A IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ■^r / 'i^ #? ^ M S?? '^^ .^ «^' C^ t/j & 1.0 I.I 1.25 ."if u iM M 1.8 14. i 1.6 V. ^. m m ui %''^ "^^ 'r ^ '^.%'S \s^M ■ ^^ .V 'ew >V O/W ■.Af ,*-:'^ •~^:; PhptosraDhic Sciences Corporfition 4^ ine- Trees growing in Her. Majcfties Colonies of New- Hampjbire, the Mafachufets-Bay, and Province of Mak, tihode^Jland ; . iad Providence-PIantatiOJi , ' the NdV'ragaafet Qoutitty, or IGngs-Provmce, and ConneElkut in New^England^ and New-Tork, and Nexv'Jerfey, in America, ibr the Mailing Her Ma- jcfties Navy* it^tm^ tktt mjmi JISJ^^^^ l^ mmt 01 otftec ^o?t of 1P»tnS:^«f^j fit fo? 80affjJ, grotelns (n ipgc ^apftied Colonic of New-Hampfliire, tlje Maffa- chufets-Bay, OUtl lg>JOi)ince oC Main, Rhode.Ifland, flltO t>rovidence.PIantation, the Narraganfet Coimttp, OJ Kings-Pro- vince, anil Conne^icut enaltp oflSSe of ©ne DuSoieo ??ounw ©terSinff fo? eiwtp fttc& Sffen e, on iS oof thereof to be maBe Dp one o? mo2« ctcWWe Sffeg, on ©atD before one of mt ^mm 3umce0 of m Slmt,mm oi neateft to fuc^ place ntttmmtut ffi L cominltteii, one ^oict? of fucD l^enaltp oi iFoj^tute to to &mmtmTmii mt fo? tte fame mm mt fonm in tfiofeTaVtsJ (0,6? ttmfeif o? W mcimt Deputp o? Deputte^, tof th tfie T15 oati atrotu all fu£l> Ctce0 a0 nolo ate, o? Sereaftw ftall ?e fit anu S^^^^^ taken fo? tDe ©fe of ^rt ^a|eme0 Eopal I5am»; nnD to^^^^^^^ t&ecEb})top?euenttDe Siafi Office CteeV. a"5,^^JJ««tfn>lS^^^^^^ jLatofullp tDereto aut!)o?f?co, a0 afo?Efa(5, tiafte P^e^«»JJ t«Jf ^^* fucfi €ree0 tulth tDe Xm^ ^ctotu, tDerebp to netet otDer0 ^ec ScS poSyttlJje80 from getting 1ob0 fo? lumber anu otDec mZ^m tZmti tDemfelbe0 a p?cpertp in f"cD Cree0, tDcttgD croiomg on Common !Lanri0 ; O^e it tDerefo?e fjttjier enaaej bp the Shoiitp afo?efaHi, CDat ftom ann after tDe fafti Ctoentp foiirrDDSrofSepf^^ ©ne tDoufanMeben Dunmen ann eleften, Serfon 0? lg>erfon0 loltDln tDe fail. Colonfe? Jf N^lK^^y"'*;;^ the MaffachufeBay, anU P?Obin^ of Mam, Rhode-lfland, M ProvYdence-Plantation, tDe Narragamct Counttp, 0? »^»"g-PXr'^ Conneaicut in New-England, anH New-York, anU New-Jerfey. SoftDem, otDertDan tDe fail. ®urbepo? General foi tDe tjm^^ biins, Dt0 Deputy? I>eputie0, o? fucDP/rfon a** W be au. tiiflii«ij tiieteto bp Warrant unbcr tDe fail. «>urbepoi €mtm i?a£ to 0? fl^^^^^^ to ^avft anp fucD ^Dttc oj otDec ffl? online €ree0 toitD tDe 'B?oal. arrotu, on tDe Penaltp o? m &^Xioml imm fo? etjerp tucD ©ffejtce, to be Ee. tflS anb leSeB in fucD ^atwer, anb on fttcDp?oof, anb to be bii?tibStera0 ofo?efa tljlng »tnbefo?e, o?m anp fo?m£r aa, containeo to tDe contrary in an? bnfe notbJitbftanbinir* FINIS. £ Ill) fucb ;ec aitD Denaltp i;p fttcD ctetiible i oit\iZ €)(rence ituce to i^onttiS) ^3lufttce eputfeiS) ;o ^atfc ftet i^all ;0 Eopal uent t|)e oti0, not to^arit [jerjs i6)ct nti otiDec U tgcnsD naaen t>p Ctoentp n eleDett) amp(hire» and, anH Province, jw-Jerfejr, It^etfme II be au' ^enetalsK 0} otgec tpoiiFa?« to be Ee* f, anb t0 01 in an? Btanbfnir«