IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) 1.0 I.I 141 1^ 2.2 ^ m I: m III 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 .4 6" — ► <^ % /2 ^;. ^ 'e^. SW p1 y ^ ^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) B72-4503 ■^~ iV (V \^ ^ I k In Ih,. IMlMic. II,.. Iviitor iv .:,|iv(iril lio ' li.'.-^ ^u<-rvr<\r,\ in allaiiiin- ll„. ol,>.,-l wliicl. In- hn-l i,ru|.o>,.,l to ' III lii^clr. \ i/. ; i '■' '•"" I'l'n.Miiv lu il,<. .M,.,nl,or> ,,r iIh. ||u„.,. ,,r Coinniu,,,. i!k- j i.Mnn. of kiinuiiio; ,.:„.|, ulhrr, hv -alhrrin- tl, j.orlri.its ' t„,.,,l_v iM.,'>ons !iv,|,„..,ii„^ il,.. I|,,i,M. ,,r Coniniuns uiil, of liic -:iir| Ilniisc ; I •'" '"'" -'^•-- >" 'II- |'"Mir in -rnrral tli." -,v;,^•^( ;unn„nt jiu.siMo I "'■ iiihTi'-linu' MM'l ii-criii infonnalion-. '" ''"■ ''""' I'''"'' '' ^^-'^ '"" lii- iiitonlion I.. li.Mvc anv advert i^'- '"'■'"■^l"" '" '''^ '-'l<.an,l lo-iveit tl,..,vl,v 1 li. appramnco of an ■■^'•"='"'"'.' '"■> '■<•'■'••'!" in:!o.VM.,.n ri,vnni^lan....s .nrU as il,,. miMi- -''-'-''>■' '-tlMlK. Kn^h.hanW i-V,.K-I. Ian^| ,1m., lilU.vnn. '" l"'"'^' '"•'^^••-" rl--t,.^-,a|.l,> an.l litl.ou,,,,,),. ,,,,;,,, ,,,.,,1,1 have- '■^•'■"^nlon..,.,na,.,K-aianre. have fu.vnl, t,. .lo so, in opi-r to • •o\fi' Il is I'.Njx'i'srs. '^^ ■' '"^ ""■ '•''''"'•'^ to inak.. il,i- l„,ok a ,i..|-io,li<.al ''"'''"•='"•""•'"'<■'■ ''"■-'<1' I^"Hian,.nl o. .v.m'v So.siun a....o,-,lin..- '" tMnc, on a'^'"-<- ^vl'H-I' l.:.v<. IWm-l llu. Ivlih.,. ,,. n-.i. n,„i| .11 tiK- Aron,l,n-> l,:.,l t.k.,. llM-ir ,.,■.,,.,.,• >..-,i ...n.l s.m llici,- ,,l„.to- iir,vh. II,. n-.vis h. I„. ol.Ii.,.1 to |,.av.. mmuo hlank >,.;„■... :,,.n.| Inm. the vaca.,1 s.Mt>. ImU I.e has >pM.v.| „u frouM. ,m„- .xpcw.s.. to olttaiii the moans to fill ihoni. In coMcInsion thr Kditor thinks i| is his .. an.l ho aUo pivM-nis his thanks j.artiouh.Hv to tho .Moinho.-s oCtho llouso orCon.tnons win, so kuHlly n.s,M.n.lo.l to his oall Uy son-iinu" hin, ihoir portrait-, and to all i>ors(,ns in -onoral whr. havo siihsorih.-d to his " illnstrato,! Guido t(» tho Iloiiso of Connnon- "' ])alronai;o for (lio lutiiro. and Uv \,v<:> j^'avo to ask thoir ~-)h?~'-^z:j^ .'l*'tl\V.'iV//iiM""'/,i"("o"i'n'l"u."'.|,>.''''1*!i i iii('iiili('r> •• 'i .. i| j .AiiH'i'ic'iii { nnviicv. calciilalinn^, (,|| " | jl Arrival nrdiiici,. lit mails \\l\ I sk'aiiicrs II,, ,, , . ' , "■•''"^ Z'Z[['.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. lOS l>aiiks III Ottawa j,,., ('al>iiict of the Dominion ot'("ana Constituencies ofl lie' Mouse '>\' ('ntu\un]i>... '.'.'.,,[[[[['[ p. Departure ol' mails ' .|j. "f "-^" ".".■.■■.■■■.■.■■.■■.■.■.■.'. .■.■.■.;■ '.'.'.''.'..''.''. 1 (•;: sleamei's ii,, li'iiiiis ' j,,^ I)iai/ram oftlie floor of the House of < 'oinmim-' i(i dominion Calanet Telei^rapli Companv lOS ' E.xtracL of IJulos JJeuai hit ions .^c' IJouiines of Vlie'lY "of" V'" <)" Fire Alarm Telci^-raph , \ ^;,w I'isliin , seats of tiie •>() ' Jijt([u-e.stii),<;- places in ami around Ottawa.. .........*..".....".". '{^ List of constituencies of the House of C'ommoii's!!!!."."...". i<) momhers " <• <. ,'. i ^'■•'": "'■'•'»■ ii"ii>cof(',Miini. MIS. ■ 2 '■■"'"" ' 'ii- Ml;,,',,, M.,,a) 1,,,^,., -'!' -'ivrf |,.ll,.i' |,u.v^., .,, '*'< *''i^"liic tViiiiriiil \- ' '•> M-'ifi-s .„• \|nMM,ir iVal.innV;. '"» '»-l.||(.||uWs Lo.luvs ...'■■ ■ 1"^ '•'••'ii-c .\ss,,fi;,ri,„isV.".'. j**i ,1 , '•■""pcTnii. ••■'. •ti... 'I'l ^''•'"'"•'•^ "' '!'<■ I'nininiui, (MMiirt ".".'.!".!'.■/.! : ,, , llniiM' (,|( '(,|liliiMii> .. ' M"iicy < trdris !• ^' 'llM-c;il ;||,.| ( )t|;i\\;i \r\v,'.\.,\';' '',''''/. 1 1 •"• ,,';.',•" '''".^'■••'I'l' <"iii|.;iiiv> ,,iii,.,. ' • '" ;•'' i'''''''';'i'-''s,H.Miu.;^v,ri::;,iVVi;M;:;:: ';;i • •'•"Ii4<' As..,ri;Uiul|s !>7 ' 'Inirclics J"'> l-'i'v A l:in.. '^'irji'.-ipl'..".'.... ."...'."..' ^**i "'I'iCfllous J.odu,.; .".'/■■_■■■_ 104 . <»f;iiioo Assorinrioiis J"^ i SfJtL'c ffoiitcs *.".".'".".'. '""* ' 'l'ciii|.(.c:iiici' Socicti... '"-^ ' '•'" "f '!!.■ do., I- or (Ik- lion.,. . (• /- ' "'^ r..stiin<. IJ,,,,. .. ' <""""""- 4(1 ''•••^t Ofiicc. i„oiio\- onl,.,"^ H-* i |:';';;-eo"fjii;t' noii(.'> !i;j "^ I ;nii |) I )ii I i , s 1 * '•' ' S(.La\v,.en.v;,ii.i < )l (nu -i'linilwaV V'omo:ii,"v !^'' : >Mwf Lctirr Hov,.< • '"]''"i.\ ]0ei'aii.'c Societies ....". l"""' I'lieativ:; 102 J(M ^> t ->-dUi_Mi>ii^iiM CALSNDAR FOR THE YEAR IS?" January. s M r w r F , s '! 2 i! J 't (I 7 S !) K' II 12 i:i II !,-) id IT IS 1 !!_'(» i>| 22 •-'.'! :ilL'.'>L:(i27 2.Si>!(l;j() ;m ' i February. S .MT W T (•• s li 2 :•!! r •) (I 7 s ;• III 1 1 12 !;; n I') Ki 17 Is 11120 21 -'2 2;{2l2:)-'(i27 liSl...!...!.... Mirch. --■^ :i::r April. S .M T W T F S I 2 ;•} 4 .') i; 7 s !• 10 8 May. MT \VT F s .M T w r K s 7. 1 2 ;: I ri •) i > '■' i'> 1 1 12 i:; 11 1.-. 1'. 17 IS ill .'" 21 22 -'. Ji 2:)2«;i - • 2>2:i '.".il i. 1 1 ■ • J 1 Jv.ns. ;{ 4 ') ( S S .M I W'l' F < I l_ _ I 1 li J... I 2;"S..'.. Si f; 7 ^ :• loll III:/ " ':^i:!1m:^1(;i7 !Mo n i-> p; . n i- il r li - i . lsi:.2n2. 222.21 n;i7l'l^2;; 2 'u-' '•:;!' j* ^:^2.,272.2!i:;()... ^ 2;J2^25 2«;27 2^2l. ^-i^l-^r:;,-^ ' I ^{i':ii...!..J...i...i , " I ■' ;'""| July. August. '^:;:t:mber. S^MT WT'F S : SM;t,\VT F|S T^^ M I ^^ T V . r 2\ :{i 4' ol~(i'~7 ' '" ""'" 2^ :-i I .': '' "' ■ "'^ ='•" '! ^ !''i():ii:i2i;!i4 ■^'(i - . M,;;. SI!. 20:2 1 22 2:; 24 22 2:; 24 2^ 2.; 27,28 ^^ U, ■>:>!■'">•'■'] ■■■ 2..2(i272s2!);](»;{| 2!.:;o;!i ..,.. ! I ■■ ';:-:":;:-'-' 2(;27i:-2:»;;i), W i October. C.I SM T WTiF S .'! 4 *) (i 7 , :'.»•' | ->•>■:••. --. •',S -"I -IM .> . ,_ "■ " ' - CALENDAE FOE (LEAP-7EAE) 1375. i H January. .M;r w r k February. March. 2 a! 4 s 1 8 s»l Kill 1 111' i:;inr>' KMT IS l!i2(ii>i,22 ;{<•'.. I... . s M T W V V S S M T W T I' S 1 2! .■{' 1' .") 8 !i 1(1 11 12 14|1.M(; IT IS r.> "i"T*"r"T" April. May. .S M '1' W r !•' S S ; .M T W T I' S ...I...... 1 2 :; I .^) (i 1 s !i 111 II 12 1:; 11 i:» !•; IT i>^ r.i 2(1:.' I 22 2;; 2 I 2.) 2ii2T2>2!i;;24;2.");2(; 2T 28,21) :{o:nl i I <) ii 2 a 4 .5 7| s; !i 10 11 12 iall4;15 1(; IT IS III 20 21 '22 2:124 2.') 2(j 27 2S|2!i|;]();n ...'... 1 2 i I a 4 .') (i T S loll 121:114 1:> lTlSl!'2il2122 24 25 2(;2T2S2!i 2 !l k; iO I October. November. Lecembor. s!mIt!wt|kis il s -L MIT WTiP S I S'MT W'V V S ]| 21 a: 4 .')! (I 7 8' J)']0llil2i:M4 1.-)1(1'1TI.S1!>20 21 22 2;!24 2.">2(i2T2S 2!>ao;:ii|. ..;... I. ..'... 1 2! :; 4 .5! (! 7' 8i itloll 12 1:514 I.") KMT IS 10 20 21 22 2:r24!25 2(),2T2s2!i;jO...... 1 2 I k .•r 4 n I 101; 12 1:1 14 1") 17 IS 1121121 22 24 25 2i;2T2S2!> > !l III ;o III! ) "•. ^- v. !i h i n ■s^^^ »A, i I v'^.i r r V'/ ::l L.- -^ u^ ^iP ^ %' f -J :'.V ■'- ■■■^''^' --' ■-^■^^I'^lf •f (\\ni N hYV OK TDK l)()-MIM()N OF CANADA J o 11. t ■ s !». 10. 11. 12. i:!. Tlic lion. Ali'.x, .M:ulu.rur.Ji,>tir(. A Atiun.vv '•iMK'i'al. Tl.o II, .11 L. S. lli.Mtii,-ton. (;. ('.. l',vsi.K-„i „)• ih.. |>rivv • '•IllK'll. Tin- Ilni). n. \V. Scott. (J. ('.. Sonvhirv ufStatr. 'I'll*' Hon. I.'. J. (';irt\vn>l,t. .Mini,.!,.,- of Kin:u..-,.. Thr Ho... I). A. .Macl>.>..:,M. |>ost-.Mastor (ir...'.-.-.l. rin' Hon. 1, Miii-|),.r. .Mii.i.stfi- of ('iistiiiiis. Tlif Hon. |>. I.aii.l. .Ministci- otili,' hti.M'ioi-. Tl..' Hon. L, l..-N.|lic".w|c. St. J,.>t. .Mini>l<'r.,r.\-,-irnlimv. Til.' Ho... T. Cotti.i. I.V'ccivcr (M-noi-al. 'Hu' ll..n. A. .1. Sn.iih. ii (',. Minist,.,-otMa.'i.,o A I- i>l„Mi,".. Tl.r Ho... \\ (^...tlri.n.. .Mini.vt,'.- of Ii,laii,■:.,: n.. (^>urhrr: \. S.. Xno, Smfi,, : .V. A'.. .V,/r ltr>,n^>rirl; : ' /)'. i\. Ili-'hsl, r,,hii,il,ni : .J/., M,i,n1,,l„i : P. A'. /.. /*/■//,,•,• '[ Ell ir I If, I I si ami. \ iZi.' -Naiiic^ i»t' Mciiilu'lN. ( 'ii|i>t il llriicic'.- I'<»l Otllcc Al|(|)•^■>.^"s. A'l-'iii- ll'-ii. 'I'. W.... (;i,>ii,.,'>iri' Si. .loliii. N. I',. (i;i Aj.|)lcla. Si, .pi,,. I, 1'..... Cnrl,'!,,!! (.\. 1!.).... \V(i.Ml>in,-l<. X. \\. j »;.•) Aivhil,;,].!. Cvril S|..n„,„,i Di.-kiiiM.irs !;..■ I ■ ro i '■^•' Ayli'K'i'- Il"ii. II. .lr....:iJicl,iu..ii- ii'"iis V. (,' loiicit,. lolicit,'. (^ I '- ''••'!" Thuin:i> \V<'iil\voi.||i, X, K'..Jsti.iiKiiiie, O. 1 ' I I ' ' I •'' ''"'•••'»i: !•:• 15 ...Al-oiun SauIlSu.. Mari,..() ■ j •'•' B:irlli,.. (i, .,!.-,. 1 Riclu'licii 'Sorel. (^ j i:. M..clinnl. 1-Vaiir,.is ilH.rvilU. \ |m,..ii,i .|,,1i,,s,,i,.(^. ■ Li»t liiiiiiii',.. (j> . I Lotl iiiiji. :I2 Hrnii,.|., il,.|ii-y '"^ lH'1-lrani. .!.)!, n IN'to-lioroii-h. W. |J.l>eti.i-lM,rou-l,. (). KiT I5i--ai-. .laiiM.s l.y<)iis..;X^.rtliiiinlM.i.r,|. K. ({.Mm-rav. o. 170 Uhu-lslmi-iK lJ,.l„.rt iJi.sM.ll ,X. IvlinilMir-li.O. I i '-' '^':''"- '*-'^''l 'York, W. IJi.liiiu.....'T...r.)iit.,. O. ■1-1 niakr. !l<.ii. K'Iwai'^1... IJi-uci'. S. i,'ii Ollicc Adilrcsscs. ''^'""-^^^'••^•) niMu-. \. s '''""■•'^^'•'' '"Vaiif'ois St, .lolnis (ii ! 41 "" r'-""- ^'"'•'-"- |n-in«.x.u Imwi,.,,,,., o. , ''';""" '-"■'■:h.....w„u.h.„,x. „ s,..,,„ o. i 28 ||}n,oks, Ivhvanl T.... ; ^W jHioiiM-. Williiuii [[.... ; ;JS lMr(»\vii. James.... 28A H.U'll. JmcoI. D... ■^^""''^'"'^"^^«'' -Monlroal, (^ '"^'''''■'•"•'o'^^' SlKMl.rooke, (^. '"'•^'^'"^•'■"^S '^^ TJ I'ivs(.ot(,0. |Hasli„<.s, W. n Holloville, O. ■••|'^'""*'''=^"'"^' Hn>cIn, Hon J. If.., Cameron, IIoii. M Cam])bell, Charles J.... Carmieliael, J. ^y.,,,, '^•"■''""^' ^^'- 'J iBowmanvilie, (). i ^""^•^"y isheltiel.l, X. B. Saint Jnhn (N. B.) . Ottawa. (). Cardwell Ontario, S. U. 115 Caron, Pliilippe A ^'icloria (X". 8.).. Pietoii <^ (County)... 3 CartNvright, Jlon.IJ.J. Lennox 155 125 9 Cascj', Geori,^o K Casi^rain, Philippe B... Cauelion, Hon. J. !<:.... L'l.slet Quebec, Centre jToi-onto, O. Ottawa, O. Baddeck, X". 8. X^. (rhlSn()VV^ \ v^ Quehee. Ottawa, O. Fini;al, O. Qiiehee. Que bee. I.'. I- f 1 f^ .VMnu">or.Mc., ; ( \.ii>l ilii,.,ici..s. •*' '''''"■"•"'••'<''". ^ \. U I.v„,.|,...|, (», "•'/''"'^■^''' <'"!"'"-'...■ RuMvilN. s,. Ilih.i,,,, ,^. Hir, <'l.o>tci-, .\. S. ■ • 'I'i)roii((). ( ). i ..'r)M;i\v:i, (). ; J^'i CocklMin., Alex. I' jMusk,.k;, 1 <<>ffin, Ifon. Thomas. ..ShollMinie [ 12!co[l.y,riw.H<.sC,,,.ll.s,:.nsto..l S,ansf,...l. (^ I T!^ rnnU,U,nunu Henry. Sinu-oo. X. K Toronto. (). I '■*' 1^''"^'^'^"' •'"'"' |ViHona(X. n.)....La„,lF,,^x.,, I 191 ,C„nnin.l.anK .lanu.s....^X.w \Vos,min>t.M-...'x. NNVstn,':... 15. C. ! m Came,-, Joseph M OHaua (Ciu) io.tau... (). ■ 1!»5 Cashing,,-^ontn,il ' (^ ^1 pavioMIon. Danid..., Kind's (P. K. I. ) . ...UaHo„.,own. I>. 187 Dawson, John A J'icfon iiv < xJ'/' '• DoCosnios, Amor Victori'i m r > ''\'- < ■ t> . , I '* ^'*"'' ( •'• ' • ) — \ icforia I). ( '. 48 CO iDclormo, Louis 'S(. irvacinth. 1G5 47 49 ■"^t. IIyacir)(h('. <^>, Desjanlin Alphonsc. ...Iirofhola..-) kr , i ,. ' iiot.mi.ii;a i.Montri'ai, (^. Du8t. fieoro-cs. K. A... Portnenf. i'ii]) Santo. (^. |T)o Vcher, J. S. Boies. St. John ( X. R : . ... St. John, X. 1!. ^^•' i""""' ^^^'■"'^'■•' iHontreal, West ^Arontreal, (^ lC<>:IVu..r.Mrin!,er>. ,^ i'nuslUurur'u.^ I''»>t Ollicc Addresses. "' " ^"''■■•''' '. Tl,n,„a. ||„,,,„ \- ,. '•'- I*V|'M||SM)|. ( ' !•" I ,, 1 I / • ' i^ivAs \ <.ivi,\il|<., KciiiMtvill,. () •■- I.' • . . ' f-^'. il ' ■" '"•'•"• •'"'"' ■■ V.-n>.xhu V„„,.,i.l.,.. X. '-^^•'-■•••'- '!■ I^•n^,n^i... l;i,no„.ki ,.; .^j^; ,^ "^'""'""'"-'■"^'" ''-"'• ^- '^ (ilcnAI.n.i.M). '"'■ i'lrsl,..,', Willi..,,,, K...,r,y, 'i»- Jlllll, (^). I Toi'oiitor (). Hlllcv;ilf, (). i>. I •(•\- (•> '' l''l('>licrl()ii. ( ). ■'•'""• '■''' I '' ■'Ji"l-n>.>„,|. ,X. S.). AnH,a,. X.S. "'(""■'"•^••'""•^■^'•' |vn...n's.X.S.:, „,,.,., I. X.^ ' '•'""— "..,.T |nHl....h:.s.. onnwa. ( >. "^'■^'^"■••'•" '-'"•'- Un.|..„.o. ■'' '''■'■'•'"■".■. Loi.i.II l^,,,.;, ,^^,^..^ ^^ I i ' ^ ' I'.m.ii K. .N. ii Miiioiilc. ( ). ' i " "^ ' 'x'lilillv, (^>. '" '"'••""■'■i<.n. Ilni,. F,.lix.. \\.irl,..,-,'s '•'- /.'il».)ii. William Diiiidas ••";''■"•<''""•'... v,„„^,^^, " l'"""-- •'•'•'"- ..■IW..X. i; l>aisK,v. ,). ''h'"""': •^'•"""' "i>l...('lKn.|u,u. S,.,;.o,..., X. H. ... Ottawa. (). ..• Aroiwisliiiriili. ( ) .. >lillU.lici,.,. I'l-t nllir,. "•' ''"'••l"i'- A'l:ni, Oiiiai'i... N. [: Mnurhv^u-v. o. '" ,..„ II .. .Hauls \Vin,|«.,,r, .\. s. ,ah.:„,-n;,v MnntrralM^ ! •'" ,"'•'■'""• '^"'•^"- linn.,,. (■..,, |{ (lo-lrri.-h. () IIim(inu-t„„, II, ,„ L. s. Slu-tlonl Ottawa. O. ^^"••'*'""- "''••"■'•<■ I/.\>>o,n],t,n„ SI. Li„. (». ■'''■'"-• '''"'"'"-^ "'"niltnn ............ .Ha.Milion. ( >. Jotto, Louis A,naMr....Mnnt,val.Ka.t .M..i,t.val. (^ Jodoin, AmaMe, Jr... . (,) Olios AliVcd (J iralifav n i- • \- ■ 120 Jones, David F(.i(|... L.mmU S P /■ ! 'A((i>, .>. j> . (). ! 83 Kon-, William ' 'Xortlni.nlHM'lM. W IJ rol.u.r^. o. i^^- '^i"'""- '-^'-.k Yarmouth 'varmonti,. \, S. ! 80 |Ivii-k, .loiin A (uiyshorou-l, !r;K.,u>l- X. S. !<»!» Kii-kpalricks. (i. A. Front. -n-i.. r- . , ' ' iioiiun.K Kiiiii'slon. ( ). I 2G ;L'''fliiiinne, [Jodolphc. .Jacques {'artier.., 19 175 25 74 13 iJ( I ^'^ jLainI, JJon. David (,)ueeirs q\ ]■], I.,.. Montreal. (.> " /'^'.i";"<'l''"l.., St.MM„nn.. MM Vjiiiiacliiclif. (J lliiii()\cr. (). •^'•"""""••■'"•v 'giirlK-c. '* '-"""''"'•• •'•'• Souhu,;,,. •'"i I'.'llll'itT. Williv.l I),. I '•'»" ''inlc. Willi.Min C... '•">■! M-'«'Imi. r, , ■^'""•"•' '^^ 'f MInn.lnh.. ( J. " I'nri IIuimI. X. s. •"^I. 'I'liMiiias, ( ). •'**V(liU'.\-. X. S. Ollawii. (). ■•• /'•"•"^vall CMniwall. () '■' ^i-i'"K.i.l, lI..n.l,,A,;K.n,an.v OMaua ,, '•'' ■^'•"•l»"""c'll. Saii,,u.|... I„,.^.,„^,,^_ __ 172 .Mac(|,„|n..,||, (',,11,, ,.,|^..^^ |_, J, I'AMarKav. Xrui,,,. L.. Ca,.. H,,,on. "> .M.-..-l<..,./ir. Hon. A LamJMoM i^-MaH..nxi.. ,.V.l..n..|< 'Mon„val. W,., ^Monuval, (^ "' ^'-'— '— Vi..,ona. X. 1^ 't.>..o..,o,(). ' " ' • '> I crrclMiiiiu' . 'I'..,.. I 1 *'ri«.'luiiiii(.'. (^». '''j'^" •"'"•"• ''="■'''■" ^^'-'< S.. .....o. ''' ''■'*""^'^"- ^''^ I^•nnvw. S.K ;R.Htw.u.o. I'J'J .M.-Cra„v. Wiilian, H;,),„ '•■>7 .McDoiial.l, Willi; '-- .^'^-'^''''^^'ll, Willinn,.... TInvf •••• O.'ikvillc. (). — ]4-~ •J. '^ s. 9 M'3 *2 I iVainos oi' Mctiiliors. < '••li>til Uciicii's, Post Odici A(|(lrr>v,.s. It.-) MHlnvvv, Hum, T (^u-l,,.,., \Vr.| (^„,.|,..,, H MHi.v::..,., \Viilin,n,.J|.:sM.x \ViM.|>or. (>. 1H5 ^Mclntv.v, I'. A JKin^v. (|.. |.;. I. ,... . 's.M.ris. f. K. [. '^'' ^'■•'^="'". ■^-'^". JAnii^nni.l, Vnn^uMi.l,, X. S. «7 M.'Kay. TI.omihs j(.'.,|(.|.i.,si,.r Tniru. \. S. 71 .MrL.0,1, (louriTo JKcM.t rN. 15., St. .lol.,,, N. i;, ITT .Mr(,»ua(lc'. ArtiMir ,'victorin. S. |,' Unimici.. ( .. l-^S .Mftciillc, .laiiK- 21 ^''"•'<' '-• 'J Vorkvili... (). '^f'"'^- '>:'vi.l iHotlMv,.|| lot; jMitfiK'ii, ii(„,. ivi,.,-.. j 1!>7 i 17(1 I ■■ JSl 1:57 133 .Motl'iit, ( icnri^c, < 'Ic.'ii'villc, 0. -Moiiloith, Andi-cw 'J'fi'ih. N. II Montplaisir, If 'ciininplaiii I .U.)s.s. Tliniiias Toronto, Wi-m Moiissoau. .1. A IJa-ut Xoi'tlminl.eiTd.^NH) Mdiiiival. (}. ''''■•'' 'M"'iclic Dalli.iiiMc. N. |{. Sti-atCor-l. (). < '!»• •^'•'>,U''lc'laiiic. (} 'roroiilu, ( ), I 05 I.Uu.Tay, William UruW-vsv.S. \l 1 ' 41 l^ni'i'is. .)a?ii((s 24 17!> iJliculii Oiivei', 'I'JK.mas Oxloid, \. R ^^'■''•"' ^'''^' Wrllinnt..,,. ,vn. K. .Montreal, (). l'cMnlir(»Kr. ( ). '"^t. Catliariru'... (). Woo(i>i()c|<. l'\'i'i;-iiv. ( ). .Mcnlrral. (^. P"'"'^""- -^-^ SaiulJolHMX. H.J.Sr.John. X. H. Patorson. William H.ant, S. JJ InnmtMnl. (, — 15— — . 134 O.iimet, .1. A L..,val HIT I 102 " « s Naiiu's of Mi'inltors. I ('i>ii>litiH'iici<' Post Olllco A(Mr('s?.t's. I •Kl IV'lU'licr, ('. A. I' KiiinniirasUa (^uoliof, (i. its Perry. Stanislaus F I'liu.r (P. K. I.).... Ti-^nish, P. M. I. IHt I'oilcs, NailiaiiicI I^rimio Kiiuwilon, (I. \ 140 PicUanI, Juliii Y(.ilv (X. B. ) Fn'tlcrlctoii, N. H. i i II' j 185) Piiisoiiiicaiilt, AlfVcil... liaprairii' S(, Jacqiios lo Mi- iKMir, il I 1 Kj IMalt, Samiiul Smr Toronto. Kast Toronto, (). 117 iPhinil», .losiali Murr Niagara 'Xiaii-ara, O. 102 iPopo, lion. . I. H ('oinpion Cooksliiri', C^. I I ! ; 02 Poiiliot. .1. M Tonuscouata Uiv. dii lioup (en II I l)as) (I I 70 Power, Patrifk Halifax Halifax, N. S. I ' I I j 51) Po/,er, Clii'istiaii JI neaiifc St. George, Q, 111 i:j(J 88 101 119 159 23 53 52 180 198 Ray, William II Annapoli.^ Cloinentspoi-f, N.s. I \ Richard, iuloiiard K 'Megan lie Arthal)asUaville,(i i " i iloljillard, V. J 'Heaiiliarnois Beanliarnoi.s, (J. Hobitaille, Jlon. T Bonaventui-e New Carlisle, Q. Ottawa, O. Vietoria, li. C. Strath roy, O. Uochesl •, John (-arloton, (O) i ilosooe, Francis J Victoria, (B. ('.). Ross, (;o.)rgo W Mi.ldlosex, \V. R. Ross, Lewis 'Dui'hain, K. 11 iPoi-t Hope, O lioss, Walter ' Prince Edward Picton, O Rouleau, Fortunat Dorchester Quebec Ryan, Joseph .Maniuette Portage L;i Pi"ai- lie, M. f — 1« I I •? >jinmt>s 111' .Mciiilicrs. 2!) IJyin!iI,J..s(.|,I, 11 ;.SCiUc|n'|-.|, TIlMIMM.- .... iL't; SlillllZ, .IdIhi ('|iris(i;ili < '"ii>litiU'iu'ii's. r<'-( (mite Wi'rilliWdllli. S. l,'.i|'.;irtMri. () Miynr lioriiliMi, ( ), 'Wiiiniin'^r, .M. •M iSrrivt'c, .hilii,. !iriiii(iii,M,l,,i, 11, 7H Shihlfv. .Srlinvli.p 4:{ Sinclair, I'cu-r iiiiiiiii^Cdril, (f '^<''li".U-l"ri '.Miii\;ilc, (►. t^ici-ii's (I'. [■;. I.)...Siiiiiiiicrti..|.l.|' KI : H4 jSki,,,,...-, .l!uiu.> .\ ^()Mi>nl,S. K \Vnu,i.t.,..k, o I 2 ,Sn.itl,, I(,„i. All.c'l .1 .K\Vsf„,n,vlaii.| ()ll:,vva. O ''■^ '^""■"'' '•""=''•' -^ kll-l< llmlM liay 11..,,.... ; tin (Smill,. Ifolu-rt I|V,.| in, •'^'•"■'''■•■••'I,*i ; ,11(1 niaiiijitoii, ( ) 50 jSni.lrr. «;..ur^,. i,;,,.,, x. ,. « )u .„ S,,,,,..!. O ! '-" ;^'«'l'l'-"s..n. K'iUus Kc.Mt,(()j n.atlia.... () .'{(t Slirtoii. I)a\i(l. \V iii,iit<.ii, S. R.... (fiiclj,!,, () 5S S(..)c.a.K Vk'vvc nilaua, Ciiy Ottawa. (> ^ (>l TJ'"''"''"i'Ji>". I'l'iii-i T. .M..iitma<,niy Qiici^'c ■ 110'aii. II. )i.. I... . <,)ii(.l,(.c. Kast (^ucLi.,-. I 1-*^ lTh()in|.s<)i,. Davi.l Ilal.liinan.l 'irHliaiia. () i "•' r'''"""J'-'»"« J"-I><'a S...Caril Hark.rvilU.. |{ (• 14 |Tli..rn. K. ] Ottawa, O. Voiin >r (.MM hers. 78 A<1< lino-ton Sdniylor Shil.lcy -' /^"'^'^'t John Wallac-e. 97 Al«^onia 141 Annapolis l^i) Antigonish 105 jAr«jfentcuiI Ki:] gagol 50 Ik'aueo 88 Henuliai-iiois. . 4 iBellechasso.... i jBorthicr 101 Bonavonturc. i 21 jBotlnvcll 193 Brant, N. K... 192 I Brant, S. R... William ir. Ruv. Aiii'-iis Mc Isaac. TiomucI Cusliinir, .h-. Josopli A 11 red Mous^oaii. Cliristian Henry lo/.cv. Ulisse Janvier lard. Hon. T. Foiirnier. Hon. T. JJohitaillo. David Mills. (Javin Fleniing. William Pater8on. — It) I ■Hi I _- CoiLslitiieiicics. Mi'iiibors. Jacob J). Muoll. Natlijuiicl Pottos. John (-lillios. \U Qapo Hi-i'toii 2Si|Hn,ckville . I'*'4 Hi'oiiie i)] iHriu'o, N 1^ ^- iJ^''»^^'-«- »J jllon. K,hv!.nl HIako. '•'''^ ^ '^ Willia.i. McDonald. New ton L. .Mack ay. '"^ ,^'"^-'l^voll |l]on..(.H, Cauieron. «;.*} Carlcton. (\. H. ) '.Stoplu.n H. Applol.y. 119 Carlcton. (O.) '.i<,i,„ Ijoc-ho^tor. •*^ ^'-i'-'l''") Jo.-ln.a S. Thompson. ^''''^"'^•'.V Ainal.lo .lodoin. Jr. '^^ K'J»''"M'l''i" plippolytc Montplaisir. :n Icharlevoix jPienv Alexis TrcmMay ^''••"■''*<''' .Arthur HilKiiUmor. OhatoauKuay ijlon. I.. H. Ilojton. Chicoiitimi & Sagiionay.iKrnost('imon. 74 52 7 174 87 102 153 104 Colchester Thomas McKav. i ^"'"Pto" ilJon. J,»hn Henry l'„po. ^'^^••'"^■•^" jAlexamler F. Maclonahl Cuniherlaml D'.i-'''.v Hoii. ('. Tii|)per, ('. B. Hon. William 15. Vail. ISO JDorchester JFurtunat Rouleau. ( S I — i« — ConstiliioiK'ic.s. ^a ^rtiinhors. Di-ummoiMl \- Ai-tlj:.l."kajWiltV(vl J.aui-ior, '■'- '>'>" '''• If C.Iin Mac' ■ iron. I). A. Macdonald. <^rlou('esfei' (rronvillc, S. R. (ivoy, K n Grey, K R (J ley, 8. R (JiiyHborou^-li... Hiildii«iinef(M- .\. Mclutvrc. '**^^ Kingston ,R,. II. .n. Sir. I. A. Muc- K m , donaKl.. K.C H ^ 'L'l'Ht't'X' Jlon. A. Mackon/i... •>>> f X c J ('i)iis;itiu'iici(.': Mc'Iill (.'I'S. isii 17.") i:!4 1 112 1_':) .'>7 41 Ills I.;;; i.'jd Nil II 77 Liuiiii-k, X. IJ Diiiiii'l (iail.rititli. -' '-'".'"•k-, S. R lol.ii (;,•;, I, ;,ni Ila--:ni '^"l"'i'''"i^' Alliv.l I'iiiM.iiiicaiill. i;Ass(.iii),ti,.ii flihiiiv iriii'tcaii. ^'''^'"' .loscpji AMoric Oiiiiiici Ia'l'''' Ih'iiiy licM-iiicr. J^^"''^'"''i"\ii- C'liai-lcs F. Cliiircli. I Mi>'''l'H"llO ', IJyail. Masl 1S(|I1W1 D i'lODVlXV W . K,)>s. \\'illiaiii hoiialiiK-. 1:1 it r: * >'. -J ('«'ii>titin.'iici(.'s. .M CllllKM'S. IT.^ !.M.,iick 1<»I' .MolllCMllll (il Moiiiiiiaiiiiy '•>J iMoiitiiioroiicN- lA 2:> I.TS r.iiclilii. .Mc(":illiiiii. Firm in |)iio!is. IfcMii-i T. TasclK-roiui. •'c'iU! liaiin'Iois. Ik'niard l)ovliii. •Hoii(rcal, (Viiliv •^^"""■^""'- '"'^' UuisAmaMrJello ""p^"^'^"'- VIoxan,!.,. P.(Wkl.u "•'> ;N:iliit.'i'villc. 1!'I jXew Wrslmiiistci- 1 17 Xia^Mi-a rii. ISS 1 iU loi; s 124 r)8 Xicojot Xoi-foik, X. i; Xoi-loik, S. R Xoi'lhiiinbei-iaiKi, (X.I5.) X''(»rtliunili{M'Iaii(l, (() ) [Iv IJ. Xoi'tl.'.'mlici'IaiKl. (() ) [W.R. , 0'"'"-i'^ X. iJ AdamCi.mloM Sixtc'Coiipal (litJAX K'ciiie. Janios ('iiiiniiii.'liain. .losiali Uuvv Phiinl). •'()sei)li CJaiidot. 'olm Charlton. William Wallace, iron. Peter Miteliell. James Lyons Bio-o-.n-. William Kei-i-. Onfai'io. S. IJ ,' Ottawa (City (('ify) 12;-J jOtfaNvafCounly) vionz, iron. Malcolm Cameron. ^Jo.veph Merrill Cnrrieiv ( Pierre 8(. Jt-an. ' Wrin-Iit, 24 — I I >'. ji^ ( 'iiii>l it iii'iicic-.. .Mr iiil'cr -'t Oxfnnl. X. n Tl,nin;.>()liv,M'. "^■^ OxlMi-d. S. l; I.linn<'> A. Skiiii„.r. •'*' .P^'^'l \Un\,ry[ Smith. I '■" |IVrili. \. I? ;.\'\v M. .Ill, Mill. ""* IVrlli,S. U Jj.nioTruu. I'^."} ilVtcrl.on.ii-li. K. |J i.,„k.. Hall. "i-^ jl'cU'i'l.ui'.Mi-l,, \v. \l .)„!,„ |;,.,.,,.;,n,. (I!) V->-2 Poiiliar iv\i-\> )U. ( Jaiiu'> W. Cai'iiiiiliar (.inliii A, Da !),S IW^nli, AVilliaiii McK'ay Wii-ht. ^' t'<""t"riif IvMlras A. I )(• St. ( ic-ui-v- *- I 'escotl 'Ailii.n Ila.uaf, ) ,, . I Siaiii-^laiis v. ]\'\Tv. H'i'iii.-c (P. K, I.) ^ •*•' I ) ^ (.Iniiu". Vr,.. •'- I'l'iiM'e Ivlwar.l 'wallcr IJ,.... Provi'iiclii'i' " QiK'lu... (\.|iliv,. Ilun. .1. K. Caiirj,,),,. •'^ *»!"^"'"''- '"-' Uou. I.Tliihainlraii. i.-) <,)iu.l.e.- WrM Hon. Ti las .Mc(i,Hvvy, 1.') (,)ll0lH"r /(Ulllitv) I'liili|,|„. A.loi,,!,,. ('.roll. • >1 iinevus. (X. I}.) 20 (^lu'cn's. ( X. S ) .' .)l)|l|| I'VflMS. .Iaiiir> !•'. I'oil.c - 2.-, - (I ' hi r I J '1 ;3 n t <'"ii^tiliU'iicics. .Mt'iiil)C'i',-*. 17 ) -(^iccir>, (p. K. I , !'■) Rciil'ivw. X. I» !•■{« Heiifivw, 8. n.., I!*7 liistii^uiK'Iic ( Hon. ();ivi(| Liiiid. ( IVtiT Siiicliiir. Williiiiii Miirrjtv. I. L. Mcl)(ni.i;-iill. '"^ ^^i^J'^li^"" k>o,-^(. r.Hlore IJarlhe. fT.'i Hic'liiiKiiKl. (X. S.) '•^•> IJifliinoii.l .^ Wolfo, ((i.) I-'-S^lRillKMIski !*''j lioiivilli' 170 (JO 18 Kussc.ll St- llyac-iiithe ). .11. 107 ) Si. John (X. 15) City. -in St. J„h„, (X. 15.) City & [( omit y. 44 01 'St. Jolins, ((^.5 ;.,. St. ^lauricL' ........ <34 Sol Iv irk 19 1 28 Shoft'oi'd .. Sholbiii'iio. Kdiiiiiiiil P. Fly nil. ILoii. Henry A^ liner. Jr 1. K Roniiiald Fi.sot. (Juillannu! Clieval. Ivoliert Ijlackhiirn. Louis Delornio. i lion. Isaac Jiur])ce. ( Acalns L. Palnier. J. S. Eoios Do A'oiior. Fran(;oi.s Charles Lajoio. J><)iiald A. Smith, iloii. L. S. Iluiitinmon Hon. Thomas Coffin. '""'^^'■^^■'^"''^^^ IvlwanlTowle Brook.. 70 Simeoe, X. ]J. irei-man Henry Cook. ^ I -26- ( 'nllstitlU'licic's. l.'iO SiiiuM.c, S. [{ I'4 Soiilaiiiii's I- StaiistL-iid <>.) Sioi'inoiit .'U Sunldiry <>2 T'-'"l''^<^*"'!!lfi' 1-'j5 Tui'ivlioiiiie 122 Three JJivcrs i 111 Toronto, Ceiido ... 14(5 Tor(»ii(o, i i;J7 Toronto, West i Two Mountains ll-'O lYanc'oiivers Island I 99 iVaudreiiil 16 Verehures I 48 159 Victoi-ia, (N. H.), Victoria, (N. S. ) . 144 199 Victoria, (]]. ('.), Me in 1 10 is. William ('. Miilo •lac(|ii('s \\ Laiitjiiei'. (•Iiarle,>('. f'(dl.v. Cyi-il Arcliihald. Cliai'K's I}iir|H'e. .lean Baptiste I'onlioi. Louis F. 11. Masson. William McI)oiii.-all. iJobert Wilkes. Samuel Piatt, Soni-. Thomas 3foss. C. A. 31. GioI.enslvi. Ai'lhnr Eunste]-. Iiol)ert llarwood. Hon. Felix (JeoHVion. C Amor DcOosiiios. ( Fiancis James K'omoc Tolm Costi^an. Ciiai'lcs J. ('amj_)ljell. 154 .Victoria, (O.) X. 11 iJames Maclennan. 177 ! Victoria, (0.) 8. U 67 jW-'t^'ilo*', X R Arthur Mc(^uade. Isaac Fi'h B(j\vnian. -27 ii ' '<»ii->liliii'iifi('s. Mciiilcrs. I<> Wali-ilod. S. J: |.,,,, , \- • " 1. 1. line- 1 Diiiii;-. 1 ' ^^ t'lhiml ,, Will;.,,,, \ Ti I I '» IlllJttll .\. I I|II|||S,,||. <;r(.ri.\. 'I'lii'inT On., II. liHl. .'(III. !"!> \Vt'lliiii.-|,,ii. ('. \l VVi'lliii.yloii, X. IJ I •■'" ^V..||il,;.•|n„. S. I.' Il).,vi,| Slirl. ■^- ^V<'m\V'>'Ml,. X. If Tlionms |{., -•' '^^'^'"'^Vi'ili-S. II .....los..,,|, Hvnu.l. - hV.-snno,vl.Mii.| ii,,,,. .\||,,.,, J ^,_^j,,^ I ■ '^ ,h«l.i;';ir I V^wdm-y. •"* Vni.Kisk;, [("hiiilesCill. "- VMnnniitl, p,.,,,,. Kill.,,,, "" V.>rIc.(X. 15.) J-''^ Vork, ,().) K. |. .hiMU's Mrtrnlf... •^- (^■"•■'<-( ;I)avi.lHh.iM. o,« '' l-^'i' <> I' .M KM i; !•; us TO Acrn.Ml.AW rii|.; i', ,i ( , ,wi .\,. |,|A(;i;\M WITH IfKI'KIM-lXCK TO SKATS AND I'Ol.'TKA ITS. M:('n.\|i SKssiuv. Tilllll) I'Altl.l \\||.:\ r, \ linos. ( 'niistil llciicic 1 ilfoii. Tlioiii.Ms ('(.fliii Sliollmni,. 2 i " •^- -K Siiiitii Wc-sfiiK.ivlnnn. " n. J. CnrtwnVhl... Lciiih.x. " '•'• Koiii-iiier Ui'IK'fiias.Mv " •^- -M:ickcn/.ie Laiiil.ton. I " I). A. Miicl)(,njil(l,.'(Jlcn^iiiTy. " L. 11. ]I()l((,ii Cliatcaii,i,^uav. " ^'^r. Cameron 'Ontario, S. If. " J. K. CaiK-lioii Quebec, (\ U. iJames Youii^ AVaterloo, S. IJ. T. Mi.l.llescx, X. If. (\ C. Colhy Stanstead. 1.'} ;A. G. Jonos iralifa.v. 3 4 5 G 1 8 10 u 12 U W. A. Thomson. 14iX. L. Maekay Wollan.l. Ca])o Breton. — 29 — m 11 \i \ t IT) k; 17 I!t 2(» L'! 2;; L'4 lid •>- - ( 28 2S^ :i4 .>;> IImh. W. M. V;iil Di-I.y. I'. ( ti'i)tViii)ii \'oi'cln)i'i'>. (^iuth'm (V. K. I. I St. .lohii (X. 11.) " I). Liiid I'",. Iliir|u'c li. S, lliiiiliii<;-liiii..'SlM'lVi»rcl. .1. F. Forlii's (^iKH-ii's. ( N. S. ) 1). Mills T.otli\vcll. lion. !•;. r,l!.k». Hnicc. S. IJ. (J. W. IJoss '.Mi.I.IU-.cN. W I{. I T. Oliver 'Oxtonl. N. If. [.. A. .lotto l\rontro!ii. [•: i:. R. Liillaiunu' '.hu'iiiU's Ciniifi'. .1. Walhico \ll.rrl. K. T. lii'doks Slici'l)i'()')ko. (i. T. Hiu'll Hrockvillo. .1. Hvninl WeiHliwoitli. S I! Wolliiin-ioii, S. IJ. Cliarlovoix. J). Slii'toii 1'. A. Trcinl.lay A. II. Dyiuoiid 'York. N. if. W. II. Broiiso (Jioiivillo, S. n C. linri)oo J. Cliarlton Smilmi'v. XoHnlk. JW- :.5B Nnmc ^''Mlhfiliicfici,. •'" ^•'•^^'•••iv^''-„;..|o„ •it> ' I I* • ' •ii .1. ri'i'ii ;i!» 11. Iluiiori. nui-(.i,. (". I' •"• j-^'- ii.(;n,„i^., 1,,.,,,,^^ •n .1. Ndiiis 42 riiiifoiii. ill '•'• ''"■''" [wVnfwurtI,, N. |; ''• ''^'"••'••''<- '(^K'c-l.'>^|». K. 1,, •'■^ l'"' '><""•'--!• 's(. Jo|n,,(,>. •^•"^ l'"'- '>''<-l'.*"-rcs.... P(M-tiK.|if; \'i<'l(>i'i:i, A, i)v( 'OSIMOS •'• '^^ '^' '»^-^'<''-- 'Sl..l,.|.n. ,X, l; •"^" '•■•■^•'i.l..,. U-cy, \. I.'. •'• '''"'^'^ 'Hnicc. X, I.' W. ]Ju>^ L. IJoss I/Ilon. I). |);ivi(..: 51 52 5;j 54 50" 57 I'riiicc K(|\\;i|.,|. I'lirliiuii. K. If. Kii'^^'s r r. K. I, , I'n'iicc, (J>. K. I , Driiriuiiun.l A- .\rtli.-,l,;i>k;i L. n. Fmlu'tli' JLcvis. 55 J. V(.() \y. Laiii'icr. 31 — rn' Xutt)e>. Coiisiitiicricios. it I .VS I?. S(. ,/,.., II ')!• ('. I J. !•,/(.,• i ^t. irvaciiitiu- •noiidnai'nv. Temisconata. i -p-~-~.. — . — _ ''■' ^- '^' 'M'Pl^'I'V Carlc't,,,,, (\. 15.) *''^ ^^-^- '"^"""'1' 'Solkirk. •;;i ,C.An-hil,aM Jstovmout. IJ., 'iv^., <5T .I.E. liowniaii WalcH..,,, X. ]•, ^•o J. Trow Pei'tli S f* ti!* J. W. Carmic'liael Pietou. '" .tM'ouor 'llai;nix. Tl a. McLood Kent, (X. Jj.^ •- ;^^ Ji»i,^'ii' 'Prescott. 7:5 A. Gonlon O .tario, X. If, Ti A. Jodoin, Jr Chambly. j 75 jS. Coii])al (fit Ln IMno... Xapiorvillo, 70' 77 I). CJalliraitli 78 .S. ShiMey 70 IL U. ('o„k Lanark, X. If, I |A(l(iinii;(()ii. himcoo, X. J{. 82 — 5 s ii Njimcs. ('<>nstiliu'n(it'>. SO SI I \V. Mi'Crcooi- iK>sc\. - j-^- J'- 'iillnior 'ciiiiiloti,.. ^•^ ^^'- ''^'''■'" LVoHlunnhcilniMl, W. U. ^■i J. A. .SIdiiiici- |()xf'.)nl,S. If. '^j ir. W. I}„rlc Dm-I.j.m, W. If. •'^" :•'• ^^- ''^''•'^ (JuyslM.roMuii. I >^7 ,T. McK:iy Volclu-stor. >•' ■"*« L'. .), sn ' no y. (iiii iM ('. Liljoie... i 03 j(;. Clieval. Mt'aiilianiois. Vainaska. ■Si. ,^^alll'i(•^■. LotbiniT'iv. Iiouvillo. 04 ;J. ]'. Lantliicr i... .'soulai)"' Hon flow. .\. If. Ali,'oiiia. 05 \V. Murray 0(J i 07 K. n. IJorroM 08 S. V. \Wvy 'Priiuc, (]\ K. | I 00 U. Ilarwoo.l Vau.lroin!. 1<^0 l''.I>-.i^as Monh-ahn. l(M)l lili m I Nai DOS. 0(>ii.s(itii,.)icic>. '"• "••"• T. Ilol.iiaill. nonav.M.u.c. "*- ' •• J- 'I- I*"1H' Lnpton. '"•' ''i^;'-! Hon. Sir J. A,'Kin.,stoM. M;u- Donald, ('.('. |{ i l<»t ni .1, ^'' !'^-^^i"<- Toronto, CoMU.... 112 F. Killam. ...... I V,i 1 1). Thompson . • 1-4 |<«. Landci-Ivin... i lliiW. K. Floshor.. i 115 A. V. Caron i 117 Varniouth. Ifakliniand. ^5 2 Xi anies. 122 I2ii 12.i 12(J 127 ('oiistitiK'iicic's. ^^'- ^f*'f^<"'^'^ll Three Hivors. '^- ^^''"'-^''^ Ottawa, (.'ouMtv J. M. Curnor Ottawa, City. P. B. Casgrain L' I slot. i ./. C. Sell II I tz Liso-ar. '^•^^''»'" Voile, W. U. ^'^^{■^-^i<^i^-^im Turk, K. H. li^HAJ. n.Ji.Fisot Kimouski. i ^^- '^'- •^""«?^ 'Leeds, S. i;. VV. C. Little. 8imeoe, S. U. •'• Wliite Ha.stini,rs, K. |?. i:j-' W. Mckay Wrioht Ipontiac. 120 i;}o Ui3 VA4: i;{5 13b' J. A. Mousseaii Mai^^ol. J. A. Oiiimet Uval. L. F. IJ. Masson | reiTehonne. i 1'3. E. Riehanl :.Uo.'antie. '•'' 'J' 'Toronto, W. if. J. L. MeDoiiirall IJenlVcw, 8. U. Mmihu< Irving |lIanulton. •'• I'itjkanl v,„.|v, (N. 15.) ^^•^f- I^Xv 'Annapolis. 112 |C. E. Chureh Lnenl.urrr 138 139 140 141 Jir, IV i '' . =8 t: C „ t; ii;j XjUllCS. ('oii^^tilnvncie.s. '^- '*"^"" |M..n(.eal, (Vnl. '^"^ -'^'O'-ti^-iui jvict.M-ia (\. H., lloii. T. .M((i.vevv (^uoIkv, \V, \\. Toronto, |<]. |{, 1K» S. IMatt I '*" :''-i'ano\v ,,„,,„, >. ,, li'^ jJ. S.|)soM Cariboo. '■^^'^■^^W^^^ ;XorfbII<. '^•^ !«• ^f=^^-l>'>"''-ll 'lnvern.>s '^^ p- r-^"^'oi>^ :Montmorencv. 152 j\V. GihsuM DuMdas. 15:i jA. F. Ma(Hl. <-. R Kur-uson ' Leeds & (Jrenville. ^- ^^' '^•^3'«'' JMaslvinon-e. ^'•■^ f '• ^- l^'"-"'^ iRiehelieu. 1«>2 10'3 i , I ^.f2 >; » ; k;,-) KJO* KIT 170 lYl 172 17:5 171 175 17(5 177 178 17!) 180 181 182 I8;j 18-i 185 18(J Xi lines. C'onstitiu'iK'ios. A. iK'sjiirdiiis lloclichii^M. W. MCCraney llaKoii, .1. L. \y\i<;;j:iu- Xorthuniborliind. K. 11. .1. Bertram Peterl)oronii:h, \V. U. A. T. Wood n. Bljiclvl)uni V. ^V. IJofde.i C, .Macdoiigall K P. Flynn K. ('inion 11. Ilurteaii A. Moiiteitli A. .MeQiiade L. :\reC'aIlnm U. T. Orion F. IJouIoau ir. Monfplaisir J. ]Iall lion. II. Aylincr, Jr N". Pe((es P. A. MeTnfyre A. Mclsaac IlaniiltoM, IJussoll. Kin^i^-'s (N. 8.) KiKiii, F. {{. Pichniond (X. S.) Chiooiitinii c^- Sagnonay L'Assoniptioii. Pert!.. X. R. Victoria, S. H. Aronciv, Wellington, Contor. Dorclicster, Cliani])lain, Petcidioi-oiigli, K. V\. Kicliniond A- Wolfe, . (^. Hronie. King's, (P. F. I.) Vntigonish. i -37 iVumcs. I'^^T J. A, Dawson J'icfo Iii4 105 107 <'<)M.sIi(lu.Iu•ie^ ISS J, (;;Ml(lct I'^O A. I'insoniu'niilt i:»() A. Iliiiish'i- 101 .1. (.'iiiiiiini^liani 102 AV. I'altcrsoM I0:{ (i. FlnniiiL' Xicolot. Lajtraii'i*'. VaiUDuver Island. Xow W('slniins{.'i' Mrani, S. IJ. Brant, X. I?. IJiiroij, S. \\. Ai'gi'ntciiil. 'I'lioinas (' rconway . .. \i. ('usjiing W. DonaliMo i.Missisqiioi. <■• -^loHat Risfio-oiiclH-. 198 IJ. Ryan '.ManiucKc. 100 V. .1. ('ani|.I.oll.... 200 .1. !!. Frascr 200Jri ■ ^i^•t()l■)■a. ( x. i;. London f i ■ . - as - i f it i I r LJ '-1— I DjaCiHam of the "C 1^ f. , , , I I I I I ' I 29 1 \ "i t — 1 \ — - — J. 1 — I 1 i f i )5" I I i i -"H f — r — . I — ^ I 90 j d2 I i rr 78 • 62 05 4*2 , : lie , ; i^ic , I ^ , ,_l L i i. V" "i r i I — i ■ ;7"i ^ — 1 --- -^ i -_j 1 1 ^__ J (- 1 1 — 1. 1 44 145 1 \-e/ lb4 i6) ie2 74 16S . 'z:. J6y "T >" 1/6 / / I 105 ' ■ iiy li. !4^ i I 106 l2o ' I i 15- I 149 ^--i i 65 64 17 «l 17^ '"1 ; 190 ! i 192 ii^3 u. 107 ! V2\ i^bii I ISO n i I !- J I i 109 i ! 12? I 13; ^ L I I .1 I 151 I - —1 I 1 :65' 166 167 130 ' 194 IQ I ' 124 ' ! ISS I ' j55 -- J J : ! 1 1 ^_ OS ISI 1S2 19& 196 ' i 197 -J u. [ — i I \ j— H i !2-6 ' i'i49 ' '^^ ' r~- j/^'- ■--■- )27 ; ^*i4i ley ' : 184 185 i4 i I i28 ' ' 142 lot 157 i/! 17^ I&6 167 20 1' ' :?H-, 28^' ' T43 J?a 175 200/, ER I.II.III.CI4-ERRS "jr. SP,K.a-F;A3^T AT ATvMS i i 4 ,^^ •4 V ^ ^ 1 %] (C^ ■^h ./^ J I i I ■ -% J ^ f ,1 ?. 1. ^w I .^ij" .K !«?■■' 1^ V:(,ji.. >r^ ? t^ /? \'- ■■i I. » ^•/ |i' •^. :C-^' ••' \\\ y^ '>^ ' ■ 6. it r ■y c ♦ ,.::: iw- f."i t i; v^ S:^*^ 1-2 I ! li \5> %^ ^ V C >Mi. -^ \5 \ -^__^: 'lta»^-J ■u,.r-. / ^-^, i^- ^*; ^'^'^^■^ ■4- '*««1 h ■>i i» ^1* %1 "^> i ( --»r" -^^o v.^--^4,-v.:>^ ::^.. H ffftT" !' !i M*, - ^ r # \ (|tvjp^ QP^ ) o #15, \ <^ ,C**»i|*!»-«r.^-' ;j2&-^^^^ ^.X:.^ =iti»^- — -«!lao -^^^rS^^'fclp.. ■ iV -^. ■-'-''. rrJiA'iriiiSI 'I 1 I . '^'^,f ^"^.^' ^'"^.J" ^^^^^^_ r I »• %. / ^>- ^ , €c-^t-sm^c^^ i::^^f;[::5^^ 1, s >' . .V ^'^^S.'^i^^ '^ r n ^'>z5t^^^^ lY' /:"'$"":^,i:#'i:' /•■■■" .1 . . ■< *■''' f.-x, 'J -^ '-t,4^i^/'v ") ir-«.. '^ ««i ^ \s4 ;t' 3 . .-',■ - ^i^^Hiv- + L- -rf .-^ 2 i^-; ^ V* 'd^ ■/^ •*>&<. /i^ '^^ WW^WtPfff***'" >•<■■ I I I r.\ f » ■ I I ! I i 'W\'^ ijl i<:^. ^^^y '4 U" \^ 54 ; V ■' si >y- '55 *. t a W v*. \f 1"^ '^ '\ j-> ..^k.^' I I V V I I! <.d > #5 ^ '".^ :a^ .' « 7 >i r . C >■ <- -> I ^ lii \ i jijmi^ rmmrT^mgrjijjrr^SSS?^ f I i » f I \ii*u ^ \it- ^ ^^'•'> V i L ^ «^ :q ^^■' ,■■■ ■'•>5<<.., f; 3 4t' \ j <- ,* I 11 1 rV ^:^^^^. -^^S^- ■<\ 1 •\. or-. 'N I, ♦ * I , 1^ f -; i I t' :i;.:!^^:^ :S^%''i.'::^\. -^ t ^> f ^ ^t^. -*v ,» «f. 10 •••» fc. ir^ ^''S \' ■B •^»-<>— .*3i, '^IR *™ •"*■-»»-. 5 ' i ' ii i t -^■w < ^ ., "4^ V > w'Q-'^ •ij^o;" '*? ". '. V -:$ -• V ! ■• i / 't: -.J '0> '9.-. (."( ) '■•/^ \\ r>< r >« 1> K ■> r •' /' v-:Ji^;^'«--i*gp^''S"->:^:ui ■<,,.,/ .... I i ■M. -.. x--^ i-3 . ; •7 ' i 4 n ft ii u :l ^l i ^t. w> ^* Q '■ f '.:/ •) ^ ^■v 'f, (I •)'•'? *J; L* <, Js- 1 • It I i J I ii ■ , i 'i Ki ■• >!; "v •) ^ I V ' : ly/ r.; i t ' • '■ \>^isismm^i. :pA Vv ^4 «r f .^ /V^ j^ .!\ n^i| 1' Si 'II ii i r- I V _^>' ^^ \ <^M ^^ \ ^ r^ x"^ . I -^ \ 1 «» ^ * « .» -— "^ 1... J » t- %<£» mmmmt •iMimm^Mmi^,:-.. i; i u If I I i H ^: ^ ^^ '"^ ^ ■■"i , .. L dit-y «. - tn' ^ 4 — Jf I 1^ -f » .. ft? ^ /-" / *^ II s .!■* >■-' t'x, l .. h .^>' ^. ^ ^^^ ''"'^u .-^ ^^"■i^ i 1 « ■ ') 1 V .^ 1 1 1 \X ^ IV o " i s i «. •r ,■0-*- ^%t ♦ ..» 9 #C v» A' m X t. ! ^' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) A 1.0 I.I |50 ""1*!^ t 1^ M M M 1.8 11.25 1.4 1.6 .4 6" ». % <^ ^3 n 7: ^^ -, It I |v I! ^> I - EXTIIACT OF lU'LES, OKDEli.S :>i AND a*-^ FORMS OF niOCEEDIXG -<^fc OF TIIK IC-o- HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA. Absence of Speakku iS: Me.mhehs. — Kvoi-}' ^Icnibcr is I»ouii(l (o attend the service of The IlDiise. unless leave of ubseneo has Iteen i^Mven liiiii by the House. If the S|)eakei' leave the chair for 4H consecutive hoiu's, the Iloiise is then at libei'ly to elect one of its Menibei's to take liis j)lace diirini;" liis absence. Adjoi'KN.mext. — The adjournment is a postj onenient of the ])i'o- ceedings of a Session to a speeitied date. If at the time of tlic lueetin.ii; there be not a (Quorum, the Speaker may take the chair and adjourn. When the House rises on friday it shall stand adjourned uiiti'l the followino- monday. Hir-i.s (Frlratc). — No petition i'oi' any Private Bill is recei- ved by The House aftei- the Hrst three weeks of each Session ; nor may any Pi-ivate liill be pi-esented to The House after the tirst four weeks of each Session : All applications i'ov Private Bills shall re(iuire a notice, (dearly and distinctly si)ecifyin,<;- the nature and object of the application, to be inserted in Hnolish and French for two montlis, in the Official (la/ette and in l»oth an KnoHsli and French paper published in the District attected or tlie next adjoininii- District. Kach i»etiti.)n for Private Bills must be accompanied by a sum of Two liundrcd Dollars to cover ex])enses. BrsixEss OF THE House.— The ordinary Daily J?outine of Business in the Jlouse shall be as follows : — Presenting- Petitions. Peadiuii; and Jicceivini;- Petitions. Presentiui-- Jfeports by Standing- and Select (,'ommillees. Motions. The order of Business for the consideration of The House, day by dav, after the altove Daily Ptoutinc, shall be as follows ;— Monday. I»rivate Bills. (Questions put by Members. Notices of Motions. Public Bills and Orders. _ ^- _ m { i itt f ft I r Tl KSKAV. (iovenmu'iit Notices of Motions. <«ovt'riimont Ordors. INil.Iic IJills and Onlors. (Questions put Ity MiMnliiTs. ( M luM' Xotirc- of Mot ioiiv. WkI)NKSI>AV. ( Until tin' lioitr nf si.f (,'i'liii-l;^ y/, j)),j (Questions )»iit by 3Ioinl)urs, Notices of Motions. PiiMic Hills and Orders. (Ffoiii half pa ^t si'rcn o'rlm-j;. j,. ?». ) Private IMIls, for the first hour. Piildic Hills and Orders. Till KSDAV. I ( Until f/tr honr < if six drlui-l;. y,. //) ) (Questions ]mi by .Members. Notices of Motions, i'lililic Hills and Orders. (From half jKist ,'• .Minisk.i- .»r A-Ticiiltiiri' ; " •• j\.st Mimi,.,- r cf (.oiDiiKMis win, ,s :i|.p()iiitnl l.y llic (Vowii, liolds an olliee ofiinu..]-- (ancv aii.l or^-ivat Inist. II,. is irs|„,i,.sil,lc- iWi- llu. sale kcri.iii'.- of all tlu' |ia|HT. an keei.s a IJeeord of the llonse's votes, proeeedinn-s and resolu'tions, and it is his duly to see that they are ])ropcrly printed and distril-ulcd to Menihers. He has to read aloud all sucdi documents as the House may order to he read. He has two Assistants whoso duly it is to ludjt the Clerk (»i't he Ifouse during' tiie Session, and to ron'iplete and finish with hiin the work remaining' a! the elose of the Scsvi,,!,. ('(».M.Mo.\s. — See House of ('ommoiis. Dkijatks.— Xo .^remller may speak twice to a (^hiestion, e.\c('pt 111 ox|)laiialioii of a materia! part of hi> speech in widch he may have heeii misconceived. W hen a .Memlier is speakin;;- no .Memhor shall iiit(>rrupt him, except to Order. Wiien .Members have heeii called in,|»aratory to a ])ivisi()n, no further dcl.ate is to l)e jiormitted. All persons admitted to hear the Dehates have t) keei) silent, and -•oiitlemeii with their hals orf ; and any one disturhiiiii- the House can he placed in the custody of the Scr^-eant at Arms. •loiMNAi-.— A Joui-iial has to he kept by the Clerk of the House a('opy of which is roporlionate Jiepresentation of the Provinces pros- cribed by the Act is not thereby disturbed. On its first assembling!: after a (Jeneral Election, the House of Commons j)roceeds with all practicable s])eed to elect one of its 21 (; 4 u 4* — 05 il !'J Momliors to III' S|)i'!ilii is five yonrs and \u> 1oiii;'(M" (siihjcc't to ho sooner dissolvod I»y tlu' (iovernni- ( Jcm'ral). TUa |[oiiso has to moot at least onco a year tor tho (U'spatch ot'lmsinoss. The tinio chosoii for tliat |nii'|)oso is n'oiicrally in I'Vhniary and the Sos>i<»n hists ahoiit two months. When all l>iisinoss is transacted and the Kstimatos voted, tlu; House then is cIommI. lU'sides the |)roi'(»;;a- tiou thoi'oai'o also the adJ(Mii'nmont and the dissolution. Tlu' former, moans the postponement of the ])rocee;s from one time to another p. m. and 7i- o'eloek ]>. m. and the debates aro o|)en to the puhlie Uovvevor ;i tieket of admission sionod hy the Sorn'oant at Arms h noeossary to ho admitted to hear them LiHiiAUV. — Xo ]>ersoM shall ho entitled to I'osort to the lihrary durinoth Houses, and su(di other ])orsons as may receive a Avi'itton order of admission from the S|)oaker of either House. ^lemhers may personal! \' introtlueoStranjfors to the Lihrary durinuj the day time luit not after the hour of seven o'eloek, p. m. AEace. — The Maee is the sin-n of the Leii;iHlative Authority whieh rests in the lEouso. The Ser_<;-eanl at Arms, who is re^ponsihlo tor its safc-keopinii;, ])laees it on the tahle at thenpenin<; of eaeh Session. U remains on tlio l.d>lo all the time of the jU'oeoodini^s of the House as a body; hut it is taken otf when the House is in Committee mid at the close of each meeting. Meetinmi. — See Ifouse of Commons. Me.mhers. — The Momhei's of the IFouso of Commons aro the res- pective rej^resontatives of the constituencies of the various Provin- ces of the J)ominion. They arc elected by the people by Ballot, for a period of tive yoai-s. Ministry. — Seo Cabinet. Private Bills. — See Bills (priviite.) Privileoe. — Whenever any matter of Privilege arises, it is immediatol}' taken into consideration. (Ji'ESTiONS PUT 15Y ^[emhers. — Questions may bo put to Minis- ters of the Crown i-elating to public affairs ; and to other monibors, relating to any Bill, Motion or other public matter connected with the Business of the House, in which such Members may be concern- ed ; l>ut tw'o da3''s Notice must be given for leave for putting a Question, QuoRi'M. — The Quorum of the House ofC(»mmons is of 20 mem- bers. When there is not a (Quorum the Speaker can take the chair and then adjourn, the names of the Members then present are inserted in the Joui-nal. * \ »(J i ,: ^ SKU(iKA.>r-AT-Ainis.— Tlic Scri-vaiit-iit-Ai'ms M|.|M.iiit(.,| |,v ilu« Cnnvii, is n-s|M.iisil.|(. (Wr the siirc-krcpino- ,,f n.,, Mjur. iiiul \\,y (|,(. (•ondiict oftlic .Mt's>ciio-,.i-s iiiid iiiti'rior Sci'Viiiits of ilu- lluiiv,.. |t is lu' wild rci-Milatostlio :i(liiiissiuiM)('Sti'!iiii,rrrs trMlic !l(iii>c i|ir,,ii.-l, i MiMiiluM's, liy TicK-ots for ilu' (iailcric's. ' " I Skssk.n,— TIk. Sivssioii is iIk- u-rm r, chosiMi hy the Moinlicr^ of I he House at tho openino-Hi'ssloii of the tirst Parliament, is the proidiiiij,' ()rti no jiarl in any Dtd.ate heforo tho lloiis(«, o\cei»t when in ( 'onmiit tee ; hutin easeofan ineijnalitv of \'otes. he i;'ives a Caslini;- Voict-. rr.ArKs of ixtfjjkst ix axd ak'oi-xd ottawa. I TllK IforsK OI-' ('o.\|.M(»NS A.NI< THK Si:VATK, Are hoth situated in the central IJiiildin'^-. fn the same huildinu' arc to he foiind the ])ortraits of all the Sjieakers of hoth Houses" since 17!*1 in the followin;;' oi'dt'r : — Sena f I', Hii/hf hiiivl si'/t! I/a//. OnfhrLrff. 1 ITon. Sir William Camphell. 2 " liohei't Svm])s(»ii Jameson. ?> " AVilliam Smith. \ " .lonas ,Ion(>s. 5 " Jacques Bahy. Left hand sUe Hall. On ihc Uhjht. 1 lion. P. J. O. Chanveau. ' Sir Jolin l>ovei-lev IJohinson. I'art-. Sir Allan X. McXah, Bart. Josepli H(h)uard Cauchon. Rene F'^ilouard Cai-on. James Mori'is. Kdward Bo wen. John EInisley. On the Left. 1 Sir Edmund Head Bt. Lato (Jovernor of Canada. 2 IFoii. Ulric Joseph Tessiei*. 3 " Sir Ktienne Paschal Taclie. -J u n 4 (( 5 (C () •• 7 u 8 — 97 — y I lion, .luliii ."» •• Sir N. l'\ WvWvAU. •» •' Alcximdi'i" ('iiiiiiilit'll. 7 •• iV'liT .M.-dill. ^ •• .l«;ii:itli:iii ScwcH. 1> •• Williiiiii l)iiiniiicr I'MWrll, //ollSf iif ( 'oillllinlts, Lnhhjl, lift (n i''i/iT-lT(.ii, lSL'r)-2!l. 'I L. .1. I'ii])iiu'jiii, isi.')-;;?. 7 Ai-clilxl. .McLean, ls:;i-;jr).;;(;-;;7. />'l//,f 1(1(11,1 side [litlL On f/ir Lrff. 1 (". 4. 2 A. Ciivillicr. ."{ Sir ll.-iiry Smith, ISoS-iJl. On f/ic riijlit. 1 >r. s. liiduvii, is2!»-:n-;!r)-:;(;. 2 II. IJiillaii. is;57. :; Sir A. X. .McXal>, liart.. ls;;7H)- 1 14^. 4 A. N. Moriii, IS-tS-.")!'. r> L. \\ Sherwood, lS21-2o. U .1. S. Maedoiiald, lS52-r)4. 7 L. V. Sicotte, lS.')4-57. 5 .1. F. Tiireotle, 1S(;2-(J:{. !» .las. Cockhuni, lS(;7-74. Lihrai'jj of Parliainriit. The Lihrai'V of l*arliainent which contains 77.(liiii \-oliinies is teni)»orarily situated in the rooms to he occiipiiMl liy the I'icture (lallery. and will he transtcre]»er story of tlu' central wini;' ot the Western IJIocds'. ; c()ntains over lO.OilO miniatni'e model>ofall inventions |>atente(l in ( 'anada since 1^24, The Lnrrr's W<(lh, \ charmiiit!; promenade hiilden on the side of the vnck on which the Parliament ltnildin_i;'s stand. This road whi(di is over a (jiiartc'r ' of a mile in leni;'ht is wide and ke|»t in i^'ood or,i an.| l,s;;2, l.y C.l,.,,..! Ilv. w .av I . m...m;Io .lu.nty tunn.Mly ..nil...! n.rtown. i.c^^^^^^^ l.i'l^-i.u ( ai.:,l wind, ruMt,„„..s as thrns Kin..,..,, .,„ I.ak,. < )„ia,'io. Thr I['/^7■ IVorU W.MV rnns_,n..;lr,| in ISTJ. Th.i,' i,y.l,-a„lic. ,Mmv,-s a,v sihiMlnl ata,.M, a ,n,U.ln.,n lln- l'a..| ni,il,lin.>,'at tl,. oxUvincM-,..! <>i >» t'llini;1iMi stiH'i't. 77/.' .SV/Jr.v. (ii.m.lMMv i'allai. il,.Mvl.y Im-ililatr the .h^ivino- ,,r,|„. |,nnl,.,. -Miiij;' .Inu-n imva.Nis tl,,. mai-kcts of Mcilival a,. I (^.^mt Th.-v air .. l<.ot u-,.lc. a,i.| S7[ Hv. in k-n-tl,, a.i.I (hoi,. .s|u,,r i. .vn.UM'c'.l noaHy ,nsons,Mo l,y slo,,s, pla-.l at distan.-.s. ml,,, (l.l ,.., to .>S(» lor iK-tu-.H-n cad,. |„ .uuuuvv \hr nuvAU^nvs olSrnsati.u,, H,hI Mival ]. raH,,v ,i, .i.,„„u. ,|„wn tl,,..,' slidc-s ,,„ tl,t' i-at'ls. This liitlo tn|jaltl,o„,u.j, v,M'y a-ivaMc. ,„i-|,t pn.vo ,|ai, -,.,■,.„. if ,„,, ,„a,|,> with |),'i,,li'i,cc'. T/,r f'h,tiun:rr Fall. Soeallo.lJn- tlu'li,-.t t,'av,-llcM-. in (|,i.s ,.„ui,l,-v. „„ a,vn„nt „r IS l.asi„ ,vso,nl,l,„o- a l,iiov-k,.t,U> (vhaudirre licin- the,-li of that \v,)i-.IO It IS situat,-i| at tl,,- wvstoi-i, extiv.nilv of the Oitvat a(lista„c(. „l al.,.,it two n.ih,. IV.,.,, the Pai^lianicn't H„il,lin..s" at tlK. (e,-n,,n„s of the s(,,rt ,-aihvay lino. Its is onTv CI. ivet hut its ,,„iiH'.,sc vol,,,,,,' of waliM- n,>arlv ,..,„als that .ifthr .Nipii-a I'alls, ai„l whii-ls as i,, a vast fii„,,;.I, th,> width ,.f th,' Ottawa iMve,-. iin„RMliat,'ly ovn-, l.cinn- alio, it .-,()i) yai-.Is whilst below It measiiivs o,,|y al.oiit 50 yards. _ Was oro,'f,^d ali'lli' h.dow the Chaudioiv Fall ii, ]S4:]-U \n mterestin.u- i„M-„liarity is that a pe.-so,, standi,,- halfwav en this l)nd.irel,asaf,)..t in each ,.ni,e I'n.'/inees of Ontai-io an.j (J,i,d,e,.. Jie Ottawa i-ivci- W\unsist of a saw-mill, ai„l nianufaetuivs of Sashes, |),.o,.s Hliixls, Moul,li„o-s, Pail>, AVashhoai-ds and ; the niiniliei- of person employed in this last h,-an,d, onlv, is nearlv 400, whilst th,' total iiumi.ei- of hands employed is 2000, men. woii'ien and ehihli'en «{) — I 'J The Fire Aidnn 'J\lt'(ji-(iji/i. Of which the ]»i'iiicii)jil OH'u-o is sitiiaUHl at the City Hull hfh)\v > '■ .. iiiv II iin |M tin I jj.ii V /iin ».: l^^ :viiiiiUt-U ill IIH.^ V 11 ) 1 1 ill I DflOW Kl^-iu St. was ci'i'rtod in IS74 and sorvcs as in otlu'i' c'ititvs lo trans- mit tVoin one part oftin.' city to anothoi- hy means of eUH'tricity, the alarm in cases (»f rii-es, <;-ivin<;- the h»cality of the c onthinTation. 10 cents. //((// Iron Mine. This mine, (jwneil hy .Mr. A. H. Hahlwin, may lie reached hy a road ofal>oMt two mi U's from the (Jatineaii i-ivor. Both the facilities for working- the mine and i;"ottinii' out the pi-odiicts are L!;ood, as the mine is not worked l>y di^-ii'ini;- as is n-encrally the case hut is ap- pi'oacdied sideways, therohy saviiii;' considerahio ex|)ense. Waii'on^i or sledii'es convey the]>rodncts to the wharf on tlu' (Jatineau, tVom where it is >hi|»|)e 1 to (,'leveland hy hari;'i's. i I Boi'fJticich'ti Sjtriti'jii, The>e mineral spring's, thret' in numher. are situatenal at whicdi place the Steamers " Peerless" aiul "(Jueon Victoria "' call every day, is 5(1 miles ; once there, the stages take the visitors to the springs (7 miles off,) whei'c accommodation lor iiOO hoarders can he had, in the s|»acious hotel lately ]»urchascd l)y Jas. \. (louin \']s([. proprietor of the Russell l[ouse in Ottawa. On the first of .July, 1875, there will he a railway I'linning from the warf to the spi'ings. The Grotto of IVakejield. An immense natui-al cavern in a mountain at a distance oftwenty miles from Ottawa, in the Township of Walcelield. Mr. Pelissier. on whose )»roi)erty it is situated, detdares him.sclf not to have heeii ahle to ascertain the depth. The interior is .U'ive a l)atlis fur I'.va road ■iliticsfbr ><1, as the Mit is ap- ^Va_i>•ol)s 'au, ironi (j miles ai'o _i.';oo(j siimiiici- e of tJio Ottawa I ;os tak'c j tioii for I used I))- I wa. On I oni the I 'twenty • I • • ^lissiei'. .'0 been ; 'Jnpart- ! •ays of I I Visit, J . The I itineaii ! <"Jinicjii>;s. nli.t r7<,//v/,.-(,),u,,, .t.eet, south side, near Kl^iu. KVv \ \ ' lehooi:;;',::;:;^'"- "-'-•*^"---^>^'>'''--iT,>,n.;s.;.4: ^ C'lnm/a J/rfhndi.t ^ 'A^/.vA.-Me.serer street. .,orth >ide rorner , Kn,^. street, ev William Hall, minister, llom-s ,.f ..r^i •" 1 •"i«l i p. ni ; ^\ednes(iay, at 7 p. ni. ' ' ' j r^oW./ ]/.//,W/.sM'A,/,vA.-_Melealre st.vei. KVv. William II.,,,- i n.;;;;:;;;^s^^:;,:-i:J:l^'^ •>■■• Ma.., i <\Onoh /•ml,,/trn.,„ (V,„,.,./,.-U„„|< .,,,„.,. uosis |!,.v \v,„ ' I .":','■';; "I" ""'■ " ■' "•■"•"■'"" " ^'- '" ^ ' ' ' "■o,ln,..-.l"v j ^>''''^A/ /VcsA//^AW/. r'A,,,v./,.__l),,,.so.,thsi(le. JJev W \rn,s jS'T^rlr ^''''''•^''••---'^^'''■''•-'•••^iP-niiW.irs:; i Canada PiYdnittriai, a^^/vA.— ( Kn,.x ( 'l,..,vh ,.— Cii y Hall .oifuv ^ hvT^r"""'"'- """" "'■^^''■^•!-'- " ='■ '"• a'"i 7 p, .„ : Wed.'.es: ' <-'»i^t ai 4 7) j). Ill, . rW^/,,,//-^/ 3vy//v; y>rO/N.— Sii>>ex si. easi side. The His|„n. I T ^ Dulnunel. S..„". Vespe.s ;j p, m. U rek days Ma>s at (J and 8 a. i„. ' ratholir A,H>,foi;i' (l,urrh.~\\Wv{s\. so.nh sidr. IJov F J W * Kohorts, m,„is(e,-. Honrs ol'Serviee, K. a, n.. and 5 p. m ; week davs : at a. m. an.l .) p, m. K.„.ha,-ist eve.-y r„iu-th T.iesdav at !(» a, in ' (%-i,t Clum-h ((:iu„vh or K.,-land).-Spa.-ks m. >o.uh side. Rev" ' J. S. Lander, A,-ehdea.aly St, „o.-fh side. Ifev. Cannon T. H. Joiirs M \ L J jV I reeto... Hours o('se,-viee. S .■,. „). 1 1 ;,, m. and 7 p. n, ; S,...dav s.d,o,d' ' .> p, m. Holy ( omm.ii,.o„ eve.-y S.i.idav and on the ("linr,.!, i;.sii- j vals. Daily service at !> a. ,,i. and .'> |>, m. ! I ^y'//>V/''^'''''''/< KVv ! .1. (.. San.lerson pastor. Hours of service J 1 arm. and 7 p. in ;' i .sahha.l, school, in a. m. and :i p. m ; hihie class, Momlav. S ,' ni i leclu-v aiKl pi-ayer meeting,-. Wednesday, 8 p, m. " ' | J'Jpi.srojHil M,'tho,li/,sj>;y>,// Methudlst rA,„-eA.— l)alhousie street, east sid",. ' l^- J K. -M. lope, iiiinisier. Hours of servhe. 11 a. m. and i\}, p ,„ ' I 5 ' ~ 101 wmm 111 'i;i; t i Itiforiin;/ /'J/>i.'«;ij)((l ('liiirr/i. (Cliiircli nf l']iii;'l;iiiil sci'vici'). — Conuf lloiii's iif siTvico, 1! ;i. 111. mill S ]». 111. St. .\i(/r('N-'s ('/(>iri-li (("liiii'i'li of Scotland ). — Wclliiiii'toii street, south side. I»\'V. I). .M. (Jofdoii. !> I), ministt-i'. Hours of scrv ire, 1 1 a. in. and (!A ]>. in. St. Aiiiic'.s t'/tiiri'/i. — Ottawa street, soutli sidi'. I'ev. .). IJ. A I lean. 1'. I*. Sundays ami Iloliilays. .Mass al (i a. in. 10 a, in. and 7 p. in. \'i's|)ers at .*> p. m. S/. ./i;iii liiijiflstr ('hiirrh.—\.v\\\-('\n\\ j-'lats. Kev. K. A. Poreile. I P. W Suiulays and llolida\-s. Mass at S a, in. and 1(1 a, in. \'es- ' |iers et ."! p. in. Week day>. .Mass at " a. in. I .S7. ./'//(/( ///(' J'Jri(n'/r/i.-- pers. 7 p. Ml. Wi'ek days mass at (!| t^ S a. in. ' *S7. Pittri('k'.-< ('liiiri-li. — Corner Iliiudi ami (JIoikh'sIit sti'oets. iJev ,l(din ( 'ollins, 1'. 1'. Sundays and Holidays. Mass at S a, in. Id a. j 111. and 7 p. 111. Wei'k days, mass at S a, in. tk:mpki{.\X('k so('ji<7nKs. ] '* Bytowii hivision " Xo. 'I'lX, Sons of Teiii])erance. — -^roels in Tein])eraiic'e Hall, every Alomlay eveniiii;-. (.'haiiiliere Sons of Temperance. — Meet.s in 'roinperanco Hall, I'ooley's j}ridi!,'o, every Friday eveiiiiiii;. Caineroii 'renijde, \. O. (J. T. — .Meot.s in Musgrove's {[all, j O'Connor St. every Friday i'\ eiiiiii!;. ' Klliolt Temple I. O. (i. T. — .NFeets in Mn.-ine IFou.e, Sallv St. every Tuesday evening. j F.iiter])riz(> ^remple I. O. (J. T. — Meets in Morri>-oii's Hall, York ! St. every Monday evening. Ottawa City Temple. 1. O. (\. T. Xo. 40:5.— Meets in Rowe's I IFall, every Thursday evi'iiiiig. I Ottawa Cold AVM»c-r Temple. I. O. <;. T.— .Meets in Morrisson',- j Hall, York St. every Saturday evening. j Ivxcelsiin- l/xlge of Jl. A. (). (J. T. Xo. K),'), — .Meets in Morrissoii's j JIall, every Thursday eveniim-. Ottawa United Ahstineiice Societ\'. — Meets in Ikdl's iihxd-;. every Suiidax- aftt'riioon at 4 p. m. - lOil I ' ). — CoriK r lac, I'ci'tor. loll street. • •t'sci'\icu, 111(1 7 |), III. A. Porcilc, I. 111. Wvs- >('x stroot, I). I5isli.,|, 11 M. 111. P. Uonv^ ' , 111. \'os- H'ts. IJev ; .'I. in. 10 a. i -^FocLs in iKo I rail, e's [[all. Sully St. all, York I fiowo's 'I'ri.s.son'.s »rrissoi("> s P.lock. I BANKS, 1 Hank of Priiisli Xorili AmcricM. — ,1. FioluM'tson. Mamiiicr. OHice Wellinii'lon Street ii(\Mr !liiank of OMawa.— -I'. JJ>hertsoii^ Maiiii^ei'. Ottiee Wellinntoii St leel. corner of ( >'( 'onnor Si reel . <'anailiaii I>ank of ( 'oin ineree. — .1. II. I'hiininer. Manai^'er. ()f1'c<' Wellington Street opposite Western P>lock Pai-lianieiit PmiMinii,'. La Haii(|iie Xatioiiale. — S. lieiioit. Manai;-er. Olliee ^Vellinnloll SliH'et. o|)|)osite ("eiitral Block Parliament Buikliiii:', 1eiii]M»rarv{ ollico .Metc:ilfe Street o|)|)]iosile Monlieal Tele<:!'a|)li Co. Otiice. " | Mercliants Hank of('aiiaila. — T. Kirl>y. Manager. Otiice Sparks ' Si reet, ( 'orner of .Metcalfe St re Moll, proprietor, leaves the I '' hoininion House, " .Sussex St. daily. (Sundays exci'pted.) I Otta\v;i an ' (Mtaw.-i and Pi(diniond Stau'C- — Lea\i's tin' " Prilisli Lion llolid,' Spark's vi reit, daily. I Ottawa and Uillinii'"s iiridii'e Sta^'e. — Leaves the " British Lion i Hottd," Si)nrks street, four limes a dav. i ' ; ()ttawa and Po(drAS()xic. 111 f -4 I '>■ i SCBORDTXATK T.OIXJRS f.N (^TTAWA OK TMK CkANT) LonOK Ol-' j A.NctENT KiiKK AND AcrEi'TKD .Mason.s [N Canada : I Xo. .")2 Dallionsic Lod-ie. — Meets the tirst (iiesdav of everv ; month. Xo. 5S i)(M'ie Lodii'e. — fleets the first wedne-dav of every month. No. ilO CorinthiaTi Lo' iseason. •OK OF )f' cveiy r month. -)f ovoiy , sdny of ' >f ovoiy •iday of : ( I cvciy i i ! TKR OF everv i IJOVAL olJ.XXdK ASSOCIATIOX OF B. X. A. T-oyal Oraiiov (\,M„(y L^doo. Carlolon.— Mcc-fs l.alfyo-ulv , L.yal^(),.an.o DistnH Locl^o, No. 4, OUa.a i j Print tr Lrnhjes in f/ir f'if)/ of Offmra. ' Mcthiy. ^''"'^'' ^^"'^^'' ^'^- •^"-^f^-l^ i" Oran., li.ll first I Tuesliav. ^'■"'^' ^''•''^' "*'• ^^^•^^r<^<^t- i"^. TI.II. first i Mroe(s in l^oweV Hall en la«t \ voar inTl^"'"""' ^'''l^f "' ^^'^''Joton.-Meots in Rowes ITall tuiee a ! 3 ear m tehruary and August. | FHd!^.^"''^^ r.-ccet,tory, Xo. 227.-Meots in Orango Hall. First | Filhu-^*''' P'-eceptory, Xo. 2G0. :\Ieets in Uowe's HaJl, second | '" ' i TJoyal Scarlet Cliapter.-Mcots in Orange Hall, on the Uth of ' each month. i TARIFF OF CIIAR(n<:S FOR — ing at j 'tideau i "rnlav Licensed Caniwjes for the Conveyance of Passengers f,>r Hire ivifhin the City of Ottawa. Xnr. That the following Rates arc hore])y established as the proper and legal Rates and Charges for the Conveyance of Passen- gers within the City of Ottawa, between the hours of Five o'clock ! Ill the forenoon, and Fleven o'clock in the afternoon,— and at all — 105 — I I(> othrr lunirs Doi ui.K Uatks >liiillli' |ti'o|)oi' Mii.l It'-al, and mav Ik I'xacti'il whore no aii'i-ccincnl tor a lr>> miiu lias Ix-cn i^ntcivd inh lic't wren I lie [lartic^. Tii-i) //',rsc Whii-lc — 1. l-'or Ihc ( 'onvcvancc oi- < 'arrin;-,'' of any nunilior of I'asscn- ,u\'rs not cNcccdinL!' l-'oi it. in a Can-iao'c. Slcii.)). or otlicr vcliiclc ilrawn li\- firn lioi>rs, wIhmi hired h\- the hoiif. or when the tinit'oc(ii|iic'd a.Moint.s to oit i:.\( Kilns, Iloill I'^oi" the tir>t hour s 1 ()(> And t'oi- cacii siihst'(|Ucnt ([iiartcT ol an Iioiir i) 1"» I'lach inlditional passcnii-ci- t'oi* the tirst hour (I 2i) And foi- cacdi siih>i';[ii('iit (|iiai'tcr of' ;in hour (I I).") Oite llursc \'(h'irl(' — -• For the Convevanee or < "arrian'e of any ntiniher of Passen- licrs not exceeiliriii' 'I'mkkk. in a Carrianu-. Sleii;-h, oi- other vehich' drawn \)y one \\ ir,>e. when iiired liy thi' hour, or when tiie time occu|)ied A.MoiN rs to mt KX('i;i;i»s onk lloi'it For the first hour gO 7,") And for earh sulise(|ueni i[iiarter of an hour (( |() And foi- ea(di additional passen^-er for t he lirst iioiir. 20 And for eadi suhsi'(|Uenl ijuarterofan hour ().') .'{. l-'oi- the conveyance of Onk l*asseni;-er from any of the Car- ters" Stands. Ill- from one ]>art ofthi- city to one or moi'e l>laces consecutively, in said ("ity. provided the time occu- pied in ciuivi'yini;' and wait iuiC for such l*asseni;-ei' |)o not exceed lit'teen minutes Su '17} And for each additional passen^'ei" ID If time occiipit'd excee(Is 1") minutes hut not 'M) minutes \{) And i'oi' ea(di additioncd I'asvenji'cr I) 15 And foi" each sulisei|Uenl 10 minutes aftei- fii'st IJO minutes lo And tor ea(di additional Passenger (I Of) But if the time occu]>ied coni imiously whilst any siudi vehitde siiall lie in the tunploy of tlie same person or persons iiiiKiiinfs fn or crrcfi/s out' l(inu\ then the liates hy the houi- as afoi-esaid shall oidy he proper and leii'al. and no higher I'ates shall Ix^ lei;al. 4. That eacii l'asseni;"or shall hi; entitleil to taUe with him or her one Trunk and other Haiiyau'c to a reasonahle extent, free of (diar- li'e, and it shall he the (lut\- of the jtcrson in (diar_i!,'c of any such volii;!e to load and unload tiie same tree of charii'e. I'll ni;iy ln' "tiTod 'iiilo r '' cllJII'- ' Midi ! I "•,.'''." '■'"'; '•^■' '■<■'• iivo y.':.rof.-.ov>I,all i.oUu. cliiiri.v.l lor a> ail.litioiii.l Pass.Minvrs, and ovrr livo vars aii.F mi.U-r Iwdvcyoars of a-r shall not l.c charnrd t„i' as a//r/,-x, SM.ihs. „r <.tl„r Vr/ur/rs fur t/„ ( \,rruf,/r I'J hiiulnuj irlllnt, thi' ritji t,f ()fi,,ini. XIV. Tliatlho roljowinn- S<-al(" of ( hai-vs is IumvI-v ,^>.taMi^la.| tor ( nioadiiiu- .uidt|,c("arlini.-of(';o,,ds. Waiv. Al('ir|iandis(., Fnvwood, and all oilier Loa'dinn-, l,v McciiM'd" ( arlcis witliiii tlie Cily ol'Oltawa : ' ' 1 I'^i'-'in any part of Tpper Town wc-l o| |»,ank Strcvt to aiiv part of J.owi-r Town oast of Nelson Street or north <'.f ( athcart Street, and /vVr rcrs(t >;<() m To any other j)art of Lowei- Town, and nrc'cersa 'O •'-, •1 Kroni any part of Lower Town east (,f \elson SlrecV'V.r north of Ctithcart Street, to aiiv i)ai I of rppcr Town east of Bank Sti-eef ] K .>• :5 From any otjier pai-t of tlie Citv to anV/tVKV^' 'exeep't "as aforesaid ' ^^ .,.| 4 That the I.oadino- referred to in the pi'eeeoi-|<. or half a eord of \\ ood. OTTAWA FIRK AI.AILV TKLKtlT^Al'lI. Centrai, Oi-iifE, City Uai.i,, Fi.oix Stkkkt. List of Sii/nal Boxes. UOX. AVlIKKK SlTL'ATKI). '1 ('(ir Russell House ]}ox. 'WiiKRK J^rrrATKi). HOX. WllKUK >SllTA-^KU. iL'ii •• \\'ill)r(Hl ACiiiiiberri ('miit)eir(l A Catlicift •> i^JecA s !• > \\ ell tim St 2i .Niolidlas A- 'I lien, .,io 54 " Dallicmsie A l{v heixif 4 Aei,CM.YvC...yess,oM j^l " l{i,le,ni A- Kii,,- sfs 01 '• Ali 1 'nicnV\| ills ■>*l'eivysts,,vest,;4 " Daly A Chapel sLs '(;;{ •' Chai el A I'an-v s . ,^/.''~^."""V'*'''''"**' <""»<'<''-»i".'^^ tii(3 workiti-of the FuiE TELi.;(HtAi-it7inv-nlar stnkini;- ol ti.o bells, brol«-ii wires, &e. , should in alt (w^-,, hi, made at the /■nr Ahinn OlHcr , Cilii Hall S.jtiarr. — 107 I III 1 1 ■'i 1' ^ MONTIJKAL TKI.KdIJAIMI (O.MPANV, /ii'i(tii Hotel, ('ori)er haily tV: Nicholas Sti-eet. lialtle Bros, liideaii Street near Sussex Street. Ilanultoii r)i*()s.. Sussex Street. (Queen's Wharf. St. I.. iV (). liower Depot. I' •• Canada (V'litral. Kailway Depot. Hridgi' St. ("haudiere. DO.MIXION TKLKiin.M'll COMI'ANV. .1. <'. S.MAI. I,. L. I). J'lKKIS, ilo.v. John .McMirkkii. Scci'fttiri/. (ii'iici'id MiiiKhji'i'. .I*r('tr(--is Trdiioi dailij. Lmci. Hroekville .:M a.m., 4.15 p.m. Ottawa 1(1.40 a.m., 5.00 ]t m. WentVew tCIJO a. m.. 4.10 j.. m. I Am' re. j Ottawa 1.20 ]). m., 7.40 j). m. I IJenirow 2.15 p.m., 8.50 p.m. ' Broekville 2.10 p.m., S.40 p.m. I Vs^ 10.40 a.m. Train from Ottawa makes close connection 1 with (irand Trunk Kxj)ress Train for the West at 2.10 p.m. I B^y* 4.15 p. m. Train IVom IJi-ockvilie makes i-Iose connection ! with ({rand Trunk Kxpros Ti-ain from the We>t, arriving in I Ottawa at 7-40 j). m. I Am,.a\, et. 'Ot. iini'.u, TIIKST. L.\\VI:K.\<'K AM) OTTAWA RAILWAY. <>" M..,l KIJOM TIIl-KSDAV. 2TtI. DKC. isyi. will n.n 'lailv. ji> fn||u\v> : — N«». ('(.iinccihiu. wiii,. i Airiv.' in I .liii)ctii»ii. : "^ ()ll;i\\a. I I \ ,, ^ '•'" '•• M- ^- '• . <;i"iii.l Trunk KxniT.s I'n.ih •^'•"J- _ Kast and W,.^| 7.;;:, ^. ^,_ ,. •' '•'■'' i- ^'- «iran(l 'I'l'iink Kx press iVoni ''•^l""*'^-^' I >Vi'si 7 ,,, ,, ,, . ; , ___ Jj ^ ( t K\c'i'\ (la\. \\\ 1*> j>. m. i>0 ]. in. 10 j». m. to )). in. '>0 )). Ml. to ij. ,n. nection iicc'lioii viii.ii: in X... Ii('a\(' I 01 law a. I (i III hi I Suutli. ( 'onni'ctiiin' witli. .\i-) in.!.") .\. .M. ' <;i-ani ^^ I Ii »n:i' . :; and .^. Sure rtMinc<-tions witli (irand Trunk trains t.. and tVoni ImmIi Ivast anil W est. Trains arr run nw Monircal time. i'k ';i:';; W ^ 0» W s^^^^ ^c. 72 ■Z^ ■— • •-■«'• « ■f. ^.-- 5'i r: '-f ^} T'i ^ ^ S - K-: "^ I- I* X X X rv r^ r '^ -^ -f tfs in '^ 1- W > ; ^ . -. £ : c ir: c 1.-^ s 5 .-« : -^ ^ I-: -M 1- r^ :■■: irs t re c -M . ^ ri -t ^ -M 70 - - 1; : >^ ;s "^ 1- 1- X x cc ci c — -t : ift ir: '-c i-^ yo -a1 e *-« Ph ,■*■* ••■■••* JV*J ,-*■* -^.«^^ ^'^t.«^ ^ /wtf /^^ : rt •t 1^ o 2; 1^ ^^ rH r-4 1-H ?-t >* : S . .. S 1— ( ^ — ■ -» » •» t » * .a >4 « '• • ^ s« v« ^ ^ t; H -^ i^ • •* 7^ . <^ p t; • '?i — — c c c 1^ irt = c r = e irt ift i-j e -^ : -t -f ^ rt c rt -f r>': "M i!^ ri re "^ c c ro HH t- X C; C: C- ^ i-H <-( ^1 ,-1 r-i -M (M (M j^ -fi »o 03 • ' ;z; ! t p^ u4 • • w ;^ • • > (-^ • \ HH >-H • • « P^ ■ ■ : .5 <«1 a 1 \ • ^iS 2 ^ ■1 \ \ ■/ : .:= 7i H *• 5 H '. i '^ • r- J, H a •^ H : <5 i 3 5 d ■r. t- CO -t< c. .f5 =^ ^ to c; ro -o M t. (ti ro "t ro^ ^ re =: .<^' '"*: -i C' i-H (M c-i ro -:*^ -* "^ »o •-0 1- a; QO ci ci cv c: -M r? ro ^'^ ' ^ 1— I T— 1 1— 1 --^ r'l — 110 — •2 - fi -r 5^1 r.:i o -^ I-. = ■= •-'5 O ~f" '-^ 'M 70 '-"^ ^ I- CO 1 O i.t 5 -tia •^•2 ; o 73 r- -i-rf .:= 72 ^ '^ ^r. ^ 1—) •/. I , - o 73 a» 1^ — ^^^ .• (-^ i* ?J o ro p4 •^ "!•'(! H s o ) T— < ITS C: "M rf ro -= 3 I': c -t -t •« ii:^ *c t • : c • »* : '-I fc ; o "^ I- '-^ ^ i ^^ 5 S ZH Zi '^ "^ "** ''^ "^ '^ *" L- — — 1 . » r^ — ; .^ '-t ft fi 13 5 ~ H ,^ ?, § ,^ '^ 1.- X ; X C. = ^ ^ ^ -f -f -t ,- - .^ t, S '^ — '- '"^ -t 5 fc ri o 5 >^ c V'l 5 E ~. £ c c ^ .-< i-( ri ?! re re -t- t i:t -o ^ ,£ Z '— tx "" ' — ^ "C — — #-* o ;: •y. ^^ rt rt 1. ? »— " "^ -*>^ piC tf. ^ f^A ^» *" fc-H ^" r^ 5 5 = 5^. '^ "-i c .— i-" — "> -~ - I •■• -•. . . T7 T I., _ I— CC X Ct ~ i C^ »-^ C^I JO 6- i. - ;j rt X Q |S7 .= .tt c --• ^ ^^.^c; *"* ■^ilt < < c :j 15 i;5 ^ '{' ■- > '••' 'r* H a t-w ^ u £: u ^' C ,t1 cfi i^ « ' ^^ X •^ ■<. < '< if III — i I I >'. •— I *» "^ ^ r' ^ 2 i S'.: 25 bl'l iz7 :;-Si • ==■■= -'si'-r^ [si/" >.^ i 2 i- ' * * f 1 ^ - 7 ~ •-•' 7||-7i .3 « ^ £ ^ :' 2 1 "'I i 1 ^ ^ = f X. /^, /. I C X o I pq ^3 i, ''• J; 5 -= _ 7 - ^.i : J 7. ^ -^ C *— • ■/. c ♦i — '^ « •—• +-» «• > ^ ^ c- •r x, = i' ^ -< - ' < X _ r*. — < '/. ■/. 7: ^. ^^ r* "— 1 I— t f— » o-> ■•^ '>i ,. . a >' ^, '»*■, "< w ■ /I 1. — ~ —, -^ -^ ti •- _ if; 'A I. 3 C :;■ 3 • - ^ ^< X O ■tr^ *^ 4-» *-» ^rf ^ C y. y. /. •— 1 rO r— I r-c — I - r r rt /. ■/. /: /. - 2 D D O O Z', ~ ~ -3 -^ T3 *^ *w 'C "^ ^ "w ir. ^ 'fd »^ r ^ ■A ^ • * t. ^ 5 75 n^'^ — 3 ^'jny^U^ ■r. ^ w hi OS ^ -2 ^ o ^ OJ -TO w-= ,>j^d o ~^. -rs ti „ = ^ u.S 53. '-S jj c—i-sxT-i; SCO ^ -^, '-T "^ i~i 5; -^ -i ~. — V ::i -Tt :S •< -v'^ "2 -Ti ■:; -^ -> aij^^?^< fl ^-irt^^O'cyjt-^ ?; pq <-, ;^ r-< 1:; O — 112 — ■"^ 1 it S •• = ^- U 3 - W -^"S*^ • 2 " 'u * .-, .y. L - 3 T = ■'■■2 P » — — ^ '/. * /. .^ !t ■7 ■, /. , — T. = w o 'A r. 3 ■♦J t^ 91 L* **' -fc- ^ '7^2-- r*. __ -tj 7 O TV ■^^■2 2. 3 ■r ~-2^-= ; ^4 o .^ -• ^ TAI'.I.I-; ol' S'l'AMI' hCriKS. On ,.vrrv |.i-..Miis<.,ry nui... .|i';ifl, ..r of .-xrhnr -v. i„.i muiv lliuii !Sl'.), I cent ; (.vci- ^-J.') I.) .S.'>l», 2 c.MiK ; ..v.m' .^:)i) lr, siOO, ;;c,.nN, _ Oil every pronii — .rv n .(c. .IrMl'l, ..r l.i|| ..f r\.-|,;,i,ov, i-xmii,..! sino:ly, tor tlic lirsi .$10 (. ;; riMit. : i;.r ,.v,.rv aJdilionnl .-sidu ,„• tliirliun ol' :i .SllHt, W ccnl -. _ On everv .IrMl'l or l.ill nf ,. vcli;ni-v ..n.mmiI.mI hi .lu|.lic:il,., \'nv il,,. first .Sli):». 2 <-.'nts ; lor osn-v a^Mitional .Sloii. ,,r iVaeiion iIhmvuI' '1 CCllt'^. On every (Iral'l <»r l.ill otCxchaiiii-e e\eciil,.(l in tliaii twn parts, tor e:ie|, |,:,rt. lor tlic fir.t %\m. I (vnt, ; for ev.>r\- a-Milin. iial 81(10, or tract ion ilicicof. 1 cent. Tin- .liitjes !o I),. |,;,i,| l.y stamps alll.\ei| to cacli |.r..tnis>oi\ noi... •It-all, or lull ofcxciiaii-'e: Imt the pers(.n allixin-' micIi stanii. sliall. at the (line (,|'alli\in-' the same, write or stamp thereon the date at which it is atli.xe.l. ami e.ach stamp shall W hcM }>nm\ !),.■;<■ to have heen atlixe.l ;il I he date stamped orwrillen t hert>.,n." and, if no date he .0 stamped or written thereon. sM(di adhesive >t,-i shall he of no a\ ail. IV'iialtN- for iK'n-h-ctinn' to allix st;im|)s, or tor wilfnlK w or stampiii-- a fal>e date thereon, 8lOi). The (lovernor in Co incil m;iy direct stamped paper to he |.i'ep;i- red for the purpose of this Act. .'H n 1 1 rii imr STIJMKT IJ'ITTI'JJ IU).\K,S. A'/V"'/', L'iiC('r I'ljirii, , Cor. O'Connor i*v Sp.'irks. . (;,,)•. Sii-se.v ,^- iJidean. j •• Wellinntoii c^ Sally. - •■ ,St. \ patri,.],. i " St. i»o(dey"s Hridi;v.! ••' Dalhoiisie \- ' '■ l>i'l^<' ^- Ufido-e. ■ St. L. \-. O. IJailu-av Depu : (aiiada Central Railway l)e])o(. \ Cor. Parry \ .Vids.m, I Vicloi'ia Tei-race lliciid'. '• Aiiu-iista\- iJideim .Cor. Hank \- Maria. | « Daly ct .Nelson. I i •• I'ide;'.!! i^ Ciimherlair I I " Daly \- .\hdioIas. I i '■ AiiLi'iista i^ Ottawa. <-,--< C:? O ! rn These Doxes aro vi.siie.l daily at !> a, 111. 12 noon, ^V S.;;i) p. m. - 113- li^: UATKS OF POSTA(JI<]. CanadM Post ( 'ani. itiic coiit. Caiia'la Post ('ai-.l for l' S. addi- . tioiial OHO ciMit Stamp is !iot rc(]iui'od. h\rr('j, fit, Hill Pt>st(ti/c for Ottmrd. — I*o>taii\' oil letters midci- oiK'dialf I to LeHrctoDs I'-Jatts, New Ivliinlniriih, Hull am! I'o( lifstor- villc. OIK' cfiit il' |)i't']iaid, if unpaid two cents. (•N I.Kri'KKS I'KH IIAI-K oi NCK. ''•uiada, incliidiiiLC P. I'Mward Island. Bi'itish Coliuiiliia, \'anc»Mi- ' ver's Islanil, and I'ed River, '.I cents. ! Xewt'oundland. (! cents — must he ])re])aid. United States. 'A cents — must Ix' pre|iait lie prepaid, i Priiiled ami pul»li>lie(l in Canada and posted from otliee ofpuMi- : cation if paid (|uai'terly in advanoo, Daily '{() e<'nts. Tri-weekly 1") j cents. Hi-weekly 10 cents. Weekly .') cents per- (juai'tei-; if unpaid, 1 ceiit will he ciiarii'ed on dtdiverv. I'KHloDK Al.s. I'o any part of < 'anada. Newfoundland, or the United States, I cent {>ei' 4 n/s.. prepaid. To United Kinaiil ; woin'hin^- less ; than 1 o/.. put up siniily. h cent eaidi, prepaid, KiiOKS Clllc I f,.\US, I'A.MI'MI, K/rS. \C To any |)la<'e in Canada, Newfoundland, or the C S. 1 cent pt'r 2 oz. prepaid. No fui-ther (diarii'e will he made in the IJ. S. lio()k-ji;ud/> L' 4 cts. :ind so on. PAIICKI, I'osr. 1 .Nitt to exceed 4 Ih. to any pai-t of Canada, S o/v. j-J^, ct.-. I Ih j 25 cts, and so on, 12^ cts per S ozs. ! -Monev orders can he ontainc I on all ntliee- in flic hominion. ! Newfoundland, (ii'cat I^ritain and India. 114 — ''<''■ "iK'-linlC '»!>(• lies tor- iii, N'iiiicoii- s. Mts, ^' of j 111 Mi- ' if mij)uii|, : 'Stiitvs, I ; an j liin^-- loss : ■I'lit per •> 4 els. oil. I "iiiioii. j !■ t COMMrsSIOXS. <'N .>H.,KKS ,..VV.VM1.K ,X oNTAUro, QKKHKr. NKW HKUXSW.rK. V„VV NCTfA, PKINCE KI.WAIir. ISLAM). AN'I> MAXITOHA. On oi-(loi-s 111) to g 4 Ox Ovyr $4 UM.I u,, to l()Z'['[ZZiZZ' i^ '''''!^'' ..10 '' 20 '• 30 •• 40 50 , m- ^o sinu-lo Onlof to be omntcl for n.oiv ilnin 8100 •, ; l>Mlt cents to 1,0 introduced in the Orders. ' <( 10 20 (( m 40 ,-. /J,.,, n- i , , '^ 2.) cents. Ovoj- Li) and ui) to 10 -a < vi in i. ^- ^" 10 15 15. 20. . 70 ,1.00 Ox ORDEUS I'AVAMLE IN THE UmtEI) KlNGl.OM. On Oniors up to £ 1> ^5^^^^,^^ Over £2 and up to 5 r^^ ,, i. 10. 7.) 1.00 i flter Xo sin.ijle Oivlei- for over £10 to be -ranted on the Cnited,n than £20 on the Lower Province named ! and no lialt pence to he introduced in the Orders. N() Orders to he -iven on credit,, and IJankahle Mono ' exacted lor the Onler.s. ^\' fo ho -115- AI.'l;:\AI. AMI li.;|'AlflTiil-; m-' mails. OTrWVA. Ii !i it /i w i UKtt' .1'/ .1/./'/.^ ti.'i.-i:. r7./v / /,,/ ]l.i„l,' ■{! liiii' >i iiinr/l'S I'Kt, /■ //( III (l'/'i>cil tiiiii ■"riiuall , I,;inrasli'r, cti' , s . :m I la I ; la. \, N.S.,aii(l Nt . .Inliu. N . l! cliar- idttrtnuii, 1'. !■; J ., and all |ilacc< in tlir , Maritinii' proN iin cs and Nrw t'ouniiland . \\ inIi III KiiiLislnri. Tiirtinio. ilaiuilldn. I.niidi II . lie, and ( 'olninliia (an'sland;i .Mails (ifM|)atilii-d daily via' ; W'ind.-nr. i^iit., I>rtrnit and San Fran !.■«•( i.' ; Hales of ^(p^la^;l• saint- as In otln r i.arts i < I f 1 1 1 . I • n 1 11 1 n 1 1 1 n >•■ . :!n III ill d Stale. \ia I ludriixlinru ,'^ ..".n New ^'diK , tiiiiiM,L;li nniil j s . •)() i\i tn|it\ ilji'. .\liiiiik\ illr. (1x1111(1 .Mills. i [M 1- St . 1.. .V • I. Ilail\\a\' i s . :;() ' N'lMlli (Inwtf. Kars. rtc., |Mi'St. I.. \- (). ^ Itattwav ! i ! (ts-(...df, Itiisstdl cti-.. 1.1 r St. I.. \- ().' ' ; I.I , li'ailway j 1 j South (Uoticcsti'i- and Oxford Stations, [ ] 'I'liisdays. Tlmrsdays and Saturdays. . , . j , | I'lTth, Smith's Fulls and Carlctoii IMaccj j piT Canada Central llailway s .(in Stittsvillc, Unntlfv, Carp, March. \c.,j . p(M- ('anada Central Ilailway | j 'Ihc rjipcr Ottawa, places on the linK-kvillej ■■ k Ottawa Hallways, Xortli of (.'arleton' i'lacc. I unction, I'akeiihain I'ejuhroke, itc.| 8 .no Knchesteiville, Skead's Mills, IteU's Cor-| ncis. iiichinoiid and Fallowliidd 11 .;!n Hull..' Ill .:'.n Ay liner, Kardley, Ileyworth and Ouslow ..| .s.iin n .20 Lower Ottawa, liy sta,ij;e, r.iickiMjj:liain,| Ciinilverlanil, I/Orij;naI, Grenville etc..|lO.O() (;h( Isca, Wakelield, North Wakctield Low! and intermediate oflices daily ; and W\~\ I vei licscit, and intermediate ollices,! i ' .Mniidays, Wednesdays and Fridays ! 'I'cnipleton. New Kdimhiir^'h 11 on liilliiiLis' r>iid-c, Mondays Wednesdays A:i Kriday>. hy sta.L'e jn :<", Ml rivalc. Wednesdays and Saturdays |1 1 .:!(i i;;iiiiva\ s ( 'oriiers, llawtliorrie, I'.astinan'sj \ Spi iiiu>. Saturia,,n- ,,o.s,e.i „,, to 10. 10 p. ,n, will I.e fonvanlo.l fvis. a.ili.i.R-Mtai-y padsMuos the same iiiirlit. liritish Mails. 1 or { ana.lian Line, close everv Fridav at 12.05 i. n. A s,„,,,K;,M.nla.y l>a^ i;.,. Caaa.lian ;i.aMUTs Jill U^ Hosed at .-.> )). m. iM which UMrc-istcrcl matter can he . . , , Nvili complete 8100 00 'oTo'T^ thereby that my agent in New York, must have sold" at 20 OyO discount. n; ii'l 1 <■ ' This ()|)ci'atii)ii may Kc (':ii"ri(.Ml out in a (lilVorciil way. vizi : to iinnuMliatfly i!,'ivt' (In- discouiil on ii'i'ot'ii liacl loss Sr,S{) "... (iSO ami ostaI)li>^li liic lollowiiii;' projtorlion. As SlKiO : 100 : : 2S0 is to x 100 2S(ioo I !)(;o i!^2o irriy ssoo cSiUO 1(100 «)K»0 SO !'^! !! It i> to he olisc'r\oil that vei-y ot'toii it is luH-cs^ary, wiicii fcach- iiiti; llir last tlii'iii-e ot' t lie (|iioti('nt, to force nv m''/iri-t \\\c tVarlioii wliicli that tiii-iifc may leave to adjust. No. 2. What will he the rate of 1 U» : loo : : lo'o to x = and multiply loo l.y lOO ami divide l>y 140. l-'xample 100 loo 10000 1 140 /. !»80 71.42.S mills. 200 140 (iOO r)(io ■ ;i 400 2S(> 120 lis- 'y^ \i/t : to (kSO I'll I'cncJi- tVaciiori IkicIcs if H f>isc()iint (uiSlOO is iIkmv i;.i-<> OQ .-s Xo. ;}, H's ;j(t Oyo Tlic (iisconiit on would lie 8142.80 «?4:{,8.-).8 mill.< loavinii: as ])r(>of. , Sl42.8fi . 42.80 00.00 Ihe ahovc n. c may he u.^cd in the case of a person wishin.- to oh,a,n i,.om a iJankinn- House in ( anada Iho avails of 81 :.„ n An,er.can(..u.reney The n.ode oi" proceeding, would he e.xaV- - I ; ' H. day ot pu.vhase. In example >so. •] ,he rate of discount is i .JO 0/0 therefore the lirst nun.her of the proportion is 70 • if i , i I l..eeH 20 0/0 the lirst iuuuher ofthe propo Vti on would hav: en 75 -no y No. 4. 311(Ml ill u-old liuvo |)i'(>(luci'(l ^\'}i:], r>() ill Aiiii'i-ii'Mii fluids, wliiil was till' rate of^old al tlic date ol'salo ? Sti-iI.50 and say : As 1100 : loo : : I^o.'jO (o x and pvoccod in tlio usual maiuior l>y nuiltipiyiiii.- 42;i.r)0 l»y 100 and dividinn- hy Uoo. This opora- lion liowi'vi-r may l»i' siniplitiiMi ly nioroly dividiiii!; 42i}.5() liy 11, The result liy hotli iiiddos of |»i'oci'odiiio- \vill provi' tliat IMHJ, was the rati' ot u;old at the date of sale of flie $1 100, fell I 1 I mm ;l |(S lit 1 1 ji TAIUJ-: OK FIJAXCS AND CKNTIMKS l}l':i)r( "IvD INTO STKIJLINCJ, ALLOWINd 25 FIJANCS TO TlIF f STKIJLINC. KXI'LANATIONS. ver Kxelian^-e on Paris is ealeulated at Sterlin«ji: rates, addini,^ liowe- for dilVerenee Itetween Paris and liondon. Tliereiore if a 1 <» no draft on London at (K) days si 05 a 11 H lu-emitim 42.(>8 {See next jKVje.) S Wllilt TianiuM' oporu- j l.y n. I ■^tV \v;is i NTO liowc- i )i'o if ;i same cost of it ina\- OF KllANCH AM» L'ENTrMKS lJi;iM(KI) I.NT>> SlKIU-IMi [Sec prci'ci'diiij /'■',/''.) Str<) 77i(Ml 7S()(i 7;tu(» lljO'dOl 81 it 00 M2".><;o 1 wvXp^ 1 If ISO 1 i:»;2 4o (iooo 1 i(i'!t<;o 1 17 7;20 1 l^'-fSO 1 r.»,:i,K>: (1 ou 1,7120 2 4 SO "i240 4 00 4it<)0 n 7:201 SI 00 82100 8:;'oo 84'00 So'oo 8(;!oo 87 '00 4' 801 88;00 7 2i40 8000 8 0,00 7120 •J 10 4180 211 240 •J 12tfOO 2'il2!t i r^ " •— C rt iT -f -!■ :: r: -m — — .- i-t I — " — / I- -M r. -^ r: •« :: ■:i "M "M — — r- ;■; :- rt ri -^ :t :": T 1 ri — r 1' I- -* — A IT ri r. 'c r: - : I -M ?i — ■ r — X IT -M - -^ "" ii £2 H '" 1 '- r? ?i -M — — •- - /. iT "M r. "^ re — "3 ^ N r r ^ s o - IT rc ?! •?! :/. 1 T T 1 T. 1 T ; 1 r. - e iT -^ :: rr -m -m rt vr .—. r 1 — r — 7'7 ri7 r*t Ti ^1 'Ti ~ '." '~ IT "**•*'" ' r: rt fr ri ti -m — — ^ ■s'^ - * ^-^ '^1 ^V 1 'VI ^M _^ o o ■^ J-. ^^ iT »-: -+ -r -• -M ■M >— «— /. ■^ 1 ' • ' ' 7 1 ri ■M ^ -, y iT — ♦• _^ ri ,^ -, iT ■M * -^ TT ""■ 1- — *■ . — /. iT •M • y^ • • * • Tl Tl -M IT 1- .. .. ^ iT -f ^^ ^^ "M ri rc ■»-^ * I- -t •— < J- iT "M w* p. K ~ y -I '' - IT /• ::• . ^ z =_^ x- lit 1 iT i": — -^ rt ri ri — — I r — /. IT -M r. "^ 71 ■M 71 M ^ ' o s :j .;- i) tf CO ir li :^ < ?^ ^ ^ < •/ C '/. - li'l iH'LKs in:siM:c'riN<; tiik LI r>U A UY OF 1>A1JL1AMKNT r. /. \ i,i'..iHM- (';iialo-'iu> ..t'llic liooks iK'loii.uiii.i;- to tho Lilprarv .-luill be th 1"'"1 . koi)l I'V the Librarian in \ the cu-^I-hI y aiiM n-p-.iisil.ilit v HMVoV shall l.e vc'sli-.l; aiul wi.o shall lu- iv:iuiit(1 m ivport to t .»• House 11. nMi-h Mr. S|R'akoi-, al thr ..iH-nin-- -1' rach >rsMn,,, tlu- ai-tiial state of the Jiihrary. , , ., i • No -hall !>(• eiitillcl to iv-"rt to the Lihrary ioi' ofrarliaim-i.t cxrcpl llu" tlovm.or (iciicial. i !..• nu'iiihris oltlu' I'rivv Coini.-il, and ofthe Scnat.- and Ilou>r ol (ut.iinon.. an;i tlic()ll'irer> oiholh ll..u>e>, and nirli oilirr iKT>.>n^ as may ivcc'ivr awrittiMi order of admission fr.nii the .speaUei- ol either Meiuhers n.av per.M.iially inh'odiiee SlraM-er> t(. the Lihrarvdurii,-- the daytime, hut not at'lcr tlu- hour ot sev<'n ocoe.. 'ihirin..- a Se helon-in- I" 'he Lihrarv'^shall he taken oui of i hr Huikm.- exeept hy theauihority of the Speaker or upon receipts .uiven hy a Memherot either I oii>e. Durin- the reee>s of Parliament, t he l.,hrary and hVadnvu" K-m ^hall he open everv dav in eaeh week. Sundays and ilolulays exeented, from the iioiir often in ihe in..rniii,i;- untill three in the afternoon ; and aeee>s to the J.ihrary >liall he permitted to prisons introdueed hv a .Meniher of the Le,iii>lal ui e, ..r a.iniiiU'd at 'he niav he deemed neee»ary tor the senility and preMMvalion o he (,,,i,,.ti.,„ ; iHit iM. one shall he allowed to ,nkc. any Look out ol Ihe J.ihrarv exeept Memhers of the Le-isla! ure. and sue,, others a^ 1 mav Ik' aulhori/.ed hv the Speaker of either ll.mse. 1 the (Merk of ihi's Ih'nse is authorized to suhscrihe tor Ihe I newspapers published in the Doniinhm, and for sueh other papers, 1 IJrUish and Foreign, as may from time l.> time he .hreeled hy the I Speaker; and toimp'-rt annually the eonlinualion oi periodieal I works in the Jiihrai'N'. 123 «l I JMiriiiu; ilii' it'c«'ss of l*jirli;inu'iit, no Mi'iiilx'r of oillicr lloii.^o nol I't'sidiii^' ill Ilu> sent of (io\oiiiiiit'Mf, >liiill Ik'jiI liltcrty to liorrow or have i'.i lii-i |io>;si'>sioii at iiii_\' one lime more tliiiti IIiito works IVor.j till' Lil'rarv, (M* lo vcfaiii llic satiu' for :i loni^'cr |i(>rio(i lli.-ni oiio ' inoiilli. No otlici' |)('r>.oii«i wlio may lie privilrncil liy cjiril IVom llio .S|K'aUrr of ciilicr IIohm' i»t liorrow IJooUs IVom 1 lit- Liltrary ^liall l>t' alloweil lo li.'ivf ill llicir possession mor»' llian t vo I{<»oks at any oii(> liiiu', or to retain tlii' >am(' longer than lliivo wccivs, and all , siicli iH'isoii- sliall return tlie l>ook«; «.,i ijikcii wlu-ii rtMjiiired l»y the liilirarian. i X(> Mook>« of I'i'tereiiee. or |}(»oks of s|»ecial eo^l jiiid value, n\ay ; , l>i' removed from the si-al of < Jovernim-nt iindi'rany eireiimstances. ' I At tlu' tir^l mee'ini;' ol'tlx' .loiiit l.ilirarN' Committee at every ! Session of Parliament, tlie liiltrarian shall re|)ort a list of the Hoe llu-y will not he inserted. The rates of eitjht cents for the lii"st insertion, and two eents for eaeh suhse»[Ueiit insertion jiei' line of nine words, each tii;ui'e count inj^ as one word. Suh.'^crihers will al>o notice that the siihseription, 84.00 per annum is invai'iahly ])ayahle in advance, and that the •' (Ja/etto" will he stopped from them at the end of the |)eriod paid foi-. 8in- ii;le numhers will he chart'iils shall conu', oi- whom tlu' same may ill aiiywisi' t'oiKH'i'ii, ( iuKKTl.Nd : — A PROCLAMATION. T. ForiJNIKlJ, I \rill':iJi;.\S ill aii.l l.v an Act of Altonu'V (loiu'ral. Caiiaila. ( '' tlu- I'arliamt'iii ot' ( 'anailii |iassi'(| ill thcodth year ol' ( )iii- iu'iiiii chaittcieil l>i. int iliiltMl : ••An Act to pi'oviiU' lor the inspection of ( ias aiiiM ias Meters,'" il is amoiin'st other ihiii-i's in etloct enacted, that after the date lixed l>y the Proclamation to he issued under the said Act, the only standard or unit of measure for ihe sale of(i;i> hy mrler, shall he the ciiliic to )i coiilaiiiiiii!; sixiy-i wo |»oiiiids ;iiid three hiiiidreil and I wcniy-oiic thoilsandlhs of a |)ound (irixiy-i wo dcn-rees of {''ahrt'ii- lieit's thel'inoinether, the liaromeler hi'ilii>'at ihirly imdies, except as relates to emit racis maile helore the pas>>in,u' of the said Act now in recital, and in wliiidi a dilferent unit of measino is adopted; which colli racl> if rciicA'c I. ^hal i adojit the unit of measure a hove jirescrihed ; Ami il is further enacted, that within a.-> short a |icrioil as may he after the passing' of the said .\cl. mo U'ls of «;'a>dioldcrs measiirinu,' t he said en Mc fool and --indi mull iplc> and deciimd parts of the said ciihie foot a^ the .M ini.-tcr of Inland nc\ciine shall deem ex|)edieiit. and from lime to time inodcds of Midi fnrthci' nmllipU'.^ ami ilccimal p;. ts of the >aid ciil.ic fool as the Minisier of Inland Jie\eniie shall froiii lime lo linu' think llece•^sary, shall he carefully mailewith |»roper halances. indices and ap|)aratiis for testing the measurement and reirisi rat ion of meters ; and such mo(hds shall he verifieil iimlcr the direction of tlu' .Ministi'r of Inland l{e\t'iiue, and when s(» madi' and veritied shall In- depositeil in the Deiiartinciit of Inland lu'Vi'iiue : and copii-s of the models so Iti't'ii !l|i|i|(i\ rd I'V lli«' Milli>l('|- ()(' IiiIjiikI l»r\flilU'. >liilll I »■ (lc|i(t»i|c»l ill tiir I >(>|i:ii-l iiiciil ))(' liihiinl I'cx ciiiic, .'iiid i'ii|iii-> of t lie siiiiir iiio- >li:ill lie iix'il ill tlic- iiiniiiu'r (lc'>('i'ilici| in |i!ir( twn of tlic said Si'liciliilc A ami ill >ucli riirllicr iii>t nicl idiis not iiici»>t('iit llicii'- willi. a> may \'v. t'loiii liiiic t(» liiiu-, (lirccU'iJ liy l)«'|iarlmi'iital ici;iilalii>iis |(ir tot ill^• ilic illiiniiiiatiii^ |in\vtr ainl piiriiy of (ia^: A lid it i ■ I'll"! lit'!' fiKHlt'd I liMi Ml MM) II a> till' II II id (d> and a|i|iarat ns tlici'ciii iiH'iit iniicd Iia\(' I cell idtlaiiicd and a|i|ii'n\ cd. the ( iii\ (.m'Ii<>I' ill ( 'oiiiicil may is>iu' a I'liMdamatiun lixinu- a day. iint !»•-> than fix iii'iiillis iViim ilicilalt' <**' >iudi I'lotdamal ion, ii|m)|i wliidi the |irn- vi-iini> of tilt- A<'l now in [laii icciti'il rcs|H'|n'ctioii Hiall ^•(< into o|ii'rati(>ii : Am' Wiikukas in accordance with tlu' altovc in jtart iccili'il Act, niodcl> of o'as liold«'r> nica'-iiiiiii;' l lie -aid ciiliic loot, and siicli iiiiil- li|tU'> and ilccimal |'arls ot tlu- >aid <'iiliic loot, a> llic .Miiii>t < of inland Jicxt'iiui' lias deemed e,\|)edieiil, liaxc lieeii caiel'iilly inadL' wit li |ii'i»|ier iialaiices, imlico and a)i|paratiis lor testiiii;' the mea- ^ll^enlenl and re^'i>l ration of meters, and micIi models lia\e . v'cii \ crilied under t lie dii ect ion o| I he .M inisler of 1 nland l»e\(inu' and have heeli deiiositi'd in the I )e|iarl liieiit of I iil:iiid Ke\ ciille : Ani> \N'iikuk.\s inoih'ls of tiie ap|)arali!s docrihed in Scliedide A ofthealiove in part recited Act. for te-liiiL; the ilhiminatiiiii' )h)\\ er and purity of ,na> ha\'e also I ecu |iI'o(miii'(1 and havinii" hi'eii ap|iro'. ed hy the .Minister of Inland Kexi'iiiu", ha\c! In'cn deposited in the l)e|iarlim'iit of lidaml lie eniie: Ami \\ ilKltK.Vs the iiKMleJs and ajiparatus herein meiitioiieil ha\e heeii ohtaiiu'd and appi'oNcil as rei|iiired hy ||k' he. ('inhefoi e in part ri'cited Act ; — XoW Know ^'^;. that we do hy this our IJoyal I'rochimat ion ;ind hv and with the authority o| the ahove in part recited Act. and hy and with t he advici' of oiir Trixy ( 'oiincil foi- Canada. |)ro(daini, de- (dare aiul li.x the liist day of .liiK', wliiidi will he in the year oiu' thousand ei^ht Imndicd and se\i'iity-livi'. as the day iijioii whi(di the piovisioiis of the aho\-e in |»art recite(| Act. intituled : "An .\ct to provide for the lns|;ection of (ias and < Jas Meters," resjiect inii" iiis|H'(iioii shall conie into operation i-.xeejl in the I'roviiKc of I'rince Ivlward Island. (H'all which oiii- lo\iiiH- siihjccls and all ollu'rs whom these pre- sents iiia\' come, or whom the same may concern, are lierehy I'l'iiiiired to take i mi ice ;iiid to / N/(//c. - 127 — 'tl ''II (( DOCTOll rOMROY, CLA8RVOYAMT, Russejl HousQ," Corner Sparks Si. Elgin Streets, OTTAWA. THE m^ .^"i < •mi larendon 'km Oiise O T T AAVyV . ■ "O-Ji li-o* • WILLIAM MILLS, m I PROPRIETOR. .if CANADA FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Head OUico :-I lAAiri/rON, Out. EsTAIiMSHEn I!Y ACT OF PaKLIAMKNT, 1S51. Lisuranre injdin^f Fire cffccicd iit f/ir Ctinrnl Jfufual Jidfr.i nn dll classes of Projwrtij. 18,000 POLICIES IN FORCE COVERING $14,700,000.00. M Assets nil llaiiil w:i(i.()IHMII). —:():— rrniiiiiii: l^k Cnpital fll-l.OiHMHi. THOS. STOCK, President. RICH. P. STREET, Secretary. 12« — h JAMES HOPE ^ CO., MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, Engravers, Printers & Book-Binders, IMPOllTEUS OF general staiioker^', artists' materials, educatio^tal & church books, ('oi;ni:k' df spakks and kloin sts.. ottawa. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, M A N T L E S in M A H L L B , MURAL TABLETS, &C„ &:., I.V ., MARBLEIZECSLAIEORIRON, Miuiik iiniiiili' III" S;!!ii!sl(i!i(\ // t\ iVtvc 1- t DOMINION OF CANADA • :-!>-: I MM I -GHAT I OS?; fi?^- l-'ri-c (Ji-aiits of Kill Acivs of Piuuric .Lt)iiiini(Mi Lands >()1(1 tor SI |hm- ac-rc. Bi3r Frve (iraiit^ of KlO to lioi) Ai-iv^ of WoOil Ldih/ nvv ottered to actual Settlors in other parts of ("niiada. J\irtinllij rltitrcd i'\(rinf< ami lini(< inaij he h<>in/hf i(t rca.v/n- ASSISTED PASSAGES. Ill (• •ll■^e lueiieeof the^-reit demand for Farm and othei- J>al)oii- rers in ( 'aiiada. t he I )o'iiinioii ' iov(>rnnu'iit issue- I iiriMii;-li its A,u;eiits Passemic)' Warrants whereliy a|)|)roved I*]niii;-r,iM' - in the I'nited Kinu'doni may oKlaiii |)a>sai;-es to Caiiaila at ivdiiced rales. A])iiliraiioii in I-iii-'larid may In- male to : — KJ>\VAIM) .Ii:XKL\S, |•:s(.^, M. I'. Ai;'ent ( Jnierai. i\:;'. Can Ml. \ (i tVKItXMKNT 1)1 II.I»IN(iS, Kini;' Street. We-t mi n^-UT. S. W. liOM)o>i. And in ('anada to the undcrnicn; ioncd Agents. Ijiiflifir. — L. Statlonl. 7'(//v//;/o.— .Jdlni A . DniuiMson. Miitiirciil. — Idlm (i.Diil.'V. UittuiUnn — Juo. Siiiitli. (hUuci. -\\ .J. Wills. Sheiirm,k,—\h'\w\ JIiiMianl. K'niij.-tuii , — It. .Mi|'litM-s(iii. fA»\hn. — A. (J. Siiiytli. Ill the MmitiiiH' I'l'dviincs tiicrc arc the I'ollnwiiig (iovi riuiK'iit (Mliirrs ; llaliiii.r, y. S.-V, Clay. >V. ./(,/,M, A'. /;.— H. SMvrs. And ill .Mauitola : — Winiii/ir;/, — \V. lUspclcr. Tlii'se OI'liitTs ot'tlio (ioviTiiiii lit will im-i't rvry Stiamslii, , i' ;.'■ Vessel, and Traill luiiiiiiii;,^ Iniiiii.maiits. Tiny will afl'onl to all wlio apply f • t in (lie fiilKst aii\ iif and iiiutictiniij ami all cninplaints slmiilfi he iniiiirdiatflv'd t(p tin 111 (111 ani\ inn. 'J'Ik y will alsn tiirnisli iiitoriiiatidii as to lands open for scttli nii'iit in tln'ir rcspoctivc rrovimcs and I)istii are tlir i;;reaU'st triiuii|ih of the tiixv, lii'iiiu: maile on Jill entirely now ]>rincij)lo, tlu-y coinliino the >weelness ol'the onli- iKiry S(|uai'e with the |)o\ver of a full (iii.VM) and nvv pi'onounced by the nuiNieal ))rofes.sion to he the inosi jierfeet jiianos niaiic. EMER.^ON' PIANO-FORTES, whieh are without e\(H-])tion the liest nKMliiini ])ii(eil pianos niauu- faelui-ed. 'rhou>ane and have ^-iveii jterfeet sati^faetion in evei'y ease. ^$t«;Y OROAN$> 55,000 now IK USE. Prices from Possessing all the modern I j Improvements- : $65 to S650. PuicK Lists of the aliove In-ii'unu'iits sent on a])|ilicalion Importers of Band InstrLinients. Sheet Music and Books. WAEEEOOIMLS, a SPARKS ST., ( )pi:)Or^it;e tlic lluH.scll House.! i — 131 — M DOMINION PARLIAMENT. ■:-()-: ' l'\ \l t "^^ 4^ p A.]tTIl']S iiitt'iitliiig to make ;ii)plicutioii to rarliamcnt for rrivate ]5ills, oil Inn- iov i>Taiitiiiu- oxchisive piivi- l(^u'os. or coiirerrinu' corporate powers lor coiiiiiK^rcial or other ])urpost's of prolir, or ibr doino- anything tendinis to all'eet the riulifs or property of other parties, are hereby notiliod that they are required by the ruh's of the two Houses ol' ]\irhament (which are published in full in tlie Canada (!az('fle,)io giv^. TWO MONTHS" NOTICE of the application (ehnirly and distinctly specifyinu' its nature and obj(^ct), in th«' Camila dazc/fr, and also iii a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties all'ected, sendini»" copies of the Papers containiuLi' the iirst and last of such notices to the Private Bill Oliice of each House. All petitions for Private Bills must ])e presented within they//'.s'^ three loee/is of the Session. The Pee now payable for a Private Bill is two linadred dollars. liOBEUT LeMOIN]^, Clerk of the Senate. ALFJJED PATKICK, Clerk of the House of Commons. I BY NAPOLEON PARENT, .SI VCKSSOll TO JAMi;y 150ri{iiKT, Xcai' S;»i )i)i'rs lii-idiie, I ^owor Town, :<): Always on hand a splendid assortment of "Winss, Liquors and Cigars. :o: ALSO LlNdi AM» OVSTKTS AT ALL HOIKS. ! .»^x mmtM>parks Jr^lreet, Ottawa. 'Pj i MEALS AT_ALL HOURS. OYSiKIIS I'HK PAKKD IN AW STYLE ON THE SHOliTEST NuTirK. i I FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY 8c PASTRY. ' I'l'iv.'ilc hiiiiu'i's tnul Sl)<•i;ll^ atU'iidod to on roasoiiaMo tci'ins. 1 J'r(ii>ri'/l"i\ ' •MAGASIX DE MODES.' i.Mi'oirrKH OF STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, rinich and English Millinery. French Flo\ver.<. kd. n BAllKLNGTON STREET, HALIFAX, N .S. 13a- fi T II K '' t s «.)£. t P O.R TRAITS I- g> — I ILLUSTRATING THIS VOLUME ARE BY ^'O^ i^Bir PROPRIETOR OF m^ ■e Hotmail $tudio, Pttawa. '"■vJaJi^ .2-'^<- Visitors will lind ihis studio one of llie liiiest in Hie Continent. PIIOTOGHAPIIV IN ALL ITS BIIANCIIES. VKWS or ( ANADA 0> URKW VAIflKTV. Snjx'i'ior Fifcilitics for Portntiiure. ^34 — >^?r Lwa. ineiil. 3HES. Y\ (i()\ KIIX.MKXT IlorSK, OTTAWA. FridiU'. loth (l;i\- of .Ijtiiiiarv, 1875. I'ifEsKNT. Ills kx('kt;[j:x(*y tiik (jovkk'Xoi.' (;kxi<:ijai; IX COlTNCJJ.. AV II l"!IM*'AS it litis Itocii ro|)i'*'seiilt'(l tli.'it laviio iin|M)rliif'ons of '* ('oal Oils ai't' conriiuially takinii' |)lac(' at x-ai-ioiis ports in the Doiiiiiiioii. >aiii])lcs of many oi which will not stand llK-lirc test, fiMpiirt'd li_\- the 1 n land JJcviniuo Ad, IStlS, and anunidincnts tlioroto ; also that lai",i;c ini|iiH'tation> of coiiain jn'odncts of I'oti'oliMnn. sindi as ( iasolinc, Hrn/.inc and fU'n/.oii' nrv hoinii' inadc. siudi ai'ti(des hoini;- very i'Xi»losi\<.' and daniici-oiis at a wry low tcnipci-aliirc. II' lv\celk'ncy, on the rccominandation of the IloiH)i"ahk' the M ini>t(.'r of ( 'iistonis, and nnd(.'r the ])i'ovisions of the ITtli seel ion of till' Act passcil in the session of tiie I'ai'lianu'nt ot' Canada, held intlK'^)l>t year of llcr .Majesty's iJeiiiii, (diaptei'i'd ."iO and inti- tuled : •' An .Act to iiuTease the " Kxeise duty on spirits, to impose an excise duty on "'refined Petroleum, and to provide for the Ins|iee- " tion thereot," has heen pleased to oi'der. an of 1 Ciistom> at all other ports and oiit-|)orts in Canada, shall he and they are herehy appointed Inspectoi's of importeil Petined Petro- leum at their respective ports and out-jiorls, with ])ower to employ in the actual pi'ocess of ti'stinu' such oils any otiicer or oHicers un- der their ix'sjiective surveys whom they shall consider competent lor that ])urposc. 2 That the instrument to he used foi- testing- all im|iorted I'itined petroleum shall he tlie ■' Coal Oil P\rometer, " made hv Charles •I* _____ _ ,^, « T m V' ■ l^ollor. 'rnronln. ()ii(;ii'i(), iiiid iill sucli |it'li'(»lt'iim :is will n()t stiiiid I till' tin- test of 1(1,") (U'i;Tr('>, jis rc(|iiii-»Ml hy s;iii| I'y I'otiK'UM", as [ rtMiuirc'il l»y scrt'iDii 2 of t-JKiptcM" !.'> uf L* 1 \'icl()ri;i. wIk'ii iisimI I iU'cordiiiL:,' lo tlu' iiistnu-liuiis ji('('nm|>aiiyiiii;- llii' >iiiiic. sliajl In- ' (loall with a> may In." mdrrnl liy tin- Miiii^tci' ot('iisl(im> in uacli I raso. ;'. Tliat (>vt'ry jiackaii;*' of im|i(>rt(.'(l Ut'liiu'il IV'lri>UMiiii, ins|to('- tc'd as li(>t'(»i'c |tr(>vi(l('i|. >liall \n' K'^'iMy iiiarkcil <>f staiii|n'(l in such niaiiiu'r as tlu' .Miiii>liM' of Ciistonis iiia\- dirrcl. I l. That 11(1 iiii|iorlrd rrriiu'il Pet roiriiiu. whirh will not stand i tin.' said 'l\'>t, wlu'thfi' iU'>ii;iial('d as"('oal ( )il.'" ••Xajdit ha," •' lK'ii/,iiu'," '• iU'ii/olc." " I'aratliiH'" or otiior oil or lliiid, dislilliMl. inamil'act iirr(| or ni-odiici,M| liy any process or t ri'atnu'iit whalcvi'i" shall he ailniitt(Ml to entry t'oi- (•(Hi'-nin])t ion or Warclioiisi' in Canada. iinU'-^sthc I niporlcr shall have prodniH'd a lirciisr Iroin a Collcrlor or oiIut proper ( )lli('('r of Inlnnd Urxcniic. aiil hori/.ini;" 1 him to import aii::;\ «A i The attention of parties coneeriied i^ hei-idiy direidt'd to the j provisions (d'ihe "Inland I'evenne Aet of ISV,")"" (oT \ i<'., i-hap. Mj , wiiicdi eame int(» foive upon the 1st day of .latiiiary iiist. I This Aet is entitled •• .\ii Act lo impose License duties on Coiuj) (ir.iders of Sjiiril. ; t » aiiUM 1 the ".l''^ /vv/ycr'///*/ liiliihl /»'''''''-_ /((/('••and to prevent th.> Adiilteratioii of Food, Drink' and hriiijs." Ciider its pro\isions nil Compoiipders of Spirits mn>t hriiiji' themselves iimler the sii|iei-visioii of the hepartineiit of Inland | lievoniie. hy takiiiL!,- out a license for the carryin.i!,' i>n of (heir I liu-iiu's< as -ncli. Application foi- ^nch licences should he mad*' to the Colh'ctor of the Inland IJf\enue hivi-ion within whiidi such j liusiness i>, or is to he carried (Mi. ^ i That portion of the \r\ relatin-- to the Adulteration (d' Kooil. 1 Drink or i)riin'swill hecnne operative oidy within Inland I'eveiine j Divisions for which .Vnalysts sh-ill, from time to time, heappoin- | ted. (jf which / 1(' ('".. Tori'iifd. d'c, A'\ 'I'd wliirliwf .■oiilidciitly invite iuspictidii. m> we sell at ;i ^lll.•lll adviinrc on mill iirii-cs. and Uci'ii a t'uil assortin"iit always on imml. ( ;ill iiiui oxainiiic oiir Stock iMdorc piircliiisinu:. SHOOLBRED & CO., -ID Sp;u'lcs Sli-ccl ()tt;>\\-a. SLOCOMBE & STEVEUS, I'AMIl.V (IKOCI.nS. 'l^ca. Coffee, Wiiie iuyX ,^i>int Mereliants. Corner of IMOKAr ami ( IMIJERLAM) Sis. - ^ — — 17137 _ p m \ ^ 'nil-: hOMINloX LANDS OF C.WADA, I r ni riu'>«^ laii'U tiri- ^itiittti- in .M:niiti>li.i :iiiy>U'm ot'siirvi'V is rc'ctiiiii;-iiliii-, tlu« ti>\vii^lii|» Ikmii,:;; >ix mill's s(|ii.'ir(', ili\i(|«'il into tliirty->i\ si'cli. in »'acli township, arc do licak'il to ilu' |iiir|)oc> of jinlilic schools. I Section-, s and I'd in i-acli town^lnp rcprc -cnt t In- oni'-t went ii't It '< reserved tlirou^'iiout tlie •• lertije lndt " to iju- IIikUoi. Uay Coni- |»any under tlie heed ot Surrender. I>.)ininion land> open tor sale or xMtieinent may lie purchased lor cash al one dollar per acre, may !>e entered hy Mililary l'ouid\- Warrant, m- may he cnlereil as Immesteals furactmd sc'tleint'nt. llonu'stead settlers pay a fee of 81il. upon .'iiid cultivate t lu' (|iiar- ter-si'ctioii entered as a homoii'ad, for three wars, upon \vhi(di t hey i;'et a pateiil fi ee. The homestead st'ttler ha> aUo the |>rivilen'e of (.'nti'i'liii;' for an adjoiniiii;' (|uarter-seidion of land as a hoinesleail reserve, of wliicdi he is admitted into immediaie j;osse;sioii ami cull i\al ion. and for whicli. iMi the cimpletion ot' his home-tead ctiiditions. he may I acipui'e the full title on liio payment o\' One dollar pi'r acre. I < 'oal land>. are not >-uh;ect to tin' operation ol' the lloinesicad } jM'ovisions ot' I he i)omiiiioii Lands Act. i'ersims desirim;' t<) carry on ('oal mining- in uiisur\ eyeil to. ritory may apply lo |»uichase, seiidinii,- forward the dcsc, iption hy a 1 >o- ininion Land .Sur\t'\'or, settiiii;' forth i^'eiieially t lie sit uat ion and dimensions of tlu-land ami accompanyim:' the same hy the]irice there;)!', estimating- the numher of acres, which shall not exceed ! (MO. at the rate of one dollar per acre. The Mini-ler of the Interior with tlu^ view of preventinn- undue | monopoly in Coal l;inds, may in hisso(|uuiitly \ sell or otherwise deal with the same in sindi nnuiner as m:iy be ' deoiiied expodie:if by tiic (J »ve n >i' in (" mil -il. I 138 — t T rVV]- MX 111 lies irc cju'li, • •tioiis of 'Wiiship. vt'iilirtlt av Cmm- irchasod l*'()llllf V IlK'lll. ili'v (or U' (|ii;ir- wliich ;■ l'<»r Mil r uliicli ami lor ic ni:iv ! I) i"- It 'ail j rn'lui'N' ^- a I >u- I •Ml ,'|||(| ' (' ]»1MC(' j cxccol I iiiidiK' I I lei HIT I I lU'll- - ■ liuvo I K'lidy I lay be ' 'riic I )(>iiiiiiii)ii Lands Ad is nut inU'iiiKMl to a|»|ily tu tm'ilnry I ()V<»r wliicli tilt' Indian liili' may not at tin- time liave liccii | I'xtiiiijiiislii'd. I Tlu' alM)v«' is mcridy a .■^ym)]»si^ (»rtlH> law oinliracin^ tlic |)(dicy i ^ coiiiicctiMl with t Ik' Adminislfation ot'tlic hoininion Lands. IN'i- ' sons wisliini;' nii»i'o full and coniiilcli' inforination arc rct'i'rrc*! to ! the honiinioii Lands Act. A II (Miinniiinications ndatin^' i^'cnc rally to llio hoiniiiioii Lands to Ik' addrosst'il to the lIonoraMc tlu' .Ministi-r of the Intrrior. at ^ Ottawa. All s|K'(dtic applications to enter Siirvcyc(| Lands should he' addrc>scil to the Audit (d' l)oinini(Hi Lands, Winiii[»ci;'. Mjinitctlia. Jh' ord<'i', J. S. DENNIS, Siirrci/nr (icnc/'dl. hoininion Lands Oltico, ) >randi. 1S7.'). \ KSTAinjSHKI) llir)4. OTTAWA. Ili/o. ^UO^^ ?Att«*?$0» > Purveyor to his Excellency the Governor General Earl of Dufferin- -:-o- i)ii;i;ci- i\ii'()Kri:i! axu ihiakkk is English 8u French Groceries, srni AS luiAXDiKs. \vi\i:s. alks and i'oktkk'. HC^ Fancy Groceries in great variety, "^it •:-()-:■ (mWWA CITY. H o^''.^"-., J|iirbifi:(|riiititf|Vii5 ESTA^LISHiD, iS5d, ^ w. \i. so\iki|\'ii,i;h. ItllHlAl' ST., (Cormiof (Htaua SI.) OTTAWA. \ / / / / //^cc/ (i/ If >y^ //('!'( "/tf>('>/J (■/( /t'fH'f, ff/ J}/'/ V /' '^fl^/r Q/ZtGllt t^(.0//f, iHfi/irtr-'\i ■'/'f/tit/t^ ytOf'y^t.i. fA.ifytif'(/ /-f ^/n- -yffiyoi oi ■■ ///'f'.'/l'i/i // ' '//'(/'■y/e.i (■/ , 'I r/f"//y , //of'lJ /i'//f/, / 7 \\\ M. ;r^o.\rivi(viij/ii 140 I j \ f//< yr.fe j I '. a/ >nt/ ' n/j„ ■ iv H. H. PIGEON. |)i:ai,i;i; in L.lil' All :llV I Lit l)l(! IllJiS, i 2 SIGN OF THE RED BALL, H LJ H S K :n: S 1^ Li ].] J.] ^ 1^ , -o(((Vj'^j^A\V..^.))n- |)l':<;Stn iiifonii l,i^ imnuToiis iVionds and tlic piiMic in nvncral 'liMl ilu'v vill aluM^'s lind a( his estabii.slmifrit a (•linici"''assort- lllrlll ol MKin.NoS, coiiorijiis. -MAXTl.KS. A LI 'AC 'AS. HATS, SHAWLS, ("OliSKTS (,f Frcncdi an. I ..iIkt .Manntactui'o, -()-:- Liidies', (ient's and Children's Hosiery and (iloves. -()-;■ White and Civv Cottons, Culiros, J.inon of all kinds at urice.s \vlii( h kW\'\ *-(nn|)(.'li()n. A visit is ivsjiecfl'ully solicited. No tj'oubie to sljow y-oods. Only One Price and No Credit. 10 - 141 — n - 1) 1 y I i H THE CALEDOlJlA SPHIUGS. Sitiiati'il in t!ir r.niiily nf I'rocotl. ( )iil;ii'ii>. iiiiir miles fioin llio (own of I'C )rii;'ii;il nml iilioiil liail \v;iv liol weon .MdiiI it:iI :tii \>y tlic 7\ A. M. train iVom B(»navoiitiiro Stat ion coniii't'tiiii;- with the Sti-anicr Priic'c 'f Wti/rs foi- ('ariHon. tiu-nn' hy railway to rin;i-s. To satisfy this dcmaml as w(dl a-- t(» sli'eni^thcn the i^'ood o|»iuions of those who liave had personal expeiaeiici' of the valneof the watt'rs. the Uiimes of the followiiii;- persons who ^•ave their te-t inionial-' an- siihmitted. seviM'al ot thcst' jiersons are still livini;- and siand at the heail of tlieii- pivtfession in Montreal. Yet their opinions so clearly ami decid vears aii'o remain unaliered. Win. IJ.d.ertson. .M. ! >. .Mont real. T.' <^uesnel. M. I >. I/.V.idie. .1. DoUi'-las. Siirii-eon. (^iiehoc, .las. Crawford. .M. D. .Montreal. W. Fraser. .M. D. .M uitreal, ( Jeo. \V. C.implndl. .V. M . \ .M. I>. .Montreal. Joseph Moi-rin. M. |). (Jiiehoc. .las. Sterlin--. \. .M . .^ M. I >. llawUeshnry. lion. Mr. .Iii>lice (leo. I'yUe Montr»'al. W. C. 11. l>uniah\- Iiai'oiiel and man\' others. I GS. i'l oin the I Ottawa ir 1\ A. Sli'aiiuM" illc and to LO- ni'H'iiiiiii,- or l.y i.unal at ■) will l>r w liDals allv. IK) to \isit rin'V ii|» lown as Slll|»ll(M' >ils, ami t apart, 'il aliiiiit ■ of du' ll'llCC ol' lliolli;' I'l'lialiU' may lu- lions ot' watt'is. iial> arc il at the i clearly altered. ■;idie. .1. I'a!. \V. oil! real, M. h. . ('. II. 1 All these n'entleineii have I'eco^fiiissd in their certificates that tlie iiseoftlu' mineral waters ot'tlioe s|iriiin;s eit her I'or drill Icinn' <^>'" lialhinii-, i> a sate cure lor tiie tbllowinis. l>arieiiness , Impropt'f I'se of Mci-ciiry, i'lye Soie«- of everv kind. Aceordini;' to the opinion ot some emniiiieiit inedii'al men any desea-e of any kind can Ik; cured hy t!ie use, either internal or e.xternal. of these medecinal wati'rs accoi-dnin' to the desease Lalexion As slated on folio 1011 of this work there is at these Siiriiiii's a spacious liotel where accomiintdation for JJOil hoarders can he liad. All intbrmations will he kindly i^'iveii hy applying- to the Pro prietors. J. A. GOUIN & Co. CiilcdoiiiM SpriiiLi-. or to 'Jlic Ik'iis.'<(ll l[lt'0- Miiii>tiM- of Militia and J)ertMH'o lldn. W . I'> \'ail lH']»uty of " " I. !.-('(. I. lion. (". H PaiM'l Major (K'Hi-ral < 'oiiunandiiii;- tin' Militia, K. Sclliy Smilli |)i'|Mity Ailjiitaiit (ii'iioral Lt.-('ol. WalkiT Powell Ai(K'-de-('am]i to Major ( iciu'ial ('apt. tiic lion. .MiU-s Sta])lt'lon (]rtiir of Ml)iistfr of MHIiiit ninl Vrfmcr. CI.M-lo— 15. Suite, .1. II. !•:. ('Iiai)l("aii an. I II. D. .1. \.-auv Messi'nu'i'r — .1. W. (iow. [ An-oiiitf lirauch. ( ■liii'f l-'inaueial Officer — Lt.-Col. .lolm Macl'In-r^on. CK'ilo— ('. II. O'Moai-a, V. \. llnot, W. H. .Vnniond. A. Mcnoif. Messciiii-ci' — X. Casatilt. I A'/JiiNi/'f (jctiirdl's Opic'. i ; Miiitai-y Sro-rtary — Lt.-Col. Stuart. Cliii'fClork— \V. I!. Wri-'lit. ' ('Icrk-— <;. Seymour, I'\ X. Lanihert, (i. \\. .M. Slierwood. ('. .Innot. ; 'r. ('. Larose. ('. Canjphell, (Assistant Payin.asler \l. X, i I'liv.ate ; Secretary oj' the .^fiilister. .Mt'ssen^'ors — M. IJ\-an and ( '. hion. Sii|u'rintendenl of Stores — Lt.-l'ol. 'l\ Wily. Clerk — (i. tMi^-(M's Mill! IVriii-lit lictwci'ii Priin'c. Arthurs /.t(/ii/iii'/, 'rhuinlcr lidi/ iiml Fort (iarnj, Maniloha : Mai'Ii tlii'diiiili I'a^M-imcr. wiili KM) ili>. ol' liau.i;a.u'^', 'riniiKkM' Hay to K.iii (iarrv 8lO.(M> CliiMrrii iimU'i- 14 voars. with "H) lli>. of i)jm'«;-aux' 8 il.OO ( 'hi III IT II ninlcr tlirci' years a-^*•llii■ol■, will) Kill lli> (»r Ha_ij;;;aii(', tVom j-'ort (larry to 'riiiiiKkT llav '....'. ". 81 ,").()(> Cliildi-i'ii lUidiM' 11 years, with ;")<) Ihs of l>a:;iia:;i' 8T..')(I Cliildrcii inidi-r llirei' years of a^'e l-'rcv. i'lxtra liaii'ii'a^e not excei'diiii;' 21)0 lli^. to eaeli |las^eM^•el^ from 'riiiiiider Hay to Fort (larry. and fire rrr.'<((, per loi) ll»s.$2.()l) Household i;-oods (at owner's risk) 8"}.<*<) i'laidi horse, on navi^-ahle sei-tions onl\" 81 '*•'>" Kaeh \vaii'ectioii> only 810.00 Actual iWd for ues eari'ied on naviii'ahle si'ciions. Free. 'riiroiii;h fieii^ht from 'riiimdei" Ha\' to Koi't(iarr\' per 100 ii.< .'. ; .' ; 8.*>.00 I'-ach emigrant from 'riniiuh'i- Hay to i"'orl Fi-ames, with 100 Ills, o', l»a<;,ya,ii,-e ' 8.'). 00 ( 'liildreii under 14 years, with 50 Ihs. of liaii'n'.' 8- • 50 Chiltlreii under t hree years of ai;H' Fnr. l*as>enii-er<. not emi;^'raiits, from Thunder H;iy to Fori Frances, with lOO Ih'^. of lia^'ii'a^e 87.00 Fa-^-enirers, not emiii'ranl>. under 14 yt'ar>, from Thunder to l''oi't l*'raiices. with 50 Ihs. oj hani^aiic 8').5o ( 'hildreii under ihri'c years of auc Fire Fr«'i^'ht on eniii;'rant>' li;iu'ii,au'e. Thuixler Ha\' to j-'oi'l Finan- ces, pi'r lot) Ihs...' ." 81 .50 Otln-r fri'i-ht, Thunder Hay to Fort Frances, per 100 Ihs. ..82. 00 Way pa>seii-;'ei>, per mile on land 80.05 Way passengers, |ier mile on water and porla<;'es 80. 2r, Way freight per mile on land, p»'r 100 Ihs 80.02 AVay IVeiuht per mile art of the roiile. Tickets from Thunder Hay to l''ort (larry and inlermediate jilaees can he had at the ( )tlice of the ('out ractors, W. II. ( 'arpenter A: ('o.. Thunder Hay, Hy direction. Depart numl of j'uhli,- Works, | ,, HRAUX, Semianj. Olta-va, Isi .Mai-(di, l.^i.). ) '' TOKIES. rales will ],(. iK'(' Arthur'.s I'IiiiimIcm' SIO.OO !B ;■).()() ^ Frvr. \iwvy "^ SI .■).()() 67. rx* /vrr. " ll's.iSL'.OO S.'i.oo $1(1. 00 SIO.OO ions. /r>ee. JKT S3. 00 .'ith j 85 . 00 : •...82. no Fnr. Ol't ...87.00 lor ...8:{.r)(i Frer •aii- ....8I..')0 s...8l'.00 ....80. 0;-) ...80.21 ...80.02 >...8o.oi I .'{.lo lb; f ^pocial (' plaeos I I . ry. I A. E. GENDRl^^AIJ'S I ,1 M) ( First Door West of Hew Post Office,)"— WelUngtoa Street^ - a.'g T T A W A . ^'^ HUMAN HAIR GOODS, FANCY AXn TOILIJT AfiTICLKS. 1. A 1 ) 1 1 ]S CO .\ 1 1 3 1^ C J l)..n<' witli Xt-alnc.-^.-^ and ou sliorU'^^t X<)lif«>. SPANISH liUSTRAL n.r.iiu.l f.-r i.rcv.ntii.K (liiti.lvntr, K'vinjr ^loss to tlu' Imir uii.l promotin; its Ljiowtii . \n /hfysin;/ Til/'/r is fiiinjilrlr iri/hmit it. fi«a?"" SMl.l. IJV ALL DltliKilSTS IMMCK .") I CKNTS. '-SiU (ji:M)Ki:vr's (iHvni vi. hair dvi:, Wurrai.t.Ml to fly,, tlu' hair fn.iii a Li-lit Hnnvii tn » Cut I'.liuk. an.! fi— In.ii. liiiisoLoiis Aciili's. Suh/ l.'ij ill! J >nn/,/;.'litsiiian. Solici- tor <►!' l*at('iits tor Inventions, iVc, Kv. \ I )l{i:i'AKf.-J :ifi]iliciitinii> \',,\- llu' ( ';tii;i:liaii, riiitcd Sliilcs :uiil Vmvd- *■ pc'iii I'jtic'iit ()lli(0>. nil I'ccripl I'f tlu' Moik'l of tin.' I nvciil ion. ' l'i'rliiniii:ii-y Sriii'clu'-N ;is to l';iU'iil;ilii li I y carcrii lly lii:i('u'. ' All ( 'ciiiiiiiuiiii'Ml ioii< strictly cuiitiili'iit lal. I St'inl Slaiup I'nr PaiiipU-t of I h'^t riict ioii< i ( 'opyi-iu'lil>'. •■iinl iIm' l^'L!,•i^tl•al ion of Trade .Marks. 'I'iml'i'r Marks Uiiil l>r>iL;ii'> prociiro.l, ami lii'ltrr.-> Tatciit tor ilu' Jiirorporat ion of j Joint Stock ('oni]iaiiic-> ohtaiiicii. Fourteen Years' Experience. J. L. MARTINEAU, I.MrolJTKK OF lliirdwaiv. Bar Iron, Glass, Paiiils, l^iKy, t^iillcry, ' Till. Stoves, etc., A'c. ST. rKTKU, roiU^II \- UNION STKKKTS LOWER TOWN, QUEBEC. —us — HARDWARE I HARDWARE I! SiaiST OF ^NVII^. RIDEAU STREET. Tlio liiriiest and most coinplete Stock of Shelf snid Heavy Hardware. Mecliaiiie's Tools, Paints. Oils. &('., &('., to be had in the citv, will be i'onnd at THOS. BIRKETTS, >:o. 24, HiCDEA'U STREET, MANUFACTURING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF SCYTHES, FORKS, HOES, RAKES, -o( AND )o— ALL KINDS OF ;i AND A Li KICULTUEAIL I1PLEMENT3, &c., &c. OSHAWA, ONT. 11 — 149 — CHINIC & BEAUDET. Wholesale and Retail Merchants -->»-( 1 N )'<-^ •ivTt- A(iKx^i's van Faiirbaiiks colobratod standard scalos^ (l. S.) Koa:«M' iV Fils burr stoiu's, (Fraiic(\) La Vioillo 3Ioiitai»«e Zinc Co. (IJclniuiii.) :o-o:- Offices :— 2 Sault-au-Matelot St. Wholesale Store :— 28 & 30 Mountain Hill. Retail Store :— 44 Peter St. WAREHOUSES, ST. ANDREWS WHARF, LOWER TOWN, -o(QUEBEC.>'- _ i50Z ;t. . S.) ^iiiiii.) Hill. rowN, TINTED CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. TllK I,.\TKST IMI'ItoVK.MKNT. — For llic iJclict'nnd Cllir (.fdiin. ' : woak and t'iiilint;' sii;'lit. cuaMiiiii' iIk' wcai'i'i- Id ri.';id and uurK «'itli('f ' \)y day oi" iiiiilil with itci't'cct oaM' and coinlnri. I'roti'cU'd Itv U'llci's |iati'nl. Sole aiirnt. J Wm. UKAUy, ('Inniisf a- Ih-'hiyisf. |{il»K.\i Sr.. ncnr DulVci'in Urid-c. ateaSr ^roli'scopo^, .Micr()>c()|ic. A:c. lIoiiu'<)|»;i( hie Mcdirinc^. 'Xi^flJ \ N^ TT™m A IN ' ^ so X . SIGN op TH© ca I C3 ALSO Also II r,inr I a!'! t^ w ^^ Pi 41 o ■V. 'Z !'■ o O <1 U* ' r !-» td H ^ ■ *>^ '^ ►A- <-* hJ ^v o (i r^ fcd y. ■r* ^^ ti bd !-• W o OFFICK AM) WAIIKIimSK. XO. '>5. Sl'SSKX STRKKT. OTTAWA. , eneral Job Printer, 'A SPARKS STREET, ^^ OTTAWA . <^ ADDENDA. \ \ V-A'j^c II, n.!.! S!) Ciithltcit, K. Oclavi.-ni. HiTtliii-r. '• i;;. '• L'dO;. (lloU-i.^Uy, C. A. M., Two Mountains. " " '• ll'l li^'loiT (irooinvnv, 'l'll()lMU^'. Aif. -^!^ '• lU'i-tliiiT, Mild ('. A. M. (;ioltoii>ky oil lht3 [f/'jftt'il lini's. 20(1 " liondoM, ,1. II. I-'i:iNcr. • 2(K^ " Two .Mountains, ('. A. M. rd .Monday in varh .Month. J/iil/ Fcr/t/. Sieainer • Jane," leave wliarJ', loot ol' Si. I'atiiek's Sirt'et Hill, e\ery (^>uai-ter ol" hour, and excry day iVoni 5 a. rn. to 10 |». ni. l!t. - 1 • , 1 ,> ;{s. KU, K I MI A T A , I'a^'e ll»l. reail Canada I'i'(!shyterian Chureli, Daly iSlreol., «S:c. llouns of Servici- I'J a. ni, and 7 j». ni. ; Wednesday at Ih p. in. Contents, lind paj^e. after Oi'angc Assoeiation, r«'ad : Ottavva Chui-eLos, Ottawa Fire .Mai'iu Telegi'ajth, \e. PtiHlnd by J. Bureau, Sparks Street, between O'Conitur anl Hank Strp^t^, Ottawa. ^ky on the ^v/ lint's, Misky, It. 'I ins. L'l Masters h. Patric'k's '> a. in. Ut treot., &,(.'.. p. n». : Ottawa , Ottawa.