-' ^ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA BV JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT, EDITOR OF THE TRANSACTIONS and HONORARY SECRETARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY fl^^B BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA BY JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT EDITOR OF THE TBAVSACTIONS AND HONORARY SECRETARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Printed by Order of the Society, May 25th, 1894 17070 PliEFA'lV)HV NOTE. Any imperfections in this l.iMiography mu.t be lat-ely .u^eribed to the .liffic.ilty the editor has experienced, in some eases, in ohtainin.jr information from niemhers of the So.iety, and to his own inability to supply the missing faets in the parlianuMttary library and other institutions to whieh he has applied. On the whole, however, the bibliographv, whieh is modelled on that of the Amerlean Historical Asso^-iathn. now a branch of the Smithsonian Institution at W^i^hington, will be found as aeeurate as it is possible to make it, in view of the very rar.ge it takes for nearly half a eentury. It will be, probably, of nuieh advantage to scientific and literary students when they wish to obtain all the literature on Summary Report of Geological Explorations in New Brunswick. 1874-75. (Bailey and Matthew.) b BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Bailejr, L. W.-Cantinurfi. Rt'port cm thv ry>werC'Hrhoniferoii« Belt of Albert and Westiru'relanii t'ountifx. New HriinHwick, with Section and Geol(>i;ic-al Map. IK7({ 77. (Bnilry anil ElU ) Report on the (ieology of .Soiitliern New Bruns- wick. 1K7H 7». (Bailev. Matthew anil Klir*.> Report of KxploriitiunH anil .Surveyn in Portions of YorkandCarletou Couutieti, New- Brunswick. 1(*«-Hi. Pp. 31. Explorations and Surveys in Portions of the Counties of Carleton, Victoria, York and North- unilierland. New Bmiuwick. New Series, Vol. 1. 18W5. Pp. At. with Map. Explorations in Portions of the ConntieH of Vic- toria, Northumberland and Restitec. Vol. iv., Sec. 4, 1HH6. On the Physiography and Geology of Aroostook County, Maine. Vol v.. Sec. 4, 1887. On the Progress of Geologirsil Investigation in New Bmn-swick. Presidential Address. Vol. VII., Sec. 4, lXi>i9. BaiilairKe. C. Conferences illustrees surl'Astronomie. rOptique. la Pneumatique. rAcousticjue, I'Atiiiosphere, les Vents, lesCourants, laVapeiir et la Machine a vapeur, la Mecaniqne, etc. ; de ileux heures chacune en nioyenne, dans la Salle des Seances de I'Ancien Parlement ilu Bas Canada, rues I^aniontagne et Port Dauphin, devant des audi- toires de "W) a 8(10 {Hjrsonnes. Quebec : C. Dar- vean. 1848 56. Le Calorifere : Cliautt'age 4 I'air chaud. lUu.stre. Quebec : Bureau et Marcotte. 185:1. 8vo.. pp. 23 Nouveau traite de Geometrie et de Trigonometrie pectiligne et spherique. Toise des surfaces et volumes. Tables iogarithmiques et sinus, etc., naturels. Ouvnxge illustre. Quebec : C. Dar- veau. 18t)e. 8to.. pp. 88. Rapport Ge. leral de I'lng. des Ponts et Chaussees de la Ville de Quelx-c, enibi-assant les depar- tements du Feu. des Marches et Halles, de la Traverse du Fleuve, de la Police, etc. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1868. 8vo.,pp. 96. llMlllairice. C.—Contintutl. General Report of the City Engineer, Quel>ec, embracing Poads and Bridges, Markets, Ferry, Health. Fin-, and other departments. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1H72. 8vo., pp. 12i>. Geometry, .Mensuration, and the Stereomefical Tableau. Illustrated. Head .^-fore the Liter- ary and Historical Society of Qtteltec. Quebec : C. Darveau. 187:i 8to. , pp. 44. Geometrie, Toise, et le Tableau Stereoru'^trlque. Illustree. Lu ilevant la Soci^te Litteraire et Historique de Queljec. Uemonatration et dii*- cusaion de la formule par I'Ablje Maingui, de ri'niversite I.jival. Queliec : C. Darveau. 1873. 8vo.,|ip. 66. Cle Synoptique ou abregee du Tableau Stereom^- trique. Illustree. Quebec : (". Darveau. 1874. 8to. , pp. 16. .Abridge*! Key to Sfereometrical Tableau. New Systen: of Measuring all Bodies— Segments, Frusta and Inguhe of such IxxiieH -l>y one and thesiimerule. Illustrated. Queltec : C. Darveau. 1K74. 8to., pp. 18. Cit' du Tableau Stereo'uetrique illustree. Prece- dee du toise des surfaces, tables, etc. Queliec: C. Darveau. 1874. Svo., pp. 226. Berthuzal)el, ou Le Diabk Devenu Cuisinier. Comedie en un acte (episode de la guerre d'ltalie de 18,5f)) jouee par la Cic Maugard A la Salle Jacques Cartier et deux fois li la Salle de Musique, Quebec. Quebec : C. Darveau, 1873. 8vo., pp. 2t». Reports on Sections of the then so-called North Shore Railway (now the C. P. H.) between Quel>ec and Montreal. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1874 5^^. Folio, 10 pp. each- The Proposed Improvements in the Estuary of the River St. Charles, Quebec. (Quebec : C. Darveau. 1873. 8vo., pp. 10. Toise des Surfaces illustree. Quebec : C. Darveau. 187.5. 8vo.. pp. 58. Supplementary Report on the North Shoie Rail- way (now the C. P. R.) In'tween Que»)ec and Montreal. Quebec : E. Vincent. 187.5. 8vo., pp.14. Rapport Supplementaire de I'lng. de la Cite de Quebec sur le chemin de fer du Nord (aujourd'- hui le C. P. R) entre Quebec et Montreal. Quebec : E. Vincent. 1873. 8vo., pp. 15. Report on the Fire-escape Appliances and Facili- ties of .some ninety-six Public Buildings of Quebec and Environs, including Schools, Col- lege"^, Convents, Theatres. lecture and Music Halls, Manufactories, Hotels, Churches, etc. Folio, pp. 105. The I'roposed Dry Dock in the Mouth of the River St. Charles. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1876. 8vo., pp. 4. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA llMillHlrK^. ('. CmtHnrntd, Rt-pijrt on th«' VWt-n Hrant-h of th*- \. S. Kailwaj-. yii»'l>«H : C. I)»rvfuii. Ih7«1. Folio, pp. ( tia|)[><>rtK snr le clieniin tie ftT dii XoH (anjourrt' hui le t'. ". R.t t'litre Quj-Iht ft Muntreal. Q»:ti»»er : ('. Darvenu. 1H7I 5 fi. Folio, pp H i^ 10 en moyonn*. Key to thf St4*r»><»inftriion. iiliiNtrnted ; menNuni tion of areas, tal>leN, etc yueliw : ('. Darveau. 1H7B. Sro,, pp. 22K. Tlie Maniripal Situafioi.. Q»U'f»cc Yearly IV- fleil.s. F^iiu-iiK-iHl Sitimtion. Queliec : ('. I)ar- veau. 1H7H. 8ro.. pp- 57. General Report of the City E'lgineer, QuelHie, on Koaiis, BridKeH, MHrket.n, terry. Fire, HeHlth, iinuel)ec : C. Dar- veau. l«f<4. 8va, pp. 133. The btereometricon. Illustrated. Tables, areas of spherical triangles and polygons to any radius or diam. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1H84. 8vo , pp. 132. Papers read l)efoie the Koyjil Society of Canatla, 1882-s:i Illustrated. Quebec : C. Darveau. 8vo., pp. 4w Memoires lus devant la Societe Royaledu Canada, Sec. III., 1882-Ki Illustres. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1884. 8vo.,pp. 46 Some 15 reports on as many separate 10-mile sec- tions of the Quel>ec & Lake St. John Railway North of St. Raymond. Quebec : E. Vincent. IWvJ-K?. S"©-, pp. l-i to 25 each- Quelques 15 rapp«jrts snr aatant de sections dis- tinctes du chemin de fer Quebec et Lac St. -.lean au Nord de St-Raymond. Quel)ec : E. Vincent. 1883^. 8ro-. pp. 15 i 25 ob^onii. ItaillMtrice. V.—C(mtinuf'1. \* veine liquide eontractf^e. Confen'nce hie de vant laSo*'l^t<' Royale du ('ana*!-*. Sect, in., 4 Ottawa, \>Vh. QiielMTt-, pa.-KS«i, pr^Ment, fiitur. Qui^fiec : .1. (Jln- graa et Cir. lrtK5. Bto., pp. M, The .\<|uedurt. Quel)ec. Tables jif prp!«saren. heights, ttc. Quel)ec : E. Vincent. lf<56. Svo. ,pp 7. Kapi>ort sur le uouvel aqnedu<' de Qa«'l>eo. Que- bec : E. Vincent. 1HH.5. Svo., pp S. ConcemanI la tiieorie de M. Steckel Hur "La veine liijiiide contractee," lue devant la S. An ordinary H-houm day'n work of the City K-: gineer. Queliee. Quebec : E. Vincent. 1^^^•J. Folio, pp. 8. Geonietrie dans lespace. Stereoinetrie. Sten-o- tomie. Illustre. Joliette : Revd F. A. Bail- lairge. 1MH6. 8vo., pp. 20. I.,e Stereometricon couronne en France, en Bel- gii|ue, en Angleterre, en Ru.s.sie, au .lapon, au Bresil, en Canada, aux Etat.s I'liis d'Anierique. Joliette: Revd F. A. Kailiairge. If^HO. 8vo.. pp. 20. A Practical Solution of the Great Social and Hu- manitarian Problem : EscajK' from buildings in case of lire. Read Ijefore the Royal Society of Canada, Sec. in.. May 25, 18H7. Queliec : C. Dar- veau. 1887. 4to. , pp. 8. Petite Matlieniatique ecrite pour et publiee dans I'Etudianr, edite a .loliette par le Revd F. A. Biiillairge. 1S87. The .-\rt of Building. Re.id Ijefore the Canadian .V-sociation of Civil Engineers, Montreal, 1887. FoL.pp. 2(». The School of Industry and Arts, Glacis Street, Queliec. Published by the City I'ress, Queliec. 1887. Nouveaii dictionnaire franyais. Systeine educa* if. Kimes, Consonnanci-s, Honioiiymes. Queliec : C. Darveau. 1888. 8vo., pp. et-o. L'Art de Batir. Public dans un .founi.i I de Que- liec, deux numeros consecutif.s. 1888. Revision des Elements de Geometrie d'Euclide. Lue devant 1 1 Societe Royale du Canadn, Sect. III., 2:1 mai 1888. Folio, pp. 8. AIm in Abstract in the Mtmoirt» trifs." lAmdon, X.'^ Straiul. 1S<.)(». Folio, pp. 100 HoiMonvmes frjiiiviii>. Joliette: R^vd F. A. Bail- lairK*'. 1)*1. 12mo.. pp. 212. Kuglish Hoiiioiiyms. Quebec : C. Darveati. IWl. i:;nio., pp. iw. General Report of the City Engineer, Quelnjc, on PavenuMits, etc. QiieV>ec : E. Vincent. 8vo., pp. 42. Etude ayant trait a la Holution du prubleiue : De- terminer la hauteur atteinte par uii projei-tile <{Ui en retoiiibant an niveau ti'ou il e.st parii, a prinluit un ettVt connu. Lue devant la Societe Royale du fan ida, .Sect, in., le 11 niai I^IM. Montreal, l^ttl. A paper relating to the height to .vhich a niis.sile attained, \vlii«'h, in deiscending a>;ain to the level from whieh it was projected, produced a known result. Head l)efore Sect, iii.. Royal Society of Canada. May 27, KSOI. Montn-al. \m\. An attempt to deduce the pressure p«T square inch under which a steam Ixjiler exploded from the ell'eets prolished in the Transac- tions of the Society, 1.H8I3. Svo., pp. 3.J. Retaining Walls. The defects in the new dock walls at the Louise Basin, Qnel>ec. Cannilinn Enpin- > i ing iVuro, .Montreitl. Technical Education f>f the Pi'ople in Cntechnieal Language. Read before Section tl. of the Royal So< iety of Canada, Ottawa, May, If^M. QucIhjc : C. Darvcaii. IHW. Svo., pp. 42 IU*Kin< MonH«>iKn<>ur Louin \azaire, I.rfi I'riniaute et rinfaillibiiile des Souverains Pontife-.. Le(,"ons d'histoire doniiecs a I'Cni versite F^aval. Quel)ec : L. H. Huot. I.s7:{. 12mo., pp. 430. La Sainte Ecriture et la Regie de Foi. Quelle : August ill Cot«' et Cie. 1H74. 12mo. , pp. 298. Le Culte Catholique. Quei>ec : Augnstin Cote et Cie. 1S7.-.. 12ino , pp. 181. Chronologic de I'Histoire du Canada. Qnel)ec : C. Darveau. I.S«>. ISiiio.. pp. .16. Panegyricjue de Saint-Thomas d'Aijuin, pronouc^ a la Cathedrale de St-I[yacinthe, a I'occasion e centenaire de la mort dc Saint-Thoma.s. Hell, Koltcrt. In the Puhlicntwtts of Ihr IhohMjival Sumy of Caniifia. riz. :— The Natural History of the Lower St. Lawrence, the Sag^ienay and Lake St. .lohn. lieport for 18.57. CatalogTie, with Notes, of Animals and Plants collected on the Southeast Side of the St. Law- rence, from Queltec to (Saspe. RejMjrt for 1S5H. Superficial (leology of Canada. (Jenenil Reimrt on '• The Geology of Canada.' ISi:!. pp. S,S«) iKHl. Coloured Map, with Explanations, showing the Distribulion of theSiiperfieial Deposits l)etween Lake Superior and tiaspe. Atlas accompany- ing the last. Ifhica1 Map of a portion of the Gaspe Peninsula, from Surveys by Dr. Bell, accompanying a Report on the Occurrence of Petroleum in that Region. Pamphlet publi.vihed for the Geological Survey in Quebec, IStJo. Geologj- of the Western Portion of Grand Mani- toulin, and of Cockburn, Drumniond and St. Josephs Island. Report for IHiti-tVJ. The Northwest Coast of I^akc Superior and the Nipigon District, with a Topographical Map of the Thunder Bay and l..ake Nipigon Regions, Report for 1H66-(M), ROYAL SOriFTY OF CANADA 9 lt«'ll, ilttbert. -Continufil. The Country North uf l.akf Sii|>eriijr. J>«?tween th«' Nipi^oii Hiid Mirl.ipicoion Riv»TN (Pic Ilivt-r, Loiitf L.ikf, <'t(.t. HciMiit for 1,«<7(»71. The Cotiiitrj' lietwoi-ii Lake Superior and the AHw.ny Hivcr. IJi-purt for IH71-7:i. Th.' Country U-tween I^ke Superior iind l^ike A»'innip«K- H«'iM»rt for 1S72 7:?. T'le Country l)et\vt'fii Kfd IJivcr and the South SHskatchevvan, with Notes on the (leology of the Region In'tween I^vke Superior and Red River. Contains an Ap|M'ndix hy Mr. Hortinann on liiyniteH. R«'p<»rt for lS7:J-74. The Country West of I«^kes Manitoba and Win- riijM'posis. with .Votes on the (JeoloKy of Ijike Winnipeg. Report for l.*<71-75. Explorations in ls75 between James" Bay and I.jtkr.s Superior and Huron. Report for lK75-7t5. In Part : Deseriptive Catulo^nie of aCollettion of tlic Kc-ononiif Minenilsof Canada at tlie IMiila deiptiiu International K.\hil>ition. 1H76. Special Publication of the (Jeolonical Survey. tlcolonieai Researches North of I^ike Huron an7t5-77. An E.\j)Ii>ration of the Kast CoaHt of Hudson Ray in 1S77, with a .Map of tin- Kast-niain I'oast, It Plates and :{ Illustrat ions. Rejiort for 1M77-7S. FIxplorat ions in 1S7S in tlif Country l»et ween Lake Wiunipc;.; and Hudson Ray. With Map of I-ikc Witini{M')j, Map of Nelson River and the Hoat Route iH'twei'u Like Winnipejr and Hudson Ray, including; an eidartfcd Phm of tlic Mouth of Hayes" River and Vii-inity of York I'ai'tory ; also .") Plates. Report for l^f77 7S. Explorations in 1S71» on the Churchill antl Nelson Rivers and around Goome of the Tjakes and Rivers lyinn to the west of it ; also Log of a Voyage in the ••Ocean Nymph"" from York Factory to London. The Northern Limits of tin- Principal Forest Trees of Caiuula. east of the Rocky Mountains, with a Map on which they are shown. Bell, Hat»ert.- Ciinfinued. Thit* Report alsi) contains the followinK Appen- dices : I. List of Fossils colle«'tcd by Dr. Iwll in .Maiiitolui in 1SSI» .1, F. Whileavcs. II. Tabu lated List of Planl> <-ollect< il by Dr. Bell west of Huds<)n Bay .1. Macoun. III. List of Coleop- tera collected by Dr. Bell in 1.-f of Hayes" River at York Factory, from Reconis by .Mr. Wm. WihmIs, Meteorolojjist, York Factory. X'lll. Dates of the arrivals of the vessels of the Hudson's Bay Company at York Factory and of their sailings for !•;{ years, froni 17>i!» to IHm. ImiiIi inclusive. IX. Seasonal or Periodic Event- at MiK)se Fac- tory. X. Dates of the arrivals of the vei««(i Si S2. Ou Part of the Ba-iuof Athabasca River. With a Mai> of the River from Lac la Biche to Lake .-\thabasca. one Plate an; .\j)- pendices : I. List of Plants collected by Dc. Bell in Eastern Labrador and on Hudson Stiait and Bay— J. .Macoun. II. List of M.-nnmals. with Notes-I)r. Bell. HI. Lis of Biids. with Notes -Dr. Bell. IV. List of t-rustacea «'ollecter l.VJ-s:! S4. Observations on the(ieology, Zoolojiy and Btitany of Hudson Stniit and liay, made in 1H8.">. With a Map of the Ottawa Islands. 2 Steel plate En graxiufis. 2 Illustrations, and the followinji Ap {>endiccs : I. Lists i>l Plants collected in New- found, and anil Hudson Strait J Macoun. II. Partial lists of In.sects collected on the Expedi- tion H. H. Lyman and C. H. Home. Rej>ort for ISST., DD. Explorations of the Altawapishkat and .Albany Rivers. Lonely Lake to .lames" Bay. With 1 Plates and au Appendix containing a List of lO BIBLTOORAPHY OF THP] Bell, ll<»lHTt.--fV/n/i»»M^fl. LepidopttTii from the Southern piirt of Ket'wai tin District, U\ \l. H. I.ynian and others. Re- port for IHHii. Geology of the Sudburj- Mining District. With a detailed Topograph iciil and (leolovcieal Map, 4 Plates, H l-'ipires, and the following Appeu- (.ices: Xotes on the Micrasoopical Ch.iracters t'f .51) kinds of Rotks, mostly from the Sud- bury District Professor Geo. II. Williams, of Johns Hopkins I'niversity. 11. Levels of the Lakes of the Dist'ict alxjve the Sea. List of Elevations on the Canadian I'aciHc Railway. III. Report, with List, of ":{ Species of Lepidop- tera collected liy Dr. Bell in the Country north- ward of Lake Huron ~\l. H. Lyman, of Mont- real, Wni. IL Kdwards. Professor -J. B. Sniiih, of .New .lersey .■.nd Rev. Geo. D. Hulst, of Broiiklyn. IV. .Meaninjis of Indian (Jeo)fraphi- cal N:»nies in tlu' Country around Sudhtiry Dr. Bell. Report for IWKMJl, Pan L Contributions to '£i Summary Reports from 1K70 to 1.S1W. published in the .\iinual Reports of the Department of tlie Interior, and reprinted in those of the Geological Survey . In the Trnnnactions of t/f Royal Society of Cn na'la : Motes on the Birds of Hudson Bay. Vol. I., Sec. 4, Causes of the Fertility of the Land in the Cana dian Northwest. Vol. i.. Sec. 4, ISSi. The Geology and Kconomic Minerals of Hudson Bay and Northern Canada. Vol. ii.. Sec. 4, 1884. On Some Points in Reference to Ice Phenomena. Vol. IV., Sec. ;{, l.H,s(>. The Petroleum Field of Ontario. Vol. v.. Sec. 4, IS.-!?. The Cliickiiree, or Red S(|Uirrcl. An Appendix to Dr. T. Wesley Mills' Paper on S. Vol. v.. Sec. 4, ISST. The Kurouian Systeiu in Canada. Presidential Address to vSec. 4 Vol. v.. Sec. 4, 1S8H. Clacial Kettle-Holes in Cansula. \'c>l. xii.,Sec. 4, ISSM. Ill t/ir liiilhihis of the frin/ogirnt Snciff;/ the Varunlinn Record of St'imce, Montreal, viz. : Natural History of the Gulf of St. I^wrence and the Distribution of the Mollusca in Eastern Canada. Vol. iv.. 1.t Tertiary Deposits. Vol. vi., Irtfil, pp. 42-51. List (with Nites) of Recent T^nd and Fresh- water Shells collected around [.^kes Superior and Huron in im^m. Vol. vi., ISfil, pp. 268 270. Catalogue (with N'tes) of Birds collected and ob- served around Lakes Superior and Huron in 1860. Vol. VI., IMfU. pp. 270-27.1. Superficial (Jeology of the Gaspe Peninsula. Vol. viii., IHtW, pp. n.visi. Roofing Slate as a Source of Wealth in Canada. Vol. VIII., 1H6:<, pp. ;«8-:<60. The Xipigon Territory. Sor. ii.. Vol. .5, 1870, pp. 118-120. Mineral Region of I«ike Superior. Ser. ir., Vol. 7, lS75.pp. tO-.51. (Epitomized V)y .1. F.Whiteaves.) The Forests of Canada. With Map. Canadian Record of Sci nice. Vol. ii., April, 1H86, pp. 65-77. Biography of th" late Alex. Murray, Geologist. With Portrait. Ibid., April. 1892, pp. 77-96. /*( tlie Cnnndiiiii Joiirnnland (its successor) the Pro- cccili)i;/s oj flif Canadinn Iiixtitiite, Toronto, riz.: Sketch of the deology of the Boute of the Inter- colonial Railway. (\iiiadi, p. :n6. May '.ttli, 18s.5.> Marble Island and the Northwest Coast of Hudson Bay. Ibid. Ser. in.. Vol. 4, 188.>8(i, pp. 102-201. I» the Anuals of the Botanical Society of Canada : Catalogue of Plants collected on the South and East Shores of Lake Superior, and on the North Shore of Lake Huron. Kingston, 1861. The Trees and .Shrubs growing around Lakes Superior and Huron. Kingston, 1861. Miscellaneoiiti Publications : Annual Reviews of the l*rogress of Mining in Canada from 186:1 to 1877. Monetnry TinK*, Montreal ; Engineciiinj nnd Mining Journal, New York: Minimi Jminud, London, and Reix>rt» on the Trade and Commerce of Montreal. The Enniskillen Oil Region. London, England, 1865. KOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA It Bell, Robert.— ^'OH^iMU^rf. On the Occurrence of Petrol" iini in Ga.s|K'. New York : C. S. Wcsttott k Ci>. 1««5. I^ike Superior. Chambrrn EHrveUiptdia^ Edinburgh, Vol. ix., ISfiT. The Oil l{e>;ioii of (Ias|>e. New Yt»rk : .loliii A. (rray and (ireen. l.S(55. On the M'Klewof Occurreneeuf Plumbago in (ircn- villi'. New York. lH(kj. Heport on a Railway Route North of Lake Supe- rior. Tran.sniitted to the Duiniiiion Govern- ment, ±in(l Fehnii.ry, \f 'if thi- Paeide RnHiray, Sir William Logan and Our Geological Survey. Srw D'liiiiuiou Moiitlilv, Montreal, Februarj'. 1870. The Ro<'hon Micrometer Telescope as aSurveying Instrument. Eiiii'K" riiiu y^ri''*, Chicago. 1872- Sketch of the (Jeology of the Provinces of Ontario and QuelM'c. Wiilliii-i'i A>l-m ind Ga:rft. rr >,f C'ltiadti, 1875. Provisional Report on the Country In'tween I.iake Winnipeg and Hudson Bay. with refei-ence to the proposed oj)eningcif conmiunicat ion bet ween York F^ictory and the Northwest Territor>\ lifjiurt i,f the Dipiirtiiieut of the Interior for 1S77-78. S|>ecial Appendix A. Recent Explorations around Hudson Bay. TrnnKni-tioHi of the Ge'^nrnphicnl Society of Qwluc, Vol. I., No. 1, 1880. A New Route to Europe fro'ii the Interior of our Northwest Territories. Montreal, \^\. The Commercial Importance of Hudson Bay. Pi-orieiliiign of the liojial Oeoirrapkical Soci' ty. York MeetiDK. 1881. Description of the Country between Hudson Bay and the Ret. and Saskatchewan Rivers. Ficturmqtif Cnnndii, 1882. Return to an Order of the House of Commons (of Canada), «dition! 1884. Report on the GeoL gy of Hudson Bay and Strait. Repori of Dtftartmint of Marine and Fviherien. "Alert " Expedition, 1885. Bell, li-iAw'tt.— Continued. Report on the Third Hudson Bay Expedition. Ittporl of Dti>artm> nt of Miriitf and Fitheri^i, 1886. Forest Fires in Northern Canada. K-i'trt of Amiriran Foretlrg ConareD'. Atlanta .Meeting. Read ith December. 1888. Notes and .Maps in Rep «rt of a Select Committee of the Senate, on the Great Mackenzie Basin, 18S8. The Origin of Gneiss and of some other Primiti\e Rocks. J'rrjceediniii (jf tk> Aunrieaii Aai'/ciation for ihf Ad- paneimeHt of Scienie. Toronto Meetingi 1889. In Part : Report of the Royal Commission on the Mineral Resources of Ontario. 1890. Geology of Ontario, with Special Reference to Economic Minerals. Glossary of Geological and Mining Tenii.s, etc. The Laurentian and Huronian .Systems North of Lake !!uron. With .Map. k'-fHiri of ihf Bureau of Minm, Ontario, 1891, pp. 6;i-94. The Contact of the Laun-ntian and Huronian North of Liike Huron. Abstnict of a Paper read Iwfore the Geological Society of America at the Ottawa Meeting, Decemljer, 1SS)2. The Anil riean Geologmt, Vcl. XI., No. 2, February, 1893, pp. 135-i;j6. List ofPuhliv LectiirtA and Addresses and of Papers read he/ore Srienfidc Societies, hy Dr. R. Beli.,c»/ irhie/t .Instructs or Reports luive been ptdtUshed ; Lectures as a Method of Instruction in Univer- sity Education. Introductory Address as Pro- fessor of Chemistry and the Natunil Sciences, at the Opening of the Session of I8t>4 fvi, deliv- ered in Convocation Hall, Queens University, Kingston. Certain Chemical Manufactures which might be advantageously est,"\blished m Canada. Fifth Somerville Lecture, Montreal, 2;ird M.irch. itM^H. Household Chemistry. Six Popular Lectures de- livered in Kingston, February and March, 1867. The Geological Relatidns of Gold. A Paper read before the Fhilosophical Society of Kingston, l.'ith March, bstw. (Jrand Maiiitoulin Island. A Lecture in Convo- cation Hall, Queen's University, Kingston, April, 18ti7. Canada : Its Resources and People. A Lecture under the .auspices of His Kxcellency the Gov- ernor-Gtneral of Newfoundland the Legisla- ture, and the St. .lohns Atheujeum, St. .John's, 1st February, 1869. The Indians of Canadp,. A Lecture before the St. Gabriel Young Men's Association, Montreal, lOth .January. 1H7(». The Intelligence of Animals. A Paper re.-id before the Natural History Society of Mont- real, 3l8t .January, 1870. Explorations in the Nipigon Country. First Somerville Lecture, Montreal, lUth February, 1870. 12 lilBLIOGHAIMIY OF THE Itell. Ilolwrt. -('nntinmiL NuU'.s on the Xatnral History of the Xipijjon C«iuiitr>-. A Paper read In-fore tlie Natural His- tory Society of Montreal, 2Hth February. 1K70. The Rejiion North of Lake Superior, and the Pro- posed Pacific Railw.iy. A Lecture In'fore the Mechanics' Institute. Toronto, 17th June. 1H70. The Various Species of Deer inhabitinf? the Do- minion. A Paper resul before the Natural His- tory Sefore the Natural History Society of Montreal, 24th Feb- ruary, WA. The Fur-bearinj; Animals of Canada. Fifth Somerville I^iccture, Montreal, 27th February, 187a A .Tourney from Montreal to the Saskatchewan in 1S73. A Lecture Iwfore the St. Gabriel Young Mens Association, 24lh February. LS74. Coiil. A Lecture delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, Montreal, on behalf of the Working Men's Mutual Benefit and Widows' and Or- phan.s' Provident Society, March. 1.S73. A Summer on the Plain.-. Third Somerville Lecture, Montreal. I9th February, 1874. Also delivered before the St. .\ndre\v's Church In stitute, Ottawa. 8th April. 1890. The Cra-sshopper Plague in the Northwest Terri- tory. Third Somerville Lecture, Montreal, 25th March, 187.5. The U.ses of a Geological Survey. A Lecture de- livered at Prince Arthur's Landing, October, 187.5. Our Great Northwest as a Home for the Emi- grant. Second Somerville Lecture, Montreal, 13th February, 1879, The Glacial Kpoch in Canada. A Lecture before the Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society, 2()th January, 1881. Scientific Work in Canada. An Address at Queen's University on receiving the Degree of LL.D., 2oth April. 188:1. The Athaba.sca-Mackenzie Basin. Fifth Somer- ville Lecture. Montreal, 1st March, 188:3. Notes on Diseases among the Indians. A Paper read l)efore the Bathurst and Rideau Medical Association. Ottawa, January. 1885. Explorations in Canada by Forest, Sea and Plain. A Lecture before the St. Paul's Young Men's Association, Montreal. 14th Dcceml)er, 188.5. Personal Reminiscences of the late Sir Will'am Logan. A Lecture delivered in St. James' Hall, Ottawa, 10th March, 1885. Also Somerville Lecture, Montreal, 26th 2klarch, 1885. Bell, fi.t>Uert.—('onti nui'tl. Hudson Bay. A I,#ctare In'fore the Young Men's Christian Associatio!i of Ottawa, Irtth March, 188(!. The Hudson Bay Territories and their Inhabi- tants. A Lecture Iwfore the Ottawa Liteniry and Scientific Society. 7th .January, 188»5. Hud.son Bay and the Hudson Bay Route. The Queen's I'niversitj Lecture of 18.s»i. IVlivered in Convocation Hall. Kingston, 2t>th April, 188»5. Illustrations of our Northern Wilderne.ss. \ loccture delivered in St. < ieorge's Church School- room, Ottawa, 7th March, 1888. North America P'urs. A Lecture delivered in St. Bartholemew's Hall, Ottawa, 1th April, 1.S89, under the auspices of His Excellency the Governor-General. The Origin of Some (Jeographical Features in Canada. Read l)efore Sect, iv.. Royal Society of Canada. Ottawa. 24th May, 1888. Some O.jibwe Legends. Read before the Mont- real Branch of the American Folk-lore Society, April. l.SlCi. The (ilacial Succession in Canada. A Paper re.id l>efore the World's Congress of Geologists, Chicago, August, 18thun«>. C .1. S.— Continued. Notes on Canadian I epulopteni. r„H2. Annual Ad, pp. 5.5-64. The Cotton Moth in Canada. Eightern'h Rej>'rt,\S!i~,pp. 7-19:3!-36. Remedies for Noxious Insects. Part II. //-.-/. 18S7, pp. 51-59. Review of " Entomology for Beginners," by Dr. A. S. Packard, and " An Introduction to Ento- mology," by Prof. .1. II. Comstotk. Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XX , 188S, pp. 217-23}. Remedies for ''oxious Insects. Part III. Nineteentn Report, 1888, pp. 63-74. Review of '• Insects Injurious to Fruits," by Wm. Saunders (2nd edition). Cnuadion Entoniolooint, Vol. xxi., 1889. p. 100. Mi.scellaueous Notes. Twentieth Ret^.rt,l>^9, pp. 8o-9l Ri'view of " The Cave Fauna of North .\merica,** by Dr. A. S. Packard ; •' American Spiders and their Spinning Work," by Dr. 11. C. McCook ; " Insect and Fungus Peir.t.s in Australia," by II. Tryon, etc. Canadian Entomologiiit, Vol. XXII., 1890, pp. 77-9. Annual Address of the President of the Entomo- logical Stx-iety of Ontario. Twenty-fint Repot t, 1890, pp. 4 11. Review of " lusecta," by A. Hyatt and .1. N. Arms. Canadian Entomologijtt, Vol. XXIII-, 1891, p. 21'. Review of " Annual Report of the Experimental Farms. Ottawa," and " The Butterflies of North America, ■ by W. 11. E2, p. 156. Annual .\ddreH.s of the I'resident of the Entonjo logical Society of Ontario. Tventtt-lhird ftrp^rt, 1892, pp. 7-13. Review of " A Text book of .Agricultural Entomo- lojc"," by Miss E. A. Ormerod. fbi'L. 1S92, pp. 83-85. The I.jite Profes.sor Westwood. f^iiundi'in Entomiilogitt, Vol. XXV , 1893, pp. 2G1-2. Review of " Experimental Farms : Reports for 18W2." and J. B. Smith's Catalogue of the Xoc- tuidif found in Boreal America. fbid., Viil. XXV , 1893. pp. 295-6. The Late H. T. Stainton, F.R.S, T>eeiity-/,„irth Rfp>,rt, 1893. pp. l(H-9. Book Reviews : Science Go.ssip, etc. ('iiniidinii En to III nil igi Iff, Vol. XXVI., 1894, pp. 114-5. In the Canada Farmer : Early Insects (found in March). Vol. ii.. April, 18fi5, p. 103. A Turnip-eating Caterpillar (Ceramica rxiuita, Guen.). Vol. ii., June, 1865, p. 167. Currant-bu.sh Caterpillars. Vol. ii., August, 1865, pp. 2il 2. A Cherry-tree Beetle. Vol. ii., August, 1865, p. 248. Pear and Cherry-tree Slugs. September, 1865, p. 262. Walking-stick Insect. Wheat Joint Fly. Octo- Ijer, 1865, p. 297. The Turnip Caterpillar, October, 1865, p. .311. The Yellow-necked Apple-tree Caterpillar. De cember, 1865, pp. ;J58-9. The Joint-worm. December, 1865, p. 371. The Hessian Fly in the County of Huron. Janu- ary. 18fi«i, p. 5. The Hessian Fly and Wheat -joint Fly. February, 186<), p. 35. Endurance of Cold by Insects. Februarj', 1866, p. 5.5. The Canada Thistle CaterpUlar. March, 1866, p. 71. The Pea Weevil. March, 1866, p. 87. Insects for identification. April, 1866, p. 119. Egg Parasites of the Tent Caterpillar. Precau- tions against Destructive Insects : the Field. .May, 1866, pp. i;» 137. Precautions against Destructive Insects: the Orchard and Garden. May, 1886, p. 151. The Leaf-cutting Bee. June, 1866, p. 167. Silk-producing Moths. Apple-tree Bark Lice. June, 1866, p. 181. The May Beetle (Lachnosterna). July, 1866, p. 199. Black Flies (Simulium). July, 1866, p. 21.5. The Apple-tree Pruner (Stenoceros villosus). August, 1866, p. 231. Bethune, C. J. H.—Continiud. Insecta infesting the Willow. August, 1866, pp. 247 8. Noxious Weeds. August, 1HH6, p. 241. Insects alf'fcting the Apple tree. Octoljer, 1866, p. iUS. Tin Cicada. The Privet Sphinx Caterpillar. October |8W1. p. .'W. \ Plague of AntH. November, 1866, p. :{27. The Goo.-.el>erry Saw Hy. The Chinch-lmg. De- cember, 1866, pp. ;j58-» ; 370. The Earth-worm. January, 1887, p. 8. Oak-tree Borer {Chrysobothi Is dentipes. Germ.). January, 1867, p. 22. Ants II nd their Cows. February, 1867, p. 47. Insects injurious to the Turnip Crops. February, 1867, p 51. Grasshoppers, or Locusts. March, 1867. p. 87. Cut-wonus destroying Spring Wheat. April, 18 7, p. 12:J-4. The Canker worm. May. 1867. pp. i:«, 169. The Squash-bug (Coreus tristis, De Geer>. June, 1867, p. 173. Flea-beetles on Rhubarb and Spinach. The Plum-tree Curculio {Conot ravhelus nenuphar, Herbst). June, 1807, p. 190. The Stiiped Cucumber-beetle {Diabrofica littafa, Fab.). Currant -worms. July, 1867, p. -JUri. Statu Entomologist in Illinois. Abominable negligence (Tent Caterpillars). July, 1867, pp. 216, 221. The Barley Joint Worm. Fir-tree Caterpillar. Strawberry Insects. August, 1867, p. 2;W. Horse Flies. Cherry and Pear Aphis. The Three lined Potato -l)eetle iLema trilineata, Oliv.). August, 1867, p. 252. The Barley Joint worm. The Hop Aphis. Fir- tree Caterpillars. Apple-tree Caterpillars. Sep- tember, 1867, pp. 267-9. Humble Bees. September, 1867, p. 28:}. The Clothes Moth. Strawberry Worms. Octo- lier, 1867, p. 311. Insects injurious to the Grape. Nos. 1 and 2. November, 1867. pp. :J27-8 ; :i51. The Potato Sphinx {S. qninque macuiata. Haw.). December, 1867. pp. 36.5. Insects injurious to the Grape. No. 3. Januarj', I8118, p. 7. Hair Snake. {Gordius aquaticus). January, 18(i8, p. 28. The Locust-tree Borer [Clyfus fleu-uosus. Fab.). March, 1868, p. 75. What is an Insect? March, 18(58, p. !». The General Structure of an Insect. April, 18(>8, p. 103. The Head of an Insect. Insects of Early Spring. April, 1868, p. 126. The Wheat Midge and its Parasites. May, 1868, pp. 134-5. ROYAL S04IRTY OF CANADA 16 lt«-thun(>. <'. J. H. -t'ontinued. Till' Kartli worm. May. Antenna* of Insects. 1HH8. p. 157. KntoinoloKical Report i»f tin- Statt- of Illinois. SinK'ilar Cofoons (('olloMintiia firomefhec, Drury>. .lune. l>tV, p. 172. Tlu" Plum Curculio {('inii>triic/utiiJt r luphnr, Herbst*. A Strawlierrj- Bug. .June, 1H6M, p. 189. The Wheat Midge H'ecldomyin trifich. The Palmer-worm. .luly, 1««H, pp. 208-7. Burying Beetles. The Plum Cu.Tulio. July, imi, pp. 214^5. Specimen's reared from larvir or puptp. August, imt*, p. i>». Entomological Queries. The Rer" humped Apple- tree Taterpillar. The S. 2«>2 :i. The Horned Corydalis. An Emperor Moths Cocoon. Spechnens from a Sthool (Hrl. Sep- teml)er. 1H6M, p. 27S. A Man slaying Caterpillar! The Cecropia Km- perirMoth. Beech Aphides. OctoI>er. 186S. p.'Jl<>. Cockroaches. Noveml>er, IHKH, p. 827. The Wheat Midge. November, lHfi8, p. :j.tO. Apple-tree Borers. December. 1868, p. ;{fiO. What is the use of Entomology ! Galls and their origin. .January, LSI)!*, pp. litKll. Strawberry Worms. Ants and their habits. Strength of Insects. February. lf««9. pp. 58-0. Ravages of the Midge in l^^tiH. The Mea. Worm (Tenebrio molitor, Linn.). March, IStKt, pp. !M> 7. Tiger Beetles. Currant-bush Cat t-ipi liars. Curi- ous doings of Ants. April, IHO!), pp. IW-S. The American Vapourer Moth, and eetles. .June, 1860, pp. 217-8. Unicorn Beetle and other Insects. The Apple- tree Bark-louse. The Dog-iick. The Goose- berry Fruit-worm. Cut-worin.s. -luly, 18()l\ pp. 2i>5-8. Popular Entomology. Apple-tree Bark-louse. Maple - tree Borer. The Rose - bush Slug. Squash Bugs and Cucumber Beetles, etc. August, 1860, pp. 2a=>-9. The trrain .\phis. The Raspberry Cane-girdler. Septemlier, I860, pp. ;tl(i 0. Poiscmous Worms again. I^arva infesting the Parsnip. The Potato F'lea-l>eetle. CJarden Ene- mies. October, i860, pp. .'178-80. A Collect on of Insects. The Pea Weevil. No- vember, 180!), pp. 42.5 H. Cabbage Insects. Insects affecting the Balsam and Spruce. December, 1869, pp. 1.57-8. W^ater Beetles. Parasite on the Saw-fly Currant- worm. The Six-ribl)ed Pine-beetle. .January, 1870, pp. 17-19. Emperor Moth Cocoon. Those terrible tomato worms again. Februarj', 1870. pp. -58-9. Carrion Beetles. New Species of Insects. March, 1870, pp. 112-:^ lU'thun*', V. .1. H.—Contitmrd. The Pea Weevil. Scavenger Beetles. I^ook out for the Colorado Potato In-etle ! April. 1870, pp. i:i7 8. Apple-tree liark lou.se. .May, 1K70, p. 194. Precautions against Noxious In.sects. How to co'lect insects. How to destroy ants, .lune, 1870, pp. 2:«i .5. Entomological Queries and Replies. .July. 1870, pp. 271-4. The Colorado Beetle— Invasion of Canada I Pop- lar-tree Caterpillars, etc. A'lgust, 1870, pp. 2SW 9. The Cattle Fly. Entomological Queries and Re- plies. The .\pple Curculio. September, 1870, pp. :tl5-7. The Poisonous U) Tomato Worm. October, 1870, p. 880 ; December, p. 455. The Potato Sphin.x. Entomological Queries and Replies November, 1870, pp. 424-5. Dung Beetles {Seay'abffidtrK February. 1871, p. 72. The White-marked Tusso<'k Caterpillar. Earth- worm.s. April, 1871. pp. i:i5-6. The Colorado Potato Beetle. May, 1871, p. 180; June. 1871, pp. 219 20. Wire-worms. Mud-dauber Wasps. .June, 1871, p. 220. Apple-tree Borer. Entomological Notes and Que- ries. July, 1871, p. 271. The Hessian Fly. August, 1871. p. :««. Entomological Queries and Replie.s. Spiders. September, 1871, pp. 3:16-7. Entomological Queries and Replies. October, 1871, p. :175. The Ix>cu8t tree liorer. Parasite of the Colorado Potato-beetle. The Hag-moth Caterpillar. No- vember, 1871, pp. 41.5-(>. Luminous In.sects. April, 1872, p. 1;16. Lady-bi ds (Corc(H^//(*/« >. May, 1872, p. 175. The Colorado Potato Beetle. June, 1872, p. 2(J8. Insect Economy. January, 1878, p. 6. Entomology, Past and Future. February, 1878. pp. m-7. The Potato Crop and the Colorado Beetle. Fel»- ruary, 1878, p. .53. Insects of March. February, 187:^, pp. .56-7. Wheat Insects in 1872. March, 1878, p. 97. Books on Insects. March, 1878, p. 102. The Codling Worm. May, 1873, pp. 180-1. A Humming-bird Moth. The Luna Emperor Moth. June, 1878. p. 197. Pine-borer Beel\ii{Moiiohammus con/usvr.Kirby). July, 1873, p. 237. Entomological Queries and Replies. Jtily, 1873, p. -244. The Promethea Emperor Moth. September, 1878, p. 829. Spread of No.xious Insects. October, 1873, p. :i57- The Potato and Tomato Worm. October, 1873, p. 878. 16 BIBLIOTTRArilY OF TIIK llouHiiot, •lohii (ip«tr,T<*. Tht'('..iiff«leriiti«»ii of fhi- I'mviiifis ; A Iteview of I'iiinplilet by tlif Hon. J >!M>pli II«) t*. Serifii "f three article* in Halifax En-niug Rf lH.,t.r. \fm. (The writer wn ed...ir of Mt paper. \m\-fiif, mill the olitnrialii. " fhr moet part, iliirin* tbtxe yenr«. were from I .1.) * '«> in pamphlet fonn. Halifax, 1(M;. StateNmiiiisliip aiitU'rs. Stf'f'irt'n l.ilrrnru <^iii'ii'rly,i.'i, John, N ^ ., l""'- The MvNtery at the Chiil«»H des Onneaux. Ibiil., 1S68. British Aineripan rnlon considereil in relation to the interests of Cap*- Hreton. A iminphlet, pp. I-I!). Halifax. X.S.. 1H(K K\tom Hitliftijr Col«n\»t,W^. Storie.s we heanl arnonj^the Piiu-.s. ffttirnrt'n l/ilfrnry Qiiiirlfrlii, St. John, N.B.. 18ft>. Gentlemen Adventurers in Acadia: I., Baror de Poutriiicourt ; II.. diaries de la Tour: III., Baron .lean N'incent de Saint t'astin. Ifi-"- Dominion M'inth/v, M' titreal, ISfiS. Nut«R of a Runhle throiijih Cape Breton. ■Vfir l>i,miaii,n .l/H|)eets of Cape Breton. ('itH'i-lian, I^lSton, Mai>H., 1868 Some Stories of a Lost Trihe. (The Red Indians or Boethiks of Xewf()nnr, 1S6S. The Stale of Attairs in Nova S<'Otia. .A series of letters on the Kepeiil of Confedoration movement in Nova s^cotia, th.it appeared in The Tiui'i, Ottawa, l*i8. The Island of ('ajjo Breton : Its History, Scenery and Kesouri-e.s. Stewarf'n Literani Qttnrtrrhi, St. Jolin, N.B.. 187(1. The Maritime Kiiti-rpri.se of British .\merii-a. //,,"./., 1870. Notes from Ottawa. Cnnmiinn Moiithhi, Toronto, Augu.'t, 1870. Mar^nerite ; a tale of Forest Life in the New Dominion. A'f'o Diiminion ,l/<,»//i/i/, Montreal, 1870-71. Canal Commission. Letter to the Honourable the Secretary of State from the Canal Commission- ers respecting the improvement of the Inland Navigation of the iJoniinion of Canada. Ottawa, 24th February. 1H71. This report was the Author's vmrk rerbatimef liter- atim, except from pp. 58-!»2, which give decision of the Comini.''8ioner' and the enRineer's rep' rt- 8vo., pp 328. The Work of Administration at Ottawa. All eliibiTiite e«s:iy on the pnictical working of the governinerit department,* at Oitawa, etc , issued a? a C'impaign document by the Mail, Toronto, 1872 From the Great Lakes to the Sea. (Vr»»nr(/i"/i,i .Koii^A/l/, Toronto, June, 1872. Also in the Netr York VTor;./, in abstract, in 1871. Canadian Materials for History, Poetry and Romance. iVeir Dominion Monthly, Montreal, 1871. What happened at Beau voir one Christmas Eve. Canadian 11- jstrnted Neie», Montreal, December, 1S72. IWiiiHiiot, John <>e4>rict*. ('fnitiniinl. Tb<- Marine and Fisheries of Cansila. Pr-M-inllmtimoi' ih- lioual Ooitmiat /»«///«/,, lH72-'.3, Vol. V. Alto, in Cnmiiluim Monthly, Toronto, February, 18 3. The Old .lap-«ncse Cabinet. . ■in-triion .V'/iit/i///, Toronto, 1874. Canadian Historic Names. /'.I./., ApriMSZI. The Ottawa Valley : Its History and Resource.s. .\ lecture before the Ottawa Literary and Scien- tific Society. In abstnicf, Ottawa CiHxen, December 11, 1872. In full, r 26,3- 2;>7. Ca|M' Breton ; the Long Wluirf of the Doiuiniun. TranxaelioHH of ihi- Oiograiihi''al Sociilu of (Jii'lur, Vol. I. No. 2, 1881. Also in I'anwiinn Munthhi. Toronto, April, 1S.S2 National Development of (Canada. l^anodian Month 1 11 .Toronto, March, !S80 Also in Procfi ilinii" 0/ Roynl Colonial Inntitnte, London, Vol. 11. The Intellectu.-il Development of the Canadian People. An Historical Review. Canndian Mo nth 1 11, Toronto. 1880. Also Toronto. 1881. 12 mo.. .\i + 128. The Old Forts of Acadia. Canadian Monlhlu. Toronto, 1874. Also, in Tranmiclionx of the l{oi/a I Society of Canada. Vol. !., .Sec. 2. 1882-83. Also, in Th- f^nrrenl, Chicago Vol. i., pp. 102, 111. ^ Canada as a Home. We it mi niter Reri'ir, London and New York, July, 1882. Also, ill pamphlet form, Ix)ndon,U82. 12mo., pp 30. Also, in French, keriu Ui-iinnnique,Va,r\!-. 1882. Relations between Canada and the United States. TA- Ciirren/, Chicago. Vol. i., p. ."54. The Progress of the New Dominion. Bl'irkirood'i Magtizinr, Edinburgh and New York, March, 1883. Canada: Its Political Development. Seottinh Review, Paisley, London and New York, 1885. ROY AT. SOCIFTn' OF ('ANAPA 17 Houriiioi, .lonn ric<*. f'onfinurd. The Fishery t^in-si ion : Iim Imperial Imporiaiue. WtitiHtmttl-r Rrririr, Ik n.l.m untl New York, lW«i. Aim), Id iximphlet, Loiia>iii, 1Wl'inii\h -I,il- runtumnh, Amrti 'Istn. mar* IWfi. French Canada. SeiMith Rrvieic, P«iiley, London, and New ITork. ias7. Canada During the Victorian Era : A Short His turical Kevifw. In two part.'*. MauaztHt l'>niaU-lnin-nati'iHiilt , .^materd^im, julllet, IMT. Local Oovemment in Canada. Jiikiu IIi>pkitu f'niri nitu .SVmi/»V«, Baltimore, 1W7. Also, TraH-niitinwi nf Ruyal S-iri'iv >>/ Citna'in. Vol. IV., See 2. 18*». FefleraHlovemnient in ('anada. A «erie< of four lectiin>!< before Trinity Unirersity, Toronto. Printed \n /"him Hupkiti^ Unir-mityStwIifK, 1889. Canada: It« .Vational Devi-lopment and Destiny. {fiKirtirlu l{> fi'W. liondon and New York, July, HS7, See also Pn>ci •ilinoo <>f Wfxi.rn AnnmiatiuK of Ifritei., Richmond. Ind., 189»i««/j4„i»T- icnn Amd, ,„u '>/ Pi'lilienI Sii'enn. Philadelphia, 189(1. The Federal Constitution of Canada. TheJuridiral Ririiir, Edinburgh, IS'.K). Parliamentary Procedure and Practice in Canada. With an account of the oripiii;, prowth, and operation of Parliamentary institutions in the Dominion. And an Appendix containing the British North America Act of 1887 and aniend- inp; Acts, Governor-CJeneral's commission, in- structions, etc), forms and prtx-eedings in divorce, etc. Montreal : Dawson Bros. 1st edition, 1884, 8vo., pp. XV. + 785. New edition. 1891,8vo., pp. XX +92>*. A Manual of the Constitutional History of Can- ada from the Earliest Peritxi to the Year 1888, including the B. N. A. Act, 18»)7, and a Digest of .Judicial Decisions on Questions of Legisla- tive -lurisdiction. Montreal: Dawson Bros., ^*'~'" LSH8. A republication of the first chapter of the author's work foregoing, on Parliamentary Procedure fra on ParliamiHltirn Ouvtritmtmt in Camaita, 8«e below. Canadian Studies in Comparative Politics. I. The English Character of Canatlian Institu- tions. II. Comparison lietween the Political Systems of Canada and the United States. III. Feeluw. Once Famous LouislMuirg. Magazi'ui Aiinrirnn WMr.ourg in If<9L RfpiMican Jnuraal, Belfast, Me., January 14, 18;>2. Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island of Cape Breton, and of its Memorials of the French Regime ; with historical, bibliograpiiical and general notes. Larire -tto , pp. I'.T. With illustrations and maps, Montreal, 1892. Also in Trttnuaitiont <>/" thi- R'Hial S'x-Utyof Canada, Vol. IX., Sec. 2, 1891. Parliamentary tJovernment in Canada. A Con- stilutioiuil and Historical Study. Washington : Government Printing Otlice, IHiri. Repriuteii from AuimoI Rri>',rt of the Am-ricitit Hi'torical Atforintion for 1W»1, pp. 309-40'. The English Character of Canadian Institutions. Cimii- mporani Rerinif, London and New Yorki October, 1892. Alexander Mackenzie's Place in Canadian History. Th, HV,/t, Toronto, Nov. 18, 1891. A Canadian Manual on the Procedure at meet- ings of municipal councils, shareholders and directors of compjinies, .synods conventions, .societies, and public lx)dies generally, with an introductory review of the rules and u.sages of parliament that govern public a.ssemblies in Canala. With an an.alytical index. Toronto: The Carswell Co., Law Publishers, \^M. 8vo., pp. VIM -I- 444. A Protest .against Historical Hysterics and Pla- r*^ giarism. A review of "Cape Breton Iliustratt^." Tht Wrrk; Toronto, April 27. 1894. The foregoing protest against historical pretender* """"-"""" is the first of a series of reviews in the same paper. 18 HIHLKMHiArHY OF TIIK Itikurinot, .lohn (M-oric**. ContinHeil. Tb« CuiiHtitutioii (>r ('Hiiiula, pp. 7. BanUkrr'i lJi>mi»t>m '"/ C-ihu lit : J UaniUnok fur TnirrlUrt.Le'wme, IHH. Itovi'jr, llt'iiry T. Crib Work in Canada. I'ri,ftdinat of In'titiite CicU Eneinffri ifLnt.), No. rat. 18*). .Vppliff ContinuouH llirders of n Spans. Tniinn-liiMU K'titalSvtieln of Camttltt. Vol. v.,Sout;)aN. A lar^e part of his work was editorial, and there- fore anonymous. In 1S72. he was selected to orjjanize a branch of the Department of Akti- enlture. Arts and Statistics at Ottawa, for the collection and arraiiKement oi the Arrhirfu of i'annila. For the first nine years, the work of arrangement was carried on so as to have the material which had l>een collected put in such a condition as would render the works of refer- ence easily accessible to investigators. Re- port.s oil the progress of the work can he seen in the Rrpurfs of the Department of Agriculture for 1ST2 (\o. 2Sh: for 187:1 (Xo. 21». Tlie report for 1S74 has also one fron» the Abbe Verreau (see under proper head in this bibliography*. Tht-fir"! Dipariitr npiirt nti funwlian ^rcA I'rcx was published in 1SS2, being an a.^coiint of the ;jroceedin(rs of the previous year (ISS]). Tbaf report was of a gen- eral nature, as it included an account of the system — of keeping the public records. It contains a sketch of the origin of the present Public Record offices in Lon- don and Edinburgh, and a catalogue of the manu- scripts in the British Museum relating to Canada. It was regarded ii3 of so much value, that the whole re;":rt was published in that of the Public Record Office, London, for 188l'. Th- report for 1H82 (published in 1S8.^) gives details of the work in tne branch, a table of the divisions of the ;___,_, Dominion of Canada, comioercial tables, and speci- mens of the system adopted for calendaring the docu- ments. llryiiintT, l»«>iit{lHH. Cimtinuril. Tk' rrptirt fur IStl't c>iiit,tinii njnop.tei* ol papers in the Pulilio Re<>or, Pari*, letter* »n the sliitn ird coiu- I, and by Hon. A. V. M<>rin in IHIl, in antici- lof the firtt meeting of the L#gialatui« of I'nitad Canada; also, "TraniautioDS relating to Uttdton'i Biy inlfiST." For 1884, Ikt prrlimimiry rej>»rt eontaiot a iketoh of tht* capture of Quebeo by Kirk in IHJ*.). and its restor- ation by Charles I. tn France in 1131. A very interest- ing letter w-itt«n in H^l by Charles to Wakn, the ambassador to Kranoe, unearthed by Dr. Brymner in the Briti.«h .Museum, was published in this rvport, clearing up an iib>oure historical point. A manuscript account, w.tten in l>i'i, of the martyrdom of Fathers Urebipuf and L'Allemant is printed in this repirt, with a translation into English. In the description of Nova.'^cotia by Lieut.-Col. Morse, in his report dated in 1784, is the first proposal f-T eonfedcration of the Provinces, the place fuggesteil by Col .Morse for the metropoli.t be'og Cape Breton Au abstract of the " Fealty Kolls" of Lower t'anaila has proved of great value to inquirers respecting the first grants anu .^uo- cetsions to the seigniories in that Province. The (■alendar of the Ualdimand colleeiion was began in this voluma. In l>i>i5, thf tvnoptit of paper* io the department* St Paris, the abstract of the (ealty rills ami the calendar of the Haldimand collection were continued- In the prelirainarv report a sketch is given of the events, so far as they affected Canada, >>f the American Rnvolu- tionary War, and a hiatus suppli( d in the letter writ- ten by Lord Oeorge Germain t" Sir (iuy Carleton, which, it seemr" probabk, led to the resignation of the latter. The correspondence is given in full in a note (marked D) to the repfirt. A careful outline of the life of an ex-.Jesuit named Roiibaud 's of interest to the investigators of Canadian history. /al88en. e»lt«!i exi>«riaricelnmni for a ri titr to Ik> ukoI by the Canadian P.iuifi'- ICtilway, by tb« journal kr|>t by Mr. Ilanington of hi'< Kiirvpy in the Rorky Moiiiiiaint durinic the winter of lS71-.i. In !■*>«, fh< rilr„iliir nf ikr H.tl.liminni enltfHitm wan riiitinii'ii. Thr (laixTl puhli^heil in full tu iioleii to the i>reliiuina''y report have the titles ; The Walker Outraur, I'til; <>rt in full, and by the sketrhes in the preliminary report. fit ISSH. Ill- itiU liilur if th- H'll-limaiiil e-JlieiiiiH\a eomi>letc i and the diary of llnldimaii 1, containing many curious entries atnone many that ^re very trivial, iii printed in full with careful translation the nainei! mentioned being m> far as possible identified. The Riiuiiuri Culhciiitn is al."o calendared, beinn l»'«un and comideied in this report. It.iu(|uet, it may be mentioned, was a brother foldier with IIald'::i uid, both beinir foreign officers of the Royal American, afterwards the 'iiUli regiment. In the preliminary re- port is a reprint of a paper on .Archives, read before the American Historical A.ssociation, which gives a history of the origin and progress of the department. A sketch of the schools and schoolmaster-' in Canada U in the body of the iireliminary report; remarks on early explorers in the Northwest: additional re- marks on the forgotten canal at Sault Ste, Marie, with lithographed views of the remains. The general topics dealt with are Northwestern exidoratioris, the journal of \a V'^randrye of 1738-39 and other twelve document." on the subject being primed in ful, : re- ligions, educational and other statistic- . Vermont negotiations; ISefore and after the battle -!) ; cor- respondence respecting tho construction of a canal from liuke Chami>laiii to ihe.**t I^awrcnce in 17S.Sto 17H9. /.t I89l», till .ri/t/o/o/- .^«'l»c was begun, the preliminary reiiort giving a summary of the hi.-tory iii.Muded in the papers, such as the advances made by Amher>t, tlie first (lovemor, to give the inhabitants after the sur- renderiu 1760an opportunity to retrieve their fortuncs- the (fovemmcnt and recall of Murray, the first Lieut. (Jovernor ; the accession of Carleton : the passing of the Constitutional Act of 1774 ; a reference to the Revolutionary war, and a summary of the p;iperg published in lull, which are under the.-c heads: Ad- ministration of Justice (after the close of the military- rule in Uuebei- ; Correspondence re?|>ecting the Con- stitutional Act of 1701 ; Northwestern exploration ; Internal communication in Canada; Relations with the United States after the peace of 1783 A litho- graphed mat) u( one by Peter Pond, an Indian trader, liryiiiiirr. I>ou|{Ia«. -CimtinHed, hitherto uhpubliahad. illuftnUM Um 4)>cuai«nlii re- sfxetinc the Northweft in the repMTt for tbia year. /« 1»»1. fkr rnlemititr of ik' Stn't Plapen t.,r h.wvr •«•/ fl^tK-r fViia«/<>i, th« Province of ka- hotiasl order at the Kud of each volume calendared wiiiah eoiitsin* the applirMion*. The preliminiry report fummariiie* the history of tlie |M.ri'»| cvrrcd by tbecn'eiidar from I7'.>2 to I*!*! in ' Lowar C»na.U, and to l*)l in that of I'pi • ; • . 1". Th." correfpiindanee is puhliitbcd in full on the su^'jccta uf which the titlei are . SeltUmeiit< and survey . I>ivi- aion of Upper Canada: War »irh Kranee . French repuhlican design* on t'anada: and the marriage law in I'pper Canada. \ map of I'lipcr Cana'- /'"/,.(•» fur Ijntnir ami rpinr CiiKivlii triiin \M*\ to 1*C waa cjnlinucil. In the prelimin.iry report tha etlorts to iiiere:t»e the re- venue it) biwer (\'»iiada are traccl, an I esp- r -illy in regard lo the St. .Vfaurica Forges; the -otlling of land" in both Provinces: the question of ti;e .lesuit I'latate.*: a sketch o( the services of Mr. Houcbette the Surveyor-'*ener»l . the state <)t reli«i>in. and the ttepK towa'tis building »i .Anglicin cairiedral in l^oe- bee; remarks on the X,.."thwesf fur trade. fha titles of tne subject-', in regard to which the pi|iers are published in full, will ."erve to >how the general na- ture of the raport. These are ; tjetileinciits ami sur- veys : liower Caniid-i in H'lt; Ecelesiaftical ulfair< in L-iwcr Canada : F'olitical state of Upper Canada. ISlit) and 1>07; Courts of ju-'ticc for the Indian country; and Pro|M)»ed general fi-ort i- confined t') the calendar "f .State Papers for Lower and Upper Canada from V><^ to ISIX RiirKeMN. T. .1. \V. I'olypus d. II , Sec. 4. 18.S4. Aspitiiuiii Ofcopteris. Uilimi'iil Gaz'He. Vol. xi.. No. 3, Mirch, 18Sr., Indian:i polls, Ind. Recent A idition.s to Canadian Filitine.-f. with new stations for some of the species pn*viously recorded. Trnnaacli-inn <•/ ihi Rnyul So'-i'-li/ o>' Cmii'lH. Vol. vi.,Sec. 4, 1HM5. How to Study IJotany. Joumnl and Prin-eriilnait o/llf Hnmiltvtt AnttialioH Part IV., 1887-8, Hamilton, 20 ItlHLUXiKAI'llY OF THK HHriC«>«Ni. T. •!. W. Cmttinntti. tnhUU. J'lmrnalnmi ^lerMtin^nt ikr Hwuitl'im Am>-etmtuin. F»rt IT.. »<,A, Usariltun. Nirtf-* on ih«' Flor* of th«>4eth Pnrailrl from th< l.i«kr of th*' VVfMxiM 4.0 Ihf Korkv MounUiirm. Ihfl. t'.irl |r.. )MT-8, ilnmillon. Alwi, in /Vwaxr /'rrM, !«ep«eu,b«r 15. I'M. Saint Paul. Minn. Tb«* l^ke Krir Shore km a Hot«nizinK Krouii*!. I*«rt v.. K^i), IImmiIioii. Art in the Sii-k rooni. 1imf». J«nuarT S, 1WM4. Httmittoa. Xott-s oil th*- History of Itotnny. .At»grlirid A*' riVtr, July, 1881. London 8to , pp. 4.>5-476. Current l'nl>«'lief. Hrr'l'iif'-nan Cnllrge JitHTtiif.l December, 1991, Mont- real, Svo., pp. 91-98. Descent of Man. QnrnfionM of thr Dny. Mont- real : Drysdale. 1HH.5. 8V0., pp. 89-111. Eastern Origin of the I'elts. (^tnniiim, Journal, IS'ii, and January, 1S77. reprint. Toronto >tro., pp. 21 and 53. Ethnic Relations of the Zimri. Tr-nntactionn Soeietv Biblical Arfhtr-douvtVtA.vi., 1879 London. 8vo., pp. 57s)-80. Ktniria Oapta. Procrtiiinti^ Cnnwlian Inutitntf, Vol. It., !888. Toronto. 8vo., pp. 144-2fii). Hittites, their Inscription and their History, 2 Vols., IrtNi. Toronto: Williamson & Co. Svo., pp. 399 and 349. Hittites in America. Canodiim NntHraliM, Vol. IX., 1H79. Montreal re- print. 8ro., pp. 22 and 23. Horites. C'madianJoumal,tivf' 1873, reprint. Toronto. Svo. pp. 3K. f'aiiiplM*!!. Thf lt«>ir. J4thn. Contlniuit, HornetH of .S'ripliire. I'rtmtinlrruiH QHarlrrln rttul Hriitertan Rrri»i», 0«t<>b«r. i87t. New York. »v»., p». •i77-tiw.>. Inaiitpiral ,\ddre»(a, I'nivernity College I.iterwry and .S«-lenfiflr SK-iel>, li*5. Tomnto : .lanifM Hitin. Hvo., pp 31. .lAl>eZ. Brilith and Fnnif Kmntrltrnl H*ruitr, A^tU. MHl Loiiiion. Hro., pp. ISl'AW The Khitun I.AnfnikK<**: the Ajitec and itn Kela- tiOllM. Pnirrtdimo' Citnmili'tn InttUutf. V'ol. 1 1 , FaMie ■ 2, IIWI, Toronto Svo.,pp. 13i«-IH)l. Monimiental Evidence of an II erian Population of the Hrilish IslandH. Trttntaeti'iHn Crfiie Soeutw >/ Hontnnt, J887 hvo. pp. 1-tW. Mound ItiiilderH Identified. Pnn-ffdinw .Xinmri'nn A^^M-ittt '*h «*/' ,Shr»^i»<^, 1883. Salem. 1881. 8vo. , pp. 419.21 . ()rij?in of Some .\ineriran Indian Trilies. I'nnnduin Nutantli-i. New .trl^,-,)m. Quebc.!. 8vo., pp. 61-96 and i.-xxiiT. Orijiin of the Phwnicians. Hrili*h and F't^mrn Ernngelical /frriVw, July* 1875 Londi>n. Hvo., pp 125-UH. Onr Widowed tjueen- a Prize Poem. Privately printed. XfVfL Toronto. !'m.-4to., pp. •>. Pelagiaiiisni in .Mcwlern Thcolopy. A'no.i' Coll'iit Muni/ilu, December. 189rtAiit l*riiiript«Ni>f CtHiiptiraiivetimin mar h,h Kx«*inplill<-fl in Aiiii*rii'«n A>itfi<>i«W .V»alA/»,Mi«lati<>ON. T*» Thtulin/Hr, Janu.try. IH-i. Halifas. i., ii|>. 43-48. 8p«niAh Divoverv fiml ('<)ni|U(>st in Anifririi. .MotitlVHl, IHH2. "VO , (ip- "J". Talks About itkt. Pntfifff^riim ColUor Jonmiil. paMiu, lt«K-y,1. Moiitrasl. Thf Thrcf FonndiitioiiH. Cait.iftfi I'rrthytrrian Chill rli Pulpit f"teell A ^im. 1873- Hro., pp. atft- TniiiitiohH of th»' IVoph' of Mexito iint''i>-r'-ailiu ilu dmar^t Infemntiimal (fm Aiiif-ri- ranuiei. Tiime I, WS. .Vancy. xvo., pp. "ViH-Se. TranHlHtioii of the (HtleNf 01ti«- DiK^uiiieiit Ex- timt, and of its KtniMnn ConiiKirison. TraH-fietiimi Cfltie S-.ei.i'i, .Montreal, 1SS7. 8r pp l,')9-229. Unity of the Human Hace from an American Siandpvell. 1."<»>J. Prote.st Against the .IiidKment of the Pirshytery of Montreal, and Ap|)eal to t',e .Syn(Ml of Mont- real and Ottawa. Torn i to, .May. 1H!M. Caiiiphell. William WilfVid. I«ike Lyrics and other Poems. .St. .Tohn. \.B. : .1. & A. Miicmillan, l.*:g.s, 12mo., pp. 190. Ahmet. Canadian Mai/azint, 1894. Ca8((rain, Abbe H. R. Legendes Canadiennes. Quel)ec, 1861. in 12. pp. 425. Decouverte du Tombeaii de Champlain. Par M.M. lea Ahltes LaverdiereeiCa8jn"ain. Quebec. iHsti. (Avee des cartes, etc.) 8to., pp. 13. Vie des Saints. Ottaw a. !>*7. 4to., pp. 18W. ('«MKr«ln. .^bh*> H. It. Cnntiii N<>lire hi«it(r«phi<|ue .^'()rt«Tc ('r*iiuixie. Avu., pp. m. Au (■ninni<*nrement di-w (Kuvren contpletes d<- O. Crema/ie, piihli«>«>« moum le patnmnKe de Tin- •titut Canadien de QtiehtK-. MontrrAl : Ik-au eht-min et fl..^, |HH*J. l4>KendeM et Vari<^t(>M. .Montreal: Keaucheniin ^ Valois, IHK4. 1 Tol.. »».»., pp mi. BiographieH Canailiennes. Montreal : fWaiiehe niin A Valois. IXH5. 1 Toi., Hto., pp. A42. Histoire de la Venerable Men- Marie de I'lnrar- tiation. .MuntrfAl : K«-an('hemin & KIn, I.SHH. 1 Tol., Hro.. pp. M«. Premii-r« ed.. Qu^b«c. It64. 8vo.. pp. 4A7. Jj* mfmr, traduit en allenmnd. UegenHburK. New York, et Cincinnati, IS7i 1 voL.IImo.. pp. .■I'W. Ilistoire de I'iiolel Dieu ,le Qn^lm. Montreal : Iteauehemin A HI.h, 1.SS8. 1 »ol.,Hro., pp. ,'i02. I'n Pelerinage au Pays d'Kvangeline. QneliM* : L. J. Deniers et Frere, li**<. 1 vol.,8vo., pp. 544. OuvrHre couronn*' par TAcad^'niie franvaiw. Montcalm et Levis. Qtiel>ec : I>. .J. Demers & Frere, 1HI)1. 2 vul., 8to.. pp. 572 et 4S4. Ikiiis I., ('iinntia-frnncnis, Qnt'ittr : Coup d'«»'il sur I'Acadie avant la dispereion de la colonie franvaise. Tome i., 1H8H, p. 114, Eelaircisseme.its sur la question acailienne. Ihid. p.4ar luimeme, d'apres des pieces inedites. Tome ii., ISSH, p. :{l:{. IMns Irft MrmviftH deln Stwirtr rtrtfalr ihi ('iu)itiht : Notre passe litteraire et nos deux historienH. Tome I., Sec. 1, 18«J. I^s quarante deniiere.»i ann^s : Le Canada depnis luuion de 1M41, par .lohn Charles Dent. Ktude critique. Tome ii., sec. 1, 1SH4. Bioffraphie de Gerin-Lajoie. Fragment. Tome III., Sec. 1, 18 4. I^n Pelerinage au Pays d'Evangeline. Tome iv.. Sec. 1, 1HH6. Les .Vcadiens apres leur dispersion. Tome v.. Sec. 1, 1887. Eclaircis»enient8 sur la question acadienne. Tome VI., Sec. 1, 1888 Montcaln* peint par lui meme. d'apres de.s pieces inedites. Tome vii.. Sec. 1, 1889. Une Seconde Acadie (lie Saint-Jean, lie du Prince Edouard sous le regime franvais). Queljec : Demers et Freres, 1«M. 1 Tol.. in 8vo. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK <'hapnian, Kdwunl •!. I'ractiiHl MineraloKj-. Lotutoii, 1H43. Svo., jip. \{r2. The ("hararlfrs of Minerals. I^iiiduii, l!i44. riiao., pp. IM. A Soiin of Cliarity. Toronto, 1S57, 2iif tht- Application of Triponometrv to iVystallo^rapliic Calciilalioiis, Drawn up fur rht- I'se of StudentN in tlit- I 'nivfrsity of Toronto. Toronto. i?KiO. ' Svo., pp. 25. A Popular and Pnu-tical Kxposition of the Min- erals and (Jeolojry of Canada. Toronto, l,S(Vt. ('ontrihiition!« to Hlow-l'ipe .Vnalysis, containing; 21 new nietliods of n-searih. Toronto, 18»>5. Svi> ,pp. 3t». Outline of (leolojjy of Cauaila. Tomnto, |.-r7(). Sv<... pp. liW Ea-st and Wej^t. (a j)oeni). Toronto, l*f7. 8vo., pp. IS. .•VUu in the Oinmfian Magmine, April. 1893. Minerals and tleolopy of Ontario and (JnelK-c ; 3rd ed., Toronto, 1.SS8. 3vo. , pp. 371 . Classification of Trilohites, and other communi- cations in Trnn!«icti(tiis Rot/al Socii'tif of ('(iiinila. Vols. 1 to 1(1. I'l-actical Instructions for the determination of gold and silvei- in rocks and ores. 2nd ed. Toronto, ISltl. 12m(>., pp. 6^. The Mineral Indicator. 2nd ed. Toronto, 1H to 1X7.") : - A Review of the Trilohites. < lllustrat<>d.> Serie.s II., Vol. I., pp. 271-86. \ew Trilohites from Canadian Hocks. dllns- trated.t Series II.. \ol. iii.. 2:iO-;K Xew species of Asaphn.s. Series II., Vol. iv., pp. 14. Asaphus Megisto , etc. (Illustrated.) Series U., Vol. IV., pp. 14(>-± New species of .Vgelacrinites. Series II.. Vol. v., pp. XV-tio. Atomic Constitution and Crystidline Form as Cliissitication Characters in MinerjiloKV. Series II., Vol. n., pp. 4:i.>9. An outline of the Geology of Ontario. Series II., Vol. XIV., pp. .5KVSS. On the Leading (Geological Areas of Canada. Series II., Vol. xv., pp. i:{-22. ',>2 121. Notes on the Drift Deposits of Western Canada, and on the ancient extension of the Lake Area of that region. Series II., Vol. vi., pp. 221-9. riiapnian. Kdwani J.- Cimtiuuftl. On the Geology of Belleville and vicinitj-. (Illus- trated.) Series II., Vol. v., pp. 41 4^. On the (K-currence of CopjMT Ore in the Island of Gninr Liznlite of NKrth Caro Una. .Series II.. Vol. vi.. pp. ;«£{ s. 4.m ti. On the Position of Lievriie in the .Mineral Series. Series II., Vol. vii, 42 7. On the m-cnrrence on Allanite or Orf hite in Cana- dian Uocks. Series II.. Vol. i\., pp. Kc;.*!- On .some minentls from Lake SufM-rinr. Series II.. Vol. x.. pp. ItKi 11. On the analysis of Minic Cinadiaii .Minerals. Series II., Vol. xii.. pp. 2ti5-S, xiii. .t<)7 l». On some Hlovv-Pi|H.' Reju-tion.s. Series II., Vol. XV.. pp. 24it rrf<. On the -Analysis of some Iron Ores and Ankerites from Londonderry, X.S. .Series II.. Vol. xv., I»p. 414 10. On t he Proljahle Nature of Protichnites. Serie.s II., Vol. XV., pp. 4*«-S». Note on the Function of Sjilt in Sea-Water. Series II.. Vol. xv.. pj>. :<2!»:U. Note on a Belt of .Vuriferous Country in the Township of Marmora. Series II.. Vol. xiii.. On the occurrence of the Genus Cryptoceras in Silurian Rocks. Series I., Vol. ii., pp. 'M\\^. Note on Stelliform Ciystals. (Illustrated.) Series II., Vol. vi., pp. l-(>. Note on the object of the Salt Condition of the Sea. Series I.. Vol. iii., pp. 1S«) 7, 227i>. Note on Phosphorus in Iron Wire. Series II., Vol, IX., pp. 170 1. On the Silver Locations of Thunder Hay. (Illns- trati. Contributions to Blow-Pipe Analysis. (Illus- trated.) Series H.. Vol. x.. pp. :Cfi)-.V). A Table for calculatingthe Weight and Yield per Running Fathom of Mineral Veins. Series II., Vol. XII.. 47S 7!t. Habits of a Small Snake in Captivity. Series II., VoL XIII., 551 -."ifi. Note on the Cause of Tides. Series H., Vol. xiv., pp. 27l>-»<>. In thf Transactions of the Royal Society of Caiuttta : Note on Molecular Contraction in Natural Sul- phids. Vol. 1., Sec. 3, lSf<2. Note on Spectroscopic Scales. Vol. i.. Sec. 4, 1883. On the Classitication of Crinoids. Vol. i.. Sec. 4, 1,^82. On some deposits of Ti'anifenjus Iron Ore in the Counties of Haliburton and Hastings, Out. Vol. II., Sec. 4, 1884. F?OYAL S()CIh:TY OF CANADA 23 Chu|tiiian, KdMurti J. -Ctmtinun!. On MiiiictiNni in Inorpinii- Nature. \o\, ii., S«f. 4, lsj<4. On some Iron Ores of Central OnUirio. \'ol. ill.. Sec. X, 1S.S.J. On the \V;illl)ri. Notes on some Unexplained Anomalies in the Flame Reactions of certain MineniN and Chem- ical IkKlies. Vol. VI r.. Sec. 3, IrtHOi On tl.e Mexican Tvjh- in the Crj-Ntallization of the Topaz. \'ol. X., sec. 8. ISlfi. On the rorals and Corallifonn Types of PaUeozoic Strata. Vol. xi.. Sec. 4, l.HWl For early iiiper:! of this author see TmnfctinnH «/ Annnln •>>' .Xnturtit .SVr< ucr, and Chemieal Aeict. Clark, The He^erend William. The lledeenier : a Series of Sernums on the Person and Work of our I^ord Jesus Christ. Ix)ndon : Bell & Daldy. ISKl. Svo-, pp. 215. The Comforter: Sermons on the Holy (ihost. Ix)ndon : Rivingtons, 1)^M. Svo., pp. 160. The Four ieniperamtnt?.. and Occasional Ser- mons. I^ondon : Htnlges. 1874. Crown Svo., pp. 174 The Sin of Man and tlie Love of God. Sermons on St. Luke XV. London : Wells & Garthier, 1870. Sm. cr. 3v-o.,pp. 219. Iiefele's History of the Councils. Vol. i. Tnms- lated and edited. Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark. 8vo.,pp. 500. Witnesses to Christ. Bfildwin Lectures (1887> in the University of Michigan. Chicago : McClurg, 1888. Crown Svo., pp. 300. Savonarola : His Life and Titues. Chicago : McClurg, 1892. Crown Svo., op 352. Cuoq. r.W.be J. .\. N. O. Ancien inissionnaire. Ktudes- philolo)ii(|ues sur ijueLines langues sauvages de TAiiierique. Montreal : J. Lovell. 1S4V). 8v.>., pp IfO. Jugement erroiie de M. F>nest Renan sur les langues .sauvages. 2i'me edition. Montreal:.!. Lovell, 18t». Hvo., pp. 113. I.iexii|ue de la langue irotjuoise. Montreal : J. Chapleau (1882). 8vi'., pp. 210. et Rvec additnment, pp 238. Lexique de la langue algonquine. Montreal : J. Chapleau. 18SH. 8to., pp. XII. 418. ('uf>e .1. A. -f'tmtintietl. (irnnimHire de la langue algonquine. Totnea ix. ct x. Jm Mtm >irt dt la SimUti Ri-talt du VamuUu 1891 et 18it2. .\notc kekon. Toiue XI. den M/m-Ur'u dr In Si,. Portraits et Biographie.i. Montreal : Beauchemin & Valois. 8vo., pp. 3uil. Les Patriotes de 1837-1838. Montreal : K. Senecal & Fils. 8to . pp. 298. Feu P. J. O. Chauveau. Dans Lex M/moirm de la Soei^U Ruyale du Cnnadn, Tome i.\.. Sec. 1.18H. Mes Contemporains. Montreal : E. Senecal & Fils, 18tM. 8ro., pp. 285. l>uwM>n, \'ery Uevereinl .l-^neais MflJowell. The Temporal .Sivereignty of the Pope. Ottawa and Ix>ndon, Kng., 18fi0. 8vo.,pp. "i-T. The firi pp. 71. Seven Letters together with a Lecture on the Colonies of Great Britain. Ottawa. 1870. An Essay on the Poets of Canada, Ottawa, 1870. The late Hon. Thomas DArcy Mctiee, M.P. : a Funeral Oration. Ottawa. 1870. Pius IX. and His Time. London, Can., and Lou- don. Eng.. 1S.S0. 8vo.. pp. 440. The Northwest Territories and British Columbia. Ottawa. 1881. Svo.,pp. "ilS. Canada and its Resourves. Greater liritnln. London. Eng. The Catholics of Scotland. London, Can., and London, Eng., 1890. 8vo.,pp. 876. Tran.slatwnn. The Parish Priest and his Parishioners, l^iidon. 1RI6. I.,etters of the same author on tlie Si)anish In- ({uisition. London, lSk>, 01 New Bond St. Count .Joseph de Maistre's celebrated work on the Pope. London. Eng.. 18,t0, 01 New Bond St. Philosophical work, "Siiireesde St. IVterslioiirg.'* by the same. London. Eng., ISol. Poems. Massacre of Os/miana, a poem in blank verse. Gla-sgow, 1HI4. Solitude. Ottawa, 1870. .t pp. Royalty at Ottawa. Ottawa "Times." May 3, 1806." 24 BIBLIOCJRAPHY OF THE I>awH4>n, Very Rev .RneaM MoD. — Ctmtinued. The llith of .Inly at Ottawa. 1H85. Vi»*i(>ii of Burns at Lini-lmlen. Ottawa, It^O, p. 12. KonibuniiMcnt of .'-k>n(lt*rlN)rg. Ottawa. IfM. The late Lord Kl«in. EleKiac. Ottawa, lf«M. St. Andrew's Day at Ottawa, 1HB4. Epistle in verse to a friend descriptive of Canada. Ottawa. 1S70, pp. VA CalaniitoiiM news from Russia, 1H65. Welconu' Hon. T. D'Arcy MctJee, Minister of .Vjcricnlture, to Ottawa, 18(i7. lament for the Rt. Rev. J. Gillis. An elegiac {XM;m. Ottawa. IHIU. pp. 14. The last Defender of .Terusaleni. Ottawa, 1SH2. The Heroine of Vercheres. Ottawa. 1HS2. Xenobia.Queen of Palnij-ra. 108pp.,8vo. Ottawa, 188-2. Dominion Day. Ottawa, 1886. Caractacus. Ottawa, 1886. Malcolm and .Margaret. Ottawa, 1886. Poem celebrating the Centenary of O'Connell. Read at a dinner givenonthe occasion, the Hon. .John O'Conner, M.F., in the chair. Te Deum Lsiudamus. Dies Ine. Stabat Mater. Psalm, Doniinus Regit. Do.. Ecce Quam Bonum. In Catholic Vesperal. Glasgow, 1811.5. O Qnot Undis. Hymn. Prieclani Custos. Hymn. Audiat Minis. Hymn. Rex Gloriose. Hymn. 1)1 liel/orcTti MagaziTie, Toronto. The Preser\-ation of our Forests. I)eceml)er, 1876. The Capital of Canada. Illustrated. March. 1877. Preservation of the Buffalo. October, 1877. The Heroine of Vercheres. A poem. December, 1877. Pa-pera in The Oirl, Ottawa Univeraity. VOLUME IV. Association of the McDonalds. .\ PiK>m. The Better Age. A Poem. The Star of Bethlehem. A Poem. Thyendaga. A Poem. Ville Marie. A Poem. Read Ijcfore the Royal Society at the Montreal meeting. VOLUME V. Better than Plato. A Poem. Dominus Regit Me. A Psalm. Jerusalem ; the old and the new. Burns. Reminiscences of the Poet. Bums : His Travels. l)awH«ii, Very llev. .I'CneaH yivlt. —Continufd. France Considered. It Still Moves. Burns Kurt her Considered. Royal Dunfermline and the Quiyrich. VDLIMK VI. To the Children of Saint Clare. A Poem. Fame's Favourites. A Poem. The Martyr of Mount Athos. A Poem. A Relic ; Burns and Bishop (Jeddes. Attempted .lust iticat ion. The Communion of Saint.s. Count Joseph de Maistre. Educjition Beyond the Grave. E.xcavating the Heathen. Growth of Religion in Scotland. After the Victory. Count J. de Maistre's work, "Soirees de St. Peterslx)urg," reviewed. Saint Andrew. VOLUME vu. King Robert Bruce. A Poem. Algonquin Park. Ee Civilized ? The Pope in the Second Century. I'ltramontanism and Modern Civilization. Pope Honorius. DawHun, George M. On Foraminifeni from the Gulf and River St. l«vwrenci'. Ciinadian yatunilint, June, 187(1, Montreal 8vo., pp. 172-180. (Also !!eparately. pp. 1-8.) .\lso in Annalu ami Mau'iziuf of Natural HiHtory, February, 1H71, 8vo , pp. 83-lX). The Lignite P'orniatioiis of the West. Canadian Naturaliit, April, 1874, Montreal. 8vo., pp 241-?f.2. (Also gep.aratelr, with the next.) Note on the Occurrence of Foraminifera, Cocco- liths, etc., in the Cretaceous Rocks of Manitoba. Canadian Xaluralitt, April, 1874, Montreal, 8vo., pp. 252-257. (Also separately, with the foregoing.) The Fluctuations of the American Lakes and the Development of Sun Spots. Nature. April, 1874. London. 4to , pp. 501-506. Also in Ciin Montrenl : Dawson Bros., 1K75. 8to , pp. i.-xi. -1-387. Oil Hotne Canadian Speiies of SponKill«P. Canadinn yaiuralitt, September H75, Montreal. 8vo., pp. l-o. (Also tteparately, same paginal ion.) On the Superficial (leoJogy of the Central Region of North America. i/iiarterly Journiil GtuUiiical Society. Novembert 1875, London. 8vo., pp. 603-«23. (AI.^o separ&tely, same pagination ) Xotes on the Locu.st Invjusion of 1874 in ManitoUi and the Northwest Territories. Ciinadian Niturati^t, 1876. Montreal. 8yo., pp. IIJ- 134. (Al«o ^separately, pp. 1-16.) Note on some of the more recent Changes in Level of the Coa.st of British Columbia and adjacent regions. C'inndian Natiirnlut, April, 1877, Montreal. 8vo., pp. 241-248. (Also !n, G«H>ri5o M.—Continuetl, Report on a Reconnaissance of Leech River and Vicinity. Repori of Prvgre**, Oeoloirical Survey of Canada, lS7fi-77, Montreal, 1878. 8vo.. pp. !>5-102. General Note on the Mines and Minenils of Ek;o- nomic Value of British Columbia, with a list of localities. Rfixirt of frogitM, Oeological Survey of Canaila, 1876-77, Montreal. 1878. 8vo., pp. i03-14V. (AliM) separately, same pagination.) On a New Species of I^oftusia from British Col- umbia. Qunrlerlv Journal Geoloaieal Society, February, 1879. London. 8vo., pp. 63-75. (Also .■'er>arHttly, game paxination.) Notes on the Glaciation of Br.tish Columbia. Canadian yatvralint, March, 1S79, Montreal. 8vo., t p. 32-39. (.■VIso separately, pp. 1 8.) Sketch of the Past and Present Condition of the Indians of Canada. Canadian AiitHcn/w', July, 1879, Montreal. Svo., pp. l-.;9-159. (Alio separately, pp. 1 31.) Note on Ihe Economic Minerals and Mines of British Columbia. First List of Lfwalities in the Province of British Columbia, known to yield (iold. Coal. Iron, Silver, Copper and other Minerals of economic value. (Appendix R.) Report on Sureeyn, Canadian Pacijic Hailiray, Ottawa, 1877. Svo, pp. 218-245. Memorandum on the Queen Charlotte Islands. British Columbia. (Appendix \o. !>. t Report Canadian Paririe liaihrnti, Ottawa, 1680. 8vo ,pp. 139-U3. Preliminary Report on the Physical and Geolo- gical Features of the Southern Portion of the Interior of British Columbia. Rrpnrt of ProgreM. (ieulogical Surrey of Canada, :877-78, Montreal, 1879. 8vo., pp. 1b-187b. Notes on the Distribution of Some of the More Important Trees of British Columbia. Canadian Naturalist, August, 18!"0, Montreal. 8vo., pp. 321-331. (Also, separately, pp. 1-11.) Reprinted as an Appendi.T to Report on an E.xplora- tion from Fort Simpson, etc. li'itiri »/ Progy,, (ieo- losica'. Survey of Can&da. 187>.i-8i'. Report on the (."limate and Agritulliiral \'alue. General Geological Features and Min<'rals of Economic Importance of part of the Northern I'ortion of British Columbia and of the Peace River Country. (Appendix 7.) Riport Canadi'in Pacific Railiray, 1880, Ottawa, 8vo., pp. 107-131. Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands. With Appendices A to (i. Rrpnrt of Pnigrriu, Geological Survey of Canada, 1878-79, Montreal. 1880. 8vo., -p. Ib-239b. (Also separately, same pagination.) Note on the Geology of the Peace River Region. Cantidian Naturalinl, April, 1S81, Montreal. 8vo., pp. 20-22. Also in American Journal of Science, May, 1881. New Haven. 8vo., pp. 391-S9I. BIBLICMJRAPHY OF THE I)awi»<>n, George M.— Continued. Additional Observationis on the Superficial (Jeo- log>' of British Columbia and Adjacent Regions. Quarterly Journal Gfoloqirnl Society, Htkj, 1881, LoDdon . 8t". , p p. 272-2S5. (AliK) Miiarately, same pagination.) Sketch of the Geology of British Columbia. Geol'>aieiil Magazine, April anl May, 1881, London. 8vo.,pp. 156-1* 2. 214-227. (AIc. On the Superticfal Deposits and Glaciation of the District in the vicinity of the Bow and Belly Rivers. (Reprinted from the litport of I'rogre.'its, Geological Survey of Canada, 1882-84.) 8vo , pp. 1-14. On Certaiii Borings in Manitotta and the North- west Territory. Trannacti'mn Royal .Society of Canadti. Vol. IV., Sec. 4. 1886. 4to., pp. 85-99. (Also separately, same pagination.) Prelim nary Report on the Physical and Geologi- cal Features of that portion of the Rocky Moun- tains between Latitudes 4!) andi)l -M)'. Annual 7?'i)«rf , (Jeological Survey of Canada. (X. S.) Vol.1. .Montreal. 1S86. Svo., pp. 1b-169b. (Also separately, same pagination.) On the Canadian Rocky Mountains, etc. Cnnadian Record of Science, April, 1887, Montreal. 8vo . pp. 285-300. (Also separately, pp. 1-16.) Note on the Occurrence of .lade in British Colum- bia, and its Employment by the Aativcs. With extracts from a paper of Prof. Meyer. Canadian Rnord of ScUnce, April, 188T, Montreal. 8 0., pp. 364-378. (.\l8o separately, pp. 1-15.) Notes and Observations on the Kwakiool People of Vancouver island. Traniiaetit of localities of Minerals of Ek;ononnic Value. Annual R'lnri, Oeoloirieal Surrey of Canada. (N. S.) Vol. III. 8vo., pp. 1b-163r. (k\»o feparateljr, same pagination.) Glaeiation of High Points in the Southern In- terior of British Columbia, Geoloqiral MigaztK, Aagast, 1889, London. Svo., pp. aw-a?-' (Also separately, same paglQation.) On the Earlier Cretaceous R'ocks of the North- western Portion of the Dominion of Canada. American Journal of Seienre, Augast, 1889i New Haven 8to., pp, 120-127. (Also separately, same pagination.) Notes on the Ore deposit of the Tread well Mine, Ala.ska. Ainfri'tnn Oerjlugist, August, 1SS9, Minneapolis, 8ro., pp. 84-93. (Also separately, same pagination.) Xot«s on the Cretaceous of the British Colum- bian region. The Xanaimo Group. Anierifan .Tonrwil of Science, March, 189((, New Haven. Sro.. pp. 180-18.3. (Also separately, same pagination.) On some of the Liirger Unexplored Regions of Canada. Ottaira Naturalitt, May, 1890, Ottawa. 8to., pp. 29-40. (.■Mso separately, pp. 1-12.) Also printed in Appendix to Pike's Barren (iround of Northern Canada, 189*2. London : Macmillan k Co. 8vo., pp. 277-289. On the Glaeiation of the Northern part of the Cordillera, with an attempt to correlate the events of the Glacial Period in the Cordillera and Great Plains American Grologint, September, 1890, Minneapolis. 8vo., pp. 153-162. (Also separately, same pagination.) On the later Physiographical Geology of the Kocky Mountain Region in Canada, with spe- cial reference to Changes in Elevation and the history of the CUacial Period. Trantactionn Roj/al Societj/of Caandn. Vol. vni-. Sec. 4. 189"). 4to.,pp. 3-74. (Also separately, same pagination.) Report on a portion of the West Kootanie Dis- trict. British Columbia. Annual Report, Qeologic.il Survey of Canada. (N. S.) Vol. IV. Montrea'.lSOO. 8vo., pp. 1b-66b. (Also separately, same pagination.) Note on the Geological Structure of the Selkirk Range. Bulletin Oeoloiiieal Society nf America. February, ; 1891, Rochester. 8vo., pp l'5'i-176. (Also separately, same pagination.) • Notes on the Shuswap People of British Columbia. Trantaction» Royal Society of Canada. Vol. ix., Sec. 2. 4to., pp. 3-41. --_ _, jL- (Also separately, same pagination.) ~" ~ " and Alex. Sutherland. Geography of the British Colonies. London : Macmillan & Co., 1892. 8to-, pp. i-SHi., 1-330. Dawiion, Geopge M.— Continued. and Baden Powell, Sir G. Report of the British Behring S<'a CommLs-sioners, London. Govern- ment, .June. 18B2. pp. i-vii., 1-241. Notes on the Geology of Middleton Island, Alaska. Bulletin Oeologieal Society nf America. Vol. IT., 1S92, Rooheater. 8vo., pp. 427-431. Mineral Wealth of British Columbia. Proceedingi of the Royal Colonial Inttitutt. Vol. XXIV., 1893. 8vo., pp. 238-264. Geographical and Geological Sketch of Canada with Notes on Minerals, Climate. Immigration and Native Races. Bnedeker'it I)awH4m. Sir J. Vi'. -Continued. The Mole of Occurrence of Erect CalamiteM near Pictou, Xova Scotia. .hiurnnl Oeologicnl SmtHy of Utnilun, 1M8. A'lditional Notes on the Red Sandntone of Nova Scotia. /fc.4. The Coal Measures of the South .Joggins. Ihid. (Figures and Sections.) 1853. Modern Submerged Forest at Fort Lawrence. Ibid. (Section.) 1854, AcaiHnn Gfology. 1st edition, 1855; now in 4th edition, Iffttl. (Illustrations and Map ) The Fossils known as Stern bergia. Canadinn Natur'tli^t. ([llu«'r«ed.) 1857, Pleistocene Fossils of Montreul and vicinity. C*nat. W.—Continueil. Preliminary Notice of the Pre Carboniferous Flora of New Brunswick, Maine aiul Eastern Canada. Cnneiety. (Illustrated.) 1861. Farther Olwervations on Devonian Plants from Maine, Gaspe and New York, Ihid. (Illustrated.) 1862. A New Species of Dendrerpeton and on Dermal (Coverings of Fossil Batrachians, Ibid. (Illustrated.) 1862. Footprints of a Reptile from the Carboniferous of Cape Breton. Canadian Ifaturalitt. (Illustrate 1.) 1863. Synopsis of the Carboniferous Flora of Nova Scotia. y6«;.,18«3. Fossils of the Genus Rusophycus {RuHichnitfs). Ibid. (Illustrated.) 186(. The Air-breathers of the Coal Periotl. Ibid. (Plates.) 1863. And issued as a separate volume. Agriculture for SchooU. Montreal, 1864. Eozoon Canadense. (Logan, Dawson, Hunt and Carpenter.) Ihid. (Plates.") 1865. The Conditions of Accumulation of Coal, and the Coal Flora of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Journal G'olouiral Soeielu. (Plates.) 1867, Notes on Laurent ian Fossils. (Dawson and Car- penter. ) /6W., 1867. A New Land Snail from the Carlwiiiferous. (Daw.son and P. P. Carpenter.) Ibid., 1S68. Structure of Calamites and Calamodendron. Ibid., 1870. Report on the tieology of Prince Edward Island. (Map and Plates.) (Daw.. New Erian Plants. Journal Geological Societu- (lUastrated.) 1381. The Chain of Life in Geological Timr. (Illus- trated.) London, ISSl. Results of Recent E.xplorations of Erect Trees containing Reptilian Remains in the Coal For- mation of Nova Scotia. Transactiont Hoiial Society of London. (Plates ) 1882. Secontl Report on Fossil Plants of the Upper Silurian and Brian of Cauaeiiiv,\B90. Mtxlrrn Iilt'dH of Evolution. lA^ndun, IHOO. Tertiary I'lantx of Siinilkaineen River. TVnn'roefioiM R'lval Soeirty of Citnada. (Plates.) 1890. Denilrerpeton Acadianum and Hylonomus Lj'elli. dettl'ioicnl Magminf. (Illustrated.) li^l. Fossil Plants from tiie CarVwaiferous of Xew- foundland. Rulhlin Oftloffical Soeirty of Amerira. (Illustrated ) 1^1. Xote-s on Tree.s Cultivated on the Grounds of McGill University. Ciimidinn Ree' We-kh, 1880. Montreal in the Days of James McGiil. Gazette, Montreal, 1882. Old Times in Montreal 17(« to IKlO. With illus- trations of old buildings. Star, Montreal. Carniral Vumber, 1885. The JeMuits' Estates. Three papers. Onietf.?, Montreal. 1888. The Parliament Buildings of Cinada from the Conquest to Confederation. With illustrations. Star, Montreal, Camirat Number, 1886. Christmas in Canada. Ihiil., Montreal. Chri^tma* Number, 1888. The English Minority in Quebec. A series of seven papers on the Parish Law of Lower Can- ada. The ITff*, Toronto, 1890. The Chase Copyright Bill Nation, New York, 1890. Problems of (Jreater Britiiin. Three papers on Sir Charles Dilke's book. Th' Week, Toronto, 1890. The Constitutional Question. Gazette, Montreal, 187.3. Scientism. A paper read Ijefore the Athemeum Club of Montreal. Be'fonl'» Monihlii, Toronto, December, 1877. Nineteenth Century Progress. A paper read be- fore the Athena-um Club of Montreal. iV'-ir Dominion Monthly, Montreal, January, 1878. Prayer and Modern Science. Canadian Monthly, Toronto, December. 1875. The Massacre of the Cedars. An inquiry into the t|uestion or the employment of Indians during the Revolutionary War; a chapter of local his- tory in 1776-7 on the frontier from the Cedars to St. Anne's. Ibid., April, \<7^. Champlain. A Poem. Montreal, 1890. 12mo., pp. 8. Republished in the Ottawa Oip/, 1892. Report on the relative positions of Bi.shop and Rector in Christ-Church, as Cathedral and Par- ish Church, under the Laws of England and Canada. Montreal, 1875. 8vo., pp.100. Copyright in Books. An inquiry into its origin and an account of the present state of the Law in Canada. Montreal, 1882. 8ro. , pp. 40. Episcopal Elections : Ancientand Modern. Mont- real, 1877. 8ro.,pp. 54. Yea or Xay. The Railway Crisis in Montreal in 1872. The Montreal Board of Trade. A Commercial History of the City from 1842 to 1892, with ROYAL SOTIKTY OP TANaDA 81 DawiMin. H«ina«'l V..—Continiud. tabk-.s of the HtHtiHticn of trade for fifty years. Montreal, \rVri. Olfl Colonial Cnrrencle«. An in«|uiry Into the origin of the Par of Exchantte. Cawutim M-jniklg, Toronto, Ai.ril, \'ni. The Wrrk. Toronto, February 3, 1»«B. 8vo., pp. A. Hiinent of Science at Montreal in 18H2. Montreal, IWrti 12ino. , i>p. 1S7. Handl)<)ok for the Dominion of Canada, prepared for the Firitish Association for the Advance- ment of Science at Is meeting in Montreal in 1H84. Montreal, IHHI. 12ino , pp XII- + 335. A Study ; with Critical and Explanatory Notes of Lord Tennyson's poem, Thf Prinresn. 1st ed., Mon' real, 1S82. 2nd ed., with a letter from Lord Tennyson. Montreal, 1884. 12mo , 2nd ed > pp. xt- + 130. Ueni^4<>n, (;«'«>r>ee T. The National Defences: or observations on the best defensive force f >r Canada. Toronto, IHfil. 8vo.,pp. 3i Canada : Is she Prepared for War : or a few re- marks on the .State of htr Defences. By a Native Canadian. Toronto, 18fil. *vo , pp. 21. .\ Review of the Militia Policy of the Present Administration. By Junius, jr. Hamilton, 1863. 8vo.. pp. 1^. Manual of Outpost Duties. Toronto : Rollo & Adam. 1866. ■- 12mo,pp.61. The Fenian Raid at Fort Erie. Toronto: RoIIo & Adam. 1866. 8vo.,pp.92. '--' Cavalry Charges at Sedan. Canadian Mini hi u, 5 aii\ia.Ty,\%l 'I. A VLsit to General Robert E. Lee. Ihid, March, 1872. Modern Cavalry. London : Bosworth, 1868. In (German, Munich, 1860. In Russian, St. Peters- burg, 1872. In Hungarian, Buda-Pestli. 1881. A History of Cavalry. (Awarded the Emperor of Russia's Firxt Prize*. London: Macmillan & Co.. 1877. Berlin, 1879. DeCelles, .\llVe«l I>. I'ersecutions et reparsitions. Rerne Canadienne, Montreal, 18S1. Une paroisse Canadienne an dix-septieme siecle. //,.-./., 1S8?. Notre avenir. Le Cnnnda FiamaU, Quebec, 1887. : ' Oscar Dunn. Biographic. .; MfmoireH df la SoeUtt rviitilv -In Canada. Tome IV., S«c. I., 1886. DeCell***. AirW>d I>. Continued. Im crise da regime |»irlententaire. Montreal. Imprinierie generate. 8»o.,pp.,'}4. A la Conijuete de la lil)erte en France et au Camrla. M/moirn lir Im Sncittt ntttalr dn Canada. Tom* U.,."^ec. I., 189>i. L'hononible .luge Routhier. Biographic. L" h'liHiiin dii .hmr, Ottiiwa, 1890. Sir Alexandre I^aroste. ll,i>l., Montreal. 1«>I. L'honor.-ible S. H. Molsoii, C.P. Biograpliie. /'.«/., Montr^^al, 1891. Doville. K. Examples of Astronomic and Geodetic Caleula- t ions for the use of I^iid Surveyors. Quel>ec, 1.S78. Photographic Surveying, including the elementH of Descriptive tleometry and Perspective. Ottawa, 1889. In thf TraitHarfionnoi fhf Hoyal Society of Cnnadn : Sur la mesure des distances ternstro jwir des observations aHtronomi<|ues. 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On the Geology of Kjistern Albert and Westmore- land counties, N.B., and of portion of Cumber- land and Colchester counties, N. S. l>*t.5, pp. 1 7lE. On the Geology of the Eastern Townships of QuelK'C, counties of Coinpton, Stanstead, Beauce, Richmond and \Volfe. 1)^86, pp. 1-70J. On the Geology of Megantic, Beauce, Dorcheiter, Ijevis, Bellechasse and Monttnagny. 1>ry, Mode of Occurrence and Uses. Ibid., Vol. IV., .March, l«tl. pp. 2<'l 225. The Work of the Geological Survey of Canada. Ihid., Vol v., .January. 1892,pp. 161-179. The Stratigraphy of the Quelx'C G.'oup. Bulletin Oeolooienl Society of America, 1890, pp. 4.53-467. The Geologj' of Quebec, south of the St. Law- rence. Tr'iimttctioiu Royal Society of Canad't. Vol. ix.. Sec. 4, 1S91, pp. 1I15-126. The Mining Industries of the Province of Quebec. TntHmctioiu Inntitute Americun Mining Engineers, l«Sa,pp.3l6-ri. ROYAL S(KMETY OF (WNADA 83 Ellii, R. W. -rontinurii. 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IVA. pp. 7 Valley of the .Saunetn and Northwest Ibiilwajr. Toronto, 1h57. 8to., pp. OT. I^ecture on a Railway to the Pacific through Brit- ish Territory. Port Hope, 1>W. Th. /Vr«.pp. 10 Tlie l>a\en|x)rt Gravel Kidge. CiiHiiiii'tn Jtl, Wt\, pp. ^. Constniction of a Railway fmni Canada to tbo Pacilir "The Overland Route." (^heweti & Co.. Toronto. lHt»2. i'p. M. ' A (ireat Territorial Roa,killen. /'•tit'i'li'in Jitumnlt lH»jl, pp. 4. A .National Itailway from Quebec to Halifax. Toronto, iHKi The Intercolonial Railway. Report on F'p-Iimin- ary E.xplorations. Quebec: U. E. l>csl>arat«, ixrto, pp. Irt). The Short Ocean Passage. I h if/ Enainttr't Report o/imi {I C.R), PI,. S. The Opening of the Pictou Railway. Halifax, lrtfi7, pp. :ix. Intercolonial Railway. letter to the Premier on the System of Construction. Ottawa, l.*, pp, 1».' Short Service for Sunday. Canada Pacific Rail- way. Ottawa, 1K71, pp. 7. Canadian Pacific Railway. Report and Explora tory Survey. Ottawa, 1H72. 8to. , pp. 80. 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Triinmcti'mt Camidittm Imttitute, Toronto, 1886. pp. 101. Uniform Standard Time. 2VoB«arti««» Amerienn Society of Civil Engimetrt, New York. 188i, pp.4. The new Time Reckoning. ./Niu/i Report, l886, WashinirtoD, D.C., pp. 22. Third lu.stallation Address as Chancellor of Queen's I'niversity. (,f*een'$ Collepe JoHmal, 1886, 4to., pp. 4. Proposed Telegraph l)etween Australia, Canada and Great Britain. London, 1886, pp. 28. Time Reckoning for the 21)th Century. Tratwtctiont Royal Soriety of Cunada, Vol. IV., Sec 3, 1886. 4to. , pp. 13. The CanatUan Route to the East. R-iwirkt at the Coloninl Confertnee, London, 1887, PI> 2). Telegraph to Australia and India via Canada. Speech at Colonial Conference, London, 1887, pp. 13. Benefactors and Benefactions. Address at Queen's University. Queen' I College Jovi-nal, 18tt. Treatise on Time for the Use of ScIhmjIs. Ottawa, 1888. pp. 2»i. Presidential Address, Koyal Society of Canada. TruiuKictiona Roytl Society ff Canada, Vol vn ,1889. 4to.,pp. U. 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Flora Ottawaensis. 1K79. i.. pp. 4} .• Short Instructions for Collectors Away from Honu-. HI.. ISSJl. pp. 8-S». Educational Value of Botani'- Hardens. v.. i«n 92. pp. 105-1 1:». Fall Web worni. vi.. I«t2-«W, pp. 71^71. Flora Ottawaeiisis, 2nd Kdition \not yet com pleteK pp. 1 IK The Keftort of tht Dominion Kntomoloifint for \i^V{, pp. 17. Tlie Report of the Dominion Entomologist for \^V». pp. 1 36. In the Annual Rritorf of the Eu-twri mental Fartns : Re^Hjrt of the KntomoloKist and Uotani-^t, l.Ss7, pp. 8-41 ; 188S. pp. 17 77 : lS«t, pp. .59-1(2 ; ISIXI. pp. 1.V4-21V5: 185»1. pp. litl) 220 ; l8t)2. pp. IH 1(>7; IHSK, pp. 157 Itfl. In Insect Life < W'ushington, V. S.t: Preliminary Note upon (Viioni^t.i Macounii. Ii., 1,«<«>. pp. 4r>-4t). In the Farmer's Adroeate fLmtdon, Ont.i : The Clover- root Borer. ISJtl, p. ;J87. Articles on Injurious Insects (I.-XI.>. 18!»2, pp. 18, .W. 147. li»8, 231, :«t8. -Xl^, :{«».-.. »:«). 47!) : 18!i:!, pp. 10. .tO. Clothes Moths. 181W, p. 140. Dws Wheat turn to Chess i 18SW, p. UXi. ~ Cranary Weevils. 185W, p. 42:1. Injurious Insects. 1894, p. 157. In " Instruct io}ts to Canadian Pacific J^oilway Land Ejcnminrrs" ( Winnipeg. Man.}, limo. : Botanical Collections, pp. 24-27. In The Xor'-M'est Farmer I Winnipeg) : Collecting Botanical Specinien.s. 1892, p. IJXi. In the Reports of (leological Survey of Canada : List of Diurnal Lepidopteni of Yukon District. Northern British Columbia and Mackenzie River. 1887, pp. 229-231 b. Fovllle. tie, P. M. Leon Hubert, docleur en medecine. semina- riste et pretre de St-Sulpice. Notice biofjraphi- que. Paris : Jules Vic. 1878. 12ino., pt>. XI. 315. Les Eludes naturelles et la Bible (Naturforschung und Bibel, von Dr. Carl (Jiittler). Kevue dft Qufttiunii SeivHtiji84. La Bible et la Science. Ifiitl.. ler article, tome xii., oetobre 1^2. 6ino., pp. 504-5.'U: 2«me article, tome xni., janTier 18SS, 8mo.. pp. 11H-16(l. Encore les .lours de la Creation. Ibid., tome w., sTril 1S"<1. Smo . .'80-426. Diis Antlitz tier Erde von Eduartl tiue.sa— die Sinttluth. flfiil.. tome w., avril 1881. 8mo., pp. .Wl-flOB. Du Hole de la Faculte des Arts. ('fiHiitv«t'«, Qa^bee, tome i., jaoTier 188S. 8mo., 79-91. L' Astronomic et la Vie de I'Hunianite. th„l., ler article, t i., juillet 1883, 3mo., pp. 343-379 ; 2^me urticle,t. ii. juillet 18S6, 8mo., pp. 404-432. F«>wler, Janien. A plea for the Study of Natural History. .S'», icnrr'. (Juiiil.rlv, viA. 4, N<>. I, April. 1870, St. John, N.B. 8vo., pp. 11. Arctic Plants (IrtiwinR in New Brunswick, with notes on their Distribution. 7VuH«iie/ Cuniniii, vol. v., .-ec. 4, 1887. Pre«"heMo, liouis. En Vers. Mes Ixjisirs. t^uelx'c : LeK^'r Brous.seau, 1863. 8v.)., pp. 2(14. Iji Voix d'un exile. Pi-emiere annee, IStiO; sec- onde annee. I8t>S. s.l.n.d. PeU- Melc. Montreal : Lovell, 1877. I2mo., pp. 274. Les Fleurs Boreales. I.,es Oiseaux de Nei>je, PtW'sies couronnees pur IWcaiK'niie Fran<,'aise. (JucIhjc, 1880. 2me editiun, Paris : E. Rouveyrc, Km. Teniuem, 1881. 12mo.,pp. 264. 8me eaition, ISSti, Qurt>eo, 12mo., pp. J'iS. La Le>;eniie d'uu Pouple. Paris: Librairie Illus- tree, 1887. 8vo.,pp. 347. Les Feuilles Volantes. Montreal : tJmnger & Freres, 185*1 . 12mo,ipp. 221. En Prose : Lettrcs a Basilo. Quebec : Hector Fabre, 1871. 8vo.,pp. 81. Originaux et detraques. Montreal : Loui.s Pate- naude, 18!W. 12mo., pp. ;'»>0. Lettresa M. I'abbe Baillairge. Montreal, 1893. Imprimerie Desaulniers. 8ro.,pp.91. Traductions: Une rencontre fortuite (W'. D. Howells). T R,rtif d* Mi>ntrM,vo\. iii. and rv. 1879-80. Une rencontre, roman de Deux Touristes bur le Saint-Laurent, liuel)ec et le Saguenay (\V. D. Howellsh Montreal, 1883. 8vo. ROYAL SCX'IKTY OF CANADA 37 Pr«M>h«»tte, lAtnln.—Continuerf. Aux temps ties vieux Creole;* (S. W. C"aV)le). JVi'Uvrllrt Si>tr4n cnmailieHnrt, Tol. 3, 1881. Le Canada- f'riiitroi; ., pp. 72< Jktna Us ilrmoh-f.-i de la Society royale dn Canada : Vive la P'rance (po^sle). Tome i.. Hei-. I. 1SK2. Notre histoire a la nn-moire de F. X. Gari 2au (poesie». Tome i., see. 1, IHKJ. Au Iwrtl de la Crease. Tome ii.. sec. 1, 1>W4. Les prt'iiiu-res pa^es de notre histoire. Tome in.. set-. 1. 1H85. I.e pioniiior. Tome iv., sec. 1, 1*«5. aainte-.\nae dAuray et sea environs. Tome vi., see. 1. I.S88. Chez Victor Ilu^o. Tome viii., soc. 1. IHW). Iteponse a M. David. Tome IX., see. 1, W)l. l/Kspagne. Tome II., sec. 1, 1*I4. Trois Kpisodes de la Conqut'to ; I. Fors Then Ufur ; II. Les deniii-res (.'artoiiolu-s; iii. Le dnipeau faiitome. Tome II., sec. 1, ISHI. Moiitrral. Im l\itri', 1SK4. 12mo. , pp. 12. lUtnsle ('**<, p. »4.->. HarU'-Hleiu". vol. iii., ISSK). p. :«):«. The Koyal Chateaux of the I^oire. ffarvr'n iV*W Monthly Miitinzine, vol. I.X.XXIII., 18i>l, pp. 84-98. Gilpin, K., Jr. The (;roiii)inKs of the Pictou Goal Seams. TriiHHitcti'in» iV..iM .s'lV'tiK liiKtitute (if Natural Sfifiiee, March 10, 1873- Sketch of the Carboniferous of St. (Jeorge's Bay, Nrtd. Ihid., December 4. 1873. The Pictou Coal Field. Tnin»netit Engineers. TVrinmeCi'i'n* .Vura Seolia Iiulitwl» <>/ Natural Srirner, February 11, 1878. The Limonites and Limestones of Pictou County. Ibid., February 10. 1879. Notes and Analy.ses of Nova Scotia Pit VN'atcrs. TrantactiiiHn North of England laMituIr of Mining Knginren, 1879. The (iypsum of Nova S<"otia. Ihid. \m). The Northern Outcrop of the Cumberland Coal Field. Trtiittacliinu Nora Sctiti>i Inttitutt of Natural .VeiVwr, , 1880. The Trap Minerals of Nova Scotia. /<-irf., March 7, 1881. Canadian Coals- their Com|>osition and U.ses. Tran»aetiont Nirlh ■>!' England Inttitute oi Mining Enginrrr; 1881. The Occurrence of Lievrite in Nova Scotia. 7V»in»(ic/i'V»#«e»-. .\pril y. 1883. Note on the DeBert Coal Field, Nova Stia. Itrport to Ooftern m»nt of Nova Seotia, 1884. Note on the Manganese Ore of Loch Lomond, Cape Breton. TraH'actitini Nova Sfotia Inititute of Natural Hit- ton/, 1881. Halotrichit*' from (Jluce Bay, C«po Breton. Ibid,. 1885. The Iron Ores of Pictou County. Tranmietion' Ainrriran Inntitute of Mining Engi- netri. 1885. The Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. Ibid.. 1S8«. Note on the Limestones of East River, Pictou County. 7V(in»(icrt to the Oorernmeut of N,,rn Scotia, 1893. Annual Reports on the Progress of the Mines . 'd Mineral Development of Nova Scotia to the Government of Nova Scotia. Years 1879 to 1894. Note on the Sydney Coal Field. Ser- 2, Vol. 1. 1893-1894. Mineral Development of Nova Scotia. Federated Inttitute Mining Engineen' Annual Meeting, 1894. Explosions in Nova Scotia Coal Mines. Ibid. Goodwin. W. L. On the Nature of Solution. Part I.— On the Solu- bility of Chlorine in Water and in Aqueous Solutions of Soluble Chlorides. Trftnmtction* Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. XXX., Part III. 4to, pp. 597-618. and G. Carr Robinson. On Some New Bases of the Leucoline Series. Ibid., Vol. XXIX., 1879. 4to, pp. 285-279. Uel)er die Natur der I^esungen. Berlin. Berichte lUr Diufcken Chem. Ocu :llteh,VA2. 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(Communicated by.» On a Highly Nickeliferous Pyrite. Itid , April, 1893. Chemical Laws. Toronto : The Copp-Clark Co.. l.SiCi. 8vo , pp. :Tr. GoAselin, Abbe .Vugusto. Vie de Mk^ de Laval, premier eve<|Ue de Quel)ec et apotre dii Canada. Quebec : L. .7. Demei-s & Frere, mn). 2 volf-jSvo., pp. i;j75. Le Venerable Francois de Laval. Sa vie et ses vertus. Quebec : L. .1. Demers & Frere, 1«0(). 12mo., pp. 84. Les Normands au Canada, .lean Bourdon. Ev- reux. Imprimeriede I'Eure, 1892. 8vo.,pp. 31. Les Nori 'lands au Canada. Jean Nicolet. Evreux : Iniprin erie de I'Eure, ISSKl 8vo., pp. 56. Les Nonnands au Canada. .Jean Le Sueur, ancien cure de Saint-Sauveur de Thury, pre- mier pretre seculier du Canada. Evreux : Im- primerie de I'Eure, 1894. 8vo.,pp. 52. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 30 GuNHelin. Abbe Augunt^. —Cmitinn^d. Jubile Sacerdotal de S. E. le Cardinal Tasohe- reau : Xoces d'Or de la Societe Saint-.Tean-Bap- tiste. (juebeo : Legfr Brousseau, Irtti. Roy. 8vo., pp. ^1 Avec un portrait du cardinal. Un HistorifiiCanadienOublie, le Doct«ur. Jacques Labrie. Udii'iireM lielit Soeiiti rtjyaU du C'lnac/ri, tome .\I., Sec. 1, 1893. Duns Le CanadaFran^avi, Quebec : Role politicjue de Mk» de Laval. Tome i., 1HH8, pp. W. Ijh BiLsilitjue de Saint-Elienne k Jerusalem. Tome II., 18«J. p. 6(R Ju-st de Bretenieres. I 'a martyr au XIXe sie<'le. Tome III., \m\ pp. 5-J, AX). Dans Lii Revue Cnnadienne, Montreal : AuKii»tin Cochin. Tome xii., 1K75, pp. 22. Jacques Cartier. Tome XXIX., 1893, pp. 8. Dans La Revue CathoUqiw de Norma ndie, Erreujc : Le mouvement catholique en Canada. Tome r., 1892, pp. 1(5. Le mouvement catholique aux Etats-L'ui.s. Tome IV., 18!M, pp. 12. Grant, *78. " Picturesque Canada," written in part by the Editor. Toronto : Belden Bros., 1882. " Our Five Foreign Missions." Kingston: Printed by the 7?ri7«s/i Whi(i. 1S87. Advantages of Imperial Federation. The Case for Canada, Nos. 1 and 2. PuViiished by Edward Arnold. 18 Warwick Sq., Paternoster Row, Lon- don, E.C., lS8St, 1891. Sermons in " Sunday Afternoon Addresses." The Publishing Committee of Queen's L'^niversity Students. lH. The British .Association at Montreal. The Oiiilimixii-inti Riniir, August, l!*il. Grant, Georjf*' M.—Contintied. Profrress and Poverty. Thr Pietbyterian ffmVte (Quarterly), April, 1888. The New Empire. WrxlHii inter Revieie, October, 1891. Our National Objects and Aims. Published in "Maple Leaves" by the National Club. To- ronto : R. G. McLean. 1890 91. The Birth of a Sister Dominion, Vice Presidential Addret.s to the Royal Society of Canada, 18U0. TranttctioHt Ruynl Sucifty «/ Cmindtt, Tol. vni., pp. xx.xxiv. I*re.>-idential Address to the Royal Society of Caua«la, 18in. Ibid., vol. IX. pp. \\xni.-2. Presbyterian Reunion and Reformation Princi- ples. Quteit't Qu'ifierlu, January, 1894. New Zealand. Hnrptrn Mugnziue, .\uKttst, 1891. The Religions of the World in Relation to Chris- tianity. London : Adam & Charles Black ; Toronto : William Briggs, 18W. Grant, Sir .lnuie<« .\. In the Medical Chronicle, Montreal : Punctured Wound, anterior lobe of Brain, 1858. Compound Conuninuted Fracture of Femur and Ligature Femoral Artery. 18.57. Punctural Wound of Pleura ; Pleuritic Etl'usion ; Iodine Injection. CarcMiioma Medullare, 18.59. Notes of Cases of Poisoning. 1859. Twins with Single Placenta, 1850. In the British Medical Journal : Notes of Sui-gical Cases. 18(50. Unique Auchylosis of Knee Joint, forward at a right angle, 1861. Tetanus and Poisoning by Strychnine Contrasted, 18(51. Obstruction of the Bowels, Appendix Concretion, 1861. Notes of Surgical Ca.ses, 1862. Treatment of Rheumatism by Boletus Laricis Ca- nadensis, 1862. Notes of Obstetrical Cases, 1862. In the Medical Time.i and (iazette, London : Treatment of Skin Di.seases, 1863. Disease tenr«ed " Black Leg," as observed amongst Ottawa Luml)ermen, 18»>4. Excision of the Knee Joint, 18(5.5. Tetanus treated by Acupunctural ion. In (he Canada Medical Journal. Montreal : Puerj)eral Mania. 1865. Protracted Uterine Gestation, 1865. Dermoid Cyst of the Ovary, 1879. Cancer of the Bn-ast in its relation to Paget's Dis- ease of the Breast, 1882. Aneurism of the Thonicic Aorta, 1885. I'rethral Structure and Perineal Section, 1886. 40 BIBLICMiRAPHY OF THE Grant. Sir Jamen A.—Confiniufl. Elevation of the Pelvis att a mean»« of rt'lievinjs Vomiting of Pregnancy. 1*1. In thf Canada Lancet : Retrospect of the Year 1K76. .VddresneH delivered before the Bathur>t .md Rideau Medical Association, 1K76, 1877, lrt78 and 1K7». Gymna.sti< s of the Bmin— Canadian Medical As.sotiatiiiii. 1S80. I terine Fibrous Polypus, 188L Aphasia or Alalia, 1M81. Address on Medicine— Medico Chirurpical So- ciety, Ottawa, 1885. Epidemic Zymotic Disea.se.s of Animals, and how they are communicated to man. Superficial Geology of the Valley of the Ottawa and the Wakefield Cave. Cnnndinn Ifn turn lint, 186S. Presidential Address to the Canada Medical As.so- ciation, St. .John. X.B., August B, 1873. C}"stidian Life. Tninmetiotii Ottmni Field-N-iiMriiliHn' fhb, Jana- ary, 188i). On a Specimen of the Inferior Maxilla of Phoca Groenlandica. Tninnnetiom Roval Soeietg nf Canada, vol. I., S«c. 4, 1882. Cheyne Stokes's Respiration and Renal Calculus- Canada Medical Association, Hamilton, Sep- tember, 1887. Introductory Lecture, McGili University, Novem- ber, 1887. Peri Urethral Cellulitis and Urethral Fistula- Canada Medical Association, Toronto, Septem- ber, 1890. Address before Queen's University on Medical Education, October 14. 1892. Rare Forms of Gout and Rheumatism. Address in New York Cicy, October II, 1893, before the State of New York Medical Association. Hamel. Monsignor Thos. E. Eioge furebre de M. Lucien Turcotte. Annitnire de VUnivmiti Laval, 1874-6, p. 52. Oraison funebre de Son Excellence I'honorable R.-E. Caron. prononcee a ses funerailles, dec. 1876, a la Basilique de Quebec. JoHmaui' du Uinp«. Notice biographique sur M. .lames George Colston et M. labbe Ovide Brunet. AnntU'ire de PUnitertilt Lfiral, 1877-78, p. 43. Discours d'ouverture des Cour« a Quebec, le 8 octobre 1877. Queljec : A. Cote et Cie. 8vo.,p. 9,1877. Oraison funebre de Pie IX., prononcee daus la Basilique de Quebec le 14 fevrier 1878. .^HiiWfu're de V UniterDit^ Lnrnl, 1878-79, p. 67. Translation des restes de Mgr. de I.«val k la Chapelle du Seminaire de Quebec. Quebec : A. C6t« et Cie. J 1. 8vo., 110 pages, 1878. ..J-i^-- -...___ Hamrl, MonNiKnor ThoinaM K.— Continued. Di.sconrs prononce a I'inauguration de la Fjiculte de Droit de I'Universite Laval a Montreal, le ler octobre 1878. Montreal : .1. Chapleau et FiLs. IK78. Sto., |>. 6. Discours h I'occasion de la collation du grade de Docteur h Lord Dnfferin. Amiwiire de I'Unir-rtiti LdVil, 1S79-80, p. 62 Discours a I'ouverture des Cours de I'Universite Laval a Montreal, le ler octobre 1H7!>. Mont- real : Chapleau et I-avigne, 1881). «vo., p. 1. Questions sur la Succursale de I'Universite I.rfival a Mont'.eal. Quebec : A. Cole et Cie. 8vo., 44 page*. 1881. Plaldoyers aiirentian Rxx'ks, more especially with reference to their micro- scopic stnicture. N. S.. vol. viii., Deeenil)er, 1.S77. Montreal. Notes on a Few Canadian Rocks and Minerals. N. S., vol. IX.. Deceml)er, 1K79, Montreal. Notes on Chrome Garnet, Pyrrhotite and Titan- iferous Iron Ore. N. S., vol. ix.. May. ISMO, Montreal. Note on the Composition of Dawsonite. N. S., vol. X., Decemlx»r. 1881, Montreal. In the Cnnarlian Record of Science, viz. : Note on a Specimen of Lake Iron Ore from Lac la Tortue, P.Q. Vol. iii., January, 188K. Montreal. On Gothite. Serpentine, Garnet and other Cana- dian Minerals. Vol. iv., April. 1H90, Montreal. On Canadian Spe.s.sartite and Mountain Cork. Vol. IV.. October, 18!)n. Montreal. The Composition of Limestones and Dolomites from a number of Geological Horizons in Can- ada. Vol. VI., January, l«f)4, Montreal. In the Transactions of the Royal Socicfi/ of Canada : On some Minerals New to Canada. Vol. i.. Sec. 3, 18Ki On some Canadian Minerals. Vol. iv., Sec. 4, 1886. On the Sap of the Ash-leaved Maple (Xeg^indo aceroides). Vol. v.. Sec. 3. 1887. Notes on Specimens of Nephrite from British Columbia. Vol. viii.. Sec. :J. 1800. In the American Journal of Science and Arts, dr. .• On the Composition and Mode of Occurrence of the Pyrrhotite from Elizabethtown, Ontario. Americnn Jnunxil uf Science and Art4, Vol- xr., _ _ May, 1876, New Haven. The Grantham Iron Works, Druramondville, P.Q. fniKidiiDi Mognzini' uf Science and the Induttrial Arte, Jan«, 1883, MontreaL Harrington. Bernard J.~Contimud. On the Ho-4'.alled Amber of Cedar I«ike. Anterienix .hturnul •>( Science imd j4rf«. Vol. TUI.i Oct., 1891. New Haven. The Beaver Creek .Meteorite. Nntur; Aug. 31st, 1H93, London. Harrin({t<(ii. W. Haffne. A Cheap Entomological Cabinet. Ciiiutiiiiin EnViin'ilngiiif, Nov., 1878, Vol. X., pp. 217, 218. Tenth Annmil H'poii uf the Entomotofical Sucictg uf Onl'iri;, 187», p. 2S. (Reprint.) On the Elaterida' or Click -Beetles. /4.U, 187y, pp. 77, 81. Rhyncophcra— Weevils. Eleventh Annmil Rep-trt if the Enfomoloffiml S'tciety "/ Ont'irio, 1810, pp. 49, 57. Entomologj- for Beginners.— Some Wood-Eaters. C'lnndiiim Entf,m't/i>ai'tt, May, 1880, Vol- XII , pp. Entomology for Beginners.— Some Fungi-Eaters, /hid.. Dec, 1880, Vol. xii.. pp. 258, 2(52. Tirel/th Aanunl Report of t,V Eitiniif,l->gir,il .V.icc'K .,/ Ort^lr..,, 1881, pp. 22, 21. (Reprint) Graphite of the Ottawa Valley. Ck''firgicaL Society of Ontario, 1882, pp 23. ^ (Reprint.) Notes on the Occurrence of some Species of Uro- cerida'. L'anitdiaH Eatontologie', December, 1882, vol. xiv., pp. 221. 228. Ilouse-Flies. Thirteenth Aniiunl Rejxirt of the Entomologicid Society of Ontiirio, 1882, pp. 38, 44. Chrysomelid*— Leaf-Feeders. Ibid.. 1882, pp. 53. 62. Coleoptera Attacking Man. (Correspondence.) The I'liH'tdi'in Eiitomologiit, March, 18S3, vol. xv., pp. 5;*, 60. Coleoptera of 1882, and Stridulation of tEcanthus. (Corr&spondence.', fbid., .\pril, 1883, vol. xv., pp. 79, 80 Variations in Markings of Cicindela sex-guttata. Ibid., December, 1883. vol. xv., p. 23& A New Foe to the Maple {Xiphydria albicornis). Fourteenth Annual Report of the Entoinologiral So- ciety of Ontario, ISa, pp. 40, 42. Injurious Insects Affecting the Hickory. /6irf.,1883, pp. 42, .52. 6 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THB Harrington. W. Hague.— Continued. Cauaen of Rarity in Some Specie** of Insect*. CnHiiiiinH Sporftmnn nnd SuturnliM, April, 1M3, rol. tii.,pp 22^,226. Additions to Canadian Lists of Coleoptera. I'aniidifin EHt;m'>l',ffiit, 1S81, TOl. XVI., pp. 44, 47, (March): pp 70,73, (April): pp. 96. 98. (May ) : pp. 117. 119, (June). Entomoloxy for Beginners. Notes of a .June Ramble. l>,;d., Jon*. 18S4, Vol. XVI., pp. 101. 103. FiftetHtk AiiHUnl Rrport »/ tht Ent-imnlngieiil So- ciety •>/ Onl'irio, ls81. pp. 30, 31. (Reprint). Saw-flies— Tenthredinida». /6.(/..188». pp. 63-72. List of Ottawa Coleoptera. Ottnwi Fifld-iV-ititrtilitU' Clmb TrnH»neti»n», No. v.. 1884. pp. 67, «. Xyloryctes satyrus. (Correspondence.) Canadian Entomoliigiit, March. 1885. vol. XVII., p 5S. Hymenoptera .\culeata— Ants*, Wasps and Bees. SiuJeentk Annual Repnri nf the E*tom'>litgicnl So- ciety of Ontario, 1885, pp. 48, 54. Are Curculio Lar^•<»' Lignivorous? Entomologieo Amtricawi, April, 1885. vol. I., pp. 18, 19. Notes on our Saw-flies and Horu-lail.s. Oltiiwti Fifld-ynturaliitt' Club Trtintaclioiu, No. IV , 1885, pp. 244, 247, Note on Oryssus Sayi. Cunndinn EnloiHologi«t, Febniary. 1886. vol. XVIII. I p 20. Tenthredo delta, Prov. Ibid; February. 1886. vol. xviii.. pp. 32, 33. Notes on Tenthredinidse, 1HS.5. Ibid., February. 1886, vol. xviii., pp. 38, 40. Notes on Xiphydria Albicc mis. fbid.. March, 1886, vol. xviii.. pp. 45. 46. Insects Infesting Maple Trees. Sevenleenlh Annufil Report of the Entomnlogicnl Society of Ontario, 1S86, pp. 22. 23. Presidents Inaugural Address. Ottnirn Fie'd-y Oniiwii .V'«f»ir»/i»*, February, 1993, vol. vi., pp. 168 170. A Glacial Epix-h. Jlnd.. Febrasry. IHW, toI. ti., pp. 170, 171. Canatlian Hynienoptera. No. .'i. Ciiniitiian Eiii<>ui Ottfiieii yatunilist, Februarj- and March, 1891, vol. VII- , p. 175. A Teratological Trio. CiiniidiiiH Ent-iiu'ilogiit, Mareh. 1894, vol. x.xTi., Fauna Ottawaensis— Hemipt«ra. (Mi'iT'i .V>(fttr«/i'*<, July, IS.*)!, vol. vm., pp 66, t>7. Canadian Hynienoptera. No. 4. Ctinndiiin Eiituni'i/itgi^, July, 1894, vol. XXVI., pp. 193, 196. Entomological Notes. ' Diaphemomera femor- ata./ Ottawa Nntttraliit, AnKOst, 18*4, vol. vin., p. 80. Canadian Hynienoptera. No. 5. Cunitdinn Entomitlogiiit, AugfUSt, 1894, Vol. XXVI., pp. 20J, 214. Canadian Hymenoptera. No. 6. Ibid-, September, 1894, vol. xxvl., pp. 245, 250. Harvey. Moses. The Characteristics of the Present Age. A Lec- ture. Edinburgh. 1851. Thoughts on the Poetry and Literature of the Bible. St. John's, Nffd., 18.52. The Testimony of Ninevah to the Veracity of the Bible. St. Johns, Nfld., 1854. 8to.,pp. 33. , Harvey. MtHten.—Continurd . 1^'ctures on the Harmony of Science and Revela- tion. Halifax : B^iriu's, l.SoH. gvu., pp. 101. Lectures on Egypt and its .VIonument.H as IIIuh- t native of Scripture. .St. .lohii's, 1857. 8to., pp. 96. Lectures, Literary and Biographical. Edinburgh : Elliot, lf*4. 8vo., pp. 512. Christian Hjmnology. Seven Papers in Tkr Hom' f the L>'*rer Prfirinte»,\Wi. Cormack's Journey Across Newfoundland. Edited by Rev. M. Harvey. 1873. Across Newfoundland with the Governor. St. Johns, Nfld., 1879. 8to., pp. 130. Newfoundland, the Oldest British Colony. Lon- don : Chapman & Hall. 18Ki 8to., pp. 489. Text Book of Newfoundland History, for the Use of Schools and Academies. Glasgow : Collins & Sons (2nd ed.), 18110. i:mo.. pp. 188. Where are We, and Whither Tending? London : Trubner & Co. ; Boston : Whittle. 1886. Svo-, pp. 210. Four Articles in the EncydopfnJ in Brifannica (new edition), on Newfoundland, Labrador, St. John's, and The Seal Fisheries of the World. Three Articles in Johnstone'n T'nlverndl Cyclo- ptfdia, viz. :— Newfoundland, Labnvdor, St. John's. List of Magazine Articles in Stewarfs Quarterly and The Marifiine Monthly Magazines, from 18(?.» 75, as follows :— Three Articles on New- foundland ; A Geological Discovery in New- foundland : A Trip to the Old Land ; Burns's Natal Day ; Columbus : Thoughts, Facts and Fiincies ; Man. the Worker ; Human Pro- gress—Is it Real ? Pompeii (two articles) ; The B518(0. The Reciprocity Treaty, First Prize Essay. Que- bec : Hunter, Rose & Co., il«4. Valuators" Tal)le.s for the use of Building So- cieties. Toronto : Hunter, Ro«e & Co., 1!<73. The appearance and decline of malarious disease in the valley of the Grand River. Hamilton Association, IKoH. Canadian Journal, January, 19%. The Census of Canada. Canadian it;ntkly,l^i3. The discovery of I^ake Superior. Magazine of American Hittory, June, ISft'')- 7 Champlain's Endeavour to reach Hudson Bay by the Ottawa in 101:}. /6irf.. Mareh. 1S86. The Cruel Piant iPhysianthus albena). Natuial History Society, Toronto (Biological section, Canadian Institute). 2Vun«ae(ton* Canadian Initituie, 1889. Outlines of the Geology of Northwest Lake Superior. Ibid; .■Vpril. 1890. L'Etat de la Population d'Origine Franyaise du Canada. Cuiiipte-RenJudu Cmijren dt Philolugi* Komane, Mt>Dtp«lier (FraDce;, 1890. Celtic, Roman and Greek Types, still existent in France, with notes on the I^angue d'Oc. TruiiiactiiiuH Camidiaa lii»tiluU:,lSiiil-9], Bone Caves. Ibid., October, 1891. The Enterprise of Christopher Columbus. Miigazliie uf Anifriraii Hiilory, January iinJ Februao". 1892. The Pytliagorean Philosophy. TrtinxactiiDix Atlronnmieal and Phyiiical Sacietv "f Tonnilu.Wil. The Height of an Auroral Arch. Ibid., 1893. The Antarctic Regions of the Earth and of Mars. Ibid.. 18W. A Physical Catastrophe to America. Canadian Magazine, April, 1891. Hay. Geo. V. Life and Work of Professor C. Fred. Hartt. Natural Hiatury Society Proceeding*, 1882, St. John. N. B. New Brunswick Flora, chiefly of the River St. John and its Tributaries. Ibid., 1883-189 i, St. John, N. B. The Botany of Northern New Brunswick. Proceeding* American Anoeialiunfor AdviiHcement of Science, 1886. Hay, Geo. V.—Contimutl. Marine Algw of New Brunswick. Tranttielioni Royal Soriely of Cn%nda, ?ol. T., «•«. 4.. 1887. History of Botany in New Brunswick. IbiiL, \ol X.. «M. 4. 1892. Ideal School UiHcipline, and How to Secure it. pT'tceedingt Dominion Educational Atnteiatiun, Montreal. 1»1K2. Various papers on Education and Natural Science. Educational Heriew, Tol». I-VII-, St. John, N. B. HoflTniann, G. ("hriMtian. The Eucalypts of Australia (on the essential oils, kino and manna, etc., obtained therefrom, and suitability of the bark of certain species of the same for paper-making), with an appendix on the essential oils of certain species of the genus Melalenca, and other indigenous Victorian plants. A (taper read before the Montreal Col- lege of Pharinaiy, February fi, IHTIi Mitchell and Wilson, Montreal. 1H7.J. 8vo.f p. .%, 2 plates. In the Reports of fhf (ieologiciil Survey of Canaila : Chemical Contributions to the Geology of Canada, Report of Progress, 1874 75, pp. 313 319; ibid., 1875-76, pp. 419 4;J2; ibid., 1878-7t», pp. 1-25h ; ibid., 1879-8(), pp. 1-21H ; ibid., 1H8U81 82, pp. 1 16h ; ibid., 1882-83-84, pp. pp. 1 IOmm. Annual Reports (New Series) vol. i., 1885, pp. l-iUM ; ibid., vol. II., 1886, pp. 1-12t; ibid., vol. III., 1887-88, pp. 1-.58T; ittid., vol. IV., \fm-iV, pp. lti8K ; ibid., vol. v., 1889-1)0 91, pp. 1-72K. On Canadian Graphite, Report of Progress, 187(>-77, pp. 489 512. On Canadian Apatite, Report of Progress, 1877-78, pp. 1-14H. On the Coals and Lignites of the Northwest Territory, Report of Progress, 1882-811-84, pp. 1 44.M. Catalogue of Section 1 of the Museum of the Geological Survey of Canada. Einbmcing the systematic collection of miiienils, and the col- lections of economic niinerjils and rocks and specimens illustrative of structural geology. Ottawa : S. E. Dawson, Queen's IMnter, 1898. 8vu., pp. 256, with loldinR plan of room. In the Transact iuns of the Rvynl Society of Canada : On a specimen of Canadian Native Platinum. Vol. v., sec. 3, 1887. On the Hygroscopicity of Certain Canadian Fossil Fuels. Vol. VII., sec. 3, 1889. Annotjited List of the Minerals occurring in Canada. Vol. vii., sec. 3, 1889. On a peculiar form of Metallic Iron found on St. Josephs Island, Lake Huron, Ontario. VoL VIII., sec. 3, 1890. Hale, Horatio. United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838 to 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Vol. vii. Ethno- graphy and Philolog}'. Philadelphia : Lea &, Blanchard, 1R46. 4to., pp. ff?8. Toe author was philologist to the expedition. KOYAL SOriETY OF CANADA 45 Hale, nitntUt. —Ctmtinved. Hiawatba and the InxfuniN Cmiff deration. A paiKT read at the annual meeting of the Ainer- iran Assofiatiiin for the Advanieiiienl of Soient-e in AufOiNt, IHXl, under the title of "A l^aw- Sfiver of the Stone Age." Pi'Mfrdiitoi of tkr AMtricilu Am»clilliiiM, IWI. Reprinted in pamphUt form. TheSiilem Pretu.lAgl. 8vo. pp. 2(J. Indian Migrations ais Evidenced >>y I^iiiguaKe. Read at the Montreal meeting of the American AsMociation in August, 1SH2. Thf Amtriciin Aaii'imiriun for January and April> 1883. Reprinted in pamphlet, Chieac« : JameeoD k MorM, 8vo., pp. 27. The Tutelo Trib*- and I.anj^a(;;e. Repriiite/ iKt AmrriciiH Philffiphicul Sueirti/, Philadelphia, March, 1W3 8vo.. pp. 47. The Iro(|uoi.s Book of Rites. With an introduc- tion on the hi.story, customs and language of the Huron-Iroquois nation.s. Volume No. 'J f Biinlnn'ii Liltruni "/ Ahnrigiiiill AmeririiH Liter, rure. Philadelphia, D. U, Brinton. 18U. 8ro..pp.Z». On Some Doubtful or Intermediate Articulations. J'lurniil of the Aiitkrt>inil<>giiiil Initlilute of Grvnt Britain and Irtlnnd, February, ISS."!. 8»o., pp. 12. Chief George H. M. .Johu.son— Onwanon^yshon : His Life and Work among the Si.\ Nations. With jKjrtraits and other illustrations. Mngiiiinv nf Amtriviin IJifluru, February, 1880. 8vo., pp. 12. Report on the Blackfoot Trilies. Prei)ared for the British As.sociation for the Advancement of Science as the First Report of a Committee on the Northwestern Tribes of Canada. Proceedings of the Anoeintion fur 1885. Reprinted in N', 1SS6, under the title of "The Origin of Primitive .Money." 8vo., pp. 11- The Origin of Languages and the Antiquity of Speaking Man. An ader rea«l l>e- fore the Canadian Institute, Toronto, April, IKHS. Proeredimf' of the I'anadnin InMitute, aod reprinted in p.imphlet by the Copp-CUrk Co., Toronto, 184. 8vo., pp. ii. Race and Language. Read at the annual meet :iig of the American .V.sKiM-iation in 1SK7, under the title of "The True Basis of Ethnology." Popular Science Monthli/, January, 1*48. The .4ryans in Science and History. Read at the annual meeting of the .\merican .AssfK-iation in l.SSH. tUd., .March, 18*. 8vo., pp. 15. Remarks on N<»rth American Ethnology : intro- ductory to the Fifth RejK)rt of the Committee of the British Association on the Northwestern Tribes of Canada. Priireedingt of the Aotoeia'ion for 1889. 8to., pp. 5. Huron Folk-lore. No. 2. The Story of Tijaiha, the Sorcerer. Journal of American Folk-lore, October and De- cember, 1889. 8ro., pp. 6. An International Idiom : A Manual of the Oregon Trade-language or Chinook Jargon. I.A>ndon : Whittaker & Co., 18W). 12mo., pp. 03. Was America Peopled from Polynesia ? A Study in Comparative Philology. Proeeedingt of the Intematioaal Oongreft of Ameri- ca niUn. Berlin, October, 1889. Reprinted in pamphlec, Berlin : H.C. Hermann, 1890 8vo., pp. 15. " Above" and " Below " : A Mythological Disea-se of Language. Journal of Amtrican Fitlk-lnre, July and Se|>tem- ber, 18'Jt). 8vo., pp. 13. Remarks on the Ethnology of British Columbia : Introductory to the Fifth Report of the Com- mittee of the British .\sso<'iation on the North- western Tril>es of Canada. Proeeeding» of the Aiu'tclatioH, 1990. 8to., pp 10. Huron P^olk-lore. No. 3. The Legend of the Thunderers. J«urH((/ «/^>«CT-*ctii- KihiioloKj: Intnxluctnry t«» the KiKhtli Report of the ("onimittee <»f the Hrifi^^h ANMtriatioii on the Northwt'>it«Ti» TrllieH of AllMTlfft. I'rorrniinuf ni ik' A'tiiciiilmm tut 19U, 4to., pp. 5. The Kliiiiiitth Nation. SeirHc* for Jkoaary 1, ^, and 1% 189?. The Full of HfxheliiKft : A Study of Popular , Trailition. A paper prepare*! for the Interna- tional Con>fre>*s of Aiitlin>(>oloKy, held at the " Worlds Coluntbtan ExpoMition," at Chicago, in IHUa. Mfmoin of tkr CimffrrvnChientto: Tbe Sehalta Pub- lilhiriR Co.. •tid to the Juumal uf AmrricuH t'lUk l»rr for March, 1804, pp. 15. An International Soientitic Catalogue and Con- frreKS. ,S'. iflKe for March, 18 «. JittiiiKoii, .Alexander. //( //i»' TruiiMurfioHH of thr Iiot/(il Soriffy of Canada: Synunetrical Investigation of the Curvature of Surfaces. Vol. i.. Sec. 3, 1S82. Report on the Preparations at Montreal for Ob- serving the Transit of Venus of December 6, lHH-2. Vol. I., Sec. :'., IHXJ. Presidential Address to the Third Section of the Society. Vol. III., Sec. -i. \iefore Mechanics Institute on "Montreal," IAt.'! Report on St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junc- tion Railway, 18o:i. Report on Toronto Water Works, as Referee, 18.>4. Lecture before Mechanics' Institute. Montreal, on " The Ottawa, " 1854. Report on Hamilton Water Works, 1855. Report on Dredging in Lake St. Peter and Har- lK)ur of Montreal, as Harbour Engineer, 18,t5. Report on Halifax Water Works. Report on Water Supply for the City of Toronto, 18.57. Report on Harbour, St. John, N.B., 18150. Report on Water Works, Queln-c, 1860. Report on Harbour, Richibucto, N.B. Report on Water Works. Dartmouth, N.S. i Report on Water Works, Ottawa, 1860. Ten letters in favour of " all rail " versus " water stretches " for the Canadian Pacitic Railway, l.SOO-1870. Report on Water Works, London, Ont. Report on Water Works. St. Catharines, Ont. HandlHxtk for Canadian Commission, Paris Ex- hit)ition, 1K78. Report as Executive Commi.ssioner for Paris Ex- hibition of 1878-1870. Report a.s Chairman Flood Commission, Mon treal, 1886-88. Address as President Canadian Society Civil Engineers, Montreal, 1887. Address as President American Society Civil Engineers, Milwaukee. 1888. Paper on Canadian Waterways to the Atlantic, read before World's Water Commerce Congress at Chicago, 189:j. The Canals of Canada. 7V>iH*netir>n» Royal S'teiety of Canada, Vol. IX., Sec. 3, ISte. ROYAL S(XJIKTY OP (^ANADA 47 Kin|c«n>r«l. William. History, Stnutun- nnd SlAtiHtlcHof IMank K4»ad«< in the I'nitetl SuteM an I Canada, i'liila di-lpliiH, MCrl. l. 28. Itiipr«-N'eniiit;: l»a«- ••age of tlrst train, 24th Xovfm»)er, IHjO. T'inimtu Lfitiirr, December 1, 1859. Death of Alexander Mackenzie Ro**.**, EnRineer Victoria Kridgc. Ib,>f., Aii«a«t27, 1W2. Repriiilod in Tmntortinn* iif CirU Engintrrt nf ('.i«..rf... l*r.>, p. 2:j. Kritanno- Roman Epigraptiy. A review of Hri- tan no lion inn In.seriptions, with critical note.s by the Hev. John McCaul, LL.D., Toronto. /*.W..1863. The Ijate Stewart Derbi.shire. //<•>/., .April 2, 1M3. The Geological Survey of Canada. Review of Sir Williiim Lo^an'H rejKjrt of progre.^s from its coninienceinent to iHKi. Ibid., 1H63. Canadian (Jeology. Review of Dr. Chapman's " Popular and Prjwticnl Kxjiosition of tlie Mineralogy and Geology of Canada." //.../.. 1W54 The Xew Poems of Charles Mackay. Review of "Studies from the Antique." /W./., 1864. The Canadian Canals. Their history and cost, with an inquiry into the policy necesssary to advance the well-being of the province. To- ronto, ISlVj. 8yo., pp. 191. A Trip to Fort William. Tnmntn Leadfr, .\Bgu8t 7, 1S65. The I^te Henry .John Riiymond, of N» a- York. Unntrtiil .Vf'c*, 1809. The Canadian Canals. A series of Articles, Xos. I. to IX. (^tiHiidian Moiiet'iru Timet, May to Aagust, 1S69. The True History of I^dy Byrons Life. A re- view of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Edward, Dnke of Kent. A review of the life, by Dr. Anderson, Quebec. Toronto Lender, June 2, 1871. Report of. St. Lrfiwrence and Ottawa Raihvay Extension to Pembroke. Examination from Hull to Pembroke and Deep River. 1872. 8vo. The Great West of the Dominion. Review of narrative by Rev. Geo. M. (irant of Mr. Sand- ford '!eming's expedition through Canada to the Pacific Ocean in 1H72. Montrtiil Gazette, 1872. A Canadian Political Coin. A monograph. Ot- tawa. 1K74, pp. 24. The Early Days of Three Rivers. Hone-Brlford fiiaiidion Monthly itiid NatioiKil "^-" ■ /<«-(>»r. Toronto, November, 1880. Vol. v. , pp. 44!» 480. Klnipifitrtl. William. Crmtinu^ff. John .lohnnton, of Sault Saint Mary. .\ pa-xsage of Canadian Hintury. HiK»-B»lford t'lmndiiiH Mtftklu nmd .V>if|i.itfi/ ^•rx-w, Jul7,lt01. Vol. ni.,pp. 1-8. The Saguenay and I^ke Saint .fohn. /&■sdale&Co., IHHB. SmHil 8ti>., pp. 118. Gu.stavus W. Wicksteed, t^.C, on his retirement from tlic lIou.H4- of Common^. (Jttiiirii rifaf-n, February 12. 1H87. Rome in Canada. Review of work of Mr. Charles Lindsey, of Toronto. ToroHto Mo, I, M»y U, IHNt). Translation of Addreiw* of the Abbe J. C. K. I,a Hamme, M.A , D.D., Professor of Laval L'ni versity. Vice President of the Itoval .Society of Cauiuia. DeliveriMl at a public meeting of the Sp. 2ri. The Moral and .Social Organization of Kducatii n. Review of translation of Prof. (». D. Fei>;uson, Queens University, Kingston. The W«A-,Tnn>nto. 1891. Louis Jo'^eph Papineau. Review of Brochure of M. de Celles. mtnem, March 1. 1892 The Early Bibliography of the Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, with other in- fi>rniation. A Supplemental Chapter of Cana- dian Anhieology. Toronto: Row.sell A; Hutchi- son ; .Montreal : E. Picken, l^ri. Small 8vo., pp. HO. The I.«ite Mr. Murdo Mclver MoHtreol Hrrald. July, ISiG. Sir Daniel Wilson. In Memoriam. Trdiit'ielioni Hoyiil Sorirtu of Cmi'idn, Vol. XI., Sec. 2. imf. For the various ReyKirts furnislied to the Gov- ernment, and for the .servici's of Dr. Kingsford as Engineer in charge of HarlK>urs in the Pro- vinces of Ontario and Qufl)e<-, until lie left the department in l!^), iK-twct-n the years 1S47 and ISSfl, see SiHcial Report of Public Wvrks, 1890. p. 2:1. The Historj of Canada. Vol. i., from ItiOH to 16KJ; Vol. 11., U575t 172.5; Vol. in., 1726 17.56; Vol. IV., 17.5(> ntKJ ; Vol. v., 17«:M77.5; Vol. vi., 1776-177!); Vol.vii., 1779 \W,. Svo., Vol. I., pp. xi. + 4fi8: Vol. II., pp. xi. -f- 564; Vol. in., pp. viii. -i- 578; Vol. iv., pp. xiv. -|- 58i ; Vol. v., pp. XTi. + 492; Vol. VI., pp. xii- x523: Vol. vir., pp. XIX. -1-5:6. Vol. in. iv. v. vi. and vn. with map?. Two volumes to complete the work. 48 BIHIiKKJUAPHY OF THK Ktrtiy. WillUm. (oiinrfr .VfHiiiffHto to the Atiiifxa) iitnintn of Muntrviil. Publiiihffi in (lamphM (nrm hjr the <)d Kinpiro l^yali.xtM. r'» «./>//. /M MttkodiM Jtf'iftzta*. Toronto, .\pril and Mar. iHHi. Thp(iolil<*ri 1)<»K. \ LeK«'i"l of Qiu'Ih"*-, Nt^w York and .Vtoiitrt-al. IHiTe by Pamphilr Ln May. Moritrt%l : Imprimerie ilc TEtanilard. ISftt. MftiioirsofServfw Family. Toronto: W. HiifcgH, Cnniidian Idyls. Puhliaheil separately in Pamphlet form. A8«cond Kilition in 1S0», Hvo., pp. 175, Welland.Ont. The Sparrows. NMa^ara, Dt-ccmlHT, lK7t(. Doad .Sea Rows. Toronto : \V. KrinKs. 1H7H. The HunKry Year. Toronto : W. HriK««, H^M. Stony Cn-ek. Tonmto : W. FirijiK'*. •**>• Qiu'en'H Birlliday and Spina ChriHli. Toronto, RoseH«-lford Co., IHHl. The Bells of Kirby Winkc and The fiOrds Supper in the Wilderness. Toronto, Rose Bel ford Co., 1882. The Harvest Moon. Toronto, Rowe-Belford Co., IHKJ. Pontia*-, A.D. ITffJ. XiaK.ira : \V. Kirby, 1«K7. Bnshy Run, A.D., 17«B. NiaKara : W. Kirby, 1HK7. Afldress, V. K. Loyalist Centennial at Xiajrara, August 14th, IHHl. Tonmto: i{f>se Publishing Co., 1HH.5. AIho in 2nd Edition of Canadian Idyll, lS9t. Memoir of Hon. .J. B. Plumb in ReprisTed.'* On the Visit of the .Vlan|uis of Ix>rne to the North- west. On the Departure of His Kxrellency The Muniuiit of I/>rne and the Prince- s IxiuiMe, (k-tolwr 27th, IHKI. Montmorency. On a photograph, Mra. M. I^-Moine, Qucdjec. Brut-k's Seat. Lnndys l,anc. .National Song, Canadians Forever, iHtr?. liMHainiiio, .Mkc. •!. <'. K. Age de la chute Montmorency. AnHuatrf it'- r/MtttuI fiin-iilirn. So S, IH'H. Klements de Mineralogie et de (M*ologie. Kdite par M. P. (J. Delisle, iHHl. Ije ('anada d'autrefois. Kst|uisse geotM auriferes U Gfoiiraphie ilf Quittre, Tome I., 1»«5. Note sur les contacts des formations paleozoKjuea et archeennes de la Province de Quel>ec. M/ni'iiri'i itrUl S'H-i't^ rntinl'; Tome IV., .Sl'C. 4, IHHfi. Michel .Samizin. Sa biographie, ses Iravaux Hcientitlques. IbU.. Tome v.. See. 4. 18.S7. 1^ ga/ naturel de la Province de Quebec. y/m/.. Tome VI , .Sec. 4, W-^. Travail sur le» cours dits d'extension uni versitaire. Ihid , Tome IX.. Sec. 4, 1891. Etude sur le Dr T. S. Hunt. J hiiL, Tome \., pp. xlvii.-i ii. Keprodaite aveo additions dang I'Annunirr ih V U»i- vertiti Lnval, So. 36. Metallurgie eleclrique. Canada- FrancdVf, Tome I. Chroniques scientitiques. IhiiL, Tomes n., iii. et iv- La poesie chez les plantes. Dans le volume inti- tule : A la memoire de A. Lusignan. Mont- r<«l : Desauiniers et I.ieV)lanc, lrtl>2. Notions sur I'electricite et le magnetisme. Que- bec : A. C6t« et Cie, 1HB3. KOYAL S(MlhrrY OF « ANA DA 49 |j«ll«miiir, Mffr. J. V. K.- ContiHUrti, I. KiMiulix rKe. On lUf ArrarwhA f>f Rriisil. U'ifh l«-tt*r from M. l>»T«i»n«' f»f I . is. On f he (»y Mr. HfWf'H Cottrt'll WatiioirK re- iniirks on t iie ntt-fiilnfMH of a fVricMliritl (ifvolt-il Ut Bi'i(i)*>i l{. Ib„l.. Vol. II.. pp. 4t: 119, IfIMb Nol^ on Miniulu> liitrns. AtW.. Vol. II.. p. V*\. DMA. On the Oriurrencp of I'yniln rot iindi folia, Al chpniilla nipiiia, an*! V'iolii Iiit4-;t ;. on Sidlitw Hills, F'orfiirHhiri'. //.I./., Vol. II , p. .W, HW. On »i .VIonstniMity of Carditiniiii' |irHt«'ti>ih. //..(/., Vol. II.. p. 379, \nyi\. Otcurri'iice of h New V'iiri»'t> of Silfiie inHata in Fifeshirc. /Wrf.,Vol. II..P. 89. 1S46. A New (locality in S'otlanii for RuHrusarnlfiitiiK. Ih,d., Vol. II ,p. nara, Linn. /A.J . Vol. ii..p. 418, 1M»6. • N'oti'H on Viola odorata and its occurronc«' in Fifenhire, etc. Ml'/.. Vol. II., pp. 863, 1*46. Notite of a Black Swan <("yji ni((«>r) shot in the Valley of K«»rcr. fuHtinurtt. (NiMervatlonN on the F'loral Chantc^it of lh« Prv H«'nl Il«y ill relation to Pant ( hantren of tb» Firth's Fh>ra. Presidential Aiidresn to thx . sphiproMtAchya (W. Ik. (t. of hiih. Xfanunl.) H-^rry, RiAnnienl Om»Hti , Vol. i . pp. 3I^.;6, \%4ia. The ll«iyal Water Lily of .South America (Victoria n-ifiai and th<- Water Lilii-s of our own Ivitn!. F/linlMirKh : lioKK. HHl. Pp. Iim. Z coli.iired plates. On Plants collected on Wikndsworth Coriinion in IK'tl (new cither to KiiKlantl or to the London «lislrict», .Melilotiis |Htrviltor;i, .Scorpiiinis sub villosus, Trifoliuin iKhroleiicuni, .Vnacharis al siiiast ruin ( I Mora < 'anadensiM), etc. /'r'Or>/i«o« R'tl"»iral S-nirtii '•! Kilinhuruk, IH,'>|. On the iK'currcn'-e of "■ Cinchoiiiu-eous tilaiids" in (falia<'eii', and on the relatioiin of that Order to t'inchotiaceic. .'ti»n"/« III .\.iiiir4. Part II . |i. ',1>. * On liot.ation in the Cells of Plants. Jtmrnal nt Micr'ttfipiral S'ltmrr, V"i| n. pp. 54- Hfi, 18.51. Kavum'^ in Kngli'k Cylupwidtt. .Natural Hiitory DivJHion. Vol. i.. "(^ycjonia." • Report on the .Miisci and Desiniileie collected duri'iK the trip of the F^iinburKh rniversity Bota ural Class to Falkland and the I/oinond Hi" . Fife. .Iiine. IKV). Pritrrtitingn RitUmieal Soeifty «/ K'iinhurgh, 18.>5, pp. 75-81- On .Species of Bryum. viz., B. caiophylluin. Mar rattii, Warneiini, and on I)idyino—ytiHKal .Ve»*"iice, Vol. IV., pp 163-165. 1K5«. On ')rthotrichum phyllanr hum, Brachytheciuni micropiis anr. ("arpenter's view as to aljsence of true secretion in jilants, and point- iiiK out hoinolojfy of secretinj; cells with epider- mal cells). /fei/.. Vol. v.. pp 212-214, 18.57. — ^ — - r^ - so BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TlIK Lawson. Oeorjjfe.— CoH^iiiuf*/. On Diatomacetf of Braemar (with Dr. R. K. Greville and Prof. J. Hutton Balfour). Ibid., Vol. v., pp. 45 54, 1857. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, (with Preface by Prof. J. D. Forbes, secretary*. Edinburgh : Printed for the So ciety, 1857. Notice of the Occurrence of Hypnuni rugiilosum, Web. et Mohr, on Deniyat, Ochils. TranttKtiont Botanical Soeietv ••/' Edinhnrgh, Vol. Tl.. p. 26,1857. British Agriculture, illustrated hy the actual account.s of the tenant of a Midlothian farm, for a series of years, abstracted so as to show expense of cultivation of, and revenue or loss from, every crop, etc. Edinburgh : Ednionstoa & Douglas, iHoS. The British Mo.s.scs, illustrated by the Nature- printing Proces. (When th* printing of this work wag nearly eoiu- pleted, in the year 1S58, it« issae was prevented by the sudden death of a member of the publishing firm that had acquired the copyright, and consequently the book has not been published.) Note on Cryphiea (Daltonia> Lamyana, Montague. Transact ioriM Botanical Socirlu o/ Edinburgh, Vol. VI, p. 30. 1858. Remarks on the Distribution of Plants in the Northern States, Canada, and the Hudson's Bay Company's Territories. /fti(/.. Vol. VI., p. 41, 1858. Notice of the Produce of the Olive Crop in the Inland of Corfu during the past season (1H.57). /6id., Vol. VI., p. 42, 1858. Notice of Plants collected in the Isle of Skye by Drs. Smith and Gilchrist. ytK/., Vol. VI., p. 44. 1858. On Mollugo Cerviana. /6irf., Vol. VI., p. 45, 1858. * Remarks on Lepas anatifera. Linn. AnnaU of Natural Historp, Vo! n., pp. 172 175, l'tf8. * Further Observations on Dust Showers. Transact i^ttu Btttanienl Society of Edinburph,Xo\, v.. pp. 205-207. 1858. List of Plants found at Tayport, Fife, in Septem- ber. 1&58. Jbid., Vol. VI., pp. 217-218. Notice of a few Plants collected in the vicinity of Stirling (Scotland). Ibid., Vol. VI., pp. 73-74, 1858. Remarks on M. Montague "s specimen of Crjphiea I^n)yana, Mont. ^feirf.Vol. VI., p. 117. 1858. * Remarks on the Microscopical Structure of Cot- ton Fibre with reference to Mr. Gilbert .1. French's proposed improvements in Spinning. Ibid., Vol. VI.. pp. 8-14, 1857. * Contributions to Microscopical Analysis No. 1. Tobacco. Ibid., Vol. VI., pp. 2V26. 1857. _._ LitWKon, Gettrge. —Continued. ' Contributions to Microscopical Analysis No. 2. Celastrus scandeus, Linn., with Remarks on the Colouring Matters of Plants. TramacliirHt Rotanieal Societu of Edinliurgh, Vol VI., pp. 362-.^>«, 1960. ANo in Edinburgh AVir PhiloKophical Journal. Vol. XIU, pp. 52-58, 18fiO. Bailey's Circular; Monthly Treatises on the Field Crops of Britain. Edinburgh, IftoT-.V. " On Macadamia, Muller, a new genus of Pro- teace»'. Tranaactions Rotanirnl Society of Edinburgh. Vol. vi.,pp. 36-37, 1858. Address at opening of Agricultural Exhibition in Crystal Palace. Kingston. SeptemlHT, lH.Tf). Canadian AgrieuUvriHt, 1859. On a New Dye (resembling cochineall obtained from the black spruce Aphi.s. Annah of th- Bolaiiinil .<'o<-iiti/ of (^anada, 1S60. Oil iiaphanus caudatus, description with figure. norticulturiil. New York, 1860. * On the Structure and Development of Botry- dium granulatuni. Tninmetionn Botanical Sorletp of Edinburgh, Vol. VI., pp. 424-431, plate XII. iV«r PhiloKophical Journal, Edinburgh, Vol. xii., pp. 2iK5-213,H60. _ , Oil .\phis Avenif. Canadian Naturalist, Vol. vii., pp. 2fi4-277. 1862. • Some account of Plants collected in the Counties of Leeds and Grenvillc, Upper Canada, in -luly, l!«2. Transaclions Botanical Society of Edinburgh, VoL VII.. pp. 468-470, 186?. Edinburgh Ncr Philotophlcal Journol, Vol. xvil., pp. 197-208, I8ta. • Note on Lemaiiia variegata. Agardh. Transactions Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Vol. VII., pp. 521-524, imi. Edinburgh Ntic PhUo^ophtcil .foumot. Vol. XVII.. pp. 30-34. 1863. * Synopsis of the Canadian Species of Equisetum. Transactions Botanical Sorifty of Edinburgh, Vol. VII., pp. 558-564, 1863. Botanical Science— Record of Progress. Canadian " 'turalint. New Series, Vol. I., Article i., 1864. Diatomaces' of the District of Braemar, (with PiT)f. .7. H. Balfour and Dr. R. K. Greville). Tranxactions Botanical .Society of Edinburgh , Vol. v., pp. 45-54. On the Applications of Botany to Ornamental Art. /6td.,Vol. v.,p. 177. Notice of the Occunence of Hyjmum rugulosum, Web. et Mohr, on Demyat, t)cliils, / /6i(/., Vol. vi.,p. 2a Note on Crj-plia-a (I) iltoiiia) Ljimyaua. Montague. Ibid., Vol. VI., p. 30. Synopsis of the Canadian Sjiecies of Equisetum. Ibid., Vol. VII., pp. 5)'>-5t)4. Remarks on .some Fibrous Plants of Canada, with Letters from Lord Lyons and Lord Monck in reference to the u.se of the Silk cotton of Ascle- i pias in spinning. //,iV/., Vol. VII., pp. 375-378. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA m LawfMtn, iiettrge.- Continued, * Synopsis of (.'anailian Ferns and Filicoid Plants. TriiniiflifHt Botimieal Sn'itty of KfiiiibHrgh, Vol. VIII., pp. 20-.'iO, 1W>4. Also in Edinhurgh Ntir Pkiloao- phical ./oMnm/. New Series, Vol xix., pp. 102-116 and pp. 273-2t)l. Reprinted in CunadiaH Maturalitt , Sew Series, VoL i., pp. 2ftJ-380. Notice of the Occurrence of WoodMa alpina (hyperborea) in Uaap^. Canada F^ast. Trtmrntrtloim Hutnnical Swirty of Edinburgh, Vol. vin.,p. 108,1864. Remarks on Myrica cerifera, or Candleljerry Myrtle. Ibi'l , Vol. MIL, pp. 108-lOJ, 1«64. Note on the Leaves [trifoliatej of Ulex EuropH»us, (Whint. /i.A.VoL vni.,p.l09, 1864. Translation of Paper by M. .1. Personne on the Chemical and Natural History of Lupuline, with lntro/ni Bijtanical Society of Edinburgh, Vol. viiL.pp. 324-327, 1865. On some Recent Improvements in the Amalga- mation Proce.ss forE.xtractingGold from Quartz. Traimactioiu Nova Scotian /luititutr <>/ A'atuntl Science, Vol. I. Part iv., pp. "l-7i'> 1866. Chemical .Vfipx, 1866. Notes of Analyses of Gold Coins of Columbia, New Grenada, Chili, and Bolivia. With some account of the operations of goldmining in Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada. Ch< mical Nrwx, Vol. .\vi.. pp. 145- , 1867. On Trichina spiralis in the Human Body and Tjenia pectinata in the Porcupine. Tran«acti'jH» Nura Scotion /lutitule uf Satural Science, Vol. n., Part I., p. 48, 1867. Monograph of Ratiunculaceje of the Dominion of Canada, and adjacent parts of British America. Ibid., Vol. II., Part iv., pp. 17-51, lSicacea' of the Dominion of Can- ada and adjacent part.s of British America. TraniKieluint Aot« SciAian /H-lilute uf yatural S"ir»re, Vol. III., p. 74, 1871. f)n the Geographical Range of the Species and Varieties of Canadian Rubi over the Continents of America. Asia and Europe, as indicating Possible Regions of Primitive Distribution. /hid.. Vol. III., pp. 364-266, 1874. AUo Tranmrtiom, li'itaniciil Society of Edinburgh, Vol. Xll.f pp. 111-113, 1874. Chemical R(>lations of Heat. Tr-tntaction* Nuva Smtian Inttitute of yatural SccHoe, Vol. III., pp. 436-438, 1874. Also in Chemical NeuM, Vol. XXXI. Botanical DescriptionsaccompanyingMrs. Miller's Drawings of the Wild Flowers of Nova Scotia, 2nd and 3rd Series, l^ndon : L. Reeve 4 Co. Notes on some Nova Scotian Plants : Calluna vulgaris, Sarothamnus Scoparius, Rhododen- dron maximum. TrtxHMactionii Nacea>. Part i.. Structure of Vic- toria Regia, Lindl. Part ii.. Nomenclature of Nymphteaceie. Part iii.. Synopsis of Species. TniniaetinHH Royrd Societu of Cnnada Vol. VI., Section 4, 18S8, pp. ;t7-125. Notes for a Flora of Nova Scotia. Traniacliimi Nuva SclinH InxlUute cf Ifatnra .SctVnce, New Series, Vol. i., pp. H4-lin,1891. On the Present State of Botany in Canada. Tranmetiong Royal S->eiftv >•/ Canada, Vol. IX., Section 4, 1891, pp. 17-21). Nova Scotia Register of Thoroughbred Cattle, in- cluding Bulls, Cows and Heifers of the following breeds: Short Horn, Devon, Ayrshire, Polled Angus, .Jersey, Hol.stein, Guernsey, Hereford, Galloway. Prepared and published by author- ity of the Government of Nova Scotia Halifax : Queen's Printer, 1892. Annual Reports of the Secretary for Agricultural of Nova Scotia. From 1804 to 1894. Halifax : Queen's Printer. Crop Reports of Nova Scotia. From 1888 to 1894. Halifax : Queen's Printer. [The above list does not include anonymous articles in reviews and other periodicals, cyolopaedias, etc.] licMay, L. Pamphile. Lepreuve (nouvelle). Le Journal de Quebec, nov. 1863. Essais poetiques. Quebec : G. E. Desbarats, 1865. 8vo., pp.3211. Evangeline (traduction). Quebec : P.-G. Deli.sle, 1870. 12ino., pp. 200. Poemes couronnes. Quebec : P.-G. Delisle, 1870. 12mo.,pp. 233. Les " Vengeances" (poeme). Quebec : C. Darveau, 1875. 8vo., pp. 323. Le Pelerin de Sainte-Anne (roman). Quebec : C. Darveau, 1877. 2yol.,12mo.,pp. t^51. Quelques poetes Ulettres de Lotbiniere. La Revue de Montrial. 1877. 8vo.,pp. 10. Picounac-le-maudit (ronian). Quebec : C. Dar- veau, 1878. 2 vol., 12mo., pp. 667. lieMay, L. Pamphile.— Confintc^cJ. Une perle, (poesies). Quebec : C. Darveau, 1879. 12mo., pp. 232. Fables canadiennes. Quebec : C. Darveau, 1881. 12mo., pp. 351. Petits poemes. Quebec : C. Darveau, 1883. 12mo., pp. 264. Le chien d'or (traduction), (roman). Montreal : L'Etendard, 1884. 2 vol.,8vo., pp. 777. L'atTaire Sougraine (roman). Quebec : C. Dar- veau, 1884. I2mo., pp. 458. Tonkouron, (edition corrig^e de " Les Ven- geances"). Quebec : C. Darveau, 1888. 12mo., pp. 295. Rouge et bleu (comedies). Quebec : C. Darveau, 1891. 12mo.,pp 288. Fables (edition corrigee). Quebec : C. Darv^eau, 1891. llmo.> pp. 287. Ikins les Meinoires de la Societe royale du Canada : Le bien pour le mal. Tome i.. Sec. 1, 1882. Les derniers seront les premiers. Hommage k Son Honneur Rodrigue Masson, lieutenant- gouverneur de la province de Quebec. Tome ill.. Sec. 1, 1885. Hosanna. Tome v.. Sec. 1, 1887. Par droit chemin. Tome vi.. Sec. 1, 1888. Les Souffrants. Tome vi.. Sec. 1, 1888. Agar et Ismael. Tome x.. Sec. 1, 1892. Legentlre, Napoleon. Sabre et Scalpel. Roman. Montreal: 1872. Albani. Biographic. Quebec : 1874. A mes Enfants. Quebec : 1875. Echos de Quebec. Quebec : 1877. Notre Constitution et nos Institutions. Mont- real : 1878. Les perce-neige premieres. Poesies. Quebec : 1886. Dans les Memoires de la Societe royale du Canada : La province de Quebec et la langue franijaise. Tome II., Sec. 1, 1884. Les Races In;ligenes de I'Amerique devant I'his- toire. Ihid. La Race Franpaise en Amerique. Tome iii.. Sec. 1, 188.5. Autrefois et Maintenant. Ihid. L'Anatomie des Mots. Ihid. La Cloche. Tome v., 1887. La langue que nous parlous. Ibid. Realistes et Decadents. Tome viii., Sec. 1, 1890. La Femme dans la Societe moderne. Ibid. Dans le Canada-fran^ais, Quebec : Le realisme en litterature. Tome i., 1888, p. 143. La l^gende d'un peuple. Par Louis Frechette. Ibid., p. 304. P^lerinage au pays de TEvangeline. Par I'abbe H.-R. Casgrain. Ibid., p. 317. mmmmmm mmm BOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 33 I, et le comte de Dufterin a872-78>. Tome VII., Sec. 1, pp. 18, 1889. Le general Murray, le premier gouverneur An- glais, a Quebec. Tome viii.. Sec. 1, pp. 18, 1890. LaeMoine. James MaePher«)on. — Continued. Etude Ethnographique des elements qui con.sti- tuent la population de la province de Quebec. Tome X.. Sec. 1. pp. 12, 1892. L'Administration de Lord Elgin, pp. 10, 1893. Legendary Lore of the Lower St. Lawrence. Quebec : Geo. T. Car}-, 1862. 12nio., pp. 34. Maple Leaves— History, Archeology, Ist series. Quebec : Hunter, Rose & Co., 1863. 8vo., pp. 104. Maple Leaves— History, Archteology, 2nd series. Quebec : Hunter, Rose & Co., 1864. 8vo., 224. Maple Leaves— History, Archa^ologj-, .Srd series. Quebec : Hunter, Rose & Co., 1P6.5. 8to„ pp. 137. The Tourist's Note Book, Ist edition. Quebec : Middleton & Dawson, 1870. 12mo., pp. 128. .Jottings from Canadian Hi^^tory. 1871. Ste>eart'» Quarterly Magazine, St. John.N.B. The Sword of Brigadier General R. Montgomery. Quebec : Middleton & Dawson, 1870. 12ino., pp. 36. Trifles from my Portfolio, 1872. Dominion Siunthly, Montreal. Quebec Past and Present. Quebec : A. Cote et Cie, 1876. 8to., pp. 465. The Tourist's Note Book, 2nd edition. Quebec : F. X. Garant et Cie, 1876. pp. 60. The Chronicles of the St. Lawrence. Montreal : J. W. Lovell. Dawson Bros., 1876. 8vo., pp. 386. The Scot in New France. Inaugural address to Literar>- and Historical Society, Quebec, 1879. pp.42. Glimpses of Quebec (1749-.tO). Inaugural address to Literary and Historical Society, Quebec, 1880. 8vo , pp. 42. Edinburg, Rouen, York. Inaugural address to Literary and Historical Society, Quebec, 1881. pp. 58. Picturesque Quebec. A Cyclopedia of Canadian History. Montreal : Dawsou Bros., 1882. 8vo., pp. 535. Brighton, the Queen of the English Watering Places. Scurljorough, the Northern Empress of the Seaside. Versjiilles. the Lion Mount of Waterloo. Inaugural address to Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1882. pp. 11. Our Wild Flowers. Quebec: Morning Chronicle, 188.5. 12mo., pp. 34. The Tourists Note Book, 3rd edition. Quebec : C. Darveau, 1887. ]2mo. pp. 60. Canadian Heroines, Madame de Champlain, Madame de la Tour, Mile de Vercheres. Ad- dress read before the Canadian Club, in New- York. Nap. Thompson k Co., 1887. Canadian Leaves, pp. 27. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE LieMoine, James MacPherson.— ConrtnKfd. The Touri-st's Note Book, 4th edition. Quebec : C. Darveau, IHHtf. pp. 68. Muple leaves, 5th serieK. L. P. Demers & Co., 1889. The Toarist's Note Book. 5th edition. Quebec: C. Darveau, 189a pp. 150. The Sword of Brigadier-General Richard Mont- gomery, 2nd edition. Quebec : Daily Telegraph, 18»1. 12ino. pp. 36. The Birds of Quebec. A popular lecture, deliver- ed before the Natural History Society, at Mont- real, 1891. "The Land we Live In." Addres.s, as Chairman of the Cit izen's Committee, at Quebec, to Pre- sident and members of American Forestry Association, 1891. pp. 4. liondon, James. On TrUinear Co-ordinates. CiinaJinn Journal, May, 1871, pp. 62-63. On the Stability of Floating Bodies. /iirf., Awrost, 1S71. p. 135. Notes on Statics. Ibid., February, 1872, pp. 231-231; May, M73, pp. 546-550. Loan Tables. By Cherriraan and Loudon. To- ronto, 1873. Algebra. Parti. Toronto, ^S73. Notes on Mechanics. Cnnmiian Journal, March, 1875, pp. 351-355. Algebra for Beginners. Toronto : Copp, Clark & Co., 1876. Note on Ventilation. Canadian Journal, .Ja.nua.ry.lS'ii, p. 645. Notes on Relative Motion. 76 W., 1881, pp. 231-235. ^. Euler's Equations of Motion. /Wrf., 1881, pp. 95-96. Notes on Relative Motion. American Juumal of Mathematicg, Vol. III., pp. 174-178. Geometrical Methods chiefly in the Theory of Thick I^enses. Procrediimt Canadian fnttitute, March, 1885, pp. 7-18. Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Refraction at one or more Spherical Surfaces. Philogophical M'tgatinr, 1884, pp. 485-494. Notes on Mathematical Physics. Transactions Rrjyal Society of Canada, Vol. Vll., Sec. 3, 1889, pp. 7-9, A National Standard of Pitch. Ibid., pp. 11-12. MacCabe, John A. English Grammar for the use of Schools. Hali- fax : A. & \V. Mackinlay, 1874. r2mo., pp. 175- MacCabe, Juhn A.—Continued. Practical Lessons in English. (Canadian Edi- tion. Toronto : Gage & Co., 1883. 12mo.,pp. i(A>. Hints for I^inguage Lessons and Plans for (Jram- mar liessons. Boston : Ginn & Co.. 1892. 12iiio. , pp. 60. Macoun, John. On the Physical Character of the East Riding of Northumberland County, Ont., with a list of plants found therein. AnnaU of Kingitton Botanical Society, 1863. Catalogue of Carices collected in the vicinity of Belleville, Ont. Canadian yaluraliot. Vol. III. (2nd SeriM), I8f6, pp. 56-66. Report on the Botany of the Canadian Interior from Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean. Itepttrt, Canadian Paciriv llailirau, 1874, pp. 56-99. Geographical and Topographical Notes on the Lower Peace and .\thabasca rivers. Report, Geolfj^ienl S«rrry of Canada, 18T6. pp. 87-96. Report on the Botanical Features of the Country from Victoria, Vancouver Island, to Carlton House on the Saskatchewan, by the Eraser and Peace rivers to Lake AthabaM-a. MW., 1876. pp. 110-233. Synopsis of the Flora of the St. Lawrence Valley and Great Lakes, with descriptions of the rarer plants. Canadian Journal, Vol. xv., 1876, pp. 51-66; 161- 176 ; 349-361 ; 429-135 ; 548-556. Sketch of that portion of Canada between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains, with special reference to its agricultural capabilities. Report, Canadian Pacific Raibcay, 1877. Catalogue of the Ph/ Canada, Vol. I., Sec. 4, 1882. pp. 45-49. On the Flora of the Gaspe Peninsula. Ibid., Vol. I.. Sec. 4, 1883, pp. 127-137. Notes on Canadian Polypetala*. Ibid., Vol. I., Sec. 4, 188:', pp. 151-157. Catalogue of the Plants collected by Dr. R. Bell on the Coasts of Labrador, Hudson Strait and Bay. Report, (fe'iloriicnl Survey of Canada, 1882-84, pp. DD38-DD47. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part ii. Gamo- petaUe. Geolopical and yatiind Hinlory Snrrei) of Canada, 1884, pp. 193-394. and T. W. Burgess. Canadian Filicinijv . Transaction) Royal Society uf Canada, Vol. II., Sec. 4, 1884, pp. 163-227. List of Plants collected by Dr. Robert Bell in Newfoundland in 1S85. Report Geological Survey of Canada, 1885, pp. DD21- DD25. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part in. Ape- tala'. Geolopiritl and yatural Hittory Survey of Canada, 18S6, pp. 391-623. List of Plants obtained by Dr. G. M. Dawson on Vancouver Lslaiid and adjacent coasts in 188.5. Report Geological Stirri i/ of Canada, 188(3, pp. B115- B121. List of Plants collected by Dr. G. M. Dawson in the Yukon District and adjacent northern por- tion of British Columbia in 18K7. Ibid., 1887-88, pp. B215-B229. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part iv. Endo- gens. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, 1888. p. 1-248. _ „ -- - ^ - Catalogueof Canadian Plants. Part v. Acrogens. Ibid., 1888, pp. 249-428. Geological and Naiu-aJ History of Canada. , r Macoun, Jnhn.— Continued, Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part vi. Musci. I bid., 1892, pp. 296 Geological and Natural His- tory of (Canada. Notes on the flora of the Niagara Peninsula and shores of Lake Erie. Journal ami l^oceedingn of the Hamilton Associa- tion. Number ix., 3St2-93. pp. 78-87. The Forests of Canada and their distribution with notes on the more interesting species. Tmnmietions Royal Society of Canada, VoL XU., See. IL MacColl, Kwan. Clarsach nam Beann ; or. Poems and Songs in Itaelic. Glasgow : Blackie & Sons, iJSJS. 12uio.,pp. 2U»1. The Mountain Minstrel ; or. Poems and Songs in English. Gla.sgow : Blackie &. Sons, 18a8. 12ino- pp. %0. Uiu had six editions. Poems and Songs. ChieHy written in Canada. Toronto : tJ. M. Rose & Co., 1*«1. l:.'mo., pp. 160. Another Canadian edition, wliich bears the imprint of The B,-.,iah Whig office, Kinp'ton, Unt., 1888, has « Biographical Sketch of the pl., Vol. vii., Montreal, 1862. p. 251. Contributions to the History of the Acton Copper Mine. Ibid., Vol. TIL, Montreal, 1862, p. 447. On a new Method of Preparing Chlorine, etc. Ibid., Vol. viu.. Montreal, 1363, p. 39. On the Origin of Eruptive and Primary Rocks. Ibid., Vol. VIII., Montreal, 1S63, pp. 295, :j>J and 457. On the Extraction of Copper from its Ores in the Uumid Way. Ibid., Vol. n., new series, Montreal, 1865, pp. 219-241. Geological Sketch of the Neighl)ourhoodof Rossie, N.Y. Ibid., Vol. II., new series, Montreal, 1866, p. 257. Geological Report on Hastings County. Re%>ort of ProgreKH of Geological Survey of Canada, from 1?63 to 1886, Ottawa, 1866, p. PL Gtological Report on I^ke Superior. Ibid; from 1863 to 1866, Ottawa , 1866, p. 115, On the Rocks and Auriferous Beds of Portage Lake, Michigan. Canadian Natnrali^, Vol. viii., new series, Mont- real , 1868, p. 1. On the Geological Formations of Lake Superior. — - Ibid., Vol. III., new series. Montreal, 1868, pp. 177-244 On the Extraction of Copper from its Ores in the Humid Way. — /Mrf., Vol. III., new series, Montreal, 1868, p. 457. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MarfHrlanc, ThoniAH.—Continuetf. On the ( Jeology and Silver Ore of Woods I»cation, Lake Superior. Cnno'littH yalHralitt.Vol. IV . , new seriei. Montreal) 18«»,pp.37,439. On the Origin and CiaHsiflcation of Original or Crystalline Ro<-ks. Ibid., Vol. v., new series, 1970, pp. 4', ldi^304 ; aUo Vol. VI., new series. Montreal. 18<°2, p. 2S9. On the Classirtcation of Original Rocks. Tran»ielioJu of thr Ami-ricnn Socifty •>/ Minittt Enninfrri, Vol. viii., Ea«ton, Pa., 1880, p. 63. On the Use of Determining Slag Densities in Smelting. Ibid, Vol viu., Easton, Pa.. 18*». p. 71, Silver Islet. thid., Vol. nil., Easton, Pa. 1880, p. 220. Note on Zinc Sulphide. Tran»aeliimi 'if th> RoyiilStKuly of Canada, Vol. I.. Section 3, MontraHl, 1883, p. 15. On the Reduction of Sulphate of Soe Indejiendenl of the DifTerence of Potential of the Electrodes. Vol. I., Sec :j, 188:J. On the Transition Resistance to the Electric Cur- rent, etc. Vol. I., Sec :i, IHKi On the Density and Thennal Expansion of Solu- tions of Copper Sulphate. Vol. ii., Sec. 3, 18>il. On the Density of Weak Aqueous Solutions of certain Salts. V^ol. iii.. Sec. 3, 18S.5. A Table of the Cubical Expiinsion of Solids. Vol, VI., Sec. 3, 1888. On the Variation of the Density with the Concen- tration of Weak Aqueous Solutions of certain Salts. Vol. vu., Sec. 3, 188!). On the Density of Weak .Vqueous Solutions of certain Sulphates. Vol. viii.. Sec. 3, 1H9(). On a Test of Ewing and MacGregor's method of measuring the Electric Resistance of Electro- lytes. Vol. VIII., Sec. 3, 1890. On the Density of Weak Aqueous Solutions of Nickel Sulphate. Vol. ix., Sec. .3, 1891. On the Variation with Temperature and Concen- tration of the .Absorption Spectra of Aqueous Solutions of Salts. Vol. ix., Sec. 3, 185»1. On the Fundamental Hypothe.ses of Abstract Dynamics. Vol., x.. Sec. 3, 1892. In the Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, viz. : On the Resistance to the pa-ssage of the Electric Current between Amalgamated Zinc Electrodes and Solutions of Ainc Sulphate. 1883. On the Relative Bulk of certain Aqueous Solu- tions and their Constituent Water, 1886. On the measurement of Temperature and Time. 1887. On Carnot's Cycle in Thermodynamics. 1889. On the Relative Bulk of Aqueous Solutions of certain Hydroxides, Vol.. vii.. p. 3(58. On a Noteworthy Case of the Occurrence of Ice in non-Crystalline tohimns, Vol. vni., p. 377. On some Lecture E.vperimcnts Illustrating Prop- erties of Saline Solutions. Series 2. Vol. i.. p. 71. On the Graphical Treatment of the Inertia of the Connetting-Rod. Series 2, Vol. i., p. 198. In the Philosophicnl Magazine, London, viz. : Contact Action and the Conservation of Energy. February, 189:i. On the Hypotheses of Dynamics. September, 1893. Pamphlets. Technical Education at Home and Abroad. Hal- ifax. N.S.,1882. Address at the ojiening of the Twenty-Sixth Ses- sion of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. Halifax, N.S., 1888. Address at the opening of the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Halifax, N,S., 189(). ROYAL SIX^IETY OF CANADA MAcdregiir, J. a.— Continnff/. Calculus I)(Ml^inK and other Eduiational Sins. St. John, X.B. IHUt). Hftok. An Elementary Treatise on Kinematics and I)yn amies. London and New York : Macniillan A t'o. Crown, 8»o. pp. xvl+.M;;. 1887. Mair. <'harlo«. Frogs and their Kin. Brilith Amriioin Mf Science, Vol. I., No. 4, Mont- real, 1885, pp. 236-244. Xova Scotia Fresh water Sponges. Nora Sc'itinn In»tittUe of Scienct, Vol. VL.Part ill., 188% pp. 233-240. Mammalia of Xova Scotia : a Synopsi.s. Aradeitiy, Vol. I., Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, Pictou, 1885. Spelling Reform. Nova Scotia Edncutionnl Convention Report, 1SS5, pp. 16-38. Mai-Kujr. A. H.— Continued. Future of Our Education. (Two thoiuMind words.) llenild. Halifax, 1886. New Fresh-water S})onges from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Canndinti Krojrd of Science, Vol. II., No. 1, M unt- real, 1886, pp. 19-22. Meteor of l.'ith September, ISK7. Edueit\..nad A^< r...r. Vol*, i.-ii.. St. John. 1887-188!) P'enidale School. Illustrated Serial on the Natural History of Kastern Canada for S<'hools. Ibid., Vol?. I. -IV., St John. 1H87-91. Miscellaneous Educational and Scientific .-Articles. /*('/., St. John, 1887- W.). The Fresh water Sponges of Canada anil New- foundland. TraiiDaelioiiH Rnyal Society of Canada, Vol. vil.. Sec. 4, 1S89. Pictou Island ; with geological map of its en- vironment. iVora Scotiiin Inttitute of Science, 2nd Series, Vol. l.i Part 1, Halifax, 1891, pp. 76-83. .\nnual Reports on the Public Schools of Xova Scotia. (1) Of 1891, pp. W ; (2) of imi, pp. HO; (3) of 189:1, pp. 63. Conspectus of Education in Xova Scotia ; for the World's Columbian Exposition. Halifa.x, 18U;i, pp. 18. Journal of Education. Halifax. (1) April. 18!):i, pp. KKi; (2) October, 18S«, pp. W): (:i) April, 18l« ; pp. .t9. The True Scope and Function of the High School. The Dominion Educational Avocialion Report, 1892, pp. 63-67. Explosive Ga.^ Generated within the Hot Water Pipes of House Heating Appamtus. Norn Srrttinn Inntitutt of Science, 2nd Series Vol. I., Part 3, l'i'.«, pp. :i74-377. Xatural History Observations made at several stations in Nova Scotia during the year ls;t2. Jhid., 2nd Series, Vol. i., Part 3, 1893. pp. 378-379. Mart-hand, Felix G. Fatenviile. Comedie en nn acte et en prose. L, un traite sur la responsabilite civile des Xotaires ; 4°, un formulaire Frani^is- Anglais des acte^ d-^s No- taires. Montreal: A. Periard, IHfti. MarniPtte. Joseph. Franvois de Bienville. Roman Historique. lere eilition, Quel)ec : Leger Brousseau, 1870. 2enie. edition, Montreal : Ueauchemiu & Valois, l^*^3. 12mo. , pp. 444). L'Intendant Bigot. Roman Hititorique. Mont- r&U: Geo. Deslmrat^, 1H72. Le Chevalier de Mornac. Roman Historique. Montreal : Geo. Uesbarats. l!<7:i. La Fiancee du Rebelle. Roman Historicjue. La Revue CanadUnne, Montreal, 1875. Recits et Souvenirs. Queljec : Darveau, 1881. 12mo., pp. 2'8. Dnns les Metnoirea de la Societe roynle du Canada : Une Promenade dans Paris. Impressions et Sou- venirs, Tome n., Sec. 1, 1SH4. Le Dernier Boulet. Nouvelle Historique, Tome III., Sec. 1, 1885. Trois mois a Londres. Souvenirs de TExposition Coloniale. Fragments. Tome vii.. Sec. 1, 1S88. Anssi, le Canada Franc^ais, Vol. ii., 1889, p. 114. Matthetv', George V. Impressions of Cuba. Ciittadiiin .Vafum/iV, Vol. VII., Noe. 1 and 2, 1862, Montreal. 8vo., pp. 19:^4 and pp. 76-85. Observations on the Geology of St. John County, Xew Brunwick. Canadian Naturalist nnd OeolofiUt, Vol. vill.. August, 1863, Montreal. Svo., pp- 241-260. On the Azoic and Paheozoic Rocks of Southern Xew Brunswick. Qwirtrrly Journal »•/ the Genlogicnl Society, 1865> London. Svo.i pp. 421-434. Cupriferous Rocks of Southern Xew Brunswick— Xotes on the Geologj- of Charlotte County— Dunsinane Coal. Obnerrationn on the Geohgii of Souths' n ffeir Brunr wiclr, 1865. Frederictoii, N.B. Royal 8to., pp. l49-r8. In conjunction with Prof. L. W. Bailey. Prelim- inary Report on the Geology of Southern Xew Brunswick. Report of Profirens, (leological Survey of CaiiKda, __ 1870-71, Ottawa. 1872. Royal 3vo., pp. 13-240, On the Surface Geology of Southern Xew Bruns- wick. ::____i. Canadian Naturalist, Vol. vn., No. 8, 1871, Mont- real. Sro., pp. 434-454. Matthew, George V.— Continued. In conjunction with Prof. L. W. Bailey. Report on the I'arhoniferous System of Xew Bruns wirk. Report of Prtturrm, OeoluKicat Surrey of Canada, 1872 3, Montreal, 1873. Royal 8vo., pp. 180-237. Sur les Mollusques de la Formation Post-Pleio- cene de I'Acadie. Sfiei^tt Mnloeolonique de Beloiiur, AnuaUf, Tome IX., 1874, Bruxellet. 8ro., pp. 2U, 1 plate- On the Mollusca of the PostPleiocene Formation in Acadia. Canadian Naturalitt, Vol. viil.. No. 2, 1874, Mont- leal. Svo., pp. 10(117. In conjunction with I'rof. I^ W. Bailey. Suni- mar>- Report of (reological Observations in Xew Brunswick. Report of Prttgrrtii, (ieological Survey of Canada, 1874 .5, OlUWii, 1876. Royal 8»o., pp. 84-81. In conjunction with Prof. 1.. W. Bailey and Mr. R. VV. Ells. RejM>rt of tJeological Observations in Southern Xew Brunswick. //.if/., 1875-6, Ottawa. 1877. Royal 8vo., pp. 318 368. Report on the Geology of Charlotte County. y6irick, Bulletin II., 1883, St. John, N.B. Svo., pp. 3-20. Illustrations ot the Fauna of the St. John Group continued. On the Conocoryphea, etc. TranmtctitJHS Royal Society of Cana'ia. Vol. II., Sec. 4, 1884, Montreal. 4to., pp. 99-124, 1 plate- Discoveries at a Village of the Stone Age at Boca- bee. Natural Hintory Society nf Neic Brunmcick, Bulletin III., 1884, St. John, N-B. 8ro., pp. 6 29. The Geological Age of the Acadian Fauna. Geological Magazine, N- S. III., Vol. I., October, 1884, London, GB- Svo., pp 470-472. Illustration.s of the Fauna of the St. .John Group. Xo. HI. Descriptions of Xew Genera and Species. Tranxtietions Royal Society of Canada, Vol. Ill-, Sec. 4, 1885, Montreal. 4to., pp. 29 84, 3 plates. Xote on the Genus Stenotheca. Geological Magazine, N. S., Vol. II., September, 1885. London, G.B. 8vo., pp. 425 426. Recent Discoveries in the St. .John Group. Natural Hintory Stjciety of Neir Bninttrick, Bulletin rv.. 1885, St. John. N.B 8vo., pp. 97-iM. The Structural Features of Discena Acadica (Hartt) of the St. John Group. Canadian Ricord of Srience, N. S.. Vol. II., No. 1> January, 1886, Montreal. 8to., pp. 9-11. ROYAL S(X'IRTY OP CANADA 50 Matthew, Ci«»«>r>i«* P. — CoutiitunK SynupHiH of the Fauna of Diviwion 1 of the St. John Group, etf. Nntural Uint'iry S-irielu <-' Sur Brwunr irk , Balletin v.. 1886. St. John. N.B. 8v-o., pp. 25-31. On the Cambrian Faunas of Cape Breton and Newfoundland. TriinnarlitHt Houai S'tciety uf Cnnada. Vol. IV.. Sep. 4. 1886. Montreal. 4to., pp. 147-157, It A^urM. Discovery of a Pteraspidian Finh in the Silurian fUx-ks of New Urunswit-k. CiiHuiiiiin Record uf Sriruce, Vol. II., No. 4, Octo- ber, 1886, MontreaL 870., pp. 2. Additional .Note on a Ptera-spidian Fish found in New Brunswick. IM., December, 1886, Montreal. 8to., pp. 4. A Preliminary Notice of a New GeDU.s of Silurian ;_ Fishes. JVahtral lIUlui-u Sutiftv of Stir Bniwncitk, Bulletin VI., 1887, St. John, N.B. 8vo., pp. 6»-73. Minerals of New Brun.swick. hoaril of Edueniion Repurt, 1887, Fredericton. 8to., pp. 14. Sur le Developpement des Premiers Trilohites. SoeUti royale Mnlncolouique tie btlgique- Toae xxin..l888. Bruxelles, 1889. 8to.. pp. 14, 10 fiKoies. The (Ireat Acadian Paradoxides. Also, On the Kin of Paradoxides (Olenellus ?), Kjerulfl. ^/M^mVdii./oMrna^o/ .s'nVnc*,Srd series. Vol. xxxiii., No. 197, May, 1887, New Haven. 8vo., pp. 380-3J2 1 firure. Elustrations of the Fauna of the St. .John Group. No. IV., Part i. Description of a New Species of Paradoxides. Part ii. The Smaller Trilo- bites with Eyes. TranoactiimK Royal Socielyof Canada. Vol. v.. Sec. 4, 188, Montreal. 4to., pp. 115-166, 3 pUtes. On the Classification of the Cambrian Rocks in Acadia. Canadian Record of Science, VoL III , No. 2, April, 1888, Montreal. 8vo., pp. 71-81 and pp. 303-315. On Some Remarkable Organisms of the Silurian and Devonian Rucks of Southern New Bruns- wick. T'lmKntioni Roynl Societii of Canadn, Vol- VI., Sec. 4, 1889, Montreal. 4to., pp. 49-62, 1 plate Second Note on Stenotheca. Geological Magazine, N. S. in.. Vol. VI.. May, 1889, London. 8vo., pp. 210-211. On the Occurrence of Leptoplastus in Acadian Cambrian Rocks. Canadian Record of Svience, October, 1889, Mont- real. 8vo.. pp. 485-489. How is the Cambrian Divided i A Plea for the Classification of Salter and Hicks. American Geologist, September, 1889, Minneapolis. 8vo.. pp. 138-148. On Cambrian Organisms in Acadia. Traimaetion* Royal Society of Canada- Vol. VII , Sec 4, 1890, Montreal. 4to., pp. 135-163, 5 plates, 3 cute. Sketch of the Life of Professor Charles Frederick Hartt. ij-_: Natural Hintory Society of New Bnmmciek, Bulletin ; : IX., 1390, St. John, N.B. 8vo., pp. 1-24, 1 plate. Eozoon and other Low Organisms in T,aurentiaa Rocks at St. John. N.B. ;. -— Ibid, pp. 36-41, 3 cuta. Matthew, tJeorge V.—ContinufH. On the Occurrence of Sponges in Laureutian Rocks at St. John, N.B, /hitl., pp. 42-46. On Some Causes which have Influenced the Spread of the Cambrian Faunas. Canadinn R-^C'trd of Seiatce, Januarr, 1891 , Mont- rwl. 8vo.,pp. K5-2b9. Illustrations of the F'aunaof the St. John Group. No. V. Tran/tnetiont Rounl Society of Canada. Vol. VIII. , S«e. 4, 1891, Montreal, 4to.. pp. 123-169, 6 plates. S enta. I*resident*s .\nnual Address. On Palaeozoic In- sects, etc. Natunil HiMory Society of New Brumnciek, Bulletin IX., 1891. St. John, N.B. 8vo., pp. 25-«, On a New Horizon in the St. John (iroup. Canadian Record of Science, October, 1881, Mont- real. 8vo., pp. 339-313. Notes on Cambrian Fauna.s. 1. The Taconic Fauna of Emmons compared with the Cam- brian Horizons of the St. John Group. Aiiieriean Geologitt, November, i891, Minneapolis, 8 vo., pp. 287-291. \ Note on I.*ptoplastus. Canadian Record of Science, December, 1891, Moot- real. 8vo., pp. 461-462. Illustrations of the Fauna of the St. John Group. No. VI. TrannaetiiiHt R>/yal Society of Canada. Vol, IX., Sec. 4. 1892, Montreal. 4to., pp. 33-65, 2 plate*. Discoveries at a Village of the Stone Age at Boca- bee. [Republication.] Natural Hittoiy Society, Bulletin x.. 1892., St. John, N.B. 8vo., pp. 5-29, 1 plate, 2 cuts. Protolenus, a New (ienus of Cambrian Trilobites. /6»(f.,8vo.. pp. 31-37. List of FossiLs found in the Cambrian Rocks in and near St. John. Hid. 8vo., pp. xi.-xxii. Trematobolus, an Articulate Brachiopod of the Inarticulate Order. Canadian Record of S< ienee, January, 1893, Mont- real. 8vo., pp. 270-279. On the Diffusion and Sequence of the Cambrian Fauna.s. Trannactinn* Royal Society of Canada. Vol. X., Sec. 4. 1893, Ottawa. 4to., pp. 3-16, 2 cuts. Illustrations of the Fauna of the St. John Group. No. vii. Ibid. 4to.,pp. 9vl09, 1 plate. The Climate of Acadia in the Earliest Times. Natural Uintory Society of Neic ^r?in«)c I'eA*, Bulletin XI., 1983, St. John, N.B. 8to., pp. 1-18, 2 cuts. Swedish Cambrian-Silurian Hyolithid;ip and Con ulariidte, by G. Holm. Review of this memoir. Canadian Record of Science, July, 1893, Montreal, 8vo., pp. 433-410. Illustrations of the Fauna of the St. John Group. No. VIII. Trangactions Royal Society of Canada. Vol. xi. , Sec. 4, 1894, Montreal. 4to., pp. 85129, 2 plates, 1 cut. 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MillN. W^Mley. An examination of some controverted pointn o( the Physiology of the Voice, espe'-ially the Reg iHters of the Singing Voice and the Falnetto. Jommal of Pkyi'ilofn, Cambridge, EngUnd. Vol. Some observationn on the InHuence of the VagUH and Accelerator nerves of the Heart of the Sea- Turtie. /bid.. Vol. V. The secretion of Oxalic Acid in the Dog under a varying diet, (a modiHcatlon of " Ueber die Aasscheidung der Oxalsaure dureh den Harn ") Ibid., Vol. V. The Innervation of the heart af the Slider Terra- pin (Pseudeniya Kugosa). Ibid., Vol. VI. The Heart of the Fish compared with that of Menobranehu.s, with Special Reference to KeHex Inhibition and Independent Cardiac Rhythm. ibid.. Vol- VII. Notes on the I'rine of the Tortoise with Special Reference to I'ric Acid and I'rea. HM , Vol. vii. A I'hysiological Ijasis of an Improved Cardiac Pathology. Mrdieal Rrcord, New York. October, 1S87. Uric Acid,— («) Its Me* .4fomy and Phytiolugy, Edinburgh, Scotland. The Rhythm and Innervation of the Heart of the Sea-Turtle . Ibid; Vol. XXI. Physiology of the Heart of the Snake. Ihid., Vol. XXII. The Causation of the Heart-beat and other Pro- blems in Cardiac Physiology. Ctinadn Mrdical and Sitrgicitl .Jtmrndl, Montreal, January. 1887. InHuence of the Nervous System on Cell Life. M'llii-nl .Journal , New York, December, 188H. The Blootl and Blood-vessels in Health and Disea.se. ///v/., September, 1!»0. Retention and Los.s of Hair. Cituudi'in hecord of Science, Montreal, July, 1887. Life in the Bahamas. Ibid., April. 1887. Study of a Small and Isolated Community in the Bahama Islands. Amnric'i Niitur 4. laei. Tran.slation of Professor Hoppe Scyler's Addresa at the Celebration of the Opening of the Insti- tute for Physiological Chemistry (Ueljer die Entwickelung der Physiologischen C^emie und ihre Bedentung fur die Medicin). MedicalJoumal. New York, 1<«5. Snake Poison from a Chemico-Physiological point of view. Joumatof Comparatitt Medirintand Surgery, Phil- adelphia, Vol. VIII. Elasticity as a Conservative Force in the Animal Organism. Ibid. Report of a Case of Poisoning from the Local Application of Ergotin. Britinh Medical Journal, London . Some mistakes to be avoided in Dealing with the Diseases of the Nose and Throat. CanadiaH Journal •>/ Medical .S'cw'HCf, Toronto. Report of a Cii.se of Congenital Ectopia of the Abiiuniinal Organs. Ibid. Two Cases of Malignant Disease of the Stomach. The Voice in Diagnosis and Prognoses. Canada Medical and Surfficol Journal, .Montreal, May, 1882. Fatality in Typhoid Fever. //m(^„ January, ISSi). Chronic Pyiemia following L'rethral Dilatation. Ibid.. .May. 18JW. Clinical Notes on Atropine Poi.soning. Ibid., August, 18811. Obstetrics of the llainillou City Hospital for Two Years. Ibid., October. 1S80. On a Case of Thrombosis of the Left Ventricle. Ibid., February, 18«7. Tonsillotomy and I'vulotoiny. /it',/.. March, 1883. Innervation of the Heart of the Slider Terrapin (Medical Aspects). /All/., December, 1885. Physiological and Pathological Reversion. Ibid., April, 1H88. Surgical Puncture of the Heart. «#«<.e«i JVe«)», Philadelphia, July. 1887. A Case of Extreme Enlargement of the Tonsils causing Urgent Symptoms. Archivet of Ltirj/ngolngv. Ca.se of Lightning Shock with Recovery, with Drs. BuUerand Paige. lfe(iic<({ A^«io«, Philadelphia, August, 1388. Valedictory Address to (Jraduate Class in Medi- cine of McGill University. Medical Journal, Montreal, 1889. Address delivered under the Auspices of the A.ssociated Alumni Society of the University of New Brunswick. Fredericton, li*)2. ROVAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 61 MIIIn, W^i»Iejr.-r«m«nM^f/. Articles in Burk'n Handlxxik of the Medical Sciences, on DifcVHtion, the DiKe^tive Secretion*, ftC UibemHtion and Allied StateA In Aniniola. TrtiKtuetiitm Ruyttt Sitei'ty <,f Cnnuda. Vol. X. Sm. 4, 1802. Natural or Scientitlc Method in Education. PiiptUar Seienr* Monlkly, N«w Yurk. November, 1892. The Action of Certain Drug!4 and PoiitonH on the Heart of the Fish. CaniidiuH Mrifioit and SurgicalJiiurHiil, Montreal, Mar h, 188»;. HwmodynaniicN and Blood Pressure. Ibid., 18«7. Clinical and Pathological Notes from a Breeding Station. Jowmal ttf Cumptirativt Medieif and Surgery, Philadelphia. July. 1889. The Blood and Blood-forming Organs. Oaniidian Mtdienl iind ,'^'urgiciil ./iiUrMiil,yioiitnBi, Deeember, 1880. L'eber die Ausscbeidung der Oxalitaure durch den Ham. I'irriitw'i Arehirf, Berlin, 1813. Alteration.s of the Myocardium ((J. F'antoni). Translation by Dr. .Joseph Workman with notes by Dr. Wesley Mills. ifrt/ioW ./oMruii/, .Muntrenl, Jane, 188^. Heredity in Relation to hducation. Ttttnnactiitna OitUtrt'j Educational Ags'tctution Toronto : and Popular Science Muntklv, New Yorki 1891. Books :— Outlines of I^ectures on Physiology (a-s delivered in McGill University*. Montreal : W. Drysdale & Co., 18H6. A Text-book of Animal Physiology. New York : D. Appleton&Co , 18t«. Large 8vo., 7ijO pp. A Text-book of Comparative Physiology. New York : I) Appleton & Co , 1890. Small 8vo , pp. 6311. How to keep a Dog in the City. New York: V\'m. R. Jenkins Toronto: H. B. Donovan, 1H91. The Dog in Health anil in Disease. New York : I). Appleton & Co., iJfttt. Murray, George. Verses and Versions. Contents : How Canada wa-s siived ; Grace Connell ; Willie the Miner; The Madonna's Isle; The Neapolitans to Mozart, etc. Montreal : Foster Brown & Co., 1891. 12mo., pp. vin. +403. Murray, J. Clark. Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy : an Exposi- tion and Criticism. Canadian Jnumal, Toronto, January and Septem- ber and December, 1867. Outline of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. A Textbook for Students. Boston : Gould & Lincoln, 1870. Crown Syo., pp. 257. Marrajr, .1. Clark.— nwii/jnu^rf. The Higher Education of Women. An addresH at the opening of Queen's College at Kingit- ton, IH7I. Pamphlet, pp. 17. The Halla', London, July, 1887. Solomon MMinion : an Autobiography. Trans- lated from the German. London : Alexander G&rdner, 1889. Crown 8to., pp. 307. Christian Ethics. Prfbytfrian College J;umal,tAonlmi\, Mnrch, 11^. The Blind Deaf nmte, Helen Keller. Srottinh Revietr, Pailley, London aud New Yurk, October, 1890. The Education of the Will. Educiitinnal hfrieic, New York, June, 1891. An Introduction to Ethics. Boston : De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., 18»1. Crown 8vo., pp. 4117. A Summer School of Philosophy. Seottiih /icriVip, Paisley, London and New York, Januar>', 1892. Chri.stiau and Unchristian Agnosticism. Sunday Afternoon Address in Queen's College, Kings- ton, April, 1892. Psychology in Medicine. Medical Journal, Montreal, June, 18'i2. An Ancient Pessimi.st. Philveophieal Keriew, January. 1893. '-.- : The Faculty of Cramming : its Psychological Analysis and Practical Value. Educational Retieic, New York, April. 1893. 62 BIBLICKiRAPlIY OF THE Mnrrajr, J. Vlnrh. —Cuntinufd. Thf INx'try o( th« ('otuinbiAn CelebrHlion. Prt^kbtrrtmn C'Mege Juurmnl Mootraal. D«c«mb«r, 18WJ. Philosophy nnil Industrial Life. A Paper read at the PbilOMuphiral CoiiKrftH in C'hic-atio, Aug- UHt. \fUi. n> MnniM, C'hica«o. \VM. O'Brien. >for>l Ke*«'ren«l fornellaa. Philosophy of the Bible Vindicated. Charlotte town : Hremner Brow., IKTtt. HTo.,pp. 21)1, Mater Admirabiii>. Montreal : I). & J. Sadlier & Co., IXtfl. iSmo., pp. 24H. After Weary Years. Baltimore : John Murphy & Co.. ISKi. 8vo.. pp. 431 Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr. Halifax Print- ing Company, l^s<7. ISun . pp. 96. Aminta. A Modem Life Drama. New York ; D. Appleton & Co., IHMO. Sto., pp. 1S7. Memoirs of Rifjht Reverend Edmund Burke. Bishop of Zion, tlrst Vicar Apostolic of Xova Scotia. Ottawa : Thoburn & Co.. l.SiM. Crown 8vo., pp. ii. + 154, illustrated. In pamphlet form : Daniel OConnell. A Lecture. Charlottetown, 1876. Early Stages of Christianity in Elngland. Char- lottetown, 18H(». Pastoral Letters. Halifax, 188:{-.>il-85-86-87-»«->i», 189U-91-S^2-«:^-M4. Sermons : The True Church. St, John T'!Ueriiph,JttnuATj 16, 1885. The Hierarchy of the Church. Printed with Records of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of Bishops Mclntyre and Rogers. Charlottetown : .lohn Coombs. The Prerogatives of the Roman Pontitf. Hnlifnx Herald, January 2, 1888. Funeral Oration at the "Month's Mind" of late Bishop Mclntyre. Ejcaminer, Charlottetown, June 5, 1891. The Resurrection of the Dead. Halifax Hen, Id, April 18. li<»2. The Duties and Responsibilities of the Episcopate. The Coloni»t, St. John's. Nfld, June 25, 1892. Patterson, Rev. Georjre. A Brief Sketch of the Life and Labours of the Rev. John Keir, D.D., S.T.P. Reprinted from Christian In.^tructoi: Pietou, X.S. : E. M. McDonald, IAtO. 8vo., pp. 43. The Present Truth. A Synod Sermon. Piciou, N.S., 1859. 8vo. Memoir of the Rev. James MacGregor, D.D., Mis- sionary of the Associate Synod of Scotland to Pietou, N.S., with notices of the colonization Pattrraon, R^t. tin*riKr. ContinutH. of the I.«)Wf r Provinces of British North .Am^r Ira. and of the s; them. Philadel phia : William S. .Vlartien. Pietou, N.S. : James Patterson l.HlH. 12m»., pp. S04. The Doctrine of the Trinity underlying the Reve- lation of Redemption. Etlinburgh : Oliphant & Co., una. 12mo.,pp. 244. Prize Essay on the History of the County of Pietou, IH74. In manuseript in Library of King'a Cullefce. Wind- Kor, N.S. History of the County of Pietou. Montreal : Daw- son Brothers, IKTT. 8ro., pp. 471. Jephthah's Vow. Urititk iind Fnrtign Evangelical R«»iew, London. I875t 8to., pp. 709-736. Canadian Northwest and Manitoba College. Edinburgh, 1H78. 8vo., pp. 16. Canadian Northwest and the Gospel. Briti»h iind F'fn-ign Evangelical Review, London, 1879. 8to., pp. 709 718. Missionary life amongthe Cannibals, being the life of the Rev. .John Geddie, D.D., first missionary to the New Hebrides, with a history of the Nova Scotia Presbyterian Mission on that group. Toronto : James Campbell & Son ; Montreal : W. Drysdale & Co., 1882. I2mo., pp. 512. The Teaching of Our Lord reganiing the Sabbath and its Bearing on Christian Work. Pretbi/terian Kerietr, No. 13, 1883, New York. 8vo., pp. 1-19. The Heathen World : its need of the go«pel and the church's obliglation to supply it. Toronto : Wm. Rriggs, 18Kt. 12mo., pp. 29.3. The Plague of Mice in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Canadian Record »/ Seienee. 8vo. , pp. 472-480. Hon. Samuel Vetch, first English Governor of Nova Scotia. CMectiotu < if Nova Seotia Hittorical .S'oetcn, llev. ief)«N« „f .\t/tii Seotinn li nl.tntr •>/ Sntuml .Vc.Vbc*. I*.>0-1. 8»o., 31-57. Thi- I'ortiiKUi-M' on th«' Northeast CoaMt of Amer- ica, mid the Hrst Kuropcan Attempt at ("olon- tZMtion there. .\ lost chapter in American hin- tor)-. TVnnwtefi'in* N'tpnl Soeitty of Camada. Vol. Vltl.. 8«e. 2. IWO. pp. 127- 173. The BfofhiliH, or Ked Indians of Newfoundland. Ihi'i., Vol. IX.. S*! 2.1IW1, pp. litm. Keothik VtxahiiljirieH. with a few Notes on a I'ai)er on the IV'othiks in the TrnnMirtions of thr Royiil Sorirty of Canaria for IHIU. //,../.. Vol. s.. Sec. 2. 1892, pp. 19-;«. Sir William Alexander and the Scultiah Attempt to Colonize Acadia. /h{ii.,i>p.7Mtfi. The First Theological Hall in the Brit inh Colonies. Tk.ul.^if. Vol. 111. Noi 1 and 2. ll»l-92- Svo . pp 1-7, 33-*>. The French Protectant Eminrations to Nova Scotia. A prize es.siiy, 1W3. In luanu^eript in Librury of King's Cullega, Wind- er, N..S. Sable Islaixl. its history juid phenomena. TriitiiKieti'DH itfthe Rui/nl Society of Cautuia, Vol. XU. He«. 2. 1H9I. i>p Ml*. Pf>nliullow, i>. I*. Note on Circidiphyllum Japonicum. GanUnrr'i Moitlhly. Noveiuber, 1879. Fabrication of Aino I'loth. AiutriciiH A'lituniliit, 1I>8 p. 563. The Manufacture of Miso by the Japanese. A'"ctKtlittg» Amerienn Aaxiciation for Advaneemfnt of Sricnef. ISSl dc 1882. The Temperature of Trees. Pruceedingt Boiton Sueiety Natural Hutory, Vol. SX.I., 1081. Yellows in Peach Trees. fnettilingt MitvuiehumttK HortieuHural Society, 1882. Report ou Meteorology. Humgkl-in Furm, Series i. No. 1 Soil Temperature. - yi Ihid. Series I., No. 2. Yellows in Peaches. Houghton tiir HI. Series ui., No. 2. The Normal Conditiou of Vegetable Structure with reference to Cell Contents. Ibid. Series HI., No. 1- Peiich Yellows. Ctdtivator and Country Gentkmnii , Ausust 30, ISS.'?. • Note on Peach Curl. ;, t I hid. Note on DiseJise of Plants. Procfedingi Americun Anoeiation for Adrancement o/.!)'ci«iee.l882A1883. IVnhalliiw, l». V, -(\mtinuM. Review, Lawes, (Gilbert Sc Ma^terH. Experiments on Mixed HeHMiKc of Permanent Mea»/. Appendix 3. Meteorology. /hid. SeriM i.. No. 3. Soil Temperature. thid. Series i.. Ni>. 4. Relation of Hoot and I..eaf Areas in Com. /'nterediii,!^ Amrrieiim AmoiiatiuH for AdvancrmrnI of .^rifner, I8S3. Notes on the Trees and Shrubs of Northern Japan. TriinmirtioMt .Uonnrnl Horticuitunit .Society, ISiVJ. Some J'eculiarities of "lant Urowlh. Seienee, ill., 364. Diseases of Plants. I'lipulur Siifiire M'.nthly, XXT., .'i85. Relations of Natural Science to a Medical Cour.se. MotUrftl Gozttte, October 3, 1881. Plants in their Relation to Disease. Pntcetdingn Ktinmu Horticultuml Society, 1881. Botanic (iardens. Trnth Annunl Report Monlrenl HorticHllurnl Society, 1885. Plants in their Relation to Disease. Mamiiehwietti .Stale Boord of Agriculture, 1885. Plants in their Relation to Disea-se. TninmtelioHt Amertean Horficultural Soviety, 1S85, p. 167. The Relation of the Annual Rings of E.\c^ens to Age. Canadian Record of Scienett I., p. 162. Distribution of the Reserve Material of Plants in Relation to Disease. Ihid., I., 193. Traditions of the Ainu of Northern .Tapan. //..5. Also in AinericaK Naturalist, April, • 1886. p 425. Physical Characteristics of the Ainu. Canadian Record of .Science, 11., 1\^. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Penhallow, I). P.—Continufd. Mechanism of Movement in Cucurbita, Vitb and Rohinia. Trieitty of Canada. Vol. IV., S«c. 4. 1886. Additional Notes on Tendrils of Cucurbitaceap. Canadian Record of Seienee, II., 241. Soil Temperature. AgrirullHrid Si-ienrft I.i "5- A Review of Canatlian Botany from the First Settlement oi Xew France to the lS>th Centurj'. TrantnitioHH Royal Society nf Cunndn. Vol. V-, Sec. 4, 1887. The Rearing of Bears and the Worship of Yoshit sane by the Ainu of Yeso. Cditadittn Remrd of Science, II., 481. The Ainu. A Review. Ibid.. II., 438. Notes on Shepherdia Canaden.si*i. /6i'./.,iii.,3SO. Notes on Neniatophyton and a laminated Fossil. Till utact itiHi Royal Siji iety of Coitidit. Vol. VI., S«c. 4. 1888. The Food of Plants. Canadinn R<:Cfird iif Science, III., 333. Not«8 on Eriau Plants. Ibid., IV., 242. Gray's Scientific Papers. A Review. Ibid., iii.,5ian (Devonian) of New York and Kentucky. Ibid., IV., 242. The Botany of Montreal. In Hand Book for the Royal Society of Canada, Montreal Meeting, 1891. 12mo., p. 121. Penhallow, D. P.—Continited. Notes on Post Gla< ial Plants from Illinois. Trnnmclion^ Royal .V(i»;i«(y of Canada, Vol. ix., B«c. 4,18»1. Parka decipiens. Ibid. .\dditional Not«s on Devonian Plants of Scot- land. CnneuHttH Record of Sritnce, v., I. A New Species of Larix from the luterglacial of Manitoba. .Km^riciiH Geologint, IX., 6, 368. Epitaphal Inscriptions. .lournnl AmTican Folk-lore .S'niety, v., 305. A Preliminary Examination of So-Called Cannel Coal from the Kootanie of British Columbia, American lieoiogint, X ,331. Notes on Erian (Devonian* Plants from New York and Pennsylvania. Procfedingn I'nited Slate* Natioaal Muteum, xvi., 105. Notes on Nemotophyton cras.sum. Ibid., XVI., 115. PuiM^on, Adolphe. Mouvement de la Population Fran9aise dans lea Cantons de I'Est. Le Canada f ranca in, Qaihnc, Vol. I., 1888. p. 193. Chants Canadicns. Quebec : P. G. Delisle, 1880. Heures Perdues. Quebec : A. Cote et Cie, 1894. l2ino., pp. 254. Reade, John Has contributed to the following periodicals, newspapers, and collections of poems : Montreal Literary Magazine (1856). .Montreal Gazette (18561894). (1856-70, various contributions including poetry ; 1870-94, editorial articles and book reviews). Britifh American Magazine (1863-1861). DeiBart't Selectionii from Canadinn A»ef» (1864). .SUwart't Qmirterly (1868-1870) N Illustrated Canadian JVewt (1869-1880). Dub' in Vniterxity Magazine (1870-1871). Canadian Monthly (1872-1878). Belford's Monthly Magazine (1876-1878.) , Ro^e-Belford'» Canadian Monthly (1878-1882). The Week a884-18.«>l). Canadian Record of ."^cienee (1891). Popular Science Monthly (1888). Magazine of American Hiitory (1883-1890). Dominion lllwitrattd (1888-1892). Arcadia (1892-1893). M'liiorial Biiigmphieii of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Vol. v. (1891). Canadian Birthday Book (1887). Song* of the Great Dominion (1889). Younger Poet* nf America (1890). Poem! of Place". Edited by H. W. Longfellow = Vol. v. (Ireland.) Two poems, " De->enish " and " Killynoogan," by John Reade. Prophecy of Merlin and other Poems, Montreal, 1870. Of contributions to the foregoing volumes or periodicals (poetry excepted), the following treat of subjects wholly or largely Canadian : Our Canadian Village. Britinh American Magazine, February, March and April, 1864. ROYAL S0C1P:TY OF CANADA 65 Reade, Jolin.— Continued. British Canada in the Last Century. DuininioH Monthly, Augagti September and October, U73, and reproduced in "Piotureiiiue Quebec," by J. M. LeMoine, V,n\. Ttie History in Canadian Geographical Names. Net Dominittn Monthly, June, 1873. Canadian Literature. Introductory Lecture of Society of Canadian Literature. Opportunities for the Study of Folk-lore in Can- ada. Histories of Canada. Cana^^tnnri, January, February and March, 1883. The Early Interpreters. Canadiiinn. The Intermingling of Races. Pf>p^ar Science Monthly, January, 188i Thomas D'Arcy McGee, the Poet. Sir L. H. LaFontaine, Bart. In tlu Tranaaifions of the Royal Society of Canada: Language and Conquest. A Contribution to the History of Civilization. Vol. i., Sec. 2, 1882-8;^. The Makiny: of Canada. The Literary Faculty of the Native Races of America. Vol. n.. Sec. 2, 1.'ec. Introduction et discours. Quebec : C. Darveau, 1801. De Quebec a Victoria. Quebec : L.-J. Demers, 1893. 8vo.,pp. 3«0. Christophe Colomb — Discours. Dans Les Fetes Colombiennes, In 8o. Queljec : Leger Brous- seau, 1883. DansLe Canada Fraji^ais, Qxiebec : Introduction au Repertoire National. 1" vol. Montreal : J. M. Valois et Cie, 1893. Chronicjue de Paris. Vol. i., 1888. p. 156. La Question Romaine. Ibid., p. 228. Les Fetes Jubilaires a Rome. Ibid., p. 274. As.semblee Generale des Caiholiques de France. Ibid., p. 471. En Carriole. Vol. ii., 1889, p. 244. Les Grands Drames. Vol. iii., 1890, p. 277. L'honorable P.-J.-O. Chauveau. Ibid., p. ."MO. Iloy, •losoph-iOdiuond. Le Premier Colon de Jjevis, Guillaume Couture. Levis : Mcrcier et Cie, 1884. Ifimc. pp. 192. Monseigneur Deziel. Sa Vie, -ses (Euvres. Levis: Mercier et Cie, 188.5. 12mo , pp. 182. L'ordre de Malte en Amerique. Quebec : A. Cote et Cie. 1888. 12mo., pp. 68. Voyage au Pays de Tadoussac. Quebec : A. Cote et Cie, 1889. 8vo., pp. 231. De Quelques Couturaes Notariales. Iai Rerue Canad'^nne, Lirraisons de mars, avril et mai 1889, Du Notnriat et des Notaires au Canada avnnt IfkSH. I^ Canada Franvai*, 1889, pp. 448, 695 : 1890, p. 707. La Justice Seigneuriale de Notre-Dame d»> Anges. L'l Heme Conadienne, octobre 1898. Cours de Tactii|ue. Quel>ec. 18»W. 1vol., pp. 11(1. L'Ennemi ! lEnnenu ! P^tude sur lorganisation militaire du Canada. Quebec, 1862. 1 vol., pp. 38. Deux ans au Mexique, avec une notice pur M. Co(]uiUe, redacteur du Journal Le Monde de Paris. Quebec : C. Darveau, 1878. 1 vol., 7 6d; inl8. pp. 222. Promenades dans le (Jolfe Saint-Laurent. Les lies, Quebec : C. Darveau, 187!>. 1 vol., in 18, pp. 207. Avec preface par M. Marin ier, del'Acad^mie fran^'iiise, I vol., 7 ("'d-, illustr^e. l-_-i__ Promenades dans le (iulfe Saint Liiureut. LaGa«- -> pesie. Montreal : Senecal et Fils. 1 vol., in-8vo , 7 W . illustr^e, 4). 1 vol. Aussi dan* leg MtiHoiren de la SoeiM rnvale du Canada, Tome, HI-, Sec. 1, 1885. Lcff Canadiens-Franvais aux Etats-Unis.— Seance de I'asseinblee legislative de Quebec, du 28 mars 1883. 1 vol. Notes pour servir a la construction du chemin de fer projete, le " Quebec Oriental." 1 vol. Discours d'inauguration ; a la premiere seance de la premiere section de la litterature fran^aise de la Societe royale du Canada. MemtiireH de la Sociiti roynh du Canada, Tome I., Sec. 1, 1882. LElement Etranger dans les Etats-Unis. //.»rf.. Tome III., Sec. 1, ISO. Procedures parleinentaires : recueil des decisions des Presidents dc lAssemblee Legislative de Quel)ec, 18JW-188.5. Montreal : Iiuprimerie Gene- rale, 1885. 1 vol.,gr. 8vo.,pp. 783. I^e Canada et les Canadiens-Fian^ais pendant la giierre Franco-Prussienne, Quebec : A. Cote el Cie, 1888. 1 vol., 8vo., pp. 56. Notes sur la formation du Franco-Norniand et de I'Aiiglo Saxon, Montreal : Eusebe Senecal et Fils, 18t»2. 1 Tol., in-18 pp. 8-5. Maximilien, voytgeur, ecrivain, critique dart, poete, uiarin, obisorvateur, philosoplie, biblio- phile et Chretien. Miiiioiren de la Sociili royaU du Canntii. Tome vii.. Sec. 1,1889. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 67 Haint-MaiiHi-e, Faucher tip. — Continued. Notes pour servir a riiistoire de TEmp^Teur Maxi- milien fl'apres sesn-uvres. lesrecit.s ducapitaine d'artillerie AUh- t Hans, du iiiedecin |>articulier de S. M., le dot-U'ur Basch et des temoin^ ot-ulaires de lexecution. Quebec : Cote et Tie, 1HH9. 1 vol. in Sto., pp. 224. Avec un portrait de TEin- perenr. Notes pour servir a I'histoire du General Richard M-intgoniery. Montreal : E. Senecal et Fil.s, l.MSW. 18vo., pp. 98. Mimniren dr la S'lcUti royaU du Cantula. Tome IX., Sec. 1.1890. L' Admiral Byng devant ses .Juges et devant I'His- toire. Ibid; Tome xi. Sec, 1, 1693. Aussi dans un vol., illiutr^. Les Etats de Jersey et la Langue franfaise, Ex- einple offert au Manitoba et au Nord-Ouest, Montreal : E. Senecal et Fils, ItftSJ. 1 vol., iD-12mo., pp. S2. SaunderH, William. Insects Injurious to Fruits. Philadelphia : Lip- pincott &Co., 18t«. Svo., pp. 436, with Ui) wood cuts. 2nd ed., 1892. In the Transactions of Royal Society of Canadti, viz. : On the Importance of Economizing and Pre- serving our Forests. Vol. i., pp. :J5-S7. On the Introduction and Dissemination of Nox- ious Insects. Vol. i., pp. 77-79. On the Intluence of Sex on Hybrids among Fruits. Vol. I., pp. 123-125. Notes on the Occurrence of Certain Butterflies in Canada. Vol. ii., pp. 23:J-2:«. Catalogue of Canadian Butterflies, with notes on their distribution. Vol. iii., pp. 85-106. Observations on Early-ripening Cereals. Vol. vi., pp. 73-76. The Yield of Spring Wheat, Barley and Oats Grown as Single Plants. Vol. vii., pp. 109-112. In the Canafiian Journal, viz. : On the Occurrence of Vanessa Coenia in Canada West. 1861, pp. 198-500. List of Plants Collected Chiefly in the Neighlx>ur- ho«xi of London, Ont. 1863. pp. 219-2;i8. Synopsis of Canadian Arctiada*. 1863 pp. 319-377. In the Canadian Entomologist, viz.: Entomological Notes. De.scriptions of Ejjgs and Larvje of Canadian Butterflies. 1868, pp. 3-6 ; 1869, o3-ol, (55-67, 73-77. Notes of a Trip to the Saguonay. 1868, pp. 11-13. De.scription of the Larva of Callimorpha Lecontei. 18(v8, pp. :». On the Larva of Pyrameis Huntera, 18(59, pp. ^ 105-106. V Notes on Alaria Florida. 1869, pp. 6-7. v\_ Notes and Experiments on Nematus ventricosus. 1869, pp. 13-17. On a New Grape-seed Insect, Isosoma vitis. 1865>, pp. 25-27. HaunderH, W ilUmn.—Conti nurd. Notes on Hadena xylinoide.s. 1809, pp. 33,34. On the I.Arva of Thecla inorata. 1870, pp. 61 ftt. On the I.jirva of some Lepidoptera. 1870. pp. 74-76. An In.sect Friejid, Arma placidum. 1870, pp. !W-!M. Hints on Describing Caterpillars. 1870, p. 94. Entomological Gleanings. 1870, pp. 111-113, 126- 129, 146 149. Notes on the Larva of Ophia.sa bi.striaria. 1^70, p. i:«. On the Plum Curculio Conotnvchelus nenuphar. 1K70, pp. 1:17 i:«. On Neonympha eurytris. 1870, pp. i:ft>-142. On the Larva of Diphthera deridens. 1870, pp. 145 146. Hints to Fruit-growers. 1871, pp. 12-14, 25 27, 66-70, 149-155. Entomological Gleanings. 1871, pp. 14 15. On the Larva of the Peach-borer, .^geria exitiosa. 1871, pp. 14 15. Notes on Lepidopterous Larv*. l&ll, pp. 35-37, 225 227. Report on the Colorado Potato Beetle. 1871, pp. 41-51. On the Egg and Young Larva of Alaria Florida. 1871, p. 76. On the I.Arva of Priocvcla armataria. 1871, pp. i:«l3l. On the Swarming of Danais archippus. 1871. pp. 156-157. On the Larva of Halesidota maculata. 1871, p. 186. On the Larva of Agrotis depressus. 1871, p. 19:1 On the Larva of Hyperetis alienaria. 1871, pp. 209-2ia Notes on the Larva of Acronycta occidentalis. 1872, pp. 49-52. Notes on Argj-nnis cybele. 1872, pp. 121-123. Hints to Fruit-growers. 1872, pp. 13;i-i;i6. Blistering Beetles. 1872, p. i:«>. On the Eggs and Young Larva? of Melita^a Har- risii. 1872, pp. 161-163. Osmia Canadensis. 1872. pp. 237-2:38. On Danais archippus. 187.3, pp. 4 8. On the Larva of Plusia balluca. 187:3, pp. 10-11. The Isal)ella Tiger moth, Spilosoma Isabella. 187:5, pp. 75-77. The Grape-vine Plume-moth, Oxyptilus perisceii- dactylus. 187.3, pp. 99-100. On the Raspberry Saw-fly, Selandria rubi. 1873, pp. 101 -1(W. On the Bacon Beetle, Dermestes lardarius. 187:5. pp. 171-172. Notes on the Larva of Cosmia orina. 1873, p. 206. On CoHas philodice. 1873, pp. 221-223. On the Tiger Swallow-tail Butterfly, Papilio tur- nus. 1874. pp. 2.5. On Amphipyra pyramidoides. 1874, pp. 27-28. On the I.«irva of Boarmia larvaria. 1874, pp. ;52 3:5. 68 BimJO(;RAl'HY OF THK Haiinders, William.— Con/mu^/f. On Limenitis disippus. 1874, pp. 46 49. Notes on the Larva and Pupa of Sapenia nioesta. 1874, pp. 61-83. On the (jooseberrj- Saw-Hy, Nematns ventricosus. 1874, pp. 101-104. On the Currant Geometer, Ellopia ribearia. 1874, pp. 138-i:». The Spotted Pelidnota, Pelidnota punctata. 1874, pp. 141 142. On the Larva of Catocala ultronia. 1874, pp. 147 149. The Mexican Honey Ant, Myrmecocystus Mexi- canus. 1875, pp. 12-14. On Eudryas grata. 1875, pp. 41-44. On the Hellgrammite B^ly, Corydalis cornutus. 1875, pp. 64-67. On Deiopeia liella. 1875, pp. 85-86. On Drasteria erichtea. 1875, pp. 115-117. List of Neuroptera, collected chiefly in the neigh- bourhood of I^ndon, Ont. 1875, pp. 1.52-1.54. Notes on Catocalas. 1876. pp. 72-75. On the Luna Moth, Actias luna. 1877. p. 33. On Deilephila chanuenerii and D. lineata. 1877, pp. 63-67. The Forest Tent C.-vterpillar, Clisiocampa sylva- tica. 1877, pp. 158-159. Notes on the Larva of Lycaena Scudderi. 1878, pp. 1415. Observations on the Eggs of Clisiocampa sylva tica and C. Americana. 1878, pp. 21-2:1 The Achemon Sphinx, Philampelus achemon. 1878, pp. 101 io;i The Abl)Ot Sphinx, Thyreus Abbotii. 1878. pp. i:«)-131. Notes on a Winter Holiday. 1878, pp. 221-224. The Goldsmith Beetle, Cotalpa lauigera. 1879, pp. 21-22. Insect Powder. 1879, pp. 41-4.3. Entomology for Beginners. No. 1, 1879, pp. 221- 2:^3. No. 2, 1880, pp. 4-6. No. .% i880, pp. 56-57. On Two Mites. 1880, pp. 2;i7-2;{9. The Indian Cetonia, Euryomia Inda. 1881, pp. 1-2. The Satellite Sphinx, Philanipelus satellitia. 1881, pp. 41-43. The Legged Maple-borer, vEgeria aterni. 1881, pp. 69-70. The Eyed Elator, Alaus oculatus. 1881, pp. 1 17 1 19. On Notodonta concinna. 1881, pp. 138 140. The Southern Cabbage BulterHy. Pieris prototlice. 1S82, i)p. 12. The Polyphemus Moth, Telea polyphemus. 1882, pp. 41 45. The Leopard Moth, Ecpantheria scribonia. 1882, pp. 113-115. The Grape Phylloxera, Phylloxera vastatrix. 1882. pp. 121128. On the Mouth of the Larva of Chrysopa. 1882, pp. 176-177, Sanntleps. 'Williani.—Coiitintud. The Grape J)erry Moth, Lobesia Ijotrana. 1882, pp. 178 180. The Poplar Dagger-moth, Acronycta lepu.sculina. 1882, pp. 221 22:1 The .\pple Leaf-crumpler, Phycita nebulo. ISKJ, pp. 12. The Melon Moth, Eudioptis hyalinata. 1883, pp. 56-57. The Apple-tree Aphis, Aphis mali. 1883, pp. 96-97. The Promethea Moth. Callosamia promethea. 1883, pp. 2:}l-233. On Smerinthus extecatus and S. myops. 18m, pp. 9-11. Notes on a Trip to Point Pelee. 1884, pp. 50-53. On Pulvinaria innumerabilis. 1884, pp, 141-143. Description of the Larva of Agrotis decolorata. 1885, p. 32. In Annual Reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario, viz. : Insects Injurious to the Grape. 1870, pp. 30 53 ; 1871, pp. 17-21. Insects Injurious to the Currant and Gooseberry. 1871, pp. 27-44. Insects Injurious to the Grape. 1872. pp. 10-14. Insects Injurious to the Strawberrj'. lt<72. pp. 1526. On Sonje Innoxious Insects. 1872, pp. .51-.t8. Insects Injurious to the Raspl>erry. 1873. pp. 7 17. Insect* Injurious to the Strawberry. 1873, pp. 18-19. On Some Innoxious Insects. 1873, pp. 20-25. Entomological Notes for 1873. 1874, pp. 17 21. On Some of Our Common Insects. 1874, pp. 22-28. On Some Injurious Insects. 1874, pp. 43-53. On Canker Worms. 1875, pp. 2."i-28. Notes of the Year. 1875, pp. 2S)-;35. On Some Common Insects. 1875, pp. 36-42. Annual Address of President. 1876, pp. 6-10, On Some Common Insects. 1876, pp. ;i5-38. Notes of the Year. 1876, pp. 39-40. Annual Address of President. 1877, pp. 4-6. Aphides or Plant Lice. 1877, pp. 31-,'J9. Annual Address of President. 1878, pp. 4-8. Notes of the Year. 1878, pp. 28 3.5. On Papilio cresphontes. 1878, pp. 60-61. Annual Address of President. 1879, pp. 4-9. The Pea Weevil. 1879. pp. (53 65. Notes on Various Insects. 1S79. pp. 71-77. Annual Address of President. 1880, pp. 5-9. The Common Woolly Bear, Spil.soma virginica. 1880, pp. 21-22. On Some Rare Insects Captured in Ontario in 1880. 188(», pp. 38-42. On .Mites. 1880, pp. 69-75. Annual Address of President. 1881, pp. 5-9. KOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 69 Saun(ler8, WlMlatn.—ConthiHed. Insects Injurious to Clover. 1881, pp. ;i7-48. Annual Address of President. 1*W2, pp. 712. Notes of the Year. I»t2, pp. 62 69. Annual Address of President. IHKi, pp. 8-13. Insects Injurious to the White Pine. 1883, pp. 52i)0. Annual Address of President. 1884, pp. 1.5-20. Annual Address of President. 1885, pp. 4-9. The Raspberr>- Saw-fly, Selandria rubi. 188.5, pp. 14-1.5. Entomological Exhibit.s at New Orleans Exposi tion. 1885, pp. 18-19. Annual Address of President. 1886, pp. 6-8. In Reports of Fruit -groirers Association of the Pro vince of Ontario, viz. : On the Plum Curculio. 1870, pp. .50-5.5. Es.say on the Rasplierry. Blackberry, Strawberry and Currant. 1670, pp. 56-(>4. Fruits and Fruit-culture. 1871, pp. 71-8:1 Experiments in Hybridizing. 1872, pp. 48.59. On the Cultivation of the Plum. 187.i, pp. :«>-:«. Report on the Muskoka District. 1877. pp. ;i9-40. On Ten Native Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. 1879, pp. 17-20. On Some Deciduous Trees and Shrubs desirable for More Extended Cultivation, 1880. pp. 32-35. Annual Address of President. 188:1, pp. 9 14. Annual Address of President. 1884, pp. 12-19. Apples as Food for Stock . 1884, p. 109. Annual Address of President. 188.5, pp. 132-i:j8. Annual Address of President. 1886. pp. 4-9. On Fruit Production in Ditterent Parts of the Dominion. 1888, pp. 77-81. In Transactions of the Fruit-growers' Association of Nova Scotia, viz. : On Progress in Fruit Culture. 1889. pp. 81-90. The Life History of an Apple-tree : what an orchard takes from the soil, and how this may- be restored. 1894, pp. £i',U. In the Canadian Horticulturist, viz. : On the Ceeropiii Moth. Attacus cecropia. 1878, pp. 8-11, 28-31. The Plum Curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar. 1878, pp. 72 74. The Grape-vine Flea-beetle, Halticn chalyljea. 1878, pp. 92-SM. The Green Grape-vine Sphinx, Darapsa myron. 1879, pp. ;r7-40. Kecollections of a Journey South. 1879, pp. 70-74, 109 112, 149-181 ; 1880, pp. 4-7. The Codling Moth, Carp^K-apsa pomonella. 1881, 80-8:}. On the Maple-tree Borer, ^-Egeria acerni. 1883. pp. 176-177. In the Proceedings of the A mtrican Pharmaceutical Associaton. viz. : On the Compound Decoction of Siirsaparilla. 1S67, pp. ;J39 ;M1.^ --4^ ._.__^„____^ Saunders, WiiUatn.— Continued. On the Relative V'alue of the Rhizoma and Ra- dial Fibres of Podophyllum |>eltatum in the Matmfacture of Pinlophyllin. 18()7, p. ;179. On the Preparation of the so-called Oil of Stillin- gia. 18port Experi- mental Farms. IH91. pp. 5 62. Report of the Director. Annual Report Experi- - — -_ — mental Farms. 1892, pp. 5-54. -r- — -^ mil 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK Suuniters. Wl'liaiu. -Cunfinueil. Bulletin No. 18. Ij«tloga Wheat. February 7, M«. pp. U. Re|K)rt of tli»* Director. Annual Rt'i>ort ExperJ- nu-ntal Farms. IHWl, pp. :UHl Fxp«'rinuntai Farm Notes. No. 1. The (Jenuin atiuK Power of Crain Crown in Canatia dnritiK IHW:!. February, 1S!M, pp. (i. Bulletin No. IS). Tul>ereulosiM. Saunders and Koliertson. February, IHSM, pp. 'Mi. In Prucetilingfi «/ the Soviefy for the Promotion of Agf'u^iltural Scienct, rtz. : Not«8 on Wheats Grown as Single Plants at the Experimental Farm, Ottawa. 1MH9, pp. .TO til. Annual .Vddres.s of President, IrtW, pp. ASM 281. Other Re/)ortn : Report.s on Adulteration of Food as Public An- aiy.st for Windsor Division. l,ss:M884. IH80-I886. Report on the Progress of the Work in the Cana- dian Section of the Worlds Columbian Exposi- tion. Decemljer, 1.S92, pp. 2S. Report on the Production and Manufacture of Beet Sugar. Prepared tor the Canadian Gov- ernVnent. IVbruary 7. 1892, pp. 47. Sehultz, Hit* Honour John. Botany of the Old River Trail and Red River Settlement. Tranttieturiu •>/ Botanical Soeietv 0/ Canada, King- ston, 1S61. Chemistry of the Atmosphere and Prevailing Di.seases of Red River Settlement. tnMitute of Hiip»-rl'a Land, 1862. A description of a journey from St. Paul to Fort Garry during the Sioux Massacre in Minnesota and Dakota, 1H62. Advocacy of Confederation of Canadian Provinces and the inclusion of the great Fertile Belt, 1864. P'videnee before Riiilroad Committee of Inited States Senate on the vast resources of Rupert's I^nd, 1866. Opening of a Prehistoric Mound, 1874 and 1875. In liepuitsof Debates of Hoiis*' of Commons in Lib- rary of Purlin ment, 1871 1882. viz: Speeches in House of Commons on Indian Policy, Preservation of Buffalo, .System of Surveys, Forest and Prairie Fires, Waterways of the Northwest, Railroad Conniuinicution, Survey and Lighting of Lake Winnipeg, First Red River Rebellion. Dawson Route, C. P. R.. re sources of the Northwest, preservation of sea animals of Hudson's Bay, Arctic research. Loyalty to the Empire, Unity of the Colonies, the Isotherms as affecting agricultural possibili- ties, and the resources of British Columbia. Speeches in Senate on ManitolKi and Northwest subjects. Report upon Preservation of National B'ood Pro ducts and Resources of the Great Mackenzie Basin. Later Phases of Indian Question. Mohultz, HIn Honour •li>hn.--fV>n/(nM<'r'. Development (»f Resources. Means of Couimiinication anf Manitohn, 1991. The old " Crow Wing Trail." - . Ibid., imz. Some very old Inhabitants. Speech on unveiling the monument commemorative of the Battle of Seven Oaks. yAirf.,1893. The Innuits of our Arctic Coast. Trnnoitctiunt (if the Hoyiil ,Suciely of Canada, WoU XI.. Sec. 2. 1S94. Splwjrn. AlfVeil H.f. On the Geology of the Gold Helds of Victoria. (In a letter to Professor A. C. Itamsay, F.R.S., and F.li.S.) (Quarterly ./'lumtd Oeolngical Siieiety, Vol. XIV".. p. 533 The aathor wu at that time Geologist to the Colony of Victoria. Report to Sir H. Barkly on permanence of auri- ferous veins in \'ictoria, Australia, in reply to Sir Roderick Murchison. Victoria Pari. P. No. 75, 12th .July, 1858. Note on the Geology of Victoria. (In a letter dated (ieological Survey Office, Melbourne, 14th February, 1850, to Sir R. I. Murchison, F.R.S., F.G.S., etc.* (Juurterlu Journal fJtologiial ,'action» Roynl Society of Cunnda, Vol. i. Sec. 4, 1882. The Geology of Lake Superior. IbiiL, 1883. Descriptive Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada, to accom- pany a new Geological Map. Montreal, 1884. liOYAL SOlIKTY OF ( ANADA \ 71 Selwyn. Alfn*! tl. C.—Cnater Co., in Nova Scotia, 1772-73. Observations in the Xorthwe.st Territory, from h'ort Garry t > Rocky Mountain House, 1K7:{-71. On Kxploration in Britinh Columbia, 1K75-76. Obs«>rviit ions on the St rat if^raphy of the Quehe:; (iroup, l^f77 78 On BorinK OjMTationH in the Souri.n River Valley. IHTJSIJ. On the Geolof^icai Nomenclature and the Colour- ing and Notation of Geoloj^iial Maps, lSS0->'2. On the Gfolojiv of the .Southeastern portion of the Provitice of yueljcc, 1S><1) 82. Stewart {»'. Thorna-i D'.Vrcy Mc(iee. .July, 18«*, St. John, N.B. Sif>r,trt'» Qwtrterlu Tiiis iiiiigiizint was fouodpd and edited by the author t'runi April, l»ti7, to .Jaiiu«r>'. 1S"5: 5 rulg. printed. He aUo pu>ilibh*'d and edited Tfie Stamp ('iMert'im' Vunrhly Grtzetu. at. John, N.B , June 1, 1865,to June 1, 18(i7, inclusive: 2 vote. Halloween, /6.W.. October, 1S68, St. John, N.B, Charles Sanj^sterand hi.s Poetry. A/./., October. 1S6.), St. John, N.B. Who is Knylla .Vilyne ? IbUL, April, 1870, St. John, N.B. E. L. Davenport, as Sir (iiles Overreach. IhiJ., Apri!, 1870. St. John, N.B. Storm-stayed and the story which grew out of it, /hiJ., October. 1870, St. John, NB. Alexandre Davy Dunia.s. IhiJ., January, 1871, St. John, N.B. Old and New Newspapers. Ihul., January, 1871, St, John, NB- .John Reade's Prophecy of Merlin. IhUl., January, 1871, St. John, N.B. Dialect Poet.s ; IJret Harte and John Hay. /'..//., .Vpril. 1871. St. John, N.B. Zozinius. AppleioHn ■fournul. New York. Madame La Tour. thiJ., New York. Ballads of the Scaffold. C(in<(«/iin jV/'-nM/j>, Toronto. July, 1876. Thomas Carlyle. BrlfonrD Miioft-i-nri Dec , 1876, Toronto, Riilph Waldn Emerson. liiul-, January, 1871, Toronto. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Ibid., February, 1877, Toronto. Stewart, IJeorne.— fon/ifiM/'f/. .lames HuH.sell I.rf)well. Bflfurd't .Haijmiiir, April, 1877, Toronto. Henry W. Lonnfellow. //oX., June, 1877, Toronto. John C. Whit tier. M«(i.. October. 1877, Toronto. William Cullen Bryant. /itV/ , NoTember, 1877. Toronto. How Five Little MidKets spent Christmas Eve. /6i(<., January, 1878. Toronto. The Stor>- of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B. Toronto: Belford Bros., If<77 8vo., pp. 2^2, with map and -il plates. Canada under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. Toronto: Rose-Belford PublishinjiCo., 1K7H. 8ro., pp. 700. portTMt. FAeniiiKs in the Library. Toronto : Belford Bros.. 187H. 8vo , pp. 254. In the ('(luntlifiti Portraif finllfry, Toronto, l**)- 81, edited by J. C. Dent :-Sir .S. I,. Tilley, Sir A. G. .Vrchibiild. Hon. T. A. It Latlamm •, Hon. R. E. Caron. Hon. K. B. Chandler, Hon. .Sir John C. Allan, Bishop Medley. Hon. C. E. B. De lioucherville. Hon. H. (i. Joly, M^r. Francois- Xavier LavalMontiiiurency, Hon. Sir J. .L C. AblM)tt. Hon. Sir William Young, Hon. Timothy Warren .Xnnlin. R. W. Emerson, Alcotl the Conconi Mystic, Thomas Carlyle, Thoreau the Hermit of Walden, H. W. Longfellow. Trawmcti'tmi LUfniry und Huturicnl Society nf James I)c Mille. .Sour- niri PertonmU till Canndn Edited by the Count (if Premio Real, Quebec, ISW. The BejjjKJi'"^ Openition. /fti./., Quebec, 1880. Ijongfellow in Canadju Littrary HVoi./, Boston, Mass. 18SI. Frontenac's Will. Mnuer, in Vols. IV.. v., VI. ApiilHon'i CwUipediao/ Americ'ia BvHiraphu, New York A Fatal New Year's H\e, l)eing an account of Brig. (len. Richard .Moiitgomerys Swonl. .W'.ii. Toronto. December 22, 1S83. Fronlenac and His times. Vi'inidr'i y, Canadian Club of New York, edited by (Jeorge ii . Fairchild, jr. , 1887. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK Stewart, O^ttrne.—Continitfd. Emerson the Thinker. Seotiiak Review, London, Paisley nod New York, No a. April, 1888, pp. «8-3(/?. Nova Scot ia und New Brunswick. Enelyluprtlin firiliinnica, 9th edition. Vol. xvil. Prince Fkiwarrt Kland. ft../.. Vol. XIX. Quebec Province and Quebec City. Jbid., Vol XX. Simms, William Gilniore. Ibid., Vol. XXII. St. John, New Brunswick. Ibid., Vol. XXI. Three Rivers. Ibid., Vol. xxin. Fifty Years of French Canadian Authorship. The Critic, Halifmz, N'.S.. Jane 18, 1887. Letters in Canfula.' The Week, Toronto, June 16, 1887. Some French Canadian Book«. Ibid-, Toronto, March, 1888. A New Canadian Poet. Ibid.. Toronto, October 11. 1888. Pronunent Canadians. No. 10. Sir Samuel Leon- ard Tilley. Ibid., Toronto, January 26, 1888. The Fisheries Treaty. A Canadian View. Mngnzine of Ameriean HitUiry, New York) May, 1888. An Idyl of Dog Lane. Saturday Night, Toronto, December, 1888. Jottings by the Way. The Week, Toronto, NoTember 8, 1888. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and Her First Success- ful Book. /6i(i., Toronto, March 1, 1889. French Canadian Books. The Canadiiin Bibliographer, Hamilton, November, A Half-forgotten Singer. Trinity Univtriity Review, Toronto, December, IBS'. The Present Condition of Historical Studies in Canada. Annual Papert or the American Hittorieal An- .ra- tion. 1889. Ibid., 18'J0. Ibid.. 1891. Chapter " French Canadianisnis," I ^ " Slang, .Jar- gon and Cant," edited by Charles G. Leland. London : Whittaker & Co., IS90. 2 vols. Literary Conditions in Canada. The Independent, New York, March 6, 1890. Some Canadian Writers Ibid., New York, March 13. 1890. Literature in French Canada. Neic Btigland Magazine, Boston, September, 1890. A Montmorency Adventure. Doniinion lUtutrated, Montreal, February IS, 1890. The Writings of W. H. H. Murray. Bel/ord'n Monthly, New York, March, 1891. Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Arena, Boston, Vol. iv.. No. ii., July, 1891, pp. 129-141. Stewart, Gr^rffe.—Continwd, St. Je in-BaptiHte. The Independent, New York, June 25, 1891. James Russell Lowell. The Arm>t, Boeton, Vol. iv. No. v.. October, 1891. pp. 513-329. John Greenleaf Whittier. Ibid., Boston, Vol. v.. No. i., December, 1891, pp. 36-49 The Yellow Boys Room. The Independent, New York, December. 24, 1H91. The Legend of Crying Cove. The Independent, New York, February, 18, 1892. Fiction in the Court Room. The H-*,.A-,Toronto, March 11,1892. A Breakfast at Lord Houghton's. The Lake Magazine, Toronto, October, 1992. Some Famous Parrots. Prttgreu, St. John, N.B., March 12. 1892. The Quebec Crisis. The Speaker, London, March 5, 1892. The Magdalen Islands. The Pilot, Boston, April 9, 1892. John Gilmary Shea. Domininn lUuntrnted, Montreal, May, 1892. The Historj' of a Magazine. Ibid., Montreal, August, 1892, Sir Daniel Wilson. Ihfd., Montreal, November, 1892. Canada's Destiny. The Speaker, London, December 24, 1892. Quebec City and Province. Chamber'n Eneyclupmiia, VoL VIII., 1892. Sir S. L, Tilley, K.C.M.G. Men of the Ihiij, eaited by Louis H. Taoh£, Mon- treal, 1892. Dr. John George Bourinot, C.M.G. Ibid., Montreal, 1893. Hon. A. G. Blair. Ibid., Montreal, 1893. Sir .Joseph Hickson. Ihid., Montreal. 18*?. Hon. William Stevens Fielding. Ibid., Montreal, 1893. Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The Comuopolitan, New York, December, 1892. Songs of the French Canadian Children. Dominion lllunt rated, Montreal, February, 1893. The Canadian Question. The Nnrih Amerienn Revieir, New York, March. 1893. Canada at the World's Fair. Ibid., New York, May. 1893. The First Steamer to Cross the Atlantic. Chamberi'g Journal, Udinburgth, Scotland, June 17, 1893. Essays from Reviews. Dawson & Co., 1st Series, Quebec, 1892. 16mo., 171 pp. E.ssays from Reviews. Quebec : Dawson & Co., 2nd Series, 1893. 16mo., pp. 159. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 73 Halre. Benjamin. Ihins Lf.s Xourellr,* Soirrtu CanivHrnnex, Montrrnl : KiSet, V'ainqufur de la Chaudiere-N'olre. IdK?, p. rvD. Beauharnoi.H, le (rouvcrneiir i-t I'lntcndant de la Nouvelle France. 1H)*<, p. jy. Berthelot de Bt-aucourt. !»«, p. 201. Andre de LeiKiie. !>*«, p. 2MU. UiKaud de V'audreuil. ^^(HH, p. 113. Iktns La Kerue de Muntrfnl, viz. : LAca«iie. ItHM-lTK). 1H7H, pp. 129, IHO, 253. Dana La Minerve, Monfreal, viz.: Toronto. » octobre 1S81). Lachine. 13 avril IHiKS. Le Colonel dc lAjn^ueuil. 13 aout 124)1. Le.-s MilkienH de 1.S12. 2:< avril 1«K7. Samuel Chainplain. 11 et 22 aout et 1 scptenibre l«il. I^ Faniille Duveruay. U septenibre, ls»^). L'Annee 17H1 en Canada. 25 octobre IWHL II y a Cent Ans. !» septenibre IKSl. Etienne Parent. 2:< decenibre lf* KochelaiN et le Canada. 31 aout IHUTi. In The Anfii/ua via n, Montreal, viz. ; The Bronze Cannon. 1875, p. 22. Early PreH« In Canada. 1875, p (M. ^Chagouamigon. I.rftke Superior. 1875. p. 190. VareiincM de la Vert-ndrie. 1870, p. i:<0. A Lo.^t Xiagani. 1877, p. 25. <7anadian Clmk makers of Former Days. 1880, p. 11. Three Rivers in 1«0;<. 1880. p. 02. Jean Nicole'. 1880, p. l.'>7. The Flying Camp of 1W9. 1«80, p. 18.x On Centenarians. 1881. p. 105. Tin- Thirty .Men ..f HoUrval. 18H1, p. 179. Voyageurs and Iroquois in DWt. 18JI2. p. lOU La Haie de Kente in ItMKt. 1M)2, p. 104. Lettresde n-ibles.se de D'Amours. J892. p. IM. Crttamcoui in l, p. .180. Le camp volant de 1049. 1881, p. l.'A Decouverte du Mississipi. 1881, p. 385. La tenure Seigneuriale. 1882, pp. V.fi. 449. Origine de la fainille Poutrincourt. 1882. p. 021. L'ancienne nohles-se du Canada. Ijswo, pp. 298,;i41, mi, i)^i, .>18. Un voyage k la Nouvelle-France en 17:^. 1886, p. 15. La Pomnie de Terre en Canada avant 1780. I.s93, p. 81. Daniel Greysolon Duluth. 18t):i, p. 480, .540. La Ponime de Terre. 1893, p. 84. La Jeunesse de Jeanne D'Arc. 1894, p. 395. Une recompense honnete. 1894, p. 19. Dans les Menioires dc la Societe royale du Canada : Les Interpretes du temps de Chaniplaiii. Tome I. . Sec. 1, 1882, \i. 47. Premiers Seigneurs du Canada. /6-W., I, Sec. 1,188% p. 131 10 74 BIBLKXJRAPHY OF THE Snltr, K^njmmin.— Continued. Poutrincourt fn Acadle. /frici.. ii.,8m. 1,188(. p. 31. L« Golfe Saint lAurcnt, 1600-1625. Jbid.n.S^ 1,1886, p. 7. Le Golfe Saint Laurent, 1025-16:1-2. Ihid., VII.. Se«. 1, 1889, p. 29 Pretendues origincH de» Canadiens. /Md., iii..S«e.l,l8Cp, 18. La fainille de Callit^res. ll.i,L. viiu. d«c. 1, W90, p. M. Henry et Alphouse de Tonty. Ibid.. XL, S«o. I. WJi, p. X In The Citizen, Ottawa, Hz. : The name of the Ottawa, December IH, IHKl How tht» Ottawa came to l)e River Ottawa, Uecemlnr 23, 1HW3. Battle of Les ChaUs. Deceml»er :«, 18B3. Jean Xicolet in Wisconsin, HKM :{5. Mitdiiin, tf tW'.dWn, Stnte HiMurical Society Procetit- i»p<.. viii.,8», 18S-1M; ix,lw7; x., 41, a»2. 364,372. Les Liiurentiennes, en vers. Montreal : Eusebe Senecal, 1K70. Pot. 12mo..pp. a)i. Histoire des Trois- Rivieres. 1' livraison, Mont- real : Eusebe Senecal, 1H70. Cette brochure embras.se les annees 1514-1637. Id 8to., pp. 136 avec carter. Expedition inilitaire de Manitoba, 1870. Mont- real ; Eusebe Senecal, IHUl. 8ro., pp. SO. Melanges d'Hi.stoire et de Litterature. Ottawa : •Joseph Bureau, 1876. 12ino., pp. 500. Le Coin du Feu. Quebec : Biumhart et Cie, 1877. 12mo., pp. 210. Chronique Tritluvienne. Montreal : Compagnie d'lmprimerie Canadienne, 1879. Ce travail couvre les annees 1637-1665. 8to., pp. 237. Les Chants Nouveaux, en vers. Ottawa : Imprim- erie du C^nntia, 1880. I61DO., pp. 68. La Poesie Fran^aise au Canada. Iniprimerie du Courrier de Saint-Hyacinthe, 1881. Album de THistoire des Trois-Rivieros. Textes eopieux. Annees 1634-1721. Montreal : (ieo. E. Desbarats, 1881. 14 X 19 poueeg, 11 cartes, 2 planches d'autographeii. Histoire des Canadiens-Fran9ais. Montreal : Wilson et Cie, 1882-84. 8 vols., tto., pp. 160 chacan, avec 125 portraiti, carte.o et rues. Situation de la I^angue Fran9aise au Canada. Montreal : La Minervc, 1885. Histoire de Saint-Fran^ois-du-Lac. Montreal : Imprimerie de L'Etemlard, 1886. 8vo., pp. 120. Le Pays des (Jrands Lacs, 1608 a 1660. Lk CaniKin-FraH'.niH, Quebec, 1889-1890. Pages d'Histoire du Canada. Montreal : Granger Freres. 1891, 12mo., pp. 472. Halte, Benjamin.— rifw/miiwf. Causons du Pays et de la Colonination. Mont- real: Granger Freres, 18W1. l::m ).. pp. 25f». Lower Canada during 1810-14. Trnwmetifima »/ tk» Canndian Military IiulituU, Toronto, lWl-92. De Machiche aux Trois- Rivieres avant 1760. Un chapitre special a la fin du volume Intitule : " Histoire de la Paroisse d" Yamachiche." Trols- Riviere* : P. V. Ayott«, 1<*«. L'Emploi du Tenip.s. £< ifaHi(ij6a, 20 septembre 1893. Jeanne d'Arc Mllitaire. Courrier du Canada, 16 avril 1894. TaHHe. Joftepli. L» V'allee de I'Outaouais. 1K73. Les Canadiens de I'Ouest. Montreal : Cie d'lm- primerie Canailienne, 1878. 2 vol*.. 8to.. pp. (1.) xxxu. -1- »54 : (11.) 413, In Parallele - ImM Reaconsileld et Sir John Macdonald. 1880, I.,e IW"" Kauteuil on Souvenirs Parlementaires. Montreal : E. Sen.-cal et Fils, 1891. 8vo., pp. 299. Avec portraits de MM. Moiuseaa, Mauun, Royal et Uirouard. Voltaire, Madame de Pompadour et Quelques Arpent.s de Neige. Dana lea Memoirti de la Soeifit royaU du Canada, Tome X., Sec 1.1892. Disrours de Sir (Jeorges Cartier, baronnet. Ac- compagnes df notices. Montreal : Eusebe Senecal et Fils, 189:1. •Ir. 8ro., pp. VII. -i- 817. Avec an portrait et fac simile d'une lettre de Sir O.-E. Cartier. TanKuay, Mjjr. Cyprien. Relation du Voyage de rAbl)e J.-B.-Z. Bolduc autour de I'Amerique du Sud. Rapporif lur lei Miati'tiu du Dioeite de Quibee, jain 1843. Repertoire du Clerge Canadien depuis la fonda- tion de la Nouvelle-France jusqu'd nos Jours. Quel)ec : C. Daneau, 1868. 8vo., pp. 321 -f XXIX. Episode, voyage en France, Belgique, Pru.sse, Allemagne et Italic : Conference. Le Courrier d'Ottnim. 16mo , pp. 20 1870. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Families Canadien- nes depuis la Fondation de la Colonic jusqu'a nos Jours. 1" Vol. Montreal : Eusebe Senecal, 1871-1890. •Ito,, pp. 624. Registres de I'Etat des Personnes : Conference. Le F'lyer Domettigiu, Ottamti. 16mo., pp. 19. 1878. Monseigneur de r.\ul)eriviere, 5>«">« Eveque de Quebec. 17.39-4(1. Documents Annotes. Mont- real : Eusebe Senecal, 1W5. 12mo., pp. 159. Repertoire Generale du Clerge Canadien par Ordre Chronologique. 2' edition. Montreal : E. Senecal, 189:1. 8ro., pp. 52«-f46. P ROYAL SOCIKTY OF CANADA 78 Twiiituay, Min*- i'ypri^n.—Cantinued. Falllillt•^^ CHiiailieniieii. Dmu Im Mi hi 1 1 im 4* h Sori4t4 raf/nh iu Cttwada, 8m. l. lan. ^ade Hur lett Noma. Ktude sur la Ftnikiile I> Catalugne. A TravfP* les K^ixtres. I vol., pp. 276 + Viil., MontrvAl : Cadipux Si. Deronie, 1*W. IM .Sec l.lStS. I^ft Quatrt; Ageii de la Vie, Etude : Conference k rinstitut Canadieii, 1K7H. ?!tude I>JH AveugleN et les Swunls MueU« : Con- ference. IHHI, a rinntitut Verrenu, r.AI)lM». Invasion du Canada. Collection de Memoiies Rf(-ueilli<«et Annotes. Montreal: EuseljeSene- cal, lK70-7». 2 Tolumeg, petit Svo., pp. (i.) 2#) ; (ii ) 383. Ce» deux rolumea enmprennent : Le Mt'moire d« Sansuinet, ou Le T«^iii<>in oenlaire: Le M^moiro de Badeaux : Dea Kxtraitu du M^moire d< M. Bertbe- lot : Le M^moirede M. de Loriuiier (Mes Service*); Lettres Ecritei pendant I'lnva^ion Aut^rieaine. Ila I'evaient i-tre tuivia d'uti volume d« If'-tfn qui n'a pu M publit^. Report of Proceedings connected with (Janadian Archives in Europe. In Rrport of MtHiHri i,l' Agritulturt, No. 40, Sec- tional Papen of 1873. In English and French, pp. M- Suppression des Kelation.sde la Nouvelle-France. La lievur dr Montrfil, Montreal, Vol. 1, 1877. Quelques Notes sur des Orosilliers et Radisson. Journal de I'lnttruetion Publique, Vol. 1, Montreal. IWl. Dniisles Mr moires dt la Societi Iliatorufue de Mon- treal, riz. : Annotations a I'Histoire de Montreal par DoUier de Casson, 1868. Annotations au Vojage de MM. Dollier et Galinee, 1873. Introduction et .Vnnotationn aux Veritables motifs des Messieurs et Dames de la Society de X.D. de Montreal, 1881). Dans le Journal de F Inst met if jn Publique, viz. : Le Vieux Chateau ou I'Ancien Hotel des Gouver- neurs a Montreal, 1857. Le Pcre Lafitau et le Cren scng, 1858. Les deux abU*s dc Fenelon, 1864. Livres et Bibliotheques, 1868. Dans les Memoirea de la Societe royale du Canada: Les commencements de I'Eglise du Canada. Tome II., Sec. 1,1884. Des commencements de Montreal. Ibid., v.. Sec. 1. 1887. Jacques-Cartier, Questions de Calendrier Civil et Ecclesiastique. /Wt/, VIII., Sec. 1.1890. Jacques-Cartier, Questions de droit politique, de legislation, et d'usages maritimes. ytiJ., IX., Sec. 1,1891. > WattMtn, John. Enipiricisni and Common fx^ic. .Jnmmal <>J Spttulatitm HkiUmrpky, iunxwty, 1876, St. lioaii. 8vo.. pp. 17-M. Kant's Reply to Hume. /6i.. pp. 3M-.V7. Hedonism and rtilitarianiKm. ./',»miil of SprrMtalirt Pki/utophy. July, 1876, St. Louis. 8 vo., pp. 271-290. I>arwinisiH and Morality. Canadian Monthly, Ootuber, 1S76, TuruDto. Svo., pp. 319-3ai. The Relativity of Knowledge. Journal of Spr,.uienict Philo»ophy, Janaary, 1877, St. Louia. 8vo., pp. 19-48. The Ethical As|)ect of Darwinism. CanadiiiH Monthly, June, 1877, Toronto. 8vo., pp. 638-644. ProfesHor Tyndalls •' Materialism." Ihtd , March, W'*, Toronto. 8vo., pp. 282-288. The World as Force. JnnmAtca//^«v»ne, September, 1893, Boston. 8vo„ pp. 513-528. Whiteaves, J. F. Ou the Laud and Fresh-water MoUusca inhabit- ing the neighbourhood of Oxford. TrantactioH* Ai)hinoUan Society, Oxford, 1857. 8vo., pp. 18. On the Invertebrate Fauna of the Lower Oolites of Oxfordshire. RfDort Britith AMueialion for the Advaneement of Science, I860. 8vo., pp. 4. On the Palajontology of the Coralline Oolites of the neighboiu-hood of Oxford. AanaU and Magazine of yatural Ilittury, London, August, 1861. Svo., pp. 142-147, and 1 plate. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK Whit«-NVt»<*, J. F.-^Cuntiaued, On tli»* Ij»rul rtii/'»(/»•<, Vol. Till., S^riec 1, IWH. Svo., pp. 50-fi6ui(l 98-107. with 12 woodfatn. TransHtlantif Sketchen. 1. On the Little Miami River, WiiyneHvllle, Warren t'ounty, Dhio. XooUivi*!, Loadon, Vul. xxi., 18«U, pp. $4I't-H424. On the FoH8ils of the Trenton Llnientone of the Island of Montreal. Cnmntiian Ifaturaliit nnil Orvlui/itt, Vul. II., New Seriesi, \W6 Uro., pp. 312-311. On the Marine Mollusca of Kastern Canada. //,«/., Vol. IV., New b«riM, 1869. S»o., pp. 4»-57. On some results ohtaini-d by dregi»t, Vol. vt.. New SeriM. 1872. 8vo., pp. :^l-354. Notes on a deep-sea Dredging Expedition round the Island of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St. Law- rence. Aiiifilt iiml Miignzine t,f Nnturnl UiKtnry, Vol. X.. Series 4, l'i72, pp. 341-354. Reprinted, with gome alteration." and additions, in the ('aniidiauNiituniluit itiid G''>.logi»t, Vol. vn., New Series, 1875, pp. 86-100 Report on deep-.sea Dredging Operations in the Gulf of St. '^jawrence. with notes on the present condition of the Marine Fisheries and Oyster- Ix'ds of part of that region. Hepnri IMpartmeitt Mnrinf 'iwrf Fi»herv-», Otiawa, 1873. Laree 8vo , pp. 29. On recent deep-.sea Dredging Operations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Aiin-ririx» J'jurntil of S'ieHce a.id ArU, Vol. vii., Series C, pp. IVi-tVi, .March. 1874. Notes on some Cretaceous Fossils collected by Mr. .lames Richanlson at Vancouver and the adjacent Islands. Hf-pori of Prugrein, Geoloirieal Sarvey of Canada* for 1873-74. Montreal, 1874 Large 8vo., pp. 260-2M, with one plate. On a collection of Himalayan birds recently pre- sented to the Natural History Society by Major G. E. Bulger. C'liwiditm Naturulift and Genliiffiat, Vol. vil.. New Series, 1875. 8vo. , pp. i'H -406 Notes on the Marine Fisheries, and particularly oa the Oyster beds of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ihid.,'Vo\. VII., New Series, 1875. 8vo.. pp- 336-349. Geological Survey of Canada. Mesozoic Fossils, Vol. I., Part I. On some Invertebrata from the Coal-l)earing rocks of the Queen Charlotte islands, collected by Mr. James Richardson in Whiteaveii, J. F.—Continurtt. Irt72. .Montreal. IK7H. Ijirge Hro., pp. (tt, with lU plate-* and U wondcuts. Critical notea on FommHm collected by A. R. C. Selwyn and I*rof. Manmn in 'he valleys of the Pem-e, Athatjasca anil Clearwater rivers. /bid , Rep. Pmcr. 187.V76. .Montreal, 1877. pp.lK-106. On the Fossils of the Mi.s.sinaibi and Moose rivers collected by Dr. R. Hell in lf<7.5. /&trata frtini the West Coast of America. (Being a critical list of alxiut 12.5 species from the Strait of (ieorgia, Burrard Inlet, etc., with description of a new Alcyonarian by Prof. A. E. Verrill, and of .a supi»sed new Ijamellibranchiate Bivalve by the writer.) Cartadian Natumlvn tmd GeuUigUt, Vol. viii.. Series 2, Montreal, 1878. 8vo., pp. 4Bt-47L On some Primordial Fossils from Southeastern Newfoundland. (With description of one new specie.s.) A mer ,. J-funtal of Seirtee, September, 1878. 8to. , pp. 224- .-ti. Geological .-urv'vof Canada. Mesozoic Fossils, Vol. I. , Pai 1 2. On the Fossils of the Cretaceous roci:.. of Va .couver and adjacent islands in the Strait . ik. Montreal 1K79. Lar,'!* "" * 10 plated. Pre" iojU i .^.^.-.ila collected by Dr. R. Her in '7. *ht Long Portage of the M'^iinf.'i A Factory. Rei>f,-i uj . 3(;ioal Survey of Canada, 1877-78. Moni • Sand'c. On som • Marii - iiata from the Queen Charloire Island.' L >iii.ains a list of ItJO species, with desciipHons oV three new starfishes by Prof. A. E. Verr.il. c:nniioin<> KiwmU Fi»h»»H, CruHtiM>«*a and MoUuHoa frtim fh> 'ii-vDiiian nx-kn of •\iiii|>h«'llloii, X.H., with ilf-' riptioiisof live lU'W Hp«'cifi». /&.'/, Vol. X., N«w 8*rtM. MontrMi, mi *f.. pp. B3-1U1. Li»t of FoHsils collected by Dr. U. KpU m Maal- tolxi during the ho.iwjii of ISHO. liiV"'* "/ t'Tftgremt, Ueoliicicikl Surrey of Oanad*, l*7y-*). LarieSr.)., pp .^Ti -.V(r. On thf I»wer CretaceouM nx-ks of Hritlsh Co- lumbia. Ti'iwmrlirmM {{•■yal S'irietw '»/ i'ltiKidn. Vol. I. .Sec. 4, 19S2. 4to , pp. 81-Wi, with 3 wuodouu. On acme HiippoHfd Annelid tnu-kn from the (Jivsp*- Sandstont-H. lbi.L.Vi,\ I.. Sec. 4. 138Z 4to, pp. li<9 111, with 2 platef. Note on the occurrence of Slphonotreta Scotiea DavidMon, in the I' tica formation near Ottawa. Amfrifan JitntHtU"/ Snirnni- imJ Artt, October. 1W2. »vo.,pp. 27>»-?T9. On a Recent Speciet* of Hclen>p 279-280. Recent Di.scoverie.s of Fossil Fi.nhes in the De- vonian rocks of Canada. Ite^id iK'fore the (ieological and liioloKicai Sec ion of the Anier- iciUi .\8.HO<'iHtion for the Advaucenienl of Science at the Montreal meeting in 1HM2. Amfriean Nuluniliiit, Februar}*, I8l3. Lafffe 8to.> pp. 1!»-164. Geological Survey of Canada. I'ala-ozoic Fosnils, Vol. in.. Fart 1. On some new, imperfectly characterized or previously unrecorded S}>ecies of Fossils from the (luelph formation of On- Uirio. Montreal, 1MS4. Large 8to. pp 4-'), with 8 plates and 4 wtKxleatJi. Geological Survey of Canada. Mesozoic Fossils. Vol. I., Fart :{. On the Fossils of the Coal bearing deposits of the Queen Charlotte Islands collected by Dr. (I. M. Dawson in IH7rt. Mont- real, IS,"*!. Large 8ro., pi>. 72, with 12 plates. Note on a Decapotl Crustacean from the Upper Cretaceous of liighwood River, AUierta, N.W.T. TranmrtinnM Huyil Sm-iHuoj Camnlii. Vol it.. Sec 4, 1884. 4l«... pp. 237-2:i.s. Description of a New Speciis of Aiamonite from the Cretaceous rocks of Fort St. .John, on the Feace River. Ibid., Vol. It., Sec. 4, 1884. 4to.. pp. 2.19-240. Note on the I'ossilile Age of some of the Mesozoic rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands and Brit ibh Columbia. Amfi'iKaH Jiturnal uf Sci'iiCf nml Aria, June, 1885. 8v.».. pp. 444-419. List of Marine Invertebrates from Hudson's Strait, colIect4?d by Dr. R. Bell in 1S84. Report lit PronrfKt, QeoioKical Survey of Canada, 1882-3-4. Montreal, 1885 Large 8vu.. pp. 58 tiOiJD. Contributions to Canadian Faheontolcgy, \'ol. 1., Fart I. (1) Report on the Invertebrate of the Laramie and Cretaceous rocks of the Vicinity of the Bow and Belly rivers and adja- cent localities in the Northwest Territory. IhitL, 188C'. Large 8vo.i pp. 80, and 11 plates. \% hiM, J. F. Cantint Colonial and Indian Kshihitlon Catalogue of Canaiiian Finnipedia, C«tacea, Fishes ami .Mar ine Invertebraia exhibited by the Department of Fisheries of the IKiminiou Government. Ottawa, ItMl. 8v<>.. n*. 42. Illustrations of the fosMit fishes of the Devonian rocks of Canada. Fart I. Tnm^irli'iin Kt>vaHt of HritiHh Columbia: with a supple- mentary list of a few land and fresh waterHliells, Hshes, birds, etc., from the same region. Ihid.. Vol. IV.. Sec. 4, 1888. 4to., pp. », with 4 wood- cats. Noteit on some Me.sozoic foHHilit from various localities on tli. i-oawt of British Columbia, for the mi»st part c(»llected by Dr. (J. .M. Dawson in the summer of IHK5. Annual HnKol, m the Cretaceous and Ijiramie riM-ks of the .Saskatchewan and its tributaries, collected by Mr. .1. H. Tyrrell in IHST. and lH?Hti. Ibid.. Vol. II., Montreal, 1887. Large 8vo., pp, 153r- ltJ«5K. Illustrations of the fossil tishes of the Devonian rocks of Canada. Part 2. T"iniiieti"Hii Riiynl Society iif Canada. Vol. vi-, Sec.4, 188M. 4to.. pp. 77-96, with « plate*. Geological Survey of Canada. Contributions to Canadian Faheontology, Vol. i., Fart ii. (2( On some fosuils from the Hamilton formation of Ontario, with a list of the species at present known from that formation and province; CA) The fossils of the Triassic rocks of British Columbia ; and (4> On some Cretaceous fossils from British Columbia, tfie Northwest Terri- tories and ManitolM. Montreal, 1889. Large 8vo . pp 105, with 15 platea. Descriptions of eight new species of fossils from the Cambro-.Silurian nx'ks of Manitoba. TruniietiiiuH Knyiil .Society of CuHada, Vol. v II., Sec. 4, 1889. 4to , pp. 7.V83, und 6 platen. Descriptions of some new or previously unrecorded species of fossiU from the Devonian rocks of Manitoba. Ibid., Vol. VIII., See. 4,1890. 4to., pp. 9.1-110, with 7 platee. Geological .Survey of Canada. Contributions to Cana TriintuetiiitiH Royiil S">'i>ti_i i>l ('iiinidn, Vol xi.. Sec. 4, pp.3-lt>. The recent discovery of large I'nio-like shells in the Coal measures at the South Jxggins, X.S. IhiiL, Vol. U8. 360 Illustrations. Williruw, W. H.—Crnitinuetl. A Canadian in Europe. Toronto : Hunter, Rose ft Co. 12mo., cloth. Copiously illustrated. Valeria ; The Martyr of the Catacombs, Toronto, London anbation. Toronto, London and New Y'ork. 12iuo. , cloth. The Romance of Missions. Toronto. 12uio., cloth. Worthies of early iletluKlism. Toronto. 12ino.. cloth. Men Worth Knowing: or, Heroes of Christian Chivalry. Methoififl Magiiziae, 1881. Missionary Heroes. Ibid., '1882. \\ rijjht, IC. Hainsay. Systematic Position of the Spongiadie. Cuintdian ■lounial, \6~', pp- 14. Contributions to American Helminthology. I'roeetdiiiyi Ciiitiidiiin fnititute, N.S.i Vol. I-, 1879, pp. 1-24, 2 platet-. Notes on American Parasitic Copepoda. Ibid.. Vol. I.. 1832 pp. 243-254, 2 plates. On Demode.x I'hylloities. Loc. eit., 18*J, pp. i75-2»l, 2 plates. Treniatode Parasites in Anierican Crayfish. Arteiicaii AaturiUiat, 1884, p. 429-30- On the Oigan of .lacobson in Ophidia. Ziioloyifcher Auzeioe.''. Vol. VII., )88;, p. 112. On the Skin and Cutaneous Sense Organs of .\iuiurus. Fruceeii • inin C'Ui'uiiaii Iimtilute, N.S , Vol. II., 1884, On the Nervous System and Sense-Organs of Amiurus. A.ic. ci>., 1SS4, pp. 352-386, 3 plates. On a Parasitic Copepod of the Clam. Aim I icuii Snturaiixt, l.'^o, pp. 118-124, I plate. On a Free Swimming Sporocyst. Lj'ogu. Vol. xix., 1885, pp. 476-4W, 1 plate. On the Skull and Auditory organ of the Siluroid Hypopbthalmus. T:anx(ietio,tH Royml Sociitu of C'«nc(i/«, Vol. ni.,Sec, 4, 1885, pp. 107-118, 3 plates. Introduction to Structure of Vertebrata. la Sliindurd Natural Hiitory, Boston : S. E. Cassino A Co., 1885, Vol. III., pp. 1-52, Imp. svo. Account of Monotremes and Marsupials. Ibid., Vol., v., pp. 11-45. Of Ungulata. Ibid., Vol. v., pp. 233-352. ROYAL SCM^IETY OF CANADA 79 Wrljeht. R. nammay.— Continued. Of Primates. /« Standard Natural ffittiiru, VoL v., pp. 430-528. In conjunction with Dr. A. B. Macalluin. Sphy ranuru. A coutriimtion to American Heliniii thology. Ji.urrinf „f Morphology, Boston, 1887, Vol. I., pp. 1 «, 1 plate. Wrljtht, K. Kanisay.— ron/*«ttfrf. An Introduction to Zoology for the use of High- .schoolH. Toronto : Copp, Clark & Co., 188!». 12aio., pp. 3U, with 191 tigs. Pathogenic Sporozoa. Canadian Prartitioner, Toronto, January, 1890. Preliminary Rejiort on the Fish and Fisheries of Ontario. /n Hfportnf Ontari,, Finh and Game CommUtitm, Toronto,lH'.i2,printed by order of Legulative .Assembly, PP. <21-475, with 13 figs., text and .55 plates. iiaiii