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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mtthodo. 2 3 5 6 Mctocorr ihouition rrr chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2| [1.0 1.25 1^ ■ 12 140 |2J 2.2 2.0 U 11.6 ^ /APPLIED \M/K3E he Wf' ,<. ■wk ; ' ' 6 ! iM ^»«« '0 EXHIBITION CIECULAK No 18. JKJ.MIMON or CANADA. T)KP.\IM\li:.\T OF .V(il!I(II.TI UK EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. J. H. GRISOALE, B.Agr. Director. F. W. L. SLADEN, Apiculturist. DIVISION OF APICUtTURE. BEE-KEEPING IN CANADA. bv V. W. L. Si Aiii:\. titt..,l win, ..v.rv r..,Mi.',o ,,rn, ,h n '^""•"■.'' "" '"'-"""'"' building -o .t,.di..d and also .i^u^ .^^ ^^J':^^^! ':: ""V'^'-:'.--"' ^-.v 'he farm ;;;.^.. .oa. .e Be. „.,,... . .^ .n^.trra::'^ ^--Itl^Z Bco iirt- (,f valiio for two pnrposox--- ,...lIon. In .nan. ,U.. th.. lild ,,.J ^ n ^ ;. 11 l"^'^"'" '" '"r^''''"*'^ «*•« -mt this work .SHtisfa.t.irilv ,>.,«.,. div «h. , , , "'" •■"''■"s or «.t.v.> t., ..arry h«.>_aron......s..ry to ,..,.;.• Zf^j'Zlj!::^' '^ '•''"'■'^'"'•''■- -'' '-- i. .;'u:r:7„;;i;:'::,.;i:;'. '"0^;;^':;..:-^';;; ^-- '^ "— -' ^- -•- r.-KionH to about two hundr.vl po„ witli vkill,.,l , '"""" "■"'^""'* «"*' «..>o„ i„ th,. lH..t regions, wh. r,. ,lu in. -"'.n ^,.n>P„t ■„ a p.r.i.-ularl.v froo• ^-•"i~<-. »1- find it fifty f., „ hniKlr...! .ul,.,,!,., ,„„y 1... k.-i i„ ,,„„ ,„„, , . , -wr. shoul.l b.. not h.>. lh„M thrr,. n.ih.. „ ,' T ' ""'■''' "^""'"'' '""*- '""). l.-kwl , , Ontario „ .1 q',k • ba! ".A ^'"'"^ "'"' '*""^'' ^'■""•>- rSonthorn A«b..r,a,. ra.pb..rry. SI:: ,:.,!':.;:'., ^:'':h ""'' V'-'T'^ "'f-'f" Itu' >pnn«. wiMovvs. ,h,n.l,.lion. bloon, ■ n. , H '", ""' "'"' '''^'■'- '" A lo..aI .li'mand ),,r l.-.ri<.v i> ,..i.ilv ,.r,..|t,.,l \Vb I i " ^"'-- . rauK- from h-v..,. ,., ,,.„ ,.,„,, ,,., ,„, ,;,; , , ^^ '"''""'" '"•';'- '"^ -xtn,..,.,! bo„. v ;-•■ •" -" - 1 i::"i:i:!::' "^!,w ;;,::';;'•"' """^■^■- "-'' ' <«..nty ,•..,„. p..r p.,,,,,.! nn.v !«■ ^.,, f.,r ..vua. l.-d h. v m, if " .' '";:'.""-^- "■" '" -••..tiori.- ..f ,...nib hoi„.y. • ''''"" '*' 'I'Tli '■vnt> for Ilonc.v is ii(>.si>rvo(ll.v popular, not only on a'vouiit of its dclii-iitt-ly Havoiircil sweetness, but btvaiiso it is a valuab'e foi>d, snppl.vinjf onertj.v ami heat to tlio system. The natural eraviii); of ehihiren for aoniethii jr s«(H>t is well ami satisfai-torily met by ffivinir them honey. Bread, butter aniderabIe time. The severe eold and lenffth of the Canadian winter are not serious obstacles to the UivpiiiK of Ihh's, as the U'e.s can be sueeessfully wintered in the cellars of dwellins houses, or, packed in shaviiifts. in lar(fe wintering eases out-of-doors. However, no one should embark on bee-keepin-r who is not reaily to study the k-es' rolves than any other kind of live-sto<'k. Indeeil, uef;l<>ct in their case is frc'iuently even more disa-itrous, for if cobuiies die as the result of Kuropeau Koul I?rood or American Foul Brood, twr) very destructive and Infei'tious diseases of the bee larva, bees from other hives in the apiary ami surniiindiim- districts will steal the honey and tliercby carry the frerns of disease to tlicir own hives. .Many parts of Canada, e.i;., British Columbia, the I'rairie Provinces, the ifreater part of the Mari- Covtr time proviiK'cs, Eastern Quebec and i-ertain section^ of Ontario are still pr.icticnlly free from foul brood au'l it is important that bees should n it l>e iin|M)rtiNl into llic^c rciriiuis from places where the diseases arc iirevaleut. Kspccially is tip., apiaries of black bees in its course. Fiprtuuatc^ly the Italian Ix'i' is i,ir. or les* re^i-tant to Furopean I'lod Brood, and the bee-ki-i-piT can «avc his be,., bv iiropc trciitment and the timely introduction of Italian ipu-ens. Ontario, (Quebec ,;tid lirili-b Columbia have passed legislation for the control of foul brood. To treat forms of foul broiKl shake the U'c.. into a clean hive tifteil with franii>s haviui! 'tarter'' of foundation not more than one incli wiilc, ami afterwards cover tli' entrance of the now hive with a iput'ii ami drone trap for two or thrii- days to preveul 1 ;±"L'":!"i.^r':^^"^-. ^'r'^ ''- t!>e co„.b« in ...i, "Id hive by s«.n-hi.iK til.. ii,si,i,> with-, "fl boil 'ijf in watpr fcr iuiif an Ik lanic. Ih'os of health, he carried out in tl be d(>st liy eoloiiies fri Wh Otl len only a few eoh. I" Wttin- any of the inf.vte.l h lin? water and di.sinf.vt the tieles may be disinfix;t,^l by ics an- treated. t« prevent tlu ■WT artieles n •pread in fn)tit of tl e eveiiinur, and if houev d royeil. Sauipli tie hive to riM-eive Jt. Thes rips from tl >ney, the shakiriR should 'impers shcjiild le eonibs nen-! •I- newspapers are to be aft erwards Ceiifral K about six ind 't diseasi'd brood coinb xperiniental Farm, Ottawa f, inav Ih' mailed to the I) 'u- wiioden or tin b( •'liiare. should coiit II' exaniiiiati( parcel X. with till :nn no M-nders „..,ne and add I'iney and >lioiild 1 'ivision of A.piculburo, nd rcih.rt. They should be ress written enclos<.d tin The in a stnmsf iitside of the tain tl "Illy satisfactorv The I, he ciiMil iinds of I >t:uidard in all parts of Canad nur-troth fr liivcs ai-|. tbo>.. fitted with line. 175 inches lonir bv !»' able f rallies tl inches deep, is the The followinjr list kcepuiK: <'oinpri> that •Nsaiy for iiiaki in? a start in hi One or two colonif.s of may he olit.ijnpd tlu l>i*e.« ill lo-i'r froiTi ioiip LaiiKStnitti hives •y more iha,, half flu the h I'l-esent ami ihar the hroo | a lor.ll hee-k that .eepei-. I The 1)1 A«i'ertain that '"lality. < onillt on is healthy.) .voiini; fertile ,|iieeti "lie poun.l In Ke(! Mliioker. to.' "ooil fouiKlatinn 'OKI time of year. I ' eaeh. iorilln« li Bee One- 'ts al)out. eo.sts .iliout. •5 1. ".II to I to no no «|. quarter pound .\o. 3ii t lur wile emhediler n,, tnystcry aliout tl aiiada it may be briefly sill le sU(y'cs>fii| ony 1- ^truiiif 1.1 h; ninaiiz.'.l ,is f,,l| inaiuiKenient of b, yciMitf f.Ttil.. .|ii( !• <-ics lip t,, III p,,i,,|,|s ,,r I.", poiiii.l "ith siifTiir -yriip made bv 'I'll, mid about :i n Septeml^.r s..,. t or a |i,r«e p^irt niaV part ,,f wat.'r. stirred if O.t.iber. It liss.ilvini. twi in win' I. '"' mild.- «oo.| bv (,,,.,1 > Ihillllds ,,{ r»r ami water. ( foo.|. If b'>r si.b. ,,f 4,j •w weeks from ■■'iiry. f..,.,| with •ive a super as s..on as the br.,,„d chamber ii filled with b<*> mid brwKl. and homy is t-oiniiig in freely, and enlarge the entrance, (iivc iuiditiona! snpt-r.s before tlm^e previously supplied are full of honey. Swarms shcnld be put i.. a new hive on ihf old .sljind, the old .-..louy bting moved to a new IcK-at'on. Hy clipping; tlie e done early in May) then is no fear of losiiii: tl.e tirst swarm, but somekxly should be present to secure the queen and hive the swarm when it issues. Enc.uiries aUuit beckeepinjr should be ad(lr4'sse