tu ^•^ \^ ^# IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 If nas IM I.I 1.25 !r 14.0 M IIIW 1.1120 1.8 U 111.6 P^ o ^^ ^ ^// 9 %-J> / m ^^ S'' Ooi>ies of this Fonn of Prayer can be obtato^ on appUcatipn eithw at Mr. LoveU's Printing Office, or at the Vestry of Chrwt Church Cathedral fiSLonttesA. MONTREAL: PRINTED BY JOHN LOVBLL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 18M. ■■■■ii ■vol wraan^ THE ORDER OF MORNING PRAYER. The Service shall be the same with the usual OJice for Holidays^ except where it is in thi^ Offi,ce otherwise appointed. Let these sentences of Scripture he read before the Exhor- tation. Lord, correct me, but with judgment ; not in Thine anger, lest Thou bring me to nothing. 1 will arise and go to my Father ; and will say unta him. Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before Thee, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son. •f Instead of the Venite exultemus. God is our refuge and strength ; a very present help in trouble. Ther^ore will we not fear j though the earth he ^wved : xmd though the hills he carried into the midst of the sea. Though the waters thereof rage and swell : and the mountains shake at the tempest of the same. The Lord of Hosts is with us : the God of Jacob is our refuge. For I will not trust in my bow : it is not my sword that shall help me. / will say unto the Lord : Thou art my hope^ and my stronghold ; my God, in Sim will I trust. For it is Thou that savest us from our enemies : and puttest them to confusion that hate us. The Lord shall give strength unto His people : th$ Lord shall give His people the blessing of peace. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the heginrdng^ is noWf and ever shall be : voarld without end. Amen, ■•*j T 4 <([ Proper Psalms, LI. and LXXVII. First Lesson, Daniel IX. Verse 1—19. 5econ(Z Lessm, St. Matt. III. F<3m 1—12. •jT /mfeac^ 0/ <^e First Collect for Morning Prayer. - Almifflity and merciful God, who in our days and in the days of our forefathers, hast visited this Kingdom with many and great blessings : save and deliver us, we humbly beseech Thee, from the hands of our enemies ; that being arm^d with Thy defence we may be pre- served from all perils, to glorify Thee who art the only Giver of all victory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. m After the Prayer in the Litany (We humbly beseech Thee) read the two following, instead of the Prayers ■ in the Time of War and Tumults, and for the High Court of Parliament. O Almighty God, Maker of the Universe, and Sove- reign Disposer of the affairs of men : we Thine unwor^ thy servants most humbly implore Thy aid in this time of peril and perplexity, when, in defence of the rights and independence of nations, we are exposed to the dangers and calamities of war. We confess, O Lord, that in many things we deserve Thine anger, and might iustly fear Thy chastenings. But Thou art a rnercifu God, full of compassion, long suffering, and of great pity Thou sparest when we deserve punishment, and in Thy wrath thinkest upon mercy. Enter not into ludgment with Thy servants, who now humble them- selves before Thee, and let not Thine heritage be brought to confusion. Direct, we beseech Thee, the counsels of our gracious Sovereign, and prosper all her measures to ° .. /. i :iu« f Thy dear e end of the E istead of the urchj let the : Thy great rayers which in behalf of D Lord, that i peace with iid not make lightest justly r forgive the tisement, and )m Thy judg- n amongst us iemptof Thy i devotion, of d charity, as the blessings al and tempo- ntinued to us rlinnenaation of r — ; - ■ Thy hand, whether it be of prosperity or adversity, teach us to lift up our hearts above this lower world to Thy heavenly Kingdom, where pain and sorrow, war and hatred, shall be no more. And as Thou hast comman- ded us to love our enemies, and to pray for them that despitefully use us, have mercy, we beseech Thee, on our adversaries in the present war. Deliver them from the guilt of ambition and blood, and dispose their hearts to clemency and justice. Overrule this strife to the renewal of kindly brotherhood amongst nations, the enlargement of the Redeemer's kingdom, and the union of the world in Christian faith and love, that all may unite together in striving to exalt and magnify Thy glorious name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. •([ Collect for the day^ as before. " Almighty and merciful God." ^ F(yr the Epistle. Jeremiah VIL Verse 1 — 1. ^ The Gospel. St. Luke XVIIL Verse 9—14. THE ORDER FOR EVENING PRAYER. Is the same as that for the morning, except that the preceding Collect in the Communion Service is added to the other two, instead of the Prayers for the High Court of Parliament, &c., &c. The following are the Psalms and Lessons : ^ The hymn appointed to he used at morning prayer^ instead of the Venite, «&c., shall also be used before the proper Psalms. T Proper Psalms, LXXXVI. and XCI. ^ First LessoUj 1 Kings IX. Verse 1 — 9 ^ Second Lesson^ Rom. II.