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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '•u4^. ^'^i^r-^VQ v^i.'; V INPORMif i« .^ -i^ "vJ ST MARYSIHORCH if, , ZZOOXX1S L '» .OhJ^. ♦ ' ■> *•' » i »r »> '» ; &"*. ■■%^^',^, ■ <• "'®i ■■■'■.■ ~ • -* ;: iilwtf"itfii*iSW^^S>ii OfURCH Of CANAI>/. •:"-:;- fit'. I***!*!." iJ"! ,»''. ■rMMM ■niiiv INFORMATION roB ^A S'E 4-10 1 PARTIES ASKED TO CONTRIBUTE IN AID OF ST. MARY'S CHURCH XXOC£3:S3L.A.GI-.A. MONTREAL W. F. DANIEL, PRINTBK Corner of St. Gabriel ud St. Thfekie Btreeto 187a INTRODUCTION Copy of a letter addressed by certain members of the Ves- try to the Incumbent. Hochelaga, 3rd April 1872. Bev. J. D. Borthwick, Incumbent of Hochelaga. Beverend and Dear Sir. The return of Easter imposes upon us the necessity of devising ways and means for the support of our church during the current year, and this leads us to approach a subject of some delicacy, which we desire to do in a spirit of love and christian charity, remembering that we are all, but unprofitable servantfi, in the eyes of '* Him with whom we have to do." It cannot be disguised that a steady decline of the Congregation is apparent, both as regards numbers and interest, and that at the present rate the church will ^oon be emptied, and the vantage-ground now held by the Church • I lilngland be occupied by the Wesleyacs or some other equally zeolous jody of christians, who only await the favorable moment, to plant their standard. The subject demands our most earnest and seiious attention, affect- ing as it does, the highest interests of ourselves and families, and we crave a like solemn and serious consideration on your part, as to the present critical condition of things, and the remedy. Our candid conviction is, that it will be simply impossible to raise amongst us, a stipend adequate to your wants and abilities, and to obtain outside assistance for this object, would bt totally impracticable. We believe the time has come, to make an effort to render this Parish or cure self supporting, and this crnrot be effected unless under the Pastorate of one who possesses the pecvliar qualifications necessary to draw around him and hold together the heterogenous elements of which the protestant population of Hochelaga is composed. To say that you have not succeeded in doing this, is in no wise intended to disparage your capacity and zeal, yet it is undeniably true, that the ministrations of a Pastor are often better appreciated and more blessed, in one sphere of labor than another ; and if, Beverend and Dear Sir, you have failed to peicieve any signs of spiritual life and s' progress daring tLe course of your ministry intliis place, may it not be an indication of a call to you to work in some othar part of tlie Lord'8 Vineyard ? We do not undervalue the pecuniary aspect of tlie subject by any means, but we do submit, that the Eternal welfare of many immortal souls transcends all other considerations, and we eartnestly desire and pray that we all may be Divinely guided as to the course now to be pursund. We should be glad to have an expression of your views on the sub- ject as early as possible. We remain, Reverend and dear Sir, Tours faithfully. BIQHABD HEMSLEY, O. M. ABBOTT, &f. D. JOSIAS BBYANT, JOHN BBIMLEY, OEOBGE BBOWN, OEdBGE ROBERTS, HENRT LAMPEN, WM. A. CURRY, \ Churchwardens JOSEPH HORSF ALL, / ^^"ft-t^^araens. Members of Vestry. Ex-Churchwardens. The above appeal to the moral sensibilities of the Incum- bent, instead of having the desired effect, appears to have roused his combative propensities in an extraordinary degree, evinced by a series of hostile acts directed against his best friendn. Some of these matters were brought to light at the Yes- try meeting, minutes of which are contained in the fol- lowing pages. 1- tl Meeting of the I^estry of St. Mary's Church IIOOI3:EXj-A-a--A. I*ursuant to the following notice posted on the chuich door according to law, viz : « NOTICE.— The Incumbent and Churchwardens of St. Mary's Church, Hochelaga, having been required by six members of the Vestry to call a " meeting thereof, pursuant to Act of Provincial " Parliament, 14-15 Vic, Cap. CLXXVI, Sec. X, " a,nd having failed to do so ; the undersigned, " acting under the authority of the said Act, hereby " summon a meeting of Vestry, to be held in the <* Vestry-Eoom of said St. Mary's Church, on *' Monday, the fourteenth day of October instant, " at eight P. M. Dated at Hochelaga, this 5th day of October, A. D. 1872. Signed "W. A. Curry, Joseph Horsfall, G. M. Abbott, H. Lampen, Jos. Bryant, Thos. Hawkins, members of the Vestry and subscribers to the Endowment fund of said " St. Mary's Church. " A meeting of Vestry assembled therefore on the 14th October, at St. Mary's Church door, where they were met by the Incumbent^ who declined either to admit them into the Church, or to furnish them with the minute book; whereupon. Dr. Abbott moved an adjournment to Mr. Curry's residence, which was carried into effect. There were present Messrs. Josias Bryant, G. M. Abbott, M. D., Jos. Horsfall, Wn^. A. Curry, Capt. Henry Lampen, Fred. Wheeler, W. Jones. G. M. Abbott, M. D., in the chair. Capt. H. Lampen, late H. M 33rd Regiment, acted as Secretary. a a u The above named, then signed a declaration that they were members of the Church of England, subscribers to the Parsonage or Endowment fund of St. Mary's Church, and as such, doly qualified mtmbers of the Vestry. Vide 14-15 Vict., Cap. CLXXVI, Sect. XXIII. Moved by JOSIAS BRYANT, seconded by W. A. CURRY, and RESOLVED,— That the minutes of a meeting held on t'he 9th July last be not confirmed, the whole proceedings thereat having been illegal, and they be now declared to be null and void, and be held to be expunged from the records of the Church. Moved by Capt. LAMPEN, late H. M. 33rd Re- giment, seconded by W. JONES, and RESOLVED,— That the minutes of the Easter Meeting be confirmed. The report of Mr. Curry, local delegate to the Diocesan Synod, was then read : Report of the Local Delegate to the Diocesan Synod " Tour delegate reports that he was present at the opening of the Synod on the 18th Jane last, where he met S. 0. Bagg, Bsq., his co^lelegate, who had been furnished with the required certificate of his election by the Incumbent, altho' none had been sent to the subscriber. The Incumbent was not present that day, and the same evening your local delegate wrote to Mr. Borthwick for his certificate. His verbal reply wa« : ' I have not t:me to attend to it now but will see to it in the morning. ' Expecting to meet him at the Synod, the subscriber attended in his place the following day, but the Incumbent did not appear, and your delegate had either to 'withdraw, or appeal to the consideration of the oflcers of the Synod. He chose the latter coarse, and on giving explana- tions, was allowed to take his seat. " That this indignity was premeditated there can be no question, as the people s churchwarden on being informed w. bing the and and the of it, replied, * Oh ! I knew three weeks ago that you were not to get your certificate. ' " The action carries its own condemnation and needs no comment. «WM. A. CURRY. « Hochelaija, 14th October 1872. " • Whereupon it was moved by JOSEPH HORS- FALl., seconded by FRED. WHEELER, and RESOLVED,— That the report of the local de- legate to the Diocesan Synod now read, be adopted ; and that the Vestry learns with astonishment of the neglect and refusal of the Incumbent to furnish Mr. Curry, the local delegate to the Synod, with a certificate of his election, although he had sent one to Stanley C. Bagg, Esq., the non-resident delegate, which evinced a pre-determination to disqualify Mr. Curry from taking his seat in the Synod, thus putting a slight upon the Vestry in the per- son of its representative, which requires both explanation and apology. Moved by JOSIAS BRYANT, seconded by F. WHEELER, and RESOLVED,— That the practice frequently pursued by the Incumbent of purchasing wine at a neighbouring tavern for the sacramental table on the Sunday mornings, prior to the administration of the sacred rite, betrays an absence of proper regard to the sanctity of the Lord's day, and is calculated to deter many from partaking of the Holy Ordinance : and that in future, the providing of wine for the Lord's table be left in the hands of the Churchwardens, as enacted by the rules of the Synod of this Diocese. Moved by JOSIAS BRYANT, seconded by W. A. CURRY, and RESOLVED,— That the Vestry resents the attempted invasion of its privileges by the Incum- bent, in preventing explanation and discussion at the last meeting, previous to taking a vote upon the motion introduced by himself to upset the Parsonage trust, which motion was carried by a majority of disqualified voters, induced to attend fbr the purpose, through misrepresentations on the part of the Incumbent. For the information of some present,and in absen- ce of the minute book withheld by the Incumbent, the following report of the late Churchwardens presented by them at the Easter meeting on retir- ing from office, was then read, viz : Churchwardens' Report " The retiring churchwardens of St. Mary's Church,Hoche- laga, beg to report to the Vestry, that the Incumbent having represented to them during the course of the summer that the Synod had withdrawn from him its usual annual grant of two hundred dollars, taking effect from Ist July last, they volunteered to collect what they could, by a special effort, to meet this unexpected deficiency. The result has been satis- factory and has enabled them to pay over to the Incumbent a sn.m rather more than equivalent to the amount of his unexpected loss, as appears by the accounts now submilted. At the same time, they combined a further effort to raise the nucleus of a Parsonage fund, in which they were also successful, as reported at the special meeting of Vestry held on the 2 Ist February last. " The suHV. subscribed and available towards the purchase of a Parsonage amoiints to two hundred dollars, and the amount collected for and received by the Incuiabont, amounts to one hundred and fifty four dollars, leaving a ba- lance on these collections of twenty-three dollars and 33 cents, applicable to the general purposes of the Chr 'ch. " The whole respectfully submitted. "WM. A. CURRY, " JOSEPH HORSFALL. tl tl a h 6 a I / k " Hochelaga, 1st April 1872. " at ^pon the pend the 5en- lent, lens itir- And immcdiiitely afterwards, the : Report of the Trustees of the Parsonage or Endow- ment Fund of St. Mary's Church Hocheiaga « The trugtees of the Parsonage fund beg to report : " That in addition to the $200 first collected to form thereof the nucleuH of the fund, they have obtained sulwcribers to the extent of nearly $400, making nearly $600 already avail- able, and from the promises made to them since the matter has become known, they have no doubt of being able to swell" this amoant to me thousand dollars during the next six months. " The house designated in the resolution of February last was not finished until late in the summer, and as no tenant could the.i be obtained, and they would have become person- ally responsible for the interest had the purchase been com- pleted, they deferred it until they could see their way clearly, to act free of personal loss. " The trustees intended to report progress at a Vestry meeting called partly for the purpose, but to the surprise of the acting trustee, Mr. Curry, and Mr. Bryant — who w^ro present — they found assembled a number of disqualified {)er8ons, not members of the Vestry, whom the Incumbent, lowever, insisted on recognizing as such. " With indecent haste and in defiance of all rule and prece- dent, the Incumbent drew up and put to the meeting, a motion declaring the Parsonage Echem'e defunct, and re- quiring the trustees attempted to be so obliterated, to deliver up the f\ind oi' $200 in their possession, to the Churchwar- dens. Declining to allow any one to speak to the motion or to offer any explanation so as to render the matter intelli- gible to the perEons present, who were for the most part entirely unacquainted with the subject, he put the motion to the meeting, '>nd in the same breath, declared it adopted. Against which unheard of proceeding, as well &s against the constitution and conduct of the meeting goneially, the acting-trustee recorded his emphatic protest. " Subsequently thd Incumbent and Churchwardens made a written demand upon the trustees for the $200, of which no notice was taken. Some time later these individuals cited the acting trustee, Mr. Curry — before the police magistrate on a criminal charge, thus hoping to intimidate the trustees into acceding to their illegal and unrighteous demands, by delivering them trust fXmds, which they knew, from the report of the retiring Churchwardens at the Easter meeting, as well as by previous announcement, had been collected for a Bpecific purpose and were therefore unalienable. 10 " The magiBtrate however, saw the absurdity and animus of the proceedings, and dismissed the matter with the inti- mation to the Incumbent that it should not have been brought before him at ail. £af9ed in this enterprise to obtain funds by such unprincipled means, recourse in now being had to calumny of the basest kind, to excite sympathy, where the truth has been misrepresented without stint. " The trustees of the fund desire to call special attention 'O the fact, that the monies now remaining in their posses- sion as trustees, are perfectly distinct from any fUnds that may have come into their possession as Churchwardens, and of which they rendered an account according to law on retiring from ofKee. The trustees have been appointed for a special purpose, and hold themselves answeraole to the contributors to the fund with which they have been entrus- ted, and which they have hitherto, and still decline, to have diverted to any purpose^ except that for which it was con- templated. *