^ CUSTOMS ANU ,,■' it I- .\ EXCISE TARIFF WITH in- ?'• It' V LIST QF WAREHOUSING PORTS IN THE DOMINION, ,*.••- ^ iTKRUNG EXCHANGE, FRANC, GERMAN RIXMARK, AND THE PRINCIPAL FOREIGN CURRENCIES AT CANADIAN CUSTOMS VALUKS. ALSO, A TABLE OP THE VALUE OF FRANCS IN ENGLISH MONEY. w f' r Compiled from Official. Sources. As in force front 20th Aprils 1883. Corrected to 26th June^ 1SS3. M ONT REAL. iMORTON, PHILLIPS & BULMER; '"^ PUBLISHERS, ^5^ CKDER BTEWAirr'B PATBMTS. 'C /Vo. 0. 5rf/fi 0fi LEGAL NIBS. No. 1. COARSE POrKTED NIBS. No 2. MEDIUM POINTED NIBS. No. 3. FINE POINTED NIBS. The Calligraphic Pen is the Best self-feeding one made, because possessing all the advantages of its competitors with the addition of the preserva- tion of the writers Individuality by means of the^ shading of the letters, removing all objections of \ Bankers, to signatures made with ink-pencils. And permitting changes of temperature and the use of nut gall and iron inks the safest for writings which are intended to withstand time. Fi'^est specimen of mechanism at low price. Ornamental Blaok, 4Hn. long - - $4 50 Bin. long - - - - $5 00. Gold Mounted, " •♦ - - 5 50 '♦ - - - - 6 Oa FOR SALE BY ALL STATIONERS, MORTON, PHILLIPS & BULMER, SoiiB AoBirrs ixjr Canada., MOXTltEAL. CUSTOMS <^ hiiO AND EXCISE TARIFF, WITH LIST OF WAREHOUSING PORTS IN THE DOMINION, STERIJNG EXCHANGE, FRANC, GERMAN RIXMARK, AND THE PRINCIPAL FORfeIGN CURRENCIES AT CANADIAN CUSTOMS VALUES. ALSO, A TABLE OF THE VALUE OF FRANCS IN ENGLISH MONEY. Compiled from Official Sources. As in forcf fr&m *xHh Afrii, fSSj. « jOorrecUd to 26th Jjtne^ rSSj. ■ - ' It, V ^ a—f, — , ,, . , . * * ' C . . r • - MONTREAL; MORTON, PHILLIPS & BULMER PUBLISHERS. 1883. s. 'K\ • ••••• . > » » >•• • • • » > t • • •• • •• . . • • • • • «• • - • • .•• c o « ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • » • * • tit. t • CUSTOMS TARIFF. As in force from 20th Aprils iSSj. I. — Resolved^ That it is expedient to provide that the value of all Bottles, Flasks, Jars, Demijohns, Carboys, Casks, Hogsheads, Pipes, Barrels> and all other vessels or packages manufactured of Tin, Iron, Lead, Zinc, Glass, or any other material, and capable of holding Liquid ; Crates, Barrels and other packages, containing Glass, China, Crockery or Earthenware, and all packages in which goods are commonly placed for home consumption, including Cases m which Bottled Spirits, Wines or Malt Liquors are contained, and every package, bemg the first receptable or covering, enclosing goods for purposes of sale, shall in all cases, not otherwise provided for, in which they contain goods subject to an ad valorem duty, be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value of such goods for duty, and when they contain goods subject to specific duty only, such packages shall be charged with a duty of Customs of twenty per cent, ad valorem^ to be computed upon their original cost or value ; and all or any of the above packages described as capable of holding Liquids, when containing goods exempt from duty under this Act, shall be charged with a duty of twenty per cent, ad valorem; but all packages not hereinbefore specified, and not specially charged with duty by an unrepealed enactment, and bemg the usual and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for expor- tation only, according to the general usage and custom of trade, shall be free of duty. 2. — Resolved, That it is expedient to provide that on all goods imported into Cauiada, subject under this Act or arjy other Act to ad valorem duty upon which a drawback of duties has been allowed by the Governmetit of the country where the same were manufactured, the amount of such drawback shall in all cases be taken and considered to be a part of the fair market value of such goods and duty shall be collected thereon : and in cases where the amount of such drawback shall have been deducted from the value of such goods upon the face of the invoice under which entry it is to be made, the Collector of Customs or E roper officer shall add the amount of such deduction, and collect and cause to e paid the lawful du.y thereupon, and the fair market value of all go^xis, wares and merchandise, imported into Canada, shall be understood to be the ordinary 56007 CUSTOMS TARIFF. wholesale price at which the same are sold for home consumption in the country where they are purchased or manufactured, without deduction of any kind because of any drawback paid or to be paid tnereon, or because of any special arrangement between the seller and purchaser, having reference to the exporta* tion of such eoods, or the exclusive nght to territorial limits for the sale thereof, or because of any royalty payable upon patent rights, but not payable when the eoods are purchased for exportation, or on account of any other consideration by which a special i eduction in price might or could be obtained : Provided that nothing herein shall be understood to apply to general fluctuations of market value. 3. — Resolyedy That it is expedient to provide that any or all of the following articles, that is to say : Animals of all kinds, green fruit, hay, straw, bran, seeds of all kinds, vegetables (including potatoes and other roots), plants, tress and shrubs, coal and coke, salt, hops, wheat, peas and beans, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, buckwheat, and all other grain, flour of wheat, and flour of rye, Indian Meal and oatmeal, and flour of meal or any other grain, butter, cheese, flsh [salted or smoked], lard, tallow, meats [fresh, salted or smoked], and lumber may be imported into Canada free of duty, or at a less rate of duty than is pro- vided by this Act, upon the proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that similar articles from Canada may be imported into the United States free of duty, or at a rate of duty not exceeding that payable on the same under such proclamation, when imported into Canada. 4. — Resolved^ That it is expedient to provide that if at any time any greater duty of Customs should be payable in the United States of America on tea or coffee imported from Canada than on tea or coffee imported from any other country, then the Governor in Council may impose on tea or coffee imported into Canada from the said United States, an additional duty of Customs equal to the duty payable in the United States on tea ot cokfee imported from Canada : Pro* vided that tea or coffee imported into Canada frvim any country other than the said United States, be passed in bond through th° United States, shall be taken and rated as a direct importation from the country wherever the tea or coffee was purchased. 5. — Resolved, That it is expedient to provide that an allowance may be made for deterioration by natural decay or breakage upon all peHshable and brittle goods imported into Canada, such as green fruits and vegetables, crockery, china, glass and glassware, provided such dainage is found to exceed twenty- five per cent, of the value thereof, upon an examination to be made by an ap- praiser or proper oflicer of Customs, at the first landing, or within three days of such landing ; but such allowance shall be only for the amount of loss in excess of twenty-five per cent, of the whole quantity of such goods contained or inci ided in any one invoice ; and provided the duty has been paid on the full value there- of, a refund of such duty may be allowed and paid in the proi>ortion and on ful* filment of the conditions above specified, but not otherwise, on application to the Minister of Customs. 6. — Resolved, That it _ is expedient to^ provide that in determining the dutiable value of merchandise, except when imported from Great Britain, there shall be added to the cost the actual wholesale price or fair market value at the time of exportation in the principal markets of the country from^ whence the same has been imported into Canada, the cost of inland transportation, shipment and transhipment, with all the expenses included, from the place of growth, production or manufacture, whether by land or water, to the vessel in which shipment is made, either in transitu or direct to Canada. 7. — Resolvedt That it is expedient to provide that the Governor in Council shall from time to time establish such reffulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be required to secure a just, faithful and impartial appraisal of all goodsj i \J-\_ii CUSTOMS lARIFF. b wares and merchandise imported into Canada, and just and proper entiies of the actual or fair market value thereof, and of the weights, measures, or other quantities thereof, as each case may require, and such regulations, whether general or special, so made by the Governor in Council, shall nave the full force and authority of law, and it shall be the duty of the appraisers of Canada and every of them, and every person who shall act as such appraiser, or of the Col' lector of Customs, as the case may be, by all reasonable ways and means in his or their power to ascertain, estimate and appraise the true and fair market value and wholesale price, any invoice or affidavit thereto to the contrary notwithstand- ing, of the merchandise at the time of exportation, and in the pnncipal markets of the country whence the same has been imported into Canada, and the proper weights, measures or other quantities, and tne fair market value or wholesale price of every of them as the case may require. 8. — Resolved, That it is expedient to provide that no refund^ of duty^ paid shall be allowed because of any alleged inferiority or deficiency in quantity of good's imported and entered, and which have passed into the custody of the importer under permit of the Collector of Customs, nor because of the omission in the invoice of any trade discount or other matter or thing which might have the effect of reducing the value of such goods for duty, unless the same shall have been reported to the Collector of Customs within ten days of the date of entry, and the said goods shall have been examined by the said Collector, or by an appmiser or other proper officer of Customs, and the proper rate or amount of reduction certified ny nim after such examination, and if & ich Collector or proper officer reports that the goods in question cannot be identified as those named in the invoice and entry in question, then and in such case no refund of the duty or any part thereof shall in any case be allowed, and all applications for refund of duty in such cases shall be submitted with the evidence and all particulars for decision of the Minister of Customs, who may then order payment on finding the evidence to be sufficient and satisfactory. 9. — Resolved, That it is expedient to provide that the whole or part of the duty of th irty per centum ad valorem imposed by this Act upon wines imported into Candida, may be dispensed with upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, v/hich may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that the Governments of France and Spain, or either of them, have made changes in their tariff of duties imposed upon articles imported from Canada in reduction or repeal of the duties now in force in said countries. zo.— Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal all Acts and parts or Schedules of Acts, and all Orders in Council imposing any duties of Customs upon goodsy wares and merchandise, or providing for the exemption of goods, wares and merchandise from Customs duty, when imported into Canada, and to make the following provisions in lieu thereof : — CUSTOMS TARIFF. A p. c. Absinthe $2.00 per I.G. Acid, Acetic 15 cents per I.G Acid, Muriatic 20 Acid, Nitric 20 Acid, Oxalic o . . . . Free Acid, Sulphuric % cent per lb. Acid, Sulphuric and Nitric combined, and all mixed Acids... 25 But Carboys and demijol ns, containing Acids, Vinegar or other Liquids shall be subject to the same duty as if empty 30 Acetate of Lime 20 Acetate and Nitrate of Lead 5 Aconite Koot Free Account Books 30 Advertising Pamphlets $1.00 per ICXD Advertising Pictures, or Pictorial Show Cards, or Bills, 6 cents per 1\ and 20 African Teak, Wood not further manufactured than sawn or split Free Aerated Waters, or Mineral Waters natural, under regula- tions to be made by the Minister of Customs Free Agaric Free Agates, Sapphires, Emeralds, Garnets and Opals, polished but not set or otherwise manufactured 10 Agates, Rubies, Pearls, Sapphires, Emeralds, Garnets and Opals, not polished nor otherwise manufactured Free Agraffe Pins of Brass, for Pianos 25 Agricultural Implements : Mowing Machines, Self-binding Harvesters, Harvesters without Binders, Binding at- tachments, Reapers, Sulky and W^alking Ploughs and parts of the same. Harrows, Scythes, T^orse and Hand Hay Rakes, Garden Rakes of any material. Grain Seed Drills, Spades and Shovels, Hoes, Hay, Stiaw, Manure, Spading and Mining Forks, and all similar articles and parts thereof ; 35 Portable Machines, Portable Steam Engines, Threshers and Separators, Horse Powers, Portable Saw Mills and Fanning Mills, and parts thereof 35 Alabaster, Spar, Terra Cotta or Composition Ornaments. . . 20 Alcohol %i'Z2% per I.G. Ale, Beer and Porter, m Bottles (6 qts. or 12 pints to I.G.) 18 cents per I.G. CUSTOlv.S TARIFF. Z P. C. Ale, Beer and Porter, in casks, or otherwise than bottles, 10 cents per l.Q. Ale, Beer and Porter, barrels containing bottled ale and porter are corsidered packages for exportation only, and therefore free of duty Free Ale, Finings 20. Ale, Ginger 20 Alkanet Root Free Almanacs, including Catalogues and Fashion Pamphlets, $1.00 per 100 Almonds 20 Aloes Free Alpacas, Wool, manufactures of, N. E. S 20 Alpaca, Hair manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Alpaca, Hair unmanufactured. Free Alum Free Aluminium, * * Chloride of," or Chloralum Free Aluminous Cake or Alum Free Ambergris Free Amber, Gum Free Amber, Manufactures 20 Ammonia, Sulphate of. Free Anchors Free Anise Seed Free Angola, Hair unmanufactured Free Angola, Hair manufactured, not otherwise specified 20 Annato, liquid or solid Free Annato, Seed Free Annato-ine, or Extract of Annato ... 20 Animals, Living, of all kinds, not otherwise specified 20 do Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dogs, and pure bred Fowls, including Pheasants andQuails, for improvement of Stock under regulations to be made by the Treas- ury Board and approved by the Governor in Council. Free Animals brought into Canada, temporarily, and for a period not exceeding three months, for the purpose of exhibi- tion or competition for prizes offered by any agricultural or other associations. But a bond shall be first given in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, with the condition that the full duty to \vhich such animals would otherwise be liable shall be paid in .case of their sale in Canada, or if not re-exported within the time specified in such bond Animals of all kinds, imported from Newfoundland Free Anatomical Preparations . ..,..• Free Aniline Dyes, in bulk or packages of not less than one pound weight Free 8 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. c. Aniline Oil, Crude Free Aniline Salts, and Arseniate of Free Aniline Dyes, not otherwise provided for lo Antelope Skins, (Glove Leather) tanned or dressed, colored or not colored lo Antimony ...; Free Antiquities, collections of Free Anvils 30 Apparatus when imported by and for use of Colleges and Schools and Literary Societies Free Apparatus for Electric Light ...;.... 25 Apparel, wearing, and other personal articles and household effects (not merchandise) of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada Free Apple, dried 2 cents per lb, Apple, green 40 cents per brl. Apple Juice, not sweetened 20 Apple Juice, if sweetened, as Fruit Syrup, i cent per lb. and 35 Apple, Essence of $1.90 per LG. and 20 Apple Trees of all kinds 2 cents each Arabic Gum. ... Free Argols, crude Free Argols, dust Free Arms, including Muskets, Rifles and other fire arms, not elsewhere specified 20 Arms and Munitions of War for Army and Navy and Canadian Militia Free Arrow Root. 20 Artificial Flowers 25 Artificial Feathers 25 Arsenic Free Arseniate of Aniline Free Articles for the use of Governor-General, Foreign Consuls General, Dominion Government, or any Departments thereof, or Senate, or House of Commons Free Articles ex-warehoused for Ship's Stores Free Asbestos 20 Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda Free Asparagus 20 Asphaltum Free Atlasses 15 Australian Gum ; Free Awnings and Tents 25 Axes of all kinds 30 Axles of Iron or Steel (Car) 25 Axles (Carriage) 30 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 9 P. c. Babbit Metal lo Bacon and Hams, Shoulders aud. Sides 2 cents per lb. Bagatelle Tables or Boards, with cues and balls 35 Baggage, Travellers Free Bags, Cotton, Seamless 2 cents per lb. and 15 Bags, Cotton, made up by the use of the needle 30 Bags, Carpet 30 Bags, Paper, printed 30 Bags, Paper, not printed 25 Bags, containing fine Salt, from all countries 25 Baking Powders 20 Balances and Scales 30 Balls, Glass 30 Balls for Bagatelle Boards 35 Bamboos, unmanufactured Free Bamboo Reeds, not further manufactured than cut into suita- ble lengths for Walking Sticks, or Canes, or Sticks for Umbrellas, Parasols or Sunshades Free Bamboos, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Bananas 20 Barilla Free Bark, prepared 20 Bark, I Jemlock Free Bark, Oak and Tanners Free Bark, Oak, extract of Quercitron Free Barley 15 cents per bushel Barley, damaged by water in transitu (on appraised value)... 20 Barrels containing Bottled Ale, Beer or Porter Free Barrels of Canadian manufacture exported filled with Do- mestic Petroleum and returned empty, under such regu- lations as the Minister of Customs shall direct free Barytes, unmanufactured Free Barytes, manufactured 20 Baskets of Willow and Bamboo 25 Bath Brick 20 Bay Rum $1.90 per I. G. and 30 Beads and Bead Ornaments ... 20 Beans, Breadsluffs 15 cents per bushel Beans, Tonqua 20 Beans, Vanilla and Nux Vomica . Free Bedsteads of Iron 35 Bedsteads of Wood 35 Bed Feathers 20 10 CUSTOMS JARIFF. P. C. Bed Comforters, or Quilts of Cotton 27^ Beer imported in Bottles 18 cent? per I. G. Beer imported in Wood 10 cents per I. G. Beef, fresh i cent per lb. Beef, preserved in cans 2 cts. per lb. Bees Free Belladona Leaves Free Bees Wax 20 Bells for Churches Free Bells, of any material, except lor Churches 30 Belts and Trusses 25 Belting of Leather 25 Belting of India Rubber 25 Benzole, not elsewhere specified 7 1/5 cents pe." I. G. Bent Glass, for the manufacture of Show Cases Free Berries, for dyeing or used in composing dyes Free Bibles (see Books) 5 Bichromate of Potash, crude Free Bicarbonate, or Saleratus of Potassa , 20 Bicarbonate of Soda 20 Bill Heads (Books) 30 Billiard. Tables, without pockets, 4^ by 9 feet or under, each $22.50 and 15 Billiard Tables, without pockets, over 4}^ by 9 feet, each $25.00 and 15 Billiard Tables, with pockets, $}4 by 11 feet or under, each $35.00 and 15 Billiard Tables, with pockets, all over $}i by 1 1 feet, each $40.00 and 15 Binders' Cloths 10 Bird Cages, all kinds 30 Biscuits 20 Bismuth, Metallic Free Bitters (see Spirits) $1.90 per L G. Bitters, as Proprietary Medicines 50 Blacking, Shoe and Shoemakers', Ink, Harness and Leather Dressing 25 Black Lead 20 Black Heart Ebony Wood, not further manufactured than sawn or split Free Bladders 20 Blackberries : 2 cents per quart Blank Books (see books) 30 Blankets, composed wholly or in part of Wool, Worsted, Hair of Alapaca Goat, .or other like animals, y}4 cents per lb. and 20 Blue, ultramarine , Free CUSTOMS TARIFF. 11 P. C. Blue (ball) 20 Blue Black (dry color) Free Boiler Plates (see Iron) I2|4 Boilers and Engines, and parts of, not elsewhere specified . . 25 Boilers, St am Engines and other machinery for Ships or Sailing Vessels built in a foreign country 25 Bolts (see iron) 30 Bolts and Nuts together 30 Bolts and Nuts for original construction of Can. Pac. Railway Free Bolting Cloth Free Bolsters and Pillows 35 Bone Dust, for manufacture of Phosphate and Fertilizers.... Free Bone Ash *' •* '* .... Free Bone Black 20 Bones, crude and manufactured, not burnt, calcined, ground or steamed Free Bones, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Bonnets, not elsewhere specified 25 Books, Printed Periodicals and Pamphlets, not elsewhere specified, not being foreign reprints of British Copyright works, nor blank account books, nor copy books, nor books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, prayer- books, psalm and. hynm books 15 Printed Periodicals : The Christian Gleaner, a monthly magazine, finished or unfinished Free The Domestic Monthly, by Blake A Co Free Godey's Lady's Book ; ' Free Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine Free The Ladies' Bazaar, by Leslie & Co Free Bow Bells Free The Young Ladies' Journal Free Demorest's Monthly Magazine Free La Mode Illustree Free The Spectator, an American Review of insurance Free London Journal fa weekly) 15 Harper's Bazaar 15 Demorest's Illustrated Journal 15 Frank Leslie's Pictorial 15 The World of Fashion 15 Spirit of Arkansas i .c each. Bazaar Paterns, by J. McCall & Co 1 c. each. Metropolitan Patterns ,...,, i c. each. Madame Demorest's Catalogue of Patterns i c. each. Butterick & Co's Catalogue i c. each. The Bazaar Dress-Maker, by J. McCall & Co i c. each. Butterick's Metropolitan Fashions i c each. Madame Demorest's Portfolio of Fashions i c. each. Madame Demorest's " What to Wear" i c each. The Delineator, Butterick's. : i c. each. The Ladies* Quarterly Review, Butterick's i c. each. The Tailor's Monthly Review, Butterick's. i c. each. Books, embossed for blind ^ Free 12 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. Books, Bibles, Prayer-books, Psalri Books and Hymn Books 5 Books, Educational, for deaf and dumb, exclusively Free Books, British Copyright works, reprint of 15% and i2>^ Books, bound, which shall have been printed more than seven years at the date of importation except that for- • eign reprints of English Copyrighted books shall be subject to the copyright duty Free Books, printed by any Government, or by any Scientific Association, or other Society now existing for the pro- motion of learning, and letters issued in the course of their proceedings and not for the purpose of trade Free Books, Account Books, Copy Books or books to be drawn or written upon 30 Books, Copying Books 25 Books, printed, lithographed, or conper or steel plate bill- heads, cheques, envelopes and miniature newspapers, drafts, cards, other commercial blank forms, labels of every description and other printed matter, not else- where specified 30 Book Binders tools and implements 10 To include implements that are common to other trades as well as to Bookbinding, when imported by Book- binders only, and declared by them to be for their own use, such as cutting, ruling, perforating and paging machines, ruling pens, shears, presses, binding cloth, &c. Boots and Shoes, Leather 25 Boots and Shoes, Rubber 25 Boots and Shoes, Felt 25 Boot and Shoe Counters, made from Leather Board ^c. per pair Boot Laces, of any material 30 Borax Free Box Wood, unmanfactured Free Box Wood, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. 25 Botany, specimens of. Free Bottles, Glass (empty) 30 Braces or Suspenders, 30 Brads (see Iron) 30 Bracelets, made of Hair 20 Braids, all kinds 20 Bran, Mill Feed 20 Brandy (see Spirits) $1.45 P^"" ^-G. Brass^ Agraffe Pins for Pianos 25 Brass, old and Scrap Free Brass, seamless drawn tubing, plain and fancy tubing 10 Brass, in sheets Free Brass, Bars and Bolts , 10 ^ CUSTOMS TARIFF. 13 P.C. Brass "Wire, round or flat Free Brass Wire, Cloth 20 Brass, in strips, for printers' rules, not finished 15 Brass, in sheets, subdivisions of, such as strips, or widths cut to sizes or forms, except strips for printers' rules 30 Brass Screws 30 Brass Wire and Rods cut to special lengths 30 Brass, manufacturers of other, not elsewhere specified 3c Breadstuffs, other, not elsewhere specified 20 Brick, Building 20 Brick, Fire-Brick and Tiles for lining Stoves 20 Brick, Bath Brick 20 Brimstone, crude or iij roll or flour Free Brim Moulds, for gold beaters Free British Gum Free Bristles Free Bridges (see Iron) 25 Britannia Metal, in pigs and bars Fre^ Britannia Metal, manufactures of, if not plated 25 Britannia Metal, manufactures of, if plated 30 Bromine Free Brooms of all kinds < 25 Broom Corn Free Brushes 25 Bronze or Dutch Metal 20 Buck Skins, (Glove Leather) tanned or dressed, colored or not colored 10 Buck Skins (Leather) dressed, waxed or glazed 20 Buckwheat 10 cents per bushel Buckwheat, damaged by water ia transitu (on appraised value) 20 Buckwheat, meal or flour. , X cent per lb. Buchu Leaves Free Builders' Hardware 30 Buffalo, Bison and Camel Hair, unmanufactured Free ** ** '* *' manufactures of, not else- where specified 20 Buggies, of all kinds 35 Bulbous Roots 20 Bullion, Gold and Silver Free Bullion, fringe Wool 20 Bullion, fringe Silk 20 Bunting (Wool) 20 Burr Stones, in blocks, unmanufactured, not bound Free Burgundy Pitch Free Butter . 4 cents per lb. Buttons 25 Button Covers, Crosier t 10 Button Moulds 25 14 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. c. Cabinet of. Coins, Medals and other collections of antiquities Free Cabinet Ware or Furniture (wood or iron) ., 35 Cable, submarine 20 Cables Chain, over 9/16 of an inch in diameter, whether shackled or swivelled or not 5 Cables and Chains, all other (Iron) 20 Cachous, breath sweeteners ,1 cent per lb. and 35 Cages, bird cages , 30 Calendered Paper, not ruled 22^ Calfskins, tanned or dressed, but not waxed or dressed.... 15 Calf Skins, tanned or dressed, waxed or glazed 20 Calumba Root Free Camphor Gum 20 Canada Plates (see Iron) I2>4 Canary Seed 20 Candles, Tallow 2 cents per lb. Candles, Paraffine Wax 5 cents per lb. Candles, all others,, including Sperm 25 Cane or Rattan, split or otherwise,, manufactured 25 Cane Juice, refined Syrups (see sugars).,.^ cents per lb. and 30 Cane Juice, concentrated (see sugars) . . ^ cents per lb. and 30 Canvass, for the manufacture of floor oil cloth, not less than 45 inches wide, and not pressed or calendered Free Canvas of Flax or hemp, to be used for boat and ship sails . 5 Canvas, all other, not elsewhere specified 20 Cannon and Musket Powder, in kegs and barrels, 4 c. per lb Canister Powder, in i lb. and % lb. tins 15 cts. per lb Cans, or packages made of tin or other material, containing fish of any kind, admitted free of duty under any exist- ing law or treaty, not exceeding one quart in contents, lYz cents per can or package ; and \% cents additional for each quarter part of. Caoutchouc, unmanufactured Free Caoutchouc, Clothing 35 Caoutchouc, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Caps, cloth, wool 10 cents per lb. and 25 Caps and Hats, not elsewhere specified 25 Caps, Fur 25 Caps, Percussion, guns, rifles and pistols . . 20 Caps, Percussion Copper for blasting 30 Capes, Fur. 25 Cars, Railway ^ 30 CUSTOMS lARIFF. 15 P. C. Cars, Railway and Street, the seat fixtures for, of cast iron, to be classed as castings 25 Locks, Hinges, Window-fasteners and similar articles, to be classed as Carriage Makers' hardware 30 Carbolic or Heavy Oil 10 Carboys, empty or not 30 Card Clothing, machine ...;.•...•... 25 ards, devotional 30 Cards, for playing 6 cts. per pack Cards, printed 30 Cards, Christmas and New Years chromos 25 Cards, embossed % 25 Cards, Sunday School 30 Cardimon Seed Free Caraway Seed 20 Carpet Bags 30 Carpet, treble ingrain, three-ply and two-ply carpets, com- posed wholly of wool 10 cents per square yard and 20 Carpets, two-ply and three-ply ingrain carpets, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat, or other like animal 5 cents per square yard and 20 Carpets, Brussel 20 Carpets, Dutch 20 Carpets, Jute 25 Carpets, Hemp 20 Carpets, Tapestry 20 Carpets, other, not elsewhere specified 20 Cartridges, for guns, rifles and pistols 30 Cartridges, cases 30 Car Wheels and Axles of iron or steel... 25 Carriages, Buggies of all kinds-, Farm Waggons, Farm, Rail- way and Freight Carts, Pleasure Carts or Gigs or simi- lar vehicles, and all other Carriages, not otherwise enumerated 35 Carriages, Railway Cars, Sleighs, Cutters, Wheelbarrows and Hand Caits 30 Carriages, Childrens' Carriages of all kinds 35 Carriages, parts of, or other manufactured articles, shall be charged with same rate of duty, on a proportionate valuation, as that chargeable upon the finished article. Carriage Hardware ...,;;.....;;. 20 Carriages of travellers, and Carriages laden with merchan- dise, and not to include circus troupes or hawkers, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Carriage Dusters or Lap Wraps 20 H CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. Cashmere Shawls... ... 25 Cashmere, of Silk 30 Cashmere, other, manufacturers of, not elsewhere provided for 20 Caskets, burial, of any material 35 Casts, as models for the use of colleges and schools Free Cassia, ground 25 Cassia, unground (spice) 10 Cassimeres, wool 7^ cents per lb. and 20 Castile and White Soap 2 cents per lb. Castings, not elsewhere provided for (see Iron) 25 Castor Oil 20 Cattle, for improvement of stock Free Cattle, other 20 Catgut Strings or Cut Cord for Musical Instruments Free Catgut or Whipgut, unmanufactured Free Celluloid or Xyolite, in sheets, lumps or blocks Free Celluloid Collars 30 Cement, raw or in stone from quarry (13 cubic feet to ton) $1.00 per ton. Cement, burnt and unground 7 J^ cents per 100 lbs. Cement, Hydraulic or Waterlime, ground, including barrels, 40 cents per barrel. Cement, in bulk or in bags 9 cents per bush. Cement, Portland or Roman 20 Cement, other 20 Chalk and Cliff stone, unmanufactured Free Chalk, manufactured 20 Champagne, and all other sparkling wines, in bottles, con- taining each not more than one quart and more than a pint $3.00 per dozen and 30 Champagne, containing not more than a pint each and more than )^ pint $1.50 per dozen and 30 Champagne, containing ^ pint each or less 75c per dozen and 30 Champagne bottles containing more than one quart each shall pay in addition to $3.00 per dozen bottles at the rate of $1.50 per I.G. on the quality in excess of one quart and 30 Note. — The quarts and pints in each case being old Wine Measure. Chamomile Flowers ..... ........ Free Chamois Skins 20 Charts 2u Chains, Hair, Gold and Silver 20 ] Chairs, furniturje, wood or iron ...... 35 Chair (wrought iron) for railway purposes 17^ CUSTOM^ TARIFF. 17 }', C. Charcoal 20 Cheese .3 cents per lb. Cheese Cloths I cent per square yard and 1 5 Cheques, printed 30 Chemicals, not elsewhere specified 20 Cherries i cent per quart Cherries, Juice, not sweetened 20 Cherries, Juice, if sweetened, as fruit syrups, ic. per lb. and 35 Cherry Trees 4 cents each Chewing Gum, not sweetened 20 Chewing Gum, if sweetened .1 cent per lb. and 35 Chicory, raw or green and sui>stituted for coffee, not else- where specified 3 cents per lb. Chicory, dried, roasted or ground, and substituted for coffee, composed of roots and vegetables 4 cents per lb. China Clay, natural or ground Free Chloralum or Chloride of Aluminium Free China Ink (as Stationery) '.'. 20 China Ware 25 Chinchona Bark .'. Free Chimneys, Lamp (glass) 30 Chloride of Lime Free Chinese Blue..... Free Chip Hats 25 Chocolate, not sweetened 20 Chocolate, containing sugar i cent per lb. and 25 Chronometer Clocks, as Clocks 35 Chronometer Watches . . 25 Chronometers for Ships Free Chromos, Pictures 20 Chromos, Cards 25 Churns (wood) . . , 25 Church Bells Free Church Vestments 20 Cider 20 Cigars 60 cents per lb. and 20 Cigarettes 60 cents per lb. and 20 Cinabar Free Cinnamon. Ground 25 Cinnamon Unground (spice) 10 Citrons, green fruit .....'. ; ..... '. 20 Citrons, irinds of, in brine for candying Free Clays..,. Free Cliff Stone, unmanufactured Free Cliff Stone, manufactured 20 Clocks, any parts of, except springs 35 Clock Springs 10 B 18 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. Cloaks, Fur.. 25 Cloths (see Wool) 7 1^ cents per lb. and 20 Cloakings and Coatings., .(see Wool) 7^ cents per lb. and 20 Clothings Wool 10 cents per lb. and 25 Clothing, Cotton : 30 Clothing, Linen 30 Clothing, India Rubber (see India Rubber Clothing) 35 Clothing, Silk 30 Clothing, horse clothing, shaped 10 cents per lb and 25 Clothing, donation of, for charitable purposes Free Clothing, for use of army and navy and Canadian militia Free Clout Nails 30 Coal, Anthracit'.', per ton of 2,000 lbs 50 Coal, Bitumin^ms, per ton of 2,000 lbs 60 Coal Du?t 20 Coal, other, per ton of 2,000 lbs 50 Coke, per ton of 2 ,000 lbs 50 Coke, Gas, when used in Canadian manufacturers only. . . . Free Coal Facing 20 Coal Oil and Kerosene, distilled, purified 7 1/5 cents per I.G. Coal Oil and Kerosene, fixtures und parts thereof 30 Coal Tar 10 Coal Pitch 10 Coats, Fur 25 Cobalt, Ore of Free Cobalt, Metallic Color (dry) Free Cocoa Matting 25 Cocoauuts $1.00 per loo Cocoanuts, imported from place of growth by vessel direct to a Canadian port .... 50 cents per 100 Cocoa Paste and Chocolate, not sweetened 20 Cocoa Paste and other preparations of, containing sugar, I cent per lb. and 25 Cocoanut, dessicated, when sweetened . . . . i cent per lb. and 35 Cocoanut, Oil, in its natural state Free Cocoa Bean, shell and nibs Free Cod Liver Oil, medicated 20 Cod Oil, the produce of the fisheries of the United States and Newfoundland , Free Cochineal Free Coffee, Green, imported from the United States 10 Coffee, Green, imported from Other countries than U.S. . . Free Coffee, roasted or ground, imported from U. S . . 3 c. p. lb. and 10 Coffee, roasted or ground, imported from other countries than U.S 3 cts. per. lb. Coffee, substitutes, composed of roots or vegetables 4 cts. per lb. CUSTOMS TARIFF. Hi P. C. offee, all other substitutes 3 cts. per lb. offins of any materials , . 35 ffin Trimmings of Metal, if plated 30 oins, Silver Coins from the U.S 20 oins, Gold and Silver, except U.S. silver coins Free oir and Coir Yarn Free liars of linen, cotton or paper and celluloid 30 Ichicum Seed 20 olcothar or Crocus, dry oxide of iron Free ologne, color in pulp Free ologne Water, and Perfumed Spirits, in bottles, fkisks or other packages, not weighing more than four ounces. . . 40 ologne Water, and Perfumed Spirits, in bottles, flasks or packages, weighing more than four ounces $1.90 per I.G. and 30 olours and Paints, ground in oil or any other liquid 25 olours, dry, blue-black Free olours, Metallic, viz : Cobalt, Zinc and Tin Free olours, dry, Chinese blue , F'ree olours, dry, Prussian ])lue and raw umber Free olours, in pulp, carmine, cologne, rose lake, scarlet and maroon, satin and fine washed white and ultra- marine blue Free Colours and Paints, other, not elsewheie specified 20 Colouring 20 'olodion Varnish... 20 cents per I.G. and 20 'oloured Sand 20 ]olza Oil 20 'ombs, for dress and toilet, all kinds 25 )omb.s, curry combs, as Saddlers' hardware 30 lommercial blank forms 30 'ommunion Plate and plated ware for use in Churches Free 'ommon Soap, brown or yellow i}4 cents per lb. lommon, soft and liquid soap, not perfumed 20 Commissariat Stores , Free 'ompasses, for ships Free !Compositi6n Nails, Spikes and Sheathing Nails 20 ^Condensed Coffee 20 Condensed Milk, not sweetened 20 ^Condensed Milk, if sweetened i cent per lb. and 35 !Conium Cicuta, or Hemlock seed and leaf Free ^Confectionery and Sugar Candy i cent per lb. and 35 ^Confection or stick extracts (liquorice)..... i cent per lb. and 20 ^Control Clocks, known as Watchmen's Clocks 35 Copper bars, rods, bolts and ingots 10 ICopper, old and scrap 10 [Copper, pigs - 10 so CUS'JOMS TARIFF. P. C. Copper, seamless drawn tubing 10 Copper, in sheets Fre< Copper Wire, round or flat t.-ec Copper Wire Cloth 30 Coppei' Rivets and Burrs, and all other manufactures of, not elsewhere specifitd 30 Copy Books 30 Copper, precipitate of, crude Free Copper Sheets, cut in sheets or subdivisions , .,■ 30 1 Copying Pencils 20 Coial, cut or manufactured 20 Cords and Tassels of silk 30 t Cordage, of all kinds 20 j Cordials, as proprietary medicines 50 Cordials (see Spirits) $1.90 per I.G. Corduroy 2 cents per sq. yd. and 15 Corn, Indian ••7^ cents per bushel. Corn, Indian, when damaged by water in transitu (on ap- praised value) 20 Corn Meal 40 cents per barrel Corn Meal, when damaged by water in transitu (on appraised value) 20 Cornstarch or flour (see starch) 2 cents per lb. Cornelians, unmanufactured Free Corks and Cork-Hood or Cork-bark, manufactured 20 Cork- wood or bark, unmanufactured Free Corsets 30 Cotton Seed 10 cents per bushel Cottons, grey or unbleached, bleached cotton sheetings, drills, ducks, cotton or Canton flannels, not stained, painted or printed I cent per sq. yd. and 15 Cottons, denims, drillings, bedtickings, cotton or Canton flannels, ducks or drills, dyed or coloured, checked and striped shirtings, cottonades, Kentucky jeans, panta- loon stufls, and goods of like description 2 cents per sq. yd. and 15 Cottons over 36 inches wide, when imported by manufac- turers of Window Shades for use in their factories, ex- rlusively for the manufacture of Oiled Window Shades. 15 Cotton Duck, used for sails of ships, or Ashing boats or other vessels, the importer of same shall be entitled to a draw- back equal to the duty paid thereon, less 5 per cent, of the value of the article, on furnishing proof that the Duck has been so used, under regulations to be made by the Minister of Customs i ct. per sq. yd and 15 Cottons, all clothing made of cotton^ .pr other material not otherwise provided for, including cprset?* I^pe collars CUSIOMS TARIFF. 21 r.c. and similar articles made up hy the seamstKss or tailor, also tarpaulin, plain or coated with oil, paint tar, or other composition, and cotton bags made up by the use of the needle 30 Cottons, ginghams and plaids, dyed or coloured 2 cents per sq. yd. and 1 5 otton, hosiery, shirts, drawers, woven or made on frames, and all cotton hosiery 30 !^otton, knitted cloth 30 otton, knitted yarn, hosiery yarn, and other cotton yarn, under No. 40, not bleached, dyed, or coloured 2 cents per Ih. and 15 Cotton, knitted yarn, hosiery yarn, dyed or coloured 3 cents per lb. and 15 Cotton Netting for boots and shoes 10 Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas 25 Cotton Prunella 2 cents per sq. yd. and 15 Cotton Pillow Cases 30 Cotton Prunella, for boots and shoes 10 Cotton, seamless bags 2 cents per lb. and 15 I^otton, sewing thread, on spools 20 [Cotton, sewing thread, in hanks, black and bleached, three and six cord 12^ [Cotton Shawls 25 Cotton Velveteens and Cotton Velvets 20 [Dotton batting, bats and warps, and carpet warps, not bleached, dyed or coloured 2 cents per lb. and 13 I^otton warps on beams i cent per sq. yd. and 15 Cotton batting, warps, dyed or coloured . . 3 cents per lb. and 1 5 Cotton, Winceys, checked, striped and fancy, not over 25 inches wide 20 I Cottons, Winceys, checked, striped and fancy dress Wincey, over 25 inches wide and not over 30 inches, when ma- terial is not more than % wool 2 c. per sq. yd. and 15 Note. — If over 30 inches wide and material composed partly of wool to pay 7^ cents per lb. and 20 Cottons, Wincey, plain, of all widths, when material is not over X wool 20 Cottons, jeans, coutilles, cambrics, silicias and casbans 20 Cottons, printed or dyed, until ist January, 1884 20 after that date 27>4 Cottons, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, held to embrace : — Cotton diaper, window hoUand, prints, printed shirtings, furniture prints, cretonne, plain prints, cashmere, cotton huckaback, cotton damask in pieces and cloths, towels, book muslin, jaconet, checked jaco- . net, cambric. Bishop's and Victoria lawns, tarlatans, 22 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. hair cord, crinoline, and all kinds of printed muslins, leno, pique, brilliante, cotton handkerchiefs, curtains known as Swiss, Nottingham, or lace, etc., if of cotton, muslin lace, rolled jaconet, glove finished cambrics, cotton velvets and velveteens, cotton tapes, ferrets, slay-bindings, bed lace, boot web, carpet binding, blind tassels, window leno, cotton fringe, braids, and all kinds of coUon laces N.E.S 20 Cotton Waste Free Cotton Wool Fre« Cotton Seed Cake Free Coutille, (cotton) 20 Cranberries 30 cents per bush. Cranks for Steamboats 20 Cranks for Mills. 20 Crapes of all kinds 20 ] Cream of Tartar in Crystals Free Crucibles 20 - Cubic Nitre Free Curry Cards 30 ^ Cucumbers 20 Cuffs, of paper, linen or cotton 30 Cummin wSeed 20 Currants, green fruit i cent per quart Currants, Zante and others, dried 20 Curled Hair 20 Curry Combs 30 Cutlery, Iron and Steel, not elsewhere specified, including table, pocket and ofiice cutlery ; scissors and shears, including sheep shears ; butchers' knives and steels ; shoe, hunting, glaziers' and farriers' knives ; knives for horticultural purposes, and other articles for similar purposes as above ; horse clippers, surgical instruments, and dental instruments 20 Cutlery, if plated 30 Cut Flowers 20 Dates (dried fruit) 20 Debeges (wooleik dress goods) 20 Decanters, and Dressed or moulded table ware 30 Deer (glove leather) tanned or dressed, coloured or not coloured 10 Deer Tongue (powdered) 20 Degras 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 23 P.C. Delaines* French 20 Demijohns 30 Denims, cotton, dyed or polored 2 cts. per sq. yd. and 15 Dental instruments, wholly or in part of steel 20 Diamonds, dust or bort Free Diamonds, unset Free Diamond Drills, for prospecting for mimrals .....!!. Free Dice, ivory or bone ^ 20 Doeskins (woolen cloth) 7 1/2 cents per lb. and 20 Dogs, pure bred, for improvement of stock Free Dogs, other 20 Drafts, cheques and receipts ^o Dragon's blood , Free Drain Pipes, glazed 25 Drain Tiles and Pipes, not glazed 20 Draughts and Chessmen of ivory or bone 20 Drawers (cotton hosiery) 30 Drawers (wool hosiery) 7^ cents per lb. and 20 Drawings and prints 20 Drawing Slates 25 Drawn Tubing, copper, seamless 10 Drawn Tubing, zinc, seamless 10 Dressed Flag Stones .$1.50 per ton. Dressed Freestone 20 Dried Flowers 20 Dried Roots, not elsewhere specified 20 Dried Vegetables 20 Drillings (cotton) dyed or colored ..... 2 cts. per sq. yd. and 15 Drills (cotton) not stained, painted or printed I cent per sq. yd. and 15 Diuggets 20 Drugs and Chemicals, not elsewhere specified 20 Drugs, not elsewhere specified, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning Free Dry Putty, for polishing granite Free Dualin 5 cents per lb. and 20 Duck, for belting and hose Free Duck (cottons) bleached or unbleached, not stained, painted or printed i c. per sq. yd. and 15 Duck (cottons) dyed or colored 2 c. per so. yd. and 15 Duck (cottons) when to be used for boat and ships sails. . . . See cotton duck for ships' sails, etc. Duck (linen) not elsewhere specified 20 Dutch Metal or bronze 20 Dust (Argol) Free Dust (bone) for manufacture of Phosphates and Fertilizers Free Dust, not elsewhere specified 20 24 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. Dyeing ai'ticles, in crude state, not els. where specified Free Dyes (prepared) other than Aniline 20 Dyes, Aniline, not otherwise provided for 10 Dye, jet black , Free Dyes, not elsewhere specified 20 Dynamite 5 cts. per lb. and 20 Earth Closets 35 Eatth, Fuller's, prepared :: 20 Earth, Fuller's, not prepared Free ^ EarthenwarCj stoneware and white granite, or iron stone- ware and C. C. ware, whether decorated, printed or sponged or not 30 Earthenware and stoneware, brown or coloured, and Rock- ingham ware 25 Earthenware and crockery, not elsewhere specified 20 Ebony, not further manufactured than sawn or split Free Edge Tools, not elsewhere specified 30 Eggs Free Egg boxes, when imported from the United States to be filled with eggs and exported, may be returned to Cana- da to be refilled without requiring duty a second time, but duty must be paid on first importation .....'.. 25 ' *' Elastic Web 25 Electric and Galvanic Batteries 25 Electric Lights, apparatus for 25 Electro-plated Ware, 'not classed as jewelry 30 Electrotypes and Stereotypes for commercial blanks and ad- vertisements 20 Electrotypes and stereotypes of standard books 10 Embossed books, for the blind Free Embossed Cards, not business or advertising 25 Embroideries, not otherwise provided for 20 Emery Free Emery Cloth » 25 Emery Paper 25 Emery Wheels 25 Engines, Locomotives 25 Engines, Fire 25 Engines, all others, and boilers . , ! 25 Engravings and Prints 20 Entomology, specimens of. Free Envelopes, paper of all kinds, not printed 25 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 25 P. C. nvelopes, printed 30 rgot P ree sparto, or Spanish Gras.s, for the manufacture of paper Free essences of Apple, Pear, Pine Apple, etc.... $1.90 per I.G. and 20 ssences, mixed with spirits .$1.90 per I.G. and 20 ssences, such as Essence of Old Tom, Scotch whiskey, etc. 2C ssential or Volatile Oils, for manufacturing purposes ..... 20 Cther, Sulphuric and Nitric 20 xcelsior for Upholsterers* use 20 xtracts, containing spirits $1.90 per I.G. and 20 Extract of hogvf od Free Extract of Malt, for medicinal purposes 25 Extract of Meat 20 Extract of Sumac 20 Evergreens * 20 Fans, Advertising 30 Fans, all others 25 Farina 2 cts. per lb. Fashion Pamphlets $1 00 per 100 Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, undressed 1 5 Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, dressed 25 Feathefs, f6r beds 20 Feathers, artificial, not elsewhere specified 25 Felloes, spokes, hubs and parts of wheels, rough, hewn or sawn only 15 See item, hickory lumber sawn to shape*for spokes of wheels, etc. Felt, for boots and shoes, when Imported by manufacturers for use in their factories 15 Felt, for glove lining, when imported by manufacturers for use in their factories 10 Felt, endless, for papti makers, when imported by manu- facturers for use in their factories 10 Felt, (pull over hats) 25 Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels Free Felt, for skirts, when imported by the manufacturers for use in their factories 15 Felt, Roofing 20 Felt Cloth, of every description, not elsewhere specified .... 7^ cts. per lb. and 20 Felt Boots and Shoes 25 Felt, other, not elsewhere specified 20 26 CUSTOMS JARIFF. P. C. Felt Hats 25 Fibre, Mexican Free i Fibre, Tampico Free Fibre, vegetable, for manufacturing purposes Free ; Fibrilla and Istle Free Figs 20 Filberts 20 Files and Rasps 35 Fillets, of Cotton and Rubber, not exceeding 7 inches wide, for manufacture of card clothing Free Finger Bars, i-ailway (iron) 17 }4 Fingering Yarn, under No. 30. 7}i cts. per lb. and 20 Fire-arms, muskets, rifles, pistols and shot guns 20 Fire-arms, for use of army, navy and Canada militia Free Fire-brick or Tiles, for lining stoves and furnaces 20 Fire Clay Free Fire Engines 25 Fire Extinguishers (chemical) 25 Fire-proof Paint, dry X cent per lb. Fire Works 25 Fish, fresh, salted or smoked, except free by Washington Treaty i cent per lb. Fish, of all kinds, the produce of the fisheries of the United States, except fish of the Inland Lakes, or of rivers fall- ing into them, and fish preserved in oil Frcv; Fish-bait Free Fish, fresh and salted or smoked, from Newfoundland Free Fish Oil, and products of fish, from Newfoundland Free Fish, preserved in oil 20 Fish Oil, produce of the fisheries Free Fish hooks, nets, seines, lines and twines, for the use of the fisheries, but not to include sporting fishing tackle, or hooks with flies, or trawling spoons Free Fishing Rods 30 Fish Plates, steel (see steel rails) Free 1 Fish Plates, iron I7>^ Fish Plates, for use of Canada Pacific Railway Free, Flannels, of every description, not elsewhere specified (wool) 7^ cts. per lb. and 20 Flasks, * ' glass " of every description 30 Flax, fibre, scutched i cent per lb. 1 Flax, fibre, hackled , , 2 cents per lb. Flax, tow of, scutched or green }4 cent per lb. Flax Seed 10 cents per bush. Flax Seed Oil 25 Flax Twine, Sail Twine 5 CUSTOMS A RIFF. 27 P. c. Flax Twine, other 25 Flax, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Flint, flints and ground flint stones Free Flour, Wheat 50 cts. per bbl. Flour, Buckwheat or Meal % cent per lb. Flour, of Corn or Corn Meal 40 cents per bbl. Flour of Rye - 50 cents per bbl. Flour of Rice 2 cents per lb. Flour of Sago 2 cents per lb. Flour, Grain and Meal of all kinds, when damaged by water in transitu (on appraised value) 20 Flowers, artificial, not elsewhere specified 25 F^lower Seeds, when in bulk or in large packages 15 Flower Seeds, when put up in small papers or parcels 25 Fog Signals, detonating for railway alarms 20 Folia Digitalis Free Food, Milk, manufactured by Henri Nestle, Dr. Gibaut and others, and all other similar preparations 30 Forgings, iron, not elsewhere specified 25 Forks, hay, manure and potato See Agricultural Implements Fossils Free Fowls, pure bred, also pheasants and quails for improve- ment of stock , Free Fowls, other 20 French or Flower Odors, imported in tins of not less than 10 lbs. each 15 French Mustard (prepared) 2$ Fringes and other trimmings, not elsewhere specified 20 Frogs, railway, iron 17^ Frog points, railway, iron 17^ Fruits, dried. Apples 2 cents per lb. Fruits, dried, Currants, Dates, Figs, Plums, Prunes, Raisins and all others, not elsewhere specified 20 Fruit, green, Apples ,40 cents per bbl. Fruit, green, Blackberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries and Strawberries 2 cents per qt. Fruits, green. Cherries and Currants i cent per qt. Fruits, green. Cranberries, Plums and Quinces 30 cts. per bush. Fruits, green, Grapes ." . . 2 cts. per lb. Fruits, green. Lemons 20 Fruits, green. Oranges 20 Fruit, green. Peaches 40 cts. per bush. Fruits, green, other, not elsewhere specified 20 Fruits, in air-tight cans or other pkgs. weighing not over i lb 3 cents per can. 38 CUSTOMS TARIFF. r. c. and 3 cents additional per can or pkg. for each pound or fraction of a pound over i pound in weight. The rate to include the duty on the cans or other pkgs. and the weight on which duty shall be payable, to in- clude the weight ol the cans or other pkgs. Fruits, preserved in brandy and other spirits. .$1.90 per I.G. Fruit Jars and Preserve Jars, glass 30 Fuller's Earth (not prepared) Free Fuller's Earth, prepared ro Furniture, of wood, iron or any other material, for house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, including hair, spring and other mattrasseti, bolsters and pillows, cas- kets and coffins of any material 35 Fur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner Free Fur Skins, wholly or partially dressed 15 Fur hats> caps, muffs, tippets, capes, coats, cloaks and other manufactures of fur 25 Fuse, not elsewhere specified 20 Gaiters, woolen clothing 10 cts. er lb. and 25 Galateas, cottons 2 cts. per sq. yd. and 1 5 Galvanized Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed ^4 ct. per lb. and 10 Galvanic Batteries 25 Garden Seeds, when in bulk or in large parcels 15 Gas and Coal Oil Fixtures, or parts thereof 30 Gas Coke» when used in Canadian manufactures only Free Gas Light Shades 30 Gas Pif)es of cast iron 25 Gas, for dentists and others 20 Gasaliers 30 Gelatine, and all similar preparations 20 Gentian Root Free German and Nickel Silver, manufactures of, not plated 25 German and Nickel Silver, plated 30 German Silver, in sheets Free Giant Powder 5 cts. per lb. and 20 Gilt Ware, of all kinds 30 Gin (Spirits) $i.32>^ per I.G. Gin (Old Tom) $1.32^ per I.G. Ginger Ale 20 Ginger and Spices, of all kinds, except Mace and Nutmegs, unground lO Ginger and Spices, of all kinds, ground 25 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 29 P. C. }ingham, cotton .- 2 cts. per sq. yd. and 15 jinseng Root Free iirondoles and Gasaliers 30 ilass, Ornamental, Figured, Enamelled Sand and stained... 30 jlass. Carboys and Demijohns, Bottles and Decanters, Flasks and Phials of every clescription, Telegraph and Lightning I Rod Insulators, Jars and Glass Balls, and pressed or moulded Table Ware 30 jlass. Lamp and Gas-light Shades, Lamps and Lamp Chim- neys, Globes for Lanterns, Lamps and Gas Lights 30 ilass, stained, tinted or painted 30 ilass, window, stained 30 jlass, common and colorless window glass 30 Imitation porcelain shades and colored glass, not fig> ured, painted, enameled or engraved 20 Glass, figured, enameled and obscured white 30 Glass Stoppers 20 Glass, all other, and manufactures of, not. elsewhere speci- fied 20 Glass and Emery Paper 25 Glass, Plate, silvered 30 Glass, Plate, not silvered 20 Glazier's knives (cutlery) not plated 20 Glengarry or Scotch Caps 25 Globes, geographical, when imported by and for use in col- leges and schools Free Globes, stationery 20 Gloves, cotton and lisle and thread 25 Gloves, silk 25 Gloves and Mits, of cotton, leather, silk, woolen, or any other material 25 Glue 20 Glucose Syrup %, cent per lb. and 35 Glucose and Grape Sugar, to be classed and rated for duty as sugar, according to grade, by Dutch Standard. Glycerine , 20 Goat Hair, unmanufactured Free Gold Beaters' moulds and skins Free Gold Laces, Knots, Stars, &c 20 Gold and Silver Ware, plated, and Electro-plated Ware 30 Gold and Silver Cloth 20 Gold and Silver Jewelry 20 Gold and Silver leaf. 25 Gold and Silver, manufactuies of, not elsewhere specified... 20 Grain, of all kinds, when damaged b, water in transitu (on appraised value) 20 Granite, all manufactures of, not elsewhere spjecified 20 30 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. Grapes, green fruit . . ; , 2 cents per lb. Grape Vines, of all kinds 20 Grass, Manilla and Sea Grass Free Grass, manufactures of 20 Gravels Free I Grease and Grease Scrap, for manufacture of soap Free Grease, Axle 20 Grease, Foot, the refuse of the cotton seed after the oil is pressed out Free Grease, other 20 Grindstones $2.00 per ton Ground or pulverized saw dust 25 Guano, and other animal and vegetable manure, not phos- phate Free Gums, Amber, Arabic, Australian, British, Dextiine, Copal, Damar, Mastic, Sandarac, Shellac and Tragacanth Free Gums, Assafvutida, Camphor, Opium and others, not else- where specified 20 Gums, chewing sweetened i cent per lb. and 35 Gums, chewing, not sweetened 20 Gum, shellac, bleached and drawn 20 Gunpowder, gun, rifle and sporting, in kegs, Yz kegs, and ^ kegs, and similar packages 5 cents per lb. Gunpowder, cannon and musket, in kegs and bbls 4 cents per lb. Gunpowder, canister, i lb. and ^ lb. tins... 15 cents per lb. Gunpowder, blasting and mining 3 cents per lb. Gun, rifle and pistol cartridges and cartridge cases 30 Gut and Worm Gut, manufactured or unmanufactured, for whip and other cord Free Gutta Percha, manufactures of, not elsewhere provided for 25 Gutta Percha clothing or clothing made waterproof with Gutta Percha 35 Gutta Percha clothing, when partly composed of wool 35 Gutta Percha, crude Free Gypsum, crude (Sulphate of Lime) Free Gypsum, ground and calcined 2d Gypsum or Plaster of Paris, ground not calcined 10 cents per 100 lbs. H Hair, Alpaca, Angola, Bison, Buffalo, Camel, Goat, Hog, Horse and Human, not curled or otherwise manu- factured Free Hair, Cow, Calf and Deer, in the natural state Free Hair, curled 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 31 P. C. ir Cloth 30 ir Mattrasses 35 ir Oils, Pomatums and Pastes, and all other perfumed preparations used for the hair, mouth and skin 30 ms, fresh, salted, dried or smoked. ....... .2 cts. per lb. mmocks 4 25 ndkerchiefs, cotton and linen 20 indkerchiefs, Silk -. 30 mgings, paper or wall paper 30 irdware, builders', cabinet-makers', upholsterers', carriage makers', saddlers' and undertaker's 30 rdware, other ^ 20 rness, dressing 25 mess and saddlery 25 .ts, caps and bonnets, not elsewhere specified 25 tters' plush, of silk or cotton Free tters' furs, not on the skin Free y and Straw 20 y Forks, 35 ;ad Lights, glass 30 ;avy Oil or Carbolic Oil 10 jmlock Bark Free jmlock, seed and leaf P'ree imp, undressed Free emp, Indian, (crude drug) Free emp Rags, fit only for manufacture of paper Free emp, Twine 25 emp, other manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 enbane, leaf Free ickory, lumber unmanufactured and saw dust for same .... Free ides, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled Free nges and Locks 30 3es, 35 ollow-ware, tinned, glazed or enamelled, of cast or wrought iron 25 oily 20 ominy \ 20 oney, in the comb or otherwise 3 cts. per lb. Dofs, horns and horn tips Free )op Iron, thicker than 17 gauge i'j}4 )op Iron, 17 gauge or thinner 12^ )op Iron not exceeding f^ of an inch in width, 25 gaage and thinner, for the manufacture of Tubular Rivets. . . . Free ps 6 cents per lb. )rn and Ivory, manufactures of 20 orn Strips, used in making corsets Free orned Cattle, for improvement of stock Free <>' 32 CUSTOMS TARIFF. r. c. Horned Cattle, not elsewhere specified 2o Horse Clothing, shaped (woolen) lo cents per lb. and 2S Horse Clippers, cutlery 20 Horse Shoes 30 Horse Shoe Nails , 30 Horses, not otherwise specified 20 Horses, for improvement of stock Fre Hose, Rubber.... 25 Hosiery, of Cotton, not elsewhere specified 30 Hosiery, of Silk 30 Hoisery, Wool, of all kinds, not elsewhere specified 7^ cents per lb. and 20 Hubs, felloes and parts of wheels, roughly hewn or sawn only 15 Hubs, spokes, felloes and parts of wheels, when finished as parts of Carriages 35 Hydraulic Cement or White Lime, ground, including bbl... 40 cents per bbl. Hymn Books, , 5 Hyoscyamus Leaves Fret Hoyscyamus Seed 20 I Ice Fret Incense 20 Indian Corn 7^ cents per bush. Indian Corn Meal 40 cents per bbl. Indian Hemp, crude drug Fret India Rubber, boots and shoes, and manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 India Rubber Clothing, or clothing made waterproof with India Rubber 35 India Rubber, unmanufactured Fret Indigo Fret Indigo, extract of. ^. 20 Ink, for writing. 25 Ink, for printing 20 Ink Powder '. 20 Inkstands, all kinds. 30 Insect Powder ......".... 20 Iodine, crude Freej Isinglass 20 Instruments, Philosophical, foir the use of colleges. ........ Free Instruments, Musical, for bands, for the use of Army and Navy and Canadian Militia Free II i CUSTOMS TARIFF. 33 l». C. sulatofs, telegraph and lightning rods 30 ecacuanha Root Free is Root Free on Sand, for polishing granite Free on. Agricultural Implements, not elsewhere specified 35 Anvils 30 Band and Hoop Iron, No. 17 guage or thinner I2^^ Band and Hoop Iron, thicker than 17 guage 17^ Bars, rolled or hammered, including flats, rounds and squares 17^ Bars, other, in slabs, blooms, loops, etc 10 Beams, sheets or plates, and knees for iron or com- posite ships Free Boilerplate I2>^ Bolts, washers and rivets 30 Canada plates 12^ Car Wheels and Axles, of iron or steel 25 Castings and Forgings, of every description, not else- where specified 25 Cast Iron, Gas, Water and Soil Pipes 25 Chain Cables, over 9/16 of an inch in diameter, wheth- er shackled or swivelled or not 5 Chain and Cables, all other 20 Cultivators and Ploughs 35 Engines, Locomotive 25 Engines, Fire 25 Engines, other, and boilers 25 Fire Extinguisher, (chemical) 25 Hardware, viz: builders', cabinet makers', upholsterers, carriage makers', saddlers' and undertakers' 30 Hardware, not elsewhere specified 20 Hollow- ware, tinned, glazed or enamelled 25 Horse Shoe and Horse Shoe Nails 30 Iron Bridges and structural iron work 25 Iron Masts, for ships or parts of Free Locks, of all kinds 30 Machines, Sewing $2.CX) each and 20 Mowing and Reaping Machines 35 Threshing Machines 35 Middlings Purifier (as machinery) 25 Other machinery, composed wholly or in part of iron, not elsewhere specified 25 Malleable Iron Castings 25 Mill Iron and Mill Cranks, and Wrought Forgings for Mills and Locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing 25 lbs. or more 20 Nail and Spike Rods 17^ C 34 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C.! Nails, Hungarian and Clout... 30 Nails, Iron Wire, Pointe de Paris 30 Nails, Spike and Sheathing Nails, composition 20 Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, including Railroad Spikes ^ cent per lb. and 10 Nails and Spikes, cut ^ cent per lb. and 10 Nuts of iron or steel I cent per lb. and 10 Nuts and Bolts, together 30 Old and Scrap Iron Fre Ornamental Iron Work 25 Pig Iron, Charcoal $2.00 per ton. Pig Iron, all other $2.00 per ton. Pumps, Iron 35 Railway liars or Iron Rails for Railways or Tramways 15 Railway P'ish Plates, Frogs, Frog Points, Chairs and Finger Bars. lyy.i Rolled beams, channel and angle and T iron, steel or iron and steel 12 j Rolled, round wire rods in coils, under }^ inch diam. 10 Safes, and doors for safes and vaults 25 Screws, iron and steel, commonly called "wood screws" 35 Scales, balances and weighing beams 30 Sheet Iron, smooth or pr«Iished, coated or galvanized and common or black, No. 17 guage or thinner. . . 12 y^' Sheet Iron, common, thicker than No. 17 guage l?/^: ' Skates, iron or steel 30 Stoves 25 Tacks, brads and sprigs 30 Tin Plates Fret Tubing, lap-welded boiler iron tubing, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, i}4 inch in diameter and over 15 Wrought Iron Tubing, plain, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, over 2 in. in diameter 15 Wrought Iron Tubing, plain, 2 in. in diameter or under coupled and threaded or not 25 Wrought Iron Tubing, other than above 20 Wire, iron and steel, galvanized or tinned, 15 guage or smaller Freef Wire, Iron and Steel, over 15 guage 15 Wire rope, strand or cham made of iron wire 25 Wire Work, other 25 Iron. — All articles rated as iron or manufactures of iron shall be chargeable with the same duty, if imported, as steel or steel and iron combined, unless otherwise pro- vided for. Istle or Tampico "fibre" Free CUSTOMS TARIFF. 35 F. C. 'ory black and Lamp black lo ory Nuts, unmanufactured Free ory, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 ory Vaccine Points Free ory, unmanufactured Free ory Veneers, sawn only, not planed or polished Free ory Knives and Folders 20 lap Root Free ms 5 cents per lb. panned and Tin Ware, not elsewhere specified 25 :ans, Kentucky 2 cents per sq. yd. and 1 5 L'ilies 5 cents per lb. ;t, manufactures of 20 ;welry, of gold and silver or other metal or imitations of. . 20 ewel Cases, and other like articles, of any material 30 ink, old Free ute, Carpeting or Matting and Mats 25 ute Butts Free ute, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 ute, unmanufactured Free uvenile Water Colors 20 w^ainite, or German Potash Salts, for fertilizers Free Celp Free Kentucky Jeans 2 cents per sq. yd. and 15 kerosene and Coal Oil, distilled, purified or refined, not elsewhere specified 7 1/5 cents per I.G. erosene and Coal Oil, fixtures or parts thereof. 30 nife Powder 20 nife Blades or Knife Blanks, in the rough, unhandled, for use by Electro-Platers 10 Lnives, for butchers and farriers (cutlery) 20 nives, for Horticultural purposes (cutlery) 20 nives, for mowers and reapers and cutter-bars 35 knitted Cloth, cotton hosiery 30 Cnitting Machines 25 "nitting Needles 20 nitting Yarn, cotton, not bleached, dyed or colored, under No. 40 2 cents per lb. and 15 36 CUS'IOMS TARIFF. I P. c. Knitting Yarn, cotton, dyed or colored... 3 cents per lb. and 15 | Knitting Yarn, woolen, under No. 30... 7|^ cents per lb. and 20 Kyrolite (mineral) Fret Labels of every description, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate '. 30 Lac Dye, crude, seed, button, stick and shell Fre Laces, cotton, boot, shoe and stay 30 Laces, embroidered with gold and silver 20 Laces, silk See laces, cotton, etc. 30 Laces, braids, fringes and other trimmings 20 Lace Collars, clothing , 30 Lackers, Varnish, not elsewhere specified | 20 cents per I.G. and 20 i Lakes, scarlet and maroon, in pulp Free] Lamp black and Ivory black 10 1 Lamb and Sheep Skins, tanned or dressed, but not waxed | or glazed 15 1 Lamb and Sheep Skins, dressed, waxed or glazed 20 | Lamp Reflectors 30 | Lamps (glass) t 30 Lamp Shades (glass) 30 Lampwicks 30 Lap-welded Boiler Iron Tubing, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, ij4 inch in diameter and over 15 Lard, tried or rendered 2 cents per lb. Lard, untried i}4 cents per lb. Lard Oil 20 Lava, unmanufactured Free Lava, manufactures of 20 Lead, bars, blocks and sheets 60 cents per 100 lbs. Lead, old, scrap and pig 40 cents per 100 lbs. Lead, white and red, dry and orange mineral, also dry white zinc 5 Lead, white, in pulp, not mixed with oil 5 Lead pipe and shot 30 Lead pencils, in wood or otherwise 25 Lead, Nitrate and Acetate of 5 Lead, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 30 Leather, all upper and French Kid, tanned but not waxed. 15 Leather, all upper and French Kid, dressed and waxed 20 Leather Belting and Gloves and Mitts 25 Leather Boots and Shoes 25 CUSTOMS I'ARIFF, ' ; 37 '" I'.C. cather Board 3 cents per lb. eather Boot and Shoe Counters, made from leather board . Yz cent per pair, eather, Cordova, tanned, from horse hide, and manufac- tures of 25 eather, Morocco skins, tanned but rough or undressed. ... 10 eather, other, and skins tanned, not elsewhere specified. . . 20 eather. Patent, Japanned or enamelled .... 20 eather. Sole, tanned but rough or undressed 10 eather. Sole and Belting Leather, tanned but not waxed... 15 eather. Sole and Belting Leather, dressed and waxed 20 eather, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 eeches 1^ ree ,eicester and Lincolnshire or Lustre Wools, such as are I grown in Canada 3 cents per lb. ,emons, citrons and oranges, in brine for candying Free tcmons and oranges 20 .entils 20 lignumvitae wood, not manufactured Free ,ime and Lemon juice 20 ,ime Juice, containing spirits $1.90 per LG. ,ime Juice, sweetened, as confectionery...! cent per lb. and 35 ,ime, Acetate of 20 ,inie 20 ,ime, Chloride of Free rinen collars and cuffs (clothing) 30 linen Clothing, or articles worn by men, women and chil- dren 30 ,inen, Duck 20 linen Canvas, when to be used for boats and ships' sails... 5 .inen, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 .inen Thread .... 20 .ines and Twines, for the fisheries Free iinings, rolled, (cotton) 20 inoleum, as Oil Cloth 30 .inseed Oil, raw or boiled 2*5 liquorice, root and paste, extract of, for manufacturing purposes 15 liquorice Root and Rhubarb Root, natural stale Free liquorice, stick extract or confection i cent per lb. and 20 litharge Free lithographic Stones, not engraved 20 litmus and all Lichens, prepared and not prepared Free lObsters, fresh or preserved, from the U. S. Fisheries F'ree .obsters, fresh or preserved, other than from the U. S. Fisheries 20 .lOcks, of all kinds 30 ,.-;■'■:■.;■;: I 38 CUSTOMS TARIFF. - ■ ■ /• P. c. Locomotives and Railway Passenger, Baggage and Freight 'f 5? fi,.^ Cars, being the property of railway Companies in the United States running upon any Line of Road crossing | the Frontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and * Cars are admitted free under similar circumstances into the United States, under regulations to be prescribed ^ by the Minister of Customs Fre ] Locomotive Engines 25 ; Locomotive Tires of steel or "Bessemer" in the rough 10 Locomotive wrought forgings, or parts thereof, weighing 25 lbs. or more 20 Logwood, extract of. Fre Logs, and round unmanufactured timber, not elsewhere pro- vided for Fre ; Lubricating Oils, composed wholly or in part of Petroleum, and costing thirty cents per Imp. gall or over 25 Lubricating Oils, costing less than 30.cts. per LG 7 1*5 cts. per LG. Lubricating Oils, all other 25 Lumber and Timber, Planks and Boards, sawn, of Boxwood, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnut, Gumwood, Mahogany, Pitch Pine, Rosewood, Sandal-wood, Spanish Cedar, Oak, Hickory and Whitewood, not shaped, planed or other- wise manufactured, and sawdust of the same Fre< Lumber, Hickory, sawn to shape for spokes of wheels, but not further manufactured Fre Lumber and Timber, Spanish Cedar, cut by knife Frei Lumber and Timber, not elsewhere specified 20 Mace , 25 Maccaroni and Vermicelli 20 Machine Card Clothing 25 Machine, Dating 25 Machine, Knitting 25 Machine, Numbering 25 Machine, Sewing, whole or on heads or parts of heads $2 each and 20 Machine, Sewing, parts of; stands and table tops imported separately, stands to be treated as castings and wood work as manufactures of wood 25 Machine Screws, except Wood Screws 30 Machine Screws, intended for holding in wood, without nuts or other iron fixtures, to be classed as wood screws 35 The same imported with nuts, or properly screw bolts.. 30 CUSTOMS TARIFF. * 39 P.C. achines, Ruling, Cutting, Perforating and Paging, Machines, iv as Bookbinders' Implements lO achinery, not elsewhere mentioned 25 adder, or Indian Madder, ground and prepared, and all extracts of Free ackerel, fresh, from U. S. Fish .ies Free ackerel, fresh, other, not elsewhere specified.... ic. per lb. ackerel, pickeled, from U. S. Fisheries Free ackerel, pickeled, other, not elsewhere specified * ^ ^' ' IC. per lb. agio Lanterns '.'. .'. 25 lagnesia 20 lahogany, lumber, sawn, not shaped, planed or otherwise manufactured and sawdust of same Free lajolica Ware, Stone Pottery 30 lalleable Iron Castings 25 alt, upon entry for Warehouse, subject to Excise Regula- tions 15 cents per bush. lalt, extract of, for medicinal purposes 25 lanilla Grass Free lantels. Slate and Marble 30 lantles, clothing, wool 10 cents per lb. and 25 lantles, clothing, other, not elsewhere specified 30 lanures. Guano, and other animal and vegetable manures. . Free lanuscripts Free aps 20 larble Dust 20 larble Blocks, from the quarry, in the rough, or sawn on ,. two sides only, and not specially shapen, containing ' i less than 1 5 cubic feet 10 Marble Blocks and Slabs, sawn on more than two sides 20 Marble, in blocks from the quarry in the rough, or sawn on two sides only, and not specially shapen, containing 15 cubic feet or over Free Marble Slabs, sawn on not more than two sides 10 Marble, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 30 Marbles (playing marbles) 20 Mastic Gum Free Masts, Iron for ships, or parts of Free Matches, of wax 20 Matches, of wood 25 Material for Bridges, being for original construction of Canadian Pacific Railway Free " Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, not elsewhere specified 20 Mattresses, hair, spring and other 35 Matting, Cocoa and Jute 25 40 CUSTOMS TARIFF. •" • ■ . ^'^^ ■■ P. cj Matting and Mats, not elsewhere specified 20 Meal, w' n damaged by water in transiiti (on appraised valu 20 Meal, Buckwheat % cent per lb. Meal Cake, Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake and Palm Nut Cakes Frc Meal, Indian Cornmeal 40 cents per brl. Meats, Bacon and Hams, Shoulders and Sides.. 2 cents per lb. Meats, Beef, fresh or salted i cent per lb. Meats, Beef, Corned Beef 2 cents per lb. Meats, Beef, imported in the carcase to be cured or pre- served in bond for exportation I cent per lb. Meats, extract of 20 Meats, Mutton, fresh or salted i cent per lb Meats, Pork i cent per lb. Meats, Pork, imported, to be cured in bond . . i cent per lb. Meats, Poultry, and Game of all kinds 20 Meats, prepared meats, sealed or unsealed, in cans or other- wise, not elsewhere specified 2 cents per lb. Meats, other, not elsewhere specified .... 2 cents per lb. Medals of gold, silver or copper i* ree| Medicines, Proprietary, viz : all tinctures, pills, powders, troches or lozenges, syrups, cordials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, oil or medicinal preparations or compositions recommended to the public under any general name or titles, as specifics for any diseases or • affections whatsoever, affecting the human or animal I bodies, not elsewhere provided for, in liquid form 50 Medicines, Patent, all other, not elsewhere specified 25 All medicinal preparations, whether chemical or other- 1 wise, usually imported with the name of the manufac- turer, shall have the true name of such manufacturer and. the place where they are prepared, permanently and legibly affixed to each parcel by stamp, label or otherwise, and all medicinal preparations imported without such names so affixed shall be forfeited. Meerschaum, crude or raw Free Meerschaum, manufactures of 20 Melado y% cents per lb. and 30 Melons 20 Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harness of, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Mercury or quicksilver Free Metal Composition, not elsewhere specified 20 Metal, yellow Metal in bars, bolts, and for sheathing Free Mexican Fibre Free CUSTOMS TARIFF. 41 P. C. ica 20 icroscopes 25 ilitary Stores and Munitions of War Free ilk Food manufactured by Henri Nestle, Dr. Gibaut, and others, and all similar preparations 30 ill board, not straw board 10 ill Iron and Mill Cranks, and wrought forgings for Mills and Locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing 25 lbs. or more 20 illinery, to be rated according to material of chief value... ineral Waters, natural, under regulations to be made by 4 the Minister of Customs Free ineral and Bituminous substances, not elsewhere specified 20 iueralogy, specimens of Free itts and Gloves, of kid and leather 25 itts and Gloves, all other 25 odels and Patterns of Inventions and other Improvements in the Arts, but no articles shall be deemed as models or Improvements which can be fitted for use Free ohair, manufacture, not elsewhere specified 20 classes, if used for refining or clarifying purposes, or for the manufacture of sugar, when imported from the country of growth production 25 Including Export duty and other Government taxes, classes for same purpose as above, and not imported direct from country of growth and production 30 Export duty and other Government tax included, classes, when not so used and imported direct from the country of growth and production, including Export duty and other Government Tax 15 classes when not so used, and not imported direct from country of growth and production, including Export duty and other Government tax 20 cleskin, pantaloon stuff .2 cents per yd. and 15 orphine 20 orccco Skins, tanned, but rough or undrc ^sed 10 OSS, Iceland, and other Mosses, crude Free OSS, Seaweed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds and mattresses, in their natural state, or only cleaned Free OSS, other 20 cukls. Button 25 owing and Reaping Machines 35 owers and Reapers' Knives and Cutter Bars, as parts of Agricultural Implements 35 ucilage, as stationery .20 uffs. Fur 25 42 CUSTOMS TARIFF. | Munjeet, or Indian Matlder, ground or prepared, and all | extracts of Fre ^ Muriatic Acid 20 | Muriate of Potash, crude Frfc| Muslin, printed [see other cottons] 20 | Music, printed sheet music 10 cents p* r lb. | Musical Instruments for bands of the Army and Navy. ..... Fre' Musical Instruments, not elsewhere specified 25 Muskets, Rifles, Guns and Pistols, not elsewhere specified... 20 Musk, in pods or in grains Fre; Mustard Cake 20 J Mustard Seed, unground 15 Mustard, prepared, including French Mustard 25 M Nails and Spike Rods, [iron] 17 j Nails, Hungarian and Clout 30 Nai4s, Iron Wire, Pointe de Paris 30 Nails, Spikes and Sheathing, Nail Composition 20 Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, including R. R. Spikes ^ ct. per lb. and 10 Nails and Spikes, cut 1/2 ct. per lb. and 10 Napkin Rings, [if plated] 30 Naptha, not elsewhere specified 7 1/5 cts. per I.G. Neatsfoot Oil, and all animal oils, not elsewhere specified... 20 Needles, Knitting and all other . 20 Nettings, Cotton and Woolen Nettings, for boots, shoes and gloves 10 Nets and Seines, for use of fisheries Fre Newspapers and quarterly, monthly and semi-monthly Maga- zines, and weekly literary papers, unbound Fre Newspapers and quarterly, monthly and semi-monthly maga- zines, if bound 15 New Year Chromos or embossed cards 2^ Nickel .^ Frd Nickel Anodes 10 Nickel Silver, in sheets. 10 Nickel and German Silver, manufactures of, not plated. ... 25 Nickel and German Silver, manufactures of, if plated 30 Nitrate of Saltpetre 20 Nitrate of Soda Fre Nitrate of Lead 5 Nitric Acid 20 Nitro-Glycerine 10 cents per lb. and 20 Notarial Seals 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 43 - P. C. umbering Machines^ not to be classed with printing presses, to pay 25 ^us and Bolts, together [iron] 30 iits, iron and steel i ct. per lb. and 10 Its, all kinds [dried fruits] 20 uts, Cocoa, imported from the place of growth direct to a Canadian port 50 cents per 100 ^ uts, Cocoa, not imported direct $1.00 per 100 ut, Cocoa and Palm Oil, in their natural state Free utmegs and Mace 25 ulgalls Free ak and Tanners' Bark Free ak, lumber and timber, not further manufactured than sawn or split Free akum Free ats 10 cents per bush. ats, damaged by water in transitu [on appraised value].... 20 atmeal 1/2 ct. per lb. atmeal, damaged by water in transitu [on appraised value] 20 ' chres, dry, ground or unground, washed or unwashed, not calcined lO chres, calcined 20 il, Aniline, crude Free il. Coal and Kerosene, distilled, purified or refined, Nap- tha, Benzole and Petroleum 7 1/5 cts. per I.G. il, Carbolic 10 >il. Castor 20 >il, Cod Liver, medicated 20 ils, cocoanut and Palm, in their natural state Free il, Cod Free >ils, Fish, and products offish, from Newfoundland Free >ils, Fish, the product of the U. S. fisheries Free >il, Flax Seed or Linseed 25 ►il, Hair, perfumed or not 30 >il. Lard Oil 20 )ils, Lubricating, composed wholly or in part of petroleum, and costing thirty cents per Imp. gal. or over 25 )ils, Lubricating, costing less than thirty cts. per Imp. gal. 71/5 cts. per Imp. gal )ils, Lubricating, all others 25 )ils, Neatsfoot and all animal 20 )il, Olive 20 )il, Seal, the product of U. S. Fisheries or Newfoundland Free 44 .CUSTOMS TARIFF. •' ' • • 'P. c.,. Oil, Salad 20 i Oil, Sesame seed 20 ! Oil, Sperm 20 ' Oils, Vegetable Oils, not elsewhere specified 20 Oils, Volatile or Essential 20 Oils, Whale, or fish from Newfoundland Frej Oil, all other, not elsewhere specified 20 Oil, Whale, in casks from on shipboard, and in the condition in which it was first landed Frcl Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, Palm Nut Cake and Meai..... Fre Oil Cloths in the piece, cut or shaped, oiled, enamelled, stamped, painted or printed, flocked or coaled, includ- ing Linoleum ^o Oil Cloths, for table covers, carriages, etc 30 Old and Scrap Copper 10 Old and Scrap Iron and Steel Frel Old and Scrap Lead 40 cents per 100 lbs Opium [drug] 20 Opium, prepared for smoking $5 per lb. Optical Instruments 25 Oranges, rinds of, in brine for candying Fret Oranges, green fruits 20 Ores of Metal, of all kinds Free Organs, Cabinet Reed Organs, having not more than two sets of reeds each $10 and 15 Organs, etc., having over two and not over four sets of reeds . each $15 and 15 Organs, etc., having over four and not over six sets of reeds each $20 and 15 Organs, etc., having over six sets of reeds each $30 and 15 Organs, sets or parts of sets of reeds for Cabinet Organs. ... 25 Organs, Pipe Organs 25 Ornamental, figured and enamelled Plate Glass 30 Ornamental Iron Work 25 Ornaments for Ladies' Head Dresses, Hats, Bonnets, Belts, Dress Clasps, etc., to be rated according to the material component parts ot chief value. Orris Root Freei Ostrich Feathers, undressed 15 Ostrich Feathers, dressed 25 Osiers, unmanufactured Free Osiers and Willow Furniture 35 Osiers and Willow Works, not elsewhere specified. ...... . 25 Ottar of Roses Pree Oxalic Acid Free Oysters, fresh in shell [.,.,[], Free Oysters, in cans, fresh, the product of the U. S. Fsheries.... Free CUSTOMS JARIFF. 45 P. C. sters, in cans, fresh, other . , 20 asters, preserved, other than the United States 20 sters, shelled, in bulk, product of U. S Free ckages — " See 1st item of Resolutions." ils, Tubs and Churns, wood 25 ints and Colors, dry, viz., blue black, Chinese blue, Prus- sian blue and raw umber Free lints and Colors, colors in pulp, viz., carmine, cologne, and rose lakes, scarlet and maroon, satin and fine washed white and ultramarine blue, and metallic colors, viz : Cobalt, Zinc and Tin Free ints and Colors, viz., fire-proof paint, dry. . ^ ct. per lb. aints and Colors, ground in oil or any other liquid 25 aints and Colors, Ochres, dry, ground orunground,, wash- ed or unwashed, not calcined lo aints and Colors, Paris Green, dry lO aints and Colors, White and Red Lead and Orange Min- eral ;•••:• 5 aints and Colors, White Lead in Pulp, not mixed with oil. 5 aints and Colors, Zinc, dry white 5 aints and Colors, dry, other, not elsewhere specified 20 aintings, Engravings, Drawings and Prints 20 aintings in Oil or Water Colors, by artists of well-known merit, or copies of Old Masters by such artists Free aim Leaf, unmanufactured Free aim Leaf, when manufactured N. E. S 20 aim Nut, Cake and Meal Free aim Oil [natural state] Free amphlets, N.E.S 15 amphlets. Advertising $1.00 per 100 amphlets. Fashion $i.cx) per lOO aper Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts of paper, linen or cotton 30 aper Bags, not printed 25 aper Bags, if printed ; 30 aper, Cards, for playing 6 cts. per Pack aper Hangings, or Wall Paper, and glazed, plated, marbled, enamelled or embossed paper, in rolls or sheets, and card board s'milarly finished 30 aper Mache, manufactures of 25 'aper, Carpet Lining 20 aper. Mill board, not Straw board •. 10 aper, of all kinds not elsewhere specified 20 46 CUSTOMS TARIFF. I'. ( Paper, Printing 20 a Paper, ruled 251 Paper, Union Collar Cloth, not shapen 5 ' Paper, waste or clippings Frt Paper, manufactures of, including cornices, edgings, etc., for cigar boxes, perforated or embossed paper, confec- tionery paper, book marks tags, card and cardboard, photographic mats, etc 25 Paper, Sand Paper 25 Paper, calendered, including writing and note paper not ruled 22) In its meaning held practically to apply to all writing papers, smooth surface papers, whether colored or white, drawing paper and enamelled paper, but does not apply to ordinary printing paper, known to the trade as "news" paper, or to wrapping, tissue, filtering paper, which latter are 20 Paper binders or fasteners, as stationery 20 Paper Weights nnd Clips, as stationery 20 Paraffine Wax, or Stearine 3 cts. per lb. Paraffine Wax Candles 5 cts. per lb. Parasols and Umbrellas, all kinds 25 Parts of Pianos 25 Paste, Cocoa, containing Sugar i cent per lb. and 25 Paste, Cocoa, not sweetened 20 Paste, perfumed 30 Patent Medicines, in liquid form (see medicines) 50 Patent Medicines, other than liquid 25 Patent Leather 20 Peaches, green fruit 40 cts. per bush. Pears, green fruit 20 Pear, essence of $1.90 per I.G. and 20 Pear Trees 4 cts. each Peas 10 cts. per bush. Peas, when damaged by water in transitu (on appraised value) 20 Pearl, Mother of, not manufactured Free Pearl, manufactures of 20 Pencils, Lead, in wood or otherwise 25 Pencils, Slate 20 Pencil Cases 20 Pens ']'[ 20 Penholders 20 Penknives 20 Pelts ', '* Free Pepper, unground 10 Pepper, ground 25 Percussion Caps, for guns, rifles 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 47 r. C. rcussion Caps, for blasting 3^ riodicals, Illustrated Advertising (see posters) 6 els. per lb. and 20 riodicals, N.E.S... '...'.' 15 rfumery, including toilet preparations 30 rfumed Spirits in bottles or flasks, not weighing more than four ounces • • • 4^ rfumed Spirits in bottles, flasks or other packages, weigh- ing more than four ounces $1.90 per I.G. and 30 irfumed and Fancy Soaps 30 :rsis, or extract of Archill and Cudbear Free ;troleum, refined 7 i/5 cts. per I.G. ;troleum, products of 7 i/S cts. per I.Ci. !wter, Platina or Me il Composition 20 leasants, for improvement of stock Free leasants, other 20 hials, glass ., 3° hilandri Seed 2o hilosophical Instruments and Apparatus, including globes and pictorial illustrations of insects, when imported by or for the use of colleges and schools, scientific and literary societies Free hilosophical and Mathematical Instruments, other 20 hosphorus Free hosphor Bronze blocks, sheets and wire 10 ianofortes, square, whether round cornered or not, not over 7 octaves $25 each and 15 ianofortes, square, all other $30 each and 15 ianofortes, upright $30 each and 15 ianofortes, concert, semi-concert, or parlor grand piano- tortes $50 each and 15 'ianos, part of .• • • • 25 A piano imported, consisting of case, frame, sounding- board, etc., but without the action, should be treated as a piano liable to the specific duty and the ad val- orem duty on its value in that state 'ickles and Sauces 20 'ictorial Show Cards 6 cts. per lb. and 20 icture Frames 35 ictures, Advertising, not framed 3^ Matures, Advertising, if framed 35 ictures, N.E.S 20 'ig, Copper ^o >ig Iron $2.00 per ton of 2,000 lbs. MgTin..". Free \ Zinc Free Allows and Bolsters 35 48 CUSTOMS TARIFF. I'. C Pimento, ground 2c Pimento, unground !...*..".'. lo Pins, hooks and eyes 20 Pine Apple ....!!.!.....!! 20 Pine Apple, essence of $1.90' per V.G.'and 20 PiPe. Clay y^^^ Pipes, dram pipes and sower pipes glazed 25 Pipes, soil and water pipes, of iron castings 25 Pipes, Tobacco pipes • . . , 20 Pipe Cases containing pijxjs, Cigar and Cigarette cases] and other like articles of any material ^o Pipe Organs ,. Pistols ■".; ^ Pitch (pine) ■■" p Pitch, Coal ...■.■".■.;.■ io Plants and Shrubs, lawn and ornamental trees, not elsewhere specified....... 20 Plants, viz : * , . " Apple Trees, of all kinds 2 cts. each Cherry Trees, of all kinds 4 cts. each Peach Trees 20 Pear Trees, of all kinds .4 cis. each Plum Trees, of all kinds 5 cts. each Quince Trees 2 X cts. each Plaster of Paris or Gypsum, ground not calcined /. . . r>i . r Ti • , . , '° ^^^- P^'' '00 ^t)s. 1 laster of Pans, calcmed or manufactured r»i •. o rr, '5 cts. per 100 lbs. Plaits, Straw, Tuscan and Grass Preo Plated Ware and Gilt Ware, of all kinds, including "cutlery plated wholly or in part.-. ^o Plates, Canada . ,_,/ Plate, Boiler 1^^ Plates, Tin V.V.' :.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.:'.::'.'." " Frel Plate Glass, not silvered ' 20 Plate Glass, if silvered , .* ' \[ ' ^q Platina, not elsewhere specified .... . . , . * 20 Platinum Wire Free Plates, engraved on wood, steel, or other metal... . 20 Playing Cards 6 cts. per" pack Plums, green fruit 30 cts. per bush. Plums, dried fruits -^ Plumbago, manufactures of , , " 20 Plush, Silk Netting, used for manufacture of gloves . . ic Plush, of Silk or Cotton, for Hatters' use * .'.' Free CUSTOMS TARIFF. 49 r. c. u,h Silks, other 30 )cketbooks and Purses lo lishing Powders 20 jmades, French or flower odors, preserved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserving the odors of flowers which do not near the heat of distillation, when imported in tins of not less than 10 llx^. each 15 omades, all others 30 omatum, or paste for the hair, mouth or skin 30 rcelain Slate 25 rcelain Ware, other 2$ ork I cent per lb. orter, in bottles 18 cts. per I.G. orter, in wood 10 cts. per I.G. ortland or Roman Cement 20 esters or Advertising Pamphlets or pictorial show cards or ])ills 6 cts. per lb. and 20 clash, bichromate of, crude Free otash, muriate of, crude Free otatoes, sweet 20 ^*()tatoes, other 10 cts. per bush. 'oultry and Game of all kinds 20 owder, rifle and sporting powder 5 cts. per lb. Blasting and Mining powders 3 cts. per lb. Cannon and Musket 4 cts. per lb. Canister Powder 15 cts. per lb. Giant, Dualin, Dynamite 5 cts. per lb. and 20 Nitro-GlyCerine io cts. per lb. and 20 ^'owders, perfumed ^ 3° 'owders. Baking. 20 'rayer Books (see books) S Proprietary Medicines, in liquid form (see medicines) 50 'recipitate of Copper, crude Free 'rints, drawings, etc '. 20 Printing Presses, not to include type writers, electric pens, numbering machines or dating stamps 10 Prunes and Plums, dried fruit 20 Prunella, twill cotton 2 cts per sq. yd. and 15 Prunella, cotton and woolen netting for boots and shoes. ... 10 Prussian Blue, dry cblor Free Pumice and Pumice Stone, not ground or powdered Frt« Pumice Stone, ground or powdered 20 Pumps iron, pitcher, spout, cistern, well and force pumps 35 Putty 25 Putty, dry, for polishing granite Free ^^ CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. c. Quails, for improvement of stock Fre< Quails, other 20 Quercitron, or extract of oak bark. ,..,...... Fr« Quills :..::;:;:;;;;:" 20 Quicksilver "* Yr& Q"!"^^«- • 30 cts/per bush. Quince Trees 2>^ cts. each Quinine, sulphate of (in powder) Free Quilts of Cotton, or Bed Comforters .!!.....'..*. 27 'yi Rags, of cotton, linen, jute, hemp, paper, waste or clippings and waste of any kind fit for manufacturing paper Free Rags, woolen _ f _ yiet Rails, Iron or Railway bars, for railway or tramway. '. 15 Railway Iron, fish plates, frogs, frog points, chairs and hnger bars jy y Railway Bars and Fish Plates, steel ..'.*..*.'..'.'" Free Railway Cars and Railway Carriages -jq Raisins, dried fruits ^-, Rakes ^° Rakes, Teeth. ..*..*.'.*.'. '.*.*.*. H Rasps and Files *. .'.'/ * * */. ii Raspberries, green fruit .*.*.'.*.' .* .* .' .* .* .' .' .* .* ,2 cts.' pet 'at. Rattans, unmanufactured T. . . . . Free Rattans, manufactured or partly manufactured 2^ Receipts, printed ' ]" -^ Reeds, unmanufactured ' '. * *........... Free Reeds, manufactured or partly manufactured ............ 20 Reeds, for organs * * ^c Rennet, ra w or prepared .*.*.** Free Revolvers, not elsewhere specified ..." ,r. Rhubarb Root '...'.'.. V. .'.'.. *.*..'.'. Free Ribbons, of all kinds and material , . . . .*...** ".'.' " " ,0 Rice, unhulled or paddy, when imported direct from the country of growth or production ,71/ ^i^^'^^^h^"- ict:per'ib. ^^' ^?f ^'2."r- 2 cts. per lb. Ridges Food ^ Rifles, not elsewhere specified........ or^ Rifle Cartridges '.!.'.!.*.'.' .*."." ^o Rinds of lemons, citrons and oranges, in brine for* caiidying Free CUSTOMS TARIFF. 51 P.C. \ivets, Bolts and Washers 30 vosin or Resin Free Roofing Felts 20 Kockingham Ware h... 25 Roofing and other Tiles 20 tolled Beams, channel and angle T iron and steel, or iron and steel 1 2}4 Rolled Round Wire Rod in coils (iron) under )4 inch in diameter 10 ^ ct. per lb. and 30 Including Export duty or other Government tax. * Provided that the ad valoretii dui) shall be levied and collected on wSugar and Melado, when imported direct from the country of growth and production, upon the fair market value thereof at the place of purchase, without any addition for the cost of hogsheads or other packages, or other charges and expenses prior to shipment, anything contained in Sec. 34 ot Act 40 Vic, Cap. 10, to the contrary notwithstanding, the said section nevertheless remaining in force as to regulations to be made under it in cases where the Sugar or Melado is not imported direct from the coun- try of growth or production Sugar Candy, brown or white, and Confectionery I ct. per lb. and 35 Sugar, Glucose or Grape sugar, to be classed and rated for duty as sugar, according to grade by Dutch Standard in color. Sulphate of Quinine, [in powder] Free Sulphuric Acid K ct. per lb. Sulphur, in roll or flour Free Sumac, Extract of 20 Sumac, tanning article in a crude state Free Sunday School Cards or Devotional Cards.— No exception can be maae from the item "primed, lithographed, &c. cards." 30 Superphosphates, or manufactured Manure 20 Surgical Instruments and Dental Instruments, wholly or in part of steel, not plated as cuttlery 20 Sweet Potatoes 20 Swine 20 Swine, for improvement of stock Free Syrups, Cane Juice, Refined Syrup, Sugar-house Syrup, Syrup of Sugar, Syrup of Molasses and Sorghum % ct. per lb and 30 Melado, Concentrated Melado, Concentrated Cane Juice, Concentrated Molasses, Concentrated Beet-root Juice, and Concrete f^ ct. per lb. and 30 Molasses, if used for refining, clarifying or rectifying purposes, or for the manufacture of sugar, when im- ported direct from the country of growth or produc- tion 25 Including Export duty or other Government tax. Molasses, for same purposes, when not imported direct from country of growth or production 30 60 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. C. Including Export duty and other Government tax. Molasses, when not so used, and when imported direct from country of growth or production 15 Including Export duty or other Government tax. Molasses, when not so used, and when not imported direct from country of growth and production 20 Including Export duty or other Government tax. Tables, furniture 35 Table Tops and Stands, for Sewing Machines, imported separately 25 Tacks, Brads and Sprigs 30 Tafia, (see spirits) $ i . 90 per I. G. Tagging Metal, plain, japanned or coated, in coils, not over lyz inches in width, imported for the manufacture of Shoe and Corset Laces Free Tails, undressed Free Tails Dressed, [see furs] 15 Tallow I ct. per lb. Tampico, white and black Free Tanner's Bark Free Tanning and Dyeing articles in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere specified Free Tanning or Dyeing articles, prepared, not elsewhere speci- fied 20 Tapers, Wax 25 Tape Measures, as stationery 20 Tapioca 20 Taraxicum Root Free Tar and Pitch Pine Free Tar and Pitch Coal 10 Tarpaulin, Cotton, plain or coated with oil, paint, tar or other composition 30 Tassels, gold and silver 20 Tassels, silk 30 Tea, Green, Japan and Black, imported from other countries than the United States Free Tea, Green, Japan and Black, imported from United States 10 Teasels Free Telephones 25 Telegraph Instruments 25 Telegraph Apparatus for original construction of Canadian Pacific Railway Free Telescopes 25 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 61 • P. C. Tents and Awnings 25 Terra J aponica .... Free Thimbles of all kinds 20 Thread, Cotton, sewing, on spools 20 Thread, Cotton, sewing in hanks, black and bleached, three and six cords 1 2% Thread, Linen 20 Thread, Gold and Silver Thread 20 Threshing Machines 35 Ticking, for tents 2 cts. per sq. yd. and 15 Tiles, Roofing 20 Tiles, other 20 Timber and Lumber, planks and boards, sawn, not shapen, planed or otherwise manufactured ; African Teak, Black Heart Ebony, Boxwood, Cherry, Chestnut and Hickory, Lignumvitoe, Mahogany, Gumwood, Oak, Pitch Pine, Red Cedar, Rosewood, Satinwood, Sandal- wood, Spanish Cedar, Walnut and Whitewood and saw- dust of the same Free Timber and Lumber, not elsewhere specified 20 Tin, in blocks, pigs, bars and sheets Free Tin Crystals 20 Tin, Metallic Color (dry) Free Tin Cans or packages made of tin or other material, contain- ing fish of any kind, admitted free under existing treaties, not exceeding i quart in contents ij^ cts. And if exceeding i quart, \)/z cts. additional for each qt. or parts of. Tin-foil Free Tin-foil, Capsules 25 Tinman's trimmings, to be classed as manufactures of Tin, viz : — Spouts, handles, knobs and ornamental articles.. 25 Tinware, and all other manufactures of tin, not elsewhere specified 25 Tin Plates ? Free Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes 60 cts. per lb. and 20 Tobacco, Snuff 20 cts. per lb. and 1 2^ Tobacco, manufactured, other 20 cts. per lb. and I2|^ Tobacco, unmanufactured, for excise purposes, under con- ditions of Act. 31, Vic. Cap. 51 Free Tobacco Pipes, all kinds 20 Toilet Powders [as perfumery] 30 Tomatoes '.'. 30 cts. per bush. Tomatoes and other vegetables, including corn, in cans, weighing not over one lb 2 cts. per can. And two cents additional per can for each pound or fraction of a pound over one pound in weight, the weight 62 CUSTOMS TARIFF. P. c. of cans or pkgs. to be included in the weight of the article. Tools, Bookbinders' tools and implements, including Ruling Machines lo Tools, Carpenters', Coopers', Cabinet Makers, and all other mechanics' tools, including edge tools of every descrip- tion 30 Tooth Powders, as perfumery 30 Tortoise and other shells, unmanufactured Free Tragacanth, Gum Free Tram Silk, colored 25 Travellers' Baggage, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Trees, Forest, for planting, imported into Manitoba or North-West Territory Free Trees, Apple 2 cts. each Trees, Pear and Cherry 4 cts. each Trees, Quince 2;^ cts. each Trees, Plum 5 cts. each Trees and Plants, other than above, including fruit, shade, lawn and ornamental 20 Treenails Free Tripoli 20 Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Carpet Bags, Purses and Pocket- books 30 Tubs, wood 25 Tubing, seamless drawn tubing, of copper, brass and zinc... 10 Tubing, lap-welded boiler iron tubing, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured I c Tubing, Iron, wrought iron tubing, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, plain, 2 inches in diameter or over i c Tubing, wrought iron tubing, plain, 2 inches or under in diameter, cmipled and threaded or not 25 Tubing, Iron, other, not elsewhere specified 20 Turmeric Free Turpentine, raw or crude Free Turpentine, Spirits of 10 Turtles Free Tweeds, wool 7 K cts. per lb. and 20 Twines, Sail, when to lie used for boats and ships' sails 5 Twines, for use of fisheries Free Twines, all other 25 Type, for printing 20 Type Metal .'...' iq CUSTOMS TARIFF. 63 U P.C. Ultramarine Blue, color in pulp Free Umbrellas and Parasols of all kinds 25 Union Collar Cloth Paper, in sheets, not sha[>en 5 Undertakers' Hardware, plated 30 Umber, raw, dry color Free Upholsters' Hardware 30 Vaccine and Ivory Vaccine Points Free Valerian Root Free Valentines and Christmas Cards 25 Valises 30 Vanilla and Nux Vomica Beans Free Varnish, black and bright, for ships' use Free Varnish, Lackers, Japan and Cc^odion, not elsewhere speci- fied 20 cts. per I.G. and 20 Vaseline, and all similar preparations of petroleum for toilet, medicinal or other purposes, in bulk .... 4 cts. per lb. In bottles or other packages, not over one lb. in weight each 6 cts. per lb. Vegetables, Potatoes, not elsewhere specified 10 cts. per bush. Vegetables, Oil, not elsewhere specified 2C Vegetables, Onions 20 Vegetables, prepared or preserved, not elsewhere specified 20 Vegetables, Split Peas 20 Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes and all other Vegetables, not elsewhere specified 20 Vegetables, Tomatoes 30 cts. per bush. Vegetables, Tomatoes and other vegetables, including Corn in cans weighing not over i lb 2 cts. per can. v'And 2 cents additional per can for each pound or frac- tion of a pound over one pound in weight, the weight of cans or pkgs. to be included in the weight of the article Vegetable fibres, natural, not produced by any chemical pro- cess Free Velvets, silk 30 Velvets, cotton 20 Velveteens' 20 Veneers of wood and Ivory, sawn or split only, not to in- clude scale board for cheese Free 64 CUSTOMS JARIFF. ■■■^ ■ ' ■ P. c. Verdegris or sub-acetate of copper [dry] Free Vermicelli and Macaroni 20 Vines, Grape Vines of all kinds 20 Vinegar 15 cts. per I.G. Vices 30 Vitriol, blue Free Volatile, or Essential Oil, for manufacturing purposes 20 w , . •>■• Wadding, Cotton, Unbleached, not dyed or colored 2 cts. per lb. and 15 Waggons 35 Wall Paper [see Paper Hangings] 30 Walking Sticks 25 Walnuts 20 Walnut Lumber, plank and board, sawn, not shaped Free Warps, Cotton, not bleached, dyed or colored 2 ots. per lb. and 15 Warps, Cotton, if bleached, dyed or colored. . .3 c. per lb. and 15 Washers, Bolts and Rivets 30 " Waste, coiton, linen, jute, hemp and paper ol all kinds, fit only for the manufacture of paper Free Watches and Watch Cases 25 Watch and Jewel Cases and other like articles, of any material 30 Watches, Chronometer 25 Watch material and movements 20 Waters, Mineral [see Mineral Waters] Water, Rose W^ater, as Perfumery 30 Whale Bone, unmanufactured Free Whale Bone, manufactured 20 Whale Oil, in casks, from on shipboard and in the condition in which it was first landed Free W^hale Oil and Fish Oil from Newfoundland Free Whale Oil, other 20 Wax Candles 25 Wax, Beeswax, and other, not elsewhere specified 20 Wax, Paraffine Wax or Stearine 3 cts. per lb. Wax Tapers .. 25,^ W^ax, manufactures of, other 20 ' Wheat 15 cts. per bush. Wheat, damaged by water in transitu [on appraised value] 20 i Wheat P'lour 50 cts. per bbl. Wheat Flour, damaged by water in transitu (on appraised value) 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 65 ^? P. c. Wheels, parts of, Hubs and Spokes, in the rough 15 Wheels if put up as part of carriage 35 Wheels, Car, iron 25 Wheelbarrows, and other like articles 30 Whips 25 Whip Gut or Cat Gut, unmanufactured Free Whiskey $i.32}4 per I. G. Whiting or Whitening Free White Lead, in pulp, not mixed with oil 5 White Lead and Red Lead, and orange mineral, dry 5 White Granite or Iron Stone Ware 30 White Shellac, for manufacturing purposes Free Whitewood Lumber, plank and sawn, not shaped Free Willow, for basket makers Free Willow and Osier Furniture 35 Willow and Osier Works, lined or unlined, furnished or un- furnished, not elsewhere specified 25 Window Shades, made of paper 30 Vv inceys, plain, of all widths, when material is not over )4 of wool 20 Winceys, checked, striped or fancy, not over twenty-five (25) inches wide 20 Winceys, checked, striped or fancy dress winceys, over twenty-five (25) inches wide and not over thirty {30) inches, when material is not more than ^ wool 2 cts. per sq. yd. and 15 Winceys, checked, striped or fancy winceys, over thirty (30) inches wide, when material is more than }^ wool 7^ cts. per lb. and 20 Wines of all kinds, except sparkling v. ines, including ginger ; orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, elder and currant, containing 26% or less of spirits of strength of proof by - ,. Sykes' Hydrometer, imported in wood or bottles >• (6 qts. or 12 pints to L G.) 25 cts. per L G. and 30 Wines, containing over 26 p. c. and not over 27 p. c 28 cts. per L G, and 30 Wines, containing over 27 p. c. and not over 28 p. c .,,.,, 31 cts. per LG. and 30 Wines, containing over 28 p. c. and not over 29 p. c 34 cts. per L(J. and 30 Wines, containing over 29 p, c. and not over 30 p, c 37 cts. per LG, and 30 Wines, containing over 30 p.c. and not over 31 p.c 40 cts. per LG. and 30 Wines, containing over 31 p.c. and not over 32 p.c 43 cts. per L(j. and 30 E 66 CUSTOMS TARIFF. I', c. Wines, containing over 32 p.c. and not over 33 p. c 46 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 33 p.c. and not over 34 p.c 49 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 34 p.c. and not over 35 p.c 52 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 35 p.c. and not over 36 p.c ■ : f 55 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 36 p.c. and not over 37 p.c 58 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 37 p.c. and not over 38 p.c 61 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 38 p.c. and not over 39 p.c 64 cts. per I.G. and 30 Wines, containing over 39 p.c. and not over 40 p.c 67 cts. per I.G. and 30 Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles , containing each not more than i quart and more than I pint, old wine measure $3.00 per doz. and 30 In bottles, containing not more than a pint and more than one half pint, wine measure. .$1.50 per doz. and 30 In bottles, containing one-half pint each or less 75 cts. per doz. and 30 In bottles, containing more than one quart $3 per doz., $1.50 per I.G. and 30 Note. — All Liquors imported under the name of Wine and containing more than 40 per cent, of spirit of strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, shall be rated • as uuenmumerated spirits Wire Cloth of brass or copper 20 Wire, of Iron or Steel, galvanized or tinned, 15 guage or smaller Free Wire, Iron and Steel, other 15 Wire, for telegraph line, first equipment Canadian Pacific Railway Free Wire, round or flat, of brass or copper Free Wire, of spring steel, coppered, number nine gauge and smaller, for the manufacture of mattrasses Free Wire, Brass, and rods cut to special length 30 Wire Rods, iron, in coils, under half an inch in diameter.... 10 Wire Rigging, for ships and vessels Free Wire Rope, strand or chain made of wire 25 Wire, manufactures of, other, not elsewhere specified 25 Wood, for fuel, when imported into Manitoba and North- West Territory Free Wood, Cord Wood, other 20 Wood manufactures, viz : Fishing Rods 30 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 67 r. c. Wood Furniture, house, cabinet or office, including hair, spring and other mattresses, show cases, bolsters and pillows, caskets and coffins, of any material, and picture frames 35 Wood, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes and parts of Wheels, rough hewn or sawn only 15 Wood, Shingles 20 Wood, Pails, Tubs and Churns 25 Wood, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Wood, Lumber and Timber, not elsewhere specified 20 Wood, Lumber and Timber, planks and boards sawn, of 1 Boxwood, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnut, Gumwood, Ma- hogany, Pitch Pine, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spanish Cedar, Oak, Hickory, Whitewood, African Teak, Black Heart, Ebony, Lignumvitce, Red Cedar and Satinwood and Sawdust of the same Free Wood, Lumber and Timber, not elsewhere specified, to include lumber and timber of the kinds otherwise free, when cut to special lengths — i,e.^ less than the ordinary commercial lengths 20 Wood, Logs and round unmanufactured timber, not else- where mentioned Free Wool, unmanufactured hair of Alpaca Goat and other like animals, not elsewhere specified Free Wool and Woolens, composed wholly or in part of Wool, Worsted, hair of Alpaca Goat or other like animals, viz : Cloths, Doeskins, Blankets and Flannels of e\'ery de- scription, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Coatij.ns, Overcoatings, Cloakings, Felt Cloths of every descup- tion, not elsewhere specified. Horse Collar Cloths, Yarn, Knitting Yarn, Fingering Yarn, Worsted Yarn 7/^ cts. per lb. and 20 Wool and Woolens — Clothing ready-made. Wearing Ap- parel of every description, including knitted goods, viz : Socks and Stockings, Cloth Caps, and Horse Cloth- ing shaped, composed wholly or in part of wool, wors- ted, hair of Alpaca Goat or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or the manufacturer, except knitted goods 10 cts. per lb. and ad valorem 25 Wool and Woolens — All manufactures of, composed wholly or in part (A wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca Goat, or other like animals, not otherwise provided for 20 Wool Manufactures, not otherwise provided for : — Orleans, Alpacas, Lustres, Cobourgs, Baratheas, Balmoral Crapes, Persian Cords, Russell Cords, Twills, Moreens, Paramattas, (not silk warp), Henriettas, Figured Al« 68 CUSTOMS TARIFF. . , P. c. pacas, Debaiges, Muslin Delaines, French Delaines and .-■, French Merinoes, Cashmeres, Cloth Table Covers and Piano Covers, Victoria Table Covers, Bullion Fringe, Fancy Wool Fringe, Mohair Braid, Llama Braid, Rus- sian Braid unless the largest component part be silk, Bunting and all kinds of Bradford Dress Goods 20 Wool, Class one, viz. : Leicester, Cotswold, Lincolnshire, Down Combing Wools, and other like combing wools such as are grown in Canada 3 cts. per lb. Woolen Hosiery, held to comprise men's, women s and / children's Lambs- wool. Cashmere and Merino Shirts > , and Drawers, Wool Scarfs, Mufflers, Cravats, Clouds, Handkerchiefs, Collarettes, Cardigan Jackets, Polkas, Knitted Shawls, Vests, "Cross-overs, Chest Protect- ors, Knitted Mantles, Petticoats, Cufifs, Boots and Bootees, and similar articles, not elsewhere specified . . 7 1/2 cts per lb. and 20 Dress or Costume Cloths, Serges and similar fabrics, , under twenty-five inches wide and weighing not over three and a half ounces per lineal yard, either or both 20 Woolen Rags Free Woolen Shawls, except knitted 25 Woolen Carpets, Brussels and Tapestry 20 Woolen Carpets, two-ply and three-ply, treble ingrain, com- posed wholly of wool ID CIS. per sq. yd. and 20 Woolen Carpets, Ingrain, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca Goat or other like animals 5 cts. per sq. yd. and 20 Woolen Imitation Sealskins 7 1-2 cts. per lb. and 20 Woolen Felt, for boots, shoes and skirts, when imported by the manufacturer for use in their factories 15 . " Woolen F^elt, for glove lining, and Endless Felt for paper makers, when imported by manufacturers for use in their factories 10 Woolen Netting, for boots and shoes 10 Worm Seed 20 Worsted Plush , , 20 Wrapping Paper 20 Writing Ink 25 Writing Desks, to be rated according to material. Wrought Iron, forgings and parts of, for mills and locomo- tives — parts weighing 25 lbs. or more 20 X Xyolite, or Celluloid, in sheets, lumps or blocks Free CUSTOMS TARIFF. 69 Yarns, Knitting, Cotton, Hosiery Yarn, or other cotton yarn under No. 40, not bleached, dyed or colored 2 cts. per lb. and 1 5 Yarns, Knitting Yarn, Hosiery Yarn, bleached, dyed or colored 3 cts. per lb. and 1 5 Yarn, Fingering Yarn, wool 7 1-2 cts. per lb. and 20 Yarn, Knitting Yarn, wool 7 1-2 cts. per lb. and 20 Yarn, Worsted Yarn, 7 1-2 cts. per lb. and 20 Yarns, Coir Free Yeast 20 Yellow Metal, in bolts, biirs and for sheathing Free Zinc, in blocks, pigs and sheets Free Zinc, seamless drawn tubing 10 Zinc, dry white (metallic color) Free Zinc, manufactures of, not elsewhere mentioned 25 Zinc Dust 25 All goods not enumerated in this Act or any other Act as charged with any duty of Customs and not declared free of duty by this Act or some unrepealed Act or provision, shall be charged with a duty of 20 per cent, ad valoretn., when imported into Canada, or taken out of warehouse for consumption therein. The following articles shall be prohibited to be imported under a penalty of two hundred dollars^ together with the forfeiture of the parcel or package of goods in 7vhich the same may be founds viz : Books, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. : v, , Coin, base or counterfeit. Foreign reprints of British Copyrighted Works copyrighted in Canada, and of Canadian Copyrighted Works. The following articles y being the natural product of the mantifactures of the colony of Neivfoundland^ are exempted from Customs duty when imported into Canada^ viz. : Fish, fresh, dried, salted or smoked. Fish Oil and all products of Fish. Seal Oil. Animals of all kinds. 70 CUSTOMS TARIFF. EXPORT DUTIES. Shingle Bolts, per cord of 128 cubic feet $l 00 Spruce Logs, per M feet i 00 ; Pine Logs, per M feet , ,,,.,.....,.,, ^ ..... , i 00 EXPORTS PROHIBITED. The export of Deer, Wild Turkeys and Quail in the carcass or parts thereof, is hereby declared unlawful and prohibited, and any person exporting or attempting to export any such article shall, for each such offence, incur penalty o one hundred dollars, and the article so attempted to be exported shall be forfeited, and may, on reasonable cause of suspicion of intention to export the same, be seized by any officer of the Customs, and if such intention be proved shall be dealt with as for breach of the Customs Laws. EXCISE DUTIES, &c. '■,■■* 1. That any party in whose favor a license is granted to have and use a chemical still or stills of over three gallons, shall upon receiving said license, pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue the sum of twenty-five dollars. On smaller than the above free, pro- vided description or nature be given to the Collector. 2. That as respects the duties of Excise on Spirits : (a.) When the material used in the manufacture thereof consists of not less than ninety per cent, by weigVt of raw or unmalted grain, on every gallon of the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydro- meter, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for every less quantity than a gallon, one dollar. (h. ) When manufactured exclusively from malted barley taken to the distillery in bond and on which no duty of Customs or Excise has been paid, on every gallon of the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength, and for any less quantity than a gallon, one dollar and two cents. CUSTOMS TARIFF. . 71 (c.) When manufactured exclusively from molasses or sugar taken to the distillery in bond, and on which no duty of Customs has been paid, on every gallon of the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength, and for any less quantity than a gallon, one dollar and three centi. DUTIES ON TOBACCO. Tobacco Manufacturer's License for Foreign Leaf $ 75 oo " *' ♦* . " Canadian " 50 oo •* '* '* ' •' Cultivators for mak- ing twists grown on their farm 2 00 and 2 cts. per lb. for twists so made. . > " - ^•' On manufactured tobacco, foreign 12 cts. per lb. On vSnuff containing more than forty per cent, moisture, 8 cts. per lb. *' •* ** less than forty per cent, moisture, 12 cts. per lb. On Cigars. .■.'.. . '. , . .$3.00 per M. On Cigars made of Canadian Tobacco. . . .$1.50 per M. On all manufactured " •* 2 cts. per lb. All cut tobacco. Foreign or Canadian, must pay duty ex-factory but a refund of two per cent, will be al- lowed on foreign cut. 3. License on Bonding Warehouses, not elsewhere mentioned in this Act. For first $20 00 For every additional one 10 00 4. That as respects the duty of ExciSK ON Methylated Spirits ; .< :.- -■. - . Methylated Spirits being composed of alcohol mixed with wood naphtha in such proportions, and subject to such regulations, as may from time to time be made by the Department of Inland Revenue, there shall be paid a duty oi fifteen cents for every gallon of the strength of proof, and so in proportion for every greater or less strength, and for every less quantity than a gallon. 5. That any provisions imposing any new duty, or making any alteration in the mode of calculating any such duty by which the amount thereof may be increased or diminished, shall come into force immediately on the day of the passing of the Act making such alterations, and shall apply to and the duties hereby imposed shall be payable on all vSpirits and Tobacco, Vinegar, Fermented Beverages or Methylated Spirits, distilled, manufactured or made, or taken out of bond for consumption on and after the said day, and such alterations as aforesaid shall apply to and the duties hereby imposed shall be payable on all malt held by any brewer, maltster, distiller, or other person on the said day, or manufactured or made 72 CUSTOMS TARIFF. thereafter, and the chities hereby made payable on licenses shall bi payai)le only on licenses issued after the said day, existing license^ remaining in force during the time for which they were granted. All goods manufactured in bond shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in Canada, be subject to duties of Excise equal to the duties of Customs to which they wouUl be subject if imported from Great Britain and entered for consumption in Canada ; and when- ever any article not the produce of Canada, upon which a duty of Excise would be levied if produced in Canada, is taken into n Bonded Manufactory, the difference between the duty of Excise to which it would be so liable and the Customs duty which would be levied on such articles if imported and entered for consumption, shall be paid as duty of Excise when it is taken into the Bonded Manufactory. Distilling or Rectifying $250 Compounding 50 For Importation or Manufacture of Apparatus 20 For Brewing 50 For Malting, 1st Class 2CX) 2nd " 150 3d " 100 4th " 50 For Manufacturing in Bond for Consumption in Canada. . . 50 " " '* "Exportation 300 On Fermented Beverage made in imitation of Beer or Malt Liquor 4 cts. per gal. ;> .. • Inspection fee on Petroleum. ^ r, On every package containing not more than 5 gals Canadian 2}4 cts., Imported 5 ct?. On every package containing not more than 10 gals. Canadian 5 cts., Imported 10 cts. On every package containing not more than 50 gals. Canadian 10 cts., Imported 30 cts. And 5 cts. extra for every 50 gallons. CUSTOMS TARIFF. 73 /•.:,v:f LIST OF WAREHOUSING PORTS. , Province of Quekec. Coaticooke, (laspe, Magdalen Islands, Montreal, New Carlisle, . Perce, Quebec, Richmond, Out-Port &:W. P. Rimouski, Rouses Point, St. Armand, St. Hyacinthe, Sherbrooke, Sorel, Stanstead, St. Johns, Three Rivers. n.'!V '■'',■ Province of Ontario. Amherstburg, Barrie, Belleville, Berlin, Brampton, O P & W P Brantford, Brockville, Chatham, Clifton, CHnton, O P & W P Cobourg, Colborne, (Wetland Canal) Collingvvood, Cornwall, Cramahe, (Colborne Co.] Darlington, Deseronto, Dover, Dundas, Dunville, Fort Erie, Gait, Gananoque. Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kingston, Leamington, O&W P Lindsay, London, Midland, O & W P Morrisburg, Napanee, Newcastle, Niagara, Oakville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Paris, Pembroke, Peterboro, Petrolea, O ^S: W P Picton, Port Credit, Port Hope, Port Ryerse, Prescott, Prince Arthurs L'dg. Queenston, Sarnia, Sault St. Marie, Simcoe, O & W P Stratford, St. Catherines, St. Thomas. St. Marys, Toronto, Trenton, Walkerton, Wallaceburg, Whitby, Wiarton, O c'v: W P Windsor, Wingham, O & W P Woodstock, u CUSTOMS TARIFF. Provinxe of New Brunswick. Bathurst, Buctouche, Campbellton, Campobello, Caraquette, Chatham, Dalltousie, Dorchester, Fredericton, Grand Falls, Edmunston, Hillsborough, t" ' - Moncton, McAdam's Jet., Newcastle, Richibucto, Richmond Station, Sackville. Shediac, St. Andrews, St. George, St. John, St. Stephen, Sussex, Tracadie, Woodstock, Province of Nova Scotia. Advocate Harbor, Amherst, Annapolis, Antigonish, Arichat, Bear River, Bad deck, Barrington, j Bridgetown, ' « " Cornwallis, ... Guysboro, Great Bras d'Or, Halifax, ;, Kentville, ■ . Lahave, Port Hood, ^ ' Liverpool, Port Medway, ' ' Londonderry, • •' - Port William, '•' Locke Port, Pugwash, Lunenburg, Shelburne, Mahone Bay, ' - St. Anns, Maitland, St. Peters, Margaretsville, Sydney, North Sidney, Tatamagouchc, Parrsborough, ^,^j, Truro, Picton, 'J."t,? Wallace, Point Brule. "^ Weymouth, Port George, Windsor, ..*.'!' Port Gilbert, Yarmouth, Port Hawkesbury. "' , ,,....■■ 1 -" " ■<■ British Columbia. i',.- New Westminster, '• '.r >-:'.; Victoria. Prince Edward Island. J.. Charlottetown, Georgetown, Summerside. Province of Manitoba. . ,iv;^t^7' Emerson, Winnipeg. Gretna, O & W P Portage la Prairie, O & W P. . STERLING INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. 75 r. TA BLE ^ , . . » SHKWLNO THK ><■■ VALUE li\ DOLLARS AND CENTS OV ALL • Sums from One Penny to Fifty Thousand Pounds Stg. \ . , ■ CALCULATED V /. .- . At 9^, OH New Par of Exchange. v • ••• > »> ■•t ; £ ' S c. £ § 0. £ - 8 c. 1... 4.87 21.. 102.20 41... 199.53 2... 9.73 22.. 107.07 42... 204.40 O • • • 14.60 23.. . 111.93 43... 209.27 4... 19.47 24.. 116.80 44... 214.13 5... 24 . 33 25.. . 121.67 45... 219.00 6... 29.20 26.. . 126.53 46... 223.87 7... 34.07 27.. . 131.40 47... 228.73 8... 38 . 93 28.. 136.27 48... 233 . 60 i7 • • • 43 . 80 29.. 141.13 49... 238.47 10... 48.67 30.. 146.00 50... 243.33 11... 53.53 31.. 150.87 51... 248.20 12... 58.40 32.. 155.73 52... 253.07 13... 63.27 33.. 160.60 Oo. . . 257 . 93 14... 68.13 34.. 165.47 54... 262.80 15... 73 . 00 35.. 170.33 00. . . 267.67 IG... 77.87 36... 175.20 56... 272.53 17... S2 . 73 37... 180.07 57... 277.40 18... 87.60 38... 184.93 58... 282 . 27 19... 92.47 39.. 189.80 59... 2^7.13 20... 97.33 40... 194.67 60... 292.00 re STERLING INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. £ 8 c. £ 8 c. £ 8 r. 61. . 296.87 98.. 476.93 135... 657.00 02... 301.73 99... 481.80 136... 661.87 63... 306.60 100... 486.67 137... 660 . 73 64... 311.47 101... 491.53 138... 671.60 65... 316.33 102... 496.40 139... 676.47 66... 321.20 103... 501.27 140... 681.33 67... 326.07 104... 506.13 141... 686 . 20 68... 330.93 105... 511.00 142... 691.07 69... 335.80 106... 515.87 143... 695.93 70... 340.67 107... 520 . 73 144... 700 . 80 71... 345 . 53 108... 525 . 60 145... 705.67 72... 350.40 109... 530.47 146... 710.53 73... 355.27 110... 535 . 33 147... 715.40 74... 360.13 111... 540.20 148... 720.27 75... 365.00 112... 545 . 07 149... 725.13 7G... 369.87 113... 549 . 93 150... 730.00 77... 374 . 73 114... 554 . 80 151... 734 . 87 78... 379.60 115... 559.67 152... 739.73 79... 384.47 116... 564.53 153... 744 . 60 80... 389.33 117... 569.40 154... 749.47 81... 394.20 118... 574 . 27 155... 754.33 82... 399.07 119... 579.13 156... 759 . 20 83... 403.93 120... 584.00 157... 764.07 84... 408.80 121... 588.87 158... 768.93 85... 413.67 122... 593 . 73 159... 773 . 80 86... 418.53 123... 598.60 160... 778.67 87... 423.40 124... 603.47 161... 783.53 88... 428.27 125... 608.33 162... 788.40 89... 433.13 126... 613.20 163... 793 . 27 90... 438.00 127... 618.07 164... 798 . 13 91... 442.87 128... 022.93 165... 803.00 92... 447.73 129... 627.80 160... 807.87 93... 452.60 130... 632 . 67 107... 812.73 94... 457.47 131... 637 . 53 168... 817.60 95... 462.33 132... 642.40 169... 822.47 96... 467.20 133... 647.27 170... 827 . 33 97... 472.07 134... 652.13 171... 832.20 S'IFRMN(; INTO bOLL.VRS AND CENTS. 77 8 r. £ 8 c. £ 8 r. . 837.07 209.. . 1017.13 246.. . 1197^20 . 841.93 210.. . 1022.00 247.. . 1202,. 07 . ' 84«.80 211.. . 1026.87 248.. . 1206,93 . 851. G7 212.. . 1031.73 249.. . 1211.80 . 856.53 213.. 1036.60 250.. . 1216.67 . 861.40 214.. 1041.47 251.. . 1221.53 . 866.27 215.. . 1046.33 252.. . 1226.40 . 871.13 216.. 1051.20 253.. . 1231.27 . 876 . 00 217.. 1056.07 254.. . 1236.13 . 880.87 218.. 1060.93 255.. . 1241.00 . 885.73 219.. 1065.80 256.. . 1245.87 . 890.60 220.. 1070.67 257.. . 1250.73 . 895.47 221.. . 1075.53 258.. . 1255.60 . 900.33 222.. 1080.40 259.. . 1260.47 . 905.20 223.. 1085.27 260.. . 1265.33 . 910.07 224.. 1090.13 261.. . 1270.20 . 914.93 225... 1095.00 262.. . 1275.07 . 919.80 226... 1099.87 263.. . 1279.93 . 924.67 227.. . 1104.73 264.. . 1284.80 . 929.53 228.. . 1109.60 265.. . 1289.67 . 934.40 229.. 1114.47 266.. . 1294.53 . 939.27 230.. 1119.33 267.. . 1299.40 . 944.13 231... 1124.20 268.. . 1304.27 . 949.00 232.. 1129.07 269.. . 1309.13 . 953.87 233... 1133.93 270.. . 1314.00 . 958 . 73 234.. 1138.80 271.. . 1318.87 . 963 . 60 235... 1143.67 272.. . 1323.73 . 968.47 236.. 1148.53 273.. . 1328.60 . 973.33 237... 1153.40 274.. . 1333.47 . 978.20 238... 1158.27 275.. . 1338.33 . 983.07 239.. 1163.13 276.. . 1343.20 . 987.93 240.. 1168.00 277.. . 1348.07 . 992.80 241.. 1172.87 278.. • 1352.93 .. 997.67 242.. 1177.73 279.. . 1357.80 . 1002.53 243.. 1182.60 280.. . 1362.67 . 1007.40 244.. 1187.47 281.. . 1367.53 . 1012.27 245.. 1192.33 282.. . 1372.40 H STERLING INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. :ij S c. £ 8 c. £ 8 c. 283... 1377.27 320.. . 1557.33 357... 1737. 4i> 284... 1382.13 321.. . 1562.20 358... 1742.27 285... 1387.00 322.. . 1567.07 359... 1747.13 286... 1391.87 323.. . 1571.93 360... 1752.00 287... 1396.73 324.. . 1576.80 361... 1756. 8T 288... 1401.60 325.. . 1581.67 362... 1761.73 289... 1406.47 326.. . 1586.53 363... 1766.60 290... 1411.33 327.. . 1591.40 364... 1771.47 291... 1416.20 328.. 1596.27 365... 1776.33 292... 1421.07 329.. 1601.13 366... 1781.20 293... 1425.93 330.. 1606.00 367... 1786.07 294... 1430 . 80 331.. 1610.87 368... 1790.93 295... 1435.67 332.. 1615.73 369... 1795.80 296... 1440.53 333.. 1620.60 370... 1800.67 297... 1445.40 334.. 1625.47 371... 1805.53 298... 1450.27 335.. 1630.33 372... 1810.40 299... 1455.13 336.. 1635.20 373... 181 '.27 300... 1460.00 337.. 1640.07 374... 1S..0.13 301... 1464.87 338.. 1644.93 375... 1825.00 302... 1469.73 339.. 1649.80 376... 1829.87 303... 1474.60 340.. 1654.67 377... 1834.73 304... 1479.47 341.. 1659.53 378... 1839.60 305... 1484 . 33 342.. 1664.40 379... 1844.47 306... 1489.20 343.. 1669.27 380... 1849.33 307... 1494.07 344... 1674.13 381... 1854 20 308... 1493.93 345... 1679.00 382... 1859.07 309... 1503.80 346... 1683.87 383... 1863.93 310... 1508.67 347... 1688.73 384... 1868.80 311... 1513.53 34S.. 1693.60 385... 1873.67 312... 1518.40 349... 1698.47 386.. . 1878.53 313... 1523.27 350... 1703.33 387... 1883.40 314... 1528.13 351... 1708.20 388... 1888.27 315... 1533.00 352... 1713.07 389... 1893.13 316... 1537.87 353... 1717.93 390... 1898.00 317... 1542.73 354... 1722.80 391... 1902.87 318... 1547.60 355... 1727.67 392... 1907.73 319... 1552.47 356... 1732.53 Ot/{j. » • 1912.60 STERLING INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. 79 8 c. i £ $ c. £ 8 c. . 1917.47 431.. . 2097.53 468.. 2277.60 . 1922.83 432.. . 2102.40 469.. 2282.47 . 1927.20 433.. . 2107.27 470... 2287.33 . 1932.07 434.. . 2112.13 471... 2292.20 . 1936.93 435.. . 2117.00 472... 2297.07 . 1941.80 436.. . 2121.87 473... 2301 . 93 . 194r.67 437.. . 2126.73 474... 2306 . 80 . 1951.53 438.. . 2131.60 475... 2311.67 . 1956.40 439.. . 2136.47 47e 2316.53 . 1961.27 440.. . 2141.33 477... 2321.40 . 1966.13 441.. . 2146.20 478... 2326.27 . 1971.00 442.. . 2151.07 479... 2331.13 . 1975.87 443.. . 2155.93 480... 2336 . 00 . 1980.73 444.. . 2160.80 481... 2340 . 87 . 1985.60 445.. . 2165.67 482... 2345 . 73 . 1990.47 446.. . 2170.53 483... 2350 . 60 1995.33 447.. . 2175.40 484... 2355. 47 . 2000.20 448.. . 2180.27 485... 2360 . 33 . 2005.07 449.. . 2185.13 486... 2365.20 . 2009.93 450.. . 2190.00 487... 2370.07 . 2014.80 451.. . 2194.87 488... 2374 . 93 . 2019.67 452.. . 2199.73 489... 2379.80 . 2024.53 453.. . 2204.60 490... 2384.67 . 2029.40 454.. . 2209.47 491... 2389 . 53 . 2034.27 455.. . 2214.33 492... 2394.40 . 2039.13 456.. . 2219.20 493... 2399.27 . 2044.00 457.. . 2224.07 494... 2404.13 . 2048.87 458.. . 2228 93 495... 2409.00 . 2053.73 459.. . 2233.80 496... 2413.87 . 2058.60 460.. . 2238.67 497... 2418.73 . 2063.47 461.. . 2243.53 498... 2423 . 60 . 2068.33 462.. . 2248.40 499... 2428.47 . 2073.20 463.. . 2253.27 500... 2433 . 33 . 2078.07 464.. . 2258.13 501... 2438 . 20 . 2082.93 465.. . 2263.00 502... 2443 . 07 . 2087.80 466. . . 2267.87 503... 2447 . 93 . 2092.67 i 467.. . 2272.73 504... 2452.80 80 STERLING INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. 505. . . 506... 507... 508... 509... 510... 511... 512... 513... 514... 515... 516... 517... 518... 519... 520... 521... 522 .. 523... 524... 525... 526... 527... 528... 529... 530... 53" .. OOw . . . 533... 534... 535... 536... 537... 538... 539... 540... 541... ' 8 c. 2457 . 67 2462.53 2467.40 2472.27 2477.13 2482 . 00 2486 . 87 2491.73 2496 . 60 2501.47 2506.33 2511.20 2516.07 2520.93 2525.80 2530.67 2535.53 2540.40 2545.27 2550.13 2555.00 2559.87 2564.73 2569.60 2574.47 2579.33 2584 . 20 2589.07 2593.93 2598.80 2603.67 2608.53 2613.40 2618.27 2623.13 2628 00 263*4. d7 £ 542.. 543.. 544.. 545.. 546... 547... 548... 549... 550... 551... 552... 553... 554... 555... 556... 557... 558... 559... 560... 561... 562... t>0o . • . 564... 565... 566... 567... 568... 569... 570... 571... 572... 573... 574... 575... 576... 577... 578... S c. 2637 . 73 2642.60 2647.47 2652.33 2657.20 2662.07 2666.93 2671. SO 2676.67 2681.53 2686 . 40 2691.27 2696.13 2701.00 2705.87 2710.73 2715.60 2720.47 2725.33 2730.20 2735.07 2739.93 2744 . 80 2749.67 2754.53 2759.40 2764.27 2769.13 2774.00 2778.87 2783 . 73 2788.60 2793.47 2798.33 2803.20 2808.07 2812.93 £ 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584., 585., 586., 587.. 588.. 589.. 590.. 591.. 592.. 593.. 594.. 595.. 596.. 597.. 598.. 599.. 600.. 601.. 602.. 603.'. 604.. 605.. 606.. 607.. 608.. 609.. 610.. Oil.. 612.. 613.. 614.. 615.. 8 c. 2817.80 2822.67 2827 . 53 2832 . 40 2837.27 2842.13 2847 . 00 2851 . 87 2856.73 28G1.60 2866.47 2871.33 2876 . 20 2881.07 2885.93 2890.80 2895.67 2900.53 2905.40 2910.27 2915.13 2920.00 2924.87 2929.73 2934.60 2939.47 2944.33 2949.20 2954.07 2958.93 2963.80 2968.67 2i^73.53 2978.40 2983.27 2988.13 2993.00 STERLING INT() DOLLARS AND CKNTS. 81 £ S 0. £ ■ t c. £ 8 c. 616.. 2997.87 653.. . 3177.93 690... 3358.00 617., 3002.73 654.. . 3182.80 691... 3362.87 618.. 3007.60 655.. . 3187.67 692... 3367.73 619.. 3012.47 656.. . 3192.53 693... 3372.60 620... 3017.33 657.. . 3197.40 694... 3377.47 621... 3022.20 i 658.. . 3202.27 695... 3382.33 622.. 3027.07 ' 659.. . 3207.13 696... 3387 . 20 623.. 3031.93 660.. . 3212.00 697... 3392.07 624... 3*'36.80 661.. . 3216.87 698... 3396 . 93 625... 3041.67 662.. . 3221.73 699... 3401.80 626... 3046.53 mi.. . 3226.60 700... 3406 . 67 627... 3051.40 664.. 3231.47 701... 3411.53 628... 3056.27 665.. 3236.33 702... 3416.40 1)29... 3061.13 im].. 3241.20 703... 3421.27 630... 3066.00 667.. 3246.07 704... 3426.13 631... 3070.87 668.. 3250.93 705.., 3431 . 00 632... 3075.73 669.. 3255.80 706... 3435.87 633... 3080 . 60 670.. 3260.67 707... 3440.73 634... 3085.47 671... 3265.53 708... 3445.60 635... 3090.33 672... 3270.40 709... 3450.47 636... 3095.20 673... 3275.27 710... 3455.33 637... 3100.07 674... 3280.13 711... 3460.20 638... 3104.93 675... 3285 . 00 712... 3465 . 07 639... 3109.80 ' 676... 3289.87 713... 3469 . 93 640... 3114.67 ; 677... 3294.73 714... 3474 . 80 641... 3119.53 ' 678... 3299.60 715... 3479 . 67 642.., 3124.40 ; 679... 3304.47 716... 3484 . 53 643... 3129.27 680... 3309.33 717... 3489.40 644... 3134.13 ' 681... 3314-20 718... 3494 . 27 645... 3139.00 682... 3319.07 719... 3499 . ] 3 646... 3143.87 ' 683... 3323 . 93 720... 3504.00 647... 3148.73 684... 3328.80 721... 3508.87 648... 3153.60 ! 685... 3333 . 67 722... 3513.73 649 . . . 3158.47 686... 3338.53 723... 3518.60 650... 3163.33 687... 3343.40 724... 3523.47 651... 3168.20 688... 3348.27 725... 3528.33 652... 317^.07 689... 3353.13 726... 3533.20 ^ >''. Ufl 82 STERLING INTO ^ OLLARS AND CENTS. £ 727.,. 728... 729... 730... 731... 732... 733... 734... < to. . , 736... 737... 738... 739... 740... 741... 742... 743... 744... 745... 746... 747... 748... 749... 750... 751... I OaJ ■ • • 753... 754... 755... 756... 757... 758... 759... 760... 761... 762... 763... 8 c. 3538.07 3542 . 93 3547.80 3552 . 67 3557 . 53 3562.40 3567.27 3572.13 3577.00 3581.87 3586.73 3591.60 3596.47 3601.33 3606.20 3611.07 3615.93 3620.80 3625.67 3630.53 3635.40 3640.27 3645.13 3650 . 00 3654 . 87 3659.73 3664.60 3669.47 3674 . 33 .3679.20 3684.07 3688.93 3693 . 80 3698.67 3703 . 53 3708.40 3713.27 £ 764... 765... 766... 767... 768... 769... 770... 771... 772... 773... 774... 775... 776... 777... 778... 779... 780... 781... 782... 783... 784... 785... 786... 787... 788... 789... 790... 791... I U m^ ... 793... 794... 795... 796... 797... 798... 799... 800... 3718.13 3723.00 3727.87 3732.73 3737.60 3742.47 3747.33 3752.20 3757.07 3761.93 3766.80 3771.67 3776.53 3781.40 3786.27 3791.13 3796.00 3800 . 87 3805.73 3810.60 3815.47 3820.33 3825.20 3830.07 3834 . 93 3839.80 3844.67 3849.53 3854.40 3859.27 3864.13 3869.00 3873.87 3878.73 3883 . 60 3888.47 3893.33 £ 801... 802... 803... 804... 805... 806... 807... 808... 809... 810... 811... 812... 813... 814... 815... 816... 817 . 818... 819... 820... 821... 822... 823... 824... 825... 826... 827... 828... 829... 830... 831... 832... 833... 834... 835. .. 836... 837... §! C 3898. 2(t 3903.07 3907.9:^, 3912.80 3917.67 3922.53 3927.40 3932.27 3937.13 3942-00 3946.87 3951.73 3956.60 3961.47 3966.33 3971.20 3976.07 3980 . 93 3985.80 3990.67 3995.53 4000.40 4005.27 4010.13 4015.00 4019.87 4024.73 4029.60 4034.47 4039.33 4044.20 4049.07 4053.93 4058.8(1 4063.67 4068.53 4073.40 {••TERLT> IG INTO DOLLARS AND CKN'IS i, b'6 8 V. £ 8 c. 1 £ b c. .. 4073.27 875.. . 4258.33 912... 4438.40 .. 4083.13 876.. . 4263.20 913... 4443.27 .. 4088.00 877.. . 4268.07 ; 914... 4448 . ] 3 .. 4092.87 878.. . 4272.93 915... 4453.00 .. 4097.73 879.. . 4277.80 916... 4457.87 .. 4102. GO 880.. . 4282.67 917... 4462.73 .. 4107.47 881.. . 4287.53 918... 4467.60 .. 4112.33 882.. 4292.40 919... 4472.47 .. 4117.20 883.. 4297.27 920... 4477.33 .. 4122.07 884.. 4302.13 921... 4482.20 .. 4126.93 885.. 4307.00 922... 4487.07 .. 4131.80 886... 4311.87 923... 4491.93 .. 4136 67 887.. 4316.73 ly-j*! • . . 4496.80 .. 4141.53 888... 4321.60 925... 4501.67 .. 4146,40 889... 4326.47 926... 4506.53 .. 4151 27 890... 4331.33 927... 4511.40 .. 415C.13 891... 4336.20 928... 4516.27 .. 4161.00 892... 4341.07 929... 4521.13 .. 4165.87 893... 4345.93 930... 4526.00 .. 4170.73 894... 4350.80 Jyo J. . . « 4530.87 .. 4175.60 895... 4355.67 932... 4535.73 .. 4180.47 896... 4360.53 933... 4540.60 .. 4185.33 897... 4365 40 934... 4545.47 .. 4190.20 89y... 4370.27 935... 4550.33 .. 4195.07 899... 4375.13 936... 4555.20 .. 4199.93 900... 4380.00 937... 4560.07 .. 4204.80 901... 4384.87 938... 4564.93 .. 4209.67 902... 4389.73 939... 45l^J.80 .. 4214.53 903... 4394 . 60 940... 4574.67 .. 4219.40 904... 4399.47 941... 4579.53 .. 4224.27 905... 4404 . 33 942... 4584.40 .. 4229.13 906... 4409.20 943... 45S9.27 .. 4234.00 907... 4414.07 944... 4594.13 .. 4238.87 908... 4418.93 945... 4599.00 .. 4243.73 909..,. 4423.80 946... 4603.87 .. 4248.60 910... 4428.67 947... 4608 . 73 .. 4253.47 911... 4433 . 53 948... 4613.60 S4 STERLI.NG INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. £ 949.. 950.. 951.. 95l'.. 953.. 954.. 955.. 95C.. 957., 958.. 959.. 960.. 961.. 962.. 963.. 964.. 965.. 966.. 967.. 968.. 969.. 970.. 971.. 972.. % c. . 4618.47 . 4623.33 . 4628.20 . 4633.07 . 4637.93 . 4642.80 . 4647.67 . 4652.53 . 4657.40 . 4662.27 . 4667.13 . 4672.00 . 4676.87 . 4681.73 . 4086.60 . 4691.47 . 4696.33 . 4701.20 . 4706.07 . 4710.93 . 4715.80 . 4720.67 . 4725.53 . 4730.40 £ 973... 974... 975... 976... 977... 978... 979... 980... 981... 982... 983... 984... 985... 986... 987... 988... 989... 990... 991... 992... 993... 994... 995... 996... % c. 4735.27 4740.13 4745.00 4749.87 4754.73 4759 . 60 4764.47 4769.33 4774.20 4779.07 4783.93 4788.80 4793.67 4798.53 4803.40 4808.27 4813.13 4818.00 4822.87 4827.73 4832 . 60 4837.47 4842.33 4847.20 £ 997. 998. 999. 1000. 1100. 1200. 1300. 1400. 1500. 1600. 1700. 1800. 1900. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 6000. 7000. 8000. 9000., 10000. 50000. $ c. .. 4852.07 . . 4856 . 93 .. 4861.80 . . 4866 . 67 .. 5840.00 .. 6326.67 ..' 6813.33 .. 7300.00 ,. 7786.67 ,. 8273.33 ,. 8760.00 . 9246 . 67 . 9733 . 33 . 14600.00 . 19466.67 . 24333.33 . 29200.00 . 34066.67 . 38933.33 . 43800.00 . 48666.67 .243333.33 PENCE. 1 9 2...' 4 ?. . . t' 5... 10 6... 12 7... 14 8... U t;.. ft 10... 20 11... 22 12... 24J ,i^^C■;^v SHILLINGS 1... ■ f5gf , ■■ ' ' o. • . "'' 5.."^'' 6... 7... '8... «7 . • < 10... 11... 12... .21 J .48f .73 .97J 1.2l| 1.46 1.70 J 1 . 94| 2.19 2 . 43 J 2.67| 2.92 SHILLINGS. 13... 14... 3.16^^ 3.40^ 15... 3.65 16... 17... 18... 3.89^ 4.13§ 4.38 19... 4.62 20... 4 . 86>i FRAXCS INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS- 85 , FRANCS' : KEDrCtD TO •, .1 DOLLARS AND CENTS. 1 FRANC EQUAL TO 19,% CENTS. ,. > ' « ^•> > F.. ■- S c. i.:r .19 2... .39 3... .58 4... .77 5... .97 6... 1.16 7... 1.35 8... 1.54 9... 1.74 10... 1.93 11... 2.12 12... 2.32 13... 2.51 14... 2.70 15... 2.90 16... 3.09 17... 3.28 18... 3.47 19... 3.67 20... 3.86 21... 4.05 22... 4.25 23... 4.44 24... 4.63 ¥. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. 32.. 33.. 34.. 35.. 36.. 37.. 38.. 39.. 40.. 41.. 42.. 43.. 44.. 45.. 46.. 47.. 48.. 8 c. 4.83 5.02 5.21 5.40 5.60 5.79 5.98 6.18 6.37 6.56 6.76 6.95 7.14 7.33 7.53 7.72 7.91 8.11 8.30 8.49 8.69 » J . 88 9.07 9.26 F. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68., 69., 70., 71.. 72., «p c. 9 . 46 9 . 65 9.84 10.04 10. 2;^ 10.42 10.62 10.81 11.00 11.19 11.39 11.58 11.77 11.97 12.16 12.35 12.55 12.74 12.93 13.12 13.32 13.51 13.70 13.90 SQ FRANXS IN'IO DOLLARS AND CENTS. f. $ c. F. 8 c. 73.. . 14.09 110.. . 21.23 74.. . 14.28 111.. . 21.42 73.. . 14.48 112.. . 21.62 70.. . 14. 07 113.. . 21.81 77.. . 14.86 114.. . 22.00 7?.. . 15. U5 115.. . 22.20 79.. . 15.25 116.. . 22.39 80.. . 15.44 117.. . 22.. 58 81.. . 15.63 118.. . 22.77 82.. . 15.83 119.. . 22 . 97 8:3.. . 1().02 120.. . 23.16 84.. . 16.21 121.. . ^i3.35 85.. . 16.41 122.. . 23 . 55 8G.. . 16.00 123.. . 23.74 87.. . 16.79 124.. . 23.93 88. . 16.98 125.. . 24.13 ^&.. . 17.18 126.. . 24.32 90.. . 17.37 127.. . 24.51 91.. . 17.56 128.. . 24.70 92.. . 17.76 129.. . 24.90 93.. . 17.95 130.. . 25.09 94.. . 18.14 131.. . 25.28 95.. . 18.34 132.. . 25.48 9'o.. 18.53 133.. . 25.67 97.. 18.72 134.. 25.86 98... 18.91 135.. 26.06 99... 19.11 136.. 26.25 100... 19.30 137.. 26.44 101... 19.49 138.. 26.63 102... 19.69 139.. 26.83 103... 19.88 140.. 27.02 lOJ... 20.07 141... 27.21 105... 20.27 142.., 27.41 106... 20.46 143... 27.60 107... 20.65 144... 27.79 108... 20.84 145... 27.99 109... 21.04 146.. 28.18 F. 147.. 148.. 149.. 150.. 151.. 152.. 153.. 154.. 155.. 156.. 157.. 158.. 159.. 160.. 161.. 162.. 163.. 164.. 165.. 166.. 167.. 168.. 169.. 170.. 171.. 172.. 173.. 174.. 175.. 176.. 177.. 178.. 179.. 180.. 181.. 182.. 183.. § c. 28.37 28.56 2S.76 28.95 20.14 29. 3t 29.53 29.72 30.11 30.30 30.49 30.69 30.88 31.07 31.27 31.46 31.65 31.85 32 . 04 32.23 32.42 32.62 32.81 33.00 33.20 33.39 33.58 33.78 33.97 34.16 34.35 34.55 34.74 34.93 35.13 35.32 FRANCS INTO DOI.F.ARS AND CENTS. 87 P. » c. P. « c. P. ^ c. 184.. . 35.51 221.. . 42.65 258... 49.79 185.. . 35.71 222.. . 42.85 259... 49.99 186.. . 35 . 90 223.. . 43.04 260... 50.18 187.. . 36.09 . 43.23 261... 50.37 188.. . 36 28 225.. . 43.43 262... 50.57 189.. 36.48 226.. . 43.62 263... 50.76 190.. 36.67 227.. . 43.81 264... 50.95 191.. 36.86 228.. . 44.00 265... 51.15 192.. 37.06 "229.. ^ 44.20 266... 51.34 193.. 37.25 230.. . 44.39 267... 51.53 194.. 37.44 231.. . 44.58 268... 51.72 195.. 37.64 232.. . 44.78 209... 51.92 196.. 37.83 233.. . 44.97 270... 52.11 197.. 38.02 234.. . 45.16 271... 52.30 198.. 38.21 235.. . 45.36 272... 52.50 199... 38.41 236.. . 45.55 273... 52.69 200.. 38.60 237.. . 45.74 274... 52.88 201. . 38.79 238.. . 45.93 275... 53.08 202... 38.99 239.. . 46.13 276... 53.27 203... 39.18 240.. . 46.32 277... 53.46 204... 39.37 241.. . 46.51 278... 53.05 205... 39.57 242.. . 46.71 279... 53.85 206... 39.76 243.. . 46.90 280... 54.04 207... 39.95 244.. . 47.09 281... 54.23 208... 40.14 245.. . 47.29 282... 54.43 209... 40.34 246.. . 47.48 283... 54.62 210... 40.53 247.. . 47.67 284... 54.81 211... 40.72 248.. . 47.86 285... 55.01 212... 40.92 249.. . 48.06 286... 55.20 213... 41.11 250.. . 43.25 287... 55.39 214... 41.30 251.. . 48.44 288... 55.58 215... 41.50 252.. . 48.64 289... 55.78 216... 41.69 253.. . 48.83 290... 55.97 217... 41.88 254.. . 49.02- 291... 56.16 218... 42.07 255.. . 49.22 292... 56.36 219... 42.27 256.. . 49.41 293... 56.55 220... 42.46 257.. . 49.60 294... 56.74 \ t!b FR.ANCS INTO DOM.ARS .XND CKNIS. F. ^ C. F. 8 c. F. c 21)5... 56.94 332... 64.08 360.. . 71.22 2011... 57.13 333... 64.27 370.. . 71.41 207... 57.32 334... 64.46 371.. . 71.60 2ys... 57.51 335... 64.66 372.. . 71.80 209... 57.71 336... 64.85 373.. . 71.91) 300... 57.00 337... 65 . 04 374.. . 72.18 301... 58.00 338... 65.23 375.. . 72 . 38 302... 5d.29 tJijJ, . . 65.43 376.. . 72 . 57 303... 58.48 340... 65.62 377.. . 72.76 304... 58.67 341... C5.8I 378.. . 72 . 95 305... 58.87 342... 66.01 370.. . 73.15 300... 50.06 343... 66.20 380.. . 73.34 307... 50.25 344... 66.30 381.. . 73.53 308... 50.44 345... GC) . 50 382.. . 73 . 73 300... 50.64 346... 66.78 383.. . 73.92 310... 50.83 347... 66.07 384.. . 74.11 311... 60.02 348... 67.16 385.. . 74.31 312... 60.22 340... 67.36 386.. . 74.50 318... 60.41 350... 67.55 387.. . 74 . 60 314... 60.60 351... 67.74 388. . 74 . 88 315... 60.80 352... 67.94 380. . 75.03 316... 60.00 353... 68.13 300.. . 75.27 317... 61.18 354... 68.32 301.. . 75.46 318... 61.37 355... 68.52 302.. . 75.66 319... 61.57 356... 68.71 303.. . 75.85 320... 61.76 357... 68.90 304.. . 76.04 321... 61.05 358... 60.00 305.. . 76.24 322... 62.15 350... 60.20 306.. . 76.43 323... 62.34 360... 60 . 48 307.. . 76.62 3M... 62.53 361... 60.67 308.. . 76.81 325... 62.73 362... 60.87 300.. . 77.01 326... 62.02 363... 70.06 400.. . 77.20 327... 63.11 364... 70 . 25 401.. . 77.39 328... 63.30 365... 70.45 402.. . 77.59 320... 63.50 306... 70.64 403.. . 77 . 78 330... 63.69 .367... 70 . 83 404.. . 77.97 331... 63.88 368.. 71.02 405.. . 78.17 FRANCS INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. b\f 8 c. r. 8 c. F. 8 c. .. 78.3(5 443... 85.50 480... 92.64 .. 78.55 444... 85 . 69 481... 92.83 .. 78.74 445... 85.89 482... 93 . 03 .. 78.94 446... 86.08 483... 93.22 .. 79.13 447... 80.27 484... 93.41 .. 79.32 448... 86.46 485... 93.61 .. 79.52 449... 86.66 486... 93.80 .. 79.71 450... 86.85 487... 93 . 99 .. 79.90 451... 87.04 488... 94.18 .. 80.10 452... 87.24 489... 94.38 .. 80.29 453... 87.43 490... 94.57 .. 80.48 454... 87.62 491... 94.76 .. 80.67 455... 87.82 492... 94.96 .. 80.87 456... 88.01 493... 95.15 .. 81.00 457... 88 . 20 494... 95.34 .. 81.25 458... 88.39 49^. . . 95.54 .. 81.45 459... 88.59 496... 95.73 .. 81.04 460... 88.78 497... 95.92 .. 81.83 461... 88.97 498... 96.11 .. 82.03 462... 89.17 499... 96.31 .. 82.22 ^63... 89.36 500... 96 . 50 .. 82.41 34... 89.55 501... 96.69 . . 82 . 60 465... 89.75 502... 96.89 .. 82.80 466... 89.94 503... 97.08 .- 82.99 467... 90.13 504... 97.27 . 83.18 468... 90.32 505. ». 97.47 .. 83.38 469... 90.52 506... 97.66 .. 83.57 470... 90.71 507... 97.85 .. 83.76 471... 90.90 508... 98.04 .. 83.96 472... 91.10 509... 98.24 .. 84.15 TZ 1 c^ • • • 91.29 510... 98.43 .. 84.34 474... 91.48 511... 98.62 , 84.53 475... 91.68 512... 98.82 . . 84 . 73 476... 91.87 513... 99.01 .. 84.92 477... 92.06 514... 99.20 .. 85.11 478... 92.25 515... 99.40 .. 85.31 479... 92.45 516... 99.59 90 FRANCS INTO DOM.ARS AND CFNTS. F. « c. p. $ 0. p. « c. 517.. . 99.78 554... 106.92 591... 114.06 518.. . 90 . 97 555... 107.12 592... 114.26 519.. . 100.17 556... 107.31 uoO.. . 114.45 520.. . 100.36 557... 107.50 594... 114.64 521.. . 100.55 558... 107.69 595... 114.84 522... 100.75 559... 107.89 596... 115.03 523... 100.94 560... 108.08 597... 115.22 524... 101 13 561... 108.27 598... 115.41 525... 101.33 562... 108.47 599... 115.61 526... 101.52 563... 108.66 600... 115.80 527... 101.71 564... 108.85 601... 115.99 528... 101.90 565... 109.05 602... 116.19 529... 102.10 566... 109.24 603... 116.38 530... 102.29 567... 109.43 604... 116.57 531.. 102.48 568,.. 109.62 605... 116.77 532.. 102.68 569... 109.82 606... 116. 9G 533.. 102.87 570... 110.01 607... 117.15 534.. . 103.06 571... 110.20 608... 117.31 535.. . 103.26 572... 110.40 609... 117. n4 536.. . 103.45 573... 110.59 610... 117. 7:i 537.. 103.64 574... 110.78 611... 117.92 538... 103.83 575... 110.98 612... 118.12 539... 104.03 576... 111.17 613... 118.31 540... 104.22 577... 111.36 614... 118.50 541... 104.41 578... 111.55 615... 118.70 542... 104.61 579... 111.75 616... 118.^9 543... 104.80 580... 111.94 617... 119.(8 544... 104.99 581... 112.13 618... 119.27 545... 105.19 582... 112.33 619... 119.47 546... 105.38 583... 112.52 620... 119.60 547... 105.57 584... 112.71 621... 119.85 648... 105.76 585... 112.91 622.. 120.05 540... 105.96 586... 113,10 623... 120.24 550... 106.15 587... 113.29 624... 120.43 551... 106.34 588... 113.48 625... 120.63 552.. . 106.54 589... 113.68 626... 120.82 553... 106.73 590.,. 113.87 627... 121.01 FRANCS INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. 91 F. S J. p. 8 c. F. 8 c. 628... 121.20 665.. 128.35 702... 135.49 629... 121.40 666... 128.54 703... 135.68 630... 121.59 667... 128.73 704... 1:^5.87 631... 121.78 668... 128.92 705... 136.07 632... 121.98 669... 129.12 706... 136.26 633... 122.17 670... 129.31 707... 136.45 634... 122.36 671... 129.50 708... 136.64 635... 122.56 672... 129.70 709... 136.84 636... 122.75 673... 129.89 710... 137.03 637... 122.94 674... 130.08 711... 137.22 638... 123.13 675... 130.28 712... 137.42 639... 123.33 676... 130.47 713... 137.61 640... 123.52 677... 130.66 714... 137.80 641... 123.71 678... 130.85 715... 138.00 642... 123.91 679... 131.05 716... 138.19 643... 124.10 680... 131.24 717... 138.38 644... 124.29 681... 131.43 718... 138.57 645. fc. 124.49 682... 131.63 719... las. 77 646... 124.68 683... 131.82 720... 13^.96 647... 124.87 684... 132.01 721... 139.15 648... 125.06 685... 132.21 722... 139.35 649... 125.26 686... 132.40 723... 139.54 650... 125.45 687... 132.59 724... 139.73 651... 125.64 688... 132.78 725... 139.93 652... 125.84 689... 132.98 726... 140.12 65.3... 126.03 690... 133,17 727... 140.31 654... 126.22 691... 133.36 728... 140.50 655... 126.42 692... 133.56 729... 140.70 656... 126.61 693... 133.75 730... 140.89 657... 126.80 694... 1.33.94 731... 141.08 658... 126.99 695... 134.14 732... 141.28 659... 127.19 696... 134.33 733... 141.47 660... 127.38 697... 134.52 734... 141. C6 661... 127.57 698... 134.71 735... 141.86 662... 127.77 699... 134.91 736... 142.05 663... 127.96 700.., 135.10 737... 142.24 664... 128.15 701. V. 135.29 738... 142.43 n FRAN'CS INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. P. 739... 740... 741... 742... 743... 744... 745... 746... 747... 748... 749... 750... 751... 752... 753... 754... 755... 75G... 757. 758... 759... 760... 761... 762... 763... 764... 765... 766... 767... 768... 769... 770... 771... 772... 773... 774... 775... 8 c. 142.63 142.82 143.01 143.21 143.40 143.59 143.79 143.98 144.17 144.36 144.56 144.75 144.94 145.14 1-15.33 145.52 145.72 145.91 146.10 146.29 146.49 146.68 146.87 147.07 147.26 147.45 147.65 147.84 148.03 148.22 148.42 148.61 148.80 149.00 149.19 149.38 149.68 p. 776... 777... 778... 779... 780... 781... 782... 783... 784... 785... 786... 787... 788... 789... 790... 791... 792... 793... 794... 795... 796... 797... 798... 799... 800... 801... 802... 803... 804... 805... 806... 807... 808... 809... 810... 81i... 812... 8 c. 149.77 149.96 150.15 150.35 150 . 54 150.73 150.93 151.12 151.31 151.51 151.70 151.89 152.08 152.28 152.47 152.66 152.86 153.05 153.24 153.44 153.63 153.82 154.01 154-21 154.40 154.59 154.79 154.98 155.17 155.37 155.56 155.75 ir>5.94 156.14 156.33 156.52 156.72 p. 813... 814... 815... 816... 817... 818... 819... 820... 821... 822... o2o. . . 824... 825... 826... 827... oJo. . . 829... 830... 831... 832... ooo. . . 834... 835... 836... 837... 8b8. . . 839... 840... 841... 84i... 843... 844... 845... 846... 847... 848... 849... « c. 156.91 157.10 157.30 157.49 157.68 157.87 158.07 158.26 158.45 158.65 158.84 159.03 159.23 159.42 159.61 159.80 160.00 160.19 160.38 160.58 160.77 160.96 161.16 161.35 161.54 161.73 161.93 162.12 162.31 162.51 162.70 162.89 16;i.09 163.28 163.47 103.66 163.86 FRANCS IMO DOLLARS AND CENTS. F. 850... 851... 852... 853... 854... 855... 856... 857... 858... 859... 860... 861... 862... 863... 864... 865... 866... 867.,. 868.,. 869... 870... 871... 872... 873... 874... 875... 876... 877... 878... 879... 880... 881... 882... 883... 884... 885... 886... $ c. 104.05 164.24 164.44 164.63 164.82 165.02 165.21 165.40 165.59 165.79 165.98 166.17 166.37 166.56 166.75 166.95 167.14 167.33 167.52 167.72 167.91 168.10 168.30 168.49 168.68 168.88 169.07 169.26 169.45 169.65 169.84 170.03 170.23 170.42 170.61 170.81 171.00 p. 887.. 888.. 889.. 890.. 891.. 892.. 893.. 894.. 895.. 896.. 897.. 898.. 899.. 900.. 901.. 902.. 903.. 904.. 905.. 906.. 907.. 908.. 909.. 910.. 911.. 912.. 913.. 914.. 915.. 916.. 917.. 918.. 919.. 920.. 921.. 922.. 923.. 8 0. 171.19 171.38 171.58 171.77 171.96 172.16 172.35 172.54 172.74 172.93 173.12 173.31 173.51 173.70 173.89 174.09 174.28 174.47 174.67 174.86 175.05 175 24 175.44 175.63 17r^.82 176.02 176.21 176.40 176.60 176.79 176.98 177.17 177.37 177.56 177.75 177.95 178.14 F. 924.. 925.. 926.. 927.. 928.. 929.. 930.. 931.. 932.. 933.. 934.. 935.. 936.. 937.. 938.. 939.. 940.. 941.. 942.. 943.. 944.. 945.. 946.. 947.. 948.. 949.. 950.. 951.. 952.. 953.. 954.. 955.. 95e.. 957.. 958.. 959.. 960.. c. 178.33 178.53 178.72 178.91 179.10 179.30 179.49 179.68 179.88 180.07 180.26 180.46 180.65 180.84 181.03 181.23 181.42 181.61 181.81 182.00 182.19 182.39 182.58 182.77 182.96 183.16 183.35 183.54 183 . 74 183.93 184.12 184.32 184.51 184.70 184.89 185.09 185.28 H FRANCS IVTO DOLLARS AND CENT?. r. 961... 962... 963... 964... 965... 966... 967... 968... 969... 970... 971... 972... 973... 974... 975... 976... 977... 978... 979... 980... 981... 982... $ c. 185.47 185.67 185.86 186.05 186.25 186.44 186.63 186.82 187.02 187.21 187.40 187.60 187.79 187.98 188.18 188.37 188.56 188.75 188.95 189.14 189.33 189.53 i/OO . . . 984... 985... 986... 987... 9oo. . . 989... 990... 991... 992... yyo. . . 994... 996... 997... yi/o. . . t/yi/ . . . 1000... 1100... 1200... 1300... 1400... $ c. 189.72 189.91 190.11 190.30 190.49 190.68 190.88 191.07 191.26 191.46 191.65 191.84 192.04 192.23 192.42 192.61 192.81 193.00 212.30 231 . 60 250.90 270.20 F. 1500... 1600... 1700... 1800... 1900... 2000... 2500... 3000... 3500... 4000... 4500... 5000... 5500... 6000... 6500... 7000... 7500... 8000... 8500... 9000... 9500... 10000... 9 c 289 . 50 308 . 80 328.10 347.40 366.70 386 . 00 482 . 50 579 . 00 675.50 772.00 868.50 965.00 1061.50 1158.00 1254.00 1351.00 1447.50 1544.00 1640.50 1737.00 1833.50 1930.00 RlXNfARK IMO liQI.l.ARS AND CENTS. 9a German Rixmark K!- ULtf 1> TO At the Customs Value of 238 Cents. RM. $ c. RM. 8 c. BM. S c. 1.. .24 26... 6.19 51... 12.14 2... .48 9- 6.43 52... 12.38 3... . .71 28... 6.66 53.. 12.61 4.. .95 29... 6.90 54... 12.85 5.. . 1.19 30 .. 7.14 00... 13.09 (>.. 1.43 31. .r 7.38 56... 13.33 1.67 32... 7.62 57... 13.57 8.. 1 . 90 Oij . . . 7 85 58... 13.80 9.. 2.14 34... 8 09 59... 14.04 10.. 2.38 35... 8.33 60.,. 14.28 11,. 2.62 36... 8.57 61... 14 52 12... 2.86 37... 8.81 62... 14.76 13... 3.09 OiD.,* 9.04 63... 14.99 14 . 3.33 ijO . . . 9.28 64... 15.23 15 .. 3.57 40... 9.52 65... 15.47 16 3.81 41... 9.76 66... 15.71 17.. 4.05 42... 10.00 67... 15.95 IS.. 4.28 43... 10.23 68... 16.18 19.. 4.52 44... 10.47 69... 16.42 20... 4.76 45 .. 10.71 70... 16.66 21 . 5.00 46... 10.95 71... 16.90 22.. 5.24 47... 11.19 72... 17.14 5.47 48.., 11.42 73 .. 17 37 24 .. 5,71 49... 11.66 74... 17.61 25. 5.95 50... 11 90 75... 17. g5 \ 06 RIXMAKK INTO DOLL.ARS AND CKNTS. RM. 9 0. RM. S c. RM. 8 c. 76... 18.09 113... 26 89 150... 35.70 77... 18.33 114... 27.13 151... 35.94 78... 18.56 115... 27.37 152... 36.18 79... 18.80 116... 27.61 153... 36.41 80... 19 04 117... 27.85 154... 36.65 81... 19.28 118... 28.08 155... 36.89 82... 19.52 119.. 28.32 156... 37.13 oo... 19.75 120... 28.56 157... 37.37 84... 19.99 121... 28.80 158... 37.60 85.. 20.23 122... 29. C4 159... 37.84 86... 20.47 •123... 29.27 160... 38.08 87 . 20 71 124... 29.51 161... 38.32 oo... 20. 9t 125... 29.75 162... 38.56 89... 21.18 126... 29 99 163... 38.79 90 .. 21.42 127... 30.23 164... 39.03 91... 21. G6 128... 30.46 165... 39.27 92... 21.90 129... 30.70 166... 39.51 \)o, . . 22,13 130... 30.94 167... 39.75 94... 22 37 131... 31.18 168... 39.98 95... 22.01 ' 132... 31.42 169... 40 . 22 96... 22.85 133... 31.65 170... 40.46 97... 23.09 134... 31.89 171... 40.70 98... 23.32 135... 32.13 172... 40.94 99.. 23.56 ! 136... 32.37 173... 41.17 1 00 . . 23.80 137... 32.61 174... 41.41 101... 24.04 138... 32.84 175... 41.65 102... 24 28 139... 33.08 176... 41.89 103 .. 24.51 140... 33.32 177... 42.13 104... 24.75 : 141... 33.56 178... 42.36 105... 24.99 .42... 33.80 179... 42.60 lOG... 25.23 143... 34 . 03 180... 42.84 107... 25.47 144... 34.27 181... 43 . 08 108... 25.70 145... 34.51 182... 43 . 32 109 .. 25.94 146... 34.75 ' 183... 43.55 110... 26 18 147... 34.99 184... 43.79 111... 26.42 148... 35.22 185... 44.03 112 , # 26.66 149... 35.46 186... 44.27 RIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AXD CENTS. 97 RM. » c. RM. « c. RM. $ c. 187... - 44.51 224... 53.31 261... 62.12 188... 44.74 225... 53.55 262... 62.36 189... 44.98 226... 53.79 263... 62.59 190,.. 45.22 227... 54.03 264... 62.83 191... 45.46 228... . 54.26 265... 63.07 192... 45.70 229... 54.50 266... 63.31 193... 45.93 230... . 54.74 267... 63.55 194... 46.17 231... 54.98 268... 63.78 195... 46.41 232... 55.22 269... 64.02 196... 46.65 233... . 55.45 270... 64.26 197... 46.89 234... . 55.69 271... 64.50 198... 47.12 235... . 55.93 272... 64.74 199... 47.36 236... 56.17 273... 64.97 200... 47.60 237... , 56.41 274... 65.21 201... 47 84 238... . 56.64 275... 65.45 202... 48.08 239.. 56.88 276... 65.69 203... 48.31 240.. 57.12 277... 65.93 204 .. 48.55 241.. . 57.36 278... 66.16 205... 48.79 242.. . 57.60 279... 66.40 206... 49.03 243.. . 57.83 280... 66.64 207... 49.27 244... . 58.07 281... 66.88 208... 49.50 245... . 58.31 282... 67.12 209... 49.74 246... . 58.55 283... 67.35 210... 49 98 247.. . 58.79 284... 67.59 211... 50 22 248... . 59.02 285... 67.83 212... 50.46 249.. . 59.26 286... 68.07 213... 50.69 250.. . 59.50 287... 68.31 214... 50.93 251.. . 59.74 288... 68.54 215... 51.17 252.. . 59.98 289... 68.78 216... 51.41 253.. . 60.21 290... 69.02 217... 51.65 254.. . 60.45 291... 69.26 218.. 51.88 255.. . 60.69 292... 69.50 219... 52.12 256.. , 60.93 293... 69.73 220... 52.36 257.. . 61.17 294... 69.97 221.. 52.60 258.. . 61.40 295... 70.21 222... 53.84 259.. . 61.64 296... 70.45 223... 53.07 260.. . 61.88 297... 70.69 G 98 RIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. RM. $ c. RM. S c nM. « c. 298... 70.92 335 .. 79 . 73 372... 88.54 299... 71.16 336... 79.97 373... 88.77 300... 71.40 337... 80.21 374... 89.01 301... 71 . 64 338... 80.44 375... 89.25 302... 71.88 OOt7. .. 80.68 376... 89.49 303... 72.11 340... 80.92 377... 89.73 304... 72.35 341... 81.16 378... 89.96 305... 72.59 342... 81.40 379... 90.20 306 .. 72.83 343... 81.63 380... 90.44 307... 73 07 344... 81.87 381... 90.68 308... 73.30 345... 82.11 382... 90.92 309... 73.54 346... 82.35 oo3... 91.15 310... 73.78 347... 82.59 384... 91.39 311... 74.02 348... 82.82 385... 91.63 312... 74.26 349... 83.06 386... 91.87 313... 74.49 350... 83.30 387... 92.11 314... 74.73 351 .. 83.5/A ooO... 92.34 315... 74.97 352... 83.78 Oc5t7... 92.58 31G... 75.21 353 84.01 390... 92.82 317... 75.45 354... 84.25 391... 93.06 318... 75 . 68 oOD- . . 84.49 392... 93.30 319... 75.92 356... 84.73 393 .. 93.53 320 76.16 357... 84.97 394... 93.77 321... 76.40 358... 85.20 395 . 94.01 322... 76.64 359... 85.44 396... 94.25 323... 76.87 360... 85.68 397... 94.49 324... 77.11 361... 85.92 398... 94.72 325... 77.35 362... 86.16 399... 94.96 326... 77.59 363. >. 86.39 400... 95.20 327... 77.83 364... 86.63 401... 95.44 328... 78.06 365... 86.87 402... 95.68 OMt/*. . 78.30 366... 87.11 403... 95.91 330... 78.54 367... 87.35 404... 96.15 331... 78.78 368... 87.58 405... 96.39 332... 79.02 369... 87.82 406 .. 96.63 OijO . , . 79.25 370... 88.06 407... 96.87 334... 79.49 371... 88.30. 408... 97.10 RIXMARK : INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. P9 RE. 8 C. R.M. $ c. . RM. $ c 409... 97 34 446... 106.15 483... 114.95 410... 97.58 447... 106.39 484... 115.19 411... 97.82 448... 106.62 485... 115.43 412... 98.06 449.. 106.86 486... 115.67 413. . 98 29 450... 107.10 487... 115.91 414... 98 53 451... 107.34 488... 116.14 415... 98.77 452... 107.58 489... 116.38 416... 99.01 453... 107.81 490... 116.62 417... 99.25 454... 108.05 491... 116.86 418... 99.48 455... 108 29 492 .. 117.10 419... 99.72 456... 108.53 493... 117.33 420... 99.96 457... 108.77 494 .. 117 57 421... 100.20 458... 109.00 405 .. 117.81 422... 100.44 459... 109.24 496... 118.05 423... 100.67 460... 109.48 497... 118.29 424... 100 91 461. . 109.72 498... 118.52 425... 101.15 462... 109.96 499... 118.76 426... 101.39 463... 110.19 500... 119.00 427... 101.63 464... 110.43 501... 119.24 428 .. 101.86 465... 110.67 502... 110.48 429... 102.10 466... 110.91 503... 110.71 430... 102.34 467... 111.15 504... 119.95 431... 102; 58 468... 111.38 505... 120 19 432... 102.82 469... 111.62 506... 120.43 433... 103 05 470... 111.86 507... 120.67 434... 103.29 471... 112.10 508... 120.90 435... 103.53 472... 112.34 509 . 121.14 436 103.77 473... 112.57 510... 121.38 437 .. 104 01 474... 112.81 511... 121.62 438... 104.24 475... 113.05 512... 121.86 439... 104.48 476... 113.29 513... 122.09 440... 104.72 477... 113.53 514... 122.33 441... 104.96 478 113.76 515... 122.57 44'* 105.20 479... 114.00 5ia... 122 81 443... 105.43 480... 114.24 517... 123.05 444... 105.67 ; ^tA. im-^ c 51=8... , 133.28 445... 105.91 : .;4gii. ;1J4.?2? } < . u s ^ T23.52 >^ -■ * • • * - • * f » « t-1 r> n o t o . a • .: 'I > ... » ■' i '.. " u " i ^ O 3 O '1 n'u RIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. RM. 8 c. RM. 8 0. RM. 8 c. 520... 123.76 557... 132.57 594 .. 141.37 521... 124.00 558... 132.80 0«'0.. • 141.61 522... 124.24 559... 133.04 596... 141.85 523... 124.47 560... 133.28 597... 142 09 524... 124.71 561... 133.52 598... 142.32 525... 124.95 562... 133.76 599... 142 56 520... 125.19 563... 133.99 600... 142.80 527... 125.43 564... 134.23 601... 143.04 528... 125.66 565... 134.47 602... 143.28 529... 11^5.90 566... 134.71 603... 143.51 530... 126.14 567... 134.95 604... 143.75 531... 126.38 568... 135.18 605... 143.99 532.. 126.62 569... 135.42 606... 144.23 533... 126 85 570... 135.66 607... 144.47 534... 127.09 571... 135.90 608... 144.70 535... 127.33 572... 136.14 609 .. 144.94 536... 127.57 573... 136.37 610... 145.18 537... 127.81 574... 136.61 611... 145.42 538... 128.04 575... 136.85 612... 145.66 539... 128.28 576... 137.09 613... 145.89 540... 128.52 577... 137 33 614... 146 13 541... 128.76 578... 137.56 615... 146.37 542... 129.00 579... 137.80 616... 146.61^ 543... 129.23 580... 138.04 617... 146.85 544 . 129.47 581... 138.28 618... 147.08 545... 129.71 582... 138.52 619... 147.32 540... 129.95 Doo... 138.75 620... 147.56 547... 130.19 584... 138.99 621... 147.80 548 .. 130.42 585... 139.23 622... 148.04 549... 130.66 586... 139.47 623... 148.27 550... 130.90 587... 139.71 624... 148.51 551... 131.14 588... 139.94 625... 148.75 552... 131.38 589... 140.18 626... 148.99 553... 131.61 590... 140.42 6l'7... 149 23 554... 131.85 591... 140. ()6 , 628... 149.46 555... 132^.00' ; 592,... x^.m 629... 149 . 70 )56..v V^t.^3 ' 5JJ3... uWi^ 630... 149.94 IlIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS 101 RM. 8 0. RM. 8 c. RM. 8 c. 631... 150.18 668... 158.98 705... 167.79 632... 150.42 669... 159.22 706 .. 168.03 633... 150.65 670... 159.46 707... 168.27 634... 150.89 671 .. .159.70 708... 168.50 635... 151.13 672... 159.94 709... 168.74 636... 151.37 673... 160.17 710... 168.98 637... 151.61 674... 160.41 711... 169.22 638... 151.84 675... 160.65 712... 169.46 639... 152.08 676... 160.89 713... 169.59 640... 152.32 677... 161.13 714... 169.93 641... 152.56 678... 161.36 715... 170.17 642... 152.80 679... 161.60 716... 170.41 643... 153.03 680... 161.84 717... 170.65 644... 153.27 681... 162.08 718... 170.88 645... 153.51 682... 162.32 719... 171.12 646... 153.75 683... 162.55 720... 171.36 647... 153.99 684... 162.79 721... 171.60 648... 154.22 685... 163.03 722... 171.84 649... 154.46 686... 163.27 723... 172.07 650... 154.70 687... 163.51 724... 172 31 651... 154.94 688... 163.74 725... 172 55 652... 155.18 689... 163.98 726... 172.79 653... 155 41 690... 164.22 727... 173.03 654 .. 155.65 691... 164.46 728... 173.26 655... 155.89 692... 164.70 1 mJiJ . . . 173.50 656 .. 156.13 693... 164.93 730... 173.74 657... 156 37 694... 165.17 731... 173.98 658... 156.60 695... 165.41 732... 174.22 659... 156.84 696... 165.65 733... 174 45 660... 157.08 697... 165.89 734... 174.69 661... 157.32 698.. 166.12 735... 174.93 662... 157.56 699... 166.36 736... 175.17 663... 157.79 700... 166.60 737.. 175.41 664... 158.03 701... 166.84 7b8... 175.64 665... 158.27 702... 167.08 739... 175.88 666... 158.51 703... 167.31 740... 176.12 667... 158.75 704... 167.55 741... 176.36 102 RIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AND CKNTS, RM. ^ c. H.M. S 0. RM. S 742... 176.60 779... 185.40 816... 194.21 748... 176.83 780... 185.64 817... 194.45 744... 177.07 781... 185.88 818... 194.68 745 .. 177.31 782... 186.12 819... 194.92 746... 177.55 7P3... 186.35 820... 195.16 747... 177.79 784... 186.59 821... 195.40 748... 178.02 785... 186.83 822... 195.64 749... 178 26 786... 187.07 823... 195.87 750 .. 178.50 787... 187.31 824... 196.11 751... 178.74 788... 187.54 825 .. 196.35 752... 178.98 789... 187.78 826... 196.59 753... 179.21 790... 188.02 827 196.83 754.. 179.45 791... 188.26 oZo... 197.06 755... 179.69 792 .. 188.50 829... 197.30 756... 179 93 793... 188.73 830... 197.54 757... 180.17 794... 188.97 831 .. 197.78 758... 180.40 795... 189.21 832... 198 02 759... 180.64 796.. 189.45 o3o... 198.25 760... 180.88 797... 189.69 834... 198.49 761... 181.12 798... 189.92 835... 198.73 762... 181.36 799... 190.16 836... 198.97 763... 181.59 800... 190 40 837... 199.21 764... 381.83 801... 190.64 ooo... 199.44 765 . 182.07 802 .. 190.88 839... 199.68 766... 182.31 803. . 191.11 840... 199.92 767... 182.55 804... 191.35 841... 200.16 768... 182.78 805... 191.59 842... 200.40 769 .. 183.02 806... 191.83 843... 200 . 63 770... 183.26 807... 192.07 844... 200.87 771... 183.50 808... 192.30 845... 201.11 772... 183.74 809... 192.54 846... 201.35 773... 183.97 810... 192.78 847... 201.59 774... 184.21 811... 193.02 848... 201.82 775... 184.45 812... 193.26 849... 202.06 776... 184.69 813... 193.49 850... 202.30 777... 184.93 814... 193.73 851... 202 . 54 778... 185.16 815... 193.97 852... 202.78 RIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. 103 R3I. $ 0. RM. $ 0. RM. » 0. 853... 203.01 890... 211.82 927.. . 220.63 854... 203,25 891... 212.06 928.. . 220.86 855... 203.49 892... 212.30 929.. . 221.10 856... 203.73 893... 212 53 930.. . 221 34 857... 203 . 97 894... 212.77 931.. . 221.58 858... 204.20 895... 213.01 932.. . 221 . 82 859... 204.44 896... 213.25 933.. . 222.05 860... 204. 6C 897... 213.49 934.. . 222.29 861... 204.92 898... 213.72 935.. . 222.53 862... 205.16 oyy... 213.96 936. . 222.77 863... 205.39 900... 214.20 937... . 223.01 864... 205.63 901... 214.44 938.. . 223.24 865... 205.87 902... 214.68 939... . 223.48 866... 206.11 903... 214.91 940... . 223.72 867... 206.35 904... 215.15 941.., . 223.96 868... 206.58 905... 215.39 942... . 224.20 869... 206.82 906 .. 215.63 943... 224.43 870... 207.06 907... 215.87 944... 224.67 871... 207.30 908... 216.10 945... . 224.91 872... 207.54 909... 216.34 946... . 225.15 873 .. 207.77 910... 216.58 947... 225.39 874... 208.01 911... 216.82 948... 225.62 875... 208.25 912... 217.06 949... 225.86 876... 208.49 913... 217.29 950... 226.10 877... 208.73 914... 217 53 951... 226.34 878.'. 208.96 915... 217.77 952... 226 . 58 879... 209.20 916... 218.01 953... 226.81 880... 209.44 917... 218.25 954... 227.05 881... 209.68 918... 218.48 955... 227.29 882 . 209.92 919... 218.72 956... 227.53 883... 210.15 920... 218.96 957... 227.77 884... 210,39 921... 219.20 958... 228.00 885... 210.63 922... 219.44 959... 228.24 886... 210.87 923 .. 219.67 960... 228.48 887... 211.11 924... 219.91 961... 228.72 888... 211 34 925... 220.15 962... 228.96 889... 211.58 926... 220.39 963... 229.19 104 RIXMARK INTO DOLLARS AND CKNIS. RM. $ 0. RM. $ 0. RM S c. 964 . 229.43 983... 233 . 95 1100. . 261.80 965... 229.67 984... 234.19 1200. .. 285.60 966... 229 . 91 985... 234.43 1300. .. 309.40 967.. 230.15 986... 234.67 1400. .. 333.20 968... 230 . 38 987... 234.91 1500 .. 357.00 969... 230 . 62 988... 235.14 1600. .. 380.80 970 .. 230.86 989... 235.38 1700. .. 404.60 971... 231.10 990... 235 . 62 1800.. . 428.40 972... 231.34 991... 235.86 1900.. . 452.20 973... 231.57 992... 236.10 2000.. . 476.00 974... 231.81 993 .. 236.33 3000.. . 714.00 975... 232.05 994... 236.57 4000.. . 952.00 976... 232.29 995... 236,81 5000.. .1190.00 977... 232 . 53 996... 237.05 6000.. .1428.00 978... 232.76 997... 237.29 7000.. .1666.00 979... 233.00 998... 237.52 8000.. .1904.00 980... 233.24 irtJ J , • • 237 . 76 9000.. .2142.00 981... 233.48 1000... 238.00 10000.. .2380.00 982... 233.72 ^ Fractional Currency, = 100 Pfennig equal to one Rixmark. PRINCIPAT. FOREIGN CURRENCIES. 105 a?^BijE SHOWING THB CANADIAN CUSTOMS VALUES OP THB PRINCIPAL FOREIGN CURRENCIES. COUNTRY. Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bogota Central America. . . Chili China Denmark Ecuador Egypt France Greece (}erman Empire... Japan India Italy Liberia Mexico Netherlands Norway Peru Portugal Russia Sandwich Islands . Spain Sweden Switzerland Tripoli Turkey United States of Colombia } Monetary Unit. .... Florin > Franc Dollar Milreis Peso , Dollar Peso Tael Crown . Dollar Pound of 100 piastres Franc Drachma Mark ... Yen Rupee of 16 annas Lira Dollar Dollar Florin Crown Dollar Milreis Rouble . . ■ Dollar Peseta of 100 centimes Crown . ... Franc Mahbub of 20 piastres Piaster Standard. Gold & Silver Gold & Silver Gold Gold — Silver . . . Gold Peso .... Gold • ■ . — Silver . . . . . Gold .... Gold & ^ilver Gold & Silver . . . Gold .... 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