^, )) „ from lowest bed „ from highest bed „ dressed Plan of the mine. Yellow sulphuret of copper Plan of mine, by Willson and Eobb. Variegated and vitreous sul- phurets of copper Variegated sulphurets of cop- per . . . . Plan of mine by Willson and Eobb. Variegated and vitreous sul- phurets of copper, from a bed. )» >» Plan of mine, by Mr. Eich- ardson. Vitreous sulphuret, with green carbonate of copper Sulphurets of copper. . Copper pyrites with iron. Yellow sulphuret of copper from a bed. ExnrniTED \y HM— W. H. A. Davies, and C. Dunkin . Pomroy, Adams, and Co., Shcrbrooke, Eastern Townships . Pomroy, Adams, and Co., Sherbrooke, Eastern Townships . Shaw, Bignol and Hunt, Quebec M— English and Cana- dian Mining Co., Que- bec . . . . Flowers, Mackio and Co. Griffiths and Brothers, Sherbrooke, E. T. Flowers, IMackie and Co. H M— Sweet and Co.. North Sutton, E. T. G. D. Eobertson and Co. Geological Survey of Ca- nada. LOCALITY AND BEMAIlKa. Acton Mine, Acton, Ea«torJi Townships, Lot Sii, range H, about 17 per cent of copper. HM— Tho. jMcCaw, Len- noxville, E. T. Wickham Mine, TVickham, Eastern Townships, Lot 15, range 10—30 per cent. Yale'sMine, Durham, Eastern Townships, Lot 21, range 7, supposed to belong to tho same band as the Acton Mine Black Eiver Mine,(S<. Flavien. Harvey's Hill mine, Leeds, Eastern Townships, Lot 13, range 15. St. Francis Mine, Cleveland, Eastern Townships, Lot 25, range 12. Jackson's Mine, Cleveland, Eastern Townships, Lot 26, range 13. Coldspring Mine, Melbourne, Eastern Townships, Lot 6, range 2. Sweet's Mine, Sutton, Eastern 'i'ownships. Lot 8, range 10. Craig's Mine, Chester, Eas- tern Townships, Lot, 8, range 5. Nicolot Branch Mine, Ham, Eastern Townships, Lot 28, range 4, abundant water power near, for crushing and dressing the ore. Oarthby, Eastern Townships, Lot, 22, range 1. Haskell Hill Mine, Ascot, Eastern Townshi])H, Lot 8, BEMAnKS. on, Eastern 32, range li, it of oopj)er. Wickham, ips, Lot 15, ir cent. om, Eastern 21, range 7, ong to the the Acton 1^^. Flavien. ino, Leeds, ps, Lot 13, Cleveland, ps, Lot 25, Cleveland, )s, Lot 20, Melbourne, ps, Lot C, n, Eastern , range 10. iter, Eas- Lot. 8, ne. Ham, )8, Lot 28, mt water crushing ore. owuships, B, Ascot, )H, Lot 8, EXHIBITED AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. i ODJECT. EXIIIBITKD UT TOCALITY AND REMARKS. Minerals, &C. — continued. Plan of mine, by Willsou and range 8, Ore from this Bobb. mine without any dressing, has been sent to Boston, and yielded on an average about 8 per cent, pui-o copper Orford, Eastern Townships, Sulphurot of nickel Geological Survey of Ca- nada. Lot. 0, range 12. Native gold .... )i ,, Fief St. Charles, C. E.— Stream gohl in nuggets Nine, among the nuggets, iStrcam gold in dust weigh from 10 dwts. to ^ 12U dwtrt. Stream gold — a nugget with >> ji Vaudrouil, C. E. — the nugget quartz weight 80 dwts. Aurii'erous blende 1} }, Eapids of the Chaudiere, C. E. — Occurs in a vein with galena, &c., the vein from 2 to 3 feet thick. Grains of gold in bitter-spar »> n Leeds, Eastern Townships, Lot 15, range 14. Grains of riatinuni and of J, ,, Fief St. Charles, 0. E.— Se- Iridosmino parated from gold dust found in the drift. Chromic iron «i i> Mt. Albert, Gaspii. Chromic iron » )> Ham, Eastern Townships, Lot 4, range 2— the bed 14 inches thick. Specimen of chromic iron »> »i Bolton, Eastern Townsliips, Lot 23, range 6. Specimen of chromic iron Benj. Walton, Montreal Melhovrnc, Eastern Town- ships, Lot 23, range 6. Molybdenite >» » Quetachoo river, Manicouagan Bay, C.E. Brome, Eastern To>vn8hips, Dolomite .... I) » Lot IG, range 11. MagnoHito .... )j 1) Sutton, Eastern Towns ("(•■j. Lot 12, range 7. Magnesite .... »> )> Bolton, Eastern Townships, . Lot 17, range 9. Soapstone (steatite) » )> Bolton, Eastern Townships, Lot 24, range 4. Cut specimens of soapstone )) » Sutton, Eastern Townships, Lot 12, range 7. Potstone (compact chlorite) J) >» Bolton, Eastern Townships, Lot 2G, range 2. Uncut specimens mica rock » )> Shipton, Eastern Townships, Lot 18, range 5. Cut and dressed plates, mica )i )) Grenville. and crystals of do. , Specimen oi plumbago Bussell and Co. • Pointe du Chene Graphite Mine, Argenteuil, C.E. Specimen of plumbago Geological Surv nada . A. Cowan ey of Ca- Grenville, C.E. Specimen of plumbago Lochaber, C.E. Anhestus from a veiu . Geological Surv nada . ey of Ca- St. Joseph, C.E. PRODUCTS OF CANADA EAST, OBJECT. Minerals, Ac. — continued. Specimen of eluy and pottery made from do. . Cube foot of dressed limc- Btone . . . . Do. It M Do. Do. Do. Do. A foot cube of dressed sand- stone Do. A foot cube of dressed Labra- dorite A foot cube of dressed gneiss Do. „ A foot cube of dressed Byenite Do. A foot cube of dressed granite Do. Yellowish white marble Spotted green and white mar- ble White marble White marble . White and green marble Dove-grey marble Black marble Bed and veined marble Grey marble Grey and red spotted marble Dove-grey marble Drab marble Brownish black marble Greenish black marble Grey marble Do. Specimen of cream-white mar- ble, striped with yellow Dark grey and yellowish marble Fawn, yellow, and white marble Brecciated and green serpen- tine marble Light green marble . Dark green, and striped mar- ble KXIIIBITED BY Michael Finley, Quebec C. E. CheeHcman, Phil- lipHburg Geological Survey of Ca- nada » I* II >i II II n tt n » » M l> H. O'Donnell, Quebec . Geological Survey of Ca- nada LOCALITY AND UEMABKB. II 11 i> II II >i » n M n » n C. R. Cheeseman, Phil- hpsburg Geological Survey of Ca- nada i> II II II II 11 II 11 » n n » » n n » II St. Foy, near Quebec. Phillipsburg, St. Armand. Caughnawagtt, C.E. St. Dominique. Pointo Claire. Montreal. Chevotriere Augmen. of Grenville. Quin's Point. Abercrombie. Jeune Lorette. Grenville. Grenville. Grenville. St. Joseph. Barnston, Eastern Townships. Grenville, C.E. Aug. of Grenville, C.E. Phillipsburg, St. Armand. St. Armand. St. Joseph. Caughuawaga. St. Dominique. Esquimaux Island. Poiute Claire. Montreal. J5m«/»k>cZ/, Eastern Townships, Lot 23, range 7. Excellent and beautiful marbles ob- tainable here. The dark grey sometimes resembles the Portor marble Irom Italy. The streaked and spotted are thought by some to excel the cele- brated Egyptian. Orford, Eastern Townships, Lot 6, range 13. Orford, Eastern Townships, Lot 12, range 8. LBK8. and. EXHIBITED AT THE INTBRNATIC .^AL EXHIBITION. iwnBhips. .E. mand. owDshipfl; Excellent irblea ob- The dark resembles ble Irom aked and )ught by the cele- 'ownships, 'ownshipB, OBJECT. Minerals, &o. — continued. Oreon and white serpentine marble Dark and light green ser- pentine marble Brecciated green serpentine marble Brecciated green serpentine marble with white veins Specimens of routing slate . EXHIBITED DT Benj. Walton, Montreal Geological Survey of Ca- nada M— B. Walton, Montreal Specimens of roofing slat© Do. Do. M M Do. •, Baw cement atone Do. Raw limestone Prepared lime . Red bricks . Common red bricks Common building bricks Pressed front do. Radiating front do. Circular do. Geological Survey of Ca- nada SI Clay used in making sewer- age pipe tiles A six-inch sample of pipe tile LOCALITY AKD BEMABKB. Peel & Compte, Montreal HM — Buhner and Shep- pard, Montreal. H. O'Donnell, Quebec Cut whetstones . Do. Geological Survey of Ca- nada. Melbourne, Eastern Town- ships, Lot 20, range 5. Melbourne, Eastern Town- ships, Lot 20, range 5. St. Joseph. Melbourne, Eastern Town- ships, Lot 32, range 6. Ex- cellent slate, equal to the best Welsh and French. Supplied in upwords of 20 ditt'erent sizes for roofing, and placed on the railroad cars at prices from 2 to 4 dollars per square of 100 feet. Far less costly for roofing than tin or iron, and only about one-third more than common wooden shingles. Orford, Eastern Townships, Lot 2, range 5. Tnng, Eastern Townships. Kingsey, Eastern Townships, Lot 4, range 1. Cleveland, Eastern Townships, Lot G, range 15. Hull, C. E. Magdalen River. Montreal.— About 270,000 bushels per annum manu- factured — price about 8rf. sterling per bushel. St. Jean.— About 2,000,000 have been made there in a year. Montreal.— 6,000,000 annu- ally, at Sjf to 6^ per 1000. Montreal.— 0,000,000 annu- ally, at prices from 5^ to 12$, according to form of brick. — Boaden's machine used. Quebec. — Used for main sewers and house drains. More than 150,000 laid in Quebec. — Price, according to diameter, ^d to 4« 6^ sterling per linear foot. Stanstead, East Townships, Lot 15, range 1. Satley, Massawhippi Lako, Eastern Townships. § PRODUCTS OP CANADA EAST, OIIJECT. KXUIIilTED HV LOCAMTY AND RKM\RKH. Minerals, Ao— continued. Cut whotHtonoH . Geological Survey of Ca- Bolton, Easteni Townshipfl, nada Lot 2.1, range (J. Do. tt II N Kingiey, EaMtern TownshipM, Lot 7, rango 2. A Buhrstono, droMseil . >t f» Grenville, C. E., Lot 3, range 0. Montreal. Specimen of marl . » n Do. II ft AnticoBti. Do. » II St. Armund. Brownish iron ochro . E. Caron St. Anne do Montmorenci. Brownish black do. Yellow ochro Orecn and yellow ochres Geological Survt nada. fi jy of Ca- Cap du La Madclaino. Purple and yellow ochres n Pointo du Lac. Cut and polished specimens »f tt Abercrombie, C. E. of Labradorito . Cut and polished specimens t> » Shickshock mountain, Gaspu. ofEpidosite Sandstone, for glass making . » n Williamstown, Beauluirnois. Specimen of peat . » » Chambly, C. E. 2. Agricultural Products. Half bushel, Canadian barley Agricult. Society, county Grown by John Oalbraith. Beauluirnois. „ two-rowed Eng- lish barley Half bushel, English oats . II i» „ Dugald Tliompsou II » „ David Benning. „ early peas 1 n „ Jos. Oeudron. „ late do, . 1 '» „ John Brodie. „ autumn rye 1 n „ J. B. Fcliatreau. „ black sea wheat 1 n „ Charles Tait. „ wheat 1 n „ — Mc Donald „ flax seed . 1 » „ M — Celestin Bergcoin. „ Timothy grass 1 » „ M— Charles Tait. seed Half bushel, two-rowed barley Agricultural Society of „HM— M. McNaughten, Huntingdon . 45 buHhels per acre. „ Indian com 11 » Grown by S. Schllnger, 25 bushels per acre. „ oats . 11 M Grown by J. Muir, 80 bush- els per acre. M — Grown by JohnPercil,40 „ peas , •1 » bushels per acre. „ wheat 11 M Grown by P. McEarlano, 25 bushels per acre. „ barley VL—W. Boa,St. Laurent, 30 minots per arpent. Montreal . , , „ beans » „ Indian corn II 50 minots per arpent. „ white corn 11 „ potatoo oats >} „ early Canadapeas 11 „ Black Sea wheat 11 25 minots per arpent. „ buck wheat I Or Oi IlJ h1 EXnrBTTED AT THE tnt>:rnational exhibttion. e IKH. ii8hii)B, nBhipH, I, rnngo ircnci. ,11, GiiHpe. uharuoiH. albraith. TliompHou Beuning. lulroii. Irodie. i'eliatreau. s Tait. Donald ill IJergcoin. .8 Tait. (IcNaughtcn, p aero. khUngor, 25 !re. uir, SObuBh- rohnPercil,40 ere. IcTarlano, 25 icre. arpent. arpent. ai'pent. OIUECT. Agrioultaral Products— eon tinufd. NumploH, Iiuliaii corn meal „ oat Htrnw lIiilf-buHlu'i, Imrloy „ DInc'k Soa wheat Olio buMhol, barley M » »» Iloroe beans Two rowed inaJKO OatH „ Spring wheat 1 crook of butter Jluit-bu«hel, barley „ Black Sea wheat „ Barley •t n Fife wheat Variety ditto Sample, bearded wheat lialt-buuhol, barley Samples of flax „ of wool . Half-bushel, barley „ Indian corn One box, maple Hugar . Ualf buuhol, Canada beans Broad Windsor do. Dwarf Marrowfat peas „ Wliito Canada do. „ Black-eyed do. „ Early field do. „ Coffee do. . Half bushel Timothy grass seed G ears Indian com (white) » » (red) 30 lbs. Maple sugar . 1 Cheese Sample, 2 varieties clover „ Flax seeu „ Timothy grass seed One trace, Indian corn One bale, Jiops (1861) Half bushel, oats Half bushel, oats EXniDITID UY TT. Boa, St. Laurent, Montreal »> »» P. Beaudry, St. Damano F. Beaudry, St, DainaNO H M — Jamet Logan, Pe- tite C6to . n P. Malo, St. Damase O. Malo, St. DamaHO J). McKinnon, Somerset, Eastern Townsliips Antoine Bocheleau, St. Bruneau H M— C Wilkins, Bougc- mont » » t! >» J£.— W. Evans, Montreal >» >» n >» » )l « » I» f> >l » M — D. Broton, Cownns- ville, Eastern Townsli ips >» )» Lymana, Clare, and Co. Montreal . Pierre Martin, St. Lau- rent Thoa. Dawes and Son, La- chinc H VL—T.Badham, Drum- mondvillo. Eastern Townships H. Mathieu, St. Hya- ciiithe UKMABKB. ^0 minots jier arpent 1«> II •• .SO minots per arpent. 15 „ „ H5 bushels per acre 32 „ „ »» >» 30 bushels per acre 27 min. per arpent 36 do. Unrefined, as usually made by farmers 30 min. per arpent. 10 PRODUCTS OP CANADA EAST, OBJECT. EXHIBITED BT BEMABES. Agpicultural Products— con- tinued. Half bushel, peaa Henry Cumming, Megan- tic, Eastern Townships Specimen maple sugar H M— Bev. F. L'Heureux, Vorcheres One box, maple sugar J. B. Alix, St. Cesaire Half bushel, buckwheat L. Bruuelle, St. Hyacinthe 50 min. per arpent. Half bushel, spring wheat Jas. Brummond, Petite Cote John Drummond, Petite Half bushel, wheat Cote Half bushel, wheat J. Lamonde, St. Damase 15 min, per arpent. Half bushel, wheat D. Stewart, Liveruess, Eastern Townships 25 bush, per acre. Hi. Products of Forests and Waters. 1. Woods. Specimens of 73 varieties. VL—TkeAbli Provancher, The numerals printed on with branches, leaves, and St. Joachim white paper flowers „ of 74 woods HM— P. F. Prieur, St. Vincent de Paul „ on green paper „ of 71 „ J. B. Le Page, Bimouski Dr. DubordfThree Eivers „ on yellow paper „ of 73 „ „ on pale rose colour „ of 72 „ Bavid Price, Chicoutimi „ on red paper „ of 72 „ H M- C. E. Coutlee „ on blue paper Specimens of 23 kinds of M— Messrs. Duncan, Pat- Collected in the Quebec squared timber, with 20 do. ton and Co., Quebec market of pine and spruce planks and staves Specimens of sawn woods H M — Geo.Giugras, Que- bec 2. Pharmaceutical Products. Canada balsam Mr. Olivier Giroux, Drug- Gum of Balsam Eir extracted gist, Quebec from Black Spruce, for making Spruce and Beer Spruce oil ... )> » Extract of spruce j» >» Canadian Sarsaparilla . )> i» Gold thread (Coptis Trifolia) )> » Wild endive (Cichorium intybus) » » Canadian Dragon's Blood (Sanguinaria Canadensis) . » » "Wild anice root (Anychia Canadensis) >» » Ginseng (Panax quinquefo- lium) .... » )» Winter green (Pyrola umbel- lata) .... » >» Capillaire (Adiantum peda- tum) .... » » Castoremn (in its natural state) .... )j )» Cod liver oil ... >> » EXHIBITED AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 11 ss. OBJECT. it. it. jrinted on paper paper 'ose colour aper )aper ) Quebec ir extracted pruco, for md Beer Products, &C. — continued. 3. Preserved Fish. Smoked Salmon . Salted Salmon Smoked Herring . Salted Labrador Herring Salted Hemng (from Bay Chaleurs) Salted Einiouski Herring Salted Cod Salted Eel . Salted Sardine 4. Substances obtained A-oni Getacea and Fish Wliite porpoise skins Skins of seal. Oil of wiiite porpoise Oil of shark Cod liver oil 5. Furs. Skin of moose deer Skin of bear Skin of red fox Skin of black martin Skin of beaver Skin of pecau Skin of racoon Skin of mink Skin of otter Skin of Canadian lynx Skin of skunk Six skins of musk rats Skin of marmot . 6. Birds. One case containing 103 spe- cimens of birds found in Canada East , Specimen of weasel (Mustela vulgaris) .... Red squirrel (Sciurus Hud- sonius) .... IV. Manufactured Articles. 1. Chemical Products 1 dozen arctusine 2 lbs. Canadian yellow wax . Toilet soap .... 2. Substances used for Food. 2 smoked hams 2 dried bacon hams 1 piece smoked beef . EXHIBITED BY EEMAKKS. Messrs. Turgeon and Ouellet, Merchants, Quebec Mr. C. H. Tetu. River Owelle, county of Ka- mouraska. Two sides, undressed. Two, in their natural state. Mr. 01ivierC6te, of Quebec >« )> >> » » » HM—Jas. Thomson, Esq. Montreal S. J. Lyman and Co., Montreal j> »» J. Wheeler, jun. Montreal M— G. Eeinhart, Montreal If n Undressed. In glass case. Prices attached, from SJrf to l^d for the ham and bacon ; lOd per lb. for the becft e il 12 PRODUCTS OF (CANADA EAST, 11 ' OBJECT. Manufactured Articles— con- tinued. 1 piece smoked bacon . 1 piece dried bacon 2 bologna sauHages 2 cauea wino Forest wine 3. Railway Plant. Railway wheels from Radnor forges, St. Maurice . Improved railway wheel, from the Radnor forges . Model of direct action, self- lalonced oscillatingcy Under 4. Carriages. A four-wheeled open carriage 5. Manufacturing Machines and Tools. Brick and Tile making Ma- chine, small Model of Pug Mill . . . . Model of Improved Water Wheel . . . . 6. Agricultural and Horti- cultural Machines and Implements. An Iron Plough . An Iron Swing Plough 7. Philosophical Instru- ments and Processes. Diagram of mean diurnal changes of temperature, of air and water of the river St. La>vrence . 8. Photography. A case containing two port- folios of Photographs KXUl SITED BT G. Reiuhart, Montreal N. Pigeon, Monti'oul Madame Paulet, Montreal M— A. La Rue and Co., Three Rivers Joshua Lowe, G. T. R. of Canada East Clovis Leduc, Montreal . W. Bawden, Hochelaga, Montreal HM — E. O. Richard, Quebec M — J. Jeffery, Cote de Nieges, Montreal, C. E. M — J. Patersou, Montreal T. D. King, Montreal M— W.Notman, Montreal RKMABKS. Prices attached, from ^\d to T^rf for the ham and bacon ; lOd per lb. for the beef. From Canadian wild grape; price attached ^ 2d per gallon. From Canadian wild grape; price 4« 2d per gulon — 1« 8df per bottle. Have run 150,000 miles in a post ofiBce car of the G. T. Railway. Pattern now in use on G. T. R. and G.W.R. of Canada. For locomotive, marine, or stationaiy engine. Price attached, £90. Price attached, 10 guineas. The Bird's-eye maple case was made by J. and W. Hilton of Montreal, and silver-mounted by R. Heu- dery, Montreal. The port- folios are the work of J. Lowell, Montreal. The I'ortfolios are labelled Ca- nada EastsmA. Canada West rcspeelivcly. EXHIBITED AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 13 OBJECT. Manufactured Articles— con- tinued. 9. Surgicallnstruments. Apparatus for detecting coa- siunptiou and testing the lungs .... 10. Woollens, Ac. 2 lbs. woollen yarn 5 pieces Canadian tweed 1 piece Canadian spring tweed 1 piece of check . 1 piece Etoflfe (light) . 11. Paper, Stationery, Printing and Bookbind- ing. 1 1'eam printing paper 1 ream Manilla paper 12. Educational Works and Appliances. Collection of 17 School and Text books, printed in Ca- nada . . - . Journal de 1' Instruction Pub- lique and Journal of Edu- cation for the years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860 and 1861, 5 sets Bapport sur I'lnstruction Publique, and Eeport on Educationin LowerCanada for the years 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, and 1860 Acts of the Provincial Parlia- ment concerning Educa- tion and Schools in Lower Canada, 2 copies in each language 3 uzes of desk and seat for schools 12. Furniture, &c. Sam])lcs of 18 kinds of brooms, whisks, and dus- ters EXHIBITED BY G. S. D. Bonald, Medical Student, McGill Uni- versity, Montreal M— Mrs. P. Dunphy, St. Malachi M — Wm. Stephen and Co., Montreal . >» )» »> >» » >» Angus and Logan, Mou- treal . . . . v. — Hon. P. O. Chau- veatt . . , . M— \V. Nelson & Wood, Montreal . BE^tikBKS. With an illustrative diagram. Prices attached, from 2« &/ to 3« 6d per yard. Approved, according to law now in operation, by the. council of Public Instruc- tion, as class books in schools in Lower Canada. The sets are in paper and in cloth boards respectively. Made by W. Allen, Montreal, approved by the Council of Public Instruction and in use in the schools. Classified as extra and com- vwH — prices attached to the latter from la Gd to ds Sd per dozen. ... f^- u PRODUCTS OF CANADA EAST, &c. OHJECT. EXIIIBITKD BY Manufactured Articles— coh- tinued. 13. Iron and General Hard- ware. 3 sheets of nail-plato from " Caiiadian PIr Metal," "Scotch Pig Metal," and " Scrap Iron " . 3 pieces of iron, cut ready for nail machine A chain of cut nails 14. Pottery. Specimen of drain-tiles 15. Manufactures not in- cluded in previous classes. 1 fount of Long Primer, So- man 2 type cases Stand for cases Specimen impression in frame Cigars of Canadian manufac- ture, 9 kinds . 16. Architectural Drawings. View of the Lower Canada In dustrial Exhibition Build- ing at Montreal Interior view of a skating rink Photographs of the Liverpool and London Assurance Of- fice, Montreal, and of the new Unitarian church 17. Oil Paintings. View of the Shawenagan Palls, on the St. Maurice River, Canada East View on the St. Maurice Ri- ver, Canada East BEMABEB. H M-W. II. Snell, Vic- toria Iron AVorks, Mon- treal, C.E. . M — Missisquoi Tile and Drain Co., C.E. C. T. Palsgrave, type- founder, Montreal. P. Henry, Montreal, C.E. J. W. Hopkins, architect, Montreal, C.E. . Lawford & Nelson, archi- tects, Montreal, C.E. Hopkins, Lawford and Nelson, architects, Mon- treal, C.E. . O. R. Jacobi, Montreal, C.E » Puddled Bent when cold, showing their extreme toughness. Price per lb. attached, 1« Gd Prices attached ; from £5. Ss 8d to £16. 11« Sd per 1000. The Exhibition held during the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Frame of inlaid Canadian woods, by J. Guidi, Montreal. Erected for the Victoria Skating Club, Montreal. Photographed by Notman, Montreal. The property of A. J. Pell, by whom the frame v/as carved and gilt. Price, with frame, 200 guineas. The property of A. J. Pell. Price 50 guineas. Note. — The prices are stated in sterling money ; and those attached to articles of commerce whose value is fluctuating, were the market prices in Canada in March 1862. 3g their AWARDS TO CANADA AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. a, i« 6rf from 3. 11« 8i Id during R.H. the i. Frame an woods, Qtreal. Victoria Montreal. Notman, CLASS I. Mining, Quarrying, Metallurgy, and Mineral Products. A. J. Pell, rame v/as t. Price, guineas. A. J. PeU. ■is. articles of yiarch 1862. NAME OP EXIIIBITOE A3fD AWABD. Medal. BilUngs, E., of the Geo- logical Survey English and Canadian Mining Company Eastern Townships, C.E. Foley and Co. . Hunt, T. Sterry, of (Geo- logical Survey La Eue and Co., Three Eivers, Canada East. Montreal Mining Com- pany. Taylor, A. The Officers of the Geo- logical Survey of Ca- nada. Walton, E., Melbourne Eastern Townships, C. E. West Canada Mining Company. Williams, for Canadian Oil Company. Honorable Mention. Davies, W. H. A., Acton, Eastern Townsliip.s, C.E. OBJECT BEWABDED, AND BEA80N9. For the skill with which their ground, of deposits For his published decades on Ca- nadian fossils, and his valuable general contributions to palaeon- tology. and perseverance they have opened and the discovery conformable with the stratification. For plans of mines, ores, and lead, smelted in the colony. For the instructively - described series of the ciystalline rocks of Canada, and his various pub- lished contributions to geological chemistry. For excellent cast iron railway wheels from bog iron ore which have run 150,000 miles. For interesting series of copper ores, accompanied by plans and -ections of the workings. For good specimens of crude and prepared gypsum, \vith plans and section of the gypsum mines. For an admirably prepared collec- tion of specimens, illustrating the mineral resources of the pro- vince. For the discovery of good roofing slates. For specimens and plans illustrating a well worked copper mine. For introducing an important in- dustry by sinking artesian wells in the Devonian Strata for pe- troleum. For interesting and instructive spe- cimens from a remarkable de- posit. 16 AWARDS TO CANADA. NAME OF EXHIllITOa AND AWARD. CLASS I. — continued. Mining, Quarrying, Metallurgy, and Mineral Products. CLASS II. Section A. Chemical Products. CLASS III. Substances used for Food. Section A. Agricultural Produce. Hon. Men. — continued. McCaw, T., Ascot, East- em Townships, C.E. Sweet, S. and Co., Sut- ton, Eastern Townships, C.E. Medal. Benson and Aspden Canadian Oil Works McNaughton, E. A. Pearson, Brothers . object bewahded, and BEA80XS. For fine and instructive specimens of ores, running with the strati- fication and illustrating the struc- ture of the country. For fine and instructive specimens of ores, running with tne strati- fication, and illustrating the struc- ture of the country. Medal. Agricultural Board of Upper Canada . Agricultural Society of Iluiitingdon, one medal to grower, Canada East Agricultural Society of Wellington Agricultural Society of Wcntworth and Hamil- ton, (three medals for growers) Boa, W., Canada East . Denison, E. L. Evans, W., Canada East Fleming, J. . Johnstone, B. Logan, J., Canada East . Peel (County) Agricul- tural Society — Medal to John Lynch, Secre- tary . . . . Shaw, A. . . . Agricultiu-al Society of Beauharnois, Canada East (two medals to growers) Wilson, J. . Samples of Indian com starch. For the excellent quality of samples. For an extensive exhibition of the derivatives of petroleum. Flour and potato starch — for the excellent quality of samples. For an extensive exhibition of the derivatives of petroleum. For samples of wheat from various counties, of excellent quality. For peas,40 bushels per acre, grown by John Percil. For wheat of excellent quality. For blue-stem wheat grown by J. H. Anderson; for red chaff wheat grown by John Smith ; for po- tatoe oats grown, by A. Gorie. Very superior in quality. For all his samples in collection. Indian com stalks. For extraor- dinary growth. For collection of grains and seeds, excellent and interesting. For seeds and grains, as excellent and interesting. For sample of Soule's winter wheat, of excellent quality. For spring wheat of excellent qua- lity. For barley, peas, and two kinds of spring wheat, all of excellent quality. For rye of excellent quality. For flax seed gro\vn by C. Bergoin ; for grass seed grown by C, Tait. For oatmeal of excellent (juality. Vf An: ti u ti Vege ue tu f „ CLASS III I „ /__ -"• Substances used for The A^'*'!!' ^«°«on- ~~~ " 1 Wrf '?f' V'^S ^'^ '''' ^'S^od quality. SjSr/-'^'*°*^^t.Por barley Good . . For InZn ^''^'^^^^ of quality. Wilkius, C, Canada Bast LC' --^^-"quS^y."^""^'*^ Sectxox B. „ , , '"^'*° «'"'. goodness of quality woceiy and Prfln« u '^odal. ^««my. rations of Cd*" ^T^: ^' CowanBville M,.n] c::irEast^<>-S:r^^^«"^-^-wofq^^^^^^ I Keinhart fJ- lu- '^ " I I Canada St ''"°*^««MH--E,ceUenceofq^^^ .Honourable Mention M^ileureux, Bev F T hw , I Canada East ' .' ^-'l ^^P^e augar. Illustrative. ^ CLASS IV. I Animal and Vom- «j i • ^®'^*^- table Substanfes K "^^/^^^^^der «sed in MaS ^®' '^'^ew . tures. ^ Section C ^^^y' ^- ^' Ottawa Vegetable Substances u^^d in ManufacJingersoll, C.Lewis I-aurie, James ^fKee, Hugh Moore, T. [Nelson and Wood, of Montreal, Canada East ' Patfon Duncan aad Co .Quebec, Canada East" 'Provancher, the Abb^ Canada East ' Jor dressed flax. For planks and logs, and 21 no j Ul™'^ ^ ^^--O log. of <™ted coUection of 4 wooR 18 AWARDS TO CANADA. NAMK OF BXUIBITOB AND OBJECT KEWABDKD, AND AWARD. BEA80N8. CLASS lY.— continued Med. — continued. the colony, accompanied with Animal and Vegetable dried specimens, useful informa- Substances used in tion, &c. Manufactures. Sharp, Samuel For a magnificent collection of planks, polished slabs, veneers, * and a named collection of 20 spe- cimens, all from the Western districts. Skead, JamcH For a magnificent collection of planks, logs, and a scientificallv named collection of 37 woods, aU from the Ottawa district. Van Allen, D. R. . For planks and logs, all magnificent specimens, from the Thames dis- trict, and 21 scientifically named specimens. Trombiscki, A. L. . For magnificent logs of white oak, rock elm and hickory. Honourable Mention. Bronson, A. For magnificent sections of Strobus and white oak. Burrows For fine sections of " Landrus sas- safras." Choate, Jacob For fine cherry-wood and soft maple plants. For named collection of 72 woods Coutlee, Canada East of the colony. Gingras, G. Quebec, Ca- nada East Crooks, Miss For fine planks of timber. For collection of 490 native plants. Prieui*, F. X., Canada For a named collection of 74 woods Ea«t of the colony. Rose, E. H. For a box of very fine black walnut veneers. CLASS V. Medal. Railway Plant. La Rue and Co., Three Cast Iron Hollow Wheels. For Rivers, Canada East . excellence of material. Honourable Mention. Sharp, S. . . . Model of sleeping and freight cars. CLASS VIII. Honourable Mention. Machinery in Gene- Richard, E. 0., Quebec, Model of water-wheel. ral. Canada East CLASS IX. Medal. Agricultural and Hor- Gaskin, Capt. P. . For his collection of Agricultural ticultural Machines tools. and Implements. .Teffry, J., Canada East . For his iron plough. McShcrry, J. For his iron plough. Morley, J. . . . For his iron plough. AWAEDS TO CANADA. 19 rol I CluHM IX. — continued. Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Machines and Implements. NA^E OV EXRIBITOB ABB AWABB. Med. — continued. FaterHon, J., Moutrual, Canada East AVTiiting and Co. . Honourable Mention. Sovereign, L. L. . Collard, H. . CLASS X. Civil Engineering, Architectural and Building Contri- vances. Section A. CLASS XIV. Photography. CLASS XXI. Woollen and Worsted, including mixed Fabrics generally. CLASS XXIX. Educational Works and Appliances. Medal. Brown, J. . . . Stephenson, G. E., as re- presentative of his cou- sin the late E. Ste- phenson, M.P., r.E.s. Honourable Mention. Bulmer and Sheppard, Montreal, Canada East Gibb, T. Missisquoi Drain Tile Company, Canada East Betts, E. L. Hodges, J. . . . Peto, Sir S. M., Bart., M.P. Medal. Notman, Montreal, Ca- nada East OBJECT BEWABBEU, AMU KEABOMB. For his iron plough. For their collection of agricultural tools. For his combined cultivator and drill. For his cultivator. Medal. Mrs. Dunphy, St. Mala- chie, Canada East, and W. Stephen and Co., Montreal, Canada East Medal. Chauveau, Hon. P. Canada East Passmore, S. W. O. Honourable Mention. Thomson, James, Canada East For the excellence of manufacture of his hydraulic cement. For the extraordinary boldness of conception and the great inge- nuity of the construction of the • Victoria Bridge,Montreal,Canada Ea«t. For the excellence of their bricks. For the excellence of his white bricks and drain tiles. Drain tiles of good quality. A collective honourable mention for the successful execution of the Victoria Bridge, and for the inge- nuity displayed by Mr. Hodges in constructing the coffer«dams for the same. For excellence in an extensive series of photographs. For the display of woollen goods and hand-spun yarns manufac- tured in the colony. For the merit of his educational journals and i-eports. For his collection of birds and fish. For his collection of birds. • N 20 AWARDS TO CANADA. NAME OP EXUTBITOB AND AWAED. OB.IECT REWABDEO, AND KEA80N8. CLASS XXXI. Hardware. Sfx'tion A. Manufactures in Iron. Honourable Mention. Smsll, Victoria Works, Canadiv East J'or good machine-niado nails. CLASS XXXII. Section B. Cutlery and Edge • Medal. Gaskin, Capt. R. . Tongue and Co. Collection of agricultural hand-im- plements. Assortment of edge tools, highly finished.