L95t, BY-LAV\^S OF THE LOYAL MONTREAL LODGE, No. 3115 7:. O. O. IP-, isdl. XJ-, IP. Q'. ) 5lo (r BY-LA^A^S OF THB LOYAL MONTREAL LODGE, No. 31 15 I- O- O- IP., 1^. TJ., IP, Q;- % „ ^ • > - . V , t , , , MONTREAL: J. Starke & Co., Printers, 54 St. Francois Xavibr Street. 1870. • • « # • < > • J c t • • • • k. * • . I ' , I I t * » « t • • t* • • • • • • I < I • • < • • I > ■ * • < • < < t BY-LAWS OF THJt JVo: .3115, I. O. O. F., M. U., p. Q. ■»•♦ I. The Lodge shall meet every alternate Wednesday, at J|alf-past seven o'clock, p.m., when the Lodge Secretary «hall read over the officers* names, from a book kept ;^r that purpose. Every principal officer absent at that time shall be fined thirty cents, and every minor officer ^fteen cents, except a satisfactory written apology be iven. The Lodge shall remain open for two hours, hen it will be closed for the evening, II. The officers, immediately after election, shall have iuties and charges given them, and if any officer lose jiny part of his charges or duties, he shall make good [he entire set ; and that the N. G., at the opening of the ■"-.edge, request each officer to explain his duties to the .odge, or be fined thirty cents for each neglect,— each officer to be perfect in six weeks from the time of taking office, (in his duties and charges.) III. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. That the N. G. shall preside at all the regular meet- ings of the Lodge, and see that all the officers do their respective duties, and preserve order and decorum there- in ; sign all orders upon the Treasurer. He shall also see that the various returns stated in the General Law be made and transmitted in due time ; for neglect of this duty he shall be personally responsible for the fine ; and prior to the expiration of his term of office, fyle up all documents or papers relating to Lodge business in his keeping, and likewise make an inventory of all officers' charges, goods, &c., being Lodge property, in his pos- session, which he shall hand over to his successor in office ; for non-compliance, be fined sixty cents. IV. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. That this Lodge shall consist of an unlimited number of members. The business thereof shall be conducted by a board of management, consisting of the following officers, viz : Noble Grand or N. G., Vice Grand or V. G., Grand Master, or G. M., Secretaries and Warden, Right and Left Supporters to N. G., and V. G., Inside Guar- dian, Conductor, and Treasurer. That five shall form a quorum. That every member (in full compliance) shall have an equal share of all the property and voice in all the concerns of the Lodge ; and when at any time, or in any case, the votes may be equal, the presiding officer to have the casting vote. ' ' V. WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS SECRETARY. A Widows' and Orphans' Secretary shah be appointed every six months, whose duty it shall be to deliver to each newly initiated member the registered schedules ; , and when the same are correctly returned, he shall insert I the same in the registry book along with the amount of J cash received, which amount he shall hand to the Finan- ) cial Secretary, by nine o'clock each night, taking his I receipt for the same ; for each neglect of the aforesaid I duties, to be fined fifteen cents ; and at the expiration of i his term of office, he shall hand to the Auditors an inventory of the property belonging to the Lodge in his possession, who shall pass it to the succeeding Secretary. For neglect, be fined 60 cents. * ' • '*' VI. LODGE SECRETARY. A Lodge Secretary shall be elected every six months, whose duty it shall be to note all proceedings of the Lodge, and read the same next Lodge night ; to copy all reports of committees, and enter the names of members who declare on and off the sick fund into the minute book. FINANCIAL SECRETARY. ''i .'r -y The Lodge shall appoint a Financial Secretary, who shall remain in office during the pleasure of the Lodge, whose duty it shall be to keep the Lodge books, and forward a sealed note to all members one week before they become liable to suspension for arrears ; for each neglect to be fined thirty cents (the member to pay five cents for each notification.) He shall also furnish the Lodge Surgeon immediately after each half-yearly meeting with a list of clear and suspended members ; for each neglect be fined one dollar, and for every error he makes in the same be fined ten cents. At the end of each term of office he shall draw up a bal- ance sheet of the income and expenditure of the Lodge for past six months, stating the number that have been admitted, and the number that have left the Lodge since last half-yearly meeting ; also state the amount of arrears in the Lodge pence book. Said balance sheet to be submitted to the Auditors, at the time of au- diting the Lodge books, for their inspection. Failing to produce said document, or not having his books ccw'reclly balanced, the Lodge to withhold a sufficient sum from his salary to remunerate the Auditors for their additional labor in correcting the same. He shall attend to all Lodge correspondence, fill up and deliver to each member the usual half-yearly circular. If resid- ing within the city limits, to deliver notifications for ; arrears, and summonses for special meetings ; and attend ] Lodge every Lodge night, (or find a substitute for whom j he shall be personally responsible) to receive the bro- j thers' contributions. For the correct performance of the i I foregoing services to receive a salary of fifty dollars per annum, payable half-yearly. Note. — Any member failing to attend a Lodge or special meet- ■ng when notified, shall be fined in accordance with 59th General Law. VIII. TREASURER. The Lodge shall appoint a Treasurer, to remain in office during the pleasure of the Lodge, who shall attend every Lodge night, (or find a substitute for whom he shall be responsible) to receive the collections and dis- burse the necessary payments, under a penalty of sixty Cents for each neglect. He shall keep a cash-book, and produce the same to the Lodge or Auditors when required to do so ; also his cash balance and bank-book. He shall produce the bank-book every Lodge night, if re- quired to do so, and he shall give security to the Lodge in the sum of two hundred dollars. The Treasurer's salary shall be twenty dollars per annum, payable half- yearly. IX. AUDITORS. The Lodge shall appoint three Auditors, at each half- yearly meeting, who shall examine and audit all the books of the Lodge when required to do so during the six months for which they are appointed. They shall also have power to examine the books of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer at any time during the said 8 period ; and on the first Lodge night after examination, or auditing, they shall present a written report to the Lodge, stating how they found the books and accounts of the Lodge. The written report to be copied into the minute-book by the Lodge Secretary. The Auditors to be allowed fifty cents each, per term. Absentees to for feit their allowance. Said forfeiture to be handed to the Auditors then present. X. ] TRUSTEES. 1 There shall be three Trustees appointed, who shal* retain their trust during the pleasure of the Lodge, ii* whose names the funds of the Lodge shall be depositel in a bank chosen by a majority of the Lodge, (at ; special or half-yearly meeting,) within three days afte each Lodge night (the Treasurer being allowed to retai^ in his hands a sum, for contingent expenses, not exceedj ing one hundred and fifty dollars) ; and no money to bp withdrawn from the bank without the signatures of thf^ three Trustees, and that of the N. G., with the Lodg%^ seal attached. The N. G to see this law strictly carrie^^ out. Any officer or brother aiding or abetting in tl>ij violation of this law shall be fined five dollars. A copn of this law shall be forwarded to the managers of tlf bank where the money is deposited. ^ XL ^ h OUTSIDE GUARDIAN. " An Outside Guardian may be appointed at any tiiT|c m 9 me presiding officer or N. G. may deem it necessary to do so. Twenty-five cents to be given said Guardian for each night's attendance. XII. That if the N. G. be unable to find members to fill the minor offices, they shall be taken in regular success- ion ; beginning with the first name on the roll, and passing all members who have been in office within the preceding twelve months. (Past Grands shall also be exempted.) Members refusing to act when thus called u^on shall be fined twenty-five cents, unless they can give a satisfactory reason for so doing. XIII. The Lodge shall elect a Surgeon every six months, who shall be paid, from the incidental expenses fund, ^ne dollar per annum for every member in full com- 'pliance (residing within two miles of the Lodge Room.) He shall examine every candidate, and grant him a Certificate of the state of his health (such examination %o take place at his own surgery), and he shall be allowed ^die sum of fifty cents for the same ; and he shall attend Pind supply medicine to any such brother when required, H said brother is clear on the books, and resides within wo miles of the Lodge Room. It will be the duty of he Surgeon when called upon or sent for by a sick bro- her to attend with as little delay as possible. ^ Note. — When the Surgeon is sent for, it will be the duty of the ^ick brother to send his name and address in writing, that delay nd mistakes may be avoided. « 10 XIV. The Surgeon shall furnish a return every Lodge night of all sick members who have placed themselves under his care, specifying the nature of the disease under which the respective parties labor, upon printed forms, with which he will be furnished for that purpose. For neglect of this duty he shall be fined one dollar. XV. PROPOSITION AND MAKING. Every candidate for admission must be eighteen, and, under forty years of age, (except in case of honorary members), and of good moral character, and must pro- duce on the night of his initiation, a certificate from the ; Lodge Surgeon, that he is free from all bodily andj mental disease. The candidate shall, if married, state whether or not his wife be in good health, such certificate not to be admissable if it bear longer date than twelve days previous to his being initiated, and the initiation. fee shall be as follows : — ' a < J 8 years, and under 20, 21 " a (( 22, 22 " (( (( 23, 24 " u a 25» 25 " a (( 27, 28 " a u 30, 30 " « <( 33y 33 " u a 34, $ cts. 20c 3 o t 3 50 ^ 4 o 4 50 I 5 o 6 o * 7 o L i ii 34 years and under 35, 35 " " 36, 36 " " 37> 37 " *' 38, 38 '' " 39, 39 " " 40, ' $ els- . - - - 8 50 9 50 - 12 50 15 o - 18 o 21 50 Note. — The Lodge may admit persons as honorary members at any age exceeding 40 years, upon payment of two dollars annually,. to be paid within twelve weeks from the dates fixed by the Lodge- They shall be charged with levies for incidental expenses when it It found necessary to impose them on the Lodge, and they may t|ke offices and degrees, and vote on all questions except financial Quitters ; and they shall have no claim on the Lodge fiinds. That an members be admitted by ballot, and three black balls reject. .;.•!.'; ■;. . XVI. ■ ! :■>■■■ •'.; . ■ '0 '*'< No person shall be admitted into this Lodge for a less sum than one half of his initiation fee, one dollar to be piid at the time of proposition and the remainder within ski months from date of initiation, and he shall not be entitled to the sick gift or funeral donation until six calendar months after he has paid the whole of his initia- tion fees. At the expiration of which time he shall be "iilly entitled to the same privileges as any other member. XVIL yhat any member wishing to throw his card or clear- mce into this Lodge, shall obtain a certificate from the Lodge Surgeon, as to the state of his health ; the can- iidate shall also testify as to the good health of his wife, 12 (if married,) and be admitted in accordance with Genen Law. See following scale, viz : — $ cts. Under i8, and not exceeding 30 years - o 30 " 30, « 35 " - - I " 35, " 40 " - 2 " 40, " 46 *' - - 4 XVIII. CONTRIBUTIONS AND ARREARS. That every brother's contribution to this Lodge sbi be fifteen cents weekly, (or such a sum as shall be agretj upon at a special meeting called for that purposf said sum to include doctor's fee. Contributions to t Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and the District expenst in case this sum be insufficient for the legal demands ^ the Lodge or District, a levy may be made upon ea^j member of the Lodge. Arrears must not exceed o^ dollar and eighty cents ; and any brother allowing y contributions to exceed that sum, shall be suspend^ and not be entitled to any benefits of the Lodge uij| the expiration of twelve weeks from the date he complfj, according to General Law. ... r>. i< Note. — If any member of the Lodge, whose contributions thirty cents per fortnight, fails to pay his pence at the close of Lodge on the Lodge night following that on which it exceeds dollar and fifty cents, he shall be held to have allowed his coruj butions to exceed one dollar and eighty cents, and conseque; will be bad on the books. One fortnight longer to be allpwec members HQt Residing within the city limits. : ^^ 13 XIX. That no money be taken by the Secretary from any brother without his pass book, no later than nine o'clock, unless suspension of said brother will take place before tjke ensuing Lodge night. Any brother not having his pass boo!:, shall be furnished with one by the Secretary, and charged for the same ; and all monies received by the Secretary, in the interim between Lodge nights, shall be accounted for by him on the Lodge night after receipt of the same. Brothers paying money between Lodge nights shall be responsible to the Lodge for mistakes or loss of the same. XX. , ' Any officer or brother neglecting to pay a fine within twelve weeks from the date of infliction, after receiving 'due notice of the same, or neglecting to pay for goods, Wigazines, books, emblems, &c., within twelve weeks ^er the delivery of the same, shall be suspended, and ^h6t allowed to visit his own or any other Lodge until he boinplies ; and he shall not be entitled to any benefits of ^th# Lodge until the expiry of twelve weeks from the date le Complies. \ XXL Fines when inflicted by the N. G. shall in no case be ^^noigated or returned, except by a majority of the next ia|f-yearly meeting of the Lodge, and the fine must be )aid before any appeal can be made. _ , B u XXII. Any member allowing his contributions to be t«r weeks in arrears, it shall be the duty of the Financia Secretary to notify said brother, before the Lodge night that suspension is pending. For neglect of this duty thi Financial Secretary shall be fined thirty cents, in accord ance with 5th Lodge Law. I Note. — Members must remember that the neglect of the Secrr tary in not notifying them does not the less render them liable t suspension under the Law. XXIII. J MOTION AND DEBATE. ^ Notice of all motions of importance must be given dfe one Lodge night, and read by the N. G. on the ne* Lodge night, previous to discussion of the same. XXIV. ^ No member shall be allowed to ask a brother question, nor any brother when asked one, rv^ply, exce through the N. G., or in each case shall be fined tt* cents ; or speak more than twice upon the same subjeii on one night, except by permission from the N. G., or ^ shall be fined ten cents ; and any brother when speakitM must address the N. G., up standing, or he shall be fin'* ten cents. XXV. DECLARATION OF SICKNESS. n Any brother being by disease or bodily hurt six siu cessive working days unable to follow his regular empl(« 15 ment, shall be entitled to receive sick aliment at the rate of three dollars per week, (Sundays not included,) and siich brother, or some p orsor: for him, must give notice of tl|e same to the N. G. or Financial Secretary before tifelve o'clock at noon of the sixth day, or for every Succeeding day he neglects so ^o do he shall forfeit fifty cents (equal to one day's sick pay) ; and any brother declaring off the Sick Fund of the Lodge, must give notice of the same to the N. G. or Financial Secretary before commencing his employment, and state whether he has been properly attended by the Doctor and Sick Visiting Committee. For neglect of this duty he shall )be fined one dollar. Every declaration of sickness and recovery must be signed by a regular licensed surgeon. Note. — No sick aliment to be allowed for a less period than six lays. XXVI. £ That any member receiving the sick gift of the Lodge, tflrho shall be out of his lodgings or place of residence eifter nine o'clock in the evening in summer, and five >*(E^ck in the evening in winter, shall forfeit one week's i;idt gift, except he can show a satisfactory cause for n»eing out. XXVI L That on a brother being reported sick to the N. G. le latter shall instruct the Financial Secretary to notify siwce members, in accordance with 33 Law, as a Sick )l(1siting Committee, whose duty it shall be to visit the 1( sick brother within twenty-four hours after receiving said notification. They must visit each member so reported at least twice a week, or be fined twenty-five cents for each neglect. They shall report the result of their visits to the Lodge each Lodge night. The N. G. shall visit each sick member at least once a week ; for neglect oi this duty he shall not be eligible for the Noble Grand's Degree. XXVIII. Any brother wishing to retire into the country for th{ benefit of his health, shall make application to the N. G, through the Lodge Surgeon, for his sanction, at the sanif' time producing the doctor's certificate, to prove that sue journey will be likely to prove beneficial to his healtli Except this Law be complied with, such brother's sici pay will be withheld. XXIX. ' Any brother residing at a distance, who may be visite by disease, or in any way incapacitated from foUowin his usual employment, must send in a certificate to tl"* N. G., properly attested by a regular licensed surgeoi stating the nature of such brother's complaint, such ce tificate to be countersigned by either a priest, ministe or justice of the peace. . ^ ^ XXX. Sick gifts to be paid by the N. G's order on the Tre| surer, stamped with the Lodge seal. Jl 17 XXXI. That after the death of a brother, his widow, or those tricing charge of the funeral, on applying to the N. G., aod satisfying him of the justice of the claim, shall receive m order from him to draw from the Treasurer the sum of forty dollars ; and on the death of a brother's wife, and applying to the N. G., and satisfying him in like manner, the brother shall receive the sum of thirty dollars. If the wife or representative of a deceased brother be of unwor- thy character, or if the brother die without any near relative, the Lodge shall take the management of the funeral, and defray the necessary expenses, which are not to exceed the funeral gift. 4 XXXII. That in the event of any epidemic, such as cholera, prevailing in the city, it shall be the duty of the members to do all in their power, the one for the other ; and any member becoming acquainted with the death of a brother, he shall do all in his power to make it known amongst the brethren ; repair to the Lodge room at the time ap- pointed for the funeral, although not summoned, when the presiding officer shall appoint at least four brothers to attend the funeral ceremony, whose expenses for con- yeyance, &c , will be paid by the Lodge. I XXXIII. ^ SICK VISITING COMMITTEE. , The city shall be divided into three districts, viz :^ "Np. I, from Bleury Street, eastward ; No. 2, from Bleury 01 18 Street, westward ; No. 3» Poi^^ ^t. Charles. Three members for each division shall be taken from the roll oi clear members every six months, (brothers in office ex cepted), who shall visit all the brothers in their respectivi divisions after receiving notice in accordance with Bye Law 27. Note.— Any brother residing within the city limits refusing t accept of said office to pay a fine of thirty cents ; and m the ever of the first call of the roll failing to obtain a committee, the call ar fine to be repeated until a committee is appointed. XXXIV. Any member changing his place of residence mui give notice of his removal to the Financial Secreta: within two weeks from the date thereof, and newly initij ted members must also give notice of their place residence within two Lodge nights after their initiati For neglect of the same to be fined fifteen cents. 7 Financial Secretary shall enter the same in the Lo * book within one Lodge night after having received notice, or be fined twenty-five cepts. Note.— The attention of every member is especially called to Law. XXXV. LECTURE. The N. G. shall hold a lecture at least once in th months, and give notice of the same in open Lodge the Lodge night previous to said lecture taking pla and any officer or member neglecting to take up ' degree on the first lecture night after having been 19 )sed, or after putting his name down for a degree, shall be fined fifteen cents. A space of three months must ilitervene between each degree. y * Note. — A new member may receive the first degree on the night 9I his initiation, provided he has paid all his initiation fees. XXXVI. CONDUCT OUT OF LODGE. Any member being guilty of fraud, or any disgraceful crime, or following any evil, wicked, or notorious practice, contrary to law, or use any unlawful means to procure a livelihood, if proof thereof be made, shall be expelled or suffer other less punishment as a committee of the Lodge or District may think fit. XXXVII. IJp^This Lodge shall not pay any sick aliment to any member if sickness be brought on by intemperance or riotous conduct, or abuse of constitution in any manner whatsoever. • XXXVIII. v' Any brother divulging a member's name who votes against a person becoming an Odd-fellow, or making use of discussion used in Lodge or committee, so as to cause angry feelings between members, shall in each case be fined for the first offence one dollar, for the second two dollars, and for the third to be suspended twelve months. I XXXIX. Any member making use of discussion used in the 20 Lodge, to any person that does not belong to the Order, shall be fined for the first offence two dollars, for the second offence, five dollars, and for the third offence tc | be expelled from the Order, or such other less punish ' ment as committee of the district may think fit to inflict XL. < Any member coming into the Lodge Room (at th(< time of open Lodge), in a state of inebriety, shall for thf^ first offence be fined one dollar, for the second offenctC be reported to a committee of the district, who shaP decide upon the case. XLI. No intoxicating drinks, or the reading of newspapen to be allowed in the Lodge Room during Lodge hourl under a penalty of twenty-five cents. r Note. — This rule does not apply to the reading of newspapei or books by any member as reference and illustration of a subjc under discussion by the Lodge. XLII. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE. il I certify that is unable to folloo his employment, being under my treatment frow the day of i8 afflict^ with il SURGEON'S SIGNATURE. il Military Surgeons are respectfully solicited to siy certificates for members of this Lodge, if they deem tht^ 21 ess to be of such a nature as to cause them to be incapable of following their usual employment, and the same not caused by intemperance or abuse of constitu- tion. Members residing out of distance will be required to send a surgeon's certificate every 14 days ; members doing convalescent duty, are required to send a surgeon's certificate every week, or forfeit one day's sick pay for each neglect. Each member declaring off the sick fund of the Lodge, shall forward the following certificate, viz: — To the N. G. and Officers of the Loyal Montreal Lodge, L O. O. F., M. U. Sirs and Brothers, I hereby declare myself off the funds of the Lodge, considering myself able to follow my employ- ment. ^ Signature. XLIIL INSANITY PAY, &c. That any member of this Lodge being afllicted with insanity, shall for a period not exceeding twelve months of iuch affliction, receive the full pay of three dollars per week, to be paid to his wife, whether he be at large or exmfined in an asylum, provided he receives proper care md attention. If this afllicted member be a widower, iiid has children under fourteen years of age, the said mm per week, three dollars, (or such a sum as may be igireed by the Lodge at a special meeting called for that purpose), shall be expended by the Lodge for their main- 22 tainance, and for such support and care as the afllictei member may require, in all cases to be disposed of b the presiding officer, or N. G., as the Lodge may direct and should a single member be so afflicted, his relatives or those who may take proper care of him, shall for : period not exceeding twelve months of such affliction, (a the discretion of the Lodge, when legally summoned * receive the full sick pay ; but should he be placed in a; asylum, the Lodge to pay only the weekly cost thereo; provided such expense does not exceed three dollars pe week. j XLIV. ' INSANITY REDUCED PAY. That when a member shall have been afflicted witi insanity for more than twelve months, his sick pay sha. be reduced to not less than two dollars per week, (excepi otherwise determined upon by the Lodge at a specisJ meeting,) to be paid according to foregoing law. i I XLV. f BLINDNESS. ^ That any member being afflicted with blindness or los of sight, to such a degree as to prevent him following hi employment, shall for a period not exceeding twehP months of such affliction, (at the discretion of the Lodge^ receive a sick gift of three dollars per week ; but aftr that period, should he no longer require medical trea^ ment for the restoration of sight, his sick aliment sha^ be reduced to not less than two dollars per week, so Ion a 23 as such affliction may last, (or as may be determined upon by a special meeting of the Lodge), and to be allowed to follow any lawful employment to procure a livelihood. Note.— When the affliction is of such a nature as not to interfere with the member's usual employment, no sick aliment will be granted. XLVI. :^hat any member being disabled from following his OTployment, in consequence of permanent disability, resulting from natural decay, chronic disease, or infirmity, resulting from old age, he shall receive not less than two dollars per week for relief. XLVII. The N. G. shall on receiving notice ^ the death of a member, call together the officers of the Lodge, and if agreeable to relatives of deceased, the officers shall arrange for following the remains to the grave, and mem- bers be summoned to attend, and for non-attendance be fined fifty cents ; military members exempted. XLVIIL that if any dispute arise between a member or any person claiming under or on behalf of a member of this Lodge, and if the amount in dispute does not exceed five iofiars, such dispute shall be heard by a committee, chosen in accordance with 74 General Law of our Order ; DUt if the amount in dispute exceed the sum of five dol- ars, then such dispute shall be heard by a committee 24 chosen under 75 General Law, and the decision madeb ) such committee shall be binding and conclusive, unles appealed against at the time the decision was made c come to. The decision of the district committee ma within six months after its being passed, be appeah against to the Board of Directors of the Order at Ma: Chester, by either of the disputing parties, and the decisic of the Board of Directors shall be fmal and conclusive. XLIX. < That no anniversary dinner, or ball, soiree, or ar celebration whatsoever, be contracted for on behalf this Lodge, except by the approval and consent of majority of a special meeting summoned for that purpose Any officer or member acting contrary to this Law shs be fined for the first offence two dollars, for the secor offence three dollars, and for the third offence shall I arrainged before a committee of the whole Lodge, ar^ sufler such punishment as they may think fit to inflict. L. I That no more than one member shall be allowed s the Financial Secretary's desk at one time. Wher.s member has paid and received his book from the secJ tary, he shall take his seat in some part of the room, a:c attend to Lodge business. The Warden to see this It enforced. *■ t BY-LAWS OF THB WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND I. That this Fund shall be called the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, in connection with the Montreal Lodge, Na. 31 15, LO. O. F., M. U. IL That this Fund be governed. and managed by the Officers of the Lodge for the time being. III. That each married brother shall pay into this Fund, as entry money, the sum of fifty cents for his wife, and twenty-five cents for each and every child he may have under fourteen years of age. The brother previous to paying entry money shall be furnished with a printed schedule, which he shall fill up, and return to the Wido'vs' and Orphans' Secretary at the time he '.rtakes payment. In the event of brothers not getting their wives and chil- dren registered in the books, the benefits accruing from this Fund will be withheld. Notice of every birth and death must be given to the Widows' and Orphans' Secre- tary within six weeks after they occur, or be fined fifteen :ents for each neglect. Note. — Should a child be born within nine months after the death of a brother it shall be entitled to the gift. 26 IV. That all new members shall contribute to this Fi six calendar months from the date they pay their init tion money in full, before they are entitled to the benei] V. That any brother presenting a card or clearance this Lodge, (if accepted), shall conform to third Law, VI. s That should any single brother marry after his in? tion into this Lodge, he shall, to entitle his wife or ( dren to receive benefits from this Fund, pay entry mo according to third Law. VIL ^ That it shall be imperative that each and every ir ber of this Lodge contribute to the Widows' and Orph Fund. X )i VIII. That it shall be the duty of the Widows' and Orplia Secretary to register the wives and children of memb when required to do so, receive money for registrat: to hand over the cash to the Financial Secretary by « o'clock each evening, taking his receipt for the same, '^ transact any other business connected with this Pi< that may be required of him by any of the Officer^! the time being. "« 27 IX. That every member shall pay the sum of three cents per week for the support of this Fund, which will be col lected in the usual manner along with the weekly penCe money. X. It shall be the duty of the Lodge Treasurer to receive all money from the Secretary, and deposit the same as soon as possible in the Bank, and to pay all claims when properly attested. : XL The widow of each deceased member shall receive out )f this Fund the sum of forty dollars, and twentv dollars or^ch (registered) child under fourteen years of age. ' m xii. ' The Managing Committee shall have discretionary >ower to retain the gift of any widow in their own hands )r hand it over to some respectable party for her use as nay be desirable, if they have reason to believe that the aid widow IS not a proper person to be entrusted with he same. XIIL That any unmarried member dying and leaving a adowed mother or sister who was dependent upon his abor ancl..i,4Hstry .^Or^s^^^^^ ^^^^er or sister hall be tnuM t^^.a^nti receive :tJ.e^kft,e'gift as a widow 28 of a deceased brother, provided he shall have paid ent: money according to third Lavir. Note. — A widowed brother, who may have an unman daughter who keeps house for him, by paying registration mor according to third Law, will entitle her to the sum of forty doll at his death. XIV. All payments out of the Widows' and Orphans' Fi: shall be made by an order on the Treasurer, signed the N. G. and Financial Secretary, with the Lodge S; attached, which order shall be to the Treasurer a si; cient authority for such payment. XV. That the books of this Fund shall be audited every months. XVI. The Financial Secretary shall render an accour this Fund at each half-yearly meeting. Resolved and carried unanimously, that the foreg By-Laws, as amended, be in force on and from the day of June, 1870. David Cunningham, N. G., Chairvtan of Special Meeting for revisal and approving Byl ' ,^. Thomas Mills, iStcretitru,' ., • J