IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) $< ^ /. A C* I A lii IM IIIIIM 156 112 ,„„^^ I.I - 1^ IIIIIM |f 1^ 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" - ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques CANADA. CATALOGUE or THJI LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT. GENERAL LIBRARY. Irintfli bg ©rhr of i\t ^qhhiuxi. TORONTO: I3,L, JOHN LOVELL, CORNER OF YONGE AND MELINDA STREETS. ^'^'^'- 1857. e de t'r"'^ '^'^ ;'^^^iv-rs]f6, Ou6beoi' Qu6h-.r. . Al^ CANADA. CATALOGUE DB LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DU PARLEMENT. BIBLIOTHfiQUE GENifiRALE. %' -, V /<^^'; \'V u .;:-) Imgnine pr ©rkD h la 'gq'ukim. Xn^^'^ TORONTO I JOHN LOVELL, COIN DES RUES YONGE ET MELINDA. 1857. ;^ :3i■^^t^ ''■' Mti lESjiHting tlie-lDilirai'ti. "That a proper Catalogue of the Books belonijing to the Library be kept by the Libra- rinns, in whom the cuHtnly luiii responsibility ehnll be vested ; and wLo slm'.l bo required to report to the House, tluoujjb Mr Speaker, nt the opening of each Sossiou, the atuunl ttatc of the Library. '• Tlmt no person whatever elm'l be totitled to admi-sion to the Library duiiu:/ n Session of I'ailiameat, except the Governor of tho Pro- vince, the Members of the Executive and Legis- lative Councils aad Lcglslalivu Assembly, ami tho Officers of the two Houses for tiie time being, iitul such other persons as may rccoivo a written order of udmlssioa from the Speaker of either House. " That during a Session of f'arliaraeut, no Books belonging to the Library bo permitted to be taken out of tlie building, except upon receipts given by a Member of either House. " That during the recess of Parliament the Library and Heading Roomsliall be open every day in each week, Sundays and Holidays excepted, from tlie hour of ten in the m.'vning untill three in the afternoon ; and that access to the Library be permitted to persons introduced by a Member of the House, or admitted at the discretion of the Clerk or one of the Librarians, subject to such rcgidations as may be deemed necessary for the security and preservation of the collection ; but that no one t^hall be allowed to take any Book out of tho Library, except Members of the House. " That the Clerk of this House bo authorized to import annually the continuation of Periodi- cal Works in the Library." Urglfs rnntfrnnnt lo 36iliHntlitt|nf. " Qu'un Catalogue des Livrcs do la Biblio- litique sera tenu par les Biblioth6oaires qui en anioiit la garde et la responsnbilitS ; et lis se- ront teiuis de fairo rapport ii la Chambre, par I'entreniise de I'Orateur, il I'ouverture de chaque Ses.sion. do I'i-tat dans lequel se trouve la Bi- bliothique. " Qu'aucune personnc ne pourra avoir accfis i\ la Bibliothiique, pendant les Sessions du Par- lenient, exceptfi lo Gouverneur do la Province, les Membres des Oonseils Ex6eutif et Lfigislatlf, de rAssembleo L^-gislative, et les Officiers dee deux Chambres pour le temps d'alors, et toute autre pcrsonne qui obtiendra nn billet d'admis- sion de I'Orateur do I'une ou I'autre Chambre. " Que pendant la Session du Parleraent au- cun l.ivre de la Bibliotheque nc pourra 6tre »;,nport6 hors do I'fidifiee, except6 h)rpqn'un Membre de I'une ou I'autre Chambre en donnera un recu. ' Que pendant la vacance du Parlement, la Bibliotheque et la Chambre de lecture seront ouvertes chaque jour de chaque semaine, ex- cepte les Dimanches et jours de Ffite, depuia (lis luMircs du matin jusqu'd trois hcures de I'apros-midi ; et que la Bibliotht^que sera ou- verte aux personues introduites par un Membre do la Chambre, ou admi^ies a la discretion du (ireflier ou do I'un des BibliothCcaircs, sujettes aux regies qui seront jug^es nficessaires pour la puret6 et la conservation de la collection ; mais il ne sera perrais ii aucune porsonno d'em- portcr aucun Livre hors de la Bibliotheque, excepto les Membres de la Chambre. " Que le Grefficr de la Chambre sera autoris6 i\ faire venir chaque ann6e la continuation des Ouvrages Periodiques de la Bibliothtique." ABEEVIATIONS A. I. Collection de rancienne acadlmio des inscriptions et bellci-lettrea. L. B. Collection dea classes de littfirature ct beaux-arts. A. S. M. Collection de I'aucienno cIosbo des gciences morales et politiques. N. I. Collection de^la nouvellc academie dea inscriptions et Bellea-Lcttres. N. S. M. Collection de la nouvelle acaduinio dcs scionces morales ct politiques. N. S. M. (E.) Kccucil de la mumo acadeinie cousacro aux mcmoires des savants fitrangers. M. A, y. Mumoirea de I'aeadomie des sciences Physiques ct Matli^rtiatiques. M. A. S. (E.) Meuioires prosentd-s a. I'acadfimie dcs sciences par divers savans. 0. T. F. Publications of theJOriental Translation Fund. Lata Lib. Refers the Fifth Series of the Law Library, a reprint of Standard English Law Books, published by J«hnsou, of Philadelphia. Fam. Lib. Murray's Family Library. Knights Lib. Knight's Shilling Library. Colon. Lib. Colonial and Home Library, published by Murray. Lib. U. K, Library of Useful Kuowledgo. Bohn's Lib. B.^S. Lib. B. Class. Lib. Refer to the different scries or " Libraries," the Stauilard, thcjClassical, tlie Illustrated, etc., published by H. G. Bohn. Wcale's Series. Series of Rudimentary scientific works, published ny Woale. Jiortt. Manuel appartenaut a la collection connue sous le nom i! Encijclopidie Roret. TABLE OF CONTENTS. -■^^■v^-^.v J." tbe niEOLOr.Y, RELIGION, AND HISTORY OF REI.KJIONS » RELKJIONS, MYTHOI.OOIKS, AND PHILOSOI'IIIES OF THE EAST 5S MENTAL AND MORAL I'HILOSOl'HY 87 EDUCATION 74 JURISCRUDENCE ; GENERAL AND FOREIGN 88 CIVIL LAW 01 INTERNATIONAL AND MAKITIME LAW 04 CONSTITUTIONAL AND PUBLIC LAW 101 I. BUITI8II C0N8TITUTI0NAI, ItlSTOIlY ANU LAW 01' FAKLIAMENT 101 II. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OP OTIIKll KfllorKAN STATKS 12* STATUTE AND COMMON LAW OP (HIKAT lUUTAIN 126 COLONIAL AND PROVINCIAL LAW 154 IIKITISII COLON IKS 184 CANADA IB* OTHKE DttlTlaU NOBTII AMKttlCAN PB0VINCK8 170 WK8T INDIES 171 BAST IND1K8 AND TUK KA8T INDIA COMPANY 172 ', -lERICAN LAW, GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 178 bTATE AND CRIMINAL TRIALS 193 DROIT FRANCALS 105 DBOIT ANCIKN 190 DROIT NOUVEAU 203 DROIT ADMIMBTRATIP 211 ECCLESIASTICAL POLITY AND 1,AW 214 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION 221 POLITICAL ECONOMY, COMMERCE AND STATISTICS 2-19 HISTORY 301 I. CHRONOLOGY, CNIVKU3AL III8T0BY, AND I'lIILOSOl'lIY OP IIISTOEY 301 II. MYTIIOLOflV, AXTIHUITIKS AND NUMISMATICS 309 in. ANCIENT HI8T0BY 3U IV. HISTOaV OF EPEOPE 32(> OENEBAL EUROPEAN HISTORY, (INCLUDINO THE HISTORY OP THE MIDDLE AOES AND OP THE CBUSADKf) 32lJ (il) KISTOllV OP KXdLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND 332 KEC0BD8 OP EN (i LAND 3,19 BKCOUDS OP SCOTLAND 3H EECOBDS OP IRELAND 315 HISTORY OP ENOLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAirD, (eOlltinUcU) 346 HISTORY OP SCOTLAND 397 III8I0BY OP IRELAND 400 LOCAL AND COUNTY HISTOBIKS Ol' UllKAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND 402 NAVAL AND MILITARY HISTORY OP GREAT BRITAIN 400 HISTORY OP BRITISH COLONIES 409 (6) HI8T01K1! 1)K FltANl'K 409 ((•) HISTORY OP OTHER EUROPEAN STATES 436 V. HISrOBY OF ASIA 452 VI. HISTORY OF AFRICA 407 VII. 11I8T0UV OF AUSTRALASIA AM) POLYNESIA 470 ri 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. moURAl'IIY 47a I. (iKNKUAI. llIOdnAPlIT iTi If. 9K1MI1ATK I.IVKS; A LPIIAllKTICALI.V A liHANOKI). ,, 480 IIEBALDUV ANI, (JKNKALOdY 51)0 OEOGItArilY, TOIMMiKAl'llY, VOYAtiDS AMI TIIAVKI.S 800 1. I'MVKHHAL IIKodllAIMIV 1 INl'l.l'IMNil u A/.HITKKIIS AND ATLASHKS 600 II. C'OI.I.KCTIONH OV VOVACIBS, &C. ; AXIi VuVACiUH UOL'Nil THIS WUIILI) Oil III. I'ol.Alt VDVAOES 6l!8 IV. KL'KOl'K fi,'l4 V. A8IA 547 VI. AI'KICA 6S8 VII. AUST11AI.A8U AND POLVNHSIA 6t)8 NATfUAL I'lIII.OSOl'UY ANU CHK.Ml.S'l'aY 670 M.VTIll'J.MATlCS fj'JS NATUKAL HISTORY.... 600 (IKOLOdY, .MI.\|.;UAI,()(1Y, I'AI, Kl)\ lOl.OllV 010 AMllKOI'()I.O(tV AM) ZdOI.OdV 028 BOTANV 045 AGRICri.TrUU AM) IIORTICULTIKK 050 MKDICAL SCIKXCliS 005 lUMTARY A.N'l) NAL'TICAL SCIliNCIlS, IXCLUlJl.Mi NAVAL WAIiFARK 081 FINE ARl'iS OSU Alien ITKCTl'RH 008 l'AI.NriN(l, BLll.nillB, KXOUAVINO, &c. 711 MUSIC 720 SPORTS AM) OAMliS 723 USEFL'L ARTS AND MANrKACTfRKS 720 ENGl.N'KKUIXli, SIRVEVLVG, A.\U I'llil.K; WORKS 742 EXIIIHITIO.VS OF r.MVERSAL IXDLNTRY '08 BEl,Li;S-l,KrrRES. 774 I. I'AI.-KOUIiAl'lIV. l'llll.uI,0(iV, DU lI(l.\AItlK:<, (iUAM MAliS, AND fllUHHTO.MATU Y 774 II. LIlKliAltY IIISTUKY. I'KiriClhM, AM) Itil KrDUIC 71)4 III. fillKKK AM) I.ATI.N lI.A.iSKS; WITH TUAS.SL.ATIO.NS f^OO IV. |.;n(,i.isii a.\u amhuicvn iikm.i.s i.i:ttki;3,— i.ncli'I)1N(i i'()LY(Jhai'1i8 820 I'HOSE WOUKS **-" I'OKIUV AM) THE I J I! A. MA '*5* V. FRFNCll BKLLKS'LETTHES, INCI.UIUNO rOI.YflUAI'llS... 800 VI. FOUEION IIELLKS'LETTBKB ; WITH THANSI.ATIO.NS 888 BIBLIOGKAI'IIY. f»8 ENCYCLOPEUl.VS, TRANSACTIONS OK SOCIETIES, AND I'ERiODICALS 000 PAMl'lll.KTB 022 ADDENDA 9*7 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OP AI.THORS 049 The Catalogue of Books vpon the Ilintory of America, including Voyages and Travels therein ; and concerning Canada generally, is reserved for pullicttion here- after. It will be jyrinted as soon as jjomble. TABLE DES MATIEUES. nrnoi.ooiK. kklioio."?, i;t uistoirb dks ukmgioxs • IMIILOSOI'IIIK KT MOR.VLl'; B7 EDUCATION '■• JURlSl>uri)K.\('E, (iKNKRAia': KT KTRANOKUK 88 DROIT ROMAIN 01 DROIT INTHRNATIONAIi KT UROIT I't'llI-lC MARITIME 01 UROIT I'uiii.ii; KT (DNsrrrrTiDNNi;!- loi I. numr CONSTlTlTlnXHUt, KT I-AHLKMUNTAIRK I)B l\ (IRANIIIi-IIRETAIINE 101 II. pudiT I'l'iii.u: nr coNsnnTinNNi'i, dks aitkhs utats KritoPRUNH 122 DR)1T fOMMlIN, 1:T STATI:TS UK l-\ (iRANDK-llRKTAOXK 125 DROIT C(H,OXlAI, KT I'ROVIN'CIAI, IBt COLON IKS AN(H,AISK3 IM CANADA lu* AUTRKS C0U1NIK8 ANOl.A ISKS DU 1,'a MIMIUJIK Slil'TKN TlllnNAI.E 170 171 ISDKS nUIDNTAI.KS UT COMI'AUMl.; DTH [NllEH. ... 172 DROIT, (JOl'VKRXKMKNT, KT I'OI.ITIQI'K DKS KTATS-l'NlS D'AMKRIQUK 178 PUOi^KS D'KTVr KT CATSKS I'RIMINKLLK.S 103 DROIT FRANCAIS 105 DHorr ANCiiix lOfl DROIT NOfVKAl' 203 DROIT ADMINISTRATIP 211 DROIT CAXONIQCK OV KCCLKSl.VSTIQUK 2U POKITIQL'K KT KKlilSKATIOX 221 K(M)N()M1K I'OMTIQI'K, COMMKRCK KT ST.VTISTIQUKS 210 IIISTOIRK 301 I. CnROfTOLOIilB, III8T0IRE UNIVK KSEI.I.K KT rillLOBOPlIlE DE L'UISTOIEK : 'l II. MVriKiI.OOlK, ARCIIEOLOdlE KT NUMI8M ATKJUK 3119 III. UISTOIRB ANCIENNE 314 IV. IIISTOIRE DE L'BUROPE 326 III9T0IBE OENERAI.E DE L'KCROPE, (YCO.MPRIS L"III.ST0IUE DU MOTEN AOE, KT CELI.E DKS CROISADKS) 820 (a) UISTOIRE l; A> ILKTEKRE, D'ECiiS.SK FT D'IRLANUE S32 ARCII1VB3 D'ANOLETERRE 330 ARCHIVES D'KCOSSK 3H ARCHIVES D'IRLANDE 315 COSTINIATION DE l/llISTOIUR U'ANOLETERRE, U ECOSSB ST D'IRLANDB 310 IIISTOIRE n'ECOSSE 397 IIISTOIRE D'IRI.ANUE 400 lUSrolRES LOCALES, KT UISTOIRE I DES COMTBi IjK I.A ORANDE-BUETAONE ET D'IRLANDE 402 niSTOIRE SAVALE KT MILITAIRE DK LA GRANDB-BRETAOVB 400 (It) niSTOIRE DB PRANCE 409 (c) IIISTOIRK DES ACTBE8ETATS DE L'EI'ROI'B 435 V. IIISTOIRE DK L'ASIB 4.')2 VI. IIISTOIRK UK L'APRUiUK 407 Til. IIISTOIRK DK L'aUSTRALIK KT DK LA POLYNKSIK 470 TABLE DE8 MATIKRE8. ^.-.a-^rr-r: BIOURAI'IIIK 47* I. niiKiR.tniia ORifKRALR 478 II. iilDdiniMilKiHiTriAl.'M 4H0 AUT lIKItAI.DKJI'H IIT UKNII XMlOIQUK 30fl • IKOHRMMIIl') KT VUVACIKS S0» i, (IliUdllAI'llll! I'MVEBHKM.K, Y COMPRIt LRI CiRTKB nROim\PIIII)l'RS KT IITUROOKA- PIIKtUKM noi) II. IIKCI'KII.!! in: MlVAORg, KT VOTAflKS AI'TOIH l)U MO!ft>R fill III. VOYAllKH l'OI.AlUE» 688 IV. KUROPR nS4 V, A8IK B47 VI. AFRKll'R BBS VII. OCKAKIK im VU\HUi\K KT ('II I M IK BTO MATIIIOMATIQl'IW BUS SCIKNCK.S NATrilEM.RS 600 (IKDI.lllllK, MINKIlAI.OdlRKT I'AI.KONTOIO'HB (118 AMTIIIlDroI.OdlR KT ZOOI.OdlK 628 IlOTANI.Jl'H 046 AORim/i'i'iir; kt iioRTicrLTiMtK obo R(nnN(;i':s mi:i)1('.\i,i-;s 06« ART MILITAIRIO DT MARINE 681 BEAUX ARTS 680 AltCIIlTEfTl'KK 008 I'EINTIUK. aCCI.ririlK. (ilUVlIlR, KTC 711 JirsKjuK 720 OYMNAHTKiliE KT JEl.'X 723 ART.S irnr,KS KT MA.\lIl''A(rriIREH 720 r.KMK Civil,, ARl'KNTA(iE KT TRAVAT-X IMHI.ICS 742 EXPOSITIONS 708 ni;i,i.i;s-i,KTrRKS. 774 I. PAI.KOORAPIIIK, I.INtjnSTKjrF. I.KXKdllHAPUIK, filtAMMAIItK KT I'lIII.OI.OiilK 774 II. niSTDIUK I.ITTKHAIKK, CltlTKilK KT ItllKTORIQL'K 704 III. CI.ASSKjrKSfiRKrS KT LATINS 806 IV. UKLLKS-I.KTTRES ANdLAlBES KT AMEH1CAINK3, V (DM IMUtl I.E8 roLVOUAPlIKS 826 V. llEI.I.Ka-l.BTTBKS PBAKCAI8K9, T COMI'KIB I.KS l'OI,V(iRA I'lIKS FRA.NCAIH. gOO VI. Ill;i,I,E3 I.KTTBKS ETBAN0KRB8.. 888 RIHMO(iUAl'HIK 808 ENCYCLOI'EOIES, TRAVAUX DES SOCIETES SAV ANTES, ET RECUKILS I'ERlODKilJES... 006 UKOCIILKKa 022 ADDENDA 047 CATALOGUE ALl'KAIJKTIQUE 910 Lr (ataldijiie (les ounvages relatifs a Z'Amekkjue, comprcnaiit Vllixidirr, la llioijra- phii; lift I'oi/tiijrs, ct Id Biiliographie generate du CAtiADX, formcra un necoiul volume etscra }iiihlii 2>litf iM'd. BOO &21 BiS Mi 047 BBS , BAB , 570 . B98 . noo . flirt ,. «•:» .. fl»5 .. fiBO .. fiOS ,.. B81 ,.. (WO ... 008 ... 711 ... 720 .... 74» .... 72(1 ... Hi ... 7fis ... 774 ... 774 .... 701 K0(? K2(? |.... 80rt 888 898 !t(tO |.... 022 047 019 in'jra- \lume torn of lUligions. i toirt ks iildigioiis. Biblia Saora Polyglotta, coinploctentiu textua originaloM, llobraicum,cuiu IVntatcuclio Saiimritano, C-liaklaicuiii, Gru'ciiiii, versionuni(|uo anti- (luariim Samaritauie, (ini-fio liXXll, iutorp., Clialdaiou', Syriacro, Arabicii', ^Etliiojiicii', IVrsiua*, V'ulfj;. Lat. ([uiiMjuid uoinivrari potcrat. Cum textuum ct vursioiuiin urioiilaliuin trauslaiionibuH Lutiuis. Edidit Brianus Waltonus, S.T.D. 15 vols, t'ol. Luiulou, 1057. . Lexicon llcptaf^lotton: by E. (.'aatell. 2 vols. fill. IGGi). ■ Tlio Consideiatorcontiidered : [a reply to Dr. Juo. Owen's attack on tlie Hiblia Polyglotta,] by Hriau Walton. Loudon, 1G5!J, re-printed iu "Walton's ^lemoirs," vol.2. Walton's IMeinoirs, vol. I contains " Notices of the cultivation of Oriental liearning [in England, iu relation to the Biblia Polyglotta,] and of Uk uiithor'zed English version," in a projected revision of which Dr. Walton was concerned Bible, In, Sainto. Traduction uouvclle avec Thebreu < ii regard, aeeoinpagno des points-voycUes ct des accents touiques, avec des notes et les prin- cipales variantes do la version des septante et du texto sauiaritain, par S. (.'alien. 18 vol. Svo. Paris, 1832 -1S55. Bible, la Sainte, dite do Veiice, en latin et en frau^ais, avec notes, prefaces et dissertations tireis du connneutaire do Doni Aug. Calniet, de I'abbo do Veuco, et dea auteurs lea plus ci^lebrea. Quatriemc edition. 25 vol. 8vo. Avec atlas. Paris, 1820-21.. Bible, la Sainte, — contenant I'Ancieu et le Nouveau Testaineut, traduite en fran^ais sur la Vulgate par M. Le Maistre de Saci. 12 vol. Svo. Paris, 1789-1802. Bible, la Sainte — expliqu(''e par dea notes de thi/ologie et de critique sur la version ordinaire dea Eglises lleformees, revue aur lea originaui, et retouches dans le langage : par David Martin. 2 vol. Folio. Am- sterdam, 1707. B 10 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [thAoLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Bible, the Jloly — witli the Apocrypha: containing an Index and Concor- dance, and the Paalmu in metre. 4to. New York. 18mo. Oxford, 1851. with Notes, explanatorj' and practical : hy Rev. G. D'Oyly, and Eev. E. Mant. 3 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1818. M'ith explanatory notes and practical observations : by Thomas Scott. New edition, by Pratt. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. ■ Pictorial Family Bible : witii notes, by John Kitto. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1852. — translated from the Latin A'uJgatc : diligently compared ^nth the Hebrew, Greek and other editions in divers languages: the Old Testament first published by the English College at Douay, A. D. ICiOO, and the New Testament, first published by the English Col- lege atRheims, A. 1). 15H2 : with notes, critical, liistorical, controversial, and explanatory ; selected by the Eev. G. L. llaydock. 4to. New York, 1856. Townsend, Eev. Geo. The Old Testament, arrangeel in historical and chro- nological order : witli notes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. ■ The New Testament, arranged in chronological and historical order, with copious notes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Biblia Hebraiea, a E. A'an der lloogiit. Editio nova, a .Tudali B'Allemand. Svo. London, 1850. Vetus Testamentum Graecum, juxta Scptuaginta interpretes : editum juxta exem])lar Vaticanum, etc. Cum Latino translationc, animadver- sione, etc., cura .1. N. Jager. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Vide Billio- thtique ties Atiteurs Grecs. Brenton, Sir L. C. L. The Septuagint version of the Old Testament, ac- cording to the Vatican text,* translated into English, with various readings. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Greenfield, W. The Book of Genesis, in English- Hebrew, with an interlinear translation, and notes, and a Grammatical Introduction. Svo. London, 1848. Davidson, Samuel. The Hebrew text of the Old Testament, revised from critical sources, being an attempt to present a purer text than the received one of Van der Ilooght. Svo. London, 1855. Barrett, R. A. T. Synopsis of criticisms upon those passages of the Old Testament in which modern commentators have differed from the Authorized Version, with an explanation of various difliculties in the Hebrew and English texts. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. (This work fiuislies at Esther, and includes all the liistorical books, being all tlint bus beeu published.) Grinfield, E. AV. Novum Testamentum Graecum, editio Heileuistica, 2 vol. [vol. 1. 2.] Svo. London, 1843. UISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OP RELIGIONS. 11 Grinfield, E, W. [Vols. 3. 4.] Scholia Hellenistica in Novum Teatamentum. 2 vol. London, 1848. Novum Testamentum Greece et Latine, in antiquis testibus Textus Yersionis Viiigatfo Latinie indigavit, Icctionesque varicntes, Notavit, Constantinus Tisichendorf. 8vo. Paris. Didot, 1848. Vide Biblio' tilt que des Autcurs Qrecs. Nouveau Testament de N.S. Jesua-Christ, traduit en fran9ai8 surl'origi- nal grec, par de Beausobre et Leufant. 2 vol. 4to. AmaterdaiDj 17;}G. Nouveau Testament de N. S. Ji'yus-Christ, traduit en franfais avec le commentaire litteral du P. de Carriores. 8vo. Quebec, 1840. New Testament. The English Ilexapla, oxliibiting the six important English translations, viz. : AViclif, 13S0 ; T\ ndale, lu34 ; Cranmer, 1539 ; Genevan, 1557 ; Anglo-llhemish, 1582 ; Authorised, IGll : the original Greek text, with various readings : preceded by an historical account of the English translations. 4to. Loudon, 1841. ■ The text of the New Testament, translated by the Papists of llliemes, with aujtations ; whereuuto is added, the translation commonly used in England, with a confutation of all such arguments and glosses as contain manifest impietie, lieresie, &c. By William Eulke. Fourth edition enlarged. Eolio. London, 1G33. Bound up Avith : A ilofoncc of the sincere nuil true translatiou of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue, against the mnnifolil cavils of Grognrio Martin: aud a brief defence of the Writings of William Fulke. Kol. 1633. _— translated into Irish, by W. O'D . 12mo. London, 1830. Evangiles, les Saints. Traduction de Le JMaistre de Sacy. l^dition illus- trec. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Thorpe, Benjamin. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Holy Gospels. 12mo. London, 1842. Maoknight, James. A new liti all tlie Apostolical Epistlei a life of tlie Apostle Paul. Conybeare (AV. J.) and Howsbn Paul, 2 vols. 4to. London, IS55 (This work contains a new Translation of St. Paul's Epistles.) Holy Scriptures : Versions of the, — published by the British and Foreign Bible Society, and presented to the Library by tlie Society. (N.B. — The descriptive notes appended to some of tlie following Titles, have been principally taken from " The Bible in Every Land.") Biblia Febraica, a Job. Lcusden ; recensita, Ac. ab E. Vander llooght. Editio Nova, a Judah D'AUeniand. Loudon, 1839. New Testament, in Hebrew. 8yo. original Greek of To which is added, , 182L ife and Epistles of St. ft . ' .», .'^1 12 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [TlltOLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Holy Scriptures : various Versions. — {Continued.) JudiDo-Arnbie Gospels, (Hobrew chnractors.) Judooo-Persic Gospels, (ditto.) Coptic iind Arnbic Gospels. 4to. Syriao Bible, (Old luid Xew Tcstauicuts.) 4to. Syro-Clialdaic Gospels. 4to. Greek Bible, (Old I'estament.) Oxonia. 8vo. Greek New Testament. [Ancient.] Cantabrigii. 12mo. Greek and Albanian Xew Tcstnment. Corfu, 1827. Tuico-CJreok New Testament. Athens, 1850. Turkish-Armenian Now Tostanunt, 1831. Turkish Bil)le, (Old nud New Testaments.) 4to. Manks' Bible, (OM and New Testaments.) London, 1819. Gaelic Bible, (OM niul New Testaments: from the twelfth edition, viz: Edin- burgh, 1820.) L.iiHloii, 1854. Irish Bible, (Old an [Portuguese iJible.] A Biblia Sagnida, O Vollm e o Novo Toslamento ; traduzida segnml'i a VM''.;ata L:i;ina par A. P. de KlL'iU'irod'i. LhikIios, 1850. [Flomisli Uihlo.] Biblia Saoia, in liot Onde on N'iouwt^ Ti^stanient, den Laetsten Roomschen, Text. Te Brussel, 18.S8. [Danish Bible.] Bibolen oiler don Helligo Skrift, dob fiamleog Nye Testamentes Lcilld , 18:').'). [Swedish Bible.] liibelen cUordcii Holiga Skrift, innoliallando Oamla och Nya Testanioritots. Slookholm, 1851. [Lapponose Bible.] Old and New Testaments. Ilernoesandesne, 181 1. 4to. [Karelian St. Matthew.] S. Jnv.uigoai Matwbjsta. Pijteri, 1820. " No (itlior piiition of tlic Spripturos lins as yet l)c'cii tniiislatod into Karelian." [Sironia, or Zirian St. Matthew.] S. Evaigolie Matthejsjaib. S. Peterburg, 1823. 12mo. " Tlie only portion of the S ripturos now possessed by tlic Zirians."— niSTOIRE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 13 Holy Si iptures: various A'^crsions. — (Con/iuucd.) f Lettish Tcstamcut.] Ta Jiiiina Dernba. Gadda, 1830. 12mo. [Reval Kstbonian Testament,] Uus Testament. Peterburri, 1825. 12mo. [Dorpat Estlmniau Testament.] AVastne Testament. Mitau, 1836. 12mo. [.Siimogitian Testament.] Naujaa Istatiraas, iszgulditaa par J. A. K. Gicdrayti. Wibiiuje, 1816. 4to. [Lithuanian Bible.] Seno ir Xaujo Teatamento Lietuwisskay perstattytas, Frankfurte, 185;!. [Boliomian Bible.] Biblia Saera to^'cst; fiiblj Swata, Stareho e Noweho Balvona. W. Kyseku, 1851. [Ilungaiian Bible.] Szent Biblia, nzaz: lateiiuok o es uj Tostamentomaban Magyar uyelvro forditatott K. Gaspar. Koszegen, 1852. 4to. [■\Vcudisli lIungftriunTestameut.] Novi Zakon ali Testamentom ; po K. Stevani. Koszogi, 1848. 12rao. [Wallachinn Testament.] Noul Testament, a A. U. Gika. Smyrna, 1846. [Bulgarian Testamiut.] Novhiu Savjet. H. II. Ilariona. Smyrna, 1840 [Uuss Test.anient.] Novbij Savjet. London, 1 S55. Mongolian Old Testament. S. Peterburg, 1840. 4tu. [Mongolian New Testament.] Translated out of the Original Greek by E. Stallybrass and \V. Swan. London, 1846 [Tartar Testament.] S. Evangelium; sciiieet Novum Testamentura. (Editio Vetera.) Astrachani, 1818. [Georgian New Testament.] 4to. " I'riiitod in the sacred or i.'cclcsiastienl clmracter, by the Moscow Bible Society in 1815." Till! text is s:iiil to bo the same as appeared in a former edition, "brought out in Moscow, in ITU." [Persian Testament.] The New Testament, translated from the Original Greek, into Persian, by H Martyn. Fourth edition. London, 1837. [Urdu Bible.] Tlio Holy Bible in tlie Ilimhistani Language. Calcutta, 1842-43. 2 vols. (The Old Testament only, in the Arabic Character.) [Ilindui. Genesis, Ac.] The Holy Bible ; translated into the Ilindui Language, by W. llowley. Vol.1. (Genesis — ii. Kings ) " In Sanscrit ehar.icter, for the use of tlie Natives of the Upper rrovinces." [Harotee Testament.] The Holy Bible, translated from the Origin.als into the Harotec Language. (Vol. V. containing t'le New Testament.) Serampore, 1821. Sanscrit ciiar.ieter. " The I'rovince of llarottee is reckoned aiufiii.K tin- U.ijpnot States, its population is about 1,0110,(1110. Till! H.irottoo is a corrupt Dialect of the Hinduweo." [Bikaneer Testament.] The Holy Bible, translated from the Originals into the Vikanera Language. (Vol. V. contaiuiug the New Testament.) Serampore 1820. Sanscrit character. "A Province and People to be foniid aiiioni,' the Rajpoot States, and the languaRC a Dialect oftlie Hiudiuvee, as the Ilurottcc." [Bengalee Old Testament.] Tlie Old Testament in the Bengali Language, translated out of tlie Original Hebrew. Second edition. Calcutta, 1851. [Bengalee Now Testament.] The New Testament, in the Bengali Language, translated from the Original Greek. Calcutt^i, 1855. [Assam Testament.] The Holy Bible, translated from the Originals into the Assam L.anguage. V'ol. V. containing tlio New Testament. Serampore, 1820. [Oriya Pentateuch.] The Holy Bible, in the Oriya Language, Genesis to Joshua. A new translation. Cuttack, 1842. " Uriya is tlic vcrnucnlar Dialect of Orissa; Cuttack is the Capital of Drissa."' 14 TnEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [XHEOLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Holy Scriptures : variousi Versions — {Continued.) [Mooltnn Testiiment.] The Holy Bible, tnmalftted from the Originals into the Mooltance Language. \'ol. I. containing tlio New Testament. Scrampore, 1821. " The Dialect (litlors little from the Siiulhcc, and the cIianu.'tor is nearly the same, Ac. [Punjaubi Gen< m.] Genesis, with the first twenty chapters of Exodus, in Faujubi. LudiaL.a, 1849, [Kashmeera Testament] The Holy Bible, translated from the Originals into the Kashmeera Language. Vol. V. containing the New Testament. Scrampore, 1821. [Nepala Testament.] The Holy Bible, translated from the Originals into the Napala Language. Vol. V. containing the New Testament. 1821. " This l)iak'i!t is also called tlie Khasiioora." ' [Goozuratee Testament.] Tlie Holy Bible, translated from the Originals into the Goozuratee Language. Vol. V. containing the New Testament. Scram- pore, 1820. [Mahratta Testament.] The New Testament, translated from the Original Greek into Mara'thi. Bcmibay (Amer. Mission Press,) 1848. [Kunkiuia Testament] The Holy Bible, translated from the Originals into the Ktmkuna Language. Vol. V. coutainiiig the New Testament. Scrampore, 1818. " The proper Lan(ruai?e of Concau, a narrow tract of Land, extending North and South of Homliay." [Tamul or Tamil Bible.] The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testa- ments, translated out of the Tongues, and with former translations compared, ite. Madras, 1850. 4to. [Karnata, or Canarese Bible.] iJay the Old Testament. 4 vols This may lie a copy of the edition referred to in "The Bible of Every Land, p. 121. The printing of the Old Testamont was coninicMCed in 1H27." Malayalim. The Old Testament, translated in the Malayalim Language. Cottayam, 1839—41. 8 vols. The New Testament, &c. Cottayam, 1813. 12mo. "The Jtalayalim Langnage is spoken from Cni>o Caniorin, to the borticrs of Canara, a roirion soiuetinies distinguishi'd liy the name of JIalayala." (Western Coast of India.) [Cingalese Version.] The Holy Bible, translated into Singhalese. Ceylon, 1846. "The New Testament (included,) is from the Original Greek. Second edition. Cotta Version." [Javanese Testament.] " .Vjiparently a frcsli (ranslation of the Xow Testament, by Jlr. QorickO, printed un- der his jiersdnal inspection, at the Hague, in ISI-t." [Dajak Testament.] Surat Brasi Djandji Talieta. Njelo 1 816. " This version is in a Dialect of the Dajak, called Belopetak, which prevails almost over till' whole south siilo of Borneo." [Tahitiau Bible.] Te Bibilia Moa Re, oia te Faufoa Tahiti c to Faufaa Api Re : iritihia ei ])arau Tahiti. Lonednna, 1847. " A revised edition." [Rarotongan Bible.] Te Bibilia Tapu Ra, Koia te Koreromotu Taito e to Kore- romotu Ou. 1. Kii-itiia ei tuutua Rarotouga. Lonedona, 1851. " Rarotouga, the most important of the Flervey Islands — between 500 and 600 miles west of Tahiti." [Tongan Testament.] Koe tohi oe Fuakava Foou, Ac. Lonitoni, 1852. I2mo. [New Zealand Testament.] Ko teaw Kenata IIou, ho mca Whakamaori i te reo kariki. Ranana, 1852. HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF EELIGIONS. 15 Holy Scriptures : various Versioi s. — ( Continued.) [Samoau Testament.] Ic Fcajjaiga Fou, ualiu i le upu Samoa. Lond. 1849. 12mo. The version prepared for the people of " The Samoa nor Navigators' Islands." [Feejeean Testament.] Ai vola ui veiyalayalati Vou, &c. Lodoni, 1853. 12mo. [Malagiisse Testament.] Ny tony u'undriumanitnt, &c , toiupo 'ntsikia, sady mpamonjy no nipanavotra. London. I'imo. " The Maliigasse dialect," — is native in the Island of Madagascar, f Amharic Bible.] Diblia Sacra Aiiiharice, vertit Abu-Runii llabessiniis. Edidit T. P. Plutt. London, 1844. 4to. (Containing the Old and New Testaments.") " Commenced aliout 1810, by M. Asselin do Cherville, French Consul at " Cairo " [who took] •' to aid hira. an old man, named Abu Rumi — the In- '' structor of Unico and of ^ir W. Jones, — they read togetberthe Arabic ver- " sion from -^Nhich the translation was made." " Mr. Piatt carefully com' " pared Abu Runii's edition with the original Greek and Hebrew." " The " Ethiopic Alphabet is used in writing Amharic : Amharic in grammatical " structure varies considerably from the Ethiopio, it is extensively used as a " medium of intercourse with tribes from the interior of Africa who frequent " the north of that continent." [Berber, St. Luke.] Extrait d'une tratluction M. S., en laugue Berburo, eonte- nant XII chapitres de St. Luc. Londres, 1833. " The interior of Northern Africa from the Nile to the Atlantic is inhabited " by the IJerbers." The Arabic Alphabet is now used in writing and " printing." [Accra Gospels.] Sadsi Kpakpai edsue Le, yo Ga wiemo Lo rail. London. 12mo. " The Four Gospels, in the Ga Language." " Accra, or as it is more properly designated, Ghah, is spoken in a small " district in the interior of Africa on the Equator." [Caffre Testament.] Testamente entsha yenkosi yetu Kayesu Kristu gokwama- xosa. Emtati, 1840. " The work of Wcsleyan Missionaries, with the exception of the Epistles, '' to the Corinthians, the Galutians, Ephcsiaus and Hebrews, which Mr. " Dohene of the Berlin Missionary Society contributed." [Greenland Testament.] Tcstamentitak terssa Nalegauta Annaursirswta Jesusib Kristusib, Ac. The New Testament translated into the Greenland language by the Missicmaries of the United i?rethren. 2nd edition, Budisime, 1861. •' The language is a dialect of Es(i\uniiiux." [Mic Mac St. Matthew.] The Gospel according to St. Matthew, in the Mic Mac language. Charlottetown, 1853. 12mo. A tribe of Indians, inhabiting New Brunswick, etc. [Creole Testament.] Die Nywe Testament ka set over in die Creola Tacl en ka giev na die Ligt tot dienst van die Deen Mission in America. (Second ecUtion). Copenhagen. 1818. [Negro, Surinam Tt>stament.] Da Njoo Testament vo wi Slasra en Helpiraan Jesus Kristus. Bautzon, 1840. [Spanish and Aymara Luke.] El Evangelio seguu San Lucas en Aymara y Kspanol : de la Vulgata Latina. London, 1829 12mo. '' The Aimara IndiaiLs" dwell within the limits of Peru. The Book and its Story : including an account of the origin and progress of the British and "Foreign Bible Society. By L. N. E., Seventh edition. 12mo. London, 1855. 10 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [thAoLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Dealtry, W. Vindication of the Briliab and Foreign Bible Society : in a letter addressed to Eev. Dr. Wordsworth, chiedy in reply to his letter to Lord Teignmoutli. 8vo. London, 1811. Bible Society, Pamphlets relating to, — by Wordsworth, Marsh, Simeon, Teignmouth, Norris, Gandolphy, &c. 1810-1815. 1 vol. 8vo. ©■wen, Rev. John. History of the origin and first ten years of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. ' • Vol. Ill, continuing the History for five years. 1820. Strickland, W. P. History of the American Bible Society, revised and brought down to the present time : with an introduction, by Rev. N. L. Rice 8vo. New York, 1856, Bible (The) of every Land : A history of the Sacred Scriptures in every language and dialect into whicli translations have been made ; with specimens. 4to. London, 1848. Kubeck Von Kubau, Sprachenhalle. The Lord's Prayer in 800 different languages and dialects, with specimens of the native characters. Folio. Wein. 1847. (Published by order of the Austrian Government.) Anderson, Christopher. Annals of the English Bible. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Cotton, Rev. Henry. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof, in English, from 1505 to 1850 : with specimens of translations, and bibliographi- cal descriptions. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1852. —^— — Rhemes and Doway, an attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catliolics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. 8vo. Oxford, 1855. Englishman's (The) Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament ; an attempt at a verbal connexion between the original and the Englitih translation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Greek Concordance of the New Testament. 8vo. London, 1839. Cruden, Alex. Concordance to the Old and New Testaments and to the Apocrypha. Eleventh edition, with life of Cruden ; by A. Chalmers. 4to. London, 1848. Jones, Alfred. The Proper Names of the Old Testament Scriptures, expound- ed and illustrated. 4to. London, 1856. Janssens, J. H, Hermcueutica sacra, sen introductio in omnes et singulos libros sacros veteris ac novi fa-deris. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Calmet, D. Aug. Histoire de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament et des Juifs. 3 vol. 8vo. Nismes, 1780-1781. Glaire, J. B. Litroduction historique et critique aux livres de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. 5 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1843. Simon, C. P Histoire critique du Vieux Testament. 8vo. Paris, 1680. ■i; HISTOIEE DES KELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 17 Bible, The : "What is it ? whence came it ? how came it ? wherefore came it ? to whom came it ? how should we treat it ? 12mo. London, 1855. Noble, J. The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures asserted and the prin- ciples of tiioir composition investigated, with a view to the refutation of all objections to their Divinity. 8vo. London, 1850. Angus, Joseph. Bible Hand-book : an introduction to the study of Sacred Scripture. ]2mo. Loudon, 185G. Horne, T. II. Introduction to the critical study of the Holy Scriptures ; edited, revised, and brought down to the present time, by the author, assisted by S. Davidson, and S. P. Tregellcs. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. Vol. I. A summary of the eviiieiice for the geiiuineneBS, authenticity, uncor- rupted preservation, and inspirutiou of the Holy SoripturoB. Vol. II. Tlio Text of the Old Testament considered ; with a treatise on Sacred Interpretation ; and introductiou to the Old Testament Books, and the Apocrypha. Vol. III. A summary of Biblical Geography and Antiquities. Vol. IV. An introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. Michaelis, J. D. Introduction to the New Testament ; translated from the Fourth German edition, and augmented with Notes, and a dissertation on the origin and composition of the Gospels of St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. Luke ; by Eobert Marsh, D.D. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. Davidson, Samuel. Introduction to the New Testament ; containing an examination of the most important questions relating to the authority, interpretation, &c., of the Canonical Books, with reference to the latest enquiries. 3 vols. Hvo. London, 1848. Newton, Sir Isaac. Observations upon the Prophecies of Holy Writ, particularly the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John ; in Newton's Works. Vol. 5. An historical account of two notable corruptions of Scripture [1 John, v. 7, and I Tim. iii. IG ;] in Newton's Works. Laurence, Archbp. The Book of Enoch, the Prophet, an apocryphal production : The Ethiopic version, and an English translation. New edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. Wake, Archbp. Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, St. Barnabas, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the Shepherd of llermas, and the ]\Iartyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp : translated, with preliminary discourses. 8vo. New York, 1850. Hone, William. The Apocryphal New Testament; a collection of pieces attributed to Our Lord, His Apostles, and their companions ; translated, witii notes. 8vo. London, 1820. [A review and exposure of this work, by the Eov. H. J. Eose, will be found in the Quarterly Review, vol. 25, p. 347. See also, a paper in Cambridge Essays, 1850.] 18 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [th^OLOGIE, RELIGION, ET i If. ,' Oalzaet, Augustin. Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, geographiqae et litteral do la Bible. 4 vol. folio. Paris, 1730. Calmot, Augustine. Dictionary of the Holy Bible ; with the Biblical Frag- ments, by the late Charles Taylor. Sixth edition. C vols. 4to. London, 1837. Jahn, John. Biblical Antiquities ; translated, with additions, &c., by T. C. Upham. 8vo. London, 1832. Serres, IMarcel de. De la Oosmogonie de Moise comparee aux faits 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1841. Dieu, rhommo et le monde. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. La Cosniogonie de la Bible dovant les sciences per- 8vo. Paris, 1854. Thoorie biblique do la cosmogonie et de la geologie. Paris, 1856. Cyclopedia of Biblical literature. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1845. goologiquea Maupied, F. L. M. Sorignet, L'abbe A. fectionuoes. Debreyne, P. J. C 8vo. Rltto, John. $ Palethorpe, Joseph. An equalisation of every item of Scripture Money, Weight and Measure, with the British ; including, also. Papers on Scripture Chronology, the Mosaic Law, the Millennium, the Literary History of tlie Bible, its different versions and translations, and the Hebrew Language ; with an Appendix of Biblical Antiquities. 4to. London, 1842. Burder, Samuel. Oriental Customs ; an illustration of the Sacred Scrip- tures. Sixth edition enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1822. Oriental Literature, applied to the illustration of the Sacred Scriptures ; a sequel to the above. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1822. Kitto, John. Scripture lands described, and Biblical Atlas. Svo. London, 1850. B. 111. L Genoude, De. Lemons et modMes de littt'rature sacrue. 4to. Paris, 1837. Arro'WSmith, Eev. A. Q-eographical dictionary of the Holy Scriptures, and of places mentioned in the Apocrypha. Svo. London, 1855. Porster, Eev. Charles. Historical geography of Arabia ; or, the patriarchal evidences of revealed religion. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1844. ■ The One Primeval Language traced experimentally through Ancient Inscriptions, in Alphabetic characters of lost powers, &e. Parts 1, 2 and 3. Svo. London, 1851-1854. Part I. — The Voice of Israel from the Rocks of Sinai : or, the Sinaitic Inscrip- tions contemporary Records of the Miracles and Wanderings of the Exode. Part II. — The Monuments of Egypt, and their Vestiges of Patriarchal Tradi- tions. Part III. — The MoDuments of Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia : with a new Key for the recovery of the lost Ten Tribes, [asserting them to be the Afghans.] ■■ ' ■■ Letter to Lord Lyndhurst, vindicating the Israelitish authorship of the Sinaitio Inscriptions, against the Rev. A. P. Stanley's incorrect his "Sinai and Palestine." Svo. London,1856. ' '■> HISTOIRE DBS RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 19 Robinson, Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine, &o., a journal of travels iu 1838, undertaken in reference to Biblical geography. 8 vols. Bvo. London, 1841. — Later Biblical Eesearches, in 1852. 8vo. London, 1856. Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine iu connection with their History. Sro. New York, 1857. Vide: — Ouatkaubriand, — Itineraire de PariB k Jerusalem. Lamautink, — Voyage en Orient. Maroellus, — Soavenir d'Orient, Gros, — La Terre Sainto. Delessebt, — Voyage auz villes Mauditea. Saulot, — Journey to Sodom and Oomorrho, &o. Modern Traveller, Vol. I. on Palestine : Geographical, Ilistorical and Topographical ; and Vole. II. and III. on Syria and Asia Minor. Sterling, Major "W. The Eivers of Paradise and Children of Shem ; with a disquisition on the Expedition of Sosostris into India. 8vo. London, 1855. Olmstead, J. M. Noah and his times; with discussions on the Statutory Death Penalty ; the Unity or Plurality of the Human Race, and other questions. 8ro. Boston, 1854. Priaulx, 0. De B. Questiouos Mosaicce, or the Book of Genesis compared with the remains of ancient Religions ; from the Creation to the Death of Abraham. Bvo. London, 1842. Levels, Thomas. Origines HebraBco : the antiquities of the Hebrew Republic : an explanation of every branch of the Levitical law, and of all the ceremonies of the Jews. New.edition. 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1835. Warburton, Bishop. The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated ; with an account of the life, writings and character of the author, by Bishop Hurd. Tenth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 184G. Pastoret, M. Moyse considerd comma l^gislateur et moraliste. Svo. Paris, 1788. Of Melchisedek, proving him to be Sem. Svo. Lon- Broughton, Hugh. don, 1591. Baour-Lormian. Wemyss, Thomas. Le livre de Job, traduit en vers franfais. Bvo. Paris. Job and hia times ; a picture of the Patriarchal age between Noah and Abraham ; with a new version of the book of Job. Svo. London, 1839. Williams, George. The Holy City; historical, topographical and antiqua- rian notices of Jerusalem. Second edition, with additions, including an Architectural history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, by Rev, E. Willis. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1849. Thrupp, J. F. Antient Jerusalem; a new investigation into the history, topography, &c., of the City, environs and Tempi?. Bvo. Cambridge, 1855. 20 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [xuilOLOOIE, RELIGION, ET II Neivton, Sir Isaac. Description, (with plates), of the Temple of Solomon : in Newton's Works, vol. 5, pp. 230-2t4. Hake'Will, E. C. On the Temple of .ToruHalem,thc Ark, and the Tabernacle ; shewing the correspondence of their forms with tliose of Classic Archi- toctnro. 4to. London, 1H5L Temple of Jerusalem, &e. History of, from the Arabic ; Vide publica- tions of Oriental Translation I'und, in IIistout of Asia. r. Joseph! Opera. Gra'co et Latino ; rccognovit Q-. Dindorfius, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815-1847. Vide Bihliothique des Auteurs Orecs. Vol. II. Accedunt Eclogro Photiana) qua> pertinent ad Historiam JudiBorum ; ct Fragmenta nova Polybii, Dionysii, Deiippi, Euscbii. JosephUB, Elavius. Works : Autobiography ; Antiquities of the Jews ; His- tory of the destruction of Jerusalem, Ac, translated by Whiston. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Joseph, Flavius. Oiluvres completes. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Gud^nee, M. I'Abbe. Lettres de quelques Juifs Portugais, AUemanda et Polonais a M. de Voltaire. 3 vol. 12mo. Lyon, 1822. Berruyer, Le Pore. Histoire du Peuple do Dieu, depuis son origine jusqu'i lanaissance du Messio; seconde edition, corrigee et enrichie de notes par des Directeurs du Sominaire de Besan^on. 10 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Beugnot, A. Les Juifs d'Occident. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Archives Israelites de France. Revue mensuelle, hiatorique, biogra- phique, bibliographique et litteraire, sous la direction de S. Cahen. 1840 n 1855. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris. Fuller, Thomas. History of the Holy War, for the recovery of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Turks. A.D. 1095-1294. 12mo. Lon- don, 1840. Vide MicuAUD. Histoire des Croisades. Joseph, Eabbi. The Chronicles of, — F/Je Oriental Translation Fund Publi- cations, in HisTOEY OF Asia. Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 3 vols. 12ino. London, 1829. Fam. Lib. Raphall, M. J. Post Biblical History of the Jews ; from 420 B. C, to the destruction of the second Temple. A. D. 70. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1855. Gosse, P. H. History of the Jews ; from the Christian Era to the dawn of the Eeformation. 12mo. London, 1851. Da Costa, Isaac. Israel and the Gentiles ; contributions to the History of the Jews, from the earliest times to the present. 8vo. New Tork« 1855. niSTOIRE UES RELIGIONS.] IIISTOIIY OF KELIQIONS. 21 Selden, John. Tractate of the Jews Boniotimes living in England : Tide Selden, Opera, vol. III. Part 2. Margoliouth, Moses. Tlio History of tho Jews in Great Britain. 3 vols. 12mo. Jjondon, 1851. Allen, John. Modem Judaism; (opinions, rites, ceremonies, &c.) Second edi- tion 8vo. London, 1830. Hersohell, R. JI. The Jowa ; their present state and future expectations. 12ino. London, 1854. Wilson, J. Our Israolitish origin ; or, British Christians a remnant of tho true Israelites. 8vo. London, 1844. Rose, Rt. Hon. Sir G. II. Tho Afghans, tho Ten Tribes, and the Kings of tho East ;— the Druses, the Moabites. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1852. Strauss, F. Melon's pilgrimage to Jerusalem ; a picture of Judaism in tho century preceding Our Saviour's Advent ; translated from tho German with notes. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1824. Philo JudsBUS. Tho "Works of, translated from tho Greek, by Yonge. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. B. Ecclo. Lib. [A leimied Jew, who flourished in tlio bcyinning of tho first century, supposed to have been of the sect of the Pharisees.] PInchion, AVilliam. Tlio Jewes Synagogue ; tho order of M'orship therrin, proving that these assemblies were "true visible Churches of Jesus Christ." 8vo. London, 1G52. Norris, II- H. Origin, progress, &c., of tho London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. 8vo. London, 1825. Philippsohn, L. Lectures on tho development of tho religious idea in Judaism, Christianity, and Mahomedanism ; translated from tho Ger- man, with notes, by A. M. Ooldamid. 8vo. London, 1855. Daubuz, Charles Symbolical Dictionary of the Prophetic Symbols. En- larged edition, witli life of the author, by M. llabershon. 8vo. Lon- don, 1S12. Smith, George. Tho doctrine of tlie Cherubim ; an inquiry into the Symboli- cal character and design of the Cherubic Figures of Holy Scripture. 8vo Loudon, 1850. Faussett, Godfrey. Sacred Chronology ; from the Creation to the dates of St. Paul's Epistles : edited by 11. Faussett. Bvo. Oxford, 1855. Sbiickford, Samuel. Sacred and profane history of the World connected, from the creation to the declension of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1848. Prideaux, Humphrey. The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judab to the time of Christ. 2 vols. Bvo. Oxford, 1851. THEOLOOY, RELIGION, AND [tH<:OLOOIE, UELIOION, ET l-f RuBaell, Michael. Connection of sncrod and profnno history, from tho death uf JoHliua to tho docliiio of tho kingdoinn of Umolaud Juduh; (intend- ed to oomploto tho works of Shuckford and I'ridoaux.) 8 vols. .jvo. London, 1827-1S37. Turner, Sharon. Snored history of tlio World, pliilosophicftlly considered. Seventh edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Ijoiidon, 1810, Smith, George. Sacred Annals ; or, EeMoarehes into tho history and religion of Mankind. 3 vols, in 5, 8vo. London, 18'17-1863. Vol. I. Tho Patriarchal Age. " II. Tho llobrow Podplo j from the origin of tho niitlon to tho time of Christ. " III. Tho Ocntilo Nations; i. u. tho Egyptians, Ascyrir.ns, Uabyloniaiis, Modes, I'ersiuuB, Ureeks and liumauy. Neander, J. A. W. Tho Life of Jesus Christ, in its historical connexion, and historical development ; translated from tho 4th Gorman edition, by J. McCliutock and C. E. Blumcutiml. 8vo. London, 1851. Taylor, Jeremy. Tho Lil'o of our Ever Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ ; v iMi considerations and discourses upon tho several parts of tho story, md prayers fitted thereto : with an introductory essay, by tlio Bev. 11. Stebbing. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1830. Brispot, INL L'abbe. La vie do N. S. Jesus-Christ, ecrite par les quatro ovangi'listes. 2 tom. en 1 vol. Folio, illustro par uno sorie do 130 gravures. Paris, 1853. Strauss, David Frederic. Vie do Jesus ou examen critique de son hia- toire ; traduito de TAllemand par E. Littru. i vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839-18-10. Quinet, Edgar. De la Vi< de Jesus Chridt, du Docteur Strauss. Bevue dca Deux-MondeH, Quatrieme si'rie, vol. XVI. Kuhn, Jean. La vie do Jesus Christ au point de vuo do la science ; traduit de TAllomand par Fr. Nettemcnt. 12mo. Paris, 1843. Laoheze, Pierre. La vie do Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ, ou I'evangile daua son unittj. 8vo, Paris, 1855. Orsini, L'abbe. La Vierge. Histoire de la Mere de Dieu et do son culte. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris. Jarvls, S. F. Clironological introduction to the history of the Church ; being a new inquiry into the true dates of the Birth and Death of oiir Lord and Saviour Jcsua Christ: wi*' (, ;l^•^/ Vxrmony of the Gospels. Svo. Lci.uon, 1844. Smith, James. The voyage and shipwreck of St ' ' , wua dissertations on the sources of the writings of St. Luke, and tho Ships and Navigation of the Antients. Svo. London, 1848. ^USebius Pamphilus. Ecclesiastical History, from B.C. 31 to A.D. 337 ; translated from the Greek by Cruse ; with notes from the edition of Va'''. ius. Svo. London, 1851. B. Eccl. Lib. UISTOinS 1)£8 UELI0I0N8.] IIISTOUY OF llELIOIONS. Soorates Soholaatioua. History of the Church, A.D. BUS to A.D. 445; tnumhitt'il fn m the (iietli ; with notes from VaieBiua. 8v.i, Loudon, 1853. U. Ei-dL. lab. Theodoret & Elvafnrlua. Hi-* n' of the Church, from A.D. 822 to A.D. V17, by Thin.utrot; aud from A.O- 431 to A.D. 61»4, by Kvagriui; translated from tho Greek ; with uutus, A 8vo. Londi ii, 1854. 13. Ei'cle. Lib. Sozomen. Eceli'sinMticul History, from A.D. !W4 to A.D. 410; translated from tho Oreuk : also, tho EccloHiiisitical History of IMiilostorgiuH, oa epitomised by I'iiotius ; translated by E Walford 8vo. London, 1S55. B. Ecclo. Lib. TiUemont, Lcimin do. Momoire pour scrvir H I'histoire oool^siastique dea six premiers sieclea. 10 vol. 4to Paris, 1701-12. Neander, Augustus. History of the planting and training of the Christian Cluircli by tlio Apostles, witli the author's liual additions : also, his Antignostikua, or Spirit of Tertullian's Writings ; translated from the Qormau, by J. E. Ityland. 2 vols. 8vo. Loml n, 1 Sr> I . B. S. Lib. Memorials of Oiiristiau Life in the en 'v and middle ages ; including his Light in Dark Places, or sketches of lous labours among the Northern Nations, Ac ; translated by J. E. li> laud. 8vo. Lon- don, 1852. B. S. Lib. Eliot, Sanuicl. History of tho Early Christians. 2 vols. 8vt London, 1853. Mosheim, -T. L. Historical Connnentories on tho state of 'iristianity dur- ing tlio first <\2o years from tho Christian era ; tran hited by It. S. Vidal and James IMurdock. 2 vols. 8vo. New YorK 1852. Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, ancionr and modern ; translated from the Latin, with notes, by James Murlock: edited, with additions, by Henry Boames. Second edition, t vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Neander, Augustus. General History of the Christian Bcligion ^nd Church, up to A.D. I2!)lf ; translated by Joseph Torrcy : new edit >n, revised, by A. J. W. Morrison. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1850-185^. B. Eccl. Lib. Milner, Joseph. History of the Church of Christ, to tho lOtl century, with additions by the latn Isaac Milner. 4 vols. 8vo. Lone, n, 1834. History of the Church, from the Diet of Augsb- "g, 1530, to the 18th century ; in continuation of the above ; by Henry .-tebbing. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Milman, H. H. Historj' of Cliristianity, to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Waddington, George. History of the Church, from the earliest age.^ to the Keformation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831-33. (in Lib. U. Know. vols. XIX., XX.) 24 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [tIIAoLOGIE, RELIGION, ET !:M Potter, De. llistoire philosophlque, politique ct critique du ehristianisme et des eglisea clu'ctieunes, depuia Jesus jusqu'tiu dix-iieuviouie sieclo. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1 830-18:37. Fleury, L'abbi'-. llistoire ecclosiastiquo. G vol. Svc Paris, 18'M. Henrion, Lo Baron, llistoire gorn'rale do I'Eglisc, depuia la predication des Apotres jusqu'au pontilicat de GregoireXVl. l!i vol. 8vo. Paris, 18-li.-1851. Rorhbacher, L'abbe. llistoire uuiverselle de I'Egliso Catholique. 29 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850-1853. Vallery. Corresjjondance inedite de Mabillon et de Montfaucon avec ritalie, suivie dcslettres iui'dites duP. Qucsnel. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 181G. Picot, M. IMemoires pour servir a I'liistoire ecclesiastique pendant le dix- huitieme siecle. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Townsend, G-corge. Ecclesiastical and civil History, pbilosopbically con- sidered, witli relercnce to the future re-union of Christians : the first three Hooks, from tlie Ascension of Our Lord to the deatii of Wycliffe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. Small Books on Great Subjects : No. XI v. Man before Cliristianity. Nos XIX-XXII. jMan subsecpient to Christianity. Nos. VII, XI and XVII. Cin-istianity in tlie second and twelfth, and Ciu'istian Scfts in tlie niueteentli centuries. Kip, W.I. The Catacomb.-^ of Roine, as illustrating the church of the first three centuries. TJino. Xcw York. 1851. Bingham, Joseph. Auticpiities of the Christian Church. 2 vols. 8vo. Lou- don, 1850. Riddle, .I.E. ^Luiual of Clu-istiau .\ntiquities; [)articularly during the 3rd •1th and 5th centuries : witli an analysis of the writings of the Aute- Nicene i'ather.s. JSeeond ((liti(ni. 8vo. liondon, 1813. Arnault d'Andilly. Les vies des Saints Peres des Deserts, et de (juel- ques Salutes. 3 vol. iL'mo. Paris, 1701 1702. Butler, Albau. Vies des l\'''res, .\[artyrs, et autres prineipaiix Saints ; traduit de I'anglais par I'abbe Godescard. 10 vol. Svo. Paris, 1833. Rorhbacher, L'abbe. Vies des Saints pour tons les jours de ranm'e. vol. 8vo. Paris, ls."53-isr)l. Poujoulat, M, llistoire de Saint Augustin. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Bussierre, M. lo viconitc .Marie-Theodore de. llistoire de Saint Vincent de Paul. 2 vol. 8vo. Plancy, 1850. Gondon, Jules, llistoire de Saint Augustiu dc Cantorbery. 12o. Paris, 1810. I niSTOIRE DES RELIGIOXS.J HISTORY OE TIELIGIONS. 25 Olier, Vio do M., fondatcur du St'minairo do St. Sulpicc 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Montalembert, TiO nomto do. Ilistoire do Saiute Elizabeth de Hongrio. 12mo. Paris, 1819. Vide tliina la Collection dcs Mimoirea rclatifs A I'histoire de France, par M. Guizot : La vie , Saint Dominique. Moriu, Saint Fraui/oia d' Assise. Cave, William. Lives of the most eminent Fathers of the Church that flour- ished in tlie first four centuries ; with an account of the state of Pagan- ism under the first Christian emperors : new edition, by Henry Cary. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1810. Book of the Fathers, containing tlie Lives of celebrated Fathers of the Christian Church, and thespiritof their writings. 8vo. London, 1837. Beaven, .Tau»es. Account of the life and writings of S. Irenaius, illustrating tlio doctrine, Ac, of the Church, and the tenets and practices of the Gnostics, during the second century. 8vo. London, 1811. Buchon, J. A. C. Choix do monuments primitifs de I'Eglise Chretienne, comprenant : Correspondaiice cntre Pliiie etTrajun uu sujet Jes Clirctiena. Tortullien— 23 traiti's Minucius Fe ix — Octaviua. St. Cypi'ion, 12 traiti'a. Lactauco — Divers Ecrits. J. F. .Matornuc, erroura doa religions profanes. 8 vol. Paris, 1838. Guillon, ^L N. S. Bibliothoque choisio dcs Pores do I'Eglise Grrecque et Latine, ou cours d'eloiiuence sacree. 215 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821-28; comprenant eutro autres : IIoiMnis. Lt' Pasteur. Ste. Justine, St. Olijment d'Alexandi'ic, vol. 1. Oiigune, vol. 2. Tortullion, vol. 2 et 3. Lai.a:uico, vol. 3. St. CypritM., vol. 4. St. Gioj^oirc de Naziaiico, vol. 6. St. ]?a.silo-le-(irand, vol 7. St. (IrOgoiro do Nisse, St. Ephrem, St. Cyrillc, St. Gaudonco et St. Simon, vol. 8. St. Anibroise, vol. U. St. Jean Clirysostomo, vol. 10, 11, 12, 13, H, 15, 10, 17, 18 ot 19. St. Ji'roiiip, vol. 20. St. Au^ustin, vol. 21 ct 22. Lc 2t)ine vol. oontiont unc table gt'moralo doa nmtiorea. Thomas D'Aquin, iSaint. Sommo do la foi catholique coutro lea Gentils. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. La chaino d'or. 8 vol. So. Paris, 1851. Mi I' W I fill ^ 1.441: M? m 26 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [tU^IOLOGIE, RELIGION ET Ceillier, Uom Eomi. llistoire geuorale des auteurs aacroa et ecclesias- tiquea, contonaut lour vie, le catalogue ct la critique de leurs ouvrages et I'histoiro des Couciles. 25 vol. 4to. Paris, 1729-1782. Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church anterior to the division of the East and West : translated by members of the English Ciuirch, with notices of the Fathers, &c. : edited by the llev. E. B. i'usey, the Jiev. J. Keble, and tho liev. C. Marriott. 38 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1837-53, St. AtbiuiaBius. Treatises ngainst Arianism. 2 vols. Historical Ti'acts Festal E])istle». St. Augusli 10. Confessidus. Sermous ou llio New Testament. 2 vols. Short treatises. Expositions on the Psalms. 5 vols. Expositions on St. John's Gospel, and First Epistle. 2 vols. St. Chrysostom. Homilies on I Corinthians. 2 vols. Homilies ou II. Corinthians. Commentary on Galatiaus and Ephesians. Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew. 3 vols. Hamilies on the Gospel of St. John. 2 vols. Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles. 2 vols. — Homilies on Romans. Homilies ou Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Homilies on Tinmlliy. Titus and I'hilemon. Homilies on the Statues, or to the people of Antioeh. St. Cyprian. Treatises. Epistles. The Council of Carthage ou heretical baptism, and St. Paeian's Works. St, Cyril. Catechetical Lectures on the Creed, itc. St. Gregory the Great. Morals oh tho Book of Job. 3 vols. Tertulliau. Vol. I. Apologetic and practical treatises. Tertullien et St. Augustin ; Vide Nisard, Collection des Classiques. Christus Patiens. Attributed to St. Gregory Nazianzen : ilzechiali et Christianoriim Poetarum reliquiir dramaticjo, ex codicibus emeudavit, etc. Fr. Diibuer, vide (with Eiiripidis Fragmenta,) Bibliothtqtie des Auteurs Orccs. Spicilegium Syriacum : containing Remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara Ear Serapion: now iirst edited, with an English translation and notes ; by W. Cureton. Bvo. London, 1855. (O. T. F.) Ephrem the Syrian. Select "Works : translated from the Syriac, with Notes, by J, B. Morris. 8vo. Oxford, 1817. iBphrsem Syrus. Select metrical Hymns and Homilies ; translated from the Syriac, with an Introduction and Notes, by Henry Burgess. 12mo. London, 1853. — — — — — The Repentance of Nineveh ; also, an Exhortation to Repen- tance, and other pieces ; translated, with an Introduction and NotcB, by H. Burgess. 12mo. London, 1853. HISTOIllE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS, 27 Neander, Augustus. The Emperor Julian and his generation ; with remarks on Christianity in relation to the ago in which it appeared : translated byG. v. Cox. 12mo. London, 1850. Bunsen, C. C. J. Hippoly tus and his age ; or the doctrine and practice of the Clnirch of Homo under Commodus and Alexander Severus, (the second and third centuries ;) ancient and modern Christianity and Divinity compared. 4 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. Gilly, W. S. Vigiiantius and his times ; illustrating the ecclesiastical errors and corruptions of the fourth century. 8vo. London, 1844. Arnold, Thomas. Fragment on the Church ; Second edition, with Appen- dices on Christian Politics, &c. 8vo. Loudon, 1845. Howitt, AYilliam. Popular History of Priestcraft in all ages and nations. 12mo. London. 1833. Mills, J- I^- History of the Christian Priesthood, in reply to the above, being au attempt to prove an Episcopal Hierarchy essential to the Christian Covenant. 12mo. Oxford, 1835. Wilberforce. R- I. Sketch of tlie History of Erastianism ; with two Sermons, on the reality of Church Ordinances, and on the principle of (.'hurch Authority. 8vo. London, 1851. Broughton, Thomas. Historical Dictionary of all Religious from the crea- tion of the world to this present time. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. London, 175G. Orient, A. D'. Accomplissement dea prophfities, — ouvrage conteiiant I'histoire iibrogoe de I'l'glise jusqu'a la fin dcs temps, I'explication complete de I'Apocnlypse, et une refutation du livi-e do VOrii/ine des Ciilfes, de Dupuis. 5 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1S47. Dupuis. Abri'gt' de I'origiiie de tons les cultes. 12ino. Paris, 1822. Creuzer, Dr. Frederic. R-ligions de raritiquite ; traduit de rallcmand, par J. D. Guiguiaiit. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Sainte-Croix, Le baron de. llecherches historiques et critiques sur les mystores du paganisme. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1817. Beugnot. Ilistoire do la destruction du pagauisme en Occident. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Fontenu, L'abbe. Des autels consacres au Vrai Dieu : Anciens^Ii'moiresde YAcatU'mie tics Inscriptions et BcUes-Lcttres, etc. Vol. V. et VII. Cyclopedia of Religious Denominations ; accounts of the iliflerent Creeds and Systems prevailing throughout the world, written by Mem- bers of the respective Bodies. 12mo. Loudon, 1853. Gregoire, M. Ilistoire des sectes religieuses. G vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828-1845. Perrodil, V. do. Dictionnaire des heresies, des erreurs et des schismes, ou niemoircs pour servir a I'liistoire des egarements de I'esprit humain par rapport k la religion chretienne. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1845. m 4S i:' 28 . THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [tIIEOLOGIE, RELIGION ET Marsden, J. B. History of Christian Cluirciiea aud Sects from tlie earliest ages of Christianity. 2 volt), bvo. Loudon, 185G. Belcher, Joseph. licligious Denominations of tlie United States ; their history, doctrine, government and statistics : with a sketcli of Judaism, Paga- nism, and Mohammedanism. 8vo. Philadelpi\ia. 1854. Census of Great Britain, 1851. Religious Worship : England and Wales. Report from Mr. Horace INIanii, witii introductory sketch of the pro- gress of Keligious opinion in England, till 1GS8, aud particular notices of the diiferent Churches and Sects : with Tables. Svo. London, 1853. ■ Heligious Worship aud Education : Scotland. Report auvl Tables. 8vo. Lomlon, 1854. Landon, E. II. New general Ecclesiastical Dictionary, vols. 1 and 2. [A- Ccs.] 12mo. Londiui, 1810-1853. Hook, AV. E. Church Dictionary. Sixth edition, revised and augmeutcd. Svo. liondon, 1852. Apostolical Canons and Constitutions : Coptic and Ethiopic ; with Eng- lish versions : JlJc Ecclesiastical roLiir. Pearson, John. Exposition of the Creed: new edition, revised and corrected, by E. Burton. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. Radcliffe, John. The Creed of St. Athanasius, illustrated from the Scrip- tures, the Greek and Latin writers of the first five centuries, aud the other Creeds. Svo. Loudon, ISll. Harvey, W. W. The history aud theology of the Throe Creeds. 2 vols. Svo. Cambridge, 1S5I-. Sarpi, Fra-Raolo. llistoire du Couciie deTrente.ti aduite on fran^ais par Pierre Eraii(,'ois le Couraycr. 3 vol. I'olio. Aiusterdani, 1751. Picard, Bernard. Coronmnios c I coutumc-s reiigiouses de tons los pcuples du mondo. S torn, en 9 vol. Folio. Amstcniain, 1732-43. Superstitions anciennes et moderues 2 vol. Folio. Amator- dam, 1733-30. Varennes, Le manpiis do. Con'monios ocoli'siat^tiipics au inoyon-age. Tide Lacuoix ot Si'ui'; : Lr Hloi/cn-Ji/r if hi TitiKiissaiu-r, vol 111. Assemani, J. A. Codox liturgious Eoolosi;o univoisa\ in XY libi-os, conti- nontur libri rituales, missalos, poutilicales, oillcia, dypticiia, etc., eccle- siarum Ocoidentis ot Oriontis. 13 vols. 4to. Rome, 174900. [Tlii? is a worl; of great importance ami very rare : the XlIIili volume is bo rare that it was but lately known to bibliographers.] Palmer, William. Origines Liturgioa^ or anticiuitios of the English Ritual, and a Dissertation on I'riiiiitivo Liturgies. Fourth edition, with adtli- tioii.s 2 vols. Svo. Jjoiidon, 1S45. Durand, (J nil. llational on Manuol dos divins ofTices, ou Kaisons my.stiquc8 ot historiquos de la rcliL!i(»n Catholi(|uo, A.C. ; traduit par Ch. Barthe- lemy (do Paris.) 5 vol. Svo. Paris, 1848, et auuees suivantea. IIISTOIRE DES IlELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 29 Maskell, AV^illiam. Tho ancient Liturgy of tho Church of England, accord- ing to the uses of yaruni, Bangor, York and Hereford, and the modem Koniau Liturgy, in parallel columns ; with an introduction. Second edition. 8vo. London, 184G. ]Monumcnta Eitunlia Ecclesia) Anglican^ ; or, Occasional Offices of the Churcli of England, according to the ancient use of Salisbury, the Prymer in Euglish, and other prayers and forma ; with dissertations and notes. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 184G-47. Keeling, William, Liturgiio Britannice ; or, the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer of tlie Church of England; together with the Liturgy of tho Church of Scotland ; arranged to show their respective variations. Second edition. London, 1851. The Liturgies iiere compared arc: L The Liturgy as roviaeJ in the reign of Charles II. (Ifi62). 2. The Liturgy as revised in tlio reign of James I. (1004). 3. Tlio Scotcli Liturgy as aulhorise.i by diaries I. (1037). 4. Tlie Liturgy as revised upon the accession of Queen Elizabeth (1559). 5. The second Book of Edward VL (1552). 6 The first Book of Edward VI. (ir)48). Wheatly, Charles. A rational illustration of the Book of Common Prayer; being the substauceof everything liturgical in Sparrow, Lestrange, Com- ber, Nichols, and others. New edition. 8vo. London, 1853. B. S. Lib. Proctor, Francis. History of the Book of Common Prayer; with a rationale of its Offices. 8vo. London, 1855. Bailey, H. !■ The Liturgy compared witli the Bible ; an illustration by Scrip- ture quotations of the Book of Common Prayer. 12mo. London, 184!8. Baird, C. W. A Chapter on Liturgies ; historical sketches of the Liturgies, &e., of the Churches of Geneva, of Scotland, of the Dutch I'eformed, A;c. : "."ith an introduction, and an appendix on the question " are Dissenters to have a Liturgy," by the llev. T. Binuey. 12mo. Lon- don, 1S5G. Harington, E. C The object, importance, and antiquity of the Kite of Conse- cration of Churches; with an appendix of Consecration Services. Svo. London, ISll. Gourlay, H. E. Manual of individual, or Family AVorship. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S515. Latrobe, J. A. The Music of the Church considered, both congregational and choral. Svo. London, 1831. Dansey, AV^illiam. none Decaniciv Eurales ; on the name, office, and func- tions of Eural Deans; with remarks on llural Bishops, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Gueranger, Dom. Institutions liturgiques. 3 vol. 8vo. Le-ITans, 1817. Des liturgies franyaiscs en general ct de la liturgio normande en particulier. 12mo. Paris, 185G. MM m I! I I 11! X fl I 30 TUEOLOG^, RELIGION, AND [TUiJOLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Spelman, Sir Henry. De nou temerandia Ecclosiia: Churches uot to bo violated ; with apology ; Title his " English Works." Spelman, Sir Henry. The History and Fate of Sacrilo<:;o, discovered by examples of Scripture, of Heathens, aud of Christians ; edited, with a continuation, large additions, aud an introductory easaj', by two Priests of the Church of England. Second edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1853. Neale, J. M. A history of the Holy Eastern Church : General Introduction, containing Liturgies, Kituals, dissertations on doctrine, &c. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1850. History of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, A. D. 40 to 184G. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. Eutychii, Patriarcha" A.lexandriui. Eeclesia> sua) origiues ; ex Arabico, ac Versione et Comment., — ario auxit. Vide Seldeu, Opera Omnia. Vol II. part 1. Covel, John. Some account of the Greek Church, with reflections on their doctrine and discipline, particularly in the Eucliarist, and the rest of their Sacraments. Folio. Cambridge, 1722. Appleyard, E. S. The Greek Church : a sketch. 12mo. London, 1851. Palmer, "William. Dissertations on subjects relating to the " Orthodox " or " Eastern Catholic " communion. 8vo. London, 1853. Waddington, George. The condition aud prospects of the Greek or Oriciital Church. New edition. 12mo. Loudon, 1854. Travels ofMaearius [1G5:3-1GG3], Patriarch of the Greek Church ; con- taining much information oJi the condition aud usages of the Church. Vide Oriental Fund Puhlications in A'oyaoes akd Tuavbls. Etheridge, J. W. The Syrian Churches ; their early history, liturgies and literature ; with a literal translation of the Four Gospels from the Peschito. 12mo. London, ISIO. Badger, G. P. The Nestorians and their Rituals ; with a narrative of a mi.ssion to Mesopotamia and Coordistan in 1842-41, and in 1850 ; with researches into the present condition of the Syrian Jacobites, Papal Syrians and Chaldeans ; and into the belief of the Yezeedees ; [or, Devil-worshippers.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. Laurie, Tliomas. Dr. Grant and the IVfountain Nestorians. 12mG. Edin- burgh, 1853. IVIaronites : of their Ecclesiastics, &c. ; of errors imputed to them ; of a Syuo- dical Profession of Faith made by them, &c. Vide [Father Dandini's Voyage to Mount Libanus,] in JPinkcrlon's Collection. Vol. X. Mouravieflf; A. N. History of the Church of Eussia ; translated by Rev. R. W. Blackmore. 8vo. Oxford, 1842. HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 31 Blaokmore, R. W. The Doctrine of the Russian Church ; being catechisms, &c. : translated from the Russian. 8vo. London, 1845. D'W^lght, II. Ot. O. Christianity in Turkey : a narrative of the Protestant Re- formation in the Armenian Church. New edition. 12mo. London, 1854. Gobat, Samuel. Three years in Abyssinia, in furtherance of the objects of the Church Missionary Society ; with a brief history of the Church in Abyssinia ; by Rev. Dr. S. Lee. Second edition, Avith a prefatory account of Bishop Gobat. 12mo. London, 18-17. Vide, ttlso, nil aecotint of a Jesuit Mission to Abyssiniii, in 1622, and of its «up- prcssioii ; by Fiitlicr Lobo, in Pinkrrton's collection of Traveh, vol. 15 Vl(k, also, an account of the Abyssinian Churcli, in Harris' Ilifjhlands of Ethiopia. Riddle, J. E. History of tlie Papacy, to the period of the Reformation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Artaud de Montor, M, le chevalier, Ilistoire dea Souverains Pontifcs Remains. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. — La Papauto ct les emeutes romainos. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Henrion, Lo baron. Ilistoire do la Papauto. 3 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1832. Milman, H. II. History of Latin Cliristianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V. G vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1854-55. Ranke, Leopold. The Popes of Rome ; their ecclesiastical and political history, during the Kith and 17th centuries : translated from the German, by Mrs. Austin. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Gregory VII. (Hildebrand) Life and Pontificate of ; by Sir Roger Greisley. 8vo. I-ondon, 1832. Leo X, Life and Pontificate of ; by "William Roscoe ; fiftii edition, revised by liis son. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18 40. Leon X. Histoire do Leon X, par M. Audin. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Clement XIII et Clement XIV, par M. de Raviguau. 2 vol. Svo. Pariy, 1S54. Pie IX, par Saint-IIermol. 12ino. Paris, 1852. Addison, C. G. The Knights Templars : from their origin to the dissolution of the Order in 1324. Svo. London, 1842. TaafFe, John. The History of the holy, military, sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, from its creation in 1099 to the present day. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Loudon, 1S52. ]''i(le Veiitot. Ilistoire dca chevaliers ile Malte. Cretineau-Joly, J. Ilistoire religieuse, politique ot litteraire de la Com- pagnie do Jesus. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844-184G. Nioolini, G. B. History of the .lesuits ; their origin, progress, doctrines, and designs. 8vo London, 1854. B. S. Lib. Dallas, R- C. The new conspiracy against the Jesuits detected and exposed ; with an account of their institute, and observations on the danger of systems of education independent of religion. Svo. London, 1815. I- (t. I 32 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [xilijOLOOIE, llELIGION, ET Steinmetz, Audrew, The Novitiate ; or, a year among the English Jesuits : with an essay on tlio constitutions, morality, and history of the Jesuits, 12im). London, 1810. Leone, The Abbate. Tiic Jesuit Conspiracy ; the secret plan of the Order : with a preface, by \. Cousiderant ; translated from tho French. 12nio. London, 1848. Miohelsen, E. II. Modern Jesuitism ; or, the movements and vicissitudes of tho Jesuits in the 19th century. 12mo. London, J 855. Tregelles, S. V. The .lutisonists ; their rise, persecution by the Jesuits, and existing remnant. Svo. London, 1851. Stockdale, J. •'. History of the Inquisitions; including tho secret tran- sactions of those tribunals. 4to. London, 1810 Llorente, J. A. The History of the Inquisition of Spain : abridged, and trauslatcd from the Spanish. Svo. London, 1827. Mey rick, Frederick. The practical working of tho Church of Spain. 12mo. Oxford, 1851. Kip, "W. I. Tlie Christmas Holidays in Eoiiie. 12mo. London, 1847. Vide Gaurao, Los IimIb Rome. Miiry Lnfon, Romo. Hall, jVewmau. Tlie L.and of the Forum and the Vatican ; or, thoughts and sketches, during an eastern pilgrimage to Itome ; with an account of the Holy AYeck in Rome. 12mo. Now York, 1855 Mendham, Joseph. Account of the Indexes, botli prohibitory and cx- purgatory, of the Church of Jioine. 8vo. London, 1820. Index of Prohibited Books by command of Pope Gregory XVI. in 1S35 ; being the latest specimen of the literary policy of the Churcli of Eome. 12mo London, 1810. Roman Index Expurgatorius, an exact re-print of the, — Edited, with a preface, by II. Gibbings. 12mo. Dublin, 1837. Wiseman, Cardinal. Essays on various subjects. (Principally re-printed from the Duhliii lievicw.) 3 vols. Svo. London, 185.3. Vol. I. On the Gpnuinenoss t of Olouccstor, then Bifiliii|) of llei'ofiirtl, and ftfterwiirdn Uiahop of London : liu was a rival of Decket, and \i'\i corronponduuoo throws gruat liglit on tbo di8])utu between Bccket and Ilcnry II.] VoIh. VII and VIII. Ilorliorti de Uogclmni, Vita do St. Thomas Cantuaricnsia VaUghan, Robert. Life and opinions of John do Wyelillb : with a view of tho Papal system, and of tho state of the; Protestant doctrine in Europe, to tho commencement of the fourteenth century. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1831. Dodd, Charles. Tho Cliurch History of England, from tho year 1500 to 1G88, chiefly with regard to Catholics ; with a prefatory account of the state of the Church under the Britons, Saxons, and Normans. 8 vols. Folio. Brussels, 1737. Collier, Jeremy. Ecclesiastical history of Great Britain, from tho first planting of Christianity, to the end of tho Reign of Charles II. new edition : with a life of tho Author, embracing a view of hia opinions, and those of the Nonjurors as a body ; by T. Lothbury. 9 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Strype, John: Works. 27 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1812— 1821. Ecclesiastical momuriaU rchiting chiefly to llcligiou and the Reformation of it, and tlic omerge'icies of tlic Church of Eughiud, under King Henry VIII. Edward VI., and Queen Mary ; with Appendices of original papers, &c. 3 vols, in : Vol. I, part 1, Henry VIII. 1513—1646. " I, " 2, Records and Originals. " II, " 1, Edward VI. 15;!7— 1552. " II, " 2, Edward VI. 1652, and records. " III, " 1, Queen Mary. 165,'i— 1550. •' III, " 2, Queen Mary. 1557—1558, and records. Annala of the Reformation and estahliahment of Religion, 4c., in tho Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's reign; witli original papers, &c. 4 vols. in 1: 1558—1502. 1563 — 1670; and appendix of papers. 1570—1575. 1576 — 1580; and appendix. 1881—1587. 1588; and oppcndix. " IV. 1589 — 1012; with supplement of original papers, and Baker's MS. notes on Strype. Vol. I, part 1. " I, •' 2. " II, " 1. "II " 2 " III, " 1. " III, " 2. 1 ? I '5 1 ) ; Jl 'IM f'^Si^ ^^ t.M. 1} 86 it t n ; TIIKOLOOY, IIKLIGION, AND [TIlfcoLOOlK, llELiaiON, ET Strype, John: Worka —(Continued.) Mi'iiiuriulu of Ari'libiNlmp Oi'immni', wherfifi tlic liUtory nf the Cliurdi and tho lU'r>iriii:iti(iii of it, iiru ilhiHlriitvil. New ciliUuti ; witli inlditinn*, 2 vuli, : Vol. I. 1-18U— 1863. " II. 105;t — 16.')8 ; iimi iipin'iulix. Tho lil'o and not« of Arclibiitlioii I'uikor; with nppomlix of Rccorils, &o. 3 voll. Vol. I. 1501— IBOy. " If. 1570— IfiiB. " III. Ajiiicrulix. Tho lift, iiml nets of Archl)i«hop (Jrlniiiil. 1619—1583. With an nppcmlix. Tho lifo anil acts of Arcliliislioj) Whitjjift. 3 tuU, : Vol. I. i6y()— IBKU. " II. 1690— 1(10 1. " III. Appomiix of records. Tlio lifo of Sir Thomm Smitli, Heeretary of State to King Kdwiird VI., and (JuciMi llliziiljcth. New edition ; with corrections and addition.-*. Tho life and nets of .lotm Avlnier, llisliop of London, [temp, (iiieen I'.iizabcth,] wherein are explained niuny transactions of the Ciniroii of Kngland. Tho lifo of Sir John Chcko, Secretary «vf State to Kinjj Kdward VI. ; to which is added, a treatise on Superstition: 1 y tlie said Knif,'ht. Now edition. General Index tu tlio llistorical and liiojjrapliical Works of Strype. 2 vols Oxford, 1828. Wordsworth, Cliristoplicr. Ei'flct(iustical Biogrnpliy ; or Lives of Kniinent Mi'ii, coiineclod witli tlio History of Ueligiou in Ene[l;iiul ; from the couimcucctncnt of tho Reformatiou to the Rovolutioii ; witli Notes. 3rd edition, with introduetiou, uew lives, and additional Notes. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 18;i!). Vol. I. Introduction. — History of tho British Churcli, with remarks on Papal U.surpations in Churcli and State. Lives of W^icklifl'e, Tliorpe, and Lord Coblinni, by Fox. Dean Colet'.s Life, by Erasmus. Cardinal Wolsey'fl Life, by Cavendish, a new edition, from MSS. " IL T. liiliiey's Life, from Fox. Sir T. More's life now first publislicd. Lives of Tindull, Lord Cromwell, John Rogers, l!p. Hooper, Rowland Taylor and Bp. Latimer, from Fox. " III. Ridley, and Cianmcr, from Fox. Thomas Mountain, from .Strypo. Bp. Jewel, Anonymous. Bermird (iilpin, l)y Up. Carleton. Hooker, by Walton. Whitgift, by Sir (!. Paul. Doiino, by Walton. " IV. Geo. Herbert, Bp. Sanderson ami Sir II. Wotton, liy Walton. Nich. Ferrar, by Dr. Peckad. Bp. Hall, by himself. Dr. Hammond, by Bp. Fell. IM, Baxter, by himself! Sir M. Hale, and E. of Rochester, by Bp, Burnet. Abp.Tiilotson, Anonymous. Stephen, Sir James. Essays in ecclesiastical biography, reprinted from the Edinburgh Uevicw, with additions. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S5.3. Vol. I. Hildebrand. St. Francis of Assisi, tlie Founders of Jesuitism, Martin Lu- ther, tho French lienedictines, the Port-Royalists. " II. R. Baxter, tho Evangidical Succession, W. Wilberforco, tho Clapham Sect, the Historian of Enthusiasm. Tlic K()ilogue. IiUther, ^lartin, Lifo of. 185G. By Henry Woraley. 2 vols. vol. L Svo. Loudon, UISTOIRE DES IlKLIGIONS.] IIISTOIIV OF UELIGI0N8. 37 Luther, Martin. Iliatoiro do In vio, dim «'i;HtH et do« doctrines do Martin LutluT, par Al. Aiulin. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18i5-18t0. Calvin, llistoiro do lu vio, des ouvrugeH ut den ccrits do Calvin, jjar M. Audio. 2 vol. 8vo. Paria, IH50. ViiU AiiiiN, iiiiitoiio iio Heiiii vni. Wright, TlioniaH. Lotterti rolutiufj to tlio Supprcasioa of Monastorios (A.D., 1528 — 1555) ; edited from tin,' originals in the British Aluaoum. 8vo. London, 1813. Burnet, (lllbert. History of tho Reformation of the Church of England. Second edition ; corrected. 3 vula. Folio. London, 1C81-1715. Cobbott, William. History of the Protestant Boformatiou in England and Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Brief History of the Protestant Reformation, in Letters addressed to W. Cobbett, in reply to tho niisrepresontuticns, &c., in tho above work. By "Tho Protestant." Xew edition; corrected. Svo. Glasgow, 1831. Blunt, J. -T. Sketch of tho Uoformation in England. 18mo. London, 1S32. (Fnn\ily Library.) Ullmann, C. lleformers before the Reformation, principally in Germany ; ud the Netherlands ; [including biographies of John of Goch, John of VV^esel, and John Wesscl ;] translated by 11. ^Mcnzies. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1855. D'Aubigne, J. il. AL History of the Reformation of the sixteenth cen- tury, in Germany, Switzerland, &c. Vols. 1 to 5. [Vols. 4 and 5, translated by AVhite, and revised by tho author.] 8vo. London and Edinburgh, IS3S— 1853. Viil. .') ('(itninoiioos tho History of the Ueformntion in England. Germany, England, and Scotland; or. Travelling Re- collections of ii Swiss Minister : to which are added, Historical Recol- lections of Scottish Ecclesiastical struggles, from the time of Knox to tliat of tho Free Church. Svo. London, ISIS. Mariotti, L. Historical memoir of Fra Holcino and his times; being an account of a general struggle for ecclesiastical reform in It.aly, in tho early part of ttie fourteenth century. 12mo. London, 1853, Savonarola, (r. Life and Times of; — illustrating the j)rogros8 of Reforma- tion in Italy, during the fifteenth century. 12mo. London, 1843. Scipio de Ricci, Bishop, Memoirs of ; — (1741 — 1810) — lleformcr of Catbo- licism in Tuscany, during the reign of Leopold ; edited from tho original of M. do Potter, by Tliomaa lloscoe. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1829. McCrie, Thomas. History of the progress and suppression of the Reforma- tion in Italy, in the sixteenth century ; with a sketch of tho Reforma- tion in tho Grisous. Svo, Edinburgh, 1827. 1 ■ 1 'i , -t ^i t ti :^i 38 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [TUilOLOGIE, RELIGION, ET IVIoCrie, Tliomns. lliatory of tlic progress and suppression of the Reforma- tion in Spain, in the sixteenth century. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. IVIlgnet, M. ]\Ii'moire sur retnblisseincnt de la rofornio religiouse, etc. Mo- moires de VAcadi'mic dcs Sciences morales et polifiques. Vol. I, se- condo sorie. Bussierre, ^L lo vieomto M. Th. De. Les Auabaptistea. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Weiss, M. Ch. llistoire des ri'fugit's protestants de France, depuis la revoca- tion de I'l'dit do Nantes jusqu'ii nos joiu's. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Haag, Eug. ct Em. La France protostante, ou vies dcs protestants fran^ais qui so sont fait un noni dans riiistoire ; ouvrago proci'do d'unc notice historique sur le protestantisme en France. 5 vol. Bvo. Paris, 1846. Browning, AV". S. History of the Huguenots, during the sixteenth century, third edition, continued to the present time. 8vo. London, 1842. Marsh, Mrs. The Protestant Reformation in France ; or History of the llu- gonots. Vols. I and II [to the death of Charles IX,] (all published.) 8vo. London, 1847. Krasinski, Valerian. Rise, progress and decline of the Reformation in Po- land. 2 vols. Svo. London, lS;jS-18iO. — — Lectures ou the religious history of the Slavonic Nations. 12mo. London, 1849. Harmony of Protestant Confessions of Faith, throughout Europe, [drawn up by Salnar, IJe/.a and Daueau, and first published in Latin, in 1581.] New edition, revised and enlarged, by Peter llall. 8vo- London, 1842. Westminster Confession of Faith, as agreed upon in 1047, the larger and sliorter Catechisms, with Scripture proofs; the sum of saving knowledge; directdries for public auil family worsliip, itc. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1855. Neal, Daniel. History of tlie Puritans, or Protestant Nonconformists, from the Reformation in 1517 to the Revolution in 10S8 ; new edition, with life of the author, and account of his writings. 3 vols. 8vo. Loudon? 1837. Bogue, (D.) and Bennett, (J-) History of Dissenters, from 1GS8 to 1808 : with an introductory sketch of the History of Christianity in Britain to the Revolution of 1088. 4 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1808-1812. Joyce, J. AV. England's Sacred Synods : a history of the Convocations of the Clergy, from the earliest records of Christianity in Britain to the date of the promulgation of tho present Uook of Common Prayer. Bvo. London, 1855. Synodalia : A Journal of Convocation ; — published monthly, from Novcm* bcr 1852, to June 1853 ; edited by Rev. Charles Warren. 8vo. Loudon 1853. IIISTOIKE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 39 Roose, K. 11. Ecclosiastica ; or tho Church, her Schools and her Clergy; a aketcli oftlie Cliiirch of England, iroiii the Ivcforniation ; with an ac- count of her Public Schoola, Uuiverisities, and eiuiueut Divines. 8vo. London, IN 12. Martineau, James. : contributed to English Keviewa. 8vo. IJoston, 1S52. I. Lifu, c'imractor and Works of ])r. Priestley. II. AiiidIiI's Life mill Coriosiioiuleiice. III. Cliuioh uuil State, IV. Thciiilore Parlcer's discourse of Ruligiou. V. I'liaBcs of FuitL. VI. The ULiireh of iMjglaiul. VII. Tiic Hattlc of Uio Clmrdics. Conybeare, W. J. Vhsny^i, ecclesiastical and social ; reprinted, with addi- tions, from the lidinburgh lleview. 8vo. London, 1855. I. TIh' Cliiiic'li ill ilie Muuntaiiis. II. tUiuroli Parties. III. iM'clesiastieal Eooiiomy. IV. Vestries and Clmreli-ratcs. V. Moriiioiiisin. VI. Agitation and lef;i»lation against Intemperance. Jamieson, •lolin. Historical account of the ancient Ciddeea oflona, and of their settlemcnta in Scotland, England and Ireland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1811. McCallum, Duncan. History of the Culdees ; the ancient Clergy of the Bri- tish Isles. A.U. 177-13CM). 12mo. Edinburgh, 1855. Lyon, C. ,!. History of St. Andrews, Episcopal, ]\[onastic. Academic and Civil; including the Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, from the ear- liest age. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, IS 13. Stephen, Thomas. History oftlie [Eipiscopal] Church of Scotland, from the lieformation to the present time. 1 vols. 8vo. London, 1813-45. LaAVSon, .T. L'. History of the Episcopal Church of Scotland. (Vora the Jteforination to tho Revolution, and from thence to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811. Low, Bisliop, Memoir of; — comprising sketches of eventa connected with the Scottish Episcopal Church, during the last 70 yeara ; by W. Blatch. 12uio. London, 1855. Hetherington, W. M. JUstory of tho [Presbyterian] Church of Scot- land, from the introduction of Christianity to the period of tho disrup- tion, [1813.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. MoCrie, Thomas. Life of John Knox ; with illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland ; new edition, with additions, and a memoif of tho author, by A. Crichton. 12mo. London, 1854. J - i '' s hi • (' ^1- f-' '!, ■ f ■ !iifl * f I. i II , I III: illi .4 I. 40 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [tIIEOLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Alton, John. Life ami times of Alexander Henderson, giving a history of the second reformation of the Church of Scotland, and of tlie Coven- anters, during the reign of Charles I. Svo. Edinburgh, 1830. Mant, Bishop. History of the Cliurch of Ireland, from the i Reformation to the llevolution ; with a preliminary survey, from the Papal usurpation, A.D. 1155. Svo. Loudon, 18-11. . History of the Church of Ireland, from the Revolution to the union of the Churches of Eugland and Ireland in 1801, with a list of Bishops, to ISiO, &c. Svo. London, 1810. Phelan, AVilliam. Remains : including a History of the Policy of the Church of Rome in Ireland, from 1155 to the Rebellion of 1 Gil : with a memoir of Phelan, by Bishop Jebb. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1832. O'Leary, Rev. Artliur. Miscellaneous Tracts. Svo. Dublin, 1781. 1. Defense of the Divinity of Christ, luuX the Immortality of the Soul. 2. Loyalty asserted, a vindiciition of the Oath of Allegiance. 3. Address to the people of Ireland ou the French Invasion. 4. 5. Defense of Protestftnt Associations, and Reply to the Rev. Jno. Wesley. G. On Toleration. Anderson, J. S. M. History of the Church of England in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of tlie British I'impire, [down to the latter part of the eighteenth century ; including also, an historical account of the Societies for promoting Cliristian knowledge, and for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Paib'i. | 3 vols. Svo. London, 1S15-185G. New Zealand. Annals of t!ie Diocese of, from the introduction of Chris- tianity therein, in ISll; by CI. and L. F. Sclwvn. 12nio. London, 1817. Ruperts' Land. The Rainbow in the Nortli : an account of the introduc- tion of Christianity in, — by the Church Missionary Society ; by S. Tucker. 12mo. London, lS5i. Natal. Journal of a first tour of vLsitation among the colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal; by Uishop Colenso. 12ino. C^ambridge, 1855. Bristed, John. Thoughts on the Anglican and Anglo-American churches: [an "enquiry into the causes of their present weakness and inedicien- cy."] Svo. London, 1823. Vide, also, UisToav of America, for other works relating; to Relif,'ion in America and Canada. Wilson, Joshua. Historical inquiry into the principles, usages, Ac, of the English Presbyterians ; from the restoration of Charles II. to the death of Queen Ann(!. Svo. London, 1835. Haynes, D. C The Baptist Denomination ; its history, doctrines, and ordinances : with an introduction by .John Dowliug. Svo. New York, 185G. J! ill niSTOniE DES HELI'lIONS.] HISTORY OF BELIGIONS. 4.1 Orchard, G. 11. Illstorj- of Foreign E.iptists : (A.D 33-1800,) with obser- vations on the rise of Minor and Infant Baptism ; with an introduc- tion by J. II. Graves. 8vo, Naahville, 1855. Se'wel, "William, lliatory of the rise and progress (to the year 1717) of tho Quakers. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1811. Wight, Thomas. History of the rise and progress of the Quakers in Ireland, from 1G53 to 1700; enlarged and continued to 1751, by J. Butty. Svo. Loudon, 1811. Rules of Discipline of the Religious Society of Friends, — with advices : being extracts from tho Minutes and Epistles of their Yearly Meeting in London, from its first institution. Third edition, 4to. London, 1834. Barclay, Kobert. Apology for the doctrine and princir^lea of the Quakers. Svo. London, 173G. Gurney, J. J. Observations on the religious peculiarities of the Society of Friends. 8vo. London, 1824. Milsand, J. Les Quakers, Seme dos Deux-Mondes. Nouvelle periode. Vol. G. Peirce, William. The ecclesiastical principles and policy of the Wesleyan Methodists ; compiled from !RIr. Wesley's Journals, the minutes of conference, and other records, from the earliest period to Ist Novem- ber, 1854. Svo. London, 1854. Porter, S. T. Lectures on tho ecclesiastical system of the Independents, and particrlarly on its present aspects and capabilities. 12mo. Glasgow, 185G. Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of — Life and times of; — By a member of the houses of Shirley and llastings, with introductions, (to both vols.) by the Kev. J. K. Foster, 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1844. Maitland, S. 11. Letters on the Voluntary System. 12mo. London, 1837. Appleyard, E. S, The Sure IIopo of Eeconciliation, with Proposals for Christian Union ; by a member of the Church of England. 12mo. London, 1849. Hungary, History of tho Protestant Church in ; — From the beginning of the lieformation to 1850 ; including also Transylvania : translated by llev. J. Craig, with an introduction, by J. IL M. D'Aubigno. 8vo. Lon- don, 1854. Faber, G. S. Inquirj' into the history and theology of tho ancient Vallen- 8CS and Albigenses. Svo. London, 1838. Gilly, W. S. Narrative of an excursion to the Mountains of Piedmont, and researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenaes, Protestant iuiiabitants of the Cottion Alps. 4to. Loudon, 1824. K^'-% f' i 1 .1 42 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [tiIEOLOGIE, RELIGION, ET a a H 1! if ''') if ' : ii r^ ill If I- Gilly, AV. S. AValdensian Eesenrches, during a second visit to the Yaudois of Piedmont ; \vith an inquiry into tlie antiquity and purity of the Wal- densian Church. 8vo. Loudon, 1S31. Holmes, John. History of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, from 1157 to 1822. 2 vola. 8vo. London, 1825-30. Hough, James. History of Christianity in India, from the commencement of the Christian era. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1839-45. [Appendix to vol. IV"., coutiiius a tranulatiou of the Liturgy, and oilier Services of the Syrian Cliurcii in Malabar.] Dubois, L'abbo J. A. Letters ou the state of Christianity in India, in whicli the conversion of the Hindoos is considered aa impracticable. 8vo. London, 1823. Campbell, AVilliam. British India, in its relation to the decline ofHiudoo- isni, and the progress of Christianity. 8vo. London, 1839. Missionaries of China. Questions proposed to the Congregntion De Propaganda Fide, by the Missionaries of China ; with the answers to them, approved by decree of the said congregation : Vide Navarette's Account of China, Book A'll, in Churchill's Collection of Voijages and 3}ravels. vol. 1. Tennent^ Sir J. E. Christianity in Ceylon ; its introduction and progress, with an historical sketch of the Brahmanical and Buddhist supersti- tions. 8vo. Loudon, 1850. Guignes, M. de. Eecherches sur les chrJtiens otablis a la Chine dans le 7me siecle. Anciens Memoires de I' Academic des Inscriptions et Bclles- Lettres. Vol. 30. Charlevoix, Le P. de. Ilistoiro du Christiauisme au Japon. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1828. Henrion, Le Baron. Histoire geuerale des missions catlioliques dopuia le 13me siecle jusqu'a nos jours. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites Jea missions etrangeres. 2G vol. 12mo. Paris, 1780-1783. Nouvelles lettres edifiantes des missions do la Chine et des Indes Orien- tales. 8 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1818-1823. Annales de 1' Association de la Propagation de la Foi, rocueil perio- dique des lettres des evequea et des missionnaires des missions des deux mondes, faisaut suite a toutes les editions des lettres ediliantes. 27 vol. Svo. Paris et Lyon, 1827-1855. Broullion, Le 11. P. ]\Iemoire sur la mission du Kiang-Xan, 1842- 1855. Svo. Paris, 1855. Huie, J. A • History of Christian ]\tissions, from the time of the Reformation. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1842. i. niSTOIEE DES RELIGIONS.] niSTORT OF RELIGIONS. 43 Brown, William. History of the propagation of Christianity among the Heathens, since the Reformation. Third edition, brought down to the present time. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 185-Ji. Newcoml), Ilarvey. Cyclopedia of Missions throughout the world ; with geographical descriptions, &c. 8vo. New York, 1855. Morison, John. The Fathers and Founders of the Loudon Missionary (Society, with a sketch of the origin and progress of the Institution. New edition. 8vo. London, 1844. Wolflf, Joseph. Journal of hia missionary labours in the four quarters of the Globe, from 1827 to 1838. 8vo. London, 1839. • Researches and missionary labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, &c., 1831 to 1834. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1837. Moffat, Robert. Missionary labors and scenes in Southern Africa. 8vo. London, 184G. Fletcher, J. P. Autobiography of a missionary. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1853. Derham, "William. Physico-Theologj- ; or, a demonstration of the Being and attributes of God, from His works of creation. New edition, with life of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 798. Bridgewater Treatises, on the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1834, &c. Vide Natural Puilosopux. Ragg, Thomas. Creation's testimony to its God ; a manual of the evidences of natural and revealed religion, with especial reference to the pro- gress of science and advance of knowledge. Third edition. 12mo. Loudon, 1855. Wiseman, Cardinal. Twelve lectures on the connexion between science and revealed religion. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Whiston, "William. Astronomical principles of religion, natural and re- vealed ; with a preface, on the temper of mind necessary for the discovery of Divine truth. Svo. London, 1717. Paley, AVilliam. AV^orks, with an account of bis life and writiugs ; by the llevd. Edmund Paley. New edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1838. Vol. I. Lift' ; Natural Theology. '' II. Kviileiicc'3ofClirisliiinity; lInriE Pauliaoe : Ousubueriptiou to Articles of Faitli; Roiisoiis for conteiitment. " III. Moral Pbilosoi)liy ; Sermona. " IV. Sernious; Charges. Paley, AVilliam. Natural Tlieology, with notes, and a discourse on Natural Theology, by Lord Brougham ; and supplementary dissertations, by Sir C.Bell. 4' vols. 12mo. 1845. Knight's Library. I i- I ^ '"I KM t^*' i < ' ^i ' 44 THEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND [tH^OLOGIE, RELIGION, ET Chalmers, Thomas. Evidences of the Christian Eevelation and Lecture* on Paley's Evidences : Vide his Select "Works, vol, 6, Natural Theology : Vide hia Select Works, vol. 5. Gregory, Olinthus. Letters on the evidences, doctrines, and duties of the Christian religion. Ninth edition. 8vo, London, 1851. 13. S. Lib. Laxdner, Nathaniel. Works : containing. Credibility of the Gospel History ; Jewish and Heathen testimonies to the truth of Christianity ; History of Heretics of the two first centuries ; Sermons and Tracts. 10 vols. Svo. London, 1829. Brougham, Henry, Lord. Natural Theology, comprising also Dialogues on Instinct, and Dissertation on the structure of the Cells of Bees, and on Fossil Osteology. New edition, 1856. Fide Brougham's Worka. Vol. 6. Another edition, in Knight's Library. Van Mildert, Bishop. Lectures on the rise and progress of Infidelity, with a refutation of its principles and reasonings. Fifth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1839. Leland, John. View of the principal Deistical writers that have appeared in England in the last and present century, with observations upou them. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loii^'on, 1764. Toland, John, [a deistical author.] Miscellaneous Works, including his disquisition on the writings ascribed to our Lord and his Apostles ; Essay on the primitive constitution of the Church, &c., with an account of his life and writings. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1747. Barter, W. B. The progress of Infidelity in England. Svo. London, 1855. Tholuck, F. A. D. Guido and Julius; or the true consecration of the doubter ; translated from the seventh German edition. 12mo. Lon- don, 1855. Rogers, Henry. The Eclipse of Faith ; or a visit to a religious sceptic. 12mo. London, 1855. Restoration of Belief, The ; [by Isaac Taylor.J ]2mo. Cambridge, 1855. Bunsen, C. C. J. Signs of the Times ; Letters on the dangers to Eeligioua Liberty in the present state of the World ; translated by Susanna Winkworth. Svo. London, 1856. Bouohitte, M. Histoire des preuves de I'existence de Dieu, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'au monologium d'Anselme de Cantorbery. M^moires de la Nouvelle Academie des Sciences Morales et FoUtiques. Vol. 1. (E.) Histoire des preuves de I'existence de Dieu depuis le monologium d'Anselme de Cantorbery juaqu'i la philosophie contem- poraine. Ihid. vol. 1. (E.) niSTOIRB DBS RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 45 ' ■& Bouollittei M. Mcmoiro sur la notion de Dieu, dons sea rapports aveo rimagination et la sensibility. Ibid. vol. 2. (£.) Remusat, M. do. Rapport sur le m6nioire precedent. Ibid. vol. 2. (E.) Vide Strauas Durckeiin. Tbeologie dc la nature. Genoude, M. de. La raison du cbristiauisme, ou preuves do la v^ritu de la religion tireea des 6crits doa plus grands hommes de la France, de I'Angleterre et de I'Allcraagne. Troiaiome edition. vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811; comprenant entre autres les ouvrages suivants: Grotius, Yurit^ de la religion chrctienne. vol. 1. Abbadie, Jacques. Traite de la vcritc de la religion chrctienne, Jbid. Bentby, Ricliard. Rdfutation de I'atheiame ; ouvrage traduit de I'Anglali par G. Buruet. Vol. 2. Leslie, • '. M^tbode oontre les Jaifs. Jbid. Seed, Jl. Discoura sur I'excellence intrinsdque des Sainte3 Ecritures. Ibid. Jennnings, Soame. Examen de I'eTidence de la religion chretienne ; ouvrage public en fran(aia par I'Abbd Feller en 1779. Ibid. Bullet, J. B. Histoire (le I'^tablisBement du cbristianiBuie, tiree des seuls auteurs Juifa et Paiens. Ibid. Sherlock, M. Les temoing de la resurrection de Jiisus-Chriat examiuus et juges selon les regies du barreau. Ibid. Faber. Horae Mosaicae, ou dissertation sur I'authenticite et la tbeologie du Feu- tateuque. Ibid. vol. 8. Duvoisin, M. Demonstration uvangclique. Ibid. I'ortalis, J. E. M. Du s/stSme des pbilosophes modernes en matidre de rcligioa positive. Ibid. Stolberg, le comte F. Leop. de. De I'amour de Dieu. Ibid. Erskine, Th. Des preuves intrins^ques de la verite du ohristianieme ; ouvrage traduit de I'anglais sur la neuvitiuie Edition. Ibid, vol. 4. Belsham, Woi. Resume de la demonstration du christianisme. Ibid. Leibnitz. De la conformit6 de la foi avec la raison. ■ Essais sur la bont6 de Dieu, la liberto de rhomme et rorigine du mal. Vide oeuvres de Leibnitz. Kant. La religion dans les limitea de la raison. Vide oBuvrea de Kant. Alletz, Ij. Essais sur Thomme, ou accord do la philosophie et de la religion. Fi'rfe cBUvres d' Alletz. Lamennais, F. R. de. Esaai sur 1' indifference en matiere de religion. Vide oeuvres de Lamennais. Chateaubriand, le Yicomte de. Le Qunie du Christianisme. Vide ceuTrea de Chateaubriand. Bergier, L'abbe. Examen du materialisme, ou refutation du systeme de la nature. 2 voL Bvo. Paris, 1838. Frayssinous, M. D. Defense du Christianisme, ou conferences sur la religion. 2 vol. 8vo. Lyon, 1852. Nicolas, Auguste. Etudes philosopbiquea sur le christianisme. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. 46 THEOLOGT, RELIGION, AND [thEOLOGIE, EELIGION, ET i' Laoordaire, Lo R. P. Ilenri-Dominique. Confcrencea de Notre-Damo de Paris. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1 840-1817. Gratry, A. De la connaissanco do Dieu. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, ISS'l. Martinet, L'abbu. La philosophio du catucbiame catholiquo. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Combalot, L'abbo. Elements de pbilosophio catholique. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Ventura, le P. De la vraie efc de la fausse philosophie. 8vo. Paris. Annales de Philosophie Chretienne. Recueil periodique destine ^ faire connaitre tout ce que les sciences humaines renferment d© preuves en favour du chriatianisme ; de 1830 ii 1856. 63 vol. 8to Paris. Thomas Hibernious. Flores doctorum pene omnium. 18mo. Geneve, 1G22. Bergier, L'abbe. Dictionnaire de th^ologie. G vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Iiiguori, Saint A. M. de. (Euvres completes, traduites de I'italiea en fran9ai3 et mises en ordre, par une societtS d'ecclesiastiquea, sous ]a direction de MM. les Abbes Vidal, Delalle et Eousquet. 30 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Gousset, Le Cardinal. Theologie morale. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Theologie dogmatique ou exposition de la religion catholique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1857. Vide G0UB8ET, Code Civil Comments, eto. Debreyne, P. J. C. Essai sur la theologie morale. 8vo. Paris, 1855. ■ Moechialogie : Traito des pdches contre les Sixi6me et Xeuvieme Coinmandements du Decalogue. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Pensees d'un croyant catholique. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Vide RemuBAt, Abelard. Th6olog!e. vol. 2. Vide auaa! Descartes, Meditations metaphysiques, objections tliiologiquec et rcpoaaes. Tomes 1 et 2 de ses (Buvres. Vide les asuvres pliilosophiques d'Aniou't ot de Nicole. Pascal, Bl. Les provinciales, ou lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte I un provincial de ses amis. 3 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1734. Reponses aux lettres provinciales publiees par le Secretaire du Port Royali contre les P. P. de la Compagnie de Jesus. 18mo. Liege, 1658. Mallebranohe. Trait6 de I'Amour de Dieu. Traitc de la nature et de la grace. F*Je couvres de Malle- branche. Gerbet, L'abbo Ph. Considerations sur le dogme gonerateur de la piet6 catholique. 12mo. Paris, 1810. Doney, Monseigneur. Catechisme du Concile do Trente. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris: HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS.] HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 47 xL Bossuet, Jacquoa Bcnigne. Sea oeuvres, reruea sur lea luanuscrits origi- naux ot lea iliditiona lea plua correctca, auivica do sa vio par le Cardiuul deBausset. 47 vol. 8vo. Versailles, 1815-1819: Tomes I. & V. uuvragea Bur I'Ecrituro Sainte, et aur son liiterprfiution. " VI et VII. OuvrageB composes pour le dloc^te do Meaux. *' VII. Ouvragos compoBcs pour le clerge de France. " VIII, IX, X. Ouvragea de pieto et de morale. " XI & XVII. Sermons, panCgyriquea et oraiaons fundbret. " XVIII k XXVI. Ouvrages centre lea ProUatanta. " XXII a XXX. Ouvragea sur le Quiutisme. '* XXXI, XXXI I, e t XXXIII. OuTrsgea aur direrg«a roatiires de tbeologle at de controverae. *• XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI. OuTragea composes pour I'Educatieu du Dauphio. " XXXV. Discours Bur I'llistoire UiiiTersello. " XXXVI. Politique tirce des paroles de I'Ecriture Sainte. " XXXVII A XLIII. Lettrea et Melanges. " XLIV, XLV. XLVI, XLVII. HUtoire de J. B. Bossuet, par M. Fr. De UauBset. Fenelon, Frs. de Saliguac de La Mothe, Ses (Eufres, publiees d'aprea lea manuscrita originaux ct lea editiona lea plua correctea, auiviea de sa vie par le Cardinal de Bauasei. 37 vol. 8vo. VersaiUea, 1820-1829. Tome I. Traitu de I'existence de Dieu. Tome? II a IX. Melanges. " X 4 XVI. Sur le Janaenisme. •* XVII. Education des Filles. " XVIII. Manuel de Piote. " XIX. Fablea, Dialogues des Horti. " XX. TcWmaque, " XXI. Dialogues. " XXII. Vies des anciena philosophes. •' XXIII 4 XXXIII. Correspondance. " XXXIV & XXXVIL Histoire de Fcncltfn, par M. Fr. de Bausset. Massillon. (EmTca. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Bourdaloue. (Euvres. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18-10. Fleohier, (Euvres completes. 10 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Boulogne, M. de; ffiuvres. 8 voL 8to. Paris, 1826-1827 Bergier. Sermons inodits. 8vo. Paria, 1852. Latimer, Hugh. Sometime Bishop of Worcester, martyr, 1555. Works : being Sermona and Remains, with Memoir, edited by Q-. E. Corrie. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844. Calvin, John. Institute:-' of the Christian Religion ; translated from the Latin, by John Allen. 2 voh. 8vo. London, 1838. Herbert, George, Worka. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1848—1850. Vol. I. Country Parson; Life and Remains. " II. The Temple, and other Poems ; to which are added. The Synagogue, or the Shadow of the Temple, by the Rev. Christopher Harvey. First printed, 1640. 48 THEOLOGT, RELIOIOy, AND [TntOLOGIE, HELIOION, ET m l: Taylor, liishop Jeremy. Wholo works, witli Ilfo of tho author, and critical oxnmiuation of his writiujs, by Biahop llebor; revised and corrected by tho Rev. C. P. Edon. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Fuller, Thoinaa. The Iloly State, and the Profuuo State. 12tuo. Lon- don, 18 to. Good Thoughts in Bad Times ; Good Thoughts in worse times; mixt contoniplationa in Better Times, witli the cause and cure of a wounded conscience. 12mo. Loudon, IBll. Memorials of his Life and Works, by liov. A. T. Bussell. 12mo. London, 1844i. Bunyan, John. Complete Works, with Introductions, notes, and a sketch of his life, times, and contemporaries ; Edited by George Ulfor. 3 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1854. Tol. '. II. Exporimentnl, Doctrinnl, nnd Prnotioal; with Memoir. " III. Allcgoricitl, Figurative, and Syniljolical. Tho Pilgrim's Progress; with notes, by Rov. Thomas Scott, and designs by Stotliurd. 8vo. Loudon, 1851. South) Robert. Sermons, pronehcd on several occasions, with a Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Whiston, William. Memoirs of his life and writings, written by himself. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1749—50. Vol. II. also coDtainB, Notes on " the sanntivo virtue of toucliing for the King's Evil ;" cases of " Anointing with Oil," for bouliujr the sick; proofs Uiat "th« Tartars are the Ten Tribes," 4c. ; and his tract on "tho exact time wh«u Mirnoulous Gifts ceased in the Church." Tol. III. also contains, Lectures delivered " upon ocoosiou of the late r^niarkabU moteoro and eartliquakea," and his " Liturgy of the Church of England re- duced nearer to the primitive standard." Butler, Bishop Joseph. Works ; including his Sermons, and Analogy of Religion, natural and revealed, to tho constitution and coiurse of Nature. Svo. London, 1836. Abernethy, John. An eminent Presbyterian Divine. Sermons on various subjects ; with a preface, containing the life of the Author. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1748. Sealaury, Bishop. Discourses on several subjects. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1793. Parr, Dr. Samuel. Sermons, and theological writings ; vide his Works. Dwight, Timothy. Theology explained and defended, in a series of Sermons. 5 vols. 12nio. London, 1827. Sermons ; proacbcd in English Parish Churches, 170^4—1720, with Prayers. Svo. (MSS.) Labitte, (Ch.,) et Louandre, (Ch.) De I'eloqnenee sacn'e au moyen-age. Tide Lacboix et S£ii£, Le Moycn-Age et la Renaissance. F E C( H L I ! niSTOIRE DES RELIGIONS.") HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. 40 Enaai aur I'uloqucuco do k Cbiuro. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, Maury, L'nbb»j. 1827. Fish, n. C. Iliatory and repository i ' Pulpit EloqUfinoo, with select dia- couracH uf vniincut diviuua, in Uu Greek, Latiu, EiigLiali, Germau, Iriali, Froacli, Scottiab, Amoricau, oud WuLiU Churchua. 2 vuIh. 8to. New York, 1850. Fowler, Henry. The American Pulpit ; akotcbea, biogrupbical aud de- scriptive, of living Ainericau preachers, and of the religious wove* ments, and ideas they represent. Svo. Now York, 1860. Pulpit, The ; or a biographical and literary account of eminent popular Preachers, (Episcopalians and Dissenters), by Onesimus. 3 vols. Sro* Loudon, 1808-1810. Fuller, liov. Andrew. Principal Works, including, The Gospel its own Witness ; The Calvinistic and Socinion Systems examined and com* pared ; with a memoir of his life, by his son. 8vo. London, 1852. B. S. Lib. Foster, John, Lectures, delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. Third edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1853. C S. Lib. Sdwards, Jonathan. Works ; including a treatise on the Freedom of the Will ; a History of Redemption ; Sermons, Ac: revised aud corrected, by E. Hickman ; with an Essay on his genius and writings, by Henry Rogers ; and a memoir by S. E. Dwight. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1684. Copleston, lUshop, Remains of: with nn introduction, containiui,' some re- miniscences of his life ; by Archbishop Whatoly. Svo. London, 1864. Hall, Robert. Miscellaneous Works, and romaina ; with life, by Gregory. Svo. London, 1855. B. 8. Lib. Llandaff) (Bishop of,) and Chester, (Bishop of,) Two Sermons preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in 1833 and 1834 ; with Society's Report, for 1833. 8vo. Loadott' 1831. Princeton Essays. Theological Essays; reprinted from tlie Princeton Review. First Series ; with a preface, by P Fairbairn. Svo. Edinburgh, 1856. Theological and Miscellaneous. Second Series ; in- cluding the contributions of the late Rev. Albert Dodd, D.D., on Sla- very, Capital Puuiahment, Phrenology, &c. Svo. New York, 1817. Chalmers, Thomas. Select Works. Edited by the Rev. Dr. Hanna. Vols- 1 to 8. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1854-1850. Vols, I and II. Leetures ou the Romans. '■ III and IV. Sunnung; including his Astronomiool and Commercial Dis- courses, Congrogntiunal Sermons, &o. " V. Naturnl Theology ; Lectures on Butler's Analogy, Introductory Leo- turi's, and Essay on Cuvier's Theory of tl\e Earth. " VL Evideuuus uf the Ohristian Ueligiou ; and Lectures on Foley's Evidences. 60 i . J TIIEOLOQT, RELIGION, AND [xiIEOLOaiE, HELIQION, ET Chalmers, Thomas. Select Wot\ia.— (Continued.) Vuls. VII AuJ VIII. Lmtilutca of llioolx^fy, with Notci on Ilill't Leoturoi ia Divinity, and Four AdilreMen dcliverod iu thi) Jfuw OolU-go, Edinburgh. " IX. Looturet aud Ksunyii mi Political Koonomy. " X. Chri«tiau and Koooomio Polity uf a Nutiun. Taylor, Isaac. Natural History of Enthuaiufltn. Sixth oditiou. 8to. Loudon, 1832. ■ --" '■ ' Fanaticism. 8vo. London, 1838. — — — — — Saturday Evening. 8vo. Loudon, 1832. ' Physical theory of another Life. 8vo. London, 1830. Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds. [i.e. Churches.] New York, 1«51. Ruskin, John 12mo. Bound up with his " Pre-Rapbttelitiam." Jones, William. The Catholic Doctrine of a Trinity proved from Iloly Scrip- ture. 12mo. London. Thomas it Kempls. Bo Imitntione Christi, et contcmptu mundi ; cum notis ct variis lectiouibus curauto G. Dc Gregory. 8vo. Lutetitc, 1833. ■ Of the Imitation of Christ ; four books. 12mo. Ox- ford, 1849. Bautln, M. I'abbo S. L'imitation de Jcaua-Chriat, illustree. Bvo. Paris, 1852. Rlcheome, Louis. La peinture spirltuelle ou I'urt d'admirer, aimer et louer Dieu en toutes ses oiuvres. 12mo. Lyon, 1(321. Loys de Grenade, Le K. P. F. Traito do I'oraiaon et meditation. Tra- duit de I'espagnol par F. de Belleforeat. 12iuo. Puria, 1587. Therese, Sainte. (Euvres. Traduites eu fran9ai8 par Arnault d'Andilly. 2 vol. 8vo. Lyon, 1S51. FranQois de Sales, Saint. (Euvres completes. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 185 L. Pascal, Blaise. Pensees. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Dupanloup, L'abbo. Le chriatianiame proaento aux gens du mondo par Fen61on. 6 vol. 12ino. Paris. 1837. Ventura, le P. La femmc catholique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Walsh, Le Yieomte. Tableau potiti^ue des fetes chrctienjaeti. 8vo. Paiii. 1854. Casimir, L'abb^. Les ft^tes du chriatiauisme. Ovo. Ulustre. Paris. Gerhet, L'abbo Ph. Esquiaac de Eome chretienue. 2 vol. 8vo. Puria 1844-1850. Melmoth, William. The great importance of a Eeligioua life considered ; to which are added, some morning and evening Prayers. irn ; by Bishop Doane, Ac, «. Women and their Work. 7. On the National and Industrial Schools, at Finehley. 8. Education, what is it, &c., by W. Jeffcry. Christian Remembrancer, The : a Quarterly Journal for 1854, 1855 and 185G. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 52 THE010GT» EELIGION, AlO) [thAoLOGIE, EELIGION, ET Church of England Quarterly Review : New Series. Vols. 1 to 4. 1855-1856. Deane, J. B. The Worabip of the Serpent traced throughout the world, and its traditions referred to the events in Paradise : proving the Tempta- tion and Fall of Man by the instrumentality of a Serpent Tempter. 8vo. London, 1830. Maitland, S. R. False "Worship ; an Essay, 1856. Bound up with Supersti- tion and Science ; an Essay, 1855. In 1 vol. 12mo. Id the let Essay, it is critically argued from texts of Holy Scripture, that False" worship took ils rise after the Flood ; from a curiosity after knowledge whiob " the Creator had not granted to Man ;" which, however. Men hoped to gain by religious addresses to "inferior Spirits" of whose Fall they were aware even, before the Flood, "the Sons o£ Qad h&ving taken wives of the Daughters of Msn." In tho 2nd Essay, " the Oanse " of contemporary Spiritual Manifestations is considered, without its being determined; only it is concluded, "that we should nut deal with " [the facta,] separate) from Religion. Fourmont, M. Memoire historique sur la religion des anciens Sabiens, etc* Anciens Memoires do VAcademie de» Imoriptiona et Belles-Lettrea. Vol. 12. Divers memoires sur la religion dea Egyptiens. Ibid., vol. 2, 3, 9, 14, 40. Fouoher, L'abbe. Eecherches sup I'origine et la nature de Thellenisme ou de la religion de la Gruce. Anciens Memoires HQVAcademie des Inscrip- tions et Belles-Lettres. Vol. 34, 35, 36 et 38. Intury ; drav u up from Hrucker's Kistoria Critica Philosophia>. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Lewes, G. H. Bivjgraphical History of Philosophy, Ancient and Modern. 4 vols. 18mo. Loudon, 1845-1851. Knijkt's Library. F^n^lon. Abrt'ge des vies dos anciens philosophes, avec un recueil de leura plus belles maximes. Vide Fenelon, a>uvre8. Vol. 22. G^rando, J. M. de. Histoire comparee des systemes do philosophic. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822-1823. m 58 MKNTAI- AND I'll ri,<)SOI>II III; Tounciuanu. Mnmiul of (lie IliMtdry of I'liilnHoiiliy, [with Itildiogrnpliiciil Niiti>H;| tr.'iiisliiti (I tVum tint (liM'iiitiii, |)y Ai'liiir iIoIminoii ; fcviHtul mill (Miitimu'il |iy .1. R. Moivll. Hvo. JiOiulon, ISijU. Ihlin'a I'/iiloliii/. Lilinin/. Ritier. IWMiirii'li. lliHtory of Aiificiit. I'liiloHopliv, |ti' tlic cIomc of N:M!-IMa- toiiiHiii;) IraiiMliiti-il tVoni the ( Icnium, tiy A. .1. VV. Morrison. •!• vola. S\(). Oxt'.inl, 1S;{S Loniloii, IS Mi. Blakoy, Kobcrl tli.stiirv of llu> l*liiliisii|)liy of Mind : •iiilinicin^; the ttpinioiis of III! writers on Mcntul Scicnw from tlui I'lirlicHl iicriod lu llu< pro- MiMit liino. ■!• vtils. Svo. l/oi\iliiii, ISr)(). Butler, W. An-luT. liiH'turi>8 on tin- lliHlnrv of Ancicnf IMiiloHopliy ; t'ditoil, with Notes, bv W. 11. Thoiupson. 'J vols. hivo. ("and»ridf'(<, iSfKi. Cory, I. I' MotiiphyNic!)! iiM]niiT into tlio nu'thod, olijccts and rcMnitu of Ani'ii'iit and Modern l'liilo.soi>hy. llinio. l,ondon, ls;i!l, ((lvii;innll_v |iulilislu'il in a mmc finiili'iiHciI I'miii. iin iiii AiMiciulix I > iiis " AnoiiMit I'l'iiiriui'iits."") Lao-Tsou. 'Pao-Te-Kiiii;, U» livrt' de la voie el (h< hi vertn conipisi'" dans lo time sieele avaiil I'en* eloilienne par le pliilosuplie l,a,>-tsen ; tradnit en tVaiKj'ais par Slanishis .lidien. Sm). ISI2. Cont\loiU8 ot Monoiua. 1-es ipi:ilr(> livres (h- phdoHopliie nioriile ot politi(pio di ehirit.'ite eoni'ncio |)r(>sein)nni. lOdidit Stanislims .Tulien. '2 \o\. S\o., relies en 1. Paris, ISHI., Saoy, Silvestro de. IVieinoire anr h' Djitviditii Khiri'd oii Livrr ih' J\'lrnir]lc roi.ion. Nonveanx Meinoires d(> VActulnnir ilm Iii.irri/itioii.i rt lirllts- l.rttirn. \o\. 1). Remusat, Ahel. Memniresiir hi vie et K's opinions de Lao ts(>n. //;/(/., vol. 7. Quignes, M- de. Hssai Iiisturiipie sur I't'tude (h* la philosophi(> ehe/, lo8 nnoieus Cliinois. AneiiMis Meinoires (ii> V Acmli'miv th's Inscriptions rt lirUcx-Lsftris. \o\. :IS. ■ lioohorolu's 8ur les philosophes appi'les Sanmneens. l/iiti., vol. 2(5, Saint-Hilaire, l^arthelemy. ilemoire 8\ir la philosophio sanscrito; lo Naynyo. Noiiveanx ^lenioires de VAcaJrinit' dcs Sciences MoraJca et Politiqiics. Vol. 3. — — _ . Mi'moiro snr lo SniMHyrt. [hid., \o\. ^. Mignot, L'abbo. Memoiros sur los aucions philosophes do ITndo. Anciona ^[emoiroa do VAcaJt'tnif ties Inscriptions et Belles- Lett res. Vol. 31. Voir aussi Panthier, Livros saores do I'Orient, et autroa ouvTagos sur lea philoaophea do I'Oriout, (pages 53, 51, 55 ot 56.) KT MOUAIiK.] MOIIAL IMIII-OMOniY. 60 Grook Philosophy, I'p to Mio A>?o ol' I'oiitiloM; antl, from ilio Aj^o (if Hocnil.c.H 1(1 ilio Oomiiijifor (^liritl. : ('/riiii'i|>iil riiilim(i|ih<d Latin <'laiiHc».) Uattoux, l/ivl)l)('. l{(''llf\i(iiiH Hiir r/'Uiilo dc In |)liiI<)H(i|)liio iincidino. Aiicicna M'limin'H (Ic V Acwlvmir ilm liimripliona rt, JirllcH-LrHrrH. Vol. 27. iMi'inoirt'H liiHloriijiicH mir lo i)i'iiici|m actif aux MrmoircH do V Aciulrmir ii/., vol. 12. Arnaud, L'ahlio. Moinoiro hup Io dialoguo iiititiilo, /on do Platoii. J/iiil.t vol. m vi :i!». Salllcr, I/iil)l)^>. M.'inoipoH Hur Platon. ffu',!., v(d. !), IH, 1 J., 1(5. Frorot, M Momoipcs hop Sm^pat-i'. ' "/., \><\. 17. iJutiiC""*- I/al)l)o. Hur Aiiaxajj^orc <««/., v HUP la vioct. Ics ouvpaj^os dc I'unu^tiuH. fl/iil., V(d. 10. Burigny, M. do. \'io du pliilosopho Atlionion, Hurnoiniiu') AriHtion. fljid., vol. 27. Binaut, A. L. IIoitu'tooL la philo.sopliio Oroeiiuo. Revue dc» ilcux J/ondrs, (juatrit'ino Hopie, vol. 2.5. Gautier de Sibert. Examoii do In philoaophio do Oicorou. Aiicioin M6- inoiroa do VAcadnniedcs Inscriptions ct lirUcs-LrltrrH. Vol- 41, 45,40. Garnior, L'abbo. Moinoiro hup Ioh ouvr.ap;t>H d'Epictoto Ihid., vol. 48. Sallier, L'abbo. Divoraoa diasortatious aur Cicerou ot aur Plutanjuc' Ihid., Vol.5, 10 ot 14. Burigny, M. do. Vic du philosopho Proclua. Ihid., vol. 31. i J'- , I ^ifJlK Jj. f -^1 CO MENTAL AND [pniLOSOPIIIE riiese pour le doctorat, 8vo. Strasbourg, 1843. , 1845. Bouohaud, M. Memoiro sur la morale de Cicuron. Momoires de 1' Ancienne AcadL -vie des Sciences Morales et PoJitiquea. Vol. 4. NoTK. — Pour Ics ouvra(jc» des pbilosophes tirecs ct Latiua, Vide Delles-Lettbeb. Chauvet. Em. De rentendemeut humaiu dauH I'antiquite. 8vo. PariH, 1855. Pradt, M. I'abb^, J. M. Histoire do reclectisme alexandrin, considore dans sa lutte avec le christianisme. 2 vol. 8vo. Lyon, 1843. Matter, M. Hiatoire de I'Ecole d' \lexandrie. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Simon, Jules. Hiatoire de TEcole d'Alexaudrio. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Saint-Hilaire, Bartholcmy. Rapport surle concoura ouvert sur la question: Examen de V EcoJe d'Alexandrie. Moiuoircs de la Nouvello Academie des Sciences Moral's et PoJitiques. \o\. 5. Kingsley, Cbarlca. Alexnmiriii aud ber Scboola : four lectures, witb a pre- face. 12mo. Cambridge, 1854. Taillandier, .\I. Saiut Hone. Scot Erigene. ' proaentee a la faeulto des lettrea de Paris. Remusat, Cb. de. Abolard. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris Cousin. Victor. Ouvragca iucdits d'Abelard, pour servir a Thistoire de la philoaopbie acolastique eu France ; avec une introduction. 4to. Paris, Impr. lloyale, 183G. (X.) Montet, M. Momoire sur Saiut Tbomaa d'Aquin. Memoires de la Nouvelle Academic des Sciences Morales et FoUtiques. (Savaus etrangers.) Vol. 2. Haureau, 13. De la pbiloaopbie acolaatique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Sciences pbiloaophiquea au Moyen-Agc. Fj'rfe Lacroix et Sere, Le Moyen-Age et la Renaissance, vol. 2. Levi, Elipbaa. Uogme et rituel de la haute magie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Langlois, K. II. Essai historique, pbilosoj)liique et pittoresquo sur lea danaes des morts. 2 vol. 8vo. Rouen, 1852. Ozanam, P. Dante et la pbiloaopbie catholique au 13me aiecle et les autres ouvra'^'-a du meme auteur. Tide les Polygrapbes. Schmidt, IM. Ktuu . jur le uiysticisme allemaud au 14me siecle. N. S. M. Vol. 2, (E.; Addington, CLarlea. Hamu.s, sa vie, ses ecrits etses opinions. 8vo. Paris, lb55. Blome, Richard. Entire body of Philosophy, according to the principles of the famous Descaetes ; including .Natural Piiiloaophy, and the His- tory of Nature ; with a dissertation concerning Brutes ; originally written in Latin, by Anthony Le Grand. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1G94. Descartes. CEuvres, publiees par Victor Cousin. 11 vol. Hvo. Paria^ l'^2-l-2(J, coniprenaiit : Vol. I. Eloge de Descartes, par Thomas ; Distours sur la Mrtliodc ; iU'ditations metaphysiqucs ; ObjectionB de Caterus, Mersenne et liobbcs, tt rdponses auz objectioDB. ET MORALE.] MORAL PniLOSOPUT. 61 Descartes. CEuvrcs. — ( Continuation.) Vol. II. Objections fuites par ArnnuUl, OaBsenrti, Bourdin ct dlTerBtb6ologienB et philogopbes, et r^ponses aux objectiuDB. " III. Leg principes dn '.\ philojopbic. " IV. Lee pasBiong do 1' Arae ; le Monde, ou traite de la lumiiire ; rilomme. " v. Dioptriquo ; Ics Mutdorea ; la Oeomclrle ; Traitu de la muoanique ; Abrt'ge de la muBiqiic. " uf VI. d X. Correspondance de DescartcB. " XI. Lettre A Vouc ; Higgles pour la dii'ection de I'esprit; Recberobe de la veritij par les lumieres naturellcs, eto. Damiron, M. Eapport sur le concours ouvert sur la question : Examen cri- tique du Cartcsianisme. Momoiro de la Nouvelle Academic des Sciencet Morales et Politiqties. Vol. 4. Momoirc 8ur Jean Claubcrg. md., vol. 4. Momoiro sur Gassendi. Ibid., vol. 3. Mi'moire sur Ilobbea. Ibid., vol. 3. Momoire sur Spinosa. Ibid., vol. 4. Momoire sur Mallebrauche. Ibid., vol. 2. Momoire aur Bayle. Ibid., vol. 6. Bacon, Francis, Lord. Pliilosophical writings- Fide his collected works in Belles Lettbeb. • Kssayes or Counsels, Civil and Morall. 12mo. London, 1G32. Bacon, Fran9oi8. (Eu\Tes philosophiquea, morales et politiques, avec une notice biographique, par J. A. C. Buchon. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Maistre, Comte Jos. de. Examen de la philosophic de Bacon. Vide lea ccuvres de I'Auteur. Cousin, Victor. Histoire do la philosophic du 18o siocle. 2 vol. 8vo. C urse of the History of Modern Pliilosophy ; I'-anslated by 0. W. A^^ight. 2 vols. Svo". New York, 1852. Lerminier, E. De riniluence de la philosophic du 18e siecle sur la legis- lation et la sociabilitiS du 19e. Svo. Paris, 1833. Morell, J. D. Historical and critical view of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the nineteenth century. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. WheAvell, William. Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy in Eng- land. Svo. London, 1852. Hobbes, Thomas, of Malmsbury. English "Works ; now first collected and edited by Sir "NV. Molesworth, Baronet. 11 vols. Svo. T ndon, 1839— 1845. Vol. I. Elements of Pbilosophy. " II. Pbilosophical rudiments concerning Oovernment and Society. " III. Lerintlmn. G2 MENTAL AND LPIIILOSOPIIIE I I 51 1 I iii 'I f. Hobbes, Thomaa, of MalmBbury. English Works. — (Continued.) \o\. IV. TrijM)s. ill ihreo DiscouMCH. " " Ad'jwui' to Hiithop lli'BmliuU'H book od the " LoTintlmn." " " On IIiTcsy, mid llio piinisliiuont tliercol", ito. " v. Dig''ii8si((im concei'iiiiig libcity, lu'cossity uiij chance. " VI. Dinliiiji'e on the Law^ of Gii<;laiKl : Uchcinotli. " " Art of lUuitoiic lunl HoiihiHtiy. " VII. Phil'SophiculprobK'iiis ; Geometry; Naturiil Philosophy, &c. " VIII, 1\. Tr 'nxlntioii of Thiicydiili's' HiHtory of the Giic'iuii War. " X. Trunsliition of Jlomer's iUuda and Odysgus, with a preface ou Heroio Poetry. " XI. Goiifnil Index ; und Plates. Opera Philosopliica (luie Latine scripsit, omnia iu uiuim corpus nunc priinum colleeta, studio ot iabore G. Molusworth. 5 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1839—1815. (Volume I. iuclud( 1 llobbes' Life ; but these vohimcs contjun principally Latin versions of soaie of the above writiiif,'s, with n few additional Tracts.) CudTVOrth, Ralph. 'J'ruo lutelloctual System of the Universe ; wherein the reasou and pliilosophy cf Atheism is confuted; with a Discourse ou the Lord's Supper, aud tv\'o Scruious ou 1 John ii, 3, 1, and 1 Cor. XV. 57 : Second edition, with an account of the lifoaud writings of the Author, by Thomas lUrch. 1 vol. iu 2. 4to. London, 1743. Boyle, Robert. Works : [on Moral Philosopliy and Theology : ou Natural aud Experimental I'liilosophy and Chemistry, »fec.,] with life, by Thoa. Birch. vols. 4to. London, 1772. Locke, John. Piiilosopliical Works, with preliminary discourse aud notes, by J. A. St. John. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Bohiis Stand. Lib. Locke et Leibnitz. (Euvres, coutenaut: I'Essai surl'entondemeut Immain, revu et accompague de note.s par M. Thurot ; IVdoge de Leibnitz, par Fontenello ; le discours sur la conformite do la foi et do la raison ; I'Essai sur la boute do Dieu, la liberte de ruomme et Torigiuo du mol. 8vo. Paris, IS tU. Smart, B. H. Thought and Language ; an Essay having in view the revival, correction, aud exclusive establishment of Locke's Piiilosopliy. 12rao. Loudon, 1856. Mallebranche. (Euvres completes, ])ublii'es par MM. do Geuoudo et de Lourdoueix. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. Condillao. Essai sur I'origine des connaissances humaines. Vide Condillac, a^uvres. Vol. 1. — — ^ Traite des systemes. Tide Condillac, ttuvres. Vol. 2. Traites des sensations et des animaux. Vide Condillac, nnivres. Vol. 3. Laromiguiere, M. de. Sur la determination des mots : Analyse des seusa- tions et idees. iSIemoires de I'Aucienne Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Vol. 1. ET MORALE.] MOBAL PUILOSOrUY. 68 Dumarsais. De In ruison. Lo philoaopliu. EiiHai aur lea prejugi a. Vide Duinarsais, a>uvrc8. Vol. 0. Nicole. (Kuvrea philosophiqucs et moralos, i-ontenant sos principalis ossais, avi'c lies notuM par C. .Jourduin. lUmo. Paris, 1815. Arnauld. (Euvrea philoaophiquos, public'ea avec des notes et uno introduc- tion par C .lourdain. I'imo. Paris, 1813. Andrd, lo Poro. (J''uvro8 pliiloaopliiqucH, avec uno introduction sur sa vie et 809 ou\ rages, par V. (Cousin. 12ino. Paris, 1813. Hartley, Uavid. observations on Man, his frame, bis duty, and bia expec- tatidiiH. 8vo. London, 1834. Shaftesbury, A. A. Cooper, Earl of. Cbaracteriatica of men, niannera, opinions, timea. 3 vola, 8vo. Loudon, 1737. Brown, Jolin. Essays on [Sbaftesbury'a] Cbaracteriatica. 8vo. London, 1752. I. Ou Ridicule as a tost of trulli. II. On the motives to Virtue, nuJ the ue- ce.ssity of Religiou» I'riuciplo. 111. Ou Rovciiletl Rdif^icm. Berkeley, George, Bisliop of Cloyne. Worka ; including bia letters, with an account of jislife: edited, witb tbo Latin I'^canys rendered into English, &c., by G. N. Wriglit. 2 vola. 8vo. London, 1843. Vol. I. Priuciples of Human Knowledge ; Theory of Vision; Minute riiilos- ophcr, lie. " II. On I'lisi^ivo Obedience ; Mathematicol Triiots ; On the virtues of Tar- Wnter, Ao. Paley, William. jMoral Pbilosopby ; new edition, 1838. — FjVfe hia collected works, vol. Ill, in TiiEuLOtiv, &o. Coleridge, S. T. Philosopbical Writings. — ViJn bia collected worka iu Belles Lkttbes. Bentham, Jeremy. Principles of Morals. — Vide bia collected worka in Po- litical HCIENCE. Tucker, Abraham. The light of nature puraued, with an account of tbo life of tbe Author, by Sir II. P. St. John Mildmay, Bart. 2 vola. 8vo. London, IStS. Hume, David. Philosophical Works; including all bis Essays, anl exhibiting important alterations iu tbe succeaaive editions. 4 vola. Bvo. Boa- ton, 1854. Essays. 2 vola. 8vo. London, 1786. Raid, Thomas. Works, [Essays on tbe Human Mind, itc.,] with selcctioua from Ins unpublished Letters ; Preface, Notes, and Supplementary UisDortations, by Sir William Hamilton, Jiaronet ; and Stewarts' ac- count of tbe life and writings of Heid; witb Notes by the Editor, fourth edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1854. fThis volume ends at)ruptly at page 914. Tbo renminiug pages, being the sequel of tlie Editor's Supplementary Dissertations, are proriiisod to bo issued at a future period, along with u general I'refuce, ludiues, ic.) 64 MENTAL AND [PUILOSOPUIB ir . ,;i i M Reid, ThonmH. (Kuvres eotnplotcs, public'os par Th. iloulf'roy. avec des frngmonts do M. Eoyor Collard, et uno introduction do I'Editeur. vol. 8vo. Paria. ler vol. ; 1830. Vol. 2, 3 et 4 ; 1828. Vol. 5 ot G ; 1829. L« vol, T. comprond uno l(in(,'ue prdfaoo du trndiictcur, dea notices liibliogra- pbiqucg Bur I'c'cule (JooginiHC, et la vie du Ilcid pur Diignld Sjtuwiirt. Leg frogmuDta dc» Ie9()ng de M. Iloyer Collurd bo trouvcut uux vol. Ill et IV. Ste'Wart, Dugald. Collected works ; edited by Sir W. llnmilton. Vols. I to IX. 8vo. Edinburgh, 185-4-1850. Vol. I. DigBortatioD on tlio progress of MotHpliygionl, P^tbical, and Political riiilosophy, gincc the revival of Lctturs. " II, III, IV, riiiloHopliy of the lltimnn Miiul ; to which is prefixed tbo Introduction and Part 1, of the Outlines of Moral PhiioBophy. " V. Philosophical Eggnyg. " VI., VII. Of tho ActivJ and Moral Towcru of Miin ; to which ig prefixed Part 2 of tho Outlinog of Moral I'liilogophy. " VIII, IX. Lectures on Political Economy ; to which ig jirefixcd Part 8, of the Outlines of Moral Philo9oj)l:y. Ste'Wart, Dugald. fik'ments do Li philoaophio de rcsprit Iminain; traduc- tion f'rau9ai8e, revuo ot complutuo par L. Peiaso. 3 vol. 12mo. 1813-5. Brown, Thoinns. Lectures on Ibo Philosophy of tho Mind, with a Memoir of tho Author, by David Welsh. Nineteenth edition, l vols. Bvo. Edinburgli, 1851*. Smith, Adam. Theory of Moral Sentiments ; witii a dissertation on tho Origin of Languages ; new edition, with a INfenioir of tho Autlior, by Dugald Stewart. 8vo. London, 1853. Bohn's Standard Lihrary. Mackintosh, Sir James. Pliilosophy. ViJe his "Works, Vol. 1. Abercrombie, John. The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 12tno. Lon- don, 184G. -^— — Inquiries concerning tlio Intellectual Powers, and the inves- tigation of Truth. 12nio. London, 1849. Hamilton, Sir William. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Edu- cation and L^niversity Eeform ; chielly from the Edinburgh Keview ; corrected, vindicated, and enlarged, in Notes, &c. hvo. London, 1852. Whewell, William. Elements of ^lorality, including Polity. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1815. Smith, Sydney. Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at tho Eoyal Institution, in 1S01-5-G, 8vo. London, 1850. (Duplicate; being a New York re-print, 1855.) ET MORALE.] MORAL PniLOSOPHY. 05 Bray, Oharloa. Tho Philoaophy of Nocesaity; or, tlio Law of CoiisoiiuonceB ; UH applicubic to Mental, Moral, aud Social tScionce. 2 vols. 8ro. London, 1841. Vul. I. Miud and MornlH. Vol. II. Social Mclcnce. Davles, Jolm. l'',Htlniate of tlio lEunian Mind; a pliilosophiciil enquiry into tlic legitiniato application and extent of itH leading fuculties as con- nected with the principles and oblii^ations of the Christian religion. New edition : with large additions. 8vo. London, 1817. Taylor, Isaac. Klements of Thought ; or, concise explanations of tho princi- pal terms employed in lutelluutual riiilosophy. Tenth edition. 12mo. London, 1853. Philosophical Theories and Philosophical Experionoe ; Vide .Small Hooks on Great Subjects, 1. Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy ; Connexion between, — Fide Small Hooks on Great Subjects, 11. BrownOj Sir^Thomas. Christian florals, published from the manuscript of tho Author, by Dr. Jetl'rey, with notes. Third editi .^. Vide ' < Works, Vol. 4. Enquiries into very many received tene i, and com- monly preaiimed truths, which examined pri (> but common ai ;1 Vulgar Errors. Eighth editicin, with additi. ns i'om M.S.S., auu notes by (various hands.) I'ide his Works, \ ol. 2. Vulgar and common Errors, adapted to the Year of Grace ^IDCCCXLV ; An exposition of,— by Thomas Brown redivivua. Vide Small Books on Great Subjects, VI 11. Dymond, Jonathan. Essays on the principles of IMoridity, aud on tho private and political rights and obligations of Mankind. 8vo. London, 1852. Sewell, llev. William. Ciiristian Morals, 12mo, London, 1849. Barchou de Penhoen, Le Harou. llistoire de la philosophic allemande, ilcpuis Lubnitz jusqu'a llegel. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 183G. Kant, Em. Criti(jue liu jugement. Traduit de Tallemand par J. Barni. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. Critique de la raisou pure, i'raduit de I'allemand par C. J. Tissot. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835-36. La religion dans Ics lini'^^es de la raison. Traduit do Tallcmand par J. TruUard. fSvo. Pnris, 1841. Pliilosophie critique. Traduit de rallemarid par Henri Jouffroy. 8vo. Leipsic, 1812. Barni, Jules. Philosophio do Kant. Examen de la critique du jugement. 8vo. Paris, 185U. Saintes, Amand. llistoire do la vie et de hi philosophio de Kant. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 66 MENT.\Ti AND [I'llILOSOPHIE t »■• \l.- Keratry, M. Exnmen pliilosophiqiio dcs considdrntiona dMun. Kant sur le soutimcut du sublime et du beau. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Kant, Immanuel. Critique of pure I'eason ; translated from the German, by J. ISI. |1). Meiklejolin. »Svo. London, 1Sj5. Holm's Philosophical Library. Fiohte, J. G. Principes fondamentaux de la science de la connaissaiico. Traduit de rallemand par V. Grimblot. 8vo. Paris, 181;). Destination de Pliomme. Traduit de I'allemand par Barchou do Penhoen. Svo. Paris, lSI3(i. Schelling, ]M. do. SvHtemo de Tid^alisnie transcendental. Traduit do I'allemand par Paul (Jrimblot. 8vo. i'aris, 1812. Hdgel l''r. Cours d'estlu'lique, anal} so et traduit en parlie ])ar jM. Cli. Benard. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. Iiebre A . Criso actuelle de la i)]iilo8opliie allenuinde ; eeole do Hegel ; nouveau systeme do Schelling. Hcvhc ths dni.v Momirs, nonvelle serie, vol. 1. Taillandier. De la criso de la pliilowophie lu'-gi'lienne- Ibid., vol. 10. Sohlegel, Frederick A'on. The Philon(i|)h\- of liife, and I'hilosophy of Lau- guago ; translated from the German, by A. J. W. Morrison. 8vo. Loudon, 1847. Bohn's Stand. Library. Sohlegel, Fred. Essai sur la laugue (it la j)iiilosophie des Indiens. Traduit de rallenunid par M. A. ^1 azure. 8vo. Paris, 18;{7. ■ — — Pliilosopliie de la \'k\ Traduit do I'alieinaud par M. I'abbo Gueuot. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, i83S. Zimmermann. Le monde avani la erealion do rhonnue ou lo berceau de rUuivers. 8vo. Bruxelles, 185U. Bonstetten, Charles Victor de. Etudes de I'honnne, ou recherches sur les faeultes de sentir et de peuser. 2 vol. Svo. Geneve, 1821. IVCailie de Biran. U-luvres philosophiques, publiees ])ar N'ietor Cousin. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 18'11 ; comprenant entre autr»>s les ouvragcs sui- vants : Vol. I. L'intluoiico do I'liiiliiliuli'. " II. Dooompii8iti"u de 111 pi'iisi'o ; Congidfriiliiuis sur le soinmoil, etc. " III. Do raporcopti"" iMiiiu'diato, oto. " IV. Cip'.isidt'rai. ins stu' Ic3 rapports du pliysicpn' ot du inonil. Exposition de 111 doctrine philoBopliiqiic do Liebuitz, etc. Naville, Em. Maine do Biran, aa vie intiine et ses ecrits. Rrvue dcs deux 'ondes, nouvcUe periode, vol. 11. Q^rard, M. I'abbe. Essai sur les vrais principes, relativcmcnt a nos connais- sances lea plus importantes. 13 vol. Svo. Paris, lS2t!. Bonald, M. le A'icomto de. Giluvrca. IG vol. ' -. j. Paris : A'ol. I. Kusai analytique sur los loia imturoUos do I'lnlro Bocial, ou, Du pouvoir du miuistre .1 du sujot duns In sociOto. IJuatritiinc I'ditiou, 1810. ET MOEALE,J MOllAL PHILOSOPHY. 67 Bonald. M. le Vicomto do. flJuvroH. — {Continuation.) Vol. II, III, IV. L('gi»lutit)n ])rimitive, Buivic do divem traitcs et discoura politiques, 1829. " V. Da divorce, 1839. " VI et VII. PonBi'08 et discours, 1817. •• VIII ot IX. Rcehcrchcs pliilosophiqucs sur lea premiers objots dcs connaia- Biinocs luorftlcs, 1838. " X et XI. Mdlmigcs philoHopliiquoB, litt6raires, otc, 1838. " XII. DciiiuriBtnit-ioii ])liiloH(i])liiq\i(! du prj- ipo cormtitiitif do 1ft aocicte, aiiiviii do nu'ditiitioiiH ])oliti(iiies tirt'esde rovangilo, 1810. " XII, XIV ot XV. TiiiJorio du pouvoir ixilitiquo ot religioux dans In BooiOte civile, 1843. " XVI. Do ropposition et do la liberto do la prcBse, 1827 ; do laloi BurlVrgani- siition den onrpn ftdmliilHtnitifs par voio d'electioii, 1829; discoura Bur la vie do JesiiH-Christ, 1844. Bonald, lo Vicomto V. do. Do la vio et des ecnta do j\I. lo vicomto de Bo- uald ; d(''fenso do ses priucipcs plulosopliiques ; lettre uu E. P. V., etc., Svo. Avignon, 1853. Ventura, lo P. Do la vraio ct do la lausso philosophie ; n'ponsc a M. de ]3onald. 8vo. Paria, 1852. Remusat, Clis. do. Lo Pito Ventura et la pliilosophio. Revue des deux Mondcs, nouvello poriode, seeondo ai'rie, vol. 1. Lerminier. Lo Pore Vent\ira. lievue Contemporaine, vol. G. Maistre, Lc Comtc Joseph do. Lcs Hoirrcs do Saiiit-Pt'tcrsbourg, ou cntrc- ticMis sur 1(! gouveruemont temporol do la providence. 2 vol. Svo. Paria, 185.3. Paria, 1854. Cou.sid('rations aur la France. Svo. Du Pape. Svo. Paria, 1854. Del'Egliao Oallicanc dana aon rapport avocle Souvorain Poutife. Svo. Paris, 185.3. Do la Juatico Divine. Svo. Paria, 1852. Sur la pliiloHophie do Bacon. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1853. Saint-Bonnet, B. De raffaibliaaoment do la raison et do aa decadcucc en Europe. Svo. Paria. 1854. Simon, Jules. Le devoir. Svo. Paria, 1855. Gratry. Do la connaissancede Dieu. Philoaophie. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1855* Remusat, Clis. do. Do la philosophie do I'Oratoiro. lievue des deux Moiidcs, nouvello periodo, 2mo. aerie, vol. 7. Lerminier. De h connaisaance de Dieu, par I'abbe Gratry. lievue Con- tcmporaine, vol. 13. Nettement, Alf. Lea ruinea morales ctintellectuelles. Svo. Paris, 1S3G. Deux ecolea eu presence. Revue Contcmporaine, vol. 19. V 68 MENTAL AND PHILOSOPHIE ill Eldmenta d'id^ologie. 5 torn, en 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, Destutt de Tracy. comprenant : Vol. I. Ideologic propremont dite. 1827. " II. Gramraaire. 1826. " III. Logique. 1825. " IV. De la voloutu et de SOB effctB. 1826. Damiron, M. Ph. Cours de philosophie. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris. Vol. I et II. Psycologie. 1827. " . III. Morale. 1842. " IV. Logique. 18.36. Cousin, V. Fragmens philosophiques. 8vo Paris, 1826. • Nouveaux fragmens philosophiques. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Defense de I'universite et de la philosophie, 8vo. Paris, 1844. — Du vrai, du beau et du bien. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Nicolas, M. De reclectisme. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Comte, M. Auguste. Cours de philosophie positive. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830-1842. Philosophy of the Sciences : being an exposition of the principles of the " Cours de Philosophie positive," by G-. H. Lewes. Svo. London, 1853. Bohi^s Scientific Library. Oersted, H. C. The Soul in Nature, with supplementary contributions ; trans- lated from the G-erman, wth life of the author, by Leonora and Joanna B. Horner. Svo. Loudon, 1852. Bohn's Scientific Library. Lamennais. Esquisse d'uue philosophic. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Vide dans les ojuvres de I'Auteur ses autres ouvrages philosophiques. Reynaud, J, Philosophic religicuse. Terre et Ciel. Svo. Paris, 1854. Buchez. Essai d'un traite complct de philosophip :ri point de vue du catho- licisme et du progrea. 3 vol. 8vo. Pari^. K '8. Droz. Pensoes sur le christianismc, suivi dcs aveux d'un philosophe chretien. 12mo, Paris, 1856. Ferrari, M. De la philosophic catliolique en Italic. Revue des deux Mondes, nouvelle serie, vol. 5 et 6. Combalot. De la philosophic catholique. Vide Combalot. Martinet. Philosophie du catechisme catliolique. Vide Martinet. Voir aussi : Maupied. — Dieu, I'liomme et le Monde. Bkbgiet' — Exainen du Mat<5rialisme. Fenklon. — De I'existence de Dieu. Vol. I, de ses cDuvres. Nicolas. — Etudes philosophiques du Christianismc. Saisset, E. De la philosophic du Clcrgo. Hevue des deux Mondet, nou- velle st'ric, vol. 6. Renaissance du Voltairianisrae, Ihid., vol. 9, 111 ET MORALE.] MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 69 Saisset, E. Le christianiame et la philoaophie. Ibid., vol. 9. Do la philosophie allemande. Ibid., vol. 13. __ , De la philosophie positive. Ihid., vol. 15. - - Michel Servet ; sa doctrine et sa vie. Ibid., vol. 20. . . De I'etat moral de notre cpoque. Ibid., nouvelle periode, vol. 5. . ^. Dea ecoles philosophiquea de la France, depuis la revolution de fevrier. Ibid., vol. 17. Remusat, Ch. de. De la philosophie dans ses rapports avec I'etat dt la socicto fran9aise. Ibid., quatrieme aerie, vol. 29. Simon, Jules. Du raouvement philosophique en Province. Ibid., 4me serie, vol. 30. • Spinoza. Ibid., nouvelle serie, vol. 2. Etat de la philosophie en France: les radicaux, le clerge, lea eelectiques. Ibid., nouvelle serie, vol. 1. Pelletan, E. Profession de foi du lOme siecle, 8vo. Paris, 1854. ' ■* Caro, E. Etudes morales sur le 19me siecle. Bevue Cotitemporaine, vol. 11 et 18. Mouvement et tendances de la philosophie en France. Ibid., vol. 20. Blakey, Robert. Historical sketch of Logic, from the earliest times to the present day. 8vo. London, 1851. Milton, .Tohn. Artis Logica) instiiutio ; praxis, et P. Eami Vita; vide Mil- ton's Works, vol. 7. Mansel, ILL. Prolegomena Logica : an inquiry into the Pschological cha- racter of logical processes. 8vo. Oxford, 1851. Lacretelle, ^L Logique, metaphysique et morale. 4 vol. 4to. Encyclo- pcdie Method i(2U('. Aristote. Logique. F/(/« " Claasiqucs Grecs etLatius." Condillac. Art de penser. Vide (euvres de I'auteur, vol. 5. La logique, ou les premiers doveloppemens de Tart de penser. Do. Vol. 15. Arnault. Logique. Vide Arnault, oeuvres philosophiques. Dumarsais. Logique ou reflexions sur les priucipales operations do I'esprit. Vide Dumarsais, ci'uvres, vol. 5 et G. Kant. Em. Logique. Traduito do I'allemand par Jh. Tissot. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Gratry, A. Logique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1H55. Saisset, E. Une logi(iue nouvollo a I'Oratoire et le Pere Gratry. Sevue dea deux Mondes, nouvelle periode, secondo serie, vol. 11. Baynes, T. S. The Port-Koyal Logic ; translated from the French Twith introduction, notes, and appendix. Second edition, enlarged. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1851, m 70 MENTAL AND ^^PHILOSOPniE i^< vl lit: Bentham, Jeremy. Essay ou Logic. (Pobthumoua publicatiou.) Vide his Works, vol. 8. " Logic according to the author, [is] tho art wliich hag for its object, the giving the direction to tho mind, in tho pursuit of its purposes, • ■ i ■- ■ '.j '■ ■ ■ 1.1 !i „ 'tf! -ft t i ■ 1;, 4 1 ,1 1^^^^ 72 MENTAL AND [PHILOSOPIIIE Labruyfere. Lea c trncteres de Theophraste, traduits du grec ; avec les caracterea ou les raccurs de ce aiecle ; edition precedee d'une etude sur Labruyore, par le baron "Walckenaer. 2 vol. 12vo. Tans, 1852. De Weiss. Principea philosophiques, politiquea et moraux. 2 vol. 8vo. Geneve, 1H19. Oxenstiern, le Coriti; de (Pierre Thureson.) rensec-i, rufiexiona tt rusaxiniea morales. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Jouy, Etiennc, dit de. L'Hermito de la chaussee c! .rVjitiu. 5 vol. li/mi Quillaumo le franc (tarleur, - vol. liino. j tb auirca ouvrages de M. de Jouy. F/'-^f les P>.lya;r'iphe*'. Chamfort. Maximea tt penseea ph ! isophique,'. Vide les a'uvresj^de I'au- teur, vol. 1. Earnave. Etudea aur i'homme. Vide Barisave, auvres, voi. 3. Tremblay, Victor. Nouveic; manuel (lampiut du morrJiste. 2 vol. Vimn, Paris, 1S38. Soret. PatSiions. Hiftirical Llluatntions of tlie ori;;in nnd prog''^sa of fclie, — imd t.'icii-ut;aty on the conduct of Mankind. 2 vola. Svo. London, 1825. Wigaiij >*- ' X'lifc D'lp'ity of the Mind proved by tlie structure, function, and c'.s. sses of tlie Bfain, and by the phenomena of mental derangement, and ;.hown t>> be csseutinl to moral reaponsibility. Svo. London, 1844. MOlJagen, J. G. Mind and Matter, illustrated by considerations on Here- ditary Inaaaity, and the influence of tempenunent in the developmeut of the Passions. Svo. London, 1817, . — _ Second Edition, [with a change of titb' to " The Passions ; oi". Mind and Matter, &c., (as above), but with mi further alteration except the substitution of a now "Advertisement," for the "Intro- duction" to the first edition.] Svo. London. 1848. Moore, George. The Power of the Soul over tlie Body, considered in rela- tion to Health and jVIorals. Third edition. Svo. Loudon, 184G. The use of the Body in relation to the Mind. Second edition Svo. Loudon, 1»17. Wedgwood, H. Ou the developement of the Understanding. 12ino. Lon- don, 1S48. Brodie, Sir B. C. Psychological inquiries: intended to illustrate the mutual relatione of the physical organization and the mental faculties. Second edition. 12rao. London, 1855. Bain, Alexander. The Senses and the Intellect. Svo. London, 1855. Spencer, Herbert. The principles of Psychology. Svo. London. 1855. Spurzheim, G. Esaai philosophique aur la nature ^m^ ,|e ^t intellectuelJe de I'homme. Svo. Paris, 1820. Latena, De. Etudes de i'homme. 12mo. Paris, 'S . ET MORALE.] MORAL PHIlOSOPnT. 73 Demangeon, J. B. Physiologio intellectuelle do I'esprit de rhomme. Svo. Paris, 1843. Descuret, J. B. P. La mcdecinedea passions. Svo. Paris, 1844. Alibert, J. L. Pbysiologie des passions. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1825. Stendhal, do. [Boyle.] Do TAmour. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Gamier, Adolphe. Precis d'un coura do psychologio. 8ro. Paris, 1831. Jouffiroy, M. Do la legitimito do la distinction cntro la psychologio ct la physiologic. IMomoires de la Nouvelle Acadcmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Vol. 2. Garreau. Esaai sur les bases ontologiquea de la science do Thomme. Svo. P.iris, 184G. Vide Cerise, (lo Dr. L.), Expose et examen critique du systemo phrenologique ; Cabauis, Eapports du physique et du moral de rhomme ; ct Gall, sur Ics fonctiona du cerveau ; et autrea ouvragea do phri'iiologio ct de physiologic. Debreyne, P. J- C. Essai phllosophiquo sur I'influence comparative du regime vegetal et du regime animal. Svo. Paris, 1847. Etude de la mort. Svo. Paris, 1845. Du suicide, suivi do quelques reflexions sur lo duel. Svo. Paris', 1847. Boismont, Bricre do. Du Suicide et de la folie suicide, consideres dans leurs rapports avec la statistique, la medeciue et la philosophie. Svo. Paris, 1S5G. Reveille-Parise. Traito do la vieillesso hygieuique, medicalo et philoso- pliique. Svo. Paris, 1853. Etudes do I'liomme dans I'etat de santc et dans I'etat de maladie. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1845. Zimmermann. La Solitude ; traduction par X. Marmier. 12mo. Paris, 1S55. Droz, Jos. L'art d'ette hcureux. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Leroux, P. Du bonhour. Eevuo des deux Mondes, quatriome sorie, vol. 5. TDelf ssei"t B.] Lo guido du bonheur. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Bih. C. JP. Azais, P. IL Dos compensations dans les destinues humaines. 12mo. Paris, 1846. Voir 80UJ lo litre Belles-Lettuks: Loil)nitii O])ora. Balzac. — (I:;uvrcs. Vol. 2. Voltaire, — Philosophie gcuurale : metaphyaique, morale et theologie. VoL 82 et 33 (Ic Bcs truvves. RoiisjOiiii, J. J.— rhilosojiliio. Vol. 29 ct 30 de sea a'uvres. Diilcrot. -Ouvriif^i's philosophiciues. Vol. 1 ct 2 (.lo sea ccuvrcs. Sihio !'.,>Hico. — Discour-) sur les ilevoirs dc8 homnieBi Hugo, Vi 'tor. — Liltoiaturc ct Philosophio. Vol. 12 de sea cDUvrea, FbiV aussi .OS u'livrcs do BosE-et, Fcnclon, Fonteuelle, Volnoy, Bemordin do Suiut Pierre, Frerou, M- iaino do Stael, Chuteaubriaud, lialluuclio, etc. ir' i 74 EDUCATION. I fi I' Acaddmie royale des sciences morales et politiques. Mcmoires publii's avant 1833. 5 vol. 4to. Mumoires publics dcpuis 1835. vol. 4to. Savans ctrangers. 2 vol. 4to. Fb/r aussi los Mumoiros do \'Aeni!cmie iki Tii script lout et Bdln-Lettres, et cetui de rAcademie do Berlin ; la colloctiou do la lievite des deux Mondo, y conipris YAnnuaire, \alievuc CbiUemporainc,et\ta Annalcsde Philosophic ChtilienM. if iMf :;,;;' (Ebucation. De I'odueation chez lea aocicns. Vide Robinet, Dicticnnaire Univcrsel des Scieneet Morales, politiques, eti: Vol. 17. Naudet, M. Memoir o sur Tinstruction publiquo cbez lea anciens, et parti- ciilieremcut cbez lea romuius. Nouveaiix IMi'rnoirea do VAcadcmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Yo\. 9, 1822. Plutarchus. De educatione puerorum. Yido Bibliothrque des auteurs grecs. IiOCke. L'6ducation des enfants. Vide Robinet, Dictionnaire Universe! des Sciences Morales, etc. Vol. 17. Haller, le Baron de. De roducation. Ibid. Helvetius, M. Do I'educatiou. Iljid. Gamier M. Analyse du traito sur I'cducation civile. Ibid. Mercier. Do I'iustruction publique. Ibid., vol. 22. Rousseau, J. J. Emile, ou de roducation. Vide ccuvrea, vol. 0-lt. Delille, J. Discoura sur 1' education. Yide ceuvresi. Frayssinous. Diacoura sur I'education. Vol. 2 de sos conferences. Bonald, le Vicomte de. De Teducation daua la societe. Vide a^uvres de I'auteur, vol. 4. Gaume, M. I'abbe J. Lettrea a monseigneur Dupanloup but Io paganisnio dana I'cducation. 8vo. Paris, 1852. G^rando, le Baron de. Des inatitutiona relatives a, I'education dea pauvrea. Vide Gerando, De la Bienfaisance Publiiiue, vol. 2. Vi)ir nu38i La Farelle, Du Progvi;.8 Social. Amoros, Ic Col. L'education pbysique, gymnastiquo ct morale. 2 vol. 12mo., avec atlas. Paris, 1847. EDUCATION. 76 Clavel, A. Traito dV'ducntion pliysiquo ot morale. 2 vol. 12Tno. P.-tris, 1855. Vergniaud. Le manuel des jeunus gens. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1831. lioret. Celnart, Mdo. La bouno compaguic. 12ino. Paris, 1852. Id. Kant EiQ> Traltu do pi'dagogio. Vide Kant, Pratique de la Vertu. ■Rarrau, Th. Ifi Direction morale pour lea instituteurs. 12mo. Paris, 1851. . Do rudiication dans la famille et au college. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Oarpantier, Mile. Marie. Conseila sur la direction des salles d'asile. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Giraud M. Eapport sur le concours ouvert aur cette question : Hxamen critique Ju si/sfrme d'inslniction et d' education de PestaJozzi, etc., 1847. [Mcmoires de la Nouvelle Academic dea Science* Morales et Politigxtes. Vol. 3. Miohelet, M. Momoire sur I'lHlucation des femmes au iNIoyen Age. Memoirea do la Nouvcllo Acadniiic dc« Sciences Morales et Politiques, vol. 2. Thery A. Lettres sur la profession d'iustituteur. 12mo. Paris. Bernardin, de St. Pierre. Disooura sur I'oducation. Vol. 12 de lei ceuvres. Aime-Martin. L'6ducation des mores de famille ou la civilisation da genre humain j)iir les i'oninios. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Campan, Mde. De Fc'ducation, suivi de couseils aux jeunes fillcs. 2 vol. 12nio. Paris, 1824. Guizot, Mde. Lettres de i'aniillo sur I'oducation. 2 vol. 12mi/. Paris, 1852. Lavall^e, Thoop. IHstoirc do la ninison royale do Saint-Cyr. ^vo '^■;ria, 1S53. Maintenon, jMadame do. Ii(.'Uriis sur I'oducation. 12nio. Paris, 185G. Entrctions sur I'lducatiou. 12mo. Paris, 1856. F6nelon. Education dos HIIoh. Vide Fom'lon, ceuvres, vol. 17. Qirardin, Saint-Marc. Jj'rducati.m do la f'emmo dans I'Kmilo et selon Mde. do ilaintonou. Jicviic des dci'x Mointcs, 2nie aorie, uouvello poriode, vol. 11. Celnart, ]Mdo. Lo manuol dos donioiscllos. 12!no. Paris, 1S37. Boret. Le niauuol dos dames. 12nio. Paris, 1S3' ^' Pariset, iMde. La maitrossc de niaison. 12nio. Paris, 1852. ^.x. Milton, .lolin. Of Education ; Vide liis Works, vol. 4. IVIann, Horace. Lectures on Education. 8vo. lioston, 1855. Maurice, F. D. Has tlio Church, or tlu; State, tlie jiower to educate the Nation f* a Courno of Lectures. 8vo. London, 1^39. Taylcr, Isaac. Home Education. Fifth edition, revised. 12mo. London, 185L H % 70 EDUCATION. "■■m| i| : ■ Zinoke, F. Q. Some thoughts about thu School of the Future ; as regards tho solution of tho Educational questions of the day ; with as Appendix, on the Groat Exhibition, regarded ns nu exponent of the state and tendencies of Society, &c. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. Lectures on Education, delivered at tho Eoyal Institution, by "Whewell, Parndriv ■ iib .n, and others. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. Pillans, Jr ucfl. - : ' ibutions to tuo cause of Education; [a series of wntinjjb published, from time to time, within tho lost thirty years.] 8vo. London, 185G. Pftrt L Contuiniug what pertains to tho Elucation of Ihelfany. *' IL DIaciiasiuns in reference to the Education of tlio F«w. Popular Educator, Tlio. An FIm"-'" nal Cyclopa-dia, to aid in tho Edu- cation of the People . ^aoiiahedby Johu Casaell. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1852-1855. Vol. 1. Contftins lessons in Ancient History, Architecture, Arithmetic, Bingrupby, Botany, English Grammar and Compoaition, French, Geography, Geology, Geometry, German, Latin, Music, Natural lliatory. Physiology and Miscel- lanea. " IL Lessons in Algebra, Architecture, Arithmetic, Biography, Botany, Draw- ing, English, French, Geography, Geology, Geometry, German, Latin, Miiaic, Natural Illstory, PeumanBhip, Physiology, PlioDctlc Shorthand. " nL Lessons in Algebra, Arithmetic, niogrnphy, Book-keeping, Chemistry, Drawing, English, French, Geography, Geology, Geometry, German, Gieck, Instrumnntal Arithnictie, Latin, Music, Nutunil History, Phonetic Short- hand, Physical Education, Skeleton Maps, Sketches for young thiukcrs, Cor- respondence, and Miscellanea. " rv. Lessonsin Algebra, Biography, Book-keeping, Chemistry, English, French^ Geography, Geology, German, Greek, Instrumental Arithmetic, Key to Latin and Greek Lessons, Italian, Muaio, Natural Philosojihy, HiaJing and Elocution, Skeleton Maps, Sketches for young thiukcrs, Mathemalicul illus- trations, Correspondence and Miscellanea. " V; Lessons in Algebra, Book-keeping, Biography, Chemistry, French read- ings. Geography, Geology, Geometry, Giook, Italian, Mathematical illustra- tions. Physics or Natural Philosophy, Reading and Elocution, Miscellanea and Ciir-espondenco. '■ VI. Lessr.s in Algebr i \rithmetic. Biography, French pronunciation and reading. Geology, Orer , Italian, Moral Science, Physics, Poetry, Heading and Elocution, Spaniaij, Theory and practice of Teaching, Trigonometry and M'acellanea. Tlcfc iiollin, Traite des Etudes, ct Coudillnc, Coura d'Etudos, etc. (BKLLEsJ.STraEa.) Voir aussi les niauuela ilunit el les Cent TraiUa sir les couuaissauces los plus indiaponsables. (Esctciof'^oies,) Virivllle, Yallct do. Ilisto ^ do i i .structiou publiquo en Europe ct priuci- palcnient en Fraur j uia ' chriatiauismo jusqu'ii uos jours. *lvo. Paris, ISiO. . Universitos, colleges, ecolicrs au ]Moycu-Agc. V'uh Tjacroix -t SortS, Le Moyen-Age et la Renaissance, vol. \. EDUCATION. 77 Euohe A. I). Heport vn Education in Europe, to tho Trustees of Oirard College for Orphans [with a view to tlie preparation of a Bystoui of iuatructiou for that CollcgoJ. 8vo. riiiliidclpliia, 1S30. Barnard, Henry. National Education in Europe ; being an account of the orgiinization, aduunistration, instruction, and stiitistics of Public Sohoola of dilleront grades in tho principal States. Second edition. 8vo. New York, IbSl. Kay Joseph. The Social Condition and Education of the people in England ttud Europe ; Bhowing tlio results of tho I'rimary Schools, and of the division of landed property, in foreign countries. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1850. Vol. I. TliL" I'ensatit Propn«'torB. " II. Tho Education of the people. Hudson, J- W. TIio History of Adult Education; incliiliug a history of Mechanics' and Literary Institutions, Athena'nms, &c., in Great Britain and Ireland, America, &c. 8vo. London, 18.5L (TwocopieB.) Hole, Jamct*. On tho history and ntanugomont of Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institutions ; luul on tiicir use in promoting tho TUf^ral well-being and indu.-^lry of tli(! country. "Prize Essay." 8vo. London, 1853. Pray, L. G. IIi:itory of Sunday-Sdiools, and of Eeligious Education, from the earliest times. 12u\o. Uoston, 1847. Etuber, V. A. The Englisli Universities. A n abridged translation from tlie German ; edited by F. W. Newman ; with additiuuiU notes. 2 vols. in 3. 8vo. London, 1813. This work (.'ives tho i,'i!neral liistory of tho TJnivoraitiPS of Oxford and Cambridge from tho eiuiii'st perind to lilS^* ; with details concerning the ancient University Cou3titution and its later changes. The internal and moral history of the Diiiversities ig brought down to the prestMit time. Vol. III. contains notes doseriliing tlio risi; uml prt'soul state of ilie t liveraities of Durham and Londoa Ackermann, li. History wf the University of Oxford; its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. "With colored plates. 2 vols. 4to. Loudon, ISli. Oxford, Statutes of tlio CollcLjes of; with Eoyal P;il.ent3 of Foundations, Injunctions of Yisitnrs, and Catalogues of docuiueuts relating to the University, preserved in the Public Record OiUce. Published by order of the Ovford Tniverbity Commissioners. 3 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1853. Heywood, James. The Kocommondations of tho Oxford University Com- missioners ; with selections frum l!u;ir Report; and a history of tho University Subscription Tests, including notices of the I'nivcrsity and Collegiate Visitations. 8vo. London, 1853. i' ]'•. 78 EDUC.VTIOK. if Univeraity Education. I'apura (chudy iii mnmisrri;!.^ illustrativo of tho preaout btuto of Educatiou iu tUo UuivcrBity of Oiford. May, 1831). Bound up with Two Sonnoniiproaohod before tho CumbiiJgo UiiiToriltj (30lU Junol82i!, aud&ili July, 18U&) by llio lluv. Dr. J. ii. MdiiU, ua lliu iliily oruiioutiou to lliu nii^iuul objects of Acadoiiiical IiistitiiiioiiH, pp. 17, 28. And. luitiuto by Sir T. H. lUllK-t, ou tlio ostttblisliinciit of u Maloy Oolli'gu ill Singiipoie. 1810. pp. yi. Whytehead, T. College Life : Lottera to ud uudcryraduato. 8vo. London, 1815. Aokermann, R. nistorj of tho Univerdity of Caiubridgo : ita Colleges and Public Buildiuga. With colored platea. 2 vols. Ito. London, 181.5. D'EweS, Sir Symond.")- College Life in tho time of James tho Firat ; oa illuatratcd by an unpubliahed diary of Sir 8. D'Ewea, Hart., for some timo a fellow-commoner of fcit. Johu'a College, Cumbridgo. 8vo. London, 1851. Cambridge University Transactions during the Puritan Controversies of the sixteenth and seventeenth ceuturiesi. Collected by Jumea Ueywood and Thomas Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1851. Sedg^'lok, Adam. Discourse on the studies of tho University of Cambridge ; fifth editi.n, with additions and a preliminary dissertation. Svo. Cambridge, 1850. Whewell, AVilliam. Of a liberal Education in general, and with particular reference to the leading studies of tho University of Cambridge. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. London, IhoO. Port I. Priaciplcs luid rcccut histcny. " 11. Disousuions aud cLuu^'fts. lb-10-18f)0. Amos, Andrew. Four Lectures on the advantages of a Classical Education, as an auxiliary to a Commercial Education. AVilh a letter to Dr. Whewell, on tho subject of his tract " Ou Liberal Education," Svo. London, 1946. Brlsted, C, A. Five years in an English University [i. e., Trinity College, Cambridge]. Svo. New York, 1852. Gxadus ad Cantabrlgiam ; or, Xe\v(Jui(le to the Academical Customs and Cant terms peculiar to the University oi' Cambridge, observing wherein it differs from O.xford : with anecdotes and colored plates, &c. By a brace of Cantabs. Svo. London, lS2t. Potts, Eobert. Liber Cantabrigisnsis ; an account of tin; aids to poor students, the encouragement to diligent sUhkals, .'lUil the rewards to successful students, in the University of (.'anibrKlL;' ; to wliicli is prefixed a col- lection of aphorisms, maxims, i<;:c. I'Jiiiu. rambridge, iS-j-l Newman, J. IL The office and work of Universities. Hvo. London, 1S5G. EDUCATION. 79 Aokormann, It. History of tho CoUegcn of Winchester, Eton nnd Wcst- nunstcr; with tho Charter llousi', the Srliouls of Mt. I'liurH, Moroliant Taylors, Harrow &, Ruj^by, uuU of Christ's Hospital. With colored plates. 4to. Lonilou, 1810. Vide nlito, CrcitHy'n Emiucut Ktnuiana, for Nutlcct of iLo early 111*101'}- of Etoa College. Carlisle, Nicholas. Description of tho endowed Grammar Schools in Euglaud and Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. Trollope, \Villiam. History of Christ's Hospital, describing tho plaa of Kducation, and its internal economy ; with memoirs of eminent HliU!8 ; and a narrative of tho rise, progress and suppression of tho Couvout of Grey IViars. 4to. London, 18.34. Rugby Register : from 1675 to 1810, [2 parts in 1 vol.], containing tho names of tiic Scholars admitted, of tho Trustees and Master of the School. 12mo. Kugby, — . Chronicles of Charter-House. By a Cartl\urtian. 8vo. London, 1847. Queen's College, London : " For tho Education of Females," Introductory Lecturo§ delivered at, by Maurice, Kiugsley, Nicolay, Hullah, and others. 12mo. London, 1849. New College, London : " For tho Education of Young Men for tho oiTice of the Ministry among tho Congregational Diaaentcrs." Introductory Lectures delivered at the opening of this College, in 1851, by Harris, Godwin, Lankester, Biuney, and otlu-ra. 12mo. London, 1851. Working-men's College, London. Learning and Working — six lectures on — introductory to the opening of the College [with a prefator' account of the Institution]. With four Lectures on the Eeligio 1 Homo, and its influence on modern Civilization. By F. D. Mfirioc 8vo. Cambridge, 1855. Crosby Hall Lectures on Education : " delivered under the directic \ C. .> Congregational JJoard of Education;" by E. Baines, Hamilt. ' ii i.' and others ; and describing the progress of Voluntary Ed . Enghmd and Wales, tho educational condition of the people, &.^. ova. London, 1848. Ragged Schools : On tho Philosophy of—, Tide Small Books on Great Sub- jects, XVIII. Chrestomathia : A collection of papers, explanatory of an Institution pro- posed under the name of a Chrostomathic School, for tho extension of the new system (tho Madras system,) of Instruction to tho higher branches of learning, &c. Vide Bentham'a Works, vol. 8. Hill, Frederic. National Education : its present state and prospects. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1830. Vol. I. England, Wnlcs, Scotland aud Ireland. " II, America, Fruaeia and Spain. / ''I 1 r • r: ; - 1 1 if 'y '1 1 k ' h ■i t 1' '1 mu 80 EDUCATION. Central Society of Education. Papers by various autliora, on Edu- cational Questions, iuchuling accounts of systems of Education al- ready established, liethcr in England or abroad ; with the results of statistical enquiries of the Society. 3 vols. 12ino. London, 1837- 1839. --^— — ■ Prize Essays, on the expediency and means of elevating the profession of the Educator. Published under the sanction of the Society. 12mo. London, 1839. Stew, David. The Training System, ]\[oral Training Schools, and Normal Seminary for preparing School Trainers and Governesses. Tenth edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1854, Wyse, Thomas. Education Reform ; or, the necessity for a National System of Education. Vol. I. (all published). 8vo. London, 1836. WiUm, J. The Education of the People : on the means of extending its sphere and improving its character. Witli a dissertation on some points connected with the present position of Education in this coun- try ; by J. P. Nichol. 8vo. Glasgow, lb 17. Minutes of the Committee of the Privy Council on Educa- tion ; with Appendices : for 1839-40, 1 vol. ; for 18-14, vol. 1 only ; for 1845, 2 vols. ; for 1846, 2 vols. ; Correspondence, &c. for 1848-9 1 vol. ; Minutes, &c. for 1848-50, 2 vols. ; for 1850-51, 1 vol. ; for 1851-52, 1 vol.; for 1852-53, 1 vol. Published by autliority. Svo. London, . A coniplote seiiea of these dooiimcnfs, nnnually published, -will be found in thfi Sessional Papers of the House of Commons. Minutes of Committee of Council on Education, Eeports on Schools of Parochial Unions in England and Wales, for 1848-50, and for 1852-53. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1853. Bound up with : Memorandum respecting the organization of Scliools in parallel groups of Benches and Desks. 1853. Shuttleworth, Sir J. Kay. Public Eduerition as affected by the IMinutes of the Committee of Privy Council, from TS46 to 1852 ; witii sugges- tions as to future policy. Svo. London, 1853. Wiese, Dr. L. German Letters on English Education ; translated by W. D. Arnold. 12mo. London, 1851. Synions, Jelinger. School Economy. On the best mrdos of establishing and teaching Schools, for moral and industrial training. 12mo. Lou- don, 1852. Cole, Henry. Practical obscr ations on our Public Scliools. Eourth edition. 12mo. London, 1849. Dawes, i?ichard. Suggestive hiiils towards improved secular instruciinn, for the urio of Soliool-masters :uul T(;acliers, and otliers interested in National Education. Sixth edition, enlarged. 12uio. Loudon, 1853. EDUCATION. 81 Tate, T. Tlio PLilosopLy of Education ; or, tlie principlea and practice of Teaching. S\c. London, 185i. Richards, W. r. Manual of Method ; for the use of Teachera in Elementary Schools. 12mo. London, 1854. Bainbrigge, W. H. Thoughts on Early Education. 12ino. London, 1854- Lemoinne, John. De I'education religieuae dos classes manufacturicrea en Augleterre. Eevue des deux Mondes, nouvelle serie, vol 2. Rendu. De I'instruction primaire u Loudrcs. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Lorain, M. Do I'iuatruction populaire en Anglctcrre. Revue Contemporaine, " vol. 19. TapieS E. de. De I'instruction publiquo en Angleterro et en Prance. Vide Tapios, La France et VAngleterrc,p. 2G7 ct suivantes. Bower, Alexander. History of the TJuiversity of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817-1830. Vol. III. contains, iu an Appendix, an account of the different Institutions con- nected with the University. Lorimer, James. The Universities of Scotland, past, present, and possible ; Tvith an Appendix of documents relating to the higher instruction. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1854. Pillans, Professor. Tlie rationale of discipline, as exompliiiod iu the High-School of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1852. Menzies, Allan. Eeport of twenty-one years' experience of the Dick Bequest, for elevating the character and position of tho Parochial Schools and School-masters iu the Counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Mor.iy, embracing an exposition of the design and operation of tho Parish School. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1854. Taylor, "SV. B. S. History of the University of Dublin : its origin, progress, and present condition ; with notices of many eminent men educated tlierein. 8vo. London, 1845. Bell, Andrew. Eeport of the Military ]\[ale Orphan Asylum at Madras, as published in 17!'7 ; with additional documents illustrative of the pro- gress of the new system of Education iu this School. Svo. Loudon, 1S12. For further information respecting Dr. Boll's system of Education, see his Life, by Souihoy. 3 vols. Roebuck, Thomas. Annals of the College of Fort William in Bengal, from its foundation, in SOO, to tl, • present time. Svo. Calcutta, 1819. Bengal. First, Second and '"hird IJeports on the state of Education in Bengal. [Tliird Eeport inchules an account of the slate of Education in Behar.] 8vo. Calcutta, 1S35-1S38, ii; •I 82 EDUCATION. uki • Bengal. General Report of the late General Committeo of Public Instruc- tion, for 18-i0-41 and 1811-42, [Including the whole of India]. Cal- cutta, 1842. • BuunJ up with, [and together foiruiog Vol. I. of " Calcutta Reports."] ■ General Eeport on Public Instruction in the Bengal Presidency, for 1842-3. — Eeporta on Public Instruction in the Lower Provinces of tho Bengal Presidency, for the years 1843-4, 1844-5, 1845-G, 184G-7, 1847-8, 184S--9, 1849-50, 1850-1, 1S51-2, and 1852 to 1855: forming Vols. II., III., IV., V. and VI. of " Calcutta Eeporta on Public Instruction." Koports on Public Instruction in the North-western Provinces of the Bengal Presidency, for 1843-4, 1844-5, 1845-6, 184G-7, 1847-8, 1848-9, 1849-50, 1850-1, 1851-2, 1852-3, and 1853-4. 2 vols. 8vo. Agra. ■■ INEemoir on the Statistics of indigenous education within the North-western Provinces of Bengal ; by li. Thornton. 8vo. Cal- cutta, IH'O. Bound up with : Comparative Tables of the District Establishments in the North- west Provinces; by A. Calcutta, 18S3. Eeports on indigenous education and vernacular Schools in Agra, and other parts of the North-nest Provinces, for 1850-51, 1851-2, 1852-3, and 1853-4; by II. S, Reid. 8vo. Agra. Bombay. Reports of the Board of Education, for the years 1845, 184G, 1847-8, and 1849: bound up with Reports of the Grant Medical College, Bombay, for 1845-G, 1846-7, 1817-H, and 1S4S-9. 8vo. Bombay. — Eeports of the Board of Education, for 1850-51, and 1851-2 : bound up with Eeports of tho Grant Medical College, for lSl'J-50, 1850-51, and 1851-2 ; and with annual Eeports of the Elphinstone Institution, for 1850, and 1851. 8vo. Bombay. Reports of the Board of Education, for 1852-3, and 1853-4; bound up witli Reports of the Grant College, for 1852-3, and 1853-4 ; with Reports of tlie Elphinstone Institution, for 1852, and 1853 ; and with annual Report of the Poona College, for 1853. 8vo. Bombay. Madras Records. Report on Public Instruction in the IMadras Presidency* for 1851-55. 8vo. Madras, 1855. Pancrs relating to Public Instruction In Madras ; compiled by A. J. Arbuthnot. Svo. iMadras, 1855. Colleges, S.C. Annual Eeports of the Hindu College, Pautshala, Branch Scliool, Sanscrit College, Calcutta Mudrissa, and Russapuglah Sciiool, for tho years ISIG 7, 1847-8, lSl!J-50.. 1850-51, 1851-2, 1852-3, and 1853-4. Svo. Calcutta. EDUCATION. 83 Scholarship Examinations ; with replies of the most successful candi- dates, at the lEindu College, for 184G-7; Of the Hindu, llooghly, Dacca, and Kishnaghur Colleges, for 1847-8 ; Of the Government Collegea and Schools in Bengal, for 1849-50, 1850-51, 1851-2, and 1853-4. Svo. Calcutta. Colleges, &c. Annual Eeporta of tho Hooghly College, of Hadji Moham- mud Moshin, and its subordinate institutions, for 1847 ; Of the same and of the Colleges of Dacca, and Kishnaghur, for 1847-8, 1849-50> 1850-1, 1851-2; [and including the College of Berhampore,] 1853-4. Svo. Calcutta. Pamphlets on Education in India. 1 vol. Svo. Containing ; Reports of the Proceedings of the Bombay Native Education Society, for 1825-6, 1827, 1828-9, and 18;iO. Keports of the Bombay Education Society, (for Children of poor Europeans, for 1842 to 1849. Pamphlets on Education, &0. 1vol. Svo. Containing; Proposed Plan of University of Calcutta, 1845. Report and Proceedings of Committeo of Madraft School of Industrial Arts, 1863. Reports on Government Central Museum, at Madras ; with Catalogues of Geological Specimcus, and Notes on Geology of Madura and Tinnevelly, 1858-1855. Bazin, jM- jMomoiro sur I'orgauisation inti'riouro des ccoles chlnoises. Journal Asiatique, troisiemo serie, vol. 7. Rendu. Code Iliuversitaire. Svo. Paris, 1S4G. Ecole Normale. Eogloments, programmes ct rapports. Svo. Paris, 1837. Allard. Lois, ordouuances, n'glcments, arroti's ot instructions relatifa a I'enscignomont, a I'udmiuistration et ;\ la coniptabilitc' dcs ecoles nor- raalcs primaires, suivis de tableaux pn'seutanc les resultats qn'ontpro- duits jusqu'^ ce jour ces ccolea. Svo. Paris, 1813. Riancey, H. do. Hlstoire dcriustructioupubliquc et do Uvliborto de I'ensei- gneraent en France. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1844. Talleyrand — Perigord. Projot d'orgauijatiou d'une instruction publiquc commune a tous les citoycns et rapport sur 1' instruction publiquc, (1701.) Vido CJioix dr rapports, opinions vt iliscours prououces a la tribune uationaie depuis 1789 jusqu'aco jour. Vol. 5 ct G. Condorcet. Rapport fait a I'AssembV'o Li'gislativo lo 20 avril 1792, sur I'organisatiou generalo de I'inatruction publiquc. Ibid., vol. 13. Daunou. Kapport sur I'organisation ilo I'iustructiou publiquc. iia/., vol 15. Fourcroy. E.xposo des motifs d'uu projet de loi fait au Corps Legislatif. Ibid., vol. 18. m^-^-::^ .';iM *!il'!if «a.Ji 84 EDUCATION. m }^ ]• if * i '^ £coles Normalea dccroteca sur Ic rapport de Robert Lindet. JR/id., vol. 14. Voir encore au vol iVIIL, ni laturo of Michigan. 8vo. New York, 1850. Nev/ York. Decision of tho Superintendent of Common Schools, (J. A. Dix,) of tho State of New York. 870. Albany, 1837. . Reports of Superintendent of Common Schools for the State of, —for the years, 1838, 1840, 1841, 1844, 1845, 1849, and 1850, ia 4 vols. 8vo. — — — — EeportB on the State Normal School for the yearn 1846 to 1 vol. 8vo. 1850. Massachussetts. Abstract of the School Returns, for 1845-6 ; by H. Maniu 8vo. Boston, 184G. ■ Fifteenth annual Report of the Boivrd of Education for, Svo. Boston, 1852. Vermont. Reports of Commissioners, and of the Superintendent of Common Schoois, for tho State of,— for the years 1828 ;md 18.6 to 1850. 1 vol. >■ vo. Vide also, Congresa Documents and Legislativo Documents of the BOTeroI States of tho Union, for Reports and Stutintics on Education therein. Xiduoation in Lower Canada. Report of a Committee of the Ilouse of Assembly in 1824, to enquire into tho state of, — with Appendices. Svo. Quebec, 1824. -^ Account of the Endowments for, — and of legislativo and other public Acts for tho advancement thereof, from 17G3 to the present time j by Andrew Stuirt, and William Badgley. Svo. Loudon, 1838, Pamphlets concerning. 1 vol. Svo. 1. Letter to Ciitholio Clergy, i W ^ 'v~O ii nwm\ .ivn i '1 88 JURISPEUDENCE. ? 11 limsprubeuce ; 6t\mi\l rnxb &! X, ifi^vJl Goguet, Ant. Yves. Do I'origiao dea loia, des arts et dos sciences, et de leura progroa clioz lea ancicna pcuplea. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Baudin, M. Do I'origiae de la loi, do sa definition, do ses difforentes eapocea et du atyle qai leur convieut. Momoirea de I'Ancienne Academic des Sciences Morales ct FoUtijues. Vol. 2. (1797.) Voir aussi Domnt, ct le ler volurao do Toullier, de Duranton etc. Pastoret, de. liistoiro do la Legislation. 11vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817-37. Vovi'z 80U3 lo Titre Pomtiqub ct Leqzslatiok: Montesquieu, — Esprit dca Lois. BoniUd, — Legislation primitive. Lorminier,— Philosophic lu droit Mutter, — De I'influcnco de i lois, etc. Comtc,— Traits d Legislal iun, et autres ouyrageasur la Idglslation et la pbilo* Bophio du droit. Leibnitii, Gothofredi Guilielmi, Operum tomi qur.rti para tertia, continena opuacula ad jurisprudeutiam pcrtiueutia. Vide Leibnitii opera, vol. 4. Reddle, James. Inquirioa in the Science of Law. Second edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1847. Iiindley, Nathaniel. An Introduction to the Study of Jurisprudence ; being a translation of the general part of " Thibaut's System des Pandekten Ecchts;" — with Notes. 8vo. lSu5. J^7(/e Law Libr., Vol. 55. Foster, C. J. Elements of Jiu-isprudence. 12mo. London, 1853. Austin, John. Province of Jurisprudence defined. Svo. Loudon, 1832. Long, G. On General Jurisprudence and the Civil Law. 8vo. Vide Law Libr., Vol. 29. 1848. Fhillimore, J. G. Principles and IMaxIma of Jurisprudence ; [taken from the Civil Law, with a commentary, and includuig maxims for the in- terpretation of Statutes, Wills, and Contracts, &c.] Svo. London, 185G. Broom, Herbert. Legal Maxims, classified and arranged. 1848. Vide Law Libr., Vol. 19. Bo^wyer, George. Headings on Jurisprudence, before tlic Society of tho Middle Temple, in 1850. Svo. London, 1851. Dupin, IVr. Opuscules do jurisprudence. Manuel des etudiauts en droit. 12mo. Paris, 1851. .ill jURisrnuuEXCE. 89 HofTman, DiiviJ. Courso of Lignl kSlndy, addressed to Students and the I'rolVision gcuonilly. Second edition, eniurged. 2 vols. 8vo. Bal- tiinore, 1830. ThU woi'lj "(intainB Essiiya ou Legal Bingrnpliy and Bibliography. Warren, S:iiiuiel. A popnlnr niul practical Introduction to Law Studiea; with an ' .'ount of tlio Stato of the Law in Ireland and Scotland, and oecasio;'.!.; illustrations from American Law. Second edition, enlarged. Svo. London, Ih'tS. Urling, K W. The Law of Patents in Foreign Countries; translated, with notes, etc. Svo. London, 1845. Hughes, E. J. The Patent Laws of All Nations, and tho Acts for the J{ogitttratiou of Designs : a liistory of the measures adopted to obtain "The Patent Law Amendmer.t Act, 1852." Svo. Manchester, 1854. Loosey, Ch. P. Uccuoil dos loia publit'cs dans tons les Etats de I'Eiirope, les Etats rcunis d'Ann'riijUc et I'js Indes d'Ouost do la Iloliaudo sur lea privileges et les brevets '"invention. Svo. Vienna. Dujcux, 31. J. ]?. C. Iti'cueil des lois et dcs reglements cu vigueur sur les 'irevets d'iiivontioti ciie/. les dii'A'rcut.s peiiplcs, pivcaio dos rapports qui out determine la legislation fran(;aise. Svo. Bruxcllcs, 184(3. Renouard. Traite des brevets d'invention. Svo. Pari.?, 1844. Armt-.-gaud. jeune, Ch. Guide-manuel do I'inventeur et du fabricant en matiere de brevets d'invention, de.ssins et maKpies de fabriquo, etc. Svo. ]'aris, l85:i. Levi) Leone. Commercial Law of All Nations, compared with that of Eng- land ; L-ii/r [Kngiislij Statutk and Common Law. Meyer. Uridine et pi'ogres des institutions judiciaires des priucipaux pays (!c riMU'ope. 5 vol, 8vo. Paris, 182;]. De la coililLatioa en gi'^irral et de celle do I'Angleterro cu particulier. l7(/(' SaltitMiIiin', Diotioiuiair '<» hi pdimlitiMlo toutes Ic.i parties du luoiulc. Du lii'ys, Ilistuirc (hi (li'oit c" liu^l iles pouples modoi'U03. Valois, JL de. Dissertaii>.u sur les ampiiictyons; en trois prrtics. An- cieui ]\reiuoiresde V AcaJc'mic da I/iscrqHions ci BcUcs-Lclii-es, \o\- Sets. (1714-19.) Letronne, 31. Eelaircissemeus sur les fouctions des magistrats appeles J\f})('iiiouK, Hii'rnmnnnovn, Vro'nTirmona, etc. Notiventir M^'-nioires do YAcdJrifiie (Ji\s liWicriplions ct JielU's-Littrcs. Vol. (5. Levesque, ^L jMemoires sur la pn :nulgation et raorogation des lois a Atheues, et sur les tribuuaux. IVLemoires de 1' Ancicnne Auadnnie dcs Sciences Morales ct Foliliqucs. Vol.4. (1709-1801.) Gamier, 31. I'abbe. Eecherchea sur les lois militaires des Grecs. Anciens Memoirea \lCE. ' '^ vl Blanohard, M. Observations grm'rales sur lea tribunuux i'tiiblin u AlV'^as pour regler les difforcuds entre lo8 partieiiliera. Ibid, vol. 7. , > US.) ■ ■' ■■ Sur I'origiuo et les fouctioiis des Prytanes, ct sur les ■P-: ^-n.'-ctf. lbi,l. vol 7. (1729.) Sur lea lIoliaMtes. Uid., vo\. 7 (1730.) .. - Sur les loia qui autoriaaieut lep adoptions i\ Atbunes. Ibid , vol.12. (1737.) Salnte-Oroix, M. do Momoiros sur la jlogiHlatiou do la Graudo Grcce. Ibid., vol. 12 et 45. (1778-82.) I. Muinoire sur les aucieuncs luis du la Sicilo. Jbid,, vol. 48. (1785.) Sanford, H. S. Tho different systems of Penal Codes in Europe ; also, a Eeport ou the Administrative Cliauges in rrauce, since 1818. 8vo. "Washington, 1851<. Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain; by Doctors Del Eio, and Eodriguez. Sixth edition. Madrid, 1805. Translated, with notes, etc., by L. P. C. Johnston. 8vo, Loudon, 1825* Portalis, M. lo Comte. Observations a, Toccasion d'un code pour les c'tats de Sardaigno, nouvellenieut proniulguc. Mciuoires do la Nouvelle Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiipies. Vol. 2 et -1. (1S3P— 11.) Westoby, W. A. S. The Laws of Belgium which affect British Subjects ; with a view of tho Constitution and Judicial Organization of the country. 12mo. Brussels. 1853. Blonc!snu, M. Sur ronseignement du droit en HoUande. 8vo. Paris, 1840. GrC'ti UP, Hugo. The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence, now first rendered ii to English by C. Herbert, 8vo. Loudon, 1815. Van tier Keessel, D. G. Select Theses ou tlio Laws of Holland and Zeeland ; being a Commentary ou Grotius' Introduction, etc., and intended to determine some of the controver.sics on the Law of II ol- land. [Ley den, 1800. J From the original Latin, by C. A. Lorenz. 12mo. London, 1855. Van der Linden, Johannes. Institutes of the Laws of Holland, [Amsterdam, 180(5,] and now translated by order of the late Secretary of State for the Colonies, by J. Henry. 8vo. London, 1828. Vide, also, Burgej nnd Story's various works ou the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, uuder tho nauies of the A..thor8, in the Imkx. Staunton, Sir G. T. TA TSING LEU LEE. Being the Fundamental Laws, etc , of tho Penal Code of China ; originally published by the aulhority of Emperors of tho TA TSING, or present Dynasty, —from the Chinese ; with authentic documents, and notes. 4to. I ondon, 1810. ; 1r 1 i t ■ 1 1 'I CIVIL LAW. -DROIT EOMAIN. 91 GeutOO Laws, Code of ; or, Ordinationn of the Pundits, from a Persian Triiiiaiiition. (By N. B. llallicd, witli a GloBsary of SiianBcrit, Porsiim, und Boiigal words, in tliia work.] Ito. Loudon, 1770. Timour the Great, [improperly called Tainerlftue.j Institutes, Political' and Military; written in the Mogul languigo: iirat translated into Persian, and thence into English, by ^TajorDavy; [with] the original Persian, a Preface, Geographical N u,. , &c. ; by Joseph White. 4to. Oxford, 1783. Ayeen Akbery ; or. The Institutes of the Emperor Akber. [Great Mogijl, 1550— 1G05.] Trail -lat( '' nn tho rigiual Persian, by F. Gladwin. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud m, I Saoy, Silvestrc de. Mt'inoirf?^ -"iir conqueto de ce pays i fais. Nonveaux Momu, Lellrea. Vol 1, 5 et 7. (1^ <\& propri^to en Egypte dcpuia la inaca jusqu'a rcxpc'dition des Fran- '\deiiiie des Imcriptions et Bellet- 18.) Some works on the Mohammouan and Hindoo Laws, as now in force in British Indiii, are to be found witii the worl Dupin. Precis historique du droit romain. Vide Dupin, Opuaculea de Jurisprudence. Ortolan, J. L. E. Histoire do la legislation romaine depuis son origine jusqu'a la legislation moderne, auivie d'une generalisation du droit romain. 8yo. Paris, 1855. Explication historique des Institutes de I'Empereur Jua- tinien, avec le texte et la traduction en regard, et lea explications Bous chaque paragraphe, precedee d'une generalisation du droit. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1851. Vyf Laferri^re, Histoire du droit civil de Rome et da droit Frnnfnis. Boulet, J. H. E. Institutes de Gaius, traduites en fran9ais, et accompa- gneea de notes. Svo. Paris, 1827. Th^venot-Dessaules, M. Dictionnaire du Digeste ou Substances des Pandestes Justiniennes. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1808-9. Heineccius. Elements du droit civil romain selon I'ordre des Institutes de Justinien, traduits par Bctthelot. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1805. Cl^aoius, Jac. Omnia opera ad parisiensem Fabrotianam editionem diligen- tissime exacta in toiuos XI, distributa auctiora atque emendatiora, cum indice et additionibus. 11 vol. Polio. Venetiis, 1758-83. . Promptuarium universorum operura. Folio. Mutin.T, 1795. Bartoli, Interpretum juris civilis corypha)i in jua uni' jrsum civile cum- mentaria. 3 vol. Folio. Basilete, 15G2-72 Troplong, M> De I'influence du christianisme sur le droit civil dqs Eomains. N. S. M. Vol. 4. Pothier. Pandect© jmtiniana) cum legibus Codicia et Novellarum qua? jua Pandectarum co ifirmant, explicnut aut abrogant ; traduction fran^aise, avec le texte en regard, par lireard-Neuville. 24 vol. Svo. Despeisses, Ant. ffiuvres de M., — ou toutes Its matieres les plus impor- tautea du droit romain aont expliqueea vt accommodees au droit fran9ais, par M. Guy du Rousseaud de La Combe. 3 vol. Folio. Lyon, 1750. Boutaxio, Fran9oi3 de. Lea Institutes do I'Empereur Justinien, confert5c8 avec le droit fraufais. 4to. Toulouse, 1757. Domat. Jean. Les lois civiles dans leur ordro nature) ; le droit public et legum delectus. 2 Tomes, relies en 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1777. -■ — ■ The Civil Law, in its natural order, from the French ; by "VV. Strahan, LL.D. Edited, from the second London edition, by L. S. Gushing. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1853. Vol. I.., The Treatise of Laws, Preliminary Book, and Part 1, on EDgagemeote. " II, Part 2, on Successions. Wlh CIVIL LAW. -DIIOIT ROMAIN. 93 Biret M. Application au code civil dea Institutes de Justinien et dea cin- quante livres du Digeate avec la traduction en regard. 2 vols. 8to. Paris, 1824. Savigny, M. F. C. de. Traito de droit romain, traduit de rallemand par M. Ch, Guenoux. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Traite de la possession en droit remain, traduit de rallemand par Ch. Faivre d'Audelange. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Treatise on Possession ; or, the Jus Possessionia of the Civil Law. Sixth edition ; from the German, by Sir Erskine Perry. 8vo. London, 1848. Analysis of; by Professor L. A. "Wamkonig. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1839. [Vide Scarce Tracts, Vol. 2.] Vide Carrier, Traill des obligations d'aprc^s Ics priuoipes du droit civil dans lequel oa compare ce code aux loia romaiues. Bonamy, M. Dissertation sur I'origine des lois des douze tables. Mcmoirea de I'Ancienne AcaJemie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Vol. 12. Bouchaud, M. Observations sur denx lois de Numa. Ibid., vol. 42. Eclaircissements et conjectiu'es sur quelques ancienuea lois Eomaines. Hid., vol. 40. Eecherches historiques sur les edits ou ordonnances des Magistrats Komains. Ibid. Vol. 39, 41, 42, 45 ; et Mcmoirea de I'Ancienne AcaJemie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Vol. 5. De I'autorite et de I'usage des inscriptions dans la legisla- tion romaine. Moinoire de I'Ancienne Acadvmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Vol. 5. Pardessus, M. Momoire sur les difTerents rapports sous lesquels Tago etait cousidtMV dans la legislation romaine. Memoires de la Nouvelle Aea- demie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Vol. 13. Pastoret, le marquis de. Memoires sur les lois commerciales efc simptuaires des liomains. Ibid., vol. 3, 5 et 7, (1792-1804) Giraud, M. Des Nexi, ou de la condition des debiteurs chez les Remains. Mi-'uioire de la Nouvelle Acadcmie det Sciences Morales et Politiqiut, Vol. 5. Note sur I'emphyteose ou bail perpetuel. Ibid., vol. 4. Halifax, Samuel. Analysis of the Eoman Civil Law ; with an occasional com- parison between the Eoman Laws and those of England. Fourth edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1795. [In a vol. with other pieces, let- tered, 'Law."] Cumin, Patrick. Manual of Civil Law ; or. Examination in the Institutes of •Tustiuian : being a translation of and Commentary ou that work ; with the history of the Eoman Law. 12mo. Loudon, 1 854. M INTERNATIONAL AND LDEOIT INTERNATIONAX ET Humphreys, E. B. Manual of Civil Law, for the use, more especially, of Candidates for the Civil Service. An Epitome of the Institutes, &c. 12mo. London, 1854. Bowyer, Oeorge. Commentaries on the Modem Civil Law. 8vo. London, 1848 Vid* also, Longs JurisprudcDoc and Fhillimore's Jurisprudtnoe. anb Maritime groit Inttntntional et broit puWic glaritiiiit. h ■ls. in 1. 8vo. traduit par Barbeyrao DROIT PUBLIC MARITIME.] MARITIME LAW. 06 Bayneval, Gerard de. Institutions du droit de la nature et des gen8. S vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Eoonomie politique et diplomatique. Encyolopedie mSthodiquO' 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1784-88. Foelix, M. Traite du droit international ou du conflit des lois de diff(greiit6) nations en matiere de droit priv6. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Martens, 0-. F. Von. Compendium of the Law of Nations, founded on th« Treaties and Customs of the Modem Nations of Europe ; a list of Treaties, &c. &c., from the year 1781 to 1788 : translated, and the list of Treaties, &c., brought down to June, 1802, bj W. Cobbett. 8vo. London, 1802. Phillimore, Bobert. Commentaries upon International Law. 2 vols. 6to. 1854. Vide law Libr. Vols. 62. and 57. The work is arranged in 8 parte. (Vol. I.) Pt. 1. Foundationa of iDternational Jurisprudence. Pt. 2. Subjecte of International Law. Pt. 8. Objects or luteinational Law. Pt. 4. Principle of Intervention. (Vol. IL) Pt. 6. fiigbte Incident to the Equality of States. Pt. 6. Righto of Sovereigna. Pt. 7. Consuls. Pt. 8. luternational Status of Foreign Spiritual Powen, especially of the Pope. — — The Law of Domicil [as a " Branch of International Law."] 8vo. 1847. Kisnnt, Code Maritime. Devillunouvi! ot Mas?o, — Diclionniiiio ilii eiiiiteiiliciix coinuurci.d. Code des Prises, etc. Rymer, T. Foedera, &c. tte. HWc Enolisu IIistorv. ,1 ii J :J 'I if' I' iii' 1 .1/9 r 1'"is; uii i I'll r'l;- 11 i. li' r^ 98 INTERNATIONAL ilND [droit international ET Hertslet; Lewis. Coinpleie CollectioT) o^^ cbe Treaties and C'oaventions between Great Britain and l<'oreign Powers; so far as they relate to Commerce aud Navigation ; the Abolition of tbe Slave Trade ; and to Privileges, &c., ol' the subjeots o'c tbe Contracting rarties, Trom authentic documents. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1S20— J S4i5. I'idt, n'eo, u>f Oi'ilisli Coiumofcial Trealie* wlih fo/e'sn Stotes, Mncgregor't Couimei'cial Stuiistics. Hauterive, Comte de, et Cussy. Cbev. de. !fiecuei) des traitus de com> merce et de navigatiuu de la France avec les puissanceb eurangores, depuis la paiz de Westphalle, suivi du vecuoil des principau:^ traites de 'a meme nature cooclus pa>' les puissances etrangures eutre ellea, depuis la mcme epoque, ei: tcriuiuo por .'a theorie des traites de com* merce eoti-e iea onl'oos. put- .Ooucliuud .; revu e^ coosidurablemeut augmeuie par M. de HoS'mnns ei; A)'. 'e coonie d'Haater)>e. JO vol* C»o. Taris, 1833-30. ■ Truitc de commerce entre la France ei VA ugle- terre. ••aticio eu )7S6. suivi de I'acte Ce vavigatioo de la Grande- BretagLie. B'-ochura. Svo. Paris, 181.4. Iieokie, 6. Ji". ^v historical research into the natui-e of tbe Balauc* of Power In Europe. Svo. London, J.S17. Embassies and Foreign Courts. A H^stor^ of Diplomacy ; by the Eoving Engliahmau. 12mo. London, 1855. Twiss, T. Oil t!ie Treaty -Engagements in reference to the Duchies oi'Schles* wig and Holstein. Svo. London, 1848. British and Foreign State Papers: compiled by the Librarian of the Papers, Foreign Office. 1812-1814, to 1836-1837. (Vol. I. in 2 parta.— A'ol. XXL remains unpublished, it being designed for the Index.} 25 vols. Svo. London, 1853. "This publication is inteuded to Gompnse the pi'iacipal dooumeDts ivbich hava beeu made public, i-elaliog to the political and commercial aflkiri of nations a'jJ itf ibeii- t'clalions with each other, from tbe termination of the war in 1814 to the Litest period.'' (OfHcial) ''Advertigement.'' Tlieee Papci's iocliide Treatiea of Peace aud of Commerce, ib&, Conventions* Constiliitione, Pi'oclani.ationg, &n., cooceruiog particular States ■ together wit!) Orders mi Council. Oeports no Trade, Navigatiop, Finapce, ibo., espeoially of Oreat Britain and the (Jiiited Htatcs o* Americp. Oreeoe: fapers relative ;;oche Affairs o-",— J.S2G-1S32. Svo. London, 1835. Belgium : '^apers reluiiive ^o ti'e Affairs o",— Parti. 1830 to 1832. Part IE. 1833. Jo 1 vo'. Svo. London, 1834. ' ' ■■ Protocols o" Conferences in London, relative to the Affairs of,— Partr. '830-1831. PiirtlL 1832. In I vo'. 8vo. London, 1832-33. LevaUb (The) Covrespondence relative to the A ffairs o-', — (2 parts). [Jan. 1839 to .Jul.v (811.] 2 vols. Svo. London, 1841. Held 0" ihe oocision of Mehemov All's revolt Hgainst the Suliar, and ending ivitii bis new subroiasioD to bta superioricj. DROIT PUBLIC MAKITIMB.J MARITIME LkVr. 09 Turkey. Treaties, Ac, between Turkey and Foreign Powers, 1 835-1855 ; compiled by the Librarian of the Papers, Foreign 0£5ce. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. m—' Correspondence respecting the Bights and PriTileges of the Latin and Greek Churches in Turkey, 8to. London, 1854. Persia and AffJ^hanistan. Correspondence relating to, [1834--1838.3 8to. London, 1830. Selden, Johti. Mare Olausain, seu Dominio Maria, Tindioice. Vide Opera Omnia, vol. XT.., part 2. MoU.oy, Charles. De Jure Maritiroo e'c Navali ; or. Of Affairs Maritime and of Commerca. Tenth edition, with additione. 2 toIs. S^'o. London, 1778. Allen, Joseph. The Navijtatiop Laws oC Great Dritain. hiskoricallT and practically considered, tvitb reference to Commerce and iS^ational Defence. Svo. London, 1810. Tuson, E. W. A. Bi.'ii;ish Consul's M!anua1 : a practical guide for Consuls, ai well as for the Me/'cbantSbiii-owuer, and Muster Mariner, in Consular transactions. Svo. London, 1856. Gurtis, G. T. On the Bights and Duties of Merchant Seamen, according to the general Maribirae Law, etc. Sto. Boston, 1841. Flanders, Henry. On Maritime Law. Svo. Boston, 1852. Thomson, H. B. The Laws of War, affecting Commerce and Shipping ; a new edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1854. Hazlitt, W., and Roche, H. P. Of the Law of Maritime Warfare, embody- ing Decisions of English Judges, and of the American Cour^K^ etc., with official documents, etc., in relation to the present War. L vU'.o. Lou* don, 1854. Looh, W. A. Practical Legal Guide for Sailors and Merchants during War, with the Orders in Council, etc., relating to the present War. Svo. London, 1854. Deane, J. P The Law of Blockade, as contained in the Beport of Eight Cases in the High Court of Admiralty, 1854. Svo. London, 1855. Poison, Archer. Principles of the Law of Nations ; with practical notes, etc.> on the Law of Blockade, and on Contraband of War ; to which is added. Diplomacy, by T. H. Home. Svo. 1853. Vide Law Libr., vol. 47. Tracts on Neutral Po'wers. A SHudication ot* the Convention between Great Britain and Bussia, 1801.: with Acta and Papers, (1780-81,) re- lating to Armed Neutrality, 1801, in 1 ^ol.. Svo. Stephen's War in Disguise ; Of the Frauds o>' the Neutral Flags, 1806, with, the Dangers of the Country, 1807, in 1 vol., Svo. I 100 INTERNATIONAL LAW. DllOIT INTEENATIONAL. ITS" »i I i r< Spelman, Sir Honry. Of the Admiral-Jurisdiction, and the Ofiicers thereto. Vidf) hia English works. Vide also, the following, in Scarce Tracts, vol. 1 : Argument iu giving Juilgmcut iti tlie Court of Admirnlty in the cnte of the " Coiunibus," in Appeal from tho Court of Vice Atlmirnlty of Biirbii'locH : lika- wine, the Answer to the PruiBiun Memorial respecting the Cnpture of Veiselii etc., belonging to NoutrnI Powers, in time of War. See Ilurgruvo's Collectaura JuridiiA, Vol. I. Scott, Sir 'William. Judgment in the High Court of Admiralty, in the cases of tho Muria and tho Qratitudiue, Also : Prussia's Attachment of British Funds by way uf Reprisal for English Captures* Controversy relative to, — Also: Jeukinson, Charles. On tho conduct of Great Britain, iu respect to Neutral No- tions Written in 1768. Purneaux, Captain, B. N. An abridged History of Treaties, with reference to the question of the Neutral Flag protecting the Property of an Enemy. 8vo. London, 1837. JEjdvtrards, Edwin. On tho Jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty of England. Bro. London, 1847. Rules and Regulations, toucliing the Practice Lo be observed in Suits and Proceediugs in the several Courts of Vice Admiralty, abroad, and established by Order in Council. 4to. London, 1842. Conkling, Alfred. The Jurisdiction, Law, and Practice of the Courts of the United States iu Admiralty aud Maritime causes, with the Now Rulea of Admiralty Practice, Practical Forms, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1848. Benedict, E. C. The American Admiralty, its Jurisdiction and Practice, with Forms and Directions. Svo. jN"ew York, 1850. Blatchford, S. and Holland, F. Eeports on Cases in Admiralty, argued and determined in the Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Vol. 1, Svo. New York, 1855. CONSTITUTIONAL AND PUDLIO LAW. 101 Coiistitutioiml ant^ public i groit |)uMic ti Constitu- Sato. I lionnd. Vide Montesquieu, Eiprit d«B Loia. Ottonis, E. Notitia Prrocipuarum Europno Rerum publicarum. 2 voIh. ia 1. 8vo. Trajecti ad Kheiiuin. 1739. With Mnnuacript Notes. Leokie, G. F. An Historical Research into the Nature of the Balance of Power in Europe, with an attempt to reduce it to a System, etc. 8vo. London, 1817. De la Croix, M. Eeviow of the Constitutions of the principal States of Europe, and of the United States of America ; translated from the Erench, with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1792. Dufau, Duvergier et Guadet. Collection des Constitutions, chartes et loia fondamentales des peuples de I'Europe et des deux Amoriques. G vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Guizot. Iliatoire des originea du gouvernement represeututif et des institu- tions politiques de I'Europe depuis la chute do I'Empiro romain jusqu'au 14e siocle. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. History of the origin of Eepresentative Government in Europe • translated by A. R. Scoble. 12mo. London, 1852. Ortolan, J. L. E. Cours public d'hiatoire du droit politique et constitu- tionnel. Constitutions de I'Europe au moyen-age : vie constitu- tiounelle de I'Europe jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833-86. Carn^, L. de. Etudes sur I'histoire du gouvernement representatif. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. I. BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. Palgrave, Francis. The rise and progress of the English Commonwealth. Parts I and II, containing the Anglo-Saxon Policy, and the Institu- tions arising out of laws and usages prevailing before the Conquest. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1832. HejTW'Ood, Samuel, Sergeant-at-Law. On the distinctions in Society and Ranks of the People, under the Anglo-Saxon Government. 8vo. London, 1818. Spelman, Sir H. Two Discourses : 1st. Of the Ancient Government of England ; 2nd. Of Parliaments. Vide Spelman'a English Works. ; '■ 5 ; t »; It-.' • i ! ^ 1 ! '1r 102 BUITISa CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Rights of the Kingdom ; or Custoina uf our Ancestora : touching our Kiagd and I'.irliuuiuulB, our True Liberty, Due AUegiaaco, Tliroa Edtateo, witli tho Militia ; freely (liacusHod tlirough Lawa aud il iatorioi. 4to. London, 10-19. [Bedford, ililkiah.] Tlie hereditary right of the Crown of England aaaerted j tilt) succeaaion itiiiee the Conqucat cleared ; and the true Eugliah Cou- atitution vindicated ; by a Geutloniau. Folio* London, 1718. Whitelooke'S notea upon tho King'a Writ for chooaing Membera of Parlio* mout, 12, Car. II., being diaquiaitioua on the Government of England by King, Larda, aud Commona ; by C. Morton, Sec. of the Uoy. Soo. 2 vola. 4to. London, 1766. Qurdon, Thornliagh. Of tho High Court of Parliament, its antiquity, pre> hciniueuce, and authority ; and the liiatory of Court Baron and Court Leet, &c. 2 vola. 8vo. London, 1731. Taylor, Edgar. Book of Bighta ; Conatitutional Acta, etc., from Magna Churta to the preaent time. 12mo. London, 1883. Thomson, Bichard. Hiatorical Eaaay on the Magna Cbarta : to which, are added the Great Charter in Latin and Engliah ; the Chartera of Henry III aud Edward I; the Charter of the Foreata, <&c., with Notea of their several privileges, — the principal originola aud editions extant, &c. Svo. London, 1829. Orande Charte, la—, ou I'utablisaement du regime constitutionnel en Angleterro ; par Camille Eousset, ouvrago rovu par M. Guizot. 12mo. Paris, 1858. Vide lea ouvrages bistoriquea de M. Quizot sur I'Angleterre. The Bill of Rights, with a comment. Vide Maddock's Life of Lord Somers. Book V. Millar, JoLu. Hiatoricol view of the Engliah Government, from the settle meut of the Saxoaa in Britain to the Revolution in 1688 ; and disser* tations connected with the history from the Bevolution to the preaent time. 4 vola Svo. London, 1803. ' The same work. Fourth edition. 4 vols. 1818. Svo. London, Wight, Alexander. An Inquiry into the rise and progress of Parliament, chiefly in Scotland. Vide prefixed to his Work ou the law of elections for Scotland. Blackstone, William. Law Tracts. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1762. Vol. f. On Collateral Consanguinity, Ac. On Copy holders. On the Law of Descents. " II. The Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest, Ac, with the history of the Charters. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 108 SuUivan, ProfcsHor F. S. Lecturus on the Coiiatituttoui and Laws of Eaglaud : nith n coninu'iitarv on Magna Charta, &o,, the aecoud edi« tlon, to which is preiixcd, n diHCuirso concerning the laws and goveni> mont of England, by G. Stuart, L D. 'Ito. London, 1770. Anitey, 1'- ^- Guide to the Iliatory of the Lawn and Coualitutiona of EngUad. 12mo. London, 1846. OreaBy, E- i^- '^^^ rise and progrosa of tho English Constitution. 8vo. London, 1863. Russell, Lord John. Tiie History of the English Government ond Constitu- tion, from tho reign of Henry VII to the preaeut time. Second edi- tion enlarged. 8vo. London, 1823. The British Constitution Anallzed, by a reference to tho earliest pe- riods of History ; in whicli is detailed Magna Charta, Carta de Fo- resta, tho Habeas Corpus Act, the Bill of liights. Act of Settlement Acta of Union between England and Scotland, Great Britain and Ireland, Customs of London, «S;c., elucidated by a Doctor of Law 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1811. RaikeSj Honry. Sketch of the origin and development of tho English Con. Btitution from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1851-54. Vol. L To the Aooession of James L " II. From tbe Accesisioa of Jaiueg I, to the present period. Betham, Sir William. Dignities, Feudal and Parliamentary, and the consti- tutional Legislature of the United Kingdom ; with u view to ascertain the origin, progress and final establishment of LegiHlative Parliaments and of the dignity of u Peer or Lord of Pariiumeuv. Vol. i^ (never completed.) Svo. London, 1830. De Lolme, •!. L. Constitution de I'Augleterre, ou Etat du Oouveriicraent Anglais, compare aveo la forme republicaine et avec lea autres monarchies de I'Europe. 2 vol. Svo. Genuv e, 1790. ■ The Constitution of England ; or an account of the En- glish Government : in which it is compared both with the Bepublicon Form, and with the other Mouarchiea in Europe ; edited by "W. H, Hughes. Svo. Loudon, 182 J:. — — . A new edition, with Life and Notes, by T. Macgregor^ M. P. Svo, London, 1853. Western, T. G. Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England, incorporated with the political text of De Lolme ; third edition. Svo. London, 1841. JoufiVoy. Constitution de I'Angleterre, Svo. Leipzig, 1843. ■i r ir ; s 1^ ; .! fi :,/ 104 BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Wynne, Edward. Eimomus : or, Dialogues concerning the Law and Consti- tutiou of England, &c. The lifth edition, with additional Notes, and recommending a course of reading to students in the several branches of the Law, by W. M. Bythewood. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1822. Bo"Wyer, George. Commentaries on the Constitutional Law of England. Second edition. Svo. London, 184G. Cox, Homershara. Tlie British Commonwealth : or a commentary on the institationa and principles of British Government. 12mo. London, 1854. Allen, John. Inquiry into the Eise and Growth of the Eoyal Prerogative in England. A iiew edition, with corrections, Biographical Notices [of the Author] and an Inquiry mto the Life and Character of Kiug Eadwig. Svo. London, 1849. Ohitty, Joseph. On Prerogative Law. Svo. London, 1820. Taylor, Arthur. The Glory of Eegality : an historical treatise of the Anointing and Crowning of the Kings and Queens of England. Svo. London, 1820. Chapters on Coronations ; Descriptive accounts of the Coronation of English Sovereigns since the Conquest ; the remarkable ceremonies in the Coronation of Foreign Princes ; and a selection of Coronation Anecdotes. Svo. Lonlon, 1838. Thoni, "W. J. The Book of the Court ; The History, Duties and Privileges of the English Nobility and Gentry, the Great Officers of State, and Members of the Eayal Household. Also, au Essay on Regal State and Ceremonial and the Coronation Ceremony. Second edition. Svo. London, 1814, Haydn, Joseph. Beatson's Political Index modernised. The Book of Digni- ties ; containing Eolls of the Official Personages of the British Empire, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Judicial, Jlilitary, Naval and Municipal, from the earliest period to the present time, together with the Sovereigns of Europe, from the foundation of their States ; the Peerage of Great Britain, &c. Svo. London, 1851. Dod, C. E. Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence ; including Lists of Functionaries from the Eevolutlon. 12mo. London, 1S43. Murray's Official Hand Book of Church and State : containing an His- torical account of the Duties and Powers of the Crown and the Legis- lature, and of the Authorities of the United Kingdom and Colonies. Second edition, revised. 12rao. London, 1855. Official Hand Book of Church and State. 12mo. London, 1852. Carlisle, Nicholas. The place and quality of the Gentlemen of His Majesty's Privy Chamber, Svo. Loudon, 1829. AND LAW OP PARLIAMENT. 105 Brayley, (E- W.) and Britton, (J.) The lliatorj of the Ancient Polaca and late llousea of Parliament at Westminster ; embracing St. Ste- phen's Chapel, Westminster Hall, the Court of Requests, the Painted Chamber, &c. 8vo. London, 1836. Vide AacHiTECTDEK for History of New Housea of Parliament. Madox, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kioga of England, from the Norman Conquest to the end of the Keign of Edward II. The Dialogue concerning the Exchequer ascribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis, &c. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1769. Dugdale, Sir William. Origines Juridicales ; or Historical Memorials of the English Courts of Justice, &c.. Law Writers, Law Sooks, Inns of Court and Chancery. Also, a Chronology of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers, Lord Treasurers, Justices of the King's Bench and Com- mon Pleas, Barons of the Exchequer, Masters of the Eolls, King's Attorneys and Solicitors and Sergeants-at-Law. The third edition with additions. (Some portraits.) Eolio. London, 1680. Hargrave, Francis. Collectanea Juridica . consisting of Tracts relative to the Law and Constitution of England. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1791-2. Vol. I. (with other pieces, coutnins,) Vindication of the Jurisdictiuu of Chjincery (tiino of James I.) Lord Chief Justice Reeve's Instructions fur the Study of thj Law. The Duke of Newcastle, respecting Captures belonging to Neutral Powers, in time of War. The Case of the Oommendums before the Privy Council in 16 Jac. I. Several other remarkable coses. Observa- tions on the great expouac of Law, with a plan proposing a remedy, &c. " IL A Treatise on the Court of Star Chamber. Of the Public Councils of this Kingdom. Au aualysis of the theory and practice of Conveyancing, Ac, Juridical Arguments and Collections. 2 vols. 4to. Lon- don, 1797-99. Vol. L Contains, Notices and an Opinion in the case of a Commitment by the Irish IIouso of Lords for a contempt. — The case of the Duke of Athol in respect to the Isle of Man.— Concerning the Appropriation of Parliamentary Sup- plies to particular Services, — The Earl of lachiquin'a Appeal to the Irish House of Lords. — On the Admissibility of Claimants of the Earldom of Caitliness' Votes, at the Election of the sixteen Peers of Scotland, &c. " II. Relates, to the case of Mr. Perry's Commitment by the Hou,sc of Lords. — The CISC of the King's Pardon of Perjury. — The case of the Nabob of the Caruatic. ■ Jurisconsult Exercitfttions. Bvols. 4to. London, 1811-13. Vol. I. Contains tlio " Argument in the Negro Case 1772 [against] Domestic Slavery in England." New Papers on all the cases noted as remarkable ia the Juridical Collections, [above mentioned. — On the great case of Imposi- tions in the Reign of James I, &c. — On " the Distinction of Fisheries," and on the extoat of Prerogative Powers with reference to Martial Law, &q. m 106 BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY :- it • m m ,:'i 'm \i h .h IIW l.'i '' Hargrave, Trancis. Jurisconsult Exercitations. — (.Ccniimicd.) Vul. 11. The cose of the Barony of Rob or Booa. — Irish case of Harringe.— Condition on Appwal to the Irish House of Lords. — Prefatory Litruduction to Lord Hale, " De Jure Maris," dto. Remarics on Viscount Stafford'* Attainder, 1680. — On Mr. Prynne's Plea for the House of Peers, and on his character as a Writer. — On Lord Hale's Considerations touching the Amend- ment of Laws. " III. More Papers in the case of Appeal of the Earl of Inchiquin, and on that of the Duke of Athol, Isle of Man. Two Notes conceruingthe Legal Time for Human Birth, 4o. Selden, John. Of th6 Judicature in Parliament. Vide Selden, Opera omnia. Vol. Ill, part 2. Palmer, John. The Practice in the House of Lords on Appeals, Writs of Errors and Claims of Peerage ; with an account of Dignities ; a His- torical Essay on the Appellate Jurisdiction. 8vo. London, 1 830. Sydney, W. R. On the Jurisdiction and modern Practice in Appeals to the House of Lords, and in Proceedings on Claims to Peerages. 8vo. London, 1824. Bannister, S. On the Right to be heard on Petitions to the Crown ; and the control of the Privy Council (by Appeal) over Indian, Colonial and Home Affairs ; with cases, Ac. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1844. ]M[aoq.ueen, J. F, On the Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and Privy Council ; together with the Practice on Parliamentary Divorce. 8vo. London, 1842. Burge, William. On the Supreme Appellate Jurisdiction exercised by the Courts of the Queen in Council and the House of Lords. 8vo. Lon- don, 1841. Palmer, John. Practice on Appeals from the Colonies to the Privy Council. 1831. And Supplement thereto, 1834. Svo. London. Soobell, Henry, Eemembrancea of Methods, Orders and Proceedings here- tofore used and observed in the House of Lords : to which is added, the Privileges of the Baronage of England, both in and out of Parlia- ment, by J. Selden. 12mo. London, 1689. Standing Orders of the House of Lords: (on various subjects.) Or- dered to be reprinted, 2nd July, 1849. Svo. Selden, John. Titles of Honor : third edition, carefully corrected, with addi- t'ns and amendments. Folio. London, 1G72. Vide, also the same in Selden, Opera omnia, vol. Ill, part 1. The Privileges of the Baronage of England. Tide, Selden, Opera omnia, vol. III. part 2. Brydall, John. The Law of England relating to the Nobility and Gentrv^ digested. 12mo. London, IG.T. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 107 iiiceller of Ireland. An Enquiry into the Origin itiug Peers, [first published, 1719.] 8vo. London, :-a omniar West, Kichard. IiO"J and Manner o: 1782. Hubbaok, Jolm. On the evidence of Succession to Peerages, Ac, 1845. : Vide Law Lihrari/, vol. 17. Macqueen, -T. F. Eeport of the Debates on the Life Peerage Question, in the House of Lords : Session 1856, part 1. 8vo. London. Cruise, William. On the Origin and nature of Dignities, or Titles of Honor ; containing all the Cases of Peerage, with the mode of proceeding in Claims 'f this kind. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1823. Dugdale, Sir 'William. A perfect coi^y of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm, from the 49th of King Henry III. until these present times. Folio. London, 1685. Collins, Arthur. Proceedings!, Precedents and Arguments, ou Claims and controversies, conceniiug Baronies by Writ, and otlicr Honours. Published from manuscript collections of E. Glover, Sir "VV. Dugdale, &.C. Folio. London, 1734. Nicolas, Sir N. H. lieport of Proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'isle, with notes. The Cases of Abergavenny, Botetourt, and Berkeley ; accompanied by observations on Baronies by Tenure. 8vo. London, 1829. On the Law of Adulterine Bastardy, with a Eeport of the Banbury [Peerage] Case, and of all other cases bearing on the subject. 8vo. Loudon, 1836. Eeport of Proceedings on the Claim to the Earldom of Devon; with Notes, and copies of Patents and cases illustrative. Svo. London, 1832. Le Marchant, Denis. Eeport of the Proceedings on the Claims to the Barony of Gardner : with a collection of cases illustrative of the Law of Logifimaey. Svo. Loudon, 1828. Sir N. II. Nicolas, saj-s, tbat iu Lis Reports [above mentioned] and in this following Report, by D. Le Marcliaut, Esq. :— " The most material questions wliioU can arise, connected with English Dignities, namely, Legitimacy Tenure, Patents, and Writs of Summons, arc elucidated." See Preface, p. xii., Nicolas on the Earldom of Devon. Bell, n. N. I'iio liuntingdou Pcernge ; the Evidence and Proceedings con- nected with the recent Ecstoration of the Earldom ; the Report of the Attorney General on that occasion ; a history of the illustrious House of Huntingdon, Ac. 4to. London, 1820. Riddell, John. Inquiry into the Law and Practice in Scottish Peerages, before and after tlie Union ; involving the questions of Jurisdiction and Forfeiture : with an Exposition of our Conaistorial Law. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1842. 108 BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL UISTORT 1 i ■■%\ iilli 9 Pits;? Jlri mi Peers of Ireland in England. The Question of their Precedency, fairly stated. 8vo. Dublin, 1739. Brady, Doctor. Of Cities and Burghs or Boroughs ; shewing. Whence they received their Liberties, &c. ; as also. When they first sent their Representatives to Parliament. (A new edition.) 8vo. Loudon, 1777. WllliSi Browne. Notitia Parliamentaria ; or, an History of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs in England and Wales ; shewing, what Boroughs were anciently Parliamentary, but now disused; — What do at this day return to Parliament, with Lists of all the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses to this Time. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1715-50. Oldfield, T. H. B. The Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland : of the House of Commons, and of Counties, Cities, and Boroughs from the earliest Period. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1816. Tanored, H. W. Of the Origin of Representation in England, and of its present State, with observations on the reform necessary. 8vo. London, 1831. Bernard, J. B. Theory of the Constitution, compared with its practice, in ancient and modem times ; how far the late Reform of Parliament is or is not consistent with the Constitution, «S;c. Svo. London, 1834. Wight, Alexander, An inquiry into the Rise and Progress of Parliament, chiefly in Scotland. Vide (prefixed to) his work on Elections for Scotland. Mere'Wether, (H, A.,) and Stephens, (A. J.) The History of the Boroughs, and Mtinicipal Corporations of the United Kingdom from the earliest to the present time : with an examination of their Constitution and Powers. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1835. Smith, H. S. The Parliaments of England, from Ist George I. to the present time. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1844-50. Tlie "Work is a Ohronicle of tlie Elections, with particulars of those contested for this period ; the two first volumes, respect existing Constituencies, — the tliird» "TheDisfranohis«d Boroughs, Scotland, Ireland, tic." Dod, C. R. Electoral Facts, from 1832 to 1853 ; the nature of the Consti- tuency, Prevailing Influence, &c., &c., &c. ; together with the Polls for the last twenty years, at every place returning a Member to Parliament. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1853. Ralegh, Sir Walter. The Prerogative of Parliaments in England proved. See his Works, Vol. 8, Parliament. The opinions of Mr. Justice Doddridge, Mr. Agar, F. Tate, W. Camden, and Jos. Holland, touching the High Court of Parlia- ment. IGmo. London, 1658. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 109 Prynne, William. The Soveieigiie Power of Parliaments and Kiugdomee ; in Foure Parts, with an Appendix: wherein the Buperiority of Parlia- ments, etc., over and above their lawfull Princes, is abundantly evidenced ; 1643. A liemonstrance against the Tax of Ship-money [written. An. 1G36.] Of the Great Seal of the Kings and Kingdomes of England, 1 G43. The Doome of Cowardisze, etc., or Looking Glasse for cowardly or corrupt Governours, and Souldiers ; 1643. Home's Master- Peecc ; or, the Grand Conspiracy of the Pope, etc., revealed, out of conscience, to Andreas ab Uabenfeld; second edition, 1644. The i'opish lio} all Favourite ; or. His H'lajestiea extraordinary Favours to notorious Papists, Priests, Jesuits, etc. : 1643. A vindication and re-vindication of the anoynting and priviledges of faithful subjects ; 1643-'44: [with a Tract, which seems to be done by another writer.] A Sovereign Antidote, to determine our Civil Warres, &c., wherein the Parliaments and Sir J. Ilotham's proceedings at Hull, and in the Militia (are^ justified. Second Impression enlarged, 1642. 4to. 1 vol. The first work on Parllnments, in Pt. 1, insists " That the Parliament is the Suv- " ereign power. Pt. II iusists, on ' the Parliament's Interest in the Militia^ " Right to uumiuate Privie Councellours, &,o.' Pt. Ill, on the lawfulnesse of " the Pailiamciit's Defensive Warre. Pt IV, on the Parliament's Power to " impose Taxes, restrain Malignants, &o." Modus tenendi Parliamentum. An ancient treatise on the Mode of huldiag tlie Parliament of England. [Latin and English Notes &c. ;] edited by J. U. Hardy. 8vo. London, 1846. Modus tenendi Parliamentum : or the Old Manner of holding Parlia- ments in England : with certain Municipal Bights and Customs of England, together with some Privileges of Parliament, collected by W. llakewel. (bound with,) Memorials of the Method and Manner in passing Bills, and the Orders of the House, gathered by H. 3. Elsynge. 16mo. London, 1670. Elsynge, Heury. IManner of Holding Parliaments in England. From the Author's MS. 12inQ. London, 1768. Anglesey, Arthur, Earl of. Tlio Privileges of the House of Lords and Com- mons, argued and stated iu Two Conferences. April, 1671. A dis- course wherein the Itiglits of the House of Lords are asserted. 12mo. London, 1702. Hale, Lord Chief Justice. Tlit; Jurisdiction of the Lords House,'or Parlia- ment, coiisiilcretl according to ancient records: to w ndi is jjielixed by the editor, F. IFargrave, a Narrative of the same Jurisdiction from the accession of James I. 4to. London, 1796. Tlie Kditorsays this Trontiso Ims " immediate relation to the controversy her«- " tofore existing between the Lords and Commons, about the Judicatur* at *' Parliament" .fi ■M il r' > 110 BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISIORY Hale, Lord Chief Justice. The original Institution, Power, and Jurisdiction of Parliament, collected ; with a declaration of the House of Commonst concerning their Privileges, 8vo. Loudon, 1707. (Thii work it erroneously attributed to Judge Hale.) Atkins, Sir Robert. Parliamentary and Political Tracts. 8vo. London, 1734. (2 copies.) l»t An Assertion of the Power, Ac., of Parliiimcnt, occnsioned by iin informntioo by Iho Attorney General ngniiist the Speaker of the Hnuae of Com- mons. 2nd. An Argument concerning Election of Members. 3rd. Of the power of dispensing wilh IVnul Btntutcs. 4ih. Of Ecclesiaitioal Jurisdiction in England. 6th and Cth. Dcf»ncc of Lord W. Russell, Ac. Pet3rt, 'Willinm. The Antient liight of the Commons asserted ; proving that the Commons of England were ever an essential part of Parliament. 8vo. London, 1G80. Bailey, Samuel. The Rationale of Political Eeprosentation. 8vo. London, 1835. Symonds, Arthur, The Mechanics of Law-Making : Tide Statute Law. Hammond, Anthony. On the Practice and Proceedings in Parliament ; the passing of Public and Private Bills ; and the Law of Elections. 8vo. London, 1825. Fraotioe of Parliament. Manual of the, in passing Public and Private Bills, with the Standing Orders of both Houses, from 1C85 to 1829. 12mo. London, 1829. ZjIUs, C. T. Practical Eemarksand Precedents of Proceedings in Parliament, on Private Bills, comprising the Sinnding Orders of Both Houses. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1810. Standing Orders of the Houses of Lords and Commons relative to Private Bills, as amended : for various years. 12nio. "Westminster, 1850, &c. Riddell, Henry. Railway Parliamentary Practice, the Standing Orders of Both Houses relating to Railways . a treatise on the Highta of Parties to compensatory clauses, &c. 12mo. Loudon, 1846. Bramwell, George. The Manner of Proceeding on Bills in the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1833. Sherwood, T. M. On the Proceedings to be adopted in conducting Private Bills through the House of Commons ; with Observations on the Powers and Duties of Members in relation to such Bills. Third edition enlarged. 8vo. London, 1834. Prere, Charles. On the Practice of Committees of the House of Commons ; with reference especially to Private Bills. 8vo. "Westminster, 1846. Wynn, C. "W. W. On the J urisdiction of the House of Commons to com- mit in Cases of Breach of Privilege. Third edition ; with an Appen- dix, containing the case of Sir. "W. Williams. 8vo. London, 1810. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. Ill Ferrali, S A. An Exposition of tbe Law of Parliament as it relates to tbe Commoiia' House: [with] The Proceedings on Questiontt of Privilego which have arisen, and those Cases involving tbe Jurisdiction of the Houso, which were determined iu the Courts of WestiniiisU'r Hall. 8vo, London, 1837. Pemberton, Thomas. A Letter on the recent Proceedings in the House of Commons on the subject of Privilege. Third edition. Loudon, 1840. Privileges of Parliament. Pamphlets on the, — 1 vol. 8vo. 1810. Containiug : oir If. burdvtt to hiB Constituentr; denying the power of the House of Oom- moMg to imprison the people of England, 1810. Six letters on the Liberty of tbe Subject, and the priTileges of the House of Conimons, 1810. CKUjiderfttioim on the power and privileges of the Lower Uouse of PnrliamenI; 16 lU. Extracts from Lord Chatham, Burke, Janiu», Ac, to wliioh are prcfixcil vemarica oil 'lie power of Oominitment. in cages of libel, recently claiined by the HouM of Cuiiiinoiis, 1810. A short oxaininatlon into the power of the Commons to commit llefiitntiDn of the arguments ooiitained in Mr. Ponsonby'i Speech, on the priTi* lo;,'c'8 of the House of Commons, 1810. Aiiswr!itivo .Assemblies. I6mo. Boston, 1850. [Elections, &o., 1734-36.] The Statutes concerning Eh rd-n^l .M. mbers to serve in the House of Commons: contiMucd 1.) ''>■• "mi "I' the Session, 1734; (the 2nd Tract in the vol.,) with, Ordeis nmi !•■ .Mn„tion8 oi'the House of Commons, on Controverted Elections. 1730 ; and the Candidate's Guide, shewing the Dt^terminntion of the Conuiions in con- t overted Elections from 1024 to 1730 ; by J. C, 1735, in 1 vol. 8vo. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 113 Simoon, Jolm. On the Law of Elections in all its brancbea. Second edition, enlarged. 8ro. London, 1795. Disney) John. Practical abridgment of Election Law ; from the iasuing of the Writ to the Beturn. 8ro. London, 1812. Roe, W. T. On the Law of Elections relating to England, Scotland and Ireland. 2 vols. 8ro. London, 1812. _. — Second edition, with alterations and additions. 2 vols. 8ro. Loudon, 1818-19. Hands, "William. The Proceedings on Election Petitions, with precedenti. 8vo. London, 1812. Orme, Eobert. Practical Digest of the Election Laws. Second edition, with additions. 8to. London, 1812. Male, Arthur. On the Law and Practice of Elections. Second edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1820. Dodd, C. E. Doubtful Questions in the Law of Elections stated and canvassed. 8vo. London, IP'^S. Lister, Daniel. A Digest of the Law of Elections, for ali Places in England, Ireland, and Scotland ; with the Qualifications of Voters, and an Appendix of Penalties. 8vo. London, 1828. Finnelly, William. The Law and Practice of Elections in England, Scotland, aud Ireland ; of the trial of controverted Elections, with Precedents, &c. 12mo. London, 1830. Shepherd, H. J. The Law and Practice relative to the Election of Members, with Forma of Petition, &c. Third edition, with additions. 12mo. London, 1836. Chambers, J. D. Dictionary of the Law and Practice of Elections, and of Election Petitions and Committees, from the earliest period to the present time. 8vo. London, 1837. (2 copies.) Montagu, B. and Neale, W. J. The Law and Practice of Parliamentary Elections Part I. From the issuing of the Writ to the Eeturn. Part If. The Law and Practice of Election Petitions, &c. 8vo. London, 1841. Wordsworth, Charles. The Law and Practice of Elections, Election Peti- tions, and Eegistration of Voters, with the Statutes and Forms. Third edition, improved. 8vo. London. 1847. Rogers, F. N. On Elections, Election Committees, and Registration, con- taining the Acts of Parliament to the end of the Session 1847. Seventh (lition, [bound with, the Law and Practice of Election Committees.] Fourth edition, with additions. 12mo. London, 1847. . Second copies of both works, "with Addenda to the end of the Session 1852." ^i:^ m :\ '.I- I if J . i :1''''4^ 1,-- ' 7'i'r 114. DEITISII CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Warren, Sainuol. Manual of the Purliaraontnry Klectioii Luw of the United Kingdom of Great Britain aod IrelaLd. 12ino. London, 1852. (2 copies.) .1 I n . xi'.e Law and Practice of Election Committees ; being a completion of the preceding volume. I2mu. London, 1853. (2 copies.) Clerk, John. The Law and Practice of Election Comuiittetv ; containing dU the recent deciuions ; with forma of Petitions and Statutes, tivo. Loa> don, 1852. (2 copies.) ' Practical treatise on the Law of Elections, and " the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1854 ;" with au Appendix. 8vo. London, 1855. Frere, Charles. On the Proceedings of Election Committees; the Acta relating thereto, &c. 12mo. Westminster, 1853. Pickering, P. A. Remarks on Treating, and other mattcra rolatinp to the Election of Members, and on some recent decisions of Committees of the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1849. Wight, Alexander. The Ilisdand Progress of Parliament, chiefly in Scotland; and a system of the Law concerning the Electioua of the Uepresenta- tives from Scotland to the Parliament of the United Kingdom, with the Election Statutes, the cases to the present period, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 180G. (2 copies.) Bell, Robert. On the Election Laws, as they relate to the Rt'prespiitation of Scotland, in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Ito. EJinburgh. 1812. Heywood, Samuel. A Digest of the Law respecting County Elections, from the insui-ig of the Writ to its Return. Second edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1812. A Digest of the Law respecting Borough Electii)n^, the Form and Elfect of Decisions, &c. Svo. London, 17;'7. Butt, Q-. Suggestions as to the Conduct and Management of n County Con- tested Election; with the Statutes on County Electioua. >econd edi- tion. Svo. London, 1830. Delane, W. P. A. A collection of Decisions in the Courts lor l.'evi>iiig the Lists of Electors for the Counties, fvarious, namrd], the Cities of London and Westminster, and tlie Bi»roi|^h>», [vnri'm-., ntuKilj, with some Resolutions of the Comir.ittees in the House ol' Co:i!iiiijiis. Se- cond edition, with additions. 12mo. Loudon, 1.^30. Lutwyche, A. J. P. Keporta of Cases in the Court orConniioii I'leiin, on Appeal from Ihe Decision of the Revising Eiirris'ern. ( -lich, T, 7 Vict., to Hil. T. 10 Vict.) Vol.1. 8vo. London, IS 17. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 116 Power, Dnvid The Law of Qualification and Registration of Parliatncntarj Electors, as settled by the Court ut' Common Pleas. 12mo. London, 1847. Saunders, T. W. The Law and Practice of Municipal Begistration and Elections. 8vo. London, 1854. Aloook. J. C. Registry Cases, reserved for the Twelve Judges of Ireland, from November lb32, to .June 1837. Port I. 8vo. Dublin, 1837. C0X| E. W. The Law and Practice of Registration and Elections, and the Law of Election Committees. Seventh edition. 12mo. London, 1856. Oarew, Thomas. Historical account of the Rights of Elections of the several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of Ureat Britain : collected from the Public Records and the Journals of Parliament to the year 1764. by a late Member of Parliament. (2 parts.) Folio. London, 1766. Goodwyn, Sir F. Case of, returned for a Member of I'arliament, though outlawed. Ist. Jac. I. 1003. Vid* appended to " Lex Parliamentaria." Glanvllle, John. Cases determined and adjudged by the Commons in Parlia* ment, 22, 23, James I, [circa, 1625], with an Account of the ancient right of determining on controverted Elections. Svo. London, 1776. Douglas, Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie. The history of the cases of con- troverted Elections tried and determined during the Ist and 2nd Sea* sion, 15 and 16 Geo. III. Second edition, with additions. 4 vols. Svo. London. 1802. Phillpps, John. Election Cases, determined 21 Geo. Ill, by Committees of the House of Commons. Vol. I. 12mo. London, 1782. Luders, Alexander. Reports of the proceedings in Committees of the House of Commons upon controverted Elections, heard and determined during the present Parliament, 23 to 25, Geo. III. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1785-90. Fraser, Simon. Reports of Proceedings before Committees of the House of Commons, in controverted Elections, heard and determined, f30 to 32, Goo. III.] 2 vols. Svo. London, 1793. Peokwell, R. H. Cases of controverted Elections, in the 2nd Parliament of the United Kingdom, [40 to 42 Geo. III.] 2 vols. Svo. London, 1805-6. A . Appendix to the 2n(l volume, gives the cnses of Leotningter Election, 1796, mid Mulmesbury, 1796-7. Corbett, (U.) and Daniell, (E. R ) Cases of controverted Elections in the Gth Parliament of the United Kingdom, [1819.] Part I, Svo. London,1820. Cockburn, (A. E.) and Rowe, (W. C.) Cases of controverted Elections, determined in the Uth Parliament of the United Kingdom; being the first Session, [1833,] after the passing of the Reform Act. Svo. London, 1833. ri! I w> ■I m i ■^ta ■r m .■f ' 110 llllITiail CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY V< ' Ml Ito perry, (II J.) mul Knapp, (J. W.) Cuhch of controverted Elections, [in tlio Hanic SuaitiouH of Parliament.] 8vo. London, 1S33. Petrle, Samuel. Report of tho Crickhido coao ; the proceeding in tlio Courts of Law, before tlie Select Coinniitteo of the Commoat), aud iii both Houses of I'arliameut. 8vo. Loudon, 1785. Cllffbrd, lleury. The two Caseb of controverted Elections of the Borough of Soutljwark, tried and determined by Committees of the Commons, 37 Geo. Ill, with^'otes, [and] the two subHequent canes of the City o* Canterbury, &c. 8vo. London, 1802. Copley, John S. Tlie proceedings before the Select Commitiee of the House of Commons, January 1807, iu the cixsq of a double Ueturu for the Borough of Horsham. 8vo. Loudon, 1808. Carpenter, Samuel. The Evidence and Arguments of Counsel before thi Committee of the House of Commons, upou the controverted Eiectic i for Saltash. 8vo. Loudon, 1808. The Return for Malmeabury ; [at the General Election 1800] Pro- ceedings of the Committee of the House of Commons, February and March, 1807, to try the Merits of. 8vo. Salisbury, 1807. Merewether, II. A. Tiio case of the Borough of West-Looe, tried before a Committee of the House of Commons, April, 1822, with preface, notes and cases illustrative of the History of Boroughs. 8vo. Loudon, 1823. Knapp, (J. W.) and Ombler, (E.) Cases of controverted Elections, [183-4-35.] 8vo. London, 1837. Falconer, (T.) and Fitzb ;rbert, (E. H.) Cases of controverted Elections, determined in Committees of the House of Commons. [1836 to 1839.] 8vo. Loudou, 1839. Barron, (A.) and Austin, (A.) Cases of controverted Elections, [decided iu 1842.J Hvo. London, 1844. Barron, (A.) and Arnold, (T.J.) Cases of controverted Elections, before Committees of Jhe House of Commons ; and Cases upon Appeal from the Decisions of llevisinpf Barristers in the Court of Common Pleas. From Mich. T. 1843, to Easter T. 181G, beta In- ■isiv'. Vol. L 8vo. London, 1840. Tomlins, T. K. Cases explanatory of the "Rules of Ev M. :ii ., beloie Commit- tees of Election, compiled from the Ecports of the trials of contro- verted Elections. 8vo. London, 1790. Woidsworth, Cliarlea F. F. A Digeatof all the Election Reports from the earliest to the present time, iucliuling the Cases at Common Law. ivr Loi.'lon, )S34. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 117 Power, (D.) Rodwell, (IT.) and De'w, (L.) Deeinious of Comiuiitees of iho IIouMo of CuiiiinoUM of coutrovcilcil Eleutioun, [tried from btb February 1818, to loth J uij 1851.] 12a]o. London, 1853. Upper Canada Contested Eleotluus Patrick, AlAred. digest of " Proceduuta or Decimoiio," by Select ConmiiltPesiippoiuted to try the merits of Upper Canada Con tented Elections. 8vo. Montreal, 1840. Rotuli Parllamentorum j ut et Fetitiunes, et Pliicila in Farimmento ', Edw. I.— 10 lien. Vll, (1278 to 1503.) vols. Tolio. London. .i......^— — ^— Index to tho Rolls of Piirliamf^ut, prepii cd in part by tho Rev. Jno. Strachey, L.L. D., P. S. A. ; and the Kev. Jno. Pndden, M. A. F. S. A., and completed by Edward U ph uin, 1 .b.A Folio. London, 1882. Jovirnals of the House of Lords ; from 1500 to 1854 with Calendars and Indices. 00 vols. Folio. Sessional Papers of the House of Lords ; from 1700 to 1854, (about) 1200 vols. Folio. Journals of the House of Commons; from 1547 to 1854; wirh Indices to 1852. 114 vols. Folio. Report "< of Committees of the House of Commons. 1715 i with an Index. 10 vols. Folio. 1801} 1854, Sessional Papers of the House of Commons ; from 1800 t( (about) 1200 vols. Folio. Levi, Leone. Annals of British Legislation : a Digest of tlio Papers ani ub1» ly presented to Parliament. Vol. 1, (for Hossiou 185G.) 8vo. Loii on. Parry, C. 11. Tho Parliaments and Councils of England, chronologicjlly arranged, from the Reign of William I, to the liovolutiou in 1GS8. Svo. London, 1830. " In tbo onrlier nges chiefly confined to a chronologicnl arrangement of the Bucccseive Meetings, Ac, in the nioro nilvuiiced periods, an Analytical Digest of the Mcnsures" proceeded upon. Parliaments. Of the uao and Abuse of, in two Discourses, viz : I. A gen- eral View of Government in Europe, by Algernon Sydney. II. A Dote -lion of the Concessions made to K'ugs, &c., by the J'arlia- ments (,( England, from the year 1U60, [by James Ralph.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1744. Townsend, W. C. IMemoirs of tho House of Commons from tho Conven- tion Parliament of 10S8-9, to tho passing of tho Reform Bill in 1832. Second Edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1844. (2 copies.) Townshend, H. Historical Collections : or, an exact account of tho pro- ccediiigt" of the Four last Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth ; with ths complptc Journals of the Lords and Commons, with Motions and Spoechf 3 of the Members, &c. Folio. London, 1080. M 1 '■>! .' t, 1,;| t .' ^- ' ' -« ,;. ; ! ii-y •• . :ft i '■■ ■ 1 1 '■■ 1 ' "^ ■' 1 , !l 4 ;j' * t* 1 1 ** ,)• 1 1 if n 1 j 1 Ji 118 BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY D'Evres, Sir Simonda, The Journals of all the Parliaments during the Iteign of Elizabeth, both of the House of Lords, and the House of Com* mona, revised by P. Bowes. Folio. London, 1G82. Vide, also, D'Kwes' Life, by Ualliwcll. [Husbands, Edward] A collection of all Eemonstrances, Declarations, Votes, Orders, Ordinances, Proclamations, Petitions, Messages, Answers, and other remarkablea Passages between the King and his Parliament, beginning Dec. 1041, until March 21, 1042. 4to. London, 1042-3. May, Thomas. The History of the Parliament which began November 3, 1640 ; with a view of some precedent years. 4to., (by authority.) Lon- don, imprinted 1047, reprinted 1812. This editiun U edited by Biiron Masercs, who enlargee it by an Appendix of State papers, tiikca from Husbands' Collection. Verney Papers. Notes of Proceedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Chailea I, from Memoranda taken in the House by Sir R. Verney, Edited by John Bruce. 4to., Loudon, for the Camden Soc- 1845. Soobell, Henry. Clerk of the Parliament. A collection of Acts and Ordi- nances made in the Parliament held at Weatminster, 3rd November, 1010, unto the Adjournment of the , Parliament, begun and holden 17th September, 1050. Tolio. London, 1058. Burton, Thomaa. Member in the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Crom- well. Diary, from 1050 to 1059, with an Account of the Parliament of 1654, from the Journal of Q-. Goddard, M. P., now first published, with Notes, &c., by J. T. Rutt. 4 vola. 8vo. London, 1828. Parliamentary Papers. A collection of Kings' Speeches, Messages to Parliament, Addresses of Both Houses, Speeches of the Lords Chancellors, and of the Speakers of the Commons, from 1060 to 1790 : Lords' Protests from 1242 to 1790 : Standing Orders of both Housea : and a List of Speakers of the Commons, from the earliest account. 8vo. 3 vols. London, 1799. Lord's Protests, The. A complete collection of, — from the firat upon Record, [1242J to the present time [1707,] [with] an Hiatorical Essay on the Legislative Power of England, by O. St. Amand. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1707. Tlmberland, Ebeuezer. The History and Prococdinga of the House of Lords, from the Restoration, 1000, to the present time [1000-1742], the Motions, Speeches, 13ebates, etc., with all the Protests, &c., togetlier with the Debates in the Parliament of Scotland relating to the Union. 8 vols. Svo. London, 1742-43. (Lettered "Chandler's Lords' Debate." ;" with whose Commons' Debates, it ranges.) Chandler, Mr. The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, from the Restoration to the present time [1000-1742 j, the remarkable Motions, Speeches, Resolves, Reports, and Conferences, with Notes, Lists of every Parliament, &c. 14 vola. Svo. London, 1742-44. AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 119 a Johnson, Samuel, LL.D. Debates in Parliament. [Nov. 1740, to February 1743. J 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. " Johnson did not give so much what they respectirely said, as what each ought to have said." — Preface. Cavendish, Sir Henry. Debates of the House of Commons, during the 13th Parliament of Great Britain [1768-70,] commonly called the Unre- ported Parliament ; [withj illustrations of the Parliamentary History of the Reign of Geo. III. [from 1760 to 1770.1 Edited by J. Wright. Vol. I. Svo. London, 1841. Parliament of 1784. [Its] conduct considered, 1790. A Eeview of the principal Proceedings, 1792, in 1 vol. Svo. Parliamentary History of England'; from the Norman Conquest in 1066, to the year 1803. 36 vols. Svo. London, 1806-1820. (Vol. XXV, wanting.) The first 12 vols, are entitled, "Cobbett's Parliamentary History," no name of an Editor is given on the following titles. " J. Wright," however appears to be the Editor. Vide, vol XX XIV, page next the title. Parliamentary Debates, comprising the period from November 1803 to February 1820, forming a continuation of the Work entitled " The Parliamentary History " 41 vols. Svo. London, 1804. Vol. I to XXI, published as Cobbett's. Vol XXII to XLI, published under the superintendence of T. C. Hansard. The Debates are of both Housei and arc accompanied with the chief Parliamentary Papers. * Parliamentary Debates : New series ; commencing with the Accession of Geo. IV, and terminating with the close of his Reign. [1820 to 1830.] 25 vols. Svo. London, 1820-30. General Index to the First and Second Series of the Debates ; forming a Digest of the Proceedings of Parliament, from 11:03 to 1830 ; edited by Sir John Phillippart. 8vo. London, 1834, Mirror of Parliament : commencing 29th January, 1828. (9 Geo. IV) to 17th July, 1837, [the Accession of Victoria.] Edited by J. H. Ear- row. 30 vols. 4to. Loudon, 1828-37. Mirror of Parliament : Edited by J. II. Barrow. S.-cond series, commenc- ing with the Eeign of Victoria, continued till October 7th, 1841. 24 vols. Svo. London, 1838-41. (Wanting vol. 23.) Hansard's Parliamentary Debates ; Third series ; vol. LIX, from the 19th August, 1841, to vol. CXLII, comprising to 27th June, 1856. Svo. London, 1841-C(5. (Wanting vols. 121 and 125.) Dod, C. E. Parliamentary Companion, for lb56. 12mo. London. Manning, J. A. The Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons, from Edward III, to Victoria, comprising Biographies of upwards of 100, and details of the Parliamentary History of England. Svo. London, 1851. i ..'■ff ■if r K .'"'■ ■ Ymi f« ,.''■}« .j 1 i 11 ■.-,. *^'-.l ■■a" sl't'-^S •";:;-' pi 120 BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Willis, Browne. Notitiu Parliainontaria. Vol. III. Gives " an account of all the Speakers, from Edward III, to the present time." 1750. Irish Parliament. Mountmorres, Lord. The History of the Irish Parlia- ment, from the year 1G34, to 1666 ; during the administrations of the Earl of Strafford, and of the 1st. Duke of Ormond ; with a narrative of his Grace's Life, [and] prefixed, a Discourse on the ancient Parlia- ments of that Kingdom. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1792. — ■ ■■ The Parliamentary Eegister ; or ProccedingB 17 vols. 8vo. 1 •: ♦ i and Debates of the House of Commons, 1781 to 1797 Dublin, 1784-1801. Hamilton, Right Hon. W. G. Parliamentary Logic ; to which are subjoined two Speeches delivered in the House of Commons of Ireland, etc., and, Considerations on the Corn Laws, by Dr. Johnson. 12mo. Lon- don, 1808. Hazlitt, William. The Eloquence of the British Senate ; or Select Speeches of the most distinguished Parliamentary Speakers, from the beginning of the Reign of Charles I., to the present time, with Notes, Biographi" cal, Critical, and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. Burke, Right Hon. Edmund. The Speeches of, in the House of Commons, and Westminster Hall. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. Pox, Eight Hon. C. J. The Speeches of, in the House of Commons. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. Pitt, Eight Hon. William. The Speeches of, in the House of Commona. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Horsley, Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. The Speeches in Parliament of. 2 vols. 8vo. Dundee, 1813. Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer. Speech, as prepared for the Debate on the first Catholic Petition to the United Parliament, 1805, with Notes, &c., by D. Perceval. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844. Erskine, Thomas, Lord. Speeches of, when at the Bar, on misccUaneouB subjects. 8vo. Loudon, 1812. The Speeches of, at the Bar and in Parliament, with a Prefatory Memoir, by Lord Brougham j collected by James Ridgway. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Sheridan, Right Hon. R. B. The Speeches of, with a sketch of his Life. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Windham, (Right Hon. AV.) and Huskisson, (Right Hon. W.) Select Speeches of, with Biographical Sketches ; edited by Robert Walsh. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Canning, Riglit Hon. George. Select Speeches of, with a Bioj^raphical sketch, and Extracts from his Writings, etc. ; edited by Robert Walsh. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. M i ■ ill AND LAW OF PARLIAMENT. 121 Canning, Rig^t Hon. George. Recueil de discours prononc^s au Parlement d'Angleterre; trad uit par M.Haudryde Janvry. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Curran, Rigbt Hon. J. P. Speeches of, on State Trials, in Parliament, etc. with a Memoir. New Edition, with additions. Svo. London, 1817. Grattan, Eight Hon. Henry. The Speeches of, — his Letter on the Union, with a Commentary on his Career and Character, by D. O. Madden. Second Edition, 12mo. Dublin, 1863. Plunket, Lord. Speeches ; edited by Hoey. 8vo. Dublin, 1856. O'Connell, Daniel. The Select Speeches of, edited, with Historical Notices, etc., by his son John O'Connell. 2 vols. 12mo. Dublin, 1854. Shell Right Hon. R. L. The Speeches of, with Memoir by T. Macnevin. Se- cond edition, 12mo. Dublin, 1853. Political Speeches, by Lord Liverpool, Mr. Canning, and Mr. Croker. Collected in 1 vol. 8vo., 1799-1827. . by Lords Momington, Q-renville, Auckland and Bexley, Sir H. Langrishe, and the Bight Hon. F. J. Bobinaon. Collected in 1 vol. Svo. 1794-1828. Brougham, Henry, Lord. Speeches of, upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests, with Historical Introductions, and a Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients. 4 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1838. The Speeches were delivered variously, in Public Life, at the Bar, and in Parliament. Peel, Sir Robert. The Speeches of, delivered in the House of Commons, with a Chronological Summary of the Subjects on which the Speeches were delivered, 1810-1850. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1853. Wellington, The Duke of. The Speeches of, in Parliament, collected and arranged by Col. Gurwood. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1854. Maoauley, Right Hon. T. B. Speeches of, corrected by himself. Svo. London, 1854. Mackintosh, Sir James. Speeches in Parliament. Vide his miscellaneoua Works, Vol. 3. Modem Orator, Vol. I. The Speeches of the Earl of Chatham, R. Brinsley Sheridan, and Lord Erskine. Vol. II. of Charles James Fox. Vol. III. of Edmund Burke. Svo. London, 1847-1855. N.B. — The Volumes are only numbered on the binding, and the first published is made the last of the Scries. British Eloquence. Speeches of eminent Statesmen, from the close of the War to the Reform Bill, Ist Series. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1855. Phillips, Charles. Specimens of Irish Eloquence, wiih Biographical Notices, etc. Svo. London, 1819. o/. '^t ■■>^^l 'f- 1 1 I i '4 i U: ^'' 'iiiii 1 :;: 'If I IS ' M 1 "• ;•':' ,-ll > •■, , ■ t . t ! ■; "> I 122 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF [droit public Parliamentary Portraits ; or Sketches of the Public Character of distin* guished Speakers in the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1815. Francis, Q-. H. Orators of the Age, comprising Portraits, Critical, Biographi- cal, and descriptive. 12mo. London, 1847. Critical Biographies : Sir R. Peel, Lord Brougham, and the Right Hon. B. Disraeli. 12mo. London, 1852. Heron, Sir Eobert, M.P. Notes ; or "A Diary," chiefly respecting Public Life, 1812-1851. Second edition, 8vo. Grantham, 1851. O'Connell, John. Parliamentary Becollections, and Experiences, from 1833 to 1848. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1849. Harle, W. L. A Career in the Commons ; or Letters to a Young Member, on the Conduct and Principles necessary to an Efficient Representa- tive. 12mo. London, 1850. II. CONSTITOTIONAL LAW OF OTHER EUROPEAN STATES. IL DROIT PUBLIC ET CONSTITUTIONNEL DES AUTEES ETATS EUROPfiENS. Xierminier, E. Histoire des Icgislateurs et des constitutions de la Grece Antique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Iievesque, M. Memoirea sur la constitution de la Republique d'Athcnes. A. S. M. Vol.4. (1799-1801.) Canaye, L'abbo de. Recherches sur rAri'^opage. A. I. Vol. 7. (1728-29.) Ijevesque, M. Memoire sur la constitution de la Republique de Sparte. A. S. M. Vol. 3. (1800.) Barre, M. de la. Eclaircissemens sur Lycurgue. A.I. Vol.7. (1734.) Capperonier, M. Recherches sur les ilotes. Hid., vol. 23, (1749.) Raoul-Roohette. Memoire sur la forme et I'administration de I'etat fcde- ratif des Beotiens. N. I. Vol. 8. (1819. Salnte-Croix, M. de. Memoire sur les anciens gouvememens de la Sicile. A.. L Vol.48. (1785.) ■ Memoire sur le gouvemement des Parthes. Ihid., vol. 60. La Bletterie, L'abbo de. Traito de la nature du gouvernement romain sous les Empereurs depuis Auguste jusqu'a Diocletion. A. 1. Vol. 21, 24,25,27. (1748-55.) ———"-^—^— Si la puissance imporiale chez les romains ^tait patri- moniale, h^reditaire ou elective. Ihid., vol. 19. [1844-45.] -^^— — — — Sur le nom A^ Auguste. Ihid. Burigny, M. de. Memoire sur ce que I'on sait du gouvernement politique des Gaules, lorsque les Romains en firent la conquete. A. I. Vol. 40. ET CONSTITUTIONNEL, &C.] OTHER EUROPEAN STATES.* 123 Br6quigny, M. de. Eecherches Bur les Eegences en France. Ibid., vol. 50, [1789.] Levesque, M. Memoire sur le gouvemement de la France sous les deux premiores dynasties. A. S. M. Vol. 6. [1803.] Gautier de Sibert. Eecherches historiques sur les cours plenifires. A. L. Vol. 41. [1775.] Bernard!. Memoire sur I'origine de la Pairie en France et en Angleterre. N. I. Vol. 10. [1827.] Gu^rard, Benj. De I'^tat des personnes et des terras en France jusqu'apr^i retablissement des Communes. Bevue des deux Mondes, quatrieme serie, vol. 14. - De I'etat des personnes dans la monarchie des Francs. Ibid. Vol. 19. Vide les ouvrngca d'Augustin Thierry. (Histoiee.) Lezardiere, Mile de. Theorie des lois politiques de la monarchie fran^aise ; nouvelle edition publiee par le Vicomte de Lezardiere. 4 vol. 8vo. I'aris. Vide dnns I'HisToiai, Bouquet, Hiatoriens des Gaules, — Collection de dissertationa vol. 1 et 5, — Bi'L-quigny et PardeesuB, Collection de Chnrtea, diplomes, etc. Voir aussi daua la collection des ducumena iuedita relatifa a rbiatoire de Franoe. rroccavcrbniix des scnncea du conseil de rcgence sous Charles VIII, eto. Procus-vcrbaux des Etata Generaux do France, en 1593, etc. Journal des Etata G jneraux de France tenus a Tours en 1484, etc. Thierry, A, — Monuratns de I'histoire du Tiers-Etat. Varin, — Archives legislatives de Reims, etc. Voir aussi dans le Dboit FaAN9Ai8, les Ordonnances des Rois, et les Collection! dca lois frangaises, eto. — Dnguesseau, CEuvres, tomes 10 et 16 — Dalloi, lU'pertoire, etc. Voir auasi Fritot, Science du publiciste — Robiuet, Bictionnaire universe!, eto. Lai\juinais. Constitutions de la France. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Devade, A. Eecueil des constitutions politiques de la France. 4to. Paris, 1848. Pour le texte des diverses pieces relatives au droit public de la France et dea autrcs pays, durant cos deriiiures anndes, Voir I'appendice de I'Annuain de Losur, ou celui de VAnnuaire des deux Mondes. Duvergier de Hauranne. De I'ordre legal en France et des abus d'au- torite. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820-28. Vide Ortolan, Le Ministere public en France, etc., et, ei-aprCs Droit Adtninit' tratif. (Droit Franjais.) Voir au88i Cheruel, Dictionnaire dos Institutions. (Histoiek.) Guizot. Des moyens de gouvernemont et d'opposition dans I'etat actuel do la France. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Constant, Benjaniin. Cours de politique constitutionnelle ; nouvelle edition mise cu ordre par M. Pages (de I'Ariege.) 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1836. 'ill ~u 124 * CONSHTTTIONAl LAW. — DROIT CONSTITTJTIONNEL. mi I n rS;: Constant, Benjamin. Discours a la chambre det* deputes. 2 vol. 8to. Paria, 1828. Voir dnnt I'IIibtoiris : Clement — Histoire du goureraement d« Louis XIV, et Histoire de radminit. tration de Colbert — Buchez et Koux, Ilistoire parlemeutoire de la r^Tolution Fran$iuBe — La rvimpressiuo de I'aDcien Moniteur — Kermoysau, Recueil de proclamations, discours, eto , de Kapolvon Bonaparte, etc. Voir auBBi Mirabeau, Discours— Chateaubriand, Opinions et dkoonrs «t autre* ecrits politiqucs — Laniartine, Tribune, eto.— 'i'imoB, eto. France. Her GoTemmeutal Administratire and Booial organisation exposed and considered, &c. 8yo. London, 1844. Voir Lamartine, Histoire de la Revolution de 1848 — et Caatille, Histoire de la seconde Republique Franjaise. Napoleon, Louis. Discours et proclamations, annees 1849-61. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Choix de Rapports, Opinions et Disoours prononces a la tribune nationale,depuis 1789, jusqu'a 1816. 20 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818-22. — — — — Table des matieres. 8to. Paris, 1825. — _ Seconde serie. Ann^e 1815. 1 vol. Session de 1819. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Annales du I'arlement Fran9ais, par una societe de publicistcs sous les auspiceti dea deux Chambres ; de 1839 a 1848. 10 voL 4to. Paris, 1839-1849. La Constitution de la Belgique expliqu^e par ses motifs et par sek exemples. 4to. Westoby, W. A. S. View of the Constitution, etc. ; preliminary [to hit Remarks on] the Laws of Belgium. 12mo. Brussels, 1853.> [Political Speeches, 1799-1827 ;] including several Speeches by Mr. Canning,— some on the Constitutional Cause in Spain and in Portugal, with many Diplomatic Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. DeWitt, John. Pensionary of Holland. Political Maxims of the State of Holland : comprehending a View of the Civil Government of that Kepublic, of the Commerce of its Subjects, and of their true Interest; to which is prefixed. Historical Memoirs of the two brothers, Coraelini and John DeWitt. Svo. London, 1743. Grote, George. Letters on the recent Politics of Switzerland. Svo. Lon- don, 1847. Voir oi-aprit PoLniQux et LsauLivioN. STATUTE AND COMMON LAW OP GEEAT BBITAIN. 125 Statute anb Common fab of §mi Britain. ■WV'W'VN. ^.^^ ion de 1819. KoTK.— Tj this Class there will also be found Treatises upon branches of the Law common CO Euglund and America, which have been written by Amerioan Lawyers, «. g., the works of Story, Angell Jit Ames, &o. Ancient Lavrs and Institutes of England ; comprising Laws enacted from Jithelbirht to Henry I. Vide Public Becorda, in Histobt of Ekolaio). Ancient La'ws and Institutes of Wales ; comprising Laws enacted by Howel the Good, up to the Conquest by Edward I. Vide Public Records in Histobt op Enqland. Statutes of the Realm, from Magna Charta to the end of the Eeign of Queen Anne. 11 vols. Folio. 1810-1828. For this edition, each Statute has been copied from the original Record, and every Public Act is given, many of which are omitted in the common collections. Vols. L and IL are out of print. Our copy begins with voL in. Anno 1609. The Statutes at large, from Magna Charta until this time, with the Titles of such Statutes as are expired, &c., with the Heads of Pulton's or Rastal's Abridgments. Edited by J. Keble. Folio. London, 1676. Statutes at large, from Magna Charta to the end of the last Parliament of Great Britain. A.D., 1800. 14 vols. 4to. With the Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, from A.D. 1801 ; 41 Geo. Ill, to A.D. 1854. 17th and 18th Vict, 21 vols, (bound in 30,) and vol. XXII. part 1. 4to. London, 1786-1854. Public General Statutes, from the 11th and 12th to the 19th and 20th of Vict., 1856. 9 vols. Folio. .. passed in the 11th and 12th, 12th and 13th, and 15th and 16th Vict. 3 vols. 8vo. Index to the Statutes, passed from the Union with Ireland, (1801 to 1852.) 2 vols. Folio. London, 1854. Part I. The Public General Acta. " II. The Local and Personal, and Local and Private Acta. Crabb, Gosrgo. Digest and Index, with Chronological Tables, of all the Statutes from Magna Charta. 4 parts. (Part IV. Bringing the Statutes and Decisions thereon, to the end of the Session of 1810.) 4 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1844-47. a ■i :i M i-;,i&af' ^i i !i • ■■. '*:, ^'■' ; ■,! t 1 1 •; • i 1 , ' • i 1 Y ! ''li'i i ! ill : "i Am V 126 STATUTE AND COMMON Chitty's CoUeotlon of Statutes, with Notes thereon. Second edition, contaiuiug all the Statutes of practical utility to the present time ; by W. N. Welsby and Edw. Beavan. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1851- 64. Farren, Q-. Key to the Statutes affected by enactments of the reigns of George IV and William IV. 16mo. London, 1837. Tomllns, Sir T. E. The Law Dictionary, explaining the rise, Ac, of th« British Law, the Terras or Words of Art, and comprising informa- tion on the subjects of Trade and Government : Fourth edition, em- bodying the recent alterations in the Law, by T. C. Grainger. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1835. Holthouse, H. J. New Law Dictionary, containing explanations of Techni- cal Terms and Phrases in Legal Authors, the Practice of the Courts, and Parliamentary Proceedings : An outline of an Action, &c. Second edition, enlarged. 12mo. London, 1846. Wharton, J. J. S. Law Lexicon ; or Dictionary of Jurisprudence. Bvo. London, 1848. Vide also, Bouvier, Law Dictionary. 2 vols. 1863: and Burrill, New Law Dictionary. 2 vols. 1860. Id Amkbioan Law. The Cabinet La'wyer. A Popular Digest of the Laws of England ; — a Dictionary of Law-Terms, Maxims, &c. [By John Wade.] Six- teenth edition, with the Statutes and Decisions to Hilary-term, 1853. 12mo. London, 1853. Comyns, Sir John. Digest of the Laws of England. Third edition, cor- rected and continued to the present time ; with a Digest of the cases at Msi Frius, by A. Hammond. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Baoon, Matthew. New Abridgment of the Law. Seventh edition corrected, with large additions ; vols. II, III and IV ; by Sir H. Gwillim ; vols. I, V, VI, VII and VIII ; by C. E. Dodd. 8 vol. 8vo. London, 1832. Blaxland, George. Codex Legum Anglicanarum: a Digest of Principles of the English Law, in the order of the Code Napoleon. 8vo. London, 1839. Irish Statutes. The Statutes at large, passed in the Parliaments held in Ireland ; from the 3rd of Edw. II, A.D., 1310, to the 26th of Geo. Ill, A.D., 178G, inclusive, with marginal notes, &c. 13 vols. Folio. Dublin, 1786. Vol. Vin. is wanting; respecting which we find this n ties " To the Reader" in vol. L " The 8th vol. contains an Index to the wiiole work, &c.," So the body of Statutes is complete to 1786, iu these volumes. For the later Statutes of Ireland, vide IJbrr Hibcrniir, vol. 2, part VI. where ther« is an " Abstract of the Statutes from their commencement to the Uuion in " 1800, as they relate to Civil Affairs, Religion, Law, Revenue, Tublia "Defence." And also, the Statutes of the United Kingdom, which relata to the same public interests, are afterwards abstracted, from 1801-1826 in- clusive, iu the Liber IliberniiM. LAW OP GREAT BRITAIN. 127 Gabbett, Joseph. Digested Abridgment, and comparative view of the b ato Law of England and Ireland to 1811 inclusive ; analytically arranged, with a Chronological Table, &c. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Dublin 1812. With a Supplement containing the Statutes of six Sessions. 8vo. Dublin, 1818. Harrington. Daines. Observations on the more ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to 21 James I ; with a proposal for new modelling the Statutes. Fifth edition, 4to. London, 1706. Dwarris, Sir F. On Statutes, and the proper boundaries of Legislation, and of Judicial Interpretation. Second edition, by the Author, assisted by W. H. Amyot. Svo. London, 1848. Gael, S. H. On the Analogy between Legal and general composition— on introduction to the drawing of Legal Instruments. Svo. London, 1840. Coode, George. On Legislative Expression ; or, the language of the writtem Law. 1848. F*Je Law Library. Vol.29. Symonds, Arthur. The Mechanics of Law-Making ; intended for the use of all concerned in the making and understanding of English Law. 12mo. London, 1835. Ram, James. The Science of Legal Judgment ; the materials whereof, and the process by which, the Courts of Westminster Hall construct their Judgments, 1840. Vide Law Library. Vol. 5. Juridical Society. Papers read before the, — Vol. 1, part I. Svo. London, 1855. Contents : I. Address of President. II. Tbe Unanimity of Juries. IIL The Idea of Sovereignty. IV. History of Settlements of Real Estate. y. Criminal Rcspunsibility of Madmen. Law Library : Fifth series. Vols. I to LX. Svo. Philadelphia. 18.34-5C. This series, published by Johnson, is designed to furnish, at a reduced price, the best elenieutnry Legal Treatises of Great Britain, including the latest Engliek Works upon almost every branch of the Law. The separate works comprised in this collection, are entered in their appropriate places, with the wordt> Vide Law Library, after the titles. Law Magazine : or, Quarterly Keview of Jurisprudence. From its com- mencement in 1829 to 1854 52 vols. Svo. London. Vols. 12, 31, and 43, (being vol. 12 of 2nd scries,) contain General IndezM. Law Revie"W : 1851 to 1854. G vols. Svo. London. Scarce Tracts. (Entered in various Classes of the Catalogue.) 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1835-41. m n 4 t4? ■.^i-i ■ •m ||S '^ ■' '! : i ■ fc >!•; 1 ' i i !■• '1 ^^ I' - ■ ■ IjJ 1 Mi ^ L. 11 128 8TATIITE AND COMMON Pamphlets, Legal. 1vol. 8to. 1851. Contents: On Chancery Rcfurm : — Letter to Sir Jnnies Orclinm. Evidence in Ohnncory :— OoDiideratiotii as to the mode of ttjiing, by O, Beeke. On Law Reform: — Suggeationt, by W. S. Ayrton. Criminal Law : — On the Im(H>rtance of an acquaintance with, by J. J. Lonadale. The County Courts: — Practital Guide to, uuUer the Acts uf lH46-49-fiO. Proposed Registration of Deeds : — Observations on, [with reference to the foUoTT. ing Pamphlet,] by A Country Solicitor. — — ■ With an Analysis of the Bill, now before Parliament ; by W. Hazlitt. Law TraotS, 1849-50. 1 vol. Sto. nontents :— Laing, on Railway Taxation. Hay, on the Coosolidation of the Eleotion Lawi. Darling, Can a Clergyman create an KquitiiWt charge on his Living? Hum- phrey, The Registration of Assurances Kill considered. Fowler, of th« Oonsiitutionof the Courts of Common Law, and of the County Courts. Parker, on the Remuneration of Attorneys, &c. British Coyyright, dtn., unaffected in the decision in JefFerys vs. B-ioscy. Boyle, on aOeoera' Ii)d?s of Title to Real and Personal Property ; On the Present State and Pros,-.' cts of Legal Discontent. Udry, a Word on Law, the Law of England in particular, Taylor, Correspondence on the Early Closing Movement, Borne, Henry, Lord. Essays, upon I. lutruduution of the Feudal Law into Scotland. II. Constitution of Parliament. III. Honour. IV. Suc- cession, villi an Appendix, upon Iloreditiiry Right. Third edition, with additions. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1703. Dalrymple, Sir John. Essay towards f\ History af Feudal Property in Great Britain. Fourth edition, enlarged, &c. Iflrno. London, 1759. Wright, Martin. Introduction to the Law of Tenures. Third edition. 8vo. Folio. Dublin, 1750. Spelman, Sir Henry. On Feuds and Tenures ; [in England and Ireland,] Vide his Works. Ralegh, Sir Walter. Of Tenures which were before the Conquest. Vide his Works. Vol. 8. Blount, T. Fragments Antiquitatis : or, Ancient Tenures of Land, and Jocular Customs of Manors ; enlarged, by J. Beckwith and H. M. Beckwith. 4to. London, 1815. Sandys, Charles. History of Gavelkind and other remarkable customs in the County of Kent. 8vo. London, 1851. Fortescue. Lord Chancellor, in the time of Henry VI. A learned commen- dation of the Politique Lawes of England ; wherein they are proved farre to excell as well the Civil Lawes, as al&o all other Lawes of the World, Ac, written in Latine, translated by R. Mulcaster. 12mo. London, 1599. Notes on the above, by Seklen. Vule Opera Omnia. Vol. Ill, part 2. PUntoflf) Owen. The rise and progress of the Laws of England and Wales; with nn account of the origin, history, and customs of the British, Saxons, Danes, and Normans, who now compose the British Nation. 8vo. London, 1840. LAW OF 6BEAT BRITAIN. 129 Fleta. Diasertatio ad Fletam. Vide Selden. Opera Omuia. Vol. II, part 2. Hengham's, Sir Ralph Do. Summo). Notea oq, hj John Selden. Vide his Opera Omnia. Vol. Ill, part 2. Reeves. John. History of the English Law, from the time of the Saxons, to the end of the reign of Philip and Mary. Third edition. 4 vola. 8vo. London, 1814. Hale, Sir Matthew. History of the Common Law of England, and an analysis of the Civil part of the Law. Sixth edition, with notea, and aom* account of the author, by C. Bunnington. 8to. London, 1820. Crabb, George. History of English Law ; the rise, progress, and successiTe changes of the Common Law ; from the earliest to the present time. Svo. London, 1820. Story, Joseph. On the past history, present state, and future prospects of the Law. 12mo. Ediuburgh, 1835. V/t/e Scarce Tracts. Vol.2. Walker, J. M. The Theory of the Common Law. Svo. Boston, 1862. Noy, William. The principal Grounds and Maxims, with an analysis ; and a Dialogue and Treatise of the Laws of England ; and on Tenures, Ac, with the author's life, and a Treatise of Estates, ascribed to Sir J. Doderidge, Ac, by W. M. Bythewood. 12mo. London, 1821. Broom, Herbert. Commentaries on the Common Law, designed as introduce tory to its study. 185G. Vide Law Library. Vol. 00. Blaokstone, Sir 'William. Commentaries on the Laws of England, incor« porating the alterations down to the present time, by James Stewart. Twenty-second edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1849. Stephen, H. J. New Commentaries, partly founded on Blackstone. Second edition, prepared by J. Stephen. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1848. The same work. Third edition. 4 vols. Svo. London' 1853. Blaokstone's Commentaries, systematically abridged and adapted to the existing state of the Law and Constitution, with great additions, by Samuel Warren. 12mo. London, 1855. Field, Barron. Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land ; in a series of questions to which the Student is to frame his own answers. Svo. London, 1811. Coke, Sir Edward. The first part of the Institutes of the Laws of England ; or, a Commentary upon Littleton, with additions of notes, &c., by P. Hargravo and C. Butler, including also the notes of Lord Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingham. Nineteenth edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1832. «i' :,': I';, Iiin uf uiiirormity with the edition of the first Institute, with notes of Ilargravo and Butler." Wooddesson, Richard. Lectures on the Laws of England ; with notes and additions, by "VV. 11. Williams. 3 vols, in 2. 1842. Vide Law Library. Vols. 7 and 8. Spelman, Sir Henry. The original of the Four Terms of the Year. Vide his Works. Folio. Woolryoh, H. W. Treatise of Legal Time, with its computations and reckonings. Svo. London, 1851. IiaTVyer's Companion for 1850: — Calendar for the year ; Ketrospective Calendar for four years ; Liats of the Officers of the Courts, &c. A London and Provincial Law Directory, Ac, by W. F. Finlason. Svo. London. ' Waxren, Samuel. The Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attomies and Solicitors. Second edition. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1851. Pulling, Alexander. The Law of Attorneys and Solicitors ; as to their admission, disqualification, and re-admiasion, &c. ; their duties and functions, their rights, privileges, and liabilities, Ac 1849. Moore, Henry. The Solicitor's Book of practical Forms. 1852. Brooke, Eichard. On the office and practice of a Notary of England; on the Law Merchant, and Statutes relative to Bills of Exchange, &c., and to various documents relating to Shipping ; with precedents. Second edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1848. O'Brien, Edward. The Lawyer : hia character and rule of holy life ; after the manner of George Herbert's Country Parson. 12mo. London, 1842. Forsyth, William. Hortensius : or the Advocate ; an historical Essay. 12mo. London, 1849. •' Some of the more salient points in the history of that profession, — ooufiiiing my attention principally to the countries of Greece and Rome, Franco and England." Author's Preface. Sohiefer, J. F. An explanation of the Practice of law ;— the elements of pleading ; reduced to the comprehenaion of every one ; also, Elemeuta of a plan for a reform. Svo. London, 1792. 12mo. London, 12 mo. London, LAW OP GREAT BRITAIN. 131 Chitty) J- Tl'® Practice of tlio Law in all its principal departments ; comprising tho pructico in Arbitrations ; before Justices ; in Courts of Common jbaw ; Equity ; Kcclusiastical and Spiritual ; Admiralty ; Bankruptcy ; Insi'lreucy ; and Courts of Error and Appeal : with new forms. Third edition, enlarged, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1U87. Arohbold's Practice of tho Court of Queen's Bench, in personal Actions and Ejectment ; including the practice of tho Courts of Common Plear and Exchequer ; by Thomas Chitty. Ninth edition, by S. Frcntice. 2 vols. bvo. London, 1866 -0. Maonamara, H. On Nullities and Irregularities in Law, their character, distinctions, and consequences. 12mo. London, 1842. The same work, 1855. Vide Law Libr., vol. 56. Praotioe of the Lavr of England. Vols. 1 to 4. 12mo. London, 1855-6. Vol. I. The new praotioe of Magistrate*' Court*, by T. W. Saunders. Vol. IT. The practice (if tho Law of Evidence, by E. Powell. Vol. III. The new practice of the Court of Chancery, by 0. S. Drewry. Vol. IV. The new practice of tho Common Law, by J. Paterflon, H. Maonamara, and W. Marshall. Pearson, Henry. The Common Law Procedure Act (15th and 16th Vict., c. 76 ;) with forms and notes on pleading, practice, and evidence. Svo. London, 1852. Pranois, Philip. Common Law Procedure Acts, 1852. Svo. London, 1854. Finlason, W. F. The Common Law Procedure Acts of 1852 and 1854; with notes of cases, and an Appendix containing the Common Law Procedure Acts of "Will. IV., tho recent statutes on Evidence, and the new rules. Svo. London, 1855. Pollock, C. E. On the power of the Courts of Common Law, to compel the production of documents ; with the Act to amend the Law of Evidence (14th and 15th Vict., c 99,) and Notes. 1853. Vide Law Libr., vol. 46. Best, W. M. On the principles of Evidence, and practice as to proofs in Courts of Common Law ; with rules for examination and cross- examination of witnesses. 1849. Vide Law Libr., vol. 35. Browne, R. J. On Actions at law ; — the subjects of notice of, limitation of, necessary parties to, and proper forma of actions, Ac 1844. Vide Law Libr., vol. 14. Smith, J. W. Elementary view of proceedings in an Action at law ; with American notes. 1848. Vide Law Libr., vol. 29. Kerr, II. M. An Action at law : being an outline of the Jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of Common Law ; with a view of proceedings in per- sonal actions and in ejectment. 1854. Vide Law Libr., vol. 50. .. n I. « l! 'Mi [J,,, ..»:**« MB^ f v.. >■■- ••■'■ffl •f ■ m ! . :• 132 STATUTE AND COMMON m U ,'Hi ' 1: .■^■ . ■♦! Broom, Herbert. Practical rules for determining Parties to Actions ; with cases. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 25. Espinasse, Isaac. On the law of Actions, remedial aa well as penal in general ; and on the statutes respecting Copyright ; for offences concerning the Election of members of parliament, &e, 8vo. London, 1824. Finlason, William. Selection of leading cases on Pleading, and parties to action ; with notes, elucidating the principles of pleading, by a reference to the earliest authorities. 8vo. London, 1847. Gould, James. On the principles of Pleading in civil actions. Third edition. 8vo. Burlington, 1849. Pbillimore, J. Gt. History and principles of the law of Evidence, as illustrv ting our social progress. 8vo. London, 1850. Starkle, Thomas. Practical treatise of the law of Evidence, and digest of proofs in civil and criminal proceedings. Third edition, with additions. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1842. Phillipps, (Kt. Hon. S. M.,) and Arnold, (T. J.) On the law of Evidence. Tenth edition, with alterations and additions. 2 vols. Svo. Lon« don, 1852. Taylor, J. P. On the law of Evidence, as administered in England and Ireland ; with illustrations from the American and other Foreign Laws. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855. Halsted's Digest of the Law of Evidence ; the rules established by writers of authority, and affirmed by the decisions of the Federal Courts, and the Courts of all the States, down to the present Time, &c. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1856. Bentham, Jeremy. Eationale of Judicial Evidence, specially applied to English practice. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1827. Another copy ; with an introductory view of the Rationale of Evidence. Vide his "Works, vols. 6 and 7. Wills, William. On the rationale of Circumstantial Evidence. 1843. Vld» Law Libr., vol. 10, Best, W. M. On Presumptions of law and fact ; with the theory and rules of circumstantial proof in criminal cases. 1845. Vide Law Libr., vol. 16. Burrill, A. M. On the nature, principles, and rules, of Circumstantial Evidence, especially that of the presumptive kind, in criminal cases. Svo. New York, 1856. Russeli, Sir W. O. On Crimes, and misdemeanors. Third edition, by 0. S. Greaves. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1843. Ohitty, Joseph. The Criminal law : comprising the practice, pleadings, and evidence, in criminal prosecutions, whether by indictment or informa- tion ; with precedents, notes upon each offence, &c. Second edition, enlarged. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1826. LAW OF GEEAT BEITAIN. 133 Stephen, vol. Hammond, Anthony. The Criminal Code; (printed by direction of the Right Hon. Robert Peel, Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment.) 6 vols. Folio. London, 1825-29. [Coining, 1 vol. — Forgery, 1 toI. — Burglary, houeebrealting and Church-robbing, siniple larceny, robbery, stolen goods, fraud, mischief, restitution and com- pensation. 2 Tols. bound in 8.] Wilmot, Sir J. E. Digest of the law of Burglary. 12mo. London, 1851. H. J. Summary of the Criminal law. 1840. Vide Law Libr., 5. Cox, (E. W.,) and Babington, (W. St. Leger.) The new Criminal law Statutes, from 1847 to 1851 ; with a digest of all the criminal law Reports during the same period, with notes. 8to. London, 1851. Gabbett, Joseph. The Criminal law: comprehending all the crimes and misdemeanors punishable by indictment, and offences, cognizable summarily by Magistrates ; with the modes of proceeding upon each. 2 vols., bound in 3. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Dearsly> H. R. Criminal process : or a view of the whole proceedings taken in criminal prosecutions ;— an introduction to the study and practice of the Crown law. 12mo. London, 1858. Another copy. Vide Law Libr., vol. 50. For works on Crewn law, Vide, post " Reports." Cole, W. R. The law and practice relating to Criminal informations, and informations in the nature of Quo Warranto ; with forms of pleadings and proceedings. Vide Law Libr., vol. 25. Arohbold. Pleading and evidence in Criminal cases; with the statutes, precedents of indictments, etc., and the evidence necessary ; by J. Jervia. Twelfth edition, including the practice in criminal proceed- ings generally. 12mo. London, 1853. _— A copy of the above work. Tenth edition. 12mo. London, 1846. Amos, Andrew. Ruins of Time ; exemplified in Sir Matthew Hale's History of the Pleas of the Crown [" a contribution towards the adoption of a Code of Criminal law."] 8vo. London, 1856. RoBOOe, Henry. Digest of the law of Evidence in criminal cases. Third edition, witli additions, by T. C. Granger. 8vo. London, 1846, Best, W. M. On Presumptions of law and fact, in criminal cases. 1845. Fi(fe Law Libr., vol. 16. Joy, Henry. Lord Chief Baron, in Ireland. On the Evidence of accomplices. 1844. Vide Law Libr., vol. 14. ■ ■ ■ ' • On the admissibility of Confessions, and challenge of jurors, in criminal cases. 1843. Vidt Law Libr., vol. 9. m V "tm mm r\\ L/i 134 STATUTE AND COMMON :;^ It-! ',i Boothby, B. A synopsis of the law relating to Indictable offences : — the crimes in alphabetical order, &c. ; a condensed digest of cases, references to precedents of Indictments for each offence, &c. Second edition, including the recent alterations in the practice ; hj L. Temple. 8vo. London, 1854. Oke, G. C. The Magisterial synopsis: comprising summary convictions, and indictable offences, with their penalties, &c., and the stages of procedure ; — All other proceedings before Justices out of Quarter Sessions; with forms, cases, notes, &c. Third edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1850. Charnook, Eichard. The Police Guide; containing the Metropolitan and City of London Police Acts, and also, 2 and 3 Vict., c. 71, and 3 and 4, Vict., c. 84, for the better defining the power of justices, &c. ;— with notes of the decisions which have occurred since ; and observa- tions upon the several sections. 12mo. London, 1841. Burn's Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer. Twenty-ninth edition, containing the cases and Statutes to 7 and 8 Vict., inclusive, with a new collection of precedents; the title "Poor" by Mr. Bere. Therestofthe Work, by T. Chitty. G vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1845. Supplement to the twenty-ninth edition, containing the cases and Statutes to 1852 ; by Edward Wise. 8vo. London, 1852, Wise, Edward. The law relating to Eiots and unlawful assemblies: — the duties and powers of magistrates, police officers, the military, &c. ; also, the law as to actions against the hundred. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1848. Jones, Sir AVilliam. Enquiry into the legal mode of suppressing Eiots, with a constitutional plan of defence. Vide his AVorks, vol. G. Willeook, J. W. The office of Constable, high, petty, and special ; head- boroughs, tithing-mcn, borsholders and watchmen ; with an account of their institution, &c. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 2. Oliphant, Q-. H. The law concerning Horses, Eacing, AVagers, and Gaming ; witli recent cases, statutes, etc. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 27. Sedgvriok, T On the Measure of Damages : — The principles which govern the amount of Compensation recovered in Suits of Law. Second edition. New York, 1852. Angell, J- K. On the Limitations of Actions at law and Suits in Equity and Admiralty ; with, the American and English Statutes of Limita- tions. Third edition, revised and enlarged, by J. W. May. 8to. Boston, 1854. Wilkinson, J. J. The Practice in the Action of Eepleviu, with a collection of forms. 8vo. London, 1825. LAW or GREAT BRITAIN. 135 •—the ary, &c. ; 12mo. il ; head- account Ih govern Second In Equity If Limita- 8to. toUection Df ewry, C. S. The Law and Practice of Injunctiona ; with cases decided since 1841. 8vo. London, 1849. . . Supplement of the cases decided since 1841. 1853. Vide Law Libr., vol. 48. poster, T. C. On the Writ of Scire Facias, with an Appendix of references to Forms. 8vo. London, 1851. Lloyd, Morgan. On the Law of Prohibition, a view of the principles on which that Writ is granted ; and also the Practice relating to the same : a collection of points decided by the New County Courts. 12mo. London, 1849. Tapping, Thomas. The Law and Practice of the High Prerogative Writ of Maudamus, in England and in Ireland. 8vo. London, 1848. The same work, 1852. Vide Law Libr., vol. 45. Archbold, J. F. The Law of Nisi Prius : the declarations, Ac, in Personal Actions, and the Evidence necessary ; with the whole of the Practice at Nisi Prius, in 2 vols. 1848. Vide Law Libr., vols. 18, 19. Raymond, John. The Bill of Exceptions ; being a short account of its origin and nature, showing what may be the subject of it, its form, &c., the proceedings upon it, and mode of enforcing the statute. 1848. Vide Law Libr., vol. 31. Ingersoll, E. The Histoiy and Law of the Writ of Habeas Corpus ; and on the Law of Grand Juries. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Bentham, Jeremy. The Elements of the Art of Packing, as applied to Spe- cial Juries, particularly in cases of Libel Law. 8vo. Loudon, 1821. Adam, Rii^ht Hon. William. On Trial by Jury in Civil Cases, as now incor- porated with the Jurisdiction of the Court of Session : with an Expla- natory Appendix ; followed by a short view of the difficulties attending the Introduction of such a form of Trial in Scotland, and its ultimate success ; and also, additional observations on Bills of Exception, being a supplement to the original work, in 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 183G. Forsyth, William. History of Trial by Jury. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. Parkes, Joseph. History of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1828. Pearce, R. R. History of the Inns of Court and Chancery ; with notices of their ancient Discipline, Rules, &c., Jloots, Masques, Bevels, &c., an account of the Eminent Men of Lincoln's Inn, the Inner and Mid- dle Temple, and Gray's Inn. 8vo. London, 1848. Spilsbury, W. H. Liucoln'ainn: its History, as an Inn of Court ; account of its Buildings and Library. 8vo. London, 1855. Haig, James. The separation of Law and Equity, and the Loci of Jurisdic- tion in Equity and Judgment at Law, traced from their equations, shewing the Jurisdiction of Equity over the Rights of Persons. 8vo. London, 1841. ll • ' » i .t- ,\ 136 STATUTE AND COMMON Spenoe, George. The Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery ; its rise, progress, and final establishment ; to which is prefixed an account of the doctrines of the Common Law, and of the course of Procedure in the Courts, in regard to Civil Eights, [vol. II, comprising Equitable Estates and Interests ; with the substance of Haddock's work " on the Principles and Practice of Chancery."] 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846, 1850. Paniell, E. R. Pleading and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Second English edition, adapting the text to the last orders and decisioni of the Court, by T. E. Headlam. [made the] Second American edi- tion, adapting the work to American Practice in Chancery, by J. C. Perkins. 8 vols. Svo. Boston, 1851. Adams, John. The Doctrine of Equity ; a commentary on the Law, as admin- istered by the Court of Chancery, 1850. Vide Law Libr., vol. 37. Goldsmith, Q-. The Doctrine and Practice of Equity ; or, a concise outline of proceedings in Chancery, for the use of Students, 1842. Vide Law Libr., vol. 8. Roberts, T. A. The Principles of the Court of Chancery, and, the powers and duties of its Judges ; designed aa the Student's First Book. 8ro. London. 1852. Tamlyn, John. On the Law of Evidence with reference to the Practice of the Court of Chancery and in the Masters' Offices, 1846. Vide Law Libr., vol. 20. Bennett, W. H. On the nature of the various proceedings in the Masters' Office, with directions. The Practice in the Office of the Accountant G-eneral ; with numerous Precedents, 1840. Vide Law Library, vol. 6. Beames, John. A summary of the doctrine of the Conrts of Equity with respect to Costs. Vide Law Libr., vol. 3. Whit'WOrth, John. Equity Precedents, comprising Bills, Petitions and Answers, adapted to the Orders of May 1845, with Notes on Pleading, &c.; 1848. Vide Law Libr., vol. 31. Smith, J. W. Manual of Equity Jurisprudence. Second editioiL 12mo. London, 1849. Tudor, O. D. The Statutes for the improvement of the Jurisdiction of Equity, for the abolition of the Office of Master, &c. Also, the Trus- tees' Extension Act, &c. All the New Orders, with Notes, &c. 12mo. London, 1852. Weigall, J. C. E. The now Practice of the Court of Chancery, under Acti 15th and 16th Vict., chs. 80, 86, 87, and the Orders of the Court i with a Bill of Costa, ITorms, &e. Svo. London, 1852. LAW OF GREAT BRITAIN. 137 Jarman, Henry. The new Practice of Chancery, relative to Suits, and to proceedings in the Judges' Chambers, &c. The practice relating to Special Cases, &c. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1854. Smith J- S. Practice of the Court of Chancery, with Forms and Bill of Coats : as a fifth edition of a Treatise on the Practice, &c., and second edition of the Handbook of Chancery Practice. 8vo London, 1855. Hovenden, J. E. On the principles and practice by which Courts of Equity are guided as to the prevention or correction of Fraud : with notices of collateral Pointii. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Story, Joseph. Con. nentaries ou Equity Jurisprudence as administered in England and America. Fifth edition, enlarged by [" illustrations, &c., furnished by the cases decided since the fourth edition, by the Author,"] by Charles Sumner. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1849. White, (F. T.) and Tudor, (0. D.) A Selection of Leading Cases in Equity, with Notes. 2 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1849. . — ■ The same work, with additional Anno- tations, containing Eefereuces to American Cases, by J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace, 1849. Vide Law Libr., vol. 32. Macnaghteilj Steuart. Select cases adjudged in the Court of Cliancery from the year 1724 to 1733, by a Gentleman of the Temple. Second edition, with notes and references to former and subsequent deter- minations, 1852. Vide Law Libr., vol. 43. Napier's Practice of the Civil Bill Courts and Courts of Appea^ Second edition, by Eobert Lougfield. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Moseley, Joseph. The law of Inferior Courts for the recovery of Debts. Svo. London, 1845. Davis, J. E. Manual of the law of Evidence in the new County Courts. 12mo. London, 1848. Cox, (E. W.) and Lloyd, (M.) The Law and Practice of the County Courts in England and Wales ; comprising all cases decided in the Superior Courts and in the County Courts, &c. 12mo. London, 1851. Archbold, J. F. The New Eules and Forms of the County Courts ; with notes, &c. 12mo. London, 1851. The Practice of the County Courts, according to the extend- ed Jurisdiction given by 13th and 14th Vict., ch. Gl, and 15th and loth Vict., ch. 54, with Forms ; and the Practice of those Courts under the Protection Acts, the Insolvent Act, and the Judgment Debtors' Acts. Fifth edition. 12mo. London, 1852. Pollock, C. E. The Practice of the County Courts, in eight parts, with the Decisions of th« Superior Courts, &c. Second edition. Svo. London, 1853. ■:l 'PT'vlW ■:i: .. ./ 138 STATUTE AND COMMON ;) ■ '=' , Stephen, Sir George. Digest of County Court Cases, decided iu the Superior Courts. 8vo. London, 1855. Lewis, Fercival. Inquiries concerning Forests, Forest Courts, and their particular Laws. 4to. London, 1811. Hansard, George. On the law relating to Aliens, Denization, and iN^atura- lization (1843) : with a Supplement consisting of the Acts 7 and|8 Vict., ch. 66,-7 and 8 Vict., ch. 12,-7 and 8 Vict., ch. 70, with notes thereon, and the late cases on the subject. Svo. London, 1840. N. B. The Supplement comes first in the volume. Looke, John, Of Foreign Attachment in the Lord Mayor's Court under the new Kules of Practice ; the Forms of Proceeding, &c., 1863. Vide Law Libr., vol. 48. Cross, John. On the law of Lien, and Stoppage in Transitu, 1841. Vide Law Libr., vol. 4. Sewell, E. C. On the law of Sheriff; with practical Forma and Precedents, 1845. Vide Law Libr., vol. 15. Atkinson, George. Sheriff-Law; on the office of Sheriff, under-Sheriff, Bai- liffs, Ac: their duties at the election of Members of Parliament, &c.. Assizes, and Sessions of the Peace. Writs, Notices, "Wawants, Returns, &c. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1854. Baker, William. The recent Statutes, Cases, and Decisions affecting the office of Coroner, and the orders and regulations issued thereunder respectively, with Precedents of Inquisitions, and practical Forms. 12mo. London, 1851, Shelfbrd, Leonard. The law of Marriage and Divorce ; the mode of pro- ceeding on Divorces, the right to the custody of Children, &c., and the conflict between the Laws of England and Scotland, respecting Divorce and Legitimacy, 1841. Vide Law Libr., vol. 6. Bishop. J. P. Commentaries on the law of Marriage and Divorce, and Evi- dence in Matrimonial Suits. Svo. Boston and London, 1852. Story, Joseph, Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, foreign and domestic, especially in regard to Marriages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments. Fourth edition, greatly enlarged, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1852. Scott, Sir William. Judgment pronounced in tlie Consistory Court of Lon- don ; in the case of Dalrymple vs. Dalrymple. [A case of secreted Marriage.] 12mo. Edinburgh, 183G. F/rff Scarce Tracts, vol. 2. Poynter, Thomas. The doctrine and practice of the Courts in Doctors' Com- mons, on various points relative to Marriage and Divorce. Secoud edition. Svo. London, 1824. Vide also, Poljtioal and Socui Scie.nce, for works on the Marriage queeticn. ^':t LAW OP GREAT BRITAIN. 139 Maoqueen, J. F. The Eights aud Liabilities of Husband and Wife, at Law and in Equity ; as aft'ected by modern statutes and decisions. 2 Parta. Pan I. Cases not affected by Settleraont, &c., 1848. VideLaw Libr., vol. 28. Part II. The Oontractof Marriage,— of Property,— The Wife's Debts, &c., The Husband's Powers and Responsibilities, — Marriage Settlements, — S«parato Use, — Deeds of Separation, Custody of Children, — Divorce Deeds by Married Women, 1840. Vide Law Libr., vol. 85. Bell, S. S. The law of Property aa arising from the relation of Husband and Wile, 1850. Vide Law Libr., vol. 36. Bright, J. B. On the law of Husband and Wife, as respects Property: partly founded upon Eoper's Treatise, aud comprising Jacob's Notes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Bingham, Peregrine. Tin Hw of Infancy and Coverture. Second American from the last Londoi.. edition, with notes, and references to English and American Cases, by B. H. Bennett. 8vo. Burlington, 1848. Macpherson, William. On the Law relating to Infants. 1843. Vide Law Libr., vol. 10. Forsyth, William. On the law relating to the Custody of Infants, in cases of difference between Parents or Guardians. 1850. Vide Law Libr vol. 37. Ram, James. On the natural right of a Father to the custody of his Children, &c., his forfeiture of this right, and the jurisdiction of Chancery to control it. 8vo. London, 1828. Fraser, P. On the law applicable to Personal and Domestic llolations. Vide post " Law of Scotland." Reeve, Tapping. The law of Baron and Femme, of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Master and Servant, and of the powers of Chancery, &c. Second edition, with notes, and references to English and American cases, by L. E. Chittenden. 8vo. Burlington, 1846. Smith, C. M. On the law of Master and Servant, including therein Masters and AVorkmen; with an Appendix of Statutes. 1852. Tide Law Libr,, vol. 44. Caldwell, J. S. Of the law of Arbitration ; with precedents. Second Amer- icau from the last English edition, with notes, and references to Amet- ican and English decisions, by Chauncy Smith. 8vo. Burlington, 1853; Russell, Francis. On the power and duty of an Arbitrator, and the law of Subnilisions and Awards; with forms, and the Statutes relating to arbitration. 1849. Vide Law Libr., vol. 34. Billing, Sidney. On the law of Awards and Arbitrations; with forms of pleadings, submissions and awards. 184G. Fide Law Libr., vol. 20. Watson, W. II. On the law of Arbitration and Awards ; the Act of Parlia- ment relating to Arbitrations between masters and, workmen ; with precedents. 1848. Vide Law Libr,, vol. 28. 1 ' .A I Bi*at^-i4tpS B- ? H ^i»'St 140 STATUTE AND COMMON 'w m m H ^1^]. Insolvent Debtors i On the law concerning, — Vide Ameuicaw Law. Starkle, Thomas. On the law of Slander and Libel, and incidentally of Malicious Froaecutions. Second edition, with conaideroble additions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Cooke, Gt. W. On the law of Defamation ; with forms of pleadinga. 1840. Vide Law Libr., vol. 22. Sugden, Sir E. B. Of the law of Property, as administered by the House of Lords ; with reference to American cases. 1849. Vide Law Libr. vol. 33. ————— Essay on the new statutes relating to Limitations, Estates Tail, Dower, Descent, operation of Deeds, defective executions of Powers, &c. 8vo. London, 1852. . Letters on Sales, Purchases, Mortgages, Leases, Settlements, and devises of Estates. 1834. Vide Law Libr., vol. 3. — ^_. Practical treatise of Powers. The second American, from the seventh London edition, with additional references to American cases. 2 vols, in 1. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 1. Cornish, "W. F. An essay on Uses. 1841. Vide Law Libr., vol. 4. Miller, Samuel. Of equitable Mortgages ; the rights and remedies of mortgagees, by deposit of deeds, &c. Of proceedings on the bank- ruptcy of mortgagors ; with forms of equitable deposit, &.o, 1845. Vide Law Libr., vol. 16. Coote, K. H. and E. On the law of Mortgage ; with notes, ana references to American cases. 1850. Vide Law Libr., vol. 38. Le'^is> W. D. On the law of Perpetuity ; or, remoteness in limitations of Estates : as applicable to the various modes of settlement of property, real and personal, &c. 1846. Vide Law Libr., vol. 21. A supple- ment. 1849. Vide Law Libr., vol. 35. Bisset, Andrew. On the law of Estates for Life. 1843. Vide Law Libr. vol. 11. Preston, Richard. On the quantity and quality of Estates, with reference to the law of Merger. 1813. Vide Law Libr., vol. 11. Cooke, Gr. W. On the law and practice of Copyhold Enfranchisement; with the forms authorized, and all the statutes. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1853. Crabb, George. The law of Property in its present state ; practically arranged and digested, including decisions of the Courts ; with notes and references to American decisions. 1846. 2 vols. Vide Law Libr., vols. 23 and 24. Burton, ^. H. Elementary compendium of the law of Real Pro- perty. Eighth edition, with notes, shewing the alterations in the law to the present time : and an introductoiy chuptcr, giving an historical outline of such parts of the law as have been the subject of statutory alteration ; by E. P. Cooper. 8vo. Loudon, 1856. LAW OE OBEAT BRITAIN. 141 Williams, Joshua. Principles of the law of Eeal Property: a first book for stiideuts in Conveyancing. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1852. . Principles of *■' law of Personal Property, for students in Conveyancing. 1S48. Vide Law Libr., vol. 31. Smith, J- W. A compendium of the law of B^al and Personal Property, connected with Conveyancing. 1856. Vide Law Libr., vol. 68. MoCullooh, J. B. On Succession to property vacant by Death ; including inquiries into the influence of primogeniture, entails, &c., over the public interests. 8vo. London, 1848. Hubbaok, John. On the evidence of Succession to Real and Personal Pro- perty and Peerages. 1845. Vide Law Libr., vol. 17. Robertson, David. On the rules of the law of Personal Succession in the diifereut parts of the realm : and on coses regarding foreign and international Succession which have been decided in the British Courts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Hill, James. On the law relating to Trustees, their powers, duties, privileges, and liabilities. Second American edition, containing notes, by F. J. Troubat ; with notes and references tu decisiouF, by H. Wharton. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854, Moore, Henry. Instructions for preparing Abstracts of Titles, after the most improved svstem ; precedents shewing the method not only of abstract- ing every species of Deeds, but of so connecting them together, as to form a complete title. 1853. F»i« Law Libr., vol. 46. Wharton, J. J. S. The principles of Conveyancing ; including, dissertations on ; I. Estates : both as to quantity and quality. 11. Copyholds, customary freeholds, &c. III. Uses, trusts, &c. IV. Title ; with forms and precedents. 1851. Vide Law Libr., vol. 43. Prideaux, Frederick. The hand-book of Precedents in Conveyancing, adapted to the modern Law and practice, with notes. 12nio. London, 1852. Bone, S. V. Precedents in Conveyancing of Real and Personal Property, with an introduction and notes. Vol. I. Conveyances and Grants. Vol II. Annuities and Mortgages (with) T. Q-. Western, in conti- nuation. Vols. Ill and IV. Agreements, Commercial Deeds, Leases, Assignments, Marriage Settlements, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1838-40. Rouse, R. The Practical Conveyancer, giving 365 precedents of Convey- ances, Mortgage and Leases, and a collection of miscellaneous forms. 8vo. London, 1856. Lee, J. Y. On the Evidence of Abstracts of Title to Real Property, 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 27. Cornish, W. P. On Purchase Deeds of Freehold Estates, and incidentally of Leasehold Property, with precedents and notes : New edition, by ' s I--' fi .■Ml - "'5 •m George Horsey, 1856. Vide La-v Libr., vol. 59. IrU i:;:;ffi If!--:- ><:i| ir 111 .1 1 mi ^ i ■ 142 STATUTE AND COMMON Spelman, Sir Henry. Of TcatameiitB and Wills, nnd of their probnto, to whom it anciently belonged. Vide his works. Folio. Jaxman, Thomas. On Wills. Second American edition, with largo addi- tions to the text and notes, and references to American Decisions, by J. 0. Perkins. 2 voU. 8vo. Boston, 1840. Parsons, Arthur. On the law of Wills, embodying the latest decisions ; with the Succession Duty Act. 8vo. London, 1854. — — The same work, 1855. Vide Law Libr., vol. 55. Worthington, George. General precedents for Wills ; with American notes, 1848. Vide Law Libr., vol. 29. Gwynne, Thomas. The law on Piobates and Letters of Administration in England, and Inventories in Scotland, and on Legacies and Succes- sions to Personal Estates in Great Britain. The Legacy Duty Forms, with instructions for filling them up. A summary of cases, &c. Third edition, revised. 8vo. London, 1841. Toller, Sir Samuel. The law of Executors and Administrators. Seventh edition corrected, with considerable additions, by F. Whitmarsh. 8^0. London, 1838. Lovelass, Peter. The law's disposal of a person's Estate, who dies without AVill or testament; to M-hich is added, the disposal by Will, with an explanation of the Mortmain Act. Twelfth edition, remodelled and enlarged, by A. Barron. 8vo. London, 1838. Finlason, W. F. The history and effects of the lav^r of Mortmain ; the debates in Parliament, and the inquiries of select conimittei's, Ac, and cases : with the reports of the select committees. 8vo. Loudon, 1S53. Shelford, Leonard. Of the law of Mortmain, and Charitable Uses and Trusts, with statutes and forms. 8vo. London, 183G. Woodfk!!. On the law of Landlord and Tenant j with precedents, and forms of procedure. Entirely remodelled, &c., by S. B. Harrison ; the sixth edition, by F. L. V^ollaston. 8vo. London, 1849. Archbold, J. F. The law of Landlord and Tenant ; with the requisite forms, the pleadings in the several actions by and against landlord and tenant, and the evidence necessary. 1846. Vide Law Libr.. vol. 22. Piatt, Thomas. On the law of Leases ; with forms and precedents, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Bullen, Edward. On the law of Distress for Rent, and of things Damage- feasant : with forms, and statutes. 12mo. London, 1842. Adams, John. On the principles nnd practice of Ejectment, and the result- ing action for Mesne Profits. London, 1846. Fourth edition, with additions. 8vo. hir LAW or GREAT BRITAIN. It3 Grady S- ^- The law of Fixtures, with reference to Real Property, and chattels of a personal nature. Also, the law of Dilapidations, ecclesiastical and lay, 1840. Vide Law Lib ..ry, Vol. 20. Bateman, Joseph. The Auctioneer's Guide ; treati e on tho law of Auctions conditions of Su'e ; rules for valuing Property : the law of Distress, gic. Third edition. 12(no. London, 1846. Qibbon David. On the law of Dilapidations and Nuisances. Second ediiion, with additions. 8vo. London, 1849. Woolryoh, H. W. On the law of Party-walls and Fences, including the new Metropolilan Buildings Acta, with notes, 8to. London, 1845. CalliSj '^^^ famous and learned Ilobert. The reading of, upon the statute of Sewers, 23 Henry VIII, ch. 3, in 1622. Fourth edition, with addi- tions and corrections, by W. J. Broderip. 8vo. London. 1824. Woolryoh, H. W. On the law of Ways, including Highways, Turnpike Roads and Tolls, private Rights of Way, Bridges, and Ferries, 1834. Vide Law Libr., vol. 3. Glover, William. On the law of Municipal Corporations, adapted to the recent reforms : with the Municipal Corporation Amendment Acts ; also, cases and decisions to Trinity term, 1841. An historical sum- mary of the corporate system in Great Britain and Ireland, (prefixed.) 8.0. London, 1841. Arnold, T. J. On the law relating to Municipal Corporations. 12mo. London, 1851. Rumsey, John. A report of the case of the King vs. Westwood, with a digest of the authorities on Corporation law referred to. 8vo. London, 1830. Pulling, Alexander. On the laws, customs, usages and regulations of the City and Port of London, with notes on the charters, &c., and judicial decisions by which they are established. Second edition, with the London Corporation Reform Act 1849, the Election Act, 1725, &e. Bvo. London, 1849. Angell, (J. K.) and Ames, (S.) On the law of Private Corporations Ag- gregate. Third edition. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Tiie same work : second edition. 1843. Grant, James. On the law of Corporations in general, as well aggregate as sole. With quasi corporations aggregate, as guardians of the poor* churchwardens, &c. 8vo. London, 1850. The same work. 185 1. Vide Law Libr., vol. 49. Wordsworth, Charles. The law of Joint Stock Companies ; from th« third London edition 1843. Vide Li\w Libr., vol. 9. The liw of Ri'ilway, Canal, Water, Dock, Gas, and other Companies, requiring authority of Parliament, with the law of Winding-up, and that of parliamentary costs; with forms, 8cc., including the Consolidation Acts of 1845, 7. Sixth edition. Bvo. London, 1851. IM >1 •■ii 11 1 i ■ i 1 ' V m^m 144 STATUTE AND COMMON m- Chambers, (Thomno) and Peterson, (A.T. T.) On the law of Railway Com|iunii>B, in their furiiiutiun, iiicorporutiuii, and govurnment ; with an absirnct of tlie stututeu, and a tublu of forma. 8vo. Loudon, 1H48. Shelfbrd, Leonard. Tho law of Railwayn, including tho Consolidation Acts, Sic, with notes of dtM:i(lo<] cuaes on thuir construction, forms, &c. Third edition. l2mo. London, 1853. ■ Tho same work. Firat American, from the third London edition, with notes, and reference? to Into En<;li8h cases ; and American statutes and decisions, by M. L. Bennett. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington, 1855, Hodgson, IL J. A Summary of the law n» applied to the rating of Railways, &c., extending through several parishes : with notes on all cases de- cided ; and observations on the uiode of assessing a Railway. 12mo. London, 1851. Ludlow, J. M. The Joint Stock Componics Winding-up Act, 1848. The Winding-up Amendment Act, I84!i, with introduction, notes, direc- tions, notes of cases, and forms used. 12mo. London, 1850. Svreet, George. The Limited Liability Act, 1855, and the Acts for Joint Stock Componies, 7th ond 8th Vict., ch. 110, and lOth and 11th Vict., ch. 78, under which companies with limited liability are to be formed : with notes, forms, &c. 12nio. London, 1855. Cox, E. AV. The new law and practice of Joint Stock Componics, with ond without limited liability. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1856. Gow, Niel. On the law of Partnership. Second edition, with alterations and amendments. 8vo. London, 1825. Collyer, John. On the law of Partnership ; with an appendix of forms. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1840. Pothler, M. On the Contract of Partnership ; with the civil code, and code of commerce relating to that subject ; translated, with notes, referring to the decisions of the lOnglish Courts, by O. D. Tudor, 1854. Vide Law Libr., vol. 52, Angell, J. K. On the Right uf Property in Tide-watera, and in the soil and shores thereof. Second edition, enlar^^ed. 8vo. Boston, 1847. On the law of Water-courst>s. Fourth edition. 8vo. Boston, 1850. Woolrych, H. W, Of the law of Waters ; relating to rights in the sea, and rights concerning rivers, canals, dock companies, fisheries, mills, water- courses, &c., with the ri>:lit8 of the Crown to the land between high and low water mark. Second edition, 8vo. London, 1851. Stone, William. On Benefit Building Societies ; also the principles and practice of Tontine Building Companies, Freehold Land Societies, &c., and the law relating to those societies, with statutes and cases to the present time, &c. 12mo. London, 1851. IV liil :jDi|i!lr:(: LAW OF OUEAT B&ITAIN. 145 Pratt, VV. Tidd. The law relating to Friendly Societiui, and alio the Indus- trial and Provident Societies' Act, 1852, with the leading cusud. Second edition. l2mo. London, 1854. Ellis, Charles. The luw of Fire and Life Insurance, and Annuities, with practical observations. Second American edition, with notes. 8vo. Burlington, 1854. — Another copy. First edition, 1841. Vide Law Libr., vol. 4. Dowdeflwell, G. M. The law of Life and Fire Insurances ; with compa- rative tables of Life Insurance. 12mo. London, 1846. Bunyon, C. J. On the law of Life Assurances ; upon the constitution of Assurance Companies, the construction of their deeds of settlement, the sale of reversionary interests, and equitable liens, arising in connec- tion with life policies ; with an appendix of precedents for the assign- ment of policies, notes of cases, statutes, <&o., 18o3. Vide Luw Library, vol. 48. Kelly, J- B. The history and law of Usury, — nn examination of the existing system, and suggestions for its amendment, with statutes. Vide Law Libr., vol. 44. Oomyn, R. B. On the law of Usury. 8vo. London, 1817. — The same work, 1841. Vide Law Libr., vol. 2. Byles, J* B. On the Usury Laws ; on the effect of the recent alterations ; with suggestions for their permanent amendment, and the draft of au Act. 12mo. London, 1845. Bentham, Jeremy. Defense of Usury ; Vide his works, vol. 3. Bayley, Sir John. Summiu) , ' the law of Bills of Exchange, Cash Bills, and Promissory No u*. Sixth edition, by G. M. Dowdeswell 8vo. Lon- don, 1849. Story, Joseph. Ciimmt'ntaries on the law of Bills of Exchange, foreign and inland, in Eng^land and America ; with illustrations from the law of [other] uations. Third edition. 8vo. Boston, 18o3 — — ^— Commentaries on the law of Promissory Notes, and guaranties of Notes and Checks ; with illustrations from the law oi [other] nations* Third edition. 8vo. Boston, 1851. Byles, -T. B. Of the law of Bills of Exchonge, Promissory Notes, Bank-notes, Bunkers' Cash-Notes, and Cheques. 1848. Vide Law Libr., vol. 30. The same work. Fourth American edition, with additional notes, illustrating the law and practice in this country ; by Hon. George Sharswood. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. ■ The same work. Third American edition ; by Sharswood. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. Shaw, G. J. On the law of Bankers' Cheques, Letters of Credit, and Drafts. 12mo. London, 1854. •■.15 IV!, ''I ■.M ''I •] .iff > ■- ir-I :'■*■ i MM 11 '^^^.Ob^ mk ' m " ' 'Ml 146 STATTTTE AND COMMON l^'i'lllll \ .1 story, Joaeph. Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, foreign and domestic, in regard to Contracts, Rights, and Remedies. Fourth edition, en* larged ; by E. H, Bennett. 8vo. Boston, 1852. Smith, J. W. The law of Contracts : in a course of lectures, with notes, &c.; by J. G. Symons. Second American edition. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 25. Addison, C. G. On the law of Contracts and Rights and liabilities ex con- tractu. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Batten, Edmund. On the specific performance of Contracts. 1850. Vide Law Libr., vol. 36. Bell, G. J. Inquiries into the Contract of Sale of Goods and Merchandise, as recognized in judicial decisions and mercantile practice. 1848. Vide Law Libr., vol. 18. Blackburn. On the effect of the Contract of Sale. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 26. Gibbon, David. The law of Contracts for Works and Services. Vide Weale'g Series, with " Power of "Water, &c." Paley, William. On the law of Principal and Agent, chiefly with reference to mercantile transactions. Third edition, with additions ; by J. H, Lloyd. 8vo. London, 1833. Pitman, E. D. On the law of Principal and Surety. 1842. Vide Law Libr., vol. 8. Burge, William. Commentaries on the law of Suretyship, and of the rights and obligations of the parties thereto ; under the laws of England, Scotland, and other States of Europe, the British Colonies, and United States of America, and on the conflict of those laws. 8vo. London, 1849. Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the law of Agency, as a branch of commercial and maritime law. Boston, 1851. ■ ' Commentaries on the law of Bailments, with illustrations from the civil and foreign laws. Fifth edition, enlarged, by C. Sumner. 8vo. Boston, 1851. Jones, Sir William. Essay on the law of Bailments ; with illustrations from the Mosaic, Civil, and Attic Laws. Vide Jones' Works, vol. 6. Russell, J. A. On the laws relating to Factors and Brokers. 1845. Vide Law Libr., vol. 16. Pulling, Alexander. The law and usage of Mercantile Accounts ; the rules of law affecting them, the mode in account books, the forms of pro- ceeding, &c., at common law, in equity, &c. 1847. Vide Law Libr., vol. 26. Tilsley, Hugh. On th-i Stamp Laws, — a digest of all the statutes and cases relating to stamp duties, with practical remarks thereon ; tables of stamp duties payable after 10th Oct., 1854, and of former duties, &c. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1^54. LAW OP GREAT BRirAIN. 147 Bateman, Joseph. The laws of Excise ; — the statutes relating to the Revenue of Excise, with practical notes and forms, and select cases. 8vo. London, 1843. Walfbrd, J. G. The laws of the Customs i with notes, &c. Svo. London, 1846. Hamel, F. J. The laws of the Customs, consolidated by direction of the commissioners ; 16th and 17th Vict., c. 106 and 107, with a coiii« Dientarj, practical forms, notes of leading cases, &c. 8to. London, 1854. Beawes, W. Lex Mercatoria Rediviva ; — a code of Commercial Law, with an account of our Mercantile Companies, of our Colonies, of our Com* mereial Treaties, &c. ; a sketch of the present itate of Commerce in the World, &c. Fifth edition; by T. Mortimer. Folio. London, 1792. Stephen, Sir George. The Principles of Commerce and Commercial Law : explained in a course of lectures. 12mo. London, 1853. Smith, J- W. Compendium of Mercantile Law. Firfc Law Libr., vol. 2. The same work : greatly enlarged ; by J. P. Holcombe and W. T. Gbolson. Svo. New York, 1847. Parsons, Theophilus. The elements of Mercantile Law. 8vo. Boston, 1856. Levi] Leone. Manual of the Mercantile Law of Great Britain and Ireland : international commerce, restraints on trade, joint stock companies, &c. The law of partnerships, bills of exchange, with remarks on partnership with limited liability. Svo. London, 1854. Another copy, Ftctc Law Libr., vol. 53. Commercial Law, or the Mercantile Law of Great Britain ; compared with the codes and laws of commerce of the following [57 enumerated] mercantile countries, and the Institutes of Justinian. 2 vols, in 4. 4to. London, 1850-1852. Ross, George. Leading cases in the Commercial Law of England and Scotland, in systematic order, with notes. 2 vols. 1854-6. Vide Law Libr. vols. 51 aiui 54. Vol. I. Bills of Exchaoge and Promissory Notes. " II. Contract of Sale. Chitty, E. The Commercial and General Lawyer ; an exposition of the luw of England in all its departments, with particular reference to Commerce, Trade, and Manufactures. Eleventh edition j by T. G. Western. Svo. London, 1856. Abbott, Charles. Of the law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen : — I. Of the owners. — II. Of the persons employed in the navigation thereof. — III. Of the carriage of goods therein. — IV. Of the wages of seamen. Fourth edition, with copies of the statutes, &c. Svo. London, 1812. ^— Charles, Lord Tenterden. The same j in five parts. Eighth edition ; by W. Shee, Svo. Loudon, 1847. [Part 11. Treats in addition on, " The conveyance of passengers." Part III. (The new part) is " Of collision."] ■ it' ■l^ii'M U -'it ^ 5 >|t ' ^1 ' 1-, 148 STATUTE AND COMMON 1>;^- i /I, i' ■1;^r m '^ I I' f Atkinson, George. The Shipping-laws of the British Empire : consisting of Park on Maritime Insurance, and Abbott on Shipping. 8vo. London, 1854. Lees, James. The laws of Shipping and Insurance ; Pilots' regulations, &o. Sixth edition ; including the Passengers' Amendment Act. 12mo. Lirerpool, 1853. Maude, (F. P.,) and Pollock, (C. E.) The law of Merchant Shipping ; with all the statutes of practical utility. 8ro. London, 1853. Seymour, W. D. " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1864 ;" with an intro- ductory summary, notes, &c., and an appendix, — the " Merchant Shipping Acts Repeal Act, 1854," &e. 12rao. London, 1S55. Willmore, (G,) and Beedell, (E.) Mercantile and Maritime Guide ; con- taining the Consolidated Merchant Shipping Act, the Passengers' Act of 1855, the Customs' Laws, Ike, with notes. 1856. Vide this, and similar works, of an older date, in Political Economy, Commsbgb, Sic. Flanders, Henry. On the law of Shipping. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. Maritime law. For this, and other similar works, vide Intebnational and Maiutiub Law. Bally, L. R. General Average, and the losses and expenses resulting from General Average Acts, practically considered. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1856. Hindmarch, W. M. On the law relating to Patent Privileges ; and the practice of obtaining Letters Patent for Inventions ; with statutes* rules, forms, &c. Svo. London, 1846. (A duplicate copy.) Iiund, Henry. On the substantive law relating to Letters Patent for Inventions, 12mo. London, 1851. Carpmael, William. The law of Patents, familiarly explained, for the use of inventors and patentees. Fifth edition. Svo. London, 1852. Godson, Richard. On the law of Patents, and of Co|)yright in Literature, the Drama, Music, Engravings, &c. Second edition, with a supplement, bringing the law down to the present time ; by P. Burke. Svo. London, 1851. Curtis, G. T. On the law of Copyright in Books, Dramatic and Musical Com- positions, Letters, &c., Engravings and Sculpture ; as in England and America. With the history of literary property. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Norman, J. P. On the law and practice relating to Letters Patent for Inven- tions. 1853. Firfe Law Libr,, vol. 46. The law and practice of the Copyright, Registration, &;c., of Designs ; and of Sculpture ; with the remedies, &c., in cases of piracy ; tables of fees, statutes, &c. 12mo. London, 1851. The same work. 1853. Vide Law Libr., vol. 46. LAW OP GREAT BRITAIN. 149 Cory ton, John. On the law of Letters Patent, in Great Britain and Ireland ; including the practice connected with the grant ; a summary of the patent laws in Foreign States ; statutes, rules, forms, &c. 1855. Vide Law Libr., vol. 56. Vide also, Hughes and Urling's works, in Fobeion JnaisPBUDENoB. Pettus, Sir John. FodinaB regales, or the history, laws, and places of Mines in England, Wales, and the English Pale of Ireland. Folio. London, 1670. Harrison, Sir George. Substance of a Report on the law and jufisdiction of the Stannaries in Cornwall, 1829 ; with Appendices. 8vo. London 1835. Vide also, Borlase, Antiquities of Cornwall. Bainbridge, William. On the law of Mines and Minerals. 8vo. London 1841. Collier, R. P. On the law relating to Mines. 12mo. London, 1849. A second copy, 1853. Vide Law Libr., vol. 46. Thomson, Charles. The ordinances of the Mines of New Spain ; translated from the original, with observations on mines and mining associations. 8to. London, 1825. Hughos, R. M. Duties of Judge-Advocates. 8vo. London, 1844. Hon^ ." ■ Lieut.-Col. E. I. C. S. Precedents in Military Law j including i! practice of Courts Martial, &c. ; the duties of officers at Courts of i.iquest,), of Inquiry, of Requests, &c. 8vo. London, 1855. Hickman, William. On the law and practice of Naval-Courts Martial. 8vo. London, 1851. Warren, S. Letter to the Queen on a late Court-Martial. 8vo. London, 1850. Frendergast, Harris. The law relating to Officers in the Army. 12mo. London, 1849. The law relating to Officers of the Navy ; part 1, [with an appendix of Prize Proclamations, 1796, 1803, 1846.] 12mo. London, 1852. Mayo, Thomas. Medical testimony and evidence in cases of Lunacy ; with an esftay on the conditions of mental soundness. 8vo. London, 1854. Winslow, Forbes. The Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. 12mo. London, 1843. Another copy. 1843. Firfe Law Libr., vol. 11. Wood, William. Remarks on the Plea of Insanity, and Criminal Lunatics. 8vo. London, 1852. Buoknill, J. S. Unsoundness of Mind in relation to Criminal Acts. 12mo. London, 1854. Hood, W. C. Suggestions for the future provision of Criminal Lunatics. 6to. London, 1854. •jay* 1' ; m 4-} ■■i ; i '^ •• 'HI 1 I'll '', tjtri ^ vi.i Vf ^ m v> t ! r,\ 150 STATUTE AND COMMON |5»,1 lit I >'\> ?{^! 1% ill I 111 Willoook, J> W. The laws relating to the Medical Proression ; with an account of the rise anT. A. A plan for the government of our English colonies. 8vo. London. 1849. Audiganne, M. Politique coloniale de I'Angleterre. lievue des deux Mondea- Nouveile serie. Vol. 16 et 17. Grimblot, P. Politique coloniale de I'Angleterre. Id., Vol. 2 et .3. Grey, Enrl. On the colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Vide also Political Economy, for works on Colonization and tho Colonics. Clark, Ciiarlos. A summary of colonial Law ; the practice of t' Court of Appeals, and of the laws and their administratiou in all the colonies. &c. 8vo. London, 1834, ih < *■:'■ fm T u- UWt ■ I'ls llr 1 ] ■ 156 COLONIAL AND [droit colonial Rules and Regulatlcns for Her Mn,)esty'fl Colonial Service Printed by out>>ofity. 8vo, Jionilon, 184^, . Revised edition. 8to. London, ISjG. Chalmers, George. Opinion:* oF eminent lawyers, on vnrioin points of English jurisprudence, ch'u'&f concerning the colonies, fisheriea, on Coloniit, (Judge Ilaliburtoa.) 8vo. London, 1839. Letter to tho Viseonnt Melbourne on the Ordinance of i if Earl of Durham. 8vo. London, 1829. (P.) Facts versus Lord Durham. 8vo. London, 18. 9. 'P.) Molesworth, Sir W. Speech on the Canada Bill, 23rd January, 1838. 8vo. London, 1838. (P.) Head, Sir Francis B. Address to the House of Lords, against the Canada Reunion Bill. 8vo. London, 1840. (P.) Robinson. Hon. J. B. Canada and the Canada Bill. 8vo. London, 1840. (P.) Taylor, Henry. On the union of the two Canadas. 12n)0. Montreal. Constitution of Canada. 1 vol. containing' : Labile, Ja<'qiio3. Ltn promiers ruiliriu'na de la Cdnstitution nntanniqiio, traduiti de raii|i;Iai8 de M. Brooke; prdecilL'S il'un precis historhiuc, ct Buivi* d'ol>- Bcrvatiuus Bur la Cunsiitutiuudu Uua-Cuuada. 8vu. Montreal, 1827. Ilcuey, lluijues. Commeutoiro sur hi Couatitui^ i '" lias-Cunuda. Svo. Mon- treal, 1832. [Bhiokwood, Tlis.] Ileiiiarks on the CoiiBtitiition <•{ the Caimdas, civil and eccleainstiea!, wifh (i view to its amendment; by a Layman of the Church of Scotlimd. Oeriu-Lajoio, A. Ciitechisnie politique, < m Elemciis dii droit public et coustitu. tioimcl ilu CinuiJii, iiii.s a la poriic du pcujile : avoo uu Appcudioc, iil, 1851. Monthly Review, The, — devoted to the Civil Government of Canada, from il:inu,uy, 1841, to June, 1811. G numbers. 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto. Sydenham, Lord. ."VlfMuoirs of his life, with a narrative of his administration iu Canada, by G. Poulett Scrope, Esq., his brother. Svo. London, 1843. i'{f COLONIAL AND [dROIT COLONIAL "t .; :Li: Ml fir View of Sir Charles Metcalfe's Government of Canada : by a Member of the Provincial Parliament, (E. G. Wakefield.) London, 1844. 43 pages. The " Crise " Metcalfe, and the Lafontaine-Bald%vin Cabinet defended: by Zeno. Quehec, 1844. 44 pages. Viger, rilon. D. B. La Ciiso Ministerielle et M. Denis Benjamin Viger. 8vo. Kingston, 1844. Metcalfe, Charles, Lord, late Governor General of India, and of Canada, and Governor of Jamaica. Life and eoiresponJence, from unpublished letters and Journals ; by J. W. Ktiye. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Selections from Lord Metcalfe's Papers. Edited by J. W. Kaye. 8vo. London, iSflS. Correspondance entre I'Hon. W. 11, Draper et I'Hon. R. E. Caron ; et, entre rilon. R. E. Caron et les lions. L. H. La Fontaine et A. N. Morin. 8vo. Montreal, 1846. Correspondence between the Hon. W. II. Draper and the Hon. R. E. Caron ; and between the Hon, R. E. Caron and the lions. L. H. La Fontaine and A. N. Morin. 8vo. Montreal, 1846. Christie, Robert. A History of tlie lake Province of Lower Canada, Parlia- mentary and Political, from tlio eonuneucenient to the close of its existence as a separate Province, embracing a period of lll'ty years. 6 vols. Svo. Quebec, 1819-55. Memoirs of the Admiuistratiou of Lower Canada, by Sir James Henry Craig and Sir George Provost, from 1S07 to 1815. Svo. Quebec, 1818. A brief review of tlie Political state of Lower Canada, with memoirs of the Admiuistratiou of Lower Canada, by Sir Gordon Drummoud and Sir Joliu Coape Sherbrooke. 8vo. Kew York, 1818, Journals of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, from 1792 to 1837. 25 vols. 4to. and folio. Journaux du Conseii Legislatif du Bas-Canada, do 1792 a, 1837. 25 vol. 4to. et folio. Journals of the House of Assembly ol Lower Canada, from 1792 to 1837. 5'* ' "'s. 4to. aiul folio. Journau:. . la Chumhro d'Asscmbli'o du Bas-Canada, de 1792 u 1837. 53 vol. Ito. et folio. Journals of the Special Council of Lower Cauada, for the years 1838,1839, 1810 and 1811. 4 vols. 4to. Journaux du Conseii Spi'ciul du Bas-Canada, pour les anm'es 1838, 1839, ISlOetlSlL 4v'jL 4to. Journals of tlio Legislative Council of Upper Cauada, for 1828, aud from 1830 to 1839-40. 7 vols. ET PROVINCIAL.] PROVINCIAL LAW. 161 Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, for 182 1 , and from 1825 to 1839-40. 29 vols. . M.S.S. Journsils of the Legislative Council, and House of Assembly of Upper Canada, from 1792 to 1824 (5 or 6 years wanting.) Now transcribing from liecords in the Colonial Office. General Index to the Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, from 1825 to 1839-40 ; by Alfred Todd. Folio. Montreal, -.848. {Five Copies.) Journals of the Legislative Council of Canada, from 1841 to 1856, 30 vols. Journaux du Conseil Legislatif du Canada, depuis 1841 jusqu'a 1856. 30 vol. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada, from 1841 to 1856. 30 vols. Journaux de I'Assemblee Legislative du Canada, depuis 1841 jusqu'a 1856. 30 vol. General Index to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada, from 1841 to 1851, inclusive ; by Alfred Todd. Tolio. Montreal, 1855. (^Five Copies.) Mirror of Parliament of the Province of Canada, March 20th to June 9th, 1846. Montreal. 4to. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations et Arrets du Conseil d'Etat du Eoi [1540-1758] concernant le Canada. Ordonnances deslnten- dants et Arrets du Conseil Superieur de Quebec, [1G27-1756.] 2 vol. 4to. Quebec, 1803-1806. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, &c. &c. llevus et corrigos. Quebec, 1854. 8vo. Eeimpression des Vol. I. et II. (susdits,) avec des aug- mentations. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1854-55. Ordinanoes made for the Province of Quebec, by the Governor and Council, since the establishment of the Civil Government [1764]. Quebec, 1767. Folio. Ordonnances faitea pour la Province de Quebec par le Gouverneur et le Conseil depuia retablissement du Gouvernement Civil [1764]. Quebec, 1767. Folio. Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of the iVovinco of Quebei'. l'Y>bruary 1777, to February 1786. "With manuscript 2<^ote8 and Index. Folio. Quebec. Ordonnances faitea et passees par le Gouverneur et le Conseil Legislatif de la Province de Quebec, depuis Fevrier 1777 jusqu'a Fevrier 1786, avec notes nianuscrites et uu Index, Folio, Quebec. l)cux Volutnes Folio, intitules ".'.nciennos Orilounnncos," coutienncnt Ics Ordon- nances publioos dans la Oazette do Qu6beo dopuis 1787 jusquii 1794. Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of tlie Province of Quebec, and now in force in the Province of Lower Canada. March, 1777, to February, 1792. 4to. Quebec, 1795. \ '■'4 ^■^m IP (J I' » -I'M ' 1 ( m.. .."■■' f\ ■■■-■ ■' *. ,; 'Uii m 162 I- I COLONIAL AND [dROIT^COLONIAL 1 1* ■ i' Ordonnanoes fnites et paasees par le Gouverncur et le Conseil Lcgislatif de la Province de Quebec, de Mars 1777 a Fevrier 1792, et niaintenaut en force dana la Province du Bas-Cauada. 4to. Quebec, 1795. Cugnet, F. J. Traito de la Loi de Fiefs ; qui a toujours etc suivie eu Canada, tiree de cello eu la Coutume de Paris, et des ditloreus Juge» mens d'lnteuduns rendus a cet ogard. Traito des aucieunes Loix, etc. de propriete eu Canada, tiro de lu Coutume de Paris, avec I'explieation puisL'o dans les meillours auteurs. Extraits des Kegitres du Conaeil Suporieur, et des Kegitres d'lntendance, concernant la Justice, et des lleglemens de Police. Traite de la Police qui a toujours etc suivie eii Canada depuis son etablissemeut jusqu'a la Couquele. 1 vol. 4to. Quebec, 1775. Duplicates of the first two Treatises. 1vol. 4to. Douoet, M, Fundamental Principles of the Laws of Canada, as they existed under tiio natives ; as they were changed under the French Kings ; and under the domination of England. The Custom of Paris, the Text and a literal translation. The Statutes changing the Jurispru- dence of Cansida, etc. 8vo. Montreal, ISll-lSlS. (Two copies.) IVEoCarthy, Ju.-ttin. Uietiounairo de I'Ancicn Droit du Canada, ou compila- tion des Edits, Declarations lloyaux, etc., concernant le Canada. 12mo. Quebec, IbOU. Abstract, (An,) of those parts of the Custom of the Viscounty and Provost- ship of Paris, which were received in the Province of Quebec in the time of the French Government; drawn up by a select Committee of Canadian gentlemen, well skilled in the laws of France and of that Province, by the desire of the Honorable Guy Carleton, Esquire, Govcrnor-in-Chief of the said Province. "T'li; London, 1772. [The Title is in English, but the Abstract i.s in l''r( uch.] Sequel, The, of the Abstract — containing the thirteen latter Titles of the said Abstract ; drawn up by the same. Folio. Loudon, 1773. [Also in French. j [Bound up with the preceding.] Abstract, (An,) of the Criminal laws in force in the Province of Quebec in the time of tlic French Government ; drawn up by the same. Folio. London, 1773. [In French, and bound up with the two preceding works ] Abstract, (An,) of the several Royal Edicts and Declarations, and Provincial Regulation and Ordinances in force in the Province oi" Quebec in the time of the Fniieh {Joveniinent ; and of tlie Commissions of the several Governors-General and Intendants of the said Province dur- ing the same period, faithfully collected I'roni tlio J{egi.sters of the Superior Council of (Quebec, by Francis Josepli Cugnet, Esquii'c, >^ocretary to the (jovcrnor and CVxnu'il of the said I'mvince for the FrtMK'h hiu'^uiige. Folio. Laudoii, 1772. [In French, and bound up with the preceding Abstracts.] ET pnOVINCTAL.J PROVINCIAL LAW. 163 Abstract, ( A-n,) of the Loix de Police in force in the Province of Quebec in the tiino of the French Government; drawn up by a (..'oiniiiittee of Canadian Gentlemen. Folio. London, 1772. [In French, and bound up with the preceding Abstracts.] Perrault, -T. F. Questions ct Reponses sur le droit Criniinel du Bas-Canada, di'dices aux etudiants en droit. 12mo. Quebec, 1814. Sewell, Hon. Chief Justice. Essay on the juridical history of France, as far as relates to the Law of Lower Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1824. (P.) Dea Rivieres-Beaubien, Henry. Traite sur les lois civiles du Bas-Canada. 3 vol. 8vo. (Relies en 1.) Montreal, 1832-33. Memoire sur I'amovibilite des Cures en Canada: suivi de Remarqucs sur les notes de M. La Fontaine, avocat, relativement i rinamovibilitc des Cures dans le Bas-Canada. [25 Mars, 1837] 8vo. Montreal, 1837. Report of the Case of John Teed, on an application for a writ of Habeas Corpus, decided by the Court of King's Bench, at Quebec ; also, the opinions of Justices Pauet and Bedard upon the same case. 8vo. Quebec, 1839. Cr6mazie, Jacques. Les lois Criminelles Anglaiscs, traduites et compilc'es de Blackstone, Chitty, B,u3sell, ct autres criniiualistes anglais, et telles que suivies en ^anada ; arraugees suivaut les dispositions iutroduitea dans le code criniinel de cette Province par les Statuts Provinciaux 4 et 5 Victoria, chap. 24, 25, 2(3 et 27, comprenant auysi un precis des statuts puuaux de la ci-devant province du Bas-Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1842. La Fontaine, L. H. Analyse de I'Ordonnance du Conseil spficial sur les lUu-eaux d'Hypotheques, suiviedu texte anglais et frau^ais de I'urdon- naiice ; des lois relatives a la creation des ci-devant bureaux de conitos ; et de la loi des lettres de ratification. 8vo. Montreal, 1842. Cr^mazie, J. Manuel des notions utiles sur les droits Politiques, b droit Civil, la Loi Criniinelle et Muaicipale, les Lois lluralcs, &c. 12mo. Quebec, 1852. Law of Lower Canada, Civil and Criminal. 1 volume, containing the following pamphlets, concerning the, — Gorrie, Alex. A SyuDpsis of the laws of Lotting and Hiring, or the Cdiitrnct of Lease in Lower Cnnsula, us iiU'eeted by loeal statute law and the jurispru- dence of the country. 8vo. Montreal, 1848. Moiitizanilieit, F. L. A Lecture on the Mercantile Law of Lower Canada. Svo. Montreal, 1848. Rapport sur rAilministration (le la .lustice. Svo. ATontrdal, 1842. Judii'atuvi'. Acts relating to the judicature of L. Canada. Svo. Montreal, 1819. Coiiinioiilaiici on the ])roseiit Hankrujit Act. I'Jmo. Jlontrenl, 1848. Chai,'non, (iodfroy. rreeis de diverses ordoniiaiieos du Conseil Special ct d'Aetosde hi Legislature pour lucidevaiit province du Bus-Canada. I'Jmo. Muutriial, 1843. fl ^ 'P <^\ i ■•1 ••4 8 hi , -f^m iiiil 161 COLONIIL AND Fdiioii colonial Rules of Practice (L. C.) : The following Pampblets, relating to : Orders and Rules of Practice iu the Court of Kiug'g Beuch for the Diatriot of Quebec, Lower Counda. 12mo. Quebec, 1809. Rules and Orders of Practice niado for tlie Court of King's Bcncb, District of Moutreal. February Terra, 1811. 8vo. ilontreal, 1811. Rules and Orders of Practice of the Superior Court, Lower Canada. Svo. Quebec, 1850. Orders iu Bankruptcy for the District of Moutreal, under the Statute 9 Yio, ch. 80. Svo. Mcatreal, 1846. Cameron, J. H. The llules of Court, and Statutes relating to Practice and Pleading in the Queen's Bench, ■with Acts of general reference; and a few practical points. 12mo. Toronto, 1844. Orders and Rules of Courts, (including Chancery,) in Upper Canada, 1850-53. 8vo. Toronto, 1854. Draper, W. G. Eules of the Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleaa ; the County Courts Equity Extension, and the new Division Court Eules ; with a compilation of the Criminal Law of the Province. 12mo. Toronto. 1855. Draper, W. G-. The New Eules of Practice, and the proposed New Eules of Pleading of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, Upper Canada; with Forms and Table of Costs, under the Common Law Procedure Act, 1856 ; with notes. 12mo. Toronto, 1856. Chancery of Upper Canada, Eules and Practice of the Court of. By E Cooper. Svo. Toronto, 1851. (.Two copies.) Richmond, W= H. Book of Legal Forms, etc., for the legal transaction of business : upwards of 270 forms, of 40 Parliamentary Acts, etc. 2nd edition. Enlarged for Canada East end West. Svo. Toronto, 1854. (Two copies.) RordanSj J. The Upper Canada Law Directory for 1867. 12mo. Toronto, 1856. Selkirk, Earl of. Trials of,— Versus the North West Company, in 1818. 8vo. Moutreal, 1819. Simpson, "W. S. Trial of Charles de Ecinhard, for murder, committed in ohe Indian Territories iu 1818, with a summary of Archibald M'Lel- lan's trial, who was indicted as an accessary. 8vo. Montreal, 1819. Amos, A. Eeport of trials relative to the destructiou of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement on theEed Eiver, with observations. 8vo. London, 1820. State Trials before a General Court Martial at ^lontreal, in 1838-39. Eeports of the, — a complete history of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2vol^. Svo. Montreal. 1839. Proces politique de la Reine, vs. Jalbert. 12mo. Moutreal, 1839. Canadian Prisoners' Case ; Report of t])c, — In A. A. Fry. An introduc- tion on the writ of Habeas Corpus. Svo. London, 1839. ET PEOVINCIAL.] PROVINCIAL LAW. 166 Mc>li3oil, Alexander. Trial for Murder of Amos Durfee of the Steamer " Ctiroline," 8vo. Washington, 1841. Upper Canada Jurist. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1845-1848. Vol. i- Articles on Legal Subjects ; Decisions ia Bankruptcy and Chancery in Upper Canada, and in EuglisU Cummon Law Courts, 1844-1846. (Two parts.) " IL Containing some important Decisions iu Bankruptcy and Chancery, U. 0. ; Also, King's Bench, and ''ractico Court Reports, U. C, from Trinity Term, 1 and 2 Will. IV, to Trinity Term, 2 and 3 Will. IV". Upper Canada (Queen's) Bench and Practice Court Eeports, (old series,) from Michaelmas Term, 3 Will. IV, to Easter Term, 2 Vict., by J. Lukiu liobiuson. 3 vols. 8va. Toronto, Ib50-55. In continuation of Eeports iu the Upper Canada Jurist ; making of this old series, vols. 3, 4 and 5.) Cameron, J. H. Digest of Cases determined in the Upper Canada Court of Queen's Bench, from Michaelmas Terni, 10 George IV, to Hilary Term, 3 Vict. 8vo. Toronto, 1840. Upper Canada (Queen's) Bench and Practice Court Eeports, (new series,) from Easter Term, 7 Vict., to Hilary Term, 19 Vict. 14 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1843-57. (The two first volumes by J. U. Cameron, vols. 3 to 13, by J. L. Eobinson. vol. 14, by C. Eobinson.) Harrison, (E. A.) and Robinson, (J. L.) Digest of Eeports of Cases determined in the Queen's Bench alid Practice Courts for Upper Canada, from 1823 to 1851, inclusive. 8vo. Toronto, 1852. Common Pleas of Upper Canada. Eeports of Cases decided in the '^ mrt of; from Trinity Term, 13 Vict., to Hilary Term, 19 Vict., by : 0. Jones. Vols. 1-5. 8vo. Toronto, 1852-5G. Reports of Cases determined in the Practice Court and Chambers ; wiln points of pleading and practice determined iu the Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, by J. L. Eobinson. Svo. Vol. 1 . Toronto, 1850. Reports of Points of Practice, etc., determined in Chambers by +he Judges of the Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pk ■ ; by J. L. Robinson. 2 vols. 12mo. Toronto, 1851. Chancery of TJnr)er Canada i Eeports of Cases adjudged in the Court of. Vol. I. (I? tween Ist Nov.. 1849, and 1st. Dec, 1850.) to Vol. V. (During 1855.) 6 vols. 8vo. ''"oronto, 1850-57. Harrison, E. A. The New Common Law I'roccedure A. I (19 Vic. cap. 43), and County Courts Procedure Act ( 19 Vic. cap 90) ; with notes, explanatory and practical. Svo. Toronto, 1857. Stuart, Q-. Okill. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Lower Canada. 1810-35. Svo. Quebec. {Two copies.) ^1| 'r''4i ','■•' Hantoa. 2 vols. 4to. Toronto. Statutes of Cftnada, from 1841 to 1850. StatutS du Canada, du 1841 k 1856. Index to the Statuses of Canada, from 1840 to 1850; by ^milius Irving. 8vo» Toronto, 1830. Index to the Statutes of Canada; from 1841 to 1853; Alphabetical and Chronological ; by Q-. W. Wicksteed. 8vo, Quebec, 1854. Index to the Statutes in force in Upper Canada, at the end of the Session of 1854-5 ; with a reference to Acts expired or repealed ; by G. W. Wickateed, and W. C. Keele. 8vo, Toronto, 1866. Index to the Statutes in force in Lower Canada ; by G, W. Wicksteed. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. Index dcs Statuts en force dans la Bas>Cauada ; par G. W. Wicksteed. 8vo. Torouto, 1857. Quebec Gazette, published by Brown & Qilmore, and afterwards by Noilaou, from the years 17GG to 1849. (Several volumes wanting.) Folio. Quebec^ This Jnurnal contained tho Official Notices, Proclamations, n8 et It's droits respcctifs den doiix Couronnesen Ai>i''ri;,i'e ; avc ! 's actes public^ et pieces justiflcntives [par I'ubb^ de m v'^lts et MM. de Silhouette et de la Gniissonniure.] i vol. 4to. VixTvi, 1755-67. Vol. I. Mumoirc* f Nova Seotia, Labrador and New Found- land. 8vo. London, 18: 1. Correspondence on the Fisheries, ito. Halifax, 1852. Letters to the Right Honorable Lord Stanley, and Opinion shew- ing that the proposed Repeal of the Union existing between the Island of Cape Breton and Nova Seotia would be unconstitutional. 8vo, Halifax, 1842. Nova Scotia. Journal.' ^egi^^ itivo Council of, — from 1838 to 1856. 19 vols'. 4to. Journals of House f Assembly of,— for 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1S54, 1855, and 185G. 7 vols. Folio. . Laws of,— from 1758 to 1853. 12 vols. 4to. III! it KT PllOVINCIAL.] PllO NCIAL LAW. 171 Nova Scotia. Epitome of Laws of, — by Beamish Murdoch. Vol. I. 8vo. Halifax, 1832. . KoviHcd atatutos of— 8vo. Halifax, 1851. New Brunswick. Jounmls of Legislative Council of, — from 1849 to 1855. 7 vols, i'olio. — Journals of Assembly of, — from 1840 to 1866. 8 vols. Folio Laws of,— from 1819 to 1855. 7 vols. 4to. Rovisod Statutes of,— Vol. I, 1854. Frinoe Edw^ard'.s Island. Journals of the Legishvtive Council of, — from 1h;J(3 to 1852. ([.licking those for 1839.) 10 vols. 4to. Journals of the House of Assembly of,- -from 1831 to 1855. 16 vols. 4to. ______.——— Laws of, — for 1850. 8vo. Newfoundland. Journals of Assembly of, — from 1850 to 1854. 5 vols. 4to. Si-lc'ct Cases (1817 to 1828) from Records of the Supreme Court of, with the Charter and Rules of the Court. 8vo. St. John's, 1829. 1^^ 'f , It ' ii. A^' *•'! WEST INDIES, Jamaica. The Political Constitution, — the Judicial and Ecclesiastical esta- blishments of that Colony, and its laws, for 1844. 8vo. London, 1844. . The Courts of, and their jurisdiction — Part I. The administration of Criminal Justice. Svo. London, 18.'35. St.Vir '^nt. (Shephard, Charles.) Colonialpracticeof,— an abstract of the Court Acts, and the Rules of the several Courts : Also, observations on ii-isuranees in general use, in the West Indies : with precedents. Svo, Loudon, 1822. Woodcock, II- T. T-aws and Constitution of the British Colonies in the West Indies-- having Legitdative Assemblies. Second edition. 8vo, London, 1S38, Papers relative to the West Indies; presented to tlio Imperial Parliament. London, 1835-1847. I'olio. 54 vols. Jamaica. Journals of the Assembly of Jamaica, from 20th January IGO,' to 22nd December, 1826. 14 vols. Folio. Jamaica, 1811-1829. Votes of the House of Assembly, — for the Sessions held in the years 1827 to 1850, inclusive. 25 vols. Tolio. A duplicate volume, for 1849-50, El y ' i* 1 t 1'/ f ' '' i! i \ 172 COLONIAL AND [dRCIi COLONUL m m ll!:.-, ■:r. W : (I ^ Jamaica La'WS. All Acts in force pnfwcd biitwpcn 32 Charles II, «t Victoria, with titles of all publi'; niid pririito ActH passed during thiit time. 1S02-12. 10 vols. 4to. St. Jugo du In Vfga. To this Work there is pretiied : F. Iluiiion't occuunt of the Islitud and Uovermnriit uf Jiiiniitcn, written Id lt)82, W. Wuud's preface to on edition of tliti Luw», pubtiHlicd in 1710. B, Edwards' Vindieiition of tliu vutHiuut of tbo tkiglisk Uo?oi'DtD«i>t towar J» Spnio, in 166t(. W. H. Lyttelton'd ncronnt of the Oon^tifntJon of Jiimninn, in 17(M. ■ Abridgment of the laws, in form of an alplmbetical digest, of the volumes 1 and 2, iuthu above colkction. 4to. iSk. Jugo deb Vega, 1H02. Barbados. Laws of, — by authority. Svo. liondon, 1855. Grenada and the Grenadines. Laws of, 1700 to 1852. Edited by W. Snagg. 8vo. London, 1M52. St. Christopher. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of, — 1711 to 173&, inclusive. Folio. London, 1739. Trinidad. Laws of, 1831 to 1818. The Orders in Couticrl, atid Ordinances of the Council of Government : compiled by the Comiuiasioncrs, with [their] first Report. 8vo. London, 1852. Bahamas. Statute Law of. — All Acts of the General Assembly of, in force, in the order of subjects; by G. C. Anderson, under tho authority ot' the Governor. Svo. London, 1850. EAST INDIES AND THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. Strange, Sir Thomas. Hindu Law; principiilly such portions of it na concern the Administration of Justice in tho King's Courts in India. 2 vola. Svo. London, 1830. (Three copies : two presented by the Ea»t India Company.) Jones, Sir William. Institutes of Hindu Law ; or, the Ordinances of Menu, according to the gloss of Calluca. Vide Jones' Works, vol. 3. Colebrooke, H. T. Two treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance ; trans- lated by Colebrooke. dto. Calcutta. 1810. Sutherland, J. C. C. Two treatises on tho Hindu Law of Adoption ; trans- lated from tho Sanscrit ; with notes, &c. 4to. Calcutta, 1821. Jones, Sir .William. The Mahomedan Law of , Succession to the property of intestates ; together with the Mahomedan Law of Inheritance. Vide Jones' Works, vol. 3. Hed&.ya, (the) or Guide ; A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws ; translated bv Order of tho Governor General and Council of Bengal, by C. Hamilton. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1791. Designed for "facilitating tiie Aduiiuistration of Justice, throughout our Asiatic Territories, etc." ET ^novI^ ET rnOVINCIAL.] PROVINCIAL LAW. 173 Gladwin I'Vancis. Dlutioiiary of Molminmodim Law, auJ of Ucngal Uevi-nue Tormg ; with a vociibulary, I'urHiun aud Eiigliali. 4tu. Cnlcuttn, 17ii7. Wilson ir. H, OloHHHry of Jiidiciftl and HevcnueTcrmH,nnd<)f UHt'fiil words occurring in ofliciiil dociiincntH relating to tlio Aduiiniatrution of the (Jovernmont of IJritish India, from tho Ik'uguli, Arabic, I'trHinD) llinduHtaui, and other huiguagcB. 4to. London. 1855. Baillle, N. B. E. The MoohummiKhin law of Snle, according to tho Iluncefoea Code ; translated from the Arabic, with notoii, &c. Kro. London, 1850. . Tho Land Tax of India, according to the Moohummudan law ; translated from the Arabic, with notes and au Introductory Eettsay. 8vo. London, 1853. Irving, B. A. Theory and practice of Casto in India. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. India, and the East India Company ; The law relating to, with notes, &e. Third edition. 4to. London, 1812. — Fifth edition ; brought down to 1854. 4to. London, 1855. Acts of the Legislative Council of India, for tho year 1851, by William Theobald. 8vo. Calcutta, 1852. Indian Law Commisaioners ; Rcporta from tho, — describing tho several Judicial systeniH prevailing within the Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, aud tho modifications proposed therein, for tho improve- ment of the Administration of civil and criminal Justice in India, Ibr the years 1842-43-14 and 1845. 1 vol. Folio. Penal Code ; First and Second Reports [in 184G and 1847] of the Indian Law Commissioners, upon tlie proposed, — bound up with, Notes on the first Report; by J. M. Macleod. 1848, in 1 vol. Folio. • Observations of Sir Laurence Peel, Kt., Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at Fort William, (Bengal,) on the Indian Penal Code, and the Notes to it, and on the Reports thereon. Folio. Calcutta, 18 18. ( Hound up in a vol. of •' India lieports," on " Prison discipline, &c." 1838—1853.) Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Pommispioners, and published by command of the Governor General of India in Council. 8vo. Hertford, 1851. [India Reports ; Prison Discipline, Judicial, itc] Report on tho Judicial Establislnuont in tho Straits of Malacca, 1S38 ; Minutes and Oflicial CoiTospoiulence, April, lb27, to September, 1829, on the Judiciary ; Prince of "NValos Island. Judicial Statistics of the provinces [of the] Uovernment of Bengal, 1842. Iff '*•■;'. V^ii' mu'- *.-, i "I 'it >tl' i .,-:,; '■''--} li ' " "■.'. ," '. , '<■ i^^i ^u Vf'^ ■■ : ' I'. ( .. u^ ,', - >' ■^"r^m '' 4 Is •M ■' ■' ■ -il K ' '-. ■' ■'.' , . ■ 'm Hill 174 COLONIAL Ax>I) [droit colonial lH im ' ■>■ . 'w\ ' *! .' ' mi t:''^ [Bombay Police Records -^ Selections from the Records of Government in the Police Branch of the Judicial Department. Nos. 1 and 11. Polio. Bombay, 1853 ; with Circular Ordera iu the Police Branch, vol. 1, from October, 1S52 to June, 1853. [Indian Pamphlets, Civil Service.] In vol. thus lettered : — Attempt to show how the village Police syetem of North "West ludia can be amended. 1847. AJmiuistnition of Justice in India, from 1845 to 1848; by Col. Sykeg, 1863. East India Company, Charters, &c. ; Charter of Will. Ill, (1G98.) Indenture between Queen Anne and tlie two East India Companies, for uniting said Companies, (1702.) Award between the Companies, (1708.) Queen's acceptance of surrender of Charters and Grant, pursuant to Award, (1700.) Charters of Geo. II. 1753, 1757 and 1758 :— in 1 vol. Folio. — — Treaties and Grants from tho Country Powers to the East India Company, respecting their l^resi- dencies of Madras, Bengal and Bombay, from 1756 to 1772. 4to. 1774. Treaties and Engagements with Native Princes and States in India, concluded mostly in 1817 and 1818. Folio. London, 1824. Treaties and Engagements be- tween the East India Company and the Native Powers in Asia ; with introductory and historical notices. 2 vols. vol. 1 (only, received.) 4to. Calcutta, 1845. Treaties, Agreements, and Engagements, between the East India Company and the Native Princes, Chiefs and States, iu AVestern India, the lied Sen, Persian Gulf, &c. ; also, between Her Britannic Majesty's Government and Persia, Portugal, and Turkey ; compiled, witli notes, &c., by 11. H. Thomas. 8vo. Bombay', 1851. Return to an Order of the House of Coiiimons, for copies " of all Treaties, Conventions nnd Arrangements with the Native States of India, made since 1 May, 1834,"— and up to 7 July, 18.56 ; the date of the Return. Folio. House of Commons' Paper, No. 341, of Session 1856. Campbell, George. India as it may be ; an outline of a proposed Govern- ment and Policy. 8vo. lioudon, 1S53. For other woiks on tlio Adiii'uislia'.iuu of the Government of India, vide HiSToiiY, (liritish India.) Bengal Regulations and Acts. Regulatiun^i of tiic Government of Fort AVilliam, i>i Bengal, in force at the oud of IS53 ; with the Acts of the Government >,*' India in force iu that Presidency; prepared by Rich- ard Clark. 3 voi.o 4to. London, 1854. Vol. I. Refjjiilatiims fmm 17'.»:i to ISiJo. " II. Regulations from 18u6 to 18:i4. ' III. Regulutiona from 1834 to 18au. ET PEOVINCIAI/.] PEOVINCIAL LAW. 175 Bengal. Index to the unrepealed enactments of the Government of India, for the Presidenc}- of Fort William ; in three parts : Civil, Criminal, and Keveuue. By T. C. Fenwick. Part I. Civil. Part II. Criminal. 4to. Calcutta, 1849-1851. Bound up with, Speede, Q-. T. The Criminal Statistics of Bengal, between 1823 and 1843. 4to. Calcutta, 1847. Madras Regulations and Acts. Eegulations of the Government of Fort St. George, in force at the end of 1847 ; with the Acts of the Govern- ment of India, in force in that Presidency ; prepared by Bichard Clarke. 4to. London, 1848. Bombay Regulations and Acts. Regulations of the Government of Bombay, in force at the end of 1^50; with the Acts of the Govern- ment of India, in force in that Presidency ; prepared by Bichard Clarke. 4to. London, 1851. Bengal. Digest of the Circular Orders of the Sudder Board of Revenue, at the Presidency of Fort William ; including the Kules of Practice, &c., from 1788 to 1837 •, with an Appendix of Forms, and an Index to the Circular Orders. By William Peters. 4to. Calcutta, 1838. Circular Orders, in continuation of the above, from 1837 to 1850 ; with Notes, &c. By W. H. Jones. 4to. Calcutta, 1851. ■ Continuation of the Circular Orders, from 1837 to the end of 1838. By G. U. Poole. 4to. Calcutta, 1839. Continuation, &c., from 1839 to 1842. 4to, Cal- cutta. Nortli Western Provinces. Acts of the Supreme Government, Orders of the Government, and Circular Orders of the Courts, Revenue Board, &c., for the North Western Provinces, from the commence- ment of the Agra Gazette in 1840, to 1848 ; re-published from the Agra Government Gazette, by order of the Lt. Governor. 4to. Agra, 184G-1849. Acts and Orders, &c., issued -n the North AVestorn Provinces, during the years 1849 to 1854, inclusive. 4to. Agra, 1850-1855. Selections from Public Correspondence, N. W. P. Papers on Civil and Criminal Statistics, &e.,&c., dating from 184G to 1851 ; described as Parts III. to X. 8vo. Agra. Selections from the Records of Government, N. AV. V Parts yill. to XA'^II., containing similar Piipors to those in tlie ^..cceding volume. 8vo. Agra, 1854. North Western Provinces : Report on the RegLstration of Deeds in, — coutuiuod in a Vol. labelled India ICqiorts, l^rison Discijjline, &o.. Folio. Agra, 1853. ' i ,rU'i u >. »' i. D " IV 'it i € m ., t; h ■ L. ''ill 176 COLONIAL AND [droit colonial Bombay. Circulnr Orders, passed by the Sudder Foujdaree Adnwlut. Vol. I., Pitrts 1 and 2, Orders from March, .1821, to December, 1844. 4to. Bombay. Vol. I., Part 3. Orders for 1845 and 184G. 4to. Bom- bay, 1847. — Circular Orders, passed by the Siidder Dewanee Adawlut. Vol. I., Parts 1 and 2 ; Orders from January, 1821, to December, 1844. 4to. Bombay. Vol. I., Part 3 ; Orders for 1845 and 1846. 4to. Bom- bay, 1847. Zillah Courts, North West Provinces of India: Deoisions of the, — for the year, 1348, 3 vols. ; for 1849, 3 vols. ; for 1850, 3 vols.; for 1851, 3 vols. ; for 1852, 5 vols. ; for 1853, 5 vols. ; for l85-t, 5 vols. — Lower Provinces, Decisions of the, — for 1846, 3 vols.; for 184/, 3 vols. ; for 184S, 3 vols. ; for 1»49, 3 vols. ; for 18;50, 3 vols. ; for 1851, 3 vols. ; 'or 1852, 3 vols. ; for 1853, 5 vols ; for 1854, G voIpi. ; for 1855, 4 vols. Nizam ut Ada^vlut. Reports of Cases determined in the Court of ; — 8vo. Calcutta. Vols. L and 11. Select Cases, from 1805 to 182o. Tfy "W. H. I'a.nagliteiv. Vol. II L Cases from 1827 to 18.30. By W. II. Macanghtoo. " IV. Cases from 1831 to 1834. " V. Cases fioin 18S') to 1840; with Index to volj. I— V. " VI. Cases from 1841 to 1860. ■ ___ Reports of Cases for 1851 to 1855 5 vols, in 10. 8vo. Calcutta, 1852-1855. Circular Orders of the Court of, — communicntcd to the Criminal Authorities, from 1790 to 1853, inclusive. By J. Carrau. 8vo. Calcutta, 1855. Nizamut Adawlut. North Western Provinces: Decisions of the,— from April, J 851, to July, 1855. 5 vols, in S. 8vo Agra. Is'orth Western Provinces: Report of the, — on the Administration of Criminal .Tustiec iu tlio Districts under the Court's control, for the years 1812 to lb'53, inclusive. 1 vol. 4to. Agra, 1844-1854. Sudder De"wanny Adawlut. Roi)orts of Cases determined in thi Court of, — 8vo. Calcutta. Vols. I, II, III. Select Cases, from II'.H (o 18'i4. % W. II. Maeiiutjlitor.. Vol. IV. Select Cases, from 1825 to 1829. Ry W. II. Maotmf.'liteu, ami 0. 0. U.lny. •' V. Selcot Cases, from 1832 to 1834. Ily J. C.C. Sutherland. " VI. Select Cases, from 1S35 to 1840; with Index to Vols. I— VI. "VII. Reports, from 1811 to 1848. ET rnOVINCIAL.J PKOVINCIAL LAW. 177 Sudder Dewanny Ada-wlut. Index to the above 7 vols, of Reports, with an Appendix, containing an Index to the first vol. of the selected Sum- mary lieports of the said Court, from 1834 to 1848. 8vo. Calcutta, 1840. Sudder Dewanny Ada°wlut. Eeports of Summary Cases determined in the Court of,— Vol. 1. Cases from 1834 to 1848. Vol. 2. Cases from 1834 to 1852. 8vo. Calcutta, 1849-1853. — — ^ Decisions of the, — recorded in conformity to Act XII., 1843, from 1845 to 1855, inclusive. 11 vols. 8vo. Calcutta. Circular Oi'ders of the, — for the Lower and Western Provinces, from 1795 to 1852, inclusive. By J. Carrau. 8vo. Calcutta, 1853. To which is appended, the Circular Orders for 1 853 and 1854. Calcutta, 1854-5. Sudder De-wannee Adawlut, of Bombay. Eeports of Selected Cases, decided by the Court of,— from 1820 to 1840. 8vo. Bombay, ibi3. — lieports of Civil Cases deter- mined in the Court of,— from 1840 to 1853. By A. F. Bellasis. 8vo. Bombay, 1850-54. ■ —■ ■ Cases disposed of by the, — compiled by James Morris. Vol. I., and Vol II., Parts 1 and 2, 1854-5. (in one vol.) 8vo. Bombay. Sudder Foujdaree Adawlut, of Bombay. Eeports of Criminal Cases determined in the Court of, — compiled by A. F. Bellasis. 1827 to 181.6. 8vo. Bombay, 1849. • Cases disposed of by the, — in 1854, 1855, and 1856 ; compiled by .Fames Morris. 5 vols. 8vo. Bombay. Moore, K- F- Eeports of Cases determined by th.i Judicial Committee, and the Lords of the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Sapr(;me and Sud- der Dewanny Courts in the East Indies. 1836-1854. 5 vols. 8vo. Loudon. Morley, AV". II. Analytical Digest of all the Eoported Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, in tlie Courts of the East India Coinj)any, and on Appeal from India, by Her IMajesty in Coun- cil ; with an Introduction [on the Jurisdiction of the Courts in India, and of the Laws peculiar to Tiulia, ] &o. 2 vol.i., 8vo. London, 1849-50. Now Soric.1, Vol. I., containing the cases to the eudofl850. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. m ' i .^"^'A m,.^i^- f« K n J :l J:fc , . m ^'t ililtll ■i ' 178 AMERICAN LAW American fab, ©obtrnment nnb politics. Including Laws,(^c., of the United States, and of the several States of i?:' Union. Hickey, W. The Conatitution of the Uuited States of America ; chronologi- cal narrative of the several States, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. Constitutions of the several States of the Uuion, and of the United States ; with amendments to the present time. Svo. New York, 1852. Tremenheere, H. S. The Constitution of the United States compared with our Own. Svo. London, 1854. Federalist, The, on the new Constitution; by Hamilton, Madison and Jay. The Letters of Pacifieus (llauiilton) and Helvidius (Madison) on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793. The Origiual Articles of Con- federation, &c. 8vo. Hallowell, 1837. {Three copies.) Marshall, Chief Justice, The AVritings of, upon the Federal Constitution. Svo. Boston, 1837. Story, Prof. Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the Uuited States ; Eeview of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before [itsj adoption. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1851. ■ Commentaries (as above) abridged by the Author. Svo. Boston, 1833. Com_ientairc sur la Constitution des Etats-Unis, pr^. cede d'un aperfu sur I'histoire des colonies et des Etats avant Tadop- tion de la constiti ition, traduit du Commeutaire abrege de J. Story, et augmente des observations do M. M. Jefferson, Eawle, De Tocqueville, &c., ptr Paul Cdent. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1843. American Government. Inquiry into the Moral and lieligious Character of the. Svo. New York, 1854. Whitney, T. R. A Defence of the American Policy, as opposed to the en- croachments of Foreign Influence, especially of the Papacy, in the Political Affairs of the United States. 12mo. New York. 1856. Sanderson, J. P. Eopublicati Laudtr.arks -. The Views of American States- men on Foreign Immigration; Slatistics of Population, Pauperism, Crime, etc. An Inquiry into tlie character of the Uuitfd States Government, and its Policy on the subject of Immigration. Svo. New York, 1850. n J! .1 Vt Jl AND GOVERNMENT. 170 Young, A. \V. The Science of Government : The Constitutional and Civil Jurisprudence of the United States ; with a Treatise on Political Economy. 12rao, Buffalo, 1851. __— — The American Statesman : Apolitical History of Constitu- tional Government in the United States ; the Rise and Progress of Parties ; and the Views of Statesmen on Questions of Foreign and Domestic Policy ; with Notes, Essays, Statistical Information, etc. 8vo. New York, 1856. Goodrich, C. B. The Science of Government, as exhibited in the Institutiona of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1853. Benton, Thomas H. Thirty Years' View of the working of the American Government, from 1820 to 1850, chiefly from the Congress Debates, the private papers of General Jackson, and ex-Senator Benton's actual view of Men and A ffairs ; wit'^ historical Notes and some notices of deceased contemporaries. 2 void. 8vo. New York, 1850. Oliver, B. The Rights of an American Citizen ; with a commentary on State Rights, and on the Constitution and policy of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1832. Chipman, Dr. Nathaniel. Principles of Government : a Treatise on Free Institutions, including the Constitution of the United States. Svo. Burlington, 1833. [Ames, Fishor.] The Influences of Democracy on Liberty, Property, and the Happiness of Society considered ; by an American, formerly M. C. An Introduction by H. Ewbank. Svo. Jiondon, 1835. Tocqueville, A. de. De la domocratic en Amcriquo, Dousieme edition. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1848. ■ Democracy in America. Parts I. and II. Trans- lated by Henry Reeve. Third edition. 4 vols. 8vc\ London, 1838-40. Ryle, Thomas. American Liberty and Government questioned. Svo. London, 1855. Bledsoe, A. T. On Liberty and Slavery. 12mo. Philadelphia, 185G. Wheeler, J. D. On the Law of Slavery ; containing all the Decisions made on t'liit subject in thi Courts of the United States and State Courts ; with Notes and References. Svo. New York, 1837. Goodell, William. Tho American Slave Code ; its distinctive features shown by its Statutes, Decisions", and IHustriitive Facts. Svo. London, 1853. Hildreth, R. Despotism in America: an Inquiry into the Nature, Results, and Legal-basis of tlie Slave-holding System in the Uuited States. 12mo. Boston, 1851, 'Ml << ■ r''''[|is| X .; r i; •/! tv;, , - ,'1 i 'J 180 AMERICAN LAW ■\'W \ Hi Greeley, Horace. A History of the Struggle for Slavery Extension, or Restriction, in the United States, from the Declaration of Independ- ence to the present day. 8vo. New York, 1856. For other works on Slavery, vide Politioal and Social Scienck. Etudes Politiques. De I'Arirftocratie Anglaise, de la domocratie Ani6ricaine, et de la liboralito dea institutions fran9ai8es. Bvo. Paris, 1843. Vide Poussin. Puissance Americnine. 2 vol. Bvo. Paris, 1848. Farcy. Coroelle, F. de. De la democratio Americaine. Bevue dea Beux-Mandet. 4e serie. vol. 2. "li': De I'eselaTage aux Etats-Unis. id. 4e aerie, vol. 6. Coohut. De I'esclavage. id. Nouvelle serio. vol. 8. Clarlgny, Alf. de. De la suppression de la traite. i'L vol. 10. Carn^, L. de. De la domocratie aux Etats-Unis et de la bourgeoisie en France, id. 4e eerie, vol. 9. Indians. Laws of the Colonial and State Governments, relating to Indiana and Indian AlFairs, from 1033 to 1831, inclusive, and the Laws of Congress from 1800 to 1830. 8vo. Washington, 1832. Treaties between the United States and tlie several Indian Tribes, from 1778 to 1837. 8vo. Washington, 1837. United States Official Register, of Oincers and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval ; with an account of the U. S. Navy, «&c., on 30th Septem- ber, 1855. 8vo. AV^ashington. American Archives : consisting of a collection of authentic Records, State Papers, Debates and Letters, and other notites of public aftaira, the whole forming a Documtntary History of the origin ami progress of the North Au\erican Colonies ; of the causes and accomplishment of the American Revolution ; and of the Constitution of Government for the United States, to the final ratification thereof. In six series. Folio. Washington. First, Second and Third Series — (not yet pubUshcd. ) Fourtli Sen'ea: Frum the King's Moss'iig(^ of Itli Mnr>.> 1774, to the Deolavation of Indcpondcnco, iu 1770. Publishud hy M, St. Cluir Ciuike and IVter Force. 6 vols. 1837 1846. Fifth Series: From (Ih; Dcolariitinn of liul<'i)eudouoo to the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, in 178:5. By P.'tcr Force. Vols. 1 to a. 1848-18,'),3. New York. Journals of the Provincial Congress, 1775-77. 2 vols. Folio. Albany, 1842. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Coventiou (1787) for forming tho Constitution of tlie United States. [From Notes taken.] Alsoj other Documeuts relative to the Federal Compact. 8vo. AVaahing- ton, 183G. AND GOVERNMENT. 181 Elliot, Jonatlmn. Tho Debates of tlio several State Conventions on the adoption of tlie Federal Conbtitution, with — The Joiirnul of tho Federal Conven- tion ; Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of '98-'90, &c. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1830. Annals ; or, Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the TJnited States; with an Appendix, containing important State Papers and Documents, and Public Laws ; from the first Congress in 1789, to the close of the first Session of the eighteenth Congress, on 27tli May, 1824. Compiled and published by Galea & Seaton. 42 vols. 8vo. "Washington, 1843>1850. Wheeler, II. O. History of Congress, biographical and political. 2 vols. 8vo. New Torit, 1848. Contested Elections in Congress. Cases of, from 1789 to 18.34, inclusive. By M. St. Clair Clarke and D. Hall. 8vo. Washington, 1834. Jefferson, Thomas. INtanual of Parliamentary Practice ; the Practice of the House of Representatives ; the Rules and Orders of both Houses. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1810. Another copy, vide his Works, vol. 9. Gushing, Luther S. Rules of Proceeding and Dobato in Deliberative Assemblies. 12mo. Uoston, 1850. Law and Practice of Deliberative Assemblies. 8vo. Boston, 1850, Burleigh, J. B. Legislative Guide, containing Jefferson's ^Manual, and the Citizen's Manual, designed to secure uuiforniity and dispatch of business in all Assemblies, &c. 12nio. I'liiladelphiu, 1853. Matthias, Benjamin. Rides of Order for conducting business at Public ]\leetings 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851. Varnum, Joseph B. The Seat of Government of the United States : A review of tho discussions, in Congress and elsewhere, on the site and 2)lan8 of the federal city. 8vo. Washington, 1854. (P.) Washington, George. Tho Writings of; being his Correspondence, Addresses, ]\Iessages, and other papers, oflicial and private; with a life of the author, notes and illustrations ; by Jarcd Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Corre8])on dance et ecrits ; traduits par Guizot, 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Ames, Fisher Works ; with a selection from his speeches and correspon- dence ; edited by his son, Seth Ames. 2 vols 8vo. Boston, 1854. Vol. I. Memoir; by Dr. Kirklnnd. " " Letters, chiefly on public affiiirs, 1789-1807. " II. Speeches; Political Essays ; MiscellaneouB EBsayo. A' ki i Il 1 ' i 1 ■• ■ 1 i i iiliii 182 AMERICAN LAW Franklin, Benjnmin. "VVorlcH ; containing several political and historical tracts uot included in any former edition, and many letterw not hitherto pnbliahed ; with notes, and a life of the author; by Jared Sparka. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1844. VoL I Franklin's Autobiography ; with continuation by Spnrks. " II, Esanya on Rcligiuuii iiiid Monil sulu'cctg, and the Economy of Life' Bn;>utollca ; Kssaya en general Politics, Conimerce nnd rolitical Economy. '' III, IV. Essays and tracts, historical and political, before the American Revolution. Vol. III. includes an historical review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. " V. Political Papers, during and after the American Revolution. Letters and Papers on Electricity. " VI. Letters and Papers on Philosophical subjects. •' VII-X. Correspondence ; General Index. Adams, John. Second President of the United States. AVorks; -with a life of the author, uotea and illustrations ; by bia grandson, C. 1\ Adams. 10 vols. 8v(i. Boston, 1850-185G. Vol. I. Life of John Adams. " 11. Diiiry ; and Autobiography. " " Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress in 1778-1 "776. *' " Appomiix ; Arguments of Coun3(!l, 1761 ftnd 1769. Original draught of the Declaration of Uights, &c. " III. Autobiography and Diary. (^Continued.) •' '' Miscellaneous Essays ; and controversial Papers of the Revolution. " " Appendix; on the powers of the Senate in appointing Ambassadors, &a., by Thomas Jefferson. " IV. Novanglus; or, a History of the Dispute with America, from its origin in 1754 to the present time. " " Works on Government; The Plan, (Thoughts on Government, 4c.) The Moilel, (Rcjiort of a Constitution for Masisnchnseetts ; with ob- servations, by tlie Editor.) The Defence, (Defence of the Constitu tions of Government of the United States, against the attack of M. Turgot. 1778. Vol. I, An account of ancieut and modem Republics, urt. 2 vols. 8vo. New York 185 k Bouvier, J. I-aw Dictionary, adapt' '1 to United States, and of the with references to tho Civil aiui . . enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadolp Tho sarao "Work. Third edition. stitution nnd Lawf of the o *" *ho Amcricuu I'niou, :?n 3. Fourth edition, vols. Vhiladelphia, 1848- Burrill, Alex. M. New Law Dictionary and GloHsar} of the Common and Ci\ il Law, with Traurilations of various Technical Phrases in ditlcront Limgutiges, Ac, on the basis of Spelman's Olossary, adapted to tho United States. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 185U. Roelker, U. Manual for tho use of Notiuies Public. 8vo. New York, IS5;1. Livingston, .r. Law Register: [a Professioual Directory; also " OlFicial Directory for the United States and for every State, «S:c."] 8vo. Now York, 1S54, Sharswood, .Tuiige. Professional Ethics. 8vo. Boston, 1851. Hilliard, K. The Elements of tho Laws : a Summary of American .Turis- prudenoe for Students, Men of Business, <.tc. Second edition. 8vo. New York, 1848. Smith, T. L. Elements of the Laws, Civil and Criniinol, in tho United States and the several States. 12mo. rhiludelphia, 1S53. Hare, (•!. C,) and Wallace, (11. B.) American Leading Cases; being Select Decisions of American Courts, in several departments of Law ; with especial reference to IMercantilo Law. "With Notes. Second edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. Troubat, P- -L The Law of Commandatory and Limited rarfenership in the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. Sergeant, IL J. On the Lien of Mechanics and Materialmen, in Pennsyl- vania, with Acta of Assembly relating thereto, &o. Second edition, by E. S. Miller. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Railroad Laws and Charters of tho United States ; collated, arranged in chronological order, with Synopsis and remarks, by "W. V. Uregg and B. Pond. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 185L N ^V ,'■'■,>;'; ';- ^ ^^^^^KE'-. ""; i\l|flH Mfl^^^l Kl I' •'.' nj^^^l i^lfi^^^l I 1 r i 1,,: lWM) i .... f IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^O ^ ^A^ !.0 I.I Ul US 1 2.5 2.2 y£ III 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 iiiiii^ — — 11111=^ < 6" ► <9 ^ Ta n ^^^^/A ^m ^ V 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation # «^ <^ "% 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ■^ ^ >^. ^^1^ vV * 186 AMERICAN LAW t Railways. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, and in the Courts of the Beveral States, with Notes, by C. Smith and S.W.Bates. Vols, land 2. 8vo. Boston, 1854-56. Blaok'Well, B. S. On the Power to sell land for the Non-payment of Taxes assessed thereon ; the Decisions of the Federal Courts, and of the Supreme Tribunals of the several States. 8to. Chicago, 1855. Thornton, J. B. Digest of the Conveyancing, Testamentary, and Eegistry Laws of all the States in the Union, &c. Svo. Boston, 1847. The same Work. Second edition, enlarged, Svo. BoB- On the Law of Descents in the several United States Svo. New York, 1825. ton, 1854. Reeve, Chief Justice, of America. Naturalization Laws of the United States ; containing also the Alien Laws of the State of New York and of the other States ; with Decisions thereon, Forms, &c., by a Member of the Bar. 8vo. Eocheeter, 1855. Moore, J. Gt- Patent Office and Patent Laws ; or, A Guide to Inventors, and a Book of Keference for Lawyers, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. Curtis O. T. On the Law of Patents for Useful Inventions in the United States. Svo. Boston, 1849. . _— On the ^-jaw of Copyright in Books, Manuscripts, Engra- vings, &c., in England and America. Notices of the History of Literary Property. Svo. Boston, 1847. Brown J- D. The Collection Laws of the several States and the Diatrict of Columbia, comprising the Laws relating to Imprisonment for Debt, Attachment, Judgment, and Execution ; Jurisdiction of Jus- tices, Exemption, Statute of Limitations, Eights of Married Women, &c., &c. Svo. Philadelphia, 1855. Holoombe, J. P. The Law of Debtor and Creditor in the United States and Canada. Svo. New York, 1848. Burrill A. M. On the Law and Practice of Voluntary Assignments for the benefit of Creditors, with Forms. Svo. New York, 1853, Blydenburgh, J. W. On the Law of Usury ; the Statutes of the several States now in force thereon ; with a Digest of the Decisions, &c. Svo. New York, 1844. Syles, J- B. On the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. i with Notes illustrating the Law and Practice in this Country, by the lion. Judge Sharswood. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. JMilitary Laws of the United States, to which is prefixed the Constitution of the United States ; by Truemau Cross. Svo.- Washington, 1825. AND QOVEENMENT. 187 i, and i and ent of B, and licago, egistry r . BOB- 1 states en La'ws )eci8ionB er,l855. aTcntoTB, tiia, 1855. e "United p, Engra- istory of District iment for m of Jus- , AVomen, [ed States nents for l853. he several Isiona, &c. otes, &c.; luntry, by Institution ItoD, 1825. O'Brien John. Treatise on American Military Laws, and the practice of Courts Martial; with auggestioua for their improvement. Svo. Philadelphia, 1846. Congressional Documents. Reports, &c., to the Congress of the United States, for the following years : — (1851-2.) Executive Documents. Vols, 1—16, Senate Journal. 1 vol. " Reports of Oommitteee. 2 vols, " Dooumeuts. Vols. 1 — 16. " Miscellaneous Documents. 1 vol. House of Representatives' Journal. 1 vol. *' Reports of Committees. 1 vol. " MiscellaueouB Documents. 1 vo]. (1862-8.) Executive Documents. Vols. 1—11. Senate Journal. 1 vol. " Documents. Vols. 1 — 11. [Lacking vol. 2.] " Miscellaneous Documents. 1 vol. House of Representatives' Journal. 1 vol. " Reports of Committees. 1 vol. " Miscellaneous Documents. 1 vol. (1863.) Senate Documents of the Special Session ; including Miscellaneous Documents, Reports of Committees, and Executive Docu- ments. 1 vol. ' (186J-4.) Executive Documents. Vols. 1 — 19. [Lacking vol. 18, port 3.] Senate Journal . 1vol. " Reports of Committees. 8 vols. " Documents. Vols. 1 — 13. [Lacking vol. 5.] " Miscellaneous Documents. 1 vol. House of Representatives' Journal. 1 vol. " Reports of Committees. Two 8 vols. Miacelluueous Documents. 1 vol. copies. (1864-6.) Executive Documents. Vols. 1 — 14. (TAretfcopiesof vol. 1, part ."}. Plans accompanying Message, Ac.) [Lacking voL 11, part 2 ; vols. 12. part 2, and IS.) Senate Journul. 1 voL " Reports of Committees. 1 vol. " Documents. Vols. 1 — 13, part 1 ; and voL 14, part 1. " Miscellaneous Documents. 8 vols. House of Representatives' Journal. [Lacking.] " Reports of Committees. 1 vol. " Miscellaneous Documents, 1 vol. (1856-6.) Message, and Documents accompaojing it. 8 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United Slates on the Finances. 1850. Svo. "Wnshiugton, 1853. {Tuo copies.) Table of Tost Offices in the United States, on the Ist January, 1851. Washington. £ ij m ' Fi 188 AMEHICAN LAW !i ■■( «■■ H Publio Lands. Laws of the United States, Eesolutious of Corgregg, Treaties, and other Documents respecting, with an Appendix of iJcci- siona of Courts, to 1833. 2 vols. 8ro. Washington, 1S2&, It'SC. Eeport of the Commissioner of the Laud Office. 8vo. Washington, 1849. For a series of Departmentol Reports from tbe Secretnriss of "Wnr, of tie Navy, and of tbe Treasury of the United States, together with other American State Papers, for the ye<, Ireland. Eeport of the proceedings ou an Indictment for a Conspii ;; ; , in the Case of the Queen v. Daniel O'Connell, J. O'Connell, T. Steek, C. Gavan Duffy, Eev. T. Tiemey, Eev. P. J. Tyrrell, R. Barrett, J. Gray, and T. M. Eay, in Mich. Term, 1843, and Hilary Term, 1844. 8vo. Dublin, 1844. (2 Copies.) Frost, John. The Trials of,— for High Treason ; under a Special Commission, held at Monmouth, 1839-40. By J. and T. Gurney. 8vo. London, 1840. Cardigan, John Thomas, Earl of. The Trial of, — before the House of Peers in Parliament, for Felony, on the 16th February, 1841, (published by Order of the House.) 8vo. London, 1841. Zulueta, Pedro De. Trial of, on a Charge of Slave-Trading, on the 27th, 28th, and 30th of October, 1843, at the Central Criminal Court, Lon- don ; with an Address to the Merchants, &c., and Documents. 8vo. London, 1844. ^m 19d. STATE AND CRIMINAL TBIALS. Newgate Calendar; compriaing Moinoira of the tnost Notorious C .rac- ters who have been convicted of Outrages on the Laws of F .gland, aiuce the commenoement of tho XVIII Century ; with A nocdotoi and Observations, Speeches, Confessions, and last exclamations of Sufferers ; by A. Knapp and W. Baldwin. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824-25. Wight, J. Mornings at Bow Street : a selection of the most humorous and entertaining Reports which have appeared in the Morning Herald ; illustrated by 0< Cruiokshank. 12mo. London, 1888. Pitoairn, Robert. Criminal Trials in Scotland, from M.CCCC.LXXXVIII. to M.DC.XXIV ; the entire Reigns of James IV. and V., Mary, and James VI. ; compiled Arom the Original Records and M.S.S. ; with Historical Notes, &c. 8 vols, in 4. 4to. Edinburgh, 1833. Burton, J. 11. Narratives from Criminal Trials in Scotland. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1852. Feuerbaoh, A. R. Von. Remarkable Criminal Trials in Germany; translated by Lady Duff Gordon. 8vo. London, 1846. American Criminal Trials, by P. W. Cliandler, (occurring between 1637, and 1798 inclusive.) 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1844. United States. State Trials of, during the Administrations of Washington and Adams ; with references, and Notes on the Politics of the Times, by P. Wharton. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. — — Case of Judge Thruston, being report of evidence taken in support of certain charges against B. Thruston, one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, of official misconduct, rendering him unfit for the judicial office. Washington, 1837. Bound up with, Adams' Report on Weights and MeasurQB. Canadian State Trials. Vide Colonial Law. ^.^^^X^^^>^^%^f^/»^^.^^ » ■' i|:l: i 'laili' ' !i • i' |l'l:'u: !* 1 |T|. lii •J; 4 , DROIT PRANCJAIS. 195 §roit ixmtm, Dupin, nln6. Precis Listorique du droit fran^ais, par I'abbu Fieury, aveo la continuation depuis 1674 jusqu'en 1834. Vide Dupin, Opuscules de jurisprudence. Merlin, M. Repertoire universel et roisonn6 de jurisprudence. Cinqui^me Edition, augment6e' de notes indicatives des cliangements opport^s aux lois nnciennes par les lois nouvelles, etc. 36 vol. 8vo., et 2 vol. de tables. Bruxelles, 1826-28. Recoeil alphab^tique de questions de droit. 16 vol. 8yOi Bruxelles, 1828-30. Dagar, C. H. Le Nouveau Ferri5re, ou Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique, contenant I'explication de toua lea termes du droit, les principes du droit ancien, et les dispositions du droit nouveau. 3 vol. 4to. Paris, 1804. Laporte, J. B. de. Nouveau Ferri^re, Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique, contenant ^explication des termes usites dans la pratique, soit ancient, soit nouveaux, et un recueil de formules. 4to. Paris, 1807. Fenet, P. A. Pothier analyst dans ses rapports avec le code civil, ou lei legislations anciennes et nouvelles comparees. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Boucher, Institutions commerciales, traitant de la jurisprudence marchande, d'liprtis les anciennes et nouvelles loia. 4lo. Paris, 1801. Annales du barreau Fran9ais, ou cboix des plaidoyers et m6nioires les plus remarquablea depuis Le Mtiistre et Patru jusqn'ii nos jours, avec une notice aur la vie et les ouvragesde chaque orateur. 16 tomes, relics en 20 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823-1837. Tom. II. (en deux parties), (le prtmltr volume n' a pat pant ttniparaitra pat,) Le Maiotre, Patru, Ei-ard, Gaultier, Gillat, Terrasson, Barbier d'Auoourt, Qerbier, Doillot, Manuory. " III. Target " IV. Loyseau de Maullon. " v. Elia de Beaumont, Hardnin. " VI. (en doux parties), Linguet, Henrion de Pansey, HeDrioo de Saiat- Amand, M. Tronsou du Coudray, M. Froudi^re. " VII. Delamalle, Courvoisier, Prugnon. "VIII. Do Sezo et Bonnet. " IX. (er deux parties,) Bellart, Bellecocq, Lopidor, Leroy. " X. (en deux parties,) Dupin, aine, et Dupin, jeune. " XI. Hennequin, Emmery, Loiseau. « XII. Meiilhou. do. XIII. Berville et Marie, do. XIV. Ferrire, Denuee. " XV. Chaix d'Est-Ange, Cl.arriS, Mermilliod, Paillet. " XVI. Laine, Martignao, Ravez. "XVII. Ohauveau-Lagarde, Parent- R£al, Bresson, Mauguin. r I' J3 ''■•ii I im 'A 'J- i 196 DEOIT FAANgAI8. M'H Jones, Robert. A history of the french bar, ancient and modern, compriiing a notice of the french courts, their officers, practitioners, &c , and of the system of legal education. 8vo. London, 1855. Another copy in the Lav Library, rol. 9. s-ll ?l I Pit' -If DROIT ANCIEN. Laibrrldre, M. F, Histoire du droit civil de Rome et du droit fron^aii, ouvrnge dans lequel >e trouve conipl^tement refondue la partie ancienns de I'histoire du droit franjais, par le m6me auteur. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846-53. Mlohelet, M. Origincs du droit fran^ais oherch6e8 dans les sjmboles et formu- lea du droit univerael. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Argou, M. Institution au droit fran^ais. 2 vol. 12mo. Iluitittae Edition. Paris, 1753. Prevost de la JanndS. Les principes de la jurisprudence frangaise. 2 vol, 12mo. Paris, 1750. Pooquet, M.Claude. Ragles du droit fran^nis. 12mo. Paris, 1768. Charondas, L. Pandectes ou dige^tes du droit fran^ais. Folio. Paris, 1637. Vide Domtit, LuisciTileB, Ferridre, Claude Joseph de. Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique, contenant I'explication des termea de droit. 2 vol. 4to. Toulouse, 1787. Denisart, Me. J. B. Collection de decisions nouvelles et de notions relatives ft la jurisprudence actuelle. 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1771. Rousseaud de Laoombe. Recueil de jurisprudence civile du pays, de droit 6crit et couturaier, par ordre alphab6tique. 4to. Paris, 1769. Ouyot, M. R6pertoire universel et rnisonnfe de jurisprudence civile, crlmi- nelie, canonique et bdnfeficiale. 17 vol. 4to. Paris, 1784. Diotionnaire de Jurisprudence. 10 vol. 4to. Paris, 1782-91. Un- cyelopedie methodique. Bouohaud, M. M6moire sur le code d'Alaric. A.S.M. Vol. 4. 1799. Iiegrand-d'Aussy. Memoire sur I'ancienne legislation de la France, coin- prenant la loi Salique, la loi des Wisigoths et la loi des Bourguignons. A.S.M. Vol. 3. 1799. Vertot, L'abbe. M6moire sur I'origine des lois Saliques. A.I. Vol. 2. Pardessus, M. Mdmoire sur la loi Salique. N.I. Vol. 15. 1839. M<^raoire sur I'origine du droit coutumier en France et sur son ^tatjusqu'au 13esiecle. N.L Vol.10. 1829. Baluzius, Stephanus. Capitularia Regum Francorum, rursus edita a P. de Chininc. 2 vol. in-fol. Parisiis, 1780. Vide Bouquet, Recueil des hiaturicua de la Gaule, eta DROIT FllANiJAlS. 197 Fontanon, Antoine. Les Edits et Ordonnaiices de« Roys do France, avec lea v6riflcationR, modiScations «1 declarations sur icelles. 2 vcl. fol. Pari*, 1580. Ordonnanoea des Rois de France de la troixifime race, recueiiliei par ordra chronulogi(i'ju, avec dcs renvois des unes aiix autres, dea sommaires, doa observations sur la texte et cinq tables : recueil coromencu pir de Lauriure, continu6 par Secousse, de Villevault, Urequign;', Pahtoret, et termini par Pardessus, et contenant des dissertations sur les points lea plus obscurs de la legislation fran9aise au moyen flge. 22 vol. Folio. Paris, 1723-1849. Vol. I-V. DJMcrtationsBur les nmortii«emen«, let fmnca-fiefB et Utiniple noblesse lo droit (J'ttubaine, le droit de batardise, ten freragog ct parages, les euerres privees, les duels, le dumaiue de In couronno; et texte des ordonnances de 1067 A. 1872. Vol VI-VII. Etnti g^nt-rnux et portioulicrs, ordonnnnces de 1874 i 1304. Vol. VIII, IX, X. Mimoires sur lot rtTolution* arrivces dans radministrntlon du gouvorDemcnt do la France, depuis 1S92 jusqu'en 1411 ; ordoDoances depuis 1896jusqu'eu 1418. Vol. XI, XIV. Rocliercbes sur les coramuDv.. ot les bourgeoisies, et discours sur la Wgislation de Charles VII; ordonnances dcptiis 1419 jusqu'en 1480. Vol. XV-XX. Des reyj-mis publics on Franco, dopuis le commenceiueut do la 8e race ; de* coatTibution* et redovances payi'cs aux seigneurs ; des rcde- Tooces eccU'siastiques ; histuire du recueil des ordonnances; ordnunonces depuis 1461 jusqu'en 1497. Vol. XXI. Hi'muire sur I'organisatlon judiciaire et I'sdministration do lajusties en France, depuis le commencement du lu 3e rucejusqu'a la fln du rdgne de Louis XII; ordonnances depuis 1197 jusqu'en 1614. Vol. XXIL Table chrouologique et table alpbubctique des ordonnances. CImquo volume jusqu'nu volume XV cuntieut aussi des tables indiquant annoe pur annee le prix du nuirc d'or et d'argent. Isambert, de Orusy, Jourdan et Taillandier. Recueil gen6ral des anciennes lois fran^nises dejiuis I'an 420 jusqu'ik la revolution de 1789. 29 vol. et table, 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822-33. Boucher d'Argis, A. J. Recueil d'ordonnances. 18 vol. 32mo. Farii, 1785-88. N6ron et Girard. Recueil d'Edits et Ordonnances Royaux. 2 vol. fol. Paris, 1720. Chailland. Dictionnaire raisonnS des eaux et forets, contenant I'explication des termes appartennnt tl la mati^re des eaux et for6ts. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1769. Ordonnanoe de Louis XIV, Roi de France et de Navarre, sur le fait des eaux et forCts, donn^e k St. Germain-en-Laye au niois d'aoOt 1669. 12mo. Paris, 1776. Proofs- verbal des conferences tenues par ordre du Roi pour I'examen de I'ordonnance civile de 1667 et de I'ordonnance criminelle de 1670, 4to. Paris, 1676. I 'J ■i !-i\ 198 DROIT FRANgAIS. " a • ill Jousse. Recueil chronologique des ordonnnncea et rdglements citos dans lea coinmcntaires sur les ordounances de 1667, 1669, 1670 et 1673. 3 vol, 12mo. Paris, x757. Bornier. Conferences des ordonnances de Louis XIV. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1755. Rousseaud de Laoombe. Commentaires sur les nouvellea ordonnances. 4to. Paris, 1753. Sall6. L'esprit des deux ordonnances de LouisXY, sur leS substitutions et sur le faux. 12mo. Paris, 1754. Serpillon, F. Code du faux, ou commentaire sur Tordonnttnce de juillet 1737. 4to. Lyon, 1774. Qrenier. Commentaire sur I'^dit portant creation de conservateura des IiypotLuques, etc. 12mo. Riom, 1787. IiOiseL Institutes coutumieres avec les notes d'Eus. de Lauricire. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1710. Beugnot. Essai sur les institutions de St. Louis. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Boutillier, Jehan. La somme rurale. Petit folio. Paris, 1519. Voir dnna la collection des Documents incdits sur rhistoire de France : Dapping, Riiglements siir les arts ot !U(!tiers de Paris. Beaumanoir, Ph. de. Les coutumes du Beauvoisis; nouvcUe Edition publico par le comte Beugnot. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Bouhier, M. Les coutumes du duche de Bourgogne. 2 vol. Folio. Dijon, 1742-4G. D'Argentr^. Commentarii in consuetudines ducatus Britannia) ; aliique tractatus varii. Folio. Bruxelles, 1GC4. Basnage, Henry. La coutume r^form^e du pays et duch6 de Normandie. 2 torn, relies en 1 vol. Folio. Rouen, 1G94:. Pothier. Coutumes d'0rl6ans. 4to. Paris, 1772. Iiauri&re. Teste des coutumes. 3 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1777. — — — — Coutumes de Paris, petit 12mo. Paris, 1089. Brodeau, Julian. Coutume de la Pr6v6te et Vicomtfi de Paris commentie. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1069. Ferridre, Claude. Corps et compilation de tous les commentateurs ancienset modernes sur la coutume do Paris, avec les observations de M. le Camus. 4 vol. Folio. Paris, 1714. Nouveau commentnire sur la coutume de Paris. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 17G2. Auzanet, Barthel. (Euvres, contenant ses notes sur la coutume de Paris, ses mtmoires, reflexions et arrets sur les questions les plus importantes do droit et de coutume. Folio. 1708. 4l !' DBOn VBANQAIS. 199 Duplessis. Trait^s aur In ooutunie de Paris, avec des notes de Berroyer et de Laurifere. 2 vol. Folio. Pa 'is, 1726. Bourjon. Droit commun de la France et la coDtume de Paris riduita en principes. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1770. Le Maistre, P. Coutume de Paris. Folio. Paris, 1741. Beugnot, le comte. Lea Olim, ou registres des arrSts rendus par la cour da roi sous les rfegnes de St. Louis, de Philippe-le-Hardi, de Philippe-le- Bel, de Louid-le-Hutin, etPhilippe-le-Long. 3 tomes en 4 toI. 4to Paris, 1839-47. Papon, Jehan. Recueil d'arrets notables des cours souveraines de France 4to. Paris, 1601. Charondas, L. R6pon8e8 et decisions du droit franjais confirmees par arrets des cours de ce Rojaume. Folio. Paris, 1637. Soefve, Lucien. Nouveau recueil de plusieurs questions notables tant de droit que de coutumes jug6e8 par arrets d'audiences des parlements de Palis. Folio. Paris, 1682. Combolas, Jean de. Decisions notables de plusieurs questions de droit jug^es par arrets du parlement de Toulouse. 4to. Toulouse, 1744. Brillon, P. J- Dictionnaire des arrets ou jurisprudence universelle dea parlements de France et autres tribunaujs. 6 vol. Folio. Paris 1727. Louet, G. Recueil de plusieurs arrets notables du parlen. iant de Paris revu par Du Rousseaud de Lacombe. 2 vol. Fol. Paris, 1742. Dufresne, Etc. Journal dea audiencea du parlement, 1622 h 1722. 7 vol. Folio. Paria, 1767. Augeard, M. Arrets notables des diffifrents tribunaux du rojaume. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1766. Rousseaud de Laoombe. ArrAts et reglements notables du parlement de Paris et autres cours souveraines, pendant lea ann6es 1737, 38, 39 40 et 41. 4to. Paris, 1743. Bardet. Recueil d'arrets du parlement de Paris, revu par M. Lalaure. 2 vol. en 1. Folio. Avignon, 1773. Denisart. Actnsde notoridt^ donnes nu chiln^letde Paris sur la jurisprudence ct les usages observes, avec notes. 4to. Paris, 1769. Bretonnier. Recueil des principales questions de droit qui aejugent diver- sement dans les dUfcrens tribunaux du Royaume, avec notes par M. Boucher d'Argis. 4to. Paris, 1783. ^' ■-^Iki W-^i 200 DEOIT FEANQAIS. Richer, M. Recueil des arret^a de M. le premier pr68ident Lamoignon. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1783. Voir dans lea McmoircB ek Documeata relatifs k Tbistoire de France : Miohelet, Prociia dca Templiers. — Quicherat, Proems de Jeanne D'Arc. — Leamdmoirei d'Omcr Talon "I'moireB de Mathieu Mol6. — Varin, lea arohirea Ugia. lativea de Reima, vie Voir auBsi Voltaire, Histoire du parlement de Poris, vol. 26 de aea oeuvreg,— . L'Lospital, Traiti' do la reformation de la justice ; — Estoi Bur la legislation fran9ai8e au leesi^clo, etm^moires et harangues. — Colleotioa des meiileurei disaertations, etc. Aguesseau, d'. CEuvres completes. 16 vol. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1829. Cochin. CEuvres completes. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Beaumarchais* M6moires. Voir les oeuvres de Beaumarchais. Molinaei. Opera. 5 vol. Folio, Parlsiis, 1681. Baoquet, Jean. CEuvres, augment^es par Ferrifere. 2 vol. Folio. Lyon, 1744. Coquille. CEuvres, contenant plusieurs trait^s touchant les liberies de I'eglise Gallicane, Thistoire de France, et le droit frangais. 2 vol. Folio. Bordeaux, 1703. liOyseau, Charles. CEuvres, contenant les cinq livres du droit des offices, les trait^s des seigneuries, des ordres et simples dignit^s, du d^guerpissement et d^laissement par hypothdque; de la garantiedes ventes et des abus de justice de villages. Folio. Lyon, 1701. Henrys, CI. Ses ceuvres, avec les observations de Bart. Jos. Bretonnier et de Matt. Terrasson. 4 vol. Folio. . Paris, 1738. Despeisses, Ant. Ses oeuvres, augment6es par Du Rousseaud de Lacombe 3 vol. Folio. Lyon, 1750. Renusson. Ses ceuvres, augmentees par Serieux. Folio, Paris, 1760, Pothier. Traitds sur difierentes mati^res de droit civil. 4 vol. 4to. Ptris, 1773-74. ■ CEuvres posthumes. 3 vol. 4to. Paris, 1777-78. Richer, F. Trait6 de la mort civile. 4to. Paris, 1755. Mesl^, Jean, Trait6 des minorites, des tutelles, des curatelles, des gardes, des gardiens, de la puissance paternelle, etc. 4to. Paris, 1735. Perriere, J. A. Traite des tutelles. 4to. Toulouse, 1766. Voir Droit Canonique, Scldcni Joaunis, Uxor ebraica, etc., et do succMiioni- bus ad leges ebroBorum, etc. Furgole, J. B. Traiti des testaments, codiciles, donations .. cause de mort, etc. 4 vol, 4to, Paris, 1745. Ordonnance de Louis XV concernant les donations, 2 vol, 4to, Toulouse, 1761. " Commentaire de I'ordonnance de Louis XV sur les substitu- tions. 4to. Paris, 1767. f'. ). DROrr FEANQAIS. 201 Boucher d'Argis. Traito dea gains nuptiaux et de survie. 4to. Lyon, 1738. Lebrun, D. Traite de la communaut^. Folio. Pariu, 1754. .. — Trait4 des successions. Folio. Paris, 1775. Duhazeyi Duval. Traitd de rh6redit6 des femmes en Normandie. 12mo. Paris, 1771. Rioard, J- M. Traitd des donations entre-vifs et testamentaires, arec lea additions par Michel Duchemin. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1754. Lalaure, M. Traits des servitudes reelles. 4to. Caen, 1786. Dunod. Traiti des prescriptions. 4to. Dijon, 1730. . Traite de la main-morte et des retraits. 4to. Dijon, 1733. Basnage, Henry. Trait6des kypoth^ques. 12mo. Paris, 1694. H6ricourt, L. de. Trait6 de la vente des immeubles, pnr d^cret. 4to. Paris, 1752. Thibault, J- A. Trait6 des crimes, vente des immeubles et des offices par decret. 4to. Dijon, 17 i6. Boucher d'Argis. Trait6 do la criee des meubles au-dessus de leur pri.«ee. 12mo. Paris, 1741. Uurena. Traitd des violences piibliques et particuli^res, traduit de I'italien par M. Pingeron. I2mo. Paris, 1749. Dareau, F. Trait6 des injures, avec dea observations par Fournel. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1785. Fournel, M. Traite de la s6duction. 12mo. Paris, 1781. Traitd de I'adultfere. 12mo. Paris, 1783. Code dea prises, ou recueil des Mits, d6claration8, etc., sur la course et I'administration des prises, depuis 1400 jusqu'^ present. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1784. Voir ci-devant lea ouvrnges sur le Droit public uaritiue. Boucher d'Argis, M. Code rural, ou maximes et r^glements concernnnt les bisns de campagne. ? vol. 12mo, Paris, 1774. Nouvelle Edition. Preminville, M. Edme. Dictionnnire ou tralt6 de la police g^ndralf des villes, bourgs, paroisses et seigneuries de la campagne. 4to. 1 aris, 1758. — Traits general du gouvernement des biens et afTaii i a de communautts, d'liabitants des villes, bourgs, villages et puroisses. 4to. Paris, 1760. Parrot, M. Dictionnaire de voirie. 4to. Paris, 1782. Rapetti* Li livres de jostice et de Plet ; avec un glossaire dos mots bor«i d'usage, par P. Chabaille. 4to. Paris, 1850. Dumoulin. Traite des fiefs, revu par llenriou de Pansey. 4to. Pn' is 1773. Pecquet, C. Traitd des fiefs. 4to. Paris, 1771. r-i I ' 'I 202 DROIT FRANQAIS. i'l:!? Henriquez. Code des seigneurs haut-justicien et f^odauz. 12ino. Paris, 1771. Hervd, M. Th^orie des mati^res feodales et censuelles. 8 toI. l2mo. Paris, 1785-88. Ouyot, G. A. Trait* des fiefs tant pour le pays coutumier que pour les pays de droit 6crit. 7 vol. 4to. Paris, 1751. Vid« dani les Boeumen* relati/t d Vhittoirt d* France : Onerard, Cortulaire d« Saint F&re de Chartres, vol. 1. Desormeaux, M. M6moires sur la noblesse rran9aise, oh Ton examine k quelle 6poque remonte I'^tablissement des justices seigneuriales. A. I. Vol. 46. 1772. Brussel. Nouvel ezamen de I'usage g^ndral des fiefs en France pendant lea lie, 12e, 13e, et He sifecles. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1750. Salvaing Denis de. Traits de I'usage des fiefs et autres droits seigneuriaaz. 4to. Avignon, 1731. Bosquet. Dictionnaire raisonn* des domaines, et des droits domaniauz, 3 vol. 4to. Rouen, 1762. Jaoquet, . Trait6 des justices de seigneur, et des droits en dependants. 4to. LyoB, 1764. Boutario, Francois. Traits des droits seigneuriauz et dea mati^res feodales. 4to. Toulouse, 1774. Prudhomme, M. Trait6 des droits appartenant aux seigneurs sur les biens possedes en roture. 4to. Paris, 1781. Pr^minville, M. Edme. La pratique universelle, pour la renovation des terriers et des droits seigneuriauz. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 1762. Imbert, Jean. Pratique judiciaire tant civile que criminelle. 4to. Paris, 1606. Jousse. Traite de I'administration de la justice. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1771. Code civil, ou commentaire sur I'ordonnacce du mois d'avril, 1667. 4to. Paris, 1776. Pigeau, M. La procedure civile du ch^telet de Paris, et de toutes les jurisdic- tions ordinaires du royaume. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. Danty, M. Trait6 de la preuve par t^moins en mati^re civile. 4to. Paris, 1769. Sixifeme Edition. Sall^i M. Traite des fonctions, droits et privileges des commissaires au chatelet de Paris. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1749. [Provost.] De la mani^re de poursuivre les |crimes dans les diffl^renU tribunauz du royaume, avec les lois criminelles depuis 1256. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1739. li:*' ■,!< <<} i DROIT FEANgAIS. 203 DROIT NOUVEAU. Delvincourt, M. Cours de code civil ; ouvrage divis^ en deux parties, dont la premiere contient la 5e Edition des institutes de droit rraD9ais du m^me auteur. 3 vol. 4to. Paris, 1824. Rondonneau, L. Manuel du praticien, ou traits de la science du droit mise £l la port^e de tout le monde. 12mo. Paris, 1834. Bulletin des lois, depuis 1789, comprenant 11 s6ries, et formant, k venir iilafinde 1854, 178 toI. Sto. ""ables du 5 mai 1789 au ler avril 1814. 4 vol. relies en 2. 8vo. Table d^cennale du ler avril 1814 au 31 d^cembre 1823. 1 vol. 8vo. Du ler Janvier 1824 au 31 d^cembre 1833. 1 vol. 8ro. Du ler Janvier 1884 au 31 d^cembre 1843. 1 vol. 8vo. Collection g^n^rale des lois, d6cr6ts, arrStes, senatns-con- sultes, avis du conseil d'etat et r^glements d'administration publics depuia 1789 jusqu'au ler avril 1814, recueillieet mise en ordrepar L. llondonneau. 8 vol. relics en 4. 8vo. Paris, 1817-18. Duvergier, J. B. Collection complete des lois, d^erets, r^glements, et avis du conseil d'6tat, depuis 1789, publi6e par M. Duvergier. Deuzi^me Edition. Paris, 1834. 30 vol. 8vo. Suite, 1831 & 1866. 25 vol. 8ro. Table g6n6ra1e jusqu'en 1830. 2 vol. 8vo. En tout, 57 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834-1856. Sirey et De Villeneuve. Recueil g6n6ral des lois et des arrets en ma- tiere civile, crirainelle, administrative et de droit public. 4to. Paris, 1853. Dalioz, MM. Jurisprudence gen6rale, recueil p^riodique et critique de juris- prudence, de legislation et de doctrine en mati^re civile, commerciale, crirainelle, administrative et de droit public ; de 1845 h 55. 11 vol. 4to. Paris, 1845. ■ Repertoire m^thodique et alphab^tique de legislation, de de doctrine et de jurisprudence en roati^re de droit civil, commercial, criminel, administratif, de droit des gens et de droit public. 33 vol. 4to. Paris, 184G-55. {Le volume 1 n' a pas encore parte.) Journal du Palais. Eecueil le plus ancien et le plus complet de la jurispru- dence fran9aise, de 1781 a 1854 ; troisifeme Edition, publi6e sous la direction de M^I. Ledru-Rollin et J. A. Levesque, jusqu'au tome 2 de I'nnn^e 1848 j puis, par une 8oci6t6 de jurisconsultes jusqu'au volume II, de I'ann^e 1851 ; et ensuite, sous la direction de MM. CutSnot, Gelle et Fabre. 03 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842-54. — — Deuxi^me partie — Lois, ordonnances, r^glements et instructions d'int^ret g6n6ra1. 7 vol. 8vo. 1845-54. ■M W: ■ i'-f w ■ ■■M i i tSp .tJAjt^ '.i:»- 204 DROIT FRANgAIS. m Revue de legislation et de jurisprudence, par une rdunion de mngisirati, de profetieurs et d'avocats ; de 1834 k 1U56. 5 1 vol. 8to. Parii. Rooh, Eugene. L'observateur des tribunaux fran^ais et ^traageri. 15 vol, 8vo. Paris, 1840-44. Loor6, M. le baron. La legislation ciyile, commerciale et oriioinelle de la France, ou commentairea et complement dea codes fran9ai8. 31 vol. 8to. Paris, 1827-82. VoL I— XVI, Code ciyil. " XVII— XX' Cod« de commeroe. " XXI— XXIIL Code de procedure civile. " XXIV. DiscussioD de projet de code orimineL " XXV— XXVIII. Code de juriediotion criminelle. " XXIX— XXXI. Code penal. Padlliet, M. Manuel du droit fran^aia. Iflmo. Paris, 1813. Nouvelle Edition du m^me ouvrage. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Slrey. Les codes annot^s, contenant toute la jurisprudence et la doctrine dei auteurs ; codes d'instruction criminelle, p4nal et forestier, suivis des lois sur la contrainte par corps, et de celle sur le notariat. 8vo. Paris, 1854. ■ Les codes annot^s contenant toute la jurisprudence jusqu'k ce jour et la doctrine des auteurs. Code Napoleon. Bvo. Paris, 18d3. — — — Les codes annotes, contenant toute la jurisprudence des arrets et la doctrine des auteurs ; code de procedure civile et code de commerce. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Tripier, Loui.0 volumes.) Mailher de Chassat, ^. A. Commentaire approfoodi du code civil. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Lahaye, Waldeok-Rousseau, etc. Le code civil annot£ des lois romain^Vt des lois, ddcrets, ordonnances etc., et des opinions des auteurs qui ont 6crit sur le code. 4to. Paris, 1843. Gousset, le Cardinal. Le code civil comment^ dans ses rapports avec la theologie morale. 18mo. Paris, 1831. Voir Corbi^re, lo droit dans ses rapports avec la eoncf^ienoe, etc. Code Napoleon ; or the French civil code, literally translated from the oilicial edition, published 1804, by a Barrister of the Temple. 8vo New York, 1841. MacKenna, Theobald. The civil code. Book the first— Of persons ; translated with an introduction and notes. 8vo. London, 1833. 'I I ;■!■! V .'! ■A' ■!■■ * ^'i U- r ■ * t 'I'M hi I << ' kHi I' V 206 DROIT riANQAIS. Chabot, de TAUier. Questions transitoires aur le code Napoleon, relatives h son autorit6 sur les actes et les droits ant^rieurs k sa promulgation. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1809. Biret, M. Trait6 de I'absence et de ses effets. 8to. Riom, 1824. Proudhon, M. Trait6 de I'^tat des personnes. 2 vol. 8vo. Dijon, 1842-13. Fr^minville, M. de. Trait^ de la minority et de la tutelle. 2 vol. 8vo. Clermont, 1845. Chardon, M. Traits des trois puissances : maritale, paternelle et tut^Iaire. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841-42. Jay, M. 6. L. Trait^ des conseils de famille des tuteurs, subrog^s-tutenrs et curateurs, et des conseils judiciaires. Svo. Paris, 1846. Ag^er. Du mariage dans ses rapports avec la religion et avec les lois nouvelles de France. 2 vol. Sro. Paris, an IX. Carrier, J. 6. Traits sur les engagements qui se forment sans convention et sur le contrat de mariage, d'apr^s lea principes du code civil. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Plasman, L. C. Des contre-lettres, consid^r6es : lo. dans leurs rapports avec les obligations en gininl ; 2o. avec les lois fiscales en vigueur ; Si^me, avec les regies du contrat de mariage. Deuxi^me Edition. Svo. Paris, 1839. Cubain, R. Trait6 des droits des femmes en matidre civile et commerciale. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Xflassol, Henri. De la separation de corps et de ses effets, quant aux per* sonnes et quant aux biens. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Comte, Charles. Traits de la propriety. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1S34. Proudhon, M. Traits du domaine de propri6t6 ou de la distinction des biens consideres par rapport au domaine priv6. 3 vol. Svo. Dijon, 1839. Oaudaveine et Th6ry. Trait6 de I'expropriation pour cause d'utilit£ publique, suivie de la legislation complete, d'un formulaire et du tarif des actes en cette matiere, Svo. Paris, 1839. Herson, M. A. De ^expropriation pour cause d'utilit6 publique. Svo. Paris, 1843. Locr6, M. le Baron. Legislation sur les mines et sur les expropriations pour cause d'utilite publique. Svo. Paris, 1828. Gulohard, p^re. Dissertation sur la propri6t6 des arbres des grandes routes et des chemins vicinaux. Svo. Paris, 1835. Rives. De la propri^te du cours et du lit des riviferes non navigables et non flottables. Svo. Paris, 1844. Proudhon, J. B. Victor. Traits du domaine public ou de la distinction dei biens consid(5n5s principalement par rapport au domaine public. 4 vol. 8vo. Dijon, 1843-45. DROIT FRANQAIB. 207 8to. Chardon, M. Traits du droit d'alluvion. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Salviat, M. Trait6 de I'usufruit, de I'usage et d« I'liabitation. Limoges, 1817. Proudhon, M. Traits des droits d'usufruit, d'usage personnel, et d'babitation. 8 vol. Svo. Dijon, 1836. Solon, M. V. H. Trait6 dea servitudea r^elles. Svo. Paris, 1837. Pardessus, G-. M. Trait6 des servitudes, ou services fonciers. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Fournel. Trait6 du voisinage considdr^ dans I'ordre judiciaire. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1834. Sergent, Frs. Nouveau manuel complet du propri^taire et du locataire ou sous-locataire, tant des biens de ville que des bienn rurauz. 12iiio, Paris, 1842. Perrin, M. L. Code des constructions et de la contiguity, ou legislation com- plete des batiments et constructions, des servitudes, et du voisinage. Svo. Paris, 1854. Cinqui^me Edition. Lepage, P. Lois des batiments ou le nouveau Desgodets. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852. Nouvelle Edition. Salvandy, de. Essai sur rhistoire et la legislation des gains de survie entre £poux. Svo. Paris, 1855. Battur, G^. B. Trait6 de la communaut6 des biens entre ^pouz. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1830. Poi^ol, M. Trait4 des successions, ou commentaires du titre ler du livre III du code civil. 2 vol. Paris, 1843. Deuxieme Edition. Chabot, de I'AUier. Commentaire sur la loi des successions, augment^ par Belost-Jolimont. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1848. — Traits des donations entre- vifs et des testaments, ou commentaire du titre 2 du livre III du code civil. 2 vol. Paris 1836. Grenier, M. le Baron. Trait^ des donations, des testaments, et de toutes autres dispositions gratuites, Buivi d'un trait^ de I'adoption ou de la tu« telle officieuse. 4 vol. Svo. Clermont-Ferrand, 1840-47. Desquiron, M. A. J. Le nouveau Furgole, ou trait6 des testaments, des donations entre-vifs, et de toutes autres dispositions k titre gratuit. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1810. Beautemps-Beaupr^. De la portion des biens disponibles et de la reduc- tion. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1856. Carrier, J. B. TraitC; des obligntions d'apres les principes du code civil. Svo. Dijon, 1818. Pouget, L. Diotionnaire dps npsurnnces terrestres ; principes — doctrines — jurisprudence. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1855. ''I 1,1' i I i Wff ''•1. . ' ^ ' i ' 1 ^ i^ ' ni " in 1 1 i ^■i m '!< ^mr ' ■ ' 1 s Hi kdi i li: 1 i 208 DROIT IRANQAIS. Sautayra, C. De I'aMuranee contro I'incendie, pr<^c^d4e cfune iutruduction 8ur les assurancuD en general. l'2mo. Paris, 1841. Alauzet, Isidore. Trait6 g£n6ral dcs assurances. 2 vol. 8to. Farii, 1844. Chardon, M. Trait6 du dol et de la froude en matiire cirile ct conitnerciale. 3 vol. Svo. Avallon, 1828. Foellx et Henrion, MM. Trait6 des rentes fonciiires. Svo. Paris, 1828. Iiaporte, M. J. B. de. Le uouveuu Duiiod ou traitu dos proscriptions. 8to. Paris, 1810. Petit, M. Trait6 des surenclibres, contenant la ligiHlation, la doctrine, U jurisprudence et la procedure relatives au droit de surenchire. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Noirot. Traitc de I'estimation et du partage des biens-fonds. 12ido. Paris, 1843. Ooubeau. Trait6 g^n^ral de I'arbitrage, 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1834. Gulohard, A. C Jurisprudence hypothfecaire ou recueil alphubetique de questions et decisions sur la roati^re des hjpotheques, etc. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1813-25. Carrier, J. B. Traitc des hypothoques, privileges et expropriations forceei, d'aprfes les principes du code civil. Svo.i Dijon, 1818. Zanole. Manuel du creancier liypoth6caire. 12rao. Pari?, 1828. Grenier, M. le Baron. Traite des hypoth^ques. 2 vol. 4to. Clermont- Ferrand, 1829. Persil, J. C. Regime hypotlWiaire, ou commentaire relatif aux privileges et hypotht^ques. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1833. — Questions sur les privileges et hypotheques, saisies immobiieres et ordres. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1820. Hervieu, M. L. E. R^sum^ de jurisprudence sur les privileges et hypo- tbeques, et sur les poursuites en matieres d'ordre et de surenchere. 4to. Paris, 1837. Ohampionnier, et Rigaud, MM. Traits des droits d'enregistreraent, de timbre et d'hypotbeques. 6 vol. Svo. Paris, 1839-51. Bardot, J. F. Traite des formalitus liypothecaires. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1845. Vincens, Emile. Des sociAt<>8 par actions ; des banques en France. Svo, Paris, 1837. Gouget et Merger. Diotionnaire de droit commercial, contenant la legisla- tion, la jurisprudence, etc. ; seconde edition, mise en harmonic avec la legislation nouvelle jusqu'au 30 mars 1852. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852. Devilleneuve, (L. JI.) et Masse, (J.) Dictionnaire du contentieux com- iriercial, ou resume do legislation en matitre de commerce. 8to. Paris, 1840. DBOIT F&AVQAIt. ao9 Pelvlnoourt, M. Institute! du droit coinmercinl fran^ais aveo dos not«t ezplicatires du texte. 2 vol. 8ro. Paris, 1834. Massd, M. G. Le droit commercial dans ses rapports avcc le droit des gena et le droit civil. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844-47. Bedarride, T. Droit commercial ; commentaire du code de commerce. Des soci^t^s. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Pardessus, M. ElAmens do jurisprudence coramerciale. 8vo. Paris, 1811. — • Cours de droit commercial. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841-42. Vinoens, Emile. Exposition raisonn6 do la legislation commerciale et examen critique du code de commerce. S vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Jurisprudence oommerolale, ou recueil des jugements et arrets en ms> tidre de commerce de terre et de mer. 10 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. Pardessus, M. Trait6 du contrat et des lettres de change, des billets h, ordre et autres effets de commerce. 2 vol. Svo. Paris 1809. Nouguler, L. Des lettres de change et des efiets de commerce en g^n^ral. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 184 1. Persil, E. De la lettre de change et du billet 4 ordre. 8vo. Paris, 1837> — — Des societes commerciales, ou commentaire sur les soci^itus en g6n£- ral, les diverses esp6cesde societes, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Esnault, J* Trait6 des faillites et banqueroutes. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1843-44. Boulay-Paty. Traits des faillites et banqueroutes, suivi de quelques ob- servations eur la d^confiture. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1849. Nouvelle Edition. Davies, (H.,) and Laurent, (E.) The Mercantile and Bankrupt Law of France. 12mo. London, 1855. Boulay-Paty> Cours de droit commercial maritime. 4 vol. Svo. Pvi|, 1834. Beaussant, A. Code maritime, ou lois de la marine marchande. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1840. Voir ci-devant Droit international mi droit fdblio maritims, Em^rlgon. Trait6 des assurances et des contrats h la grosae ; suivi d'un vocabulaire des termes de marine, et des noms de chnqne partie d'un navire, par P. S. Boulay-Paty. 2 vol. 4to. Rennes, 1827. Lafond de Lurcy, Gabriel. Guide g6neral des assurances mnritimea et fluviales Svo. Paris. Vaucher, J. Des polices d'assurnnces maritimea. 4to. Paris, 1830. Delaborde, Jules. Trait6 des avaries particnlieres sur les inniehandises duns leurs rapports avec le contrat maritime. Svo. Paris, 1838. :i :f. ' '■■J.: F^ fM :>l m±^ I- . I 'J ■ 8 '■■ li -fl'' "■'• ''' I imm 210 SnOIT FBANQAIS. Annales marltimeB et oolonlales, ou recueil do lois et ordonnancei, r^glemona vt d^citioai miniiteriellet m^'moires, etc., qui peuT«nt int^resHer lea colonies, par MM. Biyot et Poirri. De lUOO k 1848. 109 Tol. Impr. Uoyale. Pana. (Depuli 1« ler Jauvler, 1H16, oei ahi «'oi m (jubilant an deux ptrtltt, Tun* oflSeidlc et I'autre non-offlcielle.) Solon, M. V. H. Th^orie sur la nullit^ des conventions ct del actea de tuut genre en matit'^re civile. 2 vol. 8ro. Paris, 1835. Blret, M. Tralt6 des nuUitda de tous genres substantielles, et de pro'^^duie*, admisea en matidre civile. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18?.. Perrln, M. J. B. Tralt^ des nullituii de droit en mati^^e^.v.w 8io. Loni- le-Saunier, 1816. Morin, Achille. De la discipline dea courset iribut.uu. mj barreau, et d«H corporations d'officiers publics. '^ vol oo. Pariti, 1846. Bonnier. Elements d'orgunisation judiciaire (it de procu>iure civile. 2 vol, Paris, 1847. Regnard, Edouard. De I'organiiation judiciaire et de la procddure civile (n France. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Sellgman. Quelles sent, au point de vue juridiqueetan point de vue philoiu- pliique, les reformcs dont notre procudure civile est susceptible. 8vu. Paris, 1855. Oarou, J. M. Traitu des actions possessoires. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Oarrfi, G. L. J. Les lois de la procedure civile, et dictionnaire rdsumd d» lit procedure civile. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844-46, Bioche, M. Dictionnaire de procedure civile et commerciale. 6 vol. 8to. Paris. 1850-52. ■^— -~—. Nouveau formulaire de procedure civile, commerciale et criminclle. Svo. Paris, 1854. Plgeau. La procedure civile des tribunaux de France, ddmontrde par princiix ^ et mise en action par des formules. Cinqui^me Edition, augmentuc d^ notes de Crivelli. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. Huet, J. B. Trait6 de la procedure sur saisie immobili&re. Svo. Paris, 181^ Gabriel, M. Easai pr i.i id^ur'", les differentes espficcs et les divers depr,? de force des iroiv > • ^ssai hift ''3 sur lea divert genre!) Je preuves en u: ' .V -lolon. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Bonnier, Edouard. Traite theorique et pratique des preuves en droit eivil »t en droit criminel. Svo. Paris, 1852. Desquiron, A. T. Traito de la preuve por tomoins en raatiere civile. 8vo. Paris, 1811. Chauveau Adolphe, et Paustin H^lie. Thoorie du code penal. 6 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852. D&OIT VBANQAIS. 211 Humbert. ^* cons^queneen des condamnations pona^es n^UtivtmeDt ik U oapacit6 d«s pnraonnes, en droit romain et en droit truufai*. 8to. Paris, 1825. Vuk CHaaior, Guide dM tribunaui oUlitoirM, *t«. Maasfi. Purfait Notairo. 3 troi, Ito. Paria, 1828. SelUsr. Man d dua notaires contenant ,iii iiouveau dictionnaire dea furmulea de tuus ItiS actca des notuirei et autret offlciera minist^riek ^ tom«l en 3 vol. 4t«. Parii, IM5A. Prion, Cli. Du notaire en aecond. 8vo. Paria, 1836. Biret, M. Manuel formiilaire de tous les actes sous signatures priv^f ; 6di* tion Bugment6e par C. Vasserot. l2nao. Paris, 1847. Pour let ourragei aur U mtdecine legale, Toir ci-apr£s Scixnci Midi'"*. DROIT ADMINISTRATIF. O^rando, de. Institutes du droit admtaiBtratif. 5 vol. Sto. Paria, 1846 Fleurigeon, M. Code administratif. vol. 8to. Paris, 1821-23. Trolley, M. A. Trait6 de la hidrnrchio idministrative, ou de I'organisBttu. et de la competence des diverses tutorit^s administratives. 4 vat 8vo. Paris, 1844-47. Cormenin, de. Cours db droit udministrati. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. ■ ' Manuel du oontentieux de 1'.. iministration municipule. Sto. Paris, 1841. Cotelle. Cours de droit administratif, (Ecolo royale des Fonts et Chauss^es.) 4to. Paris, 1847-1848. — ' Cours de droit administratif a,>pliqu6 aux travaux publics. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Ortolan, G. L. E. Le minist^re public en France ; traits et code de son organisation, de sa competence et de ses i >nctions dans I'ordre politi- que, judiciaire et administratif. 2 vol. bvo. Paris, 1831. Eavoux, iVI. F. N. Des conflits ou empietement e Tautoriti admin istrativt surlepouvoir judiciaire. 4to. Paris, 182^ Cerate, Ch. Traits de la propriety. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Chauveau Adolphe. Principes de competence et de juridiction admii;)?tra- tives. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841-44. Circulaires, instructions et autres actes ^man^s du minist^re de I'intdrieur ou relatifs k ce departement, de 1797 & 1830. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821-34. Elements du droit administratif en Belgiqu^. l2mo. Bruxelles, 1837. I I' ill ; I'll J J>iil . 1 Mm 212 DROIT FEANQAIS. ifiiW l:->''t s i ij:*'. Fr^gier, M. Ilistoire de I'adniinistration de la police de Paris, depuis Philip. pe-Auguste juequ'aux ett^ts g^neraux de 1789. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Henrlon de Pansey. CEuvres judiciaires, contenant : lea fonctions et la competence des juges de paix ; la nature du pouvoir municipal, leg fonctions qui lui sent propres, et la police int^rieure des communes, etc,; annotees par une societe dejurisconsultes et de magistrats. 8ro. Paris, Truy, P. Nouveau manual complet de police. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Bortt. Beaudoin, Ph. Code special de la justice de paix, 8to. Paris, 1841. Levasseur, M. Nouveau manucl des justices de paix, comprenant des for. mules d'actes et un recueil chronolugique des lois concernant lei memes justices, jusqu'^ la fin de 1838 ; Edition refondue par M. Biret, l2mo. Paris, 1839. Eoret. Boyard, M. Nouveau guide des maires ou manuel des officiers municipauz selon la legislation nouvelle jusqu'en 1853, suivi d'un formulaire. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Roret. Dupuy. De I'origine du gouvernement municipal en France. A.I. Vol. 38, Biret, M. Code rural ou analyse raisonnte des lois, ddcrets, ordonnance; reglements, avis du conseil d'etat, et arrets anciens et modernes rendus en matiure de police rurale. 12mo. Paris, 1824. Puibusque, de. Dictionnaire municipal. 2 vol, 8vo. Paris, 1841, Durieu, J. M, Legislation des conseils municipaux. 8vo. Paris, 1826, Duqu^nel, M. Lois municipales, rurales, administrative* et de police. 2 vol, 8vo. Paris, 1830. Henrion de Pansey. Du pouvoir municipal et des biens communaux, et d« la police rurale et forestiere ; precede d'une notice biographique de I'auteur, par M. Sozet. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Pournel. Les lois rurales de la France. 2 vol. 12mo, Paris, 1846. Voir auui Traite du Voisinage, du mdme auteur. Boyard, M. Manuel complet des gardes champetres. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Jioret. Gamier, F. X. P, Trait6 des chemins de toute eepece, suivi d'un supplement contenant diverses instructions ministerielles et ordonnances. Sto, 1834. Guillaume. Railroutes : de la l^'gislation des railroutes ou chemins de fer en Ar.gleterre et en France 8vo. Paris, 1 832. Rebel et Juge, MM. Traite tbeoi ique et pratique de la legiblation et de la jurisprudence des chemins de fer. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Reden, M. de. Legislation des chemins de fer en AUeraagne (traduit de I'allemand par Prosper Tourneux), avec introduction et notes. 8to. Paris, 1845. DROIT FRANgAIS. 213 Nogent St. Laurens. Traite de la legislation et de la jurisprudence det chemins de fer. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Chevalier, Michel. Lois europcennes et am^ricaines sur les chemina de fer. ito. Saint>£tienne, 1837. Delvinoourt, Ed. Jurisprudence du conseil d'etat en matiere de traraux publics, revue des arrets rendus par le conseil d'etat. 8vo. Paris 1852. Dumesnil, M. G. Traits de la legislation sp^ciale du tr^sor public en matiere contentieuse. 8vo. Paris, 1846. BoUTgat. Code des douanes, ou recueil des lois et reglements sur les douanes en vigueur au ler Janvier 1848. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, Vol. III. Supplements, annees 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853 et 1864. Boyard, M. Manuel des contributions directes, guide des contribuables selon la legislation nouvelle. 12mo. Paris, 1846. Boret. Biret, M. Manuel complet des octrois et des autres impositions indirectes. 12ino. Paris, 1838. Id. Mines. Recueil de lois, decrets, arret«38 et autres actes concernant les mines et usines, 1852, 1853, 1854. 3 vol. Yoir Annales des Mines. Biret, M. Nouveuu manuel des legislations et jurisprudence sur Tenregistre- ment et le timbre. 12mo. Paris, 1837. Roret. Gardes nationaux. Mnnuel complet des gardes nationaux, par M. R. L. 1 2mo. Paris. Boret. Guide des tribunaux militaires, ou legislation criminelle 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Manuel des conseils de guerre, ou recueil alpliabetique de questions de droit militaires, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Etats-Majors des places fortes. Recueil des lois relatives aux — Folio. Paris, 1813. Vide Quillot, l^gislntiun ct administratioD militaires, eta Voir ci-derant les tliverscB colleciious des lois et ordunnanees, entre autres les rol. 11 et 13 des Oidoniinncca des rois, et les volumes intitules: lois et actes du goureniement, ilans la collection du Bulletin des lois, — la collection de Durer- gier, — les ouvrages sur I'ancien droit inunioipal, — Its ouvrages qui trai ttiutde la propritiCi' et du doinaiue public, des servitudes, de la legislation des mines, etc., — Deaussant, code niai'itime. — Sirey et Villeneuve, Recueil giSuorul des lois ct arruts — Dalloz, repertoire ile U'gislatiun et recueil de jurisprudence, etc. — Dictiounaire de jurisprudtnce, toI. 9 et 10. Pour Ic lois et radministration des douanes, des hopitaux et autres etablissementa publics, Voir encore ci-apn'^s Kuonomib Polhiqub, Commebcs et Statib- TIQVKS : Pour les lois relatives i I'instruction publique, voir ci-devant Eduoatiok. Pour la li'gislation ngrlcolo, voir sous le litre AoaKOLTtRB, etc. : Dombasle, aunales agricoles d« Ruville. Poterlet, code des deis6cbem«ot«. Ch^nier, L. J. G. de I'arm^e. .;wj:!Sfi >iH ^i' .v';!l m m III 214 DROIT FBANQAIS. Lo!b et ordoDDances Bur le drainage. Gospariu, biena rarauz affermt's. biens soumis au metayage. Journal d'Agricalture, etc. Pour lea ouvrages sur la icicnce administratiTe, voir plu* lob Poutique et Lboiblation. falo. groit Canonique ou me. mr ■•■ Pleury, I'Abbe. Institutions au droit ecclesiastique ; edition augmentee p»r Boucher d'Argis. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1767. Durand de Maillane. Dictionnaire de droit canonique et de pratique beneficiale, etc. 5 vol. 4to. Lyon, 1776. Dantoine, J. B. Les reglea du droit canon, dans le meme ordre qu'ellea sont disposoes au dernier titre du cinquieme livre du Sexte, et au dernier titre du cinquieme livre des Decretales ; traduites en fran9ai8, avec des explications et des commentairea but chaque regie. 4to. Liege, 1772. Bordas Demoulin. Les pouvoirs constitutifs de I'Eglise. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Collet, M. Traitu des dispenses et de plusieurs autrea objets de theologie et de droit canon. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Voir sous le titre Tukolooie, Religion, etc. L'histoire du Concile de Trente, et auti'cs ouvrages on rapport avec le droit canouiqne. Pouilly, M. de. Dissertation sur la naisaance et les progres de la juridiction temporelle des ^glises. A. I., vol. 39. 1770. Maimonidea. The reasons of the laws of Moses, from the " More Nevochim " of, — with notes, dissertations, and a life of the author ; by J. Towa- ley, D.D. 8vo. London, 1827. Miohaelis, Sir J. D. Commentariea of the laws of Moses ; translated from the German ; by Alex. Smith. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. Selden, John. Uxor Ebraica ; ejusdem de successionibus ad legea ebrffiorum, Small 4to. Frankfort, 1673. ^s, 1855. plogie et ^e Trente, ridiction lochim " r. Towii- |;ed from rceorum. ECCLE. POLITY AND LAW.- -DROIT CANONIQUE, ETC. 215 Selden, John. The same, two pieces. Vide Selden, Opera Omnia. Vol. II. Part 1. De synedriis et prsefecturis juridicia, veterum EbraBorum. Vide Opera Omnia. Vol. I. Part 2. — . De Anno Civili Judaicte, dissertatio. FWe. Opera Omnia. Vol.1. Parti. .~ • The History of Tithes, that is, the practice of payment of them ; the positire laws made for them ; opinions touching the right of them. With a review of the History ; and, a reply to Dr. TiUes- ley's Animadversions on [it.] Vide Opera Omnia. Vol. III. Part 2. Spelman, Sir Henry. A Latin Epistle concerning Tithes ; a larger Treatise in English Resolution of a doubt touching [their] alienation ; Ani- madversions upon a petition, and on a pamphlet, against Tithes. Vide his English "Works. Gold and the Gospel : five prize Essays on the Scriptural duty of giving in proportion to means and income. 8vo. London, 1853. [1] The Measure of Christian Liberality. [2] The Scripture Rule of Religious Contribution. [3] The Jewish Law of Tithe, a guide to Christian liberality. [4] The Christian Weekly Ofifering. [5] The Christian Steward. Tithes in London. A succinct history of; from a very early period. 8vo. London, 1824. [Bound up with Harness' Nuptiro Sacra;.] Townley, Adam. The Sacerdotal Tythe. 12mo. Toronto, 1855. Apostolical Constitutions : or, Canons of the Apostles, in Coptic, with an English translation ; by H. Tattam. 8vo. London, 184C (O.T.F.) r The Ethiopio Didascalia : or, the Ethiopic version, received in the Church of Abyssinia, with an English transla- tion; edited and translated by J. P. Piatt. 4to. London, 1834. (O.T.F.) Gosselin, M. The power of the Pope, during the Middle Ages ; or an Inquiry into the origin of the Temporal Power of the Holy See and the Constitutional Laws of the Middle Ages relating to the Deposition of Sovereigns ; an introduction on the honours, &c., con- ferred ou Religion and its Ministers by the first Christian Emperors ; translated by] the Eev. M. Kelly. 2 vols. Svo. Baltimore, 1853. Giannone, P. History of Naples, with the history of the Civil, Canon, and Feodal laws, the Ecclesiastical Polity, and the Temporal Power of the Popes. Translated from the Italian, by J. Ogilvie. 2 vols. Polio. London, 1729. m W ' i, *T ■mi !,t!.: i- -ii ;.ii i '' V 'hi ' ' ' • 'v\ 1 1 4(.>''■'! 'J! ■■!'»;»■ TjWS.. . ?.f 4i ^ • 'iim 218 ECCLESIASTICAL POLITY [dROIT CANONIQUB Colonial Bishoprics. Documents relative to the erection and endowment of additional Bialioprics in the Colonies, ISH-ISSS, with an historical preface by the Key. Jilrneat Hawkins. Fifth edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. La'W, J. T. The Ecclesiastical statutes at largo, arranged under separate heads. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1847. Burn, Richard. The Ecclesiastical law ; ninth edition, corrected ; with con- siderable additions, including the statutes and cases to the present time ; by Eobert Phillimore. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1842. Rogers, F. N. A practical arrangement of Ecclesiastical law ; second edition enlarged. 8to. London, 1849. Cripps, H. "W. A practical treatise on the law relating to the Church andthe Clergy. Second edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1850. Stephens, A. J. The statutes relating to tlie Ecclesiastical and Eleemosy- nary Institutions of England, Wales, Ireland, India, andthe colonies; with the decisions thereon. 2 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1845. Waddilove, Alfred. A digest of cases decided in the Court of Arches, &c., and on appeal to the judicial committee of the Privy Council : with references to analogous decisions in the House of Lords, &c., and to statutes, &c., which bear on questions within the Ecclesiastical Courts. Svo. London, 1849. Pinnook, Eev. W. H. The laws and usages of the Church and the Clergy ; or, clerical papers on the ministerial lii'ties, and the management of a parish. Vols. 1-3. 12mo. Cambridge, 1855. Vol. I. The unbeneficed clerk. " II. The ofiicintiug minister, the rubrics, &c. " III. The ornameDts and goods of the Church. Prideaux, C. G. Guide to the duties of Churchwardens, in the execution of their office; with cases, statutes, &c. Fifth edition. I2mo- London, 1850. Todd Hugh. Vicar of Penrith. Answer to a pamphlet, intituled : The case of the Curate of Penrith's taking upon him the office of Churchwarden, considered. 4to. London, 1707. Smith, Toulmin. The Parish : its obligations and powers ; its officers and their duties ; with the practical working of this institution. I2mo. London, 1854. Neale, E. V. Feasts and Fasts ;— the rise, progress, and present state of the laws relating to Sundays and other Holidays, and days of fasting ; the origin of those days, the sittings and the vacations of the Courts. 12mo. London, 1845. Peterkin, Alexander. 2 vols. 12mo. Compendium of the laws of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1837-40. ■m OTJ ECCLESIASTIQUE.J AND LAW. 219 Connell, Sir John. On the law of Scotland respecting Tithes, and the stipends of the Parochial Clergy ; with documents. Second edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. Protestant Episcopal Churoh of the United States : Journal of the proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of, — in general con- vention, New York, October 6th to October 28th inclusive, in the year of Our Lord, 1847. The Constitutions and Canons. A list of Clergy, &c. 8vo. New York, 1847. Onderdonk, (Bishop) B. T. Trial of, — before an Episcopal Court, on a pre- sentmout made by tho Bishops of Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. 8vo. New York, 1845. [bound up with, Newman on Development.] Hoffman, Murray. On the law of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1850. Hericourt, L- de. Les lois ecclesiastiques de France dans leur ordra niiturel, et une analyse du droit canonique confures avec les usages do iV'glise Gallicane. Folio. Paris, 17G1. Henrion, M. R. A. Code ecclesiastique fianjais. 2 vol. Pvo., (relies en 1.) Paris, 1829, Dupin, JI. Manuel de droit public ecclesiastique fran9ai9 ; contenant les liberU's de I'eglise Gallicane, la declaration du clerg6 en 1682, le concordat et &a loi organique. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Champeaux, M. de Le droit civil ecck'siastique fran^ais, ancien et et moderne, dans ses rapports avec le droit canon et la legislation actuelle ; ou recueil complet et selon I'ordre chronologique, depuis Saint-Louis jusqu'i nos jours, des pragmatiques, concordats, lois, docrets, ordonnances, circulaipes, arrets, avis du conseil d'etat, et tous autres actes de la puissance civile relatifs au droit public de I'eglise, k sa juridiction, a sa discipline, k Tadministration temporelle des paroiiset, aux congregations religieuses, aux seminaires, etc. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris. Trait^s des droits et libertus de PEglise Gallicane. Nouvellc edition. 2 vol. Folio. 1731, comprenant entre autres : Los inomoiroB de Jacques Cnpel, Noel Brulart, Jean Du Tillet Ti-niti; (lo8 libertt'8 de rCgliso Qiillicane, par Claude Fauclict. Tniito dos droits eeclc'dastiqucs, par Antoiiie Ilotmon. Dc la lil)ortc aacienne et canonique de I'eglise Gallicane, par M. Jacques Lei- cliassier. Traito de la puissance legitime des juges seculiera sur leg personncs eeclcsias tiqucs, par Benigne Milletot. Police royale sur les personnes ot choacs acoleBiastiques, par Jacques Du Ilamcl Libellus Bertrandi advcraus Pctrum do Cugneries, a J. L. Brunei. Commentnirc pur le traite des libcrtes de regliso QuUicano do Pierre Pithou par Pierre Dujjuy. L'origiDo do la pragmatique-Bonetion, par lo meme. Eglise Gallicane. a!- 1 : r i1 , (^ I! n •• ' V*| r- ™ i- 220 ECCLESIASTICAL POLITY [DROIT CANONIQrE Eglise Oallioane. — (Continuation.) L« aonge du Vergier qui parle de ) i diipuUoion du elero «t du eberalier, lor rimprim^, par Jacque* M»ili«t, I'an mil oeoo quatre-Tlnti ooze, le Tintiim« jour de ninrs. RemoDBtrantia Hibemorutn contra LoTanieDaM, nltramontanaaque ecniarai d« inoommutabili regum imperio aubditorumque fidelltate, ct obedientia indii- penaabili, en SS. soripturia, Patribua, Theologia, Ac. yindioata cum djpliei appcndioc: uoa de libertate gallicana: altera contra iofallibilitatem poLti- fieia romani, authore, R. P. F. R. Oaron, Tkeologio emerito. Fithou. Freuves des liberies de I'dglise Gallicane. Troisidme Edition. 2 tomes en 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1731, sur rimprim6 de 1651. Voir aoua le titre DaoiT vbanoam : Baluziua, Capitularia Regum Francorum,— Coquille, (Euvres, ler volume.— Guyot, Repertoire, etc. Voir auasi dana lea Bocumenti inidits aur Vhittoirt do France, lea cartulairea del r cglisca, eonrenta, abbaye, etc. Jousse, M. Commentaire sur I'edit du mois d'avril 1695, concernant U juridiction eccl^siastique. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1764. Dunod. Truit^ des prescriptions, de I'alienation des biens d'^glise et du dixmes, suivant les droits civil et canon, etc. 4to. Dijon, 1730. TraittS de la main-morte et des retraits. 4to. Dijon, 1733. Vide also, Finlason and Sbelford on tbe law of Mortmain; ante., p. 142. AfiVe, L'abbu. Trait6 de la propridt^ des biens ecel6siastiques. 8to. Paris, 1837. Voir Ozaaam, des bieni de I'Egliae : vol. 8 de sea oeuvrea: FuTgole, J> B. Traito des cures primitifs. 4to, Toulouse, 1736. Sall6, M. Nouveau code des cures. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1780. JouBSe, M. Trait6 du gouvernement spiritual et temporel des paroisiea, 12mo. Paris, 1769. Carr6, Gr- L- J- Traite du gouvernement des paroisses. 8vo. Paris, 1839, Jittte Mgr. Traite de 1' administration des paroisses. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Dioulin* M. Le guide des cures, du clerg6 et des ordres religieux dim I'administration des paroisses, et dans leurs rapports avec les fabriques, lea communes, les ccoles, les diverses autorites ; ouvrage enricbi de notions d'arcbitecture, avec 250 Sgures, servant de modules d'egliaei, autels, confessionnaux, ate. Quatrieme Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Lyon, 1849. Drapier, Roch. Recueil des principales decisions sur les dimes, les por- tions congrues, les droits et charges des cures primitifs. Nouvelle Edition, augmenti'e d'un traite du champart, par M. Brunet. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1741. Jouyi Louis Pran9ois De. Principes et usages concernant les dimu 12mo. Paris, 1761. Oabriel, M. Recueil d'autoritds et reflexions sommaires sur les vrais et faux principes de la jurisprudence en matiere d« dimes et sur leurs con- adquences. 12mo. Bouillon, 1786. OU ECCLESIA8TIQUE.] AND LAW. 221 Lamennais. La religion consid^r^a da* a rapporti arac I'ordre politique et civil. Voir les oeuTres da Lameiu.aii. Voir aiuii, lea oouTres de Joseph De MaistK (Philosophii.) Corbi^re, L'abb^. Le droit priv6, administratif at public dans set rap- ports avec la conscience et le culte catholique. 2 vol. 8 to. Faria, 1841. Portalis, Aug. La liberty de conscience et le statut religieuz. 8to> Paris, 1846. Viuet, A. Libert^ religieuse et questions eccl^siastiques. Bvo. Paris, 1854. Pavy, Mgr. Du c61ibat eccl^siastique. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Huet. ^'< Le gallicanisme, son pass^, sa situation pr^sente danaPordre poli- tique et religieuz. Sevut des Deux Monties, ler Janvier, 185S. I r nr>ri * ini->i-i n * fw^r i r i nr ii - i.-t -'^cn* » *i i *i- ii ** ***■■ ■ w w ^ ^» ^i^^ anb f tgislaticn. politique ti f egislation. Voytz ci-devant Droit iHTsaNATioHAL, stc., et Dboit public et ooNSTrnnToimu.. Robinet, J- B. Dictionnaire universe! des sciences morale, economique, politique, etc., 30 vol. 4to. Londres, 1777-1783. Dictionnaire Politique, Encyclop^die du langage et de la science politiquea, rodigu par une reunion de deputes, de publicistes et de journalistes, avec une introduction par Garnier-Pag^8. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Bossuet. Politique tiri^e des paroles de I'Ecriture Sainte. Vide Bossuet. oeuvres, vol. 26. Vide Moiie cungid6r£ comme legislateur, par Pastoret ; et Zoroastre, Confa- cius ct Mnhomet, congidervB commo li'gislateurs, etc., par le m^ine. Bonald, le Vte de. Essai analytique sur les lois naturellea de I'ordre social, — legislation primitive, — du divorce, — pensees et discours. Vol. 1-7 de ses oeuvres. [Philosopbie ct Morali.1 Demonstration philosophique du principe constitutif de la societc, etc. — theorie du pouvoir politique et religieux — de I'opposi- tion et de la libert6 de la presse, etc. Vol. 12-16 de ses ccuvres. i ' It ?l« (1 " '-.'i^m i' m . H t§. y. ' . ■ 3.!' Hi 'I , ; i •.' 4 J 222 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET Rousseau, J. J. Contrat social, et autrea ouvroges politiqvea. Vol. 7, 8 et 9 de ses usuvres. Portalis, A. Lliomme et la locii^te, ou essal sar les droit* respectifa de rhomme et de la society. N.S.M. Vol. 7. Lermiuler, E. Philosophie du droit. 2 vol. 8to. Paris, 1835. -^— Autre edition du mSme ouvrage. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Matter, M. J. De I'influence des lois sur les majurs et des mceurs sur Im lois. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Oomte, Chs. Traitu de legislation, ou exposition des lois gdnurales suivant lesquelles les peuplcs prospbrent, dtSplriisent, ou deviennent station* naires. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Lermlnier, E. Cours d'histolre des legislations compar^es. 8vo. Paris. Vide Pastortt, Uistoire d« la legislation. — Daunou, Etude* Hlatoriquti, tt«; Vol. 2. Voir aussi, lous le titre Bull ro-LBTTBES : Platon, d«s Loii, at de la R^publiqut; Aristote, Politique ; les cuvrages politiques de Xvuophon, Flutarque, etc,. CieeroD, Des lois, et de la I'vpublique, ato. Sallier, IJ'abbo. Mcmoire sur le premier livre df la Republique de Platon. A. I. Vol. 25. Bitaub^. Memoires sur les deux premiers livres de la Politique d'Aristote. L. B. Vol. 2 et 3. Eliot, Samuel. The Liberty of Rome : a history, with an historical aecount of the Libfirtv of Ancient Natione. 8vo. 2 vois. London, 1849. Tremenheere, H A The political experience of tho Ancients in its bear- ing upon Modern Times. 12mo. London, 1852. Blakey, Robert. The History of Political Literature, from the earliest timet Vols. 1 & 2. 8vo. London, 1855. These volumes bring down the history to th« year 1700. 1st vol, with notes to the 14th century. 2nd vol., with notos, from "400 to 1700. Maohiavel, Nicholas : Works ; translated from the Italian, with Notes, Ae., by Ellis Farneworth. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1775. Vol I. History of Florence. " II. The Prince ; Constitution, Ac, of France, Germany, Ae. " III. Political Discourses. " IV. Art of War ; on the Government of Florence ; Letters, Ae. Machiavel. CEuvres completes ; traduites par J. V.Peries. 12 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1«33.36. Vol. L Preface du traducteur— Histoire de Maehjftvel—Disoours sur Tite- Live. " II. Discours sur Tite-Live— Discours sur la reforme du gouvernem«nt de Florence. " IIL Le Prince— Anti-Machiavel, ou examen du Prince deMachiarel, psr Fr6iioiic II, Roi do Prusse— Instfuction pour un ambasRadcur, rcdigce par Machiayel— Lettres au nom de la repubhque. i I' LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE ANU lOISLATi '. Maohlavel. CEuvrei.— (Cow^inua^ion.) Vol. IV. Art mllitaire. " V et VI. Iliatoire de Florenoe — Fragment* biitoriquea, eto. " VII., VIII., IX. Legations et miuiooa. " X. TliciUre et Po<:>»i8g. " XL Melanges en proM— Lettret— L'««prit d'uo bomm« (I'Etot. " XIL Pii^ocgjustifioativet et orltiqueBdireraei. Son genie et sea erreurs ; par A. F. Artaud. 2 vol. 8to. Paris, 1833. Bodln, J- — I'^t son temps ; tableau de thdories politiques au 16e si^cle, par fiaudrillart, comprenant une analyse et commentair« de la B<3publique. Svo. Paris, 1853. Vide Vioo, Scienoo nouvelle [Histoirx.] Ralegh, Sir Walter. Maxima of State ; The Cabinet Council, dis-cabineted, in political and polemical aphorisms, with the choicest examples, &c. Vide his works, vol. 8. Temple, Sir William. Of the Constitutions and interests of the Empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France, and Flanders; with their relation to England in 1671. Also : Essays on Government. Videh\» works, vol. 2. ■ - Observations on the United Provinces. See his works, vol. 1. daavedra-Faxardo, Don Diego. The Royal Politician, representud in 100 emblems, from the original [Spanish,] by Sir J. Astry. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1700. Montesquieu, Le Baron de. Oiuvres completes. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1 834. Montesquieu, Barou de. The Spirit of the Laws ; translated from the French, by Dr. Thomas Nugent. New and revised edition ; with a memoir of the life and writings of the author, and an analysis of th« work ; by M. D'Alembert. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1823. Gr^goire, M. Reflexions sur les moyens de perfectionner les sciences politiques. A. S. M. Ibid., \q\. I. 1796. Bignon, M. Jli'moire sur la conciliation progressive de la morale et de la politique. N. S. M. Vol. 1. 1835. Droz, Jo3. La morale appliquue h la politique. Voir les Qluvres de I'auteur. Vol 1. Humphreys, E. R. Slanual of Political Science, for Candidates for the Civil Service. 12mo. London, 1855. Fritot. Science du Publiciste, ou traitd ulementaire du Droit. 11 vol. Svo. Paris, 1820-23. till ' "''I 1 II 1 ■ 1 224 POLITIGAL AND SOCIAL [POJ^ITIQUE £T « rift Ut ' ' ' ^ ^ 1 I ■' 1 ; ' ' iUl' Dove, P. R. The Elements of Political Science : in two book* : I. ou Muthod ; II. on Doctrine t with nn account of Audrcw Yarrautim, the founder of Knglish Pjliticnl Kconomy. 8vo. EJinburgli, 1854', Oyolopedla of Political, Conttitutiunnl, Stutifltical, and Forensic Kiowledge' 4 vols. Small 4to. London, lHfl3. (Two Copifi.) Von Savlgn^i F- 0. Of the Vocation of our Ago for Legislation and Juris- prudence ; translated from the German, by A. Ilaywurd. 8vo. Loo* don, 1831. GodTVin, William. Inquiry concerning Politicnl Justice, ond its influence on morals and happiness. 2nd edition, corrected. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1796. liOcke, John. Two Treotisos on Government. 8vo. London, 1772. Berkeley, Bishop. Passive Obedience ; or, the Christian doctrine of not resisting the .Supreme Power. Vidti his Works, vol. 2. Priestley, Dr. On the first Principles of Government, and on the nature of Political, Civil, and Religious Liberty, including remorks on Education and on Church Authority. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1781. [Thornton, Dr. R. J.] The Politician's Creed ; or, Political Extracts : being an answer to these Questions, — What is the best Form of Government ? and, What is the best Administration of a Government ? By a lover of Social Order. 3 vols, 8vo. London, 1799. Passy, M. Des formes de gouvorncmonts et des causes qui les dutermincnt, N.S.M., vol. 3. 1837. Dnnoyer, M. Des limites de la centralisation dans un syst^me politique bien ordonn6. Ibid.y vol. 4. Baudin, M. (des Ardennes.) De I'esprit de faction par rapport A son influence sur les difforents gouvernements. A. S. M. Vol.1. 179C. • De I'ostrttcisme. Jbid., vol. 3. 1798. — • Des clubs et de leurs rapports avee rorganiiation sociale. Ibid., vol. 1. 1796. Humboldt, Baron W. Von. The Sphere and Duties of Government ; trans- lated from the German, by Joseph Coulthard, jun. 8vo. London, 1854. Thoughts ond opinions of a Statesman ; Fide Small Books on Great Subjects, XV. ILleber, Francis. Legal and Political Hermeneutics. 12mo. Boston, 1839. Manual of Political Ethics. Second edition. 2 vols. 8to. Boston, 1838. On Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Philadelphia, l8o3. 2 vols. Svo. LKGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 226 Lewis, Cr- Cornewall. On the Uio and Abuie of Political Terms. 8to. London, 1832. , On the Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Poll' tics. 2 vols. 8vo. London, lHri2. . • ■ On the influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. 8vo. London, 1849. Bailey, B. Essays on the Formation and Publication of Opinions, ko. Third edition, enlarged. 12mo. London, 1887. St. John, J. A. The Nemesis ot Power ; Causes nod Forms of Revolutioa. 16mo. London, 1854. Canllh. Du pouvoir et de I'opposition dans la soci6t^ civile. Sto. Paris, 1824. Charridre. La politique de I'histoire. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Politios for the People. A weekly Periodical, Nos. 1 to 17, (all pub- lished.) Ivo. London, 1848. Leiminier. De I'assassinat politique. litvue dt$ Deux Mondei. Quatri^me serie. Vol. 7. De la presse politique. Ibid., toI. 16. Des theories et des affaires en politique. Ibid. The Political Primer ; or. Road to Public Honours. London, 1826. Taylor, Henry. The Statesman. 12nio. London, 1836. Political Refbrmers, Preparatory Studies for, — 12mo London, 1810. Brougham, Henry, Lord. Political Philosophy ; in 3 parts : Second edition. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. London, 1849. I. Principles of GoTernment; Monarchical Goyernment. 11. Of Aristocracy, and Ariitocratic Oorernments. III. Of Democracy and Mixed Monarchy. L— Of Science. IL— Of Political Science. ISmo. London. 1846. Knight's Library. O'Brien, W. Smith. Principles of Government ; or, Meditations in Exile. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1856. "To develope principles of Organization, Legislation, and Administration, which are generally applicable to all Free Sutei."— Preface. Lindsay, Lord. Progression by Antagonism : a theory, — touching the present position, duties, and destiny of Great Britain. Svo. London, 1846. Ensor, George. On National Government ; first part : to 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1810, "The Constitutional Part I now deliver to the Public."— Prelim. Dis. Milton, John. Of the Tenure of Kings and Magisti-ates. FiJc his works, to). 4. 'J' ; , ^' -til ' tl/f^'l - ^ ' « 'ii mm 1 .f 11 *• '4* ' t 4 li E ' ; - ,r*^ t ^% ! i J 'm my I hl'i 226 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET IVIilton, John. Civil Power not to compell in Religion. Vide his works, vol 5. — — For a Free-Commonwealth, and against King-ship. Vide his works, vol. 6. Tucker's Tracts and Sermons. 1 vol. 8vo. Containing : Four Tracts, together with tvro Sermons, on Political and Commercial subjecta, 1774. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Q. Orenville, occasioned by the publication of Ma speech, in the House of Commons, on the Motion for expelling Mr. Wilkes, Feb. 3rd, 1769. With a letter on the public conduct of Mr. Wilkes ; published, Not. 1st, 1768. Vide, also, Scarce Tracts, vol. 8. Spenoe, George. Origin of the Laws and Political Institutions of Modern Europe. 8vo. London, 1826. (Two Copies.) Vide Ouizot, Histoire dcs Origincs dcs Gouvemement P.ipresentatif en Europe. Sloseley, Joseph. Political Elements ; or, the Progress of Modern Legisla. tioD. 12mo. London, 1852. Saint-Priest, le Cte. de. Histoire de la royaut^. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Lacombe* Histoire de la monarchic en Europe depuis son origine juiqu'a DOS jours. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Voir aussi, I'Histoire de la bourgeoisie, par le piome auteur. Wilkes, John. English Liberty : being a collection of Tracts, from 1762 to 1769, containing the private correspondence, public letters, speeches, and addresses of. Folio. London, . The Aristocracy of England ; — A history for the People. By Johu Hampden, jun. 12mo. London, 1846. Vide Farcy, Etudes Politiques. Junius. Including Letters by the same Writer under other Signatures ; new and enlarged edition ; with confidential and private correspondence ; new evidence as to the Authorship, and an Analysis, by Sir H. Nicolas. By John Wade. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850. (The Letters of Junius appeared first in the Public Advertiser, 1769.1772.) ■ discovered, [he is said to have been Governor Pownall] by Fred, GrifEn. 12mo. Boston, 1854. and his Works. The History of, and a Review of the Controversy respecting the Identity of Junius, [also] Portraits and Sketches by Junius. By John Jacques. 8vo. London, 1843. Remusat, Ch. de. Junius, Revue des Deux mondes,nouve\\e Yicr'ioie, vol. 12. Burke, Right Hon. Edmund. Works. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1826-27. See Belles Lkttbks where the Contents of the several Vols, are detailed. i The Wisdom and Genius of,— illustrated, from his Writings and Speeches ; with a Summary of his Life, by P.Burke. l2mo. London, 1846. 1 is .4 Paris, tclies by , vol. 12. 6-27. led. ing8 and London, LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LBGISLATION. 227 Burgh, James. Political Disquisitions ; or, An Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses. 8vo. 3 vols. London, 1774-75. Soaroe Tracts. A collection of scarce and interesting Tracts, by Persons of Eminence, upon the most important Political and Commercial Subject!, 1763-1770. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1788. Vol. I. Letter from the Coooa-Troe to the country Gentlemen, by Dr. Franeis Addreas to the Cocoa-Tree, by Dr. Butler, Character of the late Rt. Hon. H. B, Legge, by the same. Defence of the Minority on the question of General Warrants, by th« ^ late Rt. Hon. C. Townshend. Defence of the Majority, on the same question. Letter concerning Libels, Warrants, the Seizure of Papers, and Sureties for the Peace, Ac. ; 'with a view to some late proceedings, Ac. Account of some proceedings, on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. The Budget, by D. Hartley, Esq. Remarks on the Budget, by Thomas Whateley, Esq Address to the Public, on the dismission of General Conway, Counter-Address, on the same, by the Hon. Horace Walpole. Vol, II. An honest man's Reasons for declining to take a part in the new Ad- ministration. (Ascribed to Chs, Lloyd.) A Candid answer to the honest man's Reasons, (Ascribed to Sir Grey Cooper.) Dr. Franklin's examination before the House of Conunons, in support of the Repeal of the American Stamp Act. Mr. Burke's short .iccount of a short administration, and Mr. Lloyd's True history of a short administration. Considerations on the Trade and Finances of this Kingdom, By Thos. Whnteley, Esq. State of the Nation, by the late Rt. Hon. Charles Townshend, Speech against the suspending and dispensing Prerogative, ikc. The case of the Duke of Portland, respecting two leases, lately granted by the Lords of the Treasury to Sir James Lowther. An inquiry into the legality of Pensions on the Irish establishment. By A. M'Aulay, Esq. Vol. III. Speech of the Rt. Hon. Geo. Qrenville, on the motion for expelling Mr. Wilkes. Mr. Wilkes's letter to Mr. Grenville, in answer to his speech. A letter on the public conduct of Mr. Wilkes. A fair trial of the Important question. The case of the Middlesex Election considered, by Mr. Dyson. Vol. rV. Another letter to Mr. Almon, in the matter of Libel and the Law of Libel ; with a postscript, on contempt of Court, &c. Proceedings of His Majesty's Privy Council, upon an Address to remova Governor Hutchinson; with the speech of Lord Loughborough thereon. The Duke of Newcastle's Letter, in answer to the Prussian Memorial, concerning Neutral Ships. Address to the makers of Cidsr and Perry, by Mr. DowdcswelU Ml ■■I m •1* I 1 / 'In -i ■ 228 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET , zf tiiiiiipi.'. Bowles, (John) of the Inner Temple. Tracts collected. Legal, Political, 8ic 4 vols. 8vo. London, 17^1-1812. Vol. I. Tracts : Legal and rolitioal. 119S. Two Letters, occasioned by a Motion in the House of Commons, reipeat- ing Libels; with an Appendix to the second letter. 1792. Protest against T. Paine's " Rights of Man," addressed to the membert of a Book Society, on their havint; purchased that work for the ui« of the iSociety, 179$, Three Dialogues on the Rights of Britons, between a Farmer, a Sailor and a Manufacturer. 1798. Answer to the declaration of the persons calling tbemaelves the " friends of the Liberty of the Press." 1 »98 , The real grounds of the present war with France. 179S. Vol. n. Collection of Tracts, published during the War; with a general prefaeo, 1798. The real grounds of the present War with France ; with a postcript. 1798. Objeetions to the continuance of the War, examined and refuted. 1798. Reflections submitted to the consideration of the combined powers, 1794. With further reflections. Thoughts on the origin and formation of Political Constitutions, suggest- ed by the recent attempt to frame another new Constitution for France. 1796. The dangers of premature peace. 1790. Vol. III. Reflections on the political state of society at the commencement of the year 1800. Reflections on the political and moral state of society, at the close of the 18th Century. Supplement to preceding pamphlet, continued to the month of June 1801. Origin of the War. Vol. rV. Reflections at the conclusion of the War. 1801. ♦ Letter to the Hon. C, J. Fox, in consequence of a publication, entitled " A sketch of the character of the Most Noble Francis, Duke of Bedford." Thoughts on the late general election, 1802. Letter to S. Whitbread, Esq., on his unqualified approbation of Mr, Lancaster's system of Education. 1807. A second letter to S. Whitbread, Esq, containing observations on hit bill, to establish parochial schools in South Britain, &o. 1808. Strictures on the Motions made in the last Parliament, respecting th( pledge which His Majesty demanded from his late Ministers. 1807, Letter to the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, respecting his Bill, for th« prevention and punishment of Adultery. 1810. A Regent not Kiug, or, necessity the basis and limit of proceeding, in ths appointment of a Regency. 1811. The claims of the Roman Catholics sonsidered, with reference to th* safety of the established church, and the rights of religious tolen- tiou. 1812. ],EG ^LATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 229 Bentham, Jeremy. Works on the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Penal Law, Codification, &c., published under the superintendence of his Ex- ecutor, John Bowring. 11 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843. Vol. I. contains an Introduction to the etudy of the works of Bi ntham, by J. H. Burton ; Vols. X. XI., contain Bowring's Memoirs of Bentham, including Autobiographical Conversations and Correspondence, and an Analytical Index to the Works, Memoirs, &o. . Theory of Legislation ; translated from the French of Etienne Dumont, by Richard Hildreth. 2 vols. 8to. Boston, 1840. Jfote. This Work is a professed translation of Bentham's Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, his Principles ot the Civil Code, and of the Penal Code, (contained in Vols. I. and II of his Collected Works,) but Dumont says, " I have translated, not the words, but the ideas ; I have some- times made an abridgement, and at others a commentary." Bentham. Sophismes parlementaires. Svo. Paris, 1840. Tactique des nssemblees legislatives, etc. 2 toI. Svo. Geneve 1816. Benthamiana ; or select Extracts from the Works of J. Bentham ; with an outline of his opinions on the principal subjects discussea ; edited by J. H. Burton. Svo. Edinburgh, 1843. Cobbett's Political Works : Selections from, — ^with Notes, Historical and Ex- planatory, by J. M. and J. P. Cobbett. 6 Vols. Svo. London. Vol. I. American Writings, 1794 to 1800. English Writings, 1801-1805. Vols. II„ III., IV., v., and VI. Extracts from his Political Register, March 1806, to June, 1836. Holland, Henry Richard, Lord. Memoirs of the Whig Party, during my Time. Edited by his Son. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Roebuck, John Arthur, M.P. History of the Whig Ministry of 1830, to the Passing of the Reform Bill. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Preceded by a General View of Affairs, 1815 to 1830. Parr, Dr. Samuel. Notes on Whigs and Tories. Vide his Works, Vol. 3. Cooke, G. Wingrove. The History of Party, from the rise of the Whig and Tory Factions to the passing of the Reform Bill. 3 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1836-7. Vol. I. A.D. 1668-ni4. Vol. II. 1714-1762. Vol. III. 1762-1832. Whitty, E. M. The Governing Classes in Great Britain : — Political Sketches. 12mo. London, 1854. Stanton, H. B. Sketches of Reform and Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland. 12mo. New York, 1849. " Large parts of it have appeared from time to time in the National Era of Washington." — Preface. Saunders' Portraits and Memoirs of eminent living Political Reformers ; with a sketch of the progress of Parliamentary Reform, from the attempt to repeal the Septennial Act in 1734, to the passing of the Reform Bill, in 1832 ; by William Howitt. 8vc. London, 1840. H': ': I'm <-,' " ' t!',p. 230 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET Shrevrsbury, John, Earl of. A third Letter to A. L. Phillipps, Esq., •' to explain the duty of Government in regard to Ireland." 8vo. Lon- don, 1842. Bernard, J. B. Theory of the Constitution compared with its Practice in ancient and modern times : How far the late Reform of Parliament is, or is not consistent with the Constitution ; with plans for relieving the Public Disorders, in a manner to prevent such Disorders again.* Svo. London, 1834. Smith, J. Toulmin. Government by Commi'ssions Illegal and Pernicions ; The Nature and Effects of Crown -appointed Commissions ; The Con- stitutional Principles of Taxation ; and, The Rights, Duties, and Importance of Local Self- Government. Svo. London, 1849. (Two copies.) Administrative P sform Association. Official papers. Nob. 1 to i. 8vo. London, 1855. These Papers are: (1) "The Address," (2) On the Executive of the English Government, (3) On the present Home Government, (4) On Appointmentt for Merit, (5) On Naval Administration, («) First Report (7) Record of the Votes of M. P.'s 1854-6. Meadows, T. T. Plan for the Union of the "British Empire, and the im- provement of the British Executive, by means of Public Service Competitive Examinations for all British Subjects. 185G. [Prefixed to his work on " The Chinese, and their Eebellions," though origi- nally intended for separate publication.] Hazlitt, William. Political Essays, with Sketches of Public Characters. 8vo. London, 1819. Parr, Dr. Samuel. Remarks on Politics, Jurisprudence and Morals. Vide his Works, Vol. 3. Prentice, Archibald. Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester ; to illustrate the progress of Public Opinion from 1792 to 1832. 12mo London, 1851. Porsjrth, Robert. Political Fragments. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1830. Ramsay, George. Political Discourses. Svo. Edinburgh, 1838. Thompson, Lieut.-Col, T. P. Exercises, Political and others. 6 vols. 12mo. London, 1842. Holland, Lord. The Opinions of, as recorded in the House of Lords, from 1797 to 1841. Edited by D. C. Moylan. 12mo. London, 1841. Peel, Sir Robert. Memoirs : Edited by Earl StLnhope and the Right Hon. E. Cardwell. 2 vols. Svo. London, 185G-57. Vol. I. The Roman Catholic Question, 1828-9. " II. Formation of the New Government, 1834-6. " " Repeal of tho Corn Laws, 1846-6. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 231 Peel Sir Robert, and his Era ; being a view of the chief Events and Mea- sures of his Life mid Time. 8vo. London, 1843. His Opinions expressed in Parliament and in Public. Second edition, with a Memoir. Svo. London, 1850. Life and Times. By W, C. Taylor. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1846-1851. The last Tolume is by Charles Maoltay. '' The Political Life of; by T. Doubleday. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1856. . Speeches in Parliament ; vide British Parliamintaet History, &c. Duvergier de Hauranne. Du Eoyaume-tini et du ministfere de Sir Robert Peel en 1843. Revue des Deux Mondes. Nouvelle aerie. Vol. 4. Palmerston, Henry John, Viscount. Opinions and Policy of the Right Hon. Lord, as Minister, Diplomatist, and Statesman ; with a Memoir, bj G. H. Francis. Svo. London, 1852. . The Foreign Affairs of Great Britain administered by. (Not published.) Svo. London, 1841. An Appendix containing the Plan and Policy laid down by Peter the Great. The English Secretary of State's Explanations with the Czar, 1719, ate. Vide Fiequclmont, Lord Palmerston, I'Angleterre et le continent, etc., [Histoik*] D'Israeli, Berjamin, M. P. A Li;>!rary and Political Biography ; [by Thomas Macknight.] Svo. London, 1854. Bentinck, Lord George. A Political Biography ; by Benjamin D'Israeli, Fourth edition, revised. Svo. London, 1852. Thirty Years of Foreign Policy. A History of the Secretaryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerston ; [by Thomas Mao- knight.] Svo. London, 1855. Roulin. Du syst^me Electoral anglais. Revue des Deux Mondes. Quatri^me serie. Vol. 5. Lemoinne, John. Des mceuri electorales de la Grande-Bretagne. Jbid. vol. 31. , La loi des pauvres en Angleterre. Idid., uouvelle s6rie, vol. 19. Des rapports de I'^tat et de I'^glise en Angleterre. Ibid. vol. 23. md. La jeuno Irlande. Kossuth, Louis. Select Speeches of, condensed and abridged with [his] express sanction, by F. W. Newman. Svo. London, 1853. The Speeches selected, were mostly delivered in America. i.m 4 "i X¥ 1 ,i. 11 -A i J-EL' 1/ Hi • 232 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET l' I-- Wt iv. 1 i ' Alison, Alexander. The Future ; or, The Science of Politics. 12mo. London, 1852. RoUin, Ledru. The Decline of England. Second edition. Svo. London, 1850. " The proof— I find in fhe History of [her] InstitutioM, of her Lawi ; b«r Government, her past Annals and recent Statistics." See Exposition p, 18, Montalembert, Le Comte de. De I'avenir politique de I'Angleterre. 12mo. Paris, 18C6. , The Comte de. The Political Future of England. From the French. 8vo, London, 1856. Perils of the Nation. An Appeal to the Legislature, the Clergy, and the Higher and Middle Classes. 12mo. London, 1843. Remedies suggested for some of the Evils, which constitute " The Perils of the Nation." 12mo. London, 1844. Evils of England, Social and Economical. By a London Physician. 12mo. London, 1848. Buckingham, James S. National Evils, and Practical Remedies ; with the Plan of a Model Town. An Examination of some Moral and Political Problems, &c, ovo. London, 1849. Meliora ; or Better Times to Come ; being the Contributions of many Men, touching the present State and Prospects of Society. Edited by Lord Ingestre. 12mo. London, 1852. Pamphleteer, The. Dedicated to both Houses of Parliament, (published at an average of four numbers annually,) 1813 to 1828. 58 numbers, complete in 29 vols. 8vo. Loudon. Pamphlets, (15) Various, 1822-1851. Typographical Marks for Authors. What is the Constitution ? The Naval Forces of France and England compared. On the Consolidation of the Election Laws. Marriage with a Wife's Sister justified, &c. Political Tracts. A collection of, — dating from 1763 to 1780. 4 vols. Svo- A collection of, — by Fox, Erskine, Macintosh, etc., 1793 et seq. 6 vols. 8vo. A collection of, — (Various Authors.) 13 vols. 8vo. N,B. For the dintents of these Volumes of Pamphlets, with other similar Vok' vide EsoYCLorEDiAS, Pebiodicals, Ac. Drummond, Henry. M.P.P. Pamphlets on various subjects. 1 vol. 8vo. Loudon. Containing : — Elementary propositions on the Currency. 1848, The Fate of CLristcndcm. 1854. On the future destinies of the Celestial Bodies. 1856. Gammage, R. G. The History of the Chartist Movement, from its com- mencement, with an Appendix. 12mo. London, 1854. [Entitled Part I., but it seemi the work was not continusd.j LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 288 Gregory, C. W., (Vice President of United Patriots.) Public Opiuion and Record of the Educated. Titled, and Tttlented Perpetrators of Crime and Injustice. Vol.1. 8vo. London, 1856. Morality of Public Men. A Letter, and A Second Letter, to the Earl of Derby ; by De Vere. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1852-3. The Earl aod gome Members of his Qoverament are brought under notice. Greg, W. E. Essays on Political and Social Science, contributed chiefly to the Edinburgh Review. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Vol. 1, Arnold's Lectures ou Modern History. / Arnold's Life and Correspondence. Laing's German Catholic Schism. Laiug on Peasant Proprietorship, dc. Unsound Social Philosophy. Principles of Taxation. England as it is. Mary Barton. InTestments for the Working Classes. English Socialism. Progress and Hopes of Socialism. Alison's History of Europe. " II. The Fermentation of Europe. Difficulties of Republican France. France since 1848: [and] In January, 1852. Nett Results of 1848 in Germany and Italy. Shall we retain our Colonies ? Relation between Employers and Employed. Sir R. Peel's Character and Policy Prospects of British Statesmanship. The Expected Reform Bill, Representative Reform. Gray, Charles. Social scicncp ; vide his i'hiiosophy of Necessity, vol. 2. Cambaeeres. Discontn .sur hi science sociule. A. S. M. vol. 3. Cordier. La Fiance ct rAnp;leterri>, ou rt-cherches sur ics causes de pros- perity nt les chunct s de decadence des deux nations. 8vo. Paris 1845. Roy, J. Les institutions judii'iuircs de l'.\n;i;luterre coniparoes avec celles de la France. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1828. Vide Tapi6a. La Fiunoo ot rAngletcrre [FIistoire.] " Fauchcr. Etudes sur rAiigleterro [Ecd.nomik politique.] " La Gu^rouiiit^re. Les liommes d'Etat ile I'Angloiorro, etc., [Histoiek.] " Boaumoiit, I'lrlamlo socialo, politique, etc., f/iid. Voi/f,i aussi duns I'llisroiiu:, lea miiinoires de Sully, do Richelieu, Mazarin, etc. Louvois. Testament politique du Marquis de ■. 12mo. 1665. Cologne, Voltaire. Politique et legislation. Voir ses oeuvres. Vol. 29 et 30. Q H I > lv4 r , ) « ,1 JKi \ n : 2H 1 .14,11 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET Mirabeau. CEuvres completes, pr6c6d6es d'une notice sur sa vje et tea ouvrugesj par M. M6rilhou. 9 vol. 8to. Paris, 1827. Vol. I et II. Des FrisoiiB d'etat — Euaui sur 1« dospotisme. Ill, IV, V. Lattiea u Sophie. " VI. Ilistoiro secrt^te de la oour da Uerliu. " VII, VIII, IX. Discoura ot opiuionii. Barnave. U6flexions et discoura politiques. Voir les oeuvres de Barnave vol. 1 «t 2. Stael, Mad. de. Considerations sur les priucipaux dv6nenient8 du lu revolu- tion fron9ai8e. Voir les usuvres de I'auteur. Vol. 13 et H. Napoleon. Reciieil, par ordre chronologique, de sos letties, proclamations, bulletins, discour.s sur les uiatitires civiles et politiques, etc., formantune histoire de son rdgne, dcrite par lui-menie, et accoiupagniio de notes historiques, par M. Eermoysan. 2 vol. 12nio. Paris, 1855. ■ Ses opii.ions sur les horames e^ les choses, recueillies par M. Hinard. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Chateaubriand. Molangea politiques — polemique — opinions et discours. Voir les CEuvres d« I'auteur. Vol. 26-31. Voir encore les (Euvrcs d'Audrc »t Joseph Cheuior, — Buchcz et Roux, Histoire parletnentaire de la revolution fraD$aiao — Droz, Louis XVI, — Granierde Casingnae, Histoire des cnut«s de la fuvoiution fran^aisc, etc., — Soulavie, Hiatoii'o de la dd-cndeuce de la iiiouarehie frati;aiio — Aucillou, Histoire dti revolutious du systerae politique de I'Europc, etc. USaistre, Jos. comte de. Les soirees de Saint-Peter«bourg, — considerations sur la France, etc. Voir les CEuvres de De Maistro. (Philosophik KT Morale.) Vide Laiueunais, Lo politique dana sea rapports avec la religion. Lamartine- Tribune. Vol. 13 et 14 de ses oeuvres, — Politique rntionnelle, Vol. 5. Courier, Paul Louis. (Euvrcs completes. 4. vol. Svo. Paris, 1829-30, Vide TimoD, Livre des oratoura. Diotionnaire des Girouettes, ouvrage dans lequel sont rapportes les dii- cours, proclamations, t-crits, faits sous les gouvernements qui ont eu lieu en France depuis 26 ans, etc. Svo. Paris, 1815. Haroourt, le corate J. d'. De la politique des franijais en 1846. Svo. Paris, 1847. AUetz, Ed. De la democratie nouvelle, ou des moeurt et de la puissance dei classes moyennes en Franco. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 183S. Guizot. D« la d^raocratie en Franco (Janvier 1849). 8to. Paris, 1849. Saint Hilaire, Barthelemy. De lavraie d^raocratie. N. S. M. Vol. 7, 1850. Baude, J. J. Du pouvoir ex6cutif et del assemblies legislatives dam la r4publique. Bevue Jet Deux Mondei, nouvelle p4ii0de. Vol. 6. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 235 Napoleon III. (Euvres. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854-6. _ Political and Historical Works, with notes and a Memoir of his life. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. Les grands corps polltiques de PEtat ; biographie complete des mem- brcs du senat, du consul d'etat et du corps legislatif. l2u\o. Paris, 1852. Cousin, Victor, Nouvelle dofenFO des principes de la revolution fran.^-^ise et du gouvernement representatif. Ibid, vol. 10. Carn6, L.- de. Les fondateurs de I'unito fran5ai8e. 2 vol. Paris, 1856. Brochures politiques. 1 vol. 16mo. Paris, 1847-49 ; contenant : La Fninou et la Sainte Atlianco cu Portugal, 1847, par E. Quinet, Pr^aicleuce (le 111 rc'publiquc : qui QoinmoroiiB-nouBl Le Mans. 1648. Discoura prononeCs par M. Dupin. 1849. Rilflcxions 8ur lalibcrto de la Presse. 1840. Capital et Rente, par P'red. Bastiat. 1849. La veriti' aux ouviicrs, aux paysnns, auxsoldats, par F. Muret. 1849. Paix et libcrtu ou le budjct republicain, par F. Dastiat. 1849. Confession tl'un commuuiste icarien. 1849. Le socialisrao ; droit an travail, par Louis Blanc. 1848. Lo club (le viliuRO, par Lamarque Plaisance. 1849. Cherbuliez. Ordre social, simples notions. Brochure. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Sylvain-Eymard. La politicomanie, ou coup-d'oeil critique sur la folic revolutionnaire qui a rcgne en Europe depuis 1789, jusqu'au 2 decembre 1851. Svo. Paris, 1853. Jouffroy, Th. De la politique de la France en Afrique. Revue deu Deux Mondes, quatrieme serie. Vol 14. Alg^rie. De la legislation nuisulmane en Alg^^rie. Hid, nouv. periode, vol. 8. Voir les M(moire» de I'Acadimie de» scifnceii morale* ft politiques ; la tollection deURevnedfi Deux 3fonJf$, y compria I'Annuaire; la Revue Contempo- raine, etc. CWruel, A. Ilistoirc de radministration monarcliique er. France. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1855. Dareste de la Chavanne. Ilistoire de I'administration en France. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1848. Dictionnaire general d'administration, contenant la definition de tous les mots de la langue administrative 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1849. Block. Dictionnaire de radministration fran5aise. Svo. Paris, 18.^6. Depping, Correspondance administrative sous le r^gne de Louis XIV. 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1856. Vivien. Etudes administratives. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1852. Pour les ouTrnges sur le droit ailministratif, Vojiez oi-dernnt, Dboit Fran^ais Voir aussi dans l«s m^moires et documents re!atifs A I'histoire de France : Sully, Economies royales— Thierry, monumens du Ticrt-Etat— Varin, archives admiaistrative* de Reims — Depping, rdglements lur les arts «t metiers, etc. ; i ?.!■« I' •■P ii •B; 286 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET :ak' Taylor, W. 0. The Natural History of Society in the Barbarouk and Civilized States ; or, the origin and course of Human Improve- mont. 2 vols, liimo. New York, 1841. Ferguson, Adum. Essays on the History of Civil Society. 4to. P^dinburgb, 1767. Vaughan, Robert. The Ago of Great Cities ; or Modern Civilization viewed in its relation to Intelligence, Morals, and Religion. Second edition. 12ino. London, 1843. Dodd, George. The Food of London : a sketch of the Varieties, Sources of Supply, etc. ; suspected Adulteration, and Machinery of Distribution of the Food for a community of 2,500,000. 8vo. London, 1856. Hall, Charles. The Eft' cA.^ of Civilization on the People in European States. l2mo. London. 18.50. (In Phoenix Library.) Guizot, F. Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de I'Empire Eomainjusqu'ii lu Revolution Fran9ai8e. 8vo. Paris, 1851. . The History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution ; translated by W. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. MeadOAVS, T. T. Essay on Civilization, and, its present state in the East and West. 1850. [Appended to his work on " The Chinese, and their Rebellions," though originally intended for separav? publi- cation.] Popular Tumults, Illustrative of the Evils of Social Ignorance. 12mc. London, 1847. Knight's Library. Jennings, Richard. Social Delusions, concerning Wealth and Want. 12mo. Loudon, 1856. Bevolt of the Bees. Fourth edition. London, 1849. [In the Phoenix Library.] Owen, Robert. A New View of Society ; or, Essays on the formation of the Human Character, etc. Su'cond edition. London, 1816. ViiU Miibly, Observations sur riiiutoirc de France, — et Guizot, easais sur I'hiitoir* lie Frauce, (Histoire.) Guizot. Histoire de la civilisation en France. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Gaume, L'abbo. Histoire de la societo domestique. ou influence du christia- nismc siir la famille. 2 vol. Hvo. Paris, 1844. Fourier, Chs. Q5uvies compli'tes. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841-5. Vol. I. Tliuorie des quatrc inouvcinciits ct des dcstinces gcncrales. " II-T. Tliuorie do I'uuito uuivcrselle. " VI. Lo noiivean iiupiidn iiidustriiil '.t sooii'tair*. Ferrari, M. Desidees et de iV'Cole de Fourier depuis 1830. Revue den Deux Monilts, nuuveiio bone, vol. 9. Mitraud, L'abbe. De la n*jture dessocietes humaines. 12mo. Paris, 1855. ■.; ■ .1. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 237 Ballanohe. Esuai sur les institutions sociales, — le vieillard et le jeune Iioinme, — essais cenibro 1852, est Janvier et uoCkt 1S.53. Moreau de Jonnes, flis. A. La Pruisi', son progrot politique et social. 8vo. Poris, 1S48. Southey, Robert. Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 182D. [Morgan, J. M.] Ilnmpden in the Ninnteenth Century ; or, Colloquies on the Errors and Improvement of .Society. 1834. Colloquies on Religion and Religious Education [o Suppioinent,] 1837. 3 vols, 8vo. —^-^— The Cliri:4tian Coinnionwealth. Folio. London, 1845. The British Controversialist and Inquirer— Eatublished for the delibe- rate discussion of importimt questions in Religion, Philosophy, History, Politics, Social Economy, etc. May 1850, to the close of 1855. 6 vols, 8vo. London, 1850-55. Burton, J. H. Political and Social Economy : its practical applications. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. [Elllis. J Outlines of Social Economy. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1850. — Questions and Answers suggested by seme of the nrrangeraents and relations of .Social Life : being a Sequel to the Outlines, etc. Second edition. l2mo. London, 1849. Fox, W- J. Lectures on Morality, as modified by the various classes into whi(^h Society is divided. 8vo. London 18116. Lectures, addressed chiefly to the Working Cla-oses. 4 vok 12mo. London, 1845-49. RoUfisel, N. Les nations eatholiques et les nations protostantes comparees sous le triple rapport du bien-otre dcs lumieres et de la morality. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. — — — Catholic Nations and Protestant Nations Compared, in Wealth, Knowledge, and Morality. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. Sflaccall, William. National Missions ; a series of Lectures. 8vo. Lon- don, 1855. nistorical, so far ai to determine how "each nation" (in particular) has "iti Miision." Chevenix, Richard. On National Character ; being an Inquiry into the causes which form and modify the Characters of Nations, in the State of Civilization. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1832. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LKOISLATION. 230 Journal of Social Progress, for 1854 ; being Pari IT. of the Monthly .lounial of Progrodu ; nditeil by W. K. Sullivan. 8vo. I)iil)lin, 1854, Carey, H. C The Puj^t i The Present} and The Future. 8vo. rhiUdulphia, 1848. Garvey. M- A. The Silent Rcvolutinn ; or, the future effects of Steam and Electricity upon the condition ot mankind. 12mu. Loi.duu, 1852. Wright, John. Christianity and Commorco the Uesulta of the Gnographical Pro;{re8hion uf Uuiiwiiya, and the probability of the Restoration of the Land of Promise to the Jewa. Hvo. London. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia ; or, tho Happy Uopublic ; written in Latin by, — and translated into Euglisii by Itapho ttobinson, A. 1)., 1551. A new edition, with copious notes, (including Dr. Warner's,) and a bio- graphical introduction, &c., by T. E Dibdin. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon- don, 1808. .—— Another copy, without notes ; bound up with the New Atlantis, by Lord Bacon ; an analysis of Plato's Republic, Ac, by J. A. St. John. 12mo. London, 1838. Harrington, James, Tho Oceana, and other works ; with an account of his life, by John Toland. 4to. Loudon, 1771. (With MS. notes, by Serjeant Ilcywood.) Mandeville, Bernard do. Tho Pablo of the Bees ; or. Private Vices, Publick Benotits ; with an I'^ssay on Charity and Charity Schools, and tho Nature of Society. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1732-33. Law, William. Remarks on tho Fable of the Bees ; with an introduction by tho Rev. F. D. Maurieo : the i'oom of the Fable ; IMandeville on the Origin of Morality, &c. 8vo. Cambridge, 1811. Johnson, Dr. Political Essays, and Tracts. Vide Johnson's works, vols. 2 and 3. Dymond, Jonathan. On the Principles of Morality, and on tho rights and obligations of Mankind. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1852. Tyler, J. E. Oaths; their origin, naturo, and history. 8vo. London, 1834. Bentham, Jeremy. Swear not al all. Vide his Works, vol. 5. Gisborne, Thomas. Au enquir-y into tho duties of Men, in the higher and middle cla-ssea of S n ty in Great Britain. Sixth edition, corrected. 2 vols Svo. London, 1811. An enquiry into the duties of the Female Sex. 12mo. Loudon, . Alexander, William. The history of Women, from the earliest antiquity to the ])resent time. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1782. FuUom, S. W. The history of Woman, and her connexion with Religion, Civilization, and Domestic Manners, from the earliest period. Third edition. Svo. London, 1855. I , ,1 n -irll ^'S'\ :i :«-vii ift 240 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET ^n Iiaws oonoerning Women ; — A brief Summary of the most important, with a few observatious thereon. 8vo. London, 1854. Davis, J. E. On the Laws for the Protection of Women, (a Prize Essay.) 8vo. London, 1854. The Elective Franchise ; — The Right of Women to exercise : by Justitia, 12mo« London, 1855. WoUstoneoraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Eights of Woman ; with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. 8vo. London, 1792. Woman's Rights and Duties ; with relation to their influence on Society and on her own condition ; by a Woman. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Reid, Mrs. Hugo. A Plea for Woman. The importance and extent of her natural sphere of action, &c. 16mo. Edinburgh, 1843. Lethbridge, J. AVatts. Woman the Glory of the Man ; showing the rela- tions of her physical, social, intellectual, moral, and religious supe- riority over Man. 12mo. London, 1856. Milton, John. Of Divorce; of Marriage; Bucer' a judgment, &c. ; Milton's defence of his book. Vide his Works, vol. 4. [Harness.] Nuptia> Sacra) ; or, the Scriptural Doctrine of Marriage and Divorce. First published in 1801 ; now re-printed, by desire. 8vo. London, 1821. (Bound with other Pamphlets, by Eooke, &o.) Tebhs, H. V. On the Scripture Doctrines of Adultery and Divorce, and on the criminal character and punishment of Adultery, by ancient laws. 8vo. London, 1822. Morgan, H. D. Of Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce ; a theological and practical view, with remarks on the ecclesiastical meaning of Fornica- tion. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 182G. Foster, T. C. Eeviow of th(! law relating to Marriage within the prohibited degrees ; and of the considerations by which [it] is supposed to be justified. 8vo. London, 1847. Pusey, E. B. Evidence given before the Commission appointed to inquire into the state and operation of the law of Jtarriage, as relating to the prohibited degrees, — with Preface by Dr. Pusoy, and a Speech by E. Badely. 8vo. Oxford, 1849. Gibson, James. Free Church, Glasgow. Marriage with the Sister of a de- ceased wife discussed, in the light of history, law. Scripture, Ac, Svo. Edinburgh, 1854. Harris, Joim, Patriarchy ; or, the Family : its Constitution and Probation. 8vo. London, 1855. [Domville, SirWm.] The Sabbath. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849-1855. Vol. I. An KxaminatioD of the Six Texts adduced from the New Testament, 1 1 proof of a Christian Sabbath. " II. An inquiry into the supposed obligations of the Sabbaths of the Old Teatamont. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 241 Hengstenberg, Prof. E. W. The Lord's Day ; translated from the German, by James Martin, B. A. 8vo. London, 1853. Debreyne. Le Dimanche. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Cox, Robert. Sabbath Laws and Sabbath Duties, in relation to their natural and scriptural grounds, and to religious liberty. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1853. Selden, John. The Dueilo, or Single Combat ; with several kinds and cere- monious forms, described. Vide Opera Omnia, vol. IIL, part 1. Sabine, Lorenzo. Notes on Duels and Duelling ; with a preliminary historical Essay. Second edition. 12mo. Boston, 1856. Spirituous Liquors, — The present State of the British Distillery ; the evil consequences of any additional duties, &c. : wherein, also, gross im- positions contained in a pamphlet, entitled, " Distilled Spirituous Liquors the Bane of the Nation," are fully detected. 8vo. London, 1736. On the difference now set up between Gin and Rum, and our Mother Country and Colonies (Written to favour Temperance.) 4to. London, 1760. More"WOOd, Samuel. A liistory of the inventions and customs of ancient and modern nations in Inebriating Liquors ; the present practice of distillation ; with an illustration of the consumption and effects of Opium, &c., in the East. 8vo. London, 1838. Fermented Liquors. Enquiries icto the effects of, — by a Water Drinker, 8vo. London, 1814. Grindrod, B. B. Bacclius ; an Essay on the nature, causes, effects, and cure of Intemperance : First American, from third English edition ; edited by C. A. Leo. 8vo. Hartford, 1848 Mittermaier, Prof. On the effects of Drunkenness upon Criminal Re- sponsibility, and the application of Punishment ; from the German. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1841. (See Scarce Tracts, vol. 2.) For other works on the cfTects of inteiupcraDce, vide Medical Science. Carpenter, W. B. On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors, in Health Hiid Disease ; Prize Essay. 12mo. London, 1850. (Bound with a Charge [cognate to the Essay] delivered by the Recorder, at Birming- ham, to the Grand Jury, in 1855.) Buckingham, James S. A Plea for the Reign of Temperance and Peace, submitted to the Visitors of the Great Exhibition. 12mo. London, 1851. World's Temperance Convention, held in London, August, 1846. The Proceedings of the, — with Papers, Ac, presented. 8vo. London, 1846. Gough, J. B, [The Temperance Advocate. ] Autobiography; and Orations on Temperance. 12mo. London, 1855. f! i V-i" I I 1. M ■; i P" 1 ||H| .1, i . i r' ■ ' ' ! ■ m ^1 . ' 1 -" J 1 : ■i . ,. I ■:.i . 242 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET Fhiladelphia, 1852. London, 1835. Vid^', also, ::r^ U Reid, William. The Temperance Cyclopedia ; compiled by Rev. "W. Eeid. Second edition. 12mo. Glasgow, 1855. Maonamara. Peace, permanent and universal ; its practicability, &c., (a Prize Essay.) l2mo. London, 1841. Burritt, Eliha. The Works of. 12mo. London, 1848, " Devoted to the promotion of Peace among the Nations." Peace Congress. Report of the Proceedings of the Second General, — held in Paris, August, 1849. 8vo, London, 1849. Maokey, A. G. Lexicon of Free Masonry ; its communicable Terms ; its His- tory, Traditions, and Antiquities ; and an account of all the Rites and Mysteries of the ancient world. Third Edition, improved. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1855. Vide, Zaccone, Histoire des Soci6t68 secretes. Claval, Histoire pittoresque de la Franc-Mafonerie. Donaldson, Paschal. The Odd Fellows' Text Book ; an elucidation of the theory of Odd Fellowship ; with forms, ceremonies, and odes with music, and a manual of practice. 12mo. Ansell, Charles. On Friendly Societies. 8vo. Nieson's Vital Statistics. Ruggles, Thomas. The History of the Poor : their Rights, Duties, Laws respecting them. A new edition; continued to the p^asent time. 4to. London, 1797. EdeU) Sir F. M. The state of the Poor ; or, an History of the Labouring Classes, from the conquest ; with respect to their diet, di-^ss, fuel, and habitation ; and the various plans adopted for the relief of the poor ; with a Chronological Table of the prices of labour, of provis- ions, &c. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1797. [Inquiry on the Poor Laws, 1807-] The policy, Immanity, and past effects of, with considerations on the fupply of Food. 8vo. London. Pashley, Robert On Pauperism and Poor Laws. 8vo. London, 1852. NichoUs, Sir George. History of the English Poor Law, in connection with the Legislation, &c., affecting the condition of the people. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Gaskell, Peter. The Manufacturing Population of England ; its moral, social. and physical conditions ; the changes which have arisen from the use of Steam Machinery ; with remarks on Infant Labour. 8vo London, 1833 Tuckett, J. D. History of the past and present state of the Labouring Pop- ulation ; shewing the extremes of opulence and destitution, &c. ; with practical means for their employment and prosperity. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1846. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 243 Simnions, G. The Working Classes ; their moral, social, and intellectual condition ; with practical suggestions for their improvement. 12mo, London, 1849. : Mayhe'W, Henry. London Labour and the London Poor ; Vol. I. The London Street Folk. 8vo. London, 1851. iViartineau, Harriet. Forest and Game Law Tales. 3 vols. J2mo. Lon- don, 1845. Agxioultural Classes of Great Britain and Ireland : On the condition of the — with extracts from Parliamentary Reports, «fec., 1833 to 1840, and remarks by the French Editor ; with a preface by H. Drummond- Vol. I. State of Ireland. Vol. 11. Agriculture in Great Britain. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Lewis, G. Cornewall. On local disturbances in Ireland ; and on the Irish Church Question. 8vo. London, 1836. Poor Laws. [England and Wales.] Extracts from the information received by Hig Majesty's Commissioners, as to the administration and operation of the Poor Laws. 8vo. London, 1833. — Report from His Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the administration and practical operation of the Poor Laws ; with supple- ment. 8vo. London, 1834. Poor Law Commissioners. First Annual Report of the, — 8vo. Lon- don, 1835. Report from the, — on the training of Pauper Children ; with appendices. 8vo. London, 1841. Report from the, — to the Home Secretary, on an inquiry into the sanitary condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain ; with appendices. 8vo. London, I8i2. {Two Coj)ieg.) Reports of special Assistant, — on the employ- ment of Women and Children in Agriculture. 8vo. London, 1843. Labouring Population of Scotland. Reports on the sanitary condition of the, — 8vo. London, 1842. Pour les ouvrages fran^ais re'.atifs au paupdriime, auz hopitaux, et aux elassea laborieuse^, Voir Eoosomie Politique. Pour Ics ouvrages fran9aia relatifs a I'hygifinepubliquo, Voir Science Medicali. Health, Publio. For works on Public Health, and Reports of the General Board of Health, respecting the sanitary condition of the labouring Classes, Model Lodging Houses, the Cholera, and other Epidemics, Interment in Towns, &c., Vide Mkdical Sciencb. iii nMm H»^ <■■ ..1*1 ''n^ .A;;--^,.:.ti^l p 244 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET ':■ :m Health, Board of. (Eeports on the supply of Water). 1 vol. 8vo. Report by the General Roard of Health, on the supply of Water to liic Metro- polis. 1860. Appendix, No. 1. Returns to Queries addressed to the several Metro- poJitan Water Companies. Appendix, No. 2. Engineering Reports and Evidence. • Appendix, No. 8. Report and Evidence ; Medical, Chemical, Geological, and Miscellaneous. ■ Appendix, No. 4. The Cesspool systeta at Paris. Report and Papers of suggestions on the proposed gathering grounds for the supply of the Metropolis, from the soft water springs of the Surrey Sands; by the Hon. Wm. Napier. 1851. ■ (Reports on the supply of Watei.) 1 vol. 8vo. Minutes of Information collected on the practical application of Sewer Water and Town Manures to Agricultural Production. 1852. Minutes of Information collected with refcence to works for the removal of soil, water or drainage of dwelling houses and public edifices, and for the Sewerage and cleansing of the sites of Towns. 1852, Minutes of Information collected in respect to the Drainage of the Land forming the sites of Towns, to road drainage, and the facilitation of the drainage of suburban Lands. 1852. Hospitals and Sisterhoods. Second edition. ' 12mo. London, 1855. [Taking for examples, " Protestant Sisterhoods on the Continent, and Religions Orders in the Roman Catholic Church."] Jameson, Mr s. Sisters of Charity ; Catholic and Protestant, abroad and at hoiae. Second edition. Enlarged. 12mo. London, 1855. The Communion of Labour ; a second Lecture on the social employments of W'^men. 12mo. London, 1856. Sisters of Charity, and some visits with them, 12mo. London, T865. Brownlow, John. Memoranda ; or, Chronicles of the Foundling Hospital, including Memoirs of Capt, Coram, [its projector,] etc, 8vo. Loudon, 1847. Tait,, Surgeon. Magdalenisra. An Inquiry into che extent, causes and consequences of Probtitution in Edinburgh, Second edition, 12mo. Edinburgh, 1842. XiUnacy Reports. Eeports of the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy ; with a Supplemental Report, relative to the oondiMon of the Insane in Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Conolly, John. The construction and government of Lunatic Asylums and Hospitab ; with Plans. l2mo. London, 1847. ■ The Treatment of the Insane, without mechanical restraints. 8vo. London, 1856. Earle, Pliny. Institutions for the Insaae, in Prussia, Austria and Germany. 8vo. New York, 1854. LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 245 Earle, Pliny. History, Description and Statistics of the Bloomingd&le Asyluoi for the Insane. 8vo. New York, 1848. Hood, W. C. Suggestions for the future prorisioa of Criminal Lunatics. Sto. London, 1854. Du Boys. Histoire du droit criminel des peuples modernes consid^r^ dam 168 rapports avec les progres de la civilisation, deputs In chute de I'em- pire Romain jusqu'au XIXe siecle. Pour faire suite ik I'histuire du droit criminel dc^ peuples anciens. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Flint, Thomas. Crime in England, as developed from 1801 to 1848. 12mo. London, 1851. Hill, Frederic. Inspector of Prisons. Crime : its amount, causes, and reme- dies. 8vo. London, 1853. BeggS, Thomas. The extent and causes of Juvenile' Depravity. 8vo. Lon- don, 1849. Worsley, Henry. Juvenile Depravity. Prize Essay. 12mo. London, 1849. Hill, (M.) and Cornwallis, (C. F). Two Prize Essays on Juvenile Delin- quency. 8vo. London, 1853. Carpenter, Mary. Juvenile Delinquents, their condition and treatment. 12mo. London, 1853. Symons, Jelinger C. Tactics for the Times ; p8 regards the Dangerous Cla3se3. Svo. London, 1849. Papers, Pamphlets, and Speeches, on Eeformatories of Juvenile Crime, and its treatment. 12mo. Loudon, 1855. Murray, Patrick J. Eoformatory Schools in France and England. Re- corders of Doucaster and of Birmingham, observations on " Met- tray ;" in 1 vol. Svo. Loudon, 1854-55. Macgregor, John. The Law of Eeformatories ; or, Legislative measures for the eatablishmeut and support of Institutions for Juvenile Olfouders ; tho suppression of juvenile mendicancy : with information a" to the principal institutions, &c. Svo. London, 185G. Lucas, Ch. Theorio de remprisonnement, do ses principes, do ses moyens et tie .ses conditions pratiques. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1836. Howard, John. Tho State of the Prisons in England and "Wales; -with an account of some Foreign Prisons and Hospitals. Fourtli edition. 4t(). London, 1792. Howard, Joliu. An account of the Lazarettos in Europe; with Papers relative to the Plague : with some further observations on some Foreign Prisons and Hoapitals ; and on the present state of those in Great Britain and Ireland. Second edition. 4to. Loudon, 1791. This Volume also coutaiiis an Account of the Cbartei" Schools iu Ireland. (I ■■■]'■'< >■ i '<'*' I ^^^^^KS^*^ Ws iHP::i::j J ^WWrn^'yt ..,::kM ■F"5---'!"'^^ m ;i:i'™l-:?- 1 ''''■'0Mm :.iiM 1 '^"^ ■ m 1 ■■■■'' K J._a.!Lik:. \n 246 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET Dixon, Hepworth. The Londou Prisons ; with an account of diBtinguished persons who have been confined in them, [and] a description of Pro- vincial Pi'iaons. 12mo. London, 1850. Jebb, Major. Surveyor General of Prisons. Modern Prisons: their con- struction and ventilation. 4to. London, 1844. Combe, George. On the principles of Criminal Legislation, and the prac- tice of Prison Discipline. 8vo. London, 1854. Oscar : King of Sweden. On Punishments and Prisons ; translated by A. May. 8vo. London, 1844. Adshead, Joseph. Prisons and Prisoners ; with illustrations. 8vo. Lon^ don, 1845. Prisons* Projet de loi sur les — Discussion k la chambre de3 deputes, (session de 1844.) Svo. Paris, 1844. Moreau, Christophe. Defense du projet de loi sur les prisons. Svo. Paris, 1844. Dibats du Congrfes penitentiaire de Bruxelles, septembre 1847. Svo. Paris, 1848. B6renger, M. Des moyens propres k generaliser en France le systome penitentiaire, etc. N.S.M. Vol. 1. _— Rapport sur le concours relatifaux modifications que I'adop- tion du systeme penitentiaire necessiterait dans le code penal. Id. Vol. 4. De la repression penale, de ses formes et de ses effets. N.S.M. Premiere partie, vol, 8 ; seconde partie, vol. 9. Baude, J- J- Du systome p^nal en France. La peine de mort, le bagne et la prison. Revue des Deux Mondes, septembre 1855. Roscoe, "W. On Penal Jurisprudence, and the Reformation of Criiniu..!: Reports on Peuiteutiaries of Philadelphia, New York, and Massa- chusetts, &c. 8vo. London, 1819. Beaumont, (Gustave,) et De Tooqueville, (Alexis.) Systeme peniten- tiaire aux Etats-Unis et de son application en France, suivi d'un appen- dice sur les colonies penales. 12mo. Paris, 1845. On the Penitentiary System in the United States, and its application in France ; on Penal Colonies, and also Statistical Notes ; translated, with additiona, by F. Lieber. Svo. Philadelphia. 1833. Prison Discipline Society, Boston, 1826— ] 854. Reports, by the Secre- tary, the Rev. Louis Dwight ; with a Memoir of Mr. Dwight, by W. Jenks, D. D. 3 vols. Svo. Boston, 1855. Prison Discipline in America, by F. C. Gray. Vol. 3 also contains Londo-i, 1848. 'If LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 24.7 Field, J. ; Chaplain. Prison Discipline : the advantages of the Separate System of Iniprisonnnent ; with an account of the discipline in the New Gaol at Koading. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Burt, J- T. ; Cliaplain. Eesults of Separate Confinement, as administered at the Pcntonville Prison. 8vo. London, 1852. Chesterton, Gt. L. : Twenty-five years Governor of the House of Correc- tion, Cold Bath Fields. Eevelatious of Prison Life ; with an enquiry into Prison Discipline and Secondary Punishments. Second edition, revised. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 185U. Pentonville Prison. Keport of the Surveyor General of Prisons, on the construction, ventilation, and details of, — with plans. 8vo. London 1844. Prisons. Second Eeport of the Surveyor General of, — including Eeporta, &c., on the system of separate confinement, prison discipline, treat- ment of juvenile offenders, secondary punishments, &c. 8vo. Lon- don, 1847. India Reports. Prison Discipline, &c. Eeport of the Committee on Prison Discipline, to the Governor General in Council, January, 1838. Folio. Calcutta, 1838. Bombay Police Records, Prisons, &o. : [Bound in Folio.] Eeport of tiie Inspector of Prisons, North-Western Provinces. 8vo. Agra, 184G. Eeport of the Inspector, on the Management of Jails, from 1815 to 1851 ; and, on the State of Prison Discipline, in the North- Western Provinces ; [with] Eeport for 1852. 4to. Agra, 1852-53, Hutchinson, James. Observations on the General and Medical Manage- ment of Indian Jails, &c. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. Calcutta, 1845. [Indian Pampl ts, Civil Service.] Extracts from Third Eeport of In- spector.i ol Prisons for the Home Districts, 1838. [Eden.] Principles of Penal Law. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1771. Criminal Law : On the Principles of. Vide Small Books on Great Sub- jects, X. ["Law," "1795—1810."] A volume of Pamphlets, so lettered, contains: Eomilly, Sir S. Observations on the Criminal Law, as it relates to Capital Punishments, 18 10 ; also, in the same vol., is a copy of the following work. First edition, 1809. Montagu, Basil. The Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment of Death. Second edition. 8 vols. London, 1812-16. Lucas, Ch, De la peine de mort ; recueil des debats des assemblies legisla- tives de la France sur la question de la peine de mort. 12mo. Paris, 1831. Guizot. De la peine de mort en matiere politique. 8to. Paris, 1822. i1 il 1 -' 1 '** * f# 248 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL [POLITIQUE ET Wakefield, E, G. Facts relating to the Punishment of Death in the Metropolis. Second edition; with an Appendix concerning Murder, for the sale of the dead body. 8vo. London, 1832 Rantoul, R. Memoirs, Speeches, «fec., including his celebrated Keport on Capital Punishment, presented to the House cf Eepresentatives of Masachusetts, Feb. 22, 1836. 8vo. Boston, 1854. Vide also: Princeton Essays: Second Series; pp. S43 — 376, for an Essay on Capital Punishment, including a Review, with copious extracts, from Mr. O'SulIivan's Report on the subject, presented to the Assembly of the S(tiU of New York, April 14, J841. Cheever, Dr. G. B. Punishment by Ljath: its authority and expediency. 12mo. New York, 1855. Vide Olmstend, Noah and bis times, for a discussion of this question. And. Bentbam's Principles of Penal Law ; in bis works, vol. I., pp. 441 — 660. Pamjt/lilets on Capital Punishment, &o. 1 vol. 8vo. Containing :— Speech of W. Ewart, M. P.. in the House of Commons, for an Inquiry into the expediency of maintaining Capital Punishment, 1866. Criminal Lunatics : are they responsible ? being an examination of " The Plea of Insanity ;" by J. A. Reynolds, M. D 1866. Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law: — Thre« Papers on Capital Punishment, read before the. By Edward Webster, A. H. Dymond, and Henry Maybew, Ttb July, 1866. Also, Thirteenth Annual Report of the Council, with the Rules of the Society, and a List of Members, 1866. Clarkson, Thomas. Hiatory of the rise, progress, and accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. ___ Xew edition, with remarks on the subsequent Abolition of Slavery. 8vo. London, 1839. Carey, H. C. The Slave Trade, domestic and foreign : Why it exists, and how it may be extinguished ? 12mo. London, 1853 (A Slave, in this Author's regard, is any one dependent on his imlustry ; and, ut the siiine time, and by force of eii'cumstnueos, subjected to the control of an arbitrary capitalist, or superior class. It docs not, therefore, merely relate to Negi'o Slavery.) Stephen, James. The Slavery of the West India Colonies delineated, and compared witli the Slavery of otlier Countries, antient aud modern. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1821-30. Vol. I., The State in point of Law. Vol, II., The State in point of Pinctioe. Barclay, Alexander. A practical view of the present state of Slavery in the AVest ludien ; or, an Examination of Mr. Stephen's " '"Slavery of the British "West India Colonies :" with observations on tlie decrease of the Slaves, &c., and on the probable eflects of Legislative Emiuici- patlon, &c. 8vo. London, 1S20. With wliicli, there is bound,— The Consolidated Slave Law, with a Coininentary, jNIarginal Notes, &c. Passed by the Parliameut of Jamaica, Dec 182G. Second edition. Jauiaieu, 1827. nation of "The uent Abolition LEGISLATION.] SCIENCE AND LEGISLATION. 249 Stephen, Sir George. Anti-Slavery Eecollections : in Letteri to Mrs. Beechcr Stowc, — at hor request. 8ro. London, 1854. Ward, S. R. Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro : his Anti-Slavery Labours in tho United States, Canada, and England. Svo. London, 1865. Vid*, aljo, other works ou Slavery 'n AMsaioAN Law, Govsummsiit and Pourica. |fllitkal (Bmm^, €mmmt aiib Statistics. (£tonomie|poIitique, Coinmme ti Statistiijues. Canilh. Dictionnaire d'economie politique. Svo. Paris, 1826. Dictionnaire de I'^ioonomie Poliilque, contenant I'exposition des principes de la science, I'opinion des ucrivains qui ont le plus con- tribuo il ses progros, la bibliograpliie gcn6rale de I'^conomie politique, avec une approciation raisonnee des principaux ouvrages, pa'* MM. Fr. Bastiat, H. Baudillart, Blanqui, Cherbuliez, Michel Chevalier, Ch. Dunoyer, L6on Faucher, Joseph Gamier, H. Passy, Quetelet, L. Reybaud, Horace Say, Vivien, Wolowski, et autres, sous la direc- tion de MM. Ch. Coquelin et Guillaumin. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1854. Desmeuniers. Economie politique. Encyclopedie Methodique. 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1784. Villeneuve-Bargemont, A. de. Histoire de I'dconomie politique ou etudes historiques, philosophiques et religieuses sur I'cconomie poli- tique des peuples anciens et modernes. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1841. Blanqui, A. Histoire de I'economie politiq :3 en Europe, depuis les anciens jusqu'ii uos jours. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1864. Reynier. Economie rurale et publiquo des Celtes, des Germaius et des autres peuples duNordotdu centre de r Europe. Svo. Gentive, 1818. — - Economie des Poraes et des Pheuiciens. Svo, Geneve, 1819. De Lamalle, 13. Economie politique dea liomaius. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1840. Peochio. Economie politique en Italie : abrege critique des economistea Italiens. Svo. Paris, 1830. Voir Bodia ot son temps, par Baudrillard. Cazeaux. Science economiqued'apris Sully et les anciens. Svo. Paris, 1834. — Elements d'oconomi' )olitique et priv6e. Svo. Paris, 1826. . ————— Bases de I' economie politique. Svo. Paris, 1826. B I "I *i » -ft ^ "1- f .' 250 POLITICAL BCONOMT, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, ,T1 1 il * 1 :M . 1 r?f'",. ■■ ?, . ' n 45 i i ■I Pautet, Julea. Manuel d'cconomie politique. 12mo. Paris, 183i. Hortt. Oanilh. La th6orie de I'^conomie politique. 2 Tol. 8to. Paris, 1822. ^^ Systoraes dV'conomie politique. 2 rol. 8to. Paris, 1800. Dutens. Philosophie de r6coiiomie politique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. — — >— — Defense de la philusophie de I'^oonomie politique. Br. Sro. Parii, 1837. I Appendice h la defense de la philosophie de I'^conomie politique, Br. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Playftiir, "William. Inquiry into the causes of the Decline and Foil of Power- ful and Wealthy Nations, to show how the prosperity of the British Empire may be prolonged. 4to. London, 1805. Smith, Adam. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations ; with a Life of the Author, Supplemental Dissertations, &c., by J. R. McCulloch. New Edition, enlarged. Svo. Edinburgh, 1839. — . Kecherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesfit) des Nations, traduction de G. Qarnier. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1843. TtvIss, Travers. View of the progress of Political Economy in Europe, since the XVIth Century ; a course of Lectures before the University of Oxford. Svo. London, 1847. Melanges d'^loonoinie Politique. 2 vol. Svo., comprenant : Vol. I. D. Hume, esaaia eur le commerce, le luxe, Targcnt, I'intcrc^t de I'argent, les impots, le credit public, etc.; Forbonnaia, principei dconomiques; Condillac, le commerce et legouveruement; Condorcet, m61iiDges d'ecuno- mie politique; Lavoiaier et Lagrange, dc la richesae territorialc du rojaumt de Frauce; caaai d'arithm^tique politique ; 13. Franklin, la acienco du bon- bomme Ricbard, et autrca opuaculea : precedca de notlcea blatoriquea tur chaque auteur, et accompagnca de commentairet et do ootea ezplicatircs, par MM. Eugi^ne Daire et 0. de Mulinarl. Fnria, 1847. Vol. IL Necker,aur la legislation et le commerce des grains ; Gallani, dialogaei sur le commerce de* grains ; Moutyon, quelle influence out lea direraes capccea d'impots aur la moralite, I'activite et I'induatrie dea peuplei; J, Bentham, lettres sur la dvfenae de I'uaure ; precede de notices biatoriquei, par M. Oust, de Molinari. Paria, 1848. . Say, J. B. CEuvres. 4 vol. Svo. Vol. I-II. Cours complet d'economie politique pratique. Troisi^me tditioD. Paria, 1862. " III. Trait6 d'economie politique. Sixifime edition. Paria, 1841 " IV. CEuvres diverse*, contenant : utt6chisme d'economie politique, frag- ments et opuscules incdita, correspondance generate, Olbie, etc. Paria, 1848, . m Lettres h Malthus. Svo. Paris. 1820. Say,, J- B. Cat6chi8me d'economie politique. 12mo. Paris, 1834. — ^ Catechism of Political Economy: translated by J. Richter. Philadelphia, 1817. M'Viekar, John. Outlines of Political Economy. New York, 1825. (■• COMMEllCE ET STATI8TIQUES.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 261 Cooper, Thomas. Leotui'ips on Political Kconomy. Columbia, S. C. 1826. The tkrea preonding workf, bound in 1 vol. 8vo, Destutt de Traoy. Economie politique. 7oi> leBoouvros do I'auteur, vol.4, Turgot. (EuvroB : nouvoUo edition, cla886e par ordre de inatiorcs, avec lea notes de Dupont do Nemours, etc., pr6c6d»5e d'une notice sur la vie et lea ouvrsgea de Turgot, par M, Eug6no Dairo. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris 1844. Physlocrates : Quesnay, Uupont, MKiiciKn de la Riviere, rabb6BACDBAr. Lk Trosnk, avec uiio introduction ear la doctrine des pbysiocratei, par M. Eugene Dairo. 2 vol. 8ro. Paris, 1840. Passy. Rapport ""f '" concours ouvort au sujet de Tecole des Physiocrates, 1817. N.8.M. Vol. 6. Stewart, Dugnld. Lectures on Political Economy ; vide his collected Works, vols. 8 and ft. Rioardo, David. Works ; with a notice of his life and writings, by J. B. McCuUoch. Seooiul edition. 8vo. London, 1852. luclmliiig the PriiieiploH of Political Economy, liia Egaays ou the Fundiog system, ttnd on Parliaineotary Reform, his speech on the Ballot, ': ^, [ iff' p -^ h- '' 262 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIB POLITIQUE, Banfleld, T. C. Induatrj of the Uhin*. I. Agriculture. II. Manufaoturn. [with] A Vitiw of the b^o€iul Conditiun uf thu Population. 2 vol*. 12rD0. Jjondon, 184b. Knight' » Library. Monson, Sir W. Tracts. V. Divers Projects and Strategema for the Good of the Kingdom. VI. On the Benefit ihat will accrue from the Kstab' lishment of Fisheried on the Coasts of England, ScotlamJ, and Ireland. [Time of Eliz.J Vide ChurchiU'a Collection qf Voyagei and Travel*. ▼ol. 3. Bowen, Francis. The Principles of Political Economy, applied to the coadition, the resources, ood the luatitutious of the American People. 8vo. Boston, 1B56. Franklin, Benjamin. Essays on Political Economy and Commerce, vide his Works, Vol. 2. Bentham, Jeremy. Manual of Political Economy, vide his Works, Vol. 3. Hodgskln, Thomas. Popular Political Economy ; Lectures delivered at the London Mechanics' Institution. 12mo. London, 1827. Maroet, Mrs. Conversations on IMitical Economy, and enlarged. 12mo. London, 1839. Seventh Edition, revised Another copy. Fifth Edition. 1839. Malthus, Rev. T. R. Principles of Political Economy ; with a view to their practical application. Second Edition, with additions from the Author's own Manuscript, und an original Memoir. 8vo. London, 1836. Another copy. First Edition. London, 1830. » ■ ■ — CEuvres : prccedces d'une introduction par P. Eossi. 2 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. — — Definitions in Political Economy ; Rules to Guide political economists in the use of their Terms, &c. New Edition ; with Remarks, by J. Cazeuove. 12mo. London, 1853. Political XjConomy, Essays on, — in which are illustrated the causes of the present National Distress, with appropriate Remedies. Svo. London, 1830. ChialmerSy Thomas. On Political Economy, in connexion with the Moral State and Prospects of Society. Svo. Glasgow, 1832. Vide also, bis Select Works, Vols. 9 and 10. Carey, H. C. Principles of Political Economy. 4 parts, in 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1837-1840. Fart L Of the Production and Distribution of Wealth. " II. Of the Causes wbich retard tbo Weallb and Improvement of Man. " IIL Of the Causes wbich retard Increase of Mankind. " lY. Of tho Causes which retard Improvement in Political Condition. COMMERCE ET 8TATI8TIQUE8.] COMMERCE AND STATL^TICS. 258 Rae, John. Statement of some ni'w principles of Political l^onomy, expoiing the fallacies of some doctrinei maintained in the Wealth of Nutiona. 8vo. Boston, 1H34. Rossi, !*• Coura d't'couomic politique profebsu au college de Vrnnce. 4 vol. Paris, 1854. Bastlat, Fn'tdt^ric. ORluvrea completes, misea en ordre, revues et annot^M d'apri^s loa mauuscrita do I'auteur. vol. hvo. Paris, 1866. Vul. I. Oorrespoudanoe, nu-Uogct. " 11. Le libre cchnuge. " IIL Cubdea «t la Ligne, on I'agitation aaglaiie pour U lilMrti if ^'changca. 1854. " IV et V. S>'pl)isii>o« (•cononiiquAi Pctits punptiUti. 1864. " VL riarmouiei dconomiquet. 18B4. Martinelll. Perturbations socialea. Esquisae dea oeuvres de T. Baatiat. 12mo, Paris, 1852. Chevalier, M. Cours dY'conomie politiqu' fait au college de F'ane*. Tomes 1 A 3. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Mill, J- Stewart. Priiicipiea of Poliiicnl Economy; wit'> some applications to Social Fiiilosophy. Secon '• .S^lition. 2 vols. dvo. London, 1849. — — Essays on some unsettled points of Political Economy. 8vo. London, 1844. Goohut, A. Etudes sur lo- Economistes. Revue dea Detue Monde$. Nouvelle serie. Vol. 6, 8, 14. Gouraud, Cii. Tendances de Teconomie politique en Angleterre et en France. Revne del Deux Mondea. Avril, 1862. Reybaud, L. L'6conomie politique en Angleterre. Ihid. Avril, 1865. Senior, N. W. Political Economy; reprinted from the Encyclopaedia Metro- politana. 8vo. London, 1850. >_— Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy. Bvo. London, 1851, Gibbon, Alexnndcr. In lu.^ions in the Polltionl Economy, and consequent Errors in the Legislation of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18.50. Opdyke, Georgo. On Political Economy. 12rao. New York, 1851. Newman, F. W. Lectures on Political Economy, 12rao. London, 1851. Bastlat, M. Fred. Essnys on Political Economy. 12mo. London, 1853. Taylor, James. Politicil Economy illustrated by Sacred History. (2 parti.) 12mo. London, 18 i>2. Jennings, Richard. Natural Elements of Political Economy. 8vo. London, 1855. W ;>;' if •■ f ■ M ^ 254 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, I' 'ki m ■■If,' 4iu Whately, Abp. Introductory Ijeotures on Political Economy, delivered at Oxford, 1831 ; with remarks on Tithes, and on Poor Laws, and on Penal Colonies. Fourth Edition, enlarged, 8vo. London, 1856. Say, L. Richesse des nations. Br. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Droz. Economie politique. Troisieme edition, pr^cedee d'une introduction par M. Michel Chevalier. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Ott. Economie sociale ; coordonnee au po^nt de vue du progres. 8to. Paris, 1851. Marbeau. Economie sociale. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Agazzinl. La science de i'economie politique. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Thomas, E. Science ccouomique. Br. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Bois-Aym6. Economie politique ; examen de quelques questions. 8vo. Pario, 1824. Molinari. Etudes economiques. 16mo. Paris, 1845. Entretiens sur les lois economiques et defense de la propriete. 12 mo. Paris, lH4b. Verri. Meditations sur Toconomie politique. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Dupuynode. Etudes d'oconomie politique sur la propriete territoriale. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Phdnomdnes economiques, leur analyse. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris et Nancy 1853. De Laborde, A. L'Esprit d'association dans tons les interets de la com- munautd. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Cormenin. Entretiens de village. Iluitiome edition. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Carrel, Armand. (Euvres litteraires et ceouomiques, precedoes d'uao notice biographique. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Bailleul. De la richesse et de I'impot. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Walras. Nature de la richesse, et origiue de la valeur. 8vo. Paris, 1831, Richesse sociale. Br. 12mo. Paris, 1849. jDutens. Pretendues erreurs. Br. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Ponteyraud. Melanges d'economie politique, mis en ordre et augmentes d'une notice sur I'auteur, par Joseph Garnier. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Reybaud, L. Economistes contemporains lievue des Deux Monde*. Nouvelle dc'rie. Vol 7. Parent, Etienne. Trois lectures i\ I'lnstitut Canadien de Montreal, but les Bujets suivans : 1. jnipiirrnnoe de I'l'tiule dn I't'conomic politique. 2. Du travail chez rhotume. ,S, L'ii.'i.i'itfie oonsldcroe comme moyen de conserver la nationulitC' canadiennft- Voir Efj/ertoire National. Vol. 4. COMMERCE ET STATISTIQTJBS.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 256 Journal des ^oonomistes : revue mensuelle del'^conomie politique, des questions agricolea, manufacturieres et commerciales. 42 vol. 8to. Paris, 1842-55. Voir ausai, FerusM, Bulletin da* acienees geograpbiquet, d':id a Reply to the Objections of Mr. Godwin. Svo. London, 182Z. Everett, A. H. New Ideas on Population ; with remarks on the theories of Malthus and Godwin. Svo. London, 1823. Senior, N. W. Two Lectures on Population, delivered before the University of Oxford, 1828 ; to which is added, a Correspondence between the Author and Mr. Malthus. Svo. London, 1829. Sumner, [Abp ] J. Bird. On the Records of the Creation, and on the Moral Attributes of '.he Creator ; with particular reference to the consistency of the Principle of Population, with the Wisdom and Goodness of the Deity. Third Edition, corrected. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1825. •I M ' i V I ' ' >^ h ^ * *'- ' I ',1 . '^ I) !■ >■>: K •* . i M k'- ■ " ^'ip i% kW]' 'r ■;; ! ', Hi ail;'^ ': ill-'. . 1 liliiir' i iiii 256 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, Sadler, M. T. The Law of Population : a treatise in disproof of the Super- fecundity of Human Beings, and developing the Principle of their Increase. 2 vols. 8ro. London, 1830. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of M. T. Sadler, M.P,, F.R.S., &c. Svo. London, 18 A2. D'lvernols, Sir Francis. Mortality des peuples. Br. Svo, Geneve, 1833. IVIarohaL Lois de subsistance, avec une preface de M. de Cormenin. Br. 12mo. Paris, 1849. Cador. Subsistance et popul itions. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Alison, Archibald. The Principles of Population, and their connection with human happiness. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1840. {Two Copiet.) Doubleday, Thomas. The True Law of Population shown to be connected with the Food of the People. Third enlarged Edition, with Postscript. Svo. London, 1853, Riokards, G. K. Population and Capital : a Course of Lectures delivered be- fore the University of Oxford, 1853-4. Svo. London, 1854. Hewlett, Rev. J. Tracts on Population, &c., 1781-8, in 1 vol. Svo. Con- taining: — Examination of Dr. Piice's EsiajB, on the Population of England and Wales. Uncertainty of the present Population of this Kingdom, deduced from th« s«- oounts given by Dr. Price, Mr, Eden, Mr. Wales, and Mr. Howlett.nSl. Essay on the Population of Ireland, 1766, Enquiry into the influence which enclosures have had upon the Population of this Kingdom, 1786, Enclosures, a or- uie of improved agriculture, of plenty and cheapness of proTitioni^ ofpopuiuiii' and of both private and national wealth ; with obseryatioM upon the rep;>rt of the London Committee, to consider the causes of the high prices of provisions, 1787. The insufficiency of tlie causes to which the increase of our Poor, and of ths Poor's Rittes have been commonly ascribed ; with an inquiry into the Mor- tality of Country Houses of Industry, Ac, 1788. Seaman, C. E, On the Progress of Nations in civilization, productive industry, wealth, and population. Svo. New York, 1848, Capital and Labour : including the results of machinery. 12mo. Lon- don, 1845. Knight's Lihrary. Morrison, C. On the relations between Labour and '" ital. Svo. Lon- don, 1854. Kellogg, Edward. Labour and other Capital : the rights of each secured, and the wrongs of both eradicated: or, an exposition of the cause why few are wealthy and many poor. Hvo. New lork, 1849. .Freedley, E. T. On Business; or, how to get money : an inquiry into the cliances of success, and causes of failure i'^i business. Fifth English, with additions from the fifth American ediiion. Svo. London, 1653. COMMEECB ET STATI8TIQUE8.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 257 Abbott, G-eorge. Essay on the Mines of England ; their importance as a source of National Wealth, and as a channel for the advantageouB employment of private Capital. 870. London, 1833. Responsibilities of Employers : See Small Books on Great Subjects* XVI. Gray, John. Lectures on the nature and use of Money. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1848. Lalor, John. Money and Morals: a book for the times. Sto. London, 1852. [Part I. — Dangers. II.— Preeautions. III.— Path to the Remedy.] Thompson, "William Inquiry into the distribution of Wealth, most con- ducive to human happiness ; applied to the newly proposed system of voluntary equality of wealth. 8vo. London, 1824. Bentham, Jeremy. Defence of Usury. Vide his Works, vol 3. For other works on Ueury ; Vide Statute and Oomkon Law, ante, p. 145. Ramsay, George ; On the distribution of Wealth. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. Passy, H. Des causes de I'inegalito des richesses. N. S. M. Vol. 7. 1850. Coohut, A. De la distribution des richesses en Prance. Bevue det Deu» Mondes. Nouvelle periode. Vol. 1. I De I'industrie agricole en France. Hid., nouvelle s^rie. Vol. 23-24. Des ressources agricoles de I'Alg^rie. Ibid., vol. 16, 17, 18, 24, et nouvelle periode, vol. 1< Benoiston de Chateauneuf et Villerm^. Eapport d'un voyage fait dans les cinq departements de la Bret!i/i;ne en 1840 et 1841, d'aprea les ordres de racad6mie des sciences moraleti et politiques. N. S. M. Vol. 4. Blanqui. Sur l'6tat Iconomique et moral de la Corse en 1838. ^ S. M. Vol. 3. Sur la situation economique et morale de I'Espagne en 1846. Ibid., vol. 6. - — Sur la situation economique de nos possessions en Afrique. Ibid., vol. 3. Toublau, E61ix. Etudes sur Colbert : ou exposition du systeme d'(5co- nomie politique, suivi en France de 1661 k 1683. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Chevalier, Michel. Des intorots matdricls en France. 12mo. Paris, 1856. — De rindustrie manufacturiere en France. ISmo. Paris, 1841. Ducru. Intcrots materiols dans le Midi de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1847. ]\ 1 1 '^'■% ■M li m\ • *\ .1, <.i' -1) <-i. '*« p 258 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQirB, ¥rl ^5 Dutens. Du rerena de la Frauce ; sa formation et sa distribution, en 1815 et 1835. 8to. Paris, 1842. Dareste- Histoire des classes agricoles en France depuis Saint-Louin jusqu'^ Louis XVI. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Royer. Des institutions de credit foncier en Allemagne et en Belgique. Svo. Paris, 1845. Dumas. Des institutions de credit foncier et agricole dans lea divers Etatg de I'Europe. Public par Josseau. Svo. 1851. Int^rSts de I'agrloulture, de I'industrie et du commerce. Br, Svo. Paris, 1833. Dupuynode. Lois du travail. Svo. Paris, 1845. Dupont — White. Relations du travail avec le capital. Svo. Paris, 1856. D'Auvigny, Mile. Droits du travailleur. Easai sur les devoirs dea maitres. Traduit de I'anglais. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Faucher, Leon. Droit au travail. Er. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Du droit de vivre. Par un ancien manufacturier Lyonnais. Br. 12mo. Paris, .1849. Coquiel. Easeignement industriel et limitation de la dur^e du travail en Angleterre. Br. Svo. Bruxelles. Montaigu. Organisation du travail et du commerce. Svo. Paris, 1848. Simon, C. Q-. Etude historique et morale sur le compagnonnage et sur quelques autres associations d'ouvriers depuis leur origine jusqu'4 qoi jours. Svo. Paris, 1853. Rendu. Constila aux ouvriers. 12mo. Pari?, 1851. Orimblot, P Des lois anglaises sur le travail des enfants dans les manufac- tures et dans les mines. Bevue des Deux Mondei. Nouvelie p^riode. Vol. 1. Coohut, A. Du sort des classes souffrantes et des classes laborieuses. Id. 4e serie. Vol. 19 et 32. Principes favorables au progres de I'industrie en France ; par Ls. D. B. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1815. Say, Louis. Consideration sur I'industrie et la legislation. Svo. Paris, 1^22. Leduo. Industrie cotonniere. ICmo. Paris, 1841. Rondot. Tissiis de laine. 8vn. Paris, 1849. Clement. Reforme industrielle. 16mo. Parirj, 1848. Rodet. L. D. De I'industrie manufacturiere on France ei3 1844. Id. Non- velle serie. Vol. 7. Audiganne. Industrie fran9aise, depuis la revolution de fevrier. 12mo. Paris, 1849. COMMERCE ET STATISTIQTJES.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 259 Coquelin, Ch. De Tindustri* liniere en France et en Angleterre. Id. 4« aerie. Vol. 19. Le Play, If. F. Les ouvriers europ^ens. Etude sur les travaux, la vie domeatique et la condition morale des populationa ouvrieres de TEurope. Folio. Paria, 1855. Audlganne. Populations ouvri^res. Revue des Deux Mondea. Janrier, aeptembre et octobre 1851, fevrier et avril 1852, Janvier 1858. Villerm^. Etat phyaique et moral dea ouvriers employes dans les mana< facturea de coton, de laine et de soie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paria, 1840. . Asaociations ouvrieres. 12mo. Paria, 1849. Ber^s. Dea claaaes ouvrierea, moyens d'am^liorer leur sort. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Fix, Th. Etat des classes ouvrieres. 8vo. Paris, 1 856. Merson. Claasea ouvriorea, de leur situation en France. 12mo. Paris, 1849. Blanqui. Des classea ouvrierea en France pendant I'annee 1848. Id, Reybaud, Louis. Momoirea aur lea aaaociations entre ouvriers ou entre patrons et ouvriers, fondees avec subvention de I'otat. Id. Vol. 9. Voir La Farelle, Progr^B social. Labourd. Intemperance , recherchea historiquea et statiatiques sur Tintem- perance des classes laborieuaea ; et aur les enfan? trouves. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Parent-Duohatelet. De la prostit'^'on dans la ville de Paris. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Frigier. Dea classes dangereuses de la population dans les gran des villes. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. De Ourzon. Enfans trouves ; au point de vue de la legialation, de la morale et de roconomie politique. Svo. Poitiers, 1847. Oouroff) M. de. Eecherches sur les enfans trouves et lap enfans illegitimes, en Buaaie, et dana lo reate de 1' Europe, en Asie et en Am^rique. Vol 1. 8vo. Paris, IKh;. Esquiros, Alp. Les enfans trouvea. Sevue dea Deux Mondea. Nouvelle scrie. Vol. 13. Roubaud. Des hopitaux au point de vue de leur origine et de leur utility. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Debreyi;^, P. J. C. Colonie agricole monaatique fondee a la Grande Trappe pcurles jeunes d<' uus. Svo. Paris, 1 ':. Pour lea ouvrages sur les prisons et les instituii . .» peaitentiaiif^ \ Voir TOLi- TIQUB ET LEQiatATION. Chastellux, Le marquis de. De la felicito publique. 2 ;, 8vo. Paris, 1822.. .',.. r i i jM 1 ■I'll pi - ^g* ■ ■'^' ' J' ■ ' i , r ■ t ill ;^iM ;^1 1 V hiii^^sk^^^ ivv$N*i;iv 1 '] it iilr;!*:^ PIF : H I, 260 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [ecONOMIE POLITK^HJE, Hubbard. Socictos de provoyance, ou de Becours umtuel, et des baaoB lur Icsquellea elles doivent utre utabliea. 8vo. Farisi, 1852. Naville. Charity legale ; seB effets et sen causes ; et Bpd>cialeinent dea mai- sons de travail et de i-"^ iiroflcriplion de la mendicittS. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 183G. G^rando de. Dola bienftfisaac" iiubliqu'?. 4 vci. Svo. Paris, 1839. Naudet. Be raaifstance Txibiique n>'C7. le" Eoma,Vi < N. I. Vol. 13. Valler ,^ux, M. It Auber... De iaesifLaiice a )c;i.e. Svo. Paris, 185S. Monnier. Histoirt- le I'assi r' ance publique cbev, lea peuplea anciena et itio- (Ki-.r-n. Svo. Piris, 1866. Larue. JUi-ufaisance publique ft priv^e, dans h d^partement de la Seine Inferii!uro Svo. Eouen, 1862. Saiiat-Gene^. Af^sistauce publiqno. Br. Hvo, Paris, 1849. Marbeau. Indigcice ;'t secoum. l-y?u *. Paris, 1850. Bu pauperisine. Ivitao. Paris, 1847. "— — — ~ Des creches. 16mo. Paris, 1846. Dutouquet< Classes pauvres a la campagne. Br. Svo. Paris, 1846. B^ohard. De I'c^tat ciu paupdrisme en Franceet des moyens d'y remedier. Svo. Paris, 1853. D'Esterno. De la mis.'iro, de sea causes, de aea effets, de ses rem^dea. 8ro. Paris, 1842. Dupuynode. Pi-oletaria}, lettres economiques. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Cherbuliez* Causes de Ui misere tant morale que physique, et aur les moyens d'y porter remede. 12mO' Paris, 1843. Marchand, Du paup^risiae. Svo. Paris, 1845. JMtoreau, Cliristophe. Du droit a I'oisivetc, et de I'organisation du travail servile dans les r^'publiques Grecques et Homaines. Svo. Paris, 1849. • Du probleme de la misere, et de la solution chez les peuples anciens et modernes. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1861. Berriat Saint Prix. Recherches aur le paup6risme en) Pr\nce au 16e siocle. N. S. M. Vol. 4. Robert Guyard, Du paupc'risme en Franfo, et sur les moyens d'y reme- dier. Svo. Paris, 1849. Chamborand. Paupc'risme, suivi de la legislation ancienne et moderne sur ce sujet. Svo. Paris, 1842. Mezi&res. L'economie ou remede au pauperisme. 12mo. Paris. ' ^?3. Dupin. Adininistratioi. '.'^^, "cours publics. Svo. Paris, 1821 Watteviile. Etablis- « de bienfaisance. Svo. l^aris, •/. — — Raopo i i«s fetablissements de bienfaiaanci. 4to. Paris 1849. . .!♦ ■ 1 travail , 1849. Iphez les iu 16e reme- krne sur Paris COMMERCE ET STATISTIQUES.J COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 26l Benvenuti. Maisons de bienfaisance. Br. Cvo. Paris, 1854. V^e. Secours publics h, Paris. 12mo. Br. Paris, 1849. Lepas. Salles d'asile en Russie. Br. 12mo. Bruxelles et Paris, 1862. Voir dunn la section Politiquk ct Lcoihlation : les ouvrages de Proudhon, Oollius, Fourier, etc. Canilh. Easai sur le revenu public. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Sinclair, Sir John. History of the Public Eevenue of the British Empire : of Income and Expenditure from the remotest period, to Michaelmas, 1802 ; with a review of the Financial Administration of 'William Pitt. Third edition. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1803-4. Wells, Samuel. The Revenue and Expenditure of the United Kingdom. Svo. London, 1834. Wakefield, Daniel, jun. Public Expenditure ; or, remarks on the inadequate and excessive pay of Public Servants. 8vo. London, 1834. Hamilton, Robert. The rise and progress, the redemption and present state, and the management of the National Debt. Third edition, enlarged. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818. Pebrer, Pablo. Taxation, Eevenue, Expenditure, Power, Statistics, and Debt of the whole British Empire; their origin, progress, and present state ; and a plan for the liquidation of the National Debt. 8vo. Loudon, 1833. Pablo de Pebrer. Histoire financiiire de I'Empire Britannique, avec tableaux. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1839. BalUy, M. A. Expose de rudminisi ration g6n6rale et locale des finances du Royaume-Uni de la Grande- Bretagne et d'JrIande. 2 vol. Svo. 1837. Doubleday. Thomas. Financial, Monetary, and Statistical History of England from the Eevolution of 1688 to the present Time. Svo. Loud«n, 1847. Vaux, Thomas. Eelative Taxation: the impolity of taxing malt, hops, beer, soap, candles, and leather ; with reasons for a tax on property, &c., 8vo. Loudon, 1823. Income, or Property Tax. 1st. Part — On the advantages of substituting an Income Tax, for present taxes. 2nd. Part — On the diflereut plans of an Income or Property Tax. 3rd. Part — On the means afforded by Income or Property Tax of reducing the National Debt, &c. Svo. London, 1831. McCullooh, .T. R. On the principles and practical influence of Taxation ai; 1 tho Funding System. Second edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 10.-2. ' u ^'^'- -^ m''^ mm 262 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE I'OLITIQUB, Fauoher, L6oa- Etudus sur I'Angleterre. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, ISCO. — — De rimp6t sur le revouu. Broch. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Ooffinidres. Etudes sur lo Budget, ct spt'cialoment sur I'impot foncier. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Puys^gur. Impot foncier. Broch. 12ino. Toulouse and Paris, 1849. Tracts on Currency, HulHon, Finnnce, Ac. ; by Ricardo, Chalmers, Ac. 19 vols. 8vo. Vide " Pamphlets," entered with Periodical Wobki. Wheatley. John. Renmrkson Currency and Commerce. 8vo. Loudon, 1803. Fullarton, John. On the regulation of Currencies j being an examination of the principles on which it is proposed to restrict the issues on Credit of the Bank of Jingland, Ac. Second edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1845. Mill, E- II- The principles of Currency and Banking: being Lectures in Queen's College, Cork, 1853. 8vo. London, 1853. Jacob, William. Historical inquiry into the production and consumption of the Precious M"tal8. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Stirling, P. J- The Australian and Californian Gold Discoveries, and their probable consequences ; with historical' notices of the effects of the American Mines on Kuropean Prices in the XVI., XVII., and XVIII. Centuries .Svo. Edinburgh, 1853. Sur 111 monunie elcs Ei^yijlions, Vi)ir Ic grand ouvrnge d'Egypte, (Histoire.) DuPuy. Dissertation sur I'etat de la monnaie romaine, principalement soui Conatantin-le-Grnnd et quelques-uns de sessuccesseurs. A.L Vol.28. .. Dissertation sur la valeur du denier d'urgent du temps de Charle- magne. A. I. Vol. 28. Voir ausei leg Ordonuanccs dcs Rois (Duoit Fban^aib.) Morin, M. De I'or et de 1*, r^jrent. A. I. Vol. 5. Langlds. Dissertation surle pnpier-monnaie des Orientaux. L. B. Vol. 4. Leber, C. Essai sur I'appr^ciation de la fortune privoe au moyen-Age, re!a« tivement aux variations des valeurs mon^taires et du pouvoir com- mercial de I'argent ; suivi d'un examen critique des tables du prix du marc d'argent, depuis Saint Louis. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Vauquelin. Manuel de I'essnyeur, suivi de I'instruction f'e M. Gay-Lnssac, sur I'essai des matidres d'argent par la voie humide, etc., par M. D'Arcet. Edition revue et augmenti'e par A. D. Vergnaud. 12mo, Paris, 1836. Roret. Iiaohdze Degeneste, M. Manuel de la fiiarantie des mati^res et ouvrtgtl d'or et d'argent. 12mo. Paris, 1839. Liverpool, Chatle,, Burl of T^- =======. Oxford, 1806. ^"""" '"' ""> Coin, of „,. «,..,„ ,^ Spelman, Sir Honrv n,, *l /^ . HaUIwell, J. O. Some account of « n • Inventories ;i,,u,trarg the HilTfr °' ^'"«' ^ecount« .„. Tooke.T. History of Price, anfl ... to 1837. 2^01,."! rsaslr.s^r °'; ''' "'^-^^^- ^-'^ 1793 inclusive, vol. 4. 4 vols. 3vo I ^ '°'- ''• ^^^'^ ^^^O 1^1847 Vo'-- I. II. .1.0 contain -. A Z.'. ^ ''' ''^'~^^- ' two CVn^Het^'"- "' '"« "^ '^ ^.o Co. T.Ue ,. .,, ,.., III. Remarks on the Onm r . »;he H^, .„, .0. pr 'S;,;,«^«; :■«. Tho„,„. „,,,..„. »vo. In 1 vol. "»«f 'lyears. Parts H to IV. Ballly, M. A. Histoire fln„ de ]„ p .•"onarchiej.,<,q„.a,,fl„j ;;«J" France, depuf, i.^Hgfne de u ™POf.-«ion. et un etat de r 1 i;;"" '"'1^"" ^^"-^ ^^ef ancienn .' Surgy, M. de. De, flna.caa 3 , , 1 ' ^^^^- Paris, 1784. ' '''' ^'^ ?«",. i?«.y. V^^ ^,,,^ ^andillot. Science de, «„.„.„. p„ Ill, schomo un-56. (ilelio avec I'ouvrago precedent.) Peuchet et Tremery. .Manuel com|>l(t du liiini|iiier, de '\geut do change et du courtier. 12mo. Paris, 1841. Jioret. Boyard, N J. \i. La bourse ei. ■'e.-' speculations inises il la portee de tout le moi)iin. 12nio. Paris, 1^-io. Rondot. V'alt'urs oHieielles. Dr. Mvo. Paris, 1849. Foreade, Eiifi;>ue. Les institutions de credit en France. Heme des Deux ^Foiuhs, 15 mars, ler avril, 15 niai, ler join, lSo6. Blaize. Des ^t(>nts-de-Piete, et des banques de prets sur nantissement. 8vo, Paris, 1S4;>, Watteville. Ad. de. Rapport k M. le ministre de I'interieur sur I'adminis- tratiou des Mont9-de-Piet(5. 4to, Paris, 1850. S ^rm^ 4,1 'W^' 4 ;i7. . , ni If !' < - -■^•T m^.m Am •I. 206 I'OLITICAr ECONOMY, l^^^ONOMIK POLITIQUE, JSi Qilbart, J- W. Tho Hi»tory i.;" Ijaiikiiigiii Aiiifrica: how far the Hanking luKtitutioUH of Amoriuu ar« adaptud to thii couutry, &c. 8vo. Louilon, IH37. (2 coiiieu.) Pratt, J. T. History of HavingH HankM in Great Hritain and Ireland j and an account of iSavings l)uuk8 in Fruuco. Kvo. Loudou, 1842. Newland, Abraham. Cashier of tho Hank of Knjjliind. Lifo of, with somo account of that ostablishuunt, of tbu hktu eorrettpouduuco of thn Chimct'llor of tho lixclictjuiT with thu Hank, &c. 12uiu. Loudou 1808. Francis, John. History of tht« Hank of England, its times and traditions. Third edition. 2 vols, Svo. London, 1848. Chronicles and Charm-tors of th« Btock Exchange. 8vo. London, 184!). V'ide iiUo, Liiw, the Fiaanoior, hia Sohomc, and Times ; auto, pngo 204. Laing, S. Great City Frauds of Colo, Davidson and Gordon ; fully exposed by S. Laing. Fourth edition. Hv«. London, 185(5. Tenn's Compendiuni of the English and Foreign l"'undM, Debts, nnd Kcvonues of All Nations ; Hanks, Kaihvays, Mines, and Joint 8tock Companies ; objeets of Investment whieh are Negotiable in London. Abstract of tho Laws, «te., of tho Stock Exchango. Fifth edition 8vo. London, 1855, Ward, H. A. On Invostmeuts: — the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of Investment, «St.c. Second edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1852. Francis, Joiiu. Annals, anecdotes and legends: a chronicle on Lifo Aseu- rauco. 8vo. Londou, 1853. Morgan, William. Of Annuities and Assurances on lives and survivort.iiip8; bound up with. Dr. Price on the state of tho Population in Euglund and Wales. 8vo. London, 1779. Milne Joshua. On the vnluution of Annuities and Assumnces on lives and survivorships ; on tho laws of mortality in ditl'erent parts of Europe, including comparative Jlortality. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. Jones, David ; On the value of Annuities and lioversions. 2 vols. Svo London. 1811. Lih. U. K. VoLs. 10-11. COrbaux, Francis. The doctrine of Compound Interest, illustrated nnd .ipplied to Annuities, nnd generally to prospective transnetions, with new tables of compound interest, of the probabilities of life. Ac Ito. London, 1825. ■ — — On t lie laws concerning Population, vitality, nnd mor- tality; with Tables of Mortiility applicable to both sexes, and tables of compound interest. 8vo. Loudon, 1833. » ;*jfe ,. COMMKIICE BT STATISTIQUBS.] COMU£RC£ AND STATT^TICS. 267 Wlllioh, 0. M. Tublea for UHCortiiinitiK, aooording to tlio I i ••li^it' tables of Mortality, the vnluo of lifcliold, Icimoliold, iitul Cliurcb property, ri'ijowal HneH, Ac. Third edition. Hvo. London, 1853. Davles, (irilUth. On AnnuiticH; with tables, biBcd on the ('xporioni" of the Kquitiiblo Society, and on the Northnmpton Tables of Mortality. 8vo, (iondon, IH50. Government Annuity Tables : of AnnuitieH on Bin^le and two joint liveH, for every ooiiibiniition of ii|^o and xex ; founded upon the actual experienco of the HritiHh Govornnienttoutinca and life annuities, from July, 10»3, to October, IK25; by J. Henry : in four pnrlH. Part I. Male life. 8vo. London, I H50. [Unbound.] Viilti, nUo, Noinon'ti VituI Htutistics. Merson. Aasurancea contre I'iucendie. Hr. 12ino. Paris, 1862. Operations Tontlni6res, par M. V. Hr. 8vo. Paris, 185 1. Dubernad. Priucipus d'indomnites en umtieru d'assuruuces niaritimes. 2 vol. 8vo Pari.s, 1825. Uaudet, i^L Du pret a intoret chozloaEomaiiis. Revue des Dvux Momht, nouvelle periode, vr.l. 'A. Qremilliet. l^n caloul doa inti'rets simples et compotn's, dis aniiuitijs, dea rentes ot des placements vingers. Svo. Paris, 184(>. Woodhouse, W. S, IJ Interest Tables. Hvo. Toronto, 1853. Laurie, James. Tables of simple interest, at 5, 44, 4, 3^,3, and 21 percent, per annum, from 1 day to 305 days, 1 month to 12 months, I year to 12 years. Also, tables of compound interest, with tables of eomniis- sion or brokerage. Twentieth edition. Hvo "don, 1855. Merry. .Mercantile Calculator. Hvo. MontreiP \hou ' ') ''.'.' Partnership, . vi iM '8 between >i' .)l.)n for tlio don, 1S30, liniitc'l i/iabilitics, for Cory, Isaac P. Practical treatise on .\ccounts. Solicitor's, Private, itc, ls.v. A view C'" tlie Systtiin of the Law and of Men i Amendment of the Law of Partner8hi( , \ Partnership "en commandite," m- with the I'impluymenl, of Capital, the Circulation of Wages, niul the revival of our Home and Culoniiil Tra(li\ Hvo. London, 1818. Foster, B. F. Double Entry elucidated. Sixth edition, improved. 4to. London, 1855. Tremery, M. .Manuid du tcneur de livns, ou I'art do tenir les livres, en m peu de leeons. 12mo. Paris. liorct. Reess, Lestienno et Tremery, M^L Maiuu'l pour la correspondanoe coinnuTcialo. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Gilbert, M Observations sur les mesures ancieunes. (avec une planche). A.I. Vol.28. ! mm mm ! ' S*''! *■ n 1^ ''$M\ ■ill:--;': I'M^''. ..-i<-" HN im 2G8 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, Gosselin. Reeherchos sur le principe, lea basea et I'cvaluatiou dea diffe- rents aystomea uu'-triquea lint'aires du rantiquite. N.I. Vol. 6. Freret. Essai aur lea meaiirca louguea dea auciens. A.I. Vol. 24. Voir uussi lo Grand Ouvnuje d'Egypie (Histoiue.) Dureau de la Malle. Momoire aur le syatemo motrique dea Romaina. N.I. Vol. 12. Greaves, J. Ou tho Romau Foot and Denariua, from which the Measures and Weights uaedby the ancientamay be deduced. Vide Churchill's Collection of Voyagea and Travela vol. 2. Hussey, Robert. On tho ancient Weights and Money, and the Roman and Greek liquid Meaaures, — on the Uomau and Greek foot. 8vo. Oxford, 183G. Palethoi'pe : on Scripture Money, Weight, and Measure : being an equalisa- tion of every item tliereof with the British standard; vide Tuegloot, A>"i) llisTOKY OF Religions. Alexander, J. 11. Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures, ancient aiul modern; reduced to the standards of the United Statea of Ame- rica. Ito. Baltimore, 1S50. Kelly, I'. The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor : being a treatise on the exchanges, coins, weights and measures of all trading nations and their colonies. Second edition, corrected. 2 vols, in 1. ■Ito. Loudon, 1S3.'). Tate, Wiliiuni. Tho IModcrn Cambist: i'orming a manual of foreign exchanges, in bills of exchange and bullion, witli tables of foreign weiglits and measures. Seveutii edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1852. Tlie same work. Eigiith edition, with extensive alterations, anil brouglit down to the present time. 8vo. Loudon, 1850. Voir dans les Mi' moires de I'lnslitut : Jlcohaiu ft, Di'liimbrc. Base ilu systuine ni('tri(iue (koiniiil, ou iikbuio de Tiiio ilu nit^iiiliou compria cutro lea parnl leles (ie Diiijkei(iue et DuiceKiiie, ox(out6 cu 17".!-', et auiiues suivantos. M vol. 4t(i. faiis, lHu6-lu. Doursther. I'oids et nie.-Ietrolo;.ne fran(;aise, ou maiiuel du systeme nietrique. Svo. Toulouse, 1810. Renueil OfRciel des ordonnances et instructions sur la fabrication et la vi'riiication des i'oids et ^Mesures. 8vo. Atlas Ito. Paris, 1839. Tar'b6. M ^Manuel des Poids et Mesures, pour I'enseigncment eleiueu- tairo. 12nio. Paris, L^IO. Rorit. Manuel des Poida et Mesures, faisant suite au precedent. 12mo. Paris, 1840. Id. COMMERCE ET STATISTIQUES.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 269 Tarb^, M. Manuel dcs Poids et Mesures, il 1' usage des ouvriers et des ecoles. 12mo. Paris, 1840. Eoret. Nouhen, Acliille. Muuuel-coinpte^-faits, ou baremo goueral des Poids et Mesures. 5 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1840. Id. Bagilet M. Nouveau bareme coniplet des Poids et Mesures, avec conver- sion facile de I'aucieu systeme au uouviau. 12mo. Paris. Id, Tarb6, M. Mauuel des Poids et Mesures, des Monnaies, du Calcul Decimal et de la VeriJicatiou. 12nio. Paris, 1845. Id. Pashley, C. W. The expediency of simplifying and improving the Measures, Weights and Money used in this country, without materially altering the standards. 8vo. London, 1834. Decimalism. Part 1. Eemarks on the decimalization of the Weights, Measures, and Moneys of Great Britain ; by a Commercial Traveller. 8vo. London, 1855. Bowring, Sir John. The Decimal system in Numbers, Coins, and Accounts ; . especially with reference to the United Kingdom. 8vo. lA)udon, 1854. Yates, J. Paper on the French [decimal] system oflMeasures, Weights, and Coins ; with aa abstract of the diseussidii upon the paper; edited by C. Manby, I'.E.S. (Taken from, minutes of proceedings of the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers.) H\ o. London, 1854. Slater, Eobert. The principles involved in the decimalization of the Weights, Measures, and Moneys of the TJnited Kingdom; the practicability of an alteration. 1855. Hound up with : — Laurie (James) Of the (comparative merits of One Pound and Ten l'enc(! as the ruling integer of a decimal currency. 1854. Jul vol 8vo. [Indian Pamphlets ; Geological, etc.,] containing : — Memorandum explaining the principle of a Balance constructed lor the Madras Treasury ; by Lieut, Col. Smith. 1855. Ilepo't.H on the question of Weighing or Measuring Salt ; by liieut. Do Lisle. 1851. Weights and Measures : Eeport by the Secretary of State of the United States, (John tjuiucy Adams,) upon the proceedin<;;s in Foreign countries for establishing uniformity in weights and measures; — upon the regulations and standards thereof in the sever.-;! States of the L^'nion ; with a proposed plan for fixing the stand.ird for the United f'tates. 8vo. AVasliington, 1821, Bound up with : — A Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of Proiessor Ilassler's Report on the Survey of the Coast of the United States, and the progress which has been made in the fabrication of Standard AVeights and Measures, dat(>d December, lsi:}7: — Also, sundry clippings tVom newspapers, on this subject, published in 1834, 1835, 1S3G and 1854. 1 vol. fivo. nv)! ■ , "■>,r, ■■■! '.■■■. >3:' ,. ■•■/-,vi' .1 <\f 'if 'hi mi If-':} i«': ■A '■•¥ 270 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, Weights, Measures, and Balances. Eeports of the [Uniied States] Superintendent for the construction of standard Weights, Measures and Balances, for the years 1845, 1846, 1847. (2 pamphlets.) Reports of scientific investigations in relation to Sugar and Hydrometers, made under the superintendence of Professor A D. Bache ; by Professor E. S. McCulloh. Svo. Washington, 1848. (Eevised edition.) Report of the computation of the Manual of Tables, to be used witl\ the Hydrometer, adopted by the Treasury Department of the United States. 8vo. 1851 Manual of Tables (above mentioned) to be used by the Kevenue Officers of United States, with glass Hydrometers, indicating the per cents by volume of alcohol in spintuoi'S liquors, for detenniuing their relative value, &c. ; calculated by Prof, R. 8. McCulloh, Messrs. Baker and Reynolds, under the supcrinteuce of Prof. A. D. Bache. 12mo. 1849. Pagan, William, lioad Eeform, — a plan for abolishing turnpike tolls and statute labour assessments, and for maintaining the roads by rate to be levied on horses. Svo. Edinburgh, 1845. Sorivenor, Harry. The Hallways of the United Kingt'om, statistically con- sidered, together with the Railway accounts, rendered upon a uniform plan. Svo. London, iS49. Spackman, W. F. Analysis of tlie Eailway interest of all companies, registered to the 31st October, 1845. Shewing the defects of the present system of management, &c. Svo. London, 1845. RaHway Pamphlets. &c,, 1846-53: in 1 vol. Svo. 1. — The (iuage question, Ijy W. Harding, 1840. 2. — Ripply to obsorvalioua on the Ilopoi't of the Gunge CommisBion, 1846. 3. — CuriositifH of ooiniuunicatiori ; the miid, tlie niilwny, the oleotiic telogrnpb, the sail am! the stoainer, ite., 1851. 4. — The philo8o])iiy of railroads, by T. C. Kcefer, C. E. Fourtli eJition. Montreal, 1853. (English and French cojiies, &c.) Sidney's (Samuel) Guago evidence: tlie history and prospects of the Rail- way sysitem, illustrated by, — witli a map. Second edition. Svo. London, ls4(!. Morrison, Jii.nes. Theinlhionce of English Eailway legislation on trade and industry : with an appendix of documents. Svo. London, 1848. (^Ttvo cojjifs.) Lardner, Diunysius. Railway Ecoiiomy : its management, prospects, and relations; commercial, linanoial, and social. 12mo. Loudon, 1850. Bradshaw's Eailway Manual and Directory, for 185G : a hand-book, giving the history and position of each Company [in Great Britain, the con- tinent of Europe, Africa, Australia, India, British North America, West Indies, South America, and United States ;] with statistics, &c. ; and an appendix of railway legislation, Parliamentary returns, and general information 2iiio. London, 1850 COMMERCE ET 8TATI8TIQUES.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 271 Audiganne, M. A. Les grands travaux du XIXe siocle. Les chemins do fer en Europe er en Amorique. Bevue des Deux Mondes Janvier, fevrier, mai 1 855, et 15 aofit 1856. Cochut. Des chemins de fer Autrichiens ; de leur influence Bur I'avenir de I'Europe Orientale. Id., mars, 1855. Laugel, A. Lo chemin de fer du Pacifique et les expeditions Americaines dans rOuest, Id., ler aout 1856. Voir Michel Chevalier et Pousgin, sur les voies dc coiuinuuication aux Etats Unia. Faucher, Lecu. De !a souscription directe dans les entreprises de travaux publics. Revue des Deux Mondes. Quatrieme sorie, vol. 14. Charlier, V. Les chemins de fer, I'Etat, les compagnies. Id. Quatrieme serie. Vol. 17. Letronne. L'Isthme de Suez. Sevue des Deux Mondes. Quatrieme aerie. Vol. 27. Baude, J- J- De I'lsthme de Suez et du canal maritime ii ouvrir de la Mc'ditcrram'e a la Mer Eouge. /(/. Mars, 1855. TalalJot, !*• IjO canal des deux mers d'AIexaudrie a Suez ; moyen d'execution, avec uue carte. Id. Mai, 1855. Dictionnaire Encyclop6dique du Commerce ; Nouvelle redaction du Dictionuairo de Savari, avec les nouveaux I'l^-ments du commerce, par Tabho Baudeau, servant do discours preliminaire. 3 vol. ito. Paris, 1789. Encyclopnlie Mcthodiqite. Dictionnaire du Commerce et des Marchandises ; contenant tout ce qui couct'rne le commerce de terre et de mer. Nouvelle editionj augmentee d'uu supplement reufermaut \ci cliangements surveuus dans k'Ji systemes mom'taircs, les nouve.aux modes de coter les changes des nations commer^antes, et divers articles sur les calculs d'amortisjoivient; des iinnuiles, des inti'rots, etc-, publio sous la direc- tion lie .U. (xuillamnin. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1855. McCulloch, J. li. Dictionary, practical, theoretical, and liistorical, of Com- merce, and C^uiimiercial iS'avigatiou : a new edition with a supplement. 8vo. London, 1849. New edition, considerably improved. 8vo. London, 1854. An American edition ; by 11. Vethuke, L.L.D. 2 rols. 8vo. Pliiladelphia, 1849. (The EUitor has coniiuoil hiinsi'lf in his aiiditioui, to matters relating to Lis own Country, not trontci! liy the Author. I'refuoe.) Palaiseau. i'^ncyclopt'die Commerciale. 8vo. Nismes, 1828. Scherer, II. Ilistoiredu commerce de toutes les nations ; traduite pariJ. Richelot et C. Vogel. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 185U. Duesberg. Jlistoirc du commi^rce chez tons les peuples, et dans tcr-b les Etuts. Svo. Paris, 1849. ^'M I !' »> It •tt- 272 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, Vincent, W. Dean of Westminster, The Commerce and Navigation of the Antieuts in the Indian Ocean. 3 vols. 4to, London, 1807. Vol. III. Ooutaius the Voyage of Nearohus and the Periplus of the Erythrean Sob, ti'anshited. Gilbart, J. W. Le Lares on the History and principles of Antient Com- merce, 12mo. London, 1853. Colquhoun, P. On the Comiscroe and Police of the Eiver Thames ; sug- gesting a Legislative sy.stem ot Tliver Police, Ac. 8vo. London, 1800. M'OuUoeh. J. R- On Commerce, its principles and history. 8vo. Lon- don, 1853. Scrofani. Commerce des nations. Br. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Mauroy. M. Du Commerce des peuples de I'Afrique Septentrionale dans I'autiquito, le moyen agv et le temps moderue compare au commerce des Arabes de ^^os jou >,uuvrage faisant suite a la "Question d'Alger en 1844." Svo. Paris, 1845. Pastoret, de. llecherches sur le commerce des Romains. N I. Vol. 3, 5, 7. Guignes, IM. de. Uu commerce des Fra)i9ais en Egypte et en Syrie, avaut les Croisades. A. J. Vol. 37. i'oir aussi dans le Grand Oiivi'ii-,';5.] Reports of the Revenue Administra- tiui. of llaznrei baugh, Arracan. Tenasscrini Provinces, iind As-sam, for 1850-51. Report of the Tenas.ierim Provinces, for 1851-52. — Of tli(^ Province of Arracan for 1851->'i2.— Of iIm- Districts comprised in the IIa/.aieebau;:h Division for 1S51-52. — Of the I'lo/ince of Assam, for l8")l-52. .Ml folio. Calcutta, 1853-54. (Twd) Repiirts on flio administciition of tlic Salt Doparti.-i-iit of the Revenue of lU'i-ifal, for lH5'.;-f);i, and 18r);!-n.l. Kulio. Madras Rec is. — Revenue, itc] Plan for the Revenue Assessment of Kmiioe' ii: ;o43. Madras, 1S54. Revenue Survey. Madras, 1855. (Svo.) [Indian Pam^jhlets — Civil St;rvico.] The Decean Ryots and their Land T.hure. 15y 11. Green, 1852. -^ Direction.s for Settlement Oiricers, 1844. Settlement of the Land Revenue in the N. W. Pro- vinces, 1S50. Directions for collectors of Land Revenue in the N. W. Provinces, 1850. Observations on the Transit and Town duty system in Bengal, 1835. Beal, Jauu's. b'rui; Trade in Land : an inquiry into tlio laws of succession, and entails, as aifectiug tlio laud, the farmer, aud the laborer. Svo. London, 1855. -r S'.l ,' 1;; ii'' •H ^, I. ^ I t 'pby of Trade; of profits and prices; including principles whicii dotormino the relative value of corn, labor, and currency. 8vo. London, 1810. Byles, J. U. Sophisms of Free Trade and popular Political Economy, examined. Eighth edition, with additions. 12nio. London, 1851. Phillips, Willard. Propositions couccrning Protection and Free Trade. l2mo. Hoston, 1850. Torrens, R. On the cxtcrnul Corn Trade ; [and] on the means of improv- ing the condition of the labouring classes. New edition. 8vo. London, 1829. Prentice, Archibald. Uistory of tho Anti-Corn-Law League. Vol. 1. 12mo. London 1853. Dunckley, Henry. The Charter of tho Nations ; or. Free Trade and its results: a I'rizo Essay on tho Commercial Policy of tho United Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1854. {Three Copies.) Forcade, Fi. De In politique commcrciule de I'Angletcrre depuis Robert Wiilpole. Hence des Deux Monties, nouvelle surio. Vol. 3. Cucheval-Clarigny. Los constquenccs politiqucs des reformes commerciales de Sir Ilnlitnt Peel. Ilnd, nouvelle periode. Vol. 5. Perodeaud, J. Do I'influence des nouvelles loi.s de navigation en Angleterre et uu dehors. Ibid, nouvelle periode. Vol 11. Tolenaie. E.ssai sur le eonunerce ; sur les entrnves qu'il oprouvo en Europe. Svo. Paris. 120. Gastaldi. Lihertecommercialo, crtSdit et banquet. Svo. Turin. 1840. Rcederer. Libre echango ot protection ; etudes sur V^ deux .systeraes opposes ; secoude edition. Pari.«, 1811. Greeley, Hdraee. Protection and free trade eun.sidered. Svo. (P.) Clement. Sy.sttime protectmir en France depui.i le niinistcre, do Colbert jus- (lu'a la revohitioii de iS48. Svo. Paris, 17o4. Gouraud. Liberte du commerce de.s nations ; examen de la theorie anglaise du lilire-efhange. Svo. Paris, lSo4. Certberr. Libn-eeliange ; notes do voyages. Svo. Paris, 18oo. Fonfrede. Syjitemc prohibitif. Br. Svo. Paris. Chevalier, .Michel. Kxameii du systeme commercial connu sous le nom de systeine protectour. .Svo. Paris, lSo2. Le libre echange, journal do Tassociation po-jr la liberte des echanges, redige par les principaux econeinisti's franijai.*. Folio. Paris, 1840-47. COMMERCE ET 8TAT19TIQ1TFS.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 279 Bnquete relative k diverse ■ prohibitions Stabiles k Venfrio det produits Stran- gers commenc** le b octobre 1834. 3 vol. 4to. Pario, 1836. Enquete 9ur les sucres. (1828.) 4to. Paris. Thunen. Prix dee grains; rechtrches sur Tinfluenrr que le prix des grains, la richesso du sol et lej impdts oxereent «ur les syntomcs do culture. 8to. Paris 1 "1. Modeete. Clnrt6 ile.s grains. 12mo. Paris, 1864. Brook. J' commcrco des grains et doa mosurns it prendre on cas dt? cliert6. Sv Paris, ' '^•j!4. Tro"^ i'' '""" ^^'^ c6r^nle8. Toulouse, 1853, Dui'in. I'« ducteur frauijais. 6 vol. Kimo. Paris, l.t.':-. Annul- iecu oominerce etde Pindustrie. 8vo. Paris, 18C6. Uur AoRicuLTuaE: Const'ila gc'iR'raux do I'ngricultnre, des manu- • t du conuiiorce, Adam, ^V '' ;i:usl»t8 on the policy of Ectaliution, and its otl'ect on tlio fonsumor, producer, and ship-owner 12ino. Lond(»n, 1852. Ricardo, J L. Tho Anatomy of the Navigation Laws. 8vo. Loudon, 1847. Burritt, Elihu. Tiio Year-liook of the Nations, for 1855; Statidtics of Populiition, llevoiiuo and Kxpemliturc, Imports and Expoits, Ship- ping, Coinage, Education, lieligiou, &c., of the principal Nations of fiurope, Asia and America. 12mo. London, 1855. Macgregor, John. Commercial Statistics. A Digest of the productiva Uesourceii, commercial Legislation, Customs Tin ill's, ."^hippin", Im- ports, and Exports, etc., of nil nations. Including all British commer- cial Treaties with P'oreign .States. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1847-8. Forrester, .1. J. On Portugal, witli the Author's Evidence on tho Wine Dutios, and his Surveys of the Wine Districts ol'tlie Alto-Douro ; a comparison of tho Resources and Commerce of Great Britain and Portugal. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1854. Tennent, Hif •!. E. Wiuo, its Cse and taxation; the o|)eratiou of Wine Diities on Consumption and llovcnue. 8vo. London, 1855. James, W. Bosvilie. "Wine Duties considered Eiuaucially and Soeiallv ; being a reply to Sir J. E. Tenncnt, (as above.) 8vo. Jjondon, 1855. Steel, David. The Ship Master's Assistant ami Owner's Manual ; containing complete information relative to tlie Mercantile and Maritime Laws anil Customs. Tweiflli edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1810. Steel's Shipmaster's Assistant, «S:o. New edition, re-written through- out, edited by G. Willmore. The Customs and Shipping Uepart- niont, by G. Clements. The Commercial Department and Naval ilook-Keoping, by W. Tate. 8vo. London, ISt'i. Blunt, Joseph. Tlio Shipmaster's Assistant and Commercial Digest ; con- taining information necessary for Merchants, Owners and Masters of Ships', 8vo. New Yorli, 1848. <^. -r^yi< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // fe A I/. ^ 1.0 I.I IAS 1 28 12.5 IL25 i 1.4 M 1.8 A 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ ». '^>%^ ^ ^ „^ sf i' -iuf. |a| f ' ' nil ^ ' Hi' ' r* ■' ijll • u 280 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, Willmore, (G-) aud Beedell, (E.) The Mercantile and Maritime Guide. [The Law, Orders and Regulations, and practical information.] 8vo. Glasgow, 1856. Waterston, W, Manual of Commerce; being a compendium of Seckoning Tables, &c., British and Foreign Monies, Weights and Measures, Foreign Exchanges, &c. New edition. I2mo. Edinburgh, ? '^55. Clements, George. Customs Guide and British Tariff; also, the London Water Side Practice for 1851-52. Sixteenth annual edition. 12mo. London, 1851. Newdegate, C. N., M.P. The Customs' Tariffs of all Nations ; based upon the AV^ork of M. liiilmer, [and] brought down to the end of 1854. 4to. London, 1855. Voir Bourget. Lois de douanes (Deoit Feanjaib.) Tariff or Rates of Duties payable on Goods, &c., imported into the TTnited States of America, from 1st December, 1846 : containing all the reconlj Decisions of the Treasury Department, &c., arranged by E. D. Ogden. Fourth edition. 8vo. New York, 1855. Canadian Tariff of 1856. Also, the American Tariff of 1846 ; arranged by John Cameron. Svo. Toronto, 1850. [2 copies] Villerm6. Les douanes et la contrebande. Svo. Paris, 1851. Saulnier. Droit de douane depuis les temps les plus recults junqu'^ la r^vo- lution de 1789 ; recherches historiques. Svo. PaiiS, 1840. Lajonkaire. Les douanes dans I'antiquit^. Br. Svo. Havre, 1854. Billet. Du commerce, des douanes, et des systcmes des prohibitions. Br. Svo. Paris. 1826. Saint-Per^ol. Systeme des douanes en France, depuis 1791 jusqu'^ 18.34. Br. Svo. Marseilles, 1835. Droits diflPerentiels, 1844. Discussion de la loi des droits differentiels, en Belgique. Svo. Bruxelles, 1844. Regime douanier de I'Alg^rie. — Reforme des lois de Navigation. — Com- pagnies d'importation. — Tarif d'importation des Cafes. — Tarif d'im- portation du Cacao, (relies en 1 vol. 4to.) Paris, 1850, British North American Colonies. Reports on the Trade and Com- merce of the, — complete Tabular Statements from 1829 to 1850, and for 1850 and 1851, (with Atlas) ; by Israel D. Andrews. Presented to the United States Senate. 2 vols. Svo. Washington, 1851-53. Gesner, Abraham. The industrial resources of Nova Scotia, comprehending the Physical Geography, Topography, Geology, Agriculture, Com- merce, contemplated Railways, &c., of the Province. Svo. Halifax, 1849. COMMERCE ET STATI8TIQUES.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 281 Sabatier, W. Letter to tlie President of the Board of Trade, on the pro- posed Timber Duties, and on the value and importance of the British North American Colonies. London, 182,1. (P). Vide alao in the Ambrioax Collection : Atoheson. Observationg on the importance of the British North Amerioan Colonies. Anderson. View of the importnnae of the British North American Colonies, &c. A-tkinson, Rev. Christopher. A Hiatorioal and Statistical account of New Brunswick, with adyioe to Emigrants. Gesner, Abraham. New Brunswick; with Notes to Emigrants. Considerations sur I'Etat present du Canada, (1758) ; et reflexions sommaires sur le commerce qui s'est fait en Canada. Voir Memoiret sur le Canada, (Collection Ambeicaine.) Lebrun. Tableau statistique des deux Canadas. 6vo. Paris, 1883. Tableaux du Commerce et de la Navigation du Canada, publics par ordre de la Legislature ; de 1841 i 1857. 8vo. Bliss, Henry. Statistics on the Trade, Industry, and Besources of Canada. 8vo. London, 1833. Taylor, Henry. The present condition of United Canada, as regards her Agriculture, Trade and Commerce. 8vo. Toronto, 1850. (P.) Voir les Itlssais de MM. Lillio, Ilogiu, Taeh6, Morris, Laogevin, etc., publics en 1865; et le Rapport de M. J. 0. Tach6 sur I'exposition uniTerselle de 1866. Thomassy. Pecheries dans les deux mondes. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Fishery. A scheme for improving the fishery at Nova Scotia and New- foundland (manuscript bound.) 4to. Perley, M. H. lleport on the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick. 8vo. Fredericton, 1852. Newfoundland. Report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the trade to, — with an Appendix ccitaining divers documents concerning said Island. Folio. London, 1793. Vide in the Amb&ican Collection : Scoresby, jDurnnl of a voyage to tho Northern Whale fishery. Anspacb, Rev. L. A. A History of the Island of Newfoundland, containing a description of the Island, the banks, the fisheries, and the trade of Newfoundland and the coast of Labrador Pur Trade. .\ general history of the, — Vide introduction to MacKenzie's Voyage to Pacific Ocean ■ Origin and progress of the North West Company of Canada, with a history of the fur trade. 8vo. London, 1811. (P.) T :| m %. hh , 282 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, Fur Trade. A sketch of the British fur trade in North America, with obserrations relative to the North West Company of Montreal. 8to. London, 1816. (P.) Vide also in the Auirioan Collxotiom : UmfroTille, the present state of Hudson's Bay, containing a sketch of th« fur trade. Dobbs' Aooouot of Hudson's Baj. Dunn's History of the Oregon Territory and British North American for trade. Turner, Dawson. Miscellanies on Trade and Commerce, &c., Papers and Scraps, (in Print and Manuscript,) collected by Dawson Turner, in 1 vol. 4 to. Pamphlets, &c., on the same subjects; collected by the same. Folio. 2 vols. Bengal External Commeroe. Beport on| the External Commerce of Bengal, for the year 1849-50, [with] Report, for 1851-52. Folio ia 1 vol. Calcutta, 1851-54. Eeports, for the year 1852-53, and for the year 1863-54. Folio in 1 vol. Calcutta, 1854-55. Bombay Commerce. Eeport of the Qommerce of Bombay, for the year 1848-49, ending July Slst; with Tables showing the extent and value of the Trade carried on with each Country. Folio. Bombay 1850. Reports on the Commeroe of Bombay ; for the year 1850-51, for the year 1851-52, for the year 1852-53, for the year 1858-54, ending April 30th ; by H. Young. [The first time this period of the year is used.] For the year 1854-5( ; by E. Spooned* Folio in 1 vol Bombay, 1852-55. Singapore Commeroe and Shipping. Tabular Slate. i^nts of the Com- merce and Shipping of Singapore, for the [OflBijal year 1843-44 • [with] Comparative Statement of the Trade, during the Official years 1842-43 and 1843-44. For the year 1844-45, and for the year 1845-46. Folio in 1 vol. CaicuttH, 1845-47. — — — Tor ihe year 1845-46, (other than the last mentioned.) For the year 1846-47, for the year 1847-48. Folio in 1 vol. Oalcut<;a, 1848-49. ' — — . Tabular Statements of the Commerce and Shipping of Priuce of "Wales' Iislaud, .Singapore and Malaccs, for the rear 1848-49, for the year 1 849-50, for the year 1S50-51, for tbe 1851-52, for the year 1852-53. Folio in 1 vol. Calcutta 1850-54. For the year 1853-54. Folio. Cal- cutta, 1855. COMMEBCE £T STATISTIQI7I8.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 283 , Pouoel. later^ts r^ciproques de TEurope et de TAm^rique. Br 8to. Paris, 1849. Knutt Bonde. La Su^de et son commerce. 8vo. Parii, 1862. Montigny. Manuel du negooiimb en Chine. Hvo. Paris, 1846. Rondot. Commerce d'exportation de la Chine. 8to. Paris, 1848. Haussman, Aug. Canton et le ( ommerce europ^en en Chine. Id., nou- velle s^rie, vol. 16. Sa7i Horace. Belations commerciale^ entre la France et le Br^sil. Sro. Paris, 1839. Tsohaggeny. Commerce de la France avec I'Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1817. JuUiany. Commerce de Marseille. 3 vol. 8vo. Marseille, 1842. Documents sur le Oommeroe ext^rieur, publics en 1840, 1841 et 1842 dans le bulletin du minist^re de I'agriculture et du commerce. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Vol I. •t II : Pays d'Europe. Vol. Ill : Payi d'Asie et d'Oo£anie, d'Afriqu* et d'Am6riqae. Annales du Commeroe ext^rieur. 8vo. Paris. Voir auBsi leg Annates maritimes et colonial es, Rodet, D' L. Le commerce d^cennal compart. France, — G-rande-Bretagne, Etats-TJnis. Revue dea Detue Mondes. Quatriome s^rie, vol 16. Tendances du commerce des Etats-Unis. Id., nouvelle s^rie^ vol. 3. Sheffield, John Lord. Observations on the Commerce of the American States with un tippendix containing tables of imports and exports, &c. 8vo. London, 1784. Observations sur le commerce des Etats-Uuis d'Aml- rique. 8vo. Londres, 1789. Consideiations on the present situation of Great Britain and tho United States of America, with a view to their future commercial connections, particularly designed to expose the dangerous tendency of the arguments used in the pamphlet published by Lord Sheffield, &c. 8vo. London, 1784. (P.) — . A letter from un American now in London, contain^ ing strictures on Lord Sheffield's pamphlet. 8vo. London, 1784. (P.) Pitkin, Timothy. A statistical view of the Commerce of the United States of America. Svo. Hartford, 1816. .. Another edition. 8vo. New Haven, 1835. De Bow, J. D. B. The Industrial Resources of the Southern and Western States, with historical and statistical sketches of the different states, and cities of the Union. 4 vols. Svo. New York and New Orleans, 1853-54. 'ii m r*-.'> Itf M- m fill ': ' m ■tr, ' ■I i;^:' 284 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQCB, United States of America ; Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Commerce and Navigation of the United States, for 1849, I860, 1861, 1852. For a Beries of these Reports, for 1813 to 1886, vide British and Foreign Stat* Papers, vols. 1 to 25. Vide also, for the Reports subsequent to 1849, the series of Congresaional Loe%- menti. Coxnmeroial Regulations, Digest of. Of Foreign Countries with which the United States have intercourse. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1833-36. Yol I. Comprises Great Britain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Prussia, the Hans* Towns, Denmnrk, New Qrnnada, Two Sicilies, Mexico. " II. France, Russia, Belgium, Venezuela, Spain, Cuba, Havana. " III. Austria, Tuscany, Sweden, Ionian Islands, Greece, Germany, Turkey China, Muscat, Siam, Central America, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Chili, Bolivia, Peru, Hayti and Sardinia. Report to Congress ofUnited States, of changes and modiiicationB in the Commercial Systems of other Nations, during the year ending 30th September. 1855. 8vo. TVashington, 1856, Conneotiout, State of ; Statistics of the condition and Products of certain branches of Industry in, — for year ending Ist October, 1846 ; prepared by E. P. Tyler. 8vo. Hartford, 1846. Voir auBsi dnns la Collection Amerioainb : Raynal, histoirc philosopliique et politique des Otablissements et du commero* des Europcens dans les deux Indes, etc., (dnns le 5e volume se trouvent des tableaux statistiqucs du commerce et de lu navigation, ct entre autres, un tableau du commerce de la Grande-Bretagne aveo ses oolonies du conti- nent de I'Amtrique depuis 1667 jusqu'en 1773.) Hisfoire de la ravigatiiu, (contenant Ic commerce des Indes Occidentales.) Rogers, Copt. Woodoa' Voyage round the world, &o., with an introduction relating to the south sea trade, tc. ■Wintorbotliam's Historical, Commercial, Ac, view of the European settle- ments in America. Mandriilon. Le voyageur amoricain ; montant total du commerce de I'Ame- rique ; p.-igcs 138 ct euivautes. Mill's Statistics of South Carolina. Johnston's Notes on North America, agricultural, economical and social. Colton, Calvin. Public Economy for the United States. 8vo. New York, 1848. Bonynge, Francis. The future wealth of America : [or, " Agricultural and Commercial Staples of and for America ;"] with a Eeview of the China Trade. 12mo. New York, 1852. Talle3rrand. Sur les avantages a retirer de colonies nouvelles. A.S.M. Vol.2. .. COMMEKCE ET STATISTIQUE8.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 286 Clav^, Toliz. L'lle de Cuba, et la liberte commerciale aux colouieB. Id. Nouvelb sdrie. Vol. 18. Our Free Trade policy, examined with respect to its bearing upon native industry, our Colonial system, and the institutions and ultimate desti- nies of the nation : by a Liverpool Merchant. 8vo. Toronto, 1849. (,P.) Torrens, R. On Commercial nnd Colonial Policy, wiib an introduction as to some controverted questions in Political Economy. 8vo. London, 1844. Maodonnell, Alexander, Coloninl Commerca ; the principles upon which the discriminating dutius should be levied on Sugar. Svo. London, 1828. Howitt, William. Colonisation and Christianity : a History of the treatment of the Natives by the Europeans in all their Colonies. 12mo. London, 1838. Merivale, Herman. Lectures on Colonization and Colonies : delivered before the University of Oxford in 1839, 1840 and 1841. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1841-2. Wakefield, E. G. A view of the Art of Colonization with reference to the British Empire ; in Letters between a Statesman and a Colonist. Edited by E. G. Wakefield. Svo. London, 1849. Gladstone, Right Hon, W. E. " Our Colonies :" An Address delivered to the Members of the Mechanics' Institute, Chester, 1855. Svo. London, 1855. Swainson, William. New Zealund ; the substance of Lectures on the Colo- nization of, — with notes. 12mo. London, 1856. Heurtier. Rapport relatif a I'emigration europeenne. Svo. Paris. 1854. Baude, J. J . Alger ; du systeme d'etabliasement a suivre. Sevue dea Deux Mondes. 4e serio. Vol. 2. Reybaud, L. Histoire et colonisation de la Nouvelle Zelande. Id. 4e serie. Vol. 21. Saint-Firmin. La colonic agricole de. Id. Nouvelle sdrie. Vol. 12. Lavolld, Charles. L'emigratiou europeenno dans le nouveau raonde. Id, ler octobre 1852. Bure, J. I. Familiar letters on Population, Emigration, Home Colonization, &c. 12mo. London, 1832. Bromwell, W. J. History and Statistics of Immigration to the United States, from 1819 to 3 let December, 1855 : with notices thereof, prior to 1819, and an Appendix of Naturalization and Passenger Laws, &c. Svo. New York, 1850. VicU also, Sanderson's Republican Lnndmarks, views of American Statesmen on Foreign Immigration, Lewellin Oliarlottetown, 1882. The emigrant and traveller's guide to and through Canada, by John Hurray London, 1886. Report of the court of directors of the Canada Company. 28th June, 182T. London, 1827. Observations on the importance of the North American Colonies to Great Britain; by an old inhabitant of B. N. America. London, 1881. Memoranda of a settler in Lower Canada, with hints to emigrants; by an emi- grant farmer, (the Revd. J. Abbott,) Montreal, 1842. Canada in 1848 ; an examination of the existing resources of B. N. America, with considerations on colonisation ; by ill. H. Synge, R. E. London, 1848. Liformation for intending emigrants to Upper Canada ; by F. Widder, Commii- eioner of the Canada Company, Toronto, 1st Jun<<, 1860. Archer's Statistical Register of Victoria. 1855. Murray's (Andrew) Victcria Nautical and Commercial Almanac for 1855. 12mo. IVIelbourne, 1855. Ford's Australian Almanac for 1855. Waugh and Cox's Australian Almanac, for 1856. (7th year.) 12mo. Sydney, 1856. Canadian Almanac, for 1851 to 1857; originally published by Scobie, now by Maclear. 8vo. Toronto. Wolowski. Etudes d' Economic politique et de statistique. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Moreau de Jonn^s. Eldmens de statistique, contenant les priucipes g^n^- raux de cette science. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Statistique des peuples de l*antiquit6, les Egyptians, les Hobreux, les Grecs, les Romains et les Gaulois. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Statistique de la Grande Bretagne et de I'Irlande. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Benoiston de Chateauneuf. M^moire sur la dur^e de la vie humaine dans plusieurs des principaux Etats de I'Europe. N.S.M. Vol. 6. Memoire sur la duree des families nobles en France. Id. Vol. 6. COMMERCE EX 8TATI8TIQUE8.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS. 287 BenoiBton de Ohateauneuf. Da la dur^e de la vie chez les BavanB et les gena de lettres. Id. Vol. 8. Census of Qreat Britain, 1851> Population Tables. IC. Ages, CItII Condition, Occupations, and Birth Place of the People ; with the the Numbers of the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb, and the Inmates of Workhouses, Prisons, Lunatic Asylums, and Hospitals. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1854. Eel'gious Worship. — England and Wales. Eeport and Tables. 8vo. London, 1863. . Education. — England and Wales. Beport and Tables. Svo. London, 1864. • Beligious Worship and Educa- tion. — Scotland. Beport and Tables. Svo. London, 1864. For duplicates of the foregoing ; and for further statistical tables of the Popula- tion of Great Britain and Ireland, from 1800 to the present time, vide the Sessional Papers of the House of Commons. [India.] Deaths in Bombay during 1848, 1849, 1850; giving the parti- culars of " Ages," " Causes of Death," Ac, and distinguishing the different Descents, Beligions, Occupation, Ac, of Subjects. Svo. Bombay, . Report on the "Census of the North Wrst Provinces of the Bengal Presidency, taken Ist Jan. 1853, compiled from official Documents ; by Q-. J. Christian. Svo. Calcutta, 1854. [Selections from Public Correspondence, N. W. P.] Statistic, Area, and Population of the North-West Provinces, 1846. — Population of Delhie, and its Suburbs, 1847. Census of the Canadas, 1851-52. Personal Census, (vol. I.) Agri- cultural Produce, Mills, Manufactories, Houses, Schools, Public Buildings, Places of Worship, Ac, (vol. II.) 2 vols. J'vo. Quebec, 1853-55. Reoensement des Canadas, 1851-52. 2 vol. Svo. Quebej, 1853-56. Vol. I. Recenscment personnel. " II. Produits agricoles, muulins, usines, maisons, ^colei, edifices publics, 6glises, etc Dleterlol. Expos^ economique et statistique des r^formes op^r^es en Prusae depuis 1806 jusqu'4 I'^poque actuelle, traduit de I'allemand par A. Moreau de Jonnes, fils. Voir la Prusse, son progres politique et social, par Moreau de Jonnes, fils. Statistiques, des ports maritimes de oommeroe. Folio. Paris, 1839. Statistique de I'industrie a Paris, resultant de I'enquete faite par la chambre de commerce pour les ann^es 1847-1848. 4to. Paris, 1851. Archives statistiques du mlnistdre des travaux publics, de I'agri- culture et du commerce, publides par le ministre secretaire d'Etat de ce departement. 4to. Paris, 1837. I •'If I 288 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE, I ^i Say, Horace. Etudes sur la villo de Paris ot lo d^partcmcnt da la Seino. 8vo. Paris, 184i6. Statlstique de la France, publi^te pur le ministre dea travauz publics, de I'agriculture et du commerce : — Territoire, — Population, — Agri- culture,— Tndustrio manufacturiire,— Arts et Metiers, — Commerce intdrieur et extorieur, — Navigation, — Colonies, — Administration publique.-Finances, — Forces Militaires, — Marine, — Justice,— Cultes, — Instruction publique. Volumes publius : DooumenU statittiques, I'l-ogrammn ut 8|K-ciincD. 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1886- Territoire et population. 1 vol. Folio, Paris, 1837. 1 vol. Folio. 18BB. Agrioulture. Region du Kord Oriental. 1vol. Folio. Paris, 1840. Midi Orieuuil. 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1840. Nord Occidental. 1 vol. Folio. Paris 1842. Midi Occidental. 1vol. Folio. Paris, 1842. Industrie. Region du Nord Oriental. 1vol. Folio, Paris, 1847. Midi Oriental. 1vol. Folio. Paris, 1848. Nord Occidental. 1vol. Folio. Paris, 1880. '. Midi Occidontol. 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1862. Oominerco ext^rieur , 1vol. Folio. Paris, 1838. Administration publique. Etablisscmens do bicufaisanco. 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1843. i •^-^— derepression. 1 vfll. Folio. Paris, 1844< Statlstique de la Belglque. Population, de 18 tl h 1850. 10 vol. Folio. Bruxelles, 1843-1851. Annuaire de I'^oonomie politique et de la statlstique, publi6 par MM. Joseph Gamier et Guillaumin, de 1846 ii 1857. 13 vol. 12mo. Paris. Get Annuaire se divise on quatre parties: la pr*m»ire reproduit oe qu'il y « de plus important dans les comptcs rcndua officiels des grandes administra- tions de la France sur le reccnsement et le mouvement de la population, l« commerce extdrieur, la navigation, les fiiiauces, les ciiisses d'6pargne, les banques, la justice criroinelle, civile et comnierciale, les voios de communica- tion, etc.; la seconrle pnrtie est concacree Ala ville de Paris ; la Iroitibme anx Jucumcns sur les pays otrangers, relatifs aleur population, a leurs budgets a leur commerce, etc. ; la guatrihn* est roserv^e aux notes, notices, resu- mes, revues, etc. Les titres suivans, extraits do la table de I'Annuaire pour 1855, donneront uno idee des mntieres C'ntenues chaque annee dann ce recucil: Mouvement de la population en France, en 1862. Builget de 185fi. — Rtsultats gi'ni'raux des budgets depuis 1814. Resume du commerce cxterieur do la France ct de sa navigation pendant I'annes 1863. — Tableau des importations et des exportations. Mouvement du cabotage en 1863. Operations do la banque de France et de ses succursales. Societu gonorale de ci'cdit mobilier, sou but, son organisation. Credit foncier de Frnnce. Operations des calsscs d'epargne en 1862 et 1863. COMMERCE ET 8TATI8TIQT;E8.] COMMERCB AND STATISTICS. 289 Les tl' lea suiTano, extraits de la table de TAnnuaire pour 1856 — {Continv^.') Sooitft6g (le secourt mutuels. Situation du paup^ritmc en Frane*. Induttrio min6rale, de 1847 i 1802. Statittique poitale. Budget de la ville At Ptrii. — Tableau del dce^i en 1868. — Tableau dei oxporta- tloDi. — Op^ratioDi du Mont de Pifto. — Statietique do la population indi- gente .— Disti ibution de I'eau i, Parii. Autriche. — Budget de 18C8, dette, commerce, Industrie, et«. Belgiquo. — Budget de 1864 et 65, dette, commerce, industrie. Orandc-Bi'otagno at Irlande. — Budget, commerce ext^rieur en 1868 et 1864, detto publiquc, banque d'Angleterre, navigation, tnxei locales, chcmins de fen emi^'ration, milicei, poates, etc. MSmei ttatiitiquet pour tout lt> prineipaux Etatt de V Europe $1 de rAmirique- Resume du commerce g^n^ral du globe en 1864. Distribution des professions on Angleterre. Emigration ourupdcnne au XIXe siticle, etc., ete. Sixth Census of the United States, Compendium of Population and Statistics ; with an abstract of each preceding Census. Folio- Washington, 1841. (2 copies.) Statistics under the Census Act. Folio. 1841. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. A statistical view of each of the States and Territories ; arranged by Counties, Towns, Ac, under [14] Divisions : embracing the aggregate tables for the United States compared with every previous census since 1790 ; notes upon the tables of each of the States, &c. ; edited by J, D. B, De Bow, Superintendent. 4to. Washington, 1853. (2 copies.) , Abstract of, [with] Eeport of J. C. Kennedy, late Superintendent. 4to. 1853. Companion to the British Almanac. From its commencement in 1828 to 1857, inclusive. 12rno. London. [This annual publication always contains much valuable statistical information concerning public events and the econouii^al condition of the United Kingdom, during the past year ; in addition to which it includes Papers on various subjects, of permanent interest and utility, of whiuh the following have been selected, as deserving of special mention : — ] 1828. 1. Ou the Calendar, and its Buccessive reforms. 2. Days of the calendar. 3. Celestial Pheoomeua of the year. C. Natural appearances of the English year. 7. The Tides, No. 1. Vide 1830, for No. 2—1885, for Nc. 3—1837 for. No. 4 — 1838, for No. 5. 8. On Chrouology, with Chronological Tables from the creation of the world. 9. Statistical Tables of size, population, Ac, of States throughout the world. Vtd* also, 1833, No. 11. 11. Population of Great Britain and Ireland, from 1700 to 1821. 1 iJ 4! I'J I* .' 200 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUB, Companion to the British Almanao — (Coutinued). 1828— (Cootinuod). 18. Papulation of Fraboe, from 1817 to 182S. 14. T«rre«trial Latitudes and Looffitudes. 16. Weights nnd Meoaurot. Vidt alio 1810, No. 20, and 1886, No. 10. 18. Explanation of lignt used In MathemAtioal operntioni. 1*7. Advice to the Poor on physical and moral improvement. 18. On Voatilation and Household clcanlinesa. 19. On Poisons ; with directions as to auUdotot. 21. On Commercial ARsurances. itto. 1829. I «'• . , mii'ty ♦ . 1830. 1. On Almanacs, their history, &e. Vide, also, 1880, No. 6, and 1848, No, 1. 2, The Nnulioal Almanoo, its history and uses. 6. On Comets. Vide, also, 1833, No. 1. '7. Observations of a Naturalist, &o. 9. Chronological Table of European Monarchs, from 800 to 18'J8. 10. Table of gomo leading observations and disourories in Hathomatics and Natorsl Philosophy ; with names and dates. 11. Remarkable Plants, with dates of their btroduotion into England.. Vid$ also, 1881, No. 8. 12. Statistics of the world. 18. Tncroase of Inhabitants of Europe. 14. Population of China. 16. Population of Cities, Boroughs, and Ttwns in Great Britain and Ireland. 19. France and England compared: as regards Agriculture, the Arts ond Crime. 21. Education in England, its progress and present state. 22. Influence of Education and of civilization in general on the diminution of Orimt 24. Bills of Mortality. Vide also, all subsequent years. 26. Weights and Measures, agreeably to the act of uniformity. 26. Mortality of Infants. 27. On Clothing. 28. Intemperate use of Spirituous Liquors. 81. Establishments in Holland for the Relief of mendicity. 82. Savings' Banks. Vide also, 1832, No. 14, and subsequent years. 1. Eras of ancient and modern times and countries explained. 2. List of the correspondence of Eras with the year 1830. 7. Observations of a Naturalist. 8. Table of Refractions. 9. The Tides, No. 2. 10. Natural History of the Weather. (Continued in 1881, No. 7.) 11. Comparative Scale of Thermometers. 12. Obronological Table of the principal Geographical discoveries of modem Euro- pean Nations. 18. Emperors of Constantinople, from 800 to 1829. 14. Reigning Sovereigns in Euro])e. 15. Number of Jews in different Conntriea. 18. Report on Vaccination. Vide aXao, all subsequent years. 19. Gold and Silver Foreign Coins. 20. Frenah Measures and Weights at present in use. 28. Consumption of Goals in London, from 1801 to 1828. 27. The new Police Act ; with Police Regulations. 28. IJsts of Charitable Literary Scisntifio and professional Institutions, in andntv London. r . ^' OOHHEBOE £T 8TATI8TIQXJES.] COMMEBOE AND STATISTICS. 201 Companion to the British Almanac— (Continued). 1831- 1. DlritioD of the Day, in vnriout parts of the world. t. Table ihowing tlie dilTereDeo between London Time and that of the prinoipal TowDi in the United Kingdom. 7. Natural Hietury of the Weather. (Contin**d from the Companion for 1880') 8. List of ooniervatory Plant*, with the datea of their int. ' *'on into England. 0. Ohronological table of the prinoipal Treatiei between oiviliMd natlona f^m 1S28> to 1880. 11. Chronology of Literature , iti progreu and contemporaneous state. Vid», alioi 1832, No. 11. 18. Tables for calculating the heights of Mountains. 14. On Life Aasuraiico, with account of the different London Assurance 0£Soei. Vide, aldo, 1846, No 6. 16. Abstract of report on the state of tlio Poor in Ireland. 18. Abstract of report from committee on the East India Company, respecting the China trade. Vidt, also, 1844, No. 8. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1. On Eclipses of the Sun and Moon : with a table of all the Eolipies which will take place before 1000. Vide also, 1847, No. 8. 2. Tables for the calculation of Tides. 9. Cholera morbus ; a paper issued by the Board of Health. Vide, also, 1849, No. 8- 10. Ohronological account of the connexion between England and India. Vide, con- tinuation, in 18S0, No. 6. 11. Literary Chronology: extended, and enlarged from the list given in the Com- panion for 1881. 12. History of the Funds ; with tables. 14. Savings Banks. Vide, also, subsequent years. 16. Colonial Statistics, of population, trade, settlement and government. 17. Statistics of the United States of America : politicnl, and on population, trade, public works, iic. Vide, also, 1844, No. 1 1, und I8t6, No. t. 1. On Comets. Vide, also 1836, No. 1. 8. Ephemeris of Halley's Comet in 1836-A. 10. Heights of [071] Mountains in Europe. 11. Statistics of the European States. 12. Population of Great Britain in the years 1811, 1821, and 1881. Vide, also, 1834, No8. 16 to 18. 18. Population of the United States, from 1790 to 1830. 14. East India Trade ; with an account of the E. I. Company, its powers, revenues, &e. 16. On the Bank of England : abstract of a report of committee of the House of Commons. 16. Summary of Savings Banks in England and Wales. 17. Tables for the use of Benefit Societies; by Mr. Finlayson. 1. On the Moon's Orbit. 10. On Wage* and Prices. 11. State of Crime in Oreat Britain and Ireland. 12. Poor laws in the United State*. 15. Savings' Banks annuities ; with tables. 14. Tables of Mortality in England and Wales, from 1813 to 1830. 16-18. Population Tables for England, Ireland, &o. in 1821 and 1881, S, m 1837. 1. Obser^.itions on the use of Anthracite coal. 2. State of Crime in Great Britain md Irehmd. (0. B. A.) 8, Notices of Crime in the United States. 4. Public Libraries. (1.) Statistical view of the Population of the United States from 1790 to 1830 (2.) Cotton, its cultivation, mauufacture .and foreign trade- Indivi.Uml States : notices of Iheir Internal Improvements ; and of the increas- cd fiiciliaos of travelling therein^ 1. Prognostics of the Weather^ 2. Aurora Uorealis of 25th J:an,ufti:y 1837, 8. Meteors of 13th Novcunb|Br 1886. 4. Law relating to Aliens, as regards th«ir right of holding and conveying property in the diiTorent Stwtes. J fai P<"i.y 6. The London Periodical Press. 6. Publication of Books in England. 7, International Copyright, 1838. \r:f \l];\\ ',- , Nit* 298 POLITICAL ECONOMY, [eCONOMIE POLITIQUE American Almanao, &o.— (Continued). 1838— eCoDtinued). 8, Products of the Press in OermaDy, France and Eogland. 9. Prices of 14 articles for 40 years. 10. Prices of Flour from 17M to 1887. 11. Ago aud size of Trees. (8.) The Tobacco Trade; from 1022 to 188S. Vide, also, 1842. No. It. Number and Capital of Banks in United States, from 1792 to 1886. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1. On the Calendar. 2. Expectation of Life, or Law of Mortality in England and Prussia. 8. Publication of Books. 4. Temperance, aud tli« License Law of Maisaohusetts. General Index: to vols. 1830-1839. 1 . The List of American Writers. 2, The North-eastern Boundary. 8. Production and Consumption of Sugar. 4, Oold and silver produced and coined in 40 yean. 6. Mortality of several Cities. 6. Prices of Wheat in England, from 166S to 1837. 8. Produce of Copy-rights to celebrated Authors. 9. Internatiunal Copyright. (1.) Debts nod Stocks of the several States. Vide, also, 1841, No. 13, and 1842, No. 13. (2.) Steam Engines and Steamboat Navigation : History and Statietics. (3.) American and Belgium Rnilroads. (4.) to (9.) Trade of American Colouies and States, from 1697 tb 1838. Individual States: accounts of State Prisons, Penitentiaries and Insant Asylums therein, 4^0. The Opium Trade. The Slave Trade. Mortality of Amputation. Emigration to America, from 1826 to 1837. Statistics of Ocean Navigation. - of travelling in the United States. Rates of Wages in several Couutries of Europe. Annual Expenditure and Losses by Public Defalcations, from 1789 to 18S7. Debts of the several States. Exports of Flour and Wheat, from 1790 to 1888. 1843 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 12. 13. 17. (3.) Principal Executive Officers of the United States Oovernracnt, from l789to 1841, 13. Revenue Expenditures, and Debts of the several States. 14. Rates of latencst, aud puoishmeut of Usury, in the several States. 15. Statistics of the Tobacco Trade, from 1821 to 1840. 16. Coffee Trade, from 1.821 to 1840. Population tables, according to Census of 1840, pp. 137, 261, Ac 18-19. Espy's theory of Storms ; witk objections thereto. (11.) Debts of the several States, in 1842. (12.) Statistics of the United States ; collected under the Census of 1840. (15.) Insane nnd Idiotic, Blind, Deaf and Dumb persons in the United Statei. (16.) Manufacture and trade in Printed Cottons, (17.) Whale Fishery of the United States. Vide also, subsequent years. (18.) Tariff of Duties, of 1842. CIQUE, COMMERCE ET STATISTIQUES.] COMMERCE AND STATISTICS, 299 American Almanac, &o. — (Continued). Hup of the KcHpse of Dec. 9, 1844, in its path across tlw United States. 18. The Great Comet of 1843. (12.) Sessions of Congress; Statirtics of, from IVS* to 1843. (1,S.) Senators nud Represcutativcs in Congress, with their periods of service, from 1789 to 1843. Vide also, 1854, No. 27. (14.) Titles and abstrncts of Public Laws passed in last Session of Congress. A similar article is inserted in all subeequeat volumes. 1845. 1846. 18, and 18«, ics. i38. • aad Idmm I8«7. 184a h to 1831. a'jsstoisa 1849. |840. 1 Statei. ear*. 8. Coixnge of United States Mints, from 1782 to 1838. Vitk also, 1846 and sub sequent years. 9. Statistics of sale of Public Lands, from 1801 to 1848. Vide, also, 1850. No. 16. 10. Statements of United States Revenues and Expenditure, from 178» to 1343. Vide, also, 1846 and p.ubiequent years. 12. Mistakes in the Census of 1840. 14. Commercial Tables of Imports and Exports, Tonnage, sar, l'«re des S61eucide8 ou des Grecs, I'fere c^snr6enne d'Antioche, I'fire Julienne, I'dre d'Espagne, Vkre actiaque, le cycle de XIX ans, ou notnbre d'or, &(?., fcc, et les chronologies de» eclipses, he, &c. ; par un Religieux de la Congregation de St-Maur. ImprimS pour la premiere fois sur les manuscrits des B6n6dictin8 ; mis en ordre par M. de Saint-Aliais. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Art (1') de verifier les dates des faits hlstoriques, des Chartes, des Chroni- queset autresanciens monumens, depuis la naissance de Notre Seigneur &c,, Sc?., par un Religieux de la Congregation de Saint- Maur ; r^-im- prim6 avec dea corrections et annotations, et continue jusqu'^ nos jours, par M. de Suint-AUais. 18 vol. 8vo., et table. Paris, 1818-1819. [Art (1') de verifier les dates, depuis I'ann^e 1770 jusqu'i nos jours ; for- mant la continuation ou troisiSme partio de I'Duvrnge public sous ce nora par les R'digieux B^nedictins de la Congregation de f!aint-Maur ; eette partie, r6digee par iine sociuto de savans et hommes de lettres, et publiee par M. le Chevalier de Courcelles. 18 vol. 8vo., et 2 vol. de tables. Paris, 1821-1844. Blair's (-Tolm) Chionolo'^ical and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the present time ; wiih additions and corrections ; new edition, by Sir H. Ellin. 8vo. London, 1851. Blair's Chronologifal Tablfs, revis'-d and enlarged ; comprehending the Chro» nology and History of the World, from the earliest times to the Russian Treaty of Peace, April 1856: by J. Willoughby Rosse. 12mo. London, 1856. BohCs Library. " The studeiii, will ri'ii'li% perceive, all that remains of Blair ia the general " outline. Tlio work has been entirely re constructed, and every line tested by " ao examination with hter and better authorities." (Pieface.) : 'JT2 1 fl^ 11 i'" «lj pi p 1 ill 11 I-. ' 1 1 If 802 CHRONOLOGY, UNIVEE3AL HISTORT, ETC. Todd, J. n. Historical Tablets ond Mednllions, illustrative of a system of artificial memory ; exhibiting a connected outline of historical and biographical Chronology, etc. 4to. London, 1827. Nicolas, Sir Harris. The Chronology of History, containing tables, calcula- tions and statements, indispensable for ab^certuining the dates of events and of documents. New edition. 12mo. London, 1838. Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates, and universal Reference, relating to all ages and nations ; the origin and advance of human arts and inventions etc. Sixth edition, with an index of leading names. 8vo. London 1863. Putnam, G. P. The World's Progress ; a Dictionary of Dates ; with tabular views of general history. l2mo. New York, 1860, Dlotlonnalre des Dates, des fuits, des lieux et des hommes historiques ; oq les Tables de I'Histoire, repertoire alphab^tique et chronologic univer- selle, he, public pnr une societe de suvans et de gens de Icttres, sous la direction de M. A. L. d'Harmonville. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842-45. Henault, le President. M^moire sur les abregcs chronologiques. A. I. Vol. 28. ' Belley, I'Abb^. Dissertations sur les epoques des Syro-Macedoniens. A. I. Vol. 26, 28, 30, 32, 35. Nauze, M. de la. Histoire da Calendrier des Egyptiens. A. I. Vol. 14 et 16. Laroher. M6moire sur les poriudes astronomiques et chronologiques des Egyptiens. N. L Vol. L Keller, F A. C. Abreg6 pittoresque et rancmoniqiie de I'histoire universelle donnant si^cle par si^cle la chronologie, la geugrnphie, les monuments, les medailles, les portraits de grands hommes, etc. Folio. Paris, 1837. Rudimentary Chronology of Civil and Ecclesiastical History, Art, Litera- ture, and Civilization, from the earliest period to 1854. Vol. 1. 12mo, Weale's Series. Nevrton, Sir Isanc. The Chronology of Antient Kingdoms amended ; a short chronicle from the first memory of tilings in Europe, to the conquest of Persia by Alexander. Vide Ncwtonii opera. Vol. 5. Jones, Sir William. On the Chronology of the Hindus, with a supplement. See his works. Vol. 1. Hales, William. A new Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy upon Scriptural and Scientific principles. Second edition, improved. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Vol. I. Chronology and Ocogrnphy. Vol. II. Chronological History of the Old Testament and Apocrypha. Vol. III. Of tho New Tostament Vol IV. Profane Chronology. <"rofltIi\ Ralegh, i V Anaales' ti Tegg's Dj fr 8\ Chronoloj 31 pu Brown, C. to un De Morga; the ne dft3 obi Brady, Joli wit Loi Anniveraa Cre English A 12r Times' Tel exp] histi and Occ oft vari( fron vols CIIBONOLOOIE, niSTOIEE UNIVERSELLE, ETC. 303 Crosthwaite, Chnrlei. S/nchronology ; the Hiatoiy, Chronology, and My- thology of tlie ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Phtcniciana, and the harmony between tlie chronology and that of the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. Cambridge, 1839. Vidt Dnsanquet'a Fall of Ninereh, considered with a yicw to the re-adJustment of Sncred and Profane Chrouology. Ralegh, Sir Walter. A Chronological Table, from the earliest times accord- ing to the Julian Period, the ordinary Chronology, ice. Vide hit works. Vol. 7. Annales' Antiquitatis ; Chronological Tables of ancient history. Synchronis- tically nnd Ethnographically arranged. Folio. Oxford, 1835. Tegg's Dictionary of Chronology : or, Historical ond Statistical Register, from the Birth of Christ to the present time. Fifth edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1854. Chronologioal Tables of the diflfbrent Eras, used by Christians, Hindoosi ]\Iohammedana and Paraees, for the Century AD. 1752 to 1852 > published by the Bombay Presidency. 8vo. Bombay, 1850. Brown, C. P. An Ephemeris ; showing the corresponding Dates, according to the English, Hindu and Mussulman Calendars ; from A.D. 1751 until 1850. Svo. Madras, 1850. De Morgan, Augustus. The Book of Almanacs, with on Index by which the Almanac may be found for every year, whether in old style, or new, from any Epoch, up to A.D. 2000 ; with means of finding the day of any new or full Moon from B.C. 2000, to A.D. 2000. Small oblong vol. London, 1851. Brady, John. Clavis Calendaria, or Analysis of the Calendar ; illustrated with ecclesiastical history and classical anecdotes. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1812. Anniversary Calendar, Natal Book and Universal Mirror; from the Creation to the present Age. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1832. English Almanacks ; a consecutive series, from 1717 to 1820. 101 vols. 12mo. Eneh volume appears to contain all, or moBt, of the Almunackg of the year, some of which are famous in story, as Portridge's Poor Robin, Oadbury, «tc. Tliey contain much curious astrological information in addition to their general historical interest. Times' Telescope ; or, complete guide to the Almanack ; containing an explanation of ISaints' Days and Holidays, with illustrations of British history, and notices of obsolete rites and customs ; with obituaries, and sketches of contemporary biography, &c.: — Also, Astronomical Occurrences in every Mouth, comprising remarks on the phenomena of the celestial bodies, &c. ; and Notes of a Naturalist, explaining various appearances in the Animal and Vegetable Kingdom, &c. ; — from its commencement in 1811 to the last published, in 1834. 21 vols. 12mo. London. ■ Hi? I '■'Am " >ail it L ■1 !?li Hia ^^^^^^K ...v.. lli ^^■B";.l! .>. B ■'■ ". ■ jnl ■ ■ .. : ft'-. 1 mm 1 V 't '■'I, ;V4 >■ . 304 ClIllONOLOOY, UNIVERSAL UISTOIIY, ETC. 3! v,l' British Almanac, aud Companion; publiHiiud unilur tlio Hiipcrinteiulunce of tho Souioty fur the dilfuaiou of Utieful Kiiuwled^u ; from itii ccta< mcnuenieut in 1H28 to 1HS7. 81 roU. 12iuo. London. Army and MlUtia Almanac, for IR.'iO. For tho American Alinanno, the ooutODte of tho CmnpntiioD to tho liritiah Alinanno, and for othor AlmuiMUM, uuntniiiin|; Htiitiatioal iufiiriiiutiuD, Vid* roLlTlCAL EouMOMY nod Htatutiuh ; otttf, piiKos 380, 2Hl> tu KOO. li'Univers. Histuire et description de tous lus peuples. 63 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825-1834. Btirop«.— S8 Tolnmet. VoL 1. OrJcc.— Vol. 2. Italie «t Sidle.— Vol. ». Buiiee f% Tyrol— Vol. 4. 8iK>do ot NorwOge. — Vol. S «t 6. Allciiiugtic, — Vol. 7 «t 8. llunwo — Vol. 9. Turquie. — Vol.10. Pologuo — Vol, 11 et 12. Franco: Annalvit — Vol, IJ- 24. FrttDoe: dlrtiounuire t'ney(>lo|H'c^d6 d'une histnire du Dlasi^n. G vol. 4to. Poris, 1791-181)4. Encyclopedia MvthoiUnue. Uiie parti* du 0« volume eat oouMurCo i^ la ohromilogio de I'liiiloiro. Court de Oebelln, (M-) Monde primitif, analyau et conipai'6 avec le mondo inodorne. 9 vol. 4o. rnris, 1773-1782. Voir Picnrt, .Superititions nnniennet ct modoriies. OiTtfinuulei et ooutumei rell- glouiet de tou« let puuplcii du inoude. Bouillet, M. N. Dictionnnire univcrBid de I'hisfoire et de la ^eogrnphie non- tenant : lo. I'histoire proprouient dite, rdsiim^ de rhist«irt> do tous Ics pcuples anciens et modernes avec la R^rifl chronologic, le dus souvn- rnins de choquo Etat, etc. ; 2o. La biogi apliie univeri«>ll( ; So. La my- thologie ; 4o. La gcogrnphie ancienne et nioderne. Pix 'me ddition, augment^e d'un supplement, et approuvde par le Saint- !'i!re. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Ralegh, Sir Walter. General History of the "World from the Creation ; until the Romans made conquest of Asia and Macfdon. Vid Ralegh's Works, vols. 2 to 7. Universal History, from the earliest accounts to the present tim<>, com- piled from original Authors. [Ancient History,] 18 vols. | Modern History,] 42 toIs. ; in all GO vols. 8vo. London, 1779-1784. The Judex to Ancient History is in vol. 18th. Tytler, A. F. Univ«!rsal History from the Creation of the World -o the beginning of the Eighteenth Century. 6 vols. 12mo. London, 1834. Fam. Libr, I Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern ; vith a continuation to the death of (Jcorge III, by Dr. Nares : new edi- tion continued to the death of William IV. with a view of Anient and Modern Geogrnphy. 8vo. London, 1845. Universal History on Scripture Principles, from the Creation to the dawn of the Reformation, A. D. 1513. 6 vols. 12mo. London, 1830. Ramsey, David. Universal History Americanised , from the earliest records to 18t>8 : to which is annexed a brief view of History from 1808 to tbe Battle of Waterloo. 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. J 'mm •;?■.■. •.■,;r i''\1| '■•;'V!'.l •m Jfr ' ■ ■■' >.•! m 306 CHUONOLOGY, UNIVERSAL HISTORY, ETC. Quin, Edward. Universal History from the Creation to A.D. 1828, divided into twenty-one periods. 12mo. London, ,1838: with an Historical Atlas of twenty-one maps of the World as known at different periods, coloured according to the political changes of each period : A new edition, brought down to the present time. Folio. London, 1846. Gibbon, Edward. Outlines of the History of the World, from the 9th to the 15th ceuturie;!. Vide, his Miscellaneous Works, vol. 3. Wright, J. B. Manual of Universal History on the basis of Ethnography ; the most remarkable events that have taken place among the principal Nations ; with descriptions of their characteristics. — The primeval period. 12mo. Bath — . Maunder, Samuel. Treasury of History ; being a General History, both An- cient and Modern of all the Principul Nations ; to which is added, a History of the United States to the present time. Edited by J. Inman, 2 J ols. 8vo. New York, 1851. Prinoe, P. A. Parallel History : An Outline of the History and Biography of the World, contemporaneously arranged. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842-3. Vol. I. The History of the Ancient and Middle Ages. Modern History to the French Revolution. From the outbreak of iLat Revolutioii to the present day. Historical Parallels. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. KnigMs " II. " III. [Malkin, A. T.] Libr. Creasy, E. S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World ; from Marathon to Waterloo. Fifth edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1853. Bigland, John. View of the World : A delineation of the natural and artifi- cial features of each country, and a narrative of the different nations, their revolutions, and progress. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. Perrario, Giulio. II Costume Antico e Moderno o Storia del Governo, della, Milizia, della Religione, delle Arti, Scienze ed Usanze di tutti i Populi Antichi e Moderni. Europa. — 6 Tomes en 10. Asia. — 4 Tomes. Africa, — 2 Tomes. America. — 2 Tomes, (in all) 18 vols. 4to. Milano, 1817-26. Grellmann, H. ]\I. G. Dissertations on the Gypsies, their manner of Life, &c., Marriages and Education, Death and Burial, Religion, Language, Sciences, Arts, &c., with nn enquiry concerning their origin and first appearance in Europe ; from the German. 8vo. London, 1807. Hoyland, John. Historiral Survey of the Customs, Habits, and present state of the Gypsies ; designed to promote the amelioration of their condi- tion. 8vo. York, 1816. Borro-w, George. Tlie Zincali ; or an account of the Gypsies of Spain. 8vo. London, 184G. Rome and Colon. Libr. Zaccone, Pierre. Ilistoire des sociites secretes, politiqiies et religicuses. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. CHRONOLOGIE, HISTOIKE UNIVERSELLE, ETC. 307 Clavel. Hlstoire pittoresque de la fraHC-njo5onnerie. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Barrau, J. J. Histoire politique des peuples musulmana depuis Mahomet jus- qu'& no8 jours. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Schlegel, Fr6deric. Tableau de I'histoire moderne. Traduit de rallemand parM. J. Cherbuliez. 2 vol. en 1, Svo. Paris, 1831. Miohelet. Precis de I'histoire moderne. Svo. Paris, 1850. Voltaire. Esaai sur I'histoire g6n6rale et sur les moDurs et I'esprit des nations, depuis Charlemagne jusqu'^ nos jours. Foi'r les oeuvres de Voltaire, vol. 16-19. Villemain. Etudes d'histoire moderne. Svo. Paris, 1854. Annuaire des Deux Mondes ; Histoire g^nerale des divers Etats. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris. Get Annuaire public depuis 1850, par la direction de la Revue des Deux Mondes, resume chaque anutjc les documeuts et les fnits propres A I'Listoire des divers pays aynnt un role actif daus le inoude. Les litres guivants extraits de la table do I' Annuaire pour 1864 donoeront une idee de Timpor- tance et do I'itendue de ce recueil : Les Cabinet* en 1863. — Physionomie genfirale du monde politique. Hiitoire des Etats Europlens, lo. Race Latine : — La France, la Belgique, la Suisse, ritalie, la Snrdnigne, Toscano, Parnie, Modcue, Etata Remains, Royaume des Deux Sieilcs, Espagne, Portugal. 2o. Race Anglo-Saxonne : — La Grande Bretagne et les colonies de I'Angloterre. So. Race Scandinave : — Suode et Norvi'ge, Danemark. 4o. Race Germaniijue : — Les Pays-Bas, I'Allemagne, la Confederation Oermani- quc, les Petits Etats et lea Etats secondaires, la PruB£3, 1'Autriche. 6o. Race Slave : — Russie. 6o. Race Turco-Slave : — Empire Ottaman, QriSce. to. Race Anglo- Amerieaine : — Etats Unis. 8o. Race Ilispano-Americaine : — Etnts Unis Mexicains, Republiques de I'AmS- rique Centrale, Republiques de I'Amerique du Sud, 9o. Etats de I'Afrique et de I'Aaic, Chaque volume est suivi d'un Appeudice coutenant le tczte des Documents, Papiers d'Etat, Conventions et Traitcs, etc. Lesur. Annuaire historiquo universel ou histoire politique, de 1818 h 1857. 30 vol. Svo. Paris. The Historical Register ; containing a relation of transactions, Civil and IMilitary, Foreign and Domestic, with a Diary of Eeniarkable Events, &o., from the last day of July, I7lt. [Date of accession of King George I.,] to the first day of January, 1716, in 2 vols. ■ Containing a relation of all transactions, Foreign and Domestic, No. 1 to No. 92, being published quarterly, from 1716 to 1738, inclusive, in 23 vols. Forming, with the 2 vols, preceding, a complete set of this work, in 26 vols. Svo. Londuo, • i'.-h]''*'':;'.:'- 'I' W O * '. 'X.'rti'fy^a ff :^"! 308 CHRONOLOGY, UNIVERSAL HISTORY, ETC. The Annual Register ; or, a view of History and Politics, &c., for the year 1758, and for the successive years, to 1855, [with the omissions of 1764, Vol. VII; 1787, Vol. XXIX; 1788, Vol. XXX; 1790, Vol. XXXII; J805, Vol. XLVII; 1820, Vol. LXII, (1st Part,); 1824, Vol. LXVI; 1831, Vol. LXXXIII;] with a General Index from its commencement in 1758 to the year 1819. 8vo. London, 1826. Bulletin des sciences historiques, antiquites, phylologie, public sous la direction de M. le Baron de Ferusac. 19 vol. 8vo., et table. Paris, 1824-1831. Voir dnas In bibliothi^que do poche (Enotoloprdiks) : Curiogites Historiques ; Curiosit^B Anecdotiques ; Curiosites des Traditions, etc. Passy. Des causes qui out infliie sur la marche de la civilisation dans les diverges coutrees du monde. N. S. M. Vol. 5. Anselme, I'Abbo. Des monuments qui ont suppl<56 au dofaut de I'ecriture et servi de meraoires aux premiers historiens. A. I. Vol. 4 et 6. Salverte, Eusebe. Essai historique et philosophique sur les noms d'hommes, de peuples et do lieux. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Volney, 0. F. Les Euines, ou meditation sur les r6volution3 des Empires. Voir (Euvres de Volney, vol. 1. Lemons d'histoire. Id., vol. 7. Chateaubriand. Essais sur les revolutions. Voir lea CEuvres de I'auteur, vol. 2 et 3 Etudes historiques. Id., vol. 4 et 7. Usquiros, A. Du mouvement des races humaines. Bevue des Deux Mondes. Nouvelle serie, vol. 10. -^— — Des etudes contemporaines surl'histoire des races. 7r/.,vol. 21. Girardin, Saint-Marc. Deladestineedesvilles. Id. Quatrieme serie, vol. 24. Ijuoas, Samuel. History as a condition of Social Progress ; a lecture de- livered at the Philosophical Institution, Bristol, April 11th, 1853. 12mo. London, 1853. (^Murray's Railway Reading : bound up witb, The Flower Gar Jcu, -. 1 ) .' r 1 A * 1. \- 1 It 312 MYTHOLOGY, ANTIQUITIES AND NUMISMATICS. i'^ M •I i' : ■■■?;■ '* .,;f li•'^ Avec Baxth^lemy, J> B. A. Manuel de Numismntique ancienne. 12mo. Atlas 12mo. oblong. Paris, 1861. Roret. Miiller. Numismatique d'Alexandre-le-Grond, suivie d'un appendice conte* nant les monnaies de Philippe II et III. 8vo., et atlas 4to. Co* penhague, 185d. Tdohon. M6dailles des noraes ou prefectures de I'Egypte. 4to. Paris, 1822. Dufour. Atlas de gdographie numismatique. Folio. PariD, 1838. Tr^sor de Numismatique et de Glyptique, ou recueil gin^ral de m^. dailies, monnaies, pierres gravies, bas-reliefs, etc., (ant anciens que modernes, les plus int^ressants sous le rapport de I'art et de I'histoire, graves par les procdd^s de M. Achille Collas, sous la direction de MM, Paul Deiaroche, Henriquel Dupont et Charles Lenormant. 16 vol. Folio. Nouvelle galorie mythologique, Paris, 1860. Numismatique des rois grecs. Paris, 1849. Recueil g^nnral de boa-reliefs et d'ornemeDB,ou Melanges typoglypliques. Ivoires.-* Meubles. — Armes. — liijoux. Paris, 1886. Iconogriiphie des empereura remains et de leurs families. Paris, 1843. Choix historiquo des m^dailles des Papes, depuis le milieu du XVe siecle juaqu'i •ius jours. Paris, 1839. Med.iilles coulees et ciselees en Italie aux' XVe et X Vie sitScIes. Paris, 18S4. Bas-reliefs du Parthenon et du Temple de Phigalie. Paris, 1884. Sceaux des rois et reines de France. Pnvis, 1834. Sceaux des couimuiies, cominimaut^s, ^vijqucs, abbus ct barons. Pai is, 1 837. Modailles fran^aises, depuis le riigue de Charles VII jusqu'i oelul de Louis XVi, Piemii^re partie. Paris, 1830. Medailles fi'an9ai8C8, depuis le riigno de Charles VII jusqu'A celui de Lows XVL Deuxiume partie. (Euvre dc Dupn; ct Wariu. Paris, 1 834. Medailles de In Revolution fran^iiise, depuis I'ouverture des Etats-Generaux (5 mai 1789) jusqu'ft la proclamation de I'Empire (13 mai 1804). Paris, 1 83(5. Collection des medailles de TEmpire franyais et de I'empereur N-ipoli'-ou. Pavis, 1840. Sceaux des rois et reiucs d'Anglctcrre. Paris, 1835. Choix de medailles executees eu Alleniagne aux XVIe et XVIIe slides. Paris, 1841. Histoire par les monumeuts do Part mouel.alre chcz les modet ues. Paris, 1848. Barth61emy, J* B. A. IManuel de numismatique du moyen-age et modeme. 12 mo, avec Atlas 12 mo oblong. Paris. Floret. . Essaid'unc palcographie numismatique. A.I. Vol. 24, 2G et 27. Raoul-Rochette. Essai sur la numismatique tarentine, (avec cinq plancliea), 1833. N. I. Vol. 14. Sauloy, ^I- de. Eecherches sur la numismatique punique. M.I. Vol. 15. Belley, 1' Abbtj. Observations historiquea sur les medailles et les inscriptions de la Tillo de Sardcs, de celle de CiJyessus on Phrygie, cello d'Hyr- galeo el celle de Sebaste. A. I. Vol. 18 et 35. MYTHOLOGIE, ARCH^OLOGIE ET NUMISMATIQUE. 313 Valois, M. do. Observationa sur le catalogue g(5n^ral des m^dailles imp^. riales. A. I. Vol. 12, 14, 16. ■ Keflexious sur quolquea m^dailles antiques qui n'ont poiat encore 6t< de I'Egypte et de la Nubie, d'apros les dessina exoeuteH sur Icslieiix, par Cliiunpoilion le jeune, et les descrip- tion.s iuitogniphes ([u'll «;n a rt''(lig6es, publics par tine commission spe- ciale. 4 vol. gr. folio Paris, 1835-45. Gau, F. C. Antiquites de la Nubic, ou monuments iiu'dits des bords du Nil,si- tu6s cntre hi preniiere et la seconde oataracte. dcssinus et mesuros en 1819. Folio (avec ()0 plandiei.). Paris. 1821-27. Lebas. Ob61isque du Luxor. Folio. Paris 1839. Letronne. Ueeueil des inscriptions grecques et latinos de I'Eprypte, 6tudiee9 dans leur rapport avec I'histoire politique, rinlnunistration int6rieure, les institutions civiles et religieuses de ce pays depuis la conquete d'Alexandre jusqu'il celle des Arabes. 2 vol. 'to. Pari,s, 1842. ,.:v/ -hi', '">•,'. ■•,.■ .hit ■ .«^- , ,r,-r : '>-M'' m .■V^'.p,i».i 4 a mm 318 ANCIENT HISTORY. [lIISTOIIlE ■s :. ?,, ■ :|;;i Champolllon, Ic jcum-. I'lt'ciH ro[)hi3cies ; translated, with abridgment, from tlie French ; with illustrative notes Irom Burck- liardt and other traveller.", and a preliminary account of ancient Idumca, by the translator. 8vo. London, 18ilt». Porster, Rev. Charles. On the Monuments of E^ypt, — vide Part II, On the Monuments of Assyria, llabylonia, and Persia, — vidfi Part III, of Forstor's one Primeval Language. Young, Thomas. Discoveries in niero;;lyphical Literature, and Egyptian Antiquities ; incduding the Author's t)riginal Alphabet, as extended by Champollion. Svo. London, 1K23. Gliddon, G. K. Ancient Egypt :— early Ejiyptian History, Archoiology, &c. 4to. Philadelphia, 1850. Osburn, William. The Monumental history of Egypt, is recorded in the Kuins of her Temples, Palaces, and Tombs. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1854. Vol. I. — From the first Colonization to the visit of Abrani. " II. — From the visit of Ahratn to the Exodus. ANCIKNNK.] ANCIENT UI8T0RY. 319 Heath, U. J. Tlio Kxodua I'apyri ; witli a liistoricol and chronological in- troJuction, by Miss F. Corhuux. 8vu. London, 185C. " Frnjjnienti written under tho lust Kinj^ of thi> I'JtIi Dynimty, duriii); wliogo rci»luoo." — Vide Inlroduo- tiou. Abd'Allatif 's DfSfription of tho Ancient Monumt'nto of Egypt, [A. D.- 120;j, I trimsiati'd into French, by M. Do Sucy ; with notes. For an Eiiglisii trivnulution, vide Tinkorton's Co/lection of Voyages and Tra- velt. Vol. 15. Hawks, F. L. The Monuments of Kgypt i or, Egypt n Witness for tho lliblo. Second edition, bvo. New York, 1850. Greaves, J. Description of tlio I'yramids in Egy|)t. Vide Churchill's Col- lection of V^oyuges, &c., vol. 2. Perring, J- E. Tho I'yruinids of Gizeh, from octunl survey and admeasure- ment, illustrated with notes iind references to the sevcnil plans, taken on tho spot, by E. .1. An t 1 322 ANCIENT HISTOKT. [histoire A, \*i' . ^1 I . I IVCatter, M. Manuel de I'histoire de la Grece depuis les [iremiers si^cles jus- qu'^ retablissement de la domination roraaine ; accompagn6 d une table chronologique de I'histoire grecque, etc., par M. Bartholmess. 12mo. Paris, 1839. Soret. Clavier, M Histoire des premiers temps de la Grfece, depuis Inachusjusqu'i la cbAte des Pisistriitides. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Barthdleniy. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grfice. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Barth^lemy, the Abbe. Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the Fourth Century before the Christian Era. 7 vols. Svo., and an 8th vol., 4to. of Maps, Plans, &c., illustrative of the Geo- graphy and Antiquities of Ancient Greece. In all 8 vols. London 1806. Hamilton, ( W. D.,) and Levien, (E.) Outlines of the History of Greece, in connexion with the rise of the Arts and Civilization in Europe. 12mo. London, 1854. St. John, J. A. The Hellenes : the History of the Manners of the Ancient Greeks. New Edition. 3vols.ini. Svo. London, 1844. Vide also, Becker's Charicles; or, private life of the ancient Greeks. Heeren, A. H. L. Ancient Greece. [" Essays which relate to political Insti- tutions of the Greeks,"] translated by G. Bancroft ; also, three Treatises by the same Author, [on] the Reformation ; Political Theories j [and on] the Continental Interests of Great Britain. New and improved edition. Svo. London, 1847. Wachsmuth, William. 'i"he Historical Antiquities of the Greeks, with refer- ence to their Political Institutions ; translated by Edmund Woolrych. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1837. Soeckh, Augustus. The Public Economy of Athens ; [with] a Dissertation on the Silver Mines of Lauriou, translated by Sir G. C. Lewis. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1828. Bulwer, E. Lytton. Athens : its Rise and Fall ; with views of the Litera. ture, Philosophy, and Social Life of the Athenian people. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1837. Mliller, 0. O. The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race, translated by H. Tuffnell and G. C. Lewis. Second Edition, revised. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1839. Alexander the Great : The Life and Actions of. By J. Williams. Second Edition. 12mo. London, 1829. Fam. Libr. Malkin, F. History of Greece, from the earliest times to its .subjection to Rome. L. U. K. Vol. 18. Grote, George. History of Greece. I. Legendary Greece. II. Historical Greece. [To the death of Agathokles, Despot of Syracuse, B.C. 38U.] 12 vols. Svo. London, 1851-56. lii AKCIENNE.J ANCIENT HISTOET. 323 Thlrl'wall, Connop. The History of Greece ; [to the reduction of Greece into a Roman Province, B. C. 146.] 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Pinlay, George. Greece under the Romans ; from its conquest, until the ex- tinction of the Roman Empire in the East. B. C. 146 — A. D. 717 ; The History of the Byzantine Empire, A. D. 716 to 1204 ; The His- tory of the Greek Empire of Nica3a and Constantinople, A. D. 1204 to 1453. 2 vols. . The History of Greece, from its conquest by the Crusaders to its conquest by the Turks, &c., 1204 — 1401. (1vol.) The His- tory of Greece, under the Othoman and Venetian Domination, A. D. 1453—1821. (1 vol.) In -ill 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844-56. PolybiuS. The Genfml History of, — translated by Mr. Hampton. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1823. Beul^, E. L'acropole d'Athfenes. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Etudes sur le P<^lopon6se. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Vide, also, Dodwell's Classical tour in Greece. Grsevius, (Joun.-Georg.), Juc. Gronovius, etc. Thesaurus nntiquitatum graicarum et romanarum. 30 vol. Folio. Fig. Cette importaute cullcetiou se compose des articles suivants: Thesaurus gra>carum nutiquitntuui, cougestus a Jac. Gronovio. 13 vol. Lug- duui-Batavor. 1697-1702. Thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum, cougestus a J.-G. Graevio. 12 vol. Tra- jecti ad Rhu>n. 1694. Nevus Tliesaurus antiquitatum romanarum, congestus ab Alb.-H. do Salleugre. 3 vol. Ilngffi-Comit. 1716. Utriusque Thesauri antiquitatum romanarum gnucarumque nova supplementa a Jo. Poleno. 5 vol. Venetiis, 1737. Lexicon antiquitatum romanarum, auctore Sam. Pitisco. 2 vol. Leovardioe. luBcriptioucs antiqua; totius orbis romani, in absolutissimura corpus redactas a Jani) Gr\itero. 4 vol Amstelod. 1707. ROUX, Ainc"-. Herculanum «t Poinpoi. Recueil general des peintures, bronzes, mosa'iques, etc., decouverts jusqu'^ ce jour. 7 vol. Svo. Paris, 1840. Vol. I. Decorations architecturales, " II. Compositions. III. Tableaux. " IV. Figure? isolces. " V. Friacs, mosa'iques, etc. VI. Statues. " VII. Busies, Lampes, Pompeii; Its Destruction and re-discovery. 12mo. London, 1847. Knighfs Library. Barth^lemy. Memoire sur les ancien's monumens de Rome, (avec quatre planches.) A. L Vol. 28. Texier. I^lemoires sur la ville ot le port de Fril^jus, (avec six planches). N. I. Vol. 2. (E. 2e serie.) > I r <'*> lA !'''j« i'>'M' ■!■£■ K i' 32^ ANCIENT UISTORY. [histoire ■1^ Peyre. Antiquites de la ville de Treves, (avec fept planches). L. B. Vol. 2. Raoul-Rochette. Mcmoires sur les antiquites chretiennes des catacombes. N.I. Vol.13. Iieolero, J. Victor. Des journauz chez les Boroains ; recherches precedees d'un memoire sur les annales des Pontifas, et suivies de fragmens des journaux de I'ancienne Rome. 8vo. Paris, 183H. Montfkuoon, Dom. Bernard de. Les modes et les usages du siecle de Theodose-le-6rand et d'Arcadius son fils. A. 1. Vol. 13. Naudet, M. Sur les recompenses d'honneur chez les Eomains. N. 8. M. Vol. 5. Couture, I'Abbe. De la vie privee des Komains. A I. Vol. 1. Nadal, I'Abbe. Du luxe des dames romaines. A, I. Vol. 4. Sallier, I'Abbe. Sur la certitude de I'liistoire des quatre premiers siecles de Rome. A. I. Vol. 6. Levesque, M. Doutes, conjectures et discussions sur difierens points de I'histoire romaine. N. I. Vol. 2. Brosses, le President de. La seconde guerre servile, ou la revolte de Spartacus en Oampanie. A. L Vol. 37. Vie de Scaurus. A.I. Vol.24. Vie du consul Philippe. A. I. Vol. 27. Ihne, W. Researches into the History of the Roman Constitution ; with an Appendix upon the Roman Knights. 8vo. London, 1853. Iievien, Edward. Outlines of the History of Rome, from the earliest period to the end of the Punic War. Vol I. 12nio. London, 1855. Niebuhr, B. Fi. Lectures on the History of Rome, from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire ; edited by Dr. L. Schmitz. Third Edition, with additions. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1853 History of Rome. Vols. I. and II., translated by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall ; Vol. III., translated by Dr. L. Schmitz. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1847-51. Lewis, Sir G. Cornewall. Inquiry into the credibility of the Early Roman History. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. Arnold, Thomas. The History of Rome, [from its earliest times to the end of the 2nd Punic War.] 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. New York, 1846. History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the end of the 2nd Punic War, to the death of Julius Caesar ; and of the Reign of Augustus; with a Life of Trajan. 2vol8.ini. Svo. New York, 1846. Keightley, Thomas. The History of Rome, to the end of the Republic. Sixth Edition. 12mo. London, 1848. ANCIENNE.] ANCIENT HISTORY. 325 Long Cr. The Civil Wars of Rome ; Select Lives, translated from Plutarch; with Notes. 5 vols. 12ino. London, 1 844-48. Kniffhfs Libr. Voir plus hunt Rollin, HIstoire romaine. Vertot, l'Abb6 de. Histoire des revolutions de lar^publique romaine. 8 vol, 8vo. Paris, 1819. Champagny, F. de. Les Cesars. Revue des Deux Mondes. 4e serie, vol. 7, 12,13 et 18. Crevier. Histoire des ompereurs roiuains depuis Auguste jusqu'^ Constantin. 9 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Dezobry. Rome au siiJcle d'Auguste, ou voyage d'un Gaulois h. Rome. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Vide, also, Gallus ; Roman scenes in the time of Augustus ; by Becker. Bergier, Nicolas. Histoire des grands chemins de I'empire romain. 2 vol. 4to. Bruxelles, 1728. Lafon, Mary. Rome ancienne et moderne. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Diderot. Essais sur les regnes de Claude et de N6ron. Voir les ceuvres de Diderot, vol. 11 et 12. Machiavel. Discours sur Tite-Live. Voir les oeuvres de Machiavel, vol. 1. Liddell, H. G. History of Rome, from the earliest times to the establishment of the Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. Merivale, Charles History of the Romans under the Empire. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1852-56. Montesquieu. Grandeur et decadence des Remains. Voir ses ceuvres. Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with Notes by H. H. Milmun. Second Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. The same History, with variorum notes ; edited by an English Churchman. 7 vols. «vo. London, 1853-55. John's Lib. [His] Vindication of some passages in Chaps. 15 and 16 of the [above] History. Vide his Miscellaneous Works, Vol. 3. Gell, Sir William. The Topography of Rome and its vicinity ; a new edition, revised and enlarged, by E. H. Bunbury. 8vo. London, 1846, With Map, folded and bound apart. Whiteside, James. The Vicissitudes of the Eternal City ; or Ancient Rome, with Notes, Classical and Historical. 12mo. London, 1849. Vide, llcmVs Rome; its Antiquities, &c. Vide, also, Rei.les Lettbes (Oreek and Latin Classics,') for historical writings of ancient authors. Mahon, Lord, TheLifeofBelisarius. [Historical, from his first E.xpedition, A. 1). 525 to 565.] 8vo. London, 1829. Plechier. Histoire de Th^odose-le-Grand. Voir les oeuvres de Flechier, Vol. VI. „ L _, i'\ ' M « ' ■! 13 1 . ••••; ■• -r ■■^', L^'S w m i' ii' I, ', 11! ■ i i iblk^ f 'i 326 HISTORY OF EUROPE. [histoire DB Lebeau. Histoire du Bas-Empire, continu^e par M. Brosset, jeune. 21 vol. 8vo. Pnris, 1824-1836. Thierry, Am6d6e. Histoire d'Attila et de ses succeaseurs jusqu'& I'^tablisse- ment des Hongrois en Europe. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Villehardouin, Geofiroy de. De la conquSte de Constantinople ; et continua- tion d'apr&s les memoires de Henri de Valenciennes. Voir la collec- tion des chroniques nationales fran^aises (collection Buchon), vol. 4 et 5. DuCange. Histoire de I'empire de Constantinople sous les empereurs fran^ais jusqu'i la conquete des Turcs. Voir la collection Buchon, vol. 1. IV. HI8T0EY OF EUEOPE.— HISTOIRE DE L'EUEOPE. Qek£bal Eubopkan Histoey, (including the Histoet of the Midbix- Ages, and or the Ceubadks.) H18TOIBE GenebaiiE de l'Eubope, (y 00MPEI8 l'Histoiee du Moybn- Age et celle des Ceoisai;'',s.) Coote, C. The History of Ancient Europe from the earliest times, to the subversion of the "Western Empire ; with a survey of Eevolutions in Asia and Africa. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. [Written to con- nect with the following.] Vide, Lebeau, Histoire du Baa Empire, and Finlay's History of the BjzantiDe Empire, in Ancient Histort. Russell, William. The History of Modern Europe ; with an account of the decline and fall of the Eonian Empire, and the progress of society from the rise of the modern Kingdoms. New edition, continued to [1850.] 4 vols 8vo. London, 1850, Miller, George. History, jihilosophically illustrated, from the fall of the Eoman Empire, to the French llevolution. 4 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1832. Arnold, Thomas. Introductory Lectures on Modern History, delivered in 1842 : with the Inaugural Lecture, in December, 1841. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1845. Smyth, Professor W. Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of iho Northern Nations, to the close of the American llevolution. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Taylor, AV. C. The Student's Manual of Modern Hiatory ; of the principal European Nations, their political liistciry, and the char-ges^hi their social condition ; with a history of Colonies founded by Europcnns. Fifth edition, with addition!'. Sv^-. Loudon, 1851. l'europe.] HISTORY OF EUEOPE. 327 TemplOi Sir William. His, and other Ministers of State's, Letters on tran< sactions in Christendom, from 1665 to 1672. Vide his Works, vol. 3. Meuoirs of Christendom, 1672 to 1680. Vide his Works, vol. 1. Hill Eight Hon. Bichard. ( Envoy to the Duke of Savoy.) The Diplomatic Correspondence of, from July, 1703, to May, 1706, supplemental to the history of Europe ; relative to the Spanish succession, the Vau- dois, the Wars of the Cevennes, Piedmont and Lombardy, during that period ; with autographs of illustrious individuals ; edited by W. Blackley. 1 vol. in 2. 8vo. London, 1845. Lac^p^de. Histoire gcmdrale de I'Europe. 18 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Guizot. Histoire 0. 'a civilisation en Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Historj of Civilization, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Eevolution [of 1789] ; translated by W. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Ozanam, A. F. Introduction h une histoire de la civilisation aux temps bar- bares. Voir les oDUvres d'Ozanam. Vol. 1 et 2. Chasles, Fhilarute. Etudes sur les premiers temps du christianisme «t 8ur le raoyen-age. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Lacroix et Ser6. I e moyen-Age et la renaissance ; histoire et description des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de I'industrie, des sciences, des arts, des litteratures et des beaux arts en Europe. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 1848. Pour I'Listoire des Arts au inoyen-flgo, Voir la section des Beaux-Arts. Biblioth^que de I'Eoole des Chartes, revue d'erudition consacr6e prin- cipaleraent a r6tude du moyen-age. De 1839^1857. 17 vol. 8vo. Paris. Guignes, M. de. Rechorchessur quelques-uns des peuples barbnres qui ont envnhi I'empire roniain et se sent etablis dans la Germanic, les Gaules lit les autres provinces du Nord. A. I. \'ol. 28. Bonnemere. Histoire des paysans depuis la fin du moyen-age jusqu'a nos joura. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Voir Laoorabe, Histoire de la Mouarchie en Europe. Strauss, G. L. Mosiou and Frauk : or, Charles Martel and the Eescue of Europe from the Saracens; being vol. 1 of the Historic sketches. 12mo. London, 1S51. WeaJe. Comyn, •''ir Eobert. The History of tlie Western Empire, from its restora- tion by Charloiuagiie, to the accession of Charles V. 2 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1837. James, G. P. E. The History of Churlemagne ; with a sketch of the state of France, from tlio fall of tlie Eoman Empire to the rise of the Carlovingian Dynasty. Svo. London, 1832. f^- ,', pm; '<* |f',1 328 HISTORY or ETTROPE. [lIISTOIRE DB u;^^ "■' - r: ' Miobaud, Joseph. Histoire des Croisades, avec dn oppendice par M. Huillard- BrehoUes. Septi^me Edition. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Biblioth^que des Croisades, contenant les cbroniques de France, d' Italic, d'Angleterre, d'AUemagne, et du nord de I'Europe ; les chroniques grecques, turques, arm^nienncs et arabes. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Guibert de Nogent. Histoire des Croisades. FoiVles M^moires sur I'bis- toire de France, collection Guizot. Vol. 9. Guillaume de Tyr. Histoire des Croisades, ou biatoire des faits et gestes dans les r6gions d'outre-mer. Ibid., vol. 16. Bernard, le tr^sorier. Histoire des Croisades, continuation de Guillaume de Tyr. Ibid., vol. 19. Albert d'Aix. Histoire des Croisadea Ibid., vol. 20. Raymond d'Agiles. Histoire des Francs, qui ont pris Jerusalem. Ibid., vol. 21. Jacques de Vitry. Histoire des Croisades jusqu'en 1219. Ibid., vol. 22. Raoul de Caen. Des faits et gestes du prince Tancr6de, pendant rcxp(5di- tion de Jorusalem. Ibid., vol. 23. , Robert le Moine. Histoire de la premiere croiaadu. Ibid., meme volume. ii^ouloher de Chartres. Histoire des Croisadea. Ibid., vol. 24. Odon de Deuil. Histoire de la Croisade de Louis VII. Ibid., m^me volume. Roger, P. La noblesse de France aux Croisades. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Chroniolesof the Crusades ; of the Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes aud Geoffrey de Vinsauf ; and of the Crusade of Saiut Louis, by Lord J. do Joinvillo : with Notes. 8vo, Loadon 1848. B. Antiq. Libr. Itlnerarium Regis Richardi, &o. ; in Terram Hierosolymorum : G. Vinisauf, [cum] Historia captiouis Damieta). Vide Fell and Gale, Scriptores Angl. vol. II, No. 4. St. Louis' Expedition to Egypt, in 1248 ; with Notes and Disserta- tions of M. DuCange and M . de la Bastie. Vide Memoirs of Join- ville, in the series of Chronicles. (Histoht op Enqland.) Fuller, Thomas. The History of the Holy War. 12mo. London, 1840. Froissart's (Sir J.) Chronicles ; by Lord Berners. 2 vols. 4to. 1812. Vide in the series of Chronicles. Ibid. MOiiStrelet, E. De. Chronicles ; by J. Jobres. 5 vols. 4to. 1809. Vide seriea of Chronicles. Ibid. Comines, Philip De. Memoirs, edited, with Life and Notes, by Scoble, vol. 1. Bohi's Libr. I *■■ ; l'etjrope.J HISTORY OP EUROPE. 329 Hallam Henry. View of the itate of Europe during th« Middle Ages. Ninth edition. 2 volt. Supplementary notea. Vol. 3. Svo. London, 1846-48. Secret Sooietieo of the Middle Ages. 12mo. London, 1818. Knight's Libr. Sinnett Mrs. Percy. Byways of history. 2 vols. 12ino. London, 1850. OoDtaining pasBagee in the biatory of the Teutvnio Knights, of the Peasant war,, and other matters of Qerman history in the middle ages. Addison C. G. The Knights Templars, " a History of the Order." Second edition. 8vo. London, 1842. Vertot I'Abb^. Histoire des chevaliers de Malte. Voir sea oeuvres. Vol. '6^12. Taaflfe John. The History of the Holy, Military, Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; or Knights HospiuUers, Knights Templars, Knights of Rhodes, Knights of Malta. 4 vols, in 2. Svo. London, 1852. Gautier de Sibert. Histoire des Ordres Royaux, Hospitaliers Militaires de Saint Imzare de Jerusalem. 4to. Paris, 1772. Ranke Leopold. The Ottoman anil the Spanish Empires in the I6th and 17tb centuries (Charles V, to Philip III ;) from the German, by W. K. Kelly. 8vo. London, 1843. Charles V. The History of the reign of, — by W. Robertson. Vide, his Works, Vol3. 3, 4, and 5. ■ History of the reign of. — by William Robertson, D.D.;with an account of the Emperor's Life after his Abdication ; by W. H. Prescott. 3 vols. Svo. Boston, 1857. The Cloister Life of the Emperor, by W. Stirling. 12mo. London, 1852. _ Son nbdicntion, son sejour et sa mort au monastere de Yuste ; par Jligni't. Svo. Paris, 1855. . Correspondence with his Ambassadors, by W. Bradford. Svo. London, 1850. Reresby, !^ir John. The Tnvvel.'* and Memoirs of, — exhibiting a view of the Governments, &c. in the priiieipjil Sttitesof Europe during Cromwell's Usurpation, with Aneciotes of the Courts of Charles II, and James II. Second edition. Svo. London, 1821. Malcolm, J. P. Miscellaneous Anecdotes of the manners and history of Europe, during the reigns of Charles II, James II, William III, and Anne. Svo. London, 1835. Raumer, Fredk. Von. History of the 16th and 17th centuries, illus- trated with original documents; from the German. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1811. W *J1 330 HISTORY OF EUROPE. [1II8TOIRE DE ! -W-^ WM Chapman, B. 'I'he History of Gustavus A(iolphu8, and of the thirty years wiir, with Homfi aocount of its conclusion by the puace of Westphalia tinno 1618. 8vo. liondon, 185(1. Schiller. Mistoint de la guerre du trente nns : trnduite par Madamu la Haronnt) dt; Ciuiowitz. 12mo. I'liris, 1841. Ryswiok. The Acts and Ni^gotiationa, together with the particular articles at large of the general Peace concluded at, — to which ix premised the Negotiations and Articles of the Peace concluded at Turin betwetn the French King and the Duke of Savoy. 8vo. London, 1698. Anoillon. Tableau dts Uuvolutions du syHtiime politi()ue de I'Europe, depuis la fin ihi 15e aiecle. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, lt;23. Heeren, A. H. L. A Manual ofthn History of the Political System of Kurope and its Colonies, from the close of the 15th century to its re-establish- ment upon the fall of Napoleon ; translated. 8vo. London, 1846. Sohlosser, F. C. History of the 18th century and of the 19th till the overthrow of the French F.nipire, with reft-rence to .Mental Pro"res8 translated with a preface and notes, by U. Davidson. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1843. State Papers and Correspondence, illustrative of the Political and Social state of Europe, from the Itevolution to the Accession of the House of Hanover. Edited, with Historical Introduction, Memoirs, and Notes, by J. M. Kemble 8vo. London, 1857. Russell, Lord John. Memoirs of the atfairs of Europe, from the peace of Utrecht. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821. Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of. Letters and Dispatches, from 1702 to 1712 : edited by Sir Gi'Orj^e Murray. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. The Editor iu vol. V, adds " Biognipliiiiiil Notices," " devoted to distiuguisLcJ " persounges who figured during tho Wur of Succession ns the Duke of " Murlboroiigh's co'.iciigues ; or us his opponeuts in the Cabinet," [or] " in " the Field," [iucludiiigj " gome short sketches of the lives of the French " Mnrsh.ils and other Ooininauding Officers, who were successively opposed " to tho great English Captain." Vide, also. Lives of Marlborough, by Alison and Coxe. Drink-V\rater, J. History cf the Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783; with an account of that Garrison from the earliest periods. 12mo. London, 1844. Colonial Libr. Alison, Archibald. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV. New edition. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1849-50. With an illustrative Atlas, prepared under Alison's direction, by A K. Johnston, which includes a vocabulary of military and marine terms. Small 4to. . History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon in MDCCCXV, to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in MDCCCLII. Vols. 1 to 5. Svo. London, 1852-56. ^t l'europe.] HISTORY OF EUROPE. 331 Smyth, Prof. W. Un the French Ilovolution ; Lectures on history, second and concluding series. 3 vols. 8vo. I ondon, 1.>^4H. Croker, J. W. History of the Giiilli)tii. . l2mo. Murray, 1853. Partly aiiti(|iiariaii, detailing, howove ', aomo rovolutiuimry executions. Bunbury, i^ir Henry. Narratives of some passages in the great War with Franco, from 17!)9 to 1810. 8vo. London, 1851. [.Vs transacted in Holland, Egypt, and the Mediterranean.] Bulletins of the Campaign, 1793-1815. Compiled annually from the London Gazette, [published by Government.] 23 vols, in 22. 12mo, London Southey, Ifobert. History of the Peninsular War. New edition. H vols, bvo. London, 1828-37. The Author ounoludea big work with a list of publicntiua« coucernlug the Peuin. Bulur War. Foy. Gui'rre de la Peninsule. 4 vol. Bvo., et Atlas. Paris, 1828. Napier, VV. F. P. History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1S07 to the year 1814. 6 vols. 8vo., (of various editions.) London, 1836-48. The Author takes up the defence of his work in disooursoy prefixed to vols. I, III, V and V[, in reply to nulNiadvorsious thereoa, by Lord Stnincford, the Quarterly Review, Mr. D. M. Perceval, CoL Gurwood, Mr. Alison, Sir W. Scott, nud Lord IJeresford, &c. The Preface to voL I, baa luui'eover " Obser- vations illustifttlng Sir John Moore's Campaign." Larpent, Sir George. The Private Journal of Judge-.Vdvocate Larpent, attached to the Head Quarters of L()r^tory of Uritnin," w)nch is compared with Bouquets' system in the "' Hecueil des IJistoriens lies Gaules et de lii France' IILSTOUY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 333 Monumenta Historioa Britannioa— (Coutinuod). Profaco : the Rimtuuti (if tho Flrit Volumu and Appendix. List of Workfi limilar to tlioio already deHcribod, " to tho end uf tho 18th Oantury," — "wliicb havo dlnce appoared," without comment. Oq tho Oiii'onology of thit Mcdiatval lliiitorinni, with a 01 'unolo((ical abstract B.C. 60— A. D. 4U8. Ezc' rptn do UritiinDin ex Seriptoribu* OrwciR atque Latinii, ko, liemnrks on Ancivitt liritirili Coins, and Dcacrlptivo Ostnlogiio, with Plates. Fnc-Niniilpg of MSS. (viirious): Mnj) of liritauuia Uumuua. Oildo! do Kxi'idiii UritHniilo], ot Kpistolu. Eulogium Dritnnnln>, Ncnnio, Vou. lU'.iiiv. Do Bex hujiis Hoiouli il-Hntilms et Historia Ecolesiastioa. The An^lo ijaxon Ohrouiulc; (oii/^iniil tuxt nnd Eni,'liiih Tersioo.) ABsoriua do hcbim (loHtin yElfredi, An. 84'.* — 887. Fabii FIthelwai'di Clironicorum, ab Orbc oondito ad 975. Fliircntii Clii'onioon ex Ciironicis, nb Initio Mundi ad 1118. - A])pcn(lix. Nomina ArchiupiBooporuni ot Kpiscoporum Anglio] [cum]— (Icnoido^la Uc^uni. Sinicouis Uuuflnicuslfl lliiitoria do Ocstis Rogum ad A.D. C18 — 967. llonrici IIuntendunonaiH Ilistoria Angioruni, ab B.C. 00 — A.D. 1164. "L'Estorio do» EnglpB, Bolum la TraiiHlation Maistre OclTrci Oaimar." [In old Fronoli verse,] iiogius with the arrival of Cerdic, 496, and euJij with the death of William Kiifiis, 1099. Annnlcs Cambria), ab A.D. 444, ad 1000. Brut y Tywysogion ; or, tho Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. (Welsh tort and English Version,) A.D. 081—1006. Do Bello llustiugcusi Cermen. Indexes. DavieS, EiIwuihI. Celtic resenrchcs on tlie origin, trnilitions, and language of the iinciont Liituna ; with some hketoln .s of primitive society. 8vo. Londd" 4 >i04. De Courson llistoire dea peuples bretons. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Houard, M. Memoire sur lea anticiuitt'^s gniloisca. A I. Vol. 50. Eetbam. ^ir Willlatn. The Gael and Cynibri ; or the orij;iu and history of the Irish Scot!, Briton.^, nnd Gauls ; and of the Caledoniaus, Pict8> Welsii, Cornish, and Bretons. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. PoBte, Beule. Dritannic Researches : or, new facts and rectifications of ancient British history. 8vo. London, l8o3. Thackeray, Francis. Kescarchea into the eccle-siastical and political state of ancient Britain under the Roman Enipn'ors ; with observations con- nected with the Christian religion during the fimt five canturies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. [Herbert, Algernon]. Britannia after the Romans ; being an attempt to illustrate the religious and political revolutions of that province in the fifth and succeeding centuries. 2 vols, bound with : An essay on the Neo-Druidic heresy in Britannia. In I vol. 4to. London, 1836-38. 4 t :i:'ll mr . ■ • j '• I ]■ , '11 ■ ■ .' v; » l^yi I VIM '? '■: ;. « '^' im [HBEK ^ . ■'! if I^^H'''^ it ' : iniBlr' ifl • V -! ■ 1*,- mil ?' 3{B;i''ni H ►: mHj:!'! ' " lU'. .•■ 334 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Roberts. Peter. The Chronicle of the kings of Britain ; translated from the Welsh, nttributedto Tysilio, and illustrated ; to which are added: Dis- sertations, on the history and epistle [ot'j Gildas.— On the authority of the Brut. — The population of Britain. — The laws of Dyfnwal Moel- myd : and on the ancient British church. 4to. London. 1811. Tlie history ends ntthe death of "Oadwiillador, the last [British] sovereign." •The History of Wales, written in British by Curadoc, englished by Dr. Powell, and augmented by W. Wynne. — A description of Wales, by Sir J. Price. New t'dition, enlarged, with pedigrees of Families. [An appendix of State papers, &c.] 8vo. London. 1774. From Idwallo, the first King of Wales [proper], A. D. 690, to Llewellin III., the last sovereign Prince, 1281. Appleyard, E. S. Welsh sketches ; (historical, from the earliest times, to the " close of the 15th century.") Second edition. 12mo. London, 1352. [Giraldus Cambrensis.] Itinernrium Cambrioe Balduini Cantuariensis Ar- chiepiscopi, par Walliam Ligntionis deecriptio, Silv. Giraldo. Cum an- notationibus D. Powell, S. T. P. 4to. London, 1804. Vide also, English Historical Society p'lblicutions. The Itinerary of Abp. Baldwin through Wales, MCLXXXVIIT, by Giraldus l)e Barri ; iransluti-d, and illustrated, nnd a Life of Giraldus by Sir R. C. Ilonre. 2 vols. 4t(). London, 1806. Woodward, r>. B. Tlic hi.story of AVales from the earliest times, to its final incorporation with the kingdom of Eny;land ; with notices of its geo- graphy, etc., and of the religion and literature, law.-", customs, manners and arts of the Welsh. Svo. London, liS53. Wright, Thomas. The Celt, the Roman, and tin; Saxon : a History of the early Inhabitants of Britain, down to the Conversion of the Anglo- Naxons. Svo. London, I8o2. Milton, John. The History of England to the Conqne.-^t : 77t/ehis Works, vol. 5. Turner, Sharon. The History of the An^lo-Saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman ConquiHt. .T vols. Svo. ."Nevt nth edition. Lon- don, 1S.'52. Palgrave, Sir P. History of England; — The Anglo-Saxon Period. London, 1H;51. Mim. Lihran/. Lappenberg, Dr. J. "M. A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from the German, by M. Thorpe, with additions, etc, by the Author and the Translator. 2 vol-. Svo. London, ISW. Kemble, J. M. The Saxons in England ; a History of the English Common- wealth till the Period of the Norman Conquest. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1849. IHSTOEY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 335 MaoCabe, W. B. A Catholic History of England : Part I, England ; its Rulers, Clergy, and Poor, before the Reformation, as described by the Monkish Historians. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1847-54. This IliBtory leaves off uniiuislied, at the Battle of Uastingg. Alfred the Great, The Moderate Monarchy, described in a narrative of the Life and Maxims of Alfred and his Counsellors, from the German of A. V. Hiiller, to which are added, Notes, &c., on the present state of the British Constitution, by F Steinitz. 12mo. London, 1849. The Life and Times of, drawn up from ancient Chroni- clers ; Alfred's AVill and Pruvtrbs, the Treaty between Alfred and Guthrum, &c. A Ciironologieul summary of Saxon History, etc., by J. A. Giles, D. C. L. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1834. . Life, by Pauli, with his Anglo-Saxon version of Oro- siuH, &c., B Antiq. Lihr. . Ijife, by Sir John Spelman, and T. Hearne. Vide Hearne's Works, vol. 1. Akerman, J. Y. An Arciiaeologicnl index, to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic, Uomano-Britisli, and Anglo-Saxon periods. 8vo. London, 1847. jV. li. — Tlie ancient Authors of the Rritisli and Aiicrlo-Saxon Histories , and of pome vaiimis edilions, will be found in the Monumenta llistorioa, Fell and (iiile, Angtie. Soiiptorum Vctoruni, the pulilicationB of the English Ilis- toi'ical Society, the CoUoctinn of ClironioloR, (4to.), and Ueurne's collected Works. Translations of siinie of them are ineluiled in ISohns Antiquarian Librari/. Stow .Tolin. Annalcs ; or, a j^ioncnil Chronicle tt' England ; continued and au<;mentod, with matters lorraif^iic and .lomesticiue. ancient and modern unto tlii;) prestnt year, 1G14 ; liy iMlmund Howe'*, Geut. Folio. Ijondt)n, l()15. Speed, Jl'Iiii ri>c History of Great IJritniiie under .lie tonquests of the Honians, Saxons, Uanes, and Normans; tiicir Originals, Manners, Habits, AVarres, Coines, ttc. ; the successions and issues of the Kn<;li.sli Monarciis fi(un Ji^Mus Ca'.>ar to King James. Tliird edition, enlarged. Folio. London, KioO. TIh! Tlicatrc of the Empire of Great Hritaine : presentii g an exact Geograpiiy of England, Scotland, L-eiand, and the lies ad- joyning : with the Shires, Hundreds, Cities and Shire-townes, within the Kingdome of I''.ngland — described, | Plans of (,'itiea. Arms of the great Families of the Shires, Battle seem s which happened there, &c., are conjoined to the County-mai'S.J Ijondon, H!57 ; [placed after] — A Prospect of the most fmious Parts of the World, viz : Asia, Africa, Europe, Aniericn ; witii the Kingilomes therein contained. London, 16G2. Folio. '.' ' • t'. 1,1 I I 1 m Wade, John. British History chronologically arranged ; comprising, a class!- tied analysis of events and occurrences in Church and State; and of the constitutional, political, commercial, intellectual and social progress of the United Kingdom, from thn invasion of the Romans to A, D. 1847. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, l«47. Bec"^ M, Gilbert A'. The Comic Hi«toryof England ; with engravings, &c. ; by Leech. 2 vols. bvo. London, 1848-1851 The work terminates with the reign of George II. Whittaker's improved Edition of Pinnook's GoldRmith's History of England ; by W". C. Tiiylor ; continued by W. IJi. Pinnock. 12mo, London, 1849. Galebert et Pell6. Histoire et description de i'Angleterre. 3 vol. 8vo. (avec carte et gravurea.) Paris, 1842. Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlaiide. 3\o. (avec carte et pravu- res). Paris, 1844. Granger, Rev. J. A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution ; consisting of clu'.riu^ters disposed in different classes, and adapted to a catalogue of engraved Heads, as a help to a knowledge of Portraits ; with Am-cdotes and Memoirs of persons, not to btt found in any other work. Fifth edition ; v\ ith upwards of 400 additional Lives. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1824.; Francis. A Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, and Monarchs of Great Britain, Ike, from Anno 106() to 1707. Their several Lives, Marriages, and Issues, Placies of Burial and Monumental Inscriptions. Also, their IClligies, Seals, &c., to the beginning of Charles II reign. Continued to (his time, with many new Sculptures, etc., — the descent.s of divers Cauiilies now flourishing, niatcrn.illy descended from iho sail' .^lonarchs, or from collateral Branches of the Blood-.loyal of England ; by Sainuil Stebbins. Folio. London, 1707. Blirke, J. B. The Royal Fainilif s o^" England, Scotland and Wales, with their desceiidents, Sovereiiu atul subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851, Gibbon, Edward. Antiquities of tli' House of Brunswick. Vide his Mis- cellaneous works, vol. 3. Halliday, Andrew. A history of the House of Guelph, or Royal Family rf Great Britain, from the earliest period to the Ao'pssion of Geori^e I to the Throne, with original docnnicnts. 4lo. [>ondon, 1821. Hall, Mrs. Matthew. The Queens of England, before the Norman Conquest, Svo. Philadelphia, 1854. Strickland, Agm's. Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest : from ofTieial and other autbenfie documents. New edition, revised and uugmented. 8 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1851. RECORDS OF ENGLAND. 339 Wyatt. Green, Mary A. 5. 8vo. iitriokland, Agnes. Lives of the t^ueena of Scotland and English Princesses, connected with the Royal Succession of Great Britain. Vols. 1 to 6. 8vo. London, 1850-66. Anne, Boleigne. Eitracts froaa the Life of, — by G. Wyatt, son of Sir T. Vide Appendix to Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, by Singer. Everett. Lives of the Princesses of England. Vols. 1 to London, 1860-51. Letters of Royal and Illustrious ladies of Great Britain, from the commencement of the I2th century to the close of the Reign of Queen Mary, 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Caroline-Matilda. [Princess of England.] Queen of Denmark. Letters and Papers, respecting. — Vide Wraxall, Posthumous Memoirs, Ap- pendix vol. 3. Doran (I^i-) Lives of the Queens of England, of the House of Hanover. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855. fl I \i f\^'\ EECOEDS OF ENGLAND. Cliiefly pullished by the aidliority of the Commissioners for Public Records. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, comprising laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon kings, from iEthelbirht to Gnut, with an English translation of the Saxon ; the laws calle'y enlarged and corrected, by Dr. Adam Clarke, J. Caley, and F. Holbrooke. 3 vols, in 6 parts : ex- tending from 1066 to 1377. Folio. London, 1816-1830.— [N.B. This work was suspended in 1831, by order of the Commissioners, " on account of defects and doubts as to the plan."] Domesday Book, seu liber censualis Willelmi I. Regis Anglia), inter archi- vos Regni in domo capitiilari Westmonasterii aaservatus. Vols. 1 et 2. Toiio. 1783. This, the most ancient Record in the kingdom, is the register from which judg- ment was to be given upon the value, tenure, and services of the lands there- in described. It was made in con8ci|uenae of a su.Toy ordered by the Con- queror, and completed in 1086. ■ Vol. 3, containing Indices to Domesday. Folio. 1811. Vol. 4. This is a supplementary volume to Domesday, and contains : I, The Exon Domesday. II. Inquisitio Eliensis. III. The Winton Domesday. IV. The Bolden book, or survey of the pa- latinate of I urham, made in 1183. This volume was published in 1816. Folio. General introduction to Domesday ; with improved indi- ces. By Sir Henry Ellis. 2 vols. 8vo. 1833. The Great Rolls of the Pipe, of the 2nd., Srd., and 4th years of the reign of King Henry n. 1155 — 1158. 8vo. 1844. Jjiber Niger Soaooarii. (Temp. Henry II.) Vide Hearne's works, vols. 60, CI. I BECOBDS 07 ENGLAND. 84.1 The Great Roll of the Pipe, for the Ist. year of the reign of King Eichardl. 1189—1190. 8vo. 1844. Abbreviatio Plaoltorum. Rich. I.— Edw. II. Folio. 1811. These are abstracts of Pleadings, collected from the Curia Regis Rolls and the Rolls of the Kings' Bench. Rotuli Curiee Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the Kings' Justiciars or Justices. 6 Ric. I. — 1 John. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836. Fines ^^i^c Pedes Finium, sive Finales Concordiao in Curia Domini Regis. 7 Ric. I. — 16 John. (1196—1214.) In Counties. 2 vols. Ivo. 1835—1844. These are Fines of Lands ; a full description of which '\?ill be found in Black- stone's Commentaries. Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londlnensi asservati. A. D , 1 199 — 1216. Folio. 1837. These are Royal Grants of lands, dignities, liberties, &o., to the nobility and commonalty ; and of lands, liberties, privileges, &c., to eocleeiastical, elee- mosynary, and luy corporations, &c, Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Loudinensi asservati, temp. Regis Johannis. 8vo. 1836. These are oblations or fines paid to the King for the enjoyment of honours, offices, lands, liberties, and privileges. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Lond. Folio. 1802. The Patent Rolls contain grants of offices and lands ; I'estitutions of temporali- ties to ecclesiastical persuns ; patents of creation ; licenses which pass the Great Seid, commissions, t this is a Calendar to a selection oniy, not later than 23 Edw. IV. Calendari' ir Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum. Folio. 1803. Thu first part uf llio vi>lumo coutaius a Calendar lo the Charter Rolls. 1 John — Edwd. IV, (1199—1483.) The second piirt is a Caleudiir to the " Inquisitimis," which were taken when any grunt of a market, fair, or licence of olienation of lands was solicited, to inquire, by a jury, whether such grant or alienation was prejudicial to the Kiiii;, or to others. The Calendar ranges from 1 Edw. II. to 38 Hen. VI. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Prsestitis. 8vo. 1844, This voliiMu' contiiius the Liberate, the Mi6(B,and the Prsestito Rolls of certain years of King Jolin's reign. They relate to the payment of money out of the Tro;i.sury, iuul the expenses of the Court. Rotuli NormannisB in Turri Londlnensi asservati. A. D., 1200 — 12U5 ; also, from 1417 to 1418. 8vo. 1835. These Rolls contain letters and grants of the Kings of England, almost exclusively relating to the Nora\an Provinces held by the English Crown, Ji m 'J, ' ..■..■'..'if l-tl ; :•' tillV I*' " una ^'Wl-W m :m 34.2 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. "T f. ' ' ' t- m . -h- , Rotiili Litterarum Patentlum in Turri Londinensi asservati. A D., 1201 to 121G. Folio. 1835. During the reign uf t)ie Plaiitogcncta, the Letters Patent are of a very diversi- fied and interrating unturo ; nnd there is sonrcely n Bulyect connected with the history and government of the country, or wit.h its internal affairs which may not receive illustration from the Patent Rolls, Rotull Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. 2 vols. P'olio. 1833—1844. The first vol. comprises, A. D., 120-t to 1224. The second vol. 1224 1227 These Close Rolls are Mandates, Letters and Writs, addressed, in the King's* Name, to individuals, for special and particular purposes ; and were folded or closed up, and scaled outside with the Great Seal. Tu.ormolion on almost every subject, is to be obtained from these important Rolls. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Soaooarii Abbreviatio. Henrv III.— Edward III. 2 vols. Folio. 1805-18)0. 'ihasenre nbstraets of ;' e Origiualia, which are the Estreats transmitted from the Court of Chancery to the Court of Exchequer, of all Grants from the Crown inroUed on the Patent and other Rolls, whereon any rent is reserved or salarj' payable, or service to be performed. Rotuli Hundredorum : Tump. Il(!nry III, and Edward I, in Turri Lend, et in Curia Keceptie Scuccarii Westm. asservati, 2 vols. Folio. 1812- 1818. These Hundred Rolls are Inquisitions taken under a commission issued by Ed- ward I, in 1274, to inquire into the state of the Demesnes and of the Rights and Revenues of the Crown, which had suffered by the frauds of Ecclesiastics and Laymen, Also, into uume-ous exactions and oppressions of ihe people committed by the Nobility, Sheriffs, and other ministerial Officers. Flacita de Quo Warranto: Temp. Edw. I. II. Ill, in Curia Receptx Scaccnrii Westni. asservata. Polio. 1818. These are Plet lings to try by what rightparties held or claimed manors, liberties, privileges, et)diii(»p» Calendar to Patent Rolls, 5 II.fnry VIII —37 Honry VIII. Also, temp. I .Flint's — 16. James I. 2 ?o1h. Folio. Those voln. boitijf in partial oontinuutiuii of tin proccdiiiff Work, arc incoin- pletfi, ftnd Imve ht-cn left untliiialied by the Coinmimion. OhartEB, Privilegla et Immunitates. Henry U— Uidiard II. (1171- 13'.I5.) Folio. This work Una bi;en Itift uiifltiislie'l. It ix It Aolluctioii (if ( luirterH to Oitle.4, Towiih and utlicr Corpora'iong, and waa proposcil to In: cilicd Ai-ia lirijia IJiLernica. Inquisitionum in officio Uoinlonim Cuncelinriir Ilibfiniu! asservutarum, repertoriuni VoK*. 1 nnist of Ini|uiHitioii!i pott mnrtem, nnil Inqiiiaitions on Attainder. The former ({linonilly ooninience tenip. Queen Kli/nbeth, n few bcinij prior to that pel iod, and eeane soon after the Id -•lornlioM of Charles II, when the feudal tenures were abolished. They are the boat evidonuo of the ileacent of funiilies, and of the troiiitfer and poitseHaion of property at the period. The Inquiititious on Attainder iiho\y what peritons huvo been attainted, occasiouiujr their Kstates to ]ia88 into the Kiu(;'fi hands. Reports and Proceedings of the Irif^h Record Commissioners. 1810- 1825: embracini.' Reports 1-15. 3 vols. Folio. In 1828, their 16th and 17th lleports and in 183U, their 18th and 10th Reports were publislied ; and are to bo found in the Parliamentary Sessional Papers, Nicholson, B|). W. The Knglish, Scotch, and Historical Libraries jashort view of our Historians, either in Print or Rlimuscript ; account of our Record*, Law Hooks, Coins, etc j a defence of the English Historical Library. New Edition, corrected. 4>to. London, 1776. Maokray, William Dimn. Maniii.1 of Uritish Historians to A. D. 1600, con- taining a Chronological account of the Early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers, their Printed Works and unpubli.shed .MSS. 8vo. London, 1845. Pell, (John,) Hi.ihop of Oxford, and Gale, (Thomas,) Dean of York. Historia Anglicimaj .Scriptores. .3 vols. Folio. Oxoninc, 1684-1691. Vol I. Rerum Anglicarum .Scriptoruin Votcrum. Tom. I. Quorum Injjulfus nunc pi'imuni inteijer, Cmferi nuue priinuni prodount. (Corf.cuts): In!,'idii Croylandcnsis Ilist.inii. [A.U. fi'iS-luS'J.] Petri BlesensH.continuatinari luf^ulti. [A.D.1090-1117.] Chnmioa de Mailros. [ A. D. 7.S6-127II.] Annales Hurtoiiennes. [A D. 1U04-1'2H:!. ] Historia CroylandcasiscoDtiuuatio. [A.D. 11-19-1486.] HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 347 Pell Jolm, Ac. Hi«toria Anglicnnai Hcriptornt— (Continued). N. U. Darling' It 0>cli>|>uiilia niMio^raphicM, (from wliicli we have Kiv«n the Chiuiiiiliigical puiioils, n.< nlK>Ti',)inyH, " (July ono vol. hiisbecii |iiil)liihcd (>r thin ColltoUim ; the Kditor* woiu 0|). Fell und Willluiii Kiilmau. ' Mi>iiiitiii>uta Hiitorion Britaniiicn, vol. (. Oen. IntroduoUoa, p. 18, xayfi " tho ('ulluotion [wiw] ttdited by W. Kulinim, under the aiiapioes of Dp, Fell. • Vol. 111. HittoriiK lliitannicii-, Haxonicw, .iiglo Diinicm, Soriptore* XV. ex vctuiUa Codd MSSJ. Editi, Opera T. ttulo. (ContenU) : 1. Gilla«t<)iiicusis Ecclofliio, 7, Uu I'ontilicibus. 8. Ltbor do Fiindutiooe tn Denofactoribus Cceuobii Ilamigieiisis. 0. Historiii Eeclesioj EliensiK (Auonyiiiuiis.). 10. (Tl iMus Elyc ■».) 11. Jonnni.s VVullinj^foi'il, Ohroiiioit. 1'2. Ranulpb deDicetodellegibus Uritoiiuni. (Tho hiitor.' ■• .lU A.D. 680.) la. AuoDymoiu. De Partitione I'roviiiciio in Schiras, e- l'-'p'^*'°pAtuBi ^t lU'gua. H. Joannis Fordun Scoli Chronicun. (endu >.i . 1066.) 16. Flacous Alewiii. Do Poutiticibu.i etc. I clesi,.-: Eboracenais, roenaa. Here follows, Appendix Antiquitatum Britanoicarura. (of 10 Pieces, soma of wbioh iiro,) I'tolomiiei Dencripiio, Ant')nini Itiuerarium, Aoonymus Geiigruphiis do liritaniiiu, Ilydo) h.ixonieae, Conguetiidines etc., ex Libio Dooniesduy, ilcc. N.B. There precedes the above title, a short title, riz: Ilistorine Uritan- nicne et Anglicnn;io Scriptores XX, 2 Vduminibua comprehensi," of which the vidmne just described is tho 1st ; the sceond folLws ; VoL II. HistoHiB Anglicanai Scriptores Quiixjue, ex vctustis Codicibus MSS. nunc primuni iu luccm editi. Vol II. Folio. Oxoniae, 1687. 1. Annules Margnneuses [de Margnn.] sivo Chronica a temp. Sti. Edwardi Regis ultinii de prugenio Anglonini. [ends A.D. r2.i2.] 2. Chionii'un T. Wilkes, aliter Chronicon SaliBbiiiiensis Mouasterii. [from the Coiupiost, to A.D l<,it l!^ ' - ■»! IM i-"'fl S-.f'-'iiJ i"L.*2' 348 HISTORY' OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. f :, III "(P-iS''^ ft! . If English Historical Society's Publications. 29 vols, in 26. 8vo. Loudon, 1S3H-185G. [This Society uiiJertook "to print an accurate, uniform, and elegant ciiitioa of llie most valuable Eni^lish Clir )niclos," [and] " simultane- ously a lew ailditiunal volumes, containing, " Lives of Saints, Letters* State I'apers, Historical Poems," — '< Proceedings of Councils," and various Church Papers of authority.] The followuig is a List of their Publications : — (jildus dii e.rcidiu BritannicB. (Preiixed is. Vita S. GikliD, auctore aradoco Lancarvanensi.) {Nennius.'i Nennii liistoria Rrilonum, [both] roconsuit .J. Stevenson. Chronicon Kicardi Dinsiensig, dv. Rebus (Jeslis Ricardi L R. Angliaj nunc primum typis inanilalum, curanto ,1. Stevenson. (The above 3 vols, bound in l.y Bcdcp, Venerabilis. Opera Historica, ad Fidem Codicum MSS. recensuit J. Stephenson. 2 vole. Vol. L Historia EcclesiasticcB Geiitis Anglorura. (The Society's General Introduction to their I'ubliontions, is placed here.) '■ IL (Minora vie.) Lives of St. Cuthbert, and of the Abbots Benedict, Ceolfrid, Eosterwiii, Sigfrid, &c. A Chronicle of the World, Epistles, (various, Borae written by S. Gregory, included,) with anonymous Biographical Tracts, regarding S. Cuthbert, and othera. Code Diploviaticus jEvi Saxonici. Opera J. M. Kemble. 6 vols. Vol. I, IL IIL IV. p. i— cxvii. Docunienie, No. 1 — 24o. Date A.D. Documents, No. 241—627. Date A.D. Introduction, 604—838. Introduction, p. i — xii 839—966. Treface, p. v — xliii (containing "a little Glossary" of old WeUb words, retained by the Anglo-Saxons.) Documents, No. 628 — 726. Date A.D. 966 — 1016; with an Appendix of Anglo-Saxon Sup- plements to Latin Charters given before. Preface, p. V — vii. Docuracits, No. 727 — 981. Date AD. 1018- 1066. "The number of instruments in the vernacular tongue, contained in this vol. is large," and "of the utmost value, from the light they throw upon the private life of our Forefathers." Docnmenta, No. 982, (of Etiieibert, K. of Kent) no date, to No. 1217. Date A.D. 958. Preface, p. v— xxix, " containing a list of MSS. and printed BookB, used in the compilation of the work." Documents, No. 1218 to 1869; with an A ;)pen(iix, of 6 mora in Anglo-S.'jxon supplemental to some published before in Latin. Also, Indqx to the Names of "'laces ; [a collation of ancient with modern Names.] Willelm^ Afalvi'sbirknitis, Monachi, Gesta Reafurn Anglorum, atque Historia Novella, ad Fidem Codicuin MSS. recensuit T. F). Hardy. 2 vols. Gcata Regum Anglornm, beg' .: -ith the arrivnl of the Romans, con- cludeSjA.D. 1127 ; this work occupies vol. I and vol. II fur the first part. Vol. II, contains, besides, Preface, p. v — xxvii. Hist, Novella. A.D. 1125—1148, and Index. VL UISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 349 ^^ ^ ''ill English Historical Society's Publications— (Continued). [JVillelmi de Netvburgh.] Historia Rernm Anglioarum VVillelmi Parvi Ord. S. Augustini Caiioniei Ilegularis in Cojnobio B. MariiC de New- burgh; recensuit H. C. Hamilton. A.I>. 1066 to A.D. 1197. 2 vols. Rogeri de M'endover Chronica, sive Flores Historiariim, nunc primum eilidit IL O. Coxe. Appendix in qua Lectionuin Varietas addi- tionesque, quibus Chronicon istud ampliavit et instruxit Matthccus Parisiensis. 5 vols. Vol. I. Preface, p. T — xxxv. History, A.D. 447— lu66. " IL History, A.D. IOC?— 1189. " in. History, AD. 1189— 1216. " IV. History, A.D. 1210— 1-236, and Index. " V. Appendix. Introductiun, ,), v — xvl. MuttliiBi Pnrisiensis lectiones variiE. Triveti, F. Nicholai. Annales : Sex Regum Anglire, qui a Cornitibus An- degavensibus originem traxerunt. (A. D, 1 1.36 — 1307), ad Fidem Codicum MSS. ; reconsiiit Tliomas Hog, [vvitii introduction.] Adami Muriimithertfti • Chronica sui ttmporiK, 1303 — 1346, cum eoruudem eontinuci' .le (ad 1380,) a (|uodam anonymo ; ad Fidem Codicum MSS. ; udidit et recensuit T. Hog, [with introduction, bound with,l Gesta Stephani. R. Ainjlurum et D. Normannorum : incerto Auctore, sed coiitemporaneo olim, ox Vetere Codice M.S. ab A. Duchesne edita, denuo recensuit, Notisque illuslravit, R. C- Sewell. Chroni;'^N1 ■ f ■•.■■. ■"■■■, . '■. " .-i ) \ ,.■.'■■ ■ ;■. ■ r ,' "i ■'''■ • ^■^:f^-^ ■■'Mi mi i, II! III?- 350 IIISTOIIY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. - t^^ci.::-^ . :^-:zm Bohn's Antiquarian Library— (Continued). jSta; Old English Chronicles, of which two ai c now first tianelated from the Latin. I. Ethclwnrd'B Chronicle from the boginuint; of the World to A. D. Vlh. II. Asser's Aniinls of the Reign of Alfred ; A. D. 849 to 887. III. Geoffrey of Monmouth. British History, [ends, A. D. 688]. IV. The Works of Gildns, surunmcd The Wise. [His history, ends A. D. 560.] V. Nennius' History of the Britons, [ends A. D. 088.] VI. Richard of Cirencester. On the ancient state of Britain, [principally topographical.] Alfred the Great. The Life of, from tlie German of Dr. R. Paul! : — Alfred's Anglo-SaAOn version of Osorius's Geography and History of the World. With a literal translation, and an Anglo-Saxon Alphabet [outline of Grammar,] and Glossary, by B. Thorpe. Orderieus Vitalis. The Kci-lcsiastical History of England and Nor- mandy, translated, with Notes, and the Introduction of Guizct, by T. Forester. The History, is from the Birth of Christ to A. D. 1130. Williom of Malmedniri/s Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the earliest period, to the Reign of K. Stephen, with Notes and Illustra- tions, by T. A. Giles, [ends A. D. 1142.] Ilcnry of Iluntingdov. The Chronicle of, from the Invasion of Julius CcEsar to the accession of Henry 11. [A. D. 11.54, with his "Lctterto Walter, on the Bishops and other illustrious Men of his Age."] Also, the Acts of Stephen, [Anonymous,] translated and edited by T. Forester. Soger de Hoveden. The Annals of, comprising, the History of England, and of other Countries of Europe, translated from the Latin, with Notes and Illustrations, by H. T. Riley. Vol. 1. A. D. 732 to 1 180. Vol. II A. D. 1181-1201. Roger of Wendover'n Flowers of History' ; comprising, tiic History of England from the Descent of the Sii»ai. to A. D. 1235. Formerly ascribe' to Matthew Palis, irnnslalod tmii- the Latin, by J. A. Giles, 2 vo's There is "A Chronological TaMc of onrly Englibh Chrouiclca,'" prefixed. Matthfir Paris's English History from the year 1235 to 1273, translated from the Latin, by J. A (iiles. Vol. Ill, including a General Index to Matthew Paris and Roger of Wcndover. 3 vols Vi'l. Ill, Has "Additaniciita " being " tho most iniporiant articles" of a collection of Original l)i)cumentf, coMi|)iled by ilatthew Paris. Florence of Worcester. The Chronicle of, with the two continuations; compiisi'ig Annals of English History, from the Departure of tho Ro- mans, til the reign ofEdw. I. [A. 1). 1295]. His own Chronicle ends. A. D. 1117. The first continuation, A. 1). 1140. The second, at the diite the whole work ends. The work trontH largely on the History of tlif Ileptanhy, and on Scottish affairs. Matthew of Westminster. Tho Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the aliaira of Rrilain, collected by, — translated from the original, by CD. Yongo. Vol. I. B C. 1004 to A. D. 1066. Vol. IL A. D. 1066-1307. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 361 Bohn's Antiquarian Library— (Continued). Jngulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland ; with the continualions, by Peter of Blois and Anonymous writers, translated from the Latin with Notes by H. T. Ililey. Tho end of Ingulph's History is A. D. 1089, of Petor of Blois, lilt A second continuation ends, 1469. A tlnrd, 1486. A fourth, [and the last,] is confined to that year only. Chronicles of the Crusades, being fonfemporary narratives of the Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richd. of Devizes and Ceoflrey de Vinsauf, and of tlie Crusade of St. Louis, by Lord J.De Joinville, [translated] with illustrative Notes. An Appendix to Joinville's Memoirs is an Arabian account of the same Crusade. N.B. — The Original Texts of the Histories by Gildas, Nennius, Bede, GeofFry of Monmoiitli, William of Malmesbury, Roger of Wendover, Ingulph with continualions, the Actsof Stephen, Richard of Devizes, and Geoffrey De Vinsauf s Memoirs of Richard Cmur de Lion, occur in Fell and Gale's " Rerum Anglioarura Scriptorum Vetenmi," or among the Works published by the English Historical Society ; sometimes, indeed, in both. Chronicles of Great Britain and France ; and wurks on Hriiish history and antiquities ; [including; .Soraers'Tracts and the Harleian Miscellany.] 84 vois. 4to. London, v. d. (A fine series, uniformly bound.) [Giraldus Cambriennu]. Itinerarium CambrisB, sen laboriosa; Baldvini Cantuariensis Arcliiepiscopi per Walliatn J e^ationis accurata descrip- tio. Auctore Silv. (iiraldo Cnmbrenpe. Cum annotationibus D. Po- well. 1804. [With a map of Wales, describing the military sta- tions of the Romans.] The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales. A. D. 1188. By Giraldus Uo Barri ; translated and illustrated with views, annotations, and a Life of Ciraldns, by Sir R. Colt Hoare. 1806. 'ivols. Vol. I. Tlio life of GirulduH, witii an account of hie MHS.— An introduction to the history of Caniftrii, prior to 1188. — The Itinerary of Abp. Baldwin, etc. Vol. II. Tho Itinerary (fonYniiwrf); " tho Hirlas," or Drinking Horn, a poem by Owain of Powys — Description of Wales by Giraldus ; with supplement, by Sir R. C. Hoare. .\rchitectural instructions, and list of books relating to Wales. Joinville, John, Lord de. Memoirs of, written by himself, containing a history of part of tho life of Louis IX of France, surnamed St. Louis; to which are added : Notes and Dissertations of M. DuCange, with dis- sertaliona of M. lo Baron de la Bastie, on the life of St. Louis, and M. I'Kvesquo do la Ravali^re, and M. Falconet, on pilgrims to the holy land, — on the assassins of Syria, &c. ; tiie whole translated by T. Johnes, Esq. 2 vols. Hafod., 1807, .« iiXf 1' sr \'^ Hi 1 1 852 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 'i ir . Chronicles of Great Britain and Prance— (Continued). Fromnrt, Sir John. Chronicles of France, Spain, Poilugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and tho adjoining countries; translated from tho ori- ginal French at the command of Kinp; Henry VIII, by John Bourchier, Lord Bernerp. To which are added, a Memoir of the Translator, and a copiou.t index. 181-2. 4to. 2 vols. Re-pruited from I'ynscin's edition of 1523 and 1B26 ; with the names of places and persous corrected, otherwise, without a change of Spelling ; the history is " of the nnircs of France and of Ingland " [ill. Fabydiif Hi)bert. The nt^w Chronicles of Kngland and France; in two parts ; named by himself, the Coiiciirdance of Ili.'^tories ; to which are added, a biographical and literary preface, and an index, by H. Ellis 1811. Ftihyan begins his liigtoiv with Riuto's entry into Albion, and ends ic at the lit ye ir of Ilmry VIII, [1500] ; it wns continued by others to tba end of Queen Mary [1569]. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 353 Chronicles of Great Britain and France — (Continued). Hairs Chronicle, contaii ing the history of England during the reign of Henry IV. and the succeeding moiiarchs to the end of the reign of Henry VHI., in which are described the manners and cuttoms of those periods. 1809. Grafton's Chronicle ; or liistory of England, to which is added his table of the bailiffs, sheriffs, and mayors of the city of London ; from the year 1189 to 1568 inclusive. 2 vols. 1809. [Original title ;] A Chronicle at large, and mecre History of tho A£fayrea of Kiinlande, and Kinges of the same, deduced from the creation of the Worido, vnto tht- first habitiition of thys Isiande : and so by Contynuancc vnto the Ist yero of the HelgTic of our most deero and Sovereigno Lady Queene Elizabeth : collected out of Sundry Aucthors. A. D. 1569. There is a second copy of " Grafton " in the library. Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: Now nowlio augmented and continued to the yeare 1586, by John Hooker, alias Vowel], and others. &c. 3 vols, in 6. 1807-8. (Original title.) Tho first and second volumes of Chronicles, comprising 1, The Deseription and Historie of England. 2. The Description and Historic of Ireland. ■S. The Description and Historie of Scotland, The third Volume of Chronicles beginning at Duke William the Ncrman, and descending by degrees of yenrcs to all the Kings and Qucenea ''f Kngland, in their orderlie successions, by R. Holinshed, by' "m extend- ed to the yeare 1677, now newlie continued to tho yeare 1586. Brand, John. Ob-servations on Popular Antiquities [oi 'i" t Britain], chiefly illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions, arranged and revised by Henry Ellis 2 vols. 4to. London, 1S13. Vol. I. Includes the days of more particular Note in the Calcn and valunbk- Tracts; fhif^fly ,su \ gg relate to the History and C'custitt ion of 'hese Kingdoms, vciftcted from the lloyal, Cotii ii, Kion and other Liliraries ; pjirtiouloriy aiat of the lati Lord Somers. The Heconi' o )ifion, revised. . jgniented and ariMiiged by Wiiller Scotf. 1" vula. '.ito. L^-don, J80!)-lti. N. U, " ''i, CSC Tracts" "now received into tlic collection for the first time" ur( •'ov'Tallj pointed out, aud throughout the scries, the Tracts hare " intro'inctory reroarks, and notes," appended. Vol. I. W. Scott's Advertisement :— Tracts relating to King John, Edward II, Edward III, Richard II, Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Queen Mary. Tracts during tlie reigii of Qiioen Elizabeth; Ecclesiastical,— Cirii, — Military, — Mi?ccllanpou.'!. " II. Tracts during tlie reign of Jamus I : Ecelesiastical, — Historical. " III. Miscellaneous. '' IV. Tracts during the reigu of Cluiilrii I : Ecclesiastical, — Historical (of which, a distinct class is made of those "relating to the Earl of Strafford.") " V. Tracts daring the reign of Charles I : Historical Tracts, (continued) — Military Tracts, — Miscellaneous. " VI. Tracts during the CoiMinouwcallh : Ecclesiastical, — Civil. " VII. Military, — Miscellaneous. — Tracts during the reign of Charles II : Ecclesiastical, — llistorlcsl, " VIII. Tracts during the reign of Charles II : Civil Tracts, (continued)— MisccUaneuus Tracts. " IX. Tracts during the reign of James II: Ecclesiastical, — Civil, — Mil- celluucous Tracts. — Tracts during the reign of William III: Ecclcsiat'ticiii. " X. Tractrt during the reign r>f William III : Historical. " XI. Historical, (continued),— Military, — Miscellanoous Tracts. " XII. Tracts during the reign of William III : Miscellaneous, (ciontinued.) — Tracts during the reign of Pi en Anne: Eccleiiiastieal, — Civil, " XIH. Tracts during the reign of Que n ■ jiue : Civil, — Military Tracts. — Tracts during the icign of /<> I,: EcciesiuBtical,— Civil,— Miscellaneous. " 'I. ■' HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 356 Fuller) Thomas. The History of the Worthies of Engluml : endeavoured, new edition, with a few explanatory Notes, by John Nichols. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1811. Tho Ktlitor Bftys (Preface, p. vi), "it hug been considered advisable to preserve " tho text of Dr. Fuller — retaining his orthography, Ac, and silently Bup- " plying several dates which had been at first left blank." " He is happy, in the additions to the County of Kent, by SirEgcrton Brydges, " to exhibit a specimeu for so laudable an undertaking. Vol. I. Memoirs of the Author. The I'rcf.itjry Introduction, (p. xii), give* "tho heads of preliminary Discourses" and these "will best explain tho contents of tho Buok." Some (remarkable) chapters we specify: Chap. II. Of the National Commodities ; as tho Manufactures, Wonders, Buildings, Local Proverb8,'Medieinal Ilorbs, Waters, &c. " XI. Of Benefactors, &c. " Wherein also choise Charities are rccom- " mended to Men of Estates." " XIV. Catalogues of tho Gentry under Henry VI. Of tho Shcriflfs, Ac. " XVII. Of the often altering of Sirnames. " XXIII. Of the Authors from whom our intelligence [in this work] hath been derived. The Worthies of England, by Counties alphabetically taken. Barkshiro to Leic'ci-torshire. Vol. II. Tho JVorthiea of England, Lincolnshire to Yorkshire. The Principality of Wales, The Worthies of Wales generally, and by Counties. Indexes. (1) To the Natural Commodities and Manufactures. (2) To the Worthies. Heame, Tliomas. Works and llititorical Collections ; completed with one or two more works eliu;ibly connected with those of that author : uni- formly bound. S.') vols. 8vo. Oxiord nnd Loni'.ou. v. d. An eminent antiquiry (1678-17S5.) Assistant Librarian of the Bodleian Library, 1781. "His editions of early English Historians, are in great reputation, and of great rarity and great price." Darling's Cycl. Biblio. Vol. I. Alfred the (ireai. The Life of, — by Sir John Spelman, Bt. ; with considerable additions and .several Ilifitorical Remarks, by T. llearne. Oxford. 1709. •' IL to X John Leland, the Anticjnary. The Itinerary of, — publish- ed by T. Ilcarne. 9 vols. 12mo. O.xford, 1710. " 1 (Also contains) Leland's New Year's Gift; and a discourse [on] some antiiiuities late'y fovnid in Yorkshire. " 2 (Also contains) Leland's Na'niat upon tho death of SirT. Wyattj and an account of gome Antiquities of Oxford. An Oration before Henry VII, at Cambridge. Doctor Plot's account of England and Wales. Oxford, 1711. *' 3 (Also (.'"ntaiiia) Antoninus' Itinerary through Britain; with Doctor Talbot's Notes. " 4 '^ Also contains) An acount of some Antiquities in Yorkshire. Oxford, 1711. " B (Also contains) W.Valluiir. Acoounto of pnrts of Hertfordshire; and, a Letter on Antiquities I, etwoen Windsor and Oxford. Oxford, 1711 * m ;.;< '''■Ami -^- \<-i'': 1 ^^ bUH't-ili^- 356 niSTOIlY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Hearne, Thomas. AVorka and Lliatoriciil Collections— (Coutiuucd). Vol. 6 (Also containa) Obacrviitions relating to the Antiquities, nnd Natural History of Eugland. An Kssiiy on tlie couraes of the 4 Roman Ways. " 7. Prcfa>'c ; containing a Litter from Doetor W. Kennett, Mr. Hearnc's answer, Disseitation on tho Anglo-Saxon word ./Estel. •' 8 (With,) Adiccourse on the Stunsfleld tessellated pavement, in account of a Manorial CuBtoni, at Woodstock ; and of some An" tiquitieslalcly found iu London. Oxford, 1712. '• 9 Contains: — Leiiiinl'B Genetliliacon Endverdi principis CanibHa- and his Cj gnae Caniis. Nic. Fitzherbert's description of the University of Oxford; Review and various readings, Ac , of tho whole Work and T. Allen's note upon Bulo de Script, liritann. Oxford, 1712. Vol. XI to XIX. John Lclanil, tlio Antiquary. Itinerary of, — published by T, Hearne. The secoiui edition : collated and improved from the original M. S., with tho addition, also, of a General Index. Oxford, 1744-5. " XX. //. Dodwelli de Parma Equentri, accedit T. Neli Dialcgus inter Kecr. Eli/.abetham et Com. Leycestriuj et Acad. Oxon. Cancel.arium inquode Acadomiaj i^'^dilioiis agitur ; recensuit T. Hearne, qui et Dodwelli Operum Catalogum pranisit. Oxon, 1713. " XXI to XXVI. gue8 of ancient Libraries, generally Monastic, many Topographical Descriptions. Saints Lives, or Passages therefrom, with siention in respect of some of their places of sepulture. Ex- Radulphi de Origino Britannorum,and description of parts of Wales. Explication of some Saxon Names, Extracts from a Book called "The Old Englisch Historic." The Genealogy of the Earls of Warwick. (Latin.) DeGestis Abbatura S Albani, Ac. " 5. Appendices ad. J. Lelandi Colleetanea. Pars. 1. Lelaudi Dcfensio Gallofridi Arturii Monumctensis contra Polyd. Vir- gilium. Asscrtio inclytissim' Arturii Regis Britannia). K'rst EdU, London, 1554. Laudatio Pacis,— I rincipium, ac illustrium aliquot et l".ii torum in Anglia virorum — Encomia, (.in Latin verse.) R. Parkeri. Cantubrigiensis sive CoUegiorum umbratilis delineatio. Vita Guil. t'happel Episcopi Corcagiensis et Rossensis. " fi. A])pendioe8, etc. Pars. 2. Of the Feast of the Inthronization of Archbishop [Nevell] of York (temp. Edward IV^.) The service of .he Barouliishop, within the close. Of Arohlip. Warham of Canterbury's Inthronization, and the Feast accuinpfiiiying. Notices of other ceremonial Feasts. A Dietarie, with Injunctions for temperate Living, On the prices of Corn and Wine, and about Provision for the Poor. T. Brooke's Verses written the daye before [he] sufferyd Deathe, Browne Willis' View . led Abbeys, with a Catalogue of their respective Abbots, wi. . ubaerTa- tions by T. Hearne. J. Leland. Bononia Gallo-Mastix. [In Lau- dem Henry 8 ] R. Gale. Letter on the Great Roman ways. Edi- tAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Hearne, Thomas Vol. XXVIII um Zti tit! ' Works and Historical Collections — (Continiuil). [A'l'r 'J'hoviiiii J/ort'.] Guil. Ropt-ri Vita D. Tlioire Mori [lM){^li(-li text] ancedtiiit Mori Epistulii do ScholasticiR, quibus- (lam tnijauos none appollantibun ; Academio} OxoniunsiN epM- 'ai et orationes aliquot multw. Anonyini Chroiiicon Godsto- vianiim, ko, i.vliditT. licarniu.^, qui et notas subjecit. Oxoii 1716, [with] J. Pointer's account of a Roman I'avement at Stansfield [and] J. Wooilward'M account of some Roman and other antiqui- ties lately digged up rtear Bishopa-gate, London, 1713. A collation in mnde of the printed text, with % M. S. copy, t/y " J. Lewli," with the vurioiis rcadingH very distinctly written in the nuir^l" 'li pivea riiie to th« followiiij; note CM.S.J on thi " The curiosity of tlils copy nbovo any other is that it contains tlie " variations of a M.S. of Kopar'rt of the time of Henry Vlllth, tniiHi " superior to tlie one Hearne printed from, as an ezamiuu.lon ui " the various readingH will .shew." Vol.35, [Sprotti Clironica], p. 330-83.3, repeata "tilings wriiten bI the beginning and end of Sir T. More's Works," which book belonged once to the Ropern ofKlthani:" they are principally genealogical of the Ropers or Roopers : likewiHe vol. 61 p. 744.749 has more matter supplomeiitary. Vol. 34, [Camdeni AnnaleB 3,j at the bnttom of p. 1005 i.1 thia notice In epistolis et orationibus Acad. Oxnn. larunani observavimua 6 paginarum, quani 6 Biblioilivca llarli'iana taudam supplevit, &c. nunc autem in niudum so Imbrl lioccn anpplementuin, p. 72, inse- rendiiiii. Vide [> l(i06-1012, coiisi-. >» in papers, by I{ !)ui)i»io, Com. Loyce^'tr. acd T. Younge, J'^piscopo Ebor. XXIX. Rossi Warmcensis. Historia Ret^um Anglinj, notisquo T. H ■ niuH acoedit J. Leiandi Nsenia in Mortem II. Duddeiegi haclt nus ineiiitum, Oxonii 1716. There will be found besides the preface by the Editor, Leland's notice of J. Ros.s, and Dugdale'b ili<" Hitti and ol er Brother's k of bdih I'l |(jus conipo- bueen Eli"' Worka Buil HiHtorieal Collections — (Continued). Scot*.] ITnlTerilty compliments to James. Remains of his Queen Anna, of P. llcnry and V. Charles. Letters of K, dhnrles I. and II. [Again,] Letters oi Elizabeth and James. Home of Elizabeth, daughter of James, Queen of Bohemia. Henry V, Proclamation and Writ [concerning] Sir J. Oldcastle, Lord Cobham ; and the Dying Words of K. James I. N. B. Iligtorical Incidents nro noticed occa- sionally through the whole series, in tho words of conteniporarieB. Vol. XXXII. XXX ril. XXXIV. lEUzabelh.] Ouil. Camdeni Aimalcs rurum Anglicarum et Ilibcrtiiriiiiim re(,'nante Elizabetha, mullisque additionibus locupiotatu eruit ediditque T. Hearniua. 1 vol. bound In 3. A. 1). 1717. Vol. 1. T. Ilearniufl Lectori p. 6 — IBO. Index in pra>rn(lonem nostram, l.M — 168. List of such as were r.vccuted In Henry VIIl's time, 189— Ifil. Ifi'J— 176, |E. Codico M. S] The death of ilio Queen of Sootts, as reported, to Sir William Cecil(\— [E. Ountono, p. 77.] Tho manner of tho solemnity oi [her] funeral with her son K. James' letter " wrote to the church of Teterburijli, 28 years after," in obedience to which the body of the Queen was taken up, 1612, and translated to Westminster. After, list of snbcribera 4 leaves, the orig. Title, as cited by Hearne, only expressing, Volu» men primuin, conplectens partem priniam T. Hearnius T. Rawlinsoiio. 8 leaves. Gull. Camdenu.s Loctorl, 8 leaves. Portrait of Elizabeth, the 2nd. one, facing the title, Hpnaratus, p. 1 — 28. Annales, Pars 1. p. 28—199. " 2. Orig. Title, (adds) compiectens partem aecundam et ter- tiuui : tho pnging continued from vol. 1. p. 208 — 687, Fini'« voluniinis 2di quo riauditur tonuis primus. " t. Orig. Title oildn, compiectens operls tomum secundum, bItc partem quartam : the paging continued, p. 691 — 912. NotiP, p. 913 — 961, among which are placed, "Atrew coppio of Sir J. P^rrott's testament, 1602. An account of an agreement between Q. Eliz. and the United Pro- vinces wherein she supporli 1 ttien), ond they stood not to their agreement, by Sir T. liodley. The Queen's Procla- mation against the E. of Essex, and a letter ooncerning the E. of K'tsex, and an Index p. 962—999. Catalogue of works hitherto published by TIenrne, p. 1000 — 1006. N B. Vol. 49. (Hcraingi Chart. Ercl. Vrifjorn, Vol II.) p. 707 — 71 1, gives a body ol various rcudings, lately col- lected, in respect of " The n pccu? of tlie E. of Essex's death," as used by Hearne. N n. Vol. 68. KImham, Vita Henri V. (Appendix,) p. 412— 417. Vide various readings of Sir J. Perrott's ^Vill ; with a defense of his Government of Ireland. "XXXV. Tliomte Sprotti Chronica descripsit ediditque, T. Hearniu.s qui ej alia quicdam opusculae MS8. h seipso iiidem descripla subjeoit, Oxonii, 1719. p. iii — M T. Hearnius Lectori, p. xliii-lx. Ad. priofat Appendix. No. 1. A letter in commendation of Sir E. Dering, '"' It'.' 'r.ffp: .1 ' T I ' I ' r i . jL 360 HISTORY OF l!.iNliL\Nj), SCOTLAND, AN TBKI.AND. Hearne, Tliomaa. Works aud llistoricul CollectionB — (Continued). Nu. '2. Kpiiitula, J. ruanonl E|>i!tcopI, &0., No. S Sic«r- dodt coiifeaiiu Hiitii|uu, [iu Metre,] [luipcctcd | Ixi— .|x|j T. Rprotto toitiiiioniu ac judiciu. p. 1 — 124 Olironlct, p 126—104. Friignienti Sproltioiio, p. l(lft--l«B. (j|,fQ. iiion do teiiiporv nuiiidi, p. IbO — ;!2i). A tract from »n old MR rvlatiriK to PutiThurg iiiid Ruiiiiit j Abbieit p. 223— 262 do Nicli. Cuiitiilupu teKtiinotiia iic judlcia n 263 — 280. N. CunUlupi do iiiilv«r»iimii) Cf.titftbiigleiig|(. buUiio PiiiHilfg Ac, p. 281 — 80fi. A rciiiarl.ablu fragiticiit ruliiliiiR to I'Mw. IV p. .'106.— 324, Iiidnx. Vol. XXXVl. XXXVII. XXXVIII. Ouil. Neuhrigemix, liistorio), sivo chronica reriim \ii^lii'iiriitn ; uluTiimis ailditionilnis lo(!iii)lotata, loiigeqno ememliitiiit*(iuum iiiiifhaeeilitH T.Hcaiiiii (iiii I'l prai'ter.!. I'icnrdi annotatiunes, «uaM etiain iiotas &c., accediiiit liotnilia) treseidam guiliolino ad>criptie. 1 vol. bouml iulJ. Ovoiiii, 1719, Vol. 1. Uuillcatioii aii. Sdvii I pistolii KJit Aiitverpiensi pncmi^iRa, D. Eli/.ubetlm? Repniii', p. xciv. — cvi. J. Piciirdi l>rolyc|aiuin, p. evii. — cxxii. Auctoria Vita etc. The text, p. 1 — 14. Kpistola Apologetica, Ac, Prow- nilurii p. 16.— 316. Voluinen gecuiuluni, p. 347 — 600. lliat. AngI, Finis. Volunien tertinni p. 601 — (183. J. Picmdi Notoc, 684— 817, T. Uenrnii Notu', ct Sjiicilcfjiuni, herein are noticeable a part of the register of the convent of the Holy Trinity, Aldt,'ntL'] p. 688 — 710. RcgcH, Saxonea et Nonnanni. Notitiii occlosi.islica, p. 720 — 2H, [lieirif,' copies from old IISS.] "A discourse ubout Fair Kosnniund and the Nunneiy of OodHtowc, with occiisional notes about Binaey," p 730— 8ii2, concludini; with cxampltM of the cxtraoi'diniiry punL^hmont of sacrilege. Ex historia An- glic:ina a HiirthotoiiiKo do Cotton, anno 1292, conscripta, p. 810— S17. Homiliii Tres, Guil. Neubrigensia, p. 81J —902. Index, 'J03— 936. Vol. XXXIX. A Collection of curious Di.scoursfi.s, written by eminent Anti- quaries, upon peveral heads in our Eiifjlish Antiquities. Now tirRt publi.Hiuul by T. Ilearne. O.vford, 17^0. p. xiii — cxxxiv. — The publisher's Preface, [in wiiich, p. cxxii, is t table of ' Verba Abbreviata in Libro de Domesday,'] The DiacouriieB, aud other Pieces, including the Preface, are 69 in number, and may be classified as follows : On the Laws of Knglaod. Nos. 2 and 3. On Sterling Money. Nns. 4, 6, 6, aud 7. Of the Shire-Division r!rningTh-3l- Iby the pub- niwii up by lOwaUearne'i Borough o{ [ic miraculous Chiirtcisantl lUfe of King lie '28lh, ni6. i."_p. 287. ioi;. ;— . .'!67-671, (conchuled) — De Mirabilibus IJiitamiin;. out of an oM .VIS. p. 572, et scq. "A Petegreu [Pedigree] fro William Conquerour, lynnyally descendyng unto King Ilcnry VI, p. 685, et se(). Some rcmaiks upon Geffry Chaucer and his writings, p. 596, et scq. Glossary. 612 — 743; (insertdOat p. O' a lorm of excommunication, against robbt rs ol tbe Cliurcb ; at p. 024, in " The Fourme of liidding of the Common Prayers." (Kdward XI, temp.) For tbo use of the sign of the Cro.-s, p. 068-9. " Papers aliouc the Queen of Scots " p 678, (with Queen ElizabctbV Letter to the King Frederick of Denmark, immediately before p. 071.) On the calling of Christmas ■'Yule,"and on the 'Prone,'' or ''Bidding the Prayers." p. 679-684. On the uses of tha Epithets. " Sire, Dominus, Lord, Seignior, Sir," p. 705 — 707. — Concerning a [very old] Hook |irinted atTavistock. ni.c"; on the earliest Printing in IJigland, and as well concerning the industry of Moriks in promoting learinng, p. 7o7_ 714, A Fragment, rhymed, in old English, about the name and division of England, p. 731, 733 — On Wbit?()ntide, (/.f.,on the 01 .gin of the name, p. 7 39-40. "i Index, 744— 7'.'2 *< LII., LIIF. Peter LangtofVs Chronicle, (as iliustrati'd by Robert of 15riuini>), from the deatli of CadwuiadiT to tlie end of King r.dward the FinslVs reiixri, tran.stribed and publish- ed fujm a MS., by T. Hearne, to which are added, a f!lo.«sary of obf;»lete words, &c. ; and(l.)A Roll of (ila?- tonbury Abbey Estates at the dissolution ('2.) An Account of ihe ' of St. Mury Magdalen near Scroby. ('^.) Tracts ; the first, about Roman Anti- ((uilie.s, in Somersetshire, the second concernini: Stone- henge. "2 vols. Oxford, 17'25. This Chronicle is iti rhyme. Vol 1. The' publisher's Preface, p. ix—xciii. Appendix to hi." Preface, p. xeiv-ccxxvi. Pieces regarding Peter di' Langtoft and Ilob't ot Urunne, Nop. 2, i>, 4, 5, 7. Robert of Brunne's Prologue No. 6. ^■■', 10, 11 of tbe N'unuery of Little-Gidding, Hunts, by a Company of Farrars.' (The last of these was printed before, in 1C41.) No 12. Dr. WuUis' account of his o^n life. No. 14. Inacriptione.^t-iiigulares. Nog. 15 and 20. Concerning Stonolicoge. No. 10, An account of St, Wenefride, from Mi?. No. 19. Bp. Wren'i testimony or T Charles' (aft-'r- '■'m ..V^.M'l^?^"' :V^,.ili.S ;T'V ■ , '.i.''i ,1' ■ . i ■ ^ ■ ■ ■ [r^'r-, ; ■.., ■'-' .' 'r ■■■■: *■- '^1 ■ 'I . J ;:":. \'' \\. I : ' , , ^ ' : .1 . ' Mm \W' '. t > ,' : i .' 1 n jma^ ii i'^ m i 1 i[ tljr'^ Trr5T f 4 *'" i f ,m & H ;':;i'f t\r 3G4 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Hearne, Thomas. AVorka and Hiatorical CoUectious — (Continued). wards Charlfis I) true attachment to the Church of England Ac. No. 20. Mr. Graves' Letter concerning Campden GIo- cesttTshife. Tlie Chrouicle, p. 1 — 230. (i lose of Henry III.) Vol. 2. The Chronicle (conclndpd), p. 235 — 341. Survey of Estates of the Monasteiy of Glastonbury, made for Henry VTII p. 343 — 3S8. Of the Hospital. Roman Antiquities, and Stonoliengo, (and 3 pieces morli'jnc.l in title), p. 389—480. The Glossciry, including some pieces conceining Henry VIII Lis morrlagos and Jie fiissolution of the Monasteries. Index. Vol. LIV, LV. Joannis Cnnfrairis et Monachi O'laatoniensis Chronica, sive Ilistoiiii de Rebus Gla.stonieiisibii.s, e MS. descrip- sit e^liililfPfc; 'i'. (learuins, et ex eodem Codice Ilisto- riolam dt' S. Maria3 (JlastOMieiisis, — Multaque excerpta e Rdi. Beote, (Abbatis. Glastoii.) T^rrario hijus Cce- 'lobi: snbjecii aoceduiit, ex egregio MS., &c. et Appep- dix. 2 vol*!. Oxonii, 17-26. Vol. 1. E'litori.-' Pimfatio in qua de Oflic:nia in Angliaveteriim Mone- tariis, p. >,)— 55. Joannis Glaston, Ilistorin, p. 1 — 283. " 2. Exccrpla; e Richardi fleere, p. 287 — 'S51. Consuetiido Lumi- narii in EecleHiio, p. 358 — 365. [Particular Charters, and Index to all,] p. 306 — 122. Librorum Glustoniensis Eccle- siflB, nniii) pracia\ 1,247, p. 423 — 444. Reliquia), p. 445 — 464, Letter conci rning the death of Ant. u Wood, p. 445 — 468. Epiatolaj Dna; de St. Ignatii Epistolarum, p. 45'J— 489. John Dee's supplication and articles for the preservation of the ancient monuments and old writers, p. 490—495. His rehear- sal of his studious life for the space of half a hundred years, p. 497 — 551. Extracts out of his Book of Discoveries, p. 552 — .536. An ancient Kalendar of the Augustin friars, p. 557 — 566. Fragment in Anglo-Saxon of the Wars of that people with the Danes, p. 570 — 577. Indulgentia Monasterii Glastoniensis cor.ccsHa, p. 579, Index, 581 — 605, Reliquia) BodU'iana; Bodlcii ilhiatrimi Epistolas, Ac. p. 612 — 643, " LVI, LVII. Adami de Donierhum Historia de Rebus OeslisGlastonien- sibus, e MS. descripf-it primusque in lucem protulit T. Heariiius, Qui et Guil. Malme.sburiensis de Antiquitato Ecolosi.'E Glastoniensi'', et Edmundi Archeri Excerpta e Registris We!len?ibi)s. 2 vols. Oxoidi, 1727. Vol. 1. (Contonta,) I^u'toria I'raifatio p. ix et seq. Nos. 2, 3 et 4 coucerniii': the Roman Inscription at Chichester, p. xxxvii— Ivi. E. StatUtisCoUegii Novi, p. llx — hiv. Excerpta ad Coeno- biuin Muehelneyeuse pertinentia, p. Ixxii, xcvi. Guil. MalmcHburiensis de Antiquitato, Ac. p. 1 — 122. (2 ElectloM of Abbots are reported, p. xcvii — c;ii, and p. 123-183.) Per.inibulationesForestarum Quinquc, ?. 184 — 201. Obser- vationosaii Pretia ac valorem rerum ppectantes, p. 202—227. Cl'urtit qua-iliim, cum aliis aliquot instrumcntis \>. 228—219. " " 2. Adam; do Dcmierhiim Historia, p. 303— ."iOO. Auctarium p, f,97._f,75. >'nta% 676— 6K9. Index, 690— 716 A letter et Soldoii Ell peror of the Turks, to a Christian KinR, («.*. of SaUdin.) p. 727-28, Anthony Wood's last Will, p. 731-SJ. ■I I Ai v^^ HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 365 Hearne, TJiomns. Vol. LVIII LIX. Works ajid Historical Collections — (Continued). Ihnrici Quinti. Thotnse de Elmham Vita et Gepta [Henry v.] Aiiglorum Regis a MSS. descripsitet primus luci dedit T. lleaniius. Oxonii, 1727. Editoris ProBfntio p. vii-xjxvi. Text of T. dc Elmhani, p. 1-343. Appen- dix Nos. 1,2, 3, refer tn tlip Author (T. Elmham) No. 4, Quere- nioiiin M. J. Sonicrpot. Phvfici I'om. II. R. 6, de Ingrntudine Univ. Cantabrigiie. (Latin vciee.) No. 5, ObservutionB on Somerset's complaint by Mr. Baker. No. 6. Poem on the Siege ol Harflet and Bntayl pf Agontourt. No. 9. Prologiis in Chronica liegum nobiliiim Aiit^liie, p. 384—387. An Act drawn by " Poiidorug VirciliuB." Index, 392—406. Richardi II. Aiiglicv Itegis. llistoria Vita) et Regni, a mona- cho dc Kveslia? i consignata ; accesRenint, J. Rossi Ilislo- riola dfc Comitibus Warwicensibus. J, IJerebloci De Rebus (lostis O.xoiiicc, ibidem commorante Elizabetha Uegina : et D. Ric. Wynni dc Caroli Wallia; Principes Famulorum in Ilispaiiiam Itinore, A.D. 1623, e MSS. nunc primus edidit T. Hcarnius. Oxonii, 1729. P. vii-xxxvii. Piicfatio, p. 1—210 Vita R. Ricardi II, p. SH— 249. J.' Acoouiit of tl.e EarlH of War-wiok, (in English), p. 251—296. De Rebus Gesti.s, Oxonia', p. 2?7— 341. The P. Charles' Servants Journey, (in Eiiglish.) Appendix, p, 342 — 409 (includes) De Laude Universitatps Oxonia', in Latin verse. The Story of Richard Bean- champ, Earl of Warwick, (the Great Earl.) Sir S. D'Ewes account of P. Charles' Journey into Spain. George Villars, Duke of Buck- ingham's Mischiefs, with an accdunt of his Death. His " exquisite Beauty." The fall and great vices of Lord Bacon. Curse eicundtc p. 389 — 1(19 contain.% a notice of J. Wiclef. A Mandate of Bp. Aruiiilel of Ely against a Mork Hixlinp [then extant]. Another concerning a Warlike Hisliop. A short aceountof the admissiou of J.deFordham, asBisliop of Ely. Of the Duke of Buckingham and P. Charles, and of an apparii ion of the i)iike'e Father. Index, 410 — 431. Liber Niger Saii c)|). llotlierliam's [of Yoik] Will, Statutes of College of,Ilotber- ham ; Kentish Funalica' F tition for the capital puutshment of K Charles, p. 6'J4— 714. ludex, p. 716—739. Vol. LXII. Johannis de Trokdowc AnnuU's Edv.nili U. Henr. de Blane- fordf! Chronica, et Edvardi II Vita a rionacho Malraes- buriensi enarrata , o MSS. nunc primus diviilgavit T Ilearnius. Qui et Appendicem, ab Edm. Acli>>rocommuni. cata, subjunxit. Oxnnii, 1729. Editoiis I'ra'fatio, ]). vii-xxxiv. Trokelowe, Annales, jp. l-_jc Btanoforde Chronien, p. 67 — 91. Vita Edvardi II, p. 9S— 050 Of the Canonizatii'M . 295-S72. A " Reii.euibranoe " of Rich. III. found at Lcycester, p. 379-3S1 of Guil. ue Mnrchia, p. ;i93-4. Usages and Rules observed relntinrr to the Beard, p. 394-6. Orders at New Coll. as to sports, &c, n, S9(i-lM. Index. '' LXIII. LXIV. 'J'honup 6'nr/, Vindicia- Anti(]uifatis Acatleniijc O.vcnienss contra .loannein Caium fantabrigiensem, in hicem emisit T. llearniiis. Qui jioiro Ant. a Wood Vitam, a seipso con- scriptam, et H. Hnmi)hreysde Viris chiris Cnmbro I5ritan- nicis observationes, sed et Reiiquias (inasdarn.'ad Fnniiljam Ffrrariorum, du <;idiling P.irva, subnexuit. 2 vols. Cxonii 1730. ' ' Vol. 1. Prajfatio, p. ix-lxiii. Concerning Dr. J. Caius, of Cam- bridge, p. liv-v. Vita T. Cnii, cum Latino turn Anglice, Ivii-hii, DLssertatio do MSS. moiliun creiiiuli Artiuni .Magistros, Ixv-lxxxi, Of tho Cathedral Churcli and the great Bell, Lincoln, Ixxxii-lxxxiv. Speech to tho D. of Monmouth when installed CImncellor at Cam- bridge. De Antiquitate Cantfthrigienf-if', J. Caio, (Excusutn Lund, 1568.) p \~"')i\. Scriptorum (luibusuaus est, if.c. Index, p. ;;57-272. T. Caii Asaertio Antiq. Oxon. Acad, cum Oxoniensis Ilistoriola, p. 273-310. Vol. 2. T. Caii Aniniadversiones, de Antiquitate Caiitabrigieneis, p. 315,437. Tho Lilc of Anthony ;i Wood ; now tirst printed, p, 43l5-t'.o3. B]i. IIuni]direys' AtMitions kc, to Athena? et Fa«ti Oxoniensis, 605-t')t8. ra])crs relating to tho Protestant Niinuery of Little (Mdding, and some Historical Notes about the Ferrars, jiartieularly that Mirrotir of I'iety Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, including 2 Letti'rs of Mr. K Lenton, about the A'unnery. 2 Lctteis of Mr. Jolin Ferrar"8 to Dr. Ifasirc.nbout lUbles, witli some remains of the Maiden Sisters Exercises, p. 683-794. Mr X. Ferrar's Eioj(:>iun, by Mr. Crashaw, -with Notices of his works, aro given, p. 809-8!*. 6 Ex! raots from A. a Wood's Diary, &c. p. 606. ;^li HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 3G7 Hearne, Thomaa. Works and Historical Coin ctions — (Continued). Vol. LXV. LXVL IValteri Ilcniirig/ord, canon de Gisseburne, Historia ilo Ik'biis Gestis Edvardi I, Edvaidi II, andEdvardi III. Ac- cediint Edv. Ill, Historia per Anonymum; Narratioido Processu contra R(.'ginald. Peacockiiim, eaceipta liistorica e T. Gascoignii Dictionario Theologieo ; Libellus CaroliJ, ab iirbo Oxonionsi liiga, NotitiaqueDomorum Relif,'iosarum in Dicrcosi Batlio-\Vt' llensi, o MSS. nunc primus publicarit, T. Hearnius. 2 vols. Oxonii. 1731. Vol. 1. Praifatio, p. ixcxvi. [see p. Ixxxvi-lxxxvii, acopyof the'Abp. of Oiiutcibury's iissigniiiunt of R. Peiieock, to coufiueiutut iu the Mouiifltory of Thoiuiy, with his provisions for his proper Kutcr- tiuumeiit.j Various Nutici's of W. Ileuiiugford, p. cxvii-cxxii. Nota3 in partem llemiiigfonlii, p. cxxiii-cl. Concerning Reginald Peacock's Opinions, p. oli-cliii. Mr. Dodwell of the power of Metro- politan's to doiirivo Suffragan Bipbups, p. cliii-clx. Processus sub Brevilius quibus J. WlKliuunstedo fuit iterun> post resignationcm in Ecclesiiu S. Albani reelectus, p. elx-clxxvii. Bp. Lloyd's r-couut of the Ex'culiou of the I), of Moninoutli, p. cixxvii-elxxx. bp. Toun- son, iicooiiiit of the last behaviour of Sir W. Knloigli, p. clxxxiv- clxxxvi. W. Ileniingford. Historia Jvlvardi I, II. p. 1-203. Vol. 2. p. 2fi7-38fl. Chronicon Edviirdi III, p. 387-462. Anonymi Historia, p. 453-477, Nota; in Vitam Ricardi II, p. 480-502. The Xarrative of It. Peacock's censure and abjuration (2 pieces,) p. 504-550. Collectanea liistorica ex Dictionariu, T. (iascoignii, p. 551-583, of K. Char'iCd' K^capo from Oxford, in U14ti, p. 585- 642. Dr. Archer: account of Religious Houses, and Names of Chanil)cr? a;id other Rooms in the late Abbey of Glabtonbnry, p. 043-000 Tlie Rclii^'ious llour^es in Somersetshire, liy T. Straohey, p. 667-685, Aiinotatio', .■.■!, [treat^iug on] Baclinlarium ; tlie found- ation of the Univcr.sity of Oxford ; of King lua, and Glastonbury Antitiiiities., p. 686-720. Index. " LXVIl. LXVIII. Thomas Ottcrlxnirni', et Johannes Whethamstede. [Duo Rcruin Aii^lifarum Scriplorcs Vetcres,] ab origine gentis Hritannicic ni=quo ad Edvardum IV, e MSS. nunc primus ernil T. Iloaniius, airedunt. — I)e Vitaet Miracniis Henrici VI, per Job. Blakmannnm ; Statuta I.ospitalis de,E\velme, Litleijc do Reims Gestis, A. D. 1.5-2;? and 1.5'.'4, in quibus Epi.stola' auto^rapha- perpauca' Margaret, Scotnnim Ro- gina'. F. (Jodwyiii Cataioou^! Kpisc. Rathonier;sintn et Wel- lensium H.IIuinptiroys de Deeanis Batigor. et Asaph. 2 vols. Oxonii, 17:?-2. Vol. 1, I'rafatio, p. ix-txxxvii, wliich includes "A Prayer to lioly Kyns^o llcnry," and "Two lytcll Prayers, whieli Kynge Henry the syxte iiiiule," Aiijh ndix No. 8, is Julii 11, P. Ilulla in qua postubit, ut dc Henr. VI. \irtutiiius diligcntcr iiirpiiratur The \[ipcMdix. (also iueludes,) various Xotices of Ottorbonrne, Ko. 1 to 0, inclusive. No. 7. Account of a MS, De Advcutu Fratnim Minoram in Angliam. No. D-IS. Notices of J. Whethnmstede, No. 15. The p (i('eoiliii|.'s airainst Win. Br; .ell, Lieut, inonc of the Kegiiiients of Sehollers, A-i\, of Oxford, at ;i Court of warre. No E' 'i 'I : .. , -I ■■, ■ J W ' '■!■■ .1- ■ ■:'\: ill uii^rM ■:' ^^l 1 • 1 r,|.1 If' 368 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAN1». Hearne, Thomaa. Works and lliBtorical Collections — (Continued). 16. An account of Mondonua 13elvalcti Oatechifnius Ordinis Peris- celidia. T. Otterbourne Chronica p. 1-283. CoUcctarium Regis Henrici VI, J. Blackman. p. aSS-OOT. "Vol.2. J. do Whethamatede Chrouicon, p. 311-640. Of the Alms- bouse of Ewclme, p. 5'74-()32. Divers letters relating to the affairs of the North, 1523 24, several of which are by Q. Margaret of Scotland, p. 638-718. (Jatalogus, with Notices concerning several Bishops of Hath and AVclls, p. 719-732. Bp. Humphreys Catalogue of the Deans of Bangor from 1500. p. 7R8-751. Anno- tationes [p. 734 — 38, is Exemplar Literarum Jionifacio P. per Magnates Angliaj in defen8ioneS>iperiotati8,apudScoto8,AnDol300.] p. 76;!-780, Index. Vol. LXIX. LXX. Prioratu^ de Dunstaplc, — Chronicon sive Annales, una cum Excerptis c Chftrtulprio cjusdein Prloratus. T. Ilearnius e MSS. dcscripsit primusque vulgavit, accedit. Appendix. Oxoiiii, 1733. [A.C. 1-1459.] Vol. 1. Praefatid, p. vi-lxvii. Nntitia Chartularii de Dunstaplc per II. Wanli,ium, p. Ixviii-xcvii. Annales Ricardi de Mo- rins. Prior, cum Contiuuationibus, p. 1-411. " 2. Chronicon sivo Annnlcs, p. 41." -075. Exeerpta e Chnrtula- rio, p. 677 — 713. Appeudii, p. 714 — 833. [including,] Verses concerning the Name and Amies of Duustaple. (No. 4.) Sonifi Charters of Cambridge aud Oxford, Nos. 6, 6, 7. " Donstnble Priors," No. 8. " Of the Mustcrings of the University of Oxford, with other things that hap- pened there, 1642-43," No. 9. "Letters relating to K. Charles' Escape from Oxford," and his "Straits," (tc. No. 10. [Additional Letters written by the King, and Notes, ride Vol. 72, p.'86(5-873,] "Ilistoria Ouido- nis de Warwyke," e MS , No. 11. A remarkable passage rei.'itinf,' to O. Cvomwoll, No. 12. NoLx, p. 834-39. Index, p. isJO-OO". " LXXI. LXXII. Henrici II. ct Ricardi I. Renedictus, Abbas Petrobur- Hensis de Vita et Gtsti.s. e MS. descripsit et nunc primus edidit T. liearniu.s accesserunt alia. 2 vols. Oxonii, 1735. [.AD. 1170-1 192.] Vol. 1. Prsefatio, p. iv — xxvii. Appendix ad Prajfationcra, p. x.xTiii — Ixiv. [including,] Notao de Benedicti ilistoriao, Nod. I, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, aud No. 11. No. 3 of Dr. Andrew Borde, and his Books, No. 9, 10. (curious.) Text, p. 1- 880. " S. Text, p. 381-747. Lamcntatio de Morto Regis Ricardi, (Latin Verse,) 748-760. The Rclick of The Blnod of Ilale.K, — |.,^me Calumnies thrown upon the r.eligiom Houses delected, p. 761-763. The Peregrination of Doctor Boarde, of England and Walc8,"f .• 764-Bi;i Index, 808—854. " LXXIII. ReliquicB liodleiantP : or, Some Genuine Remains of Sir Thomas Bodley, coiitainiiicr His Life, (by himself,) the first Draught of the Slatute.s of the Publick Library at Ox- ford, and a Collection of f.etters to Dr. James, &c., pub- ILsheil from the Oriji-iiials I oiidou, 1703 A\ HISTORY OP ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 369 i i'% XXTlll storiao, A.ndi'ew t,p.l- lUc&rdi, Blood of ,eligioui ition of of Sir IH,) ite latOx- :., pub- Eearne, Thomas. Works and Historical Collections — (Continued). Preface, on A ncicnt Libraries, particularly in England, till the fuundatiou of the Bodleian Library, Vol. LXXIV, LXXV. Ductor Hiatoricus : or, a short System of Universal His- tory, and an Introduction to the Study of it. The 4th Edit., augmented and improved, by T. Hearae. 2- vols. London, 1724. Vol. II., 1723. Vol. 1. Dedictttiun and Picface; Advertisement to the 3rd Edit. Book I. Clironoldgy, p. 1-96, Book II. Introduction to History, and a character of HistorinnH, p. 97-118. Book III. Of the Anciont .Monnrcbies, j). 179-460. Tlie Index. " 2. The Prefnec, p. iii — xii. Book I. Roman Monarchy, from the bii th of Christ, to the roiuovai of the Imperial Seat to Constantinoplp, p. 1-15"2. Book II. From the trana- liition of th(> Empire, to tho Hcign of Charles the Great, p. ISS-SJS. Book III. The History of tho Persians. Goths, itc., and more particularly of tho Saxon-Hept- nrchy, with an account of Mahomet and the Saracen Caliphs, [iuul] of the Foundation of some Cities, &c. p. 240-405. Index. N.B. T. Ilcaruc, in 2ii(l vmI, of Lunj^toft's Chronicle, (vol. 53.) p. 680, pnya of this, that it was " botli printed and published without my kiU'wlcdgc and privily, nor, indeed, had I hand in any of the editions, excepting in the 2nd edit, of the Ist vol., and tho Ist edit, of the 2nd vol." A former proprietor, from Bowycr's Anecdotes, has noted on fly loaf, '"Mr. P. Moraiit revised, corrected, and made large ad." " LXXVI, LXXVII. [Leland.] Commcntariide ScriptoribusBritannioisauctore Joanne Lelauilo Loniiiiiate ; ex Autographe, nunc pri- mus ediilit Antonius Hall, A.M. Coil. Reg. Oxon. Socius. 2 vols. Oxonii, 1709. Vol. 1. Dodicatio, Pra-fiitio (3 leaves) Vita Auetoris, Testimonia. (4 It'ijves) Loliuidi Commontarii, p, l-SB,"). " 2. Lelaudi Commontarii p. 257-481!. Index and Index Cogno- minuni, (also,) Index Soriptorum ;\ Lolandi Ihudatorum' (witli) Exjihrnntio Vocuiu Geographicum ad Britanniam spoctantium. N.B. Those Volumes are probably included in the aeries of Ilearne'* Works, because they may make tho Collection of Lelaud's Works complete, including what lloarne has himself pub- lished. " LXXVIII, LXXIX. Nicolai Trivdi, (Dominicani.) Annalea Sex Regum Ang- liae, e codico Glastoniensi nunc primum emendate edidit Ant, Hall, Oxonii, 1719. N. Triveti Annaliom Continuatin ; ut ct Adami Murimuthensis Chronicon, cum ejusdcm Continuatione ; accedunt, Joannis Ros- toni Speculum Coenobitarum, ot Edmundi Roltoni Hypercritica, omnia nunc prim\.9 edidit o MSS. Ant. Hall, Oxonii, 1722. (The two vols, were not pub- lisheil as vol. and 2nd.) ij V 1 1 i^'fiii 370 IITSTOIIT OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IHELAND. • '.'•i" nk i'f •i Hearne, Tliouma. Works and Ilintorical C'olk'Ctions — (Continued). Di'dientii), IViBt'itio, (4 Iciivca,) Ti'titimoDiii (ie Vitu ct Scriptis N Trivoti, (8 Iciivcs,) Aiiuiiles, p. 1-:U7. Iiult'x. Dedicutio, Prait'iitio, (a leaves,) TeBtimimiii, A. Muremuth, et J. Bos- ton, (2 leiiveg,) Treviti Aniialium Cuiitinuiuio, p. 1 — 29. A. Mure- iiHitli, Ohniiiicoii [etj CVnitinuntio, (1302— 13S(),) p. 30—152, j_ Dostoni .Spt'culiiiii, p. 153 — Ht2. K. liulton, IIy])ei'oritica; or a Rule (if Juil;;oint'iit for wiitiug or rending our IliBtorys, delivered by occai-'iiiu of ini Epistle prefixed by Sir II. Siivile, to Lis edition nf some of our oldc^'t Historians, p. 193 — 214. ludex. Vol. LXXX. Vindication of tlioso who take the Oath of Alioijiance to his pre- sent Majostio from Perjurie, InjiLStico, and Disloyaltie charged upon thein, &c. In a letter to a Non-Juror, Printed, 1731. Another Title piven is, "The Oath of AUegianec vindicated by Mr. Ileavne, now a Noii-Juror." The Discourse "To the Reader," is reinarkablo for its notices of the eom-se of Life, mass of writiuffs and I'uhliciUions, indiseietions, and mistakes of Ilearne. The I'refiiec, allhdugh profes.sedly an npulogy, is a powerful Satire. The editor must be surely one who was complying with the new Allo;;iaiiec. N'.T!. A note, in vul. 81, p. i., says, — The Preface was by the Rev. Mr. r.ilst..n. " LXXXI. Impart iiil Memorials of the life nrul \vritini;s of Thomas Hearno M. A., by several hand-*, [his portrait is inserted in the titlo.] Lonilon, 173fi. This verse is appended to the portrait ; Hearnins ))ehold I in eb set cbise y jieiit. Of sober Face, with learned Dust besprent ; To future Ages will his Duhicss hist. Who hath preserv'd the Duliii'ss of tlip past. '• LXXXII. A Cataloijiie of the vniiialih! library of lliat i^ antiquarian Mr. Thomas Iloanie of ()\loni, and of aiiotlu'r gentleman of note,— consisting of a L're:it variety nf uiieommon hooks, and scarce ever to be iriet withal, &('., wliicli will beuin to be sold very cheap, the lowest price marked iti (iacli book, at T. Osborne's shop in fJray's Inn, on Monday, I6lli day of Febmaiy, 173,5-G. The eatabigue in small pilot, extends ti. l<,t(i ]iiiges. The uuniber of books named is fnH'i. " Among [wldeh, as the title annouaces] are a very large, curious, and valuable rollection of Old Tracts, and scarce Pamphlets, i,'reat uumtiers relating to the ParliamoDtarv Ali'airs of (treat Britain and Irelande, The Histories of Frauce, Italv. S|i:iin. Germany, Muscovy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Aiia, Africa and Anieiien." Bound up with the above, is: A Catalogue of tlie library of the Rev. Dr. Ilrett, consisting of several tiiousand volumes in most Languages and Faculties, in excellent condition, all (Jilt or Letter'd, which will bo sold very cheap, the price mark'd in each FJook, on Weilnesday the iOth of April, at Tho. Woodman's, Bookseller at ramden's Uead, next door to Horace's Head, iu NewRoundCourt in the Strand. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 371 Hearne, Thomas. Works nnd Historical Collections — (Continued). TliiB cntnlogiie extends to 37 pngcii. The number of books 111."} Dr. Brett "was a learned, pious, and iudefutigable Author." [1C67- 1743.] A clergyronu of tbo Church of England and a Non-Juror. Vol. LXXXIII,LXVXIV. Tlio Lives of those eminent antiquaries John Leland, Thomas Ilearno, and Anthony A Wood ; with an authentick acqount of tliCir respective Writings and Publications, from Original Papers ; in which are occasionally inserted Memoirs relating to many eminent Persons, and various parts of Literature. '2 vols. Oxford , 177i2. Vol. 1. Tart. I, The Life of J. Leland, in the reign of King Uonry VIIL, to which ia added; 1. The Ant'.ei - Treatise of Lclaud's New Year's Qyfto to King Uenr}', with the Commentaries of J. Bale, first printed in 1049 ; also, 2. A suininary account of the said J. Bale, aometimo Bishop of ussory. Part. II. The Life of Mr, Thomas Hearne, from his own Ji.S. copy: Catttlogus Opcrum T. Hoarnii. [Appendix.] No. II. Dr. Tanner's Lettor to contradict the report that Mr. Uearnc had died a Roman Catholic. No. III. The Lust Will, &c., ofT. Hearne. Vol. II The Life o( Anthony a Wood from 1632 to 1672, written by hinisell, and published by Mr. T. Hearne ; continued to the time of Ins death, from authonlic maturials, with notes; and several curious original papers, never before printed. Index— which specifies " many persons" uf tviiom notices occur. <• LXXXV. Acta Apostolorum grreco-latine, litteris majusculis. E codice Laudiano, characterilius unciliabus cxarnto, et in Bibliolheca Boillejana ad.SoTvato aescripsit ediditque T. Hoarnius, A. ^L Qui et Syrnbolum Apo,"^.. orum ex oodem codico subjunxit. [Large paper.] Oxonii, 17' >. PrR'fiitio, p. iii-vii. Enguiveu alphabets, latin and greek fac-siniiles of cha- racters of the MS. ''There are only 120 copies of this Book print- ed, all done on Royal Paper." Author's Advertisenietit, p. viii. It is of great nirity and value, and has brought £20 ut a sale. Reliquiae HearniansD : the Remaii.o c*" Thomas Hearne, M. A. of Edmund Hall, lieing extracts from his MS. Diaries. Collected, with a few notes, by Philip Bliss, Principal of St. Mary's Hall. Svo. Oxford, 1857. 872 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 1^^ 1 Waxburton, Acton. Hollo and his Race ; or, FootBtcps of tlit -^ormanB. ? vols. 12mo. Loudon, 1838. BrUt ■ J. CoUingwo'^d. The Bayeux Topestry elucidated. 4to. London, 1H50. Thierry, Aug. lliatoiro do la conqui'to de T \ngletorre par lea Normands, do ses causes et do ses suites jusqu'a nos jours. Oo Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Voir Diz aiiB dV^tudea, du ni6mo auteur. — . History of the Conquest of England by the Normans ; its causes, and its consequeuces in England, Scotland, Ireland, and on the Continent ; translated by "W. Uazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1847. Bonneohose, M. Emile de. Les quatre conquetes do rAnglotcrre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Guillaume le oonqu6rant ; ou, TAngleterro sou-i les Normands. Ouvrago revu par M. Guizot. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Voir ilontfauflon, monumens do la nioiuircbie fr(iD5aise, Vol. 2. Voir aussi dans les Memoirs relalifa a rUiatoirc do France ; Viu de Guillaume le conqu^rant, Collection Guizot, Vol.29. I'rt'cis des guerrea entre la Franco ct I'Anglctcrrc, et lucmoires aur Dugue- seiin. Collection Pititot, Vid. 4 et 6. Henry II. Richard, John. The Hiatory of the Reign of Henry II, and Ilia Sons; from 1154 to 121G, in which the character of Thomas j\ Becket is vindicated, &c., by Joseph Boriugtou. 4to. Loudon, 1790. Vide, also, ITeariic'a Works, vol. 81. Hichard CcEUr-de-Lion. A History of the Life of Richard, King of England ; by O. P. R. James. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. B. Ant. Lib. ildward III, King of England. The Life of, with reflections on his political and military conduct. 8vo. London, 1734. [A Pamphlet, bound witii " The Fall of Buckingham."] Ed'ward the Blaok Prince. The History of the Life of, and of various events which occurred during the Reign of Edward III. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Eidouard III ct lea bourgeois de Calais ou les Anglais en France. Ouvrage revu par M. Guizot. 12ino. Paris, 1854 Brady, R. An introduction to the Old English History, in three Tracts : lat. An answer to Mr. Potyt's " Rights of the Commons asserted," and a book, called, Jani Anglorum Facios Nova. 2nd. An answer to a book, intituled, Argumentum Anti Normanicuni. The 3rd. A.n exact Hiatory of the succession of the Crown of England: together with an Appendix, containing several records, and a series o*" Parliaments, before and after the Conquest, to the end of the Reign of Henry III. ; and, a Glossary of "Words in our antient Records, Laws, &c. Folio. London, 1G84. I|M^'I:|! • HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAXD, A^ D IRELAND. 378 Tlie Appendix aht'ws the relation of the Cro>' '\ to ita tootnti. to have made (he basin lur boMi Civil and Military aervieeot thu Crown. It iucludea a Statute I'ugulatin;:; " the auonciaion to ihoCrown of Scotland, made In 1378." Brady, Doctor R. A complete lliMtnry of England, from the first cjitrnnce ol'tho Romans, unto the end of tlio llci^n of Henry III,; a coutU nuation, containing the Lives and Tloigns of Edwards I., II. and III., and Iticliai-d II. 2 vols. I', li,,. London, 1085-1700. 'I'he Ist vol. is ilciluntcd to King Jaruia II. The geocral preface ahewa the derivation of the earl ■ forma of Oovernniert and of t'.io Law in the Land ; and a lav- ■ Appendix, contaluH n\any HapeM illuatratlvo of the same topics, and coni! raat< ' ihe Au.hoi'a version of the Uiatory, witli King wllh the M. S. ill Hcimut Oollego Library, tioBi those oth«r particulars of hia History, ilio 'Secular and Kcolesinatic Powers, between ; 01.; !\iieign AVors, theConquont of Ireland, ^ of fuct, often, indued, a translation from John's Great t lartr , Ac. The Author in his Tiz: "Thedlffei thoBarona and o tie, ;" all (lelivnroil ii. pi., the old Chronicles. The 2nd. vol. haa an " Appendix; " containkig many State Papers, which relate to the disoordfl of the King and the Burons, and the Wars of the £nglisb Id France ' of Iheeo a large number are in old French. TyrroU, -Tames. The general History of England, as well Ectlesiastical as Civil, from the earliest accounts of Time ; taken from the most antieut Records, Manuscripts and Histories, from tlie beginning of he Reign of William 1., to the end of the Reign of Richard II. 3 vola., bound in 5. Folio. London, 1G9G-17U4. As also, an Appendix, representing the most niaterial arguments and authoritict for iiud againttt the nnti(iuity of the ConimonB eunimoued to Parliament before the 49th Henry III; with a disquialtion whether Ihu Cuiumons had any other UeprcsontativcB in Parliament than the Tenants in Cipito before? The title of the Ist volume makes the final period of the History, "to the Reign of his present Majesty King William," but it did not proceed beyond Henry III. The Author, in his Preface, speaks of Doctor Urudy's History respect- fully, but adds that he " will difler from him, where the truth of our History as well as our uncieutLawB and Ounstiiutions will justify." The two Authors indeed were rivals. Vol. 1. I'oiitiiins alHu, a general liitn>duction (of great length) relating to the htute of Ooveniiueut and Law in the British and Anglo-Saxon Times. " 2. Has its own Preface, expluiiiing and vindic:iting Tyrrell's way of writing the History. Tho Introduction examines " the Title by Conqueat of William I." The case of the continuance, or abrogation, of the Anglo* Saxon Laws and uaoges. The case of succession to the Crown, and of exemptions of the Clergy, Ac. Vol. II. — Part 2nd. (bound, vol. 8,) has an Appendix, containing : " the several Charters of Liberties granted bj King's of the Norman Race," Ac " S. Part Ist, Preface : Introduction, designed to aciiuaint the reader " with alterations, or new institutions, in the Civil and Ecclesiastical Govero. ment," contemporary with the History. Vol. IIL, part 2nd. Th« History concluded ; the Appendix, with a prefiaee, which names the principal writers, of different viewa to the author, whom he controverta herein. Both Brady and Tyrrell uaed txcellent old Authors, of vkom they give often a critical account. I I 't-' 1 1-.. r ■,f'' mnm m ) •Hi ![;'• %^ i.% % IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 lis ' I.I 2.8 "^1 ui Km 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -^ 6" - ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV V ^ r^^' r ' * !.■ ' h' 1 374 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Piers Ploughman. The Vision and Creed of, — Edited from MS., with a Historical Introduction, Notes, and a GHossary, by T. Wright, P.S.A. Second and revised edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. " An important illustration of the Political History of our Country during the Fourteenth century." Preface. " A Religious Satire," in metre, -wherein " the vices of almost every Profession are attacked." Mirror for Magistrates. [In 5 Parts.] Eeprinted from the editions of 1578 and 1587. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. 2 vols, bound in 3. 4to. London, 1815. [A body of old English epic Poetry, illustrat- ing history.] Vol. 1. containing Part I., Trherein may bee scene by Examples parsed in this Realme, with how greevous Plagues, Vices are punished in great Princes and Magistrates, etc. ; by John Higgins. Part H. — The Fallea of the infortunate Princes of this lande; from the Conquest of Cffisar unto tne comyng of Duke William the Conqueror ; by Thomas Blener-hasset. " 2. Part in. — [" Legends from the Conquest."] The subjects are not all Princes, but of various Ranks. By Ferrers, Cavyll, Chaloner, Phaer, Baldwin, Skelton, Dolman, Sackville, Segar, Dingley, Churchyard, and Drayton, l^arts IV. and V. — by Richard Mccols. The 4th Part on various Princes. The 5th on " England's Eliza ; or the victorious and triumphant lleigne of that Virgin Empresse Elizabeth,Queene of England, France, and Ireland." ; Ellis, Sii- Henry. Sec. A. 6. Original Letters, illustrative of English His- tory; including Koyal Letters from Autographs, with Notes and Illustrations. Secord edition. First series : London, 1825 ; 3 vols. Second series : London, 1827 ; 4 vols. Third series : London, 1846 ; 4 vols. In all, 11 vols. 8vo. I. Series. — Vol. 1. Letters from the Reign of Henry V. to Henry VIII. " 2. Letters of the reign of Henry VIII. (continued.) Letters of the Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. " 3. Letters of the Reign of Elizabeth (continued.) Letters from the Reign of James I. to the reign of George I. 11. Series. — Vol. 1. Letters of the Reigns of Henry IV. and V. Letters of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII., and of Henry VIII. " 2. Letters of the Reign of Henry VIII. (continued.) Of the Reign of Edward VI. Of the Reigns of Mary and Elizabeth. " 8. Letters of the Reign of Elizabeth (continued.) Of the Reigns of James I. and Charles I., and during the Usurpation of Cromwell . " 4. Letters of the Reign of Charles II. and of the Reigns of James II., and William and Mary. IIL Series.— Vol. 1. Specimens of early Correspondence in England, [Latiu usually,] from William tlie Conqueror to Henry V, Letters from the Reign of Henry V. to Henry VII. Of the Reign of Henry VIII. Z!!!!::!:^'!:-™— ...™. are Ellis, Sir Henry. Original Letters Ac -(Cn .• .^ ., • f 5-^ of the Reign of Henry VIIT u ,• 8. LeUera of the Reign of Henrv vJi °" l''"^'^-) Re.gD8 of Edward VI and M ^ "^^'""*'^-^ O^the Elizabeth. ^""^ ^'''-y- Of the Reign of 4. Letters of the Rei^n of F1;,«k *i, , to Ca„<,e„ Society, gvo. Lo^tris"""'""- ^'°- f^ted Paston Letters. Original t *. ' -tailing „„„,. ouriou. i :r7'-f "' " ^"-'^'Z: 1849. ."-.byA.Ha^™,, 8,„. The Pbenix: or, a lie,i,.ai .p , rcraote,t ,„ti,uil, d„„^ ,„ "°'' """' """«W« piece., from ,!,„ E.pediti„„ „f hXV i„ %f * .°f A,i„„„urt, and rf .fc. Men at A™, ia „,„ E„:, , "'° '^""«» '" 1«5, The Bel, °, !,! Richard III. A8Duk„„,„, '■""■Ion, I833. -H.i..ed. 2v„^.'^;r"Si^^.^of B.„a„d, ,, c.„,.e w^po^'Sdotirorc^irM^A r "*'■■- -^ -^ H„.oe ttrtoric Doubts, or A„ !» ^ " """'"' '<> Mr. Wall?." Ar^,„, ,,; - ,^;^f-»Pt to eo-fute hi. frJl:^*' pH;i..« the tsrr ti^si-'-L'" ^f^-'» '-'■■ - lacluaive, and [eoncludins wHinT« ?•. '^"''* *° ^enrj Vllth 1852. ^eJ^arljBeformation. Svo. Loi^don, if J #. 'tv' I, -W 376 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Du^^dalo, Sir W. Afonasticon Anglicanum : a HiHtory of the Abbies and other Monasierieg, Hospitals, rri-irios, and Cuthedial and Collegiate Churches, with their dependencies, in England and ^t^ales ; also, of all such Scotch, Irish, and .bVench Monasteries, as were connected with Religious Houses in England : with an account of their respective foundations, Ac, and of their possessious., as well temporal as spiritual ; origincllj' published in Latin. Folio. G vols, bound in 8. London, 1849. A Reprint of "aNewEdiuoD, eariched with a large accession o? materials token from Lcigor Boolrs, Cliartularics, .loHs, und otLei- liociiraenta preserved in the National Aiohives, Public Libraries, Ac. The histoiy in EDglish of each 1 eUgions foiinilatiou being prefixed to its Latin charters, by J. Caley, Sir H Ellis, and the Rev. B. Bundinel. 1S12— 1880." Lower, M. A. The Chronicle of Battle Abbey from 1066 to 1176, now first translated, with notes, and an abstract of the subsequent history cf the establishment. Svo. London, 1854. Jooelin of Brakelond. Monastic and Social Life in the 12th century, as exemplified in the Chronicles of, from 1173 to 1262, translated with notes, &c , by T. E. Tomlius. Svo. London, 1844. (Bound with Stow's London.) Old England: A Pictorial Museum of Kegal, Ecclesiastical, Baronial, Municipal, and Popular Antiquities. (C Knight.) 2 vols. Folio. London, 1844. Posbrooke, T. D. British Monachism ; or, Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England : [also,] of Ancient Pilgrims, Hermits, &c., with select Poems. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1843. Vide, also, Wright on the Sujipression of Monasteries in England. Ackermann, R. History of the Abbey Church of St. Peters, Westminster; its antiquities nnd mo, its,. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1812. Britton, John. The history u. . >.nti(]uitie8 of the Cathedral Church of Salis- bury, with engravings of that edifice ; also, etchings of tlie monu- ments and sculpturf, including lliographical anecdotes of the Bishops, &c., connected with the church. Tlie history and antiquities of the See and Cutiiedral Cimrdi of Winchester, with engravings and Bio- graphical am cdott's of the Bishops, &c. The history and antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich, with engravings and biographical anecdotes of the Bishops, &c. The history and antiqui- ties of the Metro|>olitical Church of York, with engravings and bio- graphical anecdotes of the Archbiiihops. 4vols.ini. 4to. London, 1814-19. — — The history and antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Litchfield, with engravings and biographical anecdotes oi the Bishops of Litchfield and Coventry. The history and antiquities of the Cathedra] Church of Oxford, with engravings and biographical anecdotes of the Bishops, etc ThTiT'^'^'''''^'''''''''^^ Metropolitical Church of Canterbury ^T' ""' "'"^'J"'''^* «f ^he cal anecdotes of the Archbishops, &c J ^"^'•''vings and bicgraphi- tbe Cathedral Church of WeJ s t,, " '".^'^^^ "'"^ -.i.ultie! of anecdotes of the ilishops of Ba h Ind Tn""'' ""' biographical London, 1820-24. ""'^ ^^^^-^- 4 vols, in i ..„ Britton, John. The historv ? ' The historj and antiquities of ,L Vuu *"^''''^°«e« of the Bishons Peterborough, .ith en^ra;i:g 1 X^' :^^ Cathedra. Chu:?hT; connected with the establishnfen ' ^hf^^' '^'''''^ of persons Abbey and Cathedral Church of Gin ^ ^""^ ""tiquities of the b.ographicai anecdotes. 3 JXf^lTY''' ^"^^^^^^^ -d '^''le history and ««♦;„ •.• -London, 1826-36 ci-oh of Bristol. witTi;:: ;ra::t^ ^^^^^ --^ ^-^^^-i persons connected with the esfablihfne" 'T.^^'^^-' «-edotea of of he Cathedral Church of Herefor " L T' '"*°^^«"d -^iquities cal anecdotes. The history and an ' '"S'-«^"'gs and biographi of Worcester, with engravings 1"": S'; ''^'^^ ^-hedral Jht, graphical anecdotes. The his ory l''^''''':"''^ 'description and bio- Church of Lincoln, with en Cf "t;/;;?"'''- of the Cathed a, ennnent persons connected whh fh '"^^''^Pbical anecdotes of h'story and antiquities of Bath ThH n! ^''^^''^ ^^"^^b' The anecdotes of persons interred in b^T .T'' ""^ '^'"^-P" ea * Ep'taphs. in which its principal J„„ ^^''' """^ »»" i'^««ay on An Historical and Ar^hite u JCt^-""""^''^"^ ^^ ^-''e^ i^-stol, illustrated, with an ace unt "f ^ '"^ ^" ^^"^'>ffe Church, persons interred within its walls l^' '^ "^""'"-"^ '^ -edotes o acer of T. Chatterton. 3 vols. i'„ 1 ' 4" /^ "" «'"« '>^e and ehar- The Architectural Anf! •.'• I' °' '813-1825. ;^ Views, elevations, p,:: ^:zf^:r^^'^^-^^ --•- Enghsh edifices, with historical and "^ ert ' '^ '' ^^"«"« -eient J-J- o. containing a chronological h^torl „ T ,? "''"""*« «<' e«ch. fan Architecture. 5 vols. |,o 7 ^^ '""«»''«"on8 of Chris- you. Treats on tLc Prio y Chu ch ^n" "' ^807-1826. .< ir T, bury Abbey, Colchester Ca.tle and oti.. \.^''"''"> 18- Malmes "• ^'•'f »» Stewkley Ohuroh ; St J^ T' '^^J^"' '^o'* briefly. ton; Henry VII. Chapel .Id prLe.H 1^ ' ^t. Peters, No^thamp. cbitecture .-• in whicL class "1^1"'^ " '^''""' '''""""'' ^^• I'-e Hall. Holland House, ui'^^^""^^ End. Hen- House. Wollaton HalJ. Ac. ' ° ^""•S*' E«ut Basham Z I (1* ' I 1. i V 'i'i -I I - I s ''.i-fi'":! I h ' •; Am, 378 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. vr,:l Britton, John. Tho Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain — (Continued). Vol. IlL Treats on Ciistio Acre Priory Church, Collegiate Church, MnneLester; Wttlthnin Abbey Church, Hedinghain Castle, St. George's CLiipel Windsor ; lluslyu Chapel, St. Nicholas and Kcd Mouut Chapels, Lviin ■ College Gate House. Bristol ; Abbey Gate House, Bury ; two Piiory Churches, St. James' Tower, Bury ; Norwich Cloisters, School's TowcM', Oxford ; Hound Church, Cambridge ; aud King's Collcee Chapel, and St. Mary's Porch, &c. " rV. Treats on Louth Cl)urch, the Beauchamp Chapel, Baifrcslon Cliurcb Wenlock Priory Church, Buildwas' Church, Lcndisfarne CliurcL Croylaud Abbey Church, AValsiugham Church, Tyuenioiith Priury Uostou Church, St. Petci's aud the Chapter House, Oxford; Kirstall and Glastonbury Abbeys ; Ludlow, Stoke Say, (Jonisborough, Bultou Tliornbury, Rochester, Oiistio Riding, Norwich, Caernarvon, Kcnil- worth and Warwiclc Castles, and Crosby Hall, Ac. This vol. has a list of dutes aud ages of the specimens contained in the Jth vol First period, to lluo, second period, 1100 lo 1250, third period 1260 to 1400, fourth pei'iod, HOu to 1600. '' V. Contents: of the Introduction of Christianity into Britain, the successive social state of the people, and the origin and history of Monacliisui, Chap. I. Of the terms used to denote the various styles of eccles- iastical architecture, with a brief analysis of the principal works on that subject, «tc. Chap. II. Of uncicut Christian Arohilccture in Britain; charucteris'tics of the periods of pointed Architecturt;. Chap. III. Descriptive accounts of Buildings, to illustrate the pro- gressive styles of Christian Architecture in Euglaud, with 86 engrav- ings, fonts, pinnacles, doorways, spandrels, etc. Piscinas, windows ground plans, etc.. are grouped in particular engravings. The Appeudi.x : No. 1. A list of Architects aud Founders of ancient buildings in ISiituin. No. 2. Chronological list of Ecclesinsticnl Edifices. No.."?. List of ArchitecturnI Monuments. Noe. 4 and 5. Lists of Pulpits and Fonts. No. 6. The Stone Crosses. No. 1. Glossary of Terins. Carlisle, Nicholas. An Account of the Conimisfion concerning Charities in England and Wales ; and an Illustration of several Old Customs and Words which occur in their Reports. 8vo. London, 1828. JEjd'waxds, H. A Collection of Old English Customs, and Curious Eequtsts and Charities ; from the Eeports made by the Commissioners for Charities. 12mo. London, lh42. Cabinet Pictures of English Life, [that] " Chaucer shows us," by J. Saunders. 12mo, London, 1845. Knighi's Library. S'TUtt, Joseph. Of the Dress and Habitrs of the People of England, from the establishment of the ISaxons to the present time. An Introduc- tion : of Ancient habits in use among Mankind, from the earliest time to the conclusion of the 7th century, with critical and explana- tory notes, by J. E. Planche, E. S. A. 2 vols. 4to. Loudon, 1842. Planoh6, J. E. History of British Costume, from the earliest period to the close of the 18th century. 12mo. London, 1847. Knigh's Lib. ' *W;f'i'i; illSTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 379 Hallam, Henry. The Constitutional Hiatoiy cf England, from the Acces- cession of lleiiry VII. to the death of George II. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1827. Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. Midcellaneous State papers, from 1501 to 1720. Henry Vil— George II. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1778. Vol. I. Preface, which tells, that " in these volumes" " the different modes and fashions of upwards of two centuries, are exhibited in regular sue- ce.sBion," contents Nob. 1 to 28. Papers and sets of piipers from 1501 — 1626, -with Appendix, mostly relating to affairs in England, in 1688, the year of the Spanish Invasion. Vol. IL No. 1 Lotiers of Charles I. No. 2. Papers relative to the Isle of Rhe Expedition. No. 3. About a Treaty with the Flemings. No. IV, Scotch Troubles. No. 6. Monmouth's Rebellion. No. 6. Parti- tion Treaty. No. 7. The Somers Pajjers. No. 8. The Treaty of Utrecht, g mi attempt to prove the perpetuity of the Fuiih in its Purity, through all tlio dark nges of Popery, tu the Reformation ; interspersed with civil history and remarks on Ecclesiastical historians : in seven Bocks." The history of England, during the Eeigns of the Eoynl House of Stuart ; wherein, are several original letters fiom Cliniles II., James II., Oliver Cromwell, &e., as also. Lord Saville's forg'd letter of invitation, which brought the Scots into England, (ltj40) — never before published : [withj some account of the liberties taken with Clarendon's hi.story before it came to the Press, <&c. I'olio. London, 1730 The history of England, during the Hcigus of William and jMary, Queen Aunc, and George 1.: being the t^cquil (f the reigns of the Stuarts. It contat-ir. a very exact account of the debates in Parliament, and shoi >■ 'tracts of remarkable jiolitical pieces, of [the] time; to set forth th designs ol the tniniiii? to our Constitution; [with] u vindication of the author, against the charge of partiality. Folio- London, 1735. The author finds " the Enemies of the Constituiion" from the beginning of his history, to be " those men — of a flaming zeal, for what [they] were pleased to call the Church." Ue finds, too, in the reputed " Rebellion" our " an- cestors' brave and necessary defence of their Religion and Liberty." Vid» the Dedication, p. iv., of the Ist. vol. To each vol., u Preface is attached; which is controversial on the subject of other histories of these times. Caiy, Robert, Earl of Monmouth. Memoirs written by himself, which exhibit a picture of Queen Elizabeth and King James I, ; and, Naunton's (Sir Eobert) Fragmenta Eegalia, being a history of Queen Elizabeth's Favourites, with explanatory annotations. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808. I ,,i~ ,■■•■4 , ■^-'J/t ; mvM* 882 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Wlnwood, Sir Hiilph. Mi'inoriiilH of nlVnir« of State in the lieigns of Qun Elizabeth iiiul Kinf? JumdB I. collected (chiefly) from the origi' aj piipera of Sir 11. Wiiiwood, Homeliino ono of the Seeretariea of Siate compreheiidiiig likewise the nefjotiationu of Sir II. Neville and otherB at tho Courts of Franco and Spain, and in Holland, Venice, &c, ; by E. Sawyer. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1725. ''These papers nre iligeMtod, in nn oxiict aurioB of time." Vol. I. I'apiTH Ifi'Jtl to !f>()2, the fiid of tlio Reign of Elizaboth. " II. Papt'M 1(103 to 1H(IH, 1 " III. P,ip«rsl«0«tol613,5'^'"'""''- '^"'B"- James I. Tho progresst;**, processions and ningnificent festivities of King James the First, his Consort, Family and Court : comprising 40 Masques and Entertainments, and 10 Civic Pageants ; original letters annotated lists of the peers, etc. who received honours of Kinu James; illustrated with notes by John Nichols F.S.A 4 vols. 4to. Loudon, 1828. The Court and times of; — A series of letters, giving a detail of the public transactions aiul events in Great Britain during thnt period, transcribed by T. Birch. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1849. Eliot, Sir John. Life,- ' ji/e Forstor'si British Statesmen, vol. 2. Cecil, Itobort. Earl of Salisbury. Life,- Vide Forster's B. Statesmen, vol. 5, D'Ewea, Sir Simonds. The autobiography and correspondence of, — during the reigns of James I, and Charles I. edited by J. 0. llalliwell. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1^45. An eminent nieiiilu'i' of pariiiunent, iliiriii^' tlio period. Tlie work contains much infoinuition on pailianuiitiiry luid gfiienil affairs. StrafTord, Earl of, Life. J'ide Forster's British Statesmen, vol. 2. Trial; T/rfc Kushworth's Historical Collections. Vol.8. Harris, William. Historical and critical account of the lives and writings of James I, and Charles I, and of the lives of O. Cromwell and Charleg II., from original writers andState papers. New edition, with alifeof the author, and a life of Hugh Peters. 5 vols. Svo. London, 181-t. Vaughan, Robert. The history of England under the House of Stuart, in- cluding the Commonwealth. A. D. 1G0;J— 1G88. 2 vols. 8to. London, 1840. Lihr. of U. Knowl. Vols. 21, 22. Hampden, .John. Some memorials of, — and of his party and his times, by Lord Nugent. Third edition revised, with a memoir of the writer. 12mo. London, 1854. His life, FeWe Forster's British Statesmen, vol.3. Macgregor, John. The history of tho British Empire, from the accession of James I, [to the end of the Protectorate of O. Cromwell.] — With a review of the progress of England from the Saxon Period to the year 1603. Vols. I, 2. Svo. London, 1852. iimni UI8T0RY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. ass Disraeli) Isaac. ('onimciitarioH ou tlio lAW' and Reign of rliurluB tlio First. New oditiun revincd by tlio autliur, uiid I'dited by Liit sun. 2 vuU, 8vo. London, 185 1. Charles I. Memoirs of King Charles, and of the Loyalists who aufl'ored in ills causo, witli portraits. 8vo. London, 1705. .- England's worthies, under whom all the civill and bloudy vvarres since lUli2 to lOlT are related, by John Vicars, [with his memoir.] 8vo. London, 1047. Iteprintid. London, 1845. Hutchinson, Colonel Governor of Nottingham Cahtle, Sic, The life of, — and the Sicgo of Lathom Ilonse. Vide Hiooiiaviiy. Cary Henry. Memorials of the groat Civil War in England, from 1046 to 1052; edited froii\ original letters in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. Hillier, Oeorgo. A Narrative of the attempted escapes of Charles I. from Carisbrook Castle, of his detention in the Isle of Wight from Nov. 1017, to *ho seizure of his person by the army in Nov. 1648, inclnd- ing the letters of the King to Col. Titus. 8vo. London, 1862. Nalson, John. A Collection of the ad'airs of State, from the Scotch llebellion in lOyO, to the murthur of King Charles, wherein the series of troubles in England, Scotland, and Ireland are faithfully represented 2 vols. Folio. London, 1082-83. Charles I. I'be Workes of King Charles the Martyr : with, a collection of l)i'cli\rutii>nr'. Treaties, and other I'lipers, concerning the differences betwixt his said Majesty, and his two Houses of Parliament [Title of Vol. I — Vol. 11. has this added ;] clearly manifesting the Justice of his Cause ; ids Sineeritie in Religion ; His constant Endeavours for Pence. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1GG2. Vol, I, hna a accoinl title, as follows: — " Tlio Workcs of King Charles L, Defender of the Faith ; with the History of his Life : as, hIho. Ills Triall and Martyrdonie." In tliis voUin.e occnrs '' Eikon Basilikc, — Papers concerning Church Clovern- nient, — Prayers, &c." Eikon Basilike: The Pourtraictnre of His sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings. 8vo. (London, 1048.) Reprinted, 1824. (Wordsworth, Christopher.) " Who wrote Eikon Busilike ?" considered and answered, by — . London, 1824, King Charles the First, the Author of Icon Basilikd furthur proved, in reply to the Objections of Dr. Lingard, Mr. Todd, Mr. Broughton, the Edinburgh Review, and .Mr. (lailaro. Cambridge, 1828. Documentary Supple- ment [to the fiist pi(-ci- ) including recently discovered Letters and Papers. 1 vol. 8vi) (Mackintosh, Sir James.) Of the authorship of Eikon Basi- like. Vide his Works, vol. 1. • *■:. mt ^'^{y A >»T ^' k' ri'liwwnHIr' It ^ f- : 884 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Milton, John. Answer to EikoD Baiiilike. Vide bia Worki, vol. H. "Pro Poptilo Anglicono DefenHio," and four other pieces relating tg it. I'idr iiis Works, \ol. 0. The same, in English. Viiie his Works, vol. 6. Ludlovr, Kdmuiid. Memoirs.— with u collection of Original Papers to con- firm important passoges, [olso, containing :] The Case ot King Charles I. Folio. London, 1751. The King's Caao U: — An Appeal concorning lilaTryiil in the High Court of Jui- tico, being, What waw intended to have l)oon dollvored at the Har, if the King had put himaolf upon a fair Trynl : Witli un Opinion concerning tho Death of Jamei I., the Loss of Kucliel, and tho liiood of Irolaml, by John Coolc." Maseres, Francis. Select Tracts relating to the Civil War« of England in the reign of King Charles I. 2 parts bound in 2 vols. Svo. London, 1815. 1. May> Breviary of tlie Mstory of the Parliament. 2. Lilly's Obuervationa on the Life and Death of King Charles I. 8. Lord Hoilifl'g Memoirs from 1)141 to 1648. 4. Sir J. Dcrklcy's Memoirs of his Negotiation for restoring King Charles I. 6. Major Huntingdon's Reasons to lay down liis Commission. 6. Short Memorials of Lord Fairfnx, by himself. '7. Uobbos. lliDtory of England. 1640tol600. 8. Remark.') on some piiAHagcs of the' foregoing History, which appear erroneous. V. The Interest of England stated. " Thuuglit to have been written by Jobu Fell." 10. Dr. Price [Chaplain to tho Duke of Albemarle]. The Mystery, itc\ of His Majesty's Restoration laid open. Lives of John Pym and John Hampden. Vide Forster's British States- men, vol. 3. Sir Harry Vane and Henry Marten l/'id., vol. 4. Vidf also, Johnson's Memoir-i of John Selden. Rush"WOrth, John. Historical Collections, [witli] the Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford. Second edition. 8 vols Folio. London, 1721. Part 1. — Vol. I. Of passages of Stale, matters in Law, proceedings in five Parliaments, Anno lfil8 to Anno 1629. " 2. — " II, IIF. Of the principal matters from the dissolution of the Parliament, 1629, until the suramonini^ of another, 1640, quickly dissolved, [and of a 2nd Parliament before the end of tlio year,] with some remarkable passages, in and out of Parliament. " 3. — " IV, V. Of tho principal matters from tlio Meeting of the Parliament, Nov. 3, 1640, to the end of the year 1644 ; wherein is an account of the rise and progress of the Civil War to that period. " 4. — " VI, VII. Ofthe principal mattersfroin the beginning of 1645, to the death of King Charles, 1648 ; with account of the Civil War to that period. " VIIL The Tryal of Earl of StrafTord, Lord Lieut, of Ireland ; upon an impeach- ment by the Commons, begun 22nd of March, 1640, and continued until loth of May, 1641; shewing the form of Parliamentary Proceedings in an Impeachment of Treason, [with] account of some other matters, trans- acted in Parliament, and some arguments relating to a Bill of Attainder' '■:■*>■ ■ 1 ^i^^ •■■A'' ■* HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 385 Fairfax Oorrespondenoe. MomoirH of the Eeign of Charles the First, (1025-1012,) cditoil by (K\V. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Momorittls of the Civil War; comprising the concluding volumes of tho Correspondence of the Family of Fairfax, with PersonngOH tsngagcd in that Contest ; now first published, edited by Kobert Bell. 2 vuIh. 8vo. London, 1849. Mr. Jolmaon proflxos to the Hemntri of Clmrlog I., — an Iligtorlcal and Bio^^rsplil- cal Memoir of the Fairfiix fmiiily. Mr. liell (lotaiU the Correapondenco, fVoni 1048 to 1670, giving altorwards a col- IflOtloD of " Miacdilancuus Letter*," which, although geuurally not later than noo — yet are Bometiiiioii of a later date ; and one ia aa latu ua 17t)'2. A per- lunal nnrrntivo ol Mr. Hurrison, (time of the Civil War) ; nml, " Tlio Iiu- pouvhnient of the Malignants," reprinted from the original publiahcd 1647, mu also given. Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. History of tho Kebeilion and civil wars in England. 3 vols, in tl. 8vo. Oxford, 1807. (Vol. 1st. notuni* form.) Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. State Papers colic ' d by, — commencing from tho year 1021 ; containing tiie materials from whieh the History of tho Great Kebeilion was composed, and the authorities on which tho triitli of his relation is founded. 3 vols. Folio- Oxford, 1707, 1773, 17H0. 'I'lie proliice, Vol. 1., siija, tluit " Papers of u private nature are rejected from publication," but they are the aulijuct of "u aoparate Index." "The Papers lire iliapoBed according to llicir respective dates." "Tninslationa of Spanish auu Italian Pupera are aubjoiiiod," but not of " Latin or French." Vol. 1. " The Piipera in ihi) present volume, relate chiefly to Foreign Transac- tious," 'lilting 16'JI-16S7. The Appendix has Papers relating to the Spanish match. " II. Tlu! sole F.ditor o( this volume, Doctor R. Serope, (one ot two engaged in editing the Ist vol,) mjuIi's llie Title, sinply "State Papers," disal- lowing the rttiitenient made :>. 'he tir.-■ n Ihi!- j. . ■ V'.* ., 386 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IllELAlfD. Guizot, ^I. History of the Euglisli Kevolution of 1G40 ; from the AccesHJon of Charles I, to his death ; tniuslatcd by W. Ilazlitt. 8vo. London 1851. — ^— Histoire de la republiquo d'Auglcten-e et de Cromwell, 1649- 1658. 8vo. Paris, 1855. History of Oliver Cromwell and the English C(,mn.on-«calth from the Execution of Charles I, to the Deatli of Cromwell ; trans- lated by A. It. Seoble. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1854. Portraits politiques des honimes dee diflere;, ., partis parlemen- taires, cavaliers, republicains, uivelleurs. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Monk. Chute de la republique et retablissement de la nionar- chie en Angleterre, en IGGO. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Godwin, William. History of tin- Commonwealth, from its commencement to the Eestoratiou of Charles 11 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1827, Oliver Cromwell. Liter.-e Scnatus Anglicani; nee non Cromwellii, ,S.c. Scriptiim D. Protcctoris, atqiie Sententia Consilii Sui, editum. Vide Milton's AVorks, vol. 7. — The same, in English, vol. 8. — — ^— Letters and Speeches of, — with elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Life of; — vide Forster's British Statesmen, vols, 6 7, .*: = Chasles, Philarote. Olivier Cromwell, sa vie privoc ct sa correspondance. 12ino. Paris, 1847. Noble, Mark. Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell, frcm an early period to the present time, (vol. 1 ) Memoirs of several Persons and Families, allied to, or, descended from the Protectorate House ; a (.'aialogue of Persons raised to Honors by the Cromwells, .tc, (vol. 2.) 2 vols. Svo. Birmingham, 1784. The Lives of the English Kegicides, and other Commissioners of the pretended High Court of Justice appointed to sit in Judg- ment upon King < 'liarles I. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1798. [Miscellanies.] Collection of Papers, found in the study of the late M. of H[alifax.] 8vo. London, 17(t3. Among them are the Commission of " General" given to Slcnls; and secret transac- tions, (lone for Chiirles I. Whitelocke, Bulstrodc, Memorials of English Affairs, from the beginning of the Eeign of King Charles I, to King Charles 11, his happy Eestoratiou. !Mew edition, ^\ith additions, &c. Folio. London, 1732. Ld. Commissioner. A Joinial of the Swedish Ambassy, 1653- 54, from the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with original Papers. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1772. inikA.i.; ) HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 387 Thurloe, John. A collectiou of the State Papers of J. Thurloc, Secretary [first] to the Council of State, and afterwards to the Two Protectors, Oliver and Richard Cromwell, containing authentic Memorials of the English AiTairs, from 1G38 to the Restoration of King Charles II. Including also. Original Letters and Papers communicated by the ArchbishcLp of Canterbury, the Earl of Shelburu, etc., to which is prefixed, Tlie Life of Mr. Thurloe, and an Index to each volume. 7 vols. Folio. London, 1742. The collection contains, besides, letters from high Sttite personages in England, to and from English Embassadors, etc., to Foreign States, letters from the leading English Commanders by land and sea, from the Lord Deputies of Ireland, from the Governors of English Plantations in America ; intercepted letters, and hitters of secret intelligence from all parts; papers regarding plots ; Parliamentary Papei's ; Treaties, Memorials, etc. ; Financial Accounts, various proposals made to Oovernment, etc. Carte, Thomas. A collection of original Letters and Papers, concerning the afi'airs of England, from the year IG-ll to IGGO ; found among tlie Duke of Ormond's Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1739. Evelyn, Tf hn. Diary and Correspondence of, 1 1631 — 1G74.] The private correspondence between Charles I, and Sir Edward Nicolas, and between Sir Edward Hyde and Sir Richard Browne ; edited from the original MSS. by AV. Bray. New edition, revised and enlarged. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. The Diary begins 1620 and ends 1706, " Letters of Mrs. Evelyn," are also included. Brodie, George. History of the British Empire, froni the Accession of Charles I, to the Restoration ; and an Examination of Mr. Hume's Statements relative to the character of the Euglii?? "I ! • ;i HH f <; .' Ellis' Correspondence. Letters written during 1686-87-88, addressed to John Ellis, Esq., comprising many particulars of the Revolution Anecdotes, &c. Edited, with Notes, by the Hon. Gr. A. Ellis. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1829. Maoaulay, T. B. The History of England, from the Accession of James IL Vols. L to IV., [to 1697.] 4 vols. Svo. London, 1850-55. Histolre d' Angleterre. Vol. 1 et 2, traduite de I'anglais par le baron Jules de Peyronnet. Svo. Paris, 185.S. Mackintosh, Sir James. Of the Causes of the Revolution of 1688, vide h'\s Works, Vol. 2. Ward, R. Plumer. An Historical Essay on the real character, &c., of the Revolution of 168H, in which the opinions of IMiickintosh, Price, Hal- lam, Fox, Lord John Russell, Blackstone, Burke, and Locke, the Trial of Lord John Russell, and the merits of Sidney, are critically con- sidered. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1838. Dahlmann, F. E. The History of the English Revolution, translated from the German, by H. E. Lloyd. 8vo. London. 1844. Begiuuing -with the History of '• the Tuilor.s, 1485," to the flight of James II., 1688. Welwood, James. Memoirs of Transactions in England, for the lust Hun- dred years preceding the Revolution, in 1688. Second edition. Svo. London, 1700. Clarendon, Henry, Earl of. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, during the reign of James II. The State Letters of,— and his Diary, 1687-90, from thy originals. 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1763. Aa Historical Preface gives many particulars of the first Earl, his Fathei'. An Appendix contaius, Abp. Sancroft's Papers regarding James Ilnd's. em- broilment with the Church of England, and the University of Oxford. Burton, Richard. The History of the House of Orange ; of his Majesty's own Heroic Actions till the late Revolution, with the History of William and Mary, from their Majestys' happy Accession to this time, [1693.] New edition, 4to. London, 1814:. William III. The Life and Times of William III., King of England, and Stadtholder of Holland ; by the Hon. Arthur Trevor. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1835. Grimblot, Paul. Letters of William III., and Louis XIV., and of their Min- isters ; illustrative of the Domestic and Foreign Politics of England, from the Peace of Ryswick to the Accession of Philip V., of Spain, 1697 to 1700 J edited by Grimblot. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1S48. Vernon, John, Secretary of Stale. Letters, illustrative of the reign of William IIL, [and after] from 1696 to 1708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury, by J. Vernon ; edited by G. P. R. James. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1841. if - i. i ,! ^ HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 391 Ralph, James. History of England during tlie Keigns of K. William, Q, Anne, and K. George 1, with a review of the Reigns of the Royal Brothers, Charles and James, in •which are to be found the seeds of the Eevolution. 2 vols, folio. London, 1744-4G. Vide, also, Old- mixou's History of Will, and Mury and to George I. Marohmont, Earls of. A selection from the Papers of the, — illustrative of events, from 1G85 to 1750 ; edited, wilh an historical preface, by Sir G. H. Rose. 3 vols. 8vu. London, 1831. Carstares. State Papers and Letters, [1689 — 1711,] addressed to William Carstares, (confidential Secretary to K. William, afterwards Princi- pal of the University of Edinburgh,) leliting to the Public Afl'airs of Great Britain, but more particularly in Scotland ; to which is prefixed the Life of Mr. Carstares, (from the originals) ; by Joseph M'Cor- niick. 4to. Edinburgh, 1774. With "Sliort memoirs of the Statesmen, wbogo Letters are contniued in this collection," from a MS. Tlie Duke of Argyle, Cockburn, Earl of Oxford, the Jolmstoiis, E. of Marclimout, Ogilvy, Lord Scaficld, Karl of Portland, L. Adv. Sir J. Stuart, itc, are among the writerB. Talbot, Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury. Private and original correspondence of [10S9-1708,] with King William, the leaders of the Whig Party, (fcc, illustrated with Narratives Historical and Biographical, from Family Papers ; by William Coxe. 4to. London, 1821. Tlie Correspondence, besides that with William III, is with Adm. Russell, Visct. Oiilway, Earls of Portland, Jersey, Sunderland, and Orford, Sir Joseph Williamson, Lords Soniers, Wharton, and Montaj^ue. Lexington, llobort Sutton, Lord. The Lexington Papers ; or some ac- count of the Courts of London and Vienna at the conclusion of the 17th century, from the olUcial aud private correspondence of Lord Lexington, Minister at Vienna, 1G94 — 1698 ; edited, with notes, by the Hon. H. Manners Sutton 8vo. London, 1851. The Book also contains " his Letters during bis residence at Madrid," 1712-18, and " Extracts from the Dutch Minister at Vienna's Journal, in the years '• 1688-9." Be Foe, Daniel. History of the Union between England and Scotland, with considerations of a like Union between this country and Ireland ; and a life of De Foe, by Chalmers. 4to. London, 1786. Union of England and Scotland. Report to Secretary of State, by the Keeper of the State Piiper Office, in 1779, on the circumstances which produced the Union ; on its eftects upon the interests of both King- doms; and on the Political and Commercial influence of Great Britain in Europe : with an Appendix of curious and important papers, including, tiu; English and Scottish Border Laws, &c. 3 vols Svo. This work was not published, but only printed for the use of GoTernment. It is now rarely met with. i^.ia;:,' llH;il \ .».v'- ■ :|'--':i:Si m ■■m-mm, r I'fl IMi&H r'sl i m i i 1 |i El- liJ /-!# ■ 'K'- I ♦' ; 892 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND lEELAND. BoUngbroke, Henry St. John, Viact. Letters and Correspondence, public and private, during the time he was Secretary of State to Queen Aane with State Papers, Notes, and a translation of the Foreign Letters 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1798 Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of. Memoirs of, and of the Court of Queen Anne ; by Mrs. A. T. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Private correspondence of,— Illustra- tive of the Court and Tim^s of Queen Anne ; her sketches and opinions of her contemporaries, and the select correspondence of her husband. I'^ecoud edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Harvey, John, Lord. Memoirs of the Reign of George II, from his Acces- sion to the Death of Queen Caroline ; edited by J. W. Croker. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 Walpole, Horace. Reminiscences of the Courts of George I and II, vide his Letters (Miscellaneous). 6 vols. 8vo. .Memoirs of tht' Reign of George II, edited with a pre- face and notes, by the late Lord Holland. fl751 to the death of the King). 3 vols. Svo. London, 1846. George II, and his Queen Caroling. Memoirs of the Court and Times of, — including letters of the most celebrated persons of the time to Viscountess Sundou, Jlistress of the Robes, exhibiting much History, not mentioned by our Historians. Published from the Originals, by Mr <. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Coxe, William. Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, with original Correspondence and Papers. 8 vols, 4to. Loudon, 1798 Vol. L Meiiii)ii8. Vol II. CorrespoiideDee, 1700 to 1730. Vol. III. Corres- pondence, 1730 to 1745. — — — Memoirs of the Administration of Henry Pelham, collected from the Family Papers, &c. [1743 to 1754 ] (Posthumous publication.) 2 vols. 4to. Loudon, 1829. Mahon, Lord. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713-1783 7 vols. Svo. London, 1853-4. Historical Register, Vide HisToar of Edbopb. Annual Register, from 1768 to tha present time, Vide Hjstobt of Eubofi. Doding^on, G. Bubb. Baron of Melcombe-Regis. The diary of,— from March 8, 1748-9 to February 6, 1761, with Papera referred to in the Diary, by H. P. Wyndham. Svo. London, 1784. Waldegrave, James Earl of, and Governor to the Prince of Wales, after- wards George III. Memoirs, from 1754 to 1758, 4to. London, 1821. IlISTOKY OP ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 393 Chamberlayne, John. The present state of Great Britain ; with divers re- miirka upon the ancient state tliereof. Tiie 38th edition of the South part, — England : tlie 17th of the North part, — Scotland. To which is added, a catalogue of ofticea andolBcers, ecclesiastical, civil, military, &c. 8vo. Loudon, 1755. Chalmers, George. On the comparative stniigili of ISritain during the pre- sent and four precciling lleigns. Of the losses of lu-r trade from every War, &c. 8vo. 1786 In a vol.. lettered, " Estimate, 17Hb." Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of. Miscellaneous works of — to which are prefixed memoirs of his lii'e [1G9 1 — 1773. \ tending to illustrate the history of his time, by M. Maty. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1777. . The letters and works of, including letters and papers, now first published; and Speeches in the House of Lords, and in the Irish Parliament : edited, with notes, by Lord Mahon. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-53. Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. Anecdotes of the Life of, and of the princi- pal events of his time ; with his speeches in Parliament from 173G to 1778. Fifth edition. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1796. _ _ Correspondence of [1741, to 1778] pub- lished from original MSS. edited by the executors of his son John, Earl of Chatham. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1838-40. Grenville Papers : being the correspondence of llichard. Earl Temple, and the llight Hon. George Grenville, their friends and contemporaries ; from the original MSS. ; edited, with notr'S, by AV. J. Smith. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1852-53. " Tho cori'es|)()ndeiioo extuinl.s over a pe.-iod ul aion: ilian KO yems, coiiiineiitiiig ill 1742."— Preface, Bedford, Jolm, fourth Duke of. Correspondence, selected from the originals at Woburn, with an lutroductioti by Lord John liussell. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. "Authentic materiiilg for the illusi ration of the history of England from 1744 to 1770."— Introduction. Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl of. Diaries and correspondence; [17l)7- 1S09] containing an account of his Missions, at the Court of Madrid, to Frederick the Great, Catherine II. and at the Hague : and of his special Missions to Berlin, Brunswick, and the French Republic ; edit- ed by his grandson. Second edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1845. Buckingham and Chandos, the Duke of. Memoirs of the Court and Cabi- uets of George the Third ; from original family documents. • [1782- 1810.] 4 vols. Svo. London, 1853-55. Memoirs of the Court of England during tlie liegency, 1811 to 1820 ; from original family documents. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1856. * I* * fr M '•liir;-; t I*' \' ' 1 »< \'\ J? ' ( * CI ill llr i MM > ; ■•' f^ .J 1 r^ ^1 h^ P 'J ill 394 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. hi ■M! I I m S-W. P' i- , Soott, Sir Walter. Biographical memoir of George III. Vide his WorkB vol. 4. Adolphus, John. The history of England, from the Accession to the decease of King George the Third. Vols. I. to VII., [all published, 1760 — IHOt.] 8vo. London, 1840-45. Massey, William. A history of P^ngland, during the reign of George III Vol. I. [1715—1770.] 8vo. London, 1855. D'Arblay, Madame. Diary and letters ; [1778—1840.] With an intro- ductory memoir ; editudby her niece. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-46, She was keeper of the Robes to the Consort of Oeorge III., and the work it full of anecdotes, illustrative of life at the Court. Walpole, llorjiee, Earl of Orford. Letters, from 1735 to 1797, including many uowfirstt [jublished, to which is prefixed, his reminiscences of the Courts of George i. and II. ; and a sketch of the life of Walpole, by Lord Dover. Gvols. ^!vo. London, 1840. Tl\is series contains hU letters to Sir Horace Mann, 1741-1760. Letters to Sir Horace Mann, his Britannic Majesty's Resident at the Court of Florence, from 1760 to 1785. Concluding series. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Correspondence with the Rev. William Mason, (1763,-1797.) Edited, with notes, by the Eev J. Mitford. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory, from 1769 to 1797. Edited, with notes, by the Eight Hon. E. Vernon Smith, MP. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 Berry, Mary. England and France : a comparative view of the social con- dition of both countries, from the restoration of Charles II. to the pre- sent time. New edition. Svo. London, iS34. Rockingham, the Marquis of. [Twice Prime Minister.] Memoirs of— and his contemporaries, with original letters and documents. [1760—1782.] By George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Wraxlall, Sir N. W. Posthumous Memoirs of my own time. [1784—1789.] Second edition. 2 vols Svo. London, 1836. Burke, Right Hon. Edmund. Vide his collected Work^ ; also, BioBT, amd Law or PAaUAMBNT. m 890 HISTORY OP ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND lUELAND. i^'i |ij Wright, Thonms. England, under tlio Houbc of Hanover j its liistory and condition during the reigns of the three Gisorges, illui-'inUd from the Cftricatures and SutircHof theday. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1818 Gillray, .Tumoa. Historical and descriptive accountof the cnricatures of,~ comprising a political and iiumourous history of tiie latter purt of the reigu of George 111., by T. Wright and U. 11. Evans. 8vo. London, 1851. Hamilton, Lady Auuo. Secret history of tiic Court of Knglund, from tiie accession of George IIL to the death of George IV., including full particulars uf tlie death of the Priuce.><8 Charlotte, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1832. Gait, John. Diary, illustrative of the times of George IV., intersprrsed with original letters from the l.ito Queen Caroline, and other dis- tinguished persons ; edited by Golt. 4 vols. Hvo. London 1838-39. Croly, George. Personal history ol George IV., with anecdotes of dis- tinguished persons of the lutt 50 years. Second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Loudon, IS 11. liOBgdale, Hon. Charles. Memoirs pf Mrs. Filzherbert. with an account of her marriage with the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. 8vo. Loudon, 185G. Wright, G. N The life and reign of William IV. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Johnston) AVilliam. England n.s it is, politieiil, social, and industiinl, ju the middle of the nineteenth century. 2 vols. 12mo. London 1851. Sdiohelsen, Edwd. II. England: sine- the accession of Victoria; an his- toric il rcsum6 of the Par ianientary Proceedings, and the successive dc ve'opement of the country ; and an historical survey of the prin- ciples of Protection and Free Trade, propounded ; with statistical tables. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1854. . Wade, .Tohu. England's Greatness, its rise and progress in Government, Laws, &c. Svo. Loudon, l'-'57. Regnault, Elia^ Ilistoire criminelle du gouvernemont Anglais. Svo. Paris, 1841. Chasles, Philarete. Etudes sur I'Angleterre au 18e siecle. 2 vol. ]2mo. Paris, 184G. Reznusat, Ch. de. L'Angleterre au 18e siecle. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1856. La Gueronnidre. Les hommes d'Etat de I'Angleterre au 19e siecle. 12mo Paris, 1855. Doyle, Rychard. Manners and Cvstoms of ye Englyshe, drawn from ye Qvickby, — to which be added some extracts from Mr. Pips, hys diary^ contributed by Percivol Leigh. 2 vols. Oblong. London, 1849. HISTORY OP 8COTJ.AND. 897 Floquelmont, le Ote. de. Lord l^uhnurHtuu, I'Angleterre et le Coatinent* 8vo. Paris, 1852. Tapi6s. TjH Franco ot I'Angleterro, on statistiquo morale ot physiquo do la Friiueo comparoe i\ collo d' Angletcrro nur tons loa points anuloqucB. 8vo. Paris, 1845. IfougarSde de Fayet, Augusto. Lettrcs sur I'Angleterre ctsur la France. -Ivol. 8vo. Paris, 1840-1817. Creasy, K. S. The invasions and the projected invasions of England, from tlie Saxon times ; with remarks on the present emergenciis. 12mo. London, 1852. ■.%*V%».N->^*. HISTORY OF SCOT!, AND. Wilson, I)ani(!l. Tlio Archajology and I'ruliistoric Annals of Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1851. Ritson, Jont!|)li. Annals of the Caledoninns, Picts, and Scots ; and of Stratiii'lyde. Cumburland, Gallowiiy, and Murray. 2 vol,'*. Svo. Edinburgh, 1828. Pinkerton, John. Knijuiry into the History of Scotland, preceding the Reign of Malcolm III., (lOofJ) iniduding the authentic History of that period. NuwKilition. 2 vols. 8vo. I'Minbnrgii, 1814. This Kdition ini.'liidcs, also, " A Diddcrtutioii on tlio origin and progress of the SeytliiauB or Oothx " — Tiie History of Scotland, from the Accession of the House ot Stuart, to thnt of Mmy. willi Original Piipors. 2 vols. 4to. Lon- .l.m, 1707. Mario-Stuart. Son Histoire, par M. Mignot. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852. Mary, Queen of Scotland: History of,— by Mignet ; translated by A. R. Sooble. 2 vols. Svo. Loudon, 18.51. Lift! of, — rWo Strickland's Queens of Scotland, vols. ;<, 4, 6 and (5. • Lettres, Instructions, et Mt5moires de Mario Stuart, Heint! d'E"o-i*e ; jiublies sur les originaux, et aci;ompngn6s par le P Alexandre Lubanoff. d'uu ri'snuu': clirouologiciue 7 vol. Svo. Londros. IS-t't. Viik OUlinixou's History of Eii^laii'l. lemp. Henry VIII to Elizabeth, for '"A History of Mnry, Queen of Scots. .\lso, Raunier's Contributions on Queen Elizabeth, ami '^Iiiry, (Jiieen of Scots. Sadler's State P.ipers, vol 2, (Letters, Ac, concerniiip; Mary, Queen of Scots.) Brougham's Btntesmen, temp. Geo. III. First scries. ApijenJix IV. Tytler, P. F. History of Scotland, from Alexander TIT., [A D. 1149,] to James VI., 1603. Third edition. 7 vols, and Index. Svo. London, 1845. if^ i;i r4 1 - \\\ mi ' > (.8 I !i.f 4' 1 \ 'Am i 1 I i m I I I u . •1 J'' i , ilf ip J. I, '111* •>-• Hvi- ''^k \/' :i I i 396 UISIOBY OF SCOTLAND. Papiers d'Btat, pieces et douuinouU iui>ditH ou pen cotiuuM relutifH ik I'hig. toiro do I'KcogHO au l(5o sioele, tirtJB dos I)'blioth6que« ct deg archivos de France, ot publu's pour la Buiiuatyut (.'lub d'Edimbourg, par A. Toulot. 2 vol. 4to. I'ariM. Ridpath, Gforge. The Horder IlUtory of En;;]nnd oud Scotland, from tha earliest tiroes to the Union of the Two Crowns ; a detail of the trun- snctions of the Two Nations with one another ; accounts of remurkiible AntiquiticH, and Anecdotes of distinguished ('haracters ; revised and published by the Author's brother. 4to. London, 1810. Laing, Malcidm. The ^listory of Scotlanil, from the Union of Mr '1 wo * Vowng on the Accession of .lames VI. to the Throne of E" la • ; h< 1 njon of the Kingdoms, in the Reign of Anne j with .i '.)i*b jitation on the participation of Mury, Queen of Scots, in tho Mui .'i of Darnley. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1804. Holinshed. History of . Scotland ; i'j(/f the Parishes of the several Counties,] by the Ministers of tho i ^peitive I'arishes. 15 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845—1852. " A mniiiinient of the intolligcnc* of [the CI ^'y] and of [their] aried aud iiitiiiiitte ocquniiitftBce with the Affnirs, lustoiy, Coudition, iiml Resources of their Pnrishea." — From Report oh the Work, received bij the General Aisetnhlj/. Sinclair, Sir John. Analysis of the Statistical, 'count of Scotland; with a view of the History of that country, and Discussions on some branches of Political Economy. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Dawson, J. H. Statistical History of Scotland, abridged. 8vo. Edin- bourgh, 185.3. Billings, H. W. The Baronial and Ecclesiastical A tiquities of Scotland, an account of, — illustrated with many engravings. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1845—52. This work contains notioea of the history and nflluitie- of Scottish Architecture' Scott, AValter. The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland; — Of Ar- chitecture and Sculpture, and other vestiges ( f former ages : with incidents of Border History, Ac, and original P.ietry. 2 vols 4to. London, 1814. Anderson, George and Peter. Guide to the Highlands r. nd Islands of Scot- land, including Orkney and Zetland; also. Dirt tions for visiting the Lowlands of Scotland, with descriptive notices. Third edition. 12ino. Edinburgh, 1851. 4 r. •' .* i- i J u' '■> i i WiM 1 ^ ji til ■ft f! .. 400 HISTORY or IRELAND. Teignmouth, Lord. Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland, and of the Isle of Man, iind illustrative of the progresKive revolution in the economiciil, moral and social condition of the inliubitnnts. 2 vole, 12ino. London, 183G. I: r' h * HISTORY OF IRK LAND Wood, Thomas. Inquiry concerning the Primitive Inhabitants of Ireland illustrated by Ptolemy's Map. 8vo. London, 1821. O'Reilly, K. '^ Chronological account of Irish Writers, commencin'» with the earliest. Vide Literary History. Bki.i.ks Lettues. O'Connor's Chronicles of Eri ; bein<; the History of theGnnl Sciot Iber, or, the Irish People : from MSS. in th; Plnenician. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Tho omirso of this Ili^tory is prior to tlio Clii'i.stiaii Rca. D' Alton, .John. The History of Ireland, from the earliest period to the year 1245 ; when The Aimals of Hoyle, — th- running text Authority, teriniiuite : witli iin Ks.siiy on the Native .Vnnnlists, etc., and Nolicesof the Barony of Boyle. 2 vols. Sio. Dublin, 184.^. Four Masters. Ann.ils of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the, — from the earliest period, to the year UiKi ; eilited from MSS,, with a Tiausla- tion and co()iou3 Notes by J, O'Donovun, M.R.L.A. (5 vols, anil In- dex. 7 vols. 4to. Dublin, 1851. Holinshed. History of Ireland; vide, imXti EngJiuli Chruniclcs, pii^c SCIi. Stafford, I homas. Pnc:itu IIil)ernia, — Ireland appeased iind reduced ; or, a History of the Wnrs of [relnnd. in the lleitrn of Queen Eliziibeth. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, reprinteil, 1S21. Original edition. 1633. Davies, Sir J., Attniwi-y (JeuiM-Mli. A discovi rie of the true causes why Ire- land was never entirely brouglit umbu- ob ■dienci!, in. til iiis .Maiestie's [James L] linppie Hei^ne. [First edition, 1(512 j 12mo. London, 174"^. The vol. is lettered, "in-land, 1747." Moore, Thonuis, Ilisti ry of Inland, from the earliest limes, to the year 1G46. 4 vols. 12m(). Lmidon, 18;'.7. Carte, Thoina<. Tiie Ilistoy of James, Duke of Ormonde, from bis birth, in UilO. to his (bulb, ill Kiss, wherein is contained an account of .\tfairs, particularly of Ireland, nmler his Governtnent ; A Collection of Letters by his Grace, tiie King, &.c..,&.(^., .^^erving to verify the History. 3 vols. Folio. London, 17.'io-.'i(). Curry, .lolin. Historical and critic'al review of the Civil Wars in Ireland, from the Keign of Queen Elizabeth to the Settlement under King William ; with the state of the Irish Catholics, until the relaxation of the P.pery Lar/s, in 1778, from Records, &c. 2 voi«. 8vo. Dublin, I7s(;. HISTORY OF IRELAND. 401 Carey, ^^' Vindicia" Hibcrnicsn ; or, an attempt to expose a few of the errors and falsehoods respecting Ireland, in the Histories of May, Tem- ple, Whitelock, Borlase, Ilushworth, Clarendon, Cox, Carte, Leland, Warner, Ilume, &c., particularly in the Tales of the Massacre of 1641, 8vo. London, 1819. MuSgrave, Sir Richard. Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the Knj^lish : also, a detail of that of 1798 ; with the History of the Conspiracy which preceded it. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1802. Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798 ; with Memoirs of the Union, and Emniett's Insurrection in 1803. Third tdition. 8vo. London, 1852. Croker, T. Crofton. Researches in the South of Ireland, illustrative of the Scenery, Architectural Remains, and the Manners and Superstitions of the I'ea.santry ; with, A private Narrative of the Rebellion of 1798. 4to. London. 1824. Madden, R. R. The United Irishmen, their Lives and Times. 1st Series, 2 vols. ; 2nd Series, 2 vols. ; ',hd Series, 3 vols. 7 vols. 12mo. Dub- lin, 1842, 1843, 184G. Tone, Theobald Wolfe. Founder of the United Irish Society, l/ife of, — writ- ten by himself, and continued by his son ; with his political writings ; his mi.tsion to Erunce ; with a Diary of his Negotiations for the libera- tion of Ireland, &c. : editeil by hin son, [W. T. Wolfe Tone] with an account of his own Education, and Campaigns under Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1826. Vidf, also, Autobiography, vol. 19. Fitzgerald, Lord Edward. The Lif(i and Death of, — by Thomas Moore. 2 vols. 12mo. I.otuion, 1831. Holt, Joseph. General of the Irish Rebels, in 1798. Memoirs, edited from his original .M>SS., by T. Crofton Croker. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Sampson, William. An Irish exile. Memoirs, and adventures in various parts of Europe ; with an historical sketch of th'- IJritish connexion with Ire- land, &c. ; and au introduction on the of the Irish Insurrection of 1798: 12mo. London, 1832. Vide, Autobiography, vol. 33. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Historic Memoirs of Ireland; comprising Secret Records of tin; National Convention, the Kebellion, and the LTnion ; with delineations of the principal Characters connected with these transactions. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1833. Sketches of his own Time.". 12mo. New York 1853. i e'. ... .>.; ■.:■.]■)>■• u- and Derbyshire : — Devonshire and Dorsetshire;- Durhnui, Essex and Qlou« cesteishire ; — Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Heretordshlre,by E. W. Brayley and John Britton. Vol. VIII. Kent, by E. W. Brayley. Vol. IX. Lancashire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire by J. Britton. Vol. X. Mid- dlesex, with a full description of London, in 4 ])arts. Parts 1 and 2, by E. W. Brayley. Part 3, in 2 vr)l8., by J. Nightingale. Part 4„ by J. N. Brewer, Vol. XL Monmouthshire, Norfolk, and Northamptonshire by J. Evans and J. Britton. Vol. XII. (Part 1.) Northumberland and Nottinghamshire, by J. Hodgson, and F. C. Laird. Part 2. Oxfordshire and Rutlandsliireby J. N. Brewer. Vol. XIII. Parts 1 and 2. Shropshire^ Somersetshire, and Staffordshire, by J. Nightingale. Vol. XIV. Suffolk, Surrey, and Sussex, by F. Shoborl. Vol. XV. Parti. Wiltshire, by J- Biilton. Part 2. Wiltshire, (coticluded) Warwickshire, Westmoreland, and Worcestershire, by J. Britton, J. N, Brewer, J. Hodgson and F. C. Laird. Vol. XVI. Yorkshire, by J. Bigland. Vol. XVII. North Wales, by J. Evans. Vol. XVIII. South Wales, by T. llees. The Beauties of Scotland ; containing an account of the Agriculture. Commerce, Mines, and IManufacturea ; of the Population, Cities, Towns, etc., of each County, [by K. Forsyth.] 5 vols 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1805-8. The Beauties of Ireland : being delineations. Topographical, xlistorical, and Riograpliical of each County, by J. N. Brewer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825-6. The Land We Live in : a Pictorial and Literary Sketch Book of th*' British Kmpire, published by Charles Knight. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1817-49. London. A Survey of London written in the year 1598, by John Stow. New edition, edited by William J. Thoms. 8vo. London, 1842. The Microcosm of London: [R. Ackermann's] with coloured plates design- ed by liowlandson and Pugin. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1810. London : edited by Charles Knight, with many Illustrations. 6 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1841-44. The work is a collection of 160 Treatises, Historical as well as Topographical on Customs and Manners. Municipal Oovernment, Public Eoonomy, the Institutions of Trade, Education, Police, Charity, of the Fine Arts, and Public Amusements; by Saunders, Weir, Piatt, Craik, Dodd, Planche- Fairholt and others. 'i.: "!• ui^ -f-h i'lH ■:i'i 404 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. I®'- ■ 'i! V;^li Tr-"'. - ■ 'l^W'!.; ••:■% :\- New Survey of London : fully developing its Antiquitj', History, and Architecture, various Qiilleries of Arts, Parks, etc. Trade and Manu- factures, Government &c. and itn Geography, Geology, and Natural History : illustrated. 2 vols. 12nio. ( Weale.) London, 1853. Pictorial Hand-book of London, comprising its Antiquities, Architecture, Arts, Manufacture, Trade, and Institutions, Exhibitions, &c., with some account of the Suburbs, and a Map. 12mo. London, 18o4. Murray's Hand-Books. London, Past and Present, 1850. London in 1834. Both by P. Cunningham V. S. A. 2 vols. 12mo. Herbert, William. The History of the Twelve great Livery Companies of London. Compiled from their Hecords.with accounts of each Company its origin. Constitution, Government, Dress, Customs*, Halls, and Charities; including Notices of Metropolitan Trnde and Commerce as originally concentrated in those Societies, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1837. " Burn, J. H. Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coflfee-Honsc Tokens, current in the Seventeenth Century, presented to the Corporation Library, by IL B H, 15eaufoy. 8vn. liOndoD 1853. This wiiik t'ontnina niauy Autiijuariiin iiotiocs of Iin-alitics in Ldnddii. LovT, Sampson, junior. The Charities of London :— llenevolent, Educational and Religious ; their origin and desigTi, progress, &c. ]2mo. Lon- don, 1850. CornwaU. Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of, con- si-sting of Essays on tin? first Inhabitants, l>riiid Superstition, Cus- toms, and Remains of remote Antiquity in Britain, &c., exemplified by ifouuments now extant in Cornwall; with a Yocabuliiry of the Cornii-I'ritish Langu.ige, by W, T?(jilaso. Second edition, wi1li ndcli- tions. Folio. London, 1779. By tlie same Author. Tlie Natural History of Cornwall, &.c., Of the stones, ^fetals, Tin, and the manner 'f mining; the Con- stitution of tlie Stannaries, &.c., of Veget,'ibli\-<, rare Birds, Fishes, Quadrupeds, he. Of the Inhabitants, their IManners and Customs, Plays, Exercises, Festivals, Language, <^e. Folio. Oxford, 1758 Vide, nlsii, Collins' Rumbles beyond HuilwavB; or Notes in Cornwall in 1852. Devonshire. Collectanea Curiosa Antique Dunmonia ; or an Essay on some Druidical Remains in Devon, as also on its Ancient Camps, &c. Some Xumismatic Memoranda ; a list of Exeter trading Tokens, etc., by W. T. P. .Shortt. 8vo Exeter, 1811. Dorsetshire. The History and Anti(iiiities of the County of ^or^et : compil- ed from the best and most ancient Historians, &c., with a copy of Domesdav Book, and the Inquisitio GheUli for the County, with some pai'ticiilars of Natural History; by .lohn Hutchins. 2 vols., folio. Lon- don, 1774' II LOCAL AND COUNTY HISTORIES. 406 Essex. The History nnd Antiquities of the Coonty of Kssex, conipiletl from the, best and mnst iincient Ilistorinns, and brought down to the present time ; by Philip Morant, 2 vols., folio. London, 1768. Hereford. Coliectiona towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford, by John Diineunib. 2 vols. 4to. Lontion, 1804-1812. The 2ud vol. on the title page is called. Vol. II , Part 1st. It is all that was pub- lished, however, and contiiius 40 pages more than Lowndes finds by collation in the 2ii'l vol. Kent. I he History and Topoj^niphical Survey of tlie County of Kent ; con- taining ihii ancient and present .^tate of it, Civil nui] I'-celesinstical • collected from tln' Public llecords, Ac. ; by I'Mward Hasted. Second fdition. corrected and continued. 12 vols. 8vo. With Maps of the Hundreds. Folio Canterbury, i 797— 1801. Historical. Topi)<2;raphical, and descriptive a^'count of the Weald of Kent, by T. D. W. Dearn. 8vo. CrMubrook. 1814. Consuetudines Kaneia;. A history of Gavelkind and other remark- able Customs of the County of Kent, by Charles Sandys. 8vo. Lon- don. 18.51. Northampton. The History and Antiquities of the County of Northamp- ton; by George Haker. 2 vcds in I. Folio. London, 1822 — 1830, Surrey. The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey ; from the and most authentic Historians, kc, with a fac-simile copy of Domesday, by Rev. O. Manning, continued to the present time, by W. Brav, .} v(ds. Folio. London, 1804 — 1814. . — A topographical History of Surrey, by E. \V. Brayley, assisted by John Britton and E. W. Brayley, junior ; the geological section by Gideon Mantell : the illustrative department under the superintend- ence of T. Allom. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Robertson, David. A tour through the Isle of Man ; to which is subjoined a review of the ISlanks history. 8vo. London, 1794. Train, .loseph. An Historical and statistical account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times to the present date; with a view of its laws, customs, and superstitions. 2 vols. 8vo. Douglas, Isle of Man, 1815. Jacob, .Tohn. Annals of some of the British Norman isles, constituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey, from private MSS., public documents, &c. Part I., comprising the Casket Lighthouses, Alderuey, Sark, llerm, and Jethou, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Le Quesne, Charles. A constitutional history of Jersey, [from tne times of Xormau dominion.] 8vo. London, 185(5. Vide, also, ClmrloB II. in the Channel Jglanda, \>y S: E. Uogkiaa. TV*? •'[ 111 !;:{*':,. yM I 'I l|: -i'^ ■ -m 'i,i 'I sir •' It' ■. i^- i K^ 406 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. NAVAL AND MILITAET HISTORY OF GREAT BEITAIN. Charnook, John. Biogrnpliin Navalis ; or Impartial Memoirs of officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the present time. 6 Tols. 8vo. London, 1794-98. Brenton, E. Pelham. The Naval History of Great Britain from the year 1783 to 1736. A new an4 improved edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1837. James, William. The Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in 1793. A new edition, with additions and Notes, and an account of the Burmese War, and the Battle ot Navarino, by Capt. Chamier. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Vide, also, Ch.irnock, MnrBhall, and O'Byrne, collected Naval Biographies and Dlctiouaries, iu Bioohafut. Monson, Sir W. Tracts : I. Of the Englisli and Spanish Fleets during the War iu Queen Elizabeth's time, with remarks on the Actions,— II. Remarks on the Actions in the time of James I. — III. Particulars relating to the Office of Lord High Admiral, and of the Ministers and Officers under him. Vide Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 3. Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British Navy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. Curling, J. B. Some account of the ancient T'orps of Gentlemen-at-Ariiis. 8vo. London, 1850. Historical Records of the British Army, (prepared under the direc- tion of the Adjutant General) comprising the History of every Eegimeut in llir Maje-xty's Service. By Eichard Cannon. 8vo. London, v. d. [In the Parliamentary Library are the following Eegimental Histories.] viz; The Life Ouiinld. fnmi ita forination in 1660 to 1836. Second c ition. 1840. The Oxford Blues, from 1661 to 1846, by Eiinioi d Piicke, late Cnpt. 1847. The Oiildslreani Guiirds,— Origin [1650] uud services of, — by Col. MacKiunon. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 183y. The let, or the RfVal Dragoons, from its formiition, 1661 to 1839. London, 1837. The Ist, or King's Dragoon Guards, from the formation iu 1685 to 1836, London, 1837. The 2nd, or Royal North British Dragoons, commonly called The Scoti*' Greys, 1678 to 18S9. London, 1840. The 2nd, or Queen's Dragoon Guards: (Queen's Buys), from 1686 to 1837. London, 1837. The 8rd, or Prince of Wales' Dragoon Guards, from 1685 to 1833. London, 1838. The 3rd, or King's Own Light Dragoons, from 1685 to 1846. London, 1847, A Duplicate. The4tb, or Queen'* Own Dragoons, from 1686 to 1842. A Duplicate. London, 1843. It:;-;' NAVAL AND MILITAET HISTORY. 407 Historical Reoords of the British Army— (Continued). The 4th, or Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, from 1686 to 1888. London, 1889. The Sth, or PrinctiSB Charlotte of Wales' Dragoon Guards, from 1686 to 1888. London, 1839. The 6th, or Inniskilling Dragoons. 1689 to 1846. London, 1847, The 6th Dragoon Guards, or The Carabineers. 1686 to 1889. London, 1839. The 7th, or Princess Royal's Dragoon Guards. 1688 to 1839. London, 1889. The 7th, or Queen's Own Hussars. 1690 to 1842, London, 1842. The 8th, or King's Royal Irish Hussars. 1698 to 1843. London, 1844. The 9th, or Queen's Light Dragoons; — Lancers. 1715 to 1841. Loudon, 1841. The 10th, The Prince of Wales' own Hussars. 1715 to 1842. London, 1843. The 11th, or Prince Albert's Own Hussars. 1716 to 1842. London, 1848. A Duplicate. ' The 12th, or Prince of Wales' Lancers. 1715 to 1842. London, 1842. A. Duplicate. The 13th, Light Dragoons, 1715 to 1842. London, 1842. The 14th, or the King's Light Dragoi.ns. 1715 to 1846. London, 1847. A Duplicate. The 15th, or the King's Hussars. 1759 to 1841. London, 1841. The 16th, or tiie Queen's Lancers. 1769 to 1841. London, 1842. The 17th Light Dragoons, Lancers: 1759 to 1841. London. The Ist, or Royal Regiment of Foot, an account of its origin in the Reign of James YI. of Scotland, and of its subsequent services to 1846. London 1847. The 2uJ, or (Jueeu's Regiment of Foot 1661 to 1837. London, 1838. The Srd Regimsntof Foot, or The Buffs, formerly the Holland Regiment. 1572 to 1838. Loudon, 1839. Tlio 4th, or King's Own Regiment of Foot 1680 to 1839. London, 1839. The Sth KegiraeutofFoot.orNortliuraljerland Fusiliers. 1674 to 1837. London' 18S8. The 6th, or Royal Ist Warwickshire Regimemt of Foot. 1674 tolS38. London, 1639. The 7th Uegiment, or the Royal Fusiliers, 1685 to 1846, London, 1847. The Sth, or The King's Uegiment of Foot, 1685 to 1844. London, 1844, The 9th, or The Hast Norfolk Reglraent of Foit. 1085 to 1847. London, 1848. The 10th, or The North Lincolnsliiro Regiment of Foot. 1685 to 1847. London, 1847. The nth, or Tlic Noitli Devon Regiment of Foot. Ie85 to 1815. London, 1845. The 12th, or The Kast Suffolk Regiment of Foot. 1685 to 1847. Lond(pn, 1848, The 13th, First Siiniersot, or the Prince Albert's Regiment of light Infantry. 1085 to 1848. London, 1848. The 14th, or The Buckiughamehire Regiment of Foot. 1685 to 1845. London, 1845. The 15th, or Tlie Yorkshire East Riding Regiment of Foot. 1685 to 1848. London, 1848. Tlie 16th, or The Bedfordshire Regiment of Pdot 1688 to 1848. London, 1848. The I7tb, or The Leicestershire Regiment of Foot. 1688 to 1848. London, 1848. The 18th, or The Royal Irish Regiment of Foot. 1684 to 1848. London, 1848. The 19th, or The 1st Yorkshire North Riding Regiment of Foot. 1688 to 1848. London, 1848. Tbs 20th, or The Rest DoTomritir* Regiment of Foot^ 1688 to 1848. London, 1848. M i;-,*;l;:,:^^P ilia::!?! >i'' ■ ii --■' i,; - .■■ ■: -■■■■ '^ ■■':■' m y'B w; m-ii 1. h f » iSII ?■ * ..HUl^ 408 HISTORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IIIELAND. Historical Records of the British Army- (Continued). Tlio 21st, or The Royiil Nortli Britisli Fusiliurs. 1678 to 1849. London 1849 Tlio ':2uil, 01- Tlie Clieshiro llogimeut of Foot. 1089 to 1849. London, 1849 The 23rd, or The Roynl VVelali Fusiliers. 1689 to 18B0. Loudon, 1860. The 3l8t, or The liuntingdouahireRcgiineat of Foot, 17o2to 1880, to whicli Ishd. ponded, nuuccoiiut ofthu services of the Murine Corps Irom 1064 to 1748 ; the 30lli, 3l8t, and 32iid, Regiments hnviug been formed in 1702 n« Marine Corps and retained from 1714 as Regiments of Regular Infantry. London 1850. The 34th, or The Cumhorland Regiment of Foot. 1702 to 1844. Loudon, 1844. riie 30th, or The Herefordshire Regiment. 1701 to 1852. London, 1853, Tlie 39th, or The Dorsetsliiro Regiment of Foot. 1702 to 1H63. Londou,1853 The 42nd, or The Royal llighlnud Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the Fornmtion of six Companies of Highlanders in 1729; which were Regimented in 1739, and of their subsequent services to 1844 Loudon 1845 The 46lh, or 'J'he South Devonshire Regiment of Foot. 1741 to 1851. London 1851. The 53rd, or Tlio Shropsliire Regiment of Foot. 1755 to 1848. London, 1S49, The 56lh, or Tlio West Essex Regiment of Foot. 1755 to 1844. London, 1844. The Olst, or The South Oloucestershiro Regiment of Foot. 1768 to 1844. London, 1844. The 07th, or The South Hampshire Regiment of Foot. 1768 to 1849. Loudon, 1849. The 70th, or The Surrey Regiment of Foot. 1758 to 1848. London, 1849, The 7 Ist Regiment, — Higldand Light Infantry. 1777 to 1862. London, '1S53. The 72nd Regiment, — or the JJukc of Albany's Own Highlanders, 1778 to 1848, London, 1848. The 73rd Regiment, from the period of its being raised as the second liattaliou of the 42nd Highlanders, 1780 to 1851. London, 1851. The 74th Regiment, Highlanders. 1787 to 1850. London, 1850. The 86th or Royal County Down Regimcut of Foot. 1793 to 1842. Loudon, 1842 The 87th, or The Royal Irish Fusiliers. 1793 to 1853. London, 1853. The 88th Regiment of Foot, or Conuaught Rangers. 1793 tol837. London,1838. The 92nd Regiment, originally named, " The Gordon Highlanders" &o. 1794 to 1850. London, 1861. Wellington, Duke of. The Q-eneral Orders of Field Marshal the Duko of Wellington, in Portugal, Spain and France, from 1809 to 1814, and the Low Countries and France, in 1815 ; compiled from the volumes issued to the General and Staff Otlicers and OlUcers Commnuding Eegimenta in the above Campaigns ; by Lieut. Col. John Gurwood. 8vo. London, 1832. ■■ The Victories of Wellington and the British Armies. New edition, completed to he present time. 8vo. London, 1852. Bohn's lUustr. Lihr. East India Military Calendar : Containing the services of General and Field Officers of the Indian Army ; wath Biographical notices. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1823-26. Johns, Major, and Nicolas, Lieut. P. H. The Calendar of Victory : being a Eecord of British valour and conquest by Sea and Land, on every day in the year. Svo. London, 1855. niSTOIRE DE FRANCE. 409 HISTORY OF BRITISH COLONIES. Martin, R. M. History of the Colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Austrnl-asia, Africa, and Europe ; conipriaiug the Areo, Agriculture, Commerce, Manu- factures, &c, &c., of each Colony, with the Ciiartera and Seals : from the records of the Colonial Office. 8vo. London, 1843. The British Colonies ; their History, extent, condition, and resources. r> vols. Svo. Loudon, 1849 — 1855. Vol. I. British North America. II. Austral-asia : — Islaud Oontincnt. III. Islands iu the Southern Pacific, [Van Diemen's Islauil, New Zealand, &a. The Falkhmil Islands, the Auckland Islaudn, i&u.,] IV. British Poasessious in Africa : [also] iu the West Indies and iu Southern and Central America. V. British India ; its History, Topography, Governmeut, Military defence Finance, Commerce and stapio Commodities : with an exposition of it4 Social and Religious state. Ritchie, Leitch. History of the Oriental Nat'o:i3, chiefly Possessions of Great Britain, comprising India, China, Australia, South Africa, and her other dependencies iu the Eastern and Soutliern Seas; an account of their Religion, Laws, Manners and Customs, Commercial Resources itc 2 vols. 8vo. London, Isib. RMll a' [i I , I ji i;" (l>) niSTOlKK DE FU.\NCK. [Pour la gioi^riiphie do la France, voir I'i-apros la section CKotiinruiK kt voyaoks.] Thierry, Aniodec Histoire de.s G.iuh'i.- depuis l(;.s ti-mps h s plus recults jiisqu'^ la souiiiission eiitior.^ de la Guile u la domination rom.une, 3 vol. 8vo. I'ari.-s, 182S. Voir dans led Cliitiaiqu''8 latins K'- ci>iniuentairos de Jules Ci'sar, &c. Berlier. Precis liiftoriciuc de la Gnulc i-ou> la d-nnuaiion roiiiaine. 8vo. ParLs, iHlio. Courson, A. de. Histoire des peiiples bretons dans la Gaule et duns les Ilea britaiiniques. 2 \o\. 4tn. Paris, 1846. Fontenu, rAl)b6. Uissortatlona siir (pielques < am] s c >nnus en France tuous le noiu ee (amps de Cesar. A. I. ViL 10, 13 et 14. JoUois, M. Jlemoire sur les antiquitts roraaine-i et gallo-romaines de l^iric, conttnant la decouverte d'un cimiti.'re gallo-romain entre la Rue Blanche et la Rue de Clichy ; suivi dun ri'sumt3 statistique sur les antiquites trouvde.s en divers temps et en ditlerents lieux dans Paris, avtc vingt-troiB planches). N.I. (E. 2de s^rie.) Vol.1. B* ,1 ' -'' rill rt ' r, 5." ' it* I n 410 HI8T0IRB DE FRANCE. M^moires de I'Aoad^mie oeltique. 14 nos. en 5 vol. 8vo. Parii 1807. M^moires de la sool^t^ des Antiqualres de France. 10 tuI. 8vo. rails, 1817-1«31.— Nouvelle seiii-, 7 vol. «vo. Puris, 1835-1844. Fontenay, de. Miumel iii)8tl(|uc, pill' U, Albeit Lenoir. 4to. I'aris, 18&3. Stati!. L. Las.-us. Stiituaire et peiiiture sur inur par Aniaury Duval. Texte, dessins et 'itliographie par Didron. Folio. I'aris, 1842 et annoes -uiviintos. (Oitrraf/e len cours de p>iblicalio)i.) Monogniphio de I'l'tlijo Xotre-Danie de Noyon. Plans, coupes, elevations et d^. tails, levc's, iiiesurOs et dessim's par Daniel Rumie ; texte par M. ^■itet. 8vo. et atlas. Parij. Montfkuoon, Bemar 1 de. Le.s inonunientd de la monarchie fran5aise qui compreniient 1 lit'toire de Fraiice, avec les figurea de cliaque regne qua rinjure des temp'* a opargnees. 5 vol. Folio. Paris, 1729. Tome L Origine des Kran(ai8, et suite des roisjusqu'd Philippe L " n. CoiKiuiito de I'Anglcterre par (tuillaume, due de Norinandie. " III, IV, V. Suite des lois jiisiiiiVi Henri IV. Hugo, A. Hisioire goiicrale de France, illustrde par les monuin^'nts. 5 vol. Sv... Paris, 183G- 184.5. Lebas, M. Dictiouuairc encj clopedique do I'liistoiro de France. 12 vol. Paris, 183G. Ch^ruel, A. Dictionnaire historiqiie des institutions, nioeurs et coutumes de la Franco. 2 vol. 12nio. Paris, 1845. Patria. La France ancienne et nioderne, morale et materielle, ou collection eucyclopedique et statistique de tous les t'aits relatifs a I'histoire physique et intellectuclle de la France et de ses colonies. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Mezeray, E. F. de. Histoire de France depuis Pharamond jusqu'i main- tenant, onuvre enrichie de plusieurs belles et rares antiquites, etc. 3 vol. Folio. Paris, 1685. Henault, le fn'-sident A brege chronologiquc derhistoire de France depuis Clovis, jusquTi la mort f'e Louis XIV ; continue jusqu'aux evcne- ments de 18.30, par Michaud. Quatriome edition. 8vo. Paris, 1853. IIISTOIRE DE FRaSCE. Anquetil, L. P. Hiutoire do France dopuia le» trnips lea plu. i ■* jun- (|u'i\ la mort do Louis XVI; nouvollc odition, continuco jusqu'eu 1830, par M. Th. Burotto. 4 vol. 8vo. PariB, 1855. Miohelet, Jules. Histoiro do France. S vol. Hvo. I'nriH, 188;}-1854. Martin, Honri. Histoire do France, dopuis les temps los plus rcculcs jus- qu'en 1780, (ouvrnRO qui a obtenu le grand prix Oobert), nouvolle I'ditiou augiufuti'o dun nouveau travail sur los originoM iiationalcB. Vol. 1 a 7. Svo (on cours do publication.) I'ariM, 1855. Qabourd, Anu-doo. llititoiro do Franco, depuis lea origines gauloises jus- qu'a nos jours. Vol. 1 a '4. Svo. (on cours do publication.) Paris, 1855. Lavall^e, Tlu'opliilo. Histoiro dca Fraii<,'nis dopuis lo temps des Oaulois juscju'en 18!]0. 2 vol. 8vo., ornes do bO gravurea sur acier. Paris, 18-15. Bonnechose. Histoiro do France depuis rorigine jusqu'il nos jours. 2 vol. l'2nu). I'uris. Dixienio edition. Voltaire. Annnles do TKinpiro depuis Charlemagne. Voir lea 0)uvre8 de Voltaire, vol. 25. Chateaubriand. Analyse raisonneo de I'hiatoire de France. ToiV les oouTrea do Chateaubriand, vol. (5 et 7. Ranken, Alexander. Tho History of France, Civil and Military, Ecclesias- tical, Political, Literary, Commercial, &.e., from its Conquest by Clovis, A. D., 480, to the death of Louis XVI, A. D., 1793. 9 vols. Svo. London, 1801-1822. Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph, &o. ; or, " The Book of the Days of the Kings of France." [A. D. 613—1317,] etc. Vhfe " Oriental Transla- tions " in UiSTOiiY OF Asia. Crowe, E. E. Tho History of France, [from the earliest times to 1814.] 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1830- M. Stephen, Sir .Tames. Lectures on tlio History of France. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1851. Smedley, Edward. The History of France. (Part I), from A. D. 813, to A. D., 1529. Svo. London, lS3(i. Lib. U. Know., vol. '^3. Long, George. France and its Ituvolutions : a Pictorial History, 1789-1848. Svo. London, 1850. Pour I'histoiro docunientaire de la Frnnco, Voir les Ordonnances des Roii>, — lea Capitulaires, — les Rccueils de Trait^s, etc. Tooke, William. Tho Monarchy of France : its rise, progress, and fall. 8to. London, 1855. An Appendix contains, "The New Freach Calendar adjusted to the Old.' " An alphabetical list of the Deputies to the States Qeneral, with some " Biographical Notices." t\ ' 5 '- ' 'i ■ , * ■■ - I! ^'^il V''\ 1 i fM t \\ ':! 5 I y.' •' 'Jil wWi' ll' '■A '^ILi 412 HISTOIRK DK FRANCE. Qulnet, Edgar I'liilonophio de I'liiMtoiro do Frauco. Reiui^ d«t De^M Mondei, ler iiiiirM, 1H55. Thierry, Augmtin. Juttifn aiir I'liiHtoire iiiua do ce prince " VII. Coiitenaiit lo.s ncsti's dos fils ol pclita-flU de Louis Ic Dul)Oiinaire, avii" les capltulaircr' de Oliarlus lo Cbauvo. " VIII. Contenant co qui s'est passe depuis lo commencement du rt)jiic do Louis le Boguc jusqu'a la fin du ivj^iie de Louis V. " IX. ConteiiHiit CO qui rostait ii publicr dks monuments de In seconde race dcs rois de France, depuis Ic regno de Louis le Hegue jusqu'ii celui do llu- Rues Capet. [Co volume et lo euivunt soiit do J. 15. et Cli. Ilaudiquier.] " X. Dopuis Hugues Capet jusqu'a Henri I. " XL Uegiic de Henri I, Tpar Housseau, l'focie«j« el Poirier.) \m HISTCIRF, l)K FRANCE. 418 ' w Bouquet, H. Mnrt. Rociu'il (lf« hirttoiren ilia OauloH, etc, — (Contitiuatii)D), Vol. XII, XIII, XIV, XV et XVI. C'liiiictmiit fo qui n'v^i pimm' itouit li'« irula rt^giicH do Phllippo I., LomI< VI, «ii|i|)U''miiit«, lics notices ft ile» notcB, par (iuizoT. 31 vol. Hvo. I'ariH, 1S'J3 IHUr). Vul. I. Iiiliodcviioii, cDtiHidi't'iiliiiiiH Nur \v» Ciaiilulu, It'R Fikiich el Ivh Frao* iiiiin, i),ir Iti)iiidiii (li LifioriH.— Fingnimt do I'liUtoiie do Fmooe, piir Aiij^imto Tiognuii. " I. (hit.) (Jii'Koire do Tniirt", hUtoire dci Friinct, " II. Ori'goire do Toiiii (mite ot (in), fil'l — Frfd^gnire, (Ilironiquc, fi8;i-76S. — Vio do DuKoliiTl I, tli)',!-(J51. — Vio do Siiiiil-I,<''({er, tltlO-llSO.— Vio do Prpiii lu vii'iu, dit d.' I.iiiuloii, l'i2'2-76!i. '• III. Egiidiurd, — AiiimU'H (k8 diiiseuHiouH doH flU do Louis \r iJehonniiiro, 8M-81,'J. " IV, Ermold lu Noir, fuits ct gcstoH do Louis lo I'icux (le Di'honimirc,) pooiiio, 8U-8'J'.i. — lliiiviiiur ot iiuticg, Aiinalcs do Salnt-Ucrtiii, Tll-882.— Aiiiialo.< do Molz, 882-«0!t. " V. Kloduard, lliatoiro ile I'l'glige do Reliiia depuin hii fbndiition jui- fiu'oii 9-t9. •* VI, Abboii, lo Hirgo do I'liiirt pur loH Norniand.i, ptioinc 83B — 887. — Fl(idi)iit(l, Cluoiiiquo, 857-978.— Kiioul (llnbir, Cliroiiiiiue, 8-13 -104(1.— Ileliiiiud, Vio du roi Robert, 996-1031,— Adiilbcron, ovique do Liiou, poonin cfttiriipie, 1000. " VII. Oiloii, nidiiio do H:iiiil,.Mnur, Vio do Uouchard, comto do Mclun, 'J87-10,'U. — FnigiiioMt do I'liiHloiro dos I''riiiu;aiH, par uu uuo- iiynio, '.tSS-llOS. — Iliiguo.", moino do Floury, Cliroiiiqiio, 987- 11(18. — Pi-dcos-voibai du aiicro do Philippe I, 1059.— lluguoH de PoilieiK, llistoirc du niotiastiTO do Vezelai, 1140-1107. VIII, Sugor. j^ouia le-(Ji()H, Louis VII, Gallieit. " IX, (iuihort do Nogeiit. lliBloiro dca Croisades, " X, Guiliert do Nogcnt, sa vie par lui-momo — Vie do Saint Boinard, iilibo do ClairviiMx, otc. " XI. Rijiord ot (iuillauino lo Breton. — Vie do Philippe Auguste, " XII, (Iuillauino lo Hroton, Ha Philippide, pueme, '■ .\IH. OuilLuiuio do Nangi.i. — Chroniquo. " XIV. Pierre do Vaulx-Cornay.— Uistoiro de la guerre de3 Albigooia. " XV. lliatoiro do la guerre de< Albigcoia. - Quillaunio do Puy-Laurcna, llostea glorieu.\dc8 iVaii(,'oi8, Chruiiique do Simon do Montfort, " XVI, XVII ct XVIII, Gui laume i'.'> Tyr. Ui.-ioire Ucs Croisadea. " XIX. Bernard, le Tr. aoriir. Idem. f"'l :1 ¥■:•■ '*} 1 i I 414 HI.STOIRE DE FRANCE. •J' Collection des m^molres relatifs Ji I'histoire do France — (Continuation). VoL XX. Albert d'Aix. llistoire des CroisuJcs. " XXI. Raymond d'Agilcs. Idem. " XXII. Jacques de Vitry. Idem. " XXIII. lUoul de Caen. Tancr^de. — Robert le Moine, Histoire de la l(';rc croisadc. " XXIV. Foulchcr de Chartres, — Histoiru doa Croisades. — Odon do Deuil Croisados de Louis VII. " XXV— XXVIII. Ordoric Vital, Histoirc dos dues de Nonnaiidie. " XXIX. Guillaumu de Juuiii'go, Ilistoiio dcs Noriiuuids, jusqu'cn 1137.— Guillaumo de I'oitierfl, Vie di; Quillaume le ConqutTant, " XXX. Table dos mOmoires. Collection des Chroniques nationales fran9aises t'erites en langue vulgaire du 13e au IGo sioclo, avec uotea et I'elaircisaements, par J. A. BucuoN. 47 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826-29. Vil. I et II. Histoirc de I'einpirc de Oonstantinople, par Ducango. " III. Chronique de Oodefi'oy de Ville-IIardouin, et continuation dc Henri de alencieiioes. " IV Chronique grcc(juo anonynic do I'l'tablissenient des Fraujais en Slori'e. " V et VI Chrouiquedellnmon Muntauor(1206-1828,)trttduiteduCatalaD. " VII et VIII. Clironiques des royaux lignages. " IX. Chronique inetriquo de Godcfroy de I'nris, et tallies dcs bour- geois de Paris. " X. Vie do FroisriHrt, par Ln Curne de Ste Palaye. " XI a XXIV. Chroiii(iiics de Froissart. " XXV a XXXII. Chroiii(jues de Monstrelet. " XXXII otXXXIlI. Memoires do Jean Lofol-vre. " XXXIV. Chronique ot ])roei"'s do la PucoUe d'Orh'ans. "XXXVotXXXVI. lliMiinrqiR's i'lnoiii(|iu'-< do Matthiou do Coussy. " XX'.X Villi LX. M.''inniii.< do ,I:iO(]uo4 du C'.oro. — Journal d'un oourgoois de Paris. " XLT Chronique do Jaoq\ios de Lalain, par (i. Cliaslellaiu. " XLII ot XLIII. Ciironiquc dos Dues (le Bourgogne. (1404-1 179 J par G. Cbas- tollain, " XLFV a XLVII. Chroiu(pie8 do Joan Moliuet, [M74 a 1506]. Collection complete dcs mi'inoin-s relatifs a I'histoire de France, depuis le r6gne dt-Pliilip|ie-Aiijju.sfe jusqu'au commencement duXVIIe siecle; avec des notices siir ch!i(|iic- aiiteiir et des obs.'rvations our chaque ouvrage, par M. Pkiitot. 52 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. I. Disccnirs jiroliuiiiiairo par M. I'otitot, Aini^ — Avis sur rirreguia- rlto do I'linoioime orthognipho. — (loofroy de Vil!c-IIardouin_ — Do la coiviuole do Coiislniilinoplo. — Decadence de I'Era- piro Latin, II. Tableau du regno do St. Louis. — llisloire do St.Lnys, par Jean Sire do .Iiiinvilli'. III. Kxlraits dos niatnisorils iirabL's roiatifs au r^gne de St. Louis, tra- duits par Cardonno. — Disiortutions sur I'histoiro de Saint Lollys, par Du Can'j;p. Vol 11I&X0I11E DE FRANCE. 115 Collection complete des m^moires, etc. — (Continuation). Vol. IV-V. I'riicis dos guerrei eiUre la Franca ot I'Aiiglelerre dcpuis 1076 juaqu'a 1830, servant d'intruduutiun uux ni6muires sur Du Gui'sfliii, par M.A.l'etitot. Anciuns llemoirus du XlVe siecle' oil I'on upprendra li's iivcnturcs do Bortrand Du Guesclin, tiuduits par Lo Kebre. — Observations relatives aux m^nioire^ sur Du Gui'si'liii. „ V-VI. Le livre des t'liis et boiiucs nicBurs du Saj^e Roi Ciiarics V, par Ciiri.stine du I'iaan. — Obseivatioiis tiur I'luKtoiredu Roi Charles V. — Tnlilmiu du rcH;nu du Cliarlcs VI. i> VI- VII. Histuiro du umrcchiil du Boucicaut ; mise en lumiuro par Th. Godefroy — Mumoires de I'ierro du Funin. II VIII. Tabluau du luguu de Cburius VII. — Meinoirus concernant la rncuUu d'Orli'ans. — Supplement des miSmoircs sur Jeanne d'Arc. — lllsti>iru d'Artus III, duo de BretaKno, comte de Hiuhenidiit, mise en Uiiiiioru par Th. Godefroy. — Memoires rela- lit's a Floruiit, Sire d'llber.s. II IX. I'reuis du I'origino, des progre* et du la deoaduncu du la siconde luaison du Hmirf^ugne. I. X. Lui niomoirus d'Oliviur du Li Marcho. n XI. Munioins du Jaciiuus Du Cluruq. — Introduction aux mcffioires de I'hilijipu du l^uniiiius. XIII. M6moires du I'liilippu du Coininus. II XIV. Histoii-e du Louys XI, i>u uhroniciuosciindiilunse de Jean do Troves. Tiibleuu de ri'gnu du Cliarlus VllI — Mumoiru de Guilliiume de Villuneuvu, — Le I'iinugyriu dii Chevalier sans ruproulios, ou nu'inuiiusdu bv Tii''iniiiiilU>, par J. IJouchut. I. XV. Tabluau du ru^nu du Louis XII. — Trus-joyeusu , plaisanle et ruL'ii'auvu bistoiru du b.)n Cbuvabur sans paour et sans rc- prouubo, lu guntii SuiyMuur2. — Disuoiirs du Caspar du Colligny, snr lo si^ge de Saint-Qiiuntin. — Muinoire du voyage du Due de Guise un Italie, [15.J()-")7.] par M. du la Cliastre. — iloinoirus do Guillaumu du Uochuubniiait. " XXXIII. Mumoirus du Miehol dt- Castulnau. " XXXIV. M6inoires de Jean de Mergey.— Memoirus du Fran(,v>is de La None. — Mumoirus d'Acbillu GaniDn. — Mi'nioirui, de Juan I'liilippu. ' XXXV. Mumoirus du Vicoiutu du Turuniius — Mumoirus dus uhoses advunucs en Franco en guurru dupuis irifid jiisipi'i'i l,")'.t(i, par Guillaume do Sceaux, seignuur du Tavamius. mm 416 IIISTOIRE DE FRANCE. ^ '' ^ i*J"'l H' m in ■ * ' ; J f , '■ ■ n ■• i ifTrra Pi-.T •:v?l ; if A ~i -■ Collection des m^tnoires relatifs a IMiistoire de Trance — (Continuation). Vol. XXXVI. MOiiioircs de I'liilippo Uuniult, comte de Clieverny. — Momoires de Philippe lluriiult, Al)b(5 de Pontlevoy, Evoquo de Chartres. " XXXVII. MOnioircs de Marguerite de Vulois, Keine de France etde Navarre.— Meiniiires de .Jacques- Augiiste de Thou, depuis 1553 jusqu'en ;G(tl. " XXXVUl. MLiniiires de Jiviii ' lioisiiin.— Momoires vie Malhieu Merle, baron de Saliivcis. " XXXVIII-XLIU. CliruiiolDf^ie noveiinire, pur Palma Cayet, conteiiant I'liistoire de la guerre snus II -i IV. — Mi'moires de Jacques Pape, Seigneur de Saint Auliuii. " XLIV. Mdiniiires d'Kstat, p ir M. de Villeroy.— Momoires d« Due d'Angou- lesine. XLV-XLIX. Mt'inniros et Journal de Henri III, Henri IV et Louis XIII, par Pierre de I'Kstoile.— I'roc^s-verbal de Nicholas Paulin qui contient I'histoire de la Ligue [1585-158?. — Relation faito par Jacques Gilldt. — Mcmoires de CI. Groulard. — Memoireg de Michel d(! Marilliic. •• L-LI. Mom. lives de I'\>ntenay--Mureuil [1609-1G27]. " LII. Table generale et nnalytique des meraoirc& Collection des Memoires rolatifs A I'lilstoire de France, depuis I'avene- inout de Henri IV, jiisiju'a la paix de Paris, conclue en 17G3, avec des notices sur cliaque autetjr, et des observations sur cbaque oiivrage, par M. Pktito;-. 78 vol. Svo. Paris, 1S20. Tomes I-IX. Discours prcliminaires, par .M. Pctilot, ainc. — Introduclion aux (Kconnmics royaU's, — Memoires des sages et rcyales (Economies d'Ktat de Henri Ic Grand, pur Sully, [1571-1611.] — Testament dii Cardm il dr Uiclielieu.— Memoires. X-XI. Ilistuire (le lu iiiir.' .t .hi fils. — Succinole narration des graiules actions ilu roi Louis XIII. — Precis de I'histoire des Pro- vinres-Unios des Pays- Has, pur M. Laurent. XI XVI. Les negotiations du president Jeannin. — MCMuoires du Marcohal d'Estr.'i'B. XVI-XVII. Memoires sur l;i regence de Marie de Medicis, par Pontchartrin, [11)12-20.] XVIII-XXI. Memoires du Due de Kohan. et de IJassompierre. XXll-XXX. Memoires du Cardinal de Rcli.lieu [lClO-1638.] XXXI- XXXII. AU'miiircs de Gaston, due crorleans. — .\I(5moirc8 du Sieur de P.^ntis, [1599-1027. ]-Memoire8de Robert ArnauM d'Andilly, Xotico sur Port-Royal, par M. Petitot, airn'.— Memoires de l'.\lihe Aniauld. — Mi-ruoires de lu duchosse de Nemours, [I648.IG53.] XXXV, intrdductidns aiix memoires relatll's a la Fronde, par .M. Petitot, aine, XXXV-XXXVr. Memoires dn C( inte i!c Brienno [1C14-1601.] XXXVI-XL. Memoires d<' Madame de Motteville. — Portrait de la Heine Anne d'Antriehe. — Testament de la Rcine. XL-XLIII. .Memoires do Mademoiselle de Montpensier [1627.] XLIV-XLVL Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, [1048-49.] XLVII. Memoires de Guy July [1043-65.] — Memoires concernant le Cardinal de Retz, par CI. Joly. §•- w.t ■■'■f If! J-^ ■ Uhi ; UISTOIRE DE FRANCE. 417 Collection des mdmoires relatifs a I'histoire de France — (Continuation)^ XLVIII. Momoires dfi Vnlentiii Conrart, prpmier secretaire pcrpcituel de rncadomie francaise [1652..] — Memnirpsdii piSre Berlhod. XLIX-LI. MoiDoiips du Miirquis dc Muntglat, [1610-55.] LI. Mdmuires de la Ohiitre. LI-LII. Mcmoiros de La Rochefoucauld, [1630-52.] LII. Mt'imoires de J. II. de Gourville, [1649 97.] LIII-LVI. Mcinoircs de Pierre Lenet, [1649-,')0.] — M^moires du Comte de Montr6sor, [1632-37.]— Uelntion do Kontrailles. LV-LVL Mcmoires du Due du Guise, [1647-48.] LVl-LVII. Mc'inoire du Mnrtchal de Griitnmonr, [1604-'77.]— M^moires du Mareohal Du rie.«sis, [1627-71.] LVIII-LIX. McmoirrsdeM * » * [1643-90.]— Mcmoires de P. de La Porte. LX-LXIII. Mcmoires d'Omer Tulim. — Mcmoires pour servir h I'histoire de Louis XIV, par rAbb6 de LXIV. Mcmoires du Chevalier Temple, [1673-79.] — Ilistnire de Madame Ileurictte d'Angleterre, par Madame de Lafu}.ite. LXV. Mcmoires de la Cour de France pour Ics aiinces 1688 ct 1689, par Madame de Lafayette. — Mcmoires du Marquis de La Faro, [1673-93.] LXV et LXVI. M6moires du Martchal de Berwick, [1685-1734.— Souvenirs do Mudamo de Ciiylus. LXVII-LXVIIL Mcmoires du Marquis du Torcy, [1697-1710.] LXVIlI-LXXI. Mcmoires du M.ucclial de Villars, [1701-33.] LXXI-LXXIV. Mcmoires du Due de No>iille.-,, [1682-1755.] LXXlV-LXXV. Mcmoires du Comte ^'M }«i" '::r ;i . H 418 UISTOIRE DE FRANCE. Doouments relatifs a I'hiatoire de France — (Continuatiou). Richer, histoire de bou temps. 2 vol. Regiatrea do I'liotel-de-ville de Paris pendant la Fronde, 8 vol. Vie de Saint Louis ; par Le Naia do Tillemont. 6 vol. Journal historiqiio et anecdolique du r^gno de Louis XV ; par Barbicr. 3 vol. Bibliographie des Mazarinadea. 3 vol, Choix de Mazarinades. 2 vol. Compte de I'argenterie deu roia Jo France au quatorziiJine siicle, d'apr5s lc3 ma- uuscrita originaux. 1 vol. M6nioirea de Daniel de Coanac, Archoveque d'Aix. 2 vol. Journal d'un bourgeois dc Paris sous Frau(,'ois ler. Nouvelles lettres dc la reine de Navarro adreasues au roi FranQoia ler, sen frcire. M6iuoirca dc Mathieu .Molo. 2 vol. Histoire dea rognes de Charles VII, ct do Louis XI ; par Thomas Paain. ler vol, Annuaires historique", publies par la societe de I'Histoire de France de- puis 1837 jusqu'S nos jours. 20 vol. 18ino. Paris. Ce rccueil, outre lea notions qui so trouvent ordinaircnient dans lea calendriers, contientdivera travaux relatifs d I'liistoire. a la gfiographie, a la litturature, &c. dont lea litres suivnnts extraits, do In collection, donneront une id6d : Provinces et Pays dc la P^rance. Aun^'C 1837. Liste dc3 grands fiefs de la Couronne, Annce 1839. Notice surles pays d'Etats. Annuo 1852. Liste (Ics pairiea en France, Annee^lSSO. Parlcnients et Cours souveraines, Annue 183'.), Liste des Baillngeset Scuijchausstjes en France. Annte 1850. Divisions financi^Tos di- la France avant 1789. AnnOe 1840. Palais et inaisons des rois do Franco. Annte 1841. Liste alphabttique des cvftchos de l.i chritioiit^, anciens et modorncs. Annee 1844. Archuvuclu's et uvuchi'S de France. Annte 1838. Monastcres de France. Annee 1838. Topographic ecck'aiastiquc de la France jusqu'cn I7'.t0. Annees 1853, 1854. Liste chi'onologlque des pouverains de la Franco. Ann6e 1837. Gouvcrneinents dcpuis 1793. Annt''e 1844. Ciironologie dos f^tats Gcn(5raux, Annuo 1810. Liste des ministres de la justice, des affaires Otrangcres, do la marine, de la guerre, do I'lotcrieur, des finances, de la police, des cultes, du commerce et de rinsiructioM publique, depuis Francois ler. Anueo 1844. Listo des aniba3?adeurs et aulres agents politiques do la cour de Franco prJs les puissances ttraiigiTCSJusqu'eujuillet 1830. Annee 1850. Liste des ambassadeurs ct autres agents politiques des puissances ctrangercs en France. AnnOe 1850. Plenipotentiaires de la France ct autres puissances europeeunea dans lea congr^s ct les conferences tonus depuis le XVIe sieclc. Annee 1848. EphcmOrides de la revolution, de 1787 a 1804. Aunee 1842. Eplu'rudridos de riiistoire dc France, de 18o4ii 1842. Annee 1843. EveuoDicnts historlquea de Franco, avant 1789. Annee 1837. Evenemcnts hietori(iuca de France, depuis 1789. Ann<$e 1838. Chrouologio des pape?. Annee 1852, Liste dea archeveques et evcquea de France, Anneos 1845, 46, 47, 48, 49 et 51, ; 1 'I'^/fi'^- niSTOIRE DE FRANCE. 419 Collection des meilleures Dissertations, unticea et traites particuliers relatifa a I'liistoire de France, coniposee, en graiide partie, do pieces rares, ou qui n'ont jamais t>te publieea separeiiient; jjour scrvir a completer toutes les collections de memoires sur cette matierc. Par C. Leber, et autres. 20 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Vol, !• Originc dcs FraDjnis. — Origine do la numnrchie frim^iiise. 11 II. G^ogrftpliio de la France an temps dee RomaiDS tt sous lu prcmiiio et la seconde race. — Dca noms de lieux Frnn^'ais. •I III. Culte des Guulois, druidisme ; etabliBsemeDt de la religion cliritieune daus les Gaiiles; aiicieua liveques do Fiance; libertL de I'tglise galli- caue ; prugiiiaticiue-Banctiou ; concordat de Francois ler ; des Juifs ; police religieiise. II IV. Lois saliqiics ; ancienues coustitutioiis du royaunie; suuccssion du trune rt'gences. — Autoritt', pn'cniiiunec et litres de nos rois. 11 V. Oouveruenieut ancien ; etat des per.sonues. 11 \'I. Tltres, offices, digiiites. — Des dues, comtea, marquis, barous, etc. — Des priiicipaux officiors de la couroniie. — Vi'iialite des charges; pairie, niagistrature ; adniiiiistratioii de la justice sous les trois races; duels. •I VII. Du lx)urreau, de la basoche, etc. — Milice aDcieuuc, garde du roi ; standards eri de guerie, &c. — Revenu public; apanages ; uionnaiea- •' VIII. Soleuuitiis publiques, coutunies el usages iin-uux. — Origine des sobriquets. — Origines et variations de dllereuts usages siuguliers, pluisauts ou cu- rieux. — De I'origine di' 1 ui-iige de planter le inai. — Del'origine du pois- 80U d'avril. — Do I'lirigiue de I'usago de I'aire des soubaits en favour de ecux (lui ('teruuent 11 IX. Origines et vurialions des .._ ' :'■.,■ i i Is ' : ■^liyji; S ■ . ■ ^K-' p iL W': V m ill ' 1 wB^ .,■:'<■*• ■%. -t-i \ i- t V ■ * ; _ i 1 ,| •' .., ^il ■ill 11 H k PI W' ^' $ 'M ^S. , \$ * '^1 I 420 IIISTOIRE DE FRANCE. Archives curieuses de I'histoire de France, depuis Louis XI jusqu'J, Louia XVIH, ou collection de pieces lares et interessantes, telles que chroniques, niemoiros, pamphletB, Icttrea, vies, procea, teatamenta executiona, aieges, bataillea, niawaacrea, entrevuea, fetea, ceremonies fuuebrea, etc., etc., etc.; publioes d'apres lea textes conaervea a la bibliotheque royale, et aecoinpagnees do noticea et d'eclairciaaements' ouvrage destine a aervir de complement aux collections Guizot Buchon, Petitot et Leber ; par M. L. Cimbcr, et autrea peraonnea cmployeea a la bibliotheque royale. 27 vol. 8vo. En deux series. Paris, 1831 1840. Brequigny, IVt de. Table chrouoloi,'iqiie dea diploinea, chartea, titrea et actcs imprimea conceruant I'hiatoire de Prance. G vol. Polio. Paria, 17G9-1850 Tomes I et II. DipU'i.iies et Clmrtua de 142 a 1136. " III: 113 • " U37all7U. " IV, V, VI. (Paf M. Par.le.ssu^.) 1180 a 1270. — Diplomata, (Jliartic, Epistohe, Lege.s, aliaquo instru- nienta ad res gallo-t'raucicaa ai)octantia i)riua collecta a W. CC. De Brequigny et La Porte Du Tiieil, nunc nova ratione ordiuata, pluri- mumque aucta, jubonte ac niodorante aoadeniia inacriptionum et humaninrum litteraruni edidi't J. M. I'ardesaus. 2 vol. FoJio. Lntetiie Parisioruni, IS 13-19. Vnl. I. -117-027. Vol. II. 6i'8-7.'31. Diplomata et Chartae MerovingiaB a-tatia in arehivo Franciic aaservata. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Collection de Documents inedits sur I'tiistoire de Prance, piiblii'es par ordre du gouverncniont et piir lea soins du ministrc de rinstruction publique et dea cultea. 4tt>. •Clciiieuts lie P,ilLOf,'rapliio i)Oiir siTvir fi IV'tuilo (!■ s ilociiiiK'nts inrdita ,»iir I'liijtoire de rniiice, ])iit)lii'3 pnr ordre Sourdis, archuveqne de Bordeaux, cbof des coiiKcilg du roi en Tarmc'e iiavale, commandeur du Salnt-Esprit, pi'imat (I'Aquitiiiiie, etc., auninculee des ordres, instiuctioiis et lettres de Louis XIII et du canliiial de Richelieu a M. de Sourdis concernant lea opera- tions des floties fraiiyuisi'S de 1636 a 1642, et accouipagii^c d'un texto histo- rique, de notes et d'une introduction sur I'Otat do la marine en France sous le minist^re lea luaiiuscrits de la bibliotheque roy.ile, piiv A. Heniier Piii'l:-, 1834. Procus-verbaux dea Etats-Cleiu'iaux do France en 1593, recueillis par Auguste Bernard. Paiis 1842. Journal des Etats-Giuoiaux do France tonus o Tours en 1484, sous le regne de Charles VIII, redig6 en latin par Jehan Masselin, depute du Bailliage de Rouen, publiO et trailuit pour la premiere fnis sur les niar.uscrits inedits de la liibliotliequc du roi, par A. Bernier. Pari9, 1835. Lettres des roiti, relnes et autrett personnagei* des cours de Franco et d'Angleterre depuia Louis VII jii.s(iu'tl Henri IV, tirees des archives de Londrcs, par Bre- quigiiy, et publiees par Chainpollion-l'igeac. 2 vols. Paris, 1839-1845. Recueil des lettres nrssives de Henri IV, public jiar M Berger do Xivrey, mem- bre do I'lnstitut de France. 7 vol. Paris, 1843-1853. Lo livie do Joslic,' et de Plit, publie pour la premiere fois d'apri s le nianuscrit unique de In ivibliotlieque nationale, j)ar Rapetti, avee uu glossaire des mots horsd'usage, par (.'habaille. Paris, 1860. Documents liisloriques inedits tires des ccillectinna niaiuiacrites de la bibliotheque royulo et des archives on des bibliothequcs de.s depaitements. publics par ChampoUioii-Figoac. 4 vol. Paris, 1841-1848. Menioires militaires rolatifsa la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV, extraitsde la correspondance de la eour et des gencraux, par le lieutenant-general de Vault, directour du depot de la guerre, niort en 1"90 ; revus, publics et pre- c6.ies d'une iutroduetiou par lo lieuteuaut-giuurul Pelet. 8 vol. et atlas. Paris, 1861-1852. Negoeiations do la France, dans le Levant, on correspondMces, nu'inoirea et aetos diplonialiques des auibassadeurs a Constantinople, et des ninbassa- deurs envoyes ou residents ii divers litres ii Vi'uise, Ilngu^e, Rome, publics pour la premiere fois par Charriere. 3 vol. Paris, 1839. Negociations relatives a la succession d'Espague sous Louis XIV, ou corro-spon- dances, niemoires et aetos diplomatiquos concernant les pri teutious et Vavb- nemeut de la maison do Bourbon au trone d'Espagne, acconipagneca d'un texte liistoriquo et j)rec6dee8 d'une introduction, par M. Mignot. 4 vol, Paris, 1836--1842. 1 i/-!i;l Ihi .' ■ v; m- 422 UISTOIIIE DE FRANCE. ' i li ■ •*'!. '.■'. i'::ii . %;« f ;»;:■• ■* . ' Collection de documents in^dits, etc. — (Continuation). Ndgiioiiitidnstliplomatiqiieg cntrc la France ct I'Autriche, darant let trentenre niit!i'«'8 annees clu XVIe gitiele, publites par M. Le Olay, correepoiulant da rinstitut, coDservateiir <\es nrchivcB du dopartcmeut dii imrd. 2 vol. Paris 1846. N^gociiitions, lottrce et pi«5cPB diversos relatives nu regno de Franfjdig II tin'cs du iiortefetiillo |de S^bastieu do I'Aubcepiue, tvt'quc de Liniciges nnr Louis PAris. Puria, 1841. Leu Olim on arrets reiidus par In cour du r( i, emm lea regacs de SaiutLouia Philippe-le-Hardi, riiilip])ele-Bel, Louis-lo-Hucin, Pliilippe-le-Long. 4 voj Paris, 1839. Papiers d'Etatdu cardinal do OranTcUe, d'npiis Ics nianuscrits de lu bibliotbe- que de Boann^on, publics sous la direction do M. Ch. Weios. I3 vol. (0 publii'9.) Paris, 1841 et annecs auivantes. Lettres, inptruotions dii)lomutlfiuoa ct papicra d'Ktnt du cardinal de Richelieu rcinu'illis et pnblKis par M. Avencl. 5 vol. (1 publit'.) Paria, 1863. Paris sous Philippe-le-Bcl, d^iprus lea documents, origiiiau.x ct notamment d'apriia un niauuscrit cotitt'haut le role de la taille imposoo surlesliabit- • < de Paris en 1292, public'- pour la premiere fois par II. G^raud, elevc de I'ccolc lie Cbnrtres. Paris, 1837. Precis dcs Templiers, public par M, Micliclet. 2 vol. Paris, 1841-1851. Relations des ambassadcurs vc'niticns sur les afTaires de France au XVIe sieclo recueillics ct traduitcs par M. N. Toninssco. 2 vol. Paris, 1888. Rcglementa sur lea iirts ct ni(''ticr8'dc Paria, rcdigi'a au Xllle siiicle, et connug sous lo noin de livrc de? mctieis d'Etienne Boileau, publiu pour la promitire fois en cntier avco dea notea et uue introduction, par G. B. Dcpping. Paris 18B3. Hiatoire de la Croinade contre les herctiques Albigeoig, eerite en vers provcn- ^•aux par un pniHe cunteniporain, traduite et publice par if. de Fauriel. Paris, ISSr. (Euvres inc'ditca 'Abelard, par MM. Victor Couain. Paris, 1886. Les quatrc livrcs des rois, traduits en fran9Mi8 du Xlle sidcle, suivi d'uD fragment ilf moralitcs sur Job, etd'un elioix de sermons de Saint Bernard publics pit- M. Leroux de I iney. Paris, 1841. L'6claircii=aemcut de'lalanguo fran(aiMe, par Jean Palsgrave, suivi de la gram- mnire de Giles de Guez, publi^-s pour la premiere fois en France, par F. Genin. Paris, 1862. leonographie chrctienue — Histoire de Dieu, par .M. Didruu. 4t(). Paris, 1842. Comptes des d^penses de lu construction du chdteau dc Gnillon, publics d'aprt^s les rcgisties manuscrits des trisorieib du cardinal d'Aniboise, par M. Ach. Deville. 1vol. 4to , et un ntlas Fol'o. Paris, 1860. Architecture nionastique, par M. Albert Lenoir. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1852. Statiatique raonumentale de Paris, par Albert Lenoir. In-folio. Peintures a fresquc de Saint-Savin, di'partemcnt de la Vienue, teste par M. P. Merinice, dcssins par M. Gerard Scguin, lithographies en coulcur par M. Engelmann. 1 vol. in folio, et atlaa grand in-folio. Paris, 1844-1845. Monographic de la cathSdrale do Ohartrea. Architecture, sculpture d'oruement et peinturc sur verre, par J. B. Laesup, Statuaire ct peinfure tur mur par Ameury DuvaL Texte, deggiiie et lithographie par Didron. Folio. Paris, 1842, «t nnndca suivantcfl. {Ouvraye en court de pullicatior) Monographie dc IVglise Notre Dame de Noyon. Plans, coupes, elevations et details, IcTes, meaures et destines par Daniel Ram^e, texte, par M. Vitet 8vo., et atla«. Paris. niSTOIRE DE FRANCE. 423 Gavard. Galeriea hiatoriques do VorBailles, 10 vol. Fol'o. Paris, 1888. . Supplement aux galeries historiques do Versailles. (5 vol. Folio. .vris. Pour plus toire de la rc'vohition fran9aise. 10 vol. 8vo., et jitlas. Folio. Pari.«, \>-65. «'-i llISTOIRJi: D£ FRANCE. 427 Mlgnet, !*'• ^- HiBtoiro de la revolution franjawe depuis 1789 jubqu'en 1H14. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Miohelet, •'• Hintoire de la revolution fian9aiHo 7 vol. Svo. PoriB, 1847-1833 Blano Louis. Iliatoire de la r^volutioii frnn^aise. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Lamartine. Ilistoire des Qirondins. 8 vol. Svo., om6t de 82 portraits. Taris, 1848. .. History of the Qirondists ; or personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French llevulution ; translated by H. T. Ryde, 3 vols. Svo. London, 1849. {Two Copies.) Ilistoire des conHtituunts. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Duval, Gr. Souvenirs de la Terrour, de 1788 i 1793. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Terreur. Aneoilotes du terns de la Terreur. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Monseignat, Ch. de. Un uhupitre de la revolution fran<;aise. l2mo. Paris, 1853. Beauohesne, M. A. de. Louis XVII, sa vie, son bgonie, sa mort ; capti- vit6 de lu t'uinille royale au Tt^inple. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852. Pastoret, le Marquis de. Madntne Murie-Th6r^!je de France, fille de Louis XVI. 12mo. Paris, 1852. fiarante, do. Ilistoire du lu coaveutiou nationale. G vol. Svo. Paris, 1851-1853 Ilistoire du diroctoire do la r<'" ublique franfaise. 8 vol. Svo. '\ari8, 1855. cballamel, Auguatin. Ilistoire-musce do la riipublique fruu9ai80 dopuia I'assembieo des notiibles jusqu'ii I'Empire. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1842. Pain, le Baron. Manuscrit do I'nn trois (1791-1795,) conteuiint les premieres transactions des puissanccn de 1' Europe avec la republique I'ran^aise. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Robespierre, Maximilien. Meraoircs autheutiques. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1830. The life, with extracts from his correspondence by Gr. II. Lewes. Svo London, 1H19. Barruel, I'Abbe. Memoires pour servir il'histoiro du Jacobiuiame. 4 voL 8vo. Hambourg, 1798. Levasseur. Memoires. 4 v^i. Svo. Paris. Collection dea memoires relatifs t\ la revolution fran^aise, avec des notices sur leurs auteurs et des eclairciasements historiques ; par MM. Herville et Barrierc. 60 vol. Svo. Paris, 1820-1827. MoDiuircs de Madame Roland, ftvec une not'ce aur sa vie, des uotea et eclairciste. ments historiquea. 2 vol. Memoires du marquis de Ferri^res. 8 toI. ■''/"'I- I Hill \MJf\ r - ' ■ .1, i 'V. i, n 'III it. 7 Mil 428 HISTOTRE DE FEANCE. li ^?' 1 Collection des m^moires, etc.— (Continuation). M^nioircs de Lingiitit sur la Bnstille et de Dussituix gur le 14 jnillet. Menioires du marquis de Bouillc>, lieutenant-general des armies du roi, cheTalier de sea ordres, gourerueur de Douai, membre des deux asaembiees des notables, et g^ii^ral-en-clief de I'armt-e de Meuae, Sarre et Moselle, MSmoirea du Biiroa de Besenval. 2 vol. Memoircs de Biiiliy. 3 vol. M^raoires de Wobor, conceniant Mario- Antoinette, archi-ducbesse d'Autriche et reine de Fiuuce ct de Nuvurre. 2 vol. Relation du depart de Louis XVI, le 20 juin 1'791, ecrite en aoAt 1791, dans la prison do la iJaute Cour Na ionale d'Orlears, par M. le due de Choiseul pair de France, et extruita de sea nit^moires ii< !ii .. La vie et Iu8 iiii'inoiies du general Duniouriez. 4 v . Memoires sui' la vie priveo de Marie-Antoinette, reine de France et de Navarre suivis de souvenirs et anecdotes bistoriques sur lea regnes de Louis XIT Louis XV, et Louis XVI; par Miuiaine Oirapara. 3 vol. Memoires sur I'affuire de Vareiines, coiitenant le nie'iioire inedit de M. le marquis de Bouillo (comte Loui8>; deux relations egalenient inedites de MM. les conites de Raigecourt et de Damas ; celle de M. le capitaine Dealon et le precis liistorique de M. de Valory. Memoires sur las' journees de septembre 1792; par Jourgniac de Saint-Meard le marquis de Fuusse-Lendry, I'abbe Sicard et Gabriel Aim6 Jourdnn • suivis des deliberations prises par Ih commune de Paris, et des procSs-verbaux de la iiiairie de Versailles. Memoires de Aladame la marquise de Buncliamps ; redig^s par Ih comtesse de Geiilis, suivis des piecesj;idaiK:alived. — Memoires do la marquise deLa Koche- jaequelelii, ecrits par ellc-inenie, et redigea par M. de Barante. Memoires sur les prisons, coutenant les memoires d'un detenu, par RIouffe- I'Humanite mecounue, par J. Taris do I'Epiuard, riiicarc^ratiou de Beaumarctiuia ; le tableau liistorique de la prison de Saiut-Lazare, avec une notice sur la vie de RioulVe, 2 vol. Memoires de Louvet de Couvray, depute a la convention nationale.- Lettre de M. Jullieii uu\ eiliteur.s do !a collection. Memoires sur la Vendee, compreiiant les memoires inedits d'un ancien adminis- tiateur niilitaiie des armi'ea republicaincs et ceux de Madame de Sapinand, Memoires de Meillaii. liepule par le dipartrmeni des Basses-Pyrenees a la conven- tion natioiinle. Memoirea pour aervir a I'liiatoire de la ville de Lyon pendant la revolution; par I'abbe Aiiiie tiuillou de Monlleon. 2 vol. Memoires politi(|ues et niilitaires du general Doppet. Memoire histori(iue sur la reaction royalc et sur les massacres du Midi par le citoyen Fi(5ron, exdepnte A la convention nationale, et commisssire du gouverneinent dans les departemcnts muridionaux, avec les pieces justifica- tives. Menioires sur la convention et le directoire; par A. C. Thibaudeau. 2 vol. Memoires de Rivarol. Memoires historiques et militaires sur Carnot; redig^s d'aprds ses mauuscrils, sa correspondaiice inedite ct tes ecrits, pr^'cedes d'une notice par P. E. Tissot. M6moire8 de Miid.iuie Du Huusset, femine de chambre de Madame de Pompadour. Journal do Clery, Huivi des dcrniures beures de Louis XVI; par Edgeworth de Firniont ; du recit des ev<''nements arrives au Temple, par Madame Royale, fille du roi, et d'l^'claircissements bistoriques, tires de divers memoires du temps. HISTOIRE DK FRANCE. 429 Collection des mdmoires, etc. — (Continuation). Histoire de la conveution iiatiouale ; pur Durand de Maillane, Ruivie d'un fragment historique sur le 21 mai ; par le comte Lanjuiuais, pair de France. Mcmoires du marquis d'Argenson, ministre sous Louis XV ; publics par Rene d'Argenaon. Le Vieux Cordelier, JG.irnal politique ; r6dige en I'an 11, par Camille Desoaoulins, depute a la convention nationale. — Causes eiecrdtea de la journee du 9 au 10 thcrinidor an II, Huivles des iiiyatorea de la ni6re de Dieu devoil^s; par Vilate, ex-jure au tribunal rovolutionnaire. — Precis historique incdit des evenements de la soiree du 9 thermidor an II, par 0. A. Meda gendarme, charge de ruduire la commune de Paris et lea conventionnels insurges, aveo unc notice aur la vie de I'iiuteur, mort general de brigade et baron. Memoires, sourenirs, opinions, ecrits du due de Gaiite, ancien minietre des finances, ex-di'p.it6, gouvcriieur do la banque de France. 2 vol. M6moires aur la cataatropbe du due d'Engbien. Guerre dela Vendee et des chouans contre la rdpublique. 6 vol. Memoires pour servir a I'hiBtoiro dea ev^oemena de la fin du dix-huiti^me siiicle depuis 1760 jusqu'en 1806-1810; par un conteniporain impartial, M. I'abb^ Georgel, jesuite, publieg par M. Georgel, ancien avocat du parlement de Nanci, a la cour de Trcives, et a la cour de CHS.''ation, neveu et heritier de I'auteur. 6 vol. Memoires de I'abbe Morellet, de racaic'niie fran9ai8e, sur le dix-huiti^nie siecle et aur la revolution : precedes do I'eloge de I'abbe Morellet ; par M. Lomontey, mombre de I'lnstitut, acadC>mie frauyaisc. 2 vol. Genlis, Mme de. Momoires inedita sur le dix-huitieme siecle et In revolu- tion fran9aise, (1756 a 1825). 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Bailly, M. Choix d'anecdotcs anciennes et modernes, suivi d'un precis his- torique sur la revolution frauyaise. Cinquieme edition, augmentee par Mmo Celnart. 4 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1828. Roret. Thiers. Histoire du consuiat i^t de I'empire. Vol. 1 a 14. 8vo. Paris. Atlas de riiiatoire du consulat et de I'empire. 4to. Paris, 1855. Vignettes et portraits. 8vo. Paris, 184('). Chambray, le Marquis de. Histoire de I'expedition de Eussie. 3 vol. 8vo. Et atlas. Paris, 1838. Giguet, P. Cainpagne d'ltalie. 12nio. Paris, 1853. Vues des ohanips de bataille do Napoleon en Italie dans lea annees 1796, 1797 ct 1800, dessinees sur les lioux par j\I. Bagetti, gravees et terrain^es au depiU de la guerre sous la direction de M. Pelet ; 67 planches. Folio. Paris, 1835. Atlaa des campagnes de I'Empereur Napoleon, en Allemague et en France, grave sous la direction de ^1. Pelet, dedie a rarniec fran- ^aise. Au depot de la guerre. 17 planches reliees en 1 vol. gr. folio. Paris, 1844. Carte des campagnes do Napoloon, en 1805, 1807, 1808— Empire fran^ais en 1S05 — Operations sur le haut Danube, la Passarge et la Laaber. 4 feuilles. 1 etui. Svo. *li iv. V :| ,:t' ■.'•1 m m i m i \iS, 1!, :. |,] . i i a fell : 1 «;■ 430 HI8T0IRE DB FRANCE. Fain, le Baron. Manuscrit de 1813, contenant le pr6cis des 6venementa de cette annee. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Villemain. Souvenirs contemporaina d'hiatoire et de littf'ra.^-ure. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Bourrienne, M. de. M^moires sur Napoleon, le directoire, le conaulat I'empire et la reatauration. 10 vol. Svo. Paris, 1829. Soult, Due de Dalmatie. Memoires publi6s par son fila. Vol. 1 tl 3. Svo. Et atlaa, folio. Paria, 1854. Puibusque, L. V. de. Lettrea sur la guerre de liuaaie en 1812. Sro. Paria, 1817. Fain, le Baron. M^moires des contemporaina. Svo. Paria, 1823. Iiouis-Philippe. Mon journal, livenements de 1815. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1849. Joseph, le Eoi. Memoirea et correapondance politiques et militairea, publies annotea et mia en ordre par A. Ducaaae. 10 vol. 8vo. Paria, 1856. Du Casse, A. Hiatoire des negotiations diplomatiquea relatives aux traiteg de Mortfontaine, de Luneville et d'Amiena, pour faire suite aui me- moirea du Roi Joaeph. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1855. Abrantes, la Duchease d'. Memoirea. 12 vol. Svo. Paris. Bdgin, E. Hiatoire de Napoleon, de sa famille, et de son dpoque f w de vue de I'influcnce des idees napoleoniennes eur le monde. 5 vol. Svo. Paris, 1853. Norvins, M. de. Histoire de Napoleon Svo. Paris, 1839. Dumas, Alexandre. Napoleon, avec 12 portraits en pied. Svo. Paria, 1840. Chambure, Auguste de. Napoleon et sos contemporaina, suite de gravurei avcc texte. 4to. Paris, 1824. Bonaparte au Caire. Svo. Paris, an VII. Hinard, Damaa. Napoleon, ses opinions et jugements sur lea honimes et les choses. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1838. S^gur, M. le general comte de. Histoire de Napoleon et de la grande armee pendant I'aDuee 1812. Seizieme edition. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852. Napoleon. Recueil par ordre chronologique do aes lettrea, proclamations, bulletins, discours sur les matieres civiles et politiques, formant uue histoire de son rogne ecrite par lui-meme et accompagnee de notes iiistoriques, par M. Kcrmoysan. Tome ler. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Beauterne, de. Conversationa religieusea de Napoleon. Svo. Paris, 1841. Napoleon Buonaparte. The hiatory of. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1829. F(un. Lihr. Buonaparte. The Court and Camp of. 12mo. London, 1829. Fam. Libr. Napoleon Buonaparte. Lifo of,— by "William Hazlitt. Second edition, revised by his son. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1852* HISTOIRE DE FRANCE. 431 Las Cases, de. Memorial de Ste. H^lene. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1852. Napoleon in exile ; or, A Voice from Ste. Helena; the opinions and reflections of Napoleon on the most important events of his life and government; by Barry O'Meara. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Napoleon Buonaparte. The Nativity of, — wherein is predicted his rise, fall, exilement and death ; by William Horner. 8vo. Hull, 1821. Bound up with : An account of Hadley's Quadrant, and bow to use it. Loudon, 1'2'72. A Meteorological Register, kept iit Mansfield Woodhouae, frona 1786 to 1*794', and cuDtinuations fur the years 1794 and 1715, 1800, 1801 and IBOt; with remarks on the weather, &c. ; [by Hajman Rooke. ] , History of the Captivity of,— at Ste. Helena: from the letters and journals of the late Sir Hudson Lowe, and official documents 5 by VV. Forsyth. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Hudson Lo'we, (Sir,) et ses memoires sur la captivite de Ste. Helene, par M. de Viel Cartel. Revue dea Deux Monies, 15 Janvier, 1855. Napoleon Buonaparte. Historic doubts relative to, — [by Abp. Whately,] and historic certainties respecting the early history ot America ; by Rev. Aristarchus Newlight. 12mo. New York, 1853. Napoleon. Histoire de, — du roi de Rome (due de Reichstadt), et de la famille Bonaparte, suivie de I'histoire des Marochaux de Prance, par Chopin et Leynadier ; terminee par I'histoire de Napoleon III, empereur dea Fran^aia, par Einile Marco de Saint- Hilaii-e, et du voyage du Prince Louis Napoleon dans le Midi de la France, par Amedoe de Cesena ; ouvrago illustro de gravures. 6 vol. Svo. Paris, 1853. Napoleon Dynasty, or the History of the Bonaparte Family ; by the Ber- keley Men. Svo. New York, 1852. Saint-Hilaire, Marco de. Anecdotes du temps de Napoleon ler. 12mo. Paris, 1S54. Las Cases, le comte de. Souvenirs de I'empereur Napol6on ler. 12mo. Poris, 1854. Doll^i Frederic. Histoire des six restaurations. 12mo. Paris, 1843. Vaulabelle. Histoire des deux restaurations jusqu'a I'avenementde Louis- Philippe. 8 vol. Svo. Paris, 1856. Lamartine. Histoire do la restauration. 8 vol. Svo. Paris, 1853. TheHistoryoftheHestoration of Monarchy in France. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1851-2. Crowe, E. E. History of the Eeigna of Louia XVIII and Charles X. 2 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1854. Blanc, Louis. Histoire de dix ans, 1830-1840. 5 vol. Svo. Paris, 1848. % mm mm -.1 ■ ; -:-:j^n?;^,_..;-;-i;i- r'^.n:- r i 432 HISTOIRE DE FRANCE. ^r^.i Regnault, Eliaa, Histoire de huit ans, 1 840-1848, faisant suite a I'hiatoire de dix ans, par Louis Blanc. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Beaumont-Vassy. Histoire de nion temps. Premiere pH ■•tie, loguede Louis Pliilippe ; seconde r^publique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Broglie, Albert de. M. de Chateaubriand ; etude morale et politique. Revue des Deux Mondes, nouvelle periode, vol. 7. Montalivet, Comte de. Louis Philippe et sa liste civile. Revue des Deux Monden, nouvelle puHode, vol. 8 Dumon, S. De I'equilibre des budj^ots sous la monarchie de 1830. Id, vol. 3. D'Haussonville, M. O. De la politique exterieure de la France depuis 1830. Revue i/es Deux MonJes, nouvelle scrie, vol . 24 : et nouvelle periode, vol. 2 ot 5. Du Camp, Jules. Histoire de la revolution de fcvrier 8v(i. Paris, 1850. Dunoyer. Bevolution du 24 1'evrier. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Castillo. Histoiro de la secoude republique fnirfaise. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris 1854. Lamartine. Histoire de la revolution do 1848. 2 vol. 8vo. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1852. History of the French Bevolution of 1848. 12rQo. London, 1852. St. John, Percy B. The three days of February, 1848 ; with sketches of Lamartine, Guizot, &e. 12mo. New York, 1848, Marvel, Ik. The Battle iSummer; trani^oripts from personal obsen-ations in Paris, in 1848. 8vo. New York, 1853. Sinnpson, J. P. Pictures from revolutionary Paris, sketched during the first phasis of the Kevulution of 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1&49. Corkran,. J. F. History of the National Constituent Assembly, from May istS. 2 voh. i2mo. London, IS1{). Chamier, Captain. A review of the French revolution of 1848 : from the 24th of February to the election of the first President (31 January 1849.) 2 vols. Hvo. London, 1819. France and the French, from th'j outb 'cak of the Revo- lution in 1848, to tlie election of Napoleon the Little as first President, 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London 1852. A copy nf tlio forcpoing work, altered only in tlie title. Louis Napoleon, Prince. The Prisoner of Ham : authentic details of the captivity and escape of, by F. T. Briffault. 12mo. London, 1846. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, First Pre^^idunt of France. Biographical and personal sketches, includiiifr n visit to thr Prince at Ham, by H. Wikoft". 12mo. New York, 1849. HI8T0IRE DE PRANCE. 433 m Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Letters of " an EDgliahman," on Iiouis Napoleon, the Empire, and cottp d'etat : reprinted, with additions, from "the Times." 8vo. London, 1852. Louis Napoleon and his Times : with notices of his writings ; a memoir of the Bonaparte Family; and a sketch of French history: by H. W- DePuy. 12mo. Buffalo, 1852. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, President of the French Bepublie. His po- litical and historical works. Now first collected, wiih memoir of his life, brought down to 1852, and occasional notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1852. Du Bois, Louis. Recbcrches arch^ologiques, historiques, biographiques et litterairoa sur la Normandie. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Labutte, A. Ilistoire des Dues de Normandie. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Janin, M. Jules. La Normandie historique, pittoresque et monumentale 8vo, orne de ISOgravures, 23 vignettes sur acieret 2 cartes. Paris. Cochet, M. I'Abb^. La Normandie souterraine. Svo. Paris, 1865. Daru. Ilistoire de la Bretagne. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1826. Janin, M. Jules. La Bretagne historique, pittoresque et monumentale, illus- tri!« de viiefl gi-norales, sicnes historiques, et portraits grav6f sur aciPT, de 18 costumes coloriea et d'une corte de la Bretagne. Svo. Paris. Chevalier, Pitre. La Bretagne ancienne et inoderne, aveo des chants popu- laires incdits, 150 gravures, une serie de types et costumes bretons, un portrait de M. de Chateaubriand et 2 cartes geographiqu'.'S. Svo. Paris, 1841. Touraine, la, Hlstoire et monuments ; public's sous la direction de I'Abbfe J. J. Bcurasse. Grand 4to. Orne d« magniiiques gravures sur acier* Tours, 1855. Guilbert, A.ri3tid6. Histoire des villtis de France, avec une introduction g6n6- raie pour chaque province ; chroniquefl, traditions, l^gendes, institu- tions, eoutumes, mceiirs, statistiques locales, par une societe de savants, de magistrals, d'administrateurs et d'officiers gen^raux. G vol. 8vo., ornea de magnifiques gaavures sur acier, des armes colorieesde villes et de provinces, et d'une carte generale de la France par provinces. Paris, 1845-48. Laoombe, M. Ilistoire da la bourgeoisie de Paris. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1851. Arago, Jacques. Histoire de Paris. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1852-1853. Paris: its historical buildings and its revolutions, revised to the present time. 12n»o. London, 1849. Knighfa T'b. ■^■^■341 'J: , ■ ' '.! , Si! '•'■■•'' f'"'I 'H,.||ll 434 HISTOIRE DE fBANCE. Ei'v; 'II ''f\'^M it^'- ^',i- fh -.." l ^ ■ M n Imperial Paris ; including new ecenes for old Visitors, by W. B. Jerrold. 12mo. London, 1855. Voir daoB la sectioa des Votaokb, Paris, Ulustr^; et autres guides dei Toyageurs dans les villM et pruviaoes de France. Galibert, Leon. L'Algerie ancienne fit moderne, depuis les premiers ^ta- blisoements dea Cartbaginois juaqu'& I'expdditiou du general Sandon en 1853. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Dureau de la Malle. Constantibe, recueil de renseignements sur cette province. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Tableau dp la, situation des etablissements fran9ais dauo 1' Algeria. 1846-1847-1848-1849 1 Tol. Folio, itris, 1661. 1860-1862 1 vol. Folio. Paris, 1863. 1862-1864 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1866. Alg^rie. Aperfu sur la situation politique, commerciale et industrielle dei po88esaion8|fran9ai8e8 dans le r.ord de 1' Afrique, eu commencement de 1836. 8vo. 1836. Rapport adressfi k M. le President de la r^publique par le ministre de la guerre sur le gouvernement et 1' administration dea tribus arabes de I'Alg^rie. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Vaillant, le Mart'^'-^ial. Eapport pr^sent^ a I'Emp^reur sur la eituatioE de I'Algerie, en 1853 8vo. Paris, 1854. Observations de M. le Marcchal Gouverneur-Q^neral sur le projet de colo- nisation presente pour la province d'Oran. par M. le Lieutenant- G^nferal Lamoriciere. 8vo. Voulx, A. de Tacbrifat. Recueil de notes historiquea sur radministration de I'ancienne E6gence d' Alger. 8vr. Alger, 1852. Galerie A:an9aise, ou collection de pr/traits des hommes et des femmeB qui ont illustro la France dans ies 16e, 17e et 18e siecles, avec des notices et des fac-similv, ■pp.e une society d'hommea de lettres et d'artistes. 3 vol. 41j. Paris, 1821. loonographie fVan9aiS8, ou choix de deux cents portraits d'hommea et de femmes qui se sont acquis en France, depuis le regne de Charles VII, jusqu'i la fin de celui de Louis XVI, le plus de cdltjbrite soit dans le gouvernement, I'eglise, les armies, les sciences, lea lettres et les arts, soit aussi par leurs intrigues, leur vertue, leur beautd ou leurs fautes : accompaguda d'autant de facsimile, et lithographies d'aprcs lea peintures, sculptures, dessina dea plua cdlcbres artistes ; public par Madame Delpech. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1840. Voir ci-apr6s la section Bioorapbie, et en particulier : Le Plutarque fraojaii, Le nuroir de la France, eto. loonographie des oontemporains, ou portraits des per.ionnea illustres, depuis 1789 juaqu'en 1829, (200 portraits). 2 vol. xolio. Paris, 1832. I' i HISTOIBE SE FRINGE. 436 Fran9ais peints par eux-mSmes, lea — Encyclop^die morale de la France, au XIXe siecle, par toutes lea Bommites litt^raires de I'^po- quo; desains par MM. Oavarni, Granville, Tony Johannot, Charlet, Lami, Monnier, etc. 9 volume'*. 8vo., illuatrea, gravures colorieea. Ces 9 TolumeB se diviscnt ainsi : FraD(ais, 6 volumes. Province, 3 " Le Pr jsnie, 1 " Le premier volume contient une table dex articles nelon leur orilrc dans cbaque volume; une liste alpliabetique des doDiB des auteui » ; de plus, une table alphabetique des sujets traitca dans la publication. Pictures of the French: A seriea of literary and graphic delineations of the Erench character, by Julea Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, and others. 8vo. London, 1840- "••' o-';" ,ir..ii .111 m It t! I (c) HISTOEY OF OTHEE EUROPEAN STATES. HISTOIRE DES AUTRES ETATS DE L'trEOlE. Gresvius, J. Gt. Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italiae, collectus cura et stud. Joan.-Georg Grsevii, et ad finem perduetus a P. Burmanno. 9 torn, in 30 vol. in-fol. Lugd. Batav., 1704-23. Procter, Coluuel. The history of Italy, from the fall of the Western Em- pire to the commencement of the wars of the French llevolution. Second edit 'on. 8vo. London, 1844. Cruiooardini, Frai* o^co. The history of Italy, from the year 1490 to 1532 ; tninalated by A. P. Goddnrd. 10 vols. 8vo. 1753-56. Dennistoun, James. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbiuo, illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. Life and times of, — with a preliminary sketch of the history of Italy, by W. Pollard Urquhart. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1852. Artaud, lo Chev. L'ltalie. — De La Salle. La Sicile. Bvo. (Avec carte et gravures). Paris, 1835. Botta, Ch. Ilistoire d'ltalie de 1789 a 1814. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Voir dam ies ucurres de Mad. de Staul: Corinne ou l'ltalie. Mazzini, Andre Louis. Do l'ltalie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. La Forge, Anatole de. Des vicissitudes politiques de l'ltalie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Balmes, M. Pie IX, pontife et souverain, 8vo Paris, 1848. r : :!' 41 :.iJ-;l •'■■"'ii ■'!■ i; » 1. . ■f, t -::^: 1: ! ' nr '':i im m If ' 1 [ ■H- 11^ .1 H Uill ■- ., 'fe. ■»«!> 1- i 436 HI8T0ET OF OTHER [hISTGIRE DE8 AUTRE8 Italle. Le parti conflLitut'oanel et le parti i^ptiblicaln ea Itaiie en 1848. Bevtie dea Deux-Mondes, nouvelle Hoiie, vol. 22. ■■ L'toallt^ et la i6volutioa ilalienue fie 18Ji8, par Mue. la piJacesae de BelffioBO. Ihid., vol. 24. L'AiIsloi-ratie italienne. IhiJ., vol 15. Baileydier, A. Hi!. London. 1853. Netherlands. Vlinuteu of th'- civil, ecclesiasticol and literary history of the,— Vid<' Life (if GrotiuB. Davies, C. M. The Hi-tory of Holland and the Dutch Nation, from tiie be- ginning ol the 1 0th century to the end of the 18th, including an account of tin- iminicipiil institutions, the rise and progress of the Ke- formation in II 'Hand, &c. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1851. Mackintosh, Sir .lames. On the affairs of Holland, 1667-1686. Vide his Works, vol. 2, Schiller, Freilerick. llisKiry of the Revolt of the Netlirrlands ; traujlntcd by A. t] W. .Morrison. '2 vols. 8vi.. London, 1851. (Being vols. 1 and 2 ot SchilUn'- Woik-, in linhn's Li/tr.) Diplomatic Papers, and protocols of ("on'ennces relative to the affairs of Belgium, riile I.n ri;K.\ATioNAi- Law. Van Hasselt. Histoirc tt description de la Belgique et de la Hollande. Svo, ( Avec cartf.s et griivures). Paris, 1845. Saint-Leu, 'e Comti- '\c. Documents historiqut-s sur la Hollande, 3 vol. Svo. Londres, IS2t. DeReste, B. Ktublis-i^Mtntsdes Holiandaisdans les mers du Nord ; oiivrage traduit du Iloilandais. 3 vol. 8vo. t'aria, 1791. La Gravidre, Juriiu de Les MoI.imiik.s sous la domination hoUandaise. Revue des Deux Mondes. Nonvi-lle periode, vol. 12. i^tf » t iTATS DE l'eUKOPE.J EUROPEAN STATES. 4.3» Jauoigny. Lies Indes hollandaiseB en 1848. Ibid., nuuvelle s^rie, vol. 24, et nouTelle p^riode, Tol. 1. White, Charles. Revolution Belg« de 1830. Traduit da I'anglais par Miia Marj Corr. 3 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1886. Cbampagnao, J. B. J. Guillaume le Tacitume et sa dynastie. Hintoire des Pays-Bas. Uvo. Paris, 1852. Robin, Eug. La Beigique, sa nationalit6, sa situation. lievue de$ Deux Mondes, nouvelle siSrle, vol. 1. Roger, A. Lea Iiommes politiques de lu Uelgique. Id., 4>e 86rif, vol. 1. Bergson, J- 1^^ Uollande depula 1815. Id,, nuu.elle p6riode, vol. 12 Marmior, X. La HoUande. Id., 4e 8»Srle, vol. 25, 26. 27, 28. Esqulros, Alp. d'. La Noerlonde «3l lu vie hollandaise Ibid., annces 1855 et 185b. Dunham, S. A. The History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols. 12mo. Lon- don, 1832. Busk, M M. The History of Spuiu and Portugal, from B. C. 1000 to A. D. 1814. 8vo. London, 1833. Libr. U. K. Vol. 26. Murphy, <1. (■ Th'i History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain; contain- in;^ th(!ir in.ititutions, conquests, literature, arts, sciences, and manners, to the expulsion of the .Moots. 4to. London, 1816. The Arubiiiii Antiquities of Spain, [displayed in a series of unfjriivinj^s ] Extra-tolio. Lmuloii, 1813. Anno Ilegira 1228. Till' lIi.etoi y piooi'Jiiig !!< " do.-!if;iioil as) ati introduction " to this work. History of the Mahommedan Dynasties in Spain; extracted from the Niiilui-t-tib min ghos li-l-Aiulalusi-r-rattib \va Tarikh Lisanu-d- din Ihni-1- Khaltili, by Ahiin (Mii|i vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Bohns S. Libr. The Arabs in Spain ; an historical narrative. 2 vols. 12mo. London> 1840. Vide, also, the Chroaicles of the Conquest of Granada, in Waohington Irviiig's Works, vol. 14. Petit-Radel. M^moire sur les origines des plus anciennes villes de I'Espagne. N. L Vol. 6. Renard. Lucie i; Histoire d'Espagne ; temps primitifs. Svo. Paris, 1855. i ■ m m !/ Ill i 4W , ( i 1 ; 1 , ;_ii_i ! ■ 1 ■ t i 1 i I ■ '■ ■( i \ itf;-i' 1 .-.. v-;! '■ 3!H* ■ fe' iiviti: lii ! Ui.i -i liti t Hi' 440 HISTORY OF OTHER [lIISTOIRK DE8 AUTREa Lavall6e et Querout. Edpagne. 8vo. Paris, 1844. L'E«pa;jne. depuia IVxpulMion dcs Maures jusqu'u rann6e 1847.— Lacroix, Fud. Ilt>8 Bai^aros et i'ythiusus. — Gregory, Sardaigne.— Frieii8 de Culunna. Come. 8vo. (Avec carte ot gravurus). Paris, 1850 Du Bftmel. Histoire constituiioneiie de la munurciiie espaguule, de 411 ^ inaa. 2 vol. Svo. Puiis, 1845. j)e Ayala, Don J. L. The History of Gibraltar, from the earliest occupation by the Sara<'en3 ; wiili detniU of conflicts between the Moors and the Chrifltians until its surrender in 1462. With a oontinuation to modern times by J. Bell. 12mo. London, 1845. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, by Robert Southey. Ist Amer. edit Svo. Lowell, 18 16. George, Anita. Memol's of the Quoens of Spain from the period of the con- quest of tiie Goths, &c. ; edited, with an introduction and notes, by Miss J. Pardoe. Vols. 1 and 2 (to Isabel the Catholic). l2ino. Lon. don, 1850, Charles V. Life of. Vide Histocy of Ecropb. Philip II.) King of Spain. History of the reign of. By "W. H. Prescott. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. • History of the reign of. By R. Watson. Fourth edition, 3 vols. Svo. London, 1785. Philip III' The History of the reign of. Thn first four books by R. Wat- son, the last two by W. Thomson. Third edition. 8vo. London 18.39. Philip IV and Charles II. Memoirs of Spain during the reigns of,— from 1621 to 1700 J by John Dunlop. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1834. Et la sojur Marie d'Agredn, correspondance inodite, traduite de I'espagnol par Germond de Lavigne. 12mo. Paris, li"55. Mahon, Lord. History of the War of the Succession in Spain [1700-1714], 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1836. House of Bourbon. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bour- bon, from the accession of Philip V. to the death of Charles III.: 1700 to 1788 : drawn from original dooumenta, by W. Coxe. 3 vols, 4to. London, 1813. Custine, de. L'Espagne sous Ferdinand VII. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1838. Sieges en Espagno, en 1811 et 1812. Svo. Paris, 1821. Walton, W. The Revolutions of Spain [from 1808 to 1836], with biogra- phical sketches of distinguished personages, including a narrative of the Peninsula war, 2 vols in 1. Svo. London, 1847. Twelve Months in the British Legion [in Spain, 1835-6], by an offi- cer of the Ninth Regiment. 12mo. London, 1836. i.Li^U -*•;■ ^TATS DE L'eTJROPE.] EUROPEAN 8TATE8. 441 Richardson, Major. Movements of the British Legion, with strictures on the conduct pursued by Uenerul Kvuns. Second edition, with a coutinua« tioii, from May, 1B36, to March, 1837. Hvo. London, 1837. WalliSi S. T. Spain : her institutions, politics, and public men. 12mo. Lon- don, 1853. LavergnOj Leonce de. 0^ I'^tat prAsont ot do I'avonir de I'Espagno. Bevue Je$ Deux Mondea. Nouvello sorio. Vol. 4. AlaUX, Gu!ita\re d'. Lo pamphlet et lea mwura politiques eu Espagno. /ntale. N. S. ISl. Vol. 3. Stael, Mad.|do. De rAllcmagno. Voir les oeuvres do I'auteur. Vol. 10, 11 et 12. Luden. Iliatoiro d'Allemagno, traduite et continude par ]M. Aug. Savagner. 5 vol. Hvo. Paris, 1844. « Lebas, Ph. li'Allemagno. 2 vol. Svo. (Avec cartea ct gravures>.) Paris, 1S.S9. Eohlrausch, Frederick. Hiatory of Germany ; from tho earliest period to tho present tinn\ Svo. London, 1844. D« 1 '•>'(1 ( ■^'H » 11 w .■ill i^ 1. )\ \ .1 li ki M ■ ' ■1''*' )-"S :i:i' II m 4A2 HISTORY or OTHEE [hISTOIRE DES AUTEE8 '■I t: •iil- Menzel, Wolfgang. The History of Germany, from the earliest period to tho present time ; from the fourth German edition, by Mrs. G. Horroiks. 3 vols. 12mo. Loudon 1848. Walstein. Sa conspiration. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Sohiller. llistoire de la guerre de 30 ans ; traduite de I'allemand. 12mo. Paris. History of the thirty years war [ended by the Peace signed at Minister, 1G48]. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. 8vo. London 1851. Jiohn's S. Lihr. ' Vide, also, Clmpiaan's History of Gustavua Adolphua, and of tho thirty years war Austin, Mrs. Germiiny, from 17G() to 181-t; or sketches of German Life from the decay .>f tho empire to the expulsion of the French. 12ino. Loudon, 1854. Ha'Wkins, Bisset. Germany ; tho spirit of her history, literature, social coiulition, and national economy ; illustrated by statistics, and by comparison wiih other countries. 8vo. London, 1838. DeBury, Baroness Blaze. Gcrmania ; its courts, camps, and people. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. " Uero is the liidtor_\ ol tlio (leiiiinn AsscmbUea." Frederic! Seoundi. Ilistoriu diploraatica, sive constitutiones, privilegia maiulata, instrumenta qux' supersunt i.stius imperatoris et liliorum ejus • accedunt epistohc papurum et docuinenta varia, collegit et notis illus. travit J. L. A. Uuiiianl Bn-holles. 4 tom. in 7 vol. 4to. Purisiis 1852. ' Matter, M. I)« l't''t!it moral, politique et iitteraire do rAllemagne. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Chasles, Phiiiiri'to. EtU'lcssur rAllemagne ancienne et moderne. 2 vol. 12mo. I'aiis, IBH. Chevalier, Michel. Les gouvernements absolus de rAllemagne. lievue det deux Mondes, 4me sc'rie, vol. 29. Taillandier, S. R. Situutiun politique de I'Allemugne, ilepuis 1830. U. nouvelle f6rie. Vol. 13. Publicistes revolutionnaires de TAUemagne. Id., nou- velle periode. Vol. 1. llistoire du parlement de Francfort. ii., vol. 2, 3, 4. L'Allemagne pendant le congres de Paris. Id., Juillet " et AoOt 1856. Heine, Henri. De I'Allemagne. 2 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1856. Cazales, F. ile. Etudes historiques et politiqucs sur rAllemagne. Revue da Deux .Sondes, 4me serie, vol. 20, 22, 24, 27 et 29. ' :- ilXATS DE l'EUHOPE.] EUROPEAN STATES. US Mentelle, ^l* Essai liistori(iue et statistique hui les accroisaeuicnts et les penes qu'a auccessiveinetit oprouves In inaison d'Autriche depuis TavS- neinent do liodolphe do Hnb-bourg h Tenipire jusques et y coiiipiisles truites de Pnwbourg et d'Austorlitz. N.I. Vol. 6. Coxe Willi;un. History of the Houho of Austria, from Rhodolph to the death of [.eopold II, 1218 to 1792. Third edition. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Thompson, E. P. Austria : fits institutions, policy, and statistics.] 8vo. London, 1849. Balleydier, Alph. Histoire des revolutions de I'empire d'Autriche en 1848 et 1849. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Stiles ^^- H- Austria in 184d-49. A history of the late Political Move- ments in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and fti-ague ; of the Campaigns in Lombunly, uf the Revolution in Hungary ; and historical sketches of tlin Austrian Government and Provinces. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1852. Pulszky, Theresa. Uemoirs of a Hungarinn Lady ; with a historical intro- duction [on Hungary,] by Fnuicis Pulszky. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850. Hungary and its Revolutions, from the earliest period to the 19th century; with a Memoir of Louis Kossuth, by E. O. Szabad. 8vo. London, 1854. Bohn's Libr. Klapka, General. Memoirs of the War of Independence in Hungary. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850. Gorgei, Arthur. My Life and Acts in Hungary in 1818 and 1849. 8vo. New York, 1852. Balleydier, Alphonse. Histoire do la guerre de Hongrie en 1848 — 1849. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Desprez, H. La Hongrie et le raouvement Magyare, Revue des Deux Mondes, nouvelle serie, vol. 20. La fin de la guerre de Hongrie. Id., vol. 4. Thouvenel, I'M- La Hongrie. Id., 4ine serie, vol. 16. . La Valachie en 1839. fd., voL 18. Langsdorflf. E. de. La Hongrie en 1848. Id., nouvelle s^rie, vol.|22, 23 et 24. La Transylvauie depuis lo XVIIe si^cle jusqu'^ 1849. /(/., nouvelle pdriode, vol. 2 et 3. Paget, Joliu. Hungary and Transylvania ; with remarks on their condition, social, political, and economical. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Paton, A. A. The Goth and the Hun ; or, Transylvania, Debreczin, Pesth, and Vienna, in 1850. 8vo. London, 1851. ■ ,«'.5a /•4: , ■'■■■:■" it- *■'.■■- -ill' Jy 1- iW.liJ •v.. ."'j|m, ifcfc I:, in 1 1^: ■■ M 444 HISTORY OF OTHER [hiSTOIRE DES AUTRES a i; , -Wl, I i ^' 4n|i. Ill; I ■ ■'-f Wilkinson, Sir G. Dalmatia and Montenegro: with a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, and remarks on the Snlavonic Nations ; the history of Dalmatia and Ilagiisa, the Uscocs, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1848. Maogregor, John. .Sketches, historical, and descriptive, of the Austrian and Ottoman Empires : a view of the power of Prussia ; and remarks on Russia, France, &c. Vol. Ist (all published.) 8vo. London, 1851. Krasinski, Count V. Panslavism and Germanism. 12mo. London, 1848 Frederick II., King of Prussia. Posthumous works of,— translated from the French, by Thomas Holcroft. 13 vols. Svo- London, 1789. VoL I — The History of my Own Timea. " II, III.— The History of the Seven Years War. " iV. — Memoirs from the Peace [IVes] to the Partition of Poland' and of the Bavarian War. " v. — Political, Philosophical, and Satirical Miscellanies. " VI, VII, VIII. — Correspondence between Fred. II. and M. De Voltaire. " IX. — Correspondeuee between Fred. II. and M. Jordan. " X. — Correspondence between Fred. II. and the Marquis D'Argens " XI. — Correspondence between Fred. II. and M. D'Alembert. " XII. — Correspondence between Fred. II. and Messrs. D'Alembert De Coiuloroet, Grimm, and D'Arget. " XIII. — Correspondence between Fred. II., the Prince of Prussia and General Fouquet. Miscellanies. Frederick II., and his Times. Contributions to Modern History, from the British Museum and the State Paper Office; by F, VouRaumer, 12mo. London, 183". Frederick the Great ; his t^ourt and Times ; edited, with an introduction by Thomas L;if 'bull. .Second edition. 2 vols. 12dio, London, 1845. Bareith, Margravine, of, — Sopliia VVillieimin<', of Prussia, Sister of Frederick the Great. Memoir.-* of: — written by her.self ; (Anno, 1706 to 1742.) Translated. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1812. .Another copy. F(W(?, .Autobiography, vols. 20, 21. Ranke, Leopold. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, and hi.story of Prussia, during the 17th and 1 8th centuries ; from the German, by Sir Alex, and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1S49. IiOUisa, Queen of Frederick William III. Memoirs ot il private life and opinions of, — by Mrs. Charles Richardson. 12mo. London, 1847. Forster, Charles. Ilistoire et descriptioh de la Pologne. Svo. (Avec carte et gruvures.) Paris, 1840. Rulhiere, Histoire de I'anarchie de Pologne. Voir lea ceuvr°8 de Rulhiere, (Belles Lettues,) vol. 3, 4, 5, 6. Ferrand, M. Histoire des trois demembreraens de la Pologne, pour faire suite h Thistoire de I'anarchie de Pologne, par Rulhiere. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. UTRES i:TATS DE l'EUROPE.] EUROPEAN STATES. 445 Moatar, history London, Austrian remarks on, 1851. 9n, 1848. ited from , 1789. of Poland; ies. iltaire. 1. lis D'Argens, mbert. D'Aleinbert, f Prussia, and y, (Vorn the ou Raiiraer, itroduction, London, |f Fi'edericli )6 to 1742.) ,20,21. history of lerraan, by in, 1849. lite life and |ou, 1847. [Avec carte |e Rulliit're, pour faire vol. 8vo. Thomas, Alexandre. deux Mondes. L'6migrntion et la d^mocratio poloimia'-a. Mevue des Nouvelle 8<)rie, vol 21. De la propugande democratique en I'ologne. //>//., vol. 22. TieavteZ H. ^-"^^ Polonais dans la Revolutii)n Europeenn<;. Ibid , nouvelle poiiode, vol. 23. Fletcher James. The hi.story of Poland, from the earliest period to the prestnt time : with a narrative ol the recent events. 8vo. London, 1831. Mackintosh, Sir James. Of the Partition of Poland. Vide his Works, vol. 2. Sordvnski Joseph. History of the hite Polish Revolution, and the events of the campaign. 8vo. Boston, 1832. Milton John. .V brief history of Moscovia. Vide his Works, vol 8. Strahlenberg, P. J- Von. An Historico-Geographical description of the North and Eastern parts of Europe and Asia ; particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary ; both in their ancient and modern state, kc. ; translated from the German. 4to. London, 1738. Herberstein, Baron Sigiamond Von. Notes upon Russia ; being a transla- tion of the earliest account of that country, entitled, " B,eium Mosco- viticarum Commentarii," by the Baron Von llerberstein, Ambassador from the Court of Germany, in the years 1517 and 1526 ; translated, with notes and introduction, by 11. H. Mnjor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1851-2. (Ilakhii/t Soc. Publication.) Vol.1. — In this vol., tho editor gives "a list of the various travellers to " Russia, before Herberstein, and of authors, whether triivellcrs, or otherwise, " making allusion to tiio CDiintry ; the biography of llerberstein, iind the " history of his book follow, and oertaino letters, in verse, by M> tor f "Tiu'bcrvile, (nitof Mosoovio." [temp. Queen Elizabeth.] Vol. II., also contains, I'rinee A. Lobanoff's notices of some adviitii i;al writfi who preceded llerberstein , and a supplement — " Of the North- Kast I'Vostio "Seas, and Kiugdomoa lying that wuy,&o., gathered in pari, and done into " En;,'lyslie, by Richarde Eden." "Tho originals of them appeared in tlie interval between Ilerbersteiu's first journey to Russia, and the publication of his work, in 1S49." (p].Utor.) Ouvaroff, le Comto Alexis. RecluMches sur Ies antiquitos de lii Russie meridionale et des cotes de la nier noire. Texte, 1 vol.. folio. Atlas, 1 vol., gr. folio. Pari.i, 184.5. Balbi, Adrien. De la niarche de la civilisation en Ru-isie. Voir Balbi, Introduction a I'Atlas Etnographiqne. Chopin. Histoiro et description de la Uussio. 8vo. (Avec carte ct gravures.) Paris. 183S. Karamsin, M. Ilistoire de I'empire de Russie; traduite par MM. St.- Thomas Jauffiet et DivofF. 11vol. 8vo. Peris, 1819-1826. ■mmm \'. i •■(•, ' 1 Wf 1 ','r ■■'■:! M^' ; If -' : ii - '4 -i ft mti •5' Ik I? "A 1 IS- .1 -** J. •1 44G HISTOKY OF OTHER [HISTOIBE DES ATJTRES Manstein, General (J. H. V. Contemporary Memoirs of Russia, from 1727 to 1744 ; re-edited ai*d compared with the original French 8vo. London, 1856. Bell, Robert. A history of Russia [to the Treaty of Tilsit, 1807.] 3 vols. 12rao. London, 1836-38. Rabbe, (Alphonse), and Dunoan, (Jonathan). History of Russia, from the foundation of the Empire by Eourick, to the close of the Hungarian War. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1854. Rabbe.'B History is translated from the French, •which cndin^ with the record of the " diaastrouis failure of the French invasion," is continued by Duncaa to the period mimed. Kelly, W. K. History of Russia, from the earliest period to 1855 ; compiled from Karnmsin, Tooke, and Segur, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1855. BohnLih. Voltaire. Histoire de I'empire de Russie sous Pierre-le-Grand. Voir leg oeuvres de Voltaire, vol. 24. Peter the Great. Memoir of the Life of. 12mo. London. 1832. Fam- Lib. Catherine II, Empress of Russia. The Life of. Fourth edition, with great additions, by • . Tooke. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. Memoirs of thi^ Court and Reign of ; — with a survey of the Romanoff Dynasty ; embrueing the Reign of Nicholas, Fail of Sevas- topol, ifec. ; by S. M. Smucker. 12mo. New York, 1855. Alexander I, and Nicholas. Secret History of the Court and Govern- ment of Russia under, — By J. H. Sihnitzler. 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1854. Nicholas. What I saw of the Emperor and his family ; by Turnurelli. Svo. London. 1855, Haxthausen, Baron Von. The Russian Empire; its people, institutions, and resources ; translated by Robert Farie. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. IVTorell, J. R. Russia self-condemned : Secret and inedited Documents con- nected with Russian History and Diplomacy ; translated and eJ'.ed by, — Svo. London, 1854. Svans, Sir de Lacy. On t'-e Designs of Russia. Second edition. Svo. London, 1836. Urquhart, David. Progress of Russia in ^Vest, North, and South. 12mo. London, J 853. Russia in the Slast. The Progress and |>resent position of, — An his- torical summary ; [by Sir John MacNeil.j Third edition, brought down to the present time. Svo. London, 1854. £TATS DE l'EUROPE.] EUROPEAN STATES. 4A1 Chesney. Colon<5l. The Russo- Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829 ; with the diplomatic correspondence between the Four Powers, and the secret correspondence between the Russian and English Governments. 12mo. New York, 1854. (Two copies ) Turnerelli, K. T. Russia on the Borders of Asia. — Kazan, the ancient Capital of the Tartar Khans ; with an account of the Province, the Tribes which form its population, &c. 2 vols. 12ino. London, 1854. Milner, Thomas. The Crimea, its ancient and modern History : the Khans, tiie Sultans, aiid the Czuis ; with notict .s of its scenery and population l2mo. London, 1855, Muntz, 'J heodore. Kriin-Girai, Khan of the Crimea ; translated from the German of,— by the Hon. W. G. C. Eliot. 12mo. London, 1856. Famin, Cesiir. Crim^e, Circassie ft Georgie. — Boro, ArmC'nie. 8vo. (A\jc carte et gravures.) Paris. Ponton. La Ruasie uans I'Asio mineure, ou Campagues du Marochal Pas- kevitch eu 1828 et 1829, et Tableau du Caucase. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Cazales, F- de. Etablissements Russes dans I'Asie occidentale. Revue des Deux Mondes. 4e serio. vol. 15. Thouvenel, Ed. Progros do la Russie dans I'Asie ceutrale. Hid. Vol. 28. Chambray, lo Marquis de. Histoire de I'expuditiou de Russie. 3 vol. et atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Custine. La Eussie on 1839. 4 vol. l^mo. Par's, 184G. Russie. Essai sur I'histoire aucienne ti, ^ .^rne de la Nouvelle-Russio ; statistique des provinces qui la composeut, etc. 3 vol 8vo. Paris, 1827. Tegoborski, M. L. de. Etudes sur les forces productives de la Eussie. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Galitzin, le Prince Euunauuel. La Russie du 17e siecle dans ses rapports avec I'Europo occidentale, recit du voyage de Pierre Potemkin, envoye eu ombassado par V Tsar Alexis Mekhaelovitch a Philippe lY d'Espagne, et a Louis /. !Yen 1GG3, precede d'un apor^u de I'etat social et politique des trois pays a cette epoque. 8vo. PariS; 1855. Lacroix, M. Frederic. Les mysteres de la Eussie. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 2 . i Mplaires. Lamartine. Histoire de la uissie. 2 vol. Bvo. P-^-'s, 1855. Le Due. La Russie coutempuraine. 12mo. Pari). I j4. Suzannet, le Cte. de. Les Provinces du Caucase sous la doraiuatiou Russe. Revue des Deux Mondes. 4e serie. Vol. 26. Marmier, X. La Russie eu 1842. Ibid. Vol 32, et nuuvulie periode, vol. 1,2. *■'.'• p""! f \ -MlV^ 1'-^ m''^ ^m ^i- i ' ■ 1 ' m 't ' ajii^'i J mx U8 HISTORY OF OTHER [lIISTOIRE DES AUTRES Muffling, Baron. Niirruli vu of my Misniona to Constantinople and St. Peters- burg, ill th(! ywira 1829 and 1830; translated by David Jardine. 12nio. London, 1855. Bouvet, Friincisque. TurK-y, I'aht luui ['resent. Tlie Russian Question; or, this Crisis in (Ua East ; aiitiiorisi d translation, by J. llutton. 1 2ino. London, 1 "I'i^J. Jesse, Captain. Russia and the War. 8vo. lj(.\ u^i, 1854. Pamphlets "» th War w lic Kussm. ';vi>. ! oin'on, 1855. Young, Ml. -.. Our i'amp in 'I'urkcy, and the way to it. 12nio. London JRilSSell, ^^ ■ i*. Corrcspondc lit of " Tlie Times." 'Ihc War ; from the Land- ing' (It GHnir)oli to tilt- deatli td' L ifd .iiglai. ; and from Lord Ha"lan'8 dentl) to ih'ri ev.iountion of the Crimea. Reprinted, with additions and correciioiLs. *^ vols. !:.'»<.'> Lotulon, 1855-6. Geffroy, A. Des mteivis du Noid duns la guerre d'Orient. Revue des Dtiix Moudcs, 15 fev., ler juillet, 15 sept., et ler nov., 185.J;, et m ttvril, 1856. Poujade. Scones do la vie politique et milituire en Orient, 15 dec, 1855 et 1.3 avril, 185''. Simpson, William. Th* Seat of War in tlie East. Two Series. Folio. London, 1855. Witii Descriptive Skettdics, illustrating Mr. Simpson's DiawinL'.^ ; by G^o. nrackcnbury. 4to. London, 1855-6. Hamlay, Li''ut.-Col. E. H. The Story of the Campaign of Sebastopol ; written in the Camp. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855. Tliis (irigimdly nppeitird in " lilackwood's Mngnziue." Uunoan, Charles. A Campaign with the Turks in Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. i.,ondon, 1855. Klapka, General G. The War in the East, from 185.3 till July 1855. An llistorico-Criticai sketch of the Campaij^ns on the Danube, in Asia, and in the Crimea ; translated from the original M.S., by A. Meday- anszky. 8vo. London, 1865. Chambers, W. and R. Pictorial History of the Russian War, 1854-5-6; with Maps, Plans, and Wood Engraving^•. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1856. Iiake, Col. A. Kars and Our Captivity in R ussia ; with Ldters from Gen. Williams, .Major Teesdale, and the late ('aptain Tiiompson. l2mo. London, 1856. Sandwith. llumpiirey. Narrative of the Siege of Kars ; and of f^^c sh months resistance by the (iarrison ; A narrative ot Tn* ■ ii; Armi-nia and Laz'-' jm , with remarks on the pre«ent stat' . lurkey. 12mo. London, Oliphant, Laurence. 1 i ,ins-Caucasian Campaign of the Turkish Army, under Om P;^ ,. A personal narrative. 12mo. Londnn, 1856. i i ^TATS 1)E l'EUROPE.] EUROPEAN STATES. 449 i-)4-5.6 ; ;h, 1856. ;)ra Gen. , 12mo. *^(> six. "urkey. Il Army, n, 1856. Hughes, R. E. Two Summer Ciuises, with the Baltic Fleet, in 1854-5, being the Log of the " Pet" Yatch. 12mo. London, 1856. ttanke, L. Ottoman and Spiinish Empires ; vide History of Euuopk, Vide, ftlao, ante (lliiitory of Spain) for Workn on the domiuioi. of the Arabs in that country. KnoUeS, Richard. The Turkish History, from the Original of that Nation ; with the Lives and Conquests of their Princes and Emperors ; contin- ued to the year 1687. Whereunto is added, The |>resent state of the Ottoman Empir(s by Sir Paul Rycaut. Sixth edition. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1687. Finlay, George. The History of the Empire of Trebizond, 1204-1461, &c. Vide, Finlay's Mediasvul Greece, in Ancient Histouy. Hammer, M. de. Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman ; traduite de TAllemand par M. Uochez. 3 vol. 8vo. I'aris, 1844. Creasy, E. S. History of the Ottoman Turks, from the beginning of their Empire, to the present time ; chiefly founded on Von Hammer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. Turkey : Its History and Progress, from the Journals, &c., of Sir J. Porter, 15 years ambassador nt Constantinople ; continued to the present time, with a Memoir of Sir J. Porter, by Sir G. Larpent. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Valon A. de. La Turquie sous Abdul-Medjid. Revue dee Deux Mondes, Nouvelle sferie, vol. 6 et 12. Poujoulat, M. n.iptistin. Histoire de Constantinople, comprenant le Bas- Empire et I'Empire Ottoman. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Jouannin et Van Gaver. Histoire et description de hi Turquie. 8vo. (Avec carte et gravures.) Paris, 1840. . Lamartine. Histoire de la Turquie. 8 vol. Svo. Paris, 1855. Vaillant, J. A. La Romanic, ou histoire, langue, littoruture, orographie, stutistique des peuples de la langue d'or, Ardaliens, V^alluques et Mol- daves, resumes sous le nom de Uomans. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1844. Quinet, Edgar. Les Roumains, leur histoire et leurs princes. Revue des deux Mondes, 15 Janvier et ler mars, 1855. Robert, Cy|)rien. Lo moudo Slave ; son passe, son 6tat present, et son avenir. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Ranke, Leopold. The History of Servia and of the Servian revolution, of the insurrection iu Bosnia, from the German, by Mrs. Kerr. — The slave provinces of Turkey ; from the French of C. Robert. Svo. London, lHr)3. Bohn's Libr. iiystrzonowskj Sur la Scrbie duns ses rapports europeens avec la ques- tion -1 Jrient. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Cadalvene et Barrault. Deux anndes de I'hisfoire d'Orient, 1839-1840. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. I i . , ,:rr i riiA,^. f' h . i "' 1- 1 i •■ ' ■■ a II 1 1 • ji ■ I ~ p) j|ii w, f il ^ 4 li' ^HpFll i*M'''-' 3 -i^. 450 HISTORY OF OTHER [histoire des autres RoUand, Ch La Turquiecontemporaine : bommes et choses ; otudea sur I'Q. rient. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Ubicini. La Tiirquie nctuelle. 12mo. Paiis, 1855. Jouve, E. Guerre d'Orient. Voyage h lu suite des arrases aUi6es en Tur- quie, en Valachie et en Crimee. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1855. Marmont, Marshal. The present state of the Turkish Empire ; translated with notes on the relations of England with Turkey nnd Russia, and brought down to the present time, by Sir F. Smith. Second edition, revised. 12mo. London, 1854. JMichelsen, E. H. The Ottoman Empire and its resources ; with statistical tables, preceded by a sketch of the events in connection with the coun- try during the last 20 years. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1854. Vide, also, Intkrnational Law, for Treaties, &c., between Turkey and Foreign powers, 15351856. Correspondence relative to the warof Mehemet AH with the Sultan, Ac. relative to the Latin and Greek Churches in Turkey. Finlay, George. The History of Greece, under the Othoman and Venetian domination. Svo, Edinburgh, 1856. ride, The History of Greece, for earlier periods, by this Author, in Ancient HlSTOEY. Tennent, Sir J. E. The History of modern Greece from its conquest by the Romans, B. C. 146, to the present time. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845. Gordon, Thomas. History of the Greek Revolution and of tiie wars and cam- paigns arising from the struggles of the Greek patriots ineraancipatin" their country. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1844. Papers relative to the affairs of Greece, 1826-18o2. [Published by the British Government.] Svo. London, 1835. Parish, H. IL The Diplomatic History of ihe monarchy of Greece, from the year 1830, shewing the transfer to Russia of the Mortgage held by British capitalists over ' s property, etc. Svo. London, 1838. Vide, also, the Life of Ali Pacha, for a history of modern Greece. Thouvenel, Ed. Constantinople sous Abdoul-Medjid. Revue des Deux Mondes, 4e s^rie, vol. 21. Duvergier de Hauranne. De la situation de la Grbce et de son avenir. Id., nouvelle s6rie, vol. 8. Cottu, Ch. L'lle de Rhodes. Jd. Vol. 5. Valon, Alex. de. Malte. Id. Vol. 10. Raoul-Roohette. Ath^nes pous le roi Othon. Revue des Denx Mondet, 4e serie, vol. 16. About, Edmond. La Grece contemporains. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Bosset, Lieut. Col. C. P. de. Parga, and the Ionian Islands; comprehending a refutation of the Mis-statements of Sir T. Maitland, on the .■■'■:■ ject ; with a report of a tria' 'between that officer and the authrr. b . London, 1821. I5tATS DE l'eUIIOPE.] EUROPEAN STATES. 451 Davy, John. NotH8 and observations on the Ionian Islanilf* und Malta. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1842. Kendriok, T. T. 0. The loniim Islands — Manners and CustomB ; sketches of the ancient history ; with anecdotes of the Septinsulars. Svo. Lon- don. I«22. Napier, C J. J. On the Colonies, especially on tbn Ionian Islands. Vide Coi.r NiAL Law. JerviSi H. J. W. History cf thi Island of Corfu, and of tin.' republic of the Ionian Islands 12mo. London, 1S.)2. K^ralio, M. de. M6moire siir I'origine du pcuple Suodoit (CImmeriena et Ciinbres.) A. I. vol. 46 Calleville. Revolutions de N'orvetge, suivios du tableau de I'otat do ce pays. 2 vol. Svo. I'aris. 1818. Vertot. ilistoire des revolutions de la Suede, suivie d'un abrego chronologiquo de I'histoire do Suode. Svo. Paris, 1819 Vol. 4 do ses ceuvres. Voltaire, ilistoire do Charles XII. Voir les ceuvres de Voltaire, vol. 23. Beaumont-Vassy, le Vicomte de. Les Suedois depuis Charles XII, jusqu'A Oscar ler. 12ino. Paris 1847. Lebas, Ph. Suede et Norwego. Svo. (Avec carte et gravures.) Paris, 1851. Williams,-'. T'lo rise, progress, and present state of the United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Poland ; or observations on the nature, constitution, religion, laws, policy, .'• • , of each Government, of the people, military forces, revenues, oLi. and the various revolutions whicli have happened in them. 2 vols. lui. London, 1777. Twiss, Travcrs. On the Relatious of the Duchies ol ;Sohleswig and Holstein, to the Crown of Denmark and the Q-crmanic confederation, and oa the treaty-engagements in reference thereto. 8vo. London, 1848. Dunham, S A. History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 3 vols. I2mo. Loudon, 1839. Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark. Memoir of, — with an account of of the Revolution in Denmark, in 17G2 ; Vide, memoirs, &c., of Sir R. M. Keith. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. Fryxell, Anders. The history of Swe'i'" + -"^nslated, [by Anne Von Schoultz,] edited by Mary Howitt. .1. 12mo. Loudon, 1844. Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden; Life of, — with extracts from his correspon- dence. Svo London 1852. Gustavus Adolphus. The history of — , and of the thirty years war, up to the King's death. By B. Chapman. Svo. London, 185G. Poutoppidan, P>ich. An account of the Norwegian Nation. Vide chapters IX, X. of his Natural history of Norway. Vol. 2. The Heimskringla ; or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway; translated from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturleson, with a preliminary dissertation by Samuel Laing. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1844. l\ ir. m 462 IIISTORT OF ASIA. [lIISTOIRB Marmler, X. Luttrea sur lo Nord : Daueiuurk, Suude, Norvego, Lapoitie et Spitzbert;. 2 vol l2tno. Helios en 1. Paria, 1845. L6ouzon Le Duo. Lii Fiiilaudo, hoii histoiro primitive, wn niythologie, tta poi'siio I'pique, iivec la triiductioii do ai\ graado I'popoo, le Kalewala 8a coiditiou pnlitiquo ot socinlo, depuis la coiuiuote russo. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815. OeflFlroy, M. A. La Surdo, avant ot dopuis le trnitft de Paris. Revue tlet Dfiux Mondrt, iuhi, 185(5. SohefTer, John. Tlio History of Lapland, wherein are shewn the origin inannern, liabits, marriages, conjurations, Ac, of that people, (trans* v.:: I'olio. Oxford, 1074. IVTarmier, X. Ilistoirodoriilaudo. 8vo. Paris, 1810. V. HISTOIIY OF ASIA.— HISTOIKE DE L'AHIE. La Martiniere, Brazen do Introduction ii I'histoire de I'Asie, do TAfrique et de I'Amerique, pour servir de suite li I'introduction a Thistoiru du Baron de Pufendorff. 3 vol. l2mo. Amsterdam, 1735. D'Herbelot, B. Bibliotheque Orientale ; ou, Dictionnaire contcnant tout ce qui fait connaitre les peuplr* del'Orient ; leui ■ liistoires ettnuiit ,,iiH, leurs religions et leurs secce-', leurs gouvirneme'i>, loix, moeurs, cob- tumes, et les revolutions de leurs empires ; Ipf; ^s et lo>< scii es • les vies de tons ceux qui se sont rendun illustres ; L/cs critiques jt des extraits de leurs livres, ecrits en Arabo, Persan on T' ■ etc. ; par M. D'Herbelot, etcontinui'o par MM. C. Visdclou et A. Ualand 4 vol. 4to. A la Ilaye, 1777-1779. Ouseley, Si' William. The Oriental Collections [for 1797-1798]: c ist- ill 4 of original Essays and Dissertations, Translatioiis and ir.i.scejla- ?)"ou8 Papers; illustrating the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia; edited by W. Ouseley. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1797-98. These Colleoti.ns were made " by loarncd and ingenious Orientiilists resident " [in (Jreat Britain], to co-operate with their " follow Couutrynien in India," wbiise "rcseiircbcj In Aaiatick Literature hiive not been wasted on a barren soil;" like the Asintiiik Researches, they were intended to bo published imnually, bu' the 3nl and last vul. (not in the Library) was pub. lished in 1800. V:it', also, the Asiatick Researches, and the Transaetions of the Royal Asiatic Society. Klaproth, H. Asia Polyglotta, ou classification des peuples de I'Asie, d'apres I'affinite de leurs langues, avee d'amplcs vocabulaires compa- ratifs de tons les idiomes asiatiques. 4to. Paris, 1829. DE li fE.] UISTOliy OF ASIA. 453 Journal Asiatique, ou recutil de ni6inoire8, d'extraitH et de notices rela- HI'h^a I'hiHtoire, i\ la philoHophie, mix langucB et b, la litturaturo den puuplea Orii iitaux, publiu par la aouietu naiatique. 03 vol, Cinq Hc-ries. Piiria, 1822- 1H55. Voir, ci-devant (Hihtoirk i>k l'Euuopc), let uuvrngea aur I'euipire de Rustio, b on pai'ticnlit'i', Fiinton : La Uussie dium I'ABie Miueure, tin, ToiV, au8»i, Teiniiux-Cunipaug, bibliotlitiquc Orientale. Radjatarangini. llictoire des roia du lvucliniL'r(texte aanacrit), tniduito et commeut^u par M. A. Troyer, et publioe aux I'raia do la 8oci6t« Aaiuliijue. 3 vol. Hvo. I'uria, 1840-1 b52. 1 1. I'i PUIILICATIONS OK TUB OHIKNTAL TKASBLATION FUND, COMCEBNINQ TUB ItiBTOBT or THE EAST. Chronique de Tabari. Chioni(iue d' A bou-Djafar Mohammed Tabari, ifec.; tradulte aur la version Persane d'Abou-Ali Mohummud Belami, par L. Dubeiix. 4to. Toino l(!r. Pari.H. 1836. '* A highly eBtoenu'il uuJ very iiulheiitio History — containing necouuts of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and I'hilosoplii-ra ; and of Mohammed and the Khalifs." El-Mas'udi's Historical Enoyclopeedia, untitled, "Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems ;" transliited from the Arabic, by A. Spienger. Vol. 1. London, 1H41. " El-Mas'iidi has a just claim to lie called the Herodctus of the ArabH : com- biiiin,^, like Herodotus, Ethnognipliy aud Ooograplij- with History " " Even his llistoi/ of the Ureatiou is of interfct, for he unite- the traditions iu the East with the documents of Moses nnd Sauchoniaton." — Preface, p.ix, x. Blakesley, J. W- Tbe Early Medn-PerKian History, founded on the rock- inscriptions of Uehistun. K/i/e Philolog. Soc. Papers, vol. 6. Mirkhond's History, &0. History of the early Kings of Persia, from Iv'iomars, [first King] to the Confjiiest of Iran, by Alexander the Great. Translated from the original Persian of Mirkhond, with notes and illustrations, by 1>. Sbna. London, 1832. " Part of Mirkhond's Generiii llifti-y of the East." [The Rauzat-iis-SaftV.] The Hhiih N.lineh of the Poet Firdansi, ["The Annals, Ac, of Persia, from Kaiiimers to A.D. 6.S6. ' j Vule Bkllkh Lettbeb. Nader Chah, connu sous le nom de Thahmaa Kulikhan, Empereur de Perse. Ill toircde, — traduite d'un MS. Persan ; [par Sir W.Jones.] avec notes. ViJe his Works, vol. 5. — ^-^— Introduction to the History of. Part I. A description of Asia. Part II. A thort History of Persia. J'ide Sir W. Jones' Works, vol. 6. Correspondence relating to Persia and Atl'ghanistan, (Official.) Viile In- TEUNATIONAL LaW. * i l'}-^ *■- fh-t, m 1 , » ' i.. m ;li: J \\' il V i. A^ %\ if .» R 451 lUaTCar Oi ASIA. LmSTOUlE History of tho Afghans : tronslultd Jroiu the Per»iun of Neumet Ull»h, by U. Doiii. (2 imrK) 4to. I.on.lon, 1829— 1836. " Tho Afgliuiiit eliiiiii to lie ili'ncemlod from tlio Jowii." It ((Uitnini " An no- couut of llie Afglmn-'l'i'lliei*" ( Vide (.!iitul, uf TniUHlut. iippeiulod to Iliitory of Gujarat.) Ll£b of H[aflzlR[ehmut] Khan, written hy hln d.i ,, the Nuwab Moos- tujub Khan. Abridged and tran.«.liitt!d fmni tiic I'eisiaii, by C. Elliott 8vo. 1H31. (An Afj,'him Piiiic; he difd, A.I)., 1774.) " Poritonnlljr engaged in nlmogt every grout iiutiou, during 30 yours, hii life may funiUh some inateriule nf History." — I'lcface. History of Gujarat. The Political nnd Statisticnl History of Gi;jarat translated (Vom th(( Persian of Mi-Mohanuned Khan, Antiotutions and Introduction by J. Hird. H\n. London, 1H35. The lllatoiy cmlii at the death of Akimr, A.D., 1606. Tofut-ul-mujahideen. An historical work in the Arabic Language, trans- lated by M. J. Kowlnndson. Hvo. London, 1833. " A History of the first settleiiietit of the MoliummodanB in Malabar, and of their siibaeqvient sfni^'ijlefl with On' F'ortuffueRe " Memoirs of Timur. The Muiluzat Timury, or, Autobiographical MeM\oirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur, written in the Jagtay Turky Langtinge : turned into Persian by .^bu Talib Hus.'^yny, and into Knglisli by C. Stewart. 4to. 1H30. [Miscellaneous Translations. Vol. II, No (>.] Account of the Grand Ft'.stival held by Amir Timur on the Plains jf Kaindi Gul, after his return from the Defeat of Ilaynzid, tnin-lated from the Mulfuzht Timuri, by Col. I'"ranckliii. Memoirs of Humayun. The Tezkereh al Vakikt, or Private Memoirs of the Moghul lOiiperor lluenayun, written in Persian by Joulier, a dome.stic of iii-i .Majesty } translated by C. Stewart. 4to. London, 1S32. [Miscellaneous Translations, N'ol. II, No. 2.] Of the and iieduc- tion of Chaitur by the Kmperor Akbar, from the Akbar-naniah, trans- lated by I). Pric<-. Memoirs of Jahangueir. Memoirs of tiie Emperor Jahangueir, written by himself ; and translated from u Persian Manuscript, by D. Price. 4to. 1829. Mahomedan Power in India. The Siyar-ul-Mutakhcrin, a Hi.>.t(iry of the INIahomedan Power in India, durinp; the last century, by Mir Gholani IIussein-Klian, collated with tho Persian original by J. Briggs. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1832. The History of Hydur Naik, otherwise styled — Flydur Ali Khan Ba- hadoor, Nawaub of the Karnatic Balaghaut ; written by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani, translated by W. Miles. 8vo. London, 1842. :f. Hi DE l'ASIE.] IIISTOIIY OP ASIA. .56 The History of Tipu Sultan, biMug a cuntiuuation of the Mciiliuiii Ily- duri ; [thu llittory prccoding, and writt«'n by thu name Autlior.^^ — tiunslutetl by VV. Milea. Hvo. Ijondon, 1841. The History of the Temple of Jerusalem : translated iVuui tho Arabic M.S. ofthu Imum JulaNaddin ul Siuti ; witli notea nnd illut« tratiunti, by J. Rnynulds. 8vo. London, 1H36. ■' Tho coiitoutH of tliu flrst fliaptvr would JuRiify ub in euUtliii^; it "a niittory of Jeniaiilom " goiierally." " Iiv tho following} oiiitptorg [the Autliorj piooocdii " ti) describe the glorious Rook, tho Temple of Solomon, tho Mcmque of " Omar founded upon its site," lie, (to,, " nnd tho different opofii of pecu- " liar sanctity to ba fuuud in Paltstiue uud Syria are detcribed,"— Preface, xxv, vi. [Miscellaneous Translations. Vol. II, No. 1.] Geneulogicnl Cuiulogue oi'tlio Kings of Armenin, by Prince Hubboif, transluteJ iron' tho Ar- nicniun into UunHiitn. from the liuaaian into Engliah, and compared with the original Armeniun MS.. 1834. The History of Vartan, and of the Battle of the Armenians : containing un Account of thu religious wars between the Pershms and Arme- nians ; by Klisieus Bishop of the Ama luniuns, trunsioted from the Armenian, by 0. F. Neumann. 4to. 1830. [Translations from the Chinese and Armenians, Vo. 3.] Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom of Ciliida duririg the time of tho Crusades. 8vo. Lundun, 1832. Avdell, dohaiities. llisiory of .Vrineniii, by F. Michael Oil mich, from B.C., 2247, to thi- year oi Christ 1780, from the orii^inul Armenian: [with] a continuation to the present. 2 vols. 8vo. Cal' 1827. (Not published by the 0. T. F.) The Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph, Ben Joshua, Bt 'I-j (A.D., 613—1317 ;) translated from the Hebr^-. • • blotzky. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-36. [The foUowiug is part of the orighial title, p. xi 1 '"• the Iving* of France, and the Kingit of the j which tho \vi^o Hahbi .Josoph, tlio sou of Joshua, Ac, compiled : — In it are told all the Wars ami events which came to pass, nnd happened to us, in the Kingdom of Edum, [Europe, or Rome,] and of Ishmnel [Turicey] from tho time when it b«came a Nalioa. And in this book are found the persecu- tions nud captivities of tho sons of our nation, which came to pass in the Kingdoms of France, Spain, Germany, Ac." Maritime Wars of the Turks. The Hi.story of ; — translated from the Turkish of Haji Khalifeh, by J. Mitchell. (Not continued beyond A.D, 1553— A.H., 961.) 4to. London, 1831. Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian Era, by Naima, translated from the Turkish, by G. Fraser. Vol. 1 . 4to. London, 1832. Forotherhistoricsof the Turkish Empire, vide, ante p. 449. Sphurdi, "^iallo- ■' . '-e (lays of Jilimr.n Die Turk, -.1 w m ::-i- m r-i ?.} ■■•<>'■■'■, 'J m 'Ml 1 1 1 . 11 .u, ■' ^'i ■:il'. m lil'iP tW' U -.: i ,t ■ ' ; ;■ i'Ml tt: l-li i: fi .±i .. ' 456 HISTORY OP ASIA. [lIISTOIRE The History of the War In Bosnia, during 1737-8 and 9, translated from the Turkish by C. Fraser. 8vo. 1830. [Miscellaneous Translations. Vol. II, No. 3.] Short History of the secret motives which induced Aleradar Mustafa Pasha, &c., to depose Sultan Mustafaand restore to the Throne Sultan Selim. [A.D., 1807.1 Sultans Mamlouks de I'Egypte, ouvrage ecrit en Arabe, par Taki- Eddin-Ahmed-Makrizi, traduit en fran^ais, avec notes philologiques historiques, g^ographiques, par M. Quatremere. 2 tomes en 3 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837-42-45. Geographical Works of Sadik Ispahan!. With these find, a critical Essay on various .Manuscript Works, Arabic and Persian, illustrating the History of Arabia, Persia, Turkomania, India, Syria, E^ypt Mauritania and Spain, translated by J. C, from a Persian MS. : edited [with additions] by Sir W. Ouseley. 1832. Falconet, M. Dissertation sur les Assasins, peuple d'Asie. (Avec une carte.) A. I. Vol. 17. Sacy, Silvestre de. Memoire sur la dynastie des Assasins. N. I. Vol. 4. Hammer, Joseph Von. The History of the Assassins, from the German by O. C. Wood. 12tno. London, 1810. Vide, "on the Assassins,'' Joiuvillo's memoirs, in the 4to chronicles (ante, p, 351,) uIeo tlie Uou. F. Walpole'a, "the Ansayrii and the Assassins," in Qko- aUAPHY &c. Burckhardt, J. L. Materials for a history of the Wahabys ; Notes collected during his Travels. P''ide Burckliardt's Travels, vol. 4. Ockley, Simon. The history of the Saracens ; comprising the lives of Moham- med and his successors, to tlie deatii of Abilelinelik, the 11th Caliph. I2mo London, 1848. Bohit's S. Libr. Willi Notes from the researches of later writers, and a synoptical view of later Saracenic History. Yanosky et David. Syrie ancienne et moderne. Bvo. (Avec carte et gravures.) Paris. 1848. Segur-Dupeyron. La Syrie et les Bedouins sous I'administration turque. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 mars et 15 avril 1855. Napier, Commodore Sir Charles. The war in Syria, in 1839-40. 2 vols. 12rao. London, 1842. For works on the history and topography of the Holy Land, Vide, Theologt and HiSTOEY OK Religions. Mongez. Memoire sur Pers^polis. L. B. Vol. 3. Sacy,|Silvestre de. Memoires sur les antiquit^s de la Perse. A. I. Vol. 47. Memoire sur clivers monumena Sassanides. N. I. Vol. 2. Mongez, ^I- -Mdmoires sur lea costumeB des Perses (avec six planches.) L. B. Vol. 4. |5 ;'||i:^j! ■ill, lOLOGY AMD DE l'ASIE.] HISTORY OF VSIA. 457 DUlieau, Louis. La Perse. Svo, (Avec curte et gravures.) Paris, 1841. Malcolm, Sir Jolin. TliH history of Persia, from the most early period to the present time ; containing an acco-int of tlio religion, government, usages, &c. of that kingdom. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816. Vtan Legislator to the accession of Akbar anl f'c cstaldislunent of the IMoglml Empire in llindustaun from Original Pcsian .lutliorities. 3 V(ds. in 4. 4t('. London. 1811-1S21. Fresnel. I/.V;-abie. Revue des Deux Mondes. 4e. stric Vol. 10. Ersk'.ne, William. Ilislury of India undiT the two first Sovereigns nf i]»e House of Taiuiur, Babcr, and lluni.u uii. f A. I). 1494-1.356.] 2 vol'. 8vo. London, 1851. BriggS, dolm. Hi-lory < f the rise of the Atahoinedan Power in India till A. IV lGi.2, — traii.-la'.ed tVom tiie original Pf India ; tln-ir various rites and ceremonies, from birth till deatii, com- posed under the direction of, — and translated by O. A. Herklots. 8vn London, 18;V2. S^\ \ ^' r I, ; \\\ ■I- ♦ E* lit 458 HISTORY OF ASIA. [IIISTOIRE i .•■■?;' {'it I'tt Maurioe> Thomas. The history of Hindustan ; its arts, and its sciences as conneet'.'i^. with the history of tlie other great empires of Asia, during the nio.-t ancient periods of tlie world. 2 vols. 4to. L(;ndon, 1795-98 Vol. I iil«o. (!!3'j".s3C8 the Indian coeniiigony ; tho four gnmd nBtronomical periods, tho longevity of the primitive race ; Also, in ample detuil the Indian and other aecouuts of the Deluge ; with inquiries relative to the exaggerated chronology of Eastern Empires, and notes on astronoiny. Vol. II. Part I continuing from vol. I, the history of tho seven remainiug Indian Avatars; and of events in the earliest postdiluvian ages. Part II, the his- tory of the four remainiug Indian Avatars, including the life of Chreesna' and the Avatars of Uuddha. 1 ill' history of the earliest Tartar, Persian and Grecian Invasions of Hini dostan Til'- runderii history of Hiiidostan ; comprehending that ofthetjirei'k Empire of Biietria, and ' ther great Asiatic Kingdoms coniiuencnng at the i!(!ath of Alexander (to the end of the iVlogul Ilistc- ry, A. D. 1788. 2 vols. -Ito. London, 1802-3. Tod, James. Annals and !ihti(|uiiies of U;ijast'han or tin; Central and AVestern Rajpoot States of Iiilia. 2 vol.s. ho. London, 1829-1832. Elphinstone, Mount-stnurt. An neeuunt of the Kingdom of Caiibul and its dependencies in I'ersia, Tsirtary, and Itidiu ; compritiing a view of the Afghaiin Nation, and a History of the Dooraunee Monarchy. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1819. Vid'i among the OrientalTranslation Publications, rtn/«page 451, a history of the Afgliaus ; — Also, Sir G. Rose on the identity of the Afghans with tho lust Ten Tribea of Israel, ante page 21. — The history of India (from the first to the year ^ A. 0. 1761) 2 vols. hvo. London, 1841. " Conductfd under the guidance of impressions received in India." Author. Spier Mrs. Life in Ancient India; [its history, religion, literature, &c.] 12m(). London, 185(5. Taylor, ^^- *'• Ancient and .Modern India, reviseil and continued to the present time, by P. J. Mackenn i. Second edition, with improvements. 12mo. London. 18.51. Wytfliet. Hi-toire universelle des Indes Orientales et Occidentales. 4fo. Donny. I<)n7. Jancigny et Raymond, llistoire et description de '• Inde. 8vo. (Avee carte et gnivuns.) l'ari>, 18 lo. .Ijanoye, F- de. L'Inle ciinteniporaine. I'Jino. Paris, 1855. Orme. K"'" it. Hi-torieal FrMtrm-nts ( f tlu! Moijriil I'jnpire, of the Morattoes, und "t' I lie Kn^rlish concerns in Indostan, from the year li'ioO.— Oi'ijiin t" recent events, with an account of the connection of the British Government with that country^ Svo. London, 1843. DE l'ASIE,] HISTORY OF ASIA. 461 Napier, W. F. P. The Conquest of Scinde, with some Introductory passages in tiie Lifo of General Sir C. J. Napier. Svo. London, 1845. Outram, Lieut. Col. The Conquest of Scinde ; a Commentary. Svo. Lon- don, 184(). Prepiircil as a gonenil correction of tho forogoiog work, and a vindicntionof the writer from iiiiputatL/iiB wliicli ui)ply to bini in particular. Dry Leaves from Young Egypt. [Scinde ;] by aa ex-Poliiicul. Svo. London, I8ul. Dedicated to Lieut. Col. Outram; written to draw "attention to the cauBO of the fiilleu Amirs" of Scinde. Cunningham, J. D. A Ili-tory of the Sikh«, from the origin of the nation, to the Battles of the Sutlcj. Second edition, witli additions. 8vo. London, 1853. Martin. Montgomery. The History, Antiquities, Topoj^raphy, and Statistics of lv.\steru India ; the district.-* of Hehe'-, Shahabad, Bhnjrulpoor, Goruckpoor, Dinajepoor, Puianiya, Ronggopoor, and Assam ; surveyed under the orders of the Supreme Government. 3 vols. 8v( . Lon- don, 18.38. Biornstierna, lo Cte. dc Tableau de I'cnipirc britamiique dans I'lude : traduit de rAllemand par M. Retit de Baroncourt. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Warren, le Cte. Edouarddc. L'ltide Anglaisc, en 1843-1848. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1845. Dubois, Aobo J. A. Of the (Jliaraeter, Manners, an:i Customs of the People of India ; uad of their Institution.^, Religioun and Civil ; from the French .M. .>. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. Ward, Vr. View ot'tln! History, Literature, and Ueligion of the Hindoo.e) Ilhistriition-; of the History anssion Judge of Dacca, — in which Doodoo Meea, and his followers, i)idoii)i;ing to the Sect of liadjees, or Ferazees, were char<:ed with unlawful assemblage, wounding, plunder, ar-'^-ai, hv., 1848 ; with 462 HISTORY OF ASIA. [histoire li*: Vo^ ■'*'•■ '■?■ m I JiV: ,1 >• Lieut. -Col. Slecman's Uuport on BuJliuk, alias Bagrec Deceits, and other Gong robbers, by hereiiitary profession ; and on the measures adopted for their suppression, 1849. Both folio, in 1 vol. Calcutta 1848-4;». [Bombay Police Records, 1853.] Selections from the Records of Govern- ment, in the Police Brunch. —(No. 1) has several papers by Capt. Hervey, Superintendent for the suppression of Thuggee, and Decoitee : informing Government of the places, habits and pursuits of the Decoits, and other such pi;ople ; lif gives a list of 71 tribes, wander- ing and predatory, of the Bombay Prtsidi ncy. Bushby, H. J. Widow-Burning : u narrative of the terrible solemnity at Oolyporc, on tlie 30th of Au;;ust, 183s ; with a discussion of Hindoo •loctrines connected witii it. 12mo. London, 1855. [India Records, — Napier, &c.] History of Operations for the suppression of Human f.,icritice, and Female infanticide, in the hill tracts of Orissa. 8vo. Calcutta, 1854. [Indian Pamphlets, Antiquities.] Prize Kssay on Female Infanticide j by C. li. Mudy. 8vo. i!S49. Wilson, John. Histviry of the suppression of Infanticide in Western India; including notices of the Provinces and Tiibes in which the practice baa prevailed. Svo. Bombay, l8o5. (A duplicate, presented by the E. 1. Company. [India Pamphlets. Antiquities and Miscellaneous.] Description of the anticiuities ,»t Kalirejar ; by Lieut. .Mai.^ey. 1848. Ancient inscription found at Aden. 1842. Malcolm. Sir John. Icpoit on thi' i'rovince of Malwa und adjoining Districts, submitted to the Siiprcme Gov rn ncnt of liritisii India. 4fo. Calcutta, 1822. [India. — Papers on Sugar, &c.] Statistical Reports on tiie Perj^unnahs of Padshipoor ; and 7 otiiers in tiie southern .Maiiratta c(juntry j by Thomas Marsiiall, Statistical Reporter, with observations by [the] prin- cipal collector. Folio. Bombay, 1822. [Reporcs-Revenue. Punjab. | (Jeneral Report upon the Administration of the Punjal) Proper, for the years lS4'.l-50and 18.70-51, with a notice of the Cis and Triins-Sutlej Terriloiics. Folio. London, 1^54. [India Revenue Reports, &c.J Lieut. Maophorson's Report upon the Khonds of Ganjam and Cuttack. Calcutta, 1842. — Report on the Settlement in Kangra ; by G. C. Barnes. Lahore, 1855. — Report on the Settlemctrit of Clinklah Azingiirh. 18.'J7.— Suggestions by Com- mittee of Miidras Literary Society, &c., to Government, that oilicers should furnish li.sts of places which contain ancient buildings, or other objects of interest. (AIJ) Folio. DE l'ASIE.J IIISTORYT OF ASIA. 463 [Report on Kumaon and Guhr-wal. ) OIHciul llfports : viz., Statistical Sketch of Kumaon ; by G. W. Traill ; witii large additions by J. H. Rattoii. — Report on tiio Copper Mines of Kumaon, by II. Druminond ; Experiments at tiio I'okree Mine ; by J. T. Lusiiington. — Glossary of terms in use among the Hill village communities, &c. ; all edited by J. n. Batten. 8vo. Ajrra, 1H5I. [Revenue, N. W. P. 1 R-port o.i Ajmnnr ainl Mairwara ; viz : on tho Settle- ment of the Land Reveuue [tiiere,] u|) to tho commencement of 1853 ; by C. G. Dixon. A^^ra, 1853. — Report on the Settlement of the District of Seharunpore ; by E. Thornton, Ist Feb. 1839. Hotii -4to. [Bombay Records, Statistics, &c.J ■^tatisical Ile|)ort of Cambay ; by A. SuinuKMs. IHol. — Report on tins southern Districts of the Surat Collectorate ; by A. F. Beilasis. 1854. — Report on Foras Lands in Bombay appropi'iated i)y Government on tlie occasion of a memorial for compensation. 18.>4. — Statistical Report of the Colaba Agency ; by W. M. Hearn. 1854. [India Reports -Botanic and MedicaL] Two Papers; viz : No.40 and No. 1 10 ot P. C. S. relating to I'ensions of tiie Carnatic Stijxmdiaries, and accounts between them iind tiiu Bengal Government. Folio. 1854. [Bombay Records : Sa-wunt Waree, &c.] Sawunt VVarce ; Memoir on the State of; by W. Courtney, and .J. W. Auld.— A P;iper relative to ; by G.IIutehinson. — A Census of the Districts for the year 1851 ; by II. L. Anderson. — Observations on Ancient Copper Tablets ex- cavated there Statistical Report on the Portuguese Settlements in India ; by Ca])t. Kol, with copies of Treatii's, ike., witli Sawunt VVareo 17;'0and 1813, betw en Great Britain and i^ortugal, between 16G1 and 18.')0. Svo. Bombay, 1805. Bombay Records ; Scientific Tours, &c. Tours for scientific and economical research, made in Ciuzeiat, K;;ttiawar, and tlie Coukung in 1787-88 by Dr. llovo ; published under the care of A. Gibson, F.L.S. 1855. — .Memoir on the .Makee K.mia, in I84.'"> ; by ,1. R. Kt'ily ; Statement, by W. Liuig, 18 12, — \lisc(dlaueous Information relative to the Ivlur State, ilte. ; by VV. Miles. 1821. Engagements relative to Riglits in Maliee Kanta. Svo. Bombay, 1855. [Bombay Records ; Survey, &c., of Sind.J Ofllcial Correspondence relative to the Survey and Revenue Settlement of Sind. — A History of Sind from the commencement of the 8th u> the end of th • 16th century ; by Mahomed Masooin Name, from the I'ersian by Major Malet, &c. 8vo. Bombay. 1855. [Indian Pamphlets, Antiquities, &c.:] Ti'UM>l;itiiiii (if tliv' History of Sindl' ; l)y Ijioat. Postans. A Koply to till' miarepi'cbciitations on Klinuil ifTuir.a, publi.slied in the Calcutta Ueview, 1819. Facts relative to tho rciiiovf i of J. !•". Anderson, from the office of elork of Vepery Cliurcli, 1S,'J2. \^\'xl: «3 464 IIISTOIIY OF ASIA. [niSTOiRE r i M i\ ■'• }• India Reports. I v")l. 8vo. On tlie aettlemuiitoftlie Districts of Aiynpooree Moiiziiirurniiggur, Agni, Ciiwnpoii-, Zilliih Ktawiili, Gurhwal, DhIIiIo Zillali, iluiiun'rpori', Perguniiiih.-f Ualpee, IIuiiit'(Mi)i)re, Jelulpoor KhiirciUa. and Ivioneli, 1842 to 1840. India Pamphlets. Topographicnl, &c. 1vol. 8v(>. (Jontnining : — llistoiicul skutcli of tliu iiliix;! Tribes By Cupt. D. C. Gralmui. DorjiJ-Ling, 1838. Report on the Klmlsii villagos of Ajmero. 'Py Lieul.-Col. Siitherliind, 1841. Rcporfs by tlio ugonl on tours niiicle by liitn through the Distiicls attucht'd to tlio political agoiicy of the S. W. Frontier, in 18-10, 1844, and 47. Uoneial fontiireH oi Cliusiui, with lomarkH un ihe Flora uud Fauna uf that Island, By T. Cantor, M. D. Report upon the general eondition of the province of Ivutteowar in 1842. By Cni)t. O. Lo G. Jacob. Extract from a report on the District of Babriawar. By Capt. G. Le G. Jacob. 184fi. Uc'port oil the jicttlemcut of Dolira Doon. i!y A. Ross, 186i!. Rcpiirtoii the High Riad between .Mhow and Saugor. By Capt. Lak 1863. Tliitcl report on Teiiassorini, — the surrounding nations, — inlinbitai' natives and foreigners, — ohanicter, inorals*, and religion. By J. W. Jlehei, M. D. Crawford, John. History of the Iiuliim Archipelago ; an nccoiuit of tho lUiiiiners, arts, languages, religions, institutions, and commerce of i. inhabitants. 3 voU. Nvo. Ivlinburgii, l82o, St. John, Iloraec. The Imliaii Archipeingo ; it-j iiistory and present state. 2 vo\s. 8vo. London, 1853. Grant, Charles. The history of Mauritiu;-, or the Lsle of France!, and the nt'iu:hi)o\iring I^hinds ; fro'n their first discovery to the present time; composed from the papers of Baron Grant, by iii.s son. 4to. London, 1801. Pridham, Chnrie.1. An historical, political, a-.d statistical account of Mauri- tius, aod its dependencies. 8vo. London, 1849. — An historical, political, and statistical account of Ceylon, and its depemlencies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 819. SirTi IT. 0- Ceylon an 1 the Cin^^alese ; their history, government, and reli- gion, produce, revenue, and capabilities of tiie Island ; tiie manners and customs of the people. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 18.50 Ne"wbold. T. J. I'oliticid and statistical .iccount of the Dritisii settlements in the Straits nf Malacca, viz : Piiiang, Miilacca, and Sii)g;'.por(s with a history of till' Malayan States of the Peninsula. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1R39. Leydeii, l^r .1. Malay Annals, from tho .Malay language ; with introduction, by Sir T. ,S. Raffles. 8vo. London, 1821. Raffles, Sir T. S. Governor of .Java, &c. The iiistory of Java. 2 vols 4to. London, Is 17. Vide, aldo, his life !ui(l correspondence, in BiooRAriiv. ■t ■ ■«i ■ DE l'ASIE.] HISTORY OF ASIA. 465 Stavorinus' account of Java and Hatavin; also of Celebes, Atnboyna, kc. Villa, PinkiMton's Collection of Voyiigcs and Travels, Vol. 1 1. Marsden, William. Tlio history of Sumatra ; of the government, laws, cus- toms, and manners, of tho native inhabitants; a description of tlie natural products, and a relation of the ancient political state of thot Island. 4to. London, 1811. Navarette, F !). F. Account of the Empire of China ; historical, political, moral, and religious : (about 167o). Vide Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Tiavtds, Vol. 1. Fourmont, I'aind'. Dissertation sur les annalcs chinoises. A. I. Vol. 13. Guignes, -^f. de. li? imen critique des annalos chinoises, ou memoire sur I'in- certitude de la chronologie chinoiso. A. I. Vol. 3G et 43. Freret, M. Traito touchant la certitude et I'antiquite de la chronologie chi- noise. A. I. Vol. 10. 15, 18. Guignes, M- de. Memoire dans lequel on examine quelle fut lV;tendue de la Chine dejjuis sa fondation jusqu'a I'an 249 avant .J.-C.,et en quoi con- sistait la nation chinoise dans oet intervalle A. I. Vol. 42. — - Observations sur plusieurs families juives etablles ancienne- nient a. la Chine. A. I. Vol. 48. Pauthier et Bazin. Histoire et desciiption de la Chine aneienno et moderne. 2 vol. hvo, (Avec gravures.) Paris, 1837 — ls53. Malpiere, D. B. do. fia Cliine, mceurs, usages et costumes. 2 vol. Folio, Paris, 182o— 1H27. Bonacosi, le Comte Alexandre. La Chine et les Chinois. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Pu Halde, le P. iu'l ' of Pl. 'e, i'l February, lS2(i. 8vn. London, 18!' ' ithf-r.) A description of llie Burmese Einpii' :..jii- eutivo documents, by ; — and translated innn Lis. • I 1). 4to Rome, 18.13. (O. T. F.) y tJiirdinnl Wi.-iflnian, — the Autlnpr wrote ia lliiliiin. His the rtligioa of the niirnicRC, their cognmjjniphy, Ilmlovy, riito, h'toritiipp, and Hoienoes, &c. Annahis des Empereurs dii Japon, Nipoii o dai itsi Han ; traduitca pur M. I. Titsinfjh, [etc., ] nttaelie-* an Cotnptnir llollandoia de Nan- jrasaki ; sur I'orijjinal .fap )nais ■ hinois Notes et un n|)ercu de i'histoire niytholof^ifiue (111 .lapon. par .M.d.Klaproth. Hvo. Paris, 1834, (O. T. F.) [Translations from the Chinese and Afmenian, No. 1. 1 History of the pirates who infested the (yhina Sea, from 1807 to 1810. 8vo. London, 1831. (O. T. F.) San Kokf Tsou Ran Jo Sets, ou aper(;ii ^^em'ral des Trois Koyanmes ; de I'orii^inal .Fapanoi-i-Ciiinois, par ^L .1. Khiprotli. 8\o. l^aris, 1832. (0. T. F.) Plates and iMaps to accompany the foregoin;; work. 1 vol. 4to. [O. T. F.] La Coidc — Les Ilos' Lieoi: Kliit'ou— at I'l.slo de Yeso — are described, with hia- torieal uolices, vocabularies, &c. WOIK code. ( Japan. i(^ ;; ^'r i 1 1 i 1 '"■■-■; t ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ',■^ i VL HISTORY OF AFRICA. HISTOIltK DE L'AFRIQUE. Heeren, A. II. L. lIi,*torical rcsearcheH into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the Carthaj!;iiiians, iOthiopians and E»yptians. Translated from the German. Second edition. Corrected throngliout, and to which is added au Index, a Life of the author, new Appendixes, and other additions. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford 1838. For works on tlie lliatory of the Ancient Kingdiims of Africa, vide Ancient His- OttV. D'Avesac. AlVique ; esquissc gdn^rale. — Dureau de la Malle et Yanoski. Carthage. — Lacroix, Louis. Numidie et Mauri- tanie. — Yanoski- L'A friqnc chn'tienno, et domination des Vaudales en Afrique. Svo. (Avec carte et gravures). Paris, 1844. r 1 1 ! : i ■>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^1^ Hi £ U£ 112.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -^ 6" - » Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STKEET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 C/j ? ^ I flr m 1 t ■i : m 11 V Ih ' 468 HISTORY OF AFRICA. [niSTOIllE DE 1848. 8vo. Tardieu, Amed^'e. t^i'-ii giimbio et Guinoe. — Ch^rubini. Nubie. — Deg. vergers, Noel. Abyssiiiie. 8vo. (Avec carte et gravures). Paris I8I.7. D'Avesao. lies de I'Afi-iqiie. Svo. (Avec carlo et gravures). Piirio, Hoefer, F. Afrique aiiMtrnlo, oricntnlo et centrale ; empire dii Mnroc. (Avec carte et gnivures.) Paris, 1848. Girardin, Saint-Marc Ktudes d'histoire compar^e sur rAfrique. Sevue dm Deux Mondes, 4e sdric, vol. 27, 3 1 , 82. Castellane, H. de. Souvenirs ^t> la vii- inilitaire' en Afrique. Ibid, nouveile periode. vol. 3, 4, 5, H, 9 et 12. Le grand ouvrage d'Egypte conticnt .-'ur I'Eyfypte moderne les mtmoires suivants : Memoires siir In comniunication de la iner des Iiidea a la Mc-ditcrruniiee par la mer Uo'igo et ritithmii de Suez, pur M. .1. M. Le Piire De.icripl.ion dc I'igi/ptc Etiit nuulerno. Vol. 1. M6moiro siir Ids financen de I'Egypte depuH sn oonquoto par le sultan Sdym Icr ju3qu"il celle du genijral en clusf Bonapurte, par le comte d'Estfeve. Ibid. MunioircB et observatioiia Hur i)lusieur8 inaladioti qui ont iiffectu Icj troupes de rurmiJe fran9ai3e pendant I'exprdition d'Egypte, pur le baron Larrey. UU, De I'dtat nctuel do I'art niusicul en Egypto, par M. Vi'loteau. Ihid. Meinoire sur la con.-ttruotiorf de la carte d'Egypte, par M. Jacotin. Ibid., vol. 2 M(5inoiro sur le Megyns de I'ile de Roudah, par J. .1. Marcel. Ibid. Mdnioire sur la ville d'Aloxandrie, par Gratien Le Vdre. Ibid, Essai sur lea nupura des habitants inodernea do TEgypte, par M. de Cliabrol. im. Description de la ville et de la citadelle du Kaire, par M. Joiuard. Ibid. Index geograpliique, ou textc general des noma de lieux de I'Egypte, parlemtoe Ihld. Abrege chronologique de I'hiatoire dop Mamlouks d'Egypte depuis leur oriflnc ju8qu'i\ la coi queto des Franyain, par M. Delaporte. Ibid., vol. 3. Memoire sur lesmoiinaies d'Egypte, par M. Samuel Bernard. Ibid. Monioiro sur ragriciikuro, I'industrie et le commerce ilo I'Flgypte, par M. P. S. Girard. Ibid. Arts et metiers. Kxplication dea planches. Preface historique, par Fourier. Antiquitei-deicriplions, planches, vol. 1. Marcel, J. J- L'Egypte depuis la conqii^te des .Vrabes jusqu'i la domination fran^aise. — Ryme, Am('>d^e. L'Ri i! fx f^^ ^f 1 j' i# ^(^1 an r- '^fli ■"f ' H i 11 if''''' 1 ji fl If ■ * H ll F; '! III r 1 ^ii!l 472 BIOGRAPHY. [biographie. liogntpliT. luoijritp^ie. I. GENERAL BIOGRAPHY. | I. BIOGRAPHIE GEnErale. Plutarch's Lives of illustrious men ; from tlio original Greek, with notes critical and historical, and i life of Plutarch ; by J. Langhorne and W. Langhorne, New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Plutarque. Vies des hommes illustres ; traduit par A. Pierron. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Seoousse, M. Remarques sur quelques vies ecritos par Plutarque, et en particulier sur celles de Camille, Lucullus, Pomp6e, Crassns, Caton d'Ltique, Cesar, Ciceron, Brutus, Antoine. A.I. Vol. 5 et 7. Visoonti- Iconographie grecque. 3 vol, 4to. Paris, 1811. Voir oussi d.inB Ics clnssiques latins, Cornelius Nepos. De Viris illustribus. Mordri, Louis. Le Grand Dictionnaire historique ou le melange cuiitux de I'histoire sacree et profane, etc. 8 vol. Folio, dont 2 de supplement. Paris, 1725-1735. Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire historique et critique. Nouviille edition augment^e de notes extraites de CiiaufepiC^ Joly, La Monnoye, L. J. Leclerc. Le Duchat, Prosper Marchand, etc IG vol. 8vo. Piui?, 1820. . ■ A general Dictionary, historical and critical ; a translation, with corrections printed in the late edition at Paris, and interspersed Lives never before published ; and Reflfctions on such passages as seem to favour Scepticism, &c , by J. P. Bernard, T. Birch, and J. Lockman, 10 vols. Folio. London, 1734-1741. Chalmers, Alexander. The general Biographical Dictionary ; containing the Lives and writings of Eminent Persons; particularly the British and Irish : New edition, revised and enlarged. 32 vols. 8vo. Loiidun, 1812-17. Gorton, John. A general Biographical Dictionary. New edition. 3 vols. 1847, to which is added, a supplementary volume (1851) completing the work to the present time. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1847-1851. Rose, H. J. A new general Biographical Dictionary, projected and partly arranged by, — 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. "It is a duty to state, that a considerable portion of it was executed under arrangements made by bini, although no part was subjected to his revision:" in consequence of his decease, the work was placed in the hands of other Editors. BIOGRAPHIE.] BIOGRAPHY. 473 CyclopeBdia of Biography ; a series of original Memoirs of distinguished persons of all times ; with illustrutionH, edited by Elihu Rich. 8vo. London, 1854. Appleton's CyolopsBdia of Biography ; u series of original meinoirs of the most distinguished persons of all times. 4to, New York, 1856. Nut much ultcred from Rich's Cycluptedia, except by the addition of some Ame. ricHU Lives. fMichaud.] Biographic iiniverselle ancienne et raoderne, ouvrage redig6 par line, soci^to de gens de lettres et de savants. 82 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811-1849. Jacquelin, J. A. Manuel de biographic, revu et augmente par M. Noel. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 183/5. Roret. Feller, F. X. de. Biographie universelle, ou dictionnaire historique des hoinnies qui so sont fait im nom par leur genie, leurs talents, vertus, erreurs ou crimes ; Edition revue et continu6ejurquVn 1848, sous la direction de M. Ch. Weiws, ct de M. I'abbe Bu.sson, et suivie d'un supplement. 8 vol. en 4. 8vo. Paris, 1840-1850. Lalanne, (Lud.,) Renier, (L..) ft autre. Biographie pc tative universelle. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Delarue, Th. Isographie des hommos cel^bros ; ou collection de fac-simile de lettres autographes et signatures. 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1843. Biographical Dictionary ; Published by the Society for the diffusion of Usitul Knowledge, (for the letter A. ; being all that has been pub- lished.) 4 vols. Svo. London, 1842-4. Autobiography of Eminent Persons : [of diffet pnt Nations.] 34 vols, bound in 17. l2mo. London, 1826-32. The several lives nro (listi'ibutod under their proper names, in thesoconil part of this class. The 84th volume of this series is wanting. Myers, Frederic. Lectures on Great Men ; with a preface, by T. H. Tarlton. Second edition. 12ino. London, l8oG. On Luther, Columbus, Xavier, Peter of Russia, Wyeliffe, More, Cranmer, Cromwell, Savonarola, Ximines, De Coligny and Washington. Emerson, R. W. Representative Men ; seven lectures. 12mo. Boston, 1849. Herein, Pluto, Swedenlierg, Montaigne, Shakespeare, Napoleon, and Goethe are treated on, in six lectures ; and a lecture is added "On the Uses of Great Men." Biography of Eminent Persons ; consisting of Galileo, Kephsr, Newton, Mahomet, Wolsey, Sir !•]. Coke, Lord Soniers, Caxtoii, Mlake, Adum Smith, Niebuhr, Sir C. Wren, and Michael Angelo. Svo. London, I83;i. Lib)', of U. K., vol. 26. Arnault, (A. V.) Jay, (A.) Jouy, (K.) Norvins, (J-) et nutres. Bio- graphie nouvelle des contemporain.s. 20 vol. Svo. Paris, 1820-1825. loonographie des contemporains. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1832. \ I m .ill I n » 1' ^ 1 'Ijlli 1 1 '^' ':' rah, M .A.^Li.. 474 BIOGRAPHY. [biographie. jii Men of the TimeB, [including, also, Women of the Time], biographical sketches of eminent living characters. 12mo. Lomlun, 1856. or sicotches of livitij; Notiibles. (An earlier edition ; reprinted.) 12mo. New York, 1852. Ourlosit^s blographlques. 12mo. Paris, 1846. Oettinger. Bibliographie biogrnphlque univeisello ; dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs k I'liistoire de la vie publique et priv^e des personuageg c^l^brei de tou9 le.s temps. 2 vol. 8vo. Bruxelles, 18fi4. L'Kncyclopudio des gens du munde — I'Encyclopedie du XIXe slucle — le Diction. :iaii'-! de lit conversation — lo Diotioniiairo des dates — Ic Dictionnaire d'hiitoir* et do goo^'rapliio do Bouillet, &o,, contiennent auss! la biographio dps hom- nies ct'lt^'ii'os. Pour hi vie de.s aiir,>>iirs sacrt-s, voir Ceililer, Histoire grnuralo dea auteurs 8acr6) &o. (TiiEOLOuii:, Rkmuion, itc.) Pour losliistuiren gi'iicialvB ot particuUt^res des Saints et Saintea, voir lea paees 21 ct 35 du present catalogue ; Pour i-ellea des p.ipea, page 31, et pour In biographic du clergC, page 38. Pour la biographie des pliilusoplies, voir page 67 du pn'sent catalogue. La mimt section (Philosophik ot Morale) mentionne entre autres, la vie de Kant, par Sainte, la vie do Miiire do Biran, cello de Ramus, par Waddington, celle du Vicomte do Boiiald, cello de l« Bi'^otio, par Payen, &o. Le Dictionnaire de rccononiie politique, do Coqiielin, Ouillauniinitc., rontient deg notices biographiques sur les principnux ecouomlstea. Le grand Dictionuiiire des sciences naturelles, publie sous la direction de F. Ou vicr, eat suivi d'une biographie dea plus coli^bres naturalistea. Voir daua la soctiou des Beaux-Auts : Felia, Biographie universelle des musi- ciens. — Choron et Fiyolle, Dictionnaire historique dea musicicns.— Quatre- miire de Quincy, Biographie dea plus c^lt^bres architectes, de 1050 i 1860.— Pour lea biographies d'artistes, voir aiissi Ic journal V Artiste. Le 3e volume dos oouvre^ couipleiea de Frai (ois Arago contient la biographie des principaux atittuiiuincs. Chaptal, "arrait forrnifr, oontient la biographie des agronomes cel^brea. [Voir AORICULTURE, itc] Le Dictionnaire do nu'decino (eiicyclopi'dio mcthodiquo) conti.'nt la biographie des medeciiia ci'lcbrcs, avec des notices de li urs ouvrages. Voir auasi dans la memo section [Sciemck Mepicalb] le Dictionnaire historique (ie la mcde- ciiio, ot Renouard, Histoire d • lit mcj(ietine. Los Mcmoirea de I'rtcademie de medccine contiennent au'si les cloges des mombi'cs dccedca. Le vol. ler des (Eavres de Fontenellc contient les elogea d'un grand nombre d'A- cadcmiciena, et, entre autres, de Bornouilly, Vuuban, Tournefort, Bourdelin, Cassini, MallohrancliP, Leibnitz, Saurin, Ac. Pour le.s biographies et portraits litteraircs des po^tea, romunciers et autrea ecri- vains, Voir en gcir'Tnl la section Belles Lkttrks, ct en particulier, I'llis- toire litttjraire ' 11 ^' 476 BIOGRAPHY. LBIOORAPUIB. Cromwell and Bunyan ; by II. Southey. (Select Biographic!).) 1844. Col. Libr. Clarendon, Lord Cliancellor. Lives of tho frionds and contcrnporarieg of, illustrative of portraits in hia Gallery ; by Ludy Therosa Lewia. 3 vols 8vo. London, 1852. Burnet, IJinhop. Lives of Sir M. Hale, FJp. Bedell, and Lifo and Death of the Karl of Roehoster. lUmo. London. Lives of those eminent AiitiquaruiS, — John Leland, Thomas Ilearne, nnd Anthony u Wood, — with an account of their respective writings and publications ; in which arc inserted Memoirs relating to niany eminent persons, and various parts of litenitiire. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1772 [Hearnn's Chronicles, vols 815, Hi. J North, Koger. Lives [dating in 17th cent.] of Francis Dudley, and John North New i-ditiou, with notes and illustrations, historical and biographical. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. DevereUX, Hon. W. li. Lives and Letters of the Uevereux, Karls of Kssex in the reigns of IClizabeth, tlanie.s I, and Charles I. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 18o3. Pocock, Pearoe, Newton, and Skelton. Tho Lives of Dr. K, Pocock by Dr. Twells ; of Dr. Z. Tearce, and Bishop Newton, by them- selves ; ond of the Uev. V. Skelton, by Mr. Burdy. 2 void. 8vo. London, 1816. Scott, Sir Walter. Biographical Memoirs of Richardson, Fielding, Smollett Cumberhind, Goldsmith, Johnson, Sterno, Mackenzie, VValpole, he. Of Miss C Smith, Sir li. Sadler, J, Leyden, Miss Sewurd, Dt; Foe, Lord Byron, the Duke of York, &c. Vide his Works, vols, 3 and 4. Tytler, P- F. Lives of the Scottish Worthies. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1831. Fam. Lib. Vol. I. Alex. Ill; Mielmel Scott; Sir VV. Walliicc; Robert Bruce. " n. Rob. Bruco (ended); J. Bnrl)our; A. Wynton; J. Do Fonlun; James I. " III. James I (euded); R. Uenryaon ; W. Uuubar; Gavin Douglas; aDd Sir D. Lindsay ; with antiquarian illustrations. Lindsays. Lives of the, — or, a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Bnlcarresj by Lord Lindsay ; — Extracts from the oflieial correspondence of the 6tli Eiirl of Balcarres ;— Personal narratives by his (4) brothers, and by his sister, Lady Anne .iarnatd. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Chambers, Robert. Biographical Dictionary of eminent Scotsmen ; (3 vols) with supplement containing the biographies to the present time ; by T. Thomson, (1 vol.) 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 184,5-18o5. Curran, J. P. Sketches of the Irish Bur j with Essays, literary and political. New edition. 2 vols. 12nio. London, 1855. -. And his contemporaries, Lives of; by Charles Philli|)8. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1851. BIOGIlAPniB.] moORAPIlY. 477 Shell, 11. S. Sketches, Lognl aud Political : edited, with notes, by M. W. Havagi 2 vols. 12inn. London, 1855. Fobs, Kdwnrd. The Judges of Kngland ; with sketches of their Lives, ond notices connected witli tiie Courts at Westminster, from tlio time of the conquest to ihe Reign of Hichard III, [106G-1485]. VoU. 1 to 4. 8vo. Lonlon, 1818-61. Campbell, Jolin, Lord. Lives of tho Lonl Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England : from the earliest times till the lleign of of George IV. Third .dition. 7 vols. 8vo. Loniloii, 1848-50. Lives ot the Chief Justices of England. 2 vols. Svo. London, J 849. Manning, J. A. Lives of the vSpeakers of tho House of Commons, [1377- 1835. J 8vo. London. 1850. {Tivo copies.) Forster, John. Lives of eminent British ritateamen. 7 vols. (Vol. V, is by T. P. Courtenay.) i2mo. London, 1831-38. Vol. I. Sir T. More, Wolsey, Craiimor, Cecil, Lord Burleigh. " II. Sir J. Eliot, Enrl of Strafford. " III. John I'ym, Jolin Ilatnpden. " IV. Sir H. Vane, Henry Marten. " V. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, Osborne, Earl of Danby. " VI, VII. Oliver Cromwell. Brougham, Lord. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in tho Reign of George 111; with remarks on Party, (Ist scries, and 2nd edition,) and remarks on the French Revolution (3rd series). 3 vols. Svo. London, 1839-43. The selcctiun is of European chanicters, and some Essays on earlier Statesmen are given. New e litioii, revised ami (snlarged. 1855. Vide Brougham's Works, vols. 3, 4, and 5. British Cabinet in 1853. l2ino. Philadelphia, 1853. Charnook, John. Biographia Navalii , n% Memoirs of the lives and char- acters of the Oflicers of tho Navy of Great Britain, from 1660 to the present time ; with pDrtraits. (5 vols. Svo. London, 1794-98. Marshall, J. Royal Naval Biography ; or, Memoirs of the services of all tho Flag Offi(!er3, Superannuated Rear-Admirals, retired Captains, post Captains, and Commanders, on the Admiralty List, at the com- mencement of 1823 ; a series of notes, which contain an account of all the Naval actions, &c., from 1760 to the present period. 4 vols, bound in 8. Svo. (1823-35.) Supplement, bound in 4 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1827-1S30. O'Byrne, W. P. Naval Biographical Dictionary ; comprising the life and services of every living officer, from the rank of Admiral of the Fleet, to that of Lieutenant. Svo. London, 1849. I l> I . I N '.\ 478 BIOOEAFUY. [bioobapuu. ^J t V '■■ .:!• Brougham, Lord Lives of philosopliora und men of IcttLTs and Hciene* wlio flourished in the time of Georgo III. New edition revised. 12uio. London 1855. Vide Brougham'd Works, vols. 1 and 2. OoDteuta: Vultalre, Rouiseitu, Hume, Robortton, Black, Watt, Prieitlty, Ciivondiiih, Dnvy, Siinnoii, Juhusou, Uibbuii, Adam Smith, LuToU|«r D'Alombort, Sir Juaoph Kunlcs. Eirat edition, not including all the above Lives, bvo. London. 1845. Men of Soiences. Vide Sketches (if the Liven of some, — in Piayfair's Work* vol. 4, and YoungV Works, vol. 2. British Physloians. Live:) of. \2n\o. London, 1830. Fam. Lib. Arohiteots. Biographies of, — I ide Fine Akts. Sculptors. Biographies of, — Vide Fink Akts. Painters and Engravers. Biographies of, — Vide Fine Arts. Creasy, E. S. Memoirs of eminent Etonians ; with notices of the earlv history of Eton College. 8vo. London, 1850. Southey, Robert. Lives and Works of our uneducated poets ; an introduc- tory essay [toj " attempts in verse by John Jones." 12mo. London, 183L Johnson, Dr. Tbo Lives of the English Poets. Vide Johnson's Works, vols. 9. 10, 11. Gary, Rev. H. F. The Lives of the English Poets, from Johnson to Kirke White ; u continuation of Johnson's Live-:. 12mo. London, 1846, Vide Gary's Works, Vol. 3. Gary, II. F. Early French Poets, &c. r2rao. London, 1840. See Gary's Works, Vol. 4. Austin, VV. S. and Ralph, J. Lives of the Poets Laureate ; with an intro- ductory Essay on the title and office. 8vo. London, 1853. Stebbing, Henry. Lives of the Italian Poets. Second edition, with numerous additions. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1832. Ood'win, W. Lives of the Necromancers ; or, an account of the most eminent persons who have claimed, or to whom has been imputed, the exercise of Magical Power. 8vo. London, 1834. Hale, Mrs., S. J. Woman's Record ; or, sketches of all distinguished women, from the " Beginning," till 1850 ; arranged in four eras, with selections from Female writers of every age. Svo. New York, 1853. Aguilar, Grace. The Women of Israel. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1854. Kavanagh, Julia. Women of Christianity exemplary for Acts of Piety and Charity, with portraits. 12mo. London, 1852. Starling, Miss. Noble deeds of Woman ; or, Examples of Female courage and virtue. Fifth edition. 12nio. London, 1853. BIOOUAPllIE.] DIOOUAPllY. 470 ElWOOd, Mrs. Memoirs of fjiterary Ludiet of Engloml, from tlio commence- ment of tliu last century. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1843. The Orioutal Trnnslutiun Fund rubliuntioiia, inoludo the fullowirig oulUetir* and NP|inrnto nii>|{ni|i)iioi : ll>n Klialliknti's Iliogrnphioal Diotionnry. Notices of Persinn Pooti, by Sir (1. Ousoley. Lifu uf Iliidz Kflnnout Klinn. Life of Mohaninipil All llnsiu; Tvith, Lives ofcerlHJn Mn^hul Em])arui'H, nBiii(,'iicd in this Catalogue toIIisTOBT, Voir Tnssl, Llttonituro Ilindoue. Vol. I. Diogruplile ct Dibliogrnpliie, &o. [Dki.i.ks Lettuks.] Menneohet, Kil. lio Plntarqun frnn9itia, vies des hommes et femmes illus- trcs dc la Franco, avec leurfl portraits en piod. 8 vol. 4to. Paris, 1838. Lebrun, ChnrloH. Lo Miroir d« In France. 2 vol. 8vo. (Clmque volume contenant 12 portraits ) Paris, IBG/ii. Couroelles, do. Dictionnairo liistorique et biogruphique des goiu'raui fron- <;ais, depnia le oiiziAmt- si^cle jusqu'en 1K24. 9 vol. 8\o. Paris, 1820—1824 — — Dictionnain- dt;» pairs de France. Kotr Art Heraldique £T GENEALOaiQUB. Brantome. OOuvres. fi vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822—23. Monthyon. Ministrca ciMt>bri's do Francn, do 1060 i^ 1791. 8vo, Paris, 1812. Gu6rln, Tj6on. Lcs navigateurs fran9ai8. 8vo. Paris, 1H46. Levot, P- Hiographie bretonne. 8vo. Vonnes, 1852. Voir Dubois, Reeherchos arcliuologiqucs, biographiques &c., sur la Norinandie. [IIisTOiuE DK France.] Lacombe, M. Francis. Lea bonrgeoia c6liibre8 de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Deumier, J- f-'O Fevre. Col^britus d'autreiois ; essais biographiques et Iitt6- raires. 12mo. Paris, 1853. [Lom6nie.] Gulorie des contemporains par un horome de rien. 10 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1844 Mireoourt, Eug. de. Le.s contemporains 17 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1856. Kot'rls section de I'Histoirb dx Fbanob, et en particulier la Oalsrie franfaise, I'l- conographle franfaiso, iio. On troure dans la Bibliothique de CicoU det Chartrei des notices biographiques sur plusieurs ccrivaiDS du moytm-dge. Les collections des mcmoires relatifs a I'histoire de France, de Quizot, Petitot, Bu> chon, ibe., contiennont des notices sur cbaque auteur. Les Annales du Barreau franjais contiennent des nutices sur Is vie de chaque on teur. Voir Droit Francois. Voir dans la section Politique et Lkoislation, lo Dictionnaire des Qlrouettos— les Grands Corps politiques de I'Etat, dec. ■'■'fM ■>■'.-•'•;■ ■ i ■'. 480 BIOGllWin. [biogeaphie. n. SKPAUATE LIVKS.— HIOGRAPIIIES SPlSCIALES. Abernethy, John (Surgeon.) Memoirs, with a view of his Lectures, Writ- ings and tharacter ; by G. Muciiwain. 2 vols. 12tno. London 1853 Agnew, !^ir Andrew. Mumoirs of liis liifu ; by Thomas McCrie. 8vo London, 1850. Agr^da, S(«ur Marie d' Correspondance in^dite avec Philippe IV, roi d'Es- pagne, traduite de I'Espagnol avec une introduction par Germond de Lavigne. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Aguesseau, le Chevalier d'. Son eloge par Thomas. Voir oeuvres de Tho- mas, vol. 3. Alfleri, Victor. Memoirs of his Life and Writings, written by himself- transli'ted from the Italian. "J vols. 8vo. London, 1810. All Pacha, (of Jannina.) The Life of, &c. Second edition, with alterations iitul additions. 8vo. jjondon, 1823. Ampere, A. M. Son ologe, par Arago. FbjVlesceuvresde Fr. Arago, vol. 2. Ameilhon. Son eiogn historique. A. I., vol. 5. AncilloD. Notice sur sii vie et ses ouvr:iges, par \\. Mignet. FojV Micnet notices, portraits historiques et litteraircs, vol. 2. Andryane, Alex. Memoires d'un prisonnier d'etat. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Augoulime, Duchess of Fili:i Do'orosu. Memoirs of Marie-Ther^ao-Char- lotte, — b}' Mrs. Homer. 2 vols. bvo. London, 1852. AnquetiL Njtice historique. N.I., vol.4. Anquetil du Perron. Eloge historique. N.L, vol. 3. Anselme, I'Abbe. Notice historique. A.I., vol. 14. Anville, d'. Notice historique. A I., vol. 45. Ar^tin, I'. Sa vie et ses ujuvres, par Philarete Chusles. Revue des Bern Monties, 15 octobre et 15 decembre 1834. Argenson, le Comte d'. Notice A, I., vol. 34. Argenson, le Marquis d'. Notice. A.I., vol. 27. Arnold, Thomas, (.\Iaster of Itugby.) Life and Correspondence; by A. P. Stanley. Seventh edition. 8vo. London, 1852. Arnould, Sophie. Portrait, par Arsene Houssaye. Voir Iloussaye, portraits, du XVIIIe siecle, vol. i. Aubign^, Agrippa d'. Meiuoires publics pour la premiere fois, par Lalanne. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Bacon, Lord. Life of ; by Lord Campbell. 12mo. London, 1853. Bailly. Son eloge, par Arago. Voir rcuvres de Frs. Arago, vol. 2. — — — Son 61oge, par Lacretelle. Voir m^moires 3e I'institut, discours et rapports, vo'.. 3. BIOGEAPHIE.J BIOGRAPHY. 481 Baird, Sir David. Life of ; by Theodore Hook. New edition, revised and cor- rected. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Balm^^i Dom Jaime. Sa vie et fos oeuvres, par Ch. de Mazade. lievue des Deux Mondes, 15 octobre 1853. Barnave. S^a vie, par M. Berenger (de la Drome.) Voir oeuvres de Barnave, vol.1. Rarre, de la. Notice. A.I., vol. 14. Barrington, Viscount W. W. Political Life, compiled from original Papers, by his Brother Shute, Bishop of Durham. -Ito. London, J814. Barrow, Sir John. Autobiography ; including reflections, observations and reminiscences at home and abroad, from early life to advanced age. 8vo. London, 1847. Bart Jtiiin. Son histoire par Vandercst. 12mo. Paris. Barthelemy, I'Abbe. Son eloge, par M. de Boufflers. Voir m^moires de I'institut, discours et rapports, vol. 1. Bastie, le Baron de la. Notice. A.L, vol. 16 Bathurst, Binhop. Memoirs and Correspondence of; by his daughter, Mrs. Thistlethwayte. 8vo. London, 1853. Batteux, I'Abbe. Eloge historique A.L, vol.45. Bayard. Voir De la Barre, portraits ■militaircs, vol. 2. Voir les memoires relatifs a I'histoire de France, (collection Petitot), vol. 15 et 16. Beattie) Dr. James. Account of his Life and Writings, including many of his original Letters, by Sir Wm. Forbes. l2mo. London, 1824, Beauchamp, de. Notice. A.S.M., vol. 3. Beaumarehais et la societe du XVlIIe sifecle, d'apres des documents iniSdits, par M. Louis de Lom*''nie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Beauvau. Son eloge, par 'M. de Boufflers. Voir memoires de I'institut, dis- cours et rapports, vol. 1, Belisarius. Life of, by Lord Mahon. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Bell, Dr. Andrew. The Life of, comprising the history of the system of Mutual Tuition: the 1st. vol., by Robert Southey, edited by Mrs. Southey ; the two last by his son, the Rev. C. C. Southey. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1844. Belley, I'Abbe. Notice. A.L, vol. 38. Bentley, Dr, [Master of Trinity College, Cambridge.] Life ; with an account of his Writings, and Anecdotes of many distinguished Characters ; by J. n. Monk. Second edition, revised and corrected. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1833. Bernard, Saint. Sa vie, par Quillaume, Abb6 de Saint-Thierry, &c. Voir memoirca sur riustoiro de France, (collection Guizot,) vol. 10. y 1/ ' ! t. ii V ♦ i.,t i ■ ■ ■ ' ■ 1 1 1 i' ♦' 1 1 . il J .: A lid ,1:, .. i^plRili^ 462 BIOGRAPHY. [biographie. Bernardin de St. Pierre. Eseai sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Aim* Martin. Voir les oeuvres de Bernardin de St. Pierre, vol. 1. Bernis, le Cardinal de, Bon eloge, par M. de Feletz. Voir memoires de I'ing- titut, discours et rapports, vol. 8> Berwick, le Mar^chal de. M^moires. 2 vol. 8vo. Buisse, 1778. Bignon, Ed. Notice bistorique, par Mignet. Voir Mignet, notices et por- traits, vol. 2. Blake, Admiral. Life, based on family and state papers. 12mo. London 1852. Vide Lives. Lib. V. K. Vol. 26. Blessington, Lady. The literary life and correspondence of, by E. B. Madden. Second edition. 3 vols. Bvo. London, 1855. Boileau Desprdaux. Notice, A. I., vol. 3. Voir les oeuvres de Boileau, vol. 1 Bolingbroke. Lord. Memoirs ; by Q-. W. Cooke. Second edition, revised and corrected. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1836. Sa vie et son temps, par Chs. de E^musat. Hevue dea Deux Mondes. ler et 15 aout, ler et 16 septembre, ler Octobre, 1853, Bossuet. Sa vie par le Cardinal de Bausset. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1814. Boswell, James. Letters; addressed to the Eev. W- J. Temple; now first published ; with an introduction and notes. 8vo. London, 1857. Boufflers. Son portrait par Houssaye. Voir portraits du 18e siecle, vol. 2. Brantome. Sa vie, par M. de Monraerque. Voir lea amvres de Brant6me, vol. 1 . Brooke, Sir .Tames. Eajah of Sarawak. Private letters, narrating the events of hia life ; from 1838 to the present time ; edited by J. C. Templer. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Broussais. Notice bistorique, par Mignet. Voir notices et portraits, vol. 1. Brydges, Sir Egerton. Autobiography, times, opinions, and contemporaries. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1834. Bufibn- Portrait, par Houssaye. Voir portraits du ISe siecle, vol. 2. Bunyan, John. Life of, by Robert Southey 12mo. London, 1844. Colon. Libr, Burgundy, Mary, Duchess of. Memoirs of, and her contemporaries ; by L. S. Costello. Svo. London, 1853. Burke, Rt. Hon. Edmund. Memoir of, with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents, by James Prior. Svo. London, 1824. — — A new edition of the above. Vide Bohn't Stand. Libr. BIOGUAPHIE.J BIOGRAPHY. 483 ■■It rl' Burke, Rt Hon. Edmund. L-jfrespondence ; between the year 1744, and the period of his deceaue, in 1797 ; by Karl Fitzwilliara, and Sir E. Bourke. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. . . Memoir of his political life; with extracts from his writings ; by George Croly. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Wisdom and genius of, with life by Peter Burke. 8v . London, 1849. Burke. Sa vie et ses c'crits, par Chs. de Remusat. Revue dea Deux Mondet, 15 Jan. et ler fevrier 1853. Butler, Charles. Of Lincoln's Inn. Eeminisceuces of. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824-27. Byron, Lord. Letters and journals ; with notices of his life, by Thos. Moore. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Canning, George. Life ; by Robert Bell. 12mo. London, 1846. Vide, also, English Histost. Cartwright, E. Inventor of the power loom. Life of. Vide Useful Abts. Cartwright, Major Life and correspondence ; edited by his niece. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1826. Gary, R''^' H- ^- Memoir of, with his literary journal and letters, by his son. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Cavendish, The Hon. 11. Founder of the Cavendish Society. Life of, &c. Yide Chemistry. Caxton. Vide Lives, &c., Lib. U. K. Vol 31. Also Knights* Lihr. Cabanis- Notice, pnr Mignet. Voir Notices et portraits, vol. 2. CandoUe, Pyramus de. Son eloge, par Flourens. Voir Memoires de I'Aca- demie des sciences, vol. 19. Carnot. i^^on eloge, par Arago. Voir les ceuvres de Frs. Arago, vol. 1. Carre. Notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par M. Leroux. Voir Touiilier, Droit fran9ais, vol. 10. Catinat- Voir De La Barre, Portraits militaires, vol. 1. Caussin. Notice sur sa vie, par M.Daunou. Memoires de V Academie des scien- ces, vol. 14. Caylus, le Comte de. Notice. A.I. 'Vol.24. Cellini. Memoirs of, written by himself ; contuining a variety of information respecting the arts, and the history of the XVItli century, collated with the new text of G. Molini, with notes, by G. P. Carpani, trans- lated by T. Uoscoe. Svo. London, 1850. Bohn's Lihr. Vide, also. Autobiography, vols. 16 and 17. C6sar, Jules Voir De La Barre, Portraits militaires, vol. 2. Chalmers, Dr. Thomas, Memoirs of his life and writings ; by his son-in-law, the Rev. "W. Hanna. 4 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1851-2. : ■■h: ' •■; ■ :,,;■ >• i rt ■'Mr ■■>->■ r :H|iH}^Mi '■'■ , " 'iffi' :*■?'-'■■' i^'j ■ ;■;- . ■.;';■ F.,v,n.y ■■#■'■ IH i i ,1 !^^^H 1 1 ' ■ 1 1 - i !..''t-.i,.l1 ■I il; .:.:Jk ^mk ^mi i : Ml 484 BIOGRAPHY. [diograpiiie. t -. , ■1 kv -— -• . ■ - MiV, ^- '- V ll*"*^ ' , *■ ' ' l KV 1^ •'It^l ^M Hii : '^ . 3i Ohampollion, le jeune. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Me- moires de VAcadetnie des sciences, vol. 12. Charke, Charlotte. An actress and a daughter of Colley Gibber. Narrative of her life. Vide Autohiof/raphy, vol. 7. Charles le Bon, Comtede Flamlre. L^gende du bienheureux,— par Gilbiirt do Bruges. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Charlet. Sa vie, ses (Buvrea, aes lettres, la Combo. Bevue con- temporaine, vol. 11 ot 12. Chateaubriand. Sa vie et ses ecnts, par Collombet. Svo. Lyon, 1851.— Voir aussi le ler volume de ses oeuvres. Chatterton; an essay,— by the Eev. S. E. Maitlaud. 8vo. London, 1857. Vide, also, Magson's Essays, far a full and recent biography of Cliattcrton. Ch^nier, Andro. Sa vie et ses ouvrages, par H. de Latouche. Voir les oeu- vres posthumes d'Andre Chenier. Chenier, J. M. Voir sa vie, en tete de ses oeuvres. Chesterfield, Earl of. Memoirs and correspondence ; by M. Maty. Vide Belle8-Lettres. Cibber, Colley. [Comedian]. Apology for tlie life of, &c. ; with notices, by E. Bellchambers. 8vo. London, 1822. Vide, also, Autohiography , vol. 1. Cicero, M. T. Life of, by Dr. Middleton. 8vo. London, 1854. Cio^ron. Sa vie et ses oeuvres. Voir les U3uvres de Ciceron, vol. 1. [Collec- tion Nisard.] Clarke, Dr. E. D. [The Traveller. J Life and remains. 4to. London, 1824. Clinton, F H. Literary remains of; consisting of an autobiography and lite- rary journal, and essays on theological subjects ; edited by the Rev. C. J. F. Clinton. 12mo. London, 1S54. Clive, Eobert, First Lord. Life of,— by a. E Gleig. 1848. Col. Libr. Cloncurry, Lord. The Life, Times and Contemporaries of, — by "W. J. Fitz- patrick. 12mo. Dublin, 185o. Cobham, Sir J. Oldcastle, Lord. Life and Times of, — by T. Gaspey. 2 vols. 12mo. Loudon, 1843. CoBUr, Jacques. The French Argonaut. Life and Times, — by L. S. Costello. 8vo. London, 1848. Coke, Sir Edward. Lord Chief Justice in the Eeign of James I. Life of,— with memoirs of his Contemporaries ; by C. W. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1837. Vide Lives, Lihr. U. K. Vol. 2G. Colbert. Histoiro de sa vie et de sou administration ; par P. Clement. 8vo. Paris, 1846. BIOGRAPniE.] BIOGEAPHT. 485 Coleridge, S. T. Biographia literaria. Vide his Works, vol. 3. ___ Vith, also, Cottle's Reminiscences. Collin d'Harleville. Sa vie, par Andrieux. Voir les oeuvres de Collin d'Harlevillc, vol. 1. Columbus, Christopher. Lives of, — Fide Amkeican History. Comte, Chs. Notice sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Mignet. Vide Mignet, notices et portraits, vol. 2. Cond^. Louis, Prince of. Surnamed the Great. Life of, — by Lord Mahon. 1845. Col. Lihr. Notice par do la Barre Duparcq. Voir Portraits militaires, vol. 2. Condorcet. Son OXogc, par Arago. Voir les auvres de Frs. Arago, vol. 2. Coquillart, Gruil. Sa vie intinie et ses ecrita, par Chs. d'Huricault. Revue des Deux Mondes, It-r septembre et ler novembre, 1854*. Corneille, P Sa vie, par Fontcnelle. Voir les ccuvres de Corueille, vol. 1. .- Histoire de sa vie et de ses ouvrages, par Jules Tachereau. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Voir, iiiissi, Guizot, Corneille et sou temps, (Belles Lettbes.) Correge. Sa vie et ses couvres, par Planche. Voir Planche, Etudes sur les Arts. Cotes, Professor. Correspondence with Sir Isaac Newton. Vide Natubal PuiLOSorHT. (Newton and Cotes Correspondence.) Cottle, Joseph. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Courier, Paul Louis. I'^ssai sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Armand Carrel. Voir anivres do P. L. Courier, vol. 1. Cousin, Victor. Par Baudrillart. Eevice des Deux Mondes, 1 Janvier, 1850. .^ Par Gustavo Planche. Voir Planche, Etudes litlcraires. Cradock, .T. Memoirs. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Crebillon. Son ologe, par D'Alembert. Voir les oeuvres de Crebillon, vol. 1 Creichton, Capt. John. Memoirs ; drown up by Jonathan Swift. Vide Auiolioijraphy, vol. 11. Cromwell, Oliver. Lives of,— Vide English History. Cuvier, P. Son eioge, par Flourens. Voir Memoires de V Academe des sciences, vol. 18. Sou eloge, par C. L. Laurillard. FotV Cuvier, Ossements fossiles, vol. 1. Dacier. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Silveatre de Sacy. Memoires de VAca- demie des sciences, vol. 12. m ^1 12 Ij *><■ ^H' fill 111 ^B' '1 ' 'J •itg ^Kr -y] \\ % \ 'VI ■y m; ijUlfll'&'T-'i U} I IT* -I; \¥ 1(- Mi .<.!1 486 BIOGRAPHY. [biograpihb. i-l M '1 ' , t '^ Dalton, John. (President of Lit. and Thil. Boc. Manchester.) Life j Vidt Cavendish Society Publications, in Cubuistrt. Dante. His Life und Times ; by (/ount CeHiire Bnlbo : from the Italian, by F. J. Bunbuiy. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1852. Daru. ^on ologe, par M. Viennet. Voir Daru, Ilistoire de Venise, vol. 1. Daunou. Notice historique sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Mignet Voir Mignet, Notices et Portraits, vol. 1. David d'Angers. Par M. Gu.stave Plancliu. Revue dea Deux Mondet, ler mars 18.')6. Deiiknd, Mad. du. Lettros a lloruce Walpoio. 4 vol. Hvo. Paris, 1824. De Foe, Daniel. Memoirs of bis Lift) and Times ; containing a review of bis Writings and bis opinioii.s upon matters, civil and fcclesinstical. by Walter Wilson. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Delessert. IJenjumin. Son eloge, par Fiourens. Voir Mcmoires de I'Acade- mie dea sciences, vol. 22. Desaix. Portraits pur De In IVr i Diipurcq. Foir Portraits militaires, vol. 2. Descartes. Son eloge, par Tbo.uas. Voir bm oeuvres do Tliomas, vol. 3. De Stael, Madam. London, lSr)4. B, S. Lib. Zmpey, Sir Elijah. Memoirs, with ancfdotcs of Warren Hustings, Sir Philiii Francis, Nathaniel IL Hallu'd, " Lord Teignmouth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond( Jordan, Mrs. The Life of, — with original private correspondence, and anec- dotes of her contemporaries, by James Boaden. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1831. ,> ->on, Dr. A Memoir of his Life and Labours ; by Francis Wayland. 2 vol'^ Svo. London, 1853. vl Uii^'i. £.'C, i.. L. de. Son iloge, par Flourens. Mmoires de I'Acadmie des Sciences. 'Vol. 17. BiooiiArniK.] JJIOGUU'IIY. 4oa f hit< doctrines, vj^jQgg^ Hnnry Home, Lord. M<'inolrH of lij« Life and writing!, [by A. F. Tytlcr,] containing itketclicM i*^( th«9 prugn •' of liternture and general improvement in Sootlond. 2 v.,ii. 4to. Kdinburgli, J827. It hml u Huppliitnciit, pul)li«h«U In 1810. Keats Jol>'<- Liifo, Itittors, und literary roniiiinH ; edited by Uiuliard Moock* ton Milni'B. 2 voU, l2mo. London, 184H. Keitb Sir R. M. MtrnoirH and correspondence; with a memoir cf Quaon C . olina Miitilda of Denmaric, &o., edited by Mrs. O. Smytli. 2 vol*. I2i <•. LdU'Ioo, 1H49. Bp'i7, 'ilioinai. Alderman of London. I'tiMitnges from the privitte and oincial lifeot", — with extracts from liia corre^^pondenco, by R. C. Fell. 12mo. London, 1S5(5. Kon Tliomiis Bp.of Unth nnd Wells. The Lifts of, — by a layman. Second edition, revised and cnlurged. 2 vols. Hvo. London, 1854. Ill 2 pui'U: till! 1st, (luriii)^ Ills c'imiii'otidii with the Natioiml Chureli. Tho nd part, from hi* rcfuainj^ the Outh of Allcgiiiiico, to tho [luvulutiim, 1688. Kent IL H. H. Edward, Duke of. The Life of,— with extracts from hia cor- respondence, and original letters ; by Erskinu Neale. 8vo. London Kepler. Son ologe, par Arago. Voir lea uouvrcs do Frs. Arn{,'o, vol. 3. Vitle Lives, Lib. U. K., vol. 26. Knox, Al'-xnnder. Vide Bishop Jebb. Kotzebue, Angustiiii Von. Life and literary career, with Journal of hia exilo to Siberia, vide Autohiographii, vols. U, 10. Lackington, .Tames. Bookseller. jMeinoira, vido Autobiography, Vol. 18. LaFontaine. Histoire do sa vie et do ses ouvnigca par Walckeuacr. Svo. I'aris, 182-t. Lamb, Charles, fiife and f iotters, bj Talfourd ; vich Belles Lettees. Sa vie intime ct litteraire, par Eug. Foreade. Revue de» Deux Mondes, 15 Janvier, 1K49. Lamb, U. [Late Sereeant in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and who served in tho American War.] Memoir of his own Life. Svo. Dublin, 1811. L'. aoignon. Vie i! ^L le president Lamoiguon, d'apros lea m^-moires du temps et lea jnipiera de la fumille. Vide Richer, Arreti's de Lamoignon, vol. 1. Langdale, Henry, Lord. Memoirs of, — by T. D. Hardy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1.S52. Lannes. Portrait par De la Barre Duparcq Y'lde portraits militaires. vol. 2. Lanoue. I'ortrait par De la Barre Duparcq. WAq portraits militaires, vol. 1. Laplace. Son I'loge, par Arago. Voir lea oeuvres de Fra. Arago, vol. 3. Laprade. Par M. Gustave Planche Reime des deux Mondes, 15janvier> 1856. \>'i .lyn. M m m ■ I ; i I- \ iii- :li|5: 1,' m] 494 BIOGRAPHY. [biographie. '}f :|!tifK ft' ; i; f & V ' "i i'l vm T ''V Lavater- Notice biographique par Moreau(de la Sarthe). FotV les oouvres de Lavater, vol. 1. Lawrence, Sir Thomas Life of, — Vide KiiTE Auts. Leibnitz. His Life, by J. Briickcr, in Liitin. Vide Leibnitz Opera, vol. L Lesueur, Eustache. Par Vitet. Ileime des deux iWb««?c«, ler juillet 1841. Letronne. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Walckenacr. Memoires de Vacademie des sciences, vol. 18. Ligne, Ic prince do. Lettrea et penseea. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1809. Lilly, W. History of his life and times, from 1G02 to 1G81, written by him- self, in tlie 69th year of his age. Svo. London, 1822. FtV/ealsoi Antohiography, vol. 2. Locke, John. Tiie Life of, — with extracts from his correspondence, journals, .n>l common-place books ; by Lord King ; New edition, with addi- tions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Longueville, JMadame de. Par M. Victor Cousin. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Longueville, Madame de. The youth of, or new revelations of Court and Convent in the 17th century ; from the French of Victor Cou- sin; byT. \V. lilcord. Bvo. New-York, 1854. Lovat, Simon Eraser, Lord. Memoirs of his life, [1676-1714] ; written by himself in French ; translated from the original MSS. Svo. London, 1797. Luther. Les propos do table de Martin Luther, par Gustavo Brunet. 12mo. Paris, 1844. Lyttelton, Lord. IMenioirs and correspondence of, from 1734 to 1773 ; compiled and edited by Kobert Phillimore. 2 vols London, 1845, Machiavel. Son histoire. Voir Q^uvres de Machiavel, vol. 1. Mackintosh, Sir Jamiis. Memoirs of tiio life of, — edited by his son. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Maintenon, Mad. de. Par Gnstave IKiquet. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Malesherbes. Lamoif^non de. Son eloge, par M. Uupiu. Memoires de I'ln- stitut, Discourset rapports, vol.4. Malus. Son lilogc, par Anigo. Voir les oeuvros de Frs. Arago, vol. 3. Marc-Aurele. Son eloge, par Thomas. Voir les oeuvres de Thomas, vol. 2. Marivaux. Par lloussaye : Portraits du 18e siecle, vol. 2. Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of. The Life of, — with some account of his contemporaries and of the war of the succession ; by Archibald Alison. Second edition, enlarged. 2 vols. bvo. Edinburgh, 1852, Memoirs, with his original corres- pondence ; collected by Wm. Coxe. New edition, revised by John Wade. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1847-48. Vide, also, liia DispatchcB in History of Europe ; and the Memoirs and corres pondeiicc of the Ducheea of Marlborough, in the Histort of Enound. BIOGRAPniE.] BIOGRAPHY. 495 Marmontel. Son 61oge, par rAbb6 Morellet. Memoirea de VInstitut, Dis- cours et rapports, vol. 1. ■ Memoirs ; written by himself ; with anecdotes of the principal clmractera of the iSth century. Vide Autobiography, \o\». i oaA 'i. jyiarot, Clement. Essai »ur sa vie et ses ouvrages, Voir les oeuvres de Ma- rot, vol. 1. Martyn, Rfv. Henry. A memoir of, — by John Sargent. Eighteenth edition. l2rao. London, 1855. Letters. Second edition. 12mo. London, 18.55. MaSS^na. Notice, par De la Bnrre Duparcq. Voir Portraits Militaires, vol. 1. Mathews, Charles. [The comedian.] Memoirs ; — by Mrs. Mathews. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1838-9. Melanchthon. Par Nisard. Voir Nisard, 6tudes sur la renaissance. Merlin, le('0mte. Notice historique sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Mignet. Voir Notices et portraits, vol. 1. Metastase. Sa vie, par Stendhal. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Metcalfe, Charles, Lord. Late Governor General of India, and Governor General of Canada, &c. Life and Correspondence ; by John Wm. Kaye. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1854. Michel- Ange- Sa vie, par Stendhal. Voir Stendhal, Ilistoire do la Peinture on Italic. Michael-Angelo. Life of. Vide Fine Arts. Miller, Hugh. My Schools and Schoolmasters ; or, the story of my educa- tion. An Autobiography. 12mo, Boston, 1856. Millevoye. Sa vie, par De Pongerville. Voir les cBuvres de Millevoye, vol. 1. Milton, John. Account of his Life, opinions and writings; with an Intro- duction to Paradise Lost; by Tiiomas Keightley. Svo. London, 1855. Mirabeau. Essai sur sa vie, M. Mcrilhou. Voir les oeuvres de Mira- beau, vol. 1. Vide IIiSTOBY OF France. Moliere. Sa vie, par Grimarest. Voir oeuvres de Moliere, vol. 1 . Sa vie, par Genin. Voir Lexique comparo de la langue de Moliere. Ilistoire de sa vie et de sea ouvrages, par Jules Taschereau. Svo. Paris, 1828. Moncey. Notice par do la Barre Duparcq. Voir Portraits militaires, vol. 1. Monge, Gaspard. Son eloge, par Frs. Arago. Voir les oeuvres d'Arago, vol. 2. % «»*■- IB a \ % tl I'if .fii: i i'i\i MM: \\\ I ihk IH: ! i| r 496 BIOGRAPHY. [biogkaphie. Mongez. Notice aur sa vie, par M. Walckouaer. Voir Memoirea de I'AcO' ilvmie (Ins sciences, vol. 18. Moutagu, John. Vide IIistouy (Cupe of Good Hope.) Montaigne. Sa vie publiquo, par Alp. GrUn. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Son elogo, par Villemain. Voir lea oouvres do Villemain. Moore, Thomas. Sa vio et sea momoiroa, par Eug. Forcade. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 tovrier, 1853. MtMnoirs, Journal and Corrospondenco ; edited by Lord John Itusaell. 8 \ ils. 8vo. London, 1853-5G. More, Hannah. Life ; with selections from her correspondence. 12mo London, 1850. More, Sir Thoa. Life, by Ropor ; Vide llcarne'a Engl, Chronicles, vol. 28. Liti', by Mackintosh. Vide his Works, vol. 1. Life. Fif/e Forstcr's British Statesmen, vol. 1. Morus. Son histoire, par Th. Stapleton ; traduite du Latin, par Alexandre Martin. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Voir Nisard, Etudes aur la licnaissanco. Morrison, Dr. II., of China. Memoirs of the Life and Labours of, — by his widow ; with critical notices of his Chinese works, by Samuel Kidd and original documents (generally respecting alliiirs beyond the Ganges and in China.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Mozart. Sa vie, par Stendhal. 12mo. Paris, 1854<. Muller, Jean de. Sa biographic. 8vo. Necker. Sa vie privee. Voir l(;s ccuvres de Madame de StaCl, vol. 17. Nelson, Lord. I^lemoirs of bis Life ; by T. J. Pettigrew. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18 9. The Life of. By R. Sonth.-y. 12mo. 1830. Fam. Lib. ' Di.«patche8 ; vide History of Europe. Par Lamartine. 12mo Paris, 1853. Newland, .\braham. Cashier of the Hank of England. The Life of j— with some account of that establishment. 12mo, London, 1608. Newton, Sir Lsaac. Life ; by D. Brewrster. 12mo. London, 1831. Fam. Lib. ——— Memoirs of his Life, Writings, and Discoveries ; by Sir David Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855. Vide Lives, Lib. V. K., vol. 26. — — ^ and Cotes. Correspondence. Vide Natdral PniLoa. OPUT. vol. 3. Son eloge, par Arago. Voir les (Euvros de Fr. Arago, main. MP des Deux A by Lord ce. 12mo. [o8, vol. 28. 3. Fam. Lib. BIOGIIAPHIE.] BIOQRAPnY. 497 Hey, Portrait par do la Barre du Parcq. Voir Portraits milUaires, vol. 2. Niebuhr, I^- G. Life and Letters ; with essays on hia character and influence, by Chevalier liun.sen, and Professors Brandis and Loebell 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. . Vide Lives, Lib. V. K., vol. 26. Nivernois, Due de. Son 61oge, par M. F. de Neufohateau. Voir Mf-raoires de rinstitui, discours ot rapports, vol. \. Son ologe ; par M. Dupin. Ibid., vol. 3. Nolte, Viiicont. Fifty years in both Hemispheres, or reminiscences of the life of a former Merchant ; from the German. 12mo. New York, 1854. O'Connell, Daniel, M. P. Personal recollections of the late ; — by W. J. O'Ncil Daunt. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1818. Palisser, Admiral Sir Hugh. The Life of ; — by Robert M. Hunt. 8vo. London, 1844. Palissey the Potter. The Life of ; — by Henry RIorley. Second edition. 12rno. London, 1855. Parny- Notice sur sa vie ot ses ouvrages ; par M. de Jouy. Mcmoires de V Institut, discours et rapports, vol. 1. Parr, Dr. Samuel. iNIemoirs of his Life, writings and opinions; with biogra- phical notices of many of his friends, pupils, and contemporaries ; by the Uev. W. Field. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. ^_ ■ Memoir.s of; — by Johnstone. Vide his collected works, vol. 1. Pasquier. Etienne. Essai sur sa vieet ses ouvrages, par L6on Feugfcre. Voir les Gjuvres de Pasquier, vol. 1. ___— . Memoires de I'Acadfemie des sciences, vol. 16. Penn, Admiral Sir William. Memorials of his professional life and times, by Granville Penn. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Penn, William. An Historical Biography, from new sources ; with an extra chapter on the ♦' Macaulay charges;" by W. H. Dixon. 12mo. Pliiladelphia, l8ol. Perthes, Frederick. Memoirs of, — or Literary, Religious and Political Life in Germany, from 1789 to 1843 ; from the German of C. T. Perthes. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1856. Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of. [1G58 — 1735,] Memoirs of, with selections from his Correspondence ; by Eliot Warburton. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Petrarch, (died 1371.) Life and Times of; — with notices of Boccaccio and his illustrioii? Contemporaries ; by Thomas Campbell. Second edition,. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1843. 1 r; , ; .1 ■ !'.:■■■'■ Ml; 1 i'\ '•,;■■ * * -i I \ ■ *, -M ; V i"Ui<' .J tji •„ 5 Hi- Hi ■ « mi m ^^^w^hIB il #: nil M WHtB Klf 1 11^. Si t 498 BIOGRAPHY. [biographie. Picton, General Sir Thomas. Memoirs, including his Correspondence, from originals in possession of his family, &c. ; by H. B. Robinson. Second edition, revised, with additions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Plron. Par Houssaye ; Portraits du 18e siScle, vol. 1. Perez, (Antonio) et Philippe II. Par Mignet. Svo. Paris, 1853. Poisson. Son eloge, par Arago. Voir lea ceuvres de Frs. Arago. Vol. 2. Pompadour, Marquise de. Sea lettres, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1772 ; en trois parties. 12mo. Londres, 1772. Pope, Sir Thomas, (Founder of Trinity College, Oxford.) The Life of,— with an Appendix of papers never before printed. Second edition enlarged and corrected ; by Thomas Wharton. Svo. London, 1780. Porteus, Bishop of London. The Life of; by the Rev. Robert Hodgson, Fifth edition. Svo. London, 1821. Pougens. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Memoires de VAcadmie ties sciences, vol. 12. Poussin, Nicolas. Sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Ch. Clement. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 fovrier 1850. Prev03t, I'Abbfe. Par Houssaye; Portraits du 18e si^cle, vol. 1. Racine, Jean. Memoire sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Louis Racine. Voir CEuvres de Jean Racine, vol. 1. Raffles, Sir T. S. Memoirs of his life and pul)lic services [in the Government of Java, and in that of Bencoolen, 1811-1824] ; with details of the commerce and resources of the Eastern Archipelago, and selections from his correspondence ; by his widow. 4to. London, 1830. RaphaeL Histoire de sa vie et de ses ouvrages, par Quatremfire de Quincy. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Raynouard. Sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Ch. Labitte. Bevue des Deux Mon- des, 15 Janvier 1837. Notice historique, par Walckenaer. Voir Memoires de I'Insti- tut, Acade'mie des sciences, vol. 15. Regnault de St. Jean d'Ang61y. Son eloge, par M. de Jouy. Voir Me- moires de ITnstitut, discours et rapports, vol. 3. Rembrandt. Sa vie et sea ceuvres, par G. Planche. Voir Planche, Etudes sur les arts. R^musat, Abel. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Memoires de I'Acadimie des sciences, vol. 12. Rennelle, le Major. Notice sur sa vie, par le baron Walckenaer. Memoires de VAcademie des sciences, vol. 14. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Life of. Vide Fine Arts. Reyn olds, Thomas. The Life of ; by his son, Thomas Reynolds. 2 vols. 8to. London, 1838. ai*..H' BIOGRAPHIE.] BIOGRAPHY. 499 Richelieu, le Cardinal. Par H. Corne. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Richter, J. P. F. Life of ; — compiled from various sources ; together with his autobiography, from the German. 2 vols. 12mo, London, 1845. Rltson, John. The Letters of ; — to which is prefixed a memoir of the author ; by Sir H. Nicolas. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1833. Rivarol. Par Iloussaye ; Portraits du 18e sifecle, vol. 1. Robespierre. Ce bon Monsieur de Robespierre ! par Chs. Chabot. 12mo. Paris, 1852. __ Life of. Hy G. II. Lewes. Vide Histokt of Fexnck. Robinson, Mrs. Memoirs. Vide Autoliography, vol 7. Rodney, Admiral Lord. The Life and correspondence of; — by Major Gene- ral Mundy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Roederer, le Comte. Notice historique sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Migriet. Voir Notices et portraits, vol. 1. Rolland, Madame. Ses m§moires. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Romilly, Sir S. The Life of, — written by himself ; with a selection from his correspondence ; edited by his sons. Third edition, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1842. Rossi. Notice sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Migaet. Voir Mignet, No- tices et portraits, vol. 2. Rossini. Sa vie et ses ceuvres, par H. Blaze de Bury. Bevue des Deux MonJes, ler et 15 mai, et ler juin 1854. Sa vie, par Stendhal. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Rousseau, J. J. Ilistoire de sa vie ct de ses ouvrages, par Musset-Pathay. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Saint-Marc-Girardin. Revue des Deux Mondes, ler Janvier, 15 fovrier, ler mai, ler aoiit, 15 no- venibre 1852 ; 15 juin, 15 septembre, ler octobre 1853; ler aout, 15 septiMnbre, 15 decembre 1854. Royer-Collard. Par Adolphe Gamier. Bevue des Deux Mondes, 15 octobre 1851. Rubens. Sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Gustave Planche. Voir Planche, Etu- des sur Ifs arts. Russe. Mi^moires d'un seigneur russe ; traduits du russe par Ernest Char- rifire. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Russell, William. Lord. The Life of; — by Lord John Eussell. Fourth edi- tion. 12ino. London, 1853. Russell, Lady Rachel. Letters of ; — edited by Lord John Russell. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Vide also, English Histoby, atite, page 389. Emm ■-- K-';!3 I 500 BIOGRAPHY. [biographie. * 's .1 ! if* Sabl6, Mad. de. Par Victor Cousin. 8vo Paris, 1854. Saoy, Silvestre do. Notice siir sa vie, par M. Daunou. Mimoircs de VAcadi. mie des sciences, vol. 12. Saint-Hilaire, Etionne Greoffroy. Son felogo, par Flourens. Voir les Me- moires de P Academic des sciences, vol • 23. Saint-Martin. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Silvestre do Sacy. Manoires de r Academic des sciences, vol. 12. Saint-Simon, lo Due do. Sa vie et sea ('crits, par Eug. Poitou. Revue de» Deux Mondes, ler soptcnibre 1855. Salt, Henry. Tlie African Traveller. The Life and correspondence of- by J. J. Halls. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Sampson, William, (an Irish Exile.) Memoirs. Vide Autohiographj, vol. 33, Sarpi, Fra-Paolo. Notice sur sa vie. Voir Ilistoire du concile do Trente, par Sarpi, vol. 1. Sane, Maurice, Comte de. Son eloge, par Thomas. Voir les ojuvres de Thomas, vol. 2. Saumarez, Admiral Lord, Do. Memoirs and correspondence of; from original papers; by Sir John Eoss. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Schiller, P. Tlie Life of; — with an examination of his "Works ; by T. Carlyle. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1845. Sa vie. Voir les cruvres dramatiques de Schiller, vol. 1. Scott, Sir Waller. Memoirs of the Life of; by J. G. Lockhart. Second edi- tion. 10 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1839. Siguier, A. L. Son eloge, par M. Portalis. Mcmoires de V I nstifut, discoura et rapports, vol. 1. Selden, John. Memoirs of; and notices of the political contest during his time; by G-. W. Johnson. 8vo. London, 1835. Vita Joannis Seldeni. D. Wilkius. Vide Selden's opera omnia, vol. 1. Selwyn, (George,) and his contemporaries ; with memoirs and notes ; by J. H. Jesse. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-4. Seydlitz. Notice par Do la Barro Duparcq. Yo'ir portraits miUtaires,yo\.2. Shakspeare, William. The Life of ;— including many particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before published ; by J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo. London, 1848. Shell, R. Lalor. Memoirs of ;— by AV". T. McCuUagh. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1855. Sheridan, E. B. Memoirs of his Life; by Thomas Moore. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Shipp, John, (Lieut, in 87th Regt.) jMomoirs of his extraordinary military career; written by himself. New edition. 12mo. London, 1810. BIOGRAPHIE.] BIOGRAPHY. 501 Siddons, Mrs. Life; by Thomas Campbell. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1884. Sidney, Sir Philip, [died 1580.] Memoirs of his life and writings ; by T. Zouch. 4to. York, 1805. Sieves, M. le Comte de. Notice historique sur sa vie et sea travaux, par M. Miguet. Voir Notices et Portraits, vol. 1. Silvio-Pellioo. Sa vie, aosceuvres, ses amitiea, ses lettrea iu6dites, par M. March ese. Revue contemporaine, vol. 15 et 16. Simeon, liev. Charles. Memoirs of his Life ; with a selection from his writings and correspondence ; edited by W. Carus. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1847. Simeon, le Comto. Notice sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Mignet. Voir Mignet, Notices et portraits, vol. 2. Sinclair, Sir .Tohn. Memoirs of his life and works ; by his son. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1837. The correspondence of ; with reminiscences of the most distinguished characters (British and Foreign) during the last fifty years: illustrated by facsimiles of two hundred autographs. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Siamondi, M de. Notice sur sa vie et ses travaux, par M. Mignet. Voir Mignet, Notices et portraits, vol. 2. Smith, Dr. Adam. Vide Lives. Lih. U. K., vol. 2G. Also, Brougham's Men of Letters and Science. Dr. J. Pye. Memoirs of his Life and "Writings ; by John Medway. 8vo. London, 1853. Admiral Sir Sidney. Life and correspondence of ; by John Barrow. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Sidney. A Memoir of; — by his daughter. Lady Holland ; with a selec- tion from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. Another copy. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1855. Socrate. Sa vie et sa mort racontoes par Xenophon et Platon. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Somers, Lord Chancellor. An account of the life and writings of, and of Public Alluirs, &c., by II. Maddock. 4to. London, 1812. Vide, also. Lives. Lih. U. E., vol. 20. And, Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors. Southey, Robert. Life and correspondence ; edited by his son, the Eev. C. C. Southey. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Selections from the Letters of ; — edited by his son-in-law, J. "W. Warter. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. ■— Vide, also, Cottle's Eeminiscences. limi r: >;' ■• '''', \ ■ ff- % ■ >, ■■)' ■ • ] ') ■ ■ \i:-'\-\\h i,i>: mm L . 602 BIOOaAPHY. [biographie. Souvarof. Notice, par de la Barre Duparcq. Voir Portraits militairea, vol. 1, Spelman, Sir Henry. The Life of. By Biahop Qibaon. Vide hia English Works, folio. Staal, Mme. de. Deux anndes k la Bastille. 12mo. Faris, 1853. Stael, Mad. de. Notice sur sun caracture et ses dcrits, par M. Necker de Saussure. Voir les oeuvres de Mad. de StaKl, vol. 1 . Sterling, John. The Life of. By Thomas Carlyle. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1852. Life. By J. C. Hare. Vide Sterling's Essays, vol. 1. Stothard, Thomas, E. A. Life of; with personal reminiscences; by Mrs. Bray. 4to. Loudon, 1851. Strange, Sir Robert, [Engraver], and his brother-iu-law, Andrew Lumisden, private secretary to the Stuart Princes. Memoirs ; by James Doi • nistoun. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1855. St. Vincent, Admiral John Jervis, Earl of. Life and correspondence; by E. P. Brenton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Sully. Son dloge, par Thomas. Voir les oeuvres de Thomas, vol. 3. Swartz, C. F. Memoirs of his Life and Correspondence ; to which is pre- fixed a sketch of the History of Christianity in India ; by H. Pearson. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1834. Swedenborg. A Biography and an Exposition ; by E. P. Hood. 12mo. Loudon, 1854. Swift, Dean. Life. Vide Scott's Works, vol. 2. Tallemand des R^aux. Sn vie et ses memoires, par Monmerque. Revue d('8 Deux Mondes, 15 septembre, 1835. Talleyrand, Chs. Maurice de Sou histoire politique et privde, par L. G. Michaud. Svo. Paris, 1853. Notice, par M. Mignet. Voir Notices et portraits, vol. 1. Tasse, le. Sa vie et ses ccrits. Tasso, Torquato. The Life of. Taylor, AVilliam, of Norwich. Voir Jerusalem delivree, vol. 1. By U. Milman. 2 vols. i2mo. Loudon, 1850. Memoirs of his life and writings ; contain- ing his correspondence of many years with the late Robert Southey, and original letters from Sir Walter Scott, and other emment literary men; edited by J. W. Uobberds. 2 voia. Svo. Loudon, 1843. Teignmouth. John, Lord. Memoirs of his life and correspondence ; by his son. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1843. Telford, T. Life, &c. Vide Enqineebino. Temple, Sir William. Memoirs of bis Life, Works and Correspoudence ; by the Rt. Hon. T. P. Courtenay. 2 vols, Svo. London, 1836. !ni BIOGEA.PHIE.] BIOGEAPHT. 603 rji]jl])ault. Becherohes sur aa vie et ses ouvrages, par P. Tarb^. Voir i Chansona de Thibault, (BsiiLEa Lettbub.) Thomas. Sa biographie, par M. Saint-Surin. Voir lea OBUTres do Tbotuaa, vol. 1. Tboresby, Efvlpb. The Diary of,— 1077-1724, publiahed from MSS. ; by T. HuDtor. 2 vola. 8vo. London, 1830. __,_ Correspondence of eminent men, addreaaed to. 2 vola^ 8vo. London. 1882. Thurot. Notice sur aa vie, par M. Silvestre de Sacy. M^moirea de I'Aca- dcmie des sciences, vol. 12. Tooke, J- Home. Memoirs, interspersed with original documents. By Alexander Stephens. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813. TouUier. Son ologe, par Ch. Paulmier. Voir TouUier, droit civil fran9ai8, vol. 16. Tousaaint, L'Ouverture. The Negro-patriot of Hayti ; the Life of. Vide AsiEniCAN History, Turenne. Notice, par de la Barro Duparcq. Voir Portraits militairei, vol 1. Turgot. Notice aur sa vie, par Eug. Daire. Voir les oeuvres de Turgot, vol. 1. Trenck, lo Baron de. Ses aventures, par Paul Boiteau. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Vad6. Par Houssaye : Portraits du 18e siecle, vol. 2. Vanderbourg. Notice sur sa vie, par M. Daunou: Mcmoires de V Acade- viie des sciences, vol. 14. Vauban. Notice historique, par de la Barre Duparcq : Portraits militaires, vol. 1. Vaux, James Hardy. Memoirs; written by himself. Vide Autobiography, vol. 13. Vega, Lope Felix de. Some accounts of the Life and Writings of. By Lord Holland. 8vo. London, 1806. Vendome. Notice, par de la Barre Duparcq. Voir Portraits militaires, vol. 2. V^ron. le Docteur. Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853-54. Vicq-d'Azir. Son eloge historique, par Lemontey. Memoires de V Institut, discours et rapports, vol. 2. Vidocq, E. P. Principal Agent of the French Police until 1827. Memoirs; written by himself. Vide Autohiography, vols. 25, 26, 27, 28. Villars. Notice, par de la Barre Duparcq. Voir Portraits militaires, vol. 2. Vinci, Leonard de. Sa vie, par Stendhal. Voir Stendhal, hiatoire de la peinture en Italie. ■■A '',i^ <-M (■■X. u 'a « m. ' I.A-' ''W.'' 1'- { : Ji ;•,*-*! ^1 k< ' 0h }■ \ illf - i ■IP ' 4 '■ ' U ■4'a V I; !^i, 60d. BIOGRAPHY. [biographii, Vital, Ordoric. Essai sur tiu vio, par L. D, Voir Ordorico) Vitalia, historia ocolctiinHtica, etc , vol. 1 Volney, 0. V. 8a biograplu?, par Adolphe Bossange. K ir les €Duvre« do Voluey, vol. 1. Volta, Alex. Son ologe, par Arago. Voir lea cuuvres do Frs. Arago, vol. 1, Voltaire. Sa vio, par Nod. 12ino. Paris, 1855. Lc8 onneinia do Voltairo, par Ch. Nisard. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Sa vie, par le Marquis de Condorcot. Voir les oouvros de Vol- taire, vol. 70. — — — .- Memoirs, written by himself ; with introduction and poquel con- densed from the Life by Condorcot. Vide Autobiography, vol. 2 Vide, also, Brougham's Men of Science, iic. Walokenaer, le Bnron. Son eloge historiquo, par M Naudet. Memoires de I'Academie des sciences, vol. 18. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford. Sketch of the Life of. P.j Lord Dover. Walstein. Sa '•onspiration, par Sarrazin. 12mo. Paris, 185;'. Vide \ia Letters, (Miscellaneous,) vol. 1. Walton, ilt. Rev. Brian. (Editor of the Polyglot Bible.) Memoir? of his life and writings ; with notices of his coadjutora, by the Rev. H.J. Todd. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1821. "' i Ward, Robert Plumer. Memoirs of the Political and Literary Life of,- -with selections from his literary remains ; b;' 'be Hon. Edmund Phipps. 2 vols. Svo. London. I860. Watson, Bishop of Llandaff. Anecdotes of the Life of. By himself. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1818. Watt, J. : (Inventor.) Life, &c.. Vide Enoineekino, — Son ologe, par Arago. Voir les oeuvres de F. Arago, vol. 1. Waynflete, Bishop. (Founder of Magdalen College, Oxford.) The Life of, — collected from records, and other authentic evidences ; by Richard Chandler. 8vo. London, 1811. Webster, Daniel. Private Correspondence ; edited by Fletcher Webster ; including D. "Webster's autobiography ;,and a sketch of the life of his brother Ezekiel. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1857. For D. Webster's public life, vide Ameuican Oovkbnment, As. Wellington, The Duke of. Life ; compiled from his dispatches, and other records and documents ; by G. Soane. 2 vols. 12mo. L ndon, 1839-40. Fam. Lib. Life ; by W. H. Maxwell. 3 vols, Svo. Lon- don, 1845. -*,. \i Ji BIOGBAPUIB.] BIOOllAPHY. 506 Wellington. Tho Duke of. Llfn ; MillUry ftnd Civil of, — dig.fstud from llic mntoriaJH of W. H. Maxwell, and, in part, ve-writtnn by an Old Soldinr ; witli Homo octtoiint of his Funernl. 8vo. Loudon, 1862. B. Iliiuf. L. __ — ■ Tlis Cimrnctor, Aotions, and Writings ; by Juleg Mtmrel : with h prcfnce by Lord EllHsmore. Third edition ; revised. i2mo. London, 1853. __ — Life ; witli that of Sir Iloberfc Peel : from the LoiH^n " Tim«i«." 12mo. New York, 1852. The Life of. By J. H. Stocqueler. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. . Di9pnloh(iK and General Orders. Vide Histoey. Par De la Barre Duparcq. Portraits militairea, vol. 1. Woslay, Jo'ni. The Life of, — and Ihe rise aud progrexs of Motliodism : l»y fto'itrt Houtli.fy. 2 vole. 8vo. London, 1820. White, J. Bliuico. Liib ; written by hiinA t. '■ i,:li VM \\'¥M ■t U, 3 ■ ! • ' f '■; < ; • h lit . ■ 1 . !•: ^ • ■ U r : ill 1 ' ! mm It M I 1$ t ;m\^ 1 . 606 HERALDRY AND OENEALOOT. | ART Hl^RALDIQui Xlmends, le Cardinal, Ho vie, par F16ohiar. Voir les reurrea dea Fl^i«r vol. 0, ' Pgr L6once de Lftvorgno. Bevue Jet Deux Mmdti IS mai, 1841. Young, Thomoa. (!Vf. D., F. B. S., and one of tho Foreign Aasociatas of the National Institute of France.) Life of, — by George Pcacoclt Dean of Elj. 8vo. London, 1855. — — — ^— — Son 6loge, par Arngo. Voir les couvrea de Frs. Arigo vol. 1. ■■*^>.»<»<»*W>^,i>.^^^ f eralbrji anb §mdo^. j %xi f eralbique tt ^mda^ut, Court de Oebelln. Histoire dea symboles, dea armoiriea et du blason chez lea ancicna. Voir Oourt de Gebelin, Monde primilif, vol. 8. Histolre du Blason. Voir Dicl;ionnaire d'lliatoire, Encyclopidie me'iho- dique. Pautet du Parols. Manuel du blaaon, ou code hdraldique. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Toncemagne, do. Do I'origino des armolrles. A.I., vol. 20. UyBenbaoh, G. Ilratoire du blason, et science des armoiriea. 8vo. Tours, 1848. Scleaoe h6raldique au moyen-Age, par Emile de la Bedolliore. Voir Lacroix et Ser6, Le moyen age et la Renaistance, vol. 4. BaohaTannes, Jouffroy d'. Armorial univcrsel, prcc6fl6 d'un traite complet de la science du blason. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Grandntaison, Ch. Dictinnnaire hSraldique. Paris, 1853. Clark, Hu^. Introduction to Heraldry. Fourteenth edition. 12mo. Lon- . don, 1845. Noble, Mark. History of the College of Arms, and the lives of all the , Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants, from the reign of Eichard III, founder of the College, to the present time ; with a preliminary dis- sertation, relative to the different Orders in England, particularly I the fientry, since the I^ormau Conquest. 4to< London, 1805. ET GI^.S^AIOOIQUE] HEBAIiDRT AND OENEALOOT. 607 Bauks, I^- 0- 0-erioalogical and Heraldic Oleaninga, illuatrativn of Ihu Ilia- Sory and descent oi the KusfliBli Nobility ; with notoa on the early H'arliamontary AHaemblios, Writa of Summona, Trial of Peora, Extinct lloyal Families of England, &,o., with additiona and omcndations to tlio 3 vula. < \n» " Dormiuit and extinct Baronage of Kuglund." 4to. London, 1337. Spelman, Sir Ilonry. Coniitca Maroacalli Angliw : De Milito, disHcrtatio. Vide Ilia Works. Folio. Nicolas, N. 11. Synopaia of the Peerage of England ; exhibiting the dote of creativ»n, doacent, and present state ot' every title of Peerngo which haa existed in this country since the Conquest. 2 vols. 12nio. London, 1S25. Crawftird, George. The Peerage of Scotland ; and historical and genealo- gicid account, Ac. Folio. Edinburgli, 1710. Lodge's Peerage and IJiironntage of the British Empire for 1855, corrected ttiroiighout by the Nobility. 8vo. London, 1855. Who's Who, in MS5, an Judex to people of rank and Public OfTicera. 12mo. London. Dod, C. R. Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Irelond, for 1849. 8vo. London. — The same, including all the Titled Classes, for 1854. 8vo. London. Burke, 2. Burke, (.Tohn,) and Burke, (J. Bernard.) Encyclopajdia of Heraldry, or General Armory of England, Scotland and Ireland. Third edition with supplement. 8vo. London, 1844. County Genealogies, collected by Wm. Berry, Registering Clerk in the College of Arms. 7 vols. Folio. London, v. rf., (viz:) Peiiigrces of Berkshire Families, printed in Lithography, 1837. Podi'Toeg of Essex Families, printed in Lithography. — Pedigrees of Families in the Comity of Hants, 1838— Pedigrees of the Families in the County oi Kpiit 2 vols., 1830. — Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Sussex 1830. Pedigraes of Families in Hertfordshire, 1842. t 1 i'f ilm k-m if 19 i. 4. . ; ;l !. ■( r k ! \ ■ 5i .rf ■ Mm 508 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. [ART HjfiRALDlQXJE IK!- m 'm ' ,1 Robson, Thomas. Biitish Herald ; or Cabinet of Armorial Beorirgg of the Nobility and Gentry oi Great Britain and Ireland. 8 vols. 4to Sunderland, 1830. Sims, H. An Indox to tho Pedigreaa and Arms iu iJie ITerdld's Visitations in the Bfitish Museum. Svo. London, 1849. Carlisle, Nicholas. Account oi' tlio several Foreign Orders of Knightliood and other raa/ks of boijourable distinction, especially of such as have been conferred on Sriuish subjects ; with tha names and achievprnents of those who have been presented witli Honorary Swords, or Plate by the I'atriotic fund Institution. 4to. London, 1839. Perrot, A. M. Collection historique des Ordres de Chevalerie civils et mili. taires. 4to. Paris, 1846. Sims, ivichard. A Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Avtiquaij, and Legal Professor; Oescriptions of Tublic iiecurds ; PrirochiaJaad other Eegif*ters ; W'Us ; County and .Family Histories ; Heraldic Collections, &c., &c. Svo. London, 1853. Drunim.ond, Henry. Histories of Noble British Families; with biographi- cal notices of the most distinguished iudividiipls in each. Illustrated by their Armorial Beaiyags, Portraits, Slonuments, Seals, &c. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1846. Vol. I. Contains tlie Fnmilies of Ashburnhaui, Arden, Oompton, Cecil, Harlcy and Bruce. " n. The Families of Perceval, Dunbar, Hume, Dundas, Drummoml, and iVeville. Lower, M. A. On English surnames. Second edition. 12mo. London 1844. Third edition, enlarged ; entitled an Essay on Family nomenclature, historical, etymological, and humor- ous: with several illustrative appendices. 2 vols. 12mo. London 1849. Family Crests (The Book of) : compri.nng nearly every bearing, with its Blazonry, alphabetically arranged; with over 4000 engravings; a Dictionary of Mottos, &c. Seventh edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 12mo, London, 1854. Moule, Tliomas. BIbliotheca Heraldica Magna) Britanniae : with a supple- ment enumerating the principal Foreign Genealogical works. 8to. London, 1822. ___. Heraldry of Fish ; notices of the principal families bear- ing Fish in their Arms. Svo. London, 1842. Voir (HisToiEK UwrrKasKLtB) Salvorte, Essai historique et philoBophiqne Bur les noma d'LommeB, de peuples et de lieuz. D^sormeau. M6moire aur la noblesse fraofaiso, oii I'on examine quelle fut son origine, &c. A.I., vol. 46. 2uio. Loudoii) BT GI^NIilALOGIQTJE.] HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. 309 La Cum© tl© Sainfce Palaya. Memoiros sur I'auciouue chevalerie, con- sid-'i'ou comiiia uu otnblissameut politicjite ei; miliVaire. A.I., vol. 20. Caylus, Jv3 Conito He.. Sur I'oiigine do Pancienne cbevalerie. A.I., vol. 23. Chasles, Pliilarote. La chovalcrio nu nioyc.n-uge. l^oir L&croix efc Ser6, Ze moyen-uQe et la Renaissance, vol. 1. Dacier, M. Eaclierchas historiques bit I'tViiablissement et rextinction de i'ordre de I'Etoile. A. I., vol. 39. Voir Cotleciion dn* riieillnurei dUteriatiovt sur VHitloire de France, vol. 12 et 13. Aflllburton, Hichavd Bacro, Lord. Genealogical Memoira of the Eoyal House oi' -b'i'anpe, fopniui^; a cotnmentary upon the Q-anealogical Tnhle of that llouso, MDCCCXVIII. Eolio. London, 1825. Courcelles, do. Hiatolro go^icalogir^ne et hi'sraldique des pairs de France et dcs principales famillea uobled duroyauuie. 12 vol. 4to. Paris^ 1022-33. L UNIVK2SAL GEOGRAPHY; includino GAZETTEERS, AND ATLASSES. I. GEOGRAPHIJi! UNIVERSELLE ; v compius CARTES GfiOGRA- PITIQUE^ ET IIYDIIOGRAPIIIQUES. Th^vet, Andri. CoHmo[irHpIiie univt^rsellc. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1575. Abbott, G. A brief'i d-isc.iiptiou of th;? wliole woikl. 12mo. London, 1622* Blaeu, J-''in. La tlij^iia dn mond.^ ; on nouvel aflas mis en lurai'^ie piu- J. Cla?u. 6 vol. Folio. Av.-o <\irte.s. Puris, 1649-1655. Mestivier. Cosmograpliia. 8vo. Oiludns, JSll. Humboldt, Alexandre de. Cosmos; essai d'une doRcription physifei,curo- logy, and Natural Hibtoiy. Large folio. Eui..«ba g'l, i^i50. Atlas of Physical aud Histo'-icnl Gedgrni))iy, to ncco-npftny t'le Marurlof Geographical Science ; engraved by J . "W. Lowiy, v-n'zr tlie (•» etkion ofD. T. Ansiedard O. G. Nicoley. EolJo. Lo'n'o". 18 •>2. Colton's Atlas of the World, illuatrating Physical ."iud Political Geogra- phy; by G. W. Colton. Wit'n descriptions, Geographical, Statirti. cal, and Historical ; by E. 8. Eis'isc. 2 vols. Naw York 1856. ' Vol. I. Not til and South America. " II. Europe, Asia, Afiica, and Ocesuicn. Black's Atlas of Nocth AiTierica : a agrJes o ' twenty maps, consiructed and engraved by John IJartliolon'Cf? ; with oxx liitroc'iiciloii end Index. Folio. Edinburgh, 1S56. For other American Atlaases, or series of Maps, vide Aucucan CxKcn/vT', Brud. ^tlas (iniveiseldegiogrpph'e physique, pol'tiqne.avclcii' 3 eiiv.ioi's're, coutenant ks cartes ge'iair.les et p:-) ticui'iues de toi'iCh hs iHni.'s, du nionde, r<5(ligi conformemert acx p)o5i'3h f'e la fcieoce jji hcvii J l'iutellige)"ce do I'histoire, de la ^5og>opiiie et f"hH,fl !il variooB times 5 but all cor- rected to the latest Jatij!* ; (say, February, 1855 ;) according to in- formation ie«ieivcd at the Hydrographer'n Office ; 15 sections, bound in 23 volumes. Folio. London. iSeriion I. — Eiifflith and Irish Chavneh, and Cnn»i» nf iUe United Kingdom, Vol. 1. — Eiigliah find Irisli Uhannels, South and West Cuasts of England, Wales, and tScutliind. " 2. — West and lilast. Ooiists uf Etcotlaud, East Coast ui Kn^laod. " 8. — Ivisli Ooust, Channel Islands. Seelion II. — Novth Sea, and ndjacefit C'oa*l$, " 4. — Nortli Sea, nud adjacent Ouasts. Section III. — Haltifi ami North Seat, and at^aeent Coasts. ■' 5. — Bftltio Soa; Norway, South Coast; C4ulf of Bothnia, Coast of Prussia, &o. Section IV. — North and West Coasts of France, Spain, and Porlnyal, •' 6. — Nortii and West Coasts of Frauce, Spain, and Portut»ftl. Section V. — Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Sea of Azov. " 7. — Mcdifcerraiieau Sea; Coast of Spain, and Qaleario Inlands ; Sontli Coast of Franue ; Woiit Coiut of Italy ; Oorsioa and Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea. " 8. — Grecian Arohipolngo ; Coasts of Groooe and Turkey; Blact Sea and Islands, &c. " 9.— Coasts of Aria Minor, Kararaauia, Syria, and North Africa. Section VI. — North America, (Nwth and East Coasts,) Newfoundland, &e, " 10. — North America, Lahrado'-, Newfoundland, Gnlf of St Lawrence, Prince Edward's Island. " 11. — Capo Bieton, ilivor St. Ijawrenoe; Lakes and Rivers of Canada; Notb Sootia; Bay of Fuiidy ; East Coast of America. Section VII. — Atlantic Ocean and Islands. " 12. — Atluntio Ocean ; Aaorus ; Madieras; Canary Islands; Cape Verde Islands. Section VIII — West Indies, and Ihilfs of Mexico, Honduras, Barien, &e. " 13. — Wast Indies., a'k] thn adjacent Gulfs of Mexico, Honduias, Darian, Ac. " 14. — Gulf of Mcsioo ; Virs^ iu Islouds ; Venezuela ; Now Grauada ; (iuatoniala, Ac Section IX. — South America^ East Coast, " 15. — South America, iHast Coast. Section X.— America, West Coatt. " IR, — Nort!i and Month America, West Coasts. Section XI. — Africa, Madayascar, Mauritius, Red Sea, dtc. " IT. — Africa, West and South Coasts. " 18. — Africa, East Coast ; Madr.gascai' ; ATauritins; Isle Bourbon; Indian Ocean; Red Sea. Section XII. — East Indies, frotrv Red Sea to Sunda Strait. " 19. — East Indies; Coast of Arabia; Gulf of Persia; Malabar; Ceylon; Gidf <>f Bengal ; Malacca ; Singapore ; and parts of the Indian Archipelago. Seciiou XIII. — Indian Archipelnno, China Sea, Japan, rfrc. " 20. — Indian Archipelago ; .Java ; Ba'ida Sea ; Mohiecas, Celebes, Borneo, Philip- pine Islands, &o. " 21. — China Seas, Malay, Siani, Cambodia. Ooolun China, Coasts of China, Korean Archipelago, tCamtohatska. Section XIV. — Australia, New Zealand, Ac. " 22. — Australia. •' 2."..— Arafura Sea ; Now Guinea; Tasmania; New Zealand,— bound up with: Section XV. — Pacific Ocean, ^:i:! m m H ' m H \ r 1 1 ^. k ,1 1 M , r 1 ! 1 , t'' \ ^ '',",11' i 1 •"' .1 \ 1 i/i; il:i '.4 1. . ',- ! , ; . ■ V, ' :' ■■1 . : ..-i: "-I w ^ r, Mexico, and Florida, Sic. Svo. London, 1829. The Light TIoiiscs on the West India Islands, anil tho adjacent Coasts, to August, 18B3, 8vo. Lo'don. The Lij 1S65. Australian Views; North-east Coast,— between Sandy Cape, and Endeavour Strait, for the navigation of Inner passage to Torres Straits, by J. C. WickLam, and H. White. Oblong vol. London, 1843. Directions for the Inner route from Sydney to Torres Strait, surveyed by Capt. King, (with) Directions for the outer passage, by way of the Barrier Beefs, by Capt. Blackwood. Svo. London, 1847. Light Houses of South Africa, East Indies, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zea- land, to December 1853. Svo. London. Admiralty Charts, Plans, Views, and Sailing Directions, &o. Catalogue of, — Enumeratinij every Chn't, t^.c, contained in the pre- ceding volunieH ; with particulars as to scale, siae, price., &c. Pub- lished I)y o; der ol the Lords Comtni.^sioners of fho Admiralty. Svo. London, IS55. For other Works — published undor the authority of the Lords Convmis- missioners of the Admiralty — vide Nautical Kciencs. r [i: ; mnH ■ ^ -hi : ! : ,1? ■■ 1:!'^ ; It m -■'Vi\' J -if, ■ w \\\ ,:,'. 1! i r ! i i;tf.! . M CI ft.' '^ ^1 :i W 616 univehsal geogeaphy. [gjiiogbaphib Tuokey, J> (!• MHiiiimH Giogrnph}' uitd SiatiitUM : or, a description of tlio Ocuan iind its CoKxiit, Muntiiiio Coniuiaica, Navi^^titioii, <&c, 4 vnls. 8vo. London, iS15. Tho introduotiuii U cats, oonninuly, of tliii progress of UaiiUme disoorery. Keller^ F. A. E. E>cpud6 du riSgimu d.^dcuuiaruiMubHervet* dopniit h l6o Hiude ju8qu'& no8 jourA daud Ia MhiicIih ui; la IjISI' d'AllHniagnn et de luur diipputation dans la nrtvi{^ation g6'i5rnlo ii I'uida du loutier-coaipti'ui'. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Cartes hydrographiques, p'ildi;5e^ p>ir b jjou em'iraant friin9uid, dressjis au d^'pfit do la Iduriue, i^ Patif, piinciptdeiufiut par MM. Daussy, Kol- lor, Beaufort, ATissocq, La SaidiicM, Gravei", &«. «ic., flt pai- les iui'e. nieurtj liydrograplies dn la Marine. Carte hyclrogrnpliiqii? doa pHrl.io8 connncA tie la terre, drcssfe sur la projcctioo do Huruutor, par 0. L. Giusiior, publice e>i 1886. do rOcoiin Btluntiquo sopientrionftl, 1G54. do I'Oi't^an atUntiquo mSridioiial, pnl)li6« en 1854. Plan du mouillage d'Esko Fiurd (Islandc), luvu en 1864 et public on 1865. CroqulB do8 raouilUigOH do Spath ot do Svai tag lllvur (Islande), lovi'; on 1854. Carte des cot:es da France, environs do IJiOhO, lovoe en 1816, 1817 et luK<, et publico on 1S23. , pavtio coinp.is3ontre'eRoz-de-SelnetLorient lovce en 1318 et 181tf, et pnblico en 1»24. , partio comprhj ovii o Loviont et Satnt-Nazaire levcc en 1819, 1820 et 1821, et publico on 1S29. — ■ , o)nboiki,hnro de la Loire, levfie en 1821 et 1822, et publico on 1S2Q. -, p-»vti3 ooniprlso ontro I'ile d'Yeii et la poiute des Qideines, lerce on 1822, et publico on 1882. , Portuia-Ilreton, PortuU-d'Antioclio et Pertuis- do-Mrtumusto on 1882. — , omboucliuro do la Glronde et do aea environs. levoc on 1826, 3t publico en 1831. -, cours de la Girondo Ok partie do la Oaronne ct do la Doidd^ne, lov5o eu 1825, et publi>'e on 1831. , environs du bagain d'Arsaohon, leytfe eu 1820, etpuhlitoen 1S80. -, pavtie (lomprlso outre Mimizan et la froiitiore d'Eepagr.c, levi'o on 1826, ct publico on 1829. -, partio compriso entre la pointe do Barflenr et la cap 'lo lii H'fVft, brtie do la Soino, Iov;'e en 138!! ot 1384, ©t publioo en 1S40. -, p.irtio fiompriso ontro I'ile Bruhat et B.iri'ljur, lav('e on 1829, 80, 81, ■ii ot ;fS, et pnblii'o en 1S3G. -, partie r.ompripo entro lo Hivre-de-Cftrteret ct Rarfloiir, \sv62 en 1882 el 1338, et public'o on 1338. -, pnrtie comprise ontre le de Franoe, "nrtlo comprlie ontre Froump ot la pointe de Sftliit-Qiiontiii, lovi'een i . jf 18RB, ot puMiiSo en 1841. , pnrtlo uoinpriso ontro Divog et Soint-ValCry-cn. Oauso, omi)o(iohiiro de la Selno, lovfe en 18B4, e(. publico on 1841, — — - pnvtie comprisfl ontve le cap Frehel et I'Do Drebat, lev6o on 1880 et 1681, ut publir>H en 1888. pnriio ooinpvlso ertre I'ile <1« Ihn ot Tllo Orebat, l07('e en 18H7 ot 1888, et publire o" 1848. panic coniprice eiilie I'ilo d'Ouedflant et I'ile de Das, levt'e en 1887 ot 1888, et pnbll^e en 184«. Plan dp rnmboAohure de la 8elne, (environc du Hf;vre), ley'; en 1868, et ptiblid en ISfSS. Caite g(''n<''Mle Cian sundoK d'atterraiji'i dea vAtea occ-idontHles de Fronoo et d«8 cAtos aeptonti lonalec d'Espagne faitei« en 1023 ot 1029; publi<''e on 1847. Plan do In rado de Choibnnrg, d'allrl^a lea ti'avaux hydrogtaphiqueei exC'oiitva eu 1850, publii' en 185H. Car^e iIcb attcrragea doa cdtes ni^'^ridionalea do Franco, lev£u en 1844 et 1846, et ptiblire en 1851. Cartes partlculiAree do la odte aeptentrionale d'Espagne, pub1i qii'a Landacrone, la c6te dn Jutland depui; le cap Bkagen jnaqn'd I'entree des Belta, ot la cAte aeptontrionale de Vile de S^elando d'apres lea obaerva* tioiis ot lea cartes danoisea et auedoiaea lea plus receutea ; dresace pour le service dea vaiaacaux frangais, 1818. roduite de la mer Baltique contenant le golfe de Finlonde d'aprfis lea cartoa suddoiaes ot russos los plus r^centes, 1816. — — r<^duite do la mer Baltiqne, conteuaDt lea entrCcs de cette mer et los c6tea des ilcB Danoisea, loa cutea muridioualea de Su6de, du cap KuUeu h Chria- tianopol et lea cdtea d'AUeraagne. depuis Traremunde Jusqu'^ Colborg; 1816. ruduite de la mer Baltique, conteuant partie de Hie d'OIand et de la c6te sud-cst de la Su6de, los cdtes de Pom6ranie, de Frusse et de Courlande, depuis Oolberg jusqu'jk Libau, 1818. — — ri^duite de la mer Baltique, contenant partie de la cdte de Su^de, de I'tle d'OIand eI Stockholm, lea Ilea de Gothland, d'Oeael, et de Dago, et lea cdtea du gotfe de Riga, 1815. ':'.<) 7 ' rl-T I. ^11- If 1 ''U '' 1 ' ■ ■ !;■ :'(- :NM r ■.■ f-^^'.f <■ i'.'i f ii ■:i jW ■pi I « I n : ■ I 1- i' i. p M ifiP'^'ii^W mil 618 UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY. [OjfiOGRAPHIE Cartes hydrographique*, etc.— (Coutinuation). Carte r^diiite do la mor Qultique, oontanant lei tntr^ea Je Stockholm et cellei du* gulfe* de Finlande ot de Bollinio, ISlfi. — ^ reduite Jo la mor Oallique, contonitnt le golfe de Botlmie, 1816. — — doa c^tea de la mer Modltcrranto, partle coiiiprlae outre Maraoille et Plorabliio, en 1882. gC'iitirnlo do la mor Mvdlterranoo, Idr feuUlo, publi^Se en 1849, 2nd feullle en 1861. — — dii baaalu compria entre la Sardaigne, I'ltalle ot la Sicilo, publi^e on 1861. _— — del o6tei occidentalei d'ltalte, partle comprlio ontrc LWourne et I'cm- bouchure du Tibre, 1848. Plan du port de Civlta Vecchia, UjO en 1818. >— — del c6tea do Sioile et de la ri-geiico do Tunii, comprenani la pariie lud de In Sardaigne et I'ile de Halte, publiec en 1840. — de I'entr^e de rAdrlalique et du bassin oomprli entre I'ile de Mnlte «t le cap Matapan, publi6e en 1840. reduite du golfo do Venise, asiujettio auz observatious faitei en 1818 par M. Gaiittier; publi6o en 1820 ; et comprouant: lo. Plan do la ville et du port d'Ano6ne. — 2o. Plan dii port ct do la rade do DHndlsi, — 3o. MouilUgo doi ilea Trciniti, lcTt'> pnr Gniitticr en 1818.— 4o. Plnn du port d'Otrante.— 6o. Plan de la ville ot du port Jc Trieste. r£duite de la mer do Marmora; publico en 1826. Plan du canal des Dardanetlei ou IlelleapoDt. — — du eanal do Cunstantinopio ou Boiphuro. Carte de Ventrco dei Dardanolles, comprenant lo golfo d'Adrnmyti, lc« ilea do Hityli^uc, do Teuddos, de Loranos et do Strati ; publico en 1866. — — do la c<)te do Karamanio, dopuis I'ile de Rliodes jusqu'au cap Khulidoiiia ' publico en 1865. ■ de la cOte de Karamanio, oomprcnant le gnlfe d'Andalie ; publico eo 1868. ^—— del ilea de Rhodes, Kos, (be, et des golfei do Kos, Doris, Symi et Mar- maria; publico en 1866. du golfo de Saros, comprenant 1' entree dee Dardanelles, les iles Imbros, Samothraki, etc. ; publido cu 1866. ——— del golfes de Salouique, de Oasiandre et de Monte Santo ; publico en 1866. ■ reduite de la mer Noire, aasujettie aux observations faites en 1820, par M. Gauttier ; publico A Paris en 1822. . des ilea Canaries, et d'une partie del cdtei occidentalcs d'Afrique; publiee en 1780. -^— rciduite de la coto occidentole d'Afrique, depuls le cap Bojador jnsqu'aiii iles de Los, levee en 181'7 et 1818 ; publiee en 1829. , partie comprise entre les iles de Lon et le cap Lopez ; publico en 1833, , partie comprise entre le di'troit de Gibraltar et le cap Chir, levee en 1836 et publi6e eu 1848. , partie comprise entre le cap Ohir et le cap Bojador, levee en 1886, et publiee en 1840. — - — . partie compriie entre le cap Formose et le cap Frio ; publiee en 1833. - des cotei d'Afrique depuis le cap Frio jusqu'il la Bale d'Algoa ; publico en 1888. ■ del c6tei m£ridiouaIci d'Afrique, et de I'entr^e du canal de Mozambique; publiee en 1888. i tJNIVEIlSELLE.] UNIVERSAL OEOORAPHT, 5id Cartes hydrographiques, etc.— (Contiimatiou). Carte 'In cnnal cte llo»mb!que et de I'de de Mad/ M«r; publl^e en 1688. ', do U c6lfl ■eptenlrionnl* d'Afrique, pnrtie tomprUe ciitro Al({«r «t I'll* <1e la (>alit«, publiCe on 1386. , partie cotnpriie entr« Alger ot lei Ilea ZafnriDo*, publK-e en 1836. , dos ilea litubea d I'eii; et ku nord-eaC de Madagatcar ; dreaii'e par M. P. Daussy, d'nprt!* lea tntvaiix lea p1u« n'-oetita, ct piibllue i Poria, en 1638. , de la Mer Rouge, publico eu 1840. , do I'onti-^e do la Mor Routjo, publK^e en 1840, , du ddtroit de Dalj-El-Maiide', lerie en 1888. , doa oiMoa d'A>-abie et de Perao, comprennnt depuia I'ile de Socotra juB(]u'& Bombay, publieo en 1840. — ^ — , dc« ootea dc I'Mlndouatan, depnia Dombny jusqu'au Oodarery, et d«a ilei Maladivca et Chngoa, publico en 1889. — — , du golfe de Dengala, public* en 1889. , dea Ilea Sumatra, Java, et Burneo, et dea men enTironnnntea, publico eD 1839. , de la roer de Ohine, publico en 1888. , dea oMea orlentalea de Ohine, publif-e en 1842. Reoonnalseanoe hydrogrR])htque do In cAte oneotale de Oor£e, et d'uua partie de In Tnrtaric chinuiae rccouniie par la corvette La Oapn'oieuso, oommuud£e Mr. Rucqiicinnurel, levde ot dro8s6e en 1852 par M. Houohez, publico en 1864. Carte g6nt'ra1e de In raer dea Indea, dreasue en 1837. dea mere nutlrnlei, partie comprise ontre lea m^ridiena du cap de Donue-EBpurniioo et du port (In Rol Oeorgea ; publiC-e en 1842. . gun^'mle do I'Ocdan Pacifique, drei86e par H. 0. A. Vinuendon-Du- moulin, on 1861. (Pour les nutres cartes de I'Ocean Pacifique, et pour lea cartes de divcrses p.ii'ties dc I'ocfianie, voir I'Atlaa hydrograpluquo, aooom- pngnnnt lo voyage de Dumout d'Urvllle.) — — ^ de In partie septontrionalo do I'Arcbipel, publico en 1864. , de In partie racridionale de I'Archipel, publice en 1864. , dol'Ou^an Atlunl'qiio Arctiquo, dressSo en 1862, et publice en 1864. dea ilos Philippines, dressce d'apr^sles travaux lea plus r^oenta, et publice en 1840. ■ de la partie dn grand Archipel d'Asie, comprise entre Java, la Nouvelle Guin<:e ct la Nouvolle flollande ; dressee d'apr^s les travaux lea plus recents, et publice en 1C40. dc la partie sud-oue4t de InNouvelle Hollande, publice en 1846. de la Tnsmanio et des torres environnantes, fpartie mvridionale de la Koa- voile llollande, comprise entre le port Macquarie et la baie Fow era), publico en 1847. ■ rcduite de In cote aeptentrionalo du Brcsil, partie comprise ontre les atter- rages de Maranham et le cap Nord, levee et dresaee en 1844, et publico dn 1846. Cartes rcdultes de la cdte meridioDalc du Briiail, comprise entre la pointe nord de I'ile de Sainte-OathSrine et lo Rio-Qrande-de-Sau-Pedro; lev6een 1831, pu- bli6e en 1838. -'■ reduite de la cdte du Brcsil, comprise entre Hie Sonta-Oatliarba et Ma< ranham, publico k Paris en 1826. ■it I' ^ li '"'A i -,l f il ;'■ Kl i -.' ( illl rm 1 ' "T" 1 . ' B*-. ' 1-' i^HI^ ; f iP pi J^ i? !M lit '* . n 520 UNIVERSAL GKOOOAPHY. [GioQlUPUIE UNIVEMELLE.] Cartel hydrographlque*, etc.— (Contiountion). Carta rdiluite ds I* rUlire ile La PUto, liepul* \v» oapx de Hninte- Marie e( Stint' Atii.uineju«ju'*iix lie* do (loiuoi ct da Dit.nios-Ajrr«a ; InvC-e on 1830, yi gt »2, publit'-e eii Idas. do la parttA uccldontal« il« I'Ani^iriqiie, compr«iuuil 1« Pcrou, la BoUrie •( le iinrd dii Chili, |iiiMi>'u en 1847. — — del cotca du Uiiill ct, de la fatagonid occidentale, puhlit'e en 1847. •— — partlciilldi'« du golfo du Mexiqiie, partiv comprlae outre la bale rie Tunpi el loii boiiohet du MluiMippi, droaa^e d'apria la oarte d'Edmund Olunt; pu- blive en 18M. — — dii golfe du Mexiquc, publive nn 1848. I den AntlUen, puiili£-e en 18'i2. I r^didto dec odtea de U Oujroue, ooraprenant depuii lea bouohei de la rl- vidre doa AmaxoneaJuMqu'^ I'tle de la Trinity, publiue en 1817. du la pariU' de la coto iiord-oueat de I'Amirlque, reconnue par le CApitaioe Georgea Vanoouvor, pendant loi Hnn£ei 1792, 170R, I7y4. 8e Toyage, ■ du cute- no rd-oneat de I'Amdrique, reconuu par le oapitniuo Vancouver. 4e voyai{0. 7 cartea. Oarte dcs cAtee de I'ile de Terre-Neuvo, partie orieatale, du cap St^ean an cap UunaviBta, publico eu 18S4. ^— — partlculiure de la cAte uord de Torre Neuve, compriae entre le otp d'Ol. gnon ot loa lies lilanahea ; lovue en 18S0 et 18S1, pubili'o en 1864. do la cote orientale de l'Am6rique septcntrinnale, dit dctroil do flelle-Ile t Boaton, cumprenant I'llo et los bancs de TerreNeuve, droaAce iYa\,tim los tra- vaux loa plue r^uenta, publiue en 186R. — — , partie comprise entre Now- York et la rlvk^ro St- Jean, publiue en 18.S4, , partie compriHO entre la bale do Gaspe ct Now-Yoi-lc, publiee i faria ea 1884. New-Tork, ees nioulllagea et scs attorrages, d'apr^s la ciirto levee trigonomotri- quement sous la direction de F. R. Uossler, surintcndant de la reconnaisaance dea cotes des Etats-Unis, et piiblit'e en 1846. Coast Survey of the United States of Amerioa. Report of the Sup* erintendent of the Coast Survey, for tha years 1S49, 1850 aud 1851. 8vo., with 4to Atlaa for 1861. For tlie 1862, 1853 and 1854. 1852.) yeora 4to. (Duplicate of tlio Reports for 1851 and Rolls of Charts, accompanying the above, 1848-1855. This TAlnuble oolleotiou Avoa presented by the American Qovcruiuent to the Library. Voir oi-aprAs la partie geographiqne et hydrogrnpliique des voyageB nutour dn moade, et ties grauds voyages de Dumoutd'Urville, Lefebvre, Uolmard, etc. mi: Ii RFCt^KI^^ T)K VOYAOES, ETC.] COLLECTED VOYAGES, ETC. 521 ■' ' H — ^— — II. COLLKCTIONH OF V()YAGK><, iVc, AND VOYAGKS ROUND T(IE WOULD. RHCUKILS DE VOYAGES, ET VOYAGIS AUTOUll DU MONDE. Looko, Jo'iii. An introductory ditcoiirs", ('ontniiiinR tlu' History of Naviga- tion iVoin its orij^'inul to tliin tiniu, in wliitii Iw ^;ivoM tint catulo^ue mill cliiiruclur of n»oHt hooit* of tiiivfls. I'retixpfl to C'iiurcliill's Col- taction of Voyarjes and Travek, vol. 1. Vitlo, also, Locke's VVorka. . IliHfoire do lu nnvigiition, Hon conunenci'mt^nt, H»;g progrcs et sea d('conv(!rtt!s iusiju'ii pivsent ; triiduit de Pangluin. 2 vol. 12mo. I'liii'*, 1722. [Pinkerton.J Ui'tro.spuct of tin; origin and progress of di.>.cov<'ry in tincient iind nioik-rn tinie.^ ; to wliicli i« appendcil, a Cataloguii of books of v()yagttory of mat itin'e and inland discovery. ,T vol«. 12rao. London, IHIU). Harris >Iohn. Tliu IILstory of tlw (ari'uni-navigator.s of tliu (ilobe, the dis- covery, sctllomcnt and coninnTco of the East Indies, itc. Vide vol. 1, of Harris' Collection <>/ Voj/ngcs, Ratniisio, (Hov. \Ut. Terza editione dellc navigntioni e viagi rncolte gia da Gil). Hat.. Ilunn'iio. 3 vol. Folio. Venczin, vol. 1. 1.563, vol. 2, loN3, vol. 3, loG5. Hakluyt, IVudianl. The pi'' .ipal navigations, voyagi's, trnirKiue- and dis- coveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland. 8 vols. Folio. London. l.Wtt-lGUO. PurchaS, S;iinuel. Wis rdgriniage, or relations of the world and the religions observed iu I'l agesun'l places discovered, from the creation unto this present ; m tour parts. This first containeth a theologieall and geogra- p'lieall liistorie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Islands adja- cent. Folio. London, 1617. The cijlit nnd ninth Books of the above work refer to the early discoveries of America. [Justel. I Rocueil de diver.^ voyages faits en .\frique et en Amn) l.")98 to ItJtiO ; 4to. Ijerlin, 1839 (only 120 copies printed.) ciennes lela- VOYAaES AUTOUR DU MONDE.] VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. 523 HarriSi Joha. CompUte collection of Voyages and Travels, (above 400 of the most uuthentic,) in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Best edi- tion. 2 vols. Foiio. London, 1764. Smith Capt. John. Travels and adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, Vide Churchill's Collection, vol. 2. Drake, Sir Francis. Life, Voyages, &.c. Vide Bioghapht. Travels of the Jesuits in various parts of the world, compiled from iheir letters, (lettres odifiantes et curieuses, etc.,) by J. Locknian. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1743. Churchill. A collection of Voyages and Travels in different parts of the Globe, some now lirst printed from M S S., others n^w first in English Printed by assignment from Messrs. Churchill, 6 vols. Folio. Lon- don, 1732-1739. Pinkerton, Jolin. A general collection of the best and most interesting Voyin,'L's iind Travels of the World. 17 vols. 4to. London, 1808-14. Conder Josiah. The Modern Traveller ; a description ofth^ various countries of the globe, compiled from latest and best authorities, with maps and plates. 3:i vols. 12ino. London, 1830. NB. Referencea to the principal contents of tho collections of Churchill, Pinker- ton and Conder, will bo found in their proper sections, in this class. Clarke, E. D. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 6 vols. 4to. Loudon, 1813— -1823. Vol. !• — Russia, Tiirtnry, and Turkey. " II., III., IV. — Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Laud; with a supplemeut (to vol. ■i.) respecting liis journey from Constaulir.opi'! to Vienna ; con- taining hia account of the gold niiue'i of 'I'rausylvania and Hungary. " v., VI. — Soaudinavia ; iuoluding Denmark, Xorway, Sweden, Lapland, an 1 Finland. V^ll. " lutains a Profatury Advert isonieat, unnmincing tho death of Ur. Clarke, with a I'lospeetus for tho puhlication of his "Life uud Uuniains," — for v.'hieh, by G. Otter, vide Uiouraphv. Walpole, l'l»rt 'iev Itol)ert. -Memoirs rcliiii.isr to E iropcan and Asiatic Turkey; edited from .M.S. .Journals, [of distinguished travellers in certain parts of Kurope, Asia and .\frica :] by U. \Valp(de ; [with a preliminary dissertation on the system of government, and causes of the weakness and decline of tlie Turkish .Monarchy.] 4to. London, 1817. This work includes papers on tlie Uorea, Mount rarna-ssus and its neighbourhood, Attica, on the Natural History of Greece, and Cyprus, Ml -■; f' t,. if?: M W' ri i' 4 11= Ml if .lit m ■-■■,-3|p;|i !4 S '.' '-^ -fr- ;t --r-fr-V -.'■ ijil£! biKf''" '; .- R- V ■•'tl'-j 521< COLLECTED VOYAGES, AND [hECUEILS DB VOYAGES, ET Walpole, R. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey — (Continued), Observations on Ejjvptiiin Antiquities, from the Journnl of Mr. Davison, mi by the Eilitor; Manners and Customs, TopoRrnphy, &c. of modern Egypi by Dr. Uumo and Cupt. Liglit. Ou tlic Mines of Kaurium, and tiie Coiiiace of tliu Athenians, itc, by tliu Far! of Aberdeen aiul the PMitor. Travels in varioud couiitriea of the East ; a continuation of tiie ('(ir('g()in}» Work. 4to. London, 1820. This volume contains furtiicr extracts from tlio I'aperH of Dr. Bibtliorp, nno from tiio Journals of Dr. Hunt, and Mr. llumc, respecting Grecian Antiquities Topogr.ipliy, Natural History, &c. Accounts of JournevB tliiough Asia Minor by the late \V. (i. Browne ^,^^itll a memoir of him) ; and by Lt. Cul, Loakc tlie lute Lt. Col. S(inire and by J. N. Fazakerley, Ksq A Jonniey tlirou"!i I/ittIo Tartary ; Gicekand Araljic and Kf^yptian Inscriptions, &o., A.e. Curzon. llolxTt. Visits to Moimsterii'.s in the Levant, l2ino. London, 1849, IVt I. Ki,'ypt in IHli.'t. " IT. .lerusalcm anil tlio Monastery of St. S,il)l)a. " ril. Tlii; MoMa>",crie3 ol Meteoia and Mount Atlios ; willi full accountsot their Libraries. l'\)r I'.ii'Dcko's doseription of tlie Kast, and soino countries of Kurope; 2 vols Folid, 174.'?: and, Trime's Travels in Europe and the East; 2 vol», 8vo. 18,5,'>; vid/' po\l, section V., (Asia.) JMonSOn, Sir W. Discoveries and oC tlui Spuniijli and Portiii'iipsc, Vide Ills N ival Tnu'ts, (the Itli) in Chureiiiirs CaUertioii. Vol, ,3, Hoivison, Jolui. European Colonie.s in vuriou.s ptirts of the world, in their social, moral and physical condition. 2 vols Hvo. London, lS3i, Wagener, Z. N'oynjjcs of. throujih I'^urope, vVsia, Africa and America, Vik Cluir(diiirs Collection. \o\. '1 Careri, Dr. tl. (jeiUHlli. Voyage round the World, a description of Tiirkoy, r(MsiM, Lidin, Chiiiii, the I'hilippine Islands, and New Sp. in,— I'loiii the [t:ilian. Viile Churchill's CoUcction. Vol 4. Pigafetta's Voy^gi' round the World. Yiiir Piidierton'a ColUction. Vol. 11, Hall, Ijasil. J*'raginents of voyages and travels, in various parts of the globe, for the use of young persons, 1 II III. series. 9 vols, iL'mo, London, l.'^ai-ls^B. Dampier, Capt, AVilliain. Collection of Voyages round the World. 4 vok 8vo. London, 1729. (vol. 1 wanting.) __^-^-_- Nouvcau voyage autourdu monde, oxi Ton decriten particuliersristhmede I'Ameriqiie. 5 voL 12rao. Amsterdam 1717 Rogers, Captain Woodes. A cruising Voyage round the World, between 170S and 1711. 8vo. London, 1712. Wood, Cupitaine. Voyage h. travtrs Ic detroit de Magellan. Vol. o des voyages de Dampier. Sharp. Journal de I'expedition du ciipt. Sharp. Voir Dampier, vol. 6. Cowley. Voyage autour du nionde. Vol. 5 du voyage de Dampier. VOYAGES ATJTOUR T)V MONDE. J VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. 525 itimmtion of fuM l\CCOUllt5 0( Vorld. 4 vols Noort Oliver Van. Voyage round the World, (the first attempted by the ' Dutch,) 1598-1601. ChurchiU'a Collection. Vol. 1. Stubsrgen, George. Voyage round the World, 1614-17. Churchill's Col- lection, vol. 1. Schouten. MM. Cornilison and Lemaire Jacques.) Voyage around the world, 1615-1617. Harris, vol. 1. Cook Captain James. Voyagea round the world. 8 vols. 4to. and atlas, folio. London. 1773-1785. Vols. I. n. III. Account of voyages undertaken by order of his Mnjcsty K. George III, for making discoverioa iii the Southern Hemis- phere, and BuccuBsively performed^ by commodore Byron Captains Waliia, Carteret, and Cook ; dniwn up from their journals, and from the papers of Josepli Banks, Esq., by John Ilnwkusworth. 3 vols. " IV. V. Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world, perform, ed in H. M's tthips Resolution and Adventure, in 1772-1776, by James Cook, commander of the Resolution ; with Capt. Furneaux's niirnitivo of his proceedings in the Adventure- during the separation of the ships. 2 vols. " VI. VII. VIII. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for mnking dlacoveriesin the Northern Hemisphere, performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke und Gore, in the years 1776 to 1780. 3 vols. — Vol. 1 and 2, written by Capt. Cook ; Vol. 3, by Capt. James King. N. B. Abstracts of Cook's three voyages will be found in Pinker, ton's Collection, vol. 11. LaPerOUSe. Voyage autour du mondo en 1785, redigc par Milet Dureau. 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1797. Dixon, Capt. George. Voyage, round the World in 1 7S5-88. 4to. London, 1789. Vancouver, Georgi!. Voyage de decouverte a I'Ocean Pacifique du Nord ct autour du nionde ; ordoiine par le roi d'An;^leterre principalement dans la vuc da constuter s'il existe, tl travers le cimtinent de I'Amerique, un passage pour les vaisseaux de I'Ocean Pacifique du nord il I'Ocoan Atlantique septentrional, et executC; en 1790-9.5. Trnduit de I'unglais. Ouvrage enrichi de figures, et avec un grand atlas. 3 vol. 4to. Paris, an VIII. Marehand, Etienne. Voyage autour du monde pendant les nnn6es 1790-91- 92, precede d'une introduction historiciue, avec carte et figures par M. '''Icurieu. o \i>l. Hvo. cX atlas 4to. Paris, an VI. Krusenstern. Voyage autour du monde, en 1803-4-5-6, par les ordrea d' Alexandre Icr, empereur de llussie. 2 vol. 8vo et atlas. Paris, 1821. Dentrecasteaux. Voyage a la recherche do La Perouse. 2 vol. 4to, et atlas. Paris, 1808. !Vi Hy'm f w \) ili-'hv >,i\\ mt,- Irjii f :^ i ■IB- i r 4u; Jf*- J !••'! '*1 ''tA4 I' 526 COLLECTED VOYAGES, AND [HECTJEILS DE VOYAGES, BT 4to., Preyclnet. Voyngo autour du monde, en 1817, 18, 19 et 20. 4 vol. ct atlas, folio. Paris, 1820. Kotzebire, Von. New Voyage around the World, in 1823-24-2r>, and 26. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1830. King .^itzroy, and Darwin. Narrative of tlie Surveying Voyagps of H. Al's ships Advunturii and iJeagle, between the yearn 1826 and 1836, de- scribing their examination of tlu; southern siiores of South America, and tlie Beagle's cireumnavigation ot'the gliibc. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1839, Vol. I. I'roceudingH of the tiret expedition, 1826-1880, under the command of Ciipt. P. I'arker King. " II. second expedition, 1831 — 1830, under the command of Onpt. R. Fitzroy : with an appendix, in a Hoparate vohimo. " HI. Journal and remarks, by Charles Darwin, on the Nat'irul History of the voyage. Vide the Zoology of the Bougie's voyage, 5 vols. 4to. in Natcral History. Also, Darwin's Naturalist's voyage round the world, in Home and Colon. Lib, Bougainville. Journal de la navigation autour du globe, de la fregate La Thetis et do la corvette I'Espc ranee, en 1824', 1825 et 1826. 2 vol. 4to. Atlas 2 vol., grand folio. Paris, 1837. Du Petit-Thouars. Voyage autour du nioudc siir lafrt'gato La Venus, in 1836-183!). Tomes de 1 a 4, et de 6 a 10, 8vo., (le tome 5 ne sera pas publie,) 1 atlas, gr. monde ; ct 3 atlas gr. folio. Paris, 1840. Vaillant. Voyage autour du moudr, execute en 1836 et 1837 sur la (lov- \etto Lf Bonife. 14 vol. Svo. Pr.ris, 1845. Tcxto. relation du voyng.:, H vol. " botBni(juc. - vol. " pliysiquo, ' vol. " Zoologie, '2 vol. 3 atlas grand folio. Laplace. Cumpagne do eircuin-navigation, on 1837, 38, 39 et 40. 6 vol, gr. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Voir ci-apres Scikncics Natuuelles. AragO, Jacques. Voyage autour du monde ; oiivrage illustre de 25 grandes vignettes, portraits, et do 150 gravures dans le Icxte, ])reeede d'une introduction, par M. Jules -T.aiiiii. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris. Belcher, Capt. Sir Edward. Voyage round the World, in 183t) to 1342; in- cluding details of the naval operations against China, in 1840-1. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Wilkes, Charles, Narrative of the United States' E.tploring Expedition, during the years 1838 to 1842. 5 vols, and Atlas. Svo. New Torki 1851. Simpson, Sir George. Governor in Chief of tlie Hudson's Bay Territory. Narrativeofa Voyage round the World in 1H41 2. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1847. Maogillivray, John. Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Eattlesnake, during the years 184G-1S50, including discoveries in New Guinea, the Louisiado Archipelago, <^c, 2 vols. 8v(). London, 1852, VOYAGES AUTOUR DU MONDE.] VOYAGES HOUND TUE WOULD. 527 Seemai...n; I*. Voyuge of the ship Herald round the Globe, in. 1845-61. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Gerstaecker, F. Niurative of a Journey round the World. 3 vols. l2mo. London, 1853. Elwes, Robert. A skutcher'a Tour round the World ; with illustrntions. 8vo. London, 1854. Taylor, Uiiyard. 'Inivcls. fj vols. l2mo. Nt^w York, 1855-6. Vol. r. Views u-foi)t: or, Europo socn with knapaack iind stuff. " II. California and Mexico. •' III. J'liiriioy to Central Africa, " IV. ralestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain. " V. Iiiclia, China and .lapnn. Murray's Hand-Books for Travellers. 12nio. London. (Uniformly bound,) viz : Travel-Talk , being, Questions, Phrases, and Vocabularies, \a Englieh German, Kronch mid Italian; for Englishmen Abroad, or Travellers in England. Eleventh edition. 1H56. Northern Europe ; Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, in tiro parti Now edition. 1819. 2 vols. Northern Germany ; Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Ac., and the Rhine from lliilbuwl to Swilzcrland. Tenth edition. 18B4. Southern Germany ; Wurtomberg, Bavaria, Aiistria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, Ac., the Austrian and Biivarian Alps, aud the Danube from Ulm. Seventh edition. 1855. London; Past and Present ; by P. Cunningliam. 1860. in 1854 ; by P. CunningliAm. The Anticpiities in tlie liiitish Museum, Greek, Assyrian, Egyptian, unil Etruscan; by W. S. W. Vaux. ]8fl. (In and Near.) The Public (ialleries of Art: with notices of painters, & :., by .Mrs. Jameson. (Respecling) t'.ie National Gallery, Windsor Cnstle,. Hampton Court, Dulwieb Cialkry, Barry's Pictures, and Soaue's Museum, 1S45. France. Normandy, Hiittany, the Rivers Seine, &c., &c., tlie French AIpsi Dauphine, Provence, and the Pyrenees. Fifth edition. 1864. Spain I by R. Ford. Pt. I. Andiiluciii, Ronda and Qrannda, Mnrcin, Valencia, and Catalonia; portions suited for the Invalid. — 11. Leon, Gallicia, the Asturiaa, tlio Castiks, Rasque Provinces, Arragou, and Navarre. Third edition. 1855. 2 "ds. Portugal, Lisbon, Alemtejo, Ac, Algarve, Estramadura, Beira, Miuho, Traz os Montos. 1855. Switzerland and tlie .Mps of Savoy and Piedmont. Si."ith edition. 1854. Northern Italy ; Pt. I. Sardinia, Lombardy, and Venice, Parma, Ac. — Pt. IL Lueca, Pisa, Florence, Ao. Fifth edition. 1854. 2 vols. Central Italy ; I't. I. Southern Tuscany and Papal States. — Pt. II. Rome and its Environs. Third edition. 1653. 2 vols. If ■il .wpn, '■ft !• ; t;- i-r iHii % r'':'; .r!! r :,{: 111 '■ '^ ■ i •'■ *! '"it : Pi , i.v iIj ,« . .« 15,1 I ; .11 w ni V;i.. S I - ■ i 4 *--i 528 POLAR VOYAGES. [voyages Murray's Hand-fiooks for Travellers— (Continued). Southern Italy ; — The Contineutal portion of the Two Sicilies, City of Nnplei &c., Islands of the Bay, aud a portiou of the Papal States ; by 0. Blewitt 18B3. Qreece, the Ionian Islands, the Kingdom of Greece, Islands of the jEgean Se» Albania, Thesaaly, aud Maeedonia. New edition, 1864. Turkey, describing, Constantinople, European Turkpy, Asia Minor, Armeoia, aud Meaopotamio. Third edition. 1854. Egypt; — The Nile to the second Cataract, Alexandria, Cairo, the PyramiJi and Thebes, the Transit to India, the Oases, Ac. ; by Sir Q. Wilkinson. Nev edition. 1847. III. POLAE VOYAGES. | VOYAGES POLATEES Porster, J. K. History of the voyage, and discoveries made in the North- translated from tlie German. 4to. London, 1786. Tytler, Patrick Eraser. Historical view of the progress of discovery on the Northern Coasts of America ; with descriptive sketches of natural history, by .lames Wilson, Esq. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1832. Another edition. 120-0. Edinburgh, 18.33. The same work, with continuation and account of the Hudson's Bay Territories, by E. M. Ballantyne. 8vo. London, 1854. Murray, Hugh. Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America, including the United States, Canada, the shores of the polar sea, and the voyages in search of u North West Passage. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1829. Shillinglaw, John J. A narrative of Arctic discovery, from the earliest period to the present time, with the details of the measures adopted for the relief of the expedition undei' Sir Johr Pranklin. 12mo. London, 1851. Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West ; in search of a passage to Cath.ay and India. Anno, 149G to 1631. Vide Hakluyt Society Publications. North-West Passage. A catalogue of the English Voyages undertaken for the finding of a North West Passage to the north parts of America, to Meta incognita, and the backeside of Greenland, as farre as 7!i de- grees and 12 minutes. llakUiyt's Voyages, vol. 3, comprising: Cabota, Sebastian. Ilia voyage to tlie north part of America, for the disco?ery of a north-west passiigc in 1497. Frobisher, Martin. Ills first, eocond, and third voyage, in 1576, 77, 78. Fide also, Pinkerlon, vol. 12. Davis, John. His first, second, and third voyage, in 1B85, 86, 87. Vidtelio, Pinkcrton, vol. 12. m POLAIRES.] POLAR VOYAGES. 529 Hudson, Henry. His discoveries toward the North Pole, set forth in May, 1607. Aew York Hint. Coll., vol 1. Hia second, third and fourth voyage to the North, in 1G08- 9-10. Ibid. Gatonbe. Voyage into the North West Passage in 1612. Churchill, vol. 6. Honk, Joan. Voyage in 1619 and 1620 to Hudson's Straits, to discover a passage betwixt G^reenlani and America, to the West Indies ; trans- lated from the Dutch. Id., vol. 1. James, Thomas. Strange and dangerous Voyage for the discovery of a North West Passage, in 1631-32. Id., vol. 2. Pontamis, J. !• Dissertation concerning the North East Passage. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 1. Willoughby, Sir Hugh. Voyages to the Northern parts of Eussia and Siberia. Id. Dutch Voyages to the North of Europe ; first, second and third. Id. Ofltbier's Journal of a Voyage to the North. Id. Kergueland's Voyi'ge to the North. Id. Allison's A''oyage to Archangel. Id. Samoiedia and the Sa^noiedes. Account of. Id. Spitzbergen. Journal kept by Seven Sailors, who passed the winter 1633- M there. Id. Also, Churchill's Collection, vol. 2. . Account of a Shipwreck near, in 1646. Id. ~- Lo Eoy's Narrative of Four Russian Sailors cast upon the Island of. Vide Pinkerton's Collection vol. 1. _ — Backstrom's Voyage to. Id. Maupertius, M. Mr sioir of his Journey and Operations, to take the measure of a degree of the Meridian, at the Polar Circle. Id. Middleton, Christopher. An attempt made for the discovery of a passage to the South Seas from Hudson's Bay, (1741.) Harris, vol. 2. Dobbs, Arthur. Account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, and of certain voyages thither and of the probability of a North West Passage. 4to. London, 1744. Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, for discovering a North West Passage. 8vo. London, 1748. Vo3'ago do la Baie d' Hudson, fait eu 1746-7 pour la docou- verte du passage au nord-ouest, traduit et augmente. Svo. Leyde, 1750. Le meme ouvrage. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1749. xTorth-West Passage. Reasons for a, — through Hudson's Straights and Chesterfield lulet. Svo. Loudon, 1849. (P.) l^^t; nr ■ !■ 'il ■ c <■' 530 POLAR VOYAGES. [VOYAOEB mm 1 i ^ilt' Hearne, Samu( . A journey from Prince of Wales' Fort in Hudson'8 Boy, to the Northern Ocean, undertaken, by order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the discovery of Copper Mines, a North Wect Passage, &c., in the years 1709-72. 4to. London, 1795. Phipps, John C. A Voyage towards the North Pole, by His Mojesty's com- mand, in 1773. Pinkerton's Collection, vol 1. — — Journal. Appendix lo it. Ihid. Voyage au pole boreal, fait en 1773. 4to. Paris, 1775. Oook, James. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for making diecoveries i.; the northern liemisphere; performed under the direction of Captains Cook Clerke, and Gore, in the years 1776-77-78-89 and 80. 3 vols. 4to. Vol. 1 and 2, written by Capt. Cook, vol. 3, by Capt. J. King. Lon. don, 17Ft-5. Ross, John. A Voyage of discovery made under the orders of the Admiralty, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the pro- bability of a North West Passage, with plates and maps. 4to. Lon- don, 1819. Parry, Wm. Edvv. Journal of a Voyage for the discovery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in the years 1819-1820; with scientific and other observations. 4to. With plates and charts. London, I82I. Fisher, Alexander. Journal of a Voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions, in 1819, 1820. 8vo. London, 1821. Franklin, John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819-20-21 and 22; illustrated by plates and maps. 4to. London, 1823. Parry, Wm. Edw. Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; in 1821, 1822 and 1823. 4t London, 1824. Lyon, Capt., G. t. The private Journal of, — during the recent Voyage of discovery under Capt. Parry. 8vo. London, 1825. A brief narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse Ray, through Sir Th. Rowe's " Welcome," in the year 1824. 8vo London, 1825. Beeohey, Capt., F. W. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions, in the years 1825-26- 27-28; with maps and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. A Zoology and a Botany belonging to this Voyage will be found in Natdbai History. Franklin, John. Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1825-2C and 27; by John Richardson, Surgeon and natura- list to the Expedition. 4to. London, 1828. POLAIRES-I POLAR VOYAGES. 581 Ross, Sir John. Nurrativo of a Second Voynge in search of a North West I'assngc, nnd of a rcsiJeucu in the Arctic Regions, during the years l«2SJ-33. 4to. London. 1835. — Appendix to the above narrative, including the reports of Cupt. J. C. lioss, and the discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole. ito. London, 1835. (bound with the Narrative.) Th" name volume contains Dialoguca in tho English, Danish and Esquimaux lan- guages, sltt'iches uf Nutural hisiur;', a biogrnpliy of the crew, and a list of the Bubscrihora to the worlt. Relation du second voyage ft la recherche d'un pansage au Back, nord-ouest, et de In residence dans les rCgions Arctiqucs de 1829 h 1843 ; traduit de I'anglais par A. J. B. Defauconpret. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Capt. Narrative of the Arctic land e.xpedition to the mouth of the Great Fish lliver, and along the thores of the Arctic Ocean, in 1833, 31 and 35. 8vo. London, 1836. _ . Voyages dans les regiotH Arctiques a la recherche du Ca[>t. Ross; traduit do I'anglais par M. P. Cazeaux. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Richard. Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Arctic Ocean in 1833-4-5, under the command of Capt. Back ; by R. King, Surgeon and Naturalist to the e.xpedition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Simpson, Tiiomas. Narrative of the discoveries in the North West Coast of America, in 183U-39. 8vo. Londwi. 1843. Goods^r, R. A. An Antic voyage to Baffin's IJay and Lancaster Sound, in search of friends with Sir John Franklin. 12mo. London, 1850. King, Snow, W. Parker, liii. 8vo. Voyage in the Arctic sears, in search of Sir John Frank- London. l§5l. Richardson, Sir John. Arctic searching expedition. Journal of a boat voyiige in search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Bellot. .Tournal d'un voyage aux mers polaires a la recherche de Sir John Franklin, en 1851-2, precede d'une notice sur la vie ct les travaux de I'auteur, par Julien Lemer. Svo. Paris, 1854. Kane, r)r. Eli.sha Kent. The Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Frank- lin. 8vo. New York, 1854. Belcher, Sir Edward. The last of the Arctic voyage«, being a narrative of the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1852- 53-54 ; with notes on the Natural History, by Sir John Richardson, Professor Owen, Ths. Bell, J. W. Salter and Lovell Keevo. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. King, Dr. The Franklin expedition from first to last. 12mo. London, 1855. .'!,■ ;! m "'M 5t; ■vj' :'V " ij !; '?, i' ' r,,;i ■» r -t-'"''*i if p. 1 ■ 532 POLAR VOYAOES. [voyages Kane, Dr. Elishn Kent, ^.rctic oxplorntions in the years 1853-54-55. The second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. (Two copies.) Herv6, (A.) et De Lan(»ye, (F.) Voyages (hins les glace.s du pole arcti- que a la recherche (iu passage nord-oupst ; extraits dea relations de Sir John Ross, Edw. Parry, John Franklin, Beechey, Back, Mac Clure et a'Jtres novigateurs c^lebres. 12m(). Paris, 1854. Vide Honk, Voyage toIIiidkon'sBay, with a deacription of old and new Greenland. Greenland. Journal of seven sailors who passed the winter of 1633-34 in the island of Maurice. —Churchill, vol. 2. Wonderful preserviition of eight Englishmen in Greenland, anno 1630, with a description of the chief places, by Ed. Pelhani, one of thein. iiftirf., vol. 4. An account of — , sent to M. de la Motte le Vnyer, by La Pey- rere, anno 1646. Ibid , vol. 2. Egede, Hans. A description of Greenland, from the Danish. 8vo. London, 1745. The same, with an historical introduction, &(• 8vo. London, 1818. ■ — — Histoire et description du Greenland, traduites en fran^ais par D. R. D P. 12mo. Copenhagiie, 1763. O'Reilly, Bernard. Greenland and the adjacent seas and the north-west pas- sage to the Pacific Ocean, in a voyage to Davis Strait, in 1817. 4to. London, 1818. Scoresby, W. junior. An account of the Arctic regions, with a history and description of the northern whale fishery. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Journal of a voyage to the northern whale fishery, in- cluding researches and discoveries on the eastern coast of West Green- land, in 1822. Svo. Edinburgh, 1823. Graah, W. A. Narrative of an expedition to the east coast of Greenland, translated from the Danish by G. G. MacDougall. Svo. London, 1837. Burney, James. A chronological History of North Eastern Voyages of dis- covery, and of the early navigations of the llussians. Svo. London, I8I9' Coxe, Wm. Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. Third edition. Svo. London, 1787. ' A comparative view of the Russian discoveries with those made by Captains Cook and Gierke ; and a sketch of what remains to be ascertained by future navigators. Svo. Loudon, 1787, (bouud with the preceding work.) POLAIRKS.] rOLAR VOYAGES. 683 Coxe, Wm. LoH nouvolles ilt'convortns di'H Ru»ne8 eutre I'Asio ctrAm^'rique, traduit do TauglaiB. 4to Parit*, 1781. Kamtsohatka. An nt'oount of its Ofography, soil, climate and iuhabitanta. Harris, vol. 2. D'AuInet, Looiiie. Voyago d'uno feinmoau Spitzborg 12mo. Paris, 1865. Bib. Ch. Fer. Gaimard, P- Voyngua on Islandt* ot ait Groi>nland exocutoB pendant lea ninioes IHH.'i et lS3(i hut la Corvette La liecherche, 8 vol. 8vo. aceoinpagnus lU? .') atliis folio ct do 1 Hvo. Paris, 1839 — 1843. llistoirc ilu I'Ulande dflpuis au dt'oouvfrte jurqu'd qobjuuI'h, pur M, Xavier Mmiiiicr. Svo. LatiKiic »'t littt'iftturo iBliiixInincH, pur le nii'nic. 8vo. Aslronoiiiie, pliysiciuo ct mngiuHisnio, pnr M. Victor Lottiu. Svo. Gt'iulo^io, iiiiudi'nlogio et butuQiquo, par \v Dr. Kug. Robert. 6vo., ct .S6 pliiuchcs. ZooloKie, ini^ik'oino et »itatiitti(|ue, pur Ic mthno. 8vo., et 50 pluuohes graveeii tin'es en emilour ct retoiichicj* lui piiicojiu. llistoiro (111 voyiifje, par ,MM, P. Uuiiimrd et Eiig. Kobort. 2 vol. 8vo., et 160 plunelics, en 2 rul. fulio. Jouiiial (III vxi)edition to the Polar Sea. New edition. Edited by Lt. Col. Sabine. 12nu). London, 1841. Cook, Capt. James. Voyage towards the South Pole, in 1722 to 1775. Vide his Voyages, vols. I and 5. Ross, Capt. Sir J. C. Voyage to the Antarci.c Eegions, in 1839 to 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. {Two copies.) Dumont-D'Urville, ct autrea voyageura au Pole Sud. Voir ci-apres OCEANIE. Burney, .Jamcfs. A chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea, r/i/6' post, Poja'uksia. f , -1 f, r I! -.'■■■ iii:"i'' 'Sf 'i; -? .),«( •L5^1|■t ■:.[> '^^^ r» *: 631. VOYAGES, ETC. : EUllOI'E. i "'.^•? *-'■' .? i IV. EUUOPK. Menard, M. Description de la provinco Narbonniiijie selon lo texto de I'lino. A. I. Vol. 23, 27, 29 ct 32. K^ralio, M de. Da la cunimi<8iui(!e quo leu uaeittuH out euu des pays du nord del'Kiiropo. A. 1. Vol. J/). Oluverius, I'liilip. Googruphin untiquii Ituliiu, Siuiliir, .Sardinite, Corsica) et GcrinaniiB 4 vol. Folio, l.iigduiiii Bit ivorum, l(519-l»;.'ll. Carte militairo des principuux dtaU d'Europe. •") fouillos. 1 utui. 8vo Paris. de 111 partie nord-c.''t ;li! I'Knpiiyne. ).'J t'oiiilles. 1 t'tui, 8vo. Paris. ilo la UiHsit'. (iiiropeeiiiio (mi 77 r'Miillcs, exocutoe pur lo dopOt geiiural do la gucrro. 10 etuis. 8vo. I'uria. de lu Prusse orientale vf DCiiidiM.tale, en 2/5 fciiilles. 2 6tui9. 8vo. Pari.s. de la Polojriu' eu 26 (VnilUiM. 2 otuis. Svo. Paris. — — — des puyH cotnpris tiutru la Fruncc, los Puya-Hjsot le llhin. 15 feiiiilej. 2 Hu\». Hvo Paris. — do la Greee en 12 tVuilleH. I i-tui. 8vo. Paris. Richard. Guidu diissique du voya.^our en Europo, orno d'une carte routifire dresseo par A. II. Dufour. l2ino. Puis, 1854. - (Juido du voyage i.-ii Franco et en B -Igique ; uvec cartes, etc. 12in<). Paris. 1854. Itineraire dt; i'iiris a ilarseillu ; iilustio. l2ino. Paris. Guide du viivig-'ur aux Pyr(^ndi's ; avce cartes. 12mo. Paris, 185,). ()uiJ« ilu VDy.iLjeiir e.ii llolltiiidn. l2ino. Paris, 1864. — Guide pittDi'esijijt' 'In vay^ii^iMir ua Bi'Igiijue j aecompagn^e d'une ciirti! routii'i-.- li' in l> •.! ^'iiiuc lU d" la ilollmde, par A. II. Dufour. 12ino. Paris. IS)5 — — et Hocq[uart, '■'■■ *ruid" !ntaU) ; avcc n.\ ■ r u'tf i^imu'mmK; arciiooloiiiino il(i la France. 12mo. Paris. — — et Quetiii. f. Visit to Europe, in 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1853. Stowe, Harriet Beechcr. Sunny Memories of Foreign finds. 2 vols. yvo. Boston, 1H54.. Marvel, Ik. Fresli Gleaninj^s ; or. a New Sheaf from tho old Fields of Con- tinental Europe. 8vo New York, 1851. Willis, X. P. Pencillings by the Way. Now edition. 8vo. London, 1842. Skippon, Philip. Journey througli tlio Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France. Vide Churehiirs Collection, Vol. 6. Talfourd, T. N. (SuppliMiient) to V'^aeation Iluinbies and Thoughts. 12mo. London, 1S34. D'Aubigne, J- M. Tour in Germany, England, nii-i >u'-tland, in 1845. 8vo. London, 18 18. Upcott, Win. A Bibliofrraphical account of the principal Works relating to llnglisli Topography. 3 vols. 8vo. T/ondon, 1818. Camden, Wm. Britu.nia; or, chorographical description of the flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the islands adjacent, from the earliest anti(piity ; translated from the edition published by the Author, in 1607 ; enlarged by the latest discoveries, by Richard Gough ; with a life of Camden, maps, and other illustrations. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1789. Vide, also. Loci and County Histories of Great Britain and Ireland, ante pp. 402-406. Spelman, Sir H. Villare Anglicum ; or, a view of the Towns of England. Vide his Works, folio. li ii 530 VOYAGES, ETC. : EUROPE. Nr i'- *. *'jf \ i h?^i^ Knight, Charles. The Geography cf the British Empire ; a Gnzetteer of the United Kingdom, and its Colonies. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1853. Cosmo ni> Grand Duke of Tuscany. Travels through England, (in 1069 ) from the Italian MS. With an account of his life ; and 39 views delineated at that period, with portrait. 4to. London, 1821. Dugdale & Burnett. England and Wales delineated ; with many raaps and views. 8 vols. Bvo. London, 1812. Raumer, F. Von. England in 1835, in letters ; translated by Sarah Austin, and H. E Lloyd. Bvo. Philadelphia, \f<'i6. Mackenzie, A. Slidell. The American in England. 2 vols. Bvo. New York, lSu5. . Another copy. 12mo. Aberdeen, 184B. Johnston, Wm. England in the middle of the lOth Century ; political, social and industrial. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1851. Head, Sir Geo'-ge. Home Tour through England, Scotland, and Ireland, and especially the Manufacturing Districts, in 1835. New edition. 2 vols. Bvo. London, iBlO. Taylor W. C. Notes of a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire. 12mo. London, 1812. Thorne, 'T. Rambles by Rivers : The Duddon ; The Mole ; The Adur, &c., 1841. Knii/ltt''s Library. '■ The Avon, 1815. Ibid. The Thames, 1847-49. 2 vols. Und. White. A Londoner's Walk to the Land's End. 8vo. London, 1855. Collins, W. W. Rambles beyond Railways ; or, Notes [in CornwallJ taken afoot. Second edition. 8vo. Lon Ion, 1852. CoXC, A. C. Impressions of England ; or, Sketches of English Scenery and Society. 12 mo. New York, 1856. Woodward's Tourist in AVales ; comprising views of picturesque scenerv, Towns, Castles, Antiquities, Scuts of the Nobility, &c. 8vo. Lon- don, 1853. England and ScotlaiiJ ; Voyages to, — by Gouziiles. Englauil : Travels through scvcnd piivts of, — by C. F. Moritz. — — Shaw's Tour to tjie W.jt of. Bray, VV. Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire. Vide I'inkertoti's Collection of Voyiiges -uiJ Travels, Vol. 2. Wales : Skrino's Tours through. — Vide Piakertou's Collection, Vol. 1. Malkin'i Tour through — Tii/e '' " Vol.1!. Wight ; Ilassoll's T( .. .f the lale of.— F(,/« " " Vol. 2. Man: Uobcrtsoo's (David,) Tour through the Isle of, — Vide " Vol 1 ■with a review of the .Mr.uks History, (imoiher copy. 8vo. Lomldii, VM) Scilly : Heath's account of the Islands of. — Vide Pink. CoUec. Vol. 2. Inglis, II. D. Two years in the Channel Islands. Jersey, Guernsey, Alde^ney, &c. l2mo. London, 1835. VOYAGES, ETC.: EUROPE. 537 Pennant's Tour, and Second Tour in Scotland. Vide Finkerton's Collection, Vol. 3. Trench, Francis. Scotland : Its Faith and Features. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. lAaokenziei Sir George. Account of Hirta and Bona. Vide Piukerton's Collection, Vol. 3. Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda. Ibid. — Description of the Western Islands. Itid. Selkirk, Earl of. On tlie present state of the Highlands of Scotland, and tLe causes of Emigration. 8vo. London, 1805. Brand's Description of the Orkneys, and Shetland. Ibid. Sinclair, Catherine. Shetland and the Shetlanders. 12mo. London, 1840. Scotland. New Statistical account of, — by Ministers of the respective Parishes, under the superintendence of a Committee of the Society for the bene- fit of the Sons and Daughters of the CI gy. 15 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1845. Vide, also, IIisTOttT OF Scotland, page 899. Ordnance Survey of Q-reat Britain and Ireland. Series of Maps engraved from the, — and published under the authority of the Board of Ordnance. Among these are included, the Geological Mnps anp Sections ; which consist of the maps of the Ordnance Survey, geo- logically surveyed and coloured, by the Geological Survey of Great Britain, by authority of Her Majesty's Government, under the super- intendence of Sir lioderick I. Murchison, Director General of the Geological SSurveys of the United Kingdom. The various forniatious are distinctly traced and coloured in all their geological sub-divisions. The survey has not yet been completed ; but nearly 3,000 separate slieets have been published, up to this time, which have been classi- fied according to Counties, and are deposited in Three large Cases, made for the purpose, in tho Library ; ou the inner doors of which, Iiulox Maps are placed, to facilitate reference to this immense Collec- tiou ; which was presented to the Legislature by Her Majesty's Gov- ernment. • So far as yet completed, tho Survey includes maps of tho whole of Ireland, several counties, and large towns in England and Scotland, on a scale of six inches to a mile, and of nearly the whole of England, and parts of Scotland and Ireland, on a one inch scale. The one and six-inch maps are to be continued for other counties; and large towns will in future be mapped on a scale of an inch to every forty feet. Mans of all the cultivated districts in the coun- try will also, in future, bo mhdo upon a scale of about twenty-five inchea to a mile. m 538 VOYAGES, ETC. : EtTEOPE. t:- #1, n ^ Index to the Ordnance Maps- A new Gnzetteer, or Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands and Narrow Seas ; comprising con- cise descriptions of about sixty thousand places, seats, natural features and objects of note, founded on the best authorities ; full particulars of the boundaries, registered electors, &c., of the Parliamentary Boroughs ; with a reference under every name to the sheet of the Ordnance Survey, as far as completed ; and an Appendix, containirg a general view of the resources of the United Kingdom, a short chronology, and an abstract of certain results of the census of 1851. By James A. Sharp. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 185fi. Ordnance Survey, &c. Account of the measurement of the Lough Foyle Base, in Ireland, with its verification and extension, by Triangulation • together with the various methods of Computation followed on the Ordnance Survey, and the requisite Tables : by Capt. William Yolland R. E. Publishedby order of the Board of Ordnance. 4to. London 1847. Dupin, Ch. Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne entrepris relativement au ser- vice public de la guerre, de la marine et des ponts et chauss^es, en 1816- 17-18-19. 3 vol. 4to , et atlas folio. Paris, 1821. Moulac. Portulan des cotes de la ]Marclie, du canal de Bristol et de la cote sud d'Irlande. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Pr6 vest, M.J. Joseph. L'Irlande au dix-neuviome siecle.* 8vo. Paris, 1845, Beaumont, Gustavo de. L'Irlande sociale, politique, et religieuse. 2 vol, Svo. Paris, 1829.* Hamilton's Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. .3. Croker, T. Crofton. Researches in the South of iioland, of scenery, archi- tectural remains, manners and superstitions of the peasantry. 4to. London, 1824. Young's Tour in Ireland. An abstract of, — Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 3. Inglis, H. D. Journey through Ireland, in 1834. Fifth edition. 12mo, London, 1838. Hall, Mrs. S. C. Ireland, its scenery, character, &c. ; illustrated, 3 vols, 4to. Tondon, 1841. Manners, Lord John. Notes of an Irish tour. 12mo. London, 1849. The Saxon in Ireland ; or, the rambles of an Englishman in search of a settlement in the west of Ireland. Svo. London, 1851. Martineau, Harriet. Letters from Ireland. 12mo. London, 1852. Forbes, John. Memorandums made in Ireland in the autumn of 1852. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1853. •Get ouvrage a etc refu trop tard pour 6tro mentioun6 dan* la eection de I'IIistoiee, 14 ■; et de la cote le Pinkerton's Sonde rHisioiEE. VOYAGES, ETC. : EUROPE. 539 Bead, Sir F. B. A fortnight in Ireland. 8vo. London, 1852. Howard, J. E. "The Island of Saints ;" or, Ireland in 1855. 12mo. Lon- don, 1855. Maury, L. F. Alfred. Histoire des grandes forets de la Gaule et de I'ancienne France. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Gu^rard. Essai sur le systtime des divisions territoriales de la Gaule depuis I'age romain jusqu'Ji la fin de la dynastie carlovingienne. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Walckeiiaer- Geographic des Gaules cisalpine et transalpine. 3 vol. 8vo., et atliis. Puris, 1839. Dussieux. Geogmphie de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Loriol, V. A. Manuel de geographic physique, historique et topographiquo de la France, divisee par bassins. 12mo. Paris, 1836. Soret. Grangez, E. Voies navigables de la France. Avec une carte. Paris, 1855. Cartes de la France, par Capitaine, — 20 feuilles, 2 etuis. 8vo. Paris. Cartes de la France, pour le service du g^nie militaire. En 4 feuilles. 1 etui. 8vo. Paris. Carte di's principales voies de communication de la France, compl^tee en 1849. 1 etui. 4to. Pans. - hydrographique de la France, presentant I'ensemble des voies navigables et des chemins de fer, dressee en 1828, et rectifiee en 1849. 12 feuilles. 1 6tui. Folio. Paris. des routes imperiales, des voies de navigation et des chemins de fer. Etui. 4to. Paris. _ de la iipvigation int^rieure de la France. 1820. Eectifice en 1848. 2 feuilles. 1 dtui. Folio. Paris. Carte topographique de la France, publico par le ministre de la guerre. 33 otuis. 8vo., [en cours de publication.] " Le plus beau monument qui existo en ce genre (parlant des plus belles cartes " gijograpliiques connues) est la nouoelle carte de France en 258 cartes au " 80 millii^me. 1C9 cartes avaient paru en Janvier 1856. Conyu sous I'Em- " pire de 1808, co vaatc projet n'li pu etro mis il execution qu'a partir de 1818 " et les premiiTes cartes n'ont paru qu'en 1833. Dirigoe de 1830 & 1850 par " le guneral Pelet, continu6e dopuis 1851 par M. le general Morin, la publi- " cation de la Carto de France pcurra etre terminee en 1864." Bouillet Diclionnaire d'hisloire et de gCograplde (1865), page 273. Paris illustrl, son histoire, ses monuments, ses mus&s, son administration pon commerce et ses plaisirs, par une societe de litterateurs. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Taylor, Nodier et Cailleux. Voyage pittoresque et romantique dang I'an- cienne France. 17 vol. Folio. Paris. Normandie, 2 vol.; Franche Comte, 1 vol.; Auvergne, 2 vol.; Languodoc 4 vol.; rioardie, 3 vol.; Bretagne, 2 vol.; Dauphinoe, 1 vol.; Champagne, S vol, (en cours de publication.) i' i I.- 'li 1 i.l' ^ ;; i,i ! 'I i ! V "•Mil' I' l< rrl 540 VOYAGES, 3TC. : EUBOPB. V" ts '< ^ A Vtif ; r. Hi Lister's Journey to Paris, 1698. Vidi Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 4. Young's (Arthur) Travels in France. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 4. Voyages en France pendant les annexes 1787-88-89-90, tra- duit de I'anfjlaia. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1794. Sterne. Voyage en Frince. 12mo. Paris, 1856. M6rini6e, Prosper, (Inspecteur des monumens historiques). Voyage en Corse. 8vo. Paris, 1840, _. — — Voyage en Auvergne. 8vo. Paris, 1338. — Voyage dans I'Oueat de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Lavigne, A. Germond de. Autour de Biarritz : promenades ll Bayonne et dans le Pays Basque. 12mo. Paris, 1855. IjeDuo, L. L6ouzon. Les iles d' Aland, avec une carte. 12nio. Paris, 1854- Head, Sir F. B. A faggot of French Sticks. 2 vols. 8vo. Londcn, 1852. Muagrave, G. M. A ramble through Normandy ; or, scenes, characters, and incidents in a sketching excursion through Calvados. Svo. London 1S55. Ramond's Journey to the summit of Mont-Perdu ; [the highest of the Pyrea- nees.] Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 4. Reaeil, A. B. Claret and Olives, from the Garonne to the Rhone. 8vo. New York, 1853. Bowles, Guillaume. Introduction h I'histoire naturelle et & la g(iographie phy- sique de I'Espagne, traduite de I'espagnol par le Vicomte de Flavigny, Svo. Paris, 1776. Iiaborde- Itineraire de I'Espagne. 6 vol. Svo. , et atlas. Paris, 1834. Townsend, O. A Journey through Spain, 1786-7. 3 vols. Svo. Loudon, 1792. Bourgoame's Travels in Spain. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. S. Slidell, Lieut., U. S. N. A year in Spain ; by a young American. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1831. — — — — Spain re-visited. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1836. Borrow, George. The Bible in Spain ; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scrip- tures in the Peninsula. 12mo. London, 1844. Col. Lib. Kingston, W. H. Lusitanian sketches of Pen and Pencil. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845. Begin, E. Voyage pittoresque en Espagne et eu Portugal ; ouvrage illustre. Svo. Paris. Spain and Portugal: Vide Modern Traveller, vols. 18, 19. Urquhart, David. The Pillars of Hercules ; a narrative of travels in SpaiL\ •nd Morocco, in 1848. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1850. 1« • 11 ■' -'J itf* !• VOYAGES, ETC. : BUROPE. Ui Boland's Observations on the Straits of Gibraltar ; and the tidea and ourrento. Vide Churobill's OoUection, vol. 4. Beokford, W^tUiam. Italy, Spain, and Portugal 2 vols. 8vo. London J 8a* Azores. Enrl of Cumberland's voyage to ; and De Chaste's voyage to, — Vide PinksrtorCa Collection, vol. 1. Madeira : its Climate and Scenery ; information for invalids, Sui. : by Robert White. 12mo. London, 1851. DJX, John A. A winter in Madiera, and a summer in Spain and Florence, 8vo. New York, 1850. Montaigne, M. De. Journey into Italy, through Switzerland and Ger- inauy, in 1580 and 1581, translated by W. Uazlitt. Vide Montai- gne's Works. Bell, John. Observations on Italy. 4to. London, 1825. Raumer, F. Von. Italy and the Italians. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Dickens, Charles. Pictures from Italy. 12mo. London, 1846. . Savonarola, (Don J.) (Supplement to Dickens) Facts and Figures from Italy. 12mo. London, 1847. Hillard. G. S. Six mouths in Italy. Fifth edition. 8vo. Boston, 1856. Mariotti, L. Italy in 1848. 8vo. Loudon, 1851. • Italy, Past and Present. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1848. Whiteside, James. Italy in the 19th Century. Fifth edition, with addi tions. 3 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1851. Eaton, Charlotte E. Borne in the Idth Century. Fifth edition. .* .oil* 8vo. Loudon, 1852. B. 111. Lib. Cooke, W. B. Views [Pictorial] in Rome: with descriptions by Humphreys. 4to. London, 1840. Gall, Sir Wm. Topography of Borne and its vicinity ; with an Atlas. New edition, by Bunbury. 8vo. London, 1846. Head, Sir George. Borne, a Tour of Many Days. 3 vols. 8«"). London, 1849. " Intended to furni'!i a simple and difltinct account of Rome, and its antiquities.'* Hall, Newma'.. The Land of the Forum and the Vaticau. Bvo. Loudon, 1855. Macfarlane, 0. Popular Customs, Sports, and BccoUectiona of the South of Italy, 1846. Knight's Li' Smjrth, W. II. State of Sardinia in 1328. 8vo. Lr. Ion, 1830. St. John, Bavlo. The Sub- Alpine Kingdom ; or experiences and studies in Savoy, Piedmont and Genoa. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1850. Italy. Geogra[»hical, Historical, and Topograpliical : Vide Modern Traveller^ vol. 31, Savoy, Piedmont, Genoa, Milau ; vol. 32, Lombardy, Venice, Bologna, Florence ; vol. 33, Piaa, Siena, Rome, and Naplea. ■i^ W' '•' ■\'r^ i ■ V' i mm i ■ t .1 I \l<-U -^,m ! ;''' !kWK^* 542 VOYAGES, ETC. : ETJBOPB. ?!■ ', --111' •T^Wr-' .....ji 1 fi ' Ml! If >» 51 'Hi : .: "-r V '■ 1 ; . , ^' ' , ■!5 ■ •^' ;:[ ^^•■' 1 ^n-ir. .- ■ ?a liiSiiiiii'i Chateaubriand. Voyage en Italie. Voir sea oouvres, vol. 12 et 13. Stendhal. M6moire8 d'un tourlste. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1854. I Promenade dnns jiome. 2 vol. 12mo. Pavis. i35;i. Rome, Naples et Florence. 12mo. Paris. 18oi, Oaume, l'Abb6 G. Lt. trois Rome, 'ournal d'un voyajo en i'l; e, accompa- gne : lo d'un plrm de Rome ancienneet moderL-e ; 2o. d'un plan dr Rome souterraint? et des catacombtJS, 4 vol. Sv rttn?.^184<. usset, P. do. Voyage j-ittoresque en Iit;lie, partie deptestrionale. Illustr^. gr. 8vo. Paris, .'55. Asselin, A. Journal de voyugo d'un toiuiiite dans le midi do la France et en Italic ; avec uhe carte routibre. 12mo. Pari.?, 1853. Gautler, Tlsoophile. Italia. 12'no. Paru, 18u5. Robello, (3r. Les iiiriositcs de Rome et de sea en-'irorss. 12mo. Pt TS54,, Co^tePo, "■'■'Mils L. S. Tour to and from Vouico by Ltie Vauil>i8 and Tyrol. '■■v 0. London, 18 iS. Spallanzavii'E .?ravpl from 1801 to 1805-0. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1818. Hobhouse, J. Cam. Journey through Albania, and other parts to Cona- tautiuople in 1809 and 10, with Lord Byron. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1813. Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Dalmatia and Montenegro; with a Journey to Moskar. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1848. Rolamb, N. Journey to Constantinople ; fre a the Swedish. Vide Cburch- ill's Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 5. Turkey. Vide Modern Traveller, vol. 14. Blount's Voyage to the Levant. Vide Piukerton's Collection, vol. 10. DeVere, Aubrey. Picturesque Sketches of Greece and Turkey. New edi- tion. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1854. Baird, H. M. Modern Greece: a narrative of a r»idenoe and travels iu that country ; with observations on its Antiquities, Literature, X4%a« guagp. Politics, and Religion. 12mo. New York, 1866. Faton, A. A. Kervia ; or a residence in Belgrade, and travels in the ioterior. 1843-44. 12mo. London, 1845. Nugent, Lord. Lands, Classical and Sacred. 1846. 2 vols. A , .i'« Librarji. Bowen, G. Mount Athos, Theasaly and Epirus : a Diary from Constanti- nople to Borne. 8vo. London, 1 8i>2. Vide, anU, pages 623-524, for Wiilpole's inemoirs of EnropeMi and Asiatic Turkey, with hia Travels in tho Eastj and Curzon's moBOstcrics of the Leraiit. Alton, .nds of the lessiak, Mahomet and the Pope, as visited in 1851. c J. London, 1852. ■■fi H j^ VHIMMHH ' ' ';' '.% '1 ■ t i U: ■■■' t, 1 ,.h-ill ^] '"■', "I I'V „ 1 t i 1 ■/ i' ' '. ;V -'-1 i '• ■'■' ^ 1 m |l!-? ' ^ l;>. t ■■;■■!.; v^ '■ X' '■■' ■ ' I ■' 111 r .. i ' r ■ , ; i ,. j^fei ' ■ ■ "'ji-i i' mm 'i . : i ji^ i ^\m " «. 546 VOYAGES, ETC. : EUEOPE. VU in hi \i . - i 3! Pouqueville. Voyage de la Grico ; aveo carte, vues et figures. 6 vol. 8vo. Puris, 1826. Darner, Mrs. Dinry of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the lloly Lan^', 7. dN .'^iuo. London, 1842. Urquhartj D. ; ^mi lof the East; Tru vela through Roumeli. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1838. Spencer, Edmund. Travels in European Turkey, in 1860 ; with visit lo G:eece and tfio Ionian Isles, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Maofkrlane, Charles. Turkey and its Destiny : the result of journerii in 1847 and 48. 2 vol . — ..ondon 1850. Sm3rth, W. W. A year with the Turks ; or sketches of travel in the Euro- pean and Asiatic dominiums of the Sultan. 12mo. New York 18o4 M^ry. Constantinople et la nier Noire. IllustrcJ. gr. 8vo. Paris, 1855. S^gur-Dupeyron. Mission en Orient. 8vo. Paris, 184G, Croy, de. Episodes de voyages. 12nio, Paris. Osborne, (Hon. and Reverend S. G.) Scutari and its Hospitals. 8vo. London, 1855. Zwlok, (H. A.) and Sohlll, (J. G.) Travels from Sarepta to several Calm uc Hordes, undertaken by order of the Astracan Government : [and on behalf of the Petersburgh Bible Society.] 12mo. London, 1633. Sarepta is on the 'Volga ; it is a missioD station of th tJaited Bretiiren, bv whom Zwick and Schill were eent out. Beanplan, M. Description of Ukraine [1640.] Vide Churchill's Collection, vol 1. Pallas. Voyages en Bussie et dans I'Asie septentrionale, traduits de I'alle- mand. 5 vol. 4to., et atlas. Paris, 1788. Hanway, Jonas. The British Trade over the Caspian Sey ; a Journal of Travels through liussia into Persia. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1753. Coxe's Travels iv Russia. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 6. Bremner, Robert. Excursiun^ in the Interior of Russia. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1839. Stephens, J. I Incidents of travel in the Russian and Turkish EmpirFfi. 2 vols. l'2mo. London, 1839. Saint-Julien. Voyage pittoresque en Russie, su'vi d'un voyage en 6ib(5rie, par M. R. Bourdipp. , . "^vo., aveo gravurcs. Paris. Demidoff, M. de. Voy ■ dans la Bussie miridionale et la Crim^e par la Hongrie, la \'i ie r la Moldavie, execute en 1837. Editioa illu^trt'e de 64 dessms par Raffet. 3 vol. 8vo., et atlas folio. Paris, 1840-42. Lc. ler volume contient Vhistorique du voyage ; lo vol. II des obsprviitinns phrc- nolngiqucB, g^ologiquci, modicnles, Ac. ; le vol. Ill, la Faune Poatiqu*; 1« vol. IV. I'exploration des terrains carbonifires de Donetz, par M.F. Le Pl»j. L'Atlaa coutieat96 planches colorizes d'histoire naturelle. VOYAGES, ASIA. 547 Deraidoff ^I- J'*' Travels in Si.uthorn Eussia and the Crimea, in 1837. 2 vols. 4i Don Cossacks. 8ro. London, 1854. (2 copies.) English"Woman l"v Russia, (The.) Tmpreaaions of the society and mannen of the lluHbiana at home ; by a Lady. 8vo. New York, 1855. ReooUeotions of Russia during 33 years' residence ; by a German Noble- man. Translated by L. W^raxall. 12mo. London, 1855. Ruaaia, European, Asiatic, vide Modern Traveller, toL 17. M I \ t. .1 j™ ,♦ |J'> V. ASIA. I ASIE. Murray, Hugh. Historical account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia ; from the earliest periods to the present time. 3 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1820. Harris John. Voyages and Travels through the dominions and countries of Asia ; with full accounts of the same. Vide Harris' Collection of Voyages, vol. 2. Forster, Charles. Historical Geography of Arabia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, S44. Rennt ., Major James. On the comparative Geography c f Western Asia; ancient and modern. 2vols.ini. 8vo. London, 1831. Gosselin, M. Becherches sur les connaissances g^ographiques des anciens le long des cutes m6ridionales de l' Arable ct dans la haute Asie. (Avec trois cartes. A. I., vol. 49. Anville, d*. Rccherches sur la guographie ancienne de TAsie. A., 1-, vol. 28, 30,31,32, 34, 36, 3G. Anquetil du Perron. Sur le Gange, le premier ileuve de I'lnde, selon lea anciens. (Avec une car^e.) A. L, vol. 49. Humboldt, Alexandre de. Asie centrale. Becherches sur les chaines de mon- tHgnes et la climatologie compar6e. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Marco, Polo. The Travels of,— in the 13th century; being his descrip tion of places and things in the Eastern parts of the World ; from tho Italian, by W. Marsden. 4to. London, 1818. 'H' 648 VOYAGES, ETC. : ASIA. [voyages ImI Will \ ' Maroo, Polo. New edition, with notes; by H. Murray. 12mo. Kdinburirb 1844. Vide hIho, I'inkerton'fl Colleetion, vol. 7. Palestine. Vat\j trawlR in,— Comprioing the narrativai of ArcuU, WiHibjW Jiernurd, Siuwulf, Sigurd, U«i\jiiniin of Tudela, Sir John Maun(l«jville Do U Brocquiore, and Maundrell : edited, with notes, by Tbomai Wright. 8vo. Lomloti, 184H. Bohn'H Lib. Benjamin of Tudela, Ilubbi. Tin; Travels of,— From Spain to CLina. (An abhtrnct, treating of At«ian countries, chiefly.) Vide Pinkertou'i Colleetion of Voyagei and Traveh, vol. 7. Rubriquis, William de. Amboosador for King (St.) Louis, into different parts of the Hust. Travels. Vide Piiikerton's Collection, vol. 7. Mohammedans' ( Twu) Travels through India and China, in the Uth ceutury. Vide Pinkcrton'a Collection, vol. 7. TraiiBliited, by Renaudot, from the Arable, from hia French tranilatioD into Kugliib. Ooez, Benedict. Travels from Luhor, in the Mogul's Empire, to China, in 1602. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 7. Pocooke, Doctor It. A duscriptiun of the East and some other Countriea. 2 vols. Folio. London 1743-45. Vol. I. On Kj,'yi)t. Vol. II. On the Holy Land, Syria, Ac, Cyprus and Candm tbo Islauda of the Arcliij)olftgo, Asia Minor, Tliruee, Greece, V^}^ ■■N^j"; Y ■ ;:,,-;Ti.; ^ i ^i' I \Mx .;:■ >^ i :!,-'sH.i l-u W ' ["f • ( ! I 'I ^Is' Jii* 552 VOYAGES, ETC. : ASIA. [voyages Alll8Vrorth| W. F. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia Chaldeu. and Armenia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18t2. Hr. Ainaworth went in charge uf the iilxpedition, sent by the Geogra]>hical aad P. C. K. Sucictiea, to the Ohristiau Tribot in Chaldco. Curzon, Robert. Armenia ; a year at flrzeroom, and on the frontiers of Kussia, Turkey, and Persia. 8vo. New York, 1854. Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. 12mo. London, 1849. Parrot, Freidrich. The Ascent of Mount Ararat ; translated by W. D. Coolej, 8vo. London, 1346. Jaubert. Voynge en Armenie et en Perse, en 1805 et 1806. Svo. Paris 1821. Flandin, Eug. Souvenirs de voyage en Arra^nie et en Perse. Revue det Deux Mondes, nouvelle periode, vol. 10, 11, 12. Southgate, Horatio. Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopo- tamia : with observations on the condition of Mohammedanism and Christianity in those countries. Svo. London, IS40, The Mission whose history is detailed in this work, was performed under the d'. rection of the Board of Missions of thu Protestant Episcopal Courch in the United States. Haxthausan, Baron Von. Transcaucttsia ; sketches of the nations and races between the Black Sea and the Caspian, [from tLa German.] bvo. London, 1854. —— The Tribes of the Caucasus, with an account of Schamyl and the Murids. 12mo. London, 1855. Morie^i J- ^ Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Conslan- tinople, with an account of H. M. Mission to the King of Persia. 4to, London, 1812. Delle Valle, Pietro. E.s tracts from the Travels of, — in Persia. Vide Piniier- ton's Collection, Vol. 9. Chardin's Travels in Persia. (Abstract.) Ibid. Description of Persia. Ibid. Franoklin's Tour in the South of Persia. Ibid. Porster's Northern parts of Persia. Ibid. Brydges, Sir H. J. Account of the Mission te Persia, in 1807-11. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1834. Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c., during the years 18l"'-20. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821-22. Ouseley, Sir W. Travels in various countries of the East ; more particularly Persia. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1819-22, Malcolm, Sir John. Sketches of Persia, 1845. Colon. Libr. Shell, Lady, Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia ; with Notes on Russia, ou the Koords, Toorkomaus, and Nsstorians, and on Khiva, and Persia. Svo. London, 1856. ll an account of EN ASIE.] VOYAGES, ETC. : ASIA. 553 Rich C. J. Narniti ve of a residence in Koordistnn, and on the Site of Nineveh ; and of a visit to Shirauz and Persepnlis. 2 vols. 8vo London. 1836. Persia and China. Vide Modern Traveller, vols. 12, 13. FraSer J- R- Winter's Journey from Constantinople to Tehran ; with travels in Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. H'iouen-Thsang. Histoire de sn vie et de ses voyages dans I'lnde depuis I'an (J29, jnsqu'en 645, par Haei-Li et Yen-Tlisong; suivie de docu- niens ct d'ocluircissemens gcographiques tires de la relation originale de Hiouen-Thsang ; traduite (Ki Chinois par Stanislas Julien. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Linschot, Jean Hugiies de, (Jean Ungues Van Linschoten). Histoire de sa navigation aiix Indes orientales, commen ec en 1579, contenant diver- ses descriptions de lieuxjiisqups il present dC'couverts par les Portu. "•ais : iivec annotations de Pallvdanvs ; ouvrage traduit du hoUandais ; 2de edition. Folio. Amsterdam, 1619. Leblanc, Vincent. Les voyages fameiix du Sieur Vincent Leblanc, Marse?!- lois, aux Indes orientales et occidentales, &c., redig^s par Pierre Bei- zeron, Parisien 8vo. Paris, 1648. Lebrun, Cornelius. Voyages par la Moscovie en Perse et aux Indes orienta- ( . 2 vol. Folio. Amsterdam, 1718. Howel. Voyage dans I'lnde par terre. 4to. Paris, an V. Jacquemont. Voyage dans I'lnde pendant les annees 1828 ^ 1832. Texte^ 4 vol. 4to., atlas, 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1835-1844. Correspondance avec sa fami'le et plusieurs deses amis pen dant son voyage dans I'lnde. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1846. Roe, ^ii" T. Embassador from James I, to the Great ^logul. Journal, con- taining an acPdUiit of his Voyngp to Lidia, and his ohsi>rvations there- Viile Chiii'cliiir^i Collection of Voyngts and Travel,-', vol. ', and Pinkfito'i's Collection, vol. 8. Bernier's Voyairi; to tin; Kist Indies. Vid''. Pinketton's Collecfio'i. vol. 8. Hamilton's Account of tlip ICast Indies. Vide Pi' kcton's Collection, vol. 8. Ives, Kdwiird. A voyage from Englaml to In.lia in the yi'ar 1754. 4to. London, 1773. The work ooiitania likewise a nnrrativo of the ii'torial, descriptive and historical, from tlic earliest time to the pre- sent ; with nearly 10;) illustrations Bvo. London, 1854. Bohn's Lihr. Mostly a reprint, revised and enlarged, of the work of Miss Corner. The remain- der was written by the editor of Bolin's vol. on China. India, Tide IModern Traveller, vols. 7, 8, '.), 10. Postans, T. Personal Recollections on Sindh. 8vo. London, 1843. Gleig, G. R. Sale's Brigade in Aff^hanistan, and account of the seizure and defence ol Jellalabad, 18 IG. Col. Lib. Edwardes, IL B. A year on the Punjab Frontier, 1848-40 2 vols. Svo London, 1851. Independent Turtary. Account of. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 9. JeP.kinson's Travels to Bucharia (from Russia) in 1557. Ibid., vol. 9, WolfF, Joseph. Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45. 8vo. London, ls48. Mohan Lai. Travels (1832-46) in the Panjab, Afghanistan, and Turkistiin, to l};iik. Hokluira and Herat ; and a visit to Great Britain and Ger- many ; with a memoir of Mohan Lai, by C. E. Treveljari. Svo. London, 1S46. Barnes, Sir A Travels into Bokhara; a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia; also, a voyage on the Indu.s, from the 8eato Lahore, 1831-1833. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1834. — — — Cabool ; a Journey to, — and residence thi,rein, [l836-38.j 8vo. London, 1S42. er. The remain- 2 vols. Svo EN ASIE.] VOYAGES, ETC. : ASIA. 666 Ferrier, J- P- Caravan Journeys in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Bee- ioochistan, with historical notices of the countries lying between Russia and India ; translated from M. S. by Capt. W. Jesse, edited by H. D. Seymour. Svo. London, 1856. Moorcroft, ^V". and Trebeok. Travels in the Himalayas. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1841. Hooker y. 12i)io. Paris, 185;}. Porriere, Tii. de. Une ambassade fian5ai.'ie en Chine. Journal de voyage. .Svo. Paris. 1854 Yvan, le Dr. De I'Vaace en Chine. I'Jnx). Pari-. 1855. BackhoffJ F. 1. Tlie Travels of tlie Mnseovil- KuNoy, from .Mik-cow into China. I iii'' ('hi,rc\\\\\'s Cullicf ion, Vvl. 2. Timkowski, Cen. Tuves ; of th- Uussian K.dibassy] through IMongolia to rin:,ii in L-'iii-L'I. 2 vol.-. Hvo. Ijondon, 18l'7. KTieU^off, Joiui. Naiiiiiiv. (if tiie linieh l'Jid)as>y to ihi' Kinperor of China it: i().).y /7(/r I'inkertdn's (,'(;//<'(7/'(*;(, v(d. 7. Macartney, Ihc Karl of .\eeount of an Einbii.-;,-y IVo:.i Great Britiiinto China, fioni ;iie pafi -rs of Eail Macai'tn y. [tbe .ViiibassadorJ : bySir G. Staunton. 1' N(ds. 4to., and Maps and Plates, 1 vol. Folio. London. 1797. Fortune, ii- Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China. 8vo London, 1847. .iourney to the Tea Countries of China. 8vo. Londen, 1842. ■ Sirr, H. C. Chimiand the Ciiinese : their Religion, Character, Cii.^toms anJ Manufactures : the evils arising from tlie 0[)iuin Trade ;'with aplance at our intercourse witii tlic Country. 2 vols. 8vo. London, l.-^IO. >i Davis, J. F. The Chinese : [or] China and its Inhabitants ; [wiihj t^ketches between Peking, Nanking and Canton. 2 vols. 8vo. 1851. ?'. I. Mvo Lomkin, EN ASIE.] VOYAGES, ETC. : ASIA. 557 Fishbourne, Ciipt. Recollections of China and ilH Revolution. 8vo. London, ls,-,o. China pictorial, di'scriptive, and iiistoricnl \ with some account of Ava and the IJurniusc, Siiim and Aniiin ; with nearly 100 illustrations. 8vo. London, 18.33. liohn's Lib, Tlio portion on China to (p. 2 16) wub written by Miss Corner. In tliis edition it I1113 been revised, and "t!io remainder of the vol. furnished by a gentleman who liuH devoted nuieh time to tlie slndy of Cliinu," &c. Ojuith G. Narrative of a vi iit to each of the Consular Cities of China ; and to the Islands of Ilong-kong and Chustan. Second edition. 8vo. London, 184.7. Hue. Voviige duns la Tartaric, Ic Thibst et la Chine pendant les ann6es 1844, 4o et 4(5. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18o;i. L'I'inpirc chinois, faisant suito au voyage dans la Tartaric. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18o4. Huc'and^Gabet. Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China ; translated by William llnziitt. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 18.J2. Travels through Tibet, to and from China, by Missioners, &c. Vide Pinker- ton's Ccllcvlion, vol. 7. Prinsep, IL '!'• Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia; and the Ueligion of Roodh, [liierc] I'vo. London, IHC>2. Cunningham, Alexander. Ladak [or, Tibet] physical, statistical and histo- rical; with notices of the surrounding Countries. 8vo. London, 18.^4. Viilc, Ouiiniiighiini'B lUiilsa Topes. Turner, Samuel. Account of an embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet ; with a narrative of a tlourney through Hootan and part of Tibet ; with observations, botanical, niineralogicul and medical, by Kobert Saunders : ana views by Lieut. Davis. 4to. London, 1800. Cochin China. Account of, in 2 parts. I. Uf the Temporal State. IL Of the S|iiritual ; by R. F. Christopher Harri. From the Italian, Vide ChutchiU's CuUection, v(d. 2. Tonqueen. I'e.^cription of the Kingdom of. By Sam. Baron, a native. Yidc ChurehiU's CuUcdion, vol. 6. Hamel, H. Shipwreck on the Island of Quelpnirt ; — Travels of some Dutch- men in the Korea, with an accnuut of the Country. Vide Pinker- ton's Collection, vol. 7. Also, Churchill's Collection, vol. 4. Formosa. Account of the Island of, by G. Candidius ; from the High Dutch. Vide Churchill's Collection, vol. 1. Whittingham, Capt. B. Notes on the late E.xpeditidU against Eastern Siberia ; and of a visit to Japan, and to the Shores of Tartary and of tiie Sea of Okhostk. hvo. London, 1856. Japan: Some Remarks upon the potent Empire of, translated from the High Dutch. Vide Chun hill's Collection, vol. 1. i- f if ■ \ \ : % '1 ■ . f , r' '- 'fi ; i: ' ■ I."';' ; 1 ■ 1 1 •! ; ,1 i : 1 1 j.. < a'v "'J t, " 'f '^ .1 * m ■■ ■ -ft ■ .■■■■ -*' 'I '»'!^i? S58 VOYAGES, ETC. : ASIA. [voyages Japan. Cnron's Account of Jopan ; from the Dutch. Vide Pinkerton'g Co/. lee f ion, vol. 7. • Diary aboard the Ship " Return," June 29th, 1673 to August 28fh during the presence of the Ship on the Coast of Japan. Vide Piniier. ton's Collection, vol. 7. Maofkrlane, C. Account of Japan, Geographical and Historical. 12mo. New York, 1852. Vide, also, trarela in China, by Du Halde, Williams, &c., in IIistort or Amu, United States' Jnpan Expedition: Narrative of the Expedition of an American .Squadron to th' China Seas and Japan, in 1852, 1853 and 1854. Compiled under tlin supervision of Commodore JM. C. Perry from original Notes and Journals, by F. L. Hawks, D.D. 4to. Wash- ington, i85H. (Two copies.) , vol. 3. Observations on the Zodiacal Light, from 2nd Apiil, 1853, to 22nd April, 1855, made cliiefly on boiiid till) U. S. Steam-frigate " Mississijjpi " with conclusions from the data thus obtained, by Uevd. George Jones. 4to. Washinnton lbu6. ( Two copies.) Sirr, H. C. Account of Ceylon and the Cingalese. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Bennett, J. W. Ceylon and its capabilities. 4to. London, 1843. For Uenuett's Fishes of Ceylon, vide Natural IIistort. Baker, S. W. Eight years Wanderings iu Ceylon. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. Rambles in Java, [De Zieke Reiziger ; or, — ] and the Straits in 1852; by a Bengal Civilian, with illustrations, Bvo. London, 1853. For voyages iu the Indian Archipelago, Borneo, and tlie Philippines, vi(i(;,pi)i(, FoLTNKSlA. VI. AFRICA. I AFRIQUE. Carte de I'Afrique septentrionale, (> feuiiies. Paris. de hi Province d'Alger. 6 feuilles. Paris. du Territoire d'Alger. 6 feuilles. Paris. de la Province d'Oran. 6 feuilles. Purls. de la Province de Constantino. 6 feuilles. Paris. de I'Empire de Maioc. 6 feuilles. Paris. du Koyauiiie de Tunis. Etui. 8vo. Paris. Dureau de La Malle. Topographic de Carthage. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Marcus et Duesberg. Geographic ancienne dcs Etats Barbaresques, d'apres I'allemand de Manneit. 8vo. Paris, 1842. '■'• i 'if orical. 12mo. 8vo, LondQii, BN AFRIQUE.] VOYAGES, ETC. : AFRICA. 559 Murray, Hugh. Historical account of discoveries aixl travels in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present times. Second Edition. 2 rols. 8vo. London, 1818. Africa. ^»ti« Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 21, 22. Walokenaer, C A iUstoire g(5n6rale des Toyages, ou nouvollo collec- tion de relations de voyages par met et par terra. Premiore partie, "Voyages en Afrique. 21 vol 8vo. Paris, 1826-31. Vol. I. Introdiictiuu k I'bigtoire gtiaerale do* voyages. — Hivtoirc des di'couvertes des Fortugais oii Alrique. — Voyages de Vasoo de Qama. — Voyage d' Al- varez Cubral. — Voyage de Jean de Nueva. — Voyages des Veiiitiens. Voyages d'Alvise d« Cil-da-Mosto. — Premieis voyages des Aoglais en Afrique. — Voyages du capitaiae V indham, do Joan Lok, do Guil. Towr- BOU. " II. Voyages du cnpitaiue Towrson, de VVrn. Ruttor, de Baker, du capitain« Curlet, do George Fenner, do Tlis. Stevens, du capitaine Qtor^e de Cum- berlaud, de Sir lliuhard O.ueuwill, (lu capitaiue Robert Flicke, du capi. taiuc Jacques Laucnster, do Haynolds, de Burrough, de Peter Van- den-Broeek, des U. P. Alexia uu Saint-Lo, ot Beruardin de Reuouard, de Janiiequin, de Leniaire, d'Andr6 Bruo. " III. Voyages do Bruo, do Conipnguon, du capitaine iiichard Jobson, du capi- taiuo Barth. Stibbs, do Fraujois Moore. " • . Voyages ct aveiiturcs de Job Ben Solomon, do Villault de Bellefond, de Joan Barbut, d'Atkins. — Observations sur los rcssources du pays et les niirmrs et usages des Nugroa. " V. Voyages do Pninoau dc Ponimegorgc, d'Adanson, de I'abb^ Demaiiet, de do Lajai'.le, de Lainiral, de Durand, de Rubault, de Picard, de Pelletan, do Gobberry. " VI. Voyages de Geoffroy de Villeiieuve, de Mollicn, d'Albert Roussio, do Grout de Beaufort, du major Ilougbtoii, de Mungo Park. •' VII. Voyages de Muiigo Park, d'Isaac, du .iiajor Gray ct Docbard, de Jean Mat- tbcws, dc Phd. Beaver, de Watt et Wiuterbuttom, du major Alexander Gnrdon Lniiig. " VIII. Voyages de Villault de Bellcfon(' 4U dipt. Th. Phillips, de Loyer, do John Atkins, du chevalier de.'i Marchais, 'e Win. Smith, de Bullfinch Lamb, du Capt. Wni. Snel»rave. " IX. Riisumc des observations coutenues dans les voyages precedents. '' X. Ro.suinij. — Voyage d'Elb'i. " XI. Voyage) do .Jacques Barbot et Jean Grazilliior, de Pruiieau de Pommegorge, de Robert Norria, de MacLeod, de Girardiii, do M. de Flotte, de Denys Bonaventure, do Paul Krdman isert, de Henri NichoUs, de Meredith, de Robertson, du Capt. John Adiinir;. " XII. Voyages de Biwdich, do W. Hut' >n, do Dnpuis, de Mo.irad. " XIII. Voyages d'Kdouard Lopez, rf'jclige par Pifagetta, d'AndrO Ratlol, de Sara. Brown, d'Aiigelo, de Carli, do Cavazzi, de Merallo, deZuchelli, de Jacques Barbot le jei.'ic et .loiin Casseiiouve. — Missions (!osCapu<'ins an Congo. " XIV. RiSniimi' den renseignenicnts contenus dans les voyages prtccderts. — Voyages de M. de Grnndpre et uu Oapt. Tuckey. " XV. Voyages de Oregoiro Mendcs, de Feo Cardozo. — Voyage au cap de Bonne Esporanoe ; voynges de Kolbc, de PAbbo de la Caille, de Uenri Hop et Fred. Brink, de Beruardin de Saint Pierre. r Si'' '• 'f , ' '■' . ; '• t I i I I ,1 .' i ^.dt. •' • ' I .U. .< 1 ■? ■ ■ i/v'.-* ^'^■^■ ',1 • 5G0 I ., .'■««■, i',:,''.;',: i'flt'i ! I. if" • >" '■ te i 'I'll I M ■ n :| -II : ^1 VOYAGES, ETC. : AFRICA. V0YA0E1 Walokonaer, (". A. JliHtoiro gom'Talo deu voynges — (Contiiuiation), Vol. .\ . V Stout, do L. di- (Iriuidl)ir. " XVrr. Voyages do Corui'liu* do Jong, do Jean !!• i.ow, de Boniplo, do MM. Ti'utcr ct Somorvillo, do Henri liiclitcii^ti ■;: " XVIII. Divers voyages ct exoiiiBioiig. — Voyngii do John Campbell. " XIX. Voyiigcft lie M. Lntrolie, ile Oiunpliell, du vieux Lutiikoii, do Jean Philip. " XX. Voyages du Wni. C. IJurehell, do (leorgo Tlmnipiton. " XXI. Voyngc^g do Tlionipson, de Cowper Hiiho, ilo Jaeolj Van Reenen, d'Alberti et do Brownlce, du niisKionimire II. P. IliiUbeck. do A. (1. linin, de Onuria et (}reon, do Jaeob do llucquoy. de JiicipieH I'Vimken, do (lull. Wliitc. O^wen. W. F. Voyages to the shores of Afrii^a, Arabia, and Mudiiguscar, by command of tbe Admirulty. 2 vols, Svo. London, 1833. Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. VUd Modern Traveller, vols. 5, 6. Cartes hydrographiques ile la basse et de la moyenno Egypte, Syrie et Palestine, frontiiire de rAlgi'rio et du Maroc, environs tie Rome. 5 feuiiles, 1 etui. iSvo. Volney, C F. Voyage en Egypte en 1783, 84 et 8'j. Voir Ics oeuvres de Volncy, vol, 4 et G, Voir le grand ouvrago d'Egypte, [IIiSToinK Anoiknne.] Denon, Vivant, Voyages dans la Haute et la HaS'^e Egypte pendant Ics cam- pagncs do Bonapirte, 2 vol. Ito, relies en 1, Londres, 180'J, St. Joiin, B. Village Life in Egypt, with ^ket^;he■^ of the Said. 2 vols. 'Imo. Loudon, lHo2. I»rii e, 'i. W. The .\ aiincrs and Customs of the .Modem Egyptians, 1816. l2mo. 3 vol.s. KiiifjltCx Library. Lane, .Mis.s. The Englishwoman in Egypt, Letter;; from Cairo, 1812-41, 3 vols. 12ni(). London, 1815. Ihiil, For Sir O. Wilklusou's works on the Topogiapby, ite., of Egypt; inWc A.ncient IIlSTOKV. Debary, Rev. Thomas. Notc.s of a residence in the Canary Lslands, the south of Spain and .Vigiers ; illustrative of the state of religion in those counlrics. 12m(>. London, IS^jl. Verminac, Voyage du Luxor en Egypte, entre|iris par ordre du lloi pour transporter de Thebes a Paris I'un di's obelisques de Sesostris, Svo. Paris, 1835. Joannis. Campagnc pittorcsque du Luxor. I vol. 8vo et 1 vol. folio. Paris, 1 S35. Ampere, f iturul lllitory, collutieJ in travels to (liHCOvcr tlio Hoiirce uiairo fran9iii8-uriil)e et 12inu. PiiiJ!*, 18oi3. l^ondon. 1H02. di(^ntioii of liin fumo j | \>y F 1). I mil. Burckhardt. TnivclH in Nuldn ; IV-'li Rozct. Vnyii;^o duns In rt';ii'n('e A' A Barbier, •'• Itin/;riiire di^ i'Aigorie, i, uii ri!sun)i' hiHlori(iii(! du.s gut.'rrc.s d Prus, Mudaino. llcHidence in Algerin. S\o. Pulszky, Framris. Tin; Trioolor on llin AtliM, or ALmtIii and tliu French ('()ii(]uest ; from thu German of Wagner, and other sonrces. 8vo. London, LSi>4. DaviS) N. Evenings in j\ry Tent ; or NViinderitigs in liilid Kljarred, illus- trating till! condition of viiriom tribes of the .Vfrieun Sahara. 2 voU. l2ino. London, 1834, Browne's -'ourney to Dar-Fnr. r7(/fl I'inkerton's Oollcclion, \o\. 15. Denham, .Majnr, Clapperton, Cai)t.,<<(e. Tnuel.s and discoveries in North- ern and Central Africa, in 1822 tj 1824, across the Great Uesert, &c., with an Appendix. 4to. London, 182(i. Lander, li- and .1. Journal, with a Narrative of a voyage down the Niger to iis termination. 18,'i2. 3 vols. Fnni . Library- Allen, (('apt. W.) and Thomson, (Ur. T, Jl. 11.) Narrative of the expedi- lion sent hv llor iMajesty's Govcrnn\ent to the llivcr Niger, in 1841, under command of Captains Trotter and Allen. 2 vols. Hvo. Lon- don, 1>S4S. Callus. Voyage il Tomhouctou. Journal d'un voyage pendant les annfees 1821, 2,5, 2G, 27 et 2S. 3 voL 8vo., et atlas. Paris. 1830. Baikie, \V. H. Narrative of an exploring voyage up the River.i Kwora and Binue, commonly known as the Niger and Taadda, in 1854. 8vo. London, 18.)(5. Barbary. Lraves from a Lady's Diary of her travels in, 2 vols. 12mo* London, ISoO. Melly, George. Khartoum and tho IJlue and White Niles, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Wern^, F. Expedition to the source of ths White Nile in 1840-41. 2 vols. ia 1. 8vo. London, 1849. \ ; .' %. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) m A {./ ,^ ^^ id. ^' ^"#/% A i/.x ^C3 1.0 I.I 11.25 gilM Ilia I !^ Ilia ^ lia llilio — 6" 1.8 U 11.6 V] ^ .^ ^). Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 m. ^ fV A \ ^ot, J- Description and Memoirs of North and South Guinea, and of Lovrer Ethiopia ; a voyage to the Con«;o River, and an account of Western Africa, Bus. Vide Churchill's Collection, vol 5.: Congo, Voyage to, in 1666-67, by F. F. Miohaal Angelo, and Denis Carli, from the Italian. Ibid., vol. 1, and Pinkerton's Colleetion, voL 16. . . Voyage to, in 1682. By F. Jerome Merolla. Ibid. Douville. Voyage au Congo et dans I'icterieur de I'Afrique ^uinoxiale, en 1828, 29 et 30. 3 vol. Svo., et atlas. Paris, 1832. Phillips, Captain. Journal from England to Cape Moonseradoe, in Africa ; thence along the Coast of Guiney, to Whidavtr, &c. Account of Lon- gitudes and Latitudes, of the Country, People, &o. Vide Churchill's Collection, vol. 6. Eoskins, G. A. Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert ; with an account, ancient and modern, of the Oasis of Amun, and other Oases now under the dominion of the Pasha of Egypt. Svo. London, 1837. St. John, Bayle. Adventures in ihe Libyan Desert. 12mo. 1849. Colon. Lib. Lempridre'S Tour from Gibralter to the city of Morocco. Vide Pinkerton's Colleetion, vol. 16. Windhus. Journey to Mequinez. Ibid. Park, Mungo. Travels in Africa. Ibid., vol. 16. Bunbury, Cliarles J. P. Residence at the Cape of Good Hope ; with excur- sions into the interior. l2mo. London, 1848. Napier. Lt. Col. Elers. Excursions in Southern Africa; an account of the native tribes, including a history of the Cape Colony, &c.||||^2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Pringle, Thomas. Residence in South Africa ; with a life of the Author, who was Secretary to the Anti-Slavery Society. By Josiah Conger. Svo. London, 1851. Bowditoh, T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with a statistical account of that Kingdom, and geographical notices of other parts of the interior of Africa. 4to. London, 1819. Richardson, James. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in |1845-6 ; including a description of the Oases and Cities of Ghat,*Ghadame8, and Mourzuk. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1848. ., Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa,tin 1850-1 ; by order of Her Majesty's Government. Edited by Bayle^St. John ; with a prefatory notice of the late James Richardson. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1853. Cruiokshank, Brodie. Eighteen years on the Gold coast of Africa. Svo. London, 1853. { ^ n 2 vols. 1 ! i 564 VOYAGES, ETC. : AFRICA. [voyages Proyart's History of Loango, Kakongo, &c. Vide Pinkerton's CoHectiont Vol. 16. Forbes, F. B. Dahomey and the Dahomans, being Journals of two Missions to the King of Dahomey, and residence ut his capital, in 1849-50. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Thunberg's Account of the Cape of Good Hope. Vide Pinkerton's Collection vol. 16. Cape of Good Hope Hottentots. Ten Rhyne's account of. Vijg Churchill's Collection, vol. 5. Chase, J. C. Cape of Good Hope, and Algoa Bay. 12mo. London, 1843. Christopher, J. S. Description of Natal; with a Vocabulary of the Natal language. 12ino. London, 1850. Poole, T. E. Life, scenery, and customs in Sierra Leone, and the Gambia. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850. Sierra Leone: Residence in. Sy a Lady. 12n]o. Colon. Lilr. Ward, Harriet. Five years in KalTir-land. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1848. — — The Cape and the Kaffirs ; with Advice to Emigrants ; and the most recent information, &c. 18mo. London, 1851. The first work, abridged in part, with much addition. Andersson, C.J. Lake Ngarai ; or, Explorations and Discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of South Western Africa. Second edition. Svo. London, 1856. Cumming, R. Gordon. Five years of a Hunter's Life, in the far interior of South Africa. Notices of the Native Tribes, and anecdotes - Chase. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Harris, "W. C. Wild Sports of Southern Africa, the narrative of a hunting ex- pedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the Cliief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. Fifth edition. Royal Svo. London, 1852. Canot, Captain. Adventures on the coast ; or, twenty years of an African Slaver, in the interior, on ship board, and in the West Indies. Edited by Brantz Mayer. Svo. New York, 1854. Mauritius. A Transport voyage to the, — and back. 12mo. London, 1851. Bernardin de St. Pierre. Voyage k Tile de France. Vol. 1 et 2, de m oeuvres. ENOCEANIE.] VOYAGES, ETC. : ATJSTEALASIA AND POLYNESIA. ^6 VII. AUSTRALASIA AND POLYNESIA. 0C]SANIE. Burney, James. A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1803-1817. Vol. L From the earlleBt discovery of that sea by the Europeans, and terminating with the voyage of Sir Francia Drake, in 1619, " II. From the year 1679 to the year 1620. i * " III. From the year 1620 to the year 1688. " IV. History of the Buccaneers. " V. To the year 1'764, containing principally Commodore Qeorge Anson's Voyage round the World. Islands of Salomon : Fragment concerning the discovery of the, — in the year 1695; from the Spanish, vide ChxxTchiWs Collection, vol. 4. p. 622—635. Drake, Sir Francis. His famous Voyage into the South Sea, begun 1577. Sakliiyt, vol. 3. Winter, John. His Voyage into the South Sea by the Streight of Magellan, begun 1577. Ihid. Withring^on and Lester. Voyage to the Southerly Latitude of 44 degrees, begun 1586. Ibid. Candish, Thomas. His prosperous Voyage into the South Sea, 1686-88. Id. — His last Voyage intended for the South Sea. Ibid. Hawkins, Sir Richard. The Ob'ervations of, in his Voyage into the South Sea in the ye!ir 1593 : reprinted frou; the edition of 1612 ; edited by C. R. D. Bfcthune, Capt. R. N. 8vo. London, 1847. Hakluyt Sac. Publication. The Editor's Preface gives examples of the manning nnd storing of ships, at that time, for "long voyages " in unlti own seas. Ross, Sir J. C. Voyage of l)i>(!overy in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, in 1839-43. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Webster, W. H. Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean in the years 1828- ao, in H. M. Sloop Chanticl'-'er. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. WilkeSi Charles. United States Exploring Expedition ; [in the Antarctic Ocean.] 5 vols., and atlas. 8vo. London, 1851. Australasia :— De BrOBses. Observations, made " introductory " to the following voyages. Vidt Pinlcertun's Collection, vol. 11. Tasman'a Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Countries. Ibid. Feron, tf . Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Lands. Ibid. Pelsart'a Voyage to Australasia. Ibid. Dampier'a Account of New Holland. Ibid. Cook, Captain. Abstract of his Three Voyages, Ibid. t IP ,1 ,> 1 .'f<' '. "f i i i hi'' 1 » r ■• "^ I ^ /*■ » i * I 4)1,.., . r . ■• 1 I ^ i|< fi' * ' 566 VOYAGES, ETC. : [T0YA0B8 il If I I I. !a Flinders, Matthew. Voyage to Terra Australis, for the purpose of completing the discovery of that country, in 1801-2-3 ; with an account of the shipwreck of the Porpoise, &o. 2 vols. 4to. With atlas, folio. London, 1814. Stokes, J. L- Discoveries in Australia ; with an account of the coasts and rivers explored, &c., during the voyage of H. M. S. Eeagle, in 1837 to 1843 ; with a narrative of Capt. O. Stanley's visits to the Islands in the Arafara Sea. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1846. Field, Barron. Geographical memoirs of New South Wales, by various hands • with other papers on the Aborigines, the Geology, Botany, Timber Astronomy, and Meteorology of New South Wales, and Van Dieman'g Land. Edited by, — Svo. London, ]82o. The Appendix includes the " First Fruits of Australian Poetry." Qxey, George. Governor of South Australia. Journals of two expeditions of discovery in North West and Western Australia, in the years 1837-8-9 under the authority of Government ; with observations on the condition of the Aborigines. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1841. Iieiohhardt, Ludwig. Journal of an overland expedition in Australia, from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, over 3,000 miles, in 1844-5. Svo. London, 1847. Hood, John. Australia and the East ; a narrative of a Voyage to New South Wales; of a residence in Sidney and the Bush, and of the route home, via India and Egypt, in 1841 and 1842. Svo. London, 1813. Strzeleoki, P. E. de. Physical description of New South Wales, and Van Dieman's Land. Svo. London, 1845. Gold and Silver : a Supplement to a Physical descrip- tion of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. [Ilereiii he claims to be the first discoverer of (iold in those regions.] Svo. London, 1856. Meredith, Mrs. C. Notes and sketches of New South Wales, from 1839 to 1844. London, 1844. Colon. Lihr. Majoribaxiks, Alexander. New South Wales. 12mo. London, 1847. Sturt, Charles. Two expeditions into the interior of South Australia, in 1828 to 1831 , with observations on New South Wales. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1833. Wilkinson, G. B. The advantages and researches of South Australia. 12mo. London, 1848. Dutton, F. Accouiit of South Australia, end its Mines. Svo. London, 1846. Mitchell, T. Expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia ; with de- scriptions of Australia Felix, and New South Wales. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1838. Journal of an Expedition into the interior of Tropical Australia, in search of a route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Svo. London, 1848. tii BN OC^ANIE.] AUSTRALASIA AND POLYNESIA. 667 Eyre ^■•- ^' tJonrnals ofexpeditionti of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in 1840-1. 2 roll. 8vo. London, 1846. Sidney, Samuel. The three Colonies of Australia : New South Wales, Vic- toria, and South Australia, their pastures, copper mines, and gold fields. 8vo. London, 1852. Mundy, Gr> C. Our Antipodes ; or, residMicH and rambles in the Australian Colonies, with a glimpse at the Gold Fields. Second edition. 3 voli. . 8vo. London, 1852. Australiai Pamphlets on. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1852. Containing : — Mo8i>man'g Gold Regions of Australia. Mackenzie's Ten Yeare in Australia. Visit to tbe Gold Fields of Australia. Chambers' Emigrant's Manual : Australia. Edinburgh, 1862. Vide, also, Histort, (Australia,) ante ppAlO, 4*?!. Wathen, G. H. The Golden Colony ; or, Victoria in 1854, with remarks mi the Geology of the Australian Gold Fields. 8vo. London, 1855. Caldwell, R. The Gold Era of Victoria. 8vo. London, 1855. Haygarth, H. W. Recollections of Bush Life in Australia, during a residence of eight years. 1848. Col. Lib. Mossman, (S.) and Banister, (T.) Australia visited and revisited. Svo. London, 1853. Howitt, William. Land, Lnbour, and Gold ; or, two years in Victoria, with visits to Sydney and Van Dieman's Land. 2 vols. Svo. London 1855. Claoy, Mrs. Life in Australia. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1854. Settlers and Convicts ; or, Recollections of 16 years' labour in the Aus- tralian Backwoods, 1847. 12mo. Krnght''s Library. Angas, G. F. Savnge Life and Scenes in Australia, &c-, and New Zealand. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850. Meredith, Mrs. Charles. My Home in Tasmania, [Van Dieman's Land ;] or nine years in Australia. Svo. New York, 1853, Stoney, Captain H. Butler. A Residence in Tasmania : with a tour through the Island from Macquerie Harbour to Circular Head. Svo. Lon- don, 1856. Diefienbaoh, E. Travels in New Zealand, with contributions to the geo- grnphy, geology, botany, and natural history of that country. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1813. Wakefield, E. J. Adventures iu New Zealand, from 1839 to 1844. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845. New Zealand, Hand- Book for. By a late Magistrate of the Colony. 12mo. London, 1848. •■* li ^' '< PA: 668 VOYAGES, ETC. : [voyages ,■*« Swalnaon's Lectures on Now Ztjahmd. Vide Pulitiual Economy. Majoribanks, Alexander. Now Zealand. 12ino. London, 1850. Shortland, Edward. The Southern Uistricta of New Zeahnd. 8vo, Lon- don, 1851. Fox, William. The Six Coioniea of New Zealand. 12tno. London, 1S51. Cholmondeley, Thomas. Ultima Thule ; or, thoughts Buggeated by a residence in New Zealand. 12mo. London, 1854. Taylor, R. New Zealand and its Inhabitants. 8vo. London, 1855. Adams, C. W. A Spring in tlie Canterbury Settlement. 12mo. London 1853. Arrowstnlth, John. Map of Now Zealand, in a case. London, 1853. Brees, S. 0. ("Pictorial] IlluHtrations of New Zealand. Folio. Loudon 1847. Broughton. Voyage dans I'OctSan Pacifique, en 1795-96-97 98. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807. P6ron. Voyage aux terres Australea, en 1800 — 1804. 3 vol. gd. 4to. 1 atlaa gd. Monde, et 1 atlas folio. Paris, 1807. Dumont d' Urville. Voyage do ddcouvertoa de V Astrolabe, ex6cut6 pendant les annoes 1826 h 1829 ; observations nautiques, meteorologiqueg hydrographiques et do physique. 4to. Paria, 1833-4. Atlaa, gr, folio. Paris, 1833. Voyngo au P61e Sudet dans I'Ocdanie surles Corvettes Y Astrolabe et la Zile'e, exccut6 par ordre du Roi pendant les annees 1837, 1838, 1839, 1H40, sous le commandement de M. Dumont d'Urville, enpitnine do vaisseau, publie sous les auspices du d^parte- ment de la Marine et sous la direction supferieure de M. Jacquinot, cnpitaiue de vaisseau, commandant de la Zdlee, 22 vol. Svo. et atlas. Folio. Paris, 1 •<42, et aiuiues suivantes. Tome I il X. Histoire du voyage par Uiiinout d'Urville, suivie d'un Atlaa pitto- rosque, publics eii 40 livrniBons. Tome XI i\ XV. Zoi. logic par MM. Ilombi-on ot Jacquiuot, rai'deciiisderexp^di- tion, Biiivie >rim Atlas publio on 28 livralgoiis. Tome XVI et XVII. Dotaiiiquc, par leu ludmes, suivie d'un Atlua publie en 13 livraisoiis. — Anthropologic et physiologie humaine, pnrleDr. Dumoutier, Atlas publii'' eii 10 livraisoris. Tome XVIII et XIX. iiiiii^ralogic et geologic, par le Dr. J. Grange, suivies d'un Atlas public en 3 livraisons. Tome XX. Physique, par MM. Vineendon Dumoulin et Coupvent Detbois. Tome XXI et XXll. Hydrogrnphio, par M. Vineendon Dumoulin, suivie d'un Atliig pulilio cii II livraisoM!!. Dillon, Peter. Voyage aux lies de la Mcr du Sud, en 1827 et 1828, et relation de la decouverte du sort do la Porouse. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1830. Moerenhout. Voyages aux iles du grand Ocean. 2 vol Svo. Paris, 1837. ITU OC^ANIE.] AUSTRALASIA AND POLYNESIA. 60» J. y'jjaud, Louis. Im Polyii^sie et les lies MurquiHos ; voyages et marine, acconii)ngn6s d'un voyage en Abyssiuio et d'un coup d'ooil sur la canalisation de I'lathmede Panama 8vo. Paris, 1848. MaORinivray, John. Naturalist to the Expedition. Narrative of the Voyiigo of H. M. 8. Rattlesnake, during IH46-1860 ; with discoveries in New Guinea, the Louisiade Archiptlugo, i&c, and an account of Mr. E. U. Kennedy's Expedition to explore Cape York Peninsula, 2 vols. 8v(). London, 1852. Earl G. W. The Kusteru Seas ; or, Voyages in the Indian Archipelago, in 1832-34 ; ulso, an account of Singapore, with observations on com- mercial ie«ourc '?8. 8vo. London, 1m37. Jukes, J- Ai. Narrutivo of the Surveying Voyage of H. M. S. Fly, Capt. lU"ckwoo(1, in Torres strait, New Guinea, and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, in 1842-46 ; with an excursion iuto the interior ol Java. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Eeppel Cajit. Henry. Visit to the Indian Archipelogo in II. M.S. Meander. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. ■ Expedition of II. M.S., Dido io Borneo. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Beeokman's Voyage to Borneo. Vide Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 11. Marryat, F. S. Borneo and the East Indian Archipelago ; with drawings of co»tume and scen«'ry. Royal 8vo. London, I84S. Brooke Rajah Jamt-s. Narrative of Events [1842-4G] in Borneo and Celebes, from the Journals of ;— with the operations of H.M S. Iris ; by Copt. Mundy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Low Hup;h. Sarv.iiK: its Inhabitants* and Productions; being notrs during a residen' j in thai country, with H. II. the Hajah Brooke. 8vo. London, IS48. Vidn n\ao, Crawford's Dictionary of the In;■ ,■'! ' f 'tiV»- i|ll:5'''i:.Ll--:i- life.,,. :^l'- 1. '0. 1. ( 1 , mm 572 NATUEAL PUILOSOPUY [^HYfllQUi !i |<6 * Joyce, J. Scientific Diblogucs for yoiin;; people ; in which lliii flr«t principUt of Natural and Exporimontal Philosophy are explained ; with que»tioni for examination, Ac, by W. Pinnock : with an additional chapter on recent discoveries, by J. W. Griffith. 8vo. Loodoti, 1855. B, Seirnt. Lib. Mayhew, Henry. The *tory of the Peasiint IJoy Philosopher ; or, a "ChilJ pnthering pebbles on the Sea Shore ;" founded on the early life of Fer^riiHon, tho Shepherd-boy Astronomer. 12nio. London, 1854. Hunt, Uobert The Poetry of Science j or, Studies of the Physical Phenoojeiia of Niiture. Third edition ; revised iind enlarged. 8vo [,ondon 1S54. B. Sciei't. Lib. FuUom, S. W. Thi) Mnrveln of Science, nnd their testimony to Holy writ. Fifth edition j rtvi^Md. 12mo. London, 1858. Olmsted, Uenison. Uudimiiiis of Natural Philosophy nnd Astronomy, for th<5 younger cIusshh. Revised edition. 12mo. New York, 1853. Rersohel, Sir John F. W. A prelitniiiary discourse on the study of Natural Philosophy. New edition. 12mo. London, 1851. Wesley, John. A compendium of Natural Philosophy, adapted to the preaent state of Scienee ; by R. Mudie. 3 vols. 12rao. I*i36. Ihm, Lib. Bird, (Golding,) and Brooke, (Charles.) The Elements of Natural Philoaophy; or, an Introduction to the study of the Physical Sciences. Fourth edition ; enlarged 12mo. London, 1854. Dlctionnaire de physique, par Monge, iJertholon, Casslni et Hnasenfratz. i vol. -Ito , Hvec 133 planches. Paris, 1793-1S32. Enci/vloptdit nu'thiuUque. Brewer, le Dr. E. (). I..ft clef de U science, ou Ics ph^nomenes de toua les jours expii(iii('-. Seconde Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1855, Bailly, ^-. Manuel de physique, ou ulomens abr^'g^s de cette science. 12ino. Paris, 1841. Rurel. Pau et Chevalier. Manuel du physicien pr/'-parateur, ou description d'un cabinet de pliy-ique. 2 vol. 12mo, avec atlas, Svo. Paris, 1853. Id. Amice, •!• F. Maiiuel de philosophio exp6rimentale. l2rao. Poris, 1829. Id. Histoire de i'Aeademie Royale des Sciences et des Belles Lettres de Merlin, de 1745 i 1765. 21 vol. 4to. Berlin, 1746-1767. IVIemoires ''« I'lnstitut National desseiences et arts, — sciences mathfimatiques «'t physiques 14 vol. 4to. Paris, 1797-1814. de I'Acadiimic des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France. 24 vol. 4to. Paris, 18J3, et nnnees suivuntes. presetit^s pur divers savants ^ I'Acnd^mie Roynle des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France, — sciences math6matiques et physiques. 13 vol. 4to. Paris, 1817, et annees suivantes. ET cniMIE.] AND CHEMISTRY. 578 Comptos-rendufl ance8 dn rAuaddmio ilfs Scienccn : de 1835 4 1857. 41 vol. 4t(). Parii. L'AcadtSiiilii (lei Science! I'ooMipo do phyilque, de otilmie, d'aitronomie, de gio- graphic, de m^decine, de chlrurglo ot d'agrlculture. Bulletin des soionoes pliyniques, chimiquei, astronomiques et matli^mnti- quos, par M. d« Ferusac. 10 vol. 8vo., et table. Purii, 1824-1831. Journal de I'^OOle polyteohnique (renrermant ilttH memoirea relatifd nuz Rcierices phyHiques vt naturi-ll Precis Cdementoirp de physique expirimentole. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris. 1824. Traitd do physique cxp6rimentale et inath6matique. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. _ M^moires de In classe den «ciences mnth6matiques ei physiques de I'Institut Imperial de France. 4to. Paris, 1812. P^olet, I^- Traitu olumentaire de physique. 4me Edition 2 vol. 8vo., avec planches. Paris, 1847. PoulUet, M- Notions gunerales de physique et de m£t6orologie k Tusage de lojeiinesse. 8vo. Paris, 1853. - Elements de physique exp^rimentale et de m6teoroIogie. Sixiome Edition. 2 vol. 8ro., avec planches. Paris, 1853. Despretz, C. Traiti 6l6mentaire de physique, accompagn^ de 17 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Ganot, A. Trait^t olumentaire de physique exp6rimentale et oppliquce h la m6t6orologie, avec un recueil nombreux de probl^mes. 12mo. Paris, 1865. Becquerel. Trait6 de physique eonsidOr^e dans ses rapports avec la chimie et les sciences naturelles. 2 vol. 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1842. — — — Elements de physiqaeterrestre et de m<>t6orologie. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Uatteuooi, C. Lemons sur les ph^nomdnes physiques des corps vivants. 8vo. Paris, 1847. m ■ 'M :1 LJ'f .]. 574 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY [physique I .P Si : •k tj Arnott, Neil. Elements of Physics ; or, Natural Philosophy general and medical ; written in plain or non-technical language, and containing new disquisitions and practical suggestions. Filth edition. 2 vols, 8ro. London, 1833. 7oung, Thomas. A coursH of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, and the Mechanical Arts : a hkw edition, with references and [notes, by P. Kelland Vol, I. Text. Vol. II. Plates. 2 vols. ^Svo. London^ 1845. Boyle. The Hon. Robert. The works of ; to which is prefixed the Lile of the Author. New edition. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1772. Contents : Vol. I. A Preface, with the life of the Author ; both by T. Birch. Papers relatiiip; to Air, Letter on tlio Seraphic Love of God. Certain physiological E..!9ay3. The sceptical Chemibt. Of the prod^cibleneM of Chemical principles. Of Colours, &c. " II. Of the uscfulnees of experimental Natural philosophy. Of the Style of the Holy Scriptures. Experiments ami observations touching Cold. Hydroatatical paradoxes. ^ Observations about the Barometer, &c. " III. Origin of Forma and Qualities. Experiments concerning Light and Air, &o. On the usefulness of Experimental philosophy. Man's great ignorance of the uses of natural things. Origin and virtues of Gems. " IV. The excellency of Theology compared with Natural philosopliy. The reconcileableness of Reason and Religion by T, E,, 1617 ■ with Mr. Boyle's discourse on the possibility of the Resurrection. Of things above Reason. Also, various papers on Natural Philosopiiy.on Air,,and Acoustics. 12mo. London, 18o6. Hand Book of Natural I'hilosopliy : Optics. Ibid. Hand Book of Natural Philosophy : Mechanics. Ibid. Orr's Circle of the Sciences. A series of Treatises on the Principles of Science, with tiicir application to practical pursuits 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1854-56. [Organic Nature. 3 vols.] The Principles of Physiology, 1 vol. by the editor, Structure of the Skeleton and Teeth, by Prof. Owen. — Varieties of the Human Race, by R. O. Latham, 1854. Natural History, 2 vols. : being a and clossified arrangeipont of plants and animals. Botany, by E. Smith, aud invertebrated animals, vol. 1.— Vertobrated aiiiniala, by W. S. Dallas, vol. 2, 1855. [Inorganic Nature. 2 vols.] Geology, Mineralogy, Chrystallograpby. Being a Theoretical, practical and descriptive view of iuorganic nature, by Prof. Antted, Prof. T«nant, and W. Milchell, 1855. Elementary Chemistry of the imponderable agents, and of inorganic bodies, iuchuling light, heat, electricity and magnetism, by J. Scoflfern, 1855. The Mathematical Sciences :— Simple arithmetic. Algebra, and the elements of Kuclid, by J. Young; Trigonometry, Logarithms, and Mensuration, by J. F. Twisilen ; and Practical Geogrophy, by A Jardine, 1856. Practical Astronomy, Navigation, Nautical Astronomy, and Meteorology; being a guide to the Planetary and Stellar Movements ; the Practice of Navi- gation, and Phenomena of tlie Atmosphere, by J. U. Young, H, Breen, J. Scutrorn, and E. J. Lowe, 1866. 'r-f t ' ^' ■■'■,i -1 WrA- .,, . 'I ,•■•-..1 . Ki"H™ il iiii'i] mm \\:- ■■■..'17 i i-^f--"^ I '.-'. '■Tiiiiliiiia IW': 'nm ■t..t',>: rtii ^ ^hm'Wk 1 1 { 'SI m ' '.1.1 ■f..: mm in I « i Hi \ i ^■^' III I'I'Kil ' ^- * :;y f 678 NATUKAL PllILOSOPnT [physique Orr's Circle of the Soiences.— (Continued). Praotloal Chemistry: The Theory and practice of Elertro-Deposition • Pho. tograpbio Art ; the Chemistry of Food, its adulteration, and the Chemistrr of artificial illuinination ; by O. Gore, M. Sparling, J. Scoffern, 1866. Mechanical Philosophy : The properties of matter, Elementary statici. Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, Pneumatics, practical Mechauicj and the Steam Engine, by W. Mitchell, J. R. Young, and J. Imray, 1856 Museum of Science and Arts: edited by Dionysius Lardner. 12 vcls. bound in 6. 12mo. London, 1854-56. Contents of vols. I. and IF. : The Planets: are they inhabited? — Weather Prognostics. — Popular Paila- ciiis. — Latitudes and Longitudes.— Liiniir influences. — Meteoric Stones and Shooting Stars. — Railway nccidcnis.— Light.— Air. — Locomotion in th» United States. — Coinotary influcuces. — Water. — The Potter's Art. Fire Contents of Vols. IIL and IV. : Locomotion and Transport. — The Moon. — The Earth. — Terrestrial Ilent — The Sun.— The Electric Telegraph. — Earthquakes and Volcanoes.— The Barometer — The Safety Lamps. — Whitworth's Micrometric apparatus,— Steam. Contents of Vols. V. and VI. : The Steam Engine. — The Eye. — The Atmosphere. — Time. — Pumps Spec- taeles. — The Kaleidoscope. — Clocks and Watches. — Microscopic Drawing and Engraving. — The Locomotive — The Thermometer. — The New Planets. — LoVcrrier and Adauj's Planet. — Magnitude and Minuteness. Contents of Vols. VII. and VI IL : The Almanac. — Colour. — Optical Images. — The Looking Glass.— The Tides How to observe the Heavens. — The Stellar Universe. — Man.— Magnifying Glasses.— Instinct and intelligence. — The Solar Microscope.— The Camera Lucida. — The Magic Lantern. — The Camera Obscura. Contents of Vols. I .\' . and X. : The Microscope. — The White Ants.— The surface of the Earth ; or first no- tions of Ooigraphy.— Science and Poetry. — The Bee, its character and manners. — Steam Navigation. — Thunder and Lightning, and the Aurora Borcalis. — Electro-motive power. Contentsof Vols. XL and XII: The Printing press.— The Crust of the Earth , or, first notions ofGeoIogy,— Comets. — The Stereoscope. Canadian Journal, Tiie. A repertory of Indiustry, Science, and Art ; and a record of the Proceedings of the Canadian In.ititute : orjijinally edited by Henry Youle Ilind, M. A., Profe;t(;d by fiie Editing Committee of tlie Canadian Institute. From 18.52 to 1856. 5 vols. Folio, and 1 vol., 8vo. Toronto. Polehamption, Elward. (.Assisted by distinguished writers, in the various departments of the work.) The Gallery of Nature and Art; or a Tour througli Creation and Scietice. 6 vols 8vo. London, 1815. ET CHIMIE.] AND CHEMISTRY. 579 Milner, Thomas. The Gallery of Nature ; a pictorial and descriptive Tour through Creation, illuatrative of the Wonders of Astronomy, Physical Geography, and Geology : a revised edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Robison, John. A system of Mechanical Philosophy; with notes by D. Brewster. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Practical Mechanics as well as scientific are treated upon : Mr. Jas. Watt under- took the revision of the article on the Steam-Engiue, as left by Dr. Robieon, and composed " valuable additions on the history, the principles, and the con- Btruction of the Steara-Engine." Carpenter, "W". B. Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1854. Herapath, John. Mathematical Physics ; or, the Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy : with a development of the causes of heat, gaseous elasticity, gravitation, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 184-7. Airy, G- 1^- Gravitation: an elementary explanation of the principal pertur- bations in the Solar system. 8vo. London, 1834. Allen, Z. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature, and the source and modes of action of natural motive-power. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1852. Hints foi' collecting scientific information ; compiled for the Expedition to Chi'ia. Svo. Viiie, in a vol., lettered, " [Indian pamphlets, Civil Service. 1840.] » Buist, Geor£i;e. Manual of Phyaicol research adapted to India. Part 1. Svo. Bombay, 1852. Vide, nlso. Col. Jackson's What to observe? in GEoauAPUT. Somerville, Mary. Physical Geography : new edition, revised. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. Marsilli. Ilistoire physique de la mcr, ouvrage enrichi de figures dessin^es d'aprfes le nature!. Folio. Amsterdam, 1725, Tuckey, J. H. Maritime Geography, &c., or a description of the Ocean and its coasts &c. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1815. A brief scientific account is given of the Ocean, its currents, and inhabitants, of the changes it causes on coasts, of Rivers, of Winde, &c. Smyth, Admiral W. II. Tlie Mediterranean ; a Memoir, physical, historical, and nautical, Svo. London, 1854. Maury, i^I. F. The Physical Geography of the Sea ; an entirely new edition. Svo. New York, 185G. Johnston, A. K, Tlie Physical Atlas; a series of illustrations of the Qeogra- pliical distribution of Natural phenomena : I. Geology, II. Hydrogra- phy. III. Meteorology, IV. Natural Ilistory. Folio. Edinburgh, I8o0. Vide, also, Anated and Nicolny'a Physical Atlas, in OKOonAPtiT. Adorno, restre. Svo. Paris, 1820. M ET CHIMIB.] AN1> CHEMISTRY. 581 Bertrand, Alexandre. Lettres sur les rdrolutions du globe. 8vo. Paris, 1845. SlxiSme edition. Voir ci-api'6s Sciexces Naturelles. Burnet, Dr. Thomas. The sacred theory of the Earth ; i. e. of the origin of the Earth, and all the changes it hath undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation. Folio. London, 1697. Sorope, J- ^- Considerations on Volcanoes, and their connexion with the state and history of the Globe ; leading to a ne* theory of the Earth. 8vo. London, 1825. Ritchie, A. T. The Dynamical theory of the Formation of the Earth. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Taylor. Henry. A system of the Creation of our Globe, of the Planets, Ac, as proved by the discoveries of Lavoisier, Arago, B^araday, and others. Ninth edition. 122io Quebec, 1855. Daubeny, Professor Charles. An Introduction to the Atomic Theory. Second edition ; enlarged. 12mo. Oxford, J.860. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Tenth edition ; with extensive additions and emendations. 8vo. London, 1853. Smith, J. A. Prelections, connected with Moral and Physical Science, in opposition to Phrenology, Materialism, &c. ; and deducing the true ciiterion of moral propriety from the instinctive nioial sense. [A second title is given, after p. 210; viz.: — "The Mutations of the Earth ; or. An outline of the Physical changes of the Earth ; including an examination into the scientific errors of the author of the Vestiges of Creation."] Timo. New York, 1853. Nichol, J. P- Professor of Astronomy, Glasgow. Thoughts on some im- portant points relating to the System of the World. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1816. Bruno Jonhmo. An account of ; and of his book on the innumerable Worlds. [First printed in 1514.] Vide Toland's Works, vol. 1. Maxwell, Alexnmler. Plurality of Worlds ; or, letters, notes, and memo- niuila, philo.sophiciil and critical ; occasioned by Discourses on the Christian Revelulion, viewed in connection with the Modern Astronomy, by Dr. Chalmers. 8vo. London, 1820. Fontenelle. Pluralite des Mondes. Voir ses ccuvres. [Whewell, William.] The Plurality of Worlds. With an Introduction, by Edward Hitchcock, D. D. New elitiou ; to which is added, a Supple- mentary Dialogue, in which the authors' reviewers arc reviewed. 8vo. Boston, 1855. Brewster, Sir David. More Worlds than one, the Creed of the Philosopher, and the hope of the Christian. 12mo. New York, 1854. Viiit, al8o, U. Drummond, on the Future destiniea of the Heaveuly Bodies. :,<'C, illlil • t> : XH <\ i I .' :; 11'"" t'ldi' wll m fJlllffil :r ; 'If in t n sui W m l^i IHfv UL. H^ 682 NATURAL PniLOSOPlIY [physique Plurality of Worlds : tho positive argument from Scripture, with ensweri to some late objections. 12mo. Loudon, 1855. Phillips, M. L. Worlds beyond the Enrth. 12mo. London, 1855. Poivell, Bnden. Savilian Professor. Kssnys on the Spirit of the Inductive Philosophy, the Unity of Worlds, and the Philosophy of Creation. Svu. London, 1855. Lilly, Williiim. Christian AstroloRy modestly treated of, in tliree books. Second edition, amended. 4to. London, KJ59. The first Ixiok — An iiitrddiictiun to Astrology. (Tho eccond) — Tlie reaolutioa of ftU innnncr of questions and demands. (The third) — An casie and plain method of teaching how tu judge upon Nativities, An Introduction to Astrology by, — with numerous emendations adapted to the improved state of the science in the present day ; n Grammar of Astrology, and tables for calculating nativities, by Zadkiel. 8vo. London, 1852. Pearson, W. An Introduction to Practical A stronomy : containing Tables for the reduction of Celestial observations, and a popular explanation of their use, &c. [Volume 2] contains descriptions of the vaiious instruments that have been employed in determining the places of the Heavenly bodies, with the methods of adjusting and using them. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1824, 1829. [N. B. The plates illustrative of tho second volume are bound in tho first.] (Two copies. J Mann, K. J- The Planetary and Stellar Universe, (a series of lectures;) 12mo. London, 1845. Airy, Cr. B. Six Lectures on Astronomy, IMnrch, 1848 : with an Introduction. Third edition. 12mo. London, 185G. Somerville, Mrs. ]\Iechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. London, 1831. Hymers, •!• Tho Elements of the Theory of Astronomy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810. Practical Astronomer. 12mo. London, 1845. A Cycle of Celestial Objects, observed, reduced, and dis- f Vol. I— Prolegomena. Vol. II— The Bedford Catalogue.] 8vo. London, 1844. Outlines of Astronomy. Third edition. 8to, Dick, Thomas. Smyth, AV. H. cussed. 2 vols. Herschel, Sir John F. \V. London, 1850. . Manuel d'astronomio ou trnit6 i'lementaire de cctte science. Edition traduite par A. D. Vergnaud. 12mo. Paris, 1833. Ii'oret. Main, Tloberfc. Of the Observatory, Greenwich, lludimentnry Astronomy. 12iiio. London, 1852. (^Weales «mes, with surveying, &c.) Nichol, J. P. Tiio Planetary System ; its order and physical structure. Hvo. Glasgow, 1850. The Architecture of the Heavens. Ninth edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. London, 1851. ET CHIMIL.j AND CHEMISTRY. 688 Vide with Newton's Halleyi ^''- ^^ Cornels, illustrated by Whiston Mathematical Pliiloaophy. Hind, J. It- 'I'ho Comets : a deHcriptivo trcutine upon those bodies ; with an account of the modern discoveries rettpecting thorn, and a Table of all tlie calculated Comets. 12mo. Loudon, 1822. An Astronomical Vocabulary, and explanation of all terms in U80 at the present day. 12mo. J/ondon, 1852. Flamsteed, John An account of, [wilhj his British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged, by I''. Huily. 4t(>. London, 1835. Taylor, T. CI. A general Calaloguo of the principal fixed Stars, from obser- vations made at the Observatory at Madras, ui the years 1830 — 1843 • and from 1843 to 1847. 4to. Madras, 1844, &c. De Morgan, Augustus. Six Maps of the Stars, 1832, [bound up in the National Atlas, of the Society for D. U. K.,] with a Companion, 8vo. . • The Globes, Celestial und Terrestrial, to accompany the Globes of the Sociiity for the DifTutiion of Useful Knowledge. Third edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1854. Johnston, A . K. Atlas of Astronomy, comprising a complete series of illus- trations of the Heavenly bodies. Kdited by J. B. Hind. 4to. ICdinburgh, 1855. Grodfray, Hugh. An Elementary tniatiso on the Lunar Theory, with a brief sk.3tch of the history of the problem up to the time of Newton. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853. Damoiseau. Thoorie de la lune. M. A. S. (E.) Vol. 1. Narrien, .John. An historical accountof the origin and progress of Astronomy: with plates, chiefly of the ancient systenis. 8vo. Loudon, 1833, Tractical Astronomy and Geodesy : including the projections of the sphere, and Spherical Trigonometry ; for the use of the Royal Military College. Svo. London, 1845. Grant, Eobcrt. History of Physical Astronomy from the earliest ages, to the middle of the 19th century. Account of the establishment of tlie theory of Gravitation by Newton; and its development by his successors ; with an exposition of the progress of research on all the otlior subjects of celestial I'hysics. 8vo. London, 1852. A second copy. Vido Library of U. Knowl., vol 20. Levering. Professor. Iteccnt discoveries in Astronomy. Vide American Almanacs, for 1852 and 1853. Loomis, Ellas The recent progress of Astronomy, especially in the United States, li'.mo. New York, 185G. Bailly, M. Ilistoire di- Trtstronomie moderne depuis lu fondation de I'ecole d'Alexaiidrie jusqu'iil'epoque de 1730, 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1779 — 17S7. i * m Ui •sv wsrm ,,-\m Hi ^vli.i:l.!-*:j|| II i ■ ') 'J >A 6S4 NATURAL PH1L080PUY [physique Bailly, M. Trait6 de rafitrnnotnie indientie ct orientulu. (4e voliimo do I'ou- vrogc procodent.) Voiron, lli^toire do rustronomie, de 1781 tk 1811, pour nervlr de suite i I'histoire de i'nstronoraie de IJuill/. 4to. i'niis, 1810. Blot, J- 1^. Trnite {•Idmentiiiro d'astronomio physique, avuc des ndditiors reintivcs h rastronoinio nuutiqun, par M. do Uosael. 3 vul. 8ro Paris, 1810—11. Tomlinson, Rev. Lewis. Miinufl d'nstronomit) amusarite. Traduit de i'au- glais par A. D. Vt'rj^naiid 12ino. Paris, f 844. Roret. Delambre, M. Triiit6 fomplct trnstronomie tl.uorique et pratique. 3 vol 4to , (uvec 29 planciios). Paris, 1814. AragO, Fr. Lt'9or8 d'astrmioinie prot'rHsoes h. I'obaervatoire, nccompngnees de 7 plnnciuis et de figures. (/'iiiqui6me ddition. 12 vol. Paris, 1849. OCuvres coinplf'tes. publi^es hous In direction de M. J. A. Barral. Vol. 1 Ji 6. Svo. I'aria, 18G4 — 7. (L'edition coinplfito forinera 12 volumes). Astronomie po|)ulaire. 2 vol. 8vo Paris, 1834. Popular Astronomy ; translated and edited by W. H. Smyth and It. Grant. 8vo. London, 1855. Laplace, de. CEuvres. 7 vol. 4to. Paris, 1843 — 47. Vol. I — V. Trniti- de mc'cnnique ci'lestc. " VI. Exposition dii syst^ine du monde. " VII. Tlu''()ii(! analytiqiie des probabiliti'S. Babinet. Etudes et Ixtures sur les sciences d'observations et Irurs appli- cations pratiques. 2 vol. 12tno. Paris, 1855. Aboul-Hhassan-All. 'iraite 4;(ii'ration.s pbilusophiques et popu- laires Hur I'uiiivers. ^vo. Geneve, 1820. Rivard. Traito de \\ 8pb^^e et du culendrit^r. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Voir iliiiis lu VDyiijrc de Deiitrceasitreaux, lea obaervationa astronoiniques, etc. (Okooiupiiik kt Voyaoes.) Astronomical Society of London, (the Uoyal,) IMemoir.s of,— [from tbo date of the Address, e.\pliinatory of their views and objects; and First lleport (.f the Couiieil of the Society, February 9th, 1821, to the lieport of the Council, February 10th, 1854: with scientiiic papers, «&c.] 23 bmnid iu 14 vols. 4to. London, 1822 — .1854. Foster, Henry. Ileport on the Pendulum Experiments, made by the late Ca|)tain Fus'er, in hi.-< scientific voyage in the years 1828 — 1831, with a view to determine the Figure of the Earth : drawn up ut the request of the Council of the [above] Society, by Francis Baily: [being. Memoirs of that Society, vol. 7.] 4to. London, 1834. I de I'oiH ]e luite 4 1 ndditior.9 vol. 8vo. luit de I'au- U6. 3 vol. npngnees de Pnris, 1849. ]. A. Barral. 3 formera 12 •. H. Smyth, ET CIHMIE.] AND CUEMISTRT. 686 ;t liurs appli- deu Arabes, to. Lies et popu- }7. Biiomiquea, etc. k— [from the lolijects; and )th, 182l,to kth Bcientitic [—1854.. by the late 11828-1831, va up ut the jancis Baily: Idon, 1834. SabinO) Edward. An account of Experiments to determine the Figure of tiio Karth, by moans of the Pendulum vibrating Hecouds in difl'eront latitudes ; as well (w on other autuects of Philosophical Inquiry. Ito. London, 1825. Mudie, Kobort. The Ileavona. 12mo. London, 183S. • The Earth. 12mo. London, 1837. The Sea. 12mo. London, 1835. . The Air. 12mo. London, 1835. Maokay, Andrew. The theory and practice of finding the Longitude at Sea or Land : [with] various methods of determining the Latitude of a place, and variation of the Compass. Third edition ; improved and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. Owen, W- J''' W. Tables of Latitudes and Longitudes, by Chronometer, of places in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans ; from the observations of Hit Majesty's Ships "Levon" and " Barracouta," in the years 1820 to 1820, inclusive; under the direction of "W. F. W. Owen, Captain H. N. : to which is prefixed, an Essay on the management and use of Chronometers, by Eichard Owen, R, N. 4to. London, 1827. Dove, 11. '<\ . The distribution of Heat over the surface of the globe ; illus- trated by isothermal, thermic, isabnormal, and other curves of tem- perature. -Ito. London, 1863. [Bound together with,] Welsh, J. Account of Meteorologicol observations in four Balloon ascents. London, 1853. Tiie first paper was published by the British AsBocIatlon ; the last in the Philo- sophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Scoresby, William. Magnetical investigations. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. London, 1844, 1852. Daniell, J- F. Meteorological Essays and Observations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Haviland, Alfred. Climate, Weather and Disease ; the opinions of ancient and modern writers with regard to, &c. 8vo. London, 1855. Howard, Luke. The Climate of London, deduced from meteorological obser- vations made in the metropolis, and at various places around it. Second much enlarged edition, in which the observations arc continued to the year 1830. 3 vols. Bvo. London, 1833. With copious notes, extracts in illustration from other works, and occasional dissertations. Humboldt, Alex. de. Aaie centrale, recherches sur les chaines de montagnes et la ciimatologie comparoe. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 184!3. Cordier. Temperature de I'iuterieure de la terre. M.A.S., vol. 7. Barral. Memoire sur les eaux des pluies recueilliea i I'observatoire de Paris. M.A.S. (B.), vol. 12. N* 1^ i'\ i' ' ■ ili'f ^V\W .' >'! 'V' i ; J ' .1 If i . f 686 NATURAL FIIIL080PUY LPHTSIQCi i m-i kn ::• Muller, ProfeMor J. Principles of Phyiios and Meteorologj. 8vo. Londoo 1H47. Tomllnton, 0. Pneumotlcs ; apeciallj considered in relation to the AfraoA. phere. Ttiird edition, witli additiuns. 12mo. London, JS54 Weale't teriei, with Geology, he. Dent, E. J. On tlie Aneroid, a nowly invented portable naromcter ; with a short historical notice on Barometers, their construction and uie 8ro. London, 1852. (P.) Forster, Thomas. Researches about Atmospheric phoBnoinena, Third edition. To which is added, the Calendar of Nature. 8vo. London, )823 Bound together with, ■ — Annals of some Aiirial and Alpine voyages ; observationit on tho deafness to which aC'rial and mountain travellers are liable ; with an Essay on the flight and migration of Uirds. 8vo. London, 1832. The Qrit of these work* iucludoi m account " of Meteorological superititiont ud of meteorulogioal antiquitiot, liic." Butler, T. B. The philosophy of the AVeather and a guide to itn changes. 12mo. New York, 1856. Dre'W, John. Practical Meteorology. 12rao. London, 186C. Ootte. Traits de m6tiorologie. 4to. Paris, 1774. Mi'imoires sur la mot^orologie, pour servir de suite ot de supplL^ment au trait^i do m6t<5orologie. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1 788. Kaemptz, L. I'. Cours complo*, (^o m6t6orologio, traduit ctannot^ par Ch, Martins. 8vo. Paris, 1 S43. Annuaire mtjtoorologique di^ 'a France, do 1849 i\ 1852, par MM. Hai'i»hens, Martins et Berigny, avec dcs notices scientiflciuos et dea series moteo- rologiques. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris. Annuaire do la 80ci6tu m6t6orolugique de France, vol. ler, (1853.) 8vo. Paris. Magnetioal and Meteorological Observations, by order of G vern- ment, under the superintendance of Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine. 9 vols. 4to. London, r.d. Days of unusual Magnetic disturbance: Obscrvntions on,— made at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories. Vol. I, '. ^ 1 1. -1S40 tl. Part II. —1842-43-44. 18S1. Toronto: Observations made at tho Magnetio&I and '''.'m\'iV^!;s: i^bierratory, at 2 vols., 1846, 1863. Vol. I.— 1840, 1841, 1842. " II.— 1848, 1844, 1 845, with abstroots of tho Observations, to 1848, and in some case* to 18B2, inclusive, tft. Helena: Observations made at the Magnetioal and Meteorological Ob- Si vatory, wt Vol. L— 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1848, with abstraots of the ObaerTatiooi ^rom 1840 to 184S, inclusive. 1847. IIYHK^UE I. LundoD, ihc AfmtiS' don, IS.?4, ncter ; with on and uie. ["hircl edition, ondon, 1823 rntionx on tha ible ; with an don, 1832. luporiUtiont ud ;o Ua changes. de Bupplement annot6 par Ch. M. Ilaoshens, Bcries luetoo- (1853.) 8to. der of G ivern- dward Sabine. on,— tnttdo at tbe .[MC U. Part II. . cuerratory, gervationa, to 1848, (Meteorological Ob- of the ObeemtioM ET CUIMIE.] AND 0H«^' RTRt. 587 IfagQetioal and Meteorological Ob ^rvations— (^'ontinued). Tb« Cap* of Oood Hop*. ObMrvatioim nwKle at th« M«({iu'tioKl obd Mt't«oro lugioul Ub««rvat(>ry, »l. Vol. I.— Miigiivticul Obdorvuliunt, 18il to 1(140, with nUtract* of tli« Oliirrvatious friini 1811 to 1800, inclutiro. 1^61. Hobarton, in Van Dioman'i TiIiukI : ObnArrntii « niado at tlie Mognetioal and MutvoroKt^lcal nlMorvatory, anci by tbe Aiitnrntio Nnval Kxpcditiou. 8 volt. 1800,lHfi3, 18BS. Vol. I.— Commmioing «'ith 1810, with nlMtracti of tlio Obioi vutloui from INtl to 1H4H, incliisivo. " II. — Commpnoinif with 1848, with abntractn from 1H43 to 1850, luctuHive. " Ill.-Oonimoncing with 184fl. [rAftdnifl Observatory.] Metuuruluj^iual iiegister, kept at the E. I. Com- pany's Observatory, by J. Goldingham, P. U.S., and T. G. Taylor, F.U.S., for the yuara 1H22-I8t'3 : (with) Revenue Moteorologicul Htate- inents of the North VVeatorn Provinces, from 1841-45, to l84J)-50 Folio. Madras, 18l4i. Agra, 1853. Ob«crvr>Uoni on the MeteoroloKy of (he Khasi Hills. Vij4 Oldham, on lii« Ooologioul Structure of the Khani liills. Balfour* Kdwnnl. Haroinetrioal Sections of India, showing the altitudes of th« localities through which they are drawn, with a description of the Physical features. Folio. Madras, 1863. Report on the MngneticSurvey of India, by Adolph, Hermann, and R. Schlagent- weit, 1855. Vide Indian Pamplilets, '* Antiquities," Ac. On the Snow Line in the Himalaya, 1819. Ibid. Magnetioal and Meteorological Observations, made at Girard College I'hiludelpliia, under the direction of A. 1). Ikche, LL.D., 1840 to 1845. 3 vols. IJvo., and Atlas, small folio. Washington, 1847. Meteorological Register, from 184'3 to 1854, inclusive, compiled from, obsurvations made by the Officers of the Medical department of the Army, at the Military Posts of the United States : prepared under the direction of Brig. Gen. Lawaon. 4to. "Washington, 1855. Hough, F. B. Results of a series of Meteorological observations made at Sun- dry Academies, in the State of New York, from 182G to 1850, inclusive. 4to. Albany, 1855. HopkuiS, Thomas. On the Atmospheric Changes which produce Rain and Wind, and the fluctuations of the Baromster j Second edition, with additions. 8ro. London, 1854. Wilkes, Capt. 0., U. S. N. Theory of the Winds ; accompanied by a Map of the World, shewing the extent and direction of the winds, etc. 8vo. Philodelphia, 185(i Reijl; Lieut. Col. W. An attempt to develope the Law of Storms, by means of Facts, and h'.'xice to point out a cause for variable winds. 8to. London, 1838. :M- . 1 UA i I d lb, .11' Ji AM }M 'i' :•,. ?.S •''! 1 'T JT'it 1 . I iM?ilit^ 688 NATTTRAL PHILOSOPHY [PflTSIQUE i|' ■ W A fc . I Espy, Jnmes p. The Philosophy of Storms. 8vo. Boston, 1811. Methven, Capt. 11. Narratives written by Sea Commanders, iHiistrative of the Law of Storms, [viz : Blenheim's Log, Trafalgar's Log and Lc of the Nemesis, forming togetlier] No. 1, [called] the Blenheim's Hurri- cane of 1851 ; with some observations on the storms of the ISoutb-tast Trade-wind, Svo. London, 1851. Remarks on Revolving Storms. (Admiralty publication.) 8vo, Lon- don, 1851. Birt, W, R. Hand-book of the Law of Storms ; being a digest of Facts of revolving storms, for the use of Her Majesty's Navy, &c. 8vo. Liver- pool, 1853. Martin, F. P. B. A memoir of the Kquinoctial Storms of March and April, 1850 ; an inquiry into the extent to which the Rotatory theory may be applied. 8vo. London, 1853. Harris, W. Snow. On the nature of Thunderstorms, and on the means of pro- tecting buildings and shipping against lightning. 8vo. London, 1843. Peltier. Formation dcs Trorabes. Svo. Paris, 1840. Dupuis-Deloourt. Manuel d'A6rostation ou guide pour servir k I'histoire et i la praticjue des Ballons. 12ina. Paris, ISoG. Boret, Turgan, Julien. Les ballons — Histoire de la locomotion aericnne depuis son origine. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Biot, M. Polarisation do la lumiere. Recherches exp6rimentales et matlie- matiques sur lea mouvements des molecules de la lumiere autourde leur centre de gravit<;. 4to. Paris, 1814. Descartes. Le monde, ou Trait6 de la Lumiere. Voir les ocuvres de Dig- cartes, vol. 4. La Dioptriquc. Les mt'tdores. Ihid., vo\.5. Pereira, Jonathan. Lectures on polarized Light ; with a lecture on the Micro- scope. Second edition, [posthumous,] enlarged, from materials left by the author : edited by Baden Powell. 12mo. London, 1854. Berkeley, Bishop. Essay towards a new theory of Vision. Vide his Works, vol. 1. Hardy, Lieut. R. W. II. Incidental remarks on some properties of Light ; being part 5 of an Essay on Vision. Svo. London, 1856. United States Japan Expedition. [Vol. 3.] Observations on the Zodia- cal Light, from 2nd April, 1853, to 22nd April, 1855 ; made chiefly on board the steam-frigate " Mississipi" : with conclusions from the duta thus obtained ; by the Rev. Geo. Jones. 4to. "Washington, 1856. Light : its nature, sources, effects, and applications ; with a photograph [of the Prince of Wales.] 12mo. London, 1855. I i' I . ill iHustrative of 3 ocuvre3 de Dt'8- ET CniMIE.] AND CHEMISTRY. 589 Hunt, Tlobert. Researches on Light : all the phenomena connected with the chemical and molecular changes produced by the solar rajs ; embracing all the known photographic processes, &c. 8vo, London, 1841. For works on I'liotogruphy, and on the Stereoicope, vide Uskful Abts. Griffin, W. N. A treatise on Optics. [Geometrical and Physical Optics] 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Brewster, M. Manuel d'optique, ou traite complet et simpliri(^ de cet science; traduit par M. P. Vergnaud. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1833. Roret. Moigno, I'Abbe. Repertoire d'optique moderne. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Gr6goire, Gaspard. Theorie Jus couleurs, avec figures coloriees. 8vo. Paris. Adama, George. Essays on the Microscope. Second edition ; with additions and improvements : by F. Kanmacher. (Plates, 1 vol.) 2 vols. 4to. London, 1798. Brewster, Sir David. On the Microscope : ft treatise forming the article, under that head, in the Encyclopedia Britannica. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. Hogg, Jabez. The Microscope : its history, construction, and applications ; being an introduction to its use, and the study of Microscopical Science. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1855. Schacht, Dr. Hermann. The Microscope and its application to Vegetable Anatomy and Piiysiulogy ; edited by F. Currey. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1855. Quekett, John. A practical treatise on the Microscope, including the different methods of preparing and examining animal, vegetable, and mineral substances. Third edition ; with additions. 8vo. London, 1S55. Griffith, (J. \V.) and IJenfrey, (A.) The Micrographic Dictionary; a guide to the examination and investigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects. 8vo. London, 1856. Di\jardin, F. M. Manuel de I'observateur au microscope. 12mo. Avec atlas, Svo. Paris, 1843. Eoret. Bonnardot, A. Des telescopes. Timo. Paris, 1865. Burnett. C. M. The philosophy of Spirits in relation to Matter ; shewing the real existence of two kinds of entity, wiiich unite to form the dif- ftTent bodies tiiat compose the Universe, by which tiie phenomena of li|^ht, he;it, electricity, motion, life, mind, &c., are reconciled and ex- pliiined. 8vo. London, 1850. Kyan, J. H. On the elements of Light, and their identity with those of mat- tor, radiant aud fixed. 8vo. London, 1838. ;'!.-: ii ■'4 '.! i ' ;Mi Mi^ m '^ I (:T it; i 1 1 Im.i,: 1 >! iT \S • l< ' tlA ■i!;^ E.W' 590 NATURAL PHILOSOPnT [physique Bright, E. B. Vis : the predominating influence of the Sunbeam throughout creation, not only in all turrestrial plicnomcna, but as the sole agent io the movements of the heavenly bodies. 12mo. London, 1855. Franklin, Benjamin. Letters and papers on Electricity, vol. 5. Letters and papers on philosophical subjects, vol. 6, — of his Works, by Sparks. Metoalf, S. L. Caloric : its mei-hanical, chemical and vital agencies in the phenomena of nature. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Fourier, Le baron. Theorio du mouvemcnt do la chaleur dans les corps solides. M. A. S., vol. 4 et 5. Theorie unalytique de la chaleur. Ibid., vol. 8. Melloni. La thermocrfiso ou hi coloration caiorifique demontrte par on grand nombre d'experiences. ler purtio (lu seconde partie n'a pas encore 6t6 publiee). 8vo. Naples, 1850. Melloni's Researches in Itadinut Heat ; on Animal Electricity ; on Atmos- pherical Electricity ; and ou Terrestrial Magnetism ; by Professor Loveriiig. Vide American Alniauae, lor 1850, 18C1, 1854-1857. Peolet. Traite do la chaleur dans ses applications. 3 vol. 4to., arec planchos. Paris, 1843. Kelland, Philip. Theory of Heat. 8vo. Cambridge, 1837. "The hypothesis I hnve adopted is that of Dalton, viz : that particles of matt«r are surrouuded by particles of caloric." Thomson, Thomas. An outline of the sciences of Heat and Electricity. Second edition, remodelled and much enlarged. 8vo. Loudon, 1840. Stevenson, W. F. The composition of llyJrogon and the non-decomposilioD of Water incoiitrovertibly established. Al.-'o, the absurdity of existing systems of electricity and miignotism demonstrated, and the true ones given. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1849. BarlO'W, Peter. On Magnetic attractiuns, and on the laws of terrestrial and electro-magnetism, comprising a course of experiments on the latter subject, &c. Second edition, improved. 8vo. London, 1824. Noad, II. M. A manual of Electricity ; including galvanism, magnetism, dia- magnetism, electro-dynamics, magneto-electricity, and the electric tele- graph. Fourth edition, entirely re-written. Part I. 8vo. London, 1855. Harris, !^ir W. Snow. Rudimentary Electricity ; the general principles and the purposes to which applied. London, 1853. Bound together with: Rudimentary Magnetism ; the general principles and the purposes to which applied. Two parts. Loudon, 1850. Weale's Series. Murray, .Tohn. Manuel de lV'loctricit 1853. . • Des esprits et de leurs manifestations fluidiques. 8vo. Paris. 1852. Amusements des Sciences. 4to. Paris, 1792. Encyclopedie Methodique. Fontenelle, Julia de. Manuel de physique amusante ou nouvelles recrea- tions physiques. Edition revue et augment^e par F. Malepeyre. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Horet. Voir ci-apr5g la section des soiekoks natdbillss et en particulier : Le voyage de Freyoinet, contenant des observations aar le magnetigme terrestre et la meteorologie. Lo voyage de Du Petit Thomas, vol. 6—10, sur la physique et I'hydrographie. Le voyage de Vaiilant, dont 2 volumes consacr^B A la physique et aux obser- vations roagnotiques, et 2 volumes aux observations meteorologiques. Le voyage de Lefebvre, vol. 8, physique et meteorologie. Daniell, J. F. An introduction to the study of Chemical Philosophy ; being a view of the forces which concur to the production of chemical phe- nomena. Svo. London, 1843. Silliman, Benjamin, junr. First principles of Chemistry, for the nse of Colleges, &c. Twenty-eighth edition, re-written and enlarged. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. Henry, William. Elements of experimental Chemistry. Eighth edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1818. Stookhardt, J. A. Principles of Chemistry, illustrated by simple experi- ments. Translated from the fifth German edition, by C. H, Peirce. New edition. Svo. London, 1852. B. Scieni, Lib. m :"*". f" illti MS-» .»? -l!>.U IS'I' 694 NATURAX PHILOSOPHY [PHYSIQtfB Graham, Tliomaa. The Elemcats of Chomistry, including the applications of the science iu the Arts. Vol* 1. 8vo. London, 1850. Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry, theoretical and practical. Part I Chemical Physics. II. Inorganic Chemistry. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. London, 1855, 1856. Abel, (F. A.,) and Bloxam, (0. L.) Hand-book of Chemistry, theoretical practical and technical, with a preface by Dr. Hofmann. 8vo. London, 1864. Po'wnes, George. A Manual of Elementary Chomistry, theoretical and practical. Fifth edition, revised and corrected. 12mo. London 1854. Rudimentary Chemistry, for the use of beginners. 12mo. London, 1854. WeaWa Seriet. Kemp, T. L. The Phasis of Matter ; being an outline of discoveries and applications of Modern Chomistry. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. Brande, W. T. A Manual of Chemistry. Vol. 1. Part I. The powers of matter, and the non-metallic elements. Part II. Chemistry of the metals. Vol. 2, part III. Organic Chemistry, Appendix, &c. Sixth edition, enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1848. Introduotion to practical Organic Chemistry. Vide Small books on Great Subjects, IV. Ijiebig, Justus von. Hand-book of organic analysis ; determining the ele- mentary composition of organic substances. Edited by A. W. Hof- mann. 12mo. London, 1853. Wohler, Frederick. Hand-book of inorganic analysis ; illustrating the most important processes for determining the elementary composition of mineral substances. Edited by A. W. Hofmann. 12mo. London, 1854. Faraday, Professor. The subject matter of a course of lectures on the Non- metallic elements. Arranged from the lecturer's notes; by J. Scoffern. To which is appended, Remarks on the quality and tenden- cies of chemical philosophy, &c. 12mo. London, 1853. Noad, H. M. Chemical manipulation and analysis ; qualitative and quanti- tative. With an introduction, explanatory of chemical nomenclature, of forniul.T, of equivalent proportions, and on the preparation and management of Gases. New edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1852. Will, Henry. Outlines of the course of qualitative analysis, followed in the Giessen Laboratory ; with a preface by Baron Liebig. Svo. Lon- don, 1856. Booth, (J. C.,) and Morfit, (Campbell.) The Encyclopedia of Chemistiy, practical and theoretical ; embracing its application to the Arts, metal- lurgy, mineralogy, geology, raedicino and pharmacy. Second edition. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. ners. 12mo, )oks on Great ET CHIMIE.] AND CHBMISTHT. 606 Thomson, R- !>• CyclopaBdin of Chemiatry, with its applications to miner- alogy, physiology and the arts. 8vo. London, 1864. Chemical Technology ; or Chemistry in its applications to the Arts and Manufactures. By Drs, Knapp, Konalds and Bichardson. [Second edition of Vol. 1,] conttiins, Fuel and its applications. Vol. 2, Glass and earthenware, bricks, cement, Ac. Vol. 8, Eranchea in- cluded in the production of food, and related to Agriculture. 8 toIi. Svo. London, 1855, &o. Annual Reports of the progress of Chemistry and the allied sciences, physics, mineralogy and geology ; including the applications of chem- istry to pharmacy, medicine, agriculture, the arts and sciences. By Justus Liebig and H. Kopp, &c. Vols. 1 and 2, edited by A. "W. Hofmann and W. De la Kue, 1S47, 1848. Vols. 8 and 4, edited by A. W. Hofmann and W. De la Rue, 1849, 1850. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1849-1853. Cavendish Society, founded 1846: Works of, — for the promotion of the study and practice of Chemistry. Svo. London, v. d. Chemical Reports and Memoirs : on Atomic Volume ; Isomorphism ; Endosmosis ; the simultaneous contrast of Colours ; the heat of Steam at different pressures ; the artifi- cial formation of Alkaloids ; and Volcanic Phenomena : edited by T. Graham. 1848. Lehmann, Prof. C. G. Phyfiiological Chemistry, translated bj G.E.Day. 3 vols. 1851-54. , : , (Supplement.) Atlas of Physiological Chemistry, by Dr. O. Funke. 4to. 1853. Laurent, A. Chemical method, notation, classification, and nomenclature ; translated by W. Odling. 1855. Cavendish, Hon. H. The Life of, — including, abstracts of his Scientific Papers ; and an inquiry into the Claims of all alleged discoverers of the composition of Water, by G. Wilson. 1851. Dalton, J. Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Reeearches of, — by W. C Henry. 1854. Gmelin, Leopold. Hand-Book of Chemistry, translated by Henry Watts. Vols. 1 to 9. 1848-1853. [Vols. 1 to 6, Inorganic Chemistry,] viz : Vol. I. — C())ieRioD, Adhesion, Affinity, Light, Heat, Electricity. " II. — Non-metallic Elements. " III., IV„ v., VI.— Metnls. " VIT., VIII., IX.— Organic Chemistry. Bernays, A. J. Household Chemistry ; or, rudiments of the Science applied to every-day life. New and enlarged edition. 12mo. London, 1853. -J- U.Im .1 \::- m W' 696 NATURAL PHILOSOPHT 4S1. [PHTSIQUB Hassall, A. H. Food and its Adulterations ; comprising the Reports of the Analytical Sanitary Commission of " The Lancet," from 1851 to 1854 revised and extended, of some thousands of original Microscopical and Giiemical Analysis of the Solids and Fluids consumed by all classes of the Public, Sic. 8vo. London. 1855. Vide, also, Midioal Soienok. Brande, W. T. The subjectimatter of a Course of Lectures on some of tim Arts connected with Organic Chemistry, delivered by, — arranged from the Lecturer's notes, by J. Scoffern. 12mo. London, 1854. IVIorflt, Campbell. On Chemistry applied to the manufacture of Soap and Cnn- dies ; based upon the most recent discoveries in Science and Art. Xcvv and improved edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Diotlonnaire de chimie et de m6tallurgie, par de Morveau, Fourcroy, Van. quelin, Hassenfratz, Chevreul, &c. 6 vol., (relies en 6.) 4to., nvcc 64 planches. Paris, 1786 — 1808. Encyclopedie me'thodique. Vergnaud, A. D. Manuel de chimie inorganique et organique ; suivi d'lin dictionnaire de chimie. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Roret. Win, (H.), Vcehler, (F.) et (J.) Liebig. Monuel de chimie onalyti(|uc ; traduit de I'allemand par F. Malepeyre. 2 vol. 12mo. Pari-, 1855. Id. Ure, Andrew. Dictionnaire de chimie sur le plan de celui de Nicholsdii traduit de I'auglais par Jn. Riffault. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822— 2^. Th^nard, M. le baron L. J. Traite de chimie ^lementaire, theorique et pratique, suivi d'un essai sur la philosophic chimique, et d'un precis sur I'analyse. Sizi^me Edition. 5 vol. Bvo., avec atlas. Pari^, 1834-36. Malaguti. Lemons ^Idmentaires de chimie. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 18,)3. Violette, (T. H. M.) et Arohambault. Dictionnaire des analyses chi- miques, ou repertoire alphabetique des analyses de tous les ciir|is naturels et artificiels depuis I'origine de la chimie jusqu'ii nos jours. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. ■ Manipulations chimiques simpHfiees. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Chevreul. Recherches chimiques sur les corps grasd'origim aniraale. S\o. Paris. 1823. Analyse organique. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Dumas, M. J. M6moires de chimie. 8vo. Paris, 184-3. • Le5on3 sur la philosophie chimique profess(5es au college do France. 8vo. Paris, 1837. ■ Essai de statique chimique des etres organises. 8vo. Paris, 1842. f^r' ET cniMIE.] AND CHEMISTRY. 697 Berzellus, -T. J- Trait('> de chimie mindrale, T(5g6tale et animnle. Seconde edition, traduite avec ruasentiment de I'auteur, par MM. Esalinger et Iloefer. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845—60. ■ Th6orie des proportions cliiniiques et table synoptique des poids atoraiques des corps simples, et de leurs combinaiHons les plus importantes. 8?o. Paris, 1835. Gerhardt, Ch. Trait6 de chimie organique. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Liebig, Justus. Trait6 de chimie organique. Edition fran<;aise, revue et considerablement augment^e par I'auteur, et publico par Ch. Gerhardt. 3 vol. Paris, 1841—44. __— — Chimie organique appliqudo k la physiologie animale et h la pathologic. 8vo. Paris, 1852. , Manuel pour I'analyse des substances organiques. Svo. Paris, 1838. Oay-Lussao, M. Cours de chimie, comprenant I'histoire des sels, la chimie vdgetale et animale. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Thompson, Th. Principes de la chimie, 6tablis par les experiences ; traduit del'anglais. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Syst^me de chimie ; traduit de I'anglais par John Eiffault. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818-22. Gerhardt et Chanoel, G. Precis d'analyse chimique qualitative, avec 48 figures dans le texte. l2mo. Paris, 1855. Pelouze, (J), et Premy, (E.) Notions genorales de chimie, avec un atlas de 24 planches en couleur. 8vo. 1853. Mialhe, le Dr. Chimie appliqu^e k la physiologie et a la th^rapeutique. Svo. Paris, 1856. Lehman, C. G. Precis de chimie physiologique animale, traduit de I'allemand par M. Ch. Drion. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Payen, (A.) et Chevallier, (A ) Trait6 61ementaire des reactifs, leurs pre- parations, leurs emplois sp^ciaux, et leur application i I'analyse. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. La chimie enseign^e en 26 lemons. Quatriome edition. 12mo. Paris, 1843. R6gnault, M. V. Cours elementaire de chimie. Quatri&me edition. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Pour les ouvragos de chimie appliquee aux arts industriels. Voir ci-aprca Ik section auts utilbs, etc. Pour la chimie agricole, Voir aoeicultukb. Chevreul. Recherches chimiques sur la teinture. M. A. S. Vol. 16, 17, 19, 22, 24. Turpin. Causes et effets de la fermentation alcoolique et ac4teuse. M- A. S. Vol. 17. 'ii;tii)r;i-;ijli }U » J, m ^1 ii ')•■ H v-VU ^Ml ' 1 1 '■ i! 1 1 ii ■ !: ! i " .yv\ iMM I'r ', ' ■ ?'' fr 1 ■ ' E. k . .' 'f Ir ■ Ir, ; - .;.:■• 698 .j;S' MATHEMATICS. [mATU^MATIQUES. OhOB8at> Ch. Ilucherchet 8iir I'inanition. M. A. S. (E.) Vol.8. Annales do ohimie, ou recueil de m^motret conoernant la chimie et lea arts qui tm dependent ; par MM. Guy ton de Morveau, Lavoisier Monge, Berthollet, Fourcroj, etc. 96 vol. 8vo. et 3 vol. de tablet, Paris, 1780 d 1813. Annalfis de ohimie et de physique ; deuxit^me s^rie ; par Gay-Luuao et Arago. Paris, 1816 it 1840. 75 vol. 8vo. et 3 vol. de tablei. — ■ troisi^me «4rie ; par MM. Qbv* Luasac, Arago, Chevreul, Dumas, Pulouco, Boussingault, Rcgnuuit de Senarmont, avcc une revue des travaux de chimi') et de physique publics i r^tranger par MM. Wurti et Verdet. Paris, 1840 k l85fi. 42 vol. 8vo. et 1 vol. de tables (pour les vol. 1 i 30.) Quatrefkges, A. de. Tendances nouvellos de la chimie. lievue des Deux Mondes, 4e 8(^rie, vol. 31. Vergnaud, A. D. Manuel de chimie amuaante ou nouvellca r^cr^atirui cbi- miques. 12mo. Paris, 1864. Boret. Pd^ematits. |Itat^ematii|ue3. :.H i- S^dillot, M. S. P. E. A. Mat^riaux pour servir ii Thistoire compar^e den sciences mathdmatiques, chez les Grecs et les Orientauz. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1845-49. Delambre, M. Bapport historique sur les progres des sciences math^matiqaes depuis 1789. 8vo. Paris, 1810. Emerson, William. Cyclomathesis : or, an Introduction to the several branches of the Mathematics. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1767—1808. I. — Introduction : Arithmetic. II. — Elements of Qeometry: Geometrical Proportion. III. — Elements of Trigonometry. IV.— Of Algebra; with Problems. V. — Of Infinites, and the Differential Method. Of Conic SectioDi. Of Curve Lines. YL— 'Of Direct, Reflected, and Refracted Vision. Of Optical loitnt* menta. Vol II ti II #4. t^l\ * jiATniMATIQUBS.] MATHEMATICS. 599 ti It Hmoraon, William. CyclomatheBis— (Continued). YoL VIL— Of the Dvctrine of Motion. Of the Sphers. Of Oentripetal and Centrifugal Force. VIII. — A Syatem oi Astronomy. IX.— The Mntheniatioal Principles of Oeography. Of Nkvigstioa. or Dialling. " X.— Of Oorabinations, &o., of Quantities. Chronology. The Art of SurTeying, &o. " XL— Uiscellanies. •' XII.— Of Fluxions. " XIII.— On Sir Isaac Newton's Principin. Berkeley, Bitthop. Arithmetic: Mathematical MiacoUanies : of Motion : the Analyst : of Fluxions, &c. Vide his Works, vol. 2. The Mathematiolan. Edited by T. S. Davies, W. Rutherford, and S. Fenwick. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. The Tolumes were succesBirely made np of • number of papers isauod at short periods ; and are respectively dated, 1846, 1847, and 18S0, The work was discontinued, after the 8rd Tolume. The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal : edited by W. Thomson, vol. 1—7 ; by W. Thomson and N. M. Ferrers, vol. 8 ; by N. M. Ferrers, vol. 9. (Being vols. 6 to 13 of the Cambridge Mathe- matical Journal.) 9 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1846-64. Button, Charles. A Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms, and an account of Mathematics, Astronomy, and Philosophy, both Natural and Experimental : with an historical account of sc'encea : also, memoirs of the most eminent Authors, ancient and modern, who have contributed to the advance- ment of them. A new edition, with additions and improvement. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1815. Davies, (Charles,) and Peek, (W. G.) Mathematical Dictionary, and Cyclopedia of Mathematical Science : comprising definitions of all terms, analysis of each branch of the science, &c. 8vo. New York, 1855. Montfbrrier, A. S. de. Dictionnaire des sciences math/n 600 MATllSMATICS. [MATUilfATIQUES. < i i. , V ; d ■»« Toung, Prof. J. K. On Arithmetic, with full explanation and examplet ; 18J2 Key to the KxerciAes, with coinmentB : 18/>3. Kquutiunul Aritlimetio appliud to QuustioHM of Interest, Annuities, &o., with Tabloi j by W llipsluy : 1854. Elements of Algebra, by J. IluUdon, with prob- lems. Second eflltiun : IH/iG. In 1 vol, lyeale'i Seriet, Rudimentary Uook-keoping and Commercial phraseolocy edition : 1854. Kirkman, (T. R.) Mnemonical Lessons in Haddon, J. Second edition : 1854. Kirkman, (T. R.) Mnemonical Lessons in Geometry, Algebra, and Trigonometry : 1852. Baker, (T.) Of Statics and Dyuamics, embracing Hydrostatics, Uydrodynaraics, and Pneumatics : 1851. In 1 vol. Weale't Seriet, Rouse, William. The Doctrine of Chances j or, the theory of Gaming made easy ; to calculate the probabilities of events in lotteries, cards, horse- racing, dice, &c., with Tables on Chance. London, 1814. Terquem, O. M. Manuel d'algijbre. 12mo. Paris. Id. IManucl do guom^trie. 12mo. Paris, 1838. IJ, Horsley, Samuel. Bishop of Rochester. Elementary treatises on the funda- mental principles of practical mathematics. 8vo. Oxford, ISOi. Gregory, O. Mathematics for practical men ; pure and mixed, designed chiefly for civil engineers, architects, and surveyors. Third edition, enlarged &c., by Henry Law. London, 1848. Royal Military Academy, at Woolwich. An elementary course of Mathe- matics, for the use of the, — prepared by order of the Moster General and Board of Ordnance. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Vol. I. — Arithmetic and Algebra ; by W. Rutlierfurd. [Various Applications] of Algebra; by S. Fcnwick. Differential and Integral Caleulus; by W. Rutlicrford. " II.— Geometry ; by T. S. Davies. Oonic Sections ; by S. Fenwick. " III., Part I. — Meckauica, including Statics and Dynamics. ^ Hydrostatics and Ilydro-dynamies, iuclu-f By J. F. Ueather. (ling Pneumatics. ) " '' Part II. — Qeodosy, including Practical Astronomy ; by Capt. YoUand. Library of Useful Knowledge :— On Mathematics, by various contributors. 2 vols. London, 1847. On Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical. Bradley. On Geometry, Practical and Perspective. Waud, S. W. Algebraical Geometry. Murphy, R. Theory of Algebraical Equations. DeMorgan, A. Differential and Integral Calculus. M[ohammed] Ben Musa : The Algebra of,— edited and translated by F. Rosen. London, 1831. (O.T.F.) " For a long time considered as tlie Original Inventor of Algebra. The fint -n-ork written on the subject by a Mohammedaa." (Preface.) ATIQUES. plet: 18S2, 1 Artthmetio .lo« ; by W. with prob- phraseology. Lotions in ar, (T.) Of ynamics, and [)nming made cards, horse- 1. Id. on the fundS' )rd, 1801. Icsigned chiefly lition, enlarged curse of Mathe- blaster General rd. By J. F. Heather. ,y CaptYollini london, 1847. IIATH.'^'MATIQ TIES.] M ATHKM ATIC8. 601 Itranslated by F. [igebra. The fi«t pe.) Price 1^ On InflnitfiKimal Calculus ; containing DifTerential and Integral Cal* cuius. Cnlculiis of Variations, applications to Algebrn ami Geometry, and Aniiiytiriil MechunicH. Vol. I. DifFin'ntial Calculus. Vol II. Intu(;ral CuIcuIuh of Variations. Vol. III. Statics and Dynaiuica. 3 vol-". Hvo. ( >xford, 18.^2-54-30. Diiplicati'H of Vult. I. uiul II. WoolhoUBe, W. S. n. Of th« I)iflr.;r«ntinl .Calculus, 1H.54. Haddon, J. Exiinples in tilt) Difrorcntiul Calculus, 1851. Cox, II. On the Integ- ral Calculus, 1832. In 1 vol. WeaWt aeriet, Carmlohael, R. On the Calculus ot Oiterntions ; the Diflferential and Integ- ral CalculuH, and the Calculus of Finite differences. 8vo. London, 1855. Earnshaw, ^- Dynnmics ; nr, a treatise on Motion: with a short treatise on Attructions Third edition. 1844. . On .Statics. Third edition. 1845. Tait (P- G ) iinJ Steele, W. T. On the Dynamics of a Particle, with ox- nmple.i. 12mo. Cnmbridge, 1856. Warr <>.l''- DynamicH, Construction of .Machinery, &c. London, 1851. Griffin ^V. N. On the Motion of a Uifjid Body. 8vo. Cambridge, 1847. Somerset, I'uke of. The Elementary Properties of the Ellipse, deduced fioin the properties of the Circle, and geometrically demonstrated. London, 1843. With, — Alternate Circles, their connection with the Ellipse. London. 18.50. In 1 vol. 12mo. Perigal Henry, jun. Contributions to Kinematics, viz : Centric Bicircloids, Cuspidate IVicircloids, Oithoidiil lUcircloids. Folio. Chelsea, 1854. Euclide. (Kuvres, en {.tcc, en latin et en fraM9ais, par Peyrard. .3 vol. Ito. Paris, 1814-18. Euclid. Th.' EltMU'^nts of, — with many additional Propositions and Notes j to wlii' h is preKxnd, an Essay <>n Lo;»ic, by H. Law, C. E. ; (tiio first 6, 1 llli iind I2ih Books.) [Two parts.] Tlio Elements of Plant; Trirro- noiiii'try (Second edition, 1854.) The Eleiufuts of Spherical Trigo- nometry, 1849. On Analytical Geometry and Conic Sections, 1850. I The three lust work"] by .1. ILiiin ; in 1 v(d. Weale's series. The Elements t)f, — the lirst six books, and the 1 1th and 1 2th, from the text of Sinison ; edited in the Rymbolical f)rra, by R. Blakelock 12mii. London, 1837. Salmon, Oeorge. On Conic Sections: contiiiniiig an account of the most iiii[)ortaiit iiioilcni Al|^ebriiio and CJcometric methods. Third edition, revised iind etilargi-tl. 8vo. London, 1855. Burchett, li. Practical Geometry ; the course of construction of plane Geo- metrical Figures. 12mo. London, 1855. Bennett, J. Geometrical Illustrations, 4to. Londim, 1837 O* llt;"r 1' iii P ^^^^^H' ■ < m ■ \\\ i •:! i 1 * ! i Hi;'- im I G02 MATnEMATICS. [matu^matiqtjes. Gremilliet, J. J. Nouvelle thuorie du calcul des interets simples et composes des annuites, des rentes et des placements viagers. 8vo. Paris, 3846. Deuxieme odition. Comte, Aug. Traits elementaire de geom6trle analytique h, deux et h, trois dimensions. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Dupin, Charles. Application de g^om6trie et de m6caDique, h la marine et aux ponts et cbaussdes. 4to. Paris, 1822. Developpements de geometric avec des applications ^ la stabilite des vaisseaux, aux d6biais et remblais, au defilement, a Top. tique, etc. 4to. Paris, 1813. G6ometrie et mecanique des arts et metiers et des beaus- arts. 3 vol. 8vo- Paris, 1825-6. Dufour, G. H. Geometric perspective avec ses applicntions' i la recherche des ombres. 8vo., et un atlas 4to. Paris, 1827. Adhemar, J. Geometric. 2 vol. 8vo. (dont un de planches.) Paris, 1843, • Trait6 de geomutrie descriptive. Svo. Paris, 184G. Geometric de I'espace. Svo. Paris, 1844. . Traito des ombres. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Monge. G6om6trie descriptive, suivie d'une theorie des ombres et de la perspective. 4to. Paris, 1847. Application de I'analyse a la geometric. 4to. Paris, 1850. D'Alembert, ^I. Opuscules math6matiques ou mumoires sur diffeients sujets de geometric, d'optiijue, d'astronomie, etc. 8 vol. 4to. Paris 1 776-80. Diderot. Memoires mnth6raatiques. Voir ses ceuvres. Lionville. Journal de mathdmatiques pures et appliquees, ou recueil mensuel de memoires sur les diverses parties des math6matiques. Tomes 1 1 19. 4to. Paris, 1836 k 1854. Terquem et Gerono. Nouvelles annales de mathdmatiques. Journal des candidats aux 6coles polytechnique et normale. 15 vol. Svo. Paris, 1842, et anndes suivantes. Hutton, Charles. Tracts on Matliematical and Philosophical subjects ; com- prising the Theory of Bridges, with plans of recent improvement : also the results of experiments on the force of Gunpowder, with applications to the modern practice of Artillery. 3 vols. 8ro, London, 1812. -— - Mathematical Tables. Tenth edition. Svo. London, 1842. La'W, H. Mathematical Tables, for facilitating Astronomical, Nautical, and Logarithmic calculations. Three works bound in I vol. 12 mo. London, 1853. WeaWs senes. ATIQTJES. et composes, Paris, 3846. ax et ^ trois k la marine, lications h. la ment, a Vop- et des beaux- i la recherche I Paris, 1843. 18iG. mbres et de la , 1850. (liffeients sujets 1. 4to. Pari3, . recueil mensuel aes. Tomes 1 i [s. Journal des [l. Svo. Paris, subjects ; corn- improvement : lunpowder, with 3 vols. Svo. I London, 1842. ll, Nautical, and 12 mo. London, MATHl^MATIQUES.] MATHEMATICS. 603 La Lande, Jcr6nae de. Tables des logarithmes pour les nombrea, sinus et tansentes. IGmo. Paris, 1842. _^ ' Tables des logarithmes ; etendues h sept d^cimales, par r. 0. M. Marie. 16mo. Paris, 1854. Callet, Fran9ois. Tables des logarithmes ; les logarithmes des nombres depuis 1 jusqu'a 108.000 ; les logarithmes des sinus et tangentes ; pour tous les degros du quart du cercle; precodees d'un discours sur Tcxplication, I'usago et la sommation des logarithmes, et sur leur application a I'astrouomie, a la navigation, a la geometrie-pratique, et aux calculs d'interets ; tables utiles k la recherche de longitudes en mer, etc Svo. Paris, 1855. Logarithms. Tables of,— in Lib. of U. K. Vol. 8. Scriptores Logarithmioi ; or a collection of tracts on the nature and con- struction of Log.irii/'irffBj, mentioned in Dr. Ilutton's historical Intro- duction to his edition of Sherwin's jMathematical Tables ; with some tracts on the binomial theorem, &c. Edited by F. Maseres. 6 vols. Ito. London, 1791-1807. Vol. I. J. Kopleri, Chilins Logaritbmorum, &c. ' Suppleineriturn Chiliadia Lo;jarithmoruin. Logai'itbmotechniiu Auotore N. Mcrcatore. M. A. Riccii Exercitatiu Qeomctrica tie Maximis ct Minimis. II. Olileuburgli, of Squaring the Hyperbola. An ftceouiit of Mercator's Logiiiitbmotecbnia; ■with Dr. 'Wiillia on the Quadrature of the Ilyperbola: Of finding tho sums of Logaritlima. Remarks on the two Infinite Seriescs (expressed). An Appendix to tlio foregoing Remarks (containing investigations of two other Infinite Serieses, by Dr. E. Ilalley). By F. Maseres, Vol II, Various Tracts, by Mr. J. Gregory, of Aberdeen. Extracts from two Epistles of Mr. Isaac Newton to the Secretary of the Royal Society. Extract from Epistle of Mr. G, W. Liebnitz to the Secretary of the Royal Society. Chapter " Of Logarithms, their invention and use" ; by Dr. Wallis. Dr. Wallis, " Of Secauto, and the Division of the Meridiims." Logarithmofeehnin. By E. Speidell. Of tlie Analogy of Logarithmic Tangents to the Meridian Line. By Dr. E. Hallcy. Of constructing Logarithms ; by Dr. E. rialiey, and notes by F. Maseres. Of computing the Logarithms of Ratios l)y binomial theorem. A demonstration of Sir I. Newton, binomial theorem, in tho case of integral jiowers, &c., with other tracts on that theorem, Ac. Vol. III. Bernoulli, J. Art of conjectures concerning events that depend on Chance, and on the doctrine of Permutations and Commutations. Sharp, A. Methods of making Logaritiims, Constructing Natural Series. Tangents and Secants. Various (juadratures, Ac. Machin, J. Method of Squaring tho Circle. Dr. Hutton's explanation. Euler's Method. Some remarks on Mr. Euler's Method, by F. Maseres, &o. If \\k i:f JUii' 1 i ri \ ':■: : ' 604. MATUEMATICS. [MATflilMATIQUES. tHil! -S 1 't- Soriptores Logarithmioi — (.Contiuued). Vol. III.— (Continued.) Dr. Hutton's Method by wliich the proportion of the diameter to the eir. cunifereuce miiy be cniuputed. And several triicts, byF. Maseres oa Differential Series and Infinite Series. Vol. IV, An Appendix to Dr. Halley's Tract, of the Analogy of Logarithmio Tan- gents, &o. (Above given.) The solution of a problem relating to Xuvigation, by F. Moaeres, W. Siioll, on Navigation. A. Mnckay, Comparison of different Methods of solving '' Dr. Halley's pro- blem " in Navigation. J. Wilson. Of the Modern Art of Navigation. J. Qleiiic. Of the Coustruotiou of a Triangle by means of a Circle ouly. Dr. Ridlington. The Asymptotick Arous of an Equilateral Hyperbola, are Logarithms. F. Maseres. Two I'loblems, itc, Pascal, Mr. Oiivraijos de MatlK'inatique. On Ihu Siiiiiiiiaticm ol' lutiiiito Sorioscs. J. lIolliiH. A Method of summing an lufiiiito Series of Decreusiuf Quau- titics. Vol. V. F. Masurcs. Investigation of tlie Binomial Theorem in the of the llociprocals of llootH. Gmo. Hales. Analysis Fluxionum. J. Ok'niu. A Domoantr.ition of the Binomial Theorem. Dr. Halley. On Compound Interest. F. Maseres. An Appendix. Da Moivre, concerning Dr. llalley's paper. J. Robertson's Investigation of 2i> cases of Compound Interest. W. Jones. TliiMiroms relating to Compound Interest, with Examples. Several Questions with their Solutions relating to the same, and to Annuities. J. Ward's YiMing .Mathematieian's Ouide. (li.xtraots from.) Clavis Usuiiu ; or a Key to lutcre.-^t, both Simple and Compound. F. Maseres An Appendi.x to the al)ovo. Dr Uales. Corrections and Ailditious to his " Analysis Fluxionum." Vol. VI. A. Mackay. E.xami nation of F. Maseres' Solution of Bouguer's Example to Dr. liulley's I'loblem. — — Indirect Method of solving Ur. llalley's Problem. F. Maseres Remarks on Mr. Glenie's I'roblcra. T. .Manning. lavestigntion of the Dilferential Series. R. Sirnson. De Loijarithmis. De Limitibus Quantitatum et Rationum. P. Fermaliu>. De (Jii.mtilate Maxima vel Minimi. C. Hugeniu^. Ad Dis(piirendam Maximam et ilinima. F. Maseres. Additamentum, et Alia Methodus luveniendi Miiximos Valores. Qui. Frend. Investigatio Maximi Vatoris quern Quimtitas Binomia. Du Limitibus .:£<}uatiCBcriptio. (Re- print of Orig. Edit published, EUiiiburgi, 1G14). F. Mascrcs. Observations on Lord Napier's Tract, (above). J. Speidell. New Logaritlims derived by subBtrnction from Lord Napier's. A. Macicay. Tlie Length of the Tangent of a Circular Arch of one minute of a Degree. J. Ivory. The Length of the Tangent of an Arch of one Degree. F. Maseres. Another Motliod of computing tlie value of the Tangent of on Arch of nine Degrees. Puissant. Nouvol (js.sui de trigonornetrie spheroide. M, A. S., vol. 10. Lacroix. Calcul untc " iiiAi i! Annales du Museum d'hlatolre naturelle, par los profeaaeurs de cet (5tabli8Scmoiit. 20 vol. 4to. I'aris, 1802-1818. M^moires du Museum d'histoire naturelle, fuiHunt suite aux an- nales. 20 vol. 4to. Paria, 1817—1829. Nouvelles annales du Museum d'histoire naturelle, fuiaaut suito aux doux oolloctiona pr^cedeutoa. 4 vol. -Ito., avoc atlas 4to Paris, 1832-1835. Natural History, Annals of, or Mngaziuo of Zoology, liotany, and Geo- logy, by Kir W. Jiirdine, P. J. Selby, &c. 20 voIb. 8vo. Loudon 1838—18-17. " Being a continimtiuu of the Magazine of Botany nnd Zoology," and of " Hook- er's llot^inicul Conipiiiiion," from iliu first : of tlio " London etc. Ma- gazine of Natural History," from Vol. VI. Cap, M. p. A. Lo MuaC'uui d'biatoiro aaturclle. Bvo. Paris, 1854. Marohand. Voyufjo autour du tnoncU", (1790-92). Lea lo et flu volumes coiitientif'iit I'lii.^toiru naturelle dcs poissoii.s, de.s cetucoes, dcs amplii- bics, et dua plantcs et aufrus productions marintfs. Forrest. Voyaf,'c'. aux .Moluquca ct il In Nouvelle-CTuin/^se, (1773-177(3), 4to. Paris., 17S0. Bougainville. Voyago dc. la navigation autour du <,'Iobe, (IR25-2G). His- toiro natundle, par M. R, P. Lesson. Vol. 2, pages 297 etsuiTantes. Freycinet, L. ilu. Voyaj;.' autour du mondc. (1817-1820). Navigation et hydro^rapliio. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. Magnolianio terri-stro. -Ito. ['arij, 1842. Ml ti;i)rolo:;ie. 4to. Pniis, 1844. Du Petit Thouars. Voyage autour du n-.ondo, (lH3i)-1839). 10 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840 et auii^;c.s suivant<.s. Vol. I-IV^. Relation lin voyage. " V. Ilistoiro natiirt'lle, par MM. Ad.Drongniart, Decaisno, Gaudichaud, Gi'DflVoy S.iint-Hilainj ct ^'lllu'lcil'nnl■s. " VI-X. riiy.-'icino <.'t liydrograpliio, pur M. do Tresaau. Atliis. Botiniqne. Folio. Paris, 1S46. " Z)ologio. Folio. Pnri.H. Vaillant, ^L Voyage autour du tnonde sur la cirvette La Bonile, (1836- 1837). Relation dn voyage, par A. do la Sallo. 3 vol. Bvo. Paris, 1845-1852. Botiinique, par M. Gaudelumd. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Botaniquo. Cryptoganies, par MM. Montague, Leveillo ct Spring, 8vo. Parij, 1844-1846. Physique. Observations nmgnrtiquos, par M. B. Darondeau et E. Chevalier. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1.842-1840. Observations niL'leorologiqnes, par les nioniea. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840-41. Goologie ct niini'ralogie, par .\1. F/. Chevalier. 8,0. Paris, 1844. Zoologio, par MM. Eydoux ot Sonleyet. 2 vol 8vo. Paris, 1841-1852. Zoopiiytologie, par M. Laurent. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Atlas. Botaniipio. Folio. Pari;". Zooldgic. T'olio. Paris. Album liistori(|ae. Folio. Paria. -;'l -« ♦ 5CIKNCES oura do cet ite aux an- 'iii»aut suite atlas, 'Uo. ly, and Geo- 0. Loudon, and of " Hook- udoD, etc., Mit' 851. Bt fle voluraes 8, dc9 ampUi- (1773-1776), 25-20), His- 7 et suirnntes. 10 vol. 8vo, lisno, Gauiiiclviuil, lonite, (1836- 1815- 1862. r'mg. 8vo. Paris, u ut E. Chovalicr. vol. 8vo, Paris, 1844. 1841-1852 NATTJRELLES.J NATURAL UISTORY. 611 Lefebvre, Th. Voyage en Aby,H8inir, (1839-1843) 6 vol. 8vo. tolte. Vol. I-II. Iliatoiro du voyage. " III. Ocacription. — I'Kysuiue ct. ' '<^t6orologio. — Etlinologio. — Archuologio. " IV-V. Uiitoiro naturullo. — nouiniquo. — Teiitamon Floriu Abysiiniciu sou euuineratlo plantarum liucuiiquo in plerlsque AbyBsiuiio proviDciU dotectarum, auctoro Achillo Richard. " VI. Ilistolro iiaturollo. — Zoologie, pur MU. Do8 Murs, Proroat, Oui- cheuot et Qu6rin-Meuiicvillo. Atlas. Vol. I, Album liiatorique, dtnologlquo ot arch6ologique. " *' II. llititoire imturello ; butauique. " " III. do ; zoologie. Dumont d'UrvlUe. Voyage da dfJcouvertoa do 1' Astrolabe, exocuto pendant lea anneoa 1820 a, 1829 ; observiatioua nautiquca, inotoorologiques hydrograpliiqucs et do phyaiquo. 4to. Paria, 1833-'i. Atlaa, gr. folio. Paris, 1833. Voyage au Polo Sudot daua I'Oei'anio surles Corvettes \' Astrolabe et la Zvlce, exocuto par ordre du lloi pojidiint lea aunuos 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, aoua lo coinmandement do M. Dumont d'Urville, capitaiue do vaiaaoau, publio aoua lea auspices du doparte- mciit do la Marino et aoua la direction auperieurc do M. Jacquinot, capitaiuo do vaissoau, commandant do la Zelee. 22 vol. 8vo. et otlas. I'olio. Paria, 1S42, et annces auivantea. Tome 1 1\ X. llistoire du voyngo jmv Duiiiout et lH3i) sur la corvette La Recherche, 8 vol. Svo. accompagiies de 3 atlas folio et de 1 8vo. Paris, 1839-1843. Illstoiro de I'lslande depuia sa docouverte jusqu'ii noa jours, par II. Xavior Marmicr. Svo. Langue et littiraturo ialandalses, par lo tn<*ino. Rvo. Aatronomio, pliyai(iue et inrtgn6liBme, par M. Victor Lottin. Svo. Goologie, UHneruioglo et botanique, par le Ur. Eiig. Robert. 8vo., et 36 planches. Zoologie, mOdecino et stati9ti(iue, par le nieme. Svo., et 50 plauclies gravoea, tirees en couleur et retoneheea au pinceau. Uistoiro du voyiige, par MM. P. Guimard et Eug. Robert. 2 vol. 8vo., et 150 planches, en 2 vol. folio. Journal du voyage, par M. Eug. Mequet, 8ro. Paria, 1852- , ; . 1 ■»■ VI? % ■ijl V if mm '1,1 ■ I ;i:ii^l ': ■ ';i-1| : : !• I'ir-ii .:i I '■ ' I-' ?, ■ m. ■HI it-i .sV fL;ii:l.i-lll 1 I ill •3 1 '■mi r ■m ..i' [Mi * f 612 NATUnAL HISTOHY. [sciences Oaloutta Journal of Natural History, and MiHcoUnny of tho Arts and Scioncosinlndiii;— couJiiclfilby J. M'C'Ifllond. Vols. I.II.Hr,— 1840-42. [Aftorworda tlio EditorHliip is divided.] (Jcology and Zoology by J. M'Clolland ; Botuiiy by VV. Grinith. Vols. IV, V— 1843.4.t. lly J. M'Clelland, 11. Wright, (5. Gardner, and J. Mac- phofBon. Vols. VI, VII. 1815-40, — and a Hupplcinciitary number in 1847, [which cuds tho work,] and Index. 7 vols. Hvo. Calcutta, 1841-47. Journal of the Indian Archipelago, and Eastern Asia, 1847 to 1853. 7 voIh. 8vo. Singapore, 1847-53. Tiio third and following rolg. edited by .T. S. Logan, F. O. S. This work principally relatea to Natural History. Quatrefkges, A de. Souvonira d'un naturaliato. Revue, dcs deux Mondii. Nouvello Berio. Vol. 6, 12, 13, 1(5, 17, 19, et nouvcUo puriode, vol. 5. Alexandre do Humboldt. Ibid., vol. 14. Voir Howies, Histoiro iiatureilo ot pliyalqiio de I'Kspngno, ot leH voyages do PailaB ot lie UeiniJofT, (iieotiuu (}icouKAniiB rt Voyaoics.) fQalitzln, Ic Prince Diiuitri III de | Description physique de la contrdo de lu 'rauride, rolaitvemnnt aux trois regncH de la nature ; traduit du russe on francais. 8vo. La llaye, 1788. Fontoppidan, (Rt. Eev. Erich.) Tho Natural History of Norway :— tho Temperature of the Air, tho difTorent Soils, Waters, Vegetables, Me- tals, Minerals, Stones, Beasts, Birds, and Fishes, etc., with Physiolo- gical Notos from eminent Writers, and Transactions of Academies— in 2 part.*. (2 vols, in 1.) Folio. London, 1755. Aoosta, Jos. De natura novi orbis. 12mo. Colonial Agrippina;, 1590. ■ ' ■ The natural and moral hi.story of tho East and West Indies. 8vo. London, 1604. Elgode. The Natural History of Greenland. Vide Egede, Description of Greenland. GOSSO) P. II. Canadian Naturalist. A series of conversations on the Natural History of Lower Canada. 12mo. London, 1840. Ijabat, L,. P. Nouveau voyage aux lies do I'Amerique, contenant I'histoire naturclle de ces pays, &c. 2 vol. 4to. La Haye, 1724. Antilles. Ilistoire naturelle et morale dcs iles Antilles de TAmorique. 4to. Rotterdam, 1665. Voir Bussi Boycr-Peyriveau, les Antilles fraofnises. Browne, P. The civil and natural history of Jamaica. Folio. London, 1789. f^'.i 'm JJATUllELLES.J NAT U UAL U18T0IIY. 613 t les Toyagea de Orbigny, Alciile d'. Voyugc ilun* rAmurique moridionale, 1826-1833. 9 vol. gr. 4to. I'uri8, IKfiS. Vol. I-IIl. I'urt io liitturiquc. " IIL Udulogio et l'al6uutuis«oriii, piilypiuii, furaiiiiailYtro«, "VIVII, CrunUc^H, iiiscuttiB, cryptuKaiiivii, piilmicra. " VIII. AtliiH historiipio, (((H'-logi(|uo, piilL'oiiti>loi{iy I'rof. Jumos K. DuKay, 6 vols. 1842-1844. VoL 1. Iiitpii(liiot)ry Hibtory of tlio SUto (by Gov. Williaiu II. Suwurd) Hiul Maniinnlia. " 2. Oriiitliotogy. " !l. Kuptilus ami FibIich (Toxt.) " 4. " " " (I'liitea.) " 6. MolliiHon aiul CnixtiKtoa. Part II. Botany, by I'l-of. Joliij Toirey. 2 vole. 1843. " III. Mineralogy, by Prof. Louis 0. IJeok. 1 vol. 1848, " IV. Geology, iu four volumes, vii; : 1st District,— by Prof. Wm. \V. Mntlior. 1848. 2u(l ,)i9triot,--by Prof. K. KrnuioiiH. 181.3. 8rd Diatrict, — by I'rof. r.iirilnor Viiiiuxem. 1842. 4th District,— by Prof. JiimcB Hall. 1843. " V. Agriculture, by Prof. Kbeii'r Kniinons. Vol. lat ami 2(1,— Agrieultunil Ocolopy. 1840,1849. " 8d nuil 4tli,— Fruits (Toxt, and Plates.) 1851. " Btli, — Inscota injuriouH to Agriculture. 1854. " VI. Palaeontology, by Pmf. Jainos Hull, t<> bo cumplotcd in fivo volumes, of which vdIh. 1 and 2 arc publiHliod. 1847, 1852. Also, A Ooological Map of llie State, (on n roller.) Natural History. Cntalogu'i oi'tiie Ciibinut of, — of the State of New York ; and of the Historical and .\ntiquarinn collection annexed thereto 8vo. Albiiny, IHtV.i. Annual Reports of the Regents of the University on thu condition of, — for the years 184>8 to 1852. 8vo. Albany, 1852. Voi/tz auBHJ dung la Coli.krtion Amcbioaink : Wardeu'H United States. Kalin's voyage iuto North Amerioa, containing its natural history, dte. Voyage do Carver (1776-1708). Voyage dans I'itit^rieur de l'Am6rique du Nord (1832-34), par lo Prince Maximi- lien de Wied-Nouwied Voyage au Brdsil, par le mdme. Rossi' voyages in aearoh of a North Wwt paMage, including the diaeovery of tho northern naiagnctic pole. I [•: 't ' .'1 . I ■■*■ i.y. I ' t! MJ U 4 . I lip ' \ H ^-U 1 ■ .. :iiOl ! 1 .1 \:,^\\ m ■■■,U. ■■; ' ' ■ . ). ! , ■ ^ ,(■.'.' 1 r^'K ■ iwn \' ■:yn :. . : ^6 "■■''■ ' •.:;! -!■ 1 ;■* '■ ■ n-: : '. .IW.l ;; i...:A-B f ■ ' ■: '-r ' ■■ . ■%'. .r' ! •t . i>i^;; ii 614 NATURAL HISTORY. [sciences Voi/ex auiil, oto'— (Continimtion.) Friuikliri'H joiiriioy to llic I'oliir ncii (18U>-22), with an Appondlx contaiDinggeoff. noHtlcal obitL'i'Tiitioim hy Joliii Ilichanliton, M, D. Dack'H Nnrriitivo, witli iin AppuiiJis contAitiiu^f cuol(i|{icul rumark*, by Joba Kichiirditoti, M. D, Uir John Ilio!i:ir(liii)n'a Arotio nonrchin^ cxptMhtinn. Tho AppoiiiUecR to lU'cchoy auy the United Stutcg Coaat Survey, oil' tho Atlantic CoiiRt of tho United States ; by J. W. liailoy. Coiilrihiitions to tho I'liyaical Oeogniphy of the United Stiites; by C. Ellel. Moiiiiduurua and the throo allied New Deiiera ; by K. W. Qibbug. Tho Classitlcatiou of Insects from Kinbryological Data; by L. Agaisiz. On the oxplosivcncHH of Nitre ; by llobcrt Jlaro. Micro*"(>picul Obdurralions made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida' by J. W . U.iilfy. Abori(,'inal Monuments of tho State of Now York; by E. O. S(iuicr. OccultatiouH visible in the United States in 1851 ; by John Duwuea. Vol, III. contains : Obsorvntions on Terrestrial Magnetism ; by J. Locke. Rescarchus on Electrical Uheoniutry ; by A. Succhi. Contriliutious to tho Natural History of tho Fresh Water Fishes of North America ; by ('. (iirard. Contributions to a History of tho Marino Alga) of North America; by W. 11. Ihrvey. Part I. rianta.' Wrightiame Texano Neo-M'3xicann> ; by Asa Gray. Part I Tho law of Deposit of the Flood Tide ; by C. 11. Davis. Description of Ancient Works in Ohio; by C. Whittlesey. Eplu'ineris of the Planet Neptune, for 1^^2 ; by S. C. Walker. Occultiitioii-. visible in the United State, and other parts, in 1852; by John Downes. Vol. IV. contains : Grammur and DictioD'iry of the Dakota language : edited by Rev. S. B. Iliggs. Vol. V. contains ; A Flora and Fauna within Living Animals; by Joseph Leidy. Memoir upon the extinct species of Fossil Ox; by Joseph Leiily. Anatomy of the Nervous System of liana Pipiens; by J. Wym»n. Nereis Horeali-Auiericana, or Contributions to a History of the Muriuo AlgfD of North America; by W. H. Harvey : Part II. PlantsB Wrightiana Tcxano-Neo-MexicantB. Part II. ; by Asa Gray. NATUllKI'LES.] NATURAL HISTORY. 015 Smithsonian Contributions to Kno^vledge— (Cuutinuod). Vul. VI. containi : ri«utu) Krt!niontiuiia<, or deiicriptluiitol I'Uuta colleotoU by Ool. J. 0. Frvmonl In Oilirorilia ; by Jutiii Torrvy. ObHtfrrntloiii on ihu IlAtU .Maritirnn uf Llnnoiui ; by John Torrey, On tlio DiirlinKtoniik Ciiliroriiiii, a uuw I'itclier I'lmit, from Nurtliorn Otii- I'oriiia; by Julm Torrey. HyiiopHiH ul the M.iriiiu IiiTorti'brntn of Ornnd Miuian, cr tho Roglun round tlio Uity u( Fuiidy, New UrtinRMiuk ; by William Stinipton. On till] WIikIh uf liiu Nortliern lleiiiiH|iliuto; by J. II. Cullln, Tlio Aiii'ioiit Fiiiiiiit i>r Nui>rnHlii> ; by JuHit|)h Luidy. Oi:uuUiillun8 of I'lanuU nnd Utarn, by tlio Moon, during 18CS; by John Downei. Vol. VII. ooiitiiinB : Ancmml of n Tornado near Nciw Ilnrniony, InilinDa. April 80, 1862, with a niu|i <ciea and loculitiea uf MicroBOopical OrgnniBtn ; by J. W. Hailey, M. U. Tlio Aniiquition of WinoonHin, aa aurvoyod and dcBoribod by J. A. Laphom, on bulmlf of the Aniuiicau A ntiquuriim Society. Vol. VIII. I'ondiinB : Arohn'ology of the United Stales ; by Samuel P. llavcn. On tho recent Bcculnr jieriod of the Aurora borcalis ; by Donieon Olraatoad. Tho tanijoiuncB of i-ircli's iiud of «plu'ii'» ; by Uunjaniin Alvord, IlcsoarelK's, clioiiiioal and physiological, oouceruing certain North American vcrtobi'uta ; by Jtwcph Jonoa. Record of Auroral phonoinona obaorvMl in tlio higher Northern latitudes. Transactions of the Literary and Hiptorioal Society of Quebec : t'ouiuli'il, Jiuumry (5, 1824, (containing os^nys on tho geology, meteo- rolof^ic, geogn -sy, bottnv 'wo ;y, and miueralogy of Canada.) 3 vols. 8vo. Quebec,' . y, and years following. Voir ci-devnnt la soctioti 1'nY*imio i.W>h tcionces. LettroA A Sophie y ; beinj: an introductory together. 8vo. XIII. Edition. r2mo. fater treatise.] Ansted, D- T. Geology ; introductory, descriptive and practical. 2 volg. 8vo. London, 1844. _ Scenery, Science and Art ; being Extracts ffom the Note- Book of a Geologist and Mining Engineer. 8vo. London, 1854. Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of Geology ; or, the modern changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, considered as illustrative of G«ology. Eighth entirely revised edition. 8vo. London, 1850. . A Manual of Elementary Geology ; or the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, as illustrated by Geological monuments. Third and entirelyrevised edition. 8vo. London, 1851. • The same work. Fifth edition, greatly enlarged. 8vo. Huot. London, 1855. Geologic, histoire, formation et disposition des mat6riaux qui compo- serit I'ecorce du globe terrestre. 2 vol. 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1837. _ Manuel de geologie ou trait6 6l6mentaire de cette science. Edition revuo et corrig6e par M. C. D'Orbigny. 12mo. Paris, 1852. lioret. Phillips, Ji'hn. Manual of Geology, practical and theoretical. 12mo. London, 1855. Smith J- Pyc. Geology and Scripture. Fifth edition, witli the literary life oftiic Author, by J. H. Davics. 8vo. London, 1852. Hitchcock, Edward. Tlie Religion of Geology and its connected Sciences. 12ino. Doston, 1851. Tayler, W. E. Geology ; its facts and its fictions ; or the modern theories of Geologists contrasted witli the ancient records of the Creation and the Dchige. 12mo. London, 1855. Miller, Hugh. The Testimony of the Rocks ; or the bearings of Geology on tlie Two Theologies, natural and revealed. 8vo. Boston, 1857. Gibson W. S. Certainties of Geology. Svo. London, IS-iO. Mantell, G. A. Tlie wond rs of Geology ; Fifth edition, with an Introduc- tion by Prof. Silliman. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1844. . ■ The same work. New edition. 1848. Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire, illustrative of Geological phenomena and organic remains. Third edition. Svo. London. 1854. B. Scient, Lib. De la Beche, Sir H. T. The Geological Obeervcr. Second edition revised. 8vo. London, 1853. Manuel gcologique, traduit de I'anglais, par M. Brochant. Svo. Paris, 1833. -■■ Recherches sur la partie thdoriquo do la geologie ; traduit de I'auglais par H. de CoUegno. Svo. Paris, 1638. kl- i/l' m n 618 GEOLOGY, MINEEALOGY, [gEOLOGIE, MIN^RALQGIE lU -,= ;*;,> f Oeologioal Society, The. (Eatabliahed 1807.) Transactions of, — to 1844 1^ vols. 4to. London, 1811—1845. [The laBt 7 toU. make a second series, published by the Council of the Society 1 ' ' — The Quarterly Journal of; edited by the Assistant Secretary. Vols. 1 to 11. Bvo. London, 1845-55. Museum of Praotioal Geology, &o. Eecords of the School of IMines and of Science applied to the Arts. Vol. 1. (4 parts.) 8vo. London' 1852-3. ' Part I. Inaugural and Introductory Lectures to the Sessions, 1861-2. On the Geology of the S. Staffordshire Coal Field. On the'^Stigmaria Beds of the same. Oa the Mode of working the Coal and Ironstone, etc On the Mines of Wicklow and Waterford ; by W. W. Smyth. Statistics of the produce of copper, tin, lend, and silver ; with the exports and imports, from 1848 to 1852 ; by Robert Hunt. II. III. IV. f;-r- ^ * ^ii And Memoirs of the Geological Survey ; Mining Eecords- Mineral Statistics of Grreat Britain nnd Ireland, for 1853 and 1854' by Robert Hunt. 8vo. London, 1855. Museum of Practical Geology, Thu. Tho Fossils and rock specimens'ln. 4to. London, 1853. The British marbles, alabasters, serpentines, porphy. Ties, granites, building-stones, &c., in. 4to. London, 1853. De la Beche, Henry. Director oi' the Ordnance Geological Survey. Eeport on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. 8vo. London, 1839. Phillips, John. Figures and descriptions of the palajozoic fossils of Corn- wall, Devon, and West Somerset ; observed in the course of jthe Ordnance Geological Survey. 8vo. London, 1841. Portlock, J. B. Eeport on the Geology of the County of Londonderry and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh ; examined and described under authority of tho Board of Ordnance. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Geological Survey of Great Britain ; and tho Museum of Economic Guulogy. Memoirs of. Vol. 1, 184(5. Vol. 2 (two parts), 1848. Bound in 3 vols. 8vo. London. Contents: Vol. I. Sir H. T. Do la Beche. On the Formation of the Rocks of South Wales, Ac. A. 0. Ramsay. On the Deuudation of South Wales, al,. Vide Natural History of New York. Geuloj^y of Fourth Geological District. Rensselaer, Stephen Van. A Geological and Mineralogical Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal. Part 1. — Of the rock formations, witli a geological profile. Svo. Albany, 1824. Owen, David D. Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota ; am! of a portion of the Nebraska Territory. 4to. Phila- delphia, 1852. ^ ; ;'''lll3l 1. -. I-'':.;.. . ■! ^ ,ii? if * . ' *' t 1 V ! r \ '■ i'r m III r .') !■ w^^mwfkH ■ I 622 GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, [gi^OLOGIEj MINijRALOGIE ■1! .iB Geology of the State of Connecticut. Report on the,— by j. q, Percival. 8vo. New Haven, 1842, , Report (chiefly on the miner. alogy of the State) ; by C. U. Shepard. Bvo. New Haven, 1837 (Six copies.) Jackson, C. T. Third Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. 12mo. Augusta, 1839. (^Two copies.) James' Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Vol. 3 ; contains observations on the mineralogy and geology of a part of the United States west of the Mi.ssisaippi. St. John, John R. A true description of the Lake Superior Country, with Bayfield's Chart : also an account of the Copper Mines and Workin" Companies. 12mo. New Tork, 184G. Agassiz, Louis. Lake Superior : its Physical character, Vegetation and ara- mals, compared with thoso of other and similar regions. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1850. Foster & Whitney. Report on the Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District in the State of Michigan. Part 1, Copper Lands. 8vo. Washington, 1850. Part 2. The Iron R'^^'O") together with the Ge- neral Geology. 8vo. Washington, 1851. A Geological Map of the Lake Superior Land Dis- trict in the State of Micliignn : the Soundings and Geographical por- tion of the Map being taken from Bayfield's Chart. 8vo. form. Geological Survey of Canada. This Survey was commenced in !843, by Mr. (now Sir William) Logan, and continued to the present time, under Iiis direction, assisted by T. Skerry Hunt, Esq., as Chemist and Mineralogist, and Mr. Murray, the Assistant Geologist. For the Annual Reports of progress, vide the Appt ndices to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly, since 1844. Keport by John Langton, Esq.. Chair- man of Select Committee on tlie Geological Survey of the province, with Minutes of Evidence, giving full inlormntion with respect to the progress an,l results of this Survey, and the labours of those eniplored therein, — including Letters from eminent Geologists in tlie United States: vide Appendix to Legislative Assembly Journals, for I8>l-ii. No. 8. Letter L. Vide, also, Tache'a Report on the Exposition at Paris, in 18.o5. Oldham, 'l'hom;i8. The Geological structure of part of the Khasi-hills, witli observations on the meteorology and ethnology of that district [with a %ocal)ulary]. 4to. Calcutta, 1>>'54. [Salt Range in the Punjab.] Report on tho geological structure and mineral wealth of the Salt Range, &c. 8vo. Lahore, 1854 ■ State of Maine, ler with the Ge- PAL^ONTOLOGIE.] PALiEONTOLOGT. 623 Indian Pamphlets, Geologicol, &o. Geological Report on tho Kymore Mountains, Ramghur Goal Fields, and the Manufacture of Iron. By D. H. Williams; 1862. Report on th« Metalliferous Deposits of Kumaon and Qurhwal. By W. J. Henwood ; 1856. Traits des p6trlfloations ; avoc figures. 8vo. Purls, 1742. B6rigny. Memoire sur un proced6 u'lnjection, propre ii pr^venir ou arrSter les filtrationa, etc 8vo. Paris, 1832. Ville. Recherclies sur leu eaux d'Oran et d' Alger. 4to. Paris, 1852. Gamier, F. Traite sur les puits artosiens, on sur les differentes espfeces de terrains dans lesqiiels on doit rechercher les eaux sonterraines. 4to. Paris, 182G. VioUet. Puits nrtfesienH, instruction sur les moyens d'utiiiser ces puits dans les arts e.t dans rngiieulture. 8vo. Paris, 1840. ParamfillS- L'Art de d6couvrir les sources. 8vo. Puris. 18.36. Thomson, Thomiis. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Kirwan, Richurd. EIoitk.'hJs of Mii\eralogy, second edition, with improve- ments. 2 vols 8vo. London, 179-1. 1796. Vol. I. Eiirtha nnd Stones. " n. Salts, Iiiflamnmbles, and Metallic substances. Niool, Janios. Manual of Mineralogy, containing an Introduction to the Seionce, Deh-riptions of Species, recent (liscoverics, and chemical Analyses. I'^Jmo. Edimburgh, 1849. Phillips, -''"'am. An elementary Introductif^ .o Mineralogy. New edition, with aiiviul'ons and additions, by 11. J. Brooke, and W, H. Mill.T. 8vo. Lor:r 1 1 I ■ i-r-ii \'L ■']] I 1 !' il- I ■ i . 5 ■ i ^■M i K ' . a^ :^^i ■^I m h': I'l^ 1 ■ .?i^4i»lJ ii- t |i;^;tjuH| *j. ; WW jMft £f iWHI ^Mu: ■-■ 624 GEOLOGY, MINEaALOGY, [GlfcOLOGIE, MIN^RALOQIE, Brongnlart, Alex. M^moii-e sur les terrainH de sediment Ruperkurs calcar6o-trapp6eDS du Vicentin, et sur quelques terrains d'ltulie, de France, etc., qui peuvent se rapporter k la mftiue epoque. 4to. avee six planches. Paris, 1823. Classification et caractftres min^ralogiques des roches homog^nes et hdtdrogfenes. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Huot, J. J- N. Manuel de min6ralogie, ou tableau de toutes les subsiancea miii6rales. 2 vol. I2uio. Paris, 1841. Boret. Beudant. Traits de iniueralogie. 2 vol. Bvo. Paris, 1830. Coura do min6ralogie. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Voyage miuuralogiquo eu Ilougrie ou 1818. 3 vol. 4to et un vol. d'atlaa. Paris, 1822. Daubenton. Tabl-au methodiquo des (liuoraux. 8vo. Paris, an VII. Dufr6noy, A. Traitc de mineralogie. 4 vol. avec atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1814-45 Burat, A. Theorie de,s gitea metalliferes, appuyeo sur les priucipaux types du Harz, de la Saxe, Ac. 8vo. I'aris, 1854. Description de quelques gitea m6talliferea do rAlgoHe. gyg Paris, 1846. IjUOas. Tableau raetliodiquo des especea minoralos. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris 1806. Jameson, Robert. On tbe External, Chemical, and Physical characters of Minerals. Third edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817. Sovrerby, Henry. Popular Mineralogy; a lamiliar account of Minerals and their uses. 12mo London, 1850. Reeves' Popular Nat. History, Jackson, J. R. Minerals and tlieir uses ; iu a scries of Letters to a Lady. 12mo. Loudon, 1810. Kobell, Francis Von. Popular Sketches from the .Mineral Kingdom; trans- lated and edi*^"d, by Arthur llenfrey, 185li. Vide, with Scbouw's Earth, &o. Jci'eut. Lib. Rudimentary Treatise on Mineralogy. Third edition, — with a treatise on Rocks; by .T. Dana. 12mo. London, 1856. Weale's Spries, \\it\\ MoUusca, &c. Dana, J. D. A system of Mineralogy, comprising recent discoveries ; descrip- tions of species and their localities, chemical analyses, &c ; a treatise of mathematical crystallography, etc. Fourth edition, re-written and enlarged. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. New York, 1854. Brard, C. P. Description historique d'une collection minoralogique appliquee aux arts. 8vo. Paris, 1833 Gi'as. Stati.stique minoralogique du departement des Basses-Alpes, ou des- cription geologique des terrains qui constituent ce departement. 8ro. Qreuoble, 1849. rol. 4to et un 1 characterg of pal4ontologie.] PALJEONTOLOGT. 625 Sowerby, James. British Minernlogy ; or colored figures intended to eluci- date the Mineralogj of Greut Britain. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1804 — 1817. Vol. !• CcmbuitibloB : Carbonate of Limei. II. Oarbonate of Lime: Laumonito. III. Beryl : Sandstone. IV. ti!4nd tubes : Sulphate of Iron. V, Oarbonaio of Ti-nn ! Terriforous Oxide of Titanium: and Index. Records of thj School of Minos, vide Museum of Practical Geolojjy, &c. For other important treatiaoa and papers relative to Mines and Mining, vide Geological Survey of Qroat Britain, and Geological Society's Transactions. perber's Oryctography of Derbyshire. Vide Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 2. Pryoe William. Mineralogia Cornubiensis ; a treatise on Minerals, Mines and Mining ; with an explanation of the tnrms and idioms of Miners. Folio. London, 1778. Merryweather, George. Lecture on Gold and Iron, and iron ore ; with especial reference to the ironstone of the Vale of Esk, of Staithes, and Cleveland. 12mo. London, 1853. Sopwith, Thomas. The Award of the Dean Forest Mining Commissioners as to the Coal and Iron mines, and the rules, &c. for working the Hame, &c. 8vo. London, 1841. Taylor, R" C. Statistics of Coal, the geographical and geological distribution of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, 8tc., embracing reports of the production, consumption, and commercial distribution in all parts of the world, &c., with incidental statements of the statistics of iron man- ufftotures. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Budge, John. The Practical Minor's Guiae ; comprising a set of Trigono- metrical Tal)!es, adapted to purposes of dialling ; with their 'applica- tions : also, a treatise on th« Assaying of silver, copper, lead and tin ; rules for calculating the power of engines ; a discourse on the*choice of cordage for mine service ; with a collection of essential Tables, &c , &c. Second edition, enlarjjed. 8vo. London, 1845. Bartlett, Thomas. On British Mining ; with a Digest of the Cost-book sys- tem. Stannerie and General Mining Laws. 8vo. London, 1850. Henwood, George. Four lectures on Geology and Mining, at the Mechanics* Institutions, Leeds, Hull, &c., &c. (iiespecting English Mining par- tii.'ularly.) 8vo. London, 1855. Abbott. On the Mines of England. Vide Political Economt. Merin's Journey to the Mines in Hungary; his observations, in relati( -I'to them, and subterraneous passages in general. Vide Churchill's Uol- leclion of Voyages and Travels, vol. 4. Phillips, .T. A. Gold Mining and Assaying : a scientific Guide for Austra- liau Emigrants. 12mo. Loudon, 1852. :!;, '■:\:. 626 GEOLOGY, MINBIIA.LOGY, [g^OLOGIE, MIN^RALOGIE, ,1 If ■"■;"';■ i: >, ^i. ii'^ 1 Is 1 i ■I 1 flilt iH UL Lectures on Gold, for tlio instruction of Emigrants about to proceed to Australia ; by J. B. Jukos, Edward Forbes, Lyon Playfair, W. W. Smyth, John I'ercr, llobort Hunt ; delivered at the Museum of Prac- tical Geology, Second edition. 12mo. Loudou, 1853. Fournel. Etude dcs gites houill'Mi et miitalliforea du bocage veudeon faite eu 1834: ot 1835. 4to., et atlas, folio. Paris, 1830. Haliy, M. I'Abbd. Trniti' des caractt-res physiques des pierres pr^cieuges pour servir a leur determination lorHtiu'elles ont 6te tailloes. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Voir ci-npro8 daus la gectioii Genie Civii , AaPENTAUB bt Tbavaux Pudlicd Uj ouvrngcs rulntifs a In ni' tiillurgio ct aux iniiics. [Bengal Records, Mines, &o.] lieport on the Tin, &c., of the Teuuas- serim Provinces, by Q. li. Tremenhecre, and remarks on the Kcnort by T. Oldham. Notes on the Manufacture of Salt, in Jumlook.— On the Coal Mines of Lakadoug. — On Gold dust and Gold from Shuy-Gwcen. 8vo. Calcutta, 1852-53. Madras Central Museum : Catalogue of, by Edward Balfour ; Physical and chemical characters of Minerals ; Eeports on the Museum ; Oa the Iron Ores ; the Manufacture of Iron and Steel ; and the Coals of tlio ]\radras Presidency ; I'eports on the Museums at Bellarv' Coimbatorc, Cuddalore, Maugalore, Ootacamuud, Ilajaluuuudry [by the same]. 8vo. in 1 vol., all of the same place and date. Ma- dras, 1855. Diamond Mines. Extracts from Tavernier's Voyages, concerning. Vide Pinkerton's CoUection of Voyages and Travels, \o\, 8. Vide Transactions of Societies, as of the North of KnglancI Mining ABSocitttion Ac. Overman, Frederick. On Metallurgy ; comprising Mining, and general and particular Metallurgical operations : with a deseription ofCha;- coal, Coke, and Antliracito Furnaces, Blast Machines, Uot-blast Forgc-haifimers, lloUiug-mills, &c. 8vo. New York, 1852, Collini. Journal d'un voyage, avec des observations sur lea agates et le basaltc. 12mo. Mannheim, 177(). Brooke, H. J. Introduction to Chry.itallography ; an explanation of the Goniometer, thi! nmtliematiciil relations of crystals, Hcc. ; an alpha- betical arrangement of minerals, their synonymes and primary forms. 8vo. London, 1823. Rose, Gustave. E16nients de cristallographie, traduits de ralleraand, par M. Victor Regtiault. 8v ;. Paris, 1834, et planches. Karsten. Oes combustibles mineraux. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Rabute. Poids .«pecifique des metaux. 8vo, Paris, 1841. ALOGIE, proceed to r. W. W. im of Prac- indeon faitc 1 prdcieuses illces. 8vo. IX PoBLicn, let the Tonnas- 1 the llt'port, 1 Jumlook.— 1 Gold from our; Physical Museum ; Oil d the Coals of 8 at Bellary llajalunundry id date. Ma- pAliONTOLOGIE.] pal;eontoloot. 027 iceruing. Vide |g ABSOciutiOD, ilic. and general l)tion of Char- les, llot-hlast, 1852. I9 agates et le mation of the Lc. ; an alpta- I primary forms. kemand, par M. Orbigny. Alcide d*. Cours tilomentairo do puloontologic vt do g6ologio strati- graphiquos. 3 vol. 12mo., et ntlas, Uo. Paris, 1810. Serres, Marcol de. G^oguosiu des terrains tertiairos, ou tableau doa princi- paux animaux iuvortiibrt^'s don terrains mariua tertiaires du midi de la France. 8vo. Montpollier ot Paris, 1820. Manuel de Pal^ontologie, ou dea lois du rorganisation des utres vivants, compareea t\ cellos qu'ont suivica les os|)ocua fossilea et humatiles dans lour apparition successive. 2 vol. r2uio., uvec atlas, Bvo. I'aris) 18'IG. liorct. Piohet, F. J- Traitt'' do paloontologio, ou hisloire naturelle des animaux fos- silea considoros dans lours rapports zoologiques et gtologiques. Seconde edition, accoinpagnoo d'un atlas do 100 planches gr. 4to. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853 55. Laugel, Aug. Progros et decouvertoa de la paloontologio. Bevue dea Deux Mondes, 15 mai, 185(5. PalsBontographioal Society [instituted 1847]. Publications of, — 9 vols. •Ito. London, viz . Of the Omj? Molludca of tliu East of Eii-ilimd, by S. V. Wooil. 2 pnrls. 1848-1850 in 1 vol. Of the Entomostrncii of Englaiul, by T. II. Jonos. 1810. Oil the Fiiasil liuliiiiiJat and Verrucid.'i! of Great Hritiiin, by C. Darwiu 18o4. Ofthu Echiiiodermata (Britisli), by 1'riifiM.ior Forbo-i. 1852. Of the Eocwne MoUusca of Euglainl, by F. E. Edwards. 2 parts. 1H49-52. Of tlio Fossil Roinains of Mollusca in Chalk of Eugluud, by D. Sharpo. 2 parts. 1863-54. Ol the Fo-isil Ileptiiia of the London Clivy. Part 1 . Chelonia, by Professor Owi'n and I'rofesaor Bell. Part 2. Crocotiilia, Ophidia, by Profesnor Owen. 1849-50. On the Fossil Chelouian Reptiles of the Woalden Clays, etc. I'art 2. Dinoiauria, by Professor Owen. 1S53-54. Of the Pei'miaii Fossils of England, by Professor Kin: 1vol. 1850. Of the Fossil Rcptili:i of the Cretaceous Formations, by Professor Owen. 1861. 1 vol. Of the Mollusca from the Groat Oolite, Yorkshire, by .1. Morris, ond J. Lycett. 1850-53. 2 parts in 1 vol. Of the Hiiiisli Fos.^iil Corals, by U. M. Edwards, and Jules Hairue. 6 parts, vii: from the Tertiary, Oolitic, Permian, Devonian and Silurian Formations. 1850-64. 1 vol. British Fossil Braehiopoda. Vol. I. Introduction, &c. Part 1. Tertiary Brachiopoda. Part 2. Cretaceous. Parts. Oolitic and Liosic. 1851-64. In 1 vol. In 1 vol. ■ In 1 vol. Pourlcs fossiles, voir les diverses classes auxquelles ils appartionnent. Voir ci-devant la section guneralo dea Scikncks Natueelles, contouant les ouvra^es gencraux, les voyages uutour du monde et autrca granda voyagca executes dans des vues scientifiques. 1 -! .1 .,'1 1 : ■■■' ■:■■{■> :)' ; t 628 ANTHROPOLOGY ANJU ZOOLOGY. [aNTUROPOLOOIB :l 5 . . » it ■ ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. ANTlIROrOLOGIE ET ZOOLOGIK. Poole, R. 8. The GeiiesiH of the lOarth ami of Man ; a critical examination of the Scriptures, "' Whither the varieties of the Human epecies be of more than on. origin," with observations relating to Ethnology. l2nH). Kdinburgh, IH'tG. Smyth, Thomos. The Unity of the Human races proved to be the doctrine of Scripture, IN i»on, and Scienci^, with a rnvicw of tlio Theory of Profeaaur Agaxsiz. Knlarged edition. 12mo. L^dinburgli, 1851. Johnes, A. J. Philological proofs of the original Unity, and recent origin of the Human race, &LOQIS nation of cies be of y. 12roo. e doctrine Theory of 1851. t origin of on litiino- •ies into the \\i- different jnlarged, by ition. 8vo. d. (Fourth the AiniTicftn two fore- ?olio. Lon- 18, 1826. iipliy, riiren- Races, with Burke. In distribution, the Natural ion, 1850. , ; its typical |2mo. Edin- Nott, O^' C.) and OUddon, (G. U.) Typ«B of Matiitind ; or, Ethnological researches, based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of Uncus ; and upon their natural, geographical, philological, and biblical History, from the inedited papers of S. G. Morton, and contributions from L, Agassii, VV. Usher, and H. 8. Patterson. Seventh edition. 8vo. IMiiladelphiu, 1855. Donaldson, J. W. Introduction to the Ethnography of Ancient Italy. VuU Donaldson's Varrouiunus. (In I'hiloi.uoy.; Latham, U. G. Man und liis Migrations, i^nio. I^ondon, 1851. The Natural History of the varieties of Men. Svo. Lon- don; 1850. Kthnoiofiy of the Colonies, pud Dependencies. 12mo. London, 1851. , The Native races of the Russian Empire j with a I.vrge map. 8vo. London, 1854. Htlinological DisscrtatiouH. Vide Tacitus, edited by Latliam. (lii Classics.) Massy, R- '!'• Analytical Kthnolopy :— the mixed TribeH in Great 'Britain and Ireland exa'i\ined, and the blunderingH on the Celt and th Ca/on exposed. ' I2m(). London, 1855. Earl, G. W. Thu Native rucfs of the Imlian Archipelago : Papuans. 8vo. Lonilon, 1853. This wdi'k i» publishril uIiki uh " Tlio Klhiiogniphical Libriiry, cuntlucled by E. Noii'iH. Vol. I." — but no successive vol. in this Rories bos come out. American Ethnological Society : The Transactions of. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. New Voik, IS.lo -l.S. Vol. I. — (1.) On the Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, ami Oeiitrnl America, by A. OuUntia. " (2.) Of Ancient remains in Tennessee, by (J. Troost. " (.').) On the Oravo-creek mouml in Virginia, by II. II. Seliooleraft. " (4.) On the Discoveries of llimyaritic inscriptioiiB, by W. W. Tinner. " (5.) Of tlie Punioo-I.ibyan nii>niin\ent at Dii!.'i •. .■ il remains near the site of ancient Canliage, by F. Catlin • > i.d. Vol. II. — (1.) Hale's lodiaus of North west America, and Vocabularies, witli an Introduction by A. Oullatin. " (2.) Squicr, E. O. Observations on the :,U)riginal monuments of the Mississippi Valley. " ^3.) Rafn, C. C. View of the ancient Ooography of the Arctic regions of America. " (4.) Morton, S. G. Account of a Craniological collection ; [and], on the classification of some families of the Iluman race. " (6.) Dwight, Theodore. Sketch of the Polynesian Language. " (ft.) Cothoal, A. I. Of the Langurgo of the Mosquito Indians. " (7.) Williams, S. W. Present position of the Chiueso Empire. " (8.) Dwight, Theodore. Of the M()oiijwes and their Language. " («.) Bartlett.J. R. The progress of Ethnology. ' *' 'f m\ 1 '■''rVll ■r^y ,h1 rifi' ' 1- :l :■ ^■itv^ It- ■■!' C: ■ '^ 630 ANTUROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. [aNTHROPOLQGIB iw- ^l;;i Omalius d'Halloy. Dcsracushuwaines, ou Eluiuenad'Kthnugruphio. 8vo. Parix, 184.6. Cabanis. (Eurres complotuH, uccompagnces d'uue notice sur Ha vie ot ses ouvragea, par M. Tliurot. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Vol. I. Sur la iiii'ileoiiio en ptuii'rul. — 11. Jouriml dc la iimludio ct do la mort de Mirftbeiiu, etc.— Ill ct IV. Uiipports dii physique ot du moral de I'homme. — V. Ecrit« divoi-B. Demangeon, J. B- Antliropogont'so ou geuoratiou do I'honime avec des vues de coinpnraisou aurles reproductions de trois rogues do la nature. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Ue rimagination daus ses eft'ots sur rhouime et aurles auitnaux. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Harvey, Williaiu. Tho Works of, — translated from the Latin, with a Life of the Author, by li. Willis. (Piiiite'l for the Sydenham Society.) 4to. London, 1817. [Contents.] Life, — On tho motion of the Heart and Blood. — On tlio circulation of tho Rlood. — On tho {jonoriitioii of Aiiiinaln. — On parturition.— On tlio Uterus, «\(1 on Ciinocption. Examination of tlio body of Thomas Parr and Letters. Mann, R. J. Tlu) pliiiosopliy of Reproduction. 12nio. London, 1855. jLiawrenoe, William. Lectm-es on comparative Anatomy, Pliysiology, Zoology, and the Natural history of Alan. Ninth edition. 12mo. Loudon ISIS. Roget, P.M. Animal Physi(ilo,'j;y. 2 vols. Vidi^ t\\o 13 ridi/ewater Treaties; ante, also, JJh. V. A'., vol. 1. Lord, Perceviil li. Popular I'iiysiology : an explanation of interesting Facts eoniu'ftod witii tho structure and functions of Animals, and particu- larly of Man. Third I'ditioM, ri'vised. l2iiio. London, 1855. Carpenter, W". B. PriuLMpies of comparative Physiology. Fourth edition. Svo. London, 1S51. I'rincijilcs of ILuiuiui Pliysiology : wiili ilieir chief appli- cations to Psyclnilo;j;y, Pathology, 'riu'raiiciitics, llygcnii'uo, and Fofcnsic-iiu'cliciiK'. I'''l'tli eilition. Svci liOiulou, 1855. Wilkinson, .L •!. respoctiviily sul^scrihe their imiiiea. • and Bowman. Physiological Anatomy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 18o5-(). Cruveilhier. Traitd d'anatomie descriptive. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1851. Vicq-d'Azyr et Cloquet. Systome anutoinique. 4 vol. 4to., avec 79 plaucluis. Paris. 1823 — 1830. Enci/clopedie MModitiue. Encyclopedle Anatomique. Vol. 2 a 9. 8vo. Paris, 1843, avec planches. Vol. 2. — Ostdoiogio, et syndesmologie. " 3. — Myologio ot aiigOiologio. " 4. — Xr'vrolo^io. " ft. — Spliiueliiioliij^ic. " et 7. — Anatomio gdiiOralo. " 8.— Do ri\oiiim<' et dos inammiftires. " 9. — Aimtouiio p..tlii)li)giniie. Siebold, C. Tli. do, — et IL Stannius. Manuel d'anatoraie comparee. Tra- duit do rallfmaiul pur MM. A. Spring et Th. Lacorduire. 3 vol. 12rao. Paris, 1S50. Rorct. Voir auasi dnii.s la sociion des sciicNCEa medicalks lea ouvrages relatifs a la physiologio ut i\ rauntoniio. Gall, F. J. Sur lea fonctiona du cervoau et sur cellos do chacuno de ses parties, avec des observations sur la poasibiilte de reconnaitre les instincts, lea pt'nclianta, les talents oulcs dispositions morales et intellectuelles doa liommos et dea animnux, par la configuration de leura ccrveaux. vol. Svo. Paiia, 1822-25. .,v. Hi Ji'H h- 632 ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. [anTHROPOLOGIE Garnier, Adolphe. Lapsychologieet laphr^nologiecompar^es. 8vo. Parfg 1839. ' Demangeon, J. B. Physiologie intellectuelle, ou I'esprit de I'homme con- Bid^r6 dans sea causes physiques et morales, d'apres la doctrine de Gall, de Spurzheim et d'autres auteurs. Svo. Paris, 1843. Iiavater, G. Art de connaitre les homines par la physionomie, pr6c6d^ dW notice historique sur I'auteiir, augment^ d'uue exposition des re- cberches et des opinions du Docteur Gall et de Camper sur la physio- nomie, et d'articles nouveaux sur les caractfires des passions des tempdraments et des maladies ; par Moreau de la P irthe. Edition revue et corrig^e par Maigrier. 10 vol. 8vo,, orn6a d'environ 600 figures. Paris, 1835. Essays on Physiognomy ; written in the German language translated by T. Holcroft ; to which is added, one hundred Physiofrno.' mical rules, a posthumous work by M. Lavater, and Memoirs of his Life, by G. Gessner. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Price, T. Physiognomy and Physiology of Great Britain, with reference to their origin as Goths and Celts, with Remarks upon the physiofjno- mical characteristics of Ireland, and of some Continental Nations Svo. London, 1829. Rowland, A. The Human Hair popularly and physiologically considered. Svo. London, 1853. Chaussier, fils, et Morin, M. M. Manuel du physionomiste et du phreno- logiste. 12mo. Paris, 183S. Roret. Physionomiste des Dames. Manuel du, — 12mo. Paris, 1843. Ibid. Fossati. Manuel pratique de plireiiologie. 12mo. r^ris, 1845, Broussais, F. J. V. Cours de phrenologie. Svo. i'urjs, 1836. Vimont. Traite de phrenologie humaine et comparee. 3 vol. 4to., et atlas grand folio. Paris. Cerise, Dr. L. Expose et examen critique du syatome phrenologique, eon- siduro dans ses principes, dans sa methode, dans sa theorie et dans ses coris<^quences. Svo. Paris, 183G. Spurzheim. A Memoir of the Life and Philosophy of. By Andrew Car- miohael. 12mo. Dublin, 1833. Combe, George A System of Plirenology. Fifth edition, revised. 2 vols, Svo. Edinburgli, 1H53. Notes on (he United States of North America, during a phreno- logical tour in 1838-39-40. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1841. Phrenology applied to Painting and Sculpture. Svo. Lon- don, 1855. Phrenological Journal, the People's, — and compendium of Mental and Moral Science. February 1843, to March 1844. Several papers on Mesmerism are inserted. Vol. 1. Fifty-six numbers, all published, Svo, POLOGEE vo. Paris, omme con< ioctrine de L3. 6c6dd d'une on des re- r la phyaio- asaioits, des le. Edition environ 600 an language, i Physlogno- emoirs of his 48. a reference to he physiogno- ntal Nations. ly considered. et du phreno- 1843. Iliil 5. 6. 4:to., et atlaa Jnclogique, con- lorie et duns ses ly Andrew Car- ;ised. 2 vols. luring a plireno- Tgh, 1841- le. 8vo. Lon- Lf IMental and Iveral papers on published, 8vo. ET ZOOLOGIE. ] ANTHROPOLOGY ANI> ZOOLOGY. 633 MortOQ) ^- ^- Crania Americana ; or a compnrative view of the skulls of various aboriginal oations of North atid South America : to which is prefixed an Essay on the varieties of the Human Species. Folio. Phil- adelphia, 1839. Cuvier, G. Lti rcgne animal distribu^ d'apr^s son organisation pour servir de base ti I'histoire naturelle desanimaux et d'introductionk I'anatomie compar6e ; nouvelle Edition, nccompngn^ic de planches gravies re- presentant les types de tous les genres, lea caract^res distinctifs des divers groupes et les modifications de structure sur lesquels repose cette classification, publiee par une reunion d'eleves de Q-. Cuvier : MM. Andouiii, Deshayes, Blanchard, De Quatrefages, d'Orbigny, Duvernoy, DugSs, Lauriliard, ililne Edwards, Roulin et Valenciennes. 20 vol. 8vo., dont 10 de planches. Paris, 183fi-184.5. L'Ouvrage se divise ainsi qu'il suit : Maramiftires et races humaiaes — texte, 1 vol., planches, 1 vol., figures colorifies. Oiseaux. Ri'ptilea. PtiisBons. MoUusques. lu^ectes — Arachuidea.- Crustiices. Zoophytes. id. id. id. id. id. id. id. id. id. id. id. id. texte, 2 vol. planches, 2 vol.. id. text*, 1 vol. , pliujcbes, 1 vol.. id. id. id. a id. id. id. The Animal Kin^'dom, arranged according to its organization, serving for the natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy ; with figures designed after nature ; the Crustacea, arachnid^"!, riinl insfcta, by M. Latreille, from the latt:st French edition ; with additional noti.'s. and nearly 500 additional plates. 4 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1834 — 1836. Coloured plates, (nearly 800.) 4 vuL-i. [Corresponding with the text.] 8vo. London, 1S37. Vol. [. — Mamtiuili.i ; I?ird». '■ II. — Hcplilc's; t'i.slit'S. " III. — MolhiHcs; Anii'!iidej; Crustacea; Arachnidea, and Insocta. IV. — lasc'ta; Zoopliytca. lleelierclies aur li:8 ossciuent.s fo.ssih s des ([uadnipi^dcs. Quatrieme odition. li» vcd. !ivo Pari.i, 1834-36; i;t 2^)0 planclios avec leur ' xplicatiou foi'inaiit 2 vol. 4tn. Paris, 1836. Flouicns. Histoire dt;s travaux di; Cuvier. 12mo. Puri.s, 1845. Milne-Edwards. Elemt-nts de zoologie, on h'cjons sur I'anatomie, la physio- logic, la (das.-ili.ation et les mcDurs des animaux. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, K1.0. Notions pr<51iminaire8 d'iiigtoire natuiMlle, etc. ; notions preliuiinaires ile ZMologie. 12mo. Paris, 1853. fours elementairo dhistoire naturelle, zoologie. 12iao. Paris, 1855. Q' ' ! innP' m^:\iw '«■ ?v ■..■ i;:i y 'vm :' : i: i , i.M ' 4 '"li nit 634 ANTHEOPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY, [aNTHROPOLOQIe '3 ■ GeofiVoy Saint-Hilalre. Zoologie g^n6rale, ou ra^moires et notices suj |a zoologie, Tanthropologie et I'histoire de la science. 8vo., avec atlas. Paris, 1841. Pcuchet. Zoologie dassique, ou histoire naturelle du rfegne animal. 2 vol. Bvo., accompagnea d'ua atlas de 4»4 planches et de 5 grands tableau, Paris, 1841. Agassiz, (Louis,) and Qould, (A. A.) Outlines of comparative Physiology touching the structure and development of the races of Animals, livin? and extinct. Edited from the revised edition, and enlarged. 8vo. London, 1851. B. Scient. Lib. Owen, Richard. Lectures on the comi)arativo Anatomy and Physiology of the Vertebrate animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, in 1844 and 184G. Part I.— Fishes. 8vo. Loudon, 1846. Lectures on the comparative Anatomy and Physioioffy of the Invertebrate animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons Second edition. 8vo. London, 1855. Brougham, Loml. Dialogues on Instinct : analytical view, &c., on fossil osteology. 12rao. London, 1844. Knight'' s Lib. Smee, Alfred. Instinct and Reason : deduced from IClectro-Biology. Svo. London, 1850. Thompson, Edward V. The Passions of Animals. Svo. London, 1851. Broderip, W. J. Zoological Recreations. New edition ; with aJditions. Svo. London, 1849. Jones, T. R. The Natural History of Animals ; being the substance of lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 2 vols. 12mo. Lomlon, 1845—1852. Goneral outline of the organisation of the Animal Kin'^doiii and manual of comparative Anatomy. Second edition. London, 1855. Swedenborg, Emanuel. The Animal Kingdom, considered anatoniicajlv physically, and philosophically : translated from the Latin, by J. J. Garth Wilkinson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-44. Carpenter, W. B. Zoology: the general structure, habits, instincts, and uses of the principal families of the Animal Kingdom. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1848. Catlow, Maria. Popular Scripture Zoology ; containing & familiar history of the animals mentioned in the Bible. 12mo. London, 1852. Reen's Popular Nat. Hist. Zoological Society. Transactions of, — (From 1833 to 1848.) G parts, in 3 vols. 4to. London, 1835—1849. Proceedings of,— Part I., 1833, to Part XVIII., 1850; in 8 vols. Svo. London, 1833—1850. 3POL0Q1E otices «ui la , arec atlas. mal. 2 vol. ids tableaux. ) Physiology, nimala, living ilarged. 8vo. ^siology of the geons, in 1844 Physiology of ;e of Surgeons. &e., on fossil -Biology. 8vo. jondon, 1851. with additions. |hc .substance of Britain. 2 vols. iuimal Kingdom, litiou. LuiiJon, [ed anatomically, Latin, by J. J- Instincts, iinchises Ivols. 8vo. Lon- [amiliar history o( 1852. Reei-cs |48.) 6 parts, in LtXVlll.,1850; ET ZOOLOGIE.] ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. 635 Beechey, Capt. P. W. : (of Her Majesty's Ship "Blossom.") The Zoology of Capt. Beechey'a voyage ; compiled fr )m the collections and notes made by ihe Captain, the of&cers, and naturalist of the Expedition, during a voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, performed in the years 1325-26-27-28. 4to. London, 1839. [Noie.] — Mammalia, by John Richardson ; Omithology, by K. A. Vigors ; Fishes, by O. T. Lay, and E. T. Bennett ; Crustacea, by Richard Owen ; Reptiles and Batrachiaus, by J. E. Gray ; and Geology, (various.) Beagle, (Her Majesty's Ship.) The Zoology of the Voyage [of discovery,] of, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, duiing the years 1832 to 1836. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin, Naturalist to the Expedition. 5 parts, bound in 3 vols. 4to. London, 1839. Vol. I. — Part 1. — Fossil Mammalia ; by Richard Owen. " I. — Parts. — Mammalia; by G. R. Waterbouse. IL— Part 3.— Birds ; by John Gould. " III. — Part 4. — Fish ; by Leonard Jctiyns. " in.— Part 5.— Reptiles; by Thumas Bell. British Museum Catalogues and Lists of Spcicimens in Natural History. 37, bound in 23 vols. 12uio. London, 184:3-18oG, [viz :] British Animals : List of tbe Specimens of, Part i. Ceiitroniii!, or Radiated Aiiinmls, 1848. Bound witli Parts III and IV. " IL Sp()ui,'e9, 1818, (bound with other Parts, with its propur lettering.) " in. BUiIa, 18.50. ) , . , .1 T\r n * ,„.-( Bound With Parti. *' IV. Cni9tace!i.l850. ) " V. Lcni(l(>])tera, 1850. ) trr 11 i. 4 , 1 ,„,, r Bound m 1 vol. " VI. Hyiiunioptera Aouloat'i. 1851. ) " Vn. ibdlusca Aeophiila and Braeliiopoda, 1851. Bound ^vith Parts L^., X and XL " Vni. Fish, 1851. Bouiiil with other Papers on Fish, FiJc below. IX. Kggs of Briti.sli liirds, 1852. "l X. LepiJoptera, (ecntinuod.) 1 852. I ^"""^' '° ' '"'- '"'^^ l^'"'* " XL Ani>i)lura or Parasitic Insects, 1852.J ^^^" '*'^''' " XII. Lepido])lera, (euniiiuiod.) 1852. " Xlll. Nonieuchuure of Uvnienoptera, 1853. " XIV. Xomenelature of \europtera, 185,'. . " XV. Xomenclaturc of l)i|,tera, I, 185S. " XVI. Lepidoptera, (eonipletcd,) 1854; with List of ll'iiiks quoted. British Hyme:.op;era ; Cataln!,'uo of, by Fred. Smith. Part 1. Apid;o, Bees, 1855. liiHind w' !i " Chaleidites." Mammalia ; List of the Specimens of, 1813. ") Catalogue of, Part I. Cetacea, ;,-60. ! " IL Seal", 1850. |"^'' ' "°^- " III. LTngulataFurcipeda, 1852.J' MammaUa and Birds of Nepal and Thibet ; |)r.'sonted by B. H Hodgson, Escj. Otaloguo of tiio Speoinuusand Drawings of, 1818. [Lettered, Hodgson's Collection.] Birds. Catalogue of the Genera and Sub-Geiiora of, 1855. Bound with List of Specimens: Part L A^cipitres. IL S«ct. i. Fissirostres, 1848. Dounil •ol. ['-, \'i\'.'\ :\\ i'-i-^ . ^' I ^ ''Hih' r-'u ... Jii' .V* 636 ns [V!S. . ■''l 'T " k I M \- I I IV' i A^THJ APOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. lANTHROPOLOGIE British Museum Catalogues and Lists of Specimens, &c.— (Coatiaued) Jucuji- Xilzarda. Catalogue of the Specimens of, 1846. Tortoises, Crucodiica nnd Amphisbaenians ; Catalogue of the P/'^eoimena of, 1844. Amphibia. Part H, liatrachia Qradientia, ibo. Oatalo(!;n>, of* the SpcciraeuB of, 1860. ^ """'"' •" ' vol Snakes. Catalogue of the Specim' .j of, 1849. Entozoa or Intesthtal Worms. Catalogue of the Spceied of, 185."!. J Insects, (Hymenopter.)ue.) List o." the Specin..<>ns of. Part I. Chaloidites ]846 Catalogue if, iiuhe Coil otion. * "-ts I, U. Andrenidai wul Api.laj. Part 111. Mutillida a id Vumpilidie, lPrV66. (HomopterouK.) List of the Kp' i.ueiis of. Parts 1-IV. 1860-52. (Hemipterouu.^ List of the Kpecimenp- of. Parts I nnd ;T. 1861-5^1, (Neuropteroiis.) Catalogue of t'le Spc rons ■.;'. Part I. Pbrrcani ii.j — l'..rlid<-i Part II. Sin' !iia;—Nemopt.;i ides. Puit III. TermitiJiB--Enij,;U6' ridw. I'aH IV. Odmrnta, 1862-53. (Col.iiptcrous.) Nouienolaturo of, in tt'' Collection of t'l.) Biitiah \iu8eum r';i.'.- !. €■ ; iiidaj. II. Hydniciiiithiiri. HI. Bujireslidin. IV. ClcridtB. V.Cu li..;, 1 \'!. Piuo.-.ili'ki!. VII. Luri.,'K'.)ruiii, 1847-63. . .^Oipt.eroyo.) List of the iSpecimens of. Pints I-IV. 1848-49, (in 1 ■■■o]', .Siipplcwinits J, II, III. (in 1 vol.) 1864-56. (Lepidopteroub.) List of the Specimens o{. Parts I-IV. LepiJoptera Heterocera, IH54, [with] List of Lepidoptorous Insects. Part II. (of earlier diiie, 1847,) cotitainiug Fam. XII, XIII, XIV. Erycinida!, Eumreidai and LjofB- iiidj! and Appendix, 1848. 1 vol. Fish. Catalogue of, collected and described by L. T. Orono-w, now in tbe British ^iluseum, 1864. List of the ISpeciraen? of British Animals. (Fish,) 1851. List of Spccimecs [gi'nfial.j Part I. Choudi'opterygii, 1851. 1 voL Osteologlcal Specimens. List of, in the collection, iti, 18 i7." Crustacea, List of the Speoiniens of, in the collection of, 1847. Echinlda or £iea Eggs. (Recent.) Catalogue of. Puil L Irri>y;i!lariii, Is.'i,"). Marine Polyzoa. Catalogue of, 1M. Kydoux and Souk-yet, 1856. 1 vol. C'atuloijue of I'haneropneumona, or Terrestrial" •la 1vol. 'jpcrc ulalc'd Mollusca, 1852. Catalogue ul' I'ulmouata or Air-breathing MoUuse.a. Part i, 1855. Nomenclature of Molluscous Animals and Shells, ■ In 1 vol. (to. I'fiit 1. Cy<'l..pho;ida', 1850. Blval Shollo, (CiMiohifora.) Catalogue of the, (by .M. Deshayes,) in the coUeo tioi], iVc I'ait I. Veueriilaj, Cypi'iuida> and GlauconomidiB, 1853. Part II Pclriciilail;i', Corbiculadjc, IS.'il. 1 vol. Sheila of Cuba, in the Hiitish Museum: collected by V R. Do" la Siu'iii, dcsoiilxMl by Prof A. D'Oibigny, 1854. Shells of the Canaries, in the British Museum : ( MM. Wobl) and liertliolot, described by Prof ' 18 . Bbellf > ,outh America, in the British .> u .;<^> U.I u.ioribed by M. A. D'Orbigny, ISO-*. •jollected I In 1 vol. ^\-i BOPOLOGIE 3<>und ia I. vol T. 1848-49. (ia 1 BT ZOOLOGIE.] ANTHROPOLOGY ANT) ZOOLOGY. 637 Humboldt, (A. de), et Bonpland, (A.) Uecueil d'observations de zoologie et (I'tinatomie coiupiiree faites dans I'ocean Atlantique, dana riiit^rieur dti nouveaii continent, et dana lit mcr du 8ud pundunt les ann^es 1799-l«00-Ul-02-U3. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1811-1833. Fauna Boreali- Americana ; or Zoology of the Northern parts of British America, by John Richardson, William Swainson, and the Keverend William Kirby. 4 vols. Ito. London & Norwich, 1829—1837. Auduton the Naturalist, in the New World : — His adventures and discoveries ; by Mrs. II. St. John. 12mo. Loudon, 18.56. Audubon, (J.J.) and Bachman, (!ievu. John.) The Viviparous Quadrupeda of North America. Vols. 1 & 3, folio. New York, 1845—1848. Matteuoci, C. Traite des pheiiomtine.s olectro-physiolngiques des animaux, suivi d'etudes anafonii(|ueH sur le systenie nerveux tt sur I'organe idectriciue de la torpillf, par Paul Save. Svn. Paris, 1S44. Colin, tr. Physiologie compar6e des animaux domestiiiufs. avec figures intercalees dans le texte. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Plourens. Systeme n<'rveux dans les animaux vertebres. 8vo. Paris, 1842. De I'institict et de rintelligeiico diis auimaux. 12nio. Paris, 1S45. Geoffrey Saint Hilaire. Cours de I'hiatoire naturelle des niammifSre 8vo. Paris, 1829. Mammalogie, par A. G. Desmarest. 4to, avec 114 planches. Paris, 1820. Enci/clopedie mcthodique. Lesson, R- !'• Manue! de mammalogie ou histoire naturelle des mammiferes. 12rno. Paris, 1827. Borct. Waterhouse, G. li. A Natural History of the JMammnlia. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1846-48. Vol. I, of Miirsupiata, or Pouched Auiinnls. Vol. II, of Rodciitia, or Qnawing Mammalia. Sketches in Natural History; — Of the Mammalia. 6 vols, bound in 0. 12mi). London, 1849. Kni^hi's Lib. White, Adam. A popular history of Mammalia. 12mo. London, i860. Reeve s Popular Natural lligtory. Elephant. (Tlie) viewed in relation to Man. 12mo. London, 1844. Enighft Lib. Camel, (Tlie) hi'^ orijrvnization, habits, and uses ; considered with reference to hidint.o. iou '-ito the United States: by G. '. ]\Lirsh. 12mo. Bos' . L 185''>. Monke> .. A Sketch of the his.iry of. 12n. . Lundon, 1848. KnigWa Lib. Geoffrey Saint Hilaire, MM, Description des mammiferes qui se tioiivcnt en J'^^ypte. Description ilc I'Egi/pfp, histoire naturelle, vol. 2. ''Vm W^ f 1,; '' i 11 : 1 ( 1 I- 'c^!- Hi : ''pruli ■■!!■' .■;:11 ' • ,'' IP ;■ ; •' 1 . 1 ' M 'm \\i •\. ■1 ■i 1 ■ 1 '•1 ■ ■^^ ■ i I i' km. '' i m ' Hi'l V '' m^-^ ^■■p'"' ■ :n'! ^^■}l '^ 638 ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. [aNTHROPOLOGIB Ouvler, F. Cetaces (baleines, dauphins, &c.,) ou recueil et exainen desfaifg dont se compose I'histoire de ces atiimaux. 8vo, avec atlas. Paris 1836. Roulin. Les nympheacoea, le lotus sacr^, I'euryale loroce, etc. Bevue des deux Mondea, 4ine serie, vol. 20. Les Orangs. Ibid., vol. 9. Quatrefages, do. Les animiiux utiles. Ibid., nouvelle p^riodc, vol. 1. Duvernoy. Sur lea organes de generation de divers auimaux. M,A.8. vol. 23. Breschet, Ot- Itecherches sur la gestatiou des quadrumanes. Ibid, vol. 19. Pouohet. De la focondatiou des rnanunifores et de respece huniaine basee sur I'observation de toute la si'tIo animale. 8vo. Accompagno d'un atlas in-4to. de 20 planches. Paris, 1847. Serres, M. E. 11. A. Theorie des formations et des deformations organinuea et de la duplicite moustrueuse. M.A.S., vol. 2. Latham, John. A general history of Birds, [coloured plates.] 10 vols. Jto. Wini'hester. 1821—1824. Thin L'llitioii was isiued "iieaily20 years" after the "last volume" of the first eililiou was publialied: tlio Autlior mcanwliilu engaged himself in " correcting errors &c. ' and preparing " descriptions of every new dis- covery in that branch ; " lie acknowledges too, " the great assistance afforded " by tlic labours of U. Tiiiiiininck of Amsterdam, whose views liave been " directed to the same point." To have published bis further collections in the way of additional supplements, ho says, would have " cmbarassod the wholu" matter. Ou this account ho "resolved to begin this work, as it "were anew, and so to bleml the old with the new matter, as to givo the '• observations and additions of many years ut one view '' aud iuthis way the prej'ent is improved upon the former edition. White, Adam. A popular history of Birds ; comprising a familar accouut of their classitication aud habiti". 12mo. Louilnn, 1855. Reeve's Popular Nat. Hist. Rennie, James. Bird Architecture. 12mo. London, 1844. Knight's Lib. Bird Jliscellanics : of the habits aud the faculties of Dirds. 12mo. London, 1847. Knighl''s Lib. Stanley, Bishop E. Familiar history of Birds ; their nature, habits, and instinct.s. Fourth edition, with additions. 12mo. London, 1848. Temminck. ISfanuel d'ornithologie, ou tableau systematique des oiseaui qui se trouvcnt en Europe. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820—1840. Le Maout, M. Emm. llistoire naturello des oiseaux, suivant la classifica- tion do M. Isidore Geoffroy-Saint-nilaire, avec I'indication deleurs mneurs et de leurs rapports avec les arts, lo commerce et I'agricul- turo. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Miohelet, J. L'oiseau. 12mo. Paris, 1856. ^OPOLOGIB c. Sevue de% ons organiques, EX ZOOLOGIE.] ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. 639 Lesson, R- P- Muiiuel d'ornithologio, ou description den genres et dea principoles espSces d'oiseaux. 2 vol. I2mo. Paris, 1828. Roret. Manuel d'ornitliologie domeatique, ou guide de I'atnateur des oiseaui de voliere. 12nio. Paris, . Id. Bonnaterre et Vieillot. Omitliologie ; explication des planches des oi.eaux. 2 vol. 4to., aveu 240 planches. Paris, 1823. Encyclo' pedie mctliodique. Baudrimont *;t Martin Salnt-Ange. Repherehes sur revolution em- bryoinidire (lea oiseuux, t;tc. M. A. S. (E). Vol.11. Id. gavigny, Jults-C^sar. Systeme des oiseoux de l'En;ypte et de la Syrie. Description de VEyypte, histoire niiturellc, vol. 1. Mudie, Hohmt Tiie Featiiiired Tribes of the British Islands, Fourth edition, revised by W. C. I -. Martin. 2 voU. 8vo. London, i864. li. lUustr. Lib. Gosse, !'• •!■ Popular British Ornithology ; second edition. 12rao. London* 1853. Reeve's Popular Natural History. . Birds of .Tamuica. 8vo. London, 1847. Bechstein, J- M. Cagn and Chamber Birds, their Natural history, &e., management, and modes of culture, from the German of, — with additions by IL G. Adams, incorporating tlio whole of Sweet's British Warblers. 8vo. London, 18.13. B. IJlustr. Lib. Vieillot, M. L. P. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de I'Aradrique septen- trionale. 2 vol. en 1 folio. Paris, 1807. Wilson's American Ornithology, with Notes by Jardine : to which is added, a synopsis of American Birds, including those described by Hoiiapartc, Audubon, Nuttall, and Richardson ; by T, M. Brewer. I vol. in 2. 8vo. New York, 1854. Pliites, engraved and coloured fiom drawings taken from Nature. Folio Philad.di.bia, 18.55. Holbrook, J. E. North American Herpetology : or a description of the Rfptilcn inhabiting the United States. 5 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1842. Roulin. Le coucou d'Europe et la passerine des Etats-Unis. Revue dc^ Deux Mondes, 4e serie, vol. 1. Zornlin, Rosina M. The World of Waters j or recreations in Hydrology. Third edition, revised. l'3mo. London, 1855. Gosse, P. H. The Aquarium : an unveiling of the Wonders of the deep Sea. [bound with, his] Handbook to the Marine Aquarium : con- taining Pn -tical In.structions for constructing, stocking, and main- taining . k, and for collecting Plants and Animals. 8vo. London, :i; ; • 1 iMB ,1 ^ \ . : . I (Mfri Ik ..i- iii-- 640 (*1, ' .'* ■< i' .1 ■ Ij! '. 1 iii ■i |«;V V ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. rANTHROPOLOOU Artifloial Production of Fish in Europe. Document concerning,— Communicated by MesHiige to the House of Aniftmbly of New Bruns- wick, l)y Ills Excellency Sir E. W. ileud, on 2l8t Kibruury, 1864. Vide, the .loni 1 li' i\88(inbly, New Brunswick, 1851, pp. 67 — 74. Coste, M. Inst'uutiv.i (<< tiq ties sur la Pisciculture. 2omH uuitiun. lUmo. Paris i'i56. Fry, W. II. On Artificiiil Fish-breeiling, inclu(linj» lleports on the subject made to the French Academy, &c., and particulara of tbo Discovery a« pursued in England, — tran(«lated and ediiud by. l:imo. New York 1854. Tbis Book contains a tran,"' !■ r . M. Cfste, [iiIho] of th« pamphlet o^ M. Godouier, and rapors ou Artiftcial Salniou-briieJiiig, from Boll'a Life in London. P'lOresby, William. .Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, including liesiarches made in the Summer of 1S22. 8vo. Edinburgh 1823. Beale, Thomas. The natural history of the Spcirm AV^hale : rise and pro- gress of the Fishery ; Chase and Capture ; " Cutting-in," and "Try- ing-out," kc. , to whieh is added, a Sket(di of a South-sea Whalin" Voyage. 12tno. London, 1839. Bennett, J. W, A selection of rare and curious Fishes found upon the- coaat of Ci ylon ; from drawin;.'s made and coloured from Life, with Letter- press descriptions. 4to. London, 1851. Yarrell, William. .\ History of British Fi;-hes. Second edition. 2 vols. 8ro. London, 1841. For Works ou Fishing, ris,1788. ouvrage con- Iraprb nature, Jdition, avec des litiques sur leur ]ri-, 1829 1849. Inant: une nou- 1 (If leur siiccps- liimorphuses du lie especcs qui Is les dibris qui en 2 vol. 4to. fhiltel, 183 3-4 L&o^pdde. Histoire nattirelle den poiiaoiis. S vo!. 4to. ParU, 17U8. Histoire natureile des c6tac6es. 4to. Paris, 1788. - — ilistoire nuturelle dus quudrupudes ovipares et des serpentfi, 2 vol. 4to, Paris, 1788-98. Geoffroy Salnt-HUalre MM. Ilistoire naturellB do.'> poissons du Nil, de lu mer Rouge, ft do la Muditerranue. Letcription de VFgypte, his- toire naturelle, vol. 1. . ■ — Description des reptiles et des crocod'les qui se trouvent en Egypto Rid. Savlgnyi Jules-Cosar. Di-s ascidies. Ibid. ^. S\ stomes de divorsos clapsi.-s d'anitnaux sans vertobres. Ihid. Dumeril et Bibron. KeptileH, (serpents, lezards, jfrenouilles, tortues, etc.) 10 vol. en 9. 8vo., et atlas. Paris, ].S34-18,'54. Dug^S. Ostfiologie et myologie des bntraciens. M. A, ri, (E.), vol. 6. Dumeril. Reptiles opbidiens M. A. S., tome 23. I. IJ. P. A. de. Ilistoire nuturelle des nnirnaux Bans vcrtebres. 11 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18;j5-1H4o. Lamarck, Deux.. 'une edition Bosc, L. A.G. Manuel de I'histoire naturelle des crustac^;*. Edition trise au niveau de.s connuissances actuelles, par A. G- Uesmarest. 2 vol. 12nio Paris, 1830. lioret. Milne-Edw I rds. Crustac6s(ecrivis9e», bomards, crabes, etc. ;) comprenant I'uiuu >mie, la pbyaiologie et la claHsitication de ce$ aniniaux. 3 vol. 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1834-. M ' uin-Tandon. Monograpbie des birudin^es. 8vo., accompagnoe d'un utiu.s de 14 planches gravies et coloriees. Paris, 1846. Insectes, , )illons, et orustao^s ; jmr Mauduit, Latreille, Godart, Ser\ , , .'t.'. 7^ vol. 4to., avec 397 planches. Paris, 1789-1825. Enryolopriiie mithodique, Kirby, (W.) and Spence, (W.) An Introduction to Entomology : or Ele- ments uf the Natural history of Insects. Fifth edition of voif. I, 3 and 4. Third edition of vol. 2, (1823,) 4 vols. 8vo. lA'ndon, 1828, &c. The same work. Seventh edition, with an Appendix, relative to the origin and progress of the work. 8vo. London, 185*i. Tins cilition, " contains every lino of the sixth edition, wliich includes much new matter not in the fife preceding oilitiona :" and besidos, flrat contains the Appendix ; the sixth edition, however, was a new edition of the first two volumes only, of the original work. Insects :— The Natural History of. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1829. Fam. Lib- I :|:i '11 ^11 i'^ G42 ANTHROPOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. [ANXHiiOioLuoIB Burmelater, Dr. Hermann. A Manual of Eiitumology : from the German by VV, K. Shtickard, with additions by the Author, and Notes, &o. by the Tninahttor. 8vo. London, 1H30. Westwood, J. O. An Introduction to the modern classiDcntion of Initecti • foundud on tho natural habits, und corresponding organisation of the different Families. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839, 18(0. Newman, Edwnnl A familiar Introduction to the History of Insects ; being u new and greatly improved edition of the Gramuuu- of Entomo- logy. 8vo. London, 1841. liaoordaire. Introduction ul'entomologie, comprenantlcH princip'S g(;n6raux dc ranatoinie et de la physiol gi(5 des in.sectes, dcs details sur lea nid'urs, ct un reHum6 des priucii>Mux systt'mes de classificotion, 4c. 2 vol. 8vo., et atlus. I'uris, 1834. Boyer de Fonsoolombe. Entomologie 6k'mentaire ou entretiens sur les insuctes, mis a la port^e de tout lo mondc. 12mo. Paris, 1822. Boitard. Manuel d'entomologic ou histoire nuturelle des inaectes et des myriupodes. 3 vol. 12nio. Paris, 1813. Id. Rdaumur, M. de. M^'-moires pi-ur servir il I'histoire des insectes. 6 vol, 4to. Paris, 1734-42. Geer, Charles de. Mcmoires pour servir h I'histoire des insectes, 7 vol. 4to. Stockholm, 1752-78. GeoflVoy. liistoiio abre^^e des insectes dans laquelle ces animaux sent rang<''8 suivant un ordre m6thodiy Acheta Domcstica, M. E. S. Threeseries; with a general Index in the last volume. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1851. TLo scries in succession treat un the insects of Spring, the insects of Summer, aud the insects of Autumn. Bevan, Edward. Honey Bee ; its natural history, physiology, and manage- ment. 12mo. London, 1838. Miner, T. B. The American Bee-keeper's Manual ; the history and domestic economy of the honey-bee, with the most opproved methods of man- aging the insect through every branch of its culture. 12mo, Lon- don, 1849. ■\ii'i ET ZOOLOGIE.] ANTIIttOPOLOOY AND ZOOLOOIB. G'i.3 Ji, [ lUohardBOn, H. D. Tliu Hive and t\w Iluiu-y bue ; with an account of thti diBuaioB of tho inoeot, with their rcmedifs. A much viihii'Kt'd edition, by J. (). VVuitwood. 12mo. London. Richarduon't llaiid-hooki. The Honey Bee. (Reprinted from the Quarterly Koview.) 12ino. Lou- don, 1852. Murray' » liailw. Read. Vidf, nU(), Jardiuo's Natiiralict'i Library, toL 84. Dandolo, Count. Tho Art of rearing Silkworms. Translated from the work of. Hvo. London, 1825. Albin, Eleazor. A Nuturul History of Spiders, and oth«r curious insects ; with 53 copper-plates, engraved and some colored. 4to. London, 1730. And bound with it — Liir^e NoIoh, and many curious obstervntions on Albia's History of English Insects j by W. Derhuui, F. II. S. 4to. London, 1724. Robineau-Desvoidy. Easai aur lea myodaires. M.A.S. (E.), vol. 2. Dejean et BoisduvaL Iconograpiiio et hiatoiro uaturello dos coleoptoreB d'Kiiropo. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18;)7. Catalogue dea coloo[)trre8 de sa collection. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, (tho rarer). Tho natural hiwtory of ; their Byatematic eharactera, tho particulars of tlieir auverul nietanior- piiosea, and tho Pliinta on which tliey feed : collected from observa- tions of Mr. Joiiu Abbott, many years resident in that Country, by J. E. Smith, (coloured plates). Engliah and Trench. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1797. Serville. InsHcctea orthopterea (griilons, criquets, aauterelles), etc. 8vo. nvoc atlas. Paris, 1K39. Dufour, Li'-on. Recherchea aur lea hi'mipteres. M.A.S. (E.), vol. 4. Reciiercliea aur lea ortliopterea, lea hynu'uopteres et lea nevroptorea. Id., vol. 7. Etudea aur une moucho. Id., vol. 0. liecherches aur lea dipterca. Id., vol. 11. Serville. Insectea himipterea (eigales, puuaiaes, cocheuillea, etc). 8vo. avec atlaa. Paris, 1843. Rambur. Insectes nevroptorea (demoiaelles, eph6meres, etc). 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1842. Lepelletier de Saint-Fargeau. Inaectes hymt'nopterea (abeilloa, guepea, fourmis, etc.) 4 vol. 8vo., et atlaa. Paris, 1^36. Macquart. Inaectes diptores (niouches, cousins, etc.) 2 vol. 8vo., et atlas. Turia, 1834 Walokenaer, le baron, Insectos apteres (araigueca, scorpions, etc.) 4 vol. 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1837. Blainville. Manuel do malacologie et de conchyliologie, contenant une his- toirc abregee de oette partie de la zoologie. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Atlaa, 8vo. Paris, 1827. I- ! ( fc'i'ii .; :' : ■; I I .1. '......^ ' . I 644 ANTHROPOLOGY, ETC. [ZOOLOGIE, ETC. :M Reeve, Lovell. Conchologia Iconica ; a complete repertory of species : pic. torial and descriptive, tlio figures being drawn by him upon stone from original pencil sketches, by Q-. B. Sowerby, Junr. Vols. 1 to 4. 4to. London, ISi'S—lHil. This is the first portion only of the work, which will be the moat extensive and complete nccouut of Shells ever published. So'Werby, Q-. B. A Conchological Manual. Fom-th edition, considerably en- larged, &c. 8vo. London, 1852. Popular British Conchology. 12mo. London, 1854. Woodward, S. P. A Manual of Mollusca ; illustrated by Waterhouae and Lowry. 12mo. London, 1851. Roberts, Mary. A popular history of Mollusca. 12mo. London, 1851. Beece's Popular Natural hlhtory. Landsborough, Dr. A. popular history of British Zoophytes, or Corallines. 12mo. London, 1852. Hid. A pojjular history of British Sea-weeds ; Avith uoticea of some of the Fresh-water Algie. Second edition. 12mo. Loudon 1S51. Ibid. AlgSB of North American Coasts. Notices of the, — vide, the Smithso- nian Contributions to Knowledge, vols. .3 and 5. Bruguiere, Lamoureux, Lamarck, Deshayes, etc. Vers, coquilles, moUusques et zoophytes. A vol. 4(:o., avec 488 planches. Paris, 1791-1832. Encyclopcdie mtthodiqiie. Duvernoy. Systomo uervoux des niollusques. M.A.S., vol. 24. Rang, Sander. Manuel do I'histoire naturello des mollusques et do leurs coquilles. 12mo. Paris, 1829. Cubieres, de. Histoire jvbrege dea coquillages de mer, de leurs mceura et de leurs amours. 4to. Versailles, I7y9. Ki^ner, L. C. Species general et iconographie dos coquilles vivantoa com- prenant la collection du niLjce d'histoire uaturelle de Paris, la col- lection Lamarck, cello du prince Massena, (appartenant maintenant i\. M. le baron IJenjamiu Delessert) ot les d^couvertes reoentes des voyageurs. 10 vol. gr. Svo., ii.caouipagu6s de iigures coloricea. Paris. Vol. I ct II. Faiuille An* ciirouliJcB. " IllotlV. Famillu duo columollaires '' V. Fiimille dos purpui-ifiires. " \i Fiiiiiillo den i!slccs. " VII, VIII, IX. r-nille dos caimlif.^re8. " X. Fiuiiii! des tiiibin.icc'os. Dl^jardin. Histoire naturelle des helminth^s ou vers intestinaux. 8vo., avec ])lanehe8. Paris, 1815. Bremser. Vers intestinaux de I'homme ; traite zoclogique et physiologique, tradi'it de ralleiiuind, avec un atlas compose de 12 planchea. 4to. Paris, 1824. [E, ETC. ciea: pio< >on stone, Is. 1 to 4. cteQsiye and ierably en- .854, rhouse and idon, 1851. r Corallines. vritli noiicea 10. Loudon, the Smithso- era, , coquilles, che3. Paris, et de leura micurs et de ,iv antes corn- Paris, la col- t maiutcnant n^'eutos des rices. Paris. Itinaux. 8vo., Lhysiologique. liauches. Ito- BOTANIQUB.] BOTANY. 645 Blainville, H. M. de. Manuel d'actinologie ou de zoopbytologie. 8vo., et atlcs. Paris, 1843. Lesson. Zoophytes aealephea (physale, beroe, angole, etc.) 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1843. Dujardin, Zoophytes infusoirea, (animalcules microscopiques). 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1840. Voir ci-devant la section Sciences Naturellics, et en particulier les Toyages autour du monde et autres granda voyages Buientifiques. BOTANY. BOTANIQUE. Lamarck et Poiret. Dictionnaire de botanique, avec supplement. 13 vol. 4to., (et 1000 planches). Paris, 1789-1817. Encyclo^edie mt'tho- dique. Rousseau, J. J. Lettres el^mentaircs sur la botanique. Voir lea ccuvres de Kousseau, vol. 5 et 6. Boitard. Manuel de botanique. 4 vol. 12rao., avec atlas, 8vo. Paris, 1852. lioret. Jussieu, Laur. de. Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales dispo.Mta juxta niethodum in horto ren;io parisiensi exaratam, anno 1774. 8vo. Parisiis, 1789. Jussieu, A. de. Botanique ; ouvrage contenant 813 figun^s, (adopte par le conseil de I'instruction publique). K;ao. l^'aris, 185o. Loudon, J. C. Arboretum et Fruticetum Dritannicuni ; or, the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, liurdy and l.alf-hardy, pictorially and botaiiically delinei'ted ; with tht-ir Prufiagatioti, Culture, Manage- ment, and U...:.:.i, ti.. m'i ■ . i i-.- Ion, 1 852. lu'Cff's Fop. Nat. Jlis. Archer, 'I\ <•'• Eeonomic Botany ; or, deseription of the llotanical and cora- niiicial diaractcr of the |ii-iiicipal articles of Vegetable ori"iii Ac rjiiio. ijoiiilon, I."-.").'}. ////(/. Roberts, .'lury. N'oicc.s from the Woodlands, descriptive of Forest Treeii Mo-^M's, and Liiliens. 12mo. London, IS.IO. Recce s Pop. Nat llisl. Stark, Iv. M. A popular history of British .Mosses ; their structure, fructifi- cation, &.C. l2nio. London, 1S.)4. Ihid, Moore, Thomas. A popular liistory of the British Ferns, and the allied plants. Seeond edition. 12mo. London, 185.5. Ibid. Henfrey, Arthur. The Vegetation of Eurojx- ; its conditions and ciiuses. lUmo. London, 1S.j2. Marty n, Profcs.^or. Observations on Grasses, Vide Stillingfleet's Works, vol, 2, part II. Candolle, A. P. de. Organographie vegfitale, ou description raisonnee des organes des plmite.s avcc 60 planches. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844, Physiolo;iie v^'getale, ou exposition des forces et des fonctions vitiiles des veg<^taux, pour servir de suite k rorgaiiognipliie vegC'tale. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1832. r, Agnes. Popular Fiel I ilotany ; a fimiliar liistory of Plants, com- mon ill the British Lsles. Third edition. 12ino. London 185'>. ■""• *-'t Alph. de. Prodomus .svstematis nnturalis regni vegetiibilis. sivc cnumeratio contracta onlinum, gcnerum, speeierunuiuc planlnrum hucusque cognitarum. 13 vol. Svo. Paris, 1824.18uli. ■ n ANIQTIB. introduced ; edited by Great Sub- lassiflcation, bird edition, BU3 and other 3 an inductive 4,9. e8 ; translated London, l8o3. Vide otilling- n Plant?, corn- London, 1852> linical anil coni- bk' oiigin, &c, Forest Trees, \poi).Nal Jlist. |uctiii-e, fructifi- Ihe allied plaint?, ins and causes, l.rtlect's Works, i-aisonnee des L forces ct des I rorganograpliie [egni vegetabilis. BOTANIQUE.] BOTANY. 647 Candolle, A. P. de, et Alph. do. Introduction k I'^tude de la botanique, ou trait6 ^l^mrntaire de cette science. 2 vcL 8vo. Piiris, 1835. . Geographic botanique raisonn^e, ou exposition des t'aita principaux et des lois concernant la distribution g6ograpbique des plantcs de r6poque actuelle. 2 vol. 8vo., avec deux cartes , g^ographiques. Paris, 1855. Mirbel. Geographie botanique. 4to. Paris. Jacques et Herincq. Manuel g6ncral des plantes, arbres et arbustes clasaos aelon lu nicthode de De Candolle. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris. Pontenelle, (Julia de), et Tollard, (Henri). .Manuel de I'herboriato, de repicier-dnigiiisto et du grainier-p6piniC'ri;;;e horticulteur. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828. liorct. Raspail- Nouveau systome de pliysiologie vogfitale et de botanique. 2 vol 8v()., et nil atlas de 60 planches. Paris, 1837. Dumontier, 15. ( '. Essai car|)o;^raplii(ni<;, prosentant une nouvello classifica- tion des fruit.s. 4to. IJnixcllL's, 1H35. Gaudichaud, Cii. Or^janographie, physiologic et organogtnio des vegC'taiix. M. A. S. (K), vol. 8. Duchartre. Observations anatomiques et organogeniques aur la clandestine d'Europe. M. A. S. (E.), vol. 10. Payen. DeveloppL-nient des vegetaux. Id., vol. 8 et 9- Spach. Vt'getaiix iihani-rogames (a orgaiie.s HOxueL^ apparens, arbres, arbris- seaux. planti's d'agri'uHMit, etc.) 14 vol. Svo., ct atlas. Paris, 1834. Stilliiiglieet, B. Calendar of Flora; Swedish, Engli.-ili, Greek; with Proles- I'or Martyn'.s additions. Vide Stillingflect's Works, vol. 2, part II. Vogel's Niger Flora ; or an enumeration of the Plants of Western tropical Africa; collected by Dr. Theodore Vogel, Botanist to tiie Expedition to tiie liiver Niger in ISH , including Spicilcgia Gorgonea, by ii. P. AVebb ; anil I'lora Nigritiana, by Dr. J. D. Hoc-' or and G. Benthain ; with a Life of Dr. Vogel. Edited by .Sir \V. J. Hooker. 8vo. Lon- don, 184!). Vidf, also, I?ruce's Travels, vol. 5. for rtcloct speciinena of Natural Illstory, col- lected iu his travels in Xiibiu, Abyssinia, ite., with engraviiijja. Sibthorp, Johannes. Flora Gncca: sive Plantarum rariorum Ilistoria, quas in provinces aut insniis Grneci.'o legit, investigavit, et depingi curavit, etiam inserta- sunt paucuho species quas vir idem clarissimus, in itinere, pncsertini apud Italiam et SiciliaTi, invcnerit. Characteres omnium descriptiones et synonyma clahoravit J. F"^. Smith, ^oc. Linn. Lon- don. Pra'ses. Centac. 1 — 10, With Appendices in the last volume. 10 vol«. Folio. London, 1806— l84u. ^mm k n- k m mm rli !• i> ! i:»l -H^iti' 648 BOTANY. [botanique. tvi « \'(f ' ■ -if" ^ 4ifil. mi • *■ H[; £ * '* 1 - ;'1fc ■:■{ ir ■ { . "' < R.: : il ■ BiMhorp, Johannes, Flora Grsece, etc. — (Continued). Appundix Ima. Auctores CitaCi. 2ndii. CataloguH gyfttematicua. Stia. Index in DioHCoridem, [with] Indices. Noiiiiua Qrraca podierna, Noininwn Turciooriiii, NorninumSvste matioorum ct Syuonyniorum. Tliii I''lora represents tlio botany of all temperate zones, and is the 'post costly and perfect Flora ever publialicd in any country. Its production oosv ^30 000 and fifty copies only were printed. For valuable illustrntive papers on tlie Natural History of Greece, from the Jour -.ij of tlie late Dr. Sibtliorp, vid« Vripole'ri Memoirs relating to European anJ Asiatic Turltoy, and the supplcmoiitaiy volume of Travels in the East- in GEOuRAriiT, VoYAOKS, ^ Brown, danK's. The Foresii r ; on tlie planting, rearing and general manage- ment i.f forcr^t tr rs ; with an iniprnvrd process for transplantiii" uC trees of iargr Hize. Si com! edition enlargc'd. 8vo. Lomion, iMol. Strutt, d. G. "^ylva iritan'oca : or portraits of forest trees, distitii^iiisliedt'ur tlh ir antiquity, nugniinde or beauty; drawn from nature. 8n). London, IbiiO. Evelyn, •lohn. Sii\a ; or a di^Murse of forest trees, and the propagation (f timber in il. M'.-. dominions ; with an historical account of tin; -^^acivvl- 11. -...s and as(! of St.inding Groves ; witli notes by A. Hunter, Now edilioii, to \vhi(di i> added the Teuka : a phil;jsophieal discours' uf Earth. 2 vols. 4to. York, 17S(i. Royle, J- !''• Illustration- ..f tiie Botany, and other brnnclies of Cm Natmil History of the Hiiiiulayau Mountains ; and of the Flora of Casiunere, L' vols in 1. Folio. London, 1839. Hooker, J. '*• l''o Rhododendrons of Sikkim-IIimalaya ; beiu/ m account. botanical and geographical, of the Rhododendrons recntly discovered in li'.e N,!ountains of Eastern IIiina!ayo. Edited by Sir W.J. Hosier. Second edition. Folio. London, 1S49. ANICiUE. )roUium Syste- nst costly and oosv <;3o,ooo, iin the Jour 'Ms I European iind ID the East; ID ascriptions of [lumeratioi of , the scientific i to the Lin- 4to. London, IV. CoroUifloras] ^ account of the lehring's Strait, manil of Capt, ■ \V. J. Hooker, od of Riving im- nd uudiirwouil ; . Hvo. EJin- ;enf ral manage- Itransiihuiting "f Lmidon, 1^51. |distiii'j;iiisliedi'ur niiiure. 8m'. propagation d i[\l oftlw-^iwi"'-'- lluutev. NtJ^' inil discoiun' uf |.H of t;i« Naiura. . ii of Crtsliinw^' jeiii/ in account. BOTANIQUB.] BOTANY. 649 ,„„tly disci'vere' Hooker> J. I^- Himalayan Journalu : or, NotM of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal HiuialayiiB, Ac. 2 voLn. 8vo. London, 1854. Hooker, (J- ^■) and Thomson, (Thomu-s.) Flora Indica : the Plants of British India ; with observations on their natural orders and genera. Vol. I. Ilanunculacetc to FumariacerD. 8vo. London, 1853. [Indian Reports— Botanic and MedioaL] Repo. ts on Botanic Gardens, Calcutta ; [with] catalogue of plants therein and notice of the " Library Department," Calcutta, 1813. Also ; a lithographic account of a Uotanical experiment. Folio. Horticultural Gardens, Ootacamund. lleport on. By R. Wight. Vide it vol. lettered, Indian INirnpliletH, Aiiti(iuitic.s, &c. Delile A, U. Flore d'Egypte. Voir Description de V Efjypte, histoire natu- rclli', vol. 2. Saulcy ft Michon, MM. Catiiloguc di t |)larites observecs un Syrie et en r.'.'jstiiie ; par — , ct rodigo par AIM. 1'^. Cossoii ct Kralik. 4tu I'aris, 1854. Raoul, M. E. Choix de plantes do la Nouvelle-Z6lande, recueillies et doerites p:u- —. 4to. Pari.s, 1811',. Lamarck, do. Flore fran(,', on dcacriptiuii do iDutoa ies pliintosqiii crois- soiit naturolleineiit en Fraiioo. IJo t'dition, augniontoo par ]M. dc Cardollo. G vol. 8vo., (avoo ligiiros) Paris, 1805-15. Coic 4^ 'in ii|: !:>f ip ;■ i ' •i I i , •A 660 AGRICULTURE AND [AGRICULTURE ET Torrey, (-Tolin) and Gray, (Asa.) A Flora of North America : of all the known indigenous and naturalized Plants, growing North of Mexico • arranged according to the natural systsm. Vols. I. & II. New York 1838-40. ' Hooker, Sir W. J. Flora Boreali-Amoricana ; or the Botany of the north- ern parts of British America : compiled from the Plants collected on the late Northern Expeditions under Capt. Sir John Franklin ■ to which are added those of Mr. Douglas, from North west Anyrka etc. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1840. Voir ui-dovant la Boctiuu fSuiiNOis Naturxllib. |.(jritulturt mib |)(jrticulture. j ^(jticultur^ d |)or&ulte. JWrnmi Hi ■*■ ■■ ^n^^^H ^^[ffii ||^g^« • w J ^i^^( « ( > ' ' W]f^ r i^B '' '*' t , ' |B| 3. 4 ■.* ' P'' - ■ ; l\ H gj^j: J ^ ^tt^lUuS uUk ..l* ^Q 1 ' IvM*^ HhB - ^ IH pi Marivault. Pri'cis do I'liistoiro gt'uu'ralo de ragriculturo. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Stillingfleet, B. Memoraudu for tlio History of Huabnndry, &c. Vide his Worka, vol. 2, part 2iid. Hoskyns. C. \V. Iiuiuiry into tlio History of Agriculture, in ancient, media)- val, and modern times. 12m() London, 184S). Donaldson, John. Au;iiciiUnr:il Hioi^rapliy ; contairiiig a notice of the Life and \V'rititi?rii'nlliiii> I'.iri'stii'io, etiiiif.',)*, iKlmiiiistiiitiuii ct It'gislatiiin rurnlos. " V. llorticultuio, I'liloiidricr tlu jimiiiiier, du iimgmiiiii.'i' ot du forostier. UTTIIIE ET : of all the of Mexico ; New York, )f the north- collected on Franklia ; to Rost Ar.ujrka, ,)flriittttee. ivo. Paris, 1837. y, &c. Ftcieliia u ancient, mediK- liiotice of the Life from tho earliest luUiirc ct iVhorti- ;iiis, allemimdaet liomic (lu hetail, I'-es. 2 vol. 8vo. Iiln, Fougcroux de loll de l*nt. Bailly, l-.gislatimi r«rftl>'S. Iler et ^1" f""^*''"^' nOBTICULTURE.] HORTIOtJLTlJRE. 651 Journal d'aRriculture pratique ot do jardinago, fond6 par le Dr. Bixio, et publiii par lua redacteurs do la MaiHon Uustiquo du XIXo sioclo, soua la direction do M. Harral. 23 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837, ct ann6o8 8uivauto8. Thaer, Albert I). The principles of Agriculturt ^1^ i i; • 1 ~. ■")h Loudon, •!• 0. Au Encyclopa>dia of Agriculture ; comprising the theory and practico of the vuiuation, trnnsfer, laying out, improvement and management of landed property, und of the cultivation and economy of the animal and vi'getablo productions of agriculture ; a general nistorv of agriculture in all countries, a statistical view of its present state with suggestions for its future progress in the British Isles and supplenuiuts bringing down the work to the year 1844. Fifth edition bvo. London, 1844, Doyle, ]Martin. A Cyelopaidia of practical Husbandry, and rural affairs in general. Now ediHon, enlarged and revised by W. lUiam 8vo London, 1851. Morton, Julm C. A Cyclopjudia of Agriculture, practical and scientific • in which the theory, the art, and the business of F'arming, are thorou"lily and practically treated by upwards of fifty practical and scientific men of the day, edited by. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851-55. Andre'WS, C II. .Mt)dern Ilu-sbandry ; a [)nictical and scientific treatise on Agriculture. 8vo. London, 1853. Rendu, V. Manuel <;lementaire d'agrieulture. 12mo. Paris, 1S44. Horet. Lepinois, E. B. de. ^Manuel du fermier, ou I'agrieulture simplifi^e et miseu la [)ort(''C d(! tout le mondo. 12nK). Pari.s, 1S43. I/l. Thiebaut de Berneaud, Ar.sene. .Manuel du cuitivateur fran9ais, ou I'art de bieii cultivf les teries, de soigncr les aniiuaux, &c. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1811. N. Yvai"i, V. AssoIoauMits, jaehi^re et succession des cultures. Ouvrage annotfi parV. Kendu. 3 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1842. Id. Schlipf. Agriculture ; inanuel populairc, traduit de Pallemand parl'J'ap. Nick- 16s. Strasbourg et Paris, 1844. Chaptal, 0. Le parfait fermier. Trait6 d'economie rurale, suivi de la bio- grnphie des agronomes celtibres. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Thouin, A. Cours de culture comprenant la grnnde et la petite culture des terres, celle dos jardins, des semis, plantations, taille, gretfe des arbres fruitiers. 2 vol. Svo., et atlas 4to. Paris. Gasparin, Comte de. Cours d'agriculture. 5 vol. Svo. Paris, 1844. ■ Guide des proprietaires des biens sourais au metayage. 12mo. Paris. • Guide des proprietaires des biens ruraux affjrmts, 12mo. Paris. Aud6. Nouvelles experiences sur la poussaT Sir John Sinclair, ouvragu traduit de I'lmglaia. 2 vul. 8vo. Paris, 182o. -^^— — Annales uj^ricolea do lloville, ou molangt-M d'agri- culture, d'oconomie rurale ct de legislation agricole. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824-1832 —^ ■ Annales ngricoles do Rovillc ; supplement. Svo. Paris, 1837. Rieffel. Economie rurale ; cours prof-sst' & I'institut agricolo de Ilohunlioim par M. Gooritz ; traduit de rallem lod. Boussingault, J. B. Economie rurale conmdi chiiiiie, la physique et la mctuorol< Miimoires de cliinii. ol. 8v . Paris, 1850. j 8«i rapports avec la dvo. PariH, 1851. dc (ihysiologie. Svo. Paris, 1851. Petzholdt, Alexander. Lectures to Farmers on .i.^. i altnral Ciiemistry, in- troductory to the writings of Liebig. 8vo. London, 1855. Liebig, Justus Von. Familiar Letters on Chemistry in its relations to Physio- logy, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce, and Political 1 conomy. Third edition, enlarged, &o. 12mo, London, 1851. Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiolopy, edited from the MS. of the Author, by L. Playfair and W. (Jregory. Fourth edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1847. — — Principles of Agricultural Chemistry, with reference to the late researches made in England. 12mo. London, 1855. Fownes, George. On thi; application ol Chemistry to Agriculture, (with his Hudimentary Chemistry.) 12mo. London, 1854. Weale's Series. Davy, Sir Humphry. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture, delivered between 1802 and 1812. Fourth edition. Svo. London, 1827. Maiiuel de chimie agricole. Avec des notes de M. John Davy, sur des fuits connua seulement dnpuis 1826. Traduit de I'ang- lais par A. D. Vergnaud. 12mo. Pari.s, 1838. P.oret. Johnston, James F. W. Lectures on the general relations which Science bears to practical Agriculture ; before the Now York State Agricul- tural Society, with notes and additions. Svo. New York, 1850. Contributions to scientific Agriculture. Svo. Edin burgh, 1849. — ^— ■ EK^ments do chimio agricolo ct dc geologic, traduit de I'anglaia par M. F. Exschaw ct M. T. lliefTel. 12mo. Paris, 1849. Norton, J. P. Elements of scientific Agriculture, or the connection between Science and the Art of practical Farming. 12mo. New York, 1850. I 1 !r= '' r. t:-';.;:i i; iijiffl .4 ir-i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ^ US, 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 m < 6" — ► p% ^ /2 7 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M^iSO (716) 872-4503 . Irrigation et assaioiBsement des terres. Trait6 de I'emploi dea eaux en agriculture. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Jtoret. Boitard, M. Manuel du oultirateur-foreBtier. 2 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1834. Id. Crinon, (J* I'- ^0 et (M.) Vasserot. Le forestier-praticieu ou guide dee gardes-cbampStres. 12mo. Paris, 1852. Id. ForStS et bois, leurs semis et plantations, etc., arbrea et arbustes qu'on peut Clever en pleine terre dans le royaume ; leur description, leur cul- ture, etc., par L. M. Blanquart de Sept-Fontaines, pr^c^dees de la physiologic v^g^tale par Senebier. 4to. Paris, 1791. Encyclopddie methodique. MSlier, le Dr. Bapport sur les marais salants. 4to. Paris, 1847. Fellault. L'art de s'enrichir par I'agriculture en cr6ant des prairies. 12mo. Paris, 1849. Schwerz, J* N. Culture des plantes ^conomiques, ol^agineuses, textiles et tinctoriales ; revue par M. Pabst, traduit de I'allemand ppr M. Laver- riere ; avec planches. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Loiseleur-Deslongohamps. Considerations sur les c^r^ales et princi- palement sur les froments. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Jourdier, Auguste. Le materiel agricole. Arec gravures. 12ino. Paris, 1855. Art aratoire et Jardinage, ouvrage contenant la description et I'usage dea machines, ustensiles, instruments et outils employes dans I'exploitation des terres et dans la culture des plantes. 4to., avec 54 planches. Paris, an V. Eneyolopedie methodique. Boitard. Instruments aratoires ; collection complete de tous les instruments d'agriculture etde jardinage frangais et Strangers. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Andrews, G. H. On Agricultural Engineering ; (Vol. I, Buildings, Vol. II, Motive-powers and Machinery, Vol. Ill, Field-machines and Imple- ments,) bound in 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1852-53. Weah^s series. The Farmer's Almanao and Calendar : by C. W. Johnson and W. Shaw, for the years 1841 to 1855-6. All bound in 4 vols. 12mo. London. Ossaye, F. M. Noaveau syst^me do comptabilit6 agricole. Br. 8vo. Montr6al, 1853. Cormenin. Entretiens de village. Huiti^me Edition. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Barrau, P. B. Manuel des propri^taires de toiites ies classes, ou trait6 des fleaux et des cas fortuits. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Oareault, Fr. A. de. Le nouveau parfait mar^chal ou la connaissanoe g£n4- rale et universelle du oheval, divis^ en 7 traitfis ; avec un dictionnair& des tprmes de cavalerie, des figures, des notes, et sur les vices r^dhibi- toires. Cinquieme Edition. 4to. Paris, 1843. t^4 Y>'\ ii h* *? r. Hi. 658 AGRICULTUBB AND [agRICULTUEE ET ■. i ;>1 ' * Bourgelat' Element de I'art v^t^rinaire. Huiti^me Edition. 8vo. Paris 1832. Daumas, le g^n6ral. Des chevaux du Sahara. Svo. Paris, 1851. Boigne, de. Du cheval en France. Svo. Paris, 1848. HoueL Histoire du cheral chez tous les peuples de la terre depuis leg temps les plus anciens jusqu'ii nos jours. 2 vol. 8vo., rel. en 1. Paris 1848. Trait6 complet de I'^leve du cheval en Brelagne. 8vo. Avranches 1842. IiespinatS. Haras royal du pin, et considc^rations sur ram^lioration des chevaux en France. Svo. Paris, 1847. De Veauoe, le baron. De I'^levage du cheval, des courses, et de ram^lioration des races chevalines en France. Svo. Moulins, 1849. Montigny, le vicomte de. Manuel de I'^ducation et de I'hygiene du cheval 12mo. Paris, 1S53. Eoret. Richard. De la conformation du cheval suivant les lois de la physiologie et de la m6canique. Svo. Paris, 1847. Abou Bekr Ibn Bedr. Le Naceri : la perfection des deux arts ou trait6 complet d'hippologie et d'hippiatrie arabes ; traduit de I'Arabe, par M. Perron. Premiere partie. Svo. Paris, 1852. La Morioidre, de. Rapport sur les haras. 4to. Paris, 1850. Stud book fran9ais, registre des chevaux pur sang importes ou nes en France. Tome ler et ler suppl. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1851 ct 1854. Conoours d'animaux reproducteurs m&les, d'instruments, a achines, ustensiles ou appareils k I'usage de I'industrie agricole ou des •^'vers produits agricoles et des differentes industries agricoles, tera- f*rance, de 1850 h. 1854. 5 vol. Svo. Conoours d'animaux de boncherie a Poissy, Lyon et Bordeaux depuis la fondation du concours de Poissy en 1844, jusqu'i ce jour, 1844 ^ 1854. 6 vol. Svo. Paris, 1849-1855. Boyard,''M. Manuel du bouvier. du zoophile, du berger, du fermier et de I'herbager. 12mo. Paris, 1844. Boret. Delaguette, M. Y. Le nouveau bouvier ou traits des maladies des bestiaux. 12mo. Paris, 1838. Iiefebvre, Ste. Marie. De la race bovine courte-corne am^Iioree dite race de Durham en Angleterre, aux £tats-Unis et en France. 8vo., et atlas, folio. Paris. Celnart, Mme. Manuel des habitants de la campagne et de la bonns fer- miere ; suivi d'un resume des travaux de chaque saison etde I'hygike dep cultivateurs. 12mo. Paris, 1834. Roret. Thi^baut de Berneaud, A. Manuel de la laiterie. l2mo. Paris, 1842. li. BORTIOULTURE.] HORTICULTTJRB. 659 Youatt, William. The complete Grazier ; or Farmer's and Cattle-breeder's and Dealer's Assistant. Containing full instructions relative to every kind of stock, the management of the diary, the arrangement of farm oi&ces, &c. Also, a description of the best implements ; directions for the use of grass-land, and the raising of grain and root crops, &c. ; draining, irrigation, warping, manuring, &c. Ninth edition, enlarged and brought down to the present requirements ; by M. A. Touatt, &c. 8vo. London, 1852. I Treatise on Cattle. Vide Libr. U. K., vol. 14. Treatise on the Sheep. Vide Libr. U.K., vol. 15. Treatise on the Dog. Vide Libr. U. K., vol. 17. Treatise on the Horse. Kew edition : with a treatise of 1853. Vide Libr. U. K., vol. 16. The Cow. Dairy-husbandry and cattle-breeding. Vide Richardson's Hand-books, (ante, p. 654). The Sheep and Shepherding, &c. Draught. Milburn, M. M. Australian Sheep- Ibid. farming, &c. Richardson, H. D. The Horse, the Dog, and Domestic Pigs. Ibid. Martin, C L. The History of the Dog, and its principal varieties. 12mo. London, 1845. KnigMs Lib. Low, David. The breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands ; de- scribed and illustrate'! with plates from drawings, reduced from a series of portraits from life. Vol \. The Horse and the Ox. Vol. 2. The Sheep, the Goat and the Hog. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. London, 1842. The Domesticated Animals of the British Islands ; compre- hending the natural and economical history of species and varieties ; the description of the properties of external form ; and observations on breeding. 8vo. London, 1846. Dixon, E. S. Ornamental and domestic Poultry ; their history and manage- ment. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo. London, 1850. Richardson, H. D. Domestic fowl and ornamental Poultry; their natural history, origin and treatment. Revised edition. 12mo. London, 1853. Dickson, W. B. Poultry, their breeding, rearing, diseases and general man- agement. New edition, incorporating the Treatise by B. Mowbray; with corrections and large additions, by Mrs. Loudon. 12mo. Lon- don, 1853. Royal Agricultural Society of England :— The Journal of. [Practice with Science.] 1839-40 to 1862-63. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1840-1852. Canadian Agriculturalist, (and Transactions of the Board of Agricul- ture, Upper Canada, in vols. 3 & 4.) A monthly Journal of Agricul- ture, Horticulture, Mechanics, General Science, Domestic Economy, &c. 1849-52. VoLltovol.4. 4to. Toronto, 1849-62. k * I'i -t % 'H V '1 il I I vl in mAi w i 1 ' ]U- 660 AGRICULTURE AND [AGRICULTURE ET Journal nnd Transactions of the Board of Agriculture of Upper Canida.— Vol. 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1856. Journal of Agriculture and proceedinRsofthe Lower Canada Agricultural Society, publifihed monthij by W. Evans. 8vo. Montreal, 1848- 1850. Bas-Oanada. Journal d'Agriculture et proc^d^s de la Soci^te d'Agricul- ture du. Janvier, 1848 — Decembro, 1860. 3 vol. 8vo. Montroal. Massachusetts. First Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, together with the Rt-ports of Committees appointed to visit the County Societies, (with) The Agriculture of Massachusetts as shown in the Returns of the Agricultural Societies, 1863. Prepared by C.L.Flint. 8vo. Boston, 1854. Transactions of the Agricultural Societies in the State of Maine, for 1850- 61-52 : arranged by E. Uolmes. 8vo. Augusta, 1863. ■ For 1863 ; arranged by Holmes. Connecticut State Agricultural Society. Transactions of the,— for 1854 & 1855, with Reports of the County Societies for the same year. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1856-56. {Two copiet.) Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India ;— Proceedings of. [Monthly papers.] March, 1840 to June, 1842. Reports (Annua!) for 1840-41-42, — With Proceedings (monthly,) January to May, 1838, of the Agricultural Society, [before its junction with the Hor- ticultural,] in 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1840, &c. ■ Journal of, edited by the Committee of Pa- pers : 1842 — 1854 ; generally consisting of " Original Communica- tions." 9 vols. Hvo. Calcutta, 1842— 1854. Agri-Horticultural Society [of Bombay.] Transactions of,— 1852. Vol. 1. 8vo. Bombay, 1852. Horticultural Society of London, (Th.') Transactions of, [1st and 2nd series, 1805 to 1848.J 10 vols, in 9. 4to. London, 1815-48. ■ Journal of. Vol. 1 to vol. 9. 8vo. London, 1846—1855. Oontiiiiiing original communicatlona. Notices of new plants in the Society's gar- den ; with a Digest of " Proceedings at the raeetings of the Society." [Misoellaneous Translations. Vol. 2. No. 6.] Translation of an Extract from a Horticultural work, in Persian, by Baboo Rad- halcant Deb of Calcutta. 1834. (0. T. F.) R^sumd des discussions des couseils genoraux de I'agriculture, etc., des manu- factures et du commerce, sur la question des sucres. 4to. Paris, 1841. Conseils G^n^raux de Tagriculture, des manufactures et du commerce. Proces-verbaux. 4to. Paris, 1848. .- de Tagriculture, des manufactures et du commerce, 1841-1842. Proces-verbaux. 4to. Paris, 1845. poL ' 1845 et 184G. 3 vol. 4to. Paris, 1846. HORTICULTURE. J HOBTIOULTUaB. 661 Qggipte-Tendu du d^cret du 3 ootobre 1848, relatifs k I'enBeignement pro- fesaionnel de I'agriculture. 4to. Pariu, 1850. j^nales de I'institut agronotnique. 4to. Paris, 1852. Illinois in 1837. A sketch descriptive of, — with suggestions to Emigrants ; to which are added a Letter on the cultivation of the prairies, by the Hon. H. L. Ellsworth ; and ijettcrs from a llambler in the West. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Parkinson, R. Tour in America; exhibiting the American system of Agri- culture and breeding of cattle, to which are added sketches by J. B. Boadley, with observations thereon. 8vo. London, 1805. Vide, also, Johiistoii's Notes. New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions of the,— with au abstract of the proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies und the American institute, for the years 1842 to 1850, vols. 2 to 10. Svo. Albany. . American Institute. Transactions of the, — for the years 1848 uud 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1849-1851. _ A duplicate copy, for 1848. Evans, Wm. Triiit6 th(Sorique ot jiratique d'ngriculture adaptu h la culture et k I'ecoiiomie dfs productions animales et v6g6tales de cet art en Canada ; avec nn precis de i'histoire de I'agriculture et un opei9u de son t'tiit uctuel dans quelques-uns des principaux pays, et particu- lierunient duns ies lies britanniques et en Canada : traduit de I'anglais par A. Girod. Svo. Montreal, 1836-37. Agriculture. The following pamphlets on, — in 1 vol. 8vo. PaporB and letters on Agriculture, recommended to the attention of the Cana* dian Farmer, by the Agricultural Society in Canada. (In EDglisb and French). Quebec, 1790. Ksaai sur la nianidro de ruparor ot entretcnir los chcmiua publics ; par J. S. McAdiim. Quebec, 1819. Prix olFerts par la aociite d'agrlculture de Qudbec, 1827-8. Notes diversos surlo Bas-Canada, par Amury Olrod. Village Dobartzch, 18S6. The Canadian Quarterly, Agricultural and Industrial Magazine ; by William Evans. Vol. 1. No. 1, for May, 1838, Montreal. Godard, P. llistoire de la pomme de terre : son origine, ses emplois ordi- nuires et industriels. Moyen de faire soi-m^me du pain it 7 Cmes. ledemi kilogr. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Payen, A. Lea maladies des pommes de terre, des betteraves, des bles et des vignes. 12roo. Paris, 1853. Ball, Samuel. An account of the cultivation and manufacture of Tea, in China ; from personal observation and the best authorities ; with re- marks on the Experiments for the introduction of the culture of the Tea-tree in other parts of the world. 8vo. London, 1848. Vide, also, Fortune's Tea-districts of China, in Okoorapht. '. iS il s; .- f'l J: ..•I I 662 AORIOULTVRB AND [AOaiOULTUEE ET 1 f! m Bvans, W. J. The Sugar-planter'i Manual : on the Art of obtaining Sugar from the Cane. 8to. London, 1847. Wray, Leonard. Tlie practical Sugar-planter : the cultivation and manufac* ture of the Sugar-cane ; the different systems pursued in the East and West Indies, etc., and the relative expenses and advantages attendant upon each. Svo. London, 1848. Bessemer, Henry. On a new method of manufacturing Sugar from the Cane, and its advantages ; also some remarks on the best mode of insuring its introduction into the British Colonies, (printed for private circula- tion.) Svo. London, 1852. P^licot, Eugene. Becherohcs sur I'annljse et H composition chimique de la betterave il Bucre. Paris, 1839. Seymour, W. D. On the Manufacture of Beet-sugar, Flax, and Chicory, in connection with a Land investment in the West of Ireland. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1851. Dickson, J. H. On the improved mode in the cultivation and management of Flax ; also several Tables, to guide the Merchant in his purchases, and the Manufacturer in giving out yarns to be wove into Linens, Lawns, Drills, &c.| &c. 12mo. London, 1846. WarneS, John. On the cultivation of Flax ; the fattening of cattle with native produce ; box-ftieding, and summer grazing. Second edition. Svo. London, 1847. Kirkwood, Alexander. Report on the system of Cultivation and preparation of Flax, as prnctisHd in Belgium, and in the British Islands. Vide Appendix 1. 1, to Journals of the Legislative Assembly, Canada, for 1854-5. (No. 10.) For Ward on the CuItiTation of Flax, 18S2; vide RichanUon's Hand-booke. Royle, J. F. The Fibrous Plnnts of India fitted for Cordage Ac, Ac, with an account of the cultivation and preparation of Flax, Hemp, and their s ■bstitutes. Svo. London, 185>5. Roques, J- Histoire des chtimpignons comestibles et vencneux, avec un atlas, 4to.,de24 planclie.s colorizes et termin^es au pinceau. Svo. Paris, 1841. Ijelieur, M. De la culture du mui's. 12roo. Paris. Bonafbus, Matthieu. Traitu du ma'is, et histoire uaturelle et agricole decette c6reale. Svo. Paris, 1833. Thory, C. A. Histoire nnturelle du genre groselier, contenant la description et la culture de toiites las groseillcs connues. Svo. Paris, 1829. Bossin, M. Manuel complet des jardiniers. 12mo. Paris lioret. Ysabeau. Le jardinage. l2mo. Puris, 1855. Id. Bailly, C. Manuel du jardinier. Nouvelle Edition, enrichie de notes, etc., par M. Bossin. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1 843. Id. HOBTICULTUEB.] HOETIOULTTJEE. 663 pu BoiS, Louis. Nouvelle pratique slmplifl^e du jardinage. 12mo. Paris, 1U46. Id. Johnson, G. W. Dictionary of Modern Gardening. 12mo. London, 1846. The Cottage Gardener's Dictionary | describing the plants, fruits, and vegetables desirable, and explaining the terms and opera* tions employed in their cultivation. 8vo. London, 1852. m'lntosh, Charles. The Book of the Garden : Vol. I. Structural. Vol. II. Cultural. 2 vols. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1853-65. The Greenhouse, Hothouse, and Stove ; including Lists of exotic Flowering plants, and directions for their cultivation. Kfew edition. 12mo. London, 1846. Loudon, J' C. An Encyclopaedia of Gardening, comprising the theory and practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Landscape Gardening; a general History of Gardening in all countries, and a Statistical view of its present state ; with suggestsons for its future progress in the British Isles. New edition, improved by Mrs. Lou- don. 8vo. London, 1855. Lindley, John. The theory and practice of Horticulture ; or, an attempt to explain the chief operations of Gardening upon Physiological grounds. The second edition of the Theory of Horticulture, much enlarged. 8vo. London, 1855. Pratt, Anne. The Field, the Garden, and the Woodland ; or, interesting Facts, &c. I2mo. London, 1847. Knight's Lib. Flowers and their Associations. 12mo. London, 1846. Ibid. Flower Garden : The, — with an Essay on the Poetry of Gardening. 12mo. London, 1852. Murray's Railw. Read. Glenny, George. The Flower Garden ; its arrangement, cultivation, and gen- eral management. I2mo. London, 1852. Ftc^e Richardson's H& '< Books, Nature Printing : A few leaves represented by, — showing the application of the Art for the re-production of Botanical and other natural objects. Folio. London, 1854. Ward, N. H. On the growth of Plants in closely-glazed cases. Second edition, 12mo. London, 1852. Kew. (The Conservatories at.) Wanderings through. 12mo. London. Boitard, M. Manuel de I'amateur des roses, leur monographic, leur histoire et leur culture. 12mo. Paris, 1836. Roret. Bavay, M. L. de. Traits de la taillo des arbres fruitiers. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Thouin, A. Monographie des greffes, ou description technique des diverses sortes de greflfea employees pour la multiplication des v^getaux. ]2mo. Paris. Id. Wih,m r" 664 AGRIOULTURB AND [AORlOULTUaB BT ^ I Paulln-Desormeaux, M. Mtnuol du tr«iUageur et du menuiaiw do* jardint. 12mo. Pans, 1836. Id. Ohasselaa. Culture du chaaaelas de Fontainebleau. 12mo. Paris, 1844. Id, Radouan, (J>) et (Aug.) Manuel pour gouverner lea abeilles et en retirer grand profit. 2 vol. ]2mo. Paris, 1840. Id. Frarldre, A. de. Les abeilles ct I'agriculture. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Gouverohel. Traits des fruits de toute esp^ue, comprenant la description des fruits tant indigenes qu'exotiques, leur emploi dans I'aliinentatioD, rucoaomie domestique, la m^decine ft les arts, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1862. Dovrning, A. J. Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, or tiie culture, propa< gntion and management of fruit trees. 870. New York, 1846. Thomas, John J. American ITruit Culturist, containing directions for the propagation and culture of fruit trees. 8vo. Auburn, 1850. Hovey, 0. M. The Fruits of Amerioo, containing richly colored figures, and fall descriptions of all the choicest varieties cultivated in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1853. Jacques. Manuel gL>n£ral des plantea, arbros et arbustes. 3 vol. 12nio. Paris. Maturation des fruits. Svo. Paris, 1819. Iiamarok et CandollO' Flore fran^aise, ou descriptions succinctes de toutes les plantes qui croissciit naturellement en France, preeddees par un exposu des principes ul^mentaires de la botanique. 6 vol. 8yo,, avec planches. Paris, 1815. yoir ci-devant la section Botanique, D'Albret, J. B. Cours theorique et pratique de la taille des arbres iVuitiera, auasi I'art de greffer. Nouvi^me (edition, avec figures en taiile douce. Svo. Paris, 1852. V^rardi et Ratzeburg, MM. Manuel du destructeur desanimauxnuisibles. Premiere partie par M. Verardi, revue et augment6e par M. N. Joly ; deuxiome partie, par M. Ratzeburg ; traduite par M. le comte de Corberon ; augment^e et ])ubli6e par le Dr. Boisduval. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1847-1852. Eoret. Voir aussi Rddarea ; chasseur Ta«pler. lie bon Jardinler, Almanach pour 1855, contenant les principes g^n^rauxdo culture ; Vindication, mois p \r mois, des travaux h faire dans les jar- dins, la description, I'histoire et la culture de toutes les plantes pota- g^res, c^r^ales, fourrag^res, etc. ; des arbres fruitiers, et des notions ^l^mentaires de botanique horticole, etc. ; par Poiteau, YilmoriD, Decaisne, et autres. 12mo. Paris, 1856. Figures de I'almanach du bon jardinier contenant: I. principes de botanique ; 2. principes de jardinage ; 3. construction et chaufifage des serres ; 4. composition et ornementation des jardins ; 5. instruments et outils de jardinage, etc., par J. Decaisne. Dix-neu- vi^me Edition. 12mo. Paris. il! HOaTIOULTURB.] nORTICULTURE. M6 Jardini. Truit^ o la compoiition et de rornement dea jardkii, av«c 161 planches (!|)r68entaiit 16britL-s mt'dicalea de I'^poque. Bulletin de racadomie royale de medecine, rtdigo par MM. E. Pariset, L. C. Roche, J. 11. Bousquet, etc. Do 1836 iS, 1837. 21vol. 8vo. Paris 1836, et annt'es (tuivantes. Bulletin des sciences in6dicales public sous la direction de M. le baron F^rdsac, 28 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Harris, C. A. Dictionary of Medical Terminology, Dental Surgery, and the Collateral Sciences. Second edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. Hooper, Robert. Medical Dictionary. Eighth edition, revised and improved by Dr. K. Grant. 8vo. London, 1848. Copland) Jambs. Dictionary of Practical Medicine. Vols. 1 and 2. Sro. London, 1844. Thomas, Robert. Modern Practice of Physic. Eleventh edition, by A. Frampton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Cabanis. Du d6gr6 de certitude de la medicine. FotV les oeuvres de Cabtnii. TOl. 1. Rush, Dr. Benjamin. Medical Inquiries and Observations. 2vol8.ini. 8ro. Philadelphia, 1794. Bell, Jacob. Historical sketch of the progress of Pharmacy in Great Britain, from the time of its partial separation from the practice of Medicine, until the establishment of the Pharmaceutical Society. 8vo. London, 1843. M^DIOA-LES.] J^ MEDICAL SCIENCES. 667 Euaya and Orations on important DiicaiM. 12mo. London, Halfbrd, Henry. 1833. Holland, Henry Garner, Robert Medical Notes and Reflection!. 8to. London. 1840. Eutberapeia \ or, an Examination of tba principles of Medical Science, with researobes in the Nervout Syatem ; treat- ing, also, of Phrenology, Mesmerism, Homoepathy, &c. 8vo. London, 1855. MilUngen, J. G. Curiosities of Medical Experience. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1837. Barclay, John. Inquiry into Life and Organization. 8vo. London, 1822. Plnney, <^ocl- The Duration of Human Life, ond its Three Eras ; the causes and agents that have «bortened the lives of the human race, and that prcventareturn to the longevity of the early patriarchs. Svo. London, 1856. Sooflbrn, John, The Philosophy of Common Life ; or the Science of Health. Svo. London, 18r)7. Combe, Andrew. Physiological and Moral Management of Infancy. Eighth edition ; with an appendi.-c by J. Coxe, M.D. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1854. Mayo, Herbert. The Pbiiosophyof Living. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1838. Smith, Southwood. The Philosophy of Health ; or an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man, etc. Third edition. 2 vols, 12mo. 1847. KnigUa Lib. Beale, L. J. Laws of Health in roktion to Mind and Body. 12mo. Lon- don, 1851. Mann, R. J- A Guide to the Knowledge of Life ; and regarding Organization and its relation to the natural influences, concerned in the muiiitenanee of health. 12mo. Loudon, 1855. Binns, Edward. The Anatomy of Sleep ; or the art of procuring sound and refreshing slumber at will. Second edition, with annotations and additions, by the Right Hon. Earl Stanhope. 12mo. London, 1845. Carter, R. B. On the Influence of education and training in preventing Diseases of the Nervous System. 12mo. London, 1855. Thaokrah, C. T. Tho efiects of Arts, Trades, and Professions, and of civic states and habits of living, on Health and Longevity : with sugges- tions for the removal of many of the Agents which produce disease, and shorten life. Second edition, greatly enlarged. Svo. London, 1882. Morln, J. Manuel d'hygigne ou I'art do consarver sa santd. 12mo. Paris. 1835. Roret. Beaugrand, le Dr. L'hygi^ne. 12mo. Paris, 1855. 1 cm * ,'.■■', 'i % 1*' 668 MEDICAL SOIENOBS. [SOIBNOES Iiovy, Michel. Traits d'hygifene publique et priv^e. 2 vol. 8vo. Parij 1844 ' Debreyne. Precis de physiologie catholique, suivi d'un code d'hygi^n^ pf,. tique. 8ro. Paris, 1854. Reveill^-Parise. Physiologie et hygiene des homines livris tux travaux de I'esprit. 8vo. Paris, 1843. ■ Hygiene oculaire. 12mo. Paris, 1845. i Guide pratique des goutteux et des rhumatisans. 8ro. Paris, 1847. .___— Trait6 de la vieillesse hygi^nique, m6dical et pbiloeo- 8vo. Paris, 1853. phique. Voir ausai Pescuret, la tncdecine des paEsionS. Frank, J- P- ^^ curandis hominiira morbis epitome prislectionibus academi- cis dtcata. 8vo. Taurini, 1825. Auber, le Ur. Hygiene des feinmes nerveuses. 12mo. Paris, 1844. Brunaud, Etienne. Do rhyjjiiSne des gens de lettre. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Jobert. Etudes sur le syst^me nerveux. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. OeriSOi le Dr* L. I^*^s fonctions et des maladies nerveuses dans leurs rapports avec r^ditcation sociale et priv6e, morale et physique. 8vo. Paris 1S42. ■ ' Le ra6decin des salles d'asile ou manuel d'hygi^ne et d edu- cation physique de I'enfance. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Fonssagrives, J. B. Tmite d'hygifene iiavale- 8vo. Paris, 1856. IMCorin, J. Manuel des gardes-maiades et des personiies qui veulent sesoigner elles-mSmes. 12mo. Paris, 1846. lioret. MuHer, E Habitations ouvriitres et agricoles, cit6s, bains et lavoiri, bo- ci^t^s alimentnires, details de constructian, 8ic. &c. 8vo. et atlas, folio. Paris, 1856. IiOmbard. Le cuisinier et le rnrdecin et le m6decin et le cuisinier, ou I'art de conserver ou de retablir sa sante par une alimentation cunveaable. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Payen, A. Des 8ub:itances aliinentaires et des moyens de les amuliurer, &c. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Soyer, Alexis. Pantropheon, or History of Food and its Preparation. 870. London, 1853. Pereira, Jonathan. On Food ! nd Diet. 8vo. Lon'on, 1843. Maroet, W. On the Composition of Food, and how it is adulterated, with directions for its analysis. 8vo. London, 1856. Hassall, A. H. On Food and its Adulterations. 8vo. London, 18/56. Adulterations dstected ; or plain instructions for the disco- very of Frauds in Food and Medicine. 8vo. London, 1857> I' J" u. SOM M^DICALES.] MEDICAL SCIENCES. 669 Farii, Mpn- xavaux }. 8to. philoBO' academi- 1810. 3. ■s rapports ro. Paris, e et d'edu- 6. , ge Boigoer lavoin, bo- ,•0. et atlas, |er, ou I'art bonvenable. ^Uorer, &c. Ition. 8to. [rated, with ll8S5. L the disco- is?. Carpenter, W. B. The Physiology of Temperance, and total ubstinence. Hvo. Loudon, 1853. Wilson, Charles. Pathology of Drunkenness ; the operation of Ardent Spi- rits in producing ''isease. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1853. Peddle, Alexander. Pathology of Delirium Tremens. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1854. Haviland, Alfred. Climate, Weather, and Disease ; — being The Opinions of ancient and modern Writers, with regard to the influence of Climate and Weather in producing disease. 8vo. London, 1855. (2 copies.) Clark, Sir James. The Sanative Influence of Climate ; with an account of the best places of resort for Invalids in England, the South of Europe, the West Indies, &c. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1841. Lee Kdwin. Nice and its Climate ; with notices of the coast from Hy&res to Genoa ; and observations on the effect of Climate on pulmonary di- sease. 12mo. London, 1855. Spain and its Climates ; with a specie ' account of Malaga. 12mo. London, 1855. Hand-Book of Domestic Medicine : popularly arranged, [" after the manner of Buchan."] By an eminent Physician. 8vo. London, 1 855* B. Scie7it. Lib. Raspail, F. V". Domestic Medicine ; or Main Instructions in the Art of Pre serving and Restoring Health. Edited by G. L. Strauss, 1853. Weale' 8 series, — with "Painting on Glass." Thomson, Spencer. Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Sur- gery. 8vo. London, 1853. Morin J. Manuel de medecine et de chirurgie domestiquea. 12mo. Paris, 1847. lioret. Hahnemann, S. Exposition de la doctrine medicate homceopathique, tra- duit de I'allemand par A. J. S. Jourdan. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Rosenstein, J. G. The comparative merits of Alloeopathy, the old medical practice ; and Homoeopathy, the reformed medical practice, illustrated. Bvo. Montreal, 1846. Vidart. Etudes pratique sur I'hydrotherapie ou traitement des maladies par I'eau froide. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Wilson, Jnmea. The principles and practice of the Water Cure ; and House- hold Medical Science. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1854. Lane, R. J. Life at the Water Cure ; or, a Month at Malvern : a Diary, with numerous illustrations ; to which is added, the Sequel. 8vo. London, 1846. Russel, Dr. Richard. On the use of Si-a Water in diseases of the Glands : with Dr. Speed's commentary on Sea Water ; and an account of all the remaiVittble Mineral Waters in Great Britain, &c. 8vo. London, 1769. 670 MEDICAL SCIENCES. [sciences ill:': Short, T. On the cold Mineral Waters of England ; with an Introduction on Mineral Waters generally. 8vo. London, 1765-6. Patissier. Rapport sur le service medical des ^tablissements thermaux pour 1849, 1850. 4to. Paris, 1852. Lee, Edwin. Raths of Germany, in reference to Chronic Diseases, with an appendix on the Cold Water Cure. Second edition. 8vo, London 1843. Granville, A. B. The Spas of Germany. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1839. .. Spas of England, and principal Sea bathing places (3 series). The northern, midland and southern Spas. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841, Bell, John. The Mineral and Thermal Springs of the United States and Canada. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1855. Maro, C. C. H. Nouvelles recherches sur les secours k donner aux noyis et asphyxies. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Vign6, J. B. Trait<^ de la mort apparente. 8vo. Paris, 1841. . M^moire sur le danger des inhumations prdcipit^es et sur les signea de la mort. 8vo. Eouen, 1837. Raspail. De la sant6 et de la maladie chez les vegetaux et chez !es animaax en gfen6ral et en particulier chez rhomme. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Blanchet, Fran9ois. Recherches sur la medecine ou I'application de la chimie et de la mfidecine. 8vo. New York, 1800. Mailhe. Chimie appliqu^e a la physiologic et h, la therapeutique. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Voir ci-devant la section Phtsiqck ni Chimie, et en particulier Li^big, Ure, etc. Voir ausBi la section des Sciencbs Natubelles. Iiittr^, E. De la physiologie, ses progrfes, son importance. lievue des Deux Mondes, nouvelle s4rie, vol. 14. De la science de la vie dans ses rapports avec la chimie. lUi, ler janv. 1855. Smee, Alfred. Elements of Electro-Biology. Svo. London, 1849. Smee, A. Manuel d'electricite m6dica!e ou elements d'61ectro-biologie, suivi d'un traite sur la vision. Traduit de I'anglais par M. Magnier. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Roret. S6r6, L. Application du somnambulisme magnetique au diagnostic et au traite- ment des maladies. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Draper, J. VV. Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical ; or the con- ditions and course of the life of man. Svo. New York, 1856. Todd, R. B. Cyclopcedia of Anatomy and Physiology. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1836-52. and Bovrman's Physiological Anatomy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855-6. MiDlCALES.] MBDTPAXi SCIENCES. 671 Wilson, Erasmus. Anatomisi's Vude-Mecum. 12mo. London, 1845. 'J palmer, Shirley. Pentoglot Dictionary of Terms in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Chemistry, fcc. 8vo. London, 1845. " Leading Terma in French, — SynoDymes in the Greek, Latin, Oerman, and English, (bo., &o." Biohat, X. Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort. 12mo. Paris, 1852. ^ — - Anatomic g^n^rale nppliqii^e h la physiologie et ^ la mddecine. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. Trait6 d'anatomje descriptive. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Anatomie pathologique, avec une notice sur la vie et les travaux de I'auteur, par F. G. Boisseau. 8vo. Paris, 1H25. Voir ci-devant dans la section ANTaRopoLooiE et zoolooik leg ouvruges rclatifs k I'aaatomie, i la physiologie et d la phr^nologie. Traite des membranes en g^nfrnl et de diverses membranes en particulier. 8vo. Paris, 1827. B6gin, L. G. Traite de physiologie pathologique, suivant les principes de la nouvelle doctrine m^dicale. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Bouillaud, J. Trait6 de nosographie medicale. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Trousseau et Pidoux. Traits de therapeutique et mati^re medicale. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. B^gin, L. G. Trait6 de therapeutique d'aprfes les principes de la nouvelle doctrine medicale. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. The French practice of medicine ; a translation of Begin's Therapeutics, with notes and observations illustrative of the treatment of diseases in the climate of North America. By Xavier Tessier. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. New York, 1829. Drake. Daniel. A Treatise, Historical, Etiological, and Practical, on the principal diseases of the Interior of North America, as they appear in the Caucasian, African. Indian, and Esquimaux varieties of its Popu- lation. (2nd series) ; On Fevers and Phlegmasise. Edited by S. H. and F. G. Smith. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. Debreyne, P. J. C. Therapeutique appliqu6e, ou traitements speciaux de la plupart des maladies chroniques. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Fereira, Jonathan. Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Third American edition, enlarged and improved by the author, and edited by Joseph Carson, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852-54. Capuron, J. Traite des maladies des enfants jusqu'k la puberte. 8vo. Paris, 1820. • Traits des maladies des femmes depuis la puberty jusqu'i I'ftge critique inclusivement. Svo. Paris, 1817. Cours theorique et pratique d'accouchements. Svo. Paris, 1823. r . 'f ''13 M < r, \ 672 MEDICAL SCIENCES. [SCIEKCES Oazeau, P- Trait6 th^orique et pratique de I'art des aocouchements. Srot Paris, 1850. Ash'well, Samuel. On Diseases peculiar to Women. Second American, from the last London edition : with notes by P. B. Goddard. 8vo. Phila. delphia, 1848. Boivin, (Madame) and Dugds, (A.) Diseases of the Uterus and its append- ages : translated from the French, with notes, by G. O. H. Heming. Bvo. London, 1834. Demangeon, J. B. De I'imagination conMd6ree dans ses effets directs sur I'homme et les animaux, et dans ses eifets indirects sur les produits de la gestation, et notice sur la g6n6ration et les causes des difformit^g de naissance. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Voir les autres ouvrages de Demangeon, dana la section ▲nthsofolooii, Allbert, M. C. Baron, T. L. Clinique de I'hopital de Saint-Louis, ou traiti complet des maladies de la peau, contenant la description de ces mala- dies et leurs meilleurs modes de traitement ; (avec 63 figures colorizes). Folio. Paris, 1833-4. Fouoaud de I'Espargnery. Traite du visage et de ses maladies cutanies. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Gavarret, J- De lachaleur produitepar lesfitres vivants. I2mo. Pari8,185S. Amesbury, Joseph. On the Nature and Treatment of Fractures of the Trunk and Extremities. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Stokes, William. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Chest, Lungs, and Windpipe. Second edition ; with an Introduction and notes by the American Editor. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. Brodie, Sir B. C. Pathological and Surgical Observations on Diseases of the Joints. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1836. Hcward, Henry. Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Eye. 8vo. Montreal, 1850. Walker, John. Philosophy of the Rye ; a familiar exposition of its mechan- ism, and of the phenomena of Vision. 8vo. London, 1837. Brioheteau, G. Traits sur les maladies chroniques, qui unt leur si^ge dans I'appareil respiratoire, 8vo. Paris, 1851. Turok, S. A. Traite de la goutte et dos maladies goutteuses. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Rayer. Traite des maladies des reins et des alterations de la secretion uri- naire, ^tudiees en cUea-memes et dana leurs rapports avec les maladies des ureteres, de la vessie, de la prostrate, etc. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839-41. — Atlas pour le dit ouvrage repr^sentant I'anatomie patliologique deB reins, de la vessie, de la prostrate, des nrotores, de I'uretre, etc., public en 12 livraisons ; forrnant GO planches gravees et colorizes d'apros nature avec un texte descriptif. Grand 4to. I ,4 ',y • > hAbioales.] MBDIGAli SOIENOBS. 67« Bousc[uet, M. J. 6. Traits de la vaccine et des Eruptions varioleuBes ou varioliformes. 8ro. Paris, 1833. Rapport 8ur les raccinations pratiqu^es en France. 1887, 1838, 1841, 1842, 1850. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris. Nidpoe, B. Trait6 du goitre et du cr6tiniBme, suivi de la slatistique des goitreux et des cretins dans le bassin de I'ls^re, dans les d^parte- ments de I'lsere, des hautes et des basses Alpes. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Baudens, M. Lemons sur le strabisme et le b^gaiement. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Eooh, M. 8ur I'origine de la maladie v6n6rienne, et sur sou introduction en Alaace et ^ Strasbourg. A.S.M., vol. 4. Doussin-Dubreull, J. L. Manuel sur les dangers de ronanisme, et conseils relatifa au traitement des maladies qui en r^sultent. Edition revue et augment^e par J. Morin. 12mo. Paris, 1889. Boret. Keraudren, P. F. Memoires sur les causes des maladies des marins, et sur les moyens h prendre pour conaerver leur sante dans les ports de mer. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Lebeaud, M. Manuel du veterinaire. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Boret. Cooper, Samuel. Dictionary of practical Surgery. Fifth edition. Svo. London, 1825. Dictionnaire de ohirurgfie, par de La Eoche et Petit-Eadel. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1785-1790. Encyclopedie methodique. Chelius, J- M. System of Surgery, translated from the German, by J. J. South. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Miller, James. The Principles of Surgery. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1850. Gu6rin, A. Elements de chirurgie opdratoire, ou traits pratique des opera- tions. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Bernard et Huette. Precis iconographique de medecine op6ratoire et d'anatomie chirurgicale, om^ de 113 planches colorizes. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Boyer, le baron. Traitd des maladies chirurgicales et des operations qui leurconviennent. Cinquidme Edition. 3vol. Svo. Paris, 1844-45. Velpeau, Alf. A. L. M. Nouveaux Elements de medecine op^ratoire accom- pagn^s d'un atlas de 22 planches, repr^sentant les principaux proced^s operatoires et un grand nombre d*!n8trument3 de chirurgie. Seconds edition, augment^e d'un traito de petite chirurgie, avec 191 planohes intercalees dans le texte. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. B6gin, L. J. Nouveaux ^16ments de chirurgie et de medecine op^ratoire. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Dupuytren, M. le baron. Le^ont orales de cliniquo chirurgicale faites & l'H6teM)ieu de Paris ; recueillies et publides par MM. les docteurs B. de Boismont et M-irx. 6 vol. Svo. Pans, 1839. f: V 7 t ip ;' ;''>!' r*"! '.'HU ilr 1 1 ,n -,.''4.: !*« ' I » 1 r I ■! I > 1 m liili fflU^ Hi ni 4 ! iv^-i*n Ih 674 MEDICAL SCIENCES. [sciences Paris, Larrey, D. J. M^moires de chirurgie militaire. 4 vol. 8vo. 1812-17. Berard, (A.) et Denonvilliers, (0.) Conipendinm de chirurgie pratique, oa traits complet des maladies chirurgicales et des operations que ces maladies r^clament. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845-61. Lesson, R. P. Manuel d'histoire naturelle m6dicale et de pharmacograpliie. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1834. Roret. Riohard, Achille. Elements d'histoire naturelle m^dicale, contenant des no- tions gen6rales sur I'histoire naturelle, la description, I'histoire et leg propriet6s de tons les aliments, medicaments ou poisons, tir^s des troig regnes de la nature. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Flore mddioale par ordre alphab^tique, complement de tous les dictionnaires de m^decine, d6crite par Chaumeton, Chamberet et Poiret, peinte par J. Turpin et Mme. Pankoucke ; suivie de I'iconographie v6g^tale, ou organographie des v^getaux, illustr6e au moyen de figures analytiques par J. F. Turpin, avec un texte explicatif par M. A. Richard. Nou- velle Edition publiee en 100 livraisons, avec 420 planches tiroes en couleur et retouchees au pinceau. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Orfila. Traite de toxicologic. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Galtier. Traite de toxicologic medicate, chimique et 16gale, et de la falsifica- tion des aliments, boissons, condiments, Sfc. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Christison, Robert. On Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Phy- siology, and the practice of Physic. Fourth edition. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1845. Moret. Dictionnaire de pharmacie. Voir Encyvhpedie methodique, vol. 48 &53. Fontenelle, Julia de. Manuel de pharmacie populaire. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1830. Roret. Padroni, fils, P. M. Manuel des falsifications des drogues simples et compo- sees. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Id. Chaussier, H. Manuel de.s contre-poisons, ou traitement des individus em- poisonnes, asphyxies, noyes ou mordua par des animaux enrages et des serpents, etc., suivi des moyens de rappeler la vie dans les cas demort apparente. 12mo. Paris, 1836. Id. Orfila, M. Recherches m^dico-l^gales et thirapeutiques sur rempoisonnement par I'acide ars6nieux. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Soubeiran, E. Traits de pharmacie th^orique et pratique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Sha'W, Peter. Pharmacopoeia Kdinburgensls : or, the Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh ; translated from the Latin, with notes. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1730. Jourdan, A. G. L. Pharmacop^e universelle. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. M^DICALES.] MEDICAL SCIENCES. 675 Heoquet, Philippe. La mddecine, la chirurgie et la pbarmacie des pauvres. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1 749. Berkeley, Bishop. Siris ; or the Virtues of Tar- water. Vide his Works, vol. 2. Easoome, Edward. History of Epidemic Pestilences ; from A. M. 1495 to A. D. 1848 ; with researches into their nature, causes, &c. 8to. London, 1851. Bryoe, C Strictures on various opinions respecting the remote cause of Cholera. 4to. Glasgow, 1832. Baly, (W.) and Gull, (W. W.) Reports on Epidemic Cholera ; drawn up at the desire of the Cholera Committee of The Royal College of Physi- cians. 8vo. London, 1854. Broohard, M. le docteur. Du mode de propagation du cholera et de la nature contagieuse de cette maladie. 8vo. Paris, 1861. Maclean, Charles. Evils of Quarantine laws, and non-existence of pestilential contagion deduced. 8vo. London, 1824. Millet, Auguste. Du chol^ra-morbus ^pid^mique. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Delpeoh, J. Etude du chol6ra-morbus en Angeterre et en Ecosse pendant les mois de Janvier et f6vrier 1832. 8vo, Paris, 1832. Olot-Beyj A. B. La paste observ^e en Egypte. Recherchesetconsi(16ration» sur cette maladie. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Foder6, F. E. Lemons sur les Epidemics et I'hygi^ne pnblique. 4 vol. 8to. Paris, 1822-24. Littr^, E. Des grandes fepiddmies. Bevue des Deux Mondes, 4e sdrie, vol. 5. Hutchinson, James. On Indian Jails ; and on the treatment of some prin- cipal diseases which infest them. 8vo. Calcutta, 1845. Rumsey, H. W. Essays on State Medicine. 8vo. London, 1856. Essay 1. Introduction ; outline of a Sanitary Code. " 2. Education in the Healing and Health-preserving Arts. " 3. On Sanitary Inquiry. " 4. Medical care of the Poor. Part I. Historical. Part II. The present condition and requirements of medical relief, its relations to Political Economy and Sanitary management. '* 6. Local Sanitary administration. '• 6. Certain departments of Health Police, in their relations with Local Sanitary administration. History of Epidemic Pestilences in Ireland, from the earliest times to the last general Potato failure, and the great Famine and Pestilence of 1845-50 ; with a Table of Cosmical Phenomena, Epizootics, Epiphitics, Famines and Pestilences in Ireland, from A.M. 2820, to A.D. 1844. Vide the Census of Ireland, for the year 1851, part V. Tables of Deaths, vol. 1. Folio. Dublin, 1856. Fouoart. De la suette miliaire, de sa nature et de son traitement, trait6 pra- tique suivi d'une analyse de toutes les Epidemics de suette observ^es jusqu'lnos jours. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 1' 1 i ii '':':Mf I' 5 ft 676 MITDICAL SCIENCES. [8CIBN0B9 Hubs. Statistique et traitement du typhus. 8ro. Paris, 1855. S^gur-Dupeyron. Service sanitaire. Mission en Orient. 8vo. Farig, 1846, Desgenettes, R. Histuire medicate de I'armie d'Orient. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Parent-Duohatelet. Hygiene publique, ou m^moires sur les questiona les plus importantes de I'lijgi^ne appliqu^e aux professions et auz travauz d'utilit6 publique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1S36. Monikloon. Traits de la salubrity dans les grandes villes. Sto. Faris^ 1846. Bains et lavoirs publics. 4to. Paris, 1850. Annales d'hygiene publique et de m^decine legale. 46 vol. relics en 23. 8ro. Paris, 1829-51. Health, Public. First Report of the Commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts. 2 rols. 8vo. London, 1844. Including Reports of various Physicians on the causes of disease, and the meant of prevention; Btatements of comparative mortality; evidence on aupply of water; metropolitan sewers; drainage; surveys of towns, &o. Health. Public. Journal of, — and Monthly Record of Sanitary improvement. Edited by John Sutherland, M. D. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Loadoo, 1847-4c». Health, Board of. Official circulars of public documents and information ; directed by the General Board of Health to be printed, chiefly for the use of Local Boards, Union Medical Officers, and others charged with the execution of the provisions and regulations issued under the authority of the Public Health Act and the Nuisances Removal Act, 1848. Vol. 1. Nos. 1—7. 8vo. London, 1848-49. Health, Board of. Reports on Cholera. 1 vol. 8vo. London. Report of the General Board of Health on the epidemio cholera of 1848-49. Appendix A. Report by Dr. Sutherland on cholera in Glasgow, <&c. Appendix .13, Report of Mr. Grainger oit cholera in London. Appendix C, Abstract of Report by Dr. J. Wynne, on cholera in the United States. Health, Board of. Reports on Cholera, 1854, 1vol. 8vo. London, Report of the Medical Council to the President of the Board of Health, in rela- tion to the cholera epidemic of 1864, Letter of the President of the Board of Health to the Home Secretary, accom- panying a Report from Dr, Sutherland, on epidemic cholera in the metropolii, in 1864, Report of the Committee for scientific inquiries, in relation to the Cholera Epi- demic of 1864 ; with Appendix. Report on the results of the different methods of treatment pursued in epidemic cholera throughout Great Britain in 1854 (being supplementary to the next following Report). Report on the results of the different methods of treatment pursued in epidemic cholera ; by the Treatment Committee of the Medical Council of the Board of Health. Hi:i>I0AL£8.] MEDICAL SCIENCES. 677 Health, Board of. Reports on Raten of Mortality, &o. 1 vol. 8vo. London. Summary of aiperieuce on diseue, and oomparative rat«i of mortalit;. By W. Lee, 18S1. Report on the progress and character of the epidemic cholera prcTailing in Oer. many in 1852. By R. D. Qralnger, 1862. Initructiona to local authoritiea on preventative meaaurei in relation to epidemio cholera, under the Nuiaanoes Removal Acta, and as to proceedings under the Public Health Act, 1850-64. Local Board of Health, Barnard Oastle ; Report upon Public Works. Report on a general scheme for extra-mural sepulture for country towns. 1861. Report on a general acheme for extra-mural sepulture, and on its application to London. 1860. Report by the Qeneral Board of Health on the measures adopted for the ezecu* tion of the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, and the Public Health Act, up to July, 1849. Supplementary Report (to the Report on the sanitary condition of the laboring ' population of Great Britain) on the results of a special inquiry into the prac- tice of interments in towns. By E. Ohadwick, 1843. Health, Board of. London. Reports on Local Boards, Cemeteries, Sea. 1 vol. 8vo. By.lawg for regulating the business of Local Boards and the duties of offioera ; with Forms of Accounts, *, 1 ' I) ' 'i '■■ 678 MEDICAL SOnSNOES. [sciences Hawkins, F. B. Medical Statittios ; the aubstanee of the Gulstonian Lec- tures, with additions, illustrative of the comparitire salubritj, longeTitr, &c., and prevalence of diseases, in the principal countries and cities of the world. 8to. London, 1829. Walker, Q> A. Gatherings from Grave-jardi ; a history of the modes of interment and detail of results produced by inhuming the dead in the midst of the living. Svo. London, 1839t Nelson, F. G. P. Vital Statistics ; a development of the rate of mortality, and the laws of sickness ; shewing the instability of Friendly Societies &o. } with an inquiry into the influence of locality on health. 4to, London, 1845. Simon, John. Reports (oiBcially addressed to the London Commissionera of Sewers) upon the Sanitary condition of the City of London. 8vo. London, i"54. CoDcerniDg water supply, intra-mural anJ oxtra-mural iDtormeuti, Ac. Vide, also, Matthews, on the mode of supplying London with water, io Enoinih- INO. Mouat, F. J. Atlas of Anatomical Plates of the Human liody ; with de- scriptive letter-press in English and Hindustani, Folio. Calcutta, 1849. Calcutta Reports on Dispensaries : Half-yearly Reports of the Govern- ment Charitable Uispensaiies, established in Bengal ond tlie North- western Provinces, from Ist August, 1840, to 31st March, 1853, 8 vols. 8vo. Calcutta. Bengal Medical College. Annual Reports, for the years 1844-5 to 1852-3. Svo. Calcutta. Bombay' Annual Reports of the Grant Medical College, for the years 1848-9 to 1854-5. Svo. Bombay. [For the previous Reports, from the foundation of this College, for 1845-6, 1846-7, and 1847-8, tide Education, Bombay Reports ; and, infra, Pamphlets : Medical.] Bombay. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay i for the years 1853 and 1854. Svo. Bombay, 1855. [Bombay Records.] A Paper on Vaccination : published by authority. Svo. Bombay. Bombay, Island of. Reasons for its unhealthiness. Vide Churchill's Col- lection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 6, p. 358. [India Reports, Botanic and Medical.] Report on the causes of the unhealthiness along the Dehli Canal : with appendix. Folio. Agra, 1847. Wise, T. A. Commentary on the HinOu system of Medicine. Svo. Cal- cutta, 1845. I i« * - 1 MiDIOALES.] MEDICAL SCIENCES. 679 -5 to years i, from vide ■] mbay; tiority. IS Col- I of the I Agrs, Cal- Mesmerlo HoBpltal [Calcutta]. Cases treated, from November, 1846, to May, 1847, by Dr. Esdaile. 8vo. Calcutta, 1847. [Small Pox, fto.] A Volume ao lettered, contains the following Reports, &c., viz: — Report on Stnull Pox in Citloutta, 18B8-4, 1887-8, 1848-4 ; and Vaooioatlon In Bengal, from 1827 to 1844 : by Dunoan Stewart 8to. Calcutta, 1844. — Report of the Ootnraiuiouers appointed by Government, to enquire into the meann of preventing, or rendering less destructive the Small Pox. 1880. — Report of the progress of Vaccination in the Madras Presidency, for 1862. Madras, 186.3. — Medical Report on the disease called Mahamurree, or great plague, provailintr in Oiirhwal, inl84U-60;by Dr. 0. llenny. Agra, 1861. (A duplicate* vidt Report on Kumaon and Ourhwal.) — Short iicoount of the Materia Medica of Patna ; by Dr. U. H. Irvine, Calcutta 1848. Madras Records : Medical and Miscellaneous 1vol. 8vo. Madras, 1854 1855. Containing tiie foiiowinj^ Ri'ports: On Vaocinntion in Madras, for 1863. On Civil DixpensarioB, for 1863. On Medical Topograph^ of South western Political Districts. On the Ooveriinient Central Museum. On the Annaiuullay Forests. On operations of the Indian Mints, 1841 — 1868. On the Swinging Festival, and the ceremony of Walking through Fire. India Pamphlets : Aledicul. 1849— 1853. 1vol. 8vo. Introductory Lecture, Grant Medicitl College, 1861. Lectures on relations of ancient Hindu with Greek Medicine, 1860. Rules, (be., Medical College, Bengal, Presentation of Diplomas, Grant Medical College. Reports on Civil Diapetisaries, Madras, in 1862. Pinel, Ph. Trait^ m6dico-philo8opbique de I'ttlienation mentale. 8vo. Paris 1809. Esquirol, E. Des maladies mentales consid6r6es sous lea rapports medical, hygienique et medico-li^gal, ouvrage accompagn^ de 27 planches. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Aubanel, (H.) et Thore, (Et A. M.) Recherches statistique sur I'alienation raentule, fuites h I'hospicc de Bicutre. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Broussais, F. J. V. De Tirritation et de la folie ; ouvrage dans lequel les rapports du physique et du moral sont ^tablis sur les bases de la doc- trine physiologique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Cheyne, J. On partial Derangements of the Mind. Svo. London, 1843. Man's power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. Vide Small Books on Great Subjects. III. Winslow, Forbes. Lettsomian Lectures on Insanity. Svo. London, 1854. The Anatomy of Suicide 8vo. Londan, 1840. ',' i> ■M F 1'. ;!. i'r i <:fi 'rk 680 XiUDIOAJi SOIBMOBS. Btoo Demazy. Reoherchei itatistiquea sur le luioide. 8vo. Pwit, lg44. Voir, auMi, Boiimont, Du luicidc. Mol>l0| Daniel. ElamenU of Paychologioal Medicin* ; an introdaotion to (b« practical study of Inianity. Second edition. 8vo. London, 18C6. Maro, C. C. H. Dc la folleconiid<^r6e dans sea rapports avcclesqueitiom m^> dico-Judiciaires. 2 toIh. 8vo. Paris, 1840. R6gliault| Elias. Degr^ de competence des m^decins dans les quegtioni judiciaires relatives aux ali^>nations mentaluH, et des theories phyiiolo- giques Rur la monomanie homicide; suivi du nouvelles reflexions surle suicide, la liberty morale, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Orflla. Lemons de ni^decine legale. Deuxiiime Edition. 3 vol. 8to. Parji 1828. — Mume ouvrage. Quatri5me Edition. 4 vol< 8vo., arec atlas de 26 planches. Paris, 1848. Devergie, Alph. M4decine legale th^orique et pratique. 3 vol. 8vo. Purls, 1832. CapUTon, J. M<5decine l^gole relative !l I'art des accouchements. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Briant, (Gr), et Chaudd, (Ernest). Manuel complet de ni6decine legale. 8vo. Paris, 1862. Hoffbauer, J. 0. M6decino legale rel itive aux ali^uus et aux sourds-muets. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Maro, le docteur. Examen mJuico-legal des causes de la mort du prince de Cond^. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Fod^r^i F. E. Trait6 de mudecine legale et d'hygiene publique. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813-15. Essai m^>dico-legal sur les diverges espoces de folie vraie. 8ro. Strasbourg, 1832. For works on Medical Jurisprudence, on the Plea of Insanity, and on CrimiDsl Lunatics, — vide ante, pp. 149, 160, Statute and Common Law of Gmat BanAiN. ■ i*' ^4 '4^; ■Si' ■ ' ART MILITAIRl, ETC.] MIUTAP^ \ND NArtlOAL SCIENOE. 081 '•■•. .».;v .: ,!| glilitar^ anb Uaalical Sritnce, , "^rt Piliiaire et Mmt, intlubmg Itabal 88larfart. | Maizeroy. M^moire sur l» guerre contid6r4« comme science. A. I., vul. 40. ■ ■■ - Tableau g6nural de la cuvalerie grecque. A. I., yol. 41. Q^i,^ n , i'lib'^t' Recherche! tur les lois militaires des Orecs. A. I. vol. 45. '^"fOt^*! ^i' ^6 I'ordre 6queitre chrs les Grecs. A. I., toI. 48. <„.t)i 1. Toiiio. De la legion romaine (vingt-tix ni6moires). A. I., vol. 25, ?8. 29, 32, 35, 37, 31) et 41. Lalanne, M. Essai sur le feu gr^geoii, et sur I'introduction de la poudrn & cunon en Europe, N. I., vol. 1 (E., 2de fi<^rie.) Voir auul Moatfaucon, TAntiqulU eipUqu^e, toI. 4 [lire ptrtie] el toI. 9. Jominl. Precis de Tart de la guerre, ou noureau tableau analytique des prin cipales combinaisons de la strategie, de la grande tactique et de la po- litique militaire. Nouvelle udition. 2 rnl. 8vo. Paris, 185.1. _ Tableau aiDtlytique des princi pales combinaisoas de la guerre, et de lours rapports avec la politique des Etats. 8to. Pario, 1830. Art Militaire, par Lacu^e de Ccssac, In baron Poramereul, le g^n^rul Servan et do K^ralio. 4 vol. 4to. Avec 61 planches. Paris, 1781-97. Encyclopt'die methodique, Vergnaud, A. D. Wlanuel d'urt militaire, & I'usage des militaires de toutes les armes. 12mo. Paris, 1840. Roret. Puys^gur. Art de la guerre par principes et par regies. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1748. Bourdeille- (Euvres ; maxime* do la guerre, Oc. €vo. Pfcris, 1823. Chillier. Manueia des conseils de guerre ct des parquets militaires. bvu Paris, 1849. Guide des trib ;iuaux militaires, ou legislation criminelle de rarmue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Guiliot, L. Legislation et administration militarrvjs. Gvo. Paris Artillerie. Dictionnairo encjclop^dique, par le g4n6ral Cotty. 4to, Pans 1822. EncyclopSdie methodique. Robins, B. Nouv aax principss d'artillerie. 8vo. Dijon, 1783. Miohel, Jules. Memorial de I'artiUeur roarin, rCdig6 suivant I'ordre alphab6- tique des matf^res. *■ vo. Paris, 182S. Memorial du d^pdt general de la guerre, imprim^ par ordre du mi> nistre. 9 r«l. 4to. Paris, 1829—1853. m. 682 UILITABT AND NAUTICAL SCIENCE. [aET MILITAIEB Biilletin des soienoes milltaires. Huiti^me section du bulletin unifer* sel de M. de Ferusac. 11 vol. 8vo., et table. Paris, 1824-31. Ouriosit^s milltaires. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Prinoipes fondamentauz de fortifications. 8vo. Paris, 1786. f Antoni.] Examen de la poudre, traduit de I'italien par M. le vicomte da Flavigny. 8to. Amsterdam, 1773. Vergnault, A. D. Manuel de rartificier, du poudrier et du salp^trier. 12mo. Paris, 1852. Compte-rendu fur le recrutement derarm6e, do 1835 ^ 1863. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. M6moire sur I'emploi ^les petites armes dans la defense des places. 8vo. Paris, 182". M^moire Mir ' bfiruqutiment 'le rinfautt)ri(! suivant l:i m<»tliode umploy^e k riinrioedu iiord eii 1831, pour hi camp de Wiitignits. Folio. Paris, 1854, Rapport adresse h, M. le president de la republique, par le ministre de la guerre sur les operations milituires qui ont eu lieu en Algerie en 1851. 8vo. Paris, 1861. Grose, Francis. Military Antiquities redpecting a history of the English Army, from tiu; Conquest to the present time. New edition ; with material additions and improvements. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801. '' The Antiquities collected are not merely cuufiaed to Britain, but relate in a grout lueiisuro, to the iMilitur.v system ot a oousiilcrable part of Europe for several centuries." — I'bkfaok. Tlie work iiiclmim notices of Military Ri'^nlaiioiis, Exarcises, and Tactics, of Military Machines, Arliliery, uiid H'ortilicntion, Kncampmente, Military discipline and punishment, and of the ransom of Prisoners of War. To tliii eiiiliou is also appended, Grose's Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons; illustrated by (diites, taken from the original armour in the Tower of London and other Arsonuls. Ac. Tliis work waa origioollT publidlied aa a distinct Treatise. Connolly, T. W. .F. iry of the corps of Royal Sappers and Aliners; from its origin in 1772 to the present time. 2 vol-<. 8vo. London, 1855, O'Conor, Matthew lilitary llistory of the Irish N;itii"n, conipri.sing a .e- moir of tint Ii:-ili Bri.'ruilc in tlie service of France. Posthumously pub- lished. Mvo. Dublin. U'15. A reference to the three preceding works in tiio section of Naval and Military Hixtory of Grfiil Jlritain, was accidentally omitted. By referring to it, (in i)p. 4u6— 4U8,) similar works, such as tho " Historical Records of the British Army," will be found. Jones, Sir J. T. Journals of the Seiges in Spain, during Wellington's Cam- paign*, in 1811 to 1814 ; with notes and additions; also, Meraoranda relative to the Lines thrown up lo cover Lisbon, in 1810. Third edi- tion, by Lt. Col. H. D. Jonoj. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. ET MARINE.] MILITARY AND NAUTICAL SCIENCE. 683 Aide-M^molre to the Military Soienoes. Framed from coniributions of officHrs of tho different Services, and edited bj a Committee of the corps of Royul Engineers. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846 — 1852. Vide, also, the Corps Papers, and Transactions of the Corps of Royal Engineeri, and Engineers of the East India Company, in Enoinebrino. Walshe, Anthony. Military Catechism and Hand-book of Regimental Stand- ing Orders, &c. Second ^-dition, revised and enlarged, with an abstract of the Militia Regulations, by J. H. Stocqueler. 8vo. London, 1856. Household Troops of England, and Imperial Guard o< France A brief history of the. 8vo. London, 1864. Wraxall, Lnscelles. Hund-book to the Naval and Military resources of the principal European Nations. 8vo. London, 1856. Thackeray, T. J. The Military organization, and administration of France 2 vols. 8vo London, 1856. For works on Military Law, Courta-Martial, Ac, vide, ante, pp. 149 — 187. Report on the Arrangements adopted in former periods [1589-1760], when France threatened Invasions of Britain or Ireland, to frustrate the designs of the Enemy by attacks on his Possessions, &c. ; with an Appendix [by the Keeper of the State Paper OlRco] : privately printed, 1797; with addition in M.S. by the same, " On the applica- tion of the preceding evid.-nce to the present War," dated 25th Dec. 1797. 8vo. London. Head, Sir Francis Bund. The defenceless state of Oreat Britain. 12mo. London, 1850. The Queen'.q Regulations and Order.'? for tho Army, 1844. ( Third edition. 8vo. London, 1855. • Addenda to, from the 1st July, 1844, to Slat Miirch, 1851. (OfRi-iiil) 8vo. London, 1855. Infantry Manual : Dirtictiois tor tho Drill of Recruits, the Mmmu.iI I'j.terciHe, tlio revised Platoon Exercise, 8tc. (Olllcial ) 12in(). Lon- d;)ii, 1855. Nolan, L. K. Cavalrj-. its llistt.ry and Tactics. 8vo. London, 1854. Boxer, Capt. On Artillery; a Treatise prepared for the use of tiu; practical cIhs, ll(,yal Military Acadi'iny. Sect. I., part 1. (Ollleiiil ) 8vo, T J. W. Epitome of Practical Navigation : Instruction for keeping a Ship's reckoning ; Methods of ascertaining the Latitude, and Longi- tude, and a set of Tables. Fifteenth edition, augmented and im- proved ; and adapted to the new Nautical Almanac, by 6. Coleman. Svo. London, 1852. Riddle. E. On Navigation, and Nautical Astronomy. Sixth edition. Svo. London, 1855. Methven, Eobert. The Log of a Merchant Officer ; with reference to the education of the youth of the Merchant Service, with an Editorial preface by Dr. Lyon Playfair. Folio. London, 1854. WilkeS) Capt. C. Suiling Directions, vide, with his " Theory of the Winds," in Natural Philosophy. Marryat, Capt. Code of Signals for the Mercantile Marine ; with, Sentences adapted for Convoys, &c., by G. Richardson. Svo. London, 18/56. Nautical Almanao and Astronomical Ephemeris for 1858 : a Supplement, containing Ephemerides of newly discovered Planets, and De Vico's Comet for 1855. 8vo. London. 1854. for I860, a Sup- plement containing Ephemerides of Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, &c., and Neptune for the year 1867. Svo. London, 1856. ,j, ,. ■■ ;, t -r li ':'>■ ■:'''.y:\x l,«s ^■1 T 4 ■1 M 1 fi '■ i - ^ i^' ; i ii^=:ii rP!K«l •■i! '■'if 688 MILITARY AND NAUTICAL SCIENCE. [aRT MILITAIEE, ETC. «?•! Vt A.diniralty Pamphlets, &o. The following works are issued by the Lords Commissionners of the Admi- ralty. Smith, Archibald. Inatructiona for the computation of a Table of the Doviatiou of a Ship's Compais : and for the adjustment of the Table on a chanire of Uagnetic Latitude. Sro. London, 1861. Practical Rules for aacertaiaing and applying the Deriationi of the OompiM caused by the Iron in a Ship. Sro. London, 1855. Salmon, William. Table for finding the Latitude, from the Altitude of ths Polar Star, obaerred at any hour. 8ro. London, 1850. Weston, H. B. Tables for finding the Longitude by Chronometer at Sanriit and Sunset. Second edition. Sro. London, 1851, Raper, H. Rules for finding Distances and Heights at Sea. Sro. London 1840. Fosoolo, Q. Diagram and Table for deducing the Meridian Altitude, from tvo Altitudes observed near the Meridian. (Bound as Sro.) 1862. Towson, J. T. Tables for the reduction of ex-Meridian Altitudes. Third edi- tion. Sro. London, 1860. ^— — ^^ Tables to facilitate the practice of Great Circle Sailing ; and the determination of Azimuths. Fifth edition. London, 1854. Admiralty Pamphlets on Navigation, &c , 1 vol. 8vo. containing :— The Light Houses, Beacons, and Floating Lights of the United States, corrected to 1860. London. 1851. The Light Houses on the Coasts and Lakes of British North America; corrected to 1861. Practical Rules for ascertaining those deviationa of the Compass whieh ue caused by the Iron in the Ship. London, 1861. Tables to facilitate the practice of Great Circle Sailing ; by J. T, Towson, ISSO. Weston's Tables for finding the Longitude, (as in the preceding rol.) Raper's Rules for finding distances and heights at Sea, 1840. Catalogue of Charts, Plans, *VNA^V^ ^ Caylus, le comto de. anciennes. ElmeS, James. A general and bibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts; containing Explanations of Terms usad in Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving ; Historical sketches of their different schools ; descriptive accounts of the best Books, &c. 8to. London, 1826. Mimoires sur les beaux-arts et sur lea peintures A. I., vol. 19-21-26-27-29-30. _ De la gravure des anciens. A. I., vol. 32. — — De la sculpture et des sculpteurs anciens. A. I., vol. 25 et 34. De I'architecture ancienne. A. I., vol. 23 et 30. Millin. Dictionnairo dea beaux-arts. Deux parties; 3 tomes en 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Boutard, M. Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, la peinture, la sculpture, la gravure et I'architecture. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Dictionnaire des beaux Arts ; par M. Watelet. 3 vol. 4to., dont un de planches. Paris, 1788-1791. Encyclopedie methodique. H6gel, W. Fr. Cours d'esth6tique ; traduit en fran^ais, par M. Ch. B6nard. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840— 1851. Andr6, le P. Essai sur le beau. Voir les oeuvres de I'auteur. Droz, Jo3. Du beau dans les arts. Voir les oeuvres de Droz. Cousin. Du vrai, du beau, et du bien. 8vo. Paris, I8S2. Voir, aussi, Kant et Eeratry, sur le beaa. Piotet, Adolphe. Du beau dans la nature, Tart, et la poesie. 12mo. Paris, 1856. Quatrem^re de Quinoy- Essai sur la nature, le but et les moyens de "imitation dans les beaux arts. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Meroey, F. B. de. Etudes sur les beaux arts, depuis leur origine jusqu'it nos jours. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Montalembert, le comte de. Du vandaliime et du eatholiciame dans Tart. Svo. Paris, 1839. Planohe, Gustave. Etudes sur les arts. 12mo. Paris, 1856. Ecole franQaise. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Jarves, J. J. Art Hints : on Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. 12mo- London, 1855. m ■r- n !■■.!■ ■ 1 1: m I'll 'mm i I' ! ! r i; m w w Pi ^ 1^ \ -■?:; ivl^* ■'mm €90 PINE AETS. [beaits Sohlegel, Frederick Von. Letters on Chriatian Art ; and an Essay on the Gothic Architecture. Vide Schiller's -^Esthetic Works, Bohn'i Lib. Lindsay, Lord. Sketches of the history of Ohristian Art 3 vols. Svo. London, 1847. Treating upon Ohristliin Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, tIz :— *' Roman and Byzantine Art, [as belonging to] tlie period of preparation, ChristiaD Art of modem Europe : period I, from the middle of the 6tb lo the middis of the 16th century." Only so far hai the worlc been publiahed ■ four more " DiTiaiona, or Periods," being designed. Pictorial Gallery of Arts : Useful Arts, vol. I ; Fine Arts, vol. II. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. London, 1847. The intent of the 2nd part, is thus described : — "Our pictorial representations of Architecture, Sculpture, and Paintin? ancient and modern, exhibit Man in erery region of the Earth, labouring to surround h;ni8elf with the attributes of Taste, and moving onward and onward, till he reach the highest development of the principle of Beauty " &o. — PaEFAca. Humphreys, H. N. Ten Centuries of Art ; its progress in Europe, from the 9th to the 19th century; with a glance at the Artistic Works of classical antiquity, and considerations on the influence of the Great Exhibition, and on the state and prospects of Art in Great Britaio 4to. London, 1852. Guizot, IM. The Fine Arts ; their nature and relations : translated, with the assistance of the author, by G. Grove ; with illustrations, by 6, Scharf, jun. " Painting, Sculpture, and Engraving " are treated on, with " descriptive'' "Criticismi" of Pictures, [I.] of the Italian and [II.] of the Freoch Schools," — then follows an appendix of 2 letters — one of Uiebel Aogelv one of Rafiitelle, &c. D'Aginoourt, J. B. L. G. Serous. Histoire de I'artpar les monuments, depuis sa decadence au IVo siecle jusqu'a son renouvellement auXVJe, ouvrajje enrichi de 325 planches ; et termine par MM. Dufoumy Emeric-David et L. Feuillet. 6 vol. Folio. Paris, 1823. " Je commence men ouvrage par ua tableau hiatorique de I'^tat civil etpoUtiqat " de la Qrdce et de I'ltalie. " Apris avoir ainsi pr6sent6 ce tableau, j'entre en matid; ; et j'offre auee«Nt- " sivement I'histoire de I'arohitecture, celle da la iculptare, et celle de la " peinture. " Ce que les historiens des beaux-arts se sont assez volontiers content^s de dire, " je vouiais le montrer dans mon livre. Lit o'ctait surtout les monumeoeqiii " devaient parler ; je ne me ohargeai que d'^crire sous leur dict^e, etc. " Les planches de mon ouvrage sont au nombre de 326, dont 73 appartieoDeiit) " I'architecture, 48 d la sculpture, et 204 & la peinture. Lea monumeoU " qu'elles repr^sentent, excddent le nombre de 1400, et plus de 700 Mit '* in6dits. AETS.] D'Aglno Du Somme pall rui 8vo, de CI . y ABTS.] FINE ARTS. 691 II. III. ir. V. D'Aginoourt, J. B. L. G. Seroux. Histoire do I'art, etc. — (Continuation). " II £>tait indispensable de lea accompagner d'une table analytique des planohea " disposdes suivant le mdme ordre que celles-oi ; et ooDtenant, outro I'indi- " oatioD precise sur chaque monument, une foule de documents pr^oieuz, et " de details importants. " Les disoours historiques 8ont au nombre de trois, un pour ehaque art. TTne "introduction y prend I'art k aa naissance, et le suit jusqu'al'^poque de aa " plus grande perfection. " Bientdt le d6clin commence ; la decadence le suit, etc. " La premiere partie de chaque discours embrace, depuia le IV6rae jusqu'i la " deruidre moitic du XIlI6nie. La seconde partie est oonsacree 4 I'etuda " de Tepoquc de la reanissiuico, que je distingue soigneusement de celle da ,,, . ** renouvellemeut, etc. Eufin lu marcbe de I'art o'est aifermie. J'ai employe la " troisiiine et derni^re partie des discours k auivre lea progr^s da oe renou- " vellemcnt juBqu'4 la brillante ^poque du XVI^me si^ole, etc. " Arrive dans I'histoire de chaque art, au terme de ma carridre, je rappelle, dana " un r6b ime gdn^ral, les foitsles plus saillants, etc." Preface d* r<»ivrage» Tome I. Tezte : Notice »ur la vie de M. Seroux d'Agincourt, par M. de la Salle. Tableau historique. Architecture. Texte: Sculpture. Peinturo. Tezte: Description dos planches. Planches. Architecture et sculpture. VI. Planches. Peiuture. l^re, 2ude, 8dme parties. Du Sommerard, Andr4. Lea arts au moyen Ago en ce qui conceme princi- palement le Palais Bomain de Paris, I'Hotel de Cluny, issu de b*b ruines, et les objets d'art de la collection class^e dans cet h6tel. 5 vol* 8vo. Paris, 1838—1846, et uu atlas de 108 planches, et un album de 402 planches, folio : relie en cinq Tolumes. TEXTE.— TABLE DES CHAPITRE8. Palais Romaio. H6tel, abbaye et college de Cluny. Art Chretien du 4o au 16e si^cle. Architecture. Sculpture. Peinture. Peinture sur rerre. Peinture des manuscrits, culte des images, oalligrapbie. Emauz. Imprimerie, grarure sur bois et sur m6tal, niellei, gravDre des Boeaux,eta Diptyques et triptyques. Mobiliers religieuz et cirils, stalles, chaiiei, siiges, er^denoes, liti, bahuts, dressoirs, tables, portes, ete. Annurea, armes ddfeDsives et ofTensires, pulTerins, olifans, ohanfreina, mors, ^triers, Aperons, selles, etc. Reliquaires, chAaees, oiboires, ostenBoirs, enoensoirs, eostodes, cruci- fix, etc. Services de table, {euz de table, vcrroterie. Faiences, majolica, terres verniss^es, ^mailUes. OrKvrerie. Horlogerie, gnomona, depsydres, aablien. ^i:;ii Chap . 1. 2. t( 8. 41 4. II 6. ti 8. 41 7. 44 8. «4 9. 41 10. ll 11. 44 12. 13. 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. I i f i 1',.' !riV:.t: lis; I'. mM^A\. r.:!i:,l! :»<■■ ■? 692 PINE ARTS. [beaux Dv. Sommerard, Andrt. Lei arts %a mo/en &ge, etc.— (ContiniatioD). Texto — Table dea rhapltrea — (Cuutinuutioo). Obap. 19. Etoffeg, tapiigerie*, ornemeDta religieus, euin dor6i. " 20. ObJ«t« do toilette, miroin, glaoat, bijoux, eitoaroaUet, oh&telainei, o«ia turea. " 21. OofTre^, ooffreta de toilette. " 22. Fera ourrd.4, utaelda, repouaa^s, damaaquinerie, aerrureria. '' " 23. Jeux. " 24. Ustenailes divera, r&pea ^ tabac, drageoira, quenouilieii, ouutuax. " 36. Huaaiquea et travail dea matlArea dorea. " 26. Inatruineata do niusique. " 27. Astrologio judiciaira. " 28. Costumes. " 19. MoDura fiiodalc''. ohavalerie, tournoia, priviligea, armoiriea, entri«ad( aouTerains, mystirea. " 80. Notices biographiquea. NoTA. — Ohacuno de§ planches ae rapporte directament par 1011 num6--o d'ordrt 1 I'un dea chapitroa du tcxto. Le i',cae V a 6t6 publie aprda la mort de Du Sommerard pur «oa fill Edmond. Cellini, Eenvenuto. Memoirs of, containing a variety of information res- pecting the Aria in the IGth century, &c. Vide Bioobapht. Iiaborde, le comte de. La renaisHonce dea arts k la cour de France; Etudes 8ur le 16e siucle. Paris, \85S. Herb6> Histoire des beaux-arts en France par les monuments, sp^cialement de la sculpture et de la peinture depuis la d i.'^mation romainejusqu'i r^poque de la renaissance. Folio. Paris. Moyen-Age (le) et Renaissance (la). Histoire et description des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de I'industrie, des sciences, dea arts, des litt^ratures et dea beaux-arts en Europe ; direction litt^raire de M. Paul Lacroix, direction artistique de Mr. Ferd. S^r^. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 18.51. Le vol. V est spucialemeDt consacrc aux beaux-arta et comprend : Architecture rcligicuHn et civile, pur M. Laaaua. Architecture militaire, par M. Prosper Herimue. Sculpture, par M. Jean de Seigaour. Peinture, par M. Alfred Michiela. Peinture mur.ile, par M. Erneat Breton. Gravure, par M. Duchesne. Peinture aur rerro, moaaique, emauz, par M. OhampoUion-Figeao. Imprimerie, par M. Paul Lacroix. Relidre dea livrea, par le m^me. Raozynski, le comte A. Hi.stoiro de Tart moderne en Allemagne. 3 toL 4to., orn6s de gravures. Paris, 1836-1841. Tome I. Dusaeldorf et lea pays du Rhin. — Excursion k Paris. 18S6, " II. Munich, Stuttgard, Nuremberg, Augsbourg, Ratisbonne, Carliruhe, Prague, Vienne. — Excursion en lt*lie. 1838. " III. Berlin, Dreade, Hambourg, Mecklembourg, VTeimar, HRlberetadt, Oottingue. — Excursions en HoUande, Belgique, Angleterre, Soia^ Polognc, RuBsiu, iSudde, Danemark, Etata-Unia. 1841. AET8.] FINE ARTS. 608 Landry, T^- Les arts en Bulgique. £01^0 dei Deum Mondet, nouvelle p6« riode, vol. 12. Roye'i ^'P- ^^' '^'''^ ^^ HoUande. Ibid,, 4e s6rie, vol. 3. Fortoul, H. De t'art grec. Lea marbres d'Egypte. Hid., vol. 19. Flandin, Eug. L'architecture et la soulpturu assjriennes. Ibid., nouveUe 86rie, vol. 10 et 1 J. Viardot, Louia. Les Musses d'Espagne, suivia de noticea biographique* sur les principaux peintrea d'Eupagnu. 12mo. Paria, 1855. Mustiea de I'ltalie, prec^diSa d'une diasertation aur lea origines traditionnellea de la peinture modcrne. 12mo Paria, 1855. Musses d'Angleterre, de Uelgique, de HoUande etde Ruaaie. 12mo. Paris, 1852. MuaeeB d'Alleniagne. 12mo. Paria, 18B2. Les Mu86e8 de France. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Leoomte, Julea. Venise, ou coup>d'ooil litt6raire, artistique, historique, po^- tique et pitturesque aur leB monumenta et les curiosit^a de cette cit6. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Mus6e ft'an9al8, ou collection complete Jes tubleaux, atatues et bas-reliefa qui component la coiluction nationalu, avec rezplication des aujeta et des discours sur la peinture, la sculpture et la gravure (par S.-O. Croze Alagnan, Visconti cu9. Le Pottitin. Orphiio. Lahire. Litbaii chorchant nea idolca. Vander-Meiilrn. Lo puBsago du Rhin. — Lu prise de Courtrny.— Vue do Dinunt. | TOMK II Raphael. La trcnsfigurution.' — Lo sllrncc di; la Salute Viorgo. — Rapbni-! ct eon muitre il'arnica. Le Dominiquin Rcnaud et ArrrMe. Le Guide. Lafor.une. — Repim t ii E^-ypto.— Saint Jtiin-Biii'tiste ut JiSmi^i. Vauder-Weff. h^ luito en E{;>j)te. Zei'strin. Venus ct TAnKuir. iJorilos. Li\ Vi-; rg> »^t I'ljifaiit JiVus. Philippe Laur;/. Kxliu.f ilc i'\iv; Fiam;o'8. Le J'oiisiin. L\.uoii;tlon da '.lii;,rj, — SLrBPt Venui". Lentetir. Mnao No. 1.— No. 2.— No. 3,— No. 4. — No. B. — Li', vision do .Niiiit Buuoit. Jouvrtift. L'ov.t onio onclion. iJronaia. La cauan^cuiic. Kesfcher.pi re. Accoinpngneniei.t Am luth. Metzu. Mus'clenno hollaudaHc. (Jiorgion. I.( (,'on de chant. Adrien Vati'Ostade. Le maStre d'ecole. — Lo cliansoniiier. Leonard de Vinci. Joconde. L* Pouttin. La mort d'Adonie. A'arW du Jardin. Le patunigo Lo boc«|« Bergkem. Le paisngH du Baoq. Wouvermane. La chaiie au oerf. Teniert. I.a cbaaio du Uiron. Vander- Ulfl. Vuo de Tivoli, Michaiul. L'blver. Van- Oatade. Let patineun. Jiuiidel. Coup de lolell. Vernel. La caacade.— Holell conohant,— Lt ponie Rotto a Rome.— Le pont Saint Ange, Pynacker. Marine. Uouilton. Racohua de Richelieu —Diane. Uraiiger. Vonua d'Arlea. Ingre. L'aniour ot Psyche. Bartolini. Apolion Citharjide. Imjre et Bartolini. Lua Muses: Clio.— Eu- turpo.— Mulpomiiie.— Tlialle— Polymnio — Erato. — Terpsitibore. — Urauie.— Ctl. liopu. Bartolini. Hyj^lee ou la sant^. Granger Oi'nio fuD^brc. — Mi'leagre. Ingre. Ncion. Granger. Lo dioecolo en repos. Duehemin. Le discobole en action. Motla. Ilt'rniiiiio iinus I'habit de bergire,— Tnncrc^dp blcFSC. Vander W^ff. Saintc Magdclaiuo dans le ii- Hcrt. L' (r'liii!.-, L:i .Mn(:dt'laini> No. 2. Giiusppf Ci'iarr dit le I Ailitin ut Eve chaMfo Joi-cpliin d'Arpino. 1 du paradla. iV. I'onr.rin D.iochlihile. (^'laiiipaync. L< .< roli;;iLUiits. Hulh-im. La!Q de ll'.ibens. J'our' ir Ifr.lle do Itulii'u'.lenB, linnbrnndt. I «!i difcipIoH d'Emmaiis.— Philo- f.cplio e:i nt'ditnlicn. — VirilJnrd nu'ditact. — Poii; i.'Hie portriiii. de Rembrandt, Urphael. Portrait do Rnpbut'l. Vaitikr Mrulen. Convoi niilitaire.— Dalle de cavaliers. Brrgficni, LoGuo. Vand-- Velde. La plage de Schevelingrn (! vues). Vander- 1 [eyden. Village sur le bord d'ur canal. J. Winant$, Puysage. ARTS.] TINE A&T8. 695 Mua^e Ars.H^Alfl, ou colleetlon compete dea tableaux, etc. — (Continuation). I'BiHTaii oc Dmumatcuh. — Sinan- Tomb 1L — (Oootiouation). / Van(/oii*n. V\it de Flaod' et. Q. Uiut. l'»yi»ge. fait/ Potter. I.o pac»g«. Bitlh. Uritnbtrff. Kuiiie* du Cunpo Vtojino. Bamhaeln. Le loltir du p&tre.— Depart du I'liitollorlo. Imc'MU . I'aywge. Utrman Swanevflt. Paynage. Orriionti. Piiynagea (2). Yirnet. Clair do luno.— Le phare. — Port de mur. Aacthjn. Vuo du Tibre. fifjipM I'ouiiin. PouMin. Molinchon. Jupiter et deux dcoHes. Tome III Raphatft. Saint Michel tcrraHaot Satan. Lt (juiik. Lo musiiacre des innocontg.— David tenant la tuto do (iloliath. JuUf liomain. Venus et Vulcuin. Lt THi:n. Le iiiartyre de Huiut Pierre, Doiui- iiiciiiii. Lt Currigs. L'Antiope. lAlbiine. La uaidsnnco do la Vlergo. Uomrdd' Yinei. Salute Anno, la Vierge ut rEiifantJcaiie. Annihd Carrache. Lo Christ niort sur los gonoux de la Vierge, AUiuiutre VtTon'cte. Lo deluge, Sywu'a. L'ciirant prodigue. Procaccini. La Sainte Far.iille. Fra. Bartoloneo, Lo Siuiveiir (!u inonde. t'ijjiHi.ii, .'.di;i') I't iTvo. A', roumii, I.'Ai!8ompticn de la Vierge. Orangtr, PalJM.— ' Oerdt Kleuaine. — Leuoo- th£e. — Nymphe. — Ilcrcule ut IV'Idpho. — Eaculapo. — Ci'iar-Auguilf. — ViMtale.— Zenon le philoitopbe. (.'anMli. Junon. liouMon. VeiiuB de M^doola. Hartotini. Vcnu* Qi'idtriz. Inrre. L'Aiiioi'r do I'raxit^lo. — Mfrcure.— Bacchante. — Antinolia Egyptien. (/ahtherot. Fauiie en rcpos. Houillon. chaeeour. llrnri Laurent. Uerus (]rco,ditlePboc6on.— Sncrificatonr. JIarriette. Ouuriier, ditlegUdiatcurmourant Lihriiii. [,o e''eri!0. Sldhi, C I'ilitf it Bei! compagnes. r>ouriu:\. rjtti 'le I'Vmillc. Vaki.'.M. Le jugciucut de Salomon. — La diasto Sufiiiini;. Ruinii, Le ChriBtcusopulcro. — L'incr(?dulit6 (le ^'ai:;t ■. Gatfiiril C/a'jir. Ilercule entro li» Tolupt<5 et la vertu. Paniiu. Le P.inthi'cn de Rome. L'Alliane. Lcs t'lcmcuts (cinq tableaux). lMcn$. L'ttrc en cieL Gerard Douw. La famille dc G6rard Douw. Band Teniers. Le fumeur.— Le remouleur. Adrien Van-Oalodi. Lo chonBOonler. ■/. M. Creipi. La nmilrteso dV'coIo. Terbiinj. Uii ollicier osaia pr^s d'uoo joune fuaiiiie. MiUu. Un militaire fHi»nt eervir des rafrat- chl8»enientii k unojeune femine. Kuyp. Un c.ivRlifr portuTit pour la promenade. — Un c:ivuliei' ruTcnant de la prumcuado. .[. pe(j. — Vues des cotta dc Nice. Wouvfrniann. Unite do chai<8eur«. — Ilalto do ea»u.;c;L.- -Mi.nt'ge. — Lea foiros. David 2Vnit'tie. Dt'lalilre. L'J3 '.). igoeu.-'cs. — Soleil coucbant. Veru. t. Tcmp6:o.— Naufrago. CI. Lorrain. Paysage. Granger. Jupiter et Triton. — Bacchus. — Sar- danapulo. — Mclicorte et Palemon. — Om- phale. — Amazone. — M^nandre. — Sacrifice aux Larea. if jetint. fabtiret prfia d'nne ?ir. et S:Ti:ii — Paysago et del ir r fj mh ' i1 .itr ( ■ ■■ I } ■■i ■ it -u M ^'<. 696 FINE ARTS. [beaux IlSusde franqais, ou collection complete des tableaux, etc. — (Continuation). FlINTBEB OU DI8BINATEUBB. — SUJITB, Toms IIL — (Continuation). Bouillon, Ariadne, dite la OMopAtre.— Flora —Julie, femme de Septime Severe.— Jeune flUe romaine. Deientu. Minerve pacifiqne. Ohatillon. Apollon, dit 1' Adonis. — Enfant i I'oie. — Le tireur d'upine. Artaud. Petite Cerds. — Femme Isiaquo. La Chtiehe. Eaculape et Telesphore. Duehemin. Jason, dit Cinsinnatua. ToiiK IV. Molinchon. Hercule enlevant le tripled de Delphes. — Victoire choragique. Ingre, Posidippe. Raphail. La Sainte Oecile. — La yision d'Ere- chiel. — L'enfant Jesua caresaant Saint Jean. L« Titien. Le couronnement d'epinea. Le Dominiquin. La Sainte Cecile. — En6e aauT.'^t son pdre. /. Ribira. L'adoration dea bergera. M. A. La Caravagt, Le Christ porte au tom- beau. A. Sacchi Saint Romuald et aes diaeiplea. y. Poutsin. Le deluge universel. Lesueur. Saint Paul prcchant k Ephiac— Le Chriat k la colonne. Lebrun, Le b6n6dicite. Ph. de Champagne. La c6ne. Rubens. La deseente de Croix. Rembrandt. L'ange Uaphaiil quittantTobie. — Le bon Samaritain. Schidone. Le Chri.,t lU tombeau. G. Flinck. L'-.nnonce aux bereers. F. Douven. La Viorgo aux Chrises. Le Guide. Le dessin et la couleur. P. F. Mola. Agr.r dana le desert. J. P. Panini. Temple de Veata. Le Georgian. Un concert. /. Jordaeiii. Le roi boit. Morillot. Le pouilleux. J. Vcrnet. Le coup do tonnerre. 8. Vouet. La Sainte Famille. A, Van-Oitade. Un fumeur. — Lea inconye- nienta du jeu. Tenieri le jeune. Doux fumenra. D, Tenier*. Doux jououra de cartes. J. Steen. Plaisira d 3 famille. A. Eheimer. La fuite en Egypte. Vander-Werff. Deux nymphca dansani O. Dov). L'arracheur de denta. Neeft Peter. Interieur d'une egliae. A. de Vox*. Un n6gociant dana aon aabinei Bol. Portrait d'un georaetre. Sttinmck. Jeaua-Cbriat cbex Marthe et Maria Portrait du Karel du jardln. Un Ermite. Retour d'une promenade sur K. du Jardin, A. Carrache. Le Bolognite. I'eau. G. Lorain. Une danae au aoleil coucliant.-. Lo Campo Vaccino. Vernet, Marine au aoleil couchant. P. Patel. Payaage au aoleil couchant — Pcyaage au aoleil levant. F. Mmichcron. Une belle soiree. J. Winanti. Depart pour la chaase au vol. Backuisen. Ooup de vent. Karle Dujardin. La filcuje. /. Vcn Hagen. Vue d'un village. J. Jfiel, Diner des roygeura. B. Brlemberg. Ruinea du Campo Vaccino. J. Van Iluijsum. 1\ mmes au bain.— Une ri- viere et dea ruinc3. /. Von dcr Hoyden. Vue d'une petite ville de Ilollande. A'. Swcnveldt. Suleil eouchant. A . Van dfn Veld. Soleil IcTant. Ruisdccl. Lea environa d'un village. Bouillon. Le Laocoon. — Hermaphrodite.— Apo'lon du Bel.fidiro. — Lajoueuse d'os- eelcta. — Jeune homme remeruiant lei dieu". Chatillon. Melpomene. Granger, Peraonnage grec, — Minerve.— Mer- cure dit le Lantin. — Peraonnage heroiqne inconnu. De 8And. Junon. — Minervo et Typh6e. Ilarriette. ChoDur de n^r^iidea. La Guiche. Muse rjataurOe en C6r^8 Ingre. Apollon Licien. Ducq. V6nua du Capitole. Froquet. Tripled d' Apollon delphique at actel de Mara. Artaud, Un faune et une panthdre. Roger. Le Oermanicai. WMm DX a). noTt ire.— ied d« cdin. ade aur cliant.— chant— tu TOl. accino. .— Une ri- ite TiUe de [liroilite. — lueuse d'o8- jrciant lc9 ferve. — Mer- ^e heroique ph^e. ABTS.J SINE ARTS. 697 ■que «t ttt«t (javard. Oaleriea historiques de VerBMUes* publi^es par ordre du roi Louis Philippe, arec una histoire de France par M. Jules Janiq, servant de texte explicatif aux peinturea et sculpturss du miia^e, 300 livraisons, contenant 1200 planches repr^sentant environ 1800 sujets graves sur acier. 10 volumes, folio. Paris, 1886>1844. Tome L Flans et vues interieures du p^Iaia de YereailleB, plafonds, dessus de portes, tableaux all6goriqu«s, rues des ch4teauxroyaux et r6sidenoea royales, rdgnes de Clovis i. Saint-Louis, (461-12';0.) Croisades. Bdgnes de Philippe III, dit le Hardi, d Fran9oi8 I, (12'70-164'7.} R^gnes de Henri 11, & Louis XIII. (1647-1648.) " II. 1. Rigne de Louis XIV. De la bataille de Rocroy h rinvasion de la HoUande (1643-1072.) De I'lnvasion de la HoUande d, la paix de Mim^guo, (1672-1678.) De la paix de Xim^gue & la fin du r£gne, (1678-1716.) 2. Rdgnes de Louis XV et de Louis XVI. De 1716 & la f6d6ration du Ohamp-de-Mars, (14 juillet 1790.) •' IIL Campagnes de 1792 i 1796. Oampagnes de 1796 a 1799 ; expedition d'Egypte. Conaulat (1799-1804.) " IV. Rdgne de Napoleon ; empire. De la promotion k I'empire (18 mai 1804) au 30 septembre 1806, (campagne d'Autriche.) D'Oetobre 1806 a octobre 1808, (campagne de Prusse.) De novembre 1808 & mai 1810, (campagnes d'Espagne et d'Autriche.) De mai 1810 k avril 1814 (continuation de la campagne d'Espagne et cam- pagnes de Russie et de France.) " V. Rfignes de Louis XVIII et de Charles X. Rtigne de Louis Philippe 1, (jusqu'i 1840.) " VL Portraits des grands amiraux do France. Portraits dea grands connetablcs de France. Portraits dea raar^ohaux et des guerriers celdbres. " VII, Portraits de rois de France. Portraits de personnages ccl^bres depuis le 12e siMe jasqu'il Francois L Personiiages celibres sous les ri^gnes de Henri II d, Henri IV. Personnages ccldbres sous le r6gno de Louis XIII. ' VIII. Personnages celAbres sous le rigne do Louis XIV. Personnages celt^brcs sous le r^gne de Louis XV. " IX Personnages oeldbrea sous le r^gne de Louia XVI, et lea rdgnes auivants. Statues et busies. Personnages ceiCibrcs de CIotIs & Louis XIII. Personnages c£l^bres sous le r(igne de Louis XIV et les rt^gnes suiranta. " X. Texte. « Introduction ; sujets historiquea. Texte hislorique dea portraits, buatea et atatues. Listes dea sousoripteura. Table de classement des gravures. Table alphab£tique des personnages comprla dans I'ouTrage. ;"»' ^aiiai:i.:it H'l''!. II !.^' in:' m 698 ARCHITECTURE. Supplement aux galeries historiques de Versailles. 5 vol. Folio. Paris. Tome I. Vues direrses du Palais de Versaillea. ^ Plafonds. Chateaux et residences royales. Salle des Croisades. Armoiries. " II. Rdgnes de Clovis k Saint-Louis. Lea Croi^des. R^gnes de Philippe III & Louis XIII. " IIL R^giie de Louis XV. Campagn-js de 1792 &. 1796. . de 1796 A 1799. IV. Rdgne de Napoleon. Restauration, et rt^gne de Louis Philippe. Portraits des amiraux, connetables et marechaux. " V. Portraits divers de personnages ccldbres, avant le r^gne de Napoleon I. " VL Portraits de personnages celebres sous le r^gne de Napoleon et lea rJenei suivants. Artiste, 1'. Journal de la litt^rature et des bi'nux arts, recueil fondl en 1831 principalement dirigo depuis 1844 par MM. Ars&ne et Edouard Houssnye, et dijvise en 6 series, formant en tout 56 vol. 4to. orn^s de gravures. Paris, 1831 et annees suivantes. "' i . I ? ri ARCHITECTURE. Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Archi- tecture. The fifth edition enlarged ; exemplified by 1700 wood-cuts. Vol 1. Text. Vol. 2, 2 parts ; plates, with a descriptive indei. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1850. Weale, John. Diclionnry of the terms used in Architecture, Civil, and Naval ; in Building and Construction ; Early and Ecclesiastical Art, &c. ; with explanatory observations on subjects connected with prac- tical art and science. 12mo. London, 1849-50. {Two copies.) Gailhabaud, J. Monuments anciens et modernes, vues g^n^rales et particu- lieres, plans, coupes, details, &c., collection formant une histoire de I'architecture des differents peuples k toutes les ^poques, r^unies pour la premiere fois en un corps complet d'ouvrngesdestinds k faciliter les Etudes historiques et raonumentales, contenant des notices archiolo- giques, par MM. A. Berty, E. Breton, de Caumont, Dubeux, Ac. ; accompagnds de planches gravies par M. Bury, d'apr^s les dessins d'architectes et d'artistes distingues, publics sous la direction de M. Jules Gailhabaud. 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1847—1852. ARCHITECTURE. 699 Ganina, Luigi. L'Architettura Antica descritta e dimostrata coi monumenti ; opera divisa in tre sezioni risguardanti la Storia, la Teorica, e la Fratiche, dell'Architettura Egiziana, Greca e RomaDa. 9 voli. in 6. 8vo. Roma, 1834—14. Tom. I., II.— Egiziana. Tom. III., IV.— Efjixiani-Qreoa. Tom. V.— Greca. Tom. VI., Vlf.— Greca-Roraana. Tom. VIII., IX.— Romana. [With] Monumenti Egiziana. (1839— 1844.) Greci, (1830— 1840.) Romana, (1830—1840.) 3 volu. Folio. Comprehended in the fiiBt Section, i. «., of Egyptian Architecture, Part ii, cap. 4, the author treats on, " Uonumenti Sepolcrali ;" In cap. 1, " Partico- lare genere di Architettura dagli antichiFenici e Giudei ;" cap. 8, "Genera deir Asia Minore;" cap. 9, "Oonere Persiano;" cap. 10, "Genere Indiano;" cap. 11, "Genere Cinese ;" cap. 12, " Genere Americano." Cleghorn, George. Ancient and Modern Art, historical and critical. Second edition ; corrected and enlarged. 2 vols. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1848. Gisors. Le Palais du Luxembourg. 8vo. Paris, 1847> Diotionnaire de I'arohiteoture, par Quatrem^re de Quincy. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1788-1826. Encyclopedie methodique. Vitruvius, Pollio M. The Architecture of. Vide Gwilt's Works, Vol. 3. Vitruve. CEuvres completes. Vide Classics, (Nisard's collection.) Grecian Architecture. An examination of. By J. Gwilt. Vide Gwilt's Works, vol. 2. Roman Architecture : Notice of. By J. Gwilt. Ibid, vol. 5. Chambers, ^Sir William. On the Decorative part of Civil Architecture. Ibid, \ ols. 1, 2. Leeds, W. H. Rudimentary Architecture : the orders, and their ajsthetic principles. 1854. — Bury, 'J'. T. I udimentary Architecture : of the styles of Architecture of various Countries. 1853. — Garbitt, E. L. On the principles of Design in Architecture as deducible from Nature. 2 parts. 1850. The 3 works in one vol. 12mo. Lon- don. jVealea^ Series, Pickett, W. V. New system of Architecture, founded on the Forms of Nature, and developing the properties of Metals ; by which various advantages over the pre-existant Architectures may be attained, &c. 8vo. London, 1845. Shewing "the adaptation of cast Iron to Architecture as an Art." Slurphy, J. C. The Arabian Antiquities of Spain, (pictorial, with many Architectural plates.) Folio. London, 1816. Wightwick, George. The Palace of Architecture : a Romance of Art and History. 8vo. London, 1840. The work is desoripti ve of " Ancient Indian," " Chinese," " Egyptian," " Roman," "Greek," and " Constantinal " Architectures ; and proceeds aftfirwards to the " Norman-Gothio," "Christian-pointed," Mohammedan-pointed," "Italian- pointed," "Greco-Roman," "Anglo-Greek," and "Anglo-Itnliau" Architec- tures. i:;!^; MM u WSm &'.'■ : rifia^^^^^^l V ■! ' iun m RBS BH ■:|| '■ ■ ' ' ■ •ii; ;f 1 :* • ■ ■ : ■ H\'f It h :'i:. ■'4hk ? i' ■ I"i mr^ i' ■ '•'"* mm t i .'.■' mi I ■rM ^:'lX\ \%\ 1 '11 :• ;•"! ■•}'-. '^^':^ t ■iim h':';'i' /; '■■" '■ '■'.■' i'vi \. ■ "■'■';•* B ■■1 ■■ ■ mm iiilil M til V\ ^1 ' fl I I. ■1 ^ BnflliSlI' SI*' mm '• i- '- *> li ^^ 700 AECHITECTTJEB. FergUB80n, James. Illustrated Hand-book of Architecture ; being an account of the diflTerent styles of Architecture, prevailing in all ages and countries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. —— ■ On the ancient Assyrian and Persian Architecture. Vide, his Nineveh and Fersepolis restored, ante, p. 315. HindiiS. Essay on the Architecture of the. By Eam-Eaz, with 48 plates. 4to. London, 1834. (0. T. F.) " Such aa Exposition as might enable the European Reader to form an opinion of what that system may oace hare been." — Prikaoe. Nicholson, Peter. Principles of Architecture ; comprising the Fundamental, Rules of the Art, with their application to practice ; also. Rules for Shadows, and for the Five Orders. Sixth edition, re/ised and corrected, by Joseph Gwilt. 218 engravings. 8vo. London, 1848. _ Encyclopedia of Architecture ; being a new and improved edition of Nicholson's Dictionary of tiie Science and practice of Archi- tecture, Building, &c., edited by Lomnx and Guyon. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1852. Priictical Carpentry, Joinery, and Cabinet Making ; being a System of Lines for the use of workmen, founded on Geometrical and Mechanical principles, with their applications ; (1) to Roofs, Domes. Centring, &c. (2) to Stairs, Hand-rails, Soffits, Niches, &c. (3) to Furniture. Revised by Thomas Tredgold. 4to. London, 1854. Gx^ilt, Joseph. An Encyclopaedia of Architecture, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical ; illustrated with P^ngravings on wood. Third edition, with, a View of the symmetry and stability of Gothic Architecture. 8vo. London, 1854. —.^—— A collection of the following Works, composed or edited by Gwilt. In 6 vols. 8vo. London, v. d. Vol. I. II. Chambers, Sir W. On the Decorative Part of Civil ArcLitecture, &c,, with an Examination of Grecian Architecture, by Qwiit, 1825. " III. M. Vitruvius Pollio. The Architecture of,— translated by Gwilt, 1826. " IV. The Rudimeuts of Architecture, practical nod theoretical 1826, " V. Notitia, &c., of the Buildings and Architecture of Italy, and the ancient Architecture of the Romans. 1818. On the conduct of the Corporation of London, in respect of Designs for Rebuilding London Bridge. 1 82S. Rudiments of the Orammar of the Anglo- Saxon tongue. 1829. " VI. Soiography ; or. Examples of Shadows ; with Rules for their projection, Second edition, 1824. On the Equilibrium of Arches, 1826. A view of the Origin of Caryatides, 1822. N. B. This series is unique. It comprises everything written by Gwiit ; and though not uniformly published, was collected by Gwilt himself ; to ■whom this copy originally belonged. AECHITECTURE. 701 Ruskin, John. The Seven Lamps of Architecture ; with illustrations, drawn and edited by the Author. 4to. London, 1849. "The seven Lamps" being those "of Sacrifice, Truth, Power, Beauty, Life, Memory, Obedience." The Stones of Venice. Vol. L The Foundations. VoL II. The Sea Stories. Vol. III. The Fall ; with illustrations, drawn by the Author. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1851-1853. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, at Edinburgh, in November, 1863 ; with illustrations, drawn by the Author. 8vo. Lon- don, 1854. Quatremdre de Quinoy. Biographic des plus c^l^bres architectes, de ' 1050 ^ 1800, accorapagn^e de la vue du plus remarquable Edifice de chacun d'eux. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. VioUet-le-Duo. Dictionnaire raisonn^ de I'architecture fran^aise, du onzi^me au seizi^me siJicle. Tome 1 et 2. 8vo., avecgravures. Paris, 1854. Essai sur I'architecture niilitaire au moyen-age. 8vo. Pfiris. 1854. Verdier et Cattois. Architecture civile et domestique au moyen-age et & la renaissance. Vol. ler. Folio, avec planches. Paris, 1855. Sohmit, iT- P. Manuel de I'architecte des monuments religieux. i2m6., avec atlas, 12mo., oblong. Paris, 1845. Id. Hakewill, E. C. The Art, the Tabernacle, and the Temple of Jerusalem ; shewing the correspondence of their Forma with those of Classic Architecture. 4to. London, 1851. Brown, Richard. Sacred Architecture, its rise, progress and present state ; embracing the Babylonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Eoman Temples;— the Byzantine, Saxon, Lombard, Norman, and Italian Churches ; — Of the Gothic Churches in England ; practical directions for restoring those Edifices to their primitive beauty. With 63 plates, shewing the progressive character of the various styles of sacred architecture ; and a glossary of terms. Also, the Elements of Church Design, and an account of the origin of Dioceses and Parishes, — the founding of Cathedrals and Churches ; an investigation of the plan best adapted for the Voice : and on Ventilation and Warming. 4to. London, 1845. Foole, G. A. History of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England. 8vo. Lon- don, 1848. Uarkland, J. H. Bemarks on English Churches, and on the expediency of rendering Sepulchral Memorials subservient to pious and Christian uses. Fourth edition, enlarged. 12mo. London, 1849. There arc illustrations, and an Appendix, including papers on Epitaphs ; on interments in Churches ; on Churchyard Crosses ; on Endowments fo( Churches ; on Substitutes for Sepulchral Monuments, Ac. llif ■H m ;;■■:■ ill \m ?.-f '' ' ■ ' \ i': . . 1/ ! Mi m f ss 702 ARCHITECTURE. ■ \U' in-- A ■'Sir Boutell, Charles. The Monumeutal Brasses of England: a series ofEn> gravings upon wood, from every variety of the Memorials, nccom. panied with descriptive Notices, the engravings by Mr. E. B. Utting, 8vo. London, 1849. Knight, H. G-ally. The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy ; from the time of Constantino to the fifteenth Century, with an introduction and Text. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1843. " The drawiDgg were all taken from the original buildings, expressly for thii " work, by Artists of merit and fidelity, [and are lithographed and publlBhedl " on a scale sufficiently large to afford a correct notion of the buildinirt "themselves; [they are] arranged in chronological order," Introduction, Iienoir, Albert. Architecture monastique. 4to. Voir dans la collection des Boeumenti tur miatoire de Frann : Monographic de la cath^dntle de Chartres. Monographic de I'^glise Notre-Dame de Noyon. Voir aussi Dieulin, le guide des cures, etc., (page 220-du catalogue.) Hamilton, George E. Designs for Eural Churches : (16 plates.) 4to. London, 1836. Hunt, T. F. Designs for Farsonage-houses, Alms-houses, &c. 4to. Lon- don, 1841. Britton, John. Cathedral and Architectural Antiquities of England, vide ante, pp. 376-378. Soott, Sir Walter. Border Antiquities, Ac. ; in which he particularly notices " Architecture and Sculpture," vide, ante, p. 399. Billings, E W. Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland ; in which he notices scientifically the Architecture exemplified, xide ante, p. 399. Campbell, Colin. Vitruvius Britannicus ; or, the British Architect ; containing the Flans, Elevations, and Sections of the regular Build- ings, both public and private, in Great Britain, with variety of new designs. (300 Plates.) 3 vols. Folio. London, 1715, 1717, 1731. The Titles of all the Volumes are in French as well as English, and also the descrip- tions engraved on the plates generally ; but only the Srd vol. has a priuteil text in both languages. Trench, Colonel. Papers relating to the Thames Quay ; with hints for some further improvements in the Metropolis, with plates. 4to London, 1827. The "Hints" suggest the construction of "a new 'Westminster Hall, d riea. [A supplement in vol, 2 ] Stained Olass in the Temple Church, London. [A aupplement ia vol. II.] Papworth. On artistic Eodesinstical Decoration. Of the Church of St. Margaret, Stoke-Golding. Vol. II. Part 3. On the present condition of Architecture in England. Painted Olass. West Wickham Church, and Winchester Oatfa«dtU. Leed's Outlines of different Architectural styles. Smirko on the Uall of the Middle Temple. Architectural and ornamental illustrations of the Church of St Jacques at Liuge. [The ground plan in vol. 1] Part 4. Notice of the Suckling Papers, on the ancient Architecture of England, Carter's account of Boaulieu Abbej, and Penton Heusey Church Hants. Wightwick on ancient English Qothio Architecture. [Oontinned in vol III.] Smirke. Account of the Temple Church. PorlJal. Symbolic colours in antiquity, the middle ages, and modem times : from the French, with notes by Inman. [2nd section in vol. III.] VoL III. Part 6. Carter's account of Headbourn Worthy Church. The Suckling Papers, County of Essex ; describing architeotnral and general archsDological remains in about fifty places in the CoaotT, ' Wightwick on modern English Gothic Architecture. On the Rood Loft at Cumpton Bassett Church, and the de la Zonoh Cross. Supplement to part 4 ; comprising doseriptive text to the ill1]^ tratious of the Temple Church. Weale. Divers works of early Masters in Christian Decoration, — with an Introduction containing the Biography, Journal of Travel, oontempo* raneous association in Art, and a critical account of the works of Al- bert Durer ; — Notices of his Master Wohlgemuth and his friend Pirck" heymer ; Adam Kraift, and his Sacrament house at Nuremburg ; with examples of the ancient Painted and Stained Glass, from Yorkj Weit- Wickham, St. George's Chapel, Windsor, the ancient church, Ac, at Limbourg : the works of Dirk, and Wouter Crabeth, &c. ; also an ac- count of Stained Glass at Gouda, in Holland, and the Church of St. Jacques at Li^ge. Edited by John Weale. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1846. Fromberg, E. O. On the Art of Painting on Glaas ; from the German. 12mo. London, 1851. Weale's Series. Pellatt, Apsley. Curiosities of Glass making ; with details of the processes and production of ancient and modern Ornauiental Glass manufacture, Illustrated. 4to. London, 1849. ARCnlTECTtrilE. m De la Beohe, (Sir Henry), Director, and Reeks (T.), Curator of the Museum of Practical Geology. Specimens illustrative of the composition and manufactare of British Pottery ^uu PorcelAin ; from the occupation of Uritaia by the Romans to the present time. 8vo. London, 1855. Oaridel. Tables des pouss^es des routes en plein ceintre. 4to. Paris 1887. Borgnls. Traits ^16mentaire de construction appliqu^e h. I'architecture civile. 4to. Paris, 1838. Mioh6, M. A. Nouvelle architecture pratique, ou Bullet rectifi^ et enti^re- ment refondu. Deuxi^me Edition, accompagn^e de notes par Jay. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Reynaud, L^once. Traits d'architecture contenant des notions gen6rales Bur les principes de la construction et sur I'histoire de I'art. Tezte, 4to. et planches, folio. Paris, 1850. Toussalnt de Sens, M. Manuel d'architecture, ou trait6 de Tart de batir. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Roret. Bruydre. Etudes relativer k I'art des constructions. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1838. Blouet, B- Abel. Supplement au trait6 th6orique et pratique de I'art de batir. 4to. , ct punches, folio. Li6ge, 1818. Fondelet. Trait6 theorique et pratique de I'art de batir. 5 vol. gr. 4to., et atlas. Paris, 1855. Baltard. Architectonographie des prisons, ou parall^le des divers syst^mes de distribution dont les prisons sont susceptibles. Folio. Paris, 1829. Vide, Howard on PriBODB, Ac, and Jebb on Prisons. Dupuy de Ldme, M. M^moire sur 1& construction des batlments en fer, adress^ au ministre de la marine et des colonies. 4to. Paris, 1844. Owen, R- D. Hints on Public Architecture ; containing, among other illus- trations, views and plans of the Smithsonian Institution, &c. 4to. New York, 1849. *' The Illustrations are manjr, copied from fine remaiDS of clusio, msdief U and other archltectares ; on which the author makes careful criticism." Papworth, (J. W. and W.) Museums, Libraries, and Picture Galleries,— public and private, — their establishment, formation, arrangement, and architectural construction, &c. 8vo. London, 1853. Brooks, S. H. Modern Architecture ; being a series of designs for shop elevations, shop fronts, buildings adapted for towns, gentlemen's demesnes, for labourer's cottages, «&c. ; with specifications, estimates, &c. Folio. London, 1852. Pooook, W. J. Modern Finishings of rooms } in designs for vestibules, halls* staircases, &c. 4to. London, 1811. : !■ '■ 'H'H'H MM : 1 :•;.; (i:,'-|' Kit ^ ''i; 706 AUCUITECTUEE. " llfP Jones, Owen. Designs for Mosaic and Tessullated PaTemeuts ; with an esur on their muteriula and structure. 4to. London, 1842. Borden, "aiapted from Ihoie found in Pompeii," ' Light, &c. Third edition, by T. Bramah, comprising his observations on heating by means of Warm water, with descriptions of Apparatus. 8vo. London, 1836. Hood, Charles. A treatise on Warming buildings by hot water ; and an inquiry into the laws of radiant and conducted Heat: Remarks on Ventilation, and on various methods of artificial Heat, and their effects on Animal and Vegetable physiology. Svo. London, 1837. Bernan, Walter. On the History and »Art of Warming and Ventilating Eooms and Buildings by open Fires, Hypocausts, German, Dutch, Russian, and Swedish Stoves, Steam, Hot water. Heated air. Heat of Animal8,&c., with Notices of the progress of Fire-side comfort, and of the management of Fuel. 240 figures of Apparatus. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 184i5. Vide, also, Brown's Architecture, ante p. 701. Tomlinson, C. On Warming and Ventilation, domestic and public ; and of Mines, Ships, &c. 12mo. London,, 1860. Whale's Series, with Power of Water, &c. Arnott, Neil. On the smokeless Fire-place, Chimney- Valves, and other meaus, old and new, of obtaining healthful Warmth and Ventilation. Svo. London, 1855. Hosking, William. Healthy Homes : a GuMe to the Regulation of Buildings, Streets, Drains, and Sewers ; with a Postcript to Surveyors, Ac. New edition. 12mo. London, 1850. iW' ■I r- ji'f!}? .■ II '!• I vmi m V08 AROniTECTUBE. ■"I • hi ^ Weale, John. Hudimcntary Dictionary of Termi used in ArchUectaw Duilding and Construction, &o., Engineering, Ciril and MeclianictI Mining, Surveying, ftc. I2mo. London, 1849-50. Weale'i Seriet. firees, H. C. The Illustrated Glossary of practical Architecture and Clril Engineering : comprising the theory and modern Practice, with the subjects of OfHce and Field work ; Mechanical Engineering ; Survey- ing, Levelling, and Use of Instruments ; Mining and Qufcrryingj Manufacture of Iron, Bricks, Lime, and Cements ; Carpentry, Joinery Bricklaying, and Masonry, Slating, Painting and OlaKing, Buildior, &o. 8vo. London, 1853. Bartholomew, Alfred. Speciflcations for Practical Architecture, preceded by an Essay on the decline of excellence in the structure, and in the science of modern English buildings ; with the Remedies for thoie defects. 160 wood engravings. 8vo. London, 1840. Moseley, Henry. The Mechanical principles of Engineering and Architecture, Second edition, with illustrations on wood. Svo. London, 1855. Dobaon, Edward. A Rudimentary Treatise on Mosonry and Stone-cutting j in 3 sections, — I. On the construction of Vaults and Arches — II. On Masonic Projection. — III. On Practical Stone-cutting (plates). 12mo. London, 1S49. Weale's Series. Joluison, William. The practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design: forming a complete course of Mechanical Engineering, and Architec- tural drawing ; from the French of M. Armengaud, ain(5, and MM. Armengaud, jeune. and Amouroux : re-written and arranged, with additional matter and plates, and examples of the employed mechanism of the day : by William Johnson. 4to. London, 1853. Tredgold, Thomas. Essay on the strength of Cast Iron and other Metals : containing practical Rules, Sec, founded on Experiments with a Table of the properties of Materials. Fourth edition, with Notes, by Eaton Wilkinson ; Experimental researches on the strength and other properties of Cast Iron, with the dev^ilopment of new principiej, calculations frum them, and inquiries applicable to rigid and tenacioui bodies generally. Svo. London, 1842. Barlo^S^, Peter. On the Strength of Timber, Cast and Malleable Iron, and other materials ; with Rules for application in Architecture, £c. New edition, revised and corrected by I. F. Heather, to which ii added an Essay on the effects produced by causing Weigbta to travel over Elastic bars, by Robert Willis. 8vo. London, 1851. Museum of Praotioal Geology. The British Marbles, &c., &c.. Building- stones, &c. Vide Catalogue of the Museum (4to.) Ante, p. 618. Burgoyne, Sir John. On the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone. I2mo. London, 1852. Weale'i Seriet, with " Drainage, &c." \m AaOmXEOXUBB. 70^ DobBOn, £• On tba ManufacturQ of Uricks and Tiles. 2 parts, 1850.— Qo the Art of Building, 1854. — On Foundations and concrete works, 1850. 12mo. 3 vols, in 1. London. fVeale't Seriet. Burnell, O- U* On Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, &o. 12mo. London, 1850. WtaWt Seriu, with a work on " Light' houses." Sanderson, James. Remarks on Materials, and EHrections for Workmanship. Vide iu Richardson's Handbooks, Sanderson's Rural Architecture. OharleviUc. Art do faire do bons mortiers et d'en bien diriger I'emploi. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Berthault-Duoreux. Mortiers des ciments romains. 8vo. Paris, 1833. HassenfVatz. Traito de I'urt de calciner la pierre caloaire, et de fabriciuer touttis sortes de mortiers, cimenta, betons, etc. 4to. Paris, 1825. Adh^mar. Traito de la coupe des pierrea. 8vo. Atlas, folio. Parid, 1853. - Cbarpente. 8vo., et atlas folio. Paris, 1854. Ponts biais ; nouvelles Etudes de coupe des pierres. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Eok. Trait6 de construction en poteries et fer, suivi d'un recueil de machines appropri^es ^ I'art de batir, avec fiG planches. Folio. Paris, 1836. — Truit6 de I'upplication du fer, do la fonto et de la tdle dans les construe* tions civiltis, industrielles et militairos, avec 80 planches. Folio. Paris, 1841. Stelnitz, rrancis. Tho Ship ; its origin and progress ; — being a general his- tory from its first invention to the latest improvements ; forming a complete account of thr- Naval Events of tho Ancients, the middle ages, and the modern , pocha, to tho close of 1848 : including tho state of the Navii ' cf all nations ; episodes; discoveries; Coloniza- tion and Commerce ; * complete description of every kind of Vessel : with plates re-, resenting the Ships of all kinds and times. Flags, Naval Batth'ts vie. 4to. London, 1849. Flnoham, John. A history of Naval Architecture : to which is prefixed, an introductory dissertation on the application of Matliomatical Science to the Art of Naval construction ; with 58 plates. 8vo. London, 1851. Vide, also, Beaufoy'g nautical and hydraulic Experitnenti, toward tbe improve- ment of Naval Architecture, iu Enoinxuino. Knowles, John. The elements and practice of Naval Architecture ; or, a treatise, theoretical and practical, on the best principles established in Great Britain; with tables of dimensions, Ao. A series of Draughts. &o. Third edition, containing the principles and'|)ractice of con- structing the Royal and Mercantile Navies, as introduced by Sir Eobert Seppings. 4to. The Draughts (39) are separately bound, oblong folio. London, 1822,. ] ,n''i ■l;1i « 1 I ! ' ! '; Hi, ■!' ' i' ! U' ,1 . :i:n ;r Suit 710 ARCHITECTUEB. «li'r- It ' ;■•, i I. Fishbourne, E. G-. Lectures on Naval Architecture ; being the Bubstance of those delivered at the United Service Institution. 8vo. London 1846. ' Peake, J. Of Naval Architecture ; the science and its application (copies of the first and second editions.) Kipping, B* On Masting, Mast-makine and Rigging of Ships, 1856. Bland, W. On the form of Ships and Boats, 1852. All bound in 1 vol. 12mo. WeaWt Seriei. Griffiths, J- "W. On Marine and Naval Architecture, or theory and practice blended in Ship Building ; with more than 60 Engravings. Fourth edition. 4to. New York, 1854. . . The Ship-Builder's Manual and Nautical Referee ; with Tables and Engravings. 2 vols. Small 4to. New York, 1853. Falconer, William. A new universal Dictionary of the Marine; of the tech- nical Forms and Phrases, usually employed in the construction equipment, machinery, and Military as well as Naval operations of Ships : with parts of Astronomy and Navigation, useful to practical Navigators ; a variety of modern designs of Shipping ; separate views of Masts, Yards, Sails, and Rigging ; with a Vocabulary of French Sea-phrases and Terms of Art ; now modernized and much enlarged by William Burney. 4to. London, 1815. Woodoroft, Bennet. A sketch of the origin and progress of Steam Naviga- tion, from authentic documents, with Illustrations. 4to, London 1848. Paris, M. Essai sur la construction navale des peuples extra-europ^ens ou collection des navires et pirogues construits par les habitants de I'Asie, de la Malaisie, du grand Oc^an et de I'Am^riquu, dessin^s ct mesures par M. Paris, capitaine de corvette pendant les voynges autour du monde de V Astrolabe, la Favorite et VArtemise. 2 vol. Folio, dont un de texte et un de planches. Paris. Murray, Robert. On Marine Engines and Steam Vessels ; with Remarks on the screw and propelling power. 12mo. London, 1852. Vide WeaWs Series, in 1 vol., with Armstrong on Steam Boilers. Vide, also, Enoinberimo, for Tredgold, and other 'works on Harine Engines, and Boilers. Bourne, John. On the Screw Propeller ; with various suggestions of improve- ment. Second edition, revised. 4to. London, 1855. Atherton, Charles. The capability of Steam Ships, based on the mutual re- lations, displacement, power, and speed ; illustrated by Tables adapted for Mercantile reference. Second edition. 8vo. Woolwich, 1854. An appendix has his remarks in favour of " a large Clatt of Steameri," u n- pressed at a Meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 15th NoTember, 1853. His Memorial to that Institution, Hth December, on similar topici "Tables shewing the superior capability of large Ships," with schemes ; Papers on the measurement of Ships' tonnage, and various scieatifio DatS' ARCHITECTURE. 711 inee, and iprove- tual re- adapted 1854. J," as ex- overaber, Inr topici Itcbemci ; lifio DaU- Stuart, C. B. The Naral and Mail Steamers of the United States, with 36 engravings. Second edition. 4to. New York, 1868. Inteaded " to chronicle the triumphs of Steam," and " the origin, rise, and progreBB of our National Steam Marine." Ihe "Statistics of numerous YeaielB, many of which are not now in existence, and others [now] in distant Seas, are fully given."- -A dvertisenient. [Northumberland Life-boat Models. J Beport of the Committee ap- pointed to examine the Life-boat Models submitted to compote for the premium offered by the Duke of Northumberland: to which is added, a List of the existing Life-boat, Rocket, and Mortar Stations ; and an Abstract of the wrecks which occurred on tae shores of the British Isles in 1850. Maps and Plans, &c. Folio. London, 1851. Voir ci-nprSs dons la section des Arts Utilis lea modifies de marbrerie, de Berrurerie, de menuiserie, etc. PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ENGRAVING, &o. PEINTUUE. SCULPTURE, GRAVURE, ETC. Eastlake, Charles L. Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. 8vo. London, 1848. Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 8vo. Lon- don, 1847. Taylor, W. B. S. A Manual of Fresco and Encaustic Painting ; containing instructions for executing works of these descriptions : Nvith an his- torical memoir of these arts, from the earliest periodrj. 12mo. Lon- don, 1843. Merrifield, Mrs. Oiiginal Treatises, dating from the 12th to the 18th cea- turies, on the Art-* of Painting in Oil, Miniature, Mosaic, and on Glass ; of gilding, dyeing, and the preparation of colours, and artificial gums ; with a general iutroduction, translations, notes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. The original Treatises are in Latin, French, and Italian, and are given from the manuscripts of Jehan le Begue, from a Bologneae manuscript, and from several manuscripts, respectively preserved in Libraries at Venice, Padua, Bassano, and Brussels. Wornum, R. N. The epochs of Painting characterised, from the earliest ages to the present time. 12mo. London, 1847. Knight''8 Lib. Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and Legendary Art. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. London, 1850. I Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the Fine Arts ; forming the Second Series of Sacred and Legendary Art. Second edition ; enlarged. 8vo. London, 1862. _;! \ 'v. k. , \' f , . .t...f. . ti ^ ::•:.;. m ■; ■ ■■!■ : il ! ^ ::';:{ ''•'■it IP i 1$ 111- 'i r.'K i- st Vi., ;'' ' . IK IS'" i :' .« P"i 4r s fj^ PAINTING, SCULPTURE, [PEINTURE, SCULPTUEB, Jc^j^eaon, Mrs. Legends of the Madonna, w represented in the Fine Arts ; formingthe Third Series of Sacred and Legendary Art. 8vo. London, 1852. - Memoirs of the early Italian Faintera ; and on the progress of Painting in Italy. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1846, Knight's Lib. Didron, M. Iconographie chr^tienne. Histoire de Dieu. 4to. Paris, 1842. - Christian Iconography ; or, the history of Christian Art in the middle ages : from the French, by E. J. Millington. Vol. 1 , 8vo, London, 1851. B. Illuatr. Lib. Lanzl, Abate L. The history of Painting in Italy, from the period of the revival of the Fine Arts, to the end of the 18th century : from the Italian, by T. Eoscoe. New edition j revised. 3 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1852. Bohn's Stand. Lib. Stendhal. Histoire de la Peintu'-e en Italic. 12mo. Paris, 1854. OrlofiT. De la peinture en Italic, depuis les terns les plus anciens jusqu'i nos jours. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1823. Arznengaud, J. G. D. Les galeriea publiques de I'Europe. ISre parfie. Rome. Vol. Iptll. Folio. Paris, 1856-7. (ffn cours de ^ulli- cation.') Kugler's Hand-book of Painting : the Italian Schools ; from the German, by a Lady ; edited, with notes, by Sir C. L. Eastlake. Third edition; in 2 parts ; bound in 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1855. Hand-book of Painting : the German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and French Schools ; from the German, by a Lady ; edited, with notes, by Sir Edmund Walker Head. lUastrated edition. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1854. Stanley, George. A classified synopsis of Painters of the Dutch and Flemish Scho )ls, their scholars, imitators, and analogists : including an account of some of the early German Masters. Svo. London, 1855. B, Sclent. Lib, Vinci, Leonard de. Traite oloraeiitaire de la peinture. Svo Paris, 1813. iMontabert, P. de. Traite complet d? la peinture. 9 vol. Svo., avec atlas- Paris, 1829-51. Vol. I. latroduction. — Dictiounaire des tonnes de peinture. — Catalogue.— Liste des pciatres. " II, Histoire de la peinture chez les onoieas. " III. Kigtoire de la peinture au moyen-ilge et chez les modemes. " IV. D»viaion de la peinture. — Th6orie de la b«aut6.— CompositioD. " V. Dessin. " VI. Suite du dessin. — Draperies. " VII. Olair obscur. — Coloris. " VIIL Coloris. — Touche. — Differents genrM de p«intare. " IX. Proo6dtomat4rielB. !3-.,S .'». GRAVTJRE, ETC.] ENGRAVING, ETC. 713 Montabert, P. de. L'artistaiie ; livi-e des princlpalea Initiations aux beanx- arts, la peinture, la sculpture, I'arcliitocture, la poosie, la musique, la iriimique et la gymnastique. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Bryan, Michael. A biographical and critical Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers, from the revival of the Art under Cimabue, and the alleged discovery of Engraving, by Finiguerra, to the present time ; with the Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks used by each Engraver; a List of their prij^cipal works, &c., to which is prefixed, a brief account of the Paint- ters of antiquity. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816. Pilkington, Matthew. A general Dictionary of Painters ; containing Me- moirs of the Lives and Works of eniincat Professors of the Art of Painting, from its revival, by Cimabue in the year 1250, to the pre- sent time ; with an Introduction by A. Cunningham. New edition, corrected and revised by E. A Davenport. Svo. London, 1852. Waagen, Dr. Treasures of Art in Great Iji-itain ; being an account of the chief collections of painting*, drawings, sculptures, illuminated MSS., &c. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1851. J)r. '''■• """1 has herein incorporated "all essential portions" of his work on ' (i Artists iu England," " which embodied the results of his first ■• ,■.(,!! "the fruits of [hU] second and third visits," "in one whole.' '' Moit'uvcr, (he says,) I have cndeav mred to the utmost iu my power, to make f;ood one great deficienc)-, by devoting diia attention to modern English Art, in its various brnnchrs. I also devoted much time to tlie stiidv of Kiiglish miniatures contained iu MSS., from llie earliest times, down to tlie Ifith century," ito., " to nirive at some Itnowledge, both ol the 1 la- torical progress, and ot the chaructcristics of the English School of Paint- ing." Walpole, Ilovace. Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some account of tlie principal artists ; end incidental notes on other arts; also, a cata- logue of Knirravers who have b'-en bdrn or resided in Englaml ; col- lected by the late G. Vertue ; digested and published by II. Waljwle ; witli additions by J. DuUaway. New edition ; revised, with notes, by K. N. Wornum. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Cunningham. Allan. Lives of British Painters, Scu1|)tors, and Arcltitcets. Si'conJ edition. (J vols. 12ni(). London, 1830. Fam. Lihr. Arsenne, L. C. Manuel dii peintre et du sculpteur ; avec nne notice sur les inanuscrits ti niiiiiatures do I'Orient et du moyen-age, ct sur les voya!ie f a figures, dans leurs rapports .wee la peinture moderno, par P. Denis. 2 vol. 12nio. Paris, 183:5. Uorct. Boutereau, C. 'Manuel du dessinatour ; avec atlas. 12nio., oblong. Paris, 1847. Id. Vergnaud, A. D. Manuel do perspective, du dcssinateur ct du peintre. 12rao. Paris, 18-41. Id. l-in 1 '■■ . \:c:mm r ■ •:% ■ "'^H^iH t^'^m '''■',. " .;:->.■ ' ■', ' h^m 'I :•. ' '■.'i;M| . 1 , ; h: ■ ■* - ill ■ :, ■ i ; M \r- 1 :1, 1 1 j:\ "' !':•,.,. '' 'li , 'r '''\m .A^iuy-'A :. ,i -l^' i . ! . ( - - * t - :1] ^k . 1 ! .' i : 1*1 :>: t f;5! i "' 1 ^ '*' i'ifcii-''" i 1 '- tfli ii|^'% 'i"' Hii^^ •''■i 714 POINTING, SCULPTTJIIB, [pEINTURE, SCULPTFBE Sulguet et Persia. Goura pr^paratoire ^lementaire de dessin lineaire applique aux figures de geom^trie, & I'prcbitecture, & la ma^ciiuerie ik la charpenterie, etc., ouvrage compost do 36 planches, 4to. Paris. Henry. Cours ^lecondaire progreasif de dessin lineaire. 4to. Paris. Coiv • sup^rieur de dessin lin^ire et d' architecture. 4to. (Avec plane ^os.) Paris. Elcole de dessin. Journal den jeuues artistes et des amateurs. 5 vol. 4to. Nioholls, W. A. The National Drawing-mabter, facilitating 'iielf-instruction in Laiidscape and Figure -drawing ; with Illustrations and Copy-studies leading from the elementary to the higher branches of Art : also Natural perspective. 8vo., with drawing-paper, [by points and Hues adapted to the work,] an oblong volume. London. Pyne, Gr. On Perspective for beginners ; 1852, [with] Field, Or. Of the Painter's Art, or a Grammar of colouring, 1850. In 1 vol 12mo. Weale'a Series, Perspective : A complete, scientific and popular treatise upon, with the theoriea of Reflection and Shadowa : by a pupil of M. Thenot. 8to. London, 1836. WUliams, Butler, A Manual for Model drawing, from solid forms, combined with a popular view of Perspective : (under the sanction of the Coun- cil on Eduf.ation.) Bvo. London, 1843. Hay, D. E. Original Geometrical Diaper deaigns ; accompanied by an attempt to elucidate the true principle of ornamental design, as applied to the Decorative Arts. Oblong vol. London, 1844. Geometric Beauty of the Uuman figure defined [with] a System of JEathetic proportion applicable to Architecture, and the other formative Arts. 4to. London, 1851. Fau, Doctor J. The Anatomy of the external forma of Man ; intended ibr the use of Artistft, Painters, ana Sculptors, edited, with additions, b/ B. Knox. Gvo,, with an atlas, ito. London, 1849. Fergusson, James. An historical inquiry luto the true principles of Beaiitj in Art, more especially with reference to Architecture. (Part I) 8vo. London, 1849. Bell. Sir Charles. The anatomy and philosophy of Expression as connected with the Fine Arts. Third edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1844, Combe, George, Phrenology applied to Painting and Sculpture. 8vo, London, 1855. Hayter, Charles. An introduction to Perspective, practical Geometry, Drawing and Painting ; a new explanation of the mixture of colours i with practical directions for Miniature, Crayon, and Oilpa iting, with wood engravings, from drawings, by John Hayter. Sixth edi- tion. 8vo. London, 1845. Howarc Portal, Turner, [ L( Ruskin, Ji Cc N( tec- GEAVTJRE, ETC.] ENGEAVING, ETC. V15 System other of Beauty (Part I.^ connected Ion, 1841 ure. 8vo. Geometry, af colours ; ""Jl- painting, Sixth edi- Leslie, C. 11. A Hand-book for young Paiaters ; with illustrations. 12mo, London, 1855. Vinci, Leonardo Da. Treatise on Painting, faithfully ti-anslated, and digested upon proper heads, by J. R Bigaud, [with] a Life of the Author, and a critical account of his Works, by J. W. Brown. 8vo. London, 1835. Barry, Opie, and Fuseli, (Royal Academicians.) Lectures on Painting, edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by E. N. Womum. 12mo. London, 1848. .- The same work. Vide B. Ulustr. Lib. Haydon, B. R. Lectures on Painting and Design : treating of tLe origin of the Art, Anatomy, &c.. Standard figure. Composition, Colour, and Invention, with Designs by himself. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. - Life of,— from hia Autobiography and Journals, by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Constant- Viguier, Langlols-Longueville et Duroziez, MM. Manuel de miniature, de gouache, du lavis a la sepia, de I'aquarelle et de la peinture ii la cire. 12ino. Paris, 1845. Roret. Peinture a I'aquarelle. Cours do peinture i I'aquarelle. 12mo. Paris. Id. RebouUeau, M. E. F. Manuel de la peinture sur vsrre, sur porcelaine et Bur email. 12mo. Parisj 1844. Id. Hay, D- ^^- ^ nonienclature of Colours, Hues, Tints, and Shades, applicable to the Arts and Natural sciences ; to Manufactures, and other purposes of general utility. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845. Bancrort, Edward. Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent Colours, &c., [in relation to Dyeing, &c.] 2 vols. 8vo. Loiulon, 1813. Howard, Frank. Colour as a means of Art : being an adaptation of the expe- rience of Professors to the practice of Amateurs. 12mo. London, 1849. Portal, Frederic. Des couleurs symboliques dans I'antiquite, le moyen ^ge et les temps modernes. 8vo. Paris, 1 839. Gr6goire, Gaspard. Theorie des couleurs. 8vo. Paris. Deperthes, J- B. Th6orie du paysage, ou consid6ration9 sur les beautes de la nature que I'art peut imit-". 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Turner, J. M W. The Harbsurs of England ; engraved by T. Lupton, from [his] original drawings; with illustrative text, by J. Ruskin> 4to. London, 1856. Ruskin, John . Pre-Raphaelitism, [bound with, and after,] his " Notes on the Construction of Sheep-folds," [meaning, Christian Churches.] 12m]. New York, 1851. Vide, also, Lecture lY., in his Lectures on Archi- tecture and Painting. ■.;i.;i-;l 1 ' < ■■'■:■■! '-' -i-B ^-'iM ¥1 '"• ^•i- ■;■ ^^ ,. ;. , ■ i-'" ■ 1 ' '^'-■^m *■■■■ . ' n^'« :;|i(i;i i : ^^^^^I^^^TTT ,, ■ , i " ''t M ■ 1 f''' • , u :m4 : ''rn ,. \\iM ■1 ' ,- ■ 1 ■i'.l' M [\^\ 'mf: » . ' ■ ' 1 :], m 11. ti^ im "•'""'(li ii^l vi t "I ) '♦ ^ 716 PAINTING, SCULPTURE, [PEINTUEE, SCULPTURE, Ruskin, John. Modern Painters; 6 parts. I. — Of General Principles. H, — Of Truth. III. — Of the Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties. IV. — Of Many Things; [viz: of received opinions of the false and and the true Ideal, of Landscape, classical, mediieval and modern ; of the moral of landscape, &c.] V. — Of Mountain Beauty. 4 vols. 4to, London, 1848— lSo6. I Notes on the Turner Gallery at Marlborough House. 8vo. London, 1857. Young, Tlev. Edward. Pre-Raphnelitism ; or, a popular enquiry into some newly asserted principles connected with the philosophy, poetry, re- ligion, and revolution of art. Bvo. London, 1857. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. The Literary works of, — and a memoir of the Author, with remarks on his professional character, illustrative of his principles and practice, by H. W. Beechey. New edition. 2 voia. Bvo. London, 18f)2. BohiCs Lib. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. The Life and Correspondence of. By D. E, Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Wilkie, Sir David. The Life of, — his Journals, Tours, remarks on works of Art, and Correspondence : by Allan Cunningiiam. 3 vols. Svo, London, 1843. Flaxman, John. Lectures on Sculpture : second edition ; with an intro- ductory lecture, and two addresses, on the death of Thomas Banks, in 1805, and of Antonio Canova, in 1822 ; and an address on the deatli of Flaxman, by Sir II. Westnaacott : with 52 plates. Svo. London, 18;5H. His Designs to ^Eschylus, to Ilesiod, and to Homer. Vide Classics. Williams, R- F. An Historical sketch of the Art of Sculpture in Wood, fiom the earliest period to thi? present time ; with notices of remarka- ble works now remaining in I5urope : and some account of designers. Svo. London, 1835. Clarao, de. Musee de sculptiu'e nntique et moderne, contenant la doscription historiqiie et graphique du Louvre, les bas-reliefs, inscriptions, nutels, cip|)f's, itc, du Louvre ; les statues antiques des musees et collections de I'Europe, les statues modernes du Louvre et des Tuileries ; une ieonographie ogyptienne, grecque, romaine et fran^aise, par feu M. de Chirac, continui'; siir les manuscrits de I'auteur par M. Alfred Maury, publiee sous la direction de Victor Texier. C vol. gr. 8vo.; et G vol. gr. 4to. de planches. Taris, 182G-1833. Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the most eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Archi- tects, translated from the Italian, with Notes and illustrations, chiefly .lelected from various commentators, by Mrs. J. Foster. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1850-52. B. Stand. Libr. RBAVUllE, ETC.] ENGRAVING, ETC. 717 Michel Angelo Buonarroti. The Life of,— with his Poetry and Letters. By It. Duppa. Second edition. 4to. London, 1807. " OcaiJcB these authors [Vttsari and Condivi,] I hare examined all the writers " of that age [i. e, contemporary] who could be supposed to throw any light " upon my subject, by which means I have corrected some mistakes in " Yasari and Coiulivi, and added to their stock of information. I have also " subjoined by way of illustration, outlines of all his works of importance " in Scul|iiure, Fainting, am'. Architecture." Fbkfaob. Life o(,—vide, Lib. U. K. Vol. 26, Canova., Antonio. The works of, — in Sculpture and Modelling, engraved in outline by H. Moses, with descriptions by the Countess Albrizzi, and a }3iogrophical memoir by Count Cicognara. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1849. British Museum : Ancient Terracottas in the, — a description of the collec- tion ; with engravings. 4to. London, 1810. Collected privately first, by Charles Towneley, Esq., Mr. Nollekens, and a few by Sir Uaiis Sloaiic ; described by Taylor Combe. Ancient Marbles in the, — a description of the collection. with engravings. 10 parts, bound in 6 vols. 4to. London, 1812-1845. Part I. (1812) The greater part in this collection belonged to the late C. Towneley, Esq., [binaul with] II. (1816) Both parts edited by T. Combe. III. (1818) Edited by T. Combe. IV. (1820) The subjects ore " axolusively confined to a description of the Sculptures of the Temple of Apollo on Mount Cotyliou :" edited by T. Combo. V. (1826) Contains a description of "Sepulchral Monuments, to shew the mode in which the Romans depositcl and preserved the nshes of do eased friends ;" prepared in a • ' degree by Mr. Combe ; "otiipletcd by Ivhvard Hawkins. 1'..^ l:> 3, 4, 6, bound in 1 vol. VI. (1830) "Seuiptir ■» of the Parthenon ;" the building, also, described ; edited by C. R. Cookerell. VII. (1835) " Metopes of the Parthenon;" editor, anonymouB. VIII. (1839) "Contains a description of the Sculptures of ihe Freize of the Par- thenon, with some account of the Pauuthenaic procession ;" edited by E. Hawkins. IX. (1S42) Describing "vuiious miscellaneous objects, which were brought from Greece by the Earl of Elgin ; not in any way oomiectoJ with the Parthenon " edited by E. Ilawkius, assisted by Mr. Uirch and Mr. Newton. X. (1845) Describes "Sculptures which form part of the Towneley Collec- tion ;" edited by the same as part 9. Elgin, Thomas Ikuce, Earl of. Memorandum on the subject of his pursuits in Greece. [In obtaining the "Elgin Mirbles."] 8vo. London, ISll. St. John, Bayle. The Louvre, or Blograpliy of a Museum. 12mo. London, ISoo. Howitt) Miss A. M. Aa Art StuJent in Municlu 2 vols. l2mo. Lon- don, 1853. ■ <,■•■■' -A' 'i;n W. 'I 1 b;Vl i ■ U \ ■■ M .\ % •t- , !■ ? 41 , 1 I 718 PAINTING, SCULPTURE, [PEINTURE, SCULPTURE, The Royal Gallery of British Art, [edited by E. and W. Finden, and J. Hogarth,] presenting examples of Engraving by Native artists, from pictures by British Painters, produced and selected to record and illus- trate the Arts of the Nation. Folio. London, 1838-1849. The Vernon Gallery, of British Art ; edited by S. 0. Hall. I. II. III. and IV. series, in 4 vols. 4to. London, 185U-64. "The Vernon Gnllery consists, with but two exceptions, of contemporary Art • each picture has been acquired immediately from the Easel of the Painter ■ tlie collection was gradually formed by Mr. Veruon, daring a poriod of about thirty years, its latest acquisitions are of a date so recent as the year in whioli it was presented to the Nation," — 1848. Vidt 1st series. Fine Arts' Courts of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham. Guide to the,— Vide Works oy the Exhibitiows, at Londoi*, Ac. StO'we Catalogue : The, — priced and annotated, by Henry Rumsey Forster. 4to. London, 1848. Bernal, Ralph. Catalogue of Works of Art, from the Byzantine period to that of Louis Seize, also of the beautiful Decorative Furniture, &c., which will be Sold by Auction, at the Mansion, by Messrs. Christie and Man- son ; commencing March 5th, 1855. (Illustrations.) 8vo. London. Retzseh, Moritz. Illustrations of Goethe's Faust, (with the text) ; engraved by H. Moses. And, Outlines to Bchillcr's Fight with the Dragon. Oblong vol. London, 1843. Outlines to Shakespeare : Hamlet and Macbeth, (expla- nations by C. A. Bottiyer.) Romeo and Juliet, (explained by C.B- Von Miltitz.) The Tempest ; Othello ; The Merry Wives of Wind- sor, and Henry IV., by Professor H. Ulrici. (German and English.) Oblong volume. Leipzig, 1847. Darley, r*. 0. C. Compositions in Outline, from Judd's Margaret, engraved by K. Huber. Oblong volume. New York, 1856. Doyle's Manners and ^^ ustoms of ye Englys. (Comic pictorial compositions.) 2 vols. Small oblong. London. Leeoh, John. Pictures of Life and Character, from the collection of Mr, Punch. Oblong volume. London, 1855. Ottley, W. Y. An Inquiry into the origin and early History of Engraving upon Copper and in Wood ; with an account of Engravers and their works, from the invention of Chalcogrnphy by Maso Finiguerra, to the time of Marc Antonio Raimondi. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816. Vide, also, Bryan's Dictionary of Engravers and Painters. Fielding, T. H. The Art of Engraving, with the various modes of operation ; Etching, self-ground Etching, Line-engraving, Chalk and Stipple, Aquatint, Mezzotint, Lithography, Wood engraving, Medallic-engrav* ing, Electrography, and Photography. Svo. London, 1844. GEAVTJKB, ETC.] ENGEAVINQ, ETC. 719 Perroti A. M. Manuel du graveur en tout genre. Nouvelle Edition augment6e par M. F. Malepeyre. 12ir.o. Pari«, 1844. Roret. Sohniit, J. P. Manuel du d^corateur-orneniantiBte, dU 'jraveur et du peintre en UiUrA«. ]2mo. Avcc atlas. 4to., oblong. Paris, 1848. Aiken, Hen -y. The Art and practice of Etching ; with directions fur other methods of light and entertaining Engraving. 8vo. Loudon, 1849. Jaokson, John. A. treatise on Wood engraving, historical and practical ; with upwards of 30u illustrations, engravad on wood. 8vo. Loudon, 1839. Senefelder, Alois. (Tnventor of the Art, &c.) A complete course of Litho- graphy ; containing instructions in all the different branches and manners of that Art ; with illustrative specimens, to which is prefixed a History of Lithography, with a preface by F. von SchlichtegroU, from the original German, by A. S. 4to. London, 181U. Hunt, Robert. A Manual of Photography. Third edition ; enlarged. 12mo. London, 1853. Halleur, Dr. G. C. H. The Art of Photography ; or, of producing photo- graphic pictures in any colour, or on any material : with practical hints, by F. Schubart ; and an explanation of chemical terms, by G. L. Strauss. 12mo. London, 1854. WeaWa Series, bousd with. Book-keeping, &c. Photographic Society of London. Journal of the, — containing the Transactions of the Society, and a general record of photographio art and science ; edited by A. Henfrey. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Lon* don, 1854—1856. Talbot, H. Fox. The Pencil of Nature. 4to. London, 1844. Sutton, Thomas. Hand-book to Photogru.phy on Paper. 8vo. London, 1855* Hardwich, T. F. A Manual of Photographic Chemistry, including the practice of the Collodion process. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1855. Delamotte, P. H. The Oxymel process in Photography. Small 4to. Lon- don, 1856. Brewster, Sir David. The Stereoscope ; its history, theory, and construc- tion, with its application to the Fine and Useful Arts, and to Educa- cation. 12mo. London, 1856. Vide, also, Lardner's Museum of Science and Art. Vol. 1 1. Oaudin, M. A. Traito pratique de photographic. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Lerebours et Seor^tan. Photographic. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Belloo, A. Les quatre branches de la photographie, 8vo. Paris, 185' Niepoe de Saint Victor. Resherches photographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Br^bisson, Alp. de. Traits complet de photographie sur Collodion. 8vo. Paris, 1855. ■1-M m m M 1; ':'.-'■[ •'t .m ■■I'll "■il''M !)■ 720 MUSIC. [musique. MUSIC. MUSIQUE. :k ■ Vol. ti Chabanon, M. do. Memoirfa sur le.i problemes d'Aristote conccriiant k luusiquo. A. I., vol. 46, Burette, M. Exnmen de ce qn'a icrit Pluturque siir la musique. A. I., vol. 8, 10, 13, 15 et 17. Autrcs disserti.liuns 8ur la iimsiquc. A. I. Vol. 4, .'», 8 et 17, Vllloteau. Musiquc d(; I'anticiuo l'>{^y[)li". Yuik' le grnml tiiivmgo d'Ej:)rpte, Anfiquitrn — Memoires. Vol 1. (p. 317 du cutiiloyue.) De La Fage, Adrien. Ilistoiro gt'iicralo de la mu^iquu et de la diinse. 2 vol, 8vo. Paris, 1844. FdtlS, F. T. Bio:»rap]iio universelio dcs tnusicions et bibliogrnphio goiifirale de la musique. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Burney, Clmrlos. A general Ili.story of Music, from the earliest ages to the present period : to which is pnlixed, a Dissertation on the Miigie of the Ancients. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1776-1789. I. Dissertation, with Histories of Flgyplimi, Ilobrow, onj Greek Music. II. Of tlio Introduction of Music into tlie Ciiurcli, tlie invention of Counterpoint tlio fornmtion of tlie Time tui'Io, arul otliur liistoricnl facts, till about the middle of tlio 14tli century : — Of tlio l'riiven(,'ul, I'Vencli, Itiiliun, C.tmbro- Britidli, and Eiif^liali Songs, Melody and lI:irinony, till about tlie year l-)50. Of tlie state of Music, Cluu'ch and Secular, from 1-130, till tlio middle of the Iftth century; with Notices of the curly contrapuntist:! on the Continent and in England. " III. The progress of Music in Enijland, during the time of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizahetli : — and in Italy during the 16th and i7th cen- tuiies, in the Church, and in society. Also in Germany and Frauee for these two centuries ; and in Spain and the Netherlands, to the end of the 16th century. Of th.> progress of Music iu England from Elizabeth's death, till the end of the nth century ; and also, of Church music from the death of Pureell to the present time ; with the History of the progress of the Violin in England ami in Italy. " IV. General History: of tlie invention of Recitative and of the Opera; and of the Sacrod Musical Drama, or Oratorios. Of Cantntafl nnd Dramatic music in England; Origin of the Italian Opera in England ; Review of llandel's Ope- ras: Progress of the musical Drama at Venice and at Naples; Opera Com- posers at Rome, and Tracts published in Italy on Music, during the prceent Century. Of the progress of Music in Germany, and in Franco, also of the general slate of Music in England, during the same period. La Trobo, J. A. The Music of tlie Cluiroh considered in ils various branches, Congregational and Ciioral ; an historical and practical treatise for the general reader. 8vo. London, I S3 I fff ■ ■ M MUSIQUE.] MUSIC. ni Talbot, Mftjor George. A Selection from the Psiiliu* of David for Morning and Evening Service ; with Ciiiinnts and JieBponBcii : tlie Music arranged in four piirt«, wi I h ncciimparimcnf fdr tlie Organ or Piano Forte, hy W. II. Warren. 4to. Montreal, 184S. {Si.v eojiics.) Hogarth, George. Musical History, Biography and Criticism. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1838. i . Memoirs of tUu Musical Draum. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. . INfemoirs of the Opera in Italy, France, Germany and England. (A new edition of the Musical Drama.) 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1851. Chorley, IL F- Modern German Music ; recollections and crit'clsm. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Busby, ^^i". T. Anecdotes of Music and Musicians. TjWc Library of Ana, in Bei.lks-Lkttres. Rohner, G. W. A practical treatise < i Musical Composition. 2 parts, with a Key to part II. ito. London, 1850. Assisteil by an Englisli Gt'ntleman. Improved edition of the above work, in 3 parts. 1st part. The Laws of Harmonic Combi- nation ; Rhythm ; Tonal structure and the application to the Monodic style of composition. 2nd part. Counteriioint ; and the Ist species of the Polyodic style of composition. 3rd part. Imitution ; Fu;>ue ; Canon ; the 2nd species of the Polyodic style of composition, with a Key to the Exercises contained in parts I. and II. 4to. London, 1S54. Moore, 'Tohn W. Complete Encycloprodia of Music; ilementary, technical, Historical, Biograpliical, Vocal and Instrumental. 8vo. Boston, 1854. Encyclopedie de Musique, par Ginsui'm', Snanl, Monsigny, etc. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1791-1818. EncyclopriUc melhodique. Soullier, Ch. Nouveau dictionnaire de musique illustn'', el6mentaire, theo- rique, historique, artistique, professionnel et 'ouiplet i I'usage des jeunes amateurs et des profosseurs de musique. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Rousseau, tl. J. Ecrits sur la musique. Voir les oeu\ .s de Rousseau vol. 19. Dictionnaire de musique. IbiJ., vol. 20, 21 ut 22. Castil-Blaze. Acadomie imporiMle de musique df IGlo a 1855. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. lUbliographie musicals de la France et do I'otranger. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Gretry. Miimoires ou essais sur la musique. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, an V. Stendhal. Vie de Ilaydn. 12nK). Paris, 18o4. Clioron, (A. E.) et (.1. .\drien de) Lafage, MM. Manuel de musique vocale et iiistrumcntale. 6 vol. 12mo. Ave ■ atlas 5 vol. 12mo. oblong. Paris, 1836-38. Horel. ■| hi ill ■■m^ l^i^ -.. Si' 14 '■ '■'■■I • Hi !•>"■ 722 UU8I0. fMUSIQUE. r- Sohmltti Ooorgot. Manuel do rorganiste praticien. 12ino. Paris, 1855. ]j Lo Dhuy, A. Manuel aimplind de munique, ou grammaire contenant lei principes de cot art. 12n]o. Paria, 1839. Id, Mind, M. Manuel simplifid de Torganiste, auiri des lemons d'orgue de Kegel. 12mo., oblong. Paria. 2d. Plain-ohant eccl^siastique romain et fran^nia. 12mo. Paris, /J, Art (The) of improving the Voicu and Ear ; and of increasing their Musical powers, adapted to Public speakers, Musicians, and Actors. 12niu, London, 1825. Spenoer, C. C. A rudimentary and practical treatise on Music. 2 vols, [witli] The Art of playing the Piano Forte, with Exercises, &c. In 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1853-54. Weale't leriea. Butler, Charles. A letter on Ancient and Modern music ; with special notice of the Gregorian Chaunt. Vide, His Keminiscionses, vol. 1. Music and the Art of Dress, two Essays reprinted from the Quarterly Review, [bound witli] Tiie Art of Dining ; or Gastronomy and GaHtronomt i.<, Second edition. 12mo. London, 1853-64. Murray's Hailw. ItcaJ. Mainzer, J. Musiques et chants populaires de I'ltalie. Revue dei Deux Mondes, 4e s^rie, vol. 1. Blaze, Henri. Poctes et niusiciens de rAlIemagne. Ihid., vol. 4. — _• Lettres sur les musiciens fran9ai8. Ibid,, vol. 13 et 16. Romagnesl, A. CEuvres choisies de 100 mAlodies favorites avec accompa- gnement de piano. 8vo. Paris. Madelaine. M. Stephen de la. Th<3ories completes du chant. Svo. Paris. 1 • '■-■^' P * ■^«^l>^ "^NW W ■[•H^^^K ;ik-«.. OTMNASTIQUE ET JEUX.] SPORTS AND GAMES. 728 .Shorts anb (fames. | ^gmnastiqut d |eujf. Burette, M. Sur la gymnaatique dea anciens j onie m^tnoirea. A. I., vol. 1 et 8. Amellhon, M. Recherches aur I'exercice du nageur chei 1«'3 anciens. A. I.» vol 38. Sur I'art du plongeur chez lea anciens. A. L, v il. 40. Sur la pSche dea anciens. L. D., vol. 5. Gedoyn, I'Abbe. Trois mdmoires sur lea courses de chnvaux et les cours« dea chars en usage aux jeux olympiqrea. A. I., vol. 8 et 9. Erotler, I'Abbfi. Trois m^moires sur les jeux du cirque. A. L, vol. 45. Lalsn^i Napoleon. GymnaRtique pratique, contenant la description dea exer- cices. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Amoros, le col. Education physique, gymnaatique et morale. 2 vol. ISno. avec atlas. Paris, 1847. Horet. Boyard et de Mersan, MM. Manuel du chasseur, ou les secret et les ruses d^voil^s, mia & la port^e de tout le monde. Nouvelle Edition, revue, augn>ent^e, orn^e et de figures et de muaique. 12mo. Paria, 1863. Boret. R6dareS, M. Le chasseur taupier, pr^cdd^ de I'histoire naturelle de la tuupe. Nouvelle Edition, augmentue d'un traits sur la destruction des animaux et dea insectea nuisibles aujardinage. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Oiseleur. Manuel de I'oiseleur, ou secrets anciens et modernes de la cbasae aux oiseaux. 12mo. Paris. Id. Julia do Fontenelle. Manuel des nogeurs et de sauvetage, u(.y baigneurs, dea fubricants d'eau mindrales et des pedicures. 12mo. Pari^i, 1838. Id. Paulin-Desormeaux, A. 0. Patinage et recreations pur la glace. Pr^ced^ de considerations hygieniques. 12ino. Paris Id. Lambert, St-Ange, M. Manuel du p6cheur-praticien, suivi dj I'art de faire des filets, par Charles B 12mo. Paris, 1853. Id. Pesson-Maisonneuve, M. Manuel du pecheur fran^ais, ou traite general de toutes sortes de p§che. Edition revue et augmentue par M. Mori- cenu. 12mo. Paris. Id. Blasis, M. Manuel de la dftnse. Traduit de I'anglais par M. Barton, sur 1'^- ditionde 1830par P. Vergnaud. 12mo. Paris, 1830. Id. BouUay, O. Xteforme de la danse des salons, 12mo. Paris, 1855. Ml •I ( ! ri-^iii *: f . ■■!■ ' 724 SPOUTS AND GAMES. [GYMNASTIQUe It- Richard, T. Manuel des jeux enseignant la science. 2 vol. 12nio. Paria 1837. Horet. ' Celnart, Mme. Manuel des jeux do sociot6, suivi d'un appendice contenant tous les jeux d'enfants. 12rao. Paris, 1846. Id. Lasserre, Lebrun et Leroy Manuel des jeux de calcul et do hasard, 12mo. Paris, 1853. Id. Chapus, Eugene. Le sport k Paris. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Le turf ou les courses de chevaux en F'*ance et en AnMe- terre. 12mo. Paris, 1854. . Les chassesprincieres en France. 12mo. Paris, 1853. La Valine, Jos. La cliasse & tir en France. Ouvrage illuslr6 par F. Grenier 12mo. Paris, 1855. Viardot, Louis. Souvenirs de cliasse. 12tno. Paris, 1854. Magnin, Ch. Ilistoire jren6rale des marionnettes. Revue des Deux Moniei nouvelle peiiode, vol. 6, 7, 10. Strutt, Joseph. The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England ; includin" the rural and domestic recreations. May-games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous spiictacles, from the earliest period to the present time, illustrated. Second edition. 4to. London, 1810. Vide Engl. Chronicles. New edition, with copious Index by W. Hone. 8vo. Lon- don, 1833. Hansard, G. A. The Book of Archery, [with plates.] Svo. London, 1840. Hi4oiical auil technical: describin.,' Greek and Roman, WcIA anil French Rural and Female Archery ; with remarks on Implement? and EquipmcDts and abounding in extraordinary narratives and anecdotes. Hand-Book of Games: compri>iug Treatises on Whist, Piquet, Ecart^, Lansquenet, Boston, Quadrille, Cribbnge, and other Card-games ; Faro, Rouge et Noir, Hazard, Roulette ; Bacligammon, Draughts ; Billiflrds, Bagatelle, American Bowls, etc., &c. ; by Professors and Amateurs, edited by H. G. Bohn. Svo. Londor;. 1850. B. Lib. Rouse, W. Doctrine of Chances ; or the tli ory of Gaming made easy ; to calcul ite probabilities of events in lotteries, cards, horse-racing, &c., wit'i tables. Svo. London, 1814. Chatto, W. A. Facts and Speculations on the origin and history of Playing- Cards; with antique illustrations. 8vo. London, 1848. Jones, Sir "William. On the Indian Game of Chess. Vide His Works, vol.1. Staunton, Howard. The Chess Player's IIund-Book ; zn Introduction to the Game of Chess, exomplified in Gauies actually played, and illustrated by Diagrams of romarkablo positions. 8vo. London, 1847. B.Lihr, ET jEtrx.] SPORTS AND GAMES. 725 Staunton, Howard. The Chess-Player's Companion ; comprising a Treatise Oil Odds, and a collection of Games, contested by the Author, during the last ten years ; including the Match with Mona. St. Amant ; and some ciiess Problems. 8vo. London, 1849. Bohti's Lib. _— The Chess Tournament ; a collection of the Games played at this Assemblage, with Diagrams and Notes. 8vo, London, 1852. Ibid. Blaine, D. P. An Encyclopredia of Rural Sports ; or complete Account, his- torical, practical, and descriptive of Hunting, Fishing, Racing, &c. A new edition, revised and corrected. 600 wood engravinjjs, from Drawings by Aiken, T. Landseer, Dickes, &c. Bvo. Londun, 1852. Beokford, Peter. Thoughts on Hunting ; new edition, to which is added a chapter on Coursing. 12mo. London, 1847. Nlmrod : The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. New edition. 12mo. Lon- don, 18o3. Whyte, James C History of the Puitish Turf, from the earliest period to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Lewis, Elisha J. The American Sportsman ; containing Hints to Sportsmen Notes on Shooting, and the habits of the Game-birds and WiM-fowl of America; with illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. Scrope, William. The Art of Deer Stalking ; illustrated by a narrative of a few days' sport in the Forest of AtlioU ; with some account of the Nature and Habits of Red Deer; di'ticription of the Scotch Forests ; Legends; Superstitions; Stories of Poachers and Freebooters, &c. j with Engravings and Litlu)graphs. 8vo. London, 183S. — — Da\s anil Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed; with a sliort account of the natural history and habits of the Salmon, In- structions to Sportsmen, Anecdotes, itc. ; with Lithographs and Woud- engravings. 8vo. London, 1843, Walton, (Izaak) and Cotton, (Churles.) The complete Angler , or, Coiitem- pl;itive Man's Recreation ; being a discourse on Rivers, Fish-ponds, Fish, and Fishing ; with notcis, biographical and explanatory, and lives of the Authors, l^uio. London, 1839. New edition, with ndlitional notes. 8vo. London, 1S5G, Jiohii's Lib. Hoflaild, T. C. The British Angler's Muiu:'.', with some account of tho principal Rivers, Lukc-i, and Trout .streams in Ih:; United Kingdom, with Instructions in Fly-fishing, Trollini^, ;ui,l Angling at the bottom, etc. New edition ; revised and enlarged, by E. Jesse. 12mo. I.o*i- don, 184S. I H ^= !!■.,; •{'.. i k* ml 726 USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. [aRTS UTILES ET Useful %xis anb Panu&ttes. i %xb Stilts d llanuktms. Beokmann, John. A History of Inventions, Discoverip.s, and Origins • from the German, bj W. Johnston. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged, by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon- don, 1846. PuUeyn, W. Etymological Compendium ; or. Portfolio of Origins and In- ventions. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1853. Diotionnaire technologique des arts et metiers. 22 vol. 8vo., et atlas 4to. Paris, 1822. Flguier, Louis. Exposition et histoire des principales d^couvertes scientifi. ques modernes. 3 vol. Paris, 1853. Laboulaye. Dictionnaire des arts et manufactures, de I'agriculture des mines, etc. ; description des proc^d^s de I'industrie fran9aise et etran. g6re. Deuxieme Edition. 4 vol. gr. 8vo, Paris, 1854. Diotionnaire encyolop^dique des arts et metiers. 8 vol. 4to., et 8 vol. de planches. Paris, 1782-91. Encyclopedie tnethodiq^ue, des manufactures et arts, par Roland de la Platiere. 4 vol. 4to., avec 189 planches. Paris, 1785-1838. En- cyclopcdie methodique. XJre Andrew. A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mine- ; containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice. Ivm u edition, cor- rected and greatly enlarged. 1600 wood engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. " The task which I have undertaken is to describe and explain the transformations of raw materials, derived Ist, from the organic processes of Vegetables end Animals, 2ndly, from the stores of Mineral and Metallic wealth, by Mechj- nical and Chemical agencies, into general objects of exchangeable value." rRKFACK. Kniffbt'S Cyclopaedia of Industry of nil Nations. 8vo. London, 1851. Comprehending " Scientific details and Geographical articles," as well as the " Proces ' of Manufactures." Bulletin de la soci6te d'encouragement pour I'industrie nationale, reconnue comrae d'tablissemeut d'utilit6 publique, par ordonnance roynle du 11 avrii, 1824. Tomes 1 a 52 et table des tomes 1 h. 36, ensemble 53 vol. 4to. Paris, 1803 i 1853. Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Transactions of the Society for the encouragement of, — with premiums, [as awarded, from the first,] 1783 to 1822, inclusive. 40 vols. 8vo. London, (v. y.j (Vols. 21, 22, lost.) MANUFACTURES.] USEFUL AETS AND MANUFACTURES. 727 Arts, Manufkotures, and Commeroe. Transactions for 1846-8. Parts 1 and 2, to which is prefixed, a copy of the new Charter granted to the Society in 1847. 4to. London, 1847. " The union of the Artist with the Worlmnan, the improvement of the general taste of our artificers, Ac. ; are the views which have guided your Council in their proceedings during last year." " The Council issued premiums for the production of decorative designs and models ; the result was to pro* duce a large series of models of great merit, &c." [Report of the Council.] Engravings from the designs and models referred to, enrich the present volume, It contains, also, a discourse on the Art of Mosaic ; Hay on symmetrical Beauty ; on Carving by machinery ; Cole on the formation of a Gallery of British Art ; Williams on Lithography ; Claudet on the progress of Photo- graphy ; Cundell on Ornamental Art, as applied to Book-binding, &C,; with other discourses — on the narrow-guage locomotive-engine ; on the incrustations in steam-boilers; on light-houses and beacons ; a process for the foundations for piers, &c. ; on steam navigation ; on atmospheric electricity ; on sowing and pruning, &c. Only this volume of Transactions of the Society, has appeared in a style as artistic and costly. Industrial Instruction. Report of the Committee nppointed by the Society of Arts, to inquire into the subject of ; with the evidence on which the Report is founded. 8vo. London, 1853. Department of Practical .Art. First Report of, [for 1852] — Presented to Parliament. 8vo. London, 1853. Department of Science and Art. [Tlie above department enlarged in its functions.] First Report of, [for 1853.]— Presented to Parliament. 8vo. London, 1854. Second Report of, [for 1854.]— Pre- sented to Parliament. 8vo. London, 1855. Aiken, Arthur. Illustrations of Arts and Manufactures ; being papers read before the Society of Arts, Manufactures, &c. 12mo. London, 1841. Banfield, T. C. The Organization of Industry explained ; in Lectures, before the University of Cambridge, 1844, 8vo. London, 1848, Playfair, Lyon. Industrial lustruction on the Continent ; a Lecture in the Government School of Mines, &c. 8vo. London, 1852. Sullivan William K. Journal of Industrial Progress. (Part I., of the lonthly Journal of Progress.) (1st year, 1854.) 8vo. Dublin. Timbs, Joiin. The Yoar-book of Facts in Science and Art ; exhibiting dis- coveries and improvements of the past year, [1850, et seq., 185(5,] in Mechanics and the Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, &c. 7 vols. 12mo. London, 1851-57. Ure, Andrew. The Philosophy of Manufactures ; or, an exposition of the scientific, moral, and commercial economy of tlie Factory system of Great Britain. Second edition, corrected. l2mo. London, 1835. 1 ' !"• ■; ii .11 ,1 ,iri: ■,r 1 I ■ f 728 TJSEFTJL ATITS AND MAN DFACTUTIES. [aBTS UTILES ET w. Babbage, Chmlof. On the ELonomy of Machinery and Manufaclurea. Fonrtli edition ; enlarged. 12mo. London, 1846. Da'WeS, Richard. Lessons on tiio Plienomena of Industrial lif.', and the con- ditions of ludustrial success ; edited by, — 12ino. London, 18o4. Dodd, George. The Curiosities of Industry and the applied Sciences. 8vo. London, 1852. The -work is ntimed nfter Mr. D'Israoli'a Curiosities of Literature: "it treats of Industry umler its Novelties and Rarities, its eoinrarativc comlitioti in nil oounti-ies, its ju'Ogi'ess at liomn, etc. ;" Tit] "forms a supploniont to tlio Cyc'loptcdia of Industry of all Nations and to the National C^clopaidiii," or may be roc^anied as n diitinct work. Baker, T. Elements of Mechanism. 12mo. London. 1852. Weale's series with, Denison on Clock making. Reid, Thomas. On Clock and Watch-making, theoretical and practical ; with 20 illustrations. Fourth edition. 8vo. Glasgow, 1849. Vide, also, Robison's jMechanicnl Philosophy, Vol. 4, on " Watch work."' Denison, E. B. On Clock anil Watch-making ; with a chapter on Church Clocks, and an account of the Great Westminister Clock. 12rao. London, 18)0. Weale's scries. Tomlinson, C. On the Construction of Locks, 1853. Wi-ale's series, with " Masonry." Dodd, George. British ^lanufictures. (VI. Series.) 6 vols. 12mo. L on- don, 18.)1. JCiw/Ji/'s Lib. [V^.l. 2. lost-] \o\. 1. TliP Textile. IIT. SI,'t:ils. IV. Miirblc and Stone, Glnsi. Carpet, Floor- cloth, I'i:iiii)fiiite, AViitch and Cloek, and Cabinet Works and Manulactiiri'-i. V. Bread, Drinks, Ac, Sujjar, Tchaceo, Hat and Glove making, Le.ithcr. VI. Paper, I'arclimenf, Wood Types, Typo Fouading, Printin;r, Bookbiniliiiij, Ci'acli, Ship, and Uoat l^uildiriLC, Mast and Sail, Ropt! and Auclior making, Iron Steam Boat-", Loeoniotivo Kngincs, itc. White, George. On Weaving, by Hand and Power Looms; intended as a Text Book for ^Manufacturers and Power Loom Engineers, designed to forward the extension of Mai'hinery to all kinds of plain Weaving. (Plates.) 8vo. London, 1^-56. Napier, .Tames. A ^lanual of the Art of Dyeing ; (engravings.) 12mo. Glasgow, 1833. rbberson, George. Tlic AVoollcn ■Manufacturer's and Overlooker's Guide ; the various processes, from the raw material to the Ualk st.itc, find tlic practical di-tails of Fini.-liing. Tables of various calculations, lulnptcd to Slubbing, .Spinning, S:v., &c., and iilso sy-tematic Tables of sub- Stances, for making all sort,'* of Woollen Clotli. 12mo. London, 1833. On WcolS; Cottons, and Silks, Raw and Manufactured, as articles of comin'Tce, &c. Vide somo Works in Political Economy, ante, pages 275, 276. .-154' - • .■rh 1 * i ■" I ■ v. * , '^ MANUFACTURES.] USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 729 Ure Andrew. Cotton Manufacturen of Great Britain systematically invest- ignted. 2 voh. 12mo. London, 1836. | Baines, Edwiird,jun. History of tiie Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain ; with a notice of its early Iiistcry in the East, &c. ; a description of the great JMcchanical Inventions which have caused its extension in Britain ; a view of the present state of the Manufacture, unJ the condition of the Classes engaged in it. Portraits and mechanical plates. 8vo. Lon- don, 1835. Montgovnery, James. A practical detoil of the Cottot. Manufacture of the United States ; and its state contrasted and compared with that of Great Britain ; with estimates of the cost of mannrncturing in both countries ; a Historical sketch of the Manufacture in the U. States, &c. Engravings. 8vo. Glasgow, 1840. Rondot. Trait6 pratique des tissus de laine. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Alcan, Michel. Essai sur I'industrie des matiiires textiles. 8vo. Paris, 1847, et atlas. 8vo. Paris, 184.7. Journal of Design and Manufactures ; with Fabric patterns inserted, &c., March, 1849, to February, 1852. Vols. 1. to 6. Bvo. London, 1849-52. Armengaud and Amouroux. Practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design ; by Johnson ; — vide, ante page 708. Voir aussi duns la section des MxTnEMATrquK? Dupiii, Gt3om6trie des arts et metiers. Le Blano. Nouveau systome corapletde filature de coton, usittS en Angleter'i ,, pr6ced6d'un texte descriptif par M. Molard, jeune. 4to. Paris, 1828. Persoz, J- Traits thSorique et pratique de I'impression des tissus — ouvrage avoc 16;3 figures et 429 (^chantillons intercal6s dans le texte. 4 vol. 8vo., accompagn^s d'un atlas de 20 planches. 4to. Paris, 1846. Enquete sur les fils et les tissus de liu et de chanvre. 4to. Paris, 1838. Julien, (C. E ) et Lorentz, (E.) Manuel du filateur ou description des methodes employes pour la conversion en fils, du coton, du lin, du chanvre, de la laine et de la soie. l2mo. Paris, 1843 Roret. Manuel du tisserand, suivi d'une hiatoire do la filature et du tissage. ihno. Paris, 1844. Id. Boitard, M. Manuel du conlier. 12mo. Paris, 1839. Id. Julia de Fontenelle. IManuel du blanchiment, du blanchiasage, nettoyage et degwissn^e. Nouvelle Edition, revue, c... igee et augment-^e par M. Rouget de risle. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1355. Id. Ameilhon. llechcrchcs sur 'c:' coulcurs des ancicns et eur les arts qui y out rnpport. L. B., vol. 1 et 3. Leuohs, J. Ch. Trait6 complet des propriit<;s, de la preparation et de I'eraploi des raatiSres tinctoriales, traduit de rallemand. 1829. 8 vol. 8to. Paris, Ul;.!l: ! f' ! ; ■! ■ ■ V ■ 1 1: ■:&i 730 USEFUL ARTS AVM MANUFACTURES. [aRTS UTILES ET Berthollet. Elements de Tart do la teinture, 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1804. Hlffkult, Vergnaud et autres MM. Manuel du teinturier. Nouvelle Edi- tion refoii lue et augment^o par A. D. Vergnaud. l2ino. Vykna, Itfii. Soret. Blanohard, Perrot et Thillaye, MM. "^Canueldu coloristc 1253.), Paris, 1841. Id. Rififkult et Vergnaud, MM. Manuel du fabricant io coule •>• eUk -...nis T'ldition refoadue par M. Toussaint ae ,Sci,s. li'mo. Pa'-ii, 1850. Id TMllaye, Ij. J- S. Manuel du iulnloant d'lrul rnnes. t2wo. Par.a, 18-34. Id, t'Jeinart, Mine. Manuel de brodrrio. 12ino. Avec atlas, 12mo. obloD". Pari3, 1840. I J. — Mitnuel du fleur3'';e artificiel, nuivi depart djplumassier. laio... Paris, 1.^4^. Id. DeviOiera, H<^ir. Ma: uel de la solerie. 2 vol. 12mo. Avec oils u 12mo. obloi.g. r> ar iH39. ;./. [HollfvUcl, Joh:(. ■ (tJi t';ft progreasive improvement, and present state of .the Manui'icii>.ei in Met si New edition, revised by Eo!>erf-. Hunt. 3 vols, l2'no, London, ]6r'3. Volj. I and II. Ii-od and steel. Vol. III. Tin, lead, copper and other metaU. Sorlvenor, Harry. History of the Iron trade, from the earliest records to the present period. New edition. 8vo. London, 1854. Truran, William. The Iron Manufacture of Great BritaMt ; thcoreticnily and practically considered : details of the Ores, Fuels, u>)d Fiuxes em- ployed, the Blast, Refining, Puddling, and Balling Furnaces, Engines, cfid JIachinery ; and the various processes in union, Sic, illustrated by 33 plates of Fur.iacGs and Machinery. 4to. London, I860. The work also contains verious operative and economical calculations. Prideaux, T. Symes. On Economy of Fuel, with reference to Furnaces for the manufacture of Iron, and to Steam-boilers, &c. 12mo. London, 1853. WeaWa series, with " Surveying," &c. Xiardner, la Dr. Manuel du travail dcs m6taux; traduit par A, D. Vergnaad, 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Roret. Xiaunay, J- B. Manuel du fondeur en tons genres. Nouvelle edition refondue par MM. A. D. Vergnaud, ptire et fils, et F. Malepeyre. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 18.54. Id. Ijandrin, H. Manuel du maitre de tbrges. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1829. Id. Mapod. Manuel du forgcron, mar6chal, serrarier, taillandir , etc., et pou.ant servir de manuel du fabricant de soufUdis. 12mo. '•. rib, 1854. Id. Toussaint, G. A., — et autres. Manuel dn serrurier. J , 'e edition re- fondue et -nentoe par M. Paulin^ D<. f'-me; - i2fno. Paris, 1854. Id m ET kix- t'aris, ..nis 0. Id. 14. Id. )blong. Tiassier. , 12mo. i& of .the . 3 vols. metaU. ,rds to the ;oretictt\ly 'iuxes em- Engines, illustrated ^55. Iirnaces for London, |Vergnaud. kle edition iMalepeyrc. 1820. 11 et pou.W't 1854. Id. I edition re- so. Par'*! MANLTACTURES.] USEFUL AUTS AND MANUFACTURES. '/31 Julien, (E. E.), ct Valerio, (O.) Mai.uel clu chaudronnier. 12nao. Paiia, 1846. Eoret. Paulin-Desormeaux, A. O. Manuel de I'armuricr, du fourbisseur et de I'arquebusicr. 2 vol. 12iuo. Paris, 1852. Id. Landrin, H. Manuel du couteli'T. 12mo. Paris, 1835. Id. Valioourt, E. de. Manuel du tourncur. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Id. Paulin, le Chr. Gustave. Manuel du sapeur-pompier. 12mo. Paris, I860. Id. Sapeur-pompier. Manuel du. 12mo., avoc atlas, 12mo. oblong. Paris, 18.51. Jd. Ardenni et Julia de Pontenelle, MM. Manuel du poelier-fumiste, indiquant les moyens d'empfecher les chemin6es de fumer, etc. Nou- velle Edition par M. F. Miilepeyre. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Biston, (Valentine) et Janvier, MM. Manuel du raecanicien-fontainier, du pompier et du plombier. 12rao. Paris, 1844. Id. Julia de Fontenelle. Manuel du bijoutier, du joaillier, de I'orfSvre, du graveur sur metnux et du changeur. Nouvelle Edition refondue par M. Malepeyre. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Id. Soyer. Modules d'orf^verie choisis aux expositions de I'industrie fran^aise. Folio. Paris, 1839. LeNormand, (Seb.), et Janvier, (MM.) Manuel de I'horloger. Nouvelle Edition, revuo et augmentee par M. D. Magnier. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Berthoud et Janvier, (L.), MM. Nouveau regulateur des horloges, d 'a niontres et des pundules. 12mo. Paris, 1838. Id. L'art de r^gler les pendules et les montres. IGmo. Paris, 1828. MoUet. Gnornonique graphiquo, ou luethode simple et facile pour tracer let cadrans solaires. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Boutereau, C. Manuel de gnomoniqua elementaire. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Itoret. Armengavid Machines, outils et appnreils les plus perfectionn6g et les plus rfconts employes dans les .lifferentes branches de I'iadustrie fran5aise et etrangere. 9 vol. 8vo. Atlas, 9 vol. gr, folio. Paris, 1848. Cours Elementaire de dessin industriel 4 I'usage des 6colcs primaires. Folio. Paris, 1850. Guilloud, J. J. V. Manuel do physique appliquee aux arts et metiers. Edition w.nn '.'o jiar M. Territin. 12mo. Paris. Horet. Walker, CliarlcE ""'. Manuel de la * U'graphiu elcctrique. Traduit de I'anglais Gros, J. B. I par M ',>. Magnier. 12ino. Paris, 1S51 L\ iiis. Lettre sur in telegraphic 61ectrique. Pvo. Pari?, 1856. Highton, E. The Electric Telegriiph ; its history and progress, 12mo London, 1852. WeaWt Seriet. mm 1 :■ m ). 1 '•'i m ! ■:i !' ■ t Iv r : ■*' ■ ,; j'Ayil 732 USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. [aRTS UTILES ET ;'i r- m:->: H' 'f V Jones, Alexander. Historical sketch of the Electric Telegraph : including; jtg rise and progress in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1854. Smee, Alfred. Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. 8vo. London, 183J. Lardnor, Dionysius. Essays on Scientific subjects, comprising Steam, Artifi- cial Light, Photography, Electro-Metullurgy, Electric Telegraph, Pottery, Glass manufacture, Railways, Steam Marine, the Kotatiun of the Earth, &c. 8vo. London, 1852. Mason, T. M. JEronautica ; or sketches of .^rostation. 8vo. London, 1838. Vide, Forator's Aerial Voyages, {ante p. 686) : also, vide, f>. 688. Htrring, Richard. Paper and Paper-making, ancient and modern ; with an Introduction by George Croly. 8vo. London, 1855. Dr. Croly's brief iutroduction is on PriDting, its varied methods and its appljcatiun ■with coinmeudatiou of the freedom of tbo Press. The Author acquired mucb valuable matter for his discourse, from the repositories of the Koyal Asiatic Society, the East India Company, the Botanical Gardens at Kew, theLoudou Missionary Museum and Banlt of England ; " the vork is fouuded upoD " Lectures recently delivered at the Loudoo Institution." 2S epecimeaa of Papers arc annexed. Progress of the Press in England. Vide Postscript to " Caxion, the first English Printer." Knight's Lib. Knight, Charles. The Old Printer, and tbo Modern Press : (2 parts.) 12ui3. London, 1854. Johnson, J. Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor : including an account of the origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the 16th century : a series of ancient and modern Alphabets, and Domesday characters, &c. 2 void. 24rao. London, 1824. Timperiey, C. H. Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote ; being a chronological digest of Facts, illustrative of irinting, ic. Second edition, comprising a practical Manual of Printing. Svo. London 1840. Savage, William. A Dictionary of the Art of Pi-inting. Svo. London, 1841. " The object in thia undertaking was tliat of making a purely practical work; one that might meet every exigence of the Printer whilst in the exercise of hie Art, and ont that would serve as a Book of reference to the Author, tlic Librarian, and ia fact, to every one interested in books or their productioa" — PsirACB. , — Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, with illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours at the Type-prc^s. 4to. London, 1822. Pord, T. Compositor's Hand-book : designed as a Guide in the Composing room : with the practice as to Book, Job, Newspaper, Law and Par- liamentary work ; the London ecalo of prices j Appendix of Terms, hQ. I2mo. London, 1354. MANTJFACTURES.] USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 733 Johnson, E. C. Tangible Typography ; or, How the Blind read. 8vo. London. 1852. Voir dans la aectioQ Education, OuiUi^ notice historiquo sur les avcugles, Berthlaud, M. Manuel de rimprimeur en taille douce, redig^ par M. Boitnnl ; unrichi de notes et d'lin appendice, par MM. Finot, Fointot et autres. 12mo. Paris, 1837. Eoret. Frey, A. Manuel de typographie. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1835. Id. Br^geault, L, R. Manuel de Timprimeur lithographe ; nouvelle Edition, auguientee par M. Knccht et M. Jules Desportes. 12mo., avec atlas, 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Duprat. F. A. Prd'cis histurique sur rimpTimerie nationale et ses types. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Bernard. L'imprimerie en Europe. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Perrot, A. M. (et autres). Manuel pour la construction et le dessin des cartes geographiques. 12roo. Paris, 1847. Boret. Julia de Fontenelle. Manuel du marchand papetier et du r^gleur. 12nio. Paris, 1853. Id. Le Normand, L. Seb. Manuel du fabricant de papiers, suivi de Tart du fabricant de cartons et de Part du formaire. 2 vol. 12mo., avec atlas, 8vo. Paris, 1833. Id. Garnier-Audlger, M. Mnnuyl du tapissier, d6corateur, et marchand de nieublus. 12mo. Purls, 1830. Id. Le Normand, L. Seb. Manuel du fabricant d'dtoffes imprim^es, et du fabri- cant de papiers peints. I2(no. Paris, 1830. Id. Fichtenberg, M. Manuel du fabricant de papiers de fantaisie. 12mo. Paris, 1862. Id. Lebrun, M. Manuel du cartonnier, du cartier et du fabricant de cartounagea. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Id. Le Normand, L. Seb. Manuel du relieur dans toutes ses parties. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Id. Saint- Victor, M. de. Manuel du fabricant de cadres, passe-partout, etc. i2mo. Paris, . Chemical Technology ; or. Chemistry applied to the Arts and to Manu- factures ; by Pruf. Knapp, and Drs. Ronalds and Richardson. 3 vols. (Vol. 1, 2nd edit.) Illustrated with 776 woodcuts and 11 plates. Svo. London, 1848-55. Vol. I, Fuel: and Combustion: Coal, Qas, Oil, Spermaceti, Ac, and their application to purpoB«g of illumination. Lighthouses, &c., Resin, Wax, Turpentine, Peat, Wood, Staves, Ac, in 2 parts, 8vo., with 433 wood angraviags, and 6 plates. " II. GI >f Alum, Earthenware, Cements, &o., &o., Manufacture. 8vo., ' ith 214 wood engravings and one plate. " III. * iUl'SG branches of Chemical Industry, included in the production of Food, and related to Agriculture. (Bread, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, . 3 vol. 8vo. I'uria, 1828-29, pt un atlns. Dumas, M. Traitd do chimio appliqu/'c aux nrtfl. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828-)6. Girardln, M. J. Logons do chimio t^lt'nuTiiniro nppliijut'es aux artaindustriela. Troisifcme ddition. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. Boitu^ J, M. Manuel du naturalistc pr^-parattiur ; suivid'un traitd dcs etnbau- mcments. 12mo. Paris, 1S.52. liorel. Malepeyre, F. Manuel do la fabricntion di!> acldes gras concrets employug dans les arts et de cello diis bunnies stoariques, niurgariques, oluidiques, etc. l2mo. PbHs, 1849, Id. Thillaye, h. Manuel du fabricant de prodnits cliimiqnea ou forrauies et proct'des usueU relatifs aux nvitieres que la cliiuiie fournit am arts industriela et h la in/^'docine. '6 vol. l2tno. Paris, 1842. Id. Herv6, A. Manuel des alliages metnlliquca. 12nio. Paris, l8ot>. Id. Koussel, le Dr. Thdophile. Manuel pour la fabrication des aliumettes chimiques, du coton ot papior-pomhe, des poudrcs et atnorces fuinii- nantes. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Jd. Boyer, M. Manuel du porcelainicr, du iaiencier, du potier de torre, du bri- quetier et du tuilier. 2 vol. l2mo. Paris, 1846. Id. Julia de Fontenelle, ot Malepeyre, (F.) Manuel du verrier et du fabricant < e Haces, ciistaux, ct 2 vol. 12nio. Paris, 1854. Id. Brogniart, Alox. Trait6 des arts cci iii()UL's ou Jos poteriesconsiddiees dans leur histoiro, leur pratique et lour tlicoric. Deuxiorae fcdition, aug- ment6e par AljiLonse Salv^tat. 2 vol. 8vo., et atlas Svo. oblong, Paris, 1854. Palissy, Bernard. Qiluvres coraplotcs, avec unc notice liistorique. I2mi). Paris, 1844. Palissy the Potter. The Li f^ — rec iug hi.s Inventions, uud describinj; some of his Ware. Viu )gh i-hy. Gaoou-Dufbur, (Mme.), Julia le Fontenelle, et autres. Manuel du sa- vonnier. 12mo. Paris, lo52. Tiorct. Le Normand, L. Seb. Manuel du chandelier, du cirier, et du fabricant de ciro il cacheter. Nouvelle edition, nugraentee par F. Malepeyre. 12mo. Paris, 1S51. Id. \&i^ii If ANUFAOTURBS.] USEFUL ARTS . D MANUPA0TUEE8. 736 Morfit, Campbell. Chemistry applied to the manufacture of Soap and Candles ; based upon recent discoveries : an improTed edition. 8ro. Fhila> delphia, 1.856. Loo, Mrs. Taxidermy. Vidt, ante, p. e06. Ta.r. Memorandum on the manufacture of, — [The native mode in Ilindostan ;] by J. D. Smyth. 8vo. Vide, a vol., lettered " Salt-range of the Punjab." Cooley, A. J. A Cycloprodio of Prnoticnl Receipts, and collateral informa- tion in the Arts, Manufuctures, Professions, and Trades, indudinj Medeuine, Pharmacy, and Domestic Econoniy ; designed as a Supple- ment to the Pharmacopoeias, and a book uf reference for the Manufac- turer, Trudcanian, Amateur, and Heads of Families. Third edition, re-writton and enlarged. 8vo. Loudon, 1856. Webster, Thomas, assisted by Mrs. Parkes. An Encyclopaedia of Domes- tic Economy ; comprising the construction of domestic Edifices, Jbn., of various articles of Furniture ; Duties of Servants ; an account of substances used as Pood, and the methods of Cooking, making Bread ; tho [ii eparation of fermented Liquors used as beverage ; materials in Dress ; business of the Laundry ; description of the various Wheel- Carriages ; preservation of Health, Domestic Medicine, 8ic. Wood-cuts. New edition. 8vo. London, 1847. Fraoois, tx. W. The Dictionary of Practical Receipts ; containing the Arcana of 1" ide and Manufacture ; Domestic Economy; artistical, ornamental, and scientific processes ; Pharmaceutical and Chemical preparations, &c. Improved edition. 8vo. London, 18o4. Useful Arts. Eniployed in the production of Food. Second edition. 12mo. Ion.' n, 1850. Employed in the production of Clothing. Second edition. 12nn>. London, 1851. Employed in the construction of Dwelling-houses. Second editi' 1^'" '■"L|i U:. 4r Paulin-Desormeaux, M. Manuel du fabricant d'objets en caoutchouc en gutta-percha et en gomme factice. 12mo. Paris, 1855. lioret, Julia de Fontenelle. Manuel du tanneur, du corroyeur, du hongrojeuret du boyaudier. Nouvelle edition augment^e par M. F. Molepeyre. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Id. Iiebrun, M. Manuel du bourrelier el du sellier, suivi d'un vocabulaire des termes techniques. I2mo. Paris, 1833. Id. Lebossu, M. Manuel du toiseur en batiments. 2 vol. 12mo. Pftris, 1848. /d. IjOmbard, M. Manuel tarif-metrique pour la conversion et la r6duction des bois. 12mo. Paris, 1840. Id. Mari^ de I'Isle, E. B. M. Manuel dea marchands de boii et de charboui. 12mo. Paris, 1835. Id. Rifikult et Vergnaud, MM. Manuel du peintre en bd.timents, vitrier, doreur, argenteur et vernisseur. 2dition refondue par M. Tou8s«int de Sens. 12mo. Paris. Id. Ravon, M. Manuel pour la fabrication des poids et mesures. 12mo. Paris 1843. Id. ' Toussaint, de Sens, 0. J. Manuel de la coupe des pierres, pr6c^d6 des op6ra. tions graphiqiies ni^cessnires, et d'observations pratiques et d'un vocabulaire. 12mo., avec atlas 4to. Paris, 1845. Id. Lebrun et E. Malepeyre, MM. Manuel du ferblantier et du lampiste ; suivi d'un vocabulaire des termes techniques. 12nio. Paris, 1850. Id. Biston et Hanus, MM. Blanuel du charpentier, suivi d'un petit trait^ de geometric descriptive ; avec une introduction et un appendice par C. Boutereau. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Id. Xrafit, T. Ch. Trait6 des 6chaffaudages ou choix des meilleurs modeles de charpente executees tant en France q\i'k I'etranger. Ouvrage posthume. Folio. Paris, 1856. B61anger, ^«1. Notes sur la m6canique appliquee aux principes dc la stabiiite des constructions. (Ecole royale des ponts et chauss6ei). 4t0: Forii, 1848-49. Voir oi-devant la section Aecuitectuek. COUTS de niineralogie et de geologic applique anx constructions, pour I'ecole royale des ponts et chaussoes. Annue 18381839. Folio. Paris. Emy; A. II. Traitc de I'ari de la charpenlerie. 2 vol. 8vc., et planches, folio. Lioge, 1841, Fourneau. L'art du trait de charpeuterie. Folio. Paris, 1802. Le Riohe. Tables du produit cubique de3 bois de charpente. 4to. Paris, 1817. Oourlier. Notice historique sur le service des travaux des bitiments civils i Paris et dans les departements. 8vo. Paris, 1848. TILES ET itchouc, en EoreU ngroyeur et Malepeyre. abulaire des ■is, 1848. Id. la i6ductioa , de charboni. lents, vitrier, M. Toussaint l2mo. PariSj !6d6 des opfera. itiques et d'un r du lampiste ; 'aris, 1850. Id. petit trait6 de ppeudice par C. iura modelesde rrage posthume. L dc la stabilite L). 4to. Vm Ins, pour I'ecole lolio. Taris. to., et planches, IS02. le. 4to. I'M>»| Lliments civiU i MANUFACTURES,] USEFUL AETS AND MANUFACTURES. 739 Iiebrun, M. Mauuel du charron et du carrossier. Nouvelle Edition entiSre- ment refondue par L. A. Leroy et F. Malepeyre. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Roret. Nosban, M. Manuel du menuisier, de I'eb^niste et du lagetier. 12mo. Paris, 1843. Id. Bury. Modules de menuiserie, suivia d'un abr^g^ de I'art de menuisier, et d'un trait6 des escaliers. Folio. Paris. Paulin-Desormeaux, M. Manuel du tonnelier et du boisselier, suivi de I'art de faire lea cribles, tamis, soufflets, etc. 12mo. Paris, 1838. Roret. Marbrier. Manuel du marbrier, du constructeur et du propri^taire de muisons. 12mo. avec un atlas, 4to. oblong. Paris, 1855. Id. Modeles de marbrerle. Folio. Paris. LiLv'un, M. IManuel du mouleur. Nouvelle Edition revue et augmentee par M. D. Magnier. 12nio. Paris, 1850. . Boret. Robert F. B. Manuel du mouleur en m^dailles ; suivi de I'art de clicher ou de frapper des creux et des reliefs en m6taux. Nouvelle Edition aug- mentee par E. de Vallicourt. 12mo. Paris, 1843. Id. Biaton, V. Manuel du chaufournier. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee et augment6e par M. D. Magnier. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Id. Tc '-■ "laint, M. Manuel du ma^on-platrier, du carreleur, du couvreur et du paveur. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Id. Etienne, Ch., et Ad. Masson, MM. Manuel du terrassier et de I'entrepre- tieur de terraisements. 12mo. Paris, '} j50. Id. Pv'Jroni, fila, M. L'art du souffleur i la lampe et au clialumeau. 12mo. Paris, 1849. Id. Hi'nel, M. Manuel du facteur Schubarth's Repertorium. A subject-matter Index to the published Inventions of all Nations, 1823 to 1853, inclusive ; being a "complete index to the extensive and important Industrial ) ibrary of the Prussian Commissioners of Patents, in Berlin ;" published by authority of the Minister of Commerce in Prussia. To whicli is prefixed, an English subject-matter Index to this lleportorium ; with corresponding refe- rences to Mr. B. Woodcroft's Subject-matter Indexes of British Patents. 8vo. London, 1856. MaCgregor, John. The Language of Specifications of Leters Patent for Inventions, with the authorities and decisions in all the important and latest cases. 8vo. London, 1856. Patents in the United States. Reports of the Commissioners of,— For the following years. Svo. A\3ashington. For 1860. Part I. — Arts and Manufactures. Port II. — Agriculture. For 1851. Part I. — Arts and Manufactures, For 1852. Part I. — Arts and Manufactures. of Part II.) For 1853. Port I. — Arts and Manufactures. For 1851. Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols turo : 1 vol. For 1855. Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. Brevets d'invention. Description des machines et proccdts pcur lesquels des brevets d'invention ont etc pris sous le regilno des lots des 7 Jan- vier et 25 mai 1791. 85 vol. 4to. Paris, 1811-1S57. {En cowra de publication.) ' Table des volumes de 1 a 40. 4to. Paris, 1843. ■' ^— — Nouvelle collection comprenant tous ks brevets pris sous Ic regime do la loi du 5 juillet 1844. 23 vol. 4to. Paris, I80O Port IT. — Agriculture. Part II, — Agriculture : (a duplicate Port II. — Agriculture. (A duplicate of vol. 1.) Agricul- et annces suivantes. Ur.« p.'irtie de cette collection a appart«nu A la biblio'hfique du rol Louie Philippe. Pi 'If Hi I'll "I ■ ■ ^'Mf M :!,^ I' I 1 1 \ll ■labetiesl Index of Ints relating to Fire- 1864. |l199, toDecembsf, London, ISW, 742 ENGINEERING, SUHVETING, [geNIE CIVIL, ARPENTAGE k \ Crabaasf publics. ,J^■'^^^^•v%V^^•^■^^.■v%/%r^^v* t i ^li mr ilitt* Oresy, Edward. An Encylopaedia of Civil Ergineering ; historical, tlieoreti- cal, and practical ; iliuatrated by upwards of 3,000 engravings, by B. Braaston. 8to. London, 1847. Supplement ; comprising the Metropolitan water-supply, drainage of towns, railways, cubical proporticn, b -ick aid iron c"n. Btruction, iron screw-piles, tubular bridges, &c. ; witli engravings by K. Branston. Svo. London, 1856. Law, H. The Iludimenta of Civil Engineering, &c. 12mo. London, 1852. Weale'a Series. Mahan, D. H. Elementary course of Civil Engineering, for the use of Cadets of the United States' Military Academy. Sixth edition, with addenda ■ many cuts. 8vo. New York, 1856. Sohmitz,(E.) Julien,(C.E.) etLorentz, (E. M.M.) Manuel de I'ingenicur civil, ou traite sur I'application directe des sciences aux arts et manu- factures. 2 vol. 12mo. Avec atlas. Svo. Paris, 1845. Boret, Smeaton, John. Reports made on various occasions in the course of Lis euiployment as a Civil Engineer. Second edition. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. London, 1837. Many projections of Lighthouses, niivb;)urs, Piers, Docks, Bridges; for the im- proved Navigation of Rivers, for Cimalsnnd Locks, for Drainage and Levels, for Wnter-Service, Kngines and Pumps, for Mills, and partieularly for the Carron Furnaces, and Water, are comprebendcd in these Ileports. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, (The), from its commence- ment in October, 1837, to December, 1838. Vols. I to XII. 4to. London. " All the Branches in which the two professions ar« engaged, are professedly " noticed in this Periodical. In communicating information, it has been our " particular care to limit ourselves to the practical, and to incur the com- " plaint of dryness, rather than that of ministering to theorists or amateurs." " Editor's Introduetion, to vol. 1, Qxiarterly Papers on Engineering, edited and published by Joha Woaic, (numerous engravings.) Vols. 1 to 0. 4to. London, 1844-49. Vol. I. Memoirs of James Bi-idley, William Chapman, William Jessop : Paperi on the Dredging Machine, on Improvements of the Steam Knijine, on setting out the Widths of Ground for Railway or CuukI, on the advantages of a Fraroo-work of Malleable Iron, in coi Btruction uf Jetties, dc. <^:\ ET TRAVAiyX PT BLIC8.] AND PUBLIC WORKS. 743 Quarterly Papers on Engineering— (Continued). Vol. II. On the Atraospheri Neil's Report : on a new metbod of applying the Atmosplierio pressure : TreatiM on Heat; on the Harbouri of the Suutli-enstem Coast ; Renuie's Report on Holyhead and Port Dynllaen Harbour<>, (,vid* Pag'j's Report on these Harbours, Vo" 3,) Euglneering in the United States -, the Engineering of Holland , on loss by Friction, and the consumption of Fuel inS team Engines ; on Dredging, &c. Memoir of Samuel Clegg. " IIL Treatise on Heat, from the French of Peolet ; of a Plan for an Harbour in connexion with Oranton Pier ; of the Iron roof of the new Houses of Parliament ; Wolf's Steam Engine; on American Steam Navigo- tion ; Arago on A tmospberic Railwnys ; un a Cast-Iron Bridge at St Pctersburgh ; Memoir of the Thames Tunnel ; of the Fall necessary on the cross sectious of Roads ; and on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles in Holland. IV. Of the plans adopted at New York for Docking Ships; Ancient and present sate of Rye Harbour; some circumstances observed at the Menai Bridge during storms ; a new method of constructiug Sus- pension Bridges ; on the Atmospheric pressure applied to Railways, three Reports on the constructing and working Atmospheric Rail- ways ; Diagrams for the construction of Oblique Bridges ; on the power of Water-wheels ; the Law of French and English Patents. " V. Of Machinery ond Manufactures in Great Britain, from the Saxou period toQ. Anno; Researches in Hydraulics; Memoir of tho Tluunes Tun- nel ; Report of tho Institute of France on M. Arnollet's system of Atmospheric Railways ; Railway from Frankfort io Wiesbaden ; Bridge of Boats on the Rhine ; a Wet Dock, ic, proposed at Sun- d«rland. " VI. Ofthe Application of Water-power ; on Locomotive Engines; on the first introduction of Steam Engines i to Navel arsenals ; .if formiug Foun- dations under water, and on bad ground ; plans for the improve- ment of the River Medwuy ; tho Fortand Arsenal of Cliatham, and Portsmouth Harbour; ofthe action of the Cornish Pumping engine, and on Water-wheels. Civil Engineers. [Incorporated 1828.] Tranaactiona ofthe Inatitutioa of. Vola. 1, 2 and 3, with index. 3 vols. 4to. London, 183G— 42. Vol. I. contains twenty-eight Papers, among which are found several papers on the hot air blast ; on steam ; on the expansion of water by heat ; on the changes of temperature; on the principles of tension, and of the resistance of bodies; on experiments on the flowing of water; forces of pressure; also, for the fracture of stones ; on th». ventilation and lighting of Tunnels ; various de- scriptive papers of public works, &c. " II. contains twenty Papers; — Experiments on American timber; on the strength of Cast iron ; on the power of men ; scientific papers on steam ; descriptive papers on machinery; and an account of certain works couatrucled, includin a floating bridge, Ac, " in. ! M twenty Papers, Hcvcral on steam and steam engines ; one regarding ex plo- sions which frequently occur in the steam boiler ; remarks regardififj sus- pension bridges, madu in respect of duuiageD done to the Meaai bridge, iiC. ' during sturms, (be. '1 tS-l.l-l^fCMmuAfl J ,'"•■'4 ? i i ■Mil ( if H 74i4i ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [g^NIB CIVIL, ARPENTAGB, Corps of Royal Engineers (The). Papora connected with tbe duties of. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1837—1849. Some Pnpera regarding the iniproviug Mathematical Science, and improved iQBtriiments for its practical application, are heroin contained; the followimf papers may bo ppecified as concerning America : Vol. I; No, 14. Of the causes which led to the construction of the Ridcau Canal' description of the works by which it is converted into a steamboat naviga- tion. " II. No. 11. On the Ridoau Dams. " III. No. 11. Description of the coffer dam used in the construction of the Alex. nndria (the Potomac) Canal. " " No. 12. Description of a scries of bridges erected across the Ottawa. " " No. 19. Experiments tried at Quebec as to cements. " IV. No. 10. Account of the Dam at Long Mand on the Ridcau Conal. " V. No. B. Remarks and experiments on various Woods, foreign and domcstio. " " No. 6. Report on the Cana! navigation of the Oanuuas. " VI. No. 4. Report of experiments in blowing in jatcs made at Quebec. " " No. 8. Description of a wooden swing-bridge over the Oreiivillo Canal, Canada. " " No. 10. The Patent American Pile-driving machine. " " No. 11. Dcscriptionof the methods of raising buildings by screws in Canada and the Uuited States. " VII. No, 1 3. Report on the construction of on Iron Beacon at Black Rock har- bour, Connecticut. " VIII. No, Ifi. Report on a survey for a Canal to unite the Bay of FunJy with tlie Gulf of St. Lawrence. " " No. 11. Of reclaiming the Tantamar, Ac, marshes in Now Brunswick, from the Sea. " IX. No. 10. Alterations made in a Oast iron pump, Quebec, to enable it to ro- sist the notion of frosU Corps of Royal Engineers. Papers, &c., edited by a C( mmitteo of Eoyal Engineers. New Seriea. Vol. 1 to vol. 3. 8vo. Loudon, 1S51- '53. (In this series the contributors arc of the East India Company's as well as of the Royal Engineers.) The following Papers are dfiserving of special mention : Vol. IT. No. 3. Tlio Quebec and Ilulifax Riiihviw. Vol III. No. 1. Report on the di-iputt'd Boundary between Canada ond Neff Brunswick. Corps' Papers and IMemoirson Military Subjects of the Eoyal oiul East Lidia Company's Engineers. 1st vol., (all published,) 8vo. Loudon, 1819-50, In Canada the following papers are specially important : The iHt pnptT — An Eiigiucor's account of the Expedition against Quebec in 1V59. Ifith paper — A Narrative of a Survey by tlie Biitish Commission of the Boundary betn'een the Britich Possessions in North America and tbe ITnited States | by Major Robinson. £7th paper— ICxplauationa of tlw: operation* f>r Markiug the Boundary; by the euoio. fl|p...^ ^^-.■1r-:-v- V.'^-*^' ^'imilm ;[TAQB, utiea of. improved a following eau Canal; oat naviga< if tho Alex- ma, ,nd domeitio. .'bee. uvillo Canal, iws in Canada ick Rockhar- f Fundy with unswiok, from aable it tt) re- jeo of Eoyal Lidoa, 1B51- i8 well a8 of liada and Ne« Id East India Loiidou, tucbeo in 1"59. ■ the Boundary Jnitcd StaUs; Indary.bytbe BT TRAVArX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WORKS. 715 Reoueil Jes proRraminei des cours piofessca k I'Acolc de3 ponta et chaussecs pendant ks sessions 1847 h 1849. 4to. Paris. de 239 dessins ou fcuilles de texte relotifs k I'art de ringinic-ur. Ex- traits de la seconde collection termince en 1825 et litliograplii^u fk I'uGolu royale dug ponts et chaussocs. 1827. Folio. Regnault, J- Manuul des aspirants ou grade d'ing6uieur des ponts ct chuua- sees. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Annales des ponta ct chauss6es. 32 vol. 8vo. Depuis 1831. Journal de l'6cole polyteohnique, public par le conseil d'instruction de cet etnblissement. Tomes 1 & 20. 4to. Paris an III u l^oS. Cahiers 1 k 25. EarashaTV, Samuel. Dyniimics, or a treatise on Motion ; &c. Third edi- tion, revised. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844. A treatise on Statics ; containing the theory of the Kqiiilibriiira of Forces ; and examples illustrative. Third edition, enlarged. 8vo. Cambridge, 1845. Griffin, W. N. A treatise on the motion of a rigid Body. 8vo. Cambridge, 1847. Tait, (P. G.,) and Steele, (W. J.) On the Dynnmicg of a Particle, with numerous examples. 12mo. Cambridge, 1856. Robison, John. A sy.slem of Mechanical Philosophy, with Notes by David BrewstcT. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Vid. I. Of the StreiiLjtli of Materials, Carpentry, Roof, on the conBtruction of Arches , (if centres of Rridges, kc. " II. Ou Steam and the .Steam-Eagine, on Machinery, on Water-works and I'linipH, itc. " III. On Astronomy, the Telescope, and Pneumatics. " IV. On Electricity, M.i^iu'ti^m, Variation of the compass, Instruraentj of Sound, Ac., Watch-work, and Seamanship. Carpenter, W. B. iMechanical Philosophy, Ilorology and Astronomy. 8vo. London, IHoi. Smerson, William. The principle of Mechanics, explaining the general Laws of Motion, very nece.''sary to be known by all that desire to liave an insight of Nature and Art ; and extremely useful to Architects, Engineers, Shipwright*, Millwrights, Watch-makers, &c. Sixth edition corrected a:id illustrated. Svo. Lopdon, 1811. Tomlinson, C Mechanics: being an exposition of general principles, and thiiir applications. Fourth editian. 12mo. London, 1855. Jl'cah'* Srries, with Geology. Mo3eley, Henry. Illustrationsof practical Mechanics. New edition. 12Qao. Loudon, 1854. ' .i , .1 .i ■ ■ti ^: 1 :i ■■; ■)■'< I'M .. i, 74)6 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [g^NIE CIVIL, ARPENTAQB Jamieson, AlexnnJer. Mechanics for practical Men : Treatises on the com- position anil resolution of Forces j the centre of gravity ; and the Me- chanical powers : illu»tratc'd by examples. 8vo. London, 1830. Fur (everal works oo tbe prnctical value of Materials for Building, and other constructive purposes ; on the Economy of Construction ; on the Principles of Design, . Ij.ndon, 1838. Fulton, Itoi ;^rt. The life of one of the most distinguished Inventors, etc, etc ; a simpiu record of Facts, accompanied with Mr. Fulton's original draw- ing.s, etc., by J. F'. Ueigart : (the author's portrait prefixed.) 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Heather, J. F. On Matliematicul lustruraents employed in drawiiig, surveying and levelling, astrouomy, &c. ; and the methods of usiup them. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1853. Wcale's Scries, wnh " Geology." Yolland, Captain William. Of tlie Meat>i rement of tho Lough-Foylc Bjse: its verification and extension by triangulation ; together with the various methods of computation followed on the Ordnance Survey, and tables. 4to. London, 1847. Frome, Captain. Outliio of a method of conducting a Trigonomctrirci Survey, for the ibrmation of Maps and Plans ; military reconnaisfiaLce, levelling, &c ; with problems in geodesy and practical astronomy, formula), and tables. Second edition ; revised and enlarged, with a chapter adapted to the marking out of wabte land. 8vo. London 1850. Baker, Hogard, c Durand n Puissant. Pi PranooBu; Sv Brossard, P ET TllAVAUX PUBLICS.] AND PUBI-TC W0IIK8. 749 surveying, and the c'ing of contoui'H ; surveyii!;^. Scciud Lae, Ciipt. T. J. Collection of Tables and Form nl», useful in surveying, geodoHy, and practical autronomy, including elements for tlic pnijcc- tion of Maps. Second edition. 8vo. Washington, 1868. {Three copies,) Wilme, B. P. A hand-book for plain and ornamental Mapping, and Engin- eering Drawing; consisting of every 8t\le used by surveyors, and civil and mechanical engineers: cont'inii) '"any ori /'ual designs, and sketches for borders, and titles for i-sta ^ riarisu maps, railway plans, &c., and every description ot ornai luired in thu above professions. 4to. Loudon, 1844. Williams, /:.a^ ^^\^. o^X^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 1.0 I.I 1.25 111 ■^ ig£ 1 ^ ■- 12.? t 1^ 12.0 1.8 U i 1.6 6" V] V <^\ W^ >> '^" -^ ^ <>. <^ '«?) s 750 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [g^NIE CIVIL, ARPENTAGE, M Public Works of recent construction, both British and American. Papers and practicalillustrutions of, — supplementary to previous publications by "Weale : 50 engravings. 4to. London, 1856. 1. Of the Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, by J. Roebling. 2. MemoirB of Sir Samuel Bentham, with an accouut of his luventioun. >, 4, 6, 6. The Faddock, Lockwood, Denby-dole and Tithobarn Street Viaducts. 7. Newark Dyke Bridge on the Greot Northern Railway. 8. Mountain top track in Virginia. 9. Frcliminarics to good Building. 1 u. Suggestions fur increasing the circulating medium iu aid of Meolianical enter- prise, iScc. Public Works of the United States of America. Parts I. and II. comprising 13 plates; of the Philadelphia Gasworks, Reservoir Dam across the Swatara, Twin Locks on the Schuylkill Canal, Delaware Break- water, Dam on the Sandy and Beaver canal, Joshua's Falls Dam, Locks of 8 feet Lift, Kanawha canal. Aqueducts across Rivanna River, Superstructure of i'arm Bridges on Kanawha canal. Aqueduct across Byrd's Creek ; edited by W. Strickland, E. H. Gill, and H. R- Campbell. Folio : with. Text explanatory of the Engravings, elucidating the Engineering works (in question). 8vo. London. 1841. LaVT, H. Of constructing and repairing common Roads, [with] Hughes" Survey of Metropolitan roads. 12mo. London, 1855. Weale' s Series, Bergier, Nicolas. Ilistoire des grands chemins de I'Empire Remain. 2 vol. 4to. Bruxelles, 1728. Dupuit. Essai et experiences sur le tirage des voitures et sur le frotteraent de seconde espece. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Navier. Considerations sur les principes de la police de roulage et sur les travaux d'entretien des routes. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Police du roulage. Rapport et recherches. 4to. Paris, 1842. Routes royales et routes dqueducX id H. R- icidatiug 1. Hughes." i's Series. 2 vol. rotteraent et sur les llation des I du nivel- Rres ou de \o. Paris. |ng as ap- Its-voyers. ET TRAVATJX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WOKKS. 751 Mangon. Lfigende explicative des intruments de geodeaie, d'arpentage et de nivellement dont il eat question dans le cours de construction des routes. (Ecole des ponts et chaussetis.) 4to. Paris. Qayffier, J. de. Manuel des ponts et chauss^es. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Boret. Gillespie, W. M, A Manual of Road-making ; comprising Roads, — (com- mon, macadam, paved, planked, &c.,) and Railroads. Eighth edition, with additions. 8vo. New York, 1853. Wood, Nicholas. On Railroads and interior communication in general ; con- taining, Experiments on the powers of Locomotive Engines ; and Tables of the comparative cost of conveyance on Canals, Railways, and Turnpike-roads. Third edition, with additions. Svo. London, 1838. De Pambour, Comte F. M. Q-. A practical treatise on Locomotive Engines ; the construction, mode of acting, and usr of those engines on Railways; the means of ascertaining the velocity with which an Engine will draw a given load, &c. ; the quantity of fuel and water it will require,to fix the proportions it ought to have, iu order to answer any given purposes, &c. ; founded on experiments : an Appendix, showing the expense of conveying goods. Second edition ; increased by many new experiments, &e. Svo. London, 1840. Julien, C. E. Manuel du coustructeur de machines locomotives. 12mo., avec atlas, Svo. Paris, 1842. Boret. Janvier, M. Manuel des machines a vapeur appliquees k I'industrie. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1838. Jd. Bataille et Julian. Truile des machines h vapeur. 2 vol. 4to., et atlas, 4to. Pari?, 1847-1849. Hachette. Histoire des machines i vapeur, depuis leur origine jusqu'i no8 jours. Svo. Paris, 1830. Gaudry. Traite 6lenientaire et pratique de la direction, de I'entretien et de I'installation des machines k vapeur fixes, locomotives, locomobiles et marines. 2 vol. Svo. 1856. Palis, E. Catechisme du mecanisme h, vapeur ou traite des machines h. vapeur. Svo. Paris. Guide du m^canicien constructeur et conductenr de machines locomotives, par Chatelier, Flachat, Petiet et Polonceau. 8vo., et atlas. Paris, 1851. Clapeyron. Conferences sur les machines il vapeur locomotives. (Ecole royale des ponts et chaussees.) 4to. Paris, 1844-1845. Regnault. Relation dos experience's entreprises par ordre du ministere des travaux publics pour determine:: les principal s lois etc., qui entrent dans le calculdes machines k vapeur. 4to , et atlas, folio. Paris. 1847. ■ Machines a vapeur (avec planches). M. A. S., vol. 20. ■I I s: I: if ■ft ' II 'i r 1 ;'r' '•:■ h.'^. \ \^ 'i I < I ■ I :; I. ■ ■ (■ vf! ' m 752 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [g^NIE CIVIL, ARyENTAGE, II P Alban, Dr. Ernat. The High-pressure Steam Engine ; on expositkin of Us comparative merits, and an essay, adapted especially to secure safety and economy in its use, &c. : from the German ; with notes, by William Pole ; plates. Svo. London, 1848. Artizan Club, The,— On the Steam Engine, in its application to Mines, Steam navigation, and Eailways : a treatise, edited by Jolin Bourne. Plates and wood-engrayings. New edition. 4to. London, 1S55. Tredgold. Thomas. Treatise on Steam Engines ; Locomotive, Moriae, and Stationary, &c. 4 vols., with appendix 1 vol. 4to. London, 1844- 1853. Vol. I. — ^The principles and practiec and explanatiun of the Machinery of Loco- motive engines in operation on the several Lines of Railway ; to which is added, rules, Ac, for the management of a locomotive engine, by J. Sewell (2.) The dimensions of the engine-boiler, in relation to its expansive powew. by R. Armstrong. (3.) The consumption of fuel and water ; by E. Woods! Completing division A., [or,] the Ist volume of the new edition of Tredgold on th« Steam Engine.. 1860. Vol. II. — Of the Machinery used in Steam-navigation ; examples of Hritish and American steam vessels ; and papers on the properties of steam and on tbe steam engine in its general application : originally compiled by T. Tredgold. amended in this edition ; with the addition of recent exanipleg of inventions Part L— Text. Part IL— Plates. Bound in 2 vols. 1851. Vol. IlL — [Amended edition of.] Of the steam engine, including pumping stationary, and marine engines; examples of boilers used for Bt«am-naviga- tion, &c. ; with an example of the turbiua-wheel, <{cc. A glossary of terms applicable to marine engines and boilors; with French and Spanish traosla- ;■ ■ tious. [Text and plates, in 1 vol.] 1862-63. Appendices,— A. B. C. D. E. F. G. (Text with plates, i. (a.d.)— Experiments on the disturbance of the Comp„ ,i ,ci Iron-built ships . suggestions for the dimensions and rogulations of steam-shipa of war. (c) — Of Gorgon engines. (».) — On the Arcbimedian screw, or suhmarine pro- peller, (k. and f.) — On particular steam ehips, and particular engines, (o.) — On the Cornish pumping engine. Part I. — Historical notice of the appli- cation of the steam-engine to the purpose of draining the mines ef Cornwall, Ac. Part n. — Description of the Cornish pumping engine, asi contrasted with the ordinary engine. Bartol, B. H. On the Marine Boilers of the United States. 8to. PhiJadeh. phia, 1851. " Prepared from authentic Drawings and information furnished l^y the Engineers of the United States."— ^Ae A'uthor. Sewell, Jolm. Elementary treatise on Steam and Locomotion ; connecting science with practice. 2 vols. 1852. Stephenson, E. M. On Kaihvaya, and with reference to their extension to British Colonies. 1S50. Chatta-way, E. D. Railways ; their Capital and Divi- dends ; with statistics of their working in Great Britain. 1855-6 III 1 vol. Weale's Series, ET TKAVAUX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WORKS. 753 Lardner, Dr. Oq the Steam Engine. Third edition. 12mo. London, 1852. Weale's Series. . Railway Economy ; For this, and similar works, Vide, ante p. 270. Biot, Ed. Manuel du conatructeur de chemins dc fer, 12a)0. Paris, 1834. Boret. , Minard. Le5on8 sur Ics chemins de fer. 4to. Paris, 1834. Perdonnet. Traite olemeutaire iua chemins de fer. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855-6. Francis, John. A History of the English Bailway: its social relations and revelations 1820-1845. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. The History includes that also of " the first roads in England," and the modes of travelliug and carriage of goods at the titne, with notices of progress ; and notices likewise of canal improvcnionts — down to the iiitrodoction of rail- roads;— with a record of "tho frauds, perjuries, and falsehoods of 1845,'* which "appear to the writer to form no unimportant portion of commercial history." Williams, P. S. Our Iron Eoads : their history, construction, and social Influences, (plates). 8vo. London, 1852. Simms, F. W. On the principles and practice of Levelling ; showing its ap- plication to Railway Engineering, and the construction of Roads, &c. Fourth edition, revised ; witli, Mr. Law's Examples for setting out Railway Curves, and Mr. Trautwine's of Laying out Circular Curves ; plates and woodcuts. 8vo. London, 1856. Lecount, Peter. A practical treatise on Railways, explaining their construc- tion and manogeinent ; from the Encyclopajdia Britannica, with addi- tional details. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1851. Sidney, Samuel. Gauge Evidence : — the history and prospects of the Rail- way system ; illustrated by the evidence given before the Gauge Com- mission : with a map. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1846. {Two copiet.) Pamphlets : on English Railways, and Railway questions, &c. 8vo. Lon- don, Ac, 1846 — 1853. For contents, vide, ante, p. 270. Ogan, Alfred. Railway Collisions prevented. 8vo. London, 1855. Brees, S. C. First Series of Railway Practice ; a collection of Working Plans and practical details of construction in tho Public Works of the most celebrated Engineers. Third edition, with additional examples. Second Series, second edition, with additional examples. Third and Fourth Series, first edition. In all, 4 vols. 4to London, 1847. "Comprising Roads, Tram roads, and Railroads; Bridges, Aqueducts, Viaducts, Wharfs, Warehouses, Roofs, and Sheds; Canals, Locks, Sluice?, and tho var- ious Works on Rivers, Streams, &o.; Harbours, Docks, Piers, and .Tetties; Tunnels, Cuttings, and Embankmeots ; the several works connected with the Drainage of Marshes, Murine Sands, and the Irrigation af Loud; Water works, Gas- works. Water-wheels, Mills, Engines, &c." nm H'rH I',: r. 'y : ■r r 4' ..fl !;«.(■ i i m 754 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [G^NIE CIVIL, A-EPENTAGE, Brees, S. C. Railway Practice— (Continued) . "The Working plans are effectively portrayed, and the details and deacriptiou fully illustrated. A clear arraDgement and appropriate distributioa of lub- jects, ctrict adherence to correct drawing, and simple explanatory effect, are all that he has attempted as Author or Artist. ' — PairAoa. The Third and Fourth Series "consist principally of a translation from the Porte- fuuille de I'Ligenieur des Ohemins de Far, par M. Auguste Penlonnet, et Camille Polonceau," Directeur de 1' Alsace Chemin de Fer. Dempsey, G. D. The practical Railway Engineer : a concise description of the Engineering and mechanical operations and structures, in the for- mation of Railways for public traffic ; embracing an account of the principal Works executed in the construction of Railways to the pre- sent time ; with facts, figures, and data. Fourth edition, revised and greatly enlarged ; plates and woodcuts. 4to. London, 1855. Valine. Expose general des Etudes faites pour le trac^ des chemins de fer de Paris en Bulgique et en Angleterre, et d'Angleterre en Belgique.— ' Defontaine. Memoire sur un projet de chemin de fer de Paris k Rouen, au huvre et h, Dieppe. Ges deux m^moirej accompagnes de cartes, et relies en un volume. 4to. Paris, 1837. Andelle. Essor a donner aux chemins de fer. — Defontaine. Chemin de fer de Paris a Orleans, — Tableau des progrfes de la depense du pave de Paris. — Teissereno. Rapport sur les chemins de fer. Paris, 1839. — Kermaingant. Projet d'un] chemin de fer de Lyon k Mar- seille. 4to. Paris, 1837. Oallols. Chemins de fer en Angleterre. — Delaveau. Chemin de fer de Marseille a Lyon, Ibis. — Mallet. Chemin de fer atmospherique, 1844. — Marivault. Des chemins de fer, 1839. 8vo. Paris. Angers, Pras. Borde. Tables relatives au trace des courbes de raccordement. 1846. 8vo. Tables de surfaces pour les calculs des deblais et remblais de chemins de fer, routes et canaui. 3 voL 8vo. Paris, 1856. Bois, Victor. Les chemins de fer franfaisi. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Voir ci devant dans la section OKoaBAFaiE et totaqes les cartes des roies de communication et des chemins do fer de la France. Heap, G-winn Harris. Central Rcafc« to the Pacific Journal of the Ex- pedition of E. F. Beale and G. H. Heap, from Missouri to California, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. Railroad from the Missippi River to the Paoiflo Ocean. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the best route for ; made in 1853-4., pursuant to Acts of Congress. Vol. 1. 4to. Washington. 1855. Sitgreaves, Captain J.. Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colo- rado Rivers ; with maps and illustrations. 8vo. Washington, 1853. Mil ET TBAVATJX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WOBKS. 763 Stansbury, Captain Howard. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a reconnoiaaance of a new route through the Eocky Mountains. 8to., with an 8vo. toI. of maps. Philadelphia, 1852. Poussin, Guillaume Tell. Travaux d'ameliorationa int^rieurea projet^a ou ex6cut6a par le gouvernoment general dea Etats-Unia d'Am^rique, do 1824 a 1881. 1 vol. (texte) 4to. et un vol. fol. atlaa. Chevalier, Michel. Histoire et description des voieB de communication aoz Etata-Unis et dt tiavaux d'art qui en dependent. 2 voL 4to., (texte) et 1 vol. fol. atlaa. Canadian Railvrays: and Railway accidents : Pamphlets on: 1 vol. 8to. Th« New road to Ruin ; or intended Railroad from BuBion, Portland and Portunouth| to Quebec ; a Poem. Quebec. 1836. Report of the Engineer upon the preliminary Surreys for the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad ; Hay 1837. Address to theFreeholders of Bertie Township.coDoorning the subscription of £10,000 to the Buffalo and Brantford Railroad Company, Buffalo. 1862. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Shareholders of the Oreat Western Railroad, at UamiltoD, on 2l8t June, 1862, with Report of the Directors. Hamilton. 1862. Proceedings of Annual meeting of ditto, on 6th June, 1853, with Report of Directors. Reports of Chief Engineer of the Ontario, Simooe and Huron Railroad Union Company; for 1852 and 1863. Railroad entre Quebec, Montreal , Bytown, et la Baie Ocorgienne. Montreal. 1868. First and Second annual reports of the Directors and Engineer of the Industry Villag* and Rawdon Railroad Company. Montreal, 1863. Report of the chief Engineer of the Megantic Junction Railway. Quebec, 1868. Report of the Directors and Chief Engineer of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Orand Junction Railway Company. Prospectus of the Lebanon Springs Railroad Company. New-Tork, 18.^2. Report of a Committee of the Senate of the State of NewTorli appointed to ezamina and report the causes of Railroad Accidents, the means of preventing their r*. currence, &c. Railways in America, Pamphlets on. 1 vol. 8vo. Report on the Hudson Riyer Railroad, by J. B. Jeryis, C. E. NewTork, 1846. Statement of Directors, Ac, of the Hudson River Railroad Company. New- York, 1846. Report on the Quoge for the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad, by A. C. Morton, 0. E. Montreal, 184'7. Letter from Major R. Carmichael Smyth to the author of "The Clockmaker" respect- ing a British Colonial Railway communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific. London, 1849. Plan for shortening the time of Passage between New York and London, with pro> ceedings of the Railway Convention at Portland, Maine, and the Charter of the European and North American Railway, and Proceedings thereupon. Portland, 1850. / A Railroad from L»ke Superior to the Pacific, the shortest, cheapest and safest com- munication for Europe with Asia: By Allan Macdonell. Toronto, 1861. Philosophy of Railroads: fourth edition, revised: By T. C. Keefer. C. E. Montreal 1853. Report of the Committee on the Montreal and Kingston section of the Canada Grand Railway, Montreal. 1851. m 'm ii i 5i '.. I mA} 'i:'' ■ i .•('!■ r t ; i . !^ » M 766 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [gENIE CIVIL, ARPENTAGE M I" Railways In America, Pamphlets on— (Continued). Heport on the preliminary Survey of the Kingston and Toronto section of the Canada Trunk Railway. By T. C. Koefer, 0. E. Toronto, 1861. Observiitinag on the question of Bridging the Rirer Richelieu above the Town of St. John's for Railroad purposes. Toronto, 1861. Reports of the Directors and Engineer of the Lhke St. Louis and Province line and the Plattsburgh and Montreal railroads. Montreal, 1862. 88 pages. Report on a Railway Suspension Bridge over the St. Lawrence River at Quebec by E. W. Serrill, Engineer. Quebec, 1862. ' ^ Rapport anuuol des Dirocteurs et de ring<5nieur en Chef, aux Aotionnaires de la Compaguie du Chcmin de For de Quebec A Richmond. Qu6bec, 1882. Annual Report of the Directors, Ac, of the Quebec and Richmond Railway Oomnunv Quebec, 1863. Quebec Railroads, Eeports upon, in 1 vol. 8vo. Reports of the Engineer on the survey of the North Shore Railway (French and Ene- lish.) 8vo. Quebec, 1854. Report of the Engineer on the survey of the Quebec and Saguenay Railway. 8vo. Quebec, 1864. (French and English.) Hero, of Alexandria. The Pneumatics of, translated from the original Greek ; and edited by Bennet Woodcroft. 4to. London, 1850. " Throughout whose work the elementary parts of all steam engines and those also of most other machines are mentioned." — Editor's Preface. Beaufoy, Mark. Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous Scien- tific miscellanies; illustrated with plates. V )1. 1. 4to. London, 1834. This Vol. only has been published, of three announced under the above title. It gives results ascertained by the Author, in a long course of enquiry, and by many experiments, " On the Resistance of Solids moving tl.rough Water;" Tables are contained, wliich shew ; The form and dimensions of the Bodies with which experiments were made. The Motive-povera requlB'te to over- come the Resistance from Friction of the water. An Analysis of the Total- resistance of the different bodies [used in experiments] respectively. The Report drawn up by Colonel Beaufoy for the committee for conducting the Experiments for "the Society for the Improvement of Nuval Architecture," which that Society publislied under the tide of "The Report of the Com- mittee" is likewise contahied, and " the Nautical experiments, the first series," are described in Chronological order, (with very short intervals occurring) from Oct. 1793, to Oct. 1798. Webster, Thomas. The theory of the equilibrium and motion of Fluids. Svo- Cambridge, 1830. Jamieson, Alexander. Mechanics of Fluids for practical men, comprising Hydrostatics, descriptive and constructive, examples and diagrams : Second edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Miller, W. H. The elements of Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. Fourth edition. Cambridge, 1850. Neville, John. Hydraulic tables ; — co-efficients and formula, for finding the discharge of water from orifices, weirs, pipes, and rivers. 8vo. Lon- don, 1853. ET TRAVAUX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WORKS, 7B7 Swbank, Thomaa. A descriptive and hiatoricul account of Hydraulic and other Machinea for raising Water, ancient and modern; the progres* sive development of the Steam engine ; descriptiouB of every variety of pumps, Hre engines, Ac, pressure engines, air machines, &c. Ee- marks on ancient wells, air beds, &c. Experiments on blowing and spouting tubes, &c. iJOO engravings. Fourteenth edition revised, with a supplement. 8vo. New York, 1856. Burnell, G. R. lludimcnts of Hydraulic engineering. Vide with Law's Civil engineering. Tfeale'a Series, Matthews, William. Uydraulia ; an historical and descriptive account of the Water- Works of Loudon, and the Contrivances for supplying other great cities in different ages and countries, ^vo. London, 1835. . An historical and scientific description of the mode of supplying London with Water ; and an account of the different comp.auies so engaged, with an exposition of the attempts to adopt other modes, &c, Svo. London, 1811. Glynn, Joseph. On the power of Water as applied to drive Flour mills, and to give motion to turbines and other hydrostatic engines, nud an Appendix on centrifugal and rotary pumps. 12mo. London, 1853. Wcale'a Series. Swindell, J. Gt. On Well-digging, boring and pump-work. Tliird fditl-":!, revised, by G. R. liurncl). 12mo. London, 1851. Weale's Series with Masonry. Belanger. Notes sur 1' Hydrauliquo. (Ecole royale des ponts et cbaussees.) Svo. Paris, 1815-40. Morin. Kxperiences sur lea Roues hydrauliques h aubes planes ei; 3ur lea Roues hydrauliques k augeta. 4to. Metz. 1836. Minard, M. Coura de construction des Ouvrages qui etablissent la i iviga- tion des rivieres et des canaux. 4to., et planches, Liege, 1S51. Prony, de. Nouvelle architecture hydraulique. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1790. Lalande. Jerome. Abrego de navigation historique, theorique et practique. 4to. Paris, 1793. Du Hamal Dumonoeau, M. Traite do la fabrique dea manoeuvres pour lea vaiaaeaux. 4to. Paris, 1769. Traits pratique du grecment dea vaisaeaux, public sous le ministere de M de Fleurieu, par Mr. Leacallier. 4to. I'arls, 1791. Paris, ^r. Essai sur la construction navalo des peuples extra-europoens. folio, Paris. Poiree. Conferences sur lea barrages mobiles. (Ecole royale des ponts et chauss6es ) 4to. Paris, 1843-44. Viel. Cours de trace.^ de calculs, do dcplaccment et de stabilite bydrostatique des butiments de mer. Svo. Paris. ['i.-.f. ■"•"'! iii . If ■'1-4 ii ' 1 i^: 758 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [g^NIE CIVIL, ARPENTAOE, Meroadier, J. B. llocherchos Bur los on»abloments des port» do mer, et lur les nioyeua do les ompOchor i ravenir. 4to. Montpellior, 1789. Frlssart. Notes prises au cours de ports do mor. (Ecole royale des ponts et chaum'es). 4to. Paris, 1844-43. Reeoh, M. M^moire sur les machines ii vapeur et leur application & la nsviga* tion. 4to. Paris, 1844. Aulagnier. Etudes pratiques sur la navigation du centre, de Test et du nord de la France, et des prlncipales voies navigables do la Belgique. 4to. Paris, 1841. Gilbert. Essni sur Tart de la navigation par la vapeur. 4to. Paris, 1820. Berthoud, Ferdinand. Horloges marines. 4to. Paris, 1773. Oours de navigation, (Ecole des ponts et chauss^es). 4to. Paris. Duoros. M6moire8 sur lea quantitds d'eau qu'exigent lea canaux de naviga- tion. 8vo. Paris, an IX. DoIB; a. M^moire siir Ic nanal lateral h la Qaronne, dtabliasaut la fonction dufinitive des deux mors. 4to. Paris, 1835. Doouments relatifs aux canaux. 4t9. Paris. Valine, L. L. Du Rhone et du lac de Gonove, ou des grands travaux i ex^. cuter pour la navigation du Loman h la mer. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Gerard. Memoire sur les canaux do navigation. M. A. S., vol. 7, 8, 9. Collignon> Du concours des canaux et des chemina de fer, et de I'acheve- ment du canal de la Marne et du Bhin. Svo. Paris, 1846. Bourgeois, M. Becherches th^oriquea et experimentales sur les propulseurs hulifo'idea. 4to. Paris, 1845. Labrousse. Des propulseurs sous-marina. Folio. Paris, 1845. Lahure. Considerations sur la construction et la propulsion dea navires en for. 8vo, Havre, 1856. Chemin-Dupontds, Ph. Do la navigation h la vapeur, en France, en An- gleterre et aux Etats-Unis. Revue des deux Mondes. 4e sorie, vol. 15. Barrault, Alexia et Emile. Le canal de Suez, et la queation du trac^, les divers projecta en presence, avec une carte. Id., Janvier, 1856. Garella, N. Projet d'un cnnal de jonction de I'oc^on Paoifique et de I'oc^an Atlantique a travera '.'Istbme de Panama. Svo. Paria, 1845. Barnard, Major J. L. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, scientific commission under the direction of, with a rdsum^ of the geology, climate &c., of that region, by J. J. Williams. Svo. New York, 1852. Squier, E. G. Nicaragua : ita people, scenery, monumcnta and the propoaed Interocennic canal. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Priestley, Joseph. Historical account of the Navigable rivers, canals, and railways, throughout Great Britain ; derived from original and parlia- mentary documents, in his possession. 4to. London, 1881. I-: ^ ET TEAVAUX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WOEKS. 7fi9 WllUan.s, 0. W. Speech on «he Improvement of the Shannon, in continu* ation of the debate in the House of Commons, 12tb May, 1835; giving a comparative view of the Navigation of the Bideau Canal, in Canada, and the River Shannon, in Ireland ; with observations on the value of a connection, by Steam Packets, with British America. 8vo. London, 1885. Smith, B* B. Italian Irrigation : a Beport on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy ; addressed to the Directors of the East India Company. Vol. I. — Historical and descriptive. Vol. II. — Practical and Legislative. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866. With maps and plans. 4to. 1855. Dempsey, &• D- On the Drainage of Districts and Lands; [also,] On the Drainage of towns and buildings, as conducive to Health. Second edition. London, 1864. Wtale't Series, Wells, Samuel. The history of the Drainage of the great level of the Fens, called, Bedford level ; with the Constitution and Laws of the Bedford level Corporation ; [with] a map of the Level and parts adjacent, [in a case.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830-89. Wiggins, J. On Embanking Lands from the Sea ; Examples, and practical remarks on tho repair of old Sea-walls. 12mo. London, 1852. Weale'a Series, with Gas-works. Potomac Aqueduot. Beport, by Major TumbuU, on the Survey and con- struction of the, — 25th Congress, 2nd. Session, Document No. 459, House of Bepresentatives. 8vo. Also : a series of coloured illustra- tions of the Work, from the Survey of the Potomac Biver, made in 1832, and a sketch, " shewing the condition of the work," 1837. (Document 261.) Folio. Washington. Copy presented to the late Duke of SuMes, by Robert Lawrence. Rennle, Sir John. An historical, practical, and theoretical Account of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound. Folio. London, 1848. " The want of a oomprc'i); n Iro work in the English language, upon Breakwaters and Harbours, has long boen fvlt ; this work, 1 hope, may form ao inducement to nthors to contribute thc-ir shore towards it.'* It extends, too, to other than this special construction, viz. ; to the " construction of the Light-house on the west end, and that of the beacon on the east end." It has, further, " a de- scription of a battery proposed to be made on the breakwater;" and of " Mr. Whidbey's proposed vertical wall, Ao." — — The theory, formation, and construction of British and Foreign Harbours ; with one hundred and twenty-three engravings. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1854. " I have endeavoured to select a series of examples from almost every country from the earliest dawn of civilization, to the present day ; each example is complete; in itself, and is accompanied by a statement of the geological and geographical features of the coast where it is situated, &o. ; the state of the place before any works were executed ; the history of the various works I f jl !■ WkMl I ' i-'i ''•■■; ;i| >■} • Ivs' [.!:?*■■ i ty -,li ?r 7C0 ENOINEERINO, SURVEYING, [CENIfcl CIVIL, AEPENTAOE ET TRAVi m f I H i.i Rennie, Sir John. Driti^h nml Foreign IliirbouM— (Coiitimioil), executed fnim tiina to tiinu, ami wliurti thry lmv<- fftilril, the cauim ft their falluro (iru uxi>lKint'il. lly thi* nieitiw, wu uhtiiiii tho reiultn of eiiH-riouco ; by kiiuwiii); tho oniiDP* whioli hnvc pruduoctl ourlniii ufTeotf, wp can apply thuiii tu (ithiT kiiuihir caitvii; niicl, in oidor t<> ilviivu tho grvateit adviti.tiiito fruiu cnch oxiuiipli', uiiiivliislrl(ni:ui»hip and materials, bo«t adapted to each example, lico., not omittini^ the itii|)urtiuit itura of ooHt." " I havu, aloo, uudi'iivoiirud tu inHtitulu nn examination and ouropariton botweon th«! viiriniiH L'xninplcs, under the ditferunt hcudii of ' Desijfn,' ' Conatruction,' and, ' Kosiill.' " Tlic Contoiits art! Ihun cliiHsiflcd, (I.) Harbours, Docks, Breakwater*, giving some oceouut of the Light-houso on the Spurn Point, built upon a snnd. Second edition. Folio. London, 1B13. Stevenson, llobort. An account of the Boll Eock Liglit-houso, including tho detixils of the erection and peculiar structure ot that edilice ; to wliich is prefixed, a historical view of the institution and progress of tho Northern Liglit-houses : 23 engravings, drawn up by desire of tho Coinraiasioners, ifec. 4to. Edinburgh, 1821. Stevenson, Alan. Account of the Skorryvoro Liglit-house ; witli notes, on the Illumination of light-houses ; by order of tho Commissioners of Northern Light-houses. 4to. Edinburgh, lSi8. . I ..- ■ ■- On tho liistory, construction, and illumination of Light- houses. 12ino. Loudon, 1850. Wealc's Scries. Bridges. The theory, practice, and nrchitccture of, — Of stone, iron, timber, and wire ; with cxamplea on tiio principle of suspension; with 138 engravings, and 92 wood-cuts. [Edited by John Weale.] 4 vols, in 8. 8vo. London. Isi3. Vols. I. and II. — Tfxt ; thoury «( bridges, by James H.inn ; theory of the arch, &.C., by Trof. Moscli'y ; papers on foiiudatious, by T. Hughes ; necoimt of Huti'htaon IlriiI(;o; matheiualicul priuciples of Dredj,'e'8 Siispenaion Bridge. •• II. — On theory and arciutecture of bridges, by W. Hoaking ; apecifi- cnlion of Chester Dec I5ridge, desciiption of the timber bridgei, &.C., on till! Utie.aaiid Syracuse Railroad, by B. F. lahcrwood; ilcseripti'iii of tlie plate:*, Ac. •< III. — I'hitos, tlicDry, by .lami's Ilann. " IV. — yi:ife», practice, by William Husking. Supplement to [tlie fon-going;] illustrating the most recent appli- cations of cast and wrought iron, stone, and timber, and suspension; with observations upon the diftbrent Materials employed in tho con- struction of Bridges ; with engravings and text : the first three parts ■ edited by G. It. Burnell ; tlie remaining [three] parts, by W. T. Clark. Svo. London, 1852-53. yt ET Tn.WATTX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WORKS. 761 Haupt, Herman. General theory of Bridge conitruction ; containing demon- strotioni of the principles of the art, and their application ; the meana of calculating tho strains upon the chords, ties, &c., of a bridge, or frame of any description ; with illustrations. 8to. New York, 18S3. Fairbairn, William. An account of the construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges ; with a complete history of their progress, to tho conclusion of the experiments which determined the oonstru tion adopted. 8ro. London, 1840. Dempsey, Q-. D. Tubular and other Iron-girder Bridges, describing tho Britannia and Conway Bridges ; with illustrations of tho application of iron to the art of bridge-building. 12mo. London, 1850. Weale'$ Seriet, Abbott, Lieut.-Ool. 1847. On permanent bridges, for Indian rivers. 8vo. Agra, [India.] The Taper-Chain Suspension Bridge ; Memoir on,-its principles theoretically developed, its construction and manufacture practically illustrated ; by Capt. H. Godwjrn. 4to. Calcutta, 1844. Polonoeau. Notice sur le nouveau systems des ponts en fonte, suivi dans la construction du pout du Carrousel. 4to. Et atlas, folio. Paris, 1839. Seguin. Boa ponts en fil de fer. 4to. Paris, 1826. Pont Suspendu sur le fleuve St. Laurent h Quebec. Plans accompagnant le rapport. Folio. 1851. Trench, Colonel. A collection of papers relating to the Thames Quay ; with hints for some further improvements in the Metropolis. 4to. Lon- don, 1827. Cotton, Lt. Col. A. Public Works in India; with suggestions for their ex- tension and improvement. Second edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1854. [India: Military Board, 1842-45.] Proceedings in the Civil Department, on the Buildings, Beads, Canals, Embankments, &o. (Four) Reports of Proceedings, dated 2nd May, 1842 ; lat May, 1843 ; 1st May, 1844 : let May, 1845 ; in 1 vol. Folio. [ 1845-48.] (Three) Beports of Proceedings, dated lat May, 1846 ; 1st May, 1847 ; Ist May, 1848 ; in 1 vol. Folio. [ — -■ - 1849-51.] (Three) Reports of Proceedings, dated Ist May, 1849 ; ist May, 1850 j 1st May, 1851 ; in 1 vol. Folio. r 1852-54.] (Three) Eeports for the Official years, ending 30th April, (respectively) 1852, 1853, and 1854 ; in 1 vol. Folio. m::^!' rt- '■' •*;l ■ m 'i" s 702 V ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [geNIE CIVIL, ARPENTAGE, [Calcutta Hospital Report aud Appendix G. 1840-47.] Abridgmont of tlie Keport of the Comiiiitteo for tho Eatiiblishment of a Fever Ilospiiu) and for inquiring into Lot-al Management and Taxation in Calcutta [and Jlunicipal luiprovenienta,] [dated, 7th Jan., 1840.] Appendix (G.) containing a copy of tlio Minute by tlio Gov. General, 2ud Feb , IHM, on tlio Dniinago of the Salt "Water Lake, and itw councotcd Tapers, Appendix to Appendix (G.) on a Flan [Lieut. J. A. Sehalch's] for the formation of a Communication between tlr) Upper and Eastern Provinces of India and Calcutta by Water ; in 1 vol. Folio. [ Appendix IT.] containing Fapcra, (forming u continuation Tif those printed in Appendix to Appendix G.) 1B48. Folio. Appendix I, J, K.] Appendix I, correapon- [- dence respecting the Draining, &e , of tho Saltwater Lake, and the Unhcalthiness of tho Environs of Calcutta, &c. Appendix to Appen- dix T, respecting a Canal communication between Calcutta anil Chan- nel Creek, with branches, 1848. Appendix J, and Appendix to Appendix J, (further) correspondence (respecting the same matter, as tho foregoing Appendix I.) Appendix K, respecting the Estab- lishment of the Fever Hospital, to be connected with the IMcJical College, [Calcutta,] &e., and Evidence respecting the Regulation of Ferry Boats, &c., 1847 ; in 1 vol. Folio. [Papers : Civil Engineering College, Roorkee.] Notes, kv , on the Eastern .Tumiui, or Doab Canal, &c., by Lt. Col. P. T. Cautley. ISlemoranda on Irrigation, by Rajbubas, by W. E. IMorton. Earth- works and Constructions in Piae, by R. Maclagan. Notes and Experiments on the IStone and Timber of tho Gwalior Territory, by A. Cunningham. In 1 vol. 8vo. 1853. [Indian Pamphlets, Geological, &c.] Slope Tables, for the use of the Canal Department, N. W. Provinces. 8vo. 1851. [India : Reports on Canals and Rivers, Ac] Useful Tables for the use of the Canal Department, and OiUcera of the Department of Public AVorks, by Lieut, Col. Cautley, 1851. Folio. [BoniTjay Records ] On the Supply of AVatcr to I'ombay, 1854. Sccoiul Report, witli Appendices, by H. Conybeare, 1855. Report on tlio Sanitary state, and Sanitary requirements of Bombay, &c., (hy tho same,) 1855 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. Bombay, 1854-55, [Madras Records,] on tho Supply of Madras with Water ; and the Improvement of the Drainage and Sewerage of Black Town, as pro- jected by Lieut. P. P. Conuell. 8vo. Madras, 1855. [Bengal Records, Mines, &c.] Report on tho Establishment of Water Works, to supply Calcutta ; by F. W. Simms, with other Papers on Watering and Draining the City, 1853. 8vo. 2 1 ET TRAVAUX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WORKS. 763 [papers on Sugar, Cotton, Irrigation, Ac] Papers on the Irrigation oftlie Agra District from tlio Ootiiiig)uin liiver. Hoorkoc, 1853. Rules and ForinnliB for the computation and solution of various Pro- blems ill tlio Irrigation Dopartincnt, with Tables of Velocities, dis- charge, DinuMisious of Pipes, Channelu, Ac, by Capt. J. D. Stoddard. Madras, 1855. Of tho State of the College for Civil Engineers at lloorkee, and of its Enlargement, 1851 ; Avith other papers. In 1 vol. Folio. [Bom'bay Records, Surveys, Revenue, &c.] Report on the plan of Survey and Assessments suitable to the Province of Khandesh ; on a Survey, &c., in the Rutnagherry Collectorate, &c., (by Capt. Win- gate,) 1852 Reports on Pergunnas, (variouti, named) of the Ahmo- dabad Collectorate, by P. M. Melviil. Also, Reports on portions of Ahmedabad and Kaira Collectorates, by Capt. J. Cruiksliauk, 1853. Proceedings relative to the resumption of certain lands, etc., claimed as hereditary by Konher Row Anajee, 1855. Folio. In 1 vol. [Reports, Lower Provinces, &e.] Reports on tho Survey operations of tho Lower l"'rovim'es ; from 1st October, 1852, to SOth September, 1853, [followed by tho antecedent j Report from Ist October, 1851, to yOth September, IS52. Folio. (Witli) Reports, with Proceedings and Appendix of the Committeo appointed to enquire into the state of the River Iloogly. Folio. Calcutta, 1851. TGanges Canal, Scinde, Ac] Short account of the Ganges Canal, in English, [and two Eastern languages.] Routes and Stages in Scinde to and from Guzorat, Cutch, Jeysulmeer, and Joudpoor, with an index. Folio. Bombay, 1816. [India. — Reports on Canals and Rivers.] Report of Committee appointed to examine the project of the (ianges Canal, 18'45. — Memoranda on the Western Jumna Canals, by W. E. Baker. Loudon, 1843, Notes on the Levels of the Eastern Jumna Canal, 1852. Documents regarding the Navigation of the Ganges from Allahabad to Eevulgunge, 1819. Operations for tho improvement of this navigation, 1819-54. Esti- mate of the expense to be incurred for the Ganges Canal AV'orks, 1850. lleportri and Surveys regarding drainage, (in Bengal Presi- dency,) 1838. Report on the drainage of the City of Delhi, 1852. Report on the Survey of Calcutta, by F. "W. Simms, dated 14th August, 1850. Folio. [Madras Public Works, &c.] The first, the third, tho fourth, the fifth, lialf-yearly reports. June 30th, 1848,— July 31st, 1850. The Tentli lloport, for tlio year 1 853, of the Commissioners for the Im- provement of Calcutta. (Bound as I'olio.} Proceedings and corres- pondence of tho late Public "Works Commission for the Madras Presidency, 1855. First Report of the Commissioners, upon the system of superintending and executing Public AVorks in the Madras Presidency. 23rd December, 1852, with appendix. Folio. ! I !' I'^l 1t ! '^_ 764i ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [g^NIE CIVIL, AEPENTAGE [Madras Records, Public Works.] Reports on important Public Works for 1851, for 1862, for 1853. Collective Memorandum on Public Works in the Madras Preaidency. Madras, 1854. Notes on Building and Eoad making ; Eules for estimating repairs to Tanks etc., and other tables. 8vo. Madras, 18S6. [Madras Records, Public Works.] Navigation of the Godavery, 1854 and 1855. Eeport on the Paumban Channel, 1854. Reports of the road department, 1854-55, on proposals for a Pe.'manent Corps of Coolies for employment on road works, 1855. Reports on District roads, for 1853. Eeport on Major Maitland's School for Artificers and pupils at the gun-carriage manufactory, 1855. In 1 vol. 8vo. [Indian Pamphlets : Antiquities, &c.] Report on Tank Embankments constructed in the Ajmere District in 1844. Eeport on the Rajmahl Canal, 1841. [India Records, Napier, &c.] Survey of the River Gogra ; Road over the Tounghoop Pass ; Report on the Cotton Fields of Pegu. 8vo. Cal- cutta, 1854. [Selections from Public Correspondence, N.W.P.] Parts III to X., dating from 1846 to 1851 ; containing papers regarding the resources of these Provinces, the Revenue, Public Works, &c. 8vo. (No title,) Agra. [ .] Selections from the Eeeords of Govemment, North West Provinces. Parts XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII. Svo. Agra, 1854. Of like various contents with the foregoing volume. [Bombay] Engineers' (The). Reports for the official years 1846-'47, to 1851-'52, in 1 vol. Svo. Bombay, 1848.'53. Mining Engineers. North of England Institute of ; [formed 1852. For ventilation, winning and working of Collieries, Sic] Transactions, for 1852-1 85 G. 4 vols. Svo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, &c., 1852— 185G. Vol. I. See papera on the steam jet as a motive power; experiments on the relative value of the furnace and steam ji>t as ventilating powers ; on the ventilation and gases of eoal mines, Ac. ; of the fire damp [there] in a state of high ten- sion in litu; on safety lamps. " IL On the choke dump: on the fire damp; on destructive gases, particularly nitrogen ; on water as a ventilating power ; on various plans of workings ; rn dip and rise workings; on boring ; on the gauze lamp and other lamps; a school of mining discussed, Ac. " III. On the analysis of rocks and on other analyses ; on mine ventilation ; on ventilating furnaces ; on aqueous vapors ; on practice with gas at blowers , on mine engineering; various experiments at collieries, etc. ; on the estab- lishment of a mining college. " IV. On the structure Ac, of upcast shafts ; of the comparative cost of thick and thm seams, and also of round and small cioXi ; various experiments reported ; on boiler explosions; some particular explosions reported; on mining sur vcyt ; on a mining college ; on certain Clialybeate Mine- waters. ET THAVATJX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WOEKS. 766 Overman, P. On "!\1 Callurgy, and Mining. Svo. New York, 1862. For several Works on Mining, vide Oeoloot, &e., ante, p. 62S. Vide also, Truran's Iron Manufacture of Great Britain, and similar Worlis, ante, p. 730. Brard, C. P. Min6ralogieappliqu^e aux arts. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1821. Blanc, J. F. Manuel pour Sexploitation dee mines. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. Roret. Combe' , Ch. Traits de Fexploltation des mines. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1844, 1845, ot atlas. 4to. Paris, 1844. Ponson. Trait6 de I'exploitation des mines de houille, ou exposition compara- tive des m^thodes employfees en Belgique, en France, en Alleraogne et en Angleterre pour Tarractiement et I'extraction des min^raux combus- tibles. 4 vol. Svo. Li6ge, 1852. Molinari, Gustave de. Les fers et les houilles. Svo. Paris, 1847. Richard, T. Etudes sur I'art d'extraire imm6diatement le fer de ses mindrais sans convertir le metal en fonte. 4to. Paris, 1838. Muthuon, J. M. Trait6 des forges dites Catalanes, ou I'art d'extraire par une seal© operation le fer de ses mines, et la maniere de reduire la gueuse en fer au mojen de la fusion liquide dans les aflineriea, et de nou- velles experiences sur les pompes. Svo. Turin, 1808. Burat, Am^dee. Etudes sur les gites calaminaires et sur I'industrie du zinc en Belgique. Svo. Paris, 1846. Brard. C. Elements pratiques d'exploitation. Svo. Paris, 1829. Vauquelin. Manuel complet de I'essayeur, suivi de I'instruction de M. Gay- Lussac sur I'essai des mati^res d'argent par la voie humide. Nouvelle Edition refondue et augment^e par A. D. Vergnaud. 12mo. Paris, 1836. Watherston, J. H. The Gold valuer ; as naturally produced or artificially amalgamated ; with a familiar explanation of the Art of Assaying Gold and Silver. 12mo. London, 1852, Mitchell, John. Manual of practical Assaying, for the use of Metallurgists, Captains of Mines, and Assayers in general. Second edition enlarged. Svo. London, 1854. Smith, J. T. Observations on the duties and responsibilities, in the ma- nagement of Mints ; chiefly with reference to those of India ; with suggestions for their improvement. Svo. Madras, 1818. Enquete sur les houilles par le conseil superieur do commerce. 4to. Paris. Combes. M^moire sur I'exploitation des mines des comtes de Cornwal et de Devon. 8vo, Paris, 1834. Collin. Recherches experiraentales sur les glissements spontan^s des terrains argileux. 4to. Paris, 1846. Franpois. Recherches sur le gisement et le traitemont des min6rais de fer dans les Pyrenees, etc. 4to. Paris, 1843. ^slir • ifrl- i-lhi! .Mil. i r . I V. j : h^ I 766 ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, [G^NIE CIVIL, ARPENTAGE It i f! i 1% m Annales des mines, ou recueil de m^moires sur I'exploitation des mines et sur k'8 sciences qui s'y rapportent, rfiiligfies par le conaeil general des mines. 2eserie. 8 vol. — 3es6rie. 20 vol. — 4e3orie. 20 vol.— Sestrie. 8vol.— Lois, decrets. Tomes 1 Jv 4, 1832-53-54-55. Tables des series 1,2 3,4. Ensemble 5(. vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827 ii 1856. Ameilhon, M. Momoire sur la metallurgie des anciens ; exploitation des mines d'or. A.I., vol. 4G. Gars, M. G. Voyages metallurg'uiuea, suivis d'un m6moire sur la circulation de I'air dans les mines, et d'uncj notice de la jurisprudence des mines de charbon dans le pays de LiOge, la province do Limbourg, et le comto de Namur. Avec figures. 4to. Lyou, 1774. Karsten, C. J. B. Manuel de la metallurgie de fer, traduit de I'allemnnd par F. J. Culmann. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Voyage m^tallurgique en Angleterre. 2 vol. 8vo., et atlas, Paris, 1837. Heron de Villefosse. Rapport fait au jury central sur les objets relatifs a la metallurgie. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Saint- Ange, Walter de. Metallurgie du fer, ou description methodique des proc^des de fabrication de lu fonte et du fer, avec atlas des machines, appareils et outils actuellement employes. 4to. Paris, 1835-1838. Le Play, M. F. Description des precedes ra^tallurgiques employes dans le pays de Galles pour la fabrication du cuivre. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Elbelmen. Memoires sur la composition et I'emploi des gaz provenaut des op6rations motallurgiques. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Hughes, S. On Gas-works : the manufacturing and distributing Coal-Gas, etc. ; also, on Hydro-carbon or Water-Gas. 12mo. London, 1853. Weald's Series. Pelouze, pere. Traite de I'tclairage au gaz tir6 do la houille, des biturnes, des legnites, de la tourbe, dea huiles, des resines, di's graisses, etc. ; avec 24 planches, acconipagne d'un atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1839. P6clet, E. Traitd de I'eclairage. 8vo. Paris, 1827. — — Traits do la chaleur dans ses applications. 3 vol. 4to., (avec planches.) Paris, 1843. Magnier, M. D. Manuel dereclair-igcau gaz. l2ino. Paris, 1849. Roret. Sage, (D. G.), et Pertuis. L'art de fabriquer le salin et la potasse. 8vo. Paris, I'an II de la republique. Pelouze, pere. Traite methodique de la fabrication du coke et du charbon de tourbe ; avec planches. 8vo. Paris, 1842. \l ET TEAVAUX PUBLICS.] AND PUBLIC WORKS. 767 Gueymard. Rapport sur lea fourneaux b, air „haud. — Hdron de ViUe- fosse. De9 combuatibles miii6raux. — Rapport sur les operations du conseil general des batimenta civils. — Voltz. Notice sur I'nppa- reil qui sert £l chauffer le vent. — Vicat et Gueymard. ExperienccB sur les enduits.— Tremery. Reclierchea sur I'ecouleraent de la vapeur. — Sauvage. Explosions dans les hauts-fourneaux. — Sau- vage. Substitution du bois au charbon. — Parrot. Epuration dvs eaux. — Le Play. AfRnage par cristallisation. — Lecooq. Emploi de I'air chaud dans lea forges. 8vo. Paris. Vicat. Eecherclies sur les pierres k ciment et a chaux hydrauliques. — Vicat. Becherches sur la fabrication du morticr k chaux hydraulique. — LeAroy. Fourneaux fumivores. — Rapport sur un ouvrage de M. Vicat. — Fresnel. SystSme d'eclairage des phares. 4to. Paris. Le Play. Momoire sur la fabrication de I'acier en Yorkshire. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Guenyveau. De I'etat de la fabrication du fer et de I'avenir dea forges en France. Svo, Paris. Enquete aur lea fera. 4to. Paris. Bineau. Eapport aur Temploi de la tourbe pour le puddlago do la fonte et le travail du fer au four a reverbere dans lea forgea d'Ichoux (Landea.) Svo. Paria, 1835. Traits iu fer et de I'acier, avec 15 planches en taille-douce. 4to. Paris, 1804. Pelouze, M. L'art du mattre de forgea. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1827-28. — — Description d6taillt5e et methodique des dix planches qui accom- pagnent "l'art du maitre de forgea." 12mo. Paris, 1828. Flaohat, E., Barrault, A., et Petiet, J. Trait6 de la fabrication de la fonte et du fer, enviaagee sous lea troia rapports. Chimique, mecanique et commercial. 4to. et planchea, folio. Liege, 1851-2. Sift; .. ■ [ iKii i'-:h r II li 1 ! 1 '■! 1 I i' ■ I ■ ,. : i ■ \ ' . ^rij. ,!| i ■ '.-i' \ I ; 1 ' i r* i' 1 ' : : ! ■ " ' ■ i . li!'- i' ri';.;,- ^ \ 111 '• ■■n ■: 768 EXHIBITIONS OF UNIVERSAL INDUSTHT. [EXPOSITIONS. h fepithns of Inikrsal Inbustrg. \ dEsrpsitions. W -;l! " |iii. " IV. Expositions de 1819, 1823, 1827, 1834, 1839, 1844, 1849. Rapport du jury central sur les produits de I'industrie fran9aise. 15 vol. 8vc. Paris, 1819 h, 1850. Exposition de I'industrie fran^aiae, en 1844; teste par Mr. Jules Burat. 4to. Le Palais de Cristal, journal illustro de I'exposition de 1851, et des pro- grfes de I'industrie universelle. Folio. Paris, 1851. Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851. Proa- pectuses of Exhibitors, collected under the authority of the Royal Commissioners. 16 vols. 8vo. Vol. LRaw Materials. Class 1. Mining and mincrnl products. •■ do Class 2. Chemical and pharmaceutical products. " do Class 3. Substances used as food. " do Class 4. Vegetable and animal substances used in manufsc- tures. " II. Machinery. Class 6. Machines for direct use, including carriages, railway and marine mechanism. Class 0. Manufacturing machines and tools. Class 7. Civil engineering, arohittcturo and buitdiug coutri- vances. Class 8. Naval architecture, military engineering, guns, weap- onsr (be. Class 9. Agricultural and horticultural machines and imple- ments. Parts 1, 2, and 3. "VIII. do Classic. Parti. Philosophical and horological instruments " IX. do Part 2. Musical instruments. " X. do Part .S. Surgical instruments. " XI.Munufacturcs.CIasscs 12 and 16 Woollen and worsted, and mixed fabric*, including shawls. Class 13 Silk and velvet. Class 16. Leather, saddlery, boots and shoes, fur and hair. Class 17. Paper, printing and bookbinding. XII. do Class 18. Woven, fdted and laid fabrics, dyed and printed. Class la. Tapestry, floor-cloths, lace and embroidery. Class 20. Articles of clothing for immediate, personal, o domestic use. do Class 21. Cutlery, edge and hand tools. XIII.XIV. do Class 22. Parts 1 and 2. General hardware, including locks and grates. XV. do Class 23. Works in procioua mstals, jewellery, Ac, and all articles of vertu and luxury, do Class 24. 01ae». do do do " V. VI. VIL do do do do do do do i: EXPOSITIONS.] EXHIBITIONS OF UNIVERSAL INDUSTRY. 769 Exhibitions of Works of Industry of all Nations, 18S1. (Continued). Vol XV. Maoufaoturea. " do Class 25. China, porcelain, earthen-ware, dc. Class 26. Furniture, upholstery, paper hangings, papier-mache and japanned goods. " XVI. do Class 27. Manufactures in mineral substances, for building or decorations. " do Class 28. Manufactures from animal and regotable substances not being woven or felted. " do Class 20. MiBCcIlancoua manufactures and small wares. " Fine Arts. Class 30. Sculpture, models and plastic art, mosaics, enamels, <; , I ■: m '" i ■ ■ ^ 5 1 "1 r ■■ -..,■. i • .■ L .J ii ' •1, .i -1 770 EXHIBITIONS OF UNIVERSAL INDUSTRY. [EXPOSITIONS. Berlyn, P., and Fowler, C The Crystal Palace ; ita architectural history and constructive marvels. 8vo. London, 1851. Whish, J. C. Prize Essay on tho Great Exhibition. 12mo. London, 1851. Vide in a volume lettered " Pamphlets, various." Babbage, Charles. The Exposition of 1851 ; or views of the industry, sci- ence and government of England. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. London, 1851. Ward, James. The World in its Workshops ; British and Foreign processes of manufacture, with a critical comparison of the fabrics, machiuery and works of art contained in the Great Exhibition. 12mo. London 1851. Lectures on the results of the Groat Exhibition of 1851; delivered before the Society of Arts, Ac, &c., at the suggestion of II. E. II. Prince Albert, President. 8vo. London, 1852. 1. Wliewell. On its general bearing on the progress of art and science. 2. De la Becho. Mining, quarrying and motalliirgical processes and products, 8. Owen. The raw materials from the animal kingdom, 4. Bell. Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and products, 5. riayfair. Chemical principles involved in manufactures, indicating the neces- sity for industrial instruction, 6. Lindley. Substances used as food, illustrated by the Exhibitinn. 7. Solly. The vegetable substances used iu inatmfacturea, iu relation to eommcrco generally. 8. Willis. Machines and tools for working in metal, wood, &e. 9. Olaishcr. Philosophical instrmueuts and processes represented. 10. Iliinsman. Civil Engineerini,' and machinery generally. 11. Royle. The arts and manufactures of India. 12. Washington. On the prngress of naval architecture [calliug for] scientific educa- tion, for classification of ships, &o., and on life boats. Lardner, D. Essays on Scientific subjects ; [with] various Essays on In. dustrial subjects, by Baron Dupin, ]\I. I\I. Chevalier, M. T. Lemoinne, and M. H, Berloiz. 12mo. London, 1850, Dr. Lardner's Essays were first published during " the progress of the Great Ex- hibition;" the " Various Essays" added are the Comments of eminent For- eigners on that Exhibition. Catalogue of a Collection of Works on, or having reference to the Exhibition of 1851, in possession of C, W. Dilke, (privately printed.) 8vo. London, 1855. Wyatt, M. Digby. The Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century ; a series of Illustrations of the choicest specimens produced by every Nation, at the Great Exhibition, 1851. 2 vols. Folio, Loudon, 1851-53, Herein, one hundred and fifty eight specimens are classified, in six sections. Section I. Sculpture. II. Metal Work. Ill, Textile Fabrics, Lace, and Embroidery, IV. Porcelain, Glass and Earthenware. V. Architectu- ral Decoration, Furniture, Wood and Ivory carving, Ac, VI. Objects from India. m EXrOSITIONS.] EXIIIDITIONS OF UNIVERSAL INDUSTRY. 771 Tomlinson, C. Essay on tho Great Exhibition of tho Works of Industry of all NutioPB, 1851 ; with illustrations, Vide, Vol. 1, pp. 1 — clx. of his Cyclopaodiaof Useful Arts. 2 vols. 18C4. [Crystal Palace : Sydenham.] Guides to the,— 3 vols. l2mo. Lon- don, 1854-0. Fine Arts' Courts. (First Sorics,)— The Egyptian Court; by O. Jodob and J. Bonomi, with Notss of the Mod- amenta, by S. Sbnrpo. The Greek Court, Ao. ; by O. Jones, and G. Schnrf, jnn. The Konian Court; by O, Jones, nnd O. Scharf, jun. Tlie Alambia; by O. Jones; with au Historical Notice of the Rings of Orannda, by P. De (hiyiingos. The Niiievcih Court; by A. II. Layard. In 1 vol. Fine Arts' Courts. (Second Series,)— The Byzantine Court; by M. Digby Wyatt, and J. B. Waring. Tho Mediicvul Court ; by tlio aame. Tho Renaissance Court ; by the lame. The Italian Court ; by the samn. A Catalogue of Modern Sculpture ; by Mrs. Jameson. In 1 vol. The Palaoe and Park -. its Natural History, aiii its Picture Qallury ; with a de- scription of the Pompeian Court. fTlie Natural History, comprises Botany, Zoology, and Ethnology.] The I'ortrait Gallery is described by S. Phillips ; Ethnology, by Dr. Latliam ; Zoology and Botany, by Prof. Forbes; Geology and Inhabitants of tho Ancient World, by R. Oweu ; the Pompeian Court, by G. Scharf, jun. Wyatt. Jf. Digby. Views of the Crystal Palace and Park, Sydenham, from drawings and photographs, with Literary notices. (First series.) Folio. Loudon, 1854. Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York, 1853-4. Art and Indus- try as represented iii the, — sliowing the progress and state of the various useful and esthetic pursuits ; from the New York Tribune, revised^and edited by Horace Greeley. 12mo. New York, 1853. A Day in the New York Crystal Palaco; and how to make the moat of it, by VV. C. Eichards. 12mo. New York, 185.3. General Report of the British Commis> 8ioneis to tin; Nlw Yoik Industrial Exhibition, 1 December, 1853 ; Uo|'orts of the 8 I \ :' ■ ;■■, ■ i s !' ' ' ' ', 1 ■ ■■ \ ' ; it klk P^ya-j 772 EXHIBITIONS or UNIVERSAL INDUSTET. [EXPOSITIONS. Bxhlbitlonof Art-Industry in Paris, 1855. iito. London. Prafaced by a (li«oouria on " the aitistio, inJustrinl, and commercial rsnult* of th« Univ«rinl Exposition of 1866;" by George Wallaoe, of tin Government School of Art, Dirniiugham, with •elected iiluitrationg, (wood en^ravingi ) and descriptive text. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1855. Catalogue of Works exhibited in the British section of the Exhibition, with Notices of the Commercial Progress of the United Kingdom, under the respective Classes in French and English, together with Exhibitors' Prospectuses, &c. Annotated edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1855. Reports on the Paris Universal Exhibition ; Part 1. (By command of Her Majesty.) 8vo. London, 1850. 1. Cole, H. On the f^cncral management. 2. Kodgruvo, R. On the Fine Arts' arrangement. 8. 7>ionipt6 publics en rapport avoc roxposition universoUo de 185&: Elgin, Earl of. Condition and prospects of Canada in 1854, (from the des- patches of His Excellency thu Eurl of Elgin to the Colonial Secretary. 8vo. Quebec, 1855. Etat et revenu du Canada, 1864, tel que retract' dans lea Depe- clies du Trt^s Hon. Comte d'Elgin he, 8vo. Quebec, 1855. Lillie, Rev, A. Canada : physical, economical and social. 8vo, with a map of Upper and Lower Canada. Toronto, 1855. Hogan, J. S. Canada : an Essay, to which was awarded the first prize by the Paris Exhibition Committee of Canada. 8vo., (with a map ) Montreal and London, 1855. Morris, Alexander. Canada and her resources ; an Essay, to which tlie second prize was awarded by Uis Excellency Sir Edmund Walker Head. Bvo. Montreal and London, 1855. Taoh6, J. C. Esquisse sur le Canada, consid6r6 sous le point de vue econo- mistc. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Le Canada et I'Exposition Universelle en 1855. 8vo. Toronto, 1856. ■ Canada and tho Paris Exhibition of 1855. 8vo. Toronto, IBuG. M. Tacho a etu fnit Chevalier de la LOgiou d'llonneur, durnut son sojoiir ii Paris en 1855 en quality de Reprdsentant du Canada a I'Expoaitioo Universelle. Le mi;me honneur a 6t6 aussi cunf^r6 &, MM. Logan et Hunt Logan, W, E. et Hunt, Sterry. Esquisse geolog'que du Canada pour servir a I'intelligence de la carte gi'ologique et de la collection des mineraux envoyees a I'Exposition Univeraelle de Paris, 1855. 12mo. Paris, 1855. 1 I ;!■«! I j f :.h'iil'.! I,' 774 BETiLES LETTRE8. Lanf^evln, Hector L. Tjc runmlu.sp.s institutionR, rcs»oiiiTO*, produiti, monu. I'lictiirL's, etc., etc. 8vo. Qut'U'c, 1H5.J. Madras Exhibition of IH55. Tho OirKJul ami dcseriptive Catalogue of. 8vo. Madruti. Ciitaloguo ruisoniio, of tlio thirty ClaHBcs in tlie Exlii- bii ion, with nii Judex to the auhjects in cnch cIuhm, Ac, by II. P, iluwiiCH. J<'uli». Mudrutt, IHCO. lA^ fdlrts. I. PALiEOGRAPIIY, PHILOLOGY, DICTIONARIES, GRAMMAKy, AND 01IUi:srOMATIlY. PAL£OGRAPIIIE, LINGULSTIQIIE, LEXICOGRArillE, GRAM- MAIRE ET PIIILOLOGIE. Silvestre, J. B. Pal«''o,T;i.iphio univeraelio (dii) collection de fac-Bimilc d'ecriturea de Luus lea j-ouples et do tons lea temps, tires des plus authentiquea documents de I'Art graphiquo, duns lea archives, &c., do Franco, d'ltalie, d'AUcmagne, ct d'Angletorre, par M. Silvestre. 2 vol. Folio. [Together with] An historical and descriptive- Text and Introduction, by JIM. Champollion-Fipeac, and A. Chatn- pollion, fits. Translated and edited, with corrections, Ac, by Sir. Frederick IMudden, Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum. 2 vola. 8vo. London, 1850. "To the Plates of M. Silvestre the most unqunlificd praise cnn be given; and it " is only to be regretted tlint Lo did uot pe' r.illv visit tlio Libriirieii of " Eugluud, (fee. A' English editiou of Silveslic . i i, el . alleil for, in wiiicli "tho original plates might bo used, nnd re' ■ ill ■ jtages of I "size, execuliou, nnd colour! iijj, whilst the imp. sion in an octavo " form, might be consulted with much greater convenience." — Preface of the Editor. "Eastwood, J. O. Palmographia Sacra ; being a scries of Illustrations of tbo ancient A'ersiona of tho Bible, copied from Illuminated Mauu- BCDoii, executed between tho 4th and IGth centuries. 4to. London, l^t?-1845. MSS. of til ; j r»brew nnd Christian Scriptures ; (Greek, Syriac, Latin, Anglo- Saxon, ■jterman, Ac.,) including tho New Testameut, are partially copied. PULOLOOIE, ETC. 775 Mabillon.. r)« ru diiiloinuticu '>rn VI, in cjuibii»qulili|ui(l ad vcturum instru- iiu'iitoniin nritii|iiitutt>in, niitti liuiii, sciipturuiii Lt tti'.iim i qui(h|iiiil aJ niuillii, ii)oni)f;ramnuilM sub«cripti>>i ^ nn notas cliroiiulogicus ; qui(l< (|ui(l indu oil Hiitiqiinraiu, hiNtoricam, i'uren8e(ii(|i)e ilisciplinaiu |ifrtiuet, fXjiiicntur el illustnitur. Folii). Fiiiis, I7uy. WalUy. Nmulis do. Klfeinenn do jmlt'o^ruiiliin pour stTvir h I'utude dea docu- nioiiH Hiir rhistoirti do France ; |)ubli6d pnr ordrc du roi et par l*;.s aoios du ininieitru du 1 instruction piibli(iuo, ^ vol. 4to. i'uris, IBI's, ?,IciPel Coura do stylo diplomntiquo. 2 toI. 8vo. I'aris, 1826. V7ri:iiit, Andrew. Conrt Hand Restored, or, the Student's AttMiatant in rending old Deeds, Cliartern, Ae., with Appendix ; contuining the nneicnt Names of I'luccs in (Jreat Britain and Ireland ; ancient Sur- names, &c. Eighth edition. 4to. Loudon, 1840. Carstair. L'art d'etrir« en peu do lemons ; tradult dc I'anglrtis par M. Tremery. 12mo., avec atlas 12uio. oblong. Paris, 182'J. Botct. Prdvost, II. Manuel do atenographie. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Id. Proceedings of the Philological Society for lS4i2-13, to 1852-3. G vols. Bvo. Loudon, lK5t. There will be founj in t)io vnriuty of papori contiuncd in thcBo Toluni' some wliicli i'u»pot:t tlie attribute uf cxprc^Kivi'ucsH of Language!); and sf -. tho general rulos which give them form and perfeetion ; the liintorios of piii 'ular laiigimgcH and dinloi ts, their reniote or cIoho regemblanecs, and their !•■ nibi- nations; their lloot-words, their Orummurs, Orthography and Syntax f eci- ficall y ; tlieir vocabularies an\ TIb 1 1 \ Wl m 1 ' 1 > 1 1 ! i i i 1 1, MIIMiP i \ II rf 776 PHILOLOGY, ETC. I im "ill I II |l i;f 11 -.1 Monboddo, James Burnet, Lord. Of the origin and progress of Language Second edition. G vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1774-1792. Pour Ic8 ouvragcB Biir rorigiiie du laiigago, voir cidcvniit la section PuaosopniE Court de G-ebelin. Grammaire universelle. Voir Court de Gebellu, Monde primitif (Histoibk), vol.2. Ongine du langage et de I'Ccriture. Hid, vol. 3. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque. Bid vol. 9. Diciioniiaire dtymologique fran9ai8-celte. Ibid, vol 5. Volney. L'ulfubet cui(ipC;en appliqu6 aux langues asiatiques.— Simplification des langues orientalea.— L'h6breu simplifi6 par la methode aU'ubetique. Voir les ceuvres de Volney (Bellks-Lkttrks), vol. 8. Destutt de Traoy. Grammaire gondrale. Voir Destutt de Tracy, Ideolo»ie, vol.2. Grammaire et litt^rature ; par Marraontel, Dumarsais et Beauzee. 3 vol. 4to. Paris, 1782-86. Enci/clopedie methodijue. Balbi, Adrien. Introduction h, I'atlas etnographique du globe, contenant un discoura sur I'importance de I'ctude des langues, etc. ; des observations sur la classification des idioraes decrita dans I'atlas ; un coup-d'a'il sur l'hi.stoire de la langue slave, etc. Tome ler {seul volume publie). Paris, 1826. — — Atlas etnographique du globe. Folio. Paris, 1826. Vide, also, the Trausactious of tbe Americau Etlmologioal Society, (aiilr, p. 629) for several papers on pliilology, with dialects of certain Indian Races. [Leibnitz.] Leibnitii Opera Piiilologica, [cum] Collectanea Etymologica. Vide Opera omnia. Tom. V. VI. Adelung, J. Chr. Mithridatea, oder allgemeino Sprachonkunde,etc. ; c'est- i-dire, Mithridato, ou Science gonorale dea Langues, avec roraison Dorainicale, dans pros do cinq cents Langues ou Dialectea ; public et contimio par J. J. Vater. 4 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1806-17. Bentham, Jeremy. On Language : Fragments on Universal Grammar. [Two papers published from liia INISS.] Vide his works, vol. 8. Welsford, 11. Mithridatea jMinor ; or, an Essay on Language. Svo. London, 184S. Kavanagh, M. Discovery of the Science of Languages. 2 vols. Svo. Loudon, 18il. Edmonds, George. A Universal Alphabet, Grammar, and Language; a scientific classification of the radical elements of Discourse ; and illustrative translations, to which is added a Dictionary. 4to. London, 1855. Stoddart. Sir John. Philosophy of Language ; comprehending Universel Grammar, or the pure science of language ; and Glos.solon;y, or the historical relations of languages. Third edition, revised by the Author, and edited by W. Ilazlitt. 12mo. London, 1854. PfllLOLOGIE, ETC. 777 Grammar. General principles of, Universal and English. Vide Small books on Great subjects, XII. Barnes, W. Philological Grammar.grounded upon English, and formed from a comparison of more than sixty languages. 8vo. London, 1854. Bopp. Professor F. A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages, from the German, by E. B. Eastwick and H. H. Wilson. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. A copy of the first edition, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1845- 50. (Presented by the East India Company.) Marcel, C. Language as a means of mental culture and international com- nnmication ; or, Manual of Languages. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Forater, C. The One Primeval Language, traced through ancient inscrip- tions in alphabetic characters, from the four continents. 3 vols, and folded Table. 8vo. London, 1851-54. Part I. Tho Voice of Israel from the rocks of Sinai. " II. The Monuments of Egypt and their vestiges of Patriarchal Traditions. " III. The Monuments of Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia, with a Tabular Harmony of Primeval Alphabets, R. Elements of Hindi and Braj Bhakha Grammar, for use of the College at Haileybury. 4to. London, 1839. Caldwell, R. A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian, or South-Indian Family of Languages. 8vo. London, 1856. Eastwiok, E. B. A concise Grammar of the Hindustani ; with selections for Reading. 12mo. London, 1847. Shakespear, J. A Grammar of the Hindustani Language. Fourth edition, with a short Grammar of the Dakhani. 4to. London, 1843. A Dictionary Hindustani and English, and English and Hindustani, the latter being entirely new. Fourth edition, enlarged. 4to. London, 1849. ■ A copy of the tliird edition, presented by the East Indian Company. 4to. London, 1834. Forbes, Duncan. A Dictionary, Hindustani and English — English and Hindustani. 2 parts in 1 vol. Royal 8vo. London, 1848. Carey, William. A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, in which the Words are traced to their Origin, &c., vol. 2. Part 2 only. 4to. Se- rampore, 1825. Sen, Ram Comul. Nutive Secretary to the Asiatic Society, &c. A Dictionary of English and Bengalee ; translated from Johnson's English Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. Serampore Press, 1834. Campbell, A. D. A Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language, commonly called the Gentoo, peculiar to the Hindoos of the North Eastern Provinces. 4to. Madras, 1848. '■*■- ,wr i'-li-'^:'^::^;i ■ f ir\ M ^ M m I 782 PHILOLOGY, ETC. Brown, C P. A Dictionary Telugu nnd English ; explaining the Style used in Business, and the Poetical Dialect, with explanations in English, and in Telngu. A Dictionary English and Telugu ; explaining the Idioms nnd Phrases, &c. 2 vols. Eoyal 8vo Madras, 1862. A Dictionary of the Mixed Dialects, and Foreign Words used in Telugu : with an explanation of the Telugu Alphabet. 8vo. Madras, 1854. Anderson, Kobert. RudimentsofTamul Grammar : theRulesof the ordinary dialect, and an introduction to the Elegant dialect of the Language. 4w. London, 1821. The Tamul is the language spoken by the aboriginal tribes in Hindoostan. It ig etill spoken in eome parts of India. Besohi, C. J. A Grammar of High dialect of the Tamil Language termed Shen-Tamil : an introduction to Tamil poetry ; translated from the Latin, by B. G. Babington. 4to. Madras, 1822. OravrAird, John. A Grammar nnd Dictionary of the Malay Lanoua^e, Vol. I. Dissertation and Grammar. Vol. II. Malay and English, and English nnd Malay Dictionaries. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Stack, George. A Dictionary of English and Sindiii ; by order of the Government of Bombay. Svo. Bombay, 1849. Ballantyne, J. R. A Grammar of the Mahratta Language, for use of the ("ollege at Hayleybury. Lithographed. 4to. Edinburgh, 1839. English and Marathi Dictionary: compiled for the Government of Bombay ; by J. T. Molesworth and T. Candy. 4to. Bombay, 1847. Robertson, E. P. Dictionary English and Gujarati. 12mo. Bombay, 1854. Hadley , George. A Grammar of the current corrupt dialect of Hindostan, com- monly called Moors ; a Vocabulary, Engl. -Moors, Moors-Engl. ; with Notes of Customs and Manners of Bengal. Svo. London, 1809. Englishman's (The) Greek Concordance of the New Testament, etc. Svo. London, 1839. Matthise, Augustus. Greek Grammar, from the German, by E. V. BlomfieJd, enlarged from the lust edition of the original, by J. Kenrick. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1837. Thiersch, Frederick, Greek Grammar, from the German, with remarks, by D. K. Sandford. Svo. London, 1830. Hamilton, IL C. A Grammar of the Greek Language. 12mo. London, 1854. , H. R. A Lexicon of the Greek Language, adapted for self-iu- Btruction. [Greek English, English Greek.] 12mo. London, 1852. Thesaurus Grseoee Linguae ab U. Stephano coustructua ; editio nova, auctior et emendatior. (A. J. Valpy.) Vols. 1 to 9. C. Labbsei Glossaria, cum aliis Opusculis. (18 altogether) Vol. 10. 10 vols. Folio London, 1816-28. PHILOLOOIB, ETC. 783 Liddell, H. &., and Soott. B. A Groek-Engliah Lexicon. 4th edition, revised. 4to. Oxford, 1855. Nouvelle ra^thode pour apprendre facilement la langae grecque. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Sohinas. Grammaire ^lementaire du grec moderne. 8ro. Paris, 1829. Lecluse. Lexiquefran^ais-grec, avecl' explication latine. 8vo. Paris, 1855. De Mouroin. Dictionnaire grec-fran^ais. Vingt-huiti^me ^ition. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Burnouf. Grammaire latine. 870. Paris, 1852. Donaldson, J. W. Varronianus ; Introduction to the Ethnography of An- cient Italy, and to the Philological study of the Latin Language. Second edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. The New Cratylus; or Contributions towards a more accurate knowledge of the Greek Language. Second edition, en- larged. 8vo. London, 1850. Goodwin, T. A Grammar of the Latin Tongue, for self-instructing Stu- dents. 12mo, London, 1854. A Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary ; an appendix of French and Italian words, of Latin origin. 12mo. London, 1855. Zumpt, C. G. Grammar of the Latin Language, from the German, with additions, by J. Kenrick. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1832. Ainsworth, R. Thesaurus Lingua) Latinao compendiarius ; or, a compen- dious Dictionary of the Latin Tongue, with great additions, by T, Morell. 4to. London, 1790. Riddle, J. E., and Arnold, T. K. English-Latin Lexicon ; founded on the German-Latin Dictionary of Dr. Georges. American edition, revised by C. Anthon. 8vo. New York, 1849. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, consilio et cura J. Facciolati, opera et studio M. Forcellini, secundum tertiam editionem geasit, J. Furlanetto, correc- tum et auctum labore Variorum. Folio. 4 vols, in 2. Lipsiae, 1839. Du Cange. Glossarium JVlanuale ad Scriptores Media? et Infimte Latinitatis, ex C. Dufresne Domini du Cange, et Carpentarii in Compendium redactura multisque Verbis, etc., auctum (a J. C. Adelung.) 6 vols. 8vo. HalfE, 1772-84. Wright, Andrew. A Glossography of Latin words found in the Works of eminent Lawyers, and other ancient writings. Vide, (in Literary History) Wright's Court Hand restored. Scribe, Amedu(>. Manuel des classes 6I6mentaires de latin. 12mo. Paris, 1S3(>. Roret. Dumarsals. Grammaire latine raisonnee. Voir les oouvres de Dumarsais, vol. 1 et 2. ■ 1 ■ ' ,1; ' 1 -i '" . ( mi, :»: •■'.{ ■]i''u I?- ■is ■iiii; m^ \l;. t» i; f' ISA PHILOLOGY, ETC. GeoflOroy, J. Nouveaa diotioonaire 416mentaire Iatin-fran9ais. 8to. Farii 1856. 1856. Nouveau dictionnaire ^l^mentaire fran^aia-latin. 8to. Parii Tr6voux. Dictionnaire unirersel franfaia et latin, oontenant la ligniflcation et la definition tant des mots de Tune et de I'autre langue avec leurs diffiSrents usages, que des termea propres de chaque 6tat et de cheque profession ; la description de toutes les choses naturelles, etc., avec des remarques d'^rudition et de critique. Nouvelle Edition. 6 toI. Folio. Tr6voux, 1721. Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottof 3 classical and mediseval, including law terms and phrases, with a selec- tion of Greek quotations. 8vo. London, 1856. B. Class. Lib. Hiokes, George. Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thesaurus Grammatico CriticuB et ArchiBologicus. [Second title.] Antiquaj Literatures Scp- tentrionalis. Libri Duo : quorum primus, G. Hickesii, Linguarum Vett. Septentrional. Thesaunim Grammatico-criticum et arcbseo- logicum ; ejusdem de AntiqusB literaturse septentrionalis utilitate dissertationem epistolarem, et A. Fountaine. Numismata Saxonica et Dano-Saxonica. Secundum. H. Wanleii Librorum Vett. Septen- trionalium, qui in Anglise Biblioth. extant, Catalogum historico criti. cum ; nee non mult. Vett. Codd. Septentrionalium alibi extantium Notitiam. 2 vols. Folio. Oxonite, 1705. N. B. — The first book (in six parts) contaioa these GramtnAtical Works :— 1 . lostitutiooes Qrammatic«e ADglo-SoxoniciB et MoBso-Oothics. 2. Institutiones Orammaticas Franco-Tbeotisoa. 3. Qramm. Itlandicae Rudimeota, per B. JoDam. cum Q. Hickesii Additamentis. Rask, E. C. Danish Grammar for Englishmen ; edited by T. G. Bepp. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1846. Berthelson, A. Erglish and Danish Dictionary, with phrases, idioms and proverbial sayings. London, 1754. [Bound with, and after] Wolff, E. En Dansk og Engelsk Ord Bog. 4to. London, 1779. Wolff, O. Dictionnaire franfaia-danois, et danois-franfais. 2 vol. Sto. Copenhague, 1824. Egede, P. Dictionarium Gronlandico-danico-latinum, primitiva cum suis derivatis, etc. 8vo. Hafnise, 1750. Sahlstedt, A. Grammaire su^doise. 12mo. Paris, 1823. May, A. A practical Grammar of the Swedish Language, with Exercises 12mo. London, 1850. Serenius, J. An English and Swedish Dictionary, the significations in Swe- dish and Latin : — English words traced from their original Gotbick. Second edition, 1757, [with] Dictionarium Suethico-Anglo*Latinuin, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Stockholm, 1741. ..J, FHILOLOOIE, ETC. 786 Relff) 0. P. Engliah-Bussian Grammar, with the accentuation of all the Rub- ■ian words. 8to. Leipsig, 1853. Pooket Dictionary of the Eaglish-RuBsian, Bunian-English. Leipsic. 18mo. TatiSOheflT, J. Diotionnaire oomplet, Fran^ais et Russe, compost sur celui de l'acad6mie fran^oiae. 2 vol. 8vo. St. Fetersbourg, 1798. Nouveau diotionnaire Russe-franQaia-allemand, d'apr^a le dictionnaire de I'acad^mie ruase. 2 vol. 8to. St Feterabourg, 1813. Table of the dialects of 32 Tartarian Nationa ; and a vocabularj of the Kalmuck-Mungalian Tongue. Vide Strahlenberg'a Description of Ruaaia, &c. Strauss, Gt. L. Grammar of the German Language, [and,] the German Reader. 12mo. London, 1852. Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German and Engliah Languagea. I. — Ger- man-Engliah. IL — English-German. 4to. New York, 1853. Polyglott Ijexloon ; being a new Dictionary, in four languages — French, Dutch, German, and English. [In four parts, which take these four languagea in aucceasion, for worda to interpret. 2 vols. 4to. Lon- don, 18i3. Barrett. Solomon. The Principles of Grammar ; a treatise on the Engliah, Latin, Greek, German, Spaniah and French languages ; founded on the immutable principle of the relation which one word sustaina to another. Revised edition. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1857. Diotionnaire complet des languca Fran^aiae et Allemande, par l'Abb6 Mozin, MM. Guizot, Biber, etc. 3^me Edition, augment^e par A. Feachier. 3 vol. 4to. Stuttgart, 1842. N.B. — The third vulume begins the Qerman-French part; the fourth volnme, which completes it, is destroyed. Grand diotionnaire Fran^ais-italien, et Italien-fran^ais, par J. F. Barberi, continue et terming par MM. Basti etCerati. 2 vol. 4to. Paris, 1838. Elwes, A. A dictionary of the Italian, English, and French. Part II. — Engliah, French, and Italian. Part III — French, Italian, and Engliah Languages, in 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1855-56. . A Grammar of the Italian language, with exercises. 12mo. London, 1854i. A New Dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based upon that of Baretti ; by J. Davenport and G. Comelati. I. — Italian-English. II. —English-Italian. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Elwes, A. A Grammar of the Spanish language ; with a course of exercises. l2mo. London, 1862. * t7 1 1" ■ r'li'"-] I JU;Hi ^ ri 1-.} \-- ' ' '■ 'IW ilT:? h-> I a t 786 PHILOLOGY, ETC. Spanish and English, and English and Spanish Dictionary ;— the words OGceiitud and spelled according to the regulation of the Spanish Academy of Madrid. 4to. London, 17S4. — — — — — ^— ^ , and English and Spanish languages j A Dictionary of the, — words now first inserted, used in engineering, mining, &o. i by A. Elwes. 12mo. London, 1854. ' languages ; A Dictionary of, — originally coupiled by Neuman and Baretti ; enlarged and enriched by M. Seoane. (!.-> Spanish-English. II.— English-Spanish.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1864. Nunez de Taboada. Dictionnaire Espngnol-fran9ais, et Frnn9aiS'espagnoI; d'apres les derni^res editions de I'acad^miti espagnole. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. MoHenry, L. J. A. A Spanish Grammar, designed especiuUy for such as are their own instructors. 12mo. London, 1816. Blano. Nouveau maitre d'ei>pagnol. 12rao. Paris, 1851. Vleyra- A. A new Portuguese Grammar, a [brief] vocabulary, &c, 8to. London, 1809. Roquette. Dictionnaire portugais-fran^ais. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Fonseoa, Da Jos^. Dictionnaire fran^nis-portugais. Svo. Paris, 1855. A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages. J. Portuguese-English. II. — English- Portuguese. A new edition; enlarged, by J. P. Aillaud. 2 vols. 3vo. London, 1813. Hamonidre. Grammaire Portugaibe. 12mo. Paris, 1H29. Noel, F. Dictionnaire Latin-fran^ais, Fran^ais-latin, refait; adopts par rUniversit^. 2 vol. 8tc. Paris. 1851. Bullet, !M. M^moires sur la langue celtique contenant : 1. L'histoire de cette Inngne, et une indication dea sources oi I'on pent la trouver aujour- d'hui. 2. Une description ^tymologique des villes, rivioree, montagnes, for^ta, curiosit^s naturelles des Gaules, de la meilleure partie de I'Eb- pagne et de I'ltalie ; de la Grande-Bretagne dont les Gaulois ont et^ les premiers habitants. 3. Un dictionnaire celtique renfcrmnnt tous les termes de cette langue. 3 vol. Folio. Be8an«jon, 1754-1760. Duolos, M. M^moires sur I'origine et les revolutions des Ungues celtique et frangaise. A. I., vol. Id et 17. Bonamy. Sur la conformity du grec vulgaire avec notre langue. A. L, vol. 23. Sur rintroduction de la langue latine dans les Gaules. A. I., vol, 24 ^—— Sur la langue latine vulgaire. A. I., vol. 24. ■ Explication de certains serments en langue romance faits h Stras- bourg en 842. A. I., vol. 26. til fr PHrLOLOOIB, ETC. 787 Bonamy. Dissertation sur les causes de la casiaticn de la langue tudeaque en France. A. I., vol. 24. Raynouard) F. J. M. Lexique Roman, ou dicttonnaire de la Inngue des Troubadours, compar6e aveo les autres langues de I'Europe lutine : un r^sum6 de laGrammaire Romane, etc. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836-43. Roquefort- Glossaire de la langue romane. 3 vol. 8vo., avec supplument. Paris, 1808. Domergue, M. M^moire sur la proposition grammaticale. L. B., vol. 1, Lebeuf, LVVbb^. Recherchos sur les plus anciennes traductions en langue franQaise. A. I., vol. 17. G^nln, F. Des variations du langoge fran<;aia depuis le XIIu sii'df, ou rechercbes des principes qui devraient r^gler I'ui tographe t-t iu pro- nonciation. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Lexique compar6 de la langue de Moli^re et den ^>crivain8 du XVII sidcle, suivi d'une lettre k M. A. F. Didot sur quelques puiiita de philologie fran9aise. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Palsgrave. L'^claircissement de la lungue fran^aise, suivi de la grummuire de Giles du Guez, publiee par F. Gonin. 4vo. Paris, 1852. Chevallet, de. Origine et formation de la langue frangaise. l^re partie. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Voir aussi, Ampi^re, llistoire iitturaire de la France. Pour rbistoire de Inknguo franfaisc, Voir aussi la Collection, d» meilleurei dis- *ertalion» lur Ptiittoire de France, vol. 14 e(. 16. Fallot, G. Recherchrs sur les formes grammaticales de la langue fran9niKe ut de sea dinlecten au treizieme sicele, publi^es par P. Ackermann, fX pru- ced6es d'unc notice sur I'auttiuf par Guerard. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Estienne, Henri. La precellence du lungage fran^ais. Nouvellc Edition, par L^ou Feug^re. I2mo. Paris, 1850. — ^■^— — Conformity du langage fran9ais avec le grec. Nouvelle Edition, par L. Fcugere. l2roo. Paris, 1853. Way, F. Histoire des rdvolutious du langage en Franco. 8vo. Pari.e, 1S4S. Remarques sur la Inngue fran9aise au dix-neuvicme si^cle, sur lo style et la composition Iitturaire. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Manage. Dictionnaire 6tymologique de la langue fran9aise. 2 vol. Fuliu. Paris, 1750. Voir ci-apr6s dans les Giluvreg de Charles Nodier : Examin critique des DictionnaireB. Notions de linguistique. Dictionnaire des Onoinatop^es. Pihan, A. P. Glossaire des mots fran9ais tir^s de I'arabe, du persan, et du turc. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Oelatre, Louis. La langue fran9Bise dans ses rapports avec le Sanscrit et avec les autres langues indo-europ^ennes. Tome ler. 8?o. Poris, 1854. m i . ^ , ; 1 %m\\ ':ll 'I, I 788 PniLOLOOY, ETC. m. ■''t 4 * Olrault-Duvlvler. Orammalredesgrammaire*. Quinti^me Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Paria, 1853. Napol^on-Landals. Grammaire g*Sn(Sraledeagrammair«i frunjaiiet. Sro, Paris, 1855. Poltevln, M. P. Cours th V '''^''^'^ «f '"any Parminter «■ ir nr ^^econd edition. 8vn r j "'any «urray, Alexander. History of the F„r -o the Affinities of .hi Te.t ie gS" Ce.^f "sT '' °^' ^^--''- ^U Ponceau. M6moire sur Je syst&m. E'l'nburgh, J823 '"^^---cleI.Ain.ri,ued;Cd: ^"^,18^."^"^^ ^^'^^ AT ;':il ! I 1 ■ ! < I 4 794 LITERARY HISTORY, [hISTOIRE LITT^RAIRE, Sagard. Dictionnaire de la langue Huronne ndcessaire a ceux. qui n'ont pas I'intelligenee d'icelle et ont k trailer avec les suuvages du pays. 12mo. Paris, 1632, Voir Sagard. Grand Voyage (Histoikk de i/Amkiuqub.) [Beloourt, Rev. G. Ant.] Principen de la langue des snuvages appeles bau- teux. 12mo. Quebec, 1839. ■ Traduction du catechisme et de cantiques dans la langue des Sauteux. 18mo. Quebec, lt<;J9. Bellenger, Rev. J. M. Oati'ehisme dans la langue des Ab^nakis. 12rao Quebec, 1832, RiggS, S. R. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota laiifruage Vide Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. 4. Dwight, T. Sketch of the Polynesian language. — Cotheal, A.I. Of the language of the Mosquito Indians. — t .wight, T. Of the M|)onjwe» and their language. Vide Transactions of the .American Ethnological Society, vol, 2. Voir encore sur les langues Indicunes : Chateaubriand, Voyage en Amuvique, et dans rilisToiRK DK l'Amerique I Lafitau, Vloeurs des sauvages, Chnmplaiu, etc. Christopher, J. S. A Vocabulary of the Natal or Zulu Lan.i;uiige. Vide His description of Natal, ante, page 469. Martin, John. An original Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of the Natives of the Tonga Islands : arranged from communications of Mr. W. Mariner. Vide Martin's account of the Tonga Islands, ante, page 4-7 1. Grey, George. A Vocabulary of the dialects of South Western Australia, Svo, London, 1840. Vide, also, his Polynesian Mythology, ante, page 470. Curiosit^s philologiques. 12mo. Paris, 1835. II. LITERARY HISTORY, CRITICISM, AND RHETORIC. HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE, CRITIQUE ET RHfiTORIQUE. Duquesnel, A. Histoire des lettres. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844-1845. Urquhart, D. II. Commentaries on Classical Learning. Svo. London, 1803. Eschenburg, J. J. Manual of Classical Literature, from the German of,— On chronology, mythology, antiquities, &c. ; by N. W. Fiske. Fourth edition. Svo. Philadelphia, 1852. MatthisB, Augustus. Manual of the history of Greek and Roman Literature. 12mo. London, 1851. Mure, William. A critical account of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. Second edition. Vols. 1 to 4. Svo. London, 1854. CRITIQUE, ET RHiTORIQUE.] CRITICISM, AND RHETORIC. 795 MuUer, K. O. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, to the period of I^ocrates ; from the German, by G. 0. Lewis, and J. W. Donaldson. New edition, corrected. 8vo. London, 1840. Lib. U.Knowl., vol. 27. Johnson, S. On the Greek Comedy and Theatre." Ftc^fl Johnson's Works, vol. 3. Donaldson, J. W. The Theatre of the Greeks ; a series of Papers relutiag to the History and Criticism of the Greek Drama, with an Introduc- tion, &c. Fifth edition. 8vo Cambridge, 1844. Browne, It. W. A history of Greek Classical Literature. New edition. Bvo London, 1853. Belin de BaUu. Histoire critique de I'eloquence chez les Grecs. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1813. Rollin. Traite des 6tudes. Voir les ceuvres de I'auteur, vol. 26 h 29. Hardion, M. Douze dissertations sur I'origine et les pregr&s de la rhetorique dans la Grece. A. L, vol. 9, 13, 15, 16, 19et 21. Roohefort, M. de. Utilit6 des orateurs dans la republique d'Athenes. A. L, vol. 43. Sur les qualites de Demosthenes, cotnine orateur et comme politique. A. I., vol. 43 et 46, Browne, R. W. A history of Roman Classical Literature. 8vo. London, 1853. Dunlop, John. The histcy of Roman Literature, from its earliest period up to, and during the Augustan Age. 3 vols. 8vo. jondon, 1823-28. Spence, Joseph. Polymetis ; or, an enquiry concerning the agreement be- tween the works of the Roman Poets, and the remains of the ancient Artists. Folio. London, 1747. Tlie vignette at^the end of the IVih decalogue, is a caricature portrait of Dr. Cooke Provost of Eton. It was removed in the edition publislied in 1774. Schoell, F. Histoire abregee de la litterature romaine. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1815. Lederc, V. Des journaux chez les Remains. Svo. Paris, 1838. Charpentier. Renaissance des lettres en Europe au XVe allele. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Dacier, M. Rapport historique sur les progr&s de I'histoire et de la litterature ancienne. Svo. Paris, 1810. LaHarpe, J. F. Lycee, ou cours de litterature ancienne et moderne. 10 vol. Svo. Paris, 1821-1822. Vol. I et II. Anciens. — Poesie. " III. Anciens. — Eloquence. " IV. Anciens. — Histoire, philosophie et litterature mdlee. " V-Vn. Siicle de Louis XIV. Foesie. VIII-XIII. Dix-huitidme siiole.— Pofisie. XIV. Dix-huiti^me siocle. Eloquence, histoire et litterature mdl^e. XV-XVI. Philosophie du dix-huitidme aidcle. f 1 : i' ■ ■ t ■ ! ■r T'i '. , iv ' m M 796 LITERARY HISTORY, [hISTOIRE LITTERAIRE, Manuel do littfirature. 12iiio. Paris, 1844. Hautpoul, Mme. lacomtesse d'. Roret. Raoine, M. L Divers memoires sur la pni-sie, sur I'essence de lu poesie, aur la langue po<''tique, sur la versification, sur le langage ligure etc A. I., vol. 6, 15, 16, 23 Ht 25. Batteux, I'abbo. Meinoirc.-> sur la pootique d'Aristote. A. I., vol. 39 et 41. Souohay, M. Quatre, discours sur roh'giL- ct les potites ('logiaques. A. I. vol. 7 et 16. i'isseitiiiiims siirles hyinnesd^s anciens. A. I., vol. I'ictlC. Ampere, J. J. De la poi-sie gret-que en Gr(>(re. Sevue des Deux Mondes. Nouvtdle serii!. Vol. (i et 7. auzOi M. de la. MLMiiuiri's sur les cliansons li<);j;ni|)iii(). Toiiii; II. Extraits I't anuiyscs. 2 vol. Mvo. Paris, 18;59-J7. (O. T. K.) {Deux exemplaircs.) The Author, it appears, intends publisliitig another volmuo. ( Vide Preface to vol. 2.) [Life of M. A. Hazin.] Tlie Lifi' of Sheikh Mohammed .\li Ilnzin, written by liimsilf, Iransiatcd witii Nottis, expiuiiatory ol'the History, I'oetry, Geography, (fee, therein, byF. C. Balfour. (Knglish) I83U. (Persian with various readings) 1831. 2 voU. 8vo, (O. T. F.) Notices of Persian Poets : Hiographical with Critical and Explanatory Remarks by tho late Sir G. Ousdey, [and] a Memoir of Sir G. Ouseley, by J. Ueynolds. 8vo. London, 1846. (0. T. F.) Jones, Sir William. Poeseoa Asiaticfo Commentariorum, cum Appendice; subjicotor Miscellaneorum. Vide his Works, vol. 2. ■ ICssay on tlio Poetry of tho Eastern nations. Vide hia Works, vol 4. Traito sur la Po^sie Oriontale. Fjc/e His works, vol. 5. Voir nuBsi Pauthier, Livres Bacr^s do I'Orieut. Gary, II. F. The early French Poets ; a series of notices and tranalationi by, — with an introductory sketch of the History of French poetry ; by his Sou. 12 mo. Loudon, 1846. Vide Gary's Avorks, vol. 4. Histoire litt^raire de la France, oti Ton traite de I'origine et du progr^s, de la decadence et du retablissoment des .sciences parmi 1(!9 Gaulois et parmi les Fran^ais ; de leurs anciennes Cvoles ; de I'^tablisiiemcnt des universites en France ; des principaux collef^es ; des meilleures biblio- thwiue.'j, des plus celi^brtM imprimeries, et do tout ce qui a un rapport particulier alalittferature ; par des religieux benedictins de la congre- gation de Saint Maur. 12 vol. 4to 1733-63. Continuation par des mcmbres de racad^ des inscriptions et belles-lettres, torn 13 h 22. 10 vol. 4to. 1814-1H52. 1 •';.». I i 1 i .|l.,'| ■T!' IK i f 1 i ■ 1 h I'' I* i'l u ii, ',1 800 LITERAKY HISTORY, [lIISTOIRE LITT^RAIRB, Ampere, M. J. J. Histoire litt6raire de la Fronca avant lo douzidme si^cle. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839-1840. Voir dans VAnnuaire Ilittorique de la iocI6t6 de I'hiitnire de Fmnce : Sooi6t£i litt4)rairei(le la France, (anD6e 1841.) Po6tioadei Troubadours, (ann60 to ISJiO," — are Doticed- Vol. X includes Bomo account of the IrLsh Stage, 1660 to 1809. Vide, also, in Dio«RArHY, the Liven :>{ Charlotte Charko, of Carlo Uoldoiii, of Mrs. Jordan, of Charles Mathews, if William Shakspe.ire, and of Mrs. Siddons, in ilfustratiou of the History of the Stage Dunlap, William. History of the American Theatre. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London, 1833. [Hook.] The French Stage and the French People, as illustrated in the Me- moira of M. Fleury; edited by T. Hook. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. The Spanish Drama. Firfe Helles-Lettres. (Foreign.) Lope de Vega, &c, Chambers, Robert. Cyclopa?dia of English Literature : a series of specimens of British writers ; connected by a historical and critical Narrative. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843. CRITIQUE, ET UnifiTOllIQUE.] CRITICiaM, ANT) UTIETOTIIC. 803 Wright, Thomos. Biographia Britnnnica Lltornrln ; or, a Bioj^rapliy of Liter- ary Characters of Greot lirituin and Ireland. (Anglo-Saxou Period.) 8vo. London, 1H42. — . Biographia Hrltftnnicn Litoraria. (Anglo-Nor jan Period.) 8vo. London, I8i6. •' Pii))lii4lio(l uiider fill! Hupi.'riiitonduncc of thei Royal Society of Literature." " To trace down the stream of nritish Literature." Cralk, '}• L. Sketchi.'s of the history of Literature and Learning in England ; witii Specimens. 6 vols. l2mo. 1844-45. Knight'i Lib. From thu ^form^n Conqu nme aiecle. 12mo. Paris, 1850. Labitte, Ch. rature du Nord. Revue des Deux Mondes. Quatri^me seric, vol. 24. Forgues, E« i). Etudes sur Ic roman anglais. Ibid, nouvelle adtie, vol. 15, 18, 19, et 20. sur Warburton, auteur do Hocheluga. Ibid. Etudes sur le roman anglais et amevlcain. Ibid, vol. 16, 17, et2l. Dillon, P. De la litterature et des homraes de lettrea aux Etats-Unis. Re- vue des Deux Mondes. Quatrieme s^rie, vol. 27. Chasles, Philarfete. Etudes sur la litteratun- et les moours des anglo-am^ri- cains, au 19rae si^cle. 12mo. Paris, 1851. Knapp, Samuel L. Lectures on American Literature. Bvo. New York, 1829. Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopajdia of American Literature ; em- bracing personal and critical notes of Authors, and Selections from their writings ; with portraits, autographs, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New Tork, 1856. I M4- ' ' ^ It' 'Mli: 804. LITERARY HISTORY, [HISTOIRE LITT^IRAIRE, ¥ Homes of Amerloan Authors; by various writers. 8vo. New York, 1853. Brydges, Sir Egerton. Cenaura Literaria ; containing titles, abstracts, and opinions of Old English Books ; with original disquisitions, articles of biography, and other Literary antiquities. 10 vols. 8vo London, 1805—1809. Retrospective Revie-W, (The) consisting of Criticisms upon, analyses of, and Extracts from, curious, valuable, and scarce old hooka. Vols. 1 and 2 ; (all published.) 8vo. London, 1853-54. IiOngfellO'W, H. W. Introductions and Biographical Notices to tiie Poe aud Poetry of Europe. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. " The languages from which translations are here presented are ten : — Anglo Saxon Icelandic, Danish, Swedish, German, and Dutch; French, Italian, Spanish aud Portuguese." — Preface, Percy, Bishop Thomas. Essay on the Ancient English Bards and Minstrels. Vide English Poetry — Percy. Ellis, George. Historical Introduction on the rise and progress of Roman- tic Composition in France and England. Vide English Poetry — Ellis. King, R J. The Introduction to his " Early Ballad Poetry" specially enquires "how far the early literature of our Island was a natural devtdopment of the Anglo-Saxon mind, or more immediately the effect of the influence of the Scallds and Sagas of Scandinavia." Vide English Poetry — King. Ritson, Joseph. Bibliographia Poetica : a Catalogue of English Poets of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries ; with some account of their Works. 8vo. London, 1802. Warton, Thomas. The history of English Poetry, from the close of the 11th to the commencement of the 18th century. Di?-sertations, — 1. On the origin of romantic fiction in Europe. 2. On the introduction of learn- ing in England. 3. On the Gesta llomanorum. A new edition ; with additional notes. 4 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1824. Irvine, Uavid. The Lives of the Scotish Poets ; with preliminary Disserta- tions on the literary history of Scotland, and the early Scotisli Drama. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1810. Mother-well, William. Historical Introduction, &c. FWe English Poetry— MothenveU. " To be understood as referring exclusively to the Aueient Komantick and His- toriek Ballad of Scotland. — Introduction, p. 1. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century ; comprising Bio- graphii-iil Memoirs of W. Bowyer, Printer, E. S. A., &c. A view of the progress of Literature in this Kingdom, and anecdotes of eminent writers and artists ; by J. Nichols. 6 vols. Bvo. London, 1812-15. CRIl Niol Orad Pink Gimi Patm BautE Roosr Pieces Recue av ,1- , SL CRITIQUE, ET RHETORIQUE.J CRITICISM, AND RHETORIC. 806 Nichols, John. Illustrations of the literary history of the I8th century; consisting of authentic memoirs and original letters. (A sequel to Literary Anecdotos.) 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1817-48. Oradook, Joseph. Literary and Miscellaneous Momoirii. 4 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1826-28. pinkerton, John. The Literary Correspondence of, — from the originals. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Gilfillan, George. A First, Second, and Third Gallery of Literary Portraits. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1851-55. Patmore, i'. G. My Friends and Acquaintame ; being memorials, portraits, and recollections of deceased celebrities of the 19tli century ; with selecti( ns from thtir letters, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Bautain. Etude sur I'ait de parli-r en public. 12mo. Paris. Roosmalen, de. L'orateur, ou cours de d6bit et d'action oratoires appliqu6 u la chiiire, au barreau, a la tribune et aux lectures publiques. 8vo. Paris, 18-12. Pieces d'eloquence qui ont remporte le prix de racademie fiaiKjaise depuis 1G71 jusqu'en 1748. 5 vol. 12mo. Paris, 17(;6-179o. Recueil de discours lus dans les discours de racad6mie fraiigaise. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 1841-I8oO. Voir ci-deviiiit, (page 47 du eat.ilogue) Bossuct, oraisons fmii'ibres, sermons et paiiegyriques, veil. XI li. XVII de ses oDUvres ; F6n<''lon, Ti46miique, Dia" Idf^iios lies iiiorta, Fiiblcs, Ac. Vol. XIX, XX et XXI do ses luuvrcs ; les (Buvros de Massillon, Bomduloue, Fli'cliier, Boulogne. Voir iiussi Frayssinous, defeiiae du christianijinL ; Mirabeau, diacours; et le» Aunales du barreau fran^'iiis; et plus loir., les discours de Dfimosthcues, Cic6- roil, Lainai'tine, »tc. Vide, also, Piirliamentary Speeches ; ante, pages, 120, 121. Bernier de Maligny, A. Manuel thcatral thooriqiie it pratique. 12mo. Paris, 1^54. Boref. Biscarat tt la comtcsse d'Hautpoul. Manuel du style 6pistoluire. 12mo. Paris, 1841, Ibid. Monboddo, Lord. On Style in general ; and upon the epistolary, the dialogue, the historical, and poetical style ; and upon Uhstoric as an art, vide his Origin of Languages, {ante page 776.) Brewer, E. C. Guide to EnglisJ) Composition. 12mo. London, 1852. Campbell, George. The Philosophy of Ehetoric. A new edition. 8vo. London, 18.38. Whately, Abp. Richard. Elements of Ehetoric. Reprint of the Seventh edition. 12mo. London, 1850. Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Ninth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1803. I ti ! . t I i it ;t ; ■I T M |:'r E,: c "» 806 GEEEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. [CLASSIQUES GRECS Ne'Wman, S. P. Practical System of Ehetoric ; improved from examples of Writing, with an Historical Dissertation on the Euglish style. Seventh edition. 12mo. London, 1853. Neil, Samuel. Elements of Ehetoric ; a Manual of the Laws of Taste. 12mo. London, 1854. Holyoake, Gr- J. Eudiments of Public Speaking and Debate ; or, Hints ou the application of Logic. 8vo. New York, 1853. Rowton, Frederic. The Debater ; a new Theory of the Art of speaking, being a series of complete Debates, with references on each particular topic. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1855. Siddons, Henry. Practical illustrations of llhetorical Gesture and Action aditptod to the English Drama, from a work by M. Engel, Berlin, and enriched with the observations hi Mr. Sharpe's Essay on Gesture. 8vo. London, 1822. McElligott, James N. The American Debater ; the principles and practice of Public Debate ; the Qualifications necessary to a good deliberative Orator ; the llules of Order in Assemblies ; Debates in Full and in Outline, &c. Third edition. 12mo. New York, 185G. in:.. 111. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. CLASSIQUES GRECS ET LATINS. Smith, William. New Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography. 8vo. London, 1850. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 854.— 1857. Planche, M. Cours de Litterature Grecque, ou Recueil iles plus beaux pas- Siigeo de tous les auteurs Grecs les plus c^lebres durs la prose et dans la pocsie, avec la traduction fran9ai8e en regard, etune notice historique et littoraire sur chaque auteur. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827-1828. Vol. I. llistoricus : — Heroiloto, Tluicydide, Xenopbon, Polybe, Diodorc do Sioilc,Dcnys d'Ualiearnasse, Josi>phe, Arrien, Eliou, Appien, Plutarqnc, Dion Cassius. " II. Pbilosoplies : — I'lntou, Xonophon, Aristoto, Plutiirquc, Lucien, ilaxime de Tyr, Libftiiius, Dion Cliryaostoiiflc, Tlnnnistius, Epictt'te, Isocrate. " III. Orateurs : — Lysias, Isocrate, Demosthiines, Escliine. " IV. Pofimes 6piquc8 et didactiqucs : — Homt^re, H^siode, Ac, " V. Pontes tragiqucs et comiques:— Eschjle, Euripiile, Sophocle, Aristophane. " VI. Poesies lyriques et pastorales: — Pindare, Auacrcou, Thiiocrite, Bion et MoBcLus. " VII. Auteurs aacrfis et ecclfisiastiques : — Hennag, Saint Clement d'AIexandm Saint Bosile, Saiut Grcgoire de Nazianee, Saint Jean ChrTsostome, &e. i«y ' !•!'■ ET LATINS.] GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. 807 iEschyli Tnigoodia" septem, etporditarumfrnginenta ;— [cum] Translationero Latinam. E. A. I., Ahrcns, &c bvo. Paris, 184G. Vide Biblio- thequo ilea Autcnrs Greca. 'I'he Tragedies of iEachylus, literally translated, with notes, aud an introduction byT. A. Buckley. 1840. B. Class, Lib. Tlu! new readings contained in Hermann's posthumous edition of ^Esehylus : — traiialated aud considered by G. Surges. (An Appendix to the foregoing work.) 1853. B. Class. Lib. Compositions from the Tragedies of ^Esehylus; designed by J. Flaxniun. iiound with Compositions from Hesiod. Folio. London, 1831. .ffisop's Fables. A new version. Vide, Englisu Belles-Letthes. Anthology. The Greek — as selected for the use of Public schools ; trans- lated into English prosi- ; by G. Burges. Metrical versions by Bland, ]\rerivale, &c. 1852. B. Class. Lib. Appiani Romanarum llistoriaruni. Grrece et Latiue, &c. Bvo. Paris 1840. Vide Hil)liothe(]ue des Auteurs Grecs. Aratus, ilanethonis, Miixiuii,et iiliorum Astrologica, recensuit et instruxitA. Kocehly. Gnecc et Lntiiio (with) Poetic Bucolici et Didactici. Vide Theocritus, &ir., IJibliotheque des Auteurs Grecs. Ai xlrphanis Comoedia' et fragmenta, ex Dindorf. Accedunt Mcnandri et Philcmonis fragmeuta auctlora, &e. Gnece et Latine. 8vo. Paris, 1S38. ride Bibliothtsque des Auteurs Grecs. Scholia Grreea in Aristophanem, cum Prologomenis Gram- maticorum, varietate lectiouis, annotationo criticorum selecta, &c. Fr. Diibner. Hvo. Paris, 1855. Vide Bibliothequo des Auteurs Grecs. Aristophanes, The Comedies of, — A new and literal translation from the text of Dindorf ; willi notes and extracts from metrical versions. By W. J. Hickie. 2 vols. 1853. B. Class. Lib. Aristotelis Opera Omnia. Grajce et Latino. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1848-50- 54. Vide Bibliotlieque des Auteurs Grecs. Vol. I. Coutinens OrganoD, rhetoiicen, poeticen, politica, " II. Ethica, imtiiralom aiiseiiltationcm, de Cffilo, do geiicratione, et metaphysica. " III. Libros de Animalibus, Ac, dc auima, do sensu et scnsili, do meraoria et reininiscbntia, de sumuo ct vigilia, &c. Aristotle. A Life of; including a discussion of questions of Literary history connected with his works. By J. W. Blakesley. Svo. Cambridge, 183!). Aristotle's Treatises. Translated and edited by Thomas Taylor. 11 vols. 4to. London, v. d. Vol. I. Tlic Metaphysics; witli notes, in -whicli the Pythagoric and Platonic dogmas, respecting numbers and ideas are unfolded ; to which is added, a disser- tation on nullities and diverging series ; by T. Taylor. 1801. 1 II ■h :;•■!;. r':i ilil fm l^r ■' ■i ; i !''!,,ii i\'^::4\ ':■;!' % 'I 'I , 808 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. [GLASSlfJUES GRECS Aristotle's Treatises. Translated and edited by T. Taylor — (Continued). Vol. II. Tlie Metapliysios ; his Trpatisa ngainst Xenopbiuies, Zeno and Gorgias ; hi» mechanical pioblemB ; his fragment on audibles ; with Treatises on the world, virtues, vices, etc. 1812. " III. The Phj'sics or physical auscultation ; with the substance of the coraman- taries of Simplicius. 1806. " IV. On the Heav'us ; on generation and corruption, and on meteors. Elucida- ions from Simplicius and Olyreipiodorus. 1807. " V. Tin Orginon ; or logical treatises. Elucidations from Ammonius and Simplicius. ISC':. " VI. Ou the Soul; on sense and scnsibles; on memory and reminiscence ; on sleep and wak«fulue.s» ; on dreams; on divination by sleep ; im the length and 3hi>rtne88 of life ; on youth and old ago ; life and deatli ; and on respi- ration; with elucidations from Simplicius. 1808. •' VII. The hi-itory of Animals, and on physiognomy. 1809. •' VIII. On the parts and prugrc-sive motion of Animals; liis problems and trea- tise on indivisible lines. To which are added, the Elements l. B. Glass. Lib. Aristote. Politique. Traduite en fran5ai8 d'apres le texte collationn6, par J. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. Seconde Edition. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1837. Logique. Tradnite en fran^ais, pour la premiere fois. avec notes ; par J. Barthdlemy Saint-Hiiaire. Pr^cedee de Tintroduction aux categories parPorphyre. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1839-1844. La Metaphysiqr 6, traduite en franoais pour hi p-emiere fois, avec des *claircis8ement8 historiques et critiques, et des notei ; par A. i'ierron^ et C. Zerort. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1840. mECS lied). {iHS ; bis ttiiiea on Elucida- onius and ; ; on sleep length and 1 on re»pi- it and trea- of the aiilh- 1810. ipal physical lylor. 1812. 1 edition of 1818. e next pre- itrodnction, Class. Lib, hes ; ques- lliited by T. id analyses, lord. 1853. ptioii ; also, Class. Lib, ationnfi, par Jvo. Paris, Ic notes ; par Ix categories Ifois.aveodes • A . rierron ET LATINS.] GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. 809 Arrianl Anabasis et Indica ex optitno Codice Parisino emendavit, 8m5. Fr. DUbner ; Reliqui Arriani et scriptorum de rebus Alexandri M. — Frag- menta coUegit ; pseudo Callisthenis historiam fabulosam, nunc primum edidit ; Itinerarium Alexandri, &c., adjecit C. MiiUer. 8vo. Paria, 1846. Vide liiblioth^que des Auteurs Grecs. Athenseus. The Deinisopbists, or Banquet of the learned, literally trans- lated, by C. D. Yonge, with Political Fragiaent?, rendered into English verse. 1854. 3 vols. B, Class, Libr. Bion. Vide Theocritus, &c. Cebetis Tabula. Vide with Theophrastus, Bibliothfeque des auteurs Grecs. Charicles ; Private life of tho ancient Greeks. Translated by Metcalfe. New edition by W. 0. Becker. Svo. London. 1854. Christus Patiens, Ezechieli et Christianorum poetarum, reliquios dramaticse. Vide Biblioth(!que des auteurs Grecs. (Euripidis Fragmenta.) Comicorum GrsBOorum. (Poetarum.) Fragmenta post Aug. Meineke, et Latine transtulit F. H Bothe, itc. Svo. Paris, 1855, Vide Biblio- thcque des auteurs Grecs. CtesisB Cnidii et (Jhronographorum, Castoris, Eratosthenis, &c., Fragmenta Graece et Latine et Notis, a C. Mullero. Paris, 1845. Vide Bib- lioth. des auteurs Grecs. (Herodote.) Demosthenis Opera, recensuit GriBCC et Latine, &c. Edidit Dr. J. T. Voemelius. Svo. Paris, 1.S49. Vide Bibliotheque des Auteurs Grecs. The Olynthiucs and other public orations of Demos- thenes. Translated with notes, &c. ; by C. R. Kennedy, 1852. B, Class. Libr. The Orations of Demosthenes on the Crown and on the Embassy. Translated, with notes, &c., by C. 11. Kennedy, 1855. B. Class. Lib. Demosthene etE.schine. ffiuvres completes, traduction nouvelle ; par J. F. 8t6venart. Svo. Paris, 1842. Diodori Siculi Bibliothecai Ilistoricaj, ex nova recensione L. Dindorfii. Gnuce et Latine. Perditorum librorum Excerpta et fragmenta ad Integri operis accomniodare stiiduit, &c. C. MulUu'us. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1842, 44. Vide BibliotliCque des auteurs Grecs. Diodore de Sidle. (Euvres traduites en frnn9iiis. 4 vol. l2mo. Paris. 1S46— 51. Diogenes Laertii de clarorum Philosophorum vitis dogmatibus, &c., recensuit, C. G. Cobet. Accedunt vitie Platonis, Aristotelis, Pythagone, Plotini et Isidori. A. Westermanno. et iVIarini vita Procli. Grii Tyi'iiuui, Aci 1 Fragmenta Diodori Siculi, Polybii ct Dionyaii Halicaruasscnsig, c codica Lscorialcusc num Vol. III. Insunt Fragmenta: Neantbis Cyziceni, Lysimacbi, Nympliidis Heracleota), Pliilini Agrigentini, Eupbanti Olyiitbii, Splijeri Bosporani, Arati Sicyonii, Diiiia; Argivi, Pbilostepbani Cyrenasi, Hcrmippi Callimacbii, Callixcni Rbudii, Ptolemaai Mcgalopolitani, IlegeBianacti* Alexandriai, Vol. II. Cadini Mileaii, Dionyii MiioKii, BippyiB Rlifgini, Eugconis Samii, Deiocbi Proec .aesii, Blouis Profiountaii, Eudemii Parii, Democlis PygelcnsiB, Amclosagora) Cbalcedonii Glauci Itbogini, Ilerodori Heracleotffi, Simonidis Cei, Hermiio lletliymnaji, Xpiiiimcilig Cbii, Ionia Cliii, Sto;-inibi'(iti Thasii, Hippiie Eici, Damaatia Sigccnsia, Anaximandri Milesii, Critiii! Atbcuienaia, Androtionii, Demonii, Pbilocori. Istri, Stratonis Lampaaoeni, Tbcoilectia Pbaselitn. Lyci Rbegiiii. Nympbodori Syracuaani. Calliw Syraciisaui Aiitaiidi'i Syracuaani. H'-ealaji AbderittB. .Vlageatbonia. Daimaclii, Patroclis. Demodamfu Milesii. Dismocbarig Leuconoenaii. Ilieronymi CardianL Pyrrbi Epirotm. Proxeai. Cineffi Tbeaaali. Suida;. Duridis rfamii. Idomenci Lampsaceni. Beroai Cbaldicl. Manotbouia ScbbynytjB. Dcmetrii Byzautini. Ctesibii. Soeibii Laconia, B primum eoita. Dionyaii Tbracia, Polymni Sardiani, Agatbarcbidis Cnidii, Juati Tibericnaia, P Psaonis Platajensis, Hermogcuia TaracnaiB, Cn. Aufidii, Tballi, P. Rutilii Rufi, Memaonis, PromatbidiB Ueracleotao, PhilonisByblii, Metrodori Scepaii, Aapaaii Byblii, C. Alcxandri Polybistoris, Favoriui Arelatensis, Alexandri Epbcaii, Hadriani Cajsaris, '' ': Posidoiiii RLodii, Arriaiii Niooraedensis, L. LucuUi, Phlegoutia Tralliaui, ,: M. T. Ciceronia, Cephalionis, 1 M. Pompoaii Attici, Nicanoris Alexandriai 1 ET LATINS.] GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. 813 Mnosiptolfcnii, EupbDrionis Clmlcideniieii, Diiiclis Pepnretbii, Q. Fabii Pictoris, L. Oiuoii Alimonti, P. Cornelii Seipionis, C. Aelii 01ahrii)niB, UonnibiitiH CiirtbitgiuientiB, Einpyli, Sosili Lacedffimouii, Coicilii Oaliictini Asclepindis Myrleani, Aristodeml Nysooeusis, Thoopbanitj Myteleniei, Timagenis Alexandri a, Aristoaia Alexaudriui, Socrntis Rbodii, Olympi, Chaircai, Sileiii Calactini, XtMiopbontis, Eumacbi Neapolitani, Meuodoti Periutbii, Alcxanuridi^t Delpbi, I'olcnionis IliensiB, Siityri, Heraclidis Lembi, Posidonii Olbiopolitos, A. Poatbumii Albiui, Zeudiiis llliudii, A.iitistlionis libndii, Scylttcis CaryandeiiBis, PtolcmiL'i Evei'ijetaj II., Vol. IV. lusunt Fra;^inenta Praxagoi'UB AthouieuaiH, Bemai'cbii Ciusarii'iisis, Eustatbii Cappadocis, Eutycbiani Cappadocis, Ma!,'ni Cari-beni. Eunapii Sardiaii, Olynipiixlori Thebrei, Lyaimacbi A lexaiKh'ini, Nitfobii Damasoeui, Jubiu Mauri tani, Atliciiiidori Tai'BUiiBia, DionyHii Pcrgamuui, Diixlori (iadai'eni, Tbeodori Uadarcni, Strabonis AinaspiiBia, ChasrcmoTjia Stoici, Sclouci AloxaDdriui, Thrasylli Mendosii, Potamonia Mytileiiici, Apiiiiiis Oasitiu, Pampbilte EpidaurisD, Claudii Ca-iaria, Telephi Pcrgameni, Gbarncia Pfirgaiiieiii, Cropercii Calpurniani, Oallimorpbi, Autiouhiani, Dcinotrii SagalaaseiisiB, Dainupbili Ditbyui, Cliryserotis, Atbt'tiivi Naucratitoj. SovL-ri Imperatoria, Asinii Quadrati, Nicagura> Atliuiilengi*, Luperci Uerytii, Calliiiici, Epbori Uumani, Nicostrati Trapezuntii, Nicomncbi, Callicratia Tyrii, Thooclis, Zeuobia;, Por|)hyrii Tyrii, Dexippi AtUenienaii, Rusebii, Ouesimi. Petri Patricii, Ani'iiyiui, Menaiidri ProtectDiis, Tlioiipbania Hyzantii, Joaiiiiis Epipbanicnsis, Juariuia Antiuciicui. I'lisci PanitfP, Malchi l^biladelpbensis, Capitonia Lycii, Caudidi laauri, Euatatbii Epipbaaiensia, Heaycbii Milcaii, Nonnoai, Aliorum Auctorum ; .pra Quingeiitos numero quorum iEtas eat inccrta. Homeri Carmina et Cycli Epici Ueliquice. GrsBce et Latine, etc. Editio iteratis conectu. ftvo. i'aris. 1853. Vide Cibl'^tliuque ded auteurs Grecs. Homer. Tlio Iliad and the Ody.s.sey of. iCngruved from the compositions of J Klaxman, sculptor. Folio. London, 1805. 'rransliition of Homer's Iliads and Odysaeys, fvith a preface on Heroic I'oetry. Vide Ilobbe.s' Works, vol. 10. —— The Iliad of, translated by A. I'ope ; a new edition, with additional Note;*, Critieal and Illustrative, by Gilbert Waketield. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. The Odyssey of, translated by A. Pope ; a new edition, with addi- tional Notes, Critical and Illustrative, by Gilbert Wakefield. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. The Iliad and the Odyssey of, translated into bhink verse. Vide, Cowper's Works, Vol.-*. 11, 12, 13, 14. fi ■ I -, I ' ' ' '.T^' i W^'- w El PI su GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. [CLASSIQUES GREC8 Homer. The Ilinrl cf, (with a Comment,) done occording to the Greek, by Chapman. New edition, witii Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Taylor. 2 vols. 12njo. London. 1843. The Iliad of, liternlly translated, with Notes, by F. H. Riickley. 8vo. 1851. li. n„ss. Lib. — — — — The Odyssey of, with the Hymns, Epigrams, and IJottie of the Frogs and Micb, ir-,erally translated, with Notea, by F. H. Buckley. 8vo. 1851. B. Chss. Lib. Homere. Iliailo, trnduite en Fiiin9(iis, par Dii;.'ua-T\rontb»l, prte^-dce do I'Hiiitoire des Po6sies Ilomeriques. ?>\\v (•<\\t. l2mo. Paris, 1853. — Odyssce et Poi'siea Ilomc'riques. trntlnitiis en Frun^ai.-* par Dugas- Blontbel. buie Cnlit. 12mo. Paris, IH53. Observations sur I'lliude d'lIoraCire, par Diigas-lMontbel. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829-30. sur I'Odysseu d'llomere, par Diigas-lMontbti. Svo. Paris, 1833. lambliohus. On the IMysteries of the Egyptians, Chuldcans, and Assyrians; translated by T. Taylor. 12mo. Chiswiek, 1821. Isaeus. Speeches of, in causes concerning the Law of Succession to Property ot Athens. Translated by Sir illiam Jone.s. FiWe, Joiie.s' Works. Josephus, Flavius. Opera, Grjece ct Latine. G. Dindorflus. 2 vol . Svo. ParLs, 1845. Vide Bibliotheque dcs Auteurs Grecs, Julian, The Emperor. Two Orations : I. To the Sun. II. To the Mother of the Gods. Translated by T. Taylor. 12mo. London, 1793. The Argument of, against the Cbri.stians, [witii] Ex- tracts from his other Works relative to Christians ; by T. Taylor. 12mo. London, 1809. Luoiani Samosatensis Opera, ex Recenaione G. Dindorfii ; Graeco et Latine, etc. Svo. Paris, 1840. Vide Bibliotb. des auleurs Grecs. Manethonis. Maximi et Aliorum .Astrologica, etc., [with] Theocritus, Bion, etc. Vide Bibliotheque des Auteurs Grees. Maroellus de Pisoibus. Vide Theocritus. Maroi A.ntonini. Vide Theophraste, &c. Maximi Tyrii Dissertationes : Graace et Latine., [with] Theo[ilirasfus. Vide Bibliotliiique des Auteurs Grecs. IVEaxime de Tyr. Di.ssertations traduites sur le texte Grec, avec Notes, par J. J. Combes- Dounous. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1802. Moschus. Vide, Theocritus, etc. Nioander. Vide, Theocritus, etc. ET LATINS.] GllEKK AND LATIN CLASSICS. 816 Konnos. LesDionysiaqiics ou Dacchus Poctnc, (Gnsc! ct Frnn(,'iiij«,) |ir(5c6(15 d'uno Introduction, suivi do Notes, etc., retabli, traduit, et conuniintft par le comte de Miircidlus. 8vo. Paria, IHofj. Viiln, IJibliotlniuuo dcs Auteurs Grecs. Novum Testamentum, Grnoce rt Latino. Vide, ante p. 11, nibliothoquo dcs Autt.'nru CJrucs. Ooellus Luoanus, On tlie Nuturo of the Universe, Translated by T. Taylor. ri(/e, Tayior (T.) Collectanea. Oppianus- Viilc, Theocritus, etc. Oratorea Attioi. ( Antiphontls. Andocidis. Lysim, I-ici Orationes Grrece ex Ilecensionu Ihiiteri et Siiuppii, cum Translationo a C MuUero. Isocrutes ex reiii'^^nitione B;iiteri cum Traiislat oni; Ahronsii.] Vol. 1. Paris, 1847. Viile, Uibliotlie |ue des Autciirs Grecs. Orpheus. The Mystical Hymns of, — Translated and demonstrated to be the Invocations used in the Eleuaian Mysteries, by T. Taylor. 12mo. Chiswick, 18'2'i. Pausaniee Desoriptio GrEBoise : reoognovit et Prinfatus est L. Dindorfius. Grncce et Latine, etc Svo. Paris, lH\o. Vide, Bibliothcque dcs auteurs precs. Phile de Animalibus, etc Vide Theocritus, etc [Poetai,— Bucolici, et Didactiei.] Phllostratorum et Callistrati Opera; rei-ognovit A. Westermann. Eunapii Vitas Sopliiiiuruin, itenim edidit, J. F. Hoissonade. Ilimerii Sopinstro Ueclaniationes, accurate excusso, etc., Fr. Dilbner. Svo. Paris, 1819. Vide Bibliothtiiiue des Auteurs Grecs. Pindar, The Odes of, — Translated into Knglish Prose ; by D. VV. Turner. A Metrical version ; by A. Moore. Svo. Londoi., 1852. Bohn's Cliifs. Lib. Platonis Opera, ex recensions II. B. llirschigii ; Graece et Latine : vol. 1. Ex llecensione, G. E. Ch. Schnoiderii ; Grtcce et Latine : vol. 2. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1856, 1846. » ^l/e Bibliothcque des Auteurs Grecs. Vol. I. contains the Dialogues, Euthypl -o, Crito, Phajdo, Theagea, Theajtetus, So- pbista, Euthydcmus, Protagoras, Uippias Minor, Cratylus, Gorgins, Philebus, Meno, Alcibiades I. and II., Charmidcs, I.ucheB, Lysis, Hipparcbus, Menez, Politici.', Minos, Parmcuides, Convivium, FluudruB, Uippias Major; beside* Apologia Socratia, and Erastjo, — not Dialogues. " II. Civitas, Timajus, Critias, Leges, Epinomis, Epistolie et Dialog! Subditivi, etc. Plato. The works of, — A new and literal version, chiefly from the lext of StauUbaura. •) vols. Svo. London, 1848-54. B. Class. Lib. Vol. I. Tlie Apology of Soeratea, Crito, Pliredo, Gorgias, Protagoras, Phmdrus, Theajte- tUB, Kulhyphron, and Lysis: by 11. Gary. 1848. " II. The Republic, Timaius, and Critiaa; by H. Davis. 1849. i^ !:|-;i:>-' ■ n.r :■■■ 81G (3iii;i;k and latin classics, [clashiquks orecs 1^ lUv Plato. Til'' workft of -(Continued). Vol. 111. Tlio Muiio, Kulliyiluuiiii, the Hophiit, tint Hutcmimn, CratyluH, Tamio- iiiiluH, ikiiil tlio IUn(|uut. IH60. 1. mill II. AliMhiitik'H, riit>itt;L>ii, tlio KivaU, llipparoliu*, MIuoh, Olitopho till' K|ii>4tlfri. I MM. " IV. I'liilobui, ClinriiiiiloD, LiicIiuh, Muiioxeiiui, llipplim Major ot Mintir, loo, •' v. C'liiituiiiiii^' tliu Liiwu. " VI. Tlio iloiiliil'ul works: — KpliiotiilH, Axioclms, Kryxisa, un Virtue, on. luittice, SiHypliim Di'iMDilociiH, Diitiiiitiond, Tiiii.i iw Locriii, with I.ivi'it of I'liito [:t.| IntriMliiclioiiii, [Ul— iiiid NoluH of T. (Iriiy. Vol. III. to VI., vdituil by U, Uiirt^oM. Platon. (KiivKH, liiuiuiti'H jmr Viftor ('oll^ill. 13 vol. Svo. IVic, 1822-40. Plato. Till) 'rii(Milo;;y ol',— conipiiicil with tlit^ priticipies of Oriental and (Jrepiiin l'|)luri* ; by .1. ();;ilvie. liitno. Jionclon, 1798. N.B. witli T. Tiiylor'n Workn. Plotini Enncades, i'"in M. Ficiiii Intcrpniiitionc ('iintif.'atii, ittriini edidc- nint i'. Crt'uzor ct G. II. Mostir ; ac(^''diint, I'orphyrii ct riccli Insti- tntionuK, ct PriHciuni Pliilosoplii fmlntiotiBS ; I'didit et instnixit Fr. iJuliinr. Svo. I'liri.s, 18,).'> KiV/c l{ibli()tli«i|u.' den Aulciirs Gretfg. Plotinus. An K>.Miiy on the Hcniitifiil, IVoin tlu' (Jrttk of,— Hy T. Taylor. Il-'mo. liOiulon, 17J)2. Trunsliitioiis of,— On Suicidf ; on Tnily-existinf; liuing, and con- cerning tln! (Jood ; with notes, from l'or|>liyry ami Troclus, by T. Taylor. l2nio. [joiidon, \Ki\. Plutarchi C'ha'oi lu-nsLs, irioriptii Moralia. Cirioce et Latino. 2 vols. Hvo. Pari.s, 1841. Vide UibIiotli("*fiun doa Autnurs Grocs. Vita' secuniliiin Cod. I'aria ; rccognovit Theod. DtvIuKir. Grasce ot Latino. 2 vol. Hvo. Purls, 181(5-7. Vide Bibiiothoquo dcs Autciirs ( Jrcc.-f. Kriiiiinonta I't .'spuria cum Codicibiis ccntiilit it enicndavit Fr. Diibnor ; oum Novo Indico in Omnia Opera Phitaribi. 8vo. Turin, \S')5. Vide Bildii)tlie(|ii(' dis Autouis (irci'S. Plutarch's Lives. Translatod by J. nnd W. I.nnghorno. 2 vols. Svo. l,oii(h)ii, Is5l. Vide, also, Lo!ig'.s Civil Wnra of lionu'. Plutarque. Vies des hoinnics illustro.H, traduction do Piorron. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1H5;1;. Poetse Bucolici et Didactioi. Theocritus, Pdon, Mo-^ichus, recognnvit et pra'fatus est C. F. Arnois. Nicandor, Oppianus, Mnrcidlus do Piscibus, Poota do llorbis ; odidit F. S. Loiirs. Pliilo do Aninialibus. Elepliante, Pluntis, etc. ; edidit Fr. Dubnor. Poetarura do Uo Physica et Medica Ilelii)uiu.'!, collogit U. Cuts Busseninkor ; Aratus, etc. ; A.^trologica, &c., Grioco ot Luiino. Svo. Paris, 1851. J'i't/eBibliotiioipiodes Auteurs Greca. Political Fragments of Arohytas, Cbarondas, Zaleucua, &c. ; from the Greek, &c. : by T. Tuylor. 12mo. Cbiswick, 1822. M itFr. ri Puris, m i^ ^i 8vo. i *>■* l2mo. m ET LATINS.] ORKRK AND LATIN CLASSICS. 817 Polybll Historiarum Rellqule. [('um Frngmcntn Historica et Qeo- gruphiuu, et Fruf^mentu Grainmatica. j Gru)ce et Latine, etc. 8vo. Piiiii, 1839. ViJfi, Hibliuthu(iuu (lus Autuum Grecs. Polybe, H6rodlen, et Zozlme. Ouvrngo liistoriques — [Traduction rruu9aiHo:] uvcu nutiues biogntpliiques, par J. A. C Buchon. 8vo. I'uris, IHl.1. Porphyrli Institutiones. I'iJe Piotiuus, &c. Porphyry, traiiHlutod ; witii uotoH, exumplcB, aualysia, and introduction, by (). F. Owou. Fj) los AgronoDnes latins. Paris, 1851. Ibid. Vegetius [V^gdce.] Institutioues rei militaris ; avec la traduction en Fran- 5ais. Paris, 1849. Ibid. Virgilius. Ex editione Heyniana : 1819. Vol. 1—8. 8 vols. Vulpy's Collection. [Virgile] Oiluvres compltStes ; avec la traduction. Paris, 1843, Collection Nisard. Voir aussl daiia Ics QiJuvrcs de Jacques Delillo la traduction en rers fraucaia de rEu6ido et des Gcorgiques. Opera, et variorum, auisque notis L Quicherat. 12nio. Paris, 1834. . The works of ^'i^gi^ literally translated; with notes, by David- son ; revised, with additional notes, by T. A. Buckley. 1850. B. Class. Lib. Vitruvius Pollio. English translation. Vide ante, page 700, Gwilt'a works, vol. 3. Vitruve ; CEuvres completes ; avec la traduction. Paris, 1846. Collection Nisard. . "VX "• -x/N % -S ^ "S -^ lY. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BELLTi,S-LETTRES, INCLUDING POLYGRArnS. Addison, Joseph. The Works of — with notes, by Richard Hard. New edi- tion, with additions ; collected and edited by II. G. Eohn. G vols. Svo. London, 1850. Bohn's Lib. Vol. I. nis Poems; essay ou ancient Medals; remarks on Italy. II. III. IV. Essays. V. Essays, (continued,) and Discourse on Christian Religion. VI. Letters; Translations of his Latin Works ; Political Writings. . The works of, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. London, ISoi. [A duplicate of the four first vols, in the above edition.] iEsop's Fables. A new version, chielly from original sources, by Thomas James, with illustrations designed by John Tennicl. 12mo. Londou 1S52. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 827 Affectation, Thoughts on. Addressed chiefly to young people, don, 1805. 12mo. Lon- Alison, Archibald. Essays. Political, Historical and Miscellaneous. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S50. 3 vols. Vol. I. Tlio Reform Bill, Jlilitnry Ti-casi n and Nntional Guards. Tlic French RwVolutioQ of 1830. Tlie BritiHh Po«rngo. The Full of the Constitution. Negro Einaucipiition. Iri'hind. Tlie Commercial Crisia of 1837. Colonial Oovernincut and tho West India Question. Lessons from the Past. Fico Trailo lui'l Protection. Thirty years of Liberal Legislation. Full of tho Throne of the Barricades. The Niivigiiiion Laws. The Crowning of ilio Column, and crushing of tlie PuJestal. Crime and Transportation. Free Trade at its Zenith. Vol. II. Monto^cjuieu. Homer, Danto, and ilichacl Angela The Greek Drama. The Roman Republic. Miralioau. The IJritish School of Painting. The Tyrol. Iliiunibal. Najiiilcon. Partition of the Kingdom of the Ncthcrlauds The Athenian Duuiocracy. Robert Bruce. National Slouuracnts. Tho Crusades. The Carlist struggle in Spain. Tho Copyright Question. The Decline of Turkey. Lamartiue. Tho Roman Campagna. Franco in 1833. Tho Affghauistan Expedition. The old Scottish Parliament. Ships Colonies, and Commerce. Vol. III. Ciiatcaubriand. Virgil, Tuaso, and Raphael. Guizot. The Romantic Drama. Wellington. Humboldt. The British School of Architecture. Sismundi. Poland. The Year of Revolutions. British riiatory during the Eigl'.pcnth Age. Madame Do Stael. Mi iOe Toequeville. Autobiography. Michelet's France. The Fall of Rome. Karamsin's Russia. The Ilistorieal Romance. The British Theatre. Direct Taxation. RIacauIay. Free Trade Reform ond Finance. Tho Royal Progress. Araory, Tliomas. Life of Thomas Bupcle, Esq. 3 vols. 8v'o. London, 1825, Ana, Library of. 15 vols. 12mo. London, 1825. Viz: Lambrlli and tho Vatican, or Anecdotes of the Church of Rome, of t:ie reformed Cluirches, and of Sects and Sectaries. 3 vols. Profe-sionul Anecdotes, or Ana of Medical Liteiaturo. 3 vols. The Arts and Artists, or Anecdotes and Relics of the Schools of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture ; by J. Elmos. 3 vols. Dramalic Table Talk, or Scones, Situations and Adventures, itc, in Theatrical History and Biograjthy. 8 vols. Tho editorial preface is subscribed, Richard Ryan. ert Room and Orchestra, Anecdotes of Music and iluiioiaaa, Ancient and Modern by J, Busby, M. D. 8 vols. 12mo. \A'U •. ': 828 BELLKS-LETTRE8 : Anecdotes :— Anecdotes of the British Navy. Vide Giffanl. Malcolm, J. P. Miscellaneous Anecdotes } Tlliistrntive of the Manners •al ' mi; f Kiirope, during tho Ileign ol' Chailes II, James II, "VVJlliar-i 1' !, und Anne. Cvo. London, 18U. The Poioy Anecdotes. By S. nnd R. Percy, Brothers of the Bene- dictine Monastery, Jlont Berger. 20 vols. 12mo. London, 1820-23, Arnold, W. D. Tlie Palace at Westminntor, and other Historical sketches. 12mo. London, 1855. These skotcLos tak'! tb« fotrr ' " Sires. "The Euglieh in ImUa, Ca»t«, and the Discovery of Ani^ri'-a," arc ilie rther bi;' jficts treated. Bacon, Lord. The Essays a fid counsels, civil and moral, with the wisdom of tlie Ancients. New edition, revised from early copies; references s ;p- plied, and notes added, by S. W. Singer. 8vo. London, 1856. — The "Works of. English and Latin. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Vols. I, II. Life and phihisophicnl works. HI, Works politiciil. IV. Low tracts, elements of Common law, and Ma«m». V. Writings, Historical, inchuliug letters. VI. Letters, speeches, ohnrgcis, advices, Ac VII — X. Lnlin works. Opera Philosophica. The Physical and Metaphysical works of His Advancemeii* Learning, and his Novum Oiganum : by J. "Dcvey. 3 vols. 12ino London, 1853. B. Scitntijic Lihr. Bacon. Ili-t writings and his philosophy, by G. L. Craik. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. Knight's Libr. BEHii^n, King. lo. A tale of the olden time. 12mo. New York, 1851. Bell, "SU'if, Acton, and Currer. Vide Bronte, Miss. Bohn'B Librancp, in nil tliiit belongs to English and Foreign Bellcs-Lettres, distributed to the i jectire Authors. Eobn 11. G. A Iland-F. uik of Proverbs: comprining Rny's Collection of Erif;''"*h Proverbs, with his additions from Foreign Languages, and , large additions. ! vo. London, 1854. B. Antiq. Libr. Bolinsbroke, Lord Visct. The ^Voiks of,— witii Life by Oliver Goldsmith, now eiilajiged. 8 '• 8vo. London, 180^. ■Many pwtic.ilar lected i "m Letters published 1 y Rev. G. Parke, which contain much iufoi -i; resp ling the Pence of Virwhi.— Advertisement. Borrow, George. Lnvengro; tho Scholar, the Gipsy, and the Priest. 3 vols. Svo. Londun, 1851. Brahmin ■ The Memoirs of a,— or the Fatal Jewels. [By th. author of The Z^;nana.J 3 vols. l2mo. London, 1843. ? Bray, Mr«. 184 Vol. I. Th« n. De ; HI Tho IV. Fitz British Ess Chal The TfttI I'he Spec (Vol. Tho Ouni The Ram The The Worl The Conn Viz: Bronte, Miss 12mc Bell. 1861. BroUt,ham, impro Vol, II V V! VII Browne, Sir dence 1846. Vol. I II I\ ''rydges, Sir i.S34. "%[ o Bulwer Lytt( of ENGL H AND AMERICAN. 829 Bray Ihc Mrs. The NoveU aaU Iloaiance* of. 1845—46. Vol. I. The White lloodt, 10 ?uU. i2mo. London, II. Do F(.ix, III. The Protoilant, IV. Fitz Ford, Vol. IX. Tfdnry ile Pomoroy and the White Ro»o, X. Ooiirtt'i'uy. V(.l. V, The Tal»)«, VI. Warloi«h, VII. Tielnwny, VIII. Trials of the neart, British Essayists, the. With prefaces, biographical and historical, by Alex. Chalmers. .3S vols. 12mo. London. 1823. Viz: The Tatler, Vol. I to IV. I'he Spectator, V to XII. (Vol. XI lo»t.) The Uunrdiuil, The RamWor, The Adventurer, The World, The CouiKiisseur, XIII to XV. XVI to XVIII. XIX to XXI. XXII to XXIV. XXV, XXVI. The Idler, The Mirror, The Lounger, The Observer, The Looker On, Ot'iieral Index, Vol. XXVIT. XXVIII, XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII to XXXIV. XXXV to XXXVII. XXXVIll. Vide also, The Sp'Ctator. Bronte, Miss, [Currer IJell.] Jane Eyre : an autobiography. Fifth edition. 12mo. London, 1855. ■ Shirley : A Tale. A new edition. 12nio. London, 1853. Villette. A new edition. 12ino. London, 1855. ___. Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey : By Ellis and Acton liell, with a notice of the Authors by Currer Bell. 12mo. London, 1861. BroU£;ham, Lord. Complete Works, in course of publication, revised and improved by himself, vols., 1 to 8. rime. London, 1S55-6. Vol. I. Livei of Philosophers. II. Lives of Men of Letters. III. IV and V. Historical sketches of Statesmen Avho flourished in the time of George III. 3 vols. VL Natural Theology. VH. Disscrt.ltious and Addresses. VIII. Uistoricul and Political Disaertatious. Browne, Sir Thomas, The work.^ of. Including his unpublished correspon- dence and a memoir. Edited by S. Wilkin. 1 vols. Svo. London, 1846. Vol. I. Memoirs, Correapoiidcncf, Journals, &e, II. Religio Medici, and Digby's observiitious, Pscmlo-doxia epidemica, III. The Gardpii of Cyrus, Uydriotophi:>, and nranijilon Urns, IV. RepcrtDiiiiiii, (to. Christian morals, (to. Miscellaneous tracts, with editor's preface, &o. 'Irydges, Sir Egerton. Imaginative Biography. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1834. " By [it] I mean imaginary superstructure on the known facta of the Biography of eminent characters." — The Author. Bulwer Lytton, Sir E. L. Vide Lytton. lyiiiilii: ■ ■■ ' r i i'' '■ ' i .;• I ; I V 830 BELLES-LETTRES : Burke, Tlio Rt. Hon. Edmund. Tlie worki of. A new edition. 16 voli. London, 1826—27. Vol. I. Vimlication of Nalurftl Society; of the Siibllmo nnd n«ar.tiful. II. Early roliticol TrocU ; Spcdoh nn Aiiiciienn Tnxiitioii. III. KlcotiDiiSpiH'choM; Hpoochoi in rnrliiimeiit; LetttM to Constituent*. IV. SpacohuB and uliior I'iacei un Fjtit lutliii Affiiir*. V. On tho Army Estiraaten; RifloctioiH oii tliu French Revolution. VI. Letter on tlie Freuuh Revolution, Ac. ; Letter on Roman Outholie PisftbllltlcR, Ao. VIL Vnri i-i Writings on French nffnirs, and on Party nt Homo ; Thou;,'ht9 oi; Scarcity. VIII. LctterR in Uefcnco of his ronaion; on Proposal* of Peace, Negociations ; and ontiie character of the Frvncii RevolutiiMi. IX. Two Letter* from Lord Auckland un to Mr. Iliirke's late Tracts; Burke's Letters on a Rogicido Peace; on the American War nnd Colonic", and on IriKli alYttirs. X. Fragments and Notes of Speeches ; Hint* on tho Drama ; Knglibh History to tho end of King John's Reign. XL Of AffalrH (Justice, Trade, and FinaiU!e8)of ludla; Artiolos against Warren ilattmgi, XII. Article* against Wavreu lIjiHtiugs, continued. XIII. Speeches on tho Impeaehment of Warren Hastings. XIV. Contimiation of a Speech on tho sixth charge ; Report, after ina|)eotion of the Lords' Journals in relation to Proceedings on tho Trial. XV. and XVI. Continuation of Speeches on the Impeachment; General Index. Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Mclnnclioly ; what it is, with nil the kind.'), causes, symptoms, prognostics, nnd aevernl cures of it ; in three par- titions. Sec. — philosophically, medicinally, historically opened and cut up; by Democritus, junior; with a satyrical preface. New edition, corrected nnd enriched with translations of classical extracts, by De- mocritus, minor, with an account of the author. [Also a fae-simile of the engraved title to tho sixth edition by the author. London, 1652.] 8vo. New York, 1847. Butler, Cliarles. Of Lincoln's Inn. Reminiscences of. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1824, 1827. Vol. I. (fourth edition,) Contains, reminiscences of his own education ; of his studies of modern English jxiets; notices of his legal productions ; projocts for pub- lic benefit; remarks on Parliamentary orators; notices of jiis works of a Religious import ; reminiscences historical, biographical and apulogetical, with a letter on ancient and modern music, &o. II. An essay on tho mystical devotions of Catholics and Protestants ; corrcs. p.indence with Dr. Parr; considerations on the reform of the English courts of equity ; on the actual state of real properly iu Bngland, Ac. Cambridge Essays, contributed by Members of the University, 1855. 1 vol. 8vo. Containing : The Life and Genius of Moliore; by K. Watson, M. A. The English Language in America ; by C. A. Bristed, B. A. Notes on Modern Geography ; by Francis Gallon, M. A. Limitations to Severity in War; by C. Buxt^m, M. A. Gn the Transmutation of Matter; by O. D. Liveing, M. A. Tho Relation of Novels to Life ; by Fitzjames Stephen, B. A. Future Proiipccts of the British Navy ; by B. E. Hughes, B. A. Alfred Tennyson's Poems ; by George Brimley, .M. A. General Education and Classical Studies; by W. G Clark, M. A. I •! ill: EXOLISU AND AMERICAN. 831 Cambridge Essays, 18S6 : 1 vol. 8ro. Containiof; : llomiui Liiw ami Loifal Kiliioiition ; by II. J. S. Moinc, LL.D,, lato Quood'« rrolVm. r of Oivil Law, Trinity Hull. On Kn^lish EtlmuRrnpliv ; by J. W. DonftbUon, D. D., IntA Fdlliiw if Trinity Collou'-. Old Studicn nml ^fuw, by John Oroto, M. A., Vrutetmr of Moral rhilotoptiy, Fuil.w of Trinity ColloKO. ToHto for the PicturMnuo among tho Qrciiks; by E. M. C«ipo, M. A., Fellow of Tiiniiy C'ollc({0. The Apocrypliiil nospeln; by 0. J. F.Uicott, M. A., Inte Fellow of St. John'i ClL-i^e Tho rroti!»tiint Church ami Iloliyioui Liberty in Franco ; by W. U. Waihlington, il X„ Trinity OoUaj^o. Tho FlyFixhcr and IiIh Library ; by II. R. Francis, M. A., St. John'i. Tho Tent of .Slmkspearo ; by (j'hark'H niidlmm, 1). D., St. Poter'H. Coioridgo; by F.J. A. Uort, M. A., Follow of Trinity College. Camp of Refuge. Tho. l2mo. London, 18 U. Knight's Lihrary. Carlyle, Thomas. Works. IG vols. 12ino. Loudou, 1842-50. Viz. : Chartism. 1812. Second edition, PiMt and Present. 184r. Second edition. Critical and Miscellaneous Kssayg. 1H17. Third edition. 4 voU. The French Uovolution, 1818. Third edition. 8 vols. O. CromwoU's Letters and Speeches; with elucidatiou». 1850. Third edition, en- lavjied. 4 vols. Latt«r Day Pamphlota. 1 860. On Heroes, hero-worship and the heroic In history; six lectures; with eraendnti'Mis and additions. Third edition, 184Q. Sartor Resartus ; the Life an opinions of Ilerr Toufolsdrosckh. Third edition, lis4iograpliia Litcri.:ia ; or, " Jly Literary Life and Opinions." • lleraiuiscencea of, — by Joseph Cottle. Vide ante, p. 1S5. Colton, C. C. Lacon ; or, Many Things in Few Words ; addressed to those who think, 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London, 1820. (Round up with) Remarks on the Talents of Lord Byron, and thr; Tendeiicie.i of Don Juan, with 5 poems ; ISl'.t : pp. oli. The Conflagration of Moscow ; a Toeui : pp. vii. SO. Conybeare. W. J. Essays. Vide Theology, p. 39. Cooper, J- Fenimorc. Novels and Tales. Collected edition. 34 vols. 8vo. New York, 18o5. Vol. \. contains \V. 0. Bryant's ilisoourso oti the life, genius and writings of Cooperi delivered at New York, 2.5th February, 18j'_'. L I'rceaution. Vol. XVIIT. Homeward Round. V.l. n. The Spy. III. The Pilot. IV. Lionel Lincoln. V. The Pathtinder. VL The Dcerslnyer. VII. Tlif Last of the Mohicans. VI IL The Red Rover. IX. The Prairie. X. The Pioneers. XI. Tile ''.^\-;>t of \Vi^ll-To;^-^Vish. XIL Tlie Wau ••.\VitLh. XIIL The Travelling- Baeh«lor. XIV. The Biavo. XV. The lleidenmaucr. XVI. The Headsman. XVII. The Monikins. XIX. Home as Found. XX. Mercedes of Castile. X.\I. The Two Admirals. X.vil. The Wing.ind Wing. XXIIL Wyandotte. XXIV. Alioat and Ashore. XXV, ililes Wallinglord. XXV^L Satansloe. XXVIL The Chainhearer. X.WIU. The Redskins. XXIX. The Ciater. XXX. Jack Tier. XXX L The Oak Openings. XXXII. The Sea Lious. XXXI IL Xed Myers. XXXIV. The Ways of the Hour. Cooper, ^n,9S. Rural Hours. 8vo. New York, 1850. H . ■' Londou, ;. rjmo. "Western nier. ntngf.. lis. ■ llie How. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 833 Cowper. "WiUiam , ,, The "Works of, — comprising his Poems, Correspondence, and Translations ; with a Lifo of the Autlior, 'jy Uie Editor, R. Southey. 15 vols. 12mo. London, 1830-37. upon his r- jr SheJd. f ': uikspcare, lllllistS. ite, accord- I of oftch. atic works. ite, p. 1S5. ed to those up with) ^ »? III Juan, with 1 : pp.vii. oO. * vols. 8vo. ■■; igs of Cooper, ■ loUlul. ■i 1 I'lislile. 1' miriils. bi^: Ill Wing. Wm shore. i 1 iirtiird ^^ 1 Vols. I. to III. Life, and the first part of Ilia Letters. IV. to Vli. Letters. VIIL Pooius, 1748-80, IX. Translatious fioiuMd. Ouion. The Tiiak, Tirooinium, &c. Vol. X. Posthumous Poems. Translation of An- dreini's Adam. XL to XII. Tlie Iliad, trans- lated into blank Terse. XIILtoXIV. The Odyssey. XV. Letters, Essays, «i 831 BELLES-LETTRES : to..- II -1 vv ■ >l||;l|;iv, ' 1 i|l|;;' t'Sf'Hf ■ P-;" • ' ^iW- I*' H If^' ' ' W fff 'fll » * ifw 1' >•• ^y'.:a- » Dibdin, Cliarles. Songa of,— with a Memoir, collected aud arranged by T. Dibdin ; illustrated hj Cruikahank. Third edition. 12mo. London 1S52. Dickens, Charles. Novels and Tales. New editions. 13 vols, 8vo. Lon- don, V. d. Viz : Sketches by Boz, illustrative of Every-dny Life, nnd Every-Jay Pooplc. 1854. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 1854. The Life iiml Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. 1852. Tlie Adventures of Oliver Twist. 1853. The Old Curiosity Shop. 1853. Bar-iaby Rudge. A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty. 1853. Araericau Notes, for general circulation. 1850. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, 18oo. Christmas Books. 1852. Dombey and Son. 1848. David Copporfield. 1850. Bleak House. 1863. Hard Times, for these Times. 1854. — — Pictures from Italy, (fcc. Vide ante, p. 5-11. Household Words. FiWe PE7aoDiCA.i.s. Digby, K. H. Thn Lover's Seat: — Kathemeriua; or, Common Things in rela- tion to JJeauty, Virtue, and Truth. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1850. D'lsraeli, Benjamin. Works. New edition. 10 vols. 12mo. 1853-4. Vivian Gioy. Venetia. Contarini Fleming. Coningsby. Alroy. Sybil. Henrietta Temple. Tancrcd. The Young Duke. Ixion, the Infernal Marriage, itc. Drake, N. Essays, Biographical, Critical and Historical, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian, 3 vols. Of the Uambler, Adventurer and Idler, &c., 2 vols. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1810 1814. Dutch in the Medway. l2mo. London, 1845. KniyhCs Lib. Edge"WOrth, Maria, Talcs and Novels. 10 vols. 12mo. London, 1848, and New Yors, 1856. Vol L Moral Talc.". Vol. II. Popular Tales, III. Bolinila. IV. CastU' Rack Rent, Irish Bulls, Ennui. V. Mniio'uvring, Almeria, and Vivian. VI. Absentee, M. .le Flmiry, Emillo deCoulanges, Mo- dern Or'.gflila. VII. Patronage. VIII. Patronage, (concludod.) Com'.'-' nrainaa, I.eaiiura, and Letters. IX. Ilarring'on and Ormond. X. Hehi). Edinburgh Essays ; By Members of the Uuiversity. 8vo. Edinburgh, If^il . Contents: Plato; by .lohn Stuart I'.lackic, M. A.. Professor ofOreok in the Uuiversi/y. Early En^'li^h Life iu the Drama; by John Skcltou, Advoute, 'i ' ;d by T. London, ivo. Lon- plc. 1854. ig3 iu rela- idou, 185G. .853-4. iage, &c. Itive of tlie Adventurer Is 14. ib. |idon, 184S, H. ,le Flmiry, [joulauges, Mo- Aa. (coDchuloii.) ja. laud OrmonJ. Ediuburgb, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 835 Homreopatby ; uy Willmm T. GairJner, M. D. F. R. C. P. E., .to. lufanti I'erduti ; by Andrew Wilson. Priigrcss of Britain in the Mcclmiiical \rts; by Janice Sime, M. A, Sir William Hamilton ; by Thomas Spencer Baynea, LL.B. Scottish Ballads ; by Alexander Smith, Secretary to the University. Law, Liberty and Protcstanti-m ; by Robert Bell. Chemical Final Causes ; by Oeorge Wilson, M. D., F. R. S. E., Rcgiua Professor of Tt'chuology in the University. English Life ; Social and Domestic, in the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury ; considered in refei'cnce to our position as a community of professing Christians. Second edition, revised. 12mo. London, 1851. Essays: Vide iu the order of the alphabet, the following, viz : British Essayists, the Cambridge, Oxford, and Princeton Essays — as also Essays, by the following Authors, viz : Alison, Carlyle, Conybeare, De Quincey* Drake, Gibbon, Goldsmith, Greg, Hal'am, Hazlilt, Head, Helps, Hume, Jeffrey, Johnson, Maeaulay, JMackintosii, Lord Llahou, Martincau, Masson, Prescott, Kogers, Smith (Sydiu-y), tiuuthey, Ste- phen, Sterling, Swift, Temple, "Walker, and AViseman. Evelyn, John. The Miscellaneous Writings of, now collected, with occasional Notes, by William Upcott. 4tD. London, 182o. Consisting of translations from the French "Of Liberty and Servitude, by M. do la Mothe le Vaycr," HViy.— " A Character of Knglaiid," li'.uO; and of "The OoMou Book of St. Julm Chrysostom, from thi' Greek." — His tracts: "Tlie state of Franco, &c.," lr,5'2.— "An Apology for the Uoyal jiarty," li'..-)9. — " Tlic late News from Brussels unmasked," liWiO. — " Fumifuginm," It'i'.l. — "Seulptura," Itifi'i. — "An account of Architects and," IfiiU. — " The Gardener's Almanack " liSiU. — " I'uljlio Euiployment preferred to Solitude," li'ii'i'y. — "History of the three famous Impostois," ItUi'.t. — " Naviga- tion and Commerce," 1074. — " Muiulus Miiliebri.s" l(i90. — " Aeetaria, a dis course on Salads," 1C99. — With Epistles dedicatory, and other additions to Fome works, which he translated and edited, fr)ra the French, and several Letters, learned and scientific. Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on various occasions (cliiefly on American History, Politics, and Progres.'*). Vol. 2, contains several Orations delivered in England, 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18o0. Family Library. Gl vols. l?mo, London, 1829-40. Tlie various works arc distributed in tii • catalogue to their respective authors. Ferriar, John. Illu.strations of Sterne: with other Essays and Yeises. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London, 1812. Fielding, Henry. The works of, — with IMemoir of the Author ; by T. Roscoc. New edition. 1 vol. bound in 3. Svo. London, 1853. Besides Tom Jones, Joseph Andrews, and AmcHa, his works include some Come- dies, Farces, Political Treatises, Treatises on public Manners and the state of the Police, and some Historical and Philoso]ihicul papers. Forbes, Edward. Literary Papers, selected from his writings in the Literary Gaiette. 12mo. London, ISG5, Iff ! ■ . i 1 ■ 11 ;■ • i ! : ■ ■ J 1. 1 1 1 ' 1 li^-' < fl ■■■I-. 836 BELLES-LETTRES : mi 1 1 m M^ t'fj.'. Franklin, Benjamin. Complete works of, — with notes and a life of the author, by Jared Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1840. For Cdutents, viik American Law and Poiitics; ante, p. 182. Gait, John, The Reform : being the Membv-i- and the Radical. [2 political novels.] 12mo. London, 1833. G-ibbon, Edward. Miscellaneous works of, — with occuaiur.rl notes, and narra- tive 5 by John, Lord Shefl'ield. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 179G. Vol. I Autobioijrapliy, sekotCorrespoudcnco. IL Conespimtk'iico ooiidiiucd [the siibjeotB of the correspondenco, are CliisKJoiil, riiilosophicnl, Historical, and Political, in turns], III. Extracts from liis Jourual, sliowiug liis opinions of certain books. — Hia remarks and essays on differint subjects. — Outlines of the History of the World, from tlic> niiitli to tlio fifteenth centuries. — Essni sur I'Otude dc la litturatiiro. — On t!aboiir, an I's-say on tlie duties of the Employers to the employed, willi an Esfay on the means of improving t!ie IlcaUh and Comfort of the Labouring Classeji. Second edition. l"mo. Lon- don, \S-{-). Companions of my Solitude. 12ino. London, 18o2. Friends in Council : A series of Readings, and discourse thereon. 2 vols. 12mo. Loiid side Cross ; or the Raid of Gomez. > Af'.auil'.s M.i'ii;er:i and Customs of India. GleiL;'s British Army Ruxtou's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mimntuins, 1 vol. O'.rnarvon's (Lord) Portugal and Galicia. 1 vol Gleig's L;fe of Lord ('live, 1 vol. ITny^'arth's IJusli Life in Australia. 1 StelVeii's Adventures on the Road to Paris. J Irving's (Wa.-hington) Tales of .a Traveller. 1 vol. Campliell'd K^:^ay on Engli^h Tootry. 1 vol. Malioii's (Lord) llistorioal Essays. 1 vol. Hold's (Sir I''. B.) Stokers and Pokers. St. .lohn's (li:iylej The Libyan Desert. Letters lioni Sierra Leone. B> " Lr.dy. Gkig's Life of Munro. 1 vol Buxton's (Sir T. F.) MemoiiH. 1 v<.!. Irviiict's Life of Oliver Ciiild.siuith. 1 vol 1 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. d Customs of India. ) at Washin;;toi\ and N'ew Orleans. \ 1 vol. \ vol. 1 vol. 5n in Gcruiary. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 839 Hone, Williaia. Works : 4 vols. 8vo. London, 182G-1832. Vol. I. II. The Evcry-Day Book, or Tho Guide to tlie Yeiir, relating to Popular Araudciueiita, Sporti, Ac, &c., iuciilent to tho throo huudreJ and Bixtyfivo duys, in past and present times. III. The Evory-Uiiy Book, and Tiiblo Book : or. Everlasting Calendar of Pupuliir Aniuaoi. to wliich are nddoil, tliose V. \ his Companions. 3 vuls. VI. liiimobrMge llill. VII. 'I'ali's of a Traveller. VIII. ABtoria. Vol. IX. Crayon Miaccllnny. X. Bonneville's Adventures. Xf. Life (if ttoMsniith. XII. ) ilulionict and his Successo's Xlir. S 'J vols. XIV. Co!i«iiie.-'t of Granada. XV. The AlhiiMibra. Wolfert'a Roost, and other Papcr.s now first collected Svo. New York, 18.5.J, The Sketih Book of GeolFrey Crayon, Esq. New cdi- ! 1.^^;*, tiun. 2 volti. I'Jfiio. Loudon, 1834. Famiii/ Libiar;/. 810 BELLES-LETTRES : ^m^ m H^h' mA James, G. P. R. 1853 50. Novels. Popular cilition. 34 voU. l2iuo. London Charles Tyrrell. Caateliicnii. Henry of Guise. Morley Ernstein. The Briifiind. The Convict. Jolm Miirston Ilnll. Oowrie. Agiiicour*. Arabella Snmrt. A Wliini and its Consequences. Sir Tht'oiidro BroiiglUon. IKMiicliainp. Tiio Castlo of Ehrenstein. The Stepmother. Dolawiirc. Forest Diivs. Mary of Burgiimly. The RobhiT. Durnley. The Gipsy. The Smuggler. Tlie King's Highway. Henry Masterton. Philip Augnstus. Heidelberg. Tlio Geutlemnu of the Old School. Tlie Huguenot. Tlie Forgery. Russell. Eva St. Clair. Altila. Oiu; in a Thousand. False Heir. Jameson, ilrs. 2 vols. A^isits and Sketches, nt Home and Abroad. Third edition. 12mo. London, 1839. — A Common-place Book of Thoughts, ^Memories, and Fancies, Part I. — Ethics and Charncter. Part IL — Literature and Art. 8vo. Loni*on, 18.54. — Characteristics of "Women ; moral, poetical, and liistoricnl ■ with etchings. Fourth edition. 2 vols. J2nio. London, 1846. Jeffrey, Lord. Contributions to the Edinburgh RevicAV. Second edition, 3 vols. 8vo, London, 1846. Vol. I. Oencrnl Literature and Literary Biography; History and Historical Memoir.'i. IL On Poetry, Philosopliy of the Mind, Jlftapliysica and •Jurisprudence. IIL On /Vovids, Tales, »tc. , General Politics; MiseellaneouB. Johnson, Samuel, L.L.D. Tiio Works of. New edition, by A. Chalmers, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by A. Murphy. 12 Voli. Svo. London, 1823. Vol. L E-».-ay on Ur. .Tuhnsoii, bv Mnvjihy. Pooins. U. riiilol.igii.'al Ti.'icts, Political and MiscuUaneous Essays. IIL On tile Greek Cointily nnd Tlieatre, Dedications, Adventurer [eerfait! nuinl)ers] nnd liassclas. IV. V. VL The Rambler. VII. The Idler. VTII. Mi.-=ctll:ineoiis Essays, Political Tracts, .Tourney to Scotland. TX. X. XI. Lives of the English Poets. XII. Livts of Eminent Persons, Letters, Prayers. Jones. Talcs of an Indian Camp. 3 vols. Svo. London, '.^29. hlrtl ccVition. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 841 tnturfr [ocrtiuD Jones, Sir William, The Worku of, 6 vols. With Supplemental \olume8, containing the whole of the Asiatick Researches up to tliat time, not includiid in his Works. 2 vols. In all 8 vols. 4to. London, i7!)9— 1801. Vol. ■ -ipcrs roffftnlin!; Asiatic Learning und Science, Anniversary Discourses to Asiatic Sociuty. n. Botanical Papers, T«lativo to India, Persian Grammar, PocseoB Asia- ticiu Coiiimentrtriorum. III. Ohnriijes to Grand Jury at Oalcutta. Itigtitutos of Hindu Law. Tlie Miihoinedan Law of Succession and of Inheritiinco, IV. TIio Spueclics of Isoius concerning the Law of Succession at Athens. The seven Piienia which were suapendoi! on tlie Temple at Mecca. Translittions from the A .aticl< Languages. V. L'Histciire do Nader Sliali. Description of Asia. Short History of Persia. VI. Ilitopadeaa of Vishnusarmau. Hymns to Pracriti, Extracts from tlio Vedas, On the Law of nailmeuts. Judd, Sylvester, Margaret : a Tale of the Real and the Ideal, he, includiiij; Sketches of Mona Christi. Revised edition, 2 vols, 12mo, Boston, 1851. Darley's Compositions in outline from this Tale, Vide Fink Arts, Kirkland, Mrs. A new home — Who'll v'ollow, or glimpses of Western Life. 8vo, Boston, 1.850, Knapp, S. L. Lectures on American Literature, with Remarks on some pas- sages of American History. 8vo, New York, 1829. Knight's Shilling Library, 196 vols. 18mo, London, 1845, These worlts aro distributed in their proper places in lliis Catalogue. Knight, Charles, Half-hours with the best Authors, selected and arranged. With short biographical and critical notices. Portraits. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1848. Once upon a Tim • 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1851, Slictohes of some of tlio stages of i ..niition from the past to the present. — — Knowledge is Power ; r. view of the productive forces of Modern Socieiy, of Labour, Capital and Skill. 12mo. London, 1855, Old Printer .'.nd tlip. Modern Press. 12mo. London, 1854. Lamb, Charles, Works, to which are prefixed his letters, and a sketch of lii!> Life, with final Mc.uorials, by T. N, Talfourd, -1 vols. 12mo. London, 1855. Vol- L II. Life and Letters. III. Essays of Elia. IV. Rosamund fl ray ; Essays; Poems and verses, including poems 'jy his sister. Final memorials, by T. N. Talfourd. 12mo. London, 1849, Landor, Walter Savage, Collected Wo- .i. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 185,3. Vol. I Contains Indexes, Imaginary Conversations, First and Second series. II. Imni;inary Convorsations, Citation und Examination of Shakspeure, Pericles anil Aspasia, Minor Prose pieoos. Poems, Uellenics, Acts and Scenes, ito, Dt \ t 842 BELLES-LETTRES : i*fc ;• Landor, "Walter Savage. Last Fruit »)ff an Old Tree. 8vo. London, 1853. liigutctin more Iinniiinary ronveM»tlonii : hftving « rofcreiico to thuie peraoiig aii>I that gyit. rii \inclor wliiclt tlio Madia! wore deprived of freedom, 4c.| with LctUTH to eminent put.lic Men, r, - .. on public mTaii'g, ic'., and Tocnis, consisting of Kpigriims and Epiat'.o:) , tic FIto Sceuea, &c. Lectures, Addresses, &o :— British Eloquence : Speechos of eminent Statesmen. First series. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1855. ; Literary Addresses, delirered at various popular Institutions, [by emint-nt men, mostly in public lift-,] First, Second and Third series. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1855-6. Sermons of eminent living divines of the Church of England ; with an introductory charge on Preaching, by the Venerable Archdeacon Sinclair. I2mo. Loncon, l8oG. Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects. Vide Education, ante p, 79. (Edited by Maurice ;) on Learning and Working. Ibid. Head at a Jlechanics' Institute in tl>e Country, [by C. B.l l2mo. London, 1854. delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, in Exi'tcr Hall, from November, 1854, to February, 1855. 8vo. Lon- don, 1855. Leech, J. Pictures of Life and Character, from the collections of Mr. Punch, London, 1854. Oblong folio. Lop'tjild of Reading Abbey. 12mo. 1845. Kiiijht's Libr. IieYer, Charles. Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon; with illustrations by Phiz. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1S41. _, Jack Ilinton the Guardsman; with a Portrait of the Author, and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1842. Tom Burke of " Ours" with Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. — The O'Donoghue, a Tale of Ireland, fifty years ago, with lUuatrationa. 8vo. London, 1815. Knight of G Wynne, a tale of the time of the Union, wit'i Illustrations by Phiz. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Roland Cashel ; illusfrited by Phiz. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. liivonian Tales. [Hy Miss Rigby.] 12mo. 1816. Colon, Lib. Locke John. Complete Works : with life of the Author. Twelfth edition. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Including, (among other writings) : in es«ay cunoeriiin{^ the llnmnn Understanding. Treatise a (lu (Jovoiiinicut, and ou some branches of Tolitical Economy. Letters on ToleriUion. Tlioiiglits on IMueiition. Theological J-'^says. EXQLISU AND AMEAICAN. 843 Looke, John. Complete Works, &c. — (ContinueJ). KtinilikniPiitikl ('Miiatitutinii of Carolina. Debutea ill lliiiiBo of binlti. in li)75, on Bill to provent dangurt from pi'rnons diDulfoolvil to llic (Joveinrnent, Elements of Natural riiilosopliy. ObaiTvatioMs on tlio growth unit oiili Silk, unil llii^ |)rcit.icm < >' fruii Annlynis of liin doctrine of Ideas. Defence of liis iplnion cuii' '^rning porRnnnl ideotit^Ti f Vines and Olives, the production of History of N'avigiitio :. fri ' origiuui clinraolcr of ni'--l bo Tnivcl. Letters to viirious persons, .1 Longfellow, H. W. Tl.. Hyperion, Ouire-Mcr Lost Senses. Vol. I. — Dualness. Lover, Samuel. Lof^eiuls uiid Stories ot Irulanil. 12ino. Lytton, Sir E. L. Hulwer. Novels ; a ru vised edition. London, 18-lS -55. viz : Paul Oliir.ird ; 1848. PilgrimB of tlir Rhine; 1860. Ertioift Maltruvcrs ; 1851. Alice, or tlio Mysteries; 1851. Devereux; 18.^)2. The Ui.SQwned ; lSr>2. Harold; 1853. The Last of the Harona ; 1863. Zanoni; 18,'i,'!. Lucrotia ; ISfiZ. Tlie Student. tho year 1704, with a Catalogue and of, — 12mo. London, 1851. ItiUy,) Kavnnngh. I.— 18G4. Kni;iht\1 varum. II. Paradise Lost ; Paradise Regained. III. Touching Church Discipline. Of Prelaticall Episcopacy ; Church Goveruniont against Prelaty. Two Pieces relating to the Remon- strant against Smectymnus. Answer to Ellion Basilikc. IV. Of Divorce. On four places in Scripture, which treat of Marriage. M. Buoer's Judgment. Milton's Deffence of his book on Divorce. Of Education. Of the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Observa- tions on Articles of Peace secured in Ireland, Ac. V. The History of England to the Conquest. Civil Power not to com- pel in Religion. Tracts on Church Temporalities, and against Popery. For a Free Commonwealth, and against Kingship. VI. (Latin Tracts,) Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio; and four others relating to it. Rules for Younger or Elder to attain the Latin Tongue. VII. (Latin,) Artis LogicsB Institutio : Praxis, et P. Rami Vita. Literae SenatHS Anglioaui ; nee non Cromwellii, etc. Scriptum Dom. Pro- tectoris atque Sententia Concilii sui editum, etc. Epistolarum Familiarum, Prolusions. VIII. (English,) Defence of the People of England; Letters of State, (as above, in Latin ;) Letters Patent for the Election of John III. King of Poland; a Brief History of Moscovia. Mitford, Miss M. R. Our Village : sketches of rural character and scenery. First and second series. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1852. -^ Recollections of a Literary I^ife ; or, Books, Places, and People. Second edition. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1853. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. The Letters and Works of, — Edited by her great grandson. Lord Wharncliffe. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1837. Mountain, G. J. : (Bishop of Jlontreal.) Songs of the Wilderness ; with notes. 12mo. London, 1846. (Two copies.) New England and her Institutions : by one of ber sous. Svo. London, 1835. A fictitious account. Northoote, James. One Hundred Fables ; original and selected. With 280 wood cuts. Second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1829. Oxford Essays, contributed by members of the University. 1 vol. Svo. 1855. Containinj;: Lucretius and the poetic characteristics of his Age ; by W. T. Sellar, late Fellow of Oriel College. Suggestions on the best means of teaching English History ; by J. A. Froude, lat« Fellow of Exeter College. Alfred de Musset ; by F. T. Palgrave, Exetw College. 'li i '■ 1/ ili.Jri- ] '■ ■ m ■ ■■ 1 • ' m'^:s. 'f-^\m ■> W-'^ .|f;.; 1., 3;.- 'A^:£ 1 846 BELLES-LETTRES : Oxfbrd Essays, 1855 : by members of the University— (Continued.) The Plurality of Worlds ; by H. J. S. Smith, Balliol College. Persian Literature ; by E. B. Oowell, Magdalen Hall. Crime and it« Excuses ; by the Rev. W. Thompson, of Queen's College. The neighbourhood of Oxford, and its Geology; by John Phillips, deputy reader in Geology. Hegel's PMlosophy of Right ; by T. 0. Sanders, late Fellow of Oriel College. Oxford Studies ; by the Rev. M. Pattison, of Lmcoln College. Oxford Essays, 1858 : 1 vol. 8vo. Containing : Comparative Mythology ; by Max MuUer, M. A., Taylorean Pnifessor. The Growth of Laws oud Usages of War; by Montagu Bernard, B. C. L., Trinity College. The Raphael Drawings in the University Galleries, Oxford ; by George Butler, M. A. late Fellow of Exeter College. The Land System of Ireland ; by W. O'Connor Morris, B. A., Oriel. National Education ; by Fred. Temple, M. A., late Fellow of Balliol. Oarlovingian Romance ; by Richard John King, M. A., Exeter. Review of Mr. Congreve's " Roman Empire of the West" ; by Goldwin Smith, M. A., Fellow of University College. Palgrave, Sir Francis. Truths and Fictions of the Middle Ages. The Merchant and Friar. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1844. Parr, Samuel : (LL.D.) The works of, — With memoirs of his life and writ- ings, and a selection from his correspondence ; by J. Johnstone. 8 Tols. 8vo. London, 1828. Vol. I. Memoirs. IL Sermons. III. Critical: on Horace, &c. ; on Warburton ; Prefatio ad Bellendeni Libros. Remarks on Politics, Jurisprudence, and Morals. Letters to Dissenters and to Dr. Milner. R C. Notes on Whiy, j and Tories. IV. Character of Fox. Note upo;: istcry of James IL loscrip- tious, Latin and English. v., "VI. Sermons. VII., VIII. Correspondence with Dr. Parr. Dr. Parr's plan of Teaching, 4o. Percy Anecdotes. Vide Anecdotes. Porter, Miss Jane. Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative of his shipwreck, and consequent discovery of certain islands ; with a detail of many ex- traordiuary events in his life, from 1733 to 1749. Third edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1841. Prescott, W. H. Critical :nd Historical Essays, contributed to "North American Review." Third edition. 12mo. London, 1854. Madame Oalderon's Life in Mexico. Moli^re. Poetry and Romance of the Italians. Charles Btrockden Brown, the American Novelist. Asylum for the Blind. Irving's Conquest of Granada. Cervantes. Sir Walter Scott Chateaubriand's English Literature, Bancroft's United States. Scottish Song. Italian Narrative Poetry. On Da Ponte's Observations, upon the pre- ceding article. Tioknor's History of Spanish Literal nre. 1st series. ] . The 2 . The 8 Tlie 4 The 6 . Ori 6, 1, 8. 9 Mel 10. Doc 11. The 12. The 18. The 14. Ben) 16. Snce 16. Reg 17 Sane 18. Tran 19. Sabl 20. Bodi 21. Thol 22. Tran 28. Cans ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 847 Princeton Essays. Reprinted from the Princeton Review. First series (theological) with a Preface by the Rev. Patrick Fairbaim, Free Church, Aberdeen. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1856. — — -I — — Reprinted from the Princeton Review. Second series (theological and miscellaneous) including the contributions of the late Rev. Albert B. Dod. 8vo. New York and London, 1847. 2nd series. Ut Boriea. 1. The Rule of Faith. 2. The SoDship of Christ. 8. Tlie Decrees of Qod. 4. The Early history of Pelagiauism. 6. Original Sin. 6, t, 8. The Doctrine of Imputation. 9. Melancthon on the nature of Sin, 10. Doctrines of the Early Sooinians, 11. The Power of a Contrary Choice. 12. The Inability of Sinners. 18. The New Divinity tried, 14. Beman on the Atonement 16. Sncerdotttl Absolution, 18. Regeneration. 17 Sanctifioation. 18. Transubstantiation, 19. Sabbath Observance. 20. Bodily Effects of Religious Ex- citement. 21. Tholuok's History of Theology, 22. Transcendent' lism. 33. Cause and Effect, 1. The Bible; a Key to the Phenomena of the Natural World. 2. God the End of all Things. 3. Systems of Theology. 4. On the Atonement 6. On Revivals of Religion. 6, Dr. Beecher's Theology. 1. The Doctrines of New England Churches. 8. Christian Union. 9. The Division of the Presbyterian Church. 10. Slavery. 11. Abolitionism. 12. Capital Punishment 13. Phrenology. 14. Vertiges of Creation. 15. Analytical Oeometi-y. 16. BaptistTranslatiouof the Bible. 11. The English Bible. 18. Oxford Architecture. 19. Expository Preaching. 20. Fiirst's Hebrew Concordance. 21. The Historical Statements of the Koran. Ralegh, Sir Walter. The works of. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1829. Vol. I.— Lives of the Author, by Oldys and Birch. Vol. II. to VII. inclusive. History of the World. Vol. VIII. Miscellaneous. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary works of, — and a memoir of the author ; with remarks on his professional character : by H. W. Beechey. New and improved edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852, lioJin'i Lib. There is added to Vol. II., "a Chronological List of Painters, from the Revival of the Art, to the beginning of the last century ;" by Mr. Gray. Robertson, William: (D. D.) The works of, — with an account of the life and writings of the author ; by Dugald Stewart. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1840. For the several works, vide HisTonT, in loco. Rogers, Henry. Essays selected from the " Edinburgh Review." 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Vol. L Biographical and Critical. 1. Life and Writings of Thomas Fuller. 2. Andrew Marvel. 8. Luther's Correspondence and Character. 4. Life and Qenius of Liebnitz. i i, ..I ^l! • 1 •'■=> ' '1, i ■ 1 84.8 BELLES-LETTRES Rogers, Hemy. Essays selected from " Edinburgh Review."— (Continued). Vol. I. Biographical and Critical — (Continued). 6. Oeniua and Writings of Pascal. 6. Literary Genius of Plato, — Character of Sowatei. 1. Structure of the English Language. 8. Sacred Eloquence, — the British Pulpit. 9. The Vanity and Glory of Literature. IL Theological and Political. 1. Right of Private Judgment. 2. Anglicanism; or, Tlie Oxford Tractarian School, 8. Recent Developments of Tractarianism. 4. Reason and Faith ; — their Claims and Conflicts. 6. Revolution and Reform. 6. Treatment of Criminals. 7. Prevention of Crime. Romance of History. 12 vols. 12mo. London, 1831-34. England ; by H. Neele. 8 vols. France f by L. Ritchie. 8 vols. Spain ; by Don T. De Trueba. 8 vols. Italy ; by C. Macfarlane. 8 vols. Sangster, Charles. The St. Lawrence and the Sagnenay ; and other poems. 12mo. Kingston, C. W., 1856. Soott, Sir Walter. Miscellaneous Prose Works. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1827. Vol. I. Life of Dryden. n. Life of Swift. IIL Biographical Memoirs of Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Cumberland^ Goldsmith, Johnson, Sterne, Mackenzie, Walpole, and others. IV. Miss C. Smith, Sir R. Sadler, J. Leydcn, Miss Seward, DeFoe, E. George III., Lord Byron, Duke of York, Ac. V. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, with hn Appendix, relating to K. Bona- parte at Waterloo, [French and Eng.ish.] VI. Chivalry, Romance, and The Drama. ————.—— — Waverley Novels (Illustrated by Engravings on Steel and on Wood.) Abbotsford edition. 12 vols. Edinburgh, 1842-47. Vol. I. Waverley and Guy Mannering. II. The Antiquary, The Black Dwarf, Old Mortality. III. Rob Roy, The Heart of Mid-Lothian. IV. Bride of Lammermoor, Legend of Montrose, Ivanhot. V. The Monastery, The Abbott. VI. Kenilworth, The Pirate. VII. The Fortunes of Nigel, Peveril of the Peak. VIII. Quentm Durward, St Ronan's Well. IX. Red Gauntlet, The Betrothed, The Talisman. X. Woodstock, Chronicles of the Canongate, The Surgeon's Daughter. XI. The Fair Maid of Perth, Ann of Geierstcin. XII. Count Robert of Paris, Castle Dangerous, Index and Glossary. Selden, John. Opera Omnia, tam edita quam inedita, Vitam Auctoris, Prse- fationcF, et Indicis, adjecit David Wilkins, S. T. P. 3 vols, bound in C Folio. London, 1726. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. 849 Selden, John. Table Talk of,— with Notes, by David Irving. 12mo. Edin- burgh, 1854. [The original Title is also givpn, viz : Table Talk, being the Discourses of J. Seldeu, or his sense of various Matters of weight and high consequence, relating especially to Religion and State. London, 1689.] Vidt, also, his Opera Omnia, vol. 3, part 2. SlmmS, W. G. The Lily and the Totem, or the Huguenots in Florida ; Sketches of the Colonies of Coligni. 1562-1670. 8vo. New York, 1850. Views and Reviews in American Literature, History and Fiction, in two series. 8vo. New York, 1845. Life in America ; or, the Wigwam and the Cabin. Svo. Aberdeen, 1848. Small Books on Great Sulv)eots; Knowledge. No. >} Inl vol. In 1 vol. Theie three bound together. Smith, Albert Smith, C. M. 1854. Smith, C. J. edited by a few Well-Wisheri to (j„. 22 Nob. in 16 vols. 12mo. London, 1844-55. I. Philosophical Theories and Philosophical Experieuce. VIII. Of Vulgar and Common Errors, adapted to the year of Grace, 1846. 11. The Connection between Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy. III. On Man's Power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. IV. An Introduction to practical Organic Chemistry, v. Greek Philosophy up to the Age of Pericles. ) VI. " " from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of the Christ. ) VII. Oliristian Doctrine and Practice in the Second Century. XVII. Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Twelfth Century. XI. Christian Sects in the Nineteenth Century. IX. An Introduction to Vegetable Physiology. X. On the Principles of Criminal Law. XII. General Principles of Grammar, Universnl and English. XIII. Sketches of Geology. XIV. Ou the State of Man before the Promulgation of Christianity. XV. Thoughts and Opinions of a Statesman. [W. Von Humboldt.] XVI. On the Responsibilities of Employers. XVIII. The Philosophy of Ragged SchooU. On the State of Man subsequent to the Promulgation of Chrlstinnitj ; in 4 parts. This is a General History, brought down to the 14th century inclusive. The Wassail Bowl. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. London, 1843. Curiosities of London Life. New edition. 12mo. London, XIX. XX XXI. XXII r Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of fac-similes of original documents, scenes of remarkable events, &c. ; the birth- places, residences, portraits and monuments of literary characters, Ac. Selected and engraved by, — 4to. London, 1840. Smith, Sydney. The works of. Fourth edition. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1848. Vols. land II. Articles originally published in the Edinburgh Review. Tit!— Vol I. Dr. Parr; Dr. Rennel;.f. Bowles; Dr. Langford; Archdn. Nares; M. Lewis; Necknr's last views ; Australia ; Fievee's Letters on England ; Island of Ceylon; Dclphine ; Thoughts on the Residence of the Clergy; Oatt«au 1 " n < * 1 H: 1; • [■ [ , 1 ■ t '^ '' If Eti ''' ' .; ': '^i''ll ! ' ] ' ■ 1 i ■ i ; ■ 1 1 t • ; 1 ' ■ \ i •i !•:!' 860 BELLES-IETTIISS : Tableau dea Etets Danois ; Wittman'g Travela ; Edgeworth on Bulls ; Ac- count of Sierra Leone ; Trimmer and Lancaster ; Parnell and Ireland ■ TraTels from Palestine ; Methodism ; Indian Missions ; Letter on the Curates' Salary Bill ; Oatholics ; Proceedings of the Society for the Suppression of Vice ; Methodism ; Hannah More ; Characters of Fox ; on the Uistorical Work of C. J. Fox ; Professional Education ; Female Education ; Public Schools ; Disturbonces at Madras ; Toleration ; 0. J. Fox ; Bishop of Liu- coin's Charge ; Letters from a Mahrotta Camp ; Mad Quakers. Vol. IL Madame D'Kplnny ; America, (8); Game Laws, (2); Botany Bay, (2); Chim- ney Sweepers ; Mission to Ashantee ; Poor Laws ; Ireland ; Anastasius ■ Spring Guns ; Prisons ; Man Traps and Spring Guns j Scarlett's Poor Bill ; Prisons ; Persecuting Bishops ; Cruel treatment, of untried Prisoners ; Me- moirs of Captain Rook ; Benlham on Fallacies ; Wanderings in South Ame- rica ; Oranby ; Hamilton's manner of Teaching Languages. Ill, Peter Plymley's Letters, Sermons, (4). Speeches, Letters and Essays on the Catholic Question, and Irish Roman Catholic Church ; the English Church i Reform ; the Reform Bill and the Ballot ; on American Debts ; and on Railways. Smollett, Tobias. The Miscellaneous works of. Complete. With Memoir of the author, by T. Roscoe. New edition. 1 vol. bound in 3. 8vo. London, 1853. The works are: Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, (Poetry, including two Plays,) Expedition against Carthogeno, Launcelot Greaves, Travels, Humphrey Clinker, Count Fathom, Adventures of an Atom, &o, Southey, Robert. Essays, moral and political ; now Arst collected. Written between 1809 and 1828. S vols. I2mo. London, 1832. They concern the state of the Poor, and the means of bettering their condition! Parliamentary and other Reforms ; Public Opinion; on accounts of England by foreign travellers ; on Emigration ; and the Catholic question. The Doctor, &c. Complete in 7 vols. 8vo. Vols. 1, 2, third edition, 1839. Vol. 3, second edition, 1836. Vols. 4 and 5, 1837-38. Vols. 6 and 7, posthumous, with prefaces by his son-in-law. London, 1847. This work was published anonymously. It is a curious medley upon things old and new, embracing learned disquisitions, quaint extracts, humourous eomments) Ac, on men and things. ■ Common-place Book, edited by his son-in-law, J. W. Warter. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1849-51. Yol. 1. lat series. Cboice p.issages, moral, religious, political, philosophieal, his- II. Ill, torical, poetical and mit>r!oIlancouB. 2nd series. Special collections ; on theological subjects ; the history of England, during Cromtvell's Age ; Spanish and Portuguese literature; the history of the religious orders ; Orientaliana ; on American tribes; piiyaica; and curious facts. Srd series. Analytical readings in and illustrations of— histories, civil and ecclesiastical, English, French, foreign, &c. ; and of biograph; ; voyages an travels ; literary history, t.) Tales and Apologues. Sterne, Laurence. The Works of, with a Life of the Author, by himself. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Vol. I. Memoirs of his Life and Family. Life and Opir ^f Tristram Shandj. II. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. III. and IV. Sermons and Letters, <][C. Illustrations of Sterne. Vide Ferriar. Stillingfleet, Benjamin. Literary Life, and Select Works of. 2 vols, bound in 3. 8vo. London, 1811. Vol. I. Literary Life. II. (Part 1.) Poetry and Natural History. (Part 2.) On the Foliation of Trees, (Back's Treatise translated.) Calendar of Flora: Swedish, English, Greek, (Prof. Martyn's Additions.) Memoranda for the History of Husbandry, Ac, ; Observations on Grasses, by Marty n, ecial faults are detailed and satirised ; the Author occaBioBallr reflects on some contemporary FoliticiaDe ia England and France, "Deoham: vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 7. Doiisley : ibid, vol. 15. ■ DoD2ie : ibid, vol. 5. Dorset, Earl of : ibid, vol. 7. Drayton: ibid, vol. 4. Drununond : ibid, vol. 5, Drydeu : ibid, vols. 8 & 9. (with Life, by J. Mitford) : vide Aldine Poets. Duke : '('ide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 9. Dyer: Hid, vol. 13. Ellis, George. Specimens of oarly English Metrical Eomances, chiefly writ' ten during the early part of 14th Century, Ac. ; revised by J. HaHdwell. 8vo. Loudon, 184'8. jyo/tM'* Ant, Lib. POETRY AND THE DEAMA. 859 Exoelsi', ; or, the Eealma of Poesie, by Alastor. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1852. Falconer ; (with Life, by J. Mitford) : vide Aldiae Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 14. FaAVkes : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 16. Fenton : ibid, vol. 10. Fletcher, Giles : ibid, vol. 6. Fletcher, Phineas : ibid, vol. 6. Ford, John. The Dramatic works of, — with au Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1831. Fam. Library. Garth: vide Chalmers' Poe^^s, vol. 9. Gasooigne : ibid, vol. 2. Gay : ibid, vol. 10. Glover : ibid, vol. 17. Goldsmith : vide his collected Works, vol. 1. (with Memoir, by J. Mitford) ; vide Aldine Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 16. Gower : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 2. Grainger: ibid, \o\. 14. Gray ; (with Memoir, by J. JVfitford, and Appendix) ; ide Aldine Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 14. Green : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 15. Griswold, Rufiis W. Poets and Poetry of America ; with an historical In- troduction. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Habington : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 6. Halifax, Karl of : ibid, vol. 9. Hall, Bishop : ibid, vol. 5. Hammond, James: ibid, \oh 11. Harte: ibid, vol. 16. Hayes, Edward. The Ballads of Ireland, collected and edited, with an his- torical introduction. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1855. Heber, Reginald : The Poetical Woi'ks of, — a new edition. 12mo. Boston, 1853. Hemans. Mrs. : The Poetical Works of, — with a Memoir of her Life, by her sister. 7 vols. 12mo. London, 1839. Hood, Thomas. Poems. Seventh edition. [Posthumous.] 12mo. Loudon, 1854. " The colloction of [his] serious Poerag, will be followed by a volume of the more thoughtful pieces ia hia poems of Wit and Humour." [This volum follows.] \P ■I i "1- '■( ii ■ ' ' ' I ' ■ • p ;;i 8G0 ENGLISH BELLES-LETTRES Hood, Thoniaa. Poems of Wit and Humour. Sixth edition. 12mo. Lon- don, 1854. •' In the selection of these pieces, no recourse has been had to a selection mad* by Mr. Ilood, called Hood's Own." Howard, Eiirl of Surrey; (with a Memoir): vide Aldino Poota; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 2. Hughes : ibid, vol. 10. Hunt, Leigh. Imagination and Fancy ; or. Selections from the English Poets, illustrative of those first requisites of tlieir Art, &c., and an Essay in answer to the question, " What is Poetry ?" 12mo. Loudon, 18-14. ■ Wit and Humour; Selected from the English Poets; with critical comments. Second edition. 12 mo. London, 1846. Inohbald, Mrs. Bcitish Theatre ; or, a collection of Plays which are acted at the Theatres Eoyal ; with Eemarlis. 25 vols. 12mo. Loudon, 1808. Modern Theatre; or, a collection of successful modern Plays. 10 vols. 12mo. London, 1809. A collection of Farces, and other After-pieces, selected by,— 7 vols. 12mo. London, 1809. Jago : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 17. Jenyns, Soame: ibid, vol. 17. Johnson, Samuel : ibid, vol. 16. vid« his collected Works, vol. 1. Jones, Sir William : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 18 ; also, his Works, vols, 2, 4,6. Jonson, Ben : Vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 5. Keats, John : Poetical Works of,— with a Memoir, by R. Monckton Milnes ; illustrated by 120 designs, drawn on wood, by G. Scharf. 8vo. Lon- don, 1854. Literary remains, viz : A Tragedy and a Dramatic Fragment; a FaBry Tale and Miscellaneous Poems ; vide his Life, &c., by Milues. King, 11. J. Selections from the early Ballad-Poetry of England and Scotland, 12mo. London, 1842. King, Dr. William: vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 9. Kirke-White : (with Memoir, by Sir H. Nicolas) ; vide Aldine Poets. Knowles, J- Sheridan. Dramatic Works. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 185G. " We think Mr. S. Kuowles will keep his place as the King of uneducated Dra miitists." — Athen(Bum, Lamb, Charles. Specimens of Englisli Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Sliakspeare. 8vo. London, 1851. IhJin's Ant. Lib. — ■ Poems, Sonnets, Blank Verse, Album Verses, &c., vide Lia collected Works, Vol. 4. l856. IteJ Dra lout tbc ide Ilia POETRY AND THE DRAMA.. 861 Langhorne : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 16. Lansdowne, Granville, Loi-d : ibid, vol. 11. Lloyd : ibid, vol. 15. Logan: ibid, vol. \S. Longfello^iv, H. "W. Poetical works ; Lyrical, and Dramatic, with an introductory Essay, by Q-. Oilfillin. Fourth edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1853. Poems, complete. 2 vols. 18mo. Boston, 1857. Vol. II. contains, Evangeline, tlie Colden Legend, and Hiawatha. Lovibond : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 16. Lyttelton, Lord : ibid, vol. 14. Mallet : ibid, vol. 7. Mason : ibib, vol. 18. Massinger, Philip : the Plays of, — adapted for Family-reading, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. New York, 1831. Fam. Lib, Miokle : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 17. Milman, H. H. The Fall of Jerusalem. 12mo. London, 1853. (Bound with Smith's Rejected Addresses.) Milton, John. Poetical Works, vide his collected Works, vols. 1 and 2. {with Memoir, by J. Mitford) ; vide Aldine Poets. vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 7. Le Paradis perdu, traduction de Chateaubriand, precede de reflex- ions sur la vie et les Ecrits de Milton par Lamartine, et enrichi de vingt-cinq magnifiques estampes originales gravces au burin sur acier, et des portraits de Milton, Chateaubriand et Lamartine. Folio. Paris, 1855. Montgomery, Robert : the Poetical Works of, — collected and revised by the Author. 8vo. London, 1854i. Moore, Edward : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 14. Moore, Thomas : the Poetical Works of, — collected by himself. 10 vola. 12mo. London, 1840-41. Vol. I. Odes of AunereoB, translated; Juvenile Poems. II. Juvenile Poems ; Poems relating to America. III. Corruption, Intolerance, The Sceptic, Post-Bng, Satirical and Humour- ous Poems ; Irish Melodies. IV. Irish Melodies, National Airs, Sacred Songs. V, Evenings in Oreeoc, Ballads, Songs, U'i- 862 ENGLISH BELLES-LETTRES : 11 ffT hi' III . If'' Moore, Thomas. Poetical Works. New edition, 1843. 10 vols. (Vols. G, 7, wanticg.) Motherwell, William. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modem ; with an Histori- cal Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1846. Ossian : The Poems of, — translated from the original Gtclic, by James Mac- pherson, with a preliminary discourse and dissertation on the .^ra and Poems of Ossian. 8vo. Boston, 185G. (Barde du 3e siecle.) Poesies Galliques en vers fran^ais, suivies des veillees pootiques ; par Baour-Lorniian, de TAcMdomie fran^aise. Cinqui^me edition, ornee de deux gravures. Svo. Paris, 1827. Otway : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 8. Oxford Prize Poems ; being a collection of sucb English Poems as have obtained Prizes in the University of Oxford. 12mo. Oxford, 1839. Parnell ; (with Life, by J. Mitford) : vide Aldine Poets; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 9. Philips, Ambrose : Vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 13. Philips, John: i6iW, vol. 8 Percy, Thomas. Reliques of ancient English Poetry ; consisting of old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our Earlier Poets, together with some few of later date, and a copious Glossary. 8vo. London, 1847. Pitt, Christopher : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 12. Pomfiret : ibid, vol. 8. Pope ; (with Memoir, by A. Dyce,) vide Aldiue Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 12. Prior 5 (with Life, by J. Mitford,) vide Aldine Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 10. Reade, J • E. Italy : a Poem, with Notes. New edition, revised. Svo. Lou- don, 1845. Rochester, John, Earl of: vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 8. Rogers, Samuel. Italy : a Poem ; a new edition, fine paper. Svo. London, 1854. Illustrations by Turner, Stothard, Prout, Ac. ; nnd single illustrations from Titian and Vasari. Poems : a new edition, fine paper. Svo. London, 1854. Illustrations by Turner, Stothard, Ac, a single illustration from Parmagiano. Roscommon, Earl of: vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 8. Rowe, Nicholas : ibid, vol. 9. Savage: ibid, vol. 11. Scott, John; ibid, vol. 17. !■! POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 863 )ls. ori- lac- Mttk sdea jaiee. have 1839. Imers' Soott, Sir Walter. Poetical Works, including, The Lay of the Last Minstrel ; Martnion ; the Lady of the Lake ; the Vision of Don Koderiek ; Eokeby, the Lord of the Isles ; Lyrical Pieces, &o. ; with a Memoir of the Author. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855. Select Poetry, from Chambers' Miscellany. 12mo. London, 18£5. lucludtng extracts from Coleridge, Crabbe, Scott, Cowper, Skakeapeare, and Byron; the Elizabethan Poets, and the Poets of France, Qermany and America. Shakespeare : The Poems of, — with Memoir, by A. Dyce, vide Aldiue Poets. The Poems of, — vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 5. William, f ho Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of, — edited by C. Knight'. Second edition. 12 vols. Svo. London, of old jgether oudon. 'oets, mera' Lon- jQudon, itn Titian 1854. .ano. IS'llZ. Vol. I. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of Errors. Love's Labour Lost. All's Well tliat Ends Well. II. Midsummer Night's Dream. Taming of the Shrew. Merchant of Venice. Much Ado about Nothing. III. Merry Wives of Windsor. Twelfth Night. As You Like It Measure for .V) caaure. A Winter's Tale. The Tempest. King John. King Richard II. , King Henry IV. Vol. V. King Henry VL Part 1. VI. King Henry VI. " 2 and 8. King Richard III. VII, Essay on the Opinion that Henry VI. was not written by Shakes- peare, &c. King Henry VIII. Komeo and Juliet. VIIL Hamlet, Cymbelinc, Othello. IX. King Lear, Timon of Athens, Troilus and Cressida, X, Macbeth, Coriolanus, Julius Cee- sar, Antony and Cleopatra. XI. Supplementary Kotice of the Ro' man Plays: Titus Androniou8> Pericles. XII. Poems, Ascribed Plays, Indexes King Heury V. (Euvres completes. Traduitea de I'anglais par M. Prancisque Michel. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1842. Complete concordance to, — being a Verbal index IV. to all the passages in the Dramatic Works of that Poet, by Mrs. Cow- den Clarke. Svo. London, 1847. Tlie English of Shakespeare illustrated, in a philo- logical commentary on Julius Cassar, by Q-. L. Craik. Svo. London, 1857. Tales from, — by Charles and Hester Lamb, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. [Vol. 1. lost.] Knight's Lib et son terns, etude letteraire par M. Guizot. Svo. Paris, 1S52. Shakspeare, Eetzsch, (Moritz) : Outlines to, — new edition, by E. Fleischer, oblong vol. Leipzig, 1847. Outlines to Hamlet and Macbeth; Explanations by C. Bottingcr. to Romeo and Juliet, and King Lear; Explanations by C. B. De Miltitt to the Tempest, Othello, the Merry Wives of Windsor, and Henry IV. ; Explanatioua by Dr. Ulrici. ■ I ! ■ ' hi " kklL ,, a ' ■'■ (I j , •- l. ! 'i (■■ ::. -.1 ■ ' ■' I: ' * ;■ ni 'i- isl 861 ENGLISH BELLES-LETTRES : Shavr, Louisa. The Isle of the DeathlesB, with minor Poemn ; also, Spare Moments ; or, Thoughts in ProBe. 12mo. London, 1850. Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 10, Shelley, P. B. The Poetical Works of: edited by Mrs. Shelley. 4 vols- 12mo. London, 1839. Vol. I. Queen Mab, Alastor, the Revolt of iBlam. II. Prometheus, unbound ; the Cenoi, a Tragedy; Hellas, a lyrical Drama. III. Early Poems. Pooms written in 1816, in 1817, in 1819, in 1820' IV. Poems written in 1820, (continued), in 1821, in 1822. Preface to Pos- thumous Poems in 1824. Translatioos. vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 13. , ibid, vol. 6. The Dramatic Works of, — with a memoir of hia Life, by 8vo. London, 1854. B. Stand. Lib. Tennyso Shenstone : Sherburne : Sheridan, R. B. G. G. S. Skelton : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 2. Smart : ibid, vol. 16. Smith, Edmund : ibid, vol. 9. —^ J. and H. Rejected Addresses ; or, the New Theatrum Poetarum. 12mo. London, 1855. Somervile : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 11. Southey, Robert. The Poetical Works of,— collected by himself. 10 vols. 12mo. London, 1853. Spenser, Edmund : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 3. (with Life by J. Mitford) : vide Aldine Poets. Observations on the Fairy Queen of Spenser, by T. War- ton. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London, 1807. and his Poetry, by G. L. Craik. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1845, Knight's Lib. Sprat : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 9. Stepney : ibid, vol. 8. Stirling, Earl of : ibid, vol. 5. Suokling : ibid, vol. 2. Surrey, Earl of : vide Howard. Swift, Jonathan : vide his collected Works, vols. 10-15. (with life by J. Mitford) : vide Aldine Poets ; also, Chal- mers' Poets, vol. 11. Taylor, Henry. Edwin the Fair, a Drama ; Isaac Comnenus, a Play ; the Eve of the Conquest, and other Poems. Third edition. 12mo. London, 1852. . Philip Van Artevelde, a Dramatic Romance, in 2 parts. Sixth edition. 12mo. Loudon, 1852. Thomsor al Thompso Tiokeli ; Trench, I ■ Y( Turbervi] Tapper, 5 A' 12; Walker: i Walsh: ib Warner: i Warton, J Warton, T whii lecti Mei inl, Watts: vidi West: ibid. Whitehead Whitehead Wilkie: ibv Wordsworl 12mc Vo ;the 2mo. "larts. POETOY AND THE DRAMA. 865 Tennyson, Alfred. Poet Laureate. The Prmcess,— a Medley. Sixth edition. 12iuo. London, 1851, — — In Memoriam. Sixth edition. 12mo. London, 1855. ■ - Maud, and other Poema. 12tno. London, 1855. Poema. Tenth edition. 12mo. London, 1855. Thomson, James, (with Memoir, by Sir H. Nicolas) : vide Aldine Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 12. Thompson, William : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 16. Tiokell : ibid, vol. 11. Trench, no. Poema: (American edition, by J. A. Spencer.) 12mo. New York, 185G. Turbervile : vide Chalmers* Poets, vol. 2. Tupper, M. F. Ballads for the Times, Geraldine, American Lyrics, Hactenus' A Thouaand Lines, &c. Fourth edition ; with omissions and additions. 12mo. London, 1853. Walker : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 8. Walsh: ibid. Warner : ibid, vol. 4. Warton, Joseph : ibid, vol. 18. Warton, Thomas : ibid. The Poetical Works of. Fifth edition, corrected ; to which is now added, Inscriptionum Romananim [Metricarumj De- lectus, and an Inaugural Speech as Professor of History ; with Memoirs of hia life and writings, and Notes, by B. Mant. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Oxford, 1802. Watts: vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 13. West; ibid. Whitehead, Paul: ibid, vol. 16. Whitehead, William : ibid, vol. 17. Wilkie: r^t-^, vol. 16. Words"worth, William. The Poetical Works of. New edition. 6 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Vol. I. Poems referring to childhood, Juvenile Pieces, Poems foanded on the Affections, the Waggoner. II. Poems of the Fancy, Pucms of the Imagination, Peter Bell, Poems on the naming of Places, III. Miscellaneous Sonnets, Memorials of two Tours in Scotland, 1808-14, Sonnets to Liberty, Inscriptions, IV. The River Duddon, the White Doe of Rylstone, Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, Ecclesiastical Sunncts, Notes. V. Poems of Sentiment and Reflection, Yarrow revisited, kc, Sonnets, in Scotland, 1883, Evening Voluntaries, Poems referring to Old Ag«, Epitaphs and Elegies. VI. The Excursion; with Notes, B66 BELLES-LETTRES FRANqAISES. Wordsworth, William. The Prelude ; or, Growth of a Poet's Mind ; an Autobiographical Poem. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1851. Wyat, Sir Thomas : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 2. [spelt] Wyatt, (with Memoir, his Defence, &.u.,) vide Aldino Poets. Yalden : vide Chalmers' Poets, vol. 11. Young : (with Life, by J. Mitford) : vide Aldine Poets ; also, Chalmers' Poets, vol. 13. V. BELLES-LETTRES FRANgAISES (y compris les P0LYGRAPHE3 EllANgAIS.) Fbtr oi-devant la lectioa UiSToiaE liitkraire, critiqce et RniroRiQcs, et en particulier I'iligtoire Llttuniiro do la Fruuco, La ilarpe, Villumuiu, Saint- Beuve, Niaard, Meniiecbet, Duquusnel, Viuut, etc. Waoe. Le roman de Brut, (compose duns le 12e si5cle,) publio pour la premiere foia d'apr^s les manuscrits des bibliotheques de Paris, avec un commentaire et des notes par Leroux de Lincy. 2 vol. 8vo. avec trois fac-simile. Rouen, 1836-38. Lorrls, (Guillaume du) et Jehan de Meung. Roman de la Rose, (compost dans le 136 siocle.) Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrigoe sur les meil- leurs et plus anciens manuscrits, par M. Meon. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. Fabliaux et Contes des po6tes fran9ais des lie, 12e, 13e, 14e et 15e sibcles, tires des meilleurs auteurs ; publics par Barbazan. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee et revue par M. Meon. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808. YbL I. L'Ordt^nc de chevalerie, avec une dissertation sur I'origiae de la langue fraojaisu, uq cssiii sur les etymologies, plusieurs contes et autrcs pieces, suiviea d'uu gloeanire. II. Le eastoiemcut ou instruction d'un piSre A son fils, ouvrage moral en vers, coinpos6 dnna le 18a siocle; precede d'une dissertatioQ sur la lanjjue dee celtea. Ill et IV. Recueil des poiites. Huon de M6ry. — Le tournoiement de I'ante-christ, (ouvrage compost dans le Xlle slecU) public avec des notes et des recherciics historiques et litte- raires el uii glossaire, par P. Tarbe. 8vo. Reims, 1851. Chretien de Troyes et Godefroy de Laigny. Le roman du chevalier de la Charett(!, (compose dans le Xlle siecle,) et public avec des recher- ches biogruphiques et lllt6raires, et un glossaire, par P. Tarbe. Svo. r-ims, 1849. Roman d'Aubery le Eourgoing, (compose dans le Xllle sificle,) et public avec des notes et un glossaire par P. Tarbe. Svo Eeims, 1849. -^ I ^ (Euvres a 1 Chanson (- VI R Roman d( 1.' de Chansonn ch sal Histolre c nio ecc Poetes de reel Svo Maohault, biog et I Desohamp proc riqu Coquillart publ tori( Poesies de I'aut man intro Marot, Clem porti Maro Pari Rabelais. ( reiuiir et Jo Pari.-=, BELLES-LETTRES FRANQAISES. 8G7 (Euvres de Phillippe de Vltry. (Po6te du Xllle sificle, publiAos) nvec des recliorches biogrnphiqucs, des notus, et un glossaire, pur P. Taib6. 8vo. Reims, 1850. Chanson, de Thibault IV, Comte de Champngnu et du Brie, Boi de Navarre (i;ompos<''e8 duns le XIIIo si^cle) publites avec di!8 reclierches sur la vie et le« ouuvreB de I'auteur, et un glossuire par Paul Turbd. Svo • Reims, 1851. Roman do Girnrd de Viane, par Bertrand de Bar-sur-Aube, (compost dans le 13e siede,) avec des rechercbfs sur la vie et les ouvrages de I'auteu r dus notes et un glossaire, par P. Tarbe. 8vo. Reims, 1850. Chansonniers de Champagne aux 12e et 13e siecles, pr^cdde de re« eherclu'9 sur lour vie et leurs a'uvrcs, par P. Turbe, et suivi d'un glos- saire. 8vo. Reims, 1850. Histoire du langage et do.s patois de Cimmpagnc, par P. Tarbo ; suivie dea nionmnents de I'ancien laiigage en Champagne ct daus la province eccli'sia!»tiquede Reims, et d'un gloHsaire. 2 vol. Svo. Reims, 1850. Poetes de champagne anturieurs au siecle de Fran9oi8 ler, avec des recherchc'9 sur leur vie et leurs couvrts, et un glossaire, par P. Tarbo. Svo. Reims, 1851. Maohault, G. de. ffiuvres (composees dans le He sidcle), publi^es avec la biographic de I'uuteur, des notes et un glossaire, par P. Tarb^. Reims et Paris, 1849. Desohamps, Eustache. Qi^uvres in^dites (composees dans le 14e xi^cle) pruccd6e8 de la vie de I'auteur, par P. Tarlio, et suivies de notes bisto- riques et d'un glossaire. 2 vol. Svo. Reims ct Paris, 1849. Coquillart, Guillaume. ffiuvres (composees dans le 15e siecle) ; edition publiue avec la biographie de I'autt'ur, un glossaire et des notes his- toriqu 3, par P. Turbo. 2 vol. Svo. Paris et Reims, 1847. Poesies de Charles d'Orl^ans, (petit-fils du roi Charles V,) publices avec I'autorisation de M. le ministre de I'instruction publique d'apres les manuscrits des bibliotheques du Roi et de I'Arsenal, et precedces d'une introduction par J. Marie Guichard. 12mo. Paris, 1842. Marot, Clement, ffiuvres completes. Nouvelle edition, orn^e d'un beau portrait, et augmentoe d'un e^sai sur la vie et les ouvragea de Clement Marot, de notes historiques et critiques et d'un glossaire. 3 vol. Svo. Paris, 1824. Rabelais. (Euvres ; edition variorum, augmentoe de pieces in^dites, do remaniues et d'un nouveau commentaire historique, par MM. Esmangart et Johanneau. 9 vol. 8vo., avec figures et songes drolatiques. Paris, 1823-1826. :( ;;- li 808 UELLES-LETTRES PRANQAISES. Rabelais. K. The work* of,— trnnslated by Sir T. Uiqulmrt nnJ Mottcux, with notes by Duchot, Ozell, he. Now edition, with aJditiom,! notes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, iSol. Ih/in'i Lib. Margaret, Queen of Navarre. The Hopfumeron of,— tmnslated with a Memoir of the Author, by Vi. K. Kelly. 8vo. London, 1S.55. Id. Pasquler, Etionne. fl^kvros choisies, accomjiagnt'es de notes at d'une etude sur la vie ot les ouvroges de I'uuteur, par Leon Feugere. 2 vol. l2nio. I'uris, 18 49. Qultard. Dlctionnaire ^ttymologiqno historiqiie «>t anccdutique des proverb' a et des locutions proverbitiltis de la Innj^iie frnnfjuiso, en rnpprnt avec 1-^ provcrbes et les locjtions proverbiules des autres Inngiies. 8v(i. Paris, 1842. Mesangdre, de la. Dictionnaire des provorbes frnn9ais. 8v ). Pj ,i 1623. Leroux de Linoy. Lo livre des proverbes fran9ui8. 2 vol. liiiho. Paris, 1842. M6ry, M. C, do. Histoire gonorale des proverbes, ndip-is, sentences, apoih- thegmes, derives des intcurs, des usages, de IV-sin it et de la morale des peuples anciens et modernes. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, I82S. L'Hospital, Michel de. (Euvres complJites. pri'cod6es d'un essui sur la vie ct les travaux de I'auteur, par P. J. J. Dufey. 2 vol. 8vo. et 1 vol. 8vo, de planches. Paris, 1824. Giluvres in6dite«, suivies d'un tableau de la Kigislation fran5ai8e, an lUe siecle. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Balzac, Guez de. (Euvres. l2mo. Paris, 1644. (Euvres, publiees sur les anciennes 6ditions, pir L. Moreau. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1854. Pellisson. (Euvres diverses. 3 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1735. Voiture. (I'^uvres 2 vol. l2mo. Paris, 1678. (Le vol 1, contient nussi la couclusion de riiistoiro d'Alcidali3etdeZ61i(]o,BchoTi;e par le Hieur Detbarres). Du Marsais. Q'iuvres. 7 vol. Svo. Paris, 1797. H^loise et Abailard. Lettres, traduites • r 1' o manuscrits de la bildio- tlicque royal. ;iar E. Oddoul, precedee., li'i. i ='>ai historir-'" par },[. et Mme. Guizot, et d'extraita do S'.'! >' a ■<■ . Pope, E ^uinet et V. Cousin. 2 vol. Svo. illustres de vignettes, fleurons, etc. Paris, I S39. La Fayette, Tenoin et Fontaines, Mesdames de. (Euvres completes. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1820. Vol. I et II. Madame de La Fayette. III. " " Tencin. IV. " " Fontaines. Soaza, MacViiue de. (Euvres completes. 6 vol. Svo. Paris, 1822. BFT Lnfi-LETTUES FRANQAISES. 809 LeSage, A. K. (Eurn^ ohoisles, nvuc flgurea. 15 vol. 8vo. Ain«tetdaui 1783. Vol. I. Lu ili 'Ic boiteiui, migmenU d'Une journ^e dei Pkrouei, tU. II-III. IlUtnn. IhOUBIm. IV. Lo» iivoiitiirto ilu M. n. ClmvnlitT dii D« Beaucli.ine, Copt, de iniboa* tiers tUiiM l« K' Mvnilf-Frnnoe. V-VI. lliitoiro do Ouziniui d'Alfiiracho, traduite et purg^e d«« nioralitig iuporfliioH. VII. liO Uiiclu'liiT do Snlam.inqtic. VIII-IX Ninivi'llu tnidiiction du Rolitiid rAmoureux. X. Iliitoii'o d'K«tovaiiillu Ooiizalva. XI-XV. 'l'li<5ftti'« de 111 Huge en 6 vol. L«! tJM'utro di' III Fiiirc, ou I'opi'i-a comlqiie. Vols. I-IV. Tlu'iitru fniiiyuis. Vid. V. (KiivrcH (le LeSiige, coniprenant lo DinM« Boitcux, Oil Bias 1(! Hadu'litT dp Siilumiiru|iie, Giiznmn d'Alf:iriJohe, Tlu'mtic. Nouveiie edition, precodi'c d'liue notice jmr M. Prosper Poitfvin, 8vo. Paris IHIG. Malherbes. Po6.*ieH, Ruivica d'un choix du sos lettres et uvi^f un ewui liisto- ritpie sur sa vie et seHouvrages, pnr I>on Tliiesso. S vo. Paris, 1838. Boileau Despr^aux. Csuvrcs compietoH, proc^dd'ts d'uue i dice sur sa vie par Daunou, revue pur Leon Thiesiso. 3 vol. 8vo. 'uris, Ib39. RousseaUt J. B. )ntieiit ses voyages en Lnponie, HoUandc, etc. Theatre firan9ais, compo.*ies divorses — Cresset, Vert-Vert, Adieux aux jcsuites, la Chartreuse, les Ombres, 6pilros — Gentll-Bernard, I'Art d'aimer, poesies diverscs — Iiemlerre, la Peinture (pueme), poesies diverses — Le cardinal de Bemis, les Qiirttre Saisons (poeme), les Q;iatre Parties du jour, epitres, poesies diverses — Saint Lambert, les Saisies divers(.- — Imbert, le Juj^ement de Paris. Epigrammos, fahles — Gilbert, poesies di- verses, epitres hi'roiques, la mortd'Abel — Bertln, ^lef;ies, eeuvres diverses, Appeudice — Parny, poesies erotiques, la Journee ehampetre (conte), le voyage lie Selim (conte), les Fleurs, Isnel et Aslega, Qoddani, nit'hingts, repnuses diverses — Florlan, fables, contes, romances — M. J. Chenler, poc'aic's diverse?, elegies, epigr imraes — Legouve, le Merite des femmcs, pie- sies diverses — Luce de Lanclval, Aehille ii Seyros, Folliculus, poisiea diverses — Millevoye, eU'i^ies, chants olegiaques, dizains et huilain.-, bal- lades, romances — And. Chenler, le Jeu de paume, odes, idylles, lilegicsi fragments. Condillac. CEuvrea complete-. IG vol. Svo. Paris, 1822. Vol. I. Essai sur I'origine des connaissances hNmaines. II. Traile des ey^telne3. III. Traites des sensations et des animaux. IV. Le c unmeree et le gouvernement. V. Art de penser et art d'ecrire. VI. Art de raisonner et grammaire. VII-XIV. Cours d'histoire. XV. Etude de I'histoire et logique. XVI. Langue des calculs. Gresset. O'^uvres ; avec une notice par Ch. Xodier. 12mo. Paris. Bernis, Cardinal de. (Eiivres. Svo. Paris, 1825. Lebrun, Pierre. (Euvres. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1841. Du DaffiTid, Min;^. Lottres 4 Horace Walpole, et a Voltaire. 4 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1S24. Epinay, itiiie d'. Momoires et correspoudauce. 12ino. Paris, IS j.^. Ft \\l .11 . 1 i- i ■ 874 BELLES-LETTKES FRANQAISES. Cottin, Mde. CEuvres completes, contenant Claire d'Albc, Mnlviim, les exilfcs de Siberie, la prise de Jericho, Amelie de Mansfield, Malliilde. 3 vol, 8vo. Paris. Voltaire. (Euvres complotes ; de rimprimerie do la Socict6 litteraire typo- graphique. 70 vol. 8vg. (Kehl.) 1785-9, Tome I. i IX. Thfidtrc. X. La Hcnriftde. XI. La Piicella XII. Poemea. XIII. Epitres. XIV. Conies, entirea. XV. Lettres en vers. Essai sur les moetira, SiJicle de Louis XIV. Sioolc do Lnuis XV. Histoire deCliarles XII. XXIV. Histoire de I'Empire de Russi e. Annales de I'Empire. Histoire du Parlement de Paris. Fraginens bis- toriques sur I'lnde. Melanges historiques. Politique et legislation, Rousseau, Jean Jacques, ffiuvres complotea XVL & XIX. XX. XXI. XXIL XXIIL XXV. XXVL XXVII. xxvni, XXIX. xxx, XXXI. Physique de Ne^vton. XXXn. XXXIII. Pliilosophie. XXXIV. Aucien testament. XXXV. Nouveau testament. XXXVI. Dialiif^es. XXXVII. k XLIII. DictioHnuire pbiloaopbi- que. XLIV. XLV. Romans. XLVI. Faccties. XLVII. d XLIX. Mi'Iftiif^ea litferiiires. L. LI. CommfutairesurCorncillf. LII. i\ LXIII. CmTcspoiitlunco gt'Diirnle, LXIV. d LXVI. Corre9|)oiiilance du Roi de Pru»se. LXVII. Correspondftnce de I'lra- piratrice de Russie. LXVIIL LXIX. Coi-respoiulnuee de d'Al- embert. LXX. Vie de Voltaire ct Table. avec des notes ; par 3; Mer cier, I'Abbe Brizard, et de L'Aulnay. 37 vol. 8vo. 178S— 1793. Tome I. a IV. Nouvelle U61oise. XXVII. Dispute eutre Ilume ct Rous- V. VI. Lettrcs sur la botauique. stau. VII. il IX. Politique. X.AXIV. Emilc. XV. 4 XVn. Seicnces et arts. XVIII. Theatre et pofisios. XIX. a XXir. Musique. XXIIL d XXVL Confessions. XXVIIL Pour et contre, XXIX. XXX. Pbilosopbie. XXXL a XXXV. Lettres. XXXVI. Esprit et maximcs. XXXVII. Les consolatidus des misfires de ma vie: Oilurres de Musique. Diderot- CEuvres completes, suivies de momoires historiques et pliiloso- phiques but sa vie et ses ouvrages, par J. A. Naigeon. 22 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Vol. I et II. Ouvrages philosopbiques, in. Melanges. IV. Th(;;iitre. Romans, contes et poSsios- Salons. Essai sur la pointuro. Mfimoires sur les mathemitiques. Essai sur les regnes de Claude et de Neron. Corre.spnndance. Dictionnnire philosophique, composfi des articles doim6s a rcney- clopddie par Diderot. XXL Neveu de Ramenn. V.iyage en Hollande. Correspondance. XXI I. Memoiies sur la vie et les ouvrages de Diderot, par J. A. Naigeon. '-D-rimm (le buron de) et Diderot. jMeinoiros historiques, littoraires et anecdotiques. 4 vol. 8vo. Londres, 1814-1816. v-vn VIII-X. XI-XFL XIII-XX. Aleml I Volne I ince. Naigcon. toraires et BELLES-LETTRES FRANOAISES. 876 Alembert, cV. (Euvres, editoes par Condorcet. 8vo. Paris. Volney, C F. Qiluvres : deuxi^me Edition. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Vol. I. TjPj Ruines, oil iTK'jilitntioa Bur lc8 revolutions des empires — La loi naturelle Discours sar I'etuclo pliilosophiquc dea languea. II. et III. en Egypto, en 1783, 17S4 et 1785. IV. Tableau du sol ct du cliuiat don Etata-Unis d'AmiJriquc, etc., V et VI. Reclierelica nouvellea sur I'bistoiro aucieune. VII. LecjoDS d'liiatoire. VIII. L'Alfabet Kurop^en appliqufi aux langues aaiatiqiics — Simplification de« limgueaoricutalea. — L'licbreu simplifie par la mothode alfiibetique. Marmontel. (Euvres compldtes. 19 vol. Svo. Paris, 1839. Vol. I a II-, Memoirs. Vol. Xt. La Pharaale. Ill li VL Contcs nioraux. XII il XV. Elimena de littfirature. VII. Ht'lisaire. VIII. LoH Incas. IX. Tboatrc. X. Melange* XVI. Grnnimnirc et logitpie. XVII. Mutiipliysiquc ct nioride. XVIII. R(''genoe du due d'OilLans. XIX. (Euvres Postbumcs. Thomas. CEuvres completes. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Bernardin de St. Pierre, J. 11. CEuvres completes. 12 vol. Svo. Paris, 1818. \''ol. I ct II. Voyage .1 1'lle do Prance. Ill et V. Etude de la nature. VI. Paul ot Virgiuie — La chauniifire Indiennc. VII. L'Arcadie — Fragmens de I'Amazonc, ct<5. V III a X. Harmonies do la nature. XI. Vmux d'un solitaire. XlL Melanges. Chamfort. (Euvres completes. 5 vol. Svo. Paris, 1824-1S25. Rulhiere. (louvres. 6 vol. Svo. Paris, 1819. Barnave. (I'luvres. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1813. Beaumarchais, C. de. Q^uvres completes. Svo. Paris, 1845. Ch6nier, IM. J. G-iuvres. Procedees d'line notice sur Clienier par M. Ar- nault ; revuos, corrigees et niises en ordre par Charles Robert, et oruees du portrait de I'auteur. 5 vol. Svo. Paris, 1S2G. , (I'juvres posthiunes. Pr. Paris, 18.").1. CcrvuiilOs yiiiiVDilra. CnHtiinzi, ou I'illuRtru sorvaiito ; traduction do Louis Viardot. I'Jmo. Parix, IHfi:!. Saiiit-Ki''lix, Jul»'!4 de, Aveuturos do Ciinlio'ttrn. 12tno. Paris, 1854. Corvniiti'^t SuaviiJra. Lii bobiiniuiUKi du Madrid; truduclioii do Louis Viardut 12mo- Paris, 1853. AvoriturcH d'unu Coloiiiu dV'MulKraii'g en AmOriquo. Triiduitos du I'allcmand par X. Mariuier. 12tuo. Paris, 1866. Dnlzac, II. dc Seines do In vio pnlitiquo. l'2mo. Paris, 1863. La bourse. 12mo. Paris, 1863. Ku(,'i''nio Oruudut l2iiio. P-irix, 185 4. Ursule Miioiii't. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Kiccoboiil, de (Jluirriere, ct do Uunis, MesdallK'^. Ernestine, Caliste, Ourika. 12mO' Paris, 1868. Miiriseiijiuit, U. de. Le Cid canipi^ador. ISmo. Paris, IS&.I. Pri'vost, I'abbtj. La uolonie rod), loise. 12mo. 1863. Lc I'^^vro Deumier, J. Oeldon-'ohlager. Etud» biograpbiiiueot Iitt6ruire. 12mo. Paris 1854. Vioiiuet, Fnl)!e». 12mo. Paris, 18,'i6. Djoiidor le ]n''i'licMr, Ilisloire de. Conte trnduit de I'arabo par MM. Cherb^uioau et Tliiery. 12mo. Paris, 1863. FtJiielon, Fables. 12mo. Parif, 1855. Cervantes Saavedra. Don (J\noii(itto, 12mo. Paris, 1863. Clminprteiiry. Lus oius do NoiJi. 12mo. Paris, 1823. Carraud, Mnie /,. La petite Jeanne. 12nio. Paris, 1853. Ciiiiuis, J. F. PuIonil)e, on la fniino houorable, i)recedeQ d'uno 6tude litt^raire su' Oainiis, p!ir 11. liif,'nud. 12nio. Paris, 1853. Boiteau d'Anibly, P. Les oartes a jouer. l2iuo. Paris. 1854. Wiiilly, Liut Point. 12mo. Paris, 1866. . Oraziella. 12ino. Paris, 1856. Thackeray. Lo diamant do faniillo et la jeunessc de Pendeniiis, avec uuo notice bio. irrapliiipie et litii raire. p:ir Amedee Picbot. 12rao. Paris, 1855. Vini.iit, Uliiirles. Uistoirc d'uu nnvire, avec gravures. 12nio. Paris, 185, "i. 1 ,ill t'apit:iiiie Ba-iii. Sci^nos delaviu maritime, traduites do I'anijlais par A. Pichot- I Jino. I'uri'^, 185)!. Martin, Henri. Tanerede de Rohan. 1 2mo. Paris, 1856. Catoaubriand, Le vioonite de. Atala, Rom''. Les Xatchez. 12mo. Paris, 1854. Le rent'- ilr la eollfetinn nr Irouvedhtribue dans les diverses lections du catalojut, snivant la ti'Uiire det ouvraijcs. €i !;■■ I ii» »82 HELLES-LKTTRKS FIIANQAISES. Revue des Romans, Uonicil (runulyHcs ruisonncoi dcs proiluntiom ronmr- t|iiulil('» (lus plus coli^^breg rimmnciurti rrun^iiig ot ("tiuii};!;!'! coiiionuut ll(M) aiiiilyses, pnr Eiii*ol)o G. 2 vol. 8vo. I'uiis, lH39. Robinson Crusod, par Daniel Do Fiio, pr6coil6 d'uno uotico Hur hu viu ct Hf.s oiivia;j!cs. l2ii>o. I'uiin, IHCti, Osoar Honord, Ilistoire de lu vie privee d'uutrcfois, avec un uviint-propoB do M. Uuizut. 12rao. Paris, 1853. Wey, Frmicis. Lcs Angliiis cliez eux, fsquisBCS do mnoiirs ot ilc voyages. 12mo. Paris, 18,)4. Eyma, Xuvier. Les fommes du Nouveuu-Momlo. 12mo. Paris, 1853. Kdratry, (uncien coiiseiller d't'tat). Clurisae, nouvelleinedite. 12iiio. Paris, 1854. Murger, Htitiry. Scoiiua do cuinpiigne. Adolino Protat. 12mo. Paris, lHo3. Pleiado, la. liallades, Fubliaux, Noiivellea et Li'gendes. l2mo. Paris, 1843. Cuvillier-FIeury. PUiides liiatoriquea ct littoruires. 2 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1H,)4. Lafarge, .Mme. (iiuc Mario Capullc). Ileurus do prison. 12ino. Piris, 18o4. Bernard, Clmrlea de. Poo-iies et tiieiltre. 12iao, Paria, 1854. -^— Un beau-pt!re. 12ino. Paris, 1854. Ferry, (Jabriel (Ijouis do liellemare.) Sciiiies do la vie mexicaine. 12mo. Paris, 1855. Balzac, do. < louvres complotes, illustreoa do 200 doaains. 8 vol. Syo. Paris. Bibliophile Jacob, (Paul Lncroix.) (Kuvns. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris. Karr, (iMivres, iilustr^cs par Bertall. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris. George Sand. (Euvrea illu.'^troca 8 vol. 8vo. Paria. Sue, ICugone. (I'.uvre.s illustrooa. 5 vol. Svo. Paria. Dumas, Alexandre. CEiivros clioisii's. 15 vol, 8vo. Paria. Gautier, Tlioopiiile. Poesies completes. 12mo. Paris. ■■■ (Eiivrea luiuiouristiciuea, 12ino. Paria. Reybaud, Lonia. .leromo Paturot, h la rceherelio d'uiit! position socialo. Svo. Paris. ■ Jerotno Paturot, A. la rceherelio do la nieilleuro des repu- bli(]nes. Svo. Paris, Saintine, (Xavier P.onit'aco.) Picciola. (Edition Illustree.) Svo. Paris. Sandeau. Jules, d'uvroa dioi.^iics. 9 vol. 12nio. Paris. Senancour, de. Obemiann. 12mo, Paris. Souvestro, Kmilo. (Eivres. 19 vol. 12nio. Paris. • • Brittany and La Vendee, Tales and Sketches, with a notice of the author. 12iuo. Edinburgh, 1855. Constable'' s Miscellany. HRLLE8-LErrRE8 FRANQAISES. 883 Gerard de Nerval. I-o r6vo t:t In vio. I'Jnio. I'iuIh, IS.'io. . — —— — Lis lilies (Id fun. 12ino. Purin, 1HJ5. Colet, Mino. Louise. Co qit'on r6ve en aiiiinut, ]ioutties nuuvollut lulviot do l'Acro|i(ilu (rAtliitit'S, pouiiii! couroniu' pur rAcuiliiuiu Fi'un9ui8c. IZinu. I'm!'*, \Hr>i.. Rastoul (Ic Mongcot, Tit: fonctiniinairc, ctudu do itwimrs politiqucs ot ad* iiiiiii^tiutivuR. ISmo. Uiiixcllu^, 1855. Mireoourt, Ei^ino do. lies coritcinpnruins. 17 vol. 18mo. Paris, 18GG. Vol. I. Mi'M'y. Viet'ir Hiiko. Einilc do (Jinirdin. fk'nrgo Baud. II, li'AlilH' do l.uiiiiiriimiN, Di'miiiikci'. D/'Jazot. (iuizot. HI, Alfii'il (Ir MdHHot, Orrnrd d(i Nci'vul. I.iiiiiiirtiii#. I'ierro DupuDt. IV. Hi'iil)!,'. I'Vliriiii Daviil, l)ii|)iii. Lc Iliirou Tuylor, V. Halziin. TliiurH, Liicoriliiiit.'. Kiiclu'l. VI. Hiiiiisiin. Mcycrboor, .luk'H Jiiiiiti. riiid do Kock. VII 'rinM'iiliilo (lautior. lldriico VoriU't. rdiisiinl. Mndnmo du Oinirdin. VIII. IliiMsiiii, Kr(\ii(,'()i» Alii>;o. AiHi'nr IIouhmhjo. I'nuidlioii. IX. Aiif{iisliiio Ilroliiiii. AllVod yvrH. Alplmimo Kair. Alcxaiidro DiiiiiaH, lil9. OmJao. ('Iiiitii|itliiiry. XIII. Alcxaiidri' DiiinnH, |K'rc. Lmiix Veuillot. Sulvatidy. Mdllo, licorgas. XIV. Ilippolyto Castillr. H.Miry Miirgor. Odilnu Hiirrot. F. V. Unspail. XV. lliii-ai,'!'. Ein{("'iiu Dt'lacidix. I'iorro I,cii)iix, Madttiiii^ Anais Scgulas. XVI. Villrrnaiii. (Invariii. lioilioz. Fallmix. XVII. Maduiiio Cli''iiu'iicu ivol)(.'rt. Coiisiii. Riwa noiiliour. Vitiniet, Desplacos, .\ui^. dalt'rio dea poJiius vivmits. 8vo. Paris. Revuo des Deux Mondes. Koinuns, ri cit.s, cHquis.tus, Hctnus drnmafiqucs, provi'ilji's, etc,, L'Xtrait.s di'.ii divtjrscs livnii.suiis de cctto cullcction : Abiiut, KdiiiiMid. Tolld. Im' ct 15 fiWrier, ler t-t 1.5mHr«, 1805. Acliard, Ainodro. .Velloy, lor ct 15 d('ofiiibro, lti48. Aiigiur, F.iuilo. Pasl mules. 15 FOviier, 1840. Aiilraii J. I'oi'Hio. Le iiiudfiMn do Luljonm, lor Decoinbre, 1853. Bailiior, All};. Krustrate au templo d'Kplii'BO, 15 Jaiivior, 184U. — Ilymiio ^Ua famillc, 15 Aviil, 1841. llelgiusn, tiiadnmo la piitiresdo do. La vio intiiiifi et la vie iioniado on Orient, souto- iiirs do v(iyai,'os. Hivite iltt Deux Momlei. Icr fcvrier, lor mars, Icr avril, et 16 h<.)itotid)ro, 1855, Emilia. ICioits tiiioo-afliaticiuo8. Hid, 15 inars et lor avril, IKOO. I n ])rinro Kuido, ri'citB tiUToasiatiqiioa. Iljid, IB raavs et ler avril, 1856. Los doiix fomnioa d'lflniael-Itoy, rocits tureo-asiatiquea. Ibid, lor et 15 Juillet, 1850. Bi'r.iiiLjor, r. .1. Leg Pii^cotis do la Bourse. Icr mars, 1847. BorlMiii,';^or. Si)iivcuiis d'Afii(iiu". — Voyngo an oainp d'Alulol-Kador, 15 aoilt, 1838. Dernnrd, Cliarlosdo. Un lioinniesorionx, 13 juiii, lerol 15 juillet, leret 15aout, 1843. Lo I'aratonniire. leroctubre, 1841. BIii/.o. Iloiiri. Viiietti, conto bleu, ler Janvier, 1S41. Bocliei, Olmrk's, Le siiigc de Zautcha en 1819, ler avril, 1S51. ctr f 88i BELLES-LETTKES FllANQAISES. Revue des Deux Mondes. Konmns, rucits, etc.— (Continuation). Brizcux, A. I'»t'sies. Lii iiuit im li'ii 886 BELLES-LTiTTllES FRANQAISES. RoUand, deViUarceaux. Sand, George. Revue des Deux Mondes. Romans, rucits, etc.— (Continuation). Piiuodan, George de. Souveniis ct Sc^nea dc la guerro d'ltallo, et de Hontrrie la aoilt, 1850, ei 16 Janvier, 1851. ' Pontiiiartii), A. do, Octavo, lor fivrier 1847. Reybaiid, Chui-lea. Uii hiver on Como, ler juillot, 1863. Ueybaud, Mme. Charles. Marie d'Euainbuc, 15 mai et lerjuin, 1840. Le dernier oblat, ler avril, ler et 15 mai et lerjuin, 1842. Miau brun, ler et 15 septeiubre, 1843. Lea anciens couvens de Paria, 15 nov.. ler et 15 die. 1845, ler et ISjanviur, 15 octobre, 1846, ler tt 15 fevricr, ler et 15 niara, 1848, Ladernii^re bohumiemie, ISjuin, leret ICjuillet, 1853. Proverbe. — Partir pour etre eveque, ot revenir BOuueur, ler ducembre 1848. Andr(5, 15 marg et ler avril, 1835. Mattea, lerjuillet, 1835. Simon, 15 jauvior, lor et 15 fevrier, 1836. Mauprat, ler et 15 avril, ler mai, et lerjuin, 1837. Lea maitroa mosa'istea, 15 aoiif, ler et 15 septenibre, 1837. La dernitire Aldiui, lor et 15 docembre, 1837 et ler Janvier, 1838. L'Orco, lor mara, 1838, L'Uscoque, 15 mai, ler et 15 juin ct lerjuillet, 1838. Spiridion, 16 octobre, leret 15 novcmbrc, 1838, lor et 15 Janvier, 1839. Les sept cordes de la lyre, 15 avril, et ler mai, 1839. Gabrielle, ler et 15 jiiillet et lor aouf, 1839. Pauline, 15 dticembre, 1839, et lerjanvier, 1840. Les miasissipiena, proverbe, 15 mara et ler avril, 1840. Un hiverau midi do I'Europe, 15 Janvier, 15 fevrier et 15 mars, 1841. Mouuy-Robiu, 15 juin, 1841. Lo chateau doa dfiaortea, 15 ftjvrier, ler et 15 mars ot lor avril, 1861. Sandeau, Jules. Le doctour Ilerbeau, 15 octobre, ler et 15 novembro, 1841. Richard, ler eepterabre, 1842. Vaillance, 15 fewier, 1843. Fernanil, ler et 15 octobre, 1843. Mademoiaelle do la Soigli(>ro, ler et 16 septembre, lor octobro, ler ct 15 novembro, ler docembre, 1844. Madeleine, ler et 15 juin, ler et 15 juillot et leraotlt, 1846. Un litfritage, ler et 15 novembro, 1847. Saca et parchcmina, ler et 15 eeptombro, ler et 15 octobre, leret 15 doceraire, 1849, et ler Janvier. 1850. Souvestre, Emile. Pofisiea populairea de la Bassc-Bretagne, ler dficembre, 1834, Id fevrier et lerjuillet, 1835. Induatrio et commerce do la Bretagne, 15 novembro, 1835. Brest i deux ^'poquos, 15 juin, 1836. Nantes, ler Janvier, 1837. Rennes en '93, ler juillot, 1S33. Nantea en '93, 16 ffivrier, 1839. La Chouannerio, lor octobre, 1839. La Chouannerie en Bretagne, jnin, 1840. dans le Maine, 15 septombreet 15 novcmbrc, 1847 daua le Poitou, 15 avril, 1848 •Mi BE LLES-LETTRES FHANQAISES. 887 Revue des Deux MondeS. Romans, reeits, etc.— (Continuation) Souvestrc, Emile. LvM r(5cil8 do la muse populaire, 15 Wvrier, ler aviil, 1849, 15 Janvier, ISjuillet, ler scptcmbre, 15 novenibre, 1850, ler Juin, 1861. Suftnes et moiura dea rives ot dea cdtes, 15 d6cembre, 1**51, ler f6vrier, 15 mai, 15 juin, ler »o\lt, et 15 octobre, 1852. Sc6nc8 et rficits dea Alpea, ler doceinbrc, 1853, 15 fevrier, 1854. SperansUi, Mme E. do. Scenes de la vie rusae, 16 octobre, 1853. Toubiii, Chiirlos. Jean Denis, lo vigneron, ler aout, 1854. Valon, Alexia de. Cataliiia de erauao la raoiija alferez, 15 ffivrier 1847. Le clidle vert, 15 Janvier, 1849. Le chille noir, 15 mai et ler juin, 1850. Veuillot, L. Le lendcmain do la victoire, aetinca socialiatos, 15 juilletct leraoiit, 1849 Uno aaniaritaino, ler novenibre, 1850. Vitet, L. Lea 6tatfl d'Orldana, 15avril, ler et 15 mai, 1849. Semaine Litt^raire, la. Ciioix des roranna europeena Ics plus estiraes, publiea par la direction du Courrier des Etats-Unis, New-York. Six annocs. Par un Louisianais. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Second Edition. Epaves, las. Par un Louisianais. 8vo. About, Edward. Toila, a tale of modern Rome; tranglated. London, 1856. Constable's Miscellany, Barzas-Breiz. Chants populairea di la Bretagne. Traduction fran^aise, par Th. De La Villemarquo. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Leroux de Lincy. Recueii de chants historiques fran9ai3, depuis le 12me jusqu'aii 18e sieele. 2 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1841. Beranger, P. J. de CEuvrescomplfetcs, edition contenant 53 gravures sur acier. 2 vol. 8vo. Pari.«, 1851. Chants et Chansons populaires de la France. Edition illustr6e. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Voyez plua loin la aection : ENCTciorEDiES, Recueiis pebiodiques, etc., et en particulier, la Revue des Deux Mondes, la licvue conlemporaine, V Artiste, I'Atheneum, V Illustration, d'c. {Lea mnvrcs litteraires du Canada seront indiqnies duns le catalogue special. Voir la note au bas dc la page 8.) I'll' i;;i4v. 1847 ^••! 888 FOREIGN BELLES-LETTRES. [bELLES-LETTRES l^TRi VI. FOREIGN BELLES-LETTRES. DELLES-LKTTRES f:TRANG]-.RES. (OttlENTAL — OUIENTALKS.) Hurwitz. IL.viTiJin. IIebr(!W Tales, selected .and translated, of the ancient llebreu' Safjea ; with an easav on the uninspired Literature of the llebrewis. r2ino. London, 182G. The Poems of the Huzailis ; edited in the Arabic, from ,'in original MS. by J. (t. L. Kosegiirtcn. Vol. 1. containing the part of the Anibic TVxt. 8vo. London, 185L (0. T. F.) rociiH, " wliii'li jireceded tlio Rise of laluniism" hiivina; their origin with tlio 'IVibe i)f tiio Huziiilia, or Huxiiilites, of Arnbiii near Me1 embody in a scricj of Aiiecdutes, all the refinements of Graniniiir, lUiotoric, I'cietiy, History and TraLlition, that the Author's cxtou.'^ive learning could supply." — Preface. Burckhardt, J- L. Arabic Proverbs: (being) the proverbial sayings current at Cairo ; illustrated .and explained. 4to. London, 1S30. Vi'lt; Bnrckhardt's Travels, vol. 5. Antar : a Bedoueen Komance ; translated fronx the Arabic ; by T. Hamilton. 4 vols. London, 1S20. " One of tlie in')st ancient booijs of Arabian Literattn'o." Arabian Nights. The Thousand and one ^'ights' Entertainments; trans- lated by E. Forster; with an introduction by (>. M. Bussey, revised and corrected, with additions from the work of E. AV. Lane. 3 vols. 12mo. ^'ew York, 1S.J2. Arabian Tales and Anecdotes : being a selection from the Notes to the new translation of [the .above workj ; by E. W. Lane. 12mo. Tiondo:i, ISj.'j, Knii/ht's Lib. Weber. Henry. Tales of the i:ast ; comprising iiopiilar Romances of Orien- tal ori^'iii, and the best imitations by European authors ; with new translations and additional tales, never before published. An intro- dui'lory (li.-si'rtation, containing an account (d" each work, and of its author or translator. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1812. Vol. I. Tile Aial'ianNi^dits and New Arabian Niglits' eutertaiumeuts, Web( Coste] The S; Laili a Custon: |)tC3 to tllO le. riuio. of Oricu- with new An intrO" 1 and of its ETRANGERES.] FOREIGN BELLES-LETTRES. 889 Weber, Henry. Tales of the East — (Continued). Vol. II. The New Arabian Nights, Ac, continued. The Persian Tales; Pergian Talcs of Inatulla ; Oriental Tales ; History of Nouijahad ; Appendix of Tales from the Arahiiin Nights. III. Mogul Tales; Turkish Tales ; Tartarian Tales ; Chinese Tales • Tales of th« Genii; History of Abdalla. Costello, Louisa S. Tlie Eose Garden of Persia. Illuminated and otherwise ornamented. 12mo. London, 1845, i'oeras by Ilafei, Ferdusi, Essedi (Master of Ferdusi), Togray, Moasi (King of Poets). Khakaui, Omar Khiam, Elmocadessi, Niiami, Sa'li, Attar, Hufiz, Janii, Hatifi, Scheik Feizi ; with biographical notices, historical illustrations, Ac. The Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdusi, translated and abridged, in prose and verse, with notes and illustrations; by J. Atkinson. 8vo. London, 1832. (O.T.F.) Laili and Majnun : a Poem, from the original Persian of Nazarai ; by J. Atkinson. 8vo. London, 1836. (0. T. F.) Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Supor. Purtly Theology ; parily History. The piirticuhvr j)iecea placed accordingly Id the CiktalugMc. [A CJhinese Drama :} Laou-Seng Urh,or " An Heir in his Old Age.'' 12mo, London. 1817. N.U. Tho ubovo w noi published by the Oriental TnuiBlation Fund ; but pro- cccdn from the inme Editor, viz ; J. F. Duvia, an tlie (olluwiiig wuika, issued by that SocUjty. Han Koong Tsew ; or, tlwj Sorrows of Han : a ChinHse Tragedy ; translated i'roni tlie original, with notes ; by J. F. Davis. 4to. London, 1S2'J. The Fortunate Union : a llomance ; translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations ; to which is added a Chinesje Tragedy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 182J). (O. T. F.) Hoei-Lan-Ki, ou Thistoire du cei'cle de Craie, druine en prose et en vers, truduit du Chinois et aeeompag]i6 de notes ; par S. Julien. 8vo', London, 1832. (O.T. F.) (eukopean-eubopeesnes.) IiOngfellO'W, IL "W. The Poets and Poetry of Europe, etc. 8to. Pliila- delphia, 1849. This Collection comprises Anglo-Saxon an J Icelnmiic poetry, — ancient sptcimons only ; with nocient and modern selections from the Danish, Swedish, German, Dutch, Fiencb, Italian, Spanish, aixl I'ortuguese. Constable's Mlscellauy of Foreign Literature, 5 vola. 12mo. LondoUr 1854,-1855-. Thi'se translations of Foreign authors, are entered in their respective places. Ohefs-d'CEuvre dea tlu'-atrea etrai>ger8. Traduita en franyais, par MM. Aignau, Andrieui et autrea. 25 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Theatre Espagnol, Vol. I et II. Lope doVepin. — ^^'Arauque dc)mpt6. — Fontorfjune. — Persivorcr jusqu'a la niort. — Ai'iour et Honneur. — Le ohicu du jurdinier. — La perle de a^cille, — Le metlleur Alonde est le Roi. Ill et IV. Cakleron. Gardez vous de I'eaMqui dort. — Lopeintre de son dfishonneur. — Le (JfrniBr duel en F^spa^ne. L'alcndo de Zalain6n. — Le yrince constnnt.— Louis I'orez de Galicc. — II ne faut pas toajours caver au pire. — Lc siege de I'Alpujarra. V. Moratin. Le oui des jounes fillos. — Lo vicilUrd et la^eune fille.— -La coniedir nouvelli! on le caf6. — Le buron. Vol. VI. Torres Naharro, Ymcnde. Cervantes Sa.ivedra, Kiimancc. Castro, Guilluindc, La jcuneMC du Cid, lilIlAX( Chefs-d Tliaatre j Vol. \I IX XL inieatre Ita Vul. XTL XIIL ] J XIV. ( I Ti I Theatre Rusi Vol. X\^ F K S< Theatre Sn* 3 Vol. XV I. Lc Li" Theatre Poloi •ol. X\'IL Z,-l \\\ Xic 0^\ .\Io' Ivoo Theatre PortU{ '•"•I- .^VIli. G„„ Pim Phila- jndou; m iusqu'^ la |Je aii'Me. Ineiir. — Le lonstnnt.— -Lc sii'gc- coniedir j';TIlANGi:ilES.] FOIIEIGX BELLES-LETTRES. 891 Chefs-d'CEuvre dea theatres etrangers — (Continuation), Xbsatre Anglais. Vol. Vn. T(il)iri Juhii, La luno do micl. Ciimbei'liuid, Rioliurd, L'Atn^ficain. .Slii'i'i'ljiii; LVicole do lu miJiliaauoe. VIIT. Jlowc, Nioolns, Juno Shore. Otwfty, Thos. Veiiiec sauvue, ou uno coaspirAtioB d^oauverte— Don Carlon. Uodslcy, U'llxM't. Lo magasia du curiositua. IX. Home, John. Douglas. Ijickurstatf, Isaac. Lo cadcnn^. Buauinont et F'lctcher, L'ucole dcs Spouscurs. Bin'goyru!, L'tiCniliofu. X. Thoinaon, ' ^cqiicB, Tancrdde et Sigiamondo. Olway, i.'' 'heline. CJoldsiuith, Lea nii-prises d'unc nuit. XI. ]3uii Jonsoi), Chacun dans sua caiaoterc. Wychei'ley, LMioniniL' franc, rarnuhar, Geo. L'offioier on recrutumeut. theatre Itallen. Vol. .Krr. Giildoni, Lo montoiir. — Molidre. — T6reiice. — L'aubergo de hi postc. XIII. Miinli, Uaius Gracchus. Foscolo, Ugo. Ricciarda. Pindi'iiionte, Hippolyto. Arminius. tsdvio I'.llico, Franjoiao do lliniini. Manznili, Alu.xandro. Lo cumtu do Carmngaula. XIV. Giraud, Joan. Lo pr6cepteur daus I'ombarras. Uoisi, Gil), Gherardo do, Lo oourtisan vertuoux, Nota, Albert, Lo philosopho colibatairo. F(Mlorici, Cainillo. Lo remede i)i3 quo le mal. Thsatre Russe. Vol. XV. Ozorof,— Dimitri Donskoi. Fon-Vizinc, Le dadais, ou I'enfant gate, Krih)f, Lo magasia de modes. Soliakiifskoi, Le princo, Le cosaque potato. Theatre Swe IoIh. Vol, XVI, Leopold, Ohs. Guatave, Odin. — Virgiuie. Gyllenborg, lo conite de, Sune Jarl. Lindojfion, Chs, L'aveuturior. — L'amaut aveugle. Theatre Polonais. '•'ol. XVIL Zi''liu«ki, A-loiso, Barbara Radgiwill. Wenzyk, Fi'uufois, Giinaki. Jv'iemoov.'itz, Julicn, Vnnda. Oginsky, Lc comte M, La fete dujourde nom. .Mowinsky, A, Les coups du sort. Ivochauowski, Jean, Le cougo doa ambassadeura grccs. Theatre Portugais. •il. .'CVIII, Gomes, Joan Baptiste, La nouvcUe Inez de Castro. Pimentii de Aguiar, M. O. La coaquote du Porou. — Lc caracttire dcs Lusitaniens. Jozi'', Antonio, Don Quichotto. WM u 692 rOREIGN BELLES-LETTKES. [liELLES-LLTTRESi Cheft-d'(Euvre des thcAtres etrungers— (Continuation). Theatre Bollaiidals. ol. XIX. lI..oft, P. 0. Bato. Van Voiulel, J, Gilbert d'Amstel.— Lacifer. Ijiiiigendyk, P, Les mathtiiiotiuieD». — Kiilis LouweD, Theatre AUemand. Viil. XX. Leasing, Nathnn, Le sage. — Emilie Golotti.— Miuiia do Bumlicla.. XXI. Wcrucr, Lutlier, — Le vingt qimtre Krrier. Mulliiur, Ailolplie, L'cxpintion. XXII. Kotzebue, A, F, F, tlo, Adelaide de Wolfingeu, — La prfitresscdu P(;l(il,_7,i.. Kgpngnols au Pi'-ron, XXIIT. Ooetho, J. W. de, Faust,— Ooetz de Bcrlicliinsen, XXIV. Goethe, J. W. do, Egmont, — Stella, — Torquato Tusso.— Le citoyp,i gt'ti6rnl, XXV. Ooetlie, J. W. de, Ipliif^rnio en Tauridc, — J('ry rt H-.ietcly, — Clavijo, L« fiuic et la mour, — Lcs coupubles, — Le tviouiphe de la seimibiliti', Italian Tales, of Humour, Gallantry and Uomunei', selected and friDi.^lated. 12mo. London, 1824. Roscoe, Thomas. Tlie Italian Novelists ; acK-cted from tin; earliest period to the close of the XVIIIth century; translatvd, with noteo, criiicul and biographical. 4 vole. 12mo. London, 1825. Vol. L Novelle Aiitiche, Novels of 15(X!cacio, of Saechetti, of Ser Oiornnni Fioren tino, and of Massuccio Salernitano. IL Novels of Snbadino dcgli Arienti, Luigi da Porto, ninvminl Brovio, Giro- lamo Paraboaco, M. C. Da Lodi, O. Rattista Giraldi Cinthio, A. F. (iriizzini, N. MachiavcUi, Ortonsio Lam!.). in. Novels of M. Bandcllo, Q. Somiini, A. Firenzui)la, P. Fortiiii, P. Sansuvino, A. F. Doiii, 9. Errizzo, N. Grnnucei, A. Moii da Ccno, C. Maleapini, .S, Salvncci. IV. Novels of M. Bisaccioni, iL Colombo, S. Bargagli, Giov. Bottari, A. Capa- celli, F. Soave, O. F. Altaiicsi, Count L. Miijfalotti, C. Lodoli, D. M. Manni, O. Padovoai, N. Sunvitulu, Count C. Uozzi, L. Braiuieri, II, Oironi. Petrarca, F. Eime de, col comento di G. Bagioli. 2 vol. in 3, 8vo. Piiigi, 1S21. P6trarque. Poesies, traduites par M. le comte de Gramont. 12iiio. Paris, 1S5G. Dante Alighieri. La divina comedia de con nuuvi argomenti e note de G. Eorghi. 8vo. Parigi, 1844. Le paraJis, poeme du Dante, traduit de ritalicn, precodu d'une introduction, et de la vie du [)oete ; suivi de notes explicatives pour chaque chant. (Par M. Artaud.) 8vo. Paris, 1811. L'enfer, poeme de Dante, traduit do I'italicn, suivi de notes explicatives pour chaque chant. (Par M. Artaud.) 8vo. Paris, 1812. Le purgatoire, po&me du Danto, traduit de I'ltalien, sui- vi de notes explicatives pour chaque chant. (Pur 21. Artaud.) 8vo. Paris, 1813. iTRANOiRES.] FOREIGN BELLES-LETTRES. 893 ririgi, lO. Paris, lote do G- in, precede ixplicatives suivi de talien, sui- taud.) Svo. Dante Alighierl. Suite do 100 figures dessin^es et gravies au trnit pnr Aladamu (jiacumclli >our la divine eoni£die. 4to. Paris 1818. — La divine comodie. L'onfer, premier cantique, illiistre par John Fluxmnn, pr^^'ctdd do la Vie nouvelle. iliustro par jiladiime Illi6al ; traduction complete, accompagn^e de notes historiques et lit- toraires, d'unu introduction et do la vie du Dante, par I'auteur des Di- vines F«5erie8. Svo. Paris, 1843. La divine comudie. Le purgatoire, deuxifeme cantique, iliustro par John Flaxman. 8ino. Paris, 1845. ■— La divine coinedie. Le paradis, troisi^me cantique, 11- lustre par John Flaxman ; traduction accompagnfie do la prophetie de IJyron. Svo. Paris, 1846. - — CEuvres mineures. Po(?sie8 completes, traduitts en vt rs blancs, avec preliminaire et notes, par Sebastien Rk6al. Svo. Dante Alighierl. The Vision ; or irdl, Purgatory, and Paradise, trans- lated by II. F. Gary, with the life of Dante, chronology of his Age, Notes, etc. New edition. 2 vols, London, 1850. Vide Gary's Works, vol. 5. 6. Translated into English verse, by J. C. Wright, illus- tra'ed with engravings, after Flaxman. Third edition. Svo. Lon- don, 1855. B. Illust. Lib. Tasso. The llccovery of Jerusalem ; done into English heroical verse, from the Italian of. Seventh edition, reprinted fiom the original folio of IGOO. A Glossary, and Lives of Tasso and Fairfax. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1841. KnighCt Libr. The Jerusalem delivered, of Torquato Tasso, translated iuto English Speuaerian verse ; with a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiilbn. Fifth edition. Svo. London, 1854. B. Illust. Libr. Torquato. Opere do. 5 vol. Svo. Milano, 1823-25. La Ilierv.saleni du Sr. Torquato Tasso reudve fraii?oise parB. D.V. B. Svo. Paris, 1595. La Jerusalem delivree, poeme traduit dc I'italien (par le Prince Lebrun); nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee, enricbie de la vie du Tasse. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1814, Arioste, Itoland Furieux ; traduction par Panckoucke et Framery, avec une notice sur la vie do 1' Arioste, par Antoine de Latour. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1842. Quattro, (i) Pooti it iliani con una scelta di poesie italiane dal 1200 cino ii nostre tempi. Da A. Buttura. Svo. Parigi, 1836. Boocacio, G-eor. Opere volgari di. 5 voL Svo. Firenze, 1827-28. Boccacio's Decameron ; a translation, by W. Kelly. Svo. London. B. S. L. Buonarroti. Kime di, col comeuto di G. Bagioli. Svo. Parigi, 1821'. iy^^i ■ 7 i 'Kvi 89 1 FOREIGN BELLES-LETTRES. [beLLES-LETTRE$ irRAN( Buonarroti. Kime di, vWc Diippa's Life of M. A. Buonarroti,— the Ap- pendix.— IIo says that they "are printed verbatim" from the edition of 1(522. Machiavel. Theatre ct poesied. Voir los Cl'^uvres de Muchiavol, vol. 10. Baldi. La Navigation, poemo, (compose dans lo lOo aiecle,) tru'luit do ritalien par M. J. Armaud do Galiani. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Metastasio, Piotro, Oporo di. 17 vol. Svo. Padova, 1810-12. Alfieri, Vittorio. Tragedie. Pisa, 182G. Manzonl, Alessandro. Opera complete, con «n discorso preliminare di N- Tomases. Svo. Parigi, 1843. Lo comto de Carmagnola ct Adelghis, triig6dics d'Alexandre zoni, traduites de Titulien par M. C. Fauriel ; smivies d'un extrait de GoOthe et do divers morceaux sur la theorio de I'art dramatique. 8vo. Paris, 1834. — — Les Fiancl'I^, histoire militairo du 17e siecle ; traduction par Rhv Dusseuil. 12mo. Paris, 18J3. Silvio Pellico. Mes prisons, suivies du discours sur les devoirs dos horaraes. Edition illustree. 8vo. Paris, 1843. [Leibnitz,] Leibnitii G. G. Opera omnia, nunc primum eollecta prtefutioni- biiSj etc., studio Ludovici Dutons, [Leibiiitii vita, a J. Bruekero scripta, vol. 1 ] G vol. 4to. Gunevce, 1768. Tomus I. Opera theologica. IL [lu duas partes.] 1. Logionm et inetuphysieani. 2. Physiciim fjenoralom, oliyiiiiam, mudicinam, botaoicanv liiat. mitundein, artes, etc. III. Opera mathcmnticn. IV. [lu tres pai'tca.] 1. Philosophiam in tjouoro, ct opusculo, Siueuscs. 2. Ilmtorinin et nutiqnltatefl. S. JuriapruJuntiam. V. Opera philologica. VI. [lu (luas part«B.] 1. I'liilologicorum continuatioaeoi. 2. Collectanea etymoldgicii, Sheppajd, J. The Foreign Sacred Lyre ; metrical versions of Euligious poetry, from the German, French, and Italian, together with the original pieces. 12mo. London, 1851. Lyra Germanioa ; Hymns for the Sundays and chief Festivals of the Chris- tian Year ; translated by Catherine "VVinkworth. 12riio. London, 1855. Thompson, Benjamin. The German Theatre, translated by. 6 vols. 12rao. Lotidon, IHQI Vol, I. Life of Kotzebne, The Stranger, The Virgin of the 8i.ii, Tizarro. n. Lovers' Vows. Adtlaiile of Wulfingen, Count Benyowsky. III. Ueaf and Dumb, Indian Exiles, False Delicacy, Happy Family. (So far Kotzcljuu is author.) IV. Otto of WlttelsbacU and Dagobert, by J. M. Babo; Conscience, by A. W. Iffland. Thorap Vol. Jameso] Heynarc Roscoe, r ] Vi iriiANoiaEs.J foreign belles-lettres. 895 Thompson, Beiijumin. Tlio German Theatre — (Cuutiuuod). Vol. V. Tho Rubbers, and Don Cttiioi, by F. 'Ivinllor. VI. The Eeiaigu, by F. L. Scliiocdor ; II .ni«»iiiark, by 0. Vmi Kuitzenstoin ; SUslU, by J. \V. Ociiitho ; Knieliii Uuli.ii , by G. K. Li'Hiiiig, uml a I'urtuguetie Trajjedy. Jameson, TNIrs. Social Life in Genniiny, illustnvted in the acted Dramas of the Princess Amelia of Saxony, from the German, with an IntroductioDi he, expliiQiitory of the German Language and Manners. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon(iii i{. '. Bowring, .1 T\v( 8vo. Jaker. 1854,. Itrans- 1 " Re- i' ETBANOfcllES.] rOllEION BELLE8-LETTRK8. 897 Old, Po«ma del : viiln trnniluteil ExtrtiotH, Ac, in the Chronicle of the Cid, edited by tiouthey, ante, pngt: 440. Cid, The. A «hort Clironiclo founded on the cnrly Poetry of Spain, by O. Dontiis. 12nio. London, IHili. Knight's Lib. RoSOOe, Thdiiiiis. The Spnnisli Novelists : A Series of Tnles irom the earliest pi*riod to the close uf the I7th century, tmnslntcd with critical and biographical Notices. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1832. Vol. I. Don Jiinn Mnniiel, Mpiiildzn, M. Aletnnn, M, du Curvniitcs Snarcdrs. II. Diiii V. ilu QiiuTudo, Dun J. I*, du Mnutiilvan, A. ilu Knlura, Duiiiiit Miiria do Zaya». HI. M. do lo8 Roves, Don C. Lozaiio, L. Vuli« de Ouavarit, J. do Rublos, A. del Cnatiilo, Salorznno. Comte Luoanor, Lo. Apulognes et fabliaux du XlVe sicclo, traduits pour la premiiire fois de Tespaf^iiol el procudus d'une notice sur la vie ct lus cEuvres de Don Juan IMainiel, ainsi ([ue d'uno dissertation sur I'iiitro- duction de I'apolofiue d'Oricnt ou Occident, par M, Adolphe d" I'ui- busque. 8vo. Paris, ISVl. Cervantes, Miguel de. Obras, con la vita del autor por de Navarelt. 8vo. I'aiis, 18J0. L'ing('Miiiux Hidalgo Don Quichottc de la Maiiche, traduit et nnnote par Louis Viardol ; vignettes de Tony Joliaunot. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. — Nouvelles, traduites et annoties pur Louis Viardot. Paris. 1838. — The Kxemplary Novels of M. de Cerv uitt'S Snavedra : 3 vol. 8vo. to whic' It' ad. led, E IJuscapie, or The Serpent ; and La Tiu Fin- gidn.o,, riii; Pretended Aunt, translated by W.Kelly. 8vo. London, 1845. livhtCs Lib — The History of Don Quixote of La Mancha ; trans- .tfd by Motteux. Edinburgh, 1822. Tesoro del Teatro Espanol ; par Don Eugenio de Ochoa. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Spanish Drama, The. Lope de Vega and Caldoron ; by G. H. Lewes. 12mo. 1846. Knight's Lihr. Moraes, K. de. Palmerin of Englaml ; corrected by Robert Southey, from the original Portiigui.-ae. 4 vols. 12«io. London, 1807. Camoes, Luis de. Obras completas, corroctajt e emundatas, 3 vol. 8vo. Lisbon, 1843. Camoens, Le. La Lusiade. traduite par Millie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paiis, 1825. Quita, '><'ii Domingo. Ignez de Castro, a Portuguese Tragedy ; tran.^lated by li. Thompson. Vide Thompson's German Theatre. Vol. 6. Bowring, John. Specimens of the Russian Poets, with introductory remarks. Two parts. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1821-23. 898 BIBLIOGRAPHY. [bibliogeaphie. Poetes Russes, Les, traduits en vers fian9ai8, par le prince Elim Mests- cherski. 2 vol. 8vo. Parig, 1846. Karamsin, Nicolai. Tales from the Russian. 8vo. London, IsOl. Murray, E. C. G. Doine; or, The National Songs and Legends of Roumania. * 12mo. London, 1854. N.B. The gongs are given in English prose. With six national airs, arranged for the piano. FaurieL Les chants populaires de la Grfece moderne. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824-25. Jokal, Moritz. Hungarian Skeichos in Peace and War j with a Prefa< v E. Szabad. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1854. j^iHiograpIjn. | ^ibliograp^it. BIBLIOGRA HornOi T. H. An Introduction to the study of Bibliography, with a me- moir of the Public Libraries of the Ancients. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. Cotton, H, A Typographical Gazetteer attempted. 2nd edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1831. " The Geographical Dopartment of the History of Printing." Clarke, D. A. A Bibliographical Dictionary ; of the most curious, scarce* useful, and important Books, which have been published, from the infancy of Printing, with Anecdotes of Authors, &c., the price of each, <&.c , including Dr. Harwood's View of the Classics, and an Essay on Bibliography. 6 vols. 12mo. London, 1802-4. • The Bibliographical Miscellany : or Supplement to the fore- going Work. Vols. 7 and 8. 12ino. London, 1806. {Two copies) On Alphabetical characters, on Typography, the Roman Calendar, the Moham- medan ^ra, &c. Dibdin, T. F. The Library Companion, or Guide in the choice of a Library. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1825. —————— Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics, with an account of Polyglot, Hebrew, and Greek Bibles and Greek Testaments, and the Greek and the Latin Fathers. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. BIBLIOGRAPHIE.] BIBLIOGEAPHT. 899 Hofiman, S. F. &. Lexicon Bibliographicum, sive, index editionum ex in- terpretationum Scriptorum Grsecorum, turn sacrorum et profanorum. 3 vols. in 2. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1832. Darling, James, Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. A Library Manual of Theo- logical and general Literature, analytical, bibliographical and biogra- phical. ?. vols. 4to. London, 1854. Appleton's Library Manual. A catalogue raisonnd of 12,000 works in every department of knowledge, in all modern Languages. 8vo. New York, 1849. Biblioth^oonomie, ou nouveau manuel complet pour I'arrangement, la con- servation et I'administration des bib'-iotheques, par L. A. Constantin. 12mo. Paris, 1841. Boret. Brunet, Jacques-Cliarles. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres, conte- tenant : lo Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique, dans lequel sont d^crits les livres rares, precieux, singuliers, &c. ; 2o. use table en for- me de catalogue raifonne oil sont classes mothodiquement tous les ou- vrages portes dans le dictionnaire. 4e edition. 5 vol. 8vo, Ik deux colonaes. Paris, 1842-1844. Oettinger, E. M. Bibliogrnphie biographique univereelle, dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs it I'histoire de la vie publique et priv6e des person- nages celebrea de tous hs temps et de toutes les nations, depuis le com- mencement du monde jusqu'a nos jours, &c, avec un repertoire des liio-bibliographies generales, nationales et speciales. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Le Dictionnaire de rieonomie politique coutlent ausei la bibliographic des ouvrages relatifs i\ cette scienoe. On trouve nussi daua Vuttel, Droit de» gem, Vol. 2, uue bibliographie speciale da Droit de la nature et des geus, extniite des ouvrages de Cninus, Kluber, etc. ; dans Martens, Ouide diplomatique, Vol. 1, le catalogue d'une bibliotli^que choisie; et dans Reybaiid, Ettide» sur let ri/ormateurs, Vol. 1, la bibliographie des utopietes anoiens ct des 8ociaIi.4te8 inodernes. Le Dictionnaire univemel des sciences, dts letlres et des arts de Bouillet, contient I'indication des principaus ouvrages relatifd aux diverses branches des con- niiissances huniaines. Vlli-iloire (/hm-iile des aiiteurs sacrcs par Dom RiJmi Ccillier, contient le catalogue, la critique. I'nnalyse et le dunoinbrement des difforcntes Editions des ouvra- ges des pero!), cto. Dans la lijogriipiiie universelle de Michaud, "la bibliographie," est-il dit dans la preface, " u , et autres lieux ci-devant connus sous le nom de Nouvelle-France ; aveo des notes bibliographiques, critiques et litteraires. En trois parties. 8vo. Quebec, 1837. Bibliotheoa Americana ; or, a Chronological Catalogue of Books, Pam- phlets, nnd State Papers, &c., upon the subject of North and South Amerjcn, in print and manuscript ; with a Discourse on the present state of Literature in those countries 4to. London, 1789. "The Harlcian Collcotion of M.S.S.," furnishes some pagei of the Catalogue. A Catalogue of Authors who hare written in the Languages of New Spain, is given. Likewise "A Catalogue of American State Papeis" " f rom JefFerson's Virginia" but verified by the Author. Rich, 0. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Of Books relating to America, including Voyages to the Tacific and round the World, and Collections of Voyages and Travels. Printed since the year 1700, [closing with 1844]. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1846. Theie ia inserted in the last volume, " Lists of Books printed before 1700," the first, 16 pages, with supplement, 8 pages. BIBIilOGRAPHIE.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 906 Roorbaoh, O. A. Bibliothefa Americana. Catalogue of American Publica- tions, including Reprints and Original Works, from 1820 to 1852 ; with a list of I'eriodicaU published in the United States. Svo. New York, 1852. A aeparate Oatalogue is given of "Law Books." Canada. Legislative Assembly of. Catalogue of Books in the Library of, 1842. New Catalogue, 1846, (with separate) Catalogue of Books relating to the History of America, 1845, and general supplement, 1846-47. New York State Library, Oatalogue of the. January 1, 1850. Svo. Albaoy, 1850. 1 Catalogue of the. 1855. Vol. 1, General Catalogue ; vol. 2, Law Catalogue. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850. New York Society Library, Alphabetical and Analytical Catalogue of the } witii the Charter, By-laws, &c., and a Historical Notice of the Institution. Svo. New York, 1850. Astor Library. Alphabetical Index «f the Books now collected and of the proposed accessions, submitted to the Trustees, January, 1851. Hvo. New York, 1851. Prepared by Dr. Cogswell, Librarian, " to serve as a guide in collecting books for the Library." Catalogue of Books in the Astor Library, relating to the Languages and Literature of Asia, Africa, and the Oceanic Islands. Svo. New York, 1854.. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the House of Commons. 1857. Laid on the Table of o House, 4th March, 1857- Folio. London. ^«kJ«a»^BPH.^>A,^/SA/S^iA^V^^iM>«S^^^«iiM>«W«r Ht 906 ENCTCLOFEBIAS, TRANSACTIONS, ETC. (Kntjtiopcbiits, ®riinsnttionsof|feci|tIopcbies, JUnnoirts, d Enoyolop^die M6thodique, Repertoire umversel de tout ce quc Teaprit humnin a recueilli de connaissances dans tea temps anciens et raodernes,. diyisi^ par ordre de mati&res, par tine aoei6te de gens de lettres, formnnt 189 voluroea, 4ta. de texte, et 643& planches. Paris. 1782—1832. AgricuK Ti, 6 Tol. ArbroB et Arbnstes, 1 vol. Art aratoire et jardiaage, 1 vol. Amusements des ecieuces, 1 voT, Antiquitcs, Mytbologie, 5 vol. Arehitecture, 8- vol. Art niilitiiire, 4 vol. Artillerie, 1 vol. Arts et Mfitierg, 8 vol. Beaux arts, 2 vol. Pfiches, 1 vol. Cbiraie et Metallurgie, 6 vol, en 6, Chirurgie, 2 vol Commerce, 3 vol. Economie politique, 4 vol. Eiicyclopediana, 1 vol. • Equitation, escrinie, dansej natation et chasses, 1 vol. Finances, 3 vol. Forfits et bois, 1 vol. Geograr>bie ancienne, 8 vol. G6(>gi moilerne, 3 vol. Goograpbie physique, 6 vol. Atlaa de geog-apbie ancienne, du moyeii dgo et moJerue, 140 cartes doubles, 2 vol. Gramraairo ot littorature, 8 voL Histoire, 6 vol. Histoire naturelle, 10 vol. Mammalogie, 1 vol. Cotologie, Erp6tologle, opbiologie, I vol. Oi'uitbologie, explication dcB planches des oiaeaux, 2 vol. Poissons, iehthyologie, I vol. Insectcs, papillons et crustaci's, 2 vol. Vers, coquillos, moUusiyies et zoophy- tes, 4 vol. Botanique, aveo supplement, 13 vol. Jurisprudence, police et municipalite, 10 vol. Logique, m^taphysique et morale, 4 vol. Manufactures et arts, 4 voL Marine, 3 vol. Mathematiques, hydraulique et astrono'' niic; et jcux matbrmatiques, S vol. Hcdecine avec leg tables, 13 vol Musiquc. 2 vol. Philosopbie, 3 vol. Physique, 4 vol. Systurae anatomique, 4 vol. Tbcologie, 3 vol. .Enoyolop6die des gens du monde ; li^pertoire universal des sciences, des lettres et des arts, avec des notices sur les principales families ■' historiques, et sur les principaux personnages, morts et vivant.s ; par une societe de savants, de litterateurs et d'artistes fran9ais et f^trangera. 22 vol. Grand 8vo., a deux colonnes. Paris, 18.^3. Encyclopedia du 19e sieole : Ropertoire universel des sciences, des lettres et des art.«, de I'agriculture, du commerce et de I'industrie, avec la biographic des hommea celcbrea. 26 vol. Grand &vo. Paris, 1849- 1855. ENOYCLOP^DIES, MJ^MOIJIES, ETC. 907 Enoyolop6dle moderne : Dictionnaire abr6g6 des sciences, des lettres, dua arts, de I'industrie, de ragriculture etdu commerce. Nouvelle Edition, cntiorement refondue et augraunt(ie ia pr^a du double, publice pur MAI. Fjrmin Didot, froies, sous la direction da M. Loon Renier. 27 vol. 3vo. ot 3 vol. de planches. Paris, 1847-1852. Dictionnaire de la conversation et de la lecture, inventaire raiaonn^ des notions gon^rales les plus indispensablcs h tous; par une soci^td de savants et de gens de lettres, sous la directiou de M. Duckett. Seconde Edition, enticrement refondue, corrig^e et augmentee de plusieurs milliers d'lirticK-s tout d'actualiti^. 15 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851-1852. (Cet ouvrage est en cours de publication.) ENCrcLopKniB Roukt. (Pour la liste des nmnuels composant \' Enajelopidit — Roret, Voir plus luin le Cataloj^uo Alpbabftique au mot "Maiiuell') Rees, Abraham. Cyclopedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. 45 vols. 4to. London, 1819. EncyolopeBdia Britannloa ; or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, an ^ Mis- cellaneous Literature. Seventh edition ; edited by Professor Napier, with preliminary dissertations. 21 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 18-12. The Dissertations nre contained in the first volume, and are as follows : — I. Exhibiting a general view of the progress of Metaphysical and Ethical Philosophy, since the revival of Letters in Europe ; by Dugald Stewart. II. Exhibiting a general view of the piogioss of Ethical I'liilosopby, chiefly during the l?th and 18th centuries ; by Sir James Mackintosli. III. Exhibiting a general view of the progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, since the revival of Letters in Europe ; by John Playfalr. IV. Exhibiting a general view of the progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, chiefly during the ISth century ; by Sir John Leslie. ■ Eighth edition ; edited by Professor Traill, with extensive improvtinents, and additions. Vol. 1 to 12. 4to. A to Jom. Edinburgh, 1B52-185G. Also, (separately bound,) Dis- sertation, VI. In the first volume of this Edition, the Dissertations above mentioned, are reprinted without alteration, as regards the Ist, 3rd and 4th Dissertations ; but to Dissertation II, there is added an Advertisement, and a Preface by Professor Whewel!, " which presents a suociuct an i comprehensive view of its leading objects and doctrines," Dissertation III, in this Edition, exhibits a general view of the rise, progress, and corruptions of Christianity ; by Archbishop Whately. Dissertations IV and V, are those numbered III and iV in the Seventh Edition. Dissertation VI, oxhibita a general view of the progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, principally from 1776 to 1850, by Professor J. D. Forbes. F. R. S. 4to. London, 1866, Encyclopaedia Metropolitana : or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge ; on an original plan comprising the two-fold advantag of a philoso- phical and alphabetical arrangement. 26 vols. 4to. London, 1S45. Vol. 1-2, Pure sciences ; vol 8-8, Mixed sciences ; vol. 9-13, Ilistory and Bio- graphy ; vol. 14-25, Miscellaneous and Lexicographical ; vol. 2C, General Index. I j 1 tt 908 ENCYCLOPEDIAS, TRANSACTIONS, ETC. Penny OyolopaBdla, : of the Society for tbe Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 28 vols, in 14, and Supplenicut. 2 vols. 4to. Loudon, Ibd3-4U. The English Cyolopeedia : a new Dictionary of Universal Knowledge ; conducted by C. Knight, via.: Geography, Aa. Oln. 8 vols. Na- tural History, Aar. Ner. 8 vols. volo. 4to. London, 1854-55. This work is baied upon the "Penny Oyclopmlia," and ii a remodelling of that publication, " so as to adnpt the original nintcriala to the existing stato of kzn'-'.eOge." It \% intanded to comprise Four Divisions, each alphabrr.icall; arraogeL, viz : — L Geogiaph; II. Natural History. III. Sciences and Arts. IV. History, Bio- graphy, Moral Sciences, Literature. The Popular EnoyolopaBdia : or, " Conversations Lexicon," of Arts, Sciences, Literature, Biography, History, Ethics, and Political Eco- * nomy ; with Dissertations and a Supplement. 7 vols. 8vo, Glas- gow, 1845. The follcwing are the Dissertations : I. On the rise and progress of Literature ; by Sir D. K. Sandford. IL On the progress of Physical Science ; by Thomas Thomson. IIL On the progress of the Fine Arts ; by Allan Cunningham. Enoyolopeedia Americana : of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Poli- tics and Biography ; with a collection of original articles in American Biography: on the basis of the German "Conversations Lexicon." 13 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. loonographio Encyolopsedia of Science, Literature, and Art ; systema- tically arranged ; by J. G. Heck ; translated from the German, with additions ; by S. F. Baird. 4 vols. 8vo. Plates (oblong,) 2 vols. New York, 1852. Brande, W. T., and Cauvin, J. &c. A Dictionary of Science, Literatuie, and Art : comprising the history, description, and scientific princ pies of every branch, &e. ; with all the Terms in general use. Second edition, with supplement. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. Chambers, W. and R. Information for the People ; [" of the character of an Encyclopedia." Preface.] 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842. PhillipBi Sir Richard. Million of Facts, in the entire circle of tho Sciences. New edition. 12mo. London, 1851. Vide, Orr's Circle of the Sciences ; and Lardner's Museum of Science and Arts • ante, pp. 677, 678. Also, the Library of Useful Knowledge ; the works in which are distributsd in the respective classes of the Catalogue. Un million de fkitS. Aide-ro6moire universel des sciences, des arts et des lettres ; par MM. J. Aycard, Desportes, Leon Lalanne, Ludovic Lalanne, Gervais, A. Le Pileur, Charles Martins, Ch. Yerg^ et Jung. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Aritbmetique — Alg^bre — Oeographie ^Umentaire, analytique et descriptive — Calcul infinitesimal — Oalcul de probabilites— M6canique— Astronomie— Tables numiriques et moyena divers pour abr^ger les caleuls — Physique Mt^f ekcyclop]£die8, h^moibeb, etc. 909 g^ndrnle — M^tAorulo^ie et physique du t{9'>l>«— Chimie— Mintralogie et g6oU>Kie — BoUniqua — Anatomie ot phyniologie de I'bonime -HyKit^ii^— Zoolo|{ie — Arith:n/itique (ociale — TecbiH>lu|;ie (arti ut hi^tisrt)— Agriuulture — Cumraorco— I/'ginlnttim — Art militnire— Statiittiquo—Soieuooa pbilotu- phiques-l'hilologio — Paluographie — Littt'Taturc — B«auxarti — Hi«t(iiie— Gfograpbie — Etbiiulogiu — CbruDologia— Oiograpbio — Uytbulogie — Educa- tion. Bouillet. Dictionnaire untverael d'hittoire et de geographic. 8vo. Puris, 18S5. — • Dictionnairo univer»cl des sciences, des lettres et dcs arts. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Cent Trait^S sur les connnissances les plus indispensables ; ouvrnge entiere- moiit neuf, avec des gntvures int'Tcal^es dans le texte, par une 80clv>t6 d'hommes de lettres. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848-1850. Bulletin universel des soienoes et de I'industrie, par le baron de Ferussac. 179 vol 8vo. en 8 series. Paris, 1824. le Shrill. — Scieaeet math^matiquea. 10 vol. et table. 2o S6rie. — Scicaees naturellcH. 27 vol. " 8e S6rie. — Sciences m^dieales. 27 vol. " 4e Serie. — Sciences agricolcs. 19 vol. " 6e Serie. — Sciences teehnologjques. 19 vol. " 60 86rie. — Sciences gSogrnpbiques. 28 vol. " 7e St5rie. — 8 .Japan, in lAtb and Htb centuries. Bir SV. Ilal«>i;h'ii Discovory of Guiana. DeSoto'« Dincovei-y of Florida. Sir V. Drake'* VoyaKO. llcrbtfnttein'i Note* upon Kiis^'ia. Voyage* to the .Niu-tii West, 14V6 — lOal. Coat*' Ueogrupliy, ilio., of Uudson's Bay. Strachcy'H Virginia, 1010. " Tbix Society was instituted 16t1i Dec. 1 '446, for th« purpoao of piintinf^ the most rare and vnluuble Voyage*, Tiav«l», and Geogrnpliical Tecurds from aa early |>oriud of exploratory enterprise,' Ao. ( Vide Uume's Learned Bocietie*.) It atlll continues its course of publications. Hume, A. Tho Learned Societies and Printing Cluba of the United King- dom ; their oi igin, hiutory, objects, and con citation . loticca r^' the periods and places of meeting, &c. 12uio. London, 1817. Royal Society of London. The Philosophical Transactions; : r'dged and disposed under general heads, from the first, to the ycut 17o0. 11 in 12 vols. [At large,] from 1751 to 1850. ^ ;. . 47 to 141. 4to. London, 1749-50. A general index to he i hilosophical transactions, from the first to the end of the 70th volume; £date, 1780;] which refers also to tho abridged a ftbove mentioned; by P. II. Maty. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1787. A continuation of the Index, from vol. 71 to voL 110; [date,] 1781 to 1820. 1 voL 4to. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Itoyal Society, from 1800 to 1843, inclusive. Vol. Ito 4. Abstracts of papers communicated to the Itoyal Society, from 1843 to 1854, inclusive. Vol. 5 and 0. G vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1832-64. Vide NATuaAL Piulosoput, (ante, p. 671,) for Birch and Weld's Hintories of the Royal Society. Birch contains some T>ftper8 supplemeutary to the Philoso- phical Triin^aclions. Royal Society of Edinburgh: [instituted 1783.] "Philosophical and Literary " transactions of. 20 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1788-1853. Royal Irish Academy. " For Scioneo, Polite Literature, and Antinui- tios." Transactions of. 22 in ;33 vols. 4to. Dublin, 1787-1853. British Association for the Advancement of Science : Reports of Meetings, including proceedings, recommendations and transactions, from the first meeting, Sept. 1831, to the tweuty-fifth meeting, Sept. 1855. 23 vols. 8vo. London, 1833-56. Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society : Report of the Pro- coodings of the,- for iSesaious in 1844-5, to 1851- No. 1 to No. 6. 3 vols. 8vo. Liverpool, 1845-51. 912 TRANSAC3TI0NS, PERIODICALS, ETC. Second Series. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-53. Academy of Sclenoea of Pr8.noe. Memoirs of. FjJe, ante, p. 57l. Agricultural Society of England. Journal of. Vide, ante, p. 659. Agriculture : (Board of,) Upper Canada. Transactions. Fjrfe, ante, p. 659. •' Lower Canada. Journal of, &c. F/f/c, ante, p. 660. Agricultural and Horticultural Societies, (other) in America and India. Vide, ante, p. G60, 061. American Ethnological Society's Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 629. Annals of Natural History ; by Jardine, Selb^ , etc. Vide, ante, p. 610. Arts, Manufactures, ana Commerce, Society of. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 726. Astronomical Society of London. Memoirs. Vide, ante, p. 584. British Architects of London Institute. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 702. Canadian Journal. Vide, ante, p. 578. Cavendish Society Publications. Vide, ante, p. 595. Engineers : — Civil Engineers, InsHtute of. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 743. Royal Engineers' Papers. Vide, ante, p. 744. Mining Engineers Institute. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 764. Geographical Society's Journal. Vide, ante, p. 510. Geological Society's Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 618. — — Journal. Ibid. Horticultural Society of London. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 660. Linnean Society's Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 609. New York American Institute. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 661. Oriental Translation Fund Publications : Eeligious, Historical, Bio- graphical, Belles-Lettres, etc., are distributed to their respective classes in this Catalogue, Pa],8Bontographical Society's Publications. Vide, ante, p. 627. Philological Society's Proceedings. Vide, ants, p. 775. Smithsonian Coixtributions to Knowledge. Vide, ante, p. 614. Statistical Society of London, Journal. Vide, ante, p. 274. Statistical Society of Dublin, Journal. Vide, ante, p. 275. Taylor's Scientific Memoirs of Foreign Societies. Vide, ante, p. 571 Wernerian Society of Natural History. Vide, ante, p. 609. Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom : [instituted, flKi Zoological 1821.1 Transactions of. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1829. Mra iElfiric Sooi The vol The] tioi The I Le/ 8vo The Anglo-f Missi( The The Cambrls of the 1854. The Royal A and en Asia." Asiatic Reset [1784,; Sciencj cutta, Archaeologica 1850. Literary Soc: " Geog) tiquitiei Asiatic Journ; penden( Series. China a all, 61 V The Oriental Literatu Bucking Colonial Magazi Martin, Afiican Repos; Colonizat to vol. : In all, 10 M^MOIRES ET RECUEILS PJ^RIODIQUES. 913 Zoological Society of London. Transactions. Vide, ante, p. 634. Proceedings of. Fide, ante, p. 634. iElfrlc Society's Publications : Anglo-Saxon and English. Viz : — The Sermones Catholici, or Homilies of ^Ifric ; by B. Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. The Dialogue of Salomon and Satumus ; with an Historical Intro dic- tion ; by J. M. Kemble. Bvo. London, 1848. The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis ; by J. Kemble. Part I. The Legend of St. Andrew. Part II. Elene and Minor Poems. 8vo. London, 1843-1856. The AnglO'Saxon : A Quarterly, having reference to the " Destiny and Mission of the Race." (9 Nos.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849-1850. The Inks and Types used are often ornaracntnl; The Cambrian Journal : GWIR TN ERBYNYBTD, under the auspices of the Cambrian Institute. V' '. 1, all published. 8vo. London, 1854. The Royal Asiatic Society: [instituted, 1823 ;] " for the investigation and encoursigement of Arts, Sciences, and [literature, in relation to Asia." Transactions of. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1827-35. Asiatic Researches; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, [1784,] for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 20 vols, 4to. London and Cal- cutta, 1799—1839. Archaeological Society of Delhi : Journals of the, — [1st number,] Sept. 185' I. 12mo. Delhi, 1850. Literary Society of Bombay: [instituted, 1804, to illustrate the] " Geography, Language, Literature, Arts, Religion, History and An- tiquities of India." Transactions of. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1819-23. Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register, for British India and its De- pendencies, [from the first,] Jan. 1816. to Dec. 1829. 28 vols. New Series. The Asiatic Journal, &c., for British and Foreign India, China and Australasia, from Jan. 1830, to Dec. 1840. 38 vols. In all, 61 vols. 8vo. London. The Oriental Herald and Colonial Review, and Journal of General Literature, Jan. 1824, to Dec. 1829. Edited by the late James Silk Buckingham. Vols. 1 to 23. Svo. London. Colonial Magazine, and Commercial Maritime Journal, edited by E. M. Martin, Jan. 1840 to April, 1842. Vols. 1 to 7. Svo, London. Aftioan Repository and Colonial Journal. By ]\Ianagors oC tlie American Colonization Society. Vol. 7, March, 1831, to Feb. 1832. Vol. 14 to vol. 20, for years 1838-44. Vol. 22, 1810. VoL 24, 1848. In all, 10 vols. 8vo. Washiugtou. 914 TRANSACTIONS, PERIODICALS, ETC. Nicholson, "W. Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, 1797-1802. 5 vols. 4to. New Series, 1802-1807. IG vols. 8vo! Philosophical Magazine : The, — comprehending the various branches of Science, the liberal and fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce, by A. Tilloch, afterwards by A. Tilloch and E. Taylor, finally by R. Taylor, 1798 to 1826. Vols. 1 to G8. 68 vols. Svo. London. The, — or, Annals of Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, Natural History, and General Science, edited by E. Taylor and R. Phillips, 1827 to 1832, 11 vols. Svo. London. Second series, entitled : The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, and Jour- nal of Science, 1832 to 1840. 16 vols. Svo. London. Third series, entitled : The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, and Journal of Science, 1810 to 1850. Vols. 17 to 37. Svo. Lon- don. (Fourth series,) vol. 1, January, 1851, to vol. 11, ending June, 1856. Svo. London. fSilliman's] American Journal of Science and Arts, 1818 to 1845. 49 vols. Vol. 50 is a Greneral Index. Second series, 1846 to 1852. Vol. 1 to 13. Svo. New Haven. Vols. 1 to 33 are eJitdl by B. Silliman ; vols. 34 to 50, by the surae, "aided" by his son ; stcoiid series, vols. 1 to 10, by the two Sillimans, and J. D. Dana ; from vol. 3, Dr. Gibbs assists ia the departments of Chemistry and Physics. Christian Remembrancer ;— and the d- ch of England Quarterly Re- view. Vuh ante, pp. 51, 52. The Times, Loudon, Januury 1st,— June 30fch, 1848, in 2 vols. Folio. . September 30th,— December Slst, 1850. Folio. January 1st, — Marcli 31, 1851. Folio. Illustrated London News, May, 1842, to June, 1856. 28 vols. Folio. Poole, AV. F. Index to Periodical Literature, referring to upwards of 70 periodical works, both English and American. Svo. New York, 1853. Annual Register. Vide ante, page 308. Alman.iCS : EnglishAlmanacs, fiom 1717 to the present time. Vide ante, pages 30.3, 304. British Almanac and Companion ; from 1829 to 1857. Vid ante, pugea 289-295. Australian Almanacs. Vide ante, page 286. Canadian Almanac: for 1851 to 1857. American Almanac ; from 1830 to 1857. Vide ante, pp. 296-300. Army and Militia Almanac, for 185G. Almanaoi Bon Part I. Tart II. Angl Cape This w The Edinb and from (for 3 vol The Quart* June vols.^ (for \ The Westm July The North ] Align The New Q Amer 1855. North Amei Tildes Hunt's Men Freen ber, 1 Cent M^MOIRES ET RECUEILS pilRIODIQUES. 915 Almanacs :— (Continued). Bombay Calendar and Almanac, fur ISoS, in two parts. 8vo. Borabny. Part I. Includes the Calendar, Engliali and Native, Chronological register of events in or relating to India; a guide to Bombay, its Natural History, Native Manu- factures, Public Institutions, General Statistics, &o. Part II. Includes the Bombay, Bengal and Madras Army and Civil Lists, including the Nizam's Army ; Shipping arrivals and departures, for 1854; Births, Mar- riages and deaths, and Advertisements. Anglo-Indian Almanac, for 1857. Parts I. to IV. with statistics nud gpiieral inforniiition, including arrivals and departures, deaths, distribufiou of tbe Armies, &c. 8vo. London. Cape of Good Hope Almanac, and Annual Register for 1856 ; com- piled by J. Van de SanJt de ViUiers. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. This worlc includes full Statistics of the Cape Colony in its 22 divisions ; and also, of Britisli KalTraria, Natal and Orange Free State, witli Clironological events of local occurrences ; a Directory of Cape Town and its environs, and Ad- vertisements. The Edinburgh Review; or, Critical Journal. Vol. 1. October, 1802, and Jiiuu ry, 1803, to vol. 103, January, and April, 1856. Indexes : from 1802 to 1H12, (for vol. 1 to 20); from 1813 to Januarj- 1830, (for vol. 21 to 50) ; April, 1830 to October, 1841, (for vol. 51 to 80.) 3 vols. Svo. London. The Quarterly Review. Vol. 1. February and May, 1809, to vol. 09, June and September, 1850. Indexes: vol. 20 (to the I'lrst 19 vols.) ; vol. 40 (for vol. 21 to 39) ; vol. 60 (for vol. 41 to 59) ; vol. 80 (for vol. 01 to 79); vol. 100 (for vol. 81 to 99.) Svo. Loudon. The Westminster Review ; New series, January and April, 1852, to July and October, 1850. Vol. 1 to 10. Svo. London, The North British Review ; from its commencement in May, 1844 to August, 1856. Vol. 1 to 25. Svo. Edinburgh. The New Quarterly Review, and Digest of Current Literature, British, American, French, and German. (Vol. 1,) for 1852, to (vol.4,) for 1855. 8vo. London. North American Review. Vol. 1, (1815) to vol. 77, (1853 ) A General Index, to the end of the 25th vol., in 1827. 78 vols. Svo. Boston. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, and Commercial Review, conducted by Freeman Hunt. A'ol. 1, July to December, 1839, to vol. 35, Decem- ber. 1850. 35 vols. Svo. New York, 1839-1856. Contents are classified in the later volumes as the " Journal of Mercantile Law," " Coninieroial Chronicle and Review," " Journal of Banking, &c." " Commer- ciiil Statistics," " Commercial Regulations," " Journal of Insurance," " Nau. Intelligence,'' "Statistieg of Railroads, Steamboats, Ac, of Population, of Agriculture, An.," "Journal of Mining and Manufactures," "Mercantile Mi^eellanios," and the "Book Trade." 916 TRANSACTIONS, PERIODICALS, ETC. Journal of Design and Manufactures : vide ante, page 729. Journal of Industrial and Social Progrest for 1854 ; adited by W. X. Sullivan. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal : vide, ante page 742. Builder, The : a weekly Journal : vide ante, page 703. Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Scieuce, and Art January, 1853 to July, 1856, vols. 1-7. 8vo, New York. The Gentleman's Magaeine and Historical Chronicle, by Sylvanus Urban, Vol. 1, January 1731, to vol 103, part ii, December, 1833 : being the conclusion of the series. 8vo. London. " by Sylvanus Urban. New series, January 1834 to June, 185G. vols. 1 to 45. 8vo. London. The copy in the Hbrnry begins nt the 14th vol. of the first series ; and it lacks Vol, 20, 32. 33, and 37, vol, 61, part 2 ; vol, 99, part 1 ; and of the new series, vol*. 23 and 24, These wore lost ut the fire. Aifscongh, Samuel. A general index to the first 5G vols, of the Gentleman's Magazine, from its commencement tc the end of the year 1786. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. Nichols, John. General Index to the Gentleman's Masazine, from the year 1787, to 1813. Vols 3, and 4, with a prefatory intro- duction, descriptive of the rise and progress of the mag.izine, with anecdotes of the projector, and his early associates. 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1821. Vol. I. Index to Essays, Dissertations and Historical passages. n. Indexes, (Four,) to [i.] Poetical Articles, [ii.] N.un.'s of Persons (noticed), [iii.] The Plates, [iv.] The Books aud Pamphlets (noticed). III. 1. Indexes to Ess lys. Dissertations, Transactions and Historical passages. 2. To the poetical articles. IV, Indexes [i.] to books reviewed, [ii.] To Hooks announced, [iii.] To musical publications, noticed, [iv.] To the plates, [v.] To the names of person! noticed. The iutroducliou, vo!. 3. recounts pr^Liiressively the facts relating to the publication of pnrliaincntary debates, from the first surreptitious essays, to the present time. Blaolcwood's Edinburgh Magazine, from its commencement in April 1317 to Juno 1856. Vols. 1 to 79. 79 vols. 8vo. ICdinburgh. General Index to vols. 1 to 50. Edin- burgh, 1%5. Dublin University Magazine, a literary and politicil No. 1, Ja- nuary 1833 to No. 2G1, December, 1854. 44 vols. 8vo. Dublin. Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country. February, 1830, to June, 1856. Vols. 1 to 53. 8vo. London. The advertisements which appeared in this Magutiae, from the first, to June, 185S, are collected in 17 vols. % M^MOIRES ET RECUEILS P^RIODIQUES. 917 The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction. Vols. 1 to 27, hoing No. 1, Nov. 2. 1822, to No. 1090. Dec. 18, 1841. 8vo. London. Notes and Queries : for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc. Nov. 1849 to June, 1852. (Monthly.) 5 vols. 4to. London. The Retrospective Revie-w. Vide ante, page 801.. Illuminated Magazine, edited by Douglas Jerrold, 1843 to 1845, Vols 1, 2. 3, 4, bound iu 2 vols. 4to. London. Vol. 4 has another editor. Household Words, a Weekly Journal, conducted by Charles Dickens. From March 30, 1850 to July 12, 1350, vols. 1 to 13. 8vo. London, British Controversialist, a controversial literary and educationai Maga- «ine; for the dcliherate discussion of important questions. From its commencement in May 1850 to 18o6. Vols. 1 to 7. 8vo. London. Vol. I. contains a series of papers on " The .■Vrt of Reasoning," and "The Art of Public Speaking," (which are concluded in vol. 2,) also Discussions and debateu on the following questions : la War, under every circumstance, opposed to Christianity t Ought the Cliurch and State to he united? Is Beauty a quality inherent in olijectsT Is Phrenology true? Did circumstances justify the Execution of Cnarles It Is the Moderate Use of Alcoholic drinks injurious? Which most deserves esteem, the Poet or the Legislator? Is an Hereditary Monarchy preferable to an Elective one ? Is Universiil Suffrage just and desirable? Is it desirable that the Revenue of this Country should bp aised by Indirect Taxation ? Ought Capital Punishments to be abolished? Essays on Mutual Instruction and Debating Societies — The Lawi of Debate- Hints on Study — The use of Books — The Nature and use of Poetry — History — Eloquence — Versification. Instructions in History, Geography, Grammar, Elocution, Composition, Quotations, Short-hand, French Pronunciition, Mental Philosophy. A Course of Reading .ind Study for a Young Man, ic. Reports of Literary Societies. Reviews of Books, &c. Vol. IT., contains — Discussions on the following questions: Docs the Divine Trinity exist iu the person of Jesus Chri'*. ' Is Sectarianisn Christian ? Ought Gover-.'.iient to interdict the Establishment of the Roman Catholic Hie- rarchy ? Ought Government to provide a system of Secular Education for the People? Is iianguige of Divine origin? Was CroinwoU a first-rate C . i" ;il, a great Statesman, and a linceru twin f Is Mesmeri.^ra true? Is Vegetarianism reasonable and beneficial? Have the Working Classes been Benefited by Machinery ? Essajij on Poetry, Ac. Valuable Advice in Answer to numerous Educational questions — Reviews of Books. Reports of Literary Societies, ic. Vol, III. contains— A scries of Articles on " Rhetoric'' and on "European Philosophy." Also Debates on the following questions : Ought Christians to support the British Stage? ill i'A*^^ 013 TRANSACTIONS, PERIODICALS, ETC. British Controversialist— (Continued). Can the Apogtolic origin of the Briiiah Oiiiirch be proved? Is Ilomoopnthj' true in priiicipio and benofloial in i^raotioe? I3 Wnmnn mentnlly inferior to Man f Ough,; tlie Jow8 to bo admitted to Parliament? Onghl Money to bo Int-'nsio or Symbolical? Would V 'iimniuniam promote the happiness of i.ian f Is the Cmfessional in harraiiny with tatelleoti.di .•\n'l Mo.-:,i Fi:-. ra r.'i.l ;V.,ia! •we'i being? Wore th.' olfccts of the Cr'Tiii'les favo'.'r01d Testament, incum- bent upon Giii'istians? Is tbu TJaplitfrn of Infants a practice in harmony with tlie Scriptures? '^''ouM E Jiieation eradicate Crime ? Whi'ili was the greatest Poet, >!ilton or fil'nkspere? Is tin Character of the Dul;e of Wellington worthy of Admiration » Ou^lil the Grant to Maynooth to be withdr;iwn? Ont'ht Transportation to be abolished ? Judging from the History and present Sta* j of France is an attempted Invasion of England probable? Is the use of Oaths (or Civil Purposes right and expedient? Ouglit the Laws of Primogeniture to be r:jpealiMl? Essays on Poetry — Means of Mental li.iproven;'.'!.t — Studies for Law Students— The Uight Use of Books — Books and Rending, &c. Articles on Manuscript Magazines — "Photography — The Order ot Studying the Sciences — IIow to study Mat'iematics — IIow to obtain case and power in Debate — A Siudcnt's Library, itc. Also numerous Beports of Literary Societies — Notices of Books — Improving Exercises In Grammar, Mathematics, and Logic, iSic. Vo!. V. contaiiis — Debates on the following vjuostious : Which System is most in accordance with the Scriptures, and productive of th« best results, Episcopacy, Presbyterianism, or Congregationalism ? Have we sufficient evidence to prove that Communications are now made to Man from a S])iritnal World ? Was Napoleon Bonaparte worthy of the admiration of the French pecj.le ? Can Scotland rcKsonably complain of injustice from England? Ought the Universities of Oxford airl Cambridge to bo thrown open as National Institutions to British subjects of all Religious Opinions? Ought Government to prohibit the sale of Intoxicating Drinks ? Is Shivery under any circumstances justifiable il Abo, Articles on European Philosojihy, and ; Series of Papers entitled Aids to Self-Culture — The Art of Reading, &c .--'"B'>i.ysou Building Societies, their Origin, Constitution and Uies — Det '. ' 'uiuage— Language a Universal Studv — Importance of Reading will'. ." r — Life Assurance — The Phono- tics and Alphabetic Symlmlr f'he; ■ li Language — Instructive Informa- tion on a Course of Reading fo •. , Lady — Clasijificatina of Knowledge. ■i^r iTii\ EU- ctincnts ? Ifcti n of )gua-,«3— u vbe fol- t, incum- d Invasion Students- Manuscript !S — IIOW to Siudcnt'a lea of BooliB Itivo ofttw lio made to |.1ei as Nationil lied Aids to futics, their Uuivei'sal triie rlioiifl- gic of Study and European Philosophy, and Uebatea upon the following questions : Is Maeaulay'a estimate of William of Orange correct? Docs Geology confirm the Mosaic account of Creation ? Is Education the duty of the State I Is the Spendthrift more injurious to Society than the Miser ? Have we sufficient Evidence, apart from Revelation, to prove the Immortality of the Soul ! Is Man the creature of circumstances ? Is the Charnctcr of Queen Elizabeth worthy of admiration ? Would Parliament bo justified in sanctioning the opening of the Crystal Palace on Sunday ? Ecsayg upon Self-Culture, " Things Old and New," and Galileo. Reviews of Ma- caulay's " England," and Longfellow's " Hiawatha." Literary Notices, &c. Notes and Queries upon questions interesting and useful to the general reader. Miscellaneous Articles : — How to Make a Fortune. Constantinople. Hume's Philosophy, &c. With Practical Lesions on French and Mathc- . iiUica, by W. J. Champion. Annales Aroh^ologiques, publiees par DiJron, aino, redigces par les prin- cipaux archdologucs, arcliitectes et autres artistes de la France et do I'etranger. 17 vol. 4to. Paris, 184i-lS37. Annales de ohimie et de physique, par M. M. Guyton ile Morveau, Lavoi.sier, Afongi-, Beitliollet, Fourcroy, Guy-Lussac, Arago, Clievreul, 1) .mar!, Pcl-.-iso, etc., de 1789 b. lSo7. 22U vol. 8vo. Paris, y corapiLio '? vol. de tables. Paris. ^iiinales de Philosoj^hie Chr^+'ieme : Recueil puriodique dostin6 a faire connait'-e tout ce que les ;:. .ences humaines rciifermeiit de prcuves et de decouvertes en favour du CiiristiutMsme, dirig<; par A. Bounetty. 52 Tol. 8vo. Paris, 1630-1857. n 920 TEANSACTIONS, PERIODICALS, ETC. Annales de I'assoolation de la propagation de laPoi : llecueil p<5ri- odi(|ne (le8 lettrea des CvCquus et dcs missioimiros des wissions dea deux inondes, et do tous les documens relatifa aux missions et ix I'asso- ciation do la propuyution de la foi. 28 vol. 8vo. I'arig et Lyon 1.S27-1857. Annales des Mines, ou rccm-il de mfimoires sur I'exploitation des mines et 8ui- lea sciuncea qui a'y rapportent, rodigtes sous la direction d'une commisaion speciale. Annales des Fonts et Chauss6es, m^moires et documens riilatifs h I'art dea constructions et au service de ringenieur. 1831-1852. 66. vol. 8vo. I'uria. Annales d'Hygiene Publique, et de medecine legale, par MM. Adelon, Andral, &c, paraissaut depuis 1829. 23 vol. Bvo. Paris, 1829 et arin6t'S suivantes. Annales Maritimes et Coloniales, de 1809 h 1847. recueil de lois et oidoniiancea royales, regiemena et d'scisiona ministerielies, niomoires, observations et notices particulifires, et g6n6ralement de tout ce qui peut interesser l.v marine et lea coloniea, public uvec I'approbution du miiiistre de la marine et dea colonies. 109 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818- 1841. Annuaire des Deux Mondes, public par la direction de la Bevue des Deux Mojides, dtpuia IboO. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris. Annuaire Historique, publio par la 8oeift6 do I'histoire de France. 20 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1837-1857. Annuaire Historique Universel, de 1818 ii 1857. 30 vol. 8vo. Paris. Annuaire M^teorologique de la France, par MM. Haeghens, Martens et Berigny, avec des notices scientifiques. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849 et annees suivantes. Archives Israelites : Recueil religieux, moral i litteraire, par une societ6 d'iiommes de lettres, soua la direction de S. Caheu, traducteur de la Bible. 17 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841-1856. Artiste, 1' Jourmd de la lilt6rature et des beaux-arts, philosophie, sciences, voyages, romaus. Ii6dig6 sous la direction de MM. Arsene et Ed. Houssaye. 5G vol. 4to. Paris, 1831-1857. Atheneeum Franpais, (!') Revue universelle de la litterature, de la science et des beaux-arts, paraissant tous les samedis ; fonde et dirigu par MM. Edouard Ualessert, No(5l des Vergers, Firmin Didot, Ad. de Loug- perier, F. de Saulcy et Ludovic Lalanne. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 1852- 1856. Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des Chartres. Revue d'urudition, consacroe priricipalement a letude du moyen age, paraissant tous les deux moiset formaiit tous les ans un volume. 17 vol. Bvo. Paris, 1839 et annfees •uivautes. ME MOIRES ET RECUEILS PijRIODIQUES. 921 Bulletin des lois, depuis 1789. 191 vol. 8vo. y compris 4 vol. de tubks. Pariu. Bulletin de l'aoad6mie royale de m^deoine, de 1*^36 & 1«57. 21 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1S36-1857. Bulletin de la sooidt^ de G6ographie. 63 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822-1855. Cosmos. Iluvue encyclopcdiquo liebilomaduire des progr^s des sciences, rcJi- Ki'c par M. l'al)boMoi<,'no. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1 852-1857. Illustration (!') Journal uuiversil, orn6 de giavurcH sur tous les sujets actuols, utc. 27 vol. folio. Paris, 18 13-1857. Journal d' Agriculture pratique et de jardinage, public par lea redacteurs de la maisoii Rustique du 19u siecle. 23 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837-1857. Journal Asiatique, ou recucil de niemoires, d'extraits et de notices reiatifs k riiistoire, a la philosopbie, aux laiigues et a la littoraturo des peuples Orientaux, publics par la societe Asiatique. 63 vol. 8vo. Paris 1822-1855. Journal de I'Eoole Polytechnique, par MM. Lagrange, Laplace, iMonge, fic. 'Mj cabierseu 20 vol. ito avee des plancdies. Paris, 1795 et ami. fiuiv. Journal de Math^matiquea pures et aiipliijuc'es. Uecueil mensuel de ni6- moires sur les diverse^ pivties dea matbeuiatiques, par J. Liouville. 19 vol. 4to. Paris, 1836-1857. Journal des Hconomistes, revue de la science economiqueet ('..■ la statis- ticjue. — Commerce. — Admiiiistiiaion. — Finances. — Bienfaisau^' . ij,- dustrie. — Agriculture. 42 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841 -1807. Journal du Magnetisme, redigo par nnn societe de mngnetiscurs et de niedeeius, sous la direction de M. le baron du Potet. De 1845 a 1854. 13 vol. 8to. Paris. Journal du Palais, recueil le plus ancien et le plus complet de la jurispru- dence. Nouvelle C;dition, 1791 a 1855. 70 vol. 8vo. Paris. Magasin Pittoresque, le. redige sous la direction de M. Ed. Charton, forniant uu volume cliaquo ann('>e et contenant environ 300 gravures. 23 vol. 4to.. Paris, 1833-1857. Nain Jaiinc, (1■ 922 TRANSACTIONS, PERIODICALS, ETC. f Revuo Contemporaine, philosophio, hlstoire, m-iences, po^mie, romaDs, voyiigcrt, ciiticiue, litteiuture, Iwaux-arts, moral,., &c, pnruissaiit lea \& et 30 do cliaque mois, et ibrmoiU G Toluiues par »niioe. 30 vol 8vo P-tr-., I'!,'53-lS57. Rev- ut rj.fiuiatlon et -le Jurlaprudenoe, publioe soub la direction (1( AlM L. Wolowski,, Cb. Giraiid, E. Ijaboulay, Fausfin, II61ie, Ortolan, *c. 1834-18')2. 46 vol, 8vo. Paris. La fondatiuii de ce rpciuil date d'octolirc, 1884. Revue des Deux MondeB ; recueil pC'riodique, paraissnnt le leretlolS de cliaque mois, par livrnison de plus de 200 poges. rWigfi par let sommitei Utti'.ir.. uo i cpoqir Du 1831 i 1857. 104 vol. 8vo. Paris. Oetta Imjiortante coHwtion se diviso eo plmieurs sfiries : lire, 2nde ct Sfime B6rio, d« 1881 h 18;i6, (relit'es #n 14 roluraes). 4um« surie, de 1836 k 1843, S2 TolulllCH. IfouvcUe B6rie, de 1843 A 1849', 24 volumes. Nnuvcllo ixSriode, de 184!' t\ 1H53, t»i volimK's. Scfdiido noi'ie do lanniivclle p^riode, dc 1853 a 1856, 12 vnlnmct. Sccoiide ptJriode, commencOe le ler Janvier 196(5, forninnt Tolumci par annexe. Pamphleteer, Tim. Dfdicated to both Houses of Parliament, (publisluul at an average of four numbers annually,) 58 numbers, complete in 28 vols. 8vo. London, 1813 to 1828. Vol. I. No. I. 1. Appeal to the Pl-otestant Dissenters of Qrenf T vain to nnhc wiHi tli'-tr Catliolic brethren for the removal of their disqualifications ; bj a Pri^' • tant Dissenter. 2. I/Ctter by the Rev. Mr. Wyldo on the means of preventing imdue marriages. v'ith comnwnications on the subject from various Clergymen. 3. Dr. Herbert Marsh's Sermon on the Bible Society. 4. Dr. Herbert Marsh's Address to the University of Cnmbridge. 5. Mr. Vtr.sittprt's First Letter to Dr. Marsh. 6. Dr. Marsh's Jiiquirv into the consequences of neglecting to give the Praycr- H^ok with th. Rible. (Vide No. 2,— 4.> 7. Mr. v'ansittart's 1 iter to John Coker, Esq. 8. Mr. Vansittart's '^'■concl Letter to Dr. Marsh. 9. On the East India Company's Ch.xrter ; by Dr. Maclean. 10. Ol'jections to creating a Vicc-Ch;ncellor of England. 1 1. Outlines of a Proponed Plan of Finance ; by the Right lion. N. Vansittart. No. 2. 1. Reform of ParlianvT' the Ruin of Parliament , by H. Hawkins, Esq. 2. The Bishop Lincfi n's Charge to the Clorf;.- of his Diocese. 3. Dr. Mars'' 'wer ' the second Letter of the Right Hon. N. Vansittart. 4. The Rev. .' iL.rindoljihy's Congratulatory Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, on his Inqniry into t'lo consequences of neglecting to give the Prayer-Book with the Bible. 5. Account of a Supply of Fish for the Manufacturing Poor ; by Sir Thomae Bernard, Bart. Pamphlc 0. '2. P 8. i: 4. A B. L 0. tt 7 . II 8 Su 9. A( 10. Su 11. Fi 12. Ob No. 4. 1. Sk ■>_ Ob 3. Let 4. Th 5. Dra fi. Soci 7. Sub 8. RcH PAMPHLETS. 023 Pamphleteer, Tlie— (Continued). U. First Uuport of tho Fish Association, roKpeoling tho moasurcN to bo adopted Tor innruaaini; tho Hupply and uho of Fish in tho Metropolis. 7. Address to thu i'rotustantH of Groat Hritaiii and Ireland, by Oliarlus Ilutlcr. 8. Anticipation of Marginal \otos, on tho Declaration of iho Uritisli Govern- ment of tho 0th January, 1813, in the American National Intelligencer. 9. Letter to tho Karl of Hiickingham on an open Trade to India, by Fabius. 10. Letters of (iracchus on tho BaRt India Question. 11. Letters of I'robus in answer to Qraochus. Vol. II. No. 8. I. Exaiuination of Mr. Cobbett's objections to tho Bill for tho Relief of Uni- tarians. '2. Plan for IncroasinR tho Tncomt^s of Military OfBcors, by Ool. Roberts, with a Supplement liy John Pliilippart. 8. Report of thu National Society, 1813. i. Answer to the Bishop of Lincoln's Charge to tho Clergy of his Diocese, by tho Rev. J. C. Eustace. 5. Letter in confutation of tho opinion that tho Vital Principle of the Reformation has been lately conceded to the Church of Rome, with a Fostcript on tho Catholic claims ; by Herbert Marsh. (J. Raport of tho Committee of tho East India Company on tho claims of the out-ports, with a Letter from tho Cliairinan and Deputy Chairman. 7. Hints relative to the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter. 8. Second Report of tho Fish Association, respecting the measures to bo adopted for the Supply of the Metropolis. 9. Aililress to Parliament on tho claims of Aiithors to their own Copy-rigbt by a Member of tho University of Cambridsjje. 10. Substance of Huskisson's Speech on the Resolutions proposed by the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, on tho state of tho Finances and the Sinking Fund. II. Further important Documents respecting the American Question. 12. Observations on Authors and Books in tho English and Foreign Languages, necessary for tho formation of a select Library. No. 4. 1. Sketch of tho Proposals made in Parliament for a Constitutional Reform. '2. Observations on Mr. Vansittart's Plan of Finance, by F. Silver. 3. Letter explaining tho cause of tht Plan for tho OfHcer's Benefit Fund beinj; abandoned, by Tiieut. Col. Roberts : with Su[.j)iomentary observations by John Philippart. 4. The Case stated between the Public Libraries an 1 tlio Booksellers. 5. Dramatic Emancipation ; or Strictures on tho State jf the Theatres, and on tho consc'iueiit degeneration of the Drama, &c., by James Lawrence, f). Second Letter contirmin^ tho opinion that the Vital Principle of the Re- formation has been lately conceded to the Church of Rome ; by the Rev. P. Gantlolphy. 7. Substance of tho Speech of John Bruco, in tho Committee of tho House of Commons, re8|)ecting Indian affairs. 8. Remarks on the Evidence giviii before both Houses on tho East India Com- pany's affairs, by C. Maclean, M. D. 024 PAMPIlLETa. Pamphleteer, Tlie— (Continued). 9. ObsiTvationH on Uruwing and on the Sacchnrine Quality of Mill, hy Jiunca IJavcrBtock. 10. Substnnoe of tho Spt'culi of CimrleB Murnli, on ilie (iaiine in tliy Kunt India Bill, " Kiiactint? further facilities I o persons to go out to India for reli- (jiouH purposes." 11. A ('oiinti^r-Ad.lreHU to that of Charles Uiitler, (In No. '.',) to the IVotcb- tantH of Orent Britain and Ireland, by the Ruv. 'Ihos. Lo McHnrlcr. 12. Publli- Pros|)etity : or ArgmnentH in favour of raising Six Mdliims Stg,, to bo employed in Loans to Necessitous and Iiuhistrious Persons; by A. Heckot. V,-.l III. No. 6. 1. Considerations on tho lie-cstablislinient of on ElTectlvo Bilnnce of Power in Kuropo, by T. M. Musf^rave. 2. Substance of NVilbLrforcu's Speeches on the clause in the Eimt Ii;dia liill for promoting the Ileligious Instruction and linproveinent of the Natives in India. 3. Strictnri'H on tho Right, Expodionco, and Indiscriniin.itc Denunciation, of Capital Punishment. 4. Two r^ettors on the (Jucstion of Catholic Emancipation, bv Conciliator. 5. Life of Henri Mnsors dc Latude, who was iinpii;ioned &5 ytiirs; with an ac- count of tho Bastilc. fi. The origin, fee, of the Apprentice Laws ; with their npfOication to times, past, present, and to come ; by thu Comtuitteo of Manul'ncturers of Ijondon. 7. Insurance a;;;ain?t Robbery ; or the Present .System of Police considered, and a new one proposed. 8. Observations on the Bill, renderin<; the Militia disposable for Foreign Ser- vice ; by John Philippart. No. 6. 1. On the Trade in Wool and Woollens, includinj; an exposition of tho Com- mercial .Situation of the British Empire ; by Lord Sliedield. 2. Letter to Thomas Hope, on the insufliciency of the existing estaWisInnent^ for promotin;:; tlie Fine Arts ; by James Kinies. 3. Review of First Principles of Bishop Beikeley, Dr. Eeid, and Professor Stewart ; by John Fearn. 4. Narrative of the Crucifixion of Matthew Lovat, executed by his own hands, at Venice, in July 1805; by C. Buggieri, M.D. '). Scries of Letters on tho Political and Financial State of the Nation, at the commencement of 181-i, by Francis Percival Eliot. 6. Observations on Medical Ileform, by a Member of the University of Oxford. 7. On Buonaparte and the Bourbons. From tlie French of Chnteanbriaiid. 8. Appeal to Parliament for the repeal of the Act regulatint,' the M.irriage of the Royal Family. 0. Short Skct'di of a Trip to Paris in 1788, by R. Valpy. 10. Reflections on tho Ixjtters of Conciliator, (in No. 5,) on Catholic Emanci- pation ; by Bishop Milner. Vol. !V. Ko. 7. 1. Letters on the political and financial situation of the Country, in 1811, by F. P. Eliot. Pamphleteer, %'#,4 PAMPHLETS. 925 Pamphleteer, Tim — (Cdiitiniu-d). 2. NitrratiTo of the Journny and impriNoniKcnt of I'iiw VII. 3. Lftlor from Sir P. Fr:iiu;irt, to Karl Oruy, on the Policy of Grvtl Britain and Iho Allies towftrJi Norway. 4. Report of Lord Shuflk-UI, at tho Mooting of Lcwcs Wool Kair, 2Clh July, 1R13. ti. Reply to tlio ohjcotions to Pulilic Schools, with particular reference to the Tyrociniuui of Cowper. 6. Subgtanco of the SpcLolics of Sir H. Pornoll, with additional obseri-ations on the ('orn Lawn. 7. Sketch for n new IMviHion of Monies, Weights, and Coins, hy Jfercator. 8. [n((uiry into tho Policy of the alterations in our Corn Laws, latuly [iroposed to Pnrliiimont, In a letter to Sir 11. Parncll. 9. .Sii|j;i;('Stiona on the Slave Trade, hy Homo. 10. .Vppeid to tho F.ngli«(h Nation in bihalf of Norway, hy A. A. Fcldborg. 11, Plan for cstaMishin!; a Ilalance of Power in Europe. U. Table of Finances for 1813. No. 8. L Substance of tho Speech of ScfRcant Onslow, on a Hill to amend the Statute intituled " An A^t containing divers Orders, for Artilicera, Laborers, Servants of Husbandry, and ,\pprentices." 2. The llidtory of Toussaint Louverture ; with a Dedication to tho Emperor of Ilnssin. 3. Observations on tho Report of the Committee of Weights and Measure, by Calculator. 4. Juiljie Flotchcr's charpo to the Grand Jur;f of the County of Wexford, in July, 1814, containing a comprehensive view of the State of Ireland, 5. Tho Spcorh of Sir S. Romilly, on 28th Jime, IBli, on that articlu in ihe Treaty of Peace relating to the Slave Trade. 6. Observations on tho Hninml Retreat of the Swallow, with an Inloxto nr, ()assages relating to this bird in the works of ancient and modurnaulhf by 'I'hos. Forster. 7- Memoir ccncernin;» tho Relations of the United States • '\ (ireat Rritain, by M. l)e Talleyrand. 8. An Inquiry into the Propriety of increasing tho Import Duty on Corn, by John Naismith. 9. Uriel' Oliservations on the Punishn.ent of the Pillory. 10. Why are wo Still at War ? Or the American Question considered, in a scries of Essays, by Conciliator. Vol. V. No. 9. 1. Memorial addressed to the King of France in July 1814, by Lieut. General Oamot. 2. A short historical view of the Religious and Military Orders of the Roman Catholic Church : by the author of tho " Horra Riblicaj." 3. E^say on External Perception ; by J. Fe.arn. 4. Substance of a I)is!;ourse, giving a Churchman's reasons for declining a con- nexion with tho Bible Society, by the Rev. C. D.aubency. •5, A. compressed view of the Points to be discussed, in treating with the United .States of America. f 9 I 1 1 r ■ ■ . .si ■ ■ ■ • 026 PAMPHLETS. Pamphleteer, The — (Continued). 6. A Letter to tho Earl of Fingal, on the claims of the Roman Catholics, by Lord Qrenvillo. 7. A Lottor on the tone and matter of Judge Fletchers printed Charge. 8. Substance of tho Speech of Serjeant Onslow, on moving for leave to bring in a Bill for more effectually securing the Liberty of the Subject. 9. Prussia and Saxony ; or, an Appeal to Europe on the claims of the King of Saxony to the Integrity of his Dominions. 10. Sketch of Gall and Spurzheim'.s system of Phrenology, with observations on its tendency ; by T. Forster. 11. A compendious examination of certain coniplai its of divers of our Country- men against the Corn Laws, by W. S., Gentleman. First printtd, 1581 No. 10. 1. On the Responsibility of Ministers, by B. De Constant. 2. Observations on the Unanimity required in the verdict on Trial by Jury, by John Longley. 8. Letter to the Prinfe of Talleyrand Perigord on the Slave Trade, by Williani V, ilberforce, M. P. 4. On the Means of guarding Dwelling Houses by their construction from Fire, 5. Attempt to estimate the Poetical Talent, of the Age ; with a sketch of tlie history of Poetry, and Characters of the most celebrated living Poets by T. N. Talfourd. 6. Essay on the Application of the Organology of the Brain to Education, com- municated by T. Forster F.L.S. 7. Three Letters on the Financial and Political Situation of the Country in 1815, by F. Percival Eliot. 8. Inquiry respecting the Insolvent Debtors' Bill, with the opinions of Paley Burke, and Johnson, on Iniprisonmcpt for Debt, by Basil Montagu. 9. A New Theory of the Two Hemispheres, whereby it is attempted to explain the time and manner in which America \\ui< peopled, by G. A. Thompson Vol. VL No. 11. 1. Speech of tho Rt. Hon. N. Vansittart, in the Committee of Ways and Means Feb. 20, 1815. 2. The Budget for 1815, by the same S. American Encroachments on British Rights; or, observations on the Impor- tance of the North Americnn Colonies, and on the late Treaties with tlip United States, by N. Atcheson, Esq, New edition; with additions. 4. A Brief Account of the Jesuits, tending to establish the danger of the revival of ihat Order. 5. Report froi. the Committee of the House of Commons, on Laws relating tt- the innnm. eture, sale, aiid assize of Dread. 6. An Inquiry into v.he Rise of Prices in Europe, during the last twcnty-fivi years, by Arthur Young, F.ll.S. 7. On the Liberty of the Press, or an Inquiry how far Government may safely allow the pufilication o( Political Pamphlets, etc , by B. H. De Constant 8. A Short Address to the Primate of Ireland ; recommendatory of some mo- dification in the Tythes of that Coimtry, with remarks on the slate o( the Irish Church ; by the Rev. Sir II. B. Dudley. 9. Report fron^ the Committee of the House of Commons on Madhouses. PAMPHLETS. 927 lies, by bring King ol itions on Country ,(,d, 1661 by Jury, y Willian, Prom Fire ?tch of Uu ing Poets , ition, com ountry in of Paley itagu. lo explaiii lonipson ind Means^ he Impor- ;s with thf itions. the revival relating t(» wenty-fivt nay safely : Constant I some mo- Ihc state ot Ls. Pamphleteer, The — (Continued). 10. A Statement of the Loading Transactions of the British and Foreign Bible Souiety. No. 12. 1. On the commutation of T/the, by John Benett. 2. Letter to Dr. Marsh, in confutation of his assertion that the Dissenters aim at subverting t^e Religious Establishment of the Country, in order to establish their own forms of worship, kc; by a Protestant Dissenter. S. Dr. Marsh's answer to the preceding. 4. Observation* on the Bill for " better regulating the Medical profession, as regards Apothecaries;" by R. M. Kerrison. 5. History of the blind and deaf boy, James Mitchell; with an account of the operation performed upon liim. By lames Wardrop, F.R.S. 6. American Encroachments on British Rights. (^Coitcluded, from No. 11.) 7. Short account of the cause of the disease in corn, by Sir J. Banks ; and a letter to Sir J. Bai&s, on the Blight, and on the means of raising late crops of pease ; by T. A. Knight. 8. Speech on the Union, delivered in the Irish House of Commons, now published as an address to the Irish. By Sir W. C, Smith. 9. Ileportfrora the committee of the House of Commons, on the Debtors' Prisons. 10. Letter on the situation of Franco; written from Dresden to a friend in Parip. 11. Second Report of the Fish Association, relative to tljo supply of Fish in the metropolis and interior. 12. Letter to the Kditor on Reform in Parliament By Modicus. 13. Outlines of a plan for building 25 Churches or Chapels, at an expense ol £100,01)0 to Otovernment ; or, by recourse to Queen Anne's Bounty. By Thos. Falconer, M. A. Vol. VIL, No. 13. 1. National Establishment, National Security; or, Thwights on the consequences of commuting the Tithes. By the Rev. W. Kdmeads. 2. Reasons for establishing a Registry of Slaves in the Colonics. B. Speech of Mr. Phillips, in the case of Guthrie vs. Sterne, for Adultery, de- livered in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin. 4. Letters on the Errors of the presynt system of Public-House Licensing, with a proposal for their cure. By a Magistrate. 5. Review of the present ruined condition of the Landed ani Agricultural inte- rests, Ac By R. Preston, M P. 6. Considerations on the propriety of remunerating Witnesses in Civil actions ; with observations on the present system of taxing costs. Dy C. Frost. 7. Reflections on the Financial situation of France in 1616. By C. Ganilh. 8. Letters on the condition of the British Empire, in 181(5. By F. P. Eliot. 9. Cunsidcrattons on the Rate of Interest, and on Redeemable Annuities. By. E. B. Sugden. No. 14. 1. Plan for the Reform of Parliament on constitutional principles. 2. Enquiry into the ri;^ht and duty of compelling Spain to relinquish her Slave Trade in Northern Africa. 3. Remarks on the comparittive value of Freehold and Copyhold Land. By VV. Rouse, Esq. ■'f; I. : t U ii^H^ 928 PAMPHLETS. Pamphleteer, The — (Continued). 4 An address to the proprietors of Bank Stock on the management of the Bank of England, and on the laws relating thereto. l?y T). B. I'.iyne. 5. Inaugural Oration, at the laying the foundation stone of the London Institu- tion for the diffusion of Science and Literature. By Charles Butler. 6. State of the United Kingdom at the peace of Paris, 1815. By George Chal- mers, Esn., F.R.S. 7. Observations on the scarcity of Money ; and its effects upon the public. By E. Tatham, D. D. 8. Essay on Provident or Parish Banks. By B. Beaumont, F. A. S. ' 9. Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the competition of the Distil- leries with the Breweries. By a Freeholder. 10. Speech of C. C. Western, M. P., March 7, 1810, on the distressed state of Agriculture in the United Kingdom. 11. Reply to the Edinburgh Review on Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. By the Rev. J. Lingard. 12. Remarks on the Slave Registry Bill ; and upon a recommendatory Report of the African Institution. Vol, Vin. No. 15. 1. Speech of J. C. Curwen, M. P., on the 28th of May, I8l6, on ji motior. upon the State of the Poor Laws. 2. Dissertation on the Elcusinian and Bacchic Myo only P.eforni of Pailiament, consistent with the Spirit of the Constitution; by J. Syuunons. 4. The National Debt in its True Colors; v.ith plans for its honest exliuction; by W. Frend. 5. A Letter to Lord Si(hnouth, on the present system of Piibli'^-IIouse Licens- ing, and proposing a remedy for its evils, by J. T. P. Beauninnt, F.A.S. 6. On the Stiite of the Country in Dec, 181fi ; by the Rt. Hon. Sir J. Sinclair. 7. Statements respecting the East India College, in refiiution of the cbiirgos brought against it In the Court ■ f Proprietors; liy the Ri'V. T. Malth is. 8. Speech by Pascoe Grenfell, in the House of Commons, on i28th .\pril, 1814-, on applying the Sinking Fuiul to an}- r,onns raised for the Pnblie S'-rvice. 9. Plan of a Reform in tl,>; Election of the Fhnise of Commons, adopted by tho Society of Friends of the People, in 1795. Republished by Sir P. Francis. 10. Observations on the Manajreniont of ti'.e Poor, and the Ltuvs relating to them; by the Rev. Thomas Jee. 1 1. On National Prejudices; their good and bad efTects; by John Burrows. Vol. X. \o. 19. 1. (-'anning's Speech, Jan. 29, 1S17, on the Motion of an .\ddress to the Prince Regent, on his Royal Highness' Speech from the Throne. 2. Cursory remarks on the obnoxious parts of tho Game Laws; by Sir W. Li - ford, liart. 4 III m V 1 1- r i ■■ 930 PAMPHLETS. 13 ■'*!;:;' r-;~4- Pamphleteer, The — (Continueil). 3. Teinporato Discussion of tho causes wliich have icd to tho High Price of Bread, by tho Rt. Hon. C. Long, M. P. 4. Speech of J. O.Curwcn, M.l'., Fci.. 21, 1817: on a Motion on tho Poor Laws. 5. A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the Now Coinage, by T. Smith. 6. General lioport of Scotland ; Statistical Tablcci regarding tho State of Scot- land, by the lit. Hon. Sir J. Sinclair. 7. Argument showing that a Standing Army is inconsistent Tlth the Constitu- tion of England. First printed, 1097. 8. Irish oratory ; with its effocts on tho measure of Catholic emancipation considered, by an Iribh Protestant. 9. On tho supply of Kniployment and Subsistance for the Laboring classes; with a proposal for tho Repeal of the Salt Duties, by Sir T. Bernard, Bart. 10. Postcript to the above, in which soii^o objoct'ons to the Repeal of the Salt Duties aro considered, by the same. 11. Second Postcript on the elfect of the Repeal of the Salt Duties on the Dis- tresses of the Poor, by the same. 12. Journal of an Englisli Traveller, from 1814 to 18JG; or anecdotes of tho Princess of Wales and her Court; with letters of Her Royal Highness, tho Furl of Liverpoo!, &c. 13. .\ddres3 to the Fund Holder, the Manufacturer, the Mechanic and the Poor, on the Poor Laws, byR. Preston, M. P. No. 20. 1. Di'fencc of Economj-, against the Rt. Hon. G. Rose, M. P., by Jeremy Benthain. 2. Dofence of tho Conslilution of Groat Britain, againt-t the attempts of the friends to Annua! Parliaments and Universal Suffrage, by Lord Soincrs. 8. Observations on Pauperism in England, particularly as it aflects tho morals of tho Laboring Poor, l)y the Rev. G. Glover, A. M. 4. An inquiry into the Causes of Agricultural Distress, by W. Jacob, F.R.S. 5. (>n the means of arresting the progress of National calamity, by tho lit. Hon. Sir J. Sinclair. 6. Suggi'-tions for the prevcntio'i and mitigation of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases by the abolition of Quarantines, &c., with some Remarks on the danger of Pestilence from scarcity, by 0. Maclean, M.D. 7. Copy of the Report of the Committee ap|)ointed to examine the Petitions presented to the House of Commons, against the Employment of Boysin Sweeping Chiniiiies. 8. Reasons lor a farther amendment of the Act to amend the Copyright Act of Queen Anne, by Sir E. Brydges, M. P. 9. On the means of reducing the Poor Rntes, and affording permanent Relief to the Laboring Classes, by Major 'I'c/rrens. 10, Letter to D. Ricardo, containing an analysis of his Pamphlet on the depre- ciation of Bank Notes, by the Rev. Dr. Crombie. 11. Index to vols. 9 and 10. Vol. XL No. 21 1. Mothodof increasing the Circulating money, upon i new and solid principle. 3. Dissertation on the State of the Nation, respecting .i- Agriculture. 3. Essay on the Practice of the British Government, distinguished li .lu the theory o:) which it ife supposed to be founded. by G. Leckie. Pa Vol. X PAMPHLETS. 931 Pamphleteer, The— (Continued). 4. Letter to the Editor, occasioned by tl.e Pamph.ot (in No. 18,) entitled, a Vin- dication of General Savary, by M. le chevalier De La Roche Sir Andr6. 6. Project of Finance ; or a proposed method of Relief to the Country in the present crisis, ISIG; . L'tter to Sir S. Riniitly, from Henry Br ■ugham, on the Abuse of Charivies. .N'lirth American I^atniililet, on South Ai.ierican all'iir-;. Rimian Catholic Prini'ljiles, in reference to God and the King; by the Rev. J. Kirk. First published in 1080. .Modern Mai idles, and the ju-esent state of Medicine; by I). Uwins, M.D. Observations on the Impolicy, fci' , of the I'oor Ln-.s; and on the Itepoitsof Parliament ; by the Earl of Shetlield. T!ioii2;hts on the exps'diency of Repealiiig the T'siiry I.iiws; by K. Cooke. Political Renrirks on French Works and Newspapers, concerning Ilayti: by the Biron tie Vastey. Collection of Papers on Political Subjects ; by Sir J. Sincbiir, 15art. Letter to llonry Broughnm, upon the nie'hod of restoring decayed Grasi m,ir Schools. liiiler to roLi. 11 and 13. •20. Lottcr to fh.' Archbishop of C.mterbury, on the expediency of Revisin;; the Scriplur"s ; by nn Ivssex Rector. Vindicitini of Wincb-stcr College, occii';i^ned by Tf..nry Bronghim's L'ttcr, on Clriritable .\bnses; by the Rev. W. L. Bo. vies. Dingers of a Repeal of the Bank Restriction Act ; .and Plan for obv'ating tlieiii, by John AVray. s. n PAMPHLETS. 933 Pamphleteer, Tliu — (Continued ). 4. Obscrv.iiioiis on Credit, with relntion to tlio Bnnkrui)t Law, and InsolTent Dolitors' Acls. 5. Collection of P)ii)LT8 on Political Sulijocta; by Sir J. Sinclair, {Concluded.) C. Dia-icrtiition on tliu I'licory ivtul i'lictice of Ik-ncvolcncc ; by (i. Dyer, A. 15. 7. ViiiiliciiliDii of til" I'liivursity of Kiliiibnri.';li, »s a Solicul of Medicine; with remarks on M' Ueform ; by L. Wliallcy, M.D. 8. Ilolktiam : its A'jcririiliiiro, *(,-. ; by E. lligby, M.D. 9. Oration pbell, R.N. C. Observations on the Phenomena of Insanity; by Thomas Forster, M.B.F.L.S. 7. The Analogy of the Physical Sciences indicated; by Ge>rgo Field. 8. Account of an Embassy from the British Government to the Court of China, in 1816; by the Rev. Dr. Robert Morrison. 9. Observations on Parish Registers and the Marriage of Non-conformists; with the outline of a Hill for establishing a more certain and general Ki'gister of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. With the edict of Louis X\'I, for the verification of the births, etc., of non-conformists. 10. Notes of a visit to Prisons in Scotland and the North of England, with Eliza- beth Fry ; with observations on Prison Discipline ; by J. J. Gurney. 11. Remarks on the Cession of the Floridas to the United States, and tho neces- sity of Great Britain's acquiring the Island of Cuba ; by J. F. Ratten- bury. 12. Two Tables, illustrative of the Speeches of the Earl of Liverpool and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on tho rates of Exchange on Hamburgh, &c. No. 30. 1. The Defences of the Whigs ; by Lord Erskino. 2. Report of the Select Committee ai/pointed to consider the Laws relating to Capital Punishments for Felonies. 8. Comments on recent Political Discussions ; with an exposure of tho Fallacy of the Sinking Fund ; by A. II. Chambers. 4. Concise History of Tithes; with an Incjuiry how far a forced maintenance of Religion is warranted by the example and precepts of Christ ami his Apostles ; by J. S. Fry. 5. Notes on a Visit to Prisons in Scotland and the North of England, with Eliza- beth Fry ; with observations on Prison Discipline ; by J. J. Gurney. (Continuci/.) 6. On the Impracticability of the Resumption of Cash Payments, &c. ; by Sir William Congreve, Bart. 7. Reflections on the Liberty of the Press in Great Britain ; translated from the German of F. Viin Gentz. 8. Germany and the Revolution ; by Professor Goerres : a suppressed pamphlet 9. Elements of a Plan for the Liquidation of thu National Debt; with an Intro ductory Address ; by R. IleathQeld. Para Vol. XI Vol. ...r^ '.it. No 1 2 8 4, 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. XVII. : 1. ] 2. J 8. S 4. R ,nd kid I on tbo the Fi- &nd tho . which it nd riaces I.B.F.L.S. t of China, lists; with al Register , XVI, for with Eliza* uriiey. Uie neces- F. Kullcn- iil and the iburgh, &c. , relating to the Fallacy laintenance rist and his I with Eliza- Ij. Gurney. Lc. ; by Sir led from the 1 pamvhlet- Lb an Intro- PAMPHLETS. 935 Pamphleteer, The— (Continued). 10. Report of the Select Coiiiiuittoo, appointed to Inquire Into the State of tho Gaols. 11. yl (ieneril. Climed Cntaloijue of the conUnta of thejirtt thirty numberi of th. ' •.mphltteer. Vol. XVr. No. 81. 1. On tho Administration of tho Criminal Code in England, and the Spirit of tho English Qovernment ; by M. Cottn. 2. Notes on a Visit to Prisons in Scotland, Ac, with Elizabeth Fry; with obser- valions on Prison Diseipline; by J.J. Ourncy. (Concluded.) 3. First Ilcport of the CommisHJoners on Weights and Measures. 4. Letters to the Earl of Liverpool, a id the Rt, Hon. N. Vansittart, on tho Re- sumption of Cash Payments. 5. Summary of Facts and Inferences respecting tho causes of Plague, &c. with proofs of the non-cxistenco of contagion iu these maladies- by C. Maclean, M.D. 6. Baron Smith'H Charge to the Grand Jury of tho County of Wcstmeath de- livered March 9, 1620. 7. The British Metre, and its derivatives ; being a sketch of a proposed Refor- mation in Measures, Weights, and Coins. fl. Cnnninp's Speech at tho Liverpool Dinner, given in celebration of his re- election, March 18, 1820. No. 82. t. Speech of Henry Brougham, in the Uouse, June 29, 1S20, on the Education of the Poor. 2. The Vansittart Plan of Finance ; by Wm. Dunn. 8. Letter from a Jew to a Christian, occasioned by the recent attacks on tho Bible. 4. C4ram!i>i\r Schools considered, with reference to a case lately decided by tho Lorn Chancellor ; by a Barrister. 5. Philosophic nn<1 pr.».ctical inqiiir > . ''o the nature and constitution of Tim- bur j iho causes of the dry-rc , &c ; by John Lingard. C. Letter to Loni Sidniouth, on the expecicd Parliamentary provision in further- ance of Education; by the Pov. W. B. Whitehead, A.M. 7. On the means of retaining tli.' population within any required Duties. 4. Reply to the Cha-ges brought by the Ouarierly Review against the last Editor of Pope's Works ; by the Rev. W. L. Bowles. 1 ».' % lilM i> ^( 1 ■ a' i fi, •i 1 1 930 PAMrULETS. Pamphleteer, 'I lie — ((?oiitimn;(l). "i. Mints on Fiiii ;;nition to iho Capo of Good IIopo; by \V. J. Uurchcll Esq «. Miltoii'H I'laii of Ivlucnfion, in his Leitct i Hartlib, with tho Plan' of the E.liiil)urf;li Acnilfuiicai Institution i '>;i:;: d thoiton. 7. Argument on Militiiiy obedienci-, liy a Imlf-pny ofllcor. 8. Cuiiiii's Appyrii to tlio IJriiisli Li'nisliUuru, liiu iJishojia, tho Clergy, and the I'nbiio, cx;iniinL(l, l>y a country Incumbent. 0. M .tiu'ticM, or tho analogy of tho Senniblo ScioncoB indicated, with an appon- dix on Light and Colors; liy (J. Field. 10. Kcport of thu Si'crelaiy of tho Treasury on the condition of tho Bank of the United States, &c. n. ObstTvation on Provident Hanks; with a plan of tho Hank at Cambridi'e • and a 1 the North American Colonies; by 11 I), Dunsky. No. 3fl. 1. On the Expediency and Neci sity of striking ofTa part of the National Debt. 2. Two Letters to Loi 1 Byron, n answer to tiis Letter, on the Rev. VV. L. Bowle»' Strictures on Popo by 8. Essay on Criminal Ji; ispr by J. T. U. ncauuiotit c 4- Letter lo a. \V. Hall.o citttionsofthe Unites. 5. Letter to Ut. Hon. F.J. Rob (1. Sure Mctliods of att^iininf^ a I. 7. ev. \V. 1 Bowles. 'h the Draft of a Now Penal Code; ) i di*^ands of the Agricultural asso- • C«| :. Broughton. • deprcssi'd State of Agriculture. i Healtlil'ul Life; with the means of correcting; a bad Constitution; by L. Coriiaro. Observations provin;; the injustice of the Copy-right Bill towards Authors, and its tendency to injure Literature. 8. Protection to Aj;riculture, or Universal Ruin. — Further considerations on tho Corn i.iucstion, &c. {Continued, from No 34.) 9. Further lleinarks on Passages in Scripture, relating to Marriage and Divorce. 10. Letter to Lord iJyron, protesting against the Immolation of Gray, Cowpcr, an J Cami)bull, at tho shrine of Pope. Vol. :aX. No. 37. 1. Sermon preached at the Coronation of George IV, in Westminster Abbey, July 1!», 1821 ; by the Archbishop of York. 2. On the Piedmontese Revolution ; by the Count Santa-Rosa. 3. Letters by Josepli 11, to distinguished Princes and Statesmen, on interesting subjects, •i. Essay on Criminal Jurisprudence, with tho Draft of a New Penal Code: by J. T. B. Beaumont. (Conchuhd.) 5. Sure Methods of Long and Healthful Life; with the means of correcting a bad Constitution ; by L. Cornaro. {Concluded.) 6. Vindiciiu Britannicm: a Vindication of the People from tho charge of Blasphemy, and a Defence of the Freedom of the Press ; by Christo- philus. 7. Second Letter to the Right lion. F. Robinson, on the present state of the Currency. 8 Remarks on the tendency of a Bill now before Parliament to degrade Grammar Schools ; with strictures on the Importance of preserving inviolate the classical discipline of their Founders, by Vicesimus Knox No. !)8. 1. Letters by the Emperor .Joseph II, to distinguished characters, on interesting subjects. {Concluded.) 2. Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of LlandafT, in August, 1821 ; by tho Bishop of Llandalf. 3. Anticipation : containing llis Majesty's Speech to Parliament on the ap- proaching Session ; with a full account of the Debate which will take place: by R. Tickell; printed in 1778. Kt ?ii IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A // ^^ ^ 1.0 I.I !f i^ IIM s ^ Ilia 1^ lifi IIIIIM 11.25 i 1.4 m 1.6 V e /a m W^J V

r;lK' iniiirovc'iiiout antl Kinbullishniciit of Lou-Iou ; hy ,'^ir W. Hillary, Bart. 9i2 PAMPHLETS. Pamphleteer, The— (Continued). 8. Letter from the late Duko of Richmond to Lieut. Col. Sherman, on th" Polioy, Law, Reason and Equity, of Annual P.irliaments and Univorsal Suflragc. 4. Letter to VVilberforce, on Impressment; calling on him and all Philanchro- pists to exert themselves in the cause of British Soameu. 6. Inquiry into the causes and mitigation of Pestilential Fever, and into the opinion of the ancients respecting Epidemical Diseases; by T. Forster. C. On the Greek Revolution ; by 0. B. Sheridan. 7. Outlines of a Plan to induce Seamen to volunteer into the Navy when re- quired ; and to do away with the evils of Impressment. 8. Somatopsychonoologia, or Body, Life and Mind ; buing an examination, &c., of the Controversy on Life, carried on by Lawrence, Abernethy, Rcnnell and others. 9. On Banking in England and Scotland ; with observations in favor of an imme- diate alteration in the Bank of England Charter; by T. Joplin. Vol. XXV. No. 49. 1 . Sketch of Ireland, in 182i ; the Sources of her Evils considered, and Remedies suggested ; by Sir W. Hillary. 2. Remarks on the Asiatic Policy of England and Russia. 3. Second Letter on the Suppression of Public Discussion in India, and the Banishment of two British Editors. 4. Letter to C. Butler in vindication of English Protestants from !iis attack on their sincerity in the "Book of the Roman Catholic Church"; by Dr. Bloomfield, Bishop of Chester. 5. Letter in reply to the above, from C. Butler, in vindication of his work. 6. Rapport sur I'etat actuel des prisons dans les departumcnts du Calvados, dc I'Eure, de la Manche, et de la Seine-Inferieure ; et sur la Mai.son de Correction de Gallon. 7. On the Regiam Mnjestatem. 8. Plan for the Construction of a Steam Life-boat ; also for Extinguishing Fire at Sea; by Sir W. Hillary. 9. On some of the Evils of Ireland, and their Removal. 10. The Case of Ireland set at rest: a letter to lU. Hon. R. Peel; by "W. Firth. 11. Statistics of the Extent, Population, Commerce, Taxation, Consumption, Insolvency, Pauperism, and Crime, of the British Empiro, \-e. 12. Vindication of the Drama, the Stage, and Public Morals, from the Plagiarisms and Compilations of the Rev. J. A. James. No. 50. 1. On the Buildings, Improvemenli, .ind Extension of London, of late years; with some Suggestions. 2. Life of the late J. Elwes, the Miser; by E. Topham. 3. Letter to the Right Hon. W. Huskisson, on the Quarantine Bill; by A. B. Granville, M.D. 4. Observations on Mr. Secretary Peel's Speech, on introducing his Police Ma- gistrates' Salary Raising Bill : also, on the announced Judges' Salary Raising Bill, and the pending County Courts Bill ; by Jeieiny Bentham. 5. Letter to J., M. P., in reply to his observations on the abuses of the Court of Chancery; by E. B. Sugden. Pamphlete 0. Vrji 7. Coi 8. Ske Vol. XXVL No 1. Indi 2. Rail 3. Vrai 4. Essa I I 5. Ont 1 6. Outli No. 52. 1. On tl 2. Grce 3. Lotto r 4. Prefa t 6. Vrai I 6. Phrei C 7. Chart 1 8. ?roce C( fa 9. Lettei A 10. On a S 11. Analy of P. 12. On the cc 13. Christ th 14. Resolu Hi PAMPHLETS. 943 Pamphleteer, The — (Conkinued). 0. Vi'iii systeniode I'Hurope, rclHtivcmcnt ;\ l'Am6riqiie otalaQr^ce; par M. IJo Pradt. {Co:icl>iJeJ, from No. 47.) 7. Cotnpiirison between England und Russia, in their relation to Europe ; by L'Abbe Ue I radt. 8. Sketch of the Progress of Opinion on the subject of Contagion ; with some remarks on Quarantine ; by W. Macinichacl, M. D. Vol. XXVI. No. 51. 1. Indications respeclina; Lord E'don, including History of the pending Judges' Salary Raising Bill ; by Jeremy nenthani. 2. Railways compared with Canals and Roads, and their uses and advantages explained ; by C. Macluron. 8. Vrai Systcme de I'Europo, reliitivement ii rAmerique, et a la Grece ; par M. J-)e Pradt. {Cualiiuuttloii.) 4. Essiy addressed to Captains in the Navy and Merchant Service, on the pre- scrvatio.i of the health of their crews; with directions for the preven- tion of Dry rot in Ships; by R. Finlayson, M. D. 5. On the Policy of the Indian Government, especially with reference to the Invasion of Burmah ; by Lieut. Col. Stewart. 6. Outlines of the principal events in the Life of Gen. Lafayette. No. 52. 1. On the present State of the Law, its Administrations and abuses. 2. Greece and her claims ; by E. Blaquiere. 3. Letter to tho Rt. lion. R. Peel, on arrest for Debt : also, recommending a more summary mcttiod for the recovery of debts; by JI. Jommett. 4. Preface to the Appendi" to the Statistics of the Extent, Population, &c.. of the British Empire. 6. Vrai systfeine de I'Europerelativement tk I'Amerique et a la Grece, par M. De Pradt. {Continuation,,) 6. Phrenology consistent'with Christianity; a Letter to Dr. Spurzheim, by J. C. Tomlinson. 7. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Bath and Well'?, delivered, July, 1825; byG. II. Law, D.D. 8. ?rocesdu constitutionnel, substance du discours de M. Dupin, adresse d la cour royalo de Paris, k I'occasion du proems centre le constitutionnel, en faveur de I'accuso. 9. Letter to the Rt. Hod. R. Peel, on the State of tho Law with respect to Assaults. 10. On a Pamphlet, intitled "An Essiy on the Eternity of the World; by a Sceptic ;" by the Rev. T. S. Hughes. 11. Analytical exposition of the erroneous principles and ruinous consequences of the Financial and Commercial Systems of Great Britain; by J, Powell 12. On the Public utility rosultiag from the Court of Chancery ; by a Chan- cery Barrister. 13. Christian Charity, a Sermon preached at Appleby, Aug. 12, 1825, before tho Judges of Assize ; by the Rev. C. Bird, A. M. 14. Resolutions on the State of tho Nation, submitted to Parliament by Mr. Hamel, May 4, 1820. 94A PAMPHLETS. Pamphleteer, The — (Continued). Vol. XXVn. No. 53. 1. Absenteeism considered ; with Remarks on Mr. M'Oulloch's Evidence ; by H. Gardiner. 2. Letter to the Electors, on the Catholic Question ; by the Rev. Sydney Smith. 3. Respective Situations of the Reformed Church in France, and the Roman Catholics in Great Britain and Ireland, with short Remarks on Catholic Emancipation ; by J. W. Croft. 4. Des changemens dans la Constitution de I'Angleterre, depuis son origine jusqu'tk noB jours ; avec remarques sur I'ancicnne Constitution de la France. 5. Observations on Mr. Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation ; by H. Jemmett. 8. Horre Sabbaticae ; or an attempt to correct certain superstitious and vulgar errors respecting the Sabbath ; by Godfrey. Higgins. 7. Letter to G. Higgins on his Hora) Sabbaticse ; by the Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D. 8. Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the cause of our present Distress, and the Remedy ; by C. C. Western, M. P. 9. Observations on Mr. M'Culloch's doctrines respecting the Corn Laws, and the Rate of Wages, &c.; by G. Higgins. 10. Joint Stock Companies. No. 54. 1. Exposition of Fallacies on Rent, Tithes, Ac; with an Inquiry into the conse- quences of Taxes on Agricultural and Manufactured produce; by T. P. Thompson. 2. Catechism on the Corn Laws ; with a list of Fallacies and the answers. 3. The Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the authorship of Junius disproved; by E. H. Barker. 4. Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor's Memorandum of the Illness and Death of the Duke of York. 6. A Word in favor of Female Schools ; addressed to Parents, Guardians and the public ; by Mrs. Broadhurst. 6. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. 7. Objects, AdvnntageB, and Pleasures of Science. From the preliminary trea- tise of " The Library of Useful Knowledge." 8. Letter to Canning, on the Bill of 1825, for removing the Disqualifications of Roman Catholics, and on his Speech thereon ; by the Rev. II. Phillpotts. 9. Letter to Canning, on the present position of the Roman Catholic Question ; by the Rev. H. Phillpots, D.D. 10. Notes to Gen. Sir H. Taylor's Memorandum of the Illness and Death of the Duke of York. Vol. XXVIIL No. 55. 1. Plain Statement in Support of the Roman Catholic Claims; by Lord Nugent. 2. The Protestant Tory Refuted : in Reply to a Pamphlet entitled, " The Grand Vizier Unmasked." 8. Address to the Public on the propriety of Midwifes instead of Surgeons, practising Midwifery ; by J. R. Pickmere. 4, Lrtfortii Cniiniivr, intondcd as a viiulicr.tinn of the present Ministry; by A. Pamphletec PAMPHLETS. 045 f Pamphleteer, The— (Continued). 6. Reflections and suggestions on several Rubjects connected with the Power and Prosperity of the British Empire. Part I. 6. Plan for Improving the Revenue, without adding to the Burdens of the Peo- ple ; by Capt. Forman, R. N. 7. Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth, on the Corn Laws; by W. W. Whit- moij, M. P. 8. Observations on the Corn Laws, in reply to W. W. Whitmorc's Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth. Vide an Appendice, in No. 67-7. No. 66. 1. Letter to the Marquess of Lansdown, on the affairs of Portugal and Spain ; by W. Walton. 3. Reflections and Suggestions on subjects connected with the Power and Pros- perity of the British Empire; Part II. 8. Facts respecting certain versions of Holy Scripture, published by the Bible Society, in reply to an article in No. 71, of the Quarterly Keview ; by the Rev. T. P. Piatt. 4. Pjlitical Life of the Ex-Eraperor of Mexico, Don Augustin De Iturbide ; written by himself. 6. On the Fitness of the System of the Bunk of England, — of the Country Banks, — and of the Branch Banks, — to the wants of the people ; by H. Burgess. 6. Letter to the Rev. II. Phillpotts, D.D., on the subject of his two Letters to Ciiiining ; by T. Gisbornc, Jun. Vol. XXIX. No. 57. 1. Letter to the Magistrates on the Increase of Crime ; and on efficient remedy suggested; by Sir E. E. Wilraot. 2. Letter to Lord Goderich on the necessity of a close alliance between England, France, and the Netherlands; by an Englishman. 8. Lecture on Political Economy, delivered at the University of Oxford, Dec. 6, 1 826 ; by N. W. Senior, A.M. 4. Lord Rossmore's Letter on Catholic Emancipation. 5. Analysis of the character of Napoleon Buonaparte ; by W. E. Channing, 6. Letters to the Rt. Hon. R. Peel, on his alteration of the Law with reference to the Extension of the Jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace ; by C. Bird. 7. Remarks on the Corn Question, after the Parliamentary discussions of 1827; an appendix to the " Observations on the Corn Laws," in No. 55-8. 8. Observations on the Power of the Court of Chancery, to deprive a Father of the Custody of his Children ; by J. Bcames. 9. Letter to ihe Editor of the Quarterly Review, on Agriculture and Rent ; sub- stitution of Savings' Banks lor Poor Laws; Planting Waste Lands, &c; bj' the Rev. F. Mcrewether. 10. Brougham's Speech on the Stale of the Law of the Country ; delivered in the House, Feb. 7, 1828. 11. Letter to the Earl of Eldon, on the Report of the Finance Committee ; by G. Farren. 19. Lpttev to.I. Ilndl'S, ]\T..\., on tl'.c Sy (i-lnn of !'"'li:'.;-li. Ii I'VC'i.o.-nl liy tV.O 1" parlR's )V Ihf l^cv. J. P. roller, M. A. 9iG PAMPULETS. Pamphleteer, Tlie— (Continued). ^<). 08. LcUcrH OH the Catholic Question, nnd tlio Ebtabliahmcnt of Brunswick Clubs;— 1. The Duke of Newcastle to Lord Kenyon. 2. Maitit) Stnpyllon to tlie Diiko of NeA'castle. 8. LdihI Xiij;ent to the Klectors of Aylesbury, 4 Lord Itixiey to the Freeholders of Kent. 6. Mariiuis of Westmeath's Speech at Mullingar, Oct. 29, 1828. 6. Lord Toyiihani to tlie Freehulders of Kent. 7. On the degree and causes of the Increase in Crime, and the best means fur its mitigation or prevention; by U. Jackson. 8. Ileport on the Agriculture and Trade in Corn, in some of the Northern States in Europe ; by W, Jacob. 0. On the condition of tlio Poor in Ireland, with a plan of relief, as at present in operution in several districts of Ulster. 10. Colombia in I8'i(i; Ijy an Anglo-ColoniUian. 11. On the character and writings of Milton; by W. E. Channing, L.L.D. 12. General Claused Catalogue 0/ the l'iuniildeteer,from No. 1. to 58. ■J;;i N. D.— The OontenU of other CoUcctions of Pamj'hkts in the Library icill he (jhen ill the second part of this Catalogue. Audubon, .Ti>Ii 4 vols. habits (il of tho i deliriditi burgh, 1 drupi^ds 1S48. tho Qun York, 1? Stephanus, IT. Editio N bus Val] Gr.Tca, c 1810-18 I. C>r etc, IL U. ^ IIL 0.i!l woi IV. Nicii por V. Prfp VI. Coll VIL Vet. bli( VIIT. Hac TX. Vei X. Do XL De XIL Her XIIL De XIV. De XV. Am; Plii etc, XVI-XVn. Twc XVIII. n. i ADDENDA. Audubon, Jolm Jftincs. Tho Birds of America, from original drawings. 4 vols. Folio. London, 1827-1838. . — Ornithologicul Biograithy, or an account of the liubits of the Birda <'f tiu! Unitt!tl Stiitt's of Amfiricii ; with descriptions of tho objects ri'prfsentcd in thn above work ; imd interspersed with deliiii utions of American scenery and niunnera. H vols. 8vo. Edin* burgh, 1831-18;i9. iind Baohman, (Jolin). Tiio Viviparous Qua- New Yorlc, 1815, 1846, driipi'ds of Nortli America. 3 vols. P'olio. IHlS. •^— Descriptive account of tho Qundrupeds delineated in the above work. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 181(;, 18/51, 1854. Stephanus, II. Thesaurus Graicro Linguio ab II. Stophano conatructus; — Editio Nova, auctior ct emendutior. 9 vols, folio. London! in todi- bus Valpianis, 1810-1828. Vol. X. C. Liibbffii Glosanria, Grccco-Latina et Latino- Grfpca, cum aliia Opusculis. Folio. London! in redibua Valpianis, 181G-1826. I. Cyrilli, Pliiloxeni, etc., Veteruin Auctorem QloBsaria, a 0. Labbajo cullecta, etc. 11. B. Vulcanii Notio et Castigntionea in Oloss.iria. III. Otilloqiiia Vetera Gnuoo Lntina, Culloijiiiiim Scholasticum, Excerpta e Ver- weii, etc. IV. Niciniii InterrogatiDiies et Responslones, CarfiUdifl laterrogationes et Res- pimsa, etc. V. Pneceptn Delpliica. VI. Collectio Vocum, qure pro diversa significatioao ncccntum diverBum accipiunt. VII. Vcterea Olossm Vurborum Juris. C. Liibbuio, emu Exoerptis e Fabricii Bi- liliotheca Oriccn. VIII. lladrinni Seutentio), RiBponsa, Rescripta et Epistoite, etc. IX. Vc:b)ruin quoruMiliini TJiemata, qum vel sunt Aiioiuala, vol Poetiea, etc. X. De OriBCffi Lingiin! Diaiectis. XI. De Passitmibus Dietionuin e Tryphono Orammatico, eto. XII. Herodiani do Notis Nrnneronini. XIII. De Menstiris et Ponderibus, Libellua Galeni, eto. XIV. De Meiisibiis et Pftrtibu<» eorimdetn, etc. XV. Ammoiiii do Similibus nt Differenlibus vocabulis, etc., cui aeeesserunt, Eranii Pliilouis de difTcrcntia Significatioaisi, Lesbonactis de Figuria Qrammaticia, etc. XVI-XVII. Two ancient Philological piecea in Greek. XVIII. II. StcpLani Do Attico) Linguoj, scu Diaiecti Idiomatis. I. «,i I"" 018 ADDENDA. Stephanufl, IT. Thosnurus anocro Li'nRiia>,— jJOHt cditionom AiiKlienint Novis aililitaniciitiH auetiiin, ordinequo vol Alphabotico digestum ttirtin edido- runt C. B. lluHe, G. K. L. do Sinner, et Tluiobuldiis Fix ; Vol. I.— C. B. Hone, Guilielmua ot LudovicuB Diiulorflua, Vol. II-VII, [which enda, nt the concluHion of the letter T.] Folio. Paris, 1831-1854. Forbes, Duncan. Grnmnmr of the Peraian lanj^iiage, with a vocabulary, ond caAy lessons fur reading. Second edition, improved. 8vo. Lundun, 1844. Hullmandel, C. The art of drawing on Stono ; with an explanation of the various styles, the different methods, he. New edition. 8vo. London, 1835. Beooarla. Des d^lits et des peines. Bvo. Paris, 1796. — — Le mfimo ouvrage. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Raguse, due de. Mdmoire-", de 1792 i\ 1832, imprimos sur le maiiuscrit ori- ginal de I'auteur, avec le portrait du due de Roischstadt, celui du duo de R'lguse, et quatre fac-similo de Charles X, du due d'Angoul6me, de I'lMnpt^rour Nicolas et du due de Raguse. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1857. (Urt cours de pvbUcalion.) Hamilton. Memoires du chevalier de Grammont, pr^cfdtSs d'uno notice sur In vie et lus ouvrnges d'llainilton, par M. Aug(!r, I't miivis du voyage Ciiiipelle et do Hacliauniont, etc. 12mo. I'uris, 1851. Saint-Priest. Etudes diplomatiquca et litternirfS. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris. Choron et Payolle- Dictionnuire historique des niusiciens. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. Poujol. Traite des donations entre-vifs et des testaraens. 2 vol. 8vo Paris, 1836. f,' JllfiljnbftifQl N.13. Tlio ancient O Cataliifjiio, bt'cutiao tint LrrrBE!<, ante, pp. 80(1 Lea uiiteuri cluiiRiqii "tBuiriiiito\ 11 istoire de I'art par les mo- numents Aqnls, J. A. Ue la propriete ll, V. Autobiography oyj Tragedic 545 40 865 335 313 881 441 441 2t-8 752 043 729 ll.T 699 Cll2 875 553 208 239 480 894 i HI CATALOGUE ALPUABETIQUE. 951 Alfiinin, Quintessence do la grnmniiiiro \ Amari, M. War of Sicilian Vespers. .. . 4;i0 nrabo 7Sn ! Anibor-witeh, The 61)2 Alfred the Orcat, Poems 850 Ambrohe, Saint, Extraits de ses auvrcs, 25 . Life (vaiiuiis nutliors). 836 ; Anici/lion, Mtitiillurgie '7110 Al|,';c of North Amori<'a Oil D<;8 couleurs 729 Alg('rio, K'gislation musulinaiie on '11'.) Du iiageur 723 . Situation do 1'— Jni , Du ploiigeur 723 - Ilugiino douanicr 280 De la pijehe 723 Al Hariri, Aiiccid.ition ^i\l\ Ainoros, Education plivi-iquo 71 lliiftory of Kuropc .... ooO Amory, J. Life, by IJunole 827 Life of Marlborough. . , -l'.) I Amos, A. On Classical Edueatiou 78 liuins (if Time 103 implri', A. M. rii(5ii(>nienes (■loctrodyna- niitjues 580 Philosopliio des sciences. 57 Instruction en Ort^ce..., 85 Pdc'sie grecqne 7fl6 Epopee iudienne 706 Voyage en Egy])te 500 Histoire litteraire de la 800 (VM\ Essays 827 Alkai. rr. Tlie Art of Etehiiij^' 7l'.» Altaiii, L'eijrouve rociproiiue 872 j Dcssin 740 Allahival, LV'Colo dcs bourgeois 872 Ampin; J. J. /l/^m/, Ordonnanecs relatives ureu.^oiguo- mcnt 83 Allcji, C. B. On Cottage 15uiMlng 700 Allen, J. Modern .Judaism 21 Royal Prerogative of England. 104 : 1' ranee Ainjiliibia, Catalogue of Allen, Jti.vjih, Navigation Laws of Great Britain 09 ' Ana, Library of 827 Battles of tlie Biltisli N'avy 40(i Ancillon, B^volutions du systenie poli- tique do I'Europo 234 AUin, li. L. American Farm Book 054 j Allen, Z. Pliiloso[ihy of Mechanics of Andellr, Cheniins de fe 751 16 Allen, IF. and llionison, T U. E.xpedition to the Niger 501 AUctx, K. Deuiocratie 234 Easai sur I'honinie 71 Lifolligenco hum. line 71 Soulfraiices huniaines 71 All\sim\ Voyage to Archangel 529 AlM'A-hari, Dynasties in Spain 439 Almanacs, English, Colonial and Ameri- can 3ii3, 804, 914 Alrarrr. Cdhriil, Voyage en Afriquo 559 Aleez de Ca-dii-Moxto, Voyage en Afrhpio. 559 Aliiord, It. of Circles and of Spheres. . , . 015 (,'. A P. Ili-hlanda and lsl:uid.> of Seotliind 809 /. Ili-^tory of the Cliurch in the Colonies 40 1\. Rudiments of Tainiil (Jrain- mar 782 Andersson, C. J. Lake Nganii 504 Andre, le J'. Ouivres phiio.-'opliiipies. , . . 63 Andrews, O. II. Jhidern Husbandry 052 Ou Agricultural Engineer- ing 657 /. />. Reports on Trade and Com- merce 280 Andrews aud Batchelur, French lurtructor. 789 t ^Wf: . t> 952 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. rAom AnJrieux, CEuvros 878 — ^ Vio (le Collin d'Hiulfiville... 486 Andriveau O'oiijun, Alius classiqiie de gcogrn|)liie , 612 Andn/anfi,M('t\H>iren d'nn prisonnier d'Etat 480 Anecdotes du teiiiiia de Louis XVI 428 du toin])8 de la terrcui- 427 liistciilijiit-s 425 Angas, O. F. Suvafje Life in Australia, . . 607 Amjell, J. K. Uight of Property in Tide Waters 141 Law of Water-courses ... . 144 Limitations of Aetious. .. . 184 it Ames, S. Law of private Corporations 143 Angern, F. li. I'laidoyer devant la cour Kcigucui'ialu 168 ————— Decisions destribuuaux. . 166 Avglescij, Earl of, Privileges of the Houses of Lords uud Conimous lOU Anglo-Saxon, The 913 Angoidhne, Duchess or,Menioir8, by Romer 480 Due d', Memoires 416 Angus, Bible Fatul-Book 17 Annales du barreau frauyais 195 do cliimie 698 de physique ot de chimie 598 arclieologiqucs 919 ■ de philosophic ehretienne 4C des pouts ot chaussfies 745 d'hygior.e publique 076 du couiinerce exioricur 283 — — - du museum d'histoire naturelle. , 610 — — maritimes et colonialcs 210 de la propagation de la foi 42 des mines 760 uouvelles de mathoniatiqucs. . . . 602 du parlemcut franjais 124 de I'institut ngrouomiquc 661 Anurtles autiquitiilis 303 Annals: or Debates and Proceedings in the U. S. Congress 181 of England 330 Anne /V'.!/", Uneen, Letters concerning.., 379 Aiiite, Duchess of Brittany, Memoirs of. . 424 Anniversary Calendar 303 Anuuaire du commerce 279 mcteorologiquc de la Fr.anco .... 586 des eaux de la France 656 des deux mondcs 307 historique uiiivcrsel 307 dV'oouomie politique 288 Annuaire de la »oci6t6 de I'histoire de France 418 Annual of Scientific Discovery 671 Annual Register of History, Ac 808 Anonijmc, dil I'Astronorne, Vie de Louis le Dubonnaire 413 Anquel'd, llistoire de France 411 Anijiirtil du Perron, Syst^me th.;oh)gique des Perscs 65 ■ LangucB persanes. . 778 L'empiro assyrien. 816 -^——— L'empiro des Miides et des Perscs 816 - Dynasties des Pescha- dions et KOauiens 316 Migrations desMardes 316 Ansell, C. On Friendly Societies 242 ^l?jse/«i(^, I'abbu, Ecriture primitive 308 Ansted, D. T. Geology, Mineralogy, Ac. 677 Geology 817 Scenery, Science, and Art. 617 Aiuteij, T. C. Guide to History of the Laws of England 103 Antar, Bedoucen Romance 888 Anthology, Greek 807 Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of 866 Antiquaires do France, memoirts 410 Antiquaries, Lives of 476 Aufoni, Examen do In poudre 682 Aiirillr, d'. Geographic aucicnoe 547 Apocatastasis 593 Apostolical Constitutions 215 — ^ Ethiopic Ver- sion of 215 Appeudice au couvs de meeanique ap- pliquoe 746 il la defense de la philosophic de I'economie politique 260 Applcton's Cyclopiudia of Biography .... 473 Library Manual 899 Dictionary of Machines, Me- chanics, &c 747 Apphyard, E. S. Welsh Sketches 334 Sure Hope of Reconciliation 41 Greek Church 80 Apulee, Contcs 880 Arabia 561 Arabian Nights' Entertainments 883 Tales and Anecdotes 888 Poems at Mecca 888 Arabs (The) in Spain 439 Arayo, F. Popular Astronomy 684 Arago, F. A L Arago, J. V H Arbom ■ '.e, M Archicologica of... Arehamhault analysi Archbohl, J. Tenant Queen' Cases.. of Conn Courts, to Lun Archer, T. U. '. Archer's Statif Archimede, (E Architecture, ( Archives curie Archives israe Archives stati travaux Ardenni et Ji fumiste Argensnti, niar Argenlre, s 61, Life, by Campbell Work*! —^ His Writings and Philosophy ' Q^uvrestraduitesenfranfais. ■ Af. Abridgement of the Law. Bacquet, J. (Euvres Badger, G. Negtorians and thsir Rituals. Bagiltt, Poids «t mtaures Bagioli, O. Comsnto Storloo 770 577 671 728 584 77 270 6S1 631 646 656 828 480 828 828 61 126 200 to 269 892 m K 1 Bagsler's He H Bahamas, St m Baikk, W. 1 ■ Binue ■'' BaiUy, J. 1 ■ Sound CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 955 1 , 26 . "768 . 442 . 88 if . 478 . 567 . 470 ir . 667 ,. 425 Je , . 425 . . 883 .. 258 .. 108 ,. 455 . . 422 .. 881 m- . 91 , . 916 , , 866 73 541 )pe 97 .. 770 cal , , 677 nd. 571 .. 728 584 in * . • 77 *••* 270 531 ues 531 646 *•■ 656 61 , 828 480 , , S2S \M ! 828 us 61 126 t • • 200 8. 10 . , 269 • « 892 pi Bagiler' a Hebrevr and Ohaldee Lexicon.. Bahamas, Statute Law of Baikie, W. B. Voyage up the Kwora and Binue BaiUy, J. W. Microscopical survey of Soundings, &c ObsiTvntions in S. Carolina, (be - Microscopical Orgnniam... Bailey,H. Liturgy compared with tlio Biblo. Bailey, N. Etymological Dictionary Bailey, S. On the Formation of Opinions. _— . Rationale of Political Represen- tation Bailleul, Richesse et Impot Baillie, N. B. E. Land Tux of India. . . . ■ Moohumnmdan Law of Sale Bailly, Finances do la France Finances Je la Grande Brctagne. . . Bailly, J. 8. L'astronomie moderne — . L'astronomie indieime Memoires Bailly, Choix d'anecdotcs Bailly, Physique Maison rustiquo — — — Jardinier Baily, F. Life of Flamsteed Baily, L. R., General Average Bain, A. Senses and Intellect Bainbridge, W. On the Law of Mines. . . . Bainbrigge, W. 11. Early Education Baxnen, E. History of Cotton Manufacture. Bains et Laroirs publics Baird, C. W. On Liturgies Sir D. Life by Hook H. M. Modern Greece Bajot et Poirre, Annates maritiines Baker, O. History of Northamptonshire . . Baker, R. On the English Language .... Sir R. Chronicle of the Kings of England — ^— S. W. Wanderings in Ceylon . , . — ^— T, On Land Surveying, &c — — — Elements of Mechanism — — W. On the Office of Coroner Bakewell, R. Introduction to Geology. . . Introduction to Mineralogy. Balbi, Geographic Balbi't Voyage to Pegu., > Introduction a phique I'atlas atnogra- , 510- PAQR 778 172 561 614 614 G15 29 792 225 110 254 173 173 263 261 583 584 428 429 572 «50 602 575 148 72 149 81 729 676 29 481 545 210 405 793 386 558 749 728 138 616 623 610 555 776 PAai Balbi, Atlas etnogrnphiquo 510 Balbn, Life of Dauto 486 Baldi, La navigation 894 Baldwin, E. History of Yale College.. . . 86 2'. Pronouncing Gazetteer 611 Balfour, G. L. Sketches of English Liter- ature, with Specimens 80? E. Barometrical Sections of India 687 Ball, 8. Cultivation and Manufacture of Tt' 661 Ballad Poetry, (various Notices of) 804 Ballanche, CEuvrcs 879 Ballantyne, J. R. lILudi and Braj Brakha Grammar 781 Mahvatta Grammar... 782 Balleydicr, Revolution de Rome 430 — — Guerre de Ilongrio 443 ^— Revolutions d'Autriche 443 Balmiia, Pie IX 435 Ballard, Arohitectonographiedcs prisons. 705 Baltic, Letters from the 644 lialuziiis, Capitularia i egum 196 Baly and Gull, On Cholera 675 Balzac, II. de, La bourse 881 Vie politique 881 Eugenie Graudet 881 Ursule Mirouet 881 (Euvres 882 Balzac do Ouez, ffiuvres 868 Panaris, Insurrection in 1781 459 Bancroft, E. On Permanent Colours ... 715 Bavjield, T. C. Industry of the Rhine. . . 252 ' Organization of Industry. . 727 Banier, I'abbo, La toison d'or 321 Histoire de Medoe 321 Culte d' Adonis 62 Banker's Common-place Book 264 Banks, T. C. Genealogical and Heraldic Gleanings 607 Bannister, 8. On the Right to be heard on Petitions to the Crown 106 Baour Lormian, Le livre de Job 19 Ossian 802 Poesies 880 Barante de, Le dircctoire 427 . Convention nationale 427 —— — Dues de Bourgogno 424 Melanges 800 Litt6rature franjaise 800 Barbados, Laws of 170 Barbary, Lady's Travels in 561 Barbazan, Fabliaux et coutes 860 956 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. PXOM Barberi, J. P. Dictionnaire italien 785 Barbeyrac, Jean, Traduction de Puffen- dorf 04 de Qrotius. 94 Anciens trait^s 96 Barbier, Journal hiatorique et anecdotique 418 Barbier, Aug. lambcs et poumes 879 Po6sio9 883 Barbier, A. A. Dictionnaire des ouvragcs anonymea, etc 903 Barbier, J. L'Algorie 661 Barbot, Jacques, Voyages en Afrique.. . . 559 James, Nortli and Soutli Guinea. . 563 Barchou de Pen/wen, Philosopliie allenian- de 65 Barclay, A. On Slavery in the West Indies 248 li. Apology for Quakers 41 /. On Life and Organization. . . 607 If. Law of Scotland 150 Bardjt, Uecueil d'arrets, etc 199 Bareith, Margravine of, Memoirs of, by her- self 44^. Barham, Ji. Life of Hook 491 F. Political Works of Cicero 820 Barker, W. B. Turkish Grammar >/80 Barlow, Encyclopajdia of Arts, Machinery, me 280 Berruyer, Ilistoiro du peupio do Dieu.. . . 20 Berry, M. England and Prance 894 \V. County Genealogies 607 Bcreot, Mesnicr ct le Mngn^tiimc 691 BerthauU-Ducreux, Cinicns romaius 709 Art d'untrctcnir leg routes . 760 Berthelot, A. Gramraaire 788 BirlhclHun, A. English and DaniHh Dic- tionary 784 Berthinnd, Imprimcur en taille douce. . . . 733 Bcrlhod, Memoires 417 Berlhitlon, Dictionnairc do Physique 672 Berlliollel, Teinture 780 lieit/ioud, F. Ilorloges marines 768 Art dc rcgler les pendules ct le» montres 781 ct Janvier, Regulateur des bAau du immdu UUme, 1). P. Kiic)olupu;Jia of Rural Sports Bkinville, Mitlacnlo^^JH Actiiiologio B(,iir, Jl. On Rhutoi-io, «te Poi'nis ./. Clironi (logical Tables Blaite, Dei niont'4 do Piete Blake, Admiral, Life BlakftU;/, J. W. Early Mcdo-Porsian Hiatory ■ Life of Aristotle, Ac. Btakt;/, R. History of Political Literature. History of Pliilosophy of Mind. — ■ Sketch of Logic Blanc, Maitre d' Kspagnol SUiie, Loiiin, Revolution fran5i\i8e — Histoire do dix am — Le gocialisme Blanc, J. F. Exploitation dos mines BliHchard, Observations sur Ics tribunaux d'AtliiJiies — - Orij^ine et fouetions dca Pry- tanes et dcs Prytanees — — ^ Sur les IlC'liastca ■ Surloa lois qui nutori-aient les nJoplioiii a Athiiiies Bknchnrd, Ph. Dd Pari - a CiHistuntiii'iple Bknchard, Parrot, et Thllaije, Muuuol du Ciilnri^o 'i'anclift. Frit. Recberclies sur la im>'vIc 'ine I'i'XM-hft, V)r A. Fn-ieigncmi lit id-s «i iinls- iniiets i vchelU ct. /fj'i. Jj'ubricai.' dc siii>re. . . • ''■"■■l, on ("'Mii'i aad Boats ''j'^ninarf, li"or(!ts et bois ftiKYui, Voyage en Bulgarie — — La Ourse en 1838 9AAI Sll 860 866 81 129 129 102 180 169 916 6U9 726 643 643 805 866 801 2U6 482 46» 807 222 58 69 786 427 431 235 765 90 90 90 ',<0 636 730 r.70 S7 737 710 607 Mo 267 BhtmjHi, L'EspagTiu en 1 846 - Noa possessions c» Afriquc — — — Koonomie politique en Europe.. Des classes ouviidrea Blatii, M. Do la danse Btatch/ord, S. and /foipland, F. tti-p)rls on Admiralty eaNes litailand, U, Ci, Princess of Uolionua, Mh moirs of the -^— — — French Classical Drama. . Germania Blaze, II, I'o(>tes et musicicnsd'Allenin^nH — Musiciens fran(,'ais Vinetti —— Essai sur Ooeihu RosAini Bledsoe, A. T, On Liberty nnd Slavery. . Blcsningtan, Lady, Life, by Miuidcn Blin de Sainmore, Orphanis Bliss, Resources of Canada Block, Dictioniiaire de Padminisiration franjaise Commerce de grains Blome, li. Philosophy of Descaites lilondeau, Du droit en Hollande Bloudin,J. N. De la puret6 du lanf»uiii;o. Bloomjield, R, Poems Blouel, A. Art do bAlir BlouHt, T. Fragnicutu Antiqui talis Blount's V((yage to the Levant Blunt, J. Sketch of the Reformation Shipmaster's Assistant Bl;/Hdenbnr(j, J. W. On the Law of Usury Bodden, Life of Mrs. Jordan Boat Armament of United States Roi'caccio, OptTe volgari Boccaccio's Di-cameron Boeher, Ch. Le siAge de Zaateha Bodin, J. La ropubliquo Bor kh, A. Public Economy of Atlien..*. . Bo'ulie, la, La servitude vnlontaire BoffUf, i). and lUnn'tl,J. lli~toryof Dis- seuierb Bohmer, C A. Con-ultationum »l I '<'■ ci-'ionutn Juris B''h>i'K ('ln!.sii'al Libr.iry ; Pro-o ii.m - i- lions fr"!ii tliei'it and Latin . . Bo/iH, II. G. Hanc" I • ' -f Pro' eil: . . Boigiir, de, Du cL'S'-fll it ('•aiie" . Bvilran-L i^^riiux, tEuTesoon-.f.ltit'jp. . Boileau, Estiennc, iJvf' dea ai«:iiei'i> 267 267 219 269 72» 100 126 43^ HOI 442 724 722 88;5 4H9 4 99 179 482 870 281 236 279 60 90 788 8.->6 706 li'8 Mj 37 279 186 •tp'.' 6-6 893 89;! 8h.S 91 ^9 ■ -.0 Mt 902 ALPHABETICAL CATALOOUE. BoiUua sud Pitquol, «to, FitnvL DictioD- »ry ISU Bnin-Ai/fne, E«(>uorni« politique 254 Boi; V. Cb«iniii« dti ftir (i-nn(uit Ib-l BoimioHl, Uriirt de, D\i tuicidp 73 Bmi ItejfmonJ, On Auiuial h^uctricity. . . . tISt Bnitnj, Drainoi 871-872 Buittt, P. C. V. Dictioiiiiairo fraD9aia. ... 7H8 BoitarJ, M. Bl<)gio vi'jfitalc B.'iO _— ^ CultWateiir forr>»tler 6K7 — ^ IiiKtrumenU aratoireH 6&7 L« «ordlfr 7;tO — ^ Kiitoniologia 642 —— NaturaliHtc prt^pnratcur 7!<4 Boittau, P. L« baruo do Trenck 60n • Lei Cartes ii joiicr 881 ^oii't'n, I'attid, Dlodore du Sicilu et Dciiiit d'HalicarnasBe 8-1 Boivin, Mndanie, and Dugit, A. DiaeaseB of the Utenw «72 Boland, On Currenti of th« Straits of Gibraltar 611 Bolingbroke, Lord, OorrB»p')'i<|. ice 3U2 _____ — . Meniiii: , by Cooko.. 482 Works 828 Bollan, Of EiigliihColunieg in America. . . 161 Bcmibay, Life In 6B4 Its UuLealthiness 678 Reports of Medical College. ... (578 ^——Literary Society's Transactioim . 913 _^-— Medical Society's Transactions . . 678 Aijii-Horticulturiil Society 660 — — — Eugineera' Reports 764 Calendar, Ac 916 Boiiiicoti, L:» Chine et les Cliiiiois 465 Bonafout, Math. Traite du niais 062 Bonald, lo Vte. de, ffiuvres 06 Bonald, le. Vto. V. dc, Vie ft 6criti du vicomto de Bonald 67 Bonani'j, Du gruc vulgaire 786 . Langue latine 786 . Lnngiie romance et tudcsque 786-787 ^ Orlgiiie des lois del douze tables 93 I-.oiuinnrte au Caire 430 Bona/K. > , Lucim, Charlemagne 878 i I'^ir Napoluon). Jio aparle Famil;; 431 Sc-ichainps, la UiAi-quise de, mSmoirea . . . 428 Bonf, 3. V. Precedents iu Couyeyancing. 141 BonJardinUr, l«. OHi nonniinl, do, ToOrtici mu Bonnardol, Dos ttluseoptit (,69 Bottuatrrre, CCtuUitf'iti, »rp«'toli>gii, etc. ... 640 — — — Oriiitlwiliiglw 031) Honnaud, J. J. lI6rodote hlfU)rl«ndu ptu- plu h.'l.reu 814 Bonne, Atlas de K^ognijihie 811 Bonnechuiv, HiHtoiro de t'runoe 4| I 1^'s quatre couquOtc* do I'An- gleterro 87" Bonnr/oux et Parii, Dictionnaire dc i.i.v rlne 686 Unnnrmire, Ilistiiire dps jHiyHaii 327 lionnct, Ch, (Huvrci pli'li lophiciues .... 007 yiorni^//'/, AnnulcB de ])liili)gophie 919 Bonnier, E. Des p'eiu s 210 — Orj;nni»ati Trait(5 de construction .. 7uf> Borlnte, h. .I»i t.i'|.iitie8, itc, of Coruwull. 404 . - , i history oft ..II. 404 Bor7. .reu- ' des ordonuauces... . 108 Borrer, D. Campaign in Algeria 470 Borrow, 0. Bible in S].iiin 640 , — Gipsies of Spain 306 Scholar, Gipsy and Priest ... 828 Bor;/ St. Vincent, Ga/v. Droit, ' Dfs fa ''»«'«Uustituts de 0ATALOr,rE AXrilABlTIQUE. 968 S14 411 87 D'ittanije, Ihttor. CntHli)(99 Di'snm, Wiir in 4^)0 iJulwt, J. WyntPin of Pliyuiolojfy 080 T.mrtU, J. Lifo uf Joliiiiwm 4u2 . Letters 48'.> P,ow>rth,J. Aiiijlo-Siixon Dictioimry. . . . 791 AiikIo'^oxoii Oriiininar 791 Hi'lirlil, H. Ciitlii'ili'ftl Liljriii'ie»of Kugliiiul 901 liMii. llistoire do I'ltiiliu 43ft Mill, M(''liuii{o« (rnrclifiologiu 811 Bijuchiiiiil, Observiitiiius «ur deux Idia do Nuiim 98 _ ()h«ri'7atioDt hui- quelqueti nu- cii'tinoB Ilia ronmine!) 03 K(lit8(U'8miigi»trat8 romniiid. . 93 Inscription dnni la li'gislHtioQ Boullay, DMIti de* mIom 78S li'Hilngnt, M. « hiisturien* 418 /lourilitlouf, (Eiivrei. , , 47 liourdiilli', (Kuvrei t8l Jlounlirr, Voyiigo en HihtSrie t4S Uourpat, Code (lex (Inuauci 811 llourijelaly Art vt^ti'rinairo 081 liouriji'in», I'ropulHi'urH lu'licuidet 788 Jlnurjon, Droit conunuu ISiiurgoaiiif'ii TravoU In Sp»in Dournr, On the Screw rnipelji-r , , . , Jloiirrnnti, Archfiologic ehr modicale 671 IwiilK, Ic Marquis do, Minioires 428 — AifaireadeVarennes 428 ImiUet, V 'ionniki'e den Hcienoes, etc. . . . 909 ' Uiiiionnairc d'histoirc Ho6 ilo«/ay-Pa<_v. Droit cotnmereiul maritime. 209 -— Dc'H faillitcs 209 hikl, luauluts de Oaiua 92 Lea fabloH d'Gaopo. Esopo d la oour. 871 871 88 678 665 «6S yyoKiiin/, Dictionnairo du dossin 689 liniUaric, de, Inatitutea de Juatinimi 02 DruitR arignoariaux . JOS tinutqiiH, CIcrgo Va)ic/ie, Ordrea monastiqucs en Auvergno 03 Brand, C. J. On Popular Antiquities 363 Brande., W.T. Arts connected with Organic Chemistry 690 .- Manual of Chemistry 594 and Cauvin, J. Dictiouary of Science and Art 008 BrcKfomc, CEuvres 425 Brard, C P. Description d'unu collection. 624 Mim'iralogic apiiliquce 765 Elemcnia d'cxploitation. . . . 7()5 Bravard-V'iyrihre, P. Etude du droit 91 Bfiiy, C. J'liilosophy of Necessity 65 Dray, Mrs. Lilo of Stothanl 502 Novels and llomaiices 829 ir. Tour in Derbyshire 636 Brayley, E. W. and Brillon, J. Ancient Palace and late Houses' of J'arlia- ment at Westminster 105 Topo!;r:iphy t'l iSiriyy. . l.i", Breard-Kcuvill!, Pandectes d'^ Justinie;i. ','.: Bri:hU'<(in Phutegraphie sur Collodion 719 Brcei, 8. C. Railway Prictici 753, 754 lllustrutionsof New ZealaiKl. 568 BiltjeuuH, Inipritneur lithograph.! 733 Bremer, Frederika, Works 890 Brivmcr, Ji. Excursions in Rus>ia 546 Excursions in Dennuiik,(tc 543 Brcmser, Vers inte-tinaux dc riioinine. . , . 644 Brenton, li, P. Naval History of Great Britain 40& Life of Lord St. Virceut. 502 Sir L. Septu 'gint Version of the Old Testament 10 Briquigny et T-aporte da Theil, Diploniata 420 Br((juiytiy, Lvlins dcs rois, rciiies, itc. . -121 Ordonuances des rois 197 Religion ct empire de Mahomet 56 Diplonies 420 Recherches sur les comnuini's Brecs, ^. C. G'. ■•^aiy of Architecture, iSic. . 70S et sur les bourgeoisies 419 Brexchet, Gestation des quadr'.nnaiios 61)8 lireislau, M. JI. Hebrew Grammar 778 Bret, La double extiavnganee 871 Breton, Du nivellement 750 Breton, Monumeus anciens et modernes, . . 698 Brctonnier, Questions de droit 199 Brewer, La clef dc la science 572 £. C. English Conipositii'n 805 J. K beauties of England, etc... 403 Bicif-iter, Sir B. On the Microscope .... 689 On Natural Mngio 691 ' On the Stereoscope. ... 719 More Worlds than Ouc. 581 Life of Newton 575 ] JMagie 691 ■■ Manuel d'opti(jue 689 j Brian t ct CAai«/ii,'Medficine legale tiSOi BiiihcteiiH, J. Maladies chrouiqiies (572! Bridgowatc r Treat ises 6761 Britnne, Menioiies. 41ft| I Br'iire dc Doi/Muont, Du suicide 73| Briyyii, J, Rise of Mahomedan Power i'l India 'IS'l Bright, E B. Influence of the Sunheiirii. . 60(] J. JJ. Law ol' Husband and Wife.. 1311 Hrillat SavariJi, Pliysiole;^ie du geiV. .. 87 Ih-'lli'ti. J'. J. Dicliotimiire de.s iirviis, . . 191 /w/.f/^r. Vie Ui; Jt'su.'■•^l , 2| llriMi'l C. A. '.i.-er ears- ill an Kii'.':i-li Ijulvor.,!!/ ''I /. Augli.'uu :vnd Anglo-Ai:i itud Churches . • Britain, Proi^.e^e of Manu' 'otures, i'-; i>. '^I >tta let .>uc. CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 965 British Almauac anil Companion .... 289- BritiBb America, Zoology of Northern parts of Architect's Institute Transactions. . • Army, Regimental Hi>tory of. 40fi- Art, the Royal 0:illery of Art, the Vernon Gallery of ' Association, Reports of Meetings. . Cabinet in 1863 Catalogue of Rooks Cons.itutiou Analyzed Controversialist Eloquence Essayists Female Poets and Foreij;n State Papers Legion in Spiiin Museum, Ancient Terracottas in . . Ancient Marblen in Catalogues of Specimens in Natural History Specimi na, Auima's North American Colonies. Reports on — ^— ^-^— — ^— — Pamphlets on . . Plan of Union of PAUB ■3U4 6S7 702 -7-8 718 718 911 477 901 10« 917 842 829 8."i« 98 44(1 717 717 035 635 .Pliysicians, Lives of Poets, Aldino Edition Worthies, Portrait (Jiillery of Brilten, B. Progress of Hritish Commerce Uritlon, J. Architectural Antiquities ... Hi.stories of Cathedials Illustrations of Foiithill Ablioy liri^eux, Poesies 879, Les ternaircs, Les bretous.. Urochard, Dr. Cholera . . Brodeau, J. Coutume de Paris BroJcrip, W. J. Leaves from the Note- book of a Naturalist , Zoological Recreations. Brodie, Sir B. On Diseases of the Joints. Psychological Inquiries. . G". History of the British Knipiro. Braglie, Alb. de, Apologctique chrelieuuo au XIXe siecle ■ L'instruetion publlquc en Franco Brome, 1 oenis Bromwell, IF. 73 377 .S76 377 884 879 879 676 198 609 634 672 72 887 S3 81 856 285 623 rkam Brongniart, Alex. Sur les terrains du Vi- ceutin 624 Tablenu des terrains. . . 623 Min6ridoi!io 628 Gisemcnt des oidiolites 623 Classification des roehes 224 Artsceramiquesctpote- ries 734 Bronte, Misses, Jane Eyre. Shirley, Vil- lette, VVutheiing Heights and Ag- nes Grey 829 Brooke, Poems 866 /JrooA-c, Ciipt. Winter in rnplnnd B44 //. /. Ou Cln'ystallography 626 A'. Offlro »nd Practice of a Notary 1 80 R;ijah, Events in Borneo and Celebes 6«9 Private Letters 482 r. H. History of St. Helena 470 Brooks. S. If. Modern Arehilecture 706 Brvum, N. Ou the Comhik.m Law 129 Legal Maxims 88 Rules for determining I'arties to Actions 132 Broome, Po(!m8 856 Broisard, Art de lever des phsns 749. BrosMS. le President de, R Objects, itc. of Science. 670 Political Philosophy... 226 — Sketclies of States- men 395,477 . — Speeches 121 Broughton, II. Of Meliliiseclek 19 71 Historical Dictionary of Re- ligions 27 Brougldon, W. R. Voyaije dans I ocean pacifiqiie 668 Bro' 909 . . . . 728 . . . . 668 . . . • 909 . . . . 203 > . . . 909 .... 395 ') 381 SU ... 322 Bunbury, Sir //. Great Wor with France . 331 BuHfiiiry, C. J. Residence at the Capo of Good Hope 563 8. Life in Sweden, ikc 543 Bunscn, C. 0. J. Egypt's Place in Uuiver- aal History 319 — — Hippolytus and his age. . 27 Philosophy of Universal History 808 Life of Niobuhr 497 Signs of the Times 44 Butiijan, J. Complete Works 48 Life, by Southey 476 Jlunyon, C. J. Law of Life Assurance. . . . 145 Buonarotti, Rime 893 Biiraty JuU», E.Kpositiou de I'industric. . . . 768 Burat, Amedie, G^ognosie 616 Gites nictallifores 624 —— Gites «alaminaires 765 Burchett, R. Practical Geometry 601 Bmxkhardt, J. L. Travels in Arabia, >fec. 548 ^— — — ^ Arabian Proverbs 888 History of the Wahabys. 456 Biirdtr, S, Oriental Customs 18 ■ Oriental Liter.iture 18 Bnrdlc, Gymnastique des anciens 723 siir la musiquo 720 Biiri/c, W. Appellate Jurisdiction and Par- liamentary Divorce 106 on the Law of Surelyship. . .. 146 on Colonial and Foreign Lavrs 156 Eiirijh, J. Political Disquisitions 22V Biirijlilei/, Lord, Life, by Narea 380 State Papers 380 Buf'joyne, L'hui itii'TO 891 Baf'joijne, J. on Quarrying 708 Burigni/. Vie d'Arit-tion 59 Vie '''rr<" ifp, T.^^^^rp" o'v la Sii'i'c -'^7 Bitrson, Voir Felli r 473 Butler, Vie dea Peres ou ical Work < 8.-)7 r. B. PhihiSHphy of the W'oallior. 686 ir. A. on Arielont Philnsophy . ... 68 Putt, 0. C-'.-a,, Conto-.!..^ i:'cct:o!;s 111 Buxton, Sir T. F. Memoirs 838 Billet. ,/. B. Law of Hills of Mxchange. . . 14.) Sophisms of Free Trade . . . 278 .. Usury Laws 145 Bwitn. I'oeni'i 857 B;/ron, Lord, Letters and Journals 483 — Poetical Works 857 Selection' Proso and Poetry 857 (Eiivro'trad. en franfais . . . 857 Bi/slrvnim^U. La Set hie .... 449 Cabin!i>, (Euvres 030 tJabinct L iwyer, 'l"ho l-'6 ^'(,■'l■l^ .V. V'dVii'c to j\ir>.'ili'n ... . . fi'''^ Cadalvine et Breuvtry, L'Egypte et la Nubio ■ «t Barraiilt, Deux onn§i» de Thistoire d'Uriciit CaJor, Subsistauces et populations Cahagntt, L. A. MngnetiBme Cahm, 8. Histoire universelle La bible — Arohives Israelites Caillii, Voyage uu Tonibf)uctou Caird, J. Eoglisli Agrieulluro Cairo to Mount Sinni Calcutta Journal of Natural History Report on Dispcniarifj Cahleron, Drames divers Caldwell, J. S. Law of Arb'tration Ji. Gold I'ra of Victoria Clony Grammar of the Dravidiiin. . . Calhoun, J. C. Works CalUry et Yvan, Insurrection on Chine. . Chinese Insurrociion . . . Calet, F. Tables do higarltlimcs C'nllcville, Revolu'ion tie Norvt-ge Callia, R. On the Statute of Sewers ''.-,';....;, ZJur.i.', /c rl I: n-u'. ....u t .i^mcnt. . Dictionnaire de la bible. Dictionary of the Bible. Phantom world Calvin lu.itituleri i)f the Christian Rtligioii. Ca)nbacerti>. Science sociale Cai.iholas, ./. de. Decisions nolahlt!) (Cumbrian Jom ual Caiobritlge, Poems Cand)rid^e it Didjlin Mathema:ieal Journal C imbridge Kssays University Tran-aet ons Camden, W. Britannia A....a!i..../ Cameron, ,/. //. Cases in Queen's Bench. Upper Canada Rules in Queen's Bcnrh, 493 449 268 691 804 9 20 661 653 661 612 678 890 139 667 781 183 4G6 466 603 461 143 IS IS IS 592 47 233 199 913 857 ■^99 830 78 635 359 L^pper Canatla — C. U. On thi> Indian Onvcrnment. (hvnotn, Obras coiripletas Cnm'ieiiK, La Lu-iade I Camp of Refuge j Cainpan, .Mnie. De l'edi:e,itiou. I Mt'mi'iri'a . . . . Campbfll, John Voyagi- en Afri(pi". . A. D. Teloegoo Dictionary 0- Britisli Art-'liitiTt _ 7. Fbilocophv of Rlut'-ic 165 164 400 897 897 8.S1 76 428 666 781 7(12 805 Ca us. J. Cnv. da at Cauaila, ( rela - Of - R( — H< Cm Con - Qn - Mi - Mo Can a la, Co - S;a ^)ii - !{..( \f.; cessi - An CIl III., riaiix _ T ,,i Caaai 'l>' la as, U, C.-in:i. lail S| A 1> Cnna in A Cnnad ian Fa for.. — In Tn C ana lie, I'ah CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 9G9 rAoa Camfihfll, O. India ns it may be 174 J. On tlie liistory of Ireland. . . 402 Political Survey of Britain.. 273 Lord, Lives of Lord Chancellors 477 Lives of Cliief Jiistices. . 477 T. Frederick tiie Great and his 'li Ilea 444 Life of Petrarch 497 Life «if Mrs. Siddons 601 On KiiLj'ish Poetry 838 Poetioil Work^ 867 W. Dediiio of Hiiiduoism in Ilntish Indiii 42 CampUtron, Le jftlniiic desabuH^ 871 Atidronio 870 Ca 'US. J. P. Paloinbe 881 C;iti;iilii at the Kxliil)itioii of 1855 772 Ciiiiiida, Ocolo<^ieal Survey of, Papers rel,iiiM:» to it 622 Official Gazette 169 Report on the Guverniient of. . . . 168 Hepnrtson the grievances of Lower Ciiniida 158 Hfssional papiTs (jf the House of Commons on 158 (inarterly Mni^Mzini', hy W. Evans. 061 Mirror of I'arlianieiit of Ifil Mmithly Review 159 Canada, Couiiueree du 281 Tab'euu la l!''!^i-ilature 160-160 CanadiK. Union of the two 158 C:in'idi!iM Slate Trials 164 ■ Almanac 2S6 Hailways, pamphlets on 755 Caiia !i n Ai^rieulturiist 659 Canadian Farmer, I*:ipers on Agiieulture 661 Institute's Journal 578 Prisoners' Ca-^o. report on Itil Tariff 280 Caiiai/c, V.ihhi de, sur ThaK' j 59 pAoa Cavcinnn. Barbarornm Leges Ant'qno!. Cundii'h, T. Voyages in the South Sea ... . 565 CandolU, Jl. I\ et Jlph. dc, Oi'ograpliie botaniquo 647 Introduction a I'etude de la botanique 647 Prodomus 046 .4.P. de, Organogriphie vr'g'tale 616 Physioliigie vi'gelale. . 64# Cnnina, Architettura Antica 099 Canninn, Ri^ht Hon. G. Life, by l!ell.. 483 ^. Political Life.. 895 Speeches 1 20 I li-c.oin 8 121 Caiinnn, R. Records of the Uiitish Army. 406 Canot, Cipt. Twenty years of u» Afiican Sliver 504 (,'anova, A. Worlcj, by Moses 717 CanlH, Histoire Universelle 304 Cofi. P. A. Museum d'liistoire natnielh'. . . 610 Cape of Good Hope : Magnelieal observa- tions 587 Cnpffpir, Diploniiites i nropeen'' 476 Capet, Jdt'ipuci, Mcmoires 219 Capital and Labour 256 Capital Punishment, Pamphlets on 248 Ciipuron, J. Meilecine li'gde 080 Aceouchenients 671 M'lladies des femuies 671 Maladies des enfau s 071 Carbon, /7v'n«, Li jeune hotcsse 871 Carddli, M. Cuisiiiicr 738 (iourmands 736 Cardelli, Llonnet, ite. Limonadier 7"6 Cardigan, Karl of, Trial for Felony 193 Careri's Voyiige round the World .524 Travels through Europe 535 Carn/, II. C. On the Slave Trade 248 Past, Present, and Fntuie. . 239 Political Economy. . 252 ^f Vindieiro Hilernitro 401 IK. Ri'ngalee Dictionary 781 rnri"!/), 7'. Rightsof Elections 115 Cen-4;ie 327 sur I' Allemagne 44S sur le XVIIIe Si6cle en Angleterre 396 Chasseaud, G. Druaea of the Lebanon.. . 66 Chasseriau, Vie de I'amiral Duperre. ... 487 Chastellain, Geo. Chronique 414 Chastellux, De la f^licite publique 269 Chateaubriand, (Euvres 876, 877 Chateaubrun, les Troyennes 870 Chaletier, Guide du mecanicien 761 Chatham, Earl of, Anecdotes of. 398 <* r CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 973 m 1 Chatham. Ekrl of, Correnpondence 893 Chalrc, In, Mi'-niuires do 415 Challawa'/, E. I). Kiiilwayg 752 Chatterton, hives of 377, 484 Poems 867 Chatto, \V. A. History of Pliiying Curds. 724 Chaucer, (J. F'oeins niul 'I'alt'n, Ac 867 Chawlfs-Aignci, Eciivuiiis inodernos, , . , 801 Chanlieu ft La/are, Poi'-sies 872 Chaussifr, II. Coiitie-poisioiis 674 Ohaiif^i. r. His pt Murin, I'hy *ioiiomi«te . . . 632 Chanirait Ail'lphu, Priiicipea de oompiS- teiii;e 211 «mi et Faiistin Hilie, Tlicorie du colli- pc'iial 210 Chauvet, Do Vontcmlement humaiii 60 Cheevei. G. li. Piinishiiient by Death. .. . 248 C!icfa-J'tnuvre8 doa thtjutres ctriingers. . . . 800 Vheliim, J. M. Systoin of Surgery 073 Clioinical Technology 51)5 Chemin-Diip'xifrit, Navigation i la vupeur. 758 Chemistry, Practical 578 Chi'iniHtry, itent 679 China, Pieioriiil, Descriptive, p. of, an I Landaff, Up. of. Two He'iiiiiiis 49 Chen'irf/'hl, E irl of, Let'crs and Works by Lor I M.ihon 831 MisC'.'llanuinis works by Maty 393 Chestrii'^'i. G. L. Revelations of Prison Lif.' 247 Chevallcf, Li langue frangaise 787 Chevalier. Michel, Oouvernemeus de I'Alle- niairU' 44'.: Chinese Triiiislations, Dramatic, Hoinantie, Ac 890 Chipman, 2^'. Principles of Government. . 179 Chill;/. E. Commercial and General Law- yer 147 J. Collection of Statutes ]'_)8 On Crimiual Law 130 Practice of the Law 131 Preroj;ative Law 104 Choiseiil, Due tie. Relation du ddparl de Louis XVT 428 Choisnin, Jean, Memoires 41 g Chois;/, Menioiies 417 Voyage de Forbin a Siam 666 Cluileia, Ro.ird of Health, Repoits on. . . 076 Chohiininli'lei/. T, New Zealand 6O8 Chopin, Ilistoire )uoi4 grocb ci latiua 803 Claii, ]I. Life and Speeches 183 Cleveland, Jl. W. twd Backus, Village and Farm cottagoa 707 Clcfff/, S. Architecture of Machinery..., 746 Clf^horn, G. Aneirnt and Modern Art. .. 699 CUnitnf, Hi''formo iudustrielle 258 sy^teme protectcur 278 Jactpies CiBur et Charles VII. . . , 424 Administration de Colbert '. 425 Cliiiwnl d'.'lhxandrie, Saint, Eitrails do ses (Euvres 26 Clements, G. Customs Guide 280 Clergc conteuiporaln, biographic du 33 Clerk, J. on Election Committees 114 on the Law of Klectione 114 Clcrciji et de Vallat, Guide des Consulats 07 Cl'ri/, Journal 428 Cliffurd, II. Controverted Elections for Southwark 116 Clinton, F. II. Renuiins, by C, J, Clinton. 484 Clinton, O. W. Digest of Reports, New York 191 Clive, Lord, Life, by Gleig 484 C/o?ic»rn/, Lord, Life, by Fitzpatrick. . . . 102 Cloquct, II. Sybtouio anatomiquo 031 Clot-Beii, A. Egypto Clothing, Urtt' Cluveriut, G(!0| Clui, Kabrleant Coast Survey o Cobhtlt, ir, Fr. I'(j R^ Ireland Cnhham, Lord, Cachet, La Nci Cochin, (Euvrf Cochin China. Cochrane, A. B Coehnt, Etudoa Des ricl Industr Ueasout Du Kort laboriun Des die Mini8tl^I Do I'csc Law, 80 Coekbnrn, A. Ei of Contro Cockhurn, II. L M Code Napoleon. des desst'-cl de.s prises ( Mir, J. French 0,//i», /. W. Of Co/finicres, Ktud Coke, .Sir K. lusi gland . . . Lif Colardean, (K\i\ Calls Cole, II. On I'll! W. li. Cri Colcbrooke, II. j ance . . , . Colcnso, 15]). ,Joii Coli-ridijc, 8. T. ( U. V Colet, Louise, Ei r CuHj/ni/, G. de, 1 Coli^inil-Salitjnii, Colin, A. Lettrc »:m. CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 976 m Clot-Jiei/, A. B, La pcito ob*«rT4o en Egypte 87S Olothint;, Urtpfiil Arts ri-lBtiiig to 7S6 Cluveriut, Oco^raphia Aiili(|uik B84 Chu, Kal)riciint do chapnniix "757 Coast Siirvoy of the U.StntM 2m', 620 Coblittt, \V. Fronch Dictionary 780 Political Work* 229 — Refornmtion in Kiiglanil and Ireland 87 Cnbham, Lriri\, Life, by Gaspcy 484 Coehel, La Ncrmandie soiiterraine 433 Cochin, (Ku vr«9 20U Cooliiii Uliiiia. Account of. 657 Cochrane, A. B. YounR Italy 486 Coehut, Eludes sur lea Ocononiigtefi 26!) Des ricliesscg 2611 ludiiBtrio agricole 256 Rossources ngricolcs di) I'Al^crio. 266 — — — Du Hort do8 clasgos souflfranlci et laboricufiRS 268 Dos chominn de for nutricliiens. . . 271 Ministi>re de Colbert 426 Do I'eacla vage 180 Law, son systomo et son fipoque. . 268 Coekbnrn, A . E. and Rnue, W. K. Caaea of Controverted Elections 116 Cockburn, II. Life of Jt'ttVey 492 Memorials of hisTirao.... 899 Code Napoleon 204-206 dc9 dessechemonts 056 des prises 201 titur, J. Krench Argonaut and his Times. 184 Cofin, J. W. Of the Wimk 615 Cot/inicres, Etudes sur le budjot 202 Coke, Sir A'. Institutes of tbo laws of Kn- gland 129-130 Life, by Johnson 484 Colnnkau, (Eu vres choisies 872 Caliate 87o Cole, If. On Public Schools 80 IK. li. Criminal Inforniations 133 Colclirooke, II. T. Hindu Law of Inherit- ance 172, lip, .lonrnal of a Tour in Xatal. . 10 Colerldjc, S. T. Coniplote Work^ 832 II. l'ocni.4 and Life 857 Cold, Louise, Enfauces celebrcs 404 Poesies 8S3 Colij/iii/, (r. de, Siey:e do Saint tinontin, . . 415 Cotiiiiii/Siiliijin/, Menioires 417 Colin, A. Lettres sur rL!jyi)to iv.y Colin, O. Phjsiologie J«« nuimaux domes- ti(|ut's 081 Colini, La science soclalo 237 Vollf, Lu partic de cliaBse do Henri IV. . 872 Dupuis et at of 'JHI (jutniiioruiiil Iti'^ulutiuiii of l*'ur«i|{ii Couu- tiioH 184 Oomiiiirtaiiircs, Moiiinirci des OoniiiuiiiR, Hoii'c of, Jitiiriiiilii •>( tin* 117 —— . UepnrtiiiirC'Oiiiiiiitteoi 117 Sc'iniiiiniil I'upurH of. , 117 Comiiiyiiet, /Vii7/'/) i/i>, Moiiiuira 3-8 CommiiH", V'/i. di>, Mfiiioirea 417 OKiilpiinioii to till' lli'iliHh Alnmiiao 'JHO Ooiiipii'-'-ieiiiltH do I'aoHil.'mlL' dnnHcioiuxm 6711 (JomptortMidii «ur I'J ri'criitiiimiiit dol'Ar- int-e 68J Coinptd pri'lioiiti'i nu Itui 203 Uoiittf, Maniii'l den norcii-rg 6a I Coiiitf, Aiifl. Cuui'd du i'liiioHopliio posi- tive 08 Coinlt, .1. I'liilo«opliy of tho HcioiiDt'S. . . (18 Uuomotrie Hiii»lyti''!^i«liilion 2'.'2 Cowi/U, J. Digest of tiie Laws 120 A'. B. Imw of Usury 145 — Sir Ji. History of the Wustern Em- pi re 327 Ooncilo de Tifliito, Hintoire du 28 C.ittcliirtiue du 40 Concoiii'H iraiiiiiuiiix 058 Coiulc, J. A. 'I'lio Arabs in Spain 439 /, rriiico of, Fiifo, iiy Lord Million 485 (JonJer, J. Modern Traveller 623 CondiUac, (Kuvrus 87S —— ■ Lf coniinoroo et lo gouvcrno- iiicnt 250 Condorcrl, V'io de Voltdire 604 -^— Matheiniitiquea, Astronouiio et Ilvdriiuliiiue 50y . Organisation de I'limtructinn pub i(pie 83 Mol.inprs dVcouoniio politi(|ue 250 — 'I'.ibk'au di3 I'osprit huniain .... 57 Cimdu /iiijiii!, Traiic dos bauijui-!) 205 Oonl'ii'iiii, r>;3 (pititro livros moraux 68 par I'asjtoret 60 — ';ni.i of IJ Sifte*. , 18'; runt (\int/rn<», I'oonm g^-i Coiijiirntion do ('iiupMnrfi 4'j5 Omkliii'i, J. Adniiriilty Coiirtsof the U.S. luO Coiniecicut Slai.o Anii<'iiliiir»l Ho<>lclj'i TranHrtciioni gijo " (n'o'(i({y of 923 — — .'ournaUand Lawicf 188 ~" -^— — — Miiii'raloi;y of «22 HtHllftflci 284 Connell, Hlr J I-aw ol Titlien In Soollniid. 219 Connolli/ZJ'. C'orpi of. Sap]icrH ami Miners. 08a Vimollij, J Tri-ainieiit oJ tlic Itmaiie 244 on Lniiutic Ai^ylniiiD '.'44 Ciinmrt, MOinoiics 417 Conivifnce, //. Heunrs ilu In t1i> fiainando. 8S4 Tales ol Klcnduli Life 8'Jfl Conm'il Lrgislntif, Jourinmx lHU-161 CoMscils (^riidiaiix de I'lifriciilture, Ac... Odd Cunsliihle's Fori'if^ii Mi!forlliern Hem- i-pliere 6^10 • Voynije towards (lie South I'ole 6;i3 Cooke, G. ir. Copyhold Enfranchisement. MO History of I'aity 229 Law of Defamation 140 Life of Bolinf;broke 482 ir. D. Views in Homo 541 Coolci/, A. J. Practical Ileceipis in tie Arts, .tc 735 ir. J). Uistory of Maritime Ar.., Discovery 521 Conprr,C, P. on the Public Reennls.... ;116 Ji. Upper C.mada Chancery Com t. ir.4 Cooper, J. F. Novels and Tiilos fv.i C:l>'r, J. 0. I'-'Cins 8;.7 Min«, Knnil Hours , 832 .V. Surf^ical Dietioniuy IJ.i T. Political Ecoiioniv 'lOl CATALOOUK ALrrtABKTIQTTE. 077 CooU, O, Hi»tory of Ancient F.iiropo. . . . il'Jil //. nnd /i On tlin Law of M()i'tt(ig«. MO Co/iliind, J. Dutiimnry of iiUM< mo tlflil VopU'ton, itlsliop ICvinnint of 41) Cnpli'ii, J. ti. Doiil ,11 li«turnof Hui'Hliuni. . IIH Coqutlin, l)i< riiKliiiitrlu liuiure '2A9 l)ii crt'clit ct lien lnui()uui 'iAfi Cix/uitl, KimiM^iK'iuniit iiiiliiDli'icI 'ibH Voi/uillard. (Kuvri'ii HOT Voi/uilli: a»!i, (Eiivic* liOO Corbaux, F. On Compounil IntereKt '^06 On I aw» of I'opulnlifiu liOtl Corbi'l, I'.'i iiii 868 Oorhett, U. lunl Ilaiiirll, (Ju^oi) "f I'nutro- vurtud klluotiuiiH US CorbUre, I'abbA Lfl droit danK lus rappoitii nvuu la coMHcifiico 'i'lX Coreflle, F. (li; UdriiDortttiu Am6i'ictkiuu. . 180 C'orJii'r, Uoustruclicm liun rouli'H 760 La Fi'iiiico tit I'AiiKlcturro 'iU'A Cofit, M. ItiHtriK'tioti* priitirpu'i «ur lu l'ii«ioul(iii'(i «40 CoHtello, I,. S. I(iiai> Onrdi'M of I'crniu 889 Tour to iind from N .pli'i, . 642 — ^^— — ^ l'if« of Ouclii'wof liiir{{iinily 4«9 Liloof J. C'uiur 484 '\)»liiMU'H nillitiiircK 428 C'llille, Di'iiit iKltniiiiHtrnlif 211 rV)/(/rni'i;, li. Km'ihIi l)ii'iiiiimr\ 789 ('i)tlirul, A. of tliu Moii(|iiito Lnii){iiii|;e> • 020 Cutte, Triiit6 da intHtiorolo^io sgg XIrinoirHH d« mi'ti''orolo){ie S86 Ciittiii, Mmo. (Kuvri's oiini|ilrtfM 874 Vottti; ./. Ki'iiiioiiiucnoei of I'olcrid^'v jiiid Hoiitlify 486 Cotton, C, Puenii 868 A'. I'ofiiH 858 Cotton, II. ICditioiig of till! liililc in KiigliHli 16 . 10 . 8U8 Corkran, ./. F. Nutionul OonstiUioiit Ah- Bombly 41)2 Coriiitnin, Tiinon 8711 lilivlioK mid Dmiay, — Typo^'iipliicid (iiizcili'er. Cotton, Lieiitciiiknt Colonxl, i'liblic Woi ka in India 701 CottrdI, C. II. UiM'oUcclioiis of Sibcrin. . . .lOO Droit Admiiiistnilif 211 ' C»ltH, llo do Rhodes 460 Muuuul du coiiti'Mtiuux do lad- | Colly, Dii tioimaiii' d'Artillcrio 681 niiniiitrution nmiiicipulu 211 Conlltr, I'onltioiiHKciononiiqui'Hdii ^lobc. . 016 Eutriitii'Un du V'illngo 264 i CourccUei, dr, Ill»ti)irodc« iiiilrsdo Kiiinee 509 Corni:, JI. Lo Curdiiml du lUidii'liini 426 Dictioiiuiiiiu don f^i'ijOniiix - ■ Muzuriii 4'J6 I fr.iii\'uiH 171 Corneilk Lebrun, Voyiij^cu pur in Mosco- j Courier, P. L. (Kiivrus 234 vio 663 Courg do iniiidridopif ut du gOologiu 7;i8 B, : ^ QorneUh, P. (Euvrua 870 | Couih ie imvi^jiilidii *•■ I Ulief8-d'n)Uvre8 870 i'lirneitle, 'J'lm. (Jhufii-d'iDUVi'us 870 Corninh, W. F. Rssivys on Uses 140 On I'uiclmso Ducds of Fri'uliold KstiituK 141 CoiiiHti, J. Cunadunsium I'luiitaiuni liis- toria 049 Coronations, Chapters on 104 Curporalionn nionastiquos ftu suiu du Pro tuHtanlisinu S3 Otri/, J. P. Ancient Fraj^meuts of I'bcrni- eian, Ac. Writers 320 Ancient and Modern Pbiloso- phy 6H On Accounts, kn 207 Cori/ton, J Law of Letters Patent 14>.i Cosmo in. Travels in Unghind 630 CosniiiB, Revue eneyclopediijue 573 Connuc, Daniel de, Monioires 418 Coitaz, Thebes, 317 768 ('iiumoH, de, Histoire des peujiles liretons, 4Ui) Court df (rebel iti, Monde priiiiilif 806 Couitenai/, Lil'o of Sir W. Tt'niple 602 Courliiin, Opi'nitionH de bourse 206 CoiiHin, V. Principe* de lu revolution fraii(;aise 236 Fragiiii'us pliilosophiqnes. . . 08 Nouvoaiix fnignieus pliiloso- phiipies 68 DolVnse de I'luiiversite. . . .08, 84 Jaeijueliiie P.iscal 71 Instruction piibliquu 84 Ouvrajjes inedits d'Abehird, 00 Justice et charite 71 I'bilosophiedu XV'IlIc aiecle 01 de Kant 70 Introduction a I'liistoire de la jihilosopbie .... 57 Metaphysique u'Aristote. . . 70 Ues peus^es de Pascal 71 Nt 978 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Oiiusin, V. Du vrai, du beaii,etdu bicn.CS, Mailaine Je Loiigue?ille Madame de Sable Mailatne de Hautefoit ■ lusli'uetiou eu I'russe — lustructioa publique cu Alle inaguo Eduoatiou iu Hi. History of the Sikhs. . ItU 7^ Nell Gwyu 490 London, past and present 627 London in 1854 627 Oariiisitos do 1 arclii'!oh)gie 311 Lilteiairps 909 Itioirfiiphiqiios 909 — Des inventioi.8 909 Militaiies 909 Aiiie lotiques 909 Des traditions 909 Bibliographiqucs 909 Carliiuj, J. li. Corps of Ueutlemen-at-Arms 406 PAoa Cnrran, [U. Hon. /. P. and his Contempo- raries 47g Sketeiies of Irisli Bar 476 Speeches 121 Currency Explained 264 Tracts on 262 of the Colonies 264 Cnrri/, J. Civil Wars in h'eland 400 Curtis, O. T. Jurisdiction of U. S. Courts. 184 Law of Copyright 148 Law of Patents 186 Rights and Duties of Seamen 99 O. W. Lotus-Piatiug 833 Curzon, Hon. R. Monasteries in the Le- vant 524,652 Year at Erzeroom 652 Curzon, de, Enfants trouves 259 Cushiitg, L. 8. Lex Parliamentaria Ameri- cana 112 Kulss of Proceeding in De- liberative Assemblies 181 Cufs;/, de, voir Marten» et Hauterive. Custine, de, L'Espagne sous Ferdinand VII 440 La Hussie en 1 839 447 Ctivier, O. Reuherches sur les ossemcns. . 633 Lo rt'gne animal 633 Animal Kingdom arranged... . 633 Progriis des sciences natu* relies 606 Revolutions sur la surface dii Globe 616 ot Valenciennes, Histoire ua- turello des poissons 640 F. De.s Cetaces 688 C'umlier, Chroniciue do Du Guesclia 420 Cuvillier-F/rury. Etudes littornires 882 Cyclopaidia of Religious Deiicmiiiiations. . 27 of P(ditical, Ac., Knowledge.. 224 of Biography 473 (Appletou's). . . 473 Cyolopiedias, various 907, 908 Ci/j>rian, St. Epistles 26 Treatises 26 Ciiprien, St. Extraits do scs CBUvres 25 Cyril, St. On the Creed 26 Dacitr, Progri>8 do I'histoiro , , . . 795 DaCosta, Israel anre 195 D'Agueaseau, tEuvres- oqq Dahlmann, F. K. History of English Revo- iulii'ii 390 1 :' ■' r ■k ' '• ■ 1 ' \ i t vm If ', -ti P80 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Daire, Eug. Physiocrates 251 ■ Melnnges d'6conoraie politique 250 B'Atbret, J. B. Dea arbrea fruitiers 664 D' Alcmbcrt, Opuscules mnthfimntiques. . . 60'J Dallas, A. J. Reports, Pennsylvania & U.S. 185 ——^— R. Oonspiraoy against the Jesuits. 31 H^. A'. Vertebnited Animals 577 Dalloz, Jurisprudence gonfirale 203 llfipertoire 203 Balr;/ pie, Sir ,/. Feudal I'roperty 128 Memoirs of O. Biitain 389 D' Alton, J. History of Ireland 400 Ballon, J. Life, and Scientific Ilescuiehe^.. 595 Bahjell, J. O. Superstitions of Scotland. . 399 BamaK, Relation 428 Bamrr, Mrs. Tour in Greece, Turkey, Ac. 546 Z>n/?i«ro)t, Coursde philosophic 68 Kxamen critique du Cirtesia- nisnie . . 61 Sur Jean Olauberg, Caspciidi.itc. 61 Sur Spinosa, Mallebraiulie, etc. 01 Sur la providence 71 Bareste, Histoire de I'adminiBtration 236 Histiiire dcs classes agricoles. . . . 268 Darleii, F. Outline Compo-ilions ^ig Barling. J. Cyclopcedia Uibliograpliioa. . 899 IF. S. SItetehcsipfOanadian Lif.'. 883 Barton, T. C. Statistical Tables 274 Darn, La Rrctagnc 4^3 Histoire de Venise 437 Darwin, C. Voyage of a Naturalist round the World 838 The Zoohigy System of miuerahigy 624 Ji. II. Seaman's manual 687 Bam-onrt, Drames divers 871-872 Danilini's Voyage to Libauus 551 Bandolo, Count. Art of Rearing Silk- worms 643 Baniel, lii.itoire 'vliifsa(,-, Histoire do I'Afrique 407 lies d'Afrique 468 Bavesicn, L' i*'gy pte nuiderne 409 Mahumct-Ali 409 Bavld, Kineric, Miisee fran(,'ai8 693 Histoire de I'art par lea Dans"!/. W. lloroi Decaniofo Rurales. , 29 Dante, A. Life, by Count lialbo 480 Vision 893 Divina Comedia 892 . — Divine Comudie 892-893 Bantoinc, Higgles du droit canon 214 Bauti/. Preuve par tdmoina 202 B'Arbla;/, Madame, Diary and Letters. . . 894 B'Archiac, Progrtis de la goologie 621 Dareau, Traite des injures 201 monuments 690 Bavlds, A. L. Grammaire Turk 780 Bavuhon, IS. Hebrew Text of old Testa- ment, revised 10 ■ — Introduction to New Test. . . 17 Bavien, Poems 808 Bauic:, (('.) and Peck, (M. O.) Mathema- tical Dictionary 599 0. M. History of Holland 438 K Celtic Researches 333 G.Oii Annuities 207 (//.) and Laurint. (K.) Mercantile and Bankrupt Law of France 209 /. On the human Mind 05 Sir /. Causes of Ireland's disobe- dience 400 C'JO ISO lu n 858 599 438 333 207 209 06 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 981 Davien, T. S. Ooomcti-y COO Davis, C. II. Law of Deposit of the Flood- tide .. 614 Davis, J. Voyages to Aiiiericn 528 Davis, J. E. Law of Evidence in Countv Courts 137 Laws for protecting; Women 240 /. F. China and its inhabitants. . . 556 China, liurinj; the War and since 400 N. Evenings in the African Sahara 501 Davi/, S'lv H. Agiicultin-al Chemistry .. . Or>,') Collected works 570 ( 'liitnio iifitriciile 655 Dav)/, J, Jonian Ishinds and Malta 451 Dawes, li. On Scciilir Instriict'on 80 I'heiiciniena of Life 728 Dtvi'xou. J. W. Acadian (rcology 621 UawHoti, T. II. Statistics of Scotland abrid- ged 8'.)>.) l)a\j, S. Monastic Institntions 33 Dcaltnj. W. Vindication of the Bible Society 16 Drane, J. Worship of the Serpent 52 ,/ P. Lu w of Blockade 99 Di'arii, T. D. IF. Historical account of the Weald of Kent 405 Drardii, II. R. Ciiminal Prooiits 133 DeAiiala, Don J. A. History of Gibraltar. 440 Dcharii, Canary Islands 5'iO DeBelto;!, Dianies 870 />(• iWrt, llaroii. Travels in Luristan, &c. 551 DeBim, Resources of Un ted States 283 Debrci/ne, Thcorie bildique de la cosmogo- nie 18 Essai sur la thi'olo^'ie morale.. 40 Pensees d'un croyaut catluilique. 4o Micchialogie .... 40 Tin''riineuti Maps of the Stars 683 Ou the Globes 583 DcmouHticr, Lc coneiliateur 871 Les feninicB 871 Bempsey, G. D. On Drainage 769 Practical Railway Engi- neer 754 Ou Iron Bridges 761 Denham, Poems 858 Denham, Major, &c. Travels in Africa. . . . 561 Denisart^hclci do notoriotc 199 Collection de deci-ious 196 Deiiison,A'. li. On Clock and Watchmaking. 7-8 S. C. Crown Cases Reserved. ... 151 2>c«»i.s,G'. Cities aixl Cemeteries of Etiuria. 320 Dennistoun, J. Memoirs of Dukes of Ur- biuo 435 . Life of Strange 502 Dcnoii, Voyage en Egy])te 560 Dennnvillieri, C'ompeniliiun de CInrurgie. 074 Drnt. E.J. On tlie li.iroiMeter 58(1 DentrecnKtcaiir. Voyage 525 DePaiiiboiir, Comtti Locomotive Engines. 761 Depcrthes, Th6orie de paysage 715 D ppiiig, Expeditions dcs Normanda 424 Drppiur/, Cf. li. Correspondance Adminis- trative 235,421 Commerce du Levant 272 Livru des mi-tiers 403 De Qmncey, 3'. Writings 833 Dcrliam, W. Pliysico-Tlieology 43 Derviltc, Deux idecs en face 237 Dcrvitliers, Tliebes giY Anliqintes de Dcuderah.... 317 Bas-reliefs astronomiquea 817 Dcmuhiez. S''"temo de finances 263 Dea Jlarres, L'Abbaye do Pontigny 33 Dtnliordfs- Valmore, Mme. Poesies 879 DtKcartes, Qiluvres 60 Philosophy, by Blome 60 Deschanips, ffiuvres 867 Description de lEgypte 316,317 description tie la Tauride 612 Description des machines 741 Demiiret, Midccine des passions 73 Dcsesaartx, Siecles litteraires 902 Desgenettcs, Histoire m^dieale de I'arniee d'Orient 676 Dcshoiditrcs. Mme. Poesies 873 Design and Manufacture, Journal of 729 Dfulon, Relation . . 428 Desmaret.1, G^ographie 510 ManiMialogie 637 Dcsmcunii'rs, Econonde Politique 249 Demnonlins, Cdtnille, Le vieux cordelier. 429 Desuri/i'dux, Mcmoire sur la noblesse fran- caise 202 Dcpeisses, Qiluvres 92 Desplncci, Galerie des pcetes vivans. . . . 883 DcujiorUs, A L'instruction publique 84 Dcspretz C. Traite de physique 573 lJe.iVu/i)i, Guide des eur6s 220 Diyby, hir K. Memoirs, by himself- 486 A'. // of Beauty, Virtue .ind Truth. 634 Dillon, Peter, Voyages dans la mer du c>ud 568 Dillon, Litterature aux Etats Unia 803 Dining, the Art of. 737 Diplomata Chartoj, etc 420 Diplolnes, chartes, etc 420 Disney, J. Election Law 113 D' Israeli, li Biography of. 231 Biography of Lord Bcutinck. 231 Novels 834 /. Amenities of Literature 797 Calamities of authors 797 - Curiosities of Literature. .. . 797 Character of Literary Meu. . 79*? On Charles 1 3S3 Quarrels of uuthora........ 797 ''■\\ %' t' ^- 981 ALPlIAIiETICAL CATALOGUE. Disscrtatiiiiis aiir lo Droit Public dcs Colo- nics DTfcrnois, yinrtaWUi iles puuplus 7)(x, Madoii'ii Dixon, K. S. Oi'iiaiiieiitiil ami Doinostiu I'oullry — — G Voyage rouiiil t!io Worlil Ji. U\\\- 111 Howard. Life (if Pcnii L'liidon PrisoTin.. . . Bjoitilcr, Sun liistiiiro DoIjIjk, a. Of Cnintiios ailjuiiiiiij,' t(i Iliid- gdii's Uay, A.U Dohfl. So|>l aniiot'n I'll Cliiiio D'Ohirkirch. liaroni'tis, Aiitoliiiij,'nipliy . . , iJohwH, h'. Ai'l' iif liuildiii^' Mam, fiict lire of 15rii'k9 and Ti- lo3. On Masimrv and S|iim'eiittiii<|;. Documons iiirdils sur riii-lniic do Fi'aiu'i'.. rola'ifi ii I'hi-tiiiic dc Franei'. sill' t'liistiiire d'Hcd-isu rolatifs aux canaiix Hnr le eonnneioo oxtiM-iour. . . . DoJ. C. A". KU'cliind Fa. ts Manual of Dij^nitie^, etc I'arlianiantary eompaniou. .. Fcci'asio, etc Doihl, V. Climvli IlUtory of F,iii;land C. A' Dindilful Quostions in tlio Law of KK'Ctinus 6'. Biitidi nianufictures Cmiositid- of Industi'y FcMid of F^nndon DodhifilDii. Biilih. Oiaiv with PaptMs. Dodaleii. Li' luii;^ i^in do Ciii'lositi's. .. ._ R. i'oonis Doihrell, K. Tour tluinisli Greece — — — ■ and iU'-' Indi.iri Army List i)oii(, -1. Canal lati'ial Dolle, Histiiirc des six vostnuratioiis DdlitiiiiiHii .\c(.'ounl of Farilnpuikes DniiKit, J Los lois c'iviles Civil Law in its natural nrdor. . Domli'itle, Annalos ai;i'iooli!s de llovillu... Atciirullure pratique. Doineniitr. I'roposilions jrraniuiatirali'S. . . Donii'-tio Medicine, 1 land-book of Domville. Sir IF. On the SaWiath Don, G. nistoi'v of Dcclilnniydeous Plants. Donald. J. Laud Drainage, itc Donaldson, J. Agricultural Biogrnpliy. . . 154 2D6 fit I fi'2.5 491 497 'J4ri 881 529 550 480 "iny 709 708 4 20 417 398 768 28;) loS 1 04 119 Oo7 Ho 11.3 728 72S 2;iO X92 891 8,"iS 54 ft 4 110 7ri8 4:il 020 92 92 655 055 787 oi;;! 24n 648 651 650 PAO» DoHiildnon, J. Oil Cliiy Lands, Ac. 051 '"> Manures, OniBseH, itc. . . 051 J' IF. New Crntylus 783 Varroiiiaims, & Etiuio- grapliy of Italy 783 Theatre of the Oreeks. 795 J'. Odd-Fellows Text liool-. ... 242 Doneii, Catdcliismo ilii Couelle de Treute. 46 Dimni\ Foeins 858 Dopitrt, MiMUoires 428 l)orau,\')\\ Queens of England of the IIouso of ILinover 339 Dorat, I'nesies 873 La fcinto jiar amour 871 Dnro et Diijmiit, Juif errant 879 />'haimned Khan's Political Proceed- iuiis 400 Dtiitlileda;/, T. Kliiancial IIistor.Y of England 261 Law of Po|mlation 256 Life of Sir K. Peel 231 Doneet, if. Laws of Cauiida 1 62 /)()«(//(/ ,1, Sir //. on MilitMiy Bri^'ges 084 on Naval Gunnery 086 S. Cases of Controverted Elec- tions 115 Danglann, F. My Bondage and Freedom, . 480 Dnitrxlliei; Poids et niesures 208 DoiisHiii-Diilireuil, Onmiisnio 073 Doufillc, Voyape au Congo 503 Jhvc, ir. W. Distribuiion of Heat 585 P. E. EloiiKMits (if Politieul Science, 224 J)<>ii:d(\iwell, G. M. L;iw of Liaurauee 145 Doiviirx, J. Oecultitioiis in the U. States iu 1851-52 614 of Planets, by llic .Moon, 1853.. 015 DoK-ninrj, A. J. Cottage Residences 707 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America 064 on Lindscape Gardening. 605 /Jo.v/^ -If. Cyclopiedia of Husbandry 652 7i. ^Lulller3 and Cv.stouis of yo Eii- >;ly8lie 718 D'Oitli/ ani\ Mant's Bible 10 Drake, D. Diseases of North America. . . . 071 Sir F. Life, Voyages, ite., by Barrow 487 Voyage to South Sea .... 505 N. Essays 834 Sliakspeare and his times 802 Drapi'r, J. W. Human Fhysiology 630 Duharri/, Mnii CATALOGUE ALPIIABETIQXIE. 085 w 1&1 Draper, ]V. G. Ilulug of Upper Cutmdu Courts Ifil Drapicr, Diiuca 2i!0 J)rai/tnn, IVitwin 808 Dress, Th.' Art of 737 Dreux da /iW.'cr, Anecdotes dca Reiiies et Rogoiitea 4;!;! Drew, J, Pnictirnl Meteorology fj.Sti Drowri/, C. S. on InjnnotionH 1115 Driiikirnli r, J. Sieije of Gibnilliir SHo Drum, Notiiire en second 'J 1 1 Droits ilifVL'rentiels, discus ' n 28(i Dro::, (Envrea 71 Kconotnie politiqilo 25 1 L'lirt d'l" tro lioureux 7:i Pensecs sur lo cliristiiiiiisnio CH Rr|,'nu de Louis XVI 420 Druminoud, I'ucniH 85H Drammond, II. Histories of Britisli KiiinilieB 508 Piun|)lilet8 on various sub- jects 21)2 R«'l'ly til Wilborforcc on Churcli Autliority 217 On the I'lipal Question 217 Druri/. R. Autobiogriipliy 487 Dry Leaves from Young Egypt, (Scinde). 401 Dri/den, Poems 85S Life of.... 487 Diiharri/, Mnie. Lettrea originnles 487 Autobiography 487 Dubeau, La Perse 457 Dubellai/, MuMioiros 415 Dubcrnad, Princ'pes d'indcuiuites 267 Dubief, Kabric'int do cidre 7!iO Dulilln University Magazine 91 (i Diibocq, Constitution g(''olc>gi(ine dea Ziban 021 i)«6o('», Hechcrches sur la Norinandie. . . . 4!i3 Louis, Jardinago siinpliflo 063 Dubois, k- Cardinal, .6 moires seerela* 420 Abbi', People of India 401 Christianity in India 42 K A . Mytliologie 309 Dii Jtoi/s, Droit criminel moderne 245 Diibrcitil, Maiuiol de Matelotage 088 Dh Camp. R(Svolution de f(5vrier 482 Dit Canr/c, Jmcm('h7, (iuerro de niontague 884 Diideifand, Mmo, Lettres . . 873 Diier, W. A. Constitutional Jurisprudence ofU S 184 Diirshrrf/, llistoire du comniercn 271 Dii fail, P. A. Des avenglcs ct du By.i(i'u\e rri'dncution il leur u^age 87 Des aveugles ties 87 Diifau, Dnvfrijirr Qi Guadi't, Conslitutions, eharti's, etc 101 T)nfdi, Essai sur L'Hospital 491 Diifmr, Atlas de geographic nuinisina- tiqiie 812 L. Sur lea htmipt^ros 043 Sur leaorthoptc'-e", etc 648 Sur line monche 013 (1. ][. (icometrie pprspeciivc. . . . 002 Diifimriu/, llistoire de I'art par les nionu- mens 090 Dnfrvnoy, A. Trait6 do inin*^ralogie 624 et De Deaumont, Elie, M6- moires geiilogiques ... 021 Dn Fresnr du Cange, Hiatoirede Constan- tinople 826 Diifrrsne, Credit pnblio 265 /. Journal des audiences 199 Diifres))!!, Drames divers 871 Dii(/as-Moiilhel, Honioro M4 Ducfdale i\\\i\ liurniit, Knglaiul and Wales. 536 Sir ir. Monastieon Antilicanuni. . 376 Originea Juriiiiciales 105 Summons of the Nobility. 107 Diir/i's, Osteologie 041 Diiijuni/'Trouin, VIenioires 417 Du (I'liewliji, Memolres 415 Du Halde, llistoire de la Chine 405 /. D. Description of Cliina 4CC Du Hamel, J. Police royalo sur les choses eeclesiastiqucs 219 Duliuinel Dumonceau, L'art do la cor- derie 767 Dufiamel, Monarehie espagnole 440 Duhazdi, Hendito des I'oinmcs 201 % ,Ui.U4'^:' 036 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. I'Aim Dujar(liii,ll'\:itii\VQ\\utn\u\\i'. ik's lu'lin'mllKS 01 1 llisloiie di'» ziiDpliytcs OJ.") Oi)iJi.'iviitciif iiu hiiuidSiMpo.. , . 6H'J JDiiJcux, J. B O. L()i» sui' lea brcvots d'iii vpii iiiii 8U Biikp, I'ouiiH 858 Dulaiirier, Arolii|H'l d'Asie 171 IJiiinitr.iai.i, (Jiummaiic ot littoniturc. . . . 770 (Euvfcs 808 Du 'iin, A. NiiiioU'oii 'ISO (Kuvi'i'S clioisius 8S2 J)umif<, M. CiOdit fiJiiciei' ft ngricole. . . . '.'B8 J TvivU'. do oliiiiiic 7;M Mi'iii'iiies ducldiiiie, 500 l'liili)a()|iliie uhirnujiic &'.»0 Still hjiie I'liiiuiqiU! 5'JO Dumiril, Oi'^'jiuisalioii fiimiR'iuro de lii rOpiib i(|iio 204 Dumeril, t'oiiitiint, Soieiices uiitui'ellcd. . lO Dam/ril ot Bihron, Kcplilca 041 Duincsnil, J, Truitt' du la It'gisliitiou du tremor public 213 Duinnucel, Appiu'til Uulmikiii'U' 5'Jl Dumu7it, h' Kei^ollectiuiis of iMii'abeau. . . 420 Burnout, ./. Corps diplomatique 96 Lumont Jy Urville, Voyage de I'Astro- labe 508 Voyage au I'ble Suil. 508 Dumantitr, Ki-sii carpographique 047 Antliropolot;ie et Pliysiologie. Oil Duiiioulin, Tiailtj des Fiefs 201 Voir Molinm opera lies Taiti 471 Ditinourieg, Mernoires 428 Duncan, E. Campaign witli tile Tuiks in Asia 448 ■- J. liutomoldgy ; Butterflies, Moths, &e 008 Dunckleij, II. Charter of the Nations 278 Diintuiitb, J. County History (if llereft)rd. 405 Dunham, S. A. History of Denmark, Sweden, o 219 Opuscules de jurisprudence. 88 Duplcma, Qiluvrcs 199 Dnponccau, Gramniaire iudienne 793 JiuPunceau, J'.S. Jurisdiction of tho U.S. Courts ig4 Dupont,dt! Nemours, Eoonomie politique.. 251 Sur les icoles 84 While, Relations du travail aveo le capital 253 Du Polct, Journal du mr.gnetistuo em Duprat. Precis sur Vimprimerie 733 Dupr!:, Medaillcs fiunt/aisos 312 Dujiuis, Abrego de Porigiue des cultes. , . 27 Les pelages 321 DupuLi-Dclcourt, Aerostation sgg Dupuit, Tirage des voituros 750 Dupuij (If Li'/uic, Construction de biitinients en fer »/05 Dupiiu, Gouverucment municipal 212 Ijangue Lubraique 773 Monuaie romaine 262 Valeur du denier d'.argent 262 Dupuy. Pierre, Sur le traitede P. Pilbou. 219 Origine de la pragmatique- sanction 219 Dupui/nodc, I'rolijtariut 260 Etudes d'ccouomie politique. . 254 Lois du travail 258 Mormaio, credit ec inipot 265 Dupui/tren, havon, Cliuique chirurgicale. . 673 Duquinel, Loismunicipales 212 Dul AV(/:yaL,'e to Hudson's Bay 529 ,/. 11. So'jial Economy 238 Social Life 238 IF. History of Madagascar 469 Polj nesiau Researches 470 Ellsworlli, ILL. Illinois in 1837 6tU ElliO'iud, T. Autobiography 487 El-Man' lidi. Historical Encyclopedia 463 Elmen, .1. Dictionary of Fine Arts 689 Elo(juenoe, piiices diverses 806 Elphinslone, M. Caubul and dependencies 458 Elpliimlonc, .U. History of India .(88 KlRiniiji-, II. Manner of Hcddinj: Parlia- "'f"t» 100 Elwi'ii, A. Dictionary of Italian, Knglish, and French 7^5 French Di(ttionary 789 Italian (Iranunar 785 Spanish Dictionary 78tl Oranimnr 785 .1. Sketcher's Tour round tlio World 627 Eliiniid, Mrs. Memoirs of Knglish Literary Ladies 479 End)a des a^^Kurances "09 Emirmn, G. II. On Common Schools 85 Eiiiermm. Ji. IF. Representative .Men. .. . -173 W. Several branches of Mathe- matics ,')98 Principles of Mechanics. .. , 74.") Emigration, Pamphlets on 286 Emigr(''s franyais, Ics 881 Eminon», E. Geology and Agriculture of New York 013 Smy, Art de la charpenterie 738 Enaiilt, /y. La terre saiute ,t50 Etu le sur Mad. d'Epinay 487 EncyclopicdiiiB, various il()7-908 Eneyciop(''dies diverses 9O(i-0O7 Encyclopedic nnatomi(iue U3I Kncyclope'die d'ligricultiire 061 Kiijlcld, W. History of Philosophy 57 Engineeiing, Quarterly Papers (ii... 742 Rngiiieers, Papers on the Duties of 743 Engineers, Corps Papers, ite., of 744 Enjiliuid, Ancient Laws of 125 Kiigland's Worthies 475 England and Wales, Bi'auties of 403 Enf.'lisli Chronicles 3 16-370 I Kiigli~h Historical Society's Publica- I tions 348-3-19 I English Life, considered 835 Englishman's Greek Concordaucc 16 ! Englishman's Hel>rew and Chuldee Con- I cor;lance 16 ' Englishwoman in Egypt Sill ! Englishwoman in Russia 647 , Enni'iuoser, J. History of Magic 592 j Knqueto relative a l'entr(Je dos produits 6trangers 279 I sur les fers 767 sur les houilles 765 CATALOGUE ALPIIABETIQUE. 989 Eiiqui'to aiir loH RtioreR a7u Kii.Hcijfiioiiu'iit HKrivolo Cfll Knnnr, U. Oti Niitioiml (li)veruniont 22S Kiitozdit, I iitiild^iio (if.... .. 63)1 Kdtlit^n, iir Ti'ucoH of tliu Eiist Sfil Kpavca, lea 887 A)>liraem Hi/ritt, Metiiciil HyiiiiiA and Uomilie* ... 2fl UiipeiiliiiuHMif Nituvcli.. 26 Selfct \Viiik» 26 Kpideiiiic IVstilouces in Ircliuid, Kiittory ..f 675 /■.'/liDUif, Mum. d'. .MtMiuiircs 4H7 Kjiiatoliiium JiiriA Oivilia '.II liliitiiplm, oil ;i77, 7(»1 Kpitni d'lin Vigueron 650 HriiKmiis, Lift', liy Jortiii 487 h'niinii, ^l. TriiveU in Sibtiiii 560 ErinoUl h Noir, Fuits et ge^tes de Louis- le-Pieux 413 EniKt, Piipilloiis d'Eui'opi! t'l 12 Erikine, Lord, Spcoelies 120 — T, K. Cniiso in the Western Pacific 570 \V. Uistory of India. . 457 KxihiivanncH, Arnioriid universe! 506 Eutt, , by DIkkclock OUl by Law 6ul EiiditU, (EuvreH, en Krec, en latin et en fran^'aii) 601 £'(((/inf, Prince, Autobiograjdiy 488 Euttbiun Paiiiphiliit, Ecclesingticnl His- tory 22 Kuti/cliii, Kculegio} 30 Eviin){ilei4, Lea saints It Ei'hm Sir J)e L. Deiiigns of UiisHJa 4'I6 Euiins, W. Trnitfi d'Agricnlture 661 Journid :(/ii!rnl, E. Maladies mentales 079 Ei/n; E. J. Expeditions into Australia. . . 507 J:xi/iiiros, Alp. La Neerkiide 439 Ei/srnbach, llistoiro du blasou 606 Lescaisses d'l'pargne. . . . 205 Uaces lunnaines 308 ; Faber, G. S. Horir Mosaica) 46 Les enfants trouv^'s '.>5'.» I Valleiiscs and Albigensea. , 41 Ksliiiicftiii, Voya^'cs des Nton 397 Fiild, B. Analysis of lilaolistoue's Com- mentaries. . . 129 (ieogra|)liieal Menioiis of \<'W Soutli Wales r-CG (i*. Analoj!;y of Lo;;ic 70 Ainilogical PMIiKopliy 70 On llie Painter's Art 714 ,A C'-;rrosponilenco of Howard I'.'l Prison I)isci|)liiu' 217 Fifldiiiff, II. Life, by Lawrence 488 WorliS an I .Memoir 8 5 T. A. Art of Engravin;,' 718 Figuier, //. Decouvertos Seieiilili(iues. . . . 726 /''»i7(rt//i, History of Naval Arcliitecture. 709 Fine Arts, Anecdotes 827 Finet, Rcli;^ion des Germoins 63 Flanders, Jf. I f CATALOOUK AMMIAIJF/l'KiUE. 01)1 t,!! Finlaion, W. F. Common Law Proeodure AcU 131 — Law (if Moi'tmnin 142 Oiiiio* on I'loadiug 13'2 - — — Lftwycr'n C'onipniiion. . . 130 Flnlay, C Oroceo iiiidt'i' the Rotiinii'i, llio HlBtory of the llyzaiitiuu niicl Otho- mnn Kinpiios 323 Finnrll;/, W. On Kleetions 113 Firduii, the hlmh Niimeli 8H9 Fish, CfttiiloKuo of 63tl ArliHulal Proiliictlnn of 640 Fith, If. I'ul|iit Kloqucnce .... 49 FiMourne, dipt. Rpoolk'ctious of China 466 K. U. Oil Niiviil Arcliitccture 710 Fithtr, lliBhiip, Lifu, by Lcwii 488 — — A. Arctic Voyage 630 Fialicrit'B, Kiglits of 170 Finheries of British America 261 Fitch's Voyiigo t" Pegii f)B6 Fitzgerald, Lonl, Life, by Moore 401 Fix, Etat ilt'8 olusseg ouvriiires 259 Flachat, Barrmdt et Petict, Fiibricntion do la forito 7fi7 Flarjii, K. History of Venice 437 Flamsteed, J. Account of, with Ida corres- pondence 57(i (^aliilo(;ne of StiiP'^ f^cMlurged) 58" Flatiikrs, l[. Law of SIim |,|iijr 148 Mariliii Liiw 99 y'Vdnc/i'ii.Areiiitectur* et sculpture assyricu- nos 69^ FlfisMn, Congti^ de Viennc n;i2 Fluvi[i)i;/, Evftineii d.> la p'udro Flaxman, J. Ooiupositions fioni Ilesiod. Conipor)itiou8 from Ilonior. Conipositioiia from /Kacliy- lu.4, ko. On aculpliirc . Fln-h'nr, (Kuvres Flriiiiiiff, M. Political Annals of L Canada Ftemitiij and IVMns, EnjjlishFrciich Dic- tionary Dictionnuiro Fraii- (jais-Antt'ais, Fli'inish Intoiiors FleU-hr, (I'itrx, Pnciiis Pliiucan, Poems Flclchi'r. J. Autobiography of a Mission- ary L'Rcole des Eponseura Hiatory of Poland 811 813 80" 7111 47 168 789 789 fill 859 859 43 446 Flrnrangf, Ml^nioirci 418 FUurifH, Diviaiou hydro ^rapliique dii 01ol)« 612 Fl( urii/fon. Code adndnistraJf 211 Flriiri/, 'llntoirn eeelc''«ia»ti(Hie 24 Droit canonicpio 214 Fliiidfrn, Voyage to Australia 86« Flintnff, 0. Uitio and Progress of the LawH 128 Floiu Medicali! 074 Flitrence nf WorcfKlfr'n Chronicle 860 Florent, Sire (/'///iVT«, Mt'moires 416 Floriiin Leu arlccjuinadcs 880 Fables 8C9 Floiirftm, l)e la lotigeviti' hiiinaino 6.11 Travaux de Ciivier 683 Travaux ile UutTon C()7 Intelligence des aniinaux 637 S)8toine nervoux dans lea ani- manx vertebn's 637 UulTou aiinot£ 609 ot Hour, Cours de physiologic. . 631 Flowers and their Auaoeiulion'* 663 Flower Oarden 603 F'odrrf. E Kssai ine(licoli''gal 680 Traile de ni(''(le(.'iiie legale 68(i Epidrmies ct hygiene publiiput 076 Firlif, Af. Traile ilu droit iiitc iiiitional. . . 95 Fiilix k llrnriim. Traite lU jente^t fun- ei ires oojj Fulfil, I>. I'.nglish Iri-h I'ietioiiaiy 790 Ftinhlao'ine, A. I'.hglaiid under Soveii Ad- niinirttriiiona 30.1 F'nfriile. Sysieme [> ohibitif '>'% Fim\eirt, -/. Ihi. I'orlujjuese Dlelionaiy. . ., 7,>6 Dielinuu lire P.ii t iijiiais 7>i(j Dictii niiarr fianrais portngiia. . 78(i Fonnxanri''''^. IIvlc i oi- n ivale (itiS Fimliiini -, Mnie. e (Euvics mi8 F'tiliDii's, ih- Auialeur de jetoiis. . 4 |i( F'oK' iini/-M I renil, M'lihiiics 410 Fiiilr„fllt\ (Kiivre-i ,s7.j Vie de Corneille .\S5 Fiin/fiieUe. ,fidia df, Fnbrieinl iI'lMiiles. . 7:17 Taniii'ur 738 I!ait,'iu'ur Nii;;.ui'. . 723 nij.aitier el ()i'f,''Vie. 7;:l HIiiMclrnu'Mt 7-jt) Venier 7;j.i Du Chiiiuoisieur 7;j7 f ■ fr 992 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Fontenelle, Julia de, Malcpeyrc ct autres ; Vinaigrier et Moutardier 737 I'harmiicie populaire G'i'l riiysicjue Aniu8iiute 603 et miitrd, II. L'her- boriste, Ac 647 et Poisxon, F. Mar- cliand papetior 783 Fontenu, I'Abbo. Des autels consacrcs au viai Dieu 27 Cultcd'Ieis 53 Camps de COsar 409 Fonteijraiitl, Mi lunges d'eoouoiiiie politique 254 Foiiton, La Russie daus I'Asie Miiieure .. 447 Foiilraillis, lldatiou de 417 P'ood, Useful Arts rcliiting to 735 Vegetables substances used for,.... 735 Forhen, I). Ilindustani Dictionary 781 I'ei'.-iau Gniminar 048 Of the Progress of Seienee. . . . 57(' h'. Of Fauna aud Flora, and Ueolo- gieiil ohauges 618 On fossil Asteriadoj aud Cyotl- dea; 619 Of F.ueliinoderniata 027 Lilcrury I*a])ers 835 /•'. A'. Ualioniey and tlio Dalionians 564 ,/. Memorandums iu Ireland 538 I'liysioian s Ibiliilay 542 /. I). Travels in the Alps of Savoy ''ajiers, wiih a Memoir. .. . 676 Sir W. Life of Ik-altie 481 Forhiii, Lo Coiute de. Mdnioires 417 \'oyage a Siam 656 Forljfinniiis, I'rineipes eeonomiques 250 Forcii'/''. h'di/. l*oliti(jue comnierciale. . . . 278 La guerre du soeialisnic. , . 237 Institulif I'liinting on Ola-s. Froine, Capt. Metliod of a Trigonometrical Survey Frontier Uwih of the Christian an i Turl<. . Frost, J. i liul of Frii, A'. Memoir, by lior Daughter ll ][. Artificial Fisli Breeding FmxclU A. Hi-tory of Sweden Fulke, W. The Rhenies New 'I'estaraent compared, Ac Defenco of liie Eiighsh Biblical translations Fnllarton, J. Regulation of Ciivreneics. . . Fnllfi; A. Works T. Church History of Britain (!ood Thoughts in Bad Times. . History of the Holy War History of English Worthies... Holy .and Profane State Memorials of, by Kus-^ell Fullom, 6'. 11': History of Woman Marvels oi Science Fallon, ]i. Life, his Drawings, dans I'ediication. . . . Gniitier, T/iiop/iHe, Militona Italia 852 ; 652 I 278 1 416 529 317 — Q^iivreshuraotiristifiui'S Proverbes Poesies 647 6.0 719 751 236 542 74 881 542 882 884 882 Oautier de Sibert, PJiilosophie de Cic6ron. 69 Hibtoire des ordres de Saint'Lazare 829 Gavard, Oaleries historiques 697 Gavarrel, Physique mSdicale 672 Gaij, Poems 869 Gai/ffier, J. de, Ponts ot cbaU8.?ees 761 Gay-Lustac, Ooura de cliimie 597 Gffrfoi/«, I'abbe, Ex traits de Photius 821 Course chez les auciens. . 723 Gcer, Cha. de, Meinoires sur les insectea. 642 Geffroy, A. Lo Nord ^cundinare 448 La Su6de depuia le traite do Paris 452 Geinoz, l'abb6, Defense d'Herodote 321 Observation sur Herodote 321 Origine des Pfilages 321 Gell, Sir W. Topography of Rome 325 Genest, Penelope 870 GeneMe, History of the English Stage. . . . 802 Geuin, F. Langage fianjais 787 Lexique omnparfi 787 Palsgrave et Jules Guez 787 Vie de Moliiire 495 Geulis, Mine de, Influence des feinmes sur lalitttrature fiancaise 800 Meinoires sur le dix-liuitieine sii'cle 429 O^uvres diveises 876 6-'c?io«(/f, Raieon du christianisnie 46 — Litterature sacree 18 Gent, T. Auti)bioi;riiphy 489 Genti'-BernarJ, Poesies 873 (Teiitli''s Magazine and Indexes 916 GentiM) Laws, Coile of su Genffioij Saint Htlaire, Zoologie generale 634 Sue I'liistoire natu- ri'lle lie I'Egypte 637 llistoire dos Mainmii'eres 037 ■ Poissons du Nil 041 lluptilcs d'Egypto 041 Geofroi/, llisloiro abri'^gee des insectes. . . 042 GeojJ'ii't/, ,J Dictionnaire latiii-flan(;aia. . . 784 Dictionnaire fraufaislafin. . 784 Geogiaphieal Science, Manual of, and Atlas 510 Society's Journal 510 Geological Museum Fossils and Rock-speci- mens, Marbles, Building stones .... 618 Society's Journal and Transac- tions 618 Geological Survey, (the Ordnance) Me- moirs of 618, 619 1 !.• '? I: 'W M % %. 996 ALPHABETICAL CATALGGUE. Qeulogy (Praoticnl) and Records of the ScbonI of Miaei 618 Geology, S):etche8 of 616 Geometry L. U. K. Treatise on 600 Oeorgi, Memoirs of Queens of Spain. . 440 Georgel, rabbo, Mumoirea 429 Qerando, de, Institutes du droit adminis- tratif fran^aiM 211 . Histoire des syatdmes do phi- losopble 67 -■ Perfcctionneraent moral 71 Education des sourda-muets. . 87 Bionfaisauce publique 260 Gerard, Essai sur les vrnis piiucipes 6ti — — Ganaux de navigation 768 Gerard de Nerval. Kotnans divers . . . 888, 886 Girard, Jules, Le tueur de Lious 881 Geraud, Paris sous Philippe le Bel 422 Cartulaires 42ti Gerbet, Esquisse de Rome chr^tienne. ... 6(» Oon^idiirations sur le dograe 46 Gerhardt, Ch. Tiait<5 do cWmie 697 Gerhardl et Chancel, Analyse chimique, . 597 German Life and War of Liberation 8.S8 Germund Lavign :, Sojur Marie d'Agreda. . 480 Autour do Biarritz 6-10 Gerstaccker, F. Jimrnoy round the Worli';. 527 Oervinus, G. G. On the History of the 19th Century 332 Qemer, A. Resources of Nova Scotia. .. . 28i» Gesuncr, S. Works 895 (Euvres 895 Giannmie, P. History of Naples 430 Giblte.i, A'. H^. Mosaxaurus, etc 614 Gilihimjs luiiox K.cpiir^ativrius ,12 G'ililioH, A. i'o'itical Economy 2.1:. />. Law of Contnioti 1 !•> L,i\v of Dilapidations lt:i E. Autobiography 4H'.i V\ .glliiiifDus WorlnbyL tI Shfflip''i 836 Roman >:^uipire 'Vl^i Oibnt, H.tbitaiis de la Grooe 321 QibKon. Bp. Codex Juris Kcclesiastica An- glioaiii 217 ,/. Mania 'o willi DeooiHod Wife's Sister 24o \V. S. Certiiinties of Oeoligy (>1 7 Gifford. R. Deeds of Niival Darinir 836 Gifford W. Aulol)i(.s,'rapliy -^9 Giiju't. Oampagne d'ltalie 4 "1 GUbart. J. W. Ili-t .ry of Hanking 2f. ■ FAOI Gi'barl, J. W. On Ancient Ooinmerce. . . 272 On Banking 264 — — Priie Essay ou Banking.. 264 Gilbert, iEiwroi 872 (r'VAfiri, Navigation par la vapeur 758 Gilbert, Snr les mesures 367 Gilfillan, G. Literary Portraits 805 Gillenpie, W. M. On Land Surveying. . . . 749 Ou Road-making 751 Gillot, Relation 416 Gilhay's Caricatures explained S96 Gilly, W. Excursion to Piedmont 41 Vigilantius and iii- Times 27 Waldcu^ian Resciuclies 42 Gilpin, H. J). Opinions of Att'irneyo Gen- eral of U. States 184 Ginguene, llistoire lilteraire d'ltalie 797 Dictionnaire de Musique 721 Giquel, E. Nflvigation 686 GiraldtisCambrienais Itinerarinm Cambrije 8.M Girard, C. Ot FresiiwaterFisli of America 613 Girard, P S. Agriculture, indnstrie et commerce d'Egypte 468 Observations sur la vulb'-e d'K- gypte 616 fftrarrf/n, Ik/, les llomains. . Giraull llunii-irr. Oianiir.aiie li's Gr;ini- maiie* Giraultde St.Kirijraii. HibliograpLi <\i la Franc.' 788 9i>.? G>rg "50 OoiirvilU, J. 11. do. Mi'inoiros '117 OonKfit,\o Ciii'iiinal. 'I'lii'iildfjio nidi'iilo. . . 40 'riii'oldfjio ilofjiuati- qili- Ifi Uiiilo civil oonitiicMto 'JO.i Govi'iriiiu'iit Aiimiity 'rnblos "JOT Oou\ N. Liiw of I'lutnurnliip Ml OowT, I'lii'tiid S.Mt (?o-/iiH, Uomiiiis (livci'H H8i) Orauh'n Kiisl Hi'i'tnliiiiil 5^2 OrniliiH nd Canliibii:,'iiiiii 78 Oradii, S. (1. liiiw of Kixtiirci \\;\ Orariu.i, At'. 'I'lu'siuiriis Anli(iiiiliitiiiii. . . ;\i:\ Oraflotin Cliioniclc. . . . , ,T5;i Orahani. Sir ./. Ooiii mid Uiiii'cm'V 'ifiW T. Kloiiiciit.H of Clu'iTiistiy Ill) I Orniniifi; I'o<'iii9 85'.) Gniiimdi'},' rymii'if,', gun \V. Williams. . . 7ltii Graiiiiiiiir, (tiiiciiil pViiudplos of 777 GrMiiinonl, I'diiiit. Court of Cliivilrs II .. H88 UramniDiit, Clicv, di', MriiioiicH 048 Vranioiit. MiMHoiro^; 417 OraniliiKii.-ion, Dididiiiiairi' lii''iaMi(iiio. . . "jOt') — — GiiiiimiTco an iiioyiii ii'^-c ... 'J72 Orandiirr. dl^ Voy^i^i'-i cii .\IVi(|iU' :ihV Cfraiiilioinnct. Diaiiia^o Cl.)ti Griimic, .\liMi''rai(i;,'i() ot f;i''o!(iL,'ii'. Oil Oran;icr, J. lUoi^'nipliical Ui-toiy of V.w^- land ;i.SS Ornnijc-.. Voif- iiiivijjab!i'S luVd Qranhr ih' (^ixxaiiiKir, Causes do la rijvo- Iiilioii fiaiirai-io 42() Grant Mcdioal UoI1o^l,'o, Honduiy OTS, (17',i Grant, ('. llistoiy of Mauiitins lii I ./. Law of Corporal ions ll;i A' History of I'liy.sical Astronomy oS:! Grixnville. rupiors d'Etat Vl'J. GranciUe. A. H. Spas of I'^niflaiid 1170 Spas o!' (Ji'riiiany 07o Grn.'<. .Still i-ticpii' iiiiiii'niloLjiipu' (lit Gratrii. 1).' in <'onnaisanc'i' lio Dim ... ltl.t)7 Loi,'iijo.e fill Graltan. lit. Hon. //. I.ifu and Times 4i)'J Spcf<0ic3 121 Gra;i. I'oonia f^')l' Gray, A. I'hinla' To.vano NooMexioana!. . (114 Grmi. J. Natiiro and Usu of Monoy 257 Mrs. History of Etrutia .'120 pAoa Grail, J. F. Traito do Cliiniio 785 Greuvrs, On tlio Roman Denarius 268 GrecH, liililiotliL'(juu d«s Autoiira, aveo tra- duction Latino 810 Greece, I'npers relating to 93 Greeleii, II. On I'Veo-trado 278 • Art and Industry 771 History of Slavery Extension 180 Grreti, I'oenis 859 Green, M. A. K. Lives of rrinco.sses of Knghind 339 Letters of Royal, ite La- I dies ;!;!9 ; Grcciijirld. W. Genesis in Enf^lioli-Ilelaew 10 I Greenland, Accounts of 5:i2 (irciiilcdf, S. (tvc:-rule(l Decisioi's, itc. ... 163 (in. I'wiiod, J. Sailor'.s Sea llook H87 Gi-<-n/ii'/ii, h'. Novuiu'rosliunciituni ()ia'i;uni 10 Sclioli:i llcllunislitM in No- vum 'IV::4Uinuiiluni II Griscom, ,/. //. Air : iw siiatainin;; Life, .■md j)r7 Guiraniicr, Don, Instilntii iis litnrfjicines. . 29 Des litingie-i fnui(;aise». . 29 (Jucrard, M. Cartiilaires 120 Divisions teniloriales de la (Jaule 539 Gitt'fiii, Cliirnr;^ie operatoire. 073 Cueriii du liocher, llistoire des temps f.i- buleiLK 814 ffwerin, llistoire m.aritinic do la Friineo.. 4215 rkam Guirin, Lob navi^utoura fi'aiii;aiH 479 Gniiimard, l-cB fourneaux i\ air cliaud. . . . 787 Gucz, Jules de, (Jranunaire 422 Voir lialxae, Guilierl, A. Dictionnuiro iijfiogriipliicpie. . filO Guilierl tie Nixjcnt, Sa vio par luiinenie. . 413 llistoiro des eroi- Hades 328 Giiicclardini, History of Italy 4!<5 Gtiichnrd, pore, Do la propri(H6 desail)re< 208 (ruichard, A. ('. Jurisprudence liypotlie caire 208 (Jitiffnes, d\i, Languoa oricntalos 778 lliin'oglyphea egyptiens 778 I'liilosopliic cliez les aneiens cliinois 58 Snr les Sainaiieens 58 Reclirrclies sur lo.s cliretietis de la Chino 42 ——— Hcchorchcs sur lu relif,'ion indienno 55 ^—— PcuiilcB barbares qui out en- vahi I'empiro remain :!27 Connnerco des franyais en Hgypti^ et en Syrio 272 ' Oomniereo des romains 272 Connnerco des cliinois 272 -^— ^-^ — Sur los aunales cliinoises 406 (i 'nines, lie, Dietionnaire cliinois 779 ( ,mi)('nili«i cii Ki'iiiico W'i ^-— — (liiillmnnc li' (^iii(|ii(''niiit 87- — OiviliKiitiiiii I'll Hiiropo '2!!ll (^iviliHiilidn en Fmnro 2Sn, 41'^ — Khhiuh Hur riiUtoiw do Fnuu'o. . . . 41'^ — — — Do )ii poiiio do mint on iiiitti^re |iiilitii]uo 247 — — MoililHtiiiiiK ot otudoH inoraloH. ... 71 Miiyoiw lo (ri,iiv(.ni(.iiioiit 12it I'urtniiU ))(>litiqiios .18(5 Kd.iimrd III :t72 I/iiniiMir diin^t In iiiiiriji);o !)81) I,ii),'niiido dlmrlc 102 MoooiiiptoH ot ospC^riiiioon r>(i9 Ci>i'noill(i ot HOI) temps 870 SlmkoHponro ot con (ornps 8(18 lli«(ory of tliviliziition 28(1 — — — — of tlio (.lomnionwonlth. 386 of tlio Kn^lish Hovolu- tion .'tsil On tliP 1 ino Arts U'JO UoproBcntativo (lovprinuoiit Idl Gitiiol, Mine. Oonsoils do nionile 71 FiOttrps rtiir r6('Moation. . . . 76 I'ontps pour In jounossc. . . 880 Oiii;ot. M.i't Mino. AMmd ot Hololso... 8(18 Oiijurat, llistoi'v of 164 Giirdon,T. llijfli Court of I'nvlianipnt. . . 102 Gurnet/, J. J. MoMioirs, by Hraitliwaito.. . UK) Mio Sooioty of Kriend^.. 41 Giislariis Ailiiii.iius, History of 4;) I fiHs'i"'"' r(i.«(j, History of 4r)l Guiinumd df III Touchc, Ipliigi'inio on Tau- rido 870 Gut/nn, Maclamo, Lifo, by Uphain 4".tO Gw/ot, (f. A . Dos tiofs 202 Oiii/i't. P. J. J. Uoportoiro do jurispru- (lonoo 106 Gut/iit (Ic MiTvillc. Lp ooii^oiitoniont Ibrcc'i. 872 Gifilt,J. Enpyolop.Tdia of Arohitooture. . 700 Anu;l() Saxon Qrnmnmr 791 Works 700 GM-yn, .V(7/, Story of, by Cnnnini;lmm. . . 4",tO Girt/nm; T. Probalos and I,ottor-i of Ad- ministration 142 jffaap, Bug. et Emm. La France protostnnto 38 Unhinglon, Poomi hbq llachHIe. ITiHtoiro donmnohinoH i^ viipcnr. 7fil Unddim, J. l)iH)k koopinfT, An 600 llacUey, (I. (Irumniar of tho oorropt Ilindiis- t«ni t89 llahnnnann. Doctrino lioinivopathiquo. . . 600 /All';/, ,/. Hoparatioii of Law and Kqiuty . . . 185 lliiji Khal/it't Lexicon 799 llitkrwill, K. (I Tomplo of .loniHalom, Ao. 7(11 llakluyt Sooisty'H Publioations 911 /liikliii/t, IVinoipal Kii(,'lisli Navigations, •to 621 flair. Sir M. Jurisdiction of the House of Lords 109 OriKiiuil Institution of I'arlinmont.. . 110 History of tlip Common I,aw 129 Mrs. iS. J. Woman's Record 478 flair' II North- West Indians 629 llalrs, W. Analysis of Chronology.'. 802 Ilnlford, II. On important disoneos 607 I lathed, N. B. Oodo of Ocntoo laws 91 llalibiirtnn, T. C. Americans at Homo.... 835 Attach^ 836 Letter Bag of tho Qrcnt Western 830 Nature and Himian Na- ture 836 Sam Slick 836 Sam Slick's Wise Saws. 836 Halifax Papers 886 Halifax, Jjord, Poems 869 llafifax, S. llonuui Civil Law 93 flrtlt. li. Fragments of Voyages and Travels 524 Hall, Ilishop, Poems 869 Hall, C. KIToots of eivilisntion 280 Hall, J. Pain-ontology of Now York 613 Geological Map of Middle and Western States 021 ,1. 0. Natural history of man 028 iV. Land of tho Forum and Vatican. 32 A'. Memoir, by Hregory 490 Works iind Remains 49 S. Oeneral Atlas 612 Ilall'f Chronicle 363 ffall, le Capt. Vie maritime 881 Mrs. M. Queens of England 838 S. a Scenery, Ac, of Ireland. . 638 flallam, fl. History of England 379 Literary E8.say8 and characters 837 On the Literature of Europe.. 707 State of Europe in the middle ages 329 flamillo . 0«9 . 135 . 109 I. 101 . on . b21 if . 109 . no . 129 .. 418 .. 029 . . 302 .. 667 .. 91 .. 836 .. 886 !nt .. 880 fft- 886 836 836 886 8B9 93 •Is 524 850 28(5 613 (V21 028 32 490 49 512 363 881 838 638 379 irs 837 797 lie 329 OATATiOGUK ALP1IAT1ETIQT7E. 1001 rim JlalUr, Do IV-diiciition 74 Ilalhur, a. C. 11. Art. of I'liiitof^mpliy .. . 719 llaltni. Dr. ( )n (loinctn BH3 Jfn/lri/, l)e« jiiifn cm l''riiiir(« 423 llallidmi, A. Ilintory (if tin- IIiHimi of (lunlpli 33S Ilalliwll .1. O. Dii'liiiimry ol Arrlmic nriil I*r()viii(;iii1 WoimN 791 LottiirH (if till' Kiti^fn III KtiKlntuI 87ft I'riooB b(!t\vceti 1650 iiiiil 1760 283 PrnnrcHB of Hflii'ticp in Kii;^lmiil 671 — — liifc iif HliiikMiiciii'd Mid Ifnht'd. a A. Lifii of Riclmril III 876 Jfahlnl'ii Di(,'cHt «( tlir Liiw of KviiliMinn. . 182 llatiul, Kiicti'iil' ir()r(,'iii'H 789 //(iHi'/'.i HlilpwNick, nriil Aocinmt of Korcn h()1 llnmil, l<\ <}. [jiiWH (if tlic OiiHtiiiiifl 147 Ifitiii'illim, A. Sixiccii miiiitliH in Di'iitniirk 643 ffamillou, Mi'^nmirnddii chflviilienlo (Iriini- iiKint 948 Ooiint. Fniry Talcn luiil lio- inmipc^ H37 O. K. no«if,'iH for riiriil ChiMrlids 702 //. C. (Jrcik (Iruriimiir 782 //. A'. (Jii'ok Lexicon 782 H. On tiio Niitioniil Ddht 261 Hamilton, R. AinpliiliiiiiiH Ciirnivora. Ac. Wlialiw, 9 oi»9 IIfWiiUon,jM(\y, Coui'tsofC .mi. Ill iitid IV. 396 W. />. Outlines of Kn^liHli FIIk- tory 837 — • nnil Lfvirn, K. Outlines of Hifry of the A»«assins 450 Hammer, Histoiro do IVmpiro Ottoman. . 449 Hammond, A. Criminal Oiido 133 I'rnctice and Proceeding's in raHiament 110 Hammond, J. I'oems 851) Hamiinitirc, (Irammaire portuguaise .... 780 llan.ijtri, I'rinco. Diotioiinairo fran^ais- arabc p(||||^r|| on Kli^ctinu I'eli- tioMH 118 Haun, J. On the cnnntriiction of IlridKen. 760 llanna, W. l.if« of OhalnierH 488 llauMrd'n l'arliaini Commons 122 llarleian M KCclliiny 864 /farmnniiillr, d', Dictionnaire des dates.. . . 302 I farnKiny of Protestant oonfcs-^ions of Kaith 38 /farnrsK, N'uptinj Saerro 240 //(//■/jfr'.i (iazitteer of the World 511 llnrriiniton, J. Oceana iind other Woiks. . 239 UarrU, (\ A. Dictionary of Medical Tcr- minolofjy 666 J. Collection of Voyages and Tra- viiis , 523 Patriarchy 240 W. Lives of the Muarts 282 if; C. Hif,'liland8 of Kthiopia 502 Wild Sports of H. Africa.. 504 II'. ^S'. On Electricity 590 On (talvanistn 691 Ou Magnetism 590 ^1' 1 if li: Si H Wi! ■ fii! 1' ii 1,' ..,)] ). % i H 4 j ■ •i: It \% 1002 ALPUADETICAL CATALOGUE. Harrit, W. S. On niiind«'r8torm8 688 Ooii. Lord, Lift', by Lushitiiftoii. . 4yo Ilarriion, G.On thi? Low of the Stiinnoiics IIU llarrison, M. On tbo Eutjlisli r.iiti({uago. . 791 JIarriion, li. A. On Proceduro Acts HS ^— R. A, uud Jiobinion, J. L. Cusoii in Upper C:...iiqi Omirts lt!6 8. B. Digott of Law 0«Hog, with Supplumcnt 'ly R. KiMher lfi:i Harl, Miijor 'T. l'a|)or8 rohitinjf t<> ease of. 4(1'> A'. EcdfBiaHtic'iil Uecorilsof Ili'itiiin. ill Hartc, I'oonis SftS JlartUif, I), Obscrviitiotw on Man 03 Harvey, ./. Lord, Kcit,'!! of Gcorjjo II 3i)2 ir. History iind Tliooloj^v of tlui Civ,\Ah 28 Dr. W. Worljs, with Lifo 630 \y, ][, Of thi! Marino Alufiu of Aniprica .. B14 llasMll, A. II. Food and its Adultcrationa 5S)('i Adultcnitious duteeti'il,. . . 6ii8 Uaudl's \i\v of Wight 5!^(! Haaselt, Van, Ili^toire de la Bolgiquc ot de la Holhuule 438 Ilnsifn/rat:, Dictionnnirodo physiijue. . . . 572 Art de oalciiior la pierru cal- cairo "0'.> Cliiniio et IK'lallurgio 590 J/dslnl, K History of Kent 405 H(t>iliiiii.i, M'arrtn, Life, by Oloig 49ii Ifatim Tai, From tlio Peiaian 889 Ilatsell, J. Precedonts of Procecdinf^s in tlio lIou8e of Comnions Ill Jfatton. Sir C. Memoirs, by Xiecdris 380 //. Western Uarbary 562 Jliii/dcn, Digest of New York Code 191 Hai/Jn, J. Beatson'a Political Index, mo- dernised 104 Dictionary of Dates 3o2 Jlui/dock-. The Douuy Hible lo Jlai/(lo)i, li. Ji. Life, by Taylor 715 On Painting and Design. . . 715 Ilaycs. E. Ballads of Ireland 859 Hai/parl/i, JI. IP. UuAi Life in Australia, 567 JIai/ne.i, /). Baptist Dctiominaticn 40 /liii/t the Pacific 754 Hearno, S. .Journey Northwest 630 Ilearne, T. Works aucl Historical Collec- tions 866 Lifo ami Writings 370 Catalogue of his Library 370 Lives of Ilcarne, Lclund mid Anthony a Wood 371 Heliquiic Hearniamu 871 Heat, Treatise on 740 Ikalh, n. J. The Exodus I'iipyri ."Jlit Ikatlin Islmids of Scilly 530 Heather, J. V. Ou Mathematical Instru- mentu 748 Mechanics-Hydrostatics, ifeo. 600 llmthuian \V. G. Switzerland 54'J Ifclfii; lii-liop, Journals 747 rooms 8,'.'.i Ucberl, L. Engineer's aud Mechanic's I'^uey clopfcdia 747 llecr/uel. La nicdccine 075 Heiiaya, The commentary on tho Mussul- miiii liaw 172 Hreren, Jl. II L. Ancient Greece . . 322 Manual of ancient History 314 — Nations of antiquity. .. . 314 Politii's, ite., of the Cartha- ginians, (Sec 407 Political system of Europe and its Cidonies 330 Heijd, Cours d'osthtHicjue • o, 089 Ililm, Henri, De I'AUemagno 442 Lutc^ce 879 Wk»U lltine, Henri, Lei nuitt florentinei 885 Heinecciui, Elemcnsdudroituivil roniniu.. 92 IlelijaHil, Vie du Hoi Uobert 418 IMpi, A, Claims of labour 887 ' — Companious of my Solitude. . . . 887 Ewavi 887 Friends in Council 837 Ilelvi'tiuii, I)o I'l^dueation 74 IMijot, llisloiredcHordres nionastique!'. . . 88 Jlemani, Mrs. Memorials, by Chorley .... 491 Poems 869 Hemminrj, E. J. Chemistry in Farming. . . 666 /A;»a«/<, lo Prest. Abri'ges Chronoloniques 302 Abrt'g(5 chrouologiqur ;le I'histoire do Franco 410 Ilene;/, llmjhei. Constitution du Canada. . 169 Ihnfrtij, A. On tho Vegetation of Europe. 040 llengiUnberii, E. W. On the LokI'h Dav.. . 241 Henrion de Pantty, ffiiivres judiciairea. . 212 -—^ Uu pouvoir municipal 212 Ilenrion, Hiatoire do I'Eglisc 24 Histoiro des missions catholi- ques 42 — ^ Uistoire de la Papaut6 81 Ilenrion, Mathicu II. A. Code Ecclesiasti- tiquo 219 Ilenriquel Jtupont, Tr^sor de Numisimati- que 812 Ilenriqnez, Code des Seigneurs 202 Iffti r;i, Cours do dessin 714 Henry of Huntingdon's Chronicle 350 Henry, It. History of (treat Britain 3;i7 iru/^c/-. Military Life 491 William, Experimental Chemistry. 593 Henrys, (Eiivres 200 Ilenitnml, G. On Geology and Mining tiiS I ptameron of tiuecn Margaret 808 Hequct, Madame de Maintcnou 425 Vera/)aJ5 Herfie, Histoiro des beaux arts 692 Ilerlielol, lUbliotht^quc orientale 452 Ilerberslein, Notes on Russia 448 //crJeW, .^. Britannia after the Romans... 333 G. Works 47 Lord, of Cherbury, Autobiography 491 ir. History of Livery companies of London 404 Herculauenm ct Pompt'i 323 lliricourt, Ls. de, Loix ecclfisiastiques. . . 219 Ventes des immeubles. . . . 201 !,i:! Iiili 1001 ALPHABETICAL CATALOOUB. Htrieourt, Jioehct J)\ Voyage au Obo». . . 0«a Hermai, \m Pimteur 86 Hero, Oil I'littuiimtirt 766 Hiron i/* Villefou*, De« ooinbuilililoH niii)6raus 7tl7 Hii()|iiirt Kur leg obJeU raUtifn A In m« 148 Hindu Arcliitocture 7oO UioHen-TliMnij, Voyages dansl'Inde 6S8 IlipimcraU, (Kuvres 666 llinel, Astronoinio de I'amateur 684 Uistuire du oongrog do Vicnno 882 llistoire do» n^'gooiations diplomatiqucs. . 480 Histoire des trois diimunibrements de la Pologno 444 Histoire littdraire de la l''rance 799 Uititorical Uegistci of European Tranxac- tions 807 Hitchcock, E. Outline of (ieology of the OU)bo 621 Religion of Oeology 617 Hobarton, Magrietical ' )ipijt)ivationBat. . . . 687 Hnhlict, T. English Works 01 Opera Phi losophica (Latine).. 02 Histiiry of Kngiaud 384 Hoblioitse, J. C. Journey through Albatiiii. 545 IIodijKkin, 71 Political Economy 262 Hodgson, H. J. Law a- a|)plied to Rating of Railways 144 Hocfcr, Afriijue Australe 468 Etats Napolitains 470 Clialdee, Assyrie, ito 315 Uuines de Ninive 816 Dictionnairo d'agriculture 650 Hqif'tiancr, Medt'ciue logale 680 Uoffinan, I>. Course of Legal Study 89 M. Law of Episcopal Church iu U. SliUes 219 iS. F. G. Lexicon bibliogra|)hicum 899 Hoffman, QHuvres en Allemand 896 Hnjtnnd, T. C. Angler's manual 725 Hogan, On Canada 773 Hoijnrd, Arpentage 749 Hogarth, O. Memoirs of the Musical Drama 721 Memoirs of the Opera 721 Musical history 721 Hogg, J. On the Microscope 689 llolhcrg, L. Autobiography 491 Holbrook, J E. North American Herpeto- logy 639 Holcomhc, J. P. Law of Debtor & Oroditor 186 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUB. 1005 114 468 470 315 318 050 680 SO 219 sua 896 T15 713 749 721 721 721 689 491 Uolden, W. C. Ilittory of KkUl 460 Uolr, O. Oi) Muohanim' Inalitut xia 17 UolimtkriTit Uliroiiiulex 858 Holliiml, II. Mudioiil Note* and Refl«otion*. 667 Holland, J. Mftnufae'urari lu MuUl 780 iJolland, Lord, Foreign KumiiiifU)«uccH. . . . 491 Mouioiriofth* Whig Party 229 Dpiuioiw 280 Life of Lope do Vega 603 IMlit, T. Momoiri 887 Itollieai/, J. O. A Dionlb lu Norway 648 Uolmea, J. History of tlio Cburoh of the United Brethren 4t W. R. SItetchea on the vhorea of the CuHpiau 666 Ilolmf, V AIM, Ocographio modeme.... 611 Holt, J. Memoirs 401 Holthomi, H. J. Law Dictionary 126 Holtzapfil, O. On Turning, Ac 746 Uoly Scripture!, vid« Biblo. Uolyoakt, O. J. Rudimenti of Public Speaking, Ac 806 Hombron «t Jacquinot, Zoologie 611 Botanique 611 Home and Coloniiil Library 888 Home, J. Works and Life 838 Lord, Easnyrt 128 Di)Ui,'lu»B, un frftn^ftis . 891 IlmiicH of American Authors 804 Hoiiiiliea of tlie Anglo-Hnxon Church .... 34 Hone, W. Apocryplial New Testament .. . 17 Every Day Book, Year Book, &o. 838 H()iicy-B.!C, Tho 648 Hood, C. On Warming Buildings 707 E. P. Life of Swedouborg 602 Life of Won Is worth 605 J. Austniliii and tho East 666 T. Pooma 859-860 IF. C. Provision for Oriminal Luna- ties 149 Hook, T. Tlio French Stage and People. . , . 802 — — Life, by Barbam 491 Life of Biiird 481 W. Church Dictionary 28 Hooker, J. D. Uhododendrons >f .limalaya 64H Hiinaliiyan Journals 556 and Thornton, Flora Indica. 649 li. Eeclesittsticul Polity 216 W. J. Botany of the Niger Expe- ditiuu 647 Flora Boreali Americana . 660 Tour in Iceland 648 Hooker, Doctor, Vegetation (Fotail) 610 Of Stigroaria and Lepidoi- trobi 610 Hooper, Hope, 1 . R. Medical Dictiimary 666 Ooetume of the ADoienta 81 1 Anaiitatiua 880 Hnpkin; K. ConnexioD of Oeology with Magnetism 620 — — — T. On Atmospheric changes . . . 687 Hordfjniki, J. Polish Revolution 446 Home, It. H. Now Spirit of tho Age 880 7'. //. lutroduotion to Holy Scrip- tures 17 Study of Bibliography 898 Horner, F. Memoirs, by bx Brother 491 W. rheNativ of Bonap* e .. 481 Horeley, Bp. On praotioal Mathema cs. . . 000 Speeches 120 Horticultural Society's Journal 660 '^rHn«actlon* 66' ' J/oikinff, W. Guide t IK; 'thy Homes... 707 Hoikini, 0. A. y\»d o the Qreat Oasis of the Libyan Desert 663 S- K. Charles II in tho Channel Is- latKi:> 883 Hotkynt, C. W. Talpa or a Clay Farm ... 661 On tho History of Agri- culture 660 Hospitals and Sisterbooils 244 Hotmail, Droits ercl/tsiastiques 210 Hottentots, Account of 664 Huiiard. M. AutiquilesGalloipes 888 Jlouel, Uistoire du cbeval 668 Traite do I'^l^ve du cbeval en Bre- togne 658 Honpi .1 History of Christianity in India 42 viiijor ir. British military exploits in India 459 Precedents in Mililury Law 149 Unngh, F. B. Muteorologiuid Observations. 687 Hourier et F. Afalepei/re, MAI. Eau de-vie de pomuiea de terre 736 Household Troops of England, & France. 683 Housebidd Words 917 Houataye, A. Portraits du 18e si&cle 800 Uistoire du 41e fauteuil de I'academie fran^aise 800 L'urtiste 698 Hovenden, J. E. On Fraud 1 87 Hovey, C. M. Fmits of America 664 Howard, F. Colour as a means of art ... . 716 H. Anatomy, t. Russia an 1 the 4 1.'^ K. Gleanings in N. it oral iliiloiy . . 0(i9 /. II. The Court, from 1088 to Oi'orgo II 3S'.i 1 • The Cou;t, under the House 3811 ■ Sclwyii ant his coiiempo- raries 5ii0 Jo^uits, Tiavels of 52: The Full of the 8;;s J. Printer's Instruclor 732 Dr. .S'. Kngli^li Die ion.iry 7U2 Life, by Boswell 492 W(,rks !-40 Debates in I'.u liainent. . . 119 Jolmssm, IP. The practical Diauglilsnian's Book 708 Juhnstm, A. K Atlas of Astroimmy 683 Dictionary of Geography. 611 Nalional Atlas 512 A las 679 J. F. Relation of Science to Agriculture 655 Scientific Agrionllure 055 Cliimie agi ico e, et geo- h'g'O 065 IF. EML,'laiul as it is Hi)6 I'-iigliind in i|ie lltili eeiiiury. 530 Julin.ilone, J. Supplement to tlaiiiieson's Dietionaiy 791 Joiiiville, Lnvd J. Mi-inoirs Jj.^l Sire de, Regiie de SI. L'uis 414 Jiini'Ulc, le l'rii\i:e de. Klat d: la Mar ne.. 423 /»^(( , lIaii.,Mii,iii Sk 'telies .. 893 A)7(i;.s-. Tliebcs 317 .Vntiquites de Den 'e .ili 317 liasieli'fs agtroH unique-^ d- s — lv.,M|ilieli9 317 Antiipmes tfii.o-roinaiiies 409 ftil'i. VltmJe, Memoiies 416 S'l !;''1;^ '.'■: I 1 ;;'i I.'' Si'W Pf 1010 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. rAuii Jolii, (till/, MuiiKiirna 410 JomavU, Villi! cacitiKliillo (111 Kiilio... 817,408 . (ii'M};rn|iliic (lu I'Mijyiile 817 I. Dosi'i l|iti()tuii'SHiili(iiiiu'silii riloii- tiiii(mu"'li;iiio iiuHiiciiio lies uiioinis K;,'y|)tii'i'.s '"' Sytiiio ct ciitmiu'liM •'1> L'il(MrKl''i)lmtUiii. i"'' Tiu'bi'M :'n l)^.^^(•|■i|lt^()ll ill! Mompllis I't ilis rvnuui.i.s •"■' Joiiiiiii. Alt ill' 111 ,;iioriv ^'f^' rriiiripak's eniiibiiiiiisiMW ile In tf.H-lTO ••«! Joni'n, A. History ol'llii- K:iHtiic''lVU'f.'ni|)li 7;i'i l',o|)iMNtiim's iiiilu'O Ti'stiimiiit. Ill //. «. on Aiiiiiiil Kli'itriiily O;;! /. Of NoiUi Aiiu'iii'iui Vi'iU'liiiita. . (ilT) J T Wolliti','toirsSi.i'i's iiiSimiii... tiSJ (). Di'siiijiH lor I'iiv.iuoMlrt 7ini V nine of i\iiiiuitii"< iiiiil Kovcr- sioiis ... -"" l{. History of tin' Kriiicli liiir I'.Hi '/'. U. Niiiiinil History ol' iiniiii^ils... (;;ii OigiiiiiMitioii of Aiiiiiial Kiii;,'- iloiii '■:!' - t)|' Kntomostnieii f'-V jr. Doolrini' of 11 Triuily fm \Y. ll'iw to iii.ik.' Iloiiic liii|>|iy . . . 7;i.'> Sir \V. Iiiiliaii I'ooliia iiiul Diiiuii. . SMt iMi'iiiiiir.s, hy 'IVii,'!!- mmiili •'•'- rAoa Joiihert, Tiibir 787 Joiibhau, KtuilcH sur Colbort 257 Juiiffii'il, Til. (Kiivrt'u do Kciil 04 I'syi'lioliijrji. et I'liysiiiloijiL'. .,. 73 Kiippnrt biir If.s I'loli's iininmlm priiiiiiiri!» 84 ,/<)«//'/•»//. .'/• t^'oMslitiiliiiii ill! l'Atif{l(>t«rrti !0;t .fuiinliiii, A. ./. L. I'liurmm'opi'i! iiiiivirsilli'. (',74 Dii'liiiMiiiiiii' ili!i St'iin- c'osimliiii'lli's eo6 .fourdaii, (I. A. Sur lis Jcmriit'os ilo Sop- teinbii' 4')^ Jdiirdan, Daru:)iv\. l.stimbfit, lii'curil ijijs iuu'iiMMi!s iiii.' IViiiii;iii-fs 11)7 Joiirilivr, Auijustr, Mutirit'l ajfricolu (157 .Ioukjiiuii: ot mitirs, MM. Moiiioircs sur les joui'iiros ill' Si!pt. 17'.I2 428 .loiiriiul of Di'Kif^n, lOi' 7'2i) of IniliKtiial Progress yi6 — of Socilll profr|(.-« OJJQ of F,ilii(.'alii)ii, Upper C.uimlu. .. . 87 •Imiriml (111 I'lilais 203 ,\siiitiipi(" 021 (Ic-i I'^i'iiiiiiml-tcs 'luu ill' r(''('iili' polyt('('!inl(jm> 746 — — (in MiiLjMi'ti^inc .^ijl .I'liiiimux (In con til li''f?isliitif etilol'asseni- blee lt''j;isliitivi', du llaut et ilu Hii8- ("aiiM.|:i, et ilu Canada lliii ICO-IGI ./, Nc iivciiii coiMmeiitairi' 202 Ivc eiii'il des ordonnaiu'rs HIS Dc I'admiiiistriitioii do In juslieo. . 202 (louvoiiii'iiient dc'-i paroisses. . .. 2'2l) • (^iP'.iineMlnii'c -Jiir I'l'dit dc li'i'.»."i.. 'J'JO Joiii't: (tiicrr(! (i'Oriciit 4rifl ./mil/, f..i. /'Vv. dc, I'liiicipeseoiiceriiant Ics dimes , 'J2u ./(/»//. dc, (Kiivrcs S"() ■fill/, li.iiou. On llic KviciciR'c of Acccinp':- ccs 13,'i On tlic Adini-sibillty of (j'li- fcs-ions 13."! ■fi'i/ci, ,1. ir. I' i','l:nid's Sai'icl Syn'"l« . . . , yS A lnlrodnc:ioii to tlie .\its and Sciences 571 Seieiililic DialoLTilcs ,"i72 Jiiliiiiiil, Li'lh'csnr Mont. dune 71 JiUI.S. Mir_'aiet fH ./«-/Mi«, IM-. Life, by Wnylaud 'I'-'-' .liiif Kriiiiit, l,ei;eTnlii *'"'•' ./ii/tis../. A' Voy.i,!,'c oftlic "Fly" ill T'"'- re- Sl.iiiits BPy ,:r ft k ■ •lulien, , Jidtnliiif Jiillim, Jitllien, ( JUfiiiia (.,, Juridical JuHsiiii, , Jllsaieu, / 'fU!,tltllll,ll, Jnslrt, ){,. JlKlill, S.lj Jiistinien, luniiipl'ir. Km 111)11 z, K.dinuck .\l Kaijia ,Siitr KdiiiL'i, Ij 1) Kiiiiiiiij), I K.iniiacli.Kli Kiiiii, 1), Iv insas Tei Kmit, Uiii, Uiili, I.i 1 laisoi I'.iilo Iji>'j;i( |J,.'.|,, Teaiti' * i'ilji| Kiinimsi , 11 K,in; A'/,. ( i K'lrstvii, I),_M 1 .V n„ Kir'iu /,;,/,, ,/ — .1/ ;;. A",(v, .1. s,,ci,i Kn:,'lair /''",'/(;, J. 11'. 1 CATALOGIJK ALIMIABKT[QUE. 1011 lUi, J. n. I'liysionl (>ooli)gy 010 •Uien, Stan. I.« livrii ilo8 it'iciiinpcu.scH et llctt IHtJUH. fiS liiio-'Prtoii. trailuit du cliiiioiH. W Viiyii;;('H (If lliuiicii 'riitiaii},'. . ri')!! '.'Hli Jullniiii/, Ctdiuiii'icciU! Miir.--i'illi'K. ,/ullien, A. .SiiiniiU'liiT ''•tli /Cut Loicntz, A'. Fi I at 0111- VJO ,/iiUuii, l-'oiisti iiclolir do InooiiKilivi s 7.;i ... T;:i K ... tJi, JitHsicit, A. (/'■, (ient'ni plaiituniii). Jitsldiifiiiil, Jjoiiin XV Juxi'il, Uociuiil de voyaf AVf, ./. C. ,\ivh!Po!oi,'y of popular I'hnisos 791 . . 451 .... 081 .... 60 . . . 88'- C'.'ii — Vri III 7Ci'> Kvriilrji. Du ^iililinic ct dii beau. ■ Clans-ic - — M Science of LaoLCnaLjes. K'tii. ,A condilion, and K lucati i7ii Ktiiiiiiinn Cau-^c:* dcs maladies dcs 673 Kiti/s, liii'^land and Kuvopo . J. U'. I.lfcol Sir. I. M.I 7 /{' niinliiiid H V oyaj^c 4.')'.' Kirmiiiiiijiitil, I'lojct d'lm chcmin dc fcr do -bifi! (d' H. Si. (leol'L'ti 'ruckcr 459 L\ou a .Marseilles. 754 HI 1012 ALPUABETICAL CATAl-OGUJi. Kr.imoysan, f.ottrfs ot opiudns do Nnpo- lut.n 234 Kerr, R. M. An .\(i.oi) at Law 1!!1 Kew, WaiKioriiiKS tli.Dugli the Co- jrva- torir; at (363 Keyscr, II. .Iclifrion > f the Ndi'Llinuii...... 31u KlmsillillH, (iooli>giiiil .Stiuoturc • f, Ac. . tVJ'J Khri'!ii!s'» L;ist days . 64 A'tVW, ./. Adtt])tatii)D of l.'.uro to -Miiii ■■ 57G AVe'^cr, Spoeios jri'iii'ti-ftl . .. ''44 King and Qiici'ii's Ui'iili, !;■ ports 153 King, I'rof. t)f t)i" Portnian Kossiln oC England ^ King, Ciipl. i'.im;)ai,.';niri^' in kaffirland. . . 4i','.i — Oiipl. liuiiiy m\l\ Darwin, VijyiiL'Ch ufUio A'ivontur« an 1 lie.iglo U'1C>, !>i 0: .)\.- Fi':i"'i liii I'JxpeJitions. . .'i31 /i' ... ■■< li.;,l.'uri.^'y 031 /,'.,.(-. i:../1,- iJiilliiil .I'tH'try H<.UI . /,'. M; iliv War 4C.'.» tki'oi:Ml- ;. Htid Kin^ r. CoUcjjo riHver.sity and U. Canada Ciillo;;c, Uepoiton HI Kini]slc;i. C. Alexandria and luT Scliools . ('0 K'uifiston, W. If. lj\isitanian Siiotclics. . . . 5Jo Kinty, W. .)/. I'ortni^'al Illuotrated 441 Kip, W. Oataoomtjs of Rome '.'4 Chiislnnis lloUdavs in Rnine. . . . 32 Kipping, on Ma^linfr Sliips 710 Kirtnj, W. On AniriaU 677 and Spcncf, lntrture Lands 18 Kliipkii, (ion. War of Iiid.'pi'iidctKv in Unngary .... 443 War in tlio East 448 K/'iprotii. Asia Polyglotta 452 Siipplonient au Dielionnairo Cliinciis latin du P. Gicmona 779 \'oe ibuliiiie Gtorgiun . file' • "g« "■' A'/o/xiii/./f, lEuvres en alieniand 8i • - — La Messiadu A'Utt Ktiapp, I'rof. .^ • "Ii'.iriicf.lTi-il.nolugy... 733 Kmipp, J. W. Cuses bronj^Vit, bcfir;' (Ije Ci : miitt-'t ( f Privy Ooiuicil ..... 162 ,ii"l (hnblcr, Coutruveiicd Elc sious Jig ■ S. ' . Anier^eii.i Lit. , ■ .ure. 841 ,\uitjhl, a. A^Rouu! 01 l.oiidou , . 408 lL'.'f-HourB with tbe Heat Autlioi R <)4 1 I'ulu^try of all Nulions 126 — — 'llii uli| and Moil. 'in Pr.nte ; . 732 ■ Kiiowletige ifi \\,\\,^y , 841 -■■ l)ld Engliiud 376 ■ ■ — t)ld i'.i.;.'! iik!', Worthies 475 -• — Once npon a . ii i 841 ..„ i'ii;i.i ii.,i (.iiiUviy .li' Arti*' 090 Ki(i('//V, Traile des eeliafaudagi's 738 Krasinski, V. On the Religious ili>t. of tho Slavonic Nations 38 Paii>lavisiu uud Gcrmauipni 444 Reformai ion in Poland 38 Kru '1 Voyages autour du inonde... U'.i5 Kur » Kuban, Lord's Player in 8U0 .iaguages. 16 F. German and other Schools of Art ■Jia Italian Schools of Art 713 '"5 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 1013 a I ! li PAOK . 63ti ,.. 102 rn ... 4G1 ... 149 iry TJS 860 bb 492 G'28 283 G24 96 , !)44 441 . 50 KiimbaniSambhayaKiilidiisno, (be. . . . Kuhn, Via do .Ic'ijus UliiUt 22 Ki/an, J. /[. On the Klemeiits of Li^lit .. 589 Labannff', lo I'rinee Ali:x. Motnnin's dn MftneStimrt :!97 La Barre, Mumoirca pnur scivir ii I'his- toire do In ruli'^ion dcbi Oi(>C(' 52 La Barre (In Purcq, I'ortmits inilitairnn. . 475 Im Birlhf, Voyagi.' ail .Sc'iiiK^al 502 Lahat, Vovaifo :uix Idus dt! l'Am<'Mi(iiin. . 012 Labitle, La divine coiniS lie 797 Ijitteratnio dii nurd 801! -—^— Vie de UaynDuard ;i98 Litfiurile, Itini'irain' pe 226 Bi)urg«i)isie do Piiiis 433 lloiir^ooi.s celubrc3 479 La Cmit'ie. d\ Cliarlot, sa vie c't .'I'-snuivi-es. 484 Ln.\':iihr. On;/ ..^ Roisse'iud de. Com' icn- L,.:--> 198 Kecuoildo Jiiri-'piti(li'iii'.L> 19() nets iio- tabbs 199 Lacnrilaire, Couforences .. 46 Laerettlle, Logique, m6tnphysique ct mo- rale 09 Lacroix, Fred. Los mystires de la Russie. 44T Ilea Bili'^aros ct Pytliiu.«es. 440 Lacroix, L. Num'dio et Mauritanie 467 Lunroix, Cnlcul d«8 probability's 606 L'icroi.r. M. Manuel d'arpentafje 749 Lacro'x, Paid, et Shi, Moyen-flge etrenais- sanoe 692 Voir Bibliophile Jacob. Lactnnre, Extraits de sc-s o^uvrcs 26 Laculede Ccssac, Artmilitaire 681 La Curne de Sle. Palaye, Vie de Froi8>-:ii t. 414 La i'lKje, llistoire do la Musique 720 La Fare, MeiniiiroH 417 Lnfare, Poesies 878 Lafnrcllc, Dii pi ogres j-ocial.. 238 Lofarye. Mrne. Hemes do prison 882 Lafayette, Mrne. de, Histoire de inadame Heiniette d'Angleterre 389, 417 Memoires de la cour de France 417 (Envrcs 868 Laferriire, llistoire du droit 196 Lajilau M6moiie sur le giineng 649 Lnjhn, Home ancienne et inodornc 826 lAifund de Liircy, G. Assurances tnarilimes. 209 LaJ'oiU, l.u li.iu.' ;^o b71 Les trois Mres rivaux 871 lAiFontaine, Fables 869 Contes 869 Le Floreiitin 871 La Fontaine, Sir L //. Hineau d'hypo tbtMpie.s 163 O.'rrespondanee... 160 Questions seigneu- riale 168 16U La Tjonlaine-lialdii'tn Cabinet defended. .. La Fortje, Anattde de. Vieiseitiuies de I'ltnlie 436, Manlius Capitoiinus 870 Layarde, Coustrueteur en general et agenti- voyers 750 Layeneitais^de. La Suisse depuis 1848 438 Litt^rntnie iiluslr6e 801 Diyrnnye de Cltanccl, Ainiisia . 870 Lit Giaritrc. J. de. La Sardaigne en 1842. 437 1 OS rioUnoques 438 Knipiri! e^leslo 466 Marine luilitaire . 423 Lacordaire, Hntnui()logie '"•■i-^. La Gucronniiie, de, bonunes d'dtal ile Lacretede. Histoire do Fraiu-o -126 i \'Ang1fterre nu 19csii;ele 396 lii'l 'li i it \^M m ^!i'' i^M lOU ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. La/larpe, Coins du littd'iiituro. PotVsioti. Lahiii/e, Le t'odn civil uuiiote Lahure, CJoiieiilcratioiis sur In countiiiction ot la ])roj)ul»i(iu ilea iiiiviruscu for... J^uili and Majuuii, u I'ocm Laiuij, M. llistiiry of Soot land.. «S'. Groat City Frauds OLiservalioiisoii Uoniiiark Uosidcnce in Norway Clironiole of Kitigg of Norway. Stulo of Eurojiouii Teople in 195 873 i;oo 768 889 3U8 'JOt) 6-48 bVA 401 1848-9... .... Tour in Sweden... Laisni, Oyinnauticjuo pratique Lajitrd. Culto do VrniiB La'ioii; A. O'l'ciji, Catooliisiiio politique.. Ldjoii/iiiire, Lea douaiics daiifl l'iaitiquit«»///£.«, Mom des Orient:iu.\ 2t)2 Lanyliiin, Danscs des mort-i 60 iMngsdorff, £. do. La Uoiigiie 44S La Transylvanio 443 Lanjninain, Constitutions de la France 123 Fragment historique 429 La Nunc, Francois de. Moinoires 415 iMtioue, Mahomet Second 870 I^uoi/e, F. do, L'lude cuutempornino. . . . 458 Lansdownc, Lord, Poems 861 Lanzi, History of Painting 712 Lao tseii Tao-Te King, Ic Livic de la voic ot de hi vertu 58 Liipc'roimc, Voyage auti>ur du monde 525 L'l I'ei/ren's Icoland 643 Ldjiham, J. A. Antiquities of Wisconsin.. C15 Lajdaee, (Euvres 684 Lap!acc,Ciii\.paf^:^ le cireumnavigiiton.. f?.6 Lappenliery, J. M. TlisLory of England 4 H'J6 493 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQL'E. 1015 Lareher, E*orii)do-i iistrounmiques, etc. des cdyptions 8it2 - Lei vmea tli'Tii-'li'ens a 10 Mt'inuircs 8iir lo.i foil's (l(>g fjivcs. 6'.' CJui'lqiii'n i'pi>qui» (lei rtSMyi'icos. !U6 8ur (Jailiiiua 8U1 Siir I'hiiloti 821 Onli'o I'qiieatio t'lii'z 1«8 (;pi!<;8. , . 681 Lariliicr, I). K.ssays on Suientilic Hiibjnols 732 ■ Uanii-books of Niiturnl I'liil- osophy 677 Miisoum of .Soiuiiccanil Arl... 678 Oil Maiiufiictui'tw ill Mutala... 7;!0 Ou ilie Stuain Eugiuo 763 Railway Economy 270 Travail ties iiiet.iux 7;iO N. Works 44 Laro'/ie, D.otiouniiirt! .loCliirui'jjiu (l7;i Lurofhifoiicaull, Miixiines 71 fjarochejaciiadcin, la Marquise, Mi'iiioiies. . 428 fjtiroiniyiirre. Sup lea iiioU " analyse dc - suiirfalions" 62 L'trpent. J uilgi) Advocate, Juuiiial ;)31 L'irrcy, D.J. Cliinirgia inilitaire fi74 La Sa'le, La Sieilo 4.'J5 La Sille, Voyage de la Uoiiito (110 La Salle, Vie de M. d'A'^iic mrt ti'.il Z/flj) Ctses. de, Moinorial do Sto. ilt'lciie... 431 Suuvenirs dc Napoleon ler. 431 Alias historique. Voir Lcsaije hisserre, Lebritn et Lci3 Ldtuiir, Etudes siir I'Espagne 441 fMtrcilic, Insucto:), papilloDs, etc 041 [ai Tivmimille, Muinoires 416 Ldtruhe, Voyage on Afrique , 6fl0 Latrobt,J. On Church Music 29 /yflW«(/a/fl, Earl of. On Finance, A 264 Laiidier, M. Marchaud de vins 737 Lauijel, riiU'MinU'Iogie 627 I A. Le cheiniu do for du Pacifique. 271 Lauiia;/, J. U. Foudeur 780 Laurence, Archbp. Book of Euoch l7 Laurent, /uophytologie 610 Laurent, A. Chemical Method, Ac, Nomen- clature 696 Laurie, Tables of simplo interest 267 Laurie, T. On Dr. Grant and the Ncstor!au» 30 Lauriirc, Ordonnancesdcs rois 197 Text« do la coutuine du Paris... 198 IjU meme ouvrage, avec notes... 198 Lavallic, Histoire diw fran9ais 411 Maison royale do Saint Cyr 76 (ifiographie de Malte-Brua 610 La Vtttiie, Joneph, La chasse li tir 724 TMvalUe et (lueroat, Espagno 440 fMiuilcr, De la physior.mie 632 On Physiouoii.; 632 Laieryiie, />, de, Ecout. 'ie rii-xle de I'Anglctorre 653 Espagne 441 Finances 264 Les Merits de Proudhon 237 Naples on 1841 43t Elise 886 L'lviijne,, Autour de Biarritz 640 Sfcur Marie d'Agroda. 480 Latimer, Bp. Works 47 Latin and Oreck Churches, Diplomatic Cor- respondence rL'spocling 217 ■ 1 in Writer-i, Scriptures Latini, eura A, J. Valpy S19 Latitude ,ind Loiiuiitude, T.ibles concerning SK.'i Latouche, IL Vied'Audru Clieiiier 481 Lavoisier, Annates de Chimie 598 Lavoisier et Lagrange, De la richesse ter- ritorialo do la France 260 Lavoltee, Emigration 286 Law, Son sysleme t'. • • ■■. lO 268 //ai/', His Scheme and n aco 426 //. Mathematical Tables .„ 602 lludimeuts of Civil EiiLjinocriug 742 On conr'trueling Roads 760 ,/. T. Ecclesiastical Statutes at large 218 A'. Tilings that fell out in Britain. . . . 398 S.J). Jurisdiction of the United Stales Courts 184 IF. On the Fable of the Bees 239 Liw and Equity Reports ,. 152 Law Library, fifth series 127 Law Magazine 127 1 1 1 '■r i'\ ■ ! 1 I .4j ti um .ik lulO ALPllAJJliTlCAL CATALOGUE. rAnn Law llcvii'w I'JT Law 'Wai'.U I'il, 12S, '.'47 Lawrenc. ''' L fi; if Kiuld.nn 488 Lamt' . I '■' I.I. mill Ui)rrfH|)i"iili'iioo 710 _ K 11, .idtiipn-'iuivi! Aiiiitutiiy. 630 U.Biion J Ciiuruh nf Keudiiml iU — — — — Uiiiiiuii (J.ilLulio (Jhuirli ill Scot- iuiiil 84 W.J. lli-toiy of Uiinkirm '206 Layard, A. 11. Uiacuvtiics ut Niiiovi'liaiid Jial.yUm 316 Niiie»oli itn Komuini... 3li- Popular account of Diefov- piit'B ut Niiioveh 816 L*ach, T. (Ja«oa iu Urown Law 161 Lebat, Dictiiuiuuiru eneyclupcdique de i'liis- toirc de France 410 Obclisquii du Luxur 317 L'Alleiimguu 441 Suiido et NorvOige 451 Zj<6«au, l'Ain6. Mi'diiillc!) de reiititutior... Slli La legion Kuiiiuiiio ., 681 Ltbeau, Ui«toirt! du Baa-Kmpire 3'J6 Lelteau ot FunUuMe, Dislillatour 736 Lebeaud, Mauucl du vettM'iu.iire 673 Leber, C Foituue pi'iTtSe au luoyiii ago ... '202 CollectioD de pieces relatives A iejru/, Traductii)ii8 fianyai.oi 787 Lcbliinc, V. ot I'leaux-t'allol, Buimctier ... 737 Filatuiu do cotou 72U Lebluiie, j\f. riUiaaiei' 736 Leblanc, K(H(.'t'/i<, Voyn"c aux Iiides 563 ie6o»a«, M. eii I'.iiniens 7;ib Libre, A Ktu.ies egyptieiiiios 469 Crisedo apliilosoplii ■ ;illemafide 69 LeBriii.H, Guil. vie de I'liillip .cAugiiute 4i;i La I'hilippide, [.enie 4 Hi Lebrun, 7'. tEuvrcs .... 87o VoriiUat, Voyageau '. (vuut 5S( Voyage en I'eiue. ... 563 Lebrun. C. I.e iiiiroir de la I'lance 471) Lebrun, U. Traitc de» siiece-sio!'.' '2ul Traitij de la nui uu i le 201 Lebrun, Statistiquo df^ uda». 281 Lebrun, KuurrcHer et . 73.S Moii'eur 73!) Charcutier. .... 736 Ha c.irtuniiier 733 Duiliarron el cairosjier 73'i — ■i:tMalepei/re,l'.M. Jf. Fi'i bla' tier 738 Leckic, Ou llio balance of power in Kiiiopo 98 Lflerc. •roiiinaux olii'Jt leg rdin.iina 824 l.nlfi.-i/.Thioditre, rrovcrbi'H dinniatiquea R78 Lccbtxi-, l,exiqiie fianeaig-greo 783 LeiDci/, Lniploi de I'uir eliaud dano Wi forges 767 Af('(im(<;, y. Vcnise , gyg Leciiunt, P. On UailwayB 755 Leeturcii on Kdiieation 79 Lecture* to Ladicn 842 Licturetf at a Meobiuiies' lualitiite 842 Lei'turea to Young Men 842 /.o/;«-yi'o//i»i, Journal du Palaig 2Ut Decline of England 284 Li due, RuRsie conteinporniue 447 Ltdnc, Industrie eotonniiire 268 Lee, E. Uallis of Germiny in reference to Chronic DidcuHe 670 On the climate of Nice 669 On tlie climate of Spain ... 6(9 /. Y. Abstract* of Title HI Mrs. A'. Taxidermy 006 a. Hebrew (Iraininar 777 T. J, Tables and Formula) for Sur- veying, Ac 749 Leech, J. Piettvesof Life and Char: 'cr... 718 Leeds, W. U. ..udimentary Aroiutecmi .' 699 Leenis, Of DaniHh Lapland . HH Lei'.i, J. La\v.^ui' t>iiippiii).' uu.i iiitiurunuu.. 48 Li'fihvre, Voyage en Al)ya»inie 662 Lrfebvre, St. Marie, Haco de Durham (1,.>- Lefebvre, Jean, Chronique 414 Jjifebvre, Armaiiil. Histoire des cours de rKunipe ;'.32 Lefranc de l'ompili\ .sioli.gieal Ch.Muistry ."iUS Ltibniii, Lite, by Hrueker . 4'J4 . Opera Omnia 894 UOuvres es Lcie/ihaidt, L. Kxpedilion in Australia. . 6t;6 /.eidii, J. Mora and Fauna 614, 015 Letatid, J. Itiuei-ar.v 365 LelanJ. J. Deistical Writers ii /,f/i(.Hr, Culture du Mais 662 Leliivrc vlAiKjer.i, lUvue de legi.-latiou. . 166 Pji Leinprii) CATA LOOUE ALl'HABE riQUl':. 1017 LtlUvm ot ^n^; 53^ Les lit* d Aland 640 Lu Fiuluule 452 La Uuasiociinteiiiporaiiio 447 Lepage, Loia des butiiuens 207 Lt'y/'is, dalles d'asilo v\\ Kuasio 261 Lcpdlttier de Saint I argeuu, liiacctes liy- liiiiioptiiOM 643 Le Pert, J, .)/. Comumiiicati ii do la mer dcs Indo.s a la MtiditiMraiiie 468 Aloxaudrie 4G8 Lepidopterom Iiisecta of Georgia 6-13 Lepiiiois, J/. Ji. V. de, Manuel du feriiiior. 652 Le Plan, Eiibiication de I'acier en Vork- sliiru 767 AtTiiugu p;ii' crystal ii-ation 767 — — Lea ouvriera eui'opoias 259 rAaa L« Play, I'loct'duii motallurgi(|uoa 766 ExpluratloD dea turraitia oar- bonifi'iU'K lie Doiiet/. 646 Lrp»iiii, K. Egypt, Ethiopia, Ac 818 L« Queiine, CoDatitulioiial history of JorBcy 4t'6 Lerehoure Ht Secritan, Photographie 719 Le liiche, I'roduit ciibiquo dea lrf)i» 738 Lennitiier. Iiifliieiiee du ift philoeopbie du XVIII hiL^oie 61 Lt^gialHtionii conipari't'8 222 Couatitutioua de la GrOco an- tique 122 Pliiloaophie du droit 22? Do ru^iif^ainat politique ?'!6 Do la pii'HHO politique 2-5 Dea thcorioa et dea affairts en politique 22B Le VdfQ Ventura 67 Sur I'Abbe Qrutry 67 Leroux, A If. Heui iotte 886 Leroux, J'. Du bonlicur 73 Leroux de Lincy, Les quatrc livres dea Hoia 422 I'roverboa 808 Recueil do chants bia- toriquea franfaia 887 /.croy, Marine dPH aneiena 686 Lerue, liitnfuisiUioc puUiquo et privLL-.., 260 Lesage, Qiuvrca. .. . f<69 Lesage, Atlna bistoriquo 304 /.Mca/Zitr, Gr^enit'ht dea vaisscaux 767 Leschasnier, Jueq. Do I'Eglise gallicane .. 219 LeKlie, C.A;. Hand-book for Young Painters 715 Letlir MctLode contro lea juifa 46 LespinaU, liaroa royal du Piu.. 668 Leasing, Draines divcra H02 Lctson, Ji.P. Histoiro naturelle ..610, 074 Mnniinalogie 637 Oi'iitliologie domestiquo ... 638 OiMtbologie 638 Zoophytes acalophes 646 Lestrade, Nuita roinainoa 872 Lesur. Anniuiiro bistoiique 307 Lethhridge, Woniuu the glory of Man 240 Lttourniiix, L. O. Rcvtie do legislation. . . 166 Lclronne, L'latlinie de Suez 271 Civilisation egyptienne 316 Inscriptiona grecqucs 317 I'ont'tiona di f* magistrate ap- pclt's niueniou^, bii'roiiineuionB, proinncmona .... 89 Le Trosne, Eeonomie politique 251 < .i \i- '•:' ii.iwiwi" 1018 ALPHABETICAL CATAL'A.:Ub. PAOB Lettrot (■iliHiinto>< A'l niiiivolloi A'i Lem-fit, J Ch. 'I'mitt' dvii pruprii'ti'M ilos inntii'ii't'i* tirivtoi illicit 1'i\> Levuiltiuil, F. Viiyii^e cii .\fri(|iit> 682 ■ I'roruior et ncuuml v»yiig« en Afii(|iie Mi Loviuit, I'apera rulittinif to iho UH Lfi'ilMseur. J/. Judtiuo lU) pilix 21'2 LfviUMHi; Moiuiiiri's I'.'7 Lever, V. Clmrlcg O'M illcy Hi'i Knight (if (hvyiinu HI'.' ■— U'Donii^liiiu M'i Koliiiid Oiislifl fi4'J Jaok Uiiitoii »ri Ti.tii lliirkfl »\'> Lri (I'liy^'iriK! 6(!S Lewr», G. II. Lifo of I{iilM'«pic'i'r(> 427 Lifo of Ooi'the 489 ]iio. On the Law of IVrp.tiiity... Mil Lrn'in'n lle-iideiice in the West In lies.... 8li8 Lex Seiipia, «('/iimiilx, .Memoires 428 Linmtua, t'. Tour in Lapland 544 CAT A LOU U M A 1, 1» 1 1 A II VVl'iqi] 10. 1019 rrr-^ .-aj-jt- - T tj ' L.j — ■■sx'2^a.u-==r;— X.-: Lliiru«iui Sooiety'i TnuiKBclioiiii fldlt l,ltiifhi>t. Vuyii^ouiix Iiiiloi SS8 Lioiii'iUt', (In MalliumntiquuR tlu2 Lift, K I'iiIIiIlmI Kcotioiuy 2M Liilir'n Jiiui'iit>y to I'uris Ol'l LUler, O. l)ii{e»t of tlio linw nf Klc<^tiutm IIH Literary Si)ci«ty tif Itoiiiliiiy.'ri'uimiiotiiitiM U13 Lilfratiiie, Unyiil Hciciuty nf, TriiiiaiiPtioiiH »12 Littii, Ue-i (>pii|(''mii'n 076 Do lu |)liyrtii)l(>^'io ., (J"() l)f III iici(MH;o do lii vio , (160 Do4 tubloD piirlnlltud DOS Liverpool, Kiii'lol', Uiiim oftliu Itealin 2(13 LitV mill Adiniiii-tiiitioii llUf) Liverpool Lilrraiy iiiid i'liilo8o|iliie»l So- I'iuty'i I'rocfodiiiira Ull LiviHijHton, li. I'utml Luw 18U / Luw Uogislor 185 Livoiiiiiii Tiilf:! 812 Liziii'd«, (^ulaliij^iiv of OUO JJandiijf, Uiiihop of, mid Vhaler, Ulitliop of, Two (Soriuoiiu 49 Lhrentf, J, A. Jlialory of 8j)aiiiHli ItKiuiBJ- tion :i2 Llo;id, I'ooms 861 Llniid, At. Law ol I'roliibition I'.Ut Z,o«ri'rt, Voyiijji) iiux Islos I'liilippiiics 669 I.oIx/'h Voyajjf lo Alw>»iiiiu B(12 Luch, W. A. tliiiilo for SailoiH and Mur- ciiunt:) diiriii); war 9!) LiH-ke, ./. Law of Koruigii Atlachineiit in Lord Mayor"B Court lliS Locke, ,/. Oil Torrostrial Maf,'notirtm (Ill Locke, John, Lift', by Lord King '19'1 On Govcruineut 224 Works 812 Education dci cnfans 74 History of ^favit,'ation 521 — llistoiro do la niivifjatiou 521 Locke et Leibnitz, (Kiivres 62 iocV/i6 Lodyc ^. Illu-'tiatKins of Hritisli History. H80 I'oeruge and Haronctage. 5ii7 Portraits of illustrious Persons. 475 Loewe, Dr. L. Da'tioiiary of tlio Circassian 780 Logan Sir W et Hunt, Esquisse gcologi- quc du Canada 773 Luyan, Hit \V. and Ifimt, Skotf It of tlio tleoloKy of Cuiittda 77S Ooolo^HMil Sur- vey of C'aiiadn 628 l.otjiin, PociiiH , 801 lii'garitliius/rabJeN of 603 : Weriptoren Logaritbniici. , . . COS Loi Crlinint^Ilc du Huh Canada .. 603 Lois rclalivos an diaiiiMg(> O&O l.oisil, I list i lutes eKiitiiniieri'K 108 Luiidcur Jhaloiii/cliari/in, Corialcs et fio- nienii 667 l.oliiu; Voir l)if Lnltiie. /,<»/i^<(ir(/, .l/.T.irif dim bois 738 Loiiiliiinl, l.c ciiiuiiiior et lo nioilecin (UlS Lominie, de, Ueanniaiobais el Bon teliqis... 481 Galerio des conlenipoiuins... 479 London (.'alalo;{iM' of Hooks 900, 901 Lpriidoiico Loni/cpicrre,'SU^Mi- Loiiiifellow, II. W. I'oetical Works Poets and 1' Europe . ProsoWorlM Lour/iievillc. .Madame dc, Youth t i tor Coll-in 494 Longworth, J. .1. Year among the Circas- sians 666 Lnomia, K. Progress of Astronomy 583 Loose;/, Lois sur les brevets d'inveulion... 89 LMftc dc IVf/d, Draincs divers 890 Lifo of, by Lord Holland. . 503 Lorain, Education en Anglcterrc 81 Ijoriinf/er, Plaidoirio dovant la cour eei- gnciirialc 108 Lorl, //. or Two Sects in the E. Indies... 56 Lord, P. B. Popular Pliysioh>t;y (130 Lords' Protests, Collection of 118 Lords, Journals of the House of 117 Lords, Sessional Papers of the House of. . 117 Lorenzo de Medici, Life, by lloscoe 4S7 Lorimer,J. Universitiesof Scotland 81 ! 1% iliriii! Jfiv 1020 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. I Loriol, OuoTiiphie do \\ Fninoo Lorris it Jean de Meuiiy, Uomiin de lu Rose Lnst Senses Lottln, Astroiiuinie, pliysique, etc Lotiandre, La Poi'sie a:tp Louirr, A. Af. Chronicle of liattle Abbey. On Kn^li-'h surnames Lower Canada, 'J2 llisohitiona Lcf^islative I'l'ocerilinLja. . Rules of Practice of Co\nts Reports Aj^ricullure, Journal id". . Lownden, W. T. Iiiblioi^ra|ili. rs Manual of E I'disli Literature PAOB 63'J 866 843 G16 801 4IU 33 652 706 663 646 645 199 538 4i;5 426 43U 189 189 415 420 233 -I'Ji 142 84 3 300 300 300 300 861 39 659 GDI 569 404 421 376 508 158 1j8 liM 166 660 900 Loi/s de Grenade, Trait6 de I'oraison 50 Zoywai/, (Euvres 20O Lucas, S. ('hartera of old English Coloniua in America ]5. ilistoi-y of the Culdeea 39 McCarthy, J. Uieiioiiuaire de I'ancii'U droit duCairad.i 162 McClcllan, Capl. Maruial I 383 [1- .. 144 ... 780 .. 244 .. 148 . . 490 ... 494 ci- ... 114 ... 617 tc. 550 ... Ra 530 894 494 861 843 843 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 1021 McCrie, T. Life of Johu K«ox 39 Reformation in Italy ... 37 Reformation in Spain 38 McGulUgh, W. T. Industrial History of Kreo Nations 251 McCulluch, J. yi'. British Empire 273 Dictionary of Oomnicrco... 271 Geograpliical Dictionary .. 511 Literature of Political Koo- uciiny 2.15 On Commeroo 272 Essays on Economical Po- licy 255 On Suecossion to property 141 On Ta.\ation uml Kunding. 2(J1 Principli's of I'oliiiciil Eco- nomy, Principos il'ik.momio poli- 28,". tuple ifiicdonncU, A. Colonial CoiiiUK-rco.... McDonnell, A. Free Trailo 278 Mrh'tlhiotl. J. y. American Debater Hm; Mwfa lane, C Account of Japan ri.'i-i Armenians, a Tale b\'i Popular Custom.^ of South lialy .011 — Roniauco of Tiavcl i)49 Turkey and its (lt^stiny 54ti Ma( ir. or liritishQuadrup<'(ls.. (iuS Mactjriujor, J. AiHtriiin ami Ollomau Km |)a'es 144 C'lmmercial Siatistics 279 History of England L;ui;'ua''e of Patents. . . Mackenzie's Acccuut of Hirta and Rona. . 6!!7 Mackcy, A. O. Lexicon of P'reenmsonry... 242 Mackinnon, D. Coldstream Guards 406 Mackintosh, Sir J. Law of Nature and Nations 94 History of England... 837 Memoirs, by ids sou... 494 Miscellaneous Works... 844 Macknight, J. Trau-shition of the Apostolic Epistles 11 Macknnj. W. D. Manual of British Uisto- rians 316 MacUnn, C. Evils of Quarantine Laws 675 McLcml, A.Tv\a\ 165 Mdclecd, II. J>. Mnckenzie'H Ten Years iu Australia, &c... 067 McVic'4 Madras Medical Records 679 Madras Meteorological Register 587 Madias Museums, .Minerals, &c.. .... t'i26, 629 Magasin pittoresipie 921 Magcndic, Pncis de physiologic 631 Mngoetic Survey of ludin 587 .Vlagnetical and Meteorological olscrva- tioDS iu various parts of tho world. . 58^ 'i'f' m^ 1022 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. PAUK MagnUr, Ecliirage uu gnz 'JtiO J/uy/iUi, llisUiirc iloa luuiioimcttiB 124 Mahan, A . On Muileni Slysteiies fiO;! J). JI. Coiii'se of Civil Kugiiieeriiig 712 Muliikvausi, ute 51 Ma/ioiiut, Lu Koran 66 Tlie Koran fJO Malion, Lord, History of Engliuid 3i)2 Insuncc'lion of 1745 !5U9 Lifu of In'lisarius 320 Spani.-k War of succossion. 440 Historical Esi^ays 838 — Lifo ofCoudu 486 MiiilUcr, Uouuiieiitairu dii C(idu civil 206 MaimoHidca, On the Laws of Mosi's 214 Main, li On the Orocriwicli Oliservatory . 682 Maine State, L-.iw Kcports I'JO L''- s and Journals 189 Kij^isicr for 1805-0 lUO Kulos and Orders I'JO 'j'ransaetiun.-i of Agricultural Societies , 'itiO Maine de Bintii, U'aivros pliiloso|ilii(iues. . ilU Mai'itciton, Mnie. dc, jAltrcs sur rOdiication 75 . — Eutreticus sur rOducation 76 Ijcttres hifftoriijiics 8(19 Muinzer, J. Mu-icjue ct chant de I'ltalie 722 Mais'Ui Riisiii)ue du I'Je siecle i')50 Maislif, ./'»• coiiite dc, Soiree- .li' St. I'.' ter>bourg '''7 Couopliie de liacoll.. 07 Maistif, Xuriur dc, (Euvrcs completes ^7.i jl/u(V/(i/ii/, 6'. On the Vnhmtary >y-lcm II Superstition and Sci'-Mci ./.OJ Ealse Worsliip 52 Life ofChattert..ii It^l J/((/rt'fo//, Science deln guerre Ool •— O.iValcric grceiiui' 081 Miijiiiif""'/"', Xew South WalcJ 600 New Ze.ilaud - 507 MiiliCjiili, !,.'<;. ,iH de chiinie b'Jf< Malitn, S. C. Who is in China 779 M.ii.iyau Kauiily, Meuuiirs •'^'''' J/(i/.'..///i,Si'-./. Of the Province oi'Malwii. 402 - History of I'c i.sia 457 . . . political Hi^i'iry of India, 459 Sketches of I'eisia 562 Life of, by Kaye 15y I Malcolm, J. P. On, the Manners and His- tory of Euiope Main, A. Oil EleetioiiB Malebrauchc, tEuvres Maljilutrc, ffiuvies Mulhkibes, I'oesies J/att(H, .^1. 2'. Historical paial'cls >'. History of Oreeec PiOi Mai kin's Tour iu Wales, Mallet, Cheniin de fer atiuosplieriipie Mallft, I'oenis Mil/let, M. Northern antiquities Muf'ldt, Les rhilippiiics Mahnesbury, Controverted election.^ for.. Mulmesbury, V.iwl of. Diaries aud cnnec pondcuce Malunet, Administrntiou des colcinics Mulpei/re, F. Aeides gras eoncrelji et Moiin, Jj' Auiidounicr et \'er- inicellier AfalpHie, La Chine Malte-Biun, Geographic uuiverselle — — V nnd Jiaibi, Universal Geo- y'"I'''y Multhus, T.Ii. Definitions inrolilical Eco- nomy On population I'l inciples of Political Eco- nomy (I'luvrcH traduiles en fran- ^•ais Mammalia, Naiui'al lli>tory of -— Catalogue of, ing, J. A, Lives of tho Spciikui's 1 19 Manoit, LcHloisdo 5(; Miiiisel, II. L. Prok'gDmeuii Logioii 69 Miinsleiii, den. Memoirs ol' Kusaiii 446 Mant, Bp. History of liie liisii Church 40 Mantell, G. A. Alius of lAissil Ueliiiiina... 620 Geological Kxeiirsiorm 017 Ou I'etrifiictions 02o Wonders (jfGcology 617 Miinucl pour gouvcrner les iibeillos*. lie l'iiecor iiivnnsilc l:i lieili-itlie ilii". iini.iiiuc Irs ouvraKi'sirmt. illi' SI ^iiuiiiu-i' soiriii imli,|iii s (lain li'-i (bvrrses si'rlionr. lUi eai.iI'ViUe aiiA (IUlII's iU upi>aiUeiiiiriit. Manuel des nuireliandsde boiset decbarbons du tarif-metriquc. du bonuetier et fabriquant de has. do botanique. du bottler et du cordonuier. du boulanger. du bourrelier et scUier. (ii'B operations de la bourse. du bouvier et zoophile. du brassiur, du brodeur. du fabrieaiit de cadren. tlieorique du calendrier. ■ de ealligriiplilo. du canotier. de coii&tiuetiou ct dessin des cartes geograpliiques. du fabrieantd'objotsenccoutehouc. (Ill cartnunior. du cliaiuoiseur. du chandelier. du fabric int du chapeaux. du eluueutier. du eharpentier. du elianon et du canossier. du chasseur taiipier. du ehauilronnier. de cldiuii? analytique. du eoniiiu'iee. du eoiistiueteur en gi'nural et des iigeiifsvoyers. de la cultuie d'.i cliasselas de Fnii- lilihrMrau. du rluisseiir. dii ehaulou! iiier. des chenins de fer. de eliiniic iiijiici'le. dr f ;"ii'.w»iite. de c liiMiie iii.'ig.iiiiipie et organlquo ilu fib/icniit d;' prodiiltseliimiqu's du fal>rie.ii.t de cidre et poire. du eoill'rur. du eol'iii>te. — de 1 1 iiuiiue ei)in|);ignic. lies i'()iisti'iuii"ii3 nisiiqucs. des eonlie- poisons. — des eoiitribiitious directes. du eordier. dir la corrcsponditice comiuereiale dij I'abliiMlit de coiileura. d ■ la eoupe des pierres, _ liu i-iMtelier. m f'lM' i-^'. ■m 1024 ALPllAllKTICAL CATALOGUE. MaiiuoI <1(< riuHLoiro niiltircllo di'R oruHtnot'i ilu cuisiiiivr ct du In ciiisiiiii'^ro. (Ill I'liltivntoiir foicRlior. (Ill cultivHtour fmiKj'ius. i\e* iliimei)> do In (Inline. (Ill (l(5oiirntour orncmviitisto. (I(!8 (lomiiisolloe. (Ill ilt'ssiii liii(^iiii'u (;(''om('urlqu((. (Ill llti(in(>. do ri'duoiilimi ot do I'liyitiiiiio du olioviil. do I'oli'otricid' iiliiici!<|)h(''iiinio. d'clooiiioito Micdioiilo. do ronit'i^intionioiit. ot (III tiinlii'o d'oiilDiiidli'i,'!". (Ill Blvio i'|>istii!;iiro. d'i'i|iiil:itiP'''" 'I" li* l''i'iiiico. do (,'<'Mi(,'niplilo f^i'irK'ralo, ^ do >,oiij^riipliio pliysujuo. do fJO(>l(ii{lo. Ki(). (Ill iiiurbriur et du oonitruct«ur. • do lu iimrlnt. • ' do iiiaUiumHtlqiiet, •— — dil iiivoaMicii-ii-riiiitainier, du plom- hier ft du pompiur. ■ ■■ ■■ de mAui, ou guide dod [iiiiirOH. . dgrapliiate. du niuK^lund papetier el rdgleur. iier. du pdrheur. du p^oheur prmtldcn. du pcmlro d'lilatuire et du loulptour. du iiciutru uii bntiraeiit!^ do puinture. do la puinturo Rurverr*. do porspcclive. de phnrmuuio populaire. do phiii)sopliio cxperimcntalo. " du pliyBicicn pr'iparateur. do phyHii>l<>giu v()g(;tii\e. du pliyHioiioMiiHtc et plir6nolugi9tc. du pliyBionumiiite dos dames, do |)liyHiqiic. do physique amuRnnte. do ptiyHJquo appliquOe nux arts. du pliiin-ebiuit euuliJRiaiitique. 44 Marmicr, X. Lettres sur le Nord 452 La Russie en 1842 447 llistoire de I'lalaude 452 LaHollande 439 Litt6rature Islandaise 533 Litt^rature Scaudiuave 797 Chants popuiriies duNord. 879 Marmont, Marshal, Turkish Empire 4.10 M6moire» 948 Marmontel, ffiuvres completes 875 Autobiography 495 Maroaites, On the 30 . 424 . 8(J0 ,. 60) . 391 ,h .. 6'21 ts .. 658 P- ... 86S er 42-1 liu 21 ,.. B60 ... 411 let .... 138 .... 416 .... 688 tbe .... 4*!! K7 .... 436 4'oti 154 1 060 872 812 812 812 812 264 lol i'ii 494 330 by 392 392 ica 844 458 447 462 439 633 197 Til. 81 i> 450 , 948 . 815 . 495 . 30 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 1027 Afarol, (Kuvreg 861 Marryat, dipt. Merciiiitilo Sigimls 081 Novels and Tales 844 K S. Borneo and tiie ludian Ar- chipclngo 569 Marsd/jn, J. History of Christian Churches and Sects 28 ir. History of Sumatra 465 Marsh, G. P. Ou the Camel 637 J. Life of 0. Fox 483 Marsh, Mrs. Reformation in Franco 38 Marshall, Chief Justice, On the Federal Constitution 118 //. Military Misoollany 684 /. Geography and Statistics of the British Empire 2lS Naval Biography 47 MarsiUi, Histoire physique de la mcr C79 .Vrtrffna, Baron Ch. Ouide diplomatique .. 95 Martens, O. F. de, Recueil do trait68 96 Martens ct De Cntsy, Recueil destraites... 97 Martens, O. F. Von, Compendium of the Law of Nations 95 Martin, A'uni, Lettros a Sophie 573 Education des miircs 75 C. /y. ni^'tory of the Dog 659 D. Sainte Bible 9 F. B. r. Equiuoctial Stoinis of March, 1850 588 G. Catalogue of Books privatoly printed 9O0 //. Tancrt^di" de Rolmn 881 Histoire de France 411 /. Of the Tonga Islands 411 M. History, ifcc. of British India .. 459 Eastern Imlia 580 History of British Colonies. . . 409 On Ireland 402 Report on China 466 Martin, ()pini(in do Y'hiton sur Ics dieux.,.. 59 Mardn's St. Kilda, et Western Islands. . . . 631 Martins, Annuairo Mott'orotogiipio 586 Martimau, JI. Feats of ♦ho Fiord 844 Forest & Oamo Law Talcs 243 Letters from Ireland 538 History of England 331 /. Miscellanies 39 MartineUi, Perturbations sociMes 253 Mar''n<pee 838 Menioires du museum d'histoire naturelle 610 conceriiaut les cliiuois .. 466 8ur I'histoire de France... 413-428 des diverse^ classes de I'iustitut de Franw , 9U9-910 • — de I'AcadSmie imperiale de mu- deciue 910 sur I'emploi des petites armcs. 682 sur le baraquement de I'iufau- terie 682 Memorial du depot g^ucral de la guerre... 681 Memorials ol the English and French Com- missioners concerning Acadia.... 170 Men and Women of the Time 474 Menage, Dictionnaire 6tymologique 787 Menche de Loisne, Influence de la littvra- ture 801 Menciua, Philosophie de la Chine 66 Vel Meng-Tseu ; en chinois 68 en latin 68 Mendham, Index expurgatorius Ac 82 Index of IxMjks prohibited by Gregory XVI 8 J CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. 1020 PAOB Mme»trier,\« P. Oheralerio 419 Meng-Utu, vide Menciu*. Menntchet, Mutiii^ca littiraircs 100 L<' ''' tarque fraii(itii) 479 Mentelle, M. ii^-.i ?■<. maiHon d'Autriohe.... 443 O^og^raphie 611 Menztl, W. Qerman Literature 108 — ^— Hiato:y of Oorraany 442 Menziei, A.T\\«i Dick Bequest 81 Mequet, Kug. Voyiige en Islaude .. 688 Mticaditr,J, B. Entablements de ports de mer 768 Mtrcty. Etudes sur leg beaux iirts >j8» Les sette coiiimimi 886 ifercier, lustruetlnn publique 74 de la Riviirt, ICconumie politique. 281 Meredith, Mrs. C. My Hume in Tasmiiuia 667 SkctciieH of N. S. Wiiles 860 Mercv ether, H A. Case of this Uoroufjli of West Looe 116 and Stephen*, Boroughs and Miinioipd Corporations 108 . )r^«V. /'-ai re8 'ifi'i Merrywciither, O. On Oold and Iron, &e. . 624 Mermin, Assurance cimtre I'iiicenciie ''67 Mery, il«, lllstolre don pDVerbes siiS ^/Atru frunfait au moyen-dgo 860 .1/ ni«r, De raagittanue 260 MonMigitat, C. de. Revolution frau^'iiise... 427 Lo Cid Onmp6ador 881 71 Moffat, K. Mifsionnry Lftboiir" Afrieii i Mohammed Ben Musn's Algebru. Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain Miihiimiiiediin India, Index to iiiotorian - .•!'..' Hohiimmodaim' Tri\v«l» in the 9th century . 518 Mohan Lal't Travels in the PunjAb 654 Moigno, R<'']>«rtoire d'optiquo 689 Cosmos , 921 Motne de Saint-Gall, Faits ot geatcs de Charii'8-l«-Ordnd 41 !i Moir, D.M. aketelios of Poetical Literature 802 Molt, MatAieu, M^moires 418 J/o/^nM, Ffmmespoetoa 801 Hi'citg (li vera 885 MoleKworlh, W. On tii" Canada bill 159 Works of Uobbea 01 ./. T. and CanJi/, T. Marathi Dictionary 782 MolUre and Racitif, and the French Drama 801 Jl/o/iVrif, tKuvres 870 Mnlinu'i, V. Opera 200 Afdiinari, G. de. Lesfers et Ich bouillcs. ... 765 MoUnnri, Etudes Oconomiques 254 Molinct, Jean, Clironiques 414 Moll, Agriculture et Colouisaiion 653 J/o.7ef, (tnoiiionique graphique 731 Molloii. C. De jure niaritimo et uavnli <.)9 M()lliisc;i, Catalogue of 636 Monboddo, Lord, Origin and progress of Language, on Style, Rhetoric, ito. . . 776 Mondelet, (!. Lettres sur l' Education 86 J/yH*;?, Dictionnaire do physique 672 (fL'iimt'trie des^iptivo 602 Appliciition de I'analyse 4 la goo- mctrie 602 Moiigez, Dictionnnired'antiquiti'B, I'tc 309 Moniteur, li(''iinpre8aion do I'aiicien 426 Monk, C. J. Asia Minor, Kgypt, Ac 549 /. Voyage to Hudson's Straits. . . 529 J. II. Lifeof Bentlej 481 Montou'* Naval TracU. 400 .^hngtrtlet, Chronique* 414 Chronicles 362 Mtntabert, /' de. Trait6 do la peinture... 712 L'Artistairo 713 it Kitagne, Cryptogumcg 610 Montagu, B. On the punishment of Deatli 217 — — and Heale, Law and Pruc- tice of Klcctions 118 /. Life, and Affairs at tlie Cape 469 Lady M. W., Letters and Works 84S Montiiigne, Kssais 71 Works 71 Monttiigu, Organisation du travail 2S8 Montalembtrt, Ste. Elisabeth do Hoiigrio. 26 Du VandalismootduUutlio- liciame 689 Avcnir do I'Angleterre. . . . 232 Political future of England 232 Montalle, Les provinciules 46 Montcloux, De la comptabilite en Franco . 264 Montcgut, Einile, Le sucialisme en Pro- vince 237 Montetquieu, CEuvres 223 Spirit of tlie Laws 223 Montet, Memoire sur St. Thomas d'Aquiu. 60 Montfalcon, Salubrity dans lus grandes villes 670 Moni/aucon, Mouarchio fruncuise 410 L'Antiquite ex|)liquc'e 310 Usages sous Thcodose-le grand 324 Correspoudance avec Mabil- lon 24 Moniferrier, A. S. de. Dictionuairo dca sciences mathomatiques 698 Montfteury , La femmejuge et partie.... (371 Moiit/oi t, Simon de, Chroriique 418 Monlglat, Le marquis de. Memoires 417 Montgomery, J. Cotton Manufacture 729 li. Poetical Works 861 Monti, Caius Gracchus 89 1 Monligny, Le vicomte de. Education du cheval 658 Mttuuel du uvgociaut en Chine 283 :. fl 1 ,-r* ■ 'it*);' . S.I • ■ f ) ^ .^.^a^ €^r,^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // /y .^t^ id. 1.0 I.I 1.25 l^|2£ |2.5 ■yuu U ill 1.6 o / Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716) 872-4503 '%^ - Court and Camp of 480 Historic Doubts of 431 Napoleon {Louis) III, Cuvres 235 — . Prisoner of Hum 482 Sketch of, by Wikoflf. . . 482 Letters of an English- man, on 483 His Times, by De Piiy. 483 Political and Historiciil Works 483 Nares, E. Life of Lord Burleigh 880 Narrien, J. Astronomy and Geodesy 683 Origin hnd Progress of Astro- Nature Printing, Specimens of 668 Nandet, Du pret i. interSt 26t Instruction publique chez les an- cicns 04 Les recompenses chez les romains. 324 De I'ossistance publique 260 nomy 683 Nautical Almanac 687 Nauze, de la. Dissertation sur Pytliagore. 69 '- — Calendrier 6gyptien 302 Les peuples de I'Kpire avant la guerre de Troic 321 • Chansons de la Gi (ice 796 Navarelte'a Account of China 405 Navier, Police de roulage 760 Navigation, Practice of. 577 Naville, Charity publique 260 Navy Register of United States 686 Navy List 686 Navy, Anecdotes of the British. 828 Nenl, D. History of the Purit.ins. '. 88 Neale, E. Lifo of Duke of Kent 493 Neale,E. K. Feasts and Fasts 218 V. A. Residence in Siam 656 J. History of the Eastern Church . 80 Patriarchate of AK'Xiiniliiii 30 Neander, A. Knipcror Julian and his gene- ration 27 History of Christian Church. 23 Mi'inoi ials of Chi istinn Life. 23 riiintiiig of Christian Church. 23 Life of Jesus Christ. . . 22 National Drawing Master 714 National Portrait Gallery 476 Natural History, Treatises on 677 Natural History, Annals of, or Mngazine of Zoology 610 Natural History, Cabinet of,N.Y. Catalogue 61 3 Manual of, for Travellers . 606 Natural Histiry, Calcutta Journal of 610 . Journal of the Indian Ar- chipelago 612 Naturalization Laws United States 186 Neckrr, l.oi^isliitionot commerce des grains 250 Neelf, Romuuce of English History 848 Neil, S. Art of Reusoniug 70 Klemeiits of Rhetoric 806 Neison. F. G. P. Vital Statistics 678 Nelkcnbrccher, Manuel des monnaies 268 Nelson, Lord, Life, by Pettigrew 490 L'I'e, by Southey 490 Vic de. par Lamarcine 490 Dispatches, liic 832 Nemours, Duchesse de, Mimoires 416 Nepal and Thibet, Mammalia and Birds, Catalogue. Ac. of Specimens 686 Niron, Rccucil d'Edits et Ordonnances . . 197 Neshit, A. On Land Surveying 749 Netlemetil, Ruines morales et intellectuelles 67 Deux Scolcs en presence 67 Neuinan & Ddrretli's Spanish Dictionary. 786 Neutral Powers, Tracts on 99 Neville, J. Ilydroulio Tables 766 Pi CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQTJB. 1036 New Brunswick Journals and Laws 1*71 New College Lectures 79 New Kngland and her Institutions 845 New Hampshire State Laws 190 New Jersey State Laws 190 New Quarterly Review 916 New Testament, in v:\rious languiiges. . . 11 Nrw York At)i('rican liistltuto 661 Hneioty Library, Catalogue. . . 906 Journals of the Provincial Oo" greas 180 Notes of the Convention, 1787. 180 New York State Catalogue and Reports, of Cabinet of Natural History 618 ■ Agricultural Society Trnn- snctions 661 Laws and Journals 191 Law Reports 191 Legisliitive Documents,. 191 -^— — — — School system, Ac 86 Library ; Cntalogue .... 906 New Zealand, Annals of the Diocese of. . . 40 Handbook fov 667 Newbold, T. J. British Settlements in Striiits of Malacca 464 Netocomh, //. Cyclopedia of Missions 43 NfimUgiUe, O. N. Ciifltoma Tariffs 280 Newfouudliitul, Cases in Supremo Court. . 171 Legislative Jnurii:ilf> 171 Report on Trmle to 281 NewnuHire 418 NivtUe dt la Chauttte, dramas divers 871 ^oael, Diotionnaire Latin 786' Noel, Baptist, On Church and State 217 Nogent St. Laurent, Lcgislatiua dos Cho- mins de fer 218 Noirmont, Costumes niilitaires 423 Noiron, Banques en Frunoe 265 Noirol, Estiiniition des bien-'-fonds 208 Nolan, L.E. History and tactics of covalry . 683 Nolle, V. Reminiscences 497 Noon's Voyage round the World 625 Norie, J. W. Practical Navigation 687 Norman, J. P. Ou Copyrights, dko 148 On Piitents 148 Normandy, A. Farmer's Manual of Chemis- try 656 Norris, H. Origin, «tc., of Soc for Promot- ins{ Christiiinity amung Ike Jews.. 21 Norris, M. Life of Madame Do Stuel 486 North, R. Kxainen of Kenuet's History. . . 386 - Lives of the Nortlis 476 North American Review 916 North Br.tish Review 91 S North West, Company of Canada 281 North West Voyages towards the 528 North West I'.issnge, i uglisb voyages for fimliug, &c 628-629 Nor/hole, J. One Uimdred Fables 846 Norton, J P. Seienlific Agriculture 655 Noruins, Histoire de Napoleon 430 Noibun, Le menuisier 739 Nota, Le philosopbe culibutaire 891 Notes and Queries 017 Notes at Paris 88 Notes of Leading English oases 152 Notes to recent Leading cases 162 tiiitt, J. C. and Gliddun, Types of Maakiud. 629 Nougaride, Lettres sur I'Augleterre 397 Nouiuier, Lettres de change 209 Nouktn, Poids et mesures 269 Nova Sootia, Rights of British Crown in. . 170 Journals and Laws of. . 170, 171 iVny, W. Grounds and Maxims of Law. . . 129 Nugent, Lord, Liinds classical and snored. 645 UHinpdun, his party, W«f, SuooevRiond'Espagne 421 Cartes 889 Champs de bataille de Napoleon.. 429 Campagnes de Napoleon 429 Pilieot, Eugine, Analyse et oompusilion chimique de ia betteiare 662 Piligot, Fabrication du Sucre 787 Pfllait, Curiosities of Olass making 704 Pellault, L'Art de s'enrichir 667 PtlUtan, E. Profession de foi du dizneu- vi^me sidcle 69 PelUtier, Formation des trorabes 688 P tllico, Silvio, Mea prisons 894 — — ^— Deroirs des hommcs 894 Franfoise de Rimini 891 Pellitaon, CEuvrPS 868 Pelouxe, L'art du mattre de forges 767 Pelouze et Tremtry, Notions de chimie. . . 697 Pelouxe, p&re, Trait6 de Ticlairage au gaz 766 . Fabrication du coke 766 Peliart, Voyage to Australasia 666 Pemberton, T. Privilege) *jf the House of Commons Ill Penal Code for India 178 - Reports of Law Com- missioners on 173 SirL. Peelon 173 Penn, Admiral, Memorials, by G. Penn. . . 497 W. Biography, by Dixon 497 Pennant'* Tours in Scotland 637 Pennsylvania State Laws 190 Penny Cyclopiodia 908 Pmonville, Musce frnn^aia 693 Pipe, Lieut-Gen. Scenes and Events in Italy 436 888 896 120 828 Pepyi, S. Diury etc. by Lord Bray brook. . Ftretval, Kt, Hon. & Life and Administra- tioo Speech on CatU.lio Question Peroy A uecdotes Percy, Bp. Ueliquei of old Eoglifh Poetry 861 Perdonnet, Uoa ohuininit do for "jjj Pereira, J. Materia Medica and Therapeu- ''o» 671 — On Fooil and Diet 668 — On Poliirizad Light 688 Ptriii, J, Traduction de Macliiavel 223 PeriyiU, II. Contributions to Kinematics. , 601 Perils of the Nation ggj Perkine, Rovings in the Pacific 670 Perley, On the Fisheries 281 Perodeaud, Lt>is de Navigation 278 Peron, Voyage aux terrea Australes 668 Voyage to Stuthern Lands 666 PerrauU, J, F. Questious et liupouses sur le Droit Criuiiuel 168 Perrin, Code des construulious 207 TraiU't des nullit^s de droit 210 Perring, J. E. Pyramids of Giceh 819 P«rroirua Philips, A. Poeina J. Pouiiia PhiUpps, J. Eleution cases Philippsohn, L. Lectures on Judaism Phtllhniire,J. G. Law of Evidence Priuoiplos and Maxima of Juriitprudenco li. Life of Lord Lyttelton. . . . Ji. Li>w of Domicil — — ^ H. On International Law Philtippt, S.M. Stat" Trials imd Arnold, On the Law of Evidence Phillipg, (Captain) Journal on Coaat of Africa Phillips, C. Specimens of Irish Eloquence J. Manual of Geology — Piilsoxoic Foasila of Cornwall, The Malvern Hills, Ac 21H 18B 162 162 :s4 16 1 20H 821 439 41R 873 8U2 892 4U7 110 813 149 110 110 665 266 680 601 324 40 376 254 587 415 8«2 862 116 21 132 88 494 95 96 198 132 663 121 tn 618 610 Pkitlipt.J. A, OoW-miiilng and Aaanying 626 Sir «. Million of Fact 908 '•''■ Introduction toMineralogy... 628 On Protpotlou and Free Trade 278 iV. L. Worlds beyond the Earth 68S i'»:i I'hillpotit, H. Letter to C. Butlor 84 Phil'Jndnui, Worica translated 21 Philotiigical Society's Procettdinga 776 Philological Trocta 7B8 Philosophical Tranaootiona 911 Philosophical Mugacirio (1798 to I8S2). . 014 London and Edin- burgh 9-4 — ■ London, Edin- burgh and Dublin 914 Philosophy in Sport 671 Philoaophy of Muhammadan people 66 I'kippg, Voyago towards the North Pole . 630 Voyage au pole boreal 680 Photographic Society's Journal 719 Phrenological Journal 682 Phyaiocrates 261 Phyaiononiiste des damea 682 Picard, B. Ccrtjinouiea religieuaes 28 Superatitioua 28 Pickering, C. Uucea of Men 628 P. A. on "Treating" at Elec- tions 114 Pickett, W. V. New System of Architecture 699 Picot, Mi'-nioirea ucct(:!6iustiquus 24 Piclet, Du beau dans lea arts 689 Pictct, Trait6 de paleoutologie 627 I'Uton, Oen. Sir T. Memoirs, by Robinson. 498 Pictorial History of England 387 Pieces d'^loquencc 806 Pierron, Voir Ariiitote et Pltitargue. Piers Plonghman's Vision 374 I'iffte, G. W. Art of Perfumery 737 Piija/etla, A. on Navigation 686 Voyage round the World. . 624 Pigeau, Procedure civile 210 Proc6duro du Chfttelet 202 Picfuotti. L. Iliatory of Tuscany 487 Pigott, G. Manual of Scandinavian Mytho- logy 310 Pihan, Elomena de la grammaire tx\g6- rieime 780 Pilgrim, Wanderings of a, in search of the Picturcs'que 664 Pilkinglon, M. Dictionary of Painters 718 Pillans, J. Cuntribulions to Education. . , T6 .— Rationale of Diacipline.-i .... 81 Et 104 1 ALPDABETlCATi CATAliOOliE. Pric*, D. EMmy t4>warda th« History uf ArabiA 4S7 — — Memoirs of MabommodRo IIi*tory 467 - - Dr. I'reHtiiiaulo of I'opuluti.iu 27:) — — T. I'hyBio^'inmiy and riiy»iology of Greal iiriuln 03'j — — U. On the rioture»H des fortificAtiuDa 682 Priuci(M'H favorablus au pro^njs) de I'iudus- trio 2fi8 Pringle, T. llcsideuce in S. Africa 603 Prinsep, E. A. Sanscrit Vooiibulary 781 H. T. Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia 667 Prior, J. Life of Burke. 482 Jf. Poems 862 Prison Discipline in India.... Ill Piison Discipline Society's Reports 246 Prisons, Projet de loi 246 Prisons, Heporta on 247 Privileges of Parliament, Pamphlets on.... Ill Procter, Col. History of Italy 436 F History of the Book of Common Pr.iyor 20 Prony, Mccanique analytique 746 Dos niouTeraens ciroulairca 740 Architecture hydraulique 767 Protestant Episcopal Church, Cnitod States Proceedings of 219 Protestant Reformation, History of J7 Proudhon, P. J. Systime des contradic- tions t-conomiquea 237 • Qu'est-ce quo la propriety 237 . — Lettre k M. Blanqui sur la propriC'te 237 Proudhon, P. J, ATis«ni«nl aus pro> prit'taircH ^Sl IntiXt lit prineipal 2!t7 I'roudhon, M. TraitoilerctatdeH purstiDnu* 20C ■■ — — Trniti' ilc'» droits d'usufrult. 207 'I'raiti' du d«iniaiu« de pro- prit'tji Traits du domaine public. 20« 106 J'roul, ir. Clieinislry, Meteorology, 4o.... 677 J'>oi/i$rt'$ l<>.ii>|j[<>, Kakniigii, le .. 146 . . 130 D. 143 • *■ 49 ... 601 ly 443 , , 621 ,.. 649 84 240 217 302 916 ftterkin, A. Tawii of Church of Sei'u* Priit lindfl, Duiiiit il'HsliciirnftHiio — — AiicliMiucH villes (I'Kxpagno. . Pttitot, Mt'm<)irc«, lore, ut 2ile. dories 414, Petit* I'oiiN'8 FiKojiiiu Pelraicii, llliiic ill Pelrarqnt, Piicaiei Prtrnir.h, LKo, by OMmpbc-ll Pitrit, S. Keport of tliu Oricklade ca»e.,.. Ptttigrtw, T J History of Egyptian Mum- mies Pettui, Sir /. Fodiiiio Uegulvs Petyt, W. Lex I'arliiiiiioiitiiriii - — Rijf'it of the CoiiimonA Pelth'ildl, J. On Agricultural CLemidtry... Peiichel tit Tiemeni, li.iiiipilcr Pftjrard, Coniniuntairog 8ur Archimdde... Euclidu. . . . Pryre, Antiquities de Trdres rittliiii, ir. lU'tnniiis Pljcnijc, till', A revival of pcurce pieces ,.. Phiiionii^nes ^'ucmomiques Philndclphiit, Miigneticiil Ubservatiuus . . Philippe, Mc'inolrus Philipn, A. Poems J. I'ocnis Philippt, J. Kltiction rases Pliilippfohn, L. Loeturc.H on Judaism Phillimnrt.J. G. I.nw of Kvidt-nce — Principle'* and Maxiiati of Jurisprudence R. Life of Lord Lyttelton. . . . R. Law of Doinicil li. Ou lutcniational Law Phillippt, S. M. Stat Trials and Arnold, On iho Law of Evidence Phillip*, (Captain) Journal on Const of Africa Pkillipi, C. Specimens of Irish Eloquence — — J. Manual of Oeology — Piilceozoic Fiis^ilsof T'ornwall, The Hills, Ac 21H 186 IBS 162 IBt 161 20H 821 48U 4ie 878 892 892 41)7 110 318 149 110 110 6-^ 266 680 601 824 40 376 254 C87 »'^ 802 862 116 21 182 88 494 95 05 198 132 668 121 617 I-.! 8 611> PMIUpi, J. A. Ooldmining and Assaying 626 — — fair /;. Million of Fsots 9o« W. lutriMluctioii loMiiieralof^y.., 628 — Ob ProtfQtion and Fitio Trade 278 IV. L. Worlds beyond tlie Karth 682 Philtpotli, U. Lettsr to (.'. Ilullur 84 I'hilo Judttut, Works translitttMl jj PhiUdogicnl Society's Procoediugs 175 I'liilologioal Traota ^gg Philosophioal Transactions six Philosophical Magasine (171*8 to 1862). . 014 —————— Louilou uud Edin- burgh gu London, KJin- burgh and Dublin 014 Philosophy in Sport 671 Philneophy of Muharuniadan people 66 J'hipp; Voyage townnlH the North Pols . 680 Voyai^e an pole boi-eal 630 Photogrnphio Society's Jourual 719 Phrenological Journal 032 Pliysiocra'os JBl Pliysiononiiste des dames . . . , , fii Picitrd, B. Ceronionies r'ligieusos 28 Superstitions 28 Pickering, C. Itaces of Men 628 P. A. uD "Treaiiuj;" at Elec- tions 114 Pickett, IV. ''■. New System of Aichitecture 699 Picot, Memoires eooltisiastiiiuus 24 Pictet, Du beau dans les arts 689 Pictet, Traitd de pali'ontulogie 827 Picton, Oen. Sir 3'. MemoirM, by Robinson. 498 Pictorial History of England 337 PitJoes d'6loquence 806 Pierron, Voir Arittnte et Plutnrque. Piers Ploughman's Vision 874 Pietie, O. W. Art of Perfumery 787 J'iga/etta, A. on Navigation 686 Voyage round Iho World . , 624 Fh'cii,. Procedure civile 210 Procedure du ChAtelet 202 Pignotli L. History of Tuscany 43Y Pigott, 0. Manual of Scandinavian Mytho- logy 810 Pihan, El^mens de la graiumoiru alg^- rienne 780 Pilgrim, Wanderings of a, in search of the Picturesque 664 Pilkington, M. Dictionary of I'liinterci. . . . 713 Pillant, J, Contributions to Education. . . 76 - - Rationale of Discipline 81 n '^4 :li fjf] at 1044 ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. Price, D. Esany towards tho Iliatury of Arabia 4^7 Meinuireof MitbommuiluD IIiHliM-y 457 Dr. I'reseutSUto of J'opuliitiiiii 27;t — — T. I'bysioiritomy and I'liyviolugy of Great Britain fiaa {/. Un tikc I'ioturesquo 005 Prickard,]. C. Ktlmufjrapliical Maps 0'J8 - — ■ Natural History of Mnu... <)2H riiysictti History of Munkiml 02S Fridtnux, C. Ir. Churcliwardon'f Uuiile.... 218 F. Pruccdouls of CoiiTcyaiiciiv; . Ill — — ^^— If. CouDticliou of Olil and Nuw Tcstamouts 21 T. S. On tho Fuel of Furuaces. 73(1 Fridham, C. Account of Ceyli.n 404 Account of Mauritius 4iVl Frieatlcy, J. Niivigiible Uivera, Cimulrt. Ao. 758 Dr. On First I'riiuij'les of CJo- vcrnineut 224 Prime, Travels in Europ-, Hiid tlio Eint... ,^-1U Priyne, l\ A. IVallcl ii.;;.>ry itort Prince Kdward's Island, Jouruak and Lnws 171 Princeton F^sitys S47 Priiicipes d'artillerie 681 Priucipcs dos fortificatious 082 PriucipcB furorublus au projjr^s de I'iudus- trio 258 Pr»ng/», T". Ilfsidence in S. Africa 503 Prinaep, E. A. Sanscrit Vocabulary... 781 //. T. Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia 557 Prior, J. Life of Burko. 482 M. Poema 802 Prison Discipline in India Ill Piisou Discipline Society's Reports 216 Prisons, Projet do loi 210 Pri»ons, Iteports on 247 PriTilogcs of Parliament, Panipblcts on. ... Ill Plotter, Col. Ilistoiy of Italy 435 ^— ^- F History of the Book of Common Pniyer 29 Pfo/iy, Mccanique analytique 740 Des niouveraeuscireulairos 746 ■ Architecture hydraulique 757 Protestant Kjjisoopat Church, United States Proceedings of 219 Protestant Reformation, History of 87 Prtudhoii, P. J. Systt^ino des contradic- tions economiquca 237 _^— — Qu't'st-cc que la proprii' to 237 ___— Lettro a M. Bianqiii sur la propricto 237 Proud/inn, /', J. AvertisaenienI aux pro- prii'taircs 2<)7 Iiitrret et principal 2'.'" J'rutidhon, M. Trnile do IVtftt des porsoniies 200 • Traite des droits d'usiilVuit. 2i)7 ■ Traite du domains de pro- priete ooc, Tialte du domuine public... 2(in J'roijt, II'. Cliotiiistry, Meteorology, io.... 677 J'toi/arl'a Loango, Kukcmgo, Ac 604 /'ittf/Aoinmf, Des driiits des seigneurs 202 I'riinrnu, Voyages en Afrique 6ft<.k /'r«.s, Tnici' (Ics eourlws 751 Madame, UeHldenoo in Algeriu fitil /'rycc, ir. iMiiieralogia Cormihionsis 626 Pri/nue, 1^. Parliamentary Tracts 109 Publid Lands, Iwiws of the United States concerning jgg Ri'portof the Coniniissloners of the United States I^nd (,'ttice... 18S Public Works, Hiitisli and American 750 Public Works in America, Reports and I'ln'w 750 Public Works in India 761-704, I'liffendorf, Lu droit de la nature ct des {,'*'"S ''to 94 Piipin. A. ]y. OlosKrtry of Ecclesiastical Ornaiuent and Costume 70s Fiiibnsiiue, Adulpht, Litterature frHnfai^'e ct espagnolo 733 Code muaipi|.il 212 Le comte Lucuikh ... 897 Ptiibusque L. V. de, Lottres s'lr la guerre do Kussie, en 1812 430 rui>.»rtii/, Triiiti'' de geodesic 749 PulUyri, W. Etymological Oonipetidium... 726 Pulling, A. Law and Usage of Mercantile Accounts i4(j 1-aw of Attorneys Laws, Ac.of the City of London. 143 Pulpit, The 40 Pulszky, F. Tricolor on tho Atlas 661 P Momoirsof a Hungarian Lady 443 Pnrehas, S. His I'ilgriningo 621 Piirth, F. Flora of North America 619 P'isfy, E. li. Collegiate and Professorial Teaching §4 Evidence of tho state of the Law of Marriage 240 On the Uoyal Supremacy.... 217 Putnam. The Wrical Society, Transactions of 615 ■■ I'lovinco of. Papers coucurning.. 167 QuiHMi'a College, Lectures 79 Quekftl, J. Ou Histology 609 On thu Microscope 589 Quhmd, Notice Hur Lameiinais 903 Llltorature contcniporaine 903 Siijwrdierieslitteiairusdevoil^eH 903 Qiesnay, (Euvrc* 251 Qiiicherat, Jules, Sii'ge d'Orh'ans 424 Proci'is de Jeanne d'Arc, 417 Quit), E. Universal History, with Atlas... SOO Quinitrd, Lu fuiniur de furnie 656 Quinaiill, (Kuvres choisiet 870 Quiiiey, J. History of Canihridge Uui- ver.sity 85 Quinei, Rilaar, Sur la vie de Jt'sus-Christ par Strauss 22 La France, et la sainte alliunce 235 ■ LittAraturi'B mo(|«rncB.... 796 Les Roninains .. 449 Philosophic de rhistoire... 412 Pocnie fpique 796 <,*«i«W, ./tJrom', Variations maiiu'-tiqiifs. 5S(i Quito, Don JPominijo, liiezde Oiistro 8li7 Quttard, Diclionnaire des proverbes 8S8 /facine and the Oench Drama 801 Ruczyrmki, Histoire do Part 692 Ruddiff, T. Agriculture of Flanders.. 654 /. '-liffe, J. Creed of St. Athanasius 28 Rail) 'irauifini, Histoire de* rois du ICatehinir. 468 Rndouan, Lesabeilles 664 Rte, J. New Principles of Political Eco- nomy 263 Raffenel, Voyage en Afrique 662 Voysge dansle pays des nJgres.. 662 Rafflee. Sir T. S. History of Java 464 Life, by his Widow 498 On the establishment of a Malay College at Singapore 78 Rafn, O. Of the Arctic regions 629 Riigg, T. Creation's Testimony to its God. 43 Ragged Schools 79 Uaghuvansa Kalidas» 63 Rar/ute, Ml'imoires 948 Ruigceourt, Relation inedite 428 Raikee, If. Origin and Development of the English Constitution 103 Railroad Laws and Charters of the United States 186 Railroads, &c. Pamphlets on 270 Railway and Canal Cases adjudged in England 162 Railway Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of the Umted States 186 Ralegh, Sir 11^. Chronological Tables 303 — _ General History of the World 306 Works 847 Ralph, J. History of England 891 Ram, J. Right of a Father to the CuHtody of his Children 139 Science of Legal Judgment. ... 127 Ramhur, Inscctcs nfivroplercs 643 Ramif, Notre Dame de Noyon 422 liamond'e Ascent of Mont-perdu 640 wh 1048 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Rcyn. -'ffin, Pliilosophioreligiouse. . , . 08 Ileyn:(., , I.. Euonomie ilos Perses 249 EiiDiirimif publique desCeltes, de.s Qcriiiaiua, &c , 249 Iteynolds, Sir J. Literary Works 716 T. Lift', by his Son 498 liham, W. L. Dictio'iary of the Furin. ... 651 liiancey. Instruction puUique 8S liicarJ, Trailo iles donations 201 liicardo, D. Works 251 (Eiivros completes 251 J. L. On the Navigation Laws. . 279 liictoboni, .M mo. de, Ernestine 881 Rick, C. J. Join nt'y to the Site of Babylon 816 Ki'siilonce in Koordiiitan. .. . 553 O. Ciitnlogue of Books relating to Anii>rioa 904 Richard I. Lift- of, by O. P. R. James ... 372 Richard, T. Jcux cnscignant la Science. . 724 Art J'extruirc le fer 765 A. Coiifonnalion du chovul.... 658 Diotionnaire d'ugriculture.... 650 Jiithard, A. liistuire naturelie niedicale... 609 BoUinique de rAbyssinte. . . . 611 ——— ct Q«e/i«, Guide en Esprgno.... 534 ct llocijuart, Guide dans la France luoniiiiientale 634 Guide eii Franco ct en Bclgique 534 Guide bres architectos 701 — ^— ^— Ilistoire do Raphaiil 498 — — Dictiunnaire d'archi- tecture 699 —^ Ertsai Bur rimitatiou dans leg beaux artH 689 Quatremire, Sultana Mamlouks 450 Quebec Bill, Pamphlets, s de Jeanned'Aro. 417 Q'lin, E. Universal History, with Atlas... 306 Qiiinard, Le furaier de fcrnie 656 Qiiinniill, (Euvres cboisies 870 Quiney, J. History of Cambridge Uui- verifity 85 Quinel, Edt>ar, Sur la vie de Jcsus-Cbrist par Strauaa 22 La France, et la sainte allliince 23C LitttM'aturea niodernes.... 79(1 Les Ronmaiua 419 Philosopliic de I'liiatoire... 412 Pocsie I'piquo 790 Qiiinet, Jirome, Variatia KalidasiB 63 Ragute, M6moirc3 913 Raigetourl, Relation incdite 428 Raikes, II. Origin and Development of the English Constitution 103 Railroad Lawsi and Chatters of the United States 186 Railroads, &.C. Pamphleta on 270 Railway and Canal Cases adjudged in England 162 Railway Casea decided in the Supremo Courts of the United States 186 Ralegh, Sir W. Chronological Tables 3U3 General History of the World 305 Works 847 Ralph, J. History of England 391 Ram, J. Right of a Father to the Custody of his Children 1.39 Science of Legal Judgment. ... 127 Rambur, lusectes nSvropttires 643 Riimf.f, Notre Dame de Noyon 422 Ramond't Ascent of Mout-perdu 540 Si % .Al n w- 1 lO'iS ALrUABETICAL CATALOGUE. PAO> Ri'i/nautl, Jam, riiiloaophiu ruliglouse. ■ , . ds lieynicv, L. IvMnunnic dus I'orsus 243 KooiKimie publique rlusCeltcs, (loi (Icnmiiiis, Ac 2I'.» lifxjnuliU, Sir .A Mtorary Works 7U') T. Lif.', by liis Sou I'JH Jl/iam, ir. /,. Diclio'iiiry of tlio Farm... . (iril Jiianvry. Iiiitrticlion piilili(|,HU SJ< liicord, Tniiu'' ei(;nant laSoicncu.. 7-1 Art d'fxtrairo lo for 7(i.'> .1. Conformation du clieval.,,. O.'iH Dictionnairo d'ugriculluri'.... GSd liiahard, A. Tlistoirc nutnrclle int'dicule... tiOO liolanique de TAbyssiniu. . . . 611 I't (^H(7/», Ciuiduen Espiigne.,.. 631 ct J/or^/iiart, (iuidc dans hi Fi a,u'i< nioiiunii'iitule 6D4 Guide I'll Franco ct cii Bolfjicjuc BUI Gniili- dn Voyagcnr en Kuropc 5I!4 - Giiido aiix ryn'iioes 531 (i iii'It' en Hclgiiiue 53 1 (iiiiilr ilaiis la (Jraudo-Urt'lagnc. 631 (iuiilc en Hollaiide 634 Itini''airi' dc Paris a Marseilles 63-1 Plains d'iMiropo 631 Eiihitrd's Hi-tory of Touiittiii 467 Jiichanh. II'. C. Day at New York Crys- tal Pala-o 771 Bi hauls, \V. F. Manual of Method 81 IHrliaidson, C. Knglish Dictionary 702 G. F. On Geology, Mineral- oi;y, ito 620 //. />. Hive and Honey Bee 643 _ — On Pigs, the Horse, the D..^' 659 On Poultiy 651 Pests of the Farm... 641 Hiiral Hand Books. 6r)4 ,/. Persian and Arabic Dic- tionary 770 ■ Jan. Mission to Central Afri- ca 663 liichardion, Jas, Travels in Sahara Desert 68a Sir,/. Arctic Kx|>«dition. 681 .Major, nriti-,li Legion in Spain 441 Mrs. iMenioirsufLouiiia, Queen of Fred. \Vm. HI 444, Kichclku, le card. (/>', Lettrei ot pupiurg d'etat 422 Testament Politique 416 McnMiires 416 Ilichewiic, La peintnro .spirituelle 60 liichir, Uecueil des arri't^s 2U0 l)e la ntort civile , 200 Histoiie (le son temps 41S Richmond, IT. II. Book of Legal Forms for Canada 164 Uichkr, J. P. F. Life of 49» Uic/iiirds, 6'. 7i. Population and Capital., 266 liidddl, II. Kailway Parliaineutary I'rao- tice 110 RiddM.J. On Scotch and English Peerage Law lot liiddle, K. On Navigation, &c 687 Riddle, J. E History of I'apacy 31 Manual of Clu-istiaii Anti- (juities 24 a.wi Arnold, Eng-Latin Le- xicon 78a Ridyalh, G. Border History 398 Rieffel, Kconoinie rurulu 685 Ricnzi, de, (Jc(;'anie 471 Riesbetk'n Travels 644 RiJJault, Veri/naud et autres, Manuel uu teinturier 73d Manuel dufabricobt de coukura 730 Mauuel du brasseur...,. 736 Manuel du peintreen batinients, vitrier, Ac 738 Rifle Tactics 686 Right), Miss, Letiers from the Baltic 644 Livoniaii Talcs 83S Uiijg», 8. R. Giamniar and Dictionary of the Dakota language 614 Uights of the Kingdom 102 liigoley de Jiiviijui/, liibliothcquc de La- croixct Duverdier 902 Rijford, Vie de Philippe Auguste 41ii liiiliiedaSanhila, Sanskrit and Latin 53 The 1st Book ol, translated byWiUou 6a Itilei/, II. T. Dictionary of Latin Quota- tion!. 784 Ring, Etivblissemens du Rhiu et d'j Danube 441 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQTJE. 1049 Riouffe, MemoircB Bur Ici priaona 428 /ei;>n'» Court of China 888 Ritchie, A. T. Dynamical Theory of the Formation of the Earth TBI - L. History of British Possegsiona 409 liition, J. Annala of the CalcdonianH, (aii 622 SnlBaini!, Triite de I'usage des fiefs 202 Sah'andi/, de, Dea gains do survie 207 Saliiandi/. Don Alonzo, 880 Saherte, Nnnis d'lioniino.^ de pouples et de lieu.x 308 Sa'vi'il, Trnilo de rn-ufrnit 207 Samoiedia, .\cc(iunt of 529 S'linpnon, }V. Autotii 1 S indean, tfnlcH, ffiuvres S82 Sandcrsdu, J. Rund AichiU'Ctiire 7o6 On Materials and Work- man-hip 709 Saiidci.siin, .7. P. Ropuliliean I.anhnaiks. 173 Sandfiiril, F. History of Kings, Queeu'*, A-c, of England 3^)8 Sandwi'li, H. Siege of Kara 448 Sandys, C. Customs of Kent, an 1 History of Gavelkind 405 Sanford. If. S. I'en.'d Codes of Kun'pe. . . 90 Sangcrmano, Of the Buimoso Empire 467 CATALOGUE ALl'lIABETIQUE. 1049 Riouffc, Mcmoircs »ur Ics priaons 428 /r!i/)fl'» Court of China 888 Ritchie, A. T. Dynamical Theory of the Formation of the Earth 681 L. History of British Possessions 409 liit»on,J. Annals of the CnledunianM, iko. 897 Catalogue of English Poets... 803 Letters nnd Life 499 Ritter, II. History of Ancient I liilosophy 68 Riuard, Trailode lusphtireetduculendrier 684 Rivarol, Ant, Cunite do, Memoires 428 Rives, l)e la proprictu dcs riviires non nuvigables 206 Robelld, G. Curiusitt's de Rome 642 Robert, Lc monde slave 449 Robert of Ohiicenter't Chronicle 863 Robert Giiyard, Paupurisme en Frunce . . 260 F. B. Mouleiir de m^duilles 789 Robert, le Dr. Geologie, Miueralogie et Zoologic, Ac 611 Robert!, C. Kings of Britain 884 Mary, Of .MoUusca 644 Voices from the Woodlands 646 Miss, Scenes in Hindostan 664 T. H. Principles of Court of Chancery 186 W. History of Letter Writing. . . 796 Rochefort, Demosthtines 795 nerodote 321 Rochefoucauld, la, m£moires 417 Roehetler, hord. Poems 863 Rochon, Memoires sur la mecanique et la physique 746 Roehon de Chabannea, Drames divers 871, 872 i2ocAon'« Voyage to Madagascar 562 Rockingham, Marquis of, and his contem- porariea 394 Rockwell, Spanish and Mexican law of Mines, &c 189 Rodel, Commerce dcs Rtals-Unia 283 Commerce dccennal compare 283 Do I'industrie manufacturi^re en France. 258 Rodney, Admiral, Life, by Mundy 499 Roe, Sir T. Voyage to India 553 W. J. Law of Elections 113 Roebuck, J. A. History of Whig Ministry of 1830 229 Plan for government of our Colonies 155 — Difficulties of the Cunadas 158 Robertson, D. On Liiwof Personal Succes- sion 141 Tour in Isle of Man. ... ., 405 /?. P. Ciiijarali Dictionary 782 Dr. Historical Works 847 Robespierre, Max. Mcuioires 427 Life, by Lewes 427 Eobillard, Musue fran9ais 693 Robin, Flore louisianaise 649 Eug. La Belgique 489 Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les myod- aires 743 Ribinet, Dictionnaire univcrsel des soi- LMipps moriile, ucnn'-niiquc, &i! . . . . 67 Rollins, li. Nouvoiiiix priucipps tl'uitilU'i'ie 681 Hcibinsiin Crusoe 833 En fran9iii8 882 A'o&tiuon, J^'. llesearches in Palestine.... 19 J.B Canada and the Canada Bill 159 Mrs. Autjbiography 499 Robison, J. Mcchiinical Philosophy 745 Robson, T. British Herald 508 lloch, £m(/. L'observateurdes tribunaux. . 204 Rochechouart, Guil. de, Memoires 415 Rochefort, Orateurs d'Atht'nes 795 T. Annals of Fort Wm. College, Bengal 81 Roederer, Libre ^change, et protection.. . . 279 Roelher, B. .Manual for Notaries Public... 185 Roemer, Dicti(mary of French and English Idioms 789 /foS. Italy 862 Poems 862 W. Voyage round the World 524 Roget, P.M. On Electricity, Galvanism, Ac 591 Physiology 577 English Thesaurus 793 Rogron, Les codes expliqucs 204 Rogue, Jurisprudence oonsulaire 97 Rogues, Histoire des champignons 662 Rohan, Henri, duo de, Memoires 416 iJuAner. On Musical Composition 721 Rohrbacher, Histoire de i'egliseoatholique. 24 Vie des saints 24 Rolamb't Journey to Constantinoplas 545 '\ i i km 11. i|».i 1052 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. nil St. John, B. Adveotures iu Libya 668 Sub- Alpiue Kiugdom 64 1 The Louvre 717 Village Life in Egypt 660 St. Ju/in, C. Higlilaiid Sports 8il8 //. Biitish Couqueats in India. . . 46« History of Indian Archipelago 464 /. A. Nemesis of Power 226 Tlio IlcUeuos 822 J. Ji. Lake Superior Copper- mines, Ac 622 P. B. Tlirue Days of Feb. 1843. . 433 HaiiU-Julien, Litt6ruture en Rnssie 7U8 Voyogo on Russic 646 Saint- Lambert, Lett saisona 878 Po6sies fugitives 878 Saint-Leu, Documents historiquea sur In Hollande 438 Saint-Louii' E.xpeditioa to Egypt :)28 Saiiit-Miirc Girarilin, Voir Girardin. Saint- Martin, Syst^me d'Urodote et de Diodore 3-21 Saint-Martin, Fragmens li'uuc histoire dea Arsacides 467' Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, (Euvrcs 875 Saint-Priest, Histoire de la royautu 226 Etudes diplomatlques 948 Saint-Simon, Le due d», M6moires 425 Le ll6gent et la cour de France 425 Lotiis XIV et ga cour 425 Sitinf-l'Merry, Guil. de, Vie de St. Hernimi 481 Saint- Victor, M. de, Recherches plioto- graphiques 719 Manuel du fabricant do cadres 733 St. Vincent, Colonial Practice of. 171 St. Vincent, Earl of. Life, by Brenton . . 502 Sainte-Beuve, I'o^sie frarijuise 801 Critiques ct portraits litt<5- raires 801 Causeries du lundi 801 Derniui's portrnits Hiil Portraits de femmes Sol Volupti' 879 Sainte- Croix, M. de, Legislation de la Grc<:o 90 Anciennes lots dela Sicile. . 122 Histoire des Messfnicns. ... 321 Recherches sur le paganisme 27 Sainte-Thirtse, lEuvres 62 Sdintet, A. De la vie et de la philosopliie do Kant 65 Saintine, Picoiola 882 Saints Evnugiloa, Les, It Saiiiet, E. Le Sociulisme 287 • Philosophie du clergfi 68 -^— ^— Renaissance du Voltairianismo 68 Le Christianismo et la philoso- phie 69 ■■ De la philosophic pisitive. . . . 69 Michel Servet 69 — — — Elat moral de notre 6poque ... 69 Ecoles philosophiquos de la France 69 Logiquti du Ptire Orutry 69 Salli, Esprit des ordoniiances 198 Conimissaircs du ChAtelet 202 Code des ourfis, 220 SalU'igre, Thesaurus Antiquitatuin 323 Saltier, L'nbbd, Ropubliquo de Platon. . . . 222 L'Isle de Dtlos 321 Ilistoiro primitive de Home 324 Mf moires sur Platoii 69 Dissertations siir Ciconm el Plutar- que 69 Salmon, G. On Conic Sections Oul Salomon, Islands of 665 Salt. U. Life, by Hull 500 On Youn;;'s and Cliauipollion'ri System of Hieniglypliics 779 S:dt Range iu the Punjab 022 Snlvaing, Truitc de I'usiige des fiefs 202 Salvandi/, de, Des gains dt sin vie 207 Saliiandi/, Don Alonzo, 8S0 Salverte, Noma d'hommes, de puiijilea ot de liuux 308 Sa'i'j')*, Traitu do I'usufriiit 207 Samoiedia, Account of 529 Siimpson, IV. Autobiosrapliy 4iil Sauchoniatho's PhcDnician History 320 Snud. George, (Euvres 8(^2, 88* La mare au dinblc 8S I Sind/!au, Jules, G^uvrcs 882 Sanderson, J. Rural Architocture 7i'8 On Mnteriids and Work- manship 709 Sanderson, J. P. Republican Landmarks. 178 Sandjord, F. History of Kings, (Juccns, Ac, of England 3:>8 Snndteith, //. Siege i)f Kurs 448 Siindys, C. Customs of Kent, and History of Gavelkind 405 Sanfnrd. 11. S. Penal Codes of Europe. . . 90 Sangirmano, Of the Burmese Empire 467 CATALOGUE ALPIIABETIQUE. 1053 Sinmiilfr, C. roems 848 Siuiliitiidf tlif Siiiim Veda 63 Sniikliyn Ivnriku 64 Sniucrit Tiilcf) ntiil Apnloguua 880 Santo't History of Kthiopin 470 8apeiir-P(iin|)ii!r, Miuiiel du 731 fJapinaud, Mfiio. , Oaipard de, Memoires 415 Guil. da, iU'moires 415 Snumarex, Admiral, Memoirs, by Ross. . . 600 Suundirs' Portraits of Political Re- formers 22!' Saunderg,J. On English Life and Manners. 378 T. ir. Law of Mimicipal Re- gistraliou and Elections 116 Baurin, Spartacus 870 Blanche ct (iuiscard 870 Beverlci 872 L'Anglomane 871 Lea niaiurs du temps 872 Baulayra, G. Assurance contra I'lnccndie. 208 Sauvage, Explosions dans los hants-four- nenux 7G7 — Substitution du bois au charhon . 767 Savage, Poems 862 Sarasc, IV". Dictionary of the Art of Printing 732 Hints on Decorative Printing. 732 Stlmrht, II. On the Microscope 689 Sc/irftei; J. History of L'ipliind 462 Schelling, Systuiiie de ridualismo transcen- dental 66 Scherer, JI. Ilistoire du commerce 271 Schiefer, J. F. Explanation of the practice of Law 130 Schiller, F. CEuvres, en Alleninnd 896 OJuvres drainntiques 8U0 Guerre de trente ans 442 Correspondence with Korner. 890 Life, by Carlyle 5.0 Works, Historical, &0 896 Bavari, Dictionnaire du commerce 271 Savigny, Baron Von, Vocation of our Ago for Legislation, &o 224 Ou Possession 93 Analysis of 93 De la possession.. 93 Du droit romaiu.. 93 Schintts, Gramm'iire grecque 783 Schlegel, F. L'liiatoire nioderne 3o7 I.anguc et philosophic dcs In- diens cO Philoaophie de la via 60 Philosophie de I'histoire 308 On Philosophy ot History 303 On Philosophy of Life, &c Co Miscellaneous Works 896 ir.Sur Dante, Peirnrqueet Boecace 797 Lectures on Dramatic Art, and Literature 802 Schleiden, M. J. Scientific Botany 646 The Plant 646 Schli/if, Manuel d'agriculturc 662 Schlos.ier, F. C. Histories of 18th and 19th centuries 830 Schmidt, Sur le mysticisme Allemand ... 60 Schmil, J, P. Architecte des monuments religieux , 701 I 1050 ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. rum Shrcwtbiin/, Diika of, Corregprnidt'iioo.... 'M\ ./. Kail of, Third Letter to A. L. I'liillipps 230 Shuckinrd, S. Hncred itiid TrDfuriu History. 'i\ Sliurrtff, J. Gustoiiw of Iiidimi Moosiil- uinns 457 ShiillUworlh, Sir /. K. Tubiiu Kduciition. 80 Siberiii, Itavfllationii of 886 aiboriif, Ciipt. ly. War lii France iiiid Uelgiiim 331 Slhthorp, J. Fl.ira Onucii 647 Sicard, IiiHtriiction (led suunUiiiuetii. . .. 87 Sur lea jourDi'ua de Su]>tctnhi'o. . . 428 Sidiloim, IT. Illii«tratiua3 of Uitvtorical Ooturo 806 Sidiloiif, Mrs. Life by Oanipt)ell 601 Hidmiiitlh, Liird, Life and Uorrort|)i)n(leiicc. .'!05 ifidiiey, II. Diary of 'limes of Cliarlcdll. !!88 — — — Sir /'. Memoirs, by Zoiicb 601 6'. Giiage Evidntico, Ae 270 Three colouiiB of AuHtraliii. .. . 6tl7 Siebotd et Stiinius, Aiiutoritie coiiiparec.. OHl Sieira Leone, Kesidencu in 604 Si(jeatioia, P. A. Educational In.stitutions ol United State- 85 Sillimnn, B. Jr. Clieniisti'y 693 SHliman, I'rof. Visit to Kuiupe in 1851.. 636 miliman'f American Journal of Seiencea and Arts 1)14 Sllvenlrf, J. D. I'uU'ofjrapliie Univcrselle. , 774 Siloestrr de Sacti, Voir >S'(ic^. S hio Pellicn, Voir J'ellico. Simeon, C. Memoir by Carus 501 ' J. Law of Elections 113 Siinmoiidfi, P. L. Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom 270 Simmons, G. Condition of the Workiuj; Classes 243 Simmn, F. \V. On L.Telliag 753 ir. f?. Huguenots in Florida 84y Life in America 840 - Views in American Litera- rature 84 1) Simon, Des Li^mun's, ou dme-! dcs morts. . 62 iSimon, 7i!(cA(ir(/, Uistoire critique du vieux testament 10 Simon, V. (r. Eluile Bur lecoinpagnonnage. 288 ^Ilnfl7l, J. Sanitary condition of London., 078 Simon, Jules, Du niouvement philosophi- que en Province O'J ■ Spinoza fill Uo la philosophic en France.... 6'J Simon, Juht, Le devoir Ecole d'Alexaiidrio. Simnnd, L. Tour in Switzerland Sunpson, Sir U. Voyii(.fo rr)und the World J. P. I'ictures Irom Hcvolutionary Paris. 7. Discoveries in the North West — tV. >e>\l ol War in the East Sims, K. llandlxjok to British Museum Li- brary Index to Heralds visitations in iiritish Museum. Maimal for the Oeuoaloglst. , Sinclair, C. Shetland and the Shetlanders. Sir /. Analysis of Statistics of Scotland — Code of Agriculture Correspondence History of Public Reveime Memoirs, by his .s>oii Singapiiro Commorou and Shi[)piiijj' Sinnell, Mrs. Byways of History Sirey, Codes aimotes et J)e Villi riiuve, Reeueil dcs Lois .S'lrr, // a. Ceylon aud the Cingalese. . . . -^— — China and the Chinese Si^mondi, S. de. Economic politique Lilteralure du midi do i'Europe Litirature of S. Europe.. Sisters of Charity Siti/reiive.'<, L. Expedition down the Colo- rado, Ac Skellou. INiems Skij)/)0)i, P. I'ravels in Europe Skiine'a Tours in Wales Sillier, H. Ou the Decimalization of Measures, ito Slecman, IT. //. Kumblca of an ludian tJltieial Slidell, Lieut. Year in Spain Spiiin licvisitod Small Ijooka on tireat Subjects Small I'ox. lleports, etc., relating to Sinnrt'a i'oems Smait, U. H. New School of Metaphysics Tliought and Langunge. . . . Siiieiilon, J. Ou Edystoue Lighthouse. .... Civil Eiigiueeriug Reports. . . Smcdlcy, E. History of France S.iDt; A. Electro- liiology — — Electricitc medicnlc 07 00 642 b'id 4 '1 2 6:il 448 OOl 60S 345 8:i7 390 »ir)i 001 '?0l 501 282 329 204 203 404 O.'iO 251 797 798 244 754 801- 51)5 530 209 651 510 540 819 079 804 70 02 700 742 -Ml 070 070 I CATALOGUE ALPIIABETIQVE. 1053 S'lng/'trr. f.'. I'iM'ins 848 Baiihitu iif Uin Hiiinii Veda fi:i Sniikliyii Kiirikii C4 Snimcrit TiiIim mil Apnliiguus 889 SmlitH Hintoiy ..(' Kthiopln 47(i 8n|)tMii'I'ijni'iir de Tivanne», (faipard de, Meinoires 415 Guil. de, MCjmoires 415 Situmnrex, Admiral, Memoirs, by Rosa. . . 500 tiaunilrm' Portraits of Political Ro- fornu'is 229 Saunders, J. On Eni^lish Life nnd Manners. 378 T. ir. Law of Municipal Re- gisti'niion and RHections 115 Saurin,* 870 Hhinche ct Ouiscard 870 ncveil.M 872 L'Aiif^loniane 871 Lea inroura du temps 872 (S'rt«^ji/ru, G. Assiiiancc contre I'iucendio. 208 Sauvdf/c, Kxplosioua daus los linuts-four- nenux 767 — — Siib-titutiondu boisau cliarbon. 767 Savacje, Poems 8Bii Sarasft 'f^. niciionary of the Art of Printing,' 732 — ^ Hints on Decorative Printing. 7:<2 Bavari, Diclionnai re du commerce 271 8av!(/ni/, Daron Von, Voeatiim of our Age for Legislation, &o 224 On Possession 03 . • — Analysis of 93 Do la possession,. 93 Du droit romaia. . 93 Sriwcht, //. On the Microscope 689 Schill'cr, J. History of Lapland 462 SchtUing, Syfluine do I'ldtiulisnie transcen- dental C6 Scherer, II. llis'oire dn commerce 271 Sclik/tr, ,[. F. K.xpmualion ol' llie practice of Law ] .-JO Schiller, F. (Euvree, en Alleninnd 8i)6 (Kuvres dramatitpies 8U6 (hicrro de trente ans 442 Correspondence with Konier. 8U0 Life, by Carlyle fii.o Works, Historical, &c 890 Schinan, Oraimnairo grecque 783 fichleijtl, F. L'liistoire moiJeriie 307 Languo ct philosophic des In- diens cO Philosophic do la vie 60 Pliilosophie de I'liist 'ire 303 On Philosophy ot Hi'-iiiry 308 On Philosophy of I. lo, &c 60 Mifeellaneous Works 890 ■ ■ ir.Snr Dante, Pelrarquoet Boccace 797 Lectures on Dramatic Art, and Literature 802 Schkidcn, M. J. Scientific Botany 648 Tho Plant 646 Sclilipf, Manuel d'agriculture 662 Schlon.srr, F. C. Histories of 18th and 19th centuries 330 Sfhmidt, Sur le mysticisine Alleniand ... 60 Schmil, J. P. Architecte des monuments religieuz , 701 J16.» 1050 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 8hreui»biiry, Duku ii/, Ciirret)Mmiienoo. .,, 8Ul • '. liui'l oC, '/'li'"l LtitUr to A. 1, I'liillipps ..230 Shuck font, X 8aar«il iiii J IVofiiiiu llintury . (iiiii lien HouriU'iiiiiotH. . .. 87 Hiir lf« JDurm'oii do So|)tonilii'e. . . 4i.'8 Siiiiloim, II. llliiatrHtidUn uf UlivUii'iuul UiHturt) 81)6 Siililnn^, Mi'A. Lifo l)y Ciiiiipboll 601 Siilmnitlh, Lmd, Lilc iiml Ooirri-pDiiili'iico, 308 iiidiifi/, II. Diiuy <>!' I iines of Cliurloall, 8HH Sir /'. Moimiir*, Ijy ZdUch 601 A'. Giiiijjo Kvidunce, «tc 27o —^ Tliii'f colniiii'B of AiHtmliii. . . , 6ri7 Siehnlil i-t SliiiiiiiD, Aiiiitoiuiu omipurce. • 6.'11 Sioiru Lifoiu', U('!«i(loiiuu in 661 tS'lJeatiiim, J'. A KduciUioiiul liistitutiollH of Uiiiteil Stutoi 85 Silliman, II. Jr. Clieiiiiatvy 6911 Silliinaii, I'ruf. Visit to I'Jiiiopu in lH6l.. 6!i6 Silliman'.y Ainui'iciiii Jnuruul of SciunccH niiil Alts 014 Silvestre, J. B. I'lilOngnipliic UiiivorscUu. , 774 Si/i' de Sat'i), \'i)lr Haci/. Silino I'ellicn, Vii'w J'elliro. Himron, C. Miiiuoir by Cai'ui) 601 J. Lnvr of lilcetioiiH 113 Siinmoiiil.i. J'. L. Ci)miiu'i-(iiil I'l'oilucla of till- Vfj,'i'tiiblo Kingdom 27ti SiiiiiiKni-i, ir. Coiiiliticiii of tbu Woriviug Oliirt^oa 243 Siinms, F. IK. On L. vdiiiig 753 ir. (i. Ilii^'uoiiots in Kluriilii. . . . 840 — ^— — — Ijifu in Aincrieii 849 — — ■ ^'iews in Aiiicriciin Litcrn- ratui'c 840 Simon, Dcs Lfmiuri'8, ou anio-i dcs nioita. . 52 Siinan, Ricluird, Hisloire critiqiiu du vit'ux toBtnniuiit 10 Simon, U. ^y. Etude Bur lecompiisjnonMnjje. 268 >*Nimon, /. Simitiiry condition of Loudon.. ti78 Simon, Jule*, Du inouviMueut philoaophi- que en Province 69 . Spinoza 60 Dti Ih philoaopbic eu i''niuct'. , . . 09 riitt Simon, JuUt, L(< d»rolf 07 — Kr>ii« (l'Alox»»iioiit of W'lir in tliu Enit. . . . ■! s :sim», Ji. llii iilbuo'k to UritJRli Mutoum Li- brary 901 Index to Ilurald 1 visitHtlMM In l*i'iliiih Mn^funi 508 — ■ Munuiil for tho (lenoiilogiBt. . . . |4S Sinctiiir, C. SbulliUKJ iind the Hlirtlander*, t ''■ Sir/. AiiBly>it of atati»ikH of Sooiliind a,. (\)de of Agriculturo 661 ■ Cc)rrospondeno»? 601 — — Hiittory of Public Ilevenuo •?•! Mcniuin, l^v IubSuii 601 Sinjfiip' Oomnierci! iind Sliipping 2811 Siiniett, ^ a. Uywiiya of History ,. 820 Snry, Oou ^ unnoti's 204 «t J ■' Villeneuve, Kocueil desLoi* 203 Strr, II C. 'ylonnndtho Cingulcse. . . . 464 ( rm and tlie Cbiiiesu 636 mumaiidi, S, , lOconomic politique. 251 Littoritturo ciu mid da riiurop. 797 Litrraturc of S. Europe. . 708 Sisters ofClmrii 244 Sityreuviiii, L. K |)edition down tho Colu- riido, Ac 764 SkdloH, I'oenw 864 Skippoii, P. 'I'raV' » in Europe 635 iSAvine'* Tours in > ale» 636 Sillier, Ji. On ti « DccinmlizutioD of Moaauros, iV 269 Sleeman, W H. 1 inblcs of an Indian Orticiai 654 SUddl, Lieut. Year . Spain 540 Spain ifviaitod 540 Small Jiuoku on Urca.i Subjects 849 Small Po.x, Ui'porta, itc, relating to 079 Smart's Poeni:< 804 Smart, B. //. Nu»v Sch lol of Mctiiphyaics 70 TJKmght uid Lnngunge .... 62 Siiieatim, ./. On Edyston' Lighthouae 700 Civil Engiu <'riug Reports. . . 742 SmciUcy, E. History of 1 ranee ^11 Siiiie, A. Electro-Biology 670 Electriuitii inWicale 670 '.P ■^' A CATALOOUR ALPHABETIQUK. 1057 Smf Wk9M KIc'-tro-Motftlliirny li'i — Iiiwuiict oiiil Ueuinu 0U4 Smihtrl, T. \l\vi\\\nni Claim :«)0 Smith, Adam, Lifii of. ftOl Wenlth of NKtioim 'iftd ————— UiclieaspH (!«>« nntionn 'iSO Tlicory of Moriil Soiitliiiciitii 1 Alb. ABReiit of Mont Ulano.,,, 842 — — — — — Wnniuil fiiiwl for Chrinttiinii 840 — C. 11. Nutiirul llintory of tlio Hiimiui Specie* C'.'H — Introduction to Mnmmnlin. . OOH — — ^ Dogs iin. Bibliotheca Cantiana 901 J. S. Practice of Court of Chancery 137 J. T. On Government by Commis- eions 030 On the Management of Mints 705 J. W. Compendium of Mercantile Law 147 Law of Contracts 146 Smi/th, Prof. PK On Modern History 326 On the French Revolution 331 IK. H. OyoK- of 0(!;«>stial objicts... 682 State of Sardinia 437 The Mediicrranean 879 W. IK. Year with >ho Turks 646 Snakes, Catalogue of 636 i^nodgraat. Major, Burmese Wor 467 Snow, IF. P. Arctic Voyage 631 Soamis, II. History of AngloSiixoii Chuich 34 Latin Church in Anglo-Saxon time? 33 Isoeralti Scholnslicu.t. H. iJ. Residence in Tasmunia 667 Storch, Coui-s d'econoniie politique 251 Story, J. On Cunfliot of Laws 138 Equity Jurisprudence 1 39 . On the history, stale and pros- pects of the Law 129 Law of Agency 146 Law of Bailments Mg Lawof Bills of Exchange 145 . On Lawof Promis.sory Notes .... 14.'j On Uniied States Constitution. . 178 Constitution des Etats-Unis. ... 178 Stothard, T. Life, by Bray 502 Stoie, D. Training System 80 /, Chronicle of England 335 Survey of London 403 Slowe, Mr.s. //. n. Undo Tom's Cabiu. ... 852 . La Case de I'oucle Tom. 852 ______ Drcd 852 Sunny Memories of For- eign Laii is 536 Stowe Sale, Catalogue of 718 Strahlenherg, Description of Russia, ifeo . . . . 445 Straitli, On Fortification, Ac 684 Strange, Sir R- Memoirs, by Dennistoun ... 502 T. Hindu Law 172 Strauss, D. F. Vie de Jesus Christ 22 Strauss, F. Melon's Pilgrimr.ije 21 G. L. French Grammar 789 German Grammar 785 . Moslem and Turk 3. '7 Strauss- Durckfim, Thfiologiede la nature. 606 Strickland, A. Lives of Quccus of England 338 — Lives of Quccus of Scotland 339 ]V. P. History of American Bible Society 16 Strull, J. Dress and habits of the Encli^h. 378 English Sports and Pastimes. . . 355 — J.O. Sylva Britanuica 048 Strype,J. Works 33 Sirzelecki, P. E. Description of K. S. Wales 666 Gold and Silver 566 Stuart, C. Expeditious into S. Australia. , 711 Stuart, C. D. Naval and Mail Steamers of the United Slates 711 G. O. Cases in Lower Canada Courts 165 M. Hebrew Chrestomathy 778 Stuart Papers 399 Stud Book frau9ai8 668 Suard, Eneych>pc'dio de niusiquc 721 Sudre, llistoire du conimunisme 237 Sue, Fug. Coricspondance d'Escoubeaii. . . 421 G'^uvres 882 Sugdcn, Sir E. Law of Property 140 New Statutes relating to Limitations 140 On Sales 140 Treatise on Powers 140 Sugcr, Vic de Louis le gms 413 Sullh-an, F. S. Constitution and Laws of Euglnnd 103 R. Dictionary of Derivations.... 792 TV. if. Journal of Progress 727 Su'hj, Mcmoires 416 Sumner, Abp. On Population. Ac 255 Sunshine on Daily Paths 852 Surgy, Finances 268 Surrey, (Howard,) Earl of, Poems 860 Sutherland, J. C. C On the Hindu Law of adoptions 172 Sutton, T. Photography on Paper 719 Suzannct, Les Provinces du Caucase 447 Swninsou, W. On New Zealand 285 Svainson, W. Of Fly-Catchers,— Uf the Birds of Western Africa 608 Swiirlz, C. F. Memoirs, by Pearson 6ii2 Sioedenborg, F. Life, by Hood ,502 Ou the Animal Kingdom. 634 Sweet, Q. Limited Liability Act 144 Smifl, Jonathan, Life 502 Works 852 Poems 864 Suiindell, J. G. On Well-Digging 757 Si/denham, Lord, Life and Administration. 159 Sydonliam Palace, Guide to the 771 Views of 771 Sydney, W. R. On Appeals to the Lords. . 106 Sylvain-Eymnrd, Poli'iconujuio 235 ; Symes^ Embassy to Ava 655 j Symonds, A. Mechanics of Law-Making. . . 110 , Symons, J. School Economy 80 J. C. On Reformatories 246 CATALOGUE ALPHABETIQUE. lOGl Symoni, J, C. Tactics for the Times 246 Synge, Caiiadiv in 1848. 280 SyiiuJalia, a Juucnal of Convocation.... 38 Syria unci A-iu Minor 651 Stabad, Hungary 443 Taaffe, J. History of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem 31, 329 Tabiri Clironique 453 Table chronologique ilea diploinea 420 Table Talk, Book of 852 ■ Dramatic 827 Table Talker, The 852 jTi 6oa(ia, Uictiiiunaire ospngno! 786 Tache.J. O. Phin do oonimiitalion 107 Ksquisse sur le Canada 773 Le Canada et I'exposition uni- verselle 773 ——— Canada at the Universal Exi- bilion 774 Tiiillandier, S. R. Sur I'Atlcniagne 442 L'athiiiiiine et le socia- lisme 237 ——— Piiilosophie hcgelienne. 66 Scot Erigine 60 Litturatnre euAlleniagne 798 Tarbe,M. Verification 269 T rii, C. Lar.gagoet patois do Champagne 867 Taidieu, Dictiounaire d'hygitlne publique... 666 Manuel de pathologic 066 Tardicu, Amidee, Seuuganibie et Guinoo... 468 Tariffof United States 280 of Canada 280 Tartarian Nations, Dialects of 654 Tartary, (Independent) Account of. 654 Taschereau, Vie et ouvrages de P. Cor- neille 486 Vie de Moliere 495 Tail, P. G. and Steel, Dynamics of a par- ticle 601 W. Magdalenism 244 Talabot, Le Canal de Suez 271 Talbot, C. Duke of Shrewsbury, Corres- pondence, by Coxe 391 Miijor, Selection of Psalms 721 //. F. Pencil of Nature 719 Talfourd, T. N. Supplement to Vacation liarables and Thoughts 535 Tallemaut des Jieaux, Les historiettes 426 Talleyrand- Perigord, Projet d'organisation d'une instruction publique 83 Commerce des Etats Unis avee I'Anglcterre 273 Avantagcs des colo ?'usman'« Discoveries of Southern Countries 666 Tasio, Life, by Milman 602 7'a8«o, La Jerusalem d6livr6e 893 Jerusalem delivered 893 Tate, T. Philosophy of Education 81 IV. Modern Cambist 268 Tatischeff, J. Dictionnaire Franjai* et Russo 785 Tavanuei, Ga.ip. de, Voir Sautx. Tiiyler, W. E. Geology 617 Taylor, A. Glory of Regality 104 A. S. Medical jurisprudence 150 Bayard, Travels 627 Bp. LifeofChrist 22 WholeWorks 48 E. Book of Rights 102 H. Manual of a Justice of the Peace 166 - //. Notes from Books. 853 Notes from Life 858 Edwin the Fair, dia of Anatomy and Physiology 631 Todd, K. B, and Bowman, Physiological Anatomy 631 Tofutul-m\ijiihidcen 464, J. Misoelluneous Works 44 Ti/lenare, Es.'jai sur le commerce 278 Tothausen ct O'ardissal, Dictionnaire tech- nologique 790 Toller, Sir S. Law of Executors and Admin- istrators 142 Tomasneo, Aiubassaleurs Vonitiens 422 Tomlius. T. E. Cases before Election Com- niiltees 116 ————— Law Dictionary 126 ToinlinHon, C. Construction of Tocka 728 Cyclopnsdia of Useful Arts 747 ' Mechanics 745 On Natural Philosophy 671 On Warming and Ventila- tion 707 Pneumatics 686 Tomlinson, Rev. L. Astronoinio amui-ante 584 Tone, T. Wolfe, Autobiography 401 System of Cavalry 685 Tonqucen, Description of 857 Tooke, J. II. Memoirs, by Stephens 603 T. On the Currency 263 History of Prices 203 Tooke, W. Life of Catherine II, of Russia. 446 Monarchy in France 411 Tony, Mr-moircs 417 Toronto, Moguctical Observations 686 Torrent, R. Commercial nnd Colonial Policy ... 285 On tho External Corn Trade. 278 Torres Ndharro, Dramcs divors 890 Torretj, J. Botany of New York 613 Planteof California 615 Bati.-iMaritima 015 New Pitcher Plant 615 Torrcy,,f. . Pillars of lloreules Progress uf Russia Spirit of the East 450 37 908 332 391 685 085 180 284 658 183 304 305 305 78 87 85 535 490 158 16 1 660 165 169 16,5 165 87 275 720 727 590 89 510 416 610 PASS Urquhart, D. II. On Classical Learning. . 794 \V. P. Erancosoo Sforza 436 Vaccination, A Paper on 678 Vaceiuatinn, in India, Reports on 679 FaiV/an^ Situation de I'Algcrio 484 Vai'lant, Voyage autour du niondo 636 Voyage en Afriquo 662 Vaillant, La Romanic 449 Valcourt, M6moire3 sur I'agriculture .... 663 Valenciennes, II. do, Chrouique do Ville- hardouin 414 Valcnj, Correspondauoo do Mabillon 24 Vnlicourt, E. de, Manuel du tournour .... 731 Vallat, voir Clirq ct Vallat. ValUc, Du Rhone et du lac de Gonive. . . 7B8 TractS des chcmins de far de Paris en Utilgiquc, etc 754 Vallencey, C. Prospectus of a Dictionary of Aucient Irish 790 Vallcroux, Do I'assistance sociale 260 Vallet d'ArUis, Fabrioant de gauts 7S7 Valletde Viriville, Instruction publique en Europe 76 Valois, Marguerite de, Meraoires 416 Valoia, Le catalogue dca mcdailles imp6- riales 313 Kuflections sur quelqucs m6- dailles 312 Premiiire et seconde guerres sacrees 321 Dissertation sur les ampbic- tyons 89 Valon, A, de. La Turquie 449 ■ Malte 450 Romans divers 887 Valorij, Pr6cis historique 428 Vancouver, Lo capitaine Q. Voyage dans I'occan pacifique 525 Vandacl, Manuel du tailleur 137 Voyage autour du nioudo .... 526 Vanderest, Histoire de Jean Bart 481 Van dcr Kcesacl, I). n publiqtio 84 SouvciiiiH coiiteinporaiijs 480 Ktiides d(! lilti'i'iitiiro 800 Di8ciiui'8 ct iiii'diiiigcs 800 Villeiiciive, Giiil. de, MOinoiri'8 . . 418 Villeneuve dc Uirt/emunt, IlUtuiic dc I't'co- Doiiiie pi)Iiti(]uc 249 Villeneuve, de, ct 2f(is.ii, Cutitenlieux curnincrcial 208 VillermS, As-iociiitions ouviiiires 269 L(.'3 douani's ct In controbande. . 280 Ktat physique ot moral des ou- vricrs 259 Villeroy, Memoires dV'tat 416 Villevault, Oi'dimnauecs dca rois 197 Villiert, A. de, GOograpliie 610 Vilmorin, Le bon jardinicr 664 Vitoteuu, L'arl musical in Ejjy pte 468 Musiqui! de ruutique Egyptc. 720 Vimont, Truil6 de phri'iiologie 632 Ch. Ilistoii-e d'un navire 881 Vincendon-Dumoiilin, Hydrograpbie 608 Physique 611 Vincens, Emile, Des eoei^tOs par actions. . 208 Exposition de la lOgisla- ture omuiercialo 209 Vincent, ir. Comuicrco of the Ancients. . 272 l>4« Vine< nt, W. r«riplu<, Ac 611 Vinci, L. Da. On I'aiiuii'g; with nil nc- coiuit of hit works, he 716 Vinci, Leonard de, Truiti- du In Puinture. . 719 Viutt, A. U\>e\U rcliKicuau 221 LittOrature fraiifnise 800 Violelle, II. NouvclloH inani|iuhktions chi- niiqucs Hiinpiitices 606 ot Archiimbaiill, Dictionnuire d«'< analyses chiiniques 690 ViuUetle Due, Dictionuniro do rnrchitco- turo fraii^nise 701 Aichitecturo militaire au moycn Age 701 Ancien Iht'Atro fran^iiis. , . . 869 Vireij, Philo<(uphi(! do Ihiatolre naturcllo. 006 Virginia State Journals and Laws 192 Virginia Univcriiity, HiBtory of 85 Virivilte, Vallet de, Univorsitcs, eto., au inoyi'u-Age 78 Uiatoire do riiistruo- tion pnbliqno 70 Viicond, E. Q. Iconogrnphio grecque. . . . 821 Muai't! franyais 693 Vishnu Purana ; by Wil-oii 64 Viialen, Ordcriciii, Ili.'ttoria Ecclesiiaatica. . 417 Ilistoirt* lies dues do Normandio. . 414 Vitel, Eustachc Le.sueur 494 Lcs 6tnt8 d'Orl6aii8 887 Noti e-Danie de Noyou 422 Vilruvitui, On Architecture, by Owilt. . . . 700 Vide Classio*. Vilri/, {Envies 867 Vitry, J. do, ilistoire des Croisadcs 828 Vivien, Etudes adininistratives 236 VogeVii Niger Flora, and Life by Hooker. 647 Voice and Eur, Art of improving 722 Voiron, llistniro de rostrunomie 684 Vuiture, ffiiivres 868 Volney, (Euvres 875 Voltaire, (Euvres 874 Autobiography 604 Vultz, A pparei I i chauffer le vent 767 \on Troll's Letters from Iceland 643 Voyage pittoresque duns les Pyrenees 642 Voyage intitallurgiquo en Angleterre. . . . 766 Voyiigos en Al'riquo 669 Vuea des champs de butaillo dc Napo- k'on 429 Vyse, J{. Operations at the Pyraniid:^ of Uizth 319 CATALOOUK ALPHA UKTIQUi;. 1069 Wangiin, (J. t'. ArtTiea.-'uicii of Ut. llriluiii Tl» Wiirf, fiO I'oiunii ilo liriit 8IW) Wiirliimiilh. W, Ilixtdricul uiiliiiulliri of thu (ii'OdliS 822 V/u IJiluf' A, l)ii(vit of Ciiiet in Coiii't of Anliuii 218 Waddiiiijtoti, (J. Cliiircli IIIh ory iiH Orouk Cliiircli ... DO Wa'l<>,J riiitinli lli»t(.rv ;t:»8 — — — Kii;{liiiiirii OroatnosH 3U() Waijenfr, X. VoynguH ft'lX Wminer, M. TnivclK in I'orsiu ko B5tl Wiiilli/, I.eoii lie, Slellii i-t V'liiiO'iHii HSl IVuilli/, .\' Kpinl'i'iiof ApoKloliciil Kutlicr^t 17 Wukiifield. I). l'ul)lio Kx|)i'niiiliiro 'JOl A' Aot'Oiiiil (if Irt'liinil 402 K.U. Alt, of Coloniziitioii , . '2H5 -^— ^— — — Vi' 'n on tliu riinii-liinent of Doivtii 2-lH A'. J. Advoiiture* in Now Zcii- liind 471 Wa/t'Aenaer, HistMiu; ilt- Luf.piitailio 493 Ciitttlogue lie livicg 00;i 06i)griiphio cle* Oaules, ..... B89 HistDire dog voyugeH , 569 IiHccti's apt(M('B 64;t Walilerk- fiiiiissenu, Coilis iiiiiiolo SO.'i Waldeyrarv, Kurl of, Muinoirii 392 Wnica, Histdpy of, by Caruiloi", Wynne, Ac. 334 Anciont Liiwa of 339 Wnlfiird, J. (}. I.awg of thu Ciistomg 147 Walker, C. V. Teh'uriipliio r Institntions, io. 441 Wiitpole, F. Ausayrii and A.^aasfiiii .... 550 FourycaiB in the I'aoilio.... 67i> ——- II. Anecdotes of I'aintiiig 713 CorrespondcDCO with Maon, Mujon, and Countess of Ossurj .... 834 Ji. MoinoiiH I'ohiting to Turkey.. 521 'I'lavelH ill Die Kiiitt 624 Walras, UiviiOHiie Hoeinle 284 Nuturu lie la richeiiio 264 Walsh, Tnlileaii poi'tifiiiA des fiHeii chrl^- tii lines BO WiiIhIi, Poenm 806 A'. Didaelies 854 Walhr, A. Military Catechism 68S Wnlntein, Hi conspiration 442 Wnltrr, II. History of Kngland 387 WtilliT of llem'nipford'ii Clironiole 867 ir(i///icr» Lexicon diploinaticum 08 W.illon, 'it Rev. /y. Mumoiis by Todd. . . 504 /. and Golton. ('ompletu Angler. 725 IV. Iluvolution<« in Spain 440 Wiir with Uupsia, Pamphlctson 448 Warburion, Hp. Divine Legation of Moser. 10 A. Riillo and his Knee 872 A'. Life of Lord Peterborongh 497 Ward, II. tJupe and the Kaffirs 064 Five years in Kaflirland 664 Jaiiim, World in its Woiksiiop^. . . 770 Jiihti, On tlio English Langungo.. 792 ,1. li. .\ntobiogriiphy of a Fugitive Negro .... 249 A'. Ji. On Growth of Plants in Glaz- ed tjiises 663 A'. A. On Investments 266 Ji. F. Memoirs, by Pliipps 604 On the Revolution of 1088.. 890 W. History, Ac. of the Hindoos. . . 461 IV'wriH, MOilailles rran^iiiees 312 ll'ani«r. Poems 865 Wiiniet, On llie Oultivalion of Flax 662 Wiirr, G. F. Dynamics, Machinery, Ac. . . 746 Wairen, li. ile, L'lndo Anglaiso 461 y.C. Fossil Mastodon described. 619 .S' Duties of Attornies 130 Introduction to Law Sludies.. 89 Law and Practice of Election Cominiltecs 114 Manual of Elc^ption Law 114 Literary Works 864 Miscellanies 856 On a late Court Martial.. , J50 Warlon. J. Poems 865 yVarlon, T. History of English Poetry. . . . 804 On Spenser's Fairy Queen... 864 J 1070 ALPIIADKTICAL OATALOOIJB. Warton, T. I'oenii 8flR ——^^ Life of Sir T. i'ope 498 WaiAburn, Di^fest of Vnimont Hf ports. . . \\)'i Wathington, (/. WritinKx of 181 Wittelfl, Diotionn ilrn ilen arts 08U Waterhuutt, O. Ji. Natur«l Ulitor/ of Miimmtlla 087 — OfPouchod Antmali. fl08 Wattrman, T. W. JuriRiliclioii of Justicai of lliu IVace 101 WalemioH, IV. Mkiiual «l (!omiiiurco 28U Walcrton, ('. K>m»)» on Naturjil lIlBtorjr hikI Aiitolii()){rnpliy 008 Walhrn, (i. II. (Jiililflii Oniony C«7 Wather$lon, J. II. Gold Viiiupr 7flB WatKtn, iliiiliop, Anerdotos of, by hiintclf. 604 R History of I'liillp II. . 440 & '7'/i»m,»on, History of Philip III. 4M — W. //, On ArliitnitioM luiil Awnrils l.'iU Walt, J. Mi.'ctiHniciil Iiwentiona of..... ... TlH Watttville, Etnblig.sotnou3 do bicnfaiaanou.. 'JOU MoiitR d« I'iiHt- ' 208 Watti, Dr. haac, I'ocmg ... SOn Watti, It. liibliothoca Britnnnicn 900 Waud.ti, W. Algebraical Udomutr.v Ono Waugh iind Cox, Austrnlian Almauiic. . . . 280 Wiiyland, Lift! of Dr. J\Kl>on 4«2 Wayne, Major, Sword Kxcrciso OSS Waynjlelc, Uisbop, Life, by Clmiidlor 504 Weale, ./. Dictionary of Torins in Architec- ture, Knginroriii^, (be 098 — . I'lipers on Civil Kngineering 742 — Papora on Architecture 703 On Stained (llass 704 Uuditncntary Troatim-a, videt c uanu'H of tlu! ncvonil AtilliorR. Wibtr, Momoiroaiiir Marie- Aiitoinettc 428 Weber, II. Tnlo.s of the Kaat 8H8 Popular Uomances 856 Webster, Daniel, Worlds 183 , • Piiviito Correspondeueo. .liM . iV. Knglish Dictionary 732 T. Equilibrium of Fiuidn 750 T. and I'arkrs, Eiicyclopiudia of Donioslic I'lcououiy 735 W. II. N'oy.iK" lollioSoutli Atlantic 505 WcdgH-uiul, II. On Devcldpnicnl ot the Un- (li'istiinding 7'j Wciij'jil, J. ('. Chancery Practice 130 Wcii^hls luul Meiisores of vaiicoiM conn- tiic«, Htu-icnt and iiiodern 208-27' Wcislioch, J. ,Mecli.inic3 of Machiiicry T'li, Weill, Prinoipri philoaof hiquM 73 — — — R^fugiAi Protodtani 88 Pnpier* d'Ktnt de OrnuvolU 4JiJ Uiogrnphie 478 Weld, V. H. History of the Royal Hoclfty. 671 Wellnliy, Marqiirit of, Meniuirt naJ Cur- reapondcncA 806 WrUiiiglun, Duke of, Character, kc, by Mnurel A06 Deapntclirs. , . , 831 Oeneriil Ord, J. O. Classitioation of ln.sccts.. e'12 Piila'iiLfraphia S.icra 774 WtthercU, Le moude, Ic vaste inouJc... 856 CATALOOUJS ALPlIADETigUH. 1071 Wfy, F. l)j» ri'viiliitioni ilu likiiguija 7»7 ^——^ lle 1H4 — — PrccoduntNof Iiulictiuontsuiiil riuaii 181 — J. J. 8. Iiiw Loxicoti lao — i'l'luciplci of Convey- niK'iriK 141 Whalely, Aljp. Klcmeiiti of Uh«ti)rio 8U6 KliMiiontii of Loii{ic 70 — KiigliHh HyiionyiiiH 703 On I'oliticnl Kcoiioiiiy. . . . 2^1 liiiitorio (loubU on Dunu- piirto 481 Whfatl'ij, ./. Oil Curroiicy iind Cmnnieroc. 20'J Whmtlij, V. On Ihu Hook of Coinmou rrnyer 'j'.i Wheaton, II. Law of Nutionn in Europe' luiil Amri'ica 06 Wheeler, U. U, Iliitlory of CongrcBS 181 J. IK On tlio Law of iSlavory. . , l7i) — J. T. Geography of llonidotiiH. . "M Life and Travels of Hero- dotus 811 .Summary of llciodolus . , . 314 Whewell, W. Astronomy and I'liy^ii'M. , . . B7tt Elements of Morality 01 On Liberal E'lucnliun 78 Lectures on Uistorv of Moral riiilosopliy G 1 History of Induotivo Hcienco 070 I'hilosopliy of Liductivo Science B7() I'luiality of Worlds fiSl Wliixh, Essay ou tLo Kxliibition 770 Whiston, W. Astronomical Prineipies of KelijL^ion 4') On Newton's Philoanpliy. . . 67ri — — Memoirs of Life and Wii- tings IS White, A. History iif Manmialia 607>iy of Birds C;iS F. T. and Tudor, Leading Cases in Eijuity i;n G- Natural llibtoiy of Solbciiie. . (jOii 6'. On Wiaviiii; 7-S Whit», li. Madeira fi4l W Lonilonrr'd Walk to Lund'* End 686 White, Revolution Utlga 48W Whitfjitfil, Uov. a. Autobiography 805 Whitih iid. /'. Po«m» HAS W. I'oenis 806 Whitcloikt, 8ir II. Affairs of England. (Jhnrles MI ng« Embassy to Hwcden »gO On tli« King's Writ forClioos- ing Meiribors of I'arliament 102 Whilciiidi; .). Italy in tlio IDih Century . . 486 -. Viei«niHi(lc8 of tho Eternal City 825 WhUnfij, T. li. American Policy, and For- <'ign Intluenoo 178 Whittiiiyhdiii, Oapt. li. Expedition ngaluxt Eastern Siberia fiS7 WhittUsrti, C. Of Anv-ient Works in Ohio. 014 Whitt'l, H. M. I'olilieal Sketches *J20 Whilirorlh, Sir ('. Trade of Great Uritain. 273 ,f. E(iuity Precedents 136 Who's who in 18B6 607 W7i,yica 644 Wuolhouse and others, on Differential mid IntejTial Calculus 601 Woolrych, H. W. Law of Party Walls and Fences 14:^ Law of Waters 144 Law of Ways 143 Treatise of Legal Time 130 Woolwich Military Academy's Mathema- tics 600 Wordsworth, C. Diary in France 83 Kcclesiastical Biiigrapliy. 36 Greece, Pictorial, Descrip- tive, and tlistorioal 545 Ou Eikon Basil ike 383 Wright, J. Christianity, and the Progress of Railways 239 J. B. Manual of Universal History 306 M. l)n the Law of Tenures 128 T. Biographiu Britaniiica Litera- ria 803 Early Inhabitants of Britain. . 334 On thu SnppressiiiU of Monas- teries 37 England under the House of 6'. Digest of Election Reports 116 Law and practice of Elec- tions 113 Law of Joint Stock Com- panies 143 Law of Railway Com pa nies, etc 143 II'. Biography, by Hood 505 Memoirs, by C, Words- worth 505 Poetical Works 805 The Prelude 860 Working Man, Memoir of a 505 Working Man's -way in the World 505 Working Men's College Lectures 79 Wornum, R. /V. Catalogue of Library of Art at Marlborough House 902 Epochs of Painting 711 Wors'ci/, II. Juvenile Depravity 245 Life of Luther 86 WorthliKjton, G. Preoedeuts for Wills 142 Wranyell, F. Expedition to the Polar Sea. . 533 Voyage en Siberie 533 Wraxall, L. Naval and Military Resources of Nations 683 Wraxall, y. W. Posthumous Memoirs.. 394 IVraij, L. Practical Sugar Planter 662 Wren, (Sir C.) and his Times 505 Wright, A. Court Hand Restored 775 G. JV. Life of William IV 3yO Hanover 396 Wriyhlson, Ji. H. History of Modern Italy 436 Wyat, Poems 866 Wyalt, 31. D. Industrial Arts of 19th Century 770 Views of Sydenham Palace. 771 Wi/man, J. Anatomy of certain Nerves. . . 614 Wynn, C. W. W. On the Jurisdiction of the Commons 110 Wynne, E. Ou ihe Law and Constitution ofEuijIand 104 Wyse, Education Reform 80 Wyljlief., Histoire des Indes 458 Yaena, le, Expliqufi par Buruouf. 56 Yakkun Nattannawa 54 Ynld'H, Poems 866 Yanoski, L'Afrique chretienue 467 Vanoski et David, Syrio ancieniie et mo- derue 456 Ynrrrll, W. History of British Fishes 640 Yales, J. On tiie French Decimal System. 269 Ynles, W. Uraininar of the Sanscrit 781 Modem History of Egypt 468 Year Book of Facts 571 Year Book of the Nations 279 Y'ester Deep Land Culture 651 Yolland, W. Measurement of Lou^hFoyle Base 638 Geodosy ; Practical Astronomy . 600 For Ae, Hon. C. Law of Forfeiture for High Treason 151 Youatt, IF. Complete Grazier 659 On Cattle, the Dog, Horse, and Sheep 659 Young, A. Tour through North of Eng- land 653 Tour in East of England 663 Tour in UAm<\ 638 Travels in France 540 Voyage en France 540 A. W. American Statesman 179 Qt 1074 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. PAOB Young, A. W. Science of Qovemmont. . , . 179 E. Poems 866 Revd. E. PreRaphaelitism 716 O. On Union of British Colonies of America 168 On rigbta of Fishery on the coasts of N. Scotia, Ac '. 170 J. R. On Arithmetic 600 Mrs. Our Camp in Turkey 44H Dr. T. Hieroglyphical Literature. , 778 Hieroglyphical Essays,