IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A^ 4/ A5v. L< W<5 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ m liiiM lit lu 2.2 4£ 12.0 1.8 lA. IIIIII.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V V L1>^ :\ \ ^9) \ %-!> 6^ l ii tj i ^ i jw i< n wiB|iawW j lil^i , ' ■ V 4 -» ^^ '■i ad Mi. r Mb 7 KEY TO ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC, # FOR ^1 CAITADIA.i SCHOOLS, BT REV. BARNARD SMITH, M.A., BT. PktBR's COIiLEOIl, Cambridos, ARCHIBALD McMUROHY, M.A., f University College, Toronto. TORONTO: COPP, CLARE »9 £• — *■ Entered-icoordiiig to Act of the Parli^ent of Canada in the ye«. One Thousand Eight Hnndred and Seven yle" by CoPP, Clabk * Co., Toronto, in the Office of the Minister of Agrioultare. ^%i o9S 7*. f » / % 3 ♦'vT i ^ T t 7 6 i-V V ''■•4-6 KEY TO ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC. i 6 + 1= 7 7 + 3= 9 Ex. vr. (p. 17.) 2 3 -f- 2 = 4 4-+-2= 6 29 boys. A's 2 B's 6 C's 7 D'a 9 23 12 ycai*8. If C had bought *7 more. 80 total. 17 + 19 30+ 9 Ex. VII. (p. 19.) ?9^ J^'^ - X2 ^^^52= »7 women. -_45 83 + 07 = 129 youths. iftrt„,«.ui 29mfante. 287 (38) 65D 1st 657 + 231= 888 2(1 2437 + 11 r. ^448 tx\x 4885 5th 0770 total. #■ KEY. (39) $9080 wife's share. $11788 two younger sons* share. $10600 eldest son^s share. $10800 three daughters' share. $42068 [Elem. AniTif: (40) 589 1st 2154-589= 804 2d 197+589 = 786 3d 589+780 = 1875 4th 3554 i « (21) 24916 51954 27499 87750 44720 186889 Ex. VIIL (p. 21.) (22) 15499 6824 29620 20325 . 72268 (23) 44821 90323 19096 14669 13743 11555 194307 II i (14) 44 sheep. 85 cattle. 15 pigs. 6 horses. 100 animals. — Ex. IX. (p. 22.) (15) 623 bii. wheat. 120 " oats. 64 *' peas. 237 " potiitoes. 38 " turnips. 982 total. (17) 25211 32050 31183 28590 23780 24088 (16) $1650 160 575 200 600 $3185 105802 i 11 Ex. X, xi.J $560 300 KEY. Ex. X. (p. 35.) 11 (80) $300 260 75 (31) 47 28 $260 wU of carriage. $ 40 (33) 49 + 65+ 19 = 133 167-133= 34 05- 34=1 31 28 47 No. of boys. 19 (33) 6 + 4 = 10 0-4= 3 10-3= 8 (34) 10 + 3 + 8 + 5 + 3 + 4 40-33 = 7. 38. II (33) Ex. XI. (p. 26.) 9377- 1383= 7994 3d In. 9377+ 7994 = 17371 23257-17271= 5980 (34) 1869 1819 50 the age of the queen no2o. 1841 60 .23047 175 23222 868 22854 495 33349 133 (33) 10000 8406- 1594 704 890 7305 8195 33317 the difference is 1891 when the prince's v..x.^*ctxv;c is 1801 1S10 4«^ = t^^e q"e6n's 23317-81£5=15033. 18 Jl - 1819=73 years, the queen's age then. 07 (25) jj - 20 = 68 Hei!ry's marbles. 08 - 35 = 140 Cliarles' mar])les.. 13' KEY. (26) 84 135 39 88 89+58= 97 804 (27) 45-16=29 89-f- 7=36 86-10=26 26+ 2=28 28+ 4=32 82-11=21 ^1217 80- 7=23 $1217-$1000=|217mdebt23- 5=18 18+ 8=26th from top. 45 - 26= 19th from bottom. (28) 63 — 6 = 58 children. 1769 ^25 ~ ?§ = iT able-bodied. 1262 - 73 = 1189 nuts. . , (29) 1696 = 73 eggs. 70 -4 47 = 23 infirm. 6 cfficere. (30) 117986 72268 73 + 1189 = 1262 176^-1262= 507 oranges 1189- 607= 682 (31) 45008008 87906703 4.5718 7096305 (32) Since miunend = sum of subtrahend and remainder .-. mm. = 56312300 + 77313 = 56289013 ' (33) Since subtrahend = difference bet. min. and remaind.'r .-. sub. 66304000 - 12586 = 66291414. (34) Gained $1 per head. Total gain $305. .*. Actual gain = |305 - $45 = $260. (35) $43054836 34717248 $8337588 Ex. xn, xiir.J KEY 13 3 = 111; 7 = VII; 11 = XI; 9 = IX; 12 = XII; 16 = XVI ; 190 = C51 = 1204 = III VIII XV XX LXXXI CXI DCV VII MC MM DCCXLIX 3VIDCCCLXV Ex. XII. (p. 28.) (1) 18 = XVIII; 59 = LIX- 25 = XXV; C2 = LXII. .2?= XXVIII; 77 = LikVlI: 37 = XXXVII; 84 = LXXXI V; ^ = }'^i 103 = cm ; • 53 = LIII; 157 = CLVII; -f^n?i 200 = CC; : MPniir . Z®^ = I>CLXXXIII ; -MCCIV; 1527 = MDXXVII • 1805 = MDCCCLX V ' = three or 3; W=i^ix,6; = ei^ht, or 8 ; XIH = ^bi^te^n. or 13 • = fifen, or 15; XVII = seventeen, or 17- = twenty, or 20 ; LIV = fifty-four, otH- - eighty-one, or 81 ; * ' = one hundred and eleven, or 111 ; = SIX hundred and five, or 605 ; = five thousand and two, or 5002 ; " ""^lOOOOO^ """^ ^"""^^'^ thousand, or = two thousand, or 2000; = seven hundred and forty-nine, or 749- (45) 39xll=429bu. 429 X 6 = 2574 s. (47) 11x23 = 253 cents. jJ3x a = 297cenb. 397—253 = 44 ccms. #■ Ex. XIII. (p. 31.) (46) 21x12= 253 pence. 252x 3= 756. once 2j2x 7 = 1764 pence.' 252 X 12 = 3024 pence. (48) 12x12+ 8 = 152. 8x12 + 12 = 108. 152- 108= 44. u .-f^. KEY. (49) [ELE>r. AniTii. 1?I^^o'^.?"= 680 B's share. 9^0 "" J? "^ ^^ = ^'^^'^ ^'^ share. Ex. XIV. (p. 83.) (18) 1st travels 93 miles per Jav and 9ri '-a ♦; fore, in one day he ffaing q/Ziq^'^a •, *^ " ^"^'"6- Ex. XV. (p. 34.) 34050 1485 183150 (23) 904 803 735913 (20) . C90 480 65300 2760 3313C0 (24) 8359 497 £13813 29331 13086 1619733 (21) 417 730 8753 1261 2919 308163 (23) 378 900 350300 (25) 15900 3300 477^ 477 53470000 Ex. XV.] KEY. 15 * m) 50738 9706 304428 mmm 4r)oa43 492403028 (20) C8:9(, 206.J 140645085 <32) 92035 8007 614245 736280 536J2424.5 (27) 8«370 90900 77733 77738 7851033000 'am 860^53 85344(^773 m) 84009 7898 672072 756081 672072 588068 663503082 (35) 90058 90009 810522 S10522 47«72 6120 285083 95344 47673 338860 244866673 568^$ (S049 011S92 ,:&27652, ' nil - I I »| iin 844115513 <34V 678000 876000 40€8 4746 5434 593928000000 ^106030522 .<36) 80108 7770 560756 560756 560756 022439100 •J %. 7039 4709 63351 49273 28156 33J 16651 87900 9006 5274 Ml KEY. (37) [Ei>EM. Akitii. 3910 350000 ^.955 1173 1368500000 7008005 400703 21024015 49056035 28032020 (W) 8SP128627515 {') 973 63 2919 5838 61299 973 8 2919 3 8757 I. C1299 (39) J93:^ m4 808 148672 product. (') 33000 1560 198~ 165 38 33000 13 99 33 51480000 429000 5 2145000' 4 8580000 G 51480000 ^ ■I. iniTir. ■r JjX. XVI.J KEY (40) ,- 1263 3 5613 2 11226 3 96732 3 67628 2 3789 2 290196 4 135256 4 7578 6 33678 9 1160784 6 . 541024 8 45468 303102 mmoi '*f> '•■^: 17 4328102 ''4 $' i% (1) 78689 547 550823 314756 393445 43043883 (4) 46481 936 278886 189443 418329 4350621G Ex. XVt, (p .) 1 19 1103S2$ 13129608^ : (5) 40980 779 86837 28651 28651 31884470 m 729817 C7o6 4^78903 ^iao«5i 51087'^ 491^604731^ (6) ^264397 9584 37a57588 .. 74116176 i 4632198.5 88379573 13 (7) 6707986 9878 58668488 46955553 53663488 60371434 66260991808 6835675 2689 KEY. 6078908 6725 30394540 12157816 42552356 86478448 40880656300 (11) 27088679 8709 61521075 54681400 41014050 136713110 . 18381180075 (13) ' 8523725 25BS !38189800 10571175-^^ 17018625 7047450 ■1*. 8125108^^ fl4) 0778588 0867 19450116 16671528 22228704 ^50072^2 8943214050 27416327790 (16) i . 79094451 . • ' 764095 395472255 711850059 816377804 474566706 [Elea;. Arith. (9) ' 708670567 97806 4252023402 56G9364536 4960693969 6378035103 69312233476002 (12) 25058612 6289 225527508 200468896 50117224 150351672 157593610868 , (15) 79068025 1886 494408150 632544200 237204075 79068025 109588282650 , (17) 6076812 97613 ■ -"* -^^ • 15230483 6076812 80460873 85537684 45091808 60-135674.536845 ;* (■: J, lij 4&d565849756 Ex. XVII.] (18) 0507340 7071 950734 0655138 G655138 67326401140 KEY. (19) 12481630 150a 11233467 6240815 1248163 18884779670 19 ■■|: i'i 12) 800709 Divfeor^^ aivideM -^ rem'f 4- qitotient .-. dirtsof -1^ Si!:^ B •t- 108 cts. := 694J cts. Selling price per fbi^?ltel?.tt-i^?S4 cts. (16) 9)214 23—7 rcm'r, (17) Greater Ko. = 4568 - 9 = 4554. .-. qiioticut = 4554 -*- 9 = 500. 40687 503 JL2206^ m 11)93710562 851&143 20465501 .-. diff. = 20465561 - 8519142 = 11946419. hf^ I ^"'^^'- [Elkm. Anrrn. (iO) Suppose cook'8 Hlinro t"i n'lli^ T^? '"^^^ ^0 = 48. Housekeeper's slairo »• 4 S^ "^ ^ ^ = 4. r^|^l = cook'8 share ▼ ui X 4 - f SS44, Iiou8ekeei)er'8 sUuix*. 007057 0000000 ....^^ ^442343 (Sft) 0)5442047442342 004705271871-3 5442347442343 (22) ' . ^, 2^a~280 = 52. • • J>o. ot oranges = 52 •+. 2 rr 20. ^ost of penholders 4x12x10- 4«a . |g> of cjnyelopos 25 x 20 .' iSoT ''' ^^^^• ^o. of penkuivea = 500 h- 10 = a^. «««)|g3.(34r 308)n^3,.e„' ,o.)3anr6(»oo4 j203 1024 1702 i J iT-w 1540 2125 1848 2772 2772 077 ma i 4 O 410 ITU, 12. Kx. xvni.J 829)058720(1087 829 8347 2061 2083 280i 2308 000)8180181(0000 . 8181 KEY. (8) 608)8577026(7071 8342 8502 8542 500 500 di 884)542100(660 5004 4170 4170 m f-l^) 4040820 (iMStt 888)843004(888 ' 2040 8181 8181 mm 2080 2285 4470 4470 7770 :4 7064 7064 7064 (10) 805) 7848000 (3 1508 678) 3880100 (8450 730 ociiiA 730 548 805 1880 1825 ItOO 2084 3051 ?713 8890 .•]8no r37) 90626(124 727 1792 1454 888<> 3908 477 [Elem. Aritji. 22 KEY. 478)27291888(57096 ^^^^ !^ 397)30387310(76542''^^^i^f«S».5 8846 t:;;:! 46io 4588 4302 2868 2868 2597 2382 2153 1985 1^ 1588 794 4218 3926 3515 ~4118 3515 603 136 843) 87|24792 (103044 02) 3324 2529 Im 7587 8709 3372 3373 337^ ■ ''513)90373189(175971 609)53006751-7039 ^^ 4872 4286 4263 2375 1827 5481 5481 3897 3591 3063 2565 4981 4617 3648 3591 579 513 (^ontinned on next pnoro) m ^niTir, (4655 Ex. XVI 1 1, j 009) 5300G751 (87039 4873 .. KEY. (12 continned.) 23 4380 4303 3375 1837 5481 5481 358)30073074(84003 3804 1433 1433 lp74 1074 •71 053) 630703540981 S67437310 5808 4398 3913 4842 450* 278^ 2008 1774 1304 I I .. 4700 4504 1309 1304 058 053 01 * SI 2731)510387043(190183 24028 24579 4970 2731 22394 ■ 21848 5463 54G2 307«)15«m0(50801 KEY. 925$ 9328 8076 8076 ■^» 1^4)2015039(3007 3008 04) 7039 7038 1 [Kr.KM. Ativrn. 2185)10101255(463-^ 8740 13613. 18110 6025 4870 . 6555 0555 7343)682708014(87366 57944 53358 60701 26570 21729 48411 43458 49534 43458 6076 6487)131686100(30300 13974 19461 19461 (Continued on npxt page.) '^M. AfJITll. >J255(4623 [0 13. 10 [)25 m 1555 (555 (87360 Ex. xviir.] KEY. sa (14 continued.) . 6007) 3954946Pr5 (65880 1017) 60696184 (81853 4851 86042 85074 80035 50398 48056 28437 18031 54065 54063 2 3186 1617 5691 4851 Bm r-6085 m4. 8284 6008) 4519559744 (903468 45072 (i5) 12359 10016 (30300 23437 20033 84054 30048 mm . 400^ 9306) 16332858 (1754 9806 m 70168 65143 mm 50365 46530 87858 87324 * fl 12» (Continued on next page.) 86 ^^^>23ei7102000(14967000 7827 6813 15111 14S11 KEY. (15 ccmtiuued.) [Elim. Ap.its. 2735)2106144185(770071 9000 7895 19164 19145 11053 11063 19418 19145 1 , 2735 2735 8^2)142997430(37810 11346 m 29587 26471 30634 30256 3782 3782 ^0^«)J^gW07200(3250450 16067 . 12032 30350 30080 27072 24064 30080 8008O #1 tContinuetr on next Dft2?e.\ iism^ J5 (770071 ♦ Ex. XVIIT.j KEY. 87 (16 continued.) 38706) 2828882701578 (73086413 119463 116118 834470 309648 i> 48221 23223G 159865 154824 50317 88700 (18) 116118 116118 (17) .-. No. of pairs stoqkings == 1 1880 -*- 66 = 180. (19) 80984051 -^ 288 = 107583 ; rem'r 147 .'. JNo. to be added = 288 - 147 = 141. 274+108 = 382.^^^^ 274 - 108 = 166. 382 X 166 = 63412. 6341 2 -h 176 = 360 ; rem'r 52 (31) 75x$4 = |300 , 94 X $3 = $282 ^ = $794 106 X $2 = $212 f ^ He wishfis tn reoii-^n iao ^^^^ 1 sheep i8 wcrth 60 -<- 15 - If IZ^^ ~ ^'"^^ = ^'^048. 840 lambs cost 840 1 $2 =1^680 ^^^^ "^ ^^^ = ^^- ANo.ofsheep = |i6|oH-4™0 (26) 154970553 ^ 4t« = 872647. 470C32 - fo- 4796,2 (38) 479013^28= mil - 1WW -f. ^y _ 110 = gam per buUSck. (4) Ex. XIX. (p. 43.) 81393 73536 88572 81603 69694 63469 62355 54402 — «U-_ (5) 70602)6137090G6(8678WgiJ I. 653186 494214 589726 56481G 24910 Ex. xix.J KEY. (6) 896)60^ 05«a6 (66970 iil 5076 6245 6876 8698 8064 6343 6272 716 i'T) 9986)70867509(7096 8941 69902 ^ 96550 89874 66769 59916 685a mm 868) 8673456954 (9992461 |§f 8614 7812 8025 7813 2136 1736 4009 8472 5375 5208 ' 1674 868 M 93256) 200006783^2144 f t|i| 186512 184947 98256 416918 373024 438943 873024 65919 806 30 14609 719 181481 14G0D 103203 10503871 KEY. [Ei^M. Arith. (10) 8067) 10503871 (1303 em 8067 *• 34368 24201 16771 16134 637 m. I Ex. XX. (1x51.) W JO 8 i. ft ^-ja 17®360d 4 ; 681440 g. (2) mis. fur. • 17 1 8 137 fur. .' 40 5480 poles. 4 27400 ' : 3740 . 30140 yds. i 3 - 90433ft. 12 , ft. 3 ^ 1085070 in. in. Arith. 3 8¥d^ in. Ex, XX.] KEY. 81 (8) tons, cwt 8 2 20 qrs. 3 lbs. 5 - 162 cwt 4 ^ ■ 651 qrs. 25 • 8260 1302 16280 lbs. 16 ac. r. 612 2 sq.p. Q S.Td. 97680 16280 260480 oz. 40 * — 16 0ft»Oa • * 1562880 260480 29400371 £4500 4167680 drs. • ■. 2964527iyds. 9 ' 26680747i lOt 144 106722988 106722988 26680747 3842027668 7S>. •3842037640 ^M' W mk fUr. pp. yds. a in. j^ .40 8405p. H 17080 17001. ii^iyds. 60197* #7^ 13 ^'; ■ 674875 ftr Ak 13 ^Oft8605inr'&^ [Elem. Abit^.^ (6) *?• r- Pjr. yds. 4 20r. 40 808 p. 80f 24119 200f »48i9|yd8. y 218877* a 144 ^ 876508 875508 218877 81618288 108 31618896 t (. (7) 40&hrs. 60 ■'■■■??' ■ii^.f Abit^> Ex. XX.] KEY. 83 ■r ^- (8) lbs. oz. drs. 2 11 12 85 oz. 8 280 drs. 3 840 scr. 20 scr. grs. 20 16820 grs. cub.yds. ft. 23 1000 , (0) lea. mis. 2 2 8 8 mis. 8 71 Air. 40 .2840 per. ♦ 5i 14200 1420 15620 ydd. 27 161 46 ill) galls, qts. 18 8 4 621 ft. 1728 55 qts. 2 5968 1242 4347 621 (13) 220 bush. 4 llOpts. 4 440 gills. 1074088 in. 880 pks. 2 • 1760 galls. # fur. 7 7040 qts. TV Si (13) yra. dys, 15 18 9 1095 315 1410 dys. 24 5640 28;a[) 38840 hw. 60 2030400 min. KEV. PElem . Akith, (14) it t 12 329 oz. 20 6696 dwt 24 26384 13192 158304 dwt 16 grs. lbs. 47 12 575 oz. 8 4606 drs. 3 iisiosc. ' 20 (15) o«. drs. 11 6 sc. 276400 J?i. £ 200 20 4017^. 12 2 17 8i Irith. wt 16 Ex. XX.] KEY. 35 (17) ac. r. 219 2 4 878 ro. 40 per. 16 (18) yds. qrs. 218 2 4 874 qrs. 4 3499 Ills. Ills. 3 35136 per. 80i 1054080 8784 ■ 1062864 yds. . (19) £ B. 2376 19 20 d. 8i - (30) cwt. qrs. 216 2 i 866 qrs. I 25 4347 1732 47539 s. 12 lbs. 17 / 570476 d 4 22819062'. 21667 lbs. (21) 25* 36' 60 ^ 1536' I 921.60" 86 I?, I KEY. T 'r- '7. yds. [Elem. Arith.^ 8 8 8 40 2680 per. 5J 13404 1340 14744 yds. 3 44232ft 12 " 580784 in. £ 312, 20 6257 a 12 75090 d. 4 (33) 8. 17 300362 9- (25) 26 _£ . 180 qiB, 4 (24) 12. mooz, 2a «^2Q0dwt. 84 lOOSOO' 50400 520 nis. 604800 gi^. Fr.efls. lbs. oz. 287 6 12 sSooz. 8 27600 drs. 3 2^qw. £ 576 20 11340 a 12 136086 Ex. XXI. 1 KEY. 87 Ex. XXI. (p. 58.) (1) ' (2) 4)123290 '?W^*^ 24)18172 ^^^'^^^^ 12) 30822 -i(?. 2i3l)256^"«. 6d 20) 548-20 gra, 12)27-8 dwt 2 lbs. 8oz. 8dwt.20grs. £128 8 8. Qi d. 2)18191 ^>-4 (4) ^riA^M 4) 9095-1 pt. 12) 76787568 8)6398964 6i)2132988-yds. 2 2 2273 g^9, 8 qts. 1 pt 11)4265976 40)387816 8) 9695 -16 poles. 3) 1211-7 fur. 403 lea. 2 mis. 7 fur. 16 poles. . (5) ,) / .. COi) 173425 y^ 24)479-58min. 7)19-23111-8. 121)689700 4^) 570)31 s(i. poles. ~ , ^ , 4)143r.-20sq. poles. 2\vk.5dy.23lu\58'13" . ^ i *^'=*- 35 a. ^2 r. SO sq.po. "^ ■"•fliw»i*>ir<.iiiiin,iiitiittinim> I ■' wTS'^w^c^TiRw^^fe^H^i^t*'' ■ 40 If KEY y [Elbm. Arith. (16) /fe*^^*. /|^v 1728) 18856888 144)1244160000 ^^ 27) 8019 cut), ft. l)86400Usq.a 297cub.yds. -^1^) 960000 4 4 )Jo^ tlL 121)8840000 4) 4)126 31 yds. l:^, (19) 6^)18107^ 4^0 40)81735~16isq.yds. 4)793 r.-15sq. per. (20) 60)8165760^ <^<^ 6^)218^mm.~|»see.-^.. :e^5259g^^.^^ 36 Ill's. 24 min. m see. 24) 8766 hrs. 365(ly8. Ohrs. / (21) 2)219612 4)109806 qts. (22) ... 2)800738 /^^ 4) 150369 qts. 54)27451 galls. 2 qts. 6§) 87592 galls. 1 qt. 5081ilids. t9gals. 2 qts. ""^ h^s. 44 gals. 1 qt (^) // (25) y/ 1^11 b„. 55 lbs. 20411bu.20n>..li7bu.81b..' (28) , «0) 912715 '^ c. Arith. Ex. XXI, XX v.] (36) 1807.47 KEY. (27) 4)978647 ^ 41 t.4-^ ^ 12)348411 d.-8q. 20)30384 8. -81 d. £1014 . 4 s. 3f d Is. er. I«is.yd9. rs. 33373 Ex. XXV. (p. 59.) lbs. 6 . oz. 3 dwt. . 3 grs. . 17x3 61 . 9 . 17 . 2x8 • 10 < 618 . 3 . 10 . 30x8 10 6183 . 1 . 8 . 8 5 30910 . 1854 . o 494 . 13 . 7 7 6 4 . 1 . 13 . 16 .' 7 . 16 . 13 . 16 . 10 1 . 18 18 . 7 'M. . 1 * • ." *J^ ! ■p . 1 |i. i i r i _» < r , V) p u inii i . ras 6 3876 , M 6 . / 4f 11 4i 5 5 m 3. Iqt .3 lbs." ac. 20 164 1319 f r. 3 (17) per. 17 20 yds. ft. In. 15 . 3 . 3 8 13 B 2^t 3 la f: 42 KEY. (18> [Elem. Ahitil. ' f' ^' ^^' y^«- ft- in. 1034 . a . 4 . . , a £ d. 2 . 6 . Si 10 28 233 6 8 lOi 10 9 9 3100 . 18 . 1^ H I 1337.15 100 $23715.00 5 $118575.00 bu. .10 106 1062 8dOU (21) Pk- galls* 2 . 1 10 10 8 Ex. XXVI.] KEY. • Ex. XXVI. (p. 61.) (1) cwt. qrs. lbs. 8 . 3 . 31 852 oz. 5 10 39 . 3 . 13 . 2 8 817 . . 5 . 85 . 2 . 16 . 13 21 . 13 (2) 83772 .10 .18 43 lbs. oz. dwt. grs. 6 . » . 8 . 17 10 61 . 9 . 17 . 2 10 618 . 2 . 10 . 20 10 6182 . 1 . 8 . 8 5 80910 . 7 . 1 . 16 2472 . 10 . 8 . 8 870 . 11 . 2 . 12 18 . 6 . 11 . 3 15 (3) 23 . 7 . 11 10 233 . 19 . 2 9 2105 . 12 . 6 70 . 3 . 9 18 . 14 . 4 2194 . 10 (4) £ s. d. cwt qrs. lbs. oz. drs. 2 . 6 , 10 d . 8 . 28 .6.7 10 29 . 8 . 9 . . 3 10 298 . 1 . 15 . 3 . 12 6 1790 . 1 . 16 . 6 . 8 59 . 2 . 18 . , 13 20 . 3 . 13 .13 . 1 1870 23 5 u £ 4 49 498 (5) s. 18 19 2469 , 15 296 . 7 4 . 18 2771 ~~ d. 10 11 10 2 5 10 6 9* KEY. lbs. 15 152 1520 10644 152 30 2 3 4 [Elem. Aiuth. (6) oz. drs. 3 5 5 7 U 10826 .8.5 sc. 2 2 1 2 gTb. 7 10 10 10 7 1 . 2 . 10 1 . 14 » (7) $2.25 209 2025 450 $470.25 (8) 11.27 62 254 635 166.04 1625 cts. 6 197.50 ', (10) . qrs. lbs. oz. 1 . 17 . 8 10 17 . . 2 34 . . 15 . 7 . 8 cwt.l2 . 1 ,(11) 100000 40 $40000.00 8 Ex. xxvri.J (1) £ s. 5)278 . 15 55 10 KEY. Ex. XXVII. (p. 63.) 45 d. 8 1^ (3) lbs. oz. dwt. rrri. 8)237 .5.6.0 29 8 6 (3) mis. fur. 0)217 . 5 per . 10 . yds. ft. in. 2.0.0 24 . 1 . 19 . 3 .10 .10 yds. 5)115 . (4) qrs. Ills. .2.2 . 2 lbs. C)865 . oz. drs. fic. grs. 9.0.2. 10 23 . 144 . 3.4.0. 81=1 (6) (7) 11)2078 s. d. . 17 . Hi • . 19 . 9J tons. cwt. qrs. lbs. oz. drs. 9)67 . 13 . 1 . 17 . . 188 3)7 . 10 . 1 . 13 . . 2 . 10 . . 12 . 10 . lOf ac. 7)976 8)139 17 (8) rds. per. yds. ft, 2 . . 19 . 25 . 2 2 25 80 >y 10 7 X 7 + 3 = 52, true rem. l\ \l m. 87-3 rem. 55 -7 rem. qra. 40 cwt. 705)613 4 2448 2115 333 25 1683 066 8343(1111,3. 705 , 1393 705 587 16 8523 587 9393(13 oz. 705 2343 2115 237 16 1364 237 3634(5flU« di-s. iib'40 KEY. [Elbm. Akith. (9) lbs. 17 (7 fur. 109 Ans.— 3qi-s. lllbs. 13oz. oz. drs 3 (3 qw. (10) mis. fur. yds, •1.347)8637 6 ^3 7483 1145 8 9166 8730 437 40 17480(14 per. 1347 5010 4988 113 11 ,133(0 yds. 3 369 (0 it 13 4428 (3iV7y iu. 3741 687 5|H Hi's. 4' '#.- Ex. xxvu.] KEY. (11) • bu. pks. gall. qts. pts. 13)612 2 12 47 (12) £ 8. d. fi)2851 16 4i 8)51 1 lrem,~8 6)316 17 4i 6 110 Orem.-8 8 X 12 + 8 = 44, true rem. 52 16 H lbs. 57)247 228 19 12 (13) oz, drs. sc. grs. 10 7 1 0(4 lbs. 288 (4 oz. 228 lo 8 87 (1 dr. 57 30 3 91(lsc. 57 84 20 680(11^? grs. 62/ 53 Ans. — 4 lbs, 4oz. 1 dr. Isc. ll^fg^a. KEY. 211)200 8 1603 1477 126 40 5046 (23 per. 422 826 633 193 ___6i 965 106H(5yds. [ElJ2ii. AllITH. (14) i»ls. fur. per 6 (7 fur. ^^? 61 3 194^ 234 a in. 811 23 12 65 Ans.— 7fur. 23 per. 5 yds. Hq. j s^AK Ex. XXVII.] KEY. 49 ac. 318)416 318 r. 3 (15) per. 19 yds. 7 (1 ac. 98 4 895(1 ro. 318 77 40 3099 (9 per. • 2862 237 30i 7117 \ 59i 7176i(32ycls. 636 • 816i 636 4608 180J 30 9 4644(14Jrrim. 1622i(5ft. 318 1590 1464 32i 1272 144 192 138 ' 128 318 82 An8.~1 ac. 1 ro. 9 per. 22 yds. 5 ft. U^flin. if] I 00 KEY. (16) tons. cwt ar<^ 564)014 2 ^ [Elem. Arith. 564 60 20 1^02(1 cwt. 564 438 4 1755(3 qra. 63 25 315 126 1575(2 Iba. 1128 447 16 2682 447 7152 (12 oz. 564 1512 1128 384 16 2304 3(1 ton. 2304 384 iii A A /A J\K n A Vi-i'i ii 5640 504 v^'^'zftf Urs, Ex. XXVII.] (17) c. yds. c. ft. 169)917 845 73 27 513 144 9 1953(11 eft. 169 263 169 94 1728 852 188 658 94 KEY. c. m. 100(5 c. yds. 51 162582(9611^1 c. in. 1521 1043 1014 292 169 123 (18) . lbs. oz. drs. sc. 212)926 5 8 2^4 lbs. 848 12 941 (4 oz. . 848 98 8 747 (3 drs. 636 111 8 335(1 sc. 212 123 20 2460(1^^1 grs. 212 340 212 I 128 KEY. I ! (19) lbs. dwt. 634)3068 8(4 lbs. 2530 12 6384(10 oz. 6340 44 20 888(1 dwt. C34 264. 24 1016 608 W6(9M5grs. 5706 390 Ans.— 41bs. 10 oz. Idwt [ElEM. ARITlt. (30) 8. d. 10 6 (£2 £ 758)1914 1516 398 20 T970(10s. 7580 "890 12 4685 (6H?d. 4548 -** 137 Ans.— £2 10s. 6JHd. £ 317)215 20 4312 317 im 951 191 13 2298 (7d. 2219 79 4 317 (iq. 317 Ans.— 13s. 7id. (21) s. d. 13 6i(13s.7id. ^ ^Tr^^M ^MSS^e^ ^;a«5?iwa|.,^»R^^.^_ ARITlt. d. 5 (£2 :]x. xxvtl] yrs. clys. no?) 125 127 365 KEY. (22) Ills. mill. 16 47(115 days. 53 753 750 375 45752 397 605 397 2082 1985 97 24 404 194 2344(5 hrs. 1985 359 60 21587 (54 min. 1985 1737 1588 (23) 267) 12267.84 ($8.49iSf. 2136 1318 1068 2504 2403 101 (24) 425) 15693.75 (I13.39IM. 425 149 60 1000 8940 (22m sc. 794 1443 1275 1687 1275 4125 3825 300 7tf4 206 Ans.— llSdys. 5hrs.54'. 323gf (l [ KEY. 54 (35) 865) $000.00 (11.64 JH. 865 2350 2190 1600 1460 140 365 - 53 = 313. 313) $600.00 ($1.91H5. 313 2870 2817 ' 530 313 217 (37) 57) $65.55 ($1.15 67 85 57 285 285 [E:_zM. Arith, (36) - 57) $265.05 ($1.65 238 370 343 285 285 (28) 52)$133.00($2.53^< 104 "iso 260 200 156 H Ex XXVIII. (p. 64.) */ou3. lua. = 182u0d. ^57 Os 7^fi — 97Q7f;i.i 164530 ^ 18350 = 9 times. sTlkl SKTO = S^ p lbs. 9 oz. 3 dwt.^ 13 grs. = 56244 giu 56344 -^ 139 = 43G""times. Ex. XXIX.] KEY. (4) 55 4 mis. 1 fur. 2 yds. = 21780 tt 1 ml. 3 fur. 2 ft. = 9262 ft 21786 -i- 9262 = 3 times. (5) (6) 6 cwt. 2 qrs. = 10400 oz. 12 lbs. 6 oz. 2 sc. = 72040 gr. 1 qr. 3 oz. = 403 oz. 1 lb. 6 oz. 2 sc. 10 grs. = loloO ■+- 403 = 35iM times. 8690 grs. 72040 + 8690 = 8|H times. (7) (8) 8 yds. 1 qr. 2 nls. = 54 nls. 1 dy. 1 hr. 12 miii.=1512 mm. 1 qr. 2 nls. = 6 nls. 1 hr. 8 min. = 63 min. 54 -4- = 9 times. 1512 -i- 63 = 24 times. (9) 5s. per. 7 yds. 108 in. =205200 in. 2 yds. 1 ft. =2736 in. 205200 H- 2736 = 75 times. (10) (11) $-141.05 = 14105 cts. $221.00 = 22100 cts. $ 2.17= 217 cts. $ J:.21= 221 cts. 14105 -f- 217 = 65 times. 22100 -i- 221 = 100 times. Ex. XXIX. (p. 65.) (1) £25 X 4 = $100.00 6s. X 20= 1.20 3d. = 12q. x5-Hl2= .05 $101.25 (3) £57 X 4 = $228.00 19s. X 20= 3.80 3d. = 12q,x5-^13= .05 (3) $231.85 £207 X 4 = $828.00 17s. X 20= 3.40 8d.=32q.x5-i-12=: .18^ |83i,oBt (4) [Elem. AltlTU. £153 X 4 = 1012.00 _ 188.x 20= 8.60 6cl. = 20 q. X 5 -f- 13 = .OSJ- £217 X 4 = 1868.00 17s. X 20 = 3.40 1871.40 $015.68^ (6) £310 X 4 = 11276.00 ^ , 158. X 20 = SiK) 7icl.= 30q.x5H-12= .12 J (7) $1279.12i £612 X 4 = 12448.00 1111 I- l»8.x20= 3.80 Hid. =4oq.x5-*-12= i8| (8) $245i.98f £63 X 4 = $252.00 9ax20= 1.80 0K = 39q.x5-4-13= 16^ (9) $253.96^ £912 X 4 = 13648.00 12s. X 20 = 2.40 6cl.=24q.x5 + 12= .10 $3650.50 (10) £711 X 4 = $2844.00 Rii n« 5s.x20= 1.00 6id. = 22 q. X 5 -^ 12 = * $2845.09i (11) rM3 o/^l^'^ ^ 4 = $4468.00 7id. = 30 q. X 5 -i- 12 = .12^ $4468,13i IB»M i illMHil.Hi§iiLl! Ex. XXX. j KlilY. 57 (13) £47 X 4 = $188.00 7 8. X 20 = 1.40 .15 J) d. = 86 q. X 5 -I- 12 ^ (i:5) $180.55 £2017 X 4 = 11^)8.00 Oh. x20= 1.20 .18i 8a. = 83q.x5+12 = (14) $8060.83i £75 X 4 = $300.00 98. X 20 = 1.80 8id. = 34q.x5 4-12= .14i (15) $301.94i '2h £37 X 4 = 1148.00 18s. X 20 = 3.60 >a q. X 5 -h 12 (16) .121 $151.73i £87 X 4 = 1348.00 13s. X 20 0d. = 36 q. X 5 -4- 12 = 2.60 .15 $350.75 (1) Ex. XXX. (p. 66.) (^w) fe217-4-4 = £54 + $327 -4- 4 = £81 -I- $3 125 cts. -f- 20 = 6 S.+ 5 eta. 355 cts. -?- 20 = 17s. + 15a 5 cts. X 3 = 3d. £54 6s. 3d. (3) $17h-4 = £1 + $1 135 cts. -^ 20 = 6s. + 15c. 50 cts. -^ 20 = 2s. + 10 cts.| 15 cts. X 3 -s- 5 = 9d. £81 17s. 9d. (4) 4 = £21. io cts. X 3 £1 Gs. UO. 9d. lU CIS. X o -T- :^ OCl. £21 2s. 6d. li ii ■ 58 KEY. I ni" [Elem. Arith. (''5) (6) 395c. 4- 20 = 19s. + loc. 137^0. h- 20 = 68. + 17ic, '•""li^'io^ol- mc.x3-^5 = 10id. £18 19s. 9d. £31 (3s. iq^o. $867 -^ 4 = £216 + $3 387ic. -f. 20 = 19s. + 7ic. 7^c. X 8 -*- 5 = 4id. £216 19s. -Hcl (9) $1393 -^ 4 = £348 + ,. 162ic. -^ 20 = 8s. + 2Ac. 2^c. X 3-^.^=1^. £348 8s. lid. (11) $2220 -4- 4 = £555 29c. ^ 20 = Is. + 9c. tic. X 3 -T- 5 = 5^1. £555 Is. 5fd. (8) $1162 -4- 4 = £290+ $2 240c. -^ 20 = 12s. £290 12s. (10) $1937 -4- 4 = £484 4- $t 120c. -f- 20 = 6s. £484 6s. (12) $3785 -^ 4 = £946 + $1 148c. -^ 20 = 7s. + 8c. 8c. X 3 ^ 5 = 6^d. £946 7s. 5|d. I I (1) 35700 24191 18777 18129 21187 117984 Ex. XXXI. (p. 60.) PAPER I. (2> 55146 23603 . 9889 6275 8369 4584 iUVVt)(j (3) looooa 229713 58705 612517 999999 833719 708809 60050 365301,'3 Ex. XXXI.] KEY. r»(i (4) 5005 7018 17915 28719 9013 807513 717017 93503 212607 1898307 (5) 12) 178006 3) 14833- 10 in. J 4944-1 ft. 2 [11)9888 4P) 89^-10 lif. yds. = 5 yds. 8) 22-18 per. 2-6 fur. Ans.— 3 mis., 6 fur., 18 per., 5 yds., 1 ft., 10 in. (6) $ 8375180.20 -J- 1493332 = $ 5.60 and a fraction. 143054836.00 -f- 2506755 = $17.17 $17.17 - $5.60 - $11.57 PAPER II. (1 (3) 8s. lOid. X 818 07 X $1.63 = $108.54 10 83c. X 13i = $ 11.07 $11.07 + $18 + $16 = $ 45.07 : Total amount expended, J.54 - $45.07 = $63.47 £4 8s. 9d. 10 £44 7s. 6d. 8 £355 Os. Od. 4 8s. 9d. 3 lis. Od. £362 10s. 9d. id ! ;|i 60 ac. ao KEY. (8) r. per. yds. ft. [KliEM. AUITII. 807)7l>813(183 i' 'u ^ 7 897 «811 8170 1352 111) I IGl 644 (Iro. 897 847 \ m (4) 1()() X $1.00 = $050 00 $350-4-37 = 1 0.48 tf (n) 40 0880(24 43iyds. ^-8i = 5 81^x6s. O^d. = £2 15s. 7id. = £1042 178. Cd. = $4171.50 84xl7c. = $ J4.28 .75 ,00 80 9.25 n PofM^5'^?.= ^3 108.= 14 :!^-. io!l^M^-^ 8=^20 14s. = 82, 794 £12 198. 9d. X 16 =£m* 88. Z Z 77 tm ... Depoavrnifsr .ii.ffi?d« 852 80i 10648 (36 yds. 794, ^ 3708 2882 826 9 155 13227.42 14171.50 - $944.0' '= Kx. XXXI. J IvEV. 61 IvEV. PAPER iir. £ s. d. 203701)9520732 14 (£40 815044 (2) Suppose 1 to represent the 1st 1370292 man's share, 1222566 .•.1 + 3 + 5 = 9 = No. of snares. $03000 ■+■ 9 = $7000 = value of 147726 a share. 20 $7000x1 = $ 7000 $7000 X 3 = $21000 2954534 (14s. $7000 x 5 = $35000 203761 916924 815044 101880 12 1222566 (6d. 1222566 (3) £ 8. d. 20)354 11 6 (£13 26 94 78 16 20 « 831 (12s. 812 19 12 234 (9d. 234 I ^if- m ac. 20)10 4 42 29 13 40 KEY. [Klem. Anrnr. (4) ro. per. yds. 3 7 3 (1 ro. 18 per. 5 yds. 3 ft. (5) tons. cwt. qrs. 347)300 15 3 (17 cwt. 20 637 (18 per. 29 \ 237 233 5 80J 153 153H5yds. 145 9 74i (3 ft. 58 16i 30 mis. =367300 in. 2ft. 6in. = 30in. .*. No. of steps taken ~ 267200 -^ 30 = 43240 No. of minutes occupied in walking = 43340 ^ 110 = 384 i hr. = 30 minutes' rest. .-. 384 + 30 = 414 mill. = 467 (Iqr. Clirs. 54min. 347 6015 347 3545 2439 116 4 1^0 35 600 340 3000 (8 lbs. 3776 334 16 1344 334 3584 (10 oz. 347 084 114 114 16 ■i act ,« /■- .1-, 1735 89 Kx. xxxi.J KEY. an TAPETl IV. (1) (2) (I) £8 17s. 6cl. =: $37.50 8+3=11 4 x 38 = 153 doz. £3 138. 9cl. rr $14.55 84-11-1=18 Owner net, 1 sh. ,-. sum = $37.50 + Owner boat, 3 slis, $30.27 + $14.55+ $75.83 (3) Each man, 4 slis. = $148.15. (6) 84889 - 889 = 84000 84000 -f- 3 = 43000 43000 + 889 = 42889 54 -T- 6.= 9 Four men, 16 shs. 9x1 = 9 ,'. total no. of sha. 9x3 = 18 =14-3+16 = 19 9x3 = 37 153-f-19=8doz.= value of 1 share. 8x1= 8 dozs. 8x3 = 16 " 8x4 = 83 " rAPER V. (1) (3) 73678397 73697 X 11689 = 861444233 80073 861444233 + 3687 = 861447930 318035191 508748779 37( 313 - 15908 = 11904 436070383 581437176 (5) (6) 22983 10240 6355647664981 96801 704 64183 8084 (4) 91308 4313 89364-^7 = 13753 190000 73347 465335 95587 TAPEii v;. (1) (2) 160303 + 168795 = 329097 $6000000 71973 + 34537 = 90500 4866666 160303 1467750 339097 800000 71973 1909640 tr V '-' \r \F 590Sft2 863033 RK'yQ'TO $16496471 G4 (3) $7328140.08 1888576.7« C21936.43 417474.00 60554.00 122142.77 $10444830.63 (5) ac. 035) 80895 (130 ac. 035 2339 1905 4345 ^ 3810 535 4 2140 (3 ro. 1905 235 40 KEY 9400 (14 per. 035 3050 15427J 2540 1270 [PJlem. Aritii, (4) $375, team, $ 82, wagon, $ 10, plough, $ 10, stove, $153, reaping machine, $ 96, slieep, $ 50, cows, $ 18, pigs, $ 60, wages. 1 otal expenditure = $866, $975 - $866 = $109 $109 -i- $1.75 = 62.28f no. of liundred lbs. 02.28^ X 100 = 6228f lbs. mis. per. j-ds. 10 3 4 8 80 40 . 5i 16019 lOOH 17020^ 3" (-*4-.VA- yds. 5280H 12 510 2727^ 30Jr 2540 634338 15.S00 lan-jL 127i 635 1270 Ex. xxxrr.] KEY. Ex. XXXII. (p. 71.) (1) ■ (2) (3) G5 8)18(2 16 2)8(4 8 C) 15 (3 12 3)6(2 4) 22 (5 20 2)4i;2 4 (4) 16)28(1 16 12)16(1 12 ..G.C.M.is2 .'.aC.M.isS .•.aC.M.is2 4)12(3 12 (5) 20)32(1 20 12)20(1 12 (6) 24)39(1 24 .-. G. C. M. is 4 (7) 8) 12 (1 8 1) 8 (2 8 .♦. G. C. M. is 4 15)24(1 26)44(1 15 26 9)24(2 18)26(1 18 18 6)9(1 6 8)18(2 16 3)6(2 6 2)8(4 8 (8) 30)42(1 30 12)30(3 24 6) 12 (2 12 .'.G. CM. is 6 58)174(3 -. 174 .-. G. C M. is 3 •. G. C. M. is 3 .-. G. 0. M. is 2 (0) 36) 56 (1 36 (10) 46)116(2 92 20)36(1 20 24)46(1 24 16)20(1 16 4)16(4 16 •. G. C. M. is 4 22)24(1 22 2)22(11 G. C. £ is 2 I I (13) . 315) 378 (1 315 63) 315 (5 315 .-. G. C. M. is 83 (15) 310) 630 (2 630 10) 310 (31 310 ••• G. C. M. is 10 (17) 137) 445 (4 381 64) 127 (1 64 63)64(1 63 1) 63 (63 63 ••• No G. c. n (iS). 6408)7204(1 0108 850) 6408 (7 5992 ~ KEY. (13) 138)360(3 256 110) 128 (1 110 LElem. AiuTir. (14) 180)210(1 480 30)180(6 180 18)110(6 .-. G. C. M. islo 108 2) 18 (0 18 •G. CM. is 3 (16) 424) 1216 (2 848 368) 424 (1 368 (19) -'^042)3094(1 3042 56)368(6 336 32) 56 (1 32 24) 32 (1 24 8)24(3 24 .-. G. C. M. is~8 416) S v^6(2 32^ 'ontlnued 832 52)3042(58 260 on next page.) Kx. xxxii.] KEY. (18 and 19 continued.) 24)410(17 24 6" 176 168 443 416 26)52(2 52 G. C. M. u 8 8)24(3 ' .-. 24 - (21) G. C. M. is 26 1441)1572(1 1441 (20) 040)7392(1 7040 ^52)7040(20 7040 131)1441(11 131 131 131 , G. C. M. is 352 (23) G. C. M. is 131 23025)46430(2 46050 1108)204024(0 190512 330)23025(59. 1030 3725 14112)21108(1 14112 ij474 r> 7056)14112(2 14112 251)380(1 251 G. C. M. is 7050 8 2)13(") 18 135)2"il(l 135 2 No G. C. M. 110)135(1 1 m I 19)110(0 114 m KEY. (24) 29579)97482(3 88737 [Elem. Arttif. 8745)29579(3 26235 8344) 8745 (2 6688 2057)8344(1 2057 1287)2057(1 1287 (25) r r38140) 828597(1 738140 r"*, 770) 1287 (1 770 90457)738140(3 723656 517)770(1 617 14484)90457(6 86904 253)517(3 506 11)253(23 253 8553)14484(4 14212 ,. 'J. a MAS 11 - 272)3553(13 272 /)272(10 17 102 O. C. M. is 17 ~ Ex. XXXIII.] KE\. 60 (26) 836337)737800(3 053674 85126)320337(3 255378 70959)85120(1 70959 14167) 70959 (5 70835 134)14167(114 124 176 134 537 490 31)134(4 134 /. G. C. M. is 31 — (1) 2 1 ;z, 4, Ex. XXXIII. (p. 72.) 10 2, 5 4 3 .•.L.C.M. = 2x3x5 = 30 (3) 8, 9, 2, 9, 13 3 2 (3) 12, 16, 18 2 6, 8,- 9 3 3, 4, 9 2 8 1 .L. CM. = 4x3x2x3 = 73 (4) 20, 28, 36 2 2 10, 14, 18 n 1, 4, 3 .•.L.C.M.=:2x2x5x7x9 = 1260 .•.L.C.M.=3x3x 3x4x3=144 iT- -l!fc i'l I 70 KEY. [Ellm. Auitu. o 10, 24, 30 8, 12, 15 4, 0, 15 3, 8, 15 2 2 2 3 24, 50, 84 12, 28, 43 0, 14, 21 2 1 5 " ^' '^' 21 .'. L. C. M. = 2x3x2x3x2x5-040 1, / 7 L. C. M. = 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 7 4 168 (7) 5i;^, 25, 105 5, 21 .-.L. C. M. = 5x5x21=525 2 8 (9) » K 21, 6, 14, 25 2 2 2 3 (8) ^, 33, 24, 32 33, 12, IG 33, G, 8 11, 1, 8, 4 4 21, 3, 7, 25 ' y^ -— :-'-T^-C.M.=2x2x2x3xlix4 .'. L. C. ]Vi. =2x3x7 X 25 = 1050. " ^^^^ (10) 2 17, -8, 9, 10, 12 2 3 2 7, 4, p, 5, G (11) 24, 28, 3G, 22, 16 7, 2, 9, 5, ^ 2 12, 14, 18, 11, 8 2 6, 7, 9, 11, 4 1 ^, 7, 9, 11, 2 7, 2, 3, 5, .-. L. C. M. = 2x2x7x2x3x5x3 = 2520. ^ 7 3 11 o /.L. CM. =2x2x2x3x7x3x11x2 = 11088" 5 I 2, ^: 45, ;^, 25 3|jr, ^,8,^11, 27, 2. .-. L. M. 9, K Ky n ^; r\ . . r 'j .-> ,» 'J ou. L. C. M. ^ 8, 5, 9 '} ^ 8 X 5 X - 1080. Ex. XXXIII.] (14) 15' 20, 24, 21, 35 2 2 8 15, 10, v., 21, 85 3 KEY. "'i (15) ^, ^, ;, 8, ;^, 21, 30 4, 21, 15 7, 5 15 5. 0, 21, 35 4, ^ ' ' ' .-. L. C. M.= ^, ^, 2, 7, 35 2x3x4x7x5=^840 .•.L.C.M. =2x2x3x2x85 = 840 (16) 3 ;Z, T, }?, ,13, 15, 62, 63 8 (17) 3, 7, 21, ;;, 77, 198 2 2 5 5 5, 52, 21 11 K 77, 60 ,.C.M.=3x5x 52x21=16380 ^ ^^ /.L. CM. =3x11x7x6 = 1386. (18^ ( ^^ 100, 56, 3^, 125, 150 5 22, 55, J9, 1 5, _95,^3^> 22, ;;, 3," ;?, loti .-. L. C. M.= 5x22x3x133=43890. 50, 28, 125, 75 ^^. 14, 125, 75 14, 25, 15 •.L.a]?L = 2x2x5x5xl4x5x3 = 21000. 2 2 2 2 3 (20) 48, 64, 27, 33, 110, 165 34, 32, 27, p;^, 165 12, 16, 27, * 165 6, 8, 27, 165 3, 4, 27, 165 55 L. C. M. = 2 >'. 2 X 2 x 2 X 3 X 4 X 9 X 55 =r*y AL 72 KEY. [Elem. Arith. Ex. XXXVII. (p. 76.) (l)f = 3. (2)| = 3-i (3)i/ = 4i (4)i/ = 4. (0) H = 7 (10) W = 8 (11) W = 8i| (L W^isH (13) W= 9* (14) HU^ =103 -^j^- (15) 4/ = 12m Ex. XXXVIII. (p. 76.) 1x3+1 4 (1)H = (3) 1-^= 8 -3 1 x15 + 1 16 15 -15 (2) 2,^=?iil^-?5 ^.'^ 12 -12 (4) 17f = 17x5+3 88 ... . . 12x7+5 89 ,^ (0) 12f = =_ (6) 203H= (7) 2^i= 7 -7 2x65 + 11 141 65 65" (8) 29i= 5 -5 ?03>^19+17__3874 19 -~19~ 29x8+7 239 8 (9) 704iA=^5i^il?itl?-_§8716 126 136" (10) 900 A\= ^^ ^ 401+ jl__360931 401 - 401 « ni\ K 1 5x680+7 3407 8 680 - 680 53x63+37 3376 63 ~-~W 21^x1250+3 26253 1250 (12) 53f J= ^'^''^^^= 1350 (14) X4Bm=J^^^^±^~.^l •^''^ 465 , - 465 (15) 13lc|=| 5 3874 19 239 ■ 8 • ^7) 18tof5i\'Of 10: (8) 111 of 8? = 164 87 10 5945 " 9 ''16'' 1 - « 57 59 3363 5 "" 7 ~ 35 (9)tof2iof9 = |x|x? = ^ (10)fof3fof8i = |x:^x| = :^ : (11) t of -A- of fl of il = 36 113) ,\ of ^ of ^ of 6A- of -/^ = n^T^^^ii^8l = :i (13)Aof3ioffofl0i = ^x|x5x^=^ 11 m (14)5ofl2ioffoffof|of9 = ^x^x^x|x|x? = ~ (15) A of 5 of ft of f of A of 2 of A = ^ 7 36 9 £ 3 8_14 .18''8''l0''4''lo''l^27~"15 u r KEY, [Elem. Aritbl (16) f of I of f of 70J of -A- of 1^\ of U7 = 5 3 6 632 3 18 147 7 8 7 6309 Ex XL. (p. 78.) In each of the followmg examples we divide numer- ator and denominator by their G. C. M., or as we shall write It : a)f = (3) if (5) tf = (7) i¥i- = 2-4-2^ 4-*-2~ 14-4-7 '21-4-7 28-*-7 1 2* 77-t-ll 121-1-11 2 3* 4 9* 1 11* = ?T. (8) (3) is- = (4) f § = (6) n = 10-+-5 15.f-5' 80-*-6 /9)m|^-l^^±??-^-l 2 3' 5 48-S-6 "8' 64-f-4 16 21* 17* 84-4-4 48-4-16 (11) iWd = (12) it§§ = (13) mi = 272-*-16 (10) |4£B. - 14081-128 11 ^ ^ ^^' 1664-^128~i3* 875-4-125 7 1000-4-125 "" 8* 1690-S-130 13 2600-T-130 "" 20' 837^-27 _81 2268-*-27~84* ni^ WWft - ^^^"»-2002 3 ^^"^^^ "8008:;:2002 = 4- (15) ,^W^ = (i6).m=l^iyE 805-«-23 35 2622-^23~■ll4• jLVu»(©-t-iioO 8 VI <; 55rn? - 38769-i-121 "" 279' Ex. XLI.] KEY. 75 Mfi^ JUXi'^o 805994-37 _ 8^ (18) m 4Ttf - 2714694-37 ~ '7337* (19) «H5- 8734-5-23 ^397' • , 12364-12 103 (30) t6 32-ig32-i-13~136* (31) tlMi^ (32) nm = (33) \m = 2857144-142857 _ 9999994-143857 ~ 103954-11 945 3 r 168194-11 70404-35 3 73934-353 1529* 20 21' - m\ iia&4 - ^^3854-495 _ 33 (^4) \tn% - 18335^495 - 33- Ex. XLI. (p. 79.) ' (1) f, f. 13 is L. C. M. of denominators; 8x3 5x^ 9^ 10 4x3' 6x3^^13' 13* .*. fractions become (3) f, 1^. 13 is L. C. M. of denominators; .'. fractions become 3x3 2x4 4x3' 3x4^^13' 13* (3) -2, ^. 8 is L. C. M. of denominators; 3x3 7x1 6 7 .*. fractions become ttto^ jttt or ^, ^. (4) ^, f. 63 is L. C. M. of denominators ; 8x9 5x7 37 35 .*. fractions become 7x9' 9 X 7 ^^ 03' {^) ti> ft* *o is jj. u. iji. 01 aenommators ; fractions become 1 1x3 3 1x3 83 43 16 xb' 21x2 ^^18' 4'(3' T*». i! 11 ii f 70 KEY. [Elem. Arith. (6) {h th 120 is L. C. M. of denominators; 1 1x10 27x3 110 81 12x10' 40x3 *^^T20' 120* .*. fractions become (7) h; hU' 200 is L. C. M. of denominators; .'. fractions become 7x20 183x1 140 183 or 10 X 20' 200 X 1 "* 200' 200' (8) Ul Uh 6720 is L. C. M. of denominators ; 113x24 527x7 2712 3689 '. fractions become «; or 280 X 24' 960 x 7 "" 6720' 072a' (9) h H' 00 is L. C. M. of denominators ; 4x12 11x 5 48 55 5 X 12' 12 X 5 ^^ 60' 60* .*. fractions become ■=- (10) A, -Al I 1008 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fractions 3x63 8x48 5x112 189 384 560 or become - 16 X 63' 21 X 48' 9 x 112 "' 1008' 1008' lOOS* (11) -hy il, !i " 210 is L. C. M. of den"; /. fractions 7x14 11x10 23x7 98 110 161 or become 15x14' 21x10' 30x7 210' 210' 210* (12) h A, U, -iV 8415 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fract«. become lii^ 8 ^'^^5 13 x 561 9 x 495 9x985' 11x765' 15x561' 17x495 or 6545 8415 6120 7293 4455 8415' 8415' 8415* (13) \l ft, If, H. 1260 is L. C .M. of den". ; .-. fract". become i5-^ ^^^^^ 14x84 40x20 14 X 90' 36 X 35' 15 x 84' 63 x 20 ^^ 1225 1176 800 1170 1260' 1260' 1260' 1260* ( 1il\ .1. 11 iJ IB 7 -ir»/\.- T /"« -».r ^r >.i^~-^*^j~,™4.^~~ , , ,. , 7x15 17x6 13x10 15x9 .-.fractions become ^^^, __, j^-^-, ^^ Ex. XLI.] KEY. 1 1 7x12 105 102 ICO 105 .84 15 X 13 °^ 1«U' 1«0' 180' 160' IdO* (15) U, Ih ff , ii 7200 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fract"». 13 X 288 27 X 225 7x600 15x400 become 2- ^2^, ^2x225' 1^^x600' 18x400 3744 6075 4200 6000 ^^ 7200' 7200' 7200' 7200* (16) 1^-, if, -.^, il, ft, II 621180 is L. C. M. of den". ; 9x44370 13x34510 7x21420 .*. fractions become 14x44370' 18x34510* 29x21420 18x17748 23x14790 53x9135 399330 448630 fv- 35x17748' 42x14790' 68 x 9135 621180' 021180' . 149940 319464 340170 4 84155 621180' 621180' 621180' 621180* (!'?') h 6, f , if. 120 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fractions 2x40 4x24 3x15 14x8 80 96 become 7rT7i7{^ rrrTn^ — rn?. ttitz o^t?;a» thtt* 3x40' 5x24' 8x15' 15x8 45 112 120' 120* 120' 120* (18) I, h h -uj- 120 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fractions 3x30 5x20 7x15 9x12 90 100 become 4x30' 6x20' 8x15' 10x13 105 108 120' 120* 120' 120' (19) h f, h h -iV '^2 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fractions become : 2x24 5x12 7x9 5x8 8x6 3x24' 6x12' 8x9' 9x8' 12x6' 48 GO 63 40 48 or 72' 72' 72' 73' 72 78 KEY. [Elem. Arith. (20) h I, i, A. 830 is L. C. M. of den".; .-. fractions 2x110 4x66 1x165 3x30 8x100' 5x66' 3x165' 11x80 °^ become 220 364 330' 330» 165 00^ 330' 330' Ex. XLII. (p. 80.) (1) f, f ; 15 is L. C. M. of den".; .-. fractions become 3x5 4x3 10 13 3x5* 5x3 ^^15' 15 .-. in order of magnitude the fractions stand thus, ^, f. (2) h A; 86 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fractions become \ 7x4 9x3 38 37 36 9x4' 13 X 3 ^^ 36' .-. in order of magnitude the fractions stand thus, I, ^\. (8) ih H\ 813 is L. C. M. of den".; .•. fract"'. become 17x13 19x13 331 338 34x13' 36x13 313' 3i3 .-. in order of magnitude the fractions stand thus, i|, l^. (4) h h H ; 504 is L. C. M. of den". ; .-. fract"«. become 7x56 5x63 11x36 893 315 396 9x56' 8x63' 14x36 ^^504' 504' 504 .-. in order of magnitude the fractions stand thus, ii, ^, f. (5) iifl,M; 883 is L. CM. of den".; .-.fract"'. become 15x31 33x18 48x14 315 396 or 073 43x31' 49x18' 63x14 "'883' 883' 883 /. in order of magnitude the fract"'. stand thus, ^f , f f , ^f. (6) tJ,fiH; 5040 IS L. C. M. of den".; .-. fract"». become 53x63 63x56 57x60 ^^ 8339 3328 3420 80x63' 90x56' 84x60 "'^5040' 5040' 5040 .*. in order of magnitude the frart"\ stand thus, ^jl, 1} ^5. Ex. slil] KEY (7) f of §=A; i of ?=-,3^; 7f=V;.168 is L. C. M. of denominators; .*. ^actions become sTxS' 14x12' 8x21 "^ 168' 108' 168 of magnitude the fractions stand tlius, 7f , f of f , i of }. (8) ii, U, H, U\ SOO is L. C. M. of den"; .'. fract". 11x20 17x15 21x12 29x10 m ^®^°°^'* I5T2O* 20105' 25x12' 30xl0 2i800' 255 252 290 j^ oj.(ier ^f magnitude tlie fractions aOO' 300' 300' - ^ stand thus, f tl, Hi f i> ii- (9) -,S- of H of 7i = H; 4i of -3% = ff; -9^- of 7i of 11 =M;* of 4^ of 14ff = -^fF; 6836 is L 0, M. of denominatoi-s; .*. fractions become 29x5V8 3 X 576 55 x 99 1610 x 64 16704 1728 5445 11x576' Uxr 6' 64x99' 99 x 74 6336 ' 6336' 6335' }^^^^^ . .^ in order of magnitude the fract", stand thus, ^836 ^ ^ „ ? of 4i of ^ of 14f f, -h of i§ 7i, i,\^ of 7i of 11, 4i of -^. (10) m of -.¥r=^, H of 61 of iir of 1A=¥; If of U of 5is of i of 1 ,^=¥ ; 63 is L. a M. of denominators ; 4x7 11x9 20x21 28 99 ... fractions become q^^Y'^Y^^—J^^^ ^^ 63' 63' 420 63 5^ of i of l/f, H of 6i of H of 1 A, f §^ of -i»A. (11) i f ; 35 Is L. C. M. of den".; .\ fractions become 5x5 3x7 ...25 21 25 21 _ ^ 7x5' 5x7 r^ .'. in order of magnitude the fractionslf of li of Ui •^5 35' 35' 35 35 oi .\ f of a yard is greater by -k of a yard. 3S3Sm I ff ^ KEY. [Elem. Arith. (13) i, I; 6 is L. C. M of den".; .'. fractions become 1x3 2x2 3 4 4 8 1 . or — — _ — _ 2x3' 8x26' 6" 6 6 ~6 .-. f of a yard is the greater by ^^ of a yard. (13) n of -A- of If of U=-^ ; t of Tio of 5^=-A- ; 24 is L CM. of denominators; .-. fractions become 5x2 7x1 10 7 10 7 3 fjt* — — 12x2' 24x1 "'^ 24' 24' 24~24~24 -• H of -a- of If of ft is the greater by #4- of a loaf. 21 Ex. XLIII. (p. 82.) 13 21 a)m*^=|f. (8)«+»=?±?=lI=i'' 12 12 12' (3)3^f=3i. (4)m=^^' = ||=l' (o) -h-+-h = 12 ~12 25+28 53 12' 60 60' (6)f-l-,._ j^ -j^- 1-= .^ (7)f-fA = ??±?-^ = |=l4 00 55 55 18) f+A= 214-20 4x 56 ~56' (^) ^^+-4%=-y-Q; 4 7 8+7 15 _3 33+4 _37 "90* (10)H.U=3H-- = -T_i^^^,£.^,^. (11) 71+8 = 74-8+!^ 6 2' Ex. XLIII.] KEY. 81 (13) Uof 3i = |of| = y = 3|. 8|+6i = 8+6+ (13)1 + ^4-, f- 60"~-'60 -^60-^15• /..^ n« « oi « n 3 5 1 ^ 27+20 + 6 (14) 2|+x\+3A=2+3+q4-^-+^ = 5 + j^ = ^ 53 53 72' /iKsi«Pi3 1 i,10 10 ^ 3 10 ^7 ^ . 3 (15)iofl?=-of- = ^. 6j^+^+2^--6H-2+^ 10 7 _ 27+60+98 - 185 _ 59_ ■^2l'^9~°"^ 126 ~^"^126 ~ 126* ,.n. r.. .^ 19 7 133 ^^1 ^^1 13 1 „^ (16) 9i of 2^ = y X - = — r=22g. 22g+^+^ = 22 1 13 J__^ "^6'^18"^27 " ^''' 9+39+2 _ 50 25 54 r-'*^'^54"''^''3r (17) ^ of (1+li) =^- of 2||= I of ^ = I ?+5+^= 12+15+14 _ 41 _ _5^ 18 ~18~ 18* (18) i+f +f +t = 30+40+45+48 163 60 60 2^ 60* (19) 2i+3K4i+5i =2+3+4+5+2+3+^+5 = 14+ 30+20+15+12 ,.77 ,.,.17 .Jl 60 = ^^+60 = ^^ + ^60 = ^% B2 KEY. [ElKM. AttlTH. (30)5^,+18A4.||+2tJ=5+134-2+~+| + g+^ - on^ 1«^'0-! i>on H 3920+2208 „^ 8708 2948 _ oA ^ 1 737 737 <21) 4Hf^+16ifir+25H =44-164-25+^+~+^+l| .^ . 500 + 4204-405 + 468 _ 900 1793 _. 893 900 ~ ^ ^ ^900 .= 46 893 900 (22) f of3i = |of-yi=f = li; 81+161+ 7-i'V + U = 8 72 72 = 29 49 72 (23) (2f+-3|) of 2A+3i of (16|+3i)+-lf of 11 of 3«V--^ (2+3+|+|)of ?-J+:^ of (l6+8+5+^)+| of (n -S)-(^- 8 ) + 3 = 45X /_ .?±«)of?Z^:L«of(i9V''+^^ 75 n ^ nf ^''4-^" nf iq'''u.'''5 " * 27 16 , 159 75 " ia °* 11+5- "'^ "8+¥ = 18 °* u+y °^ -8-+¥ 63 318 75 3 3 1 fi = T+-5-+¥ = ^^4+*^S+^^2 = 15+63+37+ j+ ?.1_ 11, ^15+12+10 ^^^ 37 ,„ 17 <> ii; m 20 ;(^ 116 17 20' Ex. XLIV.J KEY. sa 13 19 1 13 *'0 13 ^10 1 ^13 .20 _ 1044-114-f 13 i J IT h^O 119 119 £ ^-rr- = £^m+£0 = £llm 144 8 5 7 9 (35) — of 4 1L3.+^ of 4 lbs.+ j^ of 4 Ibs.H-;^^ of 4 lbs.+ 14 «, 11 ,1,, ,2„ ,13„ ,4,, o^ of 4 lbs.+4rK - 1« lbs. 1 - lbs.+l7^ Ibs.-i-l;, lbs. 27 15 o o lo 5 1 2 13 . 4 5 2 11 / 1 2 13 ^ -+-22;^lbs.-f ^Y5 lbs. = (^1+1+1-1+2 4-4+5+3 t-jg+; 2 11 _i 1 — ^27 15 \ ^ 2" ^90+117+108-4-10+99 ) lbs.=lulbs.+ T^ lbs. 135 451 , 46 46 „ = 10 lbs. + jT^ lbs. = 10 lbs. + 3 j^g lbs. = 13 j^g lbs. Ex. XLIV. (p. 83.) 5-^4 t 4-1 3 (1) i-i =-T,r = ^STv i2) +-i = JO 20* 8 8 ^3)f 5 ii ' 12 ~ 12~3" ^^^ ii-»t- -3 (5) 3J~2^ = 3- 4-1 , 3' ^ ---- = 1+- = 1^ 10-9 , . . . (C) 7-2^ = 7 -3H-— o" = 4+- = 4~. i = 4i 10 10' f I 8^4 KEY. [Elem. Ahith. c:),oA-8i=tog-»;-=i^(g-!).i,?«-^ 86 1?? (8)17f-13^ = 17j-l4=8-f(J-?) = 21-10 11 13 ~ ^13* 8+ (9) 1A--I = l 29 __ 3 _ 116-75 _ 41^ 25 4 ~ 100 ~ 100 (tO)4,-3H = 4°-3l| = lH-M2 = l. 1 140 ~ 140* (ll)15,.7,= 15V^-s| = 7.?5_^^ = 7.g = 7L^^ (12) 20A-8.% = 20| - 9^ = 114-^^^ = ^ -^^1'^ n .-ills ,.113 ^^+504 = 11 + 15-04 = 1^504- ^^''^ ^ 5~ 5 ~5'5 5~5' VA*; W ij^ 36 at) ~ 36 ~ 9' 15-8 _ ^ 7 ~1~ - ^10 (15) 5 d- -Q d. = — =;r- Cl. = :=x± 8 9 72 72 ttlTH. 6 ~ Ex. XLV.J KEY. Ex. XLV. (p. 84.) 83 (1)H2|' .' 3^=2+13-3+^+^+—^ = 13 '>5 + -'> 4.63-9 .119 _.^119 ^^210 ~ -^^210' (3)i-|+f-fJ = 6-9+20-13 6+20-9-13 24 ■4 _1 24 ~ & 24 rl5 21- (3) 12H-H+ W-t of if +f of 3f = 12^4-^ -^ 4f 16 3 11 21 16 16 1 -51+2 = ^^+'^+l + 17~34+51-51+i = ^^^ 66-63+32-32+51 54 _ ^^ 9 103 " "^102 ~ ^"rf* (4) (16|-3i) of 3K16|+(3i of 3i) = (^16-3+^) 16 . ,5 /13 . 16^ 1 — 1!, 8 5 "8 8 ! '5~ 8 16 ^„5 ^^2 ,4 ^5 ^ 2 xy-16g+10g = 42^-16g+10g =42-16+10+ -16 ..5/13 .16\ .3 16 ,5 ^2 107 of y"!^^ \T 5 / ~ ^35X-^ — 16-+10- = -^ 32-25+16 „^ 23 40 = 36+^^ 36 28 40* (5) 6i+f, of -A- of 3^-^^§-5f = 6^-+ (~ X ;^, X ^) - 45 r3 , ■ ^ 15+15-45-45 , 60-60 , ^-55=:6+l-5+— ^ = 1 + __.= !. :jLj£i4' :.t fe " 45"*' 36 == 45; 145 - 7^' (8)^-^^?-|^ = |f-^ = -.^^-' I\ .00 KEY. [Elem. Aiuth. (10) 2i^8t+4^ = ^-±p^ = ^? = m X II = 1-m t+f It (11) {y+4-Aof ♦} ^ li = (i?+-A-i«)x}=il V 5C — S X 4 — 5. (12) (^ of -h) - (I of 15) = ^ X tIt X A ^ V- X A xl5 = i^|§-*-V = imx4\=T(^^f¥- lA (13) ^tt3 of ^^ ^^^ _ 1. of ^ - -^A- (14) gJ~+|-iA = 4M+A-ivV = 3mi Ex, XLIX. (p. 88.) 2 2 X 100 (l)gOf$l = cts. = 40 ctsk 3 , 3x8^ ^. (2) g ml. = -g- fur. = 3 fur. 3 3x4 ,5 5 5x25 (3) }i cwt. = -^ qrs. ~lij qrs ; j^ qr, = —,j— lbs. = .0 6 r. X 10 5x16 17^1bs; i^lb. =— — oz. = 13^ oz.; ij;OZ. =— ^ (Irs.: Ik drs. ; .-. value is 1 qr., 17 lbs., 18 oz., 11^ clrs. Ex. XLIX.] KEY. 9x43 m (4) 5ft of 2 tons, 3 cwt. = -^^ cwt. = 19^ cwt.; gTjcwt. 20 7x4 8 8 '20 20' 8x25 ^20 "!*"•' 20'^''' ■" 20 .-. value is 19 cwt. Iqr. 10 lbs lbs. = 10 lbs. ; ,^, 8" „ , ^^ 3x20 7 7 (5) jg of 3 mis., 2 fur.,= — g— fur. = 4^ fur. ; g fur. = 7x40 3 per. = 35 per. ; .-. value is 4 fur. 35 per. 4 ^ , « « , %(3 ac., 2 per., 3 3^ds.)x4 g of 3 ac., 2 per., 3 yds. =5^^ n — - (6)5 12 ac, 8 per., 12 yds. = 2 ac, 1 ro., 25 per., 20 yds., 4 ft., 136^ in. 5 /i^v " ^^.„ ^« , (5 lbs., 13 dwts.) X 5 (7) g of 5 lbs., 13 dwts.- ^^ -—^ — = 25 lbs., 3 oz., 5 dwts. 6 (8) g of 68 yds., 2 nls. = 476 yds., 3 qrs., 2 nls = 4 lbs., 2 oz., 10 dwts., 20 grs. (68 yds., 2 nls.) x 7 8 8 (9) jj of £26 8s £79 6s. 9d. = 59 yds., 2 qrs.. If nls. ,_ (£26 8s. lid.) X 3 lid. = rr- = 11 6 (10) ^ of 128 lbs., 2 sc = 768 lbs., 4 drs. = £7 4s. 3d. (1281bs., 2sc.)x6 = 109 lbs., 8 oz., 5 drs. 8^ grs. 93 KEY [Elem. AltlTII. 7,3^ ,,3 38 3, 3, (11) o ^i r of lOnhrs. = — Ill's. — C^^hi-s. ; ?: lirs. = ,OU O t> o o 36 inin.; .*. value is 5 lirs., 86 miu. (13) gibs. =9^oz.; goz. = 9Qclrs.; 7 lbs., 9 oz., Oidrs. 3 4 . (13) i^ of ~ of $43 = ij of $43 = $.34. 3 1 1 (14) Tq dy. = 7g lirs. ; ^ hr.= 13 min. ; 7 hrs. 13 min. (15) yq of' 34 cds. = 18^ cds. ; ^ cd. = 04 c. ft. ; , . .*. value is 13 cds., 64 c. ft. Ex L. (p. 88.) 40 1 (1) 3s. 4d. = 40d., £l-340d.; .*. fract". = gio ~ 0* (3) 3 r., 13 per. = 93 per., 3 ac. =480 per.; .*. fract".= 93 31 480 "~ 100* (3) 3 wks., 10 min. = 30356 min., ibr. = 30 mm. ; 30356 15138 .-. fract". = -^0^ f -jg-. • (4) 1 lb., 1 oz., 3 dwts. = 363 dwts., 3 lbs. = 480 dwts.; . . n -^ .*. tract". — 4^0' Jo) 1 lb., 5 oz. = 408 sc, 3 lbs., 1 sc. = 577 sc; ,*-. iract . — 'ii?^* Ex. L.] KEY. 93 (6) 8 ac, 3 r. = 1400 per., 2 ac., 32 per. = 352 per. ; 1400 175 .-. fract^ - ggg - ^^ . (7) 4 yds., 2 ft, 120 in. = 8000 in., 3 per., 13i yds., 1 ft., 72in.^l35000in.;.-.fractn.=:So = ^- (8) £1 18s. = 88s., £7 =• 140s. ; .-. fract". 140~70- (9) 2 bu., 1 pk. = 18 galst, 4 bu., 1 gal. = 33 gals. ; . ^ _!?-£ (10) $209, $5043-; .-. fract". = ^"=^- (11) 2 yds., 2 ft. =- 90 in., 13 per., 3 yds,, 6 in. = 2688 in.. .-. fraxst". _ g^gg - gg. (12) 1 lb. Troy, - 5760 grs., 1 lb. avoir. = 7000 grs. ; 5760 144 ••^^^^ --7000" 175' (13) 3 qts., 7 bu. ~ 224 qts. ; .-. fract". = ^1^. (14) H ycls. = 54 in., 4 mis., 2 fur. = 269280 in. ; 54 3 • • '''^^^ • - 2G9280 ~ 14960* (15) 1 yd. 4 in. = 1300 in., 5 ac, 11 per. = 8140240*in.; 1300 825 • tropf — ————— — — — ■S8BBM 94 / KEY. Ex. LI. (p. 89.) [Elem. Akitii. ^ of $14 2 14 2 ^__1 3 400 5^^ 1 9 _1_ ^ 1 ^ 482 f of 2 ac, 2 ro. f of 400 per. ^^^ i of 3 ac., 2 per. ~ i of 482 per. 1080 " 241' 2i of 8 lbs., 6 dwt. __ f of 17424 gr8. _ 5 ^ 17424 ^^^ li of 6 lbs., 12 grs. ~ ^ of 34572 grs. 2 1 3 1 ^4^34572 5445 5762* (4) m of 3s. 6d. _ V of 4 2d. _ 51 42 1 £1 240d. 1 240 357 '160* 3i of 10 cwt, 2 grs. ¥ of 42 qr8. _10 42 J__7 <^) TT^, ■"" 80 qrs. "31 80-4* 3i of 2 ac, 3 ro. _ I of 880 h f per. _ 7^880^ (^^ 2ro.,2iper. ~ 165 hf, per. 2 1 1 56 165 n O (7) l^ofnb. troy |of 5760 grs. _5 5760 1 lb. Avoir. ~ 7000 grs. "8^^ 1 7000 18 '8o 3 , £2 4s. 7^d. ^ of 1071 half-pence (8) % of - 2s. 1071 120 half-pence 1 21 20 17 "" .9) (10) 1 "120" 2* -j^f of 2f mis. __ - ,\- of V mis. _ ^ ■J of I mis. ~~ i of I mis. 6i of 3 cords V^ of 24 cd. ll 13 24 1 156 11 2 9_27 11 "" 4 ''l''7~14- vr VM. It. Ex. L1I.J KEY (11) 8i of lbs., 3 sc. *i^ofl730sc. 25 1730 lib. 288 288 sc. 21625 432 • (13) ,,o^ ^ o f f of 121 _ 4 2 21 1 ^^^^ ""$7 ~7''3'^T''7 -t% of 8 yds., 2 nls. A^ of 130 ills. 2^ ells Eng. /..x SloflOhrs. H^ nls. 351 324* "r 9^ 130 IG"" 1 "" _3^ 140 ^oflOhrs . 24 hrs. ^^3 10 8"T ^24 = 115 00* Ex. LII. (p. 92.) (1) f of 7^ = f = what A sells to 0. 1^ of i = jV = what A sells to B. i—{}+h) = -h = ^'s remainmg portion -h+^ = -h = ^'s portion. i = (7'8 portion. (2)0 9-f-|=:24. O 4i+3A=:8f; 4i-3,a, = f; 8|-f = 7|. (3) Lesser fraction = (f — 1)-5-2 = -g^y. Greater fraction = f-io or -gV-l-f = f^. (4) C) U of 2^ = f I ; ^^th = 1-A. e)iof2| = ^; 3f-^ = lM. (5) A gives 5 i of his money; .-. he has ^ rem'g. He then gives G^of^-l and has rem'g ^--| = f. He next gives i) i of i= i% and has rem'g f - A=-,=»g-. .-. ^ has /i ar d D has 1% ; or -4 has twice as much as D. (6) She spends \ leaving | ; next spends f of f =|; hence she has spent i+| - ^^ and has left J, which by question = $4.20; .-. her her whole sum was 84.20 X 6 = $25.20. 06 KEY. [Elem. Aritii. i (7) T*f =r $90 ; .-. 1^- = $30; .'. value of vcssi 1 = $30 x 11 = $330. .-. i = $110. (8) 100 cts.— 5 cts.= 95 cts. ; .-. whole income = \^^ of $855 = $900. (9) ^ rr I = amount of reduction ; hence | of $54= $36 = amount of reduction. (10) f of a rabbit is worth |s. ; .". f is worth |s. = 2d. and a rabbit is worth 2d. x 7 = Is. 2d.; .*. f of a rabbit is worth 8fd.= the worth of ^ of a pig; .*. a pig is worth 20 x 8|d.= 14s. and 100 pigs are worth 100 X 14s. = £70. (11) 1 rifleman shoots ^-P- rounds in 91 minutes.or in 1 28 2 minute ?«-^gT = t^ of a round ; .*. 37 riflemen in 4i hrs. (or 255 min.) will shoot (iV x 37 x 255) rounds = 385^^ rounds. (12) I = $12.60 ; .-. ^ = $4.20, and whole = 8 x $33.60. .20 = (13) 28 sheep eat as much as 15 cows ; .*. 1 sheep eats as much as H cow; .•. 20 sheep eat as much as |f x 20 = 10^ com'S; 33 cows and 20 sheep = 33 cows-l-lOf cows = 43^ cows; 15 cows graze in 11 days 5 ac. ; 5 .'. 1 cow grazes in 1 day ..-■.. or -is ac. ; .'. 43f cows graze in 1 day ^h x ^?^» or W ac. 18 X 77 .'. 43? cows graze 18 ac. in 18-*- W days, or- = 131^ days. 102 (14) Q) A is to have half as much again as B, .*. $94.50 must be divided into 5 equal shares of which A is to have 3 and i? 2 ; $94.50-i-5 = $18.90 ; $18.90 X 3 = $56.70 = ^'s share ; $18.90 ;< 2 = $37.80 r^ B'8 share. (Continued on next page.) (1 (1 (1 i^ •Ex. T.U.] KEY. 0? (14 continued.) O 71 is to have half -4's share or . I is to have twice i?'s; .-. $94.50 must he clivi ccl i o *: eqiv\l shp^^, of which A is to have 2 and jj 1 $V =$31.50; $31.00x2 = $63.00 -^'s shu , - oi.50 X 1 = $31.50 = J3'8 share. . (t/^^ Amount of debt = $500 + ($250 x 2)+($75 x 3) = $1225; amount of property = $625 ; .'. he will pay $ ft26. — \ i'Zli $^^ in the $ and the first creditor will receive $500 x t^ = $255.10i§. (10) $750 would purchase dHv = f t7 of the mine ; .*. ■\\- of tl"^ man's share = -4^^ of the whole mine; and hiF tire shaie = (^(j+i^^) of the miiie = f . (17) The first and second dl/"*. contain i^+i = H of the entire school, 1 erefore the remaining, or -^g must belong to the tnird div"., which by the ques- tion contains 80. If 80 = ^% -h = i of 80 = 10, and the whole, or f f = 25 x 10 = 250. (18) A can do in 1 day -1^,7 ; B can do in 1 day -^ ; there- fore A and J? together do in 1 day -,^ + ^^ = ^^ ; .'. no of days in w hich A and B will together do the whole work 1 '^°'^ = part done iu one ^ = ii = ^^^ '^'"'^ (19) Eldest son rec'd ^ leaving i|. Second son rec'd \^ of i| = ^f ^. Widow rec'd l-(B^+if i?) = m- Also by the question ii— ^f^ (the eldest son's share minus the second son's) = $1690, or {f ^ = $1690 ; .-. whole property = -^^^ — $6250. Eldest son rec'd H of $6250 = $3250. Second son rec'd iff of 6250 = $1560. Widow rec'd ^ of $6250 = $1440. (20) Since G receives 9 ac. more than A and B ; .*. 85 ac, 2 ro.— 9 ac. must be equally divided be- ^Continued on next page.) %->.*lna IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe Va 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■ttlM 1^ 1^ 2.5 2.2 2.0 iA IIIIII.6 ^1 #1 r^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 m -^•v :\ ,v \ ^9> % '^^ 6^ n; ) ^-.^ ^^ ,V#3" .^ ^ i/j »8 KEY. I Hi. KM. Ajtirri. 4^ A ^ (20 continued.) tn-een A, B, and C7; hence .I's and B's sli^ire = lO ac, a TO. 3 = 38 ac., 1 ro. If ^receives l,i? receives A, .-. A'a andi?'8 = 1 A-. A ^'9 = ^38 ac, 1 ro.) x H = 24 ac, 3 ro., '^ B'a = 13 ac, 2 ro., C's = 47 ac 1 ro. <^^) £^^ys (one out of each third) paid (t8+304-42) cts r ^?n' :'• the average payment made by each boy = ^^ cts. == 80 cts. ; .-. no. of boys = Hi^=^^ (22) First pipe fills ^ of the cistern per minute ; second and third pipes empty j^+^ = if of the cistern per minute; .-. part of cistern filled per minnje = J- cistern H = .|V 5 = ^^- No. of minutes = part filled a min"!' (33) (>) A and 5 do in 1 day -3^ of the work. B does in 1 day ^ of the work. •'• ^ does in 1 day -^—.^^ = ^g^ of the work. .-. A can do the whole in ^ days = 63^ days. ^') ^ ^P!? T*) 228272 114136 114-364272, .. 536 »• 700 375200, ■^ 701609 50-805 8507645 6612072 3507545 KEY. Ex, LVII. (p, 98.) C'osa 2-7 42245 12070 16-2945 ,(8) 40004 2-03 120012 80008 81-20812 105 (4) 680-35 •0049 61^315 272140 3-333715 60-70 11 (6) 00-71 =60 iVtf- 667-81, 60-71 66781 ^,,^, Too-^i^=-ioo-=^^^'^^' 57-068 X 2-004=H5§^a x m»!= VWoWo^=114-86&72; ' 5-36 X 700=H$ X iftii:=e^. =*ft^M&^^^^=356-40164745.j. 356-40164745 too 48067 •00087 886469 144201 •01778479, 54-3047 900005 KEY (7) [Elbm. Arith. 48;0«7x -00037 = ^^f x t^§J,^ = jmmh = -01778479; 2715235 4887423 488-745015235, 2-568 •00025? HUnmW- = 488-745015235 ; 12840 6136 0) 5-5 •055 275 275 •8025 550 151250 15125 ie«-8750 •0055 831875 881875 2-568 X -00025 = m^ x tttMo a = tjfI JJ^ft^rs- = -000642*. •00064200 = -000642 (8> 6-5 X -055 X 650 x -0065 = ^|^ x tMtt x^^x^ 1*17 = iWft)^- =-0150625; " ■ - •9150625, (Continued on next psge.) i^y. Ex. Lviii.] 6-2 860 1050 KEY. (8 contlnaed.) 107 =v^A^:i^r*=^**'<^^'^"^'<-«- 10860 85 6425 8680 922-25 •0004 (9) 37-85 7-35 18925 11355 26495 278-1975 yds. (10) 885 •95 1825 8286 346-75 =: 346f loaves. •368900 = -3689. 27) 88-372 02-36 27 % Ex. LVIII. Q). 100.) (1) 68 54 97 81 162 162 33^372+2-7 = ^Wcf x i^ = ^J^ = 12-36. (2) ;27) •83372 (1-236 •33372-5--27 = -mm x W = IMS =1-236. Z(3) •333724-27 = -,^m>^- - h = (4) •27) 83372-00 (123600 33372^-27 = ^^'-^ x W = ^H¥^^= 123600. w -i 103 KEY. (5) [ElBM. AiUTH. •00027) 8337200000 (123C00O0O 33372-*- 00027 == Aa^a X xii^^iik = 128000000. •323) 561 0833 (17371 828 (6) 2380 2261 — 5G1-0833 ♦-•323 = mm^ x ^m = -^^^ 1198 =17371. 969 2293 2261 323 823 (7) •323) 5610833-000 (17371000 5610833-!- '323 = ^U^^ = Wi^ = 17371000. (8) 3-23) 56108-33 (17371 56108-33-4-3-23 = '^^%^^ x ^ ■iSi==^VA^^= 17371. (9) •0000328) 5610-8330000 (173710000 5610-838-*- •0000323 = ^Vj^ X ^^^i^^ = 178710000. 3-25) 552-5325 (17001 825 (10) 2275 552-5325+3-25 = mm^x m = ^W 1 2275 17001 ; ^ 325 325 - *. *~ ^ ..»»., \ *..«*V^-4 I'h Ji Ex. rviii.J KEY. 109 •0032o) 552'5m0 (HOO^Vr^lss' 5325 ^. 00325== ^nm^ X Ajyyyiii = nooio. 104-3) 2-419003 (00521 23215 (11) 9750 2-410003+464-3 = mUU x Mn = 9286 4043 4043 bUW = -00521; •004043) 2-419003 (521 2-7) -000081 (-00003 81 2-4I9008-H -004643 = mUU .i.n ^-'^A^'^'^ = 5Jil '00008i-i-2-7 = i^.^,^xi^ = TT) mri 114 5 470 50-^10 KEY. IElem. Akith, (3) 9;40; •94 135 5 5 TO 1-40 •280 /. Ans. = 4056 ; •056 fio 50oJ '' 3;0 •30 •030 635 •006; lOLl rs 8 8 2 300Q " -375000 5 5 5 aw O 9900 19-80 3-960 7930 ^046875000 •1584; Ans. =840029396875. •0058593750 •0029296875 (4) f of 1^ = ,% 138 8 65^00 " 16-8500 ~ 40635000 41300 3i of 3 J = 8h -70 8 15000 3^ of 4i of 5i = 70if , 04 -! 8 -5078135; '. Ans. = 8-75; 1-875000 1-0 --8125 --7875 (5) ' 5j3;0 •6 -234375 .•.11 = 1-6; .*. Ans. = 76-334375, 7875 + 3-<35 = 3-9135, ^^ j ^ 130 3-25 11} =-8125; .01 rtr (Oontiuuocl on nextpa;:):tv) ITU, 056; 75. s. = 375. 125; Ex. LXI.] 5 5- 40-^8 KEY. (5 continued.) 1000 .-. 3-A = 3-125; •125 116 1HH--75 of U of 6| = 11-5 + -75 of W = ll'5 + -75 x 6^1 = 115 + -75 X 6-48 = 11-5 -\- 4-86 = 16-30. Ex. LXI. (p. 104.) (1) ' 3|20. OjlO. 7|G0 . 12IZ:?__. (^ •583' 1'^- 3 5 110 •C •1 9 3 8M9 4 44 -J 11 •857142 (3) r3. '^^^33 .-. Ans. :^G037; 37)5'0(-135 37 •037 700 1-75 .•. Ans. = 1001590; -159'J 130 111 190 185 Ans. = 7-135 ; 50 17) 15-0 (-8823529411764705 136 140 136 40 34 50 34 160 153 GO 51 90 85 70 68 20 30 17 130 119 110 102 80 GS .-. Ans. = 2-8823529411764705. 120 119 100 85 150 136 1 110 ) ! 495^ '5 9 11 670 18-4 KEY. [ (3) '5 5 1375 S 5 11 .•. Ans. Elem. Aritit 170 3-40 1-488 •680 •185 •186 ; .-. Ans. = 11-18^; •01286 = 2301236. (4) •2 = t; -05 = A; 'lS = U = -h; -156 = ^10^^=1^4 = -,V« ; -027027 = -UUo^,^ = ^mk = iff ; •285714 = UUU = h (5) •560 = nW^ = U^ = ^ ; -743 = Hto^ = ^|§ = a|| . •20235 = HmT^ = tUU ; 19-305 = lO^Wo^ii- = 19|^f = 19U; 20-02916 = 20^%\%-,%^ = 20#,V,4, = 20j5o. (6) 6-18153153 = 6^18153 = OHW.Kf^ = C^r^M = 6^i%; 15-692307692307 = 15092807= lofg Iff | = 15,%. (8) - (7) . 4-3333383 164545454 757352852 96-5281139 ••• Ans. = 96-528114. (9) 3-8564646 2-0887777 8-2883333 26-7967967 7-4134184 87-4435484 Ans. = 37-443543. (10) 52-8666666 8-3723572 1-8176869 .•. Ans. = 1-817686. 7-6+5-3 = 7fx 5^=40^ 44-4943094 .•. Ans. = 44-494309. (11) 40-8; 85i X -736 = m X f M = i?- X iVo = im = -2587223 ; -13 x -2 x -4 = ^§ x i X t ^ A X -^ + ^ = ^h =-0li85. Ex. Lxn.] KEY. 117 (12) 6-7 -4- 2-6 = CJ -^ 2f = ^ X I = f i = 2^ =2'5416 ; '2627 ^ 1-926 = nvu-ci^ -^ i^w^ = uu -*- nu =i¥o^- -*- m% = iWA- =-136 ; -371 -i- 5 = ^^o^ - 5 = f |8- -h 5 = i^^ = -0743 ; 42-0463 -*- 136 = 42t Uh -*- IM = 42T-Jg!u X U = \5»W,l^ = 80-833953. Ex. LXII (p. 105.), (1) (2) (3) •75 , ■ 100 •875 5 -625 loa 75 00 cts. Ans. 75 cts. $4-375 100 62-500 cts. Ans. 62i cts. Ans. $4.37i cts. 37-500 cts. (4) (5) (6) •625 cwt. 4 •375 8 •179 20 2-500 qrs. 25 3000 fur. Ans. 3 fur. 3^500 cwt 4 2500 1000 2000 qrs. Ans. 3 cwt. 2 qrs. 12-500 lbs. 16 ^ 3000 500 1 8000 oz. Ans. 2 qts. 12 lbs. 8 oz. 118 (7) •46876 50 23-437503. 12 6-25000d. 4 KEY. (8) •0625 90 [Elem. Arith. (9) •175 12 \\ 5-6250d. 4 2100 oz, 20 2-5000q. 2000 dwt. I'OOOOOq. (10) 4-65 X 4 a. 2 ro. 4-65 18 Ans. 5id. 5q. Ans. 2 lbs. 2 oz. 2 dwt. Ans. 23s. 5id. (11) 1004 100 372 465 100400 per. Ans. 1004 per., or 6 a. 1 ro. 4 per. 83-70 ro. 40 28-00 per. Ana 83 ro. 28 per., or 20 a. 3 ro. 28 per. (13) 2-56 625 1280 612 1280 134400 qrs. Ans. 1344 qrs., or £1 8s. (13) 5-00875 25 2504375 1001750 125-21875 dys. 24 87500 43750 5-25000 hrs. Ans. 125 dys. 5 hrs. 15 min., — or 17 wks. 6 dys. 5 hrs. 15 min. 15 00000 min. JITH. BX. LXII.] KEY. 119 z^ TVt. dwt. per. (14) (16) •604 6 lbs. 2 sc.= 1442 sc. 24 305 2016 1008 12096 hrs. 60 5-760 mm. 60 45-600 sec. Ans. 12 dys. 12 hrs. 5 min. 456 sec. (16) £4 Is. = 81s. 3-0085 81 7210 4326 4398-10 20 200 grs. Ans. 4398 sc, 2 grs., or 15 lbs. 8 oz. 2 drs. 2 grs. (17) 1 ac. 3 ro. 5 po.= 285 po, 7034 - 585 "^ 30085 j ^40680 243-6885S. 12 8-2620^. 4 35170 56272 " 14068 4^ 2004-690 per. m l-0480(i. Ans. 2438. 8d. 1048q. or £12 3s. 8id. -048q. 20700 1725 20-8725 yds. 9 7-8525 ft. 144 Ml i»* U^^\^ MfA • at A/VA J _- _ ^^ ^^ ._ _. or 12 a. 2 ro. 4 po. 20 yds. 7 ft. 122-76 in. 34100 34100 122-7600 in. 120 KEY. [Elem. Aiuth. (18) 14 lbs. 1 oz. 6 grs.= 92646 grs. 92646 5005 463230 463230 463693-230 grs., or 80 lbs. 6 oz. 1323 grs. (19) -3 of $2 r: ^ or i of $2 = 66f cts. (20) -54 of 16s. 6cl.=: f ^ of 198cl.= 108d.= 9s. ^V-) *^iL^^ * *^^ = ""^sW^ of 20 cwt.= m of 20 cwt = -Ilk of 20 cwt.= 4 cwt. 8 qrs. 11 lbs. 10 oz. lOf drs. (22) 6-83 of £5 = 6^^^^ of £5 = 6^^ of £5 = 6f of £5 = £34^ =^£34 8h. 4d. ,,.^^^^ J'?^^ °^ 2* l^«-= ^^^"^'^^ of 2i lbe.= 2m of 2i lbs.= 2H of 2 lbs. 6 oz.= 2tJof 30oz.= 71i oz.= 51bs. 11 oz. 10 dwt. (24) 6-2 of a c. yd.= 6^ of 27 c. ft.= 168 c. ft.= 6 c. yds. 6 c. ft. , (25) 18-72 of an ac.= 18|| ac.=: 18A ac.= 18 ac. 2 ro. 86 po. 11 yds. Ml^'^^^ ^^ 1^^ ^^^®^s '^ 2f a-|L of lOOa ga. = 2^§ixr of l^Mr" 3d?lir of 1000 gs.= 2006i g^.= 3006 gs. 7s, = £2166 10s. •025 ,25 (27) £-634375 30 12-687500S. 12 a250000d. 1-OOOOOOq. 125 50 . 625s, 12 7-500d. 4" 2000 8-16 of 808.= Sif o-L of 80s. =r 3i of 30s. = 95s.= £415s. .-. value reqd = 13s. 8id.+ 7id + £4-15 = £5 8s. 3fd. Ex. Lxin.] KEY. 121 (28) -6 of an ac.=.f ac.= f ac.= 2 ro. 20 po. 20 yds. I ft. 73 in. ; 035 of a ro.= e25 of 40 po.= 2'6 po. A- po. = A of 30i yds.= 11 yds. . f 1 1 i' 2 ro. 20 po. 20 yds. 1 ft. 72 in.+ 25 po. 11 yds.= 8 ro. II po. 9 yds. 1 ft. 72 in. (29) 0-714385 of Is. 9d.= ^lUW of 21d.= Of of 21d, = 141d.=: lis. 9d. ; -0833 of £7 4s.= HM^ of 144s.= ^oSr of 144s.= -,\ of 144s. = ISs.; -251190470 of Os. 8d. = f HiJ^Jf^o^^ of 80d.= MiHSB^ of 80d.= Hir of 80d.= Is. 8 Ad. /. value req"» = lis. 9d.-12s.-h Is. 8-Acl.= Is. 5-Ad. * Ex. LXIII. (p. 100.) , (1) ' (2) 1 qr. 5 lbs. = 30 lbs. / $2*50 = 250 cts. 1 cwt. = 4 X 25 = 100 lbs. $10 = 1000 cts. .-. fr. req .-. fr. reqd = J-i-f 4 _ 4S'Qsk - (9) .^ 73' ^ - (10 T lib. Troy = 5700 grs. 1 lb. Avoir. = 7000 ffrs, V fjf&= •82285714 / 0083333 0-X{\af\A A A '3785493827100 m KEY. [Elkm. AiiiTir. v- (11) 12 9- 20 10-75 (12) 12 30 17-5883 •5875 I .3791(5 (13) 2 wks 6i dys.= 48G iirs. ; 4 dys. 3 brs.= 99 lira. .-. fr. req" = Vs^ = 4-90. (14) 2 lbs. 14 oz.= 46 oz. ; 18 Ibs.^ 288 oz. /. fr. req<» = A%- = lA =15973. i:x. LXIV. (p. 107.) PAPEIl I. (3) (0 1018269 I 20979 100001050 54000003000 400000006 999990 54302043294 ('-) 400001 300725 9927G (4) 268936785 5689 2420431065 2151494280 1613620710 1344683925 268936785) 1529981369865 (5680 1344683925 1852074448 3613620710 2393537386. 2151494280 2420431065 2420431003 L'ir. Ex. LXIV.I KEY. 1*>^ ira. JIultipUcatlon may bo proved by division and ^isa Vfmi. (5) C974)27027027".27 (3875308HU 20933 01050 55793 9 57167 65793 8875398 0974 « 53583 48818 15501593 2712778C 34878583 23253388 37647 84870 27037035653 1375 27770 20923 68482 G27G6- 27037037027 1375 (C) 13 8 it ^ 40 8 t ^ mi. fur. per. 13 3 6 8 98 40 777348 in. 3936 64779 ft. 5i 21593 yds. 3 19630 11 43186 1963 3926 per. 21593 3 98-6 per, 12-2 fur. L3 mi. 3 fur. 6 i 04779 13 77734y 134 2 2 3 (1) 27 36 43 48 ' KEY. PAPER II. [Elem. Arith. 27 18 21 24 27 9 21 13 3 5 6 9 9^74 L. C. M.= 2x2x3x9x7 X 4 ==3034. 5 2 S L. C.M.=: 3x5x3x3 =90. 2 (4) 8 14 239i miles. 4 7 L. C. M.=: 2 X 4 X 7 = 56 ; 1000 -^56 .= 17f . ' ^ .'. Ans. 17 times. J (5) 0) l26K40^+10i-+lU + 50i (^•4380000 8550000 1300000 550000 7000000 560000 $22540000 957)87920000(91870-43 8613 (3) $22540000- $500000 = $21980000 ; $21980000 -^■ 239i = 87920000 -^ 957 = $91870.43 and $8.06 over. J 1790 . - 957 8330 ' 7656 6740 6699 .. 4100 3838 9790 1914 2730 C03 Ex. LXIV.] KEY. 125 PAPER III. (1) 0) 2i (i + f) + ^ (1-4) = (2i X f) + (t x|^i) = -L^ + 2i (t -h -hK) = 2i X ^n = I X ^^1 .= 3,%-. (2) I of 4.= $15000, or I = $15000 ; .'. i = $5000, and the whole steamer is worth $5000 x 8 = $40000. If he sells f he has remaining ^ — | = i • i of $40000 = $5000. (3) 'XA — .1. l\)=^-i^-x5|^.:xff:=JAl. e)-.\(8i-2^)-i(i. (4) -55 X £5 = £2-75, or £2 15s. ; 5-5 x £5 =:^ £27'5, or £27 10s., and £27 10s. -£2 15s. =zz £24 15s. (5) 1-25 yds.= f of '75 yds. .-. No. yds. req* = f of 87 = 145 yds. ; and 145 yds. -87 yds.= 58 yds. (6) •5=i = part given to u4; l—i = i = part remain- ing ; -3 of i = f of i - i of i = ^ = part given to C: i + ^ = ^ = i = whole part give away ; 1-| = i = part remaining to A. PAPER lY. (1) i = part sold to ^ ; f = part remaining; i of f = -h- = part sold to i?; l-(i^ + -1^^)= A = part sold to (7, which by tlu question = 32. If -^^g = 32 then /o = 32 H- 8 = 4, and jf or the whole = 4 x 15 = 60. (2) 13i + 5G| + 14f = 13 + 5G -h 14 + i + ^ + f = 83 8 81-875. 13i = 13-5 ; 561 = 5375 ; 14f = 14-025. .*. Sum is (3) 13'5_ 2-7) 033372 (01230 66^.) 27 14-625 — 03 84-875 54 97 81 16 o. 162 ill 1 120 ■t _ 1 KEY. [Elem. A] 1'; • ■ ""^^ (4) ii 27 X 4 = $108.00 ^ 19 X 4 = $70.00 •if' ' 6x 20 = 1.20 5x 20 = 1.00 : 9ix 4x5-7- 12 = .15f $109.35f 8x4 x5-i- ■12 = .13i $77.13i $109.35^ . 3x 4 = : $12.00 $ 17.22 t ' ISx c20 = = 2.40 $ 77.18i 7x i 4x5-5 -12 = = .llf $14,511- $198.05 $ i4.51i $4l6.27i (5) -875 = -,Vo^ = 1 ; 21 = I of the larger side, or \ — 3 an(J f or the whole = 24; 21 -1-24 = 45 = whole number of players, which is equal to '625 or iWo, or f of the onlookers ; if | = 45, i = 45 -J- 5 = 9, and f or the whole = 9 x 8 = 72. . <6) -014 of n of ^ of f of 4-5 of tti of 71^=-rir^T5 ' 5| I— -i of \ of ^of f of 4iof -|- of ^^^ = :j^o of ^ of t of ^ of I of \ of ^F = 7. .-. one side scores 7 times as many runs as the other. PAPER V. (1) Let 1 represent what B owes to A; then '6, or -j% or I = what G owes to-B; 1— f = |^ = how much J5's debt to A exceeds that of 6"s to B. If f = 5s. then \ — 2s. 6d., and ^, or the whole = 2s. 6d. x 5 = 12s. 6d. (2) -J -(-50s. = what was first taken out; .*. i— 50s. = what then remained. -2 ot -^j, or i of (i— 50s.) -i- 30s. =-,^0 + 20s. = what was next taken ; (^-f 50s.) -f (-i^j +20s.) = (-i% + 'J'Os.) = what had then been taken out; .*. -,^o — 70s.= what was left. -25 or i^^^, or i of (At -70s.) 4- 20s. = -,^0 -17is. -l-20s. = -fo+2is. = what was taken out the third time. (A + 70s.) -\- (h -I- 2is.) = A+ 72^s. = total amount taken out ; .'. -,% —72-^8.= amount remain- ing in the bag, which by the question = 10s. .'. i^r— 72^s. = 10s., or -,% = 82is., or i\- = 27its., .'. fJl or the whole = 27.VS. x 10 = 275s. Ex. LXIV.] ICEY. 137 (3) A supplies 26 cub. yds. in 3i hrs., or 8 cub. yds. per hr. ; B supplies 12^ cub. yds. in 2i hrs., or 5 cub. yds. per hr. Together A and n supply 8 + 5 = 13 cub. yds. per hr. G discharges 11*375, or 11| cub. yds. in If hrs., or 6i cub. yds. per hr. In 12 hrs. A will supply 8 x 12 = 96 cub. yds. ; and G will discharge 6^ x 12 = 78 cub. yds. ; .'. the number of cub. yds. actually filled will be 96- 78 = 18. Num- ber cub. yds. requiring to be filled ='75, or f of 286 = 214i cub. yds., and number already filled = 18 ; .'. Na remaining to be filled = 214|— 18 = 196^ cub, yds. Now if A and B together fill 13 cub. yds. per hr. while G discharges 64- cub. yds. per hr., the number of cub. yds. actually filled per hr. is 13~6| = 6i ; and number of hrs. required to fill 196i cub. yds.= 196^-5- 6^ = 80i% hrs., which added to the previous 12 hrs. will amount to 42-i% brs, (4) 500 envelopes at 44 cts. per 100 . . =$2.20 3 boxes elastic bands at 33 cts. . =$0.99 \ gross penholders at 19 cts. per doz. =$ 1.14 2^ rdams foolscap at 21 cts. a quire . =$10.50 4 doz. quill pens at 9 cts. . . =$ 0.36 13 note books at 27 cts. . . . =$3.51 250 official envelopes at 48 cts. per 100 =$ 1.20 (5) 7i lbs. lamb at 10 cts. 19i lbs. mutton at 8 cts. . 18 lbs. ham at 15 cts. . o^ lbs. suet at 10 cts. 9 chops at 4 cts. (6) 17 yds calico at 19 cts. . 25^ yds. at 55 cts. 34| yds. flannel at 60 cts. -j 4 • -^ !_• _i on _i_ 1 t ptlii"S blliv/Kilitpj III OO CIS. $19.90 =$0.75 =$1.56 =$2.70 =$0.55 =$0.36 5 pairs gloves at $12 per doz. $5.92 :$ 3.23 :$14.02i : $20.70 :$ 5.00 S?1S.2T-.V 128 ' KEY. 4 z— = •12-64 Ex. LXV. (p. 11^.) (2) 00 [Eleai. Aiutii. ' (4) &2 10 X 4-5 •05 (8> 1-2 X -39 •3 = 15. 1-a •86. (9) (10) 4-22x17-6 ^ ■~23i -^'^' Ex. LXVI. (p. 115.) (1) 8 bus. : 24 bus. :: $16 is to the price required. .*. Pr^ce required = $ — ^— ^ = $48. (2) 2 bus. : 33 bus. :: $1.10 : required price. . -p . , . ^33x1.10 ^,^, .-. Required price = $ = $18.15. (3) 9 bus. : 4 bus. 20 lbs. :: $36 : required cost. .-. Required cost = $^^^^ = $17.38^. 540 (4) 55 cts. : $21.25 :: 1 bus. : no. of bus. required. 2125 X 1 .-. Ko. required = - ^^ bus. = 38 bus. 21 fr lbs. (5) 84 cts. : $17.20 :: 1 bus. : number required. 17^0 X 1 .-. No. required = — ~ — bus. =: 20 bus. 28f lbs. (6) 1 oz. : 21 lbs. 4 oz. :: 6s. 5d. : required price. 256 X 77 .-. Required price =— ^---^d.= 19712d.= £82 2s. 8d. (7) 16 cts. : $46-2.'16 ;: 1 lb. : number required. 46'^36 X 1 .-. No. required =-—^l~ lbs. =28891 lbs. =28 cwt. 16 3qrs. 14 lbs. 12 oz. (8) 133856 : $10498.64 :; $1 : dividend in $1. . n- • 1 1 -1 ^1049664 x 1 ^ , , , , . . Dividend required = $-^^^-^^=$-44 = 44 cts. Ex. LXVI.] KEY. ^*i. 120 V (0) No. of days in 18G4 = 36G. mo dys. : 1 dy. :: $100.14 : amount required. . . , . - 10614x1 .-. Amount required = — — - — cts. = 29 cts. (10) 1 ml. : 20 mis. 5 fur. 23 yds. :: |393'75 : req^ cost. .-. Required cost = $^^?:^5??? = $8126.01^. (11) $133.12 : $449.28 :: 6 cwt. 2 qrs. : weight req-*. 26 X 44928 .-. Required weights ^^^^^ - qrs. = 87^ qrs. = 21 cwt. 3 qrs. 18 lbs. 12 oz. (12) $32.15 : $286.66i :: $183*75 : value required. .-. Value required = $ ^^^ ^3a''J^^^^ =$1638.40-MV (13) $10000 : $3875 :: $1 : dividend on $1. 3875 X 1 .'. Dividend = $ ^^^^ = -3875 = 38f cts. .-. Each creditor will lose in $1, $1 -38| cts. = 61i cts. (14) 60 men : 84 men :: 5 months : time requh-ed. .-. Time required = ■ ^ mos. = 7 mos. 7 mos. ~5 mog.=r 2 months. (15) 1134 yds. : 5313 yds. :: 3s. 4id. : value req*. ,, - , 5313 X 81 , ,, .-. Value veq^. = -^^7- — half pence = 15s. 9f d. (16) £1 : 17s. 6d. : .'. Value of effects 1134 : £3057 12s. : value required. 210x61152 240 s. = £2675 8s. (17) 10 ft. 8 in. : 1 mi. 1280 yds. :; 4 steps : required number of steps. 109440 X 4 .-. No. required = - — -— steps = 3420 steps. (18) 31 ac. 3 ro. 9 po. 21 yds. : 49 ac. 3 ro. 38 po. 22- yds. :: £3025 12s. 4Hi : required price. • • Keq^ price = t^t^k^ half pence =£4754 lOs. 10id. 615853 XdO KEY. [Elem. AniTii. (19) Loss on $1 = $1-59 cts. = 41 cts $1 : $13675 :: 41 cts. : required loss! ' . , 13675x41 . . Loss = cts. = 15606-75. (20) 6 mi. ; 10 mi. :; 1 lir. : time req'». by l^t boy, .-. time required = ~- Urs.= 1 lir. 40 min. ; also 7^ mi. : 10 mi. :: 1 hr. : time required by 2"* boy, .-. time required = -~- lirs.= 1 hr. 20 min. Therefore since 1 hr. 40 min.-l hr. 20 min.= 20 min. the first boy must start 20 minutes before second boj^ (21) 55 yds. : i mi. ;: 5 ft : required gain. . T» • 1 . 880 X 5 . . Required gam = —^^ ft. = 80 ft. = 26 yds. 2 fc. (32) 45 cts. : 55 cts. :: 36 do?, pairs : required no of pairs. ^ . T» . , 36x55 , . . Required no.=-^^ doz.= 44doz.=: 528 pairs. (23) 168 dys. : 266 dys. :: 108 men : required no of men. ^ • . T> • -! 266x108 . . Required no.= ^^^ ■ men = 171 men. (24) $12571.871 : $1 :: $419.06J : rate per $. .-. Rate per $ = $il?:??iiil_ oi ^ts ^ ^ * 12571.87i ^ ^^^• Also, $1 : $1734.37i :: 3* cts. : required payment. .'. Req^ payment = $?15^^-l?icts.= $57-812^ (25) ISTumber of days in 1863 = 365. Yearly expenditure = $2500- $994. 37i = $1505.621. v.ndlui^^* ' ^ ^^' '' ^^^^^'^^^ •■ average daily ex- H^^q". expendituro ^ $^^p± ^ $4.12^. ) i I Ex. LxVi.] KEY. 131 i I (2G) 20 (lys. : 27 clys. :: 100 men : req^ no. of men. ^ , p 27x100 ,_ .•. Req*^. no. of men= — — — men = 135 men. (27) 44 ft. : 109 miles :: 1 sec. : time req^. by train. r«. . -,' 575520x1 .„«o^ o .-. Tune requu-ecl = — sec. — 13080 sec. = 3 44 lirs. 38 min. ; 8 lirs. + 3 lirs. 3S mir,= 11 hrs. 88 min. (28) 22 cts. : $1718.75 :: $1 : amount of debt. „ ^ , ^ 171875x100 ^ ^^o-.«rA .-. Required am*.= — cts. = $7812.50. Also, his amount of indebtedness to first creditor will be $7812.50-C$1250x2 + $81Cx3)= $7812.50-$4948 = $2864.50. Then $1 : $2864.50 :: 22 cts. : what first creditor will receive. . 286450x22 ^ ^^oa-^a .*. 1st cr. will receive —- cts. = $630*19, and will therefore lose $2864.50- $630.19 = $2234.31. (29) 42s. : 70s. :: 4^. : required cost. .-. Req*^. cost=— -j^^ — half pence = 7id. (30) 5 men 4- 5 boys = 5 men +3 men = 8 men. 10 men : 8 men :: 15 days : time required. ^ .•. Time required = — -~ days = 12 days. (31) 1 lb. 10 oz. 10 dwtd. : 1 oz. :: £6 3s. 9d. : req«». 4th term. , 20x1485- ^ ^, .•. 4th proportional = — j— — a. = os. od. (32) Expenditure for the year will be $2034.50 - $250 = $1784.50. Also, tlic year 1864 contains 366 days, "and January 31 days. 366 days : 31 days :: $1784'50 : req*^. expenditure. ■r. . ,. 31x1784.50 *,^.,^,,,, .". Req"*. expenditure — —- = $151.14Hi jno Ofi KEY. [Elem. Ahith. (33) £1-Ga. = 19s. Gel. 19s. Gtl. ; £1 ;: £877 10s. : orii^inal income /. Original income = ^^p^ ,^ ^ ^.^^ (34) (0 7a. : £39 8s.^4cl. ;: £1 : required income. .-. -Req^ income =£^5?5ili = £iooo. ' (^) £l-7d. = 19s. 5cl. 19s. 5d. : £1 :: £933 : required income. .•.ReqMncome=£?l™=£960. on^fJL"^^^^^^ Of gold = (£150 -i- £3 17s. lO^d.) oz = oors H% oz. ' . lib. : 38iViArOz. :: 54s. Gd. : required value. .-. Reef, vai =j5^^J54 __73000 x 654 _1308000^ ! 13 1869^^2" — ""fioo"^* = 2099id. ,^4,-q.= £8 14s. Hid Wkq. I (36) If. 25 men can finish the work in 16 days, 1 man in 1 day will ^^0^(7^^=4 04 of the work. If all the men ' work for 4 days they will do i of the whole work. • 4 remam to be done. " * > Then ^^^ : f :: 1 man : no. that would finish it in 1 day. .-. No. red- =i^.=liliifi20 =300 men, and therefore 10 men can finish it in 30 days. (37) 1 ct. + li cts. =3i cts. $1 -2i cts. = 97^ cts. 07i cts. : $1 :: $1855 : required income. .-. Req^. income =^2^^=^t^ (38) f qrs. : f bus. :: 54s. : required price. .-.Req'i. prices «^^'^ ^^^'^x^ (39) {} cwt. ••. Req'i. price= £90. ^x8 3s. Od. 6x9x8 ' IT L"u .-; £7 3s. : required price. Ax 20x1^3 0x20x143x15 ^- ton if 3.=- 11x13 d. ^X. LXVI.] KEY. l^;j (40) l5^jd. : £1 6s. Gil. :: li? of f of 2i of 4 lbs : required uuuiber of lbs. ^- „„ T^i X I :< 2^x40x318 .-. Reqd. no. of lbs.=-I2I— i-_l_ lbs - 104,^ lbs.= 1041b3. 3f oz. (41) From 6 A. M. on Sunday till Tuesday noon arc 54 hours, and till 1 P. M. on Saturday the clock will indicate 151 hours. .'. 54 hrs. 24 min, : 151 hrs. :: 24 min. : gain on true time. n ■ ... 151x60x24 . ,^ ■, . .'. Gam on true time= --— mm.=66|i mm., .-. true time will be 1 P. M.-66|i min.=ll-53i| A. M. (42) Wliile hour hand travels 5 minutes, minute hand travels 60 minutes, .'. the minute hand gains 55 minutc';4 per hour. .-. 55 min. : 1 hour :: 60 min. : time required. .-. Time reqd=— — — =65 A min.=l hour 5/,- min. (43) 5 lbs. : -0625 cwt. :: '0703125 of $4 ; req*. price. ■o A . ^-0703125 X 4 X -0625 x 20 ^ „^, ,^„^ .-. Req*. price =$ =$'3515625 =3515625 cts. (44) 1 man=| boys; 1 woman =f boys; .*. 5 men= \^ boys ; 4 women = ^7^ boys ; therefore 5 men, 4 women and 3 boys=(\^ + ¥ -f 2) boys=18H boys. .'. 18H boys : 9 boys :: 18 days ; no. required; .*. required number of days=^Va- x 9 x 18=8111 . (45) If f of the estate be sold, the rem'", will be f . ^ of f of f : f :: 1^ of f of £600* : required price. .-. Bequircd prir, = sl^Ll^LmH = /^S x J^ 14x3 t of I of I ] 46 134 KEY. [Elem. Ari'i V (46) 1 oz. : 2083 lbs.*:: £iOb : required price. ' .-. Required price = £409 x 2-683 x 12 = £4-A x 2* A x 41 X 161 X 12 10 bu (47) 7 dys. : 1 dy. :: |22.12 : amoii it earned by 4 men and 5 boys per day; .. amount of earninirs = 22.12 X 1 " -; = $3.16. Also, 9 dys. : 1 dy. :: $28.98 : amount earned by 3 men and 5 boys per day; .-. amount = $??:?2iil= And if 4 men and 5 boys earn $3.16 per day, 12 men and 15 boys will earn $9.48 per day ; similarly, if 3 mer* and 8 boys earn $3.22 per day, 12 men and 32 boys will earn $12.88 per day; or, 12 men and 32 boys will earn $3.40 more than 12 men and 15 boys ; .-. the $3.40 must have been earned by the extra 17 boys. Then 17 boys : 1 boy :: $3.40 : amount of a boy's earnings per day; .-. amount = $~^^l= 20 cts. Now if 4 men and 5 boys earn $3.16 per day, 4 men working alone will earn $3.10 -$1 (the earnings of 5 boys), or 4 men will earn $2.16, or 1 man will earn 54 cts ; .-.a man and a boy will together earn (54+20) cts. per day= 74 cts.; .-. 12 men and 12 boys will together earn (74 x 12) cts. = $8.88 per day. Then $8.88 : $186.48 :: 1 day : req'i. no. of days. . -R^^ . , 186-48x1 , -^ . . Keqmred no.=: -— -— — days = 21 days. (48) If A completes the work in 5 hrs., in 1 hr. he will do i of it; .-. 1 hr. : 40 min :: i : .amount of work that A performs; .*. amount that A performs = 40x* 60 Also, ^f B can finish the work in 9 hi-s., in 1 hr. he will do ^; .-. 1 hr. : U hrj. :: | : amount that^per- Ex. LXVIl.J KEY. lliS fonns ; .-, .1ln^ that B perforras=^— - = ^. 1— (A + i) " amount remaining to be done :^ i^.,-. Also, if G can perform the work in 15 hrs., in 1 hn he will do -,^-r; .-. ,^- : ^- :: 1 hr. :' time required by to finish the remainder. .1. X 1 .-. Time required = -^^- hours = 10^ hours. '15 (49) (1500 + 700) men : 1500 men :: 11 months. : time required to consume the remaining provisions. . rr- -A 1500x11 .-. Time required = ^^^^ mos. = 7i mos., whicl!, ' added to the 2 months during which the 1500 men had been consuming the provisions, gives 9i months. (50) The first travels 4i miles per lir., find the second 3 miles per hr., therefore they together travel 7| milci per hour. .-. 7i miles : 30 mis. :: 1 hr. : no. of hra. m which they will meet. T^T- „, 30x1 , , , -^ .-. No. of hrs. = hrs. = 4 hrs.; and 8.30 A. M. + 4hrs.= 13.30P. M, Also, 7i miles : 4^ miles :: 30 miles : distance first travels. . 30x44 .-. Distance=— — -^=18 mis. ie. 13 mis. from Whitby, or 10 miles from the given place. (51) The 2 trains together go (24 + 27) miles = 51 miles per hour ; the length of the 2 trains is (310 + 180> feet = 390 feet. Therefore, 51 miles : 390 feet :: 1 hr. : req*. time. . T5 . w 390x60x60 /. Required time =—^^^—- sec.= 5^^ sec. Ex. LXVII. (p. 121.) 4 weeks ; no. of weeks reovnred. M - - - . ■ 4 X 15 X 13 No. of weeks req'' - — -— - — weeks ~ 8 wks. 10x9 (1) 10 : 15 / . n 47 i-.-* Itf.-' 130 KEY. [ElBM. AllITU, (2) 1 * 2 ) 27 : 80 i •• ^'^ ^^^^ ' '''^^"^rcd number of men, ' . -D -1 1 42x30x2 ,,^ .'. Required number = — — -— — = 113 men, 27x1 (3) laS : GO} .. on A • i 1 : 4) 30 dys. : requu-ed number of dya. 30 X 4 X 00 .-. Req'*. no. of days := 135x1 days = 04 days. ^^^ ^34 • 122 [ " ^^^'^^ ' required cost. ,-. Requn:ed cost = $'^^^'^'- = $307.44. • 34 X 104 (5) $100000 : 11500000 ).. ^o^AA • i • jj . 7 f •* f^SoO : required gajn. . L . , . ^2500x7x1500000 ^ ^ .% Required gam = $ = S87500 ^ * 8x100000 ^o'»^w. $2.80 : 4.00 [ '• ^^ ^^^^^ ' required no. of miles. /. Req*. no. of mls.=i^:?^ = 174 miles. ' (7) 7 : 45 20 : 45 ) .. : Of •• 2.80 X 7 required cost. . -D • J ^ >J0 X 9 X 45 ^ -•. Requu-ed cost = $ ^q^'^ " = 1^02.50. (3) 24 : 10 ) ^.^ , . 560 : 1200 f •" ^^^ liorses : req*. no. of horses. „ . 140x1200x10, . . Req'i. no. = — m~^^ — ^^'^^^ ~ ^^^ borses. (0) $ 250 : $ 025 } \n .^ $2000 : $5000 f •• ^^ niontbs ; req^ no. of mos. . T3„^a ^ 16x5000x625 , ,^ . . Keq^. no. of mos.= — ~— =100 months. 2000 x 250 "lyutns- (10) 1878 : 22586 ) . ... , / t^'m . 110 I- .: <03 ors. : rcd'^ no. of ors. . T> rt t> 702x112x2^536 - . Keci". no. ot qrs.= --;^.-- - -^:^2808 qiu oob X 1878 Ex. LXVII.] KEY. W7 (11) 6 : 24 I. . .^. • 4 : ii) *^ ^^^'*^^ ' required no. of acres. /. Req'i. no. of ac.= *^/*, ^ =39 ac. 1 ro. 20 po. 4x6 ^ <12) £240 . £234 ) 49 >• :: 20 months : req*. no of mos. 91 56 48 j . ■Rar.A „^ ^P 20x48x49x284 , .-. Req«. no. of mos. = — =9 months. 56 X 91 X 240 (18) 1008 lbs. : 618616 lbs. ) .. «^ 61-45 d>3. : 3 dys. f •• ^^ ^^^ = requu-ed number of men. . -D „d « 20 X 8 X 518616 "", .-. Req*. no. of men= = OO men. 51*45 X 100 8 (14) 1 • 4 ) I ! f j- .'•• 26 men : required number of men. . T?.^d 26x1 xj 26x1x1x7 ^, , . Req*. no. = = -.-91 men. or thus : 85 ac. : 424^ ac. ) .. ofi i ,. l^dys : 12 dys. i " 26 men : req'\ number of men. .-. Reqd. no. of men= -5?^i^|i?t = 9I men. (15) 16 men : 8 men ) 1 : 2 [ :: 6 dys. : req*. no. of men. 9 : 10 ) .-. Req*. no. of men =-^1^ = 2i days. (16) _ ' men : req*. no. of men. 9xlx 24 : 16 ) 18400d. : 24840d. ^ :: 25 i : 1 ) .-. Required no. of men =^^^^11^ = 45 men. ix 18400x24 ' (17) 6664 : 798 ) 57 : 119 j- :; 857 qrs. : requh-ed no. of qrs. .-. Req*. no. of qr9.= EI^1^^= ns* qrs.= 178 qrs. 4 bus. i x 57 x 6664 ^m 1 (il^H awBKMfi 'ffl^^^^BB SI^I^Hh I^^^B • ^^^^^3 KEY. [Elem, AiUTH. (18) 47'5 • 3*35 ) 16 : 3.20 \ •• ^^'^^ • ^'e^'^ired price per bua . T> • ^ • 1 14 X 3-20 X 3-35 ^, „^^ .-. Required pnce = = |1'608. 16 X 47d ^^^^ 25 ! T i - ^1*-^ • required price. .-. Requirci price = l^i^ifiJi^L^^: ^7.20. (20) 6 : 41 13 : 8 220 : 175 35 : 86j .*. Req*. no. of dys.= 25x12 - :: 11 days ; required no. of days. 11x36x175x8x4 35x220x12x6 = 4 days. (21) 20 : 18 135 in. : 60in. J .. n J • ^ ^ -, 878 in. : 168 in. f *' ^ ^y^' ' required no. of dys. 80 : 100 . r>^ 'A 9x100x168x60x18 « , /. Requn*ed no.=- q^^,c^o ..^^^ ^ ^ -= 2 days. (22) 5 105 4 5 80x378x135x20 3 175 ^^■ :: 10 days ; required no, of days. 6 . -D^^ • A 10x6x4^x175^3 , ' .-. Required no.=-^J^^-^ dys.= 13i dys. 8 * 12 ) $1.26 :* 11.80 f *• ^ ^^' ^^ ^^' ^^ ^' ' req'^.w'ght. /. Required weight=i^4^i?^^ drs. = 6660 drs. =31bs. Uoz.7f drs. 126 X 8 ^^^^ 15 ! ^1 h: 74 horses (equivalent 22 : 825 \ ' required number k.„ to 13 ponies), of horses. .-. Req^. no. of horses = ' ^%^^Iq^^^ = 36 horses. Ex. LXVIII.] (25) 11 KEY. 9) iyi- 5o men : req''. number of men. .-. Req^. no. of men^^^^^i^ = igO men. (26) 15 10 12 1 5 15 5 4 f xjxll :: 3 feet : required number of feet. .-. Required no. of feet = g^4x5xl5x5 _^ 1x12x10x15 --^^*^^^- Ex. LXVIII. (p (1) 25cts.= iof $1 $75.00 = 2 . 124.) value at $1 each. $150.00 18.75 = (2)50cts.= iof $] (3) 50 cts.= i of $1 25cts.= iof50cts. (4)20cts.= iof $1 value at $2 each. value at 25 cts. each. $168.75 = value at $2.25 each. value at $1 each. value at 50 cts. each. $157.50 = value at $1.50 each. $910.00 455.00 227.50 $105.00 = 52.50 = (5) 25cts.= iof value at $1 each. value at 50 cts. each. value at 25 cts. each. $1592.50 = value at $1.75 each. $876.00 = value at $1 each. * 2 = value at $2 each. = value at 20 cts. each. = value at $2.20 each. = value at $1 each. $1752.00 175.20 $1927.20 $1075.00 $3225.00 268.75 value at $3 each. value at 25 cts. each. $3493.^5 = value at $3.25 each. . (6) 50cts.= iof $1 25 cts.= i of 50 cts. 12icts.=iof35cts. KEY. [Elem. Aeith. $1278.00 = value at $1 each. 639.00 = value at 50 cts. each. 819.50 = value at 25 cts. each. 159.75 — value at 12^ c. each. $2396.25 = value at $1.87^ each. (7) Is. = A of £1 £ s. d. 397 =value at £1. 19 17 =value at Is. £416 17 =value at £1 Is. (Sy 5s. = i of £1 2s. 6d = i of 5s. 6d. = iof2s.6d. £ s. d. 250 = value at £1 each. 2 500 =value at £2 each. 62 10 = value at 5s. each. 31 5 =value at 2s. 6d. each. 6 5 = value at 6d. each. £600 =value at £2 8s. each. (9) 50cts.= ilf.$l 25cts.= |of 50cts. $1324.00 =value at $1 each. 3 $3972.00 =value at $3 each. 662.00 =value at 50 cts. each. 331.00 =value at 25 ct.s. each. $4965.00 =value at $3.75 each. (10) 5s. = i of £1 2s. 6d. = i of 5s. £ a. d. 2678 =valiie at £1 each. 2 669 10 =value at 5s. each. 334 15 =value at 2s. 6d. ea. £6360 5 =va'. at £2 7«. Q\ ea. Ex. LXVIII.] KEY. 141 (11) 10s.=iof£l 5s. =i of 10s. ls.=i of 5s. 6cl=iof Is. 2d.=i of 6d. id.=J of 2d. (12) 5s.= iof £1 10d.= ^ of 5s. ld.= -,JoOf lOd. id.= ^ of Id. (13) 10s.=iof£l 3s.4d.= iofl0s. 4d.= i^o-of 3s. 4d. i = iof 4d. (14) 10s.=lof£l Os. 8d.=^of £1 ls.=-i\ of 10s. ld.=-iV of Is. id.=^ of Id. id.=i of id. £ s. d. 973 486 10 243 5 48 13 24 6 6 8 2 2 2 6i £812 17 2i :value rvalue : value rvalue rvalue rvalue rvalue rvalue at £1 each. at 1 Os. each, at 5s. each, at Is. each, at 6d. each, at 2d. each, at id. each. at 16s. SJd. £ s. d. 236 7 rvalue at £1 each. 1652 =value at £7 each. 59 = value at 5s. each. 9 16 8 =value at lOd. each. 19 8 rvalue at Id. each. 9 10 = value at ^d. each. £1722 6 2 r=va'. at £7 5s. Hid. £ 9978 s. d. 0: 8 rvalue at £1 each. 79824 4989 1663 166 20 £86663 £ 15739 =value at £8 each. = value at 10s. each. r=va^ at 3s. 4d. each. 6 = value at 4d. each. 15 9 =value at ^d. each. ~r9 revalue at £8 13s. 8id. s. d. 9 :va^ at £1 each. 141651 7869 10 5246 6 786 19 65 il 32 15 16 7 £155668 10 lU =va^ at £9 each. =va^ at 10s. each. =va^ at 6s. 8d. ea. =rva'. at Is. each. r=:va^ at Id. each. 9^ n;:va*. at id. each. 10| =va^ at id. each.£017».9f^ 8 7 12^ct8.=iof50cts, $2«791 1.87i = va'.at $0.G2^ each. (16) 50 cts.=i of |1 $a7832 00 =vuluc at $1 each. 18 20 cts.=i of $1 20 cts.=^ of (17) 20cts.=iof 5cts.=iof 20cts. 4cts.=iof 20cts. (18) 50cts.=i of 25cts.=iof SOcts. KEY [Elem. AniTft. $27835.00 =:: value at $1 each. 9 $250515 00 =value at |9 each. 1391750 =va'.at50cts.each. 8479 37i =va'. at 12^ c. each. 1080976.00 =vahic at $18 eacli. 18916 00 =va'. at 50 cts. each. 7566.40 =va'. at 20 cts. each. 7566.40 =va'. at 20 cts. each. $715024.80 =vai. at $18.90 each. $250215 00 =value at $1 5004^.00 =value at 20 cts. 12510 75 rrvalue at 5 cla. 10008.60 = value at 4 cts. ' $72562.35 =value at 29 cts. $12815.00 =value at $1. 6407.50 =value at 50 cts. 3203.75 =value at 25 cts. (19) 10s.=i of £1 ls.=iV of 10s. ld.=iJy of Is. id.=i of Id. (20) id.=i of Id. $9611.25 =value at 75 cts. £ s, d. 4970 =value at £1. 2485 =value at 10s. 248 10 0=valueatls. 20 14 2 =value at Id. 7 1 = value at id. iof 1U = £2764.11 a=\alne at lis. lid. d. 83 = value at Id. per yd. 11 £3 16 1 =value at lid. per yd.; § 5i =i= value at id. per yd 3 19 6i = value at Hid. per yd. 5| £4 0} rvalue of 83i ytls. Ejf. LXIX.] * KEY. 143 (Id. = i of Is. 4d. = i of Is. ■f of Is. lOd. = Id, = -,^ of 9d. £ s. d. 2 17 —value at Ifl. per 3'd. 18 = value at 6d. per yd. 19 —value at 4d. per yd. 5 4 = value at Is. lOd. per yd. 1 4i £o 5 lOi =valuc of 57^ yds. 8. d. 9 10 = value at Id. per yd. 4 8 = value at 9d. per yd. 7 4^ = value at id. per yd. £4 15 10^ = value at 8|d. per yd. £ s. d. 4 6 5 4 15 m £14 9i = total amount. Ex. LXIX. (p. 120.) (1) 201bs.=ioflbus. 5 lbs. = i of 20 lbs.] (2) 2qrs.= iof Icwt. 101bs.= i^ of 2 Qi-s. 10 lbs.- i of 2qr3. .20 = value of 1 bushel. 65 100.00 =value of 55 bushels, 40=valueof20lbs. 10 =value of 5 lbs. $00.50 =value of 55 b. 25 lbs. 10 cts.= value of 1 lb., .-. $10.00 =value of 1 cwt 16 $100.00 =value of 16 cwt. 5.00 =value of 2 qrs. . 1.00 =value of 10 Iba. 1.00 =value of 10 iba. $107.00 =value of 16 cwt. 2 qrs. 20 lbs. } 144 KEY. (3) 2 ro.=^ of 1 ac. 5.50 = 8 [ElEM. AltlTK. value of 1 ac. $124.00 rvalue of 8 ac. 12 10 per." ^ of 2 ro. 11488.00 =' 7.75 •9687^ value of 96 ac. ^i»lue of 2 ra ae of 10 per. $1496-71875 :- va^. of 96 ac. 2 ra. 10 per. (4) 10dwt.=iofloz. 2 dwt.=i of 10 dwt. 1 dVt.=iof 2dwt. s. d. 7 1 32 £11 6 8 3 6i 8i 4J £11 11 3i = value of 1 oz. =val of21bs. 8oz. =value of 10 dwt. = value of 2 dwt. = value of 1 dwt =va^ of 2 lbs. 8oz. 13 dwt. (5) lft.6in.=iof 1yd, 1 foot = i of 1 yard. 1 inch = 1^2- of 1 foot. s. d. 12 6 15 £9 7 6 6 3 4 2 ^ -yalue of 1 yd. rvalue of 15 yds. ■■y&K of 1 ft. 6 in. rvalue of 1 ft. rvalue of 1 in. £9 18 3i = jP o /I (6) 72in.=iof ls.ft. ^1 7 o' 259 36inche9=iof72in. a inches = -,^8- of 36 in. £349 18 13 6 6 9 u |£350 13 7^ =value of 15 yds. 2 ft. 7 in. • = value of 1 s. ft. = value of 259 s. ft. or 28 s. yds. 7 s. ft. =value df 72 in. =^ value of RB in. =value of 2 in. =ya}. of 28 s. yds. 7 s. ft. 110 in. H Ex. LXIX.J (7) 3 fur. = i of 1 mi. 1 ftir. = I of 2 fur. 55 yards = uV of 1 mi. KEY. 145 $11000.00 =value of 1 mile. 11 $121000.00 =valu6 of 11 mi.» 2750.00 =value of 2 fur. 1375.00 =value of 1 fur. 343.75 =value of 55 yds. $125468.75 =value of 11 miles 3 fur. 55 yds. - il (8) 57ilbs.x2 = 115 lbs. 73f lbs. X 3 = 221i lbs. 336ill3S.= 3cwt. 36ilbs. 25 1bs. = ioflcwt. 101bs.=-,i,rof Icwt. 1 ilb lb.=-^ of 10 lbs. 1 iof lib. $25.00 =value of 1 cwt. 3 $75.00 =value of 3 cwt. 6.25 rvalue of 25 Ibsi 2.50 =value of 10 lbs. .25 = value of 1 lb. Mj =value of i lb. ,06i - value of 3 cwt. 36 J lbs. (9) 50 ft.= iof 100 ft. 10feet = i of50feet. $5.00 = value per 100 feet. 34 $170.00 rvalue of 8400 feet. 2.50 rvalue of 50 feet. .50 = value of 10 feet. $173.00 rvalue of 3460 feet (10) 500 = i of 1000 100 = i- of 500 50 = i of 100 $4.00 rvalue per 1000 bricks. 24 $96.00 =value of 24000. 2.00 rvalue of .500. .40 = value of 100. _^20 =vnlue of 50. |98.{]0 rvalue of 24650. 14G KEY. [EliKM. Arith. (11) 500 = i of 1000 50 25 10 5 -,hj of 500. iof 50. i of 50. i of 10. ,25 = value per 1000 ft. 40 of 46000 a of 500 feet, of bO feet, of 25 feet, of 10 feet. 1471.50 = value 6125 =value •5125 =value •25625 =value •1025 =value •05125 =value of 5 feet. $477-54750 =value of 46590 ft (12) f of,19icts.= -,% of 551 =z 194- cts.= value of 1 yard. 17 ,31i =value of 17 yards. 12A $3.43H =value of 17f yards. 55 J cts.= value of 1 yard. 85 42^ =value of 35 yards. .7311 =value of 35-i% yards. 70^ cts.= value of 1 yard. 96 -i«rof 70icts.= $67.68 =val«e of 96 3^ards. 51A .19 A = value of 96-iV yards. 33^ cts.= value 1 yard. 104 &of 32itcts.= 27 A $34.0T-,A, =valuc of 104,1 yards. Ex. LXiX.J f of 17i cts,= KEY. 17i cts.= value of 1 yard. 13 $2.07 = value of 12 yards. .00^ $2d34f =value of 13| yards. $ 3.43H 19.73*^1 G8.19-i\ 84.07-,^ 2.13;'rl $127.57/iiV = total amount. iif" (13) H of 12i 12^ cts.= value of 1 pound. 25 • .$3.12i rvalue of 25 lbs. lOf .23^ -value of 251* lbs. ii of 11 ^ 11 cts.= value of 1 pound. 19 $2.09 =value of 19 lbs. io,v $2.19iV =value of 19H lbs. iof 8^ 8^ ots. rvalue of 1 pound. 35 $2.97^ =value of 35 lbs. .07?6 p.04-1^ rvalue of 35| lbs. iof Gi = (14) of 12i f of 17i A of 75 r:^ 7 Ul ^U =: KEY. [Elem. Aiuth. Ci cts.= value of 1 pound. 17 [.10^ =value of 17 lbs. .03i $1.13| rvalue of 17Ubs. 2.19,^ 3.04H 1.131 §9.C1A = total amount. 131 cts.= value of 1 pound. 17 $2,121 =valro of 17 lbs. .Hi $2.23H =value of 17^ lbs. 171 cts.— value of 1 pound. 18 $3.15 rvalue of 18 lbs. .13i $3.28i=valueof 18f lbs. 75 cts. rvalue of 1 pound. 5 75 = value of 5 pound. .201 $3.95 1 = value of 5 A- lis. 40 cts. = value of ] pound. 10 $4.00 rvalue of 10 lbs. $4.28t revalue of lOHbs. - r ^"^ Ex. Lxx.] KEY. 140 25 cts.= value 1 pound. 7 $1.75 =value of 7 lbs. i of 25 = .IB* $1.93f =value of 7f lbs. $2.23ii ^ 3.28i i 3.95g- 4.28t 1.93* . $15.69Uf = total amount. Ex. LXX. (p. 128.) (1) $217.25 (2) $21^.25 ,8 8 $17-3800 = int. $17.38+ $217.25 =$234.63 — amount. (3) $527,371 7 $17-3800 3 $36-91625 3 $34.76 = int. $217.25 + ^^"34.76 = $25?!.01 = amt. $110-74875 = int. $527.871+ $110-74875 = $638-12875 = amount. (4) $93.50 $5.6100 2 i $11.22 = int. $93.50 + $11.22 = $104.72 = amount. (5) $75.75 7 $5.3025 51 $10.6050 2.65125 $13-25625 = int. $75.75 + il8-25625 = $89-00625 = amt. 150 (6) 6d 8. (1. 18 dk 8 KEY. (7) [El EM. ArITBT. 11075.75 8 503 10 4 H 1510 11 251 15 3 £1762 7 2 20 1860600 4i $344.24 21-515 $365-755 = int. $1075.75 + $365-755 = $1441-505 = amt h 5 12-478. 12 5-66d. 4 2-64q. (8) $684.00 8 $54-720v> 5 $273.60 C9) £17 12s. 5id.= interest. 12 : 8 :: $54.72 : int. for 8 £62 18s. O^d. + £17 12s. 5id. ^54.72 x 8 = £80 lis. 3d.= amt. ^^s- ; $ — j^ — "^ ^^^''^' $273.60 + $36.48=$310.08 = interest. $684.00 + $310.08=^ $994.08 = amc it. No. of days from May 6th ■ to October 26th = 174. 365 : 174 :: £234375 : interest req*. ,\ Int. req*. _ 234-375x174 £234-375 "" 365 ' 174 £7500 3i 22500 937.5 £234-375 937500 1640625 234375 £40781-250, or £40781 5s. ; (Continued on next page.) Ex. LXX.] KEY. 151 £ s. £ 8. d. 865(40781 5(111 14 7A = = interest 0\jO 428 365 £7600 +£111 14s. 7V^d.= £7611 14s. 7Ad.= amt. 681 865 1675 1460 266 80 215 13 5325 365 2580 255r' 1675 £ s. (10) 4865 11 d. 5 5f iftfr = A 24327 17 1824 11 1 91 ^ 26152 8 101 -J- 100 = £261 10s. 5-86375d. ; Number of days from Jan. 1st to Aug. 28th, 1868 = 240. 366 : 240 :: £261 10s. 6-86375d. : interest req**. .-. Interest req'.= £?«122!:5||75dx_240 ^ ^^^, ^^ 9-94d. Amount = £4865 lis. 5d. + £171 9s. 9-94d. = £5037 Is. 2-94d. (11) Interest = ami— principal = $994.56 — $672.00 = $322.56. Interest on $672.00 at 8 per cent, for one year =$53.76. Hence, $53.76 : $322.56 :: 1 year : time required. . ^, 32256x1 \ .*. Tmie reqmred=— ^^;^^ — years = 6 years. (12) $816 : 100 .*. Rate required = 5376 i of $346.80 : rate required. 69-36 X 100 'J i 810 = 8i. ^^-3^' K 133 KEY. [Elem. Auith. (m £100 will amount in 15 months at 5 per cent, to £106 5s. Hence, £106 6s. : £1B8 2s. 6d. (given am*.) :: £100 : sum required. . ^ 100x33150_ ^ ,-, Sum required = — t-^-z — — t-iou. (14) 25500 £ fl. c. m. 578 3 1 2-5 1156 6 2 50 289 1 5 625 14-45 7 8 125 2i 28-91 5 6 250 3^61 4 4 53125 £.32-53 78125=£32 5fl. 3c. 0-078125m, (15) $2293.75 : $100 :: ^ of $2293.75 : ratcreq^^, ^ ^ ^ , 91-75xl00_ . ,-, Rate required = 2293'75 ~~ Ex. LXXI. (p. 130.) (2) $742 8 ( $59.36=in*. for 1"* yr. .', $801.36=2'^^ principal. (1) $800 ^ L. ' $64.1088=in*.for2''«»yr. $56.00=in^ for 1«^ yr. .'. $865. 4688 =3'^'^ principal. ,-. $856.00=2°*^ principal. 8 7 $69.237504- in', for 3'* yr. $59.92=in*. for 2'^'^ yr. .'. Comp. i^^^ f^^-^,^+ . nnrr^r. int ^ Si.'^fi.OO -4- ^64.1088 + $69.237504 = $59.92 = $115.92.^ Am*. = $192.70+. ^^\'-=«/^+ $800 + $115.92 = $915.92. $192.70+ = $o<.4.70+ . Ex. LXXI.] KEY. 153 (3) $560 10 $56.00=int.forl«tyr. .'. |616.00=3°* principal 10 $61.60=in*.for2n .-. Comp. intere8t=$28.7861233619083125 or, $28.'V8+. ,-. Amount = $308.00 + $28.78 + = $336.78+. ::M 154 KEY. (5) [Elem. AllITlt. 1st pay't of interest = $610. x Tk= $34*40 2d pay't of interest = $634-40 x jU^ $25-376 8d pay't of interest = $659776 x t^o= $26*39104 4tli pay't of interest = $68616704 x t^o= $27-4466816 .\ Comp. interest = $103-6137216 $61000 (6) l8t pay't of int. =$1000. 2d pay't of int. =-$1035. 3d PY't of int. -$1071 -225 4th pay't of Int.-.$1108-nT875 Amount = $713-61+. x|^= $36-225 x?^- $37-492875 x^= $38-805125625 3;5^ 6th pay't of int.-.$1147*523000625 x^^ = $40*163305021875 ^ lUu Cth pay't of int.-$1187-08630584375x J^ =- $41-56902070453125 100 — ^— ■■ ■ — ■ I !■■ ■ ■ Him ■! ■■■■■■IWll«^ .% Comp. interest'- $229-25532635140625 or. $229-25 +. Amount = $1000+229.25 ... = $1229.25... (') £880 2640 440 (7) • simple int. (Continued on i icxt pa £62-678 £61-60 £1.078 20 1-560S. 12 6-72d. 4 2-88q. 1s. 6M. '88^ £30-80 2 £61-60 = Ex. LXXII.] C) £880 3i KEY. (t continued.) 155 £30-8 = int. for 1st yr. .-. £910-8 = 2a principal. 3^ £31-878=int. for2"'iyr. £30-8+£31-878=comp. int. = £62-678. O £178-7116 / 171-75 \ £6-9610 \ 20 ' 19-232S. , 12 1 2-784cl. 3-130q. £6 19s. 2|d. -ISOq. O £1431-25 4 £57-2500 3 £171-75 =: simp. int. £1431-25 4 £57-25= int. for 1st jt. £1488-5 =2(1 principal. 4 £59-54= int. for2clyr. £1548-04= 3d principal. 4 £61-9216=int. for 3d yr. £59-54 £57-25 £178-7116=comp. interest. ^ Ex. LXXII. (p. 133.) ' • (1) $108 : $216 :: $100 : present worth. ^100 X 216 .-. Present worth = $ — T^r^ — = 108 (2) $121 : $968 :: $100 : present worth. ^ , ^100x908 ^„^^ .-. Present worth = $ — -- — = $800. (3) $103 : $1236 :: $100 : present worth. • Piv>«eni Tvowii — jilt = &noo " ' lOo 150 KEY. [Elem. Arith. ' (4) $107.50 : $225.25 :: $100 : present worth. xu ^100x22525 ^ ^ .-. Present worth = $ — — -~- — = $209.53+. lv 450 X 45 .-. Interest = £ ^^^^^^ =£2 15s. 5m. £2 15s. 5Md.-£2 15s. U%^d.= h^^hd. (16) In 18 months the tradesman allows 5s, or 3s. 4d. per year on £3 6s. 8d., that is -gV of the whole. Then 1 : -/j •: 100 : rate of discount. .-. Rate = 100x1 ^ -^^^=5 per cent. Ex. LXXIII. (p. 137.) (1) $126.50 : 1527.25 :: $100 : amount required. ' .-. Amount req'^.-$ ^^''^'^^^ -- — =$410.79+. 12650 /0\ a^iCiCt Kf\ . dbOAA .. dhiAA . -»»„^ «i. -^ J ,1 .-. Amount re(piircd==$——^—-=: $780.48^1. 158 KEY. v T [Elem. Arith. (3) $100 : $1556 :: $98 : required value, 'f^ „, ^98x1556 ^,,^,^^ .-. Value = $ — — — = $1524.88. (4) $99 : $535.50 :: $7 : required income.^ .*. Eequired income = $ — =$S7.15gf. ( (5) $7i : $900 :: $125^ : income required.) ^ .5023x900x2 ^,,^,^ ^ .-. Income = $ — tt-jk — = $15069. 15X40 ^ :^. (6) $100 : $2140 :: $65 : amount required.] .*. Amount required= $ — — - — = $1391. ^ 100 (7) C) £901 : £666 8s. 3d. :: £3 : gross incomeX i Income = £ 90| £22. Income tax = (22 x 4)d.= 88d.= 7s. 4d. Net income = £22-7s. 4d. = £21 12s. 8d. H^lf-yearly gain = £21 12s. 8d.H-2 = £10 168. 4d. i O Income tax on £100 =(100 x 4)d.=400d.=£l 13s. 4d.; .-. £100 income would yield £100-£1 13s. 4d.= £98 6s.i 8d., or £98^. Hence, £901 : £98 J- :: £3 : req^. rate.! _, . ^ ^3x98^ ^3x295x8 „, , .^«.J .'. Reqd. rate = £-j^k7^= £ o..>^n>^ -^3 4«. II-7Y7*. 901 3x727 (8) £136 : £100 :: £8 : required rate. ^^ .*. Rate required = = 5*88 -H or nearly 6 per ct. Ido ^^ (9) £136 : £100 :: £8 :' Int. received from i? of Montreal. , ,^ *. Rate of Interest = ,^^ = 5*88 +J^ £104 : £100 ronto. 136 '-- ^ £7.5 : Int. received from B of Toy 7-5x100 ^^ .•. Kate of interest = — — — — = 7*21-1- 104 Therefore the Bank of Toronto is the better invest- ment. ■ ■ 'Ex. LxxiiL KEY. 159 ^ (40) £93 r£4650j:: £100": quantity of 3 per cent stociibQdglit. ,.•. Qtiantit;5f of stock bought = £^?55^15?_ £5000. The stock stood at 93: now having fallen i'pfer cent., it stands at 93^. .-. 100 : 5000 :: £93^ : value of stock.1 ' --TTi xy . . „5000x93i «,^«^. .-. Value of stock = £ — ^ = £4625^ .•rLoss of property = £4650 - £4625 = £25. ^ (H)'£§0f'7£99jT: 1E29000 j^uantity of 8 per cent, stock -^ ' ""**"' — - c^ *•* iTo- — , ^ y ^29000x99x5- .'. Quantity of 8 per cent stock = £— £31680. ' . „29000x8-r «^^.^^ 1st income = £ — rr?:— ^ = £1015 100 -31680x3 ^„^^„ ,2d income = £ — = £950 8s. . '.-^Loss = £1015 - £950 8s. = £64 12s (12) $115 : $200011 $8 : gain. ...aain=$?^^.= $m^,/ -725 . (13) £100 : £95 .:: £5000000 : value of in. £5000000 in 3 per cts. 15000000x95 ;,,^^^^^^. , .-. Value = £ —: =£4750000. Amount still due = £5010000- £4750000 = £266000. . £3 : £3^- :: £95 : vahie of the 3^ per cents. .-. Value = £!i*^ = £iio|. , o £110^^ : £100 :: £266000 : amount of 3^ per cent, stock. . , .'. Amount of 3^ stock =£?^^55^— =£240000 'llOs " 160 KEY. . [ElEM. AlUTU (14) £QSi : £18700 :: £3i : income. : . T «18700x3i „ . /. Income =r £ — ^ = £700. • i of £18700 = £3740 ; f of £18700 = £149B0 ; .-. £98 : £3740 :: £4 : income from 1st investment. , „3740 X 4 .-. Income = £— - — = £155 16s. Sd. £90 : £14960 :: £3 : income from 2d investment. . T «14960x3 ^ .-. Income = £ — — — = £498 13s. 4d ; .-. total income = £155 ICs. 8d. + £498 13s. 4d.= £654 10s. Hence loss = £700 - £654 10s. = £45 10s. This^ question may be solved by obtaining tlie am't of stock in each case and then the incomes. (15) £91 : £5460 :: £100 : am't of 3 per cent. st'k. .•.Amount=£-15?|^ = £6000. £100 : £93^ :: £2000 : produce from 1st sale. . -D 1 ^2000x934 _ .-. Produce = £ — :^~^ = £1870. £100 ? £85 :: £4000 .-'produce from 2d sale. . -D 1 p4000x85 ^„,^^ .-. Produce=£ — — — =-£3400; .-. total amount realized.= £3400 4- £1870= £5720 £102 : £5720 ::£100 : amount of 4^ percent, st'k! . A . ^5720x100 „ ,^ /. Amount = £ — ~ — = £5166 13s. 4d. Income from 3 per cent, stock = £— ^_ = £180 100 T_„__ ^.._... ., -. __. .. .,, ^5166 13s. 4d. X 4* luuuuiu iiuui tfc^ per ct. si k :=^ a, £233 10s. /. Gain = £233 10s. - £180 = £53 10s. 100 Ex. LXXIV.] KEY. 161 (16) £3 : £050 :: £100 : is to amount inrested in 3 per cents. .*. Amount invested =£ ^ = £11666^ £100 : £116661 :: £87i : value of 3 per cent, stock. „349x 35000 ^.^.^^, .-. Value = £ .^, ^ . = £10179i 100 X 3 X 4 £104| : £10179^ :: £5 : income from 5 per cents. _5x61075x8 .'. mcome from 5 per cents = £ — —- — - — = bov X o £485 5s. llfd. Miq. £485 5s. llid.fHq-~£350 = £135 5s. llfd. fi^q. Ex. LXXIV. (p. 141.) (1) $100 : $4300 :: ^^ : commission required. . . A4300xi -^„^, .-. Commission = ^—t~- = $5,37^. lUU (2) $100 : $9636.55 :: $2.60 : premium required. T, . . , ^2.60x9626.55 ^^^^^^ao .-. Premium required = $ r^ = $250-3903. (3) $1560 stock : $100 stock :: $4.60 : percent. .-. Per cent. = i^?^^ = UkU = 29if cts. 1560 par cent. (4) $2.40 : $100 :: $45.60 : sum required. . , ^45.60x100 ^,^^^ .-. Sum required =$ — ^^ — =$1900. (5) 25 yds. x 36=900 yds. : 900 yds. at lOJd per yd.= £39 7s. 6d. O £39 Vs. 6d.-(£32 16s. 3d. + 6s. 8d.) = £6 5s. = "Nvliole gain. /2\ ^aa 9a ftfl • £100 '.: £6 5s. • rp.nnirfifl o-ain nor cent. 24000x125 ^,„ ,^ ^^, ,, ,-. gam per cent. = — —- — s. = £18 17s. 2^d.Hq. UVi KEY. i Klwm. Aj!iTir.'« H (fi) Cost of 1380 bus. at $1.20 per bus. = {JloSO.CO (') (1380 X 3f )ct9. = camu<^e etc. expenses = $48 00 Totaffexpenses = 11530.00+ $48.00 = $1584.00 1280 bus. at $1.40 per bushel = $17^2 = sellin""price. .-. Gain = $1792 - $1584 = $208 ; « i • $1584 : $100 :: $208 : gain per cent. /. Gain per cent. .-= ^'^-^—^ = $13-i3 (3) Also to have gained $400 he should have sold the wheat for $1584 +$400 = $1984. And $1984-?- 1280 = $1.55 = required price per bus. (7) Q) If he buys for 6s. 8d. and sells for 7s. 4d. he gams Bd. .'. 6b. 8d. : lOOd. :: 8d. : required gain per cent. . n„- . 8x100 _ . . Gain per cent. = _ , - = 10 per cent. Also if he buys for 7s. 4d. and sells for 6s. 8d. he loses 8d. ('^) .-. 7s. 4d. : lOOd. :: 8d. : required loss per cent. . T . 8x100 ^, . . Loss per cent. = ^^ = 0-^- per cent. = £9 Is. 9fcl. -A-q. 88 (8) If it cost $96 per cwt. the price per lb. will be 96 cents. .-. $100 : $135 :: 90 cents : price required. . T> • ., 96 X 125 .'. Price required = cents=| •"'^ (9) $6 per cwt. = 6 cents per lb. .-. Gain per lb. = (10-6)d. = 4 cents. 6 cents : $100 :: 4 cents : gain per cent. .-. Gein per cent. = ^-^ = $66.66^ = GGl per ct. (10) £100 : 112i :: 4s. 8d. : required price. .'. Required price = 55^^cl. =. 6bd. = 5s. 3d. Ex. LXXIV.] KEY. 108 (11) £112^ : 4s. 8(1. :: £1000 : prime cost. .-. Pnmr' cost=— g-^— d. = 4s. l^d. iq. ^ (12) 40 lbs. @ 84c. = $33.30 44 lbs. (^ 93c. = $40.92 55 lbs. @ $1.08 =: $59.40 Total cost = $183.92 .-. Gain = $188.10- $133.92 = $54.24. $133.92 : $100 :: $54.24 : required gain per cent. 100x54-24 .-,,0 .-. Gam = -133-93- = 40Ht per cent. (13) 26 lbs. @ 5s. 3(1. cost £6 16s. 6d. 32 lbs. @ 5s. 7d. cost £8 18s. 8d. 36 lbs. @, 6s. Id. cost £10 19s. .-. 94 lbs. cost £26 14s. 2d. u£100 : £40 ::£26 14s. 2d. : gain. ^ . 6410 X 40 , n^ A ^ o o 1 .-. Gain = — — r — d. = £10 13s. 8d. .♦. Selling price will be £26 14s. 2d.+£10 13s. 8d. = £37 7s lOd .-. Price per lb. will be £37 7s. 10d.-^94=7s. Hid. tlq. (14) £90 : £100 :: 15s. : buying price. T, . . 15x100 ,- „, .-. Buymg price = — ^^ — s. = los. bcl. £100 : £110 :: 16s. 8d. : required selling price. . .-. Required price =^^^^d. = 220d. = 18s. 4d. (15) He gains on 11 eggs the price of 7 eggs. .-. 11 : '/ :: £100 : required gain. v 100x7 .-. Gain = =^^j~- = £63 12s. 8id. i^q. (16) $130 : $100 :: $1.56 : cost price ^ 1.56 X 100 ^. o^ .-. Co6t price =% — r^- — = S1.20. 164 (1) 104 96 02 90 82 81 6)643 90-83 1 KEY. Ex. LXXV. (p. 142.) (3) $4.25 15.75 16.60 17.80 $3.50 $5.58 6) $33.48 $5.58 [Elem. AniTir. (8) 87-8 877 87-6 86.8 850 84-5 83-8 78-0 779 77-6 10)836 7 83 67 (4) United ages of 17 cliildren = 102 United ages of 26 children = 195 United ages of 35 children = 32375 United ages of 20 children = 200 United ages of 8 children = 98 years, years, years, years, years. '. United ages of 106 Average age = 91875 years of 106 -91875 years. 14-106=8-667... years. (5) United ages of 27 men = 1539 years. United ages of 11 men =583 years. United ages of 8 men = 474 years. . TTnitP.f1 acroa r\f 10 yvton — Inft'T -.^^^-^r, .'. The united ages of the remaining 8 men = (1539 -1057) years =482 years. /.The average age = 482 -8 = 60i years. Ex. LXXVI KEY. 165 (G) 100 : 113 :: 31S30 populatiop of 1st ia 1861. .*. Population = ~ = 8508512. 100 : 110 :: 42324 : population of 2d in 186J. _, , ^. 42324x110 ,^^^. , .-. Population = -— = 46656-4. 100 : 83 :: 0706 : population of 3cl in 1861. .*. Population = — — — — = 5496 ■92. .-. United population in 1861 = 3508513 +46556'4+ 5498-93 = 87140-44. .'. Average population = o7140'44 -*- 3 = 29046*813. (7) Whole gain from 1853 to 1863 = £184 lis. 6d, x 11 = £2030 6s. 6d. £2030 6s. 6d.+£15i 9s. lOd. - whole gain = £2181 16s. 4d. £2181 16s. 4d.- £76 8s. 4d.= £2105 83.= whole gain during 11 years. .*. Average gain == £2i05 8s.-:- 11 = £191 83. Ex. LXXVI. (p. 145.) (1) C) 2+3+4=9. 9 : 12 :: 1008 : 1st part. . ^ ^ 1008 >< 2 ,,_ .*. 1st part = —T — = ^24. 9:3 :: 1008 : 2d part. _, ^ 1008x3 __^ .*. 2d part = — - — = 336. 9:4:: 1008 : 3d part. „, ^ 1008x4 ... .-. 3d part = : — - — = 448. O 5+11+16=32. 32 : 5 :: $260 : 1st part. .*. 1st part = $ OCA v^ K 33 = $40,631. (Continued on next pagc.^ I ia6 KEY. [Elbm, Arith. (1 Continued.) 33 : 11 ;: ^260 : 2d part. .-. 2d part = $—3^ = $89.37i 32 : 16 :: $260 : 3d part. _ «.260xl6 ^,„^ .-. 3d part = $ — --^r — = $130. O 11 : 5 :: 145 ac, 3 ro., 33 po. : share of 1st. , ou jn J. 145 ac, 3 TO., 33 po. x 5 „„ .-. Share of lst.= ■ ~ = 66 ac., 1 ro., 15 po. 11 : 6 :: 145 ac, 3ro., 33 po. : share of 2d. . Qi ^ rtj 145ac,oro,33po. x6 ^- ^ , .-. Sh^e of 2d = '■ — ^^ — = 79 ac, 2 ro., ■*•■'• » 18 pb. U ' ^ '•'• £110 : share of 1st. .-. Share of Istr^ £^-^ = £42 17s. lid. fq. U : i '.: £110 : share of 2d. .-. Share of 2d = ^^ = £28 lis. 5|d. 77 X 3 ' U : i :: £110 : share of 3d. .-. Share of 3d = £^~ = £21 8s. 6f d. f q. 77 X 4 • * 7 1 U : ^ :: £110 : share of 4th. .-. Share of 4th = £^ ^ = £17 2s. lOid. \q. 77 X o * ' 1 (2) 0) |320+$560+$720=T.|1600. $1600 ; $320 :: $680 : J.'s share of the ffain. ' Ay r. ^680x320 ^,- , .*. A'& share=$— — — = $136. $1600 : $560 :: $380 ^ B's share of the gain. * JU^ t^ ^/AJLlAlX \^ .680 X 569 ^„„„ <2^ (frOQQ " 1600 ^ (Continued on next page.) Ex. LXXVI.] KEY. 107 (3 continued.) $1600 : 1730 :: $680 : (7's share of ||ie ffain. . n^ u hk680x720 ^ .-. (7's share =:$-^^_- = |306. O £175+£310+£265 = £650. £650 : £310 :: £423 10s. : (7's share. . ^, , ^423^x210 .-. C's share = £ — 1_^ =: £130 iqs. (3) 48'85G+43-265 = 92-131. JSn~*'ll' o^A= '^■^^^ = P^r centage of hydrogen. 100 : 48-856 :: 3340 : No. ox ibs. of okygea. . ruc r.f 3240x48*856 . . Lbs. of oxygen = —Jirir— jA^^.g^j.^^ 100 : 43-265 130 2240 : No. of lbs. of carbo*. . TT,c .p 1 2240x43-365 . . Lbs. of carbon ^ -^-^ Z = 939-136. 100 : 7-879 :: 2340 : No. of lbs. of hydrogen. .-. Ko. of lbs. of hydrogen = ^^p^^m^^SdH (4) 3 : 3 :: 100 : per centage of gold. .-. Per centage of gold = ^51^1^ -.qq^.^ 3 : 1 3 100 : per centage of silver. .-. Per centage of silver = 3t5^ =: 33^. (0) Equated time =i5^t^,^^i^= 5 ^os. 130+210 + 130 (6) Equated time J-^^^!^^^dm^ ^ 1000-400 8 mos. $8000+ C^ 10.10 + $000 r:^ 19950. $9950 : jSt.3000 :: $7960 : yl's share of the ffain. ' .*. .Is «'inror:.-$lilI--^p: ^ 16400. \ \tftO\J (C;>ntimiecl on next page.) 108 KEY. [Elem. Arith. (7 continued.) $9950 : 11050 :: $7960 : J5's share of the gain. ^, , 1050x7960 ^^,^ .'. J5's share = — -— - — = $840. $9950 : $900 : $7960 : (7's share of the gain. ^, , ^7960x900 ^^^^ .-. C's share - $ — =$720, ovOKJ (8) 10 per cent of £1600 =£160; £1600- £160 = £1440. £6400 : £2400 :: £1440 : .I's share of the ffam. . 2400 X 1440 .-. A' a share = £ — — -- — = £540, which added to 6400 £18b = £700. £6400 : £4000 ;: £1440 : ^'s share of the gain. .-. ^'s share =£li^Ji^ = f 900. 6400 (9) Since the keep of a horse : the keep of a sheep C'l 8 : 1, therefore 20 horses are equivalent to 60 sheep. ,. In- the same manner 15 oxen are equivalent to 30 ^heep. * ,*. A puts in 60 sheep, B puts in 30 sheep, G puts in 10 sheep. C0-i-304-10 = 100. 100 : 60 :: $60 : A'^ share of the rent ., ^ ^60x00 /. J.'s share=$- 100 e 100 : 80 :: $60 : J5's share of the rent „, ■ ^60x80 ^,^ ,% i?'s share=$-— -- = $18. 100 10) : 10 :: $00 : C's share of the rent .„ , ,..()Oxl0 -ii:. Ex. Lxxvn.] KEY. 169 (10) 9 : 10 :;lipts. : widow's share. ■m-.j . , 1^x10 .-. Widow's Bhare=-~ — pta. = If pts. 5:6 :: If pts. : old man's share. .-. Old man's share = -——pts. =2 pts. If one widow receive If pts. 9 will receive (9 x If )= 15 pts.: similarly 6 single women will receive (6 x 1|) pts. = 9 pts. .*. The total amount given to the women = (15+9) pts. = 24 pts. But the men had twice as much as the women, .-. the men received (24 x 2) pts.= 48 pts.; and as each man received 2 pts. the total num- ber of men must have been 484-2 = 24. Ex. LyXVII. (p. 149.) (1) 196 (14 24 \ 96 96 ^^ ' A J (2) 841 (29 4 / 49 441 441 .* (3) 2401 (49 1A 89 801 V 801 . V (4) l242i (111 1 21 23 21 221 221 221 27 289 (17 189 ' 189 45 625(25 4 225 225 900 (30 9 1764 (42 16 60 167 400 00 00 \ 8 2 164 i 164 md (87 64 9604 (98 81 1169 1169 ISi 1 1504 ■:} 1504 40006(200 4 388129 (623 86 0000 0000 122 1243 281 ^ 244 "" 8720 3729 170 KEY. [Elem. Arith. (5) 494209 (708 49 1403 (0) (7) (8) 4209 4209 146 1523 582169 (763 259081 (509 49 25 1009 921 876 9081 9081 4569 4569 1234321 (1111 1 28547649(5343 25 21 221 23 21 243 221 ^2221 2221 2221 108 354 309 106^ 1061 i 4576 4256 33 32049 . 32049 62504836 (7906 49 • • . • 33016516 (5746 25 149 1360 1341 15806 94836 94836 107 1144 801 749 A y 5265 4576 11486 68916 68916 •■.•.• 49112064 (7008 49 14008 112064 112064 • • • 182493081 (13509 1 23 83 69 265 1349 lontt 270< 09 243081 243081 12-9 47-61 (6-9 36 11-61 11-61 Ex. WKVII.] KEY. 171 (9) ^OmSQ (094 00 ^ 09 88 V 81 • 4 4 41" 431 4230 145-886609 ( 45 ^ 41 ^ 184 736 736 ' 433 431 V / 3 136609 136609 X (10) 000633679939 (035173 4 45 383 335 601 867 501 5037 86690 35189 50343 151039 151029 (11) 5 4 141 d 300 141 }00600 (7-1414 b 1424 590 569 14281 3C100 14281 tAOAO 4 Ai 1 onn 569696 > • • • » -0000000009 (00003 9 "-.•-• •51000000 (-7141 49 141 300 141 1424 5900 5696 14281 20400 14281 " fli 172 KEY. [Elem. Arith. (13) 510060606 (2-2583 4 42 445 110 84 •05160600 (-2258 4 42 110 84 2600 2225 445 2600 2225 4508 45163 37500 36004 143600 135489 45081 87500 I 36064 1436 (13) 806-52060606 (2803992 96304-99300000 (3103304 9 406 384 48 563 5669 56789 567982 63 61 2252 1689 56300 51021 527900 511101 61 6203 62063 6206604 30499 18609 189030 186189 28410000 24826416 1679900 1135964 • • • (14) -333333 (577 25 (15) -027777 (-166 107 1147 833 749 8433 8029 26 326 177 156 2177 1956 (16) 4H= 4-734693... 4-734698 (2175 4 41 (17) 2304 (48 16 73 41 88 704 704 fail oato 2989 . ^ /^*r^ 6'ibi {oH 25 4345 25793 21725 109 981 9ftl ' .-. vm^^ I ' Ex. LXXVIII. KEY. 173 (18) 41 4-41 (2-1 4_ 41 41 •64 (b 21-i--8 = 2-625 64 U9) 5832 sovereigns = 13906780 pnnce and 2s. 6d. = 30d.; .'. the sovej igns -vvere worth (1399680-*-30) times the box = 46656. ^ The square root o^ 46656 is 216 ; .'. the sovereigns were worth 216 times the shilliogs and the shillings were worth 216 t' nes the box. But the value of the box is 2s. 6d.; .-. the value t)f thu shillings will be 216 times 2s. 6d. or 540 shilhn.'js. (1) Ex, LXXVIII. (p. 152.) 1728(12 8000(20 1 8 3x12=3 3 X 102=300 3x10x2=60 22=4 728 000 000 364 2 728 728 3 X 12=3 3 X 102=800 3x10x8=240 82=64 604 8 4832 5832 (18 4832 4832 (! 74088 (42 64 3x42=48 3 X 402=4800 3x40x2=240 22=4 5044 10088 10088 421875 (75 343 10088 3 x 72=147 3x702=14700 3x70x5=1050 52=25 15775 78875 78875 78885 (Continued on next page.) 174 KEY. [ElEM. AllITH. 3x92=243 8x90«=34300 3x90x2=540 2»=4 49688 24844 2 49688 49688 (3 continued.) 778688 (02 (8) 912673 (97 729 _^ 729 3x0«=243 3x90«=24300 8x90x7=1890 7«=49 2C239 7 183673 183673 188673 I 8 X 1«=8 8xl0«=300 8 X 100»=30000 3x100x8=900 8»=9 1092727(103 (4) 134217728(512 1 125 92727 3x5«=75 3x502=7500 30909 8 92727 3x50x1=150 .1«=1 7651 3x512=7803 3 X 510«=780300 92727 3x510x2=3060 2«=4 783364 2 15en2S 9217 7651 1566728 1566728 #'^ ■ 64-481201 (4'01 64 8x45=48 3 X 40«=4800 8x400^=480000 3x400x1=1200 1«=1 481201 481201 481201 Ex. Lxxvin.] (5) KEY. A 444194-947 (76-3 843 8x7«=147 3x70«=14700 8 X 70 X 6=13BQ 6?=3d 15996 8x76«=17338 3x7602=1782800 3x760x3=: 6840 8«=9 1.739649 3 .5218947 101194 95976 5218947 5218947 175 •00(i202262003 (0587 126 3x53^=75 '3x502=7600 [3x50x8=l«00 88=64 77262 8764 70113 3x685^^=10092 3 x580«= 1009200 3x680x7=12180 72=49 7150003 1021429 7150003 170 KEY. [Elem. AritQp (6) 18i 019108039(^079 125 3 X 5«=75 3x50«=:7500 8x500'»=750000 3x500x7=10500 7^=49 760549 8x507«=771147 8x5070»=77114700 ,3x5070x9=136890 9»=81 77351671 601910B 5323843 695365039 695265039 f 408518488000 (7430 348 3 X 72=147 3x702=14700 3x70x4=840 42=^6 65518 15556 62224 3x742=16428 3 X 740«=1642800 3x740x2-4440 2«=4 8294488 1647344 3294488 000 m V27=3 V64=4 .-. vlT=4 'q. Ex. LXXVIII.] { (8) A ='96 KB^. 177 8x62=108 8x608=;=10800 8x60x4=73C 4«- 16 •2^ jdeoec^ (-6 ^ 50f8a 11686 8x64^=12288 3x6408=1228800 \,8x64tx 8=5760 8»=9 N 1284669 461^ t 4522686J 8 i3707 (9) 3J=38 8 X 19=b 8x102-800 3x10x5=150 5*=25 476 8xl5»r 675 8xl50»=67600 3x160x6 :2700 6«=36 8-800000000 (1-560 1 2800 2875 70236 3x1562=73008 3 X 15602=7300800 ___05 73001 ) 426000 421416 8584000 I I ■^ 'iSM (10) vl=l 178 (H) KEY. [Elem. AniiH. 400000000 (-464 64 8 X 4»=48 ] -^ 3x^=4800 3x40x6=720 6^=^36 3 X 46»=«848 3x4608==e84800 8x460x4=^6520 4»=16 640336 J8000 33336 2664000 2561344 E (1 (12) •016006006 (-215 8 3x22=12 2000 ^ 3x20»=1200 3x20x1=60 12=1 1261 1261 8x31«^ie38 739000 / 3x210'»=lS2S00 3x210x5x3150 5«=25 677375 \ 136475 id Nf 'V i :'.. %•■*'■ Ex. LXXVllI.] KEY. 170 (13) OOOOOOOOOO (3-154 8 3x20x1=60 12=1 1261 3x21»=1328 3x210«=182300 8x210x5=3150 52=25 135475 8x2152=138675 3 x2150»x 18867500 .8x2150x4=25800 42=16 13893316 2000 1261 789000 67737 5 61625000 55573264 m) 037373737 (333 27 3x32=27 3x302=2700 3x30x8=270 L 32=9 2979 10373 8937 3 X 332=3267 3x8302=326700 3x330x8=2970 3«=9 1436737 180 KEY. [Elem. Akith. Ex. l:? (p. 153.) r4) 553553 16 r 28 4)138388—14x0 + [Irrl oz. ' 4)64597—0 7)8649—14x44- PAPBB I. (2) o 144 : 175 :: 12 oz. : popor- tion of i* lb. Avoirdupoise. 175 X 12 , , , [1=17 lbs. Troy. 144 1 oz. Avoir. : 1 oz. Troy : 14-1^ : 16 or as 175 : 192. .-. loz. Avoir, is i^f of 1 oz. 4) 1235—4 20) 308—3 qrs. 15 tons, 8 cwt. 15 Tons, 8 cwt, 3 qrs., 17 lbs., 1 oz. (3) 2qrs.=iof Icwt. lqr.=iof2qrs. 141bs.=ioflqr. 21bs.=|ofl4ibs. £ fi. 2. 0. c. m. 7. 0.= value of 1 cwt. 16 32 11 1 5 2 ~2 = value of 16 cwt. 3 5 = value of 2 qrs. 1 75 = value of 1 qr. 5 8-75 = value of 14 lbs. 3 6-964C8571=val. of 21bs. £34. 9. 6. 8-21428571 = value of [16 cwt, 3 qrs., 14 lbs. i Ex. LXXIX.] (4) (') 20803) 67273 (3 6240S KEY. 181 4864) 20803 (4 19456 1347)4864(3 - 4041 823)1347(1 O 823 2) 8, 9y 10, X?, 15, 18, 35, 84 2) 4, ^, — 524) 823 (1 15, 9, 35, 42 624 3)2, 15, 9, 35, 21 299) 524 (1 299 ?, ^, 8, 35, T /. L. C. M. = 2 X 2 X 3 X 2 X 3 X 36 = 2520. 225) 299 (1 74) 225 (3 225 22a — 74 3) 74 (24 72 ' 1)3(1 2 * 1 .*. 1 is the G. C. M. (5) (') I of -A- of 99H = f of A of HF = 17 ^ of t of 69 A = f of f of W = 11 f of f of 806i = f of f of ^^^ = 35 . 17 + 11 + 35 = 63. (2) 13s. Hd. = 315 half pence f of li of d guinea =f off of 504 h'f p.=567 h'f p. .'. Fraction required is |^f = f . (Continued on next page.) KEY. [Elem. Arith. (6 continued.) 107 y 20 (') m of a ton=-~^ cwt.=4A^ cwt. 87 X A ^\^ of a cwt. =-—--- qrs. = 3/? qrs. • A of a qr. = ?^- lbs. = 3 lbs. 4 cwt, 3 qrs., 3 lbs. (6) -37) 7792-20 (21060 74 39 ' a7 222 222 370) •0077022 (00002106 74 89 87 222 222 7792-2 = 7792i '007792 = -n^rnhnf •37 = T^- To So iTJ X alo = TbiMMnrir 7792i ■+.-.% = ^n ^^ X W = -00002100, =:x31060. PAPER II. (I) (') $7300 $31900 5475 $373.75 865 : 130 :; $273.75 : interest required. , ^273-75 X 120 .-. Int. req* = $- (2) Int. on £100 for 2f yra. at 3i per cent.=£9 12s.' 6d. £109 12s. 6d. : £3204 14s. id. :: £9 12s. 6d. : disc't req* ^. ,, 769139x2310^ •'•^^^^= 26310 ^' = 675'^.9d.= £2817s. 5d, = $90 365 Ex. LXXIX.] KEY. 188 (2) 13320 - $3656 = $664. $2656 : $100 :: $664 : required gain ner cent. „ . ^ . 664x100 ^^^ .'. Required gain=$ — =$25. $3820 : $100 :: $664 : loss per cent. - , .664x100 ^^^ .*. Loss per cent.=$ ^^^^ = $20. (3) 0) 605 3320 936372604 (30502 9 8037 3025 61002 122004 122004 o 16777216 (256 8 3x2«=12 3x20»=1200 3x20x5=800 ^6^=25 1525 8777 7625 3x255^=1875 3x250^=187500 3x250x.6=4500 68=36 192086 1152216 1152216 (3) Surface of square = 2533 sq. ft., 6 4 sq. in. o r 364816 sq. inches; .'.side of square = y364816 sq. in »= 604 in. = 16 yds., 2 ft., 4 in.; .". perimeter of square =16 y^., 2 ft., 4 in. x4= 07 yds., 4 in. 1(4) 365 1825 r ] 365 t r 20 7300 365 • 300 109500 100500 7300 1825 l.iJ w 184 (5) KEY. [ElEM. AllITH. 2) 22933 S) 11466 8) 5733 3) 1911 7)637 2x2x3x3x7x7x13. 7)637 7)91 13 (6) If he travels 22| miles per hour, he will travel 20 20 miles in— of an hour, or f ? hours. He then travels the remaining 32 miles at the rate of (i of 22i) miles per hour = 3|| miles per hour. .-. To travel 32 miles he would require (32-f-3|f) hrs. = 8{U hrs. which added to the above f f hr.=9-iV5 hrs. or 9 hrs., 34' 27:,V'. If he start at 9 A. M. and travel for 9 hrs. 34' 27-3^" he will arrive at his tourney's end at 6 h. 34' 27A" P- M. PAPER III. (1) If A fire twice in 3 minutes, he requires 1^ min- utes to fire once; .'. to fire 55 cartridges he requu-es (55 X 1^) minutes = 82i minutes. Similarly B will requh-e (55 x If- minutes — 91f min- utes ; ,\B will be fii-ing (91f -82i) minutes after A has ceased =9^ minutes : and as he requires 1^ minutes to fire once, he will fire (9^-f-lf) times := 5i times. 17 17 ^^'^^^20x8~160 160) 17-0 (-10625 160 1000 9.60 (2) 3s. OR = 73 half pence £5 = 2400 half pence .-. Fraction = jH (J and .dec. = 2400) 7300 (030416 7200 400 320 ^ \ 800 800 16000 14400 10000 9600 4 4000 2400 1600 10000 (Continued on next page.) ^■£y^ Ex. LXXDC.] KEY. 18S^ (3 Continued.) (») -36 of a guinea = :i3(^ = ^ of a guinea. 21 189 (7s. em. 175 14 13 •36 of a £ 4 20 11) 80 = A-ofa£ 7s. 8A-d. 168 150 IF /. -36 of a guinea = 7s. 6Hd. • and M of a £ = 7s. 3 Ad. .*. "36 of a guinea is the greater. {*) 7s. 6ifd. - 7s. 3Ad. = 3',m. (3) Int. of $100 for 1.5 mo's at 5 pci cent.=$6.25n $106.25 : $552.50 :: $100 : required sum. ' .a . , ^100x552.50 ^ .-. Sum required=$— j^^g^- =$520. (4) Number of sq. ft. on the walls = 143 x 3 x 2 = 858 This is obtained from (2 length -f- 2 breadth) x 11. r . \ (2 length x 2 breadth) x 1 1 = 858. or 2 lengthH-2 breadth = 78 ; but length = 2 breadth> - .-. 3 breadth = 39. .-. breadth = 13 ft. and length = 26 ft. No. of sq. ft. in floor = 26 x 18 = 338, or 37 sq, yds. 5 sq. ft. - (5) From 9 A. M. on Tuesday till 11 A. M.'^on' Wednesday there are 26 hours, during which time the slow clock loses "Xf rrjnutes. Also from 11 A. M. till 9 P. M. on Wednesday there' are 10 hours. 26 hours : 10 hours :: 10 minutes : NoT'of minutes which the slow clock loses in 10 houre = ^r^min.=' 26 3 mmutes, 501^ seconds. 50i§ seconds = 13 minutes, 50}?} seconds. I ►;■ I < iti 4 fl 186 KEY. [ElKM. AlUTH. (C) 43 shares at £1U =£494^. /. 138 :. 494J :: 100 stock : stock required. .-. Stock required =:^^i^=38CH. Annual income therefrom at 6 per cent =£23 3s, 7id. # TAPER rv. .„ ^^ 4 5 4 5 36 IS ^ , \ ^^ ^^ 21=3 ^ il=3 ^ 25=™* •"• Fraction required is ^^ \^ i5''i)j"3(r O -027} 3-330 (133^ 37 63 54 90 81 — .-. -037 can be taken 123 times from 'A=l 3'33 and the fraction remaining is ^. (2) Each person received £3 3s. 4id. .-. The 43 per- sons received £3 3s. 4id. x 43=£136 5s. Ud. '^ Then (£l-6d.) ; £1 :: £136 5s. l^d. : original am't. Or 19s. 6d. : £1 :: £136 5s. lid. : original am't f . ^ . . , , 65403x40, ,, •. Origmal amount = ~ half pence = 67080 half penc3 = £139 15s. 39 (3) 0) 13 cwt. 3 qrs. 19 lbs. : 41 cwt, 1 lb. ) ..- «. \^' 35 : 49 * i" •• ^*l^s- 6d. : required amount. Or 1531 lbs. : 4593 lbs. 35 : 40 in pence. . ,, 1170x4593x49, ,^,,, j- :: 1170d. : required amount 1581 Oi> :Ex. LXXIX.J KEY. 187 O The bankrupt ows I) $2085— (1^235 +$325 4- ^fi9^^ =$2085-$1085=$1000. y'P^oo+^64o + ^525) $1000 : $1 :: $525 : required payment in the |. ; . -Do^, ^. .„ ., ^ ^525 X 1 ^_ .*. Payment in the $=$ 1000 52^ cts. (4) £112i : 45s. :: £100 ; original cost per dozen /.*. Original cost per doz.=- — — /^. . 2250 s.=40s. Since there arc 52 dozen in a butt, the averao-e cost for a butt will be (40 x 52)s.=£104 ; and for three butts ,th&^ cost will be £(104x3)=£312. But the first and second butts together cost £(120+110)=£230 • The third butt costs £310 - £230-- £82. • • • ^ ac (5) 2 Turkeys and O' fowls cost £2 18s. 6d. .'.;. 10 turkeys and 45 fowls cost £14 12s. Cd. : also 5 turkeys and 2 fowls cost £4 8s. 2d.. •*v. 10 turkeys and 4 fowls cost £8 16s. 4d. ^But 10 turkeys and 45 fowls cost £14 12s. Cd f \- ^ .^P^^® ^^^* ^^ l^s- ^^^-y ^^^ oiie fowl costs 2s lOd - And jf 2 turkeys and 9 fowls cost £2 18s. 6d.. 2 tur- keys will cost £2 IBs. 6d.-(9 x 2s. 10d.)=£2 18s. 6d.~ £1 5s. 6d.=£l 13s. .-. 1 Turkey will cost £1 138.+2 = los. 6d. ^(6) Area of field = 13 a c, 81 y ds. -63001 sq. yds. \\ One side of fields V63001 yds. = 251 yds • Pe- rimeter of fleld=251 yds. x 4=1004 yds. "^ ' " * 3} nils. : 1004 yds. :: 60 min. : required time 60x1004 . 60x3012 A [.'. Required time = .10 min. 16f f sec. , 5866f -mm.= 17600 -mm.=