^. ^ .^%^ Q^. \%x<^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) b: 1.0 I.I 1.25 •^ M 12.2 lU us K I ■•5 6 40 2.0 1.8 U iil 1.6 V] #>v ^ A 5&.. /. w o^ /^ Photographic Corporation .v S ,v <>^ B n i)w MP "37"^ EULES ASD ilEGULATiOiSS ADOPTED BV TBB piejsfiO^nt anti ^ivtttots or TRB MONTREAL BANK, FOB TBEIB own OOTERMMEKT, AND tOB PBFiCniBIlfO TBE RESPJKC- TITB DVTSfi» 0*f T»E rRESlPEKT, CASH? r*, AND E17BOKD1KATE Of FICEB* OV THE BAKK. v. ■i i* FirsL — Tbe Bank tball be opened, »nd kept open for tlie transaction of business, iron nine o'clock in tbe morning until tbree o'clock in the afternoon, from the first of May until the first of November; and from the first of November until the hrst May, from ten o'clock in the morning until three o'clock ia the afternoon, every day in the year except Of. Sundays, the first of January, Epiphany, Annunciation, Ascension, Good Friday, Mis Majesty's birib day, Corpus Christi, or I'ete Dieu, St Pierre and St. Paul, Assumption, AH Saiiita, Conception and Christmas days ; vbich days shall be considered as lloly-days- on which no business shall be transacted at the Bank, and the Cashier shall afiP.x in some conspicuous pViiCt in the Bank, a notice to that elfect. 5*«:ontl.— There shall be a common Seal to be provided by tbe board of Directors, and deposited in the Bank under the controul of the President. It shall be his duty pursuant to the votes of the board of Directors, to affix the same to all conveyaEices or other instruments where it may be necessary^ which shall be executed by him im bis oflicial capacity, iOV behalf of the association. • Third, — In all cases wh*re a member of this association may vote by proxy, or when any transfer is made, or divi- dend received, or other act done by attorney, such proxy shall be i :L. it f! (I V, 3 heW to produce hi» original anthorily or letter of attorney, auil depo»ite the wnie with tl:e Cashier. Fourth.— The stock of every member of tliis Association, shall be considered to be pk.is-'d to tbe CcmiMiiy for any and all njonjf* which «bcU nwmber may at any time owa the Bank; anU the board of Directors may, iJ they see cause, refuse to .nake any transfer, or pay «oy dindtad upon such Stock, until such debt is fully wschargcd. JiftA.— The Bank may tak« charge of the cash of all such persons as shall choose to place it ti.ere free ofexpcce. and shall keep it subject to the order ot the depositor, |».yab!e at sight; and way also receive deposits o( infiois ot g«h.. bars or silver. «r«u.hl plate, or other vulmible articU of sniaU bulk, for sale kccpir-B, at the risk ol the diposUor. - Sixti —The President or Vice-rresidcnt shall preside at .he meeting of the baard of Diiectors, and in thtir ab^enc. or in the atenoe of the p.rs..a by ^l"-'^m'^^f^ their respective places, agreeable to the taseHa tate -> tte 6Vrc»rf.-The dnty of the Director, shall he divt>led inlo v>-eeklv comjmtte«,\i2. the President or Vice Put.den , .hos/do.y it «,libe .0 attend daily «uh cne l"«;";^ « » »ball be styled the Director of the "ta;; »''k ad- iiseabk It shall be ihe duty i.f the Directors tor the «eek 2^repcrt to the board, at their next meeting, ail do.rgs at A Bank, in their olhciul Cajianty. i.-,v/,i/,,-Tbc- davs of discount shall t» J.K'sday ard rnday ot e.ch w«ek, and the Directors sS.aU a-sin.b.e «» tb,Liys a; ten c'cicck, pr.ci c!y, t«r the p-rpc.e of Dis- V \ r tlorney, far any me owd bey see !ivi4«!id all 5«cli ice, and payable ticUs of silor. - re si<3e at (I'U) fill K^.ed into 'itgideiit, :tor» wiio uring O'C the Bank iiU fcoarti, ites which he allured mUttd by !cl to give think ad« the week tioirgs a I s(!sy ard 5» Uihltt :)H se of Uis« count* 3 couTtin;?, except any of the Iloly-days observed ly tlie Bank should fall on those days, then the Directors aball meet on the gucceediiig day. KirttL-^A majority of votes sliall deterinme ell queations, except in cafics of discount, Mrhen t^vo of the board voting itJ the negative, shall be suHicknt to check the passiftg of a Note; and all decisions &bull be by Ballot* Tenth.-^AW bill* and notes offered for discount, shall be delivered io'*lhe Bank on Monday and Thursday in each week, and kid before the bourd of Directors by the Cashjer en the succeeding Tuesday and Friday at ten o'clock/to- ^ aether with a statement of the funds and eituationof the Bank/on which days the discount shall be settled, and such; as arC admitted shall be paid or placed to the credit of the ai^plicanison the day on which ihey arc discounted,* and may be drawn for at any time after one o'clock, and the Notes or Ilills not discounted, shall be returned at any time after ona o'clock on the same day EievcntL — DIsVountUhall not be made for a longer time than Sixty days, air^i UiA usual grace, unless by an unanimous vote of the Directo^^, p^sent at ifcirrEEtraFg=«^ the board, and Ro discount shall be ma/i.— Nottes of Hand, Bills of Acceptance, and all other Negociahle m^tes and Bills, may oediscoiuited without the endorsement oY the applicant, by an unanimous vote of the Directors present, and no renewal of a note shall be made without ai least ten per cent of the amount be paid, except by the unanimous vote of the Directois present* rAfr^ff;?^^,— The firdiof a house in traders not tpbe taken at the Bank, unless theyXshall in writing make known at the r>*(*»,' «•■»-- T unt, and ng to the isochittoii ame in a ► Hook •/ e keeping dies, and SIonlreaL pretence delinquent on paper dorse r.— iirry this ty of ihe (liscount, those on lyable to t personsl ^tora may tide. ity, BhsXX ; have re- *asbicr to be put in If thall be amc time, »n lodging ! returned. \n in some Try-?^- Txceutkth.-'k Notice of the following tenor, signea by Uic Cashier, shall he aifixed in eumc conspicuous place m the Bank. ' NOTICE. , „ , ^ , Whereas notes and bills may he left at the Bank for col- lection, it may tomftiniea happen that omisMons in notifying. the Darties or other informahties or. mistakes respecting euiH nc.tcs w hih*s may take place, wherehy damage may acrae to the prcnrietors of the.u, or oiher parties concerDed ; Pub- lic Notice is therefore hereby given, that the I]»ff ^[%«J this institution, consider such n<»tes and bills as l«ft ^»«»y at the risk of the |>«rs«ns leaving the same, and that the Bank will be rt'sponnble only for innniis actually received m payment thereof, but not for any omissions, mlormahtics, ur mislfekts whatever. By order of the Directors, , Signed , Cashier. Twenhj M -Notes and Bills left for collcctiou mast he lodled aVthe Bnnk, three days at least beiore tftey become Itoef and none ut.der twentylive pounds «iil be received. T;ctnfy sccond.^Ko it^lividual or Co-partnership shall be ~sibleas p.omisor,\r first endorser, or l>«^»».;^ f '^ rmilunt exceedh.gten th.>\-d pounds currency, unlea the sarplus be discounted oHc«>ilaieral security. T;.f«fr/.MiVi.-NoD;rectorvithoutspecial a«<5»ority from thrtcai^ shall be permitted to inspect the cash account of any person witU this Bank. rur«r^ fourth.-ll shall be the duty of the Pre.Went, a«d • t;. »hi<.nre the Vice-President, to sign the bills and Tost o'teoue link, and to deliver them when e.gned f„ the Cathi r. «ho shall give duplicate receipts therefore. „f »Mrh receiuia to be taken m a book especially to be reptbv'he Sent or Vice-President for that purpose; ttlthl'receipt to be ''•'sf .;>LVet SaT sh • t time bf ins, who on leaving hi« office m the uanK, snau uc lllTerSid receipts to las successor, unless olherw.se di- rectid by the board of Directurs. ■<1Svt.t^ ^h^- .iti ^vio^^^iv;?^..: ^w- I i ' i if ii! TKfn.yJJii.-^U shall be the duty of the President, or in liis ubbeDce the duty of the Vice-lVesident, to iuspect the V*auhi, isnd other ftpiirtments of the Bark once a-wet- k, in company with the Casltirr and the Director of tlie wet- k, to tdke an cxatt account of ihc Rank bill?, poat nutes Aud mumf on hant!, at Ie.nl once in two m;>nlhs, or as much oftencr, and at stirh linn's es the- I'reeidcnt or Vice«Pj«sident may think pr^pfr to app(»'jnt, and the report of the President or Vice President, and of the said Diixclor, shall be recorded on the Uouks of the Rnnk, and sii^iied by ti:em; to report fuUy and projwpl'y ttice in wijunj; be sent to each Dirt'Ctor; and a»<»re particidarly it j'hali be Ms duty to caus* the bocjksar.tl afir>tu:'t3 d ih« i>aJvk to be kept in a plain, regular, and m::ihudical iiuuiaer. Turfiii; 5 atitnd to, and execute their rfspci-ilve (iude'i, in coi*foniUtv t(» such rnlesand rrgulaticn';, as may be prcscriljed by the Ifuru «f Directors ; to take the neneral siipt^.rintf'ivjaiite ci the fon- cejosttf the Bank, and \u case of actual deljr»qUtei:cy, uv^iu I g«*nct*, <«r iniprof er coiKluct, or in cate uf tuf^picjon ihtr^vl, < f iM\y p.Mson cuiL'li?yed tler;*:i\, tu make im i:ij«ae«jiaie arid fall i^^t^nlmtariotlie rrcsidcni or Vice-Fresjdeutt^f ihe koowied/^c r he n)3}' possess, or of the Eusjviciur.s he rjuiy er.teii;un r«' Tresident or Vicc-Trcsident. or by order o» the board, to «eo that the books and accounts are kept in iiu »»rderly and rue* thodicai luanner, u^dtr the direction of the rrcRideat or "Vice Prcbident, and oev^r U» suHtr thtm to be bthind the business of the day, to liifi end that, wbtnever, ak, in Sf k^ to mtJHOf jftencr, nt may Ivnt «r icortifid > report aJlVct- > know* officurs s given ni that to hini :re<*lor3 itife in iarly it jr. :» cause tn»J ti>, IC foil* r?vi, < f jr.a fall ,;ua !«• t every iler&igii by tiia to «e© i]d rte» ient or md the iiU and itt^ti. it -- — J -- may may b«t speedily procured. Daily to examine the 8e:t!«m#*:t of th«j CH^.h ttccouflts of the Dink ; and, wl'coever, the «rM^l atnnunt disagrees wil*i the buluncc thereof, report ti.t ht:»»e to tbft President and l)*ie«:t«»r8 witb^mt dcUv. Thn C -i^icr tliall have djariie of all the bilia, iu»ti'S, obh^atioM, \\\'y\ty, i^eposita iind pledges: al the close rflhe business ofeuchuay, liS shall have ths whole theieof in his poesessiiin, an« v.e that the same are lufely doposiicd in th« VauUs of the lij.iK, one of the keys of whi^^h fthall always remain in Its posscs- hinn. It sh.iil alsa be the duly of the Cashier, w:;h the .'.pprobatlon iifthe PieJiJciJior Vice IVi^sidtut to procure the iiecesiary huoks, sc.;!cm, v/cii:!U3 and s'.aii'»nary fpy *'f «'! rcsoiuiious of the b«»ard, id any of the Director* who may apply therefore; and, v;henever a conunittes: is appuiiueJ, it shall he hib «uty to ;^ive notice in wruing to th« chairman of the uppUnttueiit^ and its object if requested. Twentu fnenih-^M shall be the duty of the first Teller to make cil payments Uoh\ llie I^ar.k, and to receive pay i-unts for notes aiid bills whtu due; ho shall eccouut datly or «f- Itner if required with tlie Cubhjer for all iUiiJS hi :n;iy re- ceive, cn;l in case i.i dtlici'/Ju'y, hs Lhull te lespousible fi.r iiitt anioiwjt ihr:e*.f. /ii chtcus cu this Bunk receded '.y the TeJier, shall be delivered in cu the day of their re- '.lipt taf the nccvui'.tnnt or Bi;»>k ktcper to be by him en- tered, and it the Ttl-cr shall pay any check fhawn on this jitnk, the ptrs^Mi driinujg lh3 same rot lijivin^ ihe a- ?;iouot therfi»f to h'd citdii: m the Bank, he shall he charged with the amount overdrawn, provided the e^me was wjihci^t af>pric:Uion to the Bock k:*i;p«r ; bur ii'ihe Bt.'-^k keep*hter. Tuentu ninth,— Iht Bookkeepers shall keep the accounts of the lijuik iu RCor;<5picuuu« and methodical manner; they Shan furnish sti^tcmtnts from the bowks, whenever required sotodrtby the Preaidtnt, Directors, orC«5hi«r; they shall keep the Ui^kn rc^gulurly balanced, and the »6'J&«'^ »? "** shall aUays e^l.ibit all the uccouuta of the Bank. 1 be se- cond U*><.k k''ei>er shall i en Jural! the assistance in his p the lira lUAi keepftr, and in his aUsenct; shall take hii place ; Viynlhtt it shall bi their duty to complete monllily to tnc end of each preceUing mouth, all the entries »« the chf cK look of thf dcpiisilors as speedily as possible ; the first Uuok«k^-*jpershuil nuke all entries from the cash-book to the Ifdi'er, Knd the same shall be entered Ufore tbe succeeding diy. 'I he secotid Book kecp«r shall eiUtjr into the cash- b'lnk, the receipts and payments of the Tellers, the latter m tth,haV*ctical orkr, keeping the several payments to each ptfi>.,)n, as much as possible together ; tbe amounts of eacli day to be enivicd and examioid and to agree With those ot the IVlteis beturc either of these leave tlie liai»k. The ISook- keepers shall collect and assort the checks each day, and shall sump a hide therein, and wiiie on the cover the day on which ihey were received, and at the end of the montfa, deliver the said checks (after entering the same on the check books of tbe depositors) to the respective persons by rhoin they were drawn. Tbe Book keepers shall at all times when checks are presented t»> them by any of the Tellers, de- ciare %*heiner the amouoi iiienlioued in the said checks, IS ivniMlly el the* credit of llie drawer, and if the Book-keeper fchall d^'cUre the check to be gocd, ui»d the person not naying the anvunt thereof ill hh credit at the Bank, he shaU he tcsoon«ible for the sum overdrawn. In case cf the iickness, «r otuer necessary absence of the Cashier, bis duty shall de- VfA\t on the iirk Bouk ketper. TMrtietL-^lX ehall be the doty of the Dis^ouut Clerk, to kxtd ftrti (t cord th back o odered 1 berof I may b^ thereof present! bins ai keep a and as ] entered shall e] or dem< keep ar be calU and at lis ac< count, be sbal lie sbal on evei .either i the m enter ii have b change they m Thlt tY>uke ( ail not the sai Ice tier* table f( all sun sible ii be, fo] niissio as try tions, .t. .}] I it thereof, )Dd Teller or oftetier , with the t accounts tier; t!iey f required they ehall ^er ia use . Tbe 8e- hts puke out and deliver notilications to the several puties, en ell notes of hand, bills of exchange, bonds and ohhgatiuns, us the same become due at the Bank. lie shall also make col- lection of money when ditected thereto ; he shallbe accoun- table for whatever mny be intrusted to his charge, and for all sums of money collected by him ; he shall also he rtspon- S'.ble to tbe Bank or t# the parties concei nedi as the case may be, for all losses arising from his negligence, errors, or in* missions in perforn.ing the duties assigned to him ; he shall ^stry day make out a list of of the notes, bonds, and obligu- tions, that may be due on the succeeding day, which list he »,.ii ioL/» to'tii liim ^hen be dtUvers the iiotificatioiui, gnd S» . • » n 1 o Lr /» in* til •ST £ lis Itirtt I ^1 I ^^f- «%'*»-*•!;■. ■ ' *i'0-ritJ^-J>'Jmjr' ■-. -# ■ ' •Rd tninnte thftreon, to'whom, and at what place the mN tificaticns were delivered, whether at the dwelling Louse of the parties, at their usual places of business, at any place assigt^ed by thera for having their notifications left, or to the parties personally, and on his return to the B/ink, he shall sign the said list, and deliver it to the Cashier, who shall examine and reguia'^ly file the same. It shall likewise be the duty of the Messenger, under the Direction of the Discount Clerk, to take charge of the notes and other ob- ligations left for collection, to enter and file the eame, to minute on the \.Ack or rover thereof, the names of the parties, the time when the same will full due, aud the inle- 2'est due thereon. Thirfy second. —li ;;hall be the duty of the Porter, to keep f,he Bahk House and appurtenances clean and in good order. lie shall remain conslantly at the Bank while it may be open, either for public or private business, and shall not have tha same during the hours of business, on any account whatever, btit by permission of the Cashier. He shall laake the fires, " 7 and he shall light the lamps at the times he may be directed, ' and before closing the Bank at night, he shall examine every part of the building and appurtenances, an^^ whjjnthe Bank /' . i5.s'""j^^^ ^^^^^^ carry the keys to the ]^ ^)pi 4< i' 4 t or V i c ^ ^fi:^^ ]Ufi*^»»tf^nd have the same again al the Bank timely in the Rnoining if re(|uired. Thirff/ tliird.— The Solicitor of the Bank shall have the r pvetereiice ol the law businegi of the Bank, but he shall not receive any pay for such business, other than the usual pro- fessional fees for the services he may render. T/iirhifuurth. — The writing up of the depositors books may be divided among the several officers of the Bank, undtr such regulations as the Cashier may direct. Tliirti^ jfifth.-'The present assignment of duties to the several othcers ot the Bank, shall not exclude the rignt of the board to alter and increase the same at any time, as the interest of the Bank may ia their opinion at any time require, and the re- bpective olHcesS ihertui accept of their cilices subject to this rty^'ilatiou. . The The C titled til oftener i order aVc Thirfif ^, pec live or nlbcr quaint tl be made ypou the whateve emolituK !^ry allc dutv of tm?e3 c thereof t thereof. nirh land oth<: lafllrmal I b^St of 1 fei'.^iaed t< (.flhe I\ ani Cas next, n f.lilhfuil f?pj;sact] eiiher or (li6c!o£e count cf ■same m;; Foriie jfcMfc,«. tm-'-Uk: •*#-. * •'« •>»,» ♦ ice the mN g bouse of any place left, or to Bank, he shier, who ill likewise lion vf the other ob« the t&mtf D3es oi the id the inte* »r, to keep 2;ood order. ay hi open, >i leave the whatever, e the Hres, e directed, mine every ] the Bank L timely in I have the e shall nut i uiuul pro* 5 hooks may , Lindtr such the several the board to Lerest of the and the re- jiect to this The u The Ctt^hier and otlscr ofTicers of tfjt Bank sliall h$ «»• titled to receive their salaries in t|n ifterly paytaents, or ouener if they require it, for %ibich they will lecftive an order from the board. Thirl j^ «rT///.— In eafc of the absence of either of tbe re- spective otTiceis from the Bank, in consequence of sickness, or «iibcr unavoidable cause, it is their duly forthwith to ac- quaint the Cashier thereof, in c^rdtt that arringements mny be made to srpply their places until they can again enler Mpou their re&ppctive ofiices. ^Ih'irfV'Sevenih, — No officer or oth^r person connected with tJweJUi.k f^hall directly or indirectly, in any way or manner whatever, take cr leceive any pejouisite, reMatd, fee, or emolitment, for any services di>ne Vliertin, other than the sa» li:ry allowed by the Bank, and it shall be the particular duty of the Casliier, to see that this regulation i» at all tm?e3 ca'iied into full effect, or to report any violation thereof to the Directors, a» &ooq as hr^ may obtain knov/- I thereof. . .1 . 1 Thirt}j eig^dh — The PAisident, Vice.President, Cashier, jaiid other ifliceis of the 'Ij^auk, shall subscribe an oath or Uifliraiation to the ibilowiuk etlect. I do l^\vear(ar afiirm) that I will to the b^stof my knov/ledge and a^bilitie?, perform the duties as« fci'.^Red to, «iid the tru^t reposed in me, as < I the Montreal Bank, and k^tp secret the business thereof. Ty.rtyninth, — The President, Vice-President, Directors, an J Cashier, shall on or befoiV the thi»d day of November next, make solfiiiii oath, thatuhev and each of them, will fiis of the board of hirectors .at their meetings, eiiher on special or gerieral bi.;!»inVss, unless called upon to dsiclote the same in due couise ofuaw, or to render an ac* count of their p;oceedin"s to tne Stockholders, or when the ■same may be oliierwise necessary. ^ Tortieth. — The Stock oi this Aecooiation ^hall be trans- M "able at the B;Ank only by cuch Stockholder, or his legal. f ;i i ¥ 4 l^ rfprcswUative in cas« of his death, or by his attorney speci- ally authorised for that purpose, and thereupon such Stock- holder shall surrender and deliver up his certificate, or re- ceipt, and execute a transfer in such form as the Directors shall prescribe; and the President, or Vice President and Cashier, shall thereupon issue a new certificate to the person to Mrhom the same is thus transferred, and in case such trans- fer shall not include the whole number of shares, specified in such certificate, or receipt, the original holder shall be en- titled to a new certificate for the number of shares not so included, at^i4-ir^ \jr^-i i *^ '^^^^'"C ""^^ ff'ftrtifignt*'! shf i U hc j rdividetid lu p iu portion t o thftir thBreg i.a ♦hft py^^fiti nf ftift fii|hTiil nftfth; ar V i tH a ii a ll rthtr privili i gitu, '\nf\ Jmnii nitifT L na Mnmlirr nni F i tn p lih ii l i ln i ll Ui i HimUim^ -C#«Tpany. Torty first. — The books and accounts of the Bank shall be regularly b&lanced on the third Monday's in the months of May and November in each year, at which time, the half yearly dividends sh^llb£^|edared ancL^oiblished, as is di- rected by the ftiyf^fernfM ^Mhry H^^^^ Xhe books of transfer shall be shut for twenty days immediately, preceding each of the days appointed for balancing the books of the Bank, and declaring the half yearly dividend, and the Stockholders who shall stand in the looks of the Bank, at the time when the transfer shall be so suepended, shall be entitled to receive such dividend of profits then to be de- clared and paid, and the same shall be paid to them or their attornies respectively. Forty-second. — The Board of Directors for the time being, shall be a committee to consider, whether any, and if any, what alterations or amendments to the fn^^riftm^nM) .iiiii !»*«. ts f this aasociauon ; it i o e xp e di e nt for the StockholH e ra a do pt, a nd to ropoil thei euu fium liin j g to t it n Jl!|:_uf till' rnyUhoMfiii." 4i^./~9^^^ ) ^^5^ ^ As0'^lfi Gray, Printer, T ^^5!i„i^^^ /^/-t^ '^^^^^ •^ •Rey speci- ich Stock- ate, or rc- Directori sident and the person iuch trans- peclfied in tiall be en* res not so !s- shall 1.1ft, '■ ihareg ik shall be months of e, the half d, as is di- B. The nmediately, I the books ridend, and the Bank, nded, sbal! in to be de- em or their time being, and if any, atskaxisdaeM, /. khetHera 4 b J^ '- ■^ .# ^^M^ M^^'^^f^ ^ ■'/■ .fc' ) // RAT, Printer, <^ jp. H |.tv y' iV>'. ■7 /■ \ w J ^