IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ff IIIM 32 III IIIM IMO 111^ IIIM IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 M 6" — ► V] <^ /} '« ♦ %-*- TORONTO : T. K. & J. P. CLoi(niEH, PniLTsnEii^. 0^,/1, ,C^ ■fbil SI ln+ CONTENTS. PAGE. Testing Gold Ore in the Field... 5-19 Testing Silver Ore in the Field.. 20-23 Detailed Instructions for Field Tests : — Gold Ore 24-56 Silver Ore 56-61 Testing Outfit 61-67 Prospectors Outfit 67-71 Useful Information 72 Table of Weights of Various Sub- stances 73 Useful General Terms for Pro- spectors 74-86 Common Rock Minerals and Hocks. 87-94 Entered accordeng to Act of Parliament of Can- ada in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety -seven, by William Hamilton Merritt, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. t mrwrwrnistmrm PREFACE n ' Y excuse for burdening the community with another publication, small though it be, is largely to save myself trouble. This little pamphlet has been the direct outcome of Pro8p<;ctor8' Classes, and the reiteration of the same instruction convinced ine that it would be a good deal easier for myself, as well as for the Prospector, if he had a convenient little text book on Field Testing of Gold and Silver Ores to which he could refer. The more I worked with Prospectors the more convinced I became that the usual blow-pipe sets prepared for colleges, etc , were entirely too compli- cated and too expensive for the ordinary prospector, and that a simpler and cheaper set of apparatus wa» desirable. I do not claim, nor could I claim, any originality for the pan-anaalgamation process, but by introducing a cheap and effective little balance, the procedure, as hereinafter described, enables the operator to get defined results in the field with a very cheap and portable outfit. I have not hesitated to draw ideas from the excellent and modern works of Mr, Henry Louis and Mr. E. L. Fletcher, to both of which I have alluded. In conclusion I might add that Prospectors' Classes have been carried on for three years in the Province of Ontario by the Kingston School of Mining, for the last two years under special grant for the purpose from the Government of Ontario. And it would be proper to mention that it was due chiefly to the energetic advocacy of the idea by Principal Grant that the Prospectors of Ontario have enjoyed the benefit of instruction in Field Tests, etc., and also that the same learned gentleman was pre- viously the organizer of the only distinctive Mining School in Canada. «• DOES IT PAN?" In Rainy River District, Ontario. {Hit numhcrti under ill uat rat ions in each case refer to articles in list of outfit.) .i Testing Gold Ore iu the Fiel— ,r«'i:t'»*«rr*6(^tt- ■.iMV.'ai 44 treated as pure gold and valued at $20 an ounce, after treating it exactly as the sponge resulting from retorting. Parting. If the button does not appear distinctly yellow, it will be better tc '^issolve it in a little nitric tR' iu. and then remelt the result- i]'^': go • if any, with lead and o cupel it h/^ before. It will then be valued at $20. If, however, there is enough gold still to prevent it from dis- solving wrap the button in some silver foil and melt it with the blow-pipe in the cupel, then, when there is more than twice as much of silver as of gold, the button will '^ part," namely, the silver will dissolve out. Weighing Gold Button. The button is then weighed on 45 the little scales, which weigh up to five grains, and are divided into one-tenth of a grain. r*' Fig. 11. Every grain of gold or bullion is equal to about two ounces of 4G gold per ton of ore when two pounds of pulp are taken for' treatment. r We will suppose an ordinary yellow gold button has been ob- tained by retorting, and value the bullion at |17^^ per ounce. Every grain on the little balance will therefore represent 2 x 17|, viz., |35, therefore each 1-10 of a grain, or each mark on the scale, will represent |3.50 per ton of ore, and as it is quite possible with practice to read to half a division on these scales, there- fore a result as low as $1.75 per ton can readily be estimated. Concentrates. Having obtained the result in free fgold, the concentrates can be treated as follows: Calcine, viz., roast, some four or five 47 grains of tlieni quite sweet, which is readily done by spread- ing them in a thin layer in a shallow cavity on charcoal and roasting them beyond the blue point of the blow-pipe flame until there is no smell of sulphur. Smelting Concentrates. The calcined concentrates are mixed with an equal quantity of litharge (oxide of lead) and borax and soda, the quantity of the latter two ingredients varying as the concentrates contain more or less silica. The more silica or quartz the more soda, or the more iron or lime the more borax. As a rule it will generally be safe to put a little more borax than has been taken of ore, and less than the same quantity of 48 soda as of ore, more soda being added if the concentrates are not (luite clean and have some quartz left in them. Qu.\LiTATivE Result from Concentrates. The resulting button of lead, obtained from the fusion of the above mixture on charcoal, is then cupelled on the clay pipe, and if a visible button of gold is obtained, the concentrates will be worth having an assay made of them. If the resulting button is light colored it should be dis- solved in a little nitric acid, and if it will not dissolve there is less than two parts of silver to one of gold present in the button, the button being chiefly gold, but if there is more silver than that it will leave a black porous button of gold, or some flakes of >^ ^49 the same color, which will show the presence of that metal. On heating to dull redness they will turn a gold-yellow color. RoASTiNCf Refactory Oue. In the case of an ore com- posed chiefly of sulphurets, and which has been proved to con- tain no free gold, two pounds can be roasted quite sweet, care being taken to do it very gradu- ally, with constant stirring to jjrevent '' fritting " or fusing. This may be done in a pan, or in a species of iron ladle which prospectors sometimes use for the purpose. It can then be treated by pan-amalgamation exactly as above, and in many cases a fair idea of the amount of gold present in a refractory state will be obtained. i 1; 50 Roasting Concentrates, In the case of concentrates, if the operator takes the time to pan out 2 lbs. (or a one pounc* test can be made), he can pro- ceed with them in the same man- ner, after the free gold has been extracted by mercury. Result. The above treatment has de- termined the am^ount of free gold there is present in the ore; it has shown the number of tons of ore necessary to yield one ton of concentrates, and it has reveal- ed the fact that the concentrates carry gold, or that they do not, and a rough guess can be made at the amount of gold they carry from the size of the resulting button. KA • .A scale, |60. value per ton of ore from concentrates (60-f-128) |:U).()() 51 Example of Results from~a Free Milling Ore. Free Gold— Button of bullion was yellow and weijj^hed 1.1 grains, at |1S an ounce (18x2x1.1) = Concentrates — 2 lbs. yielded \ oz. Therefore (32-^1=128) it takes 128 tons of ore to yield a ton of concentrates. Yield of concentrates, esti- mated on Plattner's Therefore .47 Total value of gold.. |40.2() A fire assay of this ore yielded a value of gold of |41.33. .minMiiniTni 3! . ^^ Panning Ass«y.'^ In place of using mercury, the two pounds of ore are panned out until the visible free gold is panned a^ free as possible from the sulphurets. This is then dried and brushed into a little cone of Jead foil, rolled up, melt-- ed, and cleaned with borax and soda, and cupelled. The result obtained being estimated as above described under ^^ pan- amalgamation." The advantage of this method is that it saves the trouble of mercury amalgamation and, if the gold is very coarse and free, it is a quicker manner of arriving at the same conclusions. Fine and float gold, however, are very apt to be lost. - 53 QiiaiitltatiYe Determination of ConeentrateH. M 41 18 47 U< IS «4 43 4? it 40 39 » S7 M Sf. 34 33 S2 31 ao 80 28 27 M <6 U S3H 2» «) » 18 17 14 15 II 13 » II JOl- 9 8 7 • 6 4 3 « I r 3-8T 3.07 2.89 270 2.J3 8.37 2.21 a.os i.w 1.7t I.6& 1.&2 l.U 1.29 1.19 1.09 1.00 0.»1 0.82 0.75 0.67 o.ei 0.54 0.18 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.1.'9 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.1« 0.13 0.11 0.09 o.or 0.0« 0.04 0.03 0.057 &020 0.014 O.r08 0.008 O.'JOS 0.JP17 O.COl)7 0.0002 Of FigT 33. The above is all that most prospectors in the field will care to know, but in the case of min- ing engineers, or ad- vanced students in blow- pipe work, the actual yield of the concentrates can be determined in the field by the use of Platt- ner's ivory scale. If the scale is used, three grains of roasted concentrates are weigh- ed out on the little scales, 5 grains of soda. 5 grains of borax glass, 6 grains of litharge, and ^ grain of flour. These are mixed together and put into a little clay 54 crucible, covered with a little salt, and a pin or small piece of iron wire is thrust into it if there is any danger about the concentrates not Iiaving been roasted quite svyeet. The crucible is then placed in a Fig. 36. little Fletcher's furnace, wath side hole and fused by means of ff— <-*- — — 4 [^'nilillUll.a\ UV\lUlUUU\UU;U\AUU\U U>uuuvu.uiuu. -'-^•'^ Fia. 24. a blow-pipe with a large nozzle, and a common alcohol lamp. 55 \ 1h When the crucible has cooled it is broken up. The resulting Fig. 42. lead button is cupelled the bul- lion bead is fused with silver foil, parted, again fused with some more lead foil and again cupelled. The resulting button of pure gold can then be measur- < d by Plattner's scale. The following table from E. L. Fletcher's excellent little book on blow^-pipe work, published by mmm 66 John Wiley & Sons, 53 Tenth St., New York, gives the result as follows: No. of ''- Ounces of Cross-lines. Gold per Ton. 10 9.15 9 6.6 8 ....... .'.' 4.65 7 3.15 6 1.95 5 1.20 4 ....: 58 3 .24 2 07 1 009 •I 1 SILVER ORE. Qualitative Estimation. For silver ore, the prospector can, by use of the blow-pipe, roughly determine whether ga- lena, or decomposed carbonates, carry enough silver to make them worthy of assay. In some cases * 57 .. it will be better to pan down and tost the concentrates. If much siilphurets, or arsenic or anti- mony, is present the ore must first be carefully calcined in a little clay capsule. Fig. 35. Fig. 36. In the same manner as above mentioned for treatment of gold concentrates, the silver ore is mixed with litharge, borax and soda, fused down and the result- ing lead button cupelled. A silver button is obtained if the metal is present, and if silver alone it will all dissolve in nitric acid. Lead ore will be more safelv valued for its silver contents ■ i I 58 alone, viewing lead as a by-pro- duct, therefore this test is of value to the prospector. Quantitative Estimation. In the same manner the silver button can be measured on the Plattner scale, and with a irreater degree of correctness than the gold button, owing to its larger size. For flux the same mixture as above mention-) ed may be used, but for galena; ii&e 8 grains of ore, 4 grains oD soda, 6 grains of nitre, and a salt cover. (In this case multiply figure on right side of Plattner's scale by 56.26 to get ounces per ton of silver in ore.) The resulting lead button should be first scorified in little clay capsule to oxidize off the lead, as there is less loss to silver this way than in cupellation. ': i 59 When small enough the lead button is broken out. It breaks out very cleanly from the cap- sule, and is then cupelled and measured on ivory scale, the fol- lowing being some of the results r No. of Ounces of Cross-lines. Silver per Ton. 16 1 6.5 15 13.5 14 10.5 13 9 12 G 11 4.5 10 4 9 3 8 2.1 7 1.3 6 9 5 45 4 25 3 1 2 03 1 003 ! 60 Other mixtures and other tests. can be seen in the above men- tioned little blow-pipe work by n etcher. . An approximate quantitative field test by pan-amalgamation can be made of silver ores which do not contain too much lead. The procedure is somewhat similar to that of gold ore, except that the stirring in the pan is in this case grinding with a stone, flat on the grinding side. One ounce of salt is added, and ground for an hour ; the pan is then heat- ed and ^ oz. of copper sulphate is added and stirred for a little while; then an ounce of mercury is added, and the grinding is con- tinued for an hour or longer, occasionally warming the pan. The mercury is then panned out 61 i\hd retorted and weighed, as in the case of the gold ore. If the ore is rebellious, with much sulphurets or arsenic or iintimony, it will be necessary to previously roast the pulp until the fumes are nearly all driven off, then add salt, mix well, and finish roasting at a good heat. The ingredients mentioned above (copper sulphate, and extra supply of salt), are not in- cluded in list of "outfit," be- cause the blow-pipe " smelting '' process will be found much more convenient, as a rule, for silver ores. Testing Outfit. The following is a list of articles required in field work; it being taken for granted that the prospector is already in posses- 62 I I ' I r I sion of a rough knife for scratch- ing minerals, a pocket compass and a small magnifying glass. Sampling, 1 — " Mixing cloth," or smooth water-proof sheet, 4 feet square. 2 — Brush, broad (varnishing brush). Panning. 3 — Gold-pan, Russia iron (not to be used with quicksilver). 4 — Iron mortar 5 in. x 6 in., and pestle. 5 — Sieve, brass wire, 40 mesh, in tin dish with cover. Pan- Amalgamation. 6 — Two gold pans, one ordi- nary iron, the other granite ware. 7 — Nitric acid, strong, in 2 oz. glass-stoppered bottle, in " pa- tent lightest weight liquid mail- ing case." ( I n ^ 03 Ai tS ^ 8 — Mercury, 1 lb. in bottle, in ^•' patent lightest weight liquid mailing case." 9 — Sodium, I oz. in bottle, with naptha, in " patent lightest weight liquid mailing case/' 10 — Hand-scale, " Travellers' -letter and parcel balance," weighing J oz. to 12 oz., for weighing mercury and pulp. 11 — Balance, hand scale with sliding weight on beam, very Sensitive, from 0.1 to 5 grains, for weighing beads of bullion and weighing out charges for quantitative blow-pipe assay. 12 — Mercury retort, small, Russia sheet-iron li x If inches. Or small cast-iron retort with cover and pipe to c ollect mer- cury. Also sheet of Russia iron 8 inches square (with a hole for Gi supporting the Russia iron retort 4n the centre) for quartering when sampling. 13 — Porcelain dish, and porce- lain thimble, small, for parting in. 14 — Granite-ware cup and sau- cer, small size. 15 — Brass wire sieve, 60 mesh. 16 — Wooden pestle. 17 — Sheet lead, pure, 2 oz. 18 — Sheet silver, pure, | oz. 19 — Borax glass, ground, 1 oz, in deep round tin box. 20— Soda, 1 oz. in deep round tin box. 21 — Litharge, 4 oz. in deep round tin box. 22 — Bone-ash, 2 oz. ii de. round tin box. 23 — Paraffine lamp, tin, with ^ ft. paraffine. r&A Kl 65 iLj. WV 24 — Blow-pipe. 25 — Two clay pipes, one mount- ed, for cupelling, the other for heating mercury. 26— Charcoal, 3 pieces, sawn square. 27 — Pincers for small buttons. 28— Steel anvil, i x 1^ x 2 inches. 29 —Small piece thin asbestos card. 30 — Hammer, small. 31 — Magnet. 32 — Smooth-headed bolt, for making cupels in clay pipe. This outfit will determine the value of free milling ores as low as of anj^ economic value, it will enable the proportionate yield in concentrates to be estimated, and the concentrates to be quali- tatively tested as to their precious metal contents. t GG Quantitative Determination of Con- centrates Outfit. 33 — Plattner's ivorv button «cale. " 34— Clay crucibles, 1 cloz. 35 — Clay capsules, 2 doz. 36 — Fletcher's blow-pipe fur- nace, with side hole. 37 — Camel hair brush. 38— Flour, I oz. in tin box. 39 — Methylated spirits, ^ pint 40 — Common salt, tine, | oz. in tin box. 41— Nitre, i oz. in tin box. 42 — Spirit lamp, tin. With the above mentioned complete outfit free milling ores can be tested, and value deter- mined as low as |1.50 per ton for gold ores, and much lower, if desired, for silver ores. Also the value of the concentrates, or of <^ * ■'ta T G7 smelting silver ores, can be ap- proximately estimated. Anyone can learn process of testing with this outfit in a few days. As it is portable and exact in its results (especially for free milling ores) this outfit should prove of value to prospectors, or experts, in the field. The weight of the outfit is about 20 lbs. m PROSPECTOR'S OOTFIT. When a prospector is going out into the woods, or into the mountains, to prospect, he does it in one of two ways. In western Ontario, where there are many lakes, he takes his outfit in a canoe. In the mountains he takes his outfit on a horse. In either of these cases his camp is 68 a centre, and he moves every- thing with him from camping place to camping place, and sleeps there every night. In these cases he takes his whole testing outfit, as above enumerated, as its total weight is only about twenty pounds (20), including pans, mortar, etc. In the other way of prospect- ing the prospector goes off with a very light outfit on his back, and he camps where night over- takes him. In such a case a pro- spector's outfit for a month may be somewhat as follows: A compass. A magnifying glass. A map of country (geological if obtainable). A note book and pencil. 1 pair of blankets. Small tent, 2 or 3 lbs. «l» lia 69 25 lbs. flour. 1 lb. tea. • 1 small hand axe. 1 poll pick (heavy). 5 lbs. bacon. 2 tin plates, cup, a small tin tea pail, a hunting knife. Some matches, salt, soap and a towel. Horn for panning. (See page 37.) 22 single shot rifle (short, long and extra long cartridges). The rifle alluded to can either be used with a short cartridge to shoot partridge, etc., or it will kill deer with the extra long cartridge; therefore, the rifle means fresh meat to the prospec- tor. In starting out his pack weighs about 50 lbs., coming back it will weigh some 16 lbs. If. ' 70 Some oatmeal may advantage- ously be substituted for part of the flour for the evening meal. If the prospector can stand the v^eight he will probably add {^.ugar, but every ounce counts. With this light outfit the pro- sjjector after locating some place will come back to it with a larger outfit and more food, and do his work of opening the claim to see what it is like. All the testing he can do with this outfit is to crush up any ore he finds on a rock with his pole pick and pan it with his horn. He can easily take enough of his testing outfit in his pocket to test the concen- trates with Mow-pipe and cupel- lation. If he has no horn he will use a plate for panning, after burning off the grease. 11 i>. mji i rT-^' 71 In the first mentioned case, wliere a prospector has a canoe or pack horse, in addition to things above mentioned, he will have a larger "A" tent, a shovel, the outfit for testing above enumerated, or at least a pan, a mortar and pestal and a sieve, a frying pan, some sugar, beans and a larger supply of eat- ables. r \lr ^. —■^\ ^ ! 72 USEFUL INFORMATION. I! A ton of broken quartz measures about 20 cub. ft. The area of a circle is 0.7854 (di- ameter) 2. Katio of area to circumference is aa its radius is to 2. An acre is 43,560 square feet. A ton contains 2,000 pounds, or 2b,- 1G6% Troy ounces. A Troy pound = 0.822857 avoidupois pounds. A Troy ounce = 437.5 grains. An avoirdupois pound = 7,000 grains. A Troy pound = 5,760 grains. A cubic foot of gold = $300,000. A cubic foot of silver = $10,000. A long ton is 2,240 lbs.; a short ton, 2.000 lbs. 1,000 feet (board measure) of drj* white pine = 4,000 lbs. 1,000 feet (board measure) of green white pine = 6,000 lbs. One cord of seasoned wood-=128 cub. ft. One miner's inch=2159 cub. ft. per 24 hours = 0.025 cub. ft. per second. 1 metre = 3. 28 ft. 1 gramme=15 43 grains. »^ f K' 73 Table op Weights of Various Substances. »i< * I Weight |Cu.Ft. per perCu.f^t. jLongr Ton. Oold Lead Silver Rolled iron (xalena Nickel glance . . . Cerusite Chalcocite Magnetite Specular iron-ore Pyrites Bary tes . . Chalcopyrite . . . . Zinc blende Hematite Limestone 1203 710 025 480 4()8 408 400 355 . 7 338 . 6 327 . 4 312 277.5 202.1 250.0 250.0 168.0 1.87 3 . 15 3.42 4 . 08 4.>2 4.82 5.00 0.30 0.(13 6.84 7 . 05 8.07 8 . 55 8 UO 8.90 13.03 Weight per Cu. Ft. per Cu. Ft. j Long Ton. Syenite Porphyry Slate..." Quartz Sandstone . . . . Brick Clay Anthracite . . . Bituminous . . . Canntl .... . . Lignite Oak Ash White pine. . . . Yellow pine . . . Wood charcoal 147 to 184 166 to 171 102 to 178 165.2 1.30 to 157 125 to 135 110.7 85 . 4 to 1)0 75 to b3 75 78 to 84 73 52.4 44.3 38.7 25 to 39 15 . 2 to 12. 1 13.5 to 13.1 13.8 to 12,6 13 . 6 17.3 to 14.3 18.1 to 16 i 18 7 26.2 to 22.6 '29.8 to 26.1 29.8 28.7 to 27 30.6 42.7 50.5 57.8 89.6 to 57.4 74 fe L USEFUL GENEllAL TERMS FOR PROSPECTOUS. Adit — A liorizoutal passage from day- light into a mine, and on or along the vein. Alluviumi — Tlhe earthy deposit made by runnimg streams, especially in times of flood. AlmalgamatLonr— Tte production of an a/tnalgam or alloy of mercury ; also tbs process in which gold and sil- ver are extracted from pulverized ores by producing an amalgam from .\vhich fthe mercury is afterwarda expelled.( Apex — The edge of a vein nearest to the surface. Argentiferous— Dbntaining slver. Arrastra— A priimitive contrivance for the reduction and amalgamation of free milling tjold or silver in ores. It consists of a shallow tub-shaped enclosure, usually about twelve feet in diameter, formed of eitlier iron or stone. An uprig'ht shaft fixed to pivots above and below stands in the centre, and from it arms extend, to which horses or mules are attach- ed. Blocks of stone attached by thongs or chains to these arms are dragged around upon the stone pavement or iron plate which forms ..>. «? J u aa 4 75 the bottom, in such a way that the front of the lower surface of each block is slightly raia3d so that it may pass over the finely broken ore and triturate it upon the bottom- After grinding the ore to a pulp, sufficient mercury is added to amal- gamate all the precious metal sup- posed to be present and the grind- ing process is continued for some time. Aissay— To test ores and minerals 'by chemical or blowpipe examination. Auriferous — Containing gold; Bar-diggings — Gold- washing claims lo- cated on the bars (shallows) of a . stream, and worked when the wa- ter is low, or otherwise with the aid of coffer-dams or wing-dams. Battery — A' set of staoups in a stamp mill comprising the number which fall in one mortar, usually five ; al- so a bulkhead of timber. Bed-rock — The solid rock underlying al- luvial and other surface formations, Blossom^ — The oxidized or decomposed outcrop of a coal bed:; Blow-out — ^A large outcrop iDeneath which the vein is smaller^ Bonanza — A body of rich ore. Bullion— Uncoined gold and silver. Base buiiion is pig lead containing silver and some gold, which are sep- arated Ly refinmg.t H Calcining— Burning or roasting ores or other minerals as part of their treatment for smel ing, crushing or otherwise utilising them. Cap, Cap-rock — An unscientific term us.3(l to indicate the country rock by which a vein is pinched at the surface J Carbonates* — The common term in the We^t for ores containing a consid- erable proportion of carbonate of lead.i • ' Casing— The lining of a shaft, the tub- ing of a well; also applied to the decomposed matter sometimes found between a vein and the wall-rock., Cement. — Gravel fiirmely held in a Bi- lioeous matrix, or the matrix itself. ChlorLdesr— (A.' common term for ore« containing ohJoride of silver. Chloridize — To convert into chloride. Applied to the roasting of silver ores with salt, preparatory to amal- gamation.. Cihute — A channel or shaft underground, or an inclined trough above ground, through which ore falls or is "shot" by gravity frotoo/ a higher to a lower level.i Cleaning-up — The process of collecting together the metal or ore which has accumulated in the various contri- vances for saving it by mining ma- chinery.* 1 J 7 77 A '^ Clinometer— An apparatus for measur- ing: vertical angles, particularly dips.I Concentration— The reimoval ))y me- chanical means of the lighter and less valuable portions of ore. Contact Vein — A vein lying between two dissimilar rock masses or sLra- ta.( Country, Country (Rock— The' general, rock-mass in which mineral veins or deposits are held.i Cradle— See Rocker. Dead-roasting — Jloasting carried to the farthest practicable degree in the expulsion of sulphur. Same as roast- ing "sweet." Deposit — Irregular ore-bodies — not veins. Such as nickel ore at Sudbury. Dip — The angle, measured by the steepest line in the plane of a bed or vein from the horizon. Ditch — An artificial water-course, flume or canal to convey water for min- ing.) Drift — A similar passaf?e to adit, but with neither end coming to daylight, namely, in a mine. Dump — The pile of rock which has been hoisted to the surface and deposited there. It may be said to be a low- grade ore reserve. 78 i Face — A perpendicular wall of rock ; the end of a drift, etc., in a (mine. Fault — The term for any fissue accom- panied by a displacement of the strata on either side. Feeder — (A^ small vein joining a larger vein^ Fissue vein — Any mineralized crevice in the rock of very great depth. Float— Broken and transported pieces of vein matter. If sharp and angu- lar they have not come far, but if rounded and worn they may have travelled some distance. Floor — The stratum below a mineral bed. Flour ing—Tlhie coating of quicksilver with what appears to be a thin filim of some sulphide, so that when it is separated into gloliules these refuse to reunite. The same trou- ble is also called "sickening." Flucan — Same as " Gouge." Flume — A wooden conduit bringing wa- ter to a mine or mill.) Flux— In metallurgay, any substance added to facilitate the smelting of CLUotftier.' Foot-wall — The face of rock below a vein. Free— Native, uncombined with other substances, as free gold or silver*^ 79 1 10 Free-milling— Applied to ores which contain free gold or silver, and can \yj reduced by crualhing and amal- gamation, without roasting or oth- er chemical treatment. Fuse — A tube, ribbon, or wire filled or saturated with a combustible compound, used for exploding powder. Gangue— The veinstone, veinstuff, or matrix of a vein in which the me- tallic contents are enclosed. Th« commonest gangues are quartz, cal- cspar, fluorspar, barytes, etc. Gash Vein — A mineralized fissure that extends only a short distance in every direction. \ Gossan — A ferrug'inous crust filling the upper parts of pyritous veins or forming a superficial cover on masses of these ores. It consists principally of hydrate oxide of iron, and has resulted froon the oxidation and removal of the sulphur as well as the coipper, etc. Gouge — The layer of clay, or decom- posed rock, which lies along the wall or walls of a vein. Also called *' Ful- can." It is not always valueless. Grass-roots — A miner's term equivalent to the surface^ Hanging wall — The face of rock above a vein. 80 ' Heave — A dislocation of the strata. Horn — An instrumBnt made of an ox or Buffalo ihorn, in which earth or pulp may be delicately tested by washing to detect gold, amalgam, etci Horse — A mass of country rock lying within a • vein. Hungry — A term applied to hard bar- ren vein matter, such as white quartz./ Hydraulic Mining — Washing down gold- hearing earth by means of a large and powerful jet of water. ijagffing — The slabs or small timber placed between the main timber . sets and tlie roof or walls to pro- vent small rock from falling into the drift. Level — A horizontal passage in a vein- mine. Li^iviation — The separation of a solu- ble from an insoluble material l)y means of washing with a solvent. Lode — A mineralized tissue, generally , applied to a larp:e vein, or of local us^„ i^ certain mining districts. Mill-run — A test of the value of a quan- tity of ore as distinguished from an assay, which tests *' pocket speci- mens.'* 81 1- n I- ' Mine— A place where mineral is worked l^elow ground, and in which artificial light must be used. Mineral — Any constituent of the earth's crust that has a definite composition. Miner's inch — The unit of measurement of water used by the sluice-miners. It is that amount of water hourly discharged through an opening 1 inch square und(T a head of several inches. If the head is 7 inches and the hole is through a plank 2 inches thick, a mine's inch is equal to about 1)0 cubic feet per hour. Nugget — A lump of natLvo metal, es- pscially of a pr&oious metal. Ore— A mineral of sufBcient value (as to quality and quantity) which may be mined with profit. Ore-shoot— A large and usually rich aggregation of mineral in a vein. Distinguished from pay-streak in that it is a more or less vertical zone or chimney of rich voin matter extending from wall to wall, and having a definite width laterally. Outcrop- The exposed portion ot a vein on the surface. Panning — Waslhing earth or crushed rock in a pan, by agitation with 82 water, to obtain tbe particles of greatest specific gravity it con- tains; cthiefly practiced for gold, al- so for diamonds and ot.hi?,r gems.i l*ay-streak — The thin layer of a vein which contains the pay-ore. Pincli — A eontrjiction in the vein. IMt — A shallow shaft, or in some places a term applied to a coal mine. IMacer — A surface accumulation of min- eral in the wash of streams. Pocket— A single mass of ore which may be of any size. When a vein carries ore in isolated masses with much dead ground between them it is said to be pockety. I'oll-pic'K — A combinntion pick and hammor-head. I'roi) — A piece of timber or metal placed normally to the roof or wall for its support. Prospect— A name given to a mineral location or to unde'rground work- ings, the valine of which has not yet been made manifest. A |>ros- I>ect is to a mine \vhat mineral is to ore./ I Prospectinjo: — The process of seeking pay-ore or the preliminary operations of a mine. 83 Reduce— To deprive of oxygen ; also, in general to treat metallurgically for tba production of metals Reef — Tho ont-crop of a hard vein pro- JGctinj? above the surface. Also ap- plied to auriferous quartz lodes, par- ticularly in Australia and Africa. Refractory — Resisting the action of heat and chielmical agents. Roasting — Calcination, usually with oxi- dation. Rocker — A short trough in which au- riferous san Is are agitated by os- cillation, in water, to collect th*^ir gold. Roof — The stratum above a mineral bed. Rifle — A groove or interstice, or a cleat or block, tso place 1 as to pro- duce the same effect, in the bottom of a sluice, to catch! free gold. Rim-rock — Th?. bed-rock rising to form thi> boundary of a placer or gravel deposit., Rusty gold — Free gold which does not easily amalgamate, the particles be- ing coated, as is supposed, with ox- ide of iron.i Salting — Placing foreign ore in the crevices of a vein or elsewhere^ to fraudulently raise its apparent value ►Seam — A layer of mineral. 84 Sel'vago — See Gouge. Sett or Set — A frame of timber. Shaft— A vertical opening from the sur- face. Slag — The vitreous mass separated from tb3 fused metals in smelting ores. Slickenside — The polished surface of the vein, or its walls. Sluicing — Washing auriferous earth through long boxes (sluices) .i Stockwerke — A mass of country rock so iniV^re«:iKited bv veins th;it the wliole must be mine:! toj^tthcr. S;rike — The direction or bearing of out- crop ot* any vein or stratum. The strike of a stratum is at right angles to its (lip. Slope — An inclined shaft run down on a dipping vein or bod. It is an in- side slopr- when it does not extend to the surtnce. Stopc^— A step. The excavation of a vein in a series of steps. Stoping overliand— Mining a stope up- ward, tlie Higlit of steps being ro- ^ versed. Stoping underhand— "Mining a stope downward in such a series tlint i>re- sents the ai)pearance ul" a flight of steps. I 8;- ij ■ Spoon— Sse horn. " ," Stall — A stick 'of timber or platform for supportin<^ miners or vein waste tem- porarily or permanantly. Sulphurets— In miners' phrase, ih^ un* decomposed metallic ores, usually sulphides. Chiefly applied to auri- ferous pyrites. Tailings — The lighter and sandy ix)r- tions of the ore on a huddle or in a sluice. Tampin^? — The process of making a bore-hole gas-tight by the use. of clay. Throw — The amount of dislocation ot a vein. Tunnel — A horizontal passage; properly speaking, one with both ends open - to the surface; but is applied to one opening at daylight and extending across the country rock to the vein or mine . Underlie— T}ie inclination of a vein from thf» perperlicular, whereas dip is the inclination of a bed from the horizon. Upraise— An auxiliary ehaft, a mill- hole, carried from one level up to-' ward another. Vug, Vugg, or Vufgih— A cavity in Ibo rock, usually limvd with a crystal- line incrustation. / 86 Wall— The faces of a fissure; the sides of a. gallery. * Whim — A. hoisting appliance consisting of a pulley supporting the hoisting- rope which is wound on a drum turned by a beam attached to a horse. Whip — A hoisting appliance consisting of a pulley supporting the hoisting- rope to which the horse is directly attached. Winch or \7indlass — A hoisting mi*.- chine consisting of a horizontiai drum operated by crank-arm and manual labor. Winze^ — All interior shaft usually con- necting two levels. Winning — Uecovering or mining. Workings — Any underground develop- ment from which ore is being ex- tracted. ^ »«' i COMMON ROCK MINERALS AND ROCKS. Anticlinal — A fold of the rock or strata, convex upward. Augite — A mineral entering largely in- to the composition of many traps and Volcanic rooks. In composition 87 1 it is closely allied to hornblend, but differs in the forro! of crystal— is less silicious, and of greater specif- ic gravity. Known also aa Pyroene. Bed— A seam of mineral occurring among stratified rock.^ Boulder — A loose mass of rock, usual- ly more or less rounded, and larger than a pebble stone or a cobble- If stone, or say more than a foot in diameter.) Boulder>-Clay— The stiff, hard and us- ually unstratified clay of the drift or glacial period, which contains boulders scattered through it; also called till, hardpan, drift-clay, or simply drift.. Chlorite — A soft, dark green mineral, entering largely into the composi- tion of ehloritic schist. It is a silicate of alumina, magnesia and iron, and has a peculiar earthy od- , or when freshly Hroken and breath- ed upw>n. Columnar — Resembling columns. The cliffs of trappim rocks or diabases of Thunder cape, lake Nipigon and the country north of Black bay have a columnar structure. 1 I 88 Conglomerate— A rock formed largely of rounded pebbles and stones, held togatiher by a matrix or paste of any comipositionj Crystalline Rocks— Consisl ing of crys- talline particles or grains; when the latter are distinct the ro:*k is said to be cryslalline-granular. Diabase — (Greenstone). Intrusive rock. Plagioclas3 felspar and augite. Diorite — (Greens i one) intrusive rocJj. Plagioolase felspar, generally with hornbknd.i Dyke — A fissure in the earth's surface which has filled with igneous mat- ter.^ Felspars — Several allied species of min- erals composed of silicates of alum- ina and of alkalies and lime. They crystallise in different systems. The triclinic group of felspars is called collectively plagioc'.ase. The monoclinic group, orthoclase. Greenstone — A Igeneral name for the"^ crystalline granular trap rocks such as diorite, diabase, basal't, etc., and is a convenient term for use in the field where it is difficult to distin- f e lenticular in form.) Massive Rocks — Those which have no stratification or Jaminat;ion, as greenstones, granite, syenite, etc. Metamorphic— Appliied to rocks which have been changed in form' and m- ternal structure. Heat, pressure and time acting, on the constituents of rocks have been the main causes of metamorphism, converting ordinary and soft sediment deposits into crys- talline and hard rocks. Olivine — An earthy looking olive-green mineral occurring in many basic igneous rocks. 91 1 Plutonic Rocks — T,gnp;ous rocks ^vhich (have cooled at a considerable depth from the surface and under preat pressure. See Ig-neous. Protogene — A variety of granite in which talc takes the place of mica ; so called by tlie French, who sup- XX)sed that Lt was the first-formed of the granites. The granites of Cornwall, England, which decom- pose and yield kaolin are of this kind. lit is found in mass?s in the Seine River District in Ontario; tra- versed by quartz veins carrying gold, iron, and copper pyrites, gal- ena and zincblende^ i Por;phyry— A rock with a felsitic or massive matrix or groundwork and district crystals in this matrix, gen- erally felspar crystals.; Quartz — A common mineral occurring in a great variety of forms. It is composed of the elements silicon and oxygen. It crystallises in the ihJexagonal sysltemi. Quartziite — A metamorpbic rock, gran- ular quartz. Tliiis term is Igenerally applied Ito sandstones which have IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 |||||Z| IIIIM IIIII16 I.I 111^ 1= 1.8 ^ '<^ ■ {•/ / '^i^. ^^:% m>. %° w- Q, i/x fA 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► %/ <^ w/ /M /a VI e. c), m eJ V M '^/ Photographic Sciences Corporation w iV 4< \\ M ^ '9^^"-. ^ 6^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 c«*..» a^ fe^ #<>< i^- Q, 92 ' been indurated or altered by heat so as to a,ssume the aspect of quartz rock.i Schist— Laminated rock of partially crystaUin3 character. According as one or other of the minerals are present Civlled Mica scliist, ta'c schist, chlorite schist or hornblend schist. Serpentine— A compact rock, rather soft or sec tile, with a conchoidal and splintery fracture and waxy lus- trei. When powdered has a greasy feeL Capable of a hiigh polish and is called marble. In color, it has various shades of green, generally dark and leek green, often si)otted or veined.! Shale — Laminated clay rock splitting with bedding.i Syenite — Intrusive rock. Orthoclase fels- par generally .with hornblend. If some quartz is present it is a quartz- syenite. Synclinal — A fold of the rock or strata, convex downward. 1 93 Talc— A very soft mineral, being 1 in the scale of hardness; occurs in laminae like mica, but is not elastic ; has a pearly lustre and greasy feel ; prevailing color, greenish ; enters into the composition of talcose schist, soapstone or steatite, the variety of granite known as proto- gene, etc. ^Yap— A general term for close-grain- ed greenstones or igneous rocks. Vein— A fissure in the earth's surface which has been filled with a min- eral deposit.! Vokanic— Pertaining to volcanoes. Vol- canic rocks are those of igneous or- igin formed at or near the surface, such as lava, amygdaloid and vol- canic ash ; whereas igneous rocks formed at a depth and under pres- sure are generally crystalline and are called plutonic. See Igneous. ) 11 Wm. Hamilton Merrih, (Associate Royal School of Mines.) Mem. y. of Kiuj. Inst, of J/. <(- M. K,; Mem, Iron and Steel. Inst., Enrj.; Mem. Am. Inst. M. K. ; Mem. Ont. M, Inst.^ etc. Mining Sc Consulting Engineer 15 Toronto Street Toronto, Ont. CANADA. MOREING db NEAL'S CODE Canadian Representative of BAINBRIDGE, SEYMOUR & CO. Mining and Consulting Engineers and Valuers 13 ST. HELEN'S PLACE London (E.G.)* Eng. I n, m. er irs THE HAMILTON MERRITT Prospector's Outfit FOn THE TESTING OF COLD AND SILVER ORES Complete Outfit, embracing Articles Nos. 1-32, with Carrying Case for the small articles, $13.00 net. Outfit, as above packed and ready for shipment. 35 cents extra. Outfit for Quantitative Determination of Concentrates, embracing Articles Nos. 33 42 complete, $6.00 net. The articles comprised in this outfit pack into the same carryin^t case as that supplied for the main part of the outfit. Complete Price List of Outfit on appli cation. LYMAN SONS & CO MONTREAL, CHEMICAL AND ASSAY APPARATUS. SOLE CANADIAN AGENTS FOR Becker's Balances and Weights Morgan Crucible Co. Brown^s Assay Furnace Hoskins' Gasoline Furnaces Baker & Adamson's. C p. Acids and Chemicals- Complete Assaying and Laboratory Outfits Supplied. Illustrated Catalogue on application. LYMAN SONS A CO. MONTREAL. 'US. hts ^ Si-'^^C^L^ lis. [>ry ri.