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'"''''"''^ '"^"'"'" ^''*''''' "'"' " "'"'* '^''^■' '""' ''•'^' "'"'^ ^''■''"- •^■"^' "^I"'^'^ • .• '"; j;'^^-'»/J''ii«tat tact to Key. J. S. Ro«.s, B. A., 10 F.pe Streot. L<. b X^^^ aiTangenient. niay l,o ,na,lo for a substitute, in or.ler to prevent au ontiro , .•.piKuntmont • .. tlie Host, who pn.vi.lcM f,.r and expcc-ts a (iuc'.t Au,«, Willian. Sanuiei iVters, 0^ NJai-lc .t ■ !Ii r'n' /'■'■'' ''• •^'- ^^'^"'"i^""- -"'•■ \Vm. St., and Han, u Koa.1 •^"'''" '*"'"' Lowi.s Adams, 4.-.4 Simcoe .1 .avltrop Uuirlcs. . . .^ y,,,. .J^»l -,^, y,,^.,. ^^ .axter, .|<>Ini. . .Mrs. N. !-. Kn^lish, cor. (.(uceu's Ave. kVAh. ,st., Lon. K :.*^ r- w-n ''■' ''• ^'••'""•y' •^■^' <-'l''"-'^"«« ^t landon, \\ ni. .) Kdward .lol.nston, Kensington l>ell, .lames -->< u , " . I, 11 I II •'•'•* Horton st .el, Janies I ^V. Hurni,,, 'JGO Simoco si l.cus,.n, Manly SheritV tilass, 4(i2 Collmrne .st l.eny, Henry p. Manness, 45K) Pall Mall st ' .^' '"••u •'^'•'•^"k Case. 149 York st u 7i" \v H-"'*"*' ^^illi-"" ^"^'ill^'-. 23 Wellington si >otln\ ell, dham ]|ev. .James Bell, .-).j4 Hort London East ( larkson, John B. Si A li " , ' / r", ^'g"''™. 347 Hill st < 'leaver, .Solomon '^"^^!,t ""»*' -^^^ Waterloo st Clement, Benjamin ^' i hompson, 84.^ Diuidas st Cobb, Thomas. . {, ' '^l^^if ^''^ton, 12(5 York st Coleman, Francis v' ■!",• ^j]^^'^^% -'1,'i Bathurst st Colling, Joseph s'. *^' " ,• Hr'^^' --" Q"een-.s Ayr < 'oiling, Tlios., B. A t W' , -*""*' '^^'^ Hortcm st < ookman, Christonlier <<■' •'',.,• ^^^'■"' ^^^^ Hortonst Coolcy. John W ^ ™- ^ »"J;i'is, 192 Richmond st Cornish, George H X t ir ''^a""^. Peteraville ( 'osens, Charles W ^"*- ' ' ^^' '^^^ Queen's Ave ( 'osford, Thomas v/ ' ' L''f"'es Elson, Petersvillc Couzcns, Chas C ' i^"'"'st"». 43;^ Colborne st < Vane, Isaac . \r ■ ^«'»pla"t. "^l'-> King st Crews, Thomas ^^''«- V«r"«ll. 429 Horton st < 'rews, Lewis W. B.' A r.^''- , '^ ' ^^^' ^^ ""1'*^ «<^ Crews, Albert C xJ ^^^'V, ^'^"nal». -^'^^ Bond st Cross, WiUiam f i ' ' ii a","' ^^ ^''^"' ^'- Waterloo st Curry, Christopher .■.■.■.■.; '. Roliv; t""'\ '''''' V''"?* ^Z"''*^* •'^* Crossley, Hugh T Robeit Jones, A an st., Londf)n East '' * \^ m. D. Buckle, 27 Picton st Daniel, George c , ., Davy, Robert ... ,^ ''•*'"'>, ^''^S'^' ' "^^ Vork st Deacon, Josei)!. i ; • ' "''^'"f,^ ^^'*""' ^^^-^ King st Dickson, (i. N a' f' T ''^o ^^*^'^»' i'>2 O.xf.inl st Dyer, James E, . ." ,.' ^ \,/i larsonage, 484 Dundas st Deacon, Charles ' ^- ^^"^^^•;«."'b lJ»"ilas st., London East Dean, Geo, W < '^«*:8« V^'^acon, 192 O.xford st \Itl Bnyd, (504 ( '(.Iborne .st METHODIST CIIITRCH OF fANADA. MiyiSTERS. HOSTS. Ivirl, Theopliilus R Mrs. Cornell, 419 Horton at Kason, Richard C. A. Conover, 429 William st Kdwards, Abel Geo. McBroom, 121 Horton st Edwards, Andrew C;. A. Conover, 429 William st Kdwards, Wm. W Geo. Wyatt, 085 Colbonie st Kdwards, Samuel ^Vm. Stinchcombe, Petersville KUiott, Jolin John Elliott, 71 Bathurst st Elliott, Robert J H, MullhoUand, 198 Sydenham st Rini.ry, Vernon H Geo. Fawkes, Petersville i:\ aus, Kphraim, D.U 114 Sydenham st Evans, Jolm S R. D. Dulmage, 469 King st Fallis, Jolm G R. I>. Dulmage, 4G9 King st Fear, Samuel Burgess Howay, 477 Dundas st Fear, Ezra A E. J. Forman, 219 Wellington st Ferguson, George Mrs. Dignani, 388^ Ridout st Feasant, Edwin Joseph Broadbent, 485 Dundas st Fife, Wm. H William Irvine, 404 Talbot st Fisher. John S " T. W. Staufield, Dundas st., London East Foote, James G Michael Grayson, 582 King st l'\)rd, .lames E John Johnston, 402 Dundas st l'\)rd, Wm. J John Johnston, 402 Dundas st Forman, Richard J Wm. Duffield, 450 Waterloo st Fowler, Robert, M. D Dr. Salter, 214 Dundas st Freeman, John W., B. D W. T. Rutherford, 413 Ridout st Fydell, Thomas R Robt Jones, Van st., London East Gaetz, Leonard David Glass, Q. C, 077 Talbot st Gane, Wm. H E. R. Robinson, 044 Talbot st ( Ice, Thomas ,. Enoch Gale, 241 William st ( Jerman, John W C. A. Kingston, M. A., 136 Kent st German, Peter Geo. McBroom, 121 Horton st ( iilbert, C. W. M Robt Jones, Van st., London East E 3 Broadhent, 485 Dundas st "l"; J««?lt 0. Schaeffer, 418 Kidout st J»«*o»' -i?7' •, James H. Hobbs, -250 Horton st Hobbs, Richard . .. ■ j f^, Hazard Hodson, Joseph M., I>. A Win.'ihiffieid, 44G Waterloo st Ho mes, Edwin . " j ^ ^^^^^^ -03 York st lj« "}^'' ;V*11^ .James Eaton, 126 York st Holtby, Mathias ^^ ,^ Gartley, .V23 York st Hough, John. r,j^^^.jy ^^^^^^ 4-0 Colborne st Howard, Isaac B • j^^j^^^ Scandrett, '231 King .t tr°T n' • i F. J. Fonnan, 219 WeUington st H " .1, WnV i A WV ixawson, Dundas st., London East Hunter, \\ m. J '^- p„,,.„e8s Howay, 477 Dundas .st Hurlburt, Erastus ^'"'^^O^cirefil'r, I18 llidout st Husband, Robert J Ti T> Mr. Carfrac, over Victoria IVidgo r^; 'Samuel O : : : :.'.'. V.Heury Hunt, Hamilton Roa.1, London East mine, ^amuti v/ . ^j Porte, 24.) Richmond st Jvison, .lames ,\ • , , ,. „„, .. Samuel Ste wan, l.V) Maple .st .lackson, (Tcorge j^ McDon.ild, 170 Kent st •lackson, T, >o'"f •. : ReV. Wm. Chapman. 402 Talbot st . ackson, rhomas \\ ^- ^^ ICnglish, Dundas st. , London East .(efferis, 1 hoinas M >i"- ^^"^ ^, CHl)s..n, retersville .Tones, Teter \\ , " , a* 1 ., r M Lawrason, cor. Wm. and Ham"n Road Ivappcle, Stephen i • '>J- ^'^^' '^^, ^^ ^^,^^^^ 3^., Waterloo st Kay, John, . .^^ J .^^ Burdett. 4:U King st Kay, Joshua K. ^^^,^. < j^egsten, 429 C'olbornc st Keeter Benj. B Samuel McBride, 431) Ridout st Iveimedy, George ^^^._^_ Brown, 475 King st Kennedy, James Strong's Hotel Keppel, John H ^-j- • '^^^^^^^ ^^.^ 43^ York st Kerr, John L ^jj -3^,^(1^ (594 Colborne st Kerr, <'eo J ,,^j^jj tanton, 2!)9 King st Kershaw, Edward -^ , ^ , ^ 40 Cartwright st Kettlewell, \A lUiam "• ^' . David Hann.nh, 'SO'y Bond st Laird, James . . Parsonage, Petersvilh' Lanceley, John E Rev " J "e. Lanoel<:y, PetersviU.' Lancelcy, Ebenezer, ,,^^^g^.^ ^^^^^^^ 4^4 Waterloo .st ^Langfoitl, Alex j^.^.^^. ^v^.b,ster, 471 Dundaa st Lanton, Henry, . ^ 409 Ridout street Latimer, James E . . . j^j,' f^t,,,^,., o^l Qucen'.-s Ave n^avcll, Cliarles, M. A i';,onard"'Jl'iaw Ham'n Ro.ad. London East Leith, Thos. B ^^«"^'^^ • '^^'^ ' ^1,3 svmons, 379 Bond st Lever, J. J. A , ^ Broderick, 289 King st Livingstone, James ^^^.^ Dixon. 387 Wellinstuu st Lund, William * MKTHODiS'r cillKcll nl' CANADA. MINISTERS. I10ST.S. McAlister, James Stc]ihuii Siiuu(ler.s, 4(»S Maitlaml .st .Mc( 'anil, William TIum A. Wright, .')!;} Adelaitle st McCartney, James H J. (Iraiidy, Ml Clarence st McColliun, Kdwiii Wm. Sauiuler.s, 380 iJmulas st McCuUocli, Andrew Wui. Hunter, New ]Jnghti>ii McDonagh, Wm Kev. Dr. Evans, 114 Sydenham .st McKenzie, 1). M \. W. I'orlc, an: Dnfl'erin Ave. and Cartwright st McLean, Hugh Andrew Morphy, 'Mi Queen's Ave McLean, John Wm, H. Mcl'nto'lieon, 243 Talbot st McLaughlin, J. A A. C. Stewart, L'2*J Hill .st Madden, CJeorge (.' I. A. Tofr, ."5 McfJarvey Ten-ace, Ycn-k st Maitland, R. H ?,. Higgins, 370 Maitland st Masson, James Wm. Bryce, 404 King st Maxwell, William J James Duthcld, 518 Queen's Ave Miller, Aaron IJ R. I'liompson, 84.V iJundas st Milliken, Andrew ( ;ill)ert < ilass,' 22 Hope st Mills, John James Belton, 308 King st Mills, William lJavi. I) W. H. McCutchecm. 243 Talbot .st Philliijs, Rol)ert Wm. Stinchcombe, Petersvillc ■ i'rcston, James T. Mc( 'ormick, 472 Clarence st Preston, Walton, l>;iviil !)arvill, Westminster bridm; Rawson, Josepii (um. Taylor, Ham'n Road, London Ea.st Redmond, Richard Enoch < iale, 241 William st Krid Henry I )r. .1. < J Wilson, 244 Queen's Av«- Rice, Luther U Wm. Curd, 242 King st Rice, S. 1)., 1). 1) A. Johnston, 433 Colborne st Kichardson, George Wm. Magee, 528 Dundas st Ridley, .lohn Rev. J)i-. Sanderson, 15(j Wellington st Rigsby, Walter W. H. Winnett, 40(1 Cre.y st Robbins, John Thomas (.'reen, 389 Burwell st Robinson, Joseph H l)nn'28 Dundas st Savage, ^Villialn . ' ;: ■ • ^V''" 'I'-'mton, 299 King st Sei-alim, (!eo. A ", V ,^'^- Dixon, 887 Wellington st Scott, John, M. A '""''*' •'«'•'"«*«». Van st., London East Scott, Jolin (; . . . -, •'••"» McClary, Wellington st Scott, Edwin E ,■ ''' ^^- ^-incley, Peteravillc Sellery, Samuel, ji. ]).'.' ' M,.; ^ v'w'^iW::: ' •*'^"- «li»tt', ser., 488 York st Shaimon,- William '"'^'"''' <^"een s Ave. & English st., L. E Shej.herd, Wni. W ;; -,} J^'- kittle, 4)0 Dundas st Sheply, Joseijh . ' ''• ''' ^l-.}^ ''«"». -^^ Queen's Av*; Sherlock, Benj . . . Mrs' n" F ' Fn't^li.'i; ' ;.;.,".' n' " ' ' ■'" ' \ "'• J'^'ne, 404 Talbot at Shibley, Edwin S. ^'"''' '"'• ^-^"^^" « f"}'^- & K"glish st., L. East Shilton. James W '^""'^ Elson, sr., Peteraville Shortt, Wm. K., ij" a" '" \i,.« 'ic " i,' "i;^" ' "i- , ' ".,• • ' •9^^'- ^awkes, Petersvi Ik- Sickles, Abraham ' " ' ^^ ' " ^'"S''«''' Queen's Ave & English st., L.E Slater, James (J . ^iV-" " " ' ^'""^ Bradford ( Hotel) Smylie, Robert, . . ))."'• bowman, 579 Dundas st Smith, Alfred E. .'. ^^ "'• ^^'y'it,t, o72 Waterloo .st Smith, John \... „.• f. 0. Hazard Smith, John T • '"• ^""^'''e. -574 Horton st Smith, Robert W '^"■'^- Hil)l)ert, 2K^ Eatliurst st Snyder, Adam I • -Charles (Jib.son, Petersville Sparling, Wm. W V , '' ''^^"^^' ^^''•' '^^^ ^ork st Stafford, Charles E ,, °''" )}'■ I''**'^' 41 f) Dundas st Staples, Samuel (i i^eo Edleston, 32(5 Queen s Ave Stevenson, John C a' \v p " V -,;*1,™"«««' 490 Pall Mall st Stevenson, E. B a. \^ . ^ nrte, cor. Duflferm Ave. & Cartwright st Steward John. ," \W • ',; ' • -I^o^t- Hunt, 484 Waterloo st S>.:n.son, Joseph H -J- >> • i lark, cor. James und Waterloo sts Stobbs, Thomas . P^"- B"rdett, 434 King .st StringfelloM-, Charie.s t " '^' ^^^^""> ^^ Dundas st Sutherland, D. ( J R ' ] ) ^f^'^ " ebster, 47 1 Dundas st Swann, Francis .... '^*'"" McClary, Wellington st Swann, Matthew ;,;,■ • ■'^- D- Saunby, Petersville Sweet, Ednmnd E Vr ""'"*'"' <^'i'een, 389 Burwell st Henry P]iillip.s, 381 Queen's Ave Taylor, William ,.-.„. ^^ I'eeter, Cliancellor . " iHiam Turner, \\ estmister Bridge Tennant, Elisha. . ^^"^^^ '^tone, 359 William st Teskey, Ebenezer.V. u /"" 7- " ^^"•^*^'^' 27 Picton st 'I'hompson, Daniel \v \{ ('reen, 43 Cartwright st Ti-eleaveii, Richard J i ' \v-"/n ■•"■'" ■ B"J-'>'P, 200 Simooe .st 'I'licker, Samuel ',' ' " \l\ .< lark, cor. James and Waterloo sts '"'•"■'^'^ Koh.nson, for. .James and RiehmojiF CANADA. HOSTS. MINlSTEnS. . \\ »;rttiuin.-iwr ru[.i)or. Reuben K j^;,;' ;|".;,;,eH" Bell, '^'>i Horton st, Tmk, ( ieorge _ _ William Brycc, 404 Kinu si 'runier, .lolui • • ■ \\ k ( lore, r>l'.) Richmoml st Turner, Williiun I Mi-3. Symons, :?7'.) Bond st 'J'yU-r, Rculion .1 * , „„ Robert .lone.s, Van St., London Kast Voa.U 11, 1 homas „ „ ^ , , „ „ , ^ ,, Toslma Dalton, .■)4(i Talljot st WatUell, Robert 11 \i'J."i< N A FT D^.ukson, 484 Dnndas st nVakeHeld, John uc% . u. i .^^.^ ^Vebster, -232 Queen's Avo Walsh, William - -J "Kngiia'^i^ Uundas St., London Kast Warner, Lewis. . . . . • ■ • • • •••,• •.;•{., " Queen's Ave. &' English st., Lon. h. Ward, Joseph, B. A.. Mrs. ><• K Engh.h, ^j Jrampb^ij^ of 5 Wellington «* Washington, CSeorge j ' j' (^.j^,„pi,ell, 215 Wellington st Watson, J.-vmes : ' \, \ E Belt/., 290 (Jueen's Ave Watson, William L., M. A JameV «eale, Westminster Bridgo Weaver, Francis i» -.^^^ Darvill, Westminster Eridgn White. James. ^l^.^ Digiiam, 388i Ridout st White, James H Andrew Morphy, 380 Queen's Ave Whiting, James ' William Giird, 242 King st Wilkinson, Thomas L . . . j^j^^^ ^j.^^^^ ^oQ Ridout st 'Williams, John A., l->. L» Joshua Ualton, 546 Talbot st Williams, Elias Samuel Stewart, 155 Maple st Williams, William. y^^^^^^ Duffield, 518 Queen's Ave Williams, Richard \\ ^^^ C'arfrae, Victoria Bridge Willimott, William p^. ^^q^^q^ 287 Queen's Ave Willoughby, William kaniuel ( Jlass, 409 Ridout st WillisUm, John K \y^^^ Hunter, New Brighton Wilson, Jiisper. • • • •_ ■ \j" Lcod, Adelaide st., London Ea.st Wil».on, John \ • ''""^^ '''^^''j,, 'p^ iiobinson, (544 Talbot st Wilson, Samuel, y. Beltz, 2% (iueen's Ave Wootlsworth, Richard • •^- • • ■^^;^-- Elizabeth st., London East Wright, Robert ^^ '"'»';; ^^^, J-^^aerson, 150 Wellington st Wright, \N esiey I ., ». u VISITORS. ..Dr. Salter, 214 Duiidas st Berry, ^ i™jeis ^- Kgenleyside, 471 Waterloo st Briggs, \\ lUiam . . . ; ^,g^. j p^Hp, 464 Clarence st Burns, Alex. , D. D. , L L. 1 ). ^^^^^^^^^^ p^^^^.^^ c^g Maple st Burwash, Nathaniel, N. I .U j_, ^oBride, 430 Ridout st ( 'aiToU, John, D.D .James Flock, Dundas st ("ochran, (ieor^'c, j'^j^^^ Green, 520 Ridout st Dewart, E. H ^^-^^^ '^^Vebster. 232 Queen's Av.^ Douse, John. . Wiilium Turner, Westminster Bridge Koyl, Ephraiin L. . .... ■ y^ ^ Nelles, New Brighton Nelles, S. S., D. D LL. P WiUiam Saunders, 380 Dundas st Rose, Samuel, D. V. Beniamin Shaw, 455 Bond st Sutherland, Alexander J „ „. „. .„„+., Dr. F. R. Eccles, cor. King & ^^ ellington sts Dr. F. R. Eccles, cor. King & Wellington sts John Green, 526 Ridout st John (ireen, 520 Ridout st Wni. Spencer, (Queen's Ave. & Wijliam^st " "yiuiica of f'hftiniieii of DiBtricts. /T.lxV OF nFAAi.lOl S Si:ni TCES. Naliliiitli .>nr\ if. , .liiii>- l-i, I'ST'J. (.iiluni ,- Awi'iie ■> ,-1. III.. <■ 'iifcroiu'i- I w> Irn.-t, l;v \ . |)r. Hire prc^idiir,'. (Mtm '.». :folo lii.iio ;i. in. IUmiIj (lO.ifi ANNlVi;!' AKIK.-', KIT. Ti iiij>cniiiC'' \h\in\i\'^ Mixjt, 'I'lU'silay. -ivl Jiiiic, Ku\ . .Mi'n.si-.s. 1'. M. i '.iniiilu'll, I'. II. Koi^fcr, !•:. lliUias ;iiul I!. \V. ',Villi(,ii>^. .»/''mr.i('rt;— i^iueen"> Aviiiiip. 'Voiliiusiliiv i li, l;e\ -i. Dr. Willimiis, I'r. Kiio. l>r. .'«aiii1ci-.s >)■, I). Savaye and W. Willouniiliv. /•,'i/i(Cf7/H))i(»/-~l)uiiiUi-i Mivi't. 'I'lmiwiin ."i ii, lie^s. I>r. r.iir«asli, l»r. Uiirii-, Vi •'. llcmlor .son, M. A. .>on, -II. .\. lleccptiiiu of Cfn>. I» Nclk'-^, ami K. IS. liyi'kiiiaM, .M. A. Ili»r /.V.v/ ^) I'nnii'it,' li'o/-/,- '.f (/»(/- \V(llifii;ti)n St)V(;t. Satin din 7lli, a soiios of ^lio s]ioiitanoous addrc"-sos, Hcv. .1. (;ra>, pivsidiiijjr. .\h\.. (;. Siitlier land, I.. 1-. H., 1>. lintlioiir and \\ . Kettlcwul). ft/ff" Kaeti serviee eoninuMieinf; at lialt-)ia.. tevcn. (.".onforcnee prayernioetiii^-, o)ieii to ;dl. Wednesday, .lunc 4th, from 12 to \ i>. m. IlKH.Mii l'i;iXT, :'.ll KuiiMoMi Si., I.oniion,