we have 
 here re usea to exempt fron, the payment of duty the beavers, latelv brought over in the 
 atoresanl four sh.ps, partly under the nan.e of provisions partly otherwise designated, anu.ng 
 wliicli are found to bebjng to e i t, 
 J'efcr ToiUH'iaiin KH) pieces in the " J/o>s),ian '' 
 Councillor ./o/i/i /Av^(r [»5 to !»•] in the " 7/Y,„/„ " 
 JM(h„:,ir and .V. />'a>/„rd ir, i,, the '• M,>cs)nan " 
 D° //(irmitnus llldiii "0 in the " Biver" 
 Micolax Varkt 14, .'> in the '' Mocviuin" !• in the '' Ih'vcr'' 
 J'auhis LvtiKhrtsen In under D" ni„ins- name, 
 and others, all of whom yon n.ust charge ir, their' accounts with the duties for these heavers 
 a;id collect or balance the amounts, while we earnestly rec<.mmend to you not to be so liberal in 
 remit ,ng or g.vmg av.ay the duties to whom ever it may be ; fur tiie above stated reasons wo 
 Consider tlm; as re coaHt of (hdnea and which, we learn, is well adapted 
 for it. Desiring that one place should he provided hy and reap advantaj^o from the other and in 
 oitier, that the cultivation of the soil in our Province be forwarded, we have reduced tho price of 
 horecfl, exported from Vum(ao or llmuiim for tiiis purpose, from oO tl to 40 11 ; also tho price of 
 horses, exportod from tho ssmrn places to other territories, from 80 to 00 fl ; this for your 
 information. As to your arguments about the salt, if it were reserved as a monopoly for the 
 Company, the most imiwrtant soums to be concerning the obstructions, which would ariso from ii 
 to tho commorco between f ) two places. Wo desire its continuation and to pr.,vent any 
 interruption, wo withdraw our "ormer orders for the present, so that tho salt trade may bo carried 
 witii perfwa freedom as form, .ly updei such regulations, ((^specially one fourth part of tlio cargo 
 to bo delivered to tho Company five of all expenses,) as you may learn from the enclosed copy, 
 finder these rules and no others salt may also be imported from Tortuyas and other places, which 
 un.ler these circumstances will not be injurious to the Company, for we shall have neither trouble 
 nor expenses on account of it. As tho ship " JA(nun ha.. oniiHto.l 
 H(„Mo .sol |)urolm>o or transiH.rtation of j,n)viHio,m or other noci-Hsari,..., i.or .hall tiu'v or'any o.u, for 
 t u.u. be -ivun .•rodif for nuch |..-ovi«ioMs or anylhiuK els... Vou uiurtt ho ,.H|uviailv car-'ful in all 
 thi8, that by .loin- ovorythiuK according to prcbcription the l.unlous of tho (Jonii.any nuiv bo oaso,] 
 and injury provontod. 
 Wo havt! no doubt, to our roj^rct that numy jjri.Hs ermrH, abuses an.l uiistakos have been found 
 mthooldace.)unt-lHK)ks; a roinody nuKht luivo been applied lon;r a^... if every thiuf,' luul been 
 duly examined, as it is done now. However as matters st.iiul now, we must Uo patient. As to 
 the draft of a .scheme for keepin- the books, ^ent over by Secretary and Receiver ,'„n A'uui'cu 
 which we appi'ove, if such a method and order liavc been observed before, the mistakes, errors or 
 to speak plaudy, fraud.s, woul.l have been easily (li.s,.overe.l. We expect In the first opportunity 
 tlie desired balance sheet with the account book elo..ed on the last of Doceudier. 
 You niu.st have for-otten. that the Secretary or Auctioneer formerly received tlui 2()'" penny 
 from tho sale of real estate, for else you would not have delavc.l tho n.llection of the 4(»'" penny 
 tdl the arrival of the expected candidates for the ministry. Wo remind you of it now, tluit upon 
 receipt of chis letter the measuro be introduced. 
 _ Wc a^n-ec with your ..pinion c.>n.vniiu,ij the apjM.iutuuMit an.l pay of theSclu.ut for the colony 
 ot Jiemxelaa:vv,jrk- au.l theref..re authorize you to «iv.. him such a s.alary, as he now re..eiv."« 
 from the said Colony, which most likely is very little, as tlu'se ollicers mostly have t.. clleet their 
 pay out of fines an.l p.'iialties. 
 Your order concenvn- the payment ..f tlio soldiers and other servants of tlu> (.'ompany in 
 wampum has our approval, as it will have th.. tendency .,f pla.MU^. all on the same footin.r'au.l 
 theroI)y giving, satis^.-tion ; but as it has not the value .,f IIoll.uul money, w.- have concluded to 
 direct and autlionze you. to caicul.if wau.pum at that rate au.l for the .same rea.s..,. wo ro.luc.. 
 fh.. currency value of a beaver from 8 to 7 piihlers ; wv .h, this prii.,.ipally, b..cause wv have 
 resolved, hen<.ef.,rtli t., pay heiv neither monthly salaries, (the two mouths' paya.ivaneo excepted) 
 nor any .>ther am.mnts earned there no matter, who the emj.love of the Couipanv miiv be. Y.mi 
 will striutly conform to this rule. 
 This six-cial reducti.Miof wampum must nece.«.s:.rily be followed by a socon.l. m,.re -.cneral 
 one, if we des.ro t., prevent its eompleto .lobasemeut. cause.l bv the ab.ui.Iant imporra'Jioii of 
 wampum by the i)c.)pIo of New En,jla,ul, wh.. make their j.avmcuts with it au.l tak.. .mf .,f the 
 country n.,t only the best g,XKls sent from heir, but also many beavers au.l ..ilu'r fur. to the 
 ?tlio price hikI vdlno of wmnpiim. Wo ftit-l uHHinvil, tliiif tlio tniflenmt'ii ulso will find it a 
 CDiivoiiiLMicu in tlii; |iurciiiiw) of nu(•l■^!^ilry coinindilitifH iiiui tlicro \o. no ilaiij^cr, Unit tlu! hwivcr and 
 fur trudo with tho luivnjtea or tho tolmcco trudo with tlio peoplo of Vinjlniu hIiuII lie lud into 
 (•tliur ciiunnolH liy tliJH iru'iwnru. Wo havo tlicri'toii- to conhidiT tliii i\,'U) /'.'.iij/unt/ pi'oplo, who, 
 iiH wc Huid abovi', draw tho he«t j^oudw out of tin; coiintry in cxclmnf^o for thirt viiluinou* wampum. 
 Ilowovor, iu order to provont iia fur fiH poHHililo tlio Ioshoh, which tho inhaliitanta of our jtrovinco 
 iiiiKht HulTor by a gcnenil reduction, it will l.o nocuHSiu-y, that thuy ho prcviounly warncil of it hy 
 |>ul)lic notieua to la- given in March and in June, the reduction taking place the following year, 
 We desire tliiit you carry out thin onler utrictly according to our wishen. 
 Ik'fore wo leave oil diHcussing this matter, we have to say, that we have learned, that Kiiropean 
 goods and merchandise are imported there hy way of AVfO lunj/atut ntu] Vlnjlnia'm order to 
 avoid the iMiymeiit of dutien. Ah thin injures the IntcrentH of the Company and of all honcBt 
 dealei-H, it in neccB.sary, that yon and especially the Fiwal, whoae duty it really is, take good heed 
 and collect from all goods and merchandine coming in that way the jiroper Dutch duties. Wo 
 furtlicr rci)oat our directions to watch tho e.xportution of beavers and other furs by our Emjlish 
 neighbors, as mentioned beforo. 
 • * » « # 
 Wo intend, to send over two or three young proachors on tho same conditions, as Domino 
 /ifoiii, iun\ have been looking about for them; it is not sullicient, that they lead a good moral life, 
 they must be of a |ieaceable and moderate temiiorament, which depends a gooil deal on the place 
 of their studies, and not be infeeiul with scruples about unnecessary forms, which cause more 
 divisions, than edilication. The preachers there, D" .IAy//•/,'*/««, i lo not seem to 
 be free from this kind of leaven, fur they make t be taken, that this state of alVairs continue ;'that is 
 uncertain, as long as such [)reeise fornir. and otlensisc expressiciiis are not avoided. Ii is absolutely 
 necessary, that they bo avoided in a clinreh. which is so weak and only liei;inning to grow, especially 
 when we consider the dillicnlties, liable to arise, which might result in the |ieriiu>sion to eomlncta 
 .-eparate divine service there, for the l.uthei'ans would \ery I'a.-ily obtain the consent of the 
 authorities here n|)on ,i complaint and we would have uu means id' preventiti"- it. We lind it 
 thi'refore highly necessary tu du'ect herewith, that ynu coMimunicale all this to the aforesaid 
 pic.icliers there and seriously admonish ami recommend them to adopt our advice and use the old 
 formula of baptism without waiting for further orders from here. That will allay the dissensions 
 in the state anil of tlu' church there. 
 The two Fiiijlixh preachers, for whom their lve\erences have asked to be located in the Eixifl^h 
 vdlagos under our jnri.sdiction. will not bi' .-cut for the present, because the countrv, from which 
 they must come, that is to say, KiiyUuul, is now very inurh disturbed not onlv in her iioliiical, but 
 • Sit V..1 .Mil, [i. I'Jil. 
 hajlj/ Colonial Settlements. 
 tl n /7 '''^^'''^ ^'overmnont ,u..l thcHore it is too .langorou.. Wo shall try to fi„d among 
 bolh^ongi? " '""'' ^''^^ ""'"^'' "^' '•'' ^"^'''''' '""""'^Se to perforin the service in 
 We believe, that the complaints made hy the Latin schoolmaPter or rector abont the insufficic.cy 
 of h,s salary are al.nost answered by the payment of all snl.ri.s .here at Ilolland valuation, as now 
 ordered, ^vlnch, w.th what he receives from his pupils every year, should be sutHcient to support 
 h m decently a. long as he remains a single man ; with tiie increase of young people in the school 
 hi ncome wiU uxerease Jady, for the parents of his pupils will not hesitate to Lnunerate hin. 
 fairly ,f he does his duty. You can assist him in this matter acco.xling to circumstances. 
 ihe med.cmal seeds, for which you asked to propagate them there, shall be ordered from the 
 academical gai-den at Leyden and it is possible, that they will be sent herewith. 
 Ihe request made by you in behalf of some inhabitants and freighters of the ship « Gu.hk 
 Meuleu, sailed from there for France, that some favors might be extended to them in regard to 
 the cargo, which they will ship witli the proceeds of their outward freight, is not intelligible, for 
 we think, we have done enough for the encouragement of these merchants. They chvmor for 
 more, because they are the first to attempt this channel of trade, but they will deny to have been 
 accessories to the first fraud. ,.o,nniitted by this ship or by her crew hi bringing over, against 
 special order, a rp.ant.ty of beavers and other furs sold by them in France, as !he superkujo of 
 the ship writes us from there. If this smuggling cannot be stoppe.l, we shall be compelled to 
 vithdraw the liberty and privileges, provisionally granted for this foreign trade, to prevent the 
 loss and injury, which the Company and the city would suffer thereby. 
 We believe, we ha.e now answered your letters, but wc received with them also a letter from 
 coll no"'l/° ; '■' ^" •'" "■"''"' '■" '■^"'''"^ ^" '^^="-^' '"""^'^ '■' "'- -""^ ■"'""'-'■, as his 
 colleague D ^egapolams, because he too is b.irdened with a family. We are of opinion, that 
 he cannot be placed in the same category, hecause his stepchil.lren * hav nndoubtedlv their father's 
 property and are no burden to him. Yon may tell him so, also that we p.ul to Mr. yV,/.,an/ Man 
 the amomit of h,s statement of salary earned, l.ut we ,Io not intend to do it henceforth for the 
 reasons given above; let everybody govern himself accordingly 
 The children and heirs of the late Corncliu. Werckhoven Inue represented to us, that one 
 Ln r ^""''fr""' '" 'If '■'"'■^'" "' '^'"" '''^■''' ^'*""^'-' ^'-^^"•■'^ '^''^'"'S ^^''"' ^^'herland, left 
 all his and, houses, cattle, furniture and merchandise, refuses now to give an accountin-^ of his 
 admnus ration to their attorney a.id tries to delay it under various frivolous pretexts, ^hile he 
 enjoys the prohts of the estate, left to then. I.y their father. Thev request iis to write to you. 
 desinng your a.ss.stance in maintaining their right and in having the business speedily closed up 
 nnder all circumstances. We could not well refuse it and therefore urge you, to take '^ood notice 
 of this ea.se when ,t comes before yon, and to decide it as spee.lily, as justice and equitv admit. 
 _ We .send yo,i herewith again a lot of silku-orn, ..ggs for .listribution among peopl^ interested 
 m this matter, to see wheth..- thereby the pr.Hluction and spinning of silk might not become an 
 industry tliert'. lou can <'ontribiite much toward it. 
 We siiould liave sent you also the above-mentioned clothing, stationery, ammunition, farming 
Ne^v Yoik Histor-^cal Records. 
 implements etc, but we could not jjut thorn ready, l)oside3, this ship could not have taken tlieni. 
 You may expect them by the " Bever,'" which is now taking in freight and, if not hindered by 
 ice, will follow in a few days. 
 Herewith, etc., etc. 
 Amsterdam, Your good friends 
 the 22" of December 1669. Tlie Directors of the W. I. Compony 
 Department of Aiitdterda/n., 
 Paui.us Timmkrman 
 EnwAEi) Man. 
 To the Director General and Council of ^aio Netherland, arrived per " Trouw," Ayml 5"'. 
 Lettkk ok S'i 
 New Enulano; an Knumsii Frigate at A'ew Amstebuam; Finances and Trade.* 
 Honorable, Wise, Trudent and Very Worshipful Gentlemen. 
 * * * * 4( 
 As to the request made by the Commissioners of the JVew Kiujland Colonies and our answer 
 to it, we have received no further writings or advices and we mi'.st presume and fear, that they 
 will carry out tlieir intentions, unless your Honors speedily send out an armed vessel to keep 
 the rivers free. This is much reipiired here and might assist to ward off other inconvcniencies, 
 as the falling off of the New Kiujland wampum trade and the Virginia tobacco trade. We must 
 say here, that since disp.'itching our last letter there arrived here and passed through an English 
 frigate, freighted with salt, mounting 22 gims and having a crow of ;54 to 30 men ; she is now 
 said to be at Ne>n Haven, 1,5 to 1(5 leagues from here. It is also reported, that she has three 
 connnissions, to wit, an English, a Swedish and a Portuguese, to interfere with the travel between 
 here and Nem England and on the rivtu-s within the jurisdiction of New Ncfherlund ; she has 
 already taken two small vess(;lrt from here aiul further los.s, inconveniencie.s, interference and 
 diversion of the trade is to he feared. If this or ..ny other such vessel with such commissions 
 .sliould anchor and remain in the North or Eaxt rivers beyond the reach of our guns, it could 
 ea.sily siiip the tobacco trade with Virginia and even the furtrade and communication with Fort 
 Orange, while Neu^ Neth-rland could do nothing to prevent it for want of a vessel properly 
 eed for our det'ence. 
 The letters of Mr. Beck to your Honors by the ship " Coninch Sahnion" duplicates of wliicli 
 are here enclo.sed, anil to us by the '' Spliera Mundi'" inform us of the scarcity of provision^ and 
 other commodities, wiiidi we are iiskc.l to semi according to the enclosed lists. We would provide 
 him and the Island at all times with everything, lie reipiires, if we had a suitable and convenient 
 vessel or could hire one to send them in. At present, in order to accommodate him as speedily as 
 possible, wc have hired from Mr. Jaeob Alrichs tiie galiot " Nieiiire Ani-'ife/," for wliieh we have 
 to pay 5UUtl a month, the crew being fed at the e\i)eMseof the Company*^ and only three days of 
 * Fur llio Imluiu'f "f tliis luttrr Hi:o C'.il l)i)i-., Vol. XII, p. 'Jt<8 and XIII, 130, 
 "See Vol XII, p. •J.S.'i. 
 ^"''^ 7ii/r/y Colonial Settlementa. 
 demurrage allowed by ],!,„ for taking in freight and dispatcl.ing her. She arrived here Lmt 
 baturday and we have resolved, to send in her to Vurmao for account of the Company 250 schcpeU 
 of white and gray peas, 300 schopels of wheat, 4000 to 5000 lbs of n.eat and bacon an.l as .nany 
 beams and spars, board and other lumber a8 possible. AVhat we are short of now, will be made 
 ready dnrmg the winter, so that, when an opportunity olfe.^, it may be sent in the sprin.^ or 
 followmg suunncr As far as we had a chance, wo have not failed to obey your ordcrs"and 
 provided the Island, where according to the enclosed extract we sent by tlie lly boat '^ Liefde" in 
 1600 provisions and materials '' 
 to the amount of 
 by the yacht '• Z>,,.w,i » 
 in the spring by the galiot ]'[ 1108 15 _ 
 now again by the galiot for about *.'..".*."..'."."..".."...,!" 2422 1 5 
 Total in heavy money of New Netherland jj^gg^ j2 ^o 
 The logwood, sent as return freight, has I,een transmitted to you airroeably to m. BccR. 
 request; the fourth part of the salt, brought by the galiot and the - Sj^k.m Mundi- haB been 
 received for account of the Company and i. for the most part on hand because of the poor trade 
 and low prices, so tnat we have little or no advantage of the return cargoes in the.se pressing times. 
 We would therefore respectfully recjuest you, t,. provide us at the tirst opportunitv with a goo.l 
 cargo of n,erchan,hses, as well for the use of the sohliers as to barter for provisions for tliis place 
 and the I-^land of Curapro ; by which the Company will be considerably benefitted. 
 Cn lornier oc«,sions you have recommended and urged us, to eneom-ge private individuals in 
 us province to trade to Curasao with provisions and other mcrchan.lises for the sake of continuin... 
 t he conmiei-ce and correspondence between tl.o t.vu places. This is highly necessary and desirabk. 
 If It could be done with j.rofit or at least without loss, but that is hardlv t.'. be expected and we see 
 less mclmation and no chance for a protltal.le tru.le, as long as the inhabiiants and merchants sendii... 
 goo.l« here are and remain subject to the duty of 12 to 1(J p. ct., while those who send their goods 
 to t urauw direct, pay only two p. ct., as the bearer hereof, skipper Jan J>u(a;en Groot, tells us 
 and goods sent du-ectly f.^om A,n.t,rda,a to (\rn-ao ..W ,l,..,.e cent j>. cent: on the other side 
 goods sen. here must be first exchanged for wampum, and this for beavers or tobacco ; when .iisposed 
 at the best advantage with a great deal of trouble they do not bring 20 p. ct. clear profit, which 
 of course can give only little encouragement for a tn.de from here to Vnra.ao. Furthermore, 
 negroes brought therefor 140 to l.-,0 pi...es of 8 in cash, cannot be sold here for that price in 
 beavers or tobacco, so that the expenses and the risk of the voyage out and back are lost. 
 _ iour nonors hold logwo...l for your ovvn accunt, agreeably to a contract, made with .some 
 private parties; therefore nothing can be ex,H.rted : salt remains at a low price and there is no hope 
 of an advance for the private trader. Meanwhile commerce is the soul, the life, the salvation of a 
 place, winch depcn has purcliasetl from 
 PiUr lioeloffsi'n a house at Nan Vtrccht, hoping to made there with God's help a bouweiy or 
 plantation ; that the siiid Pete)- lioeloffs aud his family has removed tt) live in Amesfoort on the 
 P>av, abandoning a certain jiarcel of land No. IS, taken ii]! by him in ^Vi v I'trevht, and whereas 
 thereliy his rights in the said village of New Ctrecht have again escheated to the Company, your 
 jietitioner nvpiests, that your Honoi-s will please to give aiul grant to him this parcel of land and 
 tlu> same rights in the said villiigc as othere have. Awaiting your llouore' favorable decision he 
 Your Noble Honors" luunhle servant 
 The mark of Jan Zeei.en. 
 The following reply was given to the foregoing ]K'tit!on : 
 If the petitioner's statement is true, his request is hereby granteil. Date as above (Jainiary 
 16'" 1660.) 
 J£arly Colonial SeUlemeiiU. 
 K. -. 
 Petition fob Land on Lono Island ANr) Leavk to Ri.yrri,E a Town " nEvoNO the JIili.s itv 
 TUK South Sea," (Jamaica, L. J.), and Oudioj ok Council okantino it. 
 ^ To the righte hoimourablo lord StivevsonUmX gcnncrall of Wwncm ncytherlands the Luniblu 
 petisliionof your lordships liuiiible imttishonors: Iii as much as wo haue had exporiaiis of your 
 lordships willingnes to forwardo any of our nation that desyer to Hue honnestly •iiid peasably by 
 giiiiiige of them land wherby they may comfortably Hue : we therfore are bould to pettishion to 
 your lordships for: a tracke of land lyinge beyond the hills by the southe sea winch we suppos 
 will be convenient for the setlinge of a townc without any predigis to your lordshipe ; it is 
 therfore our humble recpiost to your lordshipe that you would be pleased to grant us liberty to 
 settell thereon: som of us liauing lined tlies scaurall years in your lordsliii)s Jurisdiction and haue 
 lienor liad any land giuen us but we haue hyred land of others and now considerenge if wo doe not 
 settell ourselucs whilst we be in our strengtho to goe through our labour; whereby we may gain 
 somthinge to keep us in our agge we shall be rather a charge than a benefite to the common 
 wealthe : others of us hauing so little not siificent .> improue for the use of oui- familys have put it 
 oft to others that haue less familys: it is therfore our hnml)le re.piost to your lordshipe to grant us 
 our request and wo hope we iudouor to j)erforme your lordships will in what we are able; it j.,nr 
 lordshipe sliall be pleassed to grant it to us we shall god willinge settel it this ycaro we for the 
 most of us hauing no land to improve : other ways we must look to settell our selues som other way 
 where we may haue land to impioue : thus seasing to truble your lordshipe allso hoping you will 
 be pleassed to giue it to us we rest your lordships humble pettishoiiours and loyall subyects. 
 Samuell Coe 
 John Laiurenson 
 James Bradish 
 John Coe 
 The marke |^ of Richard Belts 
 The inarke ,-£x of Thomm Itoherta 
 The marke ^—0 of Samud Sallis 
 Thms I 3 Sinlt his marke 
 Richard /^^^ Ji'ido his -narke 
 Tho Reade 
 Hathanid Ilassorde 
 Joshuah Ilassorde 
 Jonathan Ilassorde 
 Gershome Ilassorde 
 John More 
 Richard G-inge 
 Robert Jackson 
 Nicholas Carter 
 llanrcy {: — ', Vemen {?) 
 his marke. 
 The Govenr Gcnerall and Counsell of tho N. Netherlands doe graunt by these preseiitfl tho 
 petitioners to settle a plantation uppon or about the place mentioned, uppon such conditions aii.l 
 freedoms as the jnhabitants of our owne Nation in this province doe Eiijoye, proveyded thai the 
 petitioners and theyrc adsosiaets for theyre own Safety & common goo.ldoe Settle theyre howso 
 Lots Soo ('loose as the conveniency of the place and (ienerall order shall admitt. 
 Fort Amsterdam, in the N. Netherlands, the 4"' of February A° ltj(i0. 
 Ordinance fok the EsTAnLisiiMENT ok Vii.i.a(;es, passed Fkkiuakv O'", IfiCO. 
 (See Laws and Ordinances of Nevt X.thcrland, j). .SfiH.) 
New York Hiatarical Rbexyrds. 
 Council Minute. Commibbioner appointki) to ha/e Bkooklyn and New Utrec-ut surveyed 
 Febniary 23, 1060. 
 Wlioroas it is higlily necessary, that tlio lately formed villages of Breuckden and Utrecht be 
 surveyed, enclosed with paliisades and put in a good state of dtfonco, as quickly as possibly. 
 Therefore the Director-General and Council have hereby specially commissioned and authorized 
 the Hon'''" Nlcasins de S'dle, Councillor and Fiscal of Neio J!ietheiiand, to have this necessary 
 workcjuickly done, nsiiig all possible means and making such arrangements thereto, as he shall think 
 best for the public good and the inhabitants especially. Date as above. 
 To the Noble, Very Worshipful, Honorable 
 Director-General and Council of N. N. 
 Respectfully show the good inhabitants of the village of New Utreoht, that there are some 
 evil minded persons in tlieir midst and some are absent, wlio will neither follow advice nor continue, 
 like the well d' posed, but who always oppose the well disposed, Hocking together riotously, even 
 refuse to obey the sergeant Jan Toniassen, of which we informed your Honors some time ago 
 and have several times written to the Fiscal, complaining of the great damage and troubles caused 
 by horses, cattle and hogs; also that they will not listen to either Jacob van Corlaet' or Jan 
 Toiiui^sen concerning the cutting of pallisades ; 
 Wo therefore humbly retpiest, that your Honore will please to send over, as promised, some 
 negroes and also to favor ns of the newly planted village of New Utrecht by approving the 
 enclosed ordinance or by pa.s6ing such laws, as your Honors shall think, that we require. Which 
 doing, etc. 
 In the name of the good iidiabitants 
 of the villiige of Utrecht, 
 Your Honors' servant 
 NioAsiis DK Sili.e. 
 Here follows the Ordinance passed at the rjqncst of the iidiabitants of the village of New 
 TUE Tow.v OK Nkw ITtkixiut" in Laws and Ordinances of New Netfierlaiuls; p. 370. 
 The nircctor-Gcneral and Council of Neio jVf^^V /■/««'/ hereby appoint and ciimmission his 
 Honor Ni('iislus de S'dle, Fiscal, or in his absen(!e his deputy, to take charge of the othce oi Sellout 
 in th'> vilhiire of New Utrecht and of what depends therefrom, until the Director-General and 
 Council sli;ill nominate another cajiable ])crson. 
 Done at Fort Amst^rdMm in Nexo Netherland, the 23'' of February, IGCO. 
 Ordinance for the HF.rrEH i-keservation of the pai.lisadks around Midwout a.nd Amksfoort, 
 L. I., passed FKintiARv 2t>, U!t!(). 
 (See Laws and Ordiiumces of N. N., p. 373.) 
 p I 
 Earlv (JolfOnial Settlements. 
 Letter from the Directors to Stuyvesant ; Postal Arkancjements ; CnRA9Ao and Slave 
 The 9'" of March 1660. 
 noiiorable, Prudent, Pious, Dear, Faitlit'ul 
 Our last letter, sent by the " Tromv," was dated the 22'' of Dcceiiiher liist past, of whicli we 
 send copy herewith and to wliich we refer. 
 As we liavc found, that the skippers do not obey or execute our orders concerning the 
 delivery of letters coming from there to the great discoin*".'. ••' tlu> iin.:ici.itants of the village of Orirret 
 see no means, by which to make a change for the better, we have conrluded, to address onrsehes 
 to your Honors, as being the only hope for ns and the wcllbeing of this c nnuuity, and hmubly 
 and respectfully to ask and pray, that a preacher or pastor be M'ut here, that then the glory of (iod 
 may be spread, the ignorant taught, the simple and innocent strengthened and the iicentious 
 refrained. Then we shall be able to live in greater i)eace and in the fear of the Lord under your 
 Honors' wise administration and government ; whereupon relying we await your Honors' favorable 
 reply and so doing itc. 
 Jan Janskn Vkrrvn The mark (^ mad.. I.v Sarles Moroan the 
 Kar.sti:n Janskn y,.,,„„t 
 This mark "f- is made "{/l Lieutenant Nicolas Stillwkll 
 by E Henoni ? The mark M^ made by 
 Karsten Jacousen Lol-ris Piitersen 
 .Ian i?()MEss 
 The marks -\ \ JAJ/A made by Anthony 
 Janskn and his brother inlaw .Ian Mmans 
 April 12"' It'iOi). 
Neil) York ffifttonocil lierofdA. 
 Rwpivod mid road tlio t'orciioin;,' iictifinti, wlicrcupim the followinjf roply was given : 
 Tim I)ii-wt(.r-(tfiiural and Council ot' yril 1(j,ij>t)?,ii.v'.i and /^/v'v/i/.v, that they too may use it at the jiropcr occasions and 
 carry out our good intentions and wishes, which they must not oppose ; for it would displease us on 
 account of the loss and injury to the province and the church there. We told you this before and 
 refer to our former letter for brcvitv's s.ake. 
 The urgent and repeated solicitations of the liurgomasters and Schepens of the City of 
 Ainsterrlam, recpiesting tlie appointment of a separate Sellout for them, liave finally induced us to 
 consent to it. We have therefore been inclined, to appoint to this otllco Piter To/nieman, now 
 coming over in the " (iu/ihii Othi\" at a yearly siilary of 2,")(itl, over and above what the said 
 I'.urgonmsters and Schepens may give him for attending to the duties of the otHce, (as we are told, 
 they gave an extra compensation to the Fi.scal). besides such a share of the fines and penalties, as 
 you may lind stated in his commission and instructions, which as well a.s the oath, to be administered 
 by yon, he shall be bound and obliged to execute imnetually, remaining faithful to the (Aimpany. 
 You must uiihold him .and cause him to be upheld in this position in all matters of law and er Tonueman hitherto 
 acted as Sellout — a po.sition still vacant, as we icarn, — at a yearly salary of 2i>ntt liesids s the 
 usual emoluments appcrtuiniug to it. Vou will strictly govern yourselves in accordance with this 
 Lieutenant Brian N.ioton, who was di.schargei; 
 unreasona le and „na,.tlu.ri.ed l.u, also n.akes a had precedent. We can therefore noJ adn.it i 
 cihu mthecasoof the Councilor and S.q.orintondent of Finances ././»,m r/. />.,*,. now alno 
 return.MK .n the ' 'M-n OtU.^ to con.plete his tern, of service, although we highly value his 
 h,ht.es a,Kl good servu.es, of which .. have ,nauy proofs. We direct an!] reoo„nnen;I therefor 
 th t the atore a.d abuse or error .„ NewU,n\. account be corrected in the books and that you ac^ 
 i^ poii " '"'""■ '■'"■'' "' "'" ^"'"^'""^ ""^^' ''° '''"^ "" "nneccssary expenses, as far 
 * * * # 
 As wo are told, that Kcctor Curtln. practices medicine th.>re and therefore asked to have a 
 herbanuMi sent to hnn, we have been willing to provide hin, with one herewith, von will hand it 
 o hnn w.th the undei^standing, that it shall not cease to be ,-roperty of the (?on'.pany ; likewise 
 the books sent w>th and for the above-mentioned clergymen. Von will make a note of this, that 
 It may not be forgotten. 
 Herewith &c &c 
 AnMterdain, \' i „ . , 
 a i.Mi r . ; .^ 1 our good fnentis 
 the 10"' of Apnl IGtiO. 'ri,,. nirn,.f ^ t fi w r r^ 
 I ilie IJirectors of the W. f. Company 
 Dejiartment of A >ii.s(erdajii 
 Abr. Wilmehdonck 
 To the Director-fJeneral and Coi-neil in Neio Nethrrland. ^ ^^^Rou. 
 Commission ok Pkt.u To.v.vk.„a.v as S..„o,t ok Xkw A.mstkhi.am am, ms iNsTRuonoNs. 
 The Diruvtors of the Priv. We.t Mia Con.pany, Department of .l..vW,,.«, specially 
 tjEw t" Air'T ■■ ^'""""^ "' "" ^'^ "'"' "-^ "--«--'" "^ "'Vairs in .Vel 
 i\etMHmut, lo All, whom it eonceriis. 
 Whereas the Burgomasters and SchejH.ns of the City of Am.tenl.nn in X.ur X.iherhnd h-ive 
 repeatedly asked and solicited to h.ve the services of a separate Schout (whose duties have 
 hitherto bee,, performed by the Fiscal , and as we find, that it wouhl not onlv n.u.h g.-atify the 
 burghers of th.t city, but also wouKl pi-on.ote the adininist.-ation of ju.-^tice ai.d'law 
 Thereto.-e, relying upon the abilitv, piety and expe.-ience of /Vv.r TonJman, we luive 
 appointed and con.misMone.l, as we her with .appoint and com,nis,sion hhu to be Schout of the 
 atoivsa.d C.tyof Ac. .l//«^W-.«., giv;..,; ),i,n full puu-er, cha.-ge and authoritv to assume and 
 ].erfon.. the duties of this ofHce in said city an,i its limit.s, pursuant to che rules" of the y..liouts 
 ofhce .1, this renowne.1 (Ijty of Am.t,:r.l.un and in accorda..ee with the iiistructioe.s ahvady given 
 or hereafter to be given him; to bring to trial all. who b.-eak political, civil and criminal laws 
 plaeats and ordinances ; to arrest all delin,|uents in the ..ity an.l its jurisdiction, .as his instructions 
 direct bun; to hue. execute and inrtl.t the punishment, therein p,-esrribed, to den.an.l, that upon 
 his d.rect.on and complaint all criminal matfrs and alm.e. be cori-ecfd and d.vided :Mid all 
Neil) York Jlhtorh'al Ri'conJA, 
 gontenccs spcodily and without delay exooutod and fiirtlior to do in tl.ifl rospe(!t, wliat a good and 
 t'iiitlifiil Sellout in in duty bounil to do iiiiiicr tin; o;ith wworii l)y Iiim. We tliijivfore order the 
 l{urfi;omiinturn and ScliepeuH iiud all iiiliabitiiutH in the limits of tlie aforesaid City of Nivo 
 Amnterdam, to aeknowledgo and respect the said Peti'r Tonnoinan as our Orticer and Sellout and, 
 if ealled iijimi, to i^ive liiiii all ncccHsary ; ,id ])ossil)l(! ussiHtanee in the exeeutioii of liirt diitioH, for 
 we eonnider that I'MiiiiHite for tiie Kcrvicii of the Company and the advaiieemeiit of justice. 
 Done at th'j meeting of the Directors ut Aindcnlain, this U"" of April lOdO. 
 Uy their order, 
 L. Van Sevkntkk. 
 Phk Si iioi't 8 Inbtkimttionb 
 As law officer of the Director-General and Council of New Nclherhmd \\\ the dintrict (.f the 
 City of .Vew yl//w^/v/aw, the Sdiout must to the best of his ahilities and i be made and published, in so far as the 
 court of Uuriromasters and SchepeiiN lias jnri.-dictinii in siuli ca>es and on the condition, that 
 haviii": made his complaint aj,'ainst such breakers (.f the law, he shall instantly ri^e and await the 
 sentence i)assed by the l{uri,'omasters and Schepens, who, when they are ready, shall immediatelv 
 jroimnnce it on his motion. 
 That he may well and properly maintain his accusations, the Sellout siiall, before 1 
 an action ..r arresting' anyone, gather correct information couccrniui,' the misdeed, with which h 
 intends to charfre the accused ; but he shall not be allowed t. 
 > arrest anv one Ui'ioi 
 iiavmi; colic 
 his iniormation, unless ho was present, when the deed «iw committed. 
 lie shall take testimony in the presence of two deputies from the board of r!urg.)masters and 
 Schepens, if circumstances allow it, or in the presence of two respectable men, who shall sign such 
 testimony with the Secretary or his substitute. 
 fCorli/ Colonial SeUleiiieiittt. 
 TI... sai.l 8..,.n.tary an.l ,1,.. Mohho.,,..,- of the l,oar.i ..f HurKonuwtcn, an.l Sc-huiu-ns ar,. 
 ^^::^ tho Sdu.u, a,..l U. at his -rvieo in evo.^thh.g, that pertai. J to ti;^; 
 H.- Hlu.II h., c-arcfnl, that i„ takir.K '^.1 verifying tc.tinu.ny everything i« done uprightly an.l 
 t.ruiUi«taMtial evuiena., wiiM-h nnght cun.e into cnsideratiun au,| n^ates to the c.u.e 
 ^>'" I'^i^^KinfonncMl or hearing, that son.e people have heen Hlan.lering or ,,narrellin.' with 
 .on to he Mlent, an. torln.l them t., proeee.l ... i.Iow.. on p.3nalty ..f arbitrary correction hy 
 llu-I.urgonm»te.-8an.lS..hepensa,.coraingto.-ir,MnnstanreH. ^ to.itu.on t.y 
 k„ 1a\ '•"''""'.'""' '*""'"'■ " "•""'"'"""' ^^■'■^'' '■"•iivi.iuais for their rni.lee.ls wi.h.m. tho 
 knowledge ot tlie liiirgoniiu^terh an.J Suhe].enB. 
 IIo shall take ear.., that all s..nteneeH ..f the HnrgonKistei-s an.l S,.h..p,.nH, from whieh no 
 appeal has h..en taken n. a.ronianeo with their l.efor..,n..„tion..,| insfnu'tionH. !,e e.e..nt...l in 
 c-onfonuity w.th the eu.ton.s an.l usages of tho Fatherland, especially of tho City of A„i.ter.iam. 
 AIho, that cortirte.1 ....pies of all the afon-sai.! .-ntoncos, of the appointn.ents. a.-ts an.l 
 resolu Uon.s .,f th.. Hnrg.unasters and Schopens are ..n..e a year .i..|iv..r...l to th.. I )i,v,.tor-( ;,.,..•:,! 
 and Council. 
 it. nJtlr'' TiT Ti" ""'?"" '^""^^'f ^'^^^ "f -"« "-J-d.of which cither on acc..unt.,f 
 actual a.ault to prevent further mi.dced^ or t ;::::::,.;:t ^Zt^:;:'' '''''' " 
 Thi^loru, he slKdl, as ahove directed, without .lelay deliver tho tc«tin...ny or tho prinoner 
 in.o the Fiscal s hand., who .shall proceed according to the exigencies of the case.' 
 recoil" c^f '■ " ""■'""■'''" "" "" ^'^'""'^ '" "'^' ^'""'^"' F-Honnance of his .lutios, ho shall 
 Thiji is to he .leteniiincl in ,\V,/; jYcf/ifr/mi,/ Kiil.i»,.» f fi i 
 jft(fitniin'r, hiihject to tlu' appr.ival et.'. 
Ntw York I/istoririil liecords. 
 If till! Sellout hIioiiM fiiil to obey oiio or tlio ittlu-T of tliowj riilisB, lio nlinll \w trieil Imforo the 
 Dirci'tiii'di'iicnil iiiid (Niuin-il uimmi the coiniiliiiiit tif tin- Fiiroiniw! ftiid swciir, tlmt I will lio triio iitid fiiitlifiil to tlioii" Ili^'li : Mi>,'lit: tlio LoihIh Ktiitos 
 (Jciicml Dt'llic Vhlli'il \rlhiTlitiiiln iiih' III llii^ LnrdH-DircL'torn of the I'riv. \V. I. (!oiii|>:iiiy, Dcjit. 
 of Aiiixfifi/iiin, tlmt I will treat tliu Diri'ctor-di'iu'nd mid Council of xViw Xi.t/u'fliui, why our honor, our oath 
 ami the expresrt ordern from our inasterH forbid tin, to <'oncedo either claim or title to, trade with 
 or passage through this region of tin; \«rth ri'm; indis])Utai)ly belonging to lis, to any other 
 jKirsons, than to our faithful, hWorn subjectn ami inhabitantrt of thirt I'rovinco of ^ew Ndherhtnd. 
 I'.iit an your Honors ilo not eecm to bt; natistied with our former reply and in yotir lant letter of tho 
 12'" of November by your deputies. Major Uaihurni' and Mr. John Rijrhart.t, bring forward and 
 urge some new arguments, we hall answitr them as brietly and clearly as possible. 
 In tho first jihice, yon say, — the patent, granted by the late Kimj CharlcH to the Colony of 
 .MdHHin-liiixetln begins on the South three miles from Cliiirhn rii'rr or Mitssai-hiinittn limj under 
 42 ' 20' N. L. and reaches in a straight East and West line through the whole of America from 
 Boa to sea. 
 To which we answer: we grant, that such a patent was given, but that does dejjrive their 
 High: Might: the Lords States (leneral of the l'nit<<1 Nitlurhuxl of the power and authority, to 
 give and grant a similar patent to their good and faithful subjeeta, the Lords Direetor of tho 
 Privileged Went fiul'm (^uiipany, us it was done in regard to the jiretended patent from the said 
 King: the i>alent, obtaine(l from this unfortunate monarch, ni-ither can nor ought to pri'judice tho 
 ])revious oecuiiaiicy by allied friends and neighbors. Your Honors forget, either intentionally or 
 1)V accident, to inentioti the date, when the said ])atent for the Colony of MaKKdchu setts was 
 obtained and issued. English and I)ut<'h histories inform us, that the unfortunate King succeeded 
 his fatluu- in the year KiiT) ; the printed histories, areliives, journals, letters and daily pajjcrs of Xew 
 Netlnrland prove, that this Xorth river of New Nitherlaiu] was first discovered at the expense of 
 the I )utch in U)09 by llentlriek Hiuhon, a skipper and supercargo of tho yacht " llahie Maen " in 
 * P:ttr Toniiemnii wa.t sworn in rh Sellout o( yew Jintt^rdam on the 5'^ of Aujiuil, ItlOO. B. F. 
 ;% W >■■%:. »K 
 Early Colonial Settlementa. 
 the service of ti.o East India Company. Upon the report of tl.o sai.l Ilndson some n.erchant. of 
 A>mt,','d,nn sent another vessel to the North viva- in 1(110 and in tlie foilowin- vear obtained ■, 
 pnvile-e from then- Hi-li: Mi-ht: the Lords Slates General, to navi-ate tin's river'- for the safety 
 of then- trade they erected in 1015 a s.nall fort, fron> wideh an island near Fort Orniuj,' ntill hears 
 the name of " Castle^' Island and the remnants of ^hich can still l.e shown : hijrh water and i.-e 
 having. m,nred this small fort three years later, it gradually fell to pieces an.l finallv .V,.« 
 Neiherland, conseqncntly also the North river as a part of it, was conveyed hv their'Uhd. • 
 Might: the Lonls States General to the West Indhi Company, which in lO-ili (two years before 
 Jvimj Charles accession to the throne and apparently several more before the date of the 
 Massachusetts patent) really and eifectnally took possession of this North rirer, planted .-olonies 
 aiKl for Its greater security erected Fort New Amsterdam at the mouth of the river and Fort 
 Orange above, now visible and undeniable signs of their legal possession. Therefore vour Honors' 
 argument, made evi.lently upon the lying informatiou of others, is too weak and hardly deserves 
 an answer, when you state : « IIV. are very wel assured that sonwj.art of Iludsons h'eru-r {a name 
 ■we/ knowne to the Eiojl,.h) before the arrimll off any Datchs in those parts h,eth to the mrtward of 
 the sayd Lattdude, and is within our patent ,jrant.d and possessed I./ us about thirty two uearel" 
 We had saul above and undertake to prove that the North rirer, altho„i,d. named bv the Kn-dish 
 after the discoverer Hudson, was through him, a servant of the Fast India Coinpanv "tir.t 
 discovered by the Dutch, before any English ship ever .•ame upon it ; was navigated and oJcnpied 
 by private parties under a privilege from their High: Might: not only about ;?2 years but -.0 
 years; and has now been people.l and strengthened with two forts by the West Indni Compiuy 
 lor more than 37 years. Your Honors therefore most injustly call ns and om- nation by the nan,; 
 of intruders, a name and epithet better to be applied to those, who upon voiir Honors- 
 recommendation try to invade our indisputable territorial possessions, and to those, whJ have invaded 
 and settled n]>on the territory, occupied by ns for ;5l! to 37 years between the Fresh an.l the North 
 Toners, (many years previously guarded and bounded by the strong house Hope, New Amsterdam 
 and Oramj,/). \ our Honors will unquestionably approve the general rule, accepted by all Christian 
 nations : qui prior in possessione, prior est in, jure* 
 Your Honors quote the instances of the 'F/be and other rivers in G'ermany, where thou-h 
 they run through .livers principalities, states and juris.liction, o„e goverunu-nt .lo.-s not refine 
 pass^igo to the other: Your Honors would have yourselves solved the qm-stion, if von had 
 substituted the river Thames in the place of the aforesai.l. We are well aware, that upon the 
 banks of one or the other river lie .livers duke.h.ms, principalities aiul cities, which being m..mbers 
 of the same ..inpire or king.lom have ea,.h its own juris,li,.tion by separate names, but yet of the 
 same natu,nality, and ,lo n..t therefore give ami grant fr.H- passage, much l.vs poss..ssion 
 .pirisdiction an.l ownc.vhip to h'ngland, France or ..ther g..v..rnnients, as little as the /'ino/J.h 
 nation w,.ul.l g.ve t.. aii..ther p..ss.>ssion of or juris.licti,.n over the I'hanus an.l th.-refore does n..t 
 allow even passag., to it. Even though it were don.., we In.pe, y.n.r H,.nors are not ignorant of 
 guod simditudines alopio m.>do deniomtrant, sed nihil ponunt." Your IIon<.rs state further 
 that you have f.n-l.i.Men all foreigners to tra.le with the nations in vour t.^rrifory an.l that y.nl 
 cannot refuse t., us su.-l. privileges : we presume, that the aulhoritv of our masters, H„. liberty an.l 
 pr,v,K.ges grant...l by them to tlu-ir subjc-ts, place the latter in" su-.-h a position, that thev n....,i 
 nottnmbh! themselv.-s about the refusal or cnsenl of others or .:on,...rniM:, the rules .m this 
 subjeet luado or to be made in other juris.lictions. 
 • First in poHSBBRion, lirBt in law.-PoosL'Hflion iH nine pMlntH of 111,. law. 
 I lit 
New York Ilistoi'ical liecords. 
 ]?iit your Honors continue, " 70(! shall therefore not consent to le prmented from tradhuj 
 mitli our omih /mliiin.i, b'lu'ntj near yon, and jios.^ih/i/ inferferhifj with i/nur trade^': wo leave it to 
 voiu' Honors own judginont, in liow far this agrees witii your former statement, " if our enjoy in^j 
 our rujhtH should prejudice your tragic, vm would consider such an arranyement so vnhecoming 
 tin; jn'ofcssors of Christian faith , that persons, who value common riyhtemisness, would iiever 
 seriously think of enforclny it loithout Uushiny." 
 What and whom your Honors call your " own /ndians" and liow far you cxte?id this tenn, is 
 not stated in your Honoi-s' hitter; wc are therefore in tlio dark on this point. We hinder no 
 Indian in trading with otlier nations, hut we do not allow it upon our stn^ams and rivei-s and in 
 the territory, long ago bought and occupied by us, and cannot therefore without utterly wrecKit\g 
 our honor and reputation, lives and fortunes, body and soul, concede to you or anybody else any 
 title or claim thereon, much less passage thereuiion. 
 Wo confess willingly, that by the commission from tlieir High : ^fight : the Lords States 
 General of the United Nethcrland and the Very Worshipful Lords Directors of the I'riv. West 
 Indtu uors' affectionate friend and 
 in .V, in Netherhmd, neighbor 
 the 21)"^ of .\pril IfirtO. P- Stuyvksajjt. 
 To their Very Worshipfid Honors and our Delovod Neighbors, 
 Tiic Honorable (tcncral (!onrt of the Missachunettx, at lioston. 
 Lkhku kuom Sri'vvKsANT to tmk DiKKcrous IN Hoi.r.A.M): Statkn Island; Hlookuousk at 
 Ovsikuuay; AitrnoNKKUs' Fi;ks; Domi.nk I'oi.ukmis ; Cuuukncy and FtuticioN Tuadk. 
 Honorable. I'nidcnt and Very Worshipfid Gentlemen. 
 Your Honors' favors of the '.»"' and 14'" of November by the " Z/.;//''A " were received in 
 tlue time and on tho 5"' of April the " Trouio'" brought us your letter of the 2'i" of December, 
 Mrli/ Colonial SL'tthments. 
 lueli we .sl,all hrst answer hcrcwitl., prococlinn. tl.eu to report the stato of jour Ilonors' affairs 
 l2'J VouM^.th. agreement nuulo hy you witl. «..n.;/, J/.^yn concerning Stat.n 
 Wo ].oi3e, although wo fear the contrary, that tho aforesaid J/<7y« will fulfill his part of tho 
 an ^e a.e therefore aston.«hecl, that you have treated him so liberally in this matter ; wo were 
 II more astonished by h,s hrst speech to tho Director-Genoral, on presenting tho contract, in 
 wh ch ho sa,d, that your Honors had taken upon then.selves all tho injuries, wmn.^s and dan. -^es 
 .nfl.cted upon hin. by Director S,.,.e.ant from time to tin.e, bocaus'o ho had act^d pm-sZho 
 your orders. Ho was told ,n tho presence of Secretary van I?uyven, that his utterances could n,>t 
 bo behoved or accepted as correct, because, as far as wo know, no injury or wron-. had been dor.o 
 to hun except wnat ho had brought upon Imnself by his own misbehavior; much ts l"d Z 
 Lords Directors ever g.veu any or.Ier to injure, wrong or cause loss to him or anvbody else. 
 .tie of Pat.oons, either on the strength of a new purchase of tho said island frou, the natives or 
 because of a special agreeu.ent ma.ie with Md.,n, sliall bo executed in due time, and we shall pre- 
 vent, t by discreet and proper measures as son.ething not to be tolerated by tho C'on.pa,^ 
 wo think that It might have been opposed ami prevented in tho Fatherland with more 'nd stroi :e 
 reasons, before so favorable conditions and a sum of money, far beyond his does, had been given toUio 
 ust ,>retendod Patroon and grantor of this title. However, your good intentions and wishes are 
 ^k, a^'^//. will be satished with a certain portion of the land under private dee.ls, or whether 
 CornehsMelyn shall acquiesce in wha^ you conceded to him. The stili glowing embers of his 
 former heated outbreak prognosticate a new eruption of the ilam!. between the two 
 A^nan I o,t late agent o the IJaroi, told us a short time ago, that MeJyn claims as his ,>roperty 
 11 be land cloare,! and cultivated by the farmers of the Baron. For the welfare of the (Ln pany 
 aiHf U.^e^ advancement of agriculture we shall put a stop to this and inform you of the result in 
 Vour orders and the contract with the skipper of tho - Lleffd." to come here by wav of 
 Cuva,ar>, ban. been received an,I we allowe.I him to enjoy their effect, keeping as close a w^tch 
 ,^n the disduu-gmg of Ins cargo, as possible; we presume, that he, as well L S.e skipper of tho 
 Spheramnn.h, previously arrived here from Cura^.o and sailed there again on the >'.;•" of 
 December, are we! pleased with these through voyages and that they and others will continue 
 making them, which M-onId revive the commerce an.i intercourse between the two colonies In 
 our last letter by the •■ ,S>W,;u„.,/r' we submitted several projects concerning this matter to 
 .your judgment, winch, as the dupli.-ates are here enclosed, we do not repeat for thelke of brevity 
 out w,; await your .lecsion and answer, favorable to the interests of both place- 
 Ihe carpenter .ent by you i„ the " /.;#/.." has been detained on the Island of Cuvanu, bv 
 Vice-I .rector //,,/■ ,■ ,t inconveniences us very much, the more .so, as we mav not expect auotlie'r 
 Olio in less than a year under the most favorable circumstances. 
 * * * * 1, * 
 Tlnis far in answer to your llono,-.s' two letters, received by the now departing " [A.fMe " 
 ri.e hrst pomt 1,1 your letter by the '> Tron.^ .'alli.ig for a repiv, is vo.ir orde: eo.u^fnb.. 
 .■a„un . i,r.,.u.u>,., which we shall he.icefortb carry out as punctually as possible pursuant to yoifr 
 • S,... Vol. Xri, p. noi, and Vol. XIIT, p. 1(12, for (I,p n,„|itn,I pRmjfrnpli* 
New York Ilidorical Records. 
 intentions ami ilircctions. But wo must say, which we liopo will satisfy your Honors, that it has 
 never liecn our intention, to exempt and permit the exportation of 49 beavers uiid 32 deerskins 
 witliont duty to the butler and cook of the " Trouw^'' or to others 8i)ecltie(l by you. As to the 
 lot of the butler and cook, it hiis been proved to »is, that most of it was owned by the crew. 
 The beavers of Peter Ti»ine)iian, 100 pieces beloiif^ing to Balthazar and Nlivlas Bayard, 
 both clerks in the Secretary's ofUce and to iV^iVo/'cw T'a/7t'<, (Joinniissary of tlie Warelunise, had 
 been given them on account of their earned salary and tlio payment of duties had therefore been 
 referred to your Honors' discretion and ap[)roval. As to the beavers of Councillor de Becker 
 and TfBlom, the one ex vieritn, the other ex gratia hoping to receive some favor from you, HMpiested 
 to be exempted here from tlie payment of duties, which out of consideration we granted, but 
 only subject to your approval. We shall hencefortli strictly obey your orders in this respect. 
 The sliip " .SV. ./a«," sent by you to take the jiiaco of a regular packet between the two 
 colonics, Jits been wn^ckcd on the Island of /A;m.y*, much to our regret and inconvenience. We 
 hope and do not doubt, that in consideration of your own and of our urgent projects, sent you 
 bv way of Seie Emjland and in the lly-boat, " Spheramundl,'' you will dispatch another suitable 
 frigate to this coast before winter. 
 We have delayed and are still delaying our project, approved by yon in an absolute order, of 
 erecting a redoubt or block-house near Oijuterhaij, because we lack the necessary means, especially 
 carpenters, creating unexpected and constant interruptions, often mentioned in our former letters. 
 Those delays are not made to deride your absolute orders nor caused unnecessarily, but whether 
 th(! construction of the l>lockhouso will satisfy you and fultiil our hoj)e and intention of stopping 
 and preventing the invasions, intrusions and usurj)ations of the English, not to mention the 
 smuggling traflic, we neither can nor dare to assure. We can only say, that the English under 
 your jurisdiction hero and in this government sell their cattle, corn, bacon, meat and other 
 commodities for beavers hero and flien take the latter overland to their villages and homes ; they 
 never bring them back; it is therefoi'e evident, that they send them that way to Kein England 
 or exchange them for English goods, iinpm'ted there witliont inspection or care; nor can they bo 
 arrestehn:o: what nevertheless 
 is done and may follow is uncertain and must be left to the future. God grant, that such measures 
 mav be ado|)ted as will preserve not only the South river, but also this North river against the 
 invasions and usurpations of the /Cnglith. Your remarks on this subject : " Provided, tliat thereby 
 not onlv the smuggling, but principally the invasions imd usurpations of the Kngllxh be prevented 
 and stopped, upon whose present (piietness no relian-ccan be placeil ; else we think, these e\])euses 
 might be spared to the Company," hold us in iierplexity and doubt as to what to do or omit; a 
 well-niainied yacht stationed there, which might also lie employed elsewhere, could as well if not 
 better, than a redoubt or blockhouse, stop most of the smuggling trade; but neither eoidd hinder 
 an in\asion made by a large force, while a fast .-ailing and armed y.acht woidd do better service, 
 than a stationary tbitilication. 
 ♦ In tlin Atlnntic OccMi, 125 ni. N. E, from Capo St. Kn<|ut<. 

 Jiarly Colonial tiMlemcuU. 
 As prcviouBly stated and proved bj tlu; ledfjer^, tl.c wliolo ivvennc- of tlic Wci-liliouse is still 
 paid into the Co.npan.y'a ti-uasuiy. Muanwliile we Hln.ll urge the .Magistnitw, to «ei.d you every 
 year n stiitoiueut of their revenues and expenses and (>f what they need, in wiiieh direction they 
 have done nothing or only little, unless called upon by us. 
 We trust, that the Company's revenues are administered so earcfullv and economically, as 
 necessity and circunistanees allow. The lack of funds compels us to be economical, while on 
 account of the dangerous and troublesome times we have to maintain more than 200 soldiers, the 
 officers and trainmeu not counted; it forces us to think of increasing the revenues and we would 
 do it, if on the other side the poverty of the inhabitants of this i.rincipal place, increasing through 
 the lack of foreign and inland trade with neighbors, and of the country i)eoi)le, caused by the fJIir 
 of being murdered by the barbarians, did not makeuscircmn8i)ect and we hesitate to impose taxes 
 on the conmiiinity now. 
 To our regret we must confess, that we might have waited for a better time and condition of 
 affairs, before building the house in Fort O range ; esjxicially as your and our estimate of the 
 expenses have been exceeded considerably and it might have been done at less cost. IJut we 
 did not then foresee the ditllcidties, c. od now by the savages and by our neighbors and approved 
 too willingly the plan of Coinmissiiry La Montague, who estimated the cost at from 1200 to 140011. 
 What is done, cannot be undone. 
 As to the enlistment of twi. w three soldiers by Commissary LW'ckman without previously 
 uiforming u.s, it was done because of the deceiise of several others, whose places he desired to till. 
 It has not been done again, since we wrote to him about it. 
 The ^'enduem;l6tor has, as you say, received heretofore 5 p. ct. for the sale of real estate, but 
 of no other except from a few personal goods, pul>licly sold to the highest bidder, where the sJuers 
 tiid not agree with him about the lowest i)rice: in such cases he has to be surety for irrcsi^nsiblo 
 purchasers, as we stated in our letter of July 23". You have been pleased, to direct, that the 40'" 
 ].enny shall be collected not oidy from property, sold at public auction, but also from the sale of 
 all real est^ite. As this order ton. lies al.>o thi^ country i>eoi)Ie whenever they sell their land, we 
 had deemed it advisable to await the arrival of the expected candidates or ycmng i)reacher.s whom 
 we intend to instal at first in the distant villages, before we dcmaixl the 4t)"' j-enny, so that then 
 we might so many more reasons for it, as we said in our beforecpioted letter. Pursuant to your 
 orders we shall now do it in the next month of .May and at the same carry out yom- directions 
 regarding the appointment of a Schout for the Colony of JiemselaersiL^yck and the dismis.sal of 
 Counnissary van BriKjijc. 
 We wish, that what you .say so clearly regarding the reduction of wampum to the value of silver 
 or at leiust of beavers aiul your arguments for it, could be put into practice without any trouble and 
 without diverting our trade into other channels. We believe, it cannot be done without 
 considerable risk, for wampum is the source and the mother of the beaver trade, and for goods 
 only, witlunit wampum, we camiot obtain beave:-s from tiie savages. If we receive no wamj.uin 
 from outside— we have none in our country *—, this would certainly cau>e a diversion of the 
 beaver trade. 
 To your further statement, that the special reductiun of the wauii)nm must be followed 
 i'V another and genend one. if we desire to prevent its tot^il depreciation in cons.'.iuence of 
 superabun.lant importation, we must sav. under correction, that we t,ind, what 
 you mean by the special re.luction of the wampum. The reduction allVcts man and man, seller 
 • V>'anipum waa princijally tomAo at the i-udt end uf Uuy Iiiaitd. B. F. 
New York Historical Records. 
 nnd buyer, generally, who pursuant to the pliicat count 8 pieces for a stiver, instead of fi, unless 
 tiiey agreed upon another rate by written or verbal contract. If, as we understand it, you mean 
 by Bjieeial reduction, that wampum is received at our otHces at the rate of ten for a stiver, we 
 have to say, that it ia done only in consecpience of a previous contract or stipulation in letting 
 selling or farming out some of the Company's demesne and that except to officers of the Company 
 it IB not issued to individuals for either days' wages or commodities at any other rate, than the 
 one established by the general reduction, to wit, 8 for a stiver, unless called for by previous 
 stipulation, when the one is calculated with the other, as the receipts and disbursements in the 
 ledgers show. If, as we presume and conclude from what follows, you intend to have the wampum 
 once more reduecd by a general reduction from 8 to 10, then we think that under present 
 circumstances it would be premature, because the reduction from G to 8, made last year, has been 
 such an obstacle to its overabundant iniportation, that wampum is somewhat scarce now. Should 
 the importation of it increase with the beaver-trade during the sumnu'r, then we shall consider 
 your order for the best of the Company as well as we can, and carry it out, giving you 
 information by every chance. Before we leave this matter, we have to say, under correction, that 
 it matters little, whether 8 or 10 jiit'ces are coimted for a stiver, because the dealer marks, holds or 
 sells, his goods, according to the abundance of wampum and the price, he has to give for beavers. 
 It would be desirable therefore, as wo have repeatedly stated to you, that wampum and beavers, 
 as well as tobaccio, should be declared an absolute commodity or merchandise and that the 
 importation of no other small currency, than silver, should be allowed here, which we believe can 
 be done when beavers, tobacco and other things are brought and kept here under the Dutch market. 
 We have very seldom seen European wares and merchandises imported here by way of 
 Vlnjinla ; the contrary is nnich more likely, because that province exports from here every yi-ar 
 great quantities of goods, brandy and distilled water, exchanging them for tobacco, which is the 
 ]>riiicipal trade here and without which only small return cargoes would be taken out from here, 
 liut we are well aware, that some English dress-goods and stockings are imported here now and 
 then over i\V(" Kntjhind by some merchants, among whom Tliomas WHIett is the iiuist intluential, 
 and towards him and others we shall act, lus you recommend. Of nuich greater importance is the 
 exportation of beavers via Neio Enijbtinl, which they barter here and in the distant English 
 villages and then clandestinely manage to carry out of the country i)y night and at other untimely 
 seasons across Ltnxj hland auil along the Kast rii'cr in small boats and canoes. We must presume, 
 that on one third, if not one half, of these beavers no duty has been paid ; but it is not easily 
 prevented, as long as access and egress by water and by land is possible here in day or nighttime. 
 We shall consider all possible preventative measures and judge, tliat for the lieginniug the best 
 and most convenient would be, as we said above, to station a fast sailing and well-manned yacht in 
 the I'Mtriver during the most active trading season, which must unexpectedly bo;u-d and closely 
 inspect all departing and arriving vessels. 
 Wo hope and do iu)t doubt, that, when you si'ud t)ver some farmers and later some lads of 1.5 
 or 10 vcars, at a luontbly pay of 4 or 5 tl, you will incpiire as much as possible for industrious 
 j>er.sons, used to work, and not take up and t'ligage whomever chance may throw in your wav, so 
 that the money, you advance, be not spent witlumt advantage: this has been the case with the 
 people sent to the Colony of .\V(/' AmMd and with most of tliec'hildreii from the Orphan .Asvlmn, 
 accustomed and more inclined to carry a bi'ggar's gri[)sack than to labor. We shall not fail, todo 
 our dutv in this matter. 
 £arl^ Cohiual Sdiktiients. 
 Wo arc sorry, tl.at your Honors aro so di8,,lca8c,l, as your exprcssiou. make us presume, with 
 o >pol.s t U.U a,ul ... to pr..y, that Ciod ...ay give the,.. lo..g life for the bet of i.i« i..t;..,t d,..,J 
 eo,. . r"l" ^".^""^^"•''''"" '-•-^'-^ J'-- - f-- withhehl your c>xp.-essio,.s a,..l shall 
 co>.f..ue, to do so, ... order ,.ot to d.scourage the... in their good a.,d faitl.f..! service. We shall 
 however ..ot fa.l, to co..,.,.„...cate tothcm yc.r wishes, while it would help ..,...]. i,. ol,servi,.,.a.,d 
 can.y,,.g out yo,,.. „,,le.-s if so,..e psa]...books or special liturgies of the Kefor...e,l el-u.^eh or 
 Z!,'i''" ;'^ ,"'" '""^'"'"'^''''^'■^ ^'''''' ^^•^'•''" ^^'l"'--'' t'"^ ^^''^l^ ''here 
 ])retient a.-e not .iscd. 
 * * * # 
 the hd,.s 'ill J'°""; • " ^'""'".""""r' ''""■' ™^"'''"^ '^ '■^'•^'^^■' '^ y*'"'' '•'-'P'^'^*-' '"^''•"'^tio* conc.e.-..ing 
 the he.,s of tornchs van Wcr,Mo>,,n. As yet we ca,. o..ly state, what we have ah^eady said and 
 wr. to,. thatassc>o,.asso.nebody appears, who shall s,.e Jac.u:^ Corteljou in the ehl^f "^ 
 shaU ad.n....ster the law ecp.itably aud fai.'ly, after havh.g hea.^ the parties. ' 
 Meanwhile we re.uain 
 Fort Amnterdain in N. N. v ir , .r . 
 the 21" of April, lO.'-O. ' """"'"' "^•'^''t.o.iato servants. 
 To the Lo.'ds-Directors of the Priv. W. I. Company. 
 OuDEES OF Cou.vc.L o.v I>ETrr.oxs TO ,.K .u.:,.„.:vEn k.^om t.„.: O.-E.iAT.oNs OF THK Okdinance 
 F014 rnE EsTAHL.SUMENT OF V.LLA(iES, .■AtSKI. Fe.I.C. !>, ICCO. 
 April 2»j"' lt',00. 
 (See Laws and Ordinances of A^ew Netherlan.d read a petition fro.., Nicolas Stniwdl, a fanner living .„. a l,o.>werv betwec., 
 Gravesmd '^-.nX the village of Nan Ctre.ht, who asks for p..,-.nission to ,-e.nain living by hi.uself 
 and to be excused from ...oviug his house, p„.-snant to the placat, stati..^, that with his four 
 larn.lia..ds and three sons he is able to defend liis boiiwerv. 
 It is a,.swe.-ed : Petitio..er shall appear l,efo.-e the ■Di.-e,.to.-.Ge..e.'al and Cou.k-II with his 
 sons and larniha..ds. Date as above. 
 Rcccive.1 a..d read the petition of Jori, najmii;.', who re,pn.sts, that f„r the presc.t he n.ay 
 I.t his house .•en.a.n standing upon his lanrt 
 Peter Cornelixsen 
 Done at Port Amsierduni. in Nein Netherland. Date as above. 
 The Director-(teiieral and Conncil of Xcin Netlwrland herewith appoi; i and connnission 
 Jaipu'x Cortilji}!!.^ the Surveyor, Albert ('ornelissen * and Jan Erertnen Bcitt, to make upon the 
 first cDnveiiienf ()L'('a,>i()n a [)ersi)nal iiisiieetion of the situation and i[uality of the land in the vicinity 
 of the village of Hn wkiii a ; what (juantity of land there has not yet been disposed of and how the 
 i^rantfd portion is beini^ enltivati'cl ainl used ; how many plantations might be located there yet 
 and which in their opinion is the bist locality for new farms. Having completed their inspection, 
 they are to make a plot or small map of the land and deliver it with their report to the Director- 
 General and Council. Date as aliove. 
 Petition of Aiihe Jann for payment for his work on the Church at Midwout. 
 May 11"', Tuesday. 
 Present the Director-General, Petrun Stuyvesant, and Councillor Nieasht/i de SilU. 
 To the Very Worshipful, Honorable Director- 
 General and Council of ]\\^w Netherland. 
 Shows with due respect /I '/^v; ./(j?wt'/(, carpenter on Lnuij IxliDid, \\\;\.{ he agreed with D" 
 Pollieinii(!< M\t\ Jan, Strycker io \m\V\ imrsuanl to the accompanying plan a church at Midwout 
 mxLinij Pliiiid, which work he has not only comiiletcd in accordance with the said ])lan, but by order 
 of the aforesaid he has done also some other outside work, not co\ered by the plan ; and wheroaa 
 hi.-, employers now fail to pay to petitioner his well earned Wiiges under various frivolous pretexts, 
 whereby tln'y excessively wrong your [letiiioner, burdened with a large family. Therefore he is 
 compelled to turn to your Honors, humbly praying and an! ' ^, 'hat expert arbitrators bo 
 up)>ointcd, to hear your petitioner and the other {)artii^s in this case and, if possible, bring aboutan 
 agreement on the account and iiaymeat ; if not, to report to your Honors, that the matter be 
 settled, as it ought to be. Awaiting your Honors' favorable reply he remains 
 Your Ilonois" obedient servant 
 A IKE Jans. 
 » Wnnt«nacr. — B. F. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 It wafl (in8wcrod ; 
 Th. Di,v..to,-({..no,.al and C«,„um1 of New Nethcrland rcq,.o.t, appoint nn.l antlu.n.o 
 .et nTT"" '"•""■', "r ""'.'^" "' -'/'-'/-"^to inspect tho work. Ipokon ot in tl.o 
 t. ,0 anu to c-xannno, wl.at tl.e petitioner did .noro, than ^va« called for I.y the plan and how 
 die- "pi^il;:!:;:"^" '- "•^•"^-^^ ^"^ ""^'' --^ ^^ '•^^ i^^^'^-'- -^^ ""'^" ^ f-' -.-t of 
 Aimtcrdam in iV. N. date as above. 
 •r r 
 Council Minute. IIemsteai) and -rnK Indians. 
 Lovinge Friends. 
 Whereas we hy the bearers hereof two Indians of Itcol-omacki and Mars, phi were jnfonned 
 that you cV; the Indians jn a n;ood nninl.er have been jn amies iV: neere lycke to fall out one aj^ainst 
 an other, these few lynes are only to lU.piire both yon and the said Indians, not lo piocyde 
 further before both partyes have made their appearance before \'s, wee vppon the pn.p<,siiion'. of 
 the Indians bcenige in hoops *o tctfjll the niattei-s without further troubles So after our love wc 
 A>Mam jn the Yy„, 1^,.;,,^^, ^^iende A- ( ion veriiour 
 n . ^etlwrlanu, the 13 May p_ y,.i;vvKSANT. 
 A° IGtJO. 
 May 25". 
 This day ai)peared in the Oonncil Chamber Air. Johi IllrJc and Mr. Jackxon, -Ma-jistrates of 
 Ibnmtecile, on tiie otu; part, and sava-es, deputed by the eliief McauUnnemin , on the other part. 
 ^fessrs. m^k and Jack.-rts yon would liave given us broader advice and assisted us by counsel and deed 
 on so pregnant an occasion. You have declared formerly and also declare now your title to both 
 rivers indisputable by virtue of purchase and possession and we share your opinion, but if more 
 liowcrful and stronger neighbors maintain the same and besides exliil)it a royal jjatent, expressly 
 describing the limits, while we cannot do it in your name, will they be satisfied by our bare 
 assertion? We nmst leave the final issue to time. Yon have on previous occasions and again 
 now rcconnnended and directed us, to inform and warn our ncighboiv, that they must desist from 
 such usurpations, and in case they do not heed us, to attack, stop and dislodge them. Probably 
 they would only laugh at the first, anyway they would pay but little attention to our warnings; 
 for tli(^ second wo reipicst once mon^ your a8sistan<'(! l)y counsel, deed atul means. In answer to 
 our ri'(piest for a well-en Netfwrland and in that neighborhood during the winter and 
 obsti-uctcd the navig.itioii between the two j>lact's, has sailed for /iarfmiJos in the beginning or 
 middle of Api'il, so that it would be useless now to collect infomiatioti against her captain, the more 
 so, as the injured ])arties have sued him before the (iovernor and Magistrates of //a/'^/wv/ and 
 jV( /« //tinrn and receivecl seii'i'uce against him, also soini.' indenmification. 
 The (piaiitity of provisions, lumber an are below, and W(! desire to wait for the news brought by them, which will bo sent you 
 with the iie\t or if possible with this ship, the " Trouwy Meanwhile your directions concerning 
 the sale of negroes shall be observed. 
 * * » * » 
 Thus far in answer to your favor of March i)'*", received by the '• Moisman."' The following 
 inu>t brielly serve as answer to your last letter by the " liantA-oe" wherein we first come upon 
 * Si'i' /iir tlio (imittcd piirai^rrtplis <'iil. Due., Vol. XII, (i. .it 7. niul X!II, p. 17ti. 
 •• (-'onccrniiiij tlio cuiiiure of tlin Dutcli culoiiy ftt ('ii;)i Wrd by tUo privateer, commamlcd by Captain liiuulieu. 
 < '!' m 
 Jtiirli/ Colonial Settlemeiita. 
 ynn o dor c.o„,.ornmg tl.o prm-l-orn an.l tho «ppoi„t„u.nt of Pel,-,' Tonnemnn to tl.o Sd.o,,tH 
 'n V f 'rT . I'f '■"", "■'• "'"^' ^" '•' ''-' '- '-' I-" ai'l-i"t.>.l Hul,„,i,ut f,o ,1 o F .. 
 n. N^ val (,li:... (^., , , ,, ^,„,„ ,,, „,, j,,.„^,^ ,,^^ ,,,,. ,^ ^; I^, .^,^ ^^_jj^^^ j^^^ J^ 
 wd ';:;,";;' ^V"-^" '-;/"~' '■- Ma«i.t.-at..V.ti.^.tio„; tl.atln.se..viL.a„ . 
 S,l , /' , r " < "'"l""'^- <•>• tl.- I''is,.,.l .•.M.KlutfMrtlu.r 1,0 i. not u. fit to servo u« 
 Scl.out for tl.o v.lla,.., .....ntio,....! I,v von, iMvauso l.o .wu.ot ..uito ly "^ tl.o ,>o,. Woll. 
 thm-fov c.ont„.„o l.i„. in l.is present position nn.il ,o,n. f,..tl.o,M.nlo . a,..l , J.o t .1 a 1.7 lo 
 . .hrn.od ... ,, allo^vin, at the san.e t, , ,l,at fo. rl.o a,lvanta,o of tl.o Co.npany ... tf^ , 
 t^Jl tr l-*'-""' ••>• /•'^" ffo,.>nan, who l.as alroLl/.ttondod to t ^ 
 ,'''', 1 ^'"""'"''"^•: ^'l'^^''"'° "•-' «til> ■"-•f'< as Schont thoro to o,.r satisfaotion JFis 
 * * * ♦ 
 at.o .ery «on.o do hn.. to,- ,l.o soMiers. a.s pe.- invoi-o. A.s hou-ovo.- ..either tl.o " 7Vv>, J," 
 .• n 1 low.,.. « ..ps have l.n..,.ht ns the invoiee, n.....]. less ,ho eloM.in., un.l it is not n.en.io e. 
 io;;!;:;'S; T'' ^'^ "" ve,;,-..„eh .,i.M.p..i,.te.l an,l t.-onMe.M.oeanse ,ho poor sol! i." 
 w'i . V ''V'"/'"'-/'?. '''■'■'' ""'• ■•'* '''^' '^""'^' -'•"•' ■'-'- '-".y .„a.-..hes now an.l a v eon.pletelJ 
 .thout soeks. .hoes, .hnU an.l other neeessa,-y pieeen of ..1,.,^;.. |.,,,i,„, .„. ^,.,., , ^^ ^ 
 wo have wa.ted t.-o... sh.p to .hip. ,,.. if tho recjui.., articles do not ..ri^o h. tl. " X^^: 
 ..not delay any longer a..d shall he eon.pelled, to pn.vhase the... tVon. deal ;: Inwe at exfavaJant v 
 ^ thnland To eha,i,e the ,/ vah.ation and add .-... p. et. to it, eo-f .,. to Jrde.-s 
 s';t::T: 1 \ 'rr- '""■ t^t'^ •^""^^'^"^"^'^ "•^" "-^ ^"'■"""'^- -'"^i >- •' ' 
 The p,yea„tio,,aryo,-.!er,whieh yon a.ld while w,Mting ahont tl." n.atte,-, to wit. that these 
 a.,!es.onld he ..sued only top • a,.d n....dy s e,. 1 not ,« ...er servants of th,. (' pa,.,' 
 o a. yonr Ilono.. were u..on,.ed, take a.lvantage of it, eon....s nn to sav, th.a we wish v. , 
 1 I-on n.oro exp .e.t, so that the ahnse n.ight ho eorreete- Wo cannot help believi... tl 
 yon have h.en n..sn.fornied .n this ...alter l,y some .l^a.Vc- ,i p...sons 
 The s..,.ond poh.t in your letter p.r " 7V,.,,-.;' wl.i-1, i^ n-.t vet ar.swe.vd, is vour onler 
 conee.-n.,^ the red,.,.,ion of heavers f.-on. . to 7g„i,de,.s, „. order todo insth-e and g ve L "a 
 o yo,..- lo,.r. serva..ts. This ...oa.... ea,. a,.d ,..,.st he ...eived a.^l ea..ried o^t witl ^n ^ 
 "■ ^ a,,d ..tl.nl se..v,ee an,l although ,t is not the e,,nival..n, of what is dne to the.,,, .itir p: y 
 .ngs.p,.late,i,ny/^>/A..o.o,.ey.y -nlereon.en.in^ this n.atter will he oheved.u.d oi.serve.U^ 
 juc ahlo o, n. ght he pla.-ed ,n ..d. a po,i,io,.. as to ohey also yonr next onie.-, to wit.'lo pav all 
 -lob s and salanes of olHce.-s l.e.v, ex.. pth,:; the two ...onths' a;l^■anee pav. I raler the . ri. 
 cond.t.on of affairs in this pn.vinee. ea..sed hy the low ...a.-ket p-acs, w!u- with tl I ^h.; H 
 of .ny..,ons hy o„r nd^hho,., , ,,,,,,,. „r „., ,„„„.,., ,„„ / ,,,,, whid v ^ " 
 hear, -t .s .n.po,..h,e to do it hcv, a. ti...e and the ledgers will prove. Wh u ,o ' hJ 
New Ywl', JliHtork ' Jieeorda. 
 (onviiictMl I)y thotri of our iimMlity, wo 1iii|hi iiiul truHt, tliat iiK'oi'ilini^ to (Mi'ciiinAtiuuios you will 
 nut persittt in tliu uiii'i-yiiig out ul yuur rusotutiua uuU ui'Ucr, for it wuuld oiidaiigor tliu uxirttuiiuo 
 of thU colony. 
 " » « # 
 "JT IT fr " 
 TIio flyboiit, inontionctl above as having arrivcl with tlio galiot fiorn Vnragno^ is tlio 
 '' Pj/ckcnloom,^^ wliicii njiilcil iti tiio HiM'vici! and pay of tlu^ Coinpaiiy to (iitinea H! or 17 niuiitim 
 ago uiid camo from tliurc with uegroori to Cttra(;ao. As tiifro wa.s no return fruight for hur at 
 tiic latter place, Vice-Director Berk has Bcnt her to tliis port with 50 liorses from Arnhay the 
 galiot bringing li!t itioi'c, to olitain a cargo. Sliu comes at a very unHtjasonable time, as tliere are 
 many other vessels here and we fear a bad trade. Oi tiio shipment of horses only 27 were alivo 
 on landing, tho rest died on the way for want of good fodder; the remainder is bo thin and weak, 
 that most of them can neither walk nor Ptand ; they had to be carried in carts and on sledges from 
 llie scow !\nd the slions to the pasture. It is doulitful, whether only ont! half of these twenty 
 seven will live and thoy will hardly bring iw much as tho ship, having iisid up all her stores 
 (luring th(! I'Oig voyage, will re to this i)laco are a dead loss. 
 In tho same ship 1!> negroes arrived hero, tho twontiotii having died at sea; tho others aro in 
 fairly good  and snl)mitted by the inhabitants of tho villagt- of 
 MiildillHirijli. The Director-lifin'ral and (,'ouncil of X>'ii) AV/Z/c/'Ai/K/ doeidr, that the present 
 Magistrates of tho said village shall continue in otlice for another year ami therefore charge all 
 and everybody, whom this concerns, to acknowledge and res|)ect the ii\ithority of the Magistrates 
 hereby continued and again contirmed in their ollice. Date as above. 
 Elhei't /■Hill I'ts, It and l*it>r r'«/v), I'f .IM(7'A«'/( a parci'l of land near the saiil village ; they reiinesti'd, that this pan-el bo 
 aci)uired by the Company for them. In vause on ac-count of tlu; meadows belnniring to it. it would 
 be of i^rcat advantage to tlie inhabitants of said village. Tli<>y otTered and p!'>mised, tliat. if it 
 Were aci|nirei| I'nr tin ir village, tliey would eollect and pay ovei', when due, the sum agreed upon 
 .as pnrelia-e iiKiney between Allurf Allirrtstil and dii'-uh Steiintiliii. 
 The propii^ilion having been he.ard and cdn-idered, ./(^(y>/i .s'/kvi/Aj/// was infurmed by the 
 fullowing resolution, that on belialf i)f the f.ords-I'atroons posses-inn had been taken of the 
 aiiiresaid i>areel of land. Dite as above. 
 I'pon a report, made to the Conm-il liy the Mau:istrates of tlu' village of AnpsftKirt on T./mij 
 J^hntd, the Director-lieneral ami Council resolve, that on behalf of tlio Lords- Directoi-s of the W. 1. 
 Juirly Colon iiil Stttkmentn. 
 Co.n,>any,Iutr.,o„«.,f this Provin,.. tl.oy will rosim,.. p„sK..Ksi„n of tl.o partvl ..f lu,„l, poUI by 
 Jaro/, 6 ..«,/,,«, a n.s,.l..„t „f this VMy, to Alh.rt Alha-t.ru, au.l tako it on tl.o Han,., o n.lif ionn, 
 '"' ■;:""'''' 7^ •*"'*' '" ^l""^'"' •J/^'''"'"* l""-Hnant to tl.o .ioc.l ofsalo ulo Loforu tl.o Notary 
 K«n J Ueck au,l forta.n wittu.s..o8 on tl.o 1 7'" of Jnno last past an,! ontorc.l l.oi-o lu-low ■ 
 IJo.v,u,sc, tl.o sai.l parcel of ln...l is ..onsi.loro.i nrn'ssary for tl.o l.ottor atron.. lation of the 
 nha-tantHof sa,.! vjllago of Amesfoort. Jacob St.end am, h.\n^ y.r..mU was i,.fon..o,l l.on.of 
 .ml that when . ..o, the l.n..kul...at a^.-oo-l fo,-, wonhl l.c proini.,ly pai.l to l.in. o.. I.ohalf of th. 
 Uiroctur-Uenural and Council. Dato as ahove. 
 To-day ,1,0 17-' of Jnno Kl.;,., I.ofor. n.o, Ti.lnnm van Vhr.l; a Notary Pnl.lic, appointod 
 by tho \ ory \Vorsl.,pful, Honorable Dirortor-Uoneral a,.d (Jonncil and rosidingat N,;o AnMnn 
 m .\e,o .\.tl,M, and bofo.-o tl.o wit..-ssos na.nod below, appo.iro.l tl.o Wor«l.ipf..l Jacob 
 StecnJam, who a.-knowlod^'od to have sold and hereby to sell to Alhert Alhni.n,, also prose..! 
 and aeknowledjiM.K to bavo bonght, .« he he,-oby b.iys, a parcel of la,..l. as larj,.. or as Hn.all as tl.o 
 l.atont bonnds.t east of the viila^a- of An„.foort ; tho «au.o which the ve,.dor toKother with' 
 Auk:- ./an.,,, obtained as a fivohoid f.'o.n the Di.vetor-CJoneral on the iL"" of Noven.ber |(;.V> 
 .-"1 -ipon which ho lived for Homo time, sidijoc-t to the Loi-d's rifrj.t, for tho su... of li... .chcpels 
 ol j:o,,d ma..ketable buckwheat, to be paid in two installments, to wit: ninoty-fivo .ehopels on ,hc 
 \'L vf 7 '"'.'.■■'.' ."",' '';''"'"■" "'" '"'"^'.^■■<'^" ^'-••'«I'^'l« >^ y^''^'" I"tcr, on tho l.V" of October 
 im Iho aforesaid land bIuII .vmain pledj^ed to tho vendor for the payn.ent witl.o..t expense 
 and h,ss of the p.ircbase n.oney, ....til tho sa>..e has act.ially boon placed into hia hands: it is also 
 oxprossly hereby stipulated by tho seller, that A/f>,rt AILrt.m shall have the fi-co ,.se of this 
 land .lurw,^' tho yoai-H IfidO and 1601, when he may tako possession of bis parcel of land, while the 
 scler binds l..,„self to d..live.-, npon payment of tho last instalment, at his own expense a , Iced 
 an.l conveyance .n d.ie form. The parties on both sides promise to nphold and f..llill this 
 a^'roenjont hunostly and inviolably, nndor Io^mI en,:,,.,,,..,,,,,, ,„,, ,,„,,,,, „,,,, , ,,^.,.,„,,. , 
 nia.lo and dol.vci-ed in the usual fonn. 
 „ '.'';'%:'•;' ^'/"■^■':;'"^""' '" ^^"" ^V../A.rA,«7 l,. pr..scnce of tl.o wo.-thv SM,„„n Lachacic and 
 Hennck- IM, called ... as witnesses, who signed the original reco.-d hereof in n.y, tl.o Nota.v's 
 chargu with the parties in interest. 
 This copy a^'i-ces with the ori4,'i..al record. 
 Quod attestator: Tmxma.n va.n Vi.kk.--( Jciicral an, I Council. 
 uc respect, th:it he i.imv have a 
 Vo.ir obedient servant J,ir,,l, S/rr)iJa„i r,.,piests will, r 
 written onl,.,- pivpeHy s.Vncl, .ipon son.e l.,m,.st .nan for tho IIM. s,.l,op..|s ,.f b,.,.kwl...af for the 
 land .,f wh„.|. th,. West Imlia Pompany has taken po.s,..sion for the villa,.c of .I.,,..,;,../ „„ th,. 
 .. ' of .Inly last thit.wi, 1,„, ,|„. ^,,,i„ „„,,„., iv,.! upon tl„. st,-:,n,| pnrs„:,nt to a:rn.,.n„.„t 
 hy the party, who l.a,| bonght tl.o buckwheat al.va,ly, bcb,.-.. thcCon.pany .vsuuicl p,.s.,.>sion of 
Neil) Ytnl IllHtoi'ival liecnrih. 
 tlio limd : bccfiiiHO your jn^titioiicr u now iihoiit to loiivo iiiiil ?, 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 CorNciL iriNUTE. Conference yrmi Lono Island iNniANs. 
 Septcmher 2'', lOGO. 
 Tapo"S(njh, chiof of the savages on Lon,j Mand, came into the Council Cluuubcr. 
 lie said, that m»m'crac/>t, tlic cliiof of tlie jV'irneame.<,, wages war a-ainst tliosavn-es on 
 the Ivist end of Lono>miffh\\ tribe is only small 
 and he does not know, whether he too will not receive a visit from the enemy, ho has come to 
 renew the peace, formerly made with us. He gives a small hox with wampum. 
 Note: The wamjium w:is measured and amounted to tl 15.18. 
 Tie says, that he has always endeavored to keep the peace with us, which is true, and that ho 
 will continue in peace with the villages under his authority; that they shall do no harm an of Sei.tember MdO. Honorable, Prudent, Piou.^ Dear, Faithful. 
 Since the departure of the " Ould.n 0,^,;" by whi..h we sent « .piantitv of annnunition and 
 clothmg, (we hope you received all in good order,) the ships '^ Lufde^ and - Trouw" have 
New York Ilistoi'ical Records. 
 arrived here, l)y wliicli we received your letters of tlio 21" of April iuul 2;"."' of June. As the 
 '■' Lieffde " fijs now again for Ncm Netherland, we cannot let the opportunity escape, to answer a 
 few points in your letters. 
 Wo notice iirst, that you in-ge us again, to advise yon about the erection of the blockhouse at 
 OysU'rhaij, notwithstanding wc^ informed you in our last letter, liow much we disliked to repeat the 
 same thing over and over again. You say, you want further advice, because our orders in regard to 
 the construction of the building are ambiguous and may bo interpreted in two ways. If it is so, 
 then your changing information on this subject has been the cause of it, for on such occasions we 
 must see, so to speak, turongh your eyes and act upon your reports. Althongh you appear to 
 thiid< now, that not only the smuggling trade, Imt also the usurpations of the English can be better 
 stopped and prevented by a well-e(]uipi)ed yacht, than by the erection of a blockhouse, you will 
 liave, and wo order you, to proceed with its erection, for the CJompany is not in the position at 
 prese it, to dispatch such a vessel to New Xdherhmd. It is not necessary, to wait for the arrival 
 of carpenters, for all the buildings there, among others the erection of the house at Fort Orange 
 at lUo Comi)any's expense, which you say will cost a good deal, have not been constructed and 
 erected without such tradesmen ; you may therefore employ the same, for we think it is more 
 advantageous to pay those men good wages for a short tisne, than to keep them constantly in your 
 service and jiay. 
 We will not discuss the arguments and dilHculties, raised by you on account of our order 
 for reducing the wampmii, as far as the time to carry it out is concerned, for we perceive by your 
 prolix explanations, that yon understand, what we mean aninion of oui English neighbors is the change in the govermnent, which has taken place by the 
 restoration of Kuhj Charles II.; better things may bo expected from his honesty and righteousness, 
 than from tlu' former uidawfid goviTnmcnt ; it is not likely, that the English there will at present 
 tlnd any support for their unjust usurpation, especially as the King shows himself very friendly to 
 our government. Their High: Might: have already selected ambassadors, whom they will soon 
 send tolas Majesty to make a tr.'aty of clo>e alliance ; we shall not lo.se the opj)ortunity of pres.sing 
 th(! interests of the Comjiany and the province of Xem Netherlaml, .so that the said ambassadors 
 will he directed ami (onunissioned, not oi:ly to comi)laiu of former invasions, made into our 
 territory ami jurisdiction, aiul to a-k re.lrcss, but also to prevent them in the future and to 
 take every possible measure for obtaining a favorable settlement of the boundarv between us and 
 that nation there on the North and on the South. We have our documents and papers for this 
 purpose all ready, so that yoii shall hear the result of it in due time. 
 * * * 
 » tJ.'c Cnl. Dnc. V,)I. .\11I, p. 187, unci Vol. XII, p. aaO. 
 Early Colonial Settlements. 
 The enclosure of your letters liave informed us of the occasion, tiie reasons and causes which 
 led you to send Commissary Nic/iohai Varleth and Captain Lieutenant Briati Newton to tlie 
 Governor of Virghiia. We find them quite in or.ler and approve your action, as being an 
 endeavor on yo.,r part for promoting the welfare of tlio country ; as the concession of an unmolested 
 trade with tliat nation can only benefit our places and their inhabitants, wc shall Oe pleased to 
 learn from you, what has been done and agreed with the Virginians about this matter, that we 
 may make proper use of it. 
 We were sorry to hear of the death of so many horses, sent from Curafao in the 
 « Eyckmbooinr bnt as it has happened and there is no help for it, ve must bear it in ])atience We 
 hope the remainder have regarded tlieir former strength and sol.l at good prices, also that the ship 
 may find a good cargo for this market, so that it may help to pay the hard earned wages of the 
 crew. As to tlie slaves, arrived there in the same ship, they must be sold at public auction there 
 as we directed in our letter of the 9'^- of March, under the express condition, secured by a sutHcient 
 bailbond, that they shall not be e.x])orted from there, but be used for the cultivation of the soil the 
 country and in consequence also the Company may then perhaps reap the imagined and hoped for 
 fruits. '^ 
 The desired paints, oil and a new halsstevt (f) for the mill there are sent herewith, as pci- enclosed 
 invoice. As to the upper millstone, asked for by you of 4 feet and 3 or 4 inches diameter, we do 
 not know what you mean, nor do several millers, of whom we inquired, understand it. You must 
 therefore express yourselves a little clearer. 
 Herewith, &c &c 
 Amsterdam, -v t c ■ ^ 
 , ,,,,. ' , I our good friends 
 the 20'" of September 1600. ti,,. r);.-nr.t,>,.. ..( ♦!„, w r n 
 t ine uiicctor.s ot the VV. 1. Company 
 Uo[iartment of A»istiTi/(t?ii 
 EnwARD Man 
 C. Briir.ii 
 To the Director-General and Council of New Netlniland. 
 Council Minltk. Tiik CuuKni ai- .Mii.w.ht, L. I. 
 September 30'", IfiOO. 
 Before the Council appeared T^' Johainir.'i Tlirni?,)ru.'^ PoUiei/m, \yrcAchci' i\t .yidmmt, ou 
 Ixmg hhind, and Jan Sfrj/fbr, elder ami clmrcliwanien of the same place, who informcil the 
 Council, that the church at MvJwout was almost completed, exce])t the windows, and reijuested 
 that the Director-General and Council would ])rcsciit the said church with otic or two windows. 
 After considering the request, a window for the church was proiiiLsed on behalf nf the Company. 
 Date as above. 
 To th(' Ni.ble. Very Ilmiondile, Ver^ I'ious Direct. .r-Gciicnil 
 ami Council of Niw Niilurlamh 
 Show with due respect \v»s the undersigned, that for the biiildiii'- of 
 (iiir chiireh at J/idiroii.' 
New York Historical Itecordi. 483 
 wo have collected in tlic cominiinitics of Fort Orange, New Amsterdam and here on Long Island 
 tlio Sinn of fl 3437.12.— of which amount we have expended fl 3433.9.— but we still owe 
 To Jacob Lourens, eai'penter fl 230 
 " haao Foreest for nails and hinges "117 
 " Tyde Si/rioks, niason « 215 
 " Sander, the skipper, for freight of boards " 81 
 " Auclre Jamen, carpenter, for outside work as appraised by arbitrators " 100 fl 743 
 There is is still due us from CUies Notelacr on a note « 119 
 80 that we are still indebted fl 624 
 In the name of our whole commimity we therefore humbly request, that on behalf of the Noble 
 Lords-Directors of the Priv. W. 1. Company, onr high masters and for the support and propagation 
 of tlie holy gospel in this country the above stated sum may be supplied as a present. Which 
 doing we shall always renuiin 
 Your Noble Honors' obedient and faithful servants 
 Johannes Tn. Polhicmius. 
 Jan Strycker. 
 The foregoing petition was received and read and the annexed statement of the moneys 
 collected in tlie commuiii'y and of the expenses having been examined, it was found, that the 
 receipts did not cover the expenses. Wiiereas on behalf of the Company as yet nothing has been 
 contributed towards building said church, it is resolved, to disburse to the petitioners on behalf 
 of the Company for the present for completing the work ti 400, couuuou curreucy, and the following 
 answer was given : 
 When the treasury is in funds, four hundred guilders shall be advanced to the petitionerB on 
 behalf of the Company for completing the work. Date as above. 
 Patknt fob Land in Brooklyn, L. I. 
 I'ltrus StMijvesant, etc., etc., have gi\en and granted to Jan Martyn a lot situate upon Long 
 Inland near the Ferry on the eastfiide of the Ila.st river, west of the land of said Jan Martyn and 
 north of Jorix [liapalje], the northside measuring 15 rods 7 feet, the eastsidc 18 rods 4 feet, the 
 westside 12 rods ;? feet, the westside IS nxls 7 feet: witli the express condition, etc. 
 Fort Amstcrdu/n in New Netherland, the ID'" of October, ItJtiO. 
 I.KrrKKs FROM SnivvKSANTTo 'niK DiRwrroRs in II(ii.i,ani) : Politioai, (/ondition of tiik Nkw 
 EN(iLANi) (.'oi.oMics; Rkvknuf.s ; Tradk ; d'RRKNcv ; Enomsu Vii.lagks on Long Island 
 wiiiioiT Pkkaokkks ; Plan and Skktoii ok Nfw AMsriiROAM ; Manufacture of Por and 
 Pearl Ashes. 
 Honorable, Wise, Prudent and Very W^orsiiipful Gentlemen. 
 Since our ku^t general letter, of which the original was sent in the " Troitw'' and the 
 duplicate in the " Muesinan,'' nothing wortli report" ;; lias occurred iicre after the peace witii the 
 Mill/ Colonial Settlevienfy. 
 Esopus Ind!ansYi,\ l)oen n.ado and the conditions of it SMbn.itted to you in on.- I.tter by the 
 ^Cataryna and snbsequcntl.v in a letter from the Direetor-General bv the " Beva-r to botli of 
 which we refer. 
 We liear little or nothing abont the threatened invasion by onr English neighbors and trust, 
 hat the change of government in England has tnrned their minds from it or at least nostponed it 
 for the present. Meanwhile we learn, that the restoration of the King has caused less commotion 
 and change among the people of Xao En<,h,n-..r skin 
 valued at 7fl, amount to about 1(1,00011. The groundrents brought in about 5,< ll It is easy 
 to calculate, how far these sums will go in paying the aboveuu-ntioned ..oldiers .alone. The other 
 reven,,«s from tobacco and the fanning of the excise do not brinir in as much, as the duty on 
 beavers and for want of silver money or another ami better circulating nuMlinm the latter is ixu.l 
 in wampum at 10 pieces for a stiver, according to the rules of the treasury. liefore the wampum 
 18 reduced to the valuation of beaver, at 7 fl, it suffers a depreciation of .".o ,,. ..f., la.,,iuse beaver 
 Kilculated at the usual rate of Sfl, is bartered an.l valueut wo leave this to your wiser judgment. 
 Our general and the private letters of the Director-General have already spoken of the loss, 
 which not only the lleoeiver, but also individuals, officers as well as inhal)itants, s\iiTer by the 
 receiving and paying out of wampum, l)ecau!se for want of some other kind t)f money or coin it is 
 a legal tender between indivichials. Whatever orders, rules and reductions may be made and 
 carried out, they do not i)rovcnt its depreciation and further losses. Tlie lower it is reduced, the 
 more the trader gives for a beaver, going, as we said before, as far as l.l or 1(5 fl. To reduce the 
 price of wampum to 12 or 10 for a stiver, as we reduced it from 8 to 10 in receiving it at our 
 otliees, will remedy the evil only for a brief period ; the trader would give the length of one 
 hundred hands, instead of fifty and he, who reci-ives it at so much a guihh'r, would lose .s(j much 
 more time and have so much more trouble in counting it. To declare it absolutely bullion and 
 not receivable at so much a guilder, would endanger the beavertrade and lead it into other 
 channels; nor can it be done lus long as we have no other currency here for the retail trade. On 
 the other side we are taught by experience, that if we let it go, as at ])resent, wampum will 
 depreciate more and more every year, the inhaliitanis grow poorer and houses and lands go to 
 ruin. We ts'onld tiierefore ricpiest you once more, to consider measures by which coin or some 
 sort of currency may bi; brought into this country: we have repeatedly submitted to you our 
 plans on this siibject, namely, that beavers and other furs should be reduced in price and kept 
 under the market price in the Fatherland ; all merchants, Scotchmen and traders, be warned to pay 
 their duties for tobacco and beavers at our office hei'e iind to make the calculations accordingly. 
 We hope and believe, that such a method would bring speiie into the country and request you to 
 recommeml to Vice-Director Bc('l\ that be jiay in coin for the provision-; and other material 
 reipiired from here, for which Iw has to pay in money, when obtained from the Fatherland or 
 elsewhere, and that as often as lie receive-^ from here goods for account of the Company they be 
 accepted at Ihilland valuation and cash remitted for them. Tiiis would atTord great facilities to 
 the trade, but we submit o\ir limiteil knowledge cheerfully to your superior wisdom. 
 * * * * 
 Coi)ies of the represent.'tlous and requests made by the En 'ih villages, which have been 
 deprived of religious iustrui'tion lor some time and now take advantage of the departure by the 
 '• /?(/»A'/!v),' " of a minister from S> m Kntjl'tml, Mr. Wiilinm Lcrcivts, are sent herewith and will 
 inform you (jf ilieir wishes. We have no doubt you will reply as favorably as possible. 
 Tl;e two prea<'hers, lately arrivcil, D'" nJ,>ni and Sdijm, had been placed conform to your 
 directions and tluiir call. In t!ie meantime three or four other villagi s still need preaiihers and 
 are depriveil of religious services, namely AV'/' rirtcht and (IrdViKind on Loiuj hltind, Niw 
 Ilaerlem on this Island and a new planted village of about thirty fanulies across the iVorM 
 river. Neciissitv therefore recpiires, that two pious and learned candidates be sent over besides 
 the desired Kuirlish pnMchers. 
 .» ■ •» * « 
 Fort AinKUrdim in \. .V., tiie (!'" of October KitlO. 

 I'^di'ly Colonial Settlements. 
 Honorable, Wise, Prudent and Very Worsl.ipfnl Gentlemen, 
 not t^^*;;:!;;;;;';; 7 f ?■;'" ^^^o^^^. have s1,own u. tl. plan of tins city, which we did 
 C::;:::;! ';Sirrt;;:;;'K^^^^^^^^^^ --- - 
 drawn ,n pcrspoct.vo by Sieur Anyu.tln Ilecnnans three or tour years a'o o ^.p Z , ,' 
 r^.;:.:^::;-:dS^ - :r- ^"- - - -- - -- ..^other;:;XtC :;:;; 
 October ti"' loco. 
 Sent by the hands of Miohrwl Muyen via New England. 
 Honorable, Wise, Prudent and Very Worahipful Gentlemen. 
 Although since wri^in« onr In.t general and private letters by the ships which left here Inst 
 ast summer, httle or nothing worth reporting has occurred, I neither could nor dared to 1 e Jn k 
 me. ^W/.y/.;.,tog,ve h.s master a better verbal report ouncerning the discovered test m 
 he great hopes for n.aking pot and ,..A ashes. If it can be continued on a largeTc 
 future tnne, we n.ay hope, that it will help to ,nake the country pro..perons bv incS s ,^ tr h' 
 F.pula .on and nangation. We have no doubt therefore, that yo, ' vil! enconny h m a S oS e^ 
 L^^K« PKOM TUK nr.ECTOHS TO STrvvKs.v^r : n.„-.vnAu,Ks ; Mr.v.sTKu.. f«u tuk EKot.sn 
 Vi.LAGES ox Lo.v,; rs,.AN„; En«us., S^rrLEus ,n Nkw Nktukklan..; CnuKomncr.L ko. 
 JJhooklyn; Staten Island 
 The 24'" of December ICGO. 
 Honorable, Prudent, Dear, Faithful. 
 Onr answer to your letters of the 21" of April, 25"- of June and 20'" of Julv receive.l bv 
 tue "Z?#y.," " Troum" and '^ Sta Vatarina," is contained in the enelo.sed writin- of the 10'" u"f 
 September, which we had disj.atched in the private ship " //,/,/,.." but a.s sht n.et with an 
 accident near the Texd ,nd was injured, whi,.], prevented her proceeding on her vovage our said 
 answer has been detah.e.l until today. Since that tin.e the ships' " />',,v,-," '- JA>«7,j„« " 
 nonte.oc,^ <^ hyckrnhoom^^ and ^^ Guldm Ott.,-- arrived here, bv which we received yonr 
 g...nera letter of the tJ'" of October. We shall answcM- it now as bri,.flv as possible 
 That you hear no mention ma-le of the threatened invasion by the Enqlixh neighbu,-. is i„ 
 aec'ord w,th our opinion, expresscl in our last letter, here enclosed. ' We are'still more e„Mlr>Med 
 • Sfi- Vola. XII, p. WJ ftiiil .Vni, p. 1!)0 
Neio Yorl Illstm'iml Records. 
 in onr opinion, since wo Icani, that, tlu; siiid EngUnh profess now to ho goou Royalists. Tlie King 
 will not, wo believe, support thciii in tlieir nnjustitied claims, nnicli less encourage tlieni to 
 usurpation, as the preceding government has undoubtedly done. 
 As to your eareful suggestion, that wo would do well to take advantage of this change of afTaira 
 and endeavor to have the boundary question finally settled, the enclosed copy of our represertation 
 will tell you, what wo have done and accomplished so far in this matter. Their High: Miglit: 
 have given special instniotions regarding it to their ambas.sadors and t!ie latter have not only 
 arrived in England, but also have had several audiences of his Majesty ; we mnst now await the 
 result in patience, but are Tiot quite idle, for we have addressed and sent representations to the 
 said ambassadors, asking that the matt(!r might soon be discu.-^scid -Md settled. "We are not satisfied 
 with the provisional agreement concerning the boundary, made tliere, but desire redress for the 
 usurpation of our lands and tresspas npon our jurisdiction at the Fresh river and upon Long 
 Idand ; because the CompaTiy has been injured too much by that agreemcMit and expects to be 
 treated in their good cause with more fairness and justice by the present King and to obtain a. 
 more favorable settlement of the question. Wo should like, that npon this occasion the absoluti' 
 liberty of trade between our people and the Kngb's/i there were discussed and if possible conceded, 
 but iis we see little hope or chance to obtain this here, while it is a matter of great import.ance to 
 the province of New Netlic.rland and its inhabitants, wc must urge you most earnestly, to use all 
 possible means and treat wHh your English neighbors there about it, eo that the commerce 
 between the two ivitions and places may become recii)rocal and safe. ^ 
 We are willing to believe, that the servants of the Company there are satisfied with receiving 
 their salaries in beavers at Til, because they lose nothing by it, beavers selling here now at ilfl and 
 more. But we are not plcasi.'d, that the payments cannot Ix^ made in this currency at present and 
 you therefore desire to throw this burden again ui)on our shoulders, as we notice by several new 
 attempts , it is against our orders ami intentions, for if the payments cannot all be made in beavers, 
 you must pay out wampum. Nobody need complain, when it is reduced for that purpose to 
 Holland or lieaver valuation. Although you seem to insinuate, that the general revenues do not 
 amount to as much, as you rcipiire. on account of the present burdens, especially the large military 
 force, we believe, that by applying economy in many cases, you might find yourselves a!)le to make 
 these payments: the books, which you s.nt us, will probably prove that, when we shall have found 
 time to examine them. If contrary to our belief they show a dilTerent .state of alTairs, then the 
 expenses there mu.st be diminished and cut down ; you might begin with the military establishment, 
 for it is utterly unnecessary io keep 250 soldiers in tlu; service now, that you need not fear any 
 troubles from your E:'gli.sh neighboi-s or from the savages, ami it is too expensive and iHyuiid the 
 means of the Ccinqiany to !»aintain the establishment for the purpose of detying both nations or 
 obtaining their respect. You can enlist soldiers thcrt! at all times and keep them under arms for 
 a short period, as the Fren.'h and English hav(! always done, who in planting their colonies on 
 your continent, in the Curihedn and other islands never employed or kept soldiers for their 
 preservation or jiroteetion. This has made tlieiii so much more cautions and caused less expense 
 while it iiicrea.sed their ]>r(>tits, so that they have tlourished and increased so much sooner. \\\- 
 direct and charge you therefore to get rid of as many sohliers as possible, not only by discharging 
 those who hav(! or soon will have- served their term, but also by encourgsiging the others to apply 
 f(.r their discharge and then to remain in the country. Yon may otier the latter some inducements, 
 » See Col. Hues Vol. XII, p. :i;W. 
 Earhj Colonial Settlements. 
 perhaps hy iilluttin- niul j;r:iMting tlu.m ,i lai-or paivol of froc.d Im.u], c.r wliiiti'vor dso yon l.diovo 
 to l.e the best: the revenues will then not only he suflieient, hut even exeee.i tiie exponse.s and we 
 nmy at last hope to see and enjoy here tlie long exi^eeted profits. You propose, that 24000 to 
 2on00tl should he sent over in goods, hut the (\.n.pany has not the funds to ilo it now ; hesides we 
 thuik It would he inoro disadvantageous, than prolitahle and we have the same opinion ot H.o 
 goods and conin.odities sent for distrihntion anu.ng the soldiers. Anyway, tiio Company is not 
 compelled to make such remittances, especially when wo pay the soldiers, what wc have promised 
 them; this has hitherto been done, as the payments were made at /^//,»i7 valuation eitlier in 
 heavers or in wampum. It is quite sure that the indolent profit hut little by these distributions, 
 as they sell them often at an a.lvanceand spend the j-roeeeds in riotous living, while the frugal and 
 careful men see to it and give orders, on receiving their i)ay there, to have the required things 
 bmught from hnv by some opportunity or by .some skipper, to whom they entrust the commission. 
 We send therelore very little this time, for the more you indulge the .soldiers the more indolent 
 they grow, as several instances in the Company's foreign service prove, which we need not repeat 
 Jiere, a^s you have been yourself a witness of what occurred in the Citv's Colony. * 
 We have written .several times about the depreciation of wampuni, but we cannot discover any 
 other means to prevent it. than to reduce it again, whieh must be done, whenever you think llm't 
 the time and circumstance., are convenient, as we told you in our last letter. Your statement, that 
 the continued rcdui^tious impoverish the inhabitants and ruin hoiLses and lauds and that tlierefore 
 we cannot go on reducing it, unless some otlier currency is brought into the country, astonishes us 
 because we have before us so many instances to the contrary, not only among the heathens, but 
 also amoiig Christian people, for instance your own ueighbo.-s, Rujlish and French, there an.l in 
 the Carihean and other islaiuls of the W,.4 Indie,, where no silver money is in ciirulation f an^ at" tlie North 
 * NfW Ain.sU'1, now .\,w CaMle,, Ihl. See Vol. XII, Col, Doc. 
 f The Directors are mUtnkon : i„ X,w Ku;,lan,l Mv.v money of their own coinage wa,, in circulation together 
New YorJe Ilktorwal Records. 
 unexpcctodly profess to l)c' j^ooil IloyiiliHts ; as to tlie conditions, tliey can only bo tho general ones 
 imposed upon all our inlmbitants and on which they are admitted. 
 * * * » . » 
 We have been pleased to receive the map of tho City of New Amsterdam.: wo noticed, that 
 according to our opinion too great space'j are as yet without buildings, as for instance between 
 Smee Street* and Princen Orac/itf or between Prince Street\ and Tni/n Street, j;. also between 
 Ileeren Street^ and lievers (iracht, || where tho houses apparently are surrounded by excessively 
 large lots and gardens ; perhaps with the intention of cutting streets through them, when tho 
 population increases, although if standing closer together, a defense might be easier. We leave 
 this to your consideration and care. 
 * * • « ♦ 
 As 1)° Sclyns has asked us, to send a good bell for the church at Brooklyn, which could be 
 used to call togetiier the country people in times of distress, we have resolved to send it if possible 
 with this ship, also another for the Enopitx, that they may use them on proper occasions. 
 The agreement, made by us with the executor and co-heirs of the late Baron Frederick van 
 der Capelle tho lii/ssef, o-ncerning his pretended claim u])on Sfatcn Is/and and its dependencies, 
 is here enclosed for your information. You are now tlirected and authorized, to receive, demand 
 and have properly conveyed to you such rights, houses, buildings, implements, cattle and other 
 things, as the said Baron van der C'aj>eUc tho liyssel may have had or laid claim to on tho said 
 island, and to take innnediate possession of it, tliat nothing of the property may be carried ofiF to 
 the detriment of the Company. You may believe, we would not have been so liberal in this matter, 
 if the executor and the other heir.s had not been perfectly willing to take in payment outstanding 
 accounts against the Province of Guelderland. 
 * * # # « 
 Herewith &c &c 
 Amsterdam, Your good friend 
 the 24'" of December 16G0. The Directors of the W. I. Company 
 Department of Amsterdam 
 Auk. Wii.meuix)nk. 
 Jacob Pekoens M. P. 
 To tho Director-General and Council of JVew Nethrrland. 
 CoLNOii, Minute. l'ii(K;KKni.\Gs .MjAiNsr (Juakers at jAMAroA, L. I. Land at Flatbush. 
 Anno 1001. In the name of the Lord, Amen."f 
 Whereas some inhabitants of /i'listdorp iiave urgently reipie^ted that one of the clergymen of 
 this City come over some day, to preacii and ba|)tize several childreti ; and whereas his Honor, the 
 Director-General, has been informed by letters from said village and from Vlissingen and 
 Middelhoryh, that membei-s of the .H'ct, called Quakers, have imcommoiily free access to the house 
 of ouc Umry Touwnsen of said village, who wad tiierefore arrested a few days ago, 
 *Wmiam Street. 
 ■f Broad Street above Mj-ehange Place. 
 \ Eiehaitge Place, betwueu Uroadicay aud Broad Street. 
 ^ Broitdway. 
 I Beaver Street. 
 *j First eutry io the Council Miautea for 1061. 
 Earhf Cohnial Settlements. 
 Domino Samud Drif^lua nnd tho Uiulor Sellout were to-day tout there witli the following 
 letter, to obtain better information about it : 
 Lovinj^o Friends 
 Vppon petition of mini of yow beoinpc iosiroiiH 'li.it llioyro Children might hi! Baptysed, wo 
 have sent one of our Ministers, to witt; Mr. Smnuei UriexiuH & Whereas we Oredihly were 
 jnformed that jf the (jiiaeckern and other Sects contra to Order & Law private Conventickles had 
 been kept, "Wo have sent our .substitute Seholt and one of oiir Clercrpies for to tacke notice of 
 it — liequiriiif^eifeOrderinge you by these presents that you shall give viito them, an Exact lU'count 
 & true Information ware in watli house, such viilawful conventicles ware kopt, and wath persons 
 therein had Exercysed, wath persans— men, or womiiian there h;i ! )n • i.j j :i'sent — ik which person 
 tho meetinge did c.iii, and further of all Circiinistancus beloii^^ingo to it. So after my Love I slial 
 Amsterdam in the New Your lovingo friend & Guvernour 
 Nethcrland this 8"' oil 
 .ranuary A° 1001. 
 1)° Driesius, ResoheeH Waldi'on, the Provost and jVicohtcs Bayard, Clerk, proceeded pursuant 
 to tho foregoing letter to Jiiutilorp, hit-t Saturday, the 8"" of January, where they arrived in tho 
 evening. D° />/•/<*< (/.v preached twice the next day and hapti/ed eight children and twoagrd women. 
 The Under Sellout had meanwhile been informed, that a meeting of Quakers was being held at 
 Oraivsi'nd, and in comjiaiiy of Xicohwn Bayard went there early on ^[onday morning, but tho 
 Quaker had escaped. They returned to this; place in the evening, bringing with them tho 
 Quaker's cloak and Sam Spycer, because he with several others had not only followed and 
 listened to tho Quak(;r in >everal conventicles, but als() entertained him in his mother's hou'^e. 
 They further brou^ 'it the following notice and the list of persons who were j)resent at the Quaker 
 meeting : 
 Xotition of the Names that havebcen jn the meeting of the (piaecker, named N. N. jii the 
 house of Henry Tnwiisin given vp to vs by .Mr. Ititchard Kecrclt iV: Xathanidl Dmiton : 
 1 Henry I'omnsen hath beene a warningo the I'eople from doore to doore or they would iiott 
 come to his house for their was a* learned man. 
 1 Sam Spieer I r /j . .,„ , , 'i Sa)iiuel Deen&,\ns^'\1o. 
 1 /' ,i;,'r-n f ot (fravesanae. n r i t c i • -r 
 1 Sam Andriea. 1 Riteliard BrhtneU. 
 1 RHchard Harclter. 1 liirliard Cliaxmoor. 
 persons 1 1 
 Thus Testifyed in the Presence of Jiesolveert Waldron in the house of liliehard Kwrctt att 
 Rmtdorp this 9"' Jannuary .\° lOf'.l. wiis underwritten. 
 Nota: The name of the Quaker HnxmAKO EvKufrrr. 
 above mentioned is Geonje Wilson. Natiia.mki.i, Uknton. 
 January 13'^ Thursday. 
 Present his Honor, tlu? I)irector-(teuoral Petrua Stuyvenan/, and the Councillors Nicasiua de 
 Sille and Johan de Deckere. 
 To their Honors, the Uiretrtor-General 
 and Council of .Yew Nctherland. 
 Show with due reverence the Schout and Schejiens of tlie village of Mhlwout ; your Honors 
N&w Y(yrk IIUU)rical Records. 
 liavo been [>leaiiod to j^ivo your verbal conHent to tho pooplo of said villngo of Midtoout, thai they 
 might mow every year n certain piece of moadowland near the Canarisse^ to supply thcmsolves 
 witii fodder for their cattle, which, prainod be God, numbor now many lieada ; the inhabitants of 
 this villaj^o have done so for Moine years past without being prevontml, but your potitionerH bear in 
 mind, that suddenly sijuiebody else might lay claim to these meadows, which, if it happened 
 would tond not only to the decrease nud dlsadvantagi; \w it, they lirought forward many frivolous excuses; tiiat they had only called on 
 their friends, that no law forbade friends to meet each other, etc. As they gave no pertinent 
 answer, tho Fiscal was directed to give them a copy of his charge and demand for sentence, to 
 which they an t.) give answer on the next court day. They were then taken back to their 
 confinement. |)ateas above. f 
 Loovinge Fl'ieiul. 
 Whereas tli.' Experiancy from tyiu.- to tyme to our great displeasure «fe Contempt hath 
 •Thia "OrdliiRnce affiiliiHt Convonticles" waa paasod Feb. 1,1636. See Laws of Neie Netherland, p. 211 and 
 l)r B. n nu'alhtghaii's note fnllowiiiK it — B. F. 
 t A fi!W liavH latiT ll'iu-;/ I'.nnitend was rondemnod to a fine of 85 pounda Flemish, and Sum SpiriT to pay 13 
 IM)UMd9. Juhn 'JXHiin of Unii-vwrnl Mid Ju/iii Toumaaid of Jamaica were buuiahed, and Mrs. Micth Spicar, Sam's 
 mother, waa acquitted upon Iut aaaertion, that alie did noi know (/(«. Wilton aa a CJuaker. 
 Jiarly ColonuU Settlementt. 
 shewed vs tlmt onr act i% Orders, ui't fortli ngninst nil the Bopnrato Oonvonticloii woroaotkopt and 
 obsorved, accordin^j: to tlio toniior of our good Ititciitionn, KH|Kwially amoiiK yoii in the Towno of 
 RmUlorp, mooro tlmt somu in wliom wo \m\ put tni»t \^' A" 1001. 
 Your lovingo Friend & Govcmour. 
 PaTKNT FOK I-ANll I.V Ft.AlI.ANl), L. I. 
 rd)-H.'< Stu>jvm>j IxJand, boundo.1 on the northeast side by tho land of 
 Jan Markmen ITo n..ls in length, the southwest si.le niea.suring 200 rods, tho southeast side OC 
 r...l8 an.l the northwest si.le 00 r...ls, containing 28 m.,rgens 75 rods: with tho express condition 
 Fort Amsterdam, m New X,tha'land, the 2!t"' of January 1001. 
 494 .Eb^rZy Colonial Settleimnts. 
 CoPNciL Minute. The formation of a new village on Long Island, (Brooklyn.) 
 We, the undersigned, respectfully request the Dircctor-(}enei'iil and Council of New 
 Netherland, that they consent aiul allow us to form a village between tlie laud of Timis Gijdertsen 
 liogaert and the land of Jacob Kip on the bank of the river, whore wc can see the Manlialans or 
 Fort New AiJistenJam. 
 This first of March A" 1(560. 
 By me AcH Anthoninstn Middach Jean Ze Vler 
 By me Toiu.'< Gijuhertsen Bo(ja<:H PhUipp Berrhntal 
 The mark ^f* of Gerrit Uendricksen Bachor Cristyna Cappoens 
 Jacob Kip March 1", 1660 
 Tlie mark ;:U )f Jorcsy Rapalje. 
 lO'" of Febru! ry 1661. 
 Whereas George Rapalje, Teunis Gyshertsen Bogaert, Aert Anthonissen Middach, Jan de 
 CJcrcq and Philipp Berchstal with several otlier persons have asked and received the permission 
 of the Director-General and Council of New Netherland to form a hamlet between the lands of 
 the said Teu/iid Gi/sbcrtsen Bogaert and Jacob Kip imd whereas upon the consent having been 
 given some persons began to build houses at the aforesaid place, while the abovenamcd and other 
 parties fail to do it, although tlicy themselves asked for it, as proved by the foregoing jictitioii, 
 which is not only to the great disadvantage of those who have already built, but also will cause 
 the decay of the hamlet, 
 Tiierefore Courtmessengcr Claes van Ehlandt is directed to warn said persons for the last 
 time and inform them, that pursuant to former order?, and placats they imist remove from their 
 separate bouweries before tlie 1.",'" of .Marcli next, on the penalty as prescribed by law. Date as 
 Thursday, February 24"' 1660. 
 Received and read tlie petition of Joris Rapalj- Teunis Gyshertsen Bogaert, Rem Jamen 
 Sniit, Kveret D'lrcks- n van N^^s, Jan Jorisso Rapalje, Jan Le 01 ere,j and Wynant I'ietersen, who 
 request, that they might be excused from the order, sent to them on the lOth inst and be alloweil 
 to erect for their defense a blockhouse on the hook of Joris Jiapalje's land. 
 It was answered : 
 The petitioners shall appear with Jacob Kip and Christina Oippoeris at tin; next meeting 
 of the Director-General and Council in Kort Amsterdam, when the jiarties on both sides will be 
 March 3^ To the Noble, Very Worshipful Director-General 
 and Council of New Netherland. 
 Show with due respect and revorenco the undersigned tar.;iers, all living or having land in 
 and near the Waelebocht, that as faithful iiihaliitauts and obedient subjects they have at all times 
 been and iirc still willing and ready, to obey and observe your Honors' good and praiseworthy 
 ordinances, firmly beliitving, that they were intended only fcr the general welfare of this province 
 in general and the advaiitiigr, prosprnty and well-being of each iiidisidual inhabitant. However 
 your Honors have been jdciuied a short time ago, to direct iqion the re(juest of Jacob Kip and his 
New Yorh Histoncal Records. 
 followers, that a village Bliould bo formed and a blockhouse erected at the end of said Kip's land on 
 the hill, and to order your petitioners to remove there with their dwellings, while experience and fact 
 have disclosed, that this place is altogether inconvenient, because the woodland thereabout is too 
 full of stones to be turned into iields and apparently there is no or at least very little chance of 
 harvesting any crops from it, working it with a plough being impossible on account of the many 
 rocks and cre,-ices and your petitioners could therefore not earn a bare living there by their hardest 
 labor. It is furthoni.om impossible on account of the micommon height, to make convenient and 
 sufficient wells, as proved by Jan cle Kcwper's well near his house on the low ground, into which 
 he haa to climi u a ladder dipping the water with a ^mall vessel, but not obtaining enough for 
 the two familie , who live there now. When they want to water their cattle, they are obliged to 
 haul water in Ciisks from the well of Teunis GyiiheHsen, the most troublesome and disadvantageous 
 labor for a husbandman keeping cattle, the sinews of farming. God Almighty, whose name be 
 praised, has blessed your petitioners with a consi.leral.l.i number of animals, but it has been 
 observed, that the creeks in the woods frerpiently arc dry during the snnnuer and if then we had 
 not a sufficient supply of water near our houses, the animals would perisli for want of it ; likewise 
 in the winter, when they are kept in the 8tal)les, they must be watered every day, while the roads 
 are often so extremely hard and sharp, at other times so deep and muddy through heavy rainfalls 
 or impracticable through snowdrifts, that it is almost impossible to go to Teunls G jsbertseiCs^ tor 
 water; which your petitionei s sorrowfully see their neighbors attemi)ting every day. As good subjects 
 your petitioners therefore respectfully re.pu'st your Honors, that in consideration of the in-ecedmg 
 statement you will allow them to erect a blockhouse on the hook of JorLi Rapaljc, where they 
 may retreat in times of need. They consider that place much more couvenient, because by nature 
 it is easier defended and stronger, while water from the very nol)lest spring in the country would 
 he near the work and their bouweries and plantations, so that your jietititjuers shall be able to live 
 there better, n^re cuuveuiently and more prosi)erous ; they w..uld build a bridge of the width of 
 two or three planks over tlu'kiU, so that high water could not separate them, and give to every 
 one, who desiriHl to settle auiong them, a suitable lot for a house and garden and convey it to him 
 ill fee absolute. Tims with (iod's lielp it might grow up into a handsome village, able to defend 
 itself, a pleasure to your Honors and a consolation to your petitioners, who, in the hope of a favor- 
 able answer, remain 
 ,Tkan Lie Clkuoq, 
 .1 Ai; Jouts Uai'ai,.i1':, 
 The mark nl Wv.svnt PiKTKltsKM. 
 The mark of Jouis U.m'ai-tk, 
 Vour Honors' very humble petitioners 
 and faithful subjects 
 Toms Gvsiii:insi.:.\ T-ouAiiKT, 
 Rkm Janskn Smith, 
 EvKUT DiKi Ks Van As. 
 The petitioners meniioned in the preceding request appeared with Jacob A>j> and (;hri.'<(uia 
 6'a;>;w-7,,v, before the l)ireetor-(ieneral and Council, pursuant to the smnmon ol the L'-t'" of 
 February. The petition was read and the arguiueuis of both sides heard, whereupon it was 
 The Director-t.eneral and Council reaffirm their order of the 10'" of February, as communicated 
 to the petitioners. 
 Dated as above. 
 J^arli/ Colonial Settlements. 
 Council Minute. Thk iNiiABiTANra of Nkwtown, L. I., i-ktition, that tiiky ma.v usk the 
 Minister's house and glebe kou sohool pcuposes. 
 To tlie honorable Lord Stuyvesant I^ord goiierall of tlie A^eio Netherlands tlio huinblo petision 
 off your Lordships petisioiiers — 
 That wherejis (Jod hatli beeno pleased off laet years to deprive vs off Mkldleborrow of 
 Longeylandt off the piiblyck nieunes of gratte & salvation, audalsoe off EduwUion oil our children, 
 in Seholasticall discipline, the way to true happinesse, but yet God in iiiorcy off laet hatli provided, 
 for vs a helpo meete for the discipline of education of our children and by tlie same person helpe 
 in the Saboth exercys wee therefore, who never gave nor consented to the gi veinge of the howsin'^e 
 and Lands, built and fenced in, and alsoo dedicated for the Use of the publyce dispensation off 
 God's word Vnto Us, wee humbly Tntrcato your honnorable Lordshipe that this our sayde 
 Schoolmaster Richard Milh by name may bee by your Lordshipps order be possessed of the sayde 
 housinge and Lands, for his use and ours also, for our childreus Education and the Saboths exercyse, 
 the wliich God doeth rcqnier, and wee have neede for vs and our children tliereof as the housiiige 
 now Stand it is licke all to goe to racke and ruyne, the fences faellinge dowiic, the house and 
 banie decay inge & wan teth reuayre and FraiieU Doiotyc doeth not repay re it, nor the towiie, 
 as it stands betwcene him and them will not repayre it, and by this nieanes is licke to come to 
 nothing in a shorle time and soo wee and your Lordsliippc alsoo by this meanes shal be disappointed : 
 tiierefore our hutnble recpiest is to your b rdsliippi'. is that this our Schoolmaster, and at present 
 our souls hel[.e in dispencinge Gods word to vs and (nirchildi'en Everyo Lords day, may be settled 
 in it, to injciye it without any molestation from FrancinDoitijhfi/, or any of his, for suo longe time 
 as God sliall be plciised to Continue him amongst vs, or to provyde another for vs thus knowinge 
 that your Lordshipp is willinge to further Our Souls good as wel as our bodyes, Wee rest your 
 Lordships humble ])etisioriers & humble subjects 
 Thomas Ilunte Mary Ryder 
 Francis Swayne John Bank, r 
 Jam/\rivaet iierrvtadge, 
 provyded if liee cither his wyfe, hath to d.niiand any remaynder of meanes or wages, of her 
 deceased husband, Mr. John Moor, laet Minister of the aforementioneil towne it beeinge made 
 apcer, these presence doeth order the .Magestrates and Inhal)it,ints of the sayde towne to give 
 vnto the heyres, what is done vnto them. Actum Amnter"' in the ^V. N. lamlx, this IS'" of 
 February Anno ICCl. 
 1'. Stlvvkhant. 
 LErri;ii kimm John IIioks to J)iiji:(;roi{ SrrvvK-;\.vr i?o.vi'kii.vi\ i iiik M vdisru.vi.v ok I[i;Mi'sn;.\i> 
 A.Ni) Stivvksant's A.vswkk. 
 Right honorable our towne presented by nomanation to vo' h.mor \ mv.n to conlirme 2 of them 
 for the present yeare wheare of Mr. Robert Ashman wasa one that y' honer Wiise pleased to 
 I)lo petisioii 
 ''Cborrow of 
 111' elulJruii, 
 li [n-ovidod, 
 ersun lielpo 
 10 liowsiiiijo 
 tjiisiition off 
 our siijdo 
 f tlio saydc 
 IS cxei'cyse, 
 10 liousiiigo 
 lioiiso and 
 the towiio, 
 to coino to 
 appoiiitod : 
 at pi'Ofioiit 
 (• 1)0 sottled 
 loiigo time 
 i kiiowinpfo 
 ! rest your 
 iw follows : 
 )iuu!riie, to 
 ills ol! tiio 
 lyek vsc of 
 ;es, of hor 
 iiigo mado 
 110 to givo 
 lis IS"" of 
 2 of tliom 
 ploafiod to 
 New York Historical Jiecords. 
 coiiforiiK! hut hee for the iirosciit rofiisutli to sonio or act as a Magistral and that for these rcasous 
 first 1)00 (■au^o lieo cano nether wriglit nor read secondly bee ciiuso that there is a report in our 
 towno tliat some of our towno ether by them selues or some other should inform y' honor that 
 Mr. (rihhTdeene wase noo Hto iiiiiii for the place the bearjr lieare of Mr. Ashmim cano further 
 in forme y'' honor by word of mouth if y' honor see cause to make any change of the conformation 
 hoe plea.sed if it standeth with y' lioners weall liking to in forme the townewith a few linos vnder 
 y' hand soe with luy humble Respects to y' Honor in loyall oboadancc. 
 Ihiapsteed tliis Y" John Hickes. 
 2;?of ffoh. Kifil. 
 Lovingc! Friends. 
 Whereas Mr. Roheri Axhnwn. bi^foro vs made the Complaint of his Inabilyties for the place 
 of Magestracio, because he could not wright nor road «fe tliat therefore lie could (k)e little lieli)o 
 both in Towno & Magestrai'ie, dotiireiug therefore earnestly that woo would free him of that office 
 and to 8up[)lyo the Towno with a fitter man out of those that formerly wore i)resontod vnto vs by 
 jour nomination, to wliich Changemont for many Reaons could not Cuiidesenil, but Coiisideringe 
 his vnfltnoss it alsoo the letter of the Eldest Magostraet Mr. Ilkkes sent to that purjjoso by the 
 befoi'imentioiiod xUhumn — Wee have judged a mooro fitter way, bettor for the Towno in generaly 
 to ade out of the Xominate persons, a fit & well knowue man vnto the twoo formytarye 
 Magcstrates, ( : to wit, Mr. lili'hanl Gildorsloooe which many tyinos both to vs and the Townes 
 Confeiit hath supplyod the Magestracio, in your Towno, beeinge it a bettiM- moore sat'ter way in 
 the Magestracio and Inoquall as the Etjuall noinbor, 8oo after my Love I Rest. 
 25 of Febr>' lOOl. Your Lovinge Friend ife Governour 
 P. Stuyvesant, 
 To the Magestrates & Iiiliahitan-; nt" ThcmeHteedc. 
 Post Scrifit ; 
 Whereas wee by the Bearers were Informed that by want of a Minister now soo longo 
 Continued many children amongst yow were viibabtyzed — we are Resolved to send witii the first 
 opportunity One of our Ministers (: to wittOMr. />/vV'.s7;(A'( to admiiiistraet that Sacranient vnto 
 tiioM- that airordinge to the word and "rdi-r of (Ji>d an' de-irons of itt, hoopinge & not doiibtiiige 
 that yow will iim; all possihi'll meaiies that the t.iwiie may tymely be suiijilyed with an aiiie ife 
 orthodox Minister to tiie Ivlilit itioii ol' Gods glorie and your owne Salvation, soo after my Love 
 I Rest ut supr.i. 
 Pursuant to the promise, made to the people of tin; village of ILimb'ivl on the 25"" of 
 Februarv. D" S,i/n)iis pmcceded tu that place on the Id"" of March and after the sermon 
 baptized 41 children and an aged woman. 
 (,'oi:n('1l Mini ti;. Ai'1>i>intmem o* MAumrBArKS kou Uhooklyn and mu Gkavesexp. 
 March 21»S 16*11. 
 Received the nomination, made and submitted by the Schout and Schepons of the village of 
 Brooklyn witli the request, that tlu' Director-General and (^>uiicil would select from thrir mimber 
 the Srhcpcns for the eiiMiing year to take the places of those, whoso term now expires. 
 The Director General and Council have therefore selected and confirmed as Schepons 
 Teuui'i Niexeyt, Willeia i,n ran Couioen/ioivniuu] Ti'unia Jaimen. 
 Full AinKtinfiiir. in Xem .\V//('7'A(/((/, date as above. 
 Early Colonial SettlemenU. 
 Thnrsdav, March 31", 16fil. 
 Kueeivuil aiul read tlui iiomiiiatii.ii, nmiio by the inliahitants of Gr(uw.^,;i(l on loiuf Inland 
 conform to tlieir patent, for Magistrates of said village to sei-ve during tiie ensuing year. They 
 have nominated 
 Will Willckcn>i 1 
 John Cooke V as Magistrates. 
 Will, Bowne j 
 S'haiies Monjan as Sellout. 
 The following answer was written under the nomination ; 
 The ahoulf m..nti,mud persons are aoeordingh to order by these presents Authorized and 
 Confirmed as Magistraats for tlie Towne ,.iV (li-amsend Re.piiringli ail and every one whom these 
 mayConeerne to Estime them as our El.rted and Confirm..! Magistraats for the said Towne. 
 Aetmii Fort Amsterdam in N. ISftlurlanti, adii nt supra. 
 I'AssKi. Mahcu 31'', KUil. 
 (Sec Laws ,.f New Xct/urlam/, j)p. '.iSQ & 3i)U.) 
 Corxcn, Mtn.te. Salt Mk^uh.ws at MKs,.ATnK„, ; (iv8MKHT> Islano; Cu.k.-h at MiDWorr; 
 New Aknuem; Ex.isic o.\ Lo.m, Island. 
 .\uril 7"', lti*!l. 'p .1 • \f 1 1 ITT 1 . 
 ' ' I" IlK'ir Noble Worship.^ tlio Director- 
 (ieneral and Conneil of Xeir Nethcrlnud. 
 RcspcetfuJiy shows noma. W.nukK raiding at Me.potlu that he has be.M. informed that 
 all fhe meadows at Mcopathkil have been given and granted bv vour Honors to the farmer, living 
 in the vdlageof fios^nyrk, and that lh,y are to be distribute.'] bv lot. V„„, ,,..tili„n,.r w..uld 
 thereby lose his mea.L.w, giv.'M him by the Magistrates of MiddM.,r.-h up,.n v..i,r II.,,,,,,-.- ..r.jer 
 m tlu; y.:.ar 1.;,.4, wl,i,.h is the outerm..>t h,...k b.;tw«ra ^mU. hhnul -axxA f),.. land of tlu" late 
 hhhrt hn,j,lh,'rts.„, wh...-,. th.. latter was kille.l by the savages. Y,„.r p..titi,.n..r has ..ver si,,.... 
 pea<...ably ..r.-npie.! this „„.a,l„u-, n.,t k,i.,wingany bott.',-, than that it was his f,.,.., and own ......n, I'ty 
 bey.,„d whirl, h.. has not a fo.,t .,f salt „,..a.l.,w near his b„werv an.l without whi,.], it w,„.i,i 
 almost b.. ,mp.,ss,l,l.. t., live .„, the lan.l. Ho th..,vt;„-.. tu>-„> t,. v,,„r ir,„„,r> an.l humblv ,-..,|nests 
 that fh.. sai.i i,i..a.l.,u-. ...jutaining alMur f.mr m..,.:r,.„s, ,„av I,.. l,.ft t,, hi,,, f,,r his ,.w,i n... .,r tl-it 
 at least 1,.. niay .vceiv.. a sl,a,v in th," „K.a.l.,wsof Mexpatlu n..a,-..>. and ni,,st (..mv..ni..nt to bin, 
 and least in the way ot th,. fa,„i,.r> of Bo.mjck. .\ waiting y.,ur II,.;,,,,-,' favorabl.. .Ie,.isi,.n he is 
 and remains 
 \ iiiii- Iliiniii-s' hiimbli. pi'tition..,. 
 a,].! faithful i-.iibjeet 
 FT , .. , Tilii.MAS Wanhki.i.. 
 upon a vote it was answered : , 
 FV.fitioner must prove his titl.- t.. the mea.L.w m.-ntione.) hei-ein befoie tl„. DiriTtoi'-CJeneral 
 an.! Council. If he fails, the matter shall be .-..iisidei-.-d with the .others in .|u,. tini.,. Date iw 
New York Historical Jif cords. 499 
 Received and rciid tlx) petition of Anthnni/ Jansun oi Faea, WiUem Jo/nsen of Herkeloo, 
 Jan EinmuH of Cologne and Ferilinanilus ./amen of Siahehn, who ask fci- a eenaiii small ialand 
 south of (rravesend, calk'd (fi/nherfs Island, and t!ie meadows ])elonging to it. 
 The answer was : 
 The request is denied for good reasons. Date as above. 
 To till! N'oble Director-' °neral and the 
 Honorable Council of Sew Netherland. 
 Ilumbly show the nndorsigncd, that we have gratefully received 11415.10 — as a subsidy for 
 on.' diurch, but that wo are still indebted to 
 Mr. Jacoh N ., the barber for fl^T 
 our Schoohnastor Ren ier '^^ 
 and to a skipper, Sander N ^l 
 totrl fH!>'» 
 which we had hoped to pay out of the nioiicy  nnn'dered liv the sa\ages .'i morgens 
 near the tv>() lots of iSiC' -7/ '''/', who also 
 was killed by !l.: viires .") morgens 
 a short di.-fa.i.'e ( v.iirds t!ie woods 
 fresh water nieiiioA-a 4 morgens 
 tibial '-'■_' moreens 
 Kaiiy Colanial Settlements. 
 rhoy an.! wo liurnl.ly rcjuost tl.o Director-General and (Jouucil, that these ten men l.avinj: 
 taken ti.e new lots uuiy have the aforesaid n.cadowlan.l, for they eoul.l not live in our village 
 «nle8« tluy had .nmlovvH, nor do they know, where they couhi mow ^aan. for h.iy. Uun.hlv' 
 hopnfr, that the D.rector-denoral a«d Council will assist then., thev await yonr Honors' an«w.M- 
 Ro>myck, the 17.h of May 1661. y^,,,. ^i,,,,i^,,j ,,^,.^.,^,„^ 
 Pctkk Janskn Wit 
 The niiii'k of Jan Coknki.isskn. 
 The foregoing petition havinj; been received and read, it was answered as follows: 
 If the nieadowland herein mentioned is not (jovered hy any patent, they are granted to the 
 village of no>>m,,rk and the (Inniiniss.iries of Bo>nvy'k dv 
 We order and direct therefore ;,1| innkeepers, tappers and all, who .s..|| win,, ami beer at 
 retail, m the said village., on Low, I.shin,l not to lay in a store o winr. b,vr or distilled waters 
 unless they have first paid to the said Mr. Pan/.,, or bis representative the following ...vci^.' 
 payhle in beavers ,.r in wanipiim at the rate ,.f 12 white ..r 6 black beads for one stiver : 
 for a t(jn of domestic beer ,] , 
 for a ton of imported bec'r ,. 
 for a hogshead of Kri'iicb wine '>o _ ._ 
 for an anker do "4' 
 for an anker of S]).iiii.l)li;, \Voi'Hlii|(fiil I)ii'ei;tor-C4eni!rftl 
 and the llonoriiblo Council of New Netherkmd. 
 Show with dno respect the Schoiit nnd Sclicpons of thu villago of lireackien : Wlii-iiNiri your 
 Honors havo verbally consontwl and granted to the p(;oi)lo of waid village, foi- supplying their 
 cattle, of wliieh they have now, thanks he to (tod, a fair number, with sutlicieiit fodder, certain 
 parcels of nieadowland, near Fredvrick /.iMi>rt.si',i's Hook, and near the /,'/// //onh; in the Wdele 
 Bocht, also a small pii;c(! in the woods between the hills and the Hwainp, a parcel on the other side 
 of the third Kil, stretching Eastwardly along the seashore to the fourth Kil and Westwardly fro!ii 
 the shore to tlu) woods, 
 'rhercifore your petitioners very hnnibly and ro8p(!ctfully recpiost, tlmt your Honors will please 
 to grant to them the said meadows. In ordc^r that this petition may have as favorable a result as 
 possible, your petitioners find themselves compelled to submit it by virtue of their otlices and 
 recpiest that your Hoiioi-s will give the said village a patent for the meadows mentioned above. 
 Awaiting your favorable reply they are and remain 
 Vour Honors" willing subjects and servants 
 The Sellout and Sidiepens of 
 the village of B roxtclceleii 
 By their order 
 Adrian llcyenuin, Secr> |)r() hac 
 .lunei;?'" l(i(U. 
 'i'lie foregoing petition having been rec(»ived and reail, the fdilowiiig answer was given : 
 I'efore we deiM(h' on the main cpiestion, the [M'titiolU'rs must, cause all the meadows, mentunu'd 
 by them, and any others, ust'd by the iidiabifant.) of lireiicheli 11 and iioighborliood, (;xce|)ting the 
 meadows near Pvihrii'k Lnhhrrtufln'-* Hook, to bi^ surveyed bv the swoni Surveyor Jiii'(/iii>.urvevor, 
 Jiii'i/ui' imw larire each boiiwerv 
 >hall be. This done, the pe'itiou will be further considen.'d and disposed of, i)ate as above. 
 Mid.lh'hnr.jl,, the :i' of June. If.ill. 
 \Kv hereby ciM-tify to whom if may concern, th;it about six years ago Mr. < 'i>i> Awd Mr. Ihtzurd 
 anil soitic others went to the meadows .it Misintth kil .ind surveveil there by ordiT of the ( iovcriior 
 as the slian; of T/ioi'uu SY'imli'll a piece of nieadowland, containiii:;' about ten iicres. 
 >iirned) Kdw AKO .Iksoi'I' 
 The in.irk of K'm.i. Ho.nht. 
 Early Colonial tSettlemenU. 
 Aftor rciuliiij; the forcgoiiit;, it was rcsolvrtl to write ti) the Oimiiuissariea of lioauryck for 
 tiicir report on tliia matter, as follows: 
 Worthy, Dear, Faithful. 
 ThnmaK Wnndel lian represented to n;^, that the four niorgons of iiieailow, lying nearest to 
 Sm!th.i Ishoiil, which you askcil us to i,'raiit to the villMi,'e of Bonwijuk; belong to him, as the same 
 have bei'n allotted to him hy the Magistrates of Mldhlhiiivjh sonu; years ago, by our order as thev 
 say. Y'ou will therefore not dispose of the said parcel of meadow, before yon have given us an 
 explanation about it and have received our furriier orders. Relying thereon »!i:c ite 
 Fort Am' report, made by the Surveyor 
 Ja<'an\ to lay out and allot the 
 meadows, conform to the orders give!! him hi re, and onler and direct the Magistrates aliil all other 
 inhal)itantn of the said villages to be quiet and sati-tii'd with tlu' allotment .tiiij distrilintion of tlie 
 said meadows, to be made by Jao/ncs Cort<\j(>HiP, for we consider it lUH'essary for the peact>. 
 progress and inerea>e of lln' said villages. Date as above (.June 23'', 1001.) 
 Oou.seir, Mini iia. A ('oi ui .Mi:ssi;n(;i;u iok Kimuklvn, who is also to aci as Si iiooi.MAsriEt 
 Skxion, BKi.r.KiN'oKij die: (Jor.i.Kcno.v ok riiK TE.sriH i.n 1!i{oohi.vn asd Xkiohuokiiooh. 
 Julv 4"'. Itlill 
 T(» the Xoblc, \'ery W'ursliipUil 1 )irectiir ( renei'al 
 and the llonorai'h' ( 'oiuicil. 
 Show with due reverence the Sellout and Schepcns ol the Court of Ilrmiktlfii : Having 
 upon considei'ation found it \ery necessary, that the Hoard of Sehepeiis were assisted bv a 
 Messenger, to be employed in the village of lirrwkil< n and wherever he might be needed to 
 ^nmlnoll people: who also could I'ead the service in eliiirch yii Siindav> and act as preceiilor. 
 New Yovh lliHtorivat lieeordH. 
 besiilos kot'p soliool, Imry tlio doiul, riiij^ the \w\\ .iiid wliiit olbo tlicro m to do, tlic petitioners have 
 Humj^lit to cn)^ii>,'o 8ul)joct to V'Mir Honors" iipin'oval of so nctx'ssiiry lui iiiidcM-tiikin!,', u HiiitabU! 
 person, w'.oin tlioy liiivo found in ono 6Vov/ van Beauvois. They havo iiUowud iiini iin salary 
 150tl and free lodi^insf.-*, hut as your petitioners douijt, whotiier the said V. v. Beauvoin will or 
 can do it for this nuin, while the petitioners cannot [iroiniso him more, 
 Your petitioners huniidy and most rospectfuily re([uest, that your Honors will assist them, to 
 accomplisli a so necessary undertakiui,'. Awaitinpf your Honors' favorable decision &e itc. 
 Your Honors' sui)ject8 and servants 
 The Sellout and Schepens of the said villa<^o. 
 By their tmler, Adrian Ileijeinan. Secretary. 
 Upon a vote it was answered : 
 The Dircctor-Cleneral and Coimcil will pay for the support of the precentor and school- 
 master in tiie villaj:;e of Breuckeh'n fifty guilders every year. Date as above. 
 The Diieetor-CTeneral and Council of Xew Xct/inrlaml to all, wiunn it concerns. 
 We havo sold to Wurna-r Wfnticla and Mr. Piutlua mn dcr /j'm (7 the tenths, due to the 
 Ix)r(ls Patroons fur this yo.ir liitll from the villiif,'e of Bnuirkelen, tUo, Fcrri/, Gouwanus dud 
 Wac/r Bocht inchidinij; the liouwery of Huns Ilnns,n deceased. We order and direct therefore 
 all and cvcrybout by the said jiersons or their representatives after the custom and manner of our 
 i-aliicriand, under a jionalty of fifty guilders and of the just value of the tenths, to be paid by 
 tliose, who act contrary to tliis order. 
 Done at Fort AinnU'rdiiin, this tV' of Julv 1061, 
 KxraAcr from a Lt/rrEK ok SxDTVESA.Nr ro ruK DiKKrroRs: Bi.ockhoi'se at Ovstkruay ; 
 ilof.NDAKiics wnir iMK KN(.i.isn ; Lukh Stkim.i.vo's Claim on Lom; Isi.a.nd. (July *21*', Hit'il.) 
 * » * * 
 We have not yet begun with the construction of tlu! redoubt or blockhouse  of December, 
 stating liiat you do nut considi i s ourselves l»>imd by the agreement of Ihtrtt'iird, but are trying 
 to obtain redress through the auiba.ssadtH's of flieir Hi.'h: iliirht : a.-, well fur the usurpations on 
 the Fre'
  • e to (*rorure :i more favorable settlement of ihe iioundaries from the pre.-eiit King; wt' wish you success, bn* the "ivction of a blockhouse as aiiKiik and for tiie securingof our extreme boundary U|>ou a disjiuted siH>t imder these circumstances would be useles.^ and therefore we siiall await tlii' result and your furttier advices. We are luit less, than ftu-merly, tro\ibled in regard to your order about tl'c reduction of wampum, for our daily expei'ience convinces us more ami more of how little use the former • Sue tUo omitted piirajjraplis in Col. Doc, \' ■!. XII, p. ^47 Xlll.i). a04. ■'mKB^M" m im 504 hurly Colonial ASUtlctnenUi. roiliiction from (> to M has hueii. Wo Imvo alroiuly toiU .you, tlmt in the trmUi wmnpiiin in 1, tiidled hy tl-o iiandfiii or hMif,'tli(.f string iiml that there is ho miidi iiiulLM-Bolliii^ going on, that no redress l)y reduction in pnnsibio. A heaver, h:irtore<1 formerly lor 0, 7. at the highest for 8 guilders in \viim|. mil at the rale of fi for a stiver, is no V bought and sohl for IS to 20 gi, ildors, wampum rating at 8 for a stiver. If we wore to go on reducing wampum id tiiis rate, wo would at onee drive awny all our trade, whieh is already sutTeruig; for this and other reasons wo dure not carry out at pro>ont the rediiution, tho\igh repeatedly ordered by you. * * # # We aro troubled and ])erplexed by some vague, but nevertlieless suspicious nunor , that I.ord .SV(Wt/ii/ of AWAf/^/ has renewed his old claim upon Loi»j f>:/(int/ diid petiti.. is tlie King for confirmation of his pretended patent, received fi 1 the l.ato King. Somo people think and 00 not hesitate fo say and alHrni, that the i)resent King hiw already confirmed tho grant of his father to the said Earl of Steiiiiuj. I eorN(;ii. Mi.vrTK. A Pktition fok I'khmissio.v ih. sKi.r. Gvsiikkt's Island dk: NIKO. August Hn"', 16t)l To the Noble, Very AVorshipfiil Direotor- (ieneral and Council of .\rw Xfilu-r/and Humbly shows (hf>,herf np Dy,'k, an old servant of the Company, but now out of tho service that his Honor, Director WillHim KUfI, gavo an.l granted to Iiim, the petitioner, a certain muall island, lying l.(!tween the Slron„iU an.l V„n,',, I.l.twh now called (hjHhci. Mf«7, which the petitioner could not occupy without .lunger from the In.lianson account of its distance. The inhabitants of Gravesend have hitherlo use.l the said island a.s pasturoland for their calves and are still using it so to-day; with tli.. knou-l.Ml^r,. and approval .d vour Honors they ;.ro willing to buy said island from your i.etitioii,.r for the b.nelit of th.ir village; therefore vom- petitioner, being now ,,utof ortice and needing the necossuries of life, respeeffullv turns' to vour Honors and humbly re.pie.sts iiermission to c.nvey the said islan.I to the village of (hun'r.'o'ml. Which .loiui; I rem; in. Vour Honors' humble ]ietitioner GvsUKliT ol- DvcK. Answered : The petitioner lias to pn.ve his title to s.iid islan.I. before a .l.'..isi.,n can he given ,m the main question. Date as above. '.^ Copies of some Oedkrs and REeoi.rTioNs of the T.>wn ok Jamakja from 165f> to 1660. November y'' 25"' 105t). These presents dedareth y' wee wlujse names are underwritten being true ..wners by vertue .»f purchase fr.)m y" In.lians A graiint fTrom y Ci.iveriior i\: C.iuncil given and grauntotl y" 21" oil' March 1656; I say wee wiio ait- true ownen* by virtue off purchase New York Jlititorival Jieco^nlH. sor ife our OMOciates our names being undorwritten living at y° new plantation near vnto y* bever iiond Rominonly culled Jemaico; 1 say wco in CoiiBideration off our obargo & trouMo in getting & sottint? off y" place have ruwrvod ffor ournclves y« Hull and just sum oil ti'ii aeres off planting l.uiid a man besidcH _v" homo lots in y' nearest «fe lU'iot, Convoiiiuntst plaeo y" (in rtind it sot; likewise 20 acres off medowing n man in y' Convenietitst place y* Can flliid and this shall remain iis HitMra their heiw t'xwMittiivi aud asHi^dmes ITor tln'ir proper riijilt every man taking his Lott atrurdirig to their Hirst right to y° I^and wituesse our handrt this day and duto above written. Ii'oJxrt C'oe John TownHcnd Nii:: Tav'fT lli nry Tovyimend Not: />(/' <>n lilch: Tomn^end And: Minnetujer h'irh: Ilarckert Dan; D'liton. JHc/i Ohaiiinore A/ini: Smith Oewije MilU lioihji'f Unas John Rodea. Sitni: Mathinoeit John Karar Rl: h'i'i irtt July y* 1" lO')? Stylo Novo. The town have dovidod tlicmselvcs into 4 squadrons & to y" 4 squadrons have divided the medowoH iTor this year y" tirst •;i|iiadroii is Nirolas Tann y'" on y" east side off y» crick. Tlie 2' scpiadron h y" 3 loicnsens, John Rodes, Richard Hark' t\ Richard Chasmorc. y" are to mowo eastward ffrom y° afforeaayd to V'' great River called Man^cjh' ; the .'V squadron is iVathanic/l /hnfnn, Rl: /u'cnf, Rodyer fjnon, O'onjc Millx, Daniel Ihnfon ife SamAndl Andrcwi'n, y" are to lie eastward iTrom Massepe to yo Crick in y" Ifamiklc nuidowes; y" fourth is .Mr. Coc, his son liciiiamin, Andrao Messenger, Sanutell Mufhcwrs, Thumns Wiijijins &, WiUiam Thome, y" are to lie eastwanl ffrom y" sayd crik in v" l/H'^'i'i/ meilowes to y" River called Skiijfash. A tmee Copy taken out off y" town book by Damki.i. Df.nton Clark. Juno y" '20"' lOJS. It is voted iV agreed vpou by y* town to de vide yMowi\ a.s it was last year into 4 .squadrons Si to draw lots where y" shall mow Mr Coe it his .squadron y" lots being drawn iTall in y" east neck where y" was last year, John Townstnd^!;% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. ;<% y. 4 fc ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 •^' lilM M 1122 1.8 -L4. 111.6 <^ /^ ^l C-: ''^ % /> ^e: /^ OlW///y f Piiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. i4S80 (716) e''2-4503 •ir #, ^ , 4 5: 5* * 'S ^ IfT r* i ■1 J« "™ 9&I 606 ^ay^y Cohnial fSettle7tients, & y town into 4 squadrons as fformerly fF.r y' year l.y lot Mr Ooes squadron are at y hawtrees: Goodman Everets at y» /o^j/neek; ^oAh 2l*«^ns.'«rf« at y= east neck : Z*.o/l- ir.^feoL at y» west neck lying below f old houses. It is farther voted & agree.l vpon by ti.e town y' as r medows are devided by lot above spec-iffied so they shall continue ifor perpetuity without any ffurthcrde vision till y" bee Layed out in particular & y" every man to take his share in y» neck where the now are & as f town do enlarge w'" inhabitants f shall bee devided propor- tionably to eveiy neck till y"" bee layd out. This is a true Coppy taken out of y» townbooke by Daniel Dmton, dark, Hustdot'p, y' 29"' off August 1661. V, m ti I r 'if I? Ill Extract fkom a LErrER of DraEOTOR Stuyvesant to TnE DrREcroRs in FIolland : Reports OF English Designs on Xew Nethebland; Lon,* Island cuiANTEn to CAi-rAiN Scott. Honorable, AVise, Prudent and Very Worshipful (Teiitlenien. Your Honors' favor of the 24'" of December 1. with enclosures, received by the " Trouw'' make us hope for a firm and inviolable alliance with the Crow, of E»r//,m,l and consequently for the long desired settlement of the boundaries with our neighl.urs and the quiet possession of what has «iused and cost here so much labor, anxiety and troubles. Although your later letters of the 9"' of May by the " /i, r.r "' and " ^i Jan Bnj,thta- contain not the slightest report of a cha.n^e nor any warning and information for us to 1,,, goverm.l by, yet, as well previous to, as after their receipt we have to onr regret been informed by goo.l authority from various quarters and still receive reports every day not only of an imnuMont rupture between our home govern uent and the lately crowned King o„ account of his marriage and close connection with the Crown of Po-twja,, but also of new attempts to invarie and take Luuj Man./, while von had given us hope of recovering the land, claimed l)y yon Ijctween hero and the Fres/i river. * * * * ' . Concerning the designs upon the Province of X.w Nethn-hmd, Caj.t. Thmna.^ Wlllett showing his letters received from London and Boston to the Directoi-(}oneral, reports that not only is a rupture between onr country and Kn.jlaxd imminent, but also the Kin.r the Duke of Fo/'/fcand Parliament are urgently aske,l for three or four frigates to take this capitaTand whatever else belongs to the Company here; they try to persua.le tlu- King to grant this dc'inand bv telling him, that the W. I. Compa.ry claims and holds this province bv unlawful title, because' in 1623 /.Te/.j, ./<(w..v l,ayance. As the doteiidants are daily driving their cattle to pasture on said island, tiie plaintiffs demand, that the defendants bo ordered to keep their cattle awav from it and the said piece of land and not to drive them there again, nor to mow there any grass, but to allow tlic plaintiffs i?i their aforesaid (piality to use the island and land tfec, as they would use Mieir own, free property, without trouble, molestation or interference. The Sellout and Magistrates of Gjuvexeml, representing the inhabi'.ants of said village, replied ill substance, that tlie founders of their village had come there in 1('>4:] with the express consent and order of the late Director-General William Kieft and the Council of New Netlierland and that from that date until now they have (piietly and peacefully without anybody's objections, occupied and used the said Coney Island and their other lands as common property of the village for pasturing their cattle and making hay in tiie meadows, under and by virtue of a patent given them in September 104.') in confirmation of the promise given in 104:1 Tiiis patent gives and grants to tiiein Cmey Island and its dependencies, as a pasture t\n- iheir cattle, and all their other lands, where their village is now located, for agricultural purposes. Therefore they demand, by virtue of their old iiossessioii, their patent and privileges, that the iilaintiffs' case be thrown out of court and their demand and conclusion bo refused absolutely with costs, especially as the said Gyshert op Dyck has never taken possession of said island or of any jiart of it. 508 ¥ Early Colonial Settlemetits. The Director-General and Council, having heard the iirgiuuunts of both sides and examined their documentary evidence, find, that the so-called patent to (ri/.^herioj) Dyek, hv virtue of which he has conveyed Con^y Island etc to Dirvk de Wolff, has never been signed by "the late Director- General WiUiam Kicft and that it has been recorded in the Book of Patents by the then Secretary through a mistake or otherwise as of the 24'" of May 1044, as if it had been signed and sealed by Director Kieft. Gysbert op Dyck has made an improper use of it, stating, that the original patent had been mislaid and thus he has deceived and misled the plaintiffs as well, as the Council and the Secretary, by whom this conveyance was passed. The Director-General and Council therefore and for other reasons, submitted by the defendants, deny the motion and demand of the plaintiffs without prejudice to their action and claim against said Oysbert op .Dyck, and absolve the defendants from the compensation of costs in this case. Done at Fort Amsterdam in N. N. Date as above 'I ExTRAcrr from a Lettkb of the Direotobs to Stdtvesant ; Blockhouse at OysTEBBAY ; Lord Sterling's Claim to Lono Island. January 27'" 1662. * * * # » We first notice in your last letters the statement of your reasons for delaying the construction of a redoubt or blockhouse on Long Mand; tliey surprised us and were uno.vpected, because in our former letter we had so undisguisedly told you, how little we liked to write again and again about ^he same thing and had positively or.iore.l you, to proi-eed with its erection at the most convenient place. For, although wo had said in our letter of the 24'" of Deceni])er IfifiO, that we were asking the King of England through the ambassadors of their II. M. for redre..s of the usurpations by oni- English neighbors tliere and therefore hoped, to obtain a more favorable settlement of the boundaries, than by the former provisional agreement,— we did not eauntermand our former order, which you ought to have carried out esiiecially as y^.u then w,.uld have been in a position to prevent all further usurpations upon that islan.l. You ought to have known that, as well as we, and we order you once more, now to i)roceed in this matter, and to do it also in other places, where it might have the same result and can be done at small expense. We recommend this matter to your consideration and judgment. We shall duly consider, what you say about the reduction of wampum and your propositions about it in tho second letter, and if possible, communicate ..ur opinions by this letter. We must say concerning tho vague rumors, afloat there, that U,n\ Sterling has renewed his old claim upon Long Idand before tlie present Kitig of England: little or no credit car. be given to such scattered reports, because the natiuw — from /falnnil New Yorh Hktm'ical lievunh. 511 of the water I'onrHo, thenco alonj; the land of Ilendcryck, tlie baker, and Barent Get-retaen, so along the incadowH and then in a straight line to the road to the woods. This is reqnested by the undersigned persons on the 24"' of Marcli 1(562. Eherharih Hceih'inan The mark uf Oeessie Janaen The mark of JoM (.ii.spi'rn The niai'k of Glens Toinan/ien The mark of Johan Remmsen Barent Gerrets The mark of Jan ( 'dtjouw The mark of Gerrct Ph'temen The mark of Jan Mallaerd Jan Willemsen Ysehtein The mark of Wessel Gerritsen The mark of Andrien Barents Rijfk Lyih'ckei' The mark of Dirck Volckers Tlie mark of Hanj Wilman Trajihagen The mark of Sarah Fonteyn Ilemh'ijck Bercnts Smidt The mark of Johannis Caspera I, Barent Gerrets, consent, that the road be made through my land, as the comiininity requests. The re(iue.st is reasonatile and fair, hut thn owners of the land must ho iirst informed of it. The 2-1"' of March 1602. By order of tiie CommissaJ'ies of the village of Boswyck March 30'" The mark of J.vn Coknelissen. The foregoing ])etition, was subinitted by the Commissaries of Boswyck, who also requested, that some old houses, still standing at the plaee called New Arnhein, should be removed or taken down, because they fear somebody might again move in to live there to the disadvantage of their village. After duo consielialfe of the rest demand pay for the Land Nappomoe, Sachem of Ilacansacke Yop, a Staten fdand Indian Nohonohon a Rewkeaway Indian wliicjh married Barbers wife. To the Right Honnorable Peter Stivlsant, Govern' Gen" &C Received from Vlissinyeii the 13"' of April 1662. Thursday, April 13'" 1062 Pursuant to the order of the Director-General and Council of New Neth^rland i\\c Schout and the Schepens of the villages of Amesfoort and Midwout appeared before the Board. The reprasentatives of Am-sfoort claimed, that the peo|)le of Midwout injured tliem by ])utting up new fences around the flats; also, tiiat it would hurt h :h villages, bi^cause the connnon pasture of the cattle was thereby diminished. They request, that the Midwout people l)e ordered to desist. Tlie representatives of Midwout reply, tliat tiiey are fencing in only what has been granted to them long ago and that tiiey iiave been compelled to do it, because else they would not have enough fodder for their animals. 5I1BI New Yorh Jlistorical Jiecarda, 513 Ilaving heard tlio arginnunts (»f hotli sidn.s tlio Uireftor-Geiicral and Council coininiHsioned and nutliorizwl tliu Surveyor, txa tliey herul)y do, to proceed to the place, wliore tliu now fences are put up, and to see, whetlier tlie |)eoplo of Mldtoout have not fenced in more of tlie said tlatu, than WU.S ^'ranted to tiicui, aloo if |)(>sHii,lt;, to make tiiu i)artie8 conio to an uaderatauding; if not, he is to report to the Du-octor-Gcneral and Council. Date a& ubovo. Tluirsday, May 4'" 1002. Received and read tlic nominations, made by tlio inhabitants of Gravesend, for Magistrates for tlie ensuing year, t'ontirmcd as Magistrates; William Willikens, WiUiitiit, liuwne antl John Uoock\ is Schout Charles Monjun. Date as above. May 25'" 1062. Received and read tiio |)etition of Pietcr Jansen Trinhnl, rcfpicstiiig permission to make >ipon his land on the Southside of tiie ^\'oo;'«^a/wi^7 a settlement of four families, because it would be a considerable acconmiodation for the village of Jioswyck in landing tiiere their canoes and boats &c Having heard the Magistrates of Boswijck on the matter, it was decreed : Fiat ut petitur. Date as above. Ilonnoured Lords Our luiinblo request to your honnours is, that your honuonrs would be pleased to helpe vs with your advice. Wlusrcas the Towne of IlrcmsU'dc for the Continuance of the Gospel amongst them have Coiichulcd at a Towne mc-.tinge l)y the major parte of the Towne, that there should be given to the Minister Seventy pounds Sterlingo by tlie yeare, Aiul Whereas the towne have Called Mr. Fonvdam^ antl lice have Continued with vs one yeare and a Kate being made by the Towne and notice given to Every mau what ho should i)aye, sum particular parsons amongst vs Refuseth to pay towards the Maiutaiiieiu;y of the Minister, our hunibcl Itccpiest to your Honnours is that yow wil bee pleased to liclpc vs with your advice, what way to prosecd against such persons as Refuse to jiaye accordinge to the Towne order, Tims Cravinge your helpc wee leave it to your honnours wisdome to Consider of May the 10'" 1662 Y" in Loyaltie JOUN IIlCKES RoBBEKT J AUK SON May 26'". This is the answer made to the preceding petition : The petitioners are hereby authorized, to compel the unwilling to pay. This is the warrant, given to the Magistrates : Whereas wee Credibly ware jnformed that sumof the Inhabitants of the Towne of Ilecmdead ware opposyt & vnwiliing to Contribute to the Maintenancy of a Protestant Minister, The Magistrates of the said Towne, are by these presents jmpowered and Authorized, not only to Coiistraine those that are vnwiliing, but by further denyal, to punish them as they in aequity shall think nieetc. Date as above. 65 514 Early Colonial Seltltinenta. Juno 15'\ Wlioroas several rcr|iiostti havo boon iiiiulc by tlio iiiliabitiinttt of Jirciirkcliii, Mulilelhovoh and Mespath and (jthers fur a partition or division of tlio meadows, lyiti}^ betwuon tliu third and fourth kiis. Therefore the Dircctor-(Jonoral and Council heroi)y eonunisHion and authorize the Surveyor Jarquea CorUijotim, to proceed tiiero on tiio tirHt occasion and to survey and divide tiie said meadows [)urauaiit to tlie partition made by this IJoard or nearly so, as tlio quality of the ineudowa hIuiU ill liis opinion rcupiire it, to wit, for the village of lireuckelcn one iiiUHlred luorgens, for tlio village of Miildrf Mr. Johii \Vin(/tri>j> and hi^ roport to thu King a deeision iii)on theso requests had boon postponed and thoy were Hnally denied. Wo shall undoubtedly have more exact and correct information about this matter, wluiii .Mr. Win(/iroj), who is dally expected in his govornmout, shall have returned. * * ♦ • « OotiNori. MiNi'TKs. Nkw UTKKoiir AND NvACK, L, I. Qi'AKEKR Tx Fr.rsniNo. Thursday, August 34'" 10t)2. To the Noble, Honorable Director-General and Council of A'ew Ntt/tcrla/ui. Respectfully show Jun Tomam'a, Jacob Suntrt and lintijcr Jot>Mt:n, Commissaries of tho the village of N'eio Utrecht; Whereas Nkolan StlUewel has presumed to take to himself a greater share of incadowlaud, than belongs to twelve morgens of arable land, under pretext, that he owns twelve morgens of land between two meadows. Therefore the petitioners, in their aforesaid (quality, turn to your Honors with the humble request, that first the twelve morgens of land, King between the two valleys, shall be surveyed and measured by tho Surveyor ./(^Y^cf Corbljuaio for said Nicohm Stilloivcl at the expense of your petitioners and that he shall receive of the meadows, surrounding his twelve morgens, as much as was granted to him, provided that the balance be divided by the Surveyor in the proportion, in which it was granted to tho village of Nem Utrecht and Xitjack. Also that your II(»nors will charge and order said Stilhmel, in tho name of the government, to take away all obstriuitions and liinderances under a certain i)enalty and to respe(!t the limits determined by the Surveyor and your Honors' orders. Which doing etc Your Honore' humble servants Jan Tomassen Jacoh H0LLKKEK8 RUTOKKT JoOSlTCN. Answered : The Sm-veyor, Jacques i'orteljouw, is hereby reipiired and ordered, to collect infornuitiou concerning the land and meadows mentioned herein above and then to report to the Director- General and Council. Date as above. The Magistrates of liimtdorp came here to-day and in form of complaint reported to tiio Dircctor-(Jeneral, that the majority of the inhabitants of their village were adherents and followers of the abomnible sect, called Quakers, and tliatalargc meeting was held at the house of John, Hound in Vlins'iwjcn every Sunday. They requested, that this might be prevented one way or the other. Date as above (August 24"', 1002.) 'I hi. 016 Jtkrli/ ('oh)ni(tl Sifttlements. By tlieso i.ro«piitsnro all Mftfristriitcs and Iiiliahitaiifs oft tho Knglish Towncs, in the JunMliction of tl.o New yrth-rl,tn.hOY,V'vM A- K,.,|iiir,Ml to aHsint tlio Hoaivr, our Schoiit Ueaoloed Wahlr^"\ William Lawuk.noe. To the Right Honnomble tho Governor-General 1 the-so present of the .Veto yethcrhtndcs. The preceding letter having been delivered to the Director-General, his Honor sent the following answer by the Substitute-Fiscal Wahlron, who returned the next day and brought with him the original of the letter, written by John Yomuj to WUIUiin I.aim'nce, micvcii herebelow. I have tliercfore not recorded the abovemiMitioniKJ cojiv. Loving friei.de Mr. WlUiain Lawrence. By Mr. Steenwyck I have received your letter and therein inclosed a Copie ofT a Letter ofT one John Jongh, these presents arc to re.piire, you wil be phvised to send by the bearer, the S?hout liisolmerd Wuldrvn, the Origenall oil the aforementioned letter off John Jongh, Wherein Confeydeinge I phall rest. Amsterdam in the New Ndfu^rlatids, Vour Loving frien.l A Governour the 10'" of Novbr 1002. P. Stuyvksant. Whereas the Director-General has also been informed, that tho abovenu'iitionod John Jongh had sent letters to the other English villages in this government, he .sent the following note to the villages of Gravexeiid, Middelhurgh and A'ustdorj) : Lovinge Friends f!;ij New York Historical Jieconh. fil7 Whoroas wo Cri'dibly wiim Iiiforiiiod that ono Jo^n Joixjh hath directed arid sent unto you a goditioun Lottor, those nro to ro(iuiro you, to sent tho roeoivod Letter by the Huiirer, our Sellout lietolvcerd Watdron, Wherein (.'onfoydeiugo I slmll Uc8t Youre Lovin friend and Governour P. Stuyvesant. No lottor was written to Knntdnrp or Wiat ChcHter, bocacso it is reported, that the people of Ilititfitrd do not luy claini to it, but one Mr. P,,! in wiid to cliiini it. However to tho people of llenmtead, where Jahn Jomjh hud eonie hinmelf, tho following wiw written; Lovinge Friendes Whereas wo by Relations ware Informed that ono John Jongh vppon ft pretended Cotninission o(T the tiencrall Oourt ulT llerfort hath bin in your Towne for to disswado aiul revoco you off the oaj,'ht ol! lidullitie ware nmler your aie We doo wonder that you have given no notiee vnto vs off lii.s demands, these are fhcreforo to onln; and n'(|uire you a.s Magistraat.s off the Towne off lli:cmntend to make your appyranoy before n.-< up|)on Monday, at the least n[i|)on Thousday next for to Informe us, both by Word off Mouth and in Writiiighs, wath the aforementioned Jongh hath si)ooeken and Acted in your Towne In Confeydinge whereoft 1 bliall rest Amxterdam in S. N. Your loviugo friend & Governour tiu) 11"' of November ltlti2. P. Stuyvesant. After the foregoing letters liad been delivered in the st-veral Englisli villages, their Magistratea either brought or sent the letters, receivi'd by them from Jidin Jongh, to the Direetor-General ; V/inslngen, Middelhnrgh and Jiusiecial had been talked of, as he had been oidy a few hours in ILniHti'dd. lie had said in substance, what his letter contained, wiiereupon ihcy iiad replied, liiat if he had anything to «iy coneerniug jurisdiction, he should address liim,self to tho Director-General and Council i)f New Ndhertand, Mr. Wiltiiini Lon^rance, whereas ii iiath pleased his Migesty to Involve Long Island within Connii'ttcut Patten : I'y virtue whereof the Gericrall Assembly at Hartford have ordered mee to give notii-e to every Towne upon Long /.itamf, that they are under y" Jurisdiction of Conucctecut, Therefore y" said Goner.ill Assemble's pleasure is, tliat all tho Inliabitants of L>ng Island aforesaid sli ill forbeare from taking any Oath that may bee Imposed upon them by any other Prince or State whatsoever, tlierefore my desire is that you would Informe yo' Neighbours Concerning y" p'inises as yo" shall have Occation. Ilfmpstcd y' 27"' John Yoi'Nos. of October. All tlie other letters were of the same tenor and date. The letter for Miifdc/tnirgh was addressed to Captain fMm Coo, the younger, for Ruttdorp to Mr. Coo tiie elder,* for (Iraresend to Sergeant Ihdittard ami for (rrai'cs, nd to Mr. John ir„ks* * Thege letturs are among the ItecurdB. Ife 'J 4 ^-W^ 5] 8 Farli/ Colonial Settlements. As pn opportnnit;- now offers, to write to tlie people of Hartford, the following letter was fioiit by Mr. JViootas Varleth : Honoured & Worthy S" By this Occasion off mo Brother in Lawe (beingo Nectssitatcd to make a Socond V-^yage for aide his distressed Sister JmlHh Varhth Imprisoned as wj ar. Inlormed ui>pon pretend accusation off Wicherye, wco realy beleevo & out her knowne education, Lyfe Conversation & profession off fa.th we dea;e assure, that Shee is innocent of such a horrible Crimen it therefore I doubt not he will now as formerly fyiule yom- lionn™ favour vfe ayde for the Innocent: ) I can not omit to acquaint yovv (whic'a flhould be done soener 'T my absence had not hindei-cl it) that one John Youmjc, 'vhether uppon your ordtrs (: as he ])retends :) I doubt, had undertaken as by his seditious Letters may appcave to divert & revoake the English Towns in this provii'ce vuder che protection off the high and mighty Lords, tl'e Estaets Generall off tiie United Belgiek Provinces and in tiic jurisdiction off the Kigiit honnourable Lords off the West hidia Comp'« Setled, off their Oath & duo obediancc vnto vs their Lawful Gouvernour, w"^" his unlawful j)roceedi'nge, amongst th - Silly it Common peopl(>, without any acknowledgement or addresses vnto vs as Govaniour off this province, iff you wil nowne as wj doe not hope, yow may take noHco that is a absolute Breatch 'fe a Nullification off the agreement alj.mt the Limits Ifiso made at Hardfort Betweeno the honnourable Commissioners of Nco Emjlard & us as GovernT Generall off this province .S' that by that meanes the aforementioned liigh and m.ighty Lords the Estaets Cienerall & the Right honnourable Lords off tlie Wei^t India Comp" ware given just grounds & IJeasons to demand it by such meanes as they in wisdome shal thiucke meete to Recover all that traci off Land betweene Greenwioh^\; mo Longe vnjustly as it now doetli appeare, witlioiit any i)atrent '^r Cjinmission possessed & detained from the aforementioned lii;st possessors & owners, whereofl the monument oil' the liouse the Ilopr, by Oonnnissi. n off the aforesi.id Lords built and without r.iolestation vpj)on the fresh and Connecticut Riv.-r possessed many yeares, before any off the Etiglisli nations did eomo theiv. Hut Ocnfcydinge A trustinge more 'in the Words & promises of the honnourable Gouvcr-^ Winfhrop, as he'did depart from hence, we shal with more discretion expect his deseyrtd arrival it Leave the matters to our Superiors in Europe it shall after my Resjiects Love it Service present-d, Expect with the Bearer your Categoricall answer over \m\ about tiui aforementioned Johr,, Youivjs seditious doeings it Remaine Amsterdam in V^r Netherland Ymv k.vinge friend it Neighbour the IS'" off x"'" 1662. P. Stuyvesant. Lettee from tiie DiRKrroEs to Stuyvesant: Saltwokks on Coney Island. The 6"- of Decendjer 1G62. Honorable, Prudent, Dear, Faithful. As the unexpected frost does not allow us at present to reply t.) your letters by the " Tronw " " Hoop," anU " Wapen van Stuyvesani;' tiiis is only to inform y.ui of the complaints, received from Dirck de Wolf who had our jjermission to ..'rect saltworks there. We li 'ieve, these complaints are not without foundation, because the plac, which you allotted to his representative, at Coney hland »te, has now again l)een taken away from him by y.iur senfenre upon api)arently frivolous claims, made by the English in the village of (rrurr.wnd, ami his labors rendered fruitless, to tiie great detrim-jnt and loss of said de Wolf, who had already built there a house and feneetl New Yorh Historical liecwda. 519 m\g lettoi' was in a garden, also erected a salthouso. All this is said to have encouraged these English and they were afterwards bold enoi'.gh to dostroy all he had done, especial'y the garden, which they laid waste, pulling down the fences and then burning tlieni ; threatening to throw the refiner on the burning pile, when he warned them off. It a])pci'r,s to us very strange and uncalled for, partly because it seems to have been caused by sheer carelessness in allotting and conveying a piece of land which had already been given to othere or upon which they pretended to have a claim; partly because this assault by the Engliph was not resisted, which certainly should have been done on account of the consequences. Wo are therefore compelled to direct, that you send us by the first opportunity a detailed report of this matter with all such documents and papers, as both parties liave used ir. their lawsuits or which may be produced. As we do not like, to see the English pushing any further in that direction and as the good location of the island is highly jjraised by many, you must send us a map »• chart of it with your opinion of it and we further orJer, that two or three soldiers shall bo sent there, to take possession in the name of the Company of the buildings, which de Wolff has erected there, so that further spoliations may be nrc vented. CouNuir, Minutes. Busuwick Affairs. December 28'", 1GG2 The Commissaries of Bofwyeh came before the Board and represented, that they required in their villago a suitable person to act as reader and schoolmaster, to teach the children ; as Boudewyii MiieiihoiU from Grimpen on the Lech * had been proposed as such person, they had made an agreement with liim, tiiat he should act as reader and also keep a scliool for the instruction of the L-hilUrcn, lor which he is to receive a yearly salary of 40011 in wauipum and free lodgings. They request, that their action may be approved by the Director-General and Council and that the Company may contribute 6t)mething towards the salary every year. A vote having been taken, The Director-General and Council of New Xethcrland have approved the engagement of n'ul the contract made with said llnidi'ioyn Mdcnhout, on (•■ludition that the same l)i' first evaniineil by the reverend clergy of this city and declared lit lor the performance of the said duties. On behalf of the Company 25ll heavy money shall be jiaid to said Uoitdewyn, to make the pa;, .nent of the salary more easy. J^oH Ainxhrditii) in Xt'in JVtt/u rfaiuf. Date as above. The Dlrector-Cieneral and Council elected to-day its Schepen of the village of Bosioyck Jan Tilyez in place of .Lta Ciitjouw, who sailed for the Fatherland by the last ships. Fort Aimterdam, December 28"' 1662. * lu tUo I'roviuce of South- IIiAUmd. 620 Ea/t-ly Colonial Settlements. Council Minuteb. Chukoii affairs is Midwout, L. I. Maoistkates fok New Utkecht. Jaiiurti-y 4"- 16C3. "Noble, Very Worsliipful Director-General and Honorable Council of J^ew Nctherland. Upon your Honors' order the undersigned began to erect a cluirch edifice at Midwout in September 165S and with God's help they have accomplished so mucli, that all debts have boon paid. Having borne the burden for some time and desiring to be freed from it, also considering, that we are mortal, wo respectfully re(|ueat, that wo might bo discharged and an order made to that effect by your Honors. This 17'i> of December 1662. Your Honoi-s' obedient servants Johannes Theo. Poliiemus Jan Stkyckeb. The foregoing petition was received and read. After a vote upon it, it was answered : The petition is granted and the Magistrates of Midwout are authorized, to nominate a double number, from which tiie Director-General and Council will select two other churchwardens in the place of the above. Date as above. Keceived and read the nominations, made and pi-esented by the Sellout and Schepeng of Utrecht on Long Idand. The Director-General and Council select and confirm as Schepon Jacob Pieterseriy in place of him, whose term expires. Date as above. I Extract from a Letter of Stoyvesant to tue Directors: Long Island annexed to Connecticut. Jantarv 8'", lOO;!. * * * * We were in hope that the peace between Emjland and our country would be definitely concluded, but sec now with considerable anxiety, that our success with flio Cmwn is still uncertain", of which we have already exi)orienced some results before the receipt of your favor of the 1"' of September last. The peoi)le of Connedicut or Hartford, exalted by their newly obtained patent, have either by letter or verbally through their emissary r/o/(/i Yowinj infonned all the English villages on Long Inland under this government, that his Majesty had been pleased, to include Long Island within their patent, that therefore they were in the jurisdiction and under the government of Coiin^j-tieat, unA slionld not acknowledge any other I'l-iiice or State or take an oath of allegiance to them. The enclosure Xo. 7 will tell you, what we have done in the matter and written to J/ar/ford und what they have answered; for your better information we have athU'd a copy of the patent, given by the King to the people of j'/art/oni, which a good friend lias procured for us, Btating, that it was a triu, copy. If you will please to comiiare this patent with the letters and claims of the Bo.tton people, sent us in It;.".'.) and then forwarded to yon, of which we send other copies to save you the Ironble of looking for them, you will find and learn, that not a foot of land is left here to yon, because Boston claims Fort Orange and the land thereabout from ocean to ocean and Hartford the rcmaindiM- as far as MaryJand :\\\A Virginia. Von may easily imagine, how nnich all this discourages your people here. We must therefore urge yon, to make all possible endeavors before it is too late, that the long desired settlement of the boundaries be seriously taken up and determined, so that we and your well nie.".niiig subjects und good inhabitants may know, what to do. * * # » New Yorh Hktm'ical Records. 521 LNNEXKD TO CoDNOiL Minutes. Maoistiiatks appointed fok Long Island Towns ; Land gbanted and Land MArrEus on Lons Island; Fkbuy to Long Island. Eight Honourable Gouvernor. According to our jiattent iind Custom wee have made Ciioice o^^ six Men, whose names are hereunder subscribed, Leaving it to yo' Honours discression, which tliree of them yo" please to Confirm for Magistrates for the Next insuing yeare. Dc..iring your Honour according to your wonted favour to send us by the bearer hereof which of them yo" please to Con*irmo. So leaving yo" to the gracious guidance of the Almighty wee Rest yo' Loving subjects, the Inhabitants of Ilempsted. /7e/»^8to/ y° 18"' of January 1CG3 Jonas II ocldsworth, Clerk in the behalf of y« Towue. John Iliclces, Tiichard Ollflerslcve, liohert Ashman, Henry Pemall, William, Scadingy John Carpenter. January 20'*. The foregoing nominations were presented to the Director-General, who selected as Magistrates (jf Ilemstead for tlie ensuing year the following persons ; John Hicks, Richard Gildersleeve, Robert Ashman. Fort Amsterdam, date as above i'cbruary 8"'. To-day the Director-General and Couneil selected and confirmed as Churchwardens of the Church at Midioout Jan Slrycker and Jari Snedilccr. Date as above. To the Noble, Very Worshipful Director-General and Honorable Council oi New Netherland. Respectfully show the Coininissarics of the village of Boswych, that several persons have asked permission to come and settle with their families in said village; that at present no lots arc unoccupied, nor can any other convenient lots be found, except at the East end of the village on the land of a Frenchman, Jean Mailiart by name. Your i)ctitioners have asked said Mailiart for some lots on his land for the new comers, which said Mailiart would not give, to the great disadvantage of the vill.igo, although a new lot was given him on this account. Your petitioners tiicrcfore turn to your Honors for an order, that this village .-^hall lie laid out within the boundaries formerly determined. Awaiting your Honors' special directions, wo remain Your Honors' faithful servants, 1'ctkk Jansen Wit Revck Levdeckkb The mark of Jan (^okn, Zeeuws Lkiki.ieh. Answered: The petitioners and Jean Mailiart shall personally appear before the Director General and Council. Mr. Paulv, van der lieecq, From time to time many Cfimplaints arc made to us, that you do not fidlfil the conditions, under which the Kerry was let to you, to the great inconvenience of iidiabitants and travellers, 66 J\ Hr 1 1 M ll'lii' 522 Jiarli/ Colonial Settlements. who have to use it and whom yoti often make wait lialf a day or night, before you carr" them across the river. You are hereby t'irected and warned, strictly to act up to the eondiiions, ot which we annex a copy for your better information ; if tlie complaints continue, we eliall let the said Ferry publicly to somebody else at your expense. Fort Amsterdam in N. N., the 15"" of February 1663. To the Noble, Very Worshipful Director-General and Honorable Coujieil of ifew Netherland Show with due respect the undersigned inhabitants of the village of Breuckelen, your Honors' obedient servants, that there is near Breuokelen a place, very convenient for us to settle a new village with great advantage. It is the woodland, well known to your Honors, where there is sufHcicnt room for twenty to thirty persons to have a good place and lot each. Except the aimexed part between the third and fourth kil, there is no nearer jilaco for making hay and providing our cattle with fodder, than the meadows adjoining this land ; wo theroffirc turn to your Honors with the humble j)rayer and recpiest, that the idjove described land may be granted to us, each receiving his lot, as the meadows are very far and it is very ditficult to bring in the hay dry and in good condition, for the preservation, with Gods blessing, of our cows and what depends on it iu farming. Awaiting a favorable decision »fcc &c. The mark UJ of Tietye Schiercke The mark (^ of Jan Jacohsen Joost Vo'strat^n Camper Peters The mark of Theunia Corndia Luycas Teun'is Derek Yansen The mark of Tennis Dlrcksen Peter Laurens Sijinen Ooi ^en Jean Ilihou Heinderich Folckera Johannes Sc/niidder Lodewy Jonghe Your Honors' obedient servants Albert Curnelissen Antoncissen Barent Jansen ^ns K f murk The mark of Jan Damen ~CL Jan Petirs van Deventer Jan Mertyn The mark of Tunis Nyssen Ileyndriek Jansen Been The mark of Peter Peters Harms Ileyn driiksen The mark of Jor(j Jesope Piero Woterse Comelys van Bors-w/n Vornelys Jansen Sjjtiyser Barent Pitersen The foregoing petition wa.s read and the Magistrates of Miihcout apjiearod before the Board, requesting, that some plantations might be granted to them in the above described land. It is resolved, that before a tinal decision is given, the Surveyor shall make a survev of the said tract, to see how many plantations can conveniently be laid out there. Date as above (March rS 1663.) March 19'". The Director-General and Council received and read the nominations, made and submitted by the Sclu)u' and Scliei)ens of the village of Brcuchlen on T.ony Island. They selected from the nominees and continned as Schepens Wi/liatn Bredenbent, Albert Corneliasen, Tennis Gisbertsen. New Yorh Histwieal liecorda. 628 From tlie nominations by tlie Sellout and Schopcns of Midioout Jan Snedicker was eonfirmod as Schepen there and from the nominees for Amesfoort Elhert Elhertsen. Date as above April 5'" The Director-Gonoral and Coimcil received and road the nominations, made and submitted by the Magistrates of the viliaj^o of Bomyck on Long Idand, from which they selected and confirmed as Commissaries Gysbert Teuniaseii and Barefit Joostcn. Pursuant to aiipointmeiit, made on tlio 8'" of February at tho request of the Commissaries of Boswijck, the said Commiswirics and Jean Maillart appeared before tho Council. The consideration of the petition of L'Mwyck was resumed and the claim of Jean, Maillart and tho arguments of both ])artic8 were heard. The Director-General and Council decide, that Jewti Maillart shall give up, — because it is for tho advancement of the villago, — as much land as is required for six lots, each lot being six rods wide aiul fifteen and one iialf long, on condition, that the parties, who are to receive these lots, shall pay to him upon demand 2511 for each lot. Fort Amsterdam in N. N. Date as above (April 5"') To the Noble, "Very "Worshipful Director-General U7id Honorable Council of New Netherland. Show with humility and respect J)irok Vokkert^en, (hj>ibert Teunisscn, llendrick Willemsen, Barent Joosten, Peter Janxen Witt, David Joyfu'insen, Jan Maillart, Barent Gerritaen and Mr. Jacoh Slryckcr as attorney tor Jacob Steendam, that they have considered the great expenses, which each of them would have to incur by fencing in liis lands, especially as wood is growing scarce around there and hard to (jbtain and the fences would cost a great deal. The petitioners would be willing, to enclose all their laiuls near Boswyck on I,onf/ Island by a ring fence, which would run from the Noorman-^ kil North along the village of Boswyck to Mespats kil and each of the ])etitioners would pay his share of the expenses for this ring fence in proportion to his acreage. About 4.".ii niorgcns could be enclosed in this fence, which would probably cost 400fl; while if each petitioner W('re to put up a fence around his land, it would cost altogether 4t)0Utl, which is too heavy a tax on tho jjetitioners. It is also to be considered, tli:it this ring fence can be so put up on tho petitioners' lands, that it will not overlap on or injure any of the neighbors' laiuls or give oilence to them. To close the fence and ailmv a i):issage for w;'.gons, carts. i)eoplo and animals, it would bo nece.s.sary to m.d bring about a final settlement of the boundary questi.m betwecMi us and tlu! Englisli : it must be done; there and the return of (lovernor Winihroj), who as we understand has sailed from England to New Netherlands will undoubtedly offer you a good oppoi-tunity. He has always sliowii himself a friend of our nation and the government there and would have liked to comi>, we are told, and confer with the Company, if his sudden de])arturc or, as others say, the fear of raising suspicion had not prevented him. We urge you most seriously, to employ all possible means for the final accomplishment of this so long desired settlenr.'iit. No doubt, if some of onr people have sold their beavers in Boston at higli prices in silver, they will feel encouraged to continue trading there, at least as long as the English are willing and they are able to make a profit on the goods and nierchandi.ses, which they purchase there at the same prices as hero. Out this would in jure the Outcli traile and diminish the Company's revenues as you well understand, and must therefore be prevented, anyway merchandise imj)orted that way must i>ay the same customs and convoy duties, as the goods, brought from here, and the duties # 526 /ia/7// Cohiiial Settlements. npon beavers, exported via New England, sliould bo increased Wo do not knnw wl,„f i r are paid on beave. and the,.efo..o nu..., call on ,ou fb,- infonnation, wbiie : 'gi ^ ' I J 'T wlieti.er U would not bo more advantn^r,>„„s for the Coin.mnv to havo flifs,. \JJ A ""f ,' ool,^ ^ otHeers of the Oon.,..,, because the ..nner Jf V':^^^^^;^^^ :X and les a« exper.enee nn.st now have ,au,d.t you. We leave this to your con.deration. ' ' pu ehas,„g of fertde and conveniently located lands iron, the narive^.to anticipate the Fn d h and be .n possession of these lands n.ore rightfully and peacefully. Yo^ will act' accordinllly. * * * sectau.an. .unan.ed away from there, yet as they do not, wo doubt very nu.ch, wlu'ther we can go-er,n„e t. A. tl,„ g,,v..r,mH,„ d ll,i, ritj |„„ „]„-„„ „,,i„j „,i. ,„„^i , „„„le ,,i„„ ,,„1 f EXTKACT FHOM A L.-.TK« OK St,;VVKSA.VT ro TUB D.KK.VOUS; E.V0«OA0nMK.™„v-C0NX.,n-I0CT- (May 14'" lOO;}). * Wo rejoiced to learn fro.n your letters the settle.nent of the difllcnltiea between the Crown of Fnrj/and and our governn.ent, which son,..what .liMn-niKh..d our fears and anxieti,.s conc,.rnin« further usurpations of your territories here, but did not ,|nite allav them, as our last letter by the Vo3 may have told you. Our m.i,i.hbors „f //„.^/;.,7 have unt yet desisted from ..xtendin-.' then- undehned hmits acr'ordin- to their new patent, as enclosure No. ^- will tell vou You wiH also learn from it, how impossible it is to obtain a favorable settlement of the boundary „uestion here from people, actuated by such a hau-hty and insatiable spirit ami snpporte.l b^• a patent so ample and unlimited in regard to your territory, which is not mentioned in the articles of peace norm the patent: this causes great anxiety to your faithful servants and good subjects Our othcial position, honor an.l duty compel ns to remind you once more, even'to pray i„ l.ehalf of your subjects, that the so often demanded and so necessary settlement of the "bomMlaries bo brought up for discussion by a special letter from their High: Might: and obtained from his New Yorh Hiatwiml liecorda. 527 Majesty of EiKjland. Yuu will iiiulurstand the urgent necessity of it, if you consider the pei'oinptory order of tlic Deputy Governor and (ienerii! Assembly of Hartford to your subjects in Oontitorj), by tiicui always called \Vi:stchfls(,'r, tlie assent and submission to this order by tho village in general and tliu fact, that this village is hardly one iuilf of a league from Ilelle Gait or Manhattans Island and not a league from tlio Nortk river. * « # # JNNECncUT ; Council Minutks. A new Hamlet near Wallaiioit; Church at Amesfoort; Volunteers FOR THE Esoi'us War; Tniiiw; Enulisu Intuiol'es on Lonu Island. May 2G"' 1603. Wo humbly and friendly i)resent to tho Honorable Director-General and Council, that wo have lately obtained from your Honors tiie gi'ant of a piece of land in the rear of the Walehoclit near Marries' plantation and as your petitioners have cleared their enclosed lots, some of them having already planted and sown, while others are beginning to i)lant and as we would live very far from oiu- property, we request altogether, that we may be allowed to form a hamlet there among oui-selves, to i)rotcct our property. Not doubting, that yo\ir Honors will grant our recpiost and do us a great favor, for which we shall always feel obliged, wo await etc. Signed : Thomas Lambertsen The n-ark of Tennis Dickson The mark of Jan Danien Gennjc Proliatskin The iiuirk of Tennis Cornclisse Tlie mark of Dirck Jansen Ilooglant Tho mark of Wynant /'ieiirsen The nuirk of lleindrirk Claenen. After reading tiio foregoing petition, it was decided Bvert Dirckscn Van Naa Tennis Jansen Ileyndrick Jansen Been The mark of Peter Petersen Joont Jh'ransen The mark of Panhts Dircksmi The mark of Dirck Paulussen '. Fiat quod petitur. Date as above. To tho Noble, Very Worshipful Director-General and Council of New Netherland. Humbly and respectfully show the Schopcns of tho village of Amesfoort, for themselves and for the good inhabitants of that village, that the petitioners are building a church, to hear Gods word taught therein, and as they have so far dono the work, with tho a|)probation of the Director. General and Couiu'ii, at their own expense and tri)nl)lo with great labor, but now tind, that it shall cost much more, th:in they calculated, while the harvest of last year was a very bad one, which made them get in debt, therefore your petitioners humbly turn to your Honora and request, to be excused from paying tho tenths for this year or that your Honors will make provisions for continuing the work on the church with diligence and for the honor of (iod's holy name. Wherewith itc Amesfoort, Your Honors obedient servants June 4'" 1(50;!. The Magistrates of ^l/wc.j/twi! By their order, Adrian lleyeman, Sue'' pro hac. Ifl [«>' 4 '(; 528 Early Colonial Settlements. Tho foregoing petition having been received and read, it was answered after a vote liud been taken : Tlio Director-doneral and Council promise and licrewith give for bnilding tho said ('hnrch 260t], beaver value, which tho lieeeiver shall either pay to the petitioners or set oil against the tenths. Fort Amsterdam in N. N. the 7'" of Juno 1063. Lovlnge Friends These are oncly for to convoy t!ic present wrytings * to bo vppon Sight inimcdiiitcly manifested & ijuhlished amongst your Townsmen, (Jr.d pleasingo, I hope niyselfe to Come, Eyther to send my de[>uties vppon Hiiturday next Into your Towne to see iff any vppon such honnorable Tormes romi)tly with his wiiole family and his animals, to come and live on the said land, he humbly ])rays, that your Honors will allow him another year, before he settles there : in the meantime he will cultivate and plant it as well, as it can be done in his absence. If your Honors slioiihi not deem it advisable, your Detitioner still intends to carry out the contract, written in English here annexed. Remaining ie Your Honors' humble servant * A Proclamation calling for Volunteers agaiuat tho Gxopus Iiulia'.iH, for which neo Vol. XIII, p. 259 I Ni-m York IHatoimif hWortb. 520 roto hud b«en This Iiidoiitor or pontmct nimlc lictwccMc tho inhiiMtMiin of tlio Towtn' (if //imjmffi/ oiur f.oiKj Ixliinil ii tlio Nfin Ni'tli''rlitiiiln oriu tlio out' piirt tiiul TlnniiitH Tfrij iind Saiini',11 J>,rln,y nil Kst Lyiii' to niiiii ns farr an tliin! hoviidrt ^i^tw ami *io dowiic to the NoKh Hca, tho wiydu inhahitaim of lli-i)i>lase from wlu'iice they eame that they have bene and are like to be good nu'inbers. Memorandum tho word planters is thriso enterlinod and all soo thes words seleet towiismenn, in witness to tho dvo ]H'rforniaiK'e of these premises both ])arties dooe svbscribe tliire hands this forth dayi' of Jvlyo stilo novo in tlii^ vere of ovr Lord KitJl. Afem : tlmt if llie aforsayde planlors dooe not come to pose.-s and si'ttl one the above granteil tract of land within the spase of 2 yeri's, that is to save by tlii! beginning of Jvlye in I be yere of iivr Lord ICiti;!, die above made grant to be voyde ct of nono efect. U|i IIAIIO (Jll.IlKKSl.KVK liollltl' iIai'KsoN luHinr AsiiM.\N .lolIN SMirii Thomas Tkukkv Sa.mwki. Dkukinu 07 i PP": i tl ■• " j^.ffrf %.. 'm ■'■ [ i I! f 4: ■'ft 5«0 Novcmbor 13'" 1(143. I^iuli/ C 'ohn ial Setth inenta. Indian l)i;i:i) Kou Land in IIi mi'stkad, L. 1.* (Kruiii |ia|i«ri of the Caruiftu Kaiully ) [Into imiii liy tlu-no Pn'scntH flmt weo of Mascjumjr, Jfrrriaci- or lioiiuimy wee Ikich immo ail) horcundur writtoii Imvu Hott wnt iiiul wild unto liulurt lumlktin mid John I'urman on Lomj Jdand Iiiglishnioii tlio ludfo inoioty or uta,j,.s/,,i,f and not entered. This Coj.y is taken hy .Uicu/t Smith (Jlerk of lloiqmlmd as well as 1 could l.y reason of its being very miieii shattered. as witness mv hand In the thick hook f 300. Micau Siirru Whereas Miero liatli bone fjranntiMl to Mr. Thomns Torrtj by tho towno ix certaine tract of land at Mattliuworl;, as appcaretli by the Covenant within written & thcin^ bciiit,' not therein any Limitation of what nmnber of persons or familyes slial be setled thereon, — Therefore it is now further licreby Confirmed i^- lykewyse agreed and Concluded ui>oii, by ( 'crtaiii men fornicrlv Chosen an Least. h\ witnes whereof both parties doe herevnto subservbe their hands ili.- 23'' day of June 1(103. Witness Jonas Hoildswokth RiciiAun Gii.deuslekve Thomas Ti;kkkv Cli-'rk John Hickes RoiiiiEUi' Jackso.v Re DKirr AsiLMAN hls marko John Smith in th«L\',Hji'M7','II.'',lK.T ""''7n' '""'"'"• " 'T '^"""•""Uni- ' |>rop..r chronological place. MUah Smith wan .. .-omMt in Uio yueeua Counly i roop of IImmh. com.'. :;.'l. u . Cap*. Uanid WhiUliead. New York Jlidorittil Jlecoi'ds. 531 July 12' Till) fi'iej{()iii^ petition of Thoiium Terry iiiid tlin iiimcxuil piipurH wore rocolv«d ami the fdllowing aiiHwcr wan r('turiii>m"t Terry and bis BMociatH, proiiiittiti^c furtbur bim & Iiia aiMochitg ul Juitt & Lawful bulp utid HdaiHtaiiuo apiinst ntiy oppoHcra. Acted & ^'ivcti in our Court at tbo Fort N. AmaUrdam tbis la"* of July 1»'63. Mont Noblo Ooiicnii)': wco bmio Rocfiuod yo' Lottor: and accordiiij; to your f)rdur \vo boiiij^ Koinc of tbc Inhabitaiice mutt wo biivo Buiit liiohard Vnrmll to your Honour t( agiro about oiirtytbcs: not duo wo rest Fliithinij, It!'" July lOtj;^. Per mo : E»w,vui) Ffishku, Cler: Today liifhard Conidl came before tiio Hoanl and ap;roed witli tbo Di recto r-fJenoral and Council, tiiat tiiu viliaj^c of Vlinliujen sball pay one liundred scliopcln, one lialf of wlieat, tbo otlier of peas, as tentlis fur tbis year. IllOUARn CoKNELL. Tbis agreement was annulled by order of bis Honor, Governor Richard Nkolls on tlie 10'" of August lti05. C. Van RtYVEN. I ;oforo tbo Council appeared Thoman Wandrll, Ralj}' llnnt ik John Corhntn", deputed by tlio village of Miilililh njh to agree witii tlio Diroctor-deneral and Council about tbe tentlis for tbis year. Tbe Direetor-Ctoneral and Couiieil of N>'W Xetherland on tbo one part and tbo said dejiutod persons on tbo otiior part agree, tbat tbo village of Middlehnryh sball pay as tentlis for this year one buiidrod Kcliopeis, otiolialf ill wboat, tbo other in peas and it is further stii)ulated, tiiat the deputies sliall endeavor to bavo tbo tenths for last year paid at the same time, if possible ; for which thov engage their persona and property. In witness whereof they have signed this at Fort AiuDdrditm in Nno A'cthvr/ond this ID'" day of July 1G(J3. Thomas Wanddm, l*- Stuvvesant Uake lloi'NTK his iiiarko John Cociikane 't waH ti ( 'onii't July 28"' 1003. The Diroctor-Cionoral and Council on tbo one side and Jnhn Sramnn, as repro.scnting the village of lldnxteail^fm the other side, have ai;reetl, that the said village shall pay as tenths for tbis year ono hundred schopels of wheat (jr the value thereof, deliverable on tbo beacb. Am/th'rditm in N. N. John Skaman. Mr. Socrotary. Throe persons camo t.oro to Gravpufnd yesterday, who called together tlio whole village and to-day read a ccniiiiii-sion, staling, that wo won- no longer under the Diitcii govirnnicnt. but under tbat uf Uart/ord; it was a simple commission, signed Coo. I have arrested him, but the w 5.'{2 Ji^'/rli/ Colonial Seltlemeiiis. arrest was not uplield, because the i.utliorities wcuM ,.,,t .1,, it. Tlierofoi'. I hold !,;.„ f,„. ,ldjt mul inu^t prove the debt i-.t 10 o-.;.' twnorrow inoriiin^r. JJe kind enough, q-.iekly to semi me oiders, wliut else I shall do or omit in this case. Tatieiitly awaiting your orders and advice I im 111 haste thia 21"' of September 1G63. Your willing friend The mark of Nicolas Stillwell \A made by liiniself. lo Ins Honor, Secretary Cornelii van liiiyven, at Fort Amsterdam. September 24"' The foregoing note was cr.r.munioated to tlio members of the Council *, who resolved to send the sergeant with eight men to Graoesnul, tr take the rioters and bri'ig them tu this place. Ihe follov.-mg letter to the Magistrates was given to liim. Worthy, Dear, Faitlifid. We have just been informed, that three persons have come to vour vil!a-o, who read there a document st..fing, that you did no longer i,elong to this goven.meut, but to the Colony of Jlnrtford. ihis is very strange, because we nndcrstaniV\ at S o. c. a. m Lieutenant Still,;,;!, arrived h.^re from Gra.'^send anor, tlu.y f„rth- AMtli took p.,sses.-M.n of his house, saying, th..y w.miM have StlUewd aliv.. .>r .lea.l, because he iiad caused James ('/,r;..t;/.s arivst ; it was so ,lark, that they ,li,l not see mh.r.l; 1... got away an.i wentto the house uf his s.,n-in-law /irl/lnujl,, wh.m, he sent t.. s...... how th..v bad tivat,.,l his' wife. ^•turning he sai.l, that th..y ha.l u,a.).. th,.ms..lv.,s at homo in his hous.; ,ln,nk t wo ank.Ts .,f brandy, which they |,„md in ,he cellar, light...l .•amihs every wImtc and ..p.-M,.,| all doors, but • W-^.vo.'M'.t had gon.i to /hrton ..„ tt„. 6". ,.f S,,,.!. to .v,nfer will. th„ V„mm\mh,w'T» ,.f tlu, r„U„t Colouie,. )lil Ih:n for (k'ljt, lU>nie», New Yorh Jlistorieai Jiecords. 533 they had not taken any good.M. lie therefore resolved, to come hero and report, which having heun done, it Wiis decided, to send an express to the Director-General at /icsfun, that ho might inform the General Assembly there of this occurrence. It is said here, tiiat the party, which came to Gravesend, numbered about I.jO men, gathered mostly at, Westchester, Middclhonjh and in that neighborhood. E.xamination by interrogatories of James Clwistij, now a jirisnner, before the Council. James Christ// answers : About 32 years old and born at Jans Tovn in Scotland. At Middtlhorqh in Xc\o Ndherland. He was sent b_> John Talaitt to Mr. Coc at Mhhhihunjh with a letter, of which he de- livers a copy. Yes ; lie had verhal instructions from Capt. Talvott, to go to VliKsini/cn, ILinufcdd and liustdot'p to Sdund the inhabitants about their loaning towards tl;e government of llarfford. lie had private business to attend to at Hart- ford and Tah'ott had recpiested him, to take the li'tter, he acted only as messenger. No. How old and where born { Where ho resides 2 Upon what authority and under whoso orders, lie has presumed to come to Gravi:seiul last Monday and there to read tirst to some private persons, afterwards to the whole communitv a writing, inciting to sedition and to sound the inhabitants concerning their leatiing towards the government of Hartford. Whether he has had order to go to the other villages, inhabited by t'lujlish peojile } What induced him, an inlinbitant of this prov- ince, to let himself be employed in such a seditious undertaking I Whether he knew and had not been pr(Jiiiis(>d, that he would be release ' by force, if he were molested or arrested. This examination was helil at Fort Amsterdam. \v .V'-ir-Xethcr/and ou the 'J<)"' of September 1063 in the presence of r^'uncillors Nirasiu^ tie fSit/e aw\ Johon de Dtfkcn- nw\ t\i Canl von JiriKjije, who understands both, the Eiiu'lish and Dutch, tongues. IL\Ki.'oKn, Au'j.st th, '1\, ltifi.3. Captaine Voc, after the presentation of our re3|)ects to your selfe & our good frinds with you ; you may please to understaml that yours by the barer heerof is com to our hands the 'I'l of this instant with in tow hours after the general asembly broke vp : so that at this tim we can not sted you accordinge to our dcyersoiir magistrats being dispensed they cannot now meet in Counsill to conclude anythinge as will make for your comfort ; but if you present anything to y" Courte in October next the second thursday of y" month it will be duly considered and we shall doe our mdeavour to prompte that as m.iy be condusable for your good; we vnderstand \.\vAt Steivrsone is hound for /^(«^^»v(f to meet with the (' mi.-..sio:iers there as we supose in referance to your alTayres wlioe formerly have bene vnder his govermueut, on of vs viz Captaine TtdUott is to goe with our geiiernour Commissioners for our Colony whoe will doe what may be for your inlarge- mcnt. In the ineane whille we siipose Steiicrson dare not in the lea.st ofer any Injury to any of ynu ; and after the meetings of the commissioners at October courte the Courte will the better be litlid to know how to actc towards your selves or any of the towiies about yoii if ther were a geiierall concurrance in de-ireinge of subniitinge to our gouermente wee sniiose it wold much ill '■ ■'' '.. Y i .'. * 584 Eaihj Colonial Settkments. promote the end aimed at by you. sir wo know not fnrtlier at present tc saye vnto you and tliereforn shall conclude with our respects to your selfe and all our good frinds with vou and remaine your assured frinds and servants. JoriN TALLoorr, This is a true coppy taken out of the originall by me ■ - • ■■. Jamks Bkadish, Clarke. The foregoing is the letter, delivered by James Christy and mentioned in the examination. To-day Richard Smith brought the following note, which ho says he received from Pantom to be delivered to the Fiscal : ' Surr we vnderstand that by the instigation of a bisey pradniaticall ffelloe you have apprehended and imi)ri.soned one of our Coliny, these are as yuu desiar to kepe a good Corrispondesey with the Ewjlish and our Coliny in Coniticute esposhally vp„n tiio Kecaitc lieivof to Release and seat at Liberty the uforesaide prisoner if not we siiall Resent it as a breach of the l)ease and ackt acording to the neatar of the Case and Ifor Stilmll as we have aconling to our Commission pei-seued him though he have with di-awne hin.selfe shall make him Responcabell us fionc as we cann catcli him and thus with my Respects I Re.uame your frind as you yease ours I desiar a gi>e« Vnited Colonies of New En(,hmd. And although we are certaiue. dat you according to voi'ir obliged duty ^ sworen oath wil not giue any care, much lesse consentment to such troublenime spirits. Neverthelesse by this present occasion we could not omit by these presents to re.piin. ivcoimuend vt ordain, that if it should chance that such miitin.Mis spirits ^- troublesome pcrs.,ris should come into ymir towne, for to molest iV (lis(piict y-go.,.! inliabitans of y" ,nii.ic »t to dniue them of from their dutie that you piTsently would tak(' hold i.f th..m ^- pivseutlv ,'o send them heither, upon y" <'liargesof y" worshipfull Compaiii(' or else to giue us timely notice of their actings to yo end that such persons might be seased iiix.n by us, that throw that iiu'anes the dis.juietiies vfe molestations wiiich might issue thence, might be hindered A- i.ivveiited. that the t'ood inhabitaim might continue in unted and well-armed men came yesterday morning io Jamaniea, to wit, Ilarthol New Yorh Iliatoncal ^ccoi'ds. 587 omi'iis Appchjact, Charles Morgan, Natirujh, Thomas WWock, James IliMard, William Gonlder, Ooeduau Ben and iV. N., who on Btartinj; liad ciillod out to some JVetv Utrecht people, liiijipeiiing to bo at Gravenend, " llow is it now ? Will you be the King's or the Stui. .,' men " and thou tbey rodo oil. An Englishman came yesterday to N,ii) Utrecht, wlio liad hired two oxen to sonieljody there and now took them away, saying, lie know, that they would bo attacked by wtme English people and if tlujy resisted, the English would try to ruin them completely. lie came therefore for his oxen, because lie did not wish to suller loss. This report was made by said Jan van Clceffm tho presence of the Director-General, tlie Fiscal and the two Burgomasters of this City, at ]u>rt Amsterdam, the tl3. Note: The Fiscal was to-dav sent to Grarescnd with tho above letter, written in Emrlish : he had orders to proceed to the other English villages, if be thouirht it advisable. 08 [h ,/i' If 538 J'Sarli/ (jolonial Settlements. The Director-Geneml and Council witli the Burgomivsteiy of this City have especially taken into considumtion the unlawful, obstinate and unwarranted proceedinj,'ti of thu En-^li.sh at HaH/ord, who cannot bo diverted by any inducements or reasoning from their unfounded pretenses and claims; the journals kept by the Director-Ueneral, of his transactions at Bonton, mid by the Comniissiouors, of their proceedings at Hartford, fully prove this. The English pretend," that the provisional boundary agreement, made at Hartford in l(i5(), is null and void, because hia Majesty of Eiujland has now detinitely lixed their boundaries, and pursuant to their patent they must and shall take tmder their protection Westcliester and the English villages of Lotuj hland; they have already done the latter, ono hundred Englishmen on foot and on horseback have been in all English villages on Loiuj Mand, have called together the Magistrates iuid inhabitants, said, it was the King's territory and they should no longer i)ay tenths and other taxes to the Dutch government: tiiey have deposed the old Magistrates and api)()iiited and sworn in others in tluir places. Our weak military force, the dangerous and still continuing war with the savages, fear of the total ruin of the country people, if wo were to take hostile measures, jjrevcnt us from doing any thing against tiium without 'jxpross order, advice and the promised support of tiie Compan\" Having often con.sidered and wjighed all this, we have judged it best and must advisable for the good of the Company and of the country people, to answer the propositions, made by Hart ford, as follows, in the hope, that thereby further invasions of the Dutch villages may be prevented, until we have made some agreement with the English or received orders from the Fatherland. Fort Amsterdam in iV. iV. p. Stuyvksant the 15"^ of November 1G63. Nicasils dk Sili.k P. L, VAN i)E Giiirr O. Stevensen vau Coutlamt i IJi Letteus from Director Stdytesant to ruE Governor and Council ov CoNNEcricrr AiiofT THE Claims of the latiek. Right llunoiirable S" iV: f.ovinge Neighbonrs. Yours of the 12/22 Octol/" .sent by our intrn.sted agents I have received, unto which I should sooner have returned a answer iff my sickness had not hindered, the which is only the Cause that for the present I can iu)t answer vnto the Particidars accordinge vnto our desyres vC- y' ex])ectation8 only I was in hoojjs that between your and our deputies a favorable it Coufortable issue answerable vnto both our Superio'-s in hJuropl.a, Should have bene attained, but Conferringe your honn" pro])ositions and our Intrusted agents answers, wee doubt not that by neerer mecthige, either with the Right Honnonrable Connnissioners off the United (JoUonies or accordinge to your Honn" motion by our Superiors in Knropt\ either by a mutual accord, by a thinl pei'son or Persons mutually Cho.sen, the dilferances as yet may be ended: these may assure your Iloiin" that we shal bo Ready to promote al waves oti Peace and friendship to that effect and shal attend all meanes for a liapjiy Conclusion otf all tho diireranccs th.at are fallen out between vs and therefore until that tyine we shal rest and accpiie.sse in what your hoiin'M 'ommittees and oiir agents had i)roposepresse such persons that shal act and doe against these proposalls, accordinge vnto your honn" further advice al persons Concerned Itoth English and Dutch to carry it peaceably Justly and friendly: Wee hether to have attended and shal doe soo stil, vntil a amicable. Comfortable for both Nations and befoi-e our Superiors a iinswerable issue may bee obtained and Concluded, whereunto expectinge your honnours favoura- ble Construction and answer I shal rcct. Ainsti'/'dam In the Your liunu" Lovinge friend & Neighlwiir. N. Xdhpv!ecause off my weaknessc not Hooner being Dispatched and by want off oppor- tunity not beiiige set forth, wee ware in the moaiio whyle informed that sum iiuiuiot troublesome anil seditious spirits and anuuigst others one John (he junior and j'l?(Mt>;iy ir((< ])reseiit8 your honn" may informe more fully, which doeings beinge absolutely Contrary vnto your honn" proposals and Last reeeuved Letters, Sent by our intrusted agents ; wee hope im'" speedy and Categorical answer, thiit wi^e laav order our oucitaiuns thurevnU>. Woe liud ourBclvus much obliged for your honn" lioiiouiiiblo lib' 11 'I'i P 'i 640 /uirli/ Colonial Scttletiu nt«. acceptance tfe I'litortiiiniii' slmwfd vnt.. our agents, wcc Hlial not l)co wanting if! ocofiHion ]m'8f>nt to show tho Lyko NeiVliliorly Conrtesy to any oil yonrs. Soo after me Love \. Kerviee I hlial re«t. AinHter,1 IsLANI). Monday, tho 7'" of January 1004, Tapamayh, Saehem or Chief of tlie Lonle will sell at all or not ? If they desire to sell, then We iirst want to set,' the goods." Asked, whether the peoples of ILmHtcad wwA Rastdorpov Jamenico hail not summoned thetn too, they replieil, " no," but j\Ir. Illd:H and his son had also been at Vl!.y.sai;/,;i ; ihvy had only been listeners and had not spoken. They further report, that the English had saul, three ships would come from luujland, to drive out the Dutch and Stuyvesaut, all the land belonged to them and if Stuyvenant tried to do anything, they would biml his hands on his back and snid him out of the country or kill him; but if he kept (piiet, it would be well and he might remain in his own house and on his land, like any other man. The I'eport of these savages having been heard, they were told, that all the land on Lotuj Island, now occn])ied by him and other savages, had been conveyed to the JJutnh by Mechowodt, then chief of Jlarxepimj/i, the father of Tapaumlace. Date as above. t Peter Wei. Honorable, Wise. Prudent Cicntiemcn, Honorable Direftor-(teiieral ami High Council of Neto Netherland. The Connnissioners of the village of Jioswyck have read your answer to tin' pi'titimi nf Ahndtinii JaiiKCn Tiiinnervian and by our messenger we have intpiired among tiio inlmbitants of Ji(tswi/cl\ whether anybody would be injureil by Abruluun. Janni n'x intention to erect a water grist mill on J/ey>iit/d'il at a place well known to them. The messenger reporied, the inhabitants had told him, that such building wo\ild not be in their way, but they heartily wished, that it was already erected, because it would he of great advantage to our village, of the said A/ira/taiii Jiinsen can .satisfy the owners of the meadows, the soil and the water, we, the Commissioners, have no objection on om- ])art and allow him to erect a mill. Comnu'iiding your Honors to Ciods blessing wi' remaii'. Jiottii'',' h\ Febr'' I" \WA Vour always rrady servants By Order of the Commissioiu'rs of /{oswi/ek r.. Ma.noit, Secretary of //(wwyci- 12 1 WA. Febr.. Ahraham dansen Tintnurnum came before the Hoard and exhibitcil, pui-siiaiit to the ajipiiintmetit of .lanuary lis"', the written answer of the Comniissaries of the village cf /'oxw'/rk, which having bii'U con.'-ideied by the l)irector-(ieiieral and Council, the petitioners request of the above (late was granted and it is lierei)y granted, nii condition, that he shall [)ay such taxes and royalties as other mills are paying or may hereafter have to pay and that he shall .sati.-fy the owners of the land and meadows. Date as above. To the Noiile, Very Worshipful Director-Ceneral and Council of New Nethi rliind. Bespoctfully show the Sellout and the Schepens of the villages of Mbhrout, I'rou'hhn and New rtreeht, that experience has taught and is daily teaching them, that many irregularities and a 643 Earhj Colonial Sdthmcnfs. n>nfus,on n.rnr nnu.ng tlic inl.al.itnnts of snicl vill«go«, hoonnso parcol. of land, l,o«s,.s nn.l l.t., «lM.-li have buen Hul.l, are not properly eonveyiul : tor it often Impp.ns, timt a piece of Inn.l, a Iiouso or a lot ih 8ol.i four or five times without a dcocl for it l.avitig l.eeii ^nvcn and a receipt f..r tl.o pnrcha^j money taken, l,wan«o the p.n'son^ considered ti.e tronhle, loss of time and oxi)enses, caused by connng to Fort Aimfenlam to have the deed properly rccoi-ded in tho Secretary'- otHce. As it is an old custon. in Holland, that all n>al estate is conveyed and transferred before th. Schepens, in whose jurisdiction it lies, and in order to prevent 'the confusion muI irrcf^ularitu's, likely to arise through the neglect of having it projjorly convoyed, Your petitioners turn to your Honors resiHJctfully reipiosfing, that you willVavoryoiir petitioners with tho authority and allow them in tlieir afor..said quality and by their Secretary of the four vdlages, to have the conveyances of real estate, already sohl or hereafter to be sold there, made bi'fore tho Secretary in i>ro8enco of two Schepens of the village, where the property is situated, AU), that heiu'cfortli the petitioners nuiv take acknowledgements, before two Scheivns of the respective village, of mortgages and bonds: the petitioners shall keep a separate record of the conveyances and mortgages in each village. Which doing etc. Voiir Honors' obcdii-nt servants Tho Courts of Midwuut, Amevfooii, /I re u vie/en and 2few Utrecht, By order of the said (Courts AuKiAN IIkokman, Secretary. f ¥ i Obdi.vamce for tuk REcoRomo OF Deeds and Mortoaokb in Brooklyn, FLArmsu, Fi.a h.ani.s AND New UrRixnr, passed Fkukiakv 14'" l(lt;4. (See Laws of Ne^o Netherlands p. 45<,».) "Worthy, Dear, Faithful. Our answer to your petition is contained in tho enclosure. This servos only to reco!nmeni)erty, for which no patent has issued,' are null am! void. Jn passing deeds, mortgages etc you will use the seal, sent herewith, until further orders. Wherewith etc. February 14"', lGfi4. To the Noble. Very Worshipful Director General and lloiiorable Council i^i New Niiherlaml. Noble, Very Worshipful Gentlemen. The preseui desolate condiHon of New Netherlaml, caused as well by the English as bv the savages, has iudiu-ed us to turn to your Honors with the hiunblo request, that von will plea'se to call a meeting of the deleirat.-s from th.- .several DnI.Oi vill;.ges on /.<-^y A/,///./ at an early .l:iy and favor it with your prcM-nre. for we de.-ire to select two uu;n, who have j.roperty on 7„»v hia,,,/ an New York llLstorkal Jiecon/s. 513 by tlic (ii-st sliii) and n'|)(iit to tlic L.nlti Dincfi.i-H and their IFii,'li: \fi;;lit: tlio l,..rds Static Ocncral, wliiif liin liaiipfiiud ti» tlio villago on L>iiij Idaiul ; wo h;ivo no doiiht, tliiit wu will ho 8U|)ported. Which doing wo retimin Your IlniKirs' obcMlicnt servants Tho MagiHtriiteH of Amenfoort, Mit/wout, lireuckekt) and ^cw UtrevlU In their name, AoKiAN Ukgkmam, their Bchout & Secretary. Reucivcd iind read tliu foregoing loijneut. It waa anawiM'ed ; February 21". Tho Director-General and Conncil find tlie ri-quest to ho jiint and tho jietitioners have there- fore iiennissioii, to meet in tho village of Miilwi>ut on Thin-sday, the last day of this nmnth. In the meantime they ninst inform the inliabitants of lioKwiji'ky that they may come there either theniselveH or by chilegateu on tlio waino day. The Director-deneral and Conneil or their representative will also be there then, to hear their proposition!) and consult, with them concerning the welfare of said villages. Fort AmsUrdam in N. N. Date as above. PaTKNTS FoK liANI) ON LoNO IsLAND. Pdrua Stui/i;emnt vfec &c have given and granted to Ath-ian Huyhfrtsen a piece of land, flifnate in MfKjxith o\\ Lomj hliiiid, north of ChnniKin, South of I'nnjir Jorixfiii, beL,'innini; at tho kil, where JSonji m mill staiuls, so that the meadow as far as the kil is included ; forty eiirht rods wide and three hundred rods long, containing twenty four morgens ; with express condition Fort AiiLgttrdaiiL in N \'., the 20'" of January 1004. I'. SriYvi:sANi'. Pdrua StuyvtMnt, Director-tbMieral Ac &c, testify and (h'clarc, that today, date under written, we have given and granted to Clues C/ium/i a jvareel of land on /.,ni>/ IshtiifK t-iluafe in the village of Nar I'tncht, X. \V. of .fmol) Sintrt, S. H. of Albert All>i:i-tten, ou both, the South and Xorth East sides and Easterly six huiuired rodr- long, twenty four rods wide, containing twents four morgens ; also a piece of meadowland, number 1 1, contairung two nmrgens one hundreil and sixty rods, and a lot for a house and gai'deii on thc^ N. W. side of Tennis lih'nse and on thii S. E. side of Thomaa Jiiimrii, ten rods wide and thirty rods long ; with the express condition itc »feo Fort Aiit.iti;rilam in .V. N., the 2'.)"' of January 1004. P. SrfYVKSANT. W\ order of the [)ireetor(ieneral and Council C Viln liiii/ ill, Secretai-y. 544 luirbj Colonial SeUleiiuida. Lt^ J'ftrns HtuymKiint &(• itc liavo >{i\oii and gruitod to h'frrit Siwilliji'r !i [liiri'nl of l.'iinl, Hitiiiito in Miifiiwiil 01) l^wj Ixlaml, Wi'st of tlio roinl, North of the Cliurt'liliiiKl, South of <'i)rin!f!.i i/aimeii, twenty m-vt-n roili* fonr fi'ct withi ami wix humlroil rmls lon^ in a dirrutiun S. by W. containing twenty sovun niorneiiti fort) i-jiiei; two pieces of nieaiiowlanil in eoninmn wilii Jan Snaf/'chr, tlie lirst, No. 4, »even roili* tivo foet wide, containinj^ two ni()rj,'eni!, tlio otlior, No. 8, twelve rods widi-, containinj,' three inor^'ens anil stretehin;; SoutliwardM from the woods to the Hea; a parcel in the llat No. 'J!», thirteen rods wide, containing,' two ami one ii.iif of a inorgon, Htretehiiij; Sonthward* from the road to tho woods; with uxpress condition «feo J'ort Avmterilam in .\'. .\'. tiie 2!t"' of Jannary lGt)4. P. STUYVEHANr. Pefi'us Stuyvrmnt itc Ac have given and granted to I'omdis van Jitiyih'n, Secretary and lleceiver(ieneral of iVVi<" \( t/ier/anil, a parcel of land in Jliiiwout tm Loikj hhiiul, North of CornelU JaiiHem orchard stretcliing S. S. W., in widtii on the re;ir or Kast side tiity rods, on tho Westside along tho path eighty-four rods along the hill two hnndred and seventy -eight rods and ulon" rti/vKi'/.'' J" //.WW orchard three hundred rods, containing twenty-five niorgens; also a piece in tho first nioadow, nuinher sixteen, seven rods wide and containing two niorgens; apieeeintlie fartlicst, No. 7, twe'vo rods wide anil containing three niorgens, stretching Southwards from the Woods to the sea ; a piece of flat land. No. 11, fifteen rods wide and containing two morgens tiiree hundred rods: with expruss condition iVc iVc Fort Aimknlam in .V. .V. tlie 2t!"' of F.jjruary 1(504. r. SrUYVESANT. P.y order : II'. Iioijardus, Clerk. AoKEEMK.NT iiirrwii.N Tin: Oiricn (\)MMis8ionek8 and John Scott. That whereas Jaimary y" ITourtli KIO;? 4 After a full debate between John Scott escpiirc president off thoenglish of y'' townsolT (rraoexeiidy Fohtoiw* Ilniitinijs** Vmforil\ Newwark\\ <& Ilemsirad in y' Aiidieneo it by the free Consent olT y" greater part of y" wiyd inhaliitants who declared y' it w.xs y" minds of All theire neighbours that tlie sayil John Scott should agitate it treate w'^ y" (iovernor S/iii/resunt or his Councell in y' promised capacity which being accordingly cfTected Articles oil agreement were drawn between y" sayd -Mut. Srot/ in publike Capacity & Captain John Yoniuj who averred y' it svas the desire of Gonelicut to accomadate such a settlement as was agreed vpon between y'' english olF y" Towns Abovesayd in relation to y* Royalties oil" y' King oiJ^FiKjfand & the Maintenance olT his say.l MajcMics late disposal to his Royail Ilighncsso James Ihiko of Torkc. lest in his Ma ;• name y- say.l I)ut..h towns directly nor indirectly : to the performance otF y- premises in pubhke Capacity the parties to these presents havo enterchangeably set to their hands & seals this iwent.e flourth oil tlebr: Anno ltJ(33(-4): In tho sixteenth year off his Maiesties rai-du. Kln« drc Witncsso ° b ^^ John Uiuhrhilt O. Stevemcn Cortlandt J. Scott (Seal) J)aniWf. Denton /. lUwkcr ' \ / Adam Mott John Lawrence VVESANT. (^KUTIKICATH .,K TUK RkMOVAI. OK so.M,^ EnoI.ISUMKN FROM ScnorTS UAY IN 1C40. March lo'" UUik The Director-Goneral and Council of Nn. Netherland certify and .leclare herowith at tho H-p es ot John Cooper, a res.dont of Southampton on Lo,uj Island, that tl>e six or seven Ku.d.slnnon, wo attempted to .settle at S,.,,ont. lay on Lon.j Nand in tho year 1640, woro l.n,M.bt away ron. there by order of the Directcu- Cienoral and Council, then i,. ofliee, .. \\.Z ,u .so, then- I,«h:M,^ht: erected there Ion. before, and, as they acknowledged, put up in ,. . of ,t a tool s head l.,d.t years before, that is in the year 10:!2, subjects of their IlL. : M ,'bt had i.e«un to settle on and occupied this western part of Un.j hland, eight or nine years belore any otlicr nation had settled on any part of Lomj Idand. (^)UN(;iI, MlM'TK. AlM'uINTMKNT OK M AOIHTKAIKS FOR T,ON0 Isr.ANP ToWNfl. March 20'" 1001. The -Director-Oenoral and Council received nn.l read tlu^ nonn'nntions. ma.le and submitted by the Scho.it and Scliepens of tl,,. villa-e .,f lirenrhlen on Lo,u, hland au.l continued Wdha,n nredenhent anoint, namely the proceedings of the FngHsh, we do not desire to bother you with a repetition of our former rejiort, but refer you to our last letters by tin' " .SI Jaol," and " V^njufdc A'^v/v," duplicates of which go herewith. If you will once more read them ami tluni tak(! into consideration the proceedings of one John Scott, fully reported in a ivmonstrance from the Dutch villages of Long Inland, which still remain under your govermncnt, {(U)A knows, for how long,) and vrritied by attestations of the remonstrants, iiero enclosed ; you will agree with us, that tiny prove suiUcieiit that tin; malevolent FngJi.sh, John Scott, as well as the people of Hartford, have received further order, intelligence or encouragement from England, either from the King, the Duke of York or some other great men than their new patent; (!ven though your opinion dilTers and you infoiin us, that they would receive no support from Hiat side. Their hostile attempts and daily inc^•a^iug threats and ailronts, better known to us and the good inhabitants, than can be exjiressed in writing, are a sufiicient proof, that they expect something else, unless yoiu' vigilance and thr representations by their High: Mights: to bis Majesty of A'/^y/am/ prevent it by the determination of the boundaries. If this cannot be accomplished speedily and before the sunnner, then we must fear as an inevitable New Ym'k Historical Reccrrds. 647 M NO AND StATKN UiO-i.) resseil by you, arrows. Your ago by forming places and soil village of Nev) ,-el inland from it is settled by lied, was begun tell and French being no more til cominodioufl louses are iniilt o or tlirec liglit hind, being the irreater safety. i'eidetachment,— if we had not to expect and fear something worse, namely an inevitable .-nrjirise and capture of all the Dutch villages on Long Island, still under your government, the total ruin and spoliation of their houses, cattle and tields and consequently unavoidable poverty, /amine and destruction of the Dutch nation, who will not submit to English government. In your usual wisdom and far seeing judgriuMit you can easily conceive these fearful consequences, if ynii will only recall to your mind, what has been done in tiiis direction by one ,/y/(/4 6W with aliniit 70 to SO men on foot and on horseback and shortly after by John Scott with 170 to 180 men, raised on L^mg Island only, without help from t\w Colonies and what we and the good inhabitants thought, judged and reported to you about it, namely, that they only hoped, desired and expected, t.. meet with tirni resistance or to have somebody shot or wounded, which would have given them cause, to surprise, plunder and altogether to ruin the Dutch villages. You must fiiilher consider, that if the patent and the h'tters uf their High : Might : shall be enforced con- form to your orders and recommendations, if the iUegally appointed Magistrates are to be deposed and the old ones reinstated an.l if for the support of the latter against the Hartford people only 2(t soldiers are stationed in each Knglish village, of which there are six, our little force will be scattered at once and each detachment left to the mercy of rel)ellioiis Englishmen of the village, where it is stationed. Should Hartford give them the least support and in case of opposition our soldiers be killed or of imn-resistance be captured in further derision of our authority, then the wlioie province w..ul,l be in danger and on the one siile at the mercy of envious Englisirneighbors, on the other side, and this is worse and more dri'adful, of the barbarous savages. For these and other good reasons, based upon the present situation, and f.,r the better securing the country and some Dutch viUages and hamlets, we have deemed it best, to foll.w the advico of their High: Might:, that we should .onsider the state of allairs and our own means and keep the latter * Seo Co). Dm-., V„l. II , ,.,,. 018, ,l K,q. & 21!i, <■( i,-/j. ** Ndt on record. 548 Ewrly Colonial Settlements. together for the preservation of what wo still have, rather than to endanger everything by scat- tering our forces and offering resistance. It must be further considered, that for the sake of pre- serving the Dutch villages on Long Island and of keeping off the rebellious troops of John Scott, which as we said above numbers 170 to 180 men, foot and horse, also to save the said Dutch villages from being plundered, — we have been compelled, to make an agreement with him and his people for the space of one year, to the effect, that for the prevention of bloodshed and plun- dering the (Question about Long Island should be referred to our mutual home authorities, the subjugated or rebellious English villages remaining as they then were and the Dutch continuing in peace and quietness under your government. We would not like to break our word and promise by beginning hostilities or evade it in other ways, because we wish to deprive them and .ill others of reasons for complaints. We shall not fail in the meantime, to forward the letters from their High : Might :, of which some, that is those sent by the " Bever," have Tiot yet arrived in the most reasonable and convenient manner to the said English villages, admonish them at the same time and see, whether we cannot induce them, voluntarily to come back to their allegiance. We hoixjto accomplish more by keeping our promise and using persuasion, than by hostile oppo- sition ; anyway it will place the country people into loss danger. We long to learn the result of your representations to their High: Might: and through them to his Majesty of J'Jngland con- cerning the needed and long desired settlement of the boundaries. If it cannot be obtained and accomplished and if your servants and good inhabitants do not receive further succor and sufficient protection from you or, upon your rccpiest, from their High : Might :, our sovereigns, then it would be folly on our part, it would be like running with our heads against a wall, to make a hostile opposition, much more to make an attack and do anything against our promises and the provisional agreement, even though only the direst necessity compelled us to make it. Considering our present force, the situation of affairs atid the unsafe position, in which wo still tind us as regards the savages we deetn it best, to await further tlevelopments or more help and succor and remain on the defensive, for they can bring into the field ten, if not twenty, against one of ours. il r CouNoiL MnnJTKs. Mill on IIoos Islanb; Gowancs Bat; Tentrb. Before the Council appeared Jan von Bonund, a carpenter, who rctpiested permission, to erect a water mill near Iloya Island and that in consideration of the expenses, whicli ho will have to incur, nobody else shall receive permission for some yeare, to build a mill in that neighborhood. Having heard the request and having voted upon it, the Director-General and Council grant the petitioners permission, as they do herewith, to erect the mill, as desired, aiul during a period of three years nobody else have their consent, to build such a watermill in that neighborhood. Fort Amsterdam in N. JV., the 26'" of May 1(504. To the Noble, Worshipful Director-General and Council of Nfiw Ncthcrlnnd. Respectfully shows Adam Brouwer, in the name of tlie inhabitants of the Oouwanis and other persons on the Manluittans, that there is a kil between the end of Frederick I.uhbertsens Neio Ywh Ilistoi'ical Records. 649 land and the Red ITooh, wliicli could be turned into a passiige to the Oouwancs and the mills, without goinj^ round West of the Jicd Hook, where the water is ordinarily very low ; the said kil is now filled up with sand at one end, but with little trouble and labor it can be made navigable by dredging, so that boats, carrying one hundred schepels of grain or a full load of wood etc could pass through it. As your petitioner is .aware, that neither he, nor the pereons, in whose name he makes this request to your Ilonors, could presume or undertake to dredge and make the said kil navigable without your Honors' consent and api)roval, ho humbly requests in the behalf as aforesaid, your IIoi\ors will consent and permit, that the kil may be dredged and made navigable as aforesaid at the expense of the petitioners, which would bo of great advantage to the inhabitants here and at the (rouwdnvs and in times of hard weather would apparently prevent disasters. Awaiting your Honors' favorable decision etc we remain Your Honors' humble subjects The mark pL of Adam Bkouwer WiLI.EM BuEDENIiENT The mark ,^^ of Wh.lkm "Willemsfn The mark <6 of Peiteu Jansen The mark CA of Jan PE-rrEKSEN The mark Jr» of 15i;i{ent Peiteusen The mark S^ of Tuomas Veruon Jan Pyktersen G BRUIT (iEUKMHE The mark t±L of Jann Beus Jacob Teunissen Key Hendrick Willemsen Jan (lEKRnsEN from Ihiten/iuaeii louwerkns van i>e sl'kjuei. Hendrick Janse van Feurde ISAACK I)E FoREEST TnoMAs Ijohrenb Received and read the foregoing j)ctition of Adam Brouwer etc and heard at the same Fnderifk Lubhertsen mentioned therein, as the meadow belongs to him. He declares to have no objection against the dredging of the kill, provided that it shall neither now nor hereafter preju- dice his title (o the meadow. The Director-Clenei'al and Council of New Netlicr-land therefore allow and consent to the dredging of the kill at the expense of the petitioners, saving the rights of Frederick Lulibertsen and others, who may have interests (here. May 29"' lOti-l. Whereas the Director-fieneral ami Council are infornu'd that some of the farmers, living in the jurisdiction of the village of liriuckdeyi, have failcil to jiay thtir tenths accor':;>g to covenant, although th(^y have been ivdled upon by the Sellout and the Courtmes-senger on several occasions, Therefore saiil Sellout, S' Adrian Ilfijeiiuin is hereby authorized an(l, to suimnon and order such jtersons, who have not paid their tenths, to pay their dues in three times twenty-four hours on pain of execution. Date as above. ior-Genoral and Extract from a Letter ok Stuyvesant to the DiREiTroRs: Enoroaoiiments uy Oonnkcticut: Effect of the States-Cieneral's Leiters in Loni* Island. (June lO"", 16(34.) Although the English ot llartfirrd have not committed any act of hostility since our last letter, they continue with their threats, invasions iuid claims. They have now [inrchiised from the Buvages all the land between Westchester and the North river, up to the river, including the ,r) f: r)ijO Early Colonial Settlements. several tracts of land, which Director Kieft or we had given out by the usual patents and whicli in virtue thereof had been occupied and settled by people of our nation, for instance the land of Jonm Branch, also the land which old Van der Donck, his children and partners divided into several boweries and plantations, but which were deserted at the time of the nuissacro in '55 and several others, all adjoining this island, from which they are separated only by a very narrow kil fordable at some places, when the water is low. The savages report, that they have also tried to buy other lands on the East and Wostsides of the North river. On Lon,j Island matters are in termmis, as reported in our last letter, to which wo refei rhe ti\e Dutch villages Amesfoort, BreucMen, Mldwout, New Utrecht and Bosioyek with their dependencies continue, to remain so far under your government and jurisdiction, Uod knows for how long ; the five English villages, Gravesend, Ilemsted, which is half Dutch, half English Vli.ssitigcn, Jiustdorp and Middelburgh, whose names and Magistrates were changed, as wo reported, remain in revolt. The letters from their High: Might: were delivered by the Undcrschout Resolved ( I) aldrou) and Courtniossengor Claes van Elsland, as soon aa the " Bever " had brought the last We added t.j them an address, of which a copy is here enclosed. They had no effect whatever upon the English, at least not upon their intruding Alagistrates and the followers of tho latter. As the bearers reported, they hardly condescended to receive, much less to read them, but sent them immediately to Hartford, without having opened or read them, as if they wanted to say and indicate, " You may get your answer thero." We ^vere informed yesterday by Captain Thomas Willett, Mr. Jolm Lawrence and other wellaflected Englishmen, that those letters of their High : Might : made neither any impression on the General Court at Hartford, who generally believed, tli,-t tliev had been fabricated and forged by the Company in Holland or by your servants here ; they say, the States General have nothing to do with this provinc'c; they knew, it belonged t<, the King an.l was granted to them by thuir i)atent. Tho last General Court of Hartford has therefore resolved and decreed according to Cai)tain WUletts and Mr. Lawrences advices, to reduce the whole of Lomj Islniul and to establish their government there. Von may easily judge from enclosure No.—, a report made to Lieutenant Cowicnhoven by ir«/v>///j/ Indians,* what will be the fate of tho remaining part of Nerw Netlwrland, if it should happen, that the English not only subdued Long Idand the key to the Northriver, either by anticipation or by force, but als(, came to occupy the North river to the Eastern bank, as they not only say and threaten, but of v.-hieh we have ..roofs that they are doing it. 1 I PeTITIOM OFTl.li ReVKUKND IlENliy SeiYNS Kon ,„S I.ISMISSAL KKOM THE cnUBClIES AT UuooKLYN AND THE BoUWEUY. To the Noble, V^ery Worshipful Director- Gentlemen. General and Council of New NethMwnd. Your Honors' petitioner and subject respectfully submits, that with the special help and blessing of God he has served his churches in the settlement near the Director-Gcncral's Bouwery • Seo Vol. XIII, p. 363. I >t^ Ilm. New York Historical Records. 661 and at Breuckehn and that lio lias now asked for liis d'biiiissal by tlio Company, the term of years, for wliieli lie had engaged himself, being about to expire. The dismissal was granted in consideration of the expiration of his time and of the great age of your petitioner's father, who obtained the discharge with the assistance of the reverend Domino Jacohua Friglandiua, Pastor at Amstsi'dam, and wrote concerning it to the General. Ho requests, that your Honors will consent to his dismissal and considering the ships are now ready to sail, allow him to depart in the " Bcver^' in which lie camo. lie has no doubt, that when D° Samuel Mec/apolansia, Pastor and Medicinae Doctor arrives, your Honors will have a good opportunity, to fill your petitioner's place, and that your Honors will give the petitioner a favorable rojily. Amsterdam in N. N. Your Honors' huinblc servant the 17"" of July IGGJ:. Hendkkickus Selyns. After a vote had been taken, it was answered : Fiat q'' petitur. Done at F&rt Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 17'" of July 1GG4. IT BUOOKLYN Extract fkom a Leti'kk of Stuyvesant to the Diuectoks : Imprisonment of John Scott; LoN(i Island anu the Enolish ; (August 4"; 1604.) ***** "We confess, wc informed you* and it is our opinion, tliat not all has been lost yet, which might not ho recovered and replaceil by an eipial force, but under this proviso, which we already staled in our letter, " if W(! had not to expect or fear something worse." In our detailed despatches of the 26'" of April by ihr ^' Skttyn" and of the 10'" of June by the " T^j.f," to which we refer, we have clearly and fully shown, what this proviso presupposes and why, notwithstanding your categorical and now repeated orders cuncerning the recovery of the English villages and tlieir High : Might: letters, wo liave not execntcil them with the military force, hercenlisted, and the 4G or 47 men, who arrived in tlie slii])s " Trouw,^' " Grkruyste llert,^'' and " JJevc/:'' Wc reipie.sted you, to consider our arguments in your wisdom and farseeing judgment and tiien to advise us by lie next slii|), whetluu' you desired us to execute your repeatedly given absolute orders in regard to maintaining the patent and recovering the rebellious English villages on Loiyj Maud in the manner, prescribed by yon, notwithstanding the consecpiences, which may be expected and therefore feared to arise, if the boundary i[uestion is not settled and no further or sntheient succior is sent. We describeil them in our beforementioned letter of April 2(!'" and believe, that we gave you full ar.d detailed information on this sul)ject, which, as you say, your servants, being here on the spot, can do better, that you writing from there. Your supposition, that it is "only a rebellious troop of 15i) men" is clearly and undeniably proved, liy the autlu^nticaNid information and reports sent to yon; l)Ut it is not so clear and undeniable, that this reI)ellious troup has not to exj)ect relief or support from el.sewhere, as our lett(!rs liy the " Sfetti/n " aii.l " Hw" tell you. The majority of these rebels, who had first sot up Jo/iii S('(>/f and made him their chief and president, changecl their minds through the elTorts of Hartford people, wiio imprisoneil Jnhn Scott, »Boo tli« li'llcrof till! Directors, (latinl .\pril 31, l(i(il, to wliidi tliis man answer, iu Vol. II, p. 'i'A5, |«f ; \ , . ! ., 1 i 552 Early Colonial Settlements. because he had attempted to usurp to himself the goveriuueut of Long Maud in the name of his Majecty of England and of the Duke of York ; wiiile he acted under a comt:;;ssion and orders, wliich the people of Hartford liad given iiim \^s virtue of tiieir patent, to subdue Long Island for tliem and bring it under the government of tlie Colony. Governor Winihrop himself and some of tlie Commissioners of Hartford came to Lmg Idand last June, and, as they told us, at the recommendation of the other three Colonies, deposed the Magistrates appointed by Scott in the villages of Heemsteede, Vliasingen, liiistdorj), MiddeU>urgh and Gravesend nnd making tlie otHcers, apjrointed by them, swear allegiance to the King, proniis''' '"w'tii help ""i' assistance against all and everybody, who should resist. We, your faithful serv undersigned, were witnesses of it, as the Director-deneral and Secretary van Ruyven v, .gomaster CorUand and several other prominent burghers had proceeded there, in oru^;. to protest i.ersonally against such disorders, which was done in all the villages, e-tcept at Henistead, where they had arrived before us and without our knowledge and had done their business. It was of no avail and you may easily see, how unfotmded your supposition is, that " it does not ajipear, the rebells will receive support from elsewhere" or that "the other three Colonies will declare these proceedings illegal and Governor Wint/ircp will not approve tl.cm." It is therefore so miu;h more necessary to await your further orders after this report; while on this subject yon ought to be informed also, that, although the majority of the inhabitants of the said English villages have submitted to the government of the Colony of ILirtford and sworn allegiance to it, not all, as far as your undersignetl servants, then present with Governor Winf/irop and his suite, cciuld observe, a fair third of the inhabitants would have ])referred to see it otherwise and to remain under your jurisdiction and government ; but the promises of assistiinco and the threats, publicly littered with the most assuring words by (lovernor Winthrop and the Commissioners, made them afraid of woi-se conseiiuences and of losing every thing and they dared not say opeidy, what they told us in private, that they only wished and hoped, the (juestion would bo referred to Europe to be settled l)etween his .^^ajesty of England and the States-{Jeneral by a determination of the lx)Uiidarics or otherwise without any further injury. Protesting loudly, but vainly, in the presence of all the inhabitants of said villages that they held them- selves innocent of all harm and bloodshed, likely to follow such proceedings, ymr oflicers insisted upon a reference -of the east; to Europe ; but the Governor and the Commissioners of Hartford continued to make changes in the Magistracy and to administer the oath of allcL'ianci', positively declaring, that their patent and connuission gave them snilicicnt jjower ah ' authority for it. They also stated, reading to the people from an open letter, that they had en recjuested and urged by the other three Colonics and what your faithful servants re])lic(l, alledged and j)roved against them was all in vain, as if talked against a wall : we told them, that we, tlu^ first discov. erers and owners, had held possession of Long Island now f(jr 40 yeiirs, 20 years before the English came; that we had bought the land lawfully from the natives, the real owners; that the English, now withdrawing against their oath and duty from our jurisdiction either because jier- snaded and misled or from malice, hail acknowledgi'd our purchase, p<;ssi'ssion and jurisdiction as lawful by j)etitioning us and our j)redeces8ors and having asked thrir or our consent and patent to estal)lish and continue these same villages; that they had voluntarily submitted to our government and jurisdiction, some 20, others 22 to 2.'$ years ; further that in making the jirovisional agreement at Hartford in 1050 it had fallen to our share and last year it had been agreed at Hartford between ns and the Connnissioners of Ncin England, among whom was Vxovt-rwwWinthrop himself, that the old convention of Hartford should remain in force until further orders and 1' New YorTc Historical lieaorJs. 668 decision from our mutual Bovcreif,'ii8 ; niul ovorytliing else, that oould be eaid and alledged, too long to repeat here. It is tiie King's land, tliey are mostly the King's born subjects and it shall be and remain as it is without any further discussion, conform to the saying : Slo volo, sic juheo, siat pro ratione voluntas. We shall now anxiously and patiently await your further directions upon tliis and our former reports and when received, carry them out; in w\r humble opinion, tliough l)ased upon better information, it would be more advantageous to the iiduibitants and safer and less oxpcnsivo for the Company, if the nuitter coidd be settled through a determination of the boundaries ; if not, then we require a greater force and succor of soldiers and ships, not so nuich to reduce and pnnisli the rebelling villages, as to maintain and hold witli hope of success the diminished province and what did not yot rc(iuire a reduction — our honor. We sliall not discuss now, much less say anything against the following parts of your letter and the impressions, which you have received from your advices from Old Eiujland ; that the King would like to bring all his dominions under one form of govermnent in political, as well as in ecclesiastical matters; that therefore some Comniishioners (with two or three well armed and well manned frigates with soldiers aboard, they say here,) are ready in Emjland, to proceed to New England and introduce there Bishops, as in Old Emjland. Nor shall we 8i)eak of what you say and advise for our and the inhabitants' welfare and encouragement ; but we wish and hope that it will come to pass, as you suppose, if it will be for the best of God's church and ourselves. Meanwhile we cannot omit to communicate and respectfully submit to you the contradicting vcrlial and written roiiorts about this matter, by which wo are daily warned and informed, for which we refer to enclosure No. and to the verbal relations of passengers and skippers, coming from lu're, to wit : that the real design of these Commissionei-s with their frigates and soldiers i> nither u]ion I.oruj I.tlund and your other possessions here, than an imaginary relief of New Kn.ve to sustain an attack. W(! hope, that it will not come to that, but we must most urgently recpiest you, immedi- ately and successively to provide us better, than liitherto, for the preservation and protection of this capital, which if lost, all is lost, with the following war materials: powder, lead, grenades and small arm ; else the gn < expenses of building a wall of stoiu's around the fort, which is daily being nuule higher and stronger, will be speedily lost for want of the necessary anununition and to the dishonor and shame of the Tuition and your faithful oilicers. ^ou give us hope, that the attempts made to obtain a settlement of the boundaries, begin to 70 If. I 554 JSarly Colonial Stttlementii. look favorable, beeauso tlio interests of the East and West India (Juni[)aiiic8 liaviny been seriously taken into consideration bj tlieir High : Miglit: and tlie Lords States of Holland, it was advised to have the boundaries between the two luitions generally settled, in Asia, Africa and in America. Wo wish and pray the good (iod, that ho will bless the means employed for this purpose, so that we and your good inhabitants hero wore at last relieved from the fear of imminent misfortune and could peacrably live with our neighiiors. Wo sent you by the " iS/aiti/ii," the desired authenticated copies of contracts and conveyances for divers tracts cf lands, bought from the natives. During the discussions and disc(Uirses with our English neighbors, concerning the extent of jurisdiction and ownership, at the general meetings in JJonfon and Hartford and lately with Winthrop ami his associate Commissionei's, we have learned by exi)erience, that such deeds of Bale and conveyances are little respc(!tod by them, esi)e(ially when they are of an earlier date, than their own documents ; they have always some exception to take or objection to make, for instance, that we had not bought from the real owners, that they had no right to sell this or that piece of land, that the saviiges declare now not to have sold so much land and similar i)retenccs. Hut when their deeds are older than ours, then they must be accepted as valid without objection. This is an instance; among others we have here certilied copies of tiie titledeeds for the land on Hartford river and of the eight witnesses, who were present at the purchase, live are still livMi", who can and are ready to confirm under oath, that the land was purchased and taken possession of, before any Englishmen ever had come to the Frcxh river, that it was jjurcliased from the savages or natives, who then owned and occupied the land along tiie river and declared themselves to be the lawfid proprietors of it. Xotwithstanding these proofs, our peoi)le liavo been driven from and robbed of their purchased i)roperty by the English under the i)retext, that it had not been bought from tlie real owners, that therefore our i)urchase was unlawful, but theirs was lawful, even though of so much later a date, tiian ours; at the same time they could not produce any more or better proof, as to who were the real owners, than we, for the barbarians will lie and as they can neither read nor write, their word •meum cat is the only evidenci; which after a year or even less s(jmebody else will contradict, saying often with the assent of the first seller, it is mine. Wo know from experience, that speaking falsehoods and thieving are not considered dishonorable among them. For your information we have allowed ourselves to grow somewhat jtrolix in verifying and considering, what y(ju say about this matter, namely, that in a case of disputes delimitihus Imperii \m-i\ii\\\M- stress must be laid on the first discovery, first and oldest orcujiation and possession, which you have undeniably established as regards the three rivers, the South, the North and the Fresh ; \>Yooh of your jurisdiction are the Forts Nassau on the South river, Amsterdam and Oramje on tlio North and Hope on the Fresh river. I'luk^r your i)atent one Ahraham Pieterstn of Harlem, who is still living, has in your luune taken possession of Quotenisse Island in Narrycanse Bay near the Red Island and of another island above and near the Peqiiud river, which is called Diitchman\i Island by the English to this very day. * * * » We received among other iiai)ers and enclosures by the last ships also an extract from your resolutions, dated January 24«" and a letter to the Director-General referring to it, in whicli you seriously recommeiul us, to treat with kindness the French families, which were to arrive here from Rochelle and from St. Martin, to allot to them good parcels of land and assist them in every way. Your faithful servants shall not fail to obey your directions : we shall ju-omote this work, so highly recommended by you, by all possible moans and above all othei-s, as fiir as our responsibility to you permits; you and the coming emigrants may be sure of it. Seven oi Neto York Hhtorical Records, 555 oifilit persons of that nationality cnnio over for tliat piiriioso by tlio last ship, the " Eendracht," to view tlio land. As far as tlio nliortnosa of tlicir stsvy hero allowed, they have done it and hein/,' most pleased \xi\\\St,tlen Idaml some of them, among tlieni one Jean Colhjn, addressed theniaelves to )i8 and ho said, for the i)cttor promotion and speedier execution of the plan they had resolved tliat iR'shoidd return in person l.y one of the shiph anil report to the otliers: he therefore requested our rceomnuMidation.s to you, that you would favor them with as favorahle conditions and as much assistance, as possihie and fair ; especially that you would please to allow your answer to a petition, iriade to you on the 1 4'" of April KKil, take effect, so that tlu'y couh'. ho provided with a {,'ood French preacher, which would help to pronu)te tiie uiulertaki'ng. They informed us, that the prcnchcr at Sf. Martin was willing and could easily bo persuaded to come hero, if your Honors or perhaps we ourselves were to encourage him hy a letter. In their luime wo request you to write such a letter and to save you and us the troul.le of repetition we have given them a copy of this recommendation, not doubting, that for the best of the country you will favor them with whatever your wisdom loyed these Gentlemen Mr. Jno. Coc, and Mr. JiltasWatts, to raise wl.:it men thi^y can fnr liis Highness his service. I therefore desire that they may have free lilierty to beat their Drmns for tiiat end and purpose in any Town or Village in the West end of this Island, and for so doing this shall be yo' Warrant, Given under my hand at Graresend Awa'^ To the Magistrates of Muhldhrough, rimen Jamaica, Ilampstead, Rio HARD NiCOLLS. Lkitku I.RO.M Coi,. Nicot.r-s lo ('apt. Youno ahout srcii Lo.no Island pkoi-li-; as n.\.VE taken n> ARMS AUAINST the DutcH. Von are by these presents, required to take an exact list of y- Names of those of Long Mand, who have taken upp Armes undor your Conimaiid, for their King aiul Country, witii y" places of tiicir usuall dwelling, .and deliver them in a lioll to me, To this end and puqiose, "that 1 may hereafter vp,.n all occasions, and in the lirst place, be ready togratiiie those who have so eminently e.vpres.sed their alTeetions. 2''ly That those Armes may still renuiine in the same hands, for the service of King and Countrey, And that y otlicers upon any .suddaine occasion, may know whelherto send to Assemble li '.I .|! • -< ., 556 Ji^arly Colonial Settlements. tho si'iiu! men agaliio, wlio aro to rcpairc to tlieir ColourH, in hucIi Cases, imloBS tlio Dcpntyefl of tlio Sevorall Townn nliall otherwise Agree, vjion tiie bettor ordering of tiio Militia of tliiw Island, for tiiu future, w"" Dopntyes shall in Convenient timo and place, ho BUinmoncd to propose and give their advice in all Matters tending to _y"peaeo and benefittof Lontj iKlaiul. I desire yo" will inip.'.rt this Letter to all your ll'rieuds and Xoighbo", w"' is all at p'sout from Yonr assured iTriend, Rich Nioolls. N. Yorkc, Aug. 29"" 1604. Second Period. The Province under English Rule, from tht Surrender by the Dutch to the Establishment of Counties. ( 1664 to 1684. ) pAssi-oiM- poK C!ait. John Scott, feauin(i arbegt kkom Connecticut. St'pt' 1V\ Vpoii the Rtvjucst of (.^npt" Jo/ik Scott wl.o alleadges, That 'loo hath apprelionsions of being miule upiiso..' l.y y- Govni' .fe ('onn.ril of his Mh""» Colony of Vonecticut, or some p'sons iiiithonzud by them, And lice hiuing nuido an Appeiilc to iiave his cause heard before inee; I do hereby reciiiiro nil persons wiiaisoever to [K'ntiitt .'ind suffer the said Capt" John Scott with hia servant (piietiy to i)a.sse from hence to A./,/ord upon l.om/ hiand & that hce bee no way molested, upon any pretence wliatsocvcr, heegoinfj about his lawful! occasions ^' beliavinj: himeelfo civilly, vntill I shall appoint a Time U, iieare his Cause; Given under my hand at fort Jamc« in JVew Yorke on Manhattaiia Maiul t'lis 1 1"' day of Sept' l(;tj4. R. NiCI.'OLLB. To all oflic" both military & eivili, and whom else this may concerne. A WARRANT FOR Mk. GoVKkT LoOCQUERMANS CUM SoOUS, OONCERNINCr OySTER BaY ON LoNu Island. pt. 15" Wiiereas Mr. ^'oivr/ Loorqucnnantt cnm Socijs, hv forme of Complaint !i,,ch given notice unto mce, Tliat bee the said Gov, rt Lmyiicnaunn, sub tlito S"' August Stilo Novo an° 1051) did let out to Jonas Wood a certain p'eell of land, by vertue of the Bill of sale & Conveyance, the proper right and title belongingt., tiies'' :\rr. /.(H>,>,/,icr>niiri!i^' wliicli hyn- mik! tcrmc of yoiiroH, tholiircrR brin^' first Jonan Wtxx/, iiiul aftorwanU Murh^ Mikt, not only lunc faylM to pay tlu( liiro of tlio suiil l^juul, but (iro also iinwilliiij,'o to di'part oil flu' sumo, altlioiigli tim wiid tiiiio of hire M oxpircil ; I doo tliorofori! I)y tlu-nu prcseiitK appoint and ordi'r yon tlio Magistrates to take siicli ('arc in tlio pri'servation of tlio proprioto" rij,'lit ami titlo as is ciistoniary in tlioso casos, that cvi-ry man may ipiictly enjoy his Uij,dits nndi'r IiIh Ma'"' biwi's and olicdioiu-o ; CHvun under my linud at ffort James in Xiin Yorkf, ifcis J{. NlOOLI.8, 'll 11 A WAHUAiVT FOU TIIK ARIirrBATlON OK TIIK DlKKBKKNCKS Hl'.TWKKN (^KAVESBNI) AND NeW UrKKoiir. Sept' 24'". Whereas there is a controversy and dillerence, iM'twecnc y Inhabitants of the Townes of Uraveaend ixndi. New Utrecht on /.«»;iid Towne a ijuiet possession thereof, tu- that vjion sight hereof you make your ai)]>earaiu'e before me to shew just cause for yo' possessing the said laml Wherefif you are m)t to fayle. (iivcn under my hand at ffort James in New Vorlce on Manhattan's I.ilamJ this 7'" Oct' It'.Cil. II. NiCOLLS. Iiirrrs Ix'iiijj; first I' tliu sitiil Liinil, * oxpirud ; I doo icli Cure ill tlio I'vrry iii;iii iiiiiy ny Imnd nt ffort i. NlOOLI.8. I) AND New tlu! TOWIU'H of liii^ tliu IioiiikIs .Tuiistlio [lersoni^ i or piittt'iit Hiid till! a)!itrovc'rny, pcrnotiM on t!;u'li duturniiiii' their o" iiidifTurciitly r to use yo' best iinds of tlio said iLso by receiving I' good unto you when you shall leh niarkes and tions thereiijum, i' warr'. (tiveii i. N1UOLL8. N Ix)N(r Island. o\vne of Oysti')' ihiikliiiij kcepo ,' pnri'hase fnun Uinrij Lenenton I Towne a to shew just ler my hand at \. N1COLI.8. Ne^o Ywk Iliatorieal Itecorth. 659 AbT10LK» or AOKEEMBNT MADK Willi UlillHiKrt KKOM AniANV AKIKK TIIK KKDUOTIOW OF THE I'kovinok. October 10'" 1664. 1. IiniiriiniH That all tlio lioiises in tlio fTort shall bee fitted and iiroparcd to lodgo tho Ollieurs it Hoiildy"' at the eharge ot' the Towno, against the tlrst of November old stylo. 2. That the Towiin shall deliver Twenty blankctts for tlio vso of tho souldy", and candles for the cor|w dt^ (inrde, as also to assist the oHicer in eheifi! (at his Ite((uest) with waggons to bring llriiig wood to (lie iTort at the ihargoof tho Towne, provided the otllce' doth not ruciiiest inoro than twelve loads every month, but that the souldy" shall cut their own wood. a. That the Inhabitants of Albamj shall enjoy tho bonelitt of all the Articles of Surrender made at Niir Vnrke. 4. That fruiii and after the first of November, no soldi.r shall be quarter'd vpon tho Inhabitants in their houses. h. 'I'iiat the salary to the Preacher, Olarke, Secretary and Boade* shall be continued aiid paid as formerly till further order. (i. That for the better Executing of Justice in tlie forme as formerly, tho MagistratiM shall make clioico of a siilUcient person for the otHce of Scout within their limits, 7. That tho former order against the Sale of iJraiKlewine or strong Li(piorri to the Indyans rcMiaiiie in full force. s. That all Powder shall bee kept in tho publick cellar as formerly. i>. That tho Magistratt^s will caiistt weokely to boo delivere- and the Uoyall family, lately complained of, to have beene spoken and tiiat if proofs bee made, the said olTense bee i>unished by whiiiping the c'Tender publickly ; that none hereafter presume to olfeiul in the Like sort. Hlcll'' XlCol.LS. * Meaaeufjcr. 660 Early Colonial Settlements. Pkockedinqs to ascertain the title to certain lands at Oysteii Bay, L. I. Oct. 20'\ Whereas Henry Leninyton of Hog Necke, neare Oiister Bay on Lony hhind being served with a warrant from moo, to shew just cause for his Iveepiug possession of a certain piece of Land, which the Towne of OysUr Bay hiyes claimc to, by purchase from Oovert Loocquermans, and tlio said Ifen7'y Leninyton 6c Govfrt Looeqiierma?is ha'mg this day before muc wliere tlic said Oovert Loocquermans on his part produced several writings to prove liis title, but the said Henry Leninyton had nothing to shew, save only a Lease from John Conklinye to him the said Henry Lenninyton & John Plott w"' a warranty to save them liurndcssu, but no recitall l)y what power bee the said John Conklinye Laycd Claymo to tlie land afore. Tliuse are therefore to require tlu; said John Conklinye to makehis pcrsonall appearance before nice in this ffort on the 20'" day of Noveml)cr next, then & there to shew liis claymo and title to the .said land in difference between them that I may proceed to give my Judgement thereui)on according to Erc were also two Depositions, the one from William. Cooliny to prove y"" sale of the said two Necks of Land bv the said Jaines fforrett to Mathew Sunderland, 'Entcrod in the Records at ffoufhhold. Anno K'.iIl' the 2' of Aprill, Tlie other by Thomas Terry to prove the Sachems avowing in l(i31) that they solil Matin irock to James fforrett, and Capt. Howe, cumsociis, Govert T.ookermans on his part, produced severall Deeds to prove his purchase, but none before tlic Yearo Ki.^Oaiid his Land briefo in IfiSit, w'" l)eing so many years after the former Grants, I liave tlioiigbt titt to Order anpoint, That ./o//» (^''/)Z-//w/. being now in possession in behalf of the orphans, At p'sent hec is so to continue, yet in regard to tiie said Govert Lookernians bath made apiiean; liis realle purchase of the p'misses, and li(>o having had jiossossion and rec' Rent for the said Lands, for live years, last past, Tlie said Govert Lutkermans, shall have Liberty (when the (ten'" Court shall be settled on the said Lsland ), to make liis claime and Title to appeare before them, at their first sitting, whereof both jrtyes shall have two Moncthes Advertizem' and the difference is no fnrtlicr concluded by this Order but from the snid (;ourt is to receive a -ietinitive sentence w'"otit further Appeal. Given under my hanpellant, and producing a Bill of Sale before nice of the p''misses, iromffrancis fjinch to the said Messenger, with other Testimonyes to prove the Consideration. And Capt. S!cott .Vttornev for the Overseers of the Poore, produ'iug severall Testimonyes to render the said Pill of Sale invalid, and witlmll, alleadging the said Rill of Sale ought to have beeiu- Recorded according to Custottie ; It is Onlered, That it bee made .Vppearc unto nice, that the Recording of all Sales of '"v. ^1 664 Early Colonial Settlements. Lotts, Houses, or Land, hath boono a knowno and rec'' Customo in the Towno of Jamaica, or tliat it bee declared under the Seurotaryes hand of OonecUooU Colony, that there is a Law so to do, with them. The Towne of Jamaica being at the time of this Sale, under the Protecgou of the said Colony, the said Andrew Messcnyer, having privately made his Purchase, and not recorded it, Shall bee lyable to pay the suine now in (piestion botwoon him, and the Overseers of the Pooro aboveaaid, as a Debt of ffraiiois ffinches. But if no such Custome, or Law bee made appearo Then the said Andreiv V<;.wn to the Inhabitants, foure dayes before you proceed to an Election appointing a certain day to that purpose ; Vou are further to impart to the Inhabitants from mee, that I do heartily recommend to them the choice of the most sober, able and discreet persons, without partiality or faction, the fruito & benetitt whereof will return to themselves in a full and perfect settlement and composure of all controversyes, and the propagacon of true Religion amongst us. They are also re(piired to i)ring with them a Draught of each Towno Limits, or such writings as are necessary to <;viutyes from your Towno, who are to bring a certificate of their due election, (with full power to conclude any cause or matter relating to their several Townes) to moo at Ilernpsteed uj>on the last day of llobruary, where (God willing) I shall exnect them. Your assured fEriend, Febraarjr 1604-5. Richakt) Niuolls. lEETINO OF Nefvo Yoi-k HisUn-ical Records. 565 The Govbkno" Lrb to the Dutch Maoistratks touohino t" Gen*" Meeting at Hempbteed. Yon arc hereby strictly required to publisii to the Inhabitants within the Libertycs of yo' Towne, Tliat upon the laat day of this instant ffebruary, shall be held a General Meeting of Deputies from the severall Towns upon Long Island, unto which you are to send two Deputyes, duly chosen by the freemen onoly, within your Libertycs, and to give notice of the time and place of such election, four days before you proceed to the election. The Deputyes so chosen, are to bring with them, the Draught of their Bounds and Limitts, or such writings us will make their rights to appearo, as also a certificate of their due election, to the Gen»" Meeting at IJempsteed, upon the last day of this instant ffobry 1664, hereof you are not to faile. Rich'' Nioolls. To the Magistrates of Neu) Utrecht, Bushwick, Brokelandi ffiatbush, fflatlanda. The Names of the DaptriTES mett at the Gen*'-'- Mektino at Hempstead, w'" his Hiohness Depu" Govero" Makou 1" 1664-5. Thmnai Hacker. Stratton. Thomas Topping. John Howell. Daniell Lane. hgcr Barton. r7„„*;^„f^., i Jonas Wood. Jiuntinqton. { i , y, . , ^ I John Ccteham. j John Underhill. East Hampton. \';^_^J^^^ South Hampton. Seatalcott. \ ^^ \R0Q BrooMand. Oyster Bay. I Mathias Harvey. ^ ' \ liohert Jackson. j„-.^„: .^ ( Daniel Denton. Jamaica. \ tii h i- . I I II o mas isiiudict. Gravesend. \ 'f'^"^ J/Mmrd. \ John Bourne. West-Chester. \ f ^"'"'I'' '^'f <¥>• ( John (^innby. New Towne. \ ff"":^ ^'^^- { John toe. I John lounge, ffrederick Lid>hertzen. John Evertsen. Bushwick. I '/f^.^ Stealman. I Oisbert Tunis. fflathush. j f/>'^f.f •<:>;■ "" \ UenJrick I orassen,. fflMland^. I ^i/Y^'i EUiersen. •" \ Roloffe Martens. New Utricht. \ '^P'''' Go^itiUeai^. \ lounger ffose. Flushing, P' Jamaica, Dcf Proceedings of the Meeting at Hemstead. W John Lawn-nce, Attorney ioY fflitshing. M' Anthony Waters, Attorney tor Jaiiiaica. It is thid day Ordered That the Persons under written (some of the Deputyes of this meeting) do as a committee see the Draughts of each Towne, Examine farther into their iliiler differences, and report it to the Generall meeting. Thomas Backer of Fast Hampton. James ifuhhard of Gravesend. Thomas Topping oi South Hampton. Edward Jessop oi Westchester. Daniell Lane oi Seatalcott. Flushing P' ( Mr. John Lawrence t.,r tlic plaintiff. Ilempstsad Deft. ) Captt" S<-ott for tlie Defend'. n 566 Ea/rly Colonial Settlements. C)rcl(M'cd That the matt" in (lifforencc between tliese two Towiics bee Likewise Examined into, with tlieir Draughts by the same Committee, and they to malio report of it at the Generall meeting. Added to y" Com"" ; John Underhill of Oyster Bay, Jonas Wooil of llunthu/fon. Tiie Committee to meet at 8 o'clock to morrow morning and make their Report to the Generall meeting at Eleavcn. d\ Obdkr oonckknino Sheltku Island, Know all men by these presents, That I Jllchard Nicolls, Deputy (Toverno' nnder liis Royal Highnesso the Duke of Yorkc, of all his Terr;^'toryes in America, for divers good reasons and considera(;ons mee thercnnto moving, iiave thouglit titt, and In' these presents do ordaine, Tliat the Island eommoidy known and called by the name of Shelter Island, scituatc and lying toward the East end of Long Islund, bee from hencefortli (or till further Order) reputed as a distinct Island under tliis Govenmient, and not lyablo to tlio lliites uf any Townsbij), vo l)e levyed or raised by the Officers thereunto appointed ; Provided only, that in any action of the case, Trespasso or damage, which shall or may arise betwixt any Person relating to Lomj Island and Skelter Islandiho Partyes grieved sliall bee Iieard in the sessions of t!ie East ]i!ou by the way Conecticotf, And in regard that the Colonyes of J'li/moiithixwd Rhode Island 'MX' within a day of Aug* 1CC5. Rich'' Nicolls. A License Grantkd to Mh. Robert Jackson. These are to Certifio all whom it may Conccrne, That I do hereby Lycenco M' ^oJer< Jackson, the jirtsent Constable of Ilempxteed, to sell any maimer of Strong Liquo" by Retailo, or otherwise for the Reliefe of his Noiglibo" or Travello" during the Remainder of the time of his OtHce. So thatheo do not, during that Time, Suffer any Evill Rule or disorder to bee done thereby. Given under my hand at^«/-i! James in New Yorke the 9'" day of August. 1665 Rich'' Niooli.s. ; "KJ •sa'jKiv Licenses to itrcuase Land from tue Indians. ■ Whereas Captain Thomas Laurence, hath requested of ineo, That hee may have Liberty to Purehaso of the Indyans, a certain little Island, neareunto Ilelgate, commonly called or knowne by the name of the Round Island, containing by estimation about eight or nine acres of land, and that hee may Plant, or ffecd Cattle upon the flame; I do hereby Grant Leave and Liberty unto him the siiid Captaine ThonuM Liurence, to make Purchase of the said Island, and to Plant or feed C^attlo thereon, accordingly as i.s desired Provided it bee not already in the Legal Possession, or of Right bc'longing to some other Person, of which, when hoe shall bring unto mee a due certiticate, hoe shall have a Patent for t!:o same by authority of his Royall Highnesse the Duke of Yorh\ for his farther contirmation therein ; Given under my hand and scale at ffort Jamea in New Yorke, the 23'' day of August 166.5. Rich'' Nicollb. "Wliereas Samuell Deering, John Williams, Tristram, Dodge and William Reeves, have reipiested of mee, that they may have leave to Purchase of the natives, a certain Island within this Governmeni eommonly called No Mans Land, lying South and by West, about two leagues fn)m Martins Vineyard, containing by estimation 500 acres, more or lesse, proposing to sett up a llishiiig Trade, and to make a harbour there lit to containoand secure small Boates and Vessells; For an Encouragement to them in their undertaking, I do hereby Grant leave unto them, to make Purchase thereof from the natives, of w'^'' when there shall bee due certiticate made unto nii'e, I do also promise to Grant unto the said Samll Deering, John Williams, Tristram Dodge and William Reeves, their heirs and assigns, a pattent for y' same, by authority from his Royall Highness the Duke of Yorke ior their farther contirmation therein; Given under my hand and scale the lO"" day of September 1665, d,i ffort James in New Yorke. Rich'' Nicolls. 72 rfe'-,. • 670 Earl}/ Colonial Settl&inentH. LldlCNUK TO IKAOr, WITH TIIK InDIANB. Wlierens John dmjwr of (hvthampfo)i, Imtli reiiiicstcd of moo, Liberty to Trado with y' Indyans at *' o East oiid of Lowj hlitml for IVItry. Thcso luv tooortilio tiiat I iiavo f;ivoii liim Lyt!enc(! for tlio wpaco of ono yearo attor tlio dato hereof, to Trade witii tlioin in any Poltr , for siieli Coiiiiiiodityps an tlipy sliall have ouoasioii of, Crovidtid that an acconnt hco j^iven of the; ((nantity of mioli tTurrs, at* iioo niiaii Trado for, to tlio Collector and Itewiver (ieiierall of tho Customos at New Yorke ; (iivon under my hand at fori James in New Vorke, tho 20"' day of September 16G5. BlOH<* NiCOLLB. To all OlHeors. and othon* whom it may concerne. A Warrant to y* Constahi.k & Oveksekkb of Brook-land. You are required to make what convenient provision you can possibly, for the lIorBosof such Persons as t;hall coiiic to your Towno of Brixikland an i tho tforry, in order to their attendance at y' Assizes, for which tluM-o will in'c ;,'ivcn all duo satisfaction and for tho doin;^ thereof, this kIihII bee your Butlicient Warrant; Given undo • my hand &iffort Jatiwa in New Yorke tho 27"' day of September 1665. To the Constable and Overseers of the Towne of lirookland. Rich'' Nkom.s. Pbockedinos in a snrr ahoct the title of Horbe Neck, L. I The Procoodiii)i;s at tho (Tonor.ill Court of Assizes held at New Y>rke on the Island of 2Ian'ui(antt, bofuro y'" (Jovorno'^ aiid his Councell, and tho .lusticos of the , eaco of Yorkuliire upon Lon.} Island, on tho 28'" 2i)"', and 30"^ dayos of September, anc? .ho a"*, 3'' and 4"' dayes of October, in tlio 17"' ye ir of his Ma""' Kai^'nc. Annog Domini 166'/. Septemlor tho 2S'". J(,lin lHvlihdl V\ Tho Iidiabitants of tho Towno of fliinfiiujton, M,."'. The Names of tlio J^Iro'■^ Richitrd Oi/derslsene, for^mPA of the Jury. John Sijmonds, William, llalhtt, Ilenrij Piirson, Edward Titus, Tliomax ^miih, John Rurrowes. W John Rider Attorney for y'' p". The P" declares upon an aecon (jf Trespasso for that tho Dof" have given him unjust molestagon, in tho Possession of a cortaino parcell of Land, commonly called Horse Neck, to his Damage etc, where upon hoc brings his Suit" To prove? his Title, The P" produces r Pill of sale of the said Land, from Jiichard Russell, ife Nirholas Dainson, who were appointed by the Gen"" Court at Boston, to administer upon all the Estate, both Roall and Porsouall, fif Saninell Andrewes, who dyed Intestate, at Charles Towne in New Emjland. Tho P" proves the Purchase of the said Nock of Land, for a valuable consideraijon by Sanitiell Andrewen, from Daniell Whitehead, who was y" first Puichaser thereof from y" Natives, Sept. 20"" 106-t. New York IlidoHcal Records. 571 s* Aftfir that Samn-ll Andreircs \\x\A iriadc! Iiis I'lircliuso from Daniell WMtehea(l,hm ohiimcA a CcnflrtiiiKjon tlu>r('<.f, from tlu! gniiiil Sacliuiii Wifaniiaiur, wliicli was iirodiicpr]. Nathaniel/ Silv>^/ hereof, two Deposigons are read in court. Tho one from Thomas Bmedidy sworne before Justice />(7)i'oH, the otiier from ,/■<;//» f'o/vv, sworne before ,/f)/»« Sfrirklhuj.. {who lives out of the (iovernm') They are both to this jnirposc. That after the lii.-t Pun hasers liad gold thei'-e Lands, to those of //unttnijlim, scmw u( them bethought themselves of J/orse JVeck, .iv<\ ,i.-oired that they might have halfe of it, and if not the one halfe, then that tlicy might have Liberty to put their Horses on it, but both were denyed tlu ni. Mr. Lnredije alleadgcs, That this desire of the iirst Purchas", after their Resignacon, implyes that they were sensible tiiey had parted w"' their right ; Hee likewise pleads Possession of tho said Neck, near double + years, w"'out any Legall demand, or just molcstagoii. The attornev for the Piainfitl'i olfers to prove, Tiiat //orsr .Yeck was not inclmh'd in the Uesiguagon made bv the first PMrcha.s'\ Dai,!, II Whitehead, one of the Iirst Purchasers of the Lands at Oyxter Bay and lluntimjton, not admitted to take his Oath, it being alleadged, hee was a partv, declared tliat Horse X,ek ilid never belong to either of tho Townes, it being reserved by the Indvans at their first sale, for Hunting, and y' "Sir. l.enered'je being told by a Cheife Sachem, bee writt to the said Daniell Whitehead to buy it, otherwise ILh; should not come ti) live at Ilnntimfton. liohrrt WiUiamn, not sworne, oim of the first Purehas" Declares. That llorne Neck was e.'ccepted by the Imly nis in their first sale, as reserved for their Hunting, so Oyster Ihiyvo\M not resigne, what they had not; Hee saith moreover, That they being sensible of theii want of Title 572 KarJij iloUmial HtttlemenU. ./i I; 'Iff* 1. I to tho Haid Nock, liuc Htnioku w Hiirgiuno witli iin Iiidyan, for it, iukI dolivorud liiiii u (Jouto i- jmrt of Piiym', but tlio Iiidyau coiiiinx no moro, lieo could not go tliroiigh w'" liin Hargaino, w'' alTterward DanicU Wliitchcad did piTforiiin. llichai'd l/olftivoh', iiuotUfV 1)1' thu lii>t ^ul•l;lI.l^i"' di'poHt-tli to tlio IiidyutiH ivwi'i-viiig //ornt' Neck, wlion they houglit tlioir Lands at OijuUr Hay \. llunl'nujtim. Antho.uj Wi'ujht, TIkiiims ll,;riii!tit(f, Atti'ht fliu sanu) under tliciro liandn. iVicholan iVriij/it, »\vurmi in court, Duclarctli, Tliu minic, and that lieu know that Mr. Leverolf/o writt a Letter about tho Purchase of it ; As to tho iwssesHion, tho Attorney for the I'laintille declaroH, That tho I'laintifl had poBHoasion given him by an Order at the eien"" Meeting at Il<:ihpstcvd, before w''' hue know not whore to liavo roooiirse for Law or Justice. The Attorney for the Def ohjectrt against y" taking PossesMion hy tho Plaintitf, to bee Legall it being not done by the iSheritle, by virtue of an EJ'fti'ii/ifjinnu. Hoe findes a ililTerence in y° Oathen, Deposigons iV: Attentavons inado for tho P", soino calling that w''' Mr. Andreii'rg Purchased at Shtldr /.dam/, a ct)idirniagon, others a sale. And heti (jucstions tiio ISacheni Widnditnci.t power, to tlo either. Tho Attorney Cor the P" aliedgcH, That notw"'standing Mr. Lewridge (pieHtioim Wiandanced Power, yet tiie Towno of ffnntiiujton would have Purchased Ilors,' Nerk i>( )iim, and had a Ooutirinayon of their Lands from him likewise, w'' was then allowed of by them. After a Long ilebato of tho Cause on both parts. It was rofurr'd to y° Juiy, wlio tho next Morning, being Sejit. 29"' brought in their verdicts as followeth, Vizt. That upon serious considuraijon of y" cause depending betweene Mr. lilchhcll anil the Towne of Huntingdon, weighing all the evidences, weo tiiulo for tho Defend', wee finding, that y" anntient Deed is the riglit of tho Towne of Huntington, wiiercin weo (imlo by the' IJounds of JIunllngtom Deed, and by evidence, That Horse Xeck (which is in controversy) lyeth within the Bounds of UuntingUm Deed, except further light can bee made appearo unto us, by the Honoured (Jovorno' and Councell, and that the P" shall Pay all Costs and Charges dci)en(ling ni)on this suite. The P" appeal'd from y^' verdict, to y^' (ioverno^ it Councell, who together w'" y" rest of y' Bench taking y' Equity of y'Caso into considu.agon, imide this following, definitive Decree, vizt. The Court of Assizes, &c. John liichhell P'|. Tho Inhabitants of tho Towno of Huntington, Def". Tho Court having heard tho case in dilTerenco between the !'" and Defend" debated at large, concerning tlieir Tith; to a certaine Parcell of land, connnonly called Htirse Nick, and having also scene and perused their Bcverall Writings and Evidences concerning the Siiino, It was conunitted to a Jury, who brought in their verdict for tho D('fend' upon which the Court demurring, did examine further into the Ecpiity of tlie Cause, and upon mature and .serious considerayon, do find That the said Pan.'cll of Land, called Horse Neck, doth of right belong to the P", it being Purchased by the said P", for a valuable consideration, and by the Testimony of the tirst I'lircbasers (un day of ffebry 16(55. Rich. Isicglls. To Mr Wlllm Wells, High Shcriffe of Torlcshire upon Long Island. '?■■ Tub Governo" Lettek to tue Constabmc &, Overseers of Oyster Bay. I received yo" of the IS'" Instant, signed by & in the Name of the Constable & Overseers of Oy.<:ti'r Buy, in belialfc of the Townc, and shall never bee unwilling to manifest the openness both of my Eares and heart, to y" meanest man in the world, who can object to nice tlio least oppression upon liim, either in Temporalis or Spirituals; dor the last, you cannot desire more Liberty than 's contrived for tender Consciences in the Lawes, for y" first, you may all know that I have put the country to no charge, for which I might have drawne Tresidcnts from all the Colonyes in S'em Emjland, ami his Ma""' Letters Patents would have warranted the sanu? ; However the common charge must be defrayed by a Pui)liclve Rate, and upon a late view of lH>th, I found thr.t y- charge exceeded the Rate of 200 lbs p Ann, besides that, the ffractions of every Townes Account would have [iroved more nunent. I nuist not forgett to remind those that thinke the 2(I0 lbs. was so fully concluded, as not ti . bee exceeded, for it was then ajjparent enough, the Rate was too small for the charge. Put it was conclnded that in that case, a seccmd Rate should be levycd for v° dcfrayi!iir thereof. I count my selfe ill rewarded for all y" charge and Paines I have taken, to tinde my diligent in,sp..ction" into the Publiijue Affaires, brought into (Jnestion by tlio.-e from whom ! cvpfcf no Prollitt. And if any man shall dispute my Commi.ssion. or the Power 1 have derived uiM.n v' as Towne Officer in putting the Lawes, or my special Warrants ii, Execution, yon may be assured, I will Justify my selfe and actions, and yours also in confoimity to them, before (iod ami the worM, when y'most forwar.l and perverse will w'" shame acknowledge their erro^ ; This is the full .\nswer to your Paper, from Your very Loving f^'riend 21«- March, in ffort Jawts. n.^.u K,eoL..s. New York Historical Records. 575 A Letter bent by Order of the Governo' to the Constablk and Overbeerb ok Seataloott IN behai.k of M'. Rich Smith of Nebaquakk. Gentleiiiou [ ain coininaiKlod hj tlic Govorno' to acquaint you, Tliat upon considci-agon of an agreement heretofore made, betweeue tlie Couunission"' of liis Ma"" Colony of Coni'i'ticott, and Mr. Smith of Nemqwih; lice hatli beene pleased to contirme the same, and to Grant him a Patent for liis Lands, with the Privilcdge tliat it shall bee free from all Rates and Taxes, from the first settlement untill a eertaine Terme of yeares shall boo expinjd as in the Patent is exprest; Now his Hono" meaning therein is, That from y' Time of his first arrivall here, untill sueh a time, the Land shall bee free, so that if yo'" late Seasure of any Beasts for a Rate or Tax, bee for any such tiling, before the time ot y Governo" eoming they are not cleared by this Patent, But if it bee for any Rate since, yo" an; to make returne of the Beasts, or any other Goods yo" have seized, and also are to forbeare do'ng y° like ior y° future. New Forke, March Your Loving ffriend 27"" 1666 M. N. TuK GovKRNo" Lre to tub .Tuptices of the North Riding, touohino a Sessions House and Prison. Having taken into serious consideraeon several Times, the Building of a Sessions House and Prison for the Xorfh /iiiliiuj, and hearing divers Proposalls for facilitating the charge thereof tPim the rnhai)itants of Jiimaiiur, w(>n knowing also, that the meano condieon of the whole Cunnty (for want of Onlinary Su]iplyes) is the chiefe Impediment to so necessary a worko ; I have thought fitt to impart to you my advice and opinion, concerning the whole matter, leaving the result thereof to yonr cotisultaeous, therefore I propose, tliat yo" would agree with some sufficient workmen, to umlertaki' tiie building thereof, at a eertaine Rate, for which, vou may freely engage to see them paid the next yeare, by an assessment peculiar to the severall Townes in the Xorfh Riir charge for the terme of 21 yeares, the casualtves of tlire oncly e.\ce]>te(l, or if 21 yeares bee judged too much. I am of opinion that 14 yeares is too Utile, but remitt these thinge to yonr consideragons and ivmaine Your Yery Loving fi'riend RicM : Niooi.i.s. 27'" March lOUfi To the Justices of the Peace of the North li'iifi/D/ of Yorl-nhin: upon Lony hlainL il s^^ . 576 Early Colonial Settlement!^. A L" SENT TO M' Smith uk Nesaquakk. New Yot'ke 3" April 1666. M' Smith Since the Lre I writt by the Govorno" Order to the Constable and Overseers of Seutalcott in yo' behalfe, His llono' being iuforni'd that you were not only privy to the Kates, wherein you were Taxed, but that you had also given a Bond or Bill to tlie Otlie" of that Towne for the Payment thereof, the which you acquainted not his llono'' with, when you solicited him for your Patent ; Hee hath commanded mee to lett you know, upon furtiier eousideraeons, and also to avoyd the trouble and confusion which inevitably must arise, of making a K^ew Kate, and another returne to the High Sherilfe, who is upon perfecting his Accounts, Tliat it is his pleasure, the Time of yo'' Lands at Nemquak, being freed from Kites, shall begin t)nely from the day of the date of your Patent, and what you have been Assessed at before for those Lands, is to be paid to the OtHcers Empowered by the Law to receive it ; And if you go on w"" your Bargainc with W Delamll, about y"-' two Horses you were treating about, and draw a Bill ui)on him for so much as yo'' Kate amounts to, Hee will Allow it, and upon y' delivery thereof to M' /.««e, there will bee Ord" taken for the returne of yo' Oxen ; I am moreover to put you in minde of your former Engagement before his Hono^ to contribute to y" Allowance of the Minister of SeataleoU, until! you shall bee otherwise i)rovided, which will bee expected from you ; These particulars were given mee in charge to deliver to yo" from the Governo'. I am You"' Loving Ifriend To M' Richard Smith of JVesaquake ]^. Niuolub. on Lmiff Island. An Agreement made before tue Governo"', betweene tue Offic'" of the Townk of Seatalcoti', and Ri(-iiAui) SMrm of NEsAyuANKE. Memorandum, That it is this day Agreed upon before the Governo' ffranci^ Mancy Constable and Daa'ull Lane, one of y" Overseers of Seatalmtt, on the behalfe of the said Towne, and Eichd Smith oi Nc>ia^l„»ii Assizes, Where hee is to deliver them in ; so that his Hono' will not willingly dismisse any High Constable, until! that time also, This is all thats given mee in charge to deliver to yo° at p'sent, from Yo' very Lo : ffricud M. Nkoixs. IE ToWNK OF The Governo" Lre to y° Hmii Siieriffic, Cap' Toimtn'o, and M' Jon.v Ml'lford, toucuino Y* iNIIAIin-ANIS OK Sol'TM-MAMl'TilM, EaST HaMTON AND SoUTII-UdLD. Vpon advico from S'ii>if/if,>ii and l'M.'\\h\\A<. concerns, of this his Royall Highnesse, the Duke of V<>rh\'^ CJovernia' I am not a little mov'd ag"' close and seditious practices of some who secretly distill into y« hearts of his Ma"'' good subjects, such refractory and mutinous humours, as tend to y" distiwbance and breach of the Lawcs Kstablish't, l)ut I am much more troubled, toheare that such wicked designes siiould have such a (len'" lulluence upon those three Townes, contrary to the Duty they owe to his Ma", whose crowiie and dignity, wisdomo & Power, I must anil will assert, not oidy against his puljlifjue, but his private Knemyes. I am willing to believe bettor of the good Inhabitants of Simfli-hol'l, having heard that y' delay of choosing the Select men formerly hath hapncil in those parts, however, my p'sent dinvfions are possitive. That you Sumon y° Inhabitants of South-hold together, and shew them wlnu-c; the Law doth En joyne y" elecgon of a eonstablo, ami foure New Overseers, for the yeare Knsuing, in their Towne ; And further, That I have taken notict^ of their Neglect, contrary to Law, and therefore that they are by these pnits reipiired.at that very meeting to procecil to an Election of a (.^>nstabll^ an lOCfi. P.y the Govcrno" Comaiul, 1 am to acquaint you. that before the Receipt of yo" of the 10'" Instant, his IIoiio'' had rec"' Ample Information from Cap' Tojipintj and M'' Midford, how affairs stand in the 3 Eastenie Townes, as to the neglect of their Election of Olhc" according to Law. To which there is answer already rcturn'd (which will bee with you before thi.s) with particular Instructions to yo'^selfe, Capt. l'opphiuf/ifoii, or any other Towne in this (iovernment, may execute the Oilice of Overseer, without Oath taken, in the same capacity, as if hee had taken his Oath, any thing in the Lawes to the contrary notwithstanding. \ou are further to take potice, that my true meaning is, that by these p ''sents, I have onely gniited a suspencjon of said Oath <>{ Overseers, imtill the considerayon thert'of, is further debated in the next CIrenerall Assizes. In the mean time, that no Oath be Exacted from the Overseers, for the Election of whom, I have lately .sent you my onler.., and do againe re.iew my directions, that •" Lawes in that Point bee observed, and that this suspension of the Oath, may not p'judice the affaires either of private Town.'s or Interrupt the M inag(;ment of the Pidjlicpio Affaires, so farr as the Overseers are held obheged by the Lawes to attend them. This is all at p'sent I have to direct on this occasion, and rcmaine Your \ery Loving flriend Ivicir'. IS'ieoi.Ls. jForf James in New J'f^/'Z', May.'i'' ICf.O To Cap' T/uwuis Toppin,/, To M^ WH/mdi \V,/ls, To M^ J>/ni Mu1forisiU'd forth new Warrants for the gathering of the Uate, but you say nothing of a discour-se you made to a Dutch man, b(^tw(;;'ne 'Aithority, Settled in these parts, I have appointed you together witii M' Nic«U$ & M' WcUs, to make incpiiry into, and examine y° particulars thereof, upon Oatii, for y'' (h)ing whereof, I shall send my special (^(immission, The which you are to attend on Ifryday next, before noone at Seittalvoit, and to render me joyntly an acco' of yo' proceedings therein ; You arc withall forth to send yo' Warrant, by the Bearer hereof, ti' Dan/ell Lane, to sumon Rkh'^ Od'uU, Bcxjo' Barton and linhert lildnmcr, to be ready at the same Time and place, to answer what will bee objected ag*' them, w'" such witnesses, as they have to produce in their Justification : To M' Jonas Yo' Loving Jl'riend Wood &c RioiiAKi) Nicolls. i The Governo™ Lke to M' Wm. Wells, to Meeh' M' Nicolls and M' Wood at SEATALCorr ETC. M' Welh. ffort James in Xev^ Yorke May 21'" 1006. Having rec'' Information That tiie Constable of ReataJentt, going to Execute his Office, w.i ; latelv (together with somn ])iMson^ assisting him) in a Tumultuous and riotous maniu'r Assaulteil and hindered from the perfurmanee thereof, by men ill alfcctcd to the Gouei'iiment, someof whom have also spoken words tending to the denigacon of his AEa""'' authority, settled in these parts; I have appointed you. together with M'' Nlonlh and ^[' Wood, to make inquir}' into, and examine tlui particulars thereof, upon Oatli, for tlie doing wheriMif, I shall send my s])ecial Commission, The w'" yo" are to attend on iTryday next before nooii'' at Seatalcott, and to render mee joyntly an account of your proceeding therein ; This is all at ])''sent from To M'' Wni. Wi/ls, Your very L(n-ing fTriend. High Sheriffe &e. EiciiAiir) Nicolls. I ife M'. Wells Ne\o York Historical Records. S88 A Warrant to tiik Offic" of Soutiiuold fou to makk a Raik for the bumf, of 7"' 3' KXl-ENOKD BY THEIR DkI'U'ITS AT IIeMI'BTEED. Those are to require you, Tliat yo" forthwitli ciiuao a liato to l)oo made for tlio sum of seven pouiuls and three sliilliuj^'H, (hio from your Town, for tlio expunse.s of yo' Depntycs nt the GeiiuruU meeting at llcmpatenl, and tliat yon Levy the same upon the Inlial)itants, and pay it iit to JVI' Thoiruis Delavall, or his assijjfiiees, at N'nw Fwfe, for tlie doing wiioreof, this sliall ho yo' warrant; Given under my iiand at James ffort in New Yorke, the 31«t day of May 1666, To yo Constahle and Rich. NicoLLe. Overseers of iSouthhokJ. AT SEATALCOrr A Warrant to thk Justices of v" East Rioino of Yorkshire, to cause all persons of THE sAin RiuiNo to keep an Aoreem' made uetwkenk y" Inuauit'^ thereof and the Indyans. Whereas it Iiath hecne thought requisite and convenient, to give all reasonable Encouragom' to the Indyans upon Long Idaml, to suhmitt imto, and live under the Liwes Establish't in this (iovernment ; To wiiieh End, there was an agruem' made and concluded upon, at the lust Gen"" Assizes, before mec, concerning the Bounds and Limitts in dillcronce between the Townes of Southtoii and Easthampton and the Indyans theire Neig]il)o™, as also betweeno y"^ Indyans themselves There beiag thuii p'ost-nt. Capt. Thoinii>< Toppinfj and M' John Howell, on the behalfe of tiie Town of Southhampton, and M^ Thomm James and M' Tfuimas Baclcer, for the Townc of FMdhiimpton,'M\\ the several Indyans coneernM in tlio behalfe of the rust ; Tiiese are to command and recpiire ail Persons, that they presume not any way to breake or infringe the afores.iid agreement, or under any prtence whatsoever, to disturb the Itdiabitauts of the said Townes, or any of the Indyans, in the Enjoyment of their Lands, witliin the Limitts and Hounds tlion agreed upon; And f Justices of the Peace of tlie I'Md Rio this day, soino Porsons from Nem Toime nnd Rreueklyn, about y« Division of tlic Meadows in dispute between tiiein, and at length 1 have broii;,'ht them to un Agreement, and would have yo" to eomo to nieoon Munday Mornhig next, wluii rbhall give you iuBtruotious for the Surveying aud laying out thereof. Your Loving ifricnd Uicu'' Nic()i-i,8. ■V ON SUCH AS A Lt-rrKR kuom y" CJoVekno' to iiik skvkuam, .IrsruKrt of tuk Pkack on FiONo Iblanu INTIMATINU V iNrnr.l.KIENOK UKo'u W THi; AllMtoAOn OK S.j.MK EnKIUKO Sllll'l'd. M' Ihnton. Having rec' [ntelligcnco by Letters from the fToverno'' of Rhmle ls/./n,f, nnd others upon the Maine, Tiiat two Shipps .,f the Kriemies have lately taken a Barko belonging to rw^vif/crV/', and a Siiallop near Martiiix Viii'ijunl. and it being to bee apprehended there nmy bee a greater Xinnber nf them ready to do isi.m,. violence upon the coast, I tlu.nght good to advertize V(m of it That upon the Ueccij)! hereof, you do give n(*tice to the Inhabitants of yonr Towne, as also to the rest of the Towncs within the North Ii!^iet,LLs, Aug"' Mtiti The like Letter was sent to M' WUliani WeUs to give notice to tlie Ti>wiies of Soiithhohl, Soiit/itu/i iV ICixthamplon. Another to M' ./Jiw/^.s- Wootl for Hu:itin,jtoit, and Smtalcott, and likewise to M' JltMard of Graocneiul, & M' lidt-s of New Tuwiic. A Lktpek written to y" Oveuskioks ok v^^ ui:sim vrn i: Townks koi.i.owinu concerninu the V^v^,L'A■lIoN OK 111, ;k Estati:s. Gent" The Governo' was heretofore pleasei: to send forth his speeiall Warrant to the ITigh Sheriff reipiiring him to give you notice that y.)i. should send in y valuation of vonr Estates, to the 74 580 Earhj Colonial SittlrmenlH. /\ (i 'I Secrctiirvou (Jtllcu, iit New Yorki, hy tlio 15'" a.ty ofthia Iii«taiit Montli, wliicli you havo omitted to do ; I ttiii commimded to put you in inindo of it, A witlmll to lUMiimiiU you, Tluit it iw ixpocted tlint you fortliwith Bend in yo' vuluuuons without further deluy, according to the Teuour of the said Warrant. Aug" 27'" 1666. IlempHh't'il JHuKhmg Your Loving firiond Oynter Bay. New Tuwtui. M. Niuolli*. Jamaica. A Letter WRrrtEN to y* Inhabitants of kflap Laniw, roucniNo the diffkrenck between THEM, & Y" iNllAIirr" OF FFLA l HuSH. Tiio Governo' liaving reu' yo' coiui)hiint, that tiic (lilTcrcnco hetwoonoyour Towno & ;flat Bmh, concerning tlio Moadowos Canai'sie, in not as yot composed, aa also yo' dcBircs to have a tryall for yo' right, at y° As^Izoh; By Iii:* Ilono" Order, I am to ii('i;sii roi ohi.no riiE oiffeuenoic betwkkne TUKM, VNK KlI.Ar La.N'DS. The Inhabitants oi jJlatlitiKls lm\ing made complaint to y" (iovernn', l!i;it y'' dilTereiicc betweenc them and yo' towne, concerning the nieadowes at C(Uia/\sii; is not yet composed, •vhere upon they desire a tryall at the Assizes; lly his lloiio" Order, 1 am to ac(piaint you, that it is iiis advice (to p'vent expence and ciiargcs at Law), That yo" Kndeavour to make a linall agreem' among yo'selvcs, cuncerning that .M:iltcr, and make iicport tliereof before Thursday next, or that yo" leave the bu.sine.sse as it is, Untill tlie Assizes shall bee over, when thi' (iovenio' hiniselfc will decide it; However, If you shall choose rather to liave a tryall at the Assizt*, upon notice of it before Thursday next, the ^inron will be admitted, ami yo" iriay proceed to tryall. JVew Torkc 15'" Sept. To tlio Constables vSc Your Loving ITrlenii OvcKinirsof JlutJiii.s/,, M. N100U.S. to bee Communicated to y" rest of y" Inhabitants lENOR BETWEEN New York Ifistoriml lieoordn. 887 A Wabban.' ,„„Krn;„ TO M' jA..y.,K. (JouriL,.KA.;, ,.u ANv uriiKK. ooNOEUNEr. IN Pennoyers Lank, TO makk ou, ,„kike Kioiith and Titi.k tiiebkunto at y' AssrzKB. WhoroiVfl tlioro Ik8Uo<1 forth un Onlor at f (}en»" Mooting at II,mpd,rrf, in Marrh lflC4 wiioro m imrtin.lurly it wua doular.d, that tho titio to a I-areoi! of L:,.m] adjoining to Gmoesend ..o...mo„iy known., l.y (ho nanu- of /V«..«y,r.v l,an.l(vvh.,ro unto 8omo .lurivu a right from Georae /{,U!l,r,m,\ others from Am>n //uf(um)HhoiM l.ou loft to tho i)uoi.si.,n of a Try.Jl at I,aw oithor at tho next Court of Sessions or A«si/.o., an.l tlioso olaiuiing from Aram //uttum, having not any wayonrlo,ivoun.l to nmla //,Hu>a, That thoy hoe roa.ly to oh-aro their Title to tho Un.l. .n ,,uo.t,o„, at tho next Court of (Jono.rall Assize*, otherwino they shall relinquish their Sw.t^ and I to-.oos there uuto, & the p'sons iu Possession, on the part of tho sai,! G.or.e liaHer, shall to all intouts and purposes, receive a coutirma.jou thereof, to them and their lleiri-s for ever < Mven under my haud ^iffoH Ja,n.s in Nnn Vork^, the IH- day of Sej)ten.her, 16(50. Rich'' Nicollh. ENOK BETWk-ENK A WaKUANT BKNr TO THE CoNSTAHI.K AND CvKKSKEKS OF IIlINTINOTON. Vpon complaiut nuule to u.oe l.y the Inhal.it'" of Oyster hay, that you do refuse to performo what was Ordered at the (Jonerall Meeting at Ihmp.teed, to boe observed betwcenoyo' Towne & tho.rs: Ihese are to re.juire you without further delay, to put the said ord,.r in oxeoution otherwise that you shew cause to the contrary, at f Assizes to bee holden in this Towno the 28"^ day of this mstant moueth ; (Jivon under itiy haud at ffort James in Nm Torke this 15'" dav of Septinibor 1G05. •' To the Constable & Cvorscers, etc. ^' ^''''O''"- A Lv.nv.n wurrrKv hy tuk (iovKuxo' to y» CoNSTAnLK and Ovekskers ok IlEMPSTEEn. Having received a Petioon fr.,m tho M,ttinn!v<,ck /n,/>/aNs, wherein thoy complaine of wrong do,,,, thou, by the luhabitants of y.ur Towne, by keeping their Lands without giving them satisfao^jon ; llor the b..tt.-r deoi.jing of all su.-h dilTerenoes, I have thought fitt to direct yo", That some Persons bee apix.inted out of yo' Towne, to attend at the next (Jon»" Court of Assizes to make good yo' Titl.. to the said Lands, by yo^ most Matoriall Evidence and witnesses ac<-o,rling to the soverall Qi.eres ,n their Peti.-on expres't, of which I here send vou a copy, having ai-pointed yV. .Join, I n.hrhdl of Oyskv liay, to boo Attorney for yo Indyan PlaintilTs ; I am Septen.ber 21- '^'^"'' ^'"^■"'- ^'''""l- ItlCIl'' NlCX>I.L8. 588 £arly Colonial Settlements. Lawsuit between Gravesend and Flatbusii, L. 1. I »! I: Septbr 27'" 1666. The Iiihabitiints of Gravcsend P" Tlio Inhabitants oi Jilatt Bush Def" The names of tlio Juro" John Symonds of IIi'm,2)st Sworne saith, Tliat at y° flirst laying out of fflatt Bush, to bee a Towne, hee had a Lott there, and that then the Highway or Rluide, betweene Gravescnd and y" ITorry, was on tlie outside of any of the lleneing, belonging to tlie Def". Several! otl>er Testimonyes were brought in, to prove tlie old Iligliway. Nichohis Bayard, Attorney for y" Def". Hee putts in their Answer, to the Plaintiffs Deolaragons, and jirodueos the Defend" Patent or Ground Briefe, wheriii eaeh Lott was to runn so farr into the woods, tiiat eoiiseipiently this Highway, fell within their Lotts, Tiiat their former Poverty, at the first Planting, was the Cause they eould not rtin their lloneing to the utmost of their Limitts, but that now by their Labour, having Cleared tho Ground, and by Gods Blessing, being in a better Condiyon, they suppose it not unreasonable for them to ITeut'c in what tlieir Patent gives tliein. The P"" insist upon the Enjoyment of their old Roatl, which they have had Right to aboue twenty three yeares, and Declare the iiieonvenieney of their beim' forced to go so farr about tlus fleiicing, by roaso" of the dcepnosse of the wayes in winter there, besides that it's at least two Miles furtlu'r, and many unskillfiill in (he new wayes, may bee subject to loose themselves in the woods. Tho Case in difference being rcferiM to a ■lury, Tlit^y brought in their verdict as followoth, vizt. In the Case WIum-i! in ^rV'/ri.sv/c/ Inhaiiitants are I'laintilTs, and //A/^/ /j'm.s7( Inhabit" are Defend" The Jurv tinile for (jra>'e!« ltd. That the primary Highway froui liie fferry to (Irncexind, shall henceforth romaine the Common Highway, exi'opt (iruccHend Inhabitants will give way to some variaQon for ///^/sh Def" The Court do crjve their .ludL'men'- ac.-ording to y" verdict of the Jury, who have found for the P'" and do order that the Defc'iid''' shall cleare the old Iload or Highway, Itetweene O'nircsrttd and the thjrry, by the l^'day of Xovember next, ami that they cause a (iate to bee made, at each New York Historical Records. 589 end of tlieir ffciino, & a way betweene them, is to bo stack't out, or ffonc't, in bredth, three Rods, tlirotigh w"'' Carts & Horsemen may Passe, but it sliall not i)ee for drifts of Cattle ; this Ord' is to bee of full force, from y" first day of Noveinb"; aforcs'*, imlesse y^ Inhabit" of both. Townes, in y" raeanc Time, shall make some other agreem' amongst themselves, And y" Def" to pay the costs of Court and charges. Orn. K8 OF THE Court of Assizes in Long Island Matters. October 1, 1GC6. By order of the Governor and Court of As.-izos. A pctigon was brought in by Capt. Underhill, on behalfe of the Matinkoek I nd i/m s, ngamst the Inhabitants or Ilempsteed, that they encroached upon their Lands, having never paid them for it ; Hereupon Issued fortli the follow- ing Order (vizt.) The Governo' by and with the Advice of his Councell and the Justices of Peace, ill the Gen"" Court of Assizes Assembled, having rec' a poti^on from the Indyans of Matinicock upon Long Maud, and taken their case into considorayon, do thinke fitt to Order, And by these Presents do Order and apjioint, Tiiat some Person or Persons, on behalfe of the Towno of Hemp- stead, and also the Indyaii Proprieto", of y° Lands at Matinicock, or some Person for tliem, do attend on the 18"' day of this instant moiieth in the forenoone at New 7orke,v;\im the Governo' and Councell, will lieare y'" matter in dilTerence between the Inhabitants of Ilempsteed, and the said Indyans, and give their Judgm'' therein, according to Law & good conscience ; In the meane time, the EiujUsh that are now seated on the said Land at Matinicock, are under no pretence whatsoever, to bee molested or disturbed. October I", Ifififi. By Order of the Governo'' 6c Court of Assizes, A Peticon was Presented by the Indyans of Southton, complaining of their being too much straitened, iiy the Inhabit.mts of that Towne ; Ui)on considenieoii hud there upon, this following Order was made (vizt.) The (4overiio' by and w'" the advice of his Councell, and tiie .lustices of Peace in the Gcnerall Court of Assizes Assembled, iiaving re.''' a Petiyon iVem the Indyans of Southlon,'Mv\ taken into considoragon liieir necessityes, do thinke litt fo Order, Ami by these presents do Order, and appoint, That ''le Constable and Overseers of Sonthton, do forth w"' take speciall care, that one halt'e of such a Pant'll or neck of Land, according to tlu; Request of the Indyans bee fenced in at their owne charge, the other half by y" Indyans, where unto, all Persons concerned in y" Town- ship, are lyable to Pay their Proporgon ; And for the full etlecting thereof, this shall bee their warrant. October 1, Ifir.C. iiy ( )ider of the Governo' and Court of Assizes. A petigon from the Inhabitants of Bedford upon l.oinj /.stand, Th;it they might have a Cart Path over Capt. lieff.s his Ground, it being so troublesome for them to (.'art their Hay, and carry it through the d', ifr'ord, coiicernin^xa Cart Path tliroui'h some nieadowes iieloii''inir to (Jan'. Jietis, it lying much for their convenieiicy, for which thiy propose to give any reasonable m- w- /I \\ I. H III 690 £arly Colonial Setthmenta. satisfacgoii As alao, that they will at their charge, maintaine a Gate through the fence ; Tliey do Ordor tliat two Persons bee appointed by Capt. Betts, & two otlier Persons by those Bedford, to view the Ground, and to consider of the Damage it may prove to Capt. BetU, and the convonicncy it will bee to Bedford, and if possible, that they aj^ree about it amongst themselves. And also, Tiiat they make report of what they do herein, to the Goveruo'' on, or Ijefore the 27"' day of November next. A 8PECIALL "WakK.VNT TO TnE IllHir 81IEKIFKE TO MAKE SEIZURE OF ANT EsTATE BELONGING TO Oai'I'. Scott. "Wliereas there issued forth an order at the Generall Mooting at Hempsleed held in March 1064, wlieroin Capt. John Scott was obliged to bring in at the Gen" Co''' of Assizes following a certain deed or writing called by the s'" Cap' S'-oU a Perpetuity with tlio Kings Picture on it, & a great yellow wax scale atKx't to it, which hoe very fre([uent]y sliew'd to divers persons &, deceived many tlierewitii ; But the said Cap' ScoU before y" time tliat the s'" Assizes were to be lield, apprehended his counterfeit & deceitful jiraetices might bee discovered & ao he el.ould bee lyable to such penalties as the Law in such cases would intlict on him, did privily withdraw liiinself out of this Governm' & Jiath not since returned ; These are tlierefore to require & authorize you to make dilligent ifc .strict enquiry what Land.s Goods or Chattclls tlie s'' Cap'. John Scott hath any Right or i)retence unto within this Governm' vpon which there already lyes no Lawfull arrest, attachm't or seizure thereof to bee lyable to answer for this misdemeano''' it that yo" roturne an Ace' unto mce of yo' proceedings herein. And for so doeing this shall bee your speciall Warr'. Given under my hand & scale at ffort James in New Yor'ke this i'" day of Octob. lC6f). K. NU'OLLS. To M'- ^VU^Hun WdU Ili.'h Sherille &c. A LeTIEK TO THE IIlOII SuFRIFFE. The Governo' rcc'' yo" of the 22'" vlt, it hath now given mee order to accpiaint yon, (or to put you in mind rather if not alri'ady done) That its his jileasnre that you give notice to the Constables of the respective Townes of the sever.iU Ridings, that they are to discount w'" such of their owne Townes, to whom any moneys arc tii lii't; [)' for publick servict!, out of v" lirst veares Rate, or if more .-hall bee due to any person than his ])articular proporyon in the liate amounts to, that then it bee made up out of the Remainder tliut shall bee collected or levved in that Tow no it the Rec' of sucli persons to the Constabies, shall I a sniricient diseharge unto them for the same; I suppose you have already viewed it rectified What is to bee allowed in each Towne, according to the Rules of the Law, so there will bee the lesse Trouble, otherwise if they are left to bee their owne ('arvers, there will little remaine for other uses ; ITor such Hills as you have left with mee, or any other relating to tlu; Assizes Pie do my best to see them discharged as soon as possible : This is all at present from Novciub. 10'" 1C6G. Vo'' humiile serv' M N. BELONGING TO New Ywh llistw'ical Mecorda. A Lettek written to y* Constable and Ovebseebs of Huntington. 591 Gent" The Goveriio'' Iiaving received a Petigon from your Neigliho" of Oyster Bay, wlierein they declare their dissatisfacgon, a8 to the view of the Necks of Land, which are certified by Capt Topping and Mr. Wells, to bee but 3, and they say, there are foure, His Hoiio'' hatli given mee Order to write these Lines unto you, to desire you to send a Copy of that Certificate, to Oyster Bay, by the fii-st opportunity, and another hither, that upon Examinagon of the matter, hee may recommend a Conipoaiire of the Dillirence betweene you ; Tliis is all at p^ient from Your Loving fFriend New Iwi-t', 21'" Matu. Nicolls. Dec. 1066. To the Constable and Overseers of Iluntinyton. TWl^M A LEnEu WKiiTKN HY the Govkkno' to the Constable and Ovekseeks op fflushino, Con- CEUNI.NO TnoMAS IllCliS, &c. (Tcntlemen I have with very much patience attended to see what Issue you would put to y* Question, how Thomas irirks and the other twrt, Jan. 1'', lt;t>6-7. Yo' very Loving ffrieud To y' (;onstable otwithstanding the Patent w* the Towne of Ilmitinyion. hath obtaiii'd; I have by his Ilono" Order Written to the ConstaI)le and Overseers of llunthuj, to send you a Copy of the Certificate, given by Cap' ToppitKj and Mr. Wt/Lt, to wiiich, if y«" lia\e any Lawfull objection, upon notice thereof, the Goveruo'' will Endeavour to regulate the Matter betwixt yo' Towne; This is all at p'sent from ,. ■ ■ lour Loving llricnil. Matiiias Nicolls. A LeiTKU WUriTEN ■10 Y" CoNSIAUl.E AN1> OvKliSKEKS OF IIempsteei). f r Gent. The time within w''' y*/ respective Pattents are to bee renewed and contlrnu'd, drawing on, to p^ent misinforniagon Concerning the Limitts and Rounds of yi>' Severail Townes, and to take away all occasions of future Cavills and Contents, w " otlierwise might arise, I have thought titt to direct you, to appve!it yo' further charge and trouble, in attendance here for yo' Patents, and likewise bee .i lueanes of a right understanding betwcene you all, w'" is the desire of Your very lioving ITricnd fart James in 'J''^'"" Nuoli.s. New T(/rh' Jan. 8"' lt;66-7. Thelik^ wassentto/?(M/(?«^ and .Wmi Towne, .as i\ho\oJ(t)iinica, to attend the meeting there. Neio York HhUrrwal liecm'ds. 5y3 A Wakuant to tiik Constahi-e &c of New Towni: to pat -rirriR proporoon of thi; Purchase OF Sellers Neoke to y" Jniiabit" of Jamaica. Wiiereas tlio Iiilml)itiint8 of Jamaiaa liivviiiir inadc purchase of Sellers Neck & payd for y" same to tlio Iiidyaiis proprioto'"', were content for yo' conveiiienuo \n^ lot you liave a tiiird part tliereiii, Provided tlioy might oee sati.sfyed for the «uiiu but since you lipve l)een(! posest thereof, Tliey eoiiiplaino tliat you refuse to pay for it ; these are therefore to re(piire you to ii ,ke speedy jiaynient unto tlieni of y' proporyon of tiiu purcliaso money (whieii being so reasoiuii)le you t)ught not to deny) otherwise you must e.\pec!t to answer their suite at Law at tlie next Co" of Sessions, to l)eo held in yo' westerne liiding: Giveu under my liand wiJVrt James in Neto Vorke tins 7tli day of ffeb,-. 1666-7. li. N1C0LL8. To the Constable it Overse"' at JVeio Towiie, to bee communicated to the rest of the Inhabitants. The like letter was sent to the Constable- & Ovei-scers of Breucklyn. A Letikk to the Justice of itie Peace, Ccvstadle ifec at IIuntixgton. (rent. I am inforiiuHl that you formerly have hired of tlie Indyans the '".nctitt of the Whales which arc cast upon the i'caciies in yo' parts, but tjiat the last yearc some being cist thereupon, you neglected tlie looking after them; I doirc to bee satislied of yo' future llesohu'ons therein, for if you shall take no carf, I sliall employ some other i>ersons who will make improvement of them for the publicke beneliti, i urn Yu' loving fri'nid R. NiCOLLS. Jf'ort James, tlcbr. 20'" ir,»!(i-7. ■ meeting there. Mit. A.NTUoxY Waters AssrRAxrE to tue iNdAnir" of Ruecokt.vn, on tieiialfe of tue Towne OK .IaM.M. A OF TUEIU PUOCOUyON' OF SeI.I EUS N'eCK. This day Anfhoni/ Wr.trrn as Attorney for the Towne of ^itiiinica in the North Hiding of York'nltire upon I.oiiij /.t/uiitf being employed & empowered to (,'ompounil it agree with the Fiiiial)itaiils of I'n itcklyn in tiio West Riding about a i)arccll of Meadow Ground lyeing to the South cm y" said I^'land, a[)pcared before mcHJ on y'' behalfc of the Inhabit'' of Jitiihilfib afores' it doth declare, liiat in consideraoijn of tiie sinrimo of twelve pound of gocd 't lawful! money nr llie value in rnuntry p;iv f . (.■ : lid immediately unto him or his order. b\ the lidi:d)itants of /^■.■''f/,7y/(. ITce y'" s'' Ani/tny V/atei'x dotli by these |U'esents trans])ort, assigne it sell unto y" iTdiabitimts of Jhriick/y/i Owf lieyrcs and succcsmi" the one third ])art of a certaine Neck of Land lyeing on the Soutls^ide of the Lslaiul to the We.-t of Jai/niica commonly called the Sr/lcrs 75 n 594 Hai'Iy Colonial tiettlements. Neck as by agrcoraont betwcono tho said Towuca & their inutuall Consent it is already!'' out. Tlio said Nock of land with the res{ of y" purchase from the ludyans uiaile hy y° s'' Towne oi Jamaica having beono continiietl unto their Inhabitants by the Lite Dutch (ioverno' «fc bcin^' sinci^ nititied by our Jliylit llo'''° (tovjrno'' And the s'' Aiit/ioni/ IFi^Avw iH)ou the cousitUirayon at'orcs' ddtii promise & engage further to wurr' & save harnilessu tho Inhabi '' of tiie Towne of Jlriuchhin their heyres tic successors in their {)ossession of tho premisses ag"' any jjerson or persons claiming from by or wider tlieni or luiy of the Iniuibitants uf tlie said Towne of Jamaica uj)on any pretence whatsoever. Dated at the office of Records in New Torkc this 1" day of March in tho lO"" yeare of iiis Ma"" Raigne Aiuuxpie Domini lOGt'i-7. In wltnesse whereof the 8'' Anthuny Waters hath likewise putt to his hand »)c si ale. Acknowledged before nice Matth. Nicolls, Seer. Antuo.ny Waikus. i'i An Aokeemknt m.vdk iikfore Trrv: Oovkk.vo' uetwkenk Cai>t. Joun Tickek on tue uemai,!- OK IllE towne ok IhtoOKMAVKN, it M' RuilAKl) SmITU OF NESAlilAKE. New lorfe Tlun-sday. Mar. y'' 7"' 10(30-7. It is this day mutv.ally consented and agreed ,ipon in presence of the Ooverno'' between Capt. Jo/in, Tucker of the same. In consideration whereof the s'' Caj)' T'lekcr on behalfe of tiie Towne afores' dotii promise it engage, that there sliall be allowed it ])ayd unto the said M' Smitli, or his Assignees all ^U(•ll moneys :is have lieene expended or layed out by him for tiie Towir ■. use, it was adjudged due by the Couimis ion" abovementioned, or ordered to be paid unto him; And likewise for this next ensueing yeare. That the \muU belonging unto M' S„i,'t/t .-hall not i)e rated, or taxed, nor any levy made thereupon towards the mainlenance of the minister, but hee shall bee wholly excused for the saiil yeare, the town making good the same. Recorded In tlie (ioverno''' order the day and yeaie abovewritten. M : Nicoi.i.s, iSi;cr. T, A License (;i{Ar\ri;i) to Cai'" Ti ckku to I'l itciiAsi; Land oe nii. Indvans. Vpon tlie Reiplest of Cap' Ja/'ii Tmkev u[ Uratikeltacen in the ICixt /lii/iih/ lA' Yurkishirt U|ioii I^imij IxliinJ ; \ do hereby grauiit him Lieeii-i' to purehaM' of the Indian pi'oprieto" sueh a (pianlity of V'plalid it Meadow ground l^not already bought) lyi'ig to the south, within the limitt.s New York Jllstoricdl liccnrfh. 595 & bounds of tlio s'" Towno as will he fompetent to iiccoimnodiito a coiisiderulilo fTiirmo, which when heu luitli awoinplisiit, I sliall give him 11 fartliur assuranco for tho Kaiiio : Given under uiy hand ife scale •dtffort Jumcs in A'ew I'ork-e this 8"' Mar: 100(5-7. II. NiCOLLH. Gent. A Letiek to IIkmi-rteep. fortJam^s, Mar.: y° ti"', 1060-7. 1 have hero inclosed went you two writinirs wliich were hrouglit to ino from tho Indyans of jlfiiti/ih'och; ; you may peruse and take c.pies of tiicm, and so returnc tlie originalls I)acke to nu; ajxaiiie. In rof^anl tliey propose that they will civilly respect the seven families whicli alreadv arc seltled tliere. I fliinke it convenient tliat you endeavour onely fur the present to gett an assur. ance made to them for tho quiet enjoym' of their Lotts, hut to lett all other matters I)etweene you iV them reniaino as they now are, till a titter opportunity ])resent f./ y' entire purcliase i)v their n;eneral consent. However as I havo iiereto fore ])romisod, so do(! I now againe assure vou that I shall not give leave to any other Townes or persons, ])ut yo^ selves to make purchase of those Lands, since they lye so convenient for you: I have not now included them within the limitts of yo' patent, they being neither in yo-- former (iraiint, nor in any of your i)urchases, hut hereafter when you shall agree with the pro])rieto" about it they nuiy likuwiiso bee certed and confirmed to you. I am Yo' hjving friend, „, , T ■ r , ^- NICOLL8. lo the Justices ot y" peace, constable iVv at Ilcmpxtead. A LE-rrEK to Cai-t. rNOKiaiiLL. Cap' UmlcrhUL 1 have received some writings from the Indians of JA/^'w/cw'^-, wherein I find that they are not ilisposed to sell their lands to the Towne of liinpaknj, hut say they will with, all civilitv respect the tr~ii\ii\\ families already settled there : I understand likewise that they have given vou that part of their land which was spoken of hefore mee, when M'' llk'Hs tfe M' G Udershcve -AniX those Indv- ans were Iiere ; I shall bee ready to conlirme y" same, upon condigon that the said Indyans doe give assuranci^ that those seven families shall (piietly and pcacably enjoy what they have, untill the said Indyans can bee induced for their owne conveniency to admitt of a greater nmnber of families. I have written to this purpose to those of Ifempxtewl . In answer to yo' letter wherein you desire to bee discharged of yo' military omi>loymeiit, by reason of yo' yeares, it other cares that attend you : I do allow of voiir excuse, and leave you to your owne Libeity being Y' lo : friend, NeirTorke ^ Nicolls. Mar: 11^ 10G6-7. r. % I .,^g JiJaily Colonial Settlements. A LICKKOK T0M«. W.LU^ WK..B IIIOU BhK.UKKK TO T«A»K WrrH THK IN„VAN8 AT THK EaST END Of TUB Island. TU.» T. to »r.i,y .11 »-.,o,n ii .n.y conc.mc .h.t I >78™;;;.»; -.;;;•;;;- J»,»''-^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^a«/e« in iV^ei« York the 22" day of March lOdO-T. ^_ Nicolls. A Lkti'Ku to Cap' Undkuuii-l at Oybtek bay. Apr. lit'" I6(i7. Cap' Vnderhill. The GcM..rill havin- n-." vo' h-o with the i.-elo^od fro.n those at MatlnicorU Imtl. ^'ivci. .oeo t rMiiet ..n-eeni' .S: ('oni|)liance of tliosc Iiulyans, for the contmuaiu'c ut tlio^o it.anUys aiua.n '^"'A:;r'u:t;l.Urt;!:7nhahit.- ,. .ivi.., a Na... to tl. ,..0, The Goven...; .h,nt appntrlf :^.^ ^l-e; L^^ a,, then.;., as .1., that n. perso,. .hall he forced up..n the Uhout '■^ ''^^;;;Mh:Tuaia„s have .ive,. t.. Rol>t WJIUan. :..ay hee eontlnned unto hiu. a. likewise the seve^ t : the Inhahit-^ where their h.i.n U .hal' '^V'"^'' '" i r^ ' '• X ^ o ;"ve„t future eavilU ahout it. Thi. i-s all 1 had iu charge to deliver to you wlueh jou pka.e impart to the rest, so I conclude heiug V(/ verv lo: friend M. NicoLi.s. A LETnat i-kom tuk Govkuno' ro M' Wia.i.a. M' Wells. WheroaB it i. apparent that in collecting of the puhlic Eat., very ^-'^ j^'^^^.^^^^ , ^ p,.hlick,.fctr,.ul,let,.theCoM.tahles .ceasioi.ud hy the receiving ef the 1 ate. .n ^-^ ^ ^^ ^^^ „ sn,all .luantities A. from n.auy hands one day or weeke a ter -'••''-, ^^!'-'''\": "" ,,e „r ii.tle or no vahu. in puy.u' of puhlic charge. I desire that you wll d.rec, he ( n ^ hi s i„ ...,,. Towne, hat the pre^en, Uale. of the haife penny upon the l'"''''; ' '-'> , ^ ' ;'' ^ J another forn.e, That i. to sav, that each Tovvne n.utually agree au.ongst ihen.seKc. to pas ^T THK East M'. Willldin lie East End Ruloife, for Boal at ffort N1COLL8. ,»'" 16G7. til given iiiri! f tliL' frifiiiUy lilycs alvcHtly UA I'onci'nR'd (•0 thoy have r Nci.-rliU'" of 1 the Iiulyana ; his cxiHitsing ' or otliorwiso iiunt of utlier "JoviM-no' (Imit them without It* likewise the Illy knnwne to you't please to Nicoi.i.s. KO attends the h heefe & poi'ko ,' the provision!* the t'on.--tM!ilrs iK'e eoilectcd in vee to [liiy thiir New York I/iatoncal Jicrords. 507 Ratoi* upon some day |>refixed in thoir piirtieuliir Townos, wlioroby the losBo to tlio p(d)lio & and Troiihle to the OonHtahlus may Imk! uv.tyded, otherwino tlio C(.nstal)leH are not to receive any frenli viasions upon y" account of public Itatus, till tho Court of Assizes gives order therein. the T ])ro June 1007. Yo' very loving friend R.N ICOLLS. A Si'EC'IALL WaKb' to TIIK IIlCHf SlIKIlIFFB TO MAKK A liATE OP O.VK IIALFE I'KNNY I'' I'OCNU FO« THIS VKARK l('(t)7. TliCRO arc in his Ma"'''' name to reipiiro and authorize you to send yo' warr' to y" Constables of every Towno within the jurisdietion of Yorkuhirc reipiirin;^ them to make a Itat(! for tliia present yeare lti(J7, airordini,' to the valuaeoiis of their Estates in eaeli respective Towne at one halfo penny in the pound, for the doeiiij^ wherciof this shall bee yo' special wurr'. (liven under my hand 6i scale i\t Jlf'ni't Jaiiun in ifew Yorka this 22"' day of Jum(^ in the 1'.)"' yeare of his ila"" Itaij^no Annoipie Domini, 1007. K. Nicoi.i.s. To Mr. Wnilam. W.lls \l\ you liav(! given me just reason to susiHTt, yo' fidelities & yo' c-i-age. at a sea-oii when a true Englishman is most zealous it se(!kes the first occlusion to servo his King art- 1 country : Know yee therefore that according to yo' merritts you aro to expect all the scorue & dEsdaiuc that lyefl in my power Mg"' such ineane spirited fellowes. And in iiursuanc(( tlcreot', the Justice of the peace, Ctmstable it Overseers aro strictly charged it reiiuireil in his Ma"''" name, to put. in [ir.tcfiM' liiose my following orders it diiwiious it to publihh y" tame. I /) '( : 5n« J'Avhj Colonial S'tftlemcntx. 1 — Ii» tho V pliico all the ComiMnioii & tlie otlior otlic" of tho Cotripuiiy <>f iToot aro 8iis])c!uloil from exocutiiif,' tliuir roapcctivo charges. 2 — Tliiit tlie foot colours which I gave to the vsc of tho Towno boo safely rutiiniu.l to my haiitls. 3— Tlmt tho twelvn Match T^ocks w'" I sent to the Vh. uf tho Towno w'" Haiulcloors & Aiiitmition hcu rctiirrii'd to liw Ma"''" store in thirt fTort. 4 — That none of you presume to appear in armes, without Bpociall warrant from my selfe, or in sua.laino occiisions as yo" shall bee reijuired by tho Justice of tho Peace or your Constable &. Overseers. 5 — That none of that Company w'" I saw standing in armes vndor his !>l.i"'» colours (whoso names aro herein enclosed iis a porfo'ct List given in to meo l-y Capt. Aclums, presume vpon .my private o.rasi.m whatsoever to resort vnto this City or Liberties theren'". during the space of three monetiis after the date hereof, under y" paine it penalty of being taken & adjud.-ed for a spy ; Vnlesse upon his first arrividl hoc doo immediately appeare in person before y" otHeer of the guard in the llort to reiuler aecount of his coming, his l)usinesse & where or how long In c stayes ii. the City. That every Inhabitant of JflushlDg whoso name is not written in this List m ly free y enjoy their jii.^t Liberties as his Ma"'" Loyall it well atTected subjects. All these directions arc to bee fully observed it putt in practise by all persor.s lierein concenied, us they will answer tho contrary at their perills. IB "I f A List of thosk Pkusoxs of FKr.rsiiiNo who this nw ntRSENTKn themsklves to tiik (Joveuno', & OAVK I.V TIIEIK.SAMKS TO UK UKADY TO SKUVK HIS Ma" IM.Klt IMS llONo" CoMMANU UPON AM, ocoAsio.Ns: . Alu: 12"' ItitiT. Willlaiit Xiihli'. Gi'ovije Wfi(//tt. Eilii'urfl Grilfin. I'liomnK Siidh r. Aaron fforernan. Nichohiit juirrcH. Joniithaii. Wrlo/it. Joliii Thome, Juliii FJcf, William Binhoji. Rii'lmril I.omj. JosCjifl T/liil'lh'. Jost'jih IhilijiT. A Letiku i-i:om tiik (I.-vkkno'' to Mu. Couniiii.i. auoit Kri.i sniMi, i.iiii;cTi;i) to iiim, CoNSTAiiLK it ovi:i£si;ki:s. ■riiK T have enclosed sent yon a liste of severall persons of your Tf)wne. who this day have given in tiieir names it declared' themselves ready it willing upon occasion to serve hi-; Ma'>- : Wiicreupon I doe recoi.imeiu' unto vou tlmt with the first opportunity you cause the whole Company ..f yo' Towne c:ipible .f beiirin- .\rmes according to the Liw, tu ineete together, it to tak.' the name, of su-l, ntl„.rs wh- and defend ihemselve,-, and that you returne a list of them to mee, m d^ing s.mii' lu.uk.' ■y. New York JIiHtarical Heeorth. 599 of (lisfinoti. hetwoon* tlic anticiit & marryoil men ^ tlio UutelioloM, To the VaA lliat I iimv out of tlie wholo, j«roi)orgoii audi as may bee Ciii)aljlo ot' proHent ii, ftituro Ri'i-vice. Yo' very loving frieiir of the Inhabit" oi' S,>iii/it<»i. that ihe Titles 6c Clavmes on each i>art may bee heard, iKridiMJ A .Tmined at the Court of A>si/.i.-,: These an; in his Ma""' n.i 10 to require you or some of you on Lclialfe of yo'' Towne it th.' Iidmbit" tliereof, That you appear, at this next Gencrall Coin-t of Assi/es to bee held in Uiis City, be-;inning on the last Wednesday in Oclob. next, being the ;jO"' day of the s' monetb, then iV there to make answer to tiie C/'omp" of the s' Inhabit" of Smithlon in an action of Trespasso: Hereof you are not to fayle at yo' perills: (iivcn under my hand it scale ite, this 17"' day of Sepf itc An: Donii. U'.tiT. Ii. iS'uoI.LS. To the Constable and Overseers of i^oulli/mhl to bee communicated iVc. To MIM, IIIK A Lkitk-u wuhtkn to v" ^lAoisruATKs ok Ovsti.u Hay. Loving iTrieiids. Yo' Lre, in the n.ime, and on the lielialf of yo' Towne, dated tlie.1o"> day of Septend.er, came to my hand : Soone alter which, I acquainted the (rovcrno' with the contents thereof, in nn>wer to that p'te of if. where yo" endeavor to shew yo' particular Reasons, why you have made no ajiplication to his bono' for a Patent, within the time prescribed, as all other Towncs have done, in Obedience to an Order made at the last CJeneral Court of Assizes ; Ileo hath commanded mee to give you notice that at tiiis next Court of Assizes, beginning the 3(i"' day of this instant month, you are to shew unto the Court by wliat Title yo' Towne p'teiui to hold tlieir Land, and that tlieu and their, you or some other Persons ap])ointed l)y yo' Towne, bee ready to justify and defend the same, otherwise the Court will take -wAx Order therein, as the Lawes shall direct; Thus much I had in charge to deliver yo', whicli i» all at p'seiit from Your Living llViend Octoly 10'" Itl.JT. ' Mviuias Xicou.s. li«4<^Ht IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 4. ^4^/ f.%^id. y. i/.x M/. 1.0 If:™^ IIM I.I 1.25 '^ 1121 1^ 1^ Z5 2.2 1.4 6" 1120 1= 16 % ^^ i Kj Sciences Corporation s ^^ l\ \\ 33 WS3T MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 ;716) 872-4503 ^^.u « €^1; X"^^^ ^ <» 'o ^ .#*. ^ 4i 40 600 Early (hloidal Skttleinents. Tkial of the Case between South ampi'on and Southold. • ) Nov' 1" [1C67.; ) af tornoone. .] The Inliabitaiits of SoittJunnpUm P"" \ Nc The Inhabitants of Soiit/iald Diii'^' The names of y' Jure". Thomas Hall Foreman, Peter Windca, Patrick JIayes, John. Palrner, Thomas Wandall, Thomas Applegate, John Carpenter, Ralph Hunt, John Foster, William Nobk, Jonas Halstrad, John Dixy. Cap" John Howell and Mr. Henry Picrson api)earc for y° I"" being empowered by them and put in tiieir deehiragon. Cap" John Toung ^ Mr. Jonas 2lo2. And by him assigned to y" Towne of Southold. A Certific^itc tlieret)f is read, it being at largo under y" Govcruo" hand who made the agreement, betweene the Towne and Cap" Tapping Octob' 3'' lOfiG. A writting likewise of acknowledgni' from y" Indians of their Receit of y" Pay agreed for y" said Land dated Feb^ 22'" l(5(i(). Mr. Piersim alleadges that the Meadowes are 28 or 30 Miles from Southold and not above 10 Miles from Southampton, But Cap' Yoiiny saith, they are not above 17-18 m. from Southold. The 1"" i)resse to have y° Iudi:ins examined fur tliem tiiey were for y" Presents deferi'ed. Mr. niehard Wondhull S: ^\r. .John Ogden Sworne. Mr. TFww/i^w^Z ofTera to deliver into Y (y^- a writing of what bee knew as to 'Aaak meadowes which is the Land in question, J?ut it.s not admitte-l being there in person. Then bee declares that about 20 yeare agoe there wasagrannt made to him selfc & Mr. ^YelU by the fou re sachems of a parcell of Land on y° north side of A,puUuke or Piaeonnoek Kiver, when at f signing of their CJraunt by y Towno Sachems a great nmuber (.f Indians were pros'. This Land lay on Southold side. Ilee saith further that at that time bee ask't the 4 Sachems, what the reason was, that tliey would graunt away this Land and would n(jt as well part with some land on y" other side where there was most meadow. Their Answer was, that their Ancesto" and they had wounc this by Con(juest, but that laid on t' otherside wiks not tb.eirs. It did belong to Skinnacock Indian. Then tlie said Mr. Woodhull asking of y" said to buy Quuqnenantaek Land, they answered him, they could not sell it, for it was none of theirs, for saitii they own all the Land from Pea- connork to Quaguenantack belongs to the Skinnacock Indyans, within which compasse the Lands now in question lyes. Mr. Ogd^n. saith that bee htsard the MoiUauket Sachem and severall other Indians Say that the Land from y" bead of y" Bay or Peaconnock to Quaguenantack wius y" Skinnacock Indyans Land. Edmund Shaw saith, That about 8 or <.) yeares agoo, bee was with Wnamcomhoue , the Ilontauketl Sachem, when y" Sachem being at Southton side, where bee lay all night went over the two Rivers and marckt a Tree, as the bounds betweene Southton and A'(.«M<>W it was at Peaconnock, the Tree is at the hi-h water iiiarke and is on Southold sid.'. Tlie inhabit'^ of Soxdhton claime all the Lands from Pcacconnock to their Towne n.,rth and South. Neil) York Historical Records. 601 WHO iitirtli and There were two Indian Testimonyes read, to prove this land to belong [to] Skinnacook. Richard Howell & Joseph Ra}/ncts, doposigons read, to prove The Skinarooks Indian right to y" Land in Question by the Beares skin being sent to them &e. Scvenill Indians appcaro in Co" to give their Te^itimonj for Southton. It being askt them, if tliey knew to whom the land lyeiiig betweene JViamock and Peaconnock doth belong, they answer they have sold that Land to Cap" Tapping. They say furtlicr tliat there happened a Beare to bee killed in y» River Peaconnock, oi which River y° one halfo to y' Yannocook t'ther lialfo to y" SkinnacoGk Indians of which Beare the Yannaeock Indians had the Flesh and tiie Skinnacook the skin and greaco ; It was about 14 yeares agoe since the beare wiw kill'd. It being furtlier askt them. If they had reC" paym' for the Land, They say, it was not all paid for, but most of it was, there being three Ooates behind for which they were to stay till Cloath were brought unto y" Country. Another Indyans Testimony was read. John Jemiing.s had two deposigons read and JoJin Laughton one on y° behalfe of y* P'". Mr. Ruler Attorney for y" Def" InsisttJ upon 4 yeares possession, but y' Co" overruled that plea, and that it should not debarre y« p"" title, then liee produced the Copy of a deed bearing date y" IS"- day of March IfifiS. The hearing of y' Rest of y" Cause was put oflE to y» next day. Southtaii P" NovemV 2'' Southold Def The Attorney of y" Def* rcades Southold deed with Soverall Tndyan Testiraonycs in two other writtir.gs. The Deed is dated Decemb' 27'" 1G63. The def pleads their purchase, according to y" Cu.stome ordred to bee used in all the Colonyes, It being done with y° apj robagon of y" Governo' of New Haven, under w"' Governm' tliey then were and that Cap" Ymmg made purclias-j of the Land in question for New Haven. Mr. Wells and Barnabas Horsons deposigon read about their paym' for Aquehauke Land, to the Treasurer of New Haven by order of their Co". A Petigon from the Inhabitans of Southold to tlie Co' of Neio Haven, concerning this Purchase was also read. Richard Howell Testimony of what hee heard a Skinnacook ludyau say concerning the Land in question it was dated Dec : 17. 1002. Thomas Stanton an Interpreter of y= Indyan Language, testifyed upon oath before Robert Macon .Fune 12, 1(J()7 what he had heard severall Indyans relate about this Laud they being examined about it. Another paper of June i"- 1007, of Indyan Tcstimonyes brought in amongst the whish Vncachaag Sachem, was one. It being in-ged by the P" that the Governo' had put a decision to this matter allready, when it was before him upon Comp" of y' Towne against Cap" Tapping, The Governo' was i)leased to declare that what hee did y" hist yeare about the Matter in Controversy betweene Cap" Ta^qnug and y' Towne of Southhampton which was then composed, Ilee only ConHrnied the Right that either of them really had, but did not create any new Right in either of them. Cap" Young further allea day of I^farch next in (Jorne at the rates hereafter mengoned : That is to say, winter NewYovh Historical liecorda. 608 rouglit ill tliuir wheat at fouro slullingo and six pciiccB, Indian Corne and pease at the price allreadyset forth, and no otlier graine is to bee talinpsleed^ the Towne of Oijster lay, and the Towne of West Olvester, have fayled in making paym' of their respective ])roporgon3, in which they were rated toward the building of a Session house for that Riding which payni' was enjoyned to bee by order of the Last Co" of Sessions before this present Co" of Assizes should be held this Co" doth order that paym' bee made to M' Wilkni IlaUett (who Imtli undertaken and contracted to erect and iinish the 6;iid building or to his assignees in fatt li-o cattle by the 30"' day of this instant moneth. In default whereof, the severall Townes shall each of them ])ay their jjroporcon by the 10''' day of March next in corne, that is to say, wheato, pease or Indyan curno and in no other graine, under y" penalty of five pounds flue for each Towne that shall not punctually obey this order. An order about levying tl.) pay for y" Sessions house in y" West Riding as follows vizt. That the Townes of the West Riding shall bring in their pay amounting to the same sume as in the second Rate is sett forth, for the building their Sessions Ilouse, by the 10"' day of March next the which being built at Gravescnd the Towne is to keepo in llepaire for y" space of 21 yeares at their owne charges (casualtyes excepted) as is agreed upon by the Towne of Jamaica in the North Riding in the like case. A Warkant to tue IxnABrrANTS of Marsiipatii Ki:^ls, to appkare befork the Governor. These are to require you, to make yo' appearance before nice, in this ffort on Saturday next, being the 9"' day of this instant moneth, by to-i of the clock in the fore noone, and that yo" bring with yo" the Deedes or Evidences, y<>" have to shew for yo"' Possessing & Enjoym' of the Land yiiu are seated upon, at Mashpeth Kills, that I may be satisfyed, by what Title you hold the same ; Given under my baud lit ffort James in New Yorke, the 6"" day of November 1667. KiCll'' NlCOLLS. To Aynam Baynnm, Lono Pictcrs, Markc, T)nle ife such others, as live upon the Land at Mashpeth Kills, heretofore belonging to Mr. liohert Clarke. An Ohuku io dkcide tuk difference about Round Island. Whereas there hath liecne a matter in dispute betweene Ca.\>V Thomas Lairrrnrr o^ New Towne & M' William IhUlett of Jamaica toucl ing a certain Island lying in the Souiid neare unto ^m 604 Early Colonial Settlementa. ''\ \t l/i Hell gate commonly called Round Maml M' IlaUdt laying elaymo to tlio said Island tog(;tli' w"* a piiruoU of land vpou Long Island neare adjacent by vertuo of an Indian purcliaHo & M' Lawrence hauing my graiint to posscsse & enioy the same vpon the termes and Condigons therein oxprest, Now hauing Made inquiry into & Examined the p'tcnees on each parte, I have thought fitt to ord' That whe?i M' IlaW-tt shall bring the Indian proprioto" before me toowne the sale of the said lands unto liim There shall then be a patent graiinted for the :!ontirnuition of so much of the said Purchase unto him as is not already disposed of by p'"ceeding Patents of ground briefes But in regard Capt" Lawrence hath had my graunt for Round Mand, it it being not p'ticularly Mengoned in M' Halktta purchase, The said Capt" Lawnnce shall ha\ic a Patent of Confirmation for the same unto him yett w"' this provisoe — that two indifferent men being chosen between them & giving their jndgm' how much might be paid for Round Mand in proporgon to the whole purchase, tliat the said Cap' Lawrence doc forthw'" satisfy & make paym' of the same imto M' Ilalleti or his Assignes, as i' it had becno included w'^in it. Giueu und'' my hand iit fort James in New Yorh; tliis 11'" day of Dcci'mb"- 1067 Okdkh conceknino Round Isi.vno, Easp kivkk. Deoembkk 11'" 1007. P)Y y« Govekno'. In y' businesso in dispute touching RoutuI Island betweene Capt" Ttiomas Lawrence Ik. Mr. Wm. Ilalktt as also concerning Mr. //a/left's purchtvse of Lands about Ilell gate from y" Indians, It is this day ordered tliat aff Mr. IlalUtt shall briTige y'' Indian Proprieto" before yo Governo' to owne their Sale of y" said Lands unto him, His Ilono'' will be ready to confirme unto him 80 much of y' said purchase as is not already disposed of by Pattent or Groundbriefc, P>ut in regard that I liave alreadye given a graunt unto y" said Mr. Lawrence for yf said Island & no iturchase of y° .same appearing by name in Mr. llalletts deed y" said Island shall bee confirmed to Mr. Lawrence, And that in y'' meano time Mr. IlaUett ife Mr. Lawrence do each of them choose a man to whom y" (toverno' will adde a Third jicrson who may take a view of y" said Island ife thereupon declare their Judgm" what proporgon of pay Mr. Jhdlett ndght disburse for Round Mand if included among y" rest of y" purchase w''' when adjudged the said Mr. Lawrence is in some short tyme to reimburse ife saHsfye to aim. M. Niciioi.i.s Socr. Mannahan — Kitc/nppin. Two Indians names who came lately to Cap" Lawrence i> offered to sell Round Island to him w"^*' they clayme to be theirs. r The GovEBJio" Waur', Sent to y" Constabib and Ovekseeus of each Towne in y' West RiDiNo, about y' Paymk.nt of their Puopoktions towards y" SicssioNs House. Whereas w/ Towne is Rated at y*^ sume of Sixteene pounds, fourc shillings and five pence towards the payment for a Sessions House, wliich long since, ought to liave beene i)r(>vi(l(>(l ; these are to requira you, to Levy and make Payment of the said sume, to Mr. Oloffe Stevens, one of the Aldermen of this City, in good Corne, before the next Court of Sessions shall bee held, whoso nd tofifotli'' w"* iircliiifie & M' uligoim tlierein I have tlioiiglit WHO tlic Biilo of of 80 much of ground briefcs not p'ticularly if Confirinatjon ilioseii botweeii oporgon to tlie the same unto y hand at ffoH New Yo7-k Historical Mecords. 605 receipt for the same shall beo yo' dischargo ; Hereof you are not to falle : Given under my hand, ntj'oi't James in JVcio Forke, the lO"" day of llobry 1007-8. Rich* Nicolls. Oravesend 16 04 q5 New Towns 20 02 3i Bunhwiok 05 11 2^ A ineKford 13 ] 1 1 fi. BruycMyn 15 o;i H fflat Bmh 19 ();> (,jj New Uti'icht o7 Stuten Idfand. Ot; 14 lox 110 on 00 ■' (ioVKKXo''. n Linnnncf it 'I gate fioiii y" rieto" before) yi? ) confirnie unto (Ibriefe, But in lid Islanil &. no ee confirmed to )f them choose r" Hiiid Island & irse for Rimnd Lawrence is in I0I.L8 Socr. rence i> jflered NK T.v Y*" Wkkt IIoCBE. s and ti\o pence |)rovi(l('(l ; tlicse vena, one of the jee held, whoso A Warrant bent to the Constadlk and overseers of ffmjsiiino. Whereas you the Constable and Overseers of fflusMny, have neglected the Payment of tlio Pnblickc Rites, according to the severall times prescribed By tlie Lawes; As also, That you have fail'd to bring in yo' Assessment, for the Riiiiding of the Sessions Iloiise in Jamnh'a ; you are by tlicso i)resents, in his Ma"'" name required, to make yo' appearance at y" Sessions House in Jamalm, there to Answer yo' neglect before his Ma"" Justices of the Peace, which Sessions doth begin the 11"' day of March, next ensuing the date hereof; Given imdoriuy hand in /"w^ y((7«<,v, tiie 2'' day of March, 1007-8. ^ BiCll" XlCOI.LS. To Mr. Eliaa Dowjhty Constable, and Mr. WlUvi Nohle, one of the Overseers of ^/k*/(/71(/. An Ord'' Concerning the Wiiai.es w"'in SEA-TAi.Korr bounds. Whereas the Inhabitants of Se^talaott (als j9/wA7jawe/!) arc invested in a certainc Tract of Land by virtue of their Pattent where in tlieir bounds are ascertained and continued to be from tlie North to tlie South sea, w'" severall priviledges therein exprcst, However the said Inhabitants have made their comp" unto me that some otlr persons not belonging to the said Towne of Si'dtalrott w'Nnit their leave or consent doe i)''tend a Priviledg upon tiie Beach lying to the South it w""!!! their bounds aforesaid, & have actually cutt up ife carryed away some partes of a whale or great Fish contrary to the priviledges :)f the said Towne upon p'^tence of an Agreement made w"' some Vnqri'ohauke Indians. These p'sents serve for a furth'' explanaeon of the said rattent Tiiat by vertiio thereof the Inhabitants of the Towne of Seatalcoll (alias Brookhauen) aforesaid and no oth' w"'out their consent, shall or may cutt or carry av>-ay any whales or (ireat Fisii w''*' are or hercaftar may be cast vpon any parte of the Land or Beach w"'in the bounds it lymitts of the siiid Pattent therein expressly .sett forth to be given and grauntcd. Given und' my hand at Fort James in New Yorke the First day of Aprill lOOS. If gOQ Bafly Coloniul Settlementa. An Okdeu to ti.k Con.tablks & Ovkiwkeiw of Hkmi-btkkd Conoebnino JosEr.i Carpentkh. Wlicreas Request was long tymo since iiiaao vnto mo on tlio belmlfe of Joxqyh Carpenter that he niiL'ht hane a certaine pcice ofhiud on eiwh side of tiio Ryvcr at MuHkitm- f)orc, whore lie proposes to settle two or three I'lanlag.ms & to Erect a «aw Mill and a Knllin- Mill w'- n.ay prove very advantagious & bo much to tho wclfaro of the Inhabitants in (Jenerall, w"> in tins Governiu' w'" w'" yo" haue beeno made acfiuainted & themselves haue made some obiecgons a.'ainst it, yet haue giuen mo no reason.;ble satisfacjon therein & hanoing iust grounds to suspect that tlie said land thereabout is not i\s yett w"' in yo' bounds nor was ever really purchased by yo", yo"hanin.Mnadenoimprouem' therevpon though yon p'ten.l to haue laid it out into lotts for seme of the Inhabitants of yo' Towne TI.ese are therefore to require yo" that after the Sight hereof w'" all convenient speed yo" cause to bo laid out for the uso of the said Joseph Carpenter a sufficient .luantity ..f land on each side of the said Cove litt for the purpo.js & intents pn.posed by him & that yo" make imediate retorne of yo' p'coeding herein vnto me w'" if yo" shall neglect to doe I shall w'Vut More adoo take care to disi)ose thereof for the publicpie good as I shall see ^usc. Giuen und' my hand the C" clay of Aprill lOOS. A C0NFIRMA9ON OF TUE Ar.UEEM' MADE w'" AtoNTAlTKET InHYANS AT THE AsSIZES 1005 DiANlI.LINO ANY AoKK.EM' w'" C. ScOTT. Whereas There was an agrcem' Mad.; fi Concluded vpon before mo in tliis Citty vpoii tho Fourth day of Octob' 1005 Hetweeno M' Thonim Jame. & M' Thomas liarhr D.pnted from the Town; of ^-.^v^/Za^'V^''". on behalfe of the said Towne & i\^^ Sanh' S.jnaw ^.iMuntaukett dau.rhter of the Sachem U>t«.^,.;,cv,. deceased & seuerall otli' Li.lians for and on the behalfo of themselves & tho rest of their MonUuhett Indhms touching the Tlog.iiating tho .lec.s.on ot the bounds and Ivmitts of their lands w'" soverall oth' p'ticnlars w-Mii the said Agreem more at lar..o is sett" forth and there hauing beeno likewise a former Agreem' ma..e betwcene the Inhabitants of tho said Towne of East Ilampt.n .t John Srott on behalfe of tho M]aTitatIoii are at so great distance from tho Towne of Oijtiterhaij to w"' they are related, that it may proiie unsafe it is unconneniiiit for all tlioir men to bo absent from homo at tho times aji])ointed for trayning w'" they are by tlie Law re(piirod to attend, Tiiese are to certify all whom it may conceriie 'hat I have tlionght titt that one man in each family of the plantation aforesiid shall be free & exempted from stich ordinary attendaiu^e at traynings Neither shall they be subject to any Fyuu or i)enalt" for tlieir absence vpc i this ocaision Given und' may banc! at Fort Juiiich in New York this Id'" day of Septemb' l(jlaint unto me tluit by misinformaeon yo" did the last yearo obteyno an order from the iate (iovertio" for tho enioym* of a certaiiu; p'cell of Headi to the Soutli supposed to be w"'in tlie lymitts of yo" Patteut but formerly piu'chased by the comp'" or some one of tlicm it a valuable consideracon gQg Jl!arli/ Colonial Settlements. Uivon for the wlmlcs that, shouUl bo ca.t u,. thereupon for tho B,m«o of a .crtaino tormo of yoaro« m,t yet expired. Theno uro therefore at p'sent to .u«pon.le the honehtt of the order yo- . ..1 M.e ohtaine & ti. require vo- to per.ni.t .fe «u(Ier the con.p"' to e..ioy wlu.t they have pu.vh.He.l until ; .1 can ,nnke a Lte^ ri.ht appeare the ineh.din^ of tl. ly.nittB & U.nuuU U.e.o .n y c '. en uotwithstan.linK. Giuen und' n.y hand .t Seale at FoH Jamc. ... Ne>o } orke th.. 1. da.> ot Octoh' ill the aO'" yeare of his Ma'"' Ilaigne Aimo-pie Dom. l«t»S. A WaIIBANT AUr..O«./.NO (;a.'1" SA..im..*Y TO TAKK TUK BlKBCtU-rONH OK A.... HI CU .-KK80M8 A« VOLUNTAKII-V L18T TllKMSKLVKa IN Illii TKoo.'. Whereas T have niado inspection into the Malitia of tho severall Tovvnes upon T.,mg hland i. fi.uli!rit -luiV,te that thJre be so.no IIo.-Be i,. readi..eBse a« well as Foot for the safeguard & '''^"Thef^Ctriululrize yo» (!ap" Siluester SalMury U. take tl.e Subs.rip.^ns of all sucl. person as shall volu>.tarily e.ilist then.selves to eo.npleat a Troop of Vol..ntee,-s w-- sha be ,.n 1 ■o' (o.a,,d the sa.ne to be in readincsse upon Lon, Mand ..po.. all oee..B.o„B.. they b1w.1 •rl.ive .inl er fro.n .no & for so doin, this shall be yC warrant. G.ve.. und' ...y band at Fort JameH in .V."« York this 13'- day of Octob' 166S. To Si/liKxi' S(ditthHri/ Capt" !('■" WIIMf Lieu' 7'/(om .• Wi/leti Cornett J-:i!a.s DotKjItty (Juartenn' A.N ().:...:.t Koit Thomas. Oil ATFiKM, to .iKCK.vK Costomf. Fo.t A.,.. G.ku.s kxportic^ o.. impohtkd to AND FKOM EaBTIIAMI'ION. These are to authorize & appoint yo" Tlu>m. Chaijkhl to take an exact account of all such .oods & ...erchandizes as shall be i.nported or exported to & frou> the Towne or Port of Ea.i ^;I;1, ^ that yo- take ^ retaine Custo.us ..r such G.xls all are a,,K ..ted n> pay ac.on .,., to the direceo..s he.-ew'" set yo" & that yo" ...ake a true Retor..e l.e.-e..f o the C h.ef C.sto.ne It NeTvorU who shall have ord' to see yo" satistied for yo' Ca.-e .^ trouble ... tlu^^ Execu .or- o. ^'Office Give.. u..d' ...y ha,.d at Fort Ja^nes in AW Yorke This 15'" day of Octob' 1008. A LVCKNO. OBAUNTKO TO Jo.,.V Co<,PKR Or SonTHTO. TO mSPOSK OK 50"'. OK PoWO' TEABEI.V TO src. I.N.)IA.>.S AS ARE ASSISTI-VU TO UIM IN 1..S ..ESI»N.O OK K...1..N0 W..ALK8. Whereas John Cooper of Southion ha,b .•e.,ucsted n.y Lycc.se that he ...ay dispoBo of so.ne small ,.r.itvesofG,.,/powder to such Iudia..s as shall be helpful a,.d aas.st....^ to h.,n ... Ins d'tToT k^^ of Whiles .. .nuking Oyle, w- is work teudi..g to the p..bli.p.o good & deserues due encourage.il' : irmo of ycaroB er yi>" ili«l wio ii'cliiitiud lint ill ill yo' I'lltfllt liiH lli"' (liiy of CII I'K.KSOMB AS n hmg hland le Kafcgiiard «& >n« (if nil Biieli '' shall 1)(! iiiul' IB afl they shall ,• liaiul at Fort •>\t, IMFOKTKI) TO lint of all such r Port of East ) pay according ^hief CiirttDiiun- 10 Exwutior. of Octol/ 10t)8. NnVD' YEABELT ^lALES. LlispoBO of POIUO ijf to him ill his 'ood & descriies Nev) York llutoriral Ilerards. 609 These are to certify that I have > tiili«t thoitiHelvon ii> tlio Troop of Vohmtoera to bo rwuii wl.eivof yo" im^ tlm ComiHsioiiiMl OIUcimm but tliat iiiimy of fli.-m ciiiiiiot proiiidi'tli.'iii^i'lviM w'" funiiMiiv for tlu-ir liorHcs iionirmus fortlieiiiHclvL.tt, In n-yiml tluit tliev aro nut pn-vi-lod w'" pay Huital)lo for tho M.-rt-l." or otli' who can fill them f!or the bott' onJo.irngoni' of nil nneli a« «l.all Im ready tu ...rn., hi. Ma"" in the eapaeity aforemiid. yo" may from me Hi>;nify unto them that I ahull ho ready to furnirth nueh an want lioth w'" lurmturo \' armen or eith' tiu.y makein^; duo paym' unto mo for tho «amo In good country pay. Given uud' my hand at foft Jmux in New Vorke tluH 10'" day of Nouomh' 1668. Fa. LwVELACK. To Capt" i^i/hesUr Salinhnry &c. iirr Exc'KiM'oN An Obdek fob Adam Hkowkk ok I^hoicki.yn to orindk kok am, i'Brsonh w'" n ou DinriNiTioN. Whereas Complaint Imth heene mad.' unto nu^ by the Constable ii' Overseers of the Town(! of BroH.'klyn an well uk bv otiiens of the Inhabitants a-ainst A,la,n liromr oi the same plaee that he the sai.l Adam liruwer keeping a mill there hath seuerall tymea refused to grmeano tyme do order that tho said Adam liroa.r as long as he shall keep the mill do grin.le f..r all persons w' out distin.'ti.m or ex/• the 12'" of Nouemb ItUiSi. J;. XjOVhtLiAVBi' TiiK GovKRNo" Lkio To M' Jamkh Minist'' .'K Eaht TIamiton. I received yo' Lre of the l»"' of Noiiemh' by Fmiik y" In.lian it am heartily glad to see that the same band thiit has intlamed yo'' h.'art w"' a desire of aduaiicing y,. (iospell of Christ in the LMiUversi.)!! of the Gentiles it bringing them t.) the knowledg.- art<' to aibiaiiee s.t w.irtliy a work.> if yo" but put me in the way. I verv much approu.' of yo^oinposnr.' of a eatechism.- w''' as it was the immitiv.' way of thoiimulvoH ill tlio Jilt tliiit. iiiiiny of iHclvcB, iiiivgiinl 11 them flor tln' ity iifori'Hiiid, yn" nth w'" I'liniitiiru iitry pay. (Hvuii I. LyVElrACK. /'" our ExoKPvoN lers of till! Towiu! f till! wiiiii! \>\mv jil to griiiilo coriu! iidico iiiid the saiil ,' hi! seeliiCrt to he rd' from a Justiee ore thoiij^ht Ktt ti> lid lire to iidlud^'e iiio tyiiio do order ill |)i'rsoiit* w"' out '' if he sliiiU refuse 10 that I may take I' my hand at Fort V. LoVELAOK. ily plad to see tliat 11 of ChriBt in the likewis(! lietitowed ot only eruwne yo" )' fellows hereafter re may that person •e shall 1)0 notliiiii; ly. ■ primitive way of Ni.'W York Hinloririil liecordH, on in«triiPtion ho it w moHt practicahl.. at Huh !yme for thon,. darko hoiiIch wlm heing n-.t yet ariiiM to that .l.-ree w" tho Aposll- K,M..ik. of of being l,ut hahen in Oliri.t, are therefore to ho eHteemud hilt an emhryoH Ml Ghri«tiaiiity, H„ that the miieoro milk of the uord in ,.|i.n to ntrong for their infant iligiwtion. A Htimulatioii to vertiic must therefore ho the (list woikr though it were hut Hueh aw vva»i eminent in the an.ient ItoniauM who aH the Apontlu olMorveH woro l,y inntinet of nature a Law unto theiuHelvoH to eheek tlieir apetite to any lieetitiuiiMicsHo & iiTogularityos in your eatoehisiii euro would bo had that the eonipoHure thereof !,.. gontle iV: ea-y bo that reason' may he the hand maid to U..|igi..n, and not t.. pu//.le tliem with those Arcnnan (myHtoryes of Halvat.on) which as they will he very ditHeult to iintill the.ii in their mvn.le. (hein.r tho pi or ohieet* of faith, 8o tlio ditHeulty of their eo.iiprel.en.ions might make' them weary .t -hsiro a rel..aie of that hurthen W" tli.'ir niyndes are not ahlo to hoare for nothing I. a greater liouiiiiieMge to It than a desire to aprehond that w" the soiilo ftt that fymo U not ahle to comprehend eany MiterrogatoryoH will therefore ho m,Mt, miital.le .V: I would aduis,. y„Mhat Hom.! prop.T eiiapterrt might he reronien.i,.d sueh as might make them in louo .V: desirous to proceed iu tlu, iva.lin- of H.'ri|.ture. hut ahove all he earetull that lliure ho good examples swt them l.v tlio.so wli,,me they couuerHo with IfHt that they Hnding o' praefino is not proporyonahle to o' proceptK mi-lit make them haiie a hght est.vme of what yo" would dcsiro to iiirttruet them in. To faeilitate yo' worko in w'''yo" desire that eertaiiidayes may ho appointed that so the Indians may the better know when 6i whoro to attend yo" I nliall not determyn that positiueh l.ut leave it to v" .■onmd. kUioi, of the Com" whome I haiie app,.int,.d to take a ntriet eaic to that pertieiilar Js well aa t,. the regulation ut other allaires, that Hhall happen h-.twixt them iV: the Christians, vV: therefoiv make the best cmtrivement for tho p'seiit till the spring when (by Gods permission, I will bu w'" yo" to order Si rectify any inconvenience that hIuiH nppearo to tho carrying on so charitable a work' For the circumia.'eiit Colonyes to 1,,) coiitrihiitary to tho support, I hojio it will not ho necessary for I .h.iibt not by the repre.sentagoii of yo' pious inclination to mv M his Royall llighnesse !)ut to pr,,cure yo" y- exhibition as may both support yo" iu that ministry & give furth' externall incourageni' to yo' new Proselytes. That w-" I sha'll dcin' from vo" at p's,.„t js the Catachisme w"' som,. f,.„- „,K...t chapters vt Laudatory Psalms fairly transcribed iu the Indian Lingnago w'" I will send over to Kn,jla,ul iVr have .piantityes .,1' th.^ni printed. iV: if yo" tliinke it necessary I conceive a small hook such as shall onely serne to the instructing y Indians to read may likewise he compiled & sent w'" them All w" so >ooiie as [ siiall recede from yo" I shall speedily dispatch to lu„jl,i,„Uk w'" the first opportunity y.," may expect a returne of them though I am not out of hopes ere h.ng to have a printer hi^re of my owne hailing already sent to Bostm for one hilt whether I shall s|>eed or no I am uncertaine. So soone as I can be furnish't w'" an able Person to attend tlie ministrv in yo' place I will enlertaine him .t then IoImIIv free yo" from yo' Charg.. that s,.e yo" may atteiid tji'at worke onely w'Miod hath put int.. y..ur heart to performe, to the aduaiicement of w^" I shall pray God to liirect yo". I have according to yo' in.striietion made much o[ ffr.inl- hailing entertained him kindly at luy h.uise diiering his abode here, it at his departure fiinii.slit iiim w'" a new garment I K.ok on him according to yo' obseruation, as a person of a more then ordinary Capacity it therefore (if titt applications bo iiia.le) may easily be o Bufficiont to looke after the Customes there, It is tlio Gouei-n'" ])leasure that yo" should aduertise Mre. Scott & her friends that their fynes will be expected to lie ready in the sjuMng, A when yo" send there, yo" may pleiuso also to take the trouble to giuo Mr. Lainton. of Southhamptoti notice, that the Goueriio' expects a speedy account of his horses, & mares, W" he hath undertaken to conuey up hilhcr. His Hono' would also desi.v yo" to make inquiry what vrocks of whales or great ftlsii baue beene civst on the Shoare or beaciios in yo' partes, out of W^" yo" know there is an acknowltidgm' duo to his Royal' Highness : Nbw York Historical Records. 61S The bu8ine'« of tlie Indian Will* is likewise hoped will be prosecuted to effect. Tims fan- I Iiave in charge from the Gouemo' I haue nothing at p'sent from my selfe but to p'sent you my resj^ects, & to assure yo" that I shall vpon all occasions be ready to serve yo" to my power being Decemb' 4'" Yo' most affectionate humble servant M. N100LL8. ^flE OE DOTOHIXO. An Order for the Indians to Appear ap next Skssions to testipt theik Knowlkdo in re Rich. Smith & y" iNiiABrrANTS op HrNTiNcnoN. Whereas Richard Smith of Nescujuake hath obtained my speciall warrant to try his title at Lawc w'h tlie Inhabita.its of the Towne of Iluntinyton concerning a certaine parcell of Land on the West side of Nesaquake Ryvor; the w'^'' ho alleadges he cannot well do without the testimony of some Indians to be taken at the tryall, Those are to require all such Indiana as shall be timely sumoued by tlie said Richard Smith & are in a condition to trauell that they make their pcrsonall appearance at the next Court of Sessions then it there to testify the truth of their knowledg in the mptter 01 cause in difference betweene the said Richard Smith & the Inhabitants of the Towne of Huntington He the said Richard Smith giving them reasonable satisfaction for their trauell & paiues in goeing to the Court and rctorning home againe. Given under my hand at Fort James in New Yorke this 10'" day of December 1668. An Ord' for THE SUMONINO IN PERSONS AT THE NexT Co't OF SESSIONS IN TUE EasT RiDINO OF Yorkshire to make proof of a titi.k of land for the Inhaiutants of Huntington. Whereas Richard S?nifh of Nemquake liath made suite unto me that he may have a tryall at Law w*'' the Inhabitants of yo' Towne concerning the title to a certaine parcell of Land Iving to the west of Nesaquake Riuer w'" both yo" ember in the 20'" yeare of his Mii"'" Raigne AniUKpie Domini lt!68. To the Constables & Overseers of the Towne of Huntington. * Nangniutch, a Monlauk Indian, by the Kngliflh called Will, luid ftttenipted a rape nn Mary Miller, wife of John Mtllcr of Eiislhamptm. lie was tried by a special foiirt in April KiCiH and .-(entenced, to n oeive ;iO Inslies and then to be transported to one of the Lee.vard Islands. After sentence was pronounced he fell npon his knees and thanked the Court for its mercy. The Btaunient of costs of the trial included 9 guilders paid to the uegro, who gave the lashes and 10 fltivera for rods. See N. Y. Col. MSS. XXII, ff38-45.— B. V. M 614 Ji^adi/ (hlonial Settlements. A Letter from thk Gouerno' to y" Constable & Overseers of Skatalcott. Deo. 15, 1668. Loviug fj-icuds 1 have rec'd an Adresso from yo" by tlie hands of M' Woodhnll & M^ Dayton full of dutifull & kind oxprossions W^^" I take very well at yo' hands & liopoyo'' expectation shall not bo frustrated as to my Endeavo™ in the Eucouragem' of all good people & diapensagon of Impartial Justice throughout tho Govemm' his R. Highnea hath intrusted me w'" all. The persons yo" sent did also make a Complaint against Joseph Raynor & liichanl Uowdl as if they had surprised yo" by obtaining an order from me about the Whales cast upon the beach to the south of the Island wi'^n yo' p'eincts, w^" yo" had a former order to injoy from my p'decesso' I doc thinke it coinienient to respite my iudgm' therein untill the beginning of March next when I doe intend (God willing) to goe downo to the East End of the Island & shall then heare what both you & they have to say to tho matter & accordingly will giue my Judgm' there upon In the meane tyme if any Whales shall be cast vp You or they who first haue notice may take care to p'servc them & where the right shall be adiudged those who shall take them without a good title shall bee accountable to the other for them I have no more but to recomend yo" to Gods protection & rest Yo' assured Loving freind Fran ; Louelace. To the Constable & Ov-erseers of Seatalcott als Brookhawn Dec. 15, 1668. Lyoenoe oraunted to Thomas Lamhehts or Bedforo to sell nEAu..: wyne .t u an account & for so domg tins shall be yo' warrant Given und' my hand at ffort James iu New Yorke this 15- day ot ffebruary in y^ 21'" yeare of bis Ma""" Raigne Annoquo Dm 1608-9. The Governoues Letter to y' Inhahitant. ok Kilmngwobth and MATiNiroNK. Gentlemen Having rec'd an Adresse from yo'> by f han.ls of Capt" Vndcrhm wherein yo" desire to be a Township of yoVelves & to be Independ' on llnnpsf.'.d .v -my oth' place in regard of yo distance f.im thorn proposing to make up a suiHciont number of familyes w-m yo' Lym.tts to Compleate a Towne, I shall not at p'sent give you a detinitive answer therein according to yo desire In rcnu-d that no pe.vous from //..^^^.W have had notice to attend me to put m tlic.r C yn'ie 6c oblecons ug' it. However after having hea.l what they have to say (w- 1 suppose will not be much ■inateriall) 6. that I shall iind it as yo" ailcadgc, 1 shall give yo" al Encouragem ,n prosccuyon of y" proposalKs, .V be ready ,„ (^>n.inue by Patent such pr.v, edges unto yo j a given unto y" .-est of y= Townes under this his Royall llighnes h.s Governm' so I bid yo f-'^^^^'l' '^'^'"S Yo' very Loving friend ^^ ^ •' Fran: Lovelace. ^ort Jam£S m New Yorke, ffebl."' 24-" 1668-9. 4 y" Towne of A.RE ife ISSUE Y' New York Ilistorical Hevords. The Govekno" Lbk to Mr Mulford. 617 M' Afulford. Yo' Lro by y'' Indian I rec'd & am heartily sorry for y" Occasion of it Since y" miscarriage of such a Vessel * will not only prove a weighty losse to those most nearly concerned in her but a great disappointm' to y° Planters in theiso partes from wheince they might Annually have ti'ansported to forreigne mercates a considerable (piantity both of corne and cattle, but Gods will be done, I have now according to your desires dispatched away M' Nicolls w"" a commission fy« tenor whereof you will by him understand] to examyn into y° matter of fact, and to take care that no Imbezeletnent be made of anything concerning her & to make a Report thereof to me when I shall arrive yo' partes. This sad accident having now accelerated my intended journey bo that y" beginning of y° next week yo" may expect me in yo' partes : I shall not need to give yo" any further directions but wSm- yo" to y" commission according to w"" I am assured yo" will Acte w'" caution & good conscience, hauing nothing further to trouble yo" w"" but my hearty well wishes to all o' friends w"" yo" I rcmaiue To' Assured Loving friend James ffort in Fban ; Lovelace. New York Mar I't 1668-9. 'FINirdNK. The Govebno" Comission to M' Matthias Nicolls Secr. M' "W" Wells & M' John MrLFORI) TO MAKE INyUIRT INTO & TAKE OBD' ABOUT Y° VE68ELL w"' SUFFERED ShIPRACK AT y" East End of Long Island. Francis Lovelace Esq &c Forasmuch as I have received Informagon, That a very considerable great vessel! bound for these partes hath lately suilered shiprack, and is Run on slioare at y° East end of Long Island : To y" End that y" Lawes in such cases provided may y° more duely & punctually be obserued & followed &, that y" least damage may accruw to y° Owners as well as Maisf & Marriners iift' such an ill accident & mishap I h;uic tliouglit titt to authorize & appoint & by this my Special! Connnission ilo hereby authorize & appoint yo" M'' Matthias Nicolls Secretary to y° Councell in these his Roviill Highness his Tcrritoryes M' William Wellx High Sheriffe of Yorkshire upon Lo/uj Jslaml ife Mr. J" full power & authority to examyn into & act in y" p'misses & princii)ully yo" dvi\ to take care as farre as in yo" lyes tliat y'' Sliip cast on shoare as aforesaid, Togeth'' w"' hor furniture, sayles, Rigging Cables, Anchors and Apparell, as also all such goods A: incrclunfMso as were brought in her, be preserved from spoyle & Embczclm' & also y' y" maisf Passengers, and Marriners siilfer no wrong or viohiuee liut •m y" ct)titrary be assisted & rcleived w"' all civility and having taken sucii care & made strict iiKjuiry into all matters relating to y" sail vessel, cargo and persons belonging to her yo" are to make report of yo' proceedings therein to um That I may taki? such furtiier oni'' thereabout as sliall be found necessary & most convenient And all oilicers both military & civill tfe iith"' persons w"'in this (Jovernm' are hereby required to » Till' " John and L'lcn. a oonsiderablo greet s!'-.,)" ^st way oa tiio North side of Montank Point in February 1B69. She waH afterward chiimcd liy tiic floveruor nn i. -..'heat to the Duke of York — B. F 78 iM Hfl iii^iii'' ir .i . dl: 018 Eaiiij Colonial Settlementa. he aiding and assisting to yo" in )"' proscciisou of this my comission as tliey will answer j» contrary at tiieir perills. Given iind' my liand i^ sealo at /(*/'/ James in Xew York this 1" day of March in y" 12'" yoaro of y" Raigno of o"' Sovcraigne Lord Charles y" Seooml by y" grace of god of England, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland— Kiug Defend' of y" faith &c. Anno(iiie Dm 1668-9. i/i The Govebno" Wakrant to C.iarles Gi.oveb «fe John Gifford to search & tbyk VVheth' y° Snii" RUN oM SnoAUE on Lon(J Island may ue p'sebved. Whereas it liath hapned that a considerable great ship called y' John tfe Lucy is not long since run on Siioare »fe now lyes stranded at Mont.aukett on y" North side of y° East end of Lomj Inhind These are to require it appoint yo" Charles Glowr of South hold & John Gifford of this Citty Carpenters to repaire to y" place Where y° said Ship lyes so to take view of her & w'" yo' best Skill and .[udgment to searcii & trye if there can bo any way found to gett her afloato & to presorue her from Ruinc of w"" yo" are to rctorne me a true it Speedy Account to f best of yy understanding And for so doing this shall be yo' Warrant. Given und' my hand At ffort James in New Yorke this 'iS"" day of March 1668-9. To i-harles Oloeer & John Glfford\i\A\\\ Case of Mortality Sicknesse or other Accident that nuiy hinder y'^ one to either of them. itti Tn8tr0ctions for M' W"" Barker. Yo" are forthwi'" to repaire to y" Ship call'd y* John ct^ Lucy that is cast away at or neare Montaxique upon Long Island where when yo" arivc yo" are to acquaint y° Maist' Purser & Merchants that y'' end of yo' comeing is to sec how farre yo" may (w'" those yo" have brought w'* yo") bee servisablc to them in s' Recovery of either Ship or Goods. Yo" are not to suffer any goods to be purloined or Imbezled but that care bo had that all goods it what else is of value be as speedily as may be brought to land it there p'served und' y" Charge of one of his Ma'"' Waiters, w''' I haue sent on i)iirpose to attend that Affaire. Yo" are to see what Tackle ffurnit\ire or apparell may be ct)nverted to y° use of the Publique good w'*" y(j" arc to lay apart it then to cause two Indifferent Arbitratu'" to apprize y° saiue goods w''" yo" nuvy sliip immediately for New Yorke drawing Bills on mec for what y" apprizers shall agree for. ffor such Goods Canon or heavy goods w*- ' being Deo]) sunken downe it Consccjuently destined to be utterly perished, if y" Maist' build' I 1i;mu; Imployed will undertake y^ Recovery , f any he may do it on such a prise as yo" shall agree for. ii' it appeare by y° best skill of 2 Mast' Builders that she is utterly irrecoverable that then upon their attestation yo" endeavor to suve what may be servisablc for y'= good of y" Pui)lique least she lying exposed to all y" storms it iniurves of the weather she perish it none y° better for what in tyme might be recovered. Lastly yo" are to keep eith' Christians or Indians from ofTcring any violence to either gooils or Ship it in case any disord' shuuld happen it yo" have not of strength enough to resist them yo" art then to acquaint y" next Justice of y" Peace at East Hampton w"' what is fallen out who there New Y(yrh Hi stoi'ical Records. 619 upon is Impowered to Riue yo" all .y« Assistance lie can in f p'sorvation of y« Peace and brincing y" authors to Condigne puiiisliinen'. " ° Yo" are to giue me advertiseiu' of what happens by all opportunityes that are oflEered that so yo« may receive such further InstructiuuB as y« occasions shall require. ' March 25'" 1669. fe TRYK VVhETH' ler Accident that An Ori.' to y" Jdsticks of y« Peace, Constables Overseers of MoNTAUKBrr or who this MAY (^ONCERNE. Whereas I have appointed M' Wm. Barker to repaire to y» Ship y« John c€' Lucy now lying stranded on y" shore at Muntauh-tt, upon Lomj Maiul, there to acte in my behalfe according to y" Directions & Instructions he hath received from me, These are to will & require yo» & every of yo" to bo if need Require ayding & assisting unto him y» siiid AP Barker to y" utmost of yo' power in y- prosecuijoti of y frust I have ro|)()se.l in him so tiiat ho be no way obstructed or hindered therein as yo" will answer y" contrary at yo' perills Given und' my hand & scale at ffort James in New York this 2.5"- day of March in y" 21'' ycare of his Ma""" Rai^ne Aunooue Domini 1669. To all Justices of the Peace Constables, Overseers or whome this m:.y conceme. A Confirm AQON from Y" Ooverno' of what prockp:dino8 wkbk done m y" cause betweene M' FFRANcm DorouTv OF New Towne & M' Jn° Hicks Oaf ." Jn" VNDEUHiLr, & William Lawrence &c Whereas a matter of difference betweene Wffrancis Doughty of New Towne, on tiie behalfe of }i'francM Doughty his father, heretofore Mi nist' of _///««/(//)£/, tt M' ./r;/i« //icfo. Capt" John Ynderhill it M' Willm l.axtrenee, for tli'j-nselves it y'' restof f Iniialiitaiits then of that Towne, concerning a oertaine sallary or yeai'ly allowance to be paid unto y" said M^Z>o«y/<»y//y or his iussigns in fidl of all demands but in regard there appeared difficulty in y« levying thereof, y« Co" having referred y' whole matter to W James lIManf, M' Riehard Betts, and M' Rnhert Voe as Commission" to examyn into it give in tlieir Report, to y" last Court of Sessions, how y" same should be levyed it paid, W" accordingly y" said (.'oni" (lid in wrytiiig, und' their hands, it the said Court (who were Ordered so to deleruiyn the cause as to admitt of no further delay or bearing) allowed thereof onely suspended y" putting y" same in execuyon until I should be ac.iuainted therew'" Now after due consideration had of y' p'misses I do hereby certify & declare that I do allow of & eonfiruu! what y' Com" aforenamed it y'^ Court of Sessions have done in this matU'r; And do likewise Order that y" same be speedily put in Execufjon in y" same manner it accoi'iliug to y' Teno' of y" said Com" Result it report, both i II , Early Colonial Settlements. (V20 ... * ou. Kniulrml iniikl" & v" cliivrgos occasionod by y" BB to y levying of y' V^^^'^^^^^'^''' ^^ 'l„^^^./'Z^,, .„, ,„,«t tLnBcha. upon «o,ne suite. UnlesB f per^ons appointed to co le< y sanu, ,' ' "^ ° ""' t ;, p^opoHud The charK'CB other UK-re Bpeedy & eaBy way forthe collectu,u thoroot U^ b, > C om ^ J^ ^J^^^ arc to bo stated by -And all pcrBons eoncerned, arc l"^\'' J ^'^^^^^i^^ ,,^^^^^ Given uud' cavillB or contestB upon this account ub they .m answer tl.c eontiary at then per my hand at ffoi't James in Ne^o York this 27'" day of March 1669. »' I ■I Thb Governo" Leb TO Y JUBTICEB OF Y" PeACE CoNBTADI.E & OvERBEERB OF IIeMPBTEAD (JONCERNINO Y» IIOKSE IIaOE. Gentlemen , Co" Nicolls my worthy Predccesso' hauing beene pleased ye Last yearo to Constitute a horse Race in yo' partes, not so much for y" divertisen.ent of y' youth alone but for y- Lncouragem' ot X^rL y'br cd .f horses w- through great neglect is so Impaired that they afford very Lo^den^bl^ Rates beeing therefore willing to advance any desigue ^^^^^^ '^ ^^^ irood 1 have tluuight to advertize yo" that 1 appomt y" race shall be Ru mo on y ot May n xt ens'^ng, & I shall desire of yo" that you'l t.ko y" subscripsons of all such m yo partes as I diZsed to Run for a Crowne in sylver or y-^ valine in go.d wheate, .t yo" are hkow.se to send ou7 y^ last yeares s.U.scribers to Capt" 6W^^>.., who I have appouUed to receive hem hope having this tymely notice, yo" will cause such provision to he made for ye Rece.p <.f nun & horseJdr their'moiiy) that they may be accommodated like loving friends .. neighbours. 1 am Yo' friend Fran. Lovei.aoe. Fort James Aprill 1- 1669. A Lre to y» Conbtabi.b & Overseers of New TowNii!. T1,.r« boin^ 1 difference depending betwecne yo' Townc & yo' neighbors of Bomnych about There being a '"'f^'^'lJ \ ,^^^, ^ourt of Sessions at (Iravrxm,! recomended i :"t^ rr::^ o' :Xls IJL ; Govomo' was desired to appoint some fitt persons to}0 ro .igiti. .ii"uiij,oi. jw . ,, . i I :.„ T .11.1 OnliTcd to nut vo" in mvnde ot . • „ v^Tnnrl S.' (firo thoir .TudtTiu therein uuto biin 1 am Uidi no lo pin > IrS^d of • olr Y r,,, tWrcto™ .,. ,v„J' ».. A,..,.„„. wtal,' y..- «rc i c .„ Ag,™ or .i°.t clso yl:;;:..,,.. ,- go>w .«.y »„»... «» i--™ '■> "- >■• "-i * -""-"j"' >- no matter in difference betweene yo" I am Yo' very Loving friend M. Nioou-s. Apr. 9'" 1669. The like was sent in Dutch to Btmoyck. New Ym'h Historical Records. 631 )1.' IlKMPSTEiD OkHKK mUKOTTNO the MaoISTKATEH of llEMSTEAt) TO wriOW (\\II8K Will' TirE GoVEUNOU SHOULD NOT I88UK A Patent mai^ino the settlement uf Killinowouth independent of Uemstead. To tlio Justices of tho Peace, Constublo and Overseers of IhmpsUad. Tlie Govcnio' liuvinj^ lieeiie SolicittMl for a frencral Patent by tlio Inlia'.itantsat KilUn Townes of N'i'w Towne and Boi^ici/ck ul)out tlio Limitts of tlieir Lands and t!ic meadow or valley belonging to tlieni wliicli was recomended botli l)y my order and tlie Court of Sessions held in lALiivli last, to 1)0 in a friendly manner issued amongst themselves but notliing liatli beenc done tlierein. Tliese are to reipiire you to appoynt two persons from yo"^ Towne to appoarc before nice and to liring w"' them, what writtings proofes and Euideiices you Iiaue fur y'' (llainie and pretences tliat tliere may at lengtli an End put to the said difference according to Law and good Conscience. Given under my liand at^fort James in ]Vrii< Vorke tliis 21" day of June 1669. To the Conatable it Overseers of Xmn Towne. Tlie lil{e order was sent to tlie Constaltles and Overseers of Boshv^yck. I*.* i> i: 4' (122 £arly Colonial Settlements. CoUKi' rKooEEniNUrt: Land skxu C'dnky Island in dibi'uik. Fort Jamex in New Yorko Juno 21" 10(39. Franoia Browne Plf. Before f CJoverno'. Mr. William Oouhlituj^ & Cap" WiHkins on y" bohalfo of y° Tovviio of Graveaend. ileff" Tlio PK (uid (Id" ft, which expresses, that the Westernmost bounds of their limitts comes to the eastermost parte of Anthony Jnmsen Land Tiiat their Westernmost oounds begin at the Mouth of a Sinalo Creeko on Coney In/and from whence a Line being drawne no-th and by East to Anthony Janjunn Land it doth fully comprehend within it the Meadow j^ronnd or valley in dispute. Objection. Admitting that by their Patent the Easternmost bounds of Anthony Janxaena Land Should bee their Westernmost liouiids, ,\nd that a Line is to Runii from the (!reeko aforemencoued whereby it Comprelieiuls the said Meadow or Valley, yet the deff cann in no wise haue ti.e bencfiti of it, In regard that thoy haue not taken out a new patent as in the Law is required so can pretend to no Legail bounds. Neither doth it fully appeare (if allowed) wiiich is the Mouth of the Creeke upon Cimcy Island from whence their lines is to bee stretched, other Creekes appearing, which may more probably bee given the denomina(jon of Oeeks. then tiiat which they so much urge and if 6o then their pretensions by that westerly lino are cutt of. Lastlv. It is foune naid Towno doe witii . dayos after the date hereof n.ako then- apphniQon to th-j (Jouern' for the renova.jon of their Patent aeeordin- to the Lawes eKtahliHht ni this Governni' they haveiiig elapsed their interest hy tiieir old patent and the resignagoti of the new. The other third part of the Meadow or valley Shall be and reniaine to the use and behoofe of hrancisliroiom\m lieirB and Assignes but not as of Right belonging to hi.u onely as of graee and fav'' from the Ooverno'. , If this favoj bee accepted on both parties, a Snrveyo' shall be speedily en.ployed to ,nake a draft or 1 lott of the sa.d ground tliat so their proponjons may be allowed unto them aceording to this order. Given at ffort Jaiim ia New Yorke this 22'" day of Juno 1669 Council Minutk. Dwimjtk ahoit nonNDARiES between Bushwick & Newtown, L. I. At a Council] held June y" 28"' 166!). Present. The Gouverno', Mr W/n'f field, The Secret"' The Inliab'" of /ioswijrk P"« The Inhab'" of Newtown Defts. Those of Ihmoljrk produce y» Ord' at tlx^ Gen"" Meeting at Uempatecd. Tlu.ir Ord^ from Governo' Stuijvemnt is, To have the Meadow in question, if not formerly frranted by Groundbriefe to otluM-s. Those of Ni-w Towne plead tlieir Indvan Purcliase and Patent. Together w'" A[r Roh.rt Co.. Testimony ViNa y,.ce, k l\[r Richard Olhhr.hm^a Sen' Mr nd,ert Jn,'l;ons & Jilrhd Cdda-xleevex J-,ni' Oeposieon tluit this Meadow in .piestion was lavd out a long while since for X,wtowne, l)efore /h>,sir;j,k was a Towne. An Ord' issued out hereupon to endeavor an Ae.omodagon, but at length it was referr'd to y"^ Co" of Assizes for a Determiim(;ou, y" former not p'vailing. allegations and MKMORANnnM wONOKKNINO A Setilemknt to hk Made bv John Terky and others in Hemstead bounds. New Yorke July y"^ S,'" 1669. This day Mr T/toina^ Terri/ hnvmg petigoncd the Gov' of these his R. Highnesses Territoryes That bee and his Partners may liavo that land continued unto them lyeing neare Ilewpstead IlatW according to an Agreement formerly made betweenc him y>^ said Tfumian Terry and the Towno ft (^.j4 pAirhj Colonial Settlemonta. of Ilen,pM.r,l tl... whicl. wuh tluM. ui.i.n.vo.l l.y (iov.rn..' .V.y-v..r/-/. Tho (;ov..n.o'lH.m« willing a„.l .uX.us t.. ^iiv.. unv .lur .n....un,K.uuM.t t.. su.'li a« a.v willing to u.lvuu.v llu, I nhh-k ko.mI. Ti.e .li.l Mr Tm-y proi-miiij,. t.- I.riiiw ^..uio fainilyw: U. Mtlo tlieiv anil to pronu.to u tr.ul.s H... i. plouHcHl to proniiHO nnto nai-l Mr Tnry .m y' holKiir.. of hiM>...|f.. lo.l Partners Mu.t .t t ...v Hliall come, within this Oovornni' tlu-y shall havo all Kno.nraKen,' an.l i-artiruiarly a. to that plmr pronoHwl 'I'lK, Oovcrno' .luh int.'M.l in non.o nhort tin.o to goo to y" wu.l plftce an.l tako a view thm-of to SCO how fame capahlo it may Iht of y" sHtlrn.' ,.ro,.os..,l „n.l n.ronlinKly wi 1 g.vo or.lor therein a« Karrc- m niav luv l.oth to thu HHti.fac.ion of the I'ef an.l tho..^ ulrea.ly^eltl.Ml there. MAi'riiiAB Nu'OLi-H Boer. ('.)K1{1>I'0N1>KN.'K AllOIT A Ul Mol UEIi I.NOIAN C)l TllUlvAK. Oontlemon Julys'" A'.' Yorke. Vn.h.rHtan.linff a Run.' ..f f, ^■^'1' '""'"' "'' 'V/mcvv;/'i! an.l his In.lynnK with y" In.lyuns at y" East lin.l ..f Lw.f /■■.'. Fkan.is LoNiir.A.K. ^' This opportunity pn^s.-nting I was willing to give y..u notice ..f y' appr.^hen8i..n gome persons at y' East En.l of Lou,i L^lan,! have «i Comotions lik.- to ari^e by th.ir Indians iind yo" of the Narnujan>^.tt sett on by Sachem Xhurraft against tlu. English. A Copy of some jmssages in a letter sent expresse from thence to mee. 1 hereinelosed s.iid you. For my part I .•aim not tlunke thein in a condition strong enough to make any such lu-uld iitt.'mpt. \Vlmtso..v..r their will may bee however its g..od tol.ee circumspect and to i.n.vid.- against the worst I shall .l.'sirc you would make eiuiuirv into y" matter, an.l scn.l nice yo' opinion ..f it l.y y" First. It s.-emes Nimrrafl liath l..'cne an ..1.1 Enemv t.. v" English, so to b.v suspectcl. Mr. Thomas IWryui /■", k Lshmd iuformes mee that h.'c hath ha.l In.lyans s.^rvants Run awa/ from him which Ninecraft protects an.l k.rp..>s thoiii;!. none of his Indians I thinke y,.ii may .h. well t,. adm.mi^li him -i ', i Yo' afleetionate friend an.l serV'. FltANCia LOVELAOK. T.. Mr lieiiallcf Aniolil, ,.;..-..;•>, of h'ho,/,' hlaiol. I New York ///atonral Iteconh 6IB y 6'" y ; York,-. I . •..,., 1 yor I ro of ^29'" of .h.ly _.!■). in a.mw.T »,. ,nyno, f.,r W- I mii.t n.n.lor yo" ,„v l-'t.cuL-r tlmnkoH for tlu.Ho CiuilUyen vo- wuro i-leam.,! to atr..nl ,„o h, j-o' frion.llv EmuvshLmm next I .•a.H.ot l.ut kin.ll y .VH.mt f ..uv yo" l.au. .lu.wn.. i„ nottliuK y- .nyndoH ..f «omc «uor CaHlu- lo.iH i.HoMH „m.mK.st us who (l„.in« poKs.Ht W" .i paniek frur.) wm apt (o entertaim. very niulr.M- .•iM.llv tl.o.igl.t. mrordinK U8 tlu-y wero i„«tilk.,l l,y y« I,uolliKe:H.o .V Infonnation of hom.o lu.ul .Hl.a,m to r Kivat .l,st,„l„m,.o of y PuLlLp,,, p.,,., ,fe l,^. it auiM-.-ting y- h.atho.m who taki„« ( ournK- fro- o' f..u.v ,n,^H,t ho apt to h.vaku forth into ExtravaKan<,.CH ,..t to ho reclrcBt w"'o„t Ii warrc .k :.ll y n.iHoryeH att.Muh'uf,' it, hut those «|.prehe>mion. are now vani>l.t .fc nu-n. .nyn.loH hy yr..a:,on of yo' Kx.vllcnt F.r. well pac.ilh.l .fe sHtlnl, u.itli' .lo I lK>hVve thoy will too hastily ,,-aMUi pve Credence to y' Iuforn,ati,.u of a faithles>e & false (Jenerafion. All th„t I nhull fur- ther ad.l & heartily desire for y- future \, that thin friendly vt nei^hhourly eor...sp....,]en,.c ^,'^^ by tins O.ras.on hath ha.l ,ts first rise nmy hy y san.e .eale .t kind.u.sse ho continued to w^- we nro not .miy ol,l,d;„.d hy y" Con.on Tyes of Xianity hut Con.on safety cfe y" happinesso pron.ised to all hrednen l.vni^ n. love .t unity togeth', w'" «« none shall he rea.lv to eherisl, it more then n.yself.. as to y" (Jen'" so \ shall not he wantin- to e>nhraeo all oecmtion. Jo den.onstnito y» BJncoro serviee 1 hauo to y^^' p'tii'uler in y" Conipellatioii of Yo' Atlcctionato friend & scrv' Fran ; Lovki.aci:. Foi'f Janu's in .V. Yorh' Aufr: 21'" Ifltlit. S' Ipon y" ap'liension of 3 fugitive Sonldiers, hut sineo voluntarily rctorned I am to rcpust ot yo" .t any sueh su>pitious p'sons for y future ariuo yo' p'tes from houce & brin.' no passes that yo» cause them to he apprehended, & he pleased to give me advertiseni' of it ° tetweene ns which A CoNFIRMA-noN FU...M V" CloVKUNO' OK Y« SKXTK.V.'K A JcPCM' OK V Co" OK Al.MIUALTY CONOKKNINNO Y" SuIP V Jon\ tfc L,0Y. Whereas y nhip y John 6c Luoy lying stnin.lcd at Montmikett on y North svdo of y^ East Knd ot /.««;/ IM was attach't .\: clayn.ed as a wreck Escheated to his IJ. Highm^s but since by a ( o of Adnuralty held hy my speciall ('omission hath been adiud:red deare .t free from auv Attachm la,d upon y' Ace< & thaty said ship, togothe^ w"> all her Rigging sales Cables Ancho.; (MiMs Jackie & Aparell as also y goods & Merchandise brought in her should be ut y Owners & -ncrchants. salvag.. .V: all Incidentall Charges tuwar.l y" Udeife .V: succour of y^' said Ship as also all oth' ncrssary d.sbursomf ,fe foes being first deducted .fe secured as in v« sentence of V said Co" hcanng date y" first day of this Instant un,nth is perticnlarly sett forth These pVsents'certifvc .t "» Uaigne Annoqiio Domini IfiOO 79 . i>-iii^?--fl ¥ I '1 ^j2s Mirly Colonial /Settlements. The Goveuno" Judom' & dei-ickmination ooNCEitNiNO v= Land m question betweene y° Inuab- ITANTS OF (tKAVKBENI) & FuANOIS BuOWNE. W}icreii8 There hath beene a CoiUrouersy or matter in dilYerence '-etweeue y" Inhabitants of y^Tuwue of aravesend & f rands Browne als de Bruyn concerning a i.arcell ot nieadowe ground adjoyning U. Tweluo Morgeu of Uplaudt in y" Puttent of f said fframu. Jirowne^iyvcy- tied As also about a certaine Neck of I.vnd Endo-sed upon y« oldeGroundbriefe of y» B.ud £rowne but elaytned by :^ravese:ul as graunted to tl,o>u longe belbre & being w'-in y" lym.tts of their Pattent, Upon Exanunation & duo consid'ation had of y" p'niisses I doe adjudge that if Irancis Browne ha.c his C.mpkMn' of TNveh.e Morgen of Uplandt ho hath no right or daynio to y" meadow yett in Regard a third parte or proportion thereof is ah-eady layd out to him he .s to l.uuo & .luietly eniov y' Land, & f remaind'or oth' two third partes are to continue .fe be to J' I'll^i^)- itantsof Orauesend. And iis to y" Neek of Laud Endorsed upon y" old Pattent ot the sa.d Francis Brow,ie & also clavmed by y" said lnhal,itants of (/raneserd as aforesaid 1 doe thinke titt since It hath hitherto, or most usual): beene in joyed in Conioi. betweeno y^' iowne dc tha Fanne that it Continue so still, And this shall bo y" Conclusion & finall doterniinatiou of y^' said Controuci-sy or matter in dillerencc, unlosse both or eith' of y" partyes thinking themsel.u.s agreiued desire for redresse therein at y" next Co" of Assizes where y- Law is open for them but alt' that tymc it shall be a barre to any fnrth' p'tences. Giueii iiud my hand .V: bealo at ,fforte James in Neio Yorke this 23'" day of August in f -Ji-'-ycareof his Ma-' Kaigne Anno.iuo Dm. 16Cy. An ORDER FOR V CONSTABLES UPON I^NU Isi.AND TO MAKE A KATE FOU THIS f'sKNT VKAKK lO.ii). These arc in his Ma"" name to authorize & require yo» forthw'- to send yo' warranty to y Constables of y" seycrall Townes w'-in y" jurisdiction of Yori'shire upon iMn;/ Mn.d ;equiring them to make a rate for this present yeare 1G09 according to y; valuation ol thcr Estates in each respective Tuwno at one penny in f pound And for so doemg t us sha be yo speciall warrant. Given und' my han.l .t scale at /o.^ ./u,n,.m^ew 1 wfe this 12 day ot October in y'' ai'" yeare o ■f his Ma""' Uaigne AniuHpie Domino 1609. To M' liolert Cw'lligh Sheritlo of Yorhdure upon Lon those of that pn.fession giving them no disturbance in y Exercise of their Uelitrion, as they shall receive noe Countenance in but ..n yo Contrary strictly Answer any .listurbance they shall presume togive unto any ot yo" m yo divine worship. So I bid yo" farewell being ^ •^ Yo' very Loving Iriend. Fort James in New Yorke this 13'" day of October IGOC. WEENB T° InUAB- r" Inhaliitants of J^'(-w York Ilidoncal Records. 627 TiiK iNniANs OF MoNTAUKurrs Aoknowlkd'im' of this Govkkno' to he tiikib Sachem. These may seriie to infonne y" II' Ilon'"» y« Govenio' that I Ponquatton Counsellor, Clichmno!} liino, Achimjuths, Keamiwonlc, Poimdutc Sachem at Ilontmdrtt, AuMcl-otantvj} ^iinU/i/ino do utterly diselayme any such vassalage as Ninecraft did declare to the Governoi' at Jilioad Island & doe protest against it in our owno names & in the name of y" rest of y-^ Indians at MoiifAiuJcctt ife doe further declare that he shall have 7io more wampom of us w^i^out approbation of y" Governour of this i)lace & that we acknowledg y" Governour at J^eio Yorhe as our Chiefest Sachem. Witness our hands. Chkckanxoo jY ninrke. PONQUATTONK Xj Hiarko Sanksquaw €6 markc Keassowonk ) J itiarke. I ' At F.Mthampton Declared Nov*"- 3" IfiGO. Before us Jno Mulford, Tho. Janice, Jno. Conl-llng. For y Governo' at Nino Yorhe. Tlio Sacfiems >->^ niarko. AcK0"''Ais Q) Tiiarke. 'sent yeake llitli). ke this 12'" day of A PaTTENT OnATNTED FROM .TaMES FFOUKEST ifeo TO SEVERAL!, PeRSONS &C. Know all men whome this p'sent wryting may concernc that I .JomcifforreHt of Long Island Ccnl. Deputy to y" 11 Uon'''*^ f Earl of ■Starliinj i^eaivUiry for y' Kingdome of Scotland doo by these j)resent8 in y° name iV: hohalfe of y" said Earle, ct in myiie owne name also as his Deputy as it dotli or may any way concerne mysclfegive and graunt free leauo 6i liberty to Danidl ILm\ .lob Siiyer, Gei,)\jc Wilk:H ifc Williii Ilafher togeth' w'" their Associates to sitt downe upon Lontj Idand aforesaid there to possesoc improve & injoy Eight myles square of Land or so much as shall Conteyne y" said quantity not onely Vplamlt but also w'soever i"edow niarish ground Harbours Ivy vers ife Creeks lye w'liiii y" bounds or lyiuitts of y" said Eight niyles y" same it eury lierticiiler tliereof quietly it peaceably to possesso to them and their heires for ever w'" out any disturiiance, Lett or molestation from y"" said Earle or any by his ai)pointm' or procureni' i'or liim or any of liis, it tiiat they are to take their Choice to sitt downe upon as best liketii tlieiii, And also that tlicy and their Associates sliall injoy as full it free liberty in all matters that doe or nuiv (■..nccrnc them or theirs ur that may conduce to y" good & comftirt of tliem and theirs both in Chun-h onK it Civil! (iovernni' TogctliMv'" all otii^ ea.-icm" conveniencyes it accommodations uliMlsoevcr \v'''y'saiil i)lace doth or may ailord aiisweraole to what other Plantations eujoye in M,ixHar},\i>t,;■ Ji'arli/ Colonial /Settlements. shillings FurtliL'r it is agreed upiMi Tliiit whivtsoevur sliiiU l)o thought meet by y" R' Worp' J710 Wlnthrop Esq"' Govern ' -f y" MasmelntneUs Bay to Ixi given to y" luirh; of StarliiKj in way of acknowlodgni' us y'' Putoiiteo of y" plauo shall he dnoly vt tniely payd KurtiiiTnioro it is agroud upon that no man sliall l>y vurtiie of any guift or [.urchuso lay any flayme to any Land lying w"'in v" compasso of f Eight mylos heforementioncd but onely the aforesaid Iniialiitants shall make purcliaso (in tlieir owne names at their own leasnvc from any Indian tiiat Inhabitt or have Lawfull riiiht to any of tli' nfoi'esaid Land) all or any parte thereof & thereby asstire it to themselves and their iieires as their Iidieritaiice for ever. In witues whereof we have herouuto sett o'' hands ife scale y" 17'" day of Aprill IG-iO. Memoran(i"', that y" true meaning of ^siv.fforre.st is that whereas he hath formerly purchased certaine Land in Long hlaml for y° FMrk of Startimj or himsolfe that he doth by theise p-'sents fnllv release all elavmo k. Interest in y" Lands aboue mentioned or persons that shall sit downs ujion it w'" all Title to (Jov^rnm' whether in (Church or in Coniou wealth, All w"' is to be clearly iV fidly drauiie iii)on according to y'' true meaning of this Agieem' when things shall be settled & cuMcliuled by y"' It' Woi'p' John Winthroi) abouementioned. Signed — Ja.mks Fouiuisr [ " SealeJ Sealed ic Delivered in the p'^sencc of Theop : J'Mton, Jno. Davenport. A True Copy p''me llinrij I'ierson Kegi8t^ K\^ i (ioVKRXOR WrNlUKor's JniCMKN'T OF \'' I>''rKI>IM i WliVrlNll. I John Winthrop wi"'in named having serii'usly considered nf that wi"'in this wrytiiig is referred to my detertnynation although I am very \inwilling to take it upon me & as unlitt, also y'' rather being to seek of any Ride or a])proved President to guide me herein yet licing called hereuhfo I thall e.xpresse w' I couceiue to lie eipiall ujjon y" Considerations here ensuing (vizt) The Land w"'in graunted being a mere Wildernesso & y" natiues of y" i>lace ]iHending some Intere>t w'" v" rianter* must purchase i^' they might lia\-e had long enough (iratis {•k as Convenient) in v" Mas-sdchiixetts or otli" of y" Colonyes w'" y" liberty to trade w"' y'' Indians (w''' they are here debarred from) it for that they had posscst & improucd this place before any Actual! clayme made therennto by y" R' Hon'^" y" /uirlc of Starlings, or had any notice of his Lopp" Patteiits, Ant day of Septcrnli' at Smifh //««7;A;?i aforesaid fewer Piishells of y" best Indian Corne there growing or y" value of so Tuuch in full satisfaction of all Rents it ser\ ice (the lifth Parte of Gould it Sylver are to y" Kings Jlii"" reserued ahvayes excepted) In Testimonye Whereof I have lu-reunto sett my hand Dated y" SO'" of Octob^ KMl. Signed — John AVintukop. A true co])y p'^ nie IIknkv Piikson, IJegister Recorded for Southampton. i 1 New Yoi'h ][ktoriml Iiecord>i. TuiAI.8 IN THE CoUUT OF ASSIZES OF L. I. Lano TiTLES. 629 Novb' 3 IfiC.O. RefTorc iioone. John nicks & Win. Lmirenoe Pits, and C. John U)iderhlll,ffrancis Doughty, Dcf . Upon y» re(juest of M' Ilicks this cause W!« ordered to be deferred until Oapt" UnderhUl pliould conic to Towne who was E.\i)ectod. M' Rider Attorney for f liQi"- moved y" CVnirt for !i non-8uite in regard no Declaration whs put in. All y" causes were called over, and u Jury impanelled, so y" Court adjourned until 2 a clock in y" afternoone. Aftcrnoone. The Inhabitants of Grawsend Pl'» Francis Browne als de Bruljne, Deft. The names of y° Jurors. Foreman— /'>tf»r;,v Dowjhhj, Samucll Matthe>n.,, SaniHell Smith, John Townscnd, Josias iMtin, Joseph Ilujhj, Thomas (luddcr, Ilnjimin Feild, Rich: Oildersleeoe, Gconje Hewlett, Thorn: I/u7it s.(in', Jn<>. Lorrixon. Tliu Jury being Swortie they proceed to Tryall. W Jno. Under Attorney for y" ?"« puts in a declaration. The matter in controversy was a certaine parcell of meadow ground. The original! Pattent from Govcrnour Keift graunted to y"- Towno beai'ing datt^ Decemb'' I'J'" 1(U5 was produced & read. The Indian graunt dated May y" 7'" Kial was likewise read, togeth' w'" Governo'' ]Sieolls his order of lleb'>' 8"' lOO-t for all Townes or i)sons to bring in their claymes at y» Gen''' meeting at Ilempsteed, & y" ord' of y" Gon"' meeting cnnceriiing y' decision of y« ditfercnce betwcenc y° P'" & y" Towne of JVew rtrecht as al^o Guverno'' McoUs his Lre concerning y° ditlerence botweene ye P" & Def. AP John Sharp Attorney for y° Def before ho reads his answer makes Exception against tlicir plea of holding their Land by vertue of any Dutch graunt or Groundbriefe, It being^ag* a clause in y Amendnients and Additions in y'^ Laws made at the Gen'" Court of Assizes in y" ycare 1 -' Deft (vizt) It is V Judgm' iV; verdict of y" Jury thiit franc is Browne shall injoye y" full extent of his Pattent graunted i)y ye Honoured Gen"' (ioverno' Xict/s by vertue of ' Precetlency of Pattent and tiiat tiraiusend do pay unto M' Browne all just costs & damages, & that M' Browne pay unto (inicesend a valual)le consideration for what worke y" Towne hath done upon meadowe that falls w"'iii W Briiicn,s Pattetlt. The Attorney for y^' i'i'» moves y Com-t for appeale from y verdict of y Jury toy p'sent Court w'' was graunted k upon mature deliberation iV: consultation had hcreupoli y ensneing ord' iV judgment of Court was nnide — vizt. The Inhabitants of Graccsend V\U frauds Browne, als dr ///■«;///< —Def . In an appeale to y IJench. The Court having taken this cause into serious consideration do think lift to order In regard y merrifts of y whole matter have been heard and examytu'd into botii by y-^^ Late & ifsent (iovenior who have made severall imV thereupon w''' api.eare very equitable k' favt.nrable to both |)artyes. That what hath beeiie ordered as to y division of eith' meadou'e ground or other Land b.'tweney Pits A- DeP by y late or p'sent (iovernour do stand uuod and that y" l^- /) ^f; 'I ^ 'Hi- t r r' Pit g3() Jiarli/ Colonial Settlements. Pits thon.'h east in this Buito by y" verdict of a jury Hl.all l.avc y' benefit of those orders if xv"'in the space of 28 dayes after y« date hereof they take out their I'attent m-cordm- to y^ Lawe & y« D,.f sliall be contented w'" wlii.f liath been formerly alotted to hi.n Tiio verdict of y' jury IS iiorel.y disannulled & f Inhabitants of Gravesend are to pay all costs & charges of this suite both at Ooiiion Law & equity. „ ,, r c r^ ,. t Ao ;„o= By order of y° Goveriio' &■ Court of Assizes. NovB' 4 1069. The Inhabitants of Boswijcl; F" The Inhabitants of New Towne, Def'» The names of y" Jurors. , o, , William ir;Z/!v/i,s— Foreman. John Tllnchman, Richard Ihrhr, hwhard Stockcn, Fiamudl Mathem, Sumiiell Smith, Josias Lattin, Joseph Baylcy, Thomas Cudder, Geonj,: Jleiddt, Thomas Hunt, sen', Benjamyn ffcild. W Rider Attorney for ye P"" puts in tlieir declaration. The matter in controversy was a ccrtaine piece of meadow ground. The ord' of y" Gen"' meetinn; at llemp^teed about this ditrerencc between y» P"& Def'^ was read, As also their Patent graunted by Governo' Nicolls; Governour «Myyesar/<'« onF upon y-^^ P"" Petition, w"" severall oth' papers given in Evidence. M"- llolden Att>- for y" Def" putts in their Answer. M-- RoheH Coc High Sheriffo declares to y" Court, that y" meadow in question was layed out for AVw Towne, h that they paid Kates for it w'" y° ri«t of their Lands. \V (iildemleeee being s'svorne saith that ho w^" M' Coe had order from Governo' Stuyvesant to lav out ve meadowe in dispute for New Towm; and that his soime paid parte of y" pu,-chaso. ''I'lie I)ef'-provV' The cause haveing beeiie heard .V: debated on both parts .t their deeds A, Evidences peruse.l, It wis ref.M-rM to a Jury wi,.. brouirht in their verdict for f P'" a.ljudging the nieaav y"' charges it costs of suite. Dy Ord' of y" Govcrno"^ it Court of Assizes. I OkDKK CONUKKN'IMi TIILO Dl II.OI.NU oK A ('oruriiorsK .vr .Famaica, L. I. Vnon a pVentment brought into y^ Court by y' Constable Ar UvrMrrs of J.nnn,., ag^ William Ilallett for no!i j)erforniance of a certaine SessionB house, The ord' following was made (vi/,') eoveiiaiil about erecting and tini.-hiiig y" i| New Yovh Historical Records. 631 This Cowrt haveing taken y" i/soiitm' of y" Ooustivble & Overseers of Jamaica into their consideration, dotli tliiiilc fitt to onl' That y" Duf do p'fornio y" conditions of tliis covenant about linishiiijj; of y" Sessions house for y" North li!(l!n(j, & tliat y" same bo completed by Christniasso day next uiid' penaltye of Ten pounds good pay to Ijo paid liy y' Def to y" use of y° Towne of Jam,aioa in parte of satisfaction for y» p'judico tliey have received bv yo neglect. NovuK. t"" 1()69. 1 was lav(>(l out OrBEK on I'ETITIONS FKOM LoNO IsLAND ToWNS. By Ord' of y" Governo"" & Court of Assizes. Sevorall Petitions being p''sented to y° Court craving a Rod resse of Several Greivances That is to say from y" Townes of Ilempdeed, Oijuter hay, Muxhhxj, Juirriira, WestchcsL', Eastrlient', JVew Totone & Gravcsend. Tiiey being all read, That from y' Towno of Ilemjtsteed to w"' they all subscribed was taken in Consideration. The Petiyon was as follows (viz') Toy" Ji' Hon''''' Governo' .//-am'/* Lovelace Esq' Governo' of all his R. IP" Territorycs in Avierioa & to y" Hon''" Court of Assizes Sitting und' v« Authority of his said Royal Highu" James Duke of Yorhi. The humble Petition of y" Towne of Ilempsteed desiring iis followeth. 1" That what wita promised upon our submission by Governo' Nicolh and y° rest of his Ma'"'" Comissioners should be made good to us (vizt) That we should be protected by his Ma"" Lawes & enjoy all s\ich priviledges as other his Ma"" Subjects in America do injoye w'" jiriviledges consist in advising aliout ife approving of all such Lawes w'" ye Governo' it his Couucell as may bo for y" (lood & beiieiitt of y" Cominonwi'altli, not repugnant to y'' Laws of Junjland, hy such deputyes as shall be yearely chosen by y" freehold" of every Towne or parish & likewise to bo informed what is required of us his Ma"" Subjects by vcrtue of y' Comission graunted from his R. IP" y" Duke of i'orh;. ii'>' Tiiat all such Townes or jjarishes as have Patents or have no Patents may be so setled upon their Lands w'"" they truely bought of y* R' Proprietors that there may be no trouble betweeno Towne Sl Towne or any other p'ticular p'.sou about their Lands. ;)'>' Tliat tlure may be a duo Course taken for y" Regulating of y" Merchants in y' prices of tlieir goods w'" they sell, as well as for y" prices of what we produce, to put of to them. 4'" That Wampum nuiy passe for current pay at (C a penny or else not to be made use of at all. 5'>' That a Course may be taken that what Deere Skins are produced ami procured in this Colony, may be I'oservcd for y"' good oi y*' Colony & not be tran.sjjorted out of y'' Coloiiye. ■ That there may be better attendance at y'^' Ferry at jViw Yorke that men may not be so long detained to tlieir great ilamage. 7'> Tliat all harliours, creeks & coves w"' in this Colony may beat libertye for atiy shipping or Vessells to come into & trade free. 8'" That all .sortes of Conic may be at y" Same price that was Kstalilishcd liy (Joveriio' JVuvUk in y" Law. "J'>' That all weights and measures may lie regulated according to y standard in I:nul & so onely to bo allowed of & used. mw ii ■f*ww'TV f k/': g32 Early Colonial Settlements. HP That y" I.ulians may not have their Law for nothing, that thc^y n.ay not troiihle y- En.rlisli for tilings of small moment or of no Coneornm'. Soe leaving y" p^nisscs to y./ Hon.." seriousconsiaoration desiring hnn^'y a favourable graunt & Answer to y^' Same w ' onr prayer for yo^ Ilono" prosperity we re.t ^^^^ inhabitants of Uen.psW.d. Y(/ llono" Servants. RiOHAKD GiLDEKSLKKVE Clk. Novemb' 2'' 1609. John lutchum, RicUrd GlMerskevc, Samuell Drake, John Foster, liich' Warjwton, Ricd'' IlardUoutt, The -f-^ mark of Ridph liardall. 11. Article. That such cattle as we kill at home & bring over to Yorhi or oth' go,.as that we biiv at Yovh^ mav be riistomc free. 1 An .Vnsw' to ye Pktkjon on ye Sevkkai.i, Townes. 1 In \n*wcr to y" 1" head wherein they de.^ire to have Deputyes to be Joyned w'" y'' Govern' 6c Couneell in making of y" I'^wes of y-^ Government as is Cnstomaryo in y" Neighbour Colonycs, & as Co" Nicolh did promise them. „ • , ,- It doth not appcare that Co" Nicolh made any such i^rom.se, .fc ye Govorno" .netnictions direotin.r hi,u to make no alteration in the Lawes of ye Governm' setled before his Arrivall, they (..u.not Expect his Ilono' can comply w'" then, therein, k for their desire t.. know what is re.pniv(l of them There is nothing re-pured of them hut olKMlienee and snlmn..s.on to y" L'iwes oi y (;overum' as appeares bv his W. II- Comission w'" hath often been read nnto them. 2 To y 2" Coucc.rniug their Patents and purchases, That y" Lawo l>e attended as to y" ,r,mbulation of v- bounds of Townes or private pVons, but if it shall happen that .l.lTerence do •u-ise betweene any of them w^- cannot be composed amongst themselves, that y-^ .hlTerence be reprcsente,! to f Go.ierno^ & Couneell who will depute indilTerent p'.sons to view .v» bou.uls .t „ut an cn.l to v" "intter in dilTerence, an.l for y better Certainty of Every ,.nes Right that ye Lawein that casJof Pattents be likewi, i" -=-^' ^^^^'"'^ "^ ^^ ^^^^'""^ lot trouble y to yo' lloiio" v'" our prayer ILEEVE Clk. rjMton, liiod'^ h'' u-onds tllllt Joynod w"' y" y" ]Seiglil)our )" instnictions i Arrivall, tlioy ■Imt is rL'(iuiri'(l y'' L'lWi's of y'' ended as to y" t (li lie re lice do ' difTereuee be y" bounds it i Right fliat ye ill y'' iiioiitli of ifo mature and -iieiiig no Dnst V'' forfeiture of inner who shall .ublish't. d have greater !•{! already gone ig yeare. y" >aid \iX at V"' Sessions JVewYo9-k Historical Jtecmuh. r,;j3 in June next do make a valuation of y" i)rieo or value of eorne& represent tlieir jud-nient therein toy" next Court of Assizes, wlio may take sncli further ord' about y" same iw eliall be found eonvenient. 0. Tluit y" Lawc8 relating licrcnnto shall bcpnt into Exoention. The tyme for y" Inh ibitantfl of this Oitty of New Yorke, Lomj Man,l 6c places adjacent to begin on y" first day of Janu irv .lext, it for y" T.nvno of Albtny, Renm-Jacvswych, SehanerJdaJe als Khuj.ton, Esopua ife these parts adjacent on y" Ist .lay of April), by W" tyme all p^sons that sell .Mther by wei-d.t or measure are to be provided w"- weights and measures according to y" English standard ' w^'- y-^ Olli.'ers in each respe.^tivo place are to take care, & that no pson p'sume to sell by a. er weiirht or measure. ' ° 10. That in regar.1 there is a Lawe that y" Indians shall have their Law for nothill.^ v» Court do not think htt to ivpeal y" same. But for that it hath beeue found bv Experience "that some JiKliaus have upon that pVuuiption oecasionod troublesome suit.^s in Court It is thou-ht fitt that y" Justices at y" Sessions & y^' Tovvne Officers in their Courts shall judg wheth^ in such suites a.s they shall comenco, It be reijuisite for them to ])ay y' charges or not. 1 1. To y^' Last It's adjudged by y" C" to have dependence upon y" 7'" head, so it is sufllrientlv answered therein. •' A Ckm:nt,c to kku.vnc,s Hk.v. ^ Comp.,.v v" soi.k miucktv ok kisuix. ko. it t.vkino o. POKI'OISES IN Y" liAY. Frann. Mce Esq^ iVc. Whereas proposalls liaue beene made unto me by francis de Bruyn on N behaleot himselte it company to undertake a designe of fishing for porpoises in v- \L w- if It shal succeed may prove very advantagious to y" Governm' in making provision of good Quanftiesof Oyle for y" elkvting whereof tiiere will be required y-charge of providing boats netts it hsl.ermen. l-or an luieouragement to this undertaking w"' seemes to tend to a publi-nie good, F have thought fitt to giue and graunt it by these p'sents doe hereby giue it graunt to v« .snid.//m«,v.v ,/. Bn>!/n it Company their heires it assignes. The onelvand sole libertye of fishinc or taking of 1 orpoises in y^' Jiay, That is to say upon ye stran.l it water beginnin.' from v" nex't point ot Cone,/ Maud, it so upon a straight lyne to X.n/ack point being v" fi^'st point of V narrow on y- East syde of //,,,W.Uyverw='' said libertye shall be it continued unto y said Jwannsde liruyn it Company their heirs it assignes for it duiving V tyme it teni.e .,f twelve ycares atl' y" date hereof, Dureiiig w'" tyme or ternie no oth^ person or persons shall be ..ermitted to hshfor Porpoises in y« 15ay as aforesaid w%ut yMeaue it lycenee first obteyned of y' sdd Jfrancis dc lirnijn it Company their heirs or a.ssigiu-s, Tiiey v" said Franrh d,: Brum, it a,mpanytlu)ir heires .t assignes yelding it paying as an aeknowledgem' to y^ (ioveriu/ of U.eise his Koyall Highness his lerritoryes-per Anno, if their said designe shall succeed. (Jiven u.uK my ha.Kl it sealed w'" ye scale of y^' Proviiuv this 7'" day uf ^faivh in y-' 22'" yeare of his Ma""^ Kaigne Aniiocpie Domini lGt!!)-7(i. Ivecorded by Urd' of y" (Joveriio' y" day iV yeare aboue wrytten. 80 1 p- ■, '.. ^'mm '■4 684 r'i '(: £arly Colonial Settlementa. OUUERS CoNCEKNINO R0AD8 ON Ij. I. WhcrcH 1 a,n given to u.ulcr.tand thai, v, .a Ldng appointed surveyors to lay out y« h.ghwayeH for vo' Towne & pVinct. Imuo an intent upon Tin.rmiay next to lay out parte ol y..' In^'l. way nu^h r bestgriun.1 l.elongin, to C.o.ert Lock,r,,ans iarn.e at Me.patkkM..- w.ll he n,ueh l.iH ,/i...lico althou.'h it n.av be done as eonveniently & w'" little orm. damage at a ^u>a dL :. C m^l!;!; Ino plae. Ti.eso are to re.pnre that you proceed no .urther t^-up..n unt after ThurHday next when I shall send «on.e litt per«on thereupon y" plaee to v.ew ^ Lxa my n mto .Lt is most'convenient, whereupon I .hall take further ord^ Giuen and' my hand at /,.. James m New Yorkc this U'" day of March lCOD-70. To Cap" Thomas Lawrence, M' Thomas ^YaruiaU, Ihmjev Joris & John Butcher at .Y-.o Towne or Mesjiathtills. Whereas Con,plaint hath becno made unto me l.y Wmiani Graves oi your To^vM,e That Cap" John Coe is about to n.ake a new high way to f n.ill tln^ough y" n.uldle of y' Land belong i„,; t<. y" .aid Willhua Graves whereby y- said Land nu.st lye in Con.on or he bo fore to be a a very greate Charge in n.aking a double fence w>" will proue very n.uch to h.s losse & detmnen ..i.h'doth it app^are to be by any publi.p.e Ord^ of y" Towne 'f ^r"" ^^'^'''''f .^j, ^^^ ;' ^'^ Said Cap" LW, These are to re,uire you to n.ake speedy in.p.iry aft^ tins n.at er .^- . .t shall bo found a is all .a.lged that vo" forewarne y" said Cap" Coe from his intended des.gne w- wdl prouo no otl. then a Tr:spasse And that yo" rend^ n.e an Account thereof w-y./ opnnon thereupon Given und' my hand iMffort James in New YorJce this 7'" day of Aprdl 10.0. To y" Constable & Ovci-seers of New Towne als Middlehorouijh. The Rkpobt ok C.vrr" Mannino & Jaqvks CouTii.t.EAii about y» meaiww in dispute between i: v^ Towne of Gkauebend & Fkancis Ukowne. Right Hon'" , , , f f . In OnV to a Com.ssion to us lately directed f.-on. yo' Hono' wo hauc taken a due & perfect survey of y^and held in dispute between the Inhabitants of Graresnul^ p-ane^ ^"'^'"Z^^ ,p.„.!lue Considc-ation the.-eof we fynde eau.o to n.ake Ilep...-t to yo' Uonu as tolloweth, ha . ith' y" Pattent of Grarese.d people ..or y- Patent of f said Browne do lay any claymo o . bu of y» Two we iudge he hath y» greater Right, wl.ereupo.. we have al otted h.n. o,.e 1 h.nl pa,tethe.-eof (w- Lys directly befo.-e his doorc) o..e Third to r" Tow.e for y'" Costs ct pa.nes they have beene at, A: y« oth' third we leave to yo' Iloi.o" disposall. ■' John Mannino. Ja^ues Coin'Ei.iJAU The Governo' ,.rchoi,dc.l tlieru will bo this yuaro nuitli' plowing nor H,>wing thuro w"' will not onuly bo to y" Damage of y" Inlial.itants in p,.rti(Mil..r, but iU«. prove to y" p'judico of y« Publiquo. These are strictly to injt>.yno & re.piire yo" to take sucih npoody ord" thoreiii that y" Liwes concerning fencing he \ml in Execution wherein there is a suHlcient course and care taken for any thing that can be".bji.ctcd to y'^ contrary, that you will be left w'N)Ut Excuse if yo" See it not perfounncd cflectuully y" w'" will he at yo' utmost perills. Given und^ my hand at Fort JamcH iu New Yorke this 13'" dav of Aprill KITO ■' To y" Constiible & Overseers of Orauesend. lit iPUTE nETWKENK Ln.KRTVr.UAUVTKDTOT-'lNIIAmTANTH OF MmWoUT A,.S E,.ATI..sn TO rUKCABE LanD OF V IndIANS. Whcreiu, y« Inhabitants of M^dwout als Ffutthmh in y^ wost Ity.ling of TorkMre upon non,, Idand who were seated there in a Towneshii. by y" authority then iu being & Laving beene at very considerable .d.arges in clearing fencing .t manuring their Land as well as iu build f.,r their Con veii.ency have re.pieste.l my Lycence for their further security to make purchase of v° ■sud Land of some Indians whuclayme an Interest therein, Tiieso arc to Certifyo all whom it inav < "I'ccTne, 1 „at I haue .fe do hereby give y« sai.l Inhabitants, Lycence to purchase tlieir Land ^tccording to their Re.piest, The said Indians (V.ncerued appearing bef,.re me as in v" Law i. iv.|U.re,l .t making their Acknowledgm'» to bo fully Satisfyed k paid for y« same Given u.uK iny liand iV scale -A fforit ./,nn,:s m Neu, iV/cVJ this 20'" day of Aprill iu y« 22'" yeare of his Ma'"' Raigne Anno(pie Domini 1C70. isidl to v" Tow lie. v.: (JoiT.Ncii, M.-MTK. AiTAii's AT Mactin's Vinkyarii; Connecticct BoraDs. Uouncell held at y" ITort May y" 14'" 1G70. ifoverno'' Ml'. Drhirnll Mr. WillM Till! Sccretarv. Mr. Mayheies Busy- ness of J/arihis Vine- yard to bee taken into consideragon first. A Letter from Mr. ^fayhao produced & road wherein hec desires to be resolved in what imtmv .]r,rtin.'< Vm.y„rd S: those parts are as to Ouverument. The Patent to the Duke includes J/„r/;n.s- Vi >u'y,i rd & tho>,o ofh.-r Isles. It is (Iniered, i liat a LettMiee sent to .Mr. J/ay/„v^, t sire him accordiu- to his I'rotTer to take a Journev ',""■'■•' '"'"'f '''"'"f f'"'^'- I'^"-f-^- ^^' ""'if «<'ttl''"''. & that heegive notice to those of P/^/nwnih »-oluny, Mod, Nand, or any other that have any i.^tenees, or hiy Chiymo to any of those if *fm^- 6 ^S i r !i: QQQ Karly Cohnktl Settlements. iHlan.l., t., l..tl thou lumw tlmt witl.in tl.o «i.:u.. of t.-o .....nth. f d-vomo' int.-n.!. to sottlo th-mo part,«, «.o tlmt thoy may do,, wll to ...mo or ao.ul rto.uo u-ontU. act for thoin, otl.erNVis. altor tlu.t tiiiio iill y" Pirtoiuvrt or clavMU's will I..'.? ii.l.iu.lj,'i'an!/, or any other jmrt of the (;ovcrnm' .fee: l^ip' Salhhurif to boo in his Place. The l?us\-n,w-i of AV,„-.r h->i.'rf'lir * his reputed wife Ii.h,;-kah taken into eonsidcTi.jon. It is y« ()pinion of Mr. IMaMll, Mr. WilMt. & y" Secretary that there is sutVieient occasion of a Div.Mve, & also some allowance from the man to the woman out of his Kstatc. LKi-riiK KKOM rill-: (loV to Mu Mayiikw CoNeiciwiNo iiiE riONiHtu ok i.a.ni. at Makhn's ViNi;vAiJi). Ml- Jtai/hi'W, I receive.l yo' Lrc by yo' Orandchild wherein T am informed upon wliat terines yo" have hitherto held yo'' Lau.l at 'Martins VInri/anh .fe parts adjacent, but y" p'teiiees of ^' JerdinanJo G.vrrs ^' y° Lord Sterliwj being now at an end. & his ll,.yall llighnesse absolutely invested 11, V" lii'.dit to those Islands y" Inhabitants are from henceforth to have directions of their (iovernm from'this place, I Sc I.viinrvKa to uk stAnK at y« Co" of Skssions to hi: iiki.i, at .Iamauja iiKoiNNiNo THIS h"' Dav ok Ji-mo 1G7(). To Viuw y" liucords of y" J.ast Sosnions it t„ in.pijr.. h„\v ,\« Onlers of Court tluMi iiia.lo aru put in Kxec'utioii. To iiMiuiiv how y" sovorall ordurs mado at y« Last Court ,.f As.si^s, S, sett forth in y anKiuliu'" are ohsorved. To 8C0 what Causes were putt of from y" la.t Court to this y« w" aiv first of all to he in.i.tcd on. Aftor y^ New (Vustahh-s are Hw..nie that y" old o.u.9 he ealLd upon for Pre.sentm'' of iiiimlemean'"'' in their respective Towries. To take perticiiler notice about y" abuse of taking up oth' mens horses it markin- them .fe also atiout Hog stealing. " To iiupiiie about y" Towne Traynings, .t give a Charge for y° Collection or v« fviies imposed ill y" Laws upon such as neglect or refuse to toraviie. Togivoord' for H .xact l,ists to be sent of\ill Por.sons in each Towiie capable of b.^aiiiig Ariiies To eiMpiire if y" pri.vof ( 'orne needs any alteration that it may he r.Tominended to v" Court of .\ssi/,es. To impure about y high wages vt if y Ord' ;ibo„t perambulation of y" bounds of v' Towiies have been oh.served. To make Inquiry of what is due vt imcolleeted holonginy to y' Duke eith' about drift whales, straves or escheats. , -1^ ■ 1\ iNSTuriTmNS KoK Joii.v Lav:on Smror-LKeTo' of Sotrnt-iiAMiTON & y" iT,.veK^ tiikui- autacicnt ON Lo.so Island. 1 — At y« Arrivall of any Vessell Marke or Shiop.you are to Examyno thorn from what place they come & what goods they have on board, ife in case they come from this Porte you are to demand their Passp,,rt, v:'' will sliew you what goods they have on board, it in Ca.se ym shall fyiidc any more goods then is specified in y" P.a sport yon may Lawfully seize them. 2 — If any English goods shall come in any vessdl whatsoever it shall not briiige a Passport that y-dutyes are paid tohisKoy.ill Highn-'yoii must aciiuaintthomciuily they must be accouiptable 638 IJaihj Colonial Sdllemmta. ..rlo 11,17 «... w II .) .. j^,|, ,|^,„„ „ ,„„„ ,,„ j„„„ ..,,„y i)yrti.i/.iii„ J" •' ,.,,«„ von iiicot w'" any oppoHitum you miiy il*'iimi'il • .y . , 1 , , .•n.n-.lvo w'. v.... ......t I"llo« JO' l..«n,rti..,.-, l...t .... ......II "■."■l.;.r :;,r;.. L™ ';.::l; ;.: ;!».. k... r ^-j- -^ r b-h. ..- <^ ", >■ > • '■• k-™ •''"■'V-'ir:,,::w;rri:n:;..p.. w» c.,.w..H,i.i,o,,.».« ..»«...! ^ »o...t .,11 ot r «...»!. ll...t "l.»ll l.« -vc,l »■". )■• «.lvk-« of r M«K,.lr..... of j !..«..., "'""J '::?i;:;!:^:o'.::t.:;u'.»:;.:^.ivi... of .i .i.i.,^ n.... .'-" -.n - -""i"" "»■'- muttorh & at y° oud of every Three months to Hen.l ...e a h. ev.atc. of all. A (Wa.-.r r.Tn Jo„n Wmxumb kou . Nkw V.n:s. k-.u v" I..k ok Mxn a... Noman« ..an„. Whereas./.^. 117///... one of y l'a...ntoos for y' Wan.l <.all...l ■Y'"'-;^;;;;;;';;.^;; j^^ ,,/• )/„. hith M>a,l. hi. A.'.an.,.. ..nto nu- to hasv f .ai.l I'atent ve..cwe.i. Tl e >nc p.u.nt f;, '';,,,,,. i,v ,nv rre.lec.esso^ for it. scttUMuent hein« .hiimnl, An-l y' . p.oposalls of .etling so.ne faimlyc-. there y W" ...ay prove for > ^^hS ::rt'ronn,r..y' Ui.t it appearing not that f In.lhu, Ui.ht th.rei.nt. hath a. any tvn... l>eene pn'trhascil of V Nativos. Th.so are to ...rtifye all who,.,., 't -^^• o„,.v,-n.., Ih, il!;'^iven * ira„nt.l ^ hv th..i.. p's.nt. ,loo ,ive an.l „-a,.nt nnto y- «u.l 7^-"" /^■"'V/ "i; V b.halfe of hin.selfe ic his Associatos „.y leave an.l Ly.ence to pn.vhase ot y In.han 1 .•opr.Ho Mw Yoi'k IlUurival lieco.ils. :oucUing tlu'iso Ndmanb land. U.'iO bikO. part of r lan.lH at i1/;,/.-«uwX- cniml.lo of cont.^y.m.g iho <„• nix fanncs v" wSlotlMu.t ..f ri^ht 1m.|,...k., f„ u,.y TowiK. .„• I'lH..tuti..„Hetlt.a l.y xnym .,r my I'mJocTSm," ord" a.ror.liuK f, l.i^ |.roi„M:illH iV mi.R.«t Tlu> K,ii,l I.i.liarw ....m.mtiumI in y" Salr tl>.,r...,f api-Mniij? l„.|on. mu ..r h„miv .iiw imwoim H|i|.,)int.j.i l.y iiu. vV: in:ikiM,r tl,.,i,. Auk.u.wlodgn,'^ to ho f„lly mi\MV-A .\i i.uid um iu y iHrixiiinvd, upon w-^^" l.o y" naid rhomno 'Awy hIuiH Imvo I,i« Patent for y nan.... (HvJn un-l' luy hand and Sualo txXjf'ort James in Nem i'orkc this b'" day of July in y 22"' yearo of hi* Ma""' Itainiio Aiiiuxiuc Domini l(17u. liaigi Know ail Mun by thcso proHonts That whereas the IU hon''" tiio (iuvcmor hiith hocn.. p!..,sid t<. gni'mt mw, on the behalfo of iiiy^elfo &: aHHoeiates a License to piirc-hnso a cortain purcdl of IU Land iil M.it,n,','o,-k;! of the In.lyan I'n.pnet..rs I do huruhy fn^ely cousont unnonly called (h/M.rfslanJ for y" w^" he hatha Patent Ln-auntcd l.y Co ItuhanJ N,roll., & at his renuest I have given it a iNew nanio That is to sav V innie of /mih: ManJ. Kor an Kneourageinont unto y said M' /mark JinJIow in his further manuring .V lu.proveni' the.vupon \ ,loe he.vl.y give.t graunt unt.. hiu. that y* said Islan.l now called L,rr /.v/a/u/ shall he a Privil...lgcd place Where no warrant of Attachm' or arivast shall he of force or he served unlesse it l.o l.y y" peace of Criniinall Matt". Given und' n.v hand at //;,// Jam,, in mm 1 orh this lO'" Day of August in y" 2l"" yeare of his Ma<'- liaignj Anuu.p.e" I)„„m,i 1(170 A PAsspour Koi£ Ta.ki-oiii an Indian Sacuikm w'" k,.kiv Indians to visirr iiis i-kikm.s v" Nouiii Indians. Whereas Tarkpon.sh an Indian Sachom living upon Lnuj Mi/x? iiiup v" protection of Ida Koyall Ilighnesse hath desired my Passport to goe w'" about forty of his indians to visitt his friends y" North Indians to make some Accustomed pnwents to flieiu, These are to rciuire all }K'rsons w"'in this (Jovernm' A to desire all ..th" in y" neighbor CoK.nyes to piTinitt iVr sutVer v" said Tackj'ouh,' w"' his Indians ,piietly and juMceably to passe to y" place lie dcsins and to reform" againe w"'out any manner of Lett or luoleslalion. Given mur my hand at fort Janus in New York this 22'" day of August 1670. To all wliome this may concerue. ^ v 1; J f 1; I' g4Q Karly Colonial Settlemeitta. Trial of a Srrr bf.tweem Nesaquakf, and HrNTiNOTON, L. I. in the Corux of Assi/ks. Octob : ti, 1070. Bt'l'.in^ nooiic. Rh-har'^ Smith— V' . The Inliabitauts of 7/(««^/«5rto?i, Dot . , , , „ M !• V/t d Mr. ^/.»V' Attorneys for r T'^ 1'"^ i" =^ l-'^^' '^-•'^-f "' ''"^^' '' ^"^ ^^T scute!? be^;v:Ling put into L u. was Ordered : although the D.spute was for two .everall Tracts f T ■ 1 .A..f s:^^;!^-A-" J/-'"'. '^'''-- ^•"^''■' '^""^^ ^''"" -^'^'^ '''"^''' '""""' """'' "'"m''lJil f.-0-n y" gre„t Sacho.u WyanAan.. ^ U>»«.v,...«. hi. Sonu W'- the Mother, to r y-r 7 -n.,* .1 T..1.' vi- 14."' IOTjO was iirochicod aii• 1'" .t that V said Rlrha,- Snujth was enjoyned by y« Connu>ssum'» ot //,.(/..•er Indvau Tom say concernin-^ this Jsnsyness. "^ Severall other Testimonycs from Indyans were read, all contoyned in one sheet of paper & taken before j\[r. Lane. A Testimony from Mr. James of FaxsI Hampton. An Indyan Dedaragon p'sented by .some Indyans tonching this matter to y" Governo' by ^yay of Petigon ; It was on y behalfe of y'' P". ^ "^ (Joverno"' JVicotts his Patent to y" P" \vas read in court. _ After that y'' P"^ having noe more to say for the present, Tiie Def'^ were ordered to initt in their i'iea A: Defence in the after-iioone. Tiie Constables wh,) have noe particular Busyness from their Townes, are dismist from givin- any farther attendance on the court. '^ Afternoone. Jiirhard Smith — V^'-. The fnhabitants of Tluntinofon —Bci^'. Mr. Anthony M'atrrs Attorney for tiie Def' brings' in an Answ' toy" P''^ Declaracon which is read ; The P'^ Attorneys object against it, that it was eidargcd beyound tiie Copie i,^iven in to them by the Courts ( )rder the last Xight ; However it was warranted by y Court, A' allowed of soe they ])roceed to Tryall. ' Mr. Scudmon- & Mr. Ilot>h:n, Attorneys also for y^' Def", .^' Mr. Wood y« Justice of the peace appeared likewise in Defence of the Townes cause. A Petigon was reail from yMnhib- Hants of the Towne of JIuntimjton to Coverno^ A'leoll, after they were over throwne at the Court ot Assi/.es by Cap' *./// abo.it Eatons .\.A; with the Governo" Answer thereunto ; prom- ismg they should bee noe further molested about their Land. Jliinttmjtoii Patent read. Dated Novem : y= ,'!0"' 16Gt!. The P'- Patent againe read. Dat.'d Ma,-: y^' ;!' 1.K15: whereiti v^ Conditions were taken notice ot. The Def- Indyan Deed read, Dated .lidyy" :U"" lO.-.O. It was made to the,., by the Tndvan Sa.'liem Asharor.,n; It hath noe Christian Wittness to it ; and v^' Marks a.v all n.ade with one Hand Writeing. A Dei-osiiion was p.'oduce.l .V read of ll.,>ry Witne,/. and Thomas Benedicts in one. taken befoi-c liirhard OlmsU'ad Con,-. It is about the G.'cat Saclie... W,/andan<;:, Contirn.aeon. Daniel Whitehead.. Depo>ieou n-ad. wliieh salt!., that y" Ind'vau Sachem \am,seons,tt \r,u\ uothmg to doe, nor had any Land on tlu- we>t >ide of X,s,„jintke \l\\v\: Joseph Whittmor,. Deposition for the 1>'^ taken at Smthton ("ourt, (being n.-ged by his Attorney) was |-ead out of the Copies of Rocoi'ds of that Court. There were two Witnesses b.-oiight into Court, who were said to be Wittnesses to the Indvan Did afo.-cn.engoned of y^' Def'» Dated in lt!oi). Hut it being shewn them They say they know not y" Pap..,-, and that it was not the Paper they had ]int their Iiai.ds to. The Indyan saitl, liis Nan.e still isit was then A^'ampas, but noe such Name is in the Deed. 81 'J'- Q42 I'Mrly Colonial Settlements. The 1- urgin,. Mr. WoodhuUs Testi.nony taken at y" OouH at ,V.«^/.^.», It wa« road out of a Copie of the Records of tliat Court. ^ ^^.^ knowledge, Joseph Smith of Jam^em being swor..e .n Comt sa.tl , ™ to^^ ^,,^, .^,,,^,, hee being then an Inhabitant of f Tow-u. ^^'''^^f 2;:^a Ly m^ i-^^e Ilertage an.l ,noney to the Indyans for the '^^;J;X'^^^ ^^^ e t^ou ht'it was fron. IInntln,i<>n Meadow, but y" Indyans reserved Libe.t) to. »'"' " »; f- f ^,f ,,,,^^ ,,,.,., ^^^,^ the Towne tliat their Purchase was to .Vc*.^'""^'^^ '•'^^'•' '"'^' ^''*'' ''^ ' Slid Townc did enjoy Crabb Meadowes. u •. r^,v,-,•,unont & sub-noona'd to y° Court, his Interest. , ,x i <• ti.., P. ,m't it hl-s Loibdu"' in this Citv ,, -r^rtf till:^^^^^^^^^^ 9 X:;.- - n^t a^ear. i. - '^:^:::t^1^. t;:^^;:;^::: U.reabouts, Swome .. K.nnined "-S^Uds "being one of .he Purchasers., .e ... in ,.ne.i on ,f .e ^...^. Sachen.) the agreen. was nude for all ^l;^'-;';,^ l;^:^ .^ ^ , tlu3iud Pnrchas.^^ Nesa.iuuhe River, betwixt X..a,a,^c ^^^'^'^V 1 t c v iV onu: on the West side; thinkfng that they had too little on the Kas «''!;, ^^^^^ ,'•,,,,,,,.., ,,.v rigl.t ,o whereupon the said Nesa,uake Sa.kan^o^^ "o'V t M 1 . ey i- ^hout l.dte T Mile any Lands there on, he W..t -'-^ ^ ^ =; ^^ 'Sds > l^ nl tLr ^aith ,hat ^ S,,,,, from the said great R.ver t., the Ldtle ''' •'''^•-.''' ^j ,, .^,^,5,, Ti.is Deponent t„ld bin,, couung to this Deponent to know the Rounds of he L d .n u s Westward; the Indyans never owned any Land tur.her then iron, th R u ;^^' , ,,., ^., „,,, Whereupon -^ Smith ^A hee knew that well enougl., /^ ^^ l^,.,,,,^ ,,, .^^^^^^^ ..vn any Land further; Andthis Dej.,..,t furU.er.iuMu ^^^^ -^^^ ^, __,^^_. ^,J ^,^^. Sacheuis men told this Deponent, that the s:ud -^ ' -"/"'"^ /' -^ ^^ ,,,„., ,,,. ,„„ (i„ve,no' said little Rrooke; And furthc-saith not. 'l' ;,' -^;^;: ;J'X .c i.i.•:>.u■..andn.anv ^ the extent ^validity of the ^^^f^^ ,,,11.,^ b!' ^n .0 hring in their Verdic. allegations pro k contra on both side^. It ua- m.ui nn acceding t!. r Kvidcnce given in, and the Lawcs o. the ^''-r™ . ^^^^ ""^2;;::ni:r Dcf- th^r Pa,cnt, Answer, ^ scv.rall other Papers ^ Testin.onyes. Boe the Court was disnust till To-Morrow .Morning. ir.h^ SmitL-V^^ The ';''!^'''"--,;;^/^;:2'';: t Action were eallM o. cr ^ by .h.h The Jury coineing to bring m then N trilict in an I'Uiul out of Whitney given New Yorh Historical Records. 543 fforoman give it in for the Dof'Mvith Cost, of suite, ^vithout other Circumstances leaving tho Damage to y" Consiilerason of tho Court. ^ Whereupon tiie C(jurt gave Judginont as follows— Viz'. The Court give JudgnuMit aeeor.ling to the Verdict of the Jury for the Def with this Cond.son That as the 1- M%9;.;^A had been oh.iged to settle the llannlyes, if hee had made good MS 1, tie ag^unst the Def^ f Inhabitants of the Towne of iruntin.,t.>. to f Land in D>spute, Soe the Def shall within the space of three years after the Date hereof, erect alike ten ifamdyes n, L.eu o what y^ P- was to doe upon the said Land, or else the Def' are to i-cco.ve ^oe Renef.tt of the Verdict of the Jury given in here at this time, Xor of this Order and Judgu.ent of Court. The 1- is to pay all costs .t charges of suits, but n^. Damage in thL cl «ii LE-rrKK OF THE GovERN' Indians (if any .K.hoccas..n should happen) so likewise I thought it n,y duty ,0 a^epresent this the-ir Cheerful obed.ence to IMS Royal Jl.ghncsse who not onely approved of this n.anner of frannng a Troop bu l.kew,se hat y rest oi^ y« Ishmd should follow so servicable an Kxan.ple, I cannot d.erefore b reco,nend tins to yo Care ..^ ^[anage^.. .% wonhl de,ire yo" at son.o Convenient season before r spnnge to W ( jp" Y.^n^ In Listing A: inr,>wling such V.lnnteers as will engage in th t n,.l.>ynu.n^ & y ^ V'' est .>pp..tuniry yon send n.e up a List of then, I have Co.^tknted him t.. 1'^; ) < Hi.fan.e, for y" oth^ Subord.nat,. olli^Ms I leave to y" free Elections of such as v» Maio^ p^te ot y Iroop wdl no.ninate, of W they are to retorn a double Choice, .t then out of them I shall appoint such as I conceive most pn.per by Comissionatin- them in their Char-e. In ye «nrin-e season I pm-pose t.> be .- y,,'' .V view y (ienerall appearance b„th of Horse ^ foot, ncA doubtiL my lea.st to fynde y M.hr.a >n such a posture as is titt for y end it is designed for ; I wotdd not wdlmgly beheve son.e have beene so indiscreet as to discountenance ofh" fron, listing themselves unlesse by scattering a Jealousy .nu.ngst n.en onely to titt the.n for more, dosperat^ .V: Lnpious im.lertakmgs, but I shall insist no more ,.n that p^ticuler till I am convinc't by v« Sequell • In ye -ueane tyme, I expert yo^ cheerfnll coiuMirrenee to this my ord' Sc promoting: a cheerfull complyance ol Mich as are .^nalifye,! for that Imploym' I have no more but to Assure yo" tint I am ■' ,, , Yo' very Loving I'rieinl. Forf Jamrs of" of ^ F • 1 OctobMtiTO. '^' ■ 644 Early Colonial h'eUlemeJits Council MmtrrE. BotiNDAKiKS of NKSA^iUAKE, L. I., Domink's Hook an,, Sioatalcotp, L. I., DkokmdI'K 1, 1C70. Present The Governo' Mr Mayor Mr <-Vtoni«//(;A; The Secretary. Mriwipetivou taken into Cousi.leration about the Ikunck of .Ve.«,«a^-. A^.«.., Mr .Wrctyl bci„:. he.ra as to f Bounds of A>..,../,v Lands .hee CoCarod .t to bee as farr as the fresh Pond on the West side of the River, and so m tl.e Hollow it isOrdered, That the Bounds of ^.sa.unk" Land as sett forth by Mr Sm>h,ho.u^ to he Westermo?t lid., of the ffresh Pond bee sent to Ilunta.jton for then, to returne n. Answer what ''^^i:i::i;:^ a C:;;:Z;, M. ....a engages to settU^J,. nUn.i,yes if they have the Land to the ITresli Pond. About the Peace between y^' Maqnes, .V Malncand Onle^d t]>at a Letter of what hath past at Alban. 6. Sr/.anM w>th a Iranslat.on of , Propositn made by tl,e Indyans there bee sen. to Goverao^ Wu,!u.,, w.h a Desav, ot Ins ^"l^^j^Jo^annis de Deolcers Petition to his Royall Highness ^ RefenM.co there,M^m. being eo.>«-edof,e^.ning..X.^^^^^^^^ tl^ ^,;ir;::;;«:r i.U;r I; L rJ... ... Reference of ids Koya.i Higin..e fo em ntioned ; To\vhieh end a Sunnnons is to bee sent t.. bin. to appeare l.at day .n the fto.t by t"" Clock afternoone. to n>ake good y pretences .V- Clayn.es nu.ntu.ned .n Ins I etu,.n. ' That the Muyo^ & Aldern,en have Notice to Attend the Ciovcrno^ at the same tn..e & place, & all Witnesses tlieii to appeare likewise. Myn Heer Sfin/vesaiif ) Mr Van Ruyv.n. \ To liave notice. Sr^l^rAulernu. to bee .. Assistants to the (^ovonn. ^: Council. Mr Deckers .U^^^lt^^a.. A/' to b,.e left to farther Consideration. rJuUi, P.et.. B ot^a^ fTnml there The Title is iu.l<.'M s<. obsolete and ol.l, that his p^ence thereupon ,s vo d , Jural t^:;; ;;«hl Z de.; eslds Tit,, having sold all hee daymed there unto the .v.. In.,,. '''XI::Z^:t:''::::;^r. ,. ... L nor Ucord ..ereot, hee hath his lien.edy only ''X ^X::::^^:. s:;;'tiit n..... n..^ ... Mr t.. i.., . Mr ...... ^..Is^M ".i;.V-loe Attend theGovenu. ^ Councill To-Morro. by ten a Cluck n. t e b^nrng^ ; 1 "b h Partves shall bee heard. Se.,.,lr.,n ib.syness for Enlargua.nt. That he whole 1 o. 1 V to purchase of the L.dv.ans.wlmt is within their Patent, but not t- .lebarr any that an pi;^;:;^ P^:;;:!;:::- tie Sto;ks ; The Nanu. of those that n.ake Purchase to be returned to "" "^^^ in Pearl street being forfeited in the Dt.tch Warr, is Ordered to bee sold. I .1"' n Answov what have tlio Land is lleiiu'dv iiiilv New Ym-Jc Historical Records. 645 Council Minote. Indian titles fok land on L. I. ; Indian whalekb, etc. At a Councell held iti y" flort Deeeinb' 29'" 1070. Bekokemoonu. Pros' The Govenio' Mr. TSFayor Mr. Strrnimjck The Seer. Matters undci' coimidfragoii, about Mr. Decht-rs ])'teiiccs for ^.aiul upon Stafe}i Island, for w''' lieo hath a Groiindbrief. It irt eonHoiited unto, tliat lice sliall liavc tlio Bcncfitt tliereof, Provided that it beo no p'judice to tlic Towiio already settled, w^'' if h shall soo happen to bee. then hee shall have y" like (piaiitity laid out in some other Place by y" Governo', lice beeing oblidged to settle the same in one yeares Time. That in regard of y'' paine.s ife trouble tiic s' Mr. Ihvh;)' hath taken in coming out of Europe hither, tiie Governo' is willing to gratify him her(;in, although in strictness ids right is elapsed. About Mr. Mulforih Letter ccpiicerning y" contirmaeon of the Indyans Deed of sale & the Sachem elected by them, It is (Jrdereil that a Commission of CiIford\i iV- Mr. Jumea's Letter about Confirmation of their l)eeiupouudi,ig tor y" Customes for what (ioods tiiat are Customable shall come to his hands. That for y" present, it is not found practicable soe \'^ consideragon thereof is to bee respited to another time. Tiu^ Papers dcnvered in (J./'of Sessions from the Tuwnes oi JIkk/u'iuj, Hempstead, & Jainaicd taken into coiisideraeon. The Opinion of y" Justices of y" Peace hereupon to be drawn up by To-morrow inoriunc it an Onler from y" (ioverno'' ifc Councell concerning the same. Whereas there havc^ beene lately made at 8outh,unpfo» liy y" ('oinmission" for y'' Indian alTaires in y" East Ryding of Yorkshire upon Lomj fsldnd severall orders Dated y C" 7'" iV 8"' Dayes of Decembe'' last, Twi; whereof doe more p^ticiderly relate to ^rViw Cooper oi South a7npto7i, &y" third both to hinnelfe ife others engaged in y" desigiu^ of whale fishing who do imploye severall Indians thereabouts for their Assistance therein Upon Mature Deliberation '& Considtation had hereupon, I doe w"' y' Advice of my Councell approve of & Coufirnu! what y"-' Com'" aforementioned haiie done in their said orders, ife do likewise rccomend that Clause in y° Ord' of y» 8"" of Decembe' concerning what shall be given to y" Indians for their Service in that iniploye to be pmictnally observed as long as it .shall be fouml convenient it practicable, but w"'all if it shall ])rove otherwise & that other agreements are p'mitted to be made w'" y" Indians * ».tl fe^'i ( -i ■ C,j.6 Early Colonial Setthiments, for tlicir worko by any p'son or Comjwiiy I doo licr(!l)y gnuiiit it ullowc Tliat John Cooj^er uforeinoiitioiicd who is said to be one of y" tirst that brouglit y" Indians to bo Bcrviccable in that dosigne havo for his cncourageni' altogeth'' as inucli lihcrtye to niako iiisCdnilitions w"' y° Indians for their Service as any oth' p'son or eonipanye shall p'^sunie to take, ik it' he hath alreadye made any Agreement w'" any of y° fndians upon this Account for any p'ticular Season or tymo p'cedent to wha't hath beeno uiado w'" them l)y others, y" tirst agreement is to stand good, & if y" Indians 80 agreed w'", do refuse to made good their engagem' they are not to be p^uitted to worke w'" any otiicrs nntill they have p'forined y'" same Given und-- my hand i\\foH Jumcs in New Yorke this 2y ' : T>eceinl)'- in y» 22'" yearo of bis ila"" Kaigue Anno(irie Dm. 1070. Whereas at y" last Oen" Court of Assizes held at AVu- J'wAv, amongst many things there propounded Ar ecmcluded on, It was thought retiuisite for y" welfare it safety of theiso liis R. H'» his Territorycs it Dominions, that y tfort \v"'m this Citty being fallen to ruin hy reason of y" di.'cav of y" Pallisadoes should be taken into eonsideraeon o\\ mature delil)eration it consideration had tliereupon they did unanimously conclude analTect all y" peaceable and well meaning suiyects of his Ma"° in tbeise his Koyall IP" his Territoryes it DiJiiiiiiious it thereupon declared, That this their resolution t^hoidd l)e .-o p'r-ented to y" (ioverno' it his Council to ]iroceed njion it, as they should conceive would tend to y" suppression of >uch mischiefs as might .arise by y" Im])re88ion or false suggestions it Jealonsyes in y" myndes of i>eaceabU' it well meanii ' subjects, from their dutves itTbedience toy" Laws w>"in theise his R. IPMiis Territoryes iV Dominions Now y" Goverm/ & Councill having taken y" whole matter of fact into tiu'ir serious considerat ioiis, Tlu-y do at^roe tliat what y' Justii'cs have declared at their nu'eting in y" Court ..f Sessions held at (?miv.y«uZ y" 2P" it 22'" dayes of this instant month, and do adjudge that y" siid Originall ])apcrs contrived it delivered from y" .-^overall Townes aforementioned of tHn.^/ii,,;/ Jlempdeal 61 JrtmaiVa to be both scandalous illegal and s('ditious it y' y said Originall jiapers be openly & publi(piely bui'ned i)efore ye Towne hou.se of this Citty at y" next Mayors Court to be held tiiere, & y' y" principall eontrivei-s thereof be inquired into & proceeded ag' according to their demeritts it y" Lawesof y" Land Establish't, and that f Mayor of y" City be desired to pnblisli^tliis Proclamation it see y'^ contents then'of put in Execution. Given und' my iiand it sealed w"' y" scale of y" Colonye this 2',)'" c' ui.on fMny hiand y" 21'" it 22'" days of Decern!/ 1670, being 3d by some of y" CJovenio" (Jouuuell & liliewi.so of o"- bretliren of y^ Nortii Uidiiig having ° p'uMvil of Throo ])apors p'soiited at y" Court of Sessions at Jamaica f weulie before froni & in y" name of y" Towiies „f Flushhuj Ilemp.teed ii Jamaica, Upon mature deliberation & consideration liad thereupon, Wo liave unanimously concluded & adjudi,'od, That y" said Papers are in themselves false scandalous iUcfjall it seditious tendinj,' only to dirallect all y" peaceable & well meanin-sul,,V<.tsuf bis NLi"" in theise in his li I PMiis Territoryes .t dominions, et do declare this to be our Sentiments it ., pinions, y« w'" we humbly represent to his IIoiu/ y'' Goveriio^ it bis Couneell to proceed upon it as they conceive shall best tend to y^' siii)i)ression of such mischiefs as may arise by y" Imjiression ,,f false siijr-ostions it Jealousyes in y= myndcs of pcaceal)le it well meaiung subjects from their just diityes it obedience to y" Lawcs w'"iu theise his R Ip- his Territoryes it Dominions, And this we humbly p'sent attested mid'' our hands. FranrAx Lovelace Es(f itc. Wiiereas It hath been,; usuail it is found very convenient tliat some p'son amongst y" Indians should in their respective Tribes or Nations be as Chief or Sachem over y" rest as well to keep them in y" Lett' or.jer as to be responsible for any mischeifo they should hai)pen to onnnitt, it y" Indians nearo Sonthamptim in y'^ East Riding of Yorkshire upon Loiuj Is/and vomonly called y" Shiiuuicurh Indians being destitute of suchli p'son bavin.' nominated it elected y" Indian named Qna,ina.d>am,jc to lie their Sachem who is likewise approved by y" English to be a litt person amongst them Ibr that purpose by reason of his .piiect and peaceable disposition, I have thought litt to Conlirme it appoint y^' sai.l Indian Qua,jnashaw,, to be Sachem over ye Shiniuicork Indians of y' w" they are all to take notice it obey him as their cheife it Saciiem, Alwayes provided thai be nor y rot of hi.-, Indians doe not hereby p^sume to transgresse such orders it rules as are ai.pointed for them to observe by v" Com" of y« Indian alVayresin those i)arls, but tiiat be applye himselfe fo keep his Indians 'in peaceable it good ord' both amongst themselves it also amongst their neighbours, (iiveu uud' niv hand & Seated w'"y° Scale of y I'rovince at.//',//'/ Jaw,:, in y,;o York,- this 2' day of January in y^" 22'" yeare of liis Ma"'" Raigne Aiinotpie Dm. Um1»-1. iie.'orded by Onr of y' Goverin/. Anotlr Com"" for a Sachem at East llaiapUm w"' a blanke to [uit in a name. .\ Comi.ssion for an Indian Constable aiiiong>t y" Shlnnaock Indians. Whereas it hath bene proposed unto me that for y" bett' keeping of y^" Indians in good order it would be re4ui.-,ite that oir. amongst them should bo nominated and appointed as Constable, it that be may haveaStatTe w'" v- Kings Amies thereon by f Reputation whereof y"-' rest of' y° Indians may be ki^pt in a more .piielt it peaceable condi.jon And having beene sued to for a Confirmationof a Sachem over y" Indians neare SonfLimpton eomnioiily called y" SI, ! nna,-och Indi.ins y" W" accordingly I have graunted I do also hereby allow of y" Indian called Cairhutt who is recomended to be a person of a peaceable temper to be Const- Lie amongst y" said ick- Indians, it that lu; have a (Constables StalTe as is desired. He is by vcTtue" of his ..Ihce to keep bis fellow Indians in good, irder. it to sulfer no violence or abuses to be otler'd among.st them by E.vces.se of Drinke or otherwise, it w'"all to obey his Sachem, it to ob.^erve y Rules it orders appointed by y" Com'-' for y- Indian ailaires there for y doeing Whereof tliis .-hall be his warrant, (iiven under my hand -.xtfort Jamcn in Xcw York this i'" dav of January in y" 22'" yeare of his :Ma'"'' Raigne Auno.jue Dm 1070^1. Iiccorded by order of y" (JovernoL Anotb'- warr' for a Constable at East Hampton w'" a blanke. m I >IH 'lii Q4g JiJarly Colonial Settlements. Whereas Scvcrall Complaints l.avo bccno uwuK- untc ,no fm.n >- Tow,.o. in y« East Tly.lin^^ of Yormirc upon /..y M»u7 of divert aim... .unullecl by y° Indian, an.ongst thonB.lvos & sonu.tynK. an.ongst CJlu-i.tians, o^ca^ioncd by their inordinate & Excesmvo drn>kn.g of 8t.-..ng LiqnoJs whereof Wood shed hath often ensued, & fre.,nently great danger of nu.rther to b comitted, And there being likewise oth' Con.i.laint.s that y" Indyans ,loe p'tour-ne ontward ^vo,- h p to ; Devill bv I'owo^ing i.. or neare y« Townee, y« w- is contrary to y" L:nvs Lstabl.Bht ,n Iheisehin. II-' ferritorves & don.inions. These are to reuniro all olVuvrs ot Townes or other, whon.e this may Coneenio that they Cause y" Lawes prohibiting y" abuse ot selling L-iuor to y Indians to ho put in Execution & that y» best course be trken to restra.ne these exorbUances hey c hereby snlject unto, & also that y« Indians be not sulTered to I'owou- but y^' Laws ,n that Case he also follwed with this Provisoe that such p'sons who Lnploy Indians ,n then- - '"""^/'-^ -^ n.av have libertye to give tlu.n eT.eourageni^ by alTording them some sn,all cp.ant.tyes of St.ong Liquor for their" reliofe and that it be done w- such nn.deration that no disord^ or abuse do come thereby Likewise that v" Indian Sachems of Shlnmcovk unA Mmntaul-ett have some pr.vdedge more Ln ordinarv Concerning v" Receiving or disposall of f "ke small quantityes of Liquors such indians as they thinke deserve well of then. Given und' my hand at /o. J.mes ni Ke^o Yorl^c this -i"" Day of January in y'' 22"' yeare of his Ma»- Ka.gne Annoque Dm 1C70-1. Whereas I have thought litt to graunt & order Severall matters relating to y" Indians of Shinnacock Sc Montanhit as also Concerning those imployed in y" whale lishing, .t r "1""^« «« selling stronge Liqu..rs to y" In.lians k their Powowing all w^" graunts & orders are bent by ^ hands of Mr. John Cooper of Sonihton. These are to require yo" upon sight thereof that yo forthw'" Cause y" Same to be publi.ht in f Severall Townes of SouthampUni 6c hu^t hvnpton & partes adjacent, & for what relates to y" Indians that yo" desire Mr. Janus & Mr Stanton ov Some oth" well acquainted w'" v>' In.lian Language to interprete those matters unto them & hke- wise acquaint them with my pleasure her.nn, ^- for so doeing this shall be yo^ warrant. Given und' my hand at ,//;*/•< Jome.' in X,,>^ YoAv this 5'|' day of January 107U-L To Mr. John Jennimjs, Marshall of y" h'a^it Ityding. At a Councell held in y" ll'ort Jan'-s- 11"" Km 0-1. Pres' The Governo^ IMr. Mavo'. :\rr. ^teemcych The Secretary The Matt^ between A'/./-' S.nth \- llnnfu.jto,. Two Persons eoming from //«.^«;/A>» about their Bills of Charge tlrst considered of, declaring not to luue received the Copies ot the Orders sent them. The Ord" made hereupon were read. To be considered of. The Superionr Oilie'^ .t Soiildyers Petivon for Lands at Sfatn, N.n.l. I he ^^jf^^^u^-^ read, w- y- Petition of K* or 11, who had a Reference upon their IVti.jon from Coll : AwoHs. Two Peti(!on8 to y° Governo' now present read. Those tha't are capable to settle, to consider amongst themselves how many of them arc soe, & to ])ropose how thev will i)roeeod to manure the Land they expect. The Surveyor to bee consulted w'" Seatah-oH Hnsynessc, Mr. Lans appears for them. Its desired to have Liberty to Purchase for 11 of them at y" South, for y" Convenience oi tic Whale-lishiiig, & for y" Jleadow. New Yurh Uintovkal lidonlx. 649 uuvuiueiice < Mr. fMnc. innkcs Proposiill fi.r t.. hiivii Liljuity for liimscir.. ife Mr. WoodhuU to purchase & settle t\n) iTariiics al tlie Wiuliinj I'liUY. To the liri.t I'ro])()HiilI, That it l.ee f,'r.iiited that they have Liberty to piirchiise of the ludyanfl, after wliidi ihi'y shall have noe many acres as is desireil, for an Kneoiira^ein' of Planting, ifc tlio wlialo-Uishin^' ; So that it doe not debarr the Towne from Commonage nor the Meadow each Lott hath at the South. To y'' 2' That they bee <,'ratifve(l thfreiii for their own Aceoniodagon, it for the iieliefe of Strangers passing that way, They paying for it, it kee[(ing an ()r;linary. A Oopio of lIuntuKjtonH I'.ill of Charge against Sm!tl, to boo sent to Mr. Wells, &, hee to roturne Answer what is usnall to Ijee allowed upon siieh Oeeasions. Whereas I have Rec'd a Petition from Severall i)sons of y" Towno of Bi'ookhiivm als Scatiih'ott being in lumdier Eleaven whose names are hereaff wrytteii that thev may have libertyo to make piinihase of a cortaiiie peieo of Land toy" south w"'in y" Lymitts it bounds of their Patient y" w^'' liatii not as yett beene bought of y'" Indian Proprietors, y" said persons alleadging their p'seut want of aceomodatiou for their stocks it [)roposing to plant it settle thereupon. It being a place where likewise they can f better i)rosecute y" designe of Whale fishing. These aro 'o eertit'ye all whom it may eoneeriie that for an eneouragem' to planting as also of y" Whale fishing designe, I do hereby graunt unto y'' said ])ersons Lyeense to iinrchase at y'' i)laee aforesaid each of them y (piaiitityo of one hundred acres of Land woodland it meadowe togeth'" as it shall happen to fall out, y" w" when they shall have accomplished it make retorne thereof unto me I shall give them a furth'' Assurance for y" same. Alwayes provided that this shall no wayes de])arre y'' rest of y° Towne from their Comonage in y'' woods or meadow ground already laid out for each Lett at y" South, y" w*^^'' by vertue of this (rraunt is no way to be oneroach' upon. Given uud'' my hand it scale nt _/f'or/ .fames in Xew Yurkc this 12"' day of January in y" 22'" yeare of his Ma"'" Raigne Aunotpie Dm 1G70-1. These are to eertifyi' all whome if may Conccrne that this day y" Coverno' liath given a graunt untpite their Lyceniv of Pur^ha^e it Pattent until he shall bee satisfyed of y'' ipiantitye it qualitye of y" meadow there, This I was ordered to enter upon y" Records, Dated at X (/• VorL this 12"' dav of danuarv ltJ7(J-l. A LkK To V' TnUAIUTANIS ok llcMINWiTON. (Jentlemen. Here have beene w"' y" Cioverno'' Mr. Is-nacl I'lott it Ih: Thomn.'i Poioell from y(/ Towne about yo'- bill of Charg.'s it other matters relating to yo'' suite w"' Richanl Smith, as toy'^' latter its nuich admired they canui not to yc/ luuids before yd Indu.ns w- an A te.tut.ou of their free consent thereunto that herenf they may have no Cause ..f Con.i.lamt that hey have beeue Constravned to parte w"' their Land a,.unst their will, flot that there is y" least chstrus of vo' iute.M-itve in this or any other matters, but you bein- y" persons ehe.tly concerned ;t wd be more regular to have aCer'titlcate about y° same from y» oth' Com" no way related thereunto then from yo'selfcs, r w=- beinu' done yo" n.ay have what fu.-th' (\.,.tir>..ati..n is .-equ.s.ttN ITor oth mutters whe.-ein yo" left a lattitude for Mr. Coo^.r to Act as about .•est..tint of selhng L.-p-o.-s to y« Indians & sud. oth' ...atl" he hath y" severall ord" the.-eupo... .V will acquaint yo' what y Governo' hath done therei.i. , ^r r ■ i i e i ..r «• Hi. IIouo' intend, to Answer M.-. Jl»l/or» Iu.Jun. your M.u-s er Imtni fuJth' o,-der. for > doei,.,^ whe,-eof this shall he your war.-a..., (uve,. und' ...y han.l a fort Jamr, in Ne^r Yorir this 19'" day of Janua.T 1C70-1. ^^^^ Lovlxack. To v" Constable iV' Ove.-see.s of MUhimd sAmfflathmh. '■\* OuDEIiS AND COHRK8.-0NDEN0K CONCKKN.N.. In.UAN La.NO AT TUK EaST EnI, OF L. L Whercs M' John Mulfonl M' Tho,.as James & Jeremiah CcmcWny oi EasthamptonA\.\ renuest ny coufirn.atio.. of y" sale of a certaine piece of Land by son.e of y; Mant.u^ht .uhan. . n . to w^" end thev desired y" said deed n.ight be Keconled in y- Ollice of T^ec.nls e.c ac..or.ling to Law, y- w-^I thought g 1 to B..speud un.ill J.uld -e.veso.ne ..rthors.d^ ac Uo^^ the.vi.. fmn. r Com" appoh.ted for f h.dian alluirs at y« East end of Lan.j hhuuJ, And thut I CoNOKLINO AT t. LoVKLACE. New York Histoncal Records. 951 hoing Hinco tl.,U a caveat .losi.v.l to l.o cntcrcl l,y M' lipomas nacher on behnlfe of y- nmio' pHrte of r rowno of ha.tl,a,nj>tan .^^n.t r ^'M Dood of S,do uh being contrary to a fo3r onln- .% HgrccMnont nmde .,, y« tyn.o of n.y l>mlcco8«or Co" 7;/Ma,vi! ^zV.«.7«, & „„. prove I groat p^,u, u-c .0 y- r..t of y" Townes if ti.ey hI.ouI.1 bo .iebar.-'d of their ;on.onagrtlI!;c IboHo nro to onl' A appoint tl.o Con^Hion- for y" Indian affairn aforcmid to tal yo' Lre of L'l- of December, :. I hope I have tai mv detennina(;ou) an inj.istice tJ e.ih' pa.-tyc, vV: therefore left y" whole a(fai.-e as I found it to yo" who being on v^' plaee had better opportun.tyes to .jiseover y" siilniltyes of it, then I with all mv assistance .ouM do, liaviii- now declared so much I eaii add n . more to this pertieuler, but it lyeiiig befo.'e vo" that vo" p.-osecute y' scope ot that order Mr Cw^av bro.ight to you, & to dete.-n.yne as (I a.i. eouiident yo" will) with I'.ipiity iV- .lustiee. I have likewise sent yo" my resolution conceruing yours iV: Mr. James pm-ehasc of y» Indian land but in .•egaiil it has ...ett with fresh oppositions from your 'I'owne, I desire that matter may il HI' (^(^2 luirhj Colonial Sittlemexts. bo a liffl.- «n«Pon.lp.l till I l.avn f o,,pcrt..nityo (0..,1 wlllinK^ to vWtt tl.oRo ,.arto« A ti.on T .loul.t „ot hut to oMupos.. all air.i.vs ho an kIuII h. to nnituall natiKfa-tion, till tluM, [must .k.s.ro yo ,,ationco,Ilw»vo oncly to «.M thi« (it hoiuK y" ""'•J""' "f .V' '"^' '"•"'■''' ^''^'^ '^^'^ '';/'/"".'/'-« )i„t .lolivoHMl anv thin- to mo ..on.cM-nini,' yo' ,mon hut what Havnur..! .lu.ch to ,yo wort h A- rcputatiu.. Co..u.u.hnn kiu.lly to },\v Jan. s .V Kxcuho my not wrytin^ to hi„,, l.e.nK rom.lvM before kmge to viHitt iiiiu. I have no mora hnt n.y Ivindo ro.poot. to all ..' fr.eiulB ic JeBirc yo to bcliovo tliat I am , 1 o' n8s\ireu tnei\il /,>;•< Jamw, 9'V.f iloh"' 1070 1. ^'- ^'• The (i,.^•.M•n..'• Ilatitlc-aQon of >• AKivcm' mn.lc brtwoon Mr. ./-■/-/. .1/''//-<./v/, Mr. Thmi : James oic- w'" soino ludvaim tonchiiii,' a cvrtaint' i)aircll of Land. wtn-al tlu..-u wa. In. a,n...,n' n.ad. huarin, Dat. y" tlrst .lay of I).-o,nlK,.. UlTO otwo... Mr. John M,>non/M.: of th- IVa.o, Mr. T/uxna. Janu. Min.st' .V: .Ar< ..y 6<.|.//y. Inhabitants of h'.st flnnpton on y" on. part, .t Hovrall In.lyan« ..n y' h^hall. ot tla^nsdv.. .^: thoir associate., y" Prop-'^"" "^ f •-"' ^'^' J/''"'"""^'" "" r. °"'"" '"'"' "":'"".' '"• 1 m!' p„.crll of their Lund, tlu, whi.h y" .aid Indya... had .ouvey'd .V made over nno y sa I M.. \Mnlfor,l .^ Co.npanv npon y" eon.id.-.-ations in f .aid A^reen.' nott forth All W" wa. ro urned „,„o n.ee W" their lieuuest that y" A^.v.n.' n.i^d.t hoe U.vonlud. .^ n.y Cont.nnaQon had there „pon, but for Bon.u Uea.on« for that tin.e was suspended untill eertih.ate was made unto nu.e by the donnnission" for y" Indian alfayres in those parts, That all Obstruet.ons & i.jecM.ons a^mnst y. HLmaMu' nfores" were ren.oved, A that there was a ri.'ht Vnder.landn.,' on a 1 parts ha. the e .pon ; These Presents therefore Certify .V De..lare, That ,1... A^reen.' ot Pur..hase n.a.h, by he jore, an....l Mr. John MnlforJ Mr. Thon.,. Jan,,., .V J- r.nuah i'on.-knuj w. h he J/.v,./. /.-^< n.lyan Propri.-,..'^ aforen.en.jon..!, r..tnrn,.d into f Ollh. of Ueyords here, .s ,o all Intents .. ru.Lses ..f tloree .V. vali.l aeeordin^^ to y" Con.li.jons therein sett torth, ic \ doe hereby allou o S. eontirmc V Hame a-ainst all ..ther pr..t..nr..s whats.mver. Uiv.'n un.ler my hau.l .\i Beale .it ^::; !^;;;:. in Z: yU^ .v. curd day ...■ ^.y lu r .a-, yeare of his Ma Uai^ne, Auuo.p.e Domini 107L Wliere,a9 AJnam ir,,,nnnan beinp lieretof..re Sclmut of Brcnrklyn dureintr y' l>ut.'h Gov- ornm' did t..-.'th.'r with Ailx-rt Conuhixsm .V otlu-r y- S.-hippens of that Dorpe by y" (^msent .d y" (b.v.M-nu^ th.m in b.M.i- eause a Rate to be ma.le for y" rais.-in- of a .vrfain.. Snnune of Money upon y Inhabitants there f.,r y' buil.linj; an.l Erecting a Il.uise fory" Minister w'" .\ccor.lm-ly They did, but did not colleet y" whole Sunnu.., many .hOayin- or refusein- to pay y" s!im.>, an. alth.m.d. byv^ alteration of y- Governm' ye sai.l Sch..ut .V. Mh-iwuh are lon^- sm.'e .lismist o tlu'lr E.nplovm' yet are Ivable t.. pay for y° worke about y' sai.l Il-uuse, an.l hav.. by y" ( ..urt ..t Constable and Overseers Ikm-u Con.h.nme.l boo ro .l..e, alth..u«h th.'y have n,..- p..wer t.. eonstrau.e yO p,.rson- in .\rreare to pav tlu'lr pn.poreous, w^" although it be for a pnbli.in.- w.,rke, yet witli- m.t Tlelief.. ha.l ther.'in is like t.. re.l.Min.l t.. their parli.ndar Losse .t l)etnnu-nt. hav.MU- tak.'U v" „Mniss..s int.. s..rions ..onsi.lerath.n I have th.m.^ht fitt by an.l w'" y^ a.lviee ..f my (^o.in.vll t,. Onh^r an.l app..int y' v" .In.l-m..nt of y- Court of ('....stable .V: Overseers a.i^ainst y" sa..l AJroun If.yocnom S: ..thers ,.p..n this A.r.,>.,pt be made n..li, and hee y' sai.l AJriaen //e.fjunan, A/h, rf Cornehi.^m. •k those .■.,....er..e.l w'" him givoing in an Aeompt to y" ('..nstabh. .t Ove.'seers of what thev have reeeivM. A what is in Arreare they .hall be elearly a,..iuitte.l A: d,sel.a.y...l rot., anv further Trouble here.ipo..; And y" Constable & Overseers of /ireukh/n a.-e an.l shall I.e Nfi^i^ Yorh Ffixton'cnl liccords. 658 hcrohy invostwl w'" f m»w Power W" lioretoforo y' wii.l Hdiout iin.l Schopons Imd to Uyy y SuiiioHof Monoy in Arrodir, upon y' PorsoiiH or KstateH uhhcwiI if to l.c^ foim.l ; l!iit if y' Snimrio intend.'.! t.. 1..- risen sl.uli ...,n... H!i..rt (.livcrHO of y' InliiiMtants hvxw^ dtiier .l.'a.l ..r r.mi..vo.l) tho Hiiid l!o.mti.l.lo ,md Ovcworn Imvu p..w,.r t.. inai;.^ a N,.w Rut.- f.,r V Ilenmiiul' upon y' wlmlo Towne; And for «oo d.K'ing tliiH Hlmll !„, tlieir Warrant, (Jivon under n.v Hand and Scale at Fovte Jamca in New Yorhi thJH 10'" day of AngUHt 1071. FFKAN, LoVKLACK. Council Mindtks. Ouavksknd IJi-sinkss. Fm-shino Lands. F.'brnary S-l"" 1(170 1. Vpon 11 IJciueHt from Home of y" Iidiabil" ..f (h;toemi(l, that there mif,dit hee an Endorscm' on tiieir (Jon'"' Patent ..f a Oertaine pareoll of L.in.l iieretofore h.'longing to Robert I'auivyer ifc given to tiio T.>wn.s as appears in tii.Mr iteeordn. It was n<.t tiiou{,'iit Htt that it shonhl heo en.I..r8..1 np..n their Patent, hut if it nhall hee .lesired.y" Towne may have a (Jonlirmation thereof apart from the (Joverno' j>., o^.^\^,y ^^, Caj)' Win I.itirrenpr. — The Ord'^ upon iii» Keipiest. Vp.my" IJr.pM.st of Cap' \Vm /.awtrnee of J/lunhinff, That lie may have a Pattent of Ids Lan.l where liee lives with an A.ldilion of a piece cd" Swampy M.a.h.w (ironn.l, lyeinj,' within that Xeek iat.'ly c.nsented f.. I.e.. Mivm him by many ..f th.' Inhuhit'^ ..f the Towne, It'' is Or.jerod, That the Maj..' i.art of y« Inhabitants who have Priviledg.^ to -ive tlieir VoteH, are Contented then^w'" That the sai.l Cap' Liinrm; have tV.rthw'" a Patent a.ror.iinj,' to his Ile.juest. l!y Ord'itc: Tnic (i.ivKKN./* Lkk to v" Inu^uhtants ok S.)i;TirroN. [Febkuary, 1070-1.] (tentl.'ui.'n. Ilavinjj lately re.'eiv.Ml a Lre of y" I."."' of ITebrnary from your Towne of Southampton snbscribe.l by many of y" inhaliilants of it in answer t.i an onler of y last (ten"' Court of Assizes h.'ld a. .V. (/' )'(*/7.v w'"' injnvn.Ml all T.iwn.s i\; perticnlar Planters to take .tut Pattents for yo (.'oidirmation ..f thi'ir i;ii;hts a. rdiui,' t.) \" Law ma.le at y" Cren"' Meetiiij; at //i-i/ijmtc'd & mnce Confirme.i by his II. H"' w''' l.ett.'r of yours Consistiui,' of Severall reasons (as yon p'teiul) Why your Town.! shmild b.Mvxetnpt fr.imanysneh injunction w'''arfrmn' of yours beinj^tak.'U intoserious consid.'niti.pii by my selfe j.'.'< and his Wife; M' Bya, Domjhty having bought their Interest desires an explanation of the latter end of the Order. M' BomjhUj is to bee invested as Charles Bridge., performing f same Conditions by an ^^"^ M^ IL'qgemans Businesse taken into Considemtion ; It's about Money borrowed to build the Domine's House at i/r^Mi%» ; M^/%r/«««;K•* then Sellout. It is Ordere.1, That an Acc< bee given of the Charge <.f the Budding ; AV hereupon those that arebehindein payment of their prop.u-tio.i shall bee obliged by an OnMo make satisfaction thereof; The Constable & Overseers to receive Ord^ about It. ^ , , , ^,, o . Ti . About. /<».!%..& Peter Stouteuhergh Busyness of their Land by the Water Port That their Title doe remaine good to y« Land & the Ciround where the Wall .^ iTort.hcation was to bee to remaine at present as it is. . , . , , -.c, nr r Huntington Businesse to bee respited, & that also the Bond be,> exannned ,nt<, by M' Mayo^ M' NicoH!^, & W Bedfoo at their goeing downe. Wed Mm Company Busiiu-sse to be respited untill farther OnV. The Matter coiisidere.1 about Transportason of Corne, upon y» Lxammaeon of y Bakers ^"'^ An O:';. :: te';ni;S;;;e Wheate in Grayne be Transported, but in tllowre. Bread or Bisouett for this ensueing yearc. \bout noe Strang" Sloops being permitted to goe up y" K.ver to Alhang , That the former Ord' bee revived vfe stand in floire. ,.„... About r Lett" from Sonthton .^ Southold excusing or refusing to take out their I atent to bee left to farther Consideration. ^ 'r' OUTIIOLn. to liy W Ma}•o^ t tlioir Patent to Mw Ym-k Jlistoi-ical limyrck. 655 The hon-' Governor & Com.dll l.avoing rccomended tlie Difference tliat liath happened between IlcmpstMd for whose behalf Cap' John Shnmons & Richard Gildersleive did appear this 31" day of July 1671 on the one part and Thomas Ta-rij and Johi Faine in behalf of them- selves & associates on the other part relateing to a Tract of Land lying between Heynpsteed plaines & the Sea towards the northward in readiness to save his Hon' & Councill any further trouble in ainycable complyance wee doe Agree with his lion" good likeing as followeth. That said Teiry & Paine & Associates siiall be fully and absolutely possest of a reall right cfe property in & unto y» one half of y" lands between the Edg of Ilcmpslml plaine Southwest- ward or tliereabout, h the utmost Extent of tlic tract of Land to y« Sea North Eastwards or tI:ereabouts according to y" true & full extent of y' lands in all respects equally ^ indiffercntiv to be divided to each part their moeity that said Pahie & Teny 6c associates shall be accepted of as Townsmen w"' an equall priviledg in all respects. Tiiat whereas Carpcntar are settled on one l)art of this land by the Towns permission the said Ternj & Paine & associates Are to allow of the quantity of 150 Acres to be taken out of their moiety in refference thereto & not more that what 18 there otherwise granted allotted or settled on in that Tract of Land by other persons is to be deducted out of IlempsW.d Moiety or part and those who have allreadv Emproved to y<^ quan- tity seven shall enjoy their Lotts and Impl•(.vemcnt^■. Hcmpdeed allowing Paine Terry li associ- ates the like quantity of lamls out of their moiety or parts That Ilempsteed people on y= one part, & Paine Terry & associates on y^ other part shall bear an equal charge in the purchase of what IS to be yet purchased if any & in the laying out & Legall settlement of the same & this to be a hnall agreement & I)eterminatir)n about this Land whereof are said to be MatineciM Lands The within written agreement being acknowledged before mee by the parties concerned I doe very well approve thereof July the 14"^ 1071. Fkan Lovelace, LuiEBiT (iivKN to Mk. Paine & Mr. Teurv to itrchase y« Matinicock Lands ok t" Lvdians, IIEI.O S(IK LO.VO IN DISITTE. Whereas an OnK issued forth to summon y" Sachem and Pretenders to Mafinirool- Lands to appeare before mee in this pla.'o y^ first day of this instant month, w" accordinglv thev did, but nothing was done in relation to what w;i8 inteiuled, w'" was to treat & come to some Conclusion about y-^^ .su.l Liiuls, y" said Indyans desiring r^ longer time of Considerason when they would give 111 their P.esolves, y- w^" they hav.,- altogetlier neglected to .loe ; These Presents therefore Certify & declare that I doe hereby give free Leave And Lvcence unto ^^r. John /\t,/ne S: Mi- Thomas Terry S: their Associates in his Poyall Highness his Xame to Treat, Agree upon .t con- clude w'" y« Lidyans for their Right and Literest in any part of .lla/inieoek Uu,h iu,t ahvady purchased or disposed of, to y« end that y'" said Land may be manured .V improved for v" publique Good, y said Indyans reserving out of it o.Ay a piece of Land convenient for them to plant upon themselves: And in regard of y" great Trouble and Expence as well as'Losse of time y° sai.l Mv. Terry hath been at upon this Occasion, liee haveing likewise taken Mr. John Payne in Partner- slii|. with him, Tile said Indyans arc strictly charged & i.roliibited that they doe not sell or dispose of any y sM Lands to nuy other per.son or persons, but oiilv to v" said Mr. John Paine & Mr. Thomas Jerry Si their As,sociates, or their Ord^ for y" use aforesai,!. who upon anv Agreem' or Conclusion made, have forthw"' Liberty to possess and plant thereupon ; And for whatsoe'ver They I ggg Early Colonial Settlements. or either of them shall lawfully Act or doe i„ prosecnson hereof, '^^^'^jf^X Warrant. Given under n.y Hand and Seale titffoH James in New Yorkc f ll'" day of July in y 23'' yeare of his Majestyes Reigne. r Lke from t' GoveknC to Major Mason at Nokw^- in Nkw England. b' According to f Inti.nagon of y^' Tasse you gave to Joshua { Uncku.^s son) to be civilly Treated, through .d.at Province hee .honhl passe towards y» Ma.ues has to .ny Power been punc- tually observed ; for it fortun'd that the pnbli,ue Aiiaires calld n,ee at t^'^t Season up to ^«y soe tiat 1 had y' opportunity to take him along w- n>ee though not .n y sa- Wl )|;^ n one in n.v (^.n.pauv. How civillv hee has been Treated dure.ug his abode both at lyeio 1 orU a dZ 11 ave to V" Ingenuity and Gratitude of his own Narrative; Though I doe very i^ch wo der vou shmdd dispatch a Person on such an Errand, & w^" needs must be attended "" grelt Charge & hazard w'" soe little provision as could hardly support hnn to ,lus place, nmch Ls 1 t n>es s: farr. However 1 have supplyVl all Defects for your sake, uor sha 1 I charge one pern V c^" Account, it being possible 1 n>ay have o..casion of f like recon.mcndasons owards yo p ts w-if it should ever happen 1 hope and believe you will extend your Ass.stance a. Cas you tiude it not prejudicial! to you. In f '-une ti.ne I cannot but assure you I an. w'- great respect Yo'' assured Friend ffoH James in N : Yorke Aug: ()'" 1671. Fka: Lovelace. The Case of Hempstead and mv. Maiinkcock Indians. Whereas there long hath been and s.ill is a Content or .b.lerence depending between f ;:;:S": ^.i:;;^:.^^^^"t.:^^^ Ti,cy .;r t^ir Aueesto^^ -rl^:^z::: ^ , , • I ^.,H ■f„.ti,m for v" same ; The w'" hath occasioned great tnuihle, iV pune.. a ever sold or received ^ati.f.ittion to. ^ . mi k i ^^ ..n.erwise had been ere this setled ^aa»,S..,>, ,: ;:. ; >■ ■•■-„;:;„tT:;;;„;t::; ':::C:' :s:,;";;:;.";;: ;ili':;!:;;::;;::;'rx;::'S:.;r:;":::.;:r t... ■. , -■■ .- ■■< - ^- "- Annoj RoV- Williams For Matinicock, W Sharpe & M' Waters. Attorneys for them. Hempstead Men plead their Pnrcliaso from v- Indyan Sachem Tarknn„.h. wi entrnsted l.y y" Indyans of Matinicook to sell their Laud. W'"t dW iotZt:^ """ Confirmed by the great Sachem of Montaukett. "' * *^'" ''""" ^'^^ Tiiey insist also upon Governo' Nicoll-i's promise to them nnrlor ),m TT...,.i ♦! . Pers^s but th.e of their ^wne should haveLve to l^X ^^ ^^^^^ "°^ '''- liohert ]\dl.a,n. .^ y» Attorneys plea.l that Matinicock Land was never sold to Uemmtead Men hy the.r Consents, ,md that Taekpouske disowns it ; And further that it is not soeZch t once mensoned in then' Deeds. It was proposed by y-' Governo^ That hee wonld buy it for He.apstead ; the w- the Matuueock Indyans referred to his Hono^ to purchase for himselfe, as being willing to si it t' SX^Vc?r::r° " '''^' -' ''- ^"•'- '^^ ^^^ waslgreedV^t^i: T 1 IV'fVn'^" "''^'";"''; ''^' ^"' ^''""''^' "'"^ "'° ''^^'^ ^''^'«"'°' d''l make a Promise to the Inhabitants of //..^^^^^^^^^^ ,,., ,,^.„^^^,^.^^ ,,^,,,^j have Liberty to purdl tie J/./......M.and .t ,t appearing not what payment was ever made for it, tlie Mat e™ referred by those o /lonj.tead to the Governo^ to en.l the Difference; Whereupon Tln^Zl consentmg to sell the.r Interest hut desire tin.e to Consider of the price, they re alowc lime Okokr Conckknix,. thk BorNnAKiEs ok Nksaqhakk a.v„ IIcntington. October 7, 1671. _ The Petition of /^/,.A-^;«/M of M'sa^iuako, .t another fVon, the Inhabitants of Iluntinoton en,g taken mto consuerat.on, the first desiring son.e C.nunission™ n.ay bee appointed to v w'h oundsof Ae.yake Land; The other declaring ,heir Dis.ent to settle v' ten ifanulye &c llie followmg Ord" were made thereupon Vi/A ^-um'jL. ac. The Peti,;on of Ri./u/ Suut/> of .V, .v,„^,,„fc i„i„. tak<.n into Consideragon. Wherein he desires sn.ne persons ,nay ee appointed w-in the space of six weeks to en.pnre into & view y« Westenu \Vi,e.e the Petiyoner was to setth. Ins first ten Ifau.ileyes & to make Report thereof to the <-vrno ; Ihe (onrt have thought fitt to grant his Re.p.est & doe Order, That three or five . d.rterent Pe,.ons of good Judgment .t Vnderstanding shall lu-e nonnnate.l & appointed to doe the sau.e wulm. the tMne aforcMnengoned, S,.e that a finall I)etenniua,on & Issue bee had upon the Matte, .n D.fTei-ence ; fhe Denominaso.i of the Pe>-sons to bee referred to the Gover.u,^ By Ord^ i\:c : Tlu. Pethjon of y" I.d.abitants of Iluntimjf.m .li,-ected to this Court being taken into ( onsHleraeon, n.o.v i,a.-ticularly as to that part thei-eof, Wheivi.. tl.ev seeme to su^rt'ost or take for granted that the settle.,.' of y" te,. fra...ileyes upo,. the Laud w-'tbev recove.-ecl fro,.. Ru-hard Smith of IVem^nake (the w'" hee was obligc.l to d„e by his P:„ent if hee had gained the suite) ^-^m \h 6 658 was ail Injunction laid upon thci of what Wiis then done, Tiie w present, who informed the Cour tinde no reason to alter tlieir Execution, upon y" penalty & C liichard Smith, the Goveruour Order thereupon Consonant to Governm'. hJarly Odoiiial Settlements. n, w'^" they conceive is intollerahle ; the Court is boo well satisfycd ■^ was freely consented unto by the Persons of that Towne then t they had full power to Act on the behalfe of the rest, That they Judgment then given, but doe Order tiie same to bee ]>utt in iondi'son therein exprest. As to their Bill of Charges relating to ite Councell will take into further Consideiwjon, and make some Justice, and the Course & practice directed in the Laws of this By Order etc : A PR0ri.A.MATI0N ENJOYNlNCi ALl- PSO: niAT IIAVK BEEN iNHABFrANTS HEBE SIX MoNTHS, HAVING A MINDE TO TltANSrOKTE TUEMSKLVKS FOR CAROLINA, OR ANV OF IIlS Ma"" NkW P1.ANTA9ON8 TO ENTER THKIE NaMES AT Y" SeCBCTARYES OfFIOE IN TIME, & TAKE THENCE THEIK PasS-I'ORTES. Whereas diverse ships or vessels have of late come into this Porte ic Province to be supplyed w"- Provisions, Horses and Cattle, and being bound for other New Plautacjons, some persons amongst them under faire ic specious p^teuees doe Endeavour to inveagle *te entice many of y" Inhabitants awav, who haveing lived in y" Countrey may have Contracted severall Debts, and their Creditu™ have noe .Notice of their departure, w" sometimes may prove very suddaine ; To p'veiit such cfe y" like Abuse, These are to re(iuire all Persons tliat have fory- space of six Months been Inhabitants, either Ilonse Keep" or D.dgers in this City or any part ..f his R. Highness Dominions, who have Intent to Transport themselves in any 8hip or Vessel! out of this (.overnm' Ihat Ihey give in their Xunes to the Sec.-etarves Othce w'" timely Notice thereof ^ obtaine my Pass-porte f„r their Transportason ; And noe Mast' of Ship or Ve.seli is to take on board any such person who cannut produce such Pass-porte cfe Certificate, as They will answer f Contrary at their utmost periUs, I'n.vided. That this OnU doe noe way extend to any Cominan.l" or Mast" of l^'^P** & Vessel's, or anv one belonging unto them, who Sayle about their Occasions to any of his Ma"" Plantagons. Given under my Hand at Forte Janux in Nev, Yorke this !•"> day of November .^.. FkAN : LOVKLAOE. "•% f^ Lyst of y' Persons who have had passes to ooe for Porte Royai.l in Cakolina in the Ships Bless.no, C.AULES .t Pu" ..ayes OF November lt)71, V Ships sErriNo savle .■''sentlv afier. 1. Marry lies Dc Voovs. 2. John Pells. ?,. Barent Course. 4. .hreimj Wood of Tlentpft^. ."). JoIdi Lawrenson. ) t'l. Ahiijaile Lawrenson \ Calfh C'armdn. Nathaniel Allen. Joh nil than Swi/th. W I'etir Ilrrne w'" his wife, children & 3 Negroes. John Ranmv. 18. 14. 15. 16. 17. Nev> Yj>f.'r Iloo.jehaul, W ^-ano. Romhout, & M Jacob L'l/sler, who are desired to endeavo' a good Agreem' between them ; And W Cornehjs Van liuijven one of v« Aldermen of this City is likewise hereby desired to Communicate unto the Perso"-. aforemen'coucd what hath past heretofore, or is upon Record touching tins Mat or. Of all w=' They are to render mee an Acco' for my appn.ba.jon of what They shall doe, or Deter- mination of the Matter otherwise According to Law 6i good Conscience. Given, .\:c. tins - clay of ffeb" 1671-2. Tho agroeni' that was made upon this Difference above-written. February 2" 1671-2. This .lav y^ < iover.i, .' haveing issued forth an Order to M' de Pcysier &c- to examine into .V end a certaine .litTerence betweene Cap' Ja.jn.s CoHelijau cfe y« Inhabit- ants of Neio YtmM about some Land within their Patent, They are eome to an agreem there- upon, viz' JJ^h VanCUoeicA.hlacn WUUam.cn .^ behalfe of the Towne who had deputed them doe engage to pay to Cap' J.y.r.s (Wldljau or his Assignes y^ sun>e of 17o0 guilders, to bee paid at ^.ure pavments In Corne, That is to say. winter Wl.eato at .. gmld" y' skepple, c^ other Come at price'currant ; Every year,, a .lirect 4th part, the tuvt payment to be made the next Christmas after the Date hereof, the other three payments the severall Christmas tunes following, each one-third part. In considerac,.on whereof Q^x^;,^ Jmiues Covtd[)au .loth .V: shall d.'sist his p'tentions toy" Comn.ou Bnsh-Lm.l within the Patent of Nr,o Utre.ht,.^ ^es.gnes it to the Inhabitants there. Reserving only a double L.,tt to himselfe. as als.. that he shall have Liberty to remove his flence at Nm,ack as farr as the Vvenple Bash unto y^' Lan.l oi van hirke, s..e iieare about to y« North Eivt Ilooke of a Small Islau.l. Pn.vi.led hee have a suftic>e,.t space for Out- drift of^Cattle. T..this Agreement the Commissio.Pnominate.l by yM.rov..ri.o ii y Partye^, as also M' Van liuljuen have sett to their Hands as Witness. The Croverno™ Approbagon. I doe very well approve of this agreem' ma.le before the Commission™ by mec appointed to examine into f DifTer.Mi... b.-twem <'ap' Jar/n,: CWt./;j,nc on y" one part, .^: ./<", I an ( lo'r A )n which this New York lliHtm'ical Jieeords. qqi Adriacn Williamsen on l.ehalfo of ti.o Towne of New Vtve.ht o„ the other part; The w- I doo hercl^ Order to be entred t.pon Record a« a fi„ull Deter.ninason of the case (iiven luidor my iiaud this a'' day of ffebruary 1671-2. FFBAN. Lovelace. MEM0KIAL8 ,0K Cap' MaNNTNO (at niS OOKrxO ^ .e S.S8.0.. .. v« E.8T RrOKINa OK Y0BK8,„aE) To view r Acco" of f Old Sheriff, & what ro.naines due of ^ Last Asse^sm'" 10 call oi, y Inhabitants concerning y Uupara.jons of Hi-h-waves & whitl„.i- Tl.ov l,o • . in r Moneys for Powder, Arn.es &c : they ha.l out of y^ Ma^^.^eir They havepaid To enquire .trictiy into y" Rebates n.ade on y" Towne Ta"xes, either for Wolves, line .fe Crves or a,^- other ,>„,„,- oxpence, & that at y" Sessions y« Exorbitance of Expence n.ay b r . ,r S' lo inquire if any Transporte Wheate in Grayne, .fe what small VWlls ^l,..l^;■. .,''"'■"'"*• lo see what Drift Whales have hap'ned, of w- one at Mashi>eth KiUs, one at iruntinaton wise tl ' ri''o^t''-^"' '"^'''n''' "" fr"' ^"'' -^'^ '■'""^'^ "^ '^" >■' ^"^^'""'^■^ '-^^ *W^^/.<...^to;, as like- wise that hee bring speedily one Horse, yett remaining of C„opr> & , Mare from SMUr /.W ^ J w!!: thX:" f "^^ '-' '- ^-^'- '-'^^'^'y ^'- «^ '^'^ ^-'p" at .....y..^., ;^ If there bee any Places litt for r reception of small Vessells, that then von pitch on some proper person that may bee Authorized to bee as a Custome-Master there, thatsoe the Nat on be mg equally dealt withall this City may receive noe Detrin.. in her Traffick by any small De - ffre~i w f ";; ' r V'"'" '''^^ "'^•^' '^^''''^ ^^^■"•'^ y- *^~ fe---^-' ^i-^- "p ^r tfresh-W ater Rtinn, for y" Reliefe of Passeng". ^ ' To bring a Lyst from Cap' Foumj of y" Names of his Horse, Otlicei's & the Troopc. lee appointed to „ r.in nor S: Ay Ord' made 0^. BKltiLFE OF M' CuAUI.TON FOli OETTINO I^ HIS .'^ ■- PUOM Y» ToWNE OF Hkmi'steai), foij TKAoiiixu Sciiooi.i: riiicui;. Whennis I am given to understand that y^ Majo^ part of yo^ Towne di.l at a Pnblick Meeting Contract w ■• /^MVAarff.u to keep a Schoole to Instruct y" Cluldren .t Youth there to writ^ and read, he w- hee hath performed for the whole time of y" Contract, yet diverse of the Towne although they hane received the Renetitt thereof, doe refuse or too long delay the Payment Contracted for; f u-s. are to require you to cause speedy Payment to bee made nnt,; him, according to ye-.r Contract, that P.-rsons of that Calling bee not discouraged, otherwise hee wil (.^o Karhj Colonial Settlements. l.avo gocHl lle.nf.ly against you at Law to yom; greater <-;iwge_^V: Disparagen.V ( iiveu under u.y \hnxAMi ffort James iu .V<;w Yorkc thisiil'" day of March KITl/ 2. To y" Jii.iti(!es of the Peace, Constable, iV: Overbeors at Hempstead. Fkau : Lovelace. f t i :\ A Lktt' to Ma..()' Gen"' LKVKRixr at Boston. S' It was neither out of Vanity or Pride, that hitherto I have not had a Close Correspondence .v-vow for believing it a reeeiv'd Practice that when any Stranger enters hnn.ele into a Neii Ibou hood r P^^'"t I"l-l'it>i"ts (by r H"le^ "f \^'''-»''^-) ""«''^ ^" (^.ngratulate Ins S^: ™/big unfortunately ondtted by y..u I could not .xpose t e D.gn.ty o ,ny P , AfastMnterest whose Substitute (by ins great Indulgence .V llavoOl =un to any cheap K te ^:lv . ^g by all fonner Misiakes, & since y « vicinity of f l^l"-- & ^^ ^''^-st r .:^ us a nL s.;^stLia.. . Wt, .en a..y CV.u.den. U a,. . , gladd . eud.ce cie;r ■ :;?i':s;: irwlZira^y: i;;:^; ..iug .^..1 (.. r^p^ting 1^..) . ,. ^.^at Vt ity wee rece ve by it, may be satisfactory without further Argnn.ents too ong hero ,„ fc to tilt I drive at is that his Ma- Interest, the CUory .. Ho,./ ot our Natu>n (now u> t.>c portending boysterous tin.es) n.ay bee entirely p^served, to w- end the exped.en .8 a ud V d rsbuKli, g of our nearest Allyes, w- if yoti believe your selte soe, w> h us I doul It n eld a lK.ppy C)pportunity n.ay leu.nstrate that the (ahno.t nnk.u.wn) parU of y wl S bee able o n>inife.t, though wee are divided fron. our nat.ve Soylo by D>s,.jncc Jl: not 4 Publick Interest and Loyalty ; I haue now uoe tnore but to assure yon I a,n wth all respect Yo' aftbc : ""' Friend \- Servant Fkan : ]>ovi;i.ACK. ^' There are some Souldyers lately rnnn a.-ay from their Colo" fro.n .nee. if you nuH^t .- any it win bl> a great Service to his Ma"" lu.e.-est to retur.u> the... .. I w.U defray all expc.ces, .V w'" all esteem it a singular tfriendshij. tu mee. Apnll y" 23' lt.<2. An A>swek from Ma.,o^ (^en'" Lkvkriht to a Letteu sent nm fkom y* (Jovekno' op N. Yokkk liKARiNo Datv April V 23'' 1072. lioDton May y' »'" Anno 1C72. ^' Yo- by Mr. Sharp of V 23'- April came to hand y" 21)"' day, the,-eby y" llrst occasin,, offered nntJ mee to assun.e ^ Boldness to enter h.to this way of (■or...po..d...ce w you no k o vh.g but your beliefe .nay hold a.,.o„gst E,,ualls, ci.vuu.stanced sutably tor 1 ....e .^ pla.e o t^. Number iould I valine -.nyselfe, you n.ight justly acco.upt mee wor^ then Ayery,wh^k.^ ho Cnissio,. of that vo.. Co,.nt .oe co.d,l not bee any te.nptation to you to p,-ost.tute 1... M Iro under v.,nr lictru.t.nent to a..y cheape Rate. I h<,pe I shall never g.ve you any ,ust ( a,,.. yi)U iiipct w'" any ly all expeiia'S, iV [)' OF N. YoKKK I" Anno 1C72. i\7w York JlistoHoal Recorda. CiC•^ & i.lame mec for backwardness in on.l.racing any Opportunity offere.I for my A.tin. to J'nblick Bunohtt, ii 1,..SH to suspect niee for bein.' iiU.sv in enouirimr i„fn ..- ... f c Inatnnnent, least of all to bee eensurin, tf thi ; iJ::' Zl^ ^'^^.rr ^r .:^,^:^'cr eennnent to bee rea,ly & .b,e to ,ive Aeeo' of n.yselfe, & ,nay'l beo h 1 ! ., „ y^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ nore publ„p.e eapaoty Boe to carry it, that I n.ay render u.y Aeco- w- Joy unto y" lL w o^ Marr tbero's noe avoiding ; To mee it will beo sufHcient in attendin-^ to v" w ,v t iereot f , ■ere can bee noe ifaylor in preserving entire in his Ma'^^.^ Interest ^th Lit: L"e^^^^^^ tnnes never soeboysterous;.^ by y" Grace of God I desire and shall endeavour tobeefo ,fd .n..st nearly a lyed to those that feare God, Ilono^ y" King, Love f Brotherhood ; .. iu 1 a bee rc>ady ^. -oe Good unto all n.en that .l.Teby I n.av keep elosea.c'of Publicp, Inte est & t .e Loyalty. \ o^ llom. nmmating that son.e of yo^ S,„ldyers had left their cilo^ otlm. Z stture tJicni, It the^ « ere to bee found Amongst us, .^ send then, to you according to yo' Desire who mnce ,ntoru,ed n..e that hee had learnt their Names, ^ that they had sluptll en s"d e - one Mr. Uoma. ^V.«.a. Con.nander of a Ship that is gone to /...; /;.,.,./ t , tak ^i ,\ soe bo n.d tor Lon.ion. Thus presenting n.y hun.ble service to vo' liouo' 1 eonnnenc yo to « I'rotcetiou of God, absuring you that I am """"emi you to y Yo' ready »te allcc"^' Servant. Jn° Levereti. Lbe fkom V GovERNo' TO t' Com™ eor r Ix,.vAN Akkavrkb at V East Enh of Lono Island. Gent. I take hold of this Opportunity by y^ hands of Mr DrfavafUo acquaint yon of several! Com- pknnts tha have been pMerred to n.ee concerning yc. Adnunistraeon of Jusiice in relation uZ rndyan Affayres nu.ny see.n to groan un.ler yo^ heavy [land, belieMng the Intention of that Com- Muss.on you were .nvested w- will not extend to y I)eternuna,on of several! Courses w^^ natur- a .> appertame to y Sess.ons. When that (Vnunission was graunted to vou bv n.v Predece...or ut snu.e allowed of by mee) >t was in y- infaru-y of ,i,ne, before the Whaletishing was in I'ractice & t h... look on as an K.xpe.lu.nt to keep y- [ndyans iu sou.e Order .t Decorun,. But Multiplicity ,.f Affayres day ly mteryeun.g, by vertue of yo^ ('o.unussion you seem to extrude Causes properly .ictennmable at y" bess.ons by w" n.eans y« I.dud.itants will believe then.selves debarred fron, I nhnary Estal,l,sht way of A,lnunistraeon of .Justice towar.ls then.. You have now Justices of y« F cace sufhcn.ut to s.tt u> the .,'..urts ; And therefore if Matt" were detenuined in those Co"' of Ses.s,on8 I believe it would give a general! satisfaction to y-' whole Couutrev ; but iu re-ard I am soe great a Stranger to this n, w A.layre. I shall detennine Nothing at this time positivefy, desire- n,g I .nay Discourse ,t w"' you at SeuUthvl/, Whe.^e I will be ^'V v^' !.elp of God) on y' S-.. ,|ay May cannot but take Notice that ..otwithstanding I se,.t O.-d" by 0.p< .J/,,../.,; that vou should forbeare to fhne .t Levy then, till n.y f;„.ther Onl^Mve.v .signiti,.!. v„u ..otwifhstanding [..nceeded there,,, ; whe.vby you either believM Cap' Man.in^s Writing not' „> inn. ,nv Sence. or .f u.,ne o noe vah.hty. I ],ave noe n,ore at p^sent. but co.n.uitt you to y- p,-otectio„' of r All- mighty, & rest you •' Yo' Loving Friend Fort, J.nn... y" 28'" of Aprill KI72. ^'''■''' '' ^'^^■"^^'•'^• j:ii !i*f':' \ ,.(.,4 Edrhf Coloiikil Settlements. An ()ki>' AiioiT WiiAiiu. Wl, ..a« 1 M.M K^ven tr. un.l.Mvta.ul. Ti.,;t tl.erc liatl, 1...... frront AlmRO hy ^ noK^'U-f / Omc" of M.ven.ll TOW.K.S ,.,...„ l.un.j-hl.n,! in not ..u.koi..^' K.H,uir,y into or Heenr.ng lu. Uov.vl, IIi.inu.s. hlH n,t.t of Drift WI..1.S or (ireat tlinl. ..H.st upon ,V lica.-l. or bl.oaro am.rding to y^^ DircvtionB in y' Law. tho W" otl..- porson. ,.^Kun.. to i^n^ross witlu.ut ron.lrn,. any aco ; (Tor y ::,.„. „,..vor for tin. futuro, an.l butcr sec■urin,^v•• Duk.s intnv.t thorcn, I l.avo l.ou.i.t U. constitute an.l a,i.oi,>t, .V: l.y tl.eso Pns.uU luu-e hereby Con«t.tutea an.l ain-mne.! Mr fl...r« of m ^u.'h Drift Wl.ales .,r ^'vat tlisl. as bIwiII l.ee .-ast up on th., lieaeli or .l.o.e l.etueen ;:1' • ■ T.. e .,f S.a,.,.,it. Ea.stwar.l, .. y^' utn.o.t part of the Lynitts of ^..«...W or To Ao.? W..twar.l; an.l if any .u-h Whale ..r «r.-at tlish shall l.e at any tune f..un.l that ,Te live n ac..' of an.l s.vnr,. hi.: R„y- Hi.h-u.s his Interest and part ol then, as .n_y' Law .. ;;::;^^;r;:t:'7:latth;::x,i'i;;-fn,iy^ thl„u a ButVuient Warrant, dive,, nn.ler n.y Han.l at Forte Ja,nes m A.w 1 orU this - day ot May in y" 24'" yeare of his Ma'"" ReiK'ne, Annocpie Dm l(.72. LlBKK.V MM.N .H^^^^ ^^^__ ,„,...>Kr.... IN V" WnAI.K KISUIN.. DkhIONT,. WhereUB Mr. If.M Corn/.IU one of y" Justice of J W, .t Mr Kl^.n ^ ^'l/^'y J-i"K euKaued W" ..tlu.-s in y' Whale tLshing De.i.^ne, upon y- South-part, of Zo,.- M, .n k vv ^'re of opinion the ludyans on th..se parts n.ay i.e very ins,n„n.,..,l ""»- -"' ; jj^ ,„i, ht l,ee per nitted to furnish then, with son.e nu,.lerate pr..p..r.jon .•■ strong Li.iu... 1 ..n dc, d Le d s I„.v shall have ocasion .,f, y" any perB.u.s p^snr ... sell unto y- Ba.d Indyans "w Lv ..nee, imt thes.id Mr. ConJ.Ilt ^ Mr. />.>,,l>f, De..l:- . tlu-n-selve. to heo u.nv,lhn, - ,e vM .w tl er..in. At their n.,p.est, I hav.. thou.d.l titt t' .. for the space " ^'-^J'-'^- )'- " ;^. J Wl leti^hin, 8e:...n. ol. in rela.;on ,h.,-..un.o ,' sai.l ^Ir Co,n^.dU^ Mr. D..,;^>, Itll milvcem.e t.. ^.ll .,r tru..k W- the In.ly -^ .-Be parts su..h a nu-.h.rate prop-.reon o St!rU,p;rS-l-.'..'Sh..tt as shall noe wa, oee:...,:. .listurha, or abuse .n.,ngst y' sau ?Xms i Christian^ shall bee us.full f..r .h..ir Whalein, Desi^ne Kr y J-";^- I;-;' Sill bee their Warrant. Given nn.ler n.y llan.l A: seale :. ?.ri^Ja„.e.u. M. 1 orle th. 4". day of May in y^' 2*'" yean, of his Ifa'"" Keigu.', Anno.ine Dm 10.2. li L L«K KHOM r GOVK..N.. .: CO....U...- V« MABBA.,.„fSKn. ro U,S n„..(;o,... : -a^KANCS LOVK^AOKS. '' Woe salute von kind..ly. Our Ane,ian,.e to o..r <'-^'^^f •^'■f^'I'l/jj;::;,;^:';^^^ toL'ethe. with on just riu'h. to that pari ..f y" Countrey, t.. y" Northward ot Ins Il.g nesB the D. k. Y^Z^^JmuJ. bevoun.l .V.. IV/v, re.po.-es that wee c...l..avou,.bettl..,n' ..n th,, s.de o tl ■ cl s nT/lL>n^ Iiiv..r. l..a.t through .,ur negU.et there.,.', the/. . OsDERB BKLATINa TO Wh AI.EFISniNO ON LoNO IsLAND ; lIuSHWIOK AND Newtown Bounds. Whorcrc . am given to understand that a A^hale hath not long since been cast uponaparcell ot Beach claymed U, bee w"'n. Jno Coop.:rs Houn.ls or Precincts, of the w'" soverall ludyans have takeM_ i earned away the Whaie-IJone; The.e are to authorize the said Jno 6W to make tiupury into and to make sei/.uro of such Whale-lJone (if it bee found) of the w" hoe is to ^ive an acco' to y" next Justice of th.. Pea..-, .V bkewise unto n>y selfe, And for soe doing this shall be I118 Warrant, (.ivi'n itc : at SmtaUvH, als Brook llaoen f lo'" day of May l)i72. At a Councell held at Fort James in N,-w Yovhe y" 17'" of May 1072 Whereas it was rep'sente.l unto his II,mo' y" Governor that a certaincr'diflorrnco had arisen lu.fwevn ./«»,//„„■// of Hunthi.jton & severall persons of ^y.vfe»--^«y concerned in the Whale- thslung Des.gn, touching three Drift Whales cast np.,n the Heach & cutt up and trved by those of Oyster /y,«y wherein his Koyall Iligh.u.ss was concerned as to his particular Due.; out\.f the Oylc of the said \V hales; All W" was referred l.y ye Govern,.' to Thomas Belavall Esq' one of y' ( ounce 11 to Lxamm,. & Endeavour a faire cmposun- U^tween ye Partve.s, securing the Dukes Interest; Hee havmg an Ord' in the uieane time to rec'lve the Ovio, .V: bee accountable for yc same when the contn,ver.sy should bco decided, to whom of Right it did belong; and the said Thomax IMavall having Declared that to prevent further cutest, heo had made a fi.ire a-reem' between them or most of them concerned ; That is to say. That Jno jfhich should ! ive for his Share or Proporyon IKfteen P.arn.lls of Oyle upon Acco' of his Interest in y» Beach where the Whales were cast up, out of w'-" hee is to pay his Royal! Highness his Duos, *two Barrel!.. more to bearo tlu; Necessary cliarges lia.l hereupon; And tliat y" Remainder .should be unto tliem of (>!/.sf<'r liaij that cutt up & tryed tlie Oyle of tlio said wludos for tlicir charge and paines tlierein, togetluM- will, y cost of the Barivlls, A Transportation; Vpoi. conside.-ason had hereof, the 1' % ;i ' 'i- ggQ JtJarly Colonial SetUementn. (4ov.n.o' & Co,.,Ha.ll Imvo thouKl.t tltt t,. lill..^v. & -lo., v.ry well .ipprov., of wl.-t v* ..i.l Thomn. Ddamll. l.atl. .lo„., Leivin, Au.l .loo order that tho HKrec.uont utoionuuuMUloo.i.maguo.l & 1)00 ol)burvt)d uccordiiigly. By Onl' &f. The aKrcem' ma.lo by M' Ddavall botweon Chi-' Toppinn un.l >- (^.nn.i.si.M." f..r rndyim Air ivivrt iipi.i-ov'd of. Their (\.n.niii*..u.n to l)co cullM in .it y' uoxt Sohhioi.h, Tho igrou.»' nuido by bin. W" y" Wh.de Men, securing the l)ui•■■ ( iov,u.,lo' that the Matt' in diilereneo n.ay at length boo i.ued, .v: noo tarthor l)iH,.uto bee had upon the Bamo. B^Ord'&c: Wherean .overall A,.,>lieationB have been made unto ,neo both by y' Inhabitants of y° Towne of N^e I /?...; 'a., that r Lynntts .. Bounds in Di.ferenee between then, ung t bee 1.; , yne 1, The, which was reeonnncnded to f Court of Sessions at Gr^mse.,} to .ppo.n son.e n^3t Wrson^to view the san.e anc. endeavour a ,.„sure ; There l.nn.g been bk™ I "orders of Connecll upon f same Aeeo', but as ye.t uo.luug hath h.therU, been d„ne there n ; T ■• end an Issue n.ay bel had of tlds Controversy. Tho Persons whose Nan.e. are hereunder write, being r.an.e who were non.iuated by y' Court of Sessions are to meet npun y" liaee v'2r"or28-dayof this instant Month to view y' l^-unds, ^ ..u eavom^ a ec,uu.,.u,v be v.^ ve wo V^wns .Lresaid, for y'^ turtheranee whereof ri.o.as Delavall Ks.f .V M A.^-^ Nicolls two of yCbuncell are likewise desire.l to bee p'sent to give then- be.t Advue to j pu ti g oil reid to this Controversy ; ..' if either of f foure Persons nonunated as atoresau SrlLnt at .his ,in.e appointed y said n.nas ^"; ^ ^;^^;:,,^r;t^':;:^ ; they sec Cause putt son.e o.h.r Persons to Aet u. Ins ur the.r 1 aees ol "ll:^''"'"^ " !v„der n.u an Aeeo' at their Uetur..o. Given under n.y baud at ^orle James m .V. 1 orlc tlus 2l)"' day of June 1072. J LhK K.OM V" (^OVKHNO' TO Cu-' YoU.O & TUK «KHr „K V« CoMM..,OS" .T V EasT K.VP oK LoNo Island, auout sknoino Assistanck lo i-okhfy d:o : ^"" Haueing lately receivM a Lett' from hi. Ma- by the way of lio.ton. Wherein hee precautions „s (bl rcl on r Troubles w- are like to arise in Enr,,. to prepare, .V putt our Selves „,„ , :^= of lifence, wee a. ..a.>le of , I -;^;;, ---- ::-^^ I ^ ;:::d ■ ^r:;^-:^': ^:D;.;e:ninj.on i .l^ ... ^^^ ..;-ve ,. r n.... S thriligh-Sheriff, thatsoe I nught r better bee able t. ass.st yon by n.y 1 o.e.. 1:1: Nui) York IliHtoriml /ief-orda. M7 I urn l.k.HviH,. to ac.|imiiil yo„ of v" ncroHsary r.-H..li.fi„n« I Imvo of ropnyrinK tlio Wiilln „f ll.iH llort,, w'" „„mo Hirongor llorlili.NitioiiH tlu.i. Iiur.-f.loru it vv,w, vV: l-.n^r ultc.Kutlior im.aiml.l.' to luTfon,,,, H,.,-!. a worko hy my l'.il,li.-k Stock lion., I Imvo tho.,^;l,t p,,,,! to m-onii,.L....| oi.r (;oiulitio„toj,./&y"(;ouiitmy«(;onHi.l,.ni.jo„, t .Mtrivo u.ul h...uI hu.1i 'o„..ow- moo in a work w^" hoo nearly coiiconu y" mil.liok Hafoty I taku my Loavo ol yon, i\j Mi Id you heartily Furu-woli. " Yo' AsHurod Friond to gorvo you Forlo Jumeny* SO'" May, 1»J72. **" ' ''"^''^'-ack. .Inno 10'" 1072. CoUNCll, M1NUTK8, LoNO Ihi.ANI) Aki-A! ita. v East kno ok Tho Ilempstenil Poti.;on allowc.l of that tlioy shall liauo Lihorty to Provide thomselveH of HUfli a Miiiist' as the l,n\v !ii>|ironoK olT. Tho IVtiyoii of Mail-nxux N>'rk i.oiiijr (.oiiHidered otf, It having,' hoon l,y v" Court of Assizes ivferrcd to the Sessions Court of Jamaica formerly to enquire what was done tiioiviii tiiero it ijive y'' (tovrriK)'' A( ' of it. Mai;„;,oh I'.tition alM.iit Coiiimni,:,;,,. to iioo taken into (.'oiisidora.jon. when it shall bee discourstofw'"thoseof /Imj^icaU, u',^S: Tori-y; In tho mean time Nothing to bo dolus to their |p'JMdi('i'. The Widdow .V,r;>is Peti(;on about y» tferry to hav(! her lime renewed for six yeares. To have it respited till the foriiu'r Conditions boo viewed, it then considered of. At a Councell held in J-'<>rf Jitimn y' lH"' of ,riiiu' 1(!72. Present The (toverno' Cap' Dclavall ('ap' Steemmjck The Secretary. The first thin.,' taken info Considerayon is tlie Itetui'iie U-^nw 11 mpstead oi Coutribugon «&; Now Eleetion of Constable it Overseers. Tho retnrne of Constable ia for ^rr liohcrt Jackson 30; for Simon Sen/on :?1 voyees ; To tlic w'' Objeetioii is made by Mr John ll!rks it Ja„u'.t Phw 011 behalf of seve'rall of V Towne, That Mr. Jack»,>n.'< votes or the Major part of them are of the great Neek, or Mail-Xans Nee'k who have small pai-cclls of Lai,d it have noe Relation to the Towuo, oqimll w>" y" Aueiont Inliabitants, ^ome Lotis being divided into .sevei-all shares. It is demaiide(l if they are ilree hold" and Consented to ; The Determinatjon being hsft to y" CTOvcrno' it Councell. The Pi-esent Election is allowed of to bee Constable for tlie ensuing yeare, both Partyes being callM together, it their Allegations heard, noe material Objeetion being made a:.'ainst it ; It is thought fitty« Inhabitants of MaJ-na„s Neek shall have their Votes for the Election of Constable ^t Overseers, tbey being capacitated by the Law to give their Votes as tfre holders; for the Pi'()posall of their being a Village abstracted from the Towne of [LmpsUwl & to have officers of itieir own; It shall be taken into farther Consideragon. As to y" Returne of y" Voluntary Contribution towards the Reparation of y" fTort. It being 'A'l^W " ," ti^i^ (, . ^^ffii .ip.'y'j I ^;':l' Mirly Colonial Settlements. 068 read, It was very well approved of, ct Ordered, That Thanks should bee given them for their forwardness therein, the w'" is to bee Recorded. Mushing Keturnes 20 : 15 : 06 : ■ The Bounds of Gmvesena & New Utrecht; Commission" to view & Report to y» Governor to bee consider'd of another time in its due Season. _ In prosecugon of y" Ord' of y" late Co" of Sessions held at Jamaica for a new PJection ot Constable cfe Overseers for the Towne of Htmpdead, the Returne Whereof was to bee made to his HonC the Governor for his Approbason ; The Inhabit-' having accordingly proceeded thcrem, & made their Returne, Wherein Mr Robert Jack.o,i late Constable there hath the major Vote_ to continue in that E.nploynient for the yeare ensuing. Against the which severall Obiections bemg •nade by Mr Thomas Wcks & Jatnes Pirn on the behalfc of themselves & others of the Towne, In regarde severall of y- Voices given for him were of the Inhabitants of Ma^I-Nans Neck, who were supposed not to have Priveledge to give their Vote, as to Election of those ofhccrs ; Vpon hearing the Matter debated, & f several Allegations on both sides, The said Choice and Election is allowed & approved of, as 'also tinit John Smith lioek Senr & Jno Carrman bee Overseers, havin- likewise the Major vote ; The Obiectioiis being not adjudged sufficiently materiall To disbarr the Inhabitants of the Neck aforesaid of their Votes in Election of the Towne Officers smce that they are freeholders, & have dependancc on the Towne, witiiin whose Lymits .t Jurisdiction they are. As to the Proposall of their being ma.le a Village abstracted from the Towne, &_to have Officers of their own, there being noe addresse made for the same, & the Convenience or Inconvenience thereof not appearing, It lyes not under this p'sent Considerason. By Ord-- &c : The Returne of the Inhabitants of Herripstead as to their Voluntary Contribucon, towards the Reparation of the flfort, being p'sented to the Governo' & rea.l ; It was very m41 approved of, And Ordered that Thanks should bee given them for their good Example & forwardnesse therein, the which is to bee Recorded. By OckV &u : — At a Councell held at Fort James, July y« 1" 1072. , The Lett' of Returne from y» East end of Long Island ^hoxM a Ooutrduigon towar.ls .„e fEortiiications. , ^, . . . The Governo' will make Answ'to thoir Lett' wherein hee will take Notice of the meanuesse of their Contribugon, tfe the seeming Condition of it. Letter from Gov' Lovei.acp; to the Gov' of Connkcticut. F^^z-i! 7rtw.') y' 26"' June 1672. ""^I rec" 2 Lett" lately fr..m yo" of May 2" & Juno y" 17"' together w'" his Ma"- DeclaraQons & severall Gazetts, for all w'" I must acknowledge myselfe yo' obsequious Deb'-; the substam-e of most of it had arriv'd mee before, only I very nnu'h long'd to have a siglit of his Ma - Ue- claragon a-ainst the Hollander, in reganl I beleeve upon that p'sumption the Governn' of Jiosfan caus'd open Warr to bee proclaim'd against the Dutch, I must confess I am not skilld enough to determine whether it bee proper, or a DeMaragot. only to use y" tVormality ct denouncing \\ arr ; New York Histoncal Jiemrds. 069 hem for their J y° Governor 3W Election of ee made to iiis led therein, & iiiijor Vote to ijeetiona being of tlie Towne, tnn Neck, wlio officers ; Vpoii e and Election )ee Overseers, riall To disharr 3crs, since that risdiction they ,'iie, & to have (Onvcnience or bncon, towards well ;ij)i>roved z forwardnesse m towards the the meannessc i"" DcclaraQons ; the siilistiince ' his Ma""^ De- erno'' of Bonfon ikilld enough to ouiiciii'' Warr ; IS Doubt rroelmnayons (w^'> allwayes arc accompanyed w'" Directions to f particular OtHc" to pntt what therein specifyed nito Execution) have been f practicable way ; 8oe that beiiiK a little in Dou 1 have suspended y° formality till either 1 receive Advertisem'^ from Biglaml (w^" I dayly expect) or till by y' practice of our Neighbo" they resolve my Doubts, of w'" I principally desire yor Opinion. being not proceeded soe farr as to a Coniiscason ; Wee hope y" 32 Article of Agrecm' nt Breda will secure m, there being a particular Provision made against v° Inconveniency of suddaine Ruptun by allowing all Subjects Months Liberty to withdraw their Estates after a Stroake is strook ; [lowever wee must attend w"' Patience. About a ffortnight lience here is a very .^ood Ketch Jesign'd for Eiujland, w'^" I shall dispatch with a Pacquett to his M'"-" & my R. Mast"^ : I thought good to Advertize you of it, that soe (if you were desireous to send) you'^might tinde a suddaine Opportunity. S' there is 4 Persons within 2 dayes runn away from hence, the one is a Covenanted servant to M'- Garhind (who brings you this, the other is deboysted away by y" rest, being my own Cook, haach Ratt by name, who is notoriously marked haveing the use butt of one hand, y" left being splitt in two, hee is of a light brown Havre, & in gray clothes, but tis possible hec may change them, for hee had variety.) If he happen in yo"- Jurisdiction (as he is gone that way in a Canoe, pray left them bee stopt & sent back, & I will (w'" thanks) satisfy what cost shall" arise on it. Truly S'- if there be not some severer coui'se practized, Mast" will neither be able to keep their serv'\ nor Oflic" their souldycrs. I can reckon 9 or 10 of our Souldyers that lye lurking in your parts, though I am very well assured w'" out yo' Privity. Pray assist mee to yo'' power at this time in my Cooke, & you will lay an Obligation on mee to acknowledge myselfe. Yo"' affec"" servant, Fkan. Lovelaok. T(. y- Hon"'" John Winthfop Esq' Goveriio' of his Ma"" Colony of Conneoiicott. Council Minutes. Bkooki.vn Fekry; Newtown anii Bubhwick Bounds. •Inly 1 167-2. Mrs. yevius Pctigon ; Its granted. The old Condiyons to bee observed punctually as her Husband had it. An Ord"^ thereujx)!! — viz. The I'eticdu of At-nmi!, Hltehr y" Widdow of Jminncs Xerhm deceased who lately held the ll'rrry from I.,„i' >/ ,!l ' ) 0ij.(j Earhj Colonial Settlementa. Assi-nc. U1.0., tlie Conditions S: To,->ns lun- said late Iln.l.an.l was to have tl.o same; Tlie rcjuost of the said VVid.low i-s hereby (irantod, & it is allowed of, & is at her Liberty (if shoe see cause) to dispose of her time in the said fEerry for six yeares to come to any person or persons htt .te eapablc to maintainc tlie same ; that said Person or Persons performing y" eonditions or Ternies made bv the said Joluume.^ .Yeoiu, deceased, & behaving himselfe diligently & carefully in the said Emi.loym' as liec onght to doe, & as becomes the Trust reposed in hun. - By Ord' ot the Goveriu/ lit Councoll. en. The Agreem' between JVewtowne & Bomoyok before Mr. J)elavall, Mr. JVicolh. & Cap' Jaqic^s Vortelyeaii, To bee conffrnied. \ An Ord' in answ^ ro V [NMiABrrAN-rs Petison of Matinicock about thkie Commonage. Whereas upon y" Peticon of f l-'l'^ibitants of Matinerork about their Comn.onage au order went forth f ro n .nvselfe 6c Counoell, That before y" Purchase should bee made of y Indyans R^t to that Land, according as it was agreed on at y» last Court of Assi.es ; Those of Her.,stead .V' Mr T.rry6c Companv, together w"' y" P-'" should bee d.scourst W" about rp'.nusss, .00 t.t N:iun^hould W. d:„;c t:their prejudice ; To y^' Eud au Issu. n.ay l.e p.U^tot . Affayre^ These are to advertize V Inhabitants ..f Mulni^ork, That some Persons from this P ace will be at IIcnpsLaa upon Monday next being's", day of this instant ^^-f^f'''^'''^;^'^:^^ they sh,ml,l send l.ne or two Persons on y^ behalfe of their Plantas-.n, when those ot /^-i'* '« Mr Tcn-u c\: Com, any, W" son.e from Matun,'ock being mett together, they may come toa ng t Y .1^ c^-g^biut'r sua r-.d, ^ .nake Keporte thereof unto n.ee. that f '-tter at h.,g . may come to a tinall beter.uinaeom Given under my hand at Forte James m JVeio 1 orke tin, 4:"' day of July 16T2. this P I I A» Ok,,' k„k P.BUL,vr,».. V A.«B o, Sbl,.i» I.„j,„" "V V .»».... Mba.iks, »« .v ...«, AT SoUTHTON. Wl,creas Comp" Imth been n.ade unto n.eo by Zorohahel Philips who for Bevorall yeares hath k.,, a .'iinary or House of Entertaiun- for Strang" in y« Towne o S.nM,nn.pfonu. ^.. Z IlmI, JvorkM. upon L., M.W, for y- which l.e hath a r---', ^^f ^^^^ ,; Session. & iath thereiu hchaved hitnselfe conformable to the Lawcs u. that I .halte sett fo.tli. ^^.r^ts^hls Neighbour havemg noe Lycence or Tolera.on at all soe to doe, doc presume to ell Stron. Li^uo" bv V sn.all measure contrary to the Lawcs m such cases provnlcl , Th k l:;! iCi- r Offie" of -y- said Towue of S.„UM.,u That they ^^^^-^--' ^^^ -;^;^^:Xl r future lo self any Strong Li,,uo" otherwise then in y" Law .sallowed, undo > 1 - ^ J^^ ' sett forth, to bee inuucdiately Levyed upon y- P.rcakers ^' lulrn.gers thereoi. Gnen undo, nn Hand at Forte Jamex in New Yorke this 4"' day of July 1072. 'or ' ; Tlie request shec see eiiuse) pei'Suiiti lift vfe ions 01- Teniies ;arefiilly in the By Ord'' of the 7icolls, & Cap' COMMONAOK. oiiage, an oiJer c of y° Indyaiis of Hcmiistcdd y" p'misscs, see to that Affayre, 8 Place will bee re it is expected > of Ili'mpstead come to a right natter at lengtli New Yorke this New York Historical Records. An OkI.^ Kllt OaI-' SlLVKBTKU AIIOUT Y" VNliULY IndVANS AT SHELTER IsLAND. 671 WhercMs I am given to understand, tliat y" Indyans living upon Shelter Island, although flieir abode tlici'e is upon the courtesy of Nathanld Silvester the Owner of y" said Island, yet sunietinies in iiis al)sence, & at others wliile hee hatli been there present, have presumed in 'their Driiik to breed Disturbance, ife make Commotions there, the apprehension of tlie Dang' wliereof hath been y» occasion of great fl'riglits and Trouble in his Ifamily ; These are to Authorize the said Cap' Silrester, or in his absence whom els hee shall empower, upon any such misdemeanor of these Indyans to seize upon y« nujst culpable and dangerous amongst them, ' Silvester to PrncnAsE some Nkcks of Lanh on Lono Island. Whereas thens is a I'ar- dl of Land at y" South upon Long Lslandlyaing in some little Necks, the which is capable of two or three suudl I'lantaoons, but as yet lyes unplanted I't unmanured. The said Land being not included in any Patent, it is at a consideralde distance from any Towne '; Ypon y" Ile([uest of W Nathanlrl Sllnester of Shelter Idaiul on y-' behalfe of inmselfe, & one oi' two more in Company, that hee may have Liberty to Purchase y" same of y'^ Indvan Proprieto" To tlie end some Settlem' might bee nmde thereupon, I have tliought titt to grant his Recpiest, »fe hee is hereiiy em])owercd to make puriihase of y° said Land of the Indyan Proprieto" the w'^'' being certifyed unto liere, and a Draught or Survey of the said Land made and transmitted liitlier. the saiil Cap; Silrester S: Company may then have a Patent for y' said Land, under y- authority of his Poyall Highness, »fc y^ Scale of y Province, (iiven under my Hand & Scale etc y" 8"' Julv 1072. H, Ls'l3 UY SOME ■crall yeares hath 'ihi(iih/>t<»i in the from y" Court of chalfc sett forth, loe, doe presume provided ; These such I'erson tor |icnaltyes tlicrein Given under my «■-. LErrEK TO S' Jn" IIeyden K'. Governo' ok his Ma'^" Island B(^rmoodo8. Not only my natnrall desire of p'serving a correspondence w'" you is alone the subject of this letter, l)ut having an Obligayonof a more transcendent nature on mee, w"' is his sacred Ma"« connnand, who by a particular Letter has been i)leas'd to Declare his Will iVr Pleasure, that I r-hould make a Pubiicayon of a Warr between him & y" States of y" T/f/^f,/ /V^r//(C(vJ, withall that I should take care that these his Detcrmiiuicons shoukl bee communicated to y'" rest of the Neighboring Governo'" of any of his Ma"« Colonyes in Am.rica, to the end his Ma'^" Commands may bo solemtdy observ'd, f have taken this Oi.porfnuity to ailvertize you thereof, and withal sent you here his Declaration, w^" I have pnu^laimM as y I{,,n-i'r hereof W lieyton more particularly can relate, whom since I have menconcd by name, I cannot slipp my Penn without that just and worthy character lur merited dureing his abode in these parts, who being on his roturne to you againe leaves us doublv aggrieved, first for his Loss, next tliat this nuhospitable soyle had noo allurement to prompt him to a cohabit n with us. "^m-t: ,'ff< ' 1 ri 072 /{arly (blouial Settlements. By a Ship that arrivM liorc from Fijall, y" Master confidently avem of a Pcano beiwocn his Ma"" & r Diitcli, r Intelligence l.eing brought thither by an Eminent Comander (next in Dig- nity to y" Goveruo'-) who brought it from Lisbon & was not U dayes under way, soe that it may now an'iount to neare two months I p'sume this is as fresh Ncwes as comonly can bee expected from Europe it soe probably true ; w-^" Uod grant as a meancs to stop that EITusi.m of Christum Blood y° brandisht Sword is now like to draw. S' I have nothing more worthy to present you with at this time, ouly to assure you on all Occasions you shall lindi- mee. S' yo'' very much iifEectiouato and humble Servant. Fit : Lovelace. ;,. I k i Letter from y' Governo-- to y" Offic" of y" MiLmA upon Long Ibf.and. Gent Having an Assurance of yo' great Care and Vigilance for the p'servagon of the peace & safety of the Countrey in yo' severall p^cincts, 1 thought to have freed you from the trouWe of this Letter, since soo lately yon have by publick Proclamation been advertised ot y great Kevo- h.con. now in Europe, & his Ma"" Gracious ct Paternall Advice to us how wee should comport our selves now in these boysterous times, wherein great part of Christendom is engaged m Anus ; fo y end therefore that his Ma"- Princely care <.f us may bee return'd by M due Obedience to his Rovall will i Pleasure, you are to follow these Directions. , , , ,^ First, That von make an Exact View of y" Ability of all Persons, that arc able to heare Arms according to rlie .pialificacons spccifyed in the I'.ooke of Lawes. ,^, , . Next That an Ottic^ bee appointed to view their Armes at their Houses, (there being great Deeeipt'practi.M at Musters in borrowing of Arms) & to see that they bee well fixt w"' a propor- tiou of one pound of Powder at least, & two pound of Shott. _ Lastly • that y" severall respective Coniman,!" draw out their Companyes to exercise & that a due watch bee Establisht to give notice of the Approach of any Enemy if it^shoul.l soe happen These things being di. ly ohservM by you of w- I expect a due and speedy Ace. I .picstum not but to reiurera good accompt of yo^ safety to our Rovall Master, who will be well pleased to heare of vour readyness to oppose y» enemyes of our Nation, in w- honourable Vnuertaking hce is alreadv soe deeply engagM, Thus having noe more to recommend at present to you, 1 take Leave of yon, & bidd you heartily llarewell. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ j._ .^^^^^^ Fkan : LovKi.ACE. Fm't^ James y" 28. July, 1672. To ye Justices of r Peace of the East. North .t West Rydings of }'o.^./mv upon Lon^, hlarul, to he*, communicated to y- Captains, A u.her Odu- of y" Militia, within their 1 recmcts, An Oku Aiiorr v' LvMirrs t)F IIkmi-stkai. it Ovster-Bav. Whereas v' Bounds .t Lvmitts between f Townes of IIev,j.,.ul .t Oy.U-r Hay as al., betw.cn //w.^;<,.C'o.<. have not hitherto been soe layd ou I^ Lr.avne.( !„„ diveii Dispute. A: Contests have already. ^: more are like .oarise upon h Oca on. And there being Ukewise a Dilference what y" Extent is of y- Land comonly called N&w Yorh HiHtonval Heoords. g^g Matinicock Im\A iibowt the scttlinff whereof there hatli in A «,-«<.rr,t u„ j i. between y I"l.al.ita..ts of IlcnjJad, ct >r Z^a^'ZtTZr^ " pf ' "^ ^PP'^baSon To M' yi?oi« ,/ac^on Constable of Hempstead. iible to boaro re being groat w"' a ]n'0])you that haneing a fi.t Opportunity to .i^nifv th.sl Kesolufon. ot,^™ to My IJoyall Master, I have transnntted ti.e.n Ihither, imping beL.: ..11 bee ready to putt th,. your Allay re into praetico (the unhospitablenes; of the xare .1-proaeIung) I ,nay bee furaisht w- such Directions frona hhu ,. ,uay L both agreeable to^w f g^^ Earli/ Colonial Settlements. Desires & free mee from the Imputation of Precipitateness in too positively determining an ^xr::ir?:;;:;^r;::t:t;Lnin..^ .ear.s «^ . .^^n... ,. as one"tliat desires to bee known by the Compuliation of JV: Yorke, Aug" y" S"- 1672. Yo' very humble Servant FkAN : liOVELACB. 1; Jl I. t Council Minute. Huntinoton & Nebaquakk. ''''?hrP^'iSo?o£ M; S^nitk to bee referr'd to the Assizes.-As by y" following Ord' &c : Vl P ".n of L'l<'f>^ Yorh f U>- day of O 'ol.' 1072. < . ^ determining mi Neio York Historical lieoonls. OrdKKS relating to WirAMNd ON L. I. 675 Whereas there was an OnV n.a.le at a Towno Meeting in So.fh Hampto,,, upon the secon.l Day of Ma, laHt, re atn,. to tLe Rugnlation of the Whal. tlishing. and En-plo,;... o.'the Indyans the in Wliere .n particularly it is nienti.me.l That Whosoever Shall Hire an Indvu, """^''"W^";;"- shall not give hi„. for his Hire ahove one Trnekin, Cloath C "r h wtlf ," T-' Company Shall Kill or half the iih.bber, without the Whal. Bone und r . P ' U ' " npon Considera,on had thereupon. I have thought good to Allo^vo tl e i^i^^O^^^^^^^^^ hereby Confirnie the Same, until son,e inconveuienee therein Slr.M I A \ '' ''"' .ISO Order that the like Rule hee l^>llowed at l':a:2,^:i^^^^:^. i^T'si ^';' '1° it^pnetieable, An.ongst then.. Given under my hand i^ Neu, Y^ l^^ l^^li '^:::Z Fran Lovelace. Vpon y" Reijuest of John Ooopci; that hee niav havo T IKolh, t, „ i belonging to the Towne, w- .Lo„f heL hath 2;:^ .' C Z^:;!:::^ T'' '"'''^"^ therein, I doe approve thereof notwithstanding th Townes "; „ i t l^^^ Ineonven.ence bee not del,anvd of the san,,. priviledge; if th.v ^Inll see e^.^.^ " "^""^' f ^'^ ''^l o^l"-'''" under my Hand .a fort Ja.nes u Ne. Yok. thi ' S '"^tf N e ^2 "" ' '''"" Letpkrs to Ca}''. Jno. IJowkll A-c: Cent. Ireceived vo' Letter of v' 14'" of Xovenil)'- !•::•> f I, „ „i ■ . .. , . .w,nn«. «« ... k.,.H. ,■ ,. „u ,..«.:; :;!:;:y-:i:; X';:: o::':5ir;?!,;: twisted u-'"if <- fl,.. • 1 .• , 'luo, fspceially there beinir another alfavre til. i.«t Sosii,,,,.; 1, ,„„ ,\v„„d.r n, .r ; ' j ' :""."' '"■"■ '*'"' I'""-'-'" "• •■"""•'>' «' .™n::,,;:; ;;:;. ,:; t ,,, ■ r;:;ti';;:,rr:;^:'':''' 't~ < ■■'"-"»' ' ^'»'"»^ ,,,.,i„„|„ v„:„i,i. ,. 1 I . , '■"''"^"' '" Jll'."'-, as y,,ii «ili li;iv., „ loriJ,.,. iv..ii«.r t„f vu. .lutiicntick, sulhcient to va u ate v" tnitl. .f I,;., An- c « . . l.'ive eireunistn.,.,. f v r t '• , ^"'-''y"" * Aeeusa.jon of (Vrv„r, vet withall •M- uum.Htanee. to yo' Justi.r, as to make p. D.terminaeon (whon vou skdl .v rmHj, in the reeeipt of the eustonies « 'll»B.»»ilJU-.l!i Ni it ./'i il I 87fl iirt/'^y CoUmial Settleinents. in yo' piirts, & desire you to assist him in all lawftiU helps to the Execugnii of liis Office, if oowLsioii sliall itrosent for your Aid, ffor y" leeoninu'iuhifjoti of yo"- Towne fur you to lieo continued in your OtHco of Justice of tlio peace for tlie iie\t ennueing yeare, I slmll most readily consent unto it, & to that end have seat you yo' eoniuiissioii, being very will wilislleil of the Execution of that trust I reposed in you this last year, Si not in the least doubting of yo' contiiuiance in the same care of the Pulilinlie. I have noe more, only on all Occasions that sliall bee presented to you, to transiuitt to inee the state of yo'' allayres in those parts, that soe that Vnity may bee preserved amongst us, ;is may best tend to the ])eaco it iirosperity of these his Eoyall IJighness Territ.iryes now under my care ife trust, Allwayes remembering you beare a part of it. Pray recommend mee to all myffriends about you, iN: assure them I ahall alhvaycs continue sue unless it bee their own faults. I am Yo' Loving ftViend Fort James F«^n : 1..vki.aoi:. y" 21'" of Novcmb' 1(!72. S' 1 liad forgott to take notice of one particular busyness ; It sooms ,/'w>imr;.'( is rcmooved from executing that ( )ffice of Deputy Constable ; for very vallid reasouH now too tt'dious to rehearse, 1 conceive it retiuisite bee bee continued in that OtKce till the next Sessions. Foii .lam>a Novem : y" 28'" 1072. To Capt. Jnn. Howell Justice of peace on Iavkj Island. S'- The last I sent to yo" was in answer to one of yo" it M'' .)^<{/wv7« brought to mee by an unknown hand, & soe was'forct to send it by Jennhnjx, by w" yo" uill linde my scnce on that complaint ,A'/)w;«;/.? seemM to prefer against Cooj,,!-; I am very mucli of yo' opinion, that his prosecution of Cooper may take its rise from private ends, not that I doe lu.t believe Coo^'cr may bee blamable of untoward expressions (being a man nuturally not so well polisht as others of a more gentle natm-e) but in regard the matter lay l.uryed soe long w"'out y" least nu;ntion of it till the Difference betwi.xt them i,oth revivM it; I have referrM f meritt to yu"- Determinagonsat the Sessions, in W^^" I shall desire you to I.ee a little fav(jnrable to Jninhujn coiicerning the Oath bee p'simicd to administer w"'out \n' Appointm' And I recommend this the rather, in regard i< will bee a discouragem' to Publiek' Vnd.;rtakers (.follices, whni by their unskilUuliuss they shiili runii into any Premunircs. I doubt not but by yo' Moderaeon k Prudence to heure of such a com- posure as may end in T.ovo & y" lyVervation of trrieiidship :iiiioiig.,t Neighbo™. Yo' Brother presses mee for a Determin;igon concerning the Rcguhi.jon of the Indyansafl'ayres, it being discourst of at the Assizes. & referred to M' Ddavall for liis a.lvice in it, but bee having ever since been at AHmmj, and but newly rei;uni'd I have not h . an Opportunity to discourse it thoroughly w'" him, k. indeed I am the more willing to forbear till I receive some light fnjiu you; Ifor since y" scene of that affaire lyes properly amongst you I would willingly receive some Directions from you before I make a finall Dcterminacjon in that alfaire : To conclude both Reijner & yo' Hrother seemed on the paym' of the Townes lieiievolencc to hint some priviledges you expected for that Place ; to w'" T can make no other answer, but wonder at yo' impatience, since you have rep'sented that affaire (without my i)rivity) to his Royall llighueea to think I (•an doe anv thing without his direction. 1 am Yo' iid'ectionate ffriend Fkan : LovKi.AcK. )VKI,AOK. New York. IlUtoriml JiecordK r.77 I uiwlorstaiid tliPi-o is n vcss.'ll (losi.'nwl for v..' nivta «f -i ,, A NKW 0,u,K„ CONOKKNINO THK P„nNnAK.E8 OF NerAQUAKK AND HuNTINOTON. Deeciiibcr 5, li;72. Hick' Smith - J"'. The Inlml.itant. of Iluniinqton - Dcf This Case bciuK taken into (Jonsidc.nu.o,,. and fully d-hute-l i„ Court ; whorein tho l-dunir ,1 to ho l,.ard >n E,,u>ty for that part of .\Wy««/l-. Lat.d on tho We.t h do ft "llodKos to 1,00 part of tho Land on w- hoo was ohli.od to sottl tl o t^r t T , '""l T '"' now clayn.0.1 by tho Def, by vortuo of tho N'ordict: thoy u 't C r"' ""'""*^'' P" for othor L:,nd as hoo ooncoivoH, ^ ""'"' ^"''' '«'""^' ^'"^ It is ( )r.k)rod, That for y" prosont Rospito shall boo made of ■uiv Prono,.,!;. • *i • "..till tho Sprin., whon son.o tin,o in the n'u.n.h of May nox l.L iZ ' ( f '" "T"' Lave a Gen- Traynin,,. .V a Mootin.. of ,ho two Troops o lo o a 1 ^ F' '^ '''^"'// ' '" Play,u., fron. whence son.e inditreront persons fron. y" Ea t " d li / / ; ; [ "'"'""'^ thoro, ^ some othc. fron. the West end. ihall boo -i.^ t^^:^ I^'"': T '" T'" Y [>..,«„„„,„,„„ ,l,.ll Wo „,„J„ ,l,crc.„|,„„ „,,„li„,. ,„ Law & g„„a Oon.dc„„. 1,; OH- fe ill ^OVKI.ACK. An Out.^ ON BK.iAf.rt.; of Mk. Tf.uuv An.n-T the Matinicock Land cto :|i to Inhab.tants ot Mu.k.to Cove, who it. said have n.ado Purehase fVon, the Indvan . I e • <"<'tha ,t thm. bee s„.r>..ienf ,p,antity of Land b.hind.. the said' Plantation of )/ / ' o-r towards the North, the said Inhabitants shall in ben of their p.oncos t ! e Ti .or^T^^ ...1 on ho South hoe supp yo.l w"' an e,p,all or better proportion 'both of Timber .. La 1 to tl..« Difeenco botwoun them. Gn-ou under .ny Uand Occ : this IT'" of tTebruarv ICT-'-S 11"''" 678 /i hhrh/ Colonial Settlement ()KI>KKS UKt.ATLMi To WllAllNU oN L. I. WlK..vu« con.p" l.atl. been n.a.lo unh. mvh, l.v ...n.e of f luUMi^ oinrOok.ha.enj>^ S.Jj::U .... bel.alfe of f C pa... i.. .l.lr To.uc. o..«..«cd in ,e W .al,.., ^^^^^J^[y hu\y.m on tl.e .o.ul-.ule of y" Islan.l within v" T,v....tts ot tl.eu- 1 a .-.t, .io. 1. tu. . u.d d ™a... th..„. i.. tl.at Vn.le,.takin,, .len.andi,.« a I3a.-.vil of Oyle ....t ui ev.M, Whale w • they shall U.C, alth,.,.,h .- ...eat h..anl .. hanlship, roMuiring likewise ,,ay...o..t ♦- -^ « ;';^^'t. W0.K1 w- thev shall .-..tt the.val,out fo.- theh- nee-lluU n.e o. d.-es.m^ then' Dyet or the l.ko These «..e to ieHuhvalUneh Indya,.s whithe.. Saehe...B or otl.e... Th., -hey H,.r™ .dl HU..h unlawf..ll aetions. a,.d that they noo way pivo .noloHtation or Kiudnu.ee ..»..- any ot the 1 e.Bons Ir Company c.nplovcl in the be.igne afore ...entioned, who npo,. their Ue-pu'st have gr,n.ted Liluirtv u-.;!. f.-e'elv-to ...akc use of the Heaeh or Sho.. for their tHsl.i.,, i.es.,,.c fo.n a eertun.e plaee ."ailed W.f Point, wentward for the spaeo of threo ...iicH, cV' likew.HO that they n.ay et.tt i V eoM,>..o.. woods adia..entwhat wood they shall have ocrasion of for y" eonve.ueneeof drcHH.ng 2i „..,visions. „r oth.; a..eo,.....,..iati..n ; In w" if the ..id In.lyans .hall give the sa.d Con.i^ny of Wl.aU..-s anv f.-.^thor 1 .istn.-hanee, the .h.«tice« of peace, Magistrates, J;;"'"'^''''';* '"; '"^■' OUk- are hereby c.powe.v.l to give Ued.vHse unto y" said (3o...pany ot the WhahM's he.vm, ttor yedoeingwhe,vof this shall be unt.. then, a sutlident Wa.Tant .V. U.schurgo. O.ve.. &e: th.s lit"' day of Ai>rill lt>73. Whereas I gav a (Jonnnission y^ Inst yeare untoir... Oshome :u.} JoU ^'i'/^'^J^l'^^'''''' ,•„,. . ce taine ti.T.e to have the charge an.l ea.. of lookh.g alter .^' seenr.ng all D.-.lt NN ha e. tha Soul happen , , l.e east ..n the sonth parts of l.ouy /sf.nci w.thn. the spac. ... the .a.d co^^ n i J . in.ited. It being (Tor ,he p^•entio., of abnse, .ha, ha.l of.en been ............1. d.voe "•" : i d i..^ s, .1, I. rif? Whales having entt then, up and kept all the p.oihtt to then.selves. E'hJ s Kovall lligl.ne.sof his d..es, and at other ti...es it beh.g no. pa,-t.cnlar per..ns ^ ;::nch D.-ifts we..: neglected, soe both the !>"'- ^ V'''"''^ ' V'''^^'' h'''^ L ^i! ' ,.i„^;i„.. given to nn,le,.stan.l tl.at other Persons take np,., then, y' sa.d eha.ge .,. ';, J^^^' Drift Whales, givin.Mu.aeco' of the san.e, nor taki-.g not.ec of n.y Co,.,.n.ss,on . ^ '••^^, ■"«^>" reonire all pe.-sons whon. ,his .nayconeen.e, tl.at they bee ay.ling and ass.st.ng ..no, y sa.d Wnr oLne A.. S„nV. i,. pn.e.M.th.g their eo,.n,>ission ; A,..l if a,.y pe.-son by aee..le,.t doe hea.e of or iinde sneh Whahs within ye l.y.nitt. i.. their eoni...ission specityed. that they g.^e ....t..r I'said pe,-sons thereof, who areobbged to take ea.v abont it, soe that the Luke bee ..o deee.ve o Lit D es: w- if everv pe,-son tak.. it upon then, .nay too fre.p.c.tly bee done ; And tor wl,:„ y'- s.,id W>.. Oslorn. S: jL S.nitI, shall lawfully Act .V Doe in prosecttt.on ol the.r .u..n..ss,o„ f.„.'tl,.. ti,..e .V T,.r,..e aiores' this shall bee to then, a sutlieient Warrant, (i.ven under .nv h.-al ^c.:Ap.illy-4;M.73. k.anc: Lovxack. To all Justices ot y" Peace. Constables & other OIlie'' to whon. Applicac;.... shall bee made upon this Ace'. I^ew York lliatorical Revord.s. 079 Council Mincteh. PoHTAf. Akkan..k.mi.:nt. lli.;Ar..NH. Nkw Shkkikf fob thk East llimNo (L. I.) Wami'L'm. At a Oounci'll in y" Forf. Ma.y 15"' 1673. Ahoiit .v« Co.,ti..ua.:,„. of V" I'oHt to MilJ-ord, CoiM-eniing w" Govorn,/ W!ntl,ro,,s Lh ■ of E„coun.^..,n' i. read, -- It is ( )r.K.re,l, Tl.at l.eo bcc employed to goo to Milfonl, hut not to l.ce imtt in i-nictiw till ii Kctin-no fi-oni Bu.^ton. About tl.o Ei-fctiMK of iJuacons, TImt :t bee putt in f'rautice as larr as possible That a Ni,w Slioriin. b.-c Nominated for tlu- Em RldiuK. And Onl' tluTuupon - viz' Tlu. (iovenu/ .^- (.'onncdl having taken into (;onsi.l,.,.a,.on, Tint f tiu.o drawes niKi, wherein aKeturnoof the Nomination of High Sheiille is to bee made, tlu- three Uidin^H havin,^ sno-es- Hively taken their T.iniuB in having a Hheridb for two full yoar« together, the Ea.t Kidii'r |,e.n„- ning, then the North cV at last f W.st Riding. To the end the [)ireetionH in the Eawbee Attend, the JuHtiee. of y peace for the Ea>t Hiding are to make Returne unto y" ,/„,w//. Cap' A'fec'«w,y,.>l-. The Secretary. As also y Mayo' * Aldernicn. ' '' ■^ The tir„t thing under [debute is y" Addresse from y" Mayo^ & Ahlennen to the Governo' about Wampum l„.,ng reduee.l or some other way in stead of Coyne w^" is wanting to beo found out tor the i'ublick (Jood. ViH,n ( 'ousid.-rae, „ had th.uvupon this following Or.l' .t I'ruelamation was made Viz' When-a.. y" great Sra.vity of Wamp- thnuighout these his Rovall Hiirln.e..s his Territorves hath been taken u.to eonsideration, great .juantityes thereof being yearelv trans.mrted .V earryed away by the ludyai,., .V: little or none brought in as formerly, w'" is"conceivc ( iry. M stead of eight white & foure black AVampums, .six white .V- Hiree 'bl.aek shall l|a.se in e,pi.dl \ ah .hereof asa Stiver or Penny. & thriv times soe much V Value of Silver the W ■ all I ersous are to take notice of, ^V bee conformable thereunto. A.ui that uoe Per.son m y Goverum' may p^teud ignorance lieivin <\,pies of this Proclamarion are to bee sent k pronu.lga.ed ,n All,,,,,;/, K.op,,s, .V I).!a„'a,'e, .V: likewise upon Lo,uj Idand & parts adjace.it tl-|v to bee in torcHl within Eight dayes after the Knowledge vt rubliea.;on hereof. Giveti iiiidcr my hand iVc : June :i4"' 1(;73. Six of these Proclamations were written, 3 for y" 3 Ridings, 1 (or A/bu,,;/, I U,rSopu,,& 1 tor IJdau'(i,'c besides 1 for the city. if-^l n, :.amm ii '\ I r k i I ggn hAtrly ('<>/ k. Gov' Ani'koh kok a Minihikh. Ilotiniin'd Sir v ; ■ i ■ Uiglit Iltiiioiiml (Jovcnioiir-jrenomU Edieai'd Andron Clovcrnor of Aew 1 (>>'* ni Iiih MuKiHtiii^s turitoris under lii« Uoyull l.i^'lnuw Jm>ru-» duok of York woo .y..ui- liuiiiblo i.otiL'li..m>i-H ill fill) lu'liiilfc of siiiiu' ntliui> ilof liiiml.ly petition imto your Honour that your Honour would In- pli)iii,c'd to bu niiudfull of your potitioncrrt most liuint)lo rtKjuust wliifli in that tlio honour of ^u<\ iiiiKlit ho proniotod iind that his Sahothti may l)e obsorvod for tlio lioiioiir of god and tlie good of us and our posterity and to tliat end your honour wouhl ho ploa^cd to install Hui'h authority amougr-t us whicli may ho a moans undor pid for tlio upliohhiig and niaintainin^' of the ministry and wor-hip of pxl ainou{ist m \ your honour boing tlio fathor of thiH comon woltli, wo hopo you will n.)l he uiimindfnll of vour j-otitionors, hut will ho an instrumont undor god for tlio upholding and maintaing of tiio gospol of iho Lord Josns (Miristo, so hophig you will ho plcasod to draw a fuvorahlo conolusion from I hi- oiir petition wo shall not further truble y()\n' honour at proasont hut loavo this our petition to your honiiours sorious oonsodoration. wi' rest and remain your very humhlo sarvants and potichoiiora to the host of our power and for your iioiiour w.; sli.iU over pray! ""^'^^*'' ■ TlloMA- ClI AMI-ION UlOlIAUI) ( ilLDERHLKKVE From IhrMted Wiu.ixyi .Ikcookk Simon »\um> Novomhor the lio'" Jamk.s I'ink Riuiako (Jim.kkslekvk, Jk. ,„iiio 1(;74.* Jkukmiaii Wood An Orpku Auuir tur Townks of Seatalcott anp ITrsTiNOTON to attknii Jamaica Skrsions. Kdiiiund AndroH Esii' &(•. Wherorts I have (with the advioe (,f my (^)uneell) appointi'd the Courts of Rossions to heo held upon Lomi hhiwl aeeording to the usuall times pivscril.ed liy the Liwos, i'artiouiarly f,)r the North Riding at the Towno ni Jamaica, upon the 9'" day of Deeomher next, being the sirond Wednesday of the Siiid motu-th, and whereas the Townes of Kaxlhinuptoiu S„uthai„iu, ,V Sout/in/d, the Eastonnost part of tiie East Riding, iiavo not (as they oiiglit) made any rotiirno-. upon my Orders sent unto tliom, for the settling the oonstahles it overseers, nor taken iiotieo of iiis Ma"" and his Rovall Ilighnosse Authority in tin so parts, after so long time and IVo(iiient opportunityes ; Tliat 1 may lu.t hci- wanting, nor tho Townos of S,at,ih;,tl and lluntin,j(,m hoc at a losse for rlio want of 'the administraeoii of .Instieo in what may oecurre at tliis time; 1 luvo thought titt. .with the advice of my oouneein and do herohy in liis Nfa'"" name Onlor, Th:it ;ill eases relateingto the Courts of Sosshms, in the said Townes of S^mhOrotl mA Ihintln.jton -m^A pVincts, I..- fuoiiglit to the next Sessions at Jamaica, to heo held a,> afolv^d, of whi.ii the constables of the rospeetivo Townes, are hereby rc.piired to give I'uhliek notice, in their sevnall Preeinots, that all Persons eoneernod. may give their attendaneo iieeordiiigly : and th(^ .Iiir-tiee- of Poaeo and Constables, are desired anrl ro.piired to give their i)artieular attendaneo there, as is i;mi:i11 and iireseribed in y- Booko of Lawes; (liven mnh-r my hand and seal, in N>-m }',//' Diitcli w«n' aK'ttin masters of the Colony, B»« Vol. II, N V. Col. l>or. York ill liin potic'lioncfH iitiir wDiild lif idiiour ul' ^(1(1 1(1 tlio good of Biii'h iiutlioi'ify f the ministry , vvi' hopi* you till' upholding nwd to dniw a it prwirtout t)Ut luiiii y<""' vt-ry lall ever pniy! )ERHLKBVK I DKKSLEKVK .1 K, [AtnA SeeetONs. ResKions to hi'o I'artieiiiarly for L'ing tlu! Hcc(.ii(l lutlidiiiplti)!, iV { rt'tiirni'f upon n notice of iiis 11 and tVe([Uent [iiiihiKitim lii'o is time ; I l:ivc Order, Tli:it ;ill 'JiiiiliiiijtiHl ainl 1, id' wliich \\\v in their sevrrall I the J list ires ut' here, iitiis iisiinl! Y.>rk;\ tliis L'*!'" New Ynrk- UiHtpnml Ihmrih OoUNDii, Mfni-tkh. ToWnh ok Kahtkun LoNo Im, I)< rum!)' 4'!' |(I74. lilK (JoVKUNi AMI RKKl'HK TO A, KN OK Nkw YoUK. ♦iHI •WLKiMH': riiK AiriioHrrv or F'reneiit The (iover AM. iii'nr. Ciipt. /('//•//, ov/ (irhfr/h, ( A I a ( a ( (II 'iHitlt.ition ill tho Fort. Tiled ■11. <'apt. .|/i//„>/,y /Iri>iMo/e.t, M' If /m/iihi/, Ordeliil tl overiio' haveing roeoive.l a paper or f \>t<'ii.y.nlHl,u, Ilui'ton, The M iiiiitiii hij ivyor iiiid le same t Vi/.t. To liJH !!( o lie read whi '"";■'■ ''' » tl"J 'liivo EftsturmoHt Towns of /. ifM was as tollowH Diir /'.'itiiiHiiil Aiidron Ksii' ( im)j il'(toverno'of JV,w Vorh ' ';• '"'"'''I" '•'•f'"'-; "• your r.,tterH (Directe.! unto n. the 8ul,M.ril id' the three I isterniost Towns on /,»;«/ /.s/hh'/. May it pleano your IF. .1,0' Uviw^ rnf..rined much liewired reextiil.lishm' ..f hirt ^^l"'' Aiitl ■'"•'•aigiier, is ut length a iipiish,.,], hv vo^ |'[ liy VI !)odj l.y ()r,U;r an. I A.lvice Hon..'' Letter ..f Nov.Miil, 5"' that i-'rityat .Yew Ko/'/v, ti, th.MJispossessing y' I ♦ .'ongratuiafean.l sr.'in.r 1 illo' II ,\[a"' froi 1 V" Dnti'li, .1 y virtii.' ..fyi.'- Hon,," Ueeeipt ..f v" ( )ver8eers, which w.t I'liMnd is made of tl 1" lew three 1 ngy' In«ulting 'I'Py iirrivaii, the Which wee heartily y pla.v kV (io\,.rnm' j,, hehalfe of 1 nth all .iiie U •e in plan" i.f triitli a owns in Ueestahl ^pi'ct to vo'' Hull faithfully l<..pt f.,r his .\[a'> I, nake.1, iiniiuad.'d peoplo ,.f DutLdi,— y,.tt his .\ra'>M.oyall S with e.\p,>ni!e of givat part .d' th.Mr"l'..or I; 'inongst us wh..|i y I)„tcli .Mme to /<}„'( J, although /'),/■/ J, ishing y" L'oiistahle iVi I" '"' pleased to iindeistan.l v' •111 nii:iianliko.lo!iv..red to his and oiir K 'amen m July "iiiH wiiN not 1! T I'li.'-i weri" forced ti uiij.rfs ill these lh iiimyes. Whereupon y" po,,r, 8uhu,ct unto or sutler fury of the I). nionstration istales tl (\doiiy of Cotui'tlrott. S ot <>' (11. .wi AssiH'iaf.' Conivall AlF the now Diit. Inst — Kither to ruineiitall S uccede.l hy y" I'lessing of al Ma 'I'ction, o' "Wiu!s, putting their livi in their hail. Is. ■"^'''^ ''•"•!< 'I with V" iindenevahlc v.-ry iiiviiig Xeiidil, all Ksfal.lish ih'iuiiiv lenge.1 HH Ci.n.pu'red hy tl mighfv (rod thev nev |>rs of his Ma'>' er Were ii iavin:r m mir liem, or to hct; deliveiv.l t. r I 'ower .,f ung an.! Coriii>,si,,natin" Ollle''' i engaged hy y" Oatii ..f (;,„!. and f I'an not eith.T 'ivility or faithfulnes •-xtremity in.t, uniy proteete.l lioth Civill and 'Militarv, T,. "•'"eriy l,y I»atenl privilcdg.'. hvhis Ma'" !• II olio' lel'.' Siihstiiiites that w.t •e so readv to take iiiiri' li us also (roverncd iiH, ' whom also we re- xpresa (rrauiit, wee miseraide, wit! 'Ul .'ither Aid. have siitfer.'d o' s,. •r ( lis up, Wll.'ll his iiovidl II ess.' without application to these his Ma'>' ounce St; ghiuwMi Lieutenant had left v.'s (as thev I t. an Insulting Kuimv, hut w hv alwav for v' ' i''''\e oeen hiifl out of ■.'.' won iltii d hi' too Ted IV. or Compass... tl, |,e vassulaged. would ur Loyalty, I'rivil.Mlge, and Suhst ions, \v rhicl (Jreat llritfaine. Uesirein 1 and happyne->e i,f ,,ui- CvM'i nis S I rest lit fl '0111 igyi/ Hon,/ Compleat F. weo nice iiig "'v.'raig',,,, his most Excellent ^Majesty of ity in your Enjoyment, which is all at I migiit aliiix' vo' Hon" Pr •av Novemhe''y" h An' ir.74. The S 'S' Yo' Hon.." verv II nniliie Servant M-'o|{I). Fur his II, lie Superscription .h.ii.v Ml • lolIN HoWKI.r,. rno' In ;\V„. /',)/•/?,, Tl lese. ilesired fill U.Mi for V' .■Ih'cfual iforenaiih.d persons, what Course was hest t. (.'ol pi'i-Hiiaiit lo his Ma"'' Letters I'ad i^-^ertingan.l settling his Ma'" and li" llighnesse A nissiiin then pr. lice, I, aiitl .■nts. A- his Uuvall Hid inesse. "ri/ino; him tl "'■I'' iiiianiniously advi.-e.j, That V (I i.'reunto. sh.iiiM with all uthoritv in thos e\peilie,iii dispatch an llll! *■ 1 V (.g2 Karly Colonial Settlements. Exprcsso will, roitcratcd O.I.ts t,. y" sumI Town., for tiio Ad.nission ,in.l nvRotMing of y- CoLtMhlos i.n.l Ov.Tsoors in their plauos fortlnvilli iis .lirectiMl in the former Onlers, and tor tiefault lo Ik- (lechirea rebells iiml prosocuted aeeoniiiif^'ly. ,,,.,,, That y" (Toverno' by y" same Expresse send an Order ; Commandiiii; .A'A// Muljord, John Tlo^rcH fz John. I'oun,/ who siyne.l v" said Letter, forth with to makr; their pi.rso.iall appearance before him at New Forh' to -ive an aeeount of y' said Letter and n.ake answer to nn' .nay be ob- iacted a-ainst them ; The whieli if they do not presently ( )bey to be .leelared Rebells and proceed,.! a.riinstaccordincdv: As also all others within this (T..vennnent, who may or shall presmne to abett or assist them in sneh Rebelious practices ag" his Ma'- and Uoyall Ui-hnesse Anthoriiy, to incurre tiie like penalty : ,• i rv. i i i n All which after mature deliberation was resohe.l on and accordmgly Ordered by tiie (ioverno''. The Governo- Letter to ( lovcrnoMVinthrop. About the Townes at East End of Long Island. S^ I received (two days sin.v) both vo^ obligit.g Letters of the Iti'" and ^o'" past, for which I do hereby retm-ne vo,. >nv acknowledg.net.ts and thaidvs assuring yon that I shall bee ready to do my mrt upon all occasions for the continuance of a good frien.Uy Neighbourhood; And that I may not bee wantiix', I send this i>v an oxpressc, being .ipon the receipt of a Letter yesteivliy from the East end of Lon,/ Unnf, si-ncd bv ./"/u, Muffonf, John. llo,nrll and John. Yoangs, who having disobeyed my Orders for the settling those parts, pursuant to his N[i"- and his Uoyall Il.ghnesse Authority, do h. the said Letter, justify the sa.ne, and would involve your Colony w ' then. l,v ,n,kin- them Complices, which I do n..t at all Credit, being conlident you will not countenance, inneh Tesse uphold, them a-ainst his Ma' - service, and not any wayes to obstruct his Prerogative Roydl and his Uoyall lli-lmesse Uighr to that part, ff therefore there bee any pretended cn-a-em' between you (which cannot imw be valid) I doe hereby desire you ^to avoid all ni^nn-lerstandings tliat mav happen here upon) that von will send to disabuse .my such I .,rsoi,s at (he East end of Lon^i /s/./n-.', bcin- now upon the disp.lchiug of an expressc tiiither, with my reiterated Onlers in his Ma"- name, forthwith to bc.^ obeyed at their utmo>t I'eriUs; I pray your Answer of thi' receii)t hereof, and remaiue S'' HT V 1„ fl.„ Yo" Most humble Ser\' Neio lorke, the ,,, rx 1 1C-I L. AnDKOS. 4"' December, lt)i4. J:'/m"nJ Andms E-H\ iS:c ,,,,., » .i •. i • i Whereas bv vertue of liis Ma"" Letters Pattents. and his Uoyall ILghne-se Authority derived „,„„ mee- I liavr received this place ,md Oovermnent, and am Authorized to continue m the Command thereof, muler his Uoyall Iliglmesse: and having by expresse Orde.^s i,ear,ng date the 4". -uid 5'" (laves .,f the last Moneth, in his Ma name, require.l and Autluua/.ed, all ( onMablcs and Oversee.; in V seve.Mll T..u-nes ..po.i /.,., Isl.nJ, and Pa,-ts adja..e..t, who we.v m olhcc at the time of the l)..tch comh.g i.i... these Pa.-ts, in .l.ilv I'm:!, to -V.'t as Constable a.,d Oversee.., in their severall Tow.ie, and precinets. in the sanie niamier as formerly, pursiiant to the L:.wc. prescribed under his Uovall llighii..sse (iove.-nmcnt, in the time ot ( ,olonell .\ .vV « and Coll Lo.da.-e, untill further Order; and in ease of Mortality or distant alneiuv ou, o, tlu. ( oimt.T o p,-oeeed to a new Election (ae,.ording to I,aw) to supply that vacancy; Which said Ordcs t,, the Townes of South llohl SouthJiuapfon and Ea^t-lltmpton, having 1 '. ' ^'vW and not Cumplv'd with, but in lieu the, f. Letter bath been .enl mee, signed by John MnlJorJJohn IlJei/ On,l J,hn Yonn.s, .Justifying the said negh.ct, in oppoMtion to Ins Ma'- and his Ivoyall dered by the nil th:it I limy nliy from tin: tt, wliii liaviiij,' ,;ill lliirliiiesse ilhiiritv ik'i'ivcil •(latimic ill tlir <\ti'iii,i; d;ilc till' , all (\)ii.-.l:il.li'S u'erf in uliiiH' ^il and OvLTswrs, t to I lie Liiwi-s iicol/s :uid (Jiili lllf (,'ollllllT, tci 1 OrdtT,-. t.> thu ivi.Tcd :iild liOt ' and liis Ilovali Nero York Jlistorical Jhrnrds Hi'rhnusHe Authority ; That yo' Whojo T Ma !J:ood su'iJL'fts there, liavo lave taken, for the future safety and welfare of tl I'roportye.s, together with tlie eniovr ,f ,.f ,l„ ""lie, may not bee involved with theiii jenetit of tlie Care ids Ma- and his I 11 wil igluiesso, as heretofore : Tl and Lltl •ijuii'e you tbrth w"' to put lese are (with the advice of niv C- us province, and bee sec icir kiiowue establisht J yo'' otlices of Constable and () 111 execution niv foi ■oiincell) in liis .Ma""^ N" hereby in liis M; vou tl verseers in voiir T aiiie, .strictly charged and owne ; And all I •iiier Onlur above expre.sst, by 683 but that all his ioyall irighiiesse iiivd in their Rights and 'ii"hT his Rnyall iinie, againe to reassiuninir awe.- id! b lerein acco ding to L; •e(|uircd to permit eiscins wlidin it m you so to d( ay eoncerne lire leo ai 'ii'd the Letti; Hig to Law; In the due performance M-hereof.'l doe d i-'S nwlested or ip.estioned for your late oiiiissio' !•, sent me as aforesaid, from win.iii I expect a t leclare and b that 'e assistant t< none of v omission, except the tliivo P, ou them to this place, personally to whom I h:iv(! Authoriziul to" adi answer tl leiuselves : U'corditiir to L iiinister the O.ith t( IW, to SUDD Tl that irtlier Acci 'ersons who lave seat for t( Pl'ly a vacancv. lltl (" make mee a rcturne of tl lers if not forme ■i-' is l>y (\ipt S;ii'e,ter Salisl may Ikh; new CI delivery to you. which time bee is Ordered to S le receipt and Exeeation hereof.' witl '•ly sworno ; by wliome I losi'u as aliove. longer disobey his M;i I do by vertiie of the Authoritv d anil his Rovalj l[i„| tay for the same; l!iit if nil tweiitv foiiro I re(jnire vuii 'loiires, after iiu^ssc Autl Eebells agains liis ^Iii lerive( 'tis my Duty to As Aiithorit\ mee, herobv decli lority, sigiiitVed I yoii or any of them, shall ly this mv se expressly signifved bv 1 ii'e all such Ri-fractorv Peiv 'Cond Ord er. r^ons, to bee Seal lO 111 D -''" Yorkr, tl ■sort), and to proceed against tl 'omini, 1674. is 4'" day of Decomb lem accordiiiglv : ( leiterated Letters Patents (whicl liven under mv er. Ml r ^'>'" yeare of jiis Mat"« Re y liand am igiie, Am io(iue To the Constable and Oi £. A NDKd time of the Dutcl The like Ord and S„at/i-J/ulJ. erscers of Ensthnnnit iiiig into these Parts, in dulv 1 "7'''"". "!• any of them, wl lo were ill Otiiee at tli er was al the same time sent to the Coiit-tabl es and (J Verseers of .s; 'uth Ilaiiiplon 'iistructinns U,v ('apt. Sniiu.f,,. SaVishnv ,y, oniph.vedtotheEastendof T.on,, Isl,n.h 1 - loll are torlhwitli to set t'orwird 'onl ulrl, ..11 •<• til. said Townes, and ,ir.t to .S-.M m'/ I'""""":" "^'^^^^'^ ^--l""'^ P^-'fe -de.' as di;;,;., 'a ' "'"'""' ^"" ^^''^ "' "^''-- ^"'-'^'^ -'• -'-Having so delivere.1 the .Slid Onleiv. in v severdi „|., . ^"•'■■7 '^:- .'"""■'■^ '-■ - ^ .'i.. as i. expre. in ^^ l^!^ ^ ^ "" -'' '" "^^^ "'" ^'^ '"' "^'- ■ take,: n;;::::aii' n:;;:';;:;;;; :;;:r;;:::7'''''^ '■•; rr- ■■'■ •'"■ ^^^-- ^-^^>^^- >i.^.ii ..o, -^ *"— V. Service. Vol, ;,: '^^^ , T'^^: '" '^^^ \ ■" -'■^^- ^<'- >'i^ M^"", and reipiire. i - If. '■'■ '''•'•'■!'.--l--"i t.. .ahiiiiiister ir. ,0 any suci, as occasion shall . i4..:^ing hSi's!::!::::'::;.;.: < "-'-^ - ^^••"'■•' ^- ^-^ - ..e ve,. , tua,i, place, and render mee a partic:i,ar aIvo.:; ^h:!;,,:;"'"""'" ^■^•"•'"""' '^' '■^^"'- '^'^ ^ ^'''^ ' '' • " '"•"••"• '"•^^■^"•''^' •'"■■"'« .- ^^-'^y •'■-- ^ i.> vo. returne. vou are so ,0 dc u I gg4 Early Colonial Settlementa. youreelfe, as not to give any just occasion of Oft'en.-e to any of tlio Inhabitants. Given under my iuind and seal, in Xcin Yorke, the 5'" day of iJuecniber 107-i. To Captain Silvisti'f ^(i/lsbiiri/. The Govevno- Letter to Capt. .SW/;W>«/7, sent to the East end of /.on,j Maml, Deeeini)er 5'" 167i. Cant. S(i/i.'2-i'" in.tant, I rec"' t„.lh yo- of the 1" and ltand. an.l misapply th.. lUv,mr an.l asistance r.'.^' from you, an.l if s.,, I'ui-dit also hav ,.reteu.ie.l y..' Sh..lt..r .u^ t'ount,.nan..e, (though without any r..as.m .,r Colour at this tim..) Hut 1 am n.,w altog.'ther ,satisfy...l both by my late voyag.'. an.l yo' sai.l Letter All thiuirs then, b.^in- s.-tl...l iqui..!) ami I think., to (ien"" sati^fa...:on, as W..11 as mme; IIavin.rals.,had'th..opp..rtuuitvth,.r.., an.l by Mr. HV^.v an.l Major ir,.Mr.7> y..^ son ,h..u,g sent bvy.-u h..re t.. i-ratnlat,. mv arrivall to this ( ;ov..rum') t.. bee particularly Intonn..! ol all transaWons, an.l vo^ so ir.,„.,.„us assisting iIcm' l'..oi'h>. during the h.te warre, (n.tusmg th,. n..t- erat...l i.n.tTers s.miu. ..f th..m ma.l.. vou. in tl,.- nam.' of the wh..h'^ W" I .Imibt not will b.... v.tv siitisfa..t.u-v t.> his Ma'^ an.l r...|onn.l to v..' ll.m.,^ an.l a.lvantag.'. 1 thank y..u b.r y.,^ lavour in giving them now so a.lvanta-....us a .■hara..t..r. ..t which I hop., a con.inuan,... n. tluMu, an.l they receive the iTruits in ..verv ivs] t : That 1 may n..t .h'taim- y.ui too l..ug. I must n.t.rr.. y.Hi t..r all particulars to Mr. IIV///.. ..unl ^Lijor ir;/- ^""P'».V'-"1 e In ouse IS to be erected. uary ne.xt, and so every Fryday aft Id in this City of .Yew Yori:, er.at wliere a eonveiiiuut shed or John li, TpoM readini^r two lett(;r.- from N, ,rto rr(iii,/l,s in the i ""'/- reilect y" S'" of Decend) lame id' v'^ T 'owue, tlii^ OI ini; u|)on flu. (JiivcMMii lebearinn; d^iti. the Hi'' iient; both sii,'ned by lay of N ovendi. the othur It isOrd ered, v' the sai 1 /! here to answer to what to b iii( ent for, to appeare hei •ted 'e lo :inswer 1 '(.V, and y" con.stable of the T against them in y behalfe. Tl ds not obeyitiL' the (i 'owne b(! sent f or to appeare 'leconst.ableof UHnlimiton post warrant for Capt. SalUbury. It isordered that'y'C iTiiii'- ()i',l,.r t'l l>v it of y cl .lan> If,'". Jomttlnii, //'i':v//'7ronst,ible of A"; 'omicell ,-hall meet ir y"-' Sessions, it a F eevcrv I'rvdav iiiormn in (Jonncel iMoi. accordin:; to summons. and ./,.//;/ I]iirmii.ih.-! .■ippeared bi-'f'ore y" (lovern The Coii.-table was d end.ition of y'' Court of Se; ischa rjjred and y" fault of y- Towno i>,ist Court had in Obedyonce to y" ( Slims at (iriivexcml. U p:ist by. upon y>' f,i\-oiir.abl acNiiowlei I!ut 1K"i' thereof. y'' ca.se of .lufni iiurrnuij/i y" (tovernoiirs Order, mad whoiiie M' IVrhar.J Ihtt^ le i-ejioi't of yi' error of y'' T write it sii'ue a .-edicioiis I 'M- beiM!,' t.aken into considerat I'!"', for which hee was iiuestioned same Kidiui' and M' ( .etter in y" name of v" 1 ion, who havi and check'l bv y C owne directed the (}ov e recoiu- a nieiiil/ of tli.at 'owne and their ■ liresumed tc NewU 'nrih-ll of v" next I 'o\'erno' i owm to eiiijuire who were V authors thereof i^'in- |>reseut. Justice Bitt. Ivunvt lo the C iiirt of Ses>ioiis: Xotwithstandii of, as appears by the Order ( I'riio'^ be.irliii;' Date Xo' n Conncell. All the Justices of y- to true to 'iveii him, and his X w.is ordered y» which, y« said Biirrouyhs pivsui lied aifaiii w- gg ii'f/,7// ('o7(H)Hil Settlements. I . * i;i.„ „.,»,„•.. w'l' v" former • Tlin Governo' in Cmuicell doth Order ? .'l (X Crt Hull a„,l teing 6u,i™cd thc.-cun.o, to .lai..i ». l„«,r. «.tl. a l»pcr o„ la. !,::r::«a.";ii.i « .o. . . i,. ., .«.,. ..i™.. ^^-f-:^ 5 -: ::^::'=t^:'=;- ^;r'<::r r ii. .i». .- .- 1-- ' Tlu> Sheriil's Wiur' to put y" si-nteiipu m cxocutioii. \ izt. . . . i Ur« r Cily Hall, .. ,l,a. fa*.a,»,. „. s. I a„ l;.-,.-. " . » l^l" ;,';,":'?,*' 1 Iv;!. ,.„„« .i,..~f...i.c '"■■ T-''™'.v:,;«7'^: ;::."' tC;: ,: i-y,-:,, .« y «.m t,^:-:lL7J^^^:'^r2::z::. .... .,. i.. ..<-:;■- To M' 27/(^ / ''/Ww Shiu'iiTo of y" City of JVew Yoi'ke. The'p^.ervh!<'^t;s K" Ili^hne.se Interest in a proportion of f Orift as in f I.w is sot fortl.^o'«m^ be^, t.k.n into Considcra.on. It is r.solv.d, Tl,at tlu.. ),e son. pa, .uh. ^ ; !; •:;:Led t^ take ... of arift whale, in y^ nnddlo ^ westennos,^ part of A.., /-. ' ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^,^^^ ^,^^^,^, ,,,^,_.^,. , -^•^i;;:f;;t;;;;;:';:: :;::;: sirrt^H^siahside .if ... /./....o ,. ... i,, .,. Fort !;;:'." >•"• ^1^'^- "^'^^^^ "-''"^ ^^>''''' ^^ ^ ''■'^''^ '" '"■'■^ '^ " ' " "" "" iV tjive them timely notice. A WAUKANr KOK M^ WlLI-.AM SnACKERl.V lO .,AV .MK HolTYKS AT Sa.NDY I^ilNT. Vou are hereh, de.ired and rcpdred .r,h...h to ,..e on hoa.. the /A^^^/ J.V .u. small open sloop) the .wo ,,o,,ys iyin, a .Ti.., ..t^e ^^^^^^^^^J^ ,,,,,, , ,,.„„„, ,., ,1,0 connn, into //W..>. R.ver, at >..-/// / '.-<^ And "^^ ^^ ■^^^^,,, . ^,,, ,,^ ^,,,,, ,ernn,tin,,tolaythesaidnonysnH.,,.otpn,^ .,„ the westermo.st Spit or I'art ot the ha.^ i.ank . nc . t. ^^^^^_^^ „„, , ,,.,f. ,. low water. At v.. g.nj, y.;u a., o ed ^^l^^^; ^^„,, ,^ ,,,, ,,,, U,ke with vou Ms Master, an.l A',/«tNr„, ^[,^,^,■Ks, Pavmicn, ok Tax..8 ukm.tiki. to tii,. (iUAVIiSEMl A IT' A IKS.. At a Connccll April! 7'" 1075. Present. Tlu. (Jov..,.,./. Tl.e S^cTotaiy, (.'apt. Brvclch,:^,. W Lawr.noc r.,nf 71 I pon the peti-on o,' So,,l,n,„,U.. f th.v ...a, h. .-cnitted r > v.^'ot ' R?", -M .v^a.-d uf th..,.' ^..-eat ('h,..,-yo .h.ri,,^. y Lair Wan-c. ' ^' The same bui.ig taken into ..m.i.jeracoi. a.id v" •nannn.- nf tl • a ,- . r:.t». TI,o «,„„, is „.|,„||y ,,„„i„„0 ,„ „„„„ ,„, ,|,i, ■ '""" •» ""■• 'lis 3'eare, 10 iiss \s^ii)g of their W Jamc, Iluhhanrs Letter and forme.' ..apei-s ,o,iror..i„ ^' '""^"•"'"-' ^ ^- of tins End of Zony ManJ, to Ad...i..is,er the said Oatl ' weekc. '' 'own.-> of the two Rideings some tii.ie eithei- this or the ..ext liHlF 10 id ■eh A WA.KA.T TO CA..T. Sa.t.,.„v ...o,. t„k Skt,....„.t O. T„K Mn.T.A O. ,.0.0 Is.AXn ^C on.ht to he., i,. ,:,,,„ 'r'; ;,, ; '"' ;;i'l'--' "'^'^ "- I--.- of tl,.. Mintia ever was, a,. "'■■ ■■' ">-'■'- ■ « .". ... ;".:':rri it ,:; ;::,:'■'■ ;::;';i:;,t ;: "":'■"■ »■ ;''- - To ( ".ipt. Wr,.t/,v. -v,,/;,,/,,,,,,^ [,j^,,, siiei-iltc&c E. A.vDRos. 688 n i\ t 1: Jiarly Coloniul Sttlkinentx. Cdcnoii- MiNL'TRs. Nantiickkti' HrsiNKBK. Present. The Gove.-.,./. The Swretary. Capt. BnuUohs. W Lmnrcnce. ("^^i-f'J^f- The matter u.uUt nmsi.U.raiiuu was thv busincs uf ya»tuck,n, about f which M' y««^,v,,. r#M .V W Jlat/uuo Mayh. w uu f one i-art, a.ul Capt. .^^" 6\*/v««-r, & M' Peter ffouUjar on '''^worut^!mIl...u,htbyCapt.^..7«..^ l-y Boverall of y" ^-d y^ one fm-n v"MaL'istratos, V .liber ffoiu them ana OlluTB. , , , t, , Capt. ^l^-^'U'' l'"-'""'^>l 1"=* A'owc'.- to aet or Tr.-at for y" Towne, and niade a long Relacjon of matters eoneerninii Xantuchff. I r..P is refernd till Tomorrow ior a farther hearmg. Capt. 64!-JLv. rower i. signed by 4 persons in the Nan.e of f Towne. It's dated March ^"'^i^Vunes n;.hn.I dardhur, KJ.nr.l Starhu.^k, Thomas Maey, ";f ^''^"^ ^f ^^J" ;'"' \V Town. The tlu-e '" lf.T.5. T> nt The (ioveruo' Air. I.t n M,.w ,»,...■ .is»J I- .l.e....olv». AtU-r scvcrall bonrc .!,.»,„« ,l„,v a,, disiiiist till to-morrow morning. At a Couneell April :iO'" lOTS. Present Tlie (ioverno' The Secretary. Mr. /:«'"mK<-. The \,„fnrhlf People of both side. mett,.V' alter having declared the.r Ciu.es ot all parts The Governo' referred them to his .leterminason against to-morrow. At a ("onncell Mav y" 1^' I'm"-. , . , n . « The Drau^^ht >S what was grannted, allowed of, and eons, nted unto by all partyes. See Ordered to be Engrossed. t \ Corvrn, M.N.rKS ANU CoKKKsroNOKNO-c eoNCKHNiNornE PorNt.ARV LiNE betwkkn Nkw Vouk. CoNSKeTUlT, lllK InDIANB, WaMI'IM, KT(J. May y" first, 1675. Tlon"^ and Worthv Gent'meii. , ■ , ^^;„one as I'was possessed of this place. I gave y..u an acco' of it, ,m.l n.y ben.g to eon ,nue i„ the e/.imuand thereof, under his Royall Iligbnesse, -hairing to keep that g 1 ..orrcspondence I uULdit i.artieularlv with such worthy iNeigbbonr.. , ., r . , ,• H s \la- and Uovall Iliglmesse. have not ..nely taken elTectuall care, lor tbe uture dHcuv ,, , P i : on but also for the beucitt 1 Prosperity .,f the Inhabitants and Traders ot ,l,,s „ J V .„ber respect ; Pursuant to whose co.umands, I have (as the hard weather woul-l N Nkw ViiUK, New York Historical Records. g^g porinift) done my Duty in sottliii.' tliis ivirt of fl„. r' , . , Lis it,>v.ll iliKh-n^Jxen-ituo.; J i. ;^^T'"''\t"^ ?"^"'« ""'' '' «'•-' I-t of eo,.yesof i.is Ma-^^^ Lf. P.ait; to ^Z ^^ tw;'; Z r" ^'^I f' ^■"" ""-<^^' -a..-, ..y whi..!, y.,r, ... ,,. ,,,„,,,, ,^^^^^^ boo 6.:^.:^'^^ J": t f '^rr'^^''^" ^'^ coniMiiKsi,,!, ut lanro unpeurus • Aii,I ,1„ tl„.,.,.f ,. i ''"'" ^'■'«",.i.-, h^, tho suid rutoiit and Hi^'iulyud ii. hi. LiH, [Vituuts v„i, will „K.., ,.- „f in- I'louMiro and eoniiniuids, ltif,'l.ts and I>os,so.s.sion«, and all Log.il u„d Jndici 1 IV f •' ^"'"''^"■'"'■^ '" ^''^'i'' -^-'^t "II othor 1-nviled.o. an.! advant^s .7": g" . I^^^^ furtl.e.- o,,.ortuuityo.s for tl.ci.- ,oo,T; as al.so in . n ll ' v'"' ''" T^'Y "'' ^'''"' "^' "" 1 P-y n. .,eody and otfectnai; an.v.., l! U ^iS: ^f -"■''-'^7'' ^^^ Colony. «ont oxpresso at this time, of vo^ li.st (icn' ' (Vn,./ ."""'"'''"'/^ ; ■^"'""'■'^ ^^'''<, whom I have ^ -^. -i.-t 1.00 thj ..iLt i; vd w' r 'Ls:::; i-'ir '^;n'':" ^^---^ ^-^ not suffoi- hy any delay ; J am ' ' '^ '"' ^^"^"" ^i'.^'l""^^=^t. Intumst, Jlon''" and wortliy (icntlmcn. Vo"' moat Imml.lo sorv.' Tho Lre M-as dircrtrd. To y- Il„n^=" .t worfhv tlw. r • i, -v,. '^'''"""'" Mr. /,■'- 1 an.nn,din;i :;; t!::;;:';;;;;; '■• ^'^^"^ '"'" ■" ""'^'•-' — -'< -i- 1 Answ.r.V: , h-d... ' '" ''""•■"'' ''■" ""■"' >'^" 1'-- < ''-'kTs to wait th.ir Von are to boo Carofnll not to mrmj. knowno rill afr.. d..|lv..n, nor tboVont^n;:.' tl^o l' n^" '' "'" ' '"'"" ^'"" ''''''' "'^'^ '^ ''^^ "^'* -■. - » « Li «H:.:,r n:.;:;:;;,:::::;';;:;';;;;: ' '^ - - •™' '-i-v™ ■ 1 .-' }0 .self., ..,, ,, t, J.,,, ,„ ^^,„, „^.„^^, ^,^. ^,j.^,_^^,^,. , ^^..^,^ ^^.^^^^ ^^ _^^^^^^^ _^^^^__^_^^^^_ ^^_ ^^^^^^^^^^ May tlic 1" lti75. S7 id |iroc.'Ot'(liiii,'s. bi'iiii,' thoro, an vish you a jjood Vo'' hnniblo .--crv' no to K. A> MIKOS. if M(|' ♦ .'J V(f ,,i. C90 Jiurli/ Colonial Settle iiicnts. At a Councell May 25'" 1675. Present The Govern', The Secretary, Capt. BroMok.^, M' /.'('/wmv, Capt. Di^re Tlem tte, nna r ..onsidenu,,,; was an An.wer to the (iovern'- Le„e.- sent hy M' .Sj...<7 Z../.!lo r "i--'''-nl(ien'' Court of 6V..c..V.« at /W.n/, aho„, y" hasten, l.onn.lso, y Diikcs Patent. , , n i Tlie Govern" Lett'M- to CoiweficoU Orilered to he Kntred. T — being .-ead, ana y^ Answer of y" Gen- Co'- fonnd '-«-«-^;,^;^,,:;^ : 1 That another lett' bo forthwith sent to y" (Jovern' 6c Ass.stat.ts .v.pnrm, a l"'-^ ^^^ < >; ^ with his Ml- Pleasure, sii,M,ifiea in his Letters Patents; In delanlt where..f to pu.te a a.nst ;;«!;• dd^y or Ohltru^on; and of all Danuges, (Ws, Charges, .fe I neon ven,en<,es that n,a, '"''ThJ'^rn;:;' " r Oovemonr and Assistants of a.cril.oU Ordered ,o l.ee sent, was rea.l in Couneell, and approved of : ("apt. C,>lUer and M' A.hton appointed to goe .nth ,t. Instrnetions for ('apt. Colli r \. Mr. Ashton. Havin. herewith reed a Lre to the Go : .,r Dep'^ (iovernMU.d Assistants, or Magistrates of 6?.«iiv«^(.'olonv, to be delivered at llarlfonl ; you are without delay to repanv tuther. and ^Syt wt d. said Lre as directed, to the ( 'hiete Magistrate in that phu. ; and to let ,n, Zw\r-0.-.K.rf- to receive and oring ha-k to nu-e, their Answer, .t they plea.e l-u to u-e ^ o make above one ni.hfs stay, nnlesse they desire it. and if so, tuay longer but not ■ ::;dh"i;e Lke, ana to return to n.e wi.i,out delay. Von are to bring n.e an aeeo' to who.n von deliver the s'' Lre, the time, and au.swer you reeeive. ,f • , , . "^ In ase the said Lre shotdd happen to he refused to bee read by any Mag.trate or Mag.s, ate» upo,> a," petences, yon are then to Protest agah.st any such Magistrates, .n dtseharge of , o Dutves to l)ee answered at his or their Perdls. n f ,. ,;„ . 'y;. tnav, as vou have opportunities (particularly to the Magistrates) asst.re all of nn ctu,, f,irlv ami ea.uidK- as anthoriil ; And of tuy inelina,ou, to contribute t,. n.y P.;wer, tor then , ot- e,p,all f vour in this Govennn' and n.ay hint to then, their danger ,u pe,.s,>t,ng t„ ae :. lance others i,. his Royall llighues^e'lerritorves. Witho..,, (ii not eontra..y to an thorn von al" in y./ going, ^tay a,.d ret.....e fron. the-.e, to be ve.-y ea..t.dl to con.port joseKe... "vol. ou<'ht, and to irive no just cause of otTenFc. ' Y.m are also'to deliver ,..y Lres to (/ W!ntlroj, and Major WnUhro,, h,s son. n .he e. withn.yse.wice; Ih.t i,. ca>e Go: Winth:,> sho.dd be gone .. /W,,. <>.• .Isowl.ere, o>. o, the c!!l!my'yo,t a.-e the. to b.iug back n.y said Lre, but n.ay set.d Major II n,tlu.,.X. I^.. 1. / 1 wish \ouago,.d.Iuurney. and i-eniaine ^ ^^^^ E.Amu:.-. :w; :;;;;':» 'i:™i..^." ^^^'^ ^*- < - '- 1 -" »>■■" »■ ■ ■ ■"■"' ''""" '" '■""" Capt. Salinhiir^. fiii^isti'iiti's of tliitlii'r. ami 111 til Irl liilH y iilca.-i'. I'lUt li^ur, liut iiiit tjuu' to whiiiii (if iiiY actiiii,^ for tlicir liuml rsi^tiiif;' to act V tiiuiithnrily) t y(i''M'l\vs as ;iill, (if tlicri''! re, Kilt of till! ]\\ui Loiiilvii; [it. ll'w. Dijre. H' I'll joylifil til h and Cliiiivh I llI'llL'fl'll to till lUi't of A.-.-izt'S, This aftiM Nev) Yoi-h Ilktoriml Records. noi.nr ,1 Irtjor cuiniiii,' fnim I[,„ifor,l 691 CapK (;„iri,>r &(•. Tlio Lctforn sunt fi'oiii 1. ,v'' Kiiiirs Comiiiissioii" I'utuiit ivad. TIk' f It Co lOIK'l! . ill ^I'lsvvoi- to r Govrn" Letter sont by vv .V ansNv.r. woro roail. Cuu, Hir„tt I-atent, & 't'ttiU's now reuM Imi IS nisolvoil to s..,„l an Answer to it, reinforei.i;^ tl.o fonnor dcnni'il i;"f^"'^- ''^•'''•'".-' '^^^^-^ Ai.riil 2.;, lOdt. Anil to let tli ^1^' ,iiiil,i,'e(l no sutliciciit A n.-wor. iinissioners Dou (lisohoy his M, ill 11""' pleasure sii^nifveil ji lis Letters I'liteiits ti •ellion. This to hoc sent l.y sullu^iiMit Messeng" frouj 1 Tlie Governo™ Letter to 1 Its Ordered, fortiiwitii t icnee. i^ an attested Copy ,,f y« II know, that in ease tliev ^ Koyall Iliidmesse It is "■•>i-diiii,' to an Aet of y' (Jen" C,„irt of A o lie sent to Cnectirnlt read. o hi! sent with a Copy of the C shall l)a.sse for d'' AV-/' h'nij'anil nn.nev, W in (Joll : Liii)i'hi<),n t nissioncrs Patent. Ordered Tl penny, Xem Knijhtml Silver at ?, .and old Kn,,l.nul 4 hereliifore at S (inij,!" i,,.,,,,.,^ q, j.,.,, .^,, j^^ ti,i,'(jy„„f,.^: At a CoMlieell .liiiit; 28"' ] f!75. I're.-ent. The doverno'. Tin C/'apt. SaliJiurij. , H ainpiiin as it now doth, Vi/.' a lat iiiie a jro,,,! piuf,,. „f Y:\<'\\t )lacl<, or (J white f for one, in Wanijioine, A be pay- or a aver al.so as I'l-etary. Capt. llrocUohs, Mr. Jn' L •'iiorenre. C-uit ipt. J>u •>v. Th payment of the Dut yes lor It was liesolved, That all Tol Tl lioni whence it eanie, shall not he ohliia.,! t, o hein": taly their e.stahlisht >o eontniue in their respect III \'' Lawcs (hereiif. i.ioy their Chiirrh i'riviledire> S: 1 awes as crsiin> a-^ liv,. srandalmidy, or disturhe v" I'lihl iliertv iif their (. I'pie peace of the (inverniueiit, by aet pectivo places formerly: Ami that all 'on.-cieiiee.s. Unless such iiii,' contrary The ( •lulv I, ir. '.i\erii'' t <'A'K or semi upon y" I'laiv to diniaml 111' receive v" .'-.ann A LeIIrr 1,1 (iiiv. Winth if 1 S'. Alioiit ;? a clock this iiiiiriiin::, 1 i res, (it' the Imi ■ec' yo" (if tlio \- \M\> Chrislians to Ivi-tward ot em;,' ill ariiios in I'hji,,., ('„!„ Inn her to vmi wards; 1 Villi, as nearo as .\' '"■^taiit, to-ether with several ','A and their having destnived irr,iwi/in» ff, and a 111 till I' nil very much troui.Vd a; the Christians misf pprehenijoii ,if their f >pye; icveial eiiiliiii il iris, |n.|n<; so nver poweivil \,\ ^u ereiipijii, I h^i cli lie'atliena I'tiines. Mild hard di.sast :ers. sueh Se.sol ■e h.isriieil II !■■ COIIIIII'' to vo' t may liee titt li.r i Part nee, upon this extra •S and added a Iforce to hee re.idv to take iii.iri lo M'li nut this eveiiiiio>, and t.i mak,. ,1 iry oi-i-asion, with which 1 iiitem Kin ail lliirliiic.s..c lliinmls tl InV was M'lii il, |',,st ha-i, froiii C,,:,..,!. i,, c,,,,^,;,! W best I if mv war. to ( lei-e at my .arrival!, voii si ^ o' iihi>t hunilile serv'. 'oii^rfiei/ff River, 1 tiis lall hcai-L I'lirthcr I roiii !■:. A Nni!- 'I ! 092 I'MiUj Colonial S'cUknwi(9. Al!iCom.cuIl.ru1y4'M075. I'lv^f.it Tl..- (}..vi.ri.o' Tli(! Sccivtary, Cai-t. /irorUm/cx Mr ./. Lnmvnrr ( apt />///■ ..pinion ..I' tin' Coumvll Timt Vom'cliaM dotli n..^ oxin.-l n...' .I.'miv iws.stimco fr.,m iirt ill relay.jU t.) tlu' In.ivim Distui'i.aiicc, us tliis tiino. Vn..n .Inr (;..n.si,U.ra.;c.n ..f y" Intolii-cn.-o in.w Hcnt l.oni thoncc cuucvnui.- y' In'lv'ma l{'..,,lv...l That V (i..v(MMu.' d..u i.rofoo.1 on liis i.iton.lcd voyu-o to CoMvtimtt tortl.w.tli, .^ do tako'a fon'o wi.!, 'im... t,. I.o in >v eapiunty to pn.to.t, that part of hi. Iloyall llifediuus,-., t.uvurn- nii'nt, as tiioiv may i.u ()i'ca.-.ii)n. At a C-nncvll .fniy --'t'" lfi75. n ^ /i I',v>ont Tin- Gov.Tin.' Tho Sooretary Capt. Bvool-h h^. Mr. //<... Lnmnu-.^ Ca-.t. /Vr. TlioGoveriu/ ivlati'8y"si'Vfi-all passaj,'i'H..f liis v,.y:i:,'.>. ,, ,, .• , llc.s,.lv..,l, Ti.at an Onlor l,o sent t.. y'' sev..rall T,.w.u.s upon Ly Mau,l. to ,...n,.nno a .,..„ (]„„stal.lc. Watcl., nntill fnrtlu.- Or.ier, ^- to tako Ca.y. tl.at f Indyans n.w disarn..! I... n,.t unv wise In iu.v.1 l.ut assisted npon any o.rasi..nn'.puivu.i; It. ,n.f.„w ■ Tl.at Mr /',// !>.■ u-ntt..n t... to tak. a daily acW of his Indyans, nnlcs. ihoy .end lIostaj,'C. to this phu u which would he hest. 1-.. Tiir; Indian OrrnuKAK in Nk Lcttkus ani> Oki.kus fkom CiovKKNoi: AM.K..S IN Ki:i,.vnoN K IVNOI.AMI. A Ire at So,hrooh. from the (;..: to the C.: or Dep'v (i..; ami Assistaiit., ..r ehi.f. Ma.ristrate. ..f the Colony, of ConoilmU. to h.r d..liv.,vl to th.. ehiefe of them at WnUonl. July the S'" Um5. II(.n'"' Gent I writt io von at lai-'C, tin 2^'" l-ast. bv Mr. Mn ( 'nlbjcr, .iml also l.y another the i'" in.t in tin. ,,: ^ . ^tmil; of -u' expivL, npon y,. ti, f the In lyans . .h.llion and U.^lurMn, 1 iv,. Z. Aee,.- of mv intent this wav, and to thi- I'h.v, wh.iv 1 a,n m.. arnv. Unt hn.lm. . :asion ho..r upon the Imlyan A-eoM an. s..din. a small v.s.ell inrther Las war, ,.r ,c.lli.'em.e. an,l .h. sen-l this ,,v ovor.... to y,.n. in his Ma and Itoyall h^huesso hehaUe to TZZ.^ d ro..t an.l dVeetnall An.w.r to n.y .orn>,.r lav. whi,.h 1 here atten.l n. d,.-har,e ot n,y E. A Minos. dntv, am.r.llii.i.''.y. I" the m.^aiie time remamo Ilono'"' (rent. , , , , i Yo' alTec"'" tlrien.l iV hnmhle serv' A Lre r.f the same .late, nt .V- ahronh' from tin- (i.. : t., the < io : of Boston. ""TLnot otnitt this opportnnitv i.v Mr. A.lr.o /^ /.^v. with toy .v.p,.,.,s fo^^ive yon a,. ..,.ot of >nv arrivall to this place, hein.Mutetnl.M to these i'arts npon A, '-the Inn, s,ex v,-.M i^ is r .- Lres Patents, lletween his K..yall H^ and r.,n.r,;.n,f : Hut sn.l.letdy ha>tene, l,y the Ne ; rom (4o: WintLn,, Ly expresso ..f the Indyans Irruptio, 1 i;:n-,,ar,.n.,e.s,. : O wlueh ^ , . .din., hearin. m, fnrth,.r. 1 Ix.pe there ahva.ly i, (or will hee s,...,!, y. a ,oo,l eve, A 1 t tl... r mits havin.M»-eeed...l i,. y" fai,v>t ,nann..r nre and .-o, - ;: , wi ot donht asnitahle isstn- the.vin. a -.lin.lv ; ...• .- and ,l,e In.han rnes 1 do :;;; .nd here, whe,. 1 .hall h.-,l..d, .,r a, my n..n.-ne. of any .,pp.„tnni.y to .erv.. w.n. ,-..n,a,n.,„ II. .„.."■■ S'- ^'o'' ve,v ln,,n!ile h.-,\ ' K. Anhkos, s. 11UU! :i ^'ooil Il''(l l)i'0 licit lie 1"' iii>t in 1 ll,irli.iri-iii, , liiit liiiiliii'.r vistwiinl i<><: iM'. tu'lialfe to ■li:irij;o iif my ) irivc you an lits, cxin'c-^il .^tcnril tiy tlu^ sr: or whirli i fviMit ; Ami siiri' ami coiii- I'Olll'I'MII'-i 1 ilo (lU, I'l'iiiainiiiiC NllKOH, H. Mm Voi-k Jlidorieal Jiecords. S'. A(wi(liii;r to tho Aecj" I gave no : Wlnfhron [ iiin very Borry to hciiroof yoiircoiitiiiiicl inilispo.iifi,,ii, ul,!,.], I ) tho Itidyiiim |)roi-mliiif,M, owiiHiuns my hcikHiiu; thi^ ^,„„|| \-, .„,ii ■'V>, I arrivod ycBtonlay to tliis Post (598 wliori! I jmrtl.-nlailv of yo' hertltli iukI if yoii ^V-mv. wlmt Ni OnlortM til.' Maxtor, WilHam !(',/,•/,, (if you HJnl Intrll ows you li:ivt! of tho 8!ii lor \m\y Ijo ic any wayes cMpali!,. of scruiii'' \ou witii all ;vsp,„;t in my I'ow.'r, to tlu- Worfiiv G i-ci'nnii,' •o ami conniijui.ls, with all I, liuing rc.iliv ovcriio', and beo glad f Sai/irooh', ,1'lly the ',!"' 1 t!7r>. H'"- \\;/r/r \uA I'o' niost afTcc:"''' huml.iu Scrv' K. AN'nitos. I'iKM .nn. I,on was h CI vh 'V>, with tho Intelligence of the h on y, -that r iniinediatelv made leadv t listened the sonner, i,y the receipt of a Lro f laii disturbance and I I'Olll :o coiiit' (I nsiirrection iu I'Jijmnnlh wliere I may stay vet, some k-w daves loii WinC IT 'P relating the Indyans being di.perst, imt coiit ut with two sloopes, and arrived to this 1 re'' a Lre froiii Ma iigcr; I have this !• lace, v'elMie aving now tlii iniie ill tl ~rl, o|>portunity by a I^.at going over to S,„(thl,„l,l \ WW llll>riicl\MilS hereof; and the rather, it lieitii,' liv t ^ eoiifedcracv betwicii the Iiid hem Eastward sii-pi'ctcd, that tl practice was williiiM; to advertize vi AWstwaid; I lit if yon do (imk vans, e^cn tl I.. JhL lere i- a Oimi"'! Intcjl itieiice e aiiv time' ti'om vi ""vov IImv, wl,i,.l, we cannot perceive to tli Pirt ;ive nice It notice to this pla amongst those Tiidvans f ,1 occasions, and d- Intend ((Jo.l williii") t place, and in llie nieaiie time, will not doubt x^' I'Mi'e yoii care iiiioii al Slh'ri^t, Dead ott wt II to liddtnit, bavin o see \.fii IU mv refiinu lljioii the >.ves. II'" It; I ■a I'd liotl nil:,' to the '1' M' lo,,p,., for the eiideavoiiriii" th. 'oiii lieih-e, r do llltclK I >ne it already, I jiray they may winch I writt to you of before; Therefore if the I,i,| L'cllill-- up, ,11' t,- liee in a am vo'^ ready n yaiis lia\e not esse for it, which I tliinke may be in a fewd:i M^ }tu,/l„ E. A: MiKoS. !Ia\ iiiij n< It ice Eiiirli.-l if the Irruption of the Tnd igli.-li. III anil on this si Pait.- iind to tal;e Ord 'f I'hjIIIDHtll Col, III I/, 1 yans. and their barbarous jiroceedin^s airainst tin ath oi-casioiieil mv baslniii';- tc l''i' 111 •■iiiy thing thai iiiav bee waiilin.' Un- th visile tilt curity. To which end I !■ pfl HI ^> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 !^«- IM I.I 1.25 L m 2.2 ;■ i^ 2.0 1.8 LA. Ill 1.6 % <^ /}. ^a % .'J" ""^ ^<% V % .V*' ^ ^4 $^. ^ riluiugiutJJliL, Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ""\\ ■^ (V .^ I^<^l/nvnj>lon. But least you :u„l y./ NoiKrl.l.o" of^rantnchtt r n .i^h't with a.„uu.ui,o,., ana thcvUy .uticr by the ..ul luay^.s vn.ptu... I u.o itl I Ilav, ais,ateh"t this slo„po ."- Anuuu.ngon, and to E-.-iu.ro o yo .tate to w.t tor c Ba,; 11 of Powde.., tHftoou Muskotts, and f..un,o Skevnos ot Mat.h ; iho .hu . to h. t , h. kind., to the .tore, at N.w Yorke, when you ..n with .■onv..n.uneo ho .u,,,, lyod. I dei you will furnish the master of the sloopo .vith a Pilot or Diroegons to iV.«^./v./, as he sh 1 hav occasion ; and that von will send -nee by bin. an acco^ of the state of all t hm,. ..th t 1 i /sent uneture, .s to yo' strength or posture of defence, it any of the sa.d In .vans C atten pt to eo.ne upon yo^ Island, that I may take such further Orders K3 n.ay be f.tt n tZ shin not faile (God wiilin,) Ml our Itulyans Westward, are h.ther to, very t to .V«./»..Z'.<^ by the Sloope at that tnne "'"^l: Annnunieon sent thither, was one Barrell of Po.der, ten Musketts, and three Skeynes "*"^^?!t' Lre was directed, To M' ir.'l.n.l Ganlnn; and Capt. Jolm nard,.r, or Chute Magistrate, & Otlic", at Nanturkett. Instructions for Franrk fe, being sent with his Sloope to Marf.n. Vn. ,nr,l and I^itnincl'i'tt. ^"'"'lkv^"rec'> on board y.. Sloopo, two Barrolls of Powd,.. twenty live ^-kotts a.l ..en P wder ten Muskets, and three Skeyt.es of Mat.^h, taking a llece.pt, of the Clnet Mag .t., t. . oZ^ a =u.h plae , t.. whom vou shall deliver it: Havings,, done you are ,.ot t,; sta.n ^S^ ph^ d.,. e .,n Tv.le, nnlJsse It n.ay happen that the Indyans .h,u,!d lloek over In.n, t ;:;;;: '.d .« Ciefe Magistrate . Ot.e. .1.^^^ y. --■ ^ --- ^^ ;::::;.;:: .nil: •;::;):t;e:;::::,;;;:m t,. chiet Magistrate, ..0,... . ... |r;:l.,u a,. .win,ls and weather p'n.itting) .0 n.ake the best ,d y,. wav. baek to n,ee, to ^,. "^t vo^ goin. there, and return. You are to take Care, That yo^ s.^lV, ^-''b--;-' ^;;-;": W vigUanr^ (Wull in the businesse, and do give ,,o,ust ("aus,. ,, ( ;,n>p a mt ,^^^^n^^^ they shoul.l not have oeeasion, or desire f Annes. you a.e to bnn. then, bark .uh v-u . ...I. you a good Voyage, and am Yo' I.oving iTri.^iid, \\. Anui;o.-. SoHtlilwU, July U'" H'.To. New Yorh lUdoviml Records. p^^ IV Woodhnll. iVew; Tc^rZr, August tl.o 4^ 1C75. I l.avc this HfK,r„o:.n rcc" yo" of the 4'- which I suppose w.s writ v.stcnlay ; vou have cK,,,.. W(,-l lu prosfcufug n>j Orders to yo' out In.lyau.s of Un^inechanr. for thdr Arn.es, and part ieuiarl v Hondmg ;i party to conipell then., when they did not punctually hri.ig them in, a.s vou de-ind wh.eli eunnot he ii nu.ssc, thougli tis possible the Sacheui being at S,mthion, (as von all alleid..v) to that day, and others dispcrst, might have no notice, so not faulty ; ISnt I wo"uld not haue ,"m ta.le to seize the Tndyan iressengers you se.it, as soone as you can light on then., and n,.le-e t'hev eang.veyoua Satisfacto.y Account of Endeavo", that you seud^he... up hither hy the ti.'st (onven.ence, a.id iorothe.'s, that you conti.n.e the sa.ne ca.'e for their protecyon (heing disanned) and do then. Justice, upon all ..ccasious .•e.i.u.'ing it, of which v,.n niav acquaint them a.^iine • I nee Account therecif It any tlnng .•e,p.,nng it ; As to the Charge of the Pai'ty, or any thing else cncer.dng the I'..bliek I thinke It ought to be bo.'ne by the Publick, and shall l,e allowed out of the Countrv Rates • l!ut It any seen, to exact at any time, y.m may send up their demands hither, whe.'e it 'sh,n' bee dete.-....ncd. Hut no,.e an= to bee snlfced to .-efuse a Pnblick Service ; i hope all our Indv.ns w.ll bee quiet, Put yon. a.'e not (lioweve.-) to omit yo' watching, till fm-ther order ; I am ' Yo' very Loving tlriend. k T . ,^ E, Axii.ius. „ , A Letter to Scatalcott. dent. In the absence of the Gov..rno^ I rec" yo' L.-e by Serjeant /;;y,;... The contents , hereof relating some appreheneons you have of yo^ Indyans ill .lesigne, for that thev stra^de abro,,] .nd are not Conformable as they ouglit. to the Orders left by the Gove.-i.o' ; I hav^ made some en,'„',irv •'l>-u. the matter, and advised there upo„, ami in answer the,-eu..to (at p^sent) can n.ake yoi, n'o olu'ri-eturne then that yon give y.M.idyans, notice duely to obseiwe the Geve.w.o" Oi'de.-s .^. Dnvceous; And ifai.y one of tluan. shall do any viohmt Act, or FL.rbo^ 8tra.,ge Indyans withoe: giving notice the.vof, that y,.u send tl„.m up hither, where they shall be Secured, to answer their n.isde.neano^ or ('ontempt ; Of the which, the (Joveriu/ will shortlv bee back, to bee Jmha- • In the meane time, it will not bee proper for yon to show anv Doubts. 'or feares vou n,av have of them; ()nely to have a vigilant eye. over their Ac.jons, otherwise to live with'tliem aJformerlv lom, the Indyan hath been beer.., who sairli bee came from the Sachem, only to see if the Governo' we.v .vt.i.aied, for that bee intends then to come to ,he (iove.-n,/, as bee ^as appointed • At his Ilono" .-etunie (which may bee expevted -be latter end of this, or b..,di.ning of the next weeke) such f.„-ther O.-der, will bee taken about yo^ alfaires, as will bee thou J.t convenient ; This IS all apt ''sent ti-om, (ient, Yo[ very Loving iTrieiuL A^c«. r,vZv Aug'' ;](•'" it!75. . Amuo. B.joeK..oi.Es. :ii5;ii.l imrm- f J ml I r ,j(j,. Jut?!// Colonial Settlements. O. ir. Indians C.mi-i.ain not n. iiavk hkkn i'AM. r.u tiik Lani> uk Hkmpsikai. T..wn. Au-ii>t. 5"', it'.ir). Mr. AVr/,' lllldcrdceoe Slm,^ luul OV,-/y. /A'*/'/c7^ Hi-poare lor y" l.-Nvnoacconlmg to the..- ■""""tIk. ().vasiou was upon a Ciui-laint .na.lo l.y 7'/,7.V''>'/.s/„, Sa..l,..u of .l/„.J^..«j/cv.fe other Tn.lvHMs luv.e.ulin,^ non-pyment l.y llcupste.l U- tk.ir l.uul upon the I'hunos, Ia./^>ousl.a not a,,i,:.ariui no. .ny frou. l.in>, It was r.forrua to the noxt Co^' ol' A.,zus, when all partycs fur a linall (lii'isioii of y'' DilTLTcnee. . i:,.on r I""lv'-'« aiMK'aranc.. aftornoon.. th. //,>„j.t,,.l n.cn wore callcl aj^awc; I„cj>o,<- .ha <\mJ. V .1/, nro,:h Lan.l which //..^W, , ,/ enjoy was never paul fur. It s alleadged pay- „,ent was l.n'mj.t. hnt hein,.r short was n..t re.viveJ : This tor y^ North sule. \. for V South, llee saith llUewise that it hath not heeue panl for neither. M . d,h,,l,:.u ...ith'th.t t!;..ir ri.ht is iVou, y" Duteh (lovernour whol,ouj,ht it A. granule.] .t 1^- 1 atent to then, ;i"!t Ili.hs par, of it was to bee given in Con.idera.ou of a Mare, .o.ne Cattle ^ Hoggs kille,! '"'Thev pleade-l Cun.,ne.t of then, likewise ^ say that y^ J/«.^,..ZW^ Sacl>en. who ..s ..l,i.fo S;.hen. of the Islatul, eonlinnea this Ian,l to then.. The Ind^^ns deny that Saehetn r.ght ,o .'ive awav their land, .^: still insi.st upon it. never to have heen paid lor it. •^The(;:.vernoM>roposedtov"lndyaus to know what they would d.e.s.ro as Sat.sfaefon to. ,,„i, p;,„i, !,u, that it he i.. ...ode.-atio.., the Tow,.e uf IU,„i.sLad l.avn.g heen so lo..g ... pos- M'ss.on. rhe,- deshv ti.ne to eou.-i.lrr of it, & to advise with their IVieuds. Tlu'v a,-o allowed tin.e to eo,.sider of it till f (love.'uou.^s .vtm-ue t.-o... Alhany. CoiNrii. MiNi-.i:s. Tni; I. I. Im'ians AM. I.I.; Wa.mn (•onni;.t..i:t. At a 0>u.uvll Sept'- 10"' ltM.5. ,, . /, l',-esent. The (iover..o' Ti.c See.-eta.-y. Capt. /irorkU,.., Mr-/, /.aurnicr. Capt. /h/rr. Mr J'Wd'rick I'lidipn. , The ...alter u.uler C'onsi.leraeo,, was ahont y" Indyaus at tins p.vs..nt |unetu.v. U,.olved That wee o..uh. ..ot to h.vake W" our l.,dya.,s upon Aee' of f wa.Te i.etwcene o' \..i.d.ho,-s .t their l...lva.,s. Thev .veeivh.g ...o.e he,.ef.tt by o^ l-eaeo w'" the.,., whereby tl...y are i,i,.d.-ed f.'o... .iuy..ing w- their Kne.uys. Neithe.^ to prohibit f sellh.g of i'uwder to our l,.dya.,s. but tobe .-etrnlated ns foi-uici']y an.l areordin- f'' hi^^' , „ . , , Tlesolved, to se.nl for all the Saehe.ns and a..p.ai..t tl.eni w.th y" Peace n.ado above a, Alharn,. and to assu,-e the,.., that (^„npo,■,ing theni.eives as they ought. A: have .one, they shah b,. ,,n;teete.l, a..d ...ay live .p.iet.and the.vupu.. That a.. t)rd. r ;,ee n.ade lor ,he l.e-lehve.y ol the,, Anus to them. At a C.nneell Sept^ 11"' Km.'.. . ,, . /■ P..e>ent The (iovern,/ The S,.e,v,a,w. (!apt. lirn.U.hs. M-. ./. Lnn: ,.:. Capt. Ihjrr. Mr Fred /'/'ih'j'S. KAi) Town. A'ew York llistormtl hWorda. ggy A flvfinj,' niiiK.iir of f Jn.lyaiid t;ikcn into CoiisidoniCMi beinj Se;;rl;: "^ '■'^^''^•' '"■ ""^ ^^^^'"'^"" ""*"• ^' ^'"^^■'- «"- - -• - ^-rd of. the, Orilorud, That ( .'apt. Willhuu Lamrnre hv •i(I,l,.,l t,. ,•« l„ .f .• . .> lJl.o„ the <;oini,lai..t of C>t. 77/,.;««« ro,««*,Wof Oudciau Thtt nnnv of v r 1 . •. . lliUKUiiiu I)e:ii^' taken into CoiiHMlLTayon. "^-muus. It id ( )nlerecl, TImtt all per.son3 Whatsoever who are diroeted in v" !•,«• f > ■ ,. ur . or Trainings, be .trietly Enjoyned to oh.erve .^ ohev it ( thonvi I n e "!>'" ^'"^'''"' the res,.ective ph.ees are strictly re.iuire.l to F .vvT 'V""''^^'^V (.m.stahle & Overseers of "': If "f ""• -"• '^i!» i»^o -^ :::3:: t's;.;f.t'rr'' "r retnrne tliereof to y» next ( 'ourt of Sessions. ' ""-^ '^"'"'^ '""'^'^ At a (Joiineoll ^vp' ir,'>> 1G75. Present Tlie Governor The ISeeretarv Cint A'>./>^2.;,«7 , . nr r r />r^ yV,//,>, ^' '^" ^^"'^'^^'^^'•^- ^^' J- Laurence. Capt. Z?y;.,. Mr lliat eaeli Townc upon l.onn I xhtml \: i)e|)endeMces h,.,.., ;,,v„ .if <• .-.■ r • i ^ :!/,; Qj.„j ^ Lkitkk Bi:xT TO Soi-riii-oN and SKATAi.corr. I yosterd^iy rec- yo" of the 13"> instant, so U,. u <.on,inj,. (.s the In.lvan saith) hy reason of the wett weather; I arrived hero on the 9- instant, late, ...d an. sorry to heare tl,a von as :i :;: . rT ^-]'^^}^^^:^-^^^^^^^V^^ ^^ ^>l- Report of onr Indv..s ill in);:!; aM>M>tn., ^^lu,•h I endeavour d, an.l hope is now Ue,.tifyed, and all Part vos well satislled ml .,uot;son.e Olheers fron, all the Townes, ,>n this side W,,/../^ and all ihe S.du.ns of /J; Kope, yon would no, ave i,een alarn.M, yt I writ to yon on the 1 V\ whieh T hope ean.e well to o' hands, and sat,si.de yon ; The san.e ni.ht, 1 Ordered and sett out a sloope arnled. to erwise i' H. sound, an.! the n.xt nu.rnin.^ went n.yselfe in n,v i'innaee.as farro as Mr. /'.//. ,o the Indv.-.ns there, an.Mron, thence io ffin.hiwj.M.A home hy Land, the Letter to settle I'eoples niindes; I iu.w :'i U \uWV f''4 :$ (.93 Jiarly Colmiial Settlatienta. seiiil von 'i copv of a Proc-livmaQon, roliitinjj; t.. tlio siiid matters, tlut it nmy hoo f,.rt1nvitl. put in ExeeuQon l^.tli l.v yon, and the NLM^libourii.g Tow.ios ..f SoMh'M an.l Kixthmnpt,,,,, to whom you ■ur to scMul o'.pvcM attestcl, aii.l also to ..onimi.nicato this, ..ot Iiavin- tin.o t . wnh- lo tl,,.,,,, and ninvilli.i.' to stay yo'oxpi'es.so Indyan; Thou^M. I do not apprclM-nd any .Ian -cr by ti.. Indyann. vet tl.ero .sl.all continue an ar.u.d sloope to ply in tl.e Sound, that so, no ill Indyans >n:,N h.vn oi.portunitye. to crosso it, at their pleasure, whieh sloope is intended to call at SoutkhoU -.uA J^Lhampton, sonietinie the next wouke; and if there should l.appen any omvs.on more sloopes shall bee forthwith sent out, as the matter may re.iuiro, so that I hope, none will have cause t.> neglect their Lawfull occasions; recommending you to bco vi-ilant, and that I may heare from you, upon all occasions re-iuiring it, 1 remaiue ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ .^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^ New Yorke, Sept. the IS"' 1C75 ^'ostscript. It being Resolved, That the Indyans of the Xorth a,.d West Hidings of I.nn.j Lland, shall (by reason of their good cmport, and the seas..n of the year) have then- (.n,.s r..stor.c ,0 thorn. vo,i have likewise Liberty to do the sa.ne, in yo' Part., unlesse you know ot any ot yo Indvans not fitt to bee trusted therewith, exceptit.g Kn.t ha,npU>n and ShdU'.- Un.l, who hav.ng p" Jontribu.j..n, to the Xarnncjarndt Indians, are not to have the.n, for the p'sent To Mr. John To^>ijiwj, Jubtico of the Peace, and Capt. John Uowdl. Ihese at had Ilamjiton. E. Andkos. The Govkkno" Lettku to Mk. Wooimuu., sknt i.v tub Indyan, ruE 1 S'" Skit. 1075. I reC' vo" of the Ki'" the last Night, and am very w.^ll satisfyed, of yo^ Care and Justi.'c, in rel.-on to y" Indyans, who I tinde, have not misbehaved themselves. Notwith.stan returuo, and all satisfyed and well ; I am ' Or 8' Yo' very lioviiig iTricnd E. Anokoh. iwith ]mt in rt«, ti) wlloill rill- to ilu'Mi, tile ImlvMiis, lis ili:iy li;ivo )itthlii)l(l uiul iioro sldopos UIVO I'llllSU to ^' hoare from New Yurh iriHtuncal Jiecorda. 699 C, M. Inman 1',.,..;.,at,o.v .,r XANXLcKm' an,, AFartin. V.xkvau,.. At a Comiui'll. Sept' 28'!' lOT"). /v''Ty.w:. X'."- ■"'°'°'"""'- ""■*■ '"•■'■'■""''■■■ "'■■ •'■ '—• «»r'- Tlio niiUtor ill CoiisultatiDii WHS aI)oiit a letter hroii.rl.t- l,v .,., 17, ^ JAt/-/oM Vmeyord, not ulmvc 40 men at v" last it SO nn v f ,."' i- , , '■^'i"'vat er and -raudfather iiave stood always lovall to v" Emdis then tl whole Island att his eommaud & ler was a iri-t tl Iness to tlie En',dish it if any plot -nice tl lis is known t were att anv tii at help to y Eiitriisli l,;,^. '"•" "jion all oeeasions manifested liia faitli- Kn^dish it yo' hon' may be we 1 th( o many of the Eiwdish vet a! airn list tl ive: an d coiiccriiini ■tl em tyniely diseovei'ed tl leen in the least accpiainted witli anv f udi of late yea,-s we have held some cn-re iissured (for wo speiik if hef,,ro (iod the k lis plot now on foot leiii 6i a<'ai,ist the 1 any sucli niattt nower of all hearts) that had r w." should have diseove,-ed th,/ same it il was only with ri'ira •d t • our own Soi'ielv we I i,'reat it havitij; had wofiill experience of the .'reat d •pondency with N tnecraft y^i' \ leilii,' verv weak it f ion'' iiiav he ass„i'( fw in minibcr ife he beii, yy Uon' it to all r,-(! with the Eiidish C aptains it fouijht under tl ot our stoutest men I tion upon their enemies it had their free liberty to i-eturn 1 ,em it helped to doe lave been some exec'i- t'> reliiru to their friends & re!: ifives hv the ( ■loine beiiii,' dismissed upmi their de |)>iii^' yo'' hon" favourable acceptation of us lovernor at fioufnn we leavi now is the vsiiall ty,ne of ■e oiirs,.iv,.s with v. our hiiiitiiii' it tl lion'' :ret a ';it;v: ■: ii Juirly ('olonial Settlements. Ji 700 liUl, ,„,,vi„iuu .^ .un.o .kins for cK.tl.ing ct if our h.nnM. rciucst l.oroin, uuvy find a gradous Itrwr^huU take it as a fu..l.er .ngagcn.ent to yo' lIo»' & shall rest ,o' l.o.r hu.ul,lc scnan.s. £a,v//(i///M>to» outob 5'" 1»'>7">. ,, n W,.,L /y\ alia. MuNr..AHoN...N Q M"^"' ^'"•'""" ^ """'"""' * """"'"'"' WA-nA%ujUAi-i.N his mark aliaa ilcnUnnan his mark V;f mark.^ Ci.AKLKs C:,- Sachem co.msoUor In the name ami with the consent of the rest of the Indians att Montauckett. •p ills marko "*'t" I'iC; „,„.„ ,i,c .,i.or .uio I w,o.c ..po,, .hc.c.i™ of th. S:*-,.. *'"--;;";;? ™ z,^i;:f;i;.,i:'-~:.;r:::in>i;.rK::is,A.;:x;wi:;:".-f-'^ c rill '■..".» ....ti™--T»i > '»"'■">"'« "'« ''"|""» "■ 'I"' i':"'»:'"'f^'' "' '7 * ; 1 i ,1... l.» w,.„l.l tnvtl.,'.- .V „„ „-,„,■ .l,c l,.,.i,u.., ». t«.T ,« by ...,,. ,.™,., . .« it:£::i:r;:".x:::;ci:i;ri;^:::^^^;"'"-^^ MI. ;- ; ulence to act for y" hc.t .: ret w'- n.v lunnl.lc sen.ice to f U.m. ^ k.' ( onn.cll. -^ ' Y' lion" lunnhle supplicant att y^' Throne of (trace. , .„ , ,_^ Tno: .Tamks. n* An nKi.' PuoiminiNo TuAmMi w"' Inhyans. Whereas the Oen- Court of Assi.es. now in this city, di.l yesterday make nn Order stri..,ly ,„.ola i in.^ ti>e carrying anv n.anne.- of Drinks or C4oods to Traficke in any Indyan Planta.on or C S ^ellin. anv sU.-ng I .rinkc to Indyans, in the respective Townes or places of 1 ..Z-.^^.. ™Ly /./.;/ .Vdcp,.mlencics as also no Powder nor sl.ott, hut as ,s d,rec,e.l 0' '"' 1-; The^e are therefore to Pnhlisl. the san.e, and in his Ma nan.eto re.,mre the pnnctuall ol.er. „c H voraccr-lin.dv in everv particular, as you and every of yon, will answer the omtrary at yo ;!;;::;',Crnil. ^.ven undd. n.y han.. in .V.. IV^v, this T'- day of Octol.er, l... ^_^_^_^^ To ,l,e Mavor ^ Aldermen of this city, an.l t., the Magistrates an.l Officers in the respective Towius to eause this forthwith t.. he puhli-ht and ohserved. 8' New York Illstm-iml lieamla. A Letteu Wkiitkn to tiik D,.:,.'r Govkhno' ..f (A.Nix-ncnrr. roi -t. tl.M,.I. not so n.uch a_.s tlu.y r.port, 5 or 0000 Lulyans ..mJov,,..,! t.^.tliur, 1 a" ^ lO"' 1075 ^' ■'^NDKort. Coi'NCIl, ]\[lNt;TK.S. S IX'UKTAUY NlCOI.f.s (Ml II AIJDKI) WITH FAI.HIFVINi; TIIK Kiw; IIintinoton; Imhans. KKCOUIl; HAIIK UIVAI,- To tlie U If If. bond n^'lit Uono'"" (Jovcrii.a-vt tli,. 1 1 Assumlilud at tliis C, loiir' t'liall Coi-t of 'riif liiiMibIc Pftiti, Mat/, ISRIZL'B. '/Arv A'i,>„//s Suur Shcwctli. That is Iloiicir V" (ioNci-noi-. vtary to wl •■f'as y Iiiliabitaiits of J[,tntl,uj(h>„ ife Ei Sk-!ilino)v iSi Thn. I'oiocll wi'tl ■vcmll falno !<('aii(lali nwav V bofo K"oi| iiaiiK. i^' rc|)iifatioii of yo'' I'ctitioiuT iaily ./(', )iiH i^ malicious lis Woo,! fsaol- Piatt Th( rcimrts to IVtmct ami tak oro ami since not oiiiv ir liccoi'ils of this 0( ihm itc. Oct. I:.'"' 11175. 1 Word but inynionthc of Apriil li!7t ^. Diverse f ony iV- foystinj,' in an On!'' of A in writinu' liuve ehari,'i'(l vo' Pet Ulie: llltinel- of ra]selieiii'„,«/, II lo es anil teach \, Ke or smii small tvine nmr 'niii,' men thcin >\vno which IS 1,'reaflv to the Di e wliereliv Ihei HI the Slimmer tyme when we(! have i.oo \ iniagu of both Townes iV .M^•ht' And e lie manv iioor wurkmei I 111 it aiiv of oiir C iiey Work under om >f tl niployment at whome ,:,^.e but to lliMton ro oopei'ti io.se (!oopers here Cannot bee p'miitcd to w.,rk because hee ^,.l•^ed his tyme tlu.ru whereby i( app.ares tli:,t ihev have A I iiw : that none but such as I ia\c' .so work if liol rved Mil Hi f M - U'" i/i -jQ.) luirhj Cuhmial Sdtkmtiits. , M . wa .hull c.o,noLro to Sef ,,. .ha. lu.vo not in thi. (U.vovn.n : K-thcT Served ,hnr of hiH good «oo tlu.t both Plant" and ).VM^ ur. lu.vhy wrongc..! : winch nuk.M " J^* hund.i I'ottitioucrH Innnhly «eekc Ueleifc of jo' lion' and nvuu Bhall a. wee are LNe.l.ound nu«t luunbly pray. ^j,,^. s„awk \V.L.,.AM FKANO ^.^^^^ _^^. , , ,^^ The n,arke of ^ rn.>sro,.„K.u Lvmon Y.m^y,.,M LiccKS Oetoher 13'" 1075. To the Uiu'ht Hon..- Khaond .lm//v«,v E..f (ioveruu' (k-n" under hi. Royall Ilighno.^e ./.... Duke'of rl. and .l/ia«y of all hi. U. 11' territoryes in A.aenra and tlu.s honor.d.l. The tnorahle Pe.i.on of the Poore fanner, whoe are seated on the Land Lately in Controversy IJetweene liiehanl Sn,M an.l the Itd.al.itants of Iluntcyton. i"^-"V-"^ '';'L::r:n:.::w;:r;iri"w; :^^^^^ l^ji:;:::' ;:.. ... ete dot,. ..... to ... ^^^''tf^'^-^r^ as ,0 y 1 o>..>u .^ .... j, .„.:,„, ,,^,,,,^,,1 th.t if yo' ..onno' take not so.ne ..our.e cult,va,ed a..,l lm.lt -"• ' ^^ ^; ^ ^ ! ,, ^^,„, ,,„.„, „„ ,,„;^,„ ,., ,..„vhasin. .he said Land. .„d n.ake Bo.ne hnne on, " ' ';^, . ,.^,, ,^,^^, „,• „„,.„,,, i,,,,;,,,,,^ .,.,, l.vpa.ahly hee •ov .nake a,,,ea,v w'' the .aid S.M refund to ae.,. ol or hu.^a.v ^ " ; • 1 II ,i;\n,Ml,U. mdehar-o to V poore townc of //'ixtuKjlnn :- .':- .-'"'"» '" «'-• - ■- ' '■;■ :■•■"■■', r ": ';'■ rrt;: 'ill,,,,.! I«;rl,i„.. ...' 1»mi.o' ^■ri..„sl.« to C.m.Mcr thi. .!..« «..1.1 »...! 'hMk u,„lPn.to,c«w-Mnll..l.li.li!"ll«..u...lll.«»Ev«rlc,|m,jf..r).i'l,„„„„ l,..,.s 1.1, .M . 1 ! etc TnuMAs Si• -.■■i" ''..'"»':;, «:;::,:•!;;;,;:'■:,„:■'■■: ■•' E. Andkob. Mr Jimtico Tapping .r t^ i , In a,.wer t,. .....o or ,o^ Lines, wl,orei„ v-u ..„. „i.:.;lj:.. ^^l 'll^ ''^"'r' /"P" Annos. ^o's^Ifc nor Capt /A.,.//, „or yet tl.o Comh.hI.Io „.,1 ( L rs ,,t 'i ' l' ''"'•"'" •K'tai.u. tlH.n. lo„...r, vo,. I,:.vo ,lon.. well ; A,ul a. for tl.c o la- 1 ,'' •'" :.'"""" ^^""""•'-' ("1-.." -.y sion r..,i„irin. it) d.lu-r for tlu- H iek^ W " /'^^'^r "^'"'"^ E. ANDKOri. Octolu'r 1(5, 1(;75, Kesoliison, but as y» ,I„«ticv of peace .V Clu.ifc ( )lllec.r.s sImII mv nu.. tl„.v. . "^ '■"" ■'-: ;■ '"v"f ' ""■"? "•;■•,""■■'• """■ « ■"»■ »"i~i" -:,,':;, ;:" - "- ^I/«i«,v<,v- late SaWie.u ot Soatli-hohl I.atl. liberty to remove w'" l,i. funilv to V/ // / / 7 At a Cuiini'ell Oet'" 2;i"' lt;7.". Pri.»:,.iit 'I'l, f .. mm /V,//,>. ^ "-"'"• ^''^■<'"V^''->iour. lla.Seere.ary. rapt. /V<'. Mr A Letter from ^[r ^v/. Dep: (Jovcrno^ of Co.ucticott al,o„t v^ I„,iva„ atfaires .V in .n.wer "-• (.overno" Letter o, I.Uelli.en.v to then, was rea.L Ti.e (ioverno' had a, .lit e "u pi'nate Intdli-enee al.unt y In.lyans ill Intent npon L.n,j hlan,l U..solve,| l-pon y sai,i In.lyan Intelligence of our Ind.vans hein^^ in Confe.leraev W" the .yu-ro,jnn..lt In.lyans npon y Man.; .V: plottin,. nusehiefe. That all onr said In,l v i ,., / A/../ he forthwith ,,isarn.e,h The Ar s , delivered into y i^.Z,:!! ^JZ^Z owns, who „,ay lend «on.e few of then, to hucI. Indyans as they shall think n.ay be tn.t d then- hun„n. w- v approha,.on of f Justices of Peace, and where no Justie^ at lu, r 'f « elnefest military OtHcers of y Place. * ' ^ That an Order be made hereu[.on fur the pulti.i:; of this in Rxeeuti.m. A Lett^toy" l)ep'> (iovenn/ etc : of IJartford. (ienf. Last ni^ht I .veeived yo'^ of y iV" Instant, .^ ani as from the he^rinnin;; verv sensible of & muc . troubled at the Indyans Continued Depredations .S. successes. .: mi.erv^.f o r r i .It m ho.e parts, and ha.e endeavored not to bee Wan.in,, in n.v Dutv though at the ver'v .hg te A. r.,e.ted When 1 was at .W.,n., I t the Occasion on a Lett^ f^.u Maior ^^ . " Whi ;:T;'" ^"""TT: "'^- '" -'"-■ ''"-> - Answer .y selfe, .. of n;v Endeav " In vNh.ch I have beeu as Careful since us possible, but noeAnsw^ ■' ' ^ " .'I K ^yj Early Colonial StUltmaiU Tl»o UV i.K,' I Kavo you l.v Expn-.^o an A.r" of som. h.-lyan Newo., of thnr DosIkmo o„ witlMvitc.ratc.,1 Onlor. to tlu-.o parts for yo' A.lnant:.,.., a. larr a. I nn,'l.t not haN n.^' l.o. n t, on vvliat irt lltt for n.fc, iind Borvo you to luy Tower, l.i'inj,' Gent, A'. yodr,(M. 17'" 1(575. Yo' AlTcc*'" KriiMiil A- llunililo Servant, Hum' Ani'Kom. ()uni:iw coNCKUNiNo Foiitifk'ationb on I.. I. „„.,, ,„,„,„,,, i ,„„ ,„„ 1,,., „ ,.„.,■»„» .. ' ; ^, ' ,,, ,i,,„„„i , i,„ii,ii„„ ..f ,1,.. ii:;;r,::j:i;:;; w, ":;r;s:::: '";-r;:,;L i. - "• -- - ■ ■'- ,,f ( )ctnli' l(>7r>. K. ANumrt. To tlio C:onM;il.U' ^- OviTsr.Ts of ^>/Mr /»///. ww„ < -n- ..; ; •;r"'?S"::,:'i;ir;:::; ::::i.:::r;: " J^. r. tlif 22"' .lay of ( M. 1.175. ,..//// Tothe Justifc of IWc, Consl"'' & ..vorscTsof ^■«^//cr>/^ Gontleuien :rn:,. ,....» SBr„KTA.«- N >■<■' '■• ™>- '•.■■^'•""■'■' '" "■>'<">'• '- '■ ■•'""• imrti.M.lar. wli.Mvof vou hav.i l.cre encl..sc.l) & U.at m ( orn . • i ;;ision iW ,lK. (;ani.on A: you .hall -vceive dischargea for what you ,.y^ to the bhuuT. Nfin Yoi'h Oct 20"' 1'175. Yo' I,i.vinu' tVii'inl Maitiiias Nit..i.i.'<. AW York Historical liecordn. Sutonioiit i.f Tiix.'H .liio from L. I. Towm«. Flatthuah ■»"« IW iho i..Ht )x.Hr..H R,u.H. ^. ,^. ,/ /^««)w/fc "..!!!!! ^^ ** ■** Nvwtomie ._ • '^ ■■ l"i Jamaica ^^ ■^ -^i 23 »( 8 07 16 af 70ft t", \4. CouNoii, MrNUTKu. Indian Aifauw. At II iiicutin^' of I:iiliiiiiH Oct 21. A Net. of luM,! u,„l.,r lle,ni.t.e,l C'l.m,...,l Uy tl.o I„,liunH as „ot R.i.l for A mrk.. kall...l Malnu:;H- o„ tlu, So„m<1 ;it tl„. Ka.twanl of M.,r/,li„ Cove A Hn...ll .sl:u..l ('alU..,l IIo^,,. Un,„l n^ ,l,o S,.,„l. .i,le of L.,, /,,/,W '' JAv™.^.thoin.l^. . . . IWin, lan.l volnn.anlv left'. JW^,,, . «na plant u,.om Uochw,,,/ whc-re l.c l.a.l ,,lantod ever si,,,.,.. ' ' " "' ^"'•'■'''•"^•<-' J'^1 .vmm.i Do,'laratio,i I,v ^Vwy-' lLwl,lt Litth' Mitdnam \,rk ^vUUA 1)vs,.vo,m1 famili,-. il,,,„f ,.i,,l,f , i '" 'r I";;;'"-' -f "'"•'"-' - "-1 /t c ' :r:::;^^™r:>«'-'' HlH.kei, ,.ll III (;„„v'- X ,o//,:s til,,,, ift,.,- ';..i,v..r / , / , "t wi.il tiaek,.,s wure even.,,, a.ul l,,-.....!,, .,|„., ,„,„„„,„„. ,„ ,„„, ^^.j,,, „,^,„, ^^ ^^,^,^ a,.p..a,-e.l ' 1 / " tnm,;,l witl, the,,,. M' /-V-v,,// l„f,.,-,„vler. 1 1 '-"u, jii>t ,i-ouii- ,o- . W Jv! ■ '^''/S/rir'r' "'^''-ff ";■'- -" ""• '-"■ -' 'iH' North of /A „<,.,.„/ an,l panicnla.ly . .y „ot w, h„. to eo..s,.„t . i.h < ■„. yeck so to remain as it is I.i.t neiti" Cliris '""• In,han to he permitteil to s.-ttle tl„.,v at present ^ii"»t,an North "''""''" "''"'"'" "'"" '"'" '"■^"""'" "*' ''^"'" "^^■'-- »" -- ^•'- tl.e lan.l at the 89 »f i !«liii r»!rn!P^ ,<*fi. * r ^•' .Qg Early Colonial Settlements. """ At'Tmcetin, of India,, before yo Governor a. tl.o Fort Taekpousha Xu. .on and scne "'''^ ns about an agree.nent fbr the la„d« on tbo North of /^,«;>^.^/ lin^^-^ ^^^ ^^^^ .,.r t;::t:r rr .r ::^ ties: ^i:i::^^ ^^ t.. uL p.tene. St :io togetl- Bon.e other tiu.e and the Governor will a.ree wUh tnen. m- Lkh" tu M' Bakku oi- EAsi-IlAMrroN. -""•■•,■ r; , " • «-l,i. ■"!. ""t l,avo iKcn ™„cc,,lccl; ,...r is tluTO, „« l,»tl, I.0.1, 10, .„,„c »,> "" ..I'" " ' J''!;^ ,.„„ k„„„ ,„„ ,„„1„ ,J1 m„i.,g ,."-i»">i"». &»™«ro.. !;':;s;;i;';:;'::l.; -.t..«" .^ w..„. ,»„;„«„. ....ic. ....i^ ..<- ■ o';;I';;:"I ;./ ii."..*' i.. .1.™ n».».;«.... .....1 .i.™ .-i-- ."•« >'»-■" '-^ '>'■'•"' """• ■" ./.«- E. Anukob. iV^. Tor/iv y' 27'" October IfiTo. COPNCIL Ml.Nl,Tl-;t5. Lmu.v-v C..A.M8 ON llKMr.n:M. ; WnAtuv.^; IlEMmBAD Boimm. Xoven\ber 5"' KJir). At an appearance of I-.di.ins. .^^^^ ,,_ ^^.^,.^. „^t i>:ii. Tarkpomha and some other Indian, pretende.^ to t.u lanu uiln i . for all by y/../«a-/. They say they are the owners o three necks ot land ,vnu .u,k iSaua is one of them & 'Maiins the great neck. (Jhaperaeh another (4reat Maro. " ^ '""' *''"" ?'"'""* f"-"'" ^^"^ A'ie/t is about 30 yea.-8 ago One of thc-ni p^.y^ tl.(>y asko this „,„.,,. c „. ,, Tl.di- Laving ncvr '^ ' " ". • , " "»' f"'' ^'">- ■ ■ • Bisi.ute«; if the one pan .lKH.i;i'bee bo^gh^l^'^liot i!e'2,"" ^"' ^"""'^ "^ """^'^ '"••^'>*" '^^ Nc-- 25 1075. r«./:y..../5., & sov-erall otl.er Indyans appeared bof,M-e the GovemC .j:z; h:;:;\;;;^: t^riir ^"-" --„---•■.••" -^ . ,.., en,o,ea .r the .,». ''::::i:;;:::"" ""■■" ■'■'■-' ""'-' - ""•'»" '-""' "»^ ■'■»" «* . .„.„ . ,,,„,„, Vpon the Petison and De.iro of Ja<:f> S,Mi;n<,er •m.l On,,,, * /• , are joyntly concerned in carrying on a Desi,.„e of W X r ^TP-' ^"''''^^''"U'tov, who Lave Leave to en.ploy 4 Ind'.n:i,eIon.i, .'"-n to sS^^^^ " "'^^ ^'''^'•^'' T''^^' t'-y n.ay .aid purpose, and well knowJ. to then. ;, ^ ^ '^'^ ^ mIh'' 'r" \T'''' ''""' ^^ "- grant their Request; .And doe herebv give the [ L ; . ' "™ '''°"^'''' ^'" ''' ;^..eseu..haie..ing™.aiven:ndern,y;.^^^^^^^^^^ E. Andkos. -.e;^=;::s:i^^^^^^^^ -^•'. .w. the .ec^ //.«,....,/, .here hee hath likewise a eons h^ d,b hi .' 7'" ^ """" ''^' '""""•^ "^ tlmt Towne and Riding ; These are to deeluv 'V\^ \ . '""' ''' '^'''''''' "^ '''« ^^'''•^' ^^'^ Land upon O...,., M^^.JZ ^Z ^ C, ''^ 'r' r'u I ''' "f '""''■"•^ .l-f^.nneand xV^<«lVfctli.2;i>'dayuf.\ovmbMt;75. " ^>^ J^^"^^^>""J. Civen under n.y hand in E. Andkos. LmTKK n:oM Th-mas Tupimn., ■„. S.:,-k,.:tahv Niro,. AI!>>l-T TaxKSI. AVorthy S' , . , Af,. • . , , ■^""tfunxjiton Xiiveniber y° 15. 1(17,-) (■ ::; ir;* ;;;;, ■ tz "r-i " '"" •';•;""■ -" ■"•■ "-»»• '- '"'^ .-- > I. ill) (II t,).., i.^sn. 1 if(|. A^ alxt yo'- iiianifcs atiiiii uf the (Jdverii" nlpisinv f,. ., „. > f Aa.»« »m f„IIj. a„,,„„„. ,.„■ ]!,„ .y i„ ,|,„. Acc™„,,t „f ,- C„„,„rk, o.k. I ,„„., .n.v„ ^ W m U- Early Colonial Settlements. f\ I IB? p^aon In tl.t I have p^.^ed to adventn. to .ett ^^^^f^^^^ 1^1^:^ Jiular of Sending two u.en in the night soa^^o^ '^^^^ ^l^ vpa Ju.t AeC toyo" the Govern' &c. The true --onjvbnreo 8 b <^.sc 1 c mU, v ^^^^^^. ^1 ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^. and I cannot come at the n>en to ^^^^^l^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^' yo' approbation a„ce Soelhavo done there.n ^7'-^>''|;:' J,. „ ^e \,a if j-.,,. please to accept n>y sai.l Vet leave it to yo' woi-^' Correction it '^^^ ; " ^ ^^^ \.^,,\^ ..our osvne 40«li w- is accounts of y" Country Dcl>ts heiv and seiid n e^> '^^^ ^^ J^^ >; ,,, gherrifs hill and also now sent in the cattle) I shall Dd.gent y . U H - ' ^ ^, ,,. „,„„ ^j,, ,,, ^.^ witi. deere acconipt w'^ y^ p'ticnlar. P'-'-P-f^^^ ^^^^ the Cunt,, may have ^ood cause those hilk till they have the.re pay IJ ^ mean . ^^ . .^.^^ „„j endeavoure in take my leave at p'sent & Ever llest ^^ ^^^^ Servant to Conunand ^S'iita agree""^ for Thomas Toiu-ino. 1 head of Cattle I,. S. D. 60 i;; 6 P„,™» >0„ I,.AV,. TO F.,,V,,0, 1.. I. IS.«»» 1^ W„»,.,.-.-... Xo .„c Ho„„- /■..»»' .^.*- <=»!; -""■»" «' "" "'' ^'P""'^'"'""" ^""°''"' '" Amerk-'i And Govern' at New Vo'-ke. The Ilumhle Petition of Jaco, ScKaUen.er Ste.ken Han, and Ja.es U,c. and others adjoyned in them in the whale Design ^^i;^^^^^ ^.^„., ^ton" appoynted or agreed to Ilmnbly Showing to your lu.n' that ^ 1 */!-,,. ,,.^,,., ^n of which theire Designe Jovne together in one entire ^^^^ ^ :^^^ ' tt^^ ^ two h„a,s they prepar.l with t,;, agreed to Imlentw... 12 I'';^-; ^^ ^^, , ;,:, .etit-.n" Seeing y" Indians yearely all suitable Craft thereunto. Acmdm. x luj^ SouffiarnLn and Elsewhere. And known.g i„,,„,ed by other men both ot ^'-^ -;';., ;^;;,J^^ : . .,;, .. theni..lves and others vsed Nothing but that they nnght a.um.. hke 1' - ^ ^ \ i,.,ii„.s about .hnu. last togoe to Sean, n„,..eiufonneryeares ^hey lured and ,.o^e,ut.d.t^- 1 ^_^ ^^___^^ ^^^^ ,,,re s.> boats with Craft tins whal. S.as, ^^ J^ ^^J^,^, U.e slid Indian ■ (g all Indian, to keep at .h..,-v -;-;';„ . ^,,„, „„„, .f the Towne ..f f^r^L Ju.\ it ,vlates.Mu.ly t.> tlie Indtans at M, / ,7 . nU > ^^_^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ,, ^.„„. ,«,„,,^. wa,,ti,,gludia,.stynak..,.p K.; .^^^^_^^^^^^^^^ ,,,,,,. S.l()--.lerth..vbytoh,,..ery..u,Ht,,.m>,^ A,„l M... //.-^ . wa,-ned y.,' .eers being of the ^'''"M'-y/'-V-;' '' 7 , :^' ,i icence fn.u y.n.r h..n' An-l alth....gh titon" Not to entertaine the sa.d fo,,.. •"• ^ •^' ,,^ j., „,,„. ,,„,, ,o ,„vv..ut y.,' net,- l,.K. of y.,ur p..ti.one,-s -ppos... - l- -' ^ ^^;^^^J:, ^„,, „ n.ll.iUing y,' bon" o.-der New Yorh Historical Reconh. 709 soothey themselves may have oport.u.ity out of the other eight Ea.tham^to>, I,ulia„s to Su,„>ly tlieir owiie wants. ""I'l'v Tho p'n.ises Considered And for that your Sup'" Designo is utterly hroke for this whale season .f they eanuot enjoy the help of the said ionre Indians which will Le to h e « and D.ssappoyntm' also tor that there is now noe hope of supply by home Indi n. !„! il ^j.h,earehy others already hired Alsoe it is hop.fuA in reasi^ \J.i..::XZ^::Z^. belong„.g toa ph.ce soe neere adjacnt will not nor ean they Doe nuu-h har,,,: ,0 the Towne i^ ri rouble should eon.e wlneh is hopefuil n.a, not con.e, however not this winter season d ■ Iso for hat your Sup » are like to bee Deprived ,.f the pay hef.r. n.ention.l whi.!, Z^^ eanly exposed to nnparte to the said Indians vp„n Indentm' with then, Your Sup-^nost L n Iv and Earnestly l.seeeh yo^ hon^ to take this theire address and weighty eon..erne i ,to yo s" u ConsKlerat.on And of your goodness grant liberty unto yo^S.pU. ,f u.e help of th said fo, e Khans tins luKHhate ensue,ng whale season aeeording to theire honest eontrL with the.n A alsoe l.ee pleased to voutsate your Sup- a., order from you to that etfeet. And yo^ Most h.nnblv Devoted Snpp"- as Duty bindes then, shall ever p..av for vo^ hou" happiness etc ^ Granted Novbr IS, 1075. Teritories in \cr and others A S.-ECIAL,. WA,tKANT SKNT TO Iltr.VTI.VO l.... TO ,>KMANn TUK TnOYAXS AltM.CS OK KoCKAWAV AM) SKAVjLATAr.KK, WHO AlilO TO KiNTICUOV THEKl:. By the fiovernor. Whereas I am Informed, That the seve.'all ludyans at Rool^wmi. Unnh,','ha»,jr and Pwts adjacent, a,-e in few dayes to have a great hwtecoij at Seaquetalh' ; which being unnsuall at this time a yeare, ,s at this juncture in no case to i,ee neglected ; An.l therefore (l)v the advice of my Coimcell) you are in his Ma"- name hereby iciuircl. upon noti,'.. of the time or day the said Indyans AV/i/.vw/ is to he, with six or nioiv m.Mi, not exceeding ten (as von shall jud.re fitt to bring home tb.Mr Armes) to I'epaire to Sraqnnt,,lk.; or place where the al.ove KinhYou "hall be sendmg two nuTi a little befoiv, to give them notice of yo^ coming (that thev be not sca.'ed at vo' arrival!, fo informe yoVdfo of what Indyans are there, and .lemand tli.'ir .Vrmes; which havi''nih & Conn.iandrs of y" Tuited Collonies writing to ns to give ns tha.d,,nd- T 7 / . I ,''""' "" ^""''^ ^lisarn.ed as the othe.-s upon y« l.hu.d h^idv t",. ^ " "T , *'"^'""' "^^" ' ■•■''"'^'' iireann. in any Ca.e, dning y^ p.-esent T:;^^' ^ "^ '"'^"' ^"^' ^^ ^^''"""^^ '^ i'-'^' -^ ArtKT.KS oi.' C'( lil-OUAiION 1. The (iovci'uoiu-doii'iMirand I'csolviiii;- l,v :, Kncniiiai,^e ihe Codfish (li.-lierv Inf.. OR A risill\(; OoMI'ANY (iltin^j; nieaues in liis Power to Piv siiall meet U«o.he. at .^ an } orkr ,0 consnit. and hy the I>hn.lity of v,„es ,nake all o.^de,., LL IF'-'' n.'n Eaiiy Colonial iiettlements. iieeessiiry. , , • ,. .„„j the Subscription to tho That this Connmny beo not understood any waycs to dubauo or umuu y MATllUAd NiCOLLS, ScCf^. ■ S '^'^ OC rUAT NONK RAMULK FUOM I'l-ACli TO I'LAtK A.0 . P,y the Goveruo' 11 T.wn.. A' i)li«s on Long Idand of tho Gencrall Whereas I a,n informed from .overall '^^^^^^^^ ^,uJd at this juncture, for w- A,,prel,en.io„s of the I'-l' ^''^^^'^'^'r le^^^^^ ^ ''-^ ^^^^'^'"'^^^ '''''' ''" ,l,:,„,,h I hope there is uoo Cause, however by h ^ ^ J,,,„ ^,, .ilovved) their Annes still IiKlvans on L>n raud.le oi «- ^ ;'^^, , ^ ^.^^.j ^o the like Otliceis live in without a Certitieate from y Ma.Mratc - ^"- ' _^,.^,^. ^^ ^,,, .hewed to them at their Arrival where they g.x. and haue ^^-^-^^^^^ 'd ..ruing llortitieation. ThiB Order t„ aeeonling to Law and Orders of f Com;t of ^^^^^^^Z^,, .„,e thereof by the severall 1075/0. E. Anukos. 1-ho like sent to all the Townes on Loixj Maud. TUK (iuVKUNo" OUIV TO M^ ToPHNO OoS.KKMNO NP TaMKS * M' BaK.K. Bv the (iovel•no^ , . ■ . 1 1 K .f , V ■! Ix^^tt' of Noveml/ last from) M' Th^mu Wherea. upon 0.u.plan,Mn the .liaUe ^^^J^%,^^,^^^^^ /,,,,„ ., u.e .aid T„wue, J«,.,.v Minister at hUhmnjdonin M It ' .«'« •'. '" ,.^., ^,, ,. representing him t- bee an Exeummumcated person, and .oc very jr Person or New Yo7-h Historical Eecorda. ^jg Also anotlior Letter from the said M' James of the SV Ttmtanf f^ n yea.-es standing; flfor rcnclyin. wl.oreof amongst Christian Noi.hbl" T 1 T, n >"' Unirch and Town,. ; And theieforo lott tlio Purtyos know Thov arc not t., f liln ;„ tl „ i they will answer the Conten.pt at their perilk Giv.n &c :S^S'" 1675/0 ' " E. Andros. To M; Jn' Tapping Justice of the Peace of the East Riding at Somhampton. Jinclosed by the Governo' to M' Justice Topping. Letr from y' Governo- to Jacol)U3 Schellings. T * 1 . , ^''^" TwTc" y" 20'" Janiiarv 1675-6 I yesterday rece.vod your, of the 25-. i„ the na:no of vour ml.. Con^.a," in whi'h von referr moo to .S^^/..„ //«„^ ,o^ Constahlo, who tells .ec l.eo hath northing to s ; '.'to, .md A^ UaK-er at though both the [ndyans and yo'selves did refuse tolett him know (L ic ) the newcs of o.ther. yet out ,.f respect to n.y Order, hee did not fo.bidd von, nor se d a. .,' ndyans: and on the other I have seen two Letters fron. V^^ Sil^e^t^i xJ^s^yZZZZ't. H hole ffa nily .oe that I teureyou have not been so wary asyon ..nght with the Indvans at such a time and juncture, .n n.ak.ng such a con.plaint : ()„e of you, .hougirseenunglv in.pfoyed, will not w, noe n.ore than you have or d,>e. who,, v.. Con.pany are, which you o.^ht nit to hu-e con ea ' wuZtir '''''''"'•' ■"='!''V^'""'-^ to all, as Occasion, A,.d therefore I expect ^o, I ^.lout delay g.ve n.ee a particular acco> thereof, and of all uuUters a.,d persons co Lerned, under o hands, or son.e one ,n the Nan.e of the rest, that Right may bee done to either; A sur 1 o^selves that as shall not bee wanting to uphold the just Authoritv of the Magistrates I fflcers, soe I shall bee as ready to heare and .loe Justice to y" u.eanest Inhabitant of tl^ (Govern- nicut ; & renianio yo.' llriend E. Andkos. PETmoN of tub Maoistuatks ok llvsnsuvos mivr.Kcn^a upon tuk Coukt of Assizes. Feb 1, 1675-6. To the Right Hon' AUw A>y/ro, iioV of all his Rovall Iliglmess Territories in Ajn^ica. The petition of the Constal)le and Overseere of the towne of rhmtington llumbly Shewcth. 90 I \M I ll''i,n n M , fr M ^^^ Early Colonial Settlements. TT ,• r »» ,-1. „..„;.. .•,.'■ TTiiiiii'' was nlpasoil to recommend That whereas wee received yo' Honors Letter whe.e n y^ Uono w Tn immia The towue wa8 not tlie tirst eaiiBo of tliu fiiitiui^ sctti i,^ ,, „ , , „ .„ conceive that the gitattst hmu.\.<. ,.i...,,.l„,r .,,,,1 mamiruii,' of Land which is :""' "-«» """ f ^trM °",:vi ; :,s ;; £ ;»;s ".'.:.. - oi...«c. a„„ indeed very f,'reat. And M .sw/W, oiii\ u nm i ,„.,i,.,. „f the Conrt December .. p..rsnanco of and tha . .^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^,__^^,^, ^,.,^„.^ „,^^,,^. ^.^...j,,,,,,, petitions "•" '"h beginninirs npon their funnel. j^,^, ^,^j ^j^re ^-»;-' '■"■ '"■''''■;;v:;;: ":/;.»; L-ii,; ..t ,i,.. i....*ra,,,o ,,.i«.ii™ (armc. to tliMC men •» a..? "'I... t»f ».- "^ "- » .j|,„,„|v .^ta.lJi.i" ...^'.'.i "i"'''! ''..«» sr ■r:r;:;r';: .r ;::;"..::/;:;^. ..-- ->* -- - -- — - destnictive to the well beuig of the towne. New Yorl Historical Records. 715 Time proptrntiiiff o'solvos iit vo' IIoiio" f,.nf f,„. ,„,r f,.„ , , as i„ .Inty l.oun.l L sl.all cv.ir pn./oL. ' """ '"''''*""'''" "^ "-'■• '-l-oste (Kii(Ir)r8c'(l ! ) Soiit for y' w'Mn y" 1:2"' Fcbr. 1675-6. They ftro bound ovn- to tl.,.'nc.\t Assizos Feb. 24'" 1C76-C. OoHnKs,.o«nK.cK akh CotTxrrr. MtNtrrp CoKr^nxiKa rn. P^Qron War akd L. I. I^niANs. tl.o En,lelUk ar.aye against tl... .>'...,>...! t o IveZf: '"f """ '"^°^" ""^ ^'"' EnMlxk interest tbe Fn.n.y tied before the anny ,k in tin n t " ""■' '?• ""''"' '' ""• our Indyan... thoy wo,n„ie,l live /s^Z/.A nu,,, in the reare of th. arn.vo aftor 1, v w . ^ h. ,,. fronte by onj A.././., and on.- Indyan. .e .ew at that Ih; " H^ t ^v; de rtd kdled on of then, ,.hete captain,. S. the sanu, day tooke y« to...o & lodged there iiltT next day burned the t,nvne and th<.n n.arehed to the nu'tropolitento plaJand found t t r J .oe hered nero hve hundred widgwanK., this s.alfe cared l.y tl.o 1 Jrer was a Endvan o ,• te ^■cunto a,ul was taken w,,h 05 ,„,.,„..„ ..,„, ,., ,., ,,^.,.,,,^ rJtir h H m^ they parted w.th the Endglish. Sro>a (f) and his n.en kill.d two n.^n nere Tor J md o"k away a boy al.vc this G feberry, this is short but cannot inlarge febery !)"■ in75(-0) ^ Your loving friend, Feb 25, 1C75-G. '^'^"n Stanton. Tho>n,,s \l^,rn,r, born in //«.W..,. y„nng n.an. ,.no ,.f the two that can.e downe from AlUn, .V had beene pns... w"' y' Indyans who arri.vd here this „„.rne being cxannned saith That hee was one ot 1. psons that being sent out from //„(fi,/,l where the En^dish Army In- to discover the Ene.n.v but a party of Indyans way layd then. .% nhott downe 5 of -their Con.pany .V tooke .i-of wh.ch he And his Conumie are two the "• they put to death, the 'J- was an Jndyan that oame with them iV escapt away. That the ln,lyans lay still two -laves iilter they were taken .V then a partv of about 30 with whom bee was mar..hed to a iliver Nforth East from thence about S.) miles called Oa.urJ,' where ..bout a fortnight after the re.-t of the Arnn ..a,ue to then., having in the n.cane tin.e bun.t two 1 ownes. ri.ey killed one of the prison- presently after they had take,, him cutting a hole below Ins iu-east out of which they pulled his (iutts .t then eutt off his head. That thev putt him .„ t,. death in the preseneo of him & his Comrade it threatened then, also with the Hke That thev hurnt his navies .t put his feet to scald them ag" the tire .V drove a stake throu-h one of his iWt to pm him to the Ground. The stake about the bigness of his liui^er this was about 2 days after hee was taken. That they contimieng npon occasion o the arrivail of Mr S.um^l WiUh and Mr Wlllm Pitkin with a i.etter .-om the Conncell of Coneetioott; The Letter being rea.l, it was not adjn.lged that the gen'leme.. mensoned therem, were authorized farther then in a Complement, or for advice, Tlu-nnipon tl-.ey prodne..! tlu ,r Instrnctions,and r.-nd them, bntt no further Anthority appearing. The Gove- no' proposed tu Liem to deliver their minds in writeing. toy" which hee wonld likewi.se retnrne them answer mwr.ten.g. Afternoone, Mr WiUk and Mr Pitkin delivered in their propos.Us in ^^T.te,ng, To tl... wh,,l, after a CoinnltaQon of the Govern' and Councell, together with the Mayor and Aldermen, An Answ-T was made, & pnblik..ly read to the Vo,.^cti^ott (ien.lenien, y' Governo' and Councell, with the Mayor au.l Aldermen being together, and divers Merchants and other Strangers admitted to bee present. „ i> .i, Ordered, That a faire Copy of what was rea.l b.i given to the Gentlemen as an ansvser boti, to the Letter and proposalls. The ten.mr as foUowes. An Answer to y" Proposalls of Mr Samuel Willis, it Mr William Pitkin, in the name of th(! Councell of Concrtieutt, from whom they brought a Letter, Date;tter w"' weo received frjm y" Secretary of the -J i' New York Historical Recm-di. by Said Councolls Lottor, or otliorwiso that i»lpoarc8. 1", I know of no (^ommorpc or Corro- Bpondonce w"" eneh Indyims, butt upon tlio Ituinour of your Wnrrc, (liavinj,' nuido fitting propanitioUH) wiu'ii «•' Indyans did ajiproaeli our Contiiios, woro ropulsod hy our Indyans, tliu Maiptes & Shnuikea, and (as Wfo aro informed) aro rotrciitcd lioyond Connedit'tdt li!i'nt in friendship accept of what wm given. The (Jo: will send for all their (inns it they shall in a little time have them nil againe. They say tlieir feare being over they have no cause to remove now but if there bee oeeasion thoy will como «fe desire to rcmaine. At a Conncell Apr. '23' lt!7t!. Present. The (Joverno'. The Secretary, (^apt. Dyre. ^h: riiilips. Before noone. The nuitter under Consideragoii was y" receit of tw,. f.ctters, The one from the (Vnmcell of Boston the other from the t'ouncell of r76. P.y th(' Governo^ Whereas I bjive •^-m now .ueeived notice from Jlu,din■'' H'.Ttl. I'ri'sent. The (;ov.•rn^ Capt. H/'oMn/,:,, The S.'civtary, Capt. Di/rr, M' PhiUps. Newes l.eiiic hroiight from Iloado hhind U ^,1' ,/,w'jl/, Ooy^tf/iCr, .'.f the .Mvat numnpr of p.M.pIe lh.ckt thither fi-om their liaI.itation.-< .lestn.ye.l l.y the In.lyans, Tn.^.'^mnch that tho Inhaliitants are very nin.'h .straitene.l l.y their numbers , aiul will .piicJkly want provisions. h heiiig prop..se.i whether n..t convenient at this .Fiinctiire t.. s.'tid a Sloopo thitiier t.. ofTer thfiii traii.sportati..n into thin (V.loiiy, whore they may have Laii.ls a.ssii,'iuM| them. Or.h'iy.l That the (}..vernour..4shM.p being rca.ly, bee f..rthwith Tent to Mode 7/n/rm and r/irktian now b..iin.l fur /io.t^.n, do call there likewise in coming back, aiul any"otlier sloopes to liasteii thither, & take in such passengers .as are willing to come. Oi-deiv.l, That up..n this K\traor.liiiary (.c.Msion of tho Wariv, and other late rntelligonrcs. The Mn-erall Townes upon /mw, Mand, be .sent to, to represent the samo unto the Iidiabitants in' Or.ler to a Levy, and to know what they will give towards a Supply. Thalm.ti.r be given for a New Sherillc to bee nomi.iated att June Sessions .le.xt, for the yoarc e.isueing. Mr. Constable A; Overseei-s, Tho waiTs continuing Eastward, in tho manner it is, of w"' dayly sa.l Tydings, I am now .lecessitated t.. repre.s,>nt it to yon ami th.- wh..le (o.vernment, and h.^w iiece.s.^arv ?t is t.) make a more then o.-/' (: tjoQ Early Colonial Settlements. prsent consMcnigons, to Agree a.ulOr.lcr such a Suitable Supply for yo' Towne, as .nay bee proper for 80 an extraordiuary occasion, and that it bee in the nature of a Rate, -lesiguing ,t to bee reee.v d iu the same manner, and accompted for to the Couutrey, at the Gen-" Court of Ab.i/.es ; I am Yo' ailectionate ffrrend, May 8- 1676. ^- ^''''^'■ This is by Cm)t. William Dyre, who is OrJer'd to receive and bring yo' Result "> ■• M. JN . Beer. "'ordered 'xhat y° Towuc of Hempstead, do bring in each of them a particular Survey of their Lands at the next Court of Sessions, and deliver them t.. y" Secretary if there, or to y" Clarke of the Court to boe l)rought to the OlHco at I^ew Yorke in order to then- hav.ng patents for v' same according to Law. _ r ^i • t i "The J/«/ul before the Go at the Fort Th^y glvl thanks for their peace •!, a,„l ,v»r,l ,Kv,„,li„^. ,„ t,„,,„„ o„|m '" '"""""' >■""='"' AW.' ""■ ■""""" '"■ "■" ''~-' ^'"""•*"- * "— - •" «".v of tl., To„„. „p„„ z.», 0.„„t„ A^i„.<. |„v.,„,i, :t, 'of ,1 '" '^»"™'. <-""™.v ,„ ll,„ Order c,f 11,. :■- lot cni;aged to A8SACHCSETT8. LmKK KK.,M (i,.V. AM.HUS TO TI.K G..VK.«OK ANO GoUNCI., OK MaH. GentleMit'M. of the ".,.[, ^'-'''"' ' . """•'■^•'■'- ""^ '" ^ '-..i..ration, .t up..n Arc nt .f vo^' Letter the. „.t I .hal not iH.,. wan.,:,. i„ .„y,l,i,.. ,i,t f,,,. ,„,, ,,.,„.,,h„,, „. ^,. ,^.,,, ,,;^, J ' -.^ :o,l I...,r..r, And pa,.,i.,.l:.riv an. readv , .if vow resolve A: desire it^o endeav, , ,. ^j ' -•'^ - -e .ate of thing. . J''::;,! ' j:::::^^::;:!^^^^^^^^ --'--^ ,, ., , I reniaine nr „,, ., lieiitlemen May 2U'"' 1(17(5. .. For fl,.. Il.,nii ,1, ,• . c ,, lo'idleetionate Xeighbo' and friend, for tlie Jlon tl,e Governo' cte Gouneell of the Golo..v of JIamic/> as,m: lliese at Rostoii. 91 m IJ22 Early Colonial ISettlenienta. A Letteb Written to the Justices of the East Riuino, sent by Cai>t. Salisbury. Gent. , . ■,• i- II That I may not bo wanting for yo^ jfood, tlierofore as I did at iny first arrival, to satisfy all Persons iiiiiids,witliout trouble or charge, by Procla.nagon Oontirnio all just Rights and Propertyes and all Logall anrfeited, and that some Townes arc also tardy therein, and most in not attending the Peraml.ula,,M.ns of their Bound., Weiglits and Measures, due surveys of our produce, or Staple Commodities, bv the Officers, afore exportaoon. and other Publi.pie concernes, tor the generall good in the Law. and bv several! Courts of Assizes, Ordered and since mtorced ; which bein- of so publicke and dangen.iis a eonsequenee to be longer neglected, I do recommend the same to yo' immediate Dutve.s, to take pVent Order therein, by giving Publicke Charge or notice, as YOU see cause, the Law being our great security (and p^ents all doubtfull sales and cavills) and not to be broke in anv part, bv pVons .,r Townes ; I againe recommend it, to yo' best consideragons, not desiring to take the advautage; But if in my Powe.r to inlarge or serve any, as there may be occasion, being . „■ • i Yo' verv aflectiouate ttrieiid ■KT V h outh ■ E- Androb. New Yoi'ke 2S'" May, lt)76. A Copy hereof wius sent t.. the Courts of Sessions for the North and West lildings. Council Minutes. Meetinu with I.. 1. Imuans. At ;i meeting of the Smithton Indian Sa.-hems. Scpti/ l.T 1676. The Go : irave the Sachems each a Coatc and thankt tluni for their visite, recommending a good correi-poiuleiice between them and the coIlstable^ etc. The Go: tiath proiiiis to write that tliey shall have their Amies d'. TackajMisha & other Lidianr; with him. Letters and Orders conoernino Soi-ihamito.n and SorTmioi.i). Southampton Sept. 2^'" lt!76. Hoir'" S' Wee the Bubscribed the p'sont Constable it Overseers of this Towiie hereby pin^ent t.. you (iiir huniblo service etc. Wee have had some Intelligence by Mr. ./(« >ome oilier iijantatioiis in this Jurisdirtii^n have done: S' «ee allwuvs iiiv and shall bee iiio^t eheerfiilly willing and rcadv U< 5ALI8BURT. Nno York Hifitovical Records. 723 render you clnlj «m| ,i,o bo.t mti.factioii whcroot wco »„■ ninMo B,„ i . S' Your surviiiits Joseph Raynkk. Edward IIowkli, •ToKN Jaugau Fkancib Sayeu, JoH^^ Foster. It liatli pleiisod yo' hon"- to require of vs tlie InhalMtant'? ..f V„»//, „ , / * fro,n you for our lands u- wee have loug possessed u ol ^ ?!" V''°''' ' ^''"-'"' dday : Our reasons, sun.e of tl.eu, are theL" " ' '""' '''"^ *^ ^^"""'" "^ ^ ^'- '—^ -f our 1. Beeause wee apprehend that wei' have a iust & lnvfnll rl.vl.r „. i *•»! . without sueh a pattent tfor at our owne eost a .t ^ . :' ^^^ " '1 ''']' \ ""• ''"'^^ ^^'--'^ ourselves into these forraine parts, and here purcha Urn Ij ' ^ "^ '"'? "•^'■'■^P-'-t''-l the then proper owners of then, and ,hat hv 1 " ^ I , : f^ ^I'T ''\ '"^ '^'^'^'^^ alsoe have with Ion. and hard iahour suhdu..! pa t • of t 1 l-n • ( tt '^ '"u^r ;'"' espeeial^in those tin.s, when w.e were f.w in' U..:^:^!:^:^: ":::!' "^ '''' '^ w. wee Have j.ossessud our lands (siune of vsi ahout the sivip,. of tl.;..t,. ,. ■.. .nan layin, elaiu.e to th... whi.h is Ksteenu.. a n.atter of sIlLT^Hn ^If ^^"'"^^ ^^■"'"" '"'^ ■)._ Leeause >t seen.erh a new and s.ran,,. thi,,;, to vs that eaeh Plantation ,m this Island should bee enioyned to take a pattent for tlu'ir lau.ls • wee ii..v,.i- I,,..,,. If i '' 4. "We apprehcn.! That where Pattents are made vv v^"f •' "'"' TT" ""' ""' '''•'"•'-'-'-" "-'" I'v hi^ Ma-^ (;,n„n'^ here in the veare «4 a.s.uu . ot asuMu.h. ,t not more then this Pattent wilhloe: the suh.t nice of w" P.-i.n!,!- ;v- .his, T..t the people here .hould enjoy uha.^oever , ..ds hlessU , : l^^ZZ ;";'-l-NH,.n.hed, hen. with. And alter , hi, (^,v^ JV.-//. ,ave vnder his hand thw^^^^^^^^^ 1 ue ..,ua 1 pnvded.es, .vedonu. and Fn.n.unities (if not greater, as anv of hi. Ma-'^ Col ,nt ^e. A...W. the truth is Uo .p.ake plaiuely) wee cannot hee free to'pass over our .1 , n,U. to our and, n„o other „„.,. hands and put ourselves and suen..so,n.s into a st.te ^ ':w: ';•:';'"■• '' t'" 'f; - 't '"■"^^' ^-^^ "^ "■" "••■•■ '-^>- •- •- ^"■•"-' ^-"''-- u r -n I rV" '"""•'>■ '^''^" "'"■ '— of you and , -est ready to our abilities to nude, all su,.h dues .V duties as either the law of (iod or x\atu.-e binde vs to. At a (ien" ( 'o'^' of A'^sizes iVe Vpon readin. of a le„er .fc pap'- from ,he Constables A: ( )ve..see.-s of Souf/,U>n bearing date NoTK.^-Tlio rencoiiH given hy .'i,„ir„,l,l nr,^ »:,r.\ f,.r word tlm shiu.'. 724 A'arly Colonial Settlements. tlio 28'" of Septbr. last o same Effect) from Southold, aa Reasons for not complying with tho Law in takoiug out Grants, Patents or Oonfirmutions for their Towns or Lande, The Law in 1004 it orders of Co" of Assizes in 1000 iV: lOTo relating thereunto being therev'p read, The Co" give Judgiu' That tho s'' Towns for tlioir disobedience to Liwes have forfeite' without further delav. All p'ticular p'sons concerned have like liberty graiit(>d them it shall bo re<^ on their Application to have Confirmations or Grants for their paicular interests iw 'ding to Law. By Order of the Go : vfe Gen" C" of Assizes. The Go : doeth further grant to signify: Any private p'son or p'sons, that cannot make their application w'^in the tinu; limited, giving in their Names & Desires to the Justice of the Peace shall b.ave furlher si^usonable lime for their Complvance herehi. c .y n ' " l.v < )rder or the (>o; [October 5, 1670.] Whereas the hon"" (.'onrt of Assizes held at New York tho 4", .5"> kc Dayes of this Instant October Adjudged our Town(! of Soutlmmpton to send up by the 23' Instant theire resolves to (iilltill the law for takeing out patent or Contirmation for our properties Interrests •k liberties wee the Subscribed the Constable and Overseers of y" s" Towno of Southampton in Obedience vnto ourhou'" and Esteemed Govern^ vV the s' Act of the Com-t of Assizes Doe in behalfe of our s" Towno hereby Depute our friends, Mr. Justice Topping and ('apt. John lloicll with all ix.ssihle convenient speed to make address to his h.mM)iir (iovern^ for such s' pattent or Conlirmations. .\lso to present the Townes serviee to his Ikpii^ iV to crave his i.Mon whereinsoever y" Towne or unrselves have any way ac"i Inlmb.tants of Ih^npsted doo I.nplv ,/vvv.y ^Vood an,l .l/.vl/^.^^ .V../M to ... a.ul ^wan, :.„, pa,-.,., o.- IWs that .l^h ,.,r,.,. t„ ,.,:.1<,. a,,, liil.lin, o,- P.vpon-atio,. th.n:.... or upon^C.,. iV../!: or any Part thereof. Wo hose neun.e.s earo nn.lonvritten in the la.haUe of the Natiianiei.i. PKAKSAi.r, Clarck Simon Sakino KitiiAKu Cilueksleeve. K"<- ■'11 men hy these ,^ent. whomo Itt n,ay Cn.en.e, "^a ''weftl'^ Inhabitance oil /A .V«^.^y< and m speshall „nr i:,,d.,s n, and vpon the Xeel^ eon,o,dv called the (n-eat Neck and tothatLndvveehkew,sen,,^,^e„„,selhus as af,„.e,.ai.l n.ntnaliy to stan.l hy an.l defend eaeh oher.nact.nf.al„,nt and nulen.rin. ,,. ,„aintayne onr Rights aforo..yd Lo^tgualiv and to the uttniost Extentt ofT tli(! Law otT .lur \ati,.M. ' J ;' ») -*i Jo/iii Seaman John Stnitli Robert Bciulle John Smith Jiichard KUUon Thonuis EIUkoh Thomas Nuahmore Nathaniel Plcrsall John Smith Jeremiah Wood JoKejih /'ettit John Trend Well Kni'ly Colonial SettlemenU. Simuel Denton Jiichard liildernleeve Ahraham Smith Joseph Williamn Daniel Beadell Jonathan Smith John Carman jun Jonejth Lanijdon Timothy llahteed Josh ua Jce.ocks Robert Marvin John Williams Richard Valentine William Jeeocks A'dward Rainer I'homas Champion Simon Sarin(j John Sarimj Jidman Titua Thomas Willett^ Richard Stiles John Smith WilUam Thickstona Kdinard Spragy At !i spcciiil Co" of Assizes lieKl in Now Vorke, the 2(i"' (l;i,v of Outobur in tlie L>S'" yeare of liis Ma'"'' Uiiigiie Aniionue Domini 1(576. Present. The Govi.rno' A: CoiincelL The Justices of the Peace of the soverall Ridings of Yorkeshire upon Lomj Island. The Mayo'' & Ahlernien of tlli^ City. A Presentment being brouglit into the Co" by Mr. Sanniell I.eete.tm tiie beiialf of our soveraii'ne T.onl tlie King, ag" Nathaniell Pearsall, Thvu\ Abraham Smith and Joseph Lanijdon of the Towiie of Uempsteed in tiio >iorth Tlire witii divers otiiers plotted, eonfederateil i\r combinal in a writing iiiuU'r their hands, signed by aliove twenty persons, tliey did i)uiceed and upon Monday, the HV' iust. betweene the iioures of one and two in tiie al'teriioone, witli force iV: amies, at a certaino phice, called Cing and (ioods of John Cornell with manv meuacings vl^ tlu-eatniiigs to the said Cornell, whwtAty liee was in great fear & stood in danger of his life & other Enomiifies, then ife there by force of amies, riotcnisly, routousiy A unlawfully (h>no by the said Xa/h: /'iersall S:e to the great lusse iV detrinient of liini. the .-aid John Cornell, in Contempt of his Ma""^ Lawes and :;g' the Peare of our soveraign Lord the King ik against the forme of the statute in such Ciises providecj. To the w"' they pleaded not guilty. Whereupon proofes being produced eV examined in C" to<--ether witii tlie originall writing nf Combination under thr band : "f .".7 of tbeiii. The whole being given ill Charge to y" . I urv, who were -cut out thereupon. They brought ihem in (ruilty. The Court after due. CdU-ideralion had ilieruupoii doe give JudLjm' as folhiweth, viz'. That Nathaniel R>arsall doe jiaye as a tine to the King the suinm.i of liOt-b vV give seeurity for his good behavior untiU the I'jxt (ion" C" of Assize.-,. That Thomas Rnshnm-e, a PiMiieii)al .Vcfor, wlio drew the writing of Combination, er of SoutU.ampton, did (the Justices of tho Pea.e, Constable and others ot that pla,.... hcng ,„,.sent,) Re.juest my License, Tliat lu.e might have a Priviled.^e for a tnne, to make Wares within the Limitts or Bounds of Southton, aforesaid, for the talTin'.. of 1 erch, and other s.nall lh>h. as also to Kreet sn,ull Houses or Stajres, for savin., and salting of L), ftsh as shall he t:duitable proportion ot Land, where vacant, an.l particularly to flisl,e,.n,.n n.'are the Seasi,!.., and that rh.'V brin- their G00.IS, all Dishing (^raft an.l Sal,, ,0 bee F.an.l.Ml by anv Vessell, or Vessells thev can procure (being tree ot all Dutyes) without coming to enter the same here, hut with the Otlicer of the j's il m 'fl J^m>: '^1 Hr< 728 h'atii/ Colonial Settlevwnta. place, wild is rcfiuircd to f^^ivo tliein ])veseiit (liupiitdi accordingly ; As also to siifler the Landiiii^ of Armca or Auiiiimiitidii, as lieiis Uiviiig lirHt tiiu Mat^isfratiMir diicfc OtHicr of the place, an Acco' of said ArmcB; And to give thorn all further fitt encouragoment and assistance, as occasion. Act\nn ill Nem Yurh; this 10"* day of January, lt>7?. K. Andkoh. To the Magistratort ami Otlicers of the sovi-rall Townes of Ynrkuhire, on Imthj /aland. Ml i '■•■>:-■ CouNcii. MiMPKs. Inuians ano IIkmhtkad. March 13"' lC.7ti-7. The Mas/qi'iiij Sachems son came to the Go : with one hulyan more. Mr. Stq'hanun Coi'tlamU ii Tho ; the baker Interpret". Ilee was demanded if his fatiier or hee or the Rm'kwnij Sachem hiid heone ever at Stratfonl latelv or any from thence with them. Hee .saith, Not any have beenc over or are come. Ill' siitii, that about three weeks agoe, a Pajuvl Indyan was with them at Uockwaij, his name is .Miiiiijiuimij. The h'()<-kii',ui Saclienis namt; is Moiinipianiy. Hee saith, his father will bee here in I'i or 14 dayes and other Sachems with him. An Order to beo sent to llimpgtfnd to come to an agreem' with the Indyans for the title of thoir land, BO long in (piestion, within three months, or the Govern'' will undertake it hiinselfe and end it. March 2S'" 1(!77. This day appeared hetbre the Govern' the Indyan Sachem Tackpousha with his son, tJic Mr. Siml EdHnll Iiitpr pr«ter pri«i*iii. liw'kwaij Sachem it the Sequetauke Indyans son {Mericuck included) & about Indyans. They say, they ha\ ]iarticular buninesse, but to give a visit it ti di.'clare the continuance of their friendship it were glad to sou the Ciovcrn' it al th well. Witli tiiis they ])rcsent a largo string of white wampum. The (io: saith, they may bee welcome to him without putting tiiemselves to such Oharge, it may come without it. They >eenie not to esteeme so small a matter. The n 'pon a projtosall from -t'lfupli Ciirpoifir, that if he >~hoiild have occasion to cutt sometiinhci tb ill, wl lere it is uoi t feiiu't It 1 icint; n i nmeinicd from the; G TI lev sav, its a small matter & consi'iit to it. June ii3' ir.77. Wiavmko, Sachem of .^(n-otnuk pretend.^ to JVtti't.jwik Lands. Swaiu:iiu:uits/i(i New York HiHtorical Reconh. 739 for all tl.o hole tnu-kt of ht.ul : an.l «u,ae th , u . .i ""'^ '"^'""^^ ''''''"•^ ''"'^ I'V but how „„...i, I ..H„„ot tco „ 1 ;; : Twr,'". t' """ """ "'^^ ^'^^ ''«^-' f-. tlmy went away f,„- any tln'nK I kimwu^v? TV ,^ ^^ ''''"''' ^"^^^^^ bought of the'lai,! 8ai.u,.. , J 1 „ ! 17 ^ T "" f^ other of //««^«,./ .,.e„ to lay out the bo..n.l,. . w i,. E^'r,'" "iT "'"' ,■'"" "'" ^"'"« 6o,„ula,.athcE.tli,.oat a Pointe of tr.Js th^C 7/ V v '" ""^ Northwa.d to the .narked sou.e trees a,..l f,^M.. y .. .-k d ^ ^^' if*^^^'^ "'^^— -' "-vhere the Indiana «o„nd or Norths..a and f.^.,,, t „ l P ' /"'' ^f '"•"'^'"'•'l '"^^rcny as the Indians r„„ it to the ."i-idel. of the l-lains ,! d ' , r t ^^^^, J ^ ^'"^ f ^''^ i'''"- = -<1 f-.n the line to the South «e and 1 shall give 1. it f , ''y/'""; T} l'^ ^''-^ "P- '^ «o"th Concei-nniir the hoiiii, s ot'om- liiid Mr a, ,;, ^ . .-i. ■',''' "v ^nc j^ 107. . testified and sl^ll ,. .ady .1 ^. li^'t.!^, ^t^i::/ ""'" ^'''^ «*^'"- ^'^^ ^^ ^'^<'-*'^- bath At a CounceJl held in New York, Jidy 2" 1677 «eve,.all A,,-..,,,.- and I^s L- if X^: ' 1: J"''r /''r T'f ^'"' '"'^^'"'""^^ ^^ ^"« whom paid, after which a day to bee un 1. 1 ' " ^■''"" ''""' ^'^ ^'''""^' ""^ ^" uiinaeon. ^ .4>pointe,l tu hear all partyes, in o.-der to a tinal Deter- fiitnt e nddk of ,he /.Jw, fL: /^^^ f ^ ^ .7 "' i'",;'"^'^:"'"^ ^'^"^^ '"-' '"-'«■' . venu,-ked, but su.H..i..n,lv ..K.,.:vd of b,' ,.h t . *"""' '""' ^^^ ""' ''""^''^^'^' ''^•^' "««' .hers; also H.at vou give „„,.. ,o M " V. >f V T""' ''^^ '■"''''">'"o f''--'" ^''^lyans or •iiv.--, and toanv'.,tl.'s for --iv. ■ .^elo^t ^ Hk '"f '^'"""' "" '" "^'^'"^ '^t AW,.«^. f.H-,,e,,earesai,r.V.v,^....^.,.iv ,• .rv.u / ^ '' "'""■ '""•"^''^' ""'• tbat hee settle a 'lay ot August, lilTT. -f^tuun in isew 1 orkc this 13"" '■'" "' "'■'■"' '""" ' >■• ■"»*- «'■ .'» [■-. ..f r ^.. /«,■„, »„ L»::r * Stock iiiKH. t Tl.e «a>ue testhuony was given by MrB. QMer>Uc., ^^l^nl'v, "'"'jy, <^^''"»"*'* "ay. 92 )iV |i > F/ MgQ £arly Coltmial Settlements. C. M. The Goternocr of N. Y. accuse., hv OoNNKrrunr ah beino at the bottom or the i.ati Indian Tuoiui.e. ^"'n::l':f wl: r -it o^ . ... ...... .... C;ovo....^a..a Cou..ce..of C^n..... W^ i,.for...atio.. c.f «o...o Mischieft- lately .kmc by I...lya..« at I/aafiM Sevc.-cly tax...g the (,..ve...o as the Oeva.i.,.. of itt ..po.. Suspitio.. it was actol l.y tl.oHC tl.ei.' U>mn-v L..f...ycB, roh.d...^ w the liulva..^ of thiH lioveriinieiit. •,£..«•.. Lett' fro... /Vw-^v-ziW f.-o... Mr. C^iesar Knaplon {^o...m.inder at Av/^ry^t./, .fe the theuuh at St. Johns Jx 1','nMcott, \vm\ Sept. 2.S"'. • . , .u . », A.. a..swcr was read i.i Co,...eell .^' app.-ov.nl of to ho 8cnt to Vonectieott hy the.r Messcger. WAR.tANT AlITUOKIZUNO A SkAKO.I FOB SkA CoAL ON L. I. l?v the Goven.o'. These are to certify that I have .Muploye.l M.-. John Thomjmn of Heafafrott^ to goe to Mushinrf, .k other parts ,.po.. Lonr, Mauf .- to view .V' Search Severall Places, for Sea-Cole l...es of whi.i Cole Mi..o. havei,,^' had ,..'o!.aI.le I„forn.a,o.., .t s" Thompson so..u. k..owlcdKe ot ,nin,.. as well as ...akin^' TooU, a..d iJures. ..ecessa.'y f..r s" wo.'ke ; it hei..^- ot 1 ..hhck .■o.UTrne ; I do he.vbvdosi.-o his ..ot bei.,- l,i...l.-ed, or obstructed, b..t to have all Just Libertye, & ass.sta..ce, for Viewhlj? or bo.vi.ifr. to fi.ide s' Mi.i.M as Uccasiun. Given .....ler ...y hand ... New Yorkc \\m O'^OctobrlfiTT. E. Anros. To the High Sheriflc & Severall Justices of YorUiire upon Lowj h'tnd. License to piiactice Suroeby on \.. I. At a Gen" C of Assizes etc. V,.o.. I..ti...atio,. of divers ('o..si,le.-ablo C.res i.. Chir..rge.7 done on severall persons by M Jonas WooJ of Uurdlnqton, and the g.-eat good hoe is capable of doeing in that a.-t, bu. that hce is not willing publickelv' to practice it without 8o...e pa.tic.la.^ lice.i.-eor Allowa,,ce f.'o... Autl,o.->ty as the Law directs. Thcv b,.i..g likewise no other Chi.u.-eon i.. those pa.ls, 1 he (' havmg .vC full satisf..ction of the abilityes of r' s' M' HW in that faculty, They do alluw ot h.s pract.cc i.. Chir..i-gerv of which all pe.-so.is concer.ied ...ay take .lotice accordingly. [October KJ77.] l^y (->'-'l^''' "^ '1'^' «^»" ^'" "^ ^«^^^«- PRO..0.AH.8 FROM r,.E CoNITABI.KS OF V EaST & NoKTH R.DINOS TO THE GoV & C" OF Assi/..;s. To y' Right Hon"'"' Edmond Andros Esq" Gove.-no' Gen" of all his Royall Ilighncsse Territoriei in Amerir't, Tln^ Wo"''full his Ma"" Justices of y'' Peace sittb.g i.. this Honorable Court of Assizes this 4"" of October 1677. t'1 r #i! )M ur THE t.ATB ; GoV & C" OF New Yorlc UiHtoricol lierordH, rai iMt i;" Towiio & ('" of Hi'HsloIlK, OrdiTi'il alrimdy & The hnmhlo Desire of y' Oo.mt.iMcH „f .>- ha.t & ^onh Hiding on /. «j7 Island: T.-r IIon'A- WoPP"m.«t lM.,„My Show.-th .t in their DcBiro That the Maintenanoo ami Ordered hiu-..,na^^..uent for y" Ministry nrny hy «..,„(. way 1,.m- EHtal.lisiuMl .V^ that Surh F.ieoi.r nKement nuiy heo, that there way hee a Minister in Eaeh Uenpeetivo Towne that wantn. 2 "1 hat there may ftlso bee «omo way Estabiinhed for the Maintenaneo of a S.h.M.I Ma' 111 Luch lowiie. - >. ^" '^'f y \f""' * ^^'"""' ^^•""''' 1'" I'lfHHod to CoMHider ..f 8o.no way to prevent the rZlnt'o"'' *^7" "''"«° !''^''-" ''^ "' I'"li'"'« Ijei-'fe' froquently n.ade Dr„„]' pi I \\y the (lovoriH)'. These lire to Curtify Wlioin it iimy (^oiii-uriH' tliut Docto' Ihnry Taylor lin.,li leave to treat witli, Agree iiiul Buy of tlio liuliuiin, ii Certaine Neck or Traet of LuikI, & MeadowH itott allreaily bought, or >,'raiite(l oii I'm SoiithHiih" of I.onij />ifii)i77. E. Andkos. Tlie above Hepomendacjons to the Justices of tiie Peace Ooiistalile ife Overseers of (Iravencnd Wiis U]>on Complaint of some of their young men for want of Lands to iMani;re. LlBKKTY GRANTED TO Mk. Rioh' WoODHLLI, Mu. Sam" KdsaLI. itc To tTISU Allot 1 SkaTALOOTT &e. h'limiiml Anilros Ksij' Arc. Upoi\ applicagon of Mr. A'/cA' Wood/iu/l Justice of the Peace at Scatakott, Mr. Saiiif KJsallyVLr. Wulhr \V>lily >k Mr. Aiuln'm (ilhh, I bavt' allowed it do hereby recommend their being permitteil, and encouraged in an intended llishing designe for Inisse it pearch, on tlu^ North and South of the Hounds or Easterly of Smtalcott, at \" West Meadow and the ()lriciU JUoorfh. 73.J «o loMK' an .h.y hIuUI ,.roHe«utetlK, .' tlUu.rv ..■.or.li,.,,.. l.in M.-- (Jr.cioun I„,c„.t, in E,u.ouraKi..K thi- i:'.%rN:M;.77 *' * ^^'^ '"'''"" *^'"'' ^""' "'^'^ '"^ '"""• "■ ^^'-^ ''-'<■ E. ANtiuuH. CouNcii. MrNCTES. Indian ArrAuw. N. Y. Nov : 6. 1677. Mr. Miyui- iSc Mr. Lilnall Iiit'prot". Tl,m .l;,y Mi.oa.ha .V. u« farr. a. llnclwrkaukc on Imlmlfo of then.«elvoH & I„dya,w come to tlu' Ot. : tu hfu hini ugmn.! k-forn liuo jjourt, to winli liini a ^.ood voiuge. Tackpouxlia Ac Hon tirst 8pt>aku. They H,K.ake hI-.U j;«,« Xr;!-, Tl.ut tluTu l.avu l.oon novomll propoHulln to l,„y tl.at lan.i l,v r (.ov or ,,a,.t ol ,t, 1 hat th.y uro not willing to part with or Ml all. I.ut w„nM"|,art with one halfe llu, (iov. now «oe.nK uway they nay he n.ay .lye ^. another co.ue, that know. .lothinK of tins, tluTutorc ili'sHM miMiowhat nii;,'ht liee left ti> make it knowne. Anotiier Indyau speaks, hee \^ the iSm'hen. of Sc.dd.t„/k,< named TTee sneaks 'ihout the heaeh which tho //nnflnrjton n.en olTored to h„y for the ..onvenienee of their lishinL' tor Ha..e &e, they refused to sell or hire it, l.ut wonld let then, have it for « yeares. now they have had for ayeare iV halte lon;;er iVr have ^'iven them nothing', nor come near them ul.out it racK,wmhn the I«l ; A: they j;ave hin. a pieeo of Meadow, hee l.'ein^ a very l'."'| Man ; l.nt hee ,. now .lead and did not l.ny any I'pland .St the Meadow was Kiven, yet ~haul„n & those ot ,^atahoU clayn.e hoth Upland .t Meadow & /htyton hath b.iilt a hu.i.e upon V lipland. ' The Sacliem of /^orhi^mj upeaks. Ahout some people npeakiti^ tn eome & plant upon their land it feneo it in, which thev doc not thinko eonvcnient. to prevent trespasse ifee. Another Indyaii of ['mfu'ehitwi. Hee siiith, that the En^dish .at S,.at„l.;,lt .joe nay that thev hou-ht t1>eir lands ,.f Gnu the Sachem, who never ae.jnainted the other Indyans eoneerne.i therein. They aske if that bee well miicH from the Towne to y \V,ulhi,j iWcke, but Mr. Wno.lhull replved what ..h„iild hee doe with so much, a small pi.'.v to plant Would serve his Townc Mr. Wm>d/iu!l told him hee would pay tor w' hee haMicular, They are told, that as they have had freedonio to goe to the Magi.-trates or (4o : upon all occasions, so they may still, but now the winter is coming on, for small matters its better, they should stay at honu- or apply themselves to the next offio" and in the spring or summer order shall be taken to give them right. In meantime all Otiic'* remain as they were it the sanu' Gare r-hall bee taken of them. A band of Seawant * was presented. The Go: hopes, when hee comes back, to lind them all well &e. GocNcii, Minutes. I^ino Isi,an-d T.,wns to err stookapes fok Fokt James; lIf.\TiN-oTON ani> THEiu r..EK(.vMEN: Uo<;KAWAv l.vniANs; MiuTiA ON L. 1.; Whalkfishino AT Son n ami-ton: HoiNHAKIKS ol- .IaMAICA ANIi Fl.lsniNI). .\t a Councell itc March IS'" lti77/8. A warr' to the severidl Townes by the watersidi- to cutt the quantity of three thousand stockados for the tiso of the Fort, to bee in length eighteen feet by seven indues through. Gnwan.i \ •"" Mmp.thkUl\-- W, sfrhM.'r . . . .U^n^ SM,„ N. . . .MO An addre,ss(' from /f>wj>.>/(uunv particularlv at the East end), that the Const, and Overseers refuse or ne-leet lo .lue their dutves in Jevyiuir t'he fines due from Default- in Trainings. They .lesire therefore on such occasions to bee empowered to'levv such hnos themselves, or abseii,-e or defects, en-ratcinir to be accomptable as the Law directs They desire if this is -ranted A special Order to the Towne Otlic" viz Const. & ( )verseers to levy what is past. To Capt. Anthony Jiroclchols A- the rest ,,f the CVniiicell of the Covern'' of X,,i> York. 'i"'"^' Humble petition of Benjamin Alfonl of ^"'^'^f'f'b lioxton in Xeto Emjlund merch' Thatyo-- petitioner havintc l«Mif,'ht a cnnsiderabh^ (jnantify ,,f Oy],, ,it South, impfon, at the F':ast end of Lon/v/ for liberty t.) ship otr Oyic for London from Southton &>; gi-anted A|)iil :.'n"' li'iTS. At a Couneell iVc May the T"' 1078. Vpon a Complaint from the C.uistabl." anen 2 Saninell Parsotis I John Par80!i8 1 John Miller jun 1 James Rird 1 James Diment 1 John Stretton jun 1 Beniamin Conekling I \Vm lianies 1 Nath : Doiiieny 1 Wm Miller 1 Nath: ibishiii) 2 Win Mulford 2 Enoeli Fithian 1 Wm Edwards 2 Richard 8haw 2 Richard Stretton 1 Phili|>p Leeko 1 ■a a H o i o c CI i a Si •n ■c 1 O. & m a 20 H 7 4 5 4 4 1 1 4 34 2t;2 10 8 80 10 10 5 5 f) 3 4 32 304 3 4 7 1 3 3 2 I 3 (J 13 104 10 8 4 2 1 1 2 4 5 47 13 4 6 3 5 2 2 4 1 II 1 1 7 6 115 15 5 8 (> 5 4 3 4 45 218 10 7 1 2 1 1 1 9 58 10 14 3 3 3 2 3 4 2 4 28 117 10 8 Iti 3 5 2 3 4 3 (I 3 21 102 10 2J< :-, 7 5 6 5 2 5 24 208 10 10 6 11 4 fi 4 1 1 1 4 3(1 243 () 2 II II 2 (1 (i 54 l> 13 2 5 2 2 2 2 (1 (1 12 115 I) 30 !» 11 4 C 7 4 2 2 t) 53 302 3 4 23 8 7 2 3 7 4 t) 2(1 212 13 4 20 n .5 2 4 4 4 1 32 180 13 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 55 10 13 4 7 2 3 4 1 (1 4 4 4 4 4 II 2 3 9 175 (1 12 2 ,3 1 2 1 2 2 2 t! It! 135 10 8 2 2 1 2 2 II II II 73 II 11 4 11 3 1) u u u 1 4 39 ti 8 I New York Historical Records. Tax Lists — (Concluded). 737 J2 l(i 8 M 3 4 J4 1<5 8 VI 13 4 15 18 10 58 10 17 16 8 i2 10 18 10 43 (1 54 1) 15 \^ \'l 3 4 12 13 4 8i) 13 4 55 10 u 27 10 ti7 10 17 10 9(» 79 24 1(1 II 43 57 II 5'.) Id 93 (1 44 3 4 21 1(1 II 7.S 10 II M5 If. s 74 (1 II (14 (1 (1 M» 13 4 75 II 35 Ifi 8 73 II II 39 ti 8 ■s ts James Ilmid i Siitnuell Brook i Joshua Goeliek \ John Miller sen i Tlio : Osborne jun 2 Cupt. Josiah lloberts 1 Stephen Hand 2 Samuell Mulford 2 John Osborne 2 Mr. Scelliiiger * John Edwards * John Felld * Widdow Hedges * James Looper * Abraliam Ifauke * John liicheson * Tho: Bee * Josopli Osborne * Nathaiiiell Baker * Sam : Terrell * Edward Joans * Daniel Biisliup * Tiu) : Strcttoii « Robert Hedy * Tho : Diment jiiii * Endorsed : Eastiiampton Vallei 1G78 93 T) a 6 i i n 91 >< n CO i « a a, 9 ■a 3 M 6 2 1 2 1 (1 2 8 57 3 4 8 2 2 1 1 1 GO 10 15 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 18 107 10 13 3 1 1 5 1 1 9 102 21 4 7 7 G 3 2 6 50 210 3 4 8 3 5 1 1 12 114 1) 13 4 6 2 1 3 2 1 30 153 10 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 3 15 115 13 5 8 5 7 G 2 G 18 201 17 4 G 3 1 5 3 1 1 21 191 12 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 4 10 123 18 8 2 1 1 3 5 47 3 4 3 3 2 4 G 48 12 2 3 2 1 2 3 11 94 3 4 4 1 1 2 30 10 2 2 I.I 1 22 2 1 15 3 II 1 29 28 4 G 3 II I 3 G 27 IGO 10 18 11 1) 18 IS II 18 II (1 (1 II II II 2G a (1 II 1 30 itions 7110 3 4 29. 19. 2. Uuntlnijton. 2 7 6 8 Papar destroyed. Hi iJlls 738 Early Colonial Settlements. A List of the EtiTATEs ok tuk Iniiabytanck of Nkwtowne, on L. I. t i i I t i i I ^ i ^ I i iaJ OOra ei-iM MCI rtCD to JolmBurtis l 20 4 4 O 2 1 2 1 5 8 John Studden inn 1 15 4 4 1 2 6 7 on Aburtis...: 1 10 2 3 1 1 5 3 Plcaser LeveredK 10 10 10 3 JolmParsell... 3 25 2 4 4 3 4 2 10 2 Thomas Case 2 20 4 3 2 4 2 11 20 William Graves 1 20 2 4 2 2 4 6 3 RichardOwin 1 8 2 3 1 2 1 « 2 Joseph Bum.iii,d,s 1 10 2 2 10 2 4 JolIisLores.: l 20 2 3 1 5 2 1 1 Stephen Gcorg-sou 1 IQ (» 3 1 1 3 3 Ilarrick Sibertsen 3 22 6 3 3 6 1 2 10 2 JohnWoollstoncraft.... 1 14 3 1 5 1 1 Lorcns Peterson (,002000000002 Corsen Cornells dPfine. 100000 100000 John Buckhoode 2 20 2 1 1 3 1 George Stevenson 2 50 4 8 3 5 4 5 10 2 AndraeBnrd 1 12 2 2 2 1 Peter Fradrickson 14 2 110 10 1 Willian. Ingall 18020011001.. 1 AbramReens 3 14 2 5 2 2 13 o 1 1 T 1 1 00 .) 4. 3 1 to 2 Caleb Leveredg i ^^ - * " o a " " JohnGrissell 1 4 o 1 1 ;* James Way sener 2 20 4 (i 3 .; 1 1 1 20 .) Conten Titus 1 20 4 4 1 3 2 1 1.! 3 SamuellMore 1 20 2 3 2 1 1 1 8 1 Sau.uellKet.han. l 13 4 1 Thomas Pettit 1 Ifi 3 2 2 1 1 S 4 William Ilallett se.> 1 1*5 fi 1 3 3 G 3 William llallctt jim 16 2 5 2 (• 1 1 n 20 1 Sa.nuel Ilallett.." 10 2 3 2 1 2 8 1 Roba.-t Bhakwell l 20 4 3 1 2 3 Nathaniel Pettit 1 7 3 2 2 4 7 M.-. Eddes 1 20 2 4 2 10 5 4 Jo..e,,h Phillips 1 13 3 2 1 1 2 7 2 Jeremiah Hun^onghs,... 1 20 22013200 14 4 Abramllrost..... l 10 2 1 I Mr. Barker 1 l« 1 2 10 John Pettit 1,22211100061 Nathaniell Baly 1 15 1 "-ST—— ■',^n^:XT ■: New Yovh Hktor-ical Records. List of Estates— (Continued). 739 5 8 6 7 5 3 () 3 10 2 20 6 3 6 2 2 4 1 3 10 2 1 2 1 10 2 1 1 , , 1 13 K» 2 3 !>0 () It! 3 8 1 (1 8 4 C. 3 20 1 8 1 2 3 4 7 5 4 7 2 4 4 2 10 5 1 (•> n ij o Tlio: Stillinan 1 10 Edward Hunt 2 30 6 Thomas Parscll 2 14 Peter Roulesoii 1 24 2 Jolin Bull 1 1 Tliouias Robasoii 2 30 2 Lanil)art Woodward 18 2 Mr. Waudall 100 Capt : Coo 2 30 2 Capt : Lawreus 4 40 2 Josi'ph lludor 1 12 2 Luck Depaw 1 8 Joliu CopestafTo 1 (J Tiit'O]): Phillipti 1 6 2 Left: More 1 18 2 Joim Graues 5 2 Daniel Blouitield 1 25 4 George Wood 1 J5 2 John lleder 1 12 2 Je-.-iiiii Kcoii'r 1 12 () Rol)art Col weld 1 (J Jolni Deumaii 1 13 o Thomas Morrcll 1 UJ Q John Sender sen 25 5 Mr. Morris 1 2 Samuell Wood. . 1 Sarah Hayes () t; o Josna H.i/.ard 1 1) o Edward Stevens 1 33 2 Gershom Hazard 1 3 Jacob it Isaack Kedor. . . 2 15 4 Joiin Rosell 1 John i'linriouglis l."( 2 Adam Hruer 1 u John Ramesden 2 40 2 John Smith tlo 4 John Haylor 1 Jose])h Reede 1 2 John lieede 1 Jonath" Hazard 1 20 2 8 5 2 1 4 4 10 4 8 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 5 5 2 1 4 .•5 (i 4 3 2 3 1 3 2 9 14 1 4 E i 9 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 John Kitcbam 2 GO Moses Pettit 1 4 Elios Billy 1 Josiah Farman 3 20 Jona : Strickland 20 Tliomas Robarts 1 8 Rdph Doxey 1 2 Tho: Etiierington 4 Gabriel Linch 1 Aerte Webber 1 Hen : Martinson 1 * John Ilarinanson 1 Ilinnfry Clay jun 1 ti Samuell Fish." 1 Robart iToeld 1 30 Richard Fidoe 1 10 Nathan Fish 1 8 Hendriek Jonson 1 4 James Way jun 1 8 Riniers Mills 100 Uw. RoeloflP Ptiterson 1 6 Joseph Sawcut 1 10 Thomas Stevens 1 20 Letter to Justice Coenwei.l askinc* for Land on Hempstead Neck. Ifemjnteed ffebe\ ry y° 17 Anno 1678-9. Mr. Cormoell. Sir, wo whose names arc vridor written wovld desire yow to stand ovre flfriud so much as to j^o to ovre onnerablo (u)verner and desire him ill Tiiat iiis homier plea.'^eth to give to us one hvndred akors off Land a ])oeco Lieing on /iimpsted Neck so wdled, iTur wee are Young men ami have a minde to settle id' That wee eovld obtaine som laud and if tlie hon- ncrable Governor dos Tliink Tiiat wee aske (Tor to Uivch Tlien we would desire him to bee.-tdW on vs what Land iiis honner will Tiiink flit. Therefore jiray sur D(jw' ffor vs what yow (-an and wee \w\w That it will do as well as thovgh we went to the Govurner ovreselves, so we shall rest yovres in what we mayo WiLMAM Vallintlne Johias Stakr Moses Emuuke Jonah Vali.in-hnk Riciiakd Euson John Moott. This ITor his Honor ovi frind Jvstis Cornwcll Living Att Cornhenj these Deliver with Care. Rec' from Mr. Cornwell March 20'" to beo shewed the Go : Mr. Elyas Doughty came also to speake w"' the Gov' vpon the like ace'. d « H o 6 i 2 o n i i i a 4 [) 4 2 5 2 44 8 1 1 2 r, 1 2 4 ( 2 1 5 4 4 1 3 5 4 1 1 6 2 I 1 * 1 » * * * * * ■K- * •If * * « * 1 * 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 (5 5 1 20 2 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 8 4 4 6 4 4 5 1 1 U 4 Q. a. « s 9 a to u 8 2 5 4 5 6 2 It * 20 2 4 1 3 1 2 8 4 U 4 stmid Dvrc ler ]ik'as('tli 741 Mw York Histwiml liecords. nonorcd SI... ''"" "" '"'""" "^^"""^ ™ ^°""--« ^— o.:.. take a„ oatli a.ul a, are exse.utc.I or not a.ln.ittod to v , il t. 7 T" T'^' •^°"' '""P''^ '° yearcs lyon I.eav, upon ..nn ilew person, u h u n U ' ")'''''''' ^ ^"'■'^"' ^"^''' '''-*> -""^ pleased to ..ant c.ure inlud,vtants r pHvi edl J /"^r " "' ^"""^ ''""""• "'^"'^ ^« overseares of Any ihc Lold.',- not Im Vi , • M" . ^" '" '''^'* '" '^"'y''' "^ <^'""«tablo and who hath not i.i,;e an ov .. 1 ^ ! :; ';;::; u ''"'";" ^' '^^^' '^"^^ ^"^ °*'- p--» for this insewin. yeare drawoth n re o ■• V '""•'"• '""•'^"f ^"'''* '^^'-'V^' ^'^ reason y- Choyce your honnors .e^vant ' ''"'^ ^'^"'■° ^"'"""'•^ 1"'"-J»" '"-''■'-^i". I rest and remair,e OyKtcr hiiyc y" 25'" of Afarch 1«78. '^'^ Command These for tlie Governor. Thomas Townsend. Endorsed by Secretary Nirolh : For the Assizes* An Oboku ..rnou:..v..T,.. kkko.-.o.v o. . m:u, .r So.-onr- ..o L^ku ro Jvst.k Toppx.o OiV THK 8AMK rtllUKlT. An Order Granted to liohert Wolhy to sett up a (irist Mill. ]5y the Giiiivernour. Upon Application ,n:ule „nto n.ee l.y IM.rt Wo/lc, of Southton in the F. t I7T c -■ .".V i ;.. ^^■l v::;:;;;;;„'!:i,;:;r,;;,;''';;;';:''''''-'- • ■■" '" <'■-' =- «"- To Mr ./ '„ T,,j,pi„,j J,„,i,,. „( ,1„. ,,„,„, .„ s,.,Ml„„. ^"""^ '^'""""■ Kxumint'il l)_v irnv. M: ^' : Seer'' "Tbo n.iit i-.mn „f SossiniiB hoM «[.;.„-„„>.. 111,. li'M:i'^& ij'^af i.,„.. f n ■ mlgh. .b,..., ,„„„l„ .■,.,«.|.I., . I,, ,„,, ,b„i,.„ „, „,. ,.,„;,.:_„. ;,' °' ■'"°" '""""»f- '"""•I "■' "J"" »«J *■■: mm Y42 Early Colonial Settlements. An Okdeu kob TiioMAa Rusiimork to bkit ui- a Gkist-mili- & Sawe Mh.l. r>y tlio Governoiir. Vnon Avplifation of Thomas Rmhmove of m,npHtavl I .loo lu-nO.y .■onM.-.it Lis Betting ui> a Grist mill h.uI Saw mill vi^.m a Stmiin running through on tho W.8t side ol M.ulnan>,.\.rk not yctt taken vp or Iinpn.v.Ml, with F.p.all privih.lgoH of oth.r niilU, and to foil or cutt f.>r hm s- Saw mill any fitt Ti.nher vpon any A-ljacent Land not Apropriatod within Tom.o "•• T.npmv.d as is Cnston.arv a.id Allowed i>. all <.thcr I'arts f..r tho Publi.^k uso and (Jtmorall welltare of tho Country. Given under n.y hand in Ne,o York, the nineteenth day of May 1071). •^ Edmund Andkos. P(; An Order to tuk Townes on tue Westside of Lono Island to Choobe a Clarke. By the CJovornour. Whereas one perBon being Clarke to Beverall T-.wues on the Wesf^ido of Long hi and is not onelv Chargeable but hath proved Inconvenient I doe hen.by reeal the Anthor.ty or warrant u.ted fTr the 8an>e and Consent and direct the severall townes . BrurkUne and lUM,. Flatlands, New Utrick, Bo.s,oick and dependencyes or Constables and Overseersdoe make C Ikhco of a titt p rson to bee Clarke of oaeh place of which to ,nake nu-e a Uetnrne and the present Clarke MlrMl TleyneH is hereby directed and ordered to deliver to such new Chosen Cla.kes m ^presence of the respective townes Constables and Overs..ers or any three of them, of winch ^Constable or EldeL Overseer in ease of .- Constables necessa.^ absence any I .^s or papers belonging to such Townes. Given under my hand and scale mAc«; lo.A.tlusil .Us of May it'>7'.». E. A. (Seal.) To the ( )tlicers of the Townes of Brnek/hu; J'latfmd, Flatlwids, New Utrick, Bomlek and Dependencies vjwn Lomj Island. A LirnEii fijom tue Govkusok ro tue CoNsTAm.i: and Overbeeus ok Southampton. 1 have received vours of the 28'" past by Mr. .h.-o ph Raijner who hath also sliowcd meo and Councell three Testimunvs and Accp.ainted us with what hee ha,H up,,,, l^ny fdand «,i,l dcpcdccics in an-ouro of tl.e,,- Lmnivy It^ttcH S..l,.(,rii.ti..„H to.- the Free (J,.ift a,.d Cmfibuti..,. t.,wa,-,ls the Kclompfo,. of tho Upt,yo8 nx Mjier, as also i„ p.iy,,.' of fi„e. l.y pa.tic.la.- p'sc.s adjudgod l.y tl.0 C of AsH.^cs ..,• bess.o„H «i,.«,. ,ny Arrivall i,.,o ,Iu,..su pa.-ts, vt Cou.t cl.a.-«es both at Aks Js & heHs,o,.,s Ld, those .•espect.vo Aoc" n„d if „ot otI..,'wise to h.o attayu...! to distrayuo fo,- tho sau,.,- cfe sou suel, goods &.' HO d.sfayued l.y Exec-utiou iu .lociug the which all Constahlo. and othe,- ollic" a.o roqui.c.l to boo ayding au.l A8s,sting you upon occation .t that you mako of tho sauio duo ,-ut,in,o & f.,,- soo dooiug this boo you,- spooiall wa,-r'. Givou undo,- :ny hand and Soale in NewYorke tho 3" Dav of Jaiiuai-y 1079-80. •' To Mr. Joseph Lee ^ Doputy Shoi-iir of Ijonpdh-d. to pu.vhaso of t u- old n.hahitauts of J/ufwo,d tho sai.l now lots, which we lu.ught f,-ee and , .ruuibere.! the LonI s right oxcepto.l, for a oousidorahlo sum of uiouoy, holieving that tlu- Lord's rhdit meant only tho <',.,n,tn, n,(,:s of one p.-niiy iu tho pound, liut afto,-wa,-ds the said lots were char-rod w,th a yearly (juifout of one bush-l of wheat, of which the sellers uover informed us and wllich cannot bo demanded from us now. We a,-o tho,-efo,-e compelled, to repre.sont very humbly to your Honor, that the ol.l inhabitants of J/u/woutiwt very imp,-opei-ly iu petitioning your Honor for these new lots, because wo and Other poor people needing land are in their way, and as soon as thev had obtained them to sell them to us for a eonsiderablo su.n, concealing however the yearly .piit rent of one busi-ol of wheat, with which they will bunion us now. Wo have always understood, that it was the intention of his Roval Highness, our sovcrei-n I^.nl, and of your Honor, to g,-ant tho land to persons, who needed it, but not to people, who had abun(la,u-eof it and who, as soon as they obtain a g,-ant, .sell it and put U|> tho mouev. It is true wc have ].m-chiused the laml and contrary to our contract we cannot go to pay the purchase money,' alth.mgh 1, talU hard upon us, to put new land into goo.l condition and pav so much money to people, to whom it was not granted formerly nor now. U your Honor deems it advisable." we Shall pay the pui-chaso money, but wo hope, that your Honor will consider the matter and allow ill .«f . li li I Early Colonial Settlements. 744 U8 Boino ruliof i.. roK«r.l to tho prico of tl.c lun.l, or at loust tvUNU^t- im fnwn pavi..- tl.o -luitrcM.t with whicli tlio people, from whom we hoUKlit, (h-sire to burden us. Winch ciomg «Siu ^o. Yuur obeilieiit servunttt iind MilijcctH, KkmJaNSKN Al.KAMVM DiTuICT Tho mark of — ANnuvaEN The murk oi Jooht Casi-kuhkn The murk of Jacoi. Lakoilik8 The nuirk of Jan Hauknthkn Laikkns Cokneliskn CoitNiiLia I'ictkuhkn N. Y. 12'" Jan'' 1G79-80. New Yorl-e. At a Councell Jan : 13'" It170-S0. Vpon tlie petition of Hem ,/an.srn, Abraluim Dn Toirt vt others now Inhahitants of tho New IMU not loMK «inee granted to otherH their Neighbours of the Towne of MUhcout als Fl.ithu.h, That having made pureliuse of their said lan.l for valuab!.. (\.nsiderutions. free Iron, any otluT charge, There is since demand.'d of them tiie Quitrent of oi.e bushcU of wheale yeari'ly (luite UiMit, whera.f tiiey heretofore had no Cognizunec, nor wuh it mentioned in their purchase, Where- fore desire Keliefo therein. , Resolved, That an order bee sent to the Const"" of Flathmh, to give notice to all those, who had Grants for tho New Lotta aforementioned, or who aro now participants therein, that tli'.-y appeare in this plar-e on Saturday come senight next each in tl.c foirnoone t.. give ace' what Improvcm' hath been niade bv themselves or others thereon, when the pel" are hkew.se loappea.-e, when they may have a deti..itive answer to their petition. In moano tiino to proceede m their improvcm" on said La.id as formerly. To the Honnorablo S' Hd Andros Knight Go : Gen" &c. May it please vour Honour: Whc.vus it hapens a ditTirence or dispute between Mr. Ilids & Mr Cornell w'" n.vsclfc v'onrcrnin- a (i-ackt of land for.n.'rly belonging to Mr. Dowtlue a f.il! & e.,null tl.i.'d wlu.;of I huv.. bought of the said />.Wr«oononoot the thn'o UaU last 1 out WiWnrll. i. HettliuK his other 8on in Law ,/./m (^ CoinonH ot h'' neck u|)o!i pretence of boo iiiucli to tlie (laiimp! ami prejudice of \\w \\\' Lanrvnc, on the Cotnonn of h" neck upon pretence of purelmso of other lands thereby which will Hot- ke an e,pul! division of the .- neck between then,, ho t.,at your I'et' beu not frustrated of his Iii«ht and Jus Labour on s'' Land. ^ WiM, IIavilani). Ilee therefore hmnbly prays your Excellence That a stop nuy i.ee put to the intondcd u tie.n of the >^^ John Laun-n.: iuthat place. S, that , ou.e pur, on or persons bee appointed to nm! -■■ ipi.iH division of the h'' neck between iliuin, his Labour 011 s'' Land. And your Kxcelleiicys I'ef shall Pray ifec. To the lli^rht Honorable Sir Eilmond Amiros, (Jovcrnor (Jeiierfl-.l under liis Uoyall Flighncss, the Duke of York, of all his Territories in Amcr'iM, the 1>4"' of ,Ian>' KuO-SO. Humbly show the undersiKued Nonstable an.l ()vers..er of the village of Ml.lwout, that they .U-o greatly injured by tie, ereet.o,, of tl... ministers '.ouse. so that much of the monev earned by then. IS not paid by the cuiracior :i„d u-h..reas the inhabitantB of lireurkelen are bound to perforii. one fourth of the lao,.r, but defer 1, from time ,0 time, although wo have done everything, to live w.th them m fr...dsh,p Theretoiv we humbly rcpie.t your Honor, to give directions to some Justice of the eace, who .hall settle -he matter amicably without legal proceeding.. Wl-.lch doing we arc and remuiu '' Your Honors servants TlIEOnolJI S ToLIIKMH s CoKNKr.u- Janskn A. n II 1 11 .1 o,.,, , r . I ^"'t^K Janskn VA.\ ijiiu Vliet At a rouncell held the 24"^ day of Jan ; 1(170-80, Vpon a petition from ,1... Con,; ic Overseers of Fhth.sh, ('oM,pla:ning, that tli.. Inhabit" of /;/v«c-J:/y. having undertaken to bee ay.ling .V as..istiug in buihling the f" part of the D" house at /' lotbHxh, but neglect or refuse to perforine the same, Ordered that a Copye of the petition bee sent to the c'onst»'" & Overseers of Brencklm who are to take care to p'forme their agreem', or to return their Reasons to the tJo : for their failing thoix>ni. I?y Order iVrc. The Const- .fc two of the Overseers of s-T.nvne of Flathmh (together with some of the purclia.se,-s) appearing this day a-'cording to order .V heard what fhev eouM sav to w' was in tlvj petition all.-adged, v.-hicl. was not materiall, The ,same being taken into Conside'ration Ordered. That the t^iit Rent bee p" In the Lan.l. but if the .seller di.l not inform the buyer thereof at the bargaine making, then the .seller to indemnify the buver or purchaser thcrefron by abatement or oth-rwiso as they shall agree. By order of the Co: in Counccll. 94 HIiJi' ii I , I ■■i >j^Q Karl If Coloniiil SttllemmU Whorm. w... ....a.rwrilt.M, Itring CI. .t iVl-ut.-l ut a full Towno nioolinK _..f the Inhabitunts ..f llln.kh., wIumv .Iumv w..,v tl., .Iu.ti,vs..f .V r.a.v In p^on.o to vvitt, M A„7.«/v/ ronu'lU Cai-' ■-/■/»> »•;//<-.<< .iu,l Cap- Thouut. /M:. to vi.w luul tak. a survoy ot a ,mm.t of Conmw.u LaM.l l.olon^MU^^ to f Tow.io of .//^/.A/,.y tl.o mn. l.elnK (lrant..a Jo M ( ornell l.,V >'^ Haiti Towne In Hull .ati«factio„ of all his ..nonu,l«.. tluMvin a,.,l soc Km.nl...l AcTonLnj; to y TosvnoB re.,u.st w. went to view tho.ui.l land v" If)"' of A,„ill L:..-t pant. \ lu.v.n .l.d am.n.pany V8 M' Vonull an,l M' ///./!v., whoo .li.l hI.ow v- y" bo.uuU or l.inutt. ol tl.o.r no.'k W l.i.h Ley said wiH at a certaino hollow to f Kast. th. Il.st hnn. Inviron..! l.v wat.r or Mn.ok. Mea.lows i„ ,11 ,a,,. An.l wh.re.a. it hath Ik..,. U.l."'-t.'l. th..,. l.oth t.. l,o S.„h,.i ontof yo houn.Uot f UH neck Line, aceordin, to ye Report that wee rcecived hoth fron. Cap' Jh.ke. and M' Ml as before. Samiki. Tuounk. We(^ who hath Subscribed our names are ready to give in o' testiinonyes tij'on oath to y" truth of flii-* if llequired. Att a (-'ouneell held in A^.m }V/?-. January the i;V» lilTO SO. .,„,„.„. ,, , , M' Rirhard CornrIK W Thoinn. Ili'ks and M' Khj.is l>o,ujhiil, with M' II ^ham Wmjh'.nd ,.f Fh,.hnuj this day Appearing belbre the (iovern.mr in Conurell aeeording to an order of the 20- Instant upon tlu. I'eti.on .t eo.nplaint of tiu, .' M' lin.jUuuU that having n.ade pun-hase of M' Don„hUsl^\^n\ part of the, IMO. nr.k now eaiied (Wnhunj he was debarred from enjoy.ng Lis propor-in, and therefore eraves a (> llecord of the Patent was read, and Partyes heanl, , • , It being pn.posed That the Limitts an.l bounds ufs' neck ought l>e run as d.recte, in the Patent and that each ..f the Proprieto" should nominate a person to s..e the .^ame eirecte.l, whul. tliey accordingly did. .,, .- Onlercl. That th.^ three p..rHons l.v them nam...l, That is to say Cap' John S'a,n,n, .M /-Jyo.^ nouoh/u S, W Jo/ui //Inr/unun iK'i^ deshvd and they arc her..l.y Aj-pointe.! ami Author./...!, to. J.e,- with a Survevo' t.. survey a...l run the Li..o ,.f th.- .' A////,' ,urk or iWnburif ..ccoid.i,g ascitis butted .tn..u.;ie,l by the Patent, and Likewise to n>ak.. an E.,..al d.v.Mon there.,1 mto three parts Reserving out ..f the same onely what was at tl.-.t .-eserve.l by ( ap //..•^■,v. of wlu.^ . to make Report to tl.o (iovei-n.n.r an.l Councell in the Fort Uy the li.'st day .d Ma.vh next oi sooner if they nliall see ca..se .>r consent tliereiiiit.). By oi-der of the Governor in Conn.'ell Cap' Jame,s Huhhard is Appointe.l Survyor l.y the (i..ve.-.„.r wh,. t.,gcther with the three Persons he.-ei.. nan.ed are to R.u. the Line of the neck within .neuQ.-n.M, an.l to n.ake a U.v.«ion thereof between the partyes concerned. ^^ ^ ^_^^_^ ^^ ^. ^^^^^^^ ^_ g^^,^ At a Coiuicell etc Febr 20'" 1679 80. „■;,,„«, V,>..n the Report ..f Capt. John S.nn.m.. Mr. Fhj,n Don.,hf,j k M.-. John Ihnehnutn k Capt. L.S IlnhLl, the Surv.,v..r appointe.l l.y o,-der ..f Cou.h...11 .d' th.. lU" "f ■ ^'''''"'^1- to survey a..d rt.n the Line of the Little Nerk or Comhury, for the wh..!. (apt. fhomax Haks ^ I New York Histryrirnl Ji'ecor,h 7 jy had « put..,,., from (JoV AW/, an.l f hu„u. ,...w i„ poH«,««i.,„ of Mr. lUrhanl Cornell fl.„ h" Capr. //...,. n,r,s ., M,.. UW,,„ //,„,,,„,^^ Tl.« Liu.itt« in r patent for /n' k inl Ordcrcl, That tho thr... In.n.l,;,! .u.vs of larul i„ tho patent Pxpr..Ht boo %.l onto,, th.. ,' No..k,,.also t .. ,n..:.,|,.v .,li.M,.in,, tho al.ovo by Capt. ./„... //M,r>l or ho,„o o,1 r „bo person. .ntoroHt.1 tboroi,, in..l„.lin, thoir Planta.io,. .V i„,.,...v..,| Lan.l, 0/ Xhtl^^J : boo .na.K. w,,!. , . b,.,„„,. ., ,...,.„ ., ,.„„ ^., oravo your he],, in a ™.o w I an. hko ,0 ...Tor n.n.h wron, by n.y ,00 ri..h noi.hbour. tln-V bavo pro 1 ' Z fron. y (.ovo,-no„r to ha„o all tho Land wi.hi,. ,1... patton ox,.optin, 3..0 ;,,.. ,,'. .,„,,.; o o nndrod bolon.o.b vn.o nu- * I shall ban,, no .„o,v: a.;.o,.|i; ., to tho li,.o w '^ . ^ ^ t do, oononvo hat tboro .s 20.. aoros w - ,l„.y too,io.. , „. to banc to tbo,n.solvos woroin , l.o u Hlan on, orfouryearo. s.n.-o thoy wo..ld .loprivo ,no of tl.o h.t w'Mol to mol gauo to my • •;' -'. now vn„,stly thoy will tako away fron. ,no ; I ,,00 persuado n.v.solfo y' If tho ho f- u lo ,0 von.onr d.d know tho doooito that tl.oso ,00 ,.,on ha,.o i,. tho.n to doooiuo'mo ho would not M.lTo tbon. to doo nu- that wron^o w- ,h,,v ,loo. If yon will bo plosod to ,ivo n.o any inconr n.y hnn.hlo ,hankl..lno. tor th- n.any favo,.,. I havo ,v..oiv..d fron. you I ,-ost your bnmblo Horvant Jam,;;,,; this !()<'' of ^ran•ll lti7!»-^su. "VVii.i. Havilanu. Tlio«o for his much hononrod friend Capt l>,j,r .\Vm» York. •irt :f^ 748 Early Colonial Seitlemenis. Orders relating to Lands on L. I. By the Governour. Vpon Application of Christians and Indyans for the settlement of Co^o .Yeck m Rempsteed bounds the Indyans Desireing the Easternmost side or halfe for their owne ph.nt.ng and hv>ng and that I would dispose of the other western side as I saw good to any Chr.st.ans tor wlueha L.ne to bee llun therLn s" Neck and trees niarked or bounds sett between then. 1 hereby Appomt and authorize you Capt. Ja.^s Ihcbhart to run s" Line .as alcove, In order to wh.eh you are to repa.re to M. Justice Coi-nell or son.e other Justice of that Hiding to bee present & by h.s order or the Constable son>e principall neighbours and the ^^y^^"^^^ f'^^ ^^'^f' fl^^^ Running s" Line to bee marked as above and a due returne thereof n^ade <, the be retarys Oihce fsToaSnrveyof s^ Neck in order to present Settlements, for winch tins s all bee o you and every one of you a sufficient warrant. Given under n,y hand in New Yorke tins 11- day of tfebruary 1679-80. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^_ By the Governour. Vpon a Petition from Richard fiU^yde of SeatahM, that having a parccll of Meadow Ground to the South in a certaine Little Neck to the Eastward of Unchechauye lee n>ay have hberty to purchase the Vpland thereunto Adjoyning on the said Neck of the ndyans winch may prove V Convenient' for his Future Settlement and better Lnprovement of h.s Land there Ihese n>ay Lt^fythatlhave given Licence and Liberty to the s" A^VAa.v/ /%.Zto purchase the sa.d Land a corJingly payment whereof to be made in open Sessions for that Ridn,g and returned here to he Secrttar 's'office or s"' payment to bee made before mee in this City and ^'^ -i.-;^-; i. the Secretary's Office according to Law. Given under my hand n. .V.« ^^J^^ February 1079-80. Resolutions of L. L CorRr8 of Sebbions; SErrLEMKNX on Cow Neck, L. L ; Wo.vks; Taxes. Att A Court of Sessions held att Jam.-hi for the North Rydeing of Yorkshire on Loiuj Island I'.y his Ma"" Autlmrity beginning y" 10'" day of Dccend/ in y" 31'" yeare of his Ma<'- Reigne AnVp.e D" 1679. The Ord' of Councell ab' tukeingof Depositions was read and recommended to y" Severall TiiRtlc'Ps to be didv and Tunctnally ()bsi'rved. „, , . SwI An'Lulian Sackamacker Desireing of this Court to haue the ha fe of Co. Nr^U. Settle on And the Same beir.g likewise recomniended to this Court for then- Opnuon By the "^'""m Court think it Convenient (If the S" Indian hath a Right to y" S" Neck) that he hane a Convenient Quantity thereof appointed to him for his Settle.ncnt on the E.vst Side, he nor h,s fimilv admitting noe Strang Indians amongst tiiem. , , , , rr. «i n Co..cerning the Charg.. for killing Wolves. It is thought Reasonable that every Towne Shall .av for he wX Killed^ in their Twne Precincts. And that each towne be En,oyne.l to keep Z :2Z. (att least, in good repaire att y townes Charge, ^^^^^^^^rZi^ •n 1 fi. q.„n.> w'^" Tf thev shall un.h'rtake the towne may be excused taking stcuiity oi ;:",;;; to »;. iJ. .Lt wo,..., .1... sl»,l b. UU™ .,. .,* ,.riv..c ,»»>.. .r „..„„. ». .» U New Ym-h Historical liecords. 749 payed for by the Towno as tho Law Directs, Vnder Such penalty for Neglect in either Townes or Undortaiters as the Court of Sessions shall think fitt to Impose. It being recommended to this Court to Limitt the Publicjue Charges both att tlie Court of Assizes and Sessions. The Justices do think it reasonable to have an allowance of 10*. p' Diem for their Attendance att either Court to Defray their Charges. And their Expenses in goe.ng to & Comeing from S" Courts to be bourne by tho Country, for horsemcate &c. Tlio Constables &, Jurymen to be allowed 5s. p' diem att tho Assizes. And 3«. Qd. p' diem att the Sessions as is A])pointed by tho Law. Their meeting for accomodation att each Court to be att Some Convenient house to be appointed by the Sherrifle. It being likewise Recommended to them to Ascertaine the Prices of the Country Rates to bo rec^. It is their Opinion that the Seuerall Species are to be payd at the Prices fol- lowing Vizt : 1 Porke att o j r n „ „ , 6a. v>' lb. 2 Becfe att o 7 r 11 „ .... , 2(/. )(' lb. 3 Wnitcr wheate att a„ aj r 1 1 n . ci , is. Od.-n' bnshell. 4 bunnner wheate att q„ ,, 7 ri 1 n o Indian Come att o o 7 r 1 1 e „ .^ 2*. 3(/. p' biisli. o lu'c att o p 7 r 1 1 t^ ,', 2*. G(/. p' bush. Uyleatt 17 1 a ,. J n ■' 1/. IOa'. i)d. li' bai-. ( An Abuse Complaine.l of in the Common AVarohouse att New Yorke of w'" Cap' Mcolls to I Informe the (}ov'■n^ The Co^'» opinion herein is humbly rccoinraeuded back to his lion' y« Go : for his approbason. By Ord-- of Court itc. John : West C. Sess. The Co'' of Sessions iield at Gmvef^end for tho West Riding beginning y' 17'" day of Dec following, d(.e in each particuhir agree with w' hath boeno rocominen" by the foregoing Co" of the Nortli Riding held at Jamaica as afores'', .t doc likewise humblv recommend V same to his hon' the Go : for his ap])roba2on. By order of Co". P. S : Mr. Constable. Council Mini:tks. Flishinu Afkaiks. Mr. Douijhfii lifif'' "lado Application for some vacant vniinproved Land att the Northwest end of^ Ilnnpde.d j)laine8 in your Townc bounds, to make a present SetticMuont there for some of his Children, to wliicii as hoe is an old Inliabitant I am tiie more rnclinable. l)iit however this is to (i(>sire your Informing mee as soonc as may bee of s'' place, if any part Improved or claimed and Iiow farr in order to further result and reniaine To tlio Constal)le of fflmhing Y' affectionate friend March y- 18"- 1679-80. Er Andeos. :\ '1 1 750 Saiii/ Colonial Settlementa. \\V- 5 y\ ft '. (ffi. ■1*1 Right Honorable. I Received }•■• honors Letter Dated }•" IS'" of this Instant March Wherein y' honor desires to be Informed wlietlier y' Land tiesired by Mr. Eiias Dowjhty at y' Noi-west End of Ilempdecd phuncs bee Iiiipruved by "any person. Those are to Inforinc y' Honor That it is vniinproved at p'sent, Bnt I togctlier w"' y*" Inhabit;ints are willing to deuido all our Coininon Land to eiiery man according to his Right and projiortion an acres, so that .54 acres was a[)li('ation from some of The Cons' & 2 of y' Overseers present. Whereas their former Constitution was 4, t> & 50 acres, Ordered for the future that none shall be esteemed a freeman that hiitii not (lO acres of land besides meadows &, whosoever hath been an officer ic wants it, the same .--hall he made up to him. And all Lotts to be 1'' out for children or others to be the same pmporeon. To 1)0 recommended to the town forthwith to lay out the like proponjon and not lesse nuiin- tity for such of tliiMr children as are grown uj) ami to settle for lhem-elve><. it no others to be esteemed freemen for votes in public or Town matters. M' Doughty reconnnendecl That Lots for children mny be layd out together. Tlu^ Cons' & Overseers to make a Ileturne with all convenient s]ieed to the Go: of liie severall persons that have occasion of land iVc. M' Doughty stands not on the place proposed but any other place within the Town bound.s to have about 3()i) acres together for his children. Mail Nam AV,-/; -petition. If debarred from their just rights by purchiise to have their remedy by due course of law. l'' it.' ■ >t it 751 Mw Ywk Historical Records. At ft Coiincdl &L' Apr. 9"' 1680. lllir out it ill vwirm <.f t w,;.. 1 11. * '' wi.en dives of the Inh.hitunts l.^i have \J^^Z^ ^^^^"^"^^ ^ F"^ ^"'""■'""°' niiinure. "'"s lo make piehont Improvem' doe want land to * af.» ■„,,. ™ ,„„.. ,., J. ;;:,,;«;Jr"L:;.'';;;:i;r :,,',;■;: :':" "I^'t °'''"™' Towne tliat Iiatl. not sivtv 'VLTes of Inwl «.;,! • •. • esteemed a I-reenian of s-' Lath hecne an ^.. C^^t^ ^^^^^'Z ^"P '-'des meadows, .fe That whosoever ai. Letts which shall i,ee hei;;:; t.:;!^ t ^h: S: r!Mh:T'r ^vv"-'- f "^ to he udn.itted into the Towne, shall have the san.e pro^.rcl.n '"'"'''""'^' "^ °^''^^^ It IS likewise ir-eoin mended to the oflicei- of M.o T^i.-i, t n -.i propoi,on or .nantit, of land A n.eadow f t;t s ^'^ S c^^^ ClL '' "' ''^ "'^ "P. and to settle for themselves .fc sn,-h as shall have t iT ^'"IJ-'en as are grown to be^teemed Freemen for votes in puhliek ol: otlr^ow: ma^r'""^"" '' '"''' "" "" "^"- be laj!d1!r:>i!:;hef ' '^ "'" ""'""'^""^' ^ ^"^ ^-^- ^''^^^ '■- ^--'^ ^- '"^ Cimdren, ma, V^r^'^^Zr^:,:!:;::^^^ <^o: of the sever.! convenient speed. ' '^ "^ "'""" '''^■'"-' ""' "^^ ^'"'^ '^ame, with all At a Town.> greeting in j/lu./un;/ y LT" of April 1680 ern" desire and ivniest and f„r H„.|,. Ou-, ' '^ Ohedioiiee to y- Gou- orderod & granted'^Mi /il ) / "'y';??' ^' T' '"" ^^ ^"""•'' ^'•'•"'- ^^' '' '^ 1^^ consent c-.x.imiiied t(i lie a ti'tie eoppie p. JamcH Vhnunt Cler. Mil !■!■ ||i||i r'i 762 Early Colonial Settlements. Petition from Jamaica for Remission of a Fine, Jamaica y' 3^ Aug" 1680. To the Riglit llonorablo S' KJmun Andros Esq ° Lieutenant Gencrnl to his Royal Iliglines his Tcrritoryes, Governour of NewYork &e Wo the Inhabitants of Jamaica by these presents make our applieation ; humbly requcstmg, That whereas there was a lino i..llicted upon us by y" worshipfuH Court of his Majestys Justices held here in the N..rt]i Riding the last Juno was three years since upon y" occasion of some irregu- larity & disorder (toUerated by y" Constabl then in being) about y« choice ot a succeeding Con- stabl for y' ensueing year; your honour would be pleased to consider y- matter with as mu.h Lenity & Charity as your wisdom & honour will permit and if it may bo to stay y° execution & to Remit y« tine before it be actuallv levied; whicli wo y° rather persuade ourselves (upon our humble request) your honours Candor & ingenuity of spirit (in lilie cases experienced) will readily doc • In as much as it was o first ollencc in y" ki.ide, 6c y' not altogether voluntarily nor in y« least contempt of authority or disloyalty of spirit; but the case thou emorgent being cxtraordi- nary & the Law not i.roviding a clear & full directory therein, for according to y-^ exprs of y" Law wc'wero providentiallv uncapabl of any clioice, one of our overseers out of which y^ choice should hive been, Wii^ then upon his Removal to TlcmsU'ed ; so if according to our api)rehen8ion8 there was a necessity of adjoining cither all of y« overseers then stamling with y" single person to make a subiect of Election ; or else a necessity of choosing out of ^ wliol body of y" Townc; the latter of these severall of s" meeting inclined to, thinking it warrantabl upon y° account a former Law sometime all.nving tl'uit liberty of choice, which y"^ then Constabl did suffer to proceed in & upon v' instant emergent & unusuall .icciision : yet with this proviso viz : y^ authority should see meet to Ratifye their choice but whether of these two ways (y- circumstances of y» case necessarily inforcing one of y'" & the law being silent) were most acceptable or regular we were unresolved iintill we heard v'° mind of v" Court which is in itself sntlieiently acceptabl to us. Moreover we are verrily persuaded Sc we hope your honour hath not since y' time had nor shall have for the future cause to judge any other; but that the principall end of intlicting y' penaltv is as fully & i)erfectly attained as if the Execution were .already levied & that your Honours Clemencv (where witliout wrong to any Ji'slice, honour & authority may be secured) will be to lis a stronger tyo of cordiall loyall & cheerfull subjection then y" greatest severity. The Levying of an Execution promiscnouslv without ap.arent injustice to some in this case cannot be done without great .litlicultv, if possible. The remitting of y" iine will bo verry acceptabl to us, easy & pleasing to your iionour, whos glory is to pas by an otiense & wo hope n..t unprofitabl to either ; if your Ilon^ shall see cause to grant our request therein ; liowever we shall rest in your Ilono"' pleasure & as we are always bound in duty shall improve our utmost interests in serving vou with our prayers. ,. .. , -n n .. r^i.,..!. •' ' •' By Order Beniamin Coe, Clark. Hi I Petition of L. I. Quakers for Remission of a Fine, imi-osko kou Contravention of tuk Markiavje Laws. To the rrovernor .ind his Couiipell at ,V«/) York. The address of Henry Wlllix and Joh7i Bownr, Concerning the jiroceedings of a Court of Sessions against vs, wh.o said they lined us lOlbs a peece for suffering our .laughters to niarnc J\'' ir Ynrk Uistoricid jReiordH. 753 cm.trary t„ their luw, wlnVl, pn,.oeding8 we arc Batisfio.l i« without precedent and we can cnnt xi noe lc.su i.ut a n.mtake or hu.ty oversight and thou^d, we have endeaverd for its re.novali yet Exe..ut.un m e.shed tort, and Jos. J.ee vndershir.f hath seaml //< ., .- ir.Y/t. barne of .orn and mnce taken trou. Jo Bo.ne 5 good ,,.11.0, .ow.. and .h-ove then, away by night and kept then, pownded f.-o... foo.l ...ost of ,wo ni,ht. one day and part of a day thai ..dghbours was genendly tronble.l at ,t. Now in sin.plisity, we ,loe Be.-ionsly entrea, all that n.ay be eo,..en.ed heren. ser.uu.ly to eon.der .t and in the .ooieness of yonr spirits withont anger o.- hard thonghts .•nly . waye . t.n the ba .nee of K,p.ity when. ,he witne.. of (^od n.ay arise in every Contienco to tesfhe, whe her It sueh things sl.o,.l.l goe on and be p.-oseens held att rmny.^r/iJln .]nm' Uu9 The a" Inhabitants ui j)latdt loi-thwith payed, w'" y' Pet" are unwilling to ,ioe hoping to tin.l reliefe the.-ein before V lion' iVe. ■' Ami tberef.ire humbly pray yo' Hon' to grant then, an appeale to y" next Generall Court of Assizes, where their Case may be heard in't'ore y' llon'&thoy recoivt^ such Determination therein 'J5 /'( ■:.i lufihi ('i>li>iil(tl Selfhineiits. as tn y' lion' .-luiU m'cim iiio.st ai,'im'al)io with I'^iuity it .\m\'n-i.\ \m\\'^ ivady in i)crfi.nn wli;it tin. Law in >iirli imsc diiirts Anil alwayes pray I'or y'' Hor" I'l-o^pcnty. (^ailuwuil l)y y^' i/i/i Aiiiioai" 'I'lio Iidial)itantsof.///r/i'/,o»/.v Dcf'^ In all hunihU'inauiu'r Coinpiaininn' Showftli unto y Hon' yo' Ai)iiwil"' TIk' Iniialiitants of tfhilhnsli, That wluTcaH ah' the 11'" day of May MTT, rcrtaiuc varieuso DilTcivncc & Contest was hetween yo' Appeal"- I'c the Iiihahitaiits of ,//A;CA(«(/.v eoneeniing tliuir Lainl meadows it pat lies whifh for final iV Auiiiahie ( 'oiiiposnre hotli partyes FudilTerently made ehoiee of Mr. T/cVrw l>. .]/,,/,/• ('apt A'/'/' St'ilhtrll ^[^. -li'lm S/„n'/»' and -/o/in ll,'nili'i' Lands. ini..dows & pathos and havim: read it Examd their patterns it j.apers it heard what both partyf> coidil allead-ic the sime 1 )a v it year above written delivered their Aw.ard in Writeinu' in manner foliowinj;-, vi/t : That the towue i<\ FhitliNxh siiall have vse, occupy, po.ssess it enjoy all the meadow '>r tlye that lyeth betweene tlie draine or Ditch North it Sontli to v' W Is <tinf,' that part of tlie Coue or point that i> ( (Hiiprehended within the twelve I.otts already Layed out to v" lidiabitan-- of .)/;,/ei| And the Inhabitantsof j7/7<'.s/on/ are to make it keet) in Uepaire a Millicieiil ( .ate tluaeiinio to p' vent Coiite-ts for Cattle -poilcili.i,' it 'J'respassiiiu; on their ('.■rne it I'laiitinu- Land .\nd ihat the Inhabitants of .1/ /,/,//,./'■-«»/ shall have y" free use of the sami' Path 'hev h.ave ii>e(l herelofor.'. That carric, ibem U> Shn.vhil, rs /}ri/i' «( two Eii{,disli Uoild broad bir the j,n,eiiiu' io their meadou- .V -New Lolts, They the Inhabitants of Miil'lltiriiiiil keepin.u' ^md iiiaintainin- a Millicient pite for ih,. p'veiitin-- and >ecnriii-i' Aiii,)■' Awar.l uith..ut .any p..\\.r ..r authority soe t.. Do., i.all p..wer .-nbmlii.-.l t.. iheni l,ein.' Determined ..n I'ubli.-hin- ..f ih.ar -ai.l Award) win aid Stakc.l out y" b,,im.ls of y.V wli;it till' \n y" ! AKscuil)k'(l. ili;il)it!iiits til' Contest wiirt \vs it |):itlu\s Mr. y!ci>hi'< Vrliitriito tlio itsiicvi'i' tliny (.■ Imitlioii of Kxiiind tlicir 1)1 ivi' written 'Jiif/iiififi iili;ill 111' (Inline or (■ or Interertt .1, E.\c(!|>ting ly Lived Kilt Eiift. I 111 If ii jjriviledire v'k: 111' iic.'ii'e the ' ;ii-c 1(1 make ; 'l'rc>|iMssing , I' y'' free use 'rii/i/c of twd nlLultitanlrt ot 11!^ A nil iiford MiililhnriKid V r-ii;ill in noe ii tiicir owne 'il tllcil'lKlIlds 1 Sali.-llcd iV cacli 'I'dWlie V every [larle I fiillilicd and \- 1(1 ]icrfiirni(' tlie s' Award next iiKirniiitr lied til liiclll .lilllds of vo' Neil) Yorh lllufnricdl L'ccorda. 755 ill A|)|iell'" meadows, wliicli wlioii yo'' Appell" were Infoinicd foiiiul tlie saiiie to be lioiinded Contrarv to said Award and only liy tlie s' two persons in manner aforesiiid (,wlio never were lini)owere(| to aet aluiic) could iiol a('i|uie>ce therewith but was always As Still is Ready to performe the Award p.iblished by the s' foiire persons, however the s' liii'/i'^ Siilliodl it Jno l/eii(lrick /iriii/iir (tiveinj; under iheir n.inds what they had Done And that y" same was accordiiifi; to y" true tenoiir piirpinMc and meaninu; of said Award (though no sucli thing mentioned therein), the Inhabitants of /■7ii/f/iiiu/x took Advantage thereof and att a Ciuirt of Sessions held ati; Urdiysfiiiil y" IS"' ,111110 iUT'.) Coinplained of yo' .\|>pe.il'' for Trespassing on their Land donfrary to an Aw.ird iV Agreeni' where none .V|>|ieariiig lor y' Appeal''' And the s'' pa|)t r or writeing signed by tlie .s'' two per.sons being prodiiciMl the Court lined yo' Ai)peal'^ 10 lbs for not Observing thereof, And att the same Court in Decern'' following on the like Complaint, It was ordered. That if yo' Ajipeal'" doe not forthwith pay the said tine Execution to Issue forth for y'' same as by y" Itecords of y'' >' Court may appear*' (when as in truth if any trespa.sse or wrong was, it was done by the Inhabitants of Flattlamh upon yo' .\ppeal'* who lia'l Incroaclied upon vo' Appeal'" L'MkI contrary to >' Award as they liopi^ to make appeare to this F' m''''' Court From which jmlgni' yo'' Appeal" appealed for lieliefe to y"^ IIo'i'' & this Hon''''' Court of Assizes it now liiim'ily prosecute tlu; same. Praying to be discharged from the >'' iiiK^ it that such further order may lie made herein that the v' Award under the ii:ui(l> of the .-'' f- ire ])ersons Arbitrat" may be pmic'nally observed as a tinall end of all Dilfereiict" between them on this ac'comp' And vo'' Appeal" have Satisfaction for the greate Damage iV Costs they have Sustained by tlie Occasion of the Def" needlesse Complaint>. .\iid yo' Appeal'" -Iiail e\er pray for vo' Hon'- rro^perity. A Copie given the Con>t'''" of jU.ittr'' Si it. l.'^ IUm'. 'I'd V lliglit Honorable S luluvind Andi'os Kn' iVc ami V Honorable ('oiirt of .\ssi/es. Whereas V" Appellants have ent(>i-e(l in their dcclaraiioii y" y lioiiiid- of Middows where staked out bv two of vc .\rbitrator- out of y four cho.-eii by y partyi-s who had no power to act alonee, lint oiilv w' ' v" Coiisciit of all \c partyo .Vuthori/ed to be Concerned to Detei'iiiine y" Ditfereiice. May il |ilea>e the Honorable Court, y' action is ^(i(\ thai the [lartyes Concerned in y ipiestiiin where M'Ifs present or y" ino-l part of lliciii. who did show and see y' liolinds staked out bv ve two Ariiilrat.irs it if there wa- an\ thin_'' coiii'iiitled not to y^' >ati.^fuction of y" ])arf\e> is not done bv y'' Arbilra'" but rather liy V pii'tio Concerned, who .-hoiild have Contradict y" Arbitra'", I'.iit tindin:; nothing ibey did allow in llm iiaiure of their action.--, and being indilTerent men supposed ihev lia\e acted to the 'n'-l of their knowledge to doe ju.st between both Towiies. And besides \' defendants doe humbly de-ire of y H.m'a'id this Honorable Court the A ppellants may prove their riu'ht and title of that Midd.iw, wlielhei tlie> 'lave not staked out moore alremlv as is their owne it not to be doiruou- to po^M'ss y' riglit iV Title of ye Towne ot y" Defend". The Defend" having lieen allwaye- ready to ohey y ()rd"of Court and to .-land by y" Award of v'' .\rbilralor>. .i.ie think, they are without Cau-e moloted — Therefore y" Defend" humbly craves y-' Cau>e may be dismi^i iV y'^' Appdl'- I0 pay Co.-^tsof Court, and y'' Depon" siiall ever pray. IKII *l ■■■A--^ t. * # "Si 1 ^ .iIihUN w-^ 75(1 Karly Cohnial Sclfleinenta. An Okdkk kou a (!()N^<^Alll.K on Siikltkr Isr.ANK. \'\ till- (itivornoiir. Upon Application mu.I Infonnatioii of Mr. (h/lc.'t Silnest.'r I .loo liorol.y onlor and rapiin' thattiio proprietoiM Owners or Inl.ahitants on S/trf/.r Idawl .l.m fortliwiti. mako Olioico of a fitt iHM-son lo 1)0 t;onstal)lo for s;ii,l Isian.l and p'cim-ts and i)'Hont iiini to Mr. lm,t,^k Arnold of SoutMd wliois horeby Autiiorizod to Adniinistor iiini tiioOatli of a Oou8tai)lo am.rdinj? to Law. Given under my iiand in N<;io Yorkc tiie '21t"' of November ItSSO. ^ , 4 Cot'NOIL MlNlTKS AN1> (loUKKSI'ONnRNOE flONCEKNTNO THE L I. iNDIArS. Y" Complaint of Southampton against Shinnecoi'k Indians as foliowctli : Imprimis In that y" s' Indians have broken their first Covenant or an article of it least: y» Indians .1.) wliorove.' they planted any land in the l.onnds of Sonlliainplnn t\w inhabitants of not CmnyiUm.SoiitfMinjitoit was to fence one half, the Indians tiic other ii.iif, bnt now they <'an lie bronght to no regnlarity therein notwithstanding all indeavors tiiat have been nsed from time to time. 2' ^ v' by Covenant they were to keei)e no great doggs or if they should keepe any upon tlie first" complaint of y" inliahitants of Injnry done; they did ingage forthwitli to kill thei-o doggs; bnt now quite contrary to Covenant & the termes of amitye betwixt us they iloe exceed in great number of doggs ife when they are caile 1 npon to kill snch doggt tiiey utterly refuse iV doe norisii ^ bring up kennells of -■" y' are more preimlilial then al the wolues y"^ are about Indians to kwpo no siicli ife jt' f|„. Knglisli at Mxy time ocalio'iaily dot; destroy y'". thongh they tind do«B, eiccei" i>y «'«>venunt , ^^ j^;|,;, , ^,,^.,.;, cn-atuivs liu!V are very angry it give out tiireatning to V Saclicma, Constalao °" ' nn » ' = , or oillcerH. spet'clies as if they would do sonuswhat more then thoy then expresse. 8'> Thev liavo 8liott many of our horses iV; some they bnrit^d in the gronnd which were found by y" Knglish to y" great detrinuMit of the inhabitants iV allso tending to tiie breach of peace betwixt us. 4'>' They are a people y' iiave no government nor Roads lO * * * there lin .-ase ..t ininrv dun to them) * » * 5'>- it is the Innnble re.piest of the towne that they may liee enforced to plant in some convenient place & to fence as aforementioiu'.l their .,' half(^ of y" fence A doe it snlistantiailv : tiie neglect wiiereof Isath bred such strife ife disturbance amongst ns. November 20'" lOSU. -'""-N Howki.i, fur it in the belialfe of South, an j'toii. Decend)er tlie 10'" IfiSO on a hearing of the Indians ./.7i//(y.v it lloiOill from S„tit/onjij>ton On!" taken for the above iV' sent to Mr. Topplnij, Justice. Honoured S' fioiithitrnptmi. Decendier (!"' ICSO. Haueingthis opportunity I thought good toaoquaint your lion' that diners of my neiglibours of EnxtlntrnptoH have beene w"' me.- Complaining that th.'y an- like to bee mn.'li disippointe.l and .lamnitied in tiieir.- I.ussin.-sse ,.f whaling by y" d.'cit.;s an.I vnt■aithl'ullne-^.• ..f y" In.lian> with whoine they did contnu-t.- tin- last spring fnr tli.-ir >er\ i.-e in whaling this prcM'nt .-^.-a.-on, wl... iiotwithstan.linir sai.i contractr- vml.-r hand and >eal doe now lietak.' tli.-mselv.s t.. y" mtiiicc 'A other men. who .loe gla.lly ex.-.-pt tliem pret.-n.jing som formta- ingag.-ment by w ' ih.-y int.-nd to Naw York lliMorhal liecords. 157 hold tlicin, HOC y' f r,„lift„s Imuciii^ rocoiiicd gooiU ..f ,mo ..liin in .y" HpriiiK vpoii y acc.tnit of wl.ahn- un.l now aguinu of anothor to tito tluMii for y scu U,ow thuir inMHtcTH to .ii'mrrel. Now limy It pli'Mso vour IIoi,^ tlio Agn-mrA i^u-tius .leniro rcloif a.ul to that end a speedy liuori.iK "f tlio iimttur 111 controiiorsy ivliiteinjr t.. tlio promi«frt for the Court of Sessions is ut such * * * will he i.ocMV if not * * * this yearo whicl, n„.y prohaMy he greatly to the preindiee of y^' wr.j|.ged parties. Sr, my request therefore is, if it ,,|„ase y' 11..,,'. an.l y" t'hinke it good, that the (-oiistahlouii.l Oyerscorsof wai.l hh.thamp/on mite h.i put in to post,,,., to take (Jojrni.anee of all dif- ferenees of this natuiv arising vyithin th,. T,.vy„ea„d aeonlinglv to here determine & cxocnto when the,'e IS omitiou, which is all at present from your llou" y.iworthy, yet yery humhio affectionate servant r m ,, ,,• /., , . , T, . , John loi'i'iNu. ror bir r.t/ni.unil Androi Kn,ght Left it (»ounioi-(ieiierall ifec &c Mv Justk^ Toj,pmff. /^V,. }V*.tlieI0'M)eceii.hM.i80. Vours of the Sixth In.tant hy Mr. Jenmr,, who name wiii, the Indians received And haue tuly heard A: Lxan.me.l then. w,tl, yo„r To^ynes,nen M,'. ./..n,.,. and //n>oe// ah' the (^n.plaint Loft by Upt //o.ve/1 in I.ehalfo of y,„.,. Towne and what you wite. And (inde that the Inlhans a,-e we Satt.s ,ed to ,|1 and I'utt away their g,.eat Doggs Kxcept hy fanour to the Sa.heu.s Constable or olheers they each keep.- one, to be Accountable f.,r any hu,-t. or P'judice they shall doe, The Inc^yans make noo con.piaiuts of what past Concerning their ('....ne fields, but will mainta,ne sn Ihcient I'ence an.l 1-serue their Corne on their part as agreed in Default att their owne e,T, Is. l|,e (J,r,st,ai,s ougl,t not to ,„ake Co„tn,cts with the Indians un.ler hand and seule b„ tor pVnt Seryice Ilyre or agree,,." n.ay bee aeknowledged befo,., the Justice or the ( onstable and one Oyorseer att the Least and not tnisted or payed before hand and being soe • <• 1 1 1 Ur 1 - - i"/ '-■••'-•"■ v^ iw*!*** film t/v.i lit; ry>\; It any shall 1 Vnme to hyre againe M.ch Indyan befon. his ti,-st Contn.ct perfonne.l Such latU.- Contract to bee yoyd an.l the Ch,.istian soe doeing to bee p,-oceeded a:;' for I)a,nage to the first Contractor after notice. The Towne Co.n-ts to j„dge of that or any other matter, Ac..ordi„g to Law or the .lust.ce.s, to heare and .letenuine any n,atf..r ,vlatei„g to' Indians as hath been usiiall. llio late rashnesse m your p,-iyate Tou„es,ne„ killing the Indians Doi^gs as lately Deserues a Seyer Checque, w' your Care in Preuenting the Like for the Future'must Exciis;. and in noe Case sutler any to bee their owne Ju.lge or Right the.nselnes. And hope then you will not bee wanting ,n yo' ,.a,-ts fur y,/ Continued good and welfa,-e. I hane only fnrU.er to add and recoinn.end to yu' and Towi.es (Jonsi.leratio.i the greate Trouble (3are an.l Kxpence of Mr ./n,huu. and Mr. //ow.f/ Ab.M.t this y.mr i'nbli,,.. C,.,...e,-„.., fo,- which they aught t,. be.- well Sattislied. Kemaii.e »•' ,«•..• . i-. . , 1 our atlectioiiate I'rieiid. E. A. 758 Juii'lji Colonial Sttflementn. Caim" .I«ii\ VoiNii IFicii SiiKuin'-K ok Vouk-iiiki: "N I."N(1 Ihi„\.ni> iih A«v(ir\T hk y" CJoiintky K .vn'> KiHi V" vi.AK K^n. (From tliB Original in tlii. Olllc' i.t tlii> I'lfrk of tour', of A|)ipe»l«, All.nn.vl •w The ( 'hiir 14 10 Ukoeived kkom ; •inn U'( Kiiisliiiiir. . . Westiheffter Ivi.t. .•!;{ itt 111 i: i:: Hi lie.-tor Soiitiioid 4.'! \i I :! 10 Eii>tiiaiu|>t,iii Soiitiihamiitoii "4 lluiltillL'toll Soutalcott , Sinitiistowiie ;{;{ It; >\ loA i I IS II />'.'/ /••■ a- Court Ch trijes Oil I'kom ) (loor^i' Miwlett \ Soutli-li {'"iiicji iVr Oliarp'S, liumptoii Court fi-ei^ •JO t» li 4 10 lio s «; 4ti i:j The total! ('hariie is LTtOIJ 14 It Tho saiil Ill^h SherilTe diseliar-retli liiiiis. 77 • /A'. K.,r^c ,1th v' s(ivci'ail liMyiiieiit~. ili-l)Ui'~cniei ,l> ^- CI larjjcs oil V'' C'oiiiiiry aw" To J. IhiooKLANl) ' I.A TBI Sll as foih>\veth, vi ihij Anisori for .Inst ices and (oii-tahles ex- 1" Eiitertaiimient of tlieir liorst- wwA liirt accounts To y'' ferry niiniy for ditto To .laiiiieMiaii for ■ :\|ieiiccs ditto. To Wi I To CI [ To 11 Mcrriti in Coriii' larjius < artinj; y same ew an d (Jr y ( To Nicholas Stillweli \i ' fii 1 .1 / 1 To iiew and (!ri ( To C rtinir (lorue lo \ '' I'er 5 y 4 o 4 r. I) l!) 7 10 o 1 o 1 u o ir. I'.t 10 8 t<; i» Niw York , iHtoriciit A'trortl^ a. (1 18 114 18 V>Tl. HIIAV ToStim"; Spiccrs for KiidTtitinriicr ticcH liofHes, iiiciitc A-'c T(i Niclioliw Stillwfli T(i II liuw it (/!•}• 1'" i>t' V" .Fiw- T. . n WII'sTKIi AMKiA Fl.l slll.N( \Vk8T(Mi;sikk To NiclioliiH 8tillvv..|l. To I'Vnliimnd vim Sicliiiloii for v" .liihiiccs cxi)"" vVc ' ■ ' To !);lliicll Whilclicid . . . . 'l\> Ifiiili .loii>ifii tor oxii"" of .liihiicurt. . . . To lu'w ami ("rv I To .IiiiiicH Miitiu'WH To (;iiiii'p..H cartiiijLr \" Vjiinuf. I To liuw hihI CrvcH. ." To William Mcn-ctt To ('liarjics fdf Oartiii;; I To p'ofi^i' wuihI for fvpfiici'H To fliari,'!'!, ahoiit a tlistrfssiMi IJniikcr 1 To lu'W ami Crvi'H - 1 o K.\|)unci's ( To Jiiiiies Miitlii^Wrt lo Simdrv ('liarifcs & Exp'" \>' CoiistiiMfs lur". To ditto ]iaii| l.'ock v^mitli t/ ditto aw" To Danii'll Whii.lu.ad... ',[[[] 1' To William MciTftt To.lam.'s Matlifws '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[ 'i'o ditto ]i' out" ox<3 To lu'W iiiid Crv To (icofi^f Wolscv To Daiiii'l WhitcliVad To Simdrv ( 'liarp's it Iv\i."- \<' < 'oii.-.tali]c.-. ace" To hew and Ciyus To (icorj^c WoIhcv To .IoIjm Tudor T/. 1 ill u II 14 il 4 II 1) li 10 (1 1 II « 8 a *i 8 4 II 1 .'. II II iL' II 11 4 II lo II 8 II 31 2 •14 8 fS s 1 2 (i 1 10 11 (! I) i'll 11 2 '2 ',1 lit 10 •i 11 V) In II ;t7 r» II 2 1 !> n 1^ 7 n 1!) 11 4 1 1 1 ',t 2 1 1 II II 7 11 ir. ♦i 1 4 il k> 14 II 1 ti 11 l" II II 7:>d 10 (I l:i ;s i; 1.". II 8 •J o loj o 3:{ 1 (>^ 7 2 111 IS Ho !> <) I 11 f 18 o 4^ :4\ 'f 760 SoCTIIi)I.I> harit/ (hfmial Settlements. To Ciipt" Untckliolls |mita- I)l('s account and .liiHtU'cs nulcH. To one lii'w and Cry. l:i II 10 I) H <; 24 |o Ea8T('IIK8TKK. Eabthamiton ( To Kxpont'Ktt l)v .lurtticf i'dl ( To rtix liow luul Cryi's II 4 I) o 15 I) To ('apt" BrockholfM 1=» •- ''• To Simdrvfs for cxpfiif*-.' ami carting,' y" ^xmIh < to V water side. ..••. ^ + ",. I T.. two li.'W and Cryi'rt 1 '•' " [ To ('liar;,'C(* alioiit y" j,'rL'iiti' f,'Mliim II 11 H ■>T> In o To Capt" Jown Howcil To M'-Toi-pin^ •* '- - To.lo-cpii Kordliani « 1'' " SotmiiiAMnoNo T" -loliii .Icnnin;; l'(.r Salary l'' l'_; " To Caiil" UrocUliolcrt ' "^ ' ' To Sundry exii"" for y" Justices liorwn &e : at y'' SfstiioiiH and pn:*Bft^e to and fro 8 7 HuNTINoroN SKArAi.corr . SAI.l.AltlK- 8 7 tl To JaincK Matiifws jmid * '^ •> To Snndrv ( 'liargcn and Kxpcnccs l>y y" Siiuritlo 1 iS: .lustict'8 going to y" ScriHioiis ife AtwizcB, > 14 '_' 7 KxpresHi's vVrc ) To liuw and Oyes ' ' To Sundry cxpcnccs At Cliargus t>y y" Slu-riilo, ) and .histici'.« goeing to y'' Ai-si/cs ami re- | j_r, ^ s turning iVr other dintnirsni'" for y' I'ubliek | |)' (lonstubic's act" To lu'W and CrjoB. I 12 H To y" Sevcniil ('onstableH Sallary. To V' Siu-rilTe To Ills yearly allowance ub ])' i-aw 27 17 n ;58 15 t; 2«) I'aym' To tnore paid Capt" Hrockholes being all in part of ;if)t by liini ilenianilcd from y" fountry .. . ■'» 1'"' 5 To Freight and i,of-sf by repacking bcefe and j dilTreiice of y jtrice on payni' made (.'apt. j- I'J « Hl'ocklioies ' To one ox I'aid Janiert matliews " !'• I To tliis ac<'<)untant for Kntertaineiiig y' Court of Sessions in June l«sn -'1 " " Diru, -I To, Tamer Matliews rec' from Huntington ]>' ac<-" j stated bv . I o^cph Lee ■''> •- *^ I To William Marrt-tt about an oxu paid -> 1 • " II 111 I 3 il 1 JO 1 111 II »t\ 12 ti 2;! 14 5 ;!2 I Urn NAI.I.AKtKH A'ew Yorl IliHtoriail /itt'' (!it|it" Dyn. for iiwii/.cH V.\\f'* ^ To .Iiiiiu'x Maf]n'Wr< at ansi/fH fur wine hir wiiu.' lit (iravuM'iul Si'mmuiih |>'' iiiiircliull . Ti. iiii.iiy |)' I'ur a Spiciaii Ci'iiit in tuwne I ToSallan furCollrctiii;,' »V payiiij,' 141'.: i;i; \ \ ^ fur ('(.iirt Ciiarni's iV liiicM at Is' y' jh | Toiiift.) uf t^tl; |:(: 4: {mill to y" CoiihIiiIj' in thuiruLruiiiitB. 2 o 2 2 2 u 1 8 j< 4 .■i It 8 1 tJ 4 !» li — 4 k; ,„ ,,, , . Sum Totiill tftsl lo ( liai-K.' Ix'iiiK m\\\\ 14 : II tak.'ii iVoiii y- .lisciiarKf ) ,. 7UI lu'iiijr t'r)81 : h: H niimiii^ iliio to tl iiri ac'coii iitaiit ( 5(5;! 14 U For Hulliiiic-o t'lilT: i;j: n ,j,^||o ^„,^ "jg jj Em.iiiH Exioplcd I" met- JOilM VOIJNGE I 1 !' I 7 12 ti 14 5 It 8 Swm.KMKNT or Cow Nkok, L. 1. A Lycoiice for Miijor Wilhtt ami < Jaj.t. Uuh, to imrcl.abo Land .m Vow ^'eok of the Iiidiani. By fill' Oovoriioiir. Vpoii Api.liiatioii and Dcwiro of Afajor ThomaH WdUu and Capt. Thomas lUck^ for Lil.orty to piircliase Laii.l of the I,i.liaii8 on Vo,<' Neck o,, Lon.j hian.l. Tlu's.' a.v to wrtity, tiiat I liauo and doo licn'l.y kiuc l.ilMity and Lycnice to IIr' said Major Thomas WilUtt aud Capt. Thomm Hich to piirclm.su of tlii^ Indian Proprietors any Qimntity or I'arwll of Lmd on Cow Neck aforc- w.i.l inaki'Inj; diK' R.turne thu.vof to tlii' olH.v of lio.onU lu'ro for Continuation to tliuniselves and Iniprovciii' according to Law. (Jivun under my lunul in New York, tlio third dav of Jummry I(i8(>-1. A Warrant to lay out Land on tlic Wcstsidc of Com Neck for Major WilUtt and Others. 15y tlic (Jo\ frtioiir. Whorons Major Tlioimis Willett, Joxrph Smith, John Smith and Jonathan iSniith, sons of /A)/*/. Smith, John TrcJin,!!, William Jcac,,ck-i, Jonathan S,,i,noiin, J,ucc to this Citty, And now uiakeinj,' Apijliwitiou to nu'c for Leane to Pureliase of the Indians a I'arceil or Neck of I.aud on said Snitdlnitf South to settle a farme or Phmtation on, These are to Certify tliat I hane and dyi^ liereliy jjjino !,il)erty and Lyeence to the said Jhrid- Lnijil to rurdiaso of the Indian Proprietors a I'arcell or Neck of l,aiid on said Sm- tiilriitt South not already Pmvliased or Ai)pro])riated liy any person niakeinii; Duo returue thereof to the ollice of lit 'ds here in onler for Coiilinnation and Iniproveui' according to Law. Given under niv liaud in yew I'orkti the (>"' of January U!80 -1. A.N <)Ki>' lo WW, .hsricKS iV.' Co.s.-^taiu.ks ro p'\ KNr 1)isohii''i.y Mi:i:ri.\(.s on !,oN(i Island. Py the Coiiiand'' in Cheife iV Counccll. Whereas Inforinacon hath Pccii (iiveii th.it ,-evcrall Persons in A Ryotous And Tunniltuoiis niaiiner Have or Doe Intend and Desij^ne to nicete and .Vssenihle themselves to ;,'atlier att Unnt- ini/ton or some other Towiie or ]ilace on /.onij lulfiml without any hawfuU Authority Tlierefore ; which j)roc(^ediu<;8 tendiui; to the lireacli of the peace, Disord'df the (iovermn' .\nd Contempt of the Authority Kstalilishcd, are not to lie suffered Put llindred and ])reveiited, and the p'sons active or concerned therein to be .secured and l^ouud over to Answer accordinjf to Law. that Greater Inconveniences and Dis(piiett may not ITap]icn thereby and the jn'ace and tiuiclt of his Mai''"' Siibji'cts he Preserved Wee Doc therefore Require aiid coiimiand \'proheiiiled and Pi.und over to Answer for the same Iv'her att tiic Sessions or Assizes as you shall dudge most coii\cniciit tbi' the Docing ,ind Aiheiiiisiriiig of .Justice on such otfend" And in all cases to Indi'avour to keepe the Pe.ice and (iuiett of the (iovornni' as E.stablished from any Innovayou or Disturbance w' soever ,ind to [l^■ent all .ittemiits ag' the same Pursuant to yo'^ Dutyes and Oaths of which ynu are imt t'> faile ,is you will .iiiswer the contrary att yo'' Perrill and make Due Peturia's fi i time to time of yo' Actings tin rein to the office of Records Dated ait J'orio JaiMtt Iv iV< <« I'orke the 21'" Day of Septemb' KM. \. I'.Ui" KUOI.I.S. 'I'o all .lustii'cs iif the |)ea('e ( .'onstablcs and oilier (iHicei-s to whoin lliis shall Come. (si: II f^ . 1 A LKITKIt 1-HoM CaI'' P.KOl KUOI.I.S 11) nil, lIlOU SlIIKUlFKi; A.NodlSrKl; .Nl.W ^IlKKi: No\l.Mll' ""' it;si. (JaI-' John Vol .Ni; A.S1> M' .IlsTiei; AuNot.li. ( 'eiitlemen. Y<>'^ by M' Si/i-'xf'r this Day Receivi'ij am ,4orry atl the Imiinnh nt acts I niidi'i'stand Cap' //uMxirt hath Committed and that you were not in the way that he might lia\e been t;iKeii in the New York Ilistorkal Records. 7(53 fFiict luid sont lioithor but hope his Carriage tliougii att |rsoMt, troublesome yett will not Draw any of .IS Ma"" Sut)jects into Sf(liti(»ii or >[ntiiiy (as I liave fauso to judgu be Designed tliereiiy) or from tlieir Allegiaiiue to o' Sovercigiie and tlieir Duly and Obedience to tiie Authority and Lawes of this Goveriun' under which they iiave l)eeM soe Long Protected but Continue in i)eace and Quiett and yealil ail (H)nl'orniity thereto being as>uied that I will endeavor and Maintaine the same to the uttmost I have with advise of the (,'ouncell sent a speciall warrant I'or the Apjjrehendingof 8)iid Cap' Ihihhai'd 'AwX Bringing him heither to Answer for his Misdeaineuo' and shall proceed ligainst liim therein as tlu^ OlTonci! shall UiNiiiire and may be most for the ([uiett of the Covernm'. I would have you iurther the servi(v thereof as much as Possible believeing that such turbulent spiritts being Uonioved the Rest may be more Quiett and happy not Qnestioidng yo'' llurthoranee thereof in the Faithful! Discharge of yo' Dufyes with thanks for yo' care already taken, Uemaine • icntlenien Y*/ All'ectionatc Ifriend A. P. t' CoRREapoNnKNiK wrru Connwvii I oNCKKNrNd TUK PorNM^AHV l.IN'K. May it Please yo' Honour. Il.irt/iu'il May 11"" i(!S2 Wee your ITriends and Neighbours the (ioveriuv' and Generall .Vssendilv of his Ma"" Colloi if Conui '■I'fiilt, IlaveiiiiT had att It Sessi: d I •y nformujon, and Complaint maile nnti that Sundry p'sons under your .Iiirisdiction, and l'erticulai-ly .M' jj'ndrirlc /'/liZ/ipn, Have arc I'lifciting, Certaiiie Mills, and Other Editii^es, and makeing Improvements Errectccl Lately of Lands within the I.inuts of the Towneship 'Ht/ lu'ere unto //lu/.tuiis River .Mcdging to t-uch as have (^ncstinncd with them there- tbont, thai ih lioverno' of h D, ill bv N'irtue {>( a Patient, or i'attents, oi' ()tlier .Vllowaiu'cs from the lli:;ii' Terrilorv of Xi w Vorki .\nd not onlv Soc Ihill some of the said Imin'overs, Doe give out Tlu'eatning sjiecches, that if any of our C Catll dl C oine thei'( that tl ev will not SiilTi di (lic(:on are I urchaseiuir oi' pc.ple pe ll:i ceablv to Have ilicm .V\ {iver, within oiu' Limitt^. from the Indians in order to Plant Purcl Ii iase( 1 I. iir^'e T racts .Villi also that Olliers of your Ju )f Land on the Mast side of lluii us this Occas-ioii to S us with voiir Predt ignity H I'rcbv the .*>ame unto voiir I'al tents or Lyceiices Hereof, hath (iiveli i perxiii with Home i) as. (ien. It'll hiiril Nu'nlla am: C //■' • hi wee ne\er were soe unhappy as to DelTer and herewith to send to your IIi'iioui' a <'-ioi Doiilit not, wh F, <\- till Anthorittv of itt bei lei's to thai I'".iid 1 iiinoweri'd .\iid liv Miitnall C iliselit o| tlie Done 'arlves C lied .\nd tor tl er>|iicuil\ o| it D.ii 111^, that .\ north iiorih we^ St I. me from .)/./ ■itiiiii'h liiver. Ill the Mii,\,icliiiM tt.s LvMc, >liall be the Hounds I'el wccii ii> on is in o\ir riiderstaiulinir, Sm^ indi-piilablc, as wee would iiol Doubt but voiii- tliat Parte ■ill Desire to H H old (as wet! 1), tl ^ame Inviolable, And (•'artlier and iherewifh all it mav I'lease vour onoiii' to that Certaint! I'eisons of our Coloiiv lb iiig liiiii tl WeMN the llti 1 1 Hill i'l; lii Kunn 111 \ el iee>, wliele tin Have t'oimd it come to Umlx sai.l Kdiflices, Mills I'urclia.w ■ Said Lii \er to ihe are sai«<;,v hath Promissed me to use his Endeavour to be as moderate thert'in as possible To the Last M' Jones liath satisfied nu! it was for Arrears Long since Ordered to he paid, therefore Doi' not Disallow the Act it being butt Keason what ))romised him should be Sattistied, but the Moderatest way to obteine it is Certainly the best I wish you all to be and Continue in oni; faith ami one minde and that you may liec^ soe Pouiul k, Vnited together in the I'ond of Peace' that uU Jealosies and Dessentions may be Remoued which will bo to yo' Cwne Comforts and liejoyceing off. Vo' Affectionate tirieud, A. B. An ORnEK FoK iiik ArpREiiENniNo Certain Pvkates on this Co as r and LErrEBS KEOAKiUNd THEM. By the Commander in Clisife itc. Whereas wee are Credibly Informed And ftiv(>n to I'nderstand that Severall Pvrp.tcs or Sea Rovers are Lyeing in Weight and < 'arrosing u|)ou this ( !oast for Plunder and Spoilc the 'ioods and ^[erchandize of his Afa"''^ Subjects And to Molest ami Disturbe tiieir i'eace Trade Trattiipie and Commerce to their Greate Detrim' and Prejudice And that Pertictderly A Certaine Vessell or l?arlHisting to them or any tluur Accomjdyces or Confederates that you Cause the same to be seized and them to be Aj)prehended Secured and Safely Conveyed to the SherrilT of this Citty with their Examinagons {\)nfessions and suidi Proofs as Caun be Produi«d Against them or any of them That thev may be Proceeded a^' -t According to Law. Ami all his Ma"" Suiijects are 766 Early Colonial Settlements. lierobv forwiirmvl aiul Forliid to Rolcivo VictiiMll KiitiTt:iiii or Harbor Any midi Pyrates or Sea Rovers or to IVrmit oi- SiillVr Any Stranjii' N'ossoll or ^.tranj^ers to Conic into tarry or trade in Any of tlieir Ports Hariionrs or Creeks lint what eann (iive A (iood and l.awtnil Aeconnt of tlicir Buisiiosse ami Intentions And Produce a sufficient Clearing From tlie Last Port(Mliey Come of whieli an Aeeount to lie Foitliwitli sent To ns as tliey will Answer the Contrary att their Perills. Dated at Nexf Yorkc this 2S'" Day of July in the thirty Fourth Yeare of his Mu'"^" licigne Aiiuoquo Domini 1082. To all Justices of the Peace Constables and Other otliiers both Civill and Millitary to whom this shall Come. New Vcrk-e August the P^ 1(182. Cap' Hubhert. S^ As tlie Preservaeon of Peace and Free Fxcrcise of Trade ai\d Connnerc(" is tlio Suppoito Happynesse and Tramiuility of A Coimtry or People Soe the Kenioueail of all thiiiL's Tending to the Disturbance Ami Hindrance tlu'rcof aught Especially t]irehend Discover or Detect them but lo Seeure and Hide them From the Eye of Justice which will not be lllinded am Sorry you should he the p'^son that Only Doe Exjiose such troublesome concernes or be soe 111 a ffriend to tin." (iovernm' to endeavour to bring that on it which all would cry out Shame on us For to be A Markett for the Sjioiles and Plunder made on <>'" Xeigldioiirs and a Proteceon lor the Robbers which as Mr. Armhl who hath Likewise felt their Smart hatli been Carcfnll to Prevent soe bane Ordered him and all in Place to Persist to the Apprehending and Securing of all such P'sons and all (Joods that Cann be found Helonging to them and 1 >oe Reipiire yon that if any eitiier pi'son or (ioods be in your Custody Possession or Keeping Tnat you Forthwith Deliver them to Mr. Justice Arnold to be Secured ns Directed you will Doo well to consitler your owne Safety and (Juiett with that of the Collonyes anil Involue not your selfe further then you cann well Answer when called upon neither are matters of Snch Importe where the Lives and Estates of his Ma""* subjects are att .stake soe Lightly to be Past by your ActiviMies.se in Discovering and Apiirehendiug the p'sous and their Goods will be farr more Acceptable then any tiling I liaiie yett heard of yo' Proceedings That Justice may be Done and Peace Preserued Peing the Only Desired by ^ o^ llriend A. n. jVw Yorkf August the 1" ltl:ej. Mr. IsaiU'h Arnold. S^ V|iou the Receipt of yo'* of the 11»"' Past 1 was K.^tre.imely troubled att yo Lo.sse .\w\ Imeadiatly Advised with the Clonneeli what i'roj.er to be Done to I'revent Further Mixhiete and Surprise when Resolved of the In-losed Order to be Sent to you as all Other out I'oites and Harbours of the (iovernm'. Putt w.int of Oppertunity Causeil itd Stay till now which hope may Proue EfTectuall And that All in Pla.e will be Duly Aetiue and Carefull to .see th.' same fully Executed Accordingly 1 Just now Received yo'" of the liO'" and am much plea.-ed .att your Active- nes.s in yo' Station and Troubled yon are not soe fully Assisted as you aught or that any oppose vou which vou must not Sutler Haueing Authority Sufficient in yo' Selfe to P-vent and to Punish 2er t(,r Tryall. And am now fully Sattislied Tlu: men ere all IJogues aJik.; Therefore use yo' uttiuost to gett them Apju-ehended Secured and sent heither Alsoe here is A Negr., that was One of iheir (iang in Custody hut will not Confesse any tiiedt to have heen Committed while he was with then, hut ownes they were in Vmj;>,;a. If you have any Convenieney of Vessel and men that will Coe and liring in the Sloope with Capt. iJuuirU and his Company on yo^ jS-uminatjon of A thtl p'-soii for the Connnand I will Send a Com- mission Warr' for the Sanu> i5eiug v.mt willing to Uemoue any thin- that may he A feare or Dread on his Ma"- .-uhjects or Hindrance to our Jrade and Commerce hut lieleeue you will all he soe on yo' (uiards as to Secure your Townes and Ilarhours And if they Come' there them Alsoe. Those P'^sons you monaoiuul to he in the woods on the Island i would liaue forth with apprehendesihle and Secure whatever you can lin.l lielongingto them. I am certaiuely Infornu'd thev haue Done Spoile in Fm/Z/i/a and our Collony must not he an Open Markett or Recepticle For then, an.l shall Send to 1... Advised of Hie Pe.-ticnh.rs with all sp.vd I ha.ie Sent von two that thev mav he Dispersed and fully mad.' known.' an.l i'nhlish..,l to all th.- Townes att t'h.' Past End of the Island who are most lik.' t.. h.' hni't.' an.l Pivjn.iize.l hy them and Cannot att I'^s,.nt I),.e anv tiii.ii; fur- th.'r tli.'r.Mii Ihit Iv.ivv the Ifnrth.u' Prosecuson t., yo' S.'lfe an.l th.' Pu'St of the .lustices and Ollicers to A.'t Pursuant th.Mvto for the l'nl,li,|ue (;„od whirl, shall Alwaves Endeavour to P'serve an.l Maintaine Heiuir S' Vo' Atie.'ti.iiiate Ifriend A ; H : I A Li:ni:u Fhom Cac' r.Ho.Kn.u.i > >,< M' .Iish.k I'.i-.ris. „ , . , AV(/' Ynd; .\nn;usr th.' T"' 1C82. yv Justice Hetts, S' Heing Informed that att th.' i.a-t C,,in-t of Sessions .e Towne .d' Xrir /',„/-,/. Did-iiot make A Legall an.l Sutlicicnt R.'tnrne of Cuiin>tahle hut wit.' drder.'d to I'ro.-e.'.l t.. A >'ew El.'c.'on An.l th.' I"t,.)n Chosen t.) he sw.irn.' liefore .V jnstic.' of the pea.'c And that ..n.' lieiuir P's.'iited to yon for that Pm-p.>se You liau.' U.'fus.'.i to A.lminister the Same Acor.lingly who 1 thought Would not haue Men (iuilty of Such A n.'gie.t in .\ "Matter Soe Pracficahle as I am w.ll >attistied this is and of suo (iri'ate Imporle for the l"s.'rvaeon of his Ma"'" P.'acc. I Doe tluictore Reipiir.' you to Cause the P'uxn so.' Chosen for ('..nstahle in that Town.' t ].:,w And that vou Duly ami Car.'fidly I'.'rfurm.' and Exe.'nte \n' Otlir.' as ,Ill^tice of th.' P.'aee Beiiiir AliHilnfily Contirme.l therintill furthei' Order I am Yo' Atl'ectiiinat.' iTrieiid, A. n. ■(( 768 h'ltvh/ Colonial Seitlevumfs. A LErrKB from Cap' nRooKiiorj.s id iiik Ctovkknoi u uf Kkah Isr,.\Nii aiidui' I'ykaiks. New Yorke August tlio 22"' lfiS2, Hon''*' Sir". Two of that Company of "Roguos aiul Pyratcs tliat liaiio Lately Iiifcsli'd our ('oast and Disturbed our Trade are taken licre h\ name John liohiiiHon and FraiunH /.dts, And the Ketch in whicli tlicy Came to the luist Knd of Lamj IkIidiiI is Likewise Seized and T?roUj;;ht lleithcr. They liaue on tlieir Exauiinaeon Confessed tliat tlieir Intent and l)esiu;ne was and wliat tliey swore to att tlie Grand Caimaiors to take my I^ord liattiiiwrt' and to Hohl) and Plinider his House and Gett (iood Uansome for his I'ersoii, I'utt heinjjj Defeated in tiiat Attemjit tliey iJohlied two Houses in Yorh' Ji'h'ir one Madam /.('(/fo'* the Otlier A'«/^/» (SVr(/A And Stoole from tiienee two or tliree Silver Tankards, Several! Cupps Spocmes Curtaines Cloathes and Lining,' which was Shared Amontrst them on l^iard the Ketch and say they tooke the Ketch from the Sjiaiiiiiriln in ^[arch Last l)Ut found none hut JMi^ht h'lxjiifi/i Men on Board Tliat the Ketch Belonged to one Cap' Oklcij of Ij^mlon hut say he was putt Aslmro in the Bay of Antlor'm And know not what is Become of liim TTeariuij: that severall of this (^ompany are Likewise takt'U with you Desire their Kxaniin;ieoiis and what acco" they Cann Give nf the Ketch or the said OkJi'ij inav he sent Heither that Such I''iirtlier Proceedings may he had and Course taken therein as nun- make these E\am])lary to Deterr < )thers From the Take Kvill Practices and secure our Partes and Trade Being Heady to Assi-! therein r.s inu<'li as Possible and to Remaine, To' Affectionate Neighbour and Humble Servant, A. B. A LiirrKK i imm ('\r' liuoc KUcut.- JfSTIi'E Josl.l.NK AIT Pl:M Aciilli. .1 if New Yoi'ke August 24" 16S2. Sir. In Answer to Yo" of the 17"' July I am Glad to lieare of the Settlement of yo'' Partes which must he Encouraged and is Left to yoiir management with the .Vdvise of the Commander and those in Place .\cccirding to the Regiilacjims And Orders given by the (Joverno' which Still Remaine in Force and must he Attended and Observed accordingly The number of Persons you meneon will Add much U> tlie' Strength and trade of the Country which .shall Eiuieavour to supporte the Proper plans for settlem' You are best .acipiainted with Therefore Left to you as aforesaid to order the Laying out whit Wmtt iiy < V.v//'/(c is of noe Importe you Knowing the Extent of his Kov" Iliirh' Limitts which must he maintained According to his Pattent Haiic nothing of News butt D.iyly Expected from A'nijlund all well iiere my Respects to yo' sulfo and Wife is tlie only iieedfull att p'sent from Sir Yo' Affectionate fTrieiid. A. B. jVcv/' York IliHioriad Ji'econk. 709 A LkTIKK FuoM CaI>- nKIKJKIIOM.S TO TlIK JrsllCKS AN1> CoiKT ATI' MaKTIn'h ViNUKD. ., ,, -^fw Yorke Aui'iist tlic 28'" 1682. Yu" of tlie 11'" of June Eeceivc.l tl.o lO'" Instant and licrcwitli Inclosed Send You a Kouued ConnniMion for the Poaco in your Parts and tliurein hano thought titt to appointc M' MaitLm Miujlww in the Stead of that worthy P.^rson M' Thnma.'i Mayhem liia ffatlior I^ito Deceased to he Cheife hupplyin- llie Defect l,y Another of the Name and as 1 iiaue Approued of yo' trunesse and Ahihty Soc will not I)onl)t yo'' Inte-rityes in tlie f!aithfuil Diseharfrc of yo' OtHcesand Trust in you Reposed Accordinj.dy The (bth Ai)pointed For the < )tlice of a Justice of tiu" i)eace tlie Rest in ('oniniission are t.. adnlini^ter to M'' Thoma» Mayhuo Aeci>rdinf,' to Law I hopeyou will take Care that the Quitt Kent runn not in Arreaie as Formerly P.utt asOppertunity And tiu'y Come due Lett them he Sattistied Hein^' For your Ease and Conveniency liaue Little N'ews in these j.arts hut Dayly Kxp(!ct Vessi'lls From" h'ii.r,>j,e and Orders Kelatin^' to the (iovernm' which when Keceived what needl'ull ^llall be Connnunicatod to you in the mwme time I wish you all peaL-» and na])piuesse ami Kemaine (ientlemen Yo' Aileetionate tlrieiul I A Lkitek kkom Cai-' Buo<:Knoi,i.s to 'SV vvnssvw Skinnku A'it PEMMACiiiD. ,, „ , . J^eio Yorke May lu"' 1683. m.' ffranrm Shnnri'. S' Am Sorry the Loosenesse and Carelessenessc of your command gives Opjiertunity for Strangers to take notice of your Jlxtravigancyes and Dehaucheryesand that Coiuphiints must come to me thereof hcing what your Otlice and Place aught to jjrevent and punish, to which perceive have Little Uegard iior to the former Orders and Regulaeons for Settlement being also Informed that yon have SulTered Peojjle to settle alone in Remote Places Contrary thereto Exposeing themselves to the fury of the Ileatlien which may Prove of ill Couse(|uence as hath been Already Experience to all in those Partes, Expect a better observance and Comporte for the future, and that Swearing Drinking aiul Prophanesse to nnich jjracticed & Suffered with you will be wliolly suppressed and that you haue Due Regard to all former Orders and Regnlaeons for Settlement I'c by M' I\ittiii/i(tU shortly Intended your way shall send Commission for another in the Place of M' JiDjshjne Decoa-icd who feere is much wanted, I am Your Affectionate fTritnd A. P. A LkTTKK FKOM Cac' BKOtKnoM.S to TMK CiOVEKNOIR of CANNAnA. S' Youi-s of the 1" and l.V' Aprill past by the hand of Monsier Salvoy Received the 25"' Instant and congratidate your safe arrivall to your Cioverniiien' of (',(i>mi(//(;/( /f our (ioverncnir ■who hath had the Honour to command A Kegiinenl in the service of the King ofj'fiince all the time of the Late warrs who liavo advise of and dayly expect, to whom they shall be communicated and need not Doubt of suitable answers and Resolves accordingly. In the mcanetime be asured tiiat as it hath always been tin; care of this (iovernm' to Preserve Pcac(! Prevent and Hinder the Spilling of X'tian MIood and to hold and mainfaine a civill c(irrcs|iondencv with our ncii,'hbor> soe the same endeavours and Practice shall be continued perticulerly towards your self and Remaine H' May ;U"' ltiS3. Your Very liumble Serv' A. P. I f ■f J C. SI. I<'i,i:<-ri()N OF Dkleoatks to a Gknkuai, Asskmiif.y ouniCKKi). Tkadf, from Canada to Ai.HANV. Vai.iatmn oF Coin. Ordered that Warrants be sent to tin! SherilT of /..nnj /.v/«m7 to warne the JTrecholders to name to deputies for each Rideing to appear as their Rei)resontatives at the (Jenerall Assend)lv to be held at the City of JVcw York on the 17"' day of October IfiSS. Ordered that the iTreeholders of every Town on Loikj /.t/mid i^wiM- a Comi;iittee of fonre to meet at the Sessions house of every Riding, tlieu to chose two to be their Rej)resentatives ; I appear for them at the frenerall Assendily. Ordered that S/n/fm Ixhiiul nominate one Representative. Ordered that the Sheriff of Long Idand >\nnuun\ the iTreehoMers of Jinhcrs Idaiid to name one to vote along wdl tiie Kast Rideing of l.<>n vote will the Kast end of [.oug IkIuhJ. Ordered that tlie Sheriff of Emjmn warn the flnreholders to chosi! foun; of tln'msclves in Town, ;us a Ccrfnmittee for themselves, iV: those four out of each Town to meet at tiie Sessions howse, then to chose two t.) be Repre.-entatives for Kifijiiiti at a Generall Ah.sembly to be held at JVew Yorke the IT"' day of October next en.-iieitii;. Ordered that the Sheriff of Ml„n,i; ^\i Ranslarrs Vjclol/ ftiS.*?. Ordered that the saide Sherilf ajijioint the flreeholders of ^f/uinedadc A depeiulences thereto Ntm York Ifistnricdl /lerordK 771 l«'loii.i;ii)jjr to (•lio:;o .nio to l.c their Rci.n.M.iitiitivo in th,. (u'licnill Assemblv to Ih; lii'ld nt New York Octol)' y" 17'" KkS;!. OrdiTud that John Alh'ii lu- ma.lo SlicrilTo of I'rnui.juul vV DeiH'ii.U'iicioH, or Ishiiids, it whatever i« thereto heloii-iii^', A then to appoint the iTrwJioldurs of I'emaquvl & DepondencieH to meet and chost; one Representative. Ordered that Mnltliem Mui/hrw he SliuriiT of Murtliis Vineyard, Nantucket, Elhahih Ixlanil iV: all other Inlands from the Eastward of Long /.s/„n'/ to Nantuckett Shoals, helonging toliis li" IW^h'^ Jiiniex Duke of }V^- ifc that he appoint the ITreehoJders <.f tlie said i)laees to meet and ehnwt! one out of eaeh Island to meet in the nmst (Convenient plaee to chose one Repre- sentative for tliemselves in the (feneral Asseiid)lv to he holden at the Citv of New York Octob"' }" IT'" His:!. Ordered that the Town (-'lerk of \<'io York ;;ivo in a ust of all the fTreehoMors in this City. Ordered that none shall he ]>ennitted to eonie out of Cnnnihi to trade at Alhanij without a jiass from the (roverno' of Canada, it no Iidiahitant of N'ln York and TTemstead. At a Comicil held a ffortt .Iminx in .V. Yob' Octoh' y'' 4"' KtS."!. P'sent. The (ioveruo', Cap' ,1. llrovkholl.s, Mr.ff'r.jlfi/jmn,'SU:St,j>''V.Coiirt/an(/,J. Sjmiijij. The (ioverno' ac(iuainteil the Sachem of thi> Ma'/uitue that thi; reason lie Sent for them was to tell them that the King it his R" IP' had a i;reat kindnesse for them ; it that he himselfe Would he gladd to have a good correspomleiice it friendship]) with them, as other Governors hefore had, it spoke to them to trade no more with the jfWneh ; uor goe there if sent for, with- out leave of this (Jovernment it to permitt n'\ tf'n nelinun to liv(' amongst them except tlie Jesuit.s it each (d" them a ni.in it such as shall have a passe from the (toveriu)'' of Neir Yorke it u seal (of what they are to have a mark in wax) it that they strive to hring as manv of their friends, as they (Miuld from the ,//'/■»«. 7( (iovcrmnent, it to make peace with those Indians thev now warre again.-t, A trade with them, it If ii he tliouglif litt the (Tovernor will send one with them ; it that they hrliig ihe tradi' lo ihi> (J.ivcrum' lln' (ioverno' further retpiired of them to tell him, what !: 4 772 Kiit'lij ('(iloiiitil Siiil, III, iits. i\wffi'enfih Biiiil to tlioin wlion tliey nont for tlioin to Canada, tlicy nro Mm t<> iic([iiiiitit tlin rest of tlioir nei^liboiira witli wliiit Iiiitli hwii now iiii|)urtc(l to tlicin ; tlic (lovcrno' lui.misciii;,' tlidiii that \w will iillwayt'rt look iiiioii tliuiu us 1.1 i li'liircii, iS: troat them with all ic>iH'ct iV: kiiulni'isH ftcwmliiigly, iw liy particular Order from the Kinciot ^jrcat Drittainc, & liin I!" Ili;;li'" our Master. At a Council hoUl ai ffort Jainca \n New lorke Octob'. l"He!it. Tho Crovcruo', Caj)' A. Jirockholh, Ur.jf'i: ffypaen, J.Sjmii/y,', Mr. S. V. Cortland. The Indians ln'ini,' a>ked if they were only for the Maqaa^ ; thoy aiinwered yi'n ; &. cunne from the three (-iwtlcrt of the Miiijiiax ; their naniet* .vere, Odiaiia/i, It'odiv i/o turn drah .\enok, Otjar llugcuJah the names of tho Queens were Vanlchaoh, Owyo dah tni raa ; tho first priHlin-ed u Wnnipnni f,'irdle, k jiresentod it to the Governor to Sh'W 'lni. "' hath so great a kindness for them: as fur the Indians that Are gone to Vaimdd. they are very gladd his Imno' speaks of it it they will endeav.Mir to get them hack againc, they desire tiie Goveniors assistance in it that they may go hand in hand ti) promote it, it tliev doubt not to get them back againc. That when they were setit for hither they did not know what might be proposed to them ; & for Corla'>rs* proposition to make peace with the Indians they war against they say, that as s.Hmc as they come home, they shall have a (Jenerall Mei^ting of all the castles it will tell them what is liere proposed, and doubt nut but it shall be etTected ; for the former (iovenior said the sanui ; it they obeyed & made peace, it why ^honld not. it be all>o at this timr |icrtonuc(l, for thev have l)een allw.ays oliedient to this (JovertinK.'ii' tliat bis Homo'' lia\cing told them to have anevi'tothe ffivnchirniii ; they give his Ilono' their thanks and will .dlways have .in open eye . those people and they desire if any thing hai)pen to be informed for they are and have been idlways belonging to this (Jovernm' it expect no favor from the (fnin'li, but will piit themselves under his Ilolio" protection that the (n>vernor lia\eing wondere sonn- other Govennn' they answer no they do not. they never had so lirm a friendshipp with aiiv, as with tills (rovernment but tlie frni^ ri'asoii is they having a warre with ofbi-r Indians, those Indians would not dare to come on their hunting |)laces; but now they are all in peace; the Indiaim cjitch away the Beaver so fast that there be but very few left. His Honor haveing fold them they shoiilil harbom- noffrench, but the .lesnits it each of them a man ; they answer Will iiever suffer any stragling/T/r/icAwK'M amongst them, but those Je-tiits who are very good men and very quiett; it yet if his Ilono'' shall jilease, thoy will send them away allso; iV that none hath bad any land from them it they are resolved never to sell or give them any, or any others exrept the people of this Govermnen' that, they were sent for by the (ioveniw Y» k llhtorical Uecorda. 773 h tlmt nothing rIiiiH ponio to llioir ears but thoy will iic4iiaint tills GuvorTiiuuiit with it, * exptict tlu; Hiiiiu: from tliis (Jnvcirmnent. 'I'licjr AIho Hiiy tho (l()vurr((>r' of Vanada promiood them to havo freo passii^'i^ upon nil Itivtirs «fe (.Vookfl, & aaiil thoy (tliouhi sutFor II notlu;r IiidiitnA to Iiuv(^ tlic Hiimo,antl tho (iovuriio' took fhoui or Ilia (Children, A' told tlicin they hlioiild Ih all of \\\vjl'r neli Ui'li^'ioii. Tli;it, all their lain! is iiiidor tin' (iuMriim' of IiIh Koy" Ilijrh" that tli. -i! han l.ccn boiikj HtratigorH at Allxtuij to buy the Sumpie/iannnk RIvlt * hut tliuy havo Coimidorod iSi will not soil it to thorn, ^^xcl!pt by tho particular U'avc of Ilia IIoiio'. Tho (lovorno' dortirod tiiom to inako up tho DitTorcnoo, aiiKtnj^Ht thom«olvos ;iiiuut Simque- haniuih Uiv(?r in a Civil ife poaccabio way, that boitig don to Bond word to tho (b.vorno' iV: that llion ho will ^ivo thorn fiirthor Ordor«i about it. Tho Sachoin spako for hiiuholfe. That out) Arent Vting this province & the Indiiins who live afar of as the Oi-tiKjijniixtx, it other remote 'ndians, as well to the Southward as tho .Northward; A' that they will give them free passage to com through their Countrio to trade Idther, it that tho (ioveriio' would be verv gladd for them to bring .me or two of the most Considerable of them liither ; it that they will use all their ludeavours to persuadi; them to trade with this (Jovornment, ami laki^ an Answer as soono as may bo what tho Remote Indyans, it ])articidarly the 'h he will give the Impression ; it that they are to give notice of what is don there to all the other initions w ho are friemls to them ; that they when they bring their friends from Caiuula, the Governor desires it may bo in i civil tpiiett way; it not l)y force or in a war- like manner, that all the side of tho lake of ('diKiiia belongs to the Governni' of .Vi'io Yoi'k< ; it t'lat tho (loverno' (U-sires they may \tv. all ac(piainted with it, it expects their submission tiial if tho (t •voriu)' luivo any occasion for land neare their castles, where a castle may be built for a greater t'oiiveniency of trade with them ; that tho (tovernor nuiy have it paying for the same ; that the Governor as yet knows nothing of any hurt thv^f/riic/i Intend them; it therefore desires them not to be alarmed iV that if the (tovernor know any thing the //'/v /(('// designe against them, ho will give them early notice ; that it is the custom of this (rovernment, it auuingst Christians when they sell the grass to sell the land allso; it if the}' luj not paid for the lami they shall In: ; it that the people o( Sc/imi- * .\kiirchrtrtO it for tin; TowiU! ; tlie Indiium toiil fli''in tiiiit Ai'/Hf-< iiiul i)oiij,'lit iV; piiiil oonii^ |>;irt of tin- i)aymciit ; A: tlicy lioiivd tiiuni to pay Aci/iirM tlmt nujnio hacit, ife tho Town sliould liftve it, wiii<^!i tlio Town tlid, I.i('o to do justice amon^'«t ourHi'lvciJ, iV if Arqui'n liave ii bet- tor title tlien tlicy for it, tiien In; nliall liavu it. At ft Oouneil lield i\i fort Jamei^ in .V. York ()ctol.' y it"' UW3. I'restent. tho Govorno', Mr. J. Sj,rag,j,; Cnpt. A. Brockholh, Mr. fr. fihll"""' ^^''- ^l'pf"'» V(in t'orlhiixl. Tile petition of TMhipaiosha Sachem of Mrdered tliat llu« Iidiabitants of 1h'm)M(e. Acrtsiii, .Ian, friiiii rircrhl, (17. Ajiricola, llfiiry, !IH. Agiiciiltiir.', 10, II, 110, 177, 2().->, •JC.I Aiiiuiiy. r..'.!!. (171), 7naw ««/,, 711, 71.'), 71 Sec C,lllU\ /hnh, "n ,t "I- AlliiTlD, I'ettT (.'asar, the cliiiiiiiey swi'ep, Ul, i"! 4lt, 1 10 ,' .',,/. AllnTtscn, Alhirt, 33«, 477 <■< *-/., ."iia. Alcockc, .lohii, (lait. Alf.iiil, Uciij, 7a,'i. Algiers, (uptives in, 71.1. AlkiM, Friilcrii'k, u siJionl trnclicr, 17a, 2(18. .Vllini, Julin, 771. Allin, Nutliaiik'l, (iM. .\Uirloii, I-iaiic, l"iH, 1S4, 207, 200. Allyiic,.l(iliii,lc'ltir friMii, iiinl.I. Talciitt to ("apt. C<)(^, flaa. Ii> ('apt, Hrcicklii.lls, 7(k!. Alri( lis, .(aiiil), Lia. Amesfi.i.rt, Hi), 12S, 101), 210, 224, 2ai, 2a2, 2anf/.v-/., 2ao, 2.14, 270, aoo, aio, aa(», a4o, aoo, mh, a7(!, 411, 42a, 4aH, .-iOO, 008, 625, .5,'iO, 005, 754. Sco Fliithiiilt. rliiirili at, 204, 327, aa7, 510, 527. jiav i>f prrailicr iil, a7S. ti.wn (illircia of, 314, 344, 350, 412, 473, 510, 523, 510. lands ill, 7H, 3;iO, 303, 477 et .»c;.,47!), 403, 511c(,i/y/. .Viiisicnlani in lliilland, littler from ttiu liiir>;i)iimsti'rs iif, to Stiiyvcsant, 325. Annbaptiats, ir.O, 235, 553. Andoria, Hay of, 7(iS. Andri'sin, , 711. Andrews, ,^aiii., 400, 403, 570 tl t,.i. And. its, ClaiM, ,')70. Andritssfii, Andrits, 331. Andricscii, David, 01). Anilrit'Hcn, IVler, 03. Andriustn, 'I'l iinl^i, from Aniatirdam, 130. Andrew, Sii K., (loMriior, (180, 730. letters from, to ('apt. Vouii),', 003. to Thomas liitikir, 01)3, 70(1. to Mr. .Mavlnw, (1113. to Hull. \Vo„dlinll, 01)5, 008. to Soiuliampton. 01)7. toliov, Winllirop, tiH'2, OIll. to .|omnm.rt, Adrian, 167, 173, 199. Blonni!, Wm., 514. Bloon);r, Uobert, 582. Blurt Point, L. L, 078. lioliui, Isaac, 177, Bogacrt, Tonis Gysbertsen, 404 et nei]., 510, 522. Bogardus, Kvenir'd, Kev,, 10, 12, 10, 44,59, 09, et seq., 83, Bomess, Jan, 400. Index. 777 7, 431), 1)1), 203, 1), 4r)0, Micolls, .. OTl. 1«, 085, 51, 374, ^•;t; lIiMji \ tl aeq., Boiiiiyro, 107, 173, 174, 18(1, 103. Bomit, Wm., 321). lloodt, .N'icoliis, 190. Hooks, titles of, in X. X., 42 (t sen. Boot, Dii-ck f I-.cscn, 232. Bordiiif,')!, C'lat's, 220. Bones, .lolni, .5l.{. Borsin, .liiii I'ictcrscii, 08. Bo.stoii, Miiss., 83, 121, 120, 100, 200, 207, 383,480,525 554, .507, 570, 002, 000, 008, 070, 701, 711,' 718^ cliiiins Koit Oriiiifjo, 520. .tov. of, h-ttcrs to. from (iov. Aiiilros, 002 Bo .•Kliuie.ii, 172, ia5, ;ji>a, ;t32, 340,420, 501. witli llie Knj;lisli una SwimIcs, H5,' 105, 122, 133, 1 38. withCoMii,, 030, 080 (■<.«'./., 703. of (Inivcsciid, 200. bptw. Kluslii!!/,' iinil ,I:iiiiai<'ii in disinitc, 502 (( .•«•,-,(), Dol ■):!;) pi- 440. ' ' ' - ■ Braycr, Hans, 334. Breda, Trealv of, 000, HredenI.ent.'Wm. 55, 344. 354. 304 ,1. .«,-/., 'Mi et se,, 414, 4,3, 522. 51,5, ,510. " B'<'''i'r. It y, 01. 04, 143, 140 ,V a,,, ma Breuster, Mr.. 041, Brewster, .Sarali, (ill. Bri ":i7 230 et «•-/., 255, 270. 300, 311, 310, 340, 300, 3o'h, :t70 411, 423. 542, ,5.50, 505, 570, 573, 005, 010, OI4' 010, 052, 050, 734, 758. ' formerly called IMareehkawick, 07. patents for land in, 31, 32, 34, 35, 30, 41, 47 48 50, 00, 00, 340, 425, 483. • . - deed for a house, &e., at, 318. Ieas(! of a house at, 75. buildings in, 74. vacant lots at, 344, 473. meadows for, 501, 514. anew sellleincnt near. 404. 522. the niinisler at, asks for dismissal, 550. church at, 337. 338, 745. pay of the pastor at, 370, el so/.. 382, 385 470 town ollicrrs of, 314. 344, 414, 407, 502 ' 510. ,522 545. ' ' "' to elect a town clerk, 742. ordinance nnuhi liy the court of. 254. a nsiilent of, refuses to serve as a magistrate, 2.55. majrist rates of, called to confer with the council, 208 m.i^tist rates of, letter fnini, to Stnyve.sunt, 3H2' market day for, estahlishe of Kaslcrn I. 1 . 081. accusations of, airt. N. Y., 730. (Jov. and Council of, letters to, from Stiiyvesant, 295, 53M. from (iov. Andr...s, 088. 602, 761, 763. Conn. Kiver, 601. See /'Vm/i Jihci: Conor, Francis, 536. C.norasset, Indian name fertile site of .lamaie.i, .S.iU. Conipiereure, Alexander, 524 Co(.kc, .I..hn, 343, 434, 40H. .M3. Co(.l, Cornelis I.,ainbcrlseii, 21. 30. C(.«lc, .Tohn. 736. Coolfacx, Ui.har.l, 378. Indi ex. 779 Cooling, William, 500. Cooper, .loliii, .lin, ilTO, ,'5hS, GOH, (M,-;, 017, (),■)() 60.'), (iT.-) c< wY/. Cooni, Xicnliis, Sergcmit, i), SS. 58. Copeslii(r<', Jolin, 73!». CorcG, .rolin, .IT I . CorliuM-s Flat on !,. I., (54, 00, ."iH. CorloaM Hook, '21. Corl.iers land on Mnnliattnn [., 11, Cornbiiiy, I,. I., 7()T, 74.!, 710. Cornolissfn, .\c{(iifM, "?> tt sitf. Corneli.jscn, Aoltii', 420. CornolLssci), Albert, Scliopcn of nrooklvn ;114 :!;!H, ;i44, :!70, :!H3 W «y . 47;!, ,V22, 54,5, 053. ' Cornclissun, ('oinulis, a. soldier, 5;j. ' Cornelisscn, Dirck, fioin Wenween, 17, 137 Win (."ornclissen, llcniliick, ,',7',). ' •Ian, HI, 4;i.5, 500, 571. Iiaur(!ns, 70, 744. Peter, 04, 147, 155, ;!79, :!8], 420, 47:! t Ht-ll lilli, Cornelisic Cornelissen, Conielisaen, 470. Cornelissen 477, 527. , Roclotr, 379. (.'orncli.'ison, Tennis, 78, i Corn<:lis.sen, Wiliein, 05. Cornell, Kilw., 701. Cornill, John, 72(i. Cornell, Kieliii., 531. 0S5, 705, 744 el .w/., 747. loiter to, from Win. Valentine it (jllier.s 710 Cornhill, liielid,. 505, (104. letter to, from (inv. Nieoll-i, 5!ia Cornish, Thoma.s, 4110. Corsseii, A rent, 70. Cortejon, .laeiiue.s, '.>!)2, 305 ,7 ,«,/., 4.52, 472 ,< .«,./ etmi., 514, 515, ,5{!l, 5.S4, 034, OOO, 070, 701 tutor in Werekhovens fainilv, 272. appii. Sellout of N. .V., 28(); rofusi-.s, ih settle.s Xew I'treeht, 3M2. sworn surveyor, 4)2. Costelvek, I'eter"I8 iDc Decker, ,1., 304, 32:!, ;J42, 37-t, 421, 4;j2 44: 402, 409, 014. Commissary at Fort Orange, ;)55. appd. ('oiiiicillcjr, ;!9I. Superiiiteiidciii ,,f Fiminccs, 40! Deids — for land on I,. I., 1'2, l;i, 24. 42. l:i7 140 141 I4;i 140, 147, 148, 1,51, If,:;, ;jii(;, ;{;j|. for land near (Jowamis, L. I., 3(i. for land at Flallaiids, L. I., 78. for land at Flushing, I,. I., 70, for a house and l.ind at Hrooklvn, ;!18. for a li>t In (iravesend. ;!20. for land at .Midwoiit, :120. for land at Mrspath, ;!27. for a bowery near N. A.. 20. for a plantaiion on .Manhatian Island. 2:1. for |ilaiilalion in 9tli Ward, \. 'i'c., 27. for land in llarliin. :10. Dcen (Diine), Samuel, 490, 493. De Forest, Henry. 1 1, n. De Forest, Isaae^ IIHI, 220, 48:1 549 Dc Ila.ise, Hoi lolT. 140. De Hooges, .v. Sceretarvof lieiisselaerswvck 7o 99, 149, 259, ;!.5fl. " . ■ . De Ilultcr, ,Iohan, 202, 230, 259, 35il, De Ulan, .lean, 1:15. 172, 193, Dc .longli, ,Iaeol., ;i2l. De Jongli, Jan, 25,5, ;J'20. !:!, 448, ;!, 91, ► y ;j'v? I. 003, OO.T <■« sf^., 001), 780 Index. Do .Tongli, .Tun .lanson, 199, 230. Di- Key, Willem, 50, Tjg. Deliuicy farm, 2-2. Do liv Nov. Abrnm, 109. l)oliivall,"thi)S., 570, 583, 03.5, OTO, 070. Dc I euw. Ensign, 00. Dc Mover, Nicolas, 7.'*. Dennian, Jan, 514, 7:ii). Donc-ii, Danlol, 310, 403, 505, 509, 545, 50a. Town Cloik of Jamaica, lottor from, to Stiiyvosant, 395. Denton, Nathaniel, 340, 490 et s,;/., 505, 509. Denton, Samuel, 720. Denton, Mr., 3!),-., 402. Denton, Justice. 571. Dopaw, Luke, 739. Do Pevstor .lol.annes, 199, 220, 222, 277, 281, .!30, OoO Do Potter, .'ornelis, 143, lU) el scq., US. Do Prine, Corsen Coinelis, 738. Oering, Sainl., 539, 570, De Heniior, l'liili|il>, 54. De Heater, Admiral, 507. DoSiUo, Nie., 223, 229, 232, 237, 244 c^ Kf,.- -•'■>. 200, 373 290 300, 309, 313 rl net/., 329. 331, 3:10, 339, 340! 342, 340, 3.-.4. 359, 304, 400, 410, 412, 421, 457. letter to, from John ("oo ^V: U. I'antom, 534, De Triiy, Philipp. ", 20, 37, 55. Detten," John, 54. Deiitel Hay, .M. 1., lionse built near, 25. patent for laml at, 20, deed for land near, 33. Do Vischor, Jan Jati.sen, 217, De Vooclit, Gillis, 20, Dc Voors, Marrynes, 058. Do Vos, Andries, 97. De Vos, Matthew, 199. De Vries, David Pieterseu, 15. De Weert, Jacob, 223 174, 253, 388, 337, 419, 451 vl 3, J, 35!), 041, 047, ■.srv„70!, 051, ro2, ' 075, il-' "^ 080, 50 el. !^oc Wit. 518, 730, 04, 379, See De Wit, Peter Janson, 510 Do \\\.11T, Al.el, ul4, De WollT, Dirck, 5o: Do Wys, Julyan, 199. Dickinson, Joh.n,_ 384, Diment, James, 730. Dimcnt, Tliomas, sen. Diment. Thomas, jnn., 737. , . l- . Dir-'ksen, Adrian, from Maerse.i, assistant at hort Orange, 9, 30li. Dirckson, Havent, l)ak( r. 7, 17, 2(1, 23, Dirckson, Cornells, the ferryman, 49, 01 Hoiickl'iiidl. Dirckson, Ifendrick, 141, Dirck.seu, Jan, from Bremen, gumier, !i, Dirckson, Joiis, .Sch.'iien of lirooklyn, 04, (>■<, 314, 318, 33S, 344, 381 rl .w/,, 414, 473, 479, Dirckson, I'auUis, 527, Dirckson, Touins, 522, 527. Dirck, Jannitgo, 320, Di.xy, .lohn, 000. Dodge, Tristram, 570, Domeiiv, Nath., 7.30, Domiui'es Hook, L, I,, 37, 03, 044, Doni'-an, Thos,, (lov, of N, Y., 7iO. Dought;-, Klia,s, 403<( »«/., 505, 5«H, 005, .,0H, 009, 04o 054, 004, 710 H ,'«'v,, 749 eluni. Dou-hlv, Francis, Uev., 3H, .50, 02,70,327,413,490 514, 5411. 019, tl29. Douuian, (icrrit, Sergeant, 74. Douwcscii, Aeltie, 141 el ndj. Douwosen, Anne, skipper, 34 Douwi'sen, Harmon, 50, Doxoy, Ifalpli, 740, Drake, yanuiol, 032, Draper, Peter, 32, Drisius, Samuel, licvd., >,;,., 401, 490, 497, v, vt , leaves Kngland and is engaged for N, M„ 1 sent to Va., 211. Dusnusoy, Mar;c, 327, D'.ltcli, I/iwrenee, 302, ii. Dutchman's Isld, 554, Du Toict, Ahr.. 743, Duvckingh, Kverl, 328, Duvslor, Dii-ck Cornclisson, 3, I )iiy volant, Jan Adrianseii, 418. Dvckmi.n, Johannes, 139, 170, ■ Commissarv at Fort Orange, 149, 191, 2lil, 34 Dyrc, Wni,, 081, 0S5, 720, letters to, from Win, ilaviland, lU. E. Kacir, J(Oin, 340, .505. Karles, Tliomas, 570. Fast, Daniel, 514, Fast Che-.ler, 031, 758 rl M'j. Fast Dorp, 517, Easllianipt-m, 505, 000, 018, 082 (■' se'/., 094, 097 .' ,«7., 758 ii SI'']. magistrates of, 57 7 it my., 583, 585, customs ollicer at, 0(18. whaling at, 707 et ,«'/. taxes of, 725, letter to, for Secry, Nicolls, 050, Fast India Company, 400, Fa>t liivir, iiatcnl fur an Isiand in the, Otl, Fatoii, Tlicopliil"^, '■<>\- "f '^'■* •'i'Ven, 113, 255, 250, 5S0, 02H, letter to, from Stuyvosant, 1»0. Faton's .Neck, 041, FIh'I, Peter, 320, 330. Fddes, Mr., 738, F.l>all, Sam'l, 705, 728, 732 (/.siy, llilwards. .lolm, 737. Fdwards. TIh.s., 730. Filwards, Wm., 7:!0. FUi.rtsen, FIIm rt, Scliepen of Amesfoorl, 56, 231, 2.!0, 23M, 330, 379, 3S1, 477, 479, 511, 522, 505. Fl(<\ .lolm, 59S. Flizalieth Isles, 037, 771, Fllison, John. 303. Fllison, Fawreuce, 303, FUi.-nn, lii.hil,, 720, 710, Fllison, Thomas, 303, 720, Fmans, Jan, 499, Fiiiaus, u Ideality near Ilailem, Emhreo, Moses, 740. Fmigration, IH. 80, 124, 130 400, 471, children from the Orphan asylum sen) t 100, 201, 29t;, 3;2, 325, 434. prices of passage for emigrants, 133, 100, nieasure to promote, 139. to ('ura<;ao, 172, lOndicott, (iov., 4ti5. letter to, from Stuyvesant, 179. I Kngolbcrtscu, Klderl, 498 et kiij. 42, 178, 210, 2M0, 312, ;> N 175. 444, . N., Index, 781 •t.-.i a Mi, lion. i7."i, (180, ,', 750 tl •jr.5, '^5(1, ',';n, 'i\%. f,\i, 4'(4, to N. N., 175. English Colonies, boundftrics lictw. N. N. nnd the «5 105. English of Connecticut trouljlo tlie Dutch nt Fort Hope it4, 40, 41. fufiitives from New Haven to he i>rotocte(l in N. N 108. of IJoatcn, 124. of N. K., recruit soliliers ngt. N. N., 272. not to he nllowcd to trade to Ciiraciio, 77, 8,). tradinghouse near Fort Orange, 77. :« league with the, against the Indians considered, 10(1. war with, 212, 21.'). ships in Boston to take N. X., 2G7. designs of the, on I,. I., 27!). encroailiniei'ts on \,. I., 205. nn, frigate threaten the Dutch trade in L. I. sound 45;i. usurpations of Duteli territory i)y the, 409, 48G. invasions by tlie, 475. 4H1, claims on N. N., 50(i. iiitrigtics on I,. I., 5;il it .«'/. want to purchase land fmni I,. I. Indians, 540. designs on X. N'., 5l(i il -hi., .04!). weights and measures intrcjihiced, (SXl. names of, settled on .\r!iiili:ittan I. in 10;i!t, 2-(. desire to settle in .\'. N., 20. on Long Island taken prisoners, 28; released, :iO; tlu' names of, 'i\. of h. !, reportecl to incite the Indians against the Dutch, 7U. many, in N. N., 85. privileges of, 85, settlers on L. I., 210. on L. I, threaten to form a protective union, 221, on L. I. suspected, 207, 270. settlers in X, N., 480. removed fr )m Sehoulshay, 515, towns on I,. I, to send dcl(i;ates to N. A., IIIO. dilTerences lietwec... ;!12. desire a preacher, 485. Esopns, 517, H7!l, 770, Etheringtoii, Tlios,, 710, Everett, liiclid., ;itO, 4i»0 rnelis Martsen, ;!!I0. Fames, Nicholas, ;!0;!. Farnnm, Josiali, 740, F.ilstone, Ovsterbav called, 544 Farrington, ;•,..:- -rd, Magistral. • of Klu^^bing, ;iU, ;14;!, Folckers ibnry. 522. 40.i, et .'i ■; Fonseca, .losepl'i Nunc; dc, alias David ^■a^si, 172 barnngto , Joe i, il. Koiilevu, Chas., 524 I'arn.-igto.i, T!'.M-tt,s, ;i02»i. FontcVn, t^aiali, 511. I'caks. TobiP". liO, 22;!, 2:!1, 2M,'», :!I5, ■iS4, 40;! «■.?,«,./., Forl.us. .Tan,, 0!). banishmi, AM. ; K,„.,|. j,,!,,, .(o;! ,./ ,,,„. I'crris, ,;ohn, ,5H8, Fordliain, .^.^eph, 7(iO. ■crry to I„ I., W). U.i, 200. :i!t7, 421, 521, OOr, (Ki'J. Fordliam, liobert, 50, ;!0;l«, ;t9,5, 5111, 530, ,5,s| I-id.m, Kirliard, 4,50, 514, 710. Foreman, Abraham, 5it8. Field, Anthony, 403 et sea. Field, Bcnj., 030 cl seq. Field, John, 7.'!7. Field, Robert, 302;/. 710. Field, Hobert, sr., 4o;! vtneq. Field, Robert, jr., 403 et »c>/. Finch, Francis, 503. Finch, Finish, .John 1G.1, 005. Finkinan. Aaron, 31 Fiscock, Mr,, 2ii. Fisco^k, Edward, 01, 08. Fi.seock, Thomas, 07. Fish, Nathan, 7J0. Fish, .Samuel, 740. Fisher, Edw., 531. Fisheries to be encouraged in N. N., 105. Sec In,lu.Hlrie^, 11 hiihjinlniKj . Fisher's Island, 770, Fitliian, Enoch, 730. Fithian, Win., ",'!(>. Flatbu.sh. 300, 1!)8, 51!3, 50,5, 573, 00.5, 7:i2, 712 ./ ,«,, See Miiliront. Indians claim not t(t have been paid for the bind of 18,3, (piarrel of, wiUi Flatland, about meadows, 5.M0, (iol, 753 ft Ml/., 758 suit wi'h (iravcGuid, 588. Indian lands bought bv, 035. ta.xes of, 705, 743 to elect a town clerk, 742. Flatlands, 408. 542, 505, 573, 758. See Aiiicifon-t . ilccd for land at, 78, flat, for land at, 437. (piarrel of, witli Flatbush, about lands, 5N«, C04, 7.5.3 et Ktij. to elect a town clerk, 742. Floyd. Rich., 748. Fhrshing, t;o, 101, 177, 216, 237, 300,41:!. .505, cr «,v/., 580. 015, (ilO it mq., ()31, 010, Mr, el «eq 053 OOH, 007, 705, 707, 730, 734, 740, 740, 7,50 d leq'. 758 el neq. See VlimiKjeii. deed frr land at, 70. aprlics for a minister, 82. cliaricr and iiicuriiorators of, 301 it nrq, boundary ipianvis with llemstead, 3,^4, troubles with Indians, 512. called Ni'wark, 544. Hapi'sts at, ;i()0. remonstrance of, against tjuakcr persecution, 402 it mq.; cpiakcrs in, 515. cen.-us of, ileiiianded, 585. ta.\e> of. not paid, 005. Militia of, i;oii; punished, 508; a new company to be formed, 508. Magistrates of, 314, 43, .505. town clerk of, letters .roiu, to .^luyvcsant, 512. Magistrates of, letters to, from Oov. Nichols, 501, 502, 507. Flushing Creek, 584. «* 782 Indi'X. 'IS Foreman, Arinn, 420. Foreiniin, John, 514. Foremttii, Robert, ;!62h, 303, i-ir>. ForroHtiT, Amlrcw, 80. Forrester, Junics, 2i)n, 5ii0. claims Id be Gov. of L. I., 80, 81. arrested, 80, 8.'>. patent granted by, 027. Port Amsterdam. Iti, 20, 2y. .-.I, TO, 83, ill, 100, 180, 107, 4«ii, 551. when rompletcd, 18. to be repaired, 145, 270, 273 .7 *<■//., 274 f/ .vq., 278, 401, 443. to be enchwcd oy pallisades, 155, 201, in good condition, 172. FortCnsimir, 173, 180, 208, 270, IMI, 301, 400. Fort Christina, 341. Fort Hope, 10, 19, 34, 35. 400, fAS, 854. negotintion.s for the surrender of, to Conn , 40. Fort .lames, 734. in ruins, 040. needs repairing, 007. Fort Manliatan, 90. FortNas.sau, 10, 19, 172, 5.j4. Fort Orange (Albany), 1, 9, 14, 19, 5"., 5.5, ,57, 77, HI, 88, 100, 133, 135, 144, 17), 173, IHO, 101, 219, 224, 22S, 2.')7, 290, 298, 342, 155 crxv/., 374,391, 397, 419, 444. 449, 403. 405, 489, .h!, 553. f>ee the Colony of Heiisselaerswyck trespiisbts on the Icrritory of, 90 ft m/, destroyed" by high water, 93. encroachments by Rensselaersnyck on, to be re- pelled, 93. block and trading bouses near, 95 to be repaired, lUl. a house l)uilt in, 100. said to stand on the soil of Uensselaerswyck, 120; when built, 120. inhabitants of, prevent- 1 from cutting wood in the Colony, 149. no buildings to be alent for land near, 39. Grand Camanocs, 70H. Gra,-,sm.er, Willi., Ui\.. IflO, 173. Graves, John, 739. Graves, William, 034, 7;'8. Grave.send, I,. 1,, 53, SO, 101, 143, 100. 190, 223, 235 ft sf,,.. 237, 239, 243, 244, 240, 203, 207, 313, 335, 300, 379, 395, 400, 421, 472, 485, .500, .504, 510 fl mi., 518, 531, 544, .547, .5.50 553, 558, 505, 585, 010, 012, 020, 022, 000, 031, 034 ft «■./., 053, 001. 000, 008, 087, 732, 749, 7.'')3, 7.5"., 7.5H ,t >,,/., 701. patent for land at, 45, 04. deed for u lot in, 320, 231, 311, 499, 5.52, 020, Index. 783 '-';ti, ;!n, 4'.)il, liii), ri!t, Grnvcsnnd, some local Inwa of, 128. jurisdiction of, cnlarf^cd, H)fl. orilured to pnidiici! its chiirler, SriS. iiicctin;;^ of Kiif^lislimcii at, 'i'H. boundaries of, 'iUO, iMM, U54, :«)1, 1104 c< «v/., .1H7, 588 ct my. pcoplo of, asl< for ordnance, 1(47. complained of, IKiO wanta a clergyman, 400. (juakcro at, 4!K) et seq. claims Coney Island, .'iOT, .114. Court house at, OO:!, OO.'i. Ma;{i.strates of, ai)9, y27, 320, ;!43, 422, 484, 497, rilli, 502. nomination for nmjjistrates of, not liked, 1!I0. called to confer witli tlu,' Council, 208. summoned before the Council, 278. letters to the people of. from W. I. Co., 170; fiojn Council of .X. X., r,H;. 577. peopli^ of, letters from, to Council of N. N., 5;ri. letters from Sherilf of, to .Slnyvesant, 297. Oravesend Bay, 57, n. Gray, John, 28t ,1. .wy,, 424. Ureat N'lick, 72.1 et nei/. See Com Neck. OrcH'upoint, Brooklyn, jjutent for land near, 4i>. patent for land in, 00, 07. Oreenwich, Conn.. 2U1, 518. letter from inhabitants of, to StuyvcMllt, 110. threatened by hulians, 701. Greesen, Cornells, M7. Grevenraet, Isaao, :i20. Grinfeth, Uichard, OKI. GriHin. C.ipt., OHO. Grillins, Kdwanl, ;!2, 40;!, 598. Grillith, Kdward, 7.-.O. Grijcli ((inidy ii. Tluinias, 285. Orion, Friinc-is, la Cliapelle, 105. Gri.ssc'l, .lolin, 738. Oroot, .Ian I'ietersen, 4.")4. Guiljamsen, Wni , 412, 548. See WiUinmiioii, Gysbert's Island, 57, iiOI. 4!»!l, .504. H. Hacronuico, Va. , 32, 225. lladley, 710. liaeck, I'eter, lit-l. llaes, .fan, t\>*. M,'^. lla>;eman, Jan, 53. Hall, Thomas, 19, 25, Halh'tt, .Siunnel, 73S. Halletl. William, 110, .Schoul of Klusliin •2n, 33 37 313. 35. 131), 189, 12, 502, 573, 00' O: le.s. ■;, coo. :0, 738. 30!l. imnislied for allowing IJaptist Conventic Ilallett, Wni , hill., 738. llalsteail, Jolin! 000. Ilalstead, .lonali, 303. llalstee.l, limothy, 720. Hand, .lames. 737. Hand, Stephen, 708, 712, 73", llan.l, Thomas, 730, Hansen, Hans, the Norman, a tobacco planter, U, 35 38, O.S, 310, 503. Hansen, llarmen, 144. Hansen. .Ian, 510 Hansen. I.awrens, 300. llanser .\Iiihael, 510, Hap, Jan .iaiisen, 97, Harbor Hill, L. I,, 529. llarck, Wm., Sheriff of Flushing, 80, 82, 189, 819 834, 2''8, 2.54. o . 1 , , , llarcker, Hichard, 490, 403, 605, 630- Hardleeutt, Hiclid., 032. Harker, William, 31, 627. Harlem, 0, 53, h., 413, 734. lease of land in, 7. land granted in, 11. deed for land in, 30. Harlem Creek, 11. n. llarmenscn, Hendriok, 80, 28, 62. Hannonson, John, 740, llarperts, Andries. 290. Ha't, Kdward. 385, 403 ef nei/., 512, Town Clerk of Fushing, letters of, to Stuyvesaul, 301, 408, Hart, John, 514. Hartford, Uonn., ;;5, «„ 184, 475, 484, 520, 530, .^' e/ sf'/., 549, 551 et seij., 554, 040, 0H9, 091, 703, 710. Convention of, 295, 323, 333, 340, 420, 440, 447, 407, 503, 518, 538. delegates from, at N. A., 40, intrigues of, on L. I,, 517, 520, claims X. X.. 520. demands the surrender of L. I. towns, 551 et .wy, threatened by Indians, 701, General Court of, letter to, from Stuyvesant, 518. Hartford Hiver, 554. ilarlgeus. I'eter, 257, 898, Harvey, Mathiiis, 558, 505. Ha8.sokie, 1.. I., 505. Hastings, Newtown, called, 544. Hatfield, 715, 730, Hathaway, .lolin, 25, Hauke, .\l)r., 737. Ilavilaiid, William, 744 et wij. letters from, to ('apt Dyre, 747. Hawthorne, Win., 440, 105. Hawtrees Hiver, I,. I., 505. Hayes, Patrick, 000. Hayes, Sarah, 739. Havtor. John, 739. Ilazzard, Mr., .5(11. llazzard (lla.ssorde!, Gersliome, 450, 739, Ilazzard, (ioetman, 223. llazzard ( llassorilei, Joshua, 450. Ilazzard, .lonathan. 450, 51t, 0N5, 739 IImzz-v I, Joshua, 739. Hazz:ird (lliissorilei, Natlil,, HazzanI, Tluanas, 189, 231, llc'ilges, Joseph, 598. Hedges, Stephen, 730, Hedges, Willow, 737. Iledy, ll.dit., 737. Heed. ■man, Kberlii.nlt, 511, 521, Heermaii, ,\ugiislin, Kiisigu of the Hurghers conip. Ill rt .«•-/., 121. 205, 480. Ileerman, John, 420. Helferd, Nathl., 40.!. Hegemiin, Adrian, 314, 410, 112, 510, 527, 549, 052, 051. Ilellakers, Jacob. 331). Hellegat, 10, 18, 02, 121, 132, 27; 570, 004, Hemstead, L, I., 79, SO, 101. 177, 2H1, 270, 339, 300, 395, .500, 517, 528 cn, no(i;,', d.O. Howell, Hichd., oS.x, (101,007, 014, 041. 740 ,t .•"'!/,, 702. Utter to, from ('apt. BrockhoUs, . ' j!±;nvt''440; loV,M.v.jm, 664, 080, 7.12 .M,v^ Huelicken I.^land, llcwlclls, 320. Hui,'uenots, 525, 554. Hull. Captain. 207. Hunt r.dwanl. 739. Hunt; Ralph. :!t(l. .501, 514, .531, 588, COO. Hunt Thomas, sen., 029 (Iff,/. Hunt, Thomas. 41M1, 514, 7.59. _ llnntin-lon, L. 1., 440, ,50..,..v'v.. ■•'"- "'l' "'^.;' ■''.U' »,, (UO, 041 ,/.«7., 044, MHi't.w/., (m4. (...., ti.il, 074. 077, (ISO, tl85, 701,702, 709.713, 728 (t «v/.. 733 ,1 w/., 737 758 c/ wy., 702, 70... wlialetisliiiij,' at, 593. whales at. 005. Militia of 009. titles of, 580, 013. taxes of, 725, 758,. «<■•/. Ma" of, lettcr>^ ti>. friun Gov. Lovelace, 01 •>, Irom ' Sicrv.' N''colU, 019. Husted, R(ibert, 110. Huvbertsi'ii, Lambert. 08. Huyckcns, Douwc, 380. Huys, .lacob Jansen, 138. 548, 705. Idcnse, Inilian Gov. Indian Indian 2 (I .s and Co.. Stat I. Tennis, 513. alfairs, c.mimiHsi.mers of, 0.50 ; letter to, from Lovelace. 0(13. customs, I'ow..winic. 048 ; Kintekov. 709. Dei'.ls for Keiisselaeiswvck, 1,2; Land on L. L, -,/ 14 15- fill- Governor's Island, 4 ; lor Ward's Blackweirs Island, L. K., 5 ; for land in Kind's (12 ; for New Itreeht and Naycck, L. I., 190 ; for .•n IslamL 303; for Hemstead, 410. Index. 785 Indian liiiiils, Olt,), (ll.l, (loO, (I.').-), Oil, 740, 7;l;i. | liconscH to iiuruliuHc, 570, Mi, Tim, .lilt, 7;il, "IH, i 7I3. ])roleotion of, in I heir rights, .'JH;!. a,M whalers, 51i:(, 005, 045, 047, 1151, 004, 07."., 707, 70H, 730. cateeliirtms for, 010. ' conversion of, 010. non(^ on Slalen Isld., 700. near Hempstead, KiO. |)eaee with, proclnimed, 44. to lie employed «i,'aiii>t hostile Indians, 00. place where the Matinnekonk risiile, (iO. iroiililesonie, 79. Atelyii incites, against the governnieni, 100. t'laini payment for lands at Flatlnisli, IH;i. miscliievoiis, 403, 411. tonlirm sale of Kenistead, 410 conrerenee with, 4H0, threiOened by Pccpiods, 034. Siiid to 1m- allii'S of the Narraganselts. 70:!. to be disarmed, 711. arms restored to, 01t7, 703 '-i sci., 731, claim lleinpsteail had not paiil for tlic- land. 5.s:!, 5H7, 5Hi), 5115 it .vi/.. O'.Ml, 705 W ,«,./., 73'<, 774, Mahicandcrs, 7 IS. Manhattans, bribid to murder Stiivvcsant, llil) ; live at .N'yack. 1., I,, 100, Marsepeage, Ma^hllpeage, 410,031,01111, 700, 774. Marsi'pingh, ."iii, ;!0!l, 474, 5 to, Matinicoek. 50, 587, 5.^0, 5',l5, 050 ,/ .■>,./.. 730. iif Mcrl k. 7:(5. .Mohawks, ,\IaiHH>, i;!4, 171, 30H. (;:!0, (150, 717 W *■'/., 731,771 el rf-./. ; offer Slir|itcn.h..r-t ,a [ilacc In their country, 98. Monlaiikcl. 410, HOI. 000, 630, 04^. O.-io, 01)0 ; eli . t the gov. tlii-ir sachem. i;--7. letter fr nii, to (Jov. Andrcis, liil'l, of Nantuckitt and Martm s Vinevard, huw main, 090. Narragansetis, Narrii-aiisc.s, Xarhigoiis, 4S0, 03 1 097 ,t .•<,,/., 090, 70:i. 715, of New Kiigland, trade with, 94 of N, Y. and the I'einiod war, 710. Oetogvmist, 77.'!. Pci|iiod, 099, 715, 728. Raritans, l;i3. 100. Ki.^ 174. of Keckowacki. liockway. 50, 471, 700, 738, 7:1:!, 7;t5 ; to be disarmed, 709. of Seatulcolt, to be disarmed, 709, Indians, Sei|iii:tauke, 73H. of .Shelter Isld., unruly, 071 ; not to be trusted, 097(7 «('/., 703. Shinneeoek, Skinaeoek, 000 (/ wv/., ollieers of, 047 et .vi/. ; complainis against 7'i(l. Siekctawaehs, 50, ;I09. ,M'l„tliji>lti„ij. Ingall, Win., 7:!^. Invcnteries, 10, IH, 111, 42, 4('. Irland, Thomas, ;i40, 43(1. Isle of Man (No Mans I,and», 0;!s. .lackson. Hobert, :!40, :ifl3, 45li, 474, 509, 51;!, 531 .505, 570, 57S, 03;!, 007 it .w/., 739, Jaeolw, .Jacob, -iti. .Tae/., 70;i, letter to, from (iov. I.ovclacc, 010. letter from, to (>ov. Aiulros, 700. .Ian of Kolterdiin, ISl. .lame aiaji, , 75.S. Jans, Anake. 47:i it xy, .bins. Ha-, lit, IS, 151, : •bins, Calalinljc. ;i30. .bins, Deborah. ;!30. .bins, I.ysbet. 320. .bins, Trynlgi', ;!30. ■lanscn, Abraham, 53, .binseii, .\braham, the .bmseii, Adrian, 358. Ut f^eij. . 74, i 4 It iSO, 500. 410. r.s;!, 478, 483. i;i.s, mulatto, 414, 780 [ndew. .lansen, Anthony, 8fl4. 1104, 400, 633. .Iimson, Anthony, of rinU'c, 11), 34, 80, 4B, r>l, tU, 7:1. ami, :m, 134. ,liiMs(Mi, AMtl'.ony. frori Vci's, 'Jd, ;i(l() c< xcy. , 4IMl. .llUlSCIl, ("llUS, IlllklT, .ll. ■Iiinscn, Ciller, fnun Is'ufrdcn, (H. .liiiiHcn, (iirnclis, 544, 745, 7.");!. .laiison, Dirck, JtOO. r>a3. .Iiuioen, Koiiliiiiind of Sicliclen, 4ltil. .Innscn, Qcnil, from Oldcnliiirgh, 3:1, l;ix, 14.">. ,Iaiisun, ()(is>ii', 511. .lanscn, llan'<, :i7!l. ,lansL'n, llciidrick 30, 38.->, DdH, 413, 74(1. .lansen, .Iaciil>, 57, 15:). JanscTi, .Ian, j;inincr. 0. .Iiinsen, .Ian, fnini Ditinars, •!!(, 11., (14, 140 (^ n/y. .laiisfn, .laii, froni St. Oliyn, il4, 151. .lanscn, .Ian, fcoiu StceniU'rcn, 385, .lanson, ,Ioris, lltil. .laiisoM, Kiirstrn, 400. Janscii, r.iuvc, ;i31, HOO. JaiiSLMi, I,iil)l)L(l, 58. Janscn, I.owris, ;l:t0. .lanscn, Martin, ;i;i(I, 344, 370, 413, 740. .la.Hiii, .\Iaurits, 14, 15, 17, 18, 31, 35. .lanscii, Michael, 80, 113. •lanscn, Otto, :VH\. .lanscn, Peter, it'A, 57, 540, .lanscn, Philipp. 57. ■lanscn, Uein, 1(5, 144, 741. .lanscn, Uocloll, »i)i)ointetl Rcccivcr-Qciicral, 107, 30:1. .lansen, Kiitj,'cr, 330, 331. ,Ian.sen, Sinicin, from Acr.silaclen. 510, 511. .lanscn, Simon, from l)nr},'er(lam, 77. .lanscn, Tennis, S. 407, 5l(», 537. .lanson, Thomas, 358, 543. .lanscn, Tynien, 10, 17, 37, 48, 40. .lansen. Win., of Herkcloo, 400. Jcaooeks, .loshu.i, 730. .Icacocks, Win., (IIO, 080, 730. Jcanes, William, 075. .lennini^s, ,Iohn, 601, 048, 675<<.W/., 750(7«f7., 70(1. .Icrusalem, I.. I., 000. .lervcnsc'ii, Carsten, skipper, 377. .lossop i.loscph), Kihvarcl, IHII, ;M(l, ;'.7S. 434. .501, 51 1, 505. .Icssop, (ieorj^c, 533. .Icssop, .Ii.l '1. 570. .Icwel, .loris, 514. .Tews, 135. .il.5, 341, 351. .loffhi'inse.,, Daviil, 533. Jolmson, .\ntliony, 348. .lohnson, I'eler, 307. .lohnson's 1-lainl, 50a. ,Ioncs, Kdward, 7:(7. .loiK's, Eli/^alH'lh. 050. .loncs, Uiv. Mr., 705. .loii^h, Hans, 300. .longli, Lodcwy(!k, 414, 533. .louslcn, Harent, 533. .loostcn, Hiit;,'cr, 515. .loosten, Knlli, 750. ■loostcn, Simon, 333, 414. Jorcscy. Sarah, lirst white female liorn in N. N., 34(i. .Torissc , Burner, :i7. 48, 40, 111, 113, 100, 336, 543. (i:M. .lorisscn, Heinlrick, 51(1. Joalync, .Iiistiee at I'einacpiid, 700. letter to, from ('apt. iiroekliolls, 70H. Junige, Nicolas, 514. .liiriaeiiscn, TenntH''. ^^■ K. Ka;u'K('n, Daniel, 55. IveHkaci'lnpicrein, locality on I,. I.. 14, 30. Kcssehrus, Doinine, dead, 133. Kctehain, .lohn, .505, Oil' 740. Kctrham, Sainnel, 738. Keyser, Adrian, 70 et »eq.. 80, 111.' -w/ , 100 Kevser, .lohannes, 100. Kieft, William, Diivi'tor of N. N., 0, 14, 10, 31, .s,«., 34, ;i5. 54, 50, 03, 7fl tt .«'/.. «!, 130, 143, 1 10 H sf,/., 103, 104, 334, 3»\ 507, 550, 032, 707. ipi.-rrcl of, with IVoini.i. Hofjardna, ,iO, 00 rl lu liisi at sea, 8:i. ritiei.sed, 104. n. 34. 131. 330. 2(1 f< 14:1, 630, ■'/■ .f, from liov. I.ovclaec, 616. 1.- 4, 38:t. .303. administration of, Kierstede, Iliiiis. snru'i Kierslede, Sarah, 540. Killinjrworth I-. I., «'J letter to [nhabitai Kinj; I'liilipp, 711. Kip, lleiidrieU, 100, -.:0, ;II6. Kip, .laooh, 0.5, 00, 115 (13), 140 e/.w/., 300, 404 (f «7 appointeil Clerk of N'. A., 100. Secretary of New-Amstcr.lani, 330, 33(l, 247. Kip, .laeol) I'lcndriikseii, 70. Knaptoii. Ca.'sar. 730. Kosti'r, Willein, 43. Krineii. Dink, :i07. Knvper, .Ian .1., 330. Knvler, .loehem Petersen, 44. 60, .^5, 104, 130, 155 " the hoiisi' of, at Harlem, destroyed, .'■):i. Pr. of Oraii!,'e ),'ives a safe rondnet to, 87. upptd. Schipeii of .V. A., 344, 354. propoMid as Schout of N. A., 302. L. I.ahatic, .Ian, 01, 01. r/ii.lmirc, Salomon. 478. I.anilierloM. (!eorj,'e, 41. I,amtlert^en, .laeol), 53. I.ambertsen. Keyer, 65, 08. Lamlierlsen, Thomas, 537, 014. I.a Monta.'ne, Dr. .lohannes, ;i,5, 53. 00, 63, 70, 80, 111 H (K7..IIO, 13;!. 113, 150, 1.55, 1.50,103 .( 198 et siij^, 30:i. 355, 300. 37:1. 37m, 01,10, ;t(H), ! 313 -^ .«"/., :i30, :!:iO, :ilo. 340, ;t.54, :)5o, :(04. :' Vice Director at Fort Orange, 307, 413, 434, 440, 470. appointed to the Coimeil, 5. lets his farm in Iliirlem, 45. pro]iosed assi'hool-master, 100 17:1. nppd. delegate to represent k"^''- ■'-'"•'-"-•!'' '"'V- 337, 330, 3:13, 344 d siy. sent on an expedition a;,'ains| priiateers, 337. letter to, from Stnyvr'sanl, 433. La Montat^ne, .lolin, ,ir. Customer of the Ivvcise, 430. l,a Moiit,ij;iie's Plat in Harlem, 11". I.a .MoiilMtiMcs UoiUMrv, 10. l.ane, Daniil, 505, 576,5^3. 040.(118 el seij., 661. I.aii^fdon, .loseph, 730 . of II fiinii ill Iliirlrm, 4"i. I,c Hlniw, Kniiiriiis, 2112, 284, ;i25, Lf CliTcii, ,li>an,"4U4 el so/. I,t'e, Krank, (I'.H. I-cck, rhili|i|), 7(12, 73*;, liueki'.i, Saniupl. 7:!1. J.t'ek.s, KliL'ni'/.rr, 702, 7,'iO. Li'iiili'iMcii, Ary, |iilol, .'52. Londerscn, Cornelia, ;t7. I.t'nili'rscn, .lacoli, \i\:\. liUndcrtscii, .'Zander, l:|ll, •J')?. Lei', ,los(|ili, 74.'!, 7.'):i, 7(;(). Led, Sainiicl, (iH!l, 72(l»/«ci/.. 72(1, Ia'cIc, 1)c|i. (iov. i.f Conn., 70;i. Lc'fivcr, I'lml, 2!Mi, Li'fTiil proc'ci'dinus twplaiiii'd, lUI c/ ,sr./. 1,(.' .Moyn.', Kilt her Simon, S.J,, iflter from, i - >iiivvisant 41.-). Lfnin;;tiin, llrnry, r,:,H, ,'iOO. I.u^lcy, .Mr., 2;!. I.ctiiifr, , ."iOO, ,')11, r,'i\. I.i'lts, Francis, "US. I-rvcnt, Mr., :il4. Lcvfrc, .140, 704. letli r from Council of ?r N. to villages on, 534. new names fur towns on, .1-14. recriiiling on, against the Dutch, ,1,15. meeting of dilegales from, 504, Mililia on, OUT. (143. towns on, lo contiibute to rebuilding Fort James, 040, 008. T:!l. H. I. refugees on, 710, 727. Coal on, 730. new villages on. 3:i!l, 38'J, 4.11), 401, 522. 525. 527. villages on. in the hainls of the English. 530 it sn/. Dutch villages on. their preacher, 337, 338, 378 .'.lev., 411, cominrs. appil. to collect the tenths of, 360. refuse to pay the tenths, 31IM. desire to send a delegation to Holland. 142. English towns on, to send delegiites to N. A., Kill. inhabitants of, threaten to form a protective uuiou, 224. dilferenees between, ;il2. desire a clergyman, 485. ceiled to Conn., 544. treat with contempt the letter of the States lien., 5.10. low lis of Eiistirn. 08|. Towns summoned to submit lo llartt'onl, 531 at .i-V- Indian name for a neck on, -llO. htler to Inhabits, of, from (iov. Nieoll.s, 508. Magistrates of (he Kidiii,i:s, letter to, from (iov. Lovelace. 072. (owns on, letter to, from Secry. NicoUs, 704. Justices of East liiding. letter to, from (iov. Andros, 722. See Ihuh, linliiin Dieiln, /mliuits Leimeii. l',tttlltS. Long Island, near .Mbany. ',^01, ^^-^ai IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I ^^ ^ /yy. ^^ :/- f/. ^r5 1.0 I.I 1^ |3^ m 2.5 2.2 " 1^ = " 1^ 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 .« 6" — ► ^ pm. m ' ^A T\l » 1_?_ rnoiogrdpiuL: Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 >^ ^ 788 Index. Long Nflck, 721. Loockermnng, Goveit, ;!7, r.r, iit, KiS, 137, lil!i, 220, 223, 273, 277, 381, 308, 435, iru, 501, 507, 535, 557, 558, 560, 0;U. Looten, Dirck, 430. Lopor, Jiimcs, 708, 737. Loris, Johiiniiis, 738. Lorreson, .Jolin, 029. Lowrona, Jacob, 483. Lowrons, Tliomas, 540. Lomvercnscn, Peter, 57. Loth, Petor, 344. Love Island, 039. Lovelace, Francis, (4ov. of Xew York, 083, 705, 7(1 ;. elected Sachem of Montaiik Indians, 0^7. letters from, to Kev. Mr. James, (ilO. Inhabitant-s of Seatalcote, 014. of Hempstead, 015, 030. of Ilnnlington, 015. Mr. Mulfonl, 017, 051. Crandell & Sanders, 034. Oov. Arnold, 034, 035. Inlmbts. of Southampton, 05.3. Major Mason, 056. Oenl. Leverctt, 003, 073. Commrs, of Indian altairs, 003. Capt. Young, COO. Gov. Wintliro]), 008. Gov, of Hermudas, 071. L. I. Magistrates, 073. .lohn Howell, 075, 07(i. letters to, from Genl. I-everett. 003, 004. Lovelace, Thomas, 030. Loyd, Derick, 762. Lubberts, -Tan, 337, 431. Lubbcrtsen, Frcdric, 33, 54, 01, 03, 60, 68, 143, IIM, 163, 231, 238, 314, 319, 314, 381, 501, .545, .548, .505, Luby, Jacob, Sergeant, 335, 337, 363. Lutherans, 351, 417, 431, 630. Luycasscn, Andries, 94. Luycasson, Jan, 501 , Luycasscn, Peter, 389. Lyman, Christopher, 703. Lynten, John, 514. M. Macon, Robert, 601. Maey, Thomas, 088. Madnan.s Neck, 667 ct nei/., 743 rt .sr./., 750. great, 705 ct seq. little, 705 ,t Mq.. 707. Maenhout, Hondewyn, 519. Mahioandcr.s Island, 261. Mallemociiuc, Peter, 381. Mull-art, Jean, 511, 531, 533, Mamaroncck Hiver, 703. Mancv, Francis, 570. Manhattan Island, 5, 13.3, 303, 333. Sec /)m/.i ; Ar.(.v,H,- Pittents. patent for land on, 14, 30, 187, deed for a plantation on, 23. lease of land on, 7, 26. tobacco planted on, 11. building lots on, 193. buildings erected on, up to 1639, 10, 25. names of Englishmen settled on, in 1039, 24. farmers on, granteil free pasturage, 110. letter to the inlial)ilants of, from tli; Directors of the W. I. Co., 175. I Manikon, Harthold, 303. iManist, Peter, 381. Manje, Jan, 01, 03. Manning, John, 559, 034, 601, 603, 070. Mannings Island, 182h. Manout, B., 541. Mi.nsvelt, llendrick Frederick, 181. 183. Map of N. A,, 480. Marneaibo, tobacco, 104. Marichkenwikingh, Indian name for part of Hrooklyn, 12th Ward, 5, 31. Marcchkawick, 47, 50, 54, ,56, 00, 04, 65. Maro.s3cpin(-k, locality in Queens Co., L. I., 1.5, 50, 369. Marrel, ICdward, 63. ; Marriage laws, 343, 291, 753. Marsepeage, 705, 717. Marston, .lohn, 303«. ' Marteusen, Hen., 740. Martenscn, .Ian., 470, 493. Martensen, KoelolT, 403, 510, 511, 505, Martin Gerritse'a Sellouts liay, 15, 19, 33, 205, 314,416, 435, 507, 55". Sec Matinnekonek ; t>cli(iiit.i liny. ' Martins Vinevard, 570, 5S5, 035 et sea., 08S, 004, 731, I 729, 771. I Indian population of, 090. ; letter to J\isticcs of, from Capt. UrockhoUs, 709. Marlyn, Jean, 381, 414, 483, ,522. i Marvin, Robert, 303, 720. I Maryland, 32, 770. j Maskutehung, Indian name for L. 1. place, 410. I Mason, Major, letter to, from Gov, Lovelace, 080. 1 Massiichusetts Bay, 440, 405, 027 confer with the Council, 208. ordinance of tlw^ Magistrates of, 350. petition fur l.md, 491. letter to, from Stnyvesant, 37<', from llurguniaslcrs of N. A., 230. inhaliitants protest against appt. of certain person'', 330. taxes in, 290. church at, 310, 311, 312, 327, 337, 345, 447, 473, 4S2, 49!», 520. church bell for, 374, 3S7. church land at, 410. Ministers house at, .375. Ministers |iay, 379. school at, 410. Military, 111, 130, 137; Train-bands, 157, 197 «< neq., 310; Militia, 508, 007, 008, 009, G43, 672, 674, 677, 087, 697, 735. Milleard, Michael, 303, n. Miller, .lohn, 613. Miller, .lohn, jr., 736. Miller, .lolin, sen., 737. Miller, Mary, 013. Miller, Wm., 730. Milford, Conn,, 184, 079. Mills, George, 303, 492, 505. Mills, Uenier, 740. Mills, 81, 378, 541. 548, 606, 010,711, 743,763. See Industrifs, Milner, Michael, 403 et seq. Minerals, specimens of, found in N. N., sent to Hol- land, 70; lost at sea, 108. .Ministers, 2.52, 327, 370, 370,442; pay of, 208, 272, 289, 294, 311, .337, 345, 377, 378, 382, 38,5, 411, 414, 419, 4,52, 479, 513, 050, 705. See Vkryy. house of, at Newtown, 383. at Brooklyn, 652, 054. petition against sectarians, 330. Minnahanonck (Blackwell's) Lsland, 5. Minuif, Peter, diri-;tor, 3, 19, 436. .Mirraclitauhackeg, h. I., 00. .Mochgonnckonc, h. I., 00. Moenemiiics Castle, near Albany, 1. Mol, Lambert lluybert.sen, 3.), 220. •Molenaer, .lacob, surgeon, 134. Moleiiaer, Peter Cornclissen. See Coniclissen, I'ehr. .\ioncorum, L. 1., 729. .Montaucket, L. I, 000 et .<«-/., 025, 050, 052, 057, 729; ship wrecked at, Oi / et seq. .Montfort, Jean, ;!4, 50. .Monlfort, Peter, 34, 47, 50, 414. Moody, Lady Deborah, 51, 64, ;!00, 328, 320. letter to, from Stuvvesant, 290. Moodv, Sir Henry, 349; 305. Moor, Mr. , 59. Moore, Gershom, 040. Moore, rev. John, preacher at Newtown, 337, 383, 4,50, 490. Moore, Jonas, 000. .More, Lieut., 739. More, Samuel, 73S. Morgan, Charles, 421 et seq.. 434, 400, 498, 513, ,-30 et seq. .Morrell, 'I'hos , 739. Morris, Joseph, sheriil of Cravesend, 14;!, 297, 300, 339. Morris, Mr., 7;i9. Mott, Adam, 00, .545. Mott, Adam, sen., 720. Mott, John, 740. Mott, Lawrence, 514. Mulberry trees, 195. Mulford", John, 577 et seq., r,Hl, 627,64.5,050 et seq., 07G, G81 etseq.. 731,736. letters to, from (!ov. Lovelace, 617, 651. Mulford, Samuel, 737. Mulford, Wm., 730. .Muscota. Indian n.ame for par* of Harlem, Ibi. Muskitoe Cove, GOO, 072, 077, 705, 720. Muyen, Michael, 486. N. Nagel, .Ian, 11,5. Nantucket, 637, G,S8, 004, 731, 771. Indian population of, 609. 790 Index. V, i fi NnrraganBctt, 601, 711. Narragiinsctt bay, UTA. Narrows, the, 73. foitiliiiilions at, 54G. Navv yard, Brooklyn, patent for land near, 48. Nayiick, L I., 193, JtOr), .'jl,^, 033, U60. onposite S. I., IGO. Ihdiiin deed for, lilO. Ncderhorst, Baron, 230. Negagonse, a place near Albany, 1. Negroes, 35, 77, 8:5, 139, 155, 103, lfi(i, 30), 340, 4:!!), 449, 477, 482. Nepperlian Creek, 210. Nesaquake, 575 ct seq., 594, G13, G44, ('.57, G74, G77. 695, 702, 728. 729. Nesaquake Uiver, G41 et sen. Nevins, Mrs. Ariant je, 067, GG9. Nevius, Johannes, 199, 222, 309, G09. New Amsterdam, leases of lots in, 6. buildipg lots in, 193. buildings in, 105. grants of lots in, 207, church at, 84. the old cliiMch in, to be sold at and ion, 34G. only burghers of, allowed to trade in \. \., IDj. markets at, 143. trainband of, 157. a municipal government cstnblislied in, 1G9. a clerk of the city appointed, 196. weighhou.sc at, lOG, 441, 449, 470. orphanmasters of, 197. overseers of the ])oor, 326. the Council Hall in, 197, 203. the defenses of, 198 et sei/., 201 et sen. petition for transfer of tlie excise to the niunicipiiliiv of, 219; granted, 221. the delegates of N . N. meet at, 223. attack on, by the Englisli feared, 27S. taxes and revenues in, 300. house in Pearl Str., cxclianged for land on Ij. I.. 320. a school is closed, 412 et scy. Latin school at, 419, 430, 43('>, 437, 443. Schont of, 289, 293, 388, 4111 et .■><■!. a soarate Sellout to be appointi'd for, 202. the Sellout presides at the .sessions of Burgomasteis, etc., 372. merchants of, petition concerning duties, 221, 22."i, 281, 385; letter from, to Stuyvesant, 270. map and sketch of, 480. streets in, 489. Burgomasters of, petition for transfer of e.veise to the city, 219, 221; a.sk, that the delegates of N. N. be convened, 220; censured, 235; elective franchise, why denied to, 235; petition for the right of nominating their successors, 244; ■salary of, 244 ; jietition for ]ierniission to imposes taxe-i, 847; granted, 248; complain of an onlcr niadi' without their knowledge, 249 ; si ill for, 202 ; rights of, 202; called upon to confer with the Council. 208, 309. proposition to, by Stuyvesant and Council, 273. orden^d to send in a return of their revenues, 288. remonstrate against being deprived of the (."else, 305. representations of, to the W. T. Co., 431 et sei/. letters to, from directors W. I. Co., 200, 324. from Stuyvesant, 271. New Amsterdam, letters from Burgomasters of, to inhab- itants of Midwout, L. 1., 230; to llie Dir.-Gen. and Council, 231, 288. abstract of a letter from, to Directors of W. I. Co., 805. New Ainhem, L. I., 500. deserted, 511. New England, 77, 139, 143, 107, 207, 210, 210, 240, 209, 301, 43(1, 440, 409, 471. Indians to be employ<'d in a war with, 180. agents to lie sent to, 20('. united colonies of, report of an invasion by, 311, importation of wamjium from, 450. claims of, 453. political feeling in, 484. Newesings, 108, 174, 547. New Ilarleni, 485. Sec Ihirlem. New Haven, Conn., 29, 89, 94, 108, 143, 254, 447, 453, 458, 485, 001. New London, (593. New Lots, settleinenis at, 744. New Netherland. ditliculties ',)etween the {,ovf rnment of and the colony of Hen.sselaerwyck, 55 et m-ij. reserved to the dept. of Amsterdam, 83. free trade to and from, considered, (?4. duties ill, 84. iimount of ])rovisions, etc., sent to, uj) to 1049, 105. trade to, 105, 120, 121, 12.5. delegates from, in Holland, 119 et sea., 123 ct se(i , 125, 133. remonstrance from, discussed, 119 it seq., 133 et seq. soldiers and supplies si^iit to, 133, 130. proposal mad(! to divide, into seven proviiu^es, 131. the directors of the W. I. Co. write to the people of, 131, U!5. condition of, represented, 150. a special bureau for the alTairs of, established, 1()7. expenses of, 173. shipbuilding in, 173. creditors of, how to be paid, 185. first attempt at a post-office, etc., 180. soldier.s, etc., sent to, 193. fisheries in, to be encouraged, 10,'). purchasers of land in. 2117. meeting of delegates from the towns of, called, 31,8, 220; the delegates of, meet, 233; the meeting declared illegal, 332; ask for an answer to llieir remonstnince, 337. peremi>torily ordered to disperse, 338. discussed by the I)ir.-(ieiil. and Council, 338 rt .scry, laws made by the delegates of, 251. the deU'gates of, criticized, 201. remonstrance of villages of, 230; answered by Dir.- Gen. and Council. 233, mensures of defending against an Knglish attack contemplateil, 207, 209. revenues of. 310. administration :;' tinaiices in, 391 it seq., 432, 441, 450. 470. claiined as part of Ma.ss., 440. grant of, to the Dutch, by King .laines I,, .500. asked for by Captain, , 5011. coinmrs. of, treat with .loliii Scott, 544. English designs on, 54or(i!i. pntciit for li'iud lit, 37, 38, 41), 50, 02, 07. clinrter cf, 38. iippoiiitiiieMt of iimgistrr.ten for, 180. .school at, 4110, ciillcil Hn.stiiif;8, 541. nlloweil to imrcliasu Iiidinn laiuls, 584. census of, called for, 585. interested in SelU rs Neck, 503. militia of, (iOO. dilTerenco of, with lUislnvicU, 020 li n"/., «-J3, 020. bounds of, 000. t..xes of, 705, 758 it »,(/. miiKi^lfi't''-'* "f. letter to, from Seer. Nico' New Utrecht, 434, 472, 485, 401, 500, 51." 505, 005, 020, GOO. patent for land in, 45, 04. 307, 543. Indian deed for, 100. settlement of, begun, 382. .survey of, ordered, 457, magistrates of, 520; a town cierli to be elected in imputation of, 540, taxes of, 758 rt seq. Newark, Flnsliin^' calleS, iiihabts. of L. I,, 508, magistrates of Oyster Hay, 574. Nicolls, U., letter from, to Cornhill, 598. Niesen, Teunis, 414, 407, 522. Nine Men, board of, 112, 155, 156, 103, 177. letter to, from Stuvvesant, 145. Ninnecracht, ehief of ihe Narragansetts, 480, 024, GO!). Nisinckqueghucky, Indian village on L. I., 00. Noble, Wm., 343, 403 ci so,., 512, fl«2, 5U8, 000,005, B40. Noorman, Dirck. 524. Noormanskill, I,. I., 513, 533 «< M}. No Mans Land. 570, 038. North, Willm,, 088. North Uivcr, 547, 554. Norwalk, Conn., 040. Norwalk Islands, 28« Norwalk Hiver, 28. Norwich Conn., 050, 715. Nut Island, 7, 10, 82, 121, 132. Indian deed for, 4, 7, 10. See Govenioi-'s laland. o. Dasuck River, 715. Odiell. Uichd,, 582. Oele, Severy, 400, Oesma, Cornells, 303. Ogden, John, 303, /(., COO el seq. Ok lev, Cai)t„ 708. Old Man's, the, on I,, I,, 732, OInisteed, lUchd., 040 ct »eq. 1 Oostdorp, 530 See WiHtrhixter. I siibmits to Hartford, 527. I Op Dyck, (Jysbert, 50, GO, 70, 300, 504, 507. Orange, I'.'ince of, letter from, to Stuyvesant, 87. Osborne, John, 737, Osborne, Joseph, 737. Osborne, Thos., sen,, 730, Osborne, Thos., jun,, 737. 0.sli,.rne, Wm,, 004. 078. Ouheywiehkingh, Indian village on [,, I,, 00. Owen, John, 738, Oysterbay, 314, 528, 505 ,/ .w/., 571, 580, 587, 501 f/ seq., 003, 007, 615, 031, 731, 741, 758 tt scq. settlement at, 311, TtTu d seq., 500. title of land at, 384. location of, 440, 503. blockhouse to be erected at, 430, 440, 449, 400, 481, 503, 508, 704. called Folestone, 544. census of, demanded, 585, h'ttcr from inhabitants of. Magistrate of, letter to, fn from Secry, Nicolls, 502, 500, Oyster Island (Bodlocs), called l.ove Island, C30. magistrates of I,. I,, 575, 5 John I'nderhill, 5HI), 505, Thos, Topping, 5S|. Jonas Wood, 582, Hempstead, ,583, 5!i2, 505. Flushing, 501, 507. W. Wells, 500, 77, 570, 585. to Stuyvesant, 384. iim (iov. Nicolls, 574. P. rahehetock. I,. I., 04. Palmer, John, 000, Palmer, Wm,, 424, Panco, Ch., 110. Panton, Uichavd, 270, 588. I'antom. Richd., letter from, and John Coe to N. De Sille, 534, Papelyon. I.onis, a native of St. Martin, 140 d seq. Pareeil, Nicholas, 403 t't seq., 508, I'arsell, .lohn, 738. Piirsell, Thonnis, 730. Parsons, John, 786 793 Iruleoc. % V •> Pnrsong, Snmuol, 7liG. PaH, Simon rictersen, 104. Pnasall, Niclioliia, 5(13. Piiteiits, onlor ri'f^iirding, 9. for liiiid nt AiUfsfoort, 303, 479, 493. for liiiul ill Hr(iolcter,'523, Petersen, Kvertsen, 507. Petersen, .Ian, .540. Petersen, I,orens, 738. Petersen, Peter, 527, 540. Petersen, ISoelolT. 740. Pettis, Thomas, sen,, 514. Pettit, .lohn, 738. Pettit, .loseph, 720. Pettit, Moses, 740. Pettit, Nathl,, 738. Pliilipps, KredericU, 000, 7G3. Philipps, .Joseph, 73M, Phili|)ps, Tlieop,, 730, Philipps, Zorobabel, GTO. Piaconnock Uiver, GOO et wy,, 720. Pic(jiiet, .Michael, 47, 85. Piekes, Vincent, 1,82, 432. Pierson, Henry, 570, 588, 000 el snj., 028. Pieteis, .Vniiitge, 330. Pieters, Lons, 003. Pieters, Tryntge, 320. Pieterscii, Aljiahain, 554. Pieterseii, Adrian, from Alckniar, 27. Pietersen, Cors, 54, 50, 230, 744. Pietersen, Oerrit, 511. Pietersen, Oerritt Schalph, 120, Pietersen, Ilendriek, MiLster Mason, 9, 28, 03, 370. Pietersen, Ilendriek, from Wesel, 27. Piet(!r.sen, .jacob, 370, 520. Pieter.sen, ,Tan, 30, 549. Pietersen, ,Taii, from Amsterdtini, 08. Pietersen, Jan, from Kssendelfl, harher-siirfreon, 9, Pieter.sen, .Tcvcrt, 834. Pietersen, Peler, from Amsterdam, 0. Pietersen, William, 57. Pietersen, Wybrant, 17, 18. Pietersen, Wvnant, 494 it gei/., 527. Piters, Cornelis, 4(1. Pitersen, liarent, 523. Pittersen, Lowris, 400. Pii;eon, Win., 3()2«, 403 rf seq. I'uuhon. Major, 703. Pine Island Inlet, 57«. I'iiie, James, 3G3, 420, G30, 007 et neq., G80. I'intewodt, Thomas, 231. Pislier, Crigier, 75. Pitkin, Win,, 710. Planck, Jacob, SherilT of Uensselaerswvck, 5. Platneiis (Flat Nose), Jan. 49, G3. See JuiiHrn, Jan. I'latt, Isaac, G15, G49, 701. Piatt, John, 5G0. Ploydcn, Sir Edmund, 57. Plym.onth, England. 7(1. Plymouth, Mass., 171), 200. 484, 5G7, C35, 091, G93. Pokomtoek, L. I., 715. I'olhemius, Joli. Theo,, Domine, preacher on ti. I,, 394 311, 317, .327, 338, ,345, 352, 37(i, 379 et seq., 41l! 414, 4.12, 413, 448, 473, 409, 520, G50. letter from, to Stnyvesant, 370, Polliemius. Thcodor, 732, 745. I'onteiel, liny. 123. Poor Farm, .')2(i. ropulalioii, Indian, of Nantuckett and Martins Vine- yard, 009. of New L'treeht in 1G04, 540. See Em!,ir49, 701. Provoost, David, .55. 139, 1(14, 183,2-50,330; kcejis a .school, 15G; .sherilT, 250: Clerk of the Dutel- vilhiL s on L. I., 319. Prince, Thos., Oov. of Plymoiitli Col,, letter to, fiom (!ov. Xicolls. 508. . Print.s, Jol.aii, Swedisli (ioiernor on the Sooth, 2G3. Prins, Peter, 199. Privateers ,■ nd Pirates, 214. 210, 234, 237, 240, 248, 254, "(15, 700; a French, at N. A., 398. Prohatskin, OiMirge, 527. Pi-ous. Kdw.ird, :U:!. Pudiiiton, Hobert, 383. Pyl, Cornells, 312. Q. 553, Quakers, 403 d to/.. 489 et seq., 515, 52G, Qiia(|uaiitiick liivcr. 727. tjiiaciiiciiaiitock, localilv on I. I,, 1100. Quebec, 41.5. Qiiidley, Mr,, 059, Quill! y, John, 505. Qiioteiii.sse Island in Narragansctt Bay, 554. R. Uamsdaiii, ,I«n, 514, 739. I Uannec, John, 058, H.ipailje. Jan Jorisse, 494 rt seq., 510, Kiip.-iljc, Joris, 4, 14, 33, 50. 08, 1N.>^, ,314, 330, ,333. 344, 300, 380, 473, 470, 483, 494, .",10. •ii Index. 798 Ratt, Isnac, GG9. liiiwson, Kdwnrd, Scrretiiry i>f Muss.. 117, fi'i"). KiiyiiKiiul, Mr., tlO. Rftyiicr, iMlwanl, ,'i(i;!, 7'JO. RoyiitT, .liisrpli, (101, 0(17, (111, (ill.OTG, TOT, T*!, T'Jl. Ruiido, Tlios., ir.O, oil. Rcmllf, Robert, .id.!. . Rt'cliouwliiicky (Ruckiiwiiy), locality on L. 1. M, ,50, GO, G«, G-^, 148. Rocus, Ahr., TltS. Re.l Hook, L. I., T, \Vl, lOI, TA'd. patent for, 4h. Roil Islami, .101, r,(!T. Hoe IthnJf. Miml. Red Moiintiiiii (Xew Haven). -!l, -11. Red Valley, the (IMli Ward, X. Y. ('.), ST. Redor, Isaiir, 7:19. Reder, .laeoli, 7:i!l. Rod(T, Jeieniiali, ~'M\ Roder, .John, T.'l'J. Reder, .Fosenli, 739. Reede, .John, 73'J. Reede, .Joseph, 739. Reeve.s, Willin., .')7(>. Renini, Tobias, 111. Re(ninerls, Oerrit. 501. Rcnimiiifili, Christian, 388. IfeiiKissen, .Jolian, .Tl 1. Renier, selioolni;vBter, 499. Renslaer Hook, (18(1. Rt'ns.sulaersteyn, fht, 133, 13.'). Rcn3sclaer.swvek, r,, a(>, TM, 81, 101, 110, 124. KH, 171. 187, 111], 20'.', 2(1.") d «!•■/., 2lti, 22."), 23;!, 23."), 2.">2, 217, 2.")lt, 2(10, 3.")1, 372, 3ST. 400, 419, 422. 43t>, 43.-), 442, 4.-)0, 470, 770. Indian Deeds for, I, 2. (piarrels between tile imtliorities of, and tlie Direitor of X. X., ,").-) (/ ,■(«/., 8!) ct mi/. ■•ncroaehinents of, on the Cos. territory to bo rc- jielled, 93. the owners of, cinarrel ninoiii; themselves, 10(1. Fort (>ruiij;e said tostaiul on the soil of. 120. orders issned by the antliorities of. aniinlled l>y Sluyve^ant, 149; landj^rants do., 1.10. eoiirt of, letter to, from li. Van Sleehleidiorst, l.-)2. dispute concerning; tlie liouiularies and privilefjea of, H't'l ft KCI/. Roy, .Jacob 'rcnnessen, .■|49. Kevnierson, (Jysbot, ,')2.'). Rovnseii, .laeoi), ,S8. Rhode Islam!, ,'i.-)3, r,H:,, fili.j, (!93. 710 W *(■.;., 721. refugees from, 719. Gov. of, letter from, to (iov. of Mass., 710. letters to, from (Iov. .-Vndros, TIO; from Capt. Urockholls, 7G^. Rhodes, .Tohti, 492, 50.-). Hieliauls, .Tu,..,, 14(1, 4(15. Ricl)ardson, John, 705, 737. Ricl.bcll, .John, 528, 570 (I Mr/. Rider, Joliii. 570, GOO, (129 <■! w 1)0 cstalilislicd, 1(10. the City Tuvcni to lie used as schoolhouse, 100. Schoolmasters, 107, 11!), 12:1, 173. See Cumiia, I'ro- voott. Schorrakin, locality on Ilarlcm Iliver, 53. Sellouts (.Martin Ocrritsciis) Hay, 15, 28, 20, 545. Scliouw, Chies I'ornelissen, 41. Schreek (Scluick), Paulu.s, 103, lO'.l. Schutt, Corn., 308. Sc!iuyler, Pliilip Petersen, 347, 044. Scott, John, 542, 540 d mij., 557, 503, 5(i5, 500, (iOl, (lil((. L. I. j,'rnnted to, 500, 515. agreement betw., and Dutch ('omm'rs, 544. imprisoned, 551. Scott, .Joseph, 303. Scott, Mr., of Southampton, 459. .Scott, Mrs., 013. Scudder, .lohn, sen., 730. Seudmorc, Thomas, 588, 041, 701 ifsrij. Scabrook, Conn., 002. Seaman, .John, 303, 370. 300, 410, 500, 531, (!O0, 720, 740. Seamons, .lonatlian, 7(')1. Searing, Simon, 303. Scars, .Job, 31. Scatalcott, 505, 570, 585, 005, 007, 048 et wovelace. 014. from Capt. Brockholes, 005, from flov. Anilros, 007. Minister at, 570. riot at, 582, wants to purchase Indian lands, (i44. fort at, 704. taxes of, 725. 758 el iieij. fisheries at, 732. Scatalcott, South, 702. Seoly, Capt., 041. Seely, Uobert. 588. Seers (.Scrdts), Gerrit, 75. Sellers Neck, |)urchase of, 503. Selyns, Do. Henry, 401, 470, 485, 550. Sennis, .John, 231. Sequetauke, 711. 717, 733. Seren, Symon, 426. Serf^eant, .Joris. 514. .Seryon, Simon, 040, 007. Setuck, 733. Sewanhacky, Indian name for I.. I., 315. Seward, Obed, 040. Sharp, .John, 020, 040, 044, (157, 002, 754. Shaw. I'^dmnnd, 000. Shaw, Kichard, 73() Sliawe, Chas,, 702. Shelter Tsliind, SGO, 571, 013, 007, 702 .< «ucy, wrecked at Montauk Pt., 017, ()25, Jonne, Prince van Denmark, US, 127, 13(1. .longi' Tobia.s, 303. Kadt, 83. Kayser Carl. 105; captured by the Knglisb, 107. Konin( k Sal )n, 211, 313. 315, 225, 250, 255, 204, 20K, 270, 270, 30((, 453. I.a Garce, frigate, 51. I.iefde, 103, 117, 12.3, 130, 130, 318, 823,342,448, 454, 407, 475, 480, 480. Margarett, 000. Mauritius, 375. Menlen, 430, 440. Moesmau, 420, 427, 437, 430, 442, 448, 475, 488, 480. Moolen. tlv-boat, 445. New Amstel, galiot, 430, 453, 47.5. Nieuw Amsterdam, 323, 3.50, 353. Index. 796 Ships, Nkuw Nodcrliind, lli>. NiiMiw Nol'Tlimts Kortiiyn, 210, 428. Niuuw Bwol, I'W, liiO. Noatrc Signiiru ile los Ufiiicdios, cnptured l)y the Dutch. liH. Omwiil, bdiU, 17. (HtiT, :«•'.», 4.!1, l:'..'., 148, 470. riiuwc (Peiuoik), yacht, 42. PtKirclioniii, 'Jlit. I'hooiiix, 058. l'rhK( «, Umt. 82, 80, 103. PriiiH .Manrits, 1180. Prills Williimi, yacht, 17, 29. Printo Williimi, Ciiiiimny's yaclit, 8!), 108, 117, la;), 13(1. 277, !)7.'5. PvMnpiiel, HO. Itonicyn, 17;1, 102, SOn. St. Hoiiiiiiu, x\), io;i, 118, mo. 8ta. (Jutariiiu, 48-4, 480. St. ("hiistotlcl, 461. St. .lacol), .110. St. Juiin, slaver, 449, 458, 409, 475. St, .lean Itiiptista, 401, 417, 4'J(), .'iOO. St. loris, \m. Sta. Maria, 'im. :!.VJ. St. .Michail, lai, 105, I.'*'.', 18.-., aOU, 380. St. I'ftcr, 104, 131. Schil, 31.1. Sdvcii Stars, .M. Sdiitlii'ick, 17. Sphcriiimm.li. tly Imat, 427, 463, 408, 409. Stcttvii, .'i'll. Swaiti! Arciit, liOl), 31) t, 31.1, 332. Swc.l, 83, 84, 80, r'tl. Tain.iii.larc, 77, 81, 301. Tiouw, 433, 43.1, 438, 442, 448, 4.1.S, 407, 471, ISO, 483, 480, lOli, .118, .1.1 i, Vacrwcl, 21.1. Valckrnicr. 78, 81, s-j, 81, 88, 117, 124, 12.1, 131. ■V('rf,'iiM(' lii'cr, 340, 39". VerfJuKlc St<'i'rc, ,'J4ti. Vi>i,'clsaiifr, 31)0. ViiKiM Strays, 388, 3m». Vol, 120, .1.17. Vrci'ili', vaoht, 17. Waei;h van .Xmstcnlam, 317. 323, 332, 341, 348, 371, 374, 38i), :!!I7, 417. Wapi'ii van N. N., 107. Wapin van Kciiiisolacrswyck, .10. Wapi'ii van Stnvvrsaiil, .118. Wasbl.'cckcr, 3i)l), 420. Watcrhont, 10',), 104. Wc'Icomst, 371. WtM'l, yacht, 17. Wittcpacrt, a slaver, 304, 340. Iniilt in X. N. up to 103".), 17: sliiphnildini,' in N. N.. 173. New York, captured l>y the Dutch, 009. SlioemakeiH liridge, 7.-)4. Sibert.sen. llarrick, 738. Sihroiid, .lolin. 73'.'. Sicketenwhacky, hiealitv on T,. 1.. 11. .10 ;. OO. Silkworms, 388", 401. Silvester, Giles, 730. Silvester, .N'atlil., r>71, 071. 7i):'.. 7l:'>, Silvesti'r, . 702. Silvester's Island. 770. Siniinoiis, John, 0.1.1. Sintsiiick, locality on L I.. 11. Slwcrtscii, (lerrit, 3.13, Skinner, Francis, letter to, from Cnpt. BrockliolU, 709. Hkiiiiash river. .10.1. Sluyter, .Ian, 108. Smacks Island, near Alhany, 3. Siiiieq. peo|ile of, claim Mattineeoni;li, 509. ta\es at, 5S3, 725, 758 et aeq_. imiKist rates of, 577 et seq.. 584. titles of. 599. trial betwn,, and Southamplim. COO. refuses to take out a new [latent, 723. Spieer, Spyecr. Mrs. Micah. 491. Sliicer, Spvcer, Sam. 199 ft xeq., 759. Spieer, Spycer, Thomas, 231, 23ti, 238, 421. 758 et snf. 706 Index. ■ ii I Hprugj^, Kdwiird, 726, 7a«. H|iriij;K, .1., 771. S|)iiiiglli;lil, .MiiHM., 77, II. Spnig, Edward, ;) 10. H[)iiyser, Corrwlia .liiniion, 932, Sc|iiire, .Iciliii, 7ilfl. HtiiiitM, Aliruliiiin, 100. StiiddiiiL', Will., ;iii;i. Stamford, «'niiii., 11(1, 1i\. C'.xpfdilioii to, ril. Stanton, Tlininas, (iOl, 018. Stivilpiick, Kilward, 083. Starr, .losias, 710. Statfn Island, r.!l, 1.".9 d. n,;/., 108, 221, 2:!.'!, 3.15, .'!r)I el aeq., ;!74, A\W, IMO, 411, 408, 5."i.'., (105, 044, 048, 734, 7711. Iron mine on. 77 ; of no value, 108; fort liiiilt on, by C. Mclyii, l;ll ; Milyii cstaldislics a si'paratc f^ov- ernnu'iit on, l.")7; Indians of, 3114; no Indians on 700. Indian deed for, !)((;!. ffrnntcd to tlio Diitcli as watering,' stalion, 500. fortiliciilions on, .535, 54(1. ! Stcclnian, .Ian llcndrirkscn, 10;l, 41;). Stoendam, .Iacol>, 190, 220, 477 f< ne,). Sttonwyck, Coriielis, 220, 277, 281, .iOS, 310, 510, 014 000. Stcros, Henry, 403. Sterling', Karl of, 0:!(i, 73:1. liali'iil to, for L. I., 3!(, «. claims of, upon L. I.. 70. riMiL'ws his cluinis on L. I., 504, 503. patents of, for land on L. I., 500, 027. Sterlinf?, Lady Mary, 80, 85. Sterling, William, Earl of, 500. Stevens, Edward, 73i). Stevens, Thomas, 189, ".'50. Slcvonsen, Coerf, .'540. Stevenaen, Edward, 514. Stcvensen, (leorgo, 738. Stevenson, .loris. from Wiiipen, 140. Stovensen, OlolT, 55, GO, 03, 70, 7.!, 115, VM, 220, 300,1 424. See Vnn Corthimlt . ' ' Stevensen, Thomas, 300, 434. Stickland, .lohn. 330, 31(0, 303, //., (iOU. Stiver, Daniel, 307. Stiles, Kiehard, 303, 730. Stiles, Tlios., 303, ii. 3tillen, (Jornelis .Taoohsen, 3.1. Stillman, Thomas, 730. Stilhvell, \w(das, Schepen of .\mesfoort, :il), 400, 473, 515, 534 et .iri/., 758 fl sei/, letter from, to Seer. Van Kuyven, 531. .Stillwell, Kiehard, 754. Slipel, Direk, (piartermasler, 0. Stocton, Richard, 403, 030. StolTidsen, .lacoh, overseer of laborers, 0, 18. StolTelsen, .Ian, Seleetman, 00, 01, (iO. Stotlelsen, Peter, 330. Stole, .laeob ,Ians. 153. ."^tootholT. See hVliersten, Kllwii. Storer, Edward, 403. Stout. IJiehard, 51. Stoutenber<;, I'eter. 051. Strandroacl, the. on .Manhattan Island, 13. Stratford, Conn., 738. Stratlon, .lohn. 505. Streets in N. A., 330. of N. v., 644. 410, 448, Strctton, .lohn, son., 780. Strelton, .Fohn, jr., 730. S(retlon, Kiehard, 730. Slrellon, Thomas, 737. Strickland, .bjinilhan, 739. StrickliiiK, .lohn, 571. Stroomkil, I,. I., 30,-|, ;il(3, 5((4, Strycker, .laeoli (ierri'sen, IKK. Strycker, ,Ian, 331, 238, 310, 314, 344, 371, ^ 473 483, 4KK, 5((3, 510, 530, .Wl, 533, 545, 50.5, Mudden, John, jiiii,, 738. StiiiKis, .lohn, 303. Slnrniy, Charles, 707. Htnyvesant, I'elrus, Dir.-Oenl. of N. N., 711,80,1)1, 1,53, 155, 15!(, 177, IKM, 303. 331, 233, 337, 344, Y«o., 255, 300, ;i((|l, 311, 330, 310, 340, 354, 350, 304 400, 40!(, 437, 033, 034, 044, his lif(. threatened, 85/i. charges preferred by, against the C.nnmander of Heiisscilaerwyek, 811 ,( m;/. called " Wooden I.ck " by the Indians, K7. censured by the l)ire. Town CliMk of llumstciul, 403, til, 435. Kdw. Hurt, 40H. Wni. I.awrciuc. 408, 510. Kiitlirr I.c .Moyne, 415. Ot'ii. Court of Muss., 440. (iov. \Viiithro|i, 45U. .lolin Hicks, 400. Snmli'rlaiid, Malliiw, 500. HiirKoon , 134, 155, 374, "HO. Siis<|ui'li .iMiah Kivcr, 773. SiisMux, Coloru.'l, 307. •Swiicn, .Ian, :!a5. Swart, (icrritt, 2.'')!), 4:iO. Swart, .laciib, ,")15, i'J4l!. awartwoul, Thomas, 2.1?!, I'.l t, ;i7ti. Swayn, Kranci.'i, 4!K), oU. Swcens, llcndrick, 510. Swi'iTtH, .(an. !!04. Swi'i>4, (Allies ('ornclissen, 31. .Svnion, Synionds, .lolin, .'■>7n, ,',8.'^. loliM. 300. t, .lolin, ,'■.70, Svinsoii, Nicolas, 384. Syrick-s Tydc, 483. Tacliimu«an (Tack|)anshaf;li. Tackponslia), Saclicni nf I,. 1., ;!•;'.), 410, 40O, 480, .540, 5,s:i, (131, O.i'.l, (ir>7, (lOO, . 70,j tt .i,y., 710 cJw./., 733, 738, 7:!;!, 774. Talcolt, .lohn, rili.'i. letter from, and .1. Allync to ('apt. C'o( , o.'!;!. Taiini r, Niclmlas, :M0, .50"). Tanic, Edwar.l, 10:i. Tarragon, Pclcr, 337, 500. Tn.\c.s, 347, 370, 28:1, 287, 200, 204, 300, :;15, :!35, 351, 470, r)(il, 573 H HI'/., 570. 578, ,583, .501 et .^r,/.. 002, 012, 01,5, 020, 001. 701 ti*'./., 707, 710, 731, 749. Sci! TailliH. collected in cattle, 570. for 1007, 537; for 1080, 758. for a Court lioiise at (Jravesend, 001 il .siij. remitted, 087. Tavlor, Doctor llenrv. 732, 740. Teii Kyck, Conrad, 230. Tenkonas Island (Ward'sl ]■]. !{., Indian deed for, 5. Tenier, Nicolas, 375. Tcnthn, 301 ft uq., 372, 387, 308, 400, 421 .On/., 430 .531, r)40, Hco '/'«««. ordinance for the payment of, 353. conunissioncrH appd. to collect the, ou L. I., 300. I,. I., sold at anctlun, 003. Tend, Sam., 737. Ttarv, Holicrt. 177, 384, 540, 040. T.rry, 'I'liomuti, 528 H req., 500, 033 (!(), 307, ii;.,. ,,,; ,5, ,-, etM,/., ,v.'.'), 11,11, (i:,!, (ioi, mia, 7:1:,, nwtoiim ii'«iilalii>ri-i, 'Jilt, .t.)!, ,iti(i, 411) im|ii()|)c'r, ill |ii)w,'ii, 431. il'l'l niivi(;iili(„i; hii'iysiil .Siimly Iloiik WO Tni|)hiif;cn, Wilniuii, .ll 1, o'Jl. TrciKhvi'll, ,I;ihn, 7;.'(i, 7(il. Trimlx)!, Peter .Inii»fii. ,113. TiickiT, .loliii, i')l)t, (101. Tuiloi-, ,Ii)hii, 751), 701. 'I'lie, Miciih. 403. Till', Niith.. 403 ,t H,,). Tunis, Gishcrl, .'50."), TiiiniT, Williii., H'J, Turtle a,iy,N. V. City, '.'(l. Hv,, l),:,tel Ihi,,. 1 lygsfii, Jan, trumpeter, 1. ■H, :i7l. 171, •1, .■i7«, .-m; U. U(], rhili|i|), 40,!. I'nihi'chnuf,'.-, (101 ,/»^,/., 7i)(i, 711, 717 7,,;.^ UiichrMmn, liiiliiiii JDciiliiv 011 I, I V->'n Umlfihill, .liihii, on, (iO, "177, ,'i4.-|' ,-,0-. ■|H!), 010, (111), O'Jl). 7(; ."iDC from Gov. .NicuilH, o8t), SU.j, V. Valimtine, Hielii]., 303, 720, Valeiitinr', Kichd., jun,, 701, Vulliiitiiie, Jonah, 740, VaMiiitini', Willin., 7-iO. Van He.iuvoiM, Carel, .'■)03. Van Ueeei|, .[ohiiiini.s, 11)1), 220, 222 '"'0 ''77 •>(,] Van lieek, Nicholas, I7H, 181. Ir"' '" ' " ' " ' Vail lieek, .loost, 17H, 181, ]hh. Van Hoeruni, Willem .(acohse, 410, olO Van ItoMiniel, ,Jan, 548. Van UorMuin, Corneiis. .■)22. Van Jiorsuni, Eghert. 80, 11)1), 200 421 Van HruKKc Carel. 80, 81, 1)1, 1),-;,'!)^ 100 li).! Mi. I *Hn I orhiers Uimwery, 10, j Van Coriiiers Fhit, |,ij, I ^''■,',\.^'"r'''.'.""^'' '""'^ S'<'vensen, 244, 277, 2IM), 31)4. ilOO, ,^.)01), .ll.,, .'i.vj, 004, 72.'^, 771, « ' > ■ 1 ! '"", ' !|-V*"'"''"*""' ■''"'"''' '"• '•'■'*'■'"■'/•, 108, mil, Van Coinvenhoven, Peter, Il)l), MO. Van Coiiwenhoven, I'eler \V,, Hchepen of N A "•>() aa2, 237, 331, 337, 33!., 314, 373, 378, 3O«,'3O0, 470! Van Couwonhoveii, William, .M.'i. Van Coinvenhoven, Win. (ierrilsen, 407, ,110, Van Couwenhoveii, Wolphert (ierril.seii 438 Van Daleii, Jaeohus, 33(1. ' Van de tiomv, (iiills I'eiersen, Maxier Carpent<'i-, 1) in Van de Orift, Jiieoh I.ccndirt^en, 103. ' Van de Orift, I'auliis I.eendiTtsen, 70, 80 rl «n, 80 111 vt so,., 1,M, 104, l!)S, |!l!l, 303, 30,-i, Scliepeu or *,'. .* , 330, 333, 330 331 3;)8 "44 3!)(l, 3114, 30(1 . .)7, 310, 448. ' ' ' * Van der Heecij, I'anhm, 331, 33,'<, ,100, .'io;i .ij] \'an iler Capelle, tlio^'. l!v.-«el, Uaro'ii, 330. 333 •128,411. > . . Van der Capelle, llaron Alevander, 108. Vim der Ciipelle, liaroii Ilcndriek, 133. 108 171 3113, 408. Van di^r Konck, Aih- , 70 H wh., 80, 120, 137 it ,f,,., 31 j BherilT of lieiissolaorswyck, .10, journal of, lead in Council, 1 1 1, eoiiliiied. Ill ,1 Sfq. ilesires to return to N, \., 301 allowed lo praelice law in .N. V., 311. Van der lloohk, ,\lr,, .Meinl.er of the Slates Ceneral 1"0 Van der lloyken., C.uneliM, Fiscal, 4(1. 10, ,11, (10 71 83' .iceusi'd of ne^;h'ct of duty, 13. \an der Itiilsl, Jim, |87, \im der l.iiide, David Jacolmen, 374, Van iler l.iinle, .loost, 11 1, Vim der l.iphoist, l.-.icas, 330. N'mii der Tot, .Mir.ihaiii Jacohsen, 3,-,3. \'aii der Slyk, Corneiis .Vntonessen, 131. \jiii iler Veer, Coriielis Jaiisen. Idl', \ an der \eer, I'eler Corneli.sseii, 330, -iii, i'H; 077 o^] Vim der Veereii, 'I'eimis .lorisen, lll| 143,*' ' * '' ' Van der Viii, Ilcndriek, 'i'i-i, \'.in der \ in, llendr, ,(,, 377, 38|. \aii der Vliel, Direk .laiisen, 74,-,.' Van de Spi;,'liel, Lawrence, 1411. Vim de Venue, .(an. Notary, 133. \'iiu lie Veiiiie, Justus, 173. ' \an Deveiiter, .Ian I'eters, T>-i-i. \'aii lie Voorde, Oarrei, 104, 317, 3(i;|, 4'j8 Van de Will, Ilcndriek, 418. \'an Dinckla^'c, l.ul.berliis. Vice Director, 10 71) 80 80 100, 111 >-t .■.,,/., 133, VAX, 117, 118, lOR 3;i3, 3'n3 ' ' ' \ an Dyek, lljndiik, Fiscal, 81, 103, 111 ette,,., 142,' 147 148, l.iO, 111, ' complaints af;ainst, 100, 173, disiiiis.scd, 104. Van Elslandt, Clues, 3, 4, 0, 1 314, 340, 3!il, 3!i7, 314.' 337 Van Keiirde, Mendrick Janse, .141). Van Oanf,'el, Christopher, 104. Vun Oheel, .Max, 108, 101), 203. I, 112, 140, 148, 330, 430, 4114, 114. 111). »|] Jnin. 799 Vim Oiiniit, .Ian Ilcndrlclnon, !»'in. Villi Iliirili'iiliinKli, AiillKiiiy, \W). 'i'i'i, 377. Vim lliiicli'iil)iii({li, Ariicmt, H7, IIM, I'JO. Vmi lliinliiilmiK'". J"". *^<1. '""• '""■ "'^• Viiii lliitlc'ii, Aiviit, \\\*t lliir«(iiim!4ti'r of N. A.. lllO, Ills d »«,., 20,1, 'J 17, •J'iO, -i-ii. -i-ih •J;ll. ••Jil'J, MH, iW, iW. -iX't, -ilX, 'JWl, 3110, .187. Villi llriindiiii, liftwrc'ii-, ('c)iimiiiiHiipy, "H. Vim lIiUHoii, Jiiii .Iiin^Hcii, 107, U-t, Vim lliii'iiilimi, ,Iiiii ,IiiiHiM, 1:17, 'JIO. Vim Kirljc, , •■,(10, Vim I.CCMIWCII, ,lft(<)ll, 'i'i'i. Vim Lymiiii', lIcMiilricU (Irlckwii, 188. Viin NiiiMili'ii, ,lim CasiicrMiii, 'J'JO. Vim NiiM, Kvrrt Dirikucii, HM c' s"/,, 5a7. Vim Nrs, (!(iiiiclls, -WD, 4H7. Vim Kii', IIiilxil, lOI). Vim ItriissrliiiT, .Icim lliiptist, il.V; (( sc/., I'J'J, CIO, 442, 57, 'J3H, lOd, 'J.ltl, ati, 2C1), li'tterof, to Htiivvcsiiiit, 2-">ll. letter In, friiiii fitiiyveHiiiit, '.'.■|7. Vim Hensseliier, .lolmime,t, 11)1, 111"), Vim UeiHrtcliier, Kiliiiii, 1, 2, lU, .M, ,■>«, :!,-.,-., ;r)7. Vim Ituvien, Ooriielin, 211, 220 ft frq., 27H, ;ioo, :i(iH, iiiH, ;i2o, U27, ;i2M, y;Ji, ;i»2, 4ia, 4;i;t, i;r., ni, i.'io, 4o,s, ,114, ,^2, oio, (I44, coo. letter to, frniii N. .'^lillwell, ,V,I1. Vim rtfhiiiek, (liMisen Oerritnen, 1117. Vim Sclielliiyne, Direk, Notiiry Public, 154, 1,"<7, \M, lUO, 220, 2:IH. il."i.'. Villi .■^ielieieii, ['"enliimnd, 7,'i!'. Van .■^lecliteiiliMrst, IJiiiii.l Aertsci), HO, 04, IW, 00, 100, l;),1, 1 10 ft »,.,., 171, 1.S8, U)l, 2,-.7, 2,-)!l, 412, letter frmii, to tlie C'durl of UenHsililcrswyek, l.")2. Vim Tieiilioven, Ailrimi, 71, 112, LIU, 10;t, ;!42, :).W, Vim 'Pieiiliiiveii, Cornelius, Seeretiiry of N. N., 3I. Vouelsimi^r, .MiiicuH llciidrick, ttil. Vorchertd, Diciiwcr, .320. Volckerlseii, Dirrk, 08, ."ill, 523, Viisli, lliillia/.ar, .'ill. Vreduiuiuel, u fiirm in Hiirli'iii, 4,1. w. WiidiiiK Place, 040. WmlioK Itiver, 040, 7.33. Wiildron, Kesolved, 401, 470, 400, ,M0 .7 w?,, fl,'0, 044, Wiilenstevn, a fiirni in llarleni culled, 7. VViillaboiit Hay, 14, 340, 104, ,''iOl, ''"'■'.. o27 ; Indian deed for land near, 4. Willniven, Tlioina.^, carpenter, 0. Wiliniiuni, 108, 100, 372, 380, 100, 4,'')0, 481, ,",03 tt .wy,. ,VjO, 027 031, 070, 001, \ Wandell, Tliomil.s, 408 et le'j., .lOl et ,w/., ,'>t4, ,131, 000, ' 030. Ward's Island 18; Indian deed for, ■"). , iViirner, Tlionias 71."i. i Wiirpolon. liiclul., 032. i Wiislioni, Williimi. 230, 231, 303. I Wiisliliorii, .lolin. 7I.">, Wassals Creek, I,. I , 378. Walerlioiit, I'eter Dircksen, .skipper, 3."i0. Waters, AiiUiony, 530, f)05, 503, 007, 041, 0,".7. Walls. Klias, ,"i."i"i. Wallsoii, I.uke. 102, 500. Way, .lames, ,"il 4. \Vay, ,Iames, sen., 738. Wav, .laiiies, jiiii.. 740. Webber, Aeric, 740. Webly, Walter, 732. Weeks, I'riiiici.s, 303. Wei, IMer, ."i40. Welbv, (Jeoine, 31. Will., 0'.I3. Will., .lOo, 571, 578, .'ibl tt nf'i.. ,")85, 501 ft nfi/., 000, 017. i;(0: letters to. from Secry, NicoILt, ■)00, 012; from (lov. Nicolls, ,MiO. :, locality tin b, I, (llrooklyn lOlli Ward), 31. J, Warner, ">(i;i. cli. cliooltcucbcr to N. N.. 123. W. Wells, ,500, 578, Werpi Wi'sse 34, ' 517 8 ft ffj. Suu Omt (Kil»t) iilonies of, ron- We.sl, ,|olin, 740, 7.")0. WeslclicMer. .VIO, ."lO.",. 1103, (131, ', not claimed by Connecticut, iliitp. Westerliiiyseii, Willm,, 108. West India Company, reform for the tcniplaled, S3. SIX'S its pidlils reduced by peace with Spiliii, 84. expenses of, in N, N., 10.1, UO, Ihe Depl. i A. of. invited to be godfather, 107. llcpt. of llic Mae/e, 118. Diieclors of, writu to the people of N. N., 131, 10,'}. -^.'-^ J* - ~ • • I: -i y;,'. 800 Indew. West India Com.iony, slioit of funds to uay drnfts l;i7 on the condition of N. N., 156. ""•. i.i. Directors of udvise Stuyvcsfti'it not to obey jimi- mopsof tlic Sti'tes-Gcn., 178. •* allow 1 private vessel to go to N. N., IbO. resolution of, to .^nconinge privateering 'il4 u-rnnt .parent for nn I.sld. in Narragnnsett Buy 5n4 I^.'T^.i'M';'^"'' '°' ^'■'"" Stuyvcsant, 4^8,' 444' sfo; 549; 557.' ''"' '''' '"''• '''"«' °"^: "^o,' 5?'; letters from, to Stujvcsant, 70, 82, 103 117 loo 125, 127, lal, 138, 105, 178. 182, 185 102 ^02' 306, 211. 213. 215. -^50 200 280. 300 11,"' A' 332, a:0, 3,-,0. 371, 330, 390 8U7, 3U8,' 4 40' 427, 434, 448, 458, 401, 480. .-.Of,. 518 5*5 ' to the inhabitants of Manhattan Island 175 to the people of Ilemstead and G<.avescn."'ifl""i, ■'".98. 750, 75]. 408 513. 636. 621;. 630. WiUekcnson, Thomas, 381 Wilk ... George. 027. Wille't. Thoma.s. 33, 361, 36f», 424 47i 608«««-«.,6r5, 726,746, VGl.'' Willett, VVm.. i!08 <;/ neu. Willetts, Richard. 363. Williams, John, .'>70, 638, 720. Williams, Joseph, 720. William,s Robert, 384, 41G, o71, 606. 607 Willmmsburgh, Brooklyn, 35; patents f 08. 6 J . Wilbinisen, Adrian, 600. Willenis, Henry. ,54. Willcmsen, Abr., 89. Willemsen, Cornelia, 07. 138 Willemsen, Ilendrick, 523, 549. Willemsen. Jan. "^. Willemsen, William, 25, 540 Willis, Henry. 752. Willis, Samuel, 684. 716. Wilson, FMwf.rd. 25. Wilson. George. 490. Wilson, Mr.. 712. WinkeMiocl.. Peter Jansen, 378. WiustcD, Peter, 000. 500, 536. 5.",0, 040, 6.->7. 729. '" land in, 33, •'•71, 640 rt neq. Wright, Jonathan, 598, 750 U'rigiit, N;"oIas, 384, 573 ' Wright, Pete.-, 384. Wyandan(-c. great Sachem of L I WylTrciiick. Jan, 78. Wynkoop. Peter, 50. Y. Yates. Wm., 436,729. Voiikers, 310. Vorassen, Hendriek, 565. 04.i, 6(,1, („... 081 ^/ *-,/., 758 d «-,/.,- l.tterfrom ., >\ m. Lawn-ijcc, 517. letters to from Col. Nicolls, 5,55 ; from Gov. Love- ace.(,0(,; from Gov. Andro.s, 603; from Cnpt. ui-ockhojls, 763. ' Vouiig, Thomas, G8G. Yselstein .)..n W'llium.sen, 511, 534 \svoort. Lieutenant, 323. z. Zcnv, Jan Corneli.sen. 510, 521, 634 et Kq. iieger.dnel, faini at Harlem, C3. 525, 501, 628, I'sniit .111 L. I., cttcrs to, from re, UOH; from M'it. 2G. 41, 701, 7!U; tttT to, from I, CiOef >«/., ''ov. Andros, ' rt aeq. , 581, flOO, tor from to Jov. I.ovo- miii Cnpt.