IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // {/ V. ^ is, ^^ C^ of my Cm] and Kin-, 'I'he triumphs of His ijrace I My .iinu;ioi:s Master :ind my (Jod. Assist me to proclaiii- — To spread throu>;h all tie earth abroad The honours of Thy N ime. J-.'^us, the natne tliat charms our fears, J'hat bids our sorrows cease : "Lis nuisic in the sinner' ears. "I'is life, and he.'dth. and peace. He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He Sets the prisoner fr^e : His blood can make the foulest jlean. His blood avails tor me. =®. CANTIQUE 212. Scrrons nos ran^s autour lie lujtre mail re, Soyons luiis. la victoire est ii nous ; Par notre amour, faisons .'i tons conn.aitre, I)e Jesus t'hrist coudiien le jou.l; est dou.v. 1' reres, fieres. { hrisi nous aime tou^ ; l''reres. freres. en Christ aimon> iiuus. C'est ;)ar amoin-. (juil delivr;-. notre ame. C'est par amoiu" (ju'il lave nos pcjrhds ; (^)u'embras(:;:; tous dune celeste Hamme, A cet amour nous restions attaches. Freres etc. .Amour du Cluistl insondablt mystere (^)ui nous unit et tous ensemble a Dieu. Amour divin. >i dou.v sur cette terre, .-Vmoiir, amour, oh! que sera-ce aux cieiixl Freres, etc. -4- h Hi)w firm a foiindatii)!). yu saints of the I,or(|, Is laid fur yoiir faith in his t-xccllent wnni; What more can he say than to you he hath said, To you, who for refuse t) JesUs ha\ e lied ',' "Fearnot I am with thee : O he not tiis- iiicveii I For I am thy iiuh fierv tria's thv pathw;- shall ie My j^rate all-suiricient shall he thy supply! Tilt (lame shall not hurt thee I only desiKii 'Ihy dross to consume and thy yol(' to re- fine "Fen diiwn to okl ajif all my people shall j)r though' irpasses far ; Thy heart still melts with tenderness, Ihy arms of Icjve still open are Returning sinners to receive. That mercy they may taste and live. O I.ove, thou hotlomless ahyss, .My sins are swallowed up in tliee I Covered is my uinighteousness, Nor spot of guilt remains on me. While Jesus' hlood through earth anti skies, Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries. Awiiy wnU mn -orinw niu\ fear. U i- sonii shall ru.ovcT our tiomc- • I he city of s;,ii,(s shall app-ai. I he (lay c.f L'iuriiit\- romc ; ••romLMrih Uc shall '.lui.klv -AiKl Ml aint t'.utir naiivL-'ahuilf. Ihf h.iiis,. ,,r our railu.T aJMHi., I lio l)ala'o of aiui:l'aii(l Cotl. Cur mouriiiii- is all at an end. W i>cn niised l.y the lifeuivii.t; «,,n|. nts sof the III \v rity .lesrjml. .vdornetl as a hridf for our'j.oni • I he city so holy aiKl de.-m. No sorrow ,aii hn-athc in the air' IMo Hl'iom ,,f ami.tioM and sin, No>hadu\v of evil is there l'\ faitli we .ilreadv l,eli,.Id lliat lovely jerus.ileiii Jierc, Her walls are of jasper and ki'UI. As crystal her huildini's are clear • Imniovalily in yi.ue. She stands, ;is she e\er iiat'h stood And l.n.^hlly her l.uilder dlspl.iys, And fames with the .:;lory of ( j'od. N'o need of tiie sun in day. Which never is foll.jwed l,y ni-ht. Where Jesus' heauiies display •^ V""^ '""' '' I"'''";"'Liit liyht ; I he l-aiiil. is their i.i-,ht and tluirSun: And. lo : liy rede, tioii they shin.;. U nil jesiis ineff.d.jy ,iiie, And hri^^ht in einducnce .liviiie. H®; flive nvMhe winys of faith to rise \\ iihin the \eil. and see I'll I e saints ahove. how yreat ihcii joys. ! )\v hri-ht lluir -lories he. Many ;.re I lie friends v ho are waitiii'^ to- Hai)|)y ,,n the .i,r,>lden strand ; dav Many are the voic-s .ailing us aw.iy,' lo J""ii their glorious hand ( ailin.i; us away ! Calliin; us away ' Calliii- to the hetter land. f)iue they were m .nrnLis here helo.s. And poiiivd out cries and tear* • I hey wr.jstled hard, as we do now. \\ nil Mns. and doiihts, and fjars. I ask them whence tlieir victory c.inie I hey. with united liie.ath, Asn-ilie their con, luest to ih'e l.anih I heir triiiriipii to his death. SI E®E Lo He comes with cl.nids desiendiiiLT, HiK e for favoured sinners sl.iin ; ""' I l.ousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph ;if his train • ^ Hallelujah ! (iod appears on earth to reiu'ii. "'.very eye shall now heliold Ilini Kohed inilieadfi ' Thos I majesty ; osewli,)sei at nan,i,dit :uh! sold Hin lerce.iaiid naile,l Hiin to the tr -e I »eeply w.ailin-. Siiall the true Messiah st D( 1 he dear mkens of [f is i)assion Still Flis daz/liny body hears : ( ause of endless exultatitJii i'o His ransomed Wtjishipjiers ; With what r.iptue f ;a/e We on those .n'orions scars ! FIf —6— ^h^ folloWin| Brelf^pGR are kiridl^ and fo assist. ''CoxcicRxiN(; THE coLLKrriox." Jas. Ferrier, F-,ert M.ller, Jas, McBride S. Fmley. .,„. Boyd, Win. Hanson. ^''- ^ J^^'^^^' >•■ Wm. Hodgson. STK\v^ARI)S. ST. JAMES, John Torrance. MOUNTAIN STREET, Moses Parker. EAST END, Dr. Kneeland SHERRROOKF .T \,^OM'N'ON SQUARE, Robert Smith, bHLKbROOKE ST., Adam Miller. WEST END, Malcolm Macdonald POINT ST. CHARLES, Ell.s Dickson DORCHESTER, Wm, Ford. '^''''''' ^'^'^^ '^^"^^ ST. HENRI, Wm. Gamble, B.A. HOCHELAGA, Alf. Chs. Heath. FIRQT rDCM^M ^^'^^ ^^- ANTOINE, Hugh Beckham. FIRST FRENCH, Jos Beauchemin, N. P. SECOND FRENCH, Victor Jacquet "By Love Serve One Anothe?^." * 7- (^olle^es of tl79 Metfjodisf Tf^uKcfj in ^ar\ada, I891. ^®E Victoria University. Coliourt;, Out.. ,8,^6. Rev. N. S. I. I) . Chancellor. ,S<)7 stmlents. Mount .Mlison University, Sackvillc, X.l!., 184:., J. R. K. Ii.di. Ks<|., [.UD., I>,in.^ L Mount .Allison I.a.liesColle.^e, Sackvill..., \.i:.. Rev. I!.C. ilorden, li..\., IVincipal. l| Mount .\llison .Academy, .Sackville. N. I!. C. \V. Harrison. Ks.,., M. .\., I'rincipalJ \. Wesleyan Theoio,L,M<:al College, Montre:il. (Jue., 187,. Rev. (J. [). I). |.I, ]> Principal. 42 students. Alhert ColleK^., Hclleville. Ont., ,857. Rev. W. P. I)yer..\. M., Principal. .7, Mnden... -MmaLadies'ColIejre, .St.,Ont., ,877, Rev. I!. F.Austin. .-\. .M., P,. I ... I'rin- cii)ai. 212 students. Wesley College, Winnipe,:;, Man., ,87^, Rev. J. W. .Sparling. A. M., 1!. I... !'ri„nnal. 35 students. VVesIeyan Collej^e. .Stanstead, (^)ue., ,87.. Rev. P. McA.iunon.l. P. A.. Prin.ipa students. pal. .Methodist Uollesje, St. Johns. Neu foundland. R. K. IP.Ilovvay. Ks,,., ]{. A., V C ,S Principal. ,{=;6 stiulenls. Weslcyan Ladies' Colk-e, Hamilton, Ont., ,861. Rev. A. Purns. I ). | .. || |, Princijial. 145 students. Ontario f.adies' Colle.^^e, Whitby, Out., ,874, Rev. J. J. H,,,.. Ph. 1... P.-i,,. ;,,,, ,„ students. 1 • ss 'lotahunnber ofsiudenis 2028. In addition ,0 the ahovo there are 46 Missionary Ins.inues ,.r S.hools i,, |..„ane.e, C h.nese, ;u,d French, and in Neufoundland , •-, |'ul,li,- Sclmoiv -8— ? in -'liaiicellor. . I'rin.'^ i icipal. J- 5 icipal. I a > . IF,.!).. , "-tiKleiits. !>.. I'rin- I'riiuipal . Ipal. 11(1 F. c:. S.. I.I,, h.. I>al. 15.:; ipaiifse, I Statistics of Metl^odism in (-anada,, U. §. and t}?rou|}^out fl^e World. ===3,: ECUMENICAL METHODISM,ni:';t't::™;,t'''''t''' '■'''" "'^- '"■«^'^' ^-""^ '■-- i'^- ism. eonsfifutional |fisfoP^ of eanadian Met^?od 1765 ^Areth.Kiisni introcii>sion of the historical (jueslion as to which [)ortion of thi> Conft'rence |ier|>e(ua- ted Its former lei^al ideiitity, those who wnt into this union or tho^e who kept out, has excited much interest and some warmth. Hai)pily this was all superseded fifty years after, in the In'oader union of 1S83. ^^37 — ^- ^' -"^I- C'hurch introduced into Canada. 1S41 — Cnlon of the \V. M. Conference in Canada with the parent Ix.dy in Miiijjland severed. 1848- -The said Cnion was refornieil and continued until 1874. 1833 I'rnniti\e Methodist Conference ori;ani/ed in Canada. lS54^-The Lower Canada Wesleyan Missionary I )istricl which was not affected by the uni(>n of either 1833 or 1S48. united with theW. M. Chin-ch of (Canada. 1874 -Union of the \V. M. Church of Canada, the W. ^r. (duirch of llastern Hritish America, and the N. C. Methodist Church of Canada, formini^r -'ifn^, Methodist Church ofCanada." 18S3 Union of the Methodist ClnuTh of Canada, the M. !•;. Church, the I'. M. Church and the 11. C. Church in Canada, fornn'no- ''the MellKKh^t Cluncli."' 2®- NOT Unto Us. Not Unto Us O Lord, But Unto Thy Name Give Glory." -f's. 145. —■10 Tel ll "■"' °-"';'r.xr-«— -r^:,:--" ■ ■ - « y^ SUSA 4NA WESLEY. Is' :-%^.^::f Th« Mother of IVlethodl Tel ye your ohilclpf»n r>f ;+ ^^.i i.- = ^^ *u ' "■■. "■ * '^"" 'ct your ch nc thei^ jh;,..^ a;;;^^:. ^en^^ir i^^^^i!, *?^': =^"''-' 'God buries His wor ;men but carries on His work. Wesley Memorial, Westminster Abbey. ♦« I desire to Form a League, with every soldier of Jesus Christ.-